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07-16-10, 03:34

For those of you who have not perfected your skills at giving your woman a g-spot orgasm, my advice is, bone up on it, try it, and be astounded.

I have been doing exactly this, aiming to achieve female ejaculation.

The g-spot orgasm just puts the woman into another world, extreme orgasmic experience.

And I have gotten a couple to the point of female ejaculation.They end up just beyond themselves. Never the same again.

They are instantly addicted, and are mine for ever.

Do it.

Wow!! As a guy always willing to improve my performance, even at this later stage of life, I would appreciate Gangles your tools of the trade guidance and tutoring to help me find the g-spot and your recipe to achieve instant Filipina addiction. I am sure your success in perfecting these skills would be excitingly and urgently sought not just by me but by many who read this board!

Let's hear all about it.


07-17-10, 06:53
I would diagree with 'most' filipinos being rude and inconsiderate, maybe that's a manila or city thing, out in the provinces I would disagree.I always found a strong contrast with the very polite manner they behave in general ("Sir", "Po", etc) and the very aggressive way they drive (never let you pass through etc).

The list in general is accurate but over long and repetitive.

In general Filipinos don't understand that the way to get rich is first to provide good service. That's why Chinese are the ones who have the wealth (focus on service and efficiency). Filipinos need constant supervision and double-checking, which is very tiring.

Most of the girls with no upper education are really not bright at all. Their brain is not trained to make effort and they all seems to be made from the same mould (joly bee, karaoke, wowowe). The "God will provide" attitude makes them even more lazy. The best you can hope is to find a girl with a kind and joyful character, but forget about any intelligent conversation.

07-17-10, 07:12
it astounds me too ge.
however many filipinas laugh at everything whether it is funny or serious and often they are not laughing with happiness but just laughing.
it seems to be a form of defence for them - if in doubt, make a sound like laughter. they often have no idea wtf is going on so they laugh. you watch them and see.they do laugh at anything and that's quite fun when you make a speech. just say anything that sounds funny and they will laugh, even if it has no meaning. i had a couple of filipinas visiting me in europe from the philippines just yesterday and i pointed this out to them and they said "it's our survival", so it indeed must be a sort of defence mechanism. but it's fun for us, it makes us sound as if we were clever and witty, even though we may be saying the most stupid things.

Tally Wacker
07-17-10, 07:37
What a boring generalization of a whole country.

I always found a strong contrast with the very polite manner they behave in general ("Sir", "Po", etc) and the very aggressive way they drive (never let you pass through etc).

The list in general is accurate but over long and repetitive.

In general Filipinos don't understand that the way to get rich is first to provide good service. That's why Chinese are the ones who have the wealth (focus on service and efficiency). Filipinos need constant supervision and double-checking, which is very tiring.

Most of the girls with no upper education are really not bright at all. Their brain is not trained to make effort and they all seems to be made from the same mould (joly bee, karaoke, wowowe). The "God will provide" attitude makes them even more lazy. The best you can hope is to find a girl with a kind and joyful character, but forget about any intelligent conversation.

07-17-10, 07:45
Wow!! As a guy always willing to improve my performance, even at this later stage of life, I would appreciate Gangles your tools of the trade guidance and tutoring to help me find the g-spot and your recipe to achieve instant Filipina addiction. I am sure your success in perfecting these skills would be excitingly and urgently sought not just by me but by many who read this board!

Let's hear all about it.



Me too! I'm all ears (well eyes) I'm looking forward to your next post with great anticipation...


Red Kilt
07-17-10, 12:09

Me too! I'm all ears (well eyes) I'm looking forward to your next post with great anticipation...


Gangles told us to bone up on it - he didn't say he would tutor us.

Google is your friend - don't rely on Gangles.

I did as directed and learned a lot of extra stuff in addition to what I already knew.

07-18-10, 06:26
When I get over there this time, I, m going to make an effort to bang a real virgin.

Any suggestions to fulfil this feat?

I want to take her to a doctor to guarantee she is a real virgin first.

Then I suppose it is a negotiation to see how much to pop it?

I wonder if there is a set price or anyone have experience at popping real cherry's.

I have heard some super ridicules prices. Maybe I should post on craiglist in Manila?

Col Law
07-18-10, 14:35
I have looked through the threads I cannot se where anyone has resolved how to protect your cash ,I do intend to bring £7000 for my stay.

Where is secure for cash?? as do resent paying a charge to my bank in England every time I use my atm card (or loose out on the going rate)

07-18-10, 16:51
I used to live in the barrio when I was stationed in PI in the 1970's, and visited frequently in the 80's.

I plan on returning for a visit in November and will stay at the Blue Rock hotel.

Back in the 70's and 80's it was no problem finding women who were blow-job experts, and were true LBFM's, particularly in Subic City. However, I expect that may have changed a bit since the Navy left.

If anyone has any insight on what I can expect regarding the available talent, it would be highly appreciated.

I will also post this question on the Subic thread.

Thanks in advance.

07-19-10, 01:15
When I get over there this time, I, m going to make an effort to bang a real virgin.

Any suggestions to fulfil this feat?

I want to take her to a doctor to guarantee she is a real virgin first.

Then I suppose it is a negotiation to see how much to pop it?

I wonder if there is a set price or anyone have experience at popping real cherry's.

I have heard some super ridicules prices. Maybe I should post on craiglist in Manila?

Because Asian guys especially Koreans and Chinese are so into this type of thing, if the girl goes it via an agent guys will pay say $500 for a couple of nights with a certified cherry girl. She/her family may get to keep 50%.

However more typically girls will lose their cherry to a Pinoy classmate who tells her that he will love her for ever and then dumps her an hour later. If you hot the dating sites there are many girls who claim to be virgins and maybe half of those really are. If you ask if the girl is a virgin in a negative sort of way, "I'm looking for an experienced girl, you are not a virgin are you?" you have a good chance of getting an honest answer. Many of these will be looking for Mr Right. Of course many guys will just play the game, but I think if you make it clear that you will be super generous (say around 5000P , but dont put it so directly), gentle and considerate then you should have a good chance without resorting to lying and cheating. Obviously your best bet is in the the provincial cities.

Econo Tech
07-19-10, 02:44
I want to take her to a doctor to guarantee she is a real virgin first.And what gives that she has done 'hymen' repair?

And add to that. I would just tell you to get over the 'bang a virgin' shit.

More than enough women I screwed were 'near' virgin, meaning they were totally inexperienced. As their one and only fuck up which lead to a baby was a hit and run affair.

Then again, I did sex a virgin, who knew everything. I started to wonder what is what.

Now I don't bother.

07-19-10, 07:01
I have looked through the threads I cannot se where anyone has resolved how to protect your cash ,I do intend to bring £7000 for my stay.

Where is secure for cash?? as do resent paying a charge to my bank in England every time I use my atm card (or loose out on the going rate)I'm a honest chap, so give it to me and I'll handle it safely for you.

07-19-10, 07:13
Thank you Greg London for your real info, and good info.

And the other chap, "you are a goof dude".

We all have our thing, some like BJ's, others anal, others, maybe like you are into ladyboys and others may want to experience popping a cherry.

I won't tell you to stop sucking cocks and you don't tell me to give up on popping cherry's.

07-19-10, 08:45
I have looked through the threads I cannot se where anyone has resolved how to protect your cash ,I do intend to bring £7000 for my stay.

Where is secure for cash?? as do resent paying a charge to my bank in England every time I use my atm card (or loose out on the going rate)

No disrespect intended but you must be mad to even think about walking around with so much cash. The hotel safes in the Philippines are not always as "safe" as they are supposed to be, there are numerous stories of foreigners losing cash from hotel safes, even in some of the more upmarket establishments.

Why don't you consider using a prepaid credit card as you are from the UK. Some of these cards allow you to withdraw at ATMs, pay hotel bills etc at preferential rates and some even do not charge for ATM withdrawals. Far safer than walking around with bundles of cash.

Personally I always carry some cash, maybe a hundred pounds at most and then pay for everything like hotels with credit cards. I use ATMs for cash withdrawals taking just enough each time to last three or four days. It is far safer and although not the cheapest option, is worth it to me for peace of mind and safety.

You didn't say how long you plan to stay in the Philippines, I am assuming it is just for a few weeks? If you were planning to stay longer term it may be worth you opening a Philippines bank account and of course it works out to be the cheapest option if using ATMs on a regular basis. Bottom line is that the only safe place to store cash of that amount in the Philippines, is in an established bank.

07-19-10, 15:26
I use ATMs for cash withdrawals taking just enough each time to last three or four days.
Gee the maximum withdrawal usually only lasts me a day!

07-19-10, 16:54
Gee the maximum withdrawal usually only lasts me a day!

I withdraw 10,000 pesos at a time and that comfortably lasts three days in Cebu, with meals, hotels and other major bills paid for by credit card. The cash is for taxis, women and drinks etc and this seems to last me quite well.

That said I normally go for amateurs, who tend to cost a lot less than most of the professional working girls in the bars and clubs.

Happy hunting


07-19-10, 17:01
When I get over there this time, I, m going to make an effort to bang a real virgin.

Any suggestions to fulfil this feat?

I want to take her to a doctor to guarantee she is a real virgin first.

Then I suppose it is a negotiation to see how much to pop it?

I wonder if there is a set price or anyone have experience at popping real cherry's.

I have heard some super ridicules prices. Maybe I should post on craiglist in Manila?
Although I have not paid the fees to pop the "cherry' in AC, I have had two girls I met in DIA who were virgins.
One I negotiated 20,000 pesos to Pop her cherry. Not a very good looking girl but young 18 years old and a real nice body. I made it clear right from the begining that I am not going to marry her. I am sure she thought I will change my mind. Anyway she came from zamboanga after I sent her the money to buy the air-ticket. But after I sent her the money I was not sure if she will come. I sent her 6000 pesos only for the ticket and e mailed to her what flight she should buy. She really surprised me when she sent proof of buying the ticket. We spent one week together that time. It was like a sexfest. When she was leaving I gave her 20,000 pesos besides buying her some clothes and gifts. She never counted the money. After that I would repeat one week stay with her many times for a 2 year period till she went to Dubai to work. Very nice homely girl who wants to eat pork and rice only. Not used to any other food although I took her to some nice restaurents.
The other one is from Leyte also 19 year old. This time she did not ask and there was no negotiations. She also did the same thing. Bought a ticket with my money and stayed for a week. She was also very nice and gave me sex whenever I wanted. She was surprised when I gave her the money and gifts . I told her it is to help her get some education. I supported this girl for 2 years and used to meet her often. She was very pretty with nice stand up boobs. Here also there was no offer from my side to marry her.
She broke off the relationship after she found a Phi BF.
Another virgin I found was in Pattaya of all the places. She was working in a massage place. She told me she was working for a week there. I jokingly asker her if she wants to go with me to the Elephant show tour the next day. She agreed but told me I had to pay the massage place I believe it was 1000 Baht. Next day we went for the all day show and came back to the room. One thing led to another and it was very hard to enter her. Imagine my surprise when she told me she is a virgin. I told her it is ok if she did not want to have sex with me but she wanted it anyway. That time I took her to BKK and stayed with her for 10 days. Yes, Although no money discussions I did give her money and gifts. After that for about 3 years I used to meet her and took her for vacations to laos, vietnam and cambodia. Later I learned from her that she has become a regular pro going with lots of foreigners. We still talk sometime as friends. Very pretty girl.
So my advice for you is look for normal virgin girls in the dating sites.
If you want to pop a cherry in AC,
First take her to a trusted gynaecoligist and confirm. But be aware that what you paid only allows one time sex to pop the cherry. It will not be a romantic episode compared to normal girls.
I believe the cherry girl keeps all the money paid to pop the cherry. The bar just acts as a broker to make sure money is deposited. Ofcourse you have to pay the barfine in addition.
Posting on a craigs list will be a sure way of getting yourself scammed.
Easy way is to go to AC bars and negotiate and offer your conditions. Real good looking girls will not come down on price.
Once I asked a not so good looking girl. She said 30,000 pesos. I guess she will come down to 20,000 pesos.
It maybe better to barfine your selected girl, take her to dinner and dancing to see if you have a good connection. If you both do take her on a vacation for a week where you will have lot of fun together. Ofcourse it will cost more but it will not be a mechanical one night stand with all the blood and pain. It is more fun to have sex with them after the cherry is popped. They become very horny and girls always love the guy who first had sex with them.

07-19-10, 19:39
Hi all. I'd be interested on your views on whether it is feasible to get up to AC for just a couple of nights - I've yet to visit... I have a colleague in Manila who I'll catch-up with socially, and I've warned him out that I'll prob fly into Clark on a LCC, I'm sure he'd enjoy the excuse to get up there as well.

I'll actually be arriving in Manila on a Sat around 7pm, and departing Manila again on Mon around 11am. The main hassle is getting to/from AC on arrival at manila.

Having read a number of posts/sites, it seems the most direct way to get to AC is by car, probably from the hotel, for around about PHP2500 +/- . I'd probably have to do the same for the return. I reckon that this means my arrival time in AC would be around 10:30pm (1 hr for arrival processing and 2.5 hrs Manila to AC.) Similarly for the return.....

So, it seems that getting to/from AC will cost PHP 5,000 and around 3.5-4 hours on Sat night.

Is it worth the hassle? I could simply grab a hotel near EDSA and see what is happening ... but that has been done before, albeit quite some time ago.

Grateful for your thoughts. Y

Col Law
07-19-10, 19:49
No disrespect intended but you must be mad to even think about walking around with so much cash. The hotel safes in the Philippines are not always as "safe" as they are supposed to be, there are numerous stories of foreigners losing cash from hotel safes, even in some of the more upmarket establishments.

Why don't you consider using a prepaid credit card as you are from the UK. Some of these cards allow you to withdraw at ATMs, pay hotel bills etc at preferential rates and some even do not charge for ATM withdrawals. Far safer than walking around with bundles of cash.

Personally I always carry some cash, maybe a hundred pounds at most and then pay for everything like hotels with credit cards. I use ATMs for cash withdrawals taking just enough each time to last three or four days. It is far safer and although not the cheapest option, is worth it to me for peace of mind and safety.

You didn't say how long you plan to stay in the Philippines, I am assuming it is just for a few weeks? If you were planning to stay longer term it may be worth you opening a Philippines bank account and of course it works out to be the cheapest option if using ATMs on a regular basis. Bottom line is that the only safe place to store cash of that amount in the Philippines, is in an established bank.It's 14 weeks just trying, if I can,to avoid the charges or rip off rates the banks give you.

Red Kilt
07-20-10, 04:04
Although I have not paid the fees to pop the "cherry' in AC, I have had two girls I met in DIA who were virgins.
................................................................. It is more fun to have sex with them after the cherry is popped. They become very horny and girls always love the guy who first had sex with them.

Great post Sammon.
But ......you never made any reference to the issue of "not getting her pregnant". You didn't mention whether you used a raincoat or whether you are vasectomised. Virgins will not know anything about condoms and probably won't know much about how easy it is to get preggers too.
One fallacy fairly common in lots of places is that virgins will not get pregnant the first time they do it.
I would hate to think that some innocent young provinciana who trusts guys to be kind and gentle in the initiation then finds herself preggers and the kind and gentle foreigner has long gone.

I am just asking that's all. I am not criticising you and I am not starting a condom war either.
I already said it is a great post.

Econo Tech
07-20-10, 05:07
Virgins will not know anything about condoms and probably won't know much about how easy it is to get preggers too.

One fallacy fairly common in lots of places is that virgins will not get pregnant the first time they do it.Well, I have met enough girls who had 'sex only once, and got pregnant. ' and subsequently it was near-virgin experience.

Now it wasnt' a gentle cano who made her single mother. 99. 99999999999% it is a fellow Filipino. Cousin, uncle, neighbor. Etc. Etc.

I am yet to meet a single mother who said her child's father is a foreigner. Maybe during the navy base days it was common. But no sir, not within the last 15 years or so.

Now with the church adamantly refusing to support condom usage, it only got to get worse.

07-20-10, 05:27
Great post Sammon.
But ......you never made any reference to the issue of "not getting her pregnant". You didn't mention whether you used a raincoat or whether you are vasectomised. Virgins will not know anything about condoms and probably won't know much about how easy it is to get preggers too.
One fallacy fairly common in lots of places is that virgins will not get pregnant the first time they do it.
I would hate to think that some innocent young provinciana who trusts guys to be kind and gentle in the initiation then finds herself preggers and the kind and gentle foreigner has long gone.

I am just asking that's all. I am not criticising you and I am not starting a condom war either.
I already said it is a great post.
All normal girls I meet I generally do not use condoms. My method is to buy birth control pills which is easily available in Phi. Usually I give the girl the money and ask her to go to the pharmacy. If I go maybe they will say they do not have it.
One of my Doctor friend told me that first day the girl takes two pills and one pill a day till I leave and continue for one more week if she does not have her period. This has absolutely does wonders and none of the girls got pregnant except one who refused to take the pills. I had to pay approx 8000 pesos I believe for her to get a abortion. She was not a virgin when she met me. After that I never saw her.
The Pattaya girl was advised by her friends to take the pill after she told them what happened. This shows Thai girls have more knowledge I guess.

07-20-10, 09:36
It's 14 weeks just trying, if I can,to avoid the charges or rip off rates the banks give you.
No disrespect intended, but, if you take a few hundred with you, and then withdraw 500 or so at a time, you're looking at a cumulative fee of less than 50 Euros. Seems to me the the security of not having to worry about a large sum of money is worth the fee.

Buko Max
07-20-10, 14:51
I have looked through the threads I cannot se where anyone has resolved how to protect your cash ,I do intend to bring £7000 for my stay.

Where is secure for cash?? as do resent paying a charge to my bank in England every time I use my atm card (or loose out on the going rate)
Well I carry a wad of cash on my trips but for different reasons. Stay in hotels that offer bank style safety deposit boxes located behind the front desk or in a separate room. Most of these require two keys to open. Management also keeps a log where you must sign in every time and some hotels even have security cameras.

For added security, buy a lockable money pouch in case an employee has two keys and tries to pinch your cash. (Have heard of this happening before). Avoid in room security boxes as it seems that many employees have access to the master keys.

Bottom line is find a hotel you can trust and looks out for you!

07-21-10, 06:24
Now it wasnt' a gentle cano who made her single mother. 99. 99999999999% it is a fellow Filipino. Cousin, uncle, neighbor. Etc. Etc.You forgot school mates. An expert in birth control once told me that studies showed that the average age for girls to have sex for the first time in the Philippines was 14, which if true would make school mates the prime culprits. Not sure what were his sources. Normally a girl would be in high school between the age of 12 to 16, but there are also many students who are older, because due to poverty they could not start school earlier. A 20 years old male student could easily impregnate all these girls, and that would be perfectly legal as long as no money is involved. I once saw a girl in a remote mountain village who already had two kids at age 15!

Econo Tech
07-21-10, 06:46
You forgot school mates. An expert in birth control once told me that studies showed that the average age for girls to have sex for the first time in the Philippines was 14, which if true would make school mates the prime culprits. Not sure what were his sources. Normally a girl would be in high school between the age of 12 to 16, but there are also many students who are older, because due to poverty they could not start school earlier. A 20 years old male student could easily impregnate all these girls, and that would be perfectly legal as long as no money is involved. I once saw a girl in a remote mountain village who already had two kids at age 15!Damn. You are right.

Thinking aloud, I have met enough girls who ended up as hookers, and just passed their 19th birthday, with more than one kid.

Now once. I agree. Maybe a screw up. But twice? Beats me how you can make the same mistake twice.

Red Kilt
07-21-10, 09:14

Now once. I agree. Maybe a screw up. But twice? Beats me how you can make the same mistake twice.

It's not necessarily a "mistake".
If you have spent any time (as I have) in some of the barangays that are not even necessarily too far outside of some of the major cities, girls from upwards of 15 or so see their role in life is to just have babies and sit around cooking, chatting, and do some occasional rice planting or help out with harvesting duties. They see this as their role.
Now and then some relative (or even a recruitment team) will entice them away with promises of unbelievable wealth (like 3000 pesos per month). These are often the girls you meet in AC or other provincial bars. So having 2 or 3 kids is not always a mistake - sometimes it is part of the normal family life.

Econo Tech
07-22-10, 11:07
Now and then some relative (or even a recruitment team) will entice them away with promises of unbelievable wealth (like 3000 pesos per month). These are often the girls you meet in AC or other provincial bars. So having 2 or 3 kids is not always a mistake - sometimes it is part of the normal family life.So they say .. so they say.

I gotta believe you .. :D :D

07-22-10, 19:56
One of my Doctor friend told me that first day the girl takes two pills and one pill a day till I leave and continue for one more week if she does not have her period. This has absolutely does wonders and none of the girls got pregnant except one who refused to take the pills.does antibaby pill also work in postpone the onset of menstrual bleeding for a lady you want to meet there at a given time?

Does anyone of you guys have experience with this.

As you know it is always a matter of correct timing to not run into a bloodshet in pre-scheduled meetings with girls there.

I've read that birth control pills postpone menstruation.

Anyone having experience with this?

What does anti baby pill cost in Phils?

07-22-10, 20:04
Gee the maximum withdrawal usually only lasts me a day!What is the maximum withdrawal in most machines?

I know in Mexico you can withdraw 500 dollars max for the fee , but can do that 3 times in one day. about 3 dollars for each fee.

I don't mind paying the fee for the safty and convienience.

I once lost 5 grand from a room safe er' unsafe.

07-22-10, 22:23

I've been South America for the last 3 years and tired of it. These girls in every country I've been to in South America never keep their word about anything, this includes never on time, never where there supposed to be if an aggreement was made, always lie terribly and really just plain stupid. I'm tired of dealing with these type of women.

My question is, Is the Philippines like this, and which other countries in asia might I find honest beautiful women?


Spam Hog
07-24-10, 00:55

I've been South America for the last 3 years and tired of it. These girls in every country I've been to in South America never keep their word about anything, this includes never on time, never where there supposed to be if an aggreement was made, always lie terribly and really just plain stupid. I'm tired of dealing with these type of women.

My question is, Is the Philippines like this, and which other countries in asia might I find honest beautiful women?


Women lie all over the world. The Philippines are no different, some countries are worse than others, Thailand for example, lying is accepted, possibly even required, when you are dealing with a non Thai. Then again it depends on the level of woman you are dealing with, Bar girls and hustlers you expect to lie, its part of their job.

As a wise old Msgt once told me soooo many years ago "kid, you can take one a these girls outta the bar, but you can never take the bar outta the girl"

My experiences almost 40 years since have proven the wisdom of the old Sgts

You will find women in the Phils who will be honest and open with you if you are honest with them, just don't expect it from a bar girl etc. Also those who are closer to thirty are a bit better at the truth than the young stupid and silly ones.

Spam hog

Spam Hog
07-24-10, 00:58
What is the maximum withdrawal in most machines?

I know in mexico you can withdraw 500 dollars max for the fee , but can do that 3 times in one day. about 3 dollars for each fee.

i dont mind paying the fee for the safty and convienience.

I once lost 5 grand from a room safe er' unsafe.

You can hit up most ATM's with an international card for up to P10,000
(about $215 US) per transaction. Try the ones in the major malls, BDO works best so does METROBANK. Now they got extra fees for international cars like $150 pesos or more.

You can do a "cash advance" up to $1,000 US in the main BDO bank with a credit card and your passport.


07-24-10, 01:44
You can hit up most ATM's with an international card for up to P10,000
(about $215 US) per transaction. Try the ones in the major malls, BDO works best so does METROBANK. Now they got extra fees for international cars like $150 pesos or more.

You can do a "cash advance" up to $1,000 US in the main BDO bank with a credit card and your passport.

HSBC lets you with draw Php40,000 per transaction. It's why I try to use their ATMs whenever I can.


Econo Tech
07-24-10, 05:21
Then again it depends on the level of woman you are dealing with, Bar girls and hustlers you expect to lie, its part of their job.

You will find women in the Phils who will be honest and open with you if you are honest with them, just don't expect it from a bar girl etc. Also those who are closer to thirty are a bit better at the truth than the young stupid and silly ones.

Spam hogDamn, that is what I was going to add- 100% perfecto.

I have had run ins with bar girls, maids and sundry, and when things go titty up. Their behaviour is identical. Whereas an educated woman never does shut shitty stuff.

It also goes along with education.

I have met bar girls, who had been 'trafficked' in. And they did do what they said they will do, and kept their word, and we are good friends. Unlike other girls who lie to you that they want to get out, do some studies, and the money to send is to make her lover study her. Not for her own study.

Cheers. Wonderful post.

Econo Tech
07-24-10, 05:22
does antibaby pill also work in postpone the onset of menstrual bleeding for a lady you want to meet there at a given time?

Does anyone of you guys have experience with this.

As you know it is always a matter of correct timing to not run into a bloodshet in pre-scheduled meetings with girls there.

I've read that birth control pills postpone menstruation.

Anyone having experience with this?

What does anti baby pill cost in Phils?Anti-baby pills (contraceptives) do affect the menstrual cycle, or can lead to excessive bleeding .. Except Myrna - I am not sure if Myrna is available. The most common type is Diane 35 ..

07-24-10, 07:28
Women lie all over the world. The Philippines are no different, some countries are worse than others, Thailand for example, lying is accepted, possibly even required, when you are dealing with a non Thai. Then again it depends on the level of woman you are dealing with, Bar girls and hustlers you expect to lie, its part of their job.

As a wise old Msgt once told me soooo many years ago "kid, you can take one a these girls outta the bar, but you can never take the bar outta the girl"

My experiences almost 40 years since have proven the wisdom of the old Sgts

You will find women in the Phils who will be honest and open with you if you are honest with them, just don't expect it from a bar girl etc. Also those who are closer to thirty are a bit better at the truth than the young stupid and silly ones.

Spam hogKinda figured bar girls all over the world lie. I am in Medellin Colombia now and these women are incredible liars, I'm talking about the regular girls. Its part of their culture here in S. America so I can't trust um. I'm the type of guy that likes to monger once in a while but 'its the exception not the rule'. So I would like to find an honest girl when I arrive in Asia in Dec. Or Jan. But it sounds like the regular girls lie alot there too and its part of their culture also. I wonder if its like that in Cambodia, Thailand or Jakarta. Any suggestions where I might find an honest and submissive woman?

07-24-10, 09:40
Kinda figured bar girls all over the world lie. I am in Medellin Colombia now and these women are incredible liars, I'm talking about the regular girls. Its part of their culture here in S. America so I can't trust um. I'm the type of guy that likes to monger once in a while but 'its the exception not the rule'. So I would like to find an honest girl when I arrive in Asia in Dec. Or Jan. But it sounds like the regular girls lie alot there too and its part of their culture also. I wonder if its like that in Cambodia, Thailand or Jakarta. Any suggestions where I might find an honest and submissive woman?
While this may be true, and it's true more often than not here in the Philippines, it's important to put the "lying vs. truth-telling" into the appropriate cultural context. In the West, we tend to value straightforwardness as a key tenet of our culture, though we're less concerned with people's feelings. What's important is to be honest. In the Philippines--as in most of Asia--what's important is avoiding the loss of face or or causing others to lose face, and if twisting the truth is the best means of accomplishing this, then so be it. Respect for "the truth" (which is often fairly subjective at any rate), is subordinated to maintaining social harmony and face.

Then too, in the West we put great stock in personal accountability; in the acceptance of individual responsibility. Here in the East, accountability and responsibility are more collective, more societal, and definitely more hierarchical. That's why, in an organization, "bosses" are expected to make decisions while often subordinates will avoid decision-making at all costs as they do not perceive this as part of their jobs, which largely consist of following explicit orders to the letter.

At the end of the day, it's all about acting in ways that are expected and rewarded by the culture in which you live. Thus, for the bar girl to lie to a client, with the trade off being that she can potentially earn a few more dollars to meet her family obligations is, to her, totally acceptable since her familial responsibilities are infinitely more important than her ephemeral "relationship" with a client paying her for sex.

To judge the actions of those in different cultures through the prisms of our own cultures breeds only misunderstanding and often (for the Westerner) unhappiness.


07-24-10, 13:20
While this may be true, and it's true more often than not here in the Philippines, it's important to put the "lying vs. truth-telling" into the appropriate cultural context. In the West, we tend to value straightforwardness as a key tenet of our culture, though we're less concerned with people's feelings. What's important is to be honest. In the Philippines--as in most of Asia--what's important is avoiding the loss of face or or causing others to lose face, and if twisting the truth is the best means of accomplishing this, then so be it. Respect for "the truth" (which is often fairly subjective at any rate), is subordinated to maintaining social harmony and face.

Then too, in the West we put great stock in personal accountability; in the acceptance of individual responsibility. Here in the East, accountability and responsibility are more collective, more societal, and definitely more hierarchical. That's why, in an organization, "bosses" are expected to make decisions while often subordinates will avoid decision-making at all costs as they do not perceive this as part of their jobs, which largely consist of following explicit orders to the letter.

At the end of the day, it's all about acting in ways that are expected and rewarded by the culture in which you live. Thus, for the bar girl to lie to a client, with the trade off being that she can potentially earn a few more dollars to meet her family obligations is, to her, totally acceptable since her familial responsibilities are infinitely more important than her ephemeral "relationship" with a client paying her for sex.

To judge the actions of those in different cultures through the prisms of our own cultures breeds only misunderstanding and often (for the Westerner) unhappiness.


Jesus GE, when did you get so profound? Been off the board for a while, but wow, is this what I come back too? Where are all the sophomoric morons that Old Thai Hand (OTH) wrote about so eloquently before his parting address? Gone for good I hope? (please, please, please) Maybe I will start posting again if that is the case.

BTW- I just returned home from 19 days in Manila, Sabang, White Beach, Puerto Galera, Mindoro. Was a pretty fantastic vacation and I still love the PI.

07-24-10, 17:09
While this may be true, and it's true more often than not here in the Philippines, it's important to put the "lying vs. truth-telling" into the appropriate cultural context. In the West, we tend to value straightforwardness as a key tenet of our culture, though we're less concerned with people's feelings. What's important is to be honest. In the Philippines--as in most of Asia--what's important is avoiding the loss of face or or causing others to lose face, and if twisting the truth is the best means of accomplishing this, then so be it. Respect for "the truth" (which is often fairly subjective at any rate), is subordinated to maintaining social harmony and face.

Then too, in the West we put great stock in personal accountability; in the acceptance of individual responsibility. Here in the East, accountability and responsibility are more collective, more societal, and definitely more hierarchical. That's why, in an organization, "bosses" are expected to make decisions while often subordinates will avoid decision-making at all costs as they do not perceive this as part of their jobs, which largely consist of following explicit orders to the letter.

At the end of the day, it's all about acting in ways that are expected and rewarded by the culture in which you live. Thus, for the bar girl to lie to a client, with the trade off being that she can potentially earn a few more dollars to meet her family obligations is, to her, totally acceptable since her familial responsibilities are infinitely more important than her ephemeral "relationship" with a client paying her for sex.

To judge the actions of those in different cultures through the prisms of our own cultures breeds only misunderstanding and often (for the Westerner) unhappiness.

GEQuite interesting! But if I cant trust your word because 'you might lie because you want to save face' then how can I trust you. I need to be able to depend on the truth from my partner at all times.

Member #4214
07-24-10, 17:24
Quite interesting! But if I cant trust your word because 'you might lie because you want to save face' then how can I trust you. I need to be able to depend on the truth from my partner at all times.

That is YOUR failing. If you need to everyone in an Asian or Latin American culture to suddenly adopt your customs when you visit because you 'need' them to, odds are you are going to be disappointed. You are better off not coming in the first place.

07-24-10, 17:26
That is YOUR failing. If you need to everyone in an Asian or Latin American culture to suddenly adopt your customs when you visit because you 'need' them to, odds are you are going to be disappointed. You are better off not coming in the first place.Its not a failing but I guess you like people close to you to lie, but I don't!

07-24-10, 19:06
Jesus GE, when did you get so profound? Been off the board for a while, but wow, is this what I come back too? Where are all the sophomoric morons that Old Thai Hand (OTH) wrote about so eloquently before his parting address? Gone for good I hope? (please, please, please) Maybe I will start posting again if that is the case.

Carmex, I just get sick of the cultural arrogance that I see every day here in the Philippines, and that I then read about often on this board and on other sites. Besides, it's tiring to constantly sit in judgment of others and to find them wanting because they don't or can't conform to standards and values of which they are totally unaware for the most part.

What I really have difficulty understanding is the obvious anger that I see displayed here every day. Guys spend thousands of dollars to come here on vacations, and it seems to me self-defeating at best to spend those precious vacation days in perpetual inner turmoil.

The trick to survival here--as it is everywhere--is to enjoy the good things that the country has to offer, and to accept the fact that you cannot change that which bothers you, so just let them slide.


07-24-10, 19:09
Quite interesting! But if I cant trust your word because 'you might lie because you want to save face' then how can I trust you. I need to be able to depend on the truth from my partner at all times.I see that in your earlier post you implied interest in "regular girls" and at the same time state that you "monger once in a while".

You know, what goes around comes around. Trust goes both ways, in any culture. I see a lot of guys expecting just what you said, "truth from my partner at all times" while cheating behind the girl's back at every possible opportunity. IMHO that doesn't go together well. If a Filipina girl has had experience with a foreigner chances are more often than not he was just like that, f*cking around and when she complains dumping her and moving on to the next (a popular board advice by the way).

I know (just a few) regular educated girls who will not take the Asian culture of keeping face too much further than the Western concept of white lies (a little maybe) especially in dealing with close friends.

Your chances in having a bargirl like that are probably zero just like the chances of a bargirl to domesticate a foreign monger customer into a faithful husband are zero. With regular girls it's just like everywhere else. Really good people are rare, finding them requires time, effort and commitment on your part and you are still not guaranteed to find them.

Cunning Stunt
07-24-10, 20:39
The trick to survival here--as it is everywhere--is to enjoy the good things that the country has to offer, and to accept the fact that you cannot change that which bothers you, so just let them slide.

Well put GE but I would suggest that more relevant to survival here than most places. If any members aspire to be more than an occasional visitor to these shores, it would do to cut and paste these words and print them out (preferably in poster size) and place them somewhere in your home where your eyes will fall on them everyday. This way you will hopefully retain your sanity. Unfortunately, it is much too late for me:D.

The truth is that the Philippine people (and Filipinas in particular) are not really human but are extraterrestrials landed here long ago from the distant planet Fuckwit. They are a chameleon people who assume the mantle of normality so that they can blend in and copy the mores and characteristics of the natives of the many lands in which they inhabit. But as a Vulcan is exposed by their inability to emote, the Filipino is given away every time by their lack of coherent and logical thought and their tendency to constantly fill cardboard boxes with old clothes/useless junk to send to their relatives back home:).

Only kidding but the truth is that if you fight the illogical and annoying currents that represents daily life in the Philippines, you will surely lose your marbles. Much more sensible to go with the flow.

I know but I'm probably guilty of cultural arrogance!

07-25-10, 01:50
I know but I'm probably guilty of cultural arrogance!

To the contrary. I would say that this is exactly the attitude and behavior that's necessary to enjoy this country to it's fullest. It's all about recognizing that our disgust/anger/frustration only harms ourselves and ain't gonna change a thing. Once you accept the latter, it's possible to enjoy a very nice life here, whether for a short while or for the longer term.


Spam Hog
07-25-10, 02:40
Kinda figured bar girls all over the world lie. I am in Medellin Colombia now and these women are incredible liars, I'm talking about the regular girls. Its part of their culture here in S. America so I can't trust um. I'm the type of guy that likes to monger once in a while but 'its the exception not the rule'. So I would like to find an honest girl when I arrive in Asia in Dec. Or Jan. But it sounds like the regular girls lie alot there too and its part of their culture also. I wonder if its like that in Cambodia, Thailand or Jakarta. Any suggestions where I might find an honest and submissive woman?

As I said, Thai women are habitual liars, it is part of their culture, you are a falang and when you are in their country it is within their right as a Thai citizen to lie, cheat and exploit you and every other Thai is obligated to help out vice versa, they even have a saying in their native toungue that says basically "Thai shall help Thai" that is a code for a pending rip off. Viets I've also noticed are practised liars.

One thing I've noticed about Filipina's (non bar girls and such) is they tend to exaggerate, this isn't considered lying but sort of a cultural thing. For instance if you buy her a P5000 watch for a present she will brag and show it off to her friends and tell them you paid P10,000 for it. Stuff like that.


07-25-10, 05:51
I'm the type of guy that likes to monger once in a while b
And, of course, you plan on being honest about that with this "submissive" woman you find, right?

Red Kilt
07-25-10, 07:43
I am amused by the number of guys who visit either AC or other monger destinations who continually criticize filipinas as being liars and cheats and thieves etc.
How many of these same guys tell the girls that they are not married (when they are); divorced (when they are not) don't have kids (when they do), looking for a possible pinay wife (when they are not), plan to settle here (when they aren't and cannot anyway) and so on?
I know 2 guys whose whole life here is described to women as the complete opposite of the truth. When I go out with one of these guys he relies on me to go along with his charade and not "blow his bullshit stories". Yet he is one of the same people who uses the old corny "if her lips are moving then she is lying" line.
He doesn't see the hypocrisy when I challenge him about this. He says it is "different".
I am not suggesting that we have to divulge everything about ourselves to the girls but I do wonder about telling them absolute bullshit lies. I tend to fall into the category of not telling them anything rather than telling them straight out lies. I don't subscribe to the theory that says "they tell me lies so I will lie in return".
Just wondering if any readers are the same as my mate. That is, you think pinays are liars but it's OK to tell them a heap of lies about yourself too.

Econo Tech
07-25-10, 08:13
Just wondering if any readers are the same as my mate. That is, you think pinays are liars but it's OK to tell them a heap of lies about yourself too.RK,

I was wondering why the thread degenerated into a load of name calling about filipinas. And the culture and what not. Till you enlightened the masses.

Damn, I wonder why people over analyse such stuff.

If you are looking for a wife. Look for a wife in nicer places. Darker places such as bars only have people who have dark intentions. Either knowingly or unknowingly (in the knowingly category. They plan to make money. In the unknowingly category. They are made to make money by their circumstances / family /bf etc.)

If you are looking for a screw. Just do it and get over it.

If you are looking for a long term relationship. Don't look for it in the bars. Now can you guys also reveal how many women in the west marry guys for the money and then call it quits? You could add in the load of sham marriages almost everywhere.

For some, it is filipinas ripping them, for Singaporeans, it is China girls ripping them, for Malaysians, it is Indonesian girls ripping them. So. It is everywhere.

Just pay the girl to leave, and move on.

If you are psycho analysing stuff, let me quote this little joke, that applies for all women.

A man was walking along the beach in california, and saw a bottle. Rubbed it and as expected a genie popped up. The genie said he could ask for 3 wishes. The guy says "I want a million dollar in my bank account" and the genie says "done"

Then the guy says "and a beachfront property in florida, with a mini golf course and private marina". And the genie says "done

Then the guy says "I want to go to hawaii, but I am scared of flying. Can you build a highway from west coast to hawaii? " the genie says "no can do, it is thousands of miles away over the sea. Ask something else"

Then the guy says "ok, then can you tell me how to read the mind of a woman? "

The genie says "errr. The highway, you want it four lane or six lane? "

Get the drift?

07-25-10, 10:49
Women are deceivers. In every culture. What do you think make up is? Nothing but deception Since Eve if you want to get philosophical.

I once challenged a missionary to ask his good wife is women deceive men. Her answer? "well if the men allow themselves to be deceived" Which meets my second point. Women are far better verbal creatures. They manipulate and manage and hurt men with words.

When a man sometimes finally retaliates physically. He wasn't the aggressor or the initiator. He is still WRONG, but often not the initiator.

I guarantee – they will see past your bald faced lies. And choose to ignore it, for their own benefit.

The fun part is when you call they bs: New shoes dear? Her" no I've had them for ages " Him " good that they are the new seasons colors" haha

Its a game A sport. Find one who is 100% straight and no natter how ugly marry her Or send her to me and I will

From a movie I like: Man u\is the head of the house- but the woman is the neck: and she can turn the head anyway she likes.

Pinays lie as a way of surviving. They live in large families and in close housing there is no privacy. Plus they are free Islander like people oppressed by old Spanish Catholic moralities. SO the ONLY way to survive, to stay sane, is to lie, lie alone. Lie in teams. I have seen it done as a way of life in 3 Filipino families and am convinced it's the norm.

Pretending to ignore the lie. Also seems to be part of how the game is played. I hate it.

07-25-10, 17:43
Well as long as we are on the subject, I thought I would add. My live in GF here in Asia was a blonde from Texas with gigantic titties. When she would ask me questions like, "do you love me?", "how does this dress look?", "What do you think about ...", I would always reply with a truthful answer.

Finally she said to me one day, "We are going to have to work on your responses". She then went on to tell me, when a woman says this, you say this. Thus, I surmised it really did not matter at all what my opinion was, she was looking for a conditioned response, i.e. you are beautiful, not fat, I love you dearly, and you are the only one for me ever!

I wonder if this is what transcends all women, meaning, if you are talking to a bar girl then she has conditioned responses to questions that she thinks you want to hear that will make you happy. It only goes to reason. And the inverse might also be true, meaning if she is asking you questions then you are providing answers that you think she will want to hear. Is this lying outright? I am not sure. My guess is we should quantify what is exactly lying or not.

We are on vacation correct? So do you really want to hear, "I have three kids at home and support my Filipino husbands' drinking, cockfighting, and yaba addiction by fucking various foreign men throughout the month. Oh yea, and your number 35 this month so just short of fucking my ear I hope you don't get VD, warts, or Chlamydia because I was 'sick' the day I was supposed to go to hygiene".

07-25-10, 21:44
Women are deceivers. In every culture. What do you think make up is? Nothing but deception. Since Eve if you want to get philosophical.

I once challenged a missionary to ask his good wife if women deceive men. Her answer? "well if the men allow themselves to be deceived" Se how they twist their didhonesty to mak it our fault? Which meets my second point. Women are far better verbal creatures. They manipulate and manage and hurt men with words.

When a man sometimes finally retaliates physically. He wasn't the aggressor or the initiator. He is still WRONG, but often not the initiator.

I guarantee – they will see past your bald faced lies. And choose to ignore it, for their own benefit.

The fun part is when you call their bs: New shoes dear? Her" no I've had them for ages " Him " lucky that they are the new seasons colors" haha

Its a game A sport. Find one who is 100% straight and no natter how ugly marry her Or send her to me and I will

From a movie I like: Man us the head of the house- but the woman is the neck: and she can turn the head anyway she likes.

Pinays lie as a way of surviving. They live in large families and in close housing there is no privacy. Plus they are free Islander like people oppressed by old Spanish Catholic moralities. SO the ONLY way to survive, to stay sane, is to lie, lie alone. Lie in teams. I have seen it done as a way of life in 3 Filipino families and am convinced it's the norm.

Pretending to ignore the lie. Also seems to be part of how the game is played. I hate it.

Econo Tech
07-26-10, 05:56
We are on vacation correct? So do you really want to hear, "I have three kids at home and support my Filipino husbands' drinking, cockfighting, and yaba addiction by fucking various foreign men throughout the month. Oh yea, and your number 35 this month so just short of fucking my ear I hope you don't get VD, warts, or Chlamydia because I was 'sick' the day I was supposed to go to hygiene".One word "GRABE"

This is getting hilarious. I wonder if the whiners are just out of college or have never had any experience with women. OR. Just assumed that since back home women are screwed up, Asian women will be as they are promoted "obedient, subservient, and never saying no, and always willing to oblige". Forgetting that people are people where-ever they are.

It is just. In Asia, when an Asian screws up, it is bad, but when a westerner screws up, just the tolerance is a bit higher, but that also has a break point.

The classic example I hear from my friends. When an Europeans talks about positions with Asian girls, the girls go "wow, you europeans are so open minded about sex. " and when an Asian guys pips in. With similar comments, the girls go "damn pervert. "

So. The grass is always greener. Doesn't mean anything else.

Red Kilt
07-26-10, 06:54
Just wondering if any readers are the same as my mate. That is, you think pinays are liars but it's OK to tell them a heap of lies about yourself too.

With all due respect to those who commented on "lies", I was not referring to the fact that filipinas tell lies. That is established as a very well-known fact.

My major point was that many of the guys who call filipinas all manner of names for being chronic liars also tell the most blatant lies to the girls too. I am bemused by this anomaly and even more amused by the way that it is rationalised away by the same guys when they are challenged about it.

Econotech knew what I was saying when he mentioned the tolerance levels.

07-26-10, 07:15
How many of these same guys tell the girls that they are not married (when they are); divorced (when they are not) don't have kids (when they do), looking for a possible pinay wife (when they are not), plan to settle here (when they aren't and cannot anyway) and so on?I have a friend who lies for social reason, because if he tells them the truth, that he is not married, he is met with incredulous comments and a barrage of questions as to "why" he is not married at his age. So he tells them that he is divorced, which spares him from this grilling.

If you are of a certain age and not married, Filipinas and Filipinos will think that there is something wrong with you (which in fact is true, since being a sex tourists is "wrong"). They will call you "butterfly" and "babaero".

If, on the other hand, you are married but also support several other women for sex, they will find this perfectly acceptable - even though it is in fact less commendable from a moral point of view.

There are, after all, not that many differences between Christians and Muslims. At the end, it amounts to the same. Muslims can have many wives, but often can't afford it. Rich Christians do have many wives, just like rich Muslims do. At the end, it just amounts to a matter of wealth. The difference is that Christians are hypocrite about it.

Cunning Stunt
07-26-10, 13:01
I once challenged a missionary...

There's something vaguely funny about this:). Like I've always wanted to meet a missionary and ask him if his position was safe.

Except that he had probably heard the same tired joke a million times.

07-27-10, 04:58
I recently decided to invest in a HD Camcorder to record some of my recent exploits for posterity. I already had a reasonably decent video capability on my digital cam so hitherto I had thought it not worth getting a specialist camcorder.

I bought the cheapest Japanese branded one I could find with HD capability. The Chinese ones were about 30% cheaper but I prefer to go with a brand I'm familiar with. As I'm in the Phils I had to settle for a slightly out of date and over priced model cf that available in West. The Sanyo Xacti VPC HD700 for 11,000P here in the Phils.

Actually I'm very pleased with the results. Its a really compact easy to use machine. In good lighting the pics are excellent, in low lighting the pics are much more grainy so if you wish to spend more money this is a feature you should focus on.

I found its really better to have a spare person to take the recordings whilst you are fucking, another reason for getting 2 or more very open minded girls. LOL

Red Wine
07-27-10, 09:14
I have a friend who lies for social reason, because if he tells them the truth, that he is not married, he is met with incredulous comments and a barrage of questions as to "why" he is not married at his age. So he tells them that he is divorced, which spares him from this grilling.

If you are of a certain age and not married, Filipinas and Filipinos will think that there is something wrong with you (which in fact is true, since being a sex tourists is "wrong"). They will call you "butterfly" and "babaero".

If, on the other hand, you are married but also support several other women for sex, they will find this perfectly acceptable - even though it is in fact less commendable from a moral point of view.

There are, after all, not that many differences between Christians and Muslims. At the end, it amounts to the same. Muslims can have many wives, but often can't afford it. Rich Christians do have many wives, just like rich Muslims do. At the end, it just amounts to a matter of wealth. The difference is that Christians are hypocrite about it.Like they say, "cash is king."

08-07-10, 18:19
the aug harry the horse issue is out. http://www.harrythehorse.com/2010/august.htm

there is an open letter posted to honorable harry k. thomas, jr, american ambassador to the philippines, the chairman, commission of human rights, philippines, ms. elzadia, usaid philippines and mr. roger carlson, usaid philippines regarding the lac closing and addressing accusations that lac staff were pimping, whoring, and soliciting. its a decent read. it goes to great lengths showing the accusations are false, and address possible motives for the accusations.

a few highlights:

the employees of la cafe would like to address the fabricated press releases and totally untrue allegations coming from an american funded group called international justice mission (ijm) under the leadership of a certain atty carmela andal-castro, ijm field officer. ijm philippines an american funded group claim they donate large sums of money to philippine government organizations.

the general manager of la cafe once released from hospital filed a case against the american national mr. marc edward mc cabe / is # 06-h-16862/ address: 139 blk 7 sitio 3 zone 7 sto.nino a. bonifacio, western bicutan taguig – who claims he works for usaid philippines. mccabe, a us citizen claimed he was "un-touchable" in the philippines as he worked for usasid philippines and would use his infuence, connections and position of authority to cause problems for la cafe if a case was taken against him. this criminal case is# 06-h-16862 can be verified by the regional trial court of manila – the criminal case is still being processed and continued.

why did an american usaid supported group (ijm) start to harrass a legal filipino business that employs more than 190 filipinos as waitresses , bar tenders, utility, chefs, live bands ,dj's, security guards, and administrative and purchasing staff? workers who support their families and now have no employment!! thanks to the unfounded and untrue accusations and cases issued by ijm an american funded group, just a week after the case involving the usa national mccabe was elevated to court?

the american sponsored group international justice mission are the entity that filed a complaint against la cafe with the manila city hall, as verified by the newspapers. the manila standard newspaper even wrote in their article that mayor lim had previously closed la cafe which is un true and baseless. how would americans react if we filipinos marched into a hard rock café in new york, or tgi fridays in los angeles, a hooters bar in las vegas or any american owned restaurant and accused american waitresses of being sex workers, pimps and prostitutes writing un founded allegations to your beloved mayor!!

l. a. cafe has a very clear policy with our 12 security guards managed by an honorable decorated retiried filipino colonel that no minors are to enter the premises as ordered by manila city hall even though we are just a public restaurant and bar. the no minors policy is clearly shown at the entrance and throughout the premises with prominent signs. any minor who is out after 10 pm is a violation of manila city ordinance 8046 and responsibility of the parents, barangay officials and police. no philippine national is forced to work at l. a. cafe as claimed by the american ijm group. this idea is ridiculous, baseless and is a total fabrication!! the americans have their own history of slavery, we proud filipinos do not !!! (ok, ouch lol...comment mine)

and this interesting note at the end:

harry, to give the truth, la cafe was just to give lim some promotion. i worked there for many years, all workers are over 18, they don't hire **** females. the boarding house out back is for girls who don't have a home and they can stay there, they have a security guard to keep out males. there were no **** girls there. this is usually a police setup as many times in the past, same here. la will reopen this month. that's a fact, mike (i know that the la cafe was a popular hang-out and that many, many lady customers were part of its popularity, but they were not employees. it will be interesting to see if your prediction comes true)

we'll see!

08-07-10, 18:35
Actually I'm very pleased with the results. Its a really compact easy to use machine. In good lighting the pics are excellent, in low lighting the pics are much more grainy so if you wish to spend more money this is a feature you should focus on.

LOLThey sell an external light (similar to an external flash unit for a camera) for camcorders. Its wonderful for low-light situations, as most asian motels don't have an overhead light or enough light for photography.

08-07-10, 21:10
I emailed the LA Cafe and they said they would definitely be opening soon but did not elaborate.

They also sent this letter in reply.


Honorable Harry K. Thomas, Jr
Ambassador to the Philippines
United States Embassy
Roxas Boulevard
City of Manila

Commonwealth Avenue,
Quezon City

Ms. Elzadia Washington
USAID Philippines
Acting Mission Director
United Nations Avenue,
Ermita, City of Manila

Mr Roger Carlson
USAID Philippines
Acting Deputy Mission Director
United Nations Avenue,
Ermita, City of Manila

Dear Sirs / Madame,

The employees of LA Cafe would like to address the fabricated press releases and totally untrue allegations coming from an AMERICAN FUNDED group called International Justice Mission (IJM) under the leadership of a certainAtty Carmela Andal-Castro, IJM Field officer

IJM Philippines an American Funded group claim they donate large sums of money to Philippine Government organizations. Their money comes from donations from American tax payers via USAID and various American Agency's.

LA Cafe has been operating as a restaurant, live band , billiards bar similar to an American Theme Restaurant/Bar in Makati called Hard Rock Cafe since 1999 without any problem's ror issues affecting public morality or health. LA Cafe enjoys Worldwide renown and is a significant contributor to local Philippine employment and welfare.

LA Cafe is a member of the Manila Entertainment Music Lounge Association and has been accredited by the Department of Tourism Philippines (DOT) since 1999

In early 2007 the general manager of L A Cafe was attacked by an inebriatedAmerican National and as a direct consequence suffered a life threatening heart attack, resulting in a full heart by pass operation at the Philippine General Hospital

The General Manager of LA Cafe once released from hosiptal filed a case against the American National Mr. MARC EDWARD MC CABE / IS # 06-H-16862/ Address: 139 Blk 7 Sitio 3 Zone 7 Sto.Nino A. Bonifacio, Western Bicutan Taguig – who claims he works for USAID Philippines

McCabe, a US citizen claimed he was ”un-touchable” in the Philippines as he worked for USAID Philippines and would use his infuence, connections and position of authority to cause problems for LA Cafe if a case was taken against him.

This criminal case IS# 06-H-16862 can be verified by the Regional Trial Court of Manila – the criminal case is still being processed and continued.

Why did an American USAID supported group (IJM) start to harrass a legalFilipino business that EMPLOYS more than 190 FILIPINOS as waitresses , bar tenders, utility, chefs, live bands ,dj's, security guards, and administrative and purchasing staff? Workers who support their families and now have NO EMPLOYMENT!! thanks to the unfounded and untrue accusations and cases issued by IJM an American funded group, just a week after the case involving the USA National McCabe was elevated to court?

To compound matters and to highlight the level of vindictive behavior thrust upon this FILIPINO company by the AMERICAN funded group, IJM, several honest and hard working L.A Café waitresses have been accused by IJM of beingPROSTITUTES! These accusations were made nationally in our FILIPINOnewspapers giving no thought to the humiliation felt by hard working FILIPINASas the baseless lies are paraded in front of their families! These poor FILIPINA waitresses were even paraded like animals on Philippine national television (TV PATROL), accused and condemned as PROSTITUTES and CRIMINALS while wearing their work uniforms!!

The American sponsored group INTERNATIONAL JUSTICE MISSION are the entity that filed a complaint against LA Cafe with the Manila City Hall, as verified by the newspapers

The Manila Standard Newspaper even wrote in their article that Mayor Lim had previously closed LA Cafe which is un true and baseless.

How would AMERICANS react if we FILIPINOS marched into a Hard Rock Café in New York, or TGI Fridays in Los Angeles, a HOOTERS BAR in Las Vegasor any AMERICAN owned restaurant and accused AMERICAN waitresses of being sex workers, PIMPS and PROSTITUTES writing un founded allegations to your beloved Mayor!!

Would this ever happen to the American Franchise Chain's in the Philippines such as HOOTERS MANILA, HARD ROCK CAFE, TGI FRIDAYS, OUTBACK, CAFE HAVANA, CALIFORNIA PIZZA OVEN, MCDONALDS or the American Hotel Chains such as the MARRIOT PARANAQUE, HOLIDAY INN CLARK or the RENAISSANCE MAKATI where they have restaurants, bars and discos

These Filipina waitresses, supervisors and management all come from respectable Philippine famalies and are now branded as PROSTITUTES, PIMPS and CRIMINALS in their own Country the Philippines by thisAMERICAN funded organization IJM

There are many similar Filipino establishments within walking distance from LA Cafe such as HOOTERS Manila Bay, Hard Rock Cafe, Hobbit House, Cafe Havana, TGI Friday's, Cowboy Grill, which have never been a target of the American funded IJM and their vindictive operations against Filipino's

How can this American supported mission IJM ask for donation's from the American taxpayer for EVANGELICAL work here in our beloved Philippines whilst fabricating evidence and issuing affidavits against hard working Filipinos in our own Country, the Philippines?! All because the AMERICAN, McCABE got drunk and was sued correctly within OUR LEGAL SYSTEM???

Which legal Filipino establishment will this American Funded Group (IJM) target next and fabricate evidence against the management and have inocent Filipinos forced into jail while using American Tax Payers Money in our Country the Philippines

There are now four (4) FILIPINA'S who work for L. A. Cafe Restaurant/Bar as managers/supervisors facing LIFE IMPRISONMENT due to the total and baseless fabrication of evidence and sworn affidavits that they were pimpingPROSTITUTES and are themselves PROSTITUTES

Their names have been published in all the National Newspapers by the American funded IJM using American Tax Payers money

Amazingly there are two (2) Filipina customers of LA Cafe who the American funded IJM
claim worked in L. A. Cafe, the management of LA Cafe has no record of there persons nor knowledge who they are.

The final detainee does not work for LA Cafe but is the manager of LA Cafe Annex in the adjacent building which is a small billiard hall employing 14 Filipino waitresses, utility and security. This small billiard hall is also closed due to fabricated allegations depriving its Filipino employees their constitutional right to work and support their families thanks to IJM.

All the employees of LA Cafe have valid work/health permits issued by Manila City Hall

Does the RAID on LA Cafe during a 2010 World Cup Soccer game and live performing Live Bands at 10.30pm at night have anything to do with the vendeta of the American National who claims to be a USAID employee who was aREGULAR CUSTOMER of LA Cafe until his drunken fit of rage with his Filipina girlfriend against the General Manager of LA Cafe??

L. A. Cafe has a very clear Policy with our 12 security guards managed by anhonorable decorated retiried Filipino Colonel that NO MINORS are to enter the premises as ordered by Manila City Hall even though we are just a public restaurant and bar. The NO MINORS policy is clearly shown at the entrance and throughout the premises with prominent signs. Any minor who is out after 10 pm is a violation of Manila City Ordinance 8046 and responsibility of the parents, barangay officials and police.

No Philippine National is forced to work at L. A. Cafe as claimed by the American IJM Group. This idea is RIDICULOUS, BASELESS and is a TOTAL FABRICATION!! The AMERICANS have their own history of SLAVERY, we proud FILIPINOS DO NOT !!!

How interesting is that many United States of America DIPLOMATSfrequent LA Cafe (since its opening) and know personally the employees now held in jail, due to the fabricated affidavits of an agency that they support, The IJM!

How ironic that the United States of America Philippines Embassy held a going away party for an American DIPLOMAT at LA Cafe recently, the Embassy department even more ironically was NCIS (Strategic Investigations) of the United States of America in the Philippines

This is NOT A FABRICATION unlike the baseless claims of IJM the LA Cafe has 16 CCTV Cameras constantly monitoring the premises for the protection of us the staff and its customers. CCTV footage can SUPPORT ANY counter claims made by LA Café against IJM and their hypocritical American supporters.

Many foreign and Filipino executives are customers of LA Cafe both female and male personalities including famous actors, actresses and sportsmen. The LA Café is a tourist attraction and brings foreign money to our country and to our community, helping to support our local families.

LA Cafe proudly sponsors, as being the largest billiard venue in Manila (On and off) the following famous athletes and done since opening in 1999 with pride

Manny Pacquiao Pound for Pound greatest boxer in the World
Bobby Pacquiao Former Asia Pacific Boxing Champion
Efren ”Bata” Reyes Hall of Fame Billiard Player and many times over Wold Champion
Francisco Bustmante Former World Number 1 Billiard Player
Marlon Manalo World number 6 Billiard Player
Jeff De Luna Professional Pool Player
Alex Pagulayan World 2004 Billiard Champion
Roberto Gomes World 9 ball Runner up
Darren Appelton World number 1 English Pool player British
Karl Boyles UK World 8 Ball Champion
Rudolfo Luat Former world number 1 9 ball billiard player
Ronny Alcano World 9 and 10 ball champion
Steve Davis Number 1 paid UK athlete in 1988 and World Snooker Champion
Dennis Orcollo Current World Number 1 Billiard Player

LA Cafe is the proud Sponsor of MP Warriors General Santos Basketball Team.

LA Cafe arrange regular live exhibitions by these athletes, two weeks ago there was an exhibition billiard game featuring Efren ”Bata” Reyes a Filipino icon

Two live band's perform daily on the second floor where the American funded IJM claim is located a sex den

The second floor has live bands, 4 billiard tables, eating area and an extensive wine cellar

There are NO PRIVATE VIP rooms anywhere in LA Cafe

LA Cafe bands are auditioned by both International and American Hotel chains from Guam, Dubai, Singapore, Hong Kong, China and Malaysia.

The bands from LA Cafe then receive legal contracts to work throughout the world as a performing artists.Something we FILIPINO's can be proud of. Does this constitute [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908) as alleged by American funded IJM

The World famous Filipino Artists that have and until last week did perform in the LA Cafes second floor, claimed to be a SEX DEN by the AMERICAN IJM, include

Ramon ”RJ” Jacinto Rock and Roll Legend of the Philippines
Freddie ”Anak” Aguilar (For over 10 years) KA Freddie
Side A
(Francis Magalona)
Andrew E
Highway 69
Christoper De Leon
Air Supply International Band
And two (2) local bands daily who vary from day to day.

Manila Dogs Golf Club (500 Members) which was founded by LA Cafe and has been the home of the club since 2001, have their weekly prize giving at LA Cafe.

Players include both male and female diplomats from many Embassies including the United States of America

Palugaw Soup Kitchen for the Ermita Street Children

Every weekend LA Cafe sponsors Palugaw Soup Kitchen with the Barangay 668 to feed the street children of Ermita, this will now be cancelled due to the closure of LA Cafe thereby depriving Filipino Street Children the opportunity of a full meal once a week due to the American Funded IJM

Should IJM not use their American funded resources to feed and help these innocent street children in Ermita which LA Cafe has done for years instead of closing legitimate business for their own personal gain for more funding from America

We the employees of LA Cafe request that this American funded IJM be stopped from continuing to use American Tax payers money to make victims of innocent Filipinos! We are perfectly able in our own country to control our own affairs and do not need to be bullied by some HYPOCRITICAL American funded mission

The American funded IJM are wasting the time of the Philippine courts while making Millions of Peso's for themselves from the donations given to them by American Agencies and the American “man in the street”. Most importantly we cannot work and support our loved ones and we don’t have their resources to repudiate these FALSE and BASELESS accusations against us



Employees Crisis Commitee of L A Cafe

08-08-10, 07:34
Great letter. Every bit may help. I doubt LAC would reopen soon though. If LIM sets his mind to close it and keep it closed there's little to be done. Mayors have near to absolute powers in the PH. Look at how many lost businesses generated by the closing of Bay Walk and nobody could ever do anything about it. But of course, one can always hope.

One of the things that could be played upon is the fact that, though prostitution is theoretically illegal in the Philippines, the business is booming in Angeles, with the apparent approval of authorities since it is a gold mine and every big hat gets his share of it. Closing LAC (on false accusation on top of that) is hypocritical. If they want to look into "trafficking" then take a look at Angeles. Many girls go there being promised a job in a restaurant, only to discover what their real duty is once on the premise and with no way of going back in the province. Pointing this out may help in mounting up the political pressure to get LAC to reopen.

I have not seen the least evidence of trafficking in LAC. The waitresses were there obviously on their own free will and, besides, I never succeeded in convincing any of the cutter ones they should come to the hotel with me. There obviously were many girls willing to go with foreigners but these were all freelancers who had nothing to do with the management. The no minor policy was also enforced to the point of being absurd - like no girls below 20 being allowed in and even the older ones looking too young being prevented to enter.

The closing of LAC is not only a loss for the area and the country, it also is totally unfair as based on absolutely false and fabricated accusations. It would be a shame if the justice system in the PH would not be able to redress that wrong.

08-08-10, 07:53
Most importantly we cannot work and support our loved ones and we don’t have their resources to repudiate these FALSE and BASELESS accusations against usThey really should set up a fund where interested parties could contribute. This could be a drop in the ocean but it's the least those who have been happy with LAC could do.

08-08-10, 08:20
I find the indignant outrage over the closing of LA somewhat ludicrous. Why should anyone be surprised? This is a completely corrupt country in which "strong men" rule according to their capricious natures. Where was the moral outrage when journalists were killed, with the concomitant indifference, if not the compliance of the national government here? Where was the outrage when the Ampatuan compounds were raided and enough weapons to equip an army--provided again by the national government--were unearthed?

It's somewhat surprising to me, that in a country dominated by greed, violent intimidation and political chicanery, that feeds off of the misery of many of its own people, some guys out there become enraged at the disappearance of a source of low-cost hookers.


Red Kilt
08-08-10, 11:54
I find the indignant outrage over the closing of LA somewhat ludicrous. Why should anyone be surprised? This is a completely corrupt country in which "strong men" rule according to their capricious natures. Where was the moral outrage when journalists were killed, with the concomitant indifference, if not the compliance of the national government here? Where was the outrage when the Ampatuan compounds were raided and enough weapons to equip an army--provided again by the national government--were unearthed?

It's somewhat surprising to me, that in a country dominated by greed, violent intimidation and political chicanery, that feeds off of the misery of many of its own people, some guys out there become enraged at the disappearance of a source of low-cost hookers.


Wow GE you stuck your neck out there but I am in total agreement with you. We both actually live here so we know how the locals suffer at the hands of those few very powerful people with all the money and clout.

I also do not like the way that so many guys who visit the PI for 2 weeks each year solely for mongering get so angry when the peso strengthens against the USD and decreases their purchasing power.
As somebody who lives here and interracts with pinoys on a daily basis in my work and social life I hope that the new Government can actually improve the economy here so that the 50% who live below the poverty line can have a better life.
I also hope that better job creation can mean less people are forced to go overseas to find a decent salary.

I do not enjoy reading comments hoping that the peso will weaken just so that guys can have a better holiday. I understand the philosophy but the sentiment is a tad selfish and demeaning to 100 million filipinos.

Econo Tech
08-08-10, 12:00
i find the indignant outrage over the closing of la somewhat ludicrous. why should anyone be surprised? this is a completely corrupt country in which "strong men" rule according to their capricious natures. where was the moral outrage when journalists were killed, with the concomitant indifference, if not the compliance of the national government here? where was the outrage when the ampatuan compounds were raided and enough weapons to equip an army--provided again by the national government--were unearthed?

it's somewhat surprising to me, that in a country dominated by greed, violent intimidation and political chicanery, that feeds off of the misery of many of its own people, some guys out there become enraged at the disappearance of a source of low-cost hookers.

geif you can figure up the filipino mentality, let me know. i am half way through a book and hope to make it a study into the psyche of the filipinos.

example. when there is a fight of filipinos and non filipinos in singapore, the filipinos will all jump in to save their country man, and end up in jail, even though the fight was started by the filipino in the first place. the peso says "a filipino is worth dying for". or was it aquino who said it?: confused:

take shipping lines. over crowded, and from the days of dona paz and princess of the stars, nobody got compensated. and nobody bothers.

and when there are floods, enough people get killed, and you wouldn't believe that filipinos are fund raising to buy a motor boat for some of the flood prone areas. now don't tell me the billionnaire filipinos can't afford a few thousand $ to get a boat?

count the number of private jets and choppers, i am not kidding, the rich are freaky rich, and the poor and damn poor, and the poor. emotionally driven. get exploited for "edsa" style people power

what did cory do when she took over? maybe marcos had a better grip, but overall. nothing changed. cory's family still owns the huge hacienda and still employ people paying less than 5, 000 peso a month, whereas the whole country loves noynoy for his sacrificing the sirens and speeding of his convoy

and all noynoy is doing is blame everything on gloria. honestly, an american economist places gloria as the key for philippines not folding during the recent economic crisis, but who cares? she is not good, and noynoy will spend the next few years investigating her, and appointing committees

remember the smith [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) case? who was fighting the case? some good-for-nothing ngo. spent thousands of $, money that could have gone to feed or educate enough and more. but then again. hey, we won our pride back by showing the americans they are loosers. the same americans that they are begging and bill for every us state officials visit. in millions

the whole point is. philipinos are emotionally driven to the extent that they can't figure out right or wrong. only what is 'power'. as i used to hear during the mlm presentations by filipino companies. they were ripping maids earning 300 s$ a month, by making them sign up for 1, 200 s$ and in exchange for 600$ worth of made-in-philippines merchandise. what does the maids think? they are happy for supporting the economy of philippines? dumb twits- the guys who run the mlm are making a killing. try reasoning with them? they will just say "our upline is damn power" or "more power"

if you had a chance to meet the types of lucio tan / sm group, and ayala group. you will know that their wealth is enough to make almost all poor filipinos live decently. but then again these are the same people who are 'helping' the nation by building housing and all stuff and making more money

it is all business.

ps: i hope i didn't cram the page with my own views.

X Man
08-08-10, 12:37
I'm not familiar with people getting "so angry" about exchange rates, but I know I had a bit more purchasing power during my last three weeks in Philippines. Mycurrency was doing quite well, so I had a grand time staying at better hotels, eating at better restaurants, buying twice as many bargirl drinks, and throwing money around like there was no tomorrow.

Since a huge amount of Philippine GDP is from their overseas workers, this is also a VERY GOOD THING.

I don't disagree with anything GE or RK has suggested, but just want to point out that exchange rate fluctuations can have both positive or negative consequences depending on your perspective.


Wow GE you stuck your neck out there but I am in total agreement with you. We both actually live here so we know how the locals suffer at the hands of those few very powerful people with all the money and clout.

I also do not like the way that so many guys who visit the PI for 2 weeks each year solely for mongering get so angry when the peso strengthens against the USD and decreases their purchasing power.

As somebody who lives here and interracts with pinoys on a daily basis in my work and social life I hope that the new Government can actually improve the economy here so that the 50% who live below the poverty line can have a better life.

I also hope that better job creation can mean less people are forced to go overseas to find a decent salary.

I do not enjoy reading comments hoping that the peso will weaken just so that guys can have a better holiday. I understand the philosophy but the sentiment is a tad selfish and demeaning to 100 million filipinos.

08-08-10, 16:16

I've been South America for the last 3 years and tired of it. These girls in every country I've been to in South America never keep their word about anything, this includes never on time, never where there supposed to be if an aggreement was made, always lie terribly and really just plain stupid. I'm tired of dealing with these type of women.

My question is, Is the Philippines like this,

Yes, its exactly the same.

and which other countries in asia might I find honest beautiful women?


Thats totally up to your taste.
In purely physical terms I most like spinners with feminine features, Chinese, Korean. YMMV


08-08-10, 16:19
I have seen it done as a way of life in 3 Filipino families and am convinced it's the norm.

Pretending to ignore the lie. Also seems to be part of how the game is played. I hate it.Its the norm here.


08-08-10, 20:31
I'm not familiar with people getting "so angry" about exchange ratesMe neither...

Anyway, I have no problem with exchange rates. When my currency is high, I change huge amount of money, so when it's low I don't care, it's still high for me. The pesos rarely stays strong for very long so this has worked wonder for years.

Cunning Stunt
08-08-10, 21:01
the no minor policy was also enforced to the point of being absurd - like no girls below 20 being allowed in and even the older ones looking too young being prevented to enter.

i'm afraid that you are wrong here, mate. i have seen many obviously **** girls in la cafe over the many years that i have been visiting. one day i was chatting to one of the 'mamasans' and asked about one young looking girl sitting at the next table and was astonished to be told that she was only 15! not apparently uncommon, either and they are particularly popular amongst the east asian clientele. they get in on other girls ids.

admittedly they seemed to have tightened up a little over the last couple of years particularly after they barred the worst of the mamasans.

08-08-10, 21:06
i'm afraid that you are wrong here, mate. i have seen many obviously **** girls in la cafe over the many years that i have been visiting. one day i was chatting to one of the 'mamasans' and asked about one young looking girl sitting at the next table and was astonished to be told that she was only 15! not apparently uncommon, either and they are particularly popular amongst the east asian clientele. they get in on other girls ids.

admittedly they seem to have tightened up over the last couple of years particularly after they barred the worst of the mamasans.yes, but as you say yourself in the last couple of years they became very strict on that one. maybe in the last four years even, so it wasn't the case at all when the raid was made. i have a friend, 26 years old and two kids already, who was refused entrance because she supposedly looked too young! some other time a girl on the bar opposite to lac (the pool bar that actually belonged to lac as well) told me confidentially, as if that was a big deal, that she was "only 19"! so bad it had become. i think it was very obvious in the recent years that all the girls inside were at the very least 20+.

08-08-10, 21:07
I emailed the LA Cafe and they said they would definitely be opening soon but did not elaborate.

They also sent this letter in reply.

Hey thanks for reposting the letter I posted yesterday lol

08-08-10, 22:33
if you can figure up the filipino mentality, let me know.


count the number of private jets and choppers, i am not kidding, the rich are freaky rich, and the poor and damn poor, and the poor. emotionally driven. get exploited for "edsa" style people power

what did cory do when she took over? maybe marcos had a better grip, but overall. nothing changed. cory's family still owns the huge hacienda and still employ people paying less than 5, 000 peso a month, whereas the whole country loves noynoy for his sacrificing the sirens and speeding of his convoy

and all noynoy is doing is blame everything on gloria. honestly, an american economist places gloria as the key for philippines not folding during the recent economic crisis, but who cares? she is not good, and noynoy will spend the next few years investigating her, and appointing committees


if you had a chance to meet the types of lucio tan / sm group, and ayala group. you will know that their wealth is enough to make almost all poor filipinos live decently.


you raise valid points of course, also regarding the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few people and families. but it's easy to get carried away a little, losing perspective.

comparing the 2009/2010 forbes lists for the richest filipinos (http://www.forbes.com/lists/2010/86/philippines-10_the-philippines-40-richest_networth.html) and richest americans (http://www.forbes.com/lists/2009/54/rich-list-09_the-400-richest-americans_finalworth.html) reveals that filipino #1 henry sy would rank #24 in the us by net worth. famed lucio tan at local #2 would rank #154 in the us. rank #8 on the philippines list would already be dropped out of america's top 400. the assets of all filipinos combined on that list are about $2 billion short of half of the net worth of bill gates alone.

the top 4 earning hedge fund managers (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/04/09/the-5-best-paid-hedge-fun_n_532071.html#s79892) in the us each made more money last year alone than lucio tan's entire estimated accumulated assets (whose owner structure is furthermore totally convoluted and often disputed).

now i have to stress that these lists by nature will not necessarily be accurate. people that certainly are rich enough to qualify are omitted, especially when their source of wealth is well beyond shady. gma's government practices will easily have secured her a top-10 spot over the last decade with the bulk of the loot safely stashed away in brunei and singapore. on the other hand some of the people on there are much shorter on cash than their assumed net worth suggests and believe me some of those are greatly overvalued.

also, just like with us super-rich, the bulk of the net worth is usually tied up in company structures, stock, land, whatever. my personal impression is that in the philippines wealth is even more immobile with smaller returns on investment than in the west.

sure, these people are rich, no doubt and the feudal family ties, connections, corruption and education system ensure that it all stays concentrated in a very tight elite (with extensive family fringes). better distribution would certainly help but the idea that a big cash payout by the elite would end the country's poverty in a single swipe is doubtful.

as far as helicopters are concerned, most normal sized that i have seen landing on roof tops in makati 2007-2009 belong to lucio tan, who is a helicopter buff. i counted at least 4 different for him (check google earth, allied bank center makati has multiple helipads). the few other choppers i usually saw were of the robinson type (http://www.robinsonheli.com/) (regularly landing on metro bank makati for example), they cost not much more (http://www.jameslist.com/helicopters?brand=70&order=pd) than a fully decked (remember heavily taxed) mercedes s600.

08-09-10, 03:32
i'm afraid that you are wrong here, mate. i have seen many obviously **** girls in la cafe over the many years that i have been visiting. one day i was chatting to one of the 'mamasans' and asked about one young looking girl sitting at the next table and was astonished to be told that she was only 15! not apparently uncommon, either and they are particularly popular amongst the east asian clientele. they get in on other girls ids.

admittedly they seemed to have tightened up a little over the last couple of years particularly after they barred the worst of the mamasans.agree with you cs. its been so bad that as you walk toward the front entrance women on the street approach you asking if you want an **** girl sir?
police setups abound in that area so i never advocate anybody taking the bait.


08-09-10, 04:26
agree with you cs. its been so bad that as you walk toward the front entrance women on the street approach you asking if you want an **** girl sir?
police setups abound in that area so i never advocate anybody taking the bait.

avconcur. have literally chatted girls there who are ****, and admitted it. pm me for details.

lac was filled with female patrons (remember, they don't work for the bar) whose age ranges from in their 40's on down. how far down?

08-09-10, 05:13
you raise valid points of course, also regarding the concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few people and families. but it's easy to get carried away a little, losing perspective.

comparing the 2009/2010 forbes lists for the richest filipinos (http://www.forbes.com/lists/2010/86/philippines-10_the-philippines-40-richest_networth.html) and richest americans (http://www.forbes.com/lists/2009/54/rich-list-09_the-400-richest-americans_finalworth.html) reveals that filipino #1 henry sy would rank #24 in the us by net worth. famed lucio tan at local #2 would rank #154 in the us. rank #8 on the philippines list would already be dropped out of america's top 400. the assets of all filipinos combined on that list are about $2 billion short of half of the net worth of bill gates alone.

the top 4 earning hedge fund managers (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/04/09/the-5-best-paid-hedge-fun_n_532071.html#s79892) in the us each made more money last year alone than lucio tan's entire estimated accumulated assets (whose owner structure is furthermore totally convoluted and often disputed).

now i have to stress that these lists by nature will not necessarily be accurate. people that certainly are rich enough to qualify are omitted, especially when their source of wealth is well beyond shady. gma's government practices will easily have secured her a top-10 spot over the last decade with the bulk of the loot safely stashed away in brunei and singapore. on the other hand some of the people on there are much shorter on cash than their assumed net worth suggests and believe me some of those are greatly overvalued.

also, just like with us super-rich, the bulk of the net worth is usually tied up in company structures, stock, land, whatever. my personal impression is that in the philippines wealth is even more immobile with smaller returns on investment than in the west.

sure, these people are rich, no doubt and the feudal family ties, connections, corruption and education system ensure that it all stays concentrated in a very tight elite (with extensive family fringes). better distribution would certainly help but the idea that a big cash payout by the elite would end the country's poverty in a single swipe is doubtful.

as far as helicopters are concerned, most normal sized that i have seen landing on roof tops in makati 2007-2009 belong to lucio tan, who is a helicopter buff. i counted at least 4 different for him (check google earth, allied bank center makati has multiple helipads). the few other choppers i usually saw were of the robinson type (http://www.robinsonheli.com/) (regularly landing on metro bank makati for example), they cost not much more (http://www.jameslist.com/helicopters?brand=70&order=pd) than a fully decked (remember heavily taxed) mercedes s600.
its all relative, in their home country the sy's & the tan's are rich beyond the dreams of avarice.

the current 'system' of wealth entrenched in a corrupt oligarchy sucks. the country is being held back while the small elite [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) it. not good.


Tally Wacker
08-09-10, 06:04
just like every third world counyty ha? the rich control and the poor sell their votes for little pesos and keep living day to day? that sucks.

its all relative, in their home country the sy's & the tan's are rich beyond the dreams of avarice.

the current 'system' of wealth entrenched in a corrupt oligarchy sucks. the country is being held back while the small elite [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) it. not good.


08-09-10, 06:35
If you had a chance to meet the types of Lucio Tan / SM Group, and Ayala group. You will know that their wealth is enough to make almost all poor filipinos live decently. But then again these are the same people who are 'helping' the nation by building housing and all stuff and making more money

Actually, I have had that chance, and unsurprisingly, found these men to be urbane, charming, very intelligent, interesting, articulate and thus probably interchangeable with highly successful business people all over the planet. I'm not sure I understand your point. If it's that corruption and moral decay permeate every aspect of life here, I agree but I don't think it's the Ayalas and the Tans who are necessarily responsible for the rot. To the contrary, their business are among the very few engines of economic growth and jobs that exist in this country.

Econo Tech
08-09-10, 07:24
Sure, these people ARE rich, no doubt and the feudal family ties, connections, corruption and education system ensure that it all stays concentrated in a very tight elite (with extensive family fringes). Better distribution would certainly help but the idea that a big cash payout by the elite would end the country's poverty in a single swipe is doubtful.

As far as helicopters are concerned, most normal sized that I have seen landing on roof tops in Makati 2007-2009 belong to Lucio Tan, who is a helicopter buff. I counted at least 4 different for him (check Google Earth, Allied Bank Center Makati has multiple helipads). The few other choppers I usually saw were of the Robinson type (http://www.robinsonheli.com/) (regularly landing on Metro Bank Makati for example), they cost not much more (http://www.jameslist.com/helicopters?brand=70&order=pd) than a fully decked (remember heavily taxed) Mercedes S600.Well, maybe a late night rant. And I agree, I did not clean up my posting.

And as for cash handouts- that's what keeps the poor ticking. See the TV shows and all. They are just facades for handing out money, and I don't advocate giving out money. Money should be spent on better employment, industries etc.

As for the Robinsons. Nope, I have seen some amazing Dauphin's baseGEd in NAIA, with executive interior. And also a few EC 120s. And in any case, most of the aircraft owned by the rich are in and Registry and atleast 4 biz jets are regular visitors to WSSS.

GE: I too had the chance to bump into these guys, I am not blaming them or accusing them. But the way the country is run. They will not allow a new guy to step in and believe in 'a known devil is better than an unknown angel'

And going into the tentacles of the top cream of the society. They are almost everywhere, even the water you drink is never made my an SME. It is all from a Large family owned business. Even the ferries are run by some company owned by another and in turn owned by the likes of Abbotiz or Gothong.

Anyway, I also got a bit side-tracked, but I agree: if not for the types of Tan and Ayala and Sy, the country may be as good as Vietnam or even Africa. Atleast these guys maintain some sort of order in a screwed up political structure, and I wouldn't know but my take is these guys have been keeping themselves out of politics, and that does keep them away from the corrupt practices. And the best run banks are owned by the big guys. For a start.

08-09-10, 07:37
agree with you cs. its been so bad that as you walk toward the front entrance women on the street approach you asking if you want an **** girl sir?
police setups abound in that area so i never advocate anybody taking the bait.

avthat's not inside lac. obviously they can't control what's happening outside from their premises.

Red Kilt
08-09-10, 11:21
Actually, I have had that chance, and unsurprisingly, found these men to be urbane, charming, very intelligent, interesting, articulate and thus probably interchangeable with highly successful business people all over the planet. I'm not sure I understand your point. If it's that corruption and moral decay permeate every aspect of life here, I agree but I don't think it's the Ayalas and the Tans who are necessarily responsible for the rot. To the contrary, their business are among the very few engines of economic growth and jobs that exist in this country.

I agree GE.

Just to clarify some points here, I have extracted these statistics from something I wrote a few years ago in 2005. The population is now 100 million but most of these percentages will not have changed much

Population-related factors
• In 2005, 84 million people lived in the Philippines – 2.3 – 2.7% growth per annum – 1.7 million added annually

Comparative statistics:
1971: Thailand and Philippines, similar countries in many respects, each had 38.9 million people.
2001: Thailand had 61 million, Philippines had 78 million;
Philippines had 18 million more births in 30 years
• per capita income for Thailand = USD$1,960, for Philippines = USD$750
• Around 1900, Muslims comprised 70% of Mindanao population and owned 80% of the occupied land. Today, they are less than 25% of the population

Land Reform factors
• 15 Spanish families control around 80% of all arable land in the Philippines. Most of the remainder is owned by small landholders in 10 – 25 ha parcels. They in turn lease smaller parcels of this land to other farmers for subsistence-style farming
• From this basic inequity of land ownership flows the fact that about 200 families control Philippine political life. These families, because of their wide influence, are able to resist so-called land reforms by taking legal action at a local level to annul land title grants or slashing land acquisition budgets in Congress. Alternatively, some land owners attach huge valuations to their land and are then paid these inflated prices by the Agrarian Reform Program influenced by corrupt politicians.

Rural Poor factors
• 70% of the Philippines money is circulating in the 3 major urban areas (Manila, Cebu & Davao); 30% in the rural areas
• Only 10% of the land area is occupied by the cities; 90% is the remaining rural area
• 60% (50.4 million) of the population live in metropolitan areas; 40% (33.6 million) live in the rural areas

Summary: 60% of the population with 70% of the money are living on 10% of the land OR 40% of the population with 30% of the money is living in 90% of the land.
• 90% of all rural people live below the poverty line defined as:
(no decent homes, no proper home conveniences for fitful living, no potable water in their faucets, no light in their shacks, cannot send their children to good schools, cannot buy requisite medicines for themselves)

08-09-10, 14:06
Thanks RK. I was familiar with many of those statistics, but not all of them. I thought that the Muslim population of Mindanao at the turn of the 20th century was closer to 80%, but I guess no one really knows.Regardless of the actual percentage, it's easy to see why, as the Moros became ever more marginalized in their own territory, they became ever more resentful at the denial of economic opportunity. This is the reason for my repeated contention that the conflicts here have their etiology in economics and not religion. These guys, for the most part, aren't committed to jihad; they just want a bigger slice of the pie. Unfortunately, the experiment with autonomy has not gone at all well and the ARMM regional government is as corrupt, morally bankrupt and greedy as its analog, the national government.

There's no doubt that, for the oligarchs who essentially control all of the resources in the country, there's a strong commitment to maintaining the status quo. There's also no doubt, that with 7,000+ islands, a politically naive electorate, and a basic feudal mentality, it's difficult to create sustained, unified political action here. It's one of the reasons that I think things will never change.

I'll offer one additional statistic that underscores the last point: the Philippines spends about $200 annually, per capita on education, vs. about $1,500 for Thailand, $2,000+ for Malaysia and $1,000+ for Vietnam. US and European figures are closer to $10,000. There's simply no hope for radical improvement here any time soon.


Econo Tech
08-09-10, 16:45
Actually, I have had that chance, and unsurprisingly, found these men to be urbane, charming, very intelligent, interesting, articulate and thus probably interchangeable with highly successful business people all over the planet. I'm not sure I understand your point. If it's that corruption and moral decay permeate every aspect of life here, I agree but I don't think it's the Ayalas and the Tans who are necessarily responsible for the rot. To the contrary, their business are among the very few engines of economic growth and jobs that exist in this country.My response disappeared. Anyway, I was writing something along the lines as follows:

I too had the opportunity to meet the business clique of Philippines, who are quite agile and robust, but then again, almost everything is from a large family owned company, even Mineral water is made by some connected company of a large company.

The SME's are almost non-existent. You either have the amazingly large groups or amazingly minute businesses.

Anyway, I am not blaming the Sys and Tans and Ayalas. It is thanks to them the country has atleast a decent service when it comes to Banks and essential services, malls, airlines etc. And despite their tight control, they haven't let their quality of service down. I would even add the Gokongwais to that list.

Even ferry services are controlled by some family businesses.

Econo Tech
08-09-10, 16:50
Yes, but as you say yourself in the last couple of years they became very strict on that one. Maybe in the last four years even, so it wasn't the case at all when the raid was made. I have a friend, 26 years old and two kids already, who was refused entrance because she supposedly looked too young! Some other time a girl on the bar opposite to LAC (the pool bar that actually belonged to LAC as well) told me confidentially, as if that was a big deal, that she was "only 19"! So bad it had become. I think it was very obvious in the recent years that all the girls inside were at the very least 20+.Then again, last year a friend picked a girl there, and after doing his deed, decided to bring her to singapore and employ her as a maid .. and arranged for somebody to get her a passport, and then he got the shock of his life - she was just 16, despite her large frame and height - and she was mixed blood and my friend almost shat in his pants when I reminded the repercussion of getting caught with a minor ..

She had been carrying a fake ID - and knowing Philippines, with no control on NRIC, almost any IC works. I was checking into a local domestic flight and the passenger in front of be submitted her "professional ID" something issued by Engineers Institute - and that was accepted, as long as there is a photo, and the girl who was travelling with me to Bora just showed her SM MALL Employee ID and that was as good as Driving license of NRIC.

Welcome to Philippines :D

While any establishment can only control the age limit by IDs - with so many fake IDs, it is tough life being a Door Security in Philippines. And it is as easy to setup a scam / sting op.

08-09-10, 18:03
There are three primary drivers of poverty.

The first is endemic corruption

The second is unstable government

The third is an ineffective land title system.

In any country, if there is one of these drivers, the country will be in poverty.

In the Philippines, all three exist.

Not much chance for salvation.


08-11-10, 15:01
There are three primary drivers of poverty.

The first is endemic corruption
The second is unstable government
The third is an ineffective land title system.
In any country, if there is one of these drivers, the country will be in poverty.
In the Philippines, all three exist.
Not much chance for salvation.

GAbsolutely right Gangles, its a bloody tragedy, unless you the one on top pushing the others down in which case its just fine. :)


08-11-10, 15:36
concur. have literally chatted girls there who are ****, and admitted it. pm me for details.

lac was filled with female patrons (remember, they don't work for the bar) whose age ranges from in their 40's on down. how far down?im not just speaking from my experiences in the sex industry, my experiences in daily life here (not living in a gated community) indicates that prostitution is endemic here & that girls of 16 or even less frequently work.

i've had customers & acquaintances volunteer their age & line of work in passing conversation. they often seem kind of morose about it ( or are they just trying to snare you?). it's kind of a give away when a 16 year old is really well dressed & chain smoking the most expensive cigarettes but lives in the midst of an average (slum like) manila barangay.

i recently had an employee (who i know to be shagging pinoys all over town) go on line at cherry blossoms, entice an american to come over to marry her & on her wedding night scream blue bloody murder when poor chuck from chicago pulled out his shrivelled old cock for the hymen breaking ceremony (long gone i'm afraid). her age? 16!

i tried to warn this clown off before hand but when she created a ruckus in the hotel on the wedding night i really had to step in grab him & point out the finer points of filipino law. got him on a plane & out of there in a hurry.

i digress, lac is not all unique.


Devils 1
08-11-10, 16:58
Just to clarify some points here, I have extracted these statistics from something I wrote a few years ago in 2005. The population is now 100 million but most of these percentages will not have changed much

Population-related factors

• In 2005, 84 million people lived in the Philippines – 2. 3 – 2. 7% growth per annum – 1. 7 million added annually

Comparative statistics:

1971: Thailand and Philippines, similar countries in many respects, each had 38. 9 million people.

2001: Thailand had 61 million, Philippines had 78 million;

Philippines had 18 million more births in 30 years

• per capita income for Thailand = USD$1, 960, for Philippines = USD$750

• Around 1900, Muslims comprised 70% of Mindanao population and owned 80% of the occupied land. Today, they are less than 25% of the population

Land Reform factors

• 15 Spanish families control around 80% of all arable land in the Philippines. Most of the remainder is owned by small landholders in 10 – 25 ha parcels. They in turn lease smaller parcels of this land to other farmers for subsistence-style farming

• From this basic inequity of land ownership flows the fact that about 200 families control Philippine political life. These families, because of their wide influence, are able to resist so-called land reforms by taking legal action at a local level to annul land title grants or slashing land acquisition budgets in Congress. Alternatively, some land owners attach huge valuations to their land and are then paid these inflated prices by the Agrarian Reform Program influenced by corrupt politicians.

Rural Poor factors

• 70% of the Philippines money is circulating in the 3 major urban areas (Manila, Cebu & Davao); 30% in the rural areas

• Only 10% of the land area is occupied by the cities; 90% is the remaining rural area

• 60% (50. 4 million) of the population live in metropolitan areas; 40% (33. 6 million) live in the rural areas

Summary: 60% of the population with 70% of the money are living on 10% of the land OR 40% of the population with 30% of the money is living in 90% of the land.

• 90% of all rural people live below the poverty line defined as:

(no decent homes, no proper home conveniences for fitful living, no potable water in their faucets, no light in their shacks, cannot send their children to good schools, cannot buy requisite medicines for themselves)I find these numbers very interesting. And they seem believable.

However, from the many Filipinos/pinas I know (I don't mean bar girls) it seems that the PI is undergoing some what of a boom time. With the huge number of call center jobs and the number of Pinoys working overseas they feel there is more money in the country than ever. Several weeks ago I was at Fort Bonifacio. I think I counted 12 new high rises being built there. Sure a small number of families are making all of the money from owning these buildings but I have got to think that those construction workers are making more than minimum wage. I have been relayed stories of middle managers and upper managers in the call centers making wages in line with what you would see in western countries.

Of course it is not like the west but it seems to me that it is much better than "the old days. "

Red Kilt
08-12-10, 02:55
Yes but do pockets of non-poverty exist in certain places in the PI?

The pockets of no-poverty exist ONLY in the gated communities that exist in every city to a greater or lesser degree.
For example, in Makati there are many closed communities that cater for the 'filthy rich", with houses all 55 M php and above (Forbes Park, Urdaneta, Dasmarinas etc).
Pasig has all the Valley Verdes and Alexandra etc
Davao has Ladislawa Village.
Cebu has Maria Luisa village
and so on.
However, walk outside ANY of these gated villages (with security and boom gates on every entrance), and you will find beggars and abject poverty just outside the gates.

Red Kilt
08-12-10, 03:08
I find these numbers very interesting. And they seem believable.

However, from the many Filipinos/pinas I know (I don't mean bar girls) it seems that the PI is undergoing some what of a boom time. With the huge number of call center jobs and the number of Pinoys working overseas they feel there is more money in the country than ever. Several weeks ago I was at Fort Bonifacio. I think I counted 12 new high rises being built there. Sure a small number of families are making all of the money from owning these buildings but I have got to think that those construction workers are making more than minimum wage. I have been relayed stories of middle managers and upper managers in the call centers making wages in line with what you would see in western countries.

Of course it is not like the west but it seems to me that it is much better than "the old days. "

You have to remember that there are now 100 million people in the Philippines Devils.
Your observations about The Fort are based on a very small part of the major city.
It could seem that there is a boom when you see all the condos etc being built all over Manila but you do not need to stray very far outside of ANY major city and the poverty smacks you in the face immediately.

Construction workers get the minimum wages (now close to 300 php per day). They are all unskilled laborers - in fact, I worry about the qualifications of the locally-trained "engineers" supervising all of these constructions but that is another topic.

The percentages of call center workers is minuscule compared to the overall population, and these people on the 15 - 20,000 php per month (big salary) are usually supporting whole families of 6 - 10 persons. The number of middle managers you mention are also way less than 1% of the population.

So Yes - you could be lulled into thinking there was a boom going on, but just read those figures again that I gave in another post and that you quoted. There are a few VERY VERY RICH people in the Phils and a very large number of very poor people. There is a much lower number of "middle-class" families in the Phils than most western countries.
My guess is that 10% rich; 30% middle-class; 60% poor (close to or below the poverty line).

Remember also, 90% of the poor are all rural people. They do not live in Manila, Cebu or Davao.

Econo Tech
08-12-10, 07:14
I find these numbers very interesting. And they seem believable.

However, from the many Filipinos/pinas I know (I don't mean bar girls) it seems that the PI is undergoing some what of a boom time. With the huge number of call center jobs and the number of Pinoys working overseas they feel there is more money in the country than ever. Several weeks ago I was at Fort Bonifacio.The boom time is not as it could be. The propery market went through a major phase, where at one time, a property agent scolded me for being so cheapskate and not being able to commit on a 1. 3 million peso apartment. As she had loads of Filams and expat Filipinos who didn't mind putting money to buy expensive apartment. If you consider a 35, 000 US apartment as expensive.

But the worldwide economy slowed and a lot of middle class filipinos decided not to pursue the idea, when it became clear that while they can buy an apartment or house, there is no chance of them retiring considering they cannot make any money if the return back home and with so many nefarious taxes in place (BTW, not all countries allow dual citizenship.so those who give up Filipino citizenship end up worse when they realise all the costs back home doubled or tripled.)

Of late, atleast in Singapore, more than enough filipinos have forged ahead with giving up their Filipino citizenship and buy apartments not less than 400, 000 S$ and above, something that could get them a nice landed house back home.

The 'remittance' fuelled economy will run its course, from the days of sailors, it has just turned to nurses and support staff, though with more and more educated filipinos migrating, the remittance economy will not go away. My own take: the days of OFW supporting families back home are going away and the tech-med class is more keen to take their family away with them. And middle class families are rarely in the same class as those who support huge families.

As for call center staff and all. I have enough contacts in call centers. It is a glamour job so much so that while they are touted to be highly paid, as RK mentioned, just about 1% or so is on the high pay bracket. Majority of even specialists end up much lesser. About 10, 000 or so. Which is better than what they could get doing other job but.

The upper mid-class has always been there. I know enough filipinos who take annual overseas vacation, and places like Singapore, HK, Malaysia and even Europe is as the same as any westerner would travel to. Not beyond their reach. I do agree that it is growing. And with more and more of the middle class moving up. With decent salaries, I would sort of agree that some boom is going on.

A case of resentment: in the recently opened casinos in Singapore, Filipino Pit bosses. With their experience in Philippines and in Cruise Ships, are raking in 5 figure salaries, whereas the croupiers who are locals make half of that. Then again there is always the risk of the high fliers slowly replaced by natives.

It is complicated: but I would draw an anology to India. Whereas a decade ago almost every Indian wanted to be in US, now they get comparable pay so much so that many are not even happy to be away from India. And I am not kidding..

Maybe Philippines will get there. Somebody, but not so fast.

X Man
08-12-10, 12:09
I'm going to assume that what you wrote is not exactly what you meant. I recommend a clarification.

You suggest that you are "in the sex industry" and your employee was abc age. I'm pretty sure that is not you AV.

Im not just speaking from my experiences in the sex industry, my experiences in daily life here (not living in a gated community) indicates that prostitution is endemic here & that girls of 16 or even less frequently work.

I've had customers & acquaintances volunteer their age & line of work in passing conversation. They often seem kind of morose about it ( or are they just trying to snare you?). It's kind of a give away when a 16 year old is really well dressed & chain smoking the most expensive cigarettes but lives in the midst of an average (slum like) Manila barangay.

I recently had an employee (who I know to be shagging pinoys all over town) go on line at Cherry Blossoms, entice an American to come over to marry her & on her wedding night scream blue bloody murder when poor Chuck from Chicago pulled out his shrivelled old cock for the hymen breaking ceremony (long gone I'm afraid). Her age? 16!

I tried to warn this clown off before hand but when she created a ruckus in the hotel on the wedding night I really had to step in grab him & point out the finer points of filipino law. Got him on a plane & out of there in a hurry.

I digress, LAC is not all unique.


08-12-10, 13:09
I'm not sure where anyone would get the idea that middle and senior-level managers are making anything comparable to Western salaries. The starting center for call center agent in Manila is Php18000, or less than $400 a month, which is less than someone flipping burgers in McDonald's would make in a week. Mid-level managers might get all the way to about $1,000 or so a month, with more senior levels making twice that if they're lucky. Granted, this would put the latter firmly into the upper echelons of salaried workers here in the Philippines, but it's a pittance by Western standards.

Further, as Red Kilt points out, these salaries are typically utilized to support lots of people, either in Manila or back home in the provinces. This is a country of 100 million people, with an extremely young workforce and few jobs. I don't think anyone really knows the true percentage of unemployed, but an honestly calculated rate would be huge.

It's also important to remember that call center work is reserved for the educated. Typically, call centers require at least two years of college, and the requirements for management require, I am sure, college degrees, which eliminates the vast bulk of the population. Couple this with the fact that approximately 95% of all applicants fail the call center English tests, and again, you're looking at a minuscule percentage of the population that can qualify for these admittedly abundant jobs. The major problem for call centers here is that they cannot recruit a sufficient number of people given the stringent English language requirement and the lousy work hours that require the agents to work at night, since that's when it's daylight in the West.


08-12-10, 15:39
I find these numbers very interesting. And they seem believable.

However, from the many Filipinos/pinas I know (I don't mean bar girls) it seems that the PI is undergoing some what of a boom time. With the huge number of call center jobs and the number of Pinoys working overseas they feel there is more money in the country than ever. Several weeks ago I was at Fort Bonifacio. I think I counted 12 new high rises being built there. Sure a small number of families are making all of the money from owning these buildings but I have got to think that those construction workers are making more than minimum wage. I have been relayed stories of middle managers and upper managers in the call centers making wages in line with what you would see in western countries.

Of course it is not like the west but it seems to me that it is much better than "the old days. "RK's numbers are sound. Hanging around the fort gives a false impression. Also average filipino's are very prone to dressing 'the part' to give an impression of affluence whilst living in TINY sub standard apartments in heavily overcrowded barangay's on razor's edge budgets.


08-12-10, 15:52
You have to remember that there are now 100 million people in the Philippines Devils.
Your observations about The Fort are based on a very small part of the major city.
It could seem that there is a boom when you see all the condos etc being built all over Manila but you do not need to stray very far outside of ANY major city and the poverty smacks you in the face immediately.

Construction workers get the minimum wages (now close to 300 php per day). They are all unskilled laborers - in fact, I worry about the qualifications of the locally-trained "engineers" supervising all of these constructions but that is another topic.

The percentages of call center workers is minuscule compared to the overall population, and these people on the 15 - 20,000 php per month (big salary) are usually supporting whole families of 6 - 10 persons. The number of middle managers you mention are also way less than 1% of the population.

So Yes - you could be lulled into thinking there was a boom going on, but just read those figures again that I gave in another post and that you quoted. There are a few VERY VERY RICH people in the Phils and a very large number of very poor people. There is a much lower number of "middle-class" families in the Phils than most western countries.
My guess is that 10% rich; 30% middle-class; 60% poor (close to or below the poverty line).

Remember also, 90% of the poor are all rural people. They do not live in Manila, Cebu or Davao.
In spite of the poverty the Philippino people are flexible. I have not seen any malnourished people like you see in poor countries. Yes people are more poor in the villages. But they are subsistent farmers , fishermen or labourers. They do eat OK. But many homes of girls I have gone into lack the basics icluding glasses, plates etc. I beleive all the neighbours share the food and help each other.
I believe the whole problem is overpopulation that the country cannot support with corrupt politicians, lack of infrastructure, lack of industries and investment.

Wicked Roger
08-12-10, 17:20
it's also important to remember that call center work is reserved for the educated. typically, call centers require at least two years of college, and the requirements for management require, i am sure, college degrees, which eliminates the vast bulk of the population. couple this with the fact that approximately 95% of all applicants fail the call center english tests, and again, you're looking at a minuscule percentage of the population that can qualify for these admittedly abundant jobs. the major problem for call centers here is that they cannot recruit a sufficient number of people given the stringent english language requirement and the lousy work hours that require the agents to work at night, since that's when it's daylight in the west.

i would endorse ge's views as an ex girlfriend, a trained physiotherapist, 6 years post qualification plus other educational acccomplishments in her field who has good english has landed a job. she did this easily as the requirement for ehr to apss were hard and very few she told passed the english. fyi, ge, she was going to sit state boards but due to some "corruption" these were apparently cancelled this year - all her time in pi working to this moment buggered up by the age old problem....hence she does cc work until she can sit in 2011

she was a great physio...even got blow jobs when she looked after me at the hospital...wonderful days in saudi and she was lovely on video also :) i was her 'teacher' and she certainly passed all her exams with me :d

i know a guy who runs the centres from uk but visits and he tells me the same. language test is where many fial but rewards are high and the filipino have a good work ethic generally when they in the centre

but i also know another lady who lost her call centre job as she partied too ahrd (her words) and did not show up 3 times and now wished she could have the work back as the salary is "huge" in her words

08-12-10, 22:58
Many, if not most of the observations posted during the past couple of days focus on life in Manila, specifically Makati and its environs. However Makati and the adjacent areas are the richest area of the Philippines and home to an extremely small percentage of the overall population. Given that the most of the richest people in the country live in this relatively circumscribed space, it's easy to get the wrong impression of the country's true state by basing generalizations on what's happening on or near this small slice of Philippine geography.

In my job, I get to travel to many of the more rural areas and small municipalities in Mindanao--areas that are much more typical of the living conditions of the average Filipino than the glass a chrome architecture of Makati. I suggest that people who have not traveled much outside of the wealthier enclaves haven't seen the real Philippines, and might not enjoy it so much if they spent their time with people struggling to survive on a dollar or two a day.

Even in Manila and other larger urban areas such as Cebu or Davao, once you get away from the gated communities and new condominiums into the "squatter" areas, where people live in tin-roofed shanties, you can get the sense of how the bulk of the population actually lives. If this is a "boom time" for the country, someone forgot to tell the majority of Filipinos of the good times.

The fact is that this is a country that ekes by largely on the "charity of strangers;" that is, the remittances sent home by OFWs who go to work in countries that actually create job surpluses. Even the call center jobs are created largely by foreign companies that invest in the off shore facilities and services. Call centers aside, this place attracts very little in the way of direct foreign investment (less, I think than Vietnam and far less than Singapore), and attracts far fewer tourists than Singapore.


Econo Tech
08-13-10, 07:34
In my job, I get to travel to many of the more rural areas and small municipalities in Mindanao--areas that are much more typical of the living conditions of the average Filipino than the glass a chrome architecture of Makati. I suggest that people who have not traveled much outside of the wealthier enclaves haven't seen the real Philippines, and might not enjoy it so much if they spent their time with people struggling to survive on a dollar or two a day.

Even in Manila and other larger urban areas such as Cebu or Davao, once you get away from the gated communities and new condominiums into the "squatter" areas, where people live in tin-roofed shanties, you can get the sense of how the bulk of the population actually lives. If this is a "boom time" for the country, someone forgot to tell the majority of Filipinos of the good times.

The fact is that this is a country that ekes by largely on the "charity of strangers;" that is, the remittances sent home by OFWs who go to work in countries that actually create job surpluses. Even the call center jobs are created largely by foreign companies that invest in the off shore facilities and services. Call centers aside, this place attracts very little in the way of direct foreign investment (less, I think than Vietnam and far less than Singapore), and attracts far fewer tourists than Singapore.

GEI was visiting some girls who are working in Singapore as professional singers and dancers. Their house. In Tondo and some places in QC, Pasay, Mandalyong. And around there. Was nothing more than concrete blocks and a lot of storm water flooding marks (no kidding. There were marks and they were keeping score of the highest flood point.)

The only luxury they had was a Karaoke machine, tv and fridge. Nothing else. And Toilet was not worth mentioning.

Hence, when I am in Manila, if any of the girls want to overnight, even that means no sex, I don't mind- and if I am heading out to a day or two trip and if any girl says if she can use my apartelle. I gladly say yes. Well, it worked ok for me as the girls I am talking are the really gold hearted type, and my letting them enjoy a nice aircon sleep didn't hurt me..

Well, even Makati. Try stepping out and head to the back ends of Kalayaan and that area.

08-13-10, 09:51
Bad news for those relying an ATM s to access funds in the Phils. Until today BPI was the only bank (unless anyone knows of any others) that did not charge a "transaction fee" for the use of foreign based ATMs. Today they added an outrageous 200P per withdrawal charge (2% on the maximum 10,000P withdrawal and of course a higher percentage on lower amounts.)

Because ATM transactions are carried out at the "commercial exchange rate" ie a very low bid/offer spread using your ATM may still be the most economical way to access cash from overseas as if you transfer a large amount and deposit in a Phil bank it will be changed at a retail ex rate which typically has a 5% spread.

I'm thinking of opening a Phil peso account, anyone sufgest which bank is best.So far I've checked BPI and Metrobank - Metrobank has a lower min balance 2000P cf 3000P and less documentation requirements.

08-13-10, 09:53
Bad news for those relying an ATM s to access funds in the Phils. Until today BPI was the only bank (unless anyone knows of any others) that did not charge a "transaction fee" for the use of foreign based ATMs. Today they added an outrageous 200P per withdrawal charge (2% on the maximum 10,000P withdrawal and of course a higher percentage on lower amounts.)

Because ATM transactions are carried out at the "commercial exchange rate" ie a very low bid/offer spread using your ATM may still be the most economical way to access cash from overseas as if you transfer a large amount and deposit in a Phil bank it will be changed at a retail ex rate which typically has a 5% spread.

I'm thinking of opening a Phil peso account, anyone sufgest which bank is best.So far I've checked BPI and Metrobank - Metrobank has a lower min balance 2000P cf 3000P and less documentation requirements.BPI internet banking works really well and so much easier ( and perhaps less safe ) than HSBC with its multiple sign on requirements. BPI certainly is easy once you have the account.. and as a whitey, hate to say it, but you always get to the front of the line. Maybe its thre same in Metrobank.

X Man
08-13-10, 10:21
CS, why don't you just kill yourself...I mean from this list - not literally.

Why don't you just go ahead and take the medication X-Wife? Most people are resistant to it initially, but find that it helps if you continue to take it.

What didn't you understand about that post? Just change your name to X-Wife so that people can see you coming.

Or do you mean Ex-Man, as in, I used to be a man but now I'm just a nagging nit-picker.

Pharmacology may be the simple answer for you. Go ahead and take the risk.

08-13-10, 12:09
Bad news for those relying an ATM s to access funds in the Phils. I'm thinking of opening a Phil peso account, anyone sufgest which bank is best.So far I've checked BPI and Metrobank - Metrobank has a lower min balance 2000P cf 3000P and less documentation requirements.
I'm no expert on banks here, but I have had an account with Metro Bank for about 6 years, and I've never had a problem. They've been efficient, honest, and fast with all of the services that I've needed. That said, I don't use their facilities very much, as for most transactions here I use a Visa debit card from a bank in the US.


08-13-10, 13:56
Many, if not most of the observations posted during the past couple of days focus on life in Manila, specifically Makati and its environs. However Makati and the adjacent areas are the richest area of the Philippines and home to an extremely small percentage of the overall population. Given that the most of the richest people in the country live in this relatively circumscribed space, it's easy to get the wrong impression of the country's true state by basing generalizations on what's happening on or near this small slice of Philippine geography.

Agree...here is an excellent article from Filipino perspective from anti-pinoy site



[oops ; don't know why the link URL are not highlighted...just copy and paste the above link in your browser]

Saigon John
08-13-10, 14:23
Bad news for those relying an ATM s to access funds in the Phils. Until today BPI was the only bank (unless anyone knows of any others) that did not charge a "transaction fee" for the use of foreign based ATMs. Today they added an outrageous 200P per withdrawal charge (2% on the maximum 10,000P withdrawal and of course a higher percentage on lower amounts.) I use the Citibank ATM in Cebu to access my overseas Citibank account. When withdrawing the maximum allowed amount of PHP 15’000, the fee (i.e. the spread over the interbank foreign exchange rate) is about 1% - at least that’s my calculation.

If you have access to a U.K. account of the HSBC group, you might want to try the HSBC ATM in Cebu.

Econo Tech
08-13-10, 14:28
Agree...here is an excellent article from Filipino perspective from anti-pinoy site.My 2 cents advice: having worked with emotionally driven filipinos, don't even mention that site to any Filipino, as in their emotionally driven state will twist it till they will accuse you of being the owner of that sit. Not amount of clarification will get into their head

Trust me. I been there. When things go shit, they rational thinking flies out of the windows and it becomes "US AGAINST THEM" and those who even mildly criticise Filipinos will be taken to task.

An example: During my bartending days in Singapore, I was sponsoring a girl, for a temp work here, and one day when there was a Filipino in a fight with an indonesian, I casually told the girl what the Filipino in question is known to get drunk and stir up fights. Considering me myself have thrown the guy out of the bar more than once, and once had to drag him to the taxi stand and leave him there. Now guess what this girl did? She turns around and says "whatever, you don't quickly call all filipinos as troublemakers" and she kept raising her voice till I was the center of an almost mini riot.: confused;

I casually walked off. And then a shop owner did yell at the nosy parkers to disappear. And the problem didn't end there. The next day, the girl calls me and said that to emind that I was wrong she will not pay back the loan she had pulled from me. Considering that I was wrong to accuse the Filipino guy. Damn. How could I accuse the master race?: confused;

I shrugged it off and when the sponsorship came for renewal, I casually told her I am not considering not renewing it. As she didn't behave like a rational person and chose to make a fuss of the crap attitude of "filipinos against the world". And despite this girl being a professional IT engineer, she was at a loss to my trying to strike some sense.

The drama didn't end there. She took a walk and almost every Filipino/filipina I know was told explicitly that I am abusing their countrymen. And while some listened to her, most of their own kabayans who knew me well casually asked what happened, while the rest decide to brand me as anti-Filipino. Not that I care because end of the day. I don't make a living on any Filipino. And the filipinos I deal with are those with better moral fiber.

So my followed my rule book: instead of arguing more with her, I casually waited till she went to Malaysia for an assignment and got Immigration to drop her work pass, and when she called I still didn't confront her. And instead said that due to circumstances beyond my control, I had to cancel the permit. And she got only 2 days to get back, pack her bags and fly off. And till today she can't get a job in Singapore (and I swear I didn't do anything like blacklisting) and despite all that. She can happily quote me as a reference for her job applications.

Now I could have struck some sense, but then I know. That brain. The same brain that can restore a Terrabyte NAS storage and can create Unix scripts on the fly. When it comes it "national pride". Is wasted.

And same shit goes for women folk: when filipina hooker is caught and despite the regulars in the bars know what she is doing. I also learnt to never commit the cardinal sin of telling other filipinos that the arrested girl is / was a hooker. Especially in the company of educated filipinos/filipinas. It will come back as fast as I can imagine as "YOU CALL ALL FILIPINAS AS HOOKERS? " There are too many stories like that where not me. But a few other guys were almost slaughtered.

So. To save your bacon. Don't' mention this anti-pinoy site to a Filipino/filipina. They may take the time to make sure you are a persona-non-grata and will be ready to committ hara-kiri saying that you are the author of the site. And no amount of trying to strike any sense will go into their brain. Or you can email the site to a Filipino and tell me what you hear.

PS: sorry for the long rant but I guess you guys got my drift.

08-13-10, 15:35
It's also important to remember that call center work is reserved for the educated. Typically, call centers require at least two years of college, and the requirements for management require, I am sure, college degrees, which eliminates the vast bulk of the population. Couple this with the fact that approximately 95% of all applicants fail the call center English tests, and again, you're looking at a minuscule percentage of the population that can qualify for these admittedly abundant jobs. The major problem for call centers here is that they cannot recruit a sufficient number of people given the stringent English language requirement and the lousy work hours that require the agents to work at night, since that's when it's daylight in the West.


True. I have worked in a call center myself in India when i graduated from college . I won't recommended anyone to work in a call center...its like slaving away your youth working in a grave yard shift for a penny with no experience gained.

Sure enough, it pays a bit more than regular job around you in a third world country....but the pay is still low to make any significant change in your life. You can't buy a house, a car, or go around the world with a call center salary.

Young people just don't understand what trap they are getting into...at first, when you are in the 20's your body is good and you are full of energy..20 thousand pesos looks great....working in night shit is not a problem.

When you hit 30's and all the toll it takes to work in the night shift...your body slowly starts to give away....you get married, have kids and can't stay at night in a call center for ever....you resign and look for another work.

Recruiters will laugh at you with your call center experience....they say you have graduate degree from a good university in Bsc, science..where is the work experience....cold calling someone for 10 years in America does not look good in the resume after you hit 30.

Filipinos would suffer the same fate that Indians did. Why you wonder that PH is taking over India in call center business...'cos in India, people have learned their game. Attrition rate in India is like 80%, no one wants to stick around in a call center for too long. ofcourse in media you hear all rosy picture...the ground reality is different...call centre job in India is now a days one of the last option...just 10 years back...it was the thing to be in.

The people who open call centre in a third world country are looking for slaves and are scums of the earth, they make 40 times more per seat opening a call centre in India or PH and give them back a bit more than average salary around. Do they compromise on quality NO, may be in some cases on calls they compromise on accent but by not much...but for backend work..they require the same quality as they would get in America.

If they don't compromise on quality why should we compromise on salary ? like they pay 80% less than what a call centre agent in America would make.

A bar girl working in Cebu at night is at an equal footing with a call center agent..they both work at night, they make more or less the same amount of money and they talk to same people "farangs" from America and Europe :)..

Only difference between them is that a bar girl can get sometimes lucky by hooking up with a farang and has a greater chance learning the american accent than a call center agent plus she could also realize her American dream which a call center agent could never. :)

Wicked Roger
08-13-10, 16:45
Bad news for those relying an ATM s to access funds in the Phils. Until today BPI was the only bank (unless anyone knows of any others) that did not charge a "transaction fee" for the use of foreign based ATMs. Today they added an outrageous 200P per withdrawal charge (2% on the maximum 10,000P withdrawal and of course a higher percentage on lower amounts.)

Because ATM transactions are carried out at the "commercial exchange rate" ie a very low bid/offer spread using your ATM may still be the most economical way to access cash from overseas as if you transfer a large amount and deposit in a Phil bank it will be changed at a retail ex rate which typically has a 5% spread.

I'm thinking of opening a Phil peso account, anyone sufgest which bank is best.So far I've checked BPI and Metrobank - Metrobank has a lower min balance 2000P cf 3000P and less documentation requirements.GL I have a peso account at HSBC and I have no balance but that maybe because of my account here in Saudi. Worth a check maybe?

08-13-10, 20:57
Hi all,

Check out these awesome interviews with Expats about life and love in the Philippines. They are so no holds barred, truthful, and refreshing with NO political correctness. Just what I like! It's rare to hear people talk so truthful publicly.

Here are the links to listen to them.

Interview with Larry Elterman, author of "A Man's Guide to Life and Love in the Philippines":


Interview with Steve N about Dating Filipinas vs. American women:



08-14-10, 01:47
Hello all,

I will be a newbie to The Philippines and this is a very general question about the available activities of Filipina bar girls. I've had several trips to Cambodia and Thailand and enjoy an anal trip, generally after one too many beers but enjoyable none the less. I'm planning a trip to AC and Subic Bay and have heard that because of the general Catholic upbringing it is rare to find a Filipina that does anal. Do you know if it is really that rare or just a matter of asking? Thanks for your input (that's a joke guys).

08-14-10, 10:52
Hi all, Check out these awesome interviews with Expats about life and love in the Philippines. They are so no holds barred, truthful, and refreshing with NO political correctness. Just what I like! It's rare to hear people talk so truthful publicly.Enjoy!

Thanks for the links. I listened to a few of the episodes and was fairly disappointed. I didn't find either of these guys offering any insights that a guy who has been here for a week or two wouldn't develop. Maybe it's because I live here, but I don't think so.


08-14-10, 12:05
Hello all,

I will be a newbie to The Philippines and this is a very general question about the available activities of Filipina bar girls. I've had several trips to Cambodia and Thailand and enjoy an anal trip, generally after one too many beers but enjoyable none the less. I'm planning a trip to AC and Subic Bay and have heard that because of the general Catholic upbringing it is rare to find a Filipina that does anal. Do you know if it is really that rare or just a matter of asking? Thanks for your input (that's a joke guys).Plenty of filipina bargirls do anal, just like anywhere else. You just have to spell it out before you take her. Don't wait until you get to the room and say, "By the way, can you also do..."

08-14-10, 17:15
My 2 cents advice: having worked with emotionally driven filipinos, don't even mention that site to any Filipino, as in their emotionally driven state will twist it till they will accuse you of being the owner of that sit. Not amount of clarification will get into their head

I agree with you completely. I was skeptical at first to post an anti Filipino site...but figured not many Filipinos are members here..so just went with it....I was also surprised by the site for its blatant form of article reporting against PH, then found out, all writers on that site are filipino-americans.

Being from India...im very well aware of the false national pride that is injected into all Indians from an early age...even if you try to point out the mistake you will always be the culprit. Later, when i traveled, I found out the problem is in all over Asia...it is same in Thailand, i would say far greater than PH. China, Korea etc are same...Japan is cool to an extent.

Case in point, Many Indians smell bad, myself included compare to other country folks...it may be due to the spices we eat, our curries :)....When i came to PH first...i took the smelling issue in my stride when girls action made it clear that, my smell is an issue for them. I took counter measures and now i don't face any issues at all....however, when i point the same stuff back home that why bar girls/girls in general don't like Indians as one of the reason is smell..

I'm just bombarded with anti Indian messages, banned from forums and get 1000 curse words in mail. I understand its a sensitive issue, i make it extra careful to point it out...yet educated people also don't get it.

I read, hear 1000 stories about Indians getting rejected all around the bars.....but when i say may be its could be our fault...they would say...no the bar girls are racist etc.

You are right, im very careful in these matters...i just go with the flow...unless i know a girl very well...i don't take any political or cultural issues with them.

But word of caution...don't do the same with Indians, Pakistanis, srilankans , thai or any Asians....one will get the same negative response. :)

08-14-10, 19:30
Anyone mentioned this video? I saw it posted on another site and thought you guys might wanna check it out. Of course one hopes to never be paid a visit from the Bureau of Immigration...


08-14-10, 19:41
I'm thinking of opening a Phil peso account, anyone sufgest which bank is best.So far I've checked BPI and Metrobank - Metrobank has a lower min balance 2000P cf 3000P and less documentation requirements.I am very happy with BPI, and not so with Metrobank. BPI has great service, and easy to use web access. Metrobank may be good on the long run but on new account they have many restrictions and are a pain in the neck (no remitance at first, etc).

China bank has the best internet download service straight to MS Money. I like that. Citibank is the most convenient if you have accounts in several countries but the minimum maintaining balance is very high. HSBC has the worst internet service and credit card service. For other things they may not be that bad but are not worth the high maintaining balance IMO. BPI gives a much better service for a much much lower maitaining balance. BDO is good. Don't take an account with Union bank. They are terrible.

IMO the best is Citibank, and the more useful of the smaller banks is China bank, followed by BPI, followed by BDO.

Well, that's my experience at least. YMMV.

Red Kilt
08-15-10, 06:00
GL I have a peso account at HSBC and I have no balance but that maybe because of my account here in Saudi. Worth a check maybe?

I agree with WR.
I use HSBC (the world's local bank) in Manila.
I am not charged ANY fees because i deposit my pay cheques directly into the account.
I have 3 sub-accounts under the major account - a peso, an Aust dollar and a USD account, with 3 different ATM cards to access any of them anywhere.
I also have an HSBC credit card account that is linked to one of these accounts for direct debit.
All very easy to do with minimum of fuss.
The best thing about HSBC is that there is never any lines to deal with at ATMs or inside the bank itself.

08-15-10, 07:54
anyone mentioned this video? i saw it posted on another site and thought you guys might wanna check it out. of course one hopes to never be paid a visit from the bureau of immigration...


i am not surprised though. there are three big potential problems/traps for foreigners living in the philippines: 1) doing business could be a nightmare because of the endemic corruption, 2) the difference in wealth can create problems over time; and 3) launching baseless accusation and authorities playing along with it is so easy.

for 1, all of my friends having done business where the government was involved (i.e. granting licenses etc) have lived to regret it, especially where big money was at stake - and i am not speaking of the relatively common occurrence of the wife going away with all the possession that was put on her name or to which she had access to.

for 2, you have to try to get local neighbors involved, even for small money, maybe having a nearby field where they can grow things, etc. then they will support and protect you, otherwise they may create trouble (from slashing your tires to robberies to false accusations to shooting).

for 3, a case in point would be lac, that went down through false accusations by the international justice mission, maybe triggered after the owner filed criminal suit against one of its members, with lim playing along with it for his own agenda. another was the smith case, falsely accused of [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) a bar girl who willingly went with him! a case that was played up for pure political reasons by people like legarda (who at least lost the presidential election together with the equally wicked villar, thanks god). another case that comes to mind is the one of albert wilson, narrated in the book "sentenced to death", who was lined up for the death penalty after completely fabricated accusations of him having had sex with a girl below 12, and who was proved innocent on the last minute!

the philippines can be paradise or hell, depending on how well you navigate through the maze of intrigues, greed, and jealousy that the contrast of wealth will inevitably create. it certainly helps to take more than one precautions, and knowing people like that guy (who deserves the highest praise) would certainly be an asset! i wish he would one day write a book with all the cases he encountered, for our own enlightenment!

08-15-10, 09:02
PS - I wrote the post below before realizing there is a part II of the video. It does not change much to what I wrote except that it is true that some of the people presented in the second part have indeed made quite a difference. They have done outstanding work and deserve all our admiration and gratitude - especially if their efforts prove to be sustainable!

Econo Tech
08-15-10, 09:45
I agree with you completely. I was skeptical at first to post an anti Filipino site. But figured not many Filipinos are members here. So just went with it. I was also surprised by the site for its blatant form of article reporting against PH, then found out, all writers on that site are Filipino-americans.Me and my dumb brain

Knowing the attitude, I casually mentioned the site and a colleague of mine swears that it is run by people who don't like FILIPINOS. I culled further discussed and did a vanishing act.

Being from India. I'm very well aware of the false national pride that is injected into all Indians from an early age. Even if you try to point out the mistake you will always be the culprit. Later, when I traveled, I found out the problem is in all over Asia. It is same in Thailand, I would say far greater than PH. China, Korea etc are same. Japan is cool to an extent.Well, no comments. Most Indians and other asians think that 'national pride' overrides everything.

I took counter measures and now I don't face any issues at all. However, when I point the same stuff back home that why bar girls/girls in general don't like Indians as one of the reason is smell.

I'm just bombarded with anti Indian messages, banned from forums and get 1000 curse words in mail. I understand its a sensitive issue, I make it extra careful to point it out. Yet educated people also don't get it.Well, no comments been there, heard that, and got shit to smithereens. Now when guys ask why the girls are not even entertaining the guys, I say nothing.

Well, of course, when the girl has met and knows the guys is clean enough, then it is a wild ride, and more often I have heard girls telling to other girls about some of my friends. "He is INJAN, BUT NOT SMELLY" I don't attempt to hurt the feeling of the indians and others and I keep quite.

But word of caution. Don't do the same with Indians, Pakistanis, srilankans, thai or any Asians. One will get the same negative response.Back to bar girls. Considering their moral brain, it is wrong to discuss politics, and some of the worse things you can do is ask them to 'get out of the business' as they will think you are the bad guy and the 'business' they are in isn't bad

No comments mate And good writing.


08-15-10, 10:29
I'm thinking of opening a Phil peso account, anyone sufgest which bank is best.
I'm with HSBC Premier. excellent service so far.

08-15-10, 12:29
Anyone mentioned this video? I saw it posted on another site and thought you guys might wanna check it out. Of course one hopes to never be paid a visit from the Bureau of Immigration...


Wow...very good video ...an eye opener...

Foreigner's who come to PH should always remember that "There is no cure for jealously". I'm from a third world country and i know to some extent how it works here. As you see in the video, all folks who come from EU or America built a palatial bungalow surrounded by ghettos in remote places.

They are bound to be the target of extortion by mafia. No matter how many books you read and forum posts about in living in the Philippines .....one will take a long time in understanding the psychology of people in a third world country.

Except few, everyone who is on top in a third world country came from mafioso mentality extortion and parasitically leeching into who made money genuinely. You will face the same issues if you do that in India, Pakistan, Thailand, Cambodia etc anywhere in Asia. This is also true in Korea and Japan... Protectionism in Asia by few families which i call mafia is everywhere. You may read ohh how great is Japan and look at korean economy, they are better than PH...if true.., try opening a business there...you will be cut down in no time.....its worse in Korea and Japan...in PH you can bribe and get your way around..In Japan and korea..you will be stuck in prison for ever.

How many Europeans or American do you think have made it in japan or korea...None...How many Japanese and Koreans are successful in America and europe....thousands

You don't have to worry about poor people, its a wrong assumption that poor people are after your money. Its the people who are in power, with plenty of money to payoff other gangsters will do such a thing. Actually, 90% of people in Asia are good like anywhere, its the few people on top who controls everything and would do anything to stop anyone else from coming up.

As Denom has pointed out, its pretty much the case. Since, last 150 year's, few families are controlling the breath of PH economy. Do you think they will easily give it all away ?

As many of us know, why do you think farangs always say "no matter what you do, you will never be a part of them" however, many Asians, who go to farang lands quickly raise to the top, becoming part of the society, contributing to the society and culture of the adopted land. We know 1000's of Asians who are successful in europe and America and part of the society.

UK's richest man is an Indian, lots of Filipinos and Asian's are millionaires in America. How many we know in reverse..none...Its a fact folks..Don't swing your tail too much..else it will be cut to size..Period.

1. Keep a low profile. 2. rent condos 3. Live among Filipinos 4. Don't built 100 thousand dollars mansion in remote corners of the country.5 Most of all...keep moving from place to place..Don't attract too much attention.

Personally, even if im from India, which does not attract too much attention. Due to my lifestyle :)...I always keep changing my location...couple of years back i was in Cebu, then i moved to manila...i came back..now i go back to Cebu and live in a different place.

The point is...when you start getting attention and people start to recognize you around...time to pack your bags. Again, I say, PH and Asia is a very good place to live and enjoy..people are nice..poor, middle class people are not your problem...its people in power with millions of dollars with greed down in their neck will make sure you pay for trespassing into their territory

I hate this when good people are exploited.

08-15-10, 12:31
LOL. Let me be the first to welcome you to the wonderful world of Ivory Soap. LOL.

Sounds like a good soap...will try it out...will do anything to get laid :)

Questor 55
08-16-10, 00:37
Anyone mentioned this video? I saw it posted on another site and thought you guys might wanna check it out. Of course one hopes to never be paid a visit from the Bureau of Immigration...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLNzaSWjouAThis video is a "Must Watch' for anyone contemplating a move to the Philippines. An easy mistake for a westerner is to think that the law is there to protect the innocent. In fact, your innocence may be your fatal flaw. Pay attention, cultivate a mild paranoia, and absorb what the 'old pros' on this site are sharing.

08-16-10, 01:14
Anyone mentioned this video? I saw it posted on another site and thought you guys might wanna check it out. Of course one hopes to never be paid a visit from the Bureau of Immigration.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLNzaSWjouAThanks so much for that info very scary dont you think?

Wicked Roger
08-16-10, 17:02
I'm with HSBC Premier. excellent service so far.
Agreed E, perfect service, very helpful when I went into the branch to set up all the accounts, the internet banking etc, treated me like a gentleman (which depsite rumours to the contrary, I am )...and my acccount officer was quite cute as well :)

08-16-10, 17:43
I agree with WR.

I use HSBC (the world's local bank) in Manila.

I am not charged ANY fees because I deposit my pay cheques directly into the account.

I have 3 sub-accounts under the major account. A peso, an Aust dollar and a USD account, with 3 different ATM cards to access any of them anywhere.

I also have an HSBC credit card account that is linked to one of these accounts for direct debit.

All very easy to do with minimum of fuss.

The best thing about HSBC is that there is never any lines to deal with at ATMs or inside the bank itself.Do you need a Philippine residence to open up an account?

Wicked Roger
08-16-10, 18:19
Do you need a Philippine residence to open up an account?
Not for me but is because I am already an account holder with HSBC overseas.

And I have obey the rules on deposits which is very easy as a non resident (ie just don't deposit any pesos into your peso account while in the country as you must only deposit from a foreign currency account)

08-16-10, 18:43
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because it contained links to a competing Forum. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines and the Forum's FAQ for further information. Thanks!

08-16-10, 18:54
PS - I wrote the post below before realizing there is a part II of the video. It does not change much to what I wrote except that it is true that some of the people presented in the second part have indeed made quite a difference. They have done outstanding work and deserve all our admiration and gratitude - especially if their efforts prove to be sustainable!
Anyone mentioned this video? I saw it posted on another site and thought you guys might wanna check it out. Of course one hopes to never be paid a visit from the Bureau of Immigration...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLNzaSWjouAYeh, I nearly made the same mistake myself... in fact for everyone's benefit there are 3 parts.

Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFp0ld_lgdk

Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiXFXhD2cwY

I think this should be an induction video for anyone coming to the pines for anything more than a holiday!

08-17-10, 06:04
Yeh, I nearly made the same mistake myself... in fact for everyone's benefit there are 3 parts.

Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFp0ld_lgdk
Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiXFXhD2cwY

I think this should be an induction video for anyone coming to the pines for anything more than a holiday! :DWow - thanks for the info - I missed that one too, especially since the second part looked like the real end.

The third part is almost more moving than the two before, especially when that German guy gets released and gets to meet his family again. It also shows that Lehnert probably would not have gotten away with it had he not influential friends - and that the job he is doing now to free innocent foreigners from jail would also not be possible without that support. Well, let's hope it stays that way through political shifts. We have seen what happens when a Lim takes over from an Atienza :(((

Econo Tech
08-17-10, 08:18
Wow - thanks for the info - I missed that one too, especially since the second part looked like the real end.

The third part is almost more moving than the two before, especially when that German guy gets released and gets to meet his family again. It also shows that Lehnert probably would not have gotten away with it had he not influential friends - and that the job he is doing now to free innocent foreigners from jail would also not be possible without that support. Well, let's hope it stays that way through political shifts. We have seen what happens when a Lim takes over from an Atienza :(((I like the part where PRA gives full support - isn't that the job of PRA to ensure such harassment doesn't take place ?

And does everybody need influential friends to safeguard the interests of the investors?

I totally laud Lehnert's work and knowing who's shoes he is stepping on - I wouldn't be surprised and do believe if he is a marked man. May God Bless him.

08-17-10, 17:28
Anyone mentioned this video? I saw it posted on another site and thought you guys might wanna check it out. Of course one hopes to never be paid a visit from the Bureau of Immigration...

2 Points I must make about this :

1) This is not a Philippine phenomenon. It can & does happen in other countries. In my home country of Australia there have been totally unjust incarcerations & deportations of legitimate immigrants.

2) The vast majority of expats in the Phils don't have problems. If you wish to stay here in PI don't bring attention to yourself & develop contacts/connections. Keep the bulk of your wealth off shore.

I am totally sympathetic to the men in the video & would not wish it on any person but when I see elderly german men marrying very young girls of poor famillies & splashing big money around I am not surprised by the result...


08-17-10, 17:54
2 Points I must make about this :

I am totally sympathetic to the men in the video & would not wish it on any person but when I see elderly german men marrying very young girls of poor famillies & splashing big money around I am not surprised by the result...


Rule 1 of any expat: low profile

08-17-10, 19:42
One remarkable thing about these cases is that they have nothing to do with sex. I wonder what the risk is to get scammed by girls you have sex with. Suppose you rent an apartment long term in any part of the country where there is some action. You bring in home 3 or 4 different girls each weak. How long before one of them tells everyone you promised to marry her and if you don't you have to pay etc. ?

Stroker Ace88
08-17-10, 21:02
I was recently booking a flight on Philippine Airlines and noticed there is a new addition to the booking conditions. It states those who have to pay the "Philippine Travel Tax" should do so before check-in with Philippine Airlines. I have only paid the airport departure fee and I never seen of heard of this tax before.

Is this tax new and who has to pay this tax? Anyone know?

Here is the link to the Philippine Travel Tax website


08-17-10, 21:43
I was recently booking a flight on Philippine Airlines and noticed there is a new addition to the booking conditions. It states those who have to pay the "Philippine Travel Tax" should do so before check-in with Philippine Airlines. I have only paid the airport departure fee and I never seen of heard of this tax before.

Is this tax new and who has to pay this tax? Anyone know?

Here is the link to the Philippine Travel Tax website

http://www.philtourism.com/ttax.htmlIt does not apply for a lot of non resedent aliens, ie tourists amongst them
Read your own link on "what the tax is"
Before listing a whole lot of exempted cases, it summarizes that list with:

Non-immigrant aliens who have not stayed in the Philippines for more than a year are not covered by the travel tax. However, PTA F356 need to be prepared by the ticketing officer for passengers with the following immigration status except for FGO & their dependents (Sec. 9E) who have stayed for more than a year, they have to secure Travel Tax Exemption Certificate.

Lots of governments are trying to cash here, there and everywhere to finance their expenditure.
Air travels is one of the best targets for this, I am afraid.

Econo Tech
08-18-10, 05:44
one remarkable thing about these cases is that they have nothing to do with sex. i wonder what the risk is to get scammed by girls you have sex with. suppose you rent an apartment long term in any part of the country where there is some action. you bring in home 3 or 4 different girls each weak. how long before one of them tells everyone you promised to marry her and if you don't you have to pay etc?i would bet all i have that 9 out of 10 cases that end up in court because of sex cases go quite. who wants to see their face in the newspaper / media (all for fuck's sake. you know the philippine media and what is written there. nothing but gossip shit. including kris aquino accusing her lover of giving her sexual diseases. damn i love philippines)

i have heard enough cases, including a guy who was caught by manila's finest, based upon a girl's complaint that she was raped (and god forbid the man who does such travesty to a good catholic girl) and charged to "for [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908)" (god knows how a monger became a human trafficker) paid 5, 000 us to walk out of philippines, and banned from entering the country, and when he tried to sell his apartment. somebody had lodged a caveat, and he had to forego the 150, 000 us apartment at 75, 000. and he is yet to get his money.

always, play safe, and don't offend the natives, and even when the natives are all smiley face and seem to be happy when you are screwing their sisters and cousins, they are fuming like a volcano. and when they have a couple of red horse litro, their imagination can run wild

my 2 cents: moral of the story. lie low, and play safe.

08-19-10, 06:24
Hey Guys,

I'm new to the Manilla board here. Been there once, had an absolutely STELLAR time, might have to avoid a few baby momma's when I reach land, but other than that nothing but good memories of the Phillipines. Would like to know anything and everything about the Metro Manilla area. The last time my friend and I had a driver, and I wasnt much paying attention to what we doing or where we were driving. I do however remember that we were taken on an approximately 30 minute drive from the Mall of Asia, I believe it was Metro Manilla. Was thinking about trying out the bar scene this time around, but my best memory was our driver taking us to some hole in the wall, where I met the Filipino girl of my dreams. (Potential baby momma, wouldn't mind dropping her some child support, and continuing a relatinoship actually). In the Metro Manilla area, are there any solid suggestions from any of you veterans here?


Tally Wacker
08-21-10, 17:13
Leeroy182 what exactly do you mean by this? Does this mean you have children in Phil?

Hey Guys,

might have to avoid a few baby momma's when I reach land, but other than that nothing but good memories of the Phillipines

I met the Filipino girl of my dreams. (Potential baby momma, wouldn't mind dropping her some child support, and continuing a relatinoship actually).


08-21-10, 17:21
It's been a long time since my last course in moral philosophy, so perhaps my reasoning skills in this area are somewhat rusty. Notwithstanding that, I struggle to understand why one voice in the wilderness (the infamous Bop) would become so irate by behavior between consenting adults that harms no one. BDSM is not my thing. I don't get at all turned on by seeing girls in collars, tied up, with butt plugs or various fruits shoved up their nether parts. But I freely acknowledge that others do derive enormous pleasure from such acts, and, as long as there's no coercion involved, I don't see the harm.

Deciding that a given category of sexual activity is "immoral," even when it harms no one, is a slippery slope indeed. Where then, do we draw the line? And who exactly gets to draw it? Are the women who put on shows on Patpong in Bangkok---pulling all manner of paraphernalia from their pussies, shooting darts, opening coke and/or beer bottles, immoral? Are the people who pay them to enact these shows? How about the customers who pay to watch them?

Bop makes the implicit assumption that these women are coerced, at least economically, to engage in this behavior, and I infer, from this posts, that he considers it degrading. However, having met some of these women--including some of those pictured by WR--I know that the women do not find it humiliating, and (again of those that I've met) don't engage in these acts because they're paid extra. Simply stated: they do it because they enjoy it.

Denigrating the activities of other members with no knowledge of their motivation or their character shows, in my opinion, a lack of respect and an inexplicable eagerness to rush to judgment of those whose action require no justification.


08-21-10, 23:07
No, I don't know for sure.

None that I know of 100%.

Is anyone available for PM about PI?

08-22-10, 05:54
Greetings Everyone,

I recently cleaned up this thread by deleting an off-topic and otherwise worthless post by Bopalula, as well as a number responses made by other forum members to this deleted posts.

This cleanup process is not perfect, and it's possible that I may have inadvertently deleted a few otherwise legitimate posts. If you find that your own report was also deleted, please don't take it personally.



Econo Tech
08-22-10, 07:59
Leeroy182 what exactly do you mean by this? Does this mean you have children in Phil?I get his drift that he wants to make girls pregnant. Or am I too missing something here?

08-23-10, 00:59
I get his drift that he wants to make girls pregnant. Or am I too missing something here?

That was my interpretation too.

Yesterday I got a text from a Pinay friend of mine to say that she had her first menstruation since taking cytotik (sp?) a week ago to abort her 3 months pregnancy fathered by an American guy here. It took her a month to save most of the money for the tablets, the American refused to contribute. She was shocked when a tiny but fully formed foetus appeared. It has clearly had a big emotional impact on her, she talked about its tiny arms and face and took a photo then didn't know what do to with it. She wanted to bury it but her place was all concreted over so went out and bought some cement and put it in a box and cemented it into the ground somewhere in her place. Whether this was a good idea or not is not the point, pregnancy here is a big emotional thing here in the Phils. The Catholic church has inculcated the "mortal sin" idea and many of the girls who undergo abortion will be impacted for life. A couple of months ago I contributed to the medicines necessary for an emergency caesarian for a friend of one of my girls who had been trying to abort a 7 month old pregnancy before she got kicked out of college. The Doctors said it was just 50/50 whether both mother and (1.5kg) baby would survive. So far they seem to have been lucky.

The Phils is over run by Pinoy guys who have a totally irresponsible attitude towards getting girls pregnant. I don't see any reason why theoretically better educated foreigners should add to the trauma.

08-23-10, 04:01
It's been a long time since my last course in moral philosophy, so perhaps my reasoning skills in this area are somewhat rusty. Notwithstanding that, I struggle to understand why one voice in the wilderness (the infamous Bop) would become so irate by behavior between consenting adults that harms no one. BDSM is not my thing. I don't get at all turned on by seeing girls in collars, tied up, with butt plugs or various fruits shoved up their nether parts. But I freely acknowledge that others do derive enormous pleasure from such acts, and, as long as there's no coercion involved, I don't see the harm.

GEThe good news is that BOP got a discussion started about bdsm in the Photo Chit Chat thread. Exactly what he dislikes. Shame, huh?

Mr Enternational
08-23-10, 06:42
About two weeks ago I introduced a friend of mine who has never been out of the USA to DIA and a couple of other free websites with Asians. At first he was all gung ho talking about all the girls who were giving him play and saying that he was going to bring one back. Today I got the funniest text from him. He said, "Hey, these Asian b*s just ask for money all the time." So I told him to ask how much they wanted him to send because they may have a sick buffalo on their hands. After that he had a few choice words for me.

08-23-10, 11:16
The Phils is over run by Pinoy guys who have a totally irresponsible attitude towards getting girls pregnant. I don't see any reason why theoretically better educated foreigners should add to the trauma.
Sad but true. I used to think that the irresponsible desertion of women whom they impregnated was the province of pinoys, who often just run and hide out in another island and/or another town, leaving the mothers to fend for themselves. Unfortunately, I've since found out that Western men, and a disturbing number of them, have much the same attitude. This is an issue where the moral issue seems pretty clear. Unfortunately, Filipinas have extremely limited recourse in these situations. Though there are support laws in the Philippines, like all other laws, they're not enforced. In the case of locals made pregnant by morally bankrupt foreigners, the situation is even worse, since the foreigners cannot be compelled to acknowledge paternity, to take a DNA test or even to sign a birth certificate, giving the women and the babies no rights.

Though I'd like to think that the percentage of foreigners who stroll casually away from any responsibility is smaller than the percentage of Filipinos who engage in the same behavior, I'm not sure that it's true.


08-23-10, 12:42
Though I'd like to think that the percentage of foreigners who stroll casually away from any responsibility is smaller than the percentage of Filipinos who engage in the same behavior, I'm not sure that it's true.


Interesting post this one. Whilst I completely agree that if you have fathered some kid somewhere you should take on some responsibility, as someone who married 16 years ago after making my GF pregnant I am on the verge of a divorce because I married not for love or things in common but because I made a stupid mistake at a young age.

In hindsight maybe I should have sent money regularly and got on with my life.

Econo Tech
08-23-10, 14:36
That was my interpretation too.

Yesterday I got a text from a Pinay friend of mine to say that she had her first menstruation since taking cytotik (sp?) a week ago to abort her 3 months pregnancy fathered by an American guy here.
The Phils is over run by Pinoy guys who have a totally irresponsible attitude towards getting girls pregnant. I don't see any reason why theoretically better educated foreigners should add to the trauma.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misoprostol is scary after 2nd month - and it is lucky she didn't end up as a trauma patient do to catatonic shock ... .:(

There was a filipina here, who suddenly wanted to borrow 100 S$ and only next day she told me she dosed herself on cytotec and (one or two orally and one vaginally I think.) she started to bleed. And double scare. I had to foot the bill for Emergency treatement. Her Scot boyfriend's mistake and the guy only sent an sms advising her to save the baby and get a DNA done before he admits ownership. If she had not had a complete discharge the hospital would have notified the police and she would have been on the next flight back to Phil for good.

Touchy subject, but in my eyes, filipina maids here who become loyal are LOYAL.

Anyway, echoing your and GE's sentiments, I would hazard a guess that 95% of single mothers are due to Filipino men. And less than 5% would be due to foreigners.

08-23-10, 14:48
You did the honorable thing, but I'm not arguing that pregnancy should necessarily equal marriage, just that it's necessary to assume some financial responsibility for your actions.

Tally Wacker
08-23-10, 14:51
Mind understanding is that Leeroy182 has already fathered some kids from More than one Filipina in Phil on his previous visits and he has had contact from the Mother's asking for Support?

He claims one of theses Filipinas are the woman of his dreams. Says he wouldn't mind dropping some child support and continuing a relationship with her.

His plans are to avoid them we he returns and knock up some new ones looks like.

Leroy182 why don't you clarify some of this for us?

I get his drift that he wants to make girls pregnant. Or am I too missing something here?
No, I don't know for sure.

None that I know of 100%.

Is anyone available for PM about PI?[QUOTE=Originally Posted by Leeroy182

Hey Guys,

Might have to avoid a few baby momma's when I reach land, but other than that nothing but good memories of the Phillipines

I met the Filipino girl of my dreams. (Potential baby momma, wouldn't mind dropping her some child support, and continuing a relatinoship actually).


X Man
08-23-10, 16:15
I don't know how old you are or what your financial situation is, but considering your comments. I'd say it's not too late to get on with your life.

You didn't say if the old ball and chain was a Filipina or something other or if you"ve even been to the Philippines. My son is 17, should be in a very expensive college soon.

I've made a lot of unexpected and /or wrong turns in my life, but like Dorothy in W of Oz, those turns somhow have turned out okay, sometimes great. I'm not financially rich, but I can't complain about much. There was that college girl right around when the missus dumped me. The collegiate provided much imoral support.

Some people bungie jump off a cliff for their thrills. Some people travel down the road unknown.

Interesting post this one. Whilst I completely agree that if you have fathered some kid somewhere you should take on some responsibility, as someone who married 16 years ago after making my GF pregnant I am on the verge of a divorce because I married not for love or things in common but because I made a stupid mistake at a young age.

In hindsight maybe I should have sent money regularly and got on with my life.

Wicked Roger
08-23-10, 20:52
Some people bungie jump off a cliff for their thrills. Some people travel down the road unknown.
And some monger to the day they die..andy enjoy sisters :D

08-23-10, 21:17
No, no contact from any mothers, just a tasteless joke. Good to see that there is still some honor among mongers. I like many other mongers have other obligations of course, if you catch my drift, so unfortunatly it isn't quite as easy as going back and bringing her back to the states. Again, didn't mean to offend anyone with any of the comments. I'm just someone who probably needs to be more careful and safe with his future endeavors.

08-23-10, 21:55
And some monger to the day they die..andy enjoy sisters :D

Thanks WR, trust you to bring it back on topic.....!

08-24-10, 00:23
I used to curse all of the Pinoy and foreign sob's who so callously knocked up Filipinas and dumped them.

Then I had first-hand experience of Filipinas who were desperately trying to get pregnant. Some either want a baby, are hoping to get a commitment and ride the foreign gravy train, and still others figure, worst case, mom and dad will raise the kid.

I'm no longer so quick to buy the sob story of the insensitive bastard who impregnated and dumped her.

08-24-10, 00:37
The Phils is over run by Pinoy guys who have a totally irresponsible attitude towards getting girls pregnant. I don't see any reason why theoretically better educated foreigners should add to the trauma.Me either but they do. BTW in my experience the girls are totally irresponsible also. YMMV.


08-24-10, 01:06
Me either but they do. BTW in my experience the girls are totally irresponsible also. YMMV.

AVI have to agree with AV on this one, not that it excuses the sloppiness of Foreigners and the moral duty they have to at least throw some money at their kids they create.

My barfine in AC wrapped her legs around me so tightly that I couldn't pull out when it was time. I told her flat out that if she got pregnant I would send her a little money each month but that's it. (I don't marry strangers-LOL.) Afterwards I asked her if she was on the pill and she scrunched up her face and said "Take pills? " as if it was the worst thing in the world to do or something. And she was a very smart college graduate, just imagine how ignorant the high school dropouts are. Plus she was in her prime ferility period (she started doing some math after we were done) and from then on she always wanted me to pull out, which was not a problem.

Even if a chick trapped me, I would still throw some money each month at her for the kids' sake and hope she actually spends it on the kid. After the blood test that is.


Econo Tech
08-24-10, 13:40
My barfine in AC wrapped her legs around me so tightly that I couldn't pull out when it was time. I told her flat out that if she got pregnant I would send her a little money each month but that's it. (I don't marry strangers-LOL.) Afterwards I asked her if she was on the pill and she scrunched up her face and said "Take pills? " as if it was the worst thing in the world to do or something. And she was a very smart college graduate, just imagine how ignorant the high school dropouts are. Plus she was in her prime ferility period (she started doing some math after we were done) and from then on she always wanted me to pull out, which was not a problem.Not much of education, but filipinas (maybe the church said so.) believe pills make them become barren, hence their aversion to pills.

My 2 cents. As experienced from a few health care girls (I. E. Nurses)

08-24-10, 22:42
When I said I met the PI woman of my dreams, I wasn't lying. I would have loved to continue contact with her since my last visit, but I suppose she scribbled her number incorrectly, since I have not been able to contact her. Definitely not trying to avoid her. I had heard from other people that the illegitimate pregnancy rate in the PI was pretty ridiculous.

08-25-10, 06:08
I used to curse all of the Pinoy and foreign sob's who so callously knocked up Filipinas and dumped them.

Then I had first-hand experience of Filipinas who were desperately trying to get pregnant. Some either want a baby, are hoping to get a commitment and ride the foreign gravy train, and still others figure, worst case, mom and dad will raise the kid.

I'm no longer so quick to buy the sob story of the insensitive bastard who impregnated and dumped her.
Admittedly, responsibility is a two way street, but the girl cannot escape the consequences of her actions. It's she who must, after all, raise the child, and is thus forced into accepting her share of the consequences. Guys however, don't suffer from any "automatic" share of responsibility and can just run, which many of them do.


08-25-10, 06:25
While some of you are cursing the pinoy who abandons his gf when she gets pregnant, it is worth keeping in mind that almost all of our sexual and social behaviour is taught to us by our mothers.

It is not taught by word of mouth, but by facial expression.

So the guy behaves that way because his mother trained him to behave that way.

Given that young men and women are very closely controlled by their parents till they are often in late 20's or early 30's, I suspect that many are told by their parents, or forced by their parents, to skip.

When these guys do a runner, where do they run to? Why does the girl's family not track him down and force the issue?

It is not hard to find people in the Philippines.

If we want to change theirbehaviour, then we must change the women of the Philippines before they raise their sons to behave that way.

Many times, when a filipina tells me of her tale of woe, it includes a statement that he then married another woman, and now he has 3 kids. So why did he skip on the first, only to marry very soon afterwards?

Maybe his family had a lot to do with it.

This is far more complicated than is apparent to the simplistic western eye.


Shark San
08-27-10, 13:51
Fellow mongers, I need help. I'm coming to AC in a week or two. I live in Taiwan. I have for almost a month tried unsuccessfully set up an account with Date in Asia. I get all the way to the part where they are supposed to send an SMS to my cell phone with an authorization code -- but the SMS never shows up. I've tried numerous occasions -- epic fail.

Anybody got any clues, hints or advice? I really want to get on this site before I get to town. Thanks in advance.

08-27-10, 22:21
My barfine in AC wrapped her legs around me so tightly that I couldn't pull out when it was time. I told her flat out that if she got pregnant I would send her a little money each month but that's it. (I don't marry strangers-LOL.) Afterwards I asked her if she was on the pill and she scrunched up her face and said "Take pills? " as if it was the worst thing in the world to do or something. And she was a very smart college graduate, just imagine how ignorant the high school dropouts are. Plus she was in her prime ferility period (she started doing some math after we were done) and from then on she always wanted me to pull out, which was not a problem.You do realize that withdrawal is a lousy birth-control method, right?

Member #4319
08-28-10, 00:52
Hey guys,

I am planning to head to the Philippines soon for a 2 week holiday. As I have mentioned in an earlier report, I really loved Thailand for it's prices and quality. I've been told that there is nowhere in the world like Thailand - for that price.

1) Am I correct in thinking that the Phillipines is probably second cheapest? (I appreciate best does not equal cheapest, but I enjoyed Thailand so that should give you an idea).

2) Are there any other destinations that are cheap/good for mongering?

3) Anybody able to recommend a decent itinerary for a 2 week stay? This forum is jam packed with useful information but with the ever changing times, prices and quality, I'd appreciate a rough itineraty for a 2010 trip!

Thanks guys!

08-28-10, 01:21
Fellow mongers, I need help. I'm coming to AC in a week or two. I live in Taiwan. I have for almost a month tried unsuccessfully set up an account with Date in Asia. I get all the way to the part where they are supposed to send an SMS to my cell phone with an authorization code -- but the SMS never shows up. I've tried numerous occasions -- epic fail.

Anybody got any clues, hints or advice? I really want to get on this site before I get to town. Thanks in advance.

Arer you putting in the country code properly etc?

If your no has previously been used to set up an account it will not let you set up an account with that no. Do u have a friend who has not used DIA with a cell no who can get the code for you. In the Phils new SIM nos are about 30P so its sometimes easiest to just buy a new sim specificaly for the DIA activation purpose if you hav eused your no already

Tally Wacker
08-28-10, 04:13
I had the same problem with account setup previous to my trip to phil. I tried numerous times even with my buddies cell number but the so called text message that was supposed to be sent from dia never came. The dia websie has no contact or help option so I was at a dead end.

Then all of a sudden a week later I was able to set up my dia account with out the need to have a text message sent. Not sure what you need to do to bypass that. Goodluck.

Fellow mongers, I need help. I'm coming to AC in a week or two. I live in Taiwan. I have for almost a month tried unsuccessfully set up an account with Date in Asia. I get all the way to the part where they are supposed to send an SMS to my cell phone with an authorization code. But the SMS never shows up. I've tried numerous occasions. Epic fail.

Anybody got any clues, hints or advice? I really want to get on this site before I get to town. Thanks in advance.

08-28-10, 07:27
Hey guys,

I am planning to head to the Philippines soon for a 2 week holiday. As I have mentioned in an earlier report, I really loved Thailand for it's prices and quality. I've been told that there is nowhere in the world like Thailand - for that price.

1) Am I correct in thinking that the Phillipines is probably second cheapest? (I appreciate best does not equal cheapest, but I enjoyed Thailand so that should give you an idea).

2) Are there any other destinations that are cheap/good for mongering?

3) Anybody able to recommend a decent itinerary for a 2 week stay? This forum is jam packed with useful information but with the ever changing times, prices and quality, I'd appreciate a rough itineraty for a 2010 trip!

Thanks guys!

you better tell us what your priorities are? Eg bar girls, non pros, Scenery etc etc

08-28-10, 10:24
Fellow mongers, I need help. I'm coming to AC in a week or two. I live in Taiwan. I have for almost a month tried unsuccessfully set up an account with Date in Asia. I get all the way to the part where they are supposed to send an SMS to my cell phone with an authorization code -- but the SMS never shows up. I've tried numerous occasions -- epic fail.

Anybody got any clues, hints or advice? I really want to get on this site before I get to town. Thanks in advance.

DIA sometimes bans member from some countries, depending upon location..Im from India and i was not able to register 'cos of my location been in India.

When i came to PH, i was able to open the account with no issues. Try removing all the cookies and history file and re-register, see if that works.

However, though when i registered couple of years back, there was no phone verification.

Good Luck

08-28-10, 10:33
Hey guys,

I am planning to head to the Philippines soon for a 2 week holiday. As I have mentioned in an earlier report, I really loved Thailand for it's prices and quality. I've been told that there is nowhere in the world like Thailand - for that price.

1) Am I correct in thinking that the Phillipines is probably second cheapest? (I appreciate best does not equal cheapest, but I enjoyed Thailand so that should give you an idea).

2) Are there any other destinations that are cheap/good for mongering?

3) Anybody able to recommend a decent itinerary for a 2 week stay? This forum is jam packed with useful information but with the ever changing times, prices and quality, I'd appreciate a rough itineraty for a 2010 trip!

Thanks guys!

If you liked Thailand, you will enjoy PH too....PH exchange rate to dollar is slightly better than Thai Bhat..so Dollar will buy you more here.

Mongering wise PH cannot be compared to Thailand...Thailand is the mecca, its the biggest show on earth, may be PH mongering scene is 1/10 of that..HOWEVER...if you date online and get some regular girls it would be more fun.

Angeles city, manila and cebu are good mongering destination but no where close to Thailand.

Its cheaper than Thailand due to dollar exchange rate but the quality of food, infrastructure etc is equally down.

If you love beaches, plenty of better beaches than Thailand//not crowded...search online.

Type Philippines vs Thailand in Google...lots of ex pats experiences..good luck

Mr Giggity Goo
08-28-10, 13:03
I would first like to thank many of you for increasing my knowledge about the Philippines. I have been a avid reader for some time now. And finally making a post. I am now planning my 3rd trip to there and just have a few questions I can't find answers to.

1) I will be arriving in Manila on Thanksgiving morning. Is there any good spot that someone might know to have a traditional meal. If not Chicken Adobo will be just fine.

2) I am planning on visiting Bali for about 5 days also while I'm there. Would it be better to look for flights when I'm in manila. Or try and book a flight from here in USA.

Thanks in advance for any replys.

Member #4319
08-28-10, 14:47
you better tell us what your priorities are? Eg bar girls, non pros, Scenery etc etcHere's what I posted in the opinions forum:

Hey guys,

I have a 2 week holiday coming up and I was wondering where do you guys feel the cheapest mongering destinations are? I realise that cheapest doesn't necessarily mean best, but I was in Thailand last year and loved both the standard and the prices. I am more into the massage/streetwalker scene than the nightclub/bar scene personally.

When compared to Thailand, how do places like Brazil, Argentina, Costa Rica, Germany and any other noteworthy places fare? I don't mind spending money getting to the country, but I'd hopefully be looking for someplace that has a cheaper standard of living and reasonably priced mongering - much like I experienced in Thailand!

Thanks guys,

Jason M

ps, thailand was also good because when not mongering there were AMAZING beaches and fun activities to get up to.

08-28-10, 18:48
1. Actually Philippines (particularly Angeles City) is cheaper than Thailand.
2. I heard ChangPing China if you can speak Mandarin.
3. Angeles City, Subic, Manila & maybe Cebu, etc with your date. Start reading those forums.

Hey guys,

I am planning to head to the Philippines soon for a 2 week holiday. As I have mentioned in an earlier report, I really loved Thailand for it's prices and quality. I've been told that there is nowhere in the world like Thailand - for that price.

1) Am I correct in thinking that the Phillipines is probably second cheapest? (I appreciate best does not equal cheapest, but I enjoyed Thailand so that should give you an idea).

2) Are there any other destinations that are cheap/good for mongering?

3) Anybody able to recommend a decent itinerary for a 2 week stay? This forum is jam packed with useful information but with the ever changing times, prices and quality, I'd appreciate a rough itineraty for a 2010 trip!

Thanks guys!

08-28-10, 19:08
I would first like to thank many of you for increasing my knowledge about the Philippines. I have been a avid reader for some time now. And finally making a post. I am now planning my 3rd trip to there and just have a few questions I can't find answers to.

1) I will be arriving in Manila on Thanksgiving morning. Is there any good spot that someone might know to have a traditional meal. If not Chicken Adobo will be just fine.

Thanks in advance for any replys.Giggity: Traditional american meal? Filipino meal? For filipino, taxi to Ermita, Roxas Ave at the corner of United Nations Avenue. To the left, just past the US Embassy, is a pier that sticks out into the Manila bay. There's a nice restraunt on the pier, open-air. Order the sisig. Wonderful.

Fast Eddie 48
08-29-10, 00:04
1. actually philippines (particularly angeles city) is cheaper than thailand.

2. i heard changping china if you can speak mandarin.

3. angeles city, subic, manila & maybe cebu, etc with your date. start reading those forums.popbunny,

i think ac is cheaper than pattaya but not by much, yes mongering is cheaper but hotel is more expensive than pattaya, i just return from pattaya stay at the flipper nice 3 star with pool only cost 28 usd, the pacific breeze cost about 40 usd a night and i still can all night at the disco in pattaya for 40 usd a night just a little more than in ac and there are more to do in pattaya.

fast eddie 48

08-29-10, 02:26
1. actually philippines (particularly angeles city) is cheaper than thailand.friend of mine in thailand said in bkk, the girls are wanting, in bhat, what would be $60-80 for lt, and insisting on condom. bargirls in ac (p1400) and freelancers recently in manila when i was there (p1500) are still $30 for lt, and you decide on the raincoat.

Cunning Stunt
08-29-10, 08:51
Order the sisig. Wonderful.

Pork cheek/ear fried in oil. Yummy. Why not try it topped with a raw egg as most Fillipinos do? Salmonella should be the least of your worries;).

Wicked Roger
08-29-10, 12:41
Pork cheek/ear fried in oil. Yummy. Why not try it topped with a raw egg as most Fillipinos do? Salmonella should be the least of your worries;).
Or the other traditional PI meal...Jollibee...another healthy dish of fried food, white rice and artery clogging deserts :)

Personally, having tried sisig I never want to try it again. While I have penchant for pork I prefer my ladies to try an alternative pork dish ...much healthier, will not make them fat (as long precautions are taken) and the creamy desert is full of protein......:D

Mr Giggity Goo
08-29-10, 14:24
Giggity: Traditional american meal? Filipino meal? For filipino, taxi to Ermita, Roxas Ave at the corner of United Nations Avenue. To the left, just past the US Embassy, is a pier that sticks out into the Manila bay. There's a nice restraunt on the pier, open-air. Order the sisig. Wonderful.Sorry guys. Should have been more specific. Looking to find a traditional Thanksgiving meal with all the fixings. Since I will be arriving that day. Turkey, mashed, candied yams, gravy and stuffing. I don't need the pumpkin pie. I can bar fine that later. Hehe. I know Thanksgiving is a ways away. But a few of us are arriving separately and would like a plan.

And thanks WC. I have never tried the sisig. I'll give it a try.

08-29-10, 14:25
I think AC is cheaper than Pattaya but not by much, yes mongering is cheaper but hotel is more expensive than PattayaExactly -- what you save on the girls in AC you lose on hotels. Food prices are similar, but better quality in Thailand. All in all it pretty much equals out.

As far as sisig, I eat just about every local food from raw horse in Japan to fried silk worms in Thailand, and even the occasional balut . . . but sisig, no thanks.

08-29-10, 15:36

I think AC is cheaper than Pattaya but not by much, yes mongering is cheaper but hotel is more expensive than Pattaya, I just return from Pattaya stay at the flipper nice 3 star with pool only cost 28 USD, the pacific breeze cost about 40 USD a night and I still can all night at the disco in Pattaya for 40 USD a night just a little more than in AC and there are more to do in Pattaya.

Fast Eddie 48

You go to AC for,
1. Almost 100% speak english and can have a decent conversation.
For me communication is very important especially if LT.
2. Phi people are more friendly than Thai. Thai are selectively friendly.
Mainly because they see many more tourists.
3. In AC barfine includes everything except tip if you care to give.
Thai it will be roll the dice. What is agreed in the bar may not hold good in the room.
4. I have not seen any bar brawls in AC bars. Have seen plenty of loud mouthed arguments and bar brawls in Thailand.
5. There is no visible age,appearance, national origin discrimination in AC. However the girls may go with some and may not go with others.
In thailand discrimination is blatant and outright in the open.
I have not seen anybody refused admission in AC bars.
6. There are cheaper hotels in AC but not close to ground zero. However cheaper hotels come with its own problems in both places.
7. There are Disco places in AC where normal and occassional freelancers go. But most mongers do not try because everything they want is in one street.
8. Foodwise Thailand maybe better if you like Thai food. Some people like PHI food as well. There are many restaurents in AC which has good western food.
Once again all mongers feel comfortable in one street and rarely venture outside.
9. Most of the girls in AC are unjaded variety. In Thailand unless you find a fresh one off the bus they are real jaded.
10. Lookwise it is one's own perception. Sexwise it is always the connection between two partners.

Econo Tech
08-29-10, 15:42
Exactly -- what you save on the girls in AC you lose on hotels. Food prices are similar, but better quality in Thailand. All in all it pretty much equals out.

As far as sisig, I eat just about every local food from raw horse in Japan to fried silk worms in Thailand, and even the occasional balut . . . but sisig, no thanks.I would take a violent stance against those who say sisig is bad- since. It is the only food I like since it is cooked (I get the chef to deeeep fry it.) and it is the "SNOUT" and "EARS" of the pig as proudly the filipinos claim.

As for Balut and all? Sorry. No thanks.

A good place for food is Seafood by the bay, between Lunetta and MOA but it makes more sense if more people are together where you buy the fish and crabs and they cook as per your request. And it is good. Example, Chilly crab did have chilly and not sweet like other Filipino food outlets.

PS: I thought some Chinese food was smelly until I tasted some Filipino soup. Dang. No comments.

08-29-10, 17:42
I was trying to figure out who were the new persons in the new cabinets.

It's not clear whether Marcelino Libanan is still heading the Bureau of Immigration. Apparently he offered his "courtesy resignation", but it's not clear whether he will be re-assigned or not or whether he is still busy as an intermediary for the new immigration law. A new "Officer in charge" (whatever that means) for the BI has been designated in the name of Ronaldo Ledesma, who apparently is a “known corrupt official in the agency who has been involved in numerous controversies, including [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908) and falsification.” Does this mean a return to the corrupt and fraudulent practices of Andrea Domingo who made herself a millionaire during her tenure through blackmail and extortion of foreigners?

A couple of weeks after his appointment only, Ledesma has already illustrated himself by sacking hundreds of BI officers from their posts, allegedly for corruption. This is unlikely given that Libanan was the one turning the agency from one of the most corrupt to one of the least corrupt - and you can't possibly build up a case against hundreds of people in a couple of weeks. The move is obviously political, aimed at putting Lesdma's own men in charge, supported further by the fact that one of the three co-acting chiefs to head the agency’s operations at the Ninoy Aquino International Airports is Arvin Santos, former chief of staff of ex-BI Commissioner Andrea Domingo, who, within weeks in his position, managed to acquire a new sports utility vehicle. Bad, bad news, am telling you...

An who do I see as Secretary for Tourism? Our old friend Alfredo Lim himself! He's already Mayor of Manila and apparently has enough time to cumulate two assignments (if that is legal at all). The fucking idiot already did a maximum of damage for tourism in the Philippines, and he is now Secretary of Tourism. Can you imagine that one?

Aquino really only got elected because of his name. I don't think he has what it takes to make a good president. He's just a puppet. I myself supported him only as a reaction to Vilar and Estrada, but I don't trust him to do any good. He already wasted precious time doing nothing but useless criticising of Arroyo, and he wasn't anywhere to be seen during the Korean bus tragedy. He now apparently also made a series of very bad choice for his cabinet too.

Bad news, am telling you...

08-29-10, 18:44
Pork cheek/ear fried in oil. Yummy. Why not try it topped with a raw egg as most Fillipinos do? Salmonella should be the least of your worries;).CS,

Yes! At the restraunt I mentioned, when they bring out the steaming-hot sisig, they bring an egg and crack it open on top of the sisig. Then they slowly stir it into the mixture, letting it fry up inside. Sisig ain't for everyone.

Red Wine
08-30-10, 02:31
I would take a violent stance against those who say sisig is bad- since. It is the only food I like since it is cooked (I get the chef to deeeep fry it.) and it is the "SNOUT" and "EARS" of the pig as proudly the filipinos claim.

As for Balut and all? Sorry. No thanks.

A good place for food is Seafood by the bay, between Lunetta and MOA but it makes more sense if more people are together where you buy the fish and crabs and they cook as per your request. And it is good. Example, Chilly crab did have chilly and not sweet like other Filipino food outlets.

PS: I thought some Chinese food was smelly until I tasted some Filipino soup. Dang. No comments.Sisig is alright depending how it is prepared. I ordered sisig at the mall once and found more than ears and snout of a pig; I was able to fish out a very distinct piece of pig eyelid in my dish. The eyelashes were still attached too. As for balut I am still hesitant to try it.

08-30-10, 02:40
... He already wasted precious time doing nothing but useless criticising of Arroyo, and he wasn't anywhere to be seen during the Korean bus tragedy...Surely you mean the Hong Kong/Chinese bus tragedy?

Fast Eddie 48
08-30-10, 05:24
Exactly. What you save on the girls in AC you lose on hotels. Food prices are similar, but better quality in Thailand. All in all it pretty much equals out.

As far as sisig, I eat just about every local food from raw horse in Japan to fried silk worms in Thailand, and even the occasional balut. But sisig, no thanks.Bentong

Another thing is all nighter in AC you will get runner you paid for LT upfront and some girl want to leave after one shot, but in Pattaya you don't get runner you paid them in the morning, food is much better in Pattaya than in AC.

Fast Eddie 48

Fast Eddie 48
08-30-10, 05:51
You go to AC for,

1. Almost 100% speak english and can have a decent conversation.

For me communication is very important especially if LT.

2. Phi people are more friendly than Thai. Thai are selectively friendly.

Mainly because they see many more tourists.

3. In AC barfine includes everything except tip if you care to give.

Thai it will be roll the dice. What is agreed in the bar may not hold good in the room.

4. I have not seen any bar brawls in AC bars. Have seen plenty of loud mouthed arguments and bar brawls in Thailand.

5. There is no visible age, appearance, national origin discrimination in AC. However the girls may go with some and may not go with others.

In Thailand discrimination is blatant and outright in the open.

I have not seen anybody refused admission in AC bars.

6. There are cheaper hotels in AC but not close to ground zero. However cheaper hotels come with its own problems in both places.

7. There are Disco places in AC where normal and occassional freelancers go. But most mongers do not try because everything they want is in one street.

8. Foodwise Thailand maybe better if you like Thai food. Some people like PHI food as well. There are many restaurents in AC which has good western food.

Once again all mongers feel comfortable in one street and rarely venture outside.

9. Most of the girls in AC are unjaded variety. In Thailand unless you find a fresh one off the bus they are real jaded.

10. Lookwise it is one's own perception. Sexwise it is always the connection between two partners.Sammon,

I never have any problem communication in BKK or Pattaya, yes at AC barfined included tip but you get runner after one shot because you paid upfront, I have got girl in AC with attuide also the older one that been around the block and thai girl is better in bed than flipper, you never heard about the incident bar security beat up that swedish guy, I alway feel more safe in Thailand than in PI.

Fast Eddie 48

08-30-10, 06:13
Surely you mean the Hong Kong/Chinese bus tragedy?Yes, of course - sorry.

Econo Tech
08-30-10, 07:30

Yes! At the restraunt I mentioned, when they bring out the steaming-hot sisig, they bring an egg and crack it open on top of the sisig. Then they slowly stir it into the mixture, letting it fry up inside. Sisig ain't for everyone.I like it piping hot and deep fried on a hot plate. Not on anything else. If not the egg turns yucky.

A healthy dose of garlic and chopped onion finishes the layout for me.

08-30-10, 07:31
I was trying to figure out who were the new persons in the new cabinets.

It's not clear whether Marcelino Libanan is still heading the Bureau of Immigration. Apparently he offered his "courtesy resignation", but it's not clear whether he will be re-assigned or not or whether he is still busy as an intermediary for the new immigration law. A new "Officer in charge" (whatever that means) for the BI has been designated in the name of Ronaldo Ledesma, who apparently is a “known corrupt official in the agency who has been involved in numerous controversies, including [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908) and falsification.” Does this mean a return to the corrupt and fraudulent practices of Andrea Domingo who made herself a millionaire during her tenure through blackmail and extortion of foreigners?

Ohh..F*ck F*ck .....If Marcelino Libanan goes...it would be the end of good times as far as immigration is concerned ..Man that was the guy who made me come here so easily...Now everything will go in reverse gear.....its horrible horrible tragic news...whose effect will be felt in years to come...100's of tourist will be falsely implicated, extorted and sent home...

Man, this is the saddest news i have heard as far as mongering in PH is concerned ...he was the only beacon of hope surrounded by the fake aquino clan and corrupt officials...

I really do hope he stays.....guys if he goes..be careful in regards to overstaying.....these guys will pouch you like a tiger with a simple mistake and ask ten's of thousands of pesos for couple of days overstaying, now it is just a form to fill and pay the fees..if he goes...honey moon is over...they will make you pay through your a** for simple mistakes.

Guys..also don't put much money in local PH bank, they will check your bank balance and target you...i'm telling you this because im from a third world country and i know how the game is played here...farangs from west have no idea how evil some people can get for few dollars.

Not to scare you...BUT this is a real bad news..this aquino clown is worse than GMA it seems...i hope this is just a bad dream im having.. tomorrow Denom will bring good news :)

08-30-10, 07:37
I would take a violent stance against those who say sisig is bad- since. It is the only food I like since it is cooked (I get the chef to deeeep fry it.) and it is the "SNOUT" and "EARS" of the pig as proudly the filipinos claim.

As for Balut and all? Sorry. No thanks.

A good place for food is Seafood by the bay, between Lunetta and MOA but it makes more sense if more people are together where you buy the fish and crabs and they cook as per your request. And it is good. Example, Chilly crab did have chilly and not sweet like other Filipino food outlets.

PS: I thought some Chinese food was smelly until I tasted some Filipino soup. Dang. No comments.

EconoTech..I'm with you ..since the only food i liked in PH is Sisig...i used to have it everyday..as its the only food that resembles Indian and Chinese with some spices and tastes good

Shark San
08-30-10, 14:00
Gents, following the epic fail on DIA, I loaded up on Cherry Blossoms. Are you kidding me? I've RTFF-I know most of them are unreliable, scamming, etc. But Jesus, Mary and Joesph (no pun intended although I'm lapsed Catholic but who cares?), I'm fucking flooded by e-mails and "smiles. " I've chatted with more Filipinas today. Oh shit! The Cherry Blossoms doorbell just went off. I thought I'd logged out.

I specifically worded my profile to weed out WGs. All those chat requests, nah. I am shocked by the abundance of what appears to be quality future wife potential. Somebody knock some fucking sense into me. Do I need a new prescription? Am I retarded? Am I missing something?

P.S. A lot of traffic seems to be coming from the south (Davao City, etc.). But some of the Makati, Tubig (forgive the spelling) "good girls" are pretty convincing.

Fast Eddie 48
08-30-10, 19:07
Gents, following the epic fail on DIA, I loaded up on Cherry Blossoms. Are you kidding me? I've RTFF-I know most of them are unreliable, scamming, etc. But Jesus, Mary and Joesph (no pun intended although I'm lapsed Catholic but who cares?), I'm fucking flooded by e-mails and "smiles. " I've chatted with more Filipinas today. Oh shit! The Cherry Blossoms doorbell just went off. I thought I'd logged out.

I specifically worded my profile to weed out WGs. All those chat requests, nah. I am shocked by the abundance of what appears to be quality future wife potential. Somebody knock some fucking sense into me. Do I need a new prescription? Am I retarded? Am I missing something?Shark,

If you did some homework or RTFF you should know dating site like this is a big waste of time, most of this girl are pro or just want you to buy them things, there been many post about this but if you are willing to spend alot of time you might find a few GF material.

Fast Eddie 48

09-01-10, 04:34
Gents, following the epic fail on DIA, I loaded up on Cherry Blossoms. Are you kidding me? I've RTFF-I know most of them are unreliable, scamming, etc. But Jesus, Mary and Joesph (no pun intended although I'm lapsed Catholic but who cares?), I'm fucking flooded by e-mails and "smiles. " I've chatted with more Filipinas today. Oh shit! The Cherry Blossoms doorbell just went off. I thought I'd logged out.

I specifically worded my profile to weed out WGs. All those chat requests, nah. I am shocked by the abundance of what appears to be quality future wife potential. Somebody knock some fucking sense into me. Do I need a new prescription? Am I retarded? Am I missing something?

P.S. A lot of traffic seems to be coming from the south (Davao City, etc.). But some of the Makati, Tubig (forgive the spelling) "good girls" are pretty convincing.
Calm down dude, all of these 'dating' web sites a filled to bursting with women from third world countries looking for a remittance boyfriend, ticket out of the country. Whether this results in a stable marital relationship is highly questionable but can be achieved. If you _MUST_ go down the marriage track, come here & live with her/them for a while (e.g. six months) before making _ANY_ rash decisions. Aim for a girl from a rich chinese/filipino family for god's sakes.


Bob Bowie
09-01-10, 11:08
I hit Cherry Blossoms before each trip and rarely meet a scammer or cam girl. After using the sites for a few years now, I am able to spot them with just a glance and I rarely waste my time on a scammer. If they make it as far as my yahoo messenger, I can normaly spot them after a couple of lines.

For me the dating sites are the best way to have girls lined up for you as soon as you reach each city.

X Man
09-01-10, 11:13
Online sites are a waste of time?

It seems to me that several people (or someone with several hadles) who has/ have limited knowledge want to flood the message boards with ridiculous negativity.


09-01-10, 14:55
EconoTech..I'm with you ..since the only food i liked in PH is Sisig...i used to have it everyday..To be fair, I've only had it a couple times, years ago, and maybe I was just unlucky. I'm always trying to get people to be more open-minded about Filipino food, so I'll take my own advice and try it again. Any recommendations on where to get top-class sisig?

09-01-10, 15:05
........I am able to spot them with just a glance and I rarely waste my time on a scammer. If they make it as far as my yahoo messenger, I can normaly spot them after a couple of lines.......

How you do this? Can you give us some hints?

And what you do after you "spot them out as a SCAMMER"?

Frankly speaking, I almost have every one of them as a SCAMMER sooner or later. Is the problem the longer chattings with these girls?

This is the reason why I am asking you for hints.

Wicked Roger
09-01-10, 15:49
How you do this? Can you give us some hints?

And what you do after you "spot them out as a SCAMMER"?

Frankly speaking, I almost have every one of them as a SCAMMER sooner or later. Is the problem the longer chattings with these girls?

This is the reason why I am asking you for hints.

So many ways but the ones I use to spot them (take any of the following lines and multiple them).....

What is the background of where they cam from (ie does it look like a cam girl background)
Do they speak about how they have no parents and no food and not eaten in less than 5 minutes
Do they say they are dad as grandma/pa (lola/lolo) is very sick, is dying, is dead, need go their funeral but cant as no cash
Or even the water buffalo, cow, jeepeny is knackered stories
Or whatabout, if I had extra cash I can go private and show you my susus and pussy ...or if I had my own laptop I could do whatever you wanted all the time....

So many...I let them chat away as I admire the way they try to reel you in (as GL said they 'bait' you). Some are very good but always cam as sometimes the backgroun can help you determine fairly quickly.

Am other have plenty of different ways

09-01-10, 17:05
Am other have plenty of different ways
This is what I look for to weed out 'players':

I don't like if they are online after say, 10pm at night their time. Sure some may have a job that keeps them up late or whatever. They better have a good excuse, and if they are working, I would expect their vocabulary to be better than average.

So if the dating site shows they haven't been online in a few days, that's a plus.

I don't like if they have a PC/Laptop at home. "Cam Girls" as WR says. Where did they get the dough for a PC? I have heard sometimes they 'rent' the laptop with the intention of collecting funds as a cam girl.

I don't like if they call me "dear". Maybe its a social thing, but I don't like it so if I hear 'dear' they are off my list. If I like them I may tell them to knock it off.

If I hear "I don't have any more money for Internet cafe", I say fine, send me your cell number and I will txt you when I am in town. If I am feeling generous I may send some cell phone load at times. Certainly you will have to send load to them when you are in country, if you want to hear from them, as girls are ALWAYS out of load.

If they don't have a cell phone its kind of a plus to me. I don't mind txting their auntie when I am there. But if they said their cell phone was recently stolen, tough shit.

I don't like it if they have a cell phone with a camera. OTOH, if a fellow monger bought it for them, maybe the girl is worth a ride!

If they are working and can't come online because of their job, that's a plus to me.

Oh yeah, like WR said, "House burned down" is pretty common.

And really, for me, collecting email/phone no's and camming is largely for my entertainment and poss future hook ups. You really can pick up girls you see out shopping, working in restaurants etc.

Econo Tech
09-02-10, 04:35
To be fair, I've only had it a couple times, years ago, and maybe I was just unlucky. I'm always trying to get people to be more open-minded about Filipino food, so I'll take my own advice and try it again. Any recommendations on where to get top-class sisig?The lazy chefs always end up half cooking and to add to the half cooked food, they top it with an egg cracked open that is not tempting for me ..

For me - I would check if they serve sisig on Hot plate and insist they deep fry - if they have sisig cooked I will avoid it, and skip it.

09-02-10, 14:15
To be fair, I've only had it a couple times, years ago, and maybe I was just unlucky. I'm always trying to get people to be more open-minded about Filipino food, so I'll take my own advice and try it again. Any recommendations on where to get top-class sisig?

If you are in Manila, there is a food court in mall of Asia..i think on the third floor....you will get the best sisig with good quantity on affordable price. Always ask them to make it spicey? Sisig is good with much spice added...

There is also paddy's point, which is a very famous local hang out place for young crowd....they also make great Sisig, they generally have good food..., beer, live bands and party minded crowd and if you have game and dance...you could get lucky ;)

Good luck

09-02-10, 14:30
So many ways but the ones I use to spot them (take any of the following lines and multiple them).....

What is the background of where they cam from (ie does it look like a cam girl background)
Do they speak about how they have no parents and no food and not eaten in less than 5 minutes
Do they say they are dad as grandma/pa (lola/lolo) is very sick, is dying, is dead, need go their funeral but cant as no cash
Or even the water buffalo, cow, jeepeny is knackered stories
Or whatabout, if I had extra cash I can go private and show you my susus and pussy ...or if I had my own laptop I could do whatever you wanted all the time....

So many...I let them chat away as I admire the way they try to reel you in (as GL said they 'bait' you). Some are very good but always cam as sometimes the backgroun can help you determine fairly quickly.

Am other have plenty of different waysWith respect Rog, most of the hard luck stories are true. Life is very tough for most people here. The problem is the dishonest ones get these stories down pat so you will never know which girl is telling the truth & 'girl' which is'nt.
This is the least of your problems.
It's when you hook up with one then your problems really start regarding two timing/cheating/lying.


Devils 1
09-02-10, 15:20
To be fair, I've only had it a couple times, years ago, and maybe I was just unlucky. I'm always trying to get people to be more open-minded about Filipino food, so I'll take my own advice and try it again. Any recommendations on where to get top-class sisig?The best authentic Fili food i have food is in Greenbelt 5. Feli J's on the 2nd floor or Lorenzo's Way on the ground floor.

Dont know about the Sisig because i dont know the names of everything we ate, but it was all excellent!

X Man
09-02-10, 15:42
Jambo, what kind of girl are you looking for? A wife?

I've had a few girls ask for money right up front or even later. So what? They want money and so do I. I also want some good lov'n.

I get what I want and they get what they want.

What do you end up with when you "weed out the players"?

I'm not trying to be confrontational, just don't know why you create these limits. If you are looking for something serious, it makes some sense. X

This is what I look for to weed out 'players':

I don't like if they are online after say, 10pm at night their time. Sure some may have a job that keeps them up late or whatever. They better have a good excuse, and if they are working, I would expect their vocabulary to be better than average.

So if the dating site shows they haven't been online in a few days, that's a plus.

I don't like if they have a PC/Laptop at home. "Cam Girls" as WR says. Where did they get the dough for a PC? I have heard sometimes they 'rent' the laptop with the intention of collecting funds as a cam girl.

I don't like if they call me "dear". Maybe its a social thing, but I don't like it so if I hear 'dear' they are off my list. If I like them I may tell them to knock it off.

If I hear "I don't have any more money for Internet cafe", I say fine, send me your cell number and I will txt you when I am in town. If I am feeling generous I may send some cell phone load at times. Certainly you will have to send load to them when you are in country, if you want to hear from them, as girls are ALWAYS out of load.

If they don't have a cell phone its kind of a plus to me. I don't mind txting their auntie when I am there. But if they said their cell phone was recently stolen, tough shit.

I don't like it if they have a cell phone with a camera. OTOH, if a fellow monger bought it for them, maybe the girl is worth a ride!

If they are working and can't come online because of their job, that's a plus to me.

Oh yeah, like WR said, "House burned down" is pretty common.

And really, for me, collecting email/phone no's and camming is largely for my entertainment and poss future hook ups. You really can pick up girls you see out shopping, working in restaurants etc.

09-02-10, 15:51
With respect Rog, most of the hard luck stories are true. Life is very tough for most people here. The problem is the dishonest ones get these stories down pat so you will never know which girl is telling the truth & 'girl' which is'nt.
This is the least of your problems.
It's when you hook up with one then your problems really start regarding two timing/cheating/lying.

I would say you are partially right
money surely doesn't flow in the rivers in Far East Asia, but how comes a high percentage of internet/cam girls have all those listed problems?
True that in a broad jobless situation one finds herself an occupation as "cam girl by paypal" or things like that.
But as high is the perentage of "poor" girls with sick parents, water buffalo etc, it is also true the scam percentage is high too.
On the other hand, when 150 $ (if not below) a month is a "decent salary, why not trying to sell body views for 10$ a session?
Definetely far less pussy wearing than being a bar girl...

Wicked Roger
09-02-10, 21:17
With respect Rog, most of the hard luck stories are true. Life is very tough for most people here. The problem is the dishonest ones get these stories down pat so you will never know which girl is telling the truth & 'girl' which is'nt.
This is the least of your problems.
It's when you hook up with one then your problems really start regarding two timing/cheating/lying.

Agree AV and like you am sure I have visted what the girls call 'home' and 99.9% we westerner wouild never call it that especially those with outside toilets and no flush

What I am saying here is that the scammers will start the hard luck story so early before they get to know you and even when you say "is sad etc" and maybe after I meet you etc I can help, they bombard you with stories...or worse the story changes...there is are least one I know who has had 10 mobiules stoeln, been roobed at least 7 times, was kidnapped twice by crazy relatives, had dengue twice, various illness 10+ times....let alone her family...problem for her was the story changed each day...

So the real message for you guys who do chat etc is cam with them, be nice dont be rude show respect, never send cash unless you really can afford to lose it, better still see them go see where they live and then decide.

Like some of the other mongers on the board that I know, I help certain girls, some I help with school fees, others with loads (telephone not the other kind ..well not over the internet or in a public place), find jobs (decent ones), assist when family/girl is sick.

But....all of these I trust, I have met, and seen where they live

A good mate of mine JsBach in the UAE is extremely generous and kind but he knows the girl very well. And this girl itemises the expenditure for him so he can see where the cash goes (I know the lady as well and she is wonderful and very sexy). My favourite tells me where the cash goes ...but these are not scammers as both of us have been and seen where they live and you are right AV it is pure poverty

PI is a hot pot of poverty, all over the country but you cant save the world but you can do your bit...but dont be scammed gents.

AV - you are right in that many hard luck stories are truly that and there is abject poverty (I have seen it first hand many times).... but a girl that within 5/10 mins of chat starts on about send me cash is 99% a scammer or at least comes across as one...which was the gist of my FR. That is what spoils it for genuine ones...

Marry them..why not as long as you know them, see them and over a long period of time understand what you are getting into....

Wicked Roger
09-02-10, 21:21
To be fair, I've only had it a couple times, years ago, and maybe I was just unlucky. I'm always trying to get people to be more open-minded about Filipino food, so I'll take my own advice and try it again. Any recommendations on where to get top-class sisig?

Devils 1 is correct IMHO, but I rarely go there unless my date insists she want that type of food :(

Top class sisig? That must be a typo as IMHO there is never top class sisig :D One of the more disgusting haute cuisine dishes from the Philippines...:D

09-03-10, 01:09
What do you mean, the Philippines has no haute cuisine?

Econo Tech
09-03-10, 04:49
Top class sisig? That must be a typo as IMHO there is never top class sisig :D One of the more disgusting haute cuisine dishes from the Philippines...:DI got to sort of agree with you. As I mentioned, unless it is on a hot-plate and deep fried, it is off the menu.

As for disgusting, no way mate. I think Balut takes the Top Honors, and I will never even taste it, followed by the Iliocano Soupy Chicken I had in Baguio. I couldn't get the taste from my mouth.

Econo Tech
09-03-10, 04:51
On the other hand, when 150 $ (if not below) a month is a "decent salary, why not trying to sell body views for 10$ a session?

Definetely far less pussy wearing than being a bar girl...This is a catholic country :D while having sex and expecting some form of redemption is ok, whoring / selling body pictures is a NO-NO

As I learnt from a girl I was chasing some time ago .. in utter desperation I asked her once what it will take to fuck her, and she had that seductive smile and said "well, you only have to ask me .. "

And how many filipina hookers will want to be called hookers ? I have seen enough guys getting into trouble for calling hookers as hookers, though everybody knows what the girls do for a living. This is PI :D

X Man
09-03-10, 06:08
I salute you Sarge. Thanks for the belly laugh.

I've seen more than a few goats skinned and waiting for the bbq, but never a head in a bucket. Is it eaten?

What do you mean, the Philippines has no haute cuisine?

09-03-10, 11:47
I think most of us here acknowledge that the local food is crap; mostly without any taste except that of sugar. In my seven years here, I've never eaten in an "eatery" and if my luck holds, I never will. Having to endure a local meal would be a deal breaker for me.


Wicked Roger
09-03-10, 11:51
I think most of us here acknowledge that the local food is crap; mostly without any taste except that of sugar. In my seven years here, I've never eaten in an "eatery" and if my luck holds, I never will. Having to endure a local meal would be a deal breaker for me.


We all like variety but I agree doing it with food in PI is somewhat bizarre. But next am in Davao lets not go Swiss deli etc lets try Jollibee or something equally haute cuisine :D

See you soon

09-03-10, 12:11
For me - I would check if they serve sisig on Hot plate and insist they deep fry - if they have sisig cooked I will avoid it, and skip it.

On one of my first trips to AC in the mid-80s, a friend took me to a street seller on the railroad tracks near Check Point. We sat drinking really cold SMB and watched the cook(?) barbecue our pig faces over charcoal.

After cooking, he stripped off the meat and crackling skin, mixed it with rice, onions and spices and served it on a hot metal plate. Damn that stuff was good. Hygiene was suspect as the plates were washed in cold water and soap. Heating the plates probably killed any lingering germs.


Sky Ryder
09-03-10, 12:50
Agree AV and like you am sure I have visted what the girls call 'home' and 99.9% we westerner wouild never call it that especially those with outside toilets and no flush

What I am saying here is that the scammers will start the hard luck story so early before they get to know you and even when you say "is sad etc" and maybe after I meet you etc I can help, they bombard you with stories...or worse the story changes...there is are least one I know who has had 10 mobiules stoeln, been roobed at least 7 times, was kidnapped twice by crazy relatives, had dengue twice, various illness 10+ times....let alone her family...problem for her was the story changed each day...

So the real message for you guys who do chat etc is cam with them, be nice dont be rude show respect, never send cash unless you really can afford to lose it, better still see them go see where they live and then decide.

Like some of the other mongers on the board that I know, I help certain girls, some I help with school fees, others with loads (telephone not the other kind ..well not over the internet or in a public place), find jobs (decent ones), assist when family/girl is sick.

But....all of these I trust, I have met, and seen where they live

A good mate of mine JsBach in the UAE is extremely generous and kind but he knows the girl very well. And this girl itemises the expenditure for him so he can see where the cash goes (I know the lady as well and she is wonderful and very sexy). My favourite tells me where the cash goes ...but these are not scammers as both of us have been and seen where they live and you are right AV it is pure poverty

PI is a hot pot of poverty, all over the country but you cant save the world but you can do your bit...but dont be scammed gents.

AV - you are right in that many hard luck stories are truly that and there is abject poverty (I have seen it first hand many times).... but a girl that within 5/10 mins of chat starts on about send me cash is 99% a scammer or at least comes across as one...which was the gist of my FR. That is what spoils it for genuine ones...

Marry them..why not as long as you know them, see them and over a long period of time understand what you are getting into....

WR, I, like yourself have spent some time in the "real world" in which some of these ladies live and I agree wholeheartedly with your take on this subject. I have nowhere near the amount of experience you have in the Phils, but have similar type experience in a couple of So. Amer countries. The girls show up at the bars looking like a million dollars, but when you get behind the scenes it is a whole other picture. I have had the good fortune to see a daughter of a gal I help with school in Laguna really bloom when given access to a quality education, and another lady is finishing her Master's degree this year. I will admit that in both cases the "relationship" I have with these ladies began with my unabashed desire to screw myself silly with them. In both cases I did just that, and in the process found out that while they are very "hot" and great lovers, they are also good gals that I enjoy spending time with. In my case neither of them ever asked for the help and were at least a little embarrassed when I offered. One of these may wind up being a long term relationship, the other I don't know about. I do know that in both cases, no matter what happens I have helped in a small way to create an opportunity for them to have a better life. Your right, you can't "save" them all, nor do I even want to try. I am not much on "crusades" these days. It does however feel good to help a little when you know it is appreciated and put to good use. What amazes me, both here and in other places, is how much they smile and have a good time. Even in the face of such difficult circumstances. The human spirit is an amazing thing sometimes.
Okay, off the soapbox, now we return you to your regularly scheduled program on how to best obtain a great deal of fun in the Philippines!

09-03-10, 13:19
Like WR, AV and SR, I help out in the Phils in good causes. I have made quite a lot of money working in the Phils on international aid projects, and feel that I should put some back.

But I rarely give money away. And never to a woman who I havve not had some kind of relationship with.

I am currently putting one through college - I pay tuition, labs, field trips etc. But she pays her own expenses like transport, food, clothing etc. I put one through the final two years to finish her high school diploma - at age of 26, older than her teachers. Put 2 through short courses in computer - both have permanent jobs. Put one through short term secretarial course - permanent job. Sponsored one little 5 yo girl through two years of private school, because she is mildly dyslexic. Etc, etc. The aim is to give them a better chance of being self sufficient.

But there are others to whom I have not given anything. They have no qualifications, just the will power to work. And they always have permanent jobs.

Finding work in the Phils is really a matter of attitude; qualifications help, but are not essential.


X Man
09-03-10, 13:33

You just have to look a little harder. I found this "gourmet" restuarant in Moalboal right in front of the Ceres bus stop.

I think most of us here acknowledge that the local food is crap; mostly without any taste except that of sugar. In my seven years here, I've never eaten in an "eatery" and if my luck holds, I never will. Having to endure a local meal would be a deal breaker for me.


X Man
09-03-10, 13:50
There was supposed to be a picture attached to my previous post about Gourmet food. Somehow I'm not able to get that picture on to ISG. Maybe another day.

Buko Max
09-03-10, 15:22
What do you mean, the Philippines has no haute cuisine?
Have had the soup before and it is quite tasty.
Goat is the most widely consumed meat in the world.
Many of you would not last a week eating the local food.
But meats meat and a mans got to eat!

09-03-10, 15:58
Basically the girls we come into contact with are poor. Seldom we get to see or date upper echelons of the society. You may find a odd one in Disco club who fancied you but it is rare.
I have gone to few provinces and girls homes. Have helped some girls through college. It is always in return for good sex. Poverty is everywhere . Some houses were decent but cannot compare to western standards and I did not expect any. I have taken many girls on vacations and bought them lots of gifts. Since I am a monger I am not doing social service or giving donation. Only way the girls earn this is by showing lots of love and sex . elieve me they are good at it otherwise I get bored easily. Some girls wanted me to stay in their houses but I never did.
Are the girls honest? who knows? I do not worry for such mundane things. As long as the girl is good to me and I have a great time with them that is all I care aout.

09-03-10, 23:16
I salute you Sarge. Thanks for the belly laugh.

I've seen more than a few goats skinned and waiting for the bbq, but never a head in a bucket. Is it eaten?

X Man,

I thought about it and realized that in the US you buy a cut of meat, so you buy the best your budget can afford. But in the PI you buy the whole goat, so in order to get your money's worth, you eat the whole thing.

So yes, the goat head was cooked, and they ate everything --eyes, tongue, brains, cheeks, etc. "Paklay" is the innards, including the blood. And "kilawin" is the skin, which is also cooked and eaten.

09-04-10, 08:40
As I learnt from a girl I was chasing some time ago .. in utter desperation I asked her once what it will take to fuck her, and she had that seductive smile and said "well, you only have to ask me .. " Oh my, is that simple? May try it sometime :-)

So then what happened? Did you get to fuck her after that awesome response?

09-04-10, 08:43
I think most of us here acknowledge that the local food is crap; mostly without any taste except that of sugar. In my seven years here, I've never eaten in an "eatery" and if my luck holds, I never will. Having to endure a local meal would be a deal breaker for me.

GE --- Aye aye! ---

Econo Tech
09-04-10, 08:53
Oh my, is that simple? May try it sometime

So then what happened? Did you get to fuck her after that awesome response?Of course I did, and while I was planning a romantic getaway, she called me out of the blue a few day later, and said she wanted to drop by my apartment, and well, she came, she showered and slipped into bed. As if we knew each other for years.

Ever since, I make it a point to remind fellow mongers that it is rude to I'll-treat or demand things from Filipinas. You be nice, and you get it good.

09-05-10, 00:58
I have a unlocked international I. Phone,

Can I buy a sim and also get a moderate prices internet plan that has good coverage?

09-05-10, 06:22
Agree AV and like you am sure I have visted what the girls call 'home' and 99.9% we westerner wouild never call it that especially those with outside toilets and no flush

What I am saying here is that the scammers will start the hard luck story so early before they get to know you and even when you say "is sad etc" and maybe after I meet you etc I can help, they bombard you with stories...or worse the story changes...there is are least one I know who has had 10 mobiules stoeln, been roobed at least 7 times, was kidnapped twice by crazy relatives, had dengue twice, various illness 10+ times....let alone her family...problem for her was the story changed each day...

So the real message for you guys who do chat etc is cam with them, be nice dont be rude show respect, never send cash unless you really can afford to lose it, better still see them go see where they live and then decide.

Like some of the other mongers on the board that I know, I help certain girls, some I help with school fees, others with loads (telephone not the other kind ..well not over the internet or in a public place), find jobs (decent ones), assist when family/girl is sick.

But....all of these I trust, I have met, and seen where they live

A good mate of mine JsBach in the UAE is extremely generous and kind but he knows the girl very well. And this girl itemises the expenditure for him so he can see where the cash goes (I know the lady as well and she is wonderful and very sexy). My favourite tells me where the cash goes ...but these are not scammers as both of us have been and seen where they live and you are right AV it is pure poverty

PI is a hot pot of poverty, all over the country but you cant save the world but you can do your bit...but dont be scammed gents.

AV - you are right in that many hard luck stories are truly that and there is abject poverty (I have seen it first hand many times).... but a girl that within 5/10 mins of chat starts on about send me cash is 99% a scammer or at least comes across as one...which was the gist of my FR. That is what spoils it for genuine ones...

Marry them..why not as long as you know them, see them and over a long period of time understand what you are getting into....
Yeah man, good advice for the newcomers.


09-05-10, 06:31
I think most of us here acknowledge that the local food is crap; mostly without any taste except that of sugar. In my seven years here, I've never eaten in an "eatery" and if my luck holds, I never will. Having to endure a local meal would be a deal breaker for me.

GEOh, come on now GE! There's also salt don't forget! TeeHee ;)

One of these day's I'm gonna have to catch up with you in manila & take you to one of my favourite better filipino restaurants in QC GE. They have extensive menu's of good quality food's, not as sophisticated as european cuisine but not too shabby.

The shit the average local eats is just subsistence food - burnt pork, over cooked rice & Tilapia (gak!).


09-05-10, 13:08
Goat is the most widely consumed meat in the world.Actually it's #4 -- the NYT story had it wrong. #1 is pork, and of course it's certainly #1 in the Philippines.

I've given up trying to defend Filipino food, but I'll say it once more anyhow: the problem isn't that there's no good Filipino food. The problem is that so much of it is so crappy.

09-05-10, 14:14
Actually it's #4 -- the NYT story had it wrong. #1 is pork, and of course it's certainly #1 in the Philippines.

I've given up trying to defend Filipino food, but I'll say it once more anyhow: the problem isn't that there's no good Filipino food. The problem is that so much of it is so crappy.
Foodwise I will give it Hands down to Thailand. Even the soup from roadside vendors with questionable meat tastes so good.

Econo Tech
09-05-10, 14:20
Actually it's #4 -- the NYT story had it wrong. #1 is pork, and of course it's certainly #1 in the Philippines.

I've given up trying to defend Filipino food, but I'll say it once more anyhow: the problem isn't that there's no good Filipino food. The problem is that so much of it is so crappy.I too agree, it has to be Pork followed by fish ..

And on the filipino cuisine stuff, there is a restaurant in Singapore, called 7107 flavors, fine dining Filipino food (if that makes sense) but the amazing thing is the menu items like Bicol Express and Kare Kare are nowhere what I have tasted in Philippines.

The Chef in Singapore agreed that not many chefs stick to keeping the perfect taste, and most do short cut cooking and kill the taste in the process.

as for the food being crappy, I heard this from a friend.

His maid was nagging him to start a filipino restaurant in Singapore, and he went ballistic. HE was like "all over the world you get chinese, Indian, mexican, itialian and even malay food. Not a lot of cities in the world have Filipino food, and if there was - it is filled only with Filipinos - you know why ? BECAUSE NOBODY DIGS YOUR FOOD" :D :D

He couldn't have said it better.

Econo Tech
09-05-10, 14:22
I have a unlocked international I. Phone,

Can I buy a sim and also get a moderate prices internet plan that has good coverage?Yep, check www.smart.com.ph - SIM card just costs 30 peso, and you can load with the data settings.

09-05-10, 15:49
Oh, come on now GE! There's also salt don't forget! TeeHee ;)

One of these day's I'm gonna have to catch up with you in manila & take you to one of my favourite better filipino restaurants in QC GE. They have extensive menu's of good quality food's, not as sophisticated as european cuisine but not too shabby.

The shit the average local eats is just subsistence food - burnt pork, over cooked rice & Tilapia (gak!).

And let us not forget overcooked pasta with highly-sugared and otherwise unseasoned tomato sauce.

09-06-10, 06:41
I like the lumpia. Tastes good with pussy and San Miguel ;)Lumpia is Chinese food, not Filipino ;)

BTW most of the somewhat edible food in the Philippines is foreign: chicken curry, beef caldereta, sweet and sour pork, etc.

What amazes me is that Filipino actually like their food. They think it's delicious. I could bring a girl to a delicious pizza restaurant and she would complain that she feels she didn't really eat just because she did not have overcooked rice with garly thing with it.

Bringing girls to Jollibee is still a winner - they delight in that thing which they call spaghetti and other dubious tasting burger. I don't know how they manage to mess even such a simple thing as a burger. I can say that apart for the chocolate sundae I like nothing in Jollibee, everything taste terrible even if it looks OK. However, locals delight in it (my favorite fast food being Burger King and Wendy). YMMV. Obviously.

Econo Tech
09-06-10, 07:02
Lumpia is Chinese food, not Filipino ;)

BTW most of the somewhat edible food in the Philippines is foreign: chicken curry, beef caldereta, sweet and sour pork, etc.

What amazes me is that Filipino actually like their food. They think it's delicious. I could bring a girl to a delicious pizza restaurant and she would complain that she feels she didn't really eat just because she did not have overcooked rice with garly thing with it.There is another chinese dish that claims filipino ownership !! Chop Suey. Enough filipinos were willing to take arms to defend Chop Suey, even though the name itself is in chinese - nothing gets past their strong defences of "IDENTITY"

I gave up ..

Red Kilt
09-06-10, 07:30
This whole thread is unappetising to me.

I never eat in food courts anymore - they load up everything with MSG (they call it "vetsin" or "ajimoto" here).

There are many filipino dishes that are delicious when properly cooked and eaten when fresh.
Dishes like, for example, Chicken Tinola, Pork Nilaga, Chicken and Pork Adobo, Pinakbhet (excellent vegies without the added bagoong), Ginataan (Pumpkin & Green Beans braised in coconut milk) and a few other dishes that my maid and my wife cook beautifully and without sugar and MSG.
Even mentioning Jolibee as a place to eat brings me out in a sweat. It is false advertising to label whatever they serve as "food".

09-06-10, 08:15
This whole thread is unappetising to me.

I never eat in food courts anymore. They load up everything with MSG (they call it "vetsin" or "ajimoto" here).

There are many Filipino dishes that are delicious when properly cooked and eaten when fresh.

Dishes like, for example, Chicken Tinola, Pork Nilaga, Chicken and Pork Adobo, Pinakbhet (excellent vegies without the added bagoong), Ginataan (Pumpkin & Green Beans braised in coconut milk) and a few other dishes that my maid and my wife cook beautifully and without sugar and MSG.

Even mentioning Jolibee as a place to eat brings me out in a sweat. It is false advertising to label whatever they serve as "food".I agree wholeheartedly RK. My fave is BULALO. A delicious soup based dish, if made proprerly with the Knee of the cow. Eaten with rice on the side it is delicious! It is usually a very large seve good for 2!

As for the over-seeetened fast food. I'll leave that alone!

09-06-10, 08:39
Lumpia is Chinese food, not Filipino ;)

BTW most of the somewhat edible food in the Philippines is foreign: chicken curry, beef caldereta, sweet and sour pork, etc.

What amazes me is that Filipino actually like their food. They think it's delicious. I could bring a girl to a delicious pizza restaurant and she would complain that she feels she didn't really eat just because she did not have overcooked rice with garly thing with it.

Bringing girls to Jollibee is still a winner - they delight in that thing which they call spaghetti and other dubious tasting burger. I don't know how they manage to mess even such a simple thing as a burger. I can say that apart for the chocolate sundae I like nothing in Jollibee, everything taste terrible even if it looks OK. However, locals delight in it (my favorite fast food being Burger King and Wendy). YMMV. Obviously.

Funny how you put it..very true however..I have a soft corner for Jollibee, simply for standing upto McDonalds :)...and we Indians have never seen quite like it back home..except for mcDonalds but its not localized.....

I have seen many Indians in Jollibee also a call center girl told me in Manila, she never understood why Indians love Jollibee...i don't know why i like chichenenjoy...its same but unique concept PLUS they give RICE which asian love with their Chicken :)

09-06-10, 11:34
Wow…these last few reports are making depressing reading!
Let’s lighten things up a little before I think about jumping off a bridge somewhere!

I am posting the following on this thread as it is mainly about my very recent experience of using DIA and Cherry Blossoms, although I admit that one or two sections are in reference to areas not associated with these two sites and associated experiences! So please bear with me if you think they should be posted elsewhere!
It is a pretty rambling post and doesn’t really lend itself to being dissected it into it’s component parts and posted in other possibly more relevant sections.

Firstly I would like to say a big thank you to Dragon Slayer for kindly responding to my PM with some very helpful advice and tips, as I am a newby to Phils! (having spent most of my time in the Caribbean, mainly Cuba, and also Thailand).
I was going to post this in Dragon Slayers Forum but there doesn’t seem to be any appropriate threads on that forum!

I had initially visited in Manila in March of this year but had to curtail my visit due to unexpected work commitments!

However on that occasion I did visit LA Café and Jools in Burgos and Binibini on Roxas Blvd., Baclaran. LA Café had obviously become something of an institution, and was pretty much exactly as I expected judging by the many previous reports on this forum. An interesting place! But I had just discovered Jools and decided to return there as I was impressed with the quality and friendliness of the girls, and the very professional dance show! I found by far that Jools was the better experience in terms of friendliness of the girls and entertainment, and was about 20% cheaper in all respects to Binibini. Although there were a lot of nice girls (8’s and 9’s) in Binibini, the ones in Jools seemed far more naturally friendly.

Some notes I made on costs at Binibini are as follows

a) Short time rooms 3000, 3500 and 4000 for ‘models’ (not sure how they were rated as I didn’t check it out further!)
b) 8000 take out
c) 600 entry, 150 drinks, 200 lady drinks (Beware 700 lady drink if performer sits on your lap!)

I returned to Manila end of August and had previously made some connections on DIA, and Cherry Blossoms so decided that I would put those arrangements to the test!

Slightly off topic, heard that LA Café had been closed down so swung by there the first night the check it out. It was open for business, and looks exactly the same but all LA Café signage had been removed and plastic sheeting with its new name ‘Manila Bay Café’ had been strung up in their place.

As I was with a girl I had met through CB I resisted the temptation to go and check it out more thoroughly but I stuck my heads through the door and although quieter than I remember it seemed the same place. But it was early…4-30 on Friday afternoon!
I spoke to the doorman who said that it WAS the same as LA Café, it was a sister company, (whatever that means), and had recently reopened for business!

Getting back on topic, like many others here my experience on DIA was very mixed, with a lot of professional ‘scammers’ trying to extract money very early on by pleading family illness, needing help with school fees and a variety of other reasons. Without exception these were deleted immediately. One thing that became clear very early on was that one can waste an awful lot of time sorting through likely candidates. Some sort of system for vetting them (and keeping track of who you are chatting to) is a must if you don’t want to be bogged down in trivial conversations which, in all probability will lead nowhere! In that respect CB seemed to have a better proportion of genuine girls. I don’t recall a single one that was obviously out for money! Maybe I was just lucky!

Apart from my very short visit in March I know nothing of Phils so took the opportunity to do a bit of travelling whilst there, so after Manila, I had a couple of days in Cagayan de Oro and then another four days in Cebu. With just one exception all the girls wanted to meet me at the airport, and drop me back there again. That could have been a problem if indeed I wasn’t actually travelling, so will have to give some thought to that for my next visit in November! Most also wanted to meet you initially with at least one other family member, and in the case of the girl from Cagayan turned up with a whole bus load of family – at least ten! I kid you not…..that was totally unexpected! Talk about stress!

I had a ‘shortlist’ of about 10 girls who I chatted with on cam (which to my mind is essential!) and arranged to meet 5 over 10 days in Phils. Following DS’s lead, I deliberately did not allocate too long to each to avoid wasting precious time so figured a couple of nights each would be a good start, allowing sufficient time to get them to open up with the desired GFE , but not too long in case of a bad choice! Also, and I must admit to being a little careless here, it is good to have a plan ‘B’ and even a plan ‘C’ should your first selection not meet expectations, or even fail to show up completely!. Of the 5, all turned up, the first 3 turned out to be real little gems, 4th (18 yr old spinner) admitting after meeting that she was a virgin and wanted to remain so until married. (wasn’t expecting that curved ball at all as she had previously said she had a pinoy b/f in the past and was happy to stay with me in the hotel!) The last was a really sexy looking 23 yr old who was very shy at first, and wouldn’t go all the way the first night so I said that I would send her home (explaining that was my way of dealing with HER rules!) and that we might meet the next day. That had the desired effect and she soon opened up! Literally and figuratively! Once she had a little sparkling wine inside her, she really opened up, and became quite uninhibited!

The first girl I met, in Manila was indeed a virgin, she was 24 and 38kg! Now as far as I am aware, I have never had the privilege of deflowering a virgin before, and was very excited at the prospect. Suffice to say she was a real pleasure and so very sweet. But like so many things in life, did not turn out exactly as I had in mind! My fault entirely, not hers! I had in the back of my mind an exceptionally funny report elsewhere in this forum of a member fucking a menstruating pinay and ended up with blood soaked sheets! You may well remember the report in question!
Indeed, hilarious descriptions of beheaded chickens and gallons of spilt blood rather made me focus on taking suitable precautions to prevent something similar from happening to me! In addition, on the flight over to Manila I was watching one of the funniest episodes of ‘Family Guy’, which to my mind is one of the best programmes on TV. In it ‘Family Guy’ himself was fantasizing over getting married to an extremely attractive neighbour, and when the minister says ‘you may now kiss the bride’ he retorts, ‘kiss her, I’m going to DESTROY HER!’

Well of course, there she is, sitting astride me, gently rocking backwards and forwards, my cock sliding ever so slowly deeper into her, and then her hymen gives a last little tug and then breaks…….and Family Guy, a destroyed virgin and dozens of headless chickens flood into my mind ……and I collapse into fits of uncontrollable laughter! Poor girl…she will probably be scarred for life….! But she took it all in good part…..of course I could NEVER tell her the real reason I was giggling so much…! Even though it was obviously not how either of us intended, she was really game and lost her virginity orally, vaginally and anally all in 24 hours! And even was happy for me to take the odd photo! I will surely see her again!

The second girl was from a province about 3 hours north of Manila, and we had arranged to meet in Glorietta mall!. A very friendly girl, in her late 20’s and totally uninhibited. Loved posing for pics! She had in fact been quite keen to show me the goods on cam on a number of occasions. Never asked for money, and she had a really good fun attitude!

Then I headed off to Cagayan de Oro and was met by a 21 year old who had a very nicely rounded figure! (and a bus load of family!) Again not shy, and at no time was money ever mentioned. I like that sort of attitude, and if anything, I am usually a bit on the generous side in that case!
I understand the situation in Phils, and am certainly not averse to helping out, one way or the other.

Then I headed off to Cebu where I encountered the ‘reluctant virgin’! Talking of virgins – isn’t it strange, they seem to have become like London buses, you wait ages for one, and then two come along together! But it seemed that my tack of sending a girl home if she starts to implement some rules was beginning to pay off. I don’t do it with any anger, but just explain to her that if those were her rules, then this was the correct way of dealing with those rules. (more importantly it frees up time to go and play elsewhere!) So I sent her home in a taxi, and her parents sent her back the following morning, but she was still not prepared to ‘sacrifice’ herself! But she was as cute as hell and I have to admit I accepted defeat graciously! But I did have one stroke of luck, the first evening of our meet we were wandering around Ayala Mall in Cebu doing some window shopping (between her pulling the virginity till marriage thing, and her going home for the night) and popped into a clothes shop. She was trying on a top in the changing room and the sales assistant who, to my eye was a real stunner, started flirting with me, asking outright if the girl I was with was my g/f? I think she could sense a lack of affection between us so I just said she was the daughter of a friend of mine and was possibly buying her a birthday present. (I had in fact no such intention, but wanted an excuse to check out the mall as it seemed from reports to be a good hunting ground!) And indeed it was! (I am certainly no George Clooney – not least because of an extra 10 years and 30 pounds or so!) but was getting a lot of smiles from women as we wandered around)! Anyway, I got her number, sent virgin home in a cab and met the sales girl after she finished work at 9-30pm and we went out for a bite to eat, and arranged to meet the following evening after she finished work again. The next day virgin reappeared at the hotel with mother and aunt in tow, and invited me back home after lunch to meet the family and have a sort of bbq! I was in two minds as to whether I should, but agreed to go just for a couple hours or so! My evening was already planned with the salesgirl but nothing in my diary for the afternoon! I was sure glad I did! The whole family were really nice, I had a complete ball with them, and more importantly I was introduced to half a dozen extremely attractive cousins who I think will not have the same mindset as virgin! I was taken aside by the aunt who asked me why I had sent virgin home and was I not happy with her? I replied (quite truthfully) that as she wished to remain a virgin till she was married, and I would NEVER marry a girl I hadn’t had a complete relationship with, (ie a polite way of saying – ‘fucked stupid!’) then there was no possibility of a future for us! (I of course left out the bit that I was not really in the market for settling down again, not for quite a while any rate!) She understood and pointed out a couple of the cousins and said they would not have that problem and maybe one of them might suit me instead! Wow! I wasn’t expecting that either! So when I return in November I have at least one firm date……!

Anyway….I digress…! After a very pleasant afternoon I returned to Ayala Mall to meet sales lady again. (21 year old , 40kg, beautiful eyes and ass!) Fortunately she had no such hang-ups, and was very happy to return to my hotel with me! And a second contact eager to meet up in November!

Ironically the next day, while I was with girl number 5, I started getting messages from reluctant virgin telling me she was so sorry, and she did want to see me again, and wanted to give herself to me…..how sweet. I think her aunt had had a quiet word in her ear!
But she was so very sweet, and the family so nice, that I don’t think I can take her offer, or her virginity, under false pretences! But then again, I might just have to think about that!

So, what did I think about Phils in general, and the whole DIA, Cherry Blossoms thing in particular? Well, after Cuba, which is where much of my mongering over the last dozen or so years has been, Phils is like a breath of fresh air, totally opposite to the often fraught and disappointing scene, certainly for newbie’s there! (But I still have a thing for Latina’s, they are one of god’s finest creations!)
I think if you have a fair amount of free time in advance to cultivate and sort your connections, it’s an excellent way of maximising your time ‘on-site’, especially if you are not familiar with the geography. In fact, as I did, you get them to show you all the places that would be of interest, so next time, if you operate independently at least you know the lay of the land!

They also provided me, in every case, an excellent GFE (even reluctant virgin did that in spades, despite not coming across with the deed itself)!

I look forward to November!

09-06-10, 12:22
They also provided me, in every case, an excellent GFE (even reluctant virgin did that in spades, despite not coming across with the deed itself)!

I look forward to November!

Dragon Slayer will be proud. His student has paid attention and learned well.

Great report and the pics were fabulous. Sweet looking body and many positions.

Please keep us updated on your next trip.


09-06-10, 14:28
I was taken aside by the aunt who asked me why I had sent virgin home and was I not happy with her?
That's a great report Bonker! Thanks. When I read that about the auntie at the family house, I was worried we would have to send "Monger Force" there in a chopper to extract you, but seems you handled it well.

I do enjoy being with Philippino families at parties. Sure I will buy the beer. And if I get too drunk on Red Horse I trust they will see I get home. Seems its easier if you don't live there. You can get in and get out clean. Once I move to the PI I will be a lot more reluctant to get involved with families near where I am living.

My strategy for meeting multiple girls in the same town is I tell them I am there on business. Then see I have meetings from time to time, and am not always available every evening (for the same girl anyway).

09-06-10, 14:41
I do enjoy being with Philippino families at parties. Sure I will buy the beer. And if I get too drunk on Red Horse I trust they will see I get home. Seems its easier if you don't live there. You can get in and get out clean. Once I move to the PI I will be a lot more reluctant to get involved with families near where I am living.

My strategy for meeting multiple girls in the same town is I tell them I am there on business. Then see I have meetings from time to time, and am not always available every evening (for the same girl anyway).

That's an obvious drawback of the family scene. It sure would be wise to keep some distance between them and I!

Good point about the meetings....I will have to create something similar, thanks for the tip!


09-06-10, 14:56
And let us not forget overcooked pasta with highly-sugared and otherwise unseasoned tomato sauce."fruit salad" condensed milk in which sickly sweet canned fruit pieces in heavy sugar syrup are drowned, washed down with large quantities of coca-cola... :)

09-06-10, 16:05
BTW most of the somewhat edible food in the Philippines is foreignI wouldn't go that far -- see Red Kilt's list (plus sinigang!) -- but then yes, it's almost remarkable that they still have a native cuisine at all when you consider the last several centuries of their history.

If you spend enough time traveling upcountry in the Philippines you WILL end up having to eat at Jollibee sooner or later. It might be tapsilog or another one of their cheap breakfasts, it might be a burger or some chicken. But under no circumstances should it be their spaghetti. That's utterly vile.

09-06-10, 16:07
"fruit salad" condensed milk in which sickly sweet canned fruit pieces in heavy sugar syrup are drowned, washed down with large quantities of coca-cola... :)I went to a wedding once where little weenies ('party franks') were embedded in a giant block of lime jello. Mmmmm!

09-06-10, 21:44
The first girl I met, in Manila was indeed a virgin, she was 24 and 38kg! Now as far as I am aware, I have never had the privilege of deflowering a virgin before, and was very excited at the prospect. Suffice to say she was a real pleasure and so very sweet. But like so many things in life, did not turn out exactly as I had in mind! My fault entirely, not hers! I had in the back of my mind an exceptionally funny report elsewhere in this forum of a member fucking a menstruating pinay and ended up with blood soaked sheets! You may well remember the report in question!
Indeed, hilarious descriptions of beheaded chickens and gallons of spilt blood rather made me focus on taking suitable precautions to prevent something similar from happening to me! In addition, on the flight over to Manila I was watching one of the funniest episodes of ‘Family Guy’, which to my mind is one of the best programmes on TV. In it ‘Family Guy’ himself was fantasizing over getting married to an extremely attractive neighbour, and when the minister says ‘you may now kiss the bride’ he retorts, ‘kiss her, I’m going to DESTROY HER!’

Well of course, there she is, sitting astride me, gently rocking backwards and forwards, my cock sliding ever so slowly deeper into her, and then her hymen gives a last little tug and then breaks…….and Family Guy, a destroyed virgin and dozens of headless chickens flood into my mind ……and I collapse into fits of uncontrollable laughter! Poor girl…she will probably be scarred for life….! But she took it all in good part…..of course I could NEVER tell her the real reason I was giggling so much…! Even though it was obviously not how either of us intended, she was really game and lost her virginity orally, vaginally and anally all in 24 hours! And even was happy for me to take the odd photo! I will surely see her again! Nice report! Thanks. Yes I think Jools is the best of the Burgos rip off bars and they don't bother you as you sit, no problem to watch the rather professional dancing show.

But common, this girl on the series of photo was a virgin? I mean, she looks like a super pro judging by what she does. And she did anal right there on her first night? It seems quite incredible. Great photos by the way!

09-06-10, 22:03
There is another chinese dish that claims filipino ownership !! Chop Suey. Enough filipinos were willing to take arms to defend Chop Suey, even though the name itself is in chinese - nothing gets past their strong defences of "IDENTITY"

I gave up ..Ah, but Chop Suey the Filipino way is not the real Chinese one - Filipino almost invariably cook it with fish sauce - and you don't want to know how this fish sauce is made!

This being said I must admit in response to some comments that I did eat twice some very good Filipino dishes.

One was at the canteen of the domestic airport. All I remember was that it contained pork and was really delicious. Unfortunately, although I asked and wrote down the name I could never find that plate again. Nobody seemed to know it! And in the meantime I lost even the name as it was 7 years ago!

The second dish was the way one of my maids prepared fruit salad. It was not at all the way they do it usually (which is barely edible). It was with strawberry and really I don't know what else but it was sublime. Unfortunately I had to fire this maid for other reasons so she took her secret with her. At the time I did not think to ask her for the recipe because I thought this was just the way it is done in the Philippines - only to find out again later that nobody could ever reproduce that dish, even close.

Ah damn, there's some things in which I am not lucky...

So yes, there's some Filipino dishes that are really good, but I guess it depends on the cook, or what? These were the only two exceptions in several years of living in the Philippines :-(

09-06-10, 22:33
Not to scare you...BUT this is a real bad news..this aquino clown is worse than GMA it seems...i hope this is just a bad dream im having.. tomorrow Denom will bring good news :)Well, two somewhat good news, with one of them possibly turning into a major win if our friend Lim ends up actually being fired (which I would doubt very much).

First is that the Alfredo Lim who is the Tourism secretary is not the Alfredo Lim who is the Mayor of Manila and the scourge of mongers. And for a reason. One is ALBERTO and the other is ALFREDO. I don't know if I made the mistake reading, or the article made the mistake writing. Either way the confusion is quickly made.

Well, at least something. It did seem to me unorthodox that someone would hold two major hats. The proof is in the photo here (beware long URL):


The second news is that Lim (the mayor) is in deep shit now with the hostage crisis. Hopefully it will lead to his dismissal - thought that's probably as likely to happen as him winning the miss universe contest - but one can always dream... If it happens I'll make a big big big celebration. No sure what yet, but it will involve lots of pussies and possibly the new LA/Manila Bay Cafe.

A good URL summarizing the situation, done in a spirit I can empathize with is at http://sites.google.com/site/alfredolim2/home