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Econo Tech
04-20-14, 06:03
There's no grand conspiracy plan ET.

Mother Tongue (MT) is to be used up to Grade 3. After that the multi-lingual education (MLE) policy kicks in and students start to learn English and / or Filipino AS WELL as their MT or local dialect.

Watch this power point for more information.


It will make children MORE literate instead of less literateThe impression I got from the teachers around Guinzadan was there will be less importance to English in the upcoming years.

Maybe wrong anyway. Interesting read BTW.

04-20-14, 10:00
1) how long should I book for in total? I have no time constraints, I could literally book for a one way ticket and come back in two years. But I'm really looking for an opinion on a good "sweet" spot where I won't feel rushed but I'm also not going to be bored. My understanding is that I must have a return ticket booked when entering Philo from Australia?If time and money aren't constraints I recommend taking the entire two years. Rent a condo in Manila for 3 months, then do Cebu for 3 months, and stay in other areas for a month or two. Yes, you need a return ticket; purchase one that is refundable and then cancel it upon your arrival.

2) I hope to go in June. I realize this is just the beginning of the wet season? What is the night life activity like during this period, as well as the availability of tours and girls?The only time nightlife is affected is when heavy flooding or a typhoon hits an area. For girls use the dating sites. Play it right and you'll rarely have to leave your place.

3) is it possible to book one night at a hotel then just pay as I go? Or do hotels fill up fast. I don't want to tie myself down.Hotels are easy to find except in remote areas. For long stays get a condo. Check airbnb.com, sulit.com.ph and craig's list.

4) is Angeles city worth going from a tourism stand point or is it just worth going there for girls? Can anyone recommend and awesome places that aren't well known for me to research?From AC you can visit Subic, Baguio, Mt. Pinatubu, Banawe and Sagada. Awesome places tend to be remote and don't have any nightlife. Take a girl with you."Unknown" places I recommend are Mini Subic near Sorsogon in Bicol and Islas de Gigantes in Carles, Iloilo.

5) I've read mixed reports about the safety of the streets at night. Some reports say to get s taxi if you're more than 6 minutes away from the red light district in Manila, others say it's okay to walk around at night in general. Anyone have a more recent opinion?I tend to walk around or jump in a jeep at all hours. A mate of mine had his pocket picked. The Yank boyfriend of one of former girls was murdered in the street after leaving a convenience store. Shit happens.

04-20-14, 11:23
good infoThanks for the reply!

I think anything over 6 months would be pushing it as I wish to go see other places (such as Europe).

What dating websites do you recommend?

I' am alternative looking guy (stretched ears, tattooed hands / arms / legs) how do Philippines females take to this?

Red Kilt
04-20-14, 12:23

I tend to walk around or jump in a jeep at all hours. A mate of mine had his pocket picked. The Yank boyfriend of one of former girls was murdered in the street after leaving a convenience store. Shit happens.Huts I am sure you have heard about the spate (epidemic?) of jeepney hold-ups lately and ESPECIALLY late at night.

2 or 3 guys jump on board with guns and fleece everyone of their bags, phones and wallets.

I suggest NOT using jeepneys anytime but particularly late at night when most "shit happens".

04-20-14, 19:07
Thanks for the reply!

I think anything over 6 months would be pushing it as I wish to go see other places (such as Europe).

What dating websites do you recommend?

I' am alternative looking guy (stretched ears, tattooed hands / arms / legs) how do Philippines females take to this?For the most part Filipina girls are more conservative, except the bargirl types. It might be a needle in the haystack to walk in the mall and pull a regular girl, but it could be done I guess.

04-21-14, 02:12
What dating websites do you recommend?Read the ISG's chat room & pen pals section. There's a lot of them. I'm a fan of filipinocupid (FC) , which is a pay site, and I also use a few of the free sites. Craigslist's casual encounters works very well for me, especially for those girls who have a kinky itch that needs scratching. Last week I met a girl who's really into verbal and physical abuse, and over 2 hours she uttered the safe word only once.

I' am alternative looking guy (stretched ears, tattooed hands / arms / legs) how do Philippines females take to this?Tough for me to say because I'm completely opposite. Anyway, certainly is a conversation starter. I've seen straight looking girls with guys like you, and in the dating site profiles I read I find girls mention a fondness for tattoos more often than a dislike for them. I think in Asia both Thailand and the Philippines are the most tolerant of outliers.

04-21-14, 04:02
On an unrelated note, every time I see property in Philippines on instalment basis including condos I have to try not to laugh when they present the payment terms: 60% to 80% down payment and balance on instalment. Including for condos that haven't seen even the land being prepared. Essentially the developer gets a risk free ride, so to say, just on the down payments alone.

Only in the Philippines it is allowed to sell as much units as position before even starting the piling work.The other quite zany aspect, that I beleive to be unique to the Philippines, is post dated cheques. So even if you buy, with terms of payment up to 5 years in the future, you are required to write out checks showing the date 5 years hence.

In other countries, you as the buyer have the responsibility to make the future payments. In Philippines, they just make you do this one additional strange step.

04-21-14, 06:34

Unless you pay the subscription fee, I can not send private messages to you.

Your questions are so open that it would take a lot of discussion to get you started, and the open forum is not designed for that.

So pay your subscription, then send me a Private Message (PM).


Hi guys,

I'm a 26 yo aussie. I want to hit the Philippines for a mixture of sex and just general tourism stuff. This will be my first proper holiday and I will be going alone.

I have a few questions regarding things I've read and just a few general questions, I realize alot of my questions have no clear cut answer so I'm more after forum goers opinions.

1) how long should I book for in total? I have no time constraints, I could literally book for a one way ticket and come back in two years. But I'm really looking for an opinion on a good "sweet" spot where I won't feel rushed but I'm also not going to be bored. My understanding is that I must have a return ticket booked when entering Philo from Australia?..

Econo Tech
04-21-14, 08:15
The other quite zany aspect, that I beleive to be unique to the Philippines, is post dated cheques. So even if you buy, with terms of payment up to 5 years in the future, you are required to write out checks showing the date 5 years hence.

In other countries, you as the buyer have the responsibility to make the future payments. In Philippines, they just make you do this one additional strange step.Extremely risk averse. And all adds to gloomy economic forecasts.

Heck, if I buy a million peso property and banks (mostly owned by taipans) will not budge from offering more than 20% of the value why would any sane person invest in property in Philippine?

Of course the senators and all who are highly qualified and have dozens of economists as advisor act like it is all beyond their control and the population believes it 100.

Gma while being painted as a thief, I understand, did take right but not popular economic reform steps, for PNoy now to be enjoying the benefits and claiming all as his successes.

X Man
04-21-14, 12:30
You've already rec'd good info from Huts, but let me add a few things.

Weather: The southern islands such as Cebu and Mindanao tend to have less average rainfall during the rainy season than Luzon. In July / August, I'd much rather be in Cebu City than Manila or AC. Huts mentioned Pinatubo Mtn / Volcano, which is a nice hike that I would also recommend. But you don't want to be up in the lahar canyons during rainy season. Tourist have died up there during rainy season.

Hotel: Booking / extending for one night is usually not a problem. Naturally you save money by longer stays. The hotels that are often recommended here or elsewhere are the ones most likely to have fewer rooms. Holiday season can cause trouble. I've noticed that weekends in AC can mean fewer vacancies. If I had longer holidays I would consider the monthly rentals that have been recommended.

The comment I often get from gals with tatoo is,"I have a tatoo / tatoos, but that doesn't mean I'm a bad girl". LOL, maybe you can use the same line. My standard reply is,"I'm disappointed. I like bad girls."

BTW, what does the bb mean in your profile name? X.

Hi guys,

I'm a 26 yo aussie. I want to hit the Philippines


2) I hope to go in June. I realize this is just the beginning of the wet season? What is the night life activity like during this period, as well as the availability of tours and girls?

3) is it possible to book one night at a hotel then just pay as I go? Or do hotels fill up fast. I don't want to tie myself down.



04-21-14, 13:02
It means barbecue. What did you think it meant? LOL.

So what seasons are the actual rainiest? I was told the weather is all over the place their now. And what's the offical holiday season where I expect hotels to be hectic?

04-21-14, 17:16
You said you would be there in June. As far as rainy season look on-line for tourist stuff. You are online for hunting here. The pink meat.

AC is a must if only for a week. Subic bay is a hour away. Both are big *****houses. Philippine cupid is a good online site. Cherry blossom, and good old date in Asia. Go there now and start hunting. DIA is free.

Go to craigslist list now.

As far as hotels. Well go online hotels. Com, and look. You will see price changes with dates. Sometimes there is a festival. Or Easter. Festivals are local. But you do need a lap top so get a fair one small that will fit is safe. With this you can go online and extend a hotel stay. You go to front desk and get suckers rate. Go to hotel room book on line and save 20 to 30. Check expedia and other sites see who is the beat. Agoda is good also. Different chains of hotels offer better deals on different sites.

I would do manila for a week. Yes take taxi in Malate area 1500 peso pussy. No do not take taxi in Makati area 4 to 5000 peso pussy. Then head up to AC, Dud their is only one in the world. Get it done and out of your system. I think it will make the rest of your trip better. You for sure will have cleaned the system out. And can relax and enjoy yourself the rest of the trip.

As far as tourist stuff, Well go to to a tourist site for that. Now here is where you learn how to hunt. Or fish. We call it catch and release. When you are done you will understand. Make yourself a promise. Do Not Wife Up The first MONTH.

Econo Tech
04-21-14, 17:16
It means barbecue. What did you think it meant? LOL.

So what seasons are the actual rainiest? I was told the weather is all over the place their now. And what's the offical holiday season where I expect hotels to be hectic?A bit of Google may help you know the rainy seasons in Philippines.

And being tropical climate it can still pour heavily during non regular season.

Like last week major rain and some roads washed off in Mountain province over 2 days, and only 4x4s were passing by, and then the next 3 days were pure sunny.

04-21-14, 19:21
Thanks, thanks to all for the info. I realize this is a punting forums but I don't want to go when the weather is so bad nothing is happening. I don't have the stamina to fuck 20 hours a day LOL. Is it true you can get viagra over the counter?

Member #4351
04-22-14, 01:28
I agree with Gangles: Pay your $19. 95.

04-22-14, 03:02
The other quite zany aspect, that I beleive to be unique to the Philippines, is post dated cheques. So even if you buy, with terms of payment up to 5 years in the future, you are required to write out checks showing the date 5 years hence. In other countries, you as the buyer have the responsibility to make the future payments. In Philippines, they just make you do this one additional strange step.These PDC (Post Dated Checks) are legal instruments of payments. When the date on the check comes around, they will deposit it. And you better make sure it clears, otherwise it is a CRIMINAL OFFENSE called ESTAFA which is Major Fraud and will land your ass in Prison! They made sure you are legally obligated to pay them on the specified dates. They don't need to wait for your payments in the future. They got it all NOW! You better make sure you put in the funds before those dates come around! They don't want or need to chase you and your payments. Still think it is a strange step?

04-22-14, 03:19
These PDC (Post Dated Checks) are legal instruments of payments. When the date on the check comes around, they will deposit it. And you better make sure it clears, otherwise it is a CRIMINAL OFFENSE called ESTAFA which is Major Fraud and will land your ass in Prison! They made sure you are legally obligated to pay them on the specified dates. They don't need to wait for your payments in the future. They got it all NOW! You better make sure you put in the funds before those dates come around! They don't want or need to chase you and your payments. Still think it is a strange step?Having purchased various pieces of real estate around Asia over the past 30 years, I realise that Philippines is the only country that practices a post dated cheque system. Having lived in, rented in, and also purchased property in Philippines I'm fully familiar with both post dated cheques and with the meaning of estafa.

If it was such a necessary step then surely the more advanced countries would practice this, but they don't.

And you incorrectly state that that they have all your money now. Incorrect. They only have it when the cheque is presented and when it clears.

Ever heard of people closing bank accounts before post dated due. It happens all the time in the Philippines.

Its a very strange step, and highly typical for a country that shows a total lack of trust to its countrymen.

Sound like you are either a Filipino or work for real estate developer in Philippines.

Econo Tech
04-22-14, 04:33

Its a very strange step, and highly typical for a country that shows a total lack of trust to its countrymen.How to trust when there is strong opposition for a national ID and finger printing. For obvious reasons, so the criminal gangs can operate without fear. Include the strong opposition for even SIM card registration (so kidnappings can operate without fear and even the president laughed it out when he got a scam text, as they couldn't find out who sent the text, thanks also to the lobby groups bankrolled by the telcos reluctant to spend money.)

If they had national ID and finger print all, the likes of Ping Lacson cannot scoot away on a different passport when judgement isn't in their favour.

I hope you read the story of David Tan, who, when arrested produced an affidavit that he is not David Tan and the judges had to release him due to lack of identity.

04-22-14, 08:51
over the past two months or so the philippines has placed dead last in three international surveys; that's last out of maybe 150-160 countries included in these surveys, which really takes some doing. first, naia was, for the second time in the last three years, voted the 'worst airport in the world. ' it's been nothing if not amusing to marvel at the lame justification offered by the usual cast of characters. it turns out that here, in the middle of the summer, terminal 1, which is the main terminal for international arrivals has been without air conditioning. given that of course there's about zero ventilation, no air conditioned restaurants, few passenger amenities, one can understand why the naïve traveler might take some umbrage at having to cope with this slum. of course, in addition passengers complained about thievery, the need to pay bribes, poor service and general mayhem, but that's so characteristics of everywhere in the country that i'm not sure why the airport was singled out. turns out it's all okay though. new aircon is due to be installed, but not until august when the summer is almost over. that's another real testament to the effectiveness of government planning in the philippines.

approximately two months ago some international agency released the results of a worldwide study of lte speed. guess what? it turns out that the philippines has the lowest average lte speed in the world! of course, as a globe and smart subscriber i might have inferred that, given that i'm lucky to hit 5 mbps in the middle of manila, and can stand on any street corner in new york and get at least 25-30. to add insult to injury, a new study, released within the past few days by ookla, the company that measures connection speeds, concluded that the philippines has the poorest average internet connection speed in all of asia; news that for a country that's try to attract high technology off shore firms, probably isn't all that sanguine.

so, the country's in the cellar on 3 important surveys, all of which have been mentioned in the national papers, and all of which have engendered the usual hew and cry on facebook. it seems that your average filipino facebook user is somewhat chagrined, and not a little angry that the country has been recognized internationally in a negative light still again.

i arrived today in cebu to spend one night, after an absence of several months. perhaps it's the context of the above that made me view the crumbling street, choking traffic, appalling airport and the dirt, more negatively than i usually do. or, perhaps it was the deep regret i'm experiencing over having decided to stay at the waterfront cebu city hotel, which is tawdry, worn, has miserable service, and is expensive. or perhaps it's a combination of all of the aforementioned, but i cannot begin to understand why anyone—other than guys who are here strictly to chase women—would find this city appealing. of course, i could make the same comment, equally accurately, about the entire country and not be far off the mark.

i know that for me, this is something of a rant, and having not escaped the place for the past 6 months, i'm perhaps more sensitive to the general hopelessness of the place than ever. whatever the reason, i am looking forward, perhaps more acutely than ever before, to getting back to the states for a couple of weeks.


X Man
04-22-14, 11:42
You want further weather reports? In the time you wrote your post you could have found several different web sites which give good info about weather in the Philippines in the different seasons, and at different locations.

You could also find a list of national holidays or even rtff to find out that last week was one of those busy periods. Lenten period / Easter. Maybe you are a Muslim or Hindu and didn't notice.

BBQgirl, not sure how to give you a nickname. Good luck X.

It means barbecue. What did you think it meant? LOL.

So what seasons are the actual rainiest? I was told the weather is all over the place their now. And what's the offical holiday season where I expect hotels to be hectic?

04-22-14, 14:49
@GE, despite all those issues the Philippines is still #1 for nymphopinos.

04-22-14, 15:41
You want further weather reports? In the time you wrote your post you could have found several different web sites which give good info about weather in the Philippines in the different seasons, and at different locations.

You could also find a list of national holidays or even rtff to find out that last week was one of those busy periods. Lenten period / Easter. Maybe you are a Muslim or Hindu and didn't notice.

BBQgirl, not sure how to give you a nickname. Good luck X.My post hasn't so much been asking what the weather is like "now" but more how the rainy season effects girls. Which was answered. I've signed up to date in Asia. I've had a few girls 02 me saying if I send then 1k for a taxi fair or ticket they will come stay with me. I'm guessing these are all scams right?

Econo Tech
04-22-14, 17:55
My post hasn't so much been asking what the weather is like "now" but more how the rainy season effects girls. Which was answered. I've signed up to date in Asia. I've had a few girls 02 me saying if I send then 1k for a taxi fair or ticket they will come stay with me. I'm guessing these are all scams right?1k sounds about OK for girls taxi fare when they meet foreign visitors. Just make sure you get a receipt. LOL

Have fun.

04-22-14, 18:32
One month would be my limit before I started ranting about the place.

You didn't even mention the food, the incessant sappy love songs, the HEEEEAAAAATTTT, the beggars, aggressive 6 year olds, sheez! I could never do six months in the PI.

Yeah, you need to come back to sex prison fantasy land, at least the food is good and the 6 year olds are asleep by 10pm.

Cheers bro.

04-22-14, 19:39
I've signed up to date in Asia. I've had a few girls 02 me saying if I send then 1k for a taxi fair or ticket they will come stay with me. I'm guessing these are all scams right?DIA is not a bad place to start.

Perhaps it is a scam. Better you provide a few more details re what you posted in your profile, e.g. the city that you'll be residing, what you're using to entice the girls.

I suggest further posting of dating-site issues be moved to the appropriate location at ISG. You may want to copy & paste the conversations there for analysis. If you prefer discretion pick a senior member and PM him.

04-22-14, 19:44
Yeah, you need to come back to sex prison fantasy land, at least the food is good and the 6 year olds are asleep by 10pm.Insanity. Why would anyone willfully go back?

04-22-14, 20:01
My post hasn't so much been asking what the weather is like "now" but more how the rainy season effects girls. Which was answered. I've signed up to date in Asia. I've had a few girls 02 me saying if I send then 1k for a taxi fair or ticket they will come stay with me. I'm guessing these are all scams right?Most girls are pretty poor and that is why they are looking for dates. Otherwise you probably wouldn't have a chance with them. They just don't have transportation or the money for it. Take a chance and send them the money otherwise you won't get very many dates or you will have to go to them. Many previous reports about sending taxi money.

Pip Jaeger
04-22-14, 21:27
I've signed up to date in Asia. I've had a few girls 02 me saying if I send then 1k for a taxi fair or ticket they will come stay with me. I'm guessing these are all scams right?
Take a chance and send them the money otherwise you won't get very many dates or you will have to go to them. Many previous reports about sending taxi money.Since you're going to be in the Phils for 6 months don't waste too much of your time now with the dating sites. Wait until you're there (or a week before) and then contact them. Go thru the sites now, search for what you want, and add them to your favorites. Once there, many times you can catch them online and meet them within a few hours. My past trip to Cebu I only contacted 3 girls ahead of time (because they only logged on about once a week or so) and met up with two of them, the rest I met with I contacted after I was there (but then again I was there for 2 months, so I had time).

I personally never send a girl I don't know money, bus fares in the Phils are relatively cheap and even if the girl is from a province then chances are she can borrow money to get to the city (or wherever you're at). If you're thinking about sending a "special" girl money, then first verify she's real (cam to cam) on site like yahoo messenger (even then there's no guarantee) , but if I were to send a girl 1K or so I would also wait until I arrive (it's also cheaper there to send money as places like LBC or M. Lhuillier as opposed to Western Union or Money Gram). Another option is that you can also pay her taxi fare (if she's close) direct to the driver when she arrives (make sure she takes a white taxi and the driver uses the meter). If she still insists on you sending money, I'd forget her and move on; it's not like there's a shortage of girls there.

Forget about what DG is saying, you're a young guy and you won't have any problems despite your "alternative" appearance; I seen plenty of the "back-packer" type tatted up guys with some super hot looking girls in Cebu. And I can't emphasize this enough, be honest with them about what you seek, casual dates only and that you're not presently looking for a wife or LTR (unless you really are!).

04-22-14, 21:29
Most girls are pretty poor and that is why they are looking for dates. Otherwise you probably wouldn't have a chance with them. They just don't have transportation or the money for it. Take a chance and send them the money otherwise you won't get very many dates or you will have to go to them. Many previous reports about sending taxi money.That is true, but it doesn't necessarily mean they are going to show up. I have sent fares on a couple of occasions, and there have been some pretty poor excuses for not turning up. Personally I would not do that again. You could offer to pay the taxi for them when they arrive, or go yourself and collect them. With these ideas you will soon see if they are genuine. On the other hand I have found a very nice regular GF in AC through DIA, and she was able to get herself to my hotel without me having to send anything. So it can work well. After all its only 8p for Jeepney if she's not too far away! Look at it this way, if you send her 500p for taxi so she can come and see you to earn maybe 500p, she may as well not bother coming!

Member #4387
04-22-14, 21:42
My post hasn't so much been asking what the weather is like "now" but more how the rainy season effects girls. Which was answered. I've signed up to date in Asia. I've had a few girls 02 me saying if I send then 1k for a taxi fair or ticket they will come stay with me. I'm guessing these are all scams right?Atleast I would go with Hutsoris recomandations here. Even if there is not big sums of money we talk about here it involves a principal as in never send money. The hole of phils, arrival end departure sector at airports, taxies and every aircraft seatpockets should contain a pamflet having warningssigns/posters all over stating never to send any money to no one. Reason; many girls take advantage of gullible guys coming to the islands with pussystruct mindset. Just bare this in mind and do whatever you like. Just try to explore and if no success you have something to write about here.

I am a seasoned user of datingsites and from time to time I come across a few claiming they don't have money to come and see me as in no transportation money. Then I simply put it simular to this: "ok, then it will be hard to meet as I don't send any money and never have done. So you better try figure something out go ask friends or whatever for a loan and I will reimbursh you when you arrive, ok?" In almost all cases they work something out and arrive in taxi later (the truthgehalt of it I don't know and never did any effort to evaluate).

For girls living far away which comes forward as a must fuck object and involves additional airtravel I guess it is more reliable many of them girls don't can come up with this kind of money atleast not right away. Even if it is realy cheap to travel by air in phils we talk about a few thousand pisos and with some girls moneyplanning(non existing mostly, hehe)you/we have to figure out a way..

My soulution: On my second last stay I came up with an idea I had to meet this Cebu spinner beeing very active in facebook and whatsapp and she made me horny looking on all of her pics both from here and more public sites from J. Ave superclub and more intimate pics send to me on private e mail. She has an eurpoean boyfriend but as usual they don't care so much about this. She did ofcourse not have money for buying ticket and wanted me to send over a few thousands so she could get her ass to NAIA which I ofcourse did not. So I asked her to meet me 11am next day at CEB which she did and we flew off to MNL. My initial plan was to visit Cebu but I cave in except from staying a couple of hours at the airport. Easier to send money, yes? Easier to book her a ticket she can pick up at the airport, yes? But doing the unexpected amuses me just a tip for you. And we did have time to learn to know eachother while airborne(recommended). The worst that could happen was she did not show up, no big deal realy, only 1 hour or so away from Manila. We stayed a LT together sending her back the next morning.

Member #4351
04-23-14, 00:20
i so she can come and see you to earn maybe 500pYou must be a big favorite with the girls.

04-23-14, 01:43
You must be a big favorite with the girls.The name says it all

04-23-14, 08:08
Most girls are pretty poor and that is why they are looking for dates. Otherwise you probably wouldn't have a chance with them. They just don't have transportation or the money for it. Take a chance and send them the money otherwise you won't get very many dates or you will have to go to them. Many previous reports about sending taxi money.My reply was more tongue-in-cheek. Many reports have been written about this. It is funny who is scamming who on theses dating sites. The cheap charlie looking for free pussy or the poon looking for easy money. Either way the legit looker / lookee will get scammed at least once.

04-23-14, 13:58
My reply was more tongue-in-cheek. Many reports have been written about this. It is funny who is scamming who on theses dating sites. The cheap charlie looking for free pussy or the poon looking for easy money. Either way the legit looker / lookee will get scammed at least once.I don't know, I'm just trying to find people to meet and maybe get shown some cool things. I'm not messaging girls trying to pay them for sex, so I don't think this really implies.

Econo Tech
04-23-14, 18:58
I don't know, I'm just trying to find people to meet and maybe get shown some cool things. I'm not messaging girls trying to pay them for sex, so I don't think this really implies.So you want free sex?

And expect, say, a girl from Baguio to spend 475 peso plus plus bus fare to come and another 475 peso plus plus, to get back, for the previlege of meeting you?

Well if you don't get what I mean, in simple terms, when landing in Manila limit your search to girls in Manila. A local girl can take jeepney / bus to meet you. A 'province' girl needs money to travel to Manila. Or after taking your money may spend it to fix the heart problem of the family carabao or injured hind leg of lolo. Or the other way around.

I know. Girls in northern cotabato or sultan kudarat are sexier in their online profiles. But either you fly to cotabato / sultan kudarat (not recommended unless you want to get kidnapped.) or send some money and pray you get the girl over, and hope you didn't send money over to a Guy masquerading as his sister or in the game with his sister / girl friend / wife. Seen all that, and more, yes, including a former girl friend of mine who was trying to scam me for her new controlling bf's addictions. And asked to remit the money to her 'cousin' brother. Not knowing I had eyes in her town to take a look-see and know the cousin was her new controlling live in, who had no qualms letting his gf expose her boobs on camera as long as he gets money for shabu and red horse.

I don't send money to girls I never met, even token sums, but have taken care of them if and when they meet me, and I don't expect a Cebu girl or Baguio girl or Samar girl to meet me in Manila, gratis.

For girls I know well enough. I have got flight tickets for domestic travel, like from CDO / Kalibo / Puerto Princesa to Manila and they never let me down.

Welcome to Philippines.

04-24-14, 00:24
Fantastic. Very few white folks to compete with girlwise. When this big, fat, white dude hit town, the girls all gather around. Got more ass than a toilet seat. I learned a lot of Visaya language so that gave me a leg up, so to speak. Anyway,[Link(s) to Photo(s) on other sites deleted by Admin]. I would post them here but I keep getting kicked off for some reason. Just a freindly old sex tourist. Trying to make his way in this troubled world.

EDITOR'S NOTE: The links originally included with this report were deleted in accordance with the Forum's Posting Guidelines prohibiting the posting of links to photos stored on other sites.

If you have photos you would like to share with the forum membership, then please post them here.

Please read the Forum's Photo Guidelines (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-forumrules.php#photoguidelines) for further information.

04-24-14, 01:57
I don't send money to girls I never met, even token sums, but have taken care of them if and when they meet me, and I don't expect a Cebu girl or Baguio girl or Samar girl to meet me in Manila, gratis.

For girls I know well enough. I have got flight tickets for domestic travel, like from CDO / Kalibo / Puerto Princesa to Manila and they never let me down.

Welcome to Philippines.I used the same line 3 times yesterday. Having, like all of us, been scammed once twice or thrice over the years, the rule is, no money honey, if I haven't met you. And if I've met you and not bonked you, its doubtful that the carabaos glycoma is any of my concern.

And like ET (the ISG one not the one on the bike in the movie LOL) , I've had some great visitors from Cebu Davao and CDO over the years

Econo Tech
04-24-14, 04:04
I used the same line 3 times yesterday. Having, like all of us, been scammed once twice or thrice over the years, the rule is, no money honey, if I haven't met you. And if I've met you and not bonked you, its doubtful that the carabaos glycoma is any of my concern.

And like ET (the ISG one not the one on the bike in the movie LOL) , I've had some great visitors from Cebu Davao and CDO over the yearsAdding on, I know there are guys who have women throwing themselves at, but I am not that killer hot, so I know where I stand.

Girls throwing themselves is, Filipino speak for girls who are not loose, but it's OK to have a fling with the likes of Hayden Kho or Piolo Pascual. And don't think its bad. Like my married / firm boyfriend Filipino colleagues here, when they see a hot guy, blurt out stuff like 'I don't mind a night with that guy' and some have done it too and have no regrets.

And another who's sister fancied me though I was then maintaining her elder sister, and when I asked for a threesome, the younger one went 'I am not a dog' but when elder sister was out of town, had no qualms having a go at me, to see what's me like. LOL

Ah, why do we love filipinas. I. E. the non bar types.

04-24-14, 04:13
A lot of good advice here.

Since you're going to be in the Phils for 6 months don't waste too much of your time now with the dating sites. Wait until you're there (or a week before) and then contact them. Go thru the sites now, search for what you want, and add them to your favorites. Once there, many times you can catch them online and meet them within a few hours. My past trip to Cebu I only contacted 3 girls ahead of time (because they only logged on about once a week or so) and met up with two of them, the rest I met with I contacted after I was there (but then again I was there for 2 months, so I had time).I waited until I arrived here to join a site, and in hindsight that was a mistake; lost a solid week of hapenis. Two weeks or so prior to arrival start hitting the sites to establish rapport and determine her willingness to meet on your terms. You'll need some time to hone your profile and build an inventory of messages that you can copy and paste in the future. Efficiency is vital.

I personally never send a girl I don't know money, bus fares in the Phils are relatively cheap and even if the girl is from a province then chances are she can borrow money to get to the city (or wherever you're at). [.]Another option is that you can also pay her taxi fare (if she's close) direct to the driver when she arrives (make sure she takes a white taxi and the driver uses the meter). If she still insists on you sending money, I'd forget her and move on; it's not like there's a shortage of girls there.If you're in Cebu or Manila there's really no rational reason to look elsewhere. Of course I recognise you may be so wowed by a particular girl who lives far away that you just got to have her. When I first arrived I ignored girls outside metro Manila, and this was a mistake. Time is on your side. Many girls have to travel to the major urban centres for a variety of reasons.

So you want free sex?

And expect, say, a girl from Baguio to spend 475 peso plus plus bus fare to come and another 475 peso plus plus, to get back, for the previlege of meeting you?

Well if you don't get what I mean, in simple terms, when landing in Manila limit your search to girls in Manila. A local girl can take jeepney / bus to meet you. A 'province' girl needs money to travel to Manila.

I don't send money to girls I never met, even token sums, but have taken care of them if and when they meet me, and I don't expect a Cebu girl or Baguio girl or Samar girl to meet me in Manila, gratis.When I receive a message from a faraway girl I no longer ignore them:

"Thanks for sending me your (interest) message. It's a pity you live so far away from Makati. Have you read my profile and do you understand what I'm looking for? Next time you come to Manila let me know. We'll get together and have a great time."Often enough the girl tells me when she'll be coming. Sometimes they'll arrive in town unannounced and let you know they're here. The loudest fuck I've ever had: she traveled from Rizal to QC to meet another guy, it didn't work out, and she texted me asking whether I was available. I was. Over the coming months she came to Manila again for her sister's pharmacist oath ceremony, a cousin's birthday, and to attend a concert. She came here with her family or on her own dime. Another girl was working at the Boracay Shangri-la and was flying in and out of Manila to interview for cruise-line jobs, attend a safety course, and process her work visa. Her parents were picking up the expenses. To her Manila was for fun; in Boracay she wouldn't meet guys because she was worried over the locals' gossip - she eventually overcame this reticence. I also communicate with OFWs in the Middle East. They often travel home once a year or two, and they fly through NAIA usually. Many of these girls are a tight lease in the Gulf (I lived there for a few years) , and they won't have a lot a freedom once home in the provinces. However, for a day or two whilst in Manila they want to cut loose and have some hapenis too. And there are some girls who put inaccurate info in their profiles, such as residing in Leyte, and when I message them they reply they now live in Manila.

Always keep your bed open to the potential.

And if I've met you and not bonked you, its doubtful that the carabaos glycoma is any of my concern.FF has been here long enough that I doubt he rarely experiences meeting a girl who soon isn't in his bed. The key here is to be direct in your communication. Be friendly. Don't be gross. Or rude. But there should be no question in her mind about what's going to happen when she meets you. If she resists, plays coy, or tells you "We'll see..." it's best to cut her loose before meeting her. In many cases her follow-on reply accepts what just a moment ago she was uncertain about.

Radical Guy
04-26-14, 21:13
on my last trip to the philippines, last january, a peculiar thing happened that never happened to me before. as passengers were entering the delta flight out of detroit to nagoya (most passengers connecting to manila) , there were 3 ice officers stopping and questioning people boarding the flight inside the gate. one officer starting asking me questions about who i was going to see, etc. i almost told him to f*ck off, but didn't want to be delayed, so i told him i was going to meet a lady friend (big mistake!). he then asked me how much cash i was carrying (about $3, 000) , and how old was the girl. i told him she was in her 20s (i'm in my 50s) , and he started giving me a speech about how philippine girls try to trick us citizens into petitioning them for a green card, etc. after his speech, he let me board the plane.

what the hell was this bullshit? i have been to the philippines a dozen times before, and this was the first time i saw ice officers questioning outbound passengers. is this now a common procedure? i can understand a high level of scrutiny for people entering the us, but what the hell business is it of the us government what americans do abroad (except, perhaps, sexually exploiting children)?


Mr Enternational
04-26-14, 22:24
on my last trip to the philippines, last january, a peculiar thing happened that never happened to me before. as passengers were entering the delta flight out of detroit to nagoya (most passengers connecting to manila) , there were 3 ice officers stopping and questioning people boarding the flight inside the gate. one officer starting asking me questions about who i was going to see, etc. i almost told him to f*ck off, but didn't want to be delayed, so i told him i was going to meet a lady friend (big mistake!). he then asked me how much cash i was carrying (about $3, 000) , and how old was the girl. i told him she was in her 20s (i'm in my 50s) , and he started giving me a speech about how philippine girls try to trick us citizens into petitioning them for a green card, etc. after his speech, he let me board the plane.

what the hell was this bullshit? i have been to the philippines a dozen times before, and this was the first time i saw ice officers questioning outbound passengers. is this now a common procedure? i can understand a high level of scrutiny for people entering the us, but what the hell business is it of the us government what americans do abroad (except, perhaps, sexually exploiting children)?

rgnot new. the guy was trying to give you advice like many on isg have done. why take offense? think of how many guys have been tricked and scammed. same thing happened to one of my wingmen leaving los angeles going to tokyo and connecting to thailand. the guy actually made him call his girl though. you should be aware that you can be stopped at anytime for anything when you are inside of an airport.

remember, that passport belongs to the state department, not to you. three years ago my cousin moved to malaysia where his wife is from. last week he went to the embassy there to get more pages in his passport because he doesn't have the spouse visa yet so he has to do visa runs every 3 months. the embassy confirep001ed his passport. he owes $37,500 child support back in the usa. the guy gave him a copy of it and a copy of his last stamp entering the country. he told him that he had until june when it expired and that is when he will be illegal. he can go back to the embassy for a temporary or emergency passport for his one-way journey back to the usa, which will more than likely land him in jail as soon as he touches down in the country.

04-27-14, 01:38
Same thing happened to me 2x in Detroit, each time asking how much money I was carrying. Both times they asked me what the legal limit was."$10, 000. 00 in USC, negotiable instruments or any combination thereof sir. Otherwise I'm required to file a customs declaration." Both guys got very pushy but I certainly didn't want to mouth off and miss my flight. One indeed did ask me why I was traveling to the Philippines.

"because I'm planning on retiring there sir." "Why are you retiring there? Because I can't afford to retire here sir."

Altered Ego
04-27-14, 04:50
Excuse me if you know this already, but I don't remember seeing it posted here, and I almost never post any useful information, so I thought I would try to do so for once.

I just tried to buy real (rather than fake or generic) Cialis at TGP Generics pharmacy just off Burgos in Makati. The pharmacist told me it is not available and was recalled 5 months ago.

I just checked online and found this link:


The lady at the pharmacy said that therefore any branded Cialis you find in the Phils right now is probably fake (unless it is imported of course).

04-27-14, 14:17
i have made several trips on delta from detroit to manila, via nagoya. i was never hassled on my way out, but twice upon return they inspected every photo on my ipad. i felt like complaining about profiling. here i was an old white guy, i must be a ****.

Pip Jaeger
04-28-14, 20:45
Comrade O wrapped up his SEA trip in Manila and signed an agreement to allow the US greater access to PI military bases, which I interpret as increased troop strength in the Phils (no new bases obviously). Although where is yet to be determined, we will undoubtedly see an influx of American troops in both Clark and Subic. I wonder what, if anything, this addition of fresh meat will do for the mongering scene. I would think an increase of business as soldiers look for "distractions" when on leave should equal more bars and / or more girls?

Of course the IJM had to rear its ugly head and try to use the agreement to gain more ground; and, reading between the lines, naturally more funding so its corporate execs can continue to stay in 5 star hotels and be driven around in chauffeured limos. Take a look at their financials (in particular their IRS form 990; quite a few interesting things there; over 50% [18. 8M USD] of revenue going to employee salaries / benefits alone with the top tier having salaries over 100K per year).



A few news links about the agreement between the PI's and US:





04-28-14, 22:01
Comrade O wrapped up his SEA trip in Manila and signed an agreement to allow the US greater access to PI military bases, which I interpret as increased troop strength in the Phils (no new bases obviously). Although where is yet to be determined, we will undoubtedly see an influx of American troops in both Clark and Subic. I wonder what, if anything, this addition of fresh meat will do for the mongering scene. I would think an increase of business as soldiers look for "distractions" when on leave should equal more bars and / or more girls?

Of course the IJM had to rear its ugly head and try to use the agreement to gain more ground; and, reading between the lines, naturally more funding so its corporate execs can continue to stay in 5 star hotels and be driven around in chauffeured limos. Take a look at their financials (in particular their IRS form 990; quite a few interesting things there; over 50% [18. 8M USD] of revenue going to employee salaries / benefits alone with the top tier having salaries over 100K per year).



A few news links about the agreement between the PI's and US:




http://www.philstar.com/headlines/2014/04/29/1317298/obama-no-us-basesThese are not the good ol days any longer and American servicemen cannot openly womanize where they are based. Also there will be truck loads of American servicewomen who will be offended and uncomfortable in any p4p area like Subic, AC, etc. This can't be a good thing for the p4p supporters.

Member #4643
04-29-14, 00:37
I am planning a dive trip to Palau. Does anyone know if there should be a problem bringing a young pinay with me from Manila?

04-29-14, 01:24
i remember when our president george bush jr. launched this anti-prostitution laws in 2006 for our troops.

what will these young, healthy and horny men and women do to satisfy their sex drives, when it's against military laws to hire prostitutes, also to fraternize or sorotize among themselves?

before mr. bush's enacted this laws, it used to be a good things for young americans to join the services, travel the world, party and screw local girls wherever they station. what will us troops in clark and subic do for sex? they should not all marry local girls just for sex. there would be a lot of broken families. i believe the military discourages marrying local girls and put them through a lot of hoops to prevent too many young people from going natives and become deserters.

got to admit, the purchasing power of us troops overseas could upset local demands and supplies for sex, and i could make the locals jealous. i assume it's still legal for them to party with bar girls. i think the us government had to bow under pressure from ngo's to curb us armed forces from turning every town they station in into massive brothels everywhere they go. un peace-keeping force is also well-known for raising prostitution industry everywhere they go.

i hope the military will adopt a don't ask don't tell policy against having sex with prostitutes. i hope as long as the troops and the local prostitution industry keep low profiles, they are overlooked to have some fun and making their livings.


under the uniform code of military justice (ucmj) , hiring a prostitute wasn't specifically banned until 2006 – as part of the bush administration's effort to combat [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908), which frequently is connected to prostitution (including the involvement of **** girls).

'under a change in the manual for courts-martial, troops who patronize prostitutes can receive a dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances and up to a year in jail, ' the marine corps times reported when the change took effect.

the specifics of 'prostitution' and 'pandering' are spelled out in article 134 of the ucmj, as are the circumstances under which such activities are 'to the prejudice of good order and discipline in the armed forces or. of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces. '

it makes no difference if prostitution is legal – as it is in parts of colombia, near the largest nato base in germany, parts of nevada, and other areas around the world where thousands of us service personnel are posted – purchasing sex still is outlawed by the us military.

Mr Enternational
04-29-14, 02:20
I am planning a dive trip to Palau. Does anyone know if there should be a problem bringing a young pinay with me from Manila?I was there last year. All the hookers and many people who don't work as hookers are from PI. I don't see there being a problem on the Palau end. The PI end I can not speak for. By the way I used Sam's Tours and stayed at Guest Lodge Motel, which has the best bang for the buck.

04-29-14, 06:38
I have not heard of too many cases of soldiers prosecuted for buying sex.

Does not look like the US government has been actively pursuing violators of this law. But if you get caught with witnesses and evidences, like the Secret Service guys in Cartagena, Colombia, then the government has no other choice but to file charges and enforce the law.


I saw plenty of US Sailos in Pattaya partaking of the offerings. Apparently there is a place they layover at near there. They didn't seem to interested in any kind of code other than having fun.

04-29-14, 06:49
I have not heard of too many cases of soldiers prosecuted for buying sex.

Does not look like the US government has been actively pursuing violators of this law. But if you get caught with witnesses and evidences, like the Secret Service guys in Cartagena, Colombia, then the government has no other choice but to file charges and enforce the law.Maybe this discussion belongs on " HeyImasoldiercanifuckthelocals. Com.

It has no place here.

Member #4387
04-29-14, 09:22
I don't want the most paranoide guys to respond but guys more related to reality. A while back I posted some pics of a girl. One day or so I got a PM from a frequent ISG phil thread poster advicing me to blur faces. I did blur the face but obcioisly not enough (but in my mind enough so know one maby not very known to this girl or herself knowing). The day after I got the angry e mail from the girl she wanted the pics deleted orelse I had to face the consecvenses. Let the consecvenses relax.

I've been adviced that more people (girls incl) than we think of follow this forum. That is a shame it is possible to look at pics without beeing a senior member (other forums have it like this). If I remember correctly and I may not (you can only sign up as as a fake person to lurk?)

I did big effort to get pics deleted but Jackson replied only once and that was I had to use the "report button" to the post and pics I wanted deleted. I got only answer one time and when using the report button nothing happened. When you try to press this button several times it says sth "if you do so your hole profile and everything is deleted as there is no time to process complaints" (this was not the exact words but the meaning is the same).

Well this girl promised me big consecvenses due to my misbehaviour (amd when she found out I tried to fix it without sucess). Due to this I now go in more of a hidingmode and never again will tell upfront when I go to Makati. I have to say though I just spend 6 days of pussypounding in Makati and it worked out just fine.

So any PM's or anything, I am realy sorry as I would love to meet some of you guys, you can ofcourse send me and maby we work sth out (I am here for the girls though, hehe) but as a golden rule for now; I can not trust anyone. Someone is lurking, maby her maby someone "close" here. Additionaly I will also change hunting venue from Ascott and stay somewhere else (upscale, lowscale, midascale, maby in Malate, Ortigas, the Fort who knows).

When thinking about it maby I am the one paranoide, hehe?

04-29-14, 13:21
Pattaya is in Thailand. Wrong forum.Well that's a brilliant observation Einstein. So in your rules we can't even mention another county location in the context of the conversation at hand. We're having an intelligent conversation here. If you can't contribute please don't be annoying. Simple minds.

Member #4387
04-29-14, 14:13
OMG thanks for your replies upon my conserns regarding my latest postings so instead of writing each and one of you I do it here. I would have appreciated though if Jacksons would be a tad more cooperative and delete those pics as when first they are out there in the open, I regret my postings and I know others have gotten their pics deleted.

In a way it was never my intention to harm the girl but I have a strong feeling (even if she is active on almost every cyberconnection there is) some lurker tipped her off. Reasons I keep hidden but I have my trustable source. Only her and possible someone knowing her very well (and I mean very well) could recognize her.

She is by far a pay for play girl and have resources making me go into hidingmode for a while.

I will tell about my last makati encounters (a busy one as well) on another occation. So lets stay blured (better than mine) or chop head off pics guys.

04-29-14, 16:30
You are not the owner or moderator of this forum. Who are you to decide what belongs where in this forum?

S T F U and stop acting like you own the forum!

Maybe this discussion belongs on " HeyImasoldiercanifuckthelocals. Com.

It has no place here.

Pip Jaeger
04-29-14, 17:33
Originally Posted by Skogis [View Original Post]

I've been adviced that more people (girls incl) than we think of follow this forum. That is a shame it is possible to look at pics without beeing a senior member (other forums have it like this). If I remember correctly and I may not (you can only sign up as as a fake person to lurk?) Quite true, big brother also monitors this forum and anyone can see the thumbnail photos, but supposedly only seniors / paid members can view them in full screen. However, there's a way or three around that (I won't post exactly how, why make it easy for anyone).

I did big effort to get pics deleted but Jackson replied only once and that was I had to use the "report button" to the post and pics I wanted deleted.

When thinking about it maby I am the one paranoide, hehe?Never hurts to be a little paranoid, nothing worse then a woman's scorn; except perhaps winding up in a third world prison or getting your throat cut. And keep an eye on the pics to make sure they do in fact get deleted in case they haven't been already.

Originally Posted by Skogis [View Original Post]

In a way it was never my intention to harm the girl but I have a strong feeling (even if she is active on almost every cyberconnection there is) some lurker tipped her off. Reasons I keep hidden but I have my trustable source. Only her and possible someone knowing her very well (and I mean very well) could recognize her.

She is by far a pay for play girl and have resources making me go into hidingmode for a while.

I will tell about my last makati encounters (a busy one as well) on another occation. So lets stay blured (better than mine) or chop head off pics guys.Had something similar happen a couple years ago, but in my case I shared contact info for a pair of bi-girls from metro-Manila with another member here (I won't mention who; he was banned shortly afterwards anyhow for some antagonistic posts he made). He met with the girls and the asshole actually showed the girls the pics I posted! The next day I got a series of texts and phone calls from the girls who were naturally upset. I subsequently had the pics deleted (it took a couple of days, but it was done) and managed to placate the girls, but as a result I lost a pair of cute bi-sexual girls who were a lot of fun. And I now rarely share (or even ask for) a girl's contact info with other members unless I've met them in person; and even then I'm cautious.

I don't know the idiots motivation for showing them the pics, he never replied to my text's, but he soon realized that the girls also shared a bit of personal info about him (real name, photo and hotel) as I went to his hotel to confront him. Entering in the lobby I realized that I might be making a mistake as it's not a good idea to get into a brawl in a public place (especially in a foreign country) , but as I turned to go I seen him approaching from the street. I walked back outside, stopped him and when I told him who I was he turned white as a ghost. I simply told him that he needs to grow eyes in the back of his head and I left. I then went up the street to a café and had a beer to calm down. About 30 minutes later I seen him getting into a taxi with his luggage; guess he got the message, LOL.

Needless to say after that incident I also began to black out faces or crop the heads off as well as blur out personal identifiers (like scars, tattoos, etc) of the girls who's pics I post. It may take a few minutes, but I certainly don't want a repeat of the scare I had. You never really know who these girls are, who they know or who they are connected to, so, like I said earlier, being a little paranoid may not be a bad thing.

Member #4387
04-30-14, 06:20
While sitting surfing at BKK's Suvarnabhumi airport on my way back to Europe through a 5G operative wifi system it hits me I a few days back was surfing the internet at NAIA's T2 in the "biz" lounge (I would not call that a proper biz lounge but what the heck). I could not even get my startpage to work. And it needs hardly any connection at all (maby due to habits).

Here at BKK, the instant you press, the page pops up. 6G I presume can predict what you will press and that is it.

I guess we are talking about one country seemingly interested in developing vs one that are not (Thai vs Phils).

04-30-14, 08:06
while sitting surfing at bkk's suvarnabhumi airport on my way back to europe through a 5g operative wifi system it hits me i a few days back was surfing the internet at naia's t2 in the "biz" lounge (i would not call that a proper biz lounge but what the heck). i could not even get my startpage to work. and it needs hardly any connection at all (maby due to habits).

here at bkk, the instant you press, the page pops up. 6g i presume can predict what you will press and that is it.

i guess we are talking about one country seemingly interested in developing vs one that are not (thai vs phils).the technology (and infrastructure, income, education, etc.) lag between this country and some, perhaps most of its neighbors is growing. why is it, for example, that thailand's infrastructure is so much better than that of the philippines? why is it that the thais spend about $1, 500 per child per year on education and the philippines spends about $220? the list could go on and on.

i suggest, that aside from the endless, rapacious venality of the politicians, it's due to differences in vision. most countries in asean are eager for direct foreign investment (dfi) and are trying to create the infrastructure (it, physical, educational) that would attract sustained interest from foreign investors. so, together with the infrastructure, they create attract tax incentives, promote effective, enforced contract statutes that protect investors, and in general provide a legal and regulatory framework designed to continuously expand dfi. quite the contrary in the philippines which, despite the empty rhetoric to the contrary, seems to do everything it can to repel foreign investment. the reason may have to do with the oligarchy here wanting to maintain its almost total control of the economy without the pressure of more efficient, less expensive foreign competition. how else to explain the highest electricity costs in asia, some of the highest shipping costs and the deplorable infrastructure, not to mention an air traffic network that's a patchwork of outdated equipment and dilapidated airports?

just as an aside, today my office staff and i wasted about 5 (collective) hours trying to execute a simple bank transaction that would take less than 5 minutes anywhere else. i finally told the bank manager, that even on drugs i couldn't imagine a less efficient, more cumbersome system. she sighed and then said something like: "yes sir, i know."

the inefficiency of almost every sector here is overwhelming, and given that the inefficiencies are so pervasive, i can only conclude that the condition exists through the indifference of those who own the economy and administer the country. there's no other explanation that makes any sense to me. did i mention that according to a recent international survey the philippines has the lowest average internet speed in asia?


04-30-14, 08:51
Perpetuation of the oligarchs at the expense of everybody else. And they are so docile. Maybe, just maybe all of the pork barrels will open and convictions will result with actual consequences and prison terms.

04-30-14, 10:13
Perpetuation of the oligarchs at the expense of everybody else. And they are so docile. Maybe, just maybe all of the pork barrels will open and convictions will result with actual consequences and prison terms.Ain't going to happen.

Econo Tech
04-30-14, 13:29
I guess we are talking about one country seemingly interested in developing vs one that are not (Thai vs Phils).In PH the oligarchs who own the dominant Telcos bankroll election candidates. And you need millions of pesos to win per PH electoral systems. Buy votes.

So how will an elected Senator / congressman / president push for any law that may demand accountability from service providers?

Wicked Roger
04-30-14, 14:18
the inefficiency of almost every sector here is overwhelming, and given that the inefficiencies are so pervasive, i can only conclude that the condition exists through the indifference of those who own the economy and administer the country. there's no other explanation that makes any sense to me. did i mention that according to a recent international survey the philippines has the lowest average internet speed in asia?

gebut on the "flip" side ge, the philippines reduced poverty to 19.3% of the population from 22% last year and 2 popes reached sainthood. this was huge news here and still is 3 days past the event! plus obama promised to save the philippines from any attack. mainly because pnoy said the country did not have many or any fighter planes!

so the oligarchs will tell you via the spin doctors aka palace spokesmen / women that the economy is great (tiger economy) and poverty is falling, plus of course corruption is being tackled and the usa will save it from china so life must be great lol.

Wicked Roger
04-30-14, 14:22
Perpetuation of the oligarchs at the expense of everybody else. And they are so docile. Maybe, just maybe all of the pork barrels will open and convictions will result with actual consequences and prison terms.Two hopes Slippery.

No hope and Bob Hope and he died many years ago LOL.

Look how long it takes to bring anyone to justice here, recently some Zambo mayor's plunder charge was dismissed as the prosecution had taken so long to bring it to the court (over 10 years) , the 53 journalists murdered 5 years ago. Still no trail, and the list goes on.

The oligarchs will hope the new leader in 2016 will pardon all the naughty politicians proving crime does pay LOL, by then none of the corruption cases you read about will anywhere near a court anyway.

Econo Tech
04-30-14, 17:24
ain't going to happen.i agree with you. most filipinos attention span is so short, maybe a new charge against gma or something like that and everybody will demand the bigger criminal (gma) need punished.

after all, they still vote in marcos family right? and bongbong recently proudly declared they really are guilt free as no cases are pending anymore.

to spice up things, a up law professor wrote an article comparing gma and ping, and why ping lacson should lead the country.

gma was a thief, and ping was a murderer. and per the prof's logic, you shouldn't forgive a thief but you should forgive a murderer, as the former is a bigger criminal, and believe me, many are starting to sing praises for ping.

btw, another article went on to describe how vic sotto who gang raped a minor and then begged forgiveness on tv, is being respected enough to be voted in. people admired his courage to seek forgiveness and did vote him in. (never mind the fact the victim was a minor and later killed herself under mysterious circumstances. and since nobody pressed charges the criminal along with his partners in crime never went to jail.)

i can quote many examples, including the son on singson charged for drugs in hk but got a heroes welcome in philippines when he was released. after all he took drugs to overcome his grief on breaking up with his gf.

did someone say things will change in philippines? really?

Red Kilt
05-01-14, 03:18
I was intrigued to read that the estranged wife of the beleaguered Clippers' owner has handed a lawsuit to his gf contending that the gf "engages in conduct designed to target, befriend, seduce and then entice, cajole, borrow from, cheat and / or receive as gifts transfers of wealth from wealthy older men. '

What a rich minefield of potential litigation for the Philippines?

Red Kilt
05-02-14, 08:26
Be careful on line with Filipino links guys.

They use all sorts of tricks these days.


Member #4387
05-02-14, 09:08
Mostly this have not been on my agenda to droddle around but on my recent Makati stay following happened:

Had this spinner agreeing to meet up at 3pm (I don't want to mention the 60 or so texts she send before even lunchtime the actual day we supposed to meet). Well anyway 2 pm she tells me she's on her way (she don't live to far so I hurry up to goodbye the present pinay making her to move so I can have refresh moment alone).

3pm happens and it is like many texts. I ask humbly when you come?"It is so trapic" she answers. And follow this closely, I ask how delayed will you be?"30 min maximum".

3:40pm I text her were are you, are you getting close? How many minutes until you come etc?"1 hour maby" she text me.

So the recognition of time and room is quite badly trained down in 3 world I guess? To her defense, she was poor girl, did not know how to travel very well, was quite not a world traveller, so I tipped her well after sessions feeling a tad sorry for her.

Econo Tech
05-02-14, 12:20
So the recognition of time and room is quite badly trained down in 3 world I guess? To her defense, she was poor girl, did not know how to travel very well, was quite not a world traveller, so I tipped her well after sessions feeling a tad sorry for her.A lot of Manila taxi drivers have no qualms screwing innocent looking local passengers, from what I know.

A girl took a taxi from San Juan to Makati, on a Saturday and after 2 hours, the driver dropped her near Greenbelt saying he don't know how to get to Makati Ave. The girl showed the receipt for nearly 300 peso.

Member #4387
05-02-14, 13:46
A lot of Manila taxi drivers have no qualms screwing innocent looking local passengers, from what I know.

A girl took a taxi from San Juan to Makati, on a Saturday and after 2 hours, the driver dropped her near Greenbelt saying he don't know how to get to Makati Ave. The girl showed the receipt for nearly 300 peso.On my last trip down in 3 world this was my first experience ladies coming relatively late. I use a lot of energy upfront to make them understand beeing on time is important. But this inafcto story shows a hole diff picture. I usualy give the girl som slacks as trappic is horrendous from time to time so not even the well most travelled locals could predict but from 3pm until 5:15pm and communication from around 2 pm (I will be there in 30 minutes). Well that bad can no one predict travelling. But I stayed put. What we not sacrifies for the golden pinaypussy.

05-02-14, 14:43
Be careful on line with Filipino links guys.

They use all sorts of tricks these days.


I read that this morning. Actually made the news in the west. I got to tell ya though, you got to be out of your mind to fall for something like that. Like the Nigerian 419 scams. Who falls for that? And the girls on PinaLove and DIA. If she sends you a yahoo or skype name in her opening email. You can be 99% sure it's a scam. I don't know what but I don't have time to find out. I also have little sympathy for people that fall for these scams as they usually prey on human greed. Nothings for nothing. As with anything in life,"caveat emptor."

Sam 14
05-02-14, 15:07
Plus Obama promised to save the Philippines from any attack. Mainly because PNoy said the country did not have many or any fighter planes!

So the oligarchs will tell you via the spin doctors aka Palace spokesmen / women that the economy is great (Tiger economy) and poverty is falling, plus of course corruption is being tackled and the USA will save it from China so life must be great LOL.Oh, Good! Thanks for that clarification. When I heard Mr. Obama was coming, cynicism kicked in and I was thinking this probably isn't about the well being of the average Filipino. (Or the average American). I figured maybe it had something to do with that TPP deal. I'm glad that's not the case. Haha

Econo Tech
05-03-14, 05:16

I read that this morning. Actually made the news in the west. I got to tell ya though, you got to be out of your mind to fall for something like that. Like the Nigerian 419 scams. Who falls for that? And the girls on PinaLove and DIA. If she sends you a yahoo or skype name in her opening email. You can be 99% sure it's a scam. I don't know what but I don't have time to find out. I also have little sympathy for people that fall for these scams as they usually prey on human greed. Nothings for nothing. As with anything in life,"caveat emptor."I had the privilege of being walked through one such scam, an ex's sister's bf.

He even showed live videos of girls and the 'girl' goes. Let me show you my boob. And nothing else on web cam. I caught the scam almost when the admirer. Supposedly the girl, introduced herself saying the mutual friend requested to say hi.

It was pretty convincing. I never exposed myself, claiming my web cam was faulty. And played along, claimed I will send the money and the so called girl goes 'send to my cousin's name, as I don't have any I'd to collect. ' etc etc. And insisted I give my full address in Malaysia as part of WU verification, it wasn't hard for me to feign innocence and cook up a fake address.

I continued playing and swore I sent money and on and on. When the guy figured out I was bluffing he threatened to invoke the wrath of PNP. And said he is sending cops over to my hotel in Manila where we were supposed to rendezvous for fun. When in reality I was in Malaysia

If I didn't know Philippines, and that everyone name drops PNP or BI, I may have folded.

They can get pretty convincing and scary for the lesser initiated.

Red Kilt
05-03-14, 11:41
If I didn't know Philippines, and that everyone name drops PNP or BI, I may have folded.

They can get pretty convincing and scary for the lesser initiated.Which leads us back to my original post.

I said

"Be careful on line with Filipino links. They use all sorts of tricks these days".

05-03-14, 16:51
Hi all,

I will be visiting Manila soon. Can't wait to get started on the action.


05-04-14, 01:31
a lot of manila taxi drivers have no qualms screwing innocent looking local passengers, from what i know.

a girl took a taxi from san juan to makati, on a saturday and after 2 hours, the driver dropped her near greenbelt saying he don't know how to get to makati ave. the girl showed the receipt for nearly 300 peso.this is so true. a friend of mine (ac bar girl) went to samar last february and when she arrived at bus terminal in manila, she got a taxi to terminal 3 and the driver wanted 800p for her fare. she complained and the driver said you are working in the bar, being paid by foreigners and have money to fly to samar, so you can afford it. she paid it because she was scared.

when i lived in the pi, i had five or six trusted cabbie on speed dial. when i would go to the casino, with 20, 000p or casino pickup with atm run on way back to hotel or if i was going to make a few stops. a good cabbie is worth their weight in gold.

05-04-14, 06:46
I had the privilege of being walked through one such scam, an ex's sister's bf.

He even showed live videos of girls and the 'girl' goes. Let me show you my boob. And nothing else on web cam. I caught the scam almost when the admirer. Supposedly the girl, introduced herself saying the mutual friend requested to say hi.

It was pretty convincing. I never exposed myself, claiming my web cam was faulty. And played along, claimed I will send the money and the so called girl goes 'send to my cousin's name, as I don't have any I'd to collect. ' etc etc. And insisted I give my full address in Malaysia as part of WU verification, it wasn't hard for me to feign innocence and cook up a fake address.

I continued playing and swore I sent money and on and on. When the guy figured out I was bluffing he threatened to invoke the wrath of PNP. And said he is sending cops over to my hotel in Manila where we were supposed to rendezvous for fun. When in reality I was in Malaysia

If I didn't know Philippines, and that everyone name drops PNP or BI, I may have folded.

They can get pretty convincing and scary for the lesser initiated.I played one guy for months. Said he was from African and had some blood diamonds. He was going to have a flight attendant bring them to NYC as long as I sent money first. For those less initiated: There are no random strangers that are going to reach out to you and make you rich. These guys prey on greed. When I travel I always assume that anyone walking up to me and offering me anything is a scam. Same way with the internet. No complete stranger is worried about me getting rich. He's more worried about himself getting rich on your dime. Ignore any stranger. Unless you want to pull their leg. The guy from Africa was pretty pissed that I wasted months of his time. But that's all he does anyway. Try and find suckers. There's one born.

Member #4387
05-04-14, 08:55
Refering to my Adams family report you can see I was interrupted by quite a few questions (same every 10 minutes or so "what are you doing now"?). It is fully irritating but to my experience if you answer them without a "LOL" or "sweetie" you will get the "are you mad at me" question in return.

My last trip I admit I did a seemingly younger crowd than I normaly do and these youngsters seem to have the same questions trained from somewhere unkown to me.

Also got this "did you have lunch?" Question loads of time and at 6:30am in morning "hows your day"? I don't know any sane answer to this last one as I normaly don't answer and by far is ready to get out of bed (normaly I am assisted by a spinner next to me anyway and morning session is about to happen in a few hrs.

So anyone have any insights why pinays (the younger ones) do like this? Maby it is about confident as the tad older crowd just send "I am on my way I text you when outside" line. More comfortable so to speak.

05-07-14, 04:19
Refering to my Adams family report you can see I was interrupted by quite a few questions (same every 10 minutes or so "what are you doing now"?). It is fully irritating but to my experience if you answer them without a "LOL" or "sweetie" you will get the "are you mad at me" question in return.

My last trip I admit I did a seemingly younger crowd than I normaly do and these youngsters seem to have the same questions trained from somewhere unkown to me.

Also got this "did you have lunch?" Question loads of time and at 6:30am in morning "hows your day"? I don't know any sane answer to this last one as I normaly don't answer and by far is ready to get out of bed (normaly I am assisted by a spinner next to me anyway and morning session is about to happen in a few hrs.

So anyone have any insights why pinays (the younger ones) do like this? Maby it is about confident as the tad older crowd just send "I am on my way I text you when outside" line. More comfortable so to speak.We've all experienced this endlessly. The truth is, it actually doesn't matter what you reply as the routine will follow the same inane manner with the same mind numbingly dumb questions. They get it from each other.

They feel a need to use a phone constantly and that its better to fill the emptyness with nonsense than anything else. Watch 4 filipinas sitting together in a Starbucks. All four wil be working their phones and won't be looking talking to each other.

Reply however you feel, but I think many of us try for the self amusement factor.

For instance " have you had your breakfast "." Well I'm imagining you naked on my table right now and I have a knife and fork in hand.

The reply will be " Huh?"

" Hows your day" well " I'm imagining you lying next to me ready for 3rd round " Another " Huh?"

If she says " have you had lunch " and you reply " huh?" she will reply " are you mad?".

Another variant is when she says " have you had your lunch" to reply " have you had your lunch?". She will reply "huh?"

We don't understand their text language and they don't understand ours.

05-07-14, 06:19
I just had an interesting scenario with a taxi driver. I only take meter taxi's and it's not the money so much as the principal, as I always give the honest ones a healthy tip. I caught a taxi out side of the tune hotel in malate who agreed on using the meter. Well about 10 meters down the road in the sleaziest part of mabini street he pulled over and insisted on charging me 300p or he would leave me and my bags on the side of the road. At first fantasies of turning his body into a punching bag and his face into a spittoon were happily parading thru my head, until a thought entered my mind. Now he has the upper hand, when we get to makati and my bags are safely inside the tune hotel, then I would have the upper hand. So with a forced smile I agreed on 300p for the ride.

Upon arrival, I hopped out and retrieved my bags and sent them safely inside with the hotel employee. On completion of the first part of my ploy, I turned with fire in my eyes and said " how much do you want for the ride " with out even so much as a tiny smile on my face? He stepped back and started to shake and said " 300p ". MY answer was a precise and crisp "fuck you, you said you were going to use the meter at first, and then pulled over and threatened to dump me on the side of the road, I should be beating the fuck out of you". Was I pissed? Hell yes. He looked just a little different then when he was behind the wheel, jacking me for 300p, I should say just a little bit less confident, but he still had the nerve to ask 250, with a quivering lower lip I might say. I reached in my wallet as I stared threateningly into his beady eyes and pulled out 200p. I stepped forward and handed him the money with a foot note," mother fucker I should be kicking the fuck out of you instead of paying you, take this and get the fuck out of here you piece of shit". Was I pissed? Dangerously so.

After payment, we continued our conversation, filled with expletives and one fingered hand solutes, until he was well in his taxi and rapidly leaving the tune behind.

Now some may say that I was a bit hard on him, and should have paid the 300p and some would say I was a bit to easy, and that I shouldn't have paid him at all. Had I have agreed on the 300p prior to climbing in the taxi I would have paid him and been forever pissed at myself for being a chump. But in essence, he held me up in his cab after agreeing on using the meter which would have been less then 200 plus a tip. I'm not the type of person to try and get a free ride, I pay my way in life and always have. I gave him what I thought was a fair amount, said just enough to pucker his sphincter and sent him packing. This gave me much pleasure, and gave him what he should have gotten, A positive ending to a situation that could have ended very badly for us both had I acted on my fantasy instead of my logic.

happy pooning, and taxi rides, LAT

Red Kilt
05-07-14, 06:45
Now some may say that I was a bit hard on him, and should have paid the 300p and some would say I was a bit to easy, . < SNIP > A positive ending to a situation that could have ended very badly for us both had I acted on my fantasy instead of my logic.I understand your logic and your anger, but your actions may bite you on the bum.

If he is seriously feeling angry about what you did and said, he may decide to seek revenge by getting a few of his cronies to join him and wait for you near Tune since he knows where you are staying.

He never lost face in the eyes of anyone else except himself so he might also just shrug and say WTF; I tried but I didn't get away with it so I will forget it.

I would be watching over my shoulder for the rest of my visit if I were you just the same (or move to another hotel).

05-07-14, 07:10
I understand your logic and your anger, but your actions may bite you on the bum.

If he is seriously feeling angry about what you did and said, he may decide to seek revenge by getting a few of his cronies to join him and wait for you near Tune since he knows where you are staying.

He never lost face in the eyes of anyone else except himself so he might also just shrug and say WTF; I tried but I didn't get away with it so I will forget it.

I would be watching over my shoulder for the rest of my visit if I were you just the same (or move to another hotel).Thanks for the advice red but I'm neither a runner or worried about a little fight. I was raised in the streets of LA and know my way around a street fight. Besides I did pay him a fair amount and he knows it, he just didn't get the bonus.

If we let these taxi thugs just do as they please then there will be no end to it, and I for one am not willing to let that happen.


05-07-14, 07:44
At major US airports, cabbies form long lines, waiting long time for their turns. So they don't want to do short drives. The guys can be very nasty with people going cheap rides, only a few miles.

I got dumped a few times at dark spots, or got harassed for big tips on these short rides. So I would tell the rogue cabbies, that I would take their cab number down and complain to the cab company tomorrow. They would immediately lose their job, not to mention getting sued for putting me at grave risks of getting assaulted, possibly murdered, and robbed of my expensive luggage and big amounts of cash. They could also be criminal suspects in arranging the robberies.

The rogue cabbies were all shaking and sweating. The prospects of losing their jobs and had their wives / GFs holding out on sex must have been terrifying. They were immediately very respectful and cooperative afterwards. Hungry people can turn into beasts. I just pity them.

Wonder if you could pull that kind of leverage in Manilla? I hate to get into fights with these street urchins over small money. They would probably fight far more often, perhaps with concealed weapons, and could really injure the passengers. A cabbie in Bangkok drove a long machete through his ride's back after an argument.

I would rather spend time in Manila screwing sexy babes, not screwing around at the precinct, reporting to the police.

I just had an interesting scenario with a taxi driver. I only take meter taxi's and it's not the money so much as the principal, as I always give the honest ones a healthy tip. I caught a taxi out side of the tune hotel in malate who agreed on using the meter. Well about 10 meters down the road in the sleaziest part of mabini street he pulled over and insisted on charging me 300p or he would leave me and my bags on the side of the road. At first fantasies of turning his body into a punching bag and his face into a spittoon were happily parading thru my head, until a thought entered my mind. Now he has the upper hand, when we get to makati and my bags are safely inside the tune hotel, then I would have the upper hand. So with a forced smile I agreed on 300p for the ride.

Upon arrival, I hopped out and retrieved my bags and sent them safely inside with the hotel employee. On completion of the first part of my ploy, I turned with fire in my eyes and said " how much do you want for the ride " with out even so much as a tiny smile on my face? He stepped back and started to shake and said " 300p ". MY answer was a precise and crisp "fuck you, you said you were going to use the meter at first, and then pulled over and threatened to dump me on the side of the road, I should be beating the fuck out of you". Was I pissed? LAT

05-07-14, 08:18
[QUOTE=LukeSkywalker; 1564137.

I got dumped a few times at dark spots, or got harassed for big tips on these short rides. So I would tell the rogue cabbies, that I would take their cab number down and complain to the cab company tomorrow. They would immediately lose their job, not to mention getting sued for putting me at grave risks of getting assaulted, possibly murdered, and robbed of my expensive luggage and big amounts of cash. They could also be criminal suspects in arranging the robberies.

The rogue cabbies were all shaking and sweating. The prospects of losing their jobs and had their wives / GFs holding out on sex must have been terrifying. They were immediately very respectful and cooperative afterwards. Hungry people can turn into beasts. I just pity them.

Wonder if you could pull that kind of leverage in Manilla? .[/QUOTE]I think you must be totally new or not well indoctinated to the country to realise that its 1% organised and 99% pure chaos.

Good luck finding a cop who is interested in your story.

Good luck finding a cabbie who feels his job is threatened by a whitey.

Good luck finding a cab operator who takes the word of his tagalog speaking driver versus a white passenger.

Sorry to say, but you give yourself too much credit.

Your status as a passenger counts for very little.

Just be polite, non demanding and most of the time everything will be just fine.

05-07-14, 12:08
"Wonder if you could pull that kind of leverage in Manilla? .[/QUOTE]I think you must be totally new or not well indoctinated to the country to realise that its 1% organised and 99% pure chaos.

Good luck finding a cop who is interested in your story.

Good luck finding a cabbie who feels his job is threatened by a whitey.

Good luck finding a cab operator who takes the word of his tagalog speaking driver versus a white passenger.

Sorry to say, but you give yourself too much credit.

Your status as a passenger counts for very little.

Just be polite, non demanding and most of the time everything will be just fine" [ quote ]

Yeah freebiefan, I'm new here iv'e only been traveling se asia since 1976 (sarcasm) I've made at least 2 month long trips every year since. I was even here when Marcos was deposed, I had a Huey hovering at my window for about 30 seconds as I looked upon it with hungover eyes lol.

I'm always polite until someone tries to rip me off, then my whole attitude changes. The points you are trying to make don't even relate to my post. Never did I mention looking for a cop, nor did I threaten his job. I didn't call the cab operator, nor do I give a fuck about my status as a customer.

I don't whine to anyone about my problems I just handle them at the moment they arise. If you choose to bend over, grab your ankles, and take it so be it. Bring your own ky.

Have a good day, LAT.

P. S its indoctrinated and realize.

Red Kilt
05-07-14, 12:14
If you guys previewed your posts before posting we wouldn't get the chaos that arises in the past 2 posts where the reports "quoted" were not done correctly.

Previewing your posts shows this fuckup clearly and you can then correct it using the "edit post" then
save changes" buttons.

It might have stopped LAT from attacking FF when he should have attacked Luke SW

Red Kilt
05-07-14, 12:26
Thanks for the advice red but I'm neither a runner or worried about a little fight. I was raised in the streets of LA and know my way around a street fight. Besides I did pay him a fair amount and he knows it, he just didn't get the bonus.

If we let these taxi thugs just do as they please then there will be no end to it, and I for one am not willing to let that happen.

LATGood luck with that then LAT.

Whilst I agree in principle with EVERYTHING you say, the reality is that pinoys do not fight fair and also don't follow the Marquesse of Queensbury's boxing rules in altercations. You may find you are taking on 6 or more guys armed with everything from guns to knives to chains to broken bottles to sticks with nails in them etc. It has happened before and will happen again; I just hope for your sake it's not with you as a fellow forum member.

As you said, the cabbie may not be concerned as he got a good payout from you anyway and you obviously know your way around the streets and he might sense that. I just hope that any other wannabee Jack Reachers reading your post don't figure that rules in other places necessarily follow in the Philippines, and particularly in the cesspool that is Malate / Ermita.

05-07-14, 12:29
If you guys previewed your posts before posting we wouldn't get the chaos that arises in the past 2 posts where the reports "quoted" were not done correctly.+1.

That taxi driver learnt a valuable lesson, too. Next time when fleecing whitey make sure to collect the demanded amount before resuming the drive. :p

05-07-14, 12:35
If you guys previewed your posts before posting we wouldn't get the chaos that arises in the past 2 posts where the reports "quoted" were not done correctly.

Previewing your posts shows this fuckup clearly and you can then correct it using the "edit post" then

Save changes" buttons.

It might have stopped LAT from attacking FF when he should have attacked Luke SWActually luke was talking about the us not the phils.


05-07-14, 13:19
Fellow members of the forum, I didn't write my initial report looking to receive acclaim or [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) in any ones mess kit. It had just happened and I wanted to share my experience. Apparently some of you find it necessary to directly condemn me for my actions. If you want to say " I would not do that" then that's cool and entirely up to you.

But please don't tell me I should have done this or done that, I am, after all, a grown up and fully aware that my actions have ramifications. I'm also confident enough and prepared enough to handle what comes down the pike. If I were to compare myself to a food, it would be a hearty beef stew with a few habanero's thrown in to weed out the weak. I'm just not a milk toast kind of guy, and never will be.

If you met me you would know that I'm very polite, kind and concerned for my fellow travelers. I just don't take crap from a punk ass taxi criminal.

I will edit my original post to add a disclaimer for those who may not have the chutzpah, cajones, or what ever you want to call it, to pull it off.

having just made the above statement, i went and tried to edit my original post but i've found that i can no longer do that. I'm not really worried as most people know there limits and wont attempt this at home or here in the phils.

Enough said, LAT

Steve Nash
05-07-14, 13:30
I just had an interesting scenario with a taxi driver. I only take meter taxi's and it's not the money so much as the principal, as I always give the honest ones a healthy tip. I caught a taxi out side of the tune hotel in malate who agreed on using the meter. Well about 10 meters down the road in the sleaziest part of mabini street he pulled over and insisted on charging me 300p or he would leave me and my bags on the side of the road. At first fantasies of turning his body into a punching bag and his face into a spittoon were happily parading thru my head, until a thought entered my mind. Now he has the upper hand, when we get to makati and my bags are safely inside the tune hotel, then I would have the upper hand. So with a forced smile I agreed on 300p for the ride.You made a mistake by accepting the 300 pesos, there is not reason to stay and pay a crook taxi driver in my book.

Something similar happened to me twice, one outside Mall of Asia and one outside the airport. On both cases when they didn't want to use the taximeter or they were charging me too much I just got out of the taxi and took the next taxi, the one outside the airport wanted to charge me 500 pesos to go to Makati (when he saw my luggages) , so I got out and took the next taxi and paid only 200 pesos.

I know Ermita is a bit more dangerous, but I been walking with my luggage for 5 blocks around Del Pilar and Mabini street to my hotel Riviera Mansion (which is beside Tune Hotel) , and nothing happened to me during the day. If that happened at night, I would had just found the closest hotel (which by the way there are lots around that area) , and ask the security guard with uniform to watch my luggages until I find a taxi (of course I will tip him first, half before and half after). You probably end it up paying more but at least you don't give the pleasure of giving your hard earn money to a crook taxi driver.

By the way an advice for anyone coming out from Manila airport, if you want to save money just take the local bus, they have a stop inside the airport (don't remember how much I paid, but around 20 to 50 pesos) , and you can go to certain areas in Manila and then you can take a cheap taxi from there. Those buses have a big space in front for you to leave your luggages.

05-07-14, 13:44
You made a mistake by accepting the 300 pesos, there is not reason to stay and pay a crook taxi driver in my book.

Something similar happened to me twice, one outside Mall of Asia and one outside the airport. On both cases when they didn't want to use the taximeter or they were charging me too much I just got out of the taxi and took the next taxi, the one outside the airport wanted to charge me 500 pesos to go to Makati (when he saw my luggages) , so I got out and took the next taxi and paid only 200 pesos.

I know Ermita is a bit more dangerous, but I been walking with my luggage for 5 blocks around Del Pilar and Mabini street to my hotel Riviera Mansion (which is beside Tune Hotel) , and nothing happened to me during the day. If that happened at night, I would had just found the closest hotel (which by the way there are lots around that area) , and ask the security guard with uniform to watch my luggages until I find a taxi (of course I will tip him first, half before and half after). You probably end it up paying more but at least you don't give the pleasure of giving your hard earn money to a crook taxi driver.

By the way an advice for anyone coming out from Manila airport, if you want to save money just take the local bus, they have a stop inside the airport (don't remember how much I paid, but around 20 to 50 pesos) , and you can go to certain areas in Manila and then you can take a cheap taxi from there. Those buses have a big space in front for you to leave your luggages.Thats another way to handle it, but I've been on the road traveling from poon point to poon point for a solid year and a half now and have way to much luggage to be walking down lumpy uneven mabini street at any time of day. .


Steve Nash
05-07-14, 13:44
We've all experienced this endlessly. The truth is, it actually doesn't matter what you reply as the routine will follow the same inane manner with the same mind numbingly dumb questions. They get it from each other.

They feel a need to use a phone constantly and that its better to fill the emptyness with nonsense than anything else. Watch 4 filipinas sitting together in a Starbucks. All four wil be working their phones and won't be looking talking to each other.

Reply however you feel, but I think many of us try for the self amusement factor.

For instance " have you had your breakfast "." Well I'm imagining you naked on my table right now and I have a knife and fork in hand.

The reply will be " Huh?"

" Hows your day" well " I'm imagining you lying next to me ready for 3rd round " Another " Huh?"

If she says " have you had lunch " and you reply " huh?" she will reply " are you mad?".

Another variant is when she says " have you had your lunch" to reply " have you had your lunch?". She will reply "huh?"

We don't understand their text language and they don't understand ours.I agree with FreebieFan with replying with a self amusement comment.

LOL I said something similar to this girl who text me: "Have you had your lunch?"

I said: "Not yet, but I'm waiting for you to come here, lay on my table naked with your legs open so I can start eating".

Her reply: "LOL" and then she change of subject.

Steve Nash
05-07-14, 13:56
Thats another way to handle it, but I've been on the road traveling from poon point to poon point for a solid year and a half now and have way to much luggage to be walking down lumpy uneven mabini street at any time of day. .

LATJust take it as a pre-workout before getting some pussy.

By the way, an advise for anyone traveling with multiple luggages: Don't buy cheap luggages! Because they break easily!

I broke one luggage in the airport with my gf, and then I broke another 2 luggages while walking down the street alone (the handles break easily).

3 of my 4 luggages broke and the one that didn't brake was the expensive one.

05-07-14, 15:06
having just made the above statement, i went and tried to edit my original post but i've found that i can no longer do that. I'm not really worried as most people know there limits and wont attempt this at home or here in the phils. Enough said, LATLAT,

I can understand your frustration. I try to remember to put a disclaimer in my posts for the same reason. Everyone of us is different. We are from different cultural backgrounds, different upbringing, and individuals. My experiences are what's acceptable for me. The prices I pay are what's acceptable for me. I usually don't report what I pay because invariably it will turn into a pissing match about "ruining it for everyone." We spend an in-exorbitant amount of time on price point. Followed by talk about starfish and runner type of behavior. Well yeah, the girl is more likely to run if she's getting half of what she's expecting. Now I'm not saying that a great time can't be had even when you negotiated down but in my opinion your chances are less likely.


05-07-14, 15:20
We've all experienced this endlessly. The truth is, it actually doesn't matter what you reply as the routine will follow the same inane manner with the same mind numbingly dumb questions. They get it from each other.

They feel a need to use a phone constantly and that its better to fill the emptyness with nonsense than anything else. Watch 4 filipinas sitting together in a Starbucks. All four wil be working their phones and won't be looking talking to each other.

Reply however you feel, but I think many of us try for the self amusement factor.

For instance " have you had your breakfast "." Well I'm imagining you naked on my table right now and I have a knife and fork in hand.

The reply will be " Huh?"

" Hows your day" well " I'm imagining you lying next to me ready for 3rd round " Another " Huh?"

If she says " have you had lunch " and you reply " huh?" she will reply " are you mad?".

Another variant is when she says " have you had your lunch" to reply " have you had your lunch?". She will reply "huh?"

We don't understand their text language and they don't understand ours.FF,

That was hilarious.

Member #4387
05-07-14, 15:25
Any trip I conduct myself into I want to run as smooth as possible. I guess we all do. But talking about the Manila cabbies I have had very little problems taxiwice for small trips within the city and theyve used meter. In my life that means between Malate and Makati, and if lazy from Glorietta 4 to Greenbelt. I run more and more into a prebooked arrangments and have hotelcar picking me. My latest trip I was running late for a spinnervisit so did not have time to shop around so at T2 I ended up taking one taxi from the airports taximafia. Charged me 1200 for the trip and the guy arranging it even had the nerve to ask for tip. Just gave him the evil eye (yes I can also look frightning). I saved some piso as hotel car is usualy 1800. This evening there was just to long waitingline for the yellow taxies (and watching this for 5 minutes without even one single of mentioned taxis showing up made me give up my money saving project).

In some places I have designated drivers for planned excursions (they are trustable and on time, I pay them fair but nothing out of this world). The ad hoc ones goes by normal taxi and preferably by meter (my normal line is "no cheating ok, I have been here many times" nothing special about this comment but said with a smile it seems to work).

But it was good fun reading LAT's post. Chuckled quite a bit.

Member #4387
05-07-14, 15:41
The reply will be " Huh?"

" Hows your day" well " I'm imagining you lying next to me ready for 3rd round " Another " Huh?"

If she says " have you had lunch " and you reply " huh?" she will reply " are you mad?".

Another variant is when she says " have you had your lunch" to reply " have you had your lunch?". She will reply "huh?"

We don't understand their text language and they don't understand ours.This is perfect and reading your comments almost got me back in phils. The "Huh?" comment is fabiolous. As I see a big different between the more educated and mature crowd of girls (25+) vs the young and uneducated. In the future I will not make anymore effort to have a normal text handling with these girls. It won't work as putting together more than a few words will make it to difficult for them (once again this goes for the youngsters, above legal age ofcourse). That is a totaly and utterly waste of I e important drinking time.

05-07-14, 15:43
Just take it as a pre-workout before getting some pussy.

By the way, an advise for anyone traveling with multiple luggages: Don't buy cheap luggages! Because they break easily!

I broke one luggage in the airport with my gf, and then I broke another 2 luggages while walking down the street alone (the handles break easily).

3 of my 4 luggages broke and the one that didn't brake was the expensive one.I agree completely Steve. Don't buy anything on the cheap because it will break soon or not perform well. I've had my luggage for 10 years and it has wheels like large inline skate wheels and is made of thick ripstop nylon fabric. I bought it at REI 10 years ago and will probably have it for another 10 years. Also when I negotiate with a girl, instead of low balling her and getting a lame fuck I will often offer the bonus incentive, instead of the full amount she is asking upfront. If she asks for 2500 pesos, I'll counter with 2000 and let her know that if she is a great performer she gets a 500 peso bonus. You would be surprised how many will put in that extra 1000 peso effort for the 500 peso bonus.

Happy pooning, LAT

John Traveller
05-07-14, 20:43

After payment, we continued our conversation, filled with expletives and one fingered hand solutes, until he was well in his taxi and rapidly leaving the tune behind.

Now some may say that I was a bit hard on him, and should have paid the 300p and some would say I was a bit to easy, and that I shouldn't have paid him at all. Had I have agreed on the 300p prior to climbing in the taxi I would have paid him and been forever pissed at myself for being a chump. But in essence, he held me up in his cab after agreeing on using the meter which would have been less then 200 plus a tip. I'm not the type of person to try and get a free ride, I pay my way in life and always have. I gave him what I thought was a fair amount, said just enough to pucker his sphincter and sent him packing. This gave me much pleasure, and gave him what he should have gotten, A positive ending to a situation that could have ended very badly for us both had I acted on my fantasy instead of my logic.

Happy pooning, and taxi rides, LATInteresting, I did something similar in India once. It ended up with the driver standing in the street knocking on the hotel front door (he didn't want to walk in). I got away with it, of course.

Fast Eddie 48
05-07-14, 21:23
Just take it as a pre-workout before getting some pussy.

By the way, an advise for anyone traveling with multiple luggages: Don't buy cheap luggages! Because they break easily!

I broke one luggage in the airport with my gf, and then I broke another 2 luggages while walking down the street alone (the handles break easily).

3 of my 4 luggages broke and the one that didn't brake was the expensive one.To Steve.

I go through about 4 Luggage a yr I buy the cheap knock off in China but every time the Airline damage it they paid me back 100 USD each time and I have travel insurance, if you fly with PAL the worst airline I ever fly with they only limit to 500 peso.

Fast Eddie 48

Great Muta
05-08-14, 01:28
Never buy luggage that has wheels that come out of the luggage. There's some that have wheels that can do all four directions. They break the easiest.

05-08-14, 10:13
P. S its indoctrinated and realize.Yes indoctrinated is indeed indoctrinated.

But you do realise that realise is indeed the way those of who arent Americans, spell realise.

In English, you realise.

In American. Well there is no American language, only English with different spellings. LOL.

Ps. Theres many of us who are veterans of Asia and this board.

I was also there in the days of Ferdinand and Fabian Ver and Enrile who is now the last man standing.

We all deal with stuff differently, as in spellings and taxi disputes.

05-10-14, 15:00
Yes indoctrinated is indeed indoctrinated.

But you do realise that realise is indeed the way those of who arent Americans, spell realise.

In English, you realise.

In American. Well there is no American language, only English with different spellings. LOL.

Ps. Theres many of us who are veterans of Asia and this board.

I was also there in the days of Ferdinand and Fabian Ver and Enrile who is now the last man standing.

We all deal with stuff differently, as in spellings and taxi disputes.A discussion on spelling that contains grammatical errors is funny.

05-11-14, 05:34
Never buy luggage that has wheels that come out of the luggage. There's some that have wheels that can do all four directions. They break the easiest.I have been using Tumi with 4 wheels for many years. They are really tough. I end up passing them on to my relatives or gfs. I currently have Tumi Tegra-Lite (about 2+ years old).

I have also used Samsonite and Piquadro (not sure how to spell it) , and no comparison for toughness.

Of course I realise (oops, realize LOL) , that having expensive brands increase the chance of theft, but these days with so many knock-off copies coming from China, it is difficult to identify with a quick glance the genuine article!

Tumi service is also impressive. After many years heavy usage, the shoulder strap pad of my Tumi briefcase wore and would leave a few bits of fluff on my jacket. Whilst in a Tumi shop in Hong Kong (used to be in Prince's building) , the girl noticed this and gave me a replacement shoulder strap with pad free of charge. I had only noticed her big tits!


05-12-14, 08:01
Yes indoctrinated is indeed indoctrinated.

But you do realise that realise is indeed the way those of who arent Americans, spell realise.

In English, you realise.

In American. Well there is no American language, only English with different spellings. LOL.

Ps. Theres many of us who are veterans of Asia and this board.

I was also there in the days of Ferdinand and Fabian Ver and Enrile who is now the last man standing.

We all deal with stuff differently, as in spellings and taxi disputes.Here is a link explaining the different spellings, that I just came across.


By the way, I'm by no means the best speller around, I was just in a pissy mood and I apologise, or is that apologize, for jumping on such a mundane thing as spelling.

Can we all just get back sharing our experiences the way we want to and get along as brothers from different mothers?

I personally would find that much more preferable then correcting spelling (my bad) any way.

Happy pooning LAT

05-13-14, 00:32
I will be traveling to Korea next month and just found out I need a root canal. Was wondering if any Makati locals could provide some information. My situation is that I don't need the root canal like right now and it will cost like $2K here for root canal and a crown. I can add a stop in Makati if someone can answer my questions are as follows:

1. Would you recommend doing this? My concern is that although the cost would be far less, what if something goes wrong later.

2. Any idea how much it would cost for root canal / crown in Makati / Manila?

3. Do you have any recomendations for dentists or website links for dentists that you have used that do root canal / crown work?

I just joined ISG and will be going through the credit card process shortly.

05-13-14, 01:52
Here is a link explaining the different spellings, that I just came across.


By the way, I'm by no means the best speller around, I was just in a pissy mood and I apologise, or is that apologize, for jumping on such a mundane thing as spelling.

Can we all just get back sharing our experiences the way we want to and get along as brothers from different mothers?

I personally would find that much more preferable then correcting spelling (my bad) any way.

Happy pooning LATNeat reply LAT. No worries, or is that no worry's. LOL.

D Cups
05-13-14, 03:43
Actually I am interested in this, too. Thanks for any referrals, guys.

I will be traveling to Korea next month and just found out I need a root canal. Was wondering if any Makati locals could provide some information. My situation is that I don't need the root canal like right now and it will cost like $2K here for root canal and a crown. I can add a stop in Makati if someone can answer my questions are as follows:

1. Would you recommend doing this? My concern is that although the cost would be far less, what if something goes wrong later.

2. Any idea how much it would cost for root canal / crown in Makati / Manila?

3. Do you have any recomendations for dentists or website links for dentists that you have used that do root canal / crown work?

I just joined ISG and will be going through the credit card process shortly.

05-13-14, 07:23
I will be traveling to Korea next month and just found out I need a root canal. Was wondering if any Makati locals could provide some information. My situation is that I don't need the root canal like right now and it will cost like $2K here for root canal and a crown. I can add a stop in Makati if someone can answer my questions are as follows:

1. Would you recommend doing this? My concern is that although the cost would be far less, what if something goes wrong later.

2. Any idea how much it would cost for root canal / crown in Makati / Manila?

3. Do you have any recomendations for dentists or website links for dentists that you have used that do root canal / crown work?

I just joined ISG and will be going through the credit card process shortly.Green Apple Dental located in Trinoma Mall in Manila is pretty good. Google them for their website and email them your questions. They will take foreign credit card for their services.

Red Kilt
05-13-14, 09:58
1. Would you recommend doing this? My concern is that although the cost would be far less, what if something goes wrong later.

2. Any idea how much it would cost for root canal / crown in Makati / Manila?

3. Do you have any recomendations for dentists or website links for dentists that you have used that do root canal / crown work?3. I have used the dental clinic on the 2nd floor (building A) of SM Megamall for the past 16 years for all manner of work including refillings, 2 crowns (no root canals TG), and my kids always get their teeth checked / cleaned etc there every time they visit me.
There is another newer dental clinic in the Megaclinic on the 6th floor, but it's much busier.

2. Costs are around 50% of the price paid in Australia and the quality is at least equal but possibly better.

1. The major concern is that for bridges and work that requires some fitting you need to have at least a week set aside while they fit you and then build it and install. My daughter-in law had one that took 8 days.
Always a concern if "something goes wrong later" but the chances are low surely of that happening.

D Cups
05-13-14, 14:43
Thanks, RK and Dg. RK, I hope to meet up with you this time for a brew or two when I am in Malate June 3. 8 if you are available.

3. I have used the dental clinic on the 2nd floor (building A) of SM Megamall for the past 16 years .

Pip Jaeger
05-13-14, 18:32
I will be traveling to Korea next month and just found out I need a root canal. Was wondering if any Makati locals could provide some information. My situation is that I don't need the root canal like right now and it will cost like $2K here for root canal and a crown. I can add a stop in Makati if someone can answer my questions are as follows:


I just joined ISG and will be going through the credit card process shortly.Something else to consider. Most places will only give you a temporary cap after you get a root canal. If you want a permanent porcelain crown on the same day, then make sure you check with the clinic you decide to use. Most dentists / dental clinics don't have an in house dental lab and have to send their impressions / molds out for the crown to be made.

Perhaps if you do go, then you may also have the chance to hook up with one of the cute assistants who invariably work at the clinics and root her canal, LOL. Let us know how you make out.

05-15-14, 02:18
Something else to consider. Most places will only give you a temporary cap after you get a root canal. If you want a permanent porcelain crown on the same day, then make sure you check with the clinic you decide to use. Most dentists / dental clinics don't have an in house dental lab and have to send their impressions / molds out for the crown to be made.

Perhaps if you do go, then you may also have the chance to hook up with one of the cute assistants who invariably work at the clinics and root her canal, LOL. Let us know how you make out.Thanks for this great information and yes the crown timing is an issue. I am going to look up the providers you listed and randomly found these guys on the web.

Green Apple Dental http://greenappledentalph.com/?page_id=76 I sent them an email via their website but have not heard back. Depending on a my schedule I may be able to hit Manila on the way to Korea and top back on the way home. Great minds think alike on the cute assistant thing.

Wicked Roger
05-17-14, 12:12
Lots has been mentioned on the main terminal recently from the poor planning regarding the ACs (air cons) and how bad the airport is given it has been voted the world's worst airport again and again.

Just for those travelling out of the airport as I did recently maybe investing in a portable fan would be a good idea especially if there is a huge queue.

The temporary ACs are water evaporative so they don't work well in humidity which is what the passport control at terminal 1 seems to be good producing especially when the area is crowded with hundreds of very sweaty passengers. The better fans were with the passport control officers who had a fan in each booth. Mere passengers who pay the terminal fee just sweated, and boy did some sweat LOL.

Was a pleasure to get another third world country airport that had AC and was lovely.

September someone said the new ACs will arrive (and the media also) which has caused many to comment how good the planning was for this 'upgrade'.

I was there early morning and the passport control area was humming (literally LOL) so be warned that you could end up sweating for 30-40 minutes.

05-18-14, 08:52
Lots has been mentioned on the main terminal recently from the poor planning regarding the ACs (air cons) and how bad the airport is given it has been voted the world's worst airport again and again. {S N I P} September someone said the new ACs will arrive (and the media also) which has caused many to comment how good the planning was for this 'upgrade'.
I was there early morning and the passport control area was humming (literally LOL) so be warned that you could end up sweating for 30-40 minutes.I remember back in about 2007 when all the toilets were clogged and overflowing (even in the Qantas Club Lounge; not that one can call it a lounge). The excuse was that they were not going to replace the old plumbing because they were all shifting to Terminal 3 in a few months!


05-18-14, 09:01
Continued from Chat Rooms Sub-forum

Why are there so few reports on this forum relating to Casas in the Philippines? They are easy to find! You just ask a taxi driver to take you to a Casa (they get commissions).

Spidy recently posted about a Manila visit (great post BTW). And I remember Sammon and Fast Eddie writing making multiple posts about Casas a few years ago.

Mr Enternational has suggested that guys in Manila like to have a drink (and chat?) first, and maybe it is also more expensive (I know they don't give local price to foreigners)? But some guys just like to grab a girl and head back to their hotel. Maybe I am wrong?

And what about spas? Do they provide full service or take out? I don't remember reading any reports about spas, but they do exist in reasonable numbers in Manila.

Maybe I will have to Polish up my Tagalog, and take a quick trip across the pond from Shenzhen to investigate myself!


05-18-14, 11:27
About a month ago, the car service known as Uber was introduced in Manila. I just found out about it this week, and began to use it immediately. I think that during the week I just spent there, I used it eight times since I found it generally excellent, efficient and cost effective. The cars that I used were invariably several stages more luxurious than the standard jalopies that pass as taxis, the drivers were courteous and the cost was only about 10-15% more than a taxi. The service is easily accessible on line through a smart phone, and receipts--generated in the Netherlands--arrive within 10 of 15 minutes after the completion of the trip. All charges are billed to a registered credit card, so aside from a tip to the driver, which is not compulsory, no money changes hands. Using the service will not help anyone escape the frustrating turbulence of Manila traffic; however it will make the trips more tolerable.


05-19-14, 07:41
Nothing like some Filipino food to get our sweet young and hungry Filipina in the mood for fun and games.

Inevitably, when a poster mentions a fast food place, They mention Jollibee. There is even a Jollibee in Hong Kong in the lane behind World Wide House for homesick DH's.

I would rather eat balut, than eat Jollibee or Chowking (and don't even talk about Kenny Rodgers).

But I have had half decent tucker at other fast food chains like Congo Grill (good grilled pusit or sisig sometimes), or Max's for chicken. But I have yet to find a decent kare-kare (oxtail AND tripe) or dinuguan anywhere.

And some of the cakes from Red Ribbon or Goldilocks are edible too.

Any other half decent fast food chains?

Member #4387
05-19-14, 09:09
Nothing like some Filipino food to get our sweet young and hungry Filipina in the mood for fun and games.First of all I consider myself friendly and nice as a human beeing but hell no if I let a pinay choose where to eat anymore. They want me to be in charge anyway so I without exceptions chooses some western food places. It is fun watching them sit leaving their steak almost untouched while they have a go at the ricebowl (more meat for me, I am meatlover in so many ways). I find philippino food to be amongst the crappiest in the world anyway so I don't feel I miss out on anything.

Once upon a time I let a pinay decide where to eat and first of all she could not make up her mind as there were 5/6 different eataries (no Jolli I might add, I bet she was looking though) so I ended up making the choice anyway as I was hungry. Secondly it was the worst meal ever. I let her choose her favorite dish and I was suppose to dig in. It tasted somewhere between soap and paint so I wonder how it is possible to destroy a plain chicken this much.

Yes I am picky and strange when it comes to food and feast only western food. Even the much beloved thaifood I don't like so much. As long as it is salmon and some real meat as in a some medium done cow and potatoes I am happy.

So to get pinays into the mood all it takes is some chocolate, maby a couple of Tanduay Ice (girly crap ciderbeer) or some chocodrinks maby some cartoons while I have a dump. This goes for the younger pinaycrowd I am bedding.

The more educated and international pinay crowd I am seeing have to be treated differently. Hell I almost shit my panties when my favorite pinay choosed a Rioja redwine called Marques de Caseres reservas (or sth) without me insisting not long time ago.

05-19-14, 09:29
{S N I P} So to get pinays into the mood all it takes is some chocolate, {S N I P} Yea! Chocolate! It doesn't matter if it has melted multiple times; it is still chocolate! They love it!

I recall some fun times with a SYT and a bar of semi-melted chocolate.

(Dinuguan = chocolate meat? Haha!)

X Man
05-19-14, 16:28
Greenwich pizza is not bad, from the Jollibee conglomerate.

Nothing like some Filipino food to get our sweet young and hungry Filipina in the mood for fun and games.

Inevitably, when a poster mentions a fast food place, They mention Jollibee. There is even a Jollibee in Hong Kong in the lane behind World Wide House for homesick DH's.

I would rather eat balut, than eat Jollibee or Chowking (and don't even talk about Kenny Rodgers).

But I have had half decent tucker at other fast food chains like Congo Grill (good grilled pusit or sisig sometimes), or Max's for chicken. But I have yet to find a decent kare-kare (oxtail AND tripe) or dinuguan anywhere.

And some of the cakes from Red Ribbon or Goldilocks are edible too.

Any other half decent fast food chains?

Fast Eddie 48
05-19-14, 20:54
Nothing like some Filipino food to get our sweet young and hungry Filipina in the mood for fun and games.

Inevitably, when a poster mentions a fast food place, They mention Jollibee. There is even a Jollibee in Hong Kong in the lane behind World Wide House for homesick DH's.

I would rather eat balut, than eat Jollibee or Chowking (and don't even talk about Kenny Rodgers).

But I have had half decent tucker at other fast food chains like Congo Grill (good grilled pusit or sisig sometimes), or Max's for chicken. But I have yet to find a decent kare-kare (oxtail AND tripe) or dinuguan anywhere.

And some of the cakes from Red Ribbon or Goldilocks are edible too.

Any other half decent fast food chains?To Ikksman.

I will never eat Jollibee in Hong Kong so many good restaurant I only eat Jollibee in Manila because is fast and the girl like it, The Phillippine have the worst food in Asia.

Fast eddie 48.

Red Kilt
05-20-14, 03:28
Greenwich pizza is not bad, from the Jollibee conglomerate.I must remember never to eat with you then X LOL.
I did notice that you used the term "not bad" which I take is not exactly a ringing endorsement.

For me, Greenwich is poorly cooked (usually semi-raw) and designed for Filipino taste.

The ONLY fast food that I will touch is the Chowking halo halo.

It is a classic halo halo and a great refreshing summer treat. The downside is that you usually need to wait a while because it is so popular and there is always a line of people ahead of you.

Soapy Smith
05-20-14, 04:07
Couldn't figure out any other thread for this. Apologies if it's off topic. Anybody have experience with reliable transcription services in the Phils? Couple years ago somebody suggested one to me, but I went a different route and no longer have the contact information. Please pm me with whatever information you can provide--your actual experience with the provider, costs, contact information, whatever else seems relevant. Thanks.

05-20-14, 04:57
I remember back in about 2007 when all the toilets were clogged and overflowing (even in the Qantas Club Lounge; not that one can call it a lounge). The excuse was that they were not going to replace the old plumbing because they were all shifting to Terminal 3 in a few months!

Cheers.The original movei and date was actually much earlier than that. The plan was for the terminal that's now predominated by Cebu Pacific was actually completed sometime in about 2002/2003. I recall being given a VIP tour.

The problems then started as International airlines refused to move as the terminal came with internet that didn't work, some of the jetways were neither operational and the terminal didn't have licenced jetway operators, there was no space planned for VIP lounges and a whole host of other incomplete, misplanned things.

And here we are in 2014 , and not much has actually changed.

KL HK Osaka Singapore etc all have great airports and Manila doesn't.Fact! And its not going to change anytime soon.

Econo Tech
05-20-14, 05:31
kl hk osaka singapore etc all have great airports and manila doesn't.fact! and its not going to change anytime soon.but for the natives the fact that the president apologized and blamed the previous govt means, all is well.

btw, with the oligarchy running power generation and distribution, i was amused to see on anc news yesterday the doe requesting consumers to be considerate and reduce energy consumption in view of the rolling brown outs. rather than admit the fact that the power suppliers are holding the consumer by the balls.

only in the philippines such comedy is appreciated.

p.s. since i almost exclusively fly philippine airlines just to avoid t1, another miracle of asia..

for all international flights out of t2, there are a dozen pasalubong shops, but, one male toilet and all but one urinal broken, and for the first time in my life i queued to [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134) in an international airport. the queue was spilling all the way out, but the toilet attendant had no qualms asking for a tip. oh, tip i did, 2 peso in 5 centavos.

Mr Hawaii
05-20-14, 06:32
To Ikksman.

I will never eat Jollibee in Hong Kong so many good restaurant I only eat Jollibee in Manila because is fast and the girl like it, The Phillippine have the worst food in Asia.

Fast eddie 48.It was only a matter of time. Both Max's Chicken and Jollibee have come to Hawaii, where about 14% of the population is Filipino.

05-20-14, 07:02
It was only a matter of time. Both Max's Chicken and Jollibee have come to Hawaii, where about 14% of the population is Filipino.Jollibee is actually a world wide brand now with outlets all over the place...in Las Vegas, Daly City (largest concentration of Filipinos there) San Francisco, San Diego and LA... And also Brunei, Hong Kong, Vietnam.

Its becoming a much bigger player... 50 million overseas workers can't be wrong.. LOL.

05-20-14, 09:07
Jollibee is actually a world wide brand now with outlets all over the place...in Las Vegas, Daly City (largest concentration of Filipinos there) San Francisco, San Diego and LA... And also Brunei, Hong Kong, Vietnam.

Its becoming a much bigger player... 50 million overseas workers can't be wrong.. LOL.I hear the Tan families in PI are going to merge and we will get Jollibee and Chowking selections on all Philippine Airlines flight menus.

Would it be an improvement?


Econo Tech
05-20-14, 10:03
Its becoming a much bigger player... 50 million overseas workers can't be wrong.. LOL.It can only reach 100 million, I suspect, the population of Filipinos all over the world plus at home.

Even in Singapore Jolybee and all Filipino food outlets are patronized exclusively by Filipinos.

Nobody else can stick the flavour, or lack of it.

But God forbid never tell Filipinos their food sucks, you maybe killed.

Just as much as Filipinos are willing to die for the beauty pagent stuff, they are ready to commit mass murder on anybody who disses their food.

Years ago, a friend's maid was pestering him to open a Filipino restaurant in view of many Filipinos etc etc, in Singapore.

My friend got fed up and told her, all over the world you have Chinese, Indian, Spanish, Mexican, Italian, German and all food, patronized by other races, except Filipino food, because only Filipinos dig their tasteless food. And that's why, in Singapore, almost all Filipino food outlets are in lucky plaza. Rare outside. And those outside lucky plaza, the outlets are next to a concentration of Filipinos. Exclusively serving only to Filipinos.

The maid nearly formed a hit squad on her boss, by telling all other maid in the viinity that her boss is anti Filipino. No kidding.

Ikksman. Seeing Jollibee and chowking on board flights? Maybe never on Philippine airlines.

That airline has a lot of binding contracts which thanks to the legal eagles who wrote to screw the then national carrier for lifetime, is unable to even cut down expenses.

I dunno how far it is true but a guy supplying some in flight stuff, is supposed set for life as per the contract it will cost a lot of money to terminate that PR is finding it cheaper to serve lousy ice cream / peanuts and the likes.

And see the air stewards, almost all need glasses to read and often I hear them hissing at demanding passengers. PALEA is holding the airline by their balls. And most are determined to fly till retirement age.

After all Lucio Tan didn't fork out a lot to own the airline though he has minted more by divesting to SM group.

Why would he care?

Wicked Roger
05-20-14, 15:49
Jollibee is actually a world wide brand now with outlets all over the place...in Las Vegas, Daly City (largest concentration of Filipinos there) San Francisco, San Diego and LA... And also Brunei, Hong Kong, Vietnam.

Its becoming a much bigger player... 50 million overseas workers can't be wrong.. LOL.And in the Middle East (Saudi included) - in some malls you can smell the 'aromatic' flavours of the food before you see it LOL.

FF - 50 million can't be wrong? Or have no taste buds?


05-21-14, 00:37
{S N I P} Ikksman. Seeing Jollibee and chowking on board flights? Maybe never on Philippine airlines.

That airline has a lot of binding contracts which thanks to the legal eagles who wrote to screw the then national carrier for lifetime, is unable to even cut down expenses. {S N I P}
My tongue was very firmly in my cheek (because of the common Tan name).

Nevertheless, interesting stuff about PAL. And I did not know that San Mig now has 49% ownership. The only news we read about PI in China is the Manila tourist bus fiasco (still!) and the South China Sea disputes!


05-21-14, 00:49
Just not the fast food and cheap restaurant varieties. Jollibee and Chowking? Yuck! And I remember almost spewing at the taste of a sweet and sour meatballs at Goldilocks.

But genuine Filipino food can be very tasty and spicy.

Many Filipino foods are actually traditional Chinese (Hokkien and Cantonese) dishes such as pancit, lumpia, siopao buns, machang and hopia, etc.

Many others are a fusion of Spanish and traditional native foods and can be quite enticing.

A lot of westerners hate the taste of bagoong, which is a shrimp paste commonly used in many Asian cuisines. But for some reason, Filipinos love it so much, they spread it everywhere Have you ever tried green mango and bagoong? It is certainly an acquired taste!

But what about the finger licking good Pork Lechon? We westerners hoe into Pork Lechon and dip the crispy skin generously into the tasty Lechon sauce. And when people are informed that the 'apple' sauce is actually made from pig's liver, the looks on their faces are priceless!

My two centavos worth.


05-21-14, 03:25
I hear the Tan families in PI are going to merge and we will get Jollibee and Chowking selections on all Philippine Airlines flight menus.

Would it be an improvement?

Cheers.I just got a bad case of GIRD.

X Man
05-21-14, 14:14
There was a Max's in San Diego about 25 years ago. As well as an Iglesia ni Cristo church.

It was only a matter of time. Both Max's Chicken and Jollibee have come to Hawaii, where about 14% of the population is Filipino.

Fast Eddie 48
05-21-14, 21:13
Jollibee is actually a world wide brand now with outlets all over the place...in Las Vegas, Daly City (largest concentration of Filipinos there) San Francisco, San Diego and LA... And also Brunei, Hong Kong, Vietnam.

Its becoming a much bigger player... 50 million overseas workers can't be wrong.. LOL.To Freebie.

I live in San Francisco bay area there are about 7 Jollibee here never been to anyone of them only Fillipinos eat here, I saw the first one open in Shenzhen China back in 2008 when back in 2 month is already closed down cannot fight with KFC.

Fast eddie 48.

05-22-14, 01:07
That saying is not really a question but more of a greeting in the Filipino and Chinese culture. It is more similar to "how are you" or "I hope you are doing well" than wondering if you have really eaten or not. It came from decades or centuries ago when famine and starvation was pretty common. "Have you eaten today" really translate to I hope all is well with you and you have had plenty to eat today.

We are blessed to never had to endure a famine or gone hungry. But it makes us so ignorant that we make fun of the expression and the cuisine. To some people Jolibees or Chowking is like a banquet. I myself find Jolibee and Chowking food much better than McDonald's except for the french fries.

Let's be a little respectful out there.

05-22-14, 01:25
But what about the finger licking good Pork Lechon? We westerners hoe into Pork Lechon and dip the crispy skin generously into the tasty Lechon sauce. And when people are informed that the 'apple' sauce is actually made from pig's liver, the looks on their faces are priceless!

My two centavos worth.

Cheers.You do, of course, have the right to your own opinions and tastes, but I'm in total disagreement with both on the subject of the local food, which I find inedible. Somehow, having lived here for more than 10 years, I find I've never acquired a taste for it. I find lechon, which is basically unseasoned roast pork swimming in its own fat, fairly disgusting. As to the rest, it's generally prepared with an abundance of sugar and cheap oil, leaving a lingering bouquet of rancid sweetness that I find repellant.


05-22-14, 01:26
But what about the finger licking good Pork Lechon? We westerners hoe into Pork Lechon and dip the crispy skin generously into the tasty Lechon sauce. And when people are informed that the 'apple' sauce is actually made from pig's liver, the looks on their faces are priceless!

My two centavos worth.

Cheers.You do, of course, have the right to your own opinions and tastes, but I'm in total disagreement with both on the subject of the local food, which I find inedible. Somehow, having lived here for more than 10 years, I find I've never acquired a taste for it. I find lechon, which is basically unseasoned roast pork swimming in its own fat, fairly disgusting. As to the rest, it's generally prepared with an abundance od.

05-22-14, 02:23
You do, of course, have the right to your own opinions and tastes, but I'm in total disagreement with both on the subject of the local food, which I find inedible. Somehow, having lived here for more than 10 years, I find I've never acquired a taste for it. I find lechon, which is basically unseasoned roast pork swimming in its own fat, fairly disgusting. As to the rest, it's generally prepared with an abundance of sugar and cheap oil, leaving a lingering bouquet of rancid sweetness that I find repellant.

GE.I love humba, goat, and this last summer had the most amazing adobong kankong. Even eating at the karinderiyas, you're going to find some amazing meals, if you're open to it. Golden Cowrie is incredible.

Don't let the bad or mediocre food blind you to the existence of very delicious food, often in humble surroundings.

05-22-14, 05:25
I love humba, goat, and this last summer had the most amazing adobong kankong. Even eating at the karinderiyas, you're going to find some amazing meals, if you're open to it. Golden Cowrie is incredible.

Don't let the bad or mediocre food blind you to the existence of very delicious food, often in humble surroundings.Maybe my nearly 30 years of living in Asia (including PI) and many more years in a multicultural Australia has altered my taste buds, but I find many Asian foods are truly sensational. But I do find bad quality food disgusting; especially MacDonalds and Jollibee!

BTW Kankong grows wild in all parts of Asia (mostly in very watery locales such as near rice paddies). It's name in Thailand and some parts of Vietnam: morning glory! I wonder why? Haha.

WRT lechon, it is fantastic to go to La Loma (in Quezon City) and see (and smell) street after street with rows of pigs that have been slowly spit-barbequed over charcoal, standing upright on the bamboo or steel poles. I find the crackly skin is second to none. And the various sauces only add to the eating delight. In Mindanao and Cebu, they have a variation of lechon that is stuffed with various vegetables and spices, and is also delicious.

I appreciate that many people only want to eat the food of their own culture. About 12 years ago I was with some Americans working in Hong Kong. Over a period of 2 years, all of them refused to eat anywhere but Outback and two Italian restaurants. Again, more recently, I have also worked with Chinese in some overseas countries (Panama, Venezuela, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia and a few others). They would only eat at Chinese restaurants, or, at their own company canteens when provided. I remember at a tiny resort hotel in Livingston, Zambia, where a couple of Chinese guys were insisting that the restaurant serve them Chinese food. Sheesh!

In summary, everyone to their own tastes. My tastes are for fresh, quality food regardless of the ethnicity, and my all time favourite is actually Vietnamese!


05-22-14, 05:50

WRT lechon, it is fantastic to go to La Loma (in Quezon City) and see (and smell) street after street with rows of pigs that have been slowly spit-barbequed over charcoal, standing upright on the bamboo or steel poles. I find the crackly skin is second to none. And the various sauces only add to the eating delight. In Mindanao and Cebu, they have a variation of lechon that is stuffed with various vegetables and spices, and is also delicious.

Cheers.Totally agree that the taste can be great, when served fresh off the charcoal. HOWEVER, and I'm not anyones doctor here, the cholesterol level of the roast skin is off the charts. Seriously high. The reason the diabetes / high cholesterol / high blood pressure / high blood sugar / heart disease is the number one killer in Philippines is because of lechon, and all the other highly tasty highly fatty foods on offer.

Take a carton of french fries from Mcdo or Jollibee. Spread on plate. Take a clean napkin and push hard onto the fries and see how much oil / fat there now is on the napkin. And that's what people eat everyday.

05-22-14, 07:19
Totally agree that the taste can be great, when served fresh off the charcoal. HOWEVER, and I'm not anyones doctor here, the cholesterol level of the roast skin is off the charts. Seriously high. The reason the diabetes / high cholesterol / high blood pressure / high blood sugar / heart disease is the number one killer in Philippines is because of lechon, and all the other highly tasty highly fatty foods on offer.

Take a carton of french fries from Mcdo or Jollibee. Spread on plate. Take a clean napkin and push hard onto the fries and see how much oil / fat there now is on the napkin. And that's what people eat everyday.Many countries have unhealthy foods, not just PI. Whether it be the immense sugar and salt load of American diets, or food cooked in ghee in Northern India.

Hey, let's enjoy our lives, and try to eat healthy most of the time, and for exercise, nail as many SYTs as possible.


P.S. There are also many non-fatty foods in PI. For example, adobo can be reasonably healthy and certainly low fat.

Econo Tech
05-22-14, 10:39
In summary, everyone to their own tastes. My tastes are for fresh, quality food regardless of the ethnicity, and my all time favourite is actually Vietnamese!.The point is, except a rare few, most people eat other peoples' food, except, almost everybody not in favour of Filipino food.

And, add to it, if a non Filipino goes into any Filipino food joint, in Singapore it can get very uncomfortable at times. The Filipino crowd will stare you to death as if you are not welcome to eat their 'delicacies '.

Like the time I ordered a couple of leche Flan and decided to eat by myself in the Jologs here. Almost every Filipino walking by took a step back and was either wondering if I have Filipino blood or, if I am mental to invade their territory or maybe thought of making a video and posting it as 'foreigner loves Filipino food '.

And another time I went to jollibee in Singapore, same story. All the Filipinos were giving me the looks, and heck, one Filipino guy decided to try to teach me how to eat the chicken with the 'jollibee' special sauce.

BTW, compare it, how many videos are there like 'foreigner eats Italian food' of example, vs 'foreigner eats / orders Filipino food '.

When as foreigner say, eats Chinese food, it is not news.

When a foreigner eats Filipino food, that is news. Most of the time.

Member #4566
05-22-14, 10:52
I love Sinigang na Baboy. I grew up where they had endless months of winter. When I first had Sinigang, I scratched my head and wondered how the flip did these folks concoct a hearty winter soup in the tropics.

Oh, while we are speaking about food. My point of view is that if food is prepared hot, it should be served hot. Many times I haved embarrassed my companions when I go after a food server for bringing me cold food. Come on, you don't serve cold breakfast eggs! Maybe the waitress thinks that she is doing me a favor by letting it cool off.

Red Kilt
05-23-14, 03:12
Horn honking, mistress bonking, dog barking, videoke cranking, perverts wanking, ladyboys hustling, children bawling, women shouting, beggars wanting, maids cleaning, politicians stealing, fish frying, rice cooking, heat searing, nothing working, everyone pissing, skin whitening, bellies swelling, vagina tightening, dollar loving, telenovela watching, cock fighting, basketball playing, gun toting, police shooting, tax avoiding, self deluding, idea copying, buck passing, always promising, never doing, self deluding, propaganda pushing.

The full article is here:


05-23-14, 04:25
The full article is here:

http://getrealphilippines.com/blog/2014/05/the-philippines-a-world-travelers-musings-and-ramblings-wtf-wheres-the-fun/This isn't an article, it's a rant. PI is a corrupt overpopulated third rate country. Who knew? Well, we all do. That's why we come here. Mean while there are decent hard working people here doing their best to excel at something.

The GFC screwed up my retirement plans for Singapore & I would have settled in Thailand if they could stop having military coup's for five bloody minutes, meanwhile I just keep gravitating back here. Maybe I've absorbed too much of their mores & starting to think like them... I used to empathise with the poor & rale at the governments. Now I just enjoy my life of privilege & help folks in small ways. Ranting achieves nothing.


05-23-14, 05:17
This isn't an article, it's a rant. PI is a corrupt overpopulated third rate country. Who knew? Well, we all do. That's why we come here. Mean while there are decent hard working people here doing their best to excel at something.

The GFC screwed up my retirement plans for Singapore & I would have settled in Thailand if they could stop having military coup's for five bloody minutes, meanwhile I just keep gravitating back here. Maybe I've absorbed too much of their mores & starting to think like them... I used to empathise with the poor & rale at the governments. Now I just enjoy my life of privilege & help folks in small ways. Ranting achieves nothing.

AV.Indeed a very sad article. A shallow, jaundiced rant written by a high flying IT executive living in a cosseted environment.

And even sadder is that many people of other countries will read and believe all of his biased and ignorant views.

Of course some of it is true, particularly about politics and corruption.

And, a significant number of his points could apply equally to other countries, even China.

But: One should avoid bus tours because of one incident in Manila? And eating rice is the sole cause of Filipinas' deterioration of beauty? Etc etc What a f#ck#ng w#nker!


Red Kilt
05-23-14, 09:57
This isn't an article, it's a rant. PI is a corrupt overpopulated third rate country. Who knew? Well, we all do. That's why we come here. Mean while there are decent hard working people here doing their best to excel at something.
Except that it is now been reprinted on a number of pinoy blogs and the general response is agreement that much of it is true.

The bit which upsets filipinos the most is the average IQ is 86 - lowest in Asia; that is a giveaway that there is not any substantive research in the article.

The saddest part for me (as a resident for the past 17 years who owns my own condo) is that articles like this contain so much truth within a number of false claims so ctitics are forced to "cherry-pick" the points instead of claiming the whole article is false.

Jp Slicky
05-23-14, 12:45
Seems like we are the only nationality in Angles or over 50 with teenage GFs.

The Philippines is Poverty Tourism for Masochists, and judging by the numbers, also appeals to many fat bald 50/60+ year old Americans who are a common sight in places like Angeles City and Cebu holding hands with teenagers! R&R for dirty old men. Even the US ambassador Harry Thomas said most Americans who visit are sex tourists.

I guess if your white your an American

Guns and security personnel are everywhere and Piers Morgan would have a field day — another aspect of adverse American influence, and big business for the US arms/defense companies, and lucrative big contract bribes for Filipino politicians. Human rights take a back seat, and journalism, especially in the provinces has a high bullet-laden turnover rate

05-25-14, 18:10
Jump on Hi5, create a profile and start being friends. I had more free pussy (not the cutest either) from meeting people. They call it 'tagged' in PI; they would request to be friends and about an hour or so later they were taking a taxi to the hotel. LOL. So many girls I can to tip my chambermaid because of changing the sheets so many times at the Intercontinental.

If you white. Guaranteed to get free stuff off of there. I had one girl ask if her friend could come over after we did it. Her friend wanted to sleep with a white dude (PI guys must be small); she came over and 3rd threesome I've had in life (2nd one that was free).

I think they use Hi5 as their Facebook. Everybody has a profile there.

X Man
05-26-14, 11:24
I'm glad HI5 worked out for you. For a while I was getting a lot of spam from them. There are more than a few web pages that you can find where they are criticized. Here is one: http://socialnetworking.lovetoknow.com/hi5-problems.


Jump on Hi5, create a profile and start being friends. I had more free pussy (not the cutest either) from meeting people. They call it 'tagged' in PI; they would request to be friends and about an hour or so later they were taking a taxi to the hotel. LOL. So many girls I can to tip my chambermaid because of changing the sheets so many times at the Intercontinental.

If you white. Guaranteed to get free stuff off of there. I had one girl ask if her friend could come over after we did it. Her friend wanted to sleep with a white dude (PI guys must be small); she came over and 3rd threesome I've had in life (2nd one that was free).

I think they use Hi5 as their Facebook. Everybody has a profile there.

Radical Guy
05-27-14, 22:42
I just booked a round trip flight to Manila in July using United Airlines for the first time, since by far, they have the cheapest fares. But The long distance portion of the trip is San Francisco to Honolulu, the Honolulu to Guam, then Guam to Manila. I was astounded that United considers all of those legs except the 3.5-hour Manila flight to be "domestic," and therefore has no meals (except sandwiches for purchase). Also, United only allows ONE free bag!

In the past, I've always flown Delta, but their tickets were much more pricey in the summer months. What happened to the good old days?!


05-28-14, 00:17
I just booked a round trip flight to Manila in July using United Airlines for the first time, since by far, they have the cheapest fares. But The long distance portion of the trip is San Francisco to Honolulu, the Honolulu to Guam, then Guam to Manila. I was astounded that United considers all of those legs except the 3.5-hour Manila flight to be "domestic," and therefore has no meals (except sandwiches for purchase). Also, United only allows ONE free bag!

In the past, I've always flown Delta, but their tickets were much more pricey in the summer months. What happened to the good old days?!

RG.Competition is fierce. Fly with a discount carrier & put up with it or pay more. In the Asia Pacific Air Asia, Tiger & Jetstar all do this. I usually fly Singapore Air but lately have been using Cathay Pacific.

I can't stand discount carriers myself.


05-28-14, 00:48
I just booked a round trip flight to Manila in July using United Airlines for the first time, since by far, they have the cheapest fares. But The long distance portion of the trip is San Francisco to Honolulu, the Honolulu to Guam, then Guam to Manila..Astounding that this is the route United continues to take to get to the Philippines. Just easier to go United round-trip non-stop to Hong Kong and then use Cebu Pacific in and out of CRK. As for those domestic legs, at least its not so many reward miles if you ever want to go to Guam, Marshall Islands or Palau or whatever else is on the way.

05-28-14, 01:35
I just booked a round trip flight to Manila in July using United Airlines for the first time, since by far, they have the cheapest fares. But The long distance portion of the trip is San Francisco to Honolulu, the Honolulu to Guam, then Guam to Manila. I was astounded that United considers all of those legs except the 3.5-hour Manila flight to be "domestic," and therefore has no meals (except sandwiches for purchase). Also, United only allows ONE free bag!

In the past, I've always flown Delta, but their tickets were much more pricey in the summer months. What happened to the good old days?!

RG.I just booked Dubai to Atlanta are / T. I normally fly Delta, but the ticket was $1800 and I noticed a small statement that said "No miles will be earned". I called Sky miles hotline and sure as shit, Delta basically stopped giving miles unless you pay full fare. I was on hold 45 minutes and I told the agent, your customer service is just as bad as your sky mile program and I will book Qatar Airlines.

05-28-14, 04:15
I just booked Dubai to Atlanta are / T. I normally fly Delta, but the ticket was $1800 and I noticed a small statement that said "No miles will be earned". I called Sky miles hotline and sure as shit, Delta basically stopped giving miles unless you pay full fare. I was on hold 45 minutes and I told the agent, your customer service is just as bad as your sky mile program and I will book Qatar Airlines.$1800 is not a "cheap" fare. You did the right thing. Give your business to Turkish, Qatar, Ethihad, Emirates and Jet Airways.

When the Accountants (who run Delta these days) realize they are losing Customers and market share, the miles will magically be offered again on all types of fares.

05-28-14, 08:28
I will just add I bought 3 tickets using "cheapfareguru / airtkt" about 5 weeks ago leaving Phoenix to LAX, LAX to Narita and Narita to Manila. Cost was $3900 with Phx / Lax and Lax / Narita serviced by United and Narita / Manila serviced by ANA.

Only the Lax / Narita flight listed any included meal. On that flight although only the dinner was listed we also had a breakfast and a lunch. The Narita / Manila flight listed no meal but we were offered something that resembled canned cat food.

United and their one 50 lb bag free policy stink but other than that the long flight was very comfortable on a Dreamliner 787. The flight from Narita / Manila might have been the worst I have had since flying Eastern back in the 80's.

Been here (Bago City) a week now with 2 more to go. No mongering this trip with wife and kid along but I am sure there is action to be had if you know the right person and have a fist full of piso's!

05-28-14, 14:49
I just booked a round trip flight to Manila in July using United Airlines for the first time, since by far, they have the cheapest fares. But The long distance portion of the trip is San Francisco to Honolulu, the Honolulu to Guam, then Guam to Manila. I was astounded that United considers all of those legs except the 3.5-hour Manila flight to be "domestic," and therefore has no meals (except sandwiches for purchase). Also, United only allows ONE free bag!

In the past, I've always flown Delta, but their tickets were much more pricey in the summer months. What happened to the good old days?!

RG.I took that route recently--actually it was worse since I flew from my East Coast city to Houston, Honolulu, Guam then finally Manila. The first flight was not too bad but the second two were quite long, and no food was served. They didn't even offer up snacks for purchase, though perhaps they were available upon request. I planned to grab some airport food between the first two flights, but the first flight was delayed so I had to run to the connection. The other connections were also tight so there was no time to eat.

I'd probably do it again, it was significantly cheaper than any other option. But I'll bring food this time for sure.

Buko Max
05-28-14, 15:19
I took that route recently--actually it was worse since I flew from my East Coast city to Houston, Honolulu, Guam then finally Manila. The first flight was not too bad but the second two were quite long, and no food was served. They didn't even offer up snacks for purchase, though perhaps they were available upon request. I planned to grab some airport food between the first two flights, but the first flight was delayed so I had to run to the connection. The other connections were also tight so there was no time to eat.

I'd probably do it again, it was significantly cheaper than any other option. But I'll bring food this time for sure.

Astounding that this is the route United continues to take to get to the Philippines. Just easier to go United round-trip non-stop to Hong Kong and then use Cebu Pacific in and out of CRK. As for those domestic legs, at least its not so many reward miles if you ever want to go to Guam, Marshall Islands or Palau or whatever else is on the way.That route was originally a Continental Airline route and when UAL bought them out in 2010, they continued servicing Guam, etc.

Fast Eddie 48
05-28-14, 19:19
I will just add I bought 3 tickets using "cheapfareguru / airtkt" about 5 weeks ago leaving Phoenix to LAX, LAX to Narita and Narita to Manila. Cost was $3900 with Phx / Lax and Lax / Narita serviced by United and Narita / Manila serviced by ANA.

Only the Lax / Narita flight listed any included meal. On that flight although only the dinner was listed we also had a breakfast and a lunch. The Narita / Manila flight listed no meal but we were offered something that resembled canned cat food.

United and their one 50 lb bag free policy stink but other than that the long flight was very comfortable on a Dreamliner 787. The flight from Narita / Manila might have been the worst I have had since flying Eastern back in the 80's.

Been here (Bago City) a week now with 2 more to go. No mongering this trip with wife and kid along but I am sure there is action to be had if you know the right person and have a fist full of piso's!To Dick.

That fare is not cheap at all you can take PAL direct from LAX to Manila for about the same price, doing all this connection it take too damn long I like to fly direct save time even I have to paid more, I like Cathay Pacific they have many connection from HKG to Manila and 5 direct flight a day from LAX or SFO to HKG and service is much better than PAL or United.

Fast eddie 48.

Member #4351
05-28-14, 20:59
I like Cathay Pacific they have many connection from HKG to Manila and 5 direct flight a day from LAX or SFO to HKG and service is much better than PAL or United.Not to mention direct flights HKG-CEB for those who don't mind missing the joys of the Manila airport.

Fast Eddie 48
05-28-14, 21:47
Not to mention direct flights HKG-CEB for those who don't mind missing the joys of the Manila airport.To David.

Cathay pacific only have one flight a day Cebu to HKG is at 1 pm but 6 flight a day from Manila to HKG.

Fast eddie 48.

Member #4351
05-28-14, 21:53
To David.

Cathay pacific only have one flight a day Cebu to HKG is at 1 pm but 6 flight a day from Manila to HKG.

Fast eddie 48.Depends on the day of the week. I take the morning flight that gets into Cebu around 11:30 in the morning. I would rather connect in Hong Kong since my final destination is Cebu anyway.

05-28-14, 23:46

Thanks for the info I will be sure to keep it in mind for the next trip.

Have a good one.

X Man
05-29-14, 13:21
Bar girl mentality, or maybe just a gal seriously untracked. Years after a really nice barfine, we keep in touch on ym. She sends a lot of naughty messages, but also asks for large sums for any subsequent liaisons. There is something edgy about her, so I keep it polite, but I don't make much effort to contact her. Last week, after several months without contact, I get a message asking me where I am. I'm in X-ville, but tell her about my travel plans, and suggest we have lunch. She then informs me that she has had a bf for several years (including a few years where she was inviting me into her little love hole). I tell her "good luck", and this is the reply.

"If you waned to see me every time you visit here, you should have supported me from the very beginning. Better yet, you should had married and brought me to X-ville. Yes, I was with the Australian guy for short time, but he's not my bf. Look I had a great time with you, but you have to find other girls to have fun with. I'm not the same person you had met before.".

She's funny, but in a creepy way. BTW, she was very descriptive of the well-endowed Australian guy who took her to the beach. I like dirty talk, but prefer we do it on the same sheet rather than online.

05-29-14, 18:46
Bar girl mentality, or maybe just a gal seriously untracked. Years after a really nice barfine, we keep in touch on ym. She sends a lot of naughty messages, but also asks for large sums for any subsequent liaisons. There is something edgy about her, so I keep it polite, but I don't make much effort to contact her. Last week, after several months without contact, I get a message asking me where I am. I'm in X-ville, but tell her about my travel plans, and suggest we have lunch. She then informs me that she has had a bf for several years (including a few years where she was inviting me into her little love hole). I tell her "good luck", and this is the reply.

"If you waned to see me every time you visit here, you should have supported me from the very beginning. Better yet, you should had married and brought me to X-ville. Yes, I was with the Australian guy for short time, but he's not my bf. Look I had a great time with you, but you have to find other girls to have fun with. I'm not the same person you had met before.".

She's funny, but in a creepy way. BTW, she was very descriptive of the well-endowed Australian guy who took her to the beach. I like dirty talk, but prefer we do it on the same sheet rather than online.I am sure she has a full time sponsor but what man can not see the character of this type of woman, is sex so hard to come by? This girl is a part of the group I call actual predators, they will lie and cheat and steal we are just fortunate they don't wish to kill the golden gooses because they could easily justify that!

The women we seem to meet have the most fucked up morales and characters EVER!


Radical Guy
05-29-14, 19:04
"If you waned to see me every time you visit here, you should have supported me from the very beginning. Better yet, you should had married and brought me to X-ville. Yes, I was with the Australian guy for short time, but he's not my bf. Look I had a great time with you, but you have to find other girls to have fun with. I'm not the same person you had met before."Wait! I know you are broken hearted, but there might be time. Quickly, buy the most expensive diamond ring you can find, and marry the woman. She might still be persuaded, if you offer a big enough purse. LOL.

Col Law
05-29-14, 19:39
Not to mention direct flights HKG-CEB for those who don't mind missing the joys of the Manila airport.Just was doing research on this route myself Fri / Sun / Mon, different flight time 20-05 departure and other days 08-40 .


05-29-14, 21:16
I am sure she has a full time sponsor but what man can not see the character of this type of woman, is sex so hard to come by? This girl is a part of the group I call actual predators, they will lie and cheat and steal we are just fortunate they don't wish to kill the golden gooses because they could easily justify that!

The women we seem to meet have the most fucked up morales and characters EVER!

PP.Nah, don't blame the girls / women. Its the idiots who, against all advice, fall over themselves to send money to strangers / sex workers (bar girls)/ brief acquaintances. Long ago I asked an 18 year old (who had insisted on getting rid of her pesky virginity) to give me her password to her yahoo so I could help her fix a problem she was having with it. What a bloody eye opener... 37 guys frantically I'm'ing & emailing her. She was a full time college student with a busy life just like all her class mates. Imagine for a moment what is happening with the unemployed women who have all day to sit on the net...


Wicked Roger
05-30-14, 08:26
Just was doing research on this route myself Fri / Sun / Mon, different flight time 20-05 departure and other days 08-40.

Colin.Or get Cebu Pacific. It is not a long flight and cheap at times, some good deals at the moment also, seats are OK even for a big boy like me (as it is a short flight).

06-03-14, 04:34
I'm hearing a lot of people mention using DIA to find girls in Manila. I'm curious how it works and if all the girls are p4 p. If not how do I know which girls are p4 p and how do I procure their services? Thank you.

06-03-14, 06:32
I'm hearing a lot of people mention using DIA to find girls in Manila. I'm curious how it works and if all the girls are p4 p. If not how do I know which girls are p4 p and how do I procure their services? Thank you. Read the Chat Rooms & Pen Pals section. Everything you want to know is there. Thank you.

06-03-14, 08:27
Back when Cardinal Sin was still making his earthly pontifications, the subject of the population and population control came up.

He, being a good priest was single and living in a 20 bedroom palace in QC and had no worries or experience of being a parent, or of being short on space.

He proudly said how wonderful it was the families had children and they should have as many as they liked. How delightful it was to see gods children he said.

Fast forward a few years since his demise.

Http: newsinfo. Inquirer. Net /607755/ school-heads-cede-offices-to-classes-626-metro-public-schools-have-2-shifts.

Schools having two shifts, classes being held in offices, gyms and class sizes of us to 80.

With an ever soaring population, soom class room sizes of 100 will happen.

And yet, the poor, chained in povery, still listen to their churchly leaders as if they are talking sense.

The middle classes deserted the church a long time ago realising they had lost their relevance.

06-03-14, 08:48
Every year, approximately 1. 9 million new students enter the education system. Granted, a fraction of this number will go to private schools, but the huge majority will wind up in the public system. Also granted that a few hundred thousand will also graduate each year, though the percentage that drops out prior to completion is huge. So, maybe a million new enrollees each year enter the public system, and there's never a proportional increase in the size of the DepEd budget, from which about 85% has historically been expended on salaries. Thus, despite heroic efforts by teachers and administrators, simple logic dictates that, outside of some select districts, the overall quality of education gets ever more diluted as there's not a teacher in the world who can cope successfully with 75-80 kids in an under-resourced classroom.

In an ever more globalized world, in which competition for decent employment increases every day and depends on the capacity for critical thought and the presence of well developed technical skills, the Philippines probably falls ever further behind year after year. ASEAN economic integration, which begins next year will-aside from a few thousand nurses-not likely favor Filipino workers.

Freebie is correct in that the upper and middle classes here pay no attention whatsoever to the church, but the poor and ignorant continue to do so, thus adding each year to m ever increasing, economically frozen and perhaps permanent under class with zero likelihood of significant upward mobility.


Don't know what's up with the forum's software but it won't allow me to edit my own post. Sorry for the typos.

Wicked Roger
06-03-14, 09:13
Freebie is correct in that the upper and middle classes here pay no attention whatsoever to the church, but the poor and ignorant continue to do so, thus adding each year to m ever increasing, economically frozen and perhaps permanent under class with zero likelihood of significant upward mobility.


I concur and this is the link Freebie as was not opening for me in your FR.

Http: newsinfo. Inquirer. Net /607755/ school-heads-cede-offices-to-classes-626-metro-public-schools-have-2-shifts.

Makes depressing reading and GE's conclusion is based on his long experience in the country.

This is an editorial that is also good reading.

Http: www. Philstar. Com / opinion /2014/06/02/1330078/ editorial-school-opening-woes.

Add to that the clamour for a pay increase for teachers that has sort of been refused as the Palace says "it has no money in the budget" it makes you wonder why many turn up each day.

Http: newsinfo. Inquirer. Net /607994/ increasing-public-school-teachers-pay-impossible-solon.

Reading the comments after the articles is always interesting and I note that many are becoming more venomous and disbelieving of anyone in office over the last 12 months or so. Wonder why?

Good summary GE.

Member #4387
06-03-14, 10:11
I saw somewhere on my last stay in Makati road posters hanging advertising an economical forum for south east asia. Phils would proudly welcome the delegates. When stuck in traffic from the airport to Makati moving slower than turtles it is hard not to notice things around you. I don't know of any countries in SEA so undeveloped as phils when it comes to infrastructure so I guess the delegates arriving will not be to impressed when they are stucked in traffic after travlling 30 seconds from the airport. Ofcourse I guess they probably will block down every street necessary so delegates can have an swift and easy effective ride to their designated destination. Oh I wish I was a delegate.

It is two things very important to me these days when planning my travels into phils. 1. Arrivaltime, preferably late late eve or post midnight as traffic are easy to fight. 2. Naia Terminals, avoid departure from T1 at all costs due to the lack of AC. I am a warmblooded human beeing having my comfortzone between 15 to 25 degrees and hell no if I will board an aircraft for a long haul flight all sweaty. Last time I arrived by Qatar Airways from Doha (they use T1). Arriving T1 not so bad atleast it did not seem so as I was amongst the first in immigration and to pick up luggage (all in a less than 20 min stay before entering my hotel pick up). Then ofcourse arriving 4pm it took 50mts or so before we ran into traffic jam. For departure I simply booked Cebu Air(T3)to BKK a midnight arrival into BKK and Qatar on my onward travel to Oslo (via Doha). All to avoid T1.

06-03-14, 13:33
I'm hearing a lot of people mention using DIA to find girls in Manila. I'm curious how it works and if all the girls are p4 p. If not how do I know which girls are p4 p and how do I procure their services? Thank you. I have done lots of DIA girls. In fact nowadays I have only been with DIA girls.

1. Send messages to them a month before you actually go. These girls are looking for instant meeting and of course instant gratification.

2. Of those who reply state your intentions without being explicit. Say something like she looks good and you would like to meet her.

3. Never say you are only looking for sex. Once you meet and they like you sex comes naturally to these girls. If you are good in sex they love to be with you irrespective of what your only intentions are.

4. No need to discuss money and I never send money before meeting. If they talk money all the time I stop talking to them.

5. Establish yahoo messenger or Skype relation so that you can see them on cam and chat. Pictures do lie. Once I had a 35 year old posing as 19 year old with her old pic.

6. I always meet them in my room. I have no time to meet them outside and romance them. My intention is only sex. If she is good company and sex I tend to keep her for a few days.

7. Always compensate for their time and effort. Never take advantage of their poverty and eagerness as you can do whatever you please. If a naive girl says no to sex it means NO.

Good Luck!

Soapy Smith
06-03-14, 14:44
Thus, despite heroic efforts by teachers and administrators, simple logic dictates that, outside of some select districts, the overall quality of education gets ever more diluted as there's not a teacher in the world who can cope successfully with 75-80 kids in an under-resourced classroom. And teachers do what they have to do. One way is to out source to students / parents what they can't get provided from their meager budgets. So kids are sometimes told they will need to buy their own book at National Bookstore, or a globe or some other commodity for the classroom. And other costs for families are incurred since children have to wear particular uniforms. Usually black pants and short-sleeved button-up white shirt for the boys, plaid skirt (of particular color) and white blouse for the girls, plus black shoes. Add to this all the kids' school supplies. Doing homework adds cost and hardship if it extends into the evening, since it requires lighting. This means burning electricity. Or candles for those families who don't have electricity. Thus when the family needs extra hands to forage for recyclables or pedal the family's street-side wares it's hard to justify the cost of keeping the kid in school. All of which contributes to the cycle of poverty.

Wicked Roger
06-04-14, 02:14
1. Arrivaltime, preferably late late eve or post midnight as traffic are easy to fight. 2. Naia Terminals, avoid departure from T1 at all costs due to the lack of AC. I am a warmblooded human beeing having my comfortzone between 15 to 25 degrees and hell no if I will board an aircraft for a long haul flight all sweaty. Last time I arrived by Qatar Airways from Doha (they use T1). All to avoid T1.I would concur with Skogis but for many that is impossible but when I arrive around 6-7 am on an Emirates flight the immigration hall is empty and my bags are always early off so I don't have to hang around. On the way out it is terrible and very sweaty but no choice.

But in October reports claim Emirates, Cathy and 3 other carriers will use T3.

While that is good in some respects, how on earth T3 will cope with a jumbo load of passengers when sometimes there are not enough trolleys for a Phil Air / Cebu Pacific flight will be an interesting question. Also outside there are so few taxis apart from the 'private' ones art twice the price. So while arriving and departing maybe more pleasant unless the terminal management do something about the other basics it will still be messy. And I won't hold my breath that T3 will correct those issue fast given it takes them months to buy ACs for T1.

FYI I use T3 a lot and enjoy it but I just can't see 400++ passengers from the Middle East and HK etc inside that small baggage claim area (at the same time would be overload IMHO) let alone all trying to find a taxi. But it should be cooler.

Wicked Roger
06-04-14, 02:32
And teachers do what they have to do. One way is to out source to students / parents what they can't get provided from their meager budgets. So kids are sometimes told they will need to buy their own book at National Bookstore, or a globe or some other commodity for the classroom. And other costs for families are incurred since children have to wear particular uniforms. Usually black pants and short-sleeved button-up white shirt for the boys, plaid skirt (of particular color) and white blouse for the girls, plus black shoes. All of which contributes to the cycle of poverty.And no pay rise either. Read the comment as I always find these interesting.


I agree that many have to buy their own books and some teachers don't turn up or come late and people wonder why, and they must by 3 uniforms in some schools. Is tough being a teacher and student in the Philippines unless you have cash and lots of it.

AS GE said all this likely means that the country's education slips even further behind.compare it to Singapore which is held up as one of the best in the world based on some reports. It puts education first.

06-05-14, 14:31
For all of the punters who go on about corruption in the Phils, maybe this news clip from Australia may provide some perspective.

And remember the Eddie Obeid / McNamara scam for a AUD178 million coal mining lease.

The Phils may be more sorrupt, but Australians go for bigger money.

Of course, in my opinion, the most corrupt organisation in the world is the US congress, where a bunch of lobbyists, with deep pockets, can make law in any way that they want. Just buy enough votes of congressmen and senators.

"Well-educated men in their 30's from middle management are the most likely perpetrators of internal fraud, a survey of Australian firms shows.

PricewaterhouseCoopers' 2014 Global Economic Crime Survey found Australian organisations reported more crime than its global counterparts.

However, this was probably because Australia took the matter more seriously rather than a sign it has more corporate crime, the survey's authors say.

More than half of the 1,000 firms that took part in the biennial survey reported some form of internal or external crime, including cyber attacks and theft, in the past two years compared to 47 per cent two years ago.

Internal fraudsters were increasingly from middle management - 65 per cent in 2014, compared to 45 per cent in 2012 - and aged between 31 and 40.

They were also more qualified, with nearly a third having university degrees (up 10 per cent) and were primarily men (57 per cent).

However the number of female fraudsters is also on the rise, increasing from 25 per cent to 39 per cent.

Asset and cash theft were the biggest offences, followed by cybercrime, procurement fraud, accounting fraud, and bribery and corruption.

One in 10 organisations lost more than $1 million from cybercrime in the past two years while one third reported procurement fraud.

Cybercrime is a bigger problem for banks while procurement fraud is more common in the construction, mining and energy industries, PwC Partner and Forensic Services leader Malcolm Shackell says.

Procurement fraudsters can be an employee, business owner, board member, an official or vendor involved in the purchase or sale of services, goods or assets between organisations or individuals.

"We see this type of fraud in contracting, inappropriate supplier relationships and the supply and disposal of goods and assets; anywhere the money is flowing, Mr Shackell told AAP.

"It's supplier fraud really. We see false invoicing, where the company is false or they're invoicing for services they didn't supply, and, overcharges where a supplier inflates invoices.

"We particularly see that in mining and construction. ".

Other fraud, including payroll fraud, represents 13 per cent of crime experienced by Australian organisations".


06-06-14, 18:05
I have done lots of DIA girls. In fact nowadays I have only been with DIA girls.

1. Send messages to them a month before you actually go. These girls are looking for instant meeting and of course instant gratification.

2. Of those who reply state your intentions without being explicit. Say something like she looks good and you would like to meet her.

3. Never say you are only looking for sex. Once you meet and they like you sex comes naturally to these girls. If you are good in sex they love to be with you irrespective of what your only intentions are.

4. No need to discuss money and I never send money before meeting. If they talk money all the time I stop talking to them.

5. Establish yahoo messenger or Skype relation so that you can see them on cam and chat. Pictures do lie. Once I had a 35 year old posing as 19 year old with her old pic.

6. I always meet them in my room. I have no time to meet them outside and romance them. My intention is only sex. If she is good company and sex I tend to keep her for a few days.

7. Always compensate for their time and effort. Never take advantage of their poverty and eagerness as you can do whatever you please. If a naive girl says no to sex it means NO.

Good Luck!Please all Mongers and especially newbies. Note # 7 and do not take unfair advantage of them. Some of them are tragically stupid and desperate beyond your comprehension, I mean you will literally be dumbfounded with what you may encounter and experience.

I have chatted with 1500 to 1800 women over the years and they range from 10 that are borderline "full on retards" to my intellectual equal in a perfect body and then of course there are the scammers, hideous scammers, (I sort of punish this group not physically of course).

Personally I avoid the truly nieve and ignorant and it takes about 90 seconds of chatting to determine those but if they come and even if you don't play 500 pesos typically covers there costs plus! At a minimum.

Please be a good man with naughty intentions and never hurt them!

Thanks PP.

Wicked Roger
06-07-14, 02:38
For any monger who thinks being rude etc to an immigration official even if they 'verbally abuse" you or make what you think are snide remarks, read this.


Now the guy deserved a reprimand for sure but who knows what was said to him.

I hear friends 'complaining' that when they arrive in Cebu from an international flight that they get asked a lot more questions of why they are coming to the Philippines or notice is made of the number of trips to the country. Responses such as "mind your own business" "to spend loads of cash to help the local economy" or worse are generally not helpful.

I always say "its more fun in the Philippines" - with a smile. As I have had the same inane stupid questions asked of me a few times in Cebu.

Keep cool even when they are not being that.

Example, recently a friend's lady was offloaded going to Singapore (she was flying with him, business class on Singapore Airlines) for very spurious reasons. Rather than get annoyed (which he was trust me) as the reasons were so bizarre it was stupidity and mere jealousy / spitefulness of the officer involved, he smiled and asked to have all his bags offloaded as well, asked the same immigration officer to let him re enter the country. She was shocked but had to comply.

This took time for immigration and the airline, caused a huge delay, no one was happy but he remained cool despite internally wanting to strangle someone / something.

So guys, be calm.

06-07-14, 04:29
Please all Mongers and especially newbies. Note # 7 and do not take unfair advantage of them. Some of them are tragically stupid and desperate beyond your comprehension, I mean you will literally be dumbfounded with what you may encounter and experience.

I have chatted with 1500 to 1800 women over the years and they range from 10 that are borderline "full on retards" to my intellectual equal in a perfect body and then of course there are the scammers, hideous scammers, (I sort of punish this group not physically of course).

Personally I avoid the truly nieve and ignorant and it takes about 90 seconds of chatting to determine those but if they come and even if you don't play 500 pesos typically covers there costs plus! At a minimum.

Please be a good man with naughty intentions and never hurt them!

Thanks PP.
I have done lots of DIA girls. In fact nowadays I have only been with DIA girls.

1. Send messages to them a month before you actually go. These girls are looking for instant meeting and of course instant gratification.

2. Of those who reply state your intentions without being explicit. Say something like she looks good and you would like to meet her...I think the list is awesome too but No. 3 is why I don't use DIA. The monger is going to have to dodge the question. Do you only want sex? Do I have a chance to be your girlfriend?

Many ladies on DIA don't want, just sex, they want a new friend (and more) so when a really nice sincere hottie ask the question. Are you only interested in sex?

Who's going to tell the truth? I don't think most mongers would tell the truth when their goal is to fuck the little beauty. I can't mislead anyone for my own gratification so I tend to stick w / FLs and BGs.

On my last trip I stayed in Makati and I got hammered by the really high barfines and then the 3000 p tip afterwards so in the future I too will be seeking relief from the high cost of doing business on Burgos St. What's the best answer to the beautiful DIA girl's question. Are you only interested in sex?

I'd like to know.

06-07-14, 07:58
For any monger who thinks being rude etc to an immigration official even if they 'verbally abuse" you or make what you think are snide remarks, read this.


Now the guy deserved a reprimand for sure but who knows what was said to him.

I hear friends 'complaining' that when they arrive in Cebu from an international flight that they get asked a lot more questions of why they are coming to the Philippines or notice is made of the number of trips to the country. Responses such as "mind your own business" "to spend loads of cash to help the local economy" or worse are generally not helpful.

I always say "its more fun in the Philippines" - with a smile. As I have had the same inane stupid questions asked of me a few times in Cebu.

Keep cool even when they are not being that.

Example, recently a friend's lady was offloaded going to Singapore (she was flying with him, business class on Singapore Airlines) for very spurious reasons. Rather than get annoyed (which he was trust me) as the reasons were so bizarre it was stupidity and mere jealousy / spitefulness of the officer involved, he smiled and asked to have all his bags offloaded as well, asked the same immigration officer to let him re enter the country. She was shocked but had to comply.

This took time for immigration and the airline, caused a huge delay, no one was happy but he remained cool despite internally wanting to strangle someone / something.

So guys, be calm.Absolutely spot on WR. I flew back in through NAIA last Tuesday & breezed in through immigration so fast I thought I had landed in the wrong country then Cebu people are being hassled moronically. Its the Phils. Situation normal. The new head of Immigration is pushing lots of changes trying to clean out all the Illegals etc but this gets lost in translation by the time it gets down to the uniformed types I think.

This SIA incident was in Cebu WR? I see a lot of foreigner guys (a freaking lot) loudly voicing their displeasure about everything & anything. All this does is make things worse. Everybody looses face, don't expect anything but worsening problems. On the flip side I am constantly surprised how often people will apologise & try to help when I remain calm. Courtesy begets courtesy.


06-07-14, 08:06
What's the best answer to the beautiful DIA girl's question. Are you only interested in sex?

I'd like to know.You don't get it put that bluntly usually, but their profile may be pretty strident if you bother to read it. If a girl opens up with a really blunt question as the opening conversation you can assume you're on a hiding to nothing but attempt to yuk it up with Pinoy style jokey reply. I doubt you will get far if she is hostile to begin with so cut your losses & move on immediately. There are PLENTY of lookers who will meet / copulate. (Agree Burgos is always pretty pricey BTW)


X Man
06-07-14, 12:36
I applaud your moral and ethical position, but me thinks you're taking it a bit too far. It's already a common and well deserved stereotype that guys want sex. Yes we do! A gal who asks that question directly is probably testing you or teasing you. I agree with my old nemesis AV that a joke might be in order, but I also disagree with him that you should write her off. Sounds like a gal with a head on her shoulders, so playing along might be fun.

What is the best answer? HellifIknow.

1 I'm a guy. 1 a I like sex. How about you? 1 b Sometimes.

2 I'm also interested in xxx (changing the subject. Sounds lame, I know).

3 Wow, are you a mind reader?

I'm sure some of you guys can come up with some better replies.


Many ladies on DIA don't want, just sex, they want a new friend (and more) so when a really nice sincere hottie ask the question. Are you only interested in sex?

Who's going to tell the truth? I don't think most mongers would tell the truth when their goal is to fuck the little beauty. I can't mislead anyone for my own gratification so I tend to stick w / FLs and BGs.


Wicked Roger
06-07-14, 13:28

This SIA incident was in Cebu WR? I see a lot of foreigner guys (a freaking lot) loudly voicing their displeasure All this does is make things worse. Everybody looses face, don't expect anything but worsening problems. On the flip side I am constantly surprised how often people will apologise & try to help when I remain calm. Courtesy begets courtesy.

AVYes was in Cebu and my friend was polite etc but firm, making sure he did the process to re enter correctly and slowly as well as claim his bags and the ticket refund (bags slow, refund fast). SIA were very apologetic and helpful. Issue was he had taken the same girl to the same place the month before via Manila and nothing was said.

I have also seen, in Cebu, a Dutch husband with wife with kids in tow be asked to sign an affidavit for his wife and kids saying he would bring them back and he was not a human trafficker.

Now that was fun to watch while the Dutchmen angrily berated the officers along the lines of "she is my wife, these are my kids you idiots". He was actually on his way home to Holland after a holiday in the country. Sort of made everyone look silly but it did brighten up my day when he stood his ground and asked to see the supervisor.

Wicked Roger
06-07-14, 13:30
IWhat is the best answer? HellifIknow.

1 I'm a guy. 1 a I like sex. How about you? 1 b Sometimes.

2 I'm also interested in xxx (changing the subject. Sounds lame, I know).

3 Wow, are you a mind reader?

I'm sure some of you guys can come up with some better replies.Xman.

I have been asked that on more than one occasion and reply "no I am a gentleman, but as you have now raised the subject. ".

Always worked for me but maybe that is because I am a gentleman when they meet me LOL.

06-07-14, 14:31
I applaud your moral and ethical position, but me thinks you're taking it a bit too far. It's already a common and well deserved stereotype that guys want sex. Yes we do! A gal who asks that question directly is probably testing you or teasing you. I agree with my old nemesis AV that a joke might be in order, but I also disagree with him that you should write her off. Sounds like a gal with a head on her shoulders, so playing along might be fun.

What is the best answer? HellifIknow.

1 I'm a guy. 1 a I like sex. How about you? 1 b Sometimes.

2 I'm also interested in xxx (changing the subject. Sounds lame, I know).

3 Wow, are you a mind reader?

I'm sure some of you guys can come up with some better replies.Last time I was in Cebu one DIA girl posed the same question. I had talked to her on YM and she was really pretty and young 19 year old. Ofcourse she likes to show cam to to all her friends and family members. We had talked about sex and she said it is OK. On arrival in Cebu I texted her. At that time she started asking too many questions like, How many girls do you plan to meet? Are you looking for sex only? Do you plan to stay in Cebu? Etc.

I simply said let us meet and see. She said she has never done this before with a foreigner but however she came to my room. For some reason I did not like har figure although she had a pretty face. So let us say my dick did not stand to attention. She laid down beside me and we started chatting about family etc for a full 10 minutes. I started to make a move and put my arm around her and touched her boobs. She immediately recoiled and said she wants to wait and get to know me before we have sex. I asked her if she was a virgin to which the answer was no. Remember she agreed to sex on cam but now she is playing a game to which I have no patience.

I told her she can leave but she wanted to stay. Now what do you do? I simply said there is no chemistry between us and she has to go. Reluctantly she left after I gave her 500 for taxi fare.

These things happen also. Nothing is guranteed when you are trying DIA girls.

Member #4387
06-07-14, 16:50
How many girls do you plan to meet? Are you looking for sex only? Do you plan to stay in Cebu? Etc.
These questions I get all the time even after they should be preprepped for fucking. I guess some of the not so hardend girls out there sth feels some regrets when agreeing maby a tad to early to participate into adultplay.

My reply to questions like this would be sth like this (and they actually are): question 1: I have allready told you I don't stay long time in Makati so did not realy set up any dates except you. Many girls tried contact me but since me and you did make an early agreement I stack to our deal (sweettalks and make them trust you, hell, she will maby even be flattered as she thinks she is special).

Question 2: no not only sex, but I am a guy you know and that is my weakness and my strength, but you know my time are limited here so to check if we realy have chemistry also through sex we need be effective (puts a tad pressure on them, here you can mildely also make them remember initial agreements in a humbly manner).

Question 3 (I change Cebu with Makati ofcourse): I am sorry but how long I stay is hard to tell as you know I may go on short notice and I also have prebooked plans with my friend (allways keep an invisible friend you have to see sth as in having some excuses premade if needed to skip or leave or get the girl on her way).

All in all it is just crap and BS but not obviously lies as I rarely makes them any promises.

My last trip one of the girls I invited over was a coming through one of my contacts I am in huge numbers did add into my fake FB account. So setting up a FB account allready have started to pay off again (I have done it before as well ofcourse). She contacted me in a humble way and wanted to get to know me. I browsed through her portifolio of pics and damn was she hot. Only downside was she everyday posted this Jesus crap (and still does I might add). As long as pants do drop I am forgiving.

Before she met I did not manage to preprep her into any sexual talks and I did have to put in some efforts to prevent her bringing chaperone as well. But somehow I managed her to trust me so we met public 50 steps from my hotelentrance but still public. After some talk we she agreed to join me in my room. For girls like this it is just a matter of getting them to kiss you then from there it is a walk in the park. But to fuck with lights on is hard as these girls comes in shy. Still they are excited and extremely wet. So in some ways even though good on the outside all girls have a naughty side and it is the latter I am interested in and wants to bring out in the open. Ofcourse girls not used to fuck a hole lot lack techneeques and you have to guide them in every little small matter as otherwice they would just lay there (they are only used to the young neighbourhood pinoy doing his finest 30 sec pump and run act on them you know). But sometimes dealing with fresh meat is ok too and it did sure me come fast as well the first run. Well well.

A couple of days later she changed her relationship status ofcourse and wanted me to the same as in "in relationship". I managed ofcourse to talk her out of this as the hole point is to stay single (atleast in a fake FB site), hehe.

Its all about the fun.

06-07-14, 18:40
Yes was in Cebu and my friend was polite etc but firm, making sure he did the process to re enter correctly and slowly as well as claim his bags and the ticket refund (bags slow, refund fast). SIA were very apologetic and helpful. Issue was he had taken the same girl to the same place the month before via Manila and nothing was said.

I have also seen, in Cebu, a Dutch husband with wife with kids in tow be asked to sign an affidavit for his wife and kids saying he would bring them back and he was not a human trafficker.

Now that was fun to watch while the Dutchmen angrily berated the officers along the lines of "she is my wife, these are my kids you idiots". He was actually on his way home to Holland after a holiday in the country. Sort of made everyone look silly but it did brighten up my day when he stood his ground and asked to see the supervisor.Jesus, that's disgusting. Sounds like Cebu is not a place I'm going to be visiting any time soon with that level of stupidity happening. The Dutch guy was fully within his rights to go ballistic. Before I let it rip (if I am within my rights) I usually go for the the laser beam stare with a quietly threatening statement of the facts leading to involving their superiors.


06-07-14, 18:49
Have'nt needed a DIA account for a long time but just for fun tonight I created one. Within 10 minutes I had a very nice little 22 year old texting me & its all yes yes Another 25 yr old accountant hit the show interest button on my profile. She had the usual very serious good girl profile. 10 minutes later texting furiously about what when how. So as not to frighten her off I take things diplomatically, she skilfully steers the conversation toward ahem. Shall we say. Reward for services rendered. I reassured her that I'm not cheap Charlie. Ahem. That's number two lined up. Shooting fish in a barrel.

So my point to the guys asking, keep your profile vague, play it by ear politely with each woman & don't be afraid to go for the win when the opportunity presents itself. Dump the time wasters & zero in on the girls who are ready to play.


06-08-14, 06:16
Before she met I did not manage to preprep her into any sexual talks and I did have to put in some efforts to prevent her bringing chaperone as well. But somehow I managed her to trust me so we met public 50 steps from my hotelentrance but still public. After some talk we she agreed to join me in my room. For girls like this it is just a matter of getting them to kiss you then from there it is a walk in the park. But to fuck with lights on is hard as these girls comes in shy. Still they are excited and extremely wet. So in some ways even though good on the outside all girls have a naughty side and it is the latter I am interested in and wants to bring out in the open. Ofcourse girls not used to fuck a hole lot lack techneeques and you have to guide them in every little small matter as otherwice they would just lay there (they are only used to the young neighbourhood pinoy doing his finest 30 sec pump and run act on them you know). But sometimes dealing with fresh meat is ok too and it did sure me come fast as well the first run. Well well.

A couple of days later she changed her relationship status ofcourse and wanted me to the same as in "in relationship". I managed ofcourse to talk her out of this as the hole point is to stay single (atleast in a fake FB site), hehe.

Its all about the fun.This sounds like a lot of fun. Well done.

Thanks, Amivida, WR, X man, Sammon, all really great responses. I would really enjoy the cat and mouse game. Those pussies would be nice and tight I too, Oh man I want to be there.

Wicked Roger
06-08-14, 09:23
Jesus, that's disgusting. Sounds like Cebu is not a place I'm going to be visiting any time soon with that level of stupidity happening. The Dutch guy was fully within his rights to go ballistic. Before I let it rip (if I am within my rights) I usually go for the the laser beam stare with a quietly threatening statement of the facts leading to involving their superiors.

AV.Come to Cebu you will have fun AV. Just don't go through passport control with a cutie LOL. Takes a load of patience to stay calm but it can be done and it really annoys them more when you remain calm.

Was a story of a guy at Clark went a tad over the top when the officers would not let his wife out initially but on his return found himself 'banned' from entering the country. He fixed this problem only because he knew key people but be careful what you do in the Philippines as these officials can be spiteful and nasty when hey are pushed and lose face.

X Man
06-08-14, 11:22
Your description reminded me of a gal I met last year. After a fairly ordinary date, I got her back to my room and into the bed. Some light kissing and touching did NOT result in "recoil", but things weren't going smoothly. I jokingly asked the "virgin" question, and surprisingly the answer was "yes" - which I thought was bovine manure. I tried to keep it relaxed, but eventually tried to get her to go home. She didn't want to go. I eventually, and reluctantly, had to get a bit rude. She left. The next day she begs to meet again and tells me I can have my way and she'll even have my baby. No marriage req. Umm, no thanks.

Even if I had agreed, I doubt that she would have come. As Sammon says, "playing a game".

SNIP, blah, blah, she wants to wait and get to know me before we have sex. I asked her if she was a virgin to which the answer was no. Remember she agreed to sex on cam but now she is playing a game to which I have no patience.

I told her she can leave but she wanted to stay. Now what do you do? I simply said there is no chemistry between us and she has to go. Reluctantly she left after I gave her 500 for taxi fare.

These things happen also. Nothing is guranteed when you are trying DIA girls.

Member #4387
06-08-14, 14:38
I thought I might just share this cute little event happening whilst me and a 19 yo spinner was having in between session break. Just from coincidense while zapping through the channels I saw "A Haunted House" was about to begin so I asked if she wanted to watch it. Ok by her. I remind you that this is only a parody from all the "Paranormal Activity" movies out there (spoof? And suppose to be funny.

I give the 19 yo credit for actually watching and paying attention to the whole movie just hiding behind sth when some scary shit happened. Many of her phil sister and older ones too are only able to focus for 5 minutes before they loose interest.

Anyways after the movies finished (very very bad one and not either scary or funny) my spinner told she had to go toilet. She went towards the toilet but suddenly she froze, turned around and leaned herself toward the wall facing me. I realy did not pay to much attention at first. After a couple of minutes I saw she looked ancious as she wanted to say sth so I asked her if something was wrong and "thought you had to hit the toilet sweetie?

Her answer cracked me up as she wanted me to join her not only into the hallway and to the toilet, no, she wanted me infact to join her inside the toilet while she did her biz as she was scared shit from this crappy movie, hehe.

Pinays never stops surprising me in some odds way. But somewhat cute as well, hehe.

Radical Guy
06-08-14, 16:51
I have also seen, in Cebu, a Dutch husband with wife with kids in tow be asked to sign an affidavit for his wife and kids saying he would bring them back and he was not a human trafficker.

Now that was fun to watch while the Dutchmen angrily berated the officers along the lines of "she is my wife, these are my kids you idiots". He was actually on his way home to Holland after a holiday in the country. Sort of made everyone look silly but it did brighten up my day when he stood his ground and asked to see the supervisor.I really can't understand what the immigration folks could possibly hope to gain from an affidavit. Even if he was a human trafficker, and failed to bring them back, how could an affidavit be used to enforce anything? Makes no sense.


06-08-14, 16:58
Have'nt needed a DIA account for a long time but just for fun tonight I created one. Within 10 minutes I had a very nice little 22 year old texting me & its all yes yes Another 25 yr old accountant hit the show interest button on my profile. She had the usual very serious good girl profile. 10 minutes later texting furiously about what when how. So as not to frighten her off I take things diplomatically, she skilfully steers the conversation toward ahem. Shall we say. Reward for services rendered. I reassured her that I'm not cheap Charlie. Ahem. That's number two lined up. Shooting fish in a barrel.

So my point to the guys asking, keep your profile vague, play it by ear politely with each woman & don't be afraid to go for the win when the opportunity presents itself. Dump the time wasters & zero in on the girls who are ready to play.

AV.I set up cupid account to troll for some action while in PI. WIthin an hour I had set up 5 meets with some very tight little spinner pinays. One in particular was all to eager to meet. The catch was she "Is searching for serious relationships" Ha ha, that didn't last. 20 minutes after meeting her in public, we were making out in the elevator going to my room. She was just a horny pinay and I guess my bearded charm was good enough. NO charge for the services and an open invite for more as often as I want. Luckily the other 4 were more or less the same. Pinay girls amaze me how they love the American men and want to do whatever it takes to become the GF. All it takes is a sincere aproach and promise you want the same as they do. Promises made none kept right fellas? As we only like the game and rewards.


06-09-14, 05:14
Come to Cebu you will have fun AV. Just don't go through passport control with a cutie LOL. Takes a load of patience to stay calm but it can be done and it really annoys them more when you remain calm.

Was a story of a guy at Clark went a tad over the top when the officers would not let his wife out initially but on his return found himself 'banned' from entering the country. He fixed this problem only because he knew key people but be careful what you do in the Philippines as these officials can be spiteful and nasty when hey are pushed and lose face.G'day WR. I've been super busy lately but I'll definitely drop down to catch up. I won't be bringing coals to Newcastle LOL Agree the best approach is to stay frosty & get THEM into the shite. I have phone numbers of senators in my cell. Fuck I love to see them go pale when I pull it out of my pocket and start dialing. : the Catch ya soon mate, Ingats ha?


06-09-14, 06:35
G'day WR. I've been super busy lately but I'll definitely drop down to catch up. I won't be bringing coals to Newcastle LOL Agree the best approach is to stay frosty & get THEM into the shite. I have phone numbers of senators in my cell. Fuck I love to see them go pale when I pull it out of my pocket and start dialing. :

AV.Yeah I used to love that " want me to call this number. The one that says Jejomar Binay" way back when he was Mayor of Makati and some MMDA leech was harassing me for turning left or right etc.

They always backed down and said " No Sir you don't need to call that person ".

Thankfully my bluff was never called, as it was the phone number of one of his assistants.

06-09-14, 08:21
Yeah I used to love that " want me to call this number. The one that says Jejomar Binay" way back when he was Mayor of Makati and some MMDA leech was harassing me for turning left or right etc.

They always backed down and said " No Sir you don't need to call that person ".

Thankfully my bluff was never called, as it was the phone number of one of his assistants.That's a two-edged sword that I would never draw for a trumped up traffic violation. I've got numbers on my cell phone as well, for some "very important people," and they're real numbers. If I tried to bother them for so trivial a problem they would lose most of the respect they have for me. I'd grin, pay the fine, and forget about it. I'll save the VIPs for when I really need some help on a matter that's important.


Red Kilt
06-09-14, 09:45
That's a two-edged sword that I would never draw for a trumped up traffic violation. I've got numbers on my cell phone as well, for some "very important people," and they're real numbers. If I tried to bother them for so trivial a problem they would lose most of the respect they have for me. I'd grin, pay the fine, and forget about it. I'll save the VIPs for when I really need some help on a matter that's important. Follow GE's advice.

It's my MO too. Some of us long-stayers have got REAL numbers. Thankfully I have never needed to use them yet

You might get seriously burned if you start "crying wolf" over trivial matters. Some people have already been in trouble recently over claiming connections with VIPs in order to get off the hook, and they weren't foreigners either.

06-09-14, 10:48
Promises made none kept right fellas?
That's not my SOP whatsoever.

My dating site profiles and my communication with them is about sex and nothing about promises of exclusivity, relationships, the future, yada yada. I've found that being upfront is well received by the girl; she thinks I'm honest and doesn't fear being fooled. One of the first girls I met told me this: most guys seem like princes in the beginning and then I get to know them I realise they're frogs; when I read your profile I thought you were a frog so I wasn't expecting you to be a prince. Flattering, eh? Being upfront also allows me to end things with her without guilt for me; she started meeting me knowing full well it's a basic nsa / fubu arrangement. Lastly, and I feel most importantly, her understanding of our relationship allows her to keep looking for her Mr. Right, if she's so inclined. I'm Mr. Available. That's all. I would hate knowing that a girl gave up a legit chance with a guy because I led her to believe I'm offering something that I'm not. I've had several girls try to evolve the arrangement to a direction I didn't want to go, but most have accepted things for what they are.

I'm a big fan of Pinays so I try not to harden their hearts. A girl who runs across the bait and switch often enough is going to be jaded. Spoilt even.

I'm of mixed feelings of your gambit; I neither condemn nor approve it. It's a very common one that most fellas develop as teenagers. Girls with a bit of time on the dating sites see it often enough. But many girls do start out as inexperienced newbies and some of the stories they've shared with me of past "boyfriends" who have fooled them have been gut wrenching. Perhaps I empathise too much. Yet, I do benefit from these fellas' scams because it's quite easy for me to differentiate myself from the herd.

06-09-14, 11:16
Some of us long-stayers have got REAL numbers.I have NO numbers! Huhuhu. :'(

Red Kilt
06-09-14, 13:21
< SNIP >. . . Being upfront also allows me to end things with her without guilt for me; she started meeting me knowing full well it's a basic nsa / fubu arrangement. Lastly, and I feel most importantly, her understanding of our relationship allows her to keep looking for her Mr. Right, if she's so inclined. I'm Mr. Available. That's all. I would hate knowing that a girl gave up a legit chance with a guy because I led her to believe I'm offering something that I'm not. .. . . . < SNIP> . . . . Yet, I do benefit from these fellas' scams because it's quite easy for me to differentiate myself from the herd.I am 100% with Hutsori on this. Like these comments a lot. Many more girls these days are much more discerning than before about a guy's true intentions.

06-09-14, 14:23
That's not my SOP whatsoever.

I've found that being upfront is well received by the girl; she thinks I'm honest and doesn't fear being fooled. I do benefit from these fellas' scams because it's quite easy for me to differentiate myself from the herd.I agree with this. I am a dating site guy, not a bar guy. While I have only been to the Philippines a few times, I have always been upfront that I am not looking for a wife or girlfriend. Instead I just say it would be nice to know someone when I arrive as well as on an ongoing basis when I come back. This has served me well as I do keep in infrequent contact with them from home, but also make a point of getting together with them when I am back in the Philippines. If your up front and they accept this type of relationship no one has hurt feelings. If they don't want this, then simply move on without ever meeting.

As I have said before, I will take well preserved mature professional ladies in their early thirties to early forties over a twenty two year old ten times out of ten. They know their way around town as well as the bedroom. They know what they like in the bedroom and are excited to try new things that they have always fantasized about but did not have an opportunity to try with their former conservative Filipino ex husbands or boyfriends. This makes for some really good comfortable reunion sex when I come back for repeat trips.

As I result I tend to plan spending a few days with them before moving on to the next set of petals. I always have a business meeting I have to be at in another town, but let them know that if my schedule changes and I drop back into town I can make a call and have them join me again no questions asked. This allows me to meet a mix of new and repeat dating site ladies on each trip. It really is more fun in the Philippines.

Member #4351
06-09-14, 15:05
I set up cupid account to troll for some action while in PI. WIthin an hour I had set up 5 meets with some very tight little spinner pinays. One in particular was all to eager to meet. The catch was she "Is searching for serious relationships" Ha ha, that didn't last. 20 minutes after meeting her in public, we were making out in the elevator going to my room. She was just a horny pinay and I guess my bearded charm was good enough. NO charge for the services and an open invite for more as often as I want. Luckily the other 4 were more or less the same. Pinay girls amaze me how they love the American men and want to do whatever it takes to become the GF. All it takes is a sincere aproach and promise you want the same as they do. Promises made none kept right fellas? As we only like the game and rewards.

TheDudeIt appears that you haven't read much on this thread, and / or probably know little or nothing about Filipino culture. A normal girl IS NOT GOING TO ASK FOR MONEY BECAUSE IT MAKES THEM LOSE FACE. I don't know which is worse; the fact that you are being a kuripot cheapskate and actually thinking that they they are with you because they "love the American men", or your strategy of leading them on saying you are looking for a serious GF. Serious GF = sponsor. Of course they will give it up to a liar who is promising a better future. I think you are piling up the bad karma and may lie to the wrong girl one of these days and face the consequences.

06-09-14, 15:23
As we only like the game and rewards.

TheDudePay up MAN!

They are not there satisfying you for your charm or false promises. They could not care less if you are American or not. Firstly they are looking for relationship leading to marriage or at least a steady BF who supports them.

Do not be a cheapskate and play games with them. If they refuse money buy good gifts but I am sure very few refuse money if offered.

06-09-14, 15:40
It appears that you haven't read much on this thread, and / or probably know little or nothing about Filipino culture. A normal girl IS NOT GOING TO ASK FOR MONEY BECAUSE IT MAKES THEM LOSE FACE. I don't know which is worse; the fact that you are being a kuripot cheapskate and actually thinking that they they are with you because they "love the American men", or your strategy of leading them on saying you are looking for a serious GF. Serious GF = sponsor. Of course they will give it up to a liar who is promising a better future. I think you are piling up the bad karma and may lie to the wrong girl one of these days and face the consequences.We surely will not loose a great contributor here. His was one of the most arrogant posts I read here this year.

Member #4387
06-09-14, 17:07
I set up cupid account to troll for some action while in PI. WIthin an hour I had set up 5 meets with some very tight little spinner pinays. One in particular was all to eager to meet. The catch was she "Is searching for serious relationships" Ha ha, that didn't last. 20 minutes after meeting her in public, we were making out in the elevator going to my room. She was just a horny pinay and I guess my bearded charm was good enough. NO charge for the services and an open invite for more as often as I want. Luckily the other 4 were more or less the same. Pinay girls amaze me how they love the American men and want to do whatever it takes to become the GF. All it takes is a sincere aproach and promise you want the same as they do. Promises made none kept right fellas? As we only like the game and rewards.

TheDudeThere is no room for cheap charlies here and atleast not their bragging about how much poor pinays loves you (or americans as you put it). Well get real, here no one loves you but they try to get around in life and get some money from it. Exploiting poor pinays will get you no medals at the oval office. We can probably not change bad personalities inside here but please do not post here. We have had others as Calipro who atleast don't post under his old alias anymore as he was, like you, under the impression that everybody loved him (FL girls and datingsitegirls).

It is ofcourse possible to meet "normal" pinays, well off too (done it myself), but you will never never never meet them on a datingsite and they will never never never make out with you in an elevator 20 min after meeting first time (that I can tell you). What you met was a girl not different from the thousands others out there that we fuck and compensate accordingly.

To find out if pinays love you indulge yourself to the upscale nightlife or other places where girls with money hangs. Then you can tell us if they were interested to hang with you and if they made out with you after 20 minutes.

What you did were not anything special at all and have been done over and over again. What differs you from most here is that you had an egotrip to feel good about yourself but you lack decent judgment (or knowledge) to compensate. Almost no matter how poor you are back in your country you are rich compare to most people you meet in datingsites. You should compensate. Pinay culture will prevent them from asking for money and guys like you can take advantage from this. Getting free sex in phils is easier than opening a can of coke. Everyone can have it, even Frankenstein, we simply do not take advantage and compensate the girls for service rendered (if they ask or not).

06-09-14, 17:16
It's sad that some of these guys are such crude low lifes, they treat other human beings worse than animals, more like inaminate, dirty objects, to be used, despised and discarded!

Wicked Roger
06-09-14, 17:20
I really can't understand what the immigration folks could possibly hope to gain from an affidavit. Even if he was a human trafficker, and failed to bring them back, how could an affidavit be used to enforce anything? Makes no sense.

RG.It does not but is a ruse to try and scare the dirty westerner who the immigration told the cutie I was with "were the only ones who traffick". Is a waste of time, threats etc but is a game they like to play as they are jealous, spiteful, nasty but have lots of power.

The claim RG is that if you don't bring them back when you say you will, immigration will hunt you down and ban you from the country or worse. This from the same department that somehow manages to let known criminals leave the country despite travel bans.

Welcome to the Philippines LOL.

06-09-14, 17:23
I set up cupid account to troll for some action while in PI. WIthin an hour I had set up 5 meets with some very tight little spinner pinays. One in particular was all to eager to meet. The catch was she "Is searching for serious relationships" Ha ha, that didn't last. 20 minutes after meeting her in public, we were making out in the elevator going to my room. She was just a horny pinay and I guess my bearded charm was good enough. NO charge for the services and an open invite for more as often as I want. Luckily the other 4 were more or less the same. Pinay girls amaze me how they love the American men and want to do whatever it takes to become the GF. All it takes is a sincere aproach and promise you want the same as they do. Promises made none kept right fellas? As we only like the game and rewards.

TheDudeDude, you were a looser in America, still a looser in Philippines. The problem is you make the rest look bad. What is this BS about a "sincere" approach? Get a dictionary and look up the word "sincere" dic head!

I have had discussion with many members here about tipping and / or paying more. Even though we have our differences, no one promotes lying.

Justice will be served when you are outwitted by someone there. I hope you are thinking it won't happen to you because you are too smart.

Wicked Roger
06-09-14, 17:23
We surely will not loose a great contributor here. His was one of the most arrogant posts I read here this year.BM,

You mean David33 or TheDude? Sorry am confused.

David33 talks sense and most of who have been around pinays long enough understand this.

TheDude has 3 FRs nothing of interest but like others that Skogis noted, thinks he is Adonis. Well we are, all of us LOL but some of us show respect. If TheDude had RTFF etc he would have read about how guys slip a note or more into the purse etc. He is a cheap Charlie who will tell his mates in the USA how easy it is etc, unfortunately for the rest of us.

06-09-14, 20:09
I am not like 8787, But will admit he is like 98.25% of the women I have met in my life. I ain't going to cry over them getting a taste of their own shit.

And I ain't going to dog a bro. For it either. I know I am a old fart. And feel for my Ma. My sisters and my daughters.

Yet, I watch them all lie to everyone even me.

And you other old protective farts have to admit, sitting at a table of 25 year old guys. They tell them what they want to hear. Tear that shit up. And do not tip or pay. They will even tell you they have never paid for pussy. Sure it ain't fair. But Ma. Never told me life was.

06-10-14, 02:49
It is ofcourse possible to meet "normal" pinays, well off too (done it myself), but you will never never never meet them on a datingsite and they will never never never make out with you in an elevator 20 min after meeting first time (that I can tell you). I'll respectfully disagree with you about finding well-off Pinays on dating sites. Have found 'em on FC, okcupid, and tagged and also on craigslist. They find fucking foreigners "safer" because we're not part of their social and professional circles so the potential for a shameful scandal is much less. Filipino guys talk and the gossip will spread far.

Buko Max
06-10-14, 15:12
I'll respectfully disagree with you about finding well-off Pinays on dating sites. Have found 'em on FC, okcupid, and tagged and also on craigslist. They find fucking foreigners "safer" because we're not part of their social and professional circles so the potential for a shameful scandal is much less. Filipino guys talk and the gossip will spread far.Yes I would agree in that foreigners hold a certain stigma and are frowned upon in tight knit communities. Have found a few middle class and above pinays throughout the country that use the dating sites to explore what they are missing in life. Perfect for a NSA relationship!

06-10-14, 20:21
I'd like to bring my fiance to Canada on a visitor's visa for a couple of months. She lives on Mindanao and so, spending considerable time and money dealing with those 'hard ass Phil / Cans in Manila will likely be useless. Using their criteria re steady job, sizable bank account, etc, there's no way she would be successful. A thought that crossed my mind is for the two of us to go on holiday to Hong Kong and apply at the Canadian Embassy there. So I'm asking for feedback or alternatives. So, guys, any suggestions?

06-11-14, 01:50
Yes I would agree in that foreigners hold a certain stigma and are frowned upon in tight knit communities. Have found a few middle class and above pinays throughout the country that use the dating sites to explore what they are missing in life. Perfect for a NSA relationship!Ditto. One of my regular fuck buddies is a dentist, another owns her own small real estate agency and drives a BMW.

06-11-14, 02:10
I'd like to bring my fiance to Canada on a visitor's visa for a couple of months. She lives on Mindanao and so, spending considerable time and money dealing with those 'hard ass Phil / Cans in Manila will likely be useless. Using their criteria re steady job, sizable bank account, etc, there's no way she would be successful. A thought that crossed my mind is for the two of us to go on holiday to Hong Kong and apply at the Canadian Embassy there. So I'm asking for feedback or alternatives. So, guys, any suggestions?If you have done the due diligence & are absolutely positively certain that she must become your new alimony recipient then pull the trigger in the Phil and apply a spouse visa. Otherwise, go live with her (and her extended family) for 6 months to a year then see if your're so hot to do this. Sincerely, your best friend.


06-11-14, 02:15
Ditto. One of my regular fuck buddies is a dentist, another owns her own small real estate agency and drives a BMW.What is it with dentists? I'm on to my second one <shrugs .


06-11-14, 04:18
I'd like to bring my fiance to Canada on a visitor's visa for a couple of months. She lives on Mindanao and so, spending considerable time and money dealing with those 'hard ass Phil / Cans in Manila will likely be useless. Using their criteria re steady job, sizable bank account, etc, there's no way she would be successful. A thought that crossed my mind is for the two of us to go on holiday to Hong Kong and apply at the Canadian Embassy there. So I'm asking for feedback or alternatives. So, guys, any suggestions?Don't waste your time and money on the flight. Filipinos need a visa and regardless of which embassy she applies at she must show she has a reason to return to the Philippines and not overstay in Canada. Lots try the ploy you are considering, but visitor visas to Canada are almost impossible to obtain for a Filipino national.

Econo Tech
06-11-14, 06:44
If you have done the due diligence & are absolutely positively certain that she must become your new alimony recipient then pull the trigger in the Phil and apply a spouse visa. Otherwise, go live with her (and her extended family) for 6 months to a year then see if your're so hot to do this. Sincerely, your best friend.

AV.Plus. If the girl was scouting for Canadians, and you weren't a 'boy met girl, fell in love' thing, there is a high chance she has relatives / ex (to become next) there and you will become her sponsor to Canada.

And HK or Singapore or Malaysia, Canadian High comm will tell her to go back to her country of origin and apply from there unless she has residency in one of the above countries.

I too ditto Amavida's words.

Col Law
06-11-14, 10:47
Don't waste your time and money on the flight. Filipinos need a visa and regardless of which embassy she applies at she must show she has a reason to return to the Philippines and not overstay in Canada. Lots try the ploy you are considering, but visitor visas to Canada are almost impossible to obtain for a Filipino national.As you already know the answer it is her visa application there turning down, you could try for a fiancee visa it works for the uk, as then the responsibility goes over to you, to prove you can take care, a drastic step but I have known to work for the UK.

06-11-14, 11:22
I'd like to bring my fiance to Canada on a visitor's visa for a couple of months. She lives on Mindanao and so, spending considerable time and money dealing with those 'hard ass Phil / Cans in Manila will likely be useless. Using their criteria re steady job, sizable bank account, etc, there's no way she would be successful. A thought that crossed my mind is for the two of us to go on holiday to Hong Kong and apply at the Canadian Embassy there. So I'm asking for feedback or alternatives. So, guys, any suggestions?You're going to have a difficult time getting her out of the the Philippines. Immigration frowns on single women going to Hong Kong due to [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908) and prostitution issues.

06-11-14, 13:01
I replied to Questor55's question about a Visitors Visa which is almost impossible for a citizen of the Philippines to obtain without being able to show they have his previously mentioned attachments to the Philippines and that she will leave Canada before it expires. The fact that she is engaged to marry a Canadian will raise the flag about exiting Canada to the officer. Processing times for Fiancee Visas to Canada are very slow no matter what High Commission one applies at and if she is simply on a holiday in Hong Kong she will likely be told to return to her country of residence to apply the visa.

Keep in mind that Canada Immigration will take your $450 for her application in Hong Kong and it is not refundable so if she is not approved you will have to pay a new application fee in the Philippines. She will then have a refusal from Hong Kong entered in their computer system and of course the more refusals in the system, the more diligent the officers questioning in each subsequent application.

Applications from family members to join Filipinos who have become Canadian citizens or Permanent Residents typically take many months with some stretching into years. My suggestion is if Questor55 is serious, do it the right way. Canada Immigration can have a very long memory when it comes to foreign nationals changing the status or type of visa application mid stream. If Questor55 decides to get married while she is in Canada on a visitor visa she will likely have to leave Canada and apply from her country of residence to reenter Canada as his wife. See the time frames above for the spousal approval as you are starting over.

Under our former Immigration Minister Canada moved to the hard right and now takes very long looks at what they perceive may be a marriages of convenience. I have some peripheral knowledge of this as a result of my job, and have heard the complaints.

Until last year I would have suggested Questor55 simply find an employer in his town who has been pre approved by the government to hire temporary foreign workers, but again recent crack downs on these type of applications have been sweeping with more to be announced in the near future. Our former Immigration Minister is now our current Employment Minister which in part explains the move to the right restricting entry of foreign workers.

Hell, from what I have been reading in this forum, she may be lucky to get past the Philippine Immigration in an exit interview to be able to submit an application in Hong Kong.

Questor55, if you have any specific questions perhaps send me a PM and I will see if I can make some suggestions but keep in mind that like all advice offered on a pooner board it is worth what you pay for it. lol

06-11-14, 17:51
The last couple of days have seen some interesting commentary on one of our favourite topics. Hookers, and the P4 P industry.

Often we get comments from punters here about the widespread practice of prostitution in the Philippines. However, figures from other countries dwarf those in the Phils.

Several countries have been having trouble in balancing their national accounts. In theory, the total amount of money earned by the populace should balance the total amount in tax, plus spending plus savings. But this is actually not the case, and hence govts have been searching for the missing money.

Also, the missing money can be a significant addition to the national GDP, and hence improve statistics such as debt to GDP ratios.

They have discovered that the missing money is being spent in the cash economies of drugs and prostitution.

The UK estimates that money spent on prostitution is $9 billion per year. That is an awful lot of P4 P. Dwarfs the Phils.

In Germany, where prostitution laws have been relaxed recently, the estimate is that money spent on prostitution totals about $21 billion per year. There are 400,000 registered prostitutes, in a population of 80 million. The industry now attracts sex tours from all over the world. It is estimated that about 1. 5 million men have sex with a prostitute every day in Germany. Wow.

On the matter of trafficking, it is estimated that 800,000 persons are trafficked in the EU per year, of which about 80% are women. That is 640,000 trafficked women per year. That makes the figures for the Philippines look like childs play.

Makes you think. Maybe our beloved pinays are not so bad or naughty after all.


06-11-14, 19:16
My sincere thanks to those, especially Amanut, who responded to my query. The Philippine Forum is truly exceptional for the level of expertise and willingness to share, that is constantly apparent here. Lots of bright lights who frequently illuminate issues in many helpful and supportive ways.

Thanks guys!

Red Kilt
06-17-14, 02:29
In the news today.

Cebu Pacific will start flying to Sydney 4 times each week starting in September.


06-17-14, 07:53
I heard some great stories about DIA, but I have no idea how it works. Can someone give me the basics of how to obtain a P4 P from the DIA website?

I will be leaving for the Phils in a few days and more than happy to report any information and experiences including any pimpettes I meet.

06-18-14, 01:28
I heard some great stories about DIA, but I have no idea how it works. Can someone give me the basics of how to obtain a P4 P from the DIA website?

I will be leaving for the Phils in a few days and more than happy to report any information and experiences including any pimpettes I meet.Read the Chat rooms and pen pals thread: http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?2479-Chat-Rooms-amp-Pen-Pals.

06-18-14, 01:40
In the news today.

Cebu Pacific will start flying to Sydney 4 times each week starting in September.

https://anc.yahoo.com/news/cebu-pac-to-offer-flights-to-sydney--kuwait-070028221.htmlInteresting news RK. I missed this. I guess their target market is expat Filipinos. Not sure I'd be comfortable squeezing into one of their planes playing silly games. Nor would I be sure I'm safe. May be a cheap replacement for Air Asia & Tiger. Nothing ever stays the same. For now I'll stick with Cathay Pacific.


06-18-14, 01:45
I heard some great stories about DIA, but I have no idea how it works. Can someone give me the basics of how to obtain a P4 P from the DIA website?Hmm. Go to website. Register account. Upload profile picture. Add bola bola words. Sit back & wait for interested parties to contact you or search & contact interesting parties. Use your manners. Did I miss anything?


Red Kilt
06-18-14, 03:20
Interesting news RK. I missed this. I guess their target market is expat Filipinos. Not sure I'd be comfortable squeezing into one of their planes playing silly games. Nor would I be sure I'm safe. May be a cheap replacement for Air Asia & Tiger. Nothing ever stays the same. For now I'll stick with Cathay Pacific.

AV.This has been in the planning stages for a couple of years AV.

The plan is to use the new short-haul planes they are purchasing mid-year.

I was reassured to learn that they use reputable international maintenance companies (I think Lufthansa) to service their aircraft.

I haven't used PAL for quite some time now, and I understand from GE that their planes' interiors are looking quite 'shabby" nowadays, so I am perfectly happy to use Cebu Pacific especially at 5119 php all-in (that's with taxes) one-way fare Manila to Sydney (that's about $250 AUD return).

06-18-14, 03:43
I haven't used PAL for quite some time now, and I understand from GE that their planes' interiors are looking quite 'shabby" nowadays, so I am perfectly happy to use Cebu Pacific especially at 5119 php all-in (that's with taxes) one-way fare Manila to Sydney (that's about $250 AUD return).Wow RK that's a great price. Just been looking at Cebu Pacific to Manila (and maybe its due to demand from the lusty Chinese that you mentioned yesterday) but price of Beijing Manila July return is over US $ 500. Thankfully PAL is much cheaper.

06-18-14, 08:05
This has been in the planning stages for a couple of years AV.

The plan is to use the new short-haul planes they are purchasing mid-year.

I was reassured to learn that they use reputable international maintenance companies (I think Lufthansa) to service their aircraft.

I haven't used PAL for quite some time now, and I understand from GE that their planes' interiors are looking quite 'shabby" nowadays, so I am perfectly happy to use Cebu Pacific especially at 5119 php all-in (that's with taxes) one-way fare Manila to Sydney (that's about $250 AUD return).OK that is much more reassuring. The price is bloody amazing. I'll go double check this because CP online booking system plays games with the real price until you are about to hit the pay button. I trust you though. Thanks for sharing!


06-18-14, 11:01
Which reminds me of my last trip over here from Chicago back in January. To save a couple hundred bucks I didn't fly Korean Airlines and instead booked with ANA to Narita and then some other airline here. My first "oh shit" was when I learned that the ANA flight was actually a United flight. I'm United's worst fan. It was -34 farenheit in Chicago and tires on the plane went flat at the gate from the cold. Don't you think that United might have anticipated that with the temps? That was a 90 minute delay at the gate. Then we get ready to shove off from the gate and the 4 wheeler that pushes the plane out broke from the cold. That was another 90 minutes and I had less than 90 minutes between flights at Narita.

We get to Narita and obviously the flight to MNL had left so they herded the 25 or so Manila passengers to an ANA desk and started making frantic arrangements for everybody with connecting flights to get alternative flights. They put all of us on a PAL flight leaving for MNL about an hour later. Upon seeing the plane at the gate I uttered my second "oh shit" when I saw the condition of the exterior of the plane. The dirt on the outside was representative of the condition on the inside and the combination of the two summoned thoughts of possible mechanical maintenance issues. I got on anyway and upon entering, thought I'd boarded a Greyhound Bus in the 1960's with worn seats and headrests reupholstered with cheap plastic. The third "oh shit" was no televisions anywhere on the airplane. I haven't seen an international flight with no televisions in at least 10 years. Fortunately the flight was only about 50% full as the seats were for tiny little Asian people and not suitable for 6'0 215 pound white guy. Everything about that trip getting here was just awful, including PAL.

06-18-14, 19:56
Not sure what plane Slippery flew in from Narita to MNL.

PAL has been using fairly new Airbus A321's on that route. Its chief competitor is thethe Boeing 737-900 ER. Both can carry about 185 passengers, with maximum range about 3,100 nautical miles.

I've flown on both planes on routes in Asia. The A321 is slightly bigger, heavier, carries 8 more passengers, burned slightly less fuel, list price about $80 M compared to ($85 M for B737-900). The big difference is A321's are packed with lots of comfort, convenience and entertainment features at every passenger seat, whereas Boeing 737-900's are pretty much a stripped down machine for short hauls that are not equipped with a lot of features for passengers.

A321's also cruise at 542 knots against B737-900 472 knots. A321's are cheaper planes with more cabin features that fly 15% faster. That's why Airbus sold a lot of them all over the world with over 900 in service compared to about 200 for B737-900 ER.

China is producing A321 in Shanghai with deliveries aimed for 2018.

Which reminds me of my last trip over here from Chicago back in January. To save a couple hundred bucks I didn't fly Korean Airlines and instead booked with ANA to Narita and then some other airline here. My first "oh shit" was when I learned that the ANA flight was actually a United flight. I'm United's worst fan. It was -34 farenheit in Chicago and tires on the plane went flat at the gate from the cold. Don't you think that United might have anticipated that with the temps? That was a 90 minute delay at the gate. Then we get ready to shove off from the gate and the 4 wheeler that pushes the plane out broke from the cold. That was another 90 minutes and I had less than 90 minutes between flights at Narita.

We get to Narita and obviously the flight to MNL had left so they herded the 25 or so Manila passengers to an ANA desk and started making frantic arrangements for everybody with connecting flights to get alternative flights. They put all of us on a PAL flight leaving for MNL about an hour later...

06-19-14, 02:21
Not sure what plane Slippery flew in from Narita to MNL.

PAL has been using fairly new Airbus A321's on that route. Its chief competitor is thethe Boeing 737-900 ER. Both can carry about 185 passengers, with maximum range about 3,100 nautical miles.

I've flown on both planes on routes in Asia. The A321 is slightly bigger, heavier, carries 8 more passengers, burned slightly less fuel, list price about $80 M compared to ($85 M for B737-900). The big difference is A321's are packed with lots of comfort, convenience and entertainment features at every passenger seat, whereas Boeing 737-900's are pretty much a stripped down machine for short hauls that are not equipped with a lot of features for passengers.

A321's also cruise at 542 knots against B737-900 472 knots. A321's are cheaper planes with more cabin features that fly 15% faster. That's why Airbus sold a lot of them all over the world with over 900 in service compared to about 200 for B737-900 ER.

China is producing A321 in Shanghai with deliveries aimed for 2018.So much knowledge Luke, but you forgot that each airline orders their aircraft with what they what. For instance, Cebu Pacific maximizes seats with zero comfort. I flew in a brand new A330 from Dubai to Manila on CP and the aircraft had zero comfort, no TV's and seats so small that time you arrived Manila, you feel like you have been packed in a tuna can for 9 hours, but the ticket price was $300 promo. You pay for what you get.

06-19-14, 03:23
The discount carriers will usually order the cheapest, stripped down planes and configure them to carry the maximum number of passengers so they can make profit. We call them the cattle trucks.

$300 for a 9-hour flight from Dubai to MNL is a very good deal. You should not complain. For incentives, keep thinking of those wet, hairy pussies sitting on your face at the end of the 9-hour flight. Hehe.

On long international flights, I usually drink beers / wines non-stop, as much and as quickly as the flight attendants can bring me hehe. Then I walk around the plane to the boys' rooms and to check out other girls and flight attendants. I would also hang out I the galley pretending to do sit up so I can get down low to check out the young flight attendants' legs and crotches. If they shoo me out I would say I have doctors' order to exercise hehehe.

It is highly recommended for people over 40's to hydrate and do exercises during long flights, to prevent "Deep Vein Thrombosis," which is blood clots in your legs' veins due to long periods of sitting inactivity. Large blood clots don't kill immediately. They just make you feel tired. They are pumped along in the major arteries from your legs back to the heart. A few days later one may block smaller arteries in the heart, lungs or brain ect. And causes a stroke, which may cause permanent disabilities, sometimes fatalities.

I know a bro who died from a stroke 1 day after arriving in Asia 2 months back. He was already taking blood-thinning medicines but still got killed by blood clots. So hydrate and exercise on long flights if you want to stay alive to hump your Pinay honeys. Hehe.

So much knowledge Luke, but you forgot that each airline orders their aircraft with what they what. For instance, Cebu Pacific maximizes seats with zero comfort. I flew in a brand new A330 from Dubai to Manila on CP and the aircraft had zero comfort, no TV's and seats so small that time you arrived Manila, you feel like you have been packed in a tuna can for 9 hours, but the ticket price was $300 promo. You pay for what you get.

06-19-14, 05:18
So much knowledge Luke, but you forgot that each airline orders their aircraft with what they what. For instance, Cebu Pacific maximizes seats with zero comfort. I flew in a brand new A330 from Dubai to Manila on CP and the aircraft had zero comfort, no TV's and seats so small that time you arrived Manila, you feel like you have been packed in a tuna can for 9 hours, but the ticket price was $300 promo. You pay for what you get.Would I be correct in assuming that, even with minimally configured aircraft, they would still carry restraint kits to deal with stupid, drunken, adolescent twits, who annoy passengers and molest or disrupt the duties of crew members?

Econo Tech
06-19-14, 14:07
Would I be correct in assuming that, even with minimally configured aircraft, they would still carry restraint kits to deal with stupid, drunken, adolescent twits, who annoy passengers and molest or disrupt the duties of crew members?Of course. Plus the mandatory anxiety meds (kidding on the anxiety part.).

All airlines carry plastic restrains, though not officially acknowledged. But not all crew are martial arts trained. LOL.

Plus long haul planes with part of the lower bay configured for crew rest area also have / had a coffin.

Luke. You lost the plot when you said cabin feature as reason for Airbus sales, did you mean like the reading lights and all? LOL.

And among others cockpit familiarity is a reason for airlines to go Air bus. Technically a pilot trained in 320 330 or 340 or 380 is able to fly other planes with minimal conversion,. And that's a plus point for Airbus other than the fact they make planes cheaper.

And China has been assembling 320's for some time.

Wicked Roger
06-19-14, 20:08
For incentives, keep thinking of those wet, hairy pussies sitting on your face at the end of the 9-hour flight. Hehe. .That is not an incentive. Unless they carry a razor or go to waxing parlour prior to seeing me.

On long international flights, I usually drink beers / wines non-stop, as much and as quickly as the flight attendants can bring me hehe. Then I walk around the plane to the boys' rooms and to check out other girls and flight attendants. I would also hang out I the galley pretending to do sit up so I can get down low to check out the young flight attendants' legs and crotches. If they shoo me out I would say I have doctors' order to exercise hehehe..Ikksman / Robbaf,

This is why all airlines carry restraints.

So hydrate and exercise on long flights if you want to stay alive to hump your Pinay honeys. Hehe.Agreed, but not how you do it as alcohol is the worst thing you can drink on a flight – the longer the flight the worse it gets.

Am sure you are a wonderful passenger to be with Luke – I can feel my thumbs twitching now as I write LOL.

06-20-14, 00:52
I heard some great stories about DIA, but I have no idea how it works. Can someone give me the basics of how to obtain a P4 P from the DIA website?

I will be leaving for the Phils in a few days and more than happy to report any information and experiences including any pimpettes I meet.Ask who is playing 25 times to 25 hot pics and 5 will say yes, 5 will say maybe but you won't understand, 5 will say fuck off and the other 10 will fuck you but yo you won't know how to close that deal so stick with the 5 that say yes!

P.S. Don't send money, and don't make them travel more than 1 hour!


06-20-14, 02:34
They all have reading lights but A321's are wired with video screen at each seat.

While the 2 planes are very close in size and weight, B737-900 ER uses 2 GE turbo fans with about 55,000 lbs thrust, the A321-200 uses 2 Pratt-Whitney / Rolls Royce engines with 66,000 lbs thrust that supposedly burn about 5% less fuel. It's hard to believe Pratt&Whitney can make engines that much better. That extra performance must incur extra costs in either initial price or maintenance. With the same weight and 22% more thrust, the A321 will fly faster.

A321-200 sold 4 times B737-900 must be because they are cheaper to lease and to operate. Governments do give subsidies in development and financing to help sell planes.

Airbus jets are all fly-by-wire. Their cockpits layouts may be somewhat similar but system controls and responses are different from plane to plane. Pilot still have to have type certificate in each plane they fly.

My main beef with Airbus is their structure designs are known to be weaker than Boeing's. With all the weight savings using fly-by-wire system, their tails' designs are not strong enough. There have been Airbuses that lost rudders in turbulence and crashed.

Luke. You lost the plot when you said cabin feature as reason for Airbus sales, did you mean like the reading lights and all? LOL.

And among others cockpit familiarity is a reason for airlines to go Air bus. Technically a pilot trained in 320 330 or 340 or 380 is able to fly other planes with minimal conversion,. And that's a plus point for Airbus other than the fact they make planes cheaper.

And China has been assembling 320's for some time.

06-20-14, 05:14
Quote Originally Posted by LukeSkywalker
On long international flights, I usually drink beers / wines non-stop, as much and as quickly as the flight attendants can bring me hehe. Then I walk around the plane to the boys' rooms and to check out other girls and flight attendants. I would also hang out I the galley pretending to do sit up so I can get down low to check out the young flight attendants' legs and crotches. If they shoo me out I would say I have doctors' order to exercise hehehe..

Ikksman / Robbaf,
This is why all airlines carry restraints.
Am sure you are a wonderful passenger to be with Luke, I can feel my thumbs twitching now as I write LOL.LOL. Good to know that I won't have to pack my own duct tape and plastic ties in my carry-on, in case he is a passenger on the same flight.


06-20-14, 07:26
We call them the cattle trucks.

On long international flights, I usually drink beers / wines non-stop, as much and as quickly as the flight attendants can bring me hehe.

It is highly recommended for people over 40's to hydrate and do exercises during long flights, to prevent "Deep Vein Thrombosis," which is blood clots in your legs' veins due to long periods of sitting inactivity. Hehe.Those airlines call themselves "no thrills no frills" .

Alcohol doesn't do any good to beat de-hydration so there is a big contradiction. Leave the health recommendations to the professionals, better.

The good say "don't drink and drive" sometime should apply in a different way to those having difficulties to drive: "just drink don't drive", but that is another story.

X Man
06-20-14, 08:33
I thought the original post was a bit funny. Hope the two of you can figure out how to stop the name calling. X.

Would I be correct in assuming that, even with minimally configured aircraft, they would still carry restraint kits to deal with stupid, drunken, adolescent twits, who annoy passengers and molest or disrupt the duties of crew members?