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12-06-11, 23:17
There's a very good report, written I believe last year, by a Filipino economist whose last name is Habito. It was published by the ADB (and I think written on it's behalf) and addresses the structural causes of poverty in the country. All of the factors cited by Gangles are cited, as well as the fact that the economic system here does not encourage, or even permit, participation by a broad-based swath of society. Thus, the insufficient jobs created are accessible only to a narrow portion of the workforce, which is young, largely unskilled, and growing quickly due to a largely unchecked population growth rate. Another factor cited by Habito is the need for functioning institutions of government that are not dependent on personality cults. The fact is that here, bureaucratic systems are irrational, as is staffing and the capacity of many bureaucrats is extremely limited. Finally, the eradication of dynastic politics, and the concomitant formation of real political parties (not personality cults) are considered essential for true reform. Habito's most telling point (at least for me) is that none of these structural weaknesses can be alleviated through outside forces such as donor intervention, since true, permanent change is a function of sustained political will, which is largely absent here.

Getting to Gangle's excellent point about land titling, I know of one large donor agency that considered developing a pilot program to modify the system on a very small scale. The model to be used was based on the extensive work of De Soto. The conclusion reached, after studying the status quo, was that the system is such a complete and utter mess-and so politically charged, that implementation of an effective pilot program would have been impossible. The idea was quickly abandonned. Another problem precipitated by the murky titling "system" is that few people pay any property taxes, which is one reason that the local governments are so starved for revenues.

Quester 55 raises the reasonable question of whether there's any hope. My conclusions, after working here for 8 years are ambivalent. I have become convinced that meanginful change at the microcosmic level-of barangays, municipalities and even provinces is possible. I know because I've seen it. Whether such change is sustainable is another question and I'm not so certain of the answer. As to the macrocosm, the country as a whole, I don't believe that systemmic change is possible, as the oligarchic culture is so deeply engrained, and there's so little incentive for the few families that operate the country as a private feifdom to share the wealth.


12-07-11, 06:28
If any one of these three drivers exists in a country, or region, or comunity, then the result will be poverty. In the Philippines, all three exist.It's even more elementary than that.

The reason the Philippines is so hard to "fix" is because its problems are mostly the result of a cultural defect.

Other Asian societies have experienced rapid economic growth because they have cultures that are compatible with free market capitalism. Take China. Traditional Chinese culture values hard work, education, self-reliance and long-term planning. All of which are essential ingredients for a well functioning capitalistic society. So once economic reforms were implemented there in the early 1980s, its economy predictably took off.

On the other hand, Philippine culture is simply not compatible with capitalism. Just as societies in India and the Middle East aren't either. Most Filipinos don't save money, have a 'live for the day' mentality and rely on others for money. You cannot build a modern capitalistic economy that way. It doesn't matter who's in charge. The only realistic way to promote modest development is to impose some form of colonial rule over the Philippines. The Filipinos cannot govern themselves.

12-08-11, 03:42
It's even more elementary than that.

On the other hand, Philippine culture is simply not compatible with capitalism. Most Filipinos don't save money, have a 'live for the day' mentality and rely on others for money.I have a sweet friend who works in Manila. Family in the South. Sweet friends sisters are all married, she's the only one who is not. She has a cow for a mother, who texts her every day telling her to send money, saying the family expects her as the unmarried daughter to provide for the mother (overweight) and father (hasnt worked for past 5 years ). Poor girl has two jobs so one would think, the mother would have a level of appreciation. Sadly no appreciation is extended at all.

Girl sent a little less home a few months back, as it was her birthday so she rewarded herself with a new dress and shoes (total cost P1000 ). Mother immediately whines about how her daughter isn't sending enough to feed them etc, pushing all the guilt buttons.

I suggested to the girl she divorce herself from her parents!

But the only happy ending to this story, is that in all the 14 dates we have had, she has resolutely refused to take one centavo from me. Says to do so would be easy but she would rather live this tough life of hers with pride and self respect.

12-08-11, 12:34
It's even more elementary than that.

The reason the Philippines is so hard to "fix" is because its problems are mostly the result of a cultural defect.

Other Asian societies have experienced rapid economic growth because they have cultures that are compatible with free market capitalism. Take China. Traditional Chinese culture values hard work, education, self-reliance and long-term planning. All of which are essential ingredients for a well functioning capitalistic society. So once economic reforms were implemented there in the early 1980s, its economy predictably took off.

On the other hand, Philippine culture is simply not compatible with capitalism. Just as societies in India and the Middle East aren't either.I've been trying to decide whether or not I agree with this, and I"m still not sure. Certainly Filipinos tend to do well, to work hard and to save when overseas, but of course they're immersed in a totally different culture while there. I do know some very successful, very entrepreneurial Filipinos, but then many of them are Chinese, and even those that aren't stand out because they are such anomalies. Therefore, I think that on balance, I agree. This is largely a culture of dependency run amok, which denigrates non-conformity and values uniformity and passivity for the most part. Many-though not all-with individual initiative and drive emigrate to countries where such qualities are valued highly, and where independence of thought is valued, not disdained as it is here.

Many countries-Vietnam is the most striking example I can think of, and Indonesia is another-eventually threw off the shackles of their colonial subjugation and created vibrant societies that are developing quickly. This place never did and perhaps never will.


12-08-11, 16:54
This kind of behaviour is characteristic of the hunter-gatherer culture. And it is common throughout the Philippines. And once a person is acculturated into any culture, it is extremely difficult to change.

From my perspective, this is one reason why it is so hard for the Phils to get going economically and politically.

The behaviour of the leading families is not unexpected when seen through the lens of the hunter-gatherer culture, because in that culture, everyone owns everything, but the head man owns it all. So the leading families would see it as their right to take what they want, because it is part of the culture.

This is also why it is OK for a familyto expect a foreigner to pay when he bcomes involved with a woman. Her family see him as a new family member, and hence is possessions become common family property.


I've been trying to decide whether or not I agree with this, and I"m still not sure. Certainly Filipinos tend to do well, to work hard and to save when overseas, but of course they're immersed in a totally different culture while there. I do know some very successful, very entrepreneurial Filipinos, but then many of them are Chinese, and even those that aren't stand out because they are such anomalies. Therefore, I think that on balance, I agree. This is largely a culture of dependency run amok, which denigrates non-conformity and values uniformity and passivity for the most part. Many-though not all-with individual initiative and drive emigrate to countries where such qualities are valued highly, and where independence of thought is valued, not disdained as it is here.

Many countries-Vietnam is the most striking example I can think of, and Indonesia is another-eventually threw off the shackles of their colonial subjugation and created vibrant societies that are developing quickly. This place never did and perhaps never will.


12-08-11, 21:48
Climates change, conditions change, and those not suitably adaptive to changing circumstance, follow a downward spiral to extinction. Given the multiple scourges of cultural dependency, corruption, rocketing over-population, incompetence, passivity, and a general lack of those capitalist 'qualities' that propel economic growth in most other Asian nations, is this country reaching an evolutionary dead end? Quite possibly so. Perhaps the situation, rather than remaining static, is going to get a lot worse.

12-09-11, 04:27
I think it is due to corruption they think they can take that they are owed something from those that have to give to the others. The saying "where is my gift " is a give away. I find the place great along as they think you are poor once they know you have money the tone changes, unhappy, sad and crying is all a act.

These people are extroverted if they ever look different then it is a act. They do not need anything but will take everything if you let them.

12-09-11, 05:36
This is an interesting discussion, and I appreciate Gangle's "Hunter-Gatherer" analogy. I do know that, at least from the time of the Spaniards, this has been a largely feudal culture, with home and obeisance "owned" to the feudal lord, who in turn takes care of his subjects in return for their perpetual servility. This is how it remains in much of Mindanao, with the traditional Datus almost absolute monarchs who control the fate of their extended clans and loyalists. It's what has allowed the proliferation of private armies, and since the Datu / feudal system has been politicized-and exploited most spectacularly by GMA-these guys have been able to remain in power.


12-09-11, 05:39
I suggested to the girl she divorce herself from her parents!

But the only happy ending to this story, is that in all the 14 dates we have had, she has resolutely refused to take one centavo from me. Says to do so would be easy but she would rather live this tough life of hers with pride and self respect.My old boss is an American born Filipino-American who currently lives in Wisconsin. His mom, who also lives in Wisconsin (but by herself) , constantly asks him for money even though she's in her early 50s and can easily get a job. For older Filipinos raised in the Philippines, old mooching habits die hard. The younger breed who've never lived in the Philippines don't have a moocher mentality.

By the way, just yesterday, the fourth Filipino was executed in China this year for drug trafficking. Supposedly, his parents had medical bills and kept asking him for money. To get the money, he tried smugglling four pounds of heroin -- and got a lethal injection in return.

Of course, for every moocher story in the Philippines, we hear a few stories about hardworking, principled Filipinos (mostly women) like yours. I went on a date with a girl who refused taxi money and insisted on going home in a jeepney. She was fairly poor too. Those are the people I send a few hundred pesos to for Christmas.

is this country reaching an evolutionary dead end? Quite possibly so. Perhaps the situation, rather than remaining static, is going to get a lot worse.Quite the contrary. It seems the laws of natural selection favors poor people as being more likely to survive.

Many first-world Asian countries have negative population growth. In Japan, at the current rate of population decline, there'd be no one left in Japan in 250 years. At the same time, Filipino families are turning out 6-10 offsprings on average. By sheer numbers, poor people will someday overcome and destroy the rich.

Also, if the Earth suffers some eventual life-altering event (nuclear war, viral pandemic, meteor crash, etc.) , races like the Filipinos are most likely to survive and thrive in the aftermath.

12-09-11, 08:56
I think it is due to corruption they think they can take that they are owed something from those that have to give to the others. The saying "where is my gift " is a give away. I find the place great along as they think you are poor once they know you have money the tone changes, unhappy, sad and crying is all a act.

These people are extroverted if they ever look different then it is a act. They do not need anything but will take everything if you let them.It would be an interesting social experiment to both.

A) pretend to be a really poor fireigner, build up relationships based on that knowledge and then later reveal that you were fabulously rich.

B) Do the opposite.

Imagine the fun and confusion you could create.

12-09-11, 17:23
I never fail to be amazed at the head-in-the-sand attitude of those westerners who criticise the Philippines, and particularly those who talk about Phils as a dead end country.

If I remember correctly, the last global financial crisis originated in the USA, and then spread to the other western economies. Governments, in panic, flung vast amounts of money around to keep their economies afloat. Banks and businesses were bailed out with vast amounts of taxpayers money.

What happened in the Phils? Did the govt have to behave this way? No.

Now we have another impending GFC originating out of Europe. They are talking about bail out funds of trillions of dollars. Madness. Does the Phils have to behave this way? No.

The USA has enjoyed a supposedly superiior standard of living, because it has been living on borrowed money.

Same with the Europeans, living on borrowed money.

Now the chickens are coming home to roost.

It is expected that there will be 5 million more foreclosures on homes in the USA in the coming year.

If the USA and the Europeans were forced to repay their borrowed money over the next 10 years, what would the lifestyle be like?

The average westerner lives on debt, multiple credit cards maxed out. Mortgages so high that the numbers make me dizzy.

Does the average Filipino live on debt? Some do, often to loan sharks, often borrowed within the family. But nothing like the westerner.

So, which country is the dead end country? Or countries?


Member #4698
12-09-11, 19:57
If the USA and the Europeans were forced to repay their borrowed money over the next 10 years, what would the lifestyle be like? The average westerner lives on debt, multiple credit cards maxed out. GI don't want to spread the gloom and doom, but it looks like the USA and the Euro's are going to try to inflate their currencies as the way out of the debt burden they created. Wait till the ordinary citizen sees what happens to his purchasing power over the next 10 years. Most people in the USA and Europe don't have a clue to what is coming.

Then take a look at China. They have a real estate bubble about to burst. As the Chinese economy starts to head south, the government will find itself in real trouble for the first time since Tiananmen. I have no idea how that situation is going to turn out. Yeah, things look kind of scary to me worldwide. I am trying to diversify my assets and just stay above water. Hanging out in the PI and living relatively cheap may be a good alternative for those that have the means and ability to escape their home countries. The next election in the USA is the most important election in the last 30 years. The outcome is going to be real interesting. I think it is obvious which side I am on.

12-09-11, 20:21
I never fail to be amazed at the head-in-the-sand attitude of those westerners who criticise the Philippines, and particularly those who talk about Phils as a dead end country.

If I remember correctly, the last global financial crisis originated in the USA, and then spread to the other western economies.I hope you're not suggesting life is more comfortable and stable in the Philippines than the United States. I think anyone who'd seriously suggest that has never been to the Philippines. How many Filipinos want to immigrate to the US (even as a maid or laborer)? How many Americans want to immigrate to the Philippines?

Let's not talk about what will happen in the future for the US and the world. Nobody knows. If you were that sure the US will go into the toilet, you'd massively short US equities and make a fortune. We can only talk about now and the recent past. And as unstable US politics is, I should point out the Philippines has had three attempted coups in the last decade and several occasions where martial law was imposed. The last Philippine President is currently under arrest in a government hospital under charges of corruption. The President before that was given a life sentence for corruption and plunder.

Don't get me wrong. I can appreciate living an idyllic lifestyle without debt or foreign wars. But I think it's naive to think life in the Philippines is remotely worryfree or comfortable.

I actually don't mind poverty as much as corruption. People in the Philippines have to watch not stepping on the toes of someone rich or powerful. There's a culture of impunity there where people can commit crimes and hide behind their wealth or office.

I'm immediately reminded of the video below. The mayor of Davao got into policy disagreement with a city sheriff. So in front of reporters and spectators, she socked him in the face repeatedly while most people cheered. There was no consequence for the mayor despite the video being seen by hundreds of thousands.


If a sheriff can be treated that way publicly, what will happen to you or your family if you offend someone rich or powerful?

12-09-11, 21:16
I'm immediately reminded of the video below. The mayor of Davao got into policy disagreement with a city sheriff. So in front of reporters and spectators, she socked him in the face repeatedly while most people cheered. There was no consequence for the mayor despite the video being seen by hundreds of thousands.


If a sheriff can be treated that way publicly, what will happen to you or your family if you offend someone rich or powerful?The mayor is voted by the people the sheriff is not watching the video it looks like the sheriff knew why he was hit. I wish I could see the same back in aust but our gov is more corrupt at the top so useless police are rewarded not kicked out like here. I like that the local have a say.

As for ecconomy the rest of the would will be PI level one day. Assets can not devalue here much more houses are the only over price assets but even they rent out for a good return.

12-09-11, 21:41
The mayor is voted by the people the sheriff is not.I didn't know being an elected official entitles you the right to physically assult someone.

In that video, the sheriff was under court order to clear some slums. The mayor opposed the order and took it out on the sheriff.

And people wonder why the Philippines has a lawless reputation.

12-10-11, 14:57
Some mongers here seem to think that thed Phils is more corrupt than western countries, like thenUSA, or my country, Australia.

So read the recent editions of the Australian papers about corruption at the highest levels of the police forces, even in the agencies that are charged with clearing out corruption. Or go back to the GFC in the USA, when Henry Paulson, then treasury secretary, told his mates in the major banks and hedge funds that Freddie and Fannie wqere about to be nationalised. The banks and hedge funds shorted Freddie and Fannie, and made billions of dollars.

Now that is serious corruption.

Maybe the filipinos have got a few things to learn from us westerners.

As for Americans immigrating to the Philippines! Well, to start, they cannot immigrate to the Phils. But there are some pretty big numbers living in the Phils. Getting away from the rottenness of the USA. And many more living in Thailand, Cambodia, South America, Africa. Same for Australians etc, etc. So the Phils must have something going for it. And many or most of them are not there because it is the only place to live in a limited budget.

As for a first timer arriving at a new country. There are many stories of mongers being ripped off in the Phils. Taxi drivers who rip off a few dollars etc.

My experience as a first time visitor in the USA was a pair of black guys busting into my hotel room, holding me up at gunpoint, bound and gagged, stole everything of value.

Hotel security didn't give a shit. The cops didn't care. But interestingly, it became an international diplomatic incident.

Second time into the US was into La Guardia airport. Hussled at kerb side, bums and beggars husstling for nickles and dimes for helping with bags, taxi, etc.

Then we ended up driving through the Bowery, where the cab was husstled by the ultimate in low life.

Ah, yes, the USA, where life is so good.

Get real.


12-10-11, 18:40
I doubt that most readers of this avid debate are naive enough to believe that corruption doesn't exist within industrialized democracies; of course it does, and NGOs such as Transparency International, among others, do a thorough job of analyzing the extent of corruption in most of the world's countries and reporting on it every year. I forget where the US and Australia ranked in the most recent index of "cleanliness," but it was near the top, though lower than that of the Nordic countries. However, to assume that because corruption is virtually universal, there's no substantive difference between the US and the Philippines or between "the West" and the Philippines, is equally fallacious. The fact is that reasonably stable Government organizations have evolved in the West (and in other places like Japan and Singapore) , and that by and large, they work. The fact is that, in general, the rule of law in these countries works, thanks to functional (not perfect) justice systems. Finally, the fact is that in these countries the corrupt are (often) prosecuted and go to jail. None of these attributes are evident in the Philippines. Then too, the standards of material wealth in the aforementioned countries beggars comparison with the Philippines, which is the only country in ASEAN to have witnessed an actual increase in poverty levels in the last decade.

The differences-both qualitative and quantitative-between the US, Canada, Western Europe, Japan, Singapore (and others) are massive and they're growing. How anyone can perceive even a rough equivalency between countries with per capita GDPs in the range of $20-25, 000 and beyond, and a country that claims a per capita GDP of about $3, 000 is beyond me. To cite one more stark series of comparisons between this place and the rest of the world, the "developed" West and Japan invest, on average, about $9, 000 per child per year in education. Rapidly developing countries in SE Asia, though they don't invest at this level, are increasing their investments: Malaysia now spends more than $2, 000 per year per child, and Vietnam spends about $1, 500. The Philippines spends about $220.

I've said before, and will reiterate here, my belief that there are three general classes of foreigners in this country: those whose work has taken them here and who generally earn Western salaries; missionaries who appear to live pretty good lives while trying to recruit the masses here to their team; and retirees who come here, for the most part, because they've married Filipinas who want to remain or return to their home country and / or have settled here because their retirement funds simply go further. Of course the ready availability of young, nubile punani is probably also a relatively consistent them throughout the sub-groups, though I'm not sure about the sexual behavior of the missionaries, if indeed there is any sexual behavior. These are three distinctly different groups, and it's therefore not so simple to generalize about motivation for relocation, except that in two of the three cases, the impetus seems to be financial.

I understand as well as anyone, that the industrialized world is at a tipping point; that the US economy is weak, the Euro zone is staggering, and that China's export and real estate bubbles could deflate soon, and I understand that the world's economy is in a perilous state. Like everyone who might eventually read this, I claim no special knowledge of whether or how the economic and political crises plaguing the developed world will be resolved. What I do know however, is that this country is basically a failed state right now, whereas most other countries in this region are not, and while there's no certainty, it would surely take a calamity of immesurable proportions for the developed world to descend to the current status of the Philippines.


12-11-11, 03:57
I doubt that most readers of this avid debate are naive enough to believe that corruption doesn't exist within industrialized democracies; of course it does, and NGOs such as Transparency International, among others, do a thorough job of analyzing the extent of corruption in most of the world's countries and reporting on it every year. I forget where the US and Australia ranked in the most recent index of "cleanliness," but it was near the top, though lower than that of the Nordic countries. However, to assume that because corruption is virtually universal, there's no substantive difference between the US and the Philippines or between "the West" and the Philippines, is equally fallacious. The fact is that reasonably stable Government organizations have evolved in the West (and in other places like Japan and Singapore) , and that by and large, they work. The fact is that, in general, the rule of law in these countries works, thanks to functional (not perfect) justice systems. Finally, the fact is that in these countries the corrupt are (often) prosecuted and go to jail. None of these attributes are evident in the Philippines. Then too, the standards of material wealth in the aforementioned countries beggars comparison with the Philippines, which is the only country in ASEAN to have witnessed an actual increase in poverty levels in the last decade.

The differences-both qualitative and quantitative-between the US, Canada, Western Europe, Japan, Singapore (and others) are massive and they're growing. How anyone can perceive even a rough equivalency between countries with per capita GDPs in the range of $20-25, 000 and beyond, and a country that claims a per capita GDP of about $3, 000 is beyond me. To cite one more stark series of comparisons between this place and the rest of the world, the "developed" West and Japan invest, on average, about $9, 000 per child per year in education. Rapidly developing countries in SE Asia, though they don't invest at this level, are increasing their investments: Malaysia now spends more than $2, 000 per year per child, and Vietnam spends about $1, 500. The Philippines spends about $220.

I've said before, and will reiterate here, my belief that there are three general classes of foreigners in this country: those whose work has taken them here and who generally earn Western salaries; missionaries who appear to live pretty good lives while trying to recruit the masses here to their team; and retirees who come here, for the most part, because they've married Filipinas who want to remain or return to their home country and / or have settled here because their retirement funds simply go further. Of course the ready availability of young, nubile punani is probably also a relatively consistent them throughout the sub-groups, though I'm not sure about the sexual behavior of the missionaries, if indeed there is any sexual behavior. These are three distinctly different groups, and it's therefore not so simple to generalize about motivation for relocation, except that in two of the three cases, the impetus seems to be financial.

I understand as well as anyone, that the industrialized world is at a tipping point; that the US economy is weak, the Euro zone is staggering, and that China's export and real estate bubbles could deflate soon, and I understand that the world's economy is in a perilous state. Like everyone who might eventually read this, I claim no special knowledge of whether or how the economic and political crises plaguing the developed world will be resolved. What I do know however, is that this country is basically a failed state right now, whereas most other countries in this region are not, and while there's no certainty, it would surely take a calamity of immesurable proportions for the developed world to descend to the current status of the Philippines.

GEWell said, GE. Although I always enjoy my time in this country, the more I learn about it the more I realize that my experience of corruption is not the same as for locals. The vast bulk of corruption is hidden away and foreigners don't see it. Locals get to pay the "tax" which is a real financial burden to them personally and drives up costs which in turn puts pressure on prices and / or wages. Foreigners are sometimes offered the chance to get out of some awkward or uncomfortable situation by paying what is to them a pittance. If only things were like that in my home country, they think. But corruption is so rife here that it negates the ability of government institutions to function. You are paid such a pittance to do your state job that you opt instead to earn on the side and therefore your chief interest is no longer your function as a state employee. Put this together with the sociological items mentioned in the reports cited earlier, and you have a barely governable state and a disfunctional market that fails to provide sufficient employment or opportunities to millions and severely undermines the wage rates for those in work. This in turn fuels crime. The mugger in a western country may be robbing you because he needs his next fix. The armed mugger in Manila is likely to be robbing you out of shere desperation, to feed his family or get medicine for his kid.

12-11-11, 04:16
I didn't know being an elected official entitles you the right to physically assult someone.

In that video, the sheriff was under court order to clear some slums. The mayor opposed the order and took it out on the sheriff.

And people wonder why the Philippines has a lawless reputation.Again the court was not a vote from the people. That why the system works they can attack as they are right. Most slums are poor people only assets so unless the gov is paying them then they should fight.

Radical Guy
12-11-11, 05:05
Again the court was not a vote from the people. That why the system works they can attack as they are right. Most slums are poor people only assets so unless the gov is paying them then they should fight.A few years back, Mayor Duarte (sp?) of Davao gained some popularity when he found out about a taxi cab driver violating the rules requiring the use of meters. He had the police drag the taxi driver to his office, whereupon Mayor Duarte personally beat the crap out of the driver. He is also known for all but endorsing the "death squad" that saves the courts time by finding known drug dealers and criminals and simply having them killed.

That mayor enjoyed tremendous popularity because of his lawless reputation. Interestingly, this mayor was educated in the US, and now his daughter is the mayor of Davao.


12-11-11, 06:43
A few years back, Mayor Duarte (sp?) of Davao gained some popularity when he found out about a taxi cab driver violating the rules requiring the use of meters. He had the police drag the taxi driver to his office, whereupon Mayor Duarte personally beat the crap out of the driver. He is also known for all but endorsing the "death squad" that saves the courts time by finding known drug dealers and criminals and simply having them killed.

RGThe Davao Death Squad (DDS) was active for almost a decade before it went away after the US threatened to withhold financial aid if it was discovered that any government there were involved. Many believed Dutarte was behind the DDS or at least turned a blind eye.

Even the most ardent supporter of Dutarte's draconian approach would be kidding himself if he thinks only guilty people were killed. Many innocent people were killed as well as Dutarte's political enemies. Dutarte would read off a long list of people on TV whom he said were suspected criminals and some on that list would wind up dead. Imagine if YOU somehow wound up on that list because of a mistake or he didn't like your political views.

Most Davao residents indeed supported him. This reflects the sorry state of Philippine society when lawlessness is celebrated instead of having a proper and civilized legal system to deal with criminals.

Again the court was not a vote from the people. That why the system works they can attack as they are right. Most slums are poor people only assets so unless the gov is paying them then they should fight.

Dude, you have no idea what you're talking about. I suggest you do research on the story behind the video before voicing an opinion. Because if you did, you'd realize the cop being hit on the video has nothing to do with the court ruling.

12-11-11, 10:04
With all due respect to those who make claims to know about Davao, most of you don't know the actual political situation here. Yes, Sarah Duterte, the Mayor punched the Sherrif in front the TV cameras, but it's important to understand the context. She had basically been up for two days, doing what she could to help poor local residents displaced by recent floods. The squatters whom the Sherrif were trying to evict were close to rioting, and all she asked the Sherrif was for a couple of hours so she could calm people down and try to help them find alternative housing. Her request, particularly in the context of the onoing flood calamity was, in my opinon, reasonable and justified in light of the restiveness of the people being evicted. So by hitting him publicly she may very well have averted a much nastier riot, and if this guy had had two functioning brain cells, he would have acceded to her request.

As to the DDS, I know no more about them than any foreigner. What I do know-from my asawa and from others here in the pre-Duterte era-is that Davao was almost unlivable and more akin to the wild west than to what it is now, which is one of the few centers of good news in the country, attracting massive investment and expanding employment opportunities for its citizens. It's clean, with decent municipal services, and I've never heard anyone here breathe a single suspicion that the Mayor has profited from this. There's no doubt that he's been a transformational figure, and he created an enclave of peace and relative prosperity in Mindanao, the poorest region in the country and he did this in a country that has virtually no functioning system of justice or working national institutions. Davao is actually an excellent place to live, and he's largely accountable for that fact. His daughter is carrying on his policies and she's doing it well. Context in this case, is everything.


12-11-11, 10:28
as to the dds, i know no more about them than any foreigner. what i do know-from my asawa and from others here in the pre-duterte era-is that davao was almost unlivable and more akin to the wild west than to what it is now, which is one of the few centers of good news in the country,


i have no problem with dutarte's brand of vigilante street justice if society is out of control. it's indeed worth a few innocent lives if millions can live in peace and safety.

but it seems that kind of justice was the only thing davao had in place. for all his tough talk, he spent no effort building a modern legal system and professional police force. it was all muscle and bullets and no brains. security and justice were vested in one man and a shadowy group of executioners.

i'm sure that kind of wild west system is fine for most -- unless you or someone you care about becomes falsely accused and you have no recourse when dds agents come looking. if a street girl falsely accuses you of [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123), you have to deal with this frightening justice system where one guy determines your fate without appeal in a smoke-filled back room.

one would also need to be delusional if he didn't think some dds victims were targeted merely for opposing dutarte.

i'm all for strict law and order. singapore has it. but the kind that reigned in davao came from the subjective power of a few unchecked people. i know their justice system is less wild now as extrajudicial killings have decreased in davao. so i wouldn't exactly say his daughter is carrying on his policies.

12-11-11, 10:39
I have no problem with Dutarte's kind of vigilante and street justice if society is out of control. It's indeed worth a few innocent lives if millions can live in peace and safety.

But it seems that kind of justice was the only thing Davao had in place. They didn't even try to build a modern legal system and professional police force. Security and justice were vested in one man and a shadowy group of executioners. One would need to be delusional if he didn't think some were targeted merely for opposing Dutarte or for in Davao.However, it's worthwhile noting that there are no city policy forces in the Philippines as the entire police force is national, and the city mayors do not control them. Ditto with the justice system, which is also national and does not report to any local official, so the Mayor has no official law enforcement powers. In my view, though you may question his methods, Duterte has created nothing less than an oasis of safety and calm in a fractious, often lawless region. I was reflecting on this a bit last night as we went to De Bonte Koe-which is in the middle of the downtown area-for dinner. There were throngs of people on the street; the bars, clubs and restaurants were almost full, and people were having a thoroughly enjoyable time.

Just as an aside, there's been a spate of recent kidnappings in Mindanao-though none in Davao. On his TV program earlier this week, Duterte mentioned that if these elements want to set foot in Davao, they're not going to leave the city while breathing. It's all fine with me. The rule of law only works when the laws are enforced. I'm thankful that Duterte cleaned this place up before I came to live here, and I thoroughly appreciate how safe I feel.


12-11-11, 11:13
However, it's worthwhile noting that there are no city policy forces in the Philippines as the entire police force is national, and the city mayors do not control them. Ditto with the justice system, which is also national and does not report to any local official, so the Mayor has no official law enforcement powers. In my view, though you may question his methods, Duterte has created nothing less than an oasis of safety and calm in a fractious, often lawless region. I was reflecting on this a bit last night as we went to De Bonte Koe-which is in the middle of the downtown area-for dinner. There were throngs of people on the street; the bars, clubs and restaurants were almost full, and people were having a thoroughly enjoyable time.My point is that Rodrigo Dutarte's kind of street justice was probably a necessary evil but that, at some point, it has to be replaced by more civilized justice. I just never got the perception that he wanted or cared about civilized justice. For him, he didn't see his policies as necessary evil but a desirable permanent form justice that he controlled with guns.

12-11-11, 12:46
My point is that Rodrigo Dutarte's kind of street justice was probably a necessary evil but that, at some point, it has to be replaced by more civilized justice. I just never got the perception that he wanted or cared about civilized justice. For him, he didn't see his policies as necessary evil but a desirable permanent form justice that he controlled with guns.I've met the Mayor exactly twice, and my total conversation with him was probably about ten seconds, so I don't know what he thinks, about his system or about anything else. What I think is that he was determined to make Davao a place that was safe to invest and where people felt secure, and he's succeeded. No argument about the need for a functional justice system, but that's so far beyond his control that it's not even a pinpoint on the horizon.


12-11-11, 14:41
Dude, you have no idea what you're talking about. I suggest you do research on the story behind the video before voicing an opinion. Because if you did, you'd realize the cop being hit on the video has nothing to do with the court ruling.I think you need to get a idea your anti PI posts are getting on people nerves please stick to Hong kong you clueless about PI.

12-11-11, 16:20
I think you need to get a idea your anti PI posts are getting on people nerves please stick to Hong kong you clueless about PI.Furry has been in/out phils for a long time, and has 300+ posts (more than you). To say that he needs to "get an idea" would be incorrect (even if his 'idea' is not to your liking). The beauty of being a lover of freedom (as you are, right?) is the willingness to let others speak their mind, even if you don't agree with them.

Member #4491
12-13-11, 01:45
The rule of law only works when the laws are enforced.

GENow this needs to be repeated about 1000 times.

I wonder when the politically correct brain washed zombies of the west world will wake up and understand that a strong leader can mean so much more safety and freedom than a the non functioning implementation of "civilized justice" we have in most of the "modern west world". I will not discuss politics here since it is only opinions, but if I could, I would clone Roddy and install his double where I live. In Davao the people that behave are safe and the ones that misbehave are handled. Hell of a lot better than what I see around me.


Member #4491
12-13-11, 02:09
So read the recent editions of the Australian papers about corruption at the highest levels of the police forces, even in the agencies that are charged with clearing out corruption. Or go back to the GFC in the USA, when Henry Paulson, then treasury secretary, told his mates in the major banks and hedge funds that Freddie and Fannie wqere about to be nationalised. The banks and hedge funds shorted Freddie and Fannie, and made billions of dollars.

Now that is serious corruption.

GAmen, Ganges! The list can be made so extremely long. On so many levels. Paulson, Ebbers, Fuld, Grubman, Standard & Poor's and the other CRA's, City, etc.

Systematic corruption that rarely is penalized. This corrupt structure also include all the extreme socialistic leaches just sitting on their asses handing out tax money to other people doing nothing. Corrupt as well!


Econo Tech
12-13-11, 08:13
My point is that Rodrigo Dutarte's kind of street justice was probably a necessary evil but that, at some point, it has to be replaced by more civilized justice. I just never got the perception that he wanted or cared about civilized justice. For him, he didn't see his policies as necessary evil but a desirable permanent form justice that he controlled with guns.Funny. Is this the same family who's brother had a tiff with a foreigner about "who is bigger than who" match, when the latter planted a public safety notice board.

Wonder what Sarah's brother did? He piled his goons into a jeep, drove over to the foreigner's house and told him who is the boss in town, and went on to threaten the foreigner with eviction with proper process done at BI and everywhere.

Law? What Law? AS long as you are in the winning side, it is legal. If you cross over, you are illegal. Kaput.

Over and out.

12-13-11, 15:27
Furry has been in/out phils for a long time, and has 300+ posts (more than you). To say that he needs to "get an idea" would be incorrect (even if his 'idea' is not to your liking). The beauty of being a lover of freedom (as you are, right?) is the willingness to let others speak their mind, even if you don't agree with them.Read the forum before you post too I was reply to his lack of knowledge about local policy enforcement . I do not think a higher post count is relevant to this issue . As for his visit to PI it still no comparison to some who lives here. As he was corrected by another posted who lives here. I not sure why you are posting replies to me about this as he knows he got it wrong. So move on nothing to see here no extra pussy.

12-13-11, 16:01
As for his visit to PI it still no comparison to some who lives here.Everyone's entitled to state their opinion (even you). Doesn't mean he's right.

As he was corrected by another posted who lives here.Really? What post? Another gent simply supplied his opinion, which differed from Furry's. Its possible both (or neither) gent is correct.

I not sure why you are posting replies to me about this as he knows he got it wrong. So move on nothing to see here no extra pussy.I responded because you attempted to stymie another member from expressing in the general forum.

I don't see Furry saying he got anything wrong.

This is the general forum thread. We talk about whatever we want to talk about. Other threads are for pussy. Feel free to PM me.

Member #4351
12-13-11, 16:36
Frenzy3 is probably the only posting forum member who actually has been living and working in typical Philippine lower social-economic, (not foreigner enclave) neighborhoods for some years. As such his opinions on many subjects, are IMHO more valid than those of many of the posters on the Philippine threads.

12-13-11, 23:27
This is a country of dynastic politics; a country in which offices are "owned" by families, and get passed back and forth among family members like a basketball. There are no functional political parties, only personality cults that form and reform as dictated by political exigencies. Thus, the political system is closed; restricted to those whose families have memberships. The effectiveness of municipal or provincial administration then depends largely on the personality and proclivities of whatever dynast happens to be in power, since there are eno viable institutions to perpetuate continuity.

Davao is fortunate in that the dynasty by which it is ruled is committed to peace, security and the wellbeing of the city's residents. Other places aren't so fortunate, and are stuck with rulers interested only in their own aggrandizement and that of their family. Given the absence of a true electoral process, the character of each city is more or less determined by the luck of the draw.


12-14-11, 05:36
I wonder when the politically correct brain washed zombies of the west world will wake up and understand that a strong leader can mean so much more safety and freedomI think it's more zombie-like to entrust one man to dish out punishment behind a closed door.

Even if he has the noblest intent, Rodrigo Duterte is prone to humanly mistakes and biases just like everyone else. While no form of criminal justice is perfect, his brand does not allow his foibles to be checked, challenged and corrected by others. You might be a fan of his methods until you become falsely accused of a crime and you have no recourse but to answer to his thugs.

One reason the Philippines does not attract much foreign investment and tourists is, there's a general perception that the country is lawless. Duterte's brand of cowboy justice reinforces the perception. What you are supporting unintentionally perpetuates poverty in the country. Like it or not, the Philippines exists in a community of nations. What others think about the Philippines matters greatly, particularly those from the West.

Other Asian countries once poorer and more corrupt than the Philippines have developed into first-world status without resorting to his methods.

This is a country of dynastic politics; a country in which offices are "owned" by families, and get passed back and forth among family members like a basketball. There are no functional political parties, only personality cults that form and reform as dictated by political exigencies. Thus, the political system is closed;The only thing I have to add to your correct assessment is, the voting public supports this type of political fiefdom. I'd bet a vast majority of people who voted for Benigno Aquino couldn't describe his political philosophy. They voted for his bloodline and a few catchy campaign slogans. Philippine democracy is all style and no substance designed to perpetuate wealth amongst a small group of dynasties and the Catholic Church.

Filipinos in general are not sophisticated enough to cast an informed vote and the country is not ready for liberal democracy. If I were a politician in the Philippines, I'd run on a platform to return the country to American colonial rule.

Member #4491
12-14-11, 09:56
In the end I guess it is mostly opinions, and perhaps more worth for our dented egos than anything else, but I will respond anyway. There are no intentions to flame anyone in my post and I do not feel I have to convince or "win" over anyone. This is just my own opinions, based on my narrow life experience. So here I go;

I think it's more zombie-like to entrust one man to dish out punishment behind a closed door.You are maybe right, but looking at Belgium today sure makes the grass look green in Davao. How many times was this guy in jail before he killed and harmed all those families? Such a tragedy. But, sure it is a huge simplification to say that the elderly of Europe would feel and be safer, if we only had a Duterte here. Maybe somewhere in between what we have today, and Davao or Singapore would be good. As someone wrote, a system as Duterte's is good as long as your on the winning team. And then when suddenly you are not, your "tax" will take a huge jump, for sure. Or worse (just look at Solemo and Sederholm who where ignorant enough not to pay that tax). I remember how safe I always felt in Iran, but for my female employees the reality looked quite different with constant harassments and abuse from the monkeys in uniform. So yea, it is all about your current perspective.

Speaking of monkeys in uniform, I just returned from Venezuela (where I also had production in the past but closed due to the unpredictable economy and lack of work ethics) and perhaps that totally f*cked up country is the best evidence against my previous claim. They did absolutely not get a good draw in the dictator lottery. Extremely insecure and unpredictable country to do anything in (but pretty and curvy females, as well as beautiful nature). I guess my cry for a hard leader is just frustration over the slap on the fingers-punishments that are handed out over and over again in the civilized Europe. We need a clean up here. Desperately.

I have been running a company in the Davao for some years now and we feed at times way over 100 people including the families, according to my staff. I ship money into the country, so I do not compete with the local market. I would not be in Davao if it was not for the stability created by Duterte.

Sure the idea that a country is lawless will demotivate some types of investors from setting up manufacturing / production, but the argumentation is a simplification of both the poverty of the Philippines and the mechanisms of any kind of business. All partners and / or friends I have, will focus on several parameters, and the security parameter is often not so hard to handle. Government stability, education systems, work ethics / culture, inflation, (labor) laws, union, infrastructure, suppliers, taxation amongst others, are much more crucial in that choice, according to my perspective. China and not the Philippines is the choice for production of plastic and electrical gizmos for very obvious reasons, and they are not related to the security of the owners of the companies (and even less so when the staff is considered). The same goes for Bangladesh, Paki, India, etc. IMHO it is not so hard to run a company in the Philippines. It is actually quite strait forward, as long as you do not take bread out of some pinoys mouth. But to find well educated people is a real challenge. And even once you do find them, you will have a challenge to simply get them to perform an honest days work. This is the "as if"-country. Even "highly educated" engineers often totally lack self motivation and will pretend as if they are working 100% many times, when they in fact will stop at 60-80% in just about anything relating to their work (including work hours). This is according to my experience not the mentality I found when I engaged in similar setups in China, Vietnam or Thailand. (Pakistan was however just as bad when it came to self motivation and work ethics, but I was only running a setup there for less than a year, so I have not so much general experience.)

As humans we can feel extremely exposed in a lawless society, as well as totally safe if your one of the temporary winners. This will affect our judgment of how important we consider personal safety in various matters, but I am not so sure that financial development of a country is lead by crime rate to any particular extent. Maybe I am wrong and will stand corrected if any of our statistics gurus can show some numbers on this (needless to say to many here, correlation is not cause).

When it comes to tourists I am neither so sure. Just look at Rome or Barcelona. I think the fact that the food sucks and that you can not walk down the beach more than 50-100 meters in the Philippines is a much bigger deal breaker, when it comes to attracting people from for example the much more expensive LOS.

American colonial rule is in my belief not such a great idea at the moment. Neither would I let Greece handle the show. And Silvio does not get my vote either. I read somewhere once that if Hillary Clinton was elected President, the White House would have been occupied by a Bush or a Clinton for 24/28 years. Add to this these family senators, as well and other families that have been / are in political power. Did the Kennedy's have anyone that was NOT a politician! One of them even married Arnold, the steroid senator. LOL.

What a relief that we are so sophisticated in the civilized west.



http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_noted_U.S._presidential_relatives (did you by the way know that Bill's half brother Roger was a coke smuggler? At least he was not a politician that got the ball.)


12-14-11, 13:18
"The only thing I have to add to your correct assessment is, the voting public supports this type of political fiefdom. I'd bet a vast majority of people who voted for Benigno Aquino couldn't describe his political philosophy. They voted for his bloodline and a few catchy campaign slogans. Philippine democracy is all style and no substance designed to perpetuate wealth amongst a small group of dynasties and the Catholic Church."

There's lots of truth in this statement. Remember, this is a largely uneducated, ill-informed electorate that is, for the most part, used to following orders of the "big man (or woman)" be he (or she) datu, mayor, barangay captain or clan leader. This isn't going to change any time soon. It's a system consciously perpetuated by the institutions of government, including the church, because in the end, it's all about how much you can steal, how much power you can usurp and retain, and how solidly you can spin your web of key connections. This is a failed state and, while not immutable, it's not going to mutate into anything else anytime soon.

It's only within this context that the Duterte "rule" of Davao can be understood. He cannot create viable national institutions. He cannot create a viable justice system, nor can he eliminate, or even much affect the extent of corruption throughout the country. Therefore, I believe, he's seized the only practical option available, and tried to create a viable city. And as I said, he's largely succeeded in this quest. As a citizen of a functional liberal democracy you may be appalled at the "strong man" rule, but again, it has to be put into the context of this place at this time. Speaking as an expat who lives here, appreciates the security and safety that he feels, and revels in the total lack of fear, I don't mind it at all.


12-14-11, 14:24
"The rule of law only works when the laws are enforced".

"This is a country of dynastic politics; a country in which offices are "owned" by families, and get passed back and forth among family members like a basketball".

Surely this must be referring to my country, where the law is that honour killings are illegal. But they happen, and not one person has been arrested. Where genital mutilation of young girls is iillegal, but it is rife, without a single arrest. Where thousands of breaches of the law are ignored, where political correctness is far more powerful than the system of "civilised" law.

Where the government of the day hands out ministries to mates in the unions, and siphons off billions of dollars of taxpayers money into union coffers, and union leaders' bank accounts. Where the "Climate Change Commissioner" is paid $50 million in so-called research contracts, and then the government boasts that he is speaking independently.

The difference between the Australian system and the Filipino system is purely one of scale and numbers. Australia has a lot more money, corruption is on a far grander scale than the Phils, but it goes to many fewer people.


Red Kilt
12-18-11, 12:14
I decided to get a Nokia phone repaired after it lay in a drawer for the past 6 months with some minor malfunction. I use a Blackberry these days but thought I could get the Nokia repaired.

Silly decision.

Place: Nokia Service Center. 4th Floor SM Megamall in Ortigas.

Time: 3pm on the busiest Sunday of the whole year (1 week before Christmas)

I dutifully took my number tag (37) from the guard as I entered so I could wait on the "repairs" line. I noticed that all seats were occupied by waiting clients (30 or so) , and the number currently being attended to was 23. There were about 20 more people waiting to PICK UP repaired phones (and that's another number set).

Then I noticed that there were only 2 (TWO) service agents dealing with customers. The other 4 (FOUR) desks available in the shop were unoccupied.

I stood for 5 mins and then asked the guard who was the manager. He pointed to a guy leaning against a wall in the corner texting on his phone.

I went over and asked him, politely of course, why he had only 2 agents on the desk when anyone with half a brain would know that today, the last Sunday before Christmas, would be busy. I suggested, politely again, that he should have rostered his staff to have all 6 desks going.

His reply. "Sir. It is Sunday, and this is their day off. They are entitled to it".

My reply (made after I had shaken my head back and forth 10 times was "Here is your #37 back. I will return my damaged Nokia back to my cabinet. If this is Nokia Service, then thank God I use Blackberry".

He shrugged, and went back to his texting.

12-18-11, 18:17
The flash flooding calamity was centered around Cagayan de Oro and Iligan to the west. Heavy rains resulted in torrents of water and debris smashing into neighbourhoods in the middle of the night. Death toll presently stands at 1400 and is likely to climb. Most dwellings of the poor are incredibly flimsy due to cheap or cast off materials, weak or non-existent foundations, and general construction often displaying minimal building skills, if that. There are a number of villages between CDO and Iligan that cluster around local streams and rivers. They also will have suffered catastrophic damage. Storm warnings were often ignored as Mindanao lies beneath the traditional seasonal storm tracks. It's a reality that poverty implies living life on the edge. The daily balancing act leaves no margin. Therefore, events that would cause minor inconvenience in The First World Nations, frequently have devastating results here in The Philippines.

12-18-11, 23:22
Red kit pay a pino to wait for you they need the money and love doing nothing.

I love this place I have gf's and never see a que I always have a Pino or pina with me and they do all the boring and dumb stuff so I can do other stuff like time with other girls etc

12-18-11, 23:25
The flash flooding calamity was centered around Cagayan de Oro and Iligan to the west. Heavy rains resulted in torrents of water and debris smashing into neighbourhoods in the middle of the night. Death toll presently stands at 1400 and is likely to climb. Most dwellings of the poor are incredibly flimsy due to cheap or cast off materials, weak or non-existent foundations, and general construction often displaying minimal building skills, if that. There are a number of villages between CDO and Iligan that cluster around local streams and rivers. They also will have suffered catastrophic damage. Storm warnings were often ignored as Mindanao lies beneath the traditional seasonal storm tracks. It's a reality that poverty implies living life on the edge. The daily balancing act leaves no margin. Therefore, events that would cause minor inconvenience in The First World Nations, frequently have devastating results here in The Philippines.The news stations and the newspapers here are reporting a figure of somehwere around 500 dead. I'm not sure where you got the 1, 400 number, but if true, it's an even bigger calamity than I thought. Mindanao rarely experiences typhoons or tropical storms, and I suppose that's one of the reasons that so many ignored the evacuation orders broadcast by Pagasa begining three days before the storm hit.


Red Kilt
12-19-11, 04:26
The news stations and the newspapers here are reporting a figure of somehwere around 500 dead. I'm not sure where you got the 1, 400 number, but if true, it's an even bigger calamity than I thought.Unfortunately the updates are nearer to the 1400 figure.

"The death toll has risen to 652 with around 800 others still missing.

346 people killed in Cagayan de Oro city and 206 in nearby Iligan city.

447 reported missing in Iligan and 347 in Cagayan de Oro.

Red Kilt
12-19-11, 04:37
red kit pay a pino to wait for you they need the money and love doing nothing.

i love this place i have gf's and never see a que i always have a pino or pina with me and they do all the boring and dumb stuff so i can do other stuff like time with other girls etcyes frenzy. getting others to line up for me is a possible solution but it misses the point i was making. any manager with ability to plan and organize (manage) would have rostered additional staff to work on the busiest day of the year. there were 2 overworked staff; he was doing nothing and the line of people waiting stretched out side his shop. it was the sheer indifference to it that was so bewildering to me.

note that i also love living here too because the positives outweigh the negatives, but occasionally some of these negatives are so frustrating because they can be very very very easily improved by the simplest of solutions.

btw, you should use pinoys and pinays when you are referring to filipinos and filipinas (and not pinos and pinas).

pinas are actually "pineapples". pinos are probably a variety of grape although usually spelled "pinot".

12-19-11, 05:49
I want to open a bank account in AC when I arrive. What info do they require? Can I open a dollar account? Can I get a atm card on the spot? What banks do you recommend?

12-19-11, 07:17
yes frenzy. getting others to line up for me is a possible solution but it misses the point i was making. any manager with ability to plan and organize (manage) would have rostered additional staff to work on the busiest day of the year. there were 2 overworked staff; he was doing nothing and the line of people waiting stretched out side his shop. it was the sheer indifference to it that was so bewildering to me.

note that i also love living here too because the positives outweigh the negatives, but occasionally some of these negatives are so frustrating because they can be very very very easily improved by the simplest of solutions.

btw, you should use pinoys and pinays when you are referring to filipinos and filipinas (and not pinos and pinas).

pinas are actually "pineapples". pinos are probably a variety of grape although usually spelled "pinot".yeah i do abbreviate the two words pinoys and pinays i am sure people reading do not think about pineapples or grapes. as for management i lived here long enough to know that it will never improve as that is one business culture thing that can not change is the longer you work for a company the more you get paid and moved up the chain, even i have to do it in my own business as the longer a staff is with you the more the new staff respect them and you. did the staff complain only 2 of them where working? do they like the boss? who cares what the customer satisfaction is this is pi at least some one has a job.

12-19-11, 07:19
I want to open a bank account in AC when I arrive. What info do they require? Can I open a dollar account? Can I get a atm card on the spot? What banks do you recommend?How long you plan to stay. It can take a week to get a atm card some banks, and dollar account may not have atm card so you need to contact the bank to withdraw dollars

12-19-11, 07:23
I want to open a bank account in AC when I arrive. What info do they require? Can I open a dollar account? Can I get a atm card on the spot? What banks do you recommend?I recommend Bank of the Philippines Islands. They have branches and ATMs everywhere. They also have a simple version of internet banking but I would advise making sure that you understand it before leaving the bank. Best to start with one of the largest branches as they have more personnel in customer service.

Of course, no bank is as safe as we thought they were just a few years ago! But from what I have been able to find out in my own amateur way, it would appear that BPI is ok. But don't take my word for it. I just maintain relatively small balances with the bank and so if it goes bust I won't cry too much!

Yes, they do dollar accounts. But remember that when you withdraw at an ATM you can only get Pesos and you have no control over the exchange rate when they take money out of the dollar account. Many folks maintain a peso account as well which they use for ATMs and checking and top it up on the web from their dollar account.

You won't be able to get an ATM card on the spot. If memory serves me right, I was able to get an ATM card within about 5 working days (much quicker than Western countries).

I was able to do all of this with just a foreign passport. You will need to provide a secure address in the Philippines for them to send stuff to you. I used the office of a friend and they did not mind.

You will wait may weeks or even months before you will have your account set up with at least some of the foreign banks. That is even if you have an account with that foreign bank in your own country, as a friend of mine experienced!

Most banks will insist on a minimum balance at least on dollar accounts. I cannot remember how much but I think it is a few hundred dollars. If you break the condition you incur account charges.

The conditions above only apply to personal accounts. I don't know business accounts conditions.

12-19-11, 09:36
How long you plan to stay. It can take a week to get a atm card some banks, and dollar account may not have atm card so you need to contact the bank to withdraw dollarsA month or longer. I want to bring cash and deposit in bank then withdrawl as I travel around. I think its better than carrying cash with me everywhere. I could do atm withdrawls with my foreign bank, but the fees are to high and the minimum pesos I can pull is like 10-15k (Too small) I think.

No banks can issue an atm card on the spot?

Red Kilt
12-20-11, 12:51

I do not wish, IN ANY WAY, to downplay the enormity of the terrible floods in Northern Mindanao (specifically CdO and Iligan City) , but be careful with the number of requests proliferating on the internet for assistance following the tragic floods.

The floods were dreadful and no doubt many of the girls on DIA and even many of the b/gs in AC, Cebu and Manila will have family there, so if you know the girl and that her needs are real then by all means help in any way you can BUT watch out for the scammers, since I have had 2 examples already.

Example 1. A girl hits me up on YM with an offline message obviously sent to all her contacts asking to please help her and her family who have been wiped out by the floods. She had forgotten that we had met in Manila around 3 weeks ago when her whole family had moved from CdO to Caloocan because of her father's work. Her DIA still shows her living in CdO.


I waited until she was online and asked her which lie was the real one. Her now living in Caloocan or the family losing everything in the floods in Cdo.

She told me I was an asshole and then blocked me.

Example 2. Another girl from CdO on YM who has been online all day for 3 days soliciting funds, and sending out offline requests saying she is desperate and has no clothes and no money for food as their house was destroyed.

This girl lives in a community a long way from the river in an elevated area and I know she cannot be flooded out. I also know they have a computer at home.

I sent her an email saying I was really glad she was safe and that she and her family must also be OK if she can be away from them all day chatting and can afford to use an internet cafe all day.

She replied with "I cannot get to internet cafe because of floods. I am using my computer at home".

I responded "But you said your house was destroyed"

Silence. Followed by disconnection.

Chocha Monger
12-20-11, 17:38

I do not wish, IN ANY WAY, to downplay the enormity of the terrible floods in Northern Mindanao (specifically CdO and Iligan City) , but be careful with the number of requests proliferating on the internet for assistance following the tragic floods.

The floods were dreadful and no doubt many of the girls on DIA and even many of the be / gs in AC, Cebu and Manila will have family there, so if you know the girl and that her needs are real then by all means help in any way you can BUT watch out for the scammers, since I have had 2 examples already.

Example 1. A girl hits me up on YM with an offline message obviously sent to all her contacts asking to please help her and her family who have been wiped out by the floods. She had forgotten that we had met in Manila around 3 weeks ago when her whole family had moved from CdO to Caloocan because of her father's work. Her DIA still shows her living in CdO.


I waited until she was online and asked her which lie was the real one. Her now living in Caloocan or the family losing everything in the floods in Cdo.

She told me I was an asshole and then blocked me.

Example 2. Another girl from CdO on YM who has been online all day for 3 days soliciting funds, and sending out offline requests saying she is desperate and has no clothes and no money for food as their house was destroyed.

This girl lives in a community a long way from the river in an elevated area and I know she cannot be flooded out. I also know they have a computer at home.

I sent her an email saying I was really glad she was safe and that she and her family must also be OK if she can be away from them all day chatting and can afford to use an internet cafe all day.

She replied with "I cannot get to internet cafe because of floods. I am using my computer at home".

I responded "But you said your house was destroyed"

Silence. Followed by disconnection.Red Kilt,

I am sure that any aid money from mongers will come attached to a dog collar, chain and a standing Hampton high on Viagra. The victims of the flood scam will most likely come from dating sites and are unlikely to have mongered. Mongering seems to imbue its practitioners with a healthy dose of skepticism.

12-20-11, 18:03
A month or longer. I want to bring cash and deposit in bank then withdrawl as I travel around. I think its better than carrying cash with me everywhere. I could do atm withdrawls with my foreign bank, but the fees are to high and the minimum pesos I can pull is like 10-15k (Too small) I think.

No banks can issue an atm card on the spot?You can take out 40k a day depending on your bank at home just 10k lots (citi does 15k hsbc 20k)

Some bpi will offer you ATM card but only peso account my dollar account has a $750 min bal. And I have to call the bank days before to get aud so I can take money out.

For a short stay of only one month just use your home ATM card. The ques in banks can be long PI has no customer service it just you learn to be patient.

12-20-11, 22:26
you can take out 40k a day depending on your bank at home just 10k lots (citi does 15k hsbc 20k)

some bpi will offer you atm card but only peso account my dollar account has a $750 min bal. And i have to call the bank days before to get aud so i can take money out.

For a short stay of only one month just use your home atm card. The ques in banks can be long pi has no customer service it just you learn to be patient.the hsbc is 45000, at 1 time.

Cool Traveler
12-20-11, 22:46
If you are going to give, donate to Red Cross. They are pretty active down there, and really need help right now.

I already got hit with scams. Do not give, if you do not kow the girl intimately. I agree with redkilt here.

But help out if and when you can.

Best regards to all.


Red Kilt,

I am sure that any aid money from mongers will come attached to a dog collar, chain and a standing Hampton high on Viagra. The victims of the flood scam will most likely come from dating sites and are unlikely to have mongered. Mongering seems to imbue its practitioners with a healthy dose of skepticism.

Fast Eddie 48
12-21-11, 00:51
You can take out 40k a day depending on your bank at home just 10k lots (citi does 15k hsbc 20k)

Some bpi will offer you ATM card but only peso account my dollar account has a $750 min bal. And I have to call the bank days before to get aud so I can take money out.

For a short stay of only one month just use your home ATM card. The ques in banks can be long PI has no customer service it just you learn to be patient.To Frenzy

I don't like to bring too much cash also and my US atm card with chase and Citibank been increasing their fee for oversea ATM withdraw, I also bring Amex traveller check and only use ATM card in emergency only.

Fast Eddie 48

12-21-11, 21:20
If you are going to give, donate to Red Cross. They are pretty active down there, and really need help right now.

I already got hit with scams. Do not give, if you do not kow the girl intimately. I agree with redkilt here.

But help out if and when you can.

Best regards to all.

CTA lot of 'charities' in the Philippines are scams. Be very very careful, money rarely gets to the needy. Local Filipinos will confirm this. They laugh when one talks about charities and say they would never give money to them. Foreign governments try and give goods rather than money to try and get round the theft and corruption.

12-22-11, 06:00
You can take out 40k a day depending on your bank at home just 10k lots (citi does 15k hsbc 20k)So every time you pull a 10k you get whacked with at least $5. To get roughly $1k out you'd have to spend $20 or 2. I think that's a bit expensive. Also, are there better exchange rates with cash conversion at exchange booths or with ATM withdrawls?

Econo Tech
12-22-11, 07:00
So every time you pull a 10k you get whacked with at least $5. To get roughly $1k out you'd have to spend $20 or 2. I think that's a bit expensive. Also, are there better exchange rates with cash conversion at exchange booths or with ATM withdrawls?Okay, let me put it this way. Is there any place where you must pay to get a job, even in restaurants?

In Philippines, yes, you must pay something like 5, 000 peso or more, to get 'short listed' and that is NOT BRIBE. It is payment levied by the employers to stop time-wasters, or so they say and no, the 5, 000 don't get returned whether you get selected or not.

So in essence, Filipinos put up with this kind of crap, and the banks, almost all, are privately owned. So they think they are doing the right thing paying to withdraw money.

So, smart people like us, keep cash (carefully hidden and disbursed) and minimse ATM withdrawal, (oh, not to forget that at more than a few ATMs, guys loiter around to whack you off. And it is more scary when the bank security is walking with the trigger finger ready.) of course. Use credit cards to pay for anything major. And when doing ATM withdrawal, withdraw max, whether needed or not.

12-22-11, 08:06
Not sure where to post this. This is from a newb (he has one post in a thread in the middle-east). I get about one a month like this in PM:

I was thinking to go philipien 14th of January for 21 days maybe more, I would love to ask a few quiestion and if you would give me advice I will be very happy. I like to know which part philipien I should go for party? Do you know any hotel you can tell me or people you might know? It's would be great any info you could give me. Thank you

I think its in bad form for newbs (even long-time lurkers) to hit us up for information before going there. Really, go get a travel guide. Before contacting us here for info about the country, please do the following:

1. Take a trip there.

2. Post at least one full Field Report (include hotel review, chica review, food review).

This goes for any newb to the country. You need to give something to the thread first (a FR would be nice). THEN feel free to ask me where the laundromats are located near G-Point. Also, it is not possible to give specific answers to broad-based questions:

"Where is best place for party?" I don't know, as I don't attend parties. Party with locals? Party with expats?

"Where is best hotel?" Best hotel in what category: price, ambiance, location, pool, bar? My idea of a good hotel is different than yours.

"Where is best place to meet girls in Filipines?" EVERYWHERE, but its a stupid question that's not really answerable.

Other gents?

12-22-11, 09:29
I think its in bad form for newbs (even long-time lurkers) to hit us up for information before going there. Really, go get a travel guide. Before contacting us here for info about the country, please do the following:I got the same message. Why can't he just post it publicly?

12-22-11, 10:38
Not sure where to post this. This is from a newb (he has one post in a thread in the middle-east). I get about one a month like this in PM:

I was thinking to go philipien 14th of January for 21 days maybe more, I would love to ask a few quiestion and if you would give me advice I will be very happy. I like to know which part philipien I should go for party? Do you know any hotel you can tell me or people you might know? It's would be great any info you could give me. Thank you

I think its in bad form for newbs (even long-time lurkers) to hit us up for information before going there. Really, go get a travel guide. Before contacting us here for info about the country, please do the following:

1. Take a trip there.

2. Post at least one full Field Report (include hotel review, chica review, food review).

This goes for any newb to the country. You need to give something to the thread first (a FR would be nice). THEN feel free to ask me where the laundromats are located near G-Point. Also, it is not possible to give specific answers to broad-based questions:

"Where is best place for party?" I don't know, as I don't attend parties. Party with locals? Party with expats?

"Where is best hotel?" Best hotel in what category: price, ambiance, location, pool, bar? My idea of a good hotel is different than yours.

"Where is best place to meet girls in Filipines?" EVERYWHERE, but its a stupid question that's not really answerable.

Other gents?Well I thought you showing of on here that is why I asked you, you fucking ashole did I ask where I can find girls, if old guy like you find girls I can find hunderds of them idiot, I asked same quiestion to another a few members they been very helpful not like you ashole.

12-22-11, 10:43
Well I am new on here and I don't really know how is things work here, I asked a few ashole who been keep showing off and talking about everything include their wihte hair in their arse but when I asked a simple quiestion they been so surprise.

Well there was afew members who gave me info and I appricate that.

12-22-11, 11:10
I got the same message. Why can't he just post it publicly?I got the same message too. These people are just plain lazy. All the info they require is on this Forum. If they can't be bothered to read the Forum, I can not be bothered to help them. They must demonstrate they have made an attempt to find the info on the Forum first, before I will help them. This latest poster should take his Mother along, she will know, LOL.

12-22-11, 11:54
Okay, let me put it this way. Is there any place where you must pay to get a job, even in restaurants?

In Philippines, yes, you must pay something like 5, 000 peso or more, to get 'short listed' and that is NOT BRIBE. It is payment levied by the employers to stop time-wasters, or so they say and no, the 5, 000 don't get returned whether you get selected or not.

So in essence, Filipinos put up with this kind of crap, and the banks, almost all, are privately owned. So they think they are doing the right thing paying to withdraw money.

So, smart people like us, keep cash (carefully hidden and disbursed) and minimse ATM withdrawal, (oh, not to forget that at more than a few ATMs, guys loiter around to whack you off. And it is more scary when the bank security is walking with the trigger finger ready.) of course. Use credit cards to pay for anything major. And when doing ATM withdrawal, withdraw max, whether needed or not.I agree that it pays usually to withdraw more than you need to lessen the per peso cost of the transaction. I've used a debit / Visa here for years, and actually prefer it to using my other cards since there's no bill at the end of the month. However, my bank reimburses me for all of the ATM transactions, so my use of the card for cash withdrawal is virtually free.


12-22-11, 15:23
Quite some time ago, when I was working in Washington DC, I ate fairly frequently at upmarket restaurants in the Georgetown area.

The wait staff and bus boys were not paid a salary. They made their money from tips from big payers. And some restaurants charged a fee to start work at the resto.

Is that any better or worse than paying to get a job in the Phils? But at least in the Phils they are paid a salary, plus tips, in a resto.

Maybe this is a case of the pot calling the kettle black.


Mr Enternational
12-22-11, 15:56
Okay, let me put it this way. Is there any place where you must pay to get a job, even in restaurants?

In Philippines, yes, you must pay something like 5, 000 peso or more, to get 'short listed' and that is NOT BRIBE. It is payment levied by the employers to stop time-wasters, or so they say and no, the 5, 000 don't get returned whether you get selected or not.Okay. But if I had 5,000 pesos I WOULDN'T NEED A FUCKING JOB!

12-22-11, 17:14
I got the same message. Why can't he just post it publicly?Is there a link or thread where we can point newbs? The reports of distinction maybe? Something that says, before asking general questions:

1. RTTF.

2. Visit.

3. Write a comprehensive FR (hotel, girls, food)


Member #4491
12-22-11, 17:50
Not sure where to post this. This is from a newb (he has one post in a thread in the middle-east). I get about one a month like this in PM.Stupid questions we must naturally ignore but, why but curious to why the rest bothers you?

Not arguing here since I have no direct opinion about this. I think I normally try to reply to a friendly request.

Some sort of idea that we should try to be generous and helpful, instead of focusing on people having to qualify and trade information for other information.

"What goes around comes around" or the idea of karma. Maybe I am a bit naive but I feel that I benefit from this attitude since people are very helpful in return, when that is needed.

Antipathy and cynicism is rarely rewarded in the long run IMHO.

Just my two cents.

All the best, Barba

12-22-11, 19:19
Is there a link or thread where we can point newbs? The reports of distinction maybe? Something that says, before asking general questions:

1. RTTF.

2. Visit.

3. Write a comprehensive FR (hotel, girls, food)

?That part of the problem with this forum Layout look how many topics and shit is in the threads. I get pm all the time asking about stuff. I also get pm telling me to keep fighting the trolls.

So just do another human a favor and give them help. If nothing else you get good karma.

12-22-11, 19:47
It can get even worse. A nurse friend of mine had to PAY to get a VOLUNTEER job in a hospital! Reason? . Lots of job possibilities for Filipina nurses qverseas, but these require a nursing degree, PLUS actual nursing experience. Philippines graduates far more nurses than jobs available for them. Also, far more who will volunteer for free in order to get that coveted work experience. So, in many hospitals, they have to pay in order to work for free!

Stroker Ace88
12-22-11, 20:15
I think its in bad form for newbs (even long-time lurkers) to hit us up for information before going there. Really, go get a travel guide. Before contacting us here for info about the country, please do the following:

1. Take a trip there.

2. Post at least one full Field Report (include hotel review, chica review, food review).

This goes for any newb to the country. You need to give something to the thread first (a FR would be nice). THEN feel free to ask me where the laundromats are located near G-Point. Also, it is not possible to give specific answers to broad-based questions:

"Where is best place for party?" I don't know, as I don't attend parties. Party with locals? Party with expats?

"Where is best hotel?" Best hotel in what category: price, ambiance, location, pool, bar? My idea of a good hotel is different than yours.

"Where is best place to meet girls in Filipines?" EVERYWHERE, but its a stupid question that's not really answerable.

Other gents?Great topic.

In the past I used to help out and provide long responses with very detailed info, but no more. Maybe one or two guys out of ten would bother to say 'thanks' or show even remotely that they appreciated the time I took to answer the questions and provide good up to date info. No more free rides, go RTFF.

One member in particular sent me many questions over a two week time frame before his trip and I replied to them as best I could. He would later bad mouth my advice because he could not pick up at certain spots where others has been successful in the past. It's not my problem or obligation to hold your hand and make sure you find someone with a pulse.

Also if a question has been asked many times before on the forum and I know the answer is just a few pages back I will not waste my time to reply with a link or directions to the answer, if the member can't be bothered to read back in the thread or use the search function then I can't be bothered to reply.

12-23-11, 00:03
I don't believe any member has mastered the art of the Search option on the entire forum. This is an art form, I am absolutely clueless when it come to search options, I do not even consider it as an option. If some kind member could lay down some guidelines perhaps this will go someway to eleviating unnesessary questions.

Member #4351
12-23-11, 00:07
Noddy: http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?3160-Cebu-Hotels&p=1210365&viewfull=1#post1210365

12-23-11, 00:20
I have personally answered this question at least twice and not that long ago. Please click "advanced search" button on upper right hand corner of the forum page. Then click "search single content type". In "search type" put "posts". In "keyword" write Marriott. Then in the "search in forums box" highlight "The Philippines". In "show results" put "reports". Click "search now".Thank you kindly David. Hopefully I will now maximise my ISG experience.

12-23-11, 10:36
December 20, 2011.

Protect Yourself from Intrusive Laptop and Phone Searches at the USA Border.

EFF's New Guide Helps Travelers Defend Their Data Privacy.

San Francisco. Anytime you travel internationally, you risk a broad, invasive search of your laptop, phone, and other digital devices. Including the copying of your data and seizing of your property for an indefinite time. To help travelers protect themselves and their private information during the busy holiday travel period, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) released a new report today with important guidance for safeguarding your personal data at the U. S border.

Thanks to protections enshrined in the USA Constitution, the government generally can't snoop through your laptop for no reason. But the federal government claims those privacy protections don't cover travelers at the USA border, allowing agents to take an electronic device, search through all the files, and keep it for further scrutiny. Without any suspicion of wrongdoing whatsoever. For business travelers, that could expose sensitive information like trade secrets, doctor-patient and attorney-client communications, and research and business strategies. For others, the data at risk includes personal health histories, financial records, and private messages and photos of family and friends. EFF's new report,"Defending Privacy at the USA Border: A Guide for Travelers Carrying Digital Devices," outlines potential ways to protect that private information, including minimizing the data you carry with you and employing encryption.


For Defending Privacy at the USA Border: A Guide for Travelers Carrying Digital Devices:


To take the border privacy quiz: https://www.eff.org/pages/border-search-quiz


Medianews mailing list Medianews@etskywarn.net


12-23-11, 10:55
One good thing about this newbie is that he has paid the annual fee to Jackson, enabling him to pm, right?

I got the same message. Why can't he just post it publicly?

12-24-11, 17:12
One good thing about this newbie is that he has paid the annual fee to Jackson, enabling him to pm, right?
McDon, those are about the most descriptive reports I've read. Great work. Newbs please read McDon's reports as an example, and please make your first post a full Field Report (ala McDon) , rather than a question for the board members.In addition newbs, along with your FR, please feel free to post a pic or two: your girl, your hotel, or anything you found interesting that you might think the rest of us might be interested in.

12-26-11, 00:20
This time in Tagaytay. Check it out at http://www.globalnation...n.n-tagaytay

Hope I got the link right.

Chocha Monger
12-26-11, 03:15
This time in Tagaytay. Check it out at.


Hope I got the link right.From January 2009 to mid-June 2010, 204 contractors were killed in the war in Iraq. During the same period. 95 foreigners were killed while visiting the Philippines. Mongering and residing in the Philippines is not without risk. Each individual should carefully weigh the benefits of cheap sex against the cons of being murdered, robbed, beaten or extorted.

The Philippines' main attraction for foreigners is the wide availability of cheap sex with young women. Of course, this is offset by the filthy contaminated crime ridden environment, lack of human rights for foreigners, corruption and absence of public safety. Foreigners will continue to be murdered in ever increasing numbers because these crimes are rarely solved and they have no voice or clout in the country. If mongers want the discount priced sex badly enough they must accept that being targeted for extortion, robbery and murder is part and parcel of the deal.

Foreigners need to take responsibility of their own safety and stop looking at the Philippines as some kind of adult Disneyland. It's more like visiting a giant slum like District 9 in search of prostitutes. Everyone around you is a potential threat. They all want something from you and that includes any 'family' you happen to marry into. If things go bad your local family might just decide that a dead foreigner is worth more to them than one who cuts them off. Don't think even for a minute that being old, crippled, or crazy is going get you any mercy from them. In the end the only thing that matters to them is money.

Red Kilt
12-26-11, 04:18
. <SNIP> . Foreigners need to take responsibility of their own safety and stop looking at the Philippines as some kind of adult Disneyland. It's more like visiting a giant slum like District 9 in search of prostitutes. .This is a gross exaggeration Chocha. Guys who stay in AC or in Manila city (Malate, Ermita, Binondo, Tondo and even parts of Pasay) might understand what you are saying, but for those of us who live in Ortigas Center or Makati or parts of Cebu and Davao, we would disagree.

Living in such an area (as I do) is like living in the middle of any large city in the world with very modern, built-up areas, and certainly NOT a giant slum. There are women of all variety still available. No need to go into a "slum" to seek prostitutes or any other woman here.

However, I agree wholeheartedly with your premise that the Philippines is NOT "some kind of adult Disneyland". Those who arrive with the idea that they are in Disneyland are doomed to all manner of likely disappointments.

12-26-11, 05:59
I am picking up on a few things in the Manila thread and commenting here as they are more 'General' than they are 'Manila'.

Chocha Monger posted a link to an interesting short Philippines YouTube clip: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctuAxPr96qs About Constitutional Reform and Presidential Government (as it is here in the Philippines) versus a Parliamentary style government. It got me thinking about the connection between style of Government and corruption.

Transparency International (TI) has just released its 2011 Corruption Perception Index rankings of 183 countries. The Philippines ranks at 129, meaning that there are 128 countries perceived as less corrupt, and 54 as being more corrupt. That's just a little better than it has been in previous years. Perhaps NoyNoy's anti-corruption efforts are having an effect, albeit small?

Using the CIA World Fact Book website: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/index.html I have looked at the types of Governments that run the so-called least corrupt countries. Of the 20 least corrupt 16 are democratic governments headed by a Prime Minister usually selected by the ruling party and confirmed by the parliament, or endorsed by a constitutional monarch. One in the top 20 has a President (Switzerland) but elected by the assembly and not by popular vote of the people. Two have Chancellors (Germany and Austria) elected by a federal assembly and one, Hong Kong, has a CEO selected by Beijing. None have leaders selected by vote of the people.

To save some of you looking up the reference the least corrupt countries per the TI listing are in order: New Zealand, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Singapore, Norway, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Canada, Luxemburg, Hong Kong, Iceland, Germany, Japan, Austria, Barbados, United Kingdom, Belgium and Ireland.

The first country listed with a President selected by people's choice is Chile (ranked 22) then the United States ranked 24).

In the Philippines, like the United States and other presidential governments elected by the people, it is money that selects the candidates that run for president and which buy or trade off the votes necessary to select the president. It is money that talks and not the man / woman best qualified to lead, chair and direct a country. And it is voters responding to issues that best affect them personally, and not necessarily best for their country. Am I being cynical here? It seems to me a parliamentary type of Government selects a leader that is better qualified to lead its country its own population by free Presidential vote.

I can also relate well to Gangles posting, again in the Manila forum under the heading of "Serious Corruption" where he says:

Not long ago, a Bill was introduced into the US congress which would make the use of Aspartame illegal because of its known harmful effects. The industry, with deep pockets, unleashed a bunch of lobbyists, with equally deep pockets. Enough congressmen were bought off to make sure that the bill did not get to the floor of the House. That is, money crossed hands with the result that lives of people are put at risk, for increased profits of big business.

Now that is what I call corruption. But then thinking back to my time in the US, I realised that that is actually the way that the US congress is run. By big business. There are thousands of lobbyists working full time in and around the congress, manipulating the process and system of government.

Now that is serious corruption.

The Philippines is amateurish in comparison.


Run Mann
12-26-11, 08:24
This time in Tagaytay. Check it out at.


Hope I got the link right.This link did not work for me, is this the same story below?


12-26-11, 16:03
CM, you sound like a bitter and sour man.

I have never felt personally endangered while I have been in the Phils, including in some squatter areas.

The only places where I have been nervous about my personal safety were in the Bowery in NY City, the Bronx, and some parts of SE Washington DC.

The only place that I have been held up at gunpoint and cleaned out of my possessions was in Washington DC, a couple of blocks from the White House, and one block from the Australian Embassy.

Don't be so afraid.

I hav spoken before about westerners living in fear. It looks like you are a classic case.


From January 2009 to mid-June 2010, 204 contractors were killed in the war in Iraq. During the same period. 95 foreigners were killed while visiting the Philippines. Mongering and residing in the Philippines is not without risk. Each individual should carefully weigh the benefits of cheap sex against the cons of being murdered, robbed, beaten or extorted.

The Philippines' main attraction for foreigners is the wide availability of cheap sex with young women. Of course, this is offset by the filthy contaminated crime ridden environment, lack of human rights for foreigners, corruption and absence of public safety. Foreigners will continue to be murdered in ever increasing numbers because these crimes are rarely solved and they have no voice or clout in the country. If mongers want the discount priced sex badly enough they must accept that being targeted for extortion, robbery and murder is part and parcel of the deal.

Foreigners need to take responsibility of their own safety and stop looking at the Philippines as some kind of adult Disneyland. It's more like visiting a giant slum like District 9 in search of prostitutes. Everyone around you is a potential threat. They all want something from you and that includes any 'family' you happen to marry into. If things go bad your local family might just decide that a dead foreigner is worth more to them than one who cuts them off. Don't think even for a minute that being old, crippled, or crazy is going get you any mercy from them. In the end the only thing that matters to them is money.

Cunning Stunt
12-26-11, 16:35
Living in such an area (as I do) is like living in the middle of any large city in the world with very modern, built-up areas, and certainly NOT a giant slum. There are women of all variety still available. No need to go into a "slum" to seek prostitutes or any other woman here.Too right RK. You read the dramatic nonsense spouted by the likes of CM and that weirdo who posts on the other thread and you begin to wonder if they are describing the same country that you and I have lived in for years. Then you remember that both are spouting from soapboxes constituted from piles of rotten hidden agendas and neither have much real 'on the ground' experience of the country they purport to describe and deride. Nobody would deny that this country has some big problems to address but what society doesn't and this includes so-called first world nations. I would feel safer walking the meanest street in Manila than any inner city ghetto road in the US and has Manila experienced the social unrest, riots and looting that affected large area of so called civilized London last summer?

The truth is that the majority of foreign ex-pats living here have quiet, uneventful lives spent in leafy, quiet, attractive sub-divisions or condo developments with friendly if inquisitive neighbors (the unofficial barangay police) and the only disturbance to their idyllically peaceful lives being the strident calls of the occasional balut seller. Is it any wonder that I go out looking for some excitement!

12-26-11, 18:26
This link did not work for me, is this the same story below?

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/45788414/ns/world_news/Shorter story, same murder. What the MSNBC story does not say is that the victim and his wife had not slept together for 3 years.

12-26-11, 21:03
I live in a "leafy, gated community," as referred to by CS. My neighbors, most of them Filipinos, are solidly upper middle class, and aside from the odd break-in once every 3 or 4 years, there's no crime that I know of in my village I must live in a different country than the one CM has been describing. The fact is, I live a much better life here than I could afford in the US, and I've yet to spend one day of the eight years I've lived here cowering in fear. I travel routinely to those areas of Mindanao cited as places that Americans are advised to avoid by the US Department of State, and there too, I've been treated with gentiility, respect and genuine interest. I've yet to be extorted, threatened, scammed, cheated or held up, so the factors cited by CM-who sounds like he might never have actually visited this country-must be elusive, or at least must not apply to Mindanao or Manila where I go.

I'm hardly blind to reality. This is a third world country and it's got a long way to go on the road to development. Converesely, it's surely not the crime-ridden warren of corruption painted by CM.

I echo Red Kilt and CS here: most of the expats I know-and like them I know a lot of them-live quiet, uneventful lives and most are reasonably content. Like Gangles, the only place I've ever been mugged was in a developed country; in my case the middle of Paris in the middle of the day, on one of the nicest streets on the left bank.

Clearly, what we need is a more balanced, altogether more accurate picture of the country, and I'm starting to feel that the only ones capable of presenting an accurate portrayal of the reality of the Philippines are those who either live here or who have at least spent a great deal of time in country and have developed a perspective that's not limited to bars and clubs.


12-26-11, 21:36
CM, you sound like a bitter and sour man.Hey. The job of bitter / sour man is already taken by ME.

Chocha Monger
12-26-11, 23:18
It's interesting that it is always the same handful of posters claiming that the Philippines is safe and free of corruption. They always make personal attacks against any poster with a dissenting opinion. The basis of their argument is always the same. If someone has a different viewpoint or experience of the country that poster must be bitter, sour, on an agenda, never visited the country, etc.

Perhaps, the media, law enforcement agencies, embassies, other expats and tourists are part of some dark conspiracy to create false information about foreigners being murdered, robbed and scammed. The reasoning of the clique is if it did not personally happen to them if must not be true. Those 95 foreigners killed in the Philippines between January 2009 and mid-June 2010 never existed. The thousands of Filipinos desperate for a chance to flee their country must be just be bitter sour people. After all, who in their right mind would want to run away from this leafy green tropical paradise where one awakes to the sweet twitter of birds and fresh cool air scented with the exotic fragrance of flowers?

Gaddafi claimed that his people loved him and it was only a few foreign terrorists creating minor disturbances in his country as Libya revolted all around him. It is no surprise that cliques of elitist mongers perceive the reality surrounding them very differently from the masses. In fact, it is to be expected. I guess the reality of foreigners in the Philippines who do not live in protected enclaves dining on fine French cheeses and quaffing 1945 Chateau Mouton-Rothschild Jeroboam really does not count.

I encourage travelers who will not be safely hidden in the 'leafy' Green Zone to research factual information on the politics, crime, corruption and treatment of foreign citizens. Also, take some time to go back over the posting history of those mongers claiming that the Philippines is a paradise. You will find numerous instances of them complaining about the people and the country. Yet, I'm the one who is bitter.

12-27-11, 00:56
I think that between CM, Red Kilt, CS and I, the whole gamut of perceptions,"facts," biases and opinions has been well covered, so it's probably not necessary to endlessly protract the debate. From my side of the aisle, I'm not trying to portray this, or any other location in the world, as some sort of "paradise." It's a developing country, in many ways a failed state, and positive change-to the extent that it exists at all-is slow, incremental and often invisible. Conversely, it's not a particularly dangerous place for foreigners nor is it a difficult, perilous place to live. I don't doubt the "95 foreigners killed" statistic cited by CM, but I do wonder how many foreigners, during the same period, have been murdered in the United States, a world-leader in handgun deaths. My argument is simply that a more balanced perspective than that offered by CM would be more accurate. I would guess that most of the expatriates who live here are fully aware of the myriad hassles of day to day life; the petty scams, the pollution, the insane driving behavior, the ineptitude of government agencies, and yet have calculated that the benefits outweigh the cumulative annoyances. For some, the equation tilts unfavorably in the negative direction, people within this category are generally contemptuous of the country, and perpetually angry. I have no idea why they remain here or, if tourists, why they continue to return. Speaking strictly personally, at this stage of my life, I seek primarily tranquillity, and I doubt that I could long remain in a place that prompted a continual state of anger. To continue on a purely personal note, I have a nice life with which I'm reasonably content, and that's why I stay.


12-27-11, 01:45
It's interesting that it is always the same handful of posters claiming that the Philippines is safe and free of corruption. They always make personal attacks against any poster with a dissenting opinion. The basis of their argument is always the same. If someone has a different viewpoint or experience of the country that poster must be bitter, sour, on an agenda, never visited the country, etc.

Perhaps, the media, law enforcement agencies, embassies, other expats and tourists are part of some dark conspiracy to create false information about foreigners being murdered, robbed and scammed. The reasoning of the clique is if it did not personally happen to them if must not be true. Those 95 foreigners killed in the Philippines between January 2009 and mid-June 2010 never existed. The thousands of Filipinos desperate for a chance to flee their country must be just be bitter sour people. After all, who in their right mind would want to run away from this leafy green tropical paradise where one awakes to the sweet twitter of birds and fresh cool air scented with the exotic fragrance of flowers?

Gaddafi claimed that his people loved him and it was only a few foreign terrorists creating minor disturbances in his country as Libya revolted all around him. It is no surprise that cliques of elitist mongers perceive the reality surrounding them very differently from the masses. In fact, it is to be expected. I guess the reality of foreigners in the Philippines who do not live in protected enclaves dining on fine French cheeses and quaffing 1945 Chateau Mouton-Rothschild Jeroboam really does not count.

I encourage travelers who will not be safely hidden in the 'leafy' Green Zone to research factual information on the politics, crime, corruption and treatment of foreign citizens. Also, take some time to go back over the posting history of those mongers claiming that the Philippines is a paradise. You will find numerous instances of them complaining about the people and the country. Yet, I'm the one who is bitter.Guess I'm the compromise candidate. I don't live in Phils but for the last two years I've come for 4-5 month extended stays, living in pensions (in cities) or nipa huts (on islands). No "leafy Green zones", na. I have a bank account, always a free GF, and don't do the barstool scene. I've never felt threatened or intimidated. I see Phils getting better / smarter / cleaner every year and I'm considering spending more time here.

The media worldwide preaches "gloom and doom" to sell papers or attract viewers. Don't be sucked into a "life of fear" anywhere.

Just stay aware of where you are, who you are, and who you are with. Get off the barstool, out of the 5 star aircon hotel, and experience Phils for what it is, for better or worst.

12-27-11, 03:22
I live in the rough part of town. My street has drug deals, guys drinking all day and gangsters (cribs here bloods are 1 km from my street) they shoot and stab each other. I feel safe I walk my street any time. When I tell people where I live they know the streets reputation. The reason we are safe is that so many eyes are watching some are enemy of the guy who would like to rob you. To me the only danger is people you know so if you are a asshole to those around you they may tell some one who will do something about it. As posted many times the wife was out 12am etc. She is the one in your house she can see your value dead. Some family will do honor killing so that you not find out about her lies.

12-27-11, 05:28
I mean Jesus Fucking Christ. For Cripes sake, WE are sick of it.

Having a good time in the Philippines looking for we are.

Tuning into Public TV you old hands should do.

Stroker Ace88
12-27-11, 05:41
I encourage travelers who will not be safely hidden in the 'leafy' Green Zone to research factual information on the politics, crime, corruption and treatment of foreign citizens. Also, take some time to go back over the posting history of those mongers claiming that the Philippines is a paradise. You will find numerous instances of them complaining about the people and the country. Yet, I'm the one who is bitter.Umm, I don't have a dog in this fight, but I am just curious. When was your last visit to the Philippines?

Chocha Monger
12-28-11, 07:31
stockholm—a swedish court on tuesday sentenced a man to five years prison for a series of sex crimes against children including a [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) in the philippines and possession of more than 500, 000 pornographic pictures featuring children.

the kristianstad district court, in southern sweden, found 45-year-old patrick johnsson guilty of [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) a young child, planning further child [CodeWord124] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord124), aggravated child pornography, sexually assaulting children, and making children pose for sexually explicit pictures.

johnsson, who according to the tt news agency is only the third person to ever be sentenced in sweden for sex crimes committed against children abroad, was arrested in february.

at the time, he was in possession of 514, 216 pornographic pictures of children and 10, 230 video films, including ones portraying sexual assaults and [CodeWord124] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord124) on young children and even infants, and was found to have spread the material widely, according to the court documents.

among the pictures were a number documenting his own assaults on children, and the kristianstand court said that at least one case, involving a girl in the philippines aged four or five, should be considered [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123).

when he was arrested, johnsson had already purchased a new ticket to the philippines, and a chat conversation over the internet indicated he and an accomplice intended to sexually assault more children during that trip, according to the court documents.

the prosecutor in the case, maans bjoerklund, had demanded eight years behind bars for johnsson and told tt tuesday he was considering appealing the verdict.

helena karlen, who heads the swedish branch of the global anti-child prostitution network ecpat, meanwhile said she was pleased with the verdict and especially the message it sent.

'it is important that the public opens its eyes to these crimes and realises that assaults, even committed on the other side of the planet, can be prosecuted at home in sweden, ' she told tt.

http://globalnation.inquirer.net/21745/man-jailed-in-sweden-for-child-[CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123)-in-philippines

12-28-11, 15:33
if this guy actually did what he was accused of, in my opinion, he should be publically hanged.

8 years in jail. the actual sentence, is totally inappropriate to the severity of the crime.


stockholm—a swedish court on tuesday sentenced a man to five years prison for a series of sex crimes against children including a [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) in the philippines and possession of more than 500, 000 pornographic pictures featuring children.

the kristianstad district court, in southern sweden, found 45-year-old patrick johnsson guilty of [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) a young child, planning further child [CodeWord124] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord124), aggravated child pornography, sexually assaulting children, and making children pose for sexually explicit pictures.

johnsson, who according to the tt news agency is only the third person to ever be sentenced in sweden for sex crimes committed against children abroad, was arrested in february.

at the time, he was in possession of 514, 216 pornographic pictures of children and 10, 230 video films, including ones portraying sexual assaults and [CodeWord124] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord124) on young children and even infants, and was found to have spread the material widely, according to the court documents.

among the pictures were a number documenting his own assaults on children, and the kristianstand court said that at least one case, involving a girl in the philippines aged four or five, should be considered [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123).

when he was arrested, johnsson had already purchased a new ticket to the philippines, and a chat conversation over the internet indicated he and an accomplice intended to sexually assault more children during that trip, according to the court documents.

the prosecutor in the case, maans bjoerklund, had demanded eight years behind bars for johnsson and told tt tuesday he was considering appealing the verdict.

helena karlen, who heads the swedish branch of the global anti-child prostitution network ecpat, meanwhile said she was pleased with the verdict and especially the message it sent.

'it is important that the public opens its eyes to these crimes and realises that assaults, even committed on the other side of the planet, can be prosecuted at home in sweden, ' she told tt.

http://globalnation.inquirer.net/21745/man-jailed-in-sweden-for-child-[CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123)-in-philippines

12-28-11, 16:08
I can kind of vouch for Frenzy3's comments about safety. When I went to visit him, I walked both to and from his house. I did not feel particularly threatened or afraid. But it really is in a pretty seedy part of town.


I live in the rough part of town. My street has drug deals, guys drinking all day and gangsters (cribs here bloods are 1 km from my street) they shoot and stab each other. I feel safe I walk my street any time. When I tell people where I live they know the streets reputation. The reason we are safe is that so many eyes are watching some are enemy of the guy who would like to rob you. To me the only danger is people you know so if you are a asshole to those around you they may tell some one who will do something about it. As posted many times the wife was out 12am etc. She is the one in your house she can see your value dead. Some family will do honor killing so that you not find out about her lies.

Member #4491
12-28-11, 16:39
Five years in jail. What a sick joke.

Some Duterte justice maybe?


Member #4351
12-28-11, 18:09
STOCKHOLM—A Swedish court on Tuesday sentenced a man to five years prison for a series of sex crimes against childrenHe's lucky he's from Sweden and not the U.S......

12-28-11, 18:11
I'm hardly blind to reality. This is a third world country and it's got a long way to go on the road to development. Converesely, it's surely not the crime-ridden warren of corruption painted by CM.

GEI was in the Philippines for my second trip in November so am not qualified to comment on much. However; from my point of view it seemed that Manila and Cebu were much cleaner than on my first trip at the same time last year. Who knows, perhaps I was just not as wide eyed on this trip. In Cebu I was stopped by the "lady smoking patrol" and was very respectfully pointed to an ashtray to use when I was finished my smoke. We had a good discussion about their role which was basically to make smokers aware not to put their butts on the street. At 06:00 the street sweepers were our and cleaning the streets before rush hour got started around Mango Square.

In Manila of course I kept my cigarettes in my pocket.

That being said I was visiting Aquino's grave in the cemetery on All Souls Day and interviewed on live radio about why a foreigner would come to that site. I was not foolish enough to make anything but complimentary comments about the family.

I have not taken in many to the typical monger sites as I have been an DIA tourist, but I have now been to Manila, Cebu, Bohol, Cagayan de Oro. I have never felt unsafe, but am also aware of where I am and my surroundings at all times. From my limited experience it's normally simply a matter of using some common sense and I intend to return again as soon as I can.

Radical Guy
12-28-11, 18:34
He's lucky he's from Sweden and not the U.S.Wow, ain't that the truth! In the US, that guy would have gotten life.

Hairy Wonder
12-29-11, 04:16
I don't live in the Philippines, and don't consider myself to be as knowledgeable as many on these forums are about the country. But the times I have been there, I have not felt that my personal safety was any more at risk than traveling to anyplace in the US. I lived in South Korea from 2004 to 2010, and felt safe walking around many areas there as well. When I would talk to family and friends that had never ventured out of the US, they would ask me if I was scared living in such a dangerous place. I always tell those people to stop listening to the media, as they distort the truth to sell their product. For instance, I was living in South Korea in 1994 when North Korea's Kim Il Sung died. The media was reporting that his son, Kim Jong Il, would bring war to the peninsula. Now, they are saying the same thing about Kim Jong Un. I have been living in central US since 2010, and have heard so many reports of robberies, attacks and murders, that I want to go overseas again. I feel that anytime I travel, whether it is here in the US or overseas, I simply need to take precautions to protect myself, and be aware of my surroundings. Enjoy the Philippines and the many pleasures that are there!


Econo Tech
12-29-11, 04:46
Five years in jail. What a sick joke.

Some Duterte justice maybe?

BarbaOr you mean the kind of justice where sometimes, the wrong people get 'trial by media' and proven guilty before even being. Like the case in Cebu where the wrong couple was accused of murdering a kid? LOL

12-29-11, 12:35
Heading to the phils on Jan 14th for 30 days. Having been caught up in work, I haven't much in the way of any planning. However, having been to AC two times, I would prefer some travel (south) in the rest of the country. I am not a beach person but a day or two in various spots wouldn't be hell. I would prefer to stay in 5-6 various places for 5 days or so before flying back to Manilla. I fly into Manilla, but would prefer to only stay there for 2/3 days.

If ye guys had a wish list for out of the way places to monger or chance freelancers, what cities, towns or beach resorts would you choose!

I. E.

(1) Cebu. 3 days.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

12-29-11, 14:53
If ye guys had a wish list for out of the way places to monger or chance freelancers, what cities, towns or beach resorts would you choose!

I. E.

(1) Cebu. 3 days.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!Should be posted in the Travel Announcements Only thread.

Member #4491
12-29-11, 18:03
or you mean the kind of justice where sometimes, the wrong people get 'trial by media' and proven guilty before even being. like the case in cebu where the wrong couple was accused of murdering a kid? lolno, i mean the kind of justice that hurts and sends a clear signal to the society. where society cares and protects the ones that deserves it. these five years in prison is a humiliation to the children, fathers and mothers.

according to news articles i read, both the swedish guys convicted in this mess has similar verdicts from the past. the younger one was even admitted for "treatment" (unfortunately not in the hells angels rehabilitation center for imprisoned ****s). the ones in this network that resided in usa got at least 20-30 years, while this insect got less than maximum (8 years). wtf!

it is bad enough when a scumbag like those molest a child, but to turn it into a media enterprise and take up orders for customized child [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) and torture pictures or movies, to make money for the next trip, is just revolting. we are not talking border line teens of 17 years and 364 days with a fake i'd, that is considered of limit on a more principal basis. infants and babies of just a few years age are the victims here. patrick johnsson had over 500 000 pictures and 10 000 movies, many made by himself. if i was allowed, i would beat him to death with a lead pipe, and then sleep as good as ever. and i do not give a rats ass if anyone consider me a barbaric savage. he consumed his rights to breathe.

let us leave this topic. it makes at least me to upset for my own good. sorry if i rant.

if you have the urge to comment or ***** about me hanging out his name here, suppress it! i do not care about your opinion if you think this scumbag deserves to be protected. rules are general but always applied in a specific case. protection of integrity or the right to treatment was long passed in this case.

i come to think of a well known scene.

marsellus: "what now? let me tell you what now. i'm going to call a couple of hard, pipe-hitting niggas to go to work on the homes here with a pair of pliers and a blow torch. [to zed] you hear me talking, hillbilly boy? i ain't through with you by a damn sight. i'm going to get medieval on your ass."

once again sorry if i spread negativity with these two posts. i should perhaps call someone instead but you pervs are my only true friends. lol.

over and out on this subject.

subaculture, did you read a little bit in the various threads? this is a very general question and the possible answers you are searching, are just a few mouse clicks away, waiting for you to find them. a comment on finding girls on the beaches of davao (the only ones i know anything about) is that this is a long shot. either they are there with family, a man or with friends. all categories are cock blockers. i think this observation can be considered general; hence not totally ot in the general info-thread. bring your own girlfriend to the beach (resort). for specific advice on beach resorts in davao, you will find them named in the davao threads and the philippines rod-section. good luck and do not hesitate to post specific questions after you did some reading and initial planning of your route.


12-29-11, 19:37
Heading to the phils on Jan 14th for 30 days. Having been caught up in work, I haven't much in the way of any planning. However, having been to AC two times, I would prefer some travel (south) in the rest of the country. I am not a beach person but a day or two in various spots wouldn't be hell. I would prefer to stay in 5-6 various places for 5 days or so before flying back to Manilla. I fly into Manilla, but would prefer to only stay there for 2/3 days.

If ye guys had a wish list for out of the way places to monger or chance freelancers, what cities, towns or beach resorts would you choose!

I. E.

(1) Cebu. 3 days.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!2 weeks stick to AC

Cebu needs a week and even then you have to stick to bars as the freelancers are busy this time of year.

Mc Don
12-30-11, 02:49
Heading to the phils on Jan 14th for 30 days. Having been caught up in work, I haven't much in the way of any planning. However, having been to AC two times, I would prefer some travel (south) in the rest of the country. I am not a beach person but a day or two in various spots wouldn't be hell. I would prefer to stay in 5-6 various places for 5 days or so before flying back to Manilla. I fly into Manilla, but would prefer to only stay there for 2/3 days.

If ye guys had a wish list for out of the way places to monger or chance freelancers, what cities, towns or beach resorts would you choose!

I. E.

(1) Cebu. 3 days.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!As Frenzy3 stated stick to manila / ac. You don't have much time and you way over extending yourself. If you want to see the country then perhaps find a girl or two and take them around, a nice girlfriend / s experience. To see 5-6 cities in 2 weeks LOL, you will spend half of your time traveling (keep in mind bigger cities are on different islands so lots of flights) and struggling to find accommodation especially in the provinces unless you are happy to really rough it out. In manila I would do a week, I would split my time between Malate, Makati and QC. Then make my way to AC. Perhaps take in Boracay or another resort for the end depending on your budget. I would bring a girl or two from AC to my final destination. By the way if you are not into the beach I would seriously question what is it that you are trying to see or find in Phils? Unless you are into churches there is not much else to see in most of the smaller towns. Forget hunting for girls there if all you have is 2-3 days in each town.

Rethink you itinerary.

Buko Max
12-30-11, 16:08
Heading to the phils on Jan 14th for 30 days.

However, having been to AC two times, I would prefer some travel (south) in the rest of the country. You guys who responded need to either reread Subacultures post or buy some reading glasses or both! :o

Personally, I would stay in Cebu a week and use it as a base. Decide which islands you want to hop. Most of the neighboring islands can be accessed in less then an hour on a plane or several hours by ferry. Consider Tacloban, Leyte; Tagbilaren, Bohol; Dumaguete or Bacolad Negros and various cities on Mindanao including Cagayan de Oro and Davao. Start working DIA as you will have a friend waiting for you in the locations you pick. If you find your honey ko, each of these cities has beach resorts that you can use on an overnight. Good luck and file a FR!

Stroker Ace88
12-30-11, 20:27
Heading to the phils on Jan 14th for 30 days.

If ye guys had a wish list for out of the way places to monger or chance freelancers, what cities, towns or beach resorts would you choose!One problem with your plan will be your visa extention. You are granted a free 21 day tourist visa upon entry into the Philippines. Technically the 21 day visa starts on your first full day in the Philippines (day after arrival) so you get 22 days. You mentioned you will stay for 30 days and you will have to pay anywhere from 3000-4500p for a visa extention based on if you go to the immigration office in person or if you get a visa service to take care of the extention.

If you opt to go yourself expect one whole day waiting in lines but the pain will be over quickly. If you opt to have a visa service do your extention your passport can be in there hands for up to 2-3 days depending on when you drop it off. That means you have to stay in one place for that time period because you can't check into hotels or take flights without your passport.

You can choose to do nothing about the extention and pay the fine and visa extention fees when you leave the Philippines as others have done. Up to you, just something for you to think about.

12-30-11, 20:58
One problem with your plan will be your visa extention. You are granted a free 21 day tourist visa upon entry into the Philippines. Technically the 21 day visa starts on your first full day in the Philippines (day after arrival) so you get 22 days. You mentioned you will stay for 30 days and you will have to pay anywhere from 3000-4500p for a visa extention based on if you go to the immigration office in person or if you get a visa service to take care of the extention.

If you opt to go yourself expect one whole day waiting in lines but the pain will be over quickly. If you opt to have a visa service do your extention your passport can be in there hands for up to 2-3 days depending on when you drop it off. That means you have to stay in one place for that time period because you can't check into hotels or take flights without your passport.I've always wondered about something. Since many of us know of our trip well in advance, and want to stay longer than 21 days, why not just skip the 21-day Visa-On-Arrival, and mail in a regular 3-month visa application to your nearest Philippine Embassy? You have to send your passport, but the cost is only $30USD. This makes more sense than extending the 21-day thing for a lot more money.

Stroker Ace88
12-31-11, 03:16
I've always wondered about something. Since many of us know of our trip well in advance, and want to stay longer than 21 days, why not just skip the 21-day Visa-On-Arrival, and mail in a regular 3-month visa application to your nearest Philippine Embassy? You have to send your passport, but the cost is only $30USD. This makes more sense than extending the 21-day thing for a lot more money.Interesting option but do you really want to trust the Philippine Embassy with your passport? Half the time they can't even be bothered to answer the phone so I'm sure there is a better than 50-50 chance it will take longer than a month to get your passport back and if they lose it what then?

I just checked the extention stamps in my passport and the cost was 3030P to the immigration for a 38 day extention and that did not include the fee to the visa service. All in it cost me 4200p. Next time I will go directly to the immigration office and stand in line for a few hours and save some pesos.

Member #4491
12-31-11, 03:32
All in it cost me 4200p.Should you be in Davao they do (or at least did) it for 3500 in the little office next to immigration, opposite Victoria mall.

The few times I did this, I left my number and went for shopping in Victoria, and then they sent me a text when it was done.


12-31-11, 05:08
It's interesting that it is always the same handful of posters claiming that the Philippines is safe and free of corruption. They always make personal attacks against any poster with a dissenting opinion. The basis of their argument is always the same. If someone has a different viewpoint or experience of the country that poster must be bitter, sour, on an agenda, never visited the country, etc.I agree with most of the points you have made in the rest of your transcript, but which posts have you been reading where members are claiming that the Philippines is free of corruption? Did you throw this extra bit in just to add weight to your argument?

12-31-11, 05:33
Thanks for all the good advice. I think I will base myself in Cebu for the 38 days (I have extended my holiday) and take some four (3/4 nights) trips to neighboring Islands. Sounds like a plan??

I will get the visa extension at Manilla Airport upon arrival or in Dumaguete (across from the market next to Vintage Inn) because people says its quick and painless. Cost is 3030php, am I right?

12-31-11, 09:49
Now the penny drops. Smart people are often dyslectic so we all read it as 14 to 30 Jan.

Shit yeah if your staying 30 days do Cebu and island hop from here, you can find the right girl here in Cebu and have a great time. Subaculture Ping me before you are in Cebu I can try help you find the right girl.

Don Roberts
01-01-12, 02:42
1 year multiple entry visa:

It's what I use.

Get it at the Philippine embassy or nearest consulate-

You need your passport, passport photos (2?)

& a form that you can printout online (I'll try to post website later if I can find it).

I think you need a copy of your upcoming airline ticket or itinerary.


I never had a problem with them losing my passport.

The visa takes up a whole page in your passport (like the one from Indonesia).

It's good for multiple entries for a period of one year, each entry good for up to 59 days.

Sorry if my details are not accurate, because some one else has been doing it for me as I live 150 miles from the consulate (I give them some kind of notarized form. Also online, I think.) Anyone who knows more about this or has a better mind for detail than old Don, please feel free to correct me or elaborate.

I do know it works. I've used it for years. The one year, multiple-entry. 59 day maximum stay (unless extended in PI) information is accurate.

Happy New Year to All!

01-02-12, 10:06
No, I mean the kind of justice that hurts and sends a clear signal to the society. Where society cares and protects the ones that deserves it. These five years in prison is a humiliation to the children, fathers and mothers...AMEN. I'll hand you the lead pipe.

Member #4491
01-03-12, 08:37
I wrote a response to #6268 by Stroker Ace and the recent discussion about cab sames / cultures, in the Cebu thread but it is just to unrelated to Cebu to stay there. Was considering "Other Areas" (as in the area of philosophical speculations) but moved it here to "General Info".

-Lurker who has never visited.

-Someone who plans to visit one day (maybe just a fantasy) *

-Someone who spent a few days in the Philippines some years ago.

-Someone who spent a week total in the Philippines.

-Someone who spends a week a year in the Philippines.

-Someone who visits a few times a year but does not stay long.

-Someone who spends 200+ days a year in the Philippines.

-Those who live in the Philippines.And then you add the fact that all of these can be anything from a cynical alcoholic or a reborn teenager wannabe (with the associated pathetic ego that needs to try to impress everyone) , to hard core religious fanatics or nihilists, and you can be 100% sure that what one man call culture, or even "the truth", is another mans perception of a culturally conditioned scam that ought to be eradicated. One must not forget that all the guys that was not in the country, actually did something else, that might make them equally or more well equipped to see the true nature of a specific behavior. Humans search flocks or groups (even on ISG) and this need to belong to something (anything will most often do) , can also make us blind for our own contextual interpretation.

I am amazed by how grown up men I meet all over the world want to measure the penis size with the question "is it your first time here". Are people really that stressed over themselves? I often say "yes" only to let this poor man strike his ego in explaining all the "truths" about this place, that embraced his sad person in all it's dented pride. Since pride is a fantasy monster that I want to fight, iIt cost me nothing but some suppressed primitive impulses. And this poor man will feel a momentary relief from his self whipping. So why not?

For some guys it is actually the first time in some place (it normally always is at some point) , and what the competition oriented co-humans seem to forget is that these guys actually where somewhere else, where they also lived and observed. They where not hibernating in some stimulus free coma.

I have friends that lived 20+ years in the Philippines and they are still ignorant, and I have friends that visit for the first time, that sees fundamental psychosocial traits for exactly what they are. Most often we interpret the world as we have to and as we where trained to do and not as it is in a true objective physiological sense. Google "thin slicing" for an interesting concept on patterns, non intellectual decisions / interpretation and "gut feeling".

Many opinions and advice we provide, are most often ourselves reselling decisions to ourselves, over and over again. One guy left and never wish to go back, and he will sell the image that supports this decision. Another guy accepted the compromise it means to live in the Philippines, and from him you will most likely hear anther more sympathetic "truth".

I see a lot of different good strategies on how to spend resources to maximize the total gain, both in terms of transportation and in terms of impressing females so they will be willing to receive our seed. Some even come from people that did not visit the Philippines in person. The good thing is that, per definition, we can never agree and the ISG discussion will never ever terminate on these topics. Everlasting and almost free entertainment.

Thank you Red Kilt for the titles. Reading makes us smarter.

The onion analogy actually won the Nobel prize in literature once (anyone remembers Wislawa Szymborska?). Aren't all societies layered by the way? Isn't in fact all of universe layers that oscillate, and then we just labels things differently as they approach what we consider local maximas? A cultural trait is labeled a scam as the moral standpoint of the viewer changes. Did anyone follow that thought? INSERT SMILEY.

Barba, who strongly fears he will get exactly zero responses on his post once again. LOL

01-03-12, 14:12
Shit yeah if your staying 30 days do Cebu and island hop from here, you can find the right girl here in Cebu and have a great time. Subaculture Ping me before you are in Cebu I can try help you find the right girl.Will ping you once I am there and buy you a beer or two . Even in your local bar.

01-03-12, 15:50
1 year multiple entry visa:

It's what I use.

Get it at the Philippine embassy or nearest consulate-

You need your passport, passport photos (2?)

& a form that you can printout online (I'll try to post website later if I can find it).

I think you need a copy of your upcoming airline ticket or itinerary.


I never had a problem with them losing my passport.

The visa takes up a whole page in your passport (like the one from Indonesia).

It's good for multiple entries for a period of one year, each entry good for up to 59 days.

Sorry if my details are not accurate, because some one else has been doing it for me as I live 150 miles from the consulate (I give them some kind of notarized form. Also online, I think.) Anyone who knows more about this or has a better mind for detail than old Don, please feel free to correct me or elaborate.

I do know it works. I've used it for years. The one year, multiple-entry. 59 day maximum stay (unless extended in PI) information is accurate.

Happy New Year to All!Requirements vary between embassies. Bangkok wants to see a return ticket out of the Philippines. London often wants to see an original bank statement and does not ask for air tickets.

01-04-12, 19:05
I'm planning a 80 day trip to Phils and contemplating flying Cathay Pacific. Lon-HK-Cebu, with the return flight in 80 days.

1 Will they ask for an earlier onward ticket / return flight if (a) I rely on the 21 day Visa Free period or (be) I go to the embassy and get a 59 day visa?

I've previously travelled to BKK and then flown on to Phils with Cebu Pacific. (CP in BKK always ask to see an onward ticket though so far I've been able to get away with it by quoting a fictitious onward flight number with a rival airline. Immigration in the Phils at the main airports never ask to see the return ticket.)

2 Does it make sense to try and get the 59 day visa in London? It costs just GBP22 (1500P) less than the cost of a 39 day initial extension in the Phils, but will they require sight of a return ticket within that period (The embassy blurb says its a required piece of info but is it really required in practice?)

Any feedback from those with experience of this problem, especially on this route, would be much appreciated.

Bob Bowie
01-04-12, 21:28
Should you be in Davao they do (or at least did) it for 3500 in the little office next to immigration, opposite Victoria mall.

The few times I did this, I left my number and went for shopping in Victoria, and then they sent me a text when it was done.

BarbaI had the same deal. Last time in Davao I took the taxi to the immigration office. I get to the gate and guard tells me to come back in an hour, it was lunch time. I started to walk to Chowking *to kill an hour when I walked past that travel store. They only charged me 500 peso over the visa cost. They texed me a few hours later with my new visa. Great service, saved me a few hours waiting in the immigration office.

Stroker Ace88
01-05-12, 04:55
I'm planning a 80 day trip to Phils and contemplating flying Cathay Pacific. Lon-HK-Cebu, with the return flight in 80 days.

1 Will they ask for an earlier onward ticket / return flight if (a) I rely on the 21 day Visa Free period or (be) I go to the embassy and get a 59 day visa?

I've previously travelled to BKK and then flown on to Phils with Cebu Pacific. (CP in BKK always ask to see an onward ticket though so far I've been able to get away with it by quoting a fictitious onward flight number with a rival airline. Immigration in the Phils at the main airports never ask to see the return ticket.)

2 Does it make sense to try and get the 59 day visa in London? It costs just GBP22 (1500P) less than the cost of a 39 day initial extension in the Phils, but will they require sight of a return ticket within that period (The embassy blurb says its a required piece of info but is it really required in practice?)

Any feedback from those with experience of this problem, especially on this route, would be much appreciated.I have flown into the Philippines with a return ticket dated up to 90days and had no problem. I think it helps to book the round trip with the same airline. That action negates the airlines responsibility to ensure you will not be an immigration risk. From my experience Cathay Pacific is stricter with return tickets than PAL or Cebu Pacific. Always book your departure flight before arrival in the Philippines. If there is an issue immigration officials could potentially March you over to PAL or whatever airline and force you to buy a departure ticket at full fare prices.

As for the immigration process when you land, sometimes I have been asked when will be my departure date sometimes not. IMO it depends if you get a female or male immigration officer. In my experience females tend to ask more questions while the guys just stamp and hand back. If they notice on your arrival form that your stay will be longer than 21 days the officer will inform you that you need to obtain a visa extention. My lastest stay was 50 days and the female immigration officer just mentioned to me I will need an extention but never pressed the matter after flipping through my passport and seeing all the other extention stamps.

I have never went through the process to get the visa before I travelled so I can't provide any info there. If you decide to get the visa at the embassy before you travel, post your experience, curious to see what happend.

01-05-12, 05:08
Regarding onward ticket requirements, assuming you have sufficient credit, you can buy an expensive fully refundable ticket, print out the confirm, and then turn the ticket back in. Most likely you can do all that before the bill comes due. That will work for the situation where you have to get the visa in advance, for sure. It will work 99% for if you don't need a visa but just "proof" of onward ticketing, because the immigration authorities aren't linked into the airlines' databases. The other 1% is a gamble but, again assuming you have sufficient credit, if they do insist you could maybe, probably Buy a similar refundable ticket on arrival. I say probably Because if immigration won't let you in, the airline is responsible for getting your sorry ass back to where you came from.

I always travel with:

1) a credit card with a high limit (recommend AMEX Blue for Business, no fees, and you can make up a fictitious business, or at least I did)

2) bank / brokerage statements showing I have some funds.

3) some traveler's checks which AMEX will give you free if you have Blue; I never use them and you can turn them back in.

01-06-12, 03:33
Was reading through a Taiwanese newsapaper this morning that described how "foreigners" were coming to review the upcoming elections.

The fact that they were all from Europe escaped the papers notice, instead they were all described as " foreigners"

Got to thingking that this is a term used by the less developed Asian countries in general.

In Hong Kong and Singapore, because there are a much higher ratio of non HK or Singaporeans in their midst, I guess that they are seen as less different.

But In Taiwan, and certainly the Philippines, and Thailand, everyone who is not Asian is a "foreigner".

Malaysia tends to report people by race or region which is better than the single all purpose "foreigner" term.

In Australia, and Europe which are both developed and quite multi-cultured no.one is referred to a being "foreign.

In US which is less multi cultured in some places, again no-one is referred to as a foreigner, given that there has been a history of people from different lands populating the place.

But in some Asian countries, that have had a long history of peoples from other races living amongst the locals, those of a different skin colour or culture are still, ignorantly to my mind, classed in general as " foreigners".

Ok, morning thought over. Back to work.

01-06-12, 10:18
I have flown into the Philippines with a return ticket dated up to 90days and had no problem. I think it helps to book the round trip with the same airline. That action negates the airlines responsibility to ensure you will not be an immigration risk. From my experience Cathay Pacific is stricter with return tickets than PAL or Cebu Pacific. Always book your departure flight before arrival in the Philippines. If there is an issue immigration officials could potentially March you over to PAL or whatever airline and force you to buy a departure ticket at full fare prices.

As for the immigration process when you land, sometimes I have been asked when will be my departure date sometimes not. IMO it depends if you get a female or male immigration officer. In my experience females tend to ask more questions while the guys just stamp and hand back. If they notice on your arrival form that your stay will be longer than 21 days the officer will inform you that you need to obtain a visa extention. My lastest stay was 50 days and the female immigration officer just mentioned to me I will need an extention but never pressed the matter after flipping through my passport and seeing all the other extention stamps.

I have never went through the process to get the visa before I travelled so I can't provide any info there. If you decide to get the visa at the embassy before you travel, post your experience, curious to see what happend.I went to the London embassy yesterday. They can issue a single entry 59 day vias for GBP22. They also do a 1 year multi entry (good fro 59 days on each entry for GBP65 but they will only issue to that to people who have previously obtained a single entry visa at that Embassy (unbelievably illogical rule).

They confirmed that technically a return / onward ticket was required within the validity of your visa ie 21 days if no visa and 59 days if you have a visa. They do not check that you have got the ticket at the London embassy and said that generally the airlines in London do not check either (though they might do so on a "random" basis.). They said that of course most people just go there and get an extension whilst there as I have done before.

This puts people wanting to visit Phils for more than 59 days and obey the rules in a Catch 22. Theoetically you need evidence of an onward / return ticket though in practice you don't except that from some destinations at least (such as Bangkok) where the airline will insist on some sort of evidence before letting you fly in which case you have several options (1) try and blag your way through with a fake online booked flight number (2) buy a cheap one way out ticket (3) buy an expensive but hopefully fully refundable ticket.

01-06-12, 18:36
and Europe which are both developed and quite multi-cultured no. One is referred to a being "foreign.

Ok, morning thought over. Back to work.Are you sure? If you know the nationality, (french, german etc) , then the referral might be to the appropriate nationality, if you are certain he belongs to the EU you can also quote "european", but we also use "eastern european" to define people from the ex red-block and having joined hte EU (Hungarian, Romanian, etc)

I think that in cases as such (supervising or witnessing elections) the observers might be from many different countries (even within the same continent) , so foreigners is appropraite and I do not think it is a s ort of verbal or subtle "racism"

I do remember, some 30 years ago having gone to a small island just outside Gothenburg (probably considered of some strategic and militry value, do not ask me why) it iwas full of signs "no aliens", meaning no foreigners vs. Scandinavian (most likely). The word "alien" was sounding weird to me, maybe as not being english mother tongue I might give a different value to words.

01-07-12, 00:59
I had the same deal. Last time in Davao I took the taxi to the immigration office. I get to the gate and guard tells me to come back in an hour, it was lunch time. I started to walk to Chowking *to kill an hour when I walked past that travel store. They only charged me 500 peso over the visa cost. They texted me a few hours later with my new visa. Great service, saved me a few hours waiting in the immigration office.I took advice from several "old pro" ex-pats in Cebu, who have a travel agency do their visa extensions.

When you think of the expense and the hassle of traveling to Mandaue (They moved the immigration office out of downtown Cebu.) , waiting in line, going to window A, waiting for an hour, then going to window B, then going upstairs, then returning downstairs to wait for window C, etc, it's well worth the 500 pesos to sit at the bar and have several beers while it's being renewed for you.

Stroker Ace88
01-07-12, 03:05
I went to the London embassy yesterday. They can issue a single entry 59 day vias for GBP22. They also do a 1 year multi entry (good fro 59 days on each entry for GBP65 but they will only issue to that to people who have previously obtained a single entry visa at that Embassy (unbelievably illogical rule).

They confirmed that technically a return / onward ticket was required within the validity of your visa ie 21 days if no visa and 59 days if you have a visa. They do not check that you have got the ticket at the London embassy and said that generally the airlines in London do not check either (though they might do so on a "random" basis.). They said that of course most people just go there and get an extension whilst there as I have done before.

This puts people wanting to visit Phils for more than 59 days and obey the rules in a Catch 22. Theoetically you need evidence of an onward / return ticket though in practice you don't except that from some destinations at least (such as Bangkok) where the airline will insist on some sort of evidence before letting you fly in which case you have several options (1) try and blag your way through with a fake online booked flight number (2) buy a cheap one way out ticket (3) buy an expensive but hopefully fully refundable ticket.The Manila-BKK and Clark-BKK flights are now the focus of increased scrutiny since several guys were accused of sex trafficking girls out of AC. That applies to inbound and outbound travel.

Thanks for the updated info.

01-07-12, 23:56
I can confirm StrokerAce's experience. I had a round trip ticket booked on PAL with the return dated more than 90 days out. I also had a 59 day visa that I obtained before the trip. So I am pretty sure they will not bat an eye if the visa is present when they see a trip that long. Maybe not 100% guaranteed someone else will not have an issue. One way to address the length of the RT itinerary is to pay more for a fully rebookable ticket. Or at least make sure your ticket is rebookable for a fee. There is a PAL office a block or two from Robinson Mall in Ermita; they were helpful to me.

I can also confirm GregLondon's experience with only being able to get the single entry visa on first application and I would now speculate that this seems to be policy in all Phil embassies and consulates. In my case, it was the Los Angeles consulate.

Red Kilt
01-08-12, 04:18
I can also confirm GregLondon's experience with only being able to get the single entry visa on first application and I would now speculate that this seems to be policy in all Phil embassies and consulates. In my case, it was the Los Angeles consulate.One of my visiting consultants from Australia was able to get the 59-day visa for his first trip because he had a letter showing his contract that gave his assignment in the Philippines for 30 working days and a support letter from me too.

They still asked him a lot of questions in the Philippines consulate in Australia (not Canberra) but eventually granted it.

01-08-12, 12:17
The Manila-BKK and Clark-BKK flights are now the focus of increased scrutiny since several guys were accused of sex trafficking girls out of AC. That applies to inbound and outbound travel.

Thanks for the updated info.I suspect the other factor is that though theoretically your return ticket should be within the period of your visa / visa free allowance, if you have later return ticket the airlines will be relatively relaxed as in the theoretical event that immigration ion Phils did cause you a hassle the airline could simply change the date of your return flight. Of course the typical cost of a long haul retrun flight on a scheduled airline is often only slightly higher than a one way. In BKK however most people are travelling on budget airlines and thus often buying one ways.

Member #4491
01-08-12, 14:37
They still asked him a lot of questions in the Philippines consulate in Australia (not Canberra) but eventually granted it.Did they make him promise not to stay there and spend his money for more than 59 days?

I find immigration authorities profiling of people shallow at best. Random questions with no clear pattern. Questions that can't possibly lead them to any conclusions abut why I have stamps from all over the world in the passport. Stupid people with a badge many times. The cream of monkeys in uniform you find in Venezuela."Mental capacity of a 3 year old gorilla? Ok you are hired!"

They are just one of these obstacles that we need to pass. We play the theater for some minutes and give them what they want. A bit like dating a European (or any) egocentric financially non desperate girl. Attention, smiles and flattery in the right portions and you get your 59 days visa to her panties. Just a few weeks ago I saw a younger handsome stud fail where Barba the old fox showed the correct balance of hunger for her body and interest in "her intellect". Just one hour later I had my tongue tickling her young clitoris and rose scented ass. And we are scheduled to meet in just a couple of weeks again. To even suggest money would be a sure way to fail massively in this case. Also girls are hungry for confirmation and for having that little ego massaged. I might sound cynical but I am not the least.

For anyone with a decent hourly salary I think the extension from inside, using an intermediate, is the most cost efficient way. 3500 PHP is less than one night in a good hotel and two nights in a middle class hotel.

As for Europeans and the concept of "foreigners". We do not say it nowadays but we sure as hell think it! :-D.

All the best from Barba.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=SlrKW7fh_Bo (absolutely worth to really listen to the whole if you do invest the minutes to watch this)

01-09-12, 02:07
I think that in cases as such (supervising or witnessing elections) the observers might be from many different countries (even within the same continent) , so foreigners is appropraite and I do not think it is a s ort of verbal or subtle "racism"

Anyone not Chinese (in the Taiwan context) is foreign.

Anyone not Filipino is foreign.

Anyone not Thai is foreign.

It generally is a form of subtle racism by exclusion. But its ok its been that way for 100's of years. Glad tho that HK and Singapore with more multi cultural locals are more enlightened.

01-09-12, 13:02
I saw this video and found it provides an interesting perspective on life in Manila. Enjoy!


01-18-12, 23:44
Just some potentially useful on the phone because info for newbies:

It is essential to get a local SIM card for your phone in the Phils (or buy a cheap local phone if you have a Iphone etc that you don't want stolen)

The largest phone co is SMART (with sister co Talk N text) This has good coverage all over Phils but tends to be alittle more expensive.

The up and coming rival now in Second place is SUN Good coverage in big cities but not so great in some of the provinces. Cheap intra network calling deals so popular with young city girls.

The 3rd co is GLOBE with sister Co TM, Similar good coverage to SMART and sometimes a less conjested network.

If you go with Smart or Globe you will get all the benefits but a somewhat cheaper costs by going with their sister because TNT or TM.

If you have a dual sim or multiple phones you may wish to get to know the Prefixes applying to the different network. Intra network calls / texts are much cheaper than inter network. Many girls will no have multiple SIMS for this reason. Almost everyone in the Phils will be able to tell you what network a number is on but hereis a crib sheet.

Prefixes for globe / tm.









0935 new prefix no.

0936 new prefix no.

0937 new prefix no.

0996 new prefix no.

0997 new prefix no.

Prefixes for smart / tnt.












0930 (Available also in Red Mobile)

0938 (Available also in Red Mobile)

0939 (Available also in Red Mobile)

0989 (New Release prefix no. From smart)

0999 (New Release prefix no. From smart)

0946 (New Release prefix no. From TNT)

0947 (New Release prefix no. From Smart)

0948 (New Release prefix no. From TNT)

0949 (New Release prefix no. From TNT)

Prefixes no. For Sun Cellular.





0942 new prefix no.

0943 new prefix no.

Unknown No.

0979 – Unidentified mobile network company.


01-19-12, 02:01
Just some potentially useful on the phone because info for newbies:

It is GLBack in the day (the old old days LOL) there were two prefixes. 0919 for Smart and 0907 for Globe.

Of course, that was when PLDT fixed line installation took up to a year to install. And as can be seen, they lost the plot and smart and globe took all their business.

01-19-12, 05:30
You can take the girl out of the Philippines but can't take the etcetc.

Arranged to meet a cute 22 year old Filipina in Taipei last night. We had met and bonked previously so I knew it was going to be worthwhile but wheras previously we had met near my office, (when she had taken the bus) this time she only had time for me to go near her work place.

I ask her where she is and where is the nearest MRT subway train station. She doesn't know.

I suggest she asks her friends. Error. There were 3 replies to that question all with different station choices on basically three different subway lines.

Finally we narrow it down to a choice of two subway stations that sounded approx correct.

Every ten minutes after that I get the " where are you " texts. I figured I should reply in similar Filipino style " on the way LOL".

So then I'm in the taxi with a driver who can only speak Mandarin, and constantly getting the "where are you " texts. Suggested that as I hadn't been there before I really didn't know. This was met with a " ok " reply.

Anyways somewhere in the middle of some industrial city I find her. And find her fruit packing work and dormitory is near a few motels that were very similar to Sogo. A good if rushed time was had, said girl madly in love with me, and will be good for a few more bonks. One day though I will wake up and ask " is it really worth the effort.".

01-19-12, 05:43
Was reading through a Taiwanese newsapaper this morning that described how "foreigners" were coming to review the upcoming elections.

The fact that they were all from Europe escaped the papers notice, instead they were all described as " foreigners"

Got to thingking that this is a term used by the less developed Asian countries in general.

In Hong Kong and Singapore, because there are a much higher ratio of non HK or Singaporeans in their midst, I guess that they are seen as less different.

But In Taiwan, and certainly the Philippines, and Thailand, everyone who is not Asian is a "foreigner".

Malaysia tends to report people by race or region which is better than the single all purpose "foreigner" term.

In Australia, and Europe which are both developed and quite multi-cultured no. One is referred to a being "foreign.

In US which is less multi cultured in some places, again no-one is referred to as a foreigner, given that there has been a history of people from different lands populating the place.

But in some Asian countries, that have had a long history of peoples from other races living amongst the locals, those of a different skin colour or culture are still, ignorantly to my mind, classed in general as " foreigners".

Ok, morning thought over. Back to work.

Re: Your morning thought.

Your 2 statements above (highlighted in bold) are almost mutually contradicting.

In HK and S'pore, where there's been a long history of peoples from other races (usually caucasian, historically) living amongst the locals (asian) , themselves of different races, those who are not of those races making up the locals, are 'foreigners'. There's nothing derogatory about the term. The western world gets so uptight about being politically correct that even referring to someone as being 'foreign' is perceived as derogatory? Come on.

I am 2nd generation Singaporean Chinese. I shan't speak for Hong Kongers, but IMHO in S'pore, anyone who doesn't have a pink NRIC or a red passport to me in my mind, is 'foreign'. That includes the mainland Chinese living and working in Singapore. But that's just me. In practice, in a social setting, I would prefer to refer to someone by their nationality / where they are from, rather than as 'a foreigner' or being 'foreign', of course. Thats only because it would be crass / obtuse to introduce anyone in a social setting, to be 'foreign' or a 'foreigner'.

Example, at a party that could be anywhere in the world: "Greg, let me introduce Tom, an American. Tom, this is Greg. He is from London."

If I were in Singapore and introducing Tom or Greg to a Singaporean Malay, Ahmad, in the exact same way for example, Ahmad would naturally assume, in his mind, that Greg and Tom and both foreigners.

We have mix breed Eurasians in our Parliament in Singapore. They are local and are MPs. We have CEOs in many private institutions in Singapore who are foreigners. All facts. Nothing derogatory implied at all.

My morning thought. Back to work.

01-19-12, 08:25
western world gets so uptight about being politically correct that even referring to someone as being 'foreign' is perceived as derogatory? Come on.

My morning thought. Back to work.I've lived in 11 countries and have seen on a daily basis how this is. The papers in Malaysia refers to thefts invariably as being conducted by " foreigners".

I've been introduced as " here's our new boss, hes a foreigner" and I could carry on and on and on. Maybe in Singapore you have less of this (which was my point ). And maybe you haven't had 30 plus of being an expatriate and seeing endless refernces to "foreigners". If you have then we can talk.

01-20-12, 15:17
Now that almost all Phil banks have started to charge 150-200P fixed fee for an ATM withdrawal fromm a foreign card (remmeber thats about half a days wage for the average Philipino) and foreighn banks have upped their FX charges on ATM withdrawals to 2-3% for typical banks you can easily lose 5% in total which really adds up if you are staying longish term in the phils and relying on foreign ATMS.

I would be interested in other people's tips but I think I have a strategy for eliminating this cost at least fro those based in the UK.

1 There are a couple of UK banks which to my knowledge waive international ATM withdrawals. Santander through its Zero Account and the little known London based banking start up Metro Bank. If you chhoose one of these accounts you can eliminate the 2-3% charges in the UK. In the Phils most banks now charge a 150-200P fixed ATM fee on foreign withdrawals and the maximumn withdrwal is often just 10k to 20k PHP. However if you go to one of the Citibank ATM machines (Ayala in Cebu and I guess also in Manila) they don't charge the 200P ATM withdrawal fee. Therefore if you have a Santander zero or a Metro (UK) account you can take out as much as the sytem will alow penalty free (the Exchange rate used by visa and mastercard is the commercial rate with a very mall spread.

If you want to withdraw money widely in the Phils you can then deposit a stash of this money in a local bank such as BDO or Metro and use their ATMS domesticlaly with no fee.

Cunning Stunt
01-21-12, 03:18
I would be interested in other people's tips but I think I have a strategy for eliminating this cost at least fro those based in the UK.I use Caxton FX Cards (https://www.caxtonfxcard.com/index.asp). You load them online, have very competitive exchange rates and charge no extra commission or ATM charges. They come in 3 flavours, Global, Euro and Dollar. The Global card is the one to use in The Philippines. I always use it at HSBC as their withdrawal limits are higher and HSBC do not try to levy an ATM transaction fee. They are a very good product and I very seldom have cause to use my Debit or Credit Cards anymore whilst outside UK.

As far as I am aware, they are only available in Britain. Don't think that the US has a similar product.

Member #4698
01-21-12, 04:59
I use Caxton FX Cards (


). You load them online, have very competitive exchange rates and charge no extra commission or ATM charges. They come in 3 flavours, Global, Euro and Dollar. The Global card is the one to use in The Philippines. I always use it at HSBC as their withdrawal limits are higher and HSBC do not try to levy an ATM transaction fee. They are a very good product and I very seldom have cause to use my Debit or Credit Cards anymore whilst outside UK.

As far as I am aware, they are only available in Britain. Don't think that the US has a similar product.I carry the Amex pre paid card. Excellent exchange rates as you would expect and no fx transaction fees or extra commisions, but it offers only one free ATM withdrawal per month, after the free one they charge $2 per ATM use. BDO ATM networks accept the card in the PI. Max withdrawal is 50,000p per day in PI. It is a safety net.

Tally Wacker
01-21-12, 05:22
I saw this video and found it provides an interesting perspective on life in Manila. Enjoy!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_Ht_19N8UwThat video would have been interesting if they would have included up the skirt shots of the young filipinas getting on and off the bus.

Instead of Trike Patrol it could be Bus Patrol.

Stroker Ace88
01-22-12, 02:00
The largest phone co is SMART (with sister co Talk N text) This has good coverage all over Phils but tends to be alittle more expensive.Talk N Text is not a sister company, but a brand name of Smart Communications.

The up and coming rival now in Second place is SUN Good coverage in big cities but not so great in some of the provinces. Cheap intra network calling deals so popular with young city girls.Smart Communications is a wholly owned subsidiary of Philippine Long Distance Telephone, better known as PLDT. Sun Cellular is a brand owned by Digitel. In March 2011 PLDT bought a 51% controlling interest in Digitel. That move means PLDT owns or controls Smart, SUN and PLDT brands. Calls or texts from a Smart user to a Sun user (or vice-versa) are treated as two seperate networks and as a result fees are higher than intra-system calls and texts. PLDT also owns TV5.

The 3rd co is GLOBE with sister Co TM, Similar good coverage to SMART and sometimes a less conjested network.TM is not a sister company of Globe, but a brand name of Globe Telecom.

Intra network calls / texts are much cheaper than inter network. Many girls will no have multiple SIMS for this reason. [snip]I would guesstimate that indeed some girls have the newer dual SIM capable phones, but it's still under 50% from my experience and observations. Many girls still use older single SIM Nokia hand me down cell phones or China phone knockoffs. I have found that many girls that have dual SIM capable phones will have both SUN and Smart to avail of super promo unlimited text offers on different days from each provider. Also it can be as simple as her auntie uses Smart and most of her friends use Sun.

Some girls will make a face when you tell them you are using Globe. Alot of the girls do not use Globe as it's seen as a more expensive provider. When you send a text from a Globe SIM card it's more expensive for the girl to reply if she uses another provider. Sometimes when there is no reply, a girl could be using an unlimited 24 text promo for a fixed price. The promo is only valid intra-network such as Sun-Sun, Smart-Smart or Globe-Globe. It's fairly common to get a reply text from some strange number and the girl will explain she went to borrow a cell phone (insert family member or neighbors name here) from someone close to her who uses your provider.

01-22-12, 02:45
Talk N Text is not a sister company, but a brand name of Smart Communications.

Smart Communications is a wholly owned subsidiary of Philippine Long Distance Telephone, better known as PLDT. Sun Cellular is a brand owned by Digitel. In March 2011 PLDT bought a 51% controlling interest in Digitel. That move means PLDT owns or controls Smart, SUN and PLDT brands. Calls or texts from a Smart user to a Sun user (or vice-versa) are treated as two seperate networks and as a result fees are higher than intra-system calls and texts. PLDT also owns TV5.

TM is not a sister company of Globe, but a brand name of Globe Telecom.

I would guesstimate that indeed some girls have the newer dual SIM capable phones, but it's still under 50% from my experience and observations. Many girls still use older single SIM Nokia hand me down cell phones or China phone knockoffs. I have found that many girls that have dual SIM capable phones will have both SUN and Smart to avail of super promo unlimited text offers on different days from each provider. Also it can be as simple as her auntie uses Smart and most of her friends use Sun.

Some girls will make a face when you tell them you are using Globe. Alot of the girls do not use Globe as it's seen as a more expensive provider. When you send a text from a Globe SIM card it's more expensive for the girl to reply if she uses another provider. Sometimes when there is no reply, a girl could be using an unlimited 24 text promo for a fixed price. The promo is only valid intra-network such as Sun-Sun, Smart-Smart or Globe-Globe. It's fairly common to get a reply text from some strange number and the girl will explain she went to borrow a cell phone (insert family member or neighbors name here) from someone close to her who uses your provider.Useful clarification from SA. The key point is that almost all of the girls wil be using one or other promo deal whereby they have unlimited intranetwork texting. Unless they have opted for the more expensive all network deals this means that texts outside their network cost a min of 1 or 2 P per text and soon eat up load given that most girls will probably make 100plus texts a day.

01-22-12, 02:59
I use Caxton FX Cards (


). You load them online, have very competitive exchange rates and charge no extra commission or ATM charges. They come in 3 flavours, Global, Euro and Dollar. The Global card is the one to use in The Philippines. I always use it at HSBC as their withdrawal limits are higher and HSBC do not try to levy an ATM transaction fee. They are a very good product and I very seldom have cause to use my Debit or Credit Cards anymore whilst outside UK.

As far as I am aware, they are only available in Britain. Don't think that the US has a similar product.Looks like an interesting product for Dollar or Euros CS but I'm not convinced the Global one is such a good idea. They are making their money on the FX spread. That's 2. 75% for the global one and an unspecified spread on USD or Euro where you take the rate offered on upload. On Santander Zero and Metro you would save this 2. 75% (of the 2. 75% 1% gets passed on to visa / mastercard, I've not figured whether you escape that part with Santander or Metro). The US banking system is relatively primative so it may be more difficult to get such deals.

Econo Tech
01-22-12, 03:30
It's fairly common to get a reply text from some strange number and the girl will explain she went to borrow a cell phone (insert family member or neighbors name here) from someone close to her who uses your provider.What is fairly common as well is that most girls have more than one sim card (either swapping sim cards to check messages or carry more than one phone) and of course, they 'forget' to tell you that.

I don't mind, but when I see more than one sim of the same network, it means she is two timing or three timing.

Well, never had anything serious with girls of that 'caliber' but. When a 'aunty' or 'friend' or 'family member' lends her a phone to reply, sometimes accept it, mostly increase your 'scam guard' level. LOL

Red Kilt
01-22-12, 06:50
What is fairly common as well is that most girls have more than one sim card (either swapping sim cards to check messages or carry more than one phone) and of course, they 'forget' to tell you that.

I don't mind, but when I see more than one sim of the same network, it means she is two timing or three timing.I am not sure what you mean by "two timing" or "3-timing". Are you suggesting that she shouldn't be able to chat to 2 or 5 or 10 other guys, but it is OK for you to have a wide variety of numbers in your directory.

Texting is the number 1 pastime here so they will use whatever they can to maximise their costs and access.

What makes me laugh is how they will text me from a different SIM that is unknown to me and then they get antzy when I ask "who is this please"?

The usual "Oh you forget me already" comment follows when I don't recognise the number. How TF am I supposed to know hehe? They get a bit sheepish when I challenge them on it.

Some of them live in a strange mind world.

Econo Tech
01-23-12, 02:05
I am not sure what you mean by "two timing" or "3-timing". Are you suggesting that she shouldn't be able to chat to 2 or 5 or 10 other guys, but it is OK for you to have a wide variety of numbers in your directory.Well, me, having dipped my head deep in Phil, and having waded in till my chest level, I don't get stressed when that happens to me. Heck, one of the girl shacking up with me, sent me a text from her 'other' Sim card, asking if we can meet up, when she was lying next to me. And having screwed me and hadn't even cleaned up her drips. Oh, well, it keeps me entertained though. Haha.

My advice was for those 'newbies' and those who are 'in LOVE'. Not for me to fret over it. I take the multi-sim thing as one of the many quirks of dealing with pinays. (oh, my current gf told me that the word Pinay doesn't exist. It had been just coined as a female of 'pinoy'.)

The usual "Oh you forget me already" comment follows when I don't recognise the number. How TF am I supposed to know hehe? They get a bit sheepish when I challenge them on it.Oh, that happens when the girls put your name differently under different sim cards, and then get you mixed up wih somebody else LOL or the new SIM doesn't have your contact, but the phone has your text minus the name.

Of course, keeps the fun going though.

01-28-12, 21:05
I just spent a fairly dissapointing 10 days in Manila and Cebu. Productive photo-recon work was done on a new hotel in Cebu near Ayala Center, and I will post that when I get home.

I would have done better had I worked on the ladies online harder in the last week, but I was actually working, and working in the PI as well, and so the time managing PI contacts suffered.

I did get good results sending msgs to girls that were "online now" in Tagged. I managed to insult some truly "good" girls, and others were clearly semi and not-so-semi pro. One encounter with a girl who looked nice in the pics was like: Me: Well if I like you I will want to bring you back to my hotel. Her: Ah well thats ok, but if there is going to be sex, I need some help with my studies. Me: Hmm I see, and how much help do you need? Her: I need 1, 500 for my yada yada. Me: well I was thinking more like 500+ taxi money, but if you can provide special service (anal sex and or come back again) , I suppose I could help that much. Her: (well she did not go for that.) haha oh well! Too mercenary for me anyway.

Note to self (A note to Myself that I share with you). After observing other Western men in the territory, I resolve to:
- Get my weight back under 180lbs.
- Don't be too tall. If I were too tall, I would court E European girls.
- Wear a shirt and trousers, and shoes, a jacket sometimes in the evening. Avoid looking like a pensoner.
- Walk upright, back straight, head erect, eyes bright, mouth closed for Gods sake. Affecting a slightly bemused look on my face. More like Rodger Moore and less like Gandalf.
- Maintain an appearance that I am confident and enjoying myself.
- Keep to a moderate pace, not shuffling, and not rushing about.
- Try not to sweat so much.

01-28-12, 21:16
Heck, one of the girl shacking up with me, sent me a text from her 'other' Sim card, asking if we can meet up, when she was lying next to me. And having screwed me and hadn't even cleaned up her drips. Oh, well, it keeps me entertained though. Haha.Hahaha cracking me up here. Welcome to FILIPINES!

01-28-12, 22:52
Let me know if there's a better place to post this. I'm hoping there maybe some knowledgable members here who can shed some light on this. My situation is as follows: I've started two small businesses in PH with pinays and so far have not been ripped-off. To clarify I should say I've made two personal loans to my two partners and have no legal ownership in the businesses which is the way I required it. But our signed loan agreement specifies a specific business that provides enough return for both of us to make good coin and assure she has enough cash-flow to make payments back to me or reinvest my profit as required. I recently had a payment coming from one of my partners via WU for $1350 and she was only able to send $450 because of restrictions WU has on funds entering and leaving the State I reside. If I send more than $450 I have to provide passport and fill out a pile of paperwork (must have to do with the drug cartels and money laundering). She sent the balance owed to my business bank account here and I paid $15 to receive it (and the bank gets $40 for sending out international funds). I would be happy to set up an account in PH since my partners could make direct deposits and it should be less expensive all around so long as foreigners don't end up having to pay expensive monthly banking fees for the privilege of a savings account when not residing in PH. Before I realized how expensive my bank xfer fees were I was planning to stop using WU and report my gain as income as part of my USA based business. Now I'm thinking I can stay under the radar and let my profit accumulate in a PH bank and use those funds for hotel and food etc when I visit PH and when eventually retire there. Any such thing as a free savings account in PH? I have emailed BDO Unibank with questions about fees and whether they offer online banking. Any and all helpful comments are welcome.

Aussie Jo
01-29-12, 03:43
While on the topic of SIm cards and mobiles I thought I'd share a couple of iPhone4 tips.

When I was with one lady I received a txt while I was in the bathroom. Consequently the phone clinks onto the screen pops the full text of the message and the callers name. Fortunately the lady was asleep but it did et me thinking and looking through the iPhone options.

Now, when I am with a lady or at work I want to manage the risk of people seeing the messages: I change the following options:

For general security.

I'll assume everyone has at least a Unlock PIN code on their screen.

Also, put a PIN code on your SIM in the event it is lost or stolen.

For pinay security.

Settings Sounds Set "Text Tone" to None (means there won't be an audio notification of a new message. Answer at a time that suits you.

Settings Notifications Messages

Alert Style. Set to None, means you have to go into Messages to see messages.

Show Preview. Set to Off, so that the message doesn't appear on the screen when unlocked.

View in Lock Screen. Set to Off, so that no details will appear on the screen when the phone is locked.

You might like to also set these for "calls" as well. Consider what Pinay1 will say when she sees that you had missed calls from "Pinay2-swallows","Pinay3-great tits" and two missed calls from "Pinay8-ms anal"

Just my experience.


Red Kilt
01-29-12, 04:49
. .


. After observing other Western men in the territory, I resolve to:

- Don't be too tall. If I were too tall, I would court E European girls.

- Walk upright, back straight, head erect, eyes bright, mouth closed for Gods sake. Affecting a slightly bemused look on my face. More like Rodger Moore and less like Gandalf. .A few interesting observations Jambo (and obviously written with tongue planted firmly in cheek)

As someone who is 188cm, I find it difficult to follow your suggestion to both walk upright but not be too tall.

I find the height thing to be an advantage when interracting on DIA.

It gives me an opportunity to see if she has a makulit (naughty) streak.

When a woman says "You are soo tall; me I am only 5ft (or whatever)" I can trot out the corny line "Oh well it's OK but we are the same height when we are lying down"

Usually I get the "hehehe you are naughty guy" response which gets the texting onto a new level.

Of course, if there is any adverse reaction to my naughty suggestion, the chat is greatly shortened.

01-29-12, 06:28
- Don't be too tall. If I were too tall, I would court E European girls.I am 6'3" (190cm) no pina has ever said I am too tall. I still get rejected by korean fuckers but those girls are not worth the time.

I still find it strange all these guys coming to cebu just to met internet girls then complain they did not score, learn a big lesson gay men are most of the DIA contacts, they ask you to come here and say BS so that you will send money, so if you visit Cebu for less than 1 month stick to the bars.

Stop using internet it now the biggest scam, next time you come here only use the net in the internet cafe see how many times a guy sits down next to you and logs into dia etc you may even find her is you chat mate, I take it you love chatting sex to boys.

01-29-12, 08:09
Note to self (A note to Myself that I share with you). After observing other Western men in the territory, I resolve to:

- Get my weight back under 180lbs.

- Wear a shirt and trousers, and shoes, a jacket sometimes in the evening. Avoid looking like a pensoner.A while back I got to visit St. Maarten. There's a nude beach (Orient Beach). One might conjer up images of bathing beauties. But the crowded beach was filled with a mix of clothed and nude folk. There was not a single naked person worth looking at. See the picture below (that's a US congressman, vacationing in the caribbean). The naked people on the beach were all 50+, and as you can guess, overweight. Several dudes in their 60's were playing naked 2 vs 2 volleyball. In the same vein, previously I posted about walking thru Ayala mall in Cebu. On the second floor are two coffee shops right next to each other (I think one is Bo's) , and within the two shops there was a gathering of similar older white gents (maybe a dozen between the two shops) , some with their pina gf, all 60+, all overweight. They were having breakfast / lunch, chatting each other, or their gf. They also dressed like the guy in the pic below: shorts, long t-shirts or hawaiian beach shirts (not a single tucked shirt) , and flipflops. I have a lifelong resolve to look:

- More like Roger Moore and less like Gandalf.

X Man
01-29-12, 10:55
Opinion, fact or just outrageous exagerration? I had three of these Internet gals in my bed within six hours of meeting. And they all were female. This was in a two week period. I met two others that didn't work out, but that was me cutting them loose, not the other way around. Maybe the Frenzy is trying to keep all the good ones for himself?

And how do you know the K girls aren't worth it if you've never scored with them?

I am 6'3" (190cm) no pina has ever said I am too tall. I still get rejected by korean fuckers but those girls are not worth the time.

I still find it strange all these guys coming to cebu just to met internet girls then complain they did not score, learn a big lesson gay men are most of the DIA contacts, they ask you to come here and say BS so that you will send money, so if you visit Cebu for less than 1 month stick to the bars.

Stop using internet it now the biggest scam, next time you come here only use the net in the internet cafe see how many times a guy sits down next to you and logs into dia etc you may even find her is you chat mate, I take it you love chatting sex to boys.

Member #4491
01-29-12, 12:08
When a woman says "You are soo tall; me I am only 5ft (or whatever)" I can trot out the corny line "Oh well it's OK but we are the same height when we are lying down"And you also get to put her to the test: "Would you like to date a tall boy? Or perhaps you could not handle his big toy?"

I have noticed that this line will both take her one step closer to action in her mind, and make her understand that she is swimming is a sea filled of female fish and that whilst you might play the dating game for amusement and her imaginary shame reduction, the reality is that she needs to prove herself worthy of lifting your kilt, and not only the other way around as we have been mislead to believe for so many years living in the west. I treat the ladies like ladies and that includes that they need to know their place amongst all available options. I do not mean arrogance but rather a sense of gender equality in the dating game.

I do not want to come across as I am lecturing all the old foxes here, but IMHO I think the biggest turn on for a woman is to see a man that is happy with himself and that are not going for the panties in the first two minutes, Hawaii shirt or not. If you signal that you "know your value", she will want a piece of that cake. I am talking "normal" girls now and not P4P girls that do their selection on different parameters. Sometimes we men can be extremely single minded and believe we must thrust forward to the bed time moment. We are drooling and dripping in our shorts, and confuse the fact that we do not give a shit about the fore play with that fact that it is a deal breaker for any girl that is looking for more than just fast cash. We "impress" and push, when we in fact know that the best sales technique is to go slow and take one step back after every two steps forward. Let her get used to the new position in her head. Trust is familiarity, even when it comes to the idea of having a 100 kilo reject pumping her teenage pussy for hours. Two step forward and then one step back, gents. Impressive clothes might make us feel more self confident and kick up our shares during the initial seconds of talking to the babe, but after that we are naked and need to relay on our mental performance during the rest of the pick up.

Easy does it, not the shorts or the weight.


Red Kilt
01-29-12, 13:13
. .

Stop using internet it now the biggest scam, next time you come here only use the net in the internet cafe see how many times a guy sits down next to you and logs into dia etc you may even find her is you chat mate, I take it you love chatting sex to boys.You are much too broad-brushed in your condemnation of the internet Frenzy.

I agree it CAN be used to scam; I agree that you MIGHT end up chatting to a boy who wants to be a girl; I also know that many girls say things in chat about what they will do and they will not follow up with when they meet in person.

However, speaking personally and on behalf of several close friends who live here, we have had amazing success rates using chat sites (whether free or not) in meeting a wide variety of women.

The internet has pitfalls sure, but so do bars and barfines and freelance meetings etc. If a guy has half a brain and uses fairly simple sieving or filtering techniques then he greatly reduces the likelihood of being scammed.

All options to meet women have their own particular foibles. Frenzy warns about one potential internet pitfall but that is not enough to make anyone abandon the internet entirely as a means of fishing.

01-29-12, 13:40
You are much too broad-brushed in your condemnation of the internet Frenzy.

I agree it CAN be used to scam; I agree that you MIGHT end up chatting to a boy who wants to be a girl; I also know that many girls say things in chat about what they will do and they will not follow up with when they meet in person.

However, speaking personally and on behalf of several close friends who live here, we have had amazing success rates using chat sites (whether free or not) in meeting a wide variety of women.

The internet has pitfalls sure, but so do bars and barfines and freelance meetings etc. If a guy has half a brain and uses fairly simple sieving or filtering techniques then he greatly reduces the likelihood of being scammed.

All options to meet women have their own particular foibles. Frenzy warns about one potential internet pitfall but that is not enough to make anyone abandon the internet entirely as a means of fishing.That is exactly my point it works for those who spend time here, not the guys who visit short time, it just there is a increase of guys coming to Cebu posting that the place suxs, they do not visit bars and just get messed around with lady boys and girls just wanting cash. I know you and more experienced guys are doing ok, and I do not expect any one to follow my advice, but hope the guys who do visit here and bomb out relise it not the place but their expectations from the lies they get from the scammers on the dating sites.

Hey I like a bit of free entertainment, but it going to far when guys fly here only to find out 80% of the girls do not exist, and then they missed out on the bars

01-29-12, 14:04
That is exactly my point it works for those who spend time here, not the guys who visit short time, it just there is a increase of guys coming to Cebu posting that the place suxs, they do not visit bars and just get messed around with lady boys and girls just wanting cash.I think it has less to do with long or short-term residents, and probably more to do with the average punter who comes here with the absurd notion that young women will fall at their flip-flopped feet. I'm surely not an expert on Cebu-a place to which I go only twice or so a year-but it can't be that much different than Davao, and most of the guys I see wandering around lost and bewildered here couldn't attract iron filings with a magnet. Have these guys abjured mirrors forever? Frenzy is right about having unrealistic expectations; to with, walking around in unpressed shorts, wrinkled tee shirts and flip flops is not a great recipe for success. Convincing yourself that something magical happened during the plane ride and you are now god's gift to the female gender is not only delusional, but pathetic. Clean up. Develop something more clever than "hey baby" as an opening line, and you might find that success is just around the corner.


01-29-12, 17:54
I think it has less to do with long or short-term residents, and probably more to do with the average punter who comes here with the absurd notion that young women will fall at their flip-flopped feet. Have these guys abjured mirrors forever? Frenzy is right about having unrealistic expectations; to with, walking around in unpressed shorts, wrinkled tee shirts and flip flops is not a great recipe for success. Clean up. Develop something more clever than "hey baby" as an opening line, and you might find that success is just around the corner.

GECould not have said it better myself.

Will respectfully disagree with Frenzy and possibly RK here just a bit, regarding the expat regular and the 2-week visiting warrior. Of the dozen or so white kano I saw in the coffee shops on the second floor (having coffee, chatting together, reading the paper) , the handful of other kano walking the mall at 11:30am, and the three kano I saw sitting in the hallway at the indoor / outdoor restaurant just inside the entrance, I'd say most or all are expats, not weekend warriors. I saw the same group of guys in those upstairs coffee shops more than one day in my one-week visit; hence I'd say they are regulars. With the exception of myself, all white foreigner in Ayala were 60+, all were overweight, all were wearing flip-flops, all were wearing shorts (oh! Those milk-white, vericose-veined legs!) , and only one had tucked his shirt tucked in. Remember Ron Howard movie,"Cocoon", with Wilford Brimley heading to the swimming pool in shorts, untucked hawaiian shirt, and flipflops? Ya, that's who was in those coffee shops. Its a given that at least half those guys are local expats. Nothing says,"I'm-going-to-ignore-everything-good-my-mama-taught-me-and-dress-poorly-here-like-I-would-never-dress-at-home-and-disrespect-your-culture" like flip-flops away from the beach. Well, possibly the shirt not tucked in to hide the beer belly. So, what is it among us, that makes us the ones not to clean up? Why can't we wear sandals (not flipflops)? Why is it we can't seem to tuck our shirts in? Why is it we don't seem to own any long pants (blue jeans would be fine)? Frenzy's right: we shoot ourselves in the foot.

Member #4351
01-29-12, 18:02
Why is it we can't seem to tuck our shirts in?Because if one is somewhat overweight, it looks better to leave the shirt out.

01-30-12, 00:53
Because if one is somewhat overweight, it looks better to leave the shirt out.Hahaha. Stay indoors.

Red Kilt
01-30-12, 02:50
Why is it we can't seem to tuck our shirts in?This whole debate about clothing and appearance is actually quite interesting.

Historically, the Spanish required all of the indios (or locals) to leave their shirts out so as to identify themselves.

The aristocracy tucked their shirts in, which, incidentally, most of us do when we are back home in Australia, USA, UK or wherever.

A girl once told me that she knew I was a foreigner because my shirt was tucked into my trousers. The locals notice it.

Red Kilt
01-30-12, 02:54
That is exactly my point it works for those who spend time here, not the guys who visit short time, it just there is a increase of guys coming to Cebu posting that the place suxs, they do not visit bars and just get messed around with lady boys and girls just wanting cash. I know you and more experienced guys are doing ok, and I do not expect any one to follow my advice, but hope the guys who do visit here and bomb out relise it not the place but their expectations from the lies they get from the scammers on the dating sites.

Hey I like a bit of free entertainment, but it going to far when guys fly here only to find out 80% of the girls do not exist, and then they missed out on the barsNo argument from me Frenzy over your points made above.

I think we agree on the basic points. You and I just express ourselves in a different way

Econo Tech
01-30-12, 03:03
You might like to also set these for "calls" as well. Consider what Pinay1 will say when she sees that you had missed calls from "Pinay2-swallows","Pinay3-great tits" and two missed calls from "Pinay8-ms anal"

Just my experience.

AJThat reminds me of a friend, who has in his Phil phone, names like "Joey Preg","Janny Joey Preg Sis","Lila Joey Preg Sis","Lyn Joey Preg sister".

Seems that he got one girl pregnant, and then ended up screwing the other 3 sisters too, with the approval of the pregnant sister. And he was trying to remember who is who LOL

Cunning Stunt
01-30-12, 04:01
Incredible! This forum covers some amazing and arcane subject matter but whether or not to tuck has to be a subliminal first.

I never tuck in the tropics but always tuck in the west. Weird. I've never given much thought about it before but I guess in a tropical country it is cooler (climatically not temperamentally) to leave ones shirt outside ones trousers, and in The Philippines it is the done thing so one is following the accepted mores of the local populace. It adds a little more security as well as the back trousers pocket and wallet are covered.

I always think it looks a little bit anal when I see a foreigner with his shirt (and especially a t-shirt) tightly tucked into his trousers particularly if he is dressed in shorts. But maybe that is just laid back, little old me.

Punter 127
01-30-12, 04:15
Incredible! This forum covers some amazing and arcane subject matter but whether or not to tuck has to be a subliminal first.

I never tuck in the tropics but always tuck in the west. Weird. I've never given much thought about it before but I guess in a tropical country it is cooler (climatically not temperamentally) to leave ones shirt outside ones trousers, and in The Philippines it is the done thing so one is following the accepted mores of the local populace. It adds a little more security as well as the back trousers pocket and wallet are covered.

I always think it looks a little bit anal when I see a foreigner with his shirt (and especially a t-shirt) tightly tucked into his trousers particularly if he is dressed in shorts. But maybe that is just laid back, little old me.I agree with you, it's a new low for the forum.

Anybody that comes to Philippines and can't get laid has bigger problems than his f*cking shirt being tucked in!

01-30-12, 04:16
This whole debate about clothing and appearance is actually quite interesting.

Historically, the Spanish required all of the indios (or locals) to leave their shirts out so as to identify themselves.

The aristocracy tucked their shirts in, which, incidentally, most of us do when we are back home in Australia, USA, UK or wherever.

A girl once told me that she knew I was a foreigner because my shirt was tucked into my trousers. The locals notice it.This is a debate that will just go on and on and on and on. I have seen plenty of smelly slobs across the world. Wherever I am I am always freshly showered and shaved. For health reasons I walk the malls. That's what I'm doing is walking. I'm not looking for poontang nor do I have the delusional thoughts that I'm going to pick up some 19 year old student while doing my health walking. By the time those lazy girls are out of bed, I'm already back home from walking.

If I'm going to the market down the street then its shorts, flip flops, shirt out and baseball hat. If the gf and I are going to a nice lunch, dinner or party, I know how to dress. I'm a "suit" here in the USA and dress appropriately at least 4 days a week so I like dressing down when I can. Perhaps the distinguishing factor is no matter where I am at, is I am always freshly showered and shaved and smell good no matter how many times that may be required in a day. My clothes are always clean and crisp whether in a beach town or the CBD in Makati.

Some guys don't like to wear shorts. Others like to dress "up." Its all a personal choice but a couple of quick showers and shaves a day coupled with proper judgment and discretion on how to dress go a long way. But, if its a guy's choice to sleep with dogs, he's going to get fleas anyway.

01-31-12, 19:08
I had a pm from a guy in his 50s divorced this is my reply I think guys comming to PI should read, when I wrote the last paragraph I thought I should post it here.

I am not a big writer. But first go AC for 10 days more bars and it the easy place to get a girl to stay with you. Do not DATY they are not always STD free. Same for condoms use them. You can buy Chinese Viagra for 40 peso a pill take 1-2 a day you will be like a teen age boy. Get fit before you come to PI walk, push and sit ups. I am 45 living here so being 50 you should have fun in pussy heaven.

One last thing do not sponsor a girl until you move here just pay them for sex there is always more girls and bar girls are only for fucking. My photo of girls are gf not bar girls. So be ready to harden up no bar girl died of starvation but many guys suicide due to handing over all their savings to a bar girl.

Chill Out
01-31-12, 20:13
What is so wrong about wearing flip-flops away from the beach? It's certainly a look that is sported by many Asians, as well as westerners even when living back in the west.

02-01-12, 06:44
I had a pm from a guy in his 50s divorced this is my reply I think guys comming to PI should read, when I wrote the last paragraph I thought I should post it here.

I am not a big writer. But first go AC for 10 days more bars and it the easy place to get a girl to stay with you. Do not DATY they are not always STD free. Same for condoms use them. You can buy Chinese Viagra for 40 peso a pill take 1-2 a day you will be like a teen age boy. Get fit before you come to PI walk, push and sit ups. I am 45 living here so being 50 you should have fun in pussy heaven.

One last thing do not sponsor a girl until you move here just pay them for sex there is always more girls and bar girls are only for fucking. My photo of girls are gf not bar girls. So be ready to harden up no bar girl died of starvation but many guys suicide due to handing over all their savings to a bar girl.LOL, reminds me of quote I heard in Cebu during my last trip.

"A small pussy can feed a large house". This is truly the attitude of many

Destitute families in Phils.

Newbies be very aware!

02-06-12, 14:50
Keep in mind that the official dress of the Philippines is the barong, which is worn outside the pants.

This could infer that all filipinos would follow similar dress rules.


Cool Traveler
02-06-12, 20:33
Any of you guys in the garment industry in Phillipines. Need some information, and aid in procuring some materials.


02-08-12, 07:41

Has anybody been to Samal Island? I will be rolling through Philippines in March. I am done with the Angeles seen.

02-08-12, 11:23

Has anybody been to Samal Island? I will be rolling through Philippines in March. I am done with the Angeles seen.I've been many times since at it's closest point Samal is only about a 10 minute boat ride from Davao. However, Samal is quite large, and there are several resorts in many locations, so to get some useful information, your questions will have to be somewhat more focused.

Snow Koala
02-08-12, 15:13
How about an alternative point of view. Since you have a big belly and it costs lots of money to fill that and maintain it, you must have a big wallet.


Could not have said it better myself.

Will respectfully disagree with Frenzy and possibly RK here just a bit, regarding the expat regular and the 2-week visiting warrior. Of the dozen or so white kano I saw in the coffee shops on the second floor (having coffee, chatting together, reading the paper) , the handful of other kano walking the mall at 11:30am, and the three kano I saw sitting in the hallway at the indoor / outdoor restaurant just inside the entrance, I'd say most or all are expats, not weekend warriors. I saw the same group of guys in those upstairs coffee shops more than one day in my one-week visit; hence I'd say they are regulars. With the exception of myself, all white foreigner in Ayala were 60+, all were overweight, all were wearing flip-flops, all were wearing shorts (oh! Those milk-white, vericose-veined legs!) , and only one had tucked his shirt tucked in. Remember Ron Howard movie,"Cocoon", with Wilford Brimley heading to the swimming pool in shorts, untucked hawaiian shirt, and flipflops? Ya, that's who was in those coffee shops. Its a given that at least half those guys are local expats. Nothing says,"I'm-going-to-ignore-everything-good-my-mama-taught-me-and-dress-poorly-here-like-I-would-never-dress-at-home-and-disrespect-your-culture" like flip-flops away from the beach. Well, possibly the shirt not tucked in to hide the beer belly. So, what is it among us, that makes us the ones not to clean up? Why can't we wear sandals (not flipflops)? Why is it we can't seem to tuck our shirts in? Why is it we don't seem to own any long pants (blue jeans would be fine)? Frenzy's right: we shoot ourselves in the foot.

02-09-12, 01:12

Has anybody been to Samal Island? I will be rolling through Philippines in March. I am done with the Angeles seen.I suggest (politely) , that you read TFF, UB. There have been several excellent reports in the forum by guys who know Davao and Samal. Just put 'Samal' into the search field. Definitely a BYOB kind of place.

Member #4491
02-09-12, 03:21

Has anybody been to Samal Island? I will be rolling through Philippines in March. I am done with the Angeles seen.Hello!

This should be in the Davao thread so I posted the reply there.


02-09-12, 23:59
I suggest (politely) , that you read TFF, UB. There have been several excellent reports in the forum by guys who know Davao and Samal. Just put 'Samal' into the search field. Definitely a BYOB kind of place.Many thanks to all!

Member #4491
02-11-12, 00:38
Any of you guys in the garment industry in Phillipines. Need some information, and aid in procuring some materials.

CTI was going to write "go to Bangladesh" but then I found these reports.



"The textile and garment sector in the Philippines is a vital part of the country's economy. It has 320, 000 employees, making it the largest employer in the manufacturing sector with 11% of the national total.

An additional 700, 000 people are employed as home-workers and small sub-contractors."

I never knew that this was so big in the Philippines. Would be interesting to know where these 320 K workers are concentrated to.

Apparently they are in trouble though.


Cool Traveler why don't you try Alibaba? Easy way to find most one could wish to to import.



02-11-12, 01:29
Hey Everyone, just wanted to pass along something that I just experienced with the DIA girls. I have been talking to several for my upcoming trip to Angeles City and Manila. I have been talking to additional girls with the plans of having some back-ups. I found out that when I was talking to a couple of the girls that I would all of a sudden start getting emails from several girls from the same city. Come to find out that the girl / s I was talking to had her friends send me emails seeing if I tried to set up something with them also. Seems that they have caught on to some near-do-well foreigners interested in their body parts for nothing but pleasure. Just be aware especially if you start getting lots of messages from girls near the ones your talking too. Obviously harder in the bigger cities but when you don't get many message and then start getting alot from one geographical areas then it should raise some red flags. I do know the one thing these girls hate is men who lie to them. Obviously they are fine if it's the other way around.Yeah, they pass your I'd around and then they all ask for money. And it evolves and evolves and evolves.

Just block the ones that ask for help in any way, shap or form. Problem is that you will still be getting messages from their sisters, nieces and baklas in the family. I think I got it under control but I dunno.

Red Kilt
02-11-12, 03:23
. Seems that they have caught on to some near-do-well foreigners interested in their body parts for nothing but pleasure. I do know the one thing these girls hate is men who lie to them.It just reinforces what a few other regular posters and I have been saying on here for a long time.

Be honest and frank in your profile, but use subtle language so that you will not be reported and banned from the site.

My profile shows my marital status; why I am there; why I am not looking for a wife; what I am seeking.

With such a profile I get a very low percentage of women who actually send me a message or "Show Interest" but it sieves out the women who are looking for the "happy ever afters". Guys who spin silly lies just to meet good-looking women will come undone more and more when the women become more and more savvy. I had the same experience as Vielendank with several girls from the same group sending me messages but for all the right reasons. They knew I wanted more than one friend and the first woman shared my name and so they all wanted to be in on it.

The irony is that the more honest And direct That you seem to be, the more women like it. I chuckle when I read here about all the lies and scams that women use with guys but nobody seems to acknowledge that the same complaining guys are usually spinning all manner of lies to the women too. It is a vicious circle and we won't stop it.

02-11-12, 05:30
Hey Everyone, just wanted to pass along something that I just experienced with the DIA girls. I have been talking to several for my upcoming trip to Angeles City and Manila. I have been talking to additional girls with the plans of having some back-ups. I found out that when I was talking to a couple of the girls that I would all of a sudden start getting emails from several girls from the same city. Come to find out that the girl / s I was talking to had her friends send me emails seeing if I tried to set up something with them also. Seems that they have caught on to some near-do-well foreigners interested in their body parts for nothing but pleasure. Just be aware especially if you start getting lots of messages from girls near the ones your talking too. Obviously harder in the bigger cities but when you don't get many message and then start getting alot from one geographical areas then it should raise some red flags. I do know the one thing these girls hate is men who lie to them. Obviously they are fine if it's the other way around.What you do not understand is most of small towns are real small, they have nothing much to talk about, so they do talk about you. As for the lies the ones who lie are LB and scammers. So many guys are lying to the girls, the girls start of good then learn the game. So blame the idiots who try get free pussy or free cam to cam, these girls spend time and money to get online the 20 peso they spend comes out of their limited income, so the lies can cost the girls a lot.

I for one tell guys leave the online girls alone, just come here most will never meet you if you do not send money and even then they will not meet you. Get here and meet girls who are here and want to meet you. If your here for a week go to bars and discos, longer just be here going out you will meet plenty of girls.

Stroker Ace88
02-11-12, 07:08
It just reinforces what a few other regular posters and I have been saying on here for a long time.

Be honest and frank in your profile, but use subtle language so that you will not be reported and banned from the site.

My profile shows my marital status; why I am there; why I am not looking for a wife; what I am seeking.

With such a profile I get a very low percentage of women who actually send me a message or "Show Interest" but it sieves out the women who are looking for the "happy ever afters". Guys who spin silly lies just to meet good-looking women will come undone more and more when the women become more and more savvy. I had the same experience as Vielendank with several girls from the same group sending me messages but for all the right reasons. They knew I wanted more than one friend and the first woman shared my name and so they all wanted to be in on it.

The irony is that the more honest And direct That you seem to be, the more women like it. I chuckle when I read here about all the lies and scams that women use with guys but nobody seems to acknowledge that the same complaining guys are usually spinning all manner of lies to the women too. It is a vicious circle and we won't stop it.Red Kilt,

You touch on some good points and shine a light on an issue that some members I assume would rather keep quiet as it's rarely discussed here. Men who scam and lie to women either with dating profile descriptions, chat promises or promises made in person that they have no intentions of keeping.

Have you ever taken a look and browsed the profiles of men seeking women on some of the asian dating sites? Ay caramba! Seems there are endless romantics and countless guys seeking a wife and many more that claim to be seeking only special women in there life. I have only seen a few profiles that are blunt and are straight to the point.

Why would I browse profiles of other guys? Simple, to understand the actions and reactions of most filipinas, one needs to understand what kinds of influences they are exposed to. With extended time spent in the Philippines one can learn to understand the cultural inflections to a certain extent but IMO most women online are guided by experiences and interactions with foreigners both good and bad that shape there outlook.

I do think some of the guys online are seriously looking for a wife, but they are a very small percentage. Most of the guys online are chat and webcam warriors and have no intention of getting on a plane. I guesstimate the number of guys on any given dating website that will visit the Philippines soon or visits on a regular basis is below 15. That means most women online have to deal with alot of bola and broken promises, and it's those interactions that contribute to shape her thoughts and actions.

Guys are quick to post so-called "scammer" profiles in the chat rooms and pen-pals thread when they encounter one, very few stop to think about the equal quantities of guys online who scam them right back with endless promises and lies.

Personally, my profile is basic and simple with very few words. I always send a clear initial private message to someone that catches my eye that I am not seeking a wife, fun only. From my experience I get an even 50-50 split between outright rejection and women that are ok with what I am seeking. Of the 50% that claim to be ok, a further 25% will still refuse and back out along the way. It saves alot of time and headaches when the women know what I want and that leads to more jerjer time.

X Man
02-11-12, 16:49
Years ago I flew into Dumaguete from Manila and on the airplane I struck up a conversation with a non-Filipino. It seems he was into a bz making backpacks. Not exactly textiles, but close enough.

I was going to write "go to Bangladesh" but then I found these reports.



02-12-12, 15:11
Towards the end of my last trip, I was staying with Miss J1, who was working.

So I had the days clear to do what I wanted.

So I arranged to meet Miss A1, with whom I had met through Cherry Blossoms some time ago. We met at the Podium Mall, very close to where I was staying. The intention was to have a coffee, or lunch, put a name to a face and body for later liaisons.

When she arrived, I was taken aback. She looked a lot more attractive than her photos. Bonus. Interestingly, when I remarked that she looked very young for a 30 year old, she said that she is really 24. Why would she fake her age up?

So we chatted away nicely, and then there was that lull in the conversation that heralds something interesting. So I asked her what she wanted to do.

No reply.

So I asked if she would like to come to the hotel to watch some TV. Yes. So we walked there, up to the room. Sat at the head of the bed and on with the TV. But she wanted to kiss and cuddle, and very soon we were naked. And she was very wet.

So I started to stroke and generally get her started, but no need, she was awash, and very hot. So I rolled her on top of me, and went to slide into her, but very tight resistance. Then it dawned on me, so I asked if she was a virgin. Yes.

Switched to virgin deflowering mode, and very slowly eased into her, with her in control. Once I was inside, we stopped, stayed still, and I welcomed her into the world of womanhood.

She was so tight, and so passionate, that it only took a few strokes for her to get a bellyful of my essential bodily fluids.

We just stayed still again, while I stroked her all over, and calmed her down. Then we had a cuddle and a smooch. She got dressed, and we went out.

Just wonderful.

This trip, we arranged for her to stay over for 2 days. Wow, what a woman. Intensely passionate, horny as hell, wants servicing all day and night. And she is such a lovely woman to boot. Not educated, but smart and intelligent. And very attractive in a simple faced way.

A real keeper.


02-12-12, 15:52
Towards the end of this last trip, I had arranged with Miss A2 that she would meet up and stay with me for 2 days. I reckon that this is enough time to get to know whether she is a long term prospect / keeper or not. She is 32, or thereabouts, lives in Cavite.

We had a few texts back and forth during the morning to confirm her progress. And she turned up exactly on time, to the minute. A text to say that she was outside, and was it OK that her friend is with her. OK.

So down I went. She was just like her photos and her profile. A plain face, big nervous smile. 5'7" tall and skinny. Just how I like them. Her friend was the opposite, the classical short, fat, ugly sidekick.

So I invited them to the resto next door to get a feeling for what was going to happen. We all ordered, chatted while we ate. It transpired that the ugly friend came to show Miss A2 how to get to the hotel. I had been telling her to take a taxi, but it had not registered. And then towards the finish, the friend announced that she was going back, and I should look after Miss A2. Yes Maam.

So Miss ugly disappeared into the throng, and Miss A2 and I proceeded upstairs. Once ensconced, she was pretty keen to get on with the kissing and fondling, and pretty soon we were naked on the bed. She was trembling in anticipation, and extremely wet. Her juices were running down her legs. So I just rolled her on top of me and went to slip into her. But I could not slip in. Then it dawned on me, and I asked if she was a virgin. Yes. So I shifted into virgin deflowering mode, and we jointly worked to get me inside her. Once I was there, she was breathing so heavily, chest heaving.

So I welcomed her to the world of womanhood, and I proceeded, to tell her what I was going to do, and what was going to happen. She was so tight, and so wet, that again, I came pretty quickly. I told her that I had come, and she was breathing heavily. So we just lay there, she on top of me, and I stroked her all over, calm her down, talk quietly into her ear. After a while, I rolled her off, we wrapped arms around, and drifted off into a lovely snooze.

We woke up early evening, went out to eat. Then back to the room. During our conversations, I was getting the feeling that she was so uneducated, so shielded from the world, that she would need intensive support.

She was pretty keen for round 2, which we did in a very slow style, lots of foreplay to get her some understanding of what sexual pleasure is all about. But she could not come that time.

Again, we drifted off to sleep.

Next morning, we had a cuddle and a smooch, and then downstairs for breakfast. Somehow the conversation got round to how she would get home. And I was astounded when she said that she could not get home by herself, from Ortigas to Cavite. Even if I walked her down to the MRT station, and put her on the right train, she could not do it. Wow. 32 years old.

Some time later, when we were back in the room, I told her that I thought that we were not suitable for each other, because I needed a woman who could find her way around, could fly from place to place, who could get things done by herself.

She was sad, but she understood what I was saying, and soon after that, we parted as friends. She had some money for a taxi fare to take her all the way home to Cavite, and I put her into a taxi at the door of the hotel. Wow.

Red Kilt
02-17-12, 05:57
I was reading an article on Whitney Houston's death today and speculation about what the toxicology studies regarding what caused her death will show when they are available.

The article further speculates that her death will be shown to have been caused by mixing prescription drugs with alcohol.

The article (in NY Times) then went on to report the data gathered over the past year about the number of people who have died from mixing prescription drugs with alcohol.

I then started thinking about the number of guys who come here for a riotous 2 or 3 weeks, pop a Viagra or Cialis or Andros (whether legitimate from a Pharmacy or whether from the street containing unknown ingredients) every day or second day, and then go out drinking all manner of alcoholic cocktails (beer, vodka + Red Bull, mixes of beer, shooters etc) and follow it up with an energetic romp with a EWR woman later in the night.

It seems to me that given the percentage of self-confessed unfit, over-weight mongers around, all these combos are quite lethal and need a bit more thought.

I wonder just how many mongers in AC or Manila or anywhere else actually drop dead whilst in the throes of pleasure. I imagine it doesn't make the newspapers if someone dies "peacefully" and from apparent natural causes with no suspicious circumstances. It also makes me think that some of the Obituary columns in "Harry the Horse" may well have been generated by guys both old and young taking uncontrolled doses of medication washed down by copious amounts of alcohol and then busting a fuse in the bed with a horny little bedmate for the night.

Food for thought I reckon.

02-18-12, 11:56
Having recently finished a short trip to the Phils (3 weeks) , I had my mandatory full scan for STI.

While there, I sexed 10 women, including 5 new ones. Result. Nil return.

This brings the total number of women that I have sexed bareback to about 400. I think that I have used a condom once or twice in my life. Never contracted any form of STI. And my regular doc, who expresses amazement at all of this, assures me that I can not be naturally immune to STI.

However, I have been nicked, so there is no risk of pregnancy.

Maybe, just maybe, the risks that we get fed by various governments are deliberately over inflated, and there is some other cause for the continuous calls for safe sex.

Cause for some thought and serious statistical risk analysis.


Member #4351
02-18-12, 15:22
Never contracted any form of STI.Circumcised, right?

02-18-12, 15:36
I then started thinking about the number of guys who come here for a riotous 2 or 3 weeks, pop a Viagra or Cialis or Andros (whether legitimate from a Pharmacy or whether from the street containing unknown ingredients) every day or second day, and then go out drinking all manner of alcoholic cocktails (beer, vodka + Red Bull, mixes of beer, shooters etc) and follow it up with an energetic romp with a EWR woman later in the night.

It seems to me that given the percentage of self-confessed unfit, over-weight mongers around, all these combos are quite lethal and need a bit more thought.

I wonder just how many mongers in AC or Manila or anywhere else actually drop dead whilst in the throes of pleasure. I imagine it doesn't make the newspapers if someone dies "peacefully" and from apparent natural causes with no suspicious circumstances. It also makes me think that some of the Obituary columns in "Harry the Horse" may well have been generated by guys both old and young taking uncontrolled doses of medication washed down by copious amounts of alcohol and then busting a fuse in the bed with a horny little bedmate for the night.

Food for thought I reckon.If ya gotta go, not a bad way. Rather die in the saddle than wasting away in a hospital or nursing home.

Member #4491
02-18-12, 23:02
Circumcised, right?Either that or a red clown nose. LOL. There is also a correlation between global warming and a decline of the number of pirates in the Caribbean sea.

Just pulling your leg a bit now David, but in my belief cutting off the foreskin will have little effect on many STD:s, considering how they are transmitted. Personally I think the studies that I have seen either direct or in reference, either where done on to small groups and / or did not take cultural differences (behavioral patterns) into consideration. These reports seem to be selling something else than health. Given the cleverness of evolution one could wonder why uncircumcised men did not turn into circumcised men as time passed, but on the other hand we are constantly evolving so in 1000 years we might not even have dicks (how lucky are we not to live right now).

Some fractions of some cultures suggests that they practiced this "forever" for hygiene reasons, but "forever" is a puff in universe in this context. Cutting of the foreskin can be seen as a revolution, I. E. A fast but manipulated evolution, and the motives or outcome of such, has little relevance in the unmerciful progress of natural selection.

In any case this topic has been discussed many times here and I do not want to start a storm of opinions again, so I blame Saturday boredom for this post and beg your indulgence and patience.

To contribute something substantial, other than possibly to refrain from buying a scalpel, I can advice bareback readers to try for example Alibaba. Com for instant STD tests. Buy 100 of some brand you find trustworthy, and you will be at least slightly more equipped to avoid catching something nasty.


All the best from Barba.

STD free with foreskin.

Red Kilt
02-19-12, 05:40
. .

Maybe, just maybe, the risks that we get fed by various governments are deliberately over inflated, and there is some other cause for the continuous calls for safe sex.

Cause for some thought and serious statistical risk analysis.

GI am not clear why you feel the need to be such an advocate for bareback sex Gangles.

Your statistics of zero from 400 can probably be matched by someone here with 3 from 10.

Guys who get regular STIs are hardly likely to come on here and boast about it.

For me, statistics don't mean anything. Just one instance would be enough for me.

On Friday I learned about a 21 year old who developed Chlamydia that ended up as a major pelvic infection with complications and she has just had her uterus removed. She knows who gave it to her. It is not always all about the guy being protected. Women need protection too. In your case you are vasectomised so that eliminates one element of "risk" for you in that you know the woman will not get preggers.

I think it is more salutary to just do what you want rather than try to convince others to do what you do. Bit like missionaries really.

Member #4491
02-19-12, 13:35
I think it is more salutary to just do what you want rather than try to convince others to do what you do. Bit like missionaries really.I want to add that I totally agree. I was raised in an era where we where thought to wear dry suits when we have sex so for me bareback, strange enough, is the unnatural state. But still the better of the two, of course. My post is not an attempt to motivate anyone to exchange condoms for rapid test kits. But IF you are going to do it, it is better to test yourself and the girl first. Some of these tests are the ones they use in clinics in some parts of the world. You can still miss an infection that did not develop (read up folks) , but doing a a test is better than nothing. And you get to play doctor as well.


02-19-12, 13:39
If ya gotta go, not a bad way. Rather die in the saddle than wasting away in a hospital or nursing home.If you read The Inquirer or other local papers in Phils, there are regular cases of guys popping their clogs, in Sogos and the other similar cases. You never know what happened in the room before you and honey were there. LOL

02-19-12, 16:14
Hey there RK.

If you go back over my post, you will not find any advocacy on my part for barebacking. I said that I do it, but I did not suggest that you should do it.

I have a lot of applied statistics at post grad level, so all that I do is to post the numbers. No more.

But part of the reason why I do so is that so-called risk levels broadcast by governments do not add up when the actual numbers are revealed. That is, we are being deliberately fed incorrect information which is deliberately designed to promote fear in our communities.

And if you remember my earlier post about the psyche in western society is fear, this fits the pattern.

We are being kept in a state of continuous fear by our governments. And in my opinion, this is one kind of fear campaign that we do not need.

Do you remember the Grim Reaper campaign, to create unrealistic fear of AIDS in heterosexual couples? That was an utter disgrace, when the rate of infection among heterosexual couples, from sex only, is about 5 persons per year. That is negligible when compared with mortality rates from driving cars. Thousands per year.

However, I do admit that the concepts of applied statistics and risk analysis are a bit technical.

So what I am advocating is that you take a long hard look at the types of campaigns, such as safe sex, which are being promoted by governments.


I am not clear why you feel the need to be such an advocate for bareback sex Gangles.

Your statistics of zero from 400 can probably be matched by someone here with 3 from 10.

Guys who get regular STIs are hardly likely to come on here and boast about it.

For me, statistics don't mean anything. Just one instance would be enough for me.

On Friday I learned about a 21 year old who developed Chlamydia that ended up as a major pelvic infection with complications and she has just had her uterus removed. She knows who gave it to her. It is not always all about the guy being protected. Women need protection too. In your case you are vasectomised so that eliminates one element of "risk" for you in that you know the woman will not get preggers.

I think it is more salutary to just do what you want rather than try to convince others to do what you do. Bit like missionaries really.

02-19-12, 18:31
Having recently finished a short trip to the Phils (3 weeks) , I had my mandatory full scan for STI.

While there, I sexed 10 women, including 5 new ones. Result. Nil return.

This brings the total number of women that I have sexed bareback to about 400. I think that I have used a condom once or twice in my life. Never contracted any form of STI. And my regular doc, who expresses amazement at all of this, assures me that I can not be naturally immune to STI.

However, I have been nicked, so there is no risk of pregnancy.

Maybe, just maybe, the risks that we get fed by various governments are deliberately over inflated, and there is some other cause for the continuous calls for safe sex.

Cause for some thought and serious statistical risk analysis.

GI guess you have been lucky so far. Do not push it. Bareback sex with girls of unknown past definitely will put you at risk of catching something. Even with "regular " girls nothing is foolproof.

Most often you get other than HIV. I am sure all mongers have caught something at times. Some may never know because either they had no symptoms or took antibiotics. Many girls also do not know if they are infected because of no symptoms. Also it is a proven point that not everybody who has sex with infected person will catch it. Lot to do with personal resistance.

Chocha Monger
02-20-12, 06:56
Having recently finished a short trip to the Phils (3 weeks) , I had my mandatory full scan for STI.

While there, I sexed 10 women, including 5 new ones. Result. Nil return.

This brings the total number of women that I have sexed bareback to about 400. I think that I have used a condom once or twice in my life. Never contracted any form of STI. And my regular doc, who expresses amazement at all of this, assures me that I can not be naturally immune to STI.

However, I have been nicked, so there is no risk of pregnancy.

Maybe, just maybe, the risks that we get fed by various governments are deliberately over inflated, and there is some other cause for the continuous calls for safe sex.

Cause for some thought and serious statistical risk analysis.

GThis is not so unusual. There are a lot of mongers out there who routinely go skinless. Those who use condoms rarely do so consistently. Pinays prefer it skinless with the load delivered inside as nature intended anyway. This is especially true if the guy is considered a boyfriend.

02-20-12, 14:25
Some punters may recognise that my post contained "raw data", that is direct, immediate measurement.

This is priceless.

By the time a punter gets some so-called statistical data, the (government) agency which collected and / or published it, has usually processed it, adjusted it, corrected it, so that the punter is totally obstructed from making their own judgements.

And of course all governments have their own political agendas. For example, the Australian publishes numbers or reported HIV infections each year. These are about 1100 per year. And the implication is included in the press release that couples need to practice safe sex to avoid the risk of HIV / AiIDS. That is, a rate of 1100 per year in a population of 22 million. But the press releases never include the breakdown of reported cases into the relevant risk groups; that is male homosexuals, inteavenous drug users, and straight heterosexuals, practicing heterosexual sex. This last number is usually about 5. That is 5 cases in 22 million people, per year. That is effectively negligible risk. Why does the govt not publish this number? Because straight heterosexuals would no longer be afraid.

I would be interested to get other raw data from punters. How many women you think you have sexed, what percentage of those were bareback, whether you have contracted and STIs, and whether some of the women that you have sexed were marriage or long term relationships.

This could give us some real data to carry out some analyses, and to get some real truth.

Fast Buck Artist
02-20-12, 14:49
This barebacking discussion is endless. The guys who bareback will continue doing so regardless of the risks. A quick trip to the african forum of ISG will offer ample evidence of that.

The endless supply of these spunky knights without shining armor makes it important for the rest of us to protect ourselves.

I got chlamydia twice when I was young and it was a double warning message reminder to keep the shields up. I feel much better with a condom on, both physically (it makes me last longer) and of course emotionally (knowing to be protected).

The most annoying STD for me is actually the. Common cold and flu! First thing that happens when I travel to a new area and meet a new damsel there, is to pick up her cold infection, and spend the next 3 days with running nose, sandpaper throat, headache and other ailments mockingly described by the ladies as "man-flu".

02-20-12, 15:18
Hey there RK.

If you go back over my post, you will not find any advocacy on my part for barebacking. I said that I do it, but I did not suggest that you should do it.

I have a lot of applied statistics at post grad level, so all that I do is to post the numbers. No more.

But part of the reason why I do so is that so-called risk levels broadcast by governments do not add up when the actual numbers are revealed. That is, we are being deliberately fed incorrect information which is deliberately designed to promote fear in our communities.

And if you remember my earlier post about the psyche in western society is fear, this fits the pattern.

We are being kept in a state of continuous fear by our governments. And in my opinion, this is one kind of fear campaign that we do not need.

Do you remember the Grim Reaper campaign, to create unrealistic fear of AIDS in heterosexual couples? That was an utter disgrace, when the rate of infection among heterosexual couples, from sex only, is about 5 persons per year. That is negligible when compared with mortality rates from driving cars. Thousands per year.

However, I do admit that the concepts of applied statistics and risk analysis are a bit technical.

So what I am advocating is that you take a long hard look at the types of campaigns, such as safe sex, which are being promoted by governments.

G.You are right on with your comments. Another issue is the liars. It is unfortunate actually. Doctors joke how 100% of patients lie when it comes to medical history. More and more gays and Bi's getting HIV are stating they are Hetero. They do not want the stima or judging that goes with gay sex.

They feel if they say they got it from hetero, people will be more accepting. Some of you claim to know heteros who caught HIV.

Do you really know them? Do you follow them 24/7? There are many closet gays, Bi's, and ladyboy lovers out there, that you would never guess are into that lifestyle.

02-21-12, 08:28
. On Friday I learned about a 21 year old who developed Chlamydia that ended up as a major pelvic infection with complications and she has just had her uterus removed. She knows who gave it to her. It is not always all about the guy being protected. Women need protection too. In your case you are vasectomised so that eliminates one element of "risk" for you in that you know the woman will not get preggers.

I think it is more salutary to just do what you want rather than try to convince others to do what you do. Bit like missionaries really.On this point Red Kilt, I agree 1000. Filipinos are often frightfully ignorant when it comes to disease and treatment, not to mention the challenges they have in affording any kind of good health care.

When talking to a girl one time, she was telling me about an illness in her family and I asked if they were doing anything about it, and she told me of course "her cousin had taken an antibiotic right after getting sick." When I asked how long she had been on that course of antibiotics she said "oh, no, she only took one pill." This was considered normal treatment!

All too often these girls will do whatever a guy wants. So if your barebacking them, you are subject to all their past poor decisions and only further their risky behaviour.

Stroker Ace88
02-21-12, 15:42
The most annoying STD for me is actually the. Common cold and flu! First thing that happens when I travel to a new area and meet a new damsel there, is to pick up her cold infection, and spend the next 3 days with running nose, sandpaper throat, headache and other ailments mockingly described by the ladies as "man-flu".IMO, you are far more likely to catch a cold from someone on your International flight. Long hours spent couped up in tight quarters with bad air quality recirculating around and around with little or no filtering. Anyone sitting 10 rows away from you and coughing and sneezing there head off can spread flu germs throughout that tin can within a few hours. After the short incubation period the cold virus will appear once you have situated yourself in your destination Country making it seem like you contracted the flu from your first "new damsel".

Personally I bring Purell with me and wipe all the normal touchable surfaces including armrests, seat recline buttons, touch screen buttons and tray release knobs when I board. I reapply a copious amount of Purell to my hands after going to the bathroom on board since those CR's are a germ playground and are rarely sanitized, just lightly cleaned at best to look tidy. Not really a germaphobe just informed and like to minimize the risk. No telling what kind of sick slob sat in my seat a few days before me.

02-21-12, 16:59
IMO, you are far more likely to catch a cold from someone on your International flight. Long hours spent couped up in tight quarters with bad air quality recirculating around and around with little or no filtering. Anyone sitting 10 rows away from you and coughing and sneezing there head off can spread flu germs throughout that tin can within a few hours. After the short incubation period the cold virus will appear once you have situated yourself in your destination Country making it seem like you contracted the flu from your first "new damsel".

Personally I bring Purell with me and wipe all the normal touchable surfaces including armrests, seat recline buttons, touch screen buttons and tray release knobs when I board. I reapply a copious amount of Purell to my hands after going to the bathroom on board since those CR's are a germ playground and are rarely sanitized, just lightly cleaned at best to look tidy. Not really a germaphobe just informed and like to minimize the risk. No telling what kind of sick slob sat in my seat a few days before me.Most often cold is caught from the damsel you met and DFk'd. First of all your resistance is not there because of long flight, lack of sleep. Combined with alcohol, smokey bar, sweaty girls and freezing air in bars your immune system is down. Bargirls fuck, DFK, BBBJ frequently. So if you are at risk for anything and everything. There are times I got a cold and there are times I did not get a cold.

So far I have not caught any STD's I know off from bargirls or normal girls from Phi, China, Thailand, cambo etc. Yes, I do bareback sometimes.

However I have caught Chlamydia, siphylis, Gono from normal American girls when I was young.

So I would say generally it maybe safe in asian countries or is it just LUCK!

Punter 127
02-21-12, 17:26
Looks like the Philippine police are living up to their reputation.


X Man
02-22-12, 09:27
Sammon and Stroker bring up some interesting points. Some of which I hadn't thought about before. I've always assumed the cold-like symptoms were because I wasnt accustomed to and hadn't adapted to the various viruses located in that geographic area.

I've noticed a strong correlation of myself licking snatch and feeling bad the next day. Is that nonsense? After all I kiss the gals, so why would one orifice be more infectious than the other? I have no idea. Do we have any doctors here?

Stroker, I see the point about wiping down surfaces, but you also suggest that the virus is transmitted thru the airline cabin. Is that factual information or just a hunch? X man.

Most often cold is caught from the damsel you met and DFk'd. First of all your resistance is not there because of long flight, lack of sleep. Combined with alcohol, smokey bar, sweaty girls and freezing air in bars your immune system is down. Bargirls fuck, DFK, BBBJ frequently. So if you are at risk for anything and everything. There are times I got a cold and there are times I did not get a cold.

So far I have not caught any STD's I know off from bargirls or normal girls from Phi, China, Thailand, cambo etc. Yes, I do bareback sometimes.

However I have caught Chlamydia, siphylis, Gono from normal American girls when I was young.

So I would say generally it maybe safe in asian countries or is it just LUCK!

Stroker Ace88
02-22-12, 19:33
I've noticed a strong correlation of myself licking snatch and feeling bad the next day. Is that nonsense? After all I kiss the gals, so why would one orifice be more infectious than the other? I have no idea. Do we have any doctors here?Airline stewardess by any chance? JK. ;)

Stroker, I see the point about wiping down surfaces, but you also suggest that the virus is transmitted thru the airline cabin. Is that factual information or just a hunch? X man.Recent studies are contradictory.

The CDC says,"All commercial jet aircraft built after the late 1980s and a few modified older aircraft recirculate 10%–50% of the air in the cabin mixed with outside air. The recirculated air passes through a series of filters 20–30 times per hour. In most newer-model airplanes, the recycled air passes through high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, which capture 99. 9% of particles (bacteria, fungi, and larger viruses) between 0. 1 and 0. 3 µm in diameter. Air flow occurs transversely across the plane in limited bands, and air is not forced up and down the length of the plane. As a result, the air cabin environment is not conducive to the spread of most infectious diseases."

They also go on to state,"Communicable diseases may be transmitted to other travelers during air travel; therefore, people who are acutely ill, or still within the infectious period for a specific disease, should be discouraged from traveling. Travelers should be reminded to wash their hands frequently and thoroughly (or use an alcohol-based hand cleaner) , especially after using the toilet and before preparing or eating food. Travelers should also be reminded to cover their noses and mouths when coughing or sneezing. [SNIP] Transmission of the influenza virus aboard aircraft has been documented, but data are limited. Transmission is thought to be primarily due to large droplets; therefore, passengers seated closest to the source case are believed to be most at risk for exposure."


There are also alot of other sources such as the independanttravellerdotcom that claim,"Airline carriers are also formidable carriers of the common cold. A recent study says that colds may be more than 100 times more likely to be transmitted on a plane than during normal daily life on the ground, according to the Journal of Environmental Health Research. [SNIP] The publishers of the study investigate a panoply of possible causes, including close quarters, shared air and, as I will explain, the most likely culprit: extremely low cabin humidity."

The article goes on to mention, [SNIP] "the common perception that flying causes colds seems to be based in fact. Maybe even 113 times over. The study runs through several potential sources of higher transmission, but settles primarily on a single likely cause: extremely low cabin humidity caused by low humidity at high elevations. (A review of the study reveals the conclusion that aircraft that actively recirculated air actually showed slightly lower transmission rates than those that did not.)"

"Most commercial airlines fly in an elevation range of 30, 000 to 35, 000 feet, where humidity typically runs at 10 percent or lower. At very low levels of humidity, the "natural defense system" of mucus in our noses and throats dries up and is crippled, creating a much more tolerant environment for germs to infect us."


Personally I am inclined to believe there is an increased risk factor from being in close contact for prolonged periods (14-18hr+ nonstop flights) and weak airline maintenance of filters especially with PAL. One only needs to look at young students, when one gets sick they all get sick. Most are at school for around 8hrs a day while on International flights PAX are couped up for double that time but again I am not a doctor, I just play one on TV. JK :D

02-23-12, 09:55
I then started thinking about the number of guys who come here for a riotous 2 or 3 weeks, pop a Viagra or Cialis or Andros (whether legitimate from a Pharmacy or whether from the street containing unknown ingredients) every day or second day, and then go out drinking all manner of alcoholic cocktails (beer, vodka + Red Bull, mixes of beer, shooters etc) and follow it up with an energetic romp with a EWR woman later in the night.

It seems to me that given the percentage of self-confessed unfit, over-weight mongers around, all these combos are quite lethal and need a bit more thought.

I wonder just how many mongers in AC or Manila or anywhere else actually drop dead whilst in the throes of pleasure.I heard this just happened in Dimples Bar in Manila a couple a months ago!

X Man
02-23-12, 11:54
Thanks for the info. I live in Asia, so Manila is only five hours from me. These two sentences Made the most sense to me. X.

"Most commercial airlines fly in an elevation range of 30, 000 to 35, 000 feet, where humidity typically runs at 10 percent or lower. At very low levels of humidity, the "natural defense system" of mucus in our noses and throats dries up and is crippled, creating a much more tolerant environment for germs to infect us."

Airline stewardess by any chance? JK. .

Recent studies are contradictory. SNIP. .

Mc Don
02-23-12, 17:22
I was reading an article on Whitney Houston's death today and speculation about what the toxicology studies regarding what caused her death will show when they are available.

The article further speculates that her death will be shown to have been caused by mixing prescription drugs with alcohol.

The article (in NY Times) then went on to report the data gathered over the past year about the number of people who have died from mixing prescription drugs with alcohol.

I then started thinking about the number of guys who come here for a riotous 2 or 3 weeks, pop a Viagra or Cialis or Andros (whether legitimate from a Pharmacy or whether from the street containing unknown ingredients) every day or second day, and then go out drinking all manner of alcoholic cocktails (beer, vodka + Red Bull, mixes of beer, shooters etc) and follow it up with an energetic romp with a EWR woman later in the night.

It seems to me that given the percentage of self-confessed unfit, over-weight mongers around, all these combos are quite lethal and need a bit more thought.

I wonder just how many mongers in AC or Manila or anywhere else actually drop dead whilst in the throes of pleasure. I imagine it doesn't make the newspapers if someone dies "peacefully" and from apparent natural causes with no suspicious circumstances. It also makes me think that some of the Obituary columns in "Harry the Horse" may well have been generated by guys both old and young taking uncontrolled doses of medication washed down by copious amounts of alcohol and then busting a fuse in the bed with a horny little bedmate for the night.

Food for thought I reckon.Just got back from AC and only couple of weeks ago a punter died inside Voodoo bar from heart attack. One of the bargirls told me he was swallowing Viagra like lolies and drinking for days and most girls there believe it was the viagra that killed him. I know few years ago one coctail that was popular in AC was the viagra bomb. People should seriously think about what they consume otherwise they may not be able to make the next trip.

02-24-12, 01:59
"Most commercial airlines fly in an elevation range of 30, 000 to 35, 000 feet, where humidity typically runs at 10 percent or lower. At very low levels of humidity, the "natural defense system" of mucus in our noses and throats dries up and is crippled, creating a much more tolerant environment for germs to infect us."Not only may there be less humidity at higher altitude, you have to consider that an airliner's aircon system is running during the entire flight (regardless of the temperature setting of the thermostat, the compressors are chilling and removing humididty from the air). I don't remember the name of the book, but several flight attendants wrote years ago about how FA's (male and female) routinely stock up on and slather on moisureizing lotion before a flight. They also hydrate. Your defense against this is to also hydrate.

Tally Wacker
02-24-12, 04:12
They also hydrate. Your defense against this is to also hydrate.I would like to hydrate some of those sexy filipina airline attendants! They should start offering handjobs for tips on the flight.

Cunning Stunt
02-24-12, 11:03
I've noticed a strong correlation of myself licking snatch and feeling bad the next day. Is that nonsense? After all I kiss the gals, so why would one orifice be more infectious than the other? I have no idea. Do we have any doctors here?
Airline stewardess by any chance? JK. ;)
I would like to hydrate some of those sexy filipina airline attendants! They should start offering handjobs for tips on the flight.Bugger air quality on airplanes. That's boring. Now the inimical qualities of trolley dollies is a different matter. That is of interest to any self respecting monger.

Here is one you would definitely enjoy hydrating, TW. Also X wouldn't mind catching a cold bug or two from her snatch which was the finest I have seen on a Filipina, ever. And I know that I am not alone in this opinion which is shared by another senior member here who has also been lucky enough to have tupped her.

I kid you not.

Mr Enternational
02-25-12, 04:44
i found this online so i am going to paste a piece here:

"when i returned to the u s i was the only one on the plane they took aside and did a special customs search.

they went through every pocket my camera and looked at every photo. which had a few of older ladies that i hooked up with. when they did not find anything after searching for over an hour they let me go.

two weeks later two homeland security agents showed up at my front door and said they wanted to check out my computer because when i went through customs they said it was reported that i had photos of ladies of questionable age on my camera. i told them no, the main reason i did not want them to look in my pc was i have a lot of business information on it which i felt was none of the governments business. they said if they had to come back with a warrant they would not be so nice.

i called a friend of mine while they were here for advice he told me to tell them no and go get a warrant and ask them if they had any more questions to go through him. they left and i have never heard from them again."

any of this happened to any of you guys? how strong is the built in windows disk encryption program? please provide any of your experiences. the last time i got off a plane the immigration official let on to the fact that i was on some kind of list. but he did not provide anymore details. as he was talking i took a quick glance down on his desk and sure enough there was some list and my name was on it. fortunately i did not have a laptop on me at the time, but i usually always travel with one.
another bullshit story. how would this person know they were the only one on the plane to get searched? i've never heard of us customs going to someone's house. the will send a letter about something but won't show up in person. if they did show up in person you would think they would have sense enough to bring a warrant! i'm going to put all this nonsense to rest one way or the other. i'm in the dominican republic today, but tomorrow i will return to the usa. and i will make it a priority to ask a customs agent about all this picture and going through computers business.well i asked just like i said i would. i laid out the story to him just as i have read it on the board so many times. he said that of course everything is subject to search, but for them to go through someone's computer or camera there would have already had to be a predetermined reason like somebody ratted them out as a **** from the other end (that is how they catch most drug mules by the way). he said it would be really rare and he has never seen it done. i told him the part about the agents going to the guys house. he said they didn't go to people's houses. that would have been the fbi if it were true. i also asked him about anybody being on a list where they are always searched. he said it did not exist. he laughed and asked where i got all the crazy ideas from. i told him from reading the internet. he told me that i needed to stop blogging so much. i told him that after passing through immigration and customs hundreds of times my bag has been searched for drugs once and i have been directed to agriculture twice, but never any of the off the wall stuff that i read on this board.

Chocha Monger
02-25-12, 05:11
Just got back from AC and only couple of weeks ago a punter died inside Voodoo bar from heart attack. One of the bargirls told me he was swallowing Viagra like lolies and drinking for days and most girls there believe it was the viagra that killed him. I know few years ago one coctail that was popular in AC was the viagra bomb. People should seriously think about what they consume otherwise they may not be able to make the next trip.He died a true monger's death, stiff as a board!

Tally Wacker
02-25-12, 07:13
He died a true monger's death, stiff as a board!Ah shit your still alive? I thought that was you that died on your first trip to the Philippines.

02-26-12, 19:07
Has anyone had any experience with girls with police connections?

A friend has a problem derived from living with a number of Phil GFs in a condo in Phils with other girls visiting regularly. Two of them were becoming difficult and so he asked them to leave. This was probably not done as diplomatically as it could have been and one of them claims to have gone to the police and shown them a folder of raunchy pics inc 3 somes. All the girls living in the Condo were in their 20s but a couple of those visiting were 18 and looked rather young.

She texted the other girls to leave the condo immediately and they did along with my friend. Of course this could all be bluff, but worryingly he found that the previous day the relevant folder on his computer had been tampered with by the girl in question and she had also synched her iphone contacts with his laptop and that there were now half a dozen police contacts on his laptop. The other girl in question confirmed that this girl has several close police friends including one who was supporting her through school and she met them that night to tell them of the situation in the condo. When one of the girls used my friends phone to call the girl it was answered by a male who spoke good English and asked who she was, there was an immediate call back to ask whether he could speak to my friend but the girl reponded that he wasnt there.

Anyone with any experience of this type of situation and assessment of how serious the situation is and recommended courses of action?

Obviously there are many lessons to be learned from this story both for my friend and others but would appreciate any constructive advice and shared experience to the board or via PM.

Mc Don
02-28-12, 04:59
Better safe then sorry. It seems her contacts are real. No point bargaining with her if she has already spoken to the cops they will want their piece of the pie if she is baffling then she can turn on your friend anytime anyway. She has photos, I say time to skip town and change phone numbers. Plenty more fish in the sea.

Has anyone had any experience with girls with police connections?

A friend has a problem derived from living with a number of Phil GFs in a condo in Phils with other girls visiting regularly. Two of them were becoming difficult and so he asked them to leave. This was probably not done as diplomatically as it could have been and one of them claims to have gone to the police and shown them a folder of raunchy pics inc 3 somes. All the girls living in the Condo were in their 20s but a couple of those visiting were 18 and looked rather young.

She texted the other girls to leave the condo immediately and they did along with my friend. Of course this could all be bluff, but worryingly he found that the previous day the relevant folder on his computer had been tampered with by the girl in question and she had also synched her iphone contacts with his laptop and that there were now half a dozen police contacts on his laptop. The other girl in question confirmed that this girl has several close police friends including one who was supporting her through school and she met them that night to tell them of the situation in the condo. When one of the girls used my friends phone to call the girl it was answered by a male who spoke good English and asked who she was, there was an immediate call back to ask whether he could speak to my friend but the girl reponded that he wasnt there.

Anyone with any experience of this type of situation and assessment of how serious the situation is and recommended courses of action?

Obviously there are many lessons to be learned from this story both for my friend and others but would appreciate any constructive advice and shared experience to the board or via PM.

Stroker Ace88
02-28-12, 07:18
has anyone had any experience with girls with police connections?

a friend has a problem derived from living with a number of phil gfs in a condo in phils with other girls visiting regularly. [snip] anyone with any experience of this type of situation and assessment of how serious the situation is and recommended courses of action?

obviously there are many lessons to be learned from this story both for my friend and others but would appreciate any constructive advice and shared experience to the board or via pm.gl,

in the philippines everyone is related to a police officer or have a neighbor or friend that knows a pnp officer. my only comment on your friends situation, if you play with fire sooner or later you will get burned. living with multiple girls in a condo or condo certified town house that's in the guys name is the dumbest move of all time. the guy opens himself up to have serious charges brought against him as the owner of a common bodyhouse. they also can potentially charge him with [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123), kidnapping, forceable confinement, possibly sex trafficking and any number of other things but that depends on what the girl (s) tell the pnp, what's on his hardrive and on his camera. also what the girls are willing to swear to and write on the signed statement. with that statement the condo is g-o-n-e if the case goes before a judge. at the very least the pnp, the girls and the local officials will split the value of the condo once it has been 'recovered' in the course of due process and-or as a penalty to any settlement. stupid stupid move.

if the guy was renting he could have walked away from the condo with minimal loss and camped under a desk in his lawyers office waiting for the investigation to be completed and the final total of any 'damages' to pay his way out of the nightmare situation.

i don't want to rub salt on the wound but pinays are famously jealous and problems are common when a girl thinks the guy is 'hers' even if the guy told her a million times it's only just for fun. each additional girl added to the mix increases the headache and jealousy factor 10x. all senior members who spend time in the philippines know this it's no big secret. it never ceases to amaze me how many guys go to the philippines and lose all control thinking because they are in the philippines far from home that no one cares what they do. wrong.

his only ray of hope would be if the pnp keep the request for money between them and the girls and do not involve any officals. if that happens maybe only money changes hands and he can keep the condo. depends if the girl (s) want only money or they want revenge.

i only know one guy who has been successful with this kind of situation. maybe he can offer up a few suggestions.

better safe then sorry. it seems her contacts are real. no point bargaining with her if she has already spoken to the cops they will want their piece of the pie if she is baffling then she can turn on your friend anytime anyway. she has photos, i say time to skip town and change phone numbers. plenty more fish in the sea.skipping town will do the guy no good. he owns the condo and now the pnp knows who he is. skipping town and changing numbers is like burying your head in the sand and looking for more women is the last thing i would be doing.

Econo Tech
02-28-12, 08:08
. but pinays are famously jealous .And not to rub it in too, Pinays are famously known to hyper multiply their imaginations. Including one who claimed that she sleeps with the President's head bodyguard and all. All the while when she is living in a shanty town in Tondo!

Oh, I have also heard and started to believe a lot of Pinay fantasies. Like how they make people disappear, and that they can destroy people. Of course, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, but not to the extent that a pinay make believes.

Oh wait, don't bother asking them, they believe their own crap so much they can pass lie detectors!

Maybe things are not so bad as it seems.

Best advice is to skip town and quickly appoint a notary public to sell the property to somebody or transfer ownership to if hell happens to cross path, the losses are diminished.

Perth Boy
02-28-12, 08:20
Its been about 6 years since my last trip to the philippins. My last trip was also my only trip stayed in Makati at Shangri la.

Had a ball lots of girls, great food and booze.

I am a regular in Thailand but the Philippins is a bit new to me. I have ready a fair bit of the forum some old and some new posts. I need a bit of a hand I was tossing up between Angeles or back to Makati. I am tending towards Makati only because I have been before. Would stay at Shagri la or new world renaissance.

Are these hotels girl friendly last time I had a problem with security getting a few girls back to Shangri la but did get in once I paid surcurity.

Want are the current prices for LT 3000?

I can not remember if you need to pay a bar find like Thailand if so what is the cost for memory I think I had to buy 10 drinks last time?

I will be in town only for 4 nights all the help from members would be great.

Sorry if I asked too much I have been reading threads for the last 4 hours or so and I'm just to bloody busy as I fly to Bangkok tomorrow. The Philippins was added to my trip this morning by my boss so I didn't have a option but to ask.

This trip I'm Bangkok to the 22nd March then Guangzhou China to the 29th the Philippines to 2nd April then back to Bangkok for a night. Thank god for Viagra,

02-29-12, 02:19

Skipping town will do the guy no good. He owns the condo and now the PNP knows who he is. Skipping town and changing numbers is like burying your head in the sand and looking for more women is the last thing I would be doing.Police have got very short attention spans. Think of National Geographic and the hyenas. They don't stay long when theres fresh meat to follow. If he skips town for a month or so maybe would be ok. Unless of course police have told security staff in his condo to give them a call if they see him. Either way, he should keep a few open tickets ready and handy.

02-29-12, 05:29
Some advise from the regulars please.

I am planning to finally make my first trip to Manila and Cebu.

Firstly let me thank all the regulars for their contributions. You paint an amazing picture.

I have mongered in several different countries.

But after a few trips to KL, Malaysia I ended up with one trip.

Where it was so hot and humid during the day.

That I spent every day in my room under the ac fan just trying to survive.

The cost of the trip to the Philippines is a lot for me (I just don't earn what many regulars earn)

So I want to be sure that the time that I spend there is used to the maximum.

Please advise on the best time of year to monger based on temperature.

And availabilty of lower priced girls. Is there a time of year when there is less competition from other mongers.

Or is this not an issue at any time of the year.

And is there a time of year when room prices and flights are lower.

Thanking you in advance

Fast Buck Artist
02-29-12, 12:01
Obviously there are many lessons to be learned from this story both for my friend and others but would appreciate any constructive advice and shared experience to the board or via PM.I did meet a jailbaiter once, who showed up to our date with a surprise "friend" who looked about 14 year old. Within 5 minutes of meeting she was very insistent that I should invite this minor to my house cause "she was interested in poriners". She brought a digicam for the occasion, as well as the cam in her phone. How much more obvious can it get?

Don't bring riffraff to your house, especially one that is your property!

Mr Enternational
02-29-12, 12:49
Are you kidding me? Seems like you just described one of my Pinay in Thailand. Grown ass woman 31 years old with a hell of an imagination. Even when the gig is up she still swears by her lies.

And not to rub it in too, Pinays are famously known to hyper multiply their imaginations. Including one who claimed that she sleeps with the President's head bodyguard and all. All the while when she is living in a shanty town in Tondo!

Oh, I have also heard and started to believe a lot of Pinay fantasies. Like how they make people disappear, and that they can destroy people. Of course, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, but not to the extent that a pinay make believes.

Oh wait, don't bother asking them, they believe their own crap so much they can pass lie detectors!

Stroker Ace88
02-29-12, 16:23
Some advise from the regulars please. I am planning to finally make my first trip to Manila and Cebu.

I have mongered in several different countries. But after a few trips to KL, Malaysia I ended up with one trip Where it was so hot and humid during the day That I spent every day in my room under the ac fan just trying to survive.

The cost of the trip to the Philippines is a lot for me (I just don't earn what many regulars earn) So I want to be sure that the time that I spend there is used to the maximum. Please advise on the best time of year to monger based on temperature.If you want to visit the Philippines at a time of the year when the temperature is cooler my advice would be to visit September through December. Generally cooler with more rain and clouds. The temperature varies according to what part of the Philippines you will visit, but keep in mind the Philippines has a tropical climate and heat and high humidity are possible year round. Summer months in the Philippines are March-May, rainy season June-November.

And availabilty of lower priced girls. Is there a time of year when there is less competition from other mongers.

Or is this not an issue at any time of the year.WTF do you mean by "lower priced girls"? Bars and freelance girls do not reduce prices at any time just because there might be less guys around. Just doesn't happen so no cheap charlie sales for you. Full price all year round. If you can spend the money for airfare and a hotel room you can afford the girls. If you come to the Philippines and expect to get free p*ssy better stay home with your dick in your hand, problem solved. The rates for girls are generally cheaper than in some other places but certainly not free. Sorry to burst your cheap charlie bubble, but there are no coupons in mongering.

And is there a time of year when room prices and flights are lower.Room prices are always expensive (over priced) in the Philippines with some increased prices during festivals, Chinese New Year and during the supposed foreigner 'high season' which is roughly the middle of December to the end of March when colder weather moves into North America and parts of Europe.

Flights are always expensive and you neglected to post your location (North America, Europe, other SEA country). If you are flying to the Philippines from NA there are two softer shoulder seasons, mid-March to late May and another September to early December when some lower airfare prices can be had.

Just wondering what smart phone or tablet you used to post your report. It has hard returns throughout and a few guys here have been trying to figure out if the cause is a specific brand of electronics or maybe you are 'return happy'.

02-29-12, 17:03
Has anyone had any experience with girls with police connections?

A friend has a problem derived from living with a number of Phil GFs in a condo in Phils with other girls visiting regularly. Two of them were becoming difficult and so he asked them to leave. This was probably not done as diplomatically as it could have been and one of them claims to have gone to the police and shown them a folder of raunchy pics inc 3 somes. All the girls living in the Condo were in their 20s but a couple of those visiting were 18 and looked rather young.

She texted the other girls to leave the condo immediately and they did along with my friend. Of course this could all be bluff, but worryingly he found that the previous day the relevant folder on his computer had been tampered with by the girl in question and she had also synched her iphone contacts with his laptop and that there were now half a dozen police contacts on his laptop. The other girl in question confirmed that this girl has several close police friends including one who was supporting her through school and she met them that night to tell them of the situation in the condo. When one of the girls used my friends phone to call the girl it was answered by a male who spoke good English and asked who she was, there was an immediate call back to ask whether he could speak to my friend but the girl reponded that he wasnt there.

Anyone with any experience of this type of situation and assessment of how serious the situation is and recommended courses of action?

Obviously there are many lessons to be learned from this story both for my friend and others but would appreciate any constructive advice and shared experience to the board or via PM.There are pitfalls in living with girl or girls. These girls obviously have nothing to fall back on. If the foreigner takes care of all bills they do not want to find a job. Once they start living with you cannot kick them out easily for any reason. Maybe best way is saying you are going back to your country because of an emergency and not sure when will be back. Once outside send some friend to advice the girls to leave since owner decded to rent the place.

Always be on the guard with even the girl who professes love. Scorned girls are dangerous in their own countries. Always can hire a real estate agent to sell or rent your place who will tell the girls to leave.

Red Kilt
03-01-12, 01:38
Just wondering what smart phone or tablet you used to post your report. It has hard returns throughout and a few guys here have been trying to figure out if the cause is a specific brand of electronics or maybe you are 'return happy'.Very informative post Stroker.

Re these funny "hard return" posts. Guys need to realise that you just type out your post as normal and ignore the words that seem to be split at the end of sentences. The software auto corrects that.

It just reinforces my opinion that very few guys preview their post before uploading. Even DS is guilty of that on his own forum.

If you preview it you will see the way it appears when you post it. (Guys would also see that when I D is posted it comes out as I'd)

Econo Tech
03-01-12, 02:04
Are you kidding me? Seems like you just described one of my Pinay in Thailand. Grown ass woman 31 years old with a hell of an imagination. Even when the gig is up she still swears by her lies.No kidding.

Talk about a Pinay in Thailand.

I met one, and she insisted that she is a Muay Thai instructor there in Bangkok and every time she wins a fight, she is put up in Sheraton Sukhomvit to recuperate, by the bookies it seems.

Oh, she said she is from Mindanao and cannot go home, as she killed a girl in a fight-to-finish kick boxing contest. And while she had won 50, 000 $, the dead girls family decided to kill the winner and had shot up her 'convoy' and when she managed to get to Manila, she had been told that she must leave Philippines and never come back or she will be 'eliminated'

And apparently she is doing facial reconstruction, with the money she is earning teaching in Bangkok. Etc. Etc.

Or so she used to say, when she was in Singapore.

Red Kilt
03-01-12, 02:49
Remember guys that March 2 is deadline if you have to do an Annual Report.

Cost is 310 php. Takes about 3 minutes.


03-01-12, 04:38
Police have got very short attention spans. Think of National Geographic and the hyenas. They don't stay long when theres fresh meat to follow. If he skips town for a month or so maybe would be ok. Unless of course police have told security staff in his condo to give them a call if they see him. Either way, he should keep a few open tickets ready and handy.This situation is now (hopefully) resolved. The other girls informed the cuprit that my friend has left for BKK. After a day or two she called them to say that she had not really wanted to deport him just to frighten him and that she had now told the police she didn't wish to pursue, It also seems that the pics she took were less compromising than thought as they were old photos of girls she doesn't know rather than the new ones including her and the others. I am guessing she wants to mend her fences with the other girls now that the chance for blackmail has gone. Anyhow one of the girls recorded this admission on her phone so its difficult for her to mount a case.

What is clear to me is that naughty pics can be a real hostage to fortune with huge downside so if you realy need to take them ensure they are highly secure. As others have said having girls staying in an apartment can have serious downsides as they can be difficult to get out without making a bitter and potentially dangerous ememy.

03-01-12, 08:15
Fellow mongers,

I am staying in a hotel which is specifically set up for mongers, including a sports bar with bargirls. Bf is 1500, long time.

Hotel is the Arizona, in Barrio Baretto, Olongapo.


Stroker Ace88
03-01-12, 15:05
Remember guys that March 2 is deadline if you have to do an Annual Report.

Cost is 310 php. Takes about 3 minutes.


Can you post more info on the annual BoI report and how it all works? I do not currently reside in the Philippines but plan to in the near future and I am very interested in your thoughts and over-all experience on this subject.


Red Kilt
03-02-12, 00:29

Can you post more info on the annual BoI report and how it all works? I do not currently reside in the Philippines but plan to in the near future and I am very interested in your thoughts and over-all experience on this subject.

StrokerStroker. The link I pasted to the BoI website says it all.


There is not much more to say except that the so-called Annual Report is simply a need for all persons holding an Immigrant Visa (ACR or ICR Card) to report to the BoI within the first 60 days of each year so that they can be documented and the ACR or ICR Card can be checked against the holder. Cost is 310 php, and they have a special line and desk at BOI in Manila to handle it. There is no need to fill up any forms. Just hand over the ACR card and 310 php and you are done. As I said in my original post - it took me exactly 4 minutes because I asked a few questions.

I have done it meticulously each year so there have been no hassles. A colleague who forgot to do it last year and just rocked up this year thinking he would pay the fine etc ended up spending around half a day as he needed to pay not only the 2 years of fee (620 php) but ALSO a 5000 php fine and needed to go to a special line and also needed to pay at the regular cashier booth which had the usual 50 persons in front of him.

I don't know if they check whether the Report has been completed when an ACR holder leaves the country and if not whether it causes any hassles at departure because I have always paid mine. The woman on the desk told me that my report was documented onto the microchip on my card so I imagine thay can check it at Immigration when you leave.
In your case Stroker, if you are not in the country then you cannot pay it because it is due only between that first 60 days.

In all respects it seems to me to be another revenue-raising activity as there must be many people who don't know about it and carry on blissfully unaware despite Commissioner David warning "that those who fail to make the annual report will be meted administrative fines or face deportation proceedings".

Stroker Ace88
03-02-12, 01:05
Stroker. The link I pasted to the BoI website says it all.


There is not much more to say except that the so-called Annual Report is simply a need for all persons holding an Immigrant Visa (ACR or ICR Card) to report to the BoI within the first 60 days of each year so that they can be documented and the ACR or ICR Card can be checked against the holder. Cost is 310 php, and they have a special line and desk at BOI in Manila to handle it. There is no need to fill up any forms. Just hand over the ACR card and 310 php and you are done. As I said in my original post. It took me exactly 4 minutes because I asked a few questions.

I have done it meticulously each year so there have been no hassles. [SNIP]RK,

Thanks for the link and the explanation. Personally I like the last line on the link. It states,"As for aliens who are below 14 years of age or 65 years old and above, it shall be the duty of their parents or legal guardians or representatives to make the report on their behalf".

That made me LOL. I guess it gives the 65+ group the option of having a rep do the paperwork for them, making things easier. I wonder if they get free entry at the movies on Sundays like the local 65+ do? JK.

Fast Buck Artist
03-10-12, 00:28
HIV-AIDS epidemic looms in Phl

By Marvin Sy (The Philippine Star)

MANILA, Philippines. All of the necessary ingredients for an AIDS epidemic are present in the country. 'With the current infection rate, around 1, 500 Filipinos need to get into anti-retroviral treatment (ART). This means that the country has to spend at least P45 million each year for the purchase of anti-retroviral (ARV) drugs for their life span, ' Sen. Santiago said.

She said that by 2015, the number of those who would need ART could reach 6, 900, costing the government P207 million to support the treatments annually. A full-blown epidemic would entail an annual cost of P50 million.

Santiago has filed Senate Resolution 658 calling for an inquiry into the alarming increase in HIV infections and the necessity of funding HIV prevention programs that include the provision of services to populations most at risk of being infected.

HIV prevention programs include HIV education, counseling and testing, diagnostic and treatment of other sexually transmitted infections, and access to commodities that promote safe sex such as lubricants.

Santiago noted that condom use in the country remains low while having multiple sexual partners is common.

The Philippines is now one of seven countries in the world with increasing numbers of new cases. The others are Armenia, Bangladesh, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan.

Santiago is also one of the principal authors and sponsors of the Reproductive Health bill in the Senate.

200 new cases.

The number of new HIV / AIDS cases in the country is nearing the 8, 000 mark as 200 new cases were recorded in a month.

The Philippine HIV / AIDS registry showed that from January 1984 to October 2011, a total of 7, 884 cases have been recorded; 937 of them had progressed into AIDS, while 339 had died.

In October, the number of cases recorded was 92 percent higher than 104 cases in October 2010.

Public health records showed that 97 percent of the cases were males. The median age was 27 years but ranged from 15 to 65. The 20 to 29 age group had the most number of cases. Fifty four percent of the new cases were from the National Capital Region.

The males having sex with males sector (MSM) is still the leading contributor of new cases, accounting for 85 percent of the new cases. Seventeen injecting drug users (IDU) contracted the virus by sharing contaminated needles.

Of the 200 new cases, only one case, that of a 27-year-old male, had progressed to AIDS. He was infected through bisexual contact. No AIDS-related death was recorded in October.

This year. 1,869 new HIV cases were recorded. 72 of which had progressed to AIDS.

Col Law
03-10-12, 14:34
Asked the long term prospect to go on the pill, her response was, can you buy it (embarrassed) maybe, so my question is, can it be purchased over the counter, or is a prescription required as the uk

03-10-12, 15:08
Asked the long term prospect to go on the pill, her response was, can you buy it (embarrassed) maybe, so my question is, can it be purchased over the counter, or is a prescription required as the ukAny pharmacy will provide.

Stroker Ace88
03-10-12, 17:50
Asked the long term prospect to go on the pill, her response was, can you buy it (embarrassed) maybe, so my question is, can it be purchased over the counter, or is a prescription required as the ukFrom what I have been told you can get it over the counter at any Mercury drugs as long as you have the exact name of the drug written down on a small piece of paper. Also best to include both the name brand for the drug and the generic brand. It's cheaper to get the generic but be careful, sometimes the pharmacist will see you are a foreigner and tell you they only have the much more expensive brand in stock. That has happened to me several times when buying cream or antibiotics and I just tell them no I do not want that brand and return to the same pharmacy the next day. I get served by someone else and magically the generic brand is available at a much cheaper price.

I have never bought the pill from a pharmacy in the Philippines but know girls who do and they told me they don't need a doctor's paper to buy it, but maybe they ORIGINALLY had to get a doc's paper and now the pharmacy knows them so they do not need the paper. Avoid Watsons at all cost and if you are turned down at one Mercury go to another.

Also just a cautionary tale. The first girl I came to the Philippines to meet many years ago told me it was ok to have sex with her because she was taking the pill. I questioned her about it and she admitted she only took one pill one time and it was a week before we met! These girls have no sex education and no idea how things work. Be careful! Unless she stays with you every day and you watch her take the pill everyday at the same time I would not believe the woman if she told me she took it. Some women only want a baby with blue eyes, or they want the steady monthly income of having a baby with a western guy might provide. Be careful x2!

Member #4351
03-10-12, 18:37
I asked for Yasmin at both chains in Ayala Mall and was told no problem.

03-10-12, 19:25
These girls have no sex education and no idea how things work.So this Filipino couple have had eight children in seven years. They go to the doctor and the doctor prescribes the pill. Three months later they come back and the woman is pregnant again. "Didn't you use the pills?" the doctor inquires. "Yes but you must have given us the wrong size because they kept falling out." The doctor sighs at their ignorance and prescribes the diaphragm. Three months later they come back and the woman is pregnant again. "Didn't you use the diaphragm?" "Sometimes but I hated eating that jelly. It's so bitter." The doctor sighs and gives them condoms. Three months later they come back and the woman is pregnant again. "Didn't you wear the condoms?" the doctor asks the man. "Yes, I did, but after four days I had to [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) so bad I cut a hole in the end of it."

The doctor thinks and thinks about what he can do that will get through to these simple, humble people. Finally he says to the woman ,"Every night when you go to bed I want you to put your feet in a ten gallon bucket." The woman ponders this for a bit and then the light goes on and she smiles and nods. Three months later they come back and the woman is pregnant again."Didn't you put your feet in the ten gallon bucket?" the doctor queries.

"Well, we didn't have a ten gallon bucket but I used two five gallon buckets."

Tally Wacker
03-10-12, 21:51
So this Filipino couple have had eight children in seven years. They go to the doctor and the doctor prescribes the pill. "Well, we didn't have a ten gallon bucket but I used two five gallon buckets."Ah thats a good one!

I chatted with a girl recently that told me she had 16 Siblings! She makes it 17. No shit! All with the same parents. WTF?

Thats like two soccer teams right?

I told her that her Dad should be castrated!

She giggled and agreed. Then she asked. You have wife sir?

03-11-12, 20:23
Ah thats a good one!

I chatted with a girl recently that told me she had 16 Siblings! She makes it 17. No shit! All with the same parents. WTF?

Thats like two soccer teams right?

I told her that her Dad should be castrated!

She giggled and agreed. Then she asked. You have wife sir?The one question that will stump every Filipina is,"How many cousins do you have?" When I tell them that I have three in total, they express complete disbelief. Meanwhile the population keeps exploding and the Babe supply keeps coming our way.

Econo Tech
03-12-12, 03:36
. "Well, we didn't have a ten gallon bucket but I used two five gallon buckets."Nice one.

My GF was laughing. When I told about it. Didn't help that she is a Gyn Nurse. LOL.

She has too many horror stories, including girls claiming that the man was 'strong' or 'well, she came too many times' as excuses for getting pregnant.

Member #4491
03-14-12, 00:33
Asked the long term prospect to go on the pill, her response was, can you buy it (embarrassed) maybe, so my question is, can it be purchased over the counter, or is a prescription required as the ukTrust pills. 50 PHP for one box.

I buy them all the time without any prescription. 6+6 contains the same amount of Levonorgestrel (1500 micro grams) that one will get in a so called day after pill / emergency pill. The girl often gets sick but better than getting pregnant if you forgot to pull out t-rex.


Econo Tech
03-14-12, 08:29
Trust pills. 50 PHP for one box.

I buy them all the time without any prescription. 6+6 contains the same amount of Levonorgestrel (1500 micro grams) that one will get in a so called day after pill / emergency pill. The girl often gets sick but better than getting pregnant if you forgot to pull out t-rex.

B.If she is your long term squeeze, go for Depo Provera, not OTC, but through a doctor. 3 months of no frills clearance. .

Of course, I had the fun of telling a girl what is was and then took her to a doctor. Being a bar girl, she lost her inhibition and started to free-range. Course, I forgot to tell her that it is only effective for 3 months. And I quietly moved on.

No clue what transpired subsequently.