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02-17-10, 17:10
yeah that’s an darn good option later on down the line. my baby wouldn’t kick me off the land no matter what.

I wonder how big is plantation is. I’m looking for something like 40-50 hectares at about 46000 pesos a hectare in the provinces.

well my wife is a local filipina girl here in the usa. a usa citizen from birth. trust isn’t a problem between us not that her citizenship has anything to do with it but i’m just saying.Read your back-posts on this. Have an idea or 2.

First, hold on to your cash. Cash is King and you don't wanna be incountry pennyless, ever.

You say, "40-50 hectares at about 46000 pesos a hectare in the provinces. "
What province do you speak of?

On Negros, a 'plantation' means hacienda and hacienda means sugar cane.
Price of sugar is sky high.

Planting mango? Takes over 10 years to start getting yields.

Rice land ain't cheap.

My advice is go slow. Move where your wife's people are. Be very humble, don't flash cash.
Outside of Louzon, Tagalog speakers aren't liked. People think they're stuck-up.
First thing to cultivate is trust with the locals, goodwill.
Go to church, don't be drunk in public, never chase the local girls.

The way the local Pinoy gentleman farmers build wealth over time is simple:
A little bit of this; A little bit of that.

Say mangos. Lease a producing tract, an acre or 2.
Move some of your wife's family on the plot. Fence it, put some hogs on it.

A small rice tract, same thing.

Fish pond, then a market stall, maybe a reunion place.

At your home compound, start producing copra, small livestock.

Step into it over 5-10 years.

Over time, people will come to you. The small tract of rice turns into several. Fishpond gets bigger.
Buy a multi-til/thresher, a rice mill for custom work. Rent out pumps.

At some point a family leasing to you will run into money trouble and will offer you the land for sale at fair market, or less.

When you buy the land, Finance thru the land bank. You'll get the loan because you're a godfearing productive member of the community.
And, no doubt a member of the same Rotary or CoC as the bank manager.
Remember, cash is king. Hold on to it.
Other reasons to finance is someday you may need revolving credit.
But when buying land, one axiom never to forget is,
'Never become worth more dead than alive."

Buy the land with your wife co-sign. Lease it back to yourself in your name.
People will know its mortgaged.

Sure, you trust your wife. But you can't tempt her dumb 3ed cousin into thinking if he wacks both of you, he'll get the fishpond.

That I believe this is how it is done.

On a different note. Was up in Mountain Province last year.
They grow beautiful cooler weather stuff.
They also grow bettlenut. That crop is heavy cash.
I hung at a buyers shack and for 'bout a 4 gallon can, he'd pay 1000-1500p depending on quality.
That's very good money in the Phills.

Good Luck,


Wicked Roger
02-17-10, 19:43
Best is that I use a neoprene handcuff set (hands, ankle, can attach to bed in spread eagle or hog tie, arms to neck, arms to thigh etc...) that has straps and plastic clips etc... Has endless possibilities. Can even adapt to be used in certain situations on balconies and such. Are comfortable for the girl and in my experience using them not as intimidating as the plastic straps or handcuffs. For girls that are full bore into SM and want the experiences then different gear is needed as you develop your relationships and tastes.

Funny story .... This pissed me off so I said, "sir, massage oil for females ass for use before i have anal sex with them not for your arms" The female checkers and my rent a wife died laughing at him and he got a little upset with me for some reason ;)

Have already got some neoprene following our discussions a while back.....perfect for Cebu girl but she does like her handcuffs as she is getting a tad 'harder' in her BDSM needs.....well ama good teacher :D

Be thankful the guy did not ask you for a personal demonstration of the lube ..on you :D Cetainly in the Middle East there could be a good chance of finding a new 'playmate'...:) There is a funny7 story about a gay policeman but best left for when we meet.

See you soon!

02-17-10, 21:32
I've seen a lot of issues that you are not considering.

Basically what we are all seem to be telling you in our own opinions from living / working / etc... in SEA, 70 K is not enough, you want to build a hut and grow food and eat it and do nothing else then OK maybe. But you should have a lot more, and you should keep or get a side job or something that has money coming in that will pay bills.

I love your spirit, your goals and your quest for independence... but dude... there's a lot out there you are not considering. And once you are going someone usually wants to tear you down.

Good Luck...
Yes, that's all I want to do is have a house, grow food on it, and live as self-sufficiently as I possibly can. Hopefully nothing that will cost a lot or recurring bills. (except for the continual sex with the bargirls....) My plan is for it to be totally off-the-grid and self-sustainable. I plan on modeling my farm after some farms I have seen on the Big Island in Hawai'i and other places I've traveled. That's where my motivation comes from. I have seen with my own eyes people who live off the land comfortably with no income. I am grateful to be getting some feedback here from you guys because I definitely need it. All my filipino friends here have been telling me to just go there already, buy the land, and start being a farmer. Good intentions but I know it's not THAT easy and you all are working professionals and can offer a much better picture of the difficulties I might potentially run into. Please keep them coming! :)

but ultimately, if others can live off the grid completely then so can I. I just have to have a good plan that's all.

A very wise man who family is very successful in business in province, manila, NYC, San Fran, and into politics told me point blank, the only way a foreigner will make a million dollars in his province in the Philippines is if he shows up and starts with 10 million... (if you don't understand this, he was saying they'll (the local filipino's) take 9 million but be nice and leave 1 million with the foreigner)
I am definitely NOT moving to the PI with the intent of making money at all. I'm going there because I want to be all by myself and have sex with bargirls until I croak. Those are the only two reasons. I was considering just moving back to my hometown which is very much a farm community with land available (but kinda expensive at $5-6K an acre) but of course there would be no cheap hot bargirls to fuck easily.

So, it seems you all concur that with the intent to be a farmer ONLY with a house then $70K is fine. (that would include frequent sex w/ bargirls as time permits when not on the farm or busy w/ family matters) Sounds good then. Now Ratszo inquired about which province I was considering settling down at. I don't really know. This is where I could really use you all's help. I am sure there is farm land in the P.I. available at the price I want but I don't know how to find it. I've spoken with my filipino friends here and they say that land in the province isn't sold online or commercially. It is sold by word of mouth or via friends. So, how in the hell do I find the land I'm looking for from my location here in the USA? My friends also told that if I see land on the internet automatically that means it is marked up waayy above what it's worth and that I should get my wife to purchase it there in the P.I. definitely. This is all confusing and I am having NO luck finding any info on the web. What are you guys experience and advice regarding this??

02-17-10, 21:58
I don't know if anyone has told you this yet, but on the off chance they haven't, among your other difficulties will be the fact that you cannot own land here. Your only alternative--or at least the only alternative that occurs to me--is to purchase land in the name of a local, and that is fraught with risks too numerous to mention at this early hour of the morning. You can own a house, but you cannot own the land on which it sits or the surrounding farmland.

Remember too that you will have no legal protection whatsoever. The legal system here is, to be kind, non-functional, particularly for foreigners so you will always be at risk of someone taking what you think you have away from you. The only expat farmers that I know of here own farms in the names of their wives--but you don't seem to want a wife so this option probably will not work for you.

I don't want to rain on your parade, and I understand and admire what you want to do, but I'm not sure this is the best place to do it.


Member #3428
02-17-10, 21:58

Have already got some neoprene following our discussions a while back.....perfect for Cebu girl but she does like her handcuffs as she is getting a tad 'harder' in her BDSM needs.....well ama good teacher :D

I did state, as your sport and trust grows then you do need to add more extensive gear. For example one lady I am with won't be put into anything unless it is full leather as she loves the feel of leather.

But to start out a lady, and for inspection issues in our home areas... neoprene is a good starter system. For custom work if you get a basic set and are creative you can go to your local scuba store, they have webbing and clips and hooks and you can make your own unique gear to go with the items you purchase on line.

02-17-10, 22:14
well my wife is a local filipina girl here in the usa. a usa citizen from birth. trust isn’t a problem between us not that her citizenship has anything to do with it but i’m just saying.
I also think if your wife is a natural born US citizen, she can't own land in the Philippines.

Member #3428
02-17-10, 22:23
I also think if your wife is a natural born US citizen, she can't own land in the Philippines.

You sure? filipina's / filipino's born in usa can inherit the land of their parents and I know many born in USA that own land (or so it appears and I think and as I see it). Being born in USA makes you a US Citizen. I know a ton of people born, raised, live in Guam (true it is a territory) that own land in PI but also some from San Fran and NYC.

The qty of of people on the plane with me with dual US / Philippines passports is outrageous. Plus a person I know gave a local church a donation on got a baptism or such report for his ID cards / passports and he was NOT from that area. You and GE and others have more knowledge on legalities then I do but I'm "seeing" something that appears to go against this statement.

02-17-10, 22:38
You sure? filipina's / filipino's born in usa can inherit the land of their parents and I know many born in USA that own land (or so it appears and I think and as I see it). Being born in USA makes you a US Citizen. I know a ton of people born, raised, live in Guam (true it is a territory) that own land in PI but also some from San Fran and NYC.

The qty of of people on the plane with me with dual US / Philippines passports is outrageous. Plus a person I know gave a local church a donation on got a baptism or such report for his ID cards / passports and he was NOT from that area. You and GE and others have more knowledge on legalities then I do but I'm "seeing" something that appears to go against this statement.
Yes you are correct, they can inherit land, but cannot legally buy land.


Question #5:When my children were born, I was already an American citizen. Can they inherit my land in the Philippines?

Yes. Foreign nationals (even if they were not former natural-born Philippine citizens) can own land in the Philippines if they acquire it by inheritance. These nationals should, however, inherit the property by intestate succession. Intestate succession means that the foreign national inherits the property because he/she is an heir under Philippine law. Naming one’s heir by executing a “last Will and Testament” or a “Living Will” will not work to validly transfer real property in the Philippines to a foreign national.

I also lived on Guam for nine years and understand what you are saying about the dual citizenship:(


02-18-10, 01:05
Man, youve got some obsicles. First...you, nor your wife, can own land in the PI. So...who will you lease from? It sounds like you know NO ONE over there. Second, have even visited? I mean, like in the provinces? Third...you said you want to fuck bar girls for the rest of your life. That narrows down where you can actually live. Fourth...i browsed a few places and am seeing prices...agricultural, 52 hectars in Aklan, P65,260,000. Heres another...P250/meter....do the math. You dont even have a down payment.

man I appreciate what youre trying to do. But honestly, at this point its not doable. Not even close. You are maybe 20% away money wise, and you really need to establish some trusted contacts to pull it off. Not to mention find a way to actually buy the land.

Puerto La Cruz
02-18-10, 01:34
Yes you are correct, they can inherit land, but cannot legally buy land.


Question #5:When my children were born, I was already an American citizen. Can they inherit my land in the Philippines?

Yes. Foreign nationals (even if they were not former natural-born Philippine citizens) can own land in the Philippines if they acquire it by inheritance. These nationals should, however, inherit the property by intestate succession. Intestate succession means that the foreign national inherits the property because he/she is an heir under Philippine law. Naming one’s heir by executing a “last Will and Testament” or a “Living Will” will not work to validly transfer real property in the Philippines to a foreign national.

I also lived on Guam for nine years and understand what you are saying about the dual citizenship:(


You need to go to law school and learn the difference between testate and intestate succession and a simple living will. Leave those answers to people like me, although the question you tried to answer was quite vague.

Trust me, I'm a lawyer.

02-18-10, 02:07
Yes, that's all I want to do is have a house, grow food on it, and live as self-sufficiently as I possibly can. Hopefully nothing that will cost a lot or recurring bills. (except for the continual sex with the bargirls....) My plan is for it to be totally off-the-grid and self-sustainable. I plan on modeling my farm after some farms I have seen on the Big Island in Hawai'i and other places I've traveled. That's where my motivation comes from. I have seen with my own eyes people who live off the land comfortably with no income. I am grateful to be getting some feedback here from you guys because I definitely need it. All my filipino friends here have been telling me to just go there already, buy the land, and start being a farmer. Good intentions but I know it's not THAT easy and you all are working professionals and can offer a much better picture of the difficulties I might potentially run into. Please keep them coming! :)

but ultimately, if others can live off the grid completely then so can I. I just have to have a good plan that's all.

I am definitely NOT moving to the PI with the intent of making money at all. I'm going there because I want to be all by myself and have sex with bargirls until I croak. Those are the only two reasons. I was considering just moving back to my hometown which is very much a farm community with land available (but kinda expensive at $5-6K an acre) but of course there would be no cheap hot bargirls to fuck easily.

So, it seems you all concur that with the intent to be a farmer ONLY with a house then $70K is fine. (that would include frequent sex w/ bargirls as time permits when not on the farm or busy w/ family matters) Sounds good then. Now Ratszo inquired about which province I was considering settling down at. I don't really know. This is where I could really use you all's help. I am sure there is farm land in the P.I. available at the price I want but I don't know how to find it. I've spoken with my filipino friends here and they say that land in the province isn't sold online or commercially. It is sold by word of mouth or via friends. So, how in the hell do I find the land I'm looking for from my location here in the USA? My friends also told that if I see land on the internet automatically that means it is marked up waayy above what it's worth and that I should get my wife to purchase it there in the P.I. definitely. This is all confusing and I am having NO luck finding any info on the web. What are you guys experience and advice regarding this??Dude, when I asked, 'What province', it was retorical.

There is no province giving away farmland cheap to anyone, nevermind a long-nose.

You must be thinking of Big Rock Candy Mountain Province,

"In the Big Rock Candy Mountains you never change your socks
And the little streams of alcohol come a-trickling down the rocks
The brakemen have to tip their hats and the railroad bulls are blind
There's a lake of stew and of whiskey too
You can paddle all around 'em in a big canoe
In the Big Rock Candy Mountains"

My father-in-law grows rice in the highlands Negros Is. off the grid.

There are no bar girls there. Every woman there is someone's sister.

You'd be shot dead in under a year fucking local girls.

Off-the-grid pinoy style is NPA turf. Screw around and you are a dead man.

In the Luzon highlands, no NPA, they hate commies.

They are tribal. Before they kill you, they''ll flay you alive to honor their heathen Gods.


02-18-10, 03:57
So Laylow, you want to live off the land and fuck bargirls at the same time... Don't you know that one should never shit where one sleeps. Or worded as the other posters are telling you, one should not fuck around in the local postal code in the provinces. Word gets around faster than you can blink. Which means that if you want to fuck bargirls and live to tell about it, you need to get away from wherever you live to do it. Which implies that you cannot be so far off the grid that you can't get away easily. Which implies that you have the funds/income to finance your getaways. Which implies that us$70k ain't going to be enough to fund it all.

Remember all local eyes are on you from day 1, there will never be a moment, let alone a day when they are not on you. You're getting some dang good advice here... give it a listen. Seriously.

02-18-10, 06:38
So Laylow, you want to live off the land and fuck bargirls at the same time... Don't you know that one should never shit where one sleeps. Or worded as the other posters are telling you, one should not fuck around in the local postal code in the provinces. Word gets around faster than you can blink. Which means that if you want to fuck bargirls and live to tell about it, you need to get away from wherever you live to do it. Which implies that you cannot be so far off the grid that you can't get away easily. Which implies that you have the funds/income to finance your getaways. Which implies that us$70k ain't going to be enough to fund it all.

Remember all local eyes are on you from day 1, there will never be a moment, let alone a day when they are not on you. You're getting some dang good advice here... give it a listen. Seriously.I don't know if you haven't heard but mongering is very expensive. No matter if you take the Ermita "gutter" girl on a regular basis or the Pegasus show girl (if you can). The shit adds up.

You also told us that your wife is a US reared Filipina. If this is correct if she finds out about your activities and she will in one way or the other. Be prepared for an expensive and potentially dangerous divorce.

Unlike the Philippine based and reared Filipina she won't need to stay aboard a sinking ship for financial or "face" reasons.

I don't know how it is in the province as I don't venture there and have no plans to do so in the future.

As a young cat who lives in a well-to-do subdivision I can tell you your neighbors will watch your every move and everything you do and your behavior will be the subject of conversations. I think you are not white so that will compound things. Before I got my car I had a personal driver who I would always have drop me off at rather mundane spots then I would make my way to the mongering venues from there.

Not really hitting the bars any more as I now have a harem of ever changing non P4P GFs so managing that (or mongering this way) is a new game all together.

Again though all these actives take money which you will seem to be on a strict budget. Looking over your planned situation and the math I don't see how this is feasible.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php) for more information.

02-18-10, 08:43
@Ratzo & Finrod - Regarding fucking the girls in my area. I guess I should have been more detailed somewhat. I didn’t mean I’d be having sex with girls in my own area where I live but rather banging bargirls in the P.I. in general. You see, my idea is this. As long as I’m in the P.I. getting to where I can bang bar girls or even regular girls is much easier than it is from here. Even if I’m in some province in the boonies, hoping on a Cebu pacific flight to AC or wherever is about $20-30 bucks so nothing really. That’s not much. Hell, I could do a weekly or monthly sex trip for a couple of days to keep me grounded and focused.

On top of that, I do know retired military who live there and also I know the relatives of my wife and the relatives of my close filipino friends here. And I have visited the P.I. before. I posted my reports of it here on the forum right after the trip. :)

@GoodEnough - yeah the legal system issue is one I’d probably have wherever I go overseas so nothing I can do about that.

@Robbaf - hmm, I’ll have to check on that one. I thought she could own land there. You see, she was born here in the USA only. Almost immediately after her birth, she was raised in the Philippines until she was 18 afterwhich she returned to the USA. So, I think she CAN own land but I’ll check to be sure since I’m not 100% certain.

@Blackangst - I think there are places that have cheap farmland but I just have to find them. (at least I’m hoping so)

keep the good advice flowing. I’m taking notes and talking to my local filipino friends here where I live about the advice I read here.

I do feel I kinda get what the deal is generally now. Basically I'll need a bit more than $70K. If, in fact, my wife can own land then all I need to do is find cheap land and I'm set. Other than that, I'll need some kind of monthly income coming in even if it is small as long as it is something. To remedy this, #1. I could stay in the military for 20 years and use my pension there OR #2. move to the P.I., establish the farm, and let my wife continue to work here in the USA while I take care of the kids and the farm (my wife is a pediatric MD if you're curious) or #3. as a last option I could just let my mother finance the whole thing only if I get into trouble financially. My parents financially are extremely stable. so in short:

1. find a way to buy the land and put a house on it
2. have a monthly income even if small

P.S. - I wonder how many of you guys have successful filipina wives not girlfriends that are taking care you...? i mean that seriously too. mine isn't taking care of me entirely but she sure does make waayy more than I do. I only ask this because I wonder does that fact change anything regarding the continual discussion of trusting one's filipina wife...?

02-18-10, 08:59

You seem hell bent on living in PI as a young guy.

Also, I have to ask you "why"?

02-18-10, 08:59
Which implies that you cannot be so far off the grid that you can't get away easily. Which implies that you have the funds/income to finance your getaways. Which implies that us$70k ain't going to be enough to fund it all.

I won't be spending the kind of money that most guys I know spend on my weekly or monthly trips. I've visited AC, Manila, and Cebu. Considering how much money I spent during my almost 6 weeks in the P.I., my sex excursions won't be that expensive at all, I foresee. Unless that is, I start to want very nice things as I get older or inflation kicks my rear-end. but I know I didn't spend that much money at all when I went there last year.

I don't want to rain on your parade, and I understand and admire what you want to do, but I'm not sure this is the best place to do it.

You're not raining on my parade. I'm believe I'm realistic enough to acknowledge that if I honestly feel I can't achieve what I'm after in the Philippines then I will abandon the idea of settling down there in Pinas. P.I. isn't my only option of course. I'm not putting all my eggs in one basket. Just so you all know, I'm also actively looking into the prospect of resettling in South Africa or another safe area nearby. I have two colleagues there who claim the price of land is very cheap and they also understand exactly what my goals are just like you all now understand what I want to do. They say Africa is an excellent place to consider if the Philippines plan doesn't pan out. Actually, they are downright opposed to the idea of me living in the Philippines but they do know my wife so they can understand why P.I. is my first option instead of Africa. Also, Africa is considering giving African-Americans the option of dual citizenship. Not possible yet but it's a work in progress from what I understand.

02-18-10, 14:37
IMHO, I won't invest on a property that I can not own.

02-19-10, 01:37

You seem hell bent on living in PI as a young guy.

Also, I have to ask you "why"?
Well, I really want it to work out because she's from there and I thought it would be nice to be settle down in a cheap country that has access to cheap girls and people I know. now, of course I don't mean local filipinos but rather retired military. plenty over there. but as I said in my previous posts, I will admit without shame if the P.I. will NOT work out.

Please suggest other places/countries where you all think my plan would work out great. Not just Asia but any SAFE country in the world. I am very open to suggestions/help please. If not P.I. then what places do you all think it would work? I was looking at safe countries in Africa for starters...

Member #3428
02-19-10, 02:43
I will admit without shame if the P.I. will NOT work out.

Myself as a foreigner in different countries, and as one poster already raised to you, besides the financial constraints... very very very few mongers who are married with kids, especially living in a foreign land, will monger close to home when living in the provinces. That is a sure way to loose everything you have including your life. You think things are private, everyone knows everything in many of the provinces of SEA countries. Gossip is the local sport.

You're looking for a CHEAP place to do your plan and monger... any place will be a 3rd or 4th world country for that amount (and no matter what that amount is not sufficient IMHO) and there are their own unwritten rules and laws in those countries. I'm from a 4th world country and any outsider coming in faces a difficult up hill battle even if our Foreign Investment laws look attractive. What is in paper is not the real story. And if the foreigner is found to hurt or cheat on a local wife, hurt cheat a local person, not pay off or honor or respect the right people, there are serious repercussions. And I would laugh at any foreigner who came here with 70 K as he will be broke in a moment.

For example I can go without paying my taxes for 10 years without penalty but if you do not bow below the eye sight of a higher up or show disrespect to a leader you could find your home broken into and destroyed. Do NOT pick up and move to a country that you hear about or read about and expect it to be heaven. The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence. You can spend 70 K just travelling to find the right country let alone the right province and such.

For 70 K, living off land, moving to a foreign land, screwing hot girls, while having a family... look for fantasy land... If it is as easy as you make it sound to be then everyone would be doing what you propose. And having your wife stay at home and work to support your mongering in her national country... hahahahahaha that's funny... good luck....

02-19-10, 06:51
For 70 K, living off land, moving to a foreign land, screwing hot girls, while having a family... look for fantasy land... If it is as easy as you make it sound to be then everyone would be doing what you propose. And having your wife stay at home and work to support your mongering in her national country... hahahahahaha that's funny... good luck....

very very very few mongers who are married with kids, especially living in a foreign land, will monger close to home when living in the provinces.
Well, with the exception of living off the land, you all do it, don't you? I mentioned that I could continue to save and then after I do 20 in the military I could take my pension and move there. DragonSlayer has a family (filipina wife & kids), his own place there, and beds hot girls. Warbucks inquired why I'm so intent on settling down in the P.I.. Another reason because others have, and have recommended that I follow suit. My only difference with them is that I desire to live off the land totally and I guess I need to save up more funds obviously. :) I realize now that $70K won't be enough so I'll be sure to save up probably at least double that before I make the definite transition there for good. At least another 5-6 years then that is if I choose the P.I. which I'm sure I will.

I must also add that having a farm in the Philippines should also be much cheaper than having a farm here in the USA. The cost of a purchasing a horse, pigs, farm animals is much cheaper there than here by far. I get the feeling that a pessimistic air is circulating unnecessarily. Let's say I just screw it and just get "cheap" land here in the USA in a place like Alabama or Mississippi. Is the danger associated with the "fearsome" tribes that were mentioned here earlier by someone really that different than than the racist rednecks in the backwoods of those southern states? Will the law be on my side since I'm not Caucasian? There will be danger wherever I go. I am glad to get some great advice here but I see it (my plans) as totally possible. I just found out that my wife CAN apply to obtain dual citizenship which she is going to apply for soon. So, I just need to find the cheap land in a decent area. I'm sure it's there. Everything else is general and can be said about almost any place. no matter where I go there will always be something bad that one can ***** about but it all boils down to is it worth it. I myself have to make it work. no-one ever got anything worthwhile by taking the easy route. but I will take your advice and #1. be extremely careful with the mongering #2. make sure we have a couple of thousand dollars saved up after we pay for the house/animals and the land #3. have my wife get her dual citizenship. Thanks guys!

I could be wrong but living in Luzon and mongering in the Visayas shouldn't be a problem. but I could be wrong. but even if I banged just one girl every month or 2 months then that would still be better than being here in the USA. or you guys could just be trying to discourage me from settling there to save all the sexy bar girls for yourselves. Not going to work, I will be there soon after only in a couple of years. haha. :)

Member #3428
02-19-10, 09:09
or you guys could just be trying to discourage me from settling there to save all the sexy bar girls for yourselves. Not going to work, I will be there soon after only in a couple of years. haha. :)

Discourage you or make sure you are thinking things through are totally different items. Being prepared with a safety net and an "out" is better then jumping in not knowing what shit pile you are jumping into. Fine go ahead jump out of the plane without a back up parachute mate.

You asked the questions not us. I for one, my negativity is that you have not put your toe into the water to test the temperature but you seem ready to jump in head first. You got kids and a wife. It's a great dream just have your "out" ready and be ready to use it, don't be stupid and risk everything.

Now you say you are years away from doing this? By then a totally different government could be in control, different laws, a different country could be a better option or change or whatever. So basically now this is just your dream in a couple years down the road.... back to fantasy land.... GROAN....

02-19-10, 09:27
Discourage you or make sure you are thinking things through are totally different items. Being prepared with a safety net and an "out" is better then jumping in not knowing what shit pile you are jumping into. Fine go ahead jump out of the plane without a back up parachute mate.

You asked the questions not us. I for one, my negativity is that you have not put your toe into the water to test the temperature but you seem ready to jump in head first. You got kids and a wife. It's a great dream just have your "out" ready and be ready to use it, don't be stupid and risk everything.

Now you say you are years away from doing this? By then a totally different government could be in control, different laws, a different country could be a better option or change or whatever. So basically now this is just your dream in a couple years down the road.... back to fantasy land.... GROAN....
you know I was joking about the hogging all the girls, right? ok, just checking. Yeah, I won't risk everything. Just chatting openly about my plans with you all has given me better insight from people on the ground there. Among other things I mentioned, I know now I need to speak with a foreigner that's a farmer in P.I. and Africa also as an alternative.

yeah things will probably change in a couple of years but no need to fret over the inevitable unknown, right? :)

Member #3428
02-19-10, 09:51
you know I was joking about the hogging all the girls, right? ok, just checking. Yeah, I won't risk everything. Just chatting openly about my plans with you all has given me better insight from people on the ground there. Among other things I mentioned, I know now I need to speak with a foreigner that's a farmer in P.I. and Africa also as an alternative.

yeah things will probably change in a couple of years but no need to fret over the inevitable unknown, right? :)

Mate, for one thing there is NEVER a shortage of girls in SEA. When a 22 year old shoots me down there are thousands of 20 and 21 year old's waiting in the wings (and even younger then that).... And same for all of us. I've actually never been jealous over another guy and his girl as there are just too many choices.

You mention speak to a local farmer... which makes me think do you even speak the local dialects? If you are serious get into language classes ASAP if you are moving to a different country. Also you seem to say you know about farming... one thing to do is to work for an aide organization that works to promote / help village farmers while you are setting up your operation.

Too many options to think about...

02-19-10, 10:46
You mention speak to a local farmer... which makes me think do you even speak the local dialects? If you are serious get into language classes ASAP if you are moving to a different country. Also you seem to say you know about farming... one thing to do is to work for an aide organization that works to promote / help village farmers while you are setting up your operation.
well I speak Tagalog and one provincial dialect which is Ilocano. I'm not sure what area in the Philippines I'll be in permanently so Tagalog will have to suffice for now. but when I finalize the area plans, I will definitely get to work on learning the local dialect.

aide organizations promoting village farmers. that's a good idea! I'm googling that now but any top notch ones off the topic of your head? Keep the options coming! excellent!

02-19-10, 12:03
well I speak Tagalog and one provincial dialect which is Ilocano. I'm not sure what area in the Philippines I'll be in permanently so Tagalog will have to suffice for now. but when I finalize the area plans, I will definitely get to work on learning the local dialect.

aide organizations promoting village farmers. that's a good idea! I'm googling that now but any top notch ones off the topic of your head? Keep the options coming! excellent!
There are lots of organizations promoting and working with small farmers, several of them supported by donor organizations. Norminveggies (headquartered in CDO) is one of the largest, but there are several, similar organizations all over Mindanao. Most of these organizations help farmers negotiate higher, bulk prices with exporters or out-shippers, and teach farmers how to respond to market needs through "cluster farming." This is not an Aggie board, but if you want more information on some of these organizations, PM me and I'll send it to you.


02-19-10, 12:21
@Ratzo & Finrod - Regarding fucking the girls in my area. I guess I should have been more detailed somewhat. I didn’t mean I’d be having sex with girls in my own area where I live but rather banging bargirls in the P.I. in general. You see, my idea is this. As long as I’m in the P.I. getting to where I can bang bar girls or even regular girls is much easier than it is from here. Even if I’m in some province in the boonies, hoping on a Cebu pacific flight to AC or wherever is about $20-30 bucks so nothing really. That’s not much. Hell, I could do a weekly or monthly sex trip for a couple of days to keep me grounded and focused.

On top of that, I do know retired military who live there and also I know the relatives of my wife and the relatives of my close filipino friends here. And I have visited the P.I. before. I posted my reports of it here on the forum right after the trip. :)

@GoodEnough - yeah the legal system issue is one I’d probably have wherever I go overseas so nothing I can do about that.

@Robbaf - hmm, I’ll have to check on that one. I thought she could own land there. You see, she was born here in the USA only. Almost immediately after her birth, she was raised in the Philippines until she was 18 afterwhich she returned to the USA. So, I think she CAN own land but I’ll check to be sure since I’m not 100% certain.

@Blackangst - I think there are places that have cheap farmland but I just have to find them. (at least I’m hoping so)

keep the good advice flowing. I’m taking notes and talking to my local filipino friends here where I live about the advice I read here.

I do feel I kinda get what the deal is generally now. Basically I'll need a bit more than $70K. If, in fact, my wife can own land then all I need to do is find cheap land and I'm set. Other than that, I'll need some kind of monthly income coming in even if it is small as long as it is something. To remedy this, #1. I could stay in the military for 20 years and use my pension there OR #2. move to the P.I., establish the farm, and let my wife continue to work here in the USA while I take care of the kids and the farm (my wife is a pediatric MD if you're curious) or #3. as a last option I could just let my mother finance the whole thing only if I get into trouble financially. My parents financially are extremely stable. so in short:

1. find a way to buy the land and put a house on it
2. have a monthly income even if small

P.S. - I wonder how many of you guys have successful filipina wives not girlfriends that are taking care you...? i mean that seriously too. mine isn't taking care of me entirely but she sure does make waayy more than I do. I only ask this because I wonder does that fact change anything regarding the continual discussion of trusting one's filipina wife...?

My previous GF from Leyte showed me a nice house built by a german who also owns some farmland and has couple of stores. I guess he makes some money. He leases the farmland to locals so that they can cultivate rice and pay him rent.
It is not unheard of for foreigners to invest money and earn a living in PHI if they are married to a local. Once again the age old question is are you going to be fleeced? Can you trust a local girl? Do you have enough protection from the corrupt system? What I heard is kidnapping for ransom is a real threat all over PHI.

02-19-10, 21:26
Well, good luck laylow. At least its nice to see your story is changing somewhat as to your goals as others have given input. I think the bottom line is you are a ways away. And I dont know about the whole wife and kid thing. American women are far less forgiving, and the possibility of this backfiring and becoming very expensive, especially if she has family in the PI, is very high. As others have said, there are no secrets in the Phils. I hope you get what Im saying...

I would also suggest you spend some time in the residency/visa thread to get some wisom there.

Good luck~

02-20-10, 03:10
Keep the options coming! excellent!
I'll give you an idea. Something that a lot of people want and would pay for: a decent steak. Seems most of the beef there is that grass-fed Aussie stuff and tough as hell.

I know you can get corn there, but I don't know if anyone grows field corn which you should feed to cattle. Maybe you could commission it to be grown for your ranch. You may have lots of "leakage" at night, so keep the steers up in a barn. And if you are doing that, then why not go the whole-hog Kobe beef thing. Keep the steers confined and feed them beer and such. You could get cheap labor to clean out the barns, and you can sell the manure.

But to be sustainable, you will need a yearly supply of yearlings, so you will need cows and at least one bull.

I know Delmonte imported some cattle to Bukidnon in an experiment to see if the cows would help eat up the normal waste from pineapple harvesting. I don't think they are happy with the result, maybe they will sell you some. They have horses to punch the cows also.

If you are going to have cows and calves, you will need something like grassland.

Heck the King ranch is in Hawaii, if they can do it there, why not the PI? (except its a lot cooler in Hawaii)

Member #3428
02-20-10, 03:22
Heck the King ranch is in Hawaii, if they can do it there, why not the PI? (except its a lot cooler in Hawaii)

King ranch gets a crap load of money for movies, commercials, and tours to suppliment it's income in today's day and age...

Member #3428
02-20-10, 03:59
I'll give you an idea. Something that a lot of people want and would pay for: a decent steak. Seems most of the beef there is that grass-fed Aussie stuff and tough as hell.

Also do you think Filipino's would know what to do with a decent steak? To me that's like giving a bum on the street a fine wine...

02-20-10, 08:32
@Jambo - Good idea but I don't want to go into business if I don't have to. Nevertheless great idea. I was going to put cows, bulls, horses, and pigs etc. on my farm anyway but your plan sounds good. That is waayy down the line for me though. I have to get the land and put the house there first. My wife doesn't want me focusing on anything else yet but that. She has been in the Philippines for a couple of days already to see about her family. But she is also doing some research for our family. She is talking to people there about cheap land prices in good areas away from bad weather, getting her dual citizenship stuff taken care of, and among other things finding out the price of animals to put on our land as you speak about.

Going with that though, I should add that I plan to put all different kinds of animals on my future land there. Like the usual cows/bulls, pigs, horses, dogs, cats, goats, chickens, birds/ducks, but also ostriches, mongooses, sheep, lambs, alpacas, and other exotic animals. I just thought I should throw that out there since there is so much useful information circulating here now. I'll have a huge garden of course which will include all the food. (veggies, nut & fruit trees, herbs etc.) But I also plan to put wood trees there. (mahogany, etc.) For the animals, my wife said as soon as we purchase the land, we are going to purchase all or a lot of the animals and she is going to have her friends and/or family take care of them to get things started. We will pay them from here in the USA of course. They will pretty much get the entire farm started since they are all farmers. I am starting a program in agriculture in August if my I get accepted to the college.

Member #3428
02-20-10, 08:42
For the animals, my wife said as soon as we purchase the land, we are going to purchase all or a lot of the animals and she is going to have her friends and/or family take care of them to get things started. We will pay them from here in the USA of course. They will pretty much get the entire farm started since they are all farmers. I am starting a program in agriculture in August if my I get accepted to the college.

From a famous old American TV show...


I am starting a program in agriculture in August if my I get accepted to the college.

Just apply to college now???? Could we start talking about things currently happening...

I think we've been living in your fantasy dream a little too long....

02-20-10, 08:50
Could we start talking about things currently happening...

I think we've been living in your fantasy dream a little too long....
it's up to you guys. There's so much to discuss about this. I get excited about talking about it and I could go on and on but yeah i guess this isn't a farm board. I just like getting all the help I can get. So much knowledge/experience here. Maybe I'll update you all when we actually have some nice big acreage of land with animals and this "dream" actually starts to come to fruition which it will eventually.

02-20-10, 11:03
You also told us that your wife is a US reared Filipina. If this is correct if she finds out about your activities and she will in one way or the other. Be prepared for an expensive and potentially dangerous divorce.

Unlike the Philippine based and reared Filipina she won't need to stay aboard a sinking ship for financial or "face" reasons.
No worries WB, she will just take half of his military retirement and then he will really live off the land:D


02-20-10, 11:42
I'll give you an idea. Something that a lot of people want and would pay for: a decent steak. Seems most of the beef there is that grass-fed Aussie stuff and tough as hell.

Granted that the local beef is pretty putrid, but here in Davao, I can buy US Angus beef that's delicious and at least the equal of anything I would get at home. It's expensive, but it's delicious.


02-20-10, 15:40
We will pay them from here in the USA of course.
You're gonna get milked. You won't live there and trust your in-laws to manage money? My suggestion to you is to join the Army. Get paid well to travel, visit the PI on your leave time, retire early at 40+, and then you will may have the experience to handle these things.

Ask about the issues with Filipino families and investment money on boards more populated by residents: livingingcebu dot com and theworldoffilipinas dot com.

They are gonna pluck you like a chicken...

02-20-10, 16:40
You're gonna get milked. You won't live there and trust your in-laws to manage money? My suggestion to you is to join the Army. Get paid well to travel, visit the PI on your leave time, retire early at 40+, and then you will may have the experience to handle these things.

Ask about the issues with Filipino families and investment money on boards more populated by residents: livingingcebu dot com and theworldoffilipinas dot com.

They are gonna pluck you like a chicken...
Trusting inlaws/family/close friends is roughly equivalent to tossing your money down a toilet and bidding it adieu. This mantra cannot be chanted often enough. They will screw you in every way imaginable. I've heard too many guys, in my six years here, insist that: "Oh no, my inlaws are different than all the others," only to admit, several months and several thousand dollars later, that they wished they had listened to all the warnings. Unless you're perfectly willing to lose whatever money you send, DO NOT SEND IT.


Devils 1
02-20-10, 18:37
it's up to you guys. There's so much to discuss about this. I get excited about talking about it and I could go on and on but yeah i guess this isn't a farm board. I just like getting all the help I can get. So much knowledge/experience here. Maybe I'll update you all when we actually have some nice big acreage of land with animals and this "dream" actually starts to come to fruition which it will eventually.I think you should build this farm on Fantasy Island! Since you are going to have one of every exotic animal in the world can you grow some of those plants that produce bubble gum and chocolate kisses like in the movies.

I am strongly reminding everyone that this is a sex forum!

I also think laylow is so full of it that he has to be pulling our chain with all of this nonsense.

"I only have 70k to live the rest of my life on. Boo hooo. Oh thats right I forgot to tell you guys my wife is a medical doctor in the US. Oh and I forgot to mention she is a native born Filipina and I speak perfect Tagalog.

02-20-10, 19:51
If you are even thinking in this mode you are so pussy whipped that a slap up da side a da head won't HELP. They will clean your clock - takes a licking and keeps on ticking.

Thai excuse "Water buffalo / mother / father / sister SICK" (pick one and recycle excuse as required.) Oh well, it's YOUR money (at least NOW it is...) and who am I to try to render sensibility (Yes, I know this is about Pilipines - only the country is different - the relatives don't change...muan gun Muang Thai - same same in Thailand)

02-20-10, 20:56
If you are even thinking in this mode you are so pussy whipped that a slap up da side a da head won't HELP.
You are welcome to say PW'd but please don't associate that phrase with my user name, RTFF to see who this is about. Thank you mr senior member.

02-21-10, 00:47
Trusting inlaws/family/close friends is roughly equivalent to tossing your money down a toilet and bidding it adieu. This mantra cannot be chanted often enough. They will screw you in every way imaginable. I've heard too many guys, in my six years here, insist that: "Oh no, my inlaws are different than all the others," only to admit, several months and several thousand dollars later, that they wished they had listened to all the warnings. Unless you're perfectly willing to lose whatever money you send, DO NOT SEND IT.

Well, it was her idea anyway. but I think you guys are right so nuff said on that. We won't do it. I'll have to find someone to do it though...

Member #3428
02-21-10, 01:23
Well, it was her idea anyway. but I think you guys are right so nuff said on that. We won't do it. I'll have to find someone to do it though...

Of course she will want her family to get paid. Everyone needs money. And I'm sure your wife will be pissed if you hire someone else. So you're jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire on this one.

And don't forget about squatters. You might have to consider the worry about squatters if you get land and are not monitoring it (depending on region and such). A mate flew back to deal with squatters on his dad's land as the dad is getting dementia and one squatter was cool and good hearted and good guy about things but the other had a band of guys with knives waiting for my mates arrival...

And he was not kicking them off just setting the record clear and straight that the land is his families and they can stay if they maintain it but that they clearly have no legal rights to the location. He wasn't even asking for rent. Obviously the one local squatter didn't see eye to eye with the outsider (filipino by birth but raised USA so he's considered an outsider).

You want to move to PI... don't study farming, study abnormal psychology.

02-21-10, 02:17
the other had a band of guys with knives waiting for my mates arrival...

And he was not kicking them off just setting the record clear and straight that the land is his families and they can stay if they maintain it but that they clearly have no legal rights to the location. He wasn't even asking for rent.
I'm thinking in a situation like that, that problem should be able to be taken care of up front I would think. I don't know the story of course but I think things like that happen if people are evicted off of a piece of property suddenly when someone else purchases it. That's a good point. I'll make sure that no-one or organization has any ties to the land I'm buying from the get-go.

02-21-10, 17:48
I think you should build this farm on Fantasy Island! Since you are going to have one of every exotic animal in the world can you grow some of those plants that produce bubble gum and chocolate kisses like in the movies.

I am strongly reminding everyone that this is a sex forum!

I also think laylow is so full of it that he has to be pulling our chain with all of this nonsense.

"I only have 70k to live the rest of my life on. Boo hooo. Oh thats right I forgot to tell you guys my wife is a medical doctor in the US. Oh and I forgot to mention she is a native born Filipina and I speak perfect Tagalog.
I agree. Reading the other reports by laylow point that out. And to think I answered one of his posts in a serious manner.

Cunning Stunt
02-22-10, 04:01
I agree. Reading the other reports by laylow point that out. And to think I answered one of his posts in a serious manner.

I never contributed to this debate because it all sounded so implausible. 95% of farmers in The Philippines live a precarious hand-to-mouth existence and I have yet to meet a gentleman farmer yelling at me to 'Ger orfff my land';).

02-22-10, 06:11
I also think laylow is so full of it that he has to be pulling our chain with all of this nonsense.

"I only have 70k to live the rest of my life on. Boo hooo. Oh thats right I forgot to tell you guys my wife is a medical doctor in the US. Oh and I forgot to mention she is a native born Filipina and I speak perfect Tagalog.
Since it seems you like paraphrase then I suggest you quote exactly what I said instead of paraphrasing in regards to what you say above.

Implausible, in the opinions of some maybe but that's why my plans changed a bit after much discussion here. but i'm definitely not "pulling your chain". I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you. Just quote exactly what I said and you'll see what I mean.

02-22-10, 07:36
Since it seems you like paraphrase then I suggest you quote exactly what I said instead of paraphrasing in regards to what you say above.

Implausible, in the opinions of some maybe but that's why my plans changed a bit after much discussion here. but i'm definitely not "pulling your chain". I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you. Just quote exactly what I said and you'll see what I mean.Hey Laylow!

70k is peanuts. Even in the Philippines!

I've been following your childish rant for a while and think the same way as Implausible!

Puerto La Cruz
02-22-10, 12:38
I'm thinking in a situation like that, that problem should be able to be taken care of up front I would think. I don't know the story of course but I think things like that happen if people are evicted off of a piece of property suddenly when someone else purchases it. That's a good point. I'll make sure that no-one or organization has any ties to the land I'm buying from the get-go.

Good luck doing a title search there. I don't even know if title insurance exists there and if it does, better luck in the filipino courts.

Cunning Stunt
02-22-10, 12:54
Good luck doing a title search there. I don't even know if title insurance exists there and if it does, better luck in the filipino courts.

My missus, had a large tract of land 'stolen' off her by neighbours. The case has dragged through the local courts for a couple of years and turned quite nasty at times (threats of violence to relatives etc) and has still not been totally resolved even though the squatters have finally been evicted from the land in question. Title and land ownership is a nightmare in The Philippines. This I can assure anyone who is contemplating purchasing tracts of land, even in the name of a resident local.

02-22-10, 13:23
@CS & Puerto - So you all and others who live there must have purchased only condos and not houses with land then?? I only ask because I wonder how you all are so lucky as to not have been plagued by all this evil-doing that is mentioned here....?? eh, there's always risk and where I choose to buy will be key. it's all about location it seems.

Cunning Stunt
02-22-10, 13:49
@CS & Puerto - So you all and others who live there must have purchased only condos and not houses with land then?? I only ask because I wonder how you all are so lucky as to not have been plagued by all this evil-doing that is mentioned here....?? eh, there's always risk and where I choose to buy will be key. it's all about location it seems.

Was really referring to agricultural land with no pre-built housing on it. I bought my 300 square meter property in Manila fully aware of the potential pitfalls but the price was so good that I reasoned that within a few years I would recoup my investment in saved rental. Also had a local lawyer look over the title prior to purchase and he assured me that their was no problems.

My house is now worth twice what I paid for it, but, of course only the missus could officially recoup my investment.

02-23-10, 22:14
O.K, be nice, or not, and give me sh*t!!! LOL I have RTTF and haven't found the answer yet.

I am flying into Manila for my first PI trip, and then onto AC for a week, returning to Manila for the final night.

I am assuming that I can buy a Sim, and minutes, at the Manila airport, but where? Also is Smart the best system to go with. My plan is to use it to text 4-5 friends that will be there also. I doubt I will make many calls to ladies. I am more of a ST, one and done kind of guy. I seldom repeat with ladies, especially on the same trip.

Thanks in advance

02-23-10, 22:20
O.K, be nice, or not, and give me sh*t!!! LOL I have RTTF and haven't found the answer yet.

I am flying into Manila for my first PI trip, and then onto AC for a week, returning to Manila for the final night.

I am assuming that I can buy a Sim, and minutes, at the Manila airport, but where? Also is Smart the best system to go with. My plan is to use it to text 4-5 friends that will be there also. I doubt I will make many calls to ladies. I am more of a ST, one and done kind of guy. I seldom repeat with ladies, especially on the same trip.

Thanks in advance
I don't know if you can buy in the airport, but if you are on the way to AC, have the driver stop at a 7-11 or Mini-stop as soon as you leave the airport. It will be cheaper and you can grab a water/snack for your trip.


Member #3428
02-24-10, 00:03
O.K, be nice, or not, and give me sh*t!!! LOL I have RTTF and haven't found the answer yet.

I am flying into Manila for my first PI trip, and then onto AC for a week, returning to Manila for the final night.

I am assuming that I can buy a Sim, and minutes, at the Manila airport, but where? Also is Smart the best system to go with. My plan is to use it to text 4-5 friends that will be there also. I doubt I will make many calls to ladies. I am more of a ST, one and done kind of guy. I seldom repeat with ladies, especially on the same trip.

Thanks in advance

You can buy refill cards for sure at Terminal 1 and Terminal 2.

Terminal 1 is at the local handicraft store, Terminal 2 for international departure is the food snack stand, but those are after check in for departure not at landing / arrival, I know of NO place at landing at either terminal 1 or 2 where you can buy minutes or SIM at landing. You go to immigration, baggage, customs, street....

02-24-10, 00:49
Thanks for the info on Sims guys, I appreciate it.

Buko Max
02-24-10, 01:32
I am assuming that I can buy a Sim, and minutes, at the Manila airport, but where?
Yes... no place to buy a SIM card or load at arrivals at T1 but if you stop at the airport hotel just off the airport grounds, the business center sells them and is open 24/7.

02-24-10, 02:17
O.K, be nice, or not, and give me sh*t!!! LOL I have RTTF and haven't found the answer yet.

I am flying into Manila for my first PI trip, and then onto AC for a week, returning to Manila for the final night.

I am assuming that I can buy a Sim, and minutes, at the Manila airport, but where? Also is Smart the best system to go with. My plan is to use it to text 4-5 friends that will be there also. I doubt I will make many calls to ladies. I am more of a ST, one and done kind of guy. I seldom repeat with ladies, especially on the same trip.

Thanks in advance

Smart/Buddy is the biggest operator so prob the best choice calls/texts within network are half the price of out of network calls so the advantage os smart is more users, Globe/Tm and Sun are cheaper (in tersm of unlimited text delas for example, but have fewer subscribers

Member #3428
02-24-10, 08:49
Not true. In PAL's arrival terminal there is a machine selling loads of multiple brands. In addition, there is an employee standing there selling SIM cards

Clarify please... which terminal. Terminal 2 I assume since you say PAL and they only land at Terminal 2, so what side??? International or Domestic?

International I land it almost every month and the flight and time I land we are herded like cattle from Plane to Immigration to Luggage to the Street. NO vendors no machine no staff.... A secured walkway, stairs and stand in line...

Maybe I do this too many times and my eyes are not always open but in years I've never seen anyone selling sim or time at arrivals...

02-24-10, 09:35
Clarify please... which terminal. Terminal 2 I assume since you say PAL and they only land at Terminal 2, so what side??? International or Domestic?

International I land it almost every month and the flight and time I land we are herded like cattle from Plane to Immigration to Luggage to the Street. NO vendors no machine no staff.... A secured walkway, stairs and stand in line...

Maybe I do this too many times and my eyes are not always open but in years I've never seen anyone selling sim or time at arrivals...
Yes... no place to buy a SIM card or load at arrivals but if you stop at the airport hotel just off the airport grounds, the business center sells them and is open 24/7.
Not true. In PAL's arrival terminal there is a machine selling loads of multiple brands. In addition, there is an employee standing there selling SIM cardsI too have seen the vendors selling SIMs and phone cards off to the left opposite of the ATMs and rental car desks in the arrival area fairly recently.

They were selling SIMs and load for only Smart though as I was inquiring about Globe. A solution to this Bermuda Triangle-esque paradox may be that the vendor or vendors are mobile and are not there daily.

I am shocked and appalled :D PI tourist service/map expert Mattrick missed the mark on this one when his only forte seems to be giving directions.

02-24-10, 10:20
Clarify please... which terminal. Terminal 2 I assume since you say PAL and they only land at Terminal 2, so what side??? International or Domestic?

International I land it almost every month and the flight and time I land we are herded like cattle from Plane to Immigration to Luggage to the Street. NO vendors no machine no staff.... A secured walkway, stairs and stand in line...

Maybe I do this too many times and my eyes are not always open but in years I've never seen anyone selling sim or time at arrivals...
I've used the money changer at the PAL international arrival area; this is near the exit and to the left just before customs. I seem to remember there was a kiosk next to the money changer booth that was selling Smart sims and reloads. Well heck I will be able to see for myself in a couple of days... If you need an ATM there is one outside the international arrival area, and if that one isn't working, there's another one outside the domestic arrival area (the other wing).

Member #3428
02-24-10, 10:35
I've used the money changer at the PAL international arrival area; this is near the exit and to the left just before customs. I seem to remember there was a kiosk next to the money changer booth that was selling Smart sims and reloads. Well heck I will be able to see for myself in a couple of days... If you need an ATM there is one outside the international arrival area, and if that one isn't working, there's another one outside the domestic arrival area (the other wing).

Could be, normally as I said I feel like cattle i do this so much...

02-24-10, 11:30
Could be, normally as I said I feel like cattle i do this so much...
Or, if you want to get the hell out of Asia's worst airport, just hop in a taxi and tell the driver to take you to an ATM on the way to your hotel. It always works for me.

X Man
02-24-10, 13:46
Yes, I've seen staff standing in front of a broken machine selling cards. I've also just found broken machines.

In the Philippines always have option b or c....

Not true. In PAL's arrival terminal there is a machine selling loads of multiple brands. In addition, there is an employee standing there selling SIM cards

Jan 156
02-25-10, 04:51
Someone suggested there is no comparison between mongering in Philippines and S.America. I have to agree, though for different reasons. South America easily wins hands down! But for untrammelled adventure - the likes of Pinatubo, or trekking through Cambodia, I prefer Asia. Also for cuisine - Hong Kong and Thailand have world class national cuisine (Balinese is also excellent if you can get the real deal, which is not usually served). I find the Asian attitude of servility off-putting - South Americans have
much personal and national pride and with good justification. For mongering, South America generally I have found to be better educated and the rules are clearer. But maybe that's cos I've spent more time in total there. Asia does also offer the 'package tour' type monger' experience with less prior knowledge needed than S.America for the same bucks. I can see why SE Asua will appeal to many North Americans and Australians. But personally I'd make Brasil my second home if I could.

Best wishes to everyone on the Philippines forum in People Power Day. :)

Key Master
02-25-10, 21:15
Yes... no place to buy a SIM card or load at arrivals at T1 but if you stop at the airport hotel just off the airport grounds, the business center sells them and is open 24/7.

I arrived last week in Terminal 1 in the afternoon and as I left customs passed the money changers, just outside the door of Customs to the left was a little vending machine for load but there was also a woman selling SIM cards. I've never noticed the machine or anyone there before doing that, but she was actually vocally making it known she had SIM cards to sell there.

For people who come within 6 months of coinciding trips, I've now started to buy Load before I leave to reload when I land. The expiration dates are long enough for this to work and for my Smart Sim card, I've found that 6 months it still work so far where in comparison something like Thai Sim cards, seems to expire really fast like less than 3 months. I loaded with a 500 pesos card the other day and the expiration date of all my load was way into June versus if I load with a 200 pesos card it may be only good without new load for one month.

Yella Man
02-25-10, 22:00
For people who come within 6 months of coinciding trips, I've now started to buy Load before I leave to reload when I land. The expiration dates are long enough for this to work and for my Smart Sim card, I've found that 6 months it still work so far where in comparison something like Thai Sim cards, seems to expire really fast like less than 3 months. I loaded with a 500 pesos card the other day and the expiration date of all my load was way into June versus if I load with a 200 pesos card it may be only good without new load for one month.

With a SMART SIM Card just type in all capitol lettters without the quotations, "ROAM ON" before you leave the country and send that text to 333. Your phone will be in roam mode and you will be able to send and receive texts from your friends in the Pinas, but you won't be able to receive or make voice calls. Your load balance must remain above Peso 100. You must have a Tri/Quad band cell phone for this to work. Globeprobably has a similar feature.

I found that by leaving my phone in ROAM mode while I'm still in the Pinas you avoid getting the annoying one ring/hang up the girls use to check to see if your phone is on, or that your still in country. In ROAM mode, they hear a messege that says the party can be reached by text messege only. It cost one or two peso more for using ROAM mode while inside the Pinas, and Peso 20 for every text I send from the USA.

To reload your phone from abroad, just have one of your many friends do it from the Pinas, or go to this site (which I have used in the past so it is legit):
Order online and they will send the load to your phone after they verify your information is correct.


Member #3428
02-25-10, 22:10
Your phone will be in roam mode and you will be able to send and receive texts from your friends in the Pinas, but you won't be able to receive or make voice calls.

Great info and very informative but do you want to receive those messages when away? PI girls are the most annoying when it comes to txting. But as I said great post, the funny thing about SMART and GLOBE is that they keep changing special codes and things you can do with their dang phones.

Doesn't it get confusing what you can and can't do with different sim cards, I have about 10 of them for different countries. Shit changes too fast for old guys like me.

But for me, if girls only text and are too dumb to email or chat or won't use my other international numbers then they are one night fucks for me.

Member #3428
02-25-10, 22:17
I arrived last week in Terminal 1 in the afternoon and as I left customs passed the money changers, just outside the door of Customs to the left was a little vending machine for load but there was also a woman selling SIM cards. I've never noticed the machine or anyone there before doing that, but she was actually vocally making it known she had SIM cards to sell there.

Mea Culpa Mea Culpa....

Landing at 10 pm at T1 I never hear or see anyone and honestly after I get out of customs I'm straight to taxi to get the hell out of the airport as I usually have a girl waiting in my hotel room :D. The last thing I want to do is stand there and look at everyone offering me special rides to places.... My experience is anyone who is nice to you at the airport (T1) is only trying to fleece you. Call me jaded...

Landing at T2 and switching to T1 I want the same dang thing, to get the hell out of there.

Salamat for correcting me.

Yella Man
02-25-10, 22:22
Great info and very informative but do you want to receive those messages when away? PI girls are the most annoying when it comes to txting. But as I said great post, the funny thing about SMART and GLOBE is that they keep changing special codes and things you can do with their dang phones.

Doesn't it get confusing what you can and can't do with different sim cards, I have about 10 of them for different countries. Shit changes too fast for old guys like me.

But for me, if girls only text and are too dumb to email or chat or won't use my other international numbers then they are one night fucks for me.

I hear ya Tansak! I let them text me, but I don't always reply back. I try to hit em up on YM when I can if I'm truly interested in keeping in touch.


Yella Man
02-26-10, 09:41
I've been posting a lot of reports from my January 2010 trip and have used numbers in place of names in the order that I have met the girls instead of the actual name of the girls themselves. I do this because many of the girls read this forum nowadays, and I dont need them to figure out who I am (not without a lot of thought anyway), and I do it to protect the identity of the girls themselves, because believe it or not, many of the girls have boyfriends abroad who think their girls are angels. I will post the cooresponding pictures to a lot of my reports a year later or even longer after the girl has forgotten me or left the bar scene all together to further confuse who they think I might be. However, if you want to know the name of a particular girl in any of my reports, then PM me. If you are senior member with a good report history I will give you the name. Happy Hunting!


Jan 156
02-26-10, 10:06
numbers in place of names . . . I do it to protect the identity of the girls themselves, because believe it or not, many of the girls have boyfriends abroad who think their girls are angels.

That's a kind thought, Yella Man. Nice one. I shall bear that in mind. The only exception I think is posting names of girls who have done serious disservice, in order to warn other mongers off.

02-26-10, 20:44
Hi everyone,

I'm stationed in the middle east right now for a year and basically we get to get have a 2 week liberty anywhere in the world. I choose the PI because from how you all have been talking about, it is pretty friggn awesome. Anyways my trip is going to be around the time frame of June and I did some research and it says thats when it starts to downpour and rain. Has it been like this in the past years? I reall want to have a awesome two weeks and even though I doubt I will be doing alot of outdoor recreation, I don't want to be rained out. Is it a good time to go for some mongering? And how is the hooters down there as well.

Yella Man
02-27-10, 09:26
Hi everyone,

I'm stationed in the middle east right now for a year and basically we get to get have a 2 week liberty anywhere in the world. I choose the PI because from how you all have been talking about, it is pretty friggn awesome. Anyways my trip is going to be around the time frame of June and I did some research and it says thats when it starts to downpour and rain. Has it been like this in the past years? I reall want to have a awesome two weeks and even though I doubt I will be doing alot of outdoor recreation, I don't want to be rained out. Is it a good time to go for some mongering? And how is the hooters down there as well.

June starts the rainy season so you will see lots of it. But don't let that stop you from coming because there is much fun to be had even if it rains every day. Hell, you'll be shacked up or drinking most of the time anyway. I'll be over there in July, rain, hail, sleet or snow! Not sure what you mean by Hooters. Titties? Restaraunt? Filipina's are not know for big titties. They are known for giving a great GFE though, so that alone makes up for lack of a heavy top.


02-27-10, 09:56

I'm not sure where you're planning to go on your vacation. Here in Davao, most of the intense rains happen during the early evening--between 5 and 7--and last for approximately an hour. That's not to say it never rains during the day, just most of the time the heavy rains occur for an hour at night. No worries though, as the rains don't put a damper on much of anything, and all activities continue much as they do during dry weather.


Member #3428
02-27-10, 10:04
Ko worries though, as the rains don't put a damper on much of anything, and all activities continue much as they do during dry weather

The islands are used to rain, life goes on normal. My statement has always been if you don't like rain don't go to the pacific islands cuz it always rains.

However just to note, there is a drought (which means instead of raining every day it rains every four or five days where I'm at) going on and is due to spread the pacific. I'd say the weather for this spring / summer will be hot(er) and dry(er) then normal. Which should be fine for most folks. But we did start rationing water in some villages.

Cunning Stunt
02-27-10, 10:16
I don't want to be rained out. Is it a good time to go for some mongering? And how is the hooters down there as well.

The heat is likely to bother you more than the rain. Its bloody hot and humid in June but, working in the ME, you will be acclimatised to the heat, if not the humidity.

Umbrellas are cheap here:). Not the best destination for a boob man though.

Red Kilt
02-27-10, 12:43
The heat is likely to bother you more than the rain. Its bloody hot and humid in June but, working in the ME, you will be acclimatised to the heat, if not the humidity.
There is a severe drought in the PI right now caused by the El Nino effect.
The weather seems quite weird for this time of year, and hot summer temps are earlier this year. El Nino will persist through to mid-year and beyond, so CS is right - the heat will bother you more than the rain.

02-27-10, 14:17
Umbrellas are cheap here:). Not the best destination for a boob man though.LOL I realy ment the restaurant, its been a while since I had some good wings, and heared they had a hooters (tm) restuarant in Manila. Nothing like hookers hooters and hotels all at a reasonable price to say "what a great vacation"

I plan to hit up Manila and AC while I'm down there.

Thanks everyone!

X Man
02-27-10, 16:07
Yes, Davao is less influenced by the monsoon, but GE, as he as previously mentioned in the Davao thread, drives a motor vehicle.

Davao weather is good....and the city is great in many different ways, but to say that the "rains don't put a damper on much of anything" is way off mark.

You will NOT get a taxi when it rains. Okay, you might if you are waiting in the taxi cue at Marco Polo.

Rain causes taxi drought.... X


I'm not sure where you're planning to go on your vacation. Here in Davao, most of the intense rains happen during the early evening--between 5 and 7--and last for approximately an hour. That's not to say it never rains during the day, just most of the time the heavy rains occur for an hour at night. No worries though, as the rains don't put a damper on much of anything, and all activities continue much as they do during dry weather.


Questor 55
02-27-10, 22:05
I'm in a state of 'sticker shock' after looking into 2 months coverage for my coming trip to P. I. Here in Canada I have been quoted over a thousand dollars for two months coverage. Now, granted, I am over the hill, a smoker, and have a few other (stable) health issues. However, that thousand dollars plus ($US) can go a long way for other purposes in P. I.

Some members have suggested not to bother, as health costs are considerably cheaper in the Philippines. However, a major issue would still, undoubtedly, be a fair whack of cash.

Has anyone purchased medical/travel insurance in P. I? Most importantly, does anyone have experience with actually being reimbursed?

I would appreciate some immediate feed-back on this, as I will be leaving soon. BTW, I have spent several months on two previous trips, in the Philippines, so generally know my way around.

Thanks for any suggestions! Questor 55

Mr Hawaii
02-28-10, 06:20
Skip the insurance. I don't know your ailments, but if they are serious enough, fly yourself to BKK or HK for treatment. The treatment is first rate, the price is cheap.

02-28-10, 06:26
Yes, Davao is less influenced by the monsoon, but GE, as he as previously mentioned in the Davao thread, drives a motor vehicle.

to say that the "rains don't put a damper on much of anything" is way off mark.

You will NOT get a taxi when it rains. Okay, you might if you are waiting in the taxi cue at Marco Polo.

Rain causes taxi drought.... X
X is correct and I'm not. I forgot that, since I've got my own car, I never experience the need for a taxi, but they do tend to become scarce in the rain and they're usually plentiful.


Fast Eddie 48
03-01-10, 03:09
I'm in a state of 'sticker shock' after looking into 2 months coverage for my coming trip to P. I. Here in Canada I have been quoted over a thousand dollars for two months coverage. Now, granted, I am over the hill, a smoker, and have a few other (stable) health issues. However, that thousand dollars plus ($US) can go a long way for other purposes in P. I.

Some members have suggested not to bother, as health costs are considerably cheaper in the Philippines. However, a major issue would still, undoubtedly, be a fair whack of cash.

Has anyone purchased medical/travel insurance in P. I? Most importantly, does anyone have experience with actually being reimbursed?

I would appreciate some immediate feed-back on this, as I will be leaving soon. BTW, I have spent several months on two previous trips, in the Philippines, so generally know my way around.

Thanks for any suggestions! Questor 55Questor,

I have a bacteria infestion from a insect bite last week in AC when to AU hostpital see a medical doctor she give me a prescreption of antibiotic cost is only 650 peso and the drug cost 2800 peso ,drug in Pi is much higher than china or thailand .

I did purchase travel insurance for medical only cost is only 36 usd in the US
www.insumytrip.com for the best plan for you ,so get the insurance before you leave your country.

fast eddie 48

X Man
03-01-10, 15:21
Standing in the pouring rain with a single flimsy umbrella, trying to get a taxi, with a woman I had just met, was miserable.

Of course when we finally reached our destination, we both were more than eager to shed our wet clothes.

Sometimes bad luck provides unexpected rewards. X

....., but they do tend to become scarce in the rain and they're usually plentiful.


03-01-10, 15:39
Would someone help direct me to this website?


Was in Angeles last month.

Warning: Do not buy Viag or Cial from street vendors.

I bought a bogus product- Cialis in a box- and became I'll shortly thereafter.

I think there was a connection. Use the Pharmacies.

Cunning Stunt
03-01-10, 16:22
I have a bacteria infestion from a insect bite last week in AC when to AU hostpital see a medical doctor she give me a prescreption of antibiotic cost is only 650 peso and the drug cost 2800 peso ,drug in Pi is much higher than china or thailand

Did you fill your scrip at the hospital pharmacy? Big mistake as they overcharge big time there. Best to take it to Mercury or preferably Generic Pharmacy where you can pick up perfectly good medicines at bargain rates.

For example a broad spectrum antibiotic (and anti-malarial) such as doxycycline is 1 peso a tablet at Generic. A hospital pharmacy will charge you upwards of 50 pesos a tablet.

X Man
03-01-10, 16:34
Dr. Stunt, thank you for your wisdom. Any meds for my addiction to skinny sx?

Did you fill your scrip at the hospital pharmacy? Big mistake as they overcharge big time there. Best to take it to Mercury or preferably Generic Pharmacy where you can pick up perfectly good medicines at bargain rates.

For example a broad spectrum antibiotic (and anti-malarial) such as doxycycline is 1 peso a tablet at Generic. A hospital pharmacy will charge you upwards of 50 pesos a tablet.

Cunning Stunt
03-01-10, 16:51
Dr. Stunt, thank you for your wisdom. Any meds for my addiction to skinny sx?

Yup, a daily visit (for her) to Jollibees is in order. You would soon have chubby sx. Wouldn't cure your addiction but would sure make her happy.

Why post pics on the General Info thread, you maniac!!

Yella Man
03-02-10, 06:44
During my trip to AC last January, one of my buddies met a girl who wanted to fuck him bad but couldn't because she was on the rag. She got off work that morning and showed up at his hotel room with Mefenamic Acid, took it and told him her menstruation would stop within two hours. Sure enough, it stopped and they commenced to fucking!

I've been on the mongering scene for some time and have never heard of this stuff. I'm wondering how dangerous it is for the girls to use this type of medication, and how wide spread the use is in the bar scene world. Has anyone else heard of this?


Bob Bowie
03-02-10, 09:16

I have a bacteria infestion from a insect bite last week in AC when to AU hostpital see a medical doctor she give me a prescreption of antibiotic cost is only 650 peso and the drug cost 2800 peso ,drug in Pi is much higher than china or thailand .

I did purchase travel insurance for medical only cost is only 36 usd in the US
www.insumytrip.com for the best plan for you ,so get the insurance before you leave your country.

fast eddie 48
In 2009 I went to the emergency room once in Davao and Once in Makati. Both times the cost was around $20 for something easy. Not sure what a major illness would cost you.

The Medicine was not that too expensive, and there seems to be a couple of pharmacies in every mall.

Red Kilt
03-02-10, 11:55
During my trip to AC last January, one of my buddies met a girl who wanted to fuck him bad but couldn't because she was on the rag. She got off work that morning and showed up at his hotel room with Mefenamic Acid, took it and told him her menstruation would stop within two hours. Sure enough, it stopped and they commenced to fucking!

I've been on the mongering scene for some time and have never heard of this stuff. I'm wondering how dangerous it is for the girls to use this type of medication, and how wide spread the use is in the bar scene world. Has anyone else heard of this?


Mefenamic Acid is a pain-killer sold here over the counter in the PI - some people take it routinely for headaches. It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) so it is not just a regular headache pill and should be treated with some respect.
I know some women take it when they have menstrual pain and cramps, but I have never heard of it "stopping" menstruation like your friend claims it did for his girl.
Logic tells me that the accumulated blood has to keep coming out as a natural blood flow until it is finished. I cant imagine anything like this stopping that process.
Maybe it was just a freaky coincidence?
Hope someone who actually knows the pharmacology can enlighten us?

Member #3428
03-02-10, 12:15
Maybe it was just a freaky coincidence?
Hope someone who actually knows the pharmacology can enlighten us?

My GF took something (chinese written all over it) and did the same thing and it worked for her (and luckily for me) but took 1 night not to stop not a day. Then her period was heavy and very clotty but after I left and she was in severe pain. Can not be healthy whatever happened.

I'd say there are magic pills out there for anything (and most come from china and i've seen things floating all over PI and Thai) but I sure as hell don't trust them medically.

X Man
03-02-10, 13:19
Did I commit some sort of faux pas?

Every thread has the photo load function - it must be there for a reason.

There are a lot of lurkers who never make it past the photo thread. In fact some of my best booty was displayed under posts disguised as hotel recommendations.

Did you miss those?

Yup, a daily visit (for her) to Jollibees is in order. You would soon have chubby sx. Wouldn't cure your addiction but would sure make her happy.

Why post pics on the General Info thread, you maniac!!

Cunning Stunt
03-02-10, 16:21
Did I commit some sort of faux pas?

Every thread has the photo load function - it must be there for a reason.

There are a lot of lurkers who never make it past the photo thread. In fact some of my best booty was displayed under posts disguised as hotel recommendations.

Did you miss those?

Probably, as, having my own place, I have little reason to look at the hotel threads, although the Manila Hotel thread is interesting enough for I'm a hot sheet motel aficionado. Its also as funny as hell when a certain character gets off more on the expensiveness and stariness (is that a word?) of his flop rather than the quality of the pussy he is flopping with. Now that is hilarious:D.

I digress. I recall you posting a doggy top shot (my favourite pose) on the PG chit-chat board. Now that IS fucking perverse but this is the degree of nutty individuality we expect from you. Are you still taking the pills?

Admittedly 95% of lurkers on the photo galleries are probably just that and won't be contributing anything useful in the foreseeable future (although Jackson luvs 'em as they pay his rent). The other 5% are just waiting for the opportunity and encouragement and a few choice pics might just be what is needed to get them digging through those old holiday snaps to show off their own stuff.

I might be wrong, but I think that it is the Photo Galleries what keep sites such as these afloat. Look at the viewing figures on all the forums, PG's threads viz a viz all other threads and you will see what I mean.

Yella Man
03-03-10, 09:58
Mefenamic Acid is a pain-killer sold here over the counter in the PI - some people take it routinely for headaches. It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) so it is not just a regular headache pill and should be treated with some respect.
I know some women take it when they have menstrual pain and cramps, but I have never heard of it "stopping" menstruation like your friend claims it did for his girl.
Logic tells me that the accumulated blood has to keep coming out as a natural blood flow until it is finished. I cant imagine anything like this stopping that process.
Maybe it was just a freaky coincidence?
Hope someone who actually knows the pharmacology can enlighten us?

I hear what you're saying, but she specifically told him she would be able to have sex without blood 2 hours later. True to her word, she was able to. The crazy shit bar girls do!


Escort Fan
03-04-10, 03:31
If you fly Cebu pacific you'll end up at NAIA Terminal 3.

Right after the customs there are some cafés and shops. In the middle there is a "DeliFrance" and on the left there is a Chaikofi.

The password for the wifi of that place is " vanillafrappe " (valid on March 3rd 2010 at least)

I'm mentionning this because this place has crappy cafe. So with this pass you can log from the other cafe.

Eventually the password will change so no need to bug me about it!

03-04-10, 12:02
Mefenamic Acid is a pain-killer sold here over the counter in the PI - some people take it routinely for headaches. It is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) so it is not just a regular headache pill and should be treated with some respect.
I know some women take it when they have menstrual pain and cramps, but I have never heard of it "stopping" menstruation like your friend claims it did for his girl.
Logic tells me that the accumulated blood has to keep coming out as a natural blood flow until it is finished. I cant imagine anything like this stopping that process.
Maybe it was just a freaky coincidence?
Hope someone who actually knows the pharmacology can enlighten us?
WOW goggle it...I did....some bad shit:(


X Man
03-04-10, 13:29
I'm not a big fan of conspiracy theories, but here goes:

She had a very special appointment, so told YM's friend that she was on her period. After servicing her OTHER "friend/husband/customer..." she then showed up the next day to see YM friend. Smart gal that she is, she had some miracle drug...and it worked?

I hate to date myself, but in 1980, my first visit to the Philippines I learned that Filipina will tell you what you want to hear.

I could be completely wrong, but only the gal can tell us for sure. YM, what is you take?

X (if you know the company that sells this drug, send a pm. I want to buy stock before the price rises)

I hear what you're saying, but she specifically told him she would be able to have sex without blood 2 hours later. True to her word, she was able to. The crazy shit bar girls do!


Yella Man
03-04-10, 20:02
I could be completely wrong, but only the gal can tell us for sure. YM, what is you take?

X (if you know the company that sells this drug, send a pm. I want to buy stock before the price rises)

I propose an ISG experiment.

Step One: Purchase some Mefenamic Acid at your nearest pharmacy.

Step Two: Scour the clubs until you find a girl who refuses to go BF because of her monthly.

Step Three: Give her the solution to her problem (Mefenamic Acid).

Step Four: Have girl squat over your face so you can tell the exact second the blood stops flowing (if it actually does stop).

Step Five: Double check flow stoppage by maneuvering girl into numerous sexual positions and pumping girl furiously.

Step Six: Stop by ISG to report your results.



03-05-10, 02:10
My GF took something (Chinese written all over it) and did the same thing and it worked for her (and luckily for me) but took 1 night not to stop not a day. Then her period was heavy and very clotty but after I left and she was in severe pain. Can not be healthy whatever happened.

I'd say there are magic pills out there for anything (and most come from China and I've seen things floating all over PI and Thai) but I sure as hell don't trust them medically.I had a plan to meet a lady a while back. She told me that she was expecting her period any day, but if I was 100% sure to meet her she could get some medication to delay it.

Sure enough on the day in question, she was ready to play. Two days later when I went for a repeat she told me she was out of action. Never did get the name of the product but it seemed to work She had done some research on internet to find this product she told me.

03-05-10, 02:58
I’ve got an ATM question about the best bank card to use. When I’m in the Phils I use my Wells Fargo card which charges me $5 for the transaction but no foreign currency fee. I contacted Citibank bcuz I know they have a branch in Makati. Since I have a Citi ATM card also they won’t charge me a transaction fee if I use their ATM but will charge a 3% foreign currency fee. I contacted HSBC and their policy is the same as Citi’s.

So, for you experienced guys, is there a bank there that does not charge a foreign currency fee if you have an account with them? I’m referring to international banks that one can open an account in the USA.
Thanks guys.


03-05-10, 03:08
I’ve got an ATM question about the best bank card to use. When I’m in the Phils I use my Wells Fargo card which charges me $5 for the transaction but no foreign currency fee. I contacted Citibank bcuz I know they have a branch in Makati. Since I have a Citi ATM card also they won’t charge me a transaction fee if I use their ATM but will charge a 3% foreign currency fee. I contacted HSBC and their policy is the same as Citi’s.

So, for you experienced guys, is there a bank there that does not charge a foreign currency fee if you have an account with them? I’m referring to international banks that one can open an account in the USA.
Thanks guys.

I use Compass Bank because they reimburse all ATM fees foreighn and domestic. Just keep all reciepts and either send them or take them personally to the bank. In your monthly statement you will see about 5 bucks credited to your account! Not bad deal!

03-05-10, 03:55
Manila is suffering from power shortages in increasingly frequent intervals due to reduced water levels courtesy of the weather phenomenon dubbed El Nino. Brown outs have became very common.

03-05-10, 05:29
It helps to have a bank which has customer relationship levels based on how much business you're doing with them. At higher levels (larger deposits and/or loan balances, etc), all your ATM fees will be reimbursed. In the US, you can look into credit unions as well. There are banks that will not charge the 3% foreign transaction fee on your ATM card or your Visa credit card. Just have to find them.

But let's face it, you are still going to pay some fees (e.g., currency exchange and Visa or MC international transaction fees), that is unavoidable. Just saying your total fees can be made smaller if you're willing to take the time to shop around. And as I said above, it helps a lot to have big balances.

X Man
03-05-10, 07:30
you probably already have ten or so guys lined up at the drugstore.

from out friends at wikipedia: mefenamic acid is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug used to treat pain, including menstrual pain. it is typically prescribed for oral administration.

mefenamic acid is known to cause an upset stomach, therefore it is recommended to take prescribed doses together with food or milk. instances of drowsiness may also occur. as such, it is recommended to avoid driving or consuming alcohol while taking this medication.

other known mild side effects of mefenamic acid include headaches, nervousness and vomiting. serious side effects may include diarrhoea, bloody vomit,blood [CodeWord109] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord109)(haematuria.blurred vision, skin rash, itching and swelling, sore throat and fever. it is advised to consult a doctor immediately if these symptoms appear while taking this medication.

i propose an isg experiment.

step one: purchase some mefenamic acid at your nearest pharmacy.

step two: scour the clubs until you find a girl who refuses to go bf because of her monthly.

step three: give her the solution to her problem (mefenamic acid).

step four: have girl squat over your face so you can tell the exact second the blood stops flowing (if it actually does stop).

step five: double check flow stoppage by maneuvering girl into numerous sexual positions and pumping girl furiously.

step six: stop by isg to report your results.



03-05-10, 07:33
I’ve got an ATM question about the best bank card to use. When I’m in the Phils I use my Wells Fargo card which charges me $5 for the transaction but no foreign currency fee. I contacted Citibank bcuz I know they have a branch in Makati. Since I have a Citi ATM card also they won’t charge me a transaction fee if I use their ATM but will charge a 3% foreign currency fee. I contacted HSBC and their policy is the same as Citi’s.

So, for you experienced guys, is there a bank there that does not charge a foreign currency fee if you have an account with them? I’m referring to international banks that one can open an account in the USA.
Thanks guys.

Southbound69Most ATMs and Visas will charge you a foreign transaction fee and/or service fees.

One of the best is the Charles Schwab ATM; they will rebate the ATM machine transaction fee and they do not charge a foreign transaction fee. You can link from your bank to Charles Schwab. There's a few minor details (need to open up brokerage acccount; no money needed; they rebate into brokerage account; takes 1 week to move money from brokerage to bank), but it's the best I found. See their website for details and to apply.

The Charles Schwab Visa is also good. They don't charge foreign transaction fees; and you get back 2% rebate. Best way to pay away (since you get the commercial bank exchange rate; but only if the merchant doesn't charge you extra).

Capital One Visa also does not charge foreign transactions fees.

All the other Visas I have charge the 3% foreign transactions fee.

03-05-10, 19:30
O.K, be nice, or not, and give me sh*t!!! LOL I have RTTF and haven't found the answer yet.

I am flying into Manila for my first PI trip, and then onto AC for a week, returning to Manila for the final night.

I am assuming that I can buy a Sim, and minutes, at the Manila airport, but where? Also is Smart the best system to go with. My plan is to use it to text 4-5 friends that will be there also. I doubt I will make many calls to ladies. I am more of a ST, one and done kind of guy. I seldom repeat with ladies, especially on the same trip.

Thanks in advance

I landed at Termina 1 (Asiana) today. Just after immigraiton on the right hand side where you collect luggage was a vending machine selling Smart load cards.

Just outside the luggage area but before you got to the street I saw at least 2 differnet kiosks selling Smart and some other carrier's load cards. I stopped at one just to check. They had 300 and 500 loads for smart and a smart sim card.

Easy Rider 2
03-07-10, 01:11
I am going to post this in all three country forums and evaluate the responses over the next day or two before deciding. I would really appreciate your opinions.

I am planning my first trip in April for a week to either Vietnam, Thailand or the Philippines.

Would you please offer your opinions to someone who has never been to either of these places?

I love to monger but I also enjoy going to some of the touristy/scenic/historic locations of countries I visit.

I was thinking that Vietnam might be a good combination because I was in the service during the Vietnam War, although not actually in Vietnam. But there are many important places there that I would like to see. I'm just not sure how much I can do of the visiting while also taking care of the mongering especially since I will only be there for a week and many of the Vietnam era sights are spread out and may be in smaller cities or rural areas.

The other choices are Thailand and the Philippines. Thailand is definitely cheaper than Manilla to fly to from Los Angeles. Plus I read on the threads that it costs less to monger in Thailand than in the Philippines.

I think there might be some more important historical and other sights to see in Thailand than in the Philippines, but that is just an impression. I am not sure what I would do in the Philippines other than monger. I am not a beach person due to my age (59) and fair skin.

I would appreciate your thoughts. Please don't read into the above comments that I necessarily prefer Vietnam. In fact I was originally thinking about the Philippines, then about Thailand due to the cost of the flights. I then started thinking about Vietnam but it is still only a thought.

I am first and foremost committed to the mongering aspects and would like that to be given the largest weight in any advice you care to give.

Also if you think there is somewhere else I should consider like Jakarta or Singapore for my first ever mongering trip please let me know.

Thank you very much for your insights.


03-07-10, 01:32
You have posed an interesting set of questions, and I suppose the answer lies in your primary motivation for taking your trip.

If places to see and cultural factors are among your chief motivations, then I'd consider Vietnam or Thailand as destinations and forget the Philippines. There's really very little here of cultural interest and not very much to see. If you're going to go primarily to big cities, then Bangkok and/or Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City are far more interesting than Manila, which is pretty much of a shit hole.

If you want to combine sex tourism with sites of interest, then, in my opinion, Thailand is the best alternative. There's lots to see, and the mongering possibilities are endless. Vietnam is a bit more iffy for sex: there aren't nearly as many venues as there are in Thailand and even then, it's a bit tough to get girls back into a hotel room.

On the other hand, if you're looking for endless sex with as many women as possible, and that's your primary motivation, then the Philippines or Thailand are probably better choices. The difference is that the sex industry in Thailand is ubiquitous and well organized. Though sex venues are plentiful in the Philippines, they're not nearly as concentrated and not nearly as well organized. However, you're much more likely to get true GFE in the Philippines and the whole thing seems less commercial here, though that's only an illusion. In the Philippines, you're much more likely to meet and bed non-professionals as a tourist than you are in Thailand. Plus, of course, most of the women you will meet in the Philippines will speak at least a modicum of English.

Personally, I would choose Thailand because some sort of cultural resonance is important to me. But then, I live in the Philippines, and there's not a lot of fascination left in the country for me.


Member #3428
03-07-10, 02:36
Thank you very much for your insights.

Thailand.... view in that forum

Member #3428
03-07-10, 02:45
But then, I live in the Philippines, and there's not a lot of fascination left in the country for me.

Besides the endless parade of 18 / 19 / 20 year old freebies there isn't much fascination for many of us I think.

However each year brings a new crop that come of age (and generally with more advanced skills then the group before them) and that does keep my interest :D

Jan 156
03-07-10, 04:53
For someone going only for a week and for the first time, my suggestion would probably be Thailand since it is very straightforward. Philippines and Vietnam are harder work IMHO. But there are exceptions.

With Thailand, you can fly into BKK quite easily, find any hotel, have pussy playground by the afternoon or evening, and photographer's paradise all day next day with the exotic sights, sounds, scents of grand temples sparkling in the sun, floating markets, colourful Thai dancing snd so on, any if which xan blow you away. And you only need a glance through Lonely Planet or a quick chat with hotel reception to do the lot.

To do the combo in Philippines, you could go to Angeles City, a concentration of girlie bars and little else (unless you dig quite hard and deep) and organise a day trip to Pinatubo volcano (which I would possibly call one of the marvels of the modern world). Travel arrangements in Philippines can be a hassle I found, even with advance preparation. You could also go to Manila and LA Cafe and arrange day trips out of Manila for touristy things but getting out if Manila can be quite hard work.

Vietnam does have attractions, especially emotional ones I think and especially if you have been in the forces, but far less than Cambodia (I cannot find a single country that we in the West have f*cked up so totally, utterly, unjustifiably, etc and the destruction of the soul for anyone opening themselves to the facts is awesome). But the best touristy things are not aligned with the best P4P there, and the lack of infrastructure means sorting things out can be quite hard work - hard to get the best out of it in a week).

The downsides of Bangkok include traffic fumes and the fact that the sex scene is highly commercialised. But you can minimise this by avoiding travel at rush hour, using a hotel near some of the action, and trying your hand with freelancers if the main strips are too intense.

Lala Bay
03-07-10, 19:15
I was planning to go to Angeles and just now realized that the last week of march / first week of april is eastern. Am I right to think that it would probably be a good idea to postpone to 4-13th of April?

03-09-10, 09:47
I love to monger but I also enjoy going to some of the touristy/scenic/historic locations of countries I visit.
With this condition I'd suggest Thailand.

03-09-10, 09:56
I am going to post this in all three country forums and evaluate the responses over the next day or two before deciding. I would really appreciate your opinions.

I am planning my first trip in April for a week to either Vietnam, Thailand or the Philippines.

Would you please offer your opinions to someone who has never been to either of these places?

I love to monger but I also enjoy going to some of the touristy/scenic/historic locations of countries I visit.

I was thinking that Vietnam might be a good combination because I was in the service during the Vietnam War, although not actually in Vietnam. But there are many important places there that I would like to see. I'm just not sure how much I can do of the visiting while also taking care of the mongering especially since I will only be there for a week and many of the Vietnam era sights are spread out and may be in smaller cities or rural areas.

The other choices are Thailand and the Philippines. Thailand is definitely cheaper than Manilla to fly to from Los Angeles. Plus I read on the threads that it costs less to monger in Thailand than in the Philippines.

I think there might be some more important historical and other sights to see in Thailand than in the Philippines, but that is just an impression. I am not sure what I would do in the Philippines other than monger. I am not a beach person due to my age (59) and fair skin.

I would appreciate your thoughts. Please don't read into the above comments that I necessarily prefer Vietnam. In fact I was originally thinking about the Philippines, then about Thailand due to the cost of the flights. I then started thinking about Vietnam but it is still only a thought.

I am first and foremost committed to the mongering aspects and would like that to be given the largest weight in any advice you care to give.

Also if you think there is somewhere else I should consider like Jakarta or Singapore for my first ever mongering trip please let me know.

Thank you very much for your insights.


Thailand is almost certainly your best bet. VN has interesting stuff to see though a week is not long enough, but the sex industry is heavily repressed by the government so it sucks as a mongering destination. if you want to try Vietnamese girls you would be much better off in Cambodia where about half the providers are from Vietnam - cute but way too commerical.

Thailand has a great mix of cultural sites, great food , good quality and value hotels and a highly organised sex scene. Probably the best bet if mongering is the prioority would be to check the palaces and temples in BKK for a couple iof days then herad south to Pattaya. The beach resort itself isnt that great but the sex scene is muchg beter value than the more well known resorts such as Phuket and Samui.

In my opinion the main reason for choosing the Phils would be if you wanted to indulge in the online dating GFE scene which is infinitely beter in Phils than anywhere else in asia or probably th whole world. Not muh in the way of cultural attractions though actually there are some world class beaches esp in palawan.

03-09-10, 10:27
I am going to post this in all three country forums and evaluate the responses over the next day or two before deciding. I would really appreciate your opinions.

I am planning my first trip in April for a week to either Vietnam, Thailand or the Philippines.

Would you please offer your opinions to someone who has never been to either of these places?


Thank you very much for your insights.

ER2From an attitude perspective perhaps Philippines is better. Whereas in Thailand the whole mongering scene is just another business and therefore girls are more transactional, in Philippines one still gets to see some 'innocence' in dealings. You are more likely to get a GFE experience in Philippines than in Thailand, while the effort needed to get a girl is about the same.

Sexy Geezer
03-10-10, 11:01

I'm just wondering if anyone on the forum can give me some advice regarding the level of support I should provide to get a bar girl out of the bar and into her own place in AC. I'm well aware of all the guys that have been ripped off and taken advantage of so I really don't want any comments of that nature, just a realistic assessment of how much is needed. I read on the internet that the average wage for a computer engineer is about P25, 000 per month down to say a shop assistant earning P6, 000 per month but that doesn't mean it is possible to survive well on 6K (they may have to share or live with family at just above poverty level). I'm guessing that a reasonable figure would be between 10K and 20K per month. Does that sound reasonable?

Many thanks for any info!

03-11-10, 01:37

I'm just wondering if anyone on the forum can give me some advice regarding the level of support I should provide to get a bar girl out of the bar and into her own place in AC. I'm well aware of all the guys that have been ripped off and taken advantage of so I really don't want any comments of that nature, just a realistic assessment of how much is needed. I read on the internet that the average wage for a computer engineer is about P25, 000 per month down to say a shop assistant earning P6, 000 per month but that doesn't mean it is possible to survive well on 6K (they may have to share or live with family at just above poverty level). I'm guessing that a reasonable figure would be between 10K and 20K per month. Does that sound reasonable?

Many thanks for any info!

The figures above are about right. I would guess a good bar girl inAC will make around P20-30k a month so a shop assistant wage isn't goin to be very attractive. I would expect most girls collecting 6k from foreigners would continue working the bars. Say P15k a month would be very comfortable for her but as doubtless many have told you, if she is in AC she may well find ways of supplementing that income whilst you are gone.

03-11-10, 03:48
I am planning my first trip in April for a week to either Vietnam, Thailand or the Philippines.

I love to monger but I also enjoy going to some of the touristy/scenic/historic locations of countries I visit.

I have never been to Vietnam so I can't offer any advice on that choice.

The first question I ask is, "Are you going alone?"
If yes, "Do you speak Thai or Vietnamese?"

I have been to Thailand twice and the Philippines 6 times - always alone except for the first trip in 2003. The 2nd time I went to Thailand I went alone and it was a horrible nightmare for me. I am not a world traveler and the language barrier was too much to cope with (both times actually).

I much prefer the Philippines because English is widely spoken by the ladies. As far as other things to do, I have been to Corregidor Island and that was an enjoyable day trip. The volcano at Lake Taal is also a good day trip. I rode a small horse up to the rim.

I like LA Café in Manila for its bar type pickup scene. I met and spent time with some very beautiful girls at the LA Café tho they are in the minority. I have always had a good experience with whomever I took home that night.

I also take a trip to Angeles City for a day or 2. I have always rented a car and driven there and I enjoy that experience too. I factor in the cost of a bribe as some policeman always pulls me over for whatever reason they fancy at the moment. I pay the bribe quickly and get on my way…lol.

Either place should be ok. I did have 1 interesting night in BKK at Soi Cowboy, but mid-evening I spent some time in an English Pub around the corner chatting with some British lads. Again, it goes back to communicating for me. Then went back and barfine my girl for the evening. Just fucking and no conversation.

As they say…Up To You!!! LOL.


Sexy Geezer
03-12-10, 14:15
The figures above are about right. I would guess a good bar girl inAC will make around P20-30k a month so a shop assistant wage isn't goin to be very attractive. I would expect most girls collecting 6k from foreigners would continue working the bars. Say P15k a month would be very comfortable for her but as doubtless many have told you, if she is in AC she may well find ways of supplementing that income whilst you are gone.Thanks greglondon. I've already discussed this with her and if she needs to supplement then that's ok with me. She currently earns 20K average (she's pretty hot) and I offered her 14K which she accepted. I've already done some checking, eg. Using dummy myspace accounts to hit on her and she hasn't chatted with any of them so I'm pretty sure she's going to do right thing for now. No guarantees but I accept that.

X Man
03-13-10, 10:29
Greg London already answered your question, so I'd just like to say thanks for the great pictures you posted on the photo thread.

Somewhat related...to pics...

For any newcomers who think they might like to post pictures, please do so, BUT, you will soon get PM asking for contact info and price. Responding is such a bad idea....on several diff levels - esp for her. THink about it.

If thinking is too hard for you at the moment, let me say that seducing unmarried adult women is not illegal. Some things are illegal and there is where you have to think...



I'm just wondering

Many thanks for any info!

03-13-10, 13:30

I'm just wondering if anyone on the forum can give me some advice regarding the level of support I should provide to get a bar girl out of the bar and into her own place in AC. I'm well aware of all the guys that have been ripped off and taken advantage of so I really don't want any comments of that nature, just a realistic assessment of how much is needed. I read on the internet that the average wage for a computer engineer is about P25, 000 per month down to say a shop assistant earning P6, 000 per month but that doesn't mean it is possible to survive well on 6K (they may have to share or live with family at just above poverty level). I'm guessing that a reasonable figure would be between 10K and 20K per month. Does that sound reasonable?

Many thanks for any info!

20K is just about right, the water bill, electricity bill, mobile bill, transportation would itself cost 5k plus rent. She will have no savings with 20k if she wants to live reasonably in a western standard of living.

If you want her to be truly independent, you could give her more for savings, but Filipinos rarely save so better to open a joint fixed deposit account.

Its just a myth that computer engineers earn less in PH....i have dated some girls who work in call center and their salary is well over 100,000 pesos..the starting salary to work in a western owned call center is 15 to 20k.

Most of the girls who work in bars, with some effort and coaching classes could easily land a job in call center. The thing is there is no motivation, desire etc on the girls part to do well, if you push her, she may very well get a decent job in a call center.

03-13-10, 15:37
[QUOTE=Its just a myth that computer engineers earn less in PH....i have dated some girls who work in call center and their salary is well over 100,000 pesos..the starting salary to work in a western owned call center is 15 to 20k.

I'm not questioning you, I'm just curious. Are ypu saying girls at call centers can make over 100,000 per month or per year? If per month then that explains why I mostly hear Indian accents when call those customer service numbers.

03-13-10, 17:20
I'm not questioning you, I'm just curious. Are ypu saying girls at call centers can make over 100,000 per month or per year? If per month then that explains why I mostly hear Indian accents when call those customer service numbers.

lol....so true dude...I'm from India and some 12 years back, when call center work was transfered to India. my first job after graduation due to lack of another opportunity was at a call center HP printers and Dell PC customer service. You might have heard me. :)

Yes, it is 100,000 PHP or INR/month both currency value are same, which is just 2100 USD per month minus all the benefits that American company gives to the employee. They still have huge profit by outsourcing work to India and PH.

However, in order to reach that level of salary, you must have worked on the same company for 2-3 years and or had more than 5 years of experience, with that kinda knowledge, the same guy in US would have double the 2000 dollars they offer to Filipinos. That is why outsourcing is so much profitable.

During the last six years or so, many American companies prefer Philippines than India due to more neutral accent of the Filipinos and more in tune with American culture. Now a days, it is like back office technical stuff for India and direct customer response work to Philippines.

Call center work is booming in PH and is set to take India out in 10 years or so. With that said, call center job is a thankless job, work on the graveyard shift (night shift) all year long, doing the same monotonous work again and again and again . Attrition rate is well over 80% in call center jobs. so for a bar girl willing to climb up in life, it is a good ladder to step into, but for a regular girl, all years of experience in a call center is wasted if she wants to pursue higher than taking calls. No body counts CC experience in real world works. Its a dicey situation.

03-13-10, 18:14

I'm just wondering if anyone on the forum can give me some advice regarding the level of support I should provide to get a bar girl out of the bar and into her own place in AC. I'm well aware of all the guys that have been ripped off and taken advantage of so I really don't want any comments of that nature, just a realistic assessment of how much is needed. I read on the internet that the average wage for a computer engineer is about P25, 000 per month down to say a shop assistant earning P6, 000 per month but that doesn't mean it is possible to survive well on 6K (they may have to share or live with family at just above poverty level). I'm guessing that a reasonable figure would be between 10K and 20K per month. Does that sound reasonable?

Many thanks for any info!
If you want to get a bargirl out get her out of AC. The temptations are too much for her to play behind your back. Unless you are living with her in AC there is no way to check on her.
The bargirls are stuck in the routine. It is exciting for them to meet people from all over the world, screw few, sleep late, wake up late, sometimes wined and dined and free money thrown in their way. For a country girl who is literally bored with her life in the provinces it is Heaven. these are not my words. These are the info I get from the girls. Even when they go home , they cannot wait to come back. I have seen, heard, experienced with girls who play when their " boyfriends", sponsors etc are not in town.
I have taken one girl out of AC, supported her through school. She went back to Leyte, studied and started a small store. Although I am out of touch with her I am sure she is doing better.
If you send her back to her province it will be cheaper for you and her.

Key Master
03-13-10, 18:51
If you want to get a bargirl out get her out of AC. The temptations are too much for her to play behind your back. Unless you are living with her in AC there is no way to check on her.
The bargirls are stuck in the routine. It is exciting for them to meet people from all over the world, screw few, sleep late, wake up late, sometimes wined and dined and free money thrown in their way. For a country girl who is literally bored with her life in the provinces it is Heaven. these are not my words. These are the info I get from the girls. Even when they go home , they cannot wait to come back. I have seen, heard, experienced with girls who play when their " boyfriends", sponsors etc are not in town.
I have taken one girl out of AC, supported her through school. She went back to Leyte, studied and started a small store. Although I am out of touch with her I am sure she is doing better.
If you send her back to her province it will be cheaper for you and her.

I agree. I wouldn't want to support a girl to live in AC unless she is actually from there. I would also hope she is somehow trying to make herself better by going to school or training for a job outside of a bar. The thing is if you support her and she does nothing, she's going to get bored and I think that eventually leads to trouble.

03-13-10, 19:58
Hi every one

I need some help and yes I have RRTFF. For weeks now but I still need help if possible

I will do a 3 week trip to Malaysia, PL and Thailand essentially for monegring purposes with some work thrown in.

I would like to get 4 or 5 days on the beach in one of these countries where I can relax and monger.

Some of the possibilities I have come up with are;

Boracay in PL

Hua Hin in Thailand. I have diine the Pattaya, phuket ko samui thing.

Or a beach resort in Malaysia. Say penang

Any adivise would be appreciated.



El Toro
03-14-10, 01:43
Has anyone gone to the Phillipines in May?

When is the best time to go. Early May or Late May?

Red Kilt
03-14-10, 09:55
If you want to get a bargirl out get her out of AC. The temptations are too much for her to play behind your back.....

If you get her out of the bar and actually do get her back to her province than you might be OK BUT .... don't take her to your country if the age difference is any more than around 5 years.
Attractive and hot bar girls who get to anywhere in the west (USA, Australia, UK etc) are suddenly confronted with a smorgasbord of white, hansum guys all of whom ogle them and try to hit on them and so their natural instincts to play will emerge, especially when they get bored with the same old sex at home.

Unless of course they are madly truly deeply in love with you LOL

03-14-10, 11:12
Has anyone gone to the Phillipines in May?

When is the best time to go. Early May or Late May?
May is the height of the summer here, so expect very hot and humid temperatures, which will of course vary slightly depending on where you are. By late may it will start to cool a little, but not much.


Member #3428
03-14-10, 19:38
I would like to get 4 or 5 days on the beach in one of these countries where I can relax and monger.

If you have a girl, Boracay, take a girl with you, yes you can find in boracay but Indo beaches are better IMHO. Thai beaches are not good on either side IMHO unless you going very remote island. I'd still take Boracay or a Malay Beach over thai beaches, but I'll take thai ladies over Malay and I'll thai over Philippines any day of the week.

Going for just a beach, look malay and borocay. Problem is you don't say beach for what... lay out, swim, surf, diving, what?? You purposely leaving out Indo? Some good beaches in Indo and can get girls.

Overall sex and beach, I've had better times with PI girls and in Borocay then I've had in Malay but Malay is better for relaxing beaches. Better sex / beach combo is Indo.

Rubio Tonto
03-15-10, 00:21
If you don't bring a girl with you, Sabang Beach area has a great combo of diving, beach, and girlie bars. You can stay directly on Sabang's crappy little "beach" and be within two minutes of the girlie action, or you can stay an 8-10 minute walk away on Small La Laguna's nicer (but average) beach. The girls in the Sabang bar/discos this past January were of a higher quality on average than those in the EDSA bars in Manila, the Burgos Street bars in Makati, or the Angeles City bars. And the scuba diving in the Sabang area is up there with the best shore-based diving in the whole country.

Jan 156
03-15-10, 00:59
I will do a 3 week trip to Malaysia, PL and Thailand essentially for monegring purposes with some work thrown in.

I would like to get 4 or 5 days on the beach in one of these countries where I can relax and monger.

That's a lot of places in 3wks. And Philippines IMHO is harder work to get around in than Malaysia or Thailand.

Koh Samui - all the tourists go to the south side of the island where all the noise nightlife and nooky resides. Do check you are not going in monsoon season whichever part you go to. But I mention it simply cos if you go to the north side - where the beaches face Ko Pan Yang - you can get a gorgeous bungalow on (yes, on) the beach for next to nothing. The worst I had was a cat yowling at night. The one bar will bring you breakfast, lunch, dinner, drinks without you moving off your hammock/couch of choice there. And any time you need sex you just get a motorbike ride into 'town.'

Hua Hin used to be awesome, but is much more built up now (I went past again on the way back from Koh Samui - don't let them tell you there's no ferry - it avoids the outrageous flight monopoly if you want to save money).

One Philippines beach I'd recommend if you don't care that it isn't perfect white sand is the the Blue Rock area just off Barretto. Not fun to to reach (Nowhere in PHP is unless you just bite the bullet and pay 5star tourist prices). But worth it for the great floating bar, the hotel of the same name that had good standards at very reasonable prices. I had a room about ten yards off the beach in case I didn't want to get sand between my toes. P4P available at the floating bar but more choice on the main Barretto road a few mins walk away. It' s not noisy, not as touristy as I imagine Boracay to be, and there's every manner of boating, diving, snorkling stuff available.

Of those, Koh Samui north side is the easiest. Fly to KS, taxi a short hop, P4P straightforward anywhere on the main strip, a short hop away. I'm sure Thailand still has gorgeous mainland beaches with P4P but where are they? A good thing about Thailand is the excellent transport links and the generally high availability of P4P. Malaysia has local restrictions to deal with and the best beaches don't coincide with the best P4P afaiaa. Philippines you have to negotiate the weird barfine system and avoid 'cherry girls' that act like they will, but won't.

Some of the possibilities I have come up with are;

Boracay in PL

Hua Hin in Thailand. I have diine the Pattaya, phuket ko samui thing.

Or a beach resort in Malaysia. Say penang

Any adivise would be appreciated.



03-15-10, 08:30
are suddenly confronted with a smorgasbord of white, hansum guys all of whom ogle them and try to hit on them and so their natural instincts to play will emerge, especially when they get bored with the same old sex at home.
Second risk is she'll get in touch with feminism-spoilt bitches who try to "rescue" her, because in their eyes she must be a sex slave.
Forget it, better stay with her in her home country.
The weather is better too.


White Whale
03-15-10, 22:27
Private Investigator in Philippine Islands.

As there are lots of guys getting in loved with BGs etc why no local expat or someone else has started a private investigation office for following are these girls trustworthy? Are these girls really the wife material? There for sure would be market for such service.

Of course no one local would appreciate that kind of activity. No bar girls, bar owners, local boy friends, fellow mongers, government officials, police... I do not know if it would be even legal... I think I answered my own questions. Maybe still there would be some suicidal or rather adventurous individuals for such venture?

This proposal is an initiation for open discussion. Just an idea. Do not take it too seriously.

Jan 156
03-15-10, 22:47
Private Investigator in Philippine Islands.

As there are lots of guys getting in loved with BGs etc why no local expat or someone else has started a private investigation office for following are these girls trustworthy? Are these girls really the wife material? There for sure would be market for such service.

Of course no one local would appreciate that kind of activity. No bar girls, bar owners, local boy friends, fellow mongers, government officials, police... I do not know if it would be even legal... I think I answered my own questions. Maybe still there would be some suicidal or rather adventurous individuals for such venture?

This proposal is an initiation for open discussion. Just an idea. Do not take it too seriously.

This comes up on various boards for 3rd world countries and the answers are usually the same.

Things to consider might include -

What is the going rate to have someone killed (eg a self-styled private investigator who is a pain)

There are much more fun ways of dancing with suicide.

And it really assumes that local people are so much more stupid/unknowledgeable than foreigners, when usually the opposite of reality. And why should anyone take such a person seriously / pay them when they have no verifiable track record as an investigator? People who fall in love with working girls should weigh up the odds themselves. Bit of a con otherwise.

On the other hand, would it not be kinder just to avoid disillusioning people.

Work and play usually are best kept separate until you are married to / in a partnership with a local. ;)

(Am all for discussion of all and anything - but the board is about helping people find paid sex by giving field reports of experiences rather than discussion. I think discussing this might be better suited to a chatroom, don't you?)

03-16-10, 00:44
what are the penalties/fines for overstaying a 21 day tourist visa?

Buko Max
03-16-10, 01:35
what are the penalties/fines for overstaying a 21 day tourist visa?
Overstayed my visa recently by three days and the total was just over 4000 php. About 3000 php for the extention plus 1000 php for the penalty. The fines go up the longer you fail to extend. On one occasion, I overstayed by one day but the officer did not notice!

03-16-10, 03:56
There is some discussion of this in a few of the Yahoo Philippines forums; there are some guys on those forums who claim to do this so it's not like it hasn't been done before. But as usual one has to take their pitches with rock salt...

03-16-10, 05:35
On one occasion, I overstayed by one day but the officer did not notice!I recently overstayed about 10 hours and while I didn't notice it, they sure did. P4040, paid at Clark Airport on my way out.

03-16-10, 05:51
As there are lots of guys getting in loved with BGs etc why no local expat or someone else has started a private investigation office for following are these girls trustworthy?At least several guys have tried doing this kind of business in Thailand over the years. I don't think any of them have lasted at it.

Basically there's no need to investigate bargirls, except to confirm that they're doing exactly what you'd expect them to be doing, regardless of the fact that one or more poor sod somewhere thinks he's in love with them.

X Man
03-18-10, 14:33
I know one guy who did this business, and these days much of it can be online. I think the threat of being "killed" is overstated, but obviously a concern. Of course the locals know the lay of the land better, but that is really the whole biz concept. The "investigator" is a Westerner that knows the customer as well as the lay of the land and has inside contacts / info.

Websites like this probably mean such services are less necessary, but you never know.


This comes up on various boards for 3rd world countries and the answers are usually the same.

Things to consider might include -

What is the going rate to have someone killed (eg a self-styled private investigator who is a pain)

There are much more fun ways of dancing with suicide.

And it really assumes that local people are so much more stupid/unknowledgeable than foreigners, when usually the opposite of reality. And why should anyone take such a person seriously / pay them when they have no verifiable track record as an investigator? People who fall in love with working girls should weigh up the odds themselves. Bit of a con otherwise.

On the other hand, would it not be kinder just to avoid disillusioning people.

Work and play usually are best kept separate until you are married to / in a partnership with a local. ;)

(Am all for discussion of all and anything - but the board is about helping people find paid sex by giving field reports of experiences rather than discussion. I think discussing this might be better suited to a chatroom, don't you?)

03-19-10, 00:54

I am sure these ideas have been tried so please comment if you have actual experience.

Mr X

The first idea is to set up a separate identity to check these girls out. Have more than one photo of a guy. Give him whole history, even write our a while life story in one page, so you are consistent. Set up Mr x in DIA CB or whatever. And in ymail.

You can actually have two ymail names logged in at the same time. I recently was having two conversations with one woman – under two ID's at the same time! (confused? So was I!) To the real me – she was swearing that she only chatted to me! Case closed?

Trojan Notebook

Another idea is to buy her a notebook. Especially of she asked for one. A basic notebook will cost you $500, a netbook even less. Set it up for her, with all the software she will need and an internet access USB. Also load up spy software.

You can google these. But some will silently email everything she types to you. Including her ymail password, and any chat she has. (any recommendations on the best one to try?)

Nasty? Yes. But if you are considering a private eye. This is no more nasty, it keeps you at arms length for safety reasons, gives you hard evidence AND if she was good, well you got lots of points for buying her a computer.

You will get no points for spending the same money, or more on a Detective agency.

03-20-10, 15:12

I am sure these ideas have been tried so please comment if you have actual experience.

Mr X

The first idea is to set up a separate identity to check these girls out. Have more than one photo of a guy. Give him whole history, even write our a while life story in one page, so you are consistent. Set up Mr x in DIA CB or whatever. And in ymail.

You can actually have two ymail names logged in at the same time. I recently was having two conversations with one woman – under two ID's at the same time! (confused? So was I!) To the real me – she was swearing that she only chatted to me! Case closed?

Trojan Notebook

Another idea is to buy her a notebook. Especially of she asked for one. A basic notebook will cost you $500, a netbook even less. Set it up for her, with all the software she will need and an internet access USB. Also load up spy software.

You can google these. But some will silently email everything she types to you. Including her ymail password, and any chat she has. (any recommendations on the best one to try?)

Nasty? Yes. But if you are considering a private eye. This is no more nasty, it keeps you at arms length for safety reasons, gives you hard evidence AND if she was good, well you got lots of points for buying her a computer.

You will get no points for spending the same money, or more on a Detective agency.

I really do not understand the point of all this? If you get attached to a bar girl or even a regular girl and you try to conduct a long distance romance with her, then be prepared to have your fingers burned.

If you travel to the Philippines a few times a year and you have a regular girl that you have a great time with, why spoil the illusion by spying on her and finding out what you should have already known in the first place. Just enjoy your time together and stop worrying what she gets up to when you are not around.

I just cannot see the point in spending $500 and wasting your time and effort to spy on a girl and what will you do when you discover the worst? At least she gets to keep her nice new laptop and you have lost the illusion of love.

The story about the girl on yahoo chating to multiple guys is very old news and is one that you could repeat a million times over in all the internet cafes of South East Asia.

If you fall in love with a girl from the Philippines and conduct a long distance romance then the odds will always be stacked against you, that is just a fact of life. Settle down with the girl and provide her with a proper relationship a home and stability and you will have a very good chance of having a successful relationship. In these circumstances Pinays can make very loving, devoted and faithful partners.

Any guy that regularly sends money to a girl needs to understand right at the outset that it still does not guarantee the girls complete commitment, no matter how much she tells you that she loves you. I have sent money before but did so knowing that she would probably find someone else when I wasn't around. I considered it more of a retainer than anything else, despite the fact that I did genuinely care about her

03-20-10, 23:45
Thanks Mortman, that is wise advice. And I will take it up.

Some lessons we need to learn the hard way. You have seen it before: "but, but my girl is different"

So I had listened here to advice like yours, but in the end the dual-personality trick saved me "face" pain and a lot of money.

The trojan notebook idea is just a concept – for the gut who wanted to hire a PI anyway.

But the real answer to your question is that some of us are not toughened up. And still "fall in love". Women are the expert manipulator and men the expert fool: since Adam and Eve.

Mortman, you and others here have the wisdom to not be manipulated. Some of us are still learning.

Thanks again for your sage advice.

Tungsten Chef
03-21-10, 01:49
I really do not understand the point of all this? If you get attached to a bar girl or even a regular girl and you try to conduct a long distance romance with her, then be prepared to have your fingers burned.

If you travel to the Philippines a few times a year and you have a regular girl that you have a great time with, why spoil the illusion by spying on her and finding out what you should have already known in the first place. Just enjoy your time together and stop worrying what she gets up to when you are not around.

I just cannot see the point in spending $500 and wasting your time and effort to spy on a girl and what will you do when you discover the worst? At least she gets to keep her nice new laptop and you have lost the illusion of love.

The story about the girl on yahoo chating to multiple guys is very old news and is one that you could repeat a million times over in all the internet cafes of South East Asia.

If you fall in love with a girl from the Philippines and conduct a long distance romance then the odds will always be stacked against you, that is just a fact of life. Settle down with the girl and provide her with a proper relationship a home and stability and you will have a very good chance of having a successful relationship. In these circumstances Pinays can make very loving, devoted and faithful partners.

Any guy that regularly sends money to a girl needs to understand right at the outset that it still does not guarantee the girls complete commitment, no matter how much she tells you that she loves you. I have sent money before but did so knowing that she would probably find someone else when I wasn't around. I considered it more of a retainer than anything else, despite the fact that I did genuinely care about herI agree. My wife is very loving, caring, the whole bit. We have an incredible son. Will be 5 months soon. The ladies there just love him.

I tell the people at work if me and my son were tag team wrestlers we'd be named.

Beauty is as beauty does.

03-21-10, 02:59
Anyone who spends any time interacting with girls in Phils is going to do alot of texting. The three major mobile operators Smart/talkntext , Globe/TM and Sun all have promo packages which allow unlimited texting generally within network for a fixed daily or multidaily amount.

These are subscribed to by sending various codes to verious subscription numbers. I found this summary of the ofers from Smart and Globe


03-21-10, 04:51

I am sure these ideas have been tried so please comment if you have actual experience.

Mr X

The first idea is to set up a separate identity to check these girls out. Have more than one photo of a guy. Give him whole history, even write our a while life story in one page, so you are consistent. Set up Mr x in DIA CB or whatever. And in ymail.

You can actually have two ymail names logged in at the same time. I recently was having two conversations with one woman – under two ID's at the same time! (confused? So was I!) To the real me – she was swearing that she only chatted to me! Case closed?

Trojan Notebook

Another idea is to buy her a notebook. Especially of she asked for one. A basic notebook will cost you $500, a netbook even less. Set it up for her, with all the software she will need and an internet access USB. Also load up spy software.

You can google these. But some will silently email everything she types to you. Including her ymail password, and any chat she has. (any recommendations on the best one to try?)

Nasty? Yes. But if you are considering a private eye. This is no more nasty, it keeps you at arms length for safety reasons, gives you hard evidence AND if she was good, well you got lots of points for buying her a computer.

You will get no points for spending the same money, or more on a Detective agency.

Come on, man. You're going thorough all this shit to spy on someone? If you don't trust her, don't be in a "relationship".

Unless you live in the Philippines, the ladies are there to provide short-term companionship -- whether it's for sex or a short-time fling. THAT IS IT.

I live in the US. I find "relationship" type girls in the US. But for a release, I go to the Philippines. Ironically, I find having a short-term fling in the Philippines is great for my real relationships back home. It's great knowing I have someone to go, even for a short while, to get my fantacizes fulfilled. It makes mundane life back in the US way more tolerable.

03-21-10, 13:23
Anyone who spends any time interacting with girls in Phils is going to do alot of texting. The three major mobile operators Smart/talkntext , Globe/TM and Sun all have promo packages which allow unlimited texting generally within network for a fixed daily or multidaily amount.

These are subscribed to by sending various codes to verious subscription numbers. I found this summary of the ofers from Smart and Globe


Thanks, very useful info. Guys use the above info, if you plan to stay longer in PH and date many girls, else be ready to burn 1000's of pesos just for texting and calling to fix a date.

03-23-10, 05:23
Hey All,

I'm headed to PH soon for about a month. I'll probably spend time in Cebu, Manila, and a few beach / resort places. I'd appreciate some guidance / responses to the following questions from experienced PH mongers.

I've been to PH only once, for one week in 2008. I did only two chicks: one from LA Cafe (a cutie) and one from the street in Boracay. I made the stupid mistake of going to Boracay alone, thinking there'd be a lot of talent for hire there: WRONG! I loved Boracay, but it is NOT a place to go alone.

I'm American, 50ish but look 40ish (I can pass for mid-30's in Asia). I've lived in Asia much of my adult life, and I've generally picked up girls in whatever country I'm in, and gotten sex for free. I prefer non-WG's to WG's. It's not a financial thing. It's just more my style to go with non-pro's. On the other hand, I'm as depraved as the next monger, and, ideally, want to be 3-holing and doing A2M, CIM, spanking, etc. With every chick.

My ideal / fantasy is that I could meet some 18. 20 year old via DIA or other site, who is relatively inexperienced sexually and not a WG, and have her submit to my full sexual menu of needs within a day or two. If I entice the girl with some economic reward / daily allowance and the prospect of spending time with me in a nice resort, good meals, etc., is my fantasy likely to be realized, I. E., some young, inexperienced non-WG from the provinces agreeing to doing 3-hole, CIM, A2M, etc. Within a day or two of meeting? Or is this likely to be an unattainable fantasy, in which case I should either lower my sexual expectations for a young non-WG from the provinces, or just pay for a pro who will agree in advance to accommodate my specific sexual neeeds?

In PH, I got the impression that there is a vibrant market segment of semi-pro's, e. G., the underpaid office worker / store clerk or the college student needing some cash to cover school expenses. Maybe a semi-pro is the best option for me?

Many guys have posted here about chicks they've met through DIA showing up for the first meeting with a friend, mother, aunt, who have come on a bus from the provinces. It isn't clear to me, when the young chick shows up to meet me in a shopping mall with her mother/aunt, does the mother fully realize that our interest is in having sex with her daughter almost immediately, with a very low probability of it turning into an ongoing relationship or marriage? Or do they expect (or delude themselves) that it is a meeting primarily oriented toward potential marriage? Tactically, how does one handle the guardian? Do you just give the mother a few hundred pesos for lunch and her bus ride back to the provinces, while promising you'll send her daughter home safely within 1. 10 days? Do you tell the mother to hang out in the mall for a few hours while you take her daughter back to your hotel for a test ride? Do the girls themselves understand we're meeting with them primarily for sex, and they're ready to go back to our hotel after lunch, or do many of them expect non-sexual meetings?

I also wonder if anyone has had any bad experiences of some young provincial girl or semi-pro becoming a clinger, or parents or a brother showing up at your hotel complaining because you screwed their daughter / sister for a week and then sent her back home?

Apologies for my verbose post and ignorant questions as a relative newbie to PH mongering.

Thanks in advance for your helpful insights.

03-23-10, 12:08
Hey All,

I'm headed to PH soon for about a month. I'll probably spend time in Cebu, Manila, and a few beach / resort places. I'd appreciate some guidance / responses to the following questions from experienced PH mongers.

I've been to PH only once, for one week in 2008. I did only two chicks: one from LA Cafe (a cutie) and one from the street in Boracay. I made the stupid mistake of going to Boracay alone, thinking there'd be a lot of talent for hire there: WRONG! I loved Boracay, but it is NOT a place to go alone.

I'm American, 50ish but look 40ish (I can pass for mid-30's in Asia). I've lived in Asia much of my adult life, and I've generally picked up girls in whatever country I'm in, and gotten sex for free. I prefer non-WG's to WG's. It's not a financial thing. It's just more my style to go with non-pro's. On the other hand, I'm as depraved as the next monger, and, ideally, want to be 3-holing and doing A2M, CIM, spanking, etc. With every chick.

My ideal / fantasy is that I could meet some 18. 20 year old via DIA or other site, who is relatively inexperienced sexually and not a WG, and have her submit to my full sexual menu of needs within a day or two. If I entice the girl with some economic reward / daily allowance and the prospect of spending time with me in a nice resort, good meals, etc., is my fantasy likely to be realized, I. E., some young, inexperienced non-WG from the provinces agreeing to doing 3-hole, CIM, A2M, etc. Within a day or two of meeting? Or is this likely to be an unattainable fantasy, in which case I should either lower my sexual expectations for a young non-WG from the provinces, or just pay for a pro who will agree in advance to accommodate my specific sexual neeeds?

In PH, I got the impression that there is a vibrant market segment of semi-pro's, e. G., the underpaid office worker / store clerk or the college student needing some cash to cover school expenses. Maybe a semi-pro is the best option for me?

Many guys have posted here about chicks they've met through DIA showing up for the first meeting with a friend, mother, aunt, who have come on a bus from the provinces. It isn't clear to me, when the young chick shows up to meet me in a shopping mall with her mother/aunt, does the mother fully realize that our interest is in having sex with her daughter almost immediately, with a very low probability of it turning into an ongoing relationship or marriage? Or do they expect (or delude themselves) that it is a meeting primarily oriented toward potential marriage? Tactically, how does one handle the guardian? Do you just give the mother a few hundred pesos for lunch and her bus ride back to the provinces, while promising you'll send her daughter home safely within 1. 10 days? Do you tell the mother to hang out in the mall for a few hours while you take her daughter back to your hotel for a test ride? Do the girls themselves understand we're meeting with them primarily for sex, and they're ready to go back to our hotel after lunch, or do many of them expect non-sexual meetings?

I also wonder if anyone has had any bad experiences of some young provincial girl or semi-pro becoming a clinger, or parents or a brother showing up at your hotel complaining because you screwed their daughter / sister for a week and then sent her back home?

Apologies for my verbose post and ignorant questions as a relative newbie to PH mongering.

Thanks in advance for your helpful insights.

I am a seasoned and experienced DIA hunter and as you have already recognised it has different types of girls posting adverts. You get the whole spectrum of girls on DIA, from regular pros, semi pros and cam girls to regular girls looking for a foreign boyfriend or husband but willing to regularly fall on their sword in order to acheive this aim. In amongst all of this, there is also a percentage of virgins or women not willing to compromise and looking to meet one person, but thankfully this percentage is on the relatvely low side.

In my experience if you arrange to meet a DIA girl, virtually all of them will bring a friend or chaperone, sometimes it will be a mother, older sister or auntie. The latter tends to happen more if you want to date an inexperienced younger girl, who may be in her late teens or early 20s. Filipinas are naturally shy and reserved and it is perfectly natural for them to bring some kind of chaperone along.

If you are meeting lots of DIA contacts then be prepared to be firm with the girls otherwise you will get taken for a ride and it could soon end up costing you a small fortune. Some will turn up with whole families, declaring how hungry they all are (happened to me) and most if not all will expect you to buy them ice cream or coffee whilst you chat to them and break the ice. You need to be very firm and tell them you will only meet them if they bring no more than one friend or relative and even then some girls will still not get the message. Where the girl brings a companion and you want to get rid of the third party then just tell her you want to spend time alone with her. A 100 peso note to her companion will normally cover the cost of her jeepney rides back home whilst you take your girl off back to the hotel.

At one point I was seriously beginning to think it would work out cheaper if I invested in my own coffee shop in the centre of Cebu City, I must have spent thousands of pesos over the years in this manner.

If they turn up with a family member in tow, please do not even mention sex, that will be your immediate downfall. If they turn up with a family member it usually means that mom or dad wants to get the measure of you before they let you loose on their daughter. They will want to satisfy themselves that your intentions are serious or that at least there is some illusion that your intentions are serious. Yes there are also some girls who will expect non sexual encounters but you need to address these issues in a subtle way on line with the girls before you meet them in person.

Sounds peverse I know but money is the true motivator behind most of these situations, even where the girls DIA ad says they are looking for a husband and commitment (roughly translated that means "take me out of this shit hole and support me and my family"). Some will ask outright if you are willing to take care of their daughter, others will be much more subtle. I know you have mentioned having lots of free sex before but virtually every girl you meet in the Philippines will expect some sort of payment, do not kid yourself just because they do not ask you outright for money. You need to remember that the P4P scene in the Philippines is quite different from what you will encounter in other parts of South East Asia and the Pinays reluctance to ask for money is one of those differences. They have what you want and you have what they desperately need. In the situations where mom, dad or other family members are present, I would steer clear of making your short time intentions obvious if that is your aim and at least give the impression you are looking for a long term gf. However in an ideal world you will have discussed this with the girl on line before your meeting.

Some girls will turn up with one or two friends and very often you will find that their friend is willing and able to come along also, so you can end up with a threesome unexpectedly sometimes, though these tend on the whole to be the semi pros.

If you are willing to invest a lot of time on DIA it can reap huge dividends. My advice is to spend time chatting to get to know the girl on line first in an innocuous way and then slowly introduce what it is you are looking for.
For example if the girl is clearly a non pro, just suggest that you are not quite ready to settle down yet but that you are looking for some companionship and fun. Most girls will go along with this, after all it is an opportunity to supplement their meagre income whilst still being in the market for a boyfriend or husband. If your tastes run to threesomes, anal or hanging off the ceiling with a vibrator up your ass then don't be afraid to introduce these into the conversation, but spend time cultivating her before doing so. You may be surprised how open minded some of these girls can be, even the non pros, if you treat them with respect and approach the subject discreetly and subtly.

The point about mom or dad turning up at hotel is very unlikely to happen if you treat the girl with some dignity and respect. Give her some money, (which will invariably end up back in the pocket of mom or dad) )tell her you have to leave for business or work but that you will stay in touch with her and buy her a small gift. Even if you fuck her senseless every day for a whole week, very few parents would ever dream of turning up and creating a scene if you treat their daughter with respect.

Good luck, don't forget to post your experiences and do not worry about your age at all. In most cases this does not even come into the equation and all ages from 18 to 80 will be within your grasp. DIA is like shooting fish in a barrel but be prepared to do your groundwork first on line. Remember what they say about assumption being the mother of all **** ups, well this holds equally true on DIA. Talk to the girls get to know them and find out what their expectations are before you invest time meeting them

03-24-10, 02:49

I am very grateful for your thoughtful, detailed response that addresses all the issues and questions I'd raised. Your experience and insights that you've selflessly shared in this post and others are extremely helpful to me and others. Thank you very much!

I am impressed by your emphasis on treating women with respect and dignity. Rest assured, I treat women well, and I totally appreciate the importance of meeting the girls' economic needs. For 1-nighters, I'll typically treat the girl to a very nice dinner, a nice brunch the next day, and give her 2 to 3K pesos or whatever. I'm also respectful and sensitive about giving money discretely, in a low-key manner, as "taxi money". And for girls who become travel companions, they definitely get to have a memorable week with me that is probably a highlight of their life, and some money in their pocket to help their family.

I also have no problem meeting with chaperones and assuring them their daughter / niece will be safe and well-taken care of by me. Because it's the truth.

For a few reasons, I'm somewhat uncomfortable with discussing explicit sexual details ahead of time. Firstly, I find it challenging trying to maintain the veneer of respectability and the illusion of there being potential for a longer-term relationship, while, on the other hand, telling a chick before you've ever even met her that you want anal, CIM, A2M, etc. I have few qualms discussing such details with a hardcore pro I'm taking out of a bar. But I have some reluctance being as explicit with semi-pro's, and even more so with young amateurs. Maybe it's my niavite about PH mongering, but I assume that 95% or more of 18. 20 year old amateurs are going to say no to anal if asked explicitly upfront, whereas they could probably be convinced to try it after a couple of nights. Of course, then the issue becomes whether or not I want to invest the time and effort convincing relatively inexperienced amateurs to try new things.

Secondly, being explicit about my sexual wants upfront has almost never worked for me during my many years living in Japan. Obviously, JP and PH are very different. Chicks in JP are certainly not economically impoverished as in PH. The incentive for sex in JP is usually that the girl likes sex. My natural communication style was to ask chicks upfront about anal (no pun intended). This very American approach NEVER worked in JP. Every girl in Japan, if asked, will say that she won't do anal, tried it and hated it, is too scared to try it, etc. I finally learned to not mention it at all. I'd have vaginal and oral sex with the chick for a few dates, making sure she was extremely satisfied with my performance, and then go for anal after several dates. More than half of chicks opened the back door for me if I took this non-verbal, "just go for it" approach. (I even had several chicks tell me, "Don't ask me, just get me drunk and do it"!)

Not sure I want to take the time, but it might be interesting to experiment in PH, being verbally explicit with a few chicks upfront, more impllcit with another few, and not verbalizing anything to others, but trying to evolve them into sexual depravity over a couple of nights. Of course, there's always the option of turning to a pro to make sure my special needs are fulfilled. It's nice to have options.

03-24-10, 17:01
I think you are spot on about not opening up to the non pros straight away and I totally agree that if you cultivate them slowly, treat them well, many will accept sexual adventures beyong their normal boundaries. My tastes are probably quite conservative though I have experimented with most (hetrosexual) things over the years. I have often found non or semi pros to be fairly receptive to suggestions such as threesomes and anal when chatting on line, but to be fair only after investing a lot of time chatting to them beforehand and ensuring I have gained their full trust and confidence. To come out with these things any sooner would have blown my chances out of the water completely. Hope you get a chance on your second visit to get out of Manila and explore some of the other places, most of which are teeming with game and waiting to be hunted. Also a lot less polluted, less hassle and cheaper P4P. When I read about what some of the guys in Manila are paying for P4P it makes my eyes water, mind you my trips are all self funded with no expense account to rely on sadly........Ahh only another 5 weeks to go before I am back in my favourite hunting grounds


I am very grateful for your thoughtful, detailed response that addresses all the issues and questions I'd raised. Your experience and insights that you've selflessly shared in this post and others are extremely helpful to me and others. Thank you very much!

I am impressed by your emphasis on treating women with respect and dignity. Rest assured, I treat women well, and I totally appreciate the importance of meeting the girls' economic needs. For 1-nighters, I'll typically treat the girl to a very nice dinner, a nice brunch the next day, and give her 2 to 3K pesos or whatever. I'm also respectful and sensitive about giving money discretely, in a low-key manner, as "taxi money". And for girls who become travel companions, they definitely get to have a memorable week with me that is probably a highlight of their life, and some money in their pocket to help their family.

I also have no problem meeting with chaperones and assuring them their daughter / niece will be safe and well-taken care of by me. Because it's the truth.

For a few reasons, I'm somewhat uncomfortable with discussing explicit sexual details ahead of time. Firstly, I find it challenging trying to maintain the veneer of respectability and the illusion of there being potential for a longer-term relationship, while, on the other hand, telling a chick before you've ever even met her that you want anal, CIM, A2M, etc. I have few qualms discussing such details with a hardcore pro I'm taking out of a bar. But I have some reluctance being as explicit with semi-pro's, and even more so with young amateurs. Maybe it's my niavite about PH mongering, but I assume that 95% or more of 18. 20 year old amateurs are going to say no to anal if asked explicitly upfront, whereas they could probably be convinced to try it after a couple of nights. Of course, then the issue becomes whether or not I want to invest the time and effort convincing relatively inexperienced amateurs to try new things.

Secondly, being explicit about my sexual wants upfront has almost never worked for me during my many years living in Japan. Obviously, JP and PH are very different. Chicks in JP are certainly not economically impoverished as in PH. The incentive for sex in JP is usually that the girl likes sex. My natural communication style was to ask chicks upfront about anal (no pun intended). This very American approach NEVER worked in JP. Every girl in Japan, if asked, will say that she won't do anal, tried it and hated it, is too scared to try it, etc. I finally learned to not mention it at all. I'd have vaginal and oral sex with the chick for a few dates, making sure she was extremely satisfied with my performance, and then go for anal after several dates. More than half of chicks opened the back door for me if I took this non-verbal, "just go for it" approach. (I even had several chicks tell me, "Don't ask me, just get me drunk and do it"!)

Not sure I want to take the time, but it might be interesting to experiment in PH, being verbally explicit with a few chicks upfront, more impllcit with another few, and not verbalizing anything to others, but trying to evolve them into sexual depravity over a couple of nights. Of course, there's always the option of turning to a pro to make sure my special needs are fulfilled. It's nice to have options.

03-24-10, 22:29

I think you are spot on about not opening up to the non pros straight away and I totally agree that if you cultivate them slowly, treat them well, many will accept sexual adventures beyong their normal boundaries. My tastes are probably quite conservative though I have experimented with most (hetrosexual) things over the years. I have often found non or semi pros to be fairly receptive to suggestions such as threesomes and anal when chatting on line, but to be fair only after investing a lot of time chatting to them beforehand and ensuring I have gained their full trust and confidence. To come out with these things any sooner would have blown my chances out of the water completely. Hope you get a chance on your second visit to get out of Manila and explore some of the other places, most of which are teeming with game and waiting to be hunted. Also a lot less polluted, less hassle and cheaper P4P. When I read about what some of the guys in Manila are paying for P4P it makes my eyes water, mind you my trips are all self funded with no expense account to rely on sadly........Ahh only another 5 weeks to go before I am back in my favourite hunting groundsHey M,

Thanks again. I appreciate your confirmation on these points. It's good to know that my lessons learned in other countries are largely relevant to PH as well. Of course, things are easier in PH than JP due to girls' economic situations. (On the other hand, in JP, girls tend to just like sex. It's not a coincidence that I've lived much of my adult life there!)

On my one previous PH trip, I only spent 2 - 3 nights in Manila and 5 - 6 nights in Boracay. This time I definitely want to go to Cebu, and probably 3 - 4 different venues in all.

I totally understand the girls' financial needs, and I want to treat them well and compensate them fairly for their companionship and services. But I agree with you that the Manila P4P rates seem way too high. When I was there in the summer of 2008, LA Cafe girls were getting at least 1500 for ST and 2000 - 2500 (US $44 - $55) or more for overnight. Based upon any benchmark (GDP, per capita income, what girls in shops, factories, and offices earn) these P4P rates seem high. I got the impression that Japanese and, more recently, Koreans had contributed to price inflation for WG's in PH. It's ironic that almost every guy reading these forums is probably less well-off economically than we were a few years ago, with deflation decimating our businesses, incomes, and investment portfolios, yet the price of P4P in PH, especially Manila, has increased considerably over the past few years.

I sense cartel-like pricing in Manila, at least in the popular foreign monger venues. If true supply and demand principles were working, you'd think rates would be about 500 ST and 1000 pesos LT.

I'm a fortunate guy, pretty comfortable financially, but considering airfare to PH, plus staying in decent accommodations and eating good food, and paying for a companion, it all adds up quickly.

One big hole in my sex life to date (pardon the bad pun) has been a near total lack of 3-way action. I want to make 3-way a key objective on my upcoming PH trip. This is all the more reason to go to locations other than Manila, where I can likely get 2 girls for 2500 per day total.

I think we'll be in PH the same time. Perhaps our paths will cross. Best.

Member #4698
03-27-10, 14:11

What's the bottom line on Cebu Pacific? Is it a good idea to book flights with them or not?

I am planning my first trip to PI. It would sure be convenient to fly straight into AC from Macau, but not if there is a good chance of things getting messed up (cancelled flights or lost reservations).


03-28-10, 08:27

What's the bottom line on Cebu Pacific? Is it a good idea to book flights with them or not?

I am planning my first trip to PI. It would sure be convenient to fly straight into AC from Macau, but not if there is a good chance of things getting messed up (cancelled flights or lost reservations).


I have used them on average three times per year for the last 4-5 years. Typical budget no frills airline, pretty much like the UK equivalent of Easy Jet. I have always booked on line and never ever had a problem, unlike Air Asia who have let me down countless times with last minute cancellations. Thats my own personal experience, others may take a different view, I don't know.

03-28-10, 11:32

What's the bottom line on Cebu Pacific? Is it a good idea to book flights with them or not?

I am planning my first trip to PI. It would sure be convenient to fly straight into AC from Macau, but not if there is a good chance of things getting messed up (cancelled flights or lost reservations).


Reasonable prices budget service low 15kg luggage allowance

Red Kilt
03-28-10, 12:51
.................. guys have posted here about chicks they've met through DIA showing up for the first meeting with a friend, mother, aunt, who have come on a bus from the provinces. It isn't clear to me, when the young chick shows up to meet me in a shopping mall with her mother/aunt, does the mother fully realize that our interest is in having sex with her daughter almost immediately, with a very low probability of it turning into an ongoing relationship or marriage? Or do they expect (or delude themselves) that it is a meeting primarily oriented toward potential marriage? Tactically, how does one handle the guardian? Do you just give the mother a few hundred pesos for lunch and her bus ride back to the provinces, while promising you'll send her daughter home safely within 1. 10 days? Do you tell the mother to hang out in the mall for a few hours while you take her daughter back to your hotel for a test ride? Do the girls themselves understand we're meeting with them primarily for sex, and they're ready to go back to our hotel after lunch, or do many of them expect non-sexual meetings ................

What hasn't been mentioned explicitly here in replies is something that has been discussed on another thread (Pen-pals thread), and that is the wording of your profile on DIA.

If you take the time to make it very clear that you are NOT looking for a wife but merely a companion for some outings (mention movies, dinner, live-bands if you wish). Use words like "adventurous, open-minded" and "fun-loving" and be as explicit as you can about the age range too.
In other words, be up-front about what you want, but not so explicit as to have your post deleted by DIA or have some goody-goody woman reporting you and getting you blocked.
You will have far less "hits" on your profile, but at least that will filter out the women obsessed with finding a husband.
Don't write stuff on your profile that is dishonest and misleading to the girls. You will just waste your time and their time and get them as pissed off with you as you will be with them.

03-28-10, 16:24

What's the bottom line on Cebu Pacific? Is it a good idea to book flights with them or not?

I am planning my first trip to PI. It would sure be convenient to fly straight into AC from Macau, but not if there is a good chance of things getting messed up (cancelled flights or lost reservations).


used them a few times and never had any issues...

03-28-10, 16:28
genkisugiru, much of the details of chaperones and shy filipinas has been said already, but let me add my comments.

i think that it is pretty fair that a young, inexperienced filipina such as you are looking for, a regular girl, who has never met a foreigner before, should bring along someone for support.

often she will have discussed you with her mother, and mom wants to come along to make sure that you are not some kind of monster/[CodeWord126] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord126) etc.

treat mom with respect, make sure that you direct a lot of the conversation her way. buy lunch, or dinner, and show her that you are a nice guy, reliable, honourable, kind.

once mom has reassured herself, she will say that she needs to go. and she will leave her daughter in your trustworthy hands.

it has worked for me every time.

sometimes a cousin will come along, same deal, looking for reassurance, or your gf is looking for a second opinion, as do most western women.

so, just roll with it. it is part of their culture, and you are in their country. don't fight it, use it to your advantage.

in my most recent visit to dumaguete, my first liaison went this way, with a cousin in tow.

after about 10 minutes, she asked the cousin her opinion. cousin said, openly in my hearing, he is perfect.


happy mongering.

03-28-10, 20:23
I sense cartel-like pricing in Manila, at least in the popular foreign monger venues. If true supply and demand principles were working, you'd think rates would be about 500 ST and 1000 pesos LT.

How do you figure that? I see a shortage of young hotties with lots of punters competing for the top meat!

03-28-10, 23:50
@ Amjeck.
Really? Where have you been?
In all the bars in Burgos or in EDSA Entertainment Complex, even in LAC you dont see many "punters" compared with the number of ladies. What you and I see as hotties may differ of course, hence guess we are both right!

On the other hand, I dont agree with Genkisiguru.
The barfine in EDSA increased from 1000 to 1200 a couple of years ago, and the girls have always asked 1500 for ST, and in LAC you can easily get a girl for a ST for 1000 (I met one cute one that hangs out in LAC in DiA and we both chatted about LAC before she suggested 1000 overnight).

How do you figure that? I see a shortage of young hotties with lots of punters competing for the top meat!

03-29-10, 00:22
What hasn't been mentioned explicitly here in replies is something that has been discussed on another thread (Pen-pals thread), and that is the wording of your profile on DIA.

If you take the time to make it very clear that you are NOT looking for a wife but merely a companion for some outings (mention movies, dinner, live-bands if you wish). Use words like "adventurous, open-minded" and "fun-loving" and be as explicit as you can about the age range too.

In other words, be up-front about what you want, but not so explicit as to have your post deleted by DIA or have some goody-goody woman reporting you and getting you blocked.

You will have far less "hits" on your profile, but at least that will filter out the women obsessed with finding a husband.

Don't write stuff on your profile that is dishonest and misleading to the girls. You will just waste your time and their time and get them as pissed off with you as you will be with them.Hey Red Kilt,

I appreciate your helpful inputs re: DIA postings. I'll incorporate some of your key word suggestions in my post. I have been getting too many responses from young provincial girls, some of whom I suspect think I'm willing to marry them (and support their families) before sampling their wares.

And a warning to DIA users: As some have pointed out here, there definitely are under-age girls on DIA. I had exchanged a few messages with a cutie, and asked her to send some additional pics. I sensed she might not be 18, so I asked her. She admitted she's turning 17 next week, and apologized for lying.

03-29-10, 00:38
genkisugiru, much of the details of chaperones and shy filipinas has been said already, but let me add my comments.

i think that it is pretty fair that a young, inexperienced filipina such as you are looking for, a regular girl, who has never met a foreigner before, should bring along someone for support.

often she will have discussed you with her mother, and mom wants to come along to make sure that you are not some kind of monster/[CodeWord126] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord126) etc.

treat mom with respect, make sure that you direct a lot of the conversation her way. buy lunch, or dinner, and show her that you are a nice guy, reliable, honourable, kind.

once mom has reassured herself, she will say that she needs to go. and she will leave her daughter in your trustworthy hands.

it has worked for me every time.

sometimes a cousin will come along, same deal, looking for reassurance, or your gf is looking for a second opinion, as do most western women.

so, just roll with it. it is part of their culture, and you are in their country. don't fight it, use it to your advantage.

in my most recent visit to dumaguete, my first liaison went this way, with a cousin in tow.

after about 10 minutes, she asked the cousin her opinion. cousin said, openly in my hearing, he is perfect.


happy mongering.hey gangles,

i appreciate you sharing your experiences and lessons learned. i totally respect this aspect of ph culture, and i'm willing to roll with it. i think i'll pass the sniff test with most chaperones.

if you're up for it, i'd love to read a topline summary of your experiences post-chaperone meeting. i'm interested to know what % of these provincial chaperoned first meetings have resulted in sex within 24 hours. in your experience, does getting the chaperone's approval to proceed with the date equate for the most part to getting a green light to have sex with the girl? and do the young (18. 20) provincial girls know that we are, for the most part, primarily interested in sex, regardless of our level of interest in a lt relationship or marriage? or do they truly believe that there is a strong probability that having sex with us is going to lead to a ltr / marriage? i really don't want to screw young chicks if they sincerely believe it's the equivalent of me committing to a ltr / marriage, and me leaving town a day or two later would be devastating to them. but if they know the odds going in, then i can screw in with a clear conscience.

03-29-10, 01:22
@ Amjeck.

Really? Where have you been?

In all the bars in Burgos or in EDSA Entertainment Complex, even in LAC you dont see many "punters" compared with the number of ladies. What you and I see as hotties may differ of course, hence guess we are both right!

On the other hand, I dont agree with Genkisiguru.

The barfine in EDSA increased from 1000 to 1200 a couple of years ago, and the girls have always asked 1500 for ST, and in LAC you can easily get a girl for a ST for 1000 (I met one cute one that hangs out in LAC in DiA and we both chatted about LAC before she suggested 1000 overnight).Hey Guys,

I'm glad my comments on pricing have stirred some interest. Let me state that I have been to PH exactly one time, and I've done exactly two girls in PH, so my comments were based on a tiny bit of first-hand experience, and more on prices mentioned consistently in these forums as well as my discussions with experienced mongers when I was in the market.

Also, my comments about Manila sex pricing seeming high were more in the context of things like PH per capita income, wages paid for non-sex work in PH, and what ST sex costs in other countries, like the US. 2, 500 pesos (US $55) for an overnight or 1, 500 for ST seem like a lot to me if viewed in this kind of purely economic analysis. 1, 000 seems more reasonable, although still somewhat high in this context.

Re: my comment about cartel pricing and supply and demand, I was speaking in terms of raw numbers of buyers and sellers in the market. How many potential "sellers" and potential "buyers" are there in PH on any given day? On a more micro level, the few nights I was in LA Cafe, there were about 5 girls (sellers) for each guy (buyer). Yet each girl told me the same pricing. There was no price competition. This is "cartel pricing", as we all learned in college economics class.

However, based upon my own limited experience in PH and from what I've read and heard from others, I think that Amjeck is correct that things are more competitive when buying in the "hottie" segment of the market. When I was in LAC, maybe there were 200 girls and 50 guys. But about 150 of the girls did not pass my minimal qualifications. So that left 50 girls I'd consider for P4P. The same amount of qualified sellers as buyers. I'd say maybe 10 of the girls were "hotties" to my taste. So, clearly, the competition shifts to the girls' (sellers) favor in the "hottie" market segment.

I'm looking forward to my upcoming second trip to PH, which will be several weeks and cover several areas of the country. I'll be curious to see if / how these "market dynamics" shift among the various locales.

03-29-10, 07:57
Hey Gangles,

If you're up for it, I'd love to read a topline summary of your experiences post-chaperone meeting. I'm interested to know what % of these provincial chaperoned first meetings have resulted in sex within 24 hours. In your experience, does getting the chaperone's approval to proceed with the date equate for the most part to getting a green light to have sex with the girl? And do the young (18. 20) provincial girls know that we are, for the most part, primarily interested in sex, regardless of our level of interest in a LT relationship or marriage? Or do they truly believe that there is a strong probability that having sex with us is going to lead to a LTR / marriage? I really don't want to screw young chicks if they sincerely believe it's the equivalent of me committing to a LTR / marriage, and me leaving town a day or two later would be devastating to them. But if they know the odds going in, then I can screw in with a clear conscience.On my last trip a student lady I know from Tagged was fairly insistent that we meet but my schedule was very tight. Twice she said she was with her Mom and waiting to meet me. So to make it easy I told them what my aprtment building was (well I actually told them the name of the condo block next to it) and mum and daughter seemed impressed.

Next day I agreed to meet the student if she came with anyone other than Mom. She came with a younger sister.

I left the younger sis at mall and me and student girl went for a drive. Somewhere in the drive we got to kissing and student girl confirmed she didn't know anything about sex but wanted to learn on my next trip.

I'm visiting Manila in a few days and student girl has confirmed she is fine to visit my condo, with no one else present. Lets see what happens.

03-29-10, 08:20
Hey, G,

You are being too analytical.

Just read your last post, and transpose it to your own country.

Do women act like that?

Are they so mechanical and predictable?

Well, women in the Phils are just as variable and unpredictable in their responses.

I can understand that you want to maximise the number of roots that you have, and maybe also maximise the number of women that you root.

But there is a conflict here. If you want to maximum number of roots, and the most intense experiences, then in my opinion, you need to get one very sexy woman, and keep her with you all the time. That way you will get as many roots as you can get up. And she will love you for it. I usually have 3 roots per day this way. Morning bj, a nooner, and once in the evening, occasionally twice. But I spend a lot more time giving her orgasms, because that keeps her addicted to you.

But if you want the maximum number of women, then you need to accept that there will be failures. And the harder that you try, the more likely it is that you will fail.

So, I plan on having a schedule of meetings with regular women, then some backups also with regular women, then a third line with P4P. But even then, there are nights when I sleep alone. I had 3 nights alone on my last trip of 6 weeks. Too many, but no system is infallible.

In my opinion, you increase your likelihood of success if you meet and target a number of women on dating sites. I get them away from the dating site as quickly as possible, and onto regular email. And also onto a chat service, most prefer YM. Filipinas love chatting, it is some demonstration of your commitment to them. I personally hate it, a grossly inefficient means of communication, but they love it. And also, send them texts. They can generally not reply, too expensive. But they love getting your texts. And they can show these to their friends, so you get status in advance.

So I think you need to get your head sorted out first, then develop a plan. Every time you move location, the risk of failure goes up. Every time there is a new liaison, the risk goes up. The safest is if you stay in one place for an extended period of time. I had a month in Cebu, taking a very intensive and exhausting course. So almost no time to get around the malls for pickup etc. But even still, there was at least one woman every night. Sometimes 2. And one Sunday - day off - I had 4 women through the hotel in one day. I don't know what the staff in the hotel thought, but they were very discrete.

So sometimes the chaperone will be a sister, or cousin. It may take several hours till she is satisfied that you are OK, and give the green light. This may include a trip to a mall, eat at Jollibee, maybe some small gifts. But once she gives the green light, she will go and you are plain sailing. Just remember that maybe they have travelled by bus for 4 hours or so. With others, it may be half an hour. Mothers, I feed them, lunch or dinner, be an attentive gentleman. When she is satisfied that you are OK, she will go. Then it is green light, and the woman wil go with you straight away. Be skillful and sensitive, and kep your antennae working.

Good luck.


03-29-10, 08:27
Filipinas never fail to amaze me.

On an earlier trip, late last year, I reported meeting a very tall, skinny woman right at the end of the trip who was both very horny, and very orgasmic. Mss C.

This last trip, we got together for almost a week.

She just loves to root, never gets too much of it till her clit or her c**t or both hurt too much to continue.

She has two types of orgasm. Short, sharp ones, and continuous, which can go on for half an hour or more.

Well, we were chatting about it this afternoon, and we have decided to try to separate what it is that gives her each type of orgasm. If we can find out what gives her the short, sharp ones, then we are going to try for 1,000 orgasms in one day.

We haven't sorted out how to keep count.

So we are looking at about 3 per minute for 5 hours.

Don't know if we can keep up the effort, but it is an interesting challenge. About 3 orgasms per minute for 5 hours.


What a woman.


Red Kilt
03-29-10, 12:47
However, based upon my own limited experience in PH and from what I've read and heard from others, I think that Amjeck is correct that things are more competitive when buying in the "hottie" segment of the market. When I was in LAC, maybe there were 200 girls and 50 guys. But about 150 of the girls did not pass my minimal qualifications. So that left 50 girls I'd consider for P4P. The same amount of qualified sellers as buyers. I'd say maybe 10 of the girls were "hotties" to my taste. So, clearly, the competition shifts to the girls' (sellers) favor in the "hottie" market segment.

It is very difficult to generalize when it comes to LAC. I dropped in today (Mon) around 3 pm and it was not too busy but I reckon 80% of the women there today were 7 - 9s. I have NEVER seen so many really good-looking and well-presented girls before in LAC. I told 3 or 4 "hotties" who jumped on to me that I just wanted a drink first and to take my time. I picked the "hottest" looker in the room and chatted to her, and she was good to go S/T for 1000 immediately with no bartering or hesitation. It is Holy Week and I guess the girls are after cash to go back to the province for Easter.

My point is that generalising about market economics or about how numbers of hotties vs number of punters affects prices in LAC may be good in theory or as an academic discussion but every day/hour in that place is different and you just have to expect ANYTHING to be the norm when you walk in because there is no norm.

03-30-10, 02:13
Filipinas never fail to amaze me.

She has two types of orgasm. Short, sharp ones, and continuous, which can go on for half an hour or more.

Well, we were chatting about it this afternoon, and we have decided to try to separate what it is that gives her each type of orgasm. If we can find out what gives her the short, sharp ones, then we are going to try for 1,000 orgasms in one day.

We haven't sorted out how to keep count.

So we are looking at about 3 per minute for 5 hours.

Don't know if we can keep up the effort, but it is an interesting challenge. About 3 orgasms per minute for 5 hours.


What a woman.

GI have a Nurse friend, who always travels from near Subic to meet me whenever I'm in Manila.

She regularly gets between 30-50 orgasms in the 4 hours that we spend humping and jumping. I tried counting once but was impossible as they tended to come very fast and very close to each other. But she does let loose a " Yeah" every time and that tells me. The stomach contraction also demonstrates when she has orgasm.

Some women are just able to do this.

I'm happy to two or three, but then I'm older than some of the young buckeroos here. And a hell of a lot wiser too LOL.

03-30-10, 02:30
Hey Red Kilt,

I appreciate your helpful inputs re: DIA postings. I'll incorporate some of your key word suggestions in my post. I have been getting too many responses from young provincial girls, some of whom I suspect think I'm willing to marry them (and support their families) before sampling their wares.

And a warning to DIA users: As some have pointed out here, there definitely are under-age girls on DIA. I had exchanged a few messages with a cutie, and asked her to send some additional pics. I sensed she might not be 18, so I asked her. She admitted she's turning 17 next week, and apologized for lying.

You will find that "open minded" and "adventurous" are a bit ambiguous, "Liberated" is less ambiguous ie open for short term sexual encounters

03-30-10, 04:49
It is very difficult to generalize when it comes to LAC. I dropped in today (Mon) around 3 pm and it was not too busy but I reckon 80% of the women there today were 7. 9s. I have NEVER seen so many really good-looking and well-presented girls before in LAC. I told 3 or 4 "hotties" who jumped on to me that I just wanted a drink first and to take my time. I picked the "hottest" looker in the room and chatted to her, and she was good to go S/T for 1000 immediately with no bartering or hesitation. It is Holy Week and I guess the girls are after cash to go back to the province for Easter.

My point is that generalising about market economics or about how numbers of hotties vs number of punters affects prices in LAC may be good in theory or as an academic discussion but every day/hour in that place is different and you just have to expect ANYTHING to be the norm when you walk in because there is no norm.Your points about LAC very well-taken. And I love the irony of "Holy Week" having the effect of driving hot chicks to P4P. Sure does make me look at Easter in a whole new light!

03-30-10, 07:51
Hey, G,

You are being too analytical.Yes, it's one of my fatal flaws -- especially with women!

Do women act like that?

Are they so mechanical and predictable?Did you just use "women" and predictable in the same phrase?!

Thanks again, for sharing your helpful insights and experiences. I've been lining up a diverse portfolio of chicks for my upcoming PH tour, and I'm pretty confident I'll have quite a time betwen the pre-arranged liaisons and impromptu local hunting.

Red Kilt
03-30-10, 09:23
You will find that "open minded" and "adventurous" are a bit ambiguous, "Liberated" is less ambiguous ie open for short term sexual encounters

Hey Greg I think you will agree that both of us might be being a tad literal when we assume DIA women will understand the subtleties of the meaning of these different words.

They all understand what open-minded means - I think liberated is a word they learn from school in their recitals from History lessons viz "General Macarthur liberated the Philippines from the Japanese occupation after WW2".

I have no quibbles with whatever words you choose to use to try to get female readers to understand that you DONT want to find a wife but you DO want to have lots of fun that includes humping and jumping. You just need to be careful with your choice of words so that DIA will not block you or that someone will be "offended" by your frankness and report you to the DIA authorities

03-30-10, 13:00
Yes, I agree. I have found a couple of them in the Phils so far. never in Australia. The most I ever got out of a woman in Australia was 5 orgasms. But the filipinas seem to be able to react more spontaneously. fantastic, and very good for my ego.

I have a Nurse friend, who always travels from near Subic to meet me whenever I'm in Manila.

She regularly gets between 30-50 orgasms in the 4 hours that we spend humping and jumping. I tried counting once but was impossible as they tended to come very fast and very close to each other. But she does let loose a " Yeah" every time and that tells me. The stomach contraction also demonstrates when she has orgasm.

Some women are just able to do this.

I'm happy to two or three, but then I'm older than some of the young buckeroos here. And a hell of a lot wiser too LOL.

03-30-10, 21:19
As the name implies I like the GFE experience. I have looked through this forum and read allot of the reports. It seems like the Philippines is much like Thailand in the sense that there are allot of bars that most people go to, pay bar fines, and take the girl out of the bar. I just wanted to ask the experienced guys, where the best places in the Philippines to find GFE are located. In Thailand my buddy would go to the go go bars, call a girl over, and talk to her for to see if they have chemistry before leaving with her. Is this the best strategy to use to secure GFE? You have the termas in Brazil, you have a couple places in Colombia, and one can also find pretty good GFE's in the DR. I am planning on traveling to the Philippines later this year so any information would be greatly appreciated.

03-31-10, 00:44
As the name implies I like the GFE experience. I have looked through this forum and read allot of the reports. It seems like the Philippines is much like Thailand in the sense that there are allot of bars that most people go to, pay bar fines, and take the girl out of the bar. I just wanted to ask the experienced guys, where the best places in the Philippines to find GFE are located. In Thailand my buddy would go to the go go bars, call a girl over, and talk to her for to see if they have chemistry before leaving with her. Is this the best strategy to use to secure GFE? You have the termas in Brazil, you have a couple places in Colombia, and one can also find pretty good GFE's in the DR. I am planning on traveling to the Philippines later this year so any information would be greatly appreciated.Sorry but this is a dumb question.

The best place for GFE is everywhere you are!. Be sweet charming funny friendly relaxed and make a girl feel comfortable. Filipinas will repsond every time to a guy who respects them and looks like he cares for them, even if you;ve only just met.
If you are arrogant and expect everything whilst giving nothing the girl will give whats expected, ie. pussy but swill not put any extra effort into it.

03-31-10, 06:25
As the name implies I like the GFE experience. I have looked through this forum and read allot of the reports. It seems like the Philippines is much like Thailand in the sense that there are allot of bars that most people go to, pay bar fines, and take the girl out of the bar. I just wanted to ask the experienced guys, where the best places in the Philippines to find GFE are located. In Thailand my buddy would go to the go go bars, call a girl over, and talk to her for to see if they have chemistry before leaving with her. Is this the best strategy to use to secure GFE? You have the termas in Brazil, you have a couple places in Colombia, and one can also find pretty good GFE's in the DR. I am planning on traveling to the Philippines later this year so any information would be greatly appreciated.

I think different guys have different interpretations of GFE. In pattaya GFE seems to mean anyone who doesnt run off to get showered and out for the next guy within 30 seconds of you coming.

I think you have a better chance of getting genuine GFE in Phils bars than in Thai bars but its still not the best place to strat if you are in the Phils. As Freeby fan says potential GFE is available almost everywhere in the Phils (though the girls outside Cebu and manila will probably be more conservative and you need to romance them more and perhaps take them out a couple of times. If you want to do some preparatory work DIA and Tagged are the best places to start 9and free) In practice Id say treat these just as lead ins . you are just as likelly to end up with the friend of a girl you met on DIA than the girl you have been chating to for months.

03-31-10, 10:09
Just found that the European Union has blacklisted all Philippine Air-Carriers from entering EU airspace.
Just FYI.


03-31-10, 10:56
As the name implies I like the GFE experience. I have looked through this forum and read allot of the reports. It seems like the Philippines is much like Thailand in the sense that there are allot of bars that most people go to, pay bar fines, and take the girl out of the bar. I just wanted to ask the experienced guys, where the best places in the Philippines to find GFE are located. In Thailand my buddy would go to the go go bars, call a girl over, and talk to her for to see if they have chemistry before leaving with her. Is this the best strategy to use to secure GFE? You have the termas in Brazil, you have a couple places in Colombia, and one can also find pretty good GFE's in the DR. I am planning on traveling to the Philippines later this year so any information would be greatly appreciated.IMHO there are two types of GFE.

First as it applies to the sexual act per se i.e. the girl kisses you deeply & passionately, when you come she keeps you inside & lies snuggled in your arms in the afterglow just as a gf might.

Second meaning of GFE is where the girl will hang out with you going places doing things, holding hands, chatting etc, when the meter runs out she will want to keep the 'relationship' going by txt/email/visits (and ...ahem..money).

The difference between Thailand & Phils is that Thais dont necessarily want to leave their country so their interest in you is short term & all business.
The Phils girl will be very keen to marry her way out of the country.
A Pinay will speak somewhat more english than her Thai sister making the illusion of a relationship easier to create.

You dont need to travel out into the provinces of the Phils & BS naive girls who are looking for a 'husbond'. In fact I detest that. There are _PLENTY_ of amateur & non P4P chicks in the cities who will trade short term sex/intimacy/companionship for gifts/money. Even bar girls (prostitutes) from AC/Manila/Cebu will be happy to become your 'girlfriend' for as long as you wish.

Hopes this helps.

03-31-10, 11:00
Just found that the European Union has blacklisted all Philippine Air-Carriers from entering EU airspace.
Just FYI.




03-31-10, 11:50
Sorry but this is a dumb question.

The best place for GFE is everywhere you are!. Be sweet charming funny friendly relaxed and make a girl feel comfortable. Filipinas will repsond every time to a guy who respects them and looks like he cares for them, even if you;ve only just met.
If you are arrogant and expect everything whilst giving nothing the girl will give whats expected, ie. pussy but swill not put any extra effort into it.

Put perfectly

03-31-10, 17:15
IMHO there are two types of GFE.

First as it applies to the sexual act per se i.e. the girl kisses you deeply & passionately, when you come she keeps you inside & lies snuggled in your arms in the afterglow just as a gf might.

Second meaning of GFE is where the girl will hang out with you going places doing things, holding hands, chatting etc, when the meter runs out she will want to keep the 'relationship' going by txt/email/visits (and ...ahem..money).

The difference between Thailand & Phils is that Thais dont necessarily want to leave their country so their interest in you is short term & all business.
The Phils girl will be very keen to marry her way out of the country.
A Pinay will speak somewhat more english than her Thai sister making the illusion of a relationship easier to create.

You dont need to travel out into the provinces of the Phils & BS naive girls who are looking for a 'husbond'. In fact I detest that. There are _PLENTY_ of amateur & non P4P chicks in the cities who will trade short term sex/intimacy/companionship for gifts/money. Even bar girls (prostitutes) from AC/Manila/Cebu will be happy to become your 'girlfriend' for as long as you wish.

Hopes this helps.

I should have been more specific. Your explanation is exactly what I mean when I think of GFE. In Thailand my buddy would frequent certain bars that had women that were more likely to be GFE and he avoided the establishments were the women were more mercenary. As a matter of fact there was one establishment in Pattaya that was clearly a tourist trap, and no matter how much charm or niceties one would expend on the women, most of the women there treated the patrons as nothing more than a wallet.

03-31-10, 18:14
The difference between Thailand & Phils is that Thais dont necessarily want to leave their country so their interest in you is short term & all business.
The Phils girl will be very keen to marry her way out of the country.
A Pinay will speak somewhat more english than her Thai sister making the illusion of a relationship easier to create.

It's important to add that in general thais don't like foreigners, making gfe an uphill battle. Also, most thais are "taught" before they enter the p4p scene that foreigners are nothing more than a means to an end.

03-31-10, 18:18
I should have been more specific. Your explanation is exactly what I mean when I think of GFE. In Thailand my buddy would frequent certain bars that had women that were more likely to be GFE and he avoided the establishments were the women were more mercenary. As a matter of fact there was one establishment in Pattaya that was clearly a tourist trap, and no matter how much charm or niceties one would expend on the women, most of the women there treated the patrons as nothing more than a wallet.

I wasn't aware that there were any bars in Pattaya that weren't a tourist trap where the women treated patrons as nothing more than a wallet. I think the difference is primarily the skill and sophistication that the illusion is maintained.

03-31-10, 18:34
I wasn't aware that there were any bars in Pattaya that weren't a tourist trap where the women treated patrons as nothing more than a wallet. I think the difference is primarily the skill and sophistication that the illusion is maintained.

This is true in some respect. Obviously tourist money is the main motivation. However there was one bar that had some sort of cirque du soliesque type show in which the women there were so blatant about wanting to extract your cash. Needless to say this venue was not the best place to find gfe. After leaving that place me and my wingman ventured to another bar in close proximity and the girls were really nice.

04-01-10, 02:17
on my last trip a student lady i know from tagged was fairly insistent that we meet but my schedule was very tight. twice she said she was with her mom and waiting to meet me. so to make it easy i told them what my aprtment building was (well i actually told them the name of the condo block next to it) and mum and daughter seemed impressed.

next day i agreed to meet the student if she came with anyone other than mom. she came with a younger sister.

i left the younger sis at mall and me and student girl went for a drive. somewhere in the drive we got to kissing and student girl confirmed she didn't know anything about sex but wanted to learn on my next trip.

i'm visiting manila in a few days and student girl has confirmed she is fine to visit my condo, with no one else present. lets see what happens.enjoy your reports freebie...however one follow up: you have mentioned that you tell the girls that you are married so that the girls know not to expect a commitment from you, yet the cousins and sisters and moms are still giving you the go ahead to go hang out with and shag the girl? i admire you your honesty but it must tor**** some of your chances, no?

thanks and keep up the excellent observations.

04-01-10, 08:13
This is true in some respect. Obviously tourist money is the main motivation. However there was one bar that had some sort of cirque du soliesque type show in which the women there were so blatant about wanting to extract your cash. Needless to say this venue was not the best place to find gfe. After leaving that place me and my wingman ventured to another bar in close proximity and the girls were really nice.

Sure there are better and worse places for GFE in Pattaya, but IMHO its a bit like saying there are good restaurants and bad restaurants in England, then you take a trip to France and you find that every little Bistro can rustle up fantastically tasty food. If you get the hang of it, the Phils is to GFE what France is to food.

04-01-10, 08:21
I've been in the Phils a couple of months now and one of the things that astounds me is the number of times ones sees pretty respectable foreign guys towing around frankly very unimpressive girls.

My girls here say that the locals have a word for this phenomena: that foreigners have a preference for "exotica" ie fat and ugly women that locals would not look at. So what's the explanation????

04-01-10, 09:33
I've been in the Phils a couple of months now and one of the things that astounds me is the number of times ones sees pretty respectable foreign guys towing around frankly very unimpressive girls.

My girls here say that the locals have a word for this phenomena: that foreigners have a preference for "exotica" ie fat and ugly women that locals would not look at. So what's the explanation????Age old phenomenen thats repeated in Phils, Thailand, Indonesia etc. Everywhere where guys go and see an Asian lady whos age maybe inderterminate but who is probably slimmer than the ladies in his home country.

The girl is happy because she got picked, and so she shows the guy off. The guy thinks he picked a winner. Till he looks around and realises there are way better ladies almost everywhere.

You can see this on the streets every day. It usually takes the guy a day or two to wake up and realise that his " honey" isn't exactly Miss World.

04-01-10, 10:13
I've been in the Phils a couple of months now and one of the things that astounds me is the number of times ones sees pretty respectable foreign guys towing around frankly very unimpressive girls.

My girls here say that the locals have a word for this phenomena: that foreigners have a preference for "exotica" ie fat and ugly women that locals would not look at. So what's the explanation?What you find in the PI thread photo gallery is a microcosm of what most well to do foreigners end up with in PI. I remember reading an article about a confectionary Brit who was not bad looking and educated, successful but yet he chose an uneducated typical bar girl to be his life partner.

If the Filipina on your arm doesn't make the locals look on with jealousy or she doesn't get respect from her countrymen well. Nough said.


Red Kilt
04-01-10, 11:05
enjoy your reports freebie...however one follow up: you have mentioned that you tell the girls that you are married so that the girls know not to expect a commitment from you, yet the cousins and sisters and moms are still giving you the go ahead to go hang out with and shag the girl? i admire you your honesty but it must tor**** some of your chances, no?

i always make it clear i am married and i wear a ring too. my dia profile says "married or attached".
i still get lots of hits on my profile, and it doesn't seem to hold back the bar girls in any way either. if they ask me do i have a wife i say "yes".
i guess it does tor**** some of my "chances" as you put it but chances for what? at least i know that i don't have to lie and cheat to the women who contact me in order to get to home base - it is remarkably liberating to be upfront and truthful, and i still get to have a lot of fun too. i think it is the sheer weight of numbers of available and searching girls that increases the odds for guys like ff and me.

Red Kilt
04-01-10, 11:19
I've been in the Phils a couple of months now and one of the things that astounds me is the number of times ones sees pretty respectable foreign guys towing around frankly very unimpressive girls.

My girls here say that the locals have a word for this phenomena: that foreigners have a preference for "exotica" ie fat and ugly women that locals would not look at. So what's the explanation????

GL. I reckon the explanation is complex but here is a rather simplistic take.

For us guys, there is a big difference between an "attractive" girl and a "beautiful" girl. The beautiful girls win the beauty contests and are often the show business ones but many of them are not what we call attractive in that they don't have that sex appeal oozing out of them. Quite frankly I think some of the stunners are cold and aloof stuck-up supladas who think their shit doesn't stink. But the locals just see the prettiness, the beauty,the body etc and make a judgement on appearances alone, whereas we tend to look at a "total package" that includes looks, sexiness, personality etc.

Locals think that us foreigners have easy access to these beautiful girls because we are rich, and these girls will rather be with us. So when locals see us with girls who are attractive to us but whom they don't call beautiful they cannot process why it might be so, and so they call them exotica.

Some of my best experiences have been with second and third tier girls. Remember the old song
"if you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife.
So from a personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you".

Whilst not entirely accurate for me, especially the "ugly" bit, I think the concepts are pretty sound.

04-01-10, 13:51
GL. I reckon the explanation is complex but here is a rather simplistic take.

For us guys, there is a big difference between an "attractive" girl and a "beautiful" girl. The beautiful girls win the beauty contests and are often the show business ones but many of them are not what we call attractive in that they don't have that sex appeal oozing out of them. Quite frankly I think some of the stunners are cold and aloof stuck-up supladas who think their shit doesn't stink. But the locals just see the prettiness, the beauty,the body etc and make a judgement on appearances alone, whereas we tend to look at a "total package" that includes looks, sexiness, personality etc.

Locals think that us foreigners have easy access to these beautiful girls because we are rich, and these girls will rather be with us. So when locals see us with girls who are attractive to us but whom they don't call beautiful they cannot process why it might be so, and so they call them exotica.

Some of my best experiences have been with second and third tier girls. Remember the old song
"if you wanna be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife.
So from a personal point of view, get an ugly girl to marry you".

Whilst not entirely accurate for me, especially the "ugly" bit, I think the concepts are pretty sound.

A few days ago staying at my hotel was an OK say 55 year old Swiss guy who had married a 45 year old Filipina, She looked OK for her age but he said whereas she had originally told him she had 1 kid infact she had 5 kids so he's now very constrained in terms of where he can go and what he can do. Maybe it doesnt make sense for a guy in that position to get a 21 year old stunner, but there are so many attractive, slim nulliparas that would jump at the chance of a swiss passport

Escort Fan
04-01-10, 23:45
It sucks to hear that Cebu Pacific and Philippines Airlines are now blacklisted by the EU.

If we get in trouble I wonder if our european insurances will cover us as we have boarded planed that are considered unsafe by EU regulations!

I don't really understand the blacklist, Cebu uses reasonably modern A319. 320 and sames goes for PAL.

04-02-10, 00:49
What you find in the PI thread photo gallery is a microcosm of what most well to do foreigners end up with in PI. I remember reading an article about a confectionary Brit who was not bad looking and educated, successful but yet he chose an uneducated typical bar girl to be his life partner.

If the Filipina on your arm doesn't make the locals look on with jealousy or she doesn't get respect from her countrymen well. Nough said.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-404560/A-mothers-revenge-murder-son.htmlAnd the meaning of a " confectionary Brit " is ?

Perhaps you mean he was in the business of retailing sugared comestibles whilst simultaneously holding a passport declaring Honi Soit Qui Mal y pense ?

04-02-10, 01:42
My own musings on the subject are as follows. I think one can separate out various situations.

1 I think there are a group of girls who would be widely considered hot in the west but who don't score well in terms of Asian standards of beauty where tall, fair skinned girls are considered the most attractive and shorter "black beauties" (ie darker skinned girls) are looked down upon, even if they have got what Westerners would consider hot little bodies. Westerners tend to pay little regard to the kind of pure babyfaced features which Asians tend to prize.

2 A second situation is when the guy is just looking for a hot partner for the night. In this case hot body + personality/attitude is likely to outweigh both western/eastern standards of beauty.

3 Proactiveness. As a generalisation it tends to be the older more experienced but more haggard girls that are much more proactive at initiating conversations and sitting down with guys (because of experience and because they have to as people won't pick them if they just sit there.). Many guys especially the ones less experienced with Asia find that de facto they have been picked by the girls rather than checking out all the options and going for the one they fancy the most. Many girls in Phils are expert at ensuring that a guy they are with (if he is less experienced) does not try out too many other ladies. They will meet him at the aiport and give him very little time alone in which to sample other wares. MAny less expereinced Western guys end up spending 2 weeks with a girl they got tired of after 3 days as they dont know /are too polite to get rid of her.

04-02-10, 05:05
1 I think there are a group of girls who would be widely considered hot in the west but who don't score well in terms of Asian standards of beauty where tall, fair skinned girls are considered the most attractive and shorter "black beauties" (ie darker skinned girls) are looked down upon, even if they have got what Westerners would consider hot little bodies. Westerners tend to pay little regard to the kind of pure babyfaced features which Asians tend to prize.

2 A second situation is when the guy is just looking for a hot partner for the night. In this case hot body + personality/attitude is likely to outweigh both western/eastern standards of beauty.

3 Proactiveness. As a generalisation it tends to be the older more experienced but more haggard girls that are much more proactive at initiating conversations and sitting down with guys (because of experience and because they have to as people won't pick them if they just sit there.). Many guys especially the ones less experienced with Asia find that de facto they have been picked by the girls rather than checking out all the options and going for the one they fancy the most. Many girls in Phils are expert at ensuring that a guy they are with (if he is less experienced) does not try out too many other ladies. They will meet him at the aiport and give him very little time alone in which to sample other wares. MAny less expereinced Western guys end up spending 2 weeks with a girl they got tired of after 3 days as they don't know /are too polite to get rid of her.Additionally, theres an advantage in taking the path less well traveled. The gorgous ones (to either Filipino or Western eyes) are aware of their aesthetic value and market themselves accordingly, whether in P4P or in the "freebie world"

Those who recognise that they are not Ms World contenders actually try harder to please, tend to have less attitude, tend to expect less, and are generally nicer to be with. I'm going to Manila this weekend, and my 21 year old friend will ensure that I'm treated well. Shes a 7 but not a 10.

The 24 year odl Nurse who turns my head especially when clad in suspenderrs and garter belt will equally treat me sooo well. Also a 7 not a 10.

If you are only aiming to impress the random strangers who you don't know anyway, then thats a choice.

If you are looking for fun and totally satisfying personal experience with a girl you can connect with on a physical and mental side, who you can converse with and who will be there with hot kisses to wake you up, again, thats a choice. Id rather impress myself than my neighbours.

And never ever ever let a girl meet you at the airport. LOL

Red Kilt
04-02-10, 07:26
My own musings on the subject are as follows. I think one can separate out various situations.

1 I think there are a group of girls who would be widely considered hot in the west but who don't score well in terms of Asian standards of beauty where tall, fair skinned girls are considered the most attractive and shorter "black beauties" (ie darker skinned girls) are looked down upon, even if they have got what Westerners would consider hot little bodies. Westerners tend to pay little regard to the kind of pure babyfaced features which Asians tend to prize.

2 A second situation is when the guy is just looking for a hot partner for the night. In this case hot body + personality/attitude is likely to outweigh both western/eastern standards of beauty.

3 Proactiveness. As a generalisation it tends to be the older more experienced but more haggard girls that are much more proactive at initiating conversations and sitting down with guys (because of experience and because they have to as people won't pick them if they just sit there.). Many guys especially the ones less experienced with Asia find that de facto they have been picked by the girls rather than checking out all the options and going for the one they fancy the most. Many girls in Phils are expert at ensuring that a guy they are with (if he is less experienced) does not try out too many other ladies. They will meet him at the aiport and give him very little time alone in which to sample other wares. MAny less expereinced Western guys end up spending 2 weeks with a girl they got tired of after 3 days as they dont know /are too polite to get rid of her.

Agree with everything you said GL. It is an extrapolation of my earlier post and I think your Point 3 is absolutely correct. Most of us (now) experienced guys were newbies once and i remember almost getting caught like you described but I managed to extricate myself and survived to tell the tale.

04-05-10, 00:12
My experience is that the pinoys are not into exotic pinays since they are normally more dark skinned and have a "regular" look. They like chinese or european/american looking ladies.
For us europeans, we tend to like tanned ladies and some are REALLY beautiful to us. I showed a picture of a VERY beautiful young lady to a pinoy friend and he expected me to show him a beauty... and all he said was "she's a morena". Not impressed at all.
In a filipino forum I have frequented for sometime one of the most popular ladies looked like an "ugly" american/european lady to me, but the local guys looked at her as the princess of their lives.

And - as another guy below mentioned... Real beautiful ladies (to foreign mongers and locals) tend to act like they know it and behave like a starfish.

So - for me - the exotic ladies are what I look for always, as long as they are slim and young - and hopefully have something that look like tits :) which can be hard to find sometimes.

I've been in the Phils a couple of months now and one of the things that astounds me is the number of times ones sees pretty respectable foreign guys towing around frankly very unimpressive girls.

My girls here say that the locals have a word for this phenomena: that foreigners have a preference for "exotica" ie fat and ugly women that locals would not look at. So what's the explanation????

Me too... I always share that I am attached/married, but I make sure to tell them that I am not attached to a pinay. Looks like that make them more relaxed as they dont have any local competition. Just my view on it.

Azmodeus Fl
04-05-10, 03:37
I agree except the part about the tits. I like small ones. Like the old saying goes more than a mouthful is a waste.

My experience is that the pinoys are not into exotic pinays since they are normally more dark skinned and have a "regular" look. They like chinese or european/american looking ladies.
For us europeans, we tend to like tanned ladies and some are REALLY beautiful to us. I showed a picture of a VERY beautiful young lady to a pinoy friend and he expected me to show him a beauty... and all he said was "she's a morena". Not impressed at all.
In a filipino forum I have frequented for sometime one of the most popular ladies looked like an "ugly" american/european lady to me, but the local guys looked at her as the princess of their lives.

And - as another guy below mentioned... Real beautiful ladies (to foreign mongers and locals) tend to act like they know it and behave like a starfish.

So - for me - the exotic ladies are what I look for always, as long as they are slim and young - and hopefully have something that look like tits :) which can be hard to find sometimes.

Me too... I always share that I am attached/married, but I make sure to tell them that I am not attached to a pinay. Looks like that make them more relaxed as they dont have any local competition. Just my view on it.

04-06-10, 07:36
Hi Guys,

does anyone know how long you would need to stay outside the Philippines after your 21 days expires until you can return again??

Thanks in advance

BigdanYou dont.

You go to the Philippines Immigration depatment & get a visa extension. As of january this year you will have to apply & pay for ACRi card whilst processing your extension.

You can keep repeating your visits to immigration for extensions up to one year at which point you start the whole visitor visa cycle again by flying to Hong Kong (for example) and then fly back to PI again same day.

In the past it was technically possible to extend past one year but involved much paperwork/grovelling & possibly bribes.

04-12-10, 05:33
Im looking for nice hotel in the P1000 to P2000 range. Anybody have some suggestions?

Fluffy Bud
04-12-10, 07:40
Hey all: A quick thanks to all for the reports on Phillipines section. I do have a question for anyone that can help, as couples friends and I are planning on going to Boracay for some beach and action. However the more I read from the forum it seems that Boracay is more of a place you would take a chick to, and not a good place to find action, is that correct? Should we instead go to Cebu over Boarcay?



04-12-10, 16:46
Im looking for nice hotel in the P1000 to P2000 range. Anybody have some suggestions?
You can search Other Areas thread in this forum or go over to Dragon Slayer's PI Forum and search the CDO thread there. There is some discussion of hotels in both threads and you ought to be able to find something. I stayed in the Mallberry Suites, but that is beyond your price range.

04-12-10, 19:18
To have both beach and babes many recommend Sabang/Puerto Galera on Mindoro.
Its about 2.5 hours ride from Manila to Batangas and a banca about 1 hour to PG.

Hey all: A quick thanks to all for the reports on Phillipines section. I do have a question for anyone that can help, as couples friends and I are planning on going to Boracay for some beach and action. However the more I read from the forum it seems that Boracay is more of a place you would take a chick to, and not a good place to find action, is that correct? Should we instead go to Cebu over Boarcay?



Anle Anle
04-13-10, 18:13

Here a pension house. Not have been inside, but its looks new and somebody
told me its onwed by a foreigner, i think dutch.


Here a overview:


04-18-10, 00:08
Hey all: A quick thanks to all for the reports on Phillipines section. I do have a question for anyone that can help, as couples friends and I are planning on going to Boracay for some beach and action. However the more I read from the forum it seems that Boracay is more of a place you would take a chick to, and not a good place to find action, is that correct? Should we instead go to Cebu over Boarcay?


FBI went to Boracay alone two years ago, thinking I could surely find a chick there. BIG mistake. In fact, the hotel staff, tourist shop people, boatmen, store clerks, everyone constantly asked me, "Sir, where is your companion? " And they were absolutely amazed that I'd gone to Boracay alone. They all offered to hook me up with their friend / niece / god-daughter / colleague. I did find one pretty cute SW (from Cebu) with whom I did ST. I'd estimate 50% or more of the few SW's were ladyboys. Boracay is a lovely, relaxing place. I highly recommend it as a vacation spot to unwind. But take a chick with you. This was my experience two years ago. Maybe others have had different experiences.

Buko Max
04-18-10, 06:08
I need some advise as to which "pre-paid" mobile service provider should I buy my phone number from and where can I get such a number in Angeles. I am asking as this is my first time to Angeles.
If you are planning on communicating with bar girls, I would buy a Smart SIM card available at most convienence stores and cp shops. The majority of Filipinas are using Smart these days.

Buko Max
04-18-10, 06:31
Hey all: A quick thanks to all for the reports on Phillipines section. I do have a question for anyone that can help, as couples friends and I are planning on going to Boracay for some beach and action. However the more I read from the forum it seems that Boracay is more of a place you would take a chick to, and not a good place to find action, is that correct? Should we instead go to Cebu over Boarcay?
Yes you are correct! Boracay is a touristy beach to take your honey ko and she will love you for it. Although you can find some action there, it will be expensive and limited. Cebu has everything you could want and is conveinantly located for a number of 'island hops'.

04-18-10, 15:00
thanks mate.

So SMART sim card it shall be. I am counting the days!


QUOTE=Mattrick]If you are planning on communicating with bar girls, I would buy a Smart SIM card available at most convienence stores and cp shops. The majority of Filipinas are using Smart these days.[/QUOTE]

Sky Ryder
05-04-10, 03:15
Yes I know this is WAY off topic, but I figure that maybe a few others on here might be willing to share a little info with me. My girlfriend (Laguna) is finishing up her Master's classes this month and I am thinking about coming over a few days in advance and playing golf (for real) and maybe adding a few extra "holes" to the fun in the evening. I would really appreciate any advice about where to stay, play that might be able to accomodate both of those interests.
I would like to keep it in the Manila area if possible, but was considering going somewhere that I could get to Puerto Galeria or Boracay later when she is finished for a "couple's weekend".
TIA for any and all info, I have RTFF'd this forum and tried a Google search for Golf in the Phills, but thought you gents might have better info. Feel free to respond to my PM as to not clutter the board with this off topic drivel....:-))

05-04-10, 04:31
Yes I know this is WAY off topic, but I figure that maybe a few others on here might be willing to share a little info with me. My girlfriend (Laguna) is finishing up her Master's classes this month and I am thinking about coming over a few days in advance and playing golf (for real) and maybe adding a few extra "holes" to the fun in the evening. I would really appreciate any advice about where to stay, play that might be able to accomodate both of those interests.

I would like to keep it in the Manila area if possible, but was considering going somewhere that I could get to Puerto Galeria or Boracay later when she is finished for a "couple's weekend".

TIA for any and all info, I have RTFF'd this forum and tried a Google search for Golf in the Phills, but thought you gents might have better info. Feel free to respond to my PM as to not clutter the board with this off topic drivel.)Yes stay in Manila. There is not much nightlife in Laguna/Calamba. Well there is a Padi's Point in Calamba. Lots of locals dancing their ass off, but not so sure its a good pickup place. Stay in Malate at Swagman's, they have a bus leaving in the mornings I think to PG/Sabang.

05-04-10, 06:29
Yes I know this is WAY off topic, but I figure that maybe a few others on here might be willing to share a little info with me. My girlfriend (Laguna) is finishing up her Master's classes this month and I am thinking about coming over a few days in advance and playing golf (for real) and maybe adding a few extra "holes" to the fun in the evening. I would really appreciate any advice about where to stay, play that might be able to accomodate both of those interests.

I would like to keep it in the Manila area if possible, but was considering going somewhere that I could get to Puerto Galeria or Boracay later when she is finished for a "couple's weekend".

TIA for any and all info, I have RTFF'd this forum and tried a Google search for Golf in the Phills, but thought you gents might have better info. Feel free to respond to my PM as to not clutter the board with this off topic drivel.)I'm not much of a golfer, but there's an interesting course right by the old fort in downtown Manila. It looks kind of cool, but it's right next to a major road so there's noise and emissions.

There's a golf club near Laguna called Southwoods. I'm not sure whether it's totally open to the public, but you can probably get in somehow.

05-04-10, 06:49
If you are planning on communicating with bar girls, I would buy a Smart SIM card available at most convienence stores and cp shops. The majority of Filipinas are using Smart these days.And as soon as you have it, learn the codes for unlimited texts. A member posted a whole list of them a while back.

Oh and expect to learn what "pasaload" is real quick. I will let you find out.

Puerto La Cruz
05-04-10, 12:33
Yes stay in Manila. There is not much nightlife in Laguna/Calamba. Well there is a Padi's Point in Calamba. Lots of locals dancing their ass off, but not so sure its a good pickup place. Stay in Malate at Swagman's, they have a bus leaving in the mornings I think to PG/Sabang.

There is also a 9 hole course up in the mountains on Mindoro.

05-04-10, 20:21
My x wife took my daughters and her mother to Borrocaay.

Does that give you any clues.

Go to cebu and dive on Bohol.

05-05-10, 07:40
And as soon as you have it, learn the codes for unlimited texts. A member posted a whole list of them a while back.

Oh and expect to learn what "pasaload" is real quick. I will let you find out.

As the phone cos make it awkward to gather this info, ill repost the list of codes I have.

If you are trying to hit the DIA/dating scene, you are probably going to send 100+ texts a day so unlimited plans are useful or you will be reloading very frequently. Smart is the dominant supplier maybe 65% market share, its a bit more expensive than the new boys Globe/TM and SUN , but has the best coverage and the most same network (and thus cheaper users). Many young girls in Manila/cebu will also have a SUN number as this does good deals if you and a bunch of freinds have it.

The cos are changing their unlimited codes all th time so some of those listed below may no longer be valid, but at least you will geta return SMS with alternatives.


SUPER-UNLI — unlimited calling and texting from Globe to Globe/Touch Mobile (TM) numbers for 5 days at Php 150.

To subscribe,text: SUPER150 to 2824

To make unlimited calls, dial 238 + 10-digit Globe/TM number (e.g. 2389176466398)

UNLITXT – UNLITXT has different packages of Unlimited texting to Globe and TM numbers.

UNLITXT20 – one (1) day unlimited texting for Php 20

To subscribe, text: UNLITXT20 to 8888

UNLITXT40 – two (2) days unlimited texting for Php 40

To subscribe, text: UNLITXT40 to 8888

UNLITXT80 – five (5) days unlimited texting for Php 80

To subscribe, text: UNLITXT80 to 8888

UNLITXT Daytime — Unlimited texting during day time,8am-4:59pm,to Globe/TM numbers for 9 hours.

UNLITXTD15 – unlimited day time texting for 1 day

To subscribe, text: UNLITXTD15 to 8888

UNLITXTD30 – unlimited day time texting for 2 days

To subscribe, text: UNLITXTD30 to 8888

UNLITXT Nighttime — Unlimited texting during night time,10pm-7:59am,to Globe/TM numbers for 9 hours.

UNLITXTD10 – unlimited night time texting for 1 day

To subscribe, text: UNLITXTD10 to 8888

UNLITXTD20 – unlimited night time texting for 2 days

To subscribe, text: UNLITXTD20 to 8888

SULITXT 15 — 150 texts to Globe/TM for 1 day for only Php 15

To subscribe, text: SULITXT 15 to 8888

EVERYBODYTXT 20 — 200 texts to Globe/TM numbers, and 20 texts to other networks for 1 day for only Php 20

To subscribe, text: ETXT 20 t0 8888

TXTOTHERS 20 — 40 texts to other networks for Php 20 valid for 1 day

To subscribe, text: TO 20 t0 8888

TOUCH MOBILE (TM; Globe’s sister company)

ASTIGUNLI — Unlimited texting and calling to TM and Globe numbers for 3 days for only Php 100

To subscribe, text: ASTIGUNLI 100 t0 2824

To make unlimited calls, dial 807 + 10-digit TM/Globe number

ASTIGTXT10 – Unlimited texting to TM and Globe for 1 day for only Php 10

To subscribe, text: ASTTIGTXT10 to 8888

SULITXT 10 — 75 texts to TM and Globe numbers for 1 day for only Php 10

To subscribe, text: SULITXT 10 to 8888

SULITXT 5 — 25 texts to TM and Globe for 1 day for only Php 5

To subscribe, text: SULITXT 5 to 8888

Touch Mobile’s (TM) Hotline is 808. You can dial it from your mobile phone with touch mobile sim.


SMARTEXT — Unlimited texting to Smart and Talk ‘N’Text (TNT) numbers, which is Php 30 for 2 days and Php 60 for 5 days.

To subscribe for 5 days of unlimited texting, text: 60 to 258

To subscribe for 2 days of unlimited texting, text: 30 to 258

SMARTalkPlus — Unlimited calls and text to Smart and TNT numbers from 10pm to 5pm for 5 days for only Php 100.

To subscribe, text: PLUS100 to 6401

To make unlimited calls, dial *6401 + 11-digit Smart/TNT number (e.g. *640109184456786)

SMARTEXT Plus 60 — Unlimited texting and 20 minutes calling to Smart & TNT numbers plus 20 text to other networks for 1 day for only Php 60

To subscribe, text: TXT60 to 258

To use the allotted 20-minute for calls, dial *6402 + 11-digit Smart/TnT number (e.g. *640209181234567)

SMARTEXT Plus 25 — Unlimited texting and 10 minutes calling to Smart & TNT numbers plus 10 text to other networks for 1 day for only Php 25

To subscribe, text: TXT25 to 258

To use the allotted 10 minutes for calling, dial *2590 + 11-digit Smart/TNT number (e.g. *259009181234567)

ALLText 20 COMBO – 100 texts and 5 minute call to Smart & TNT numbers for 1 day for only Php 20.

To subscribe, text: C20 to 2827

To make unlimited calls, dial *2827 + 11-digit Smart/TNT number (e.g. *282709181234567)

ALLTEXT 40 — 200 texts to Smart & TNT numbers plus 20 texts to other networks for only Php 40

To subscribe, text: AT40 to 2827

ALLTEXT 50 — 300 texts to Smart & TNT numbers plus 30 texts to other networks for only Php 50

To subscribe, text: AT50 to 2827

TEXT AND MMS ALL DAY, CALL ALL NIGHT! — 100 SMS/MMS to Smart & TNT numbers, 10 texts to other networks, plus unlimited calling to Smart/TNT from 11pm-6am. Please check here for terms and conditions of this package.

To subscribe, text: C25 to 2827

To make unlimited calls, dial *8654 + 11-digit Smart/TNT number (e.g. *865409181234567)

ALLTEXT MMS 20 — 110 texts/MMS to Smart & TNT numbers and 10 texts to other networks for 1 day for only Php 20

To subscribe, text: ATM20 to 2827

ALLTEXT MMS 30 — 200 texts/MMS to Smart & TNT numbers and 10 texts to other networks for 2 days for only Php 30

To subscribe, text: ATM30 to 2827

TALK ‘N TEXT (TNT; Smart’s sister company)

GAAN UnliTxt 20 Plus — Unlimited texting and 10 minutes of calling to Smart & TNT numbers for 1 day for only Php 20

To subscribe, text: GU20 to 4545

To make unlimited calls, *4546 + TnT or Smart number (e.g. *454609191234567)

GAAN UnliTxt 30 Plus — Unlimited texting and 20 minutes of calling to Smart & TNT numbers for 2 days for only Php 30

To subscribe, text: GU30 to 4545

To make unlimited calls, *4546 + TnT or Smart number (e.g. *454609191234567)

GAAN UnliTxt 55 Plus — Unlimited texting and 30 minutes of calling to Smart & TNT numbers for 3 days for only Php 55

To subscribe, text: GU55 to 4545

To make unlimited calls, *4546 + TnT or Smart number (e.g. *454609191234567)

GAAN UnliTxt 99 Plus — Unlimited texting and 40 minutes of calling to Smart & TNT numbers for 7 days for only Php 99

To subscribe, text: GU99 to 4545

To make unlimited calls, *4546 + TnT or Smart number (e.g. *454609191234567)

ENHANCE GAANTXT 10 – 55 texts to Smart & TNT numbers plus 5 texts to other networks for 1 day for only Php 10

To subscribe, text: GT10 to 8855

ALLTEXT 25 — 200 texts to Smart & TNT number for 1 day for only Php 25

To subscribe, text: ALLTXT25 to 258

ALLText 20 COMBO– 100 texts to Smart & TNT numbers for 1 day for only Php 20.

To subscribe, text: C20 to 2827

ALLTEXT 40 — 200 texts to Smart & TNT number for 1 day for only Php 40

To subscribe, text: AT40 to 2827

Red Kilt
05-06-10, 11:25
As the phone cos make it awkward to gather this info, ill repost the list of codes I have................

I thought EVERYONE would be jumping in here to thank you for this Greg but so far Wala!

So , thanks a shit load from me. Saved me heaps of searching for myself.
I always wondered how the girls knew about all the freebies etc.
I will reward you one day with a few numbers and contacts (when I am finished with them LOL)

05-06-10, 13:06
Dear forum members,

I have a quick question about avoiding to buy a return ticket The Philippines, where I'm heading in the next week from Bangkok.

In my case it's not necessary to have a Visa for a stay under 21 days. But I apparently need a valid return ticket.

The thing is that I do not know exactly when I will return or if I'll go back to Bangkok.

So does anyone now if there's a way around buying a return ticket in advance?

05-06-10, 17:12
Maraming salamat, GL.

(That's Tagalog for thank you very much.)

05-06-10, 18:04
For the benefit of newbies to the Phils who may be unfamiliar with the way things work in the Phils. Texting by SMS is the standard way most of the girls you meet will communicate with each other and you. Calling is relatively expensive generally a few pesos per minute. Moreover line quality isn't great and especially with the less educated girls if you are not used to the accent so huge scope for confusion and misunderstandings. Bottom line , you are likely to do alot of texting if you try and date Phil girls.

Typical text costs are 1P intra network and 2P between different networks per text.

There are 3 networks

Smart (and junior partner Talk n Text) - 60% market share
Globe (and junior partner TM) - 30% market share
Sun - 10% market share - but relatively popular amongst young city girls

If you go for a single SIM you will probably opt for SMART. Using your home country SIM will be very expensive for you and few girls will reply to you, so if at all possible get an unlocked phone (if necessary buy a $20 simple one in Phils) and buy a local sim (typically 30-60P but include free texts/mins).

You add "load" to your sim either by buying a scratch card and dialing the code or more usually going to small shop/vendor selling electronic load (Look out for Load Na Dito (load here). You give the vendor your number and he passes you the required amount of load electronically.

Unless you plan to do a minimum amount of texting you will probably save money by subscribing to one of the promos I mentioned below. For reasons best known top themselves, getting info on these promos is not readily available on their websites, which is why the guys found the lists so useful.

Which promo is good for you will depend on your texting/calling habits and the sim you choose. You subscribe by sending an SMS with the code eg
"AT50" to the appropriate number in that case 2827

Somebody mentioned "Pasaload". This is a way for users to transfer an amount of load electronically between each other (fee 1 P). Of course what typically happens is Johnny Foreigner buys 300P of load and he gets lots of his textmates asking him to share load/passload so she can continue texting him. You can only do this intra network of course ie share smart load with smart users etc.

To share smart load write a message such as:

09123456789 30

and send it to "808"

this sends 30P to the owner of 09123456789

If you opted for Globe/TM

you texting the amount:




ie your friend's number with a 2 instead of 0

Being generous with load curries favours with girls for a relatively small cost, but be aware that some girls are semi professional load hunters. They will initiate conversation with you (generally whilst on an unlimited package) then ask you to passload for more chit chat. Once you give them some load you may not hear from them again until they need for load. be suspicious of girls willing to get into dirty conversation/promises too easily in this regard.
The amounts involved may seem trivial but remember that many of these girls are getting buy on 200P a day so scoring 30P on load is a useful supplement to their income.

05-06-10, 18:51
I've done this a couple of times flying cebu pacific BKK - Clark

At Clark immigration arent worried about return tickets but the airlines have been told they must check for them.

The first time I was able to just blag my way into them agreeing to let me on board without a ticket the second time they at first wouldnt let me on board eventually they said it was OK if I had a flight number for my claimed return online ticket.

I suggest that you check the airline schedules and get the flight number time and date details of a return flight - best do it with another airline so they cant just check it on their system, so if you are flying CEbu Pacific with Air phils and vice versa. Write this down on a peace of paer and quiote it at them when they ask you and you should be OK

Dear forum members,

I have a quick question about avoiding to buy a return ticket The Philippines, where I'm heading in the next week from Bangkok.

In my case it's not necessary to have a Visa for a stay under 21 days. But I apparently need a valid return ticket.

The thing is that I do not know exactly when I will return or if I'll go back to Bangkok.

So does anyone now if there's a way around buying a return ticket in advance?

05-06-10, 21:42
I've done this a couple of times flying cebu pacific BKK - Clark

At Clark immigration arent worried about return tickets but the airlines have been told they must check for them.

The first time I was able to just blag my way into them agreeing to let me on board without a ticket the second time they at first wouldnt let me on board eventually they said it was OK if I had a flight number for my claimed return online ticket.

I suggest that you check the airline schedules and get the flight number time and date details of a return flight - best do it with another airline so they cant just check it on their system, so if you are flying CEbu Pacific with Air phils and vice versa. Write this down on a peace of paer and quiote it at them when they ask you and you should be OKThanks a lot, I'll try that out.

Key Master
05-07-10, 08:53
Thanks a lot, I'll try that out.

Just a warning. There's a chance they'll make you buy a ticket out of there to cover their ass. Is there really a big difference in price when you buy a one way ticket versus a round trip ticket?

05-08-10, 15:21
As the phone cos make it awkward to gather this info, ill repost the list of codes I have.

If you are trying to hit the DIA/dating scene, you are probably going to send 100+ texts a day so unlimited plans are useful or you will be reloading very frequently. Smart is the dominant supplier maybe 65% market share, its a bit more expensive than the new boys Globe/TM and SUN , but has the best coverage and the most same network (and thus cheaper users). Many young girls in Manila/cebu will also have a SUN number as this does good deals if you and a bunch of freinds have it.

The cos are changing their unlimited codes all th time so some of those listed below may no longer be valid, but at least you will get a return SMS with alternatives.

Uh, kudos for this _extremely_ comprehensive list Greg.
Jezus man, I've been here 5 years, even run business's selling load, but still can't remember 99% of these codes. Even the locals _don't_ use most of them.

Just wanna say three thing's :

1) As well intentioned as it is, you will confuse the hell out of new arrivals with all this. Much better to just buy a P500 load card (which will have many free text's included).

2) If you are sending 100 or more txt's per day then you are doing something majorly wrong dude.. A man should be balls deep after a few txt's. A few more for the next contestant & so on. A few follow up txt's. maybe 20 - 30 txt's for the day tops.

3) The girls buy their "alltxt 20" from smart so that they can chatter all day to their other friends/relatives because it's all they afford - they have little or no money. This is how they live day in & day out. Woe unto you for trying to do the same. No sooner do you get your "alltxt 20" than some chick is hitting you for pasaload or request a load because she desperately needs to txt you something about her upcoming meet with you & boom! there goes your 'unlimited txt's'. It's back to walking the streets looking for the nearest load seller for more load lad - welcome to _their_world_.

If you will be here more than a week or so, if your cell is locked, buy a local (unlocked) cell, buy a 'retailer sim' & load it up with a couple of thousand pesos of eload & away you go. Its the cheapest & easiest way to go. The 'pasaloads' & 'request a loads' will be much cheaper for you to give. Your calls & txt's will be as cheap as 'wholesale'.


05-08-10, 15:44
Dear forum members,

I have a quick question about avoiding to buy a return ticket The Philippines, where I'm heading in the next week from Bangkok.

In my case it's not necessary to have a Visa for a stay under 21 days. But I apparently need a valid return ticket.

The thing is that I do not know exactly when I will return or if I'll go back to Bangkok.

So does anyone now if there's a way around buying a return ticket in advance?It's a requirement to have one, therefore you can be refused entry without one.

Ask your self this question : do i really want to fuck up my chance to have lots of sex with lots of beautiful delicious young girls over such a silly technicality?

Uh huh? I thought not.

So get a forward ticket to some place else before you come, simple.
What's the problem with booking your forward ticket to BKK? You can always rebook the flight if you need to change your itinerary later.

p.s. it's possible to B.S. your way past PI immigration but I wouldn't count on it. Do you _really_ want to mess with some third world goon in a uniform?
Uh huh, go book the ticket now, there's a good lad.


05-09-10, 02:02
Yo guys hehe. Sorry, I know this may have been brought up already but, I been going through pages on the forum to see if I can come across a discussion on travelers checks but, I couldn't find any. Anyways, I wanted to ask if any of you brought travelers checks to the Philippines? I never brought travelers checks to a foreign country before. Would banks in PI have trouble with cashing travelers checks? I'm guessing that the exchange rate will be high? Would it take long for them to process? Is bringing some cash and then using ATM is more ideal? Or, just bring all cash? I'm assuming most people would just bring cash and then use their ATM when they need more money. I plan to be in Cebu and then Angeles City.


Jan 156
05-09-10, 02:48
Yo guys hehe. Sorry, I know this may have been brought up already but, I been going through pages on the forum to see if I can come across a discussion on travelers checks but, I couldn't find any. Anyways, I wanted to ask if any of you brought travelers checks to the Philippines? I never brought travelers checks to a foreign country before. Would banks in PI have trouble with cashing travelers checks? I'm guessing that the exchange rate will be high? Would it take long for them to process? Is bringing some cash and then using ATM is more ideal? Or, just bring all cash? I'm assuming most people would just bring cash and then use their ATM when they need more money. I plan to be in Cebu and then Angeles City.

If they are Amex US$ you are probably ok. Other sorts can be a struggle. Every time I take TCs anywhere I always ask myself afterwards why I bother. Cash and selection of credit cards usually is much more reliable. There's the supposed 'safety' factor of TCs but the cost and hassle hardly compensates for me personally. I'd rather take precautions with cash and cards in different places and secured differently.

05-09-10, 09:22
In my opinion the TCs are far more trouble than they're worth. You will have a difficult time finding places to cash them and, if you wind up at a bank, you could be waiting in lines for a long time. It's much better I think just to bring some cash and then rely on ATMs, which are all over the place and reasonably reliable. If you've got a Visa debit card, I suggest you use it as well so that you do not need to carry as much cash. The exchange rates--at least when I use my ATM--are not bad at all compared to the bank rate, and it's far less hassle.


05-09-10, 11:14
In my opinion the TCs are far more trouble than they're worth. You will have a difficult time finding places to cash them and, if you wind up at a bank, you could be waiting in lines for a long time. It's much better I think just to bring some cash and then rely on ATMs, which are all over the place and reasonably reliable. If you've got a Visa debit card, I suggest you use it as well so that you do not need to carry as much cash. The exchange rates--at least when I use my ATM--are not bad at all compared to the bank rate, and it's far less hassle.

GEI brought travellers cheques with me the first time I went to Philippines 5 years ago. I could not find anyone to cash them. I tried money changers, banks, everywhere. I finally found out from one bank that only PNB (Philippines National Bank?) anyway, the big national bank there, would cash them. I arrived and they said they had a cut-off time when they would cash them. I can't remember but 12 noon rings a bell. I just made it under the wire or I wouldn't have been able to change them that day at all, and I was out of cash. No need to bring them anyway. Debit cards work fine.


05-11-10, 21:34
Am still trying to find a resort with bungalows on a nice quiet beach, internet and close to walk or taxi to bars and resturants.

Am looking for a place for several weeks as am wanting to focus on a computer project. Close to a place with variity of pussy.

If I get tired of her I will want to trade her in on a newer more exciting model.

I have not been but Puerto Galera area is best yet, I have heard of.

05-11-10, 23:30
It's a requirement to have one, therefore you can be refused entry without one.

Ask your self this question : do i really want to fuck up my chance to have lots of sex with lots of beautiful delicious young girls over such a silly technicality?

Uh huh? I thought not.

So get a forward ticket to some place else before you come, simple.
What's the problem with booking your forward ticket to BKK? You can always rebook the flight if you need to change your itinerary later.

p.s. it's possible to B.S. your way past PI immigration but I wouldn't count on it. Do you _really_ want to mess with some third world goon in a uniform?
Uh huh, go book the ticket now, there's a good lad.

AVThanks for the warning. I didn't intend to try to con my way through the immigration. I was just curious if there was a legal work around.

Anyway, I bought a return ticket so no probs. and now I'm here in Manila :)

05-12-10, 08:32
Thanks for the warning. I didn't intend to try to con my way through the immigration. I was just curious if there was a legal work around.

Anyway, I bought a return ticket so no probs. and now I'm here in Manila :)
Last time I entered the country I flat out refused at the Thai airways check in to buy a return ticket out of the Philippines. I told him I live there and don't know when I will travel out of the country again. He insisted I still refused. They let me on the plane anyway eventually even without the damn return ticket. Immigration never even once asked me that ticket. It may be a con from the airline company to force you to buy a last minute overpriced return ticket with them.

Anyway, buying a return ticket in advance with return date that can be changed for free is probably a better option just to avoid all the hassle. I also found out recently that unlike Cebu Pacific, buying a return ticket with Thai airways or Bangkok airways rather than two one ways can come out much cheaper. The problem is only if you improvise your next destination.

I was once refused entry in Thailand at the Cambodian border of Talin because I did not had an outbound ticket. This was even more ridiculous because this was ground travel and at the time I was going around with buses and improvised where next to go. Anyway, as it turned out it was a blessing in disguise as because of that I extended my stay in Cambodia for one month and it so happened that this month was one of the most memorable in my life.

Col Law
05-12-10, 17:45
Can you buy pre paid wi fi dongles Philippines.

05-13-10, 01:27
Yes, there are 2 or three brands available.

I bought one in February. Its from Globe and was the best deal around at 900Php (about $20 USD) inlcuding a few hours use. That was half normal price.

I think Globe is probably the biggest carrier.

Not fast, but reasonable reception. Recharge easy to buy. Ask for Globe Tatoo.

You will find the modem is locked to Globe so you can't use another sim. Alternatively bring an unlocked sim from another country and just buy the local Tatoo sim.

Given the very low price of the Tatoo I didn't bother wasting any more time.

Others here will have more detailed and expert advice I'm sure.

05-13-10, 03:29
Am still trying to find a resort with bungalows on a nice quiet beach, internet and close to walk or taxi to bars and resturants.

Am looking for a place for several weeks as am wanting to focus on a computer project. Close to a place with variity of pussy.

If I get tired of her I will want to trade her in on a newer more exciting model.

I have not been but Puerto Galera area is best yet, I have heard of.Cagayan De Oro is one. Lots of amateurs also who are willing.

05-13-10, 03:57
Last time I entered the country I flat out refused at the Thai airways check in to buy a return ticket out of the Philippines. I told him I live there and don't know when I will travel out of the country again. He insisted I still refused. They let me on the plane anyway eventually even without the damn return ticket. Immigration never even once asked me that ticket. It may be a con from the airline company to force you to buy a last minute overpriced return ticket with them.strange country, PI.

Poor underdeveloped country, desperate for Euros, and USD, yet, they make us farang jump through hoops to get in there.

Try buying a ticket online and the list of requirements goes through the roof. You need to show proof of "yes boss, here is my ticket that states I will not sit on a fab PI beach for the rest of my life" when you want fly into the damn place. But once you are there. Mmmmmmmmmmmm aroy / enak mak2.

And these girls are such angels. And so good at relieving you of your green. The devil tought them well.

Will be in Cebu or mnl in about 4 weeks. God help me.

Cebu Steve
05-13-10, 04:08
can you buy pre paid wi fi dongles philippines.

yes, you can get prepaid wifi dongle with both smart and globe. rates are pretty cheap, however depending on where you are connection speeds range from decent to slow.


05-13-10, 06:12
Cagayan De Oro is one. Lots of amateurs also who are willing.thank you, I will check it out, I have read a bit on here about it and another area close by that seems popular.

I really need internet for my work and quiet for my play.

Are there bungalows for rent or just hotels?

05-13-10, 20:18
Hello everyone!

I will go to the Philippines next February, I am butterfly, but I am a passionate snorkelling, and go to Donsol (Sorgoson) and El Nido (Palawan)!

I read that many of you contact the girls in DIA, but I do not have the time and equipment during the day to chat, then it is not my style contact girls and a virtual friendship that then surely once back end, I will not deceive no.

My plan was to visit Manila a few days, then move to some gorni Angeles strascorrere divetrirmi and identify and hire a girl ch emi like to visit El Nido and another for Donsol. Io know Thailand well and I know he would not no problem go to Pattaya and barfine for a few days, and the girls are willing to follow me because they never had the chance to visit their country!

In the Philippines the same? As you offer a girl to follow you? Obviously giving board accommodation flights, all I want to load!

A few possibilities to have three in Palawan and Legazspi? Please

05-13-10, 20:59
Hello everyone!

My plan was to visit Manila a few days, then move to some days Angeles,have fun and identify and hire to visit El Nido and another for Donsol. Io know Thailand well and I know he would not no problem go to Pattaya and barfine for a few days, and the girls are willing to follow me because they never had the chance to visit their country!

In the Philippines the same? As you offer a girl to follow you? Obviously giving board accommodation flights, all I want to load!

A few possibilities to have three in Palawan and Legazspi? PleaseSorry for my mistake!

05-13-10, 21:38
thank you, I will check it out, I have read a bit on here about it and another area close by that seems popular.

I really need internet for my work and quiet for my play.

Are there bungalows for rent or just hotels?I'm not sure. Ive only stayed at the Miami Inn (smallish hotel p1200-p1800 price range).

Col Law
05-13-10, 22:09
I'm 59 Which is the best way to have a great time in the Philippines, what I'm looking for is GFE with some tlc. What I, m saying what's the best way to play the game.

Sorry to be a pain in the arse have I got the scene in the Phillippines (I'm taking it's the same all over) correct.

The girls in the club's are mainly ST. The ones on DIA can be hooked if played right (but be carefull)

What's the street scene like? What's the best place for a semi old b- to go hunting, at the moment I'm thinking Cebu.

P. S I'm vetran of Thailand I know that scene just trying to understand the difference.

Thanks for any help or advice.

05-14-10, 07:10
What are the beachs like around CDO?

05-14-10, 08:42
Hey guys, I've RTFF, and are thankful for your insights and knowledges for The Philippines.

It seems at the moment, the only thing that I'm confused by is how long to travel in the country.

What I plan at the moment is to visit Manila - ( so do LA CAFE, a bit of gambling, EDSA, Makati, P Burgos, etc)

I also plan to do Angeles City and the gogo bars, and perhaps if I can score a decent girl, then head over to Borocay or something like that.

Now as for how long I go, It seems I hear that Angeles City is the place to be. Its fun and addictive, so I may well budget more time and money to be spent there.

Confusion for me would be, How long to spend in The Philippines? 2 weeks or 3 weeks? And then, how long in each particular area, and perhaps are there any other places I definitely have to hit up?

If I was to make it 3 weeks, I am not quite sure just yet, how to arrange a schedule to fit in everything. 7 days Manila, 7 days Angeles City, and 4-5 days Borocay was what I was intending. But I thought I would leave you guys to suggest your ideas.

And furthermore, excluding a hotel I am budgeting around 7000PHP a day. I was wondering if this was realistic (a little more splurging if im over budget?)

Cheers guys, for taking your time to check this out.

Key Master
05-15-10, 01:43
Hey guys, I've RTFF, and are thankful for your insights and knowledges for The Philippines.

It seems at the moment, the only thing that I'm confused by is how long to travel in the country.

What I plan at the moment is to visit Manila - ( so do LA CAFE, a bit of gambling, EDSA, Makati, P Burgos, etc)

I also plan to do Angeles City and the gogo bars, and perhaps if I can score a decent girl, then head over to Borocay or something like that.

Now as for how long I go, It seems I hear that Angeles City is the place to be. Its fun and addictive, so I may well budget more time and money to be spent there.

Confusion for me would be, How long to spend in The Philippines? 2 weeks or 3 weeks? And then, how long in each particular area, and perhaps are there any other places I definitely have to hit up?

If I was to make it 3 weeks, I am not quite sure just yet, how to arrange a schedule to fit in everything. 7 days Manila, 7 days Angeles City, and 4-5 days Borocay was what I was intending. But I thought I would leave you guys to suggest your ideas.

And furthermore, excluding a hotel I am budgeting around 7000PHP a day. I was wondering if this was realistic (a little more splurging if im over budget?)

I wouldn't worry about making an exact itinerary when you are there. I would play it as it goes and just go with what you like, but I think going to both Angeles and Manila are a good thing and giving each a try. Most mongers just go to Angeles. I used to be one of those, and now rarely go there. Not sure how old you are and your tastes, but personally for me, the talent level in Angeles is somewhat below par to what I like in looks. Plus I get bored there, more a city boy. You just want to make sure you have somewhere to stay when you land I think whether it's Manila/Makati or Angeles so you don't have to look for a place then. You can always break your original plans on how long you want to stay at a hotel, just don't do it so much to one hotel or they may not be so willing to book you maybe. But realize this especially for Angeles, there are many decent to good hotels available.

In regards to budget, that 7000 is to me more than enough in Angeles, and depending on Manila/Makati maybe good if you stick to LA Cafe, maybe not so good if you do a lot of Makati/EDSA but doable. Hotel values are not so good like it is in Angeles. Not sure about weather in Borocay for your time period. Cebu can be a sleepy little city, but some cool women there.

Spam Hog
05-15-10, 05:22
What are the beachs like around CDO?

Most of what you will find in the immediate city are crap but anything nicer depends on how far 'out' you are willing to go. I would suggest going Eastwards to Butuan rather than westwards towards Illigan....which is Not advisiable.

If you are going to CDO you might as well go to Camiguin for beach time.

Spam Hog

05-15-10, 07:55
I wouldn't worry about making an exact itinerary when you are there. I would play it as it goes and just go with what you like
Yes, I think so too. Travel inside the PI is dirt cheap. Learn the bus sytem, very handy. You can also go to a ticket counter in SM and get a cheap airplane ticket even for the same day (which you can't on the Internet).

Combination are limitless. Just get rough informations about hotels in the cities you plan to visit, make a rough itinerary and then adapt depending on your catch and how you feel in each places. They now have a highway between Angeles and Subic so very easy to switch between beach and *****.

I never reserved a hotel in the PI, even in peak season, and never had trouble finding something, though the price/quality ratio will never be as good as in Thailand. When I am tired of a place I just move on. If I find a nice girl, I either stay or take her with me. Absolute freedom.

7000 a day on top of the hotel is plenty except in Burgos - rip off place where you overpay for very average to low quality girls. EDSA much better, bar fine was around 1000 last time I was there and tip not mandatory, though strongly advised. Had some really nice girls from there, better than Burgos. The better looking girls in LA Cafe now expect 1500 for short time but you'll be happy if you find anything decent there. Occasional stunner but on the whole very low quality. Vicinity of LA sometimes better.

Wicked Roger
05-15-10, 16:47
In regards to budget, that 7000 is to me more than enough in Angeles, and depending on Manila/Makati maybe good if you stick to LA Cafe, maybe not so good if you do a lot of Makati/EDSA but doable. Hotel values are not so good like it is in Angeles. Not sure about weather in Borocay for your time period. Cebu can be a sleepy little city, but some cool women there.
Would agree with KM except that I reallyu like Cebu and Cenbuanas are very sexy IMHO...but then I find Filipinas sexy :D

Also go to Havana Cafe in Makati (not anywhere else as my good mate FSlag338 did once). Full of lovely girls and IMHO a cut above LA Cafe.

Budget seems OK if you are includiung shagging money in that amount, if not then you can easily live off far less (excluding hotels).

Lots of hotel room web sites to hunt for bargains and they can be had but Manila is expensive while AC is cheap, plenty of choicees there and a ncie room can be had for no more than 1500 pesos (or less). Cebu is mid range and Davao is good also.

Have fun and happy hunting