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04-13-20, 02:00
I used to go to the Philippines regularly. That stopped when my daughter insisted that I go to Vietnam for a trip together with her. I had concerns primarily around language. We quickly learned the Google Translate is your friend. Problem solved. She was a great teacher. She came from Aus. And I from Canada. We met in Hanoi. Over the course of 30 days, we did planes, trains, and automobiles from Hanoi to Saigon and into Cambodia. If your looking for an interesting cultural trip this is a great place to come. I am primarily a dating site guy, but once you know a Vietnamese woman she will offer ideas of where to travel together and have actually been there herself as compared to a Filipina who has just heard of a place and wants to see it. The next time I came back I spent a lot of time on the dating sites. I eventually met a few ladies that were interested in meeting and spending time together. They are more work, but at the same time I found them more attractive and once you have established a report They are enthusiastic open minded lovers.

My thoughts are:

The transportation system in Vietnam is far superior to the Philippines.

Your not paying first world prices in a third world hotel, plus most hotels have a pretty good breakfast included.

The food is far superior to the Philippines. Even street food is spectacular.

Morning iced coffee and chats with other customers watching the streets come alive are enlightening.

Flights are affordable and regular although your taking your chances on being late with VietJET.

The closeness of the beaches makes it more attractive even for a day trip.

Frankly I have never felt I was being scammed in Vietnam unless it was very obvious.

I was going back again in February after I was there in October except for this pesky virus. Hopefully September.

I am finding that with the virus issues and income challenges, more ladies are overtly suggesting a mutual trip with her for fiscal rewards.

Goferring, If you have some specific questions shoot me a PM.


04-13-20, 03:05
I used to go to the Philippines regularly. That stopped when my daughter insisted that I go to Vietnam for a trip together with her....

Goferring, If you have some specific questions shoot me a PM.

Nut.Thanks for that. I have shot you a PM with some Q's but an enjoyable few hours or days sounds a lot better to me than a cascade of 40 minute hit and runs.


Mr Enternational
04-13-20, 06:55
Most definitely, the game has changed. The days when mongers boarded a flight, landed in Flipsville, and whipped their cocks out for service are over. It is anyone's guess if the good old days of BBFSCIP on arrival will ever return. Even when flights resume they will be pricey and there may be tighter entry restrictions and quarantine requirements. The Wuhan virus has not fully ravaged the Philippines yet. When the mass burials begin, mongers should expect increasingly draconian measures to fight the outbreak. Mongers creaming in their hands in anticipation of returning to LBFM Paradise should curb their enthusiasm and accept that it is not going to be more fun in the Philippines for quite some time.It is really tripping me out how people in various threads are acting like this is just a normal holiday where everything is closed and tomorrow when the holiday is over everything will go back to normal. Well it is not that. It is economic destruction. First you have to understand like you said that the days of just waltzing up into a country are over. Then you have to realize that many people are out of work, which means people will not have money to travel as they did before. Nobody is going to send a plane loaded with 10 people to the Philippines, Thailand, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Colombia, or any other place that mongers like to frequent. No hotel is going to open its doors to only service 3 mongers that just came into town.

There is supply and demand at work. Here in Pattaya pretty much everything that does not deal with food is shut down. Many hotels are closed. Many bars, massage parlors, salons are now even empty of their furnishings, which means they do not plan to open again. All the workers (including sex workers) have gone back to their villages. It will not be like tomorrow this thing is over and the place just fills up with tourists and workers again. It will be starting from zero; just like when it was a fishing village. It will take a gradual buildup. You are not going to get a bunch of girls with no mongers but it appears mongers are willing to go somewhere in hopes there will be girls there. Then if you do come in contact with the girls they are going to be afraid to catch something from you. The clubs and bars around here can not just pop back open because the owners do not have money to pay workers since they will have been closed the last few months. And who would even open a bar or club or hotel etc without any customers to patronize them?

Here we have guys planning when they are going to so and so and what they are going to do when they get there. All that stuff is subject to be shut down IF you can even get there. I am lucky that I have had my place here for the last 10 years, so I have all my creature comforts and everything set up just how I like it. There is no way I would want to be a tourist here at this time. You go get food and you go back to the place you are staying. I am sure that it stinks to high heaven. Shit, I do not have any earthly idea how I am going to even get back to the States when time comes. I can not just say I will go on June 10, because I have no idea if there will be any flights then if this virus shit is even over by then. I will just cross that bridge when I get to it. Any plans that you think you are making now are moot until this pandemic is over and things get sorted out.

04-13-20, 11:32
I think Chocha Monger exaggerates. The airlines and others that survive will need passengers and will give good deals literally to put bums on seats. I stayed in 5* Egyptian hotels after the Israeli tourists were moved down ($5 a night and the same for an all day taxi). After World war 1, German housewives sold themselves for pennies, as did Greeks after their economy went oops.

Let us not also forget Angeles bounced back after being covered in sludge.

Duterte aside, the supply will be there but what of the demand? Woen have been selling themselves ever since the devil banged Eve in The Garden of Eden so the game will continue. But where? The corona virus is just one more massive inconvenience on top of many others. I think it is time to shop local but the corner store does not provide the same products. With supply chains down, they are out of LBFMs.

04-13-20, 12:38
I think Chocha Monger exaggerates. The Asian Financial Crisis, AIDS, SARS, 9/11, Volcanos, Sunamis, Earthquakes : tourism and hookers survive them all. If anything, prices dropped during the panics, for those brave enough to hunt off season.

Sure, recoveries were not overnight but pussy remained for sale.

Enjoy. G.

04-13-20, 14:06
Frankly I have never felt I was being scammed in Vietnam unless it was very obvious..Viets would disagree with that. They think Hanoi folk are hard necked scammers.

Chocha Monger
04-14-20, 01:40
It is really tripping me out how people in various threads are acting like this is just a normal holiday where everything is closed and tomorrow when the holiday is over everything will go back to normal. Well it is not that. It is economic destruction. First you have to understand like you said that the days of just waltzing up into a country are over. Then you have to realize that many people are out of work, which means people will not have money to travel as they did before. Nobody is going to send a plane loaded with 10 people to the Philippines, Thailand, Dominican Republic, Brazil, Colombia, or any other place that mongers like to frequent. No hotel is going to open its doors to only service 3 mongers that just came into town.

There is supply and demand at work. Here in Pattaya pretty much everything that does not deal with food is shut down. Many hotels are closed. Many bars, massage parlors, salons are now even empty of their furnishings, which means they do not plan to open again. All the workers (including sex workers) have gone back to their villages. It will not be like tomorrow this thing is over and the place just fills up with tourists and workers again. It will be starting from zero; just like when it was a fishing village. It will take a gradual buildup. You are not going to get a bunch of girls with no mongers but it appears mongers are willing to go somewhere in hopes there will be girls there. Then if you do come in contact with the girls they are going to be afraid to catch something from you. The clubs and bars around here can not just pop back open because the owners do not have money to pay workers since they will have been closed the last few months. And who would even open a bar or club or hotel etc without any customers to patronize them?.Some mongers are overly optimistic about their prospects for BBFSCIP with LBFMs in the coming months. They have not factored in the global recession that will follow the Wuhan bat virus pandemic. Many mongers just saw their pension funds go poof! Others are unemployed in the soup lines. This is just the beginning of the financial chaos that is to come as corporations make further deep cuts to payroll as demand for their products take a further dive. I suggest that financially literate mongers look at what happened to sales and demand in the auto manufacturing and financing industry to get an idea of what awaits in the next six months. Mongers do not know it yet but they will be too busy trying to feed and house themselves to worry about attempting to return to Flipsville and LOS to hunt for cut rate BBFSCIP with starving LBFMs.

Mongers are hoping that the airlines are willing to take further huge losses to fly planes with a few mongers onboard to the backwaters where they practice the old in-and-out with LBFMs. They neglect the fact that the airlines are screaming bloody murder in response to demands that they refund the cash paid for tickets on all those cancelled flights to mongering destinations. In reality, not only are the planes grounded and the pilots out of a job, the support services that make sure those planes are in shape to fly safely are in dire straits. Most mongers do not have the cash to pay $20,000 USD for a charter flight from Hoboken, NJ to Manila or Bangkok.

If quarantines remain in place, mongers will arrive in Manila or LOS and spend 14 days in quarantine, which is their entire annual two-week vacation. Another 14 days in quarantine upon returning home will follow. During this time the monger's employer will terminate him for failure to return from vacation on time due to his personal decision to go on a vacation without enough time on the books to cover the quarantine requirements. A high price to pay for going in search of BBFSCIP with LBFMs.

The best looking hookers will decide to play it safe and may not want to meet unknown mongers who may be infected. This will lower the quality available to mongers who are making bigger investments to fly to backwaters for BBFSCIP with ugly desperate LBFMs. Mongers are kidding themselves if they think Flips and Thais will not blame foreigners for bringing their virus to their countries. They should expect some resentment from the natives for the foreseeable future. Pretty girls are not going to be falling line for potential coronavirus cream pies from random foreigners with marshmallow cocks.

Hotels in the Philippines may maintain their restrictions on guests bringing in random LBFMs for bodily fluid exchanges that could potentially leave behind huge viral loads on beds and furniture in their rooms. Mongers may find themselves and their hobby unwelcome at reputable lodging establishments.

Will prostitution continue during and after the pandemic? Yes. There are mongers and hookers who disregard lockdowns, quarantines, and social distancing protocols to conduct high-risk sexual transactions at great danger to themselves and others.

Engine Driver
04-14-20, 10:02
One good thing to come out of the Wuhan bat virus is that the West has woken up to the fact that it has been totally reliant on communist China for just about every manufactured good. There is a vague political commitment in my country to restart manufacturing at least essential medicines and equipment at home. There is also a grassroots campaign to avoid (as much as possible) buying anything made in China.

The Philippines call centre business will also take a massive hit soon. Many of the major airline, energy and financial services companies in my country were caught out big time when their outsourced call centres could not operate because Filipinos were forced into isolation. Thousands of irate customers could not access their accounts in a time of urgent need. There is pressure now to bring all those call centres back home.

Another funny thing is that people are spending extraordinary amounts of money on brand name handbags and accessories made in Italy (Prada, Fendi, Gucci etc) thinking that Italian craftsmen are in workshops toiling away. They think generations of Italians have been taught by their fathers in leatherwork, in traditional workshops, in processes unchanged in 150 years. Little do they know that these 'luxury' bags are almost all made by cheap imported Chinese labourers brought over and forced to work in sweatshops in northern Italy. There are about 300,000 Chinese workers in Italy. You can work out why Italy was so badly affected by the Wuhan virus. At least those bags are correctly labelled 'Made in Italy'.

04-14-20, 13:00
Mongers are hoping that the airlines are willing to take further huge losses to fly planes with a few mongers onboard to the backwaters where they practice the old in-and-out with LBFMs. They neglect the fact that the airlines are screaming bloody murder in response to demands that they refund the cash paid for tickets on all those cancelled flights to mongering destinations.You're making the big assumption that Mongers will be able to leave home in the first place.

The world tourism industry is on its knees and governments have introduced bailout plans in the billions of dollars. It's no surprise that they are keen to relax local travel and holiday restrictions but there is no rush to allow all those dollars disappear on an overseas holiday.

7NEWS.com.au: The coronavirus international travel ban could remain until 2021.


04-14-20, 16:51
Listening to experts.

1. Targeted medication.

2. Prophylactic medicine.

3. Vaccine.

Targeted medicine maybe available soon. Mongers cannot trust girls and girls will not trust us. Assuming pussy to penis transfer of virus does not take place sex will be strictly mechanical. Dip, release and go. You definitely do not want to end up in the hospital and get treated and released. You and the girl can be tested if there is a quick saliva or nose swab test by that time widely available. Even then many cannot take the risk of ending up in a foreign hospital.

Prophylactic medicine will go a long way for us mongers for the duration of the trip. Maybe make sure girl is also pre medicated.

Vaccine is the cure all to get back to normal.

04-14-20, 16:53
Viets would disagree with that. They think Hanoi folk are hard necked scammers.Viets are biggest scammers in SE asia.

1. They never return change, unless you ask.

2. Only se asia country where I have seen pick-pocketing in tourist areas.

3. Mobiles were stolen in restaurant tables by bike riders. Owner said it's pretty common here.

I have seen people getting ripped off in clubs by over priced drinks, or become victim of known tourist s scams. But I had never seen crimes happening so blatantly, until I went to latin America.

Bob Bowie
04-14-20, 19:49
I could be quarantined at home by myself or in the Philippines with some beautiful Pinays. Not a hard choice.

FYI. The supermarkets are filled with friendly, single moms happy to entertain a nice foreigner.

My condo has no problem with visitors.

04-14-20, 21:50
Duterte wants to keep the Lockdown in Luzon until a vaccine for Covid-19 is invented.

Interestingly he mentioned that the united states (and not the bat eating Chinese) are part of the problem.

I think we need to live a long time without the LBFMs.


04-15-20, 00:11
The Philippines call centre business will also take a massive hit soon. Many of the major airline, energy and financial services companies in my country were caught out big time when their outsourced call centres could not operate because Filipinos were forced into isolation. Thousands of irate customers could not access their accounts in a time of urgent need. There is pressure now to bring all those call centres back home.

I doubt domestic call centers will magically allow them to ramp up to 10 x their normal call volume overnight. Asian sweatshops have the ability to instantly introduce draconian working conditions until employees are litterally swan diving off 5 story dormitories. When the media find out, Western telcos can then divert business to a sister BPO company while the situation is 'fully investigated'.

Can't do that with western workers and employee legislation.

I'd agree that the collapse of the feeder aviation, finance, tourism industries will decimate the job prospects for Lynn and her sisters for a while yet.

04-15-20, 00:20
I could be quarantined at home by myself or in the Philippines with some beautiful Pinays. Not a hard choice.

FYI. The supermarkets are filled with friendly, single moms happy to entertain a nice foreigner.

My condo has no problem with visitors.Still being cooped up in suburbia, I would agree with you. Just be mindful that many Asian private hospitals, which western expats would normally turn to, are refusing to treat Covid patients and public hospitals may or may not accept foreigners.

I'm not being alarmist but I'd recommend checking your local options should the worst happen. You don't want to swap being fucked by hot single moms to being fucked by the system. 😁.

Stay safe. G.

Engine Driver
04-15-20, 01:41
I doubt domestic call centers will magically allow them to ramp up to 10 x their normal call volume overnight. Asian sweatshops have the ability to instantly introduce draconian working conditions until employees are litterally swan diving off 5 story dormitories. When the media find out, Western telcos can then divert business to a sister BPO company while the situation is 'fully investigated'.
The quality of service offered by those Philippine based call centres has been so low as to render them useless in many cases. There is widespread customer dissatisfaction from people in my company. The repeated frustration is usually enough for people to switch airlines, banks or utility companies. The Wuhan bat virus will be the trigger for companies to bring services back home.

The problem is that the LBFMs manning the call centres are not empowered to make decisions. They are also lazy and are unable to think logically. They have limited problem solving skills. Anything more complex than "Good morning Sir, how may I help you today?" or "I'm so sorry to hear that Sir" needs to be referred to supervisor. The supervisors have a little more delegated authority and ability to make simple decisions, but usually they will need to patch you into the home country's call centre where the problem will eventually get fixed. It is quite usual to call the Philippines three or four times for get a matter resolved. The problem is exacerbated because the LBFM on the graveyard shift is too lazy to type up a proper set of notes, so you have to start over again each time you call. She will rather be on PL looking for a nice white dick to fuck or scamming for some WU deposits.

There is also a major culture gap between the Philippines and the West which no one took into account when creating the BPO industry. Just knowing some English is insufficient to service a Westerner with a complex problem. How can an LBFM earning 18,000 peso and living in a nipa hut be expected to resolve an issue which she cannot even relate to?

Kabul Guy
04-15-20, 02:09

The Philippines call centre business will also take a massive hit soon. Many of the major airline, energy and financial services companies in my country were caught out big time when their outsourced call centres could not operate because Filipinos were forced into isolation. Thousands of irate customers could not access their accounts in a time of urgent need. There is pressure now to bring all those call centres back home.


One of my long time regulars works for a call center, she is working from home via the internet now. She was out of work for a couple of weeks but is now working a night shift from her house.

04-15-20, 04:37
One of my long time regulars works for a call center, she is working from home via the internet now. She was out of work for a couple of weeks but is now working a night shift from her house.I know of a hotel that rented all 150+ rooms to a call center for its employees from March 15 onward. The call center buses the employees to and from work everyday.

Lots of call centers are still operating. Since day one call centers have been deeded essential services.

USA companies will not be bringing call centers back home. It would be too costly. It would at least 8 times their labor cost let alone the other operating costs.

04-15-20, 04:44

The problem is that the LBFMs manning the call centres are not empowered to make decisions. They are also lazy and are unable to think logically. They have limited problem solving skills. Anything more complex than "Good morning Sir, how may I help you today?" or "I'm so sorry to hear that Sir" needs to be referred to supervisor. The supervisors have a little more delegated authority and ability to make simple decisions, but usually they will need to patch you into the home country's call centre where the problem will eventually get fixed. It is quite usual to call the Philippines three or four times for get a matter resolved. The problem is exacerbated because the LBFM on the graveyard shift is too lazy to type up a proper set of notes, so you have to start over again each time you call. She will rather be on PL looking for a nice white dick to fuck or scamming for some WU deposits.

{Snip}The biggest frustration I find with these overseas call centres is if the customer (me) presents a problem to the operator that isn't on their problem solving templates, they are totally incapable of resolving it. Generally their solution is to just tell you anything that may appease you even temporarily and just add you on their monthly stats as a "problem solved". The best thing about this virus is that companies will now be bringing back their customer support on-shore, and not a minute too soon IMHO.

Mr Enternational
04-15-20, 07:31
The biggest frustration I find with these overseas call centres is if the customer (me) presents a problem to the operator that isn't on their problem solving templates, they are totally incapable of resolving it.LOL. I have been going back and forth with this Indian airline for 2 weeks now. Over 10 emails and 2 hours chatting with someone through the internet. They keep insisting to give me a credit even though they sent me emails saying they have refunded my money. Now they only want to give me part of the refund which is fine by me. But they still keep trying to force the credit on me. It is like they don't have the money and are stalling.

On 4/14/2020, 9:28:08 PM, mre wrote:
Please cancel. This is my 10th email telling you guys to cancel not including the 2 hours I spent online chatting with someone. I DO NOT want a credit shell. I want money.
On Wednesday, April 15,2020 IndiGo Customer Relations <customer.relations@goindigo.in .
With reference to your email, we would like to inform you that the facility to protect the entire ticket amount is available only in form of credit shell.

04-15-20, 09:03
The quality of service offered by those Philippine based call centres has been so low as to render them useless in many cases.Valid point. I'm not going to defend the call centers' service quality. My comment was about their ability to rapidly ramp up. Most of the complaints that I'm aware of have been about excessive hold and wait times. Most of the airlines I've dealt with wouldn't even serve you unless you were scheduled to fly in the next 24 hours.

Cheers. G.

04-15-20, 09:15
LOL. I have been going back and forth with this Indian airline for 2 weeks now.....

It is like they don't have the money and are stalling.They very well may not. 😁.

04-15-20, 09:22
LOL. I have been going back and forth with this Indian airline for 2 weeks now. Over 10 emails and 2 hours chatting with someone through the internet. They keep insisting to give me a credit even though they sent me emails saying they have refunded my money. Now they only want to give me part of the refund which is fine by me. But they still keep trying to force the credit on me. It is like they don't have the money and are stalling.

On 4/14/2020, 9:28:08 PM, mre wrote:
Please cancel. This is my 10th email telling you guys to cancel not including the 2 hours I spent online chatting with someone. I DO NOT want a credit shell. I want money.
On Wednesday, April 15,2020 IndiGo Customer Relations <customer.relations@goindigo.in .
With reference to your email, we would like to inform you that the facility to protect the entire ticket amount is available only in form of credit shell.If they cancelled the flight you can institute a chargeback. If you cancelled it, it is what the contract says though many airlines are offering vouchers or free rescheduling.

Wicked Roger
04-15-20, 15:35
There has been a lot of chatter on the AC thread about if / when the lockdown will be lifted partially or fully.

This article (courtesy of GE) says it all IMHO.

Cebu just announced COVID 19 in one of its squatter areas (Zapetero) and that is a huge worry.

So me thinks the country is in for a hard time sadly.


04-15-20, 16:09
The biggest frustration I find with these overseas call centres is if the customer (me) presents a problem to the operator that isn't on their problem solving templates, they are totally incapable of resolving it. Generally their solution is to just tell you anything that may appease you even temporarily and just add you on their monthly stats as a "problem solved". The best thing about this virus is that companies will now be bringing back their customer support on-shore, and not a minute too soon IMHO.My buddy came up with a solution to bypass the overseas call centers. At least where I call from. When they offer the option of press 1 for English or press 2 for another language, (French where I am) always press 2. His reasoning correctly is that the overseas call centers only speak English and their local language. When I press 2 for French, my call is automatically redirected to my local service provider. In my case, my local call centers are always perfectly bilingual English and French. Once you are connected you can have your problem resolved in English locally rather than going through an overseas call center. I have used his advice many times and it has never failed me.

04-15-20, 21:59
LOL. I have been going back and forth with this Indian airline for 2 weeks now. Over 10 emails and 2 hours chatting with someone through the internet. They keep insisting to give me a credit even though they sent me emails saying they have refunded my money. Now they only want to give me part of the refund which is fine by me. But they still keep trying to force the credit on me. It is like they don't have the money and are stalling.

On 4/14/2020, 9:28:08 PM, mre wrote:
Please cancel. This is my 10th email telling you guys to cancel not including the 2 hours I spent online chatting with someone. I DO NOT want a credit shell. I want money.
On Wednesday, April 15,2020 IndiGo Customer Relations <customer.relations@goindigo.in .
With reference to your email, we would like to inform you that the facility to protect the entire ticket amount is available only in form of credit shell.File the chargeback like GD mentioned. Send the refund confirmation email to your card issuer, they should file this as credit not processed and issue provisional credit. It's going to be really hard for the merchant to represent this charge with a refund email they sent you.

04-16-20, 12:55
Just wondering if the news that American mongers have started to receive their Govt issued $1200 stimulus check has become public knowledge in the Philippines and if that's why I'm suddenly so popular on WhatsApp.

04-16-20, 15:21
Just wondering if the news that American mongers have started to receive their Govt issued $1200 stimulus check has become public knowledge in the Philippines and if that's why I'm suddenly so popular on WhatsApp.Just don't tell them how quick that $1200 can disappear in the US just living every day life.

04-16-20, 15:38
Just wondering if the news that American mongers have started to receive their Govt issued $1200 stimulus check has become public knowledge in the Philippines and if that's why I'm suddenly so popular on WhatsApp.No one that I know in PH knows about $1200 checks.

You are popular bc most girls are starving now and foreigners have the money. At least more money than they have. PH is a no work no pay country. Of course no pay no eat.

04-16-20, 16:16
No one that I know in PH knows about $1200 checks.Yes, but you only get it if you make less than $75,000. The checks are for poor people so the credit card companies can get their interest payments.

04-18-20, 03:36
No one that I know in PH knows about $1200 checks.

You are popular bc most girls are starving now and foreigners have the money. At least more money than they have. PH is a no work no pay country. Of course no pay no eat.Who is starving? My advice would be to stop listening to prostitutes hard luck stories that they give to multiple donors.

Most prostitutes have left for their families villages where they can quite happily live off the land, plenty of rice, chickens, vegetables right there in their back gardens / land, plenty of overseas working family members to rely on for extra cash if need be.

As far as no work no pay country then think again, my staff of 120+ have been paid in full till the end of April and then 50% of their salary should the lockdown last longer, even at 50% salary most will be getting 10,000 pesos a month for sitting at home, if you want to help out prostitutes with their claims of I not got food to eat then up to you but Please do educate yourself before making sweeping claims about the phills.

Engine Driver
04-18-20, 07:09
No one that I know in PH knows about $1200 checks.

You are popular bc most girls are starving now and foreigners have the money. At least more money than they have. PH is a no work no pay country. Of course no pay no eat.Girls survived perfectly well before mongers came on the scene and can survive now without them. You shouldn't act like you are single handedly supporting the entire Philippines.

04-18-20, 11:42
There are many people in the Philippines right now that are hurting. The lockdown is seriously affecting a very large portion of the country. Many groups as well as the government are organizing food drives to help the poor. Maybe your staff of 120 + are fine but the many people are hurting. I have seen poor families on the street trying to sell their electric fan which is the only appliance they own to buy food. Many of the expats are going above and beyond also to help the needy.

Who is staorving? My advice would be to stop listening to prostitutes hard luck stories that they give to multiple donors.

Most prostitutes have left for their families villages where they can quite happily live off the land, plenty of rice, chickens, vegetables right there in their back gardens / land, plenty of overseas working family members to rely on for extra cash if need be.

As far as no work no pay country then think again, my staff of 120+ have been paid in full till the end of April and then 50% of their salary should the lockdown last longer, even at 50% salary most will be getting 10,000 pesos a month for sitting at home, if you want to help out prostitutes with their claims of I not got food to eat then up to you but Please do educate yourself before making sweeping claims about the phills.

04-18-20, 14:29
Here is a little of the reality of what is happening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwAwoRck2Lk&fbclid=IwAR1G8XHm6MjOGJ_Z3BqvfdQpoyRnXBP7ZChrAq4watfR5qIqHKlsfdmAULo.

Member #4698
04-18-20, 14:48
Here is a little of the reality of what is happening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwAwoRck2Lk&fbclid=IwAR1G8XHm6MjOGJ_Z3BqvfdQpoyRnXBP7ZChrAq4watfR5qIqHKlsfdmAULo.Good post Beavis. Thanks. Times are tough. I hate this fuckin' virus.

04-18-20, 14:57
Good post Beavis. Thanks. Times are tough. I hate this fuckin' virus.Yes me too, I have been doing all I can. Every time I see any of the frontliners I always buy them water, snacks, whatever I can to help. I have a couple of large sacks of rice and canned food I am putting in bags and giving to some of the people that need it. Anything extra right now will go a long way when this is over.

Chocha Monger
04-18-20, 16:31
Here is a little of the reality of what is happening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwAwoRck2Lk&fbclid=IwAR1G8XHm6MjOGJ_Z3BqvfdQpoyRnXBP7ZChrAq4watfR5qIqHKlsfdmAULo.I am really fascinated by the lips of the LBFM packaging the chicken parts. Do you think she will do BBBJCIM for one kilo of rice? I think the one buttering the bread was cute too. Is she available for BBFSCIP? I could definitely batter and glaze her puss.

04-19-20, 03:11
There are many people in the Philippines right now that are hurting. The lockdown is seriously affecting a very large portion of the country. Many groups as well as the government are organizing food drives to help the poor. Maybe your staff of 120 + are fine but the many people are hurting. I have seen poor families on the street trying to sell their electric fan which is the only appliance they own to buy food. Many of the expats are going above and beyond also to help the needy.No more so than any other country the world over.

Its funny how some members want to help pinay prostitutes with handout in the hope of them delivering some pussy in the future, why not go and donate to your own countries needy, the homeless, the blind, the elderly, the handicapped, oh I forgot they will not give pussy in return.

Wanting to give to the needy is an honorable thing to do as long as one has no ulterior motives.

04-19-20, 05:07
I am really fascinated by the lips of the LBFM packaging the chicken parts. Do you think she will do BBBJCIM for one kilo of rice? I think the one buttering the bread was cute too. Is she available for BBFSCIP? I could definitely batter and glaze her puss.Both of those girls date 1%er bikers. Bring your offer, you might get battered yourself.

04-19-20, 12:18
Most prostitutes have left for their families villages where they can quite happily live off the land, plenty of rice, chickens, vegetables right there in their back gardens / land, plenty of overseas working family members to rely on for extra cash if need be.I have only ever sent money to the Phils under exceptional circumstances and haven't done it for many years. Sending rice. Great idea. But I know for a fact these people can live on a pittance in the provinces and will not be sending any money to them for that exact reason. Sounds cruel, but I know they will survive.

However, alot if not all of the overseas families who are the cash cows have been laid off in their country and will not be sending money home to the Phils any time soon. I know many here where I live. They are tightening their purses for their own survival. Some made stupid financial decisions and now have expensive lease payments on the car of their dreams that they cannot pay. Remittances must be WAY down in the Phils. This may have more to with the crippling of the Phils economy than anything else as they depend so heavily on it. Although, many overseas are in the nursing, healthcare trade and their salaries will still be coming in.

04-19-20, 15:04
I have only ever sent money to the Phils under exceptional circumstances and haven't done it for many years. Sending rice. Great idea. But I know for a fact these people can live on a pittance in the provinces and will not be sending any money to them for that exact reason. Sounds cruel, but I know they will survive.

However, alot if not all of the overseas families who are the cash cows have been laid off in their country and will not be sending money home to the Phils any time soon. I know many here where I live. They are tightening their purses for their own survival. Some made stupid financial decisions and now have expensive lease payments on the car of their dreams that they cannot pay. Remittances must be WAY down in the Phils. This may have more to with the crippling of the Phils economy than anything else as they depend so heavily on it. Although, many overseas are in the nursing, healthcare trade and their salaries will still be coming in.They are dying in substantial numbers. Few hookers would be networked into them.


04-20-20, 02:39
No more so than any other country the world over.

Its funny how some members want to help pinay prostitutes with handout in the hope of them delivering some pussy in the future, why not go and donate to your own countries needy, the homeless, the blind, the elderly, the handicapped, oh I forgot they will not give pussy in return.

Wanting to give to the needy is an honorable thing to do as long as one has no ulterior motives.The people here are NOT desperate from what I have seen. No uptick locally or on DIA from what I can determine. Filipinos are NOT going hungry I can assure you and Du_turd_tay is sending them rice their favorite staple. I am certain there are some that fit into the desperated category but I have not seen them yet. Check back in a month or two if that idiot running the gov't here does not relent.

Engine Driver
04-20-20, 04:08
Both of those girls date 1%er bikers. Bring your offer, you might get battered yourself.Cavorting with outlaw motorcycle gang members will never end well. It would be quite funny to see a tattooed, pierced, old bloke riding around the streets of Subic on a Harley, with an LBFM perched on the back. Hahahahaha. LBFMs will do almost anything for money. They are the most promiscuous and amoral women on the planet. In all my years on earth, I have never quite encountered a nationality that will fuck so readily, under any situation. Hahahahaha.

Wicked Roger
04-20-20, 06:08
The people here are NOT desperate from what I have seen. No uptick locally or on DIA from what I can determine. Filipinos are NOT going hungry I can assure you and Du_turd_tay is sending them rice their favorite staple. I am certain there are some that fit into the desperated category but I have not seen them yet. Check back in a month or two if that idiot running the gov't here does not relent.Which part of the country are you Turd? Locked down in an expensive condo in BGC / Rockwell? Or in the middle of nowhere aka the provinces with no running water or electricity? Expat friends in AC are organizing food parcels for the less fortunate as we all know government help is slow, will be stolen by someone before it reaches the intended recipient etc.

So as you are the Oracle on this please enlighten us with your stories from the provinces and the squatter areas that shows people are not hungry are happy and partying all day as free food every day.

04-20-20, 17:55
Which part of the country are you Turd? Locked down in an expensive condo in BGC / Rockwell? Or in the middle of nowhere aka the provinces with no running water or electricity? Expat friends in AC are organizing food parcels for the less fortunate as we all know government help is slow, will be stolen by someone before it reaches the intended recipient etc.

So as you are the Oracle on this please enlighten us with your stories from the provinces and the squatter areas that shows people are not hungry are happy and partying all day as free food every day.Turd is swimming in the toilet. Everything he sees is rosy (to him)! A few others are in there swimming with him.

Engine Driver
04-20-20, 21:35
They are dying in substantial numbers. Few hookers would be networked into them.

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8232793/Coronavirus-takes-toll-UK-Filipino-community-29-including-Grenfell-survivor-die-virus.htmlWhile it is always sad to hear of medical personnel succumbing to the China virus, it appears that nurse Amor Padilla Gatinao had the pre morbidity trifecta. Type II Diabetes, obesity and asthma. Her thyroid condition probably didn't help either.

A few OFW crew men on ocean liners have also died from the virus.

04-20-20, 22:21
They are the most promiscuous and amoral women on the planet. In all my years on earth, I have never quite encountered a nationality that will fuck so readily, under any situation. Hahahahaha.And don't we just love them.

04-22-20, 07:04
Hahahahaha. LBFMs will do almost anything for money. They are the most promiscuous and amoral women on the planet. In all my years on earth, I have never quite encountered a nationality that will fuck so readily, under any situation. Hahahahaha.Except for when they get to Australia, as when they do, they seem to discover what morals are. And once they have their visa, the love of the cock dries up very quickly!

04-22-20, 07:49
Except for when they get to Australia, as when they do, they seem to discover what morals are. And once they have their visa, the love of the cock dries up very quickly!I want to enhance this statement "the love of the sponsor's cock dries up very quickly".

The ones I know happy to enjoy other cock than the guy that paid them to get here.

04-22-20, 07:59
I want to enhance this statement "the love of the sponsor's cock dries up very quickly".

The ones I know happy to enjoy other cock than the guy that paid them to get here.I love tales of heartless working girls. That is what they do. They working girl around. Some of the losers would make a gambling addict blush.

On a positive note: Chinese airlines are slashing fares to get custom up. When the international skies open up again, expect the mother of all price wars.

Contrary to the anti hooker PR, I am getting lots of messages from Pattaya of hookers stuck there without the money to go home. I am trying to break them into alternative web streams like web camming even though it holds no attractions for me.

Engine Driver
04-22-20, 11:03
I want to enhance this statement "the love of the sponsor's cock dries up very quickly".

The ones I know happy to enjoy other cock than the guy that paid them to get here.Very few of the ones in Australia are fuckable, so you could say you are not missing out on anything. Within 12 months of landing in Rich White Man Land, they will resemble brown refrigerators. 4'8" high and 4'8" wide. They have zero knowledge of nutrition, and I'm talking about the so called college educated ones. An endless supply of Tim Tams, full cream milk, vente sized frappes, quarterpounders with supersize fries, washed down with 2 litres of full sugar Coke each day will do that. They also don't walk anywhere, getting driven around by the gullible monger in his 20 year old Toyota Camry. There is so much food in RWML that immigrants from shithole countries just can't stop eating.

I once asked an LBFM, who had put on a few pounds and was complaining about her full sized rump, to switch to Coke Zero, or Coke Lite as they call it, instead of guzzling full strength Coke all day. She stared at me like I was some imbecile and said, "OMG, how can anyone drink that?. I would die without Coke. " Yeah, die from obesity and type 2 diabetes you fuckin' Einstein.

04-22-20, 12:02
Very few of the ones in Australia are fuckable, so you could say you are not missing out on anything. Within 12 months of landing in Rich White Man Land, they will resemble brown refrigerators. 4'8" high and 4'8" wide. They have zero knowledge of nutrition, and I'm talking about the so called college educated ones. An endless supply of Tim Tams, full cream milk, vente sized frappes, quarterpounders with supersize fries, washed down with 2 litres of full sugar Coke each day will do that. They also don't walk anywhere, getting driven around by the gullible monger in his 20 year old Toyota Camry. There is so much food in RWML that immigrants from shithole countries just can't stop eating.

I once asked an LBFM, who had put on a few pounds and was complaining about her full sized rump, to switch to Coke Zero, or Coke Lite as they call it, instead of guzzling full strength Coke all day. She stared at me like I was some imbecile and said, "OMG, how can anyone drink that?. I would die without Coke. " Yeah, die from obesity and type 2 diabetes you fuckin' Einstein.I spent 6 months working in The Philippines. Had my own cook. I lost 12 kgs in that time and ate really well. Basically had a low carb diet, it was great but few of the locals seem to eat that they just pig out on sugar and carbs.

Chocha Monger
04-22-20, 13:14
Very few of the ones in Australia are fuckable, so you could say you are not missing out on anything. Within 12 months of landing in Rich White Man Land, they will resemble brown refrigerators. 4'8" high and 4'8" wide. They have zero knowledge of nutrition, and I'm talking about the so called college educated ones. An endless supply of Tim Tams, full cream milk, vente sized frappes, quarterpounders with supersize fries, washed down with 2 litres of full sugar Coke each day will do that. They also don't walk anywhere, getting driven around by the gullible monger in his 20 year old Toyota Camry. There is so much food in RWML that immigrants from shithole countries just can't stop eating.

I once asked an LBFM, who had put on a few pounds and was complaining about her full sized rump, to switch to Coke Zero, or Coke Lite as they call it, instead of guzzling full strength Coke all day. She stared at me like I was some imbecile and said, "OMG, how can anyone drink that?. I would die without Coke. " Yeah, die from obesity and type 2 diabetes you fuckin' Einstein.Those LBFMs just blow up into walruses once they arrive in The Land of Plenty. The sponsor will be walrus fucking within a year. He will be powerless to stop the explosive weight gain of his formerly twiggy LBFM. The hapless sponsor will learn at great cost that LBFMs think that obesity is sexy and intentionally pig out in RWML. She will then post her walrus-class figure on Facebook where she will receive much admiration from friends and family back in Flipsville. Listen carefully to LBFMs when they get access to unlimited food. They will start saying shit like, "I will make myself fat. Fat is sexy. " They are not joking. They mean it. Sponsors ignore it at their peril. Why go through the trouble of importing a LBFM that will blow up into a marine mammal? Plenty of 300-lbs white Bush pigs that would jump at the chance to marry a monger who treats them with Tim Tams and Caramel Koalas for each BBBJCIM.

Once those LBFMs blow up to walrus-size, they develop a mean and entitled attitude to match. Many sponsors end up abused at the hands of their rogue LBFMs in RWML.

04-22-20, 13:23
Very few of the ones in Australia are fuckable, so you could say you are not missing out on anything. Within 12 months of landing in Rich White Man Land, they will resemble brown refrigerators. 4'8" high and 4'8" wide. They have zero knowledge of nutrition, and I'm talking about the so called college educated ones. An endless supply of Tim Tams, full cream milk, vente sized frappes, quarterpounders with supersize fries, washed down with 2 litres of full sugar Coke each day will do that. They also don't walk anywhere, getting driven around by the gullible monger in his 20 year old Toyota Camry. There is so much food in RWML that immigrants from shithole countries just can't stop eating.
You speak for yourself buddy. I know quite a few LBFM in Oz. Either married to Australian or Kiwi guys; or are on a working visa. None of them have put on weight and they are all very switched on in relation to healthy eating.

Mr Enternational
04-22-20, 13:29
Contrary to the anti hooker PR, I am getting lots of messages from Pattaya of hookers stuck there without the money to go home. I am trying to break them into alternative web streams like web camming even though it holds no attractions for me.When you finish believing that I have some swamp land to sell you. Everyone here that wanted to go home left a long time ago. If you really know someone here that is short the $10 bus fare to go back home, send them my way please. I will even throw in an extra $3 for them to get lunch and dinner. Truth of the matter is that the same way those chicks send money home, home sends money to them as well.

And I have already reported going over to several chicks' places and guys are sending them crazy money for camming or for even nothing. It cuts down my costs to free in some cases because they are still yearning for some real dick. Don't mind if I do.

04-22-20, 13:51
When you finish believing that I have some swamp land to sell you. Everyone here that wanted to go home left a long time ago. If you really know someone here that is short the $10 bus fare to go back home, send them my way please. I will even throw in an extra $3 for them to get lunch and dinner. Truth of the matter is that the same way those chicks send money home, home sends money to them as well.

And I have already reported going over to several chicks' places and guys are sending them crazy money for camming or for even nothing. It cuts down my costs to free in some cases because they are still yearning for some real dick. Don't mind if I do.I don't thin logic is on your side, I am sure families disowned a lot of them years ago. My experience taught me many hookers do not not two baht to rub together. I'm talking of the Beach Road set.

D Cups
04-22-20, 14:29
They are the most promiscuous and amoral women on the planet. In all my years on earth, I have never quite encountered a nationality that will fuck so readily, under any situation.And your point is? Why do you and reach around even go there if you are so critical of their beautiful, slim bodies and willingness to share? BTW how old are you, train wreck? Would you rather be fucking those two-ton motor mouth tussies of Ozland? Sheeesh.

Roll Aides
04-22-20, 16:16
I want to enhance this statement "the love of the sponsor's cock dries up very quickly".

The ones I know happy to enjoy other cock than the guy that paid them to get here.Briffault's law, mate.

Women do not engage in reciprocity.

Mr Enternational
04-23-20, 12:42
I don't thin logic is on your side, I am sure families disowned a lot of them years ago. My experience taught me many hookers do not not two baht to rub together. I'm talking of the Beach Road set.Logic may not be on my side, but boots on the ground is on my side. I am here with 386 contacts in my Line App and have not received one message of the sort, while you are not here and have received LOTS of messages of the sort? Hmm. That don't even SOUND right.

I must say that I have not met too many Thais that would fit the bill that you are assigning. The few people right now that are on Beach Road without 2 baht to rub together you can tell who they are. They are homeless. And being that, I doubt that they would be holding communication with you through a cell phone that they would not have, and I doubt that any of us would go up and try to hire them for rack operations.

There are tons of others on Beach Road that are more mainstream Beach Road chicks. Like I said, all you have to do is pass me their information and I can tell you what the REAL deal is. Hell, if they even tell me they are at the corner of Beach Road and Soi 12 and I go down there and they look homeless or starving, I will give them 500 baht for humaitarian sake. Then I will personally take them to the bus station and buy them a ticket so they will no longer be stuck here. Do you want me to help your friends or will you allow them to continue to be stuck?

P.S. First you say they are stuck here with no money to go home. Now you say their families disowned them years ago. So what home are they trying to go to if they have no family? Maybe YOU are not on logic's side! Funny how you never get the sob stories when boots are on the ground. Buffalo only die and relatives are only on their death beds in need of you to send money for the cure when you are not around to verify it.

04-23-20, 14:44
There are tons of others on Beach Road that are more mainstream Beach Road chicks. Like I said, all you have to do is pass me their information and I can tell you what the REAL deal is. Hell, if they even tell me they are at the corner of Beach Road and Soi 12 and I go down there and they look homeless or starving, I will give them 500 baht for humaitarian sake. Then I will personally take them to the bus station and buy them a ticket so they will no longer be stuck here. Do you want me to help your friends or will you allow them to continue to be stuck?

P.S. First you say they are stuck here with no money to go home. Now you say their families disowned them years ago. So what home are they trying to go to if they have no family? Maybe YOU are not on logic's side! Funny how you never get the sob stories when boots are on the ground. Buffalo only die and relatives are only on their death beds in need of you to send money for the cure when you are not around to verify it.I have given needy women money to desert Pattaya on more than one occasion. One such was a woman offering anal so she could buy milk for her new born baby. A go go gal's mother charged her to mind the baby; the gal was OK on her down time. I didn't take the anal.

I can't and won't bail out random cases. I speak to hookers on line and they give me their take. Not all of them ask for money; the Thais mostly don't ask.

To say that there are not a lot of Thai hookers live mouth to mouth (makes no sense. Beach Road always had them and always will.

As small businesses with no government support, they must be taking a huge hit as their work years are so short. If Virgin Australia could no to stand the heat, how can Virgin Pattaya?

I am only interested regarding factoring in my own responses if and when things clear.

04-23-20, 18:48
Funny how you never get the sob stories when boots are on the ground. Buffalo only die and relatives are only on their death beds in need of you to send money for the cure when you are not around to verify it.E,

Don't be too critical of distant benefactors. Quite often they fund and generally enable our guilty pleasures when we are in town. 😁.

Normally I would sign off with 'Enjoy, G' but from your pics and posts it's pretty obvious you are doing just that. I'm getting pretty jealous stuck here. 😥.

Cheers. G.

04-23-20, 23:06
Briffault's law, mate.

Women do not engage in reciprocity.I looked up some articles about Briffault's law. Interesting reading. While it is true that women may do that calculation, the male also does it. In my case, I stay because I have the freedom to do what I want while enjoying the financial benefit of shared resources.


04-24-20, 00:17
While it is true that women may do that calculation, the male also does it.Is agree. Let's take an extreme case: the newly minted internet billionaire who dumps the small town high school sweet heart for the Victoria Secret Supermodel. Did she choose or was she chosen?

There are not too many ugly girls on mega yachts. 😁.

Even in out own circle, many mongers have 'chosen' to leave western partners for LBFMs. Most don't regret the decision. Obviously, she has also 'chosen' an opportunity for a better standard of living.

Queue the discussion of limp dicked, septagenarian mongers who can get nothing more than an impoverished rice farmers daughter. Sure there are plenty of these lost causes but I've also met many who are moderately to very successful and just don't want to fit into the text book suburban lifestyle.



Kabul Guy
04-24-20, 00:55
Briffault's law, mate.

Women do not engage in reciprocity.

It says that they do not engage in a relationship unless they get something out of it.

Basically an observation on all human interaction and not only male / female sexual interaction.

I would not be on ISG unless I got something out of it, entertainment, information etc. In exchange for my attention.

ISG would not be running unless Jackson gets something out of it, our attention which he then trades for us reading the advertising that he sales to get money to operate the site and to live on.

I will not go into a store unless I am getting something out of it, an exchange of goods for money. The store will not be open unless they are getting something out of it, exchange of money for goods. The employees will not be there unless they are getting something out of it, an exchange of time for money.

Sounds like just basic marketing theory, you exchange something for something else and hopefully both sides value (or in economist speak give more utility to) what they get more than what they give up.

04-24-20, 00:56

Look up what % of western women file for divorces? 80%? Lmao diminishing marginal utility! Aka the plight / bane of too many western mongers LOL.

Not much better than hypergamy lmao.

Engine Driver
04-24-20, 02:26
And your point is? Why do you and reach around even go there if you are so critical of their beautiful, slim bodies and willingness to share? BTW how old are you, train wreck? Would you rather be fucking those two-ton motor mouth tussies of Ozland? Sheeesh.Sheeesh. If you dislike Messrs Reacharound's and Trainwreck's creative masterpieces so much, why do you so effortlessly keep falling into their trap? Every single time! Sheeesh. LOL.

Sarcasm, acerbic wit and humor is lost on many mongers. LOL.

04-24-20, 02:42


Mr Enternational
04-24-20, 05:17
I can't and won't bail out random cases. I speak to hookers on line and they give me their take. Not all of them ask for money; the Thais mostly don't ask.

To say that there are not a lot of Thai hookers live mouth to mouth (makes no sense. Beach Road always had them and always will.You are missing the point. This has nothing to do with Australia. This has nothing to do with Thai hookers asking for money or not. This has everything to do with you saying that you receieved MANY messages of chicks in Pattaya saying they were stuck here not able to go home because they had no money. I said that if someone told you that then they are lying. You reached for and continue to reach for reasons that it had to be true (including their families disowning them).

I am in no way saying people can afford a shiny new Cadillac or even a Wagyu A5 for dinner. All I am saying is they can afford bus fare home had they really wanted to go. At the beginning of the month their share of the rent would have been an absolute minimum of $50, when bus fare up out of here is only $10. (Kind of like people saying they can't afford birth control or an abortion, but they can afford to take care of a baby.)

I was willing to easily disprove those messages by offering them a free ride home and spending money. Instead of allowing them to receive free help from me, you are choosing to let them remain stuck and destitute. I do not think you really believed the statement the first time you made it, yet you continue to fight for its veracity.

So you are swearing that a lion is getting ready to eat some kids. I tell there are no kids in the lion cage, but if there are I have a spare rope right here and I can easily get them to safety at no cost or trouble to you. You continue to stress to everyone about the lion about to eat the kids, but refuse to point me towards the cage so they can be easily saved. You want to pull all the fire alarms and yell fire, fire. But when the firemen arrive, instead of pointing them to the blaze you just continue to yell fire. Make that make sense.

Mr Enternational
04-24-20, 05:32

Look up what % of western women file for divorces? 80%? Lmao diminishing marginal utility! Aka the plight / bane of too many western mongers LOL.

Not much better than hypergamy lmao.It is the guys' own fault. They beg women to marry them, hand over the keys to the kingdom, then they end up getting put out of the kingdom they built.

American basketball player Stephen Jackson should be a shinning example. He paid $400,000 for a wedding. Him and his bride to be drew up a prenuptial agreement together on how everything would play out if they ever broke up. She put off signing the agreement even up until everyone had showed up at the chapel for the wedding. She had even written in some crazy ass additional stuff in her favor that he never agreed to. The preacher (that she picked out) tried to convince him there was no need for the agreement and everything would be fine with love and god in their lives. He said fuck that bullshit and refused to get married that day.

04-24-20, 06:10
I looked up some articles about Briffault's law. Interesting reading. While it is true that women may do that calculation, the male also does it. In my case, I stay because I have the freedom to do what I want while enjoying the financial benefit of shared resources.

PP.The manosphere has come up with a very important addendum to Briffault's law. The addendum says that what a man gave to or did for a woman, or what a man is giving now or doing now for a woman matters not. Past and present contributions are null and void in the woman's mind. The only thing that matters to a woman is what she can expect to get from a man in the future. This is paramount. Give 1 million to a woman today and you might as well have given her nothing as far as her future behaviour towards you is concerned. FUTURE rewards are all that matter.

Does this also obtain in friendships or business relationships between men (males)? I think not.

04-24-20, 07:02
It is the guys' own fault. They beg women to marry them, hand over the keys to the kingdom, then they end up getting put out of the kingdom they built.

American basketball player Stephen Jackson should be a shinning example. He paid $400,000 for a wedding. Him and his bride to be drew up a prenuptial agreement together on how everything would play out if they ever broke up. She put off signing the agreement even up until everyone had showed up at the chapel for the wedding. She had even written in some crazy ass additional stuff in her favor that he never agreed to. The preacher (that she picked out) tried to convince him there was no need for the agreement and everything would be fine with love and god in their lives. He said fuck that bullshit and refused to get married that day.You left out the best part of the story:

What did he do after paying $400 k for a cancelled wedding? Wheel in the booze, have a kick ass party in the newly available rooms and bang a couple of the Brides Maids for good measure. 😁.

Now that's ballin'.


04-24-20, 07:16
The manosphere has come up with a very important addendum to Briffault's law. The addendum says that what a man gave to or did for a woman, or what a man is giving now or doing now for a woman matters not. Past and present contributions are null and void in the woman's mind. The only thing that matters to a woman is what she can expect to get from a man in the future. This is paramount. Give 1 million to a woman today and you might as well have given her nothing as far as her future behaviour towards you is concerned. FUTURE rewards are all that matter.

Does this also obtain in friendships or business relationships between men (males)? I think not.This is especially true for Filipinas, most of whom, do not love you. They love you because they need you. They do not need you because they love you. Soon as you give the money, etc. It is forgotten. There is no quid pro quo.

Roll Aides
04-24-20, 13:27
Yup, I was specifically referring to a fairly well-known post on Stickman's forums from a while back.


As XXL has pointed out, there's a lot more to it than the original formulation by Briffault.

Briffaults Law:

The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place.


1. Past benefit provided by the male does not provide for continued or future association.

2. Any agreement where the male provides a current benefit in return for a promise of future association is null and void as soon as the male has provided the benefit (see corollary 1).

3. A promise of future benefit has limited influence on current / future association, with the influence inversely proportionate to the length of time until the benefit will be given and directly proportionate to the degree to which the female trusts the male (which is not bloody likely).

Member #4698
04-24-20, 13:33
Catch the story from Stephen Jackson's own mouth. https://youtu.be/mPOdN1F8UCg. It looks to me like he just barely escaped a total disaster. Ha Ha. I mean what was he thinking in the first place getting engaged? And take a look at Imani Showalter his once upon a time fiance. Yikes! Apparently he is alright now, but still another casualty of American sexual prison/suffragette. Free your mind of all that feminist crap Stephen and fly to SE Asia or Africa, if you prefer black girls, via private jet as soon as possible. Treat all your sexy new friends nice. You will never look back.

Marriage is a plain vanilla financial contract. Even with the most iron clad prenup it is still a financial arrangement and self inflicted homicide. 555.

On Briffaults Law: I don't subscribe. Take a look at how Lions behave in the wild. The pride is composed of related females and their offspring, but the male Lion is the King. He defends his pride against all and contributes his alpha DNA to future generations. When a male Lion is deposed by another male Lion, the new King kills all the young nursing cubs in the pride so he can begin sowing his seed amongst the females as soon as possible. Were primitive Homo Sapiens significantly different?

Mr Enternational
04-24-20, 13:50
Briffaults Law:

The female, not the male, determines all the conditions of the animal family. Where the female can derive no benefit from association with the male, no such association takes place.He should have prefaced it with, "In ordinary circumstances" and then changed "can derive no benefit" to "believes she can derive no benefit".

I say this because in the cases of pimping and playing you can sell a chick dreams all day long. An extraordinary male can lead the female to believe she can and is deriving benefit, when in actuality she is getting nothing (well nothing tanglible anyway.) Maybe there is some emotional or educational benefit she is receiving.

04-24-20, 13:55
...Marriage is a plain vanilla financial contract. Even with the most iron clad prenup it is still a financial arrangement and self inflicted homicide.I am amazed how decent, smart folks, keep getting taken by this marriage crap. It's the biggest fool's trap. A philosopher once said "marriage as an institution has been a failure". I would add that it has been an abject failure.

The Cane
04-24-20, 14:08
Catch the story from Stephen Jackson's own mouth. https://youtu.be/mPOdN1F8UCg. It looks to me like he just barely escaped a total disaster. Ha Ha. I mean what was he thinking in the first place getting engaged? And take a look at Imani Showalter his once upon a time fiance. Yikes! Apparently he is alright now, but still another casualty of American sexual prison/suffragette. Free your mind of all that feminist crap Stephen and fly to SE Asia via private jet as soon as possible. Treat all your new sexy Asian friends nice. You will never look back. Marriage is a plain vanilla financial contract. Even with the most iron clad prenup it is still a financial arrangement and self inflicted homicide. 555.He still screwed up by spending $400,000 of his money on that BS! Now, I was thinking why in the hell did he think that she was still going to sign? Why did he wait that long to be virtually at the alter? Well before then he should have known she had no intention to sign, and he should have called the whole thing off long before ponying up $400 grand! These players wives and girlfriends are just like all the rest of the tutes. When the money is gone, so are they! And thank God hahaha! Like we mongers know, we're paying them to leave LOL! But, we want to make sure that they leave with what we agreed to give them, which isn't half of what we spent our lives earning and building, plus alimony and child support. Damn straight! I understand that when it was all over, this is the first song they played at the party hehehe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vwNcNOTVzY.

04-24-20, 19:50
I am amazed how decent, smart folks, keep getting taken by this marriage crap. It's the biggest fool's trap. A philosopher once said "marriage as an institution has been a failure". I would add that it has been an abject failure.

Not those vampires with vaginas (or the divorce attys, vampires with JD degrees).


Engine Driver
04-25-20, 03:29
For mongers who are interested in Flip history and have time on their hands, there's a fascinating documentary called "The Kingmaker". It's largely about Imelda's unchecked abuse of power over a thirty year period. Her insatiable thirst for power, wealth and influence has not waned one bit despite her advancing years. What's particularly alarming is a bunch of current school kids who weren't even around at the time of the Marcoses think that life under the conjugal dictatorship (and martial law) was fabulous and that the Philippines was very wealthy at the time. Even more alarming is that Imee and BongBong can almost smell the Presidential seat. They just have to wait for Du30 to step aside, as he rules very much under their patronage.

Nixon was a regular visitor to Imelda's suite at the Waldorf Astoria in NYC. You can be assured that BBFSCIP and BBBJCIM were very much on the agenda. Stuff that Patty would never have provided. Hahahaha.

Another interesting tidbit not in the film is that Imelda and Marcos were very keen for Prince Charles to marry their daughter Imee. They lobbied through various intermediaries. I don't know if they actually ever met, but the fact they actually thought this was appropriate and achievable tells us just what an inflated opinion they had of themselves. Prince Philip would have seriously thought Imee was the laundry girl. Hahahaha.

Radical Guy
04-25-20, 16:09
I am amazed how decent, smart folks, keep getting taken by this marriage crap. It's the biggest fool's trap. A philosopher once said "marriage as an institution has been a failure". I would add that it has been an abject failure.

Not those vampires with vaginas (or the divorce attys, vampires with JD degrees).

https://stricturism.wordpress.com/2017/05/12/a-note-on-sex-women-and-marriage-to-my-son-on-his-21st-birthday/I'm a divorce attorney myself. I love getting paid $400 an hour to fight clients' petty squabbles over the wagon-wheel coffee table or who gets an extra couple of hours with the rug rats. Is it a great country or what? LOL.


04-25-20, 20:55
He should have prefaced it with, "In ordinary circumstances" and then changed "can derive no benefit" to "believes she can derive no benefit".

I say this because in the cases of pimping and playing you can sell a chick dreams all day long. An extraordinary male can lead the female to believe she can and is deriving benefit, when in actuality she is getting nothing (well nothing tanglible anyway.) Maybe there is some emotional or educational benefit she is receiving.

I call this "hustle inversion".

Flip that shit, "mongering Aikido".

I nominate this post for the ISG Hall of Fame!

04-25-20, 22:53
I'm a divorce attorney myself. I love getting paid $400 an hour to fight clients' petty squabbles over the wagon-wheel coffee table or who gets an extra couple of hours with the rug rats. Is it a great country or what? LOL.

RG.In my country at least, divorce proceedings can be so expensive because who gets what is largely predetermined by the courts, regardless of who cheated on who, who worked 3 jobs while the other stayed at home or who was a CEO while the other was 'writing a novel' for 10 years.

Whomever decides that they are entitled to anything besides these predetermined allowances or that they should be compensated for the other's misdeeds has to pay through the nose. Here it's very rare to have an at-fault divorce recognized at all, let alone compensated.

Cheers. G.

04-25-20, 23:10
Hi guys not sure if this is in the right spot but I'm looking at a new credit card and was wondering if Amex is accepted across the board in Philippines or if I'm better off just going with Visa?

04-26-20, 00:37
I am amazed how decent, smart folks, keep getting taken by this marriage crap. It's the biggest fool's trap. A philosopher once said "marriage as an institution has been a failure". I would add that it has been an abject failure.

Not those vampires with vaginas (or the divorce attys, vampires with JD degrees).

https://stricturism.wordpress.com/2017/05/12/a-note-on-sex-women-and-marriage-to-my-son-on-his-21st-birthday/Another philosopher, or maybe a stand-up comedian, once said "marriage is an institution, and who wants to spend the rest of their life living in an institution?

04-26-20, 00:52
Hi guys not sure if this is in the right spot but I'm looking at a new credit card and was wondering if Amex is accepted across the board in Philippines or if I'm better off just going with Visa?As well as acceptance, you also need to consider the obscene fees that can be applied with Amex transactions.

04-26-20, 00:59
Hi guys not sure if this is in the right spot but I'm looking at a new credit card and was wondering if Amex is accepted across the board in Philippines or if I'm better off just going with Visa?Sure. The Platinum card is accepted world wide, which would include Philippines and other countries you have asked about. The problem is it might only be accepted in more expensive places. Of course you would know that being an AMEX card holder.

04-26-20, 01:01
As well as acceptance, you also need to consider the obscene fees that can be applied with Amex transactions.*It's not obscene fees to the elite.

Some like to get their rocks off using an elite card.

*disclosure. I am not an AMEX card holder.

Engine Driver
04-26-20, 01:07
Hi guys not sure if this is in the right spot but I'm looking at a new credit card and was wondering if Amex is accepted across the board in Philippines or if I'm better off just going with Visa?No problem using Amex at major hotels, American fast food places (like Starbucks), airlines or large department stores etc. If you were to go to the local sari sari store to buy your LBFM a 25 kg sack of rice and produced your Amex Black Card to pay for it, they would say "I'm sorry Siiirrrr, but your card has been declined".

04-26-20, 01:23
Hi guys not sure if this is in the right spot but I'm looking at a new credit card and was wondering if Amex is accepted across the board in Philippines or if I'm better off just going with Visa?Realistically you will be using cash for most day-to-day transactions.

I tried using my visa at Johnnies in AC and it was a major disruption to the whole low. Just stick to cash.

04-26-20, 01:35
Touche' RG.

I would just like to say if you have any redeeming qualities as a human being, I hope you charge the females a higher hourly rate and then overbill them even more than you do the men LOL.

And in the end fight a little less hard for your female clients helping us on the other side LOL.

Kabul Guy
04-26-20, 03:18
I'm a divorce attorney myself. I love getting paid $400 an hour to fight clients' petty squabbles over the wagon-wheel coffee table or who gets an extra couple of hours with the rug rats. Is it a great country or what? LOL.

RG.My divorce attourny was very upfront about his fees. He made it clear that he would charge his hourly rate no matter what the argurment. If I wanted to pay his rate to argue over small or large amounts the fee was the same. Since I am a construction engineer used of thinking in terms of costs and not winnin at all cost, I was able to keep the costs reasonable, At the end my ex wanted an additional couple of thousand. I quickly determined tha I coud give it to her or to the lawyer, and still might have to give it to her anyway. I hated t let the ***** think that she had won so I said, it was worth the extra to get rid of her and have her out of my life. The look when she realized what she had really lost at that moment was worth the couple grand.

An ex girlfriend and her ex hiusband picked the opposite route, they spend several thousand dollars in legal efes argueing over something worth a couple of hundred just because they were so caught up in the idea of winnig that they could not let it go.

Why is divorce so expensive?

Because it is worth it.

04-26-20, 03:56
Why is divorce so expensive?

Because it is worth it.Or because spouses allow it to be.

As we pointed out arguing over the ottoman can get expensive but Arbitrated Agreements have become popular and enforceable.

It souldn't be a hard sell to sit down and agree in who gets what vs spend a combined $100 k in fees. Note I said "shouldn't". 😁.


04-26-20, 04:00
Realistically you will be using cash for most day-to-day transactions.

I tried using my visa at Johnnies in AC and it was a major disruption to the whole low. Just stick to cash.Agreed. Cash via ATM is king. Therefore, I never rely totally on just one card nor provider. I've had instances where one card or bank were not accepted but another was.

I've found Visa and MasterCard the most reliable.

Enjoy. G.

Mr Enternational
04-26-20, 04:25
Or because spouses allow it to be.

As we pointed out arguing over the ottoman can get expensive but Arbitrated Agreements have become popular and enforceable.

It souldn't be a hard sell to sit down and agree in who gets what vs spend a combined $100 k in fees. Note I said "shouldn't". Totally agree. That is why I do not get it. I asked my wife how she wanted to divide everything. I drew up the paperwork for her to sign. Instead, she decided to get a lawyer. We went to court and the judge gave me more than the original agreement.

The shit would have cost me only $35 to file the original agreement. Because she went to get a lawyer, ended up costing me the same $35 to file and an extra $15 to serve, and cost her $1500 for the lawyer plus the stuff the judge decided to give to me instead of her. Easier and cheaper to work shit out on your own, type that shit up, and file it yourself. Hundreds of examples to follow on the internet, but greed is a mf.

04-26-20, 18:00
Here is a video of the army killing a guy in QC for breaking the lockdown. Note the onlookers mob about and do not socially distance. Note the other soldiers don't draw and don't seem as concerned. Moral of the story: wait til Duterte gives us the green light to bonk.


04-26-20, 19:21
Touche' RG. I hope you charge the females a higher hourly rate and then overbill them even more than you do the men LOL.In my case it would not have mattered because the fees of both sides lawyers were all paid from the same joint pot which reduced what we each got as the pot shrunk. My Ex ran our legal fees way up, wanting minor historical financial details daily for over six months costing both of us thousands. For example, "what happened to the proceeds we received from a used car sale 5 years prior". You would not believe how many attorney hours of back and forth these minutia took and of course both lawyers were enjoying the fees piling up so did nothing to bring some sanity to the exercise. Got to stop this, my blood pressure is going up.

04-26-20, 22:52
This is Singapore Airlines offering cheap lights, not some bum airline. The price war has begun. Tell the women we are cumming in September https://www.holidaypirates.com/flights/flights-to-south-east-asia-from-gbp-379-return-sept-march_36038.

D Cups
04-27-20, 00:06
This is Singapore Airlines offering cheap lights, not some bum airline. The price war has begun. Tell the women we are cumming in September https://www.holidaypirates.com/flights/flights-to-south-east-asia-from-gbp-379-return-sept-march_36038.Si senor. October for me.

Mr Enternational
04-29-20, 16:59
Well at least it is almost May.

"Australians will have to wait at least six months before they can travel overseas"


04-29-20, 21:04
Well at least it is almost May. "Australians will have to wait at least six months before they can travel overseas" https://pattayaone.news/australians-will-have-to-wait-at-least-six-months-before-they-can-travel-overseas-but-interstate-flights-could-resume-much-earlier-as-covid-19-lockdown-is-eased/Adding to this:

Pres. Rodrigo Duterte is considering 'modified quarantine' next month https://www.msn.com/en-ph/news/national/pres-rodrigo-duterte-is-considering-modified-quarantine-next-month/ar-BB13nwdd?li=BBr8Mkn&ocid=wispr.

Ten cruise ships with over 3,000 Pinoy crew still in Manila Bay https://www.msn.com/en-ph/news/national/ten-cruise-ships-with-over-3000-pinoy-crew-still-in-manila-bay/ar-BB13np6o?li=BBr8Mkn&ocid=wispr.

For Aussies: 'Foreign travel unlikely this year' https://www.msn.com/en-ph/news/national/foreign-travel-unlikely-this-year/ar-BB13nI3j?li=BBr8Mkn&ocid=wispr.

04-29-20, 21:16
For Aussies: 'Foreign travel unlikely this year' https://www.msn.com/en-ph/news/national/foreign-travel-unlikely-this-year/ar-BB13nI3j?li=BBr8Mkn&ocid=wispr.You would think after seeing some of this that millions of Filipinos are critically ill or dead, with the rest infected, cowering and starving. Instead, we get simpering and smirking pronouncements from a president who gets a hard on talking about how he's going to bully these poor people. Duterte's act ought to have worn thin by now.

Wicked Roger
04-30-20, 00:00
Well at least it is almost May.

"Australians will have to wait at least six months before they can travel overseas"

https://pattayaone.news/australians-will-have-to-wait-at-least-six-months-before-they-can-travel-overseas-but-interstate-flights-could-resume-much-earlier-as-covid-19-lockdown-is-eased/True but some travel is allowed for certain reasons such as emergency work, essential services and work if can prove it. Going to Pattaya, Manila etc for mongering is not one of those reasons LOL.

FIFO workers still travel as one idiot went to Bali recently and came back with COVID 19 - luckily he was found out on arrival in Australia and quarantined (and got a mouthful from the State Premier also).

Just depends but for sure is not easy for mongers who need to find solace in their homeland or themselves.

04-30-20, 02:39
True but some travel is allowed for certain reasons such as emergency work, essential services and work if can prove it. Going to Pattaya, Manila etc for mongering is not one of those reasons LOL.This is not hard to solve. All we need is a few politicians on a "Fact Finding Mission" to Burgos or AC and I guarantee that dick sucking will become an Essential Service. Bars could even be given Diplomatic Immunity to reopen early. 😁.

I wish the senator that got busted for monger trips to see his AC hooker would just spread the word.


04-30-20, 05:09
This is not hard to solve. All we need is a few politicians on a "Fact Finding Mission" to Burgos or AC and I guarantee that dick sucking will become an Essential Service. Bars could even be given Diplomatic Immunity to reopen early. 😁.

I wish the senator that got busted for monger trips to see his AC hooker would just spread the word.

https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/george-christensen-a-regular-at-philippines-adult-entertainment-bar-manager-20191202-p53g57.htmlFucking George Christensen for a living. Now that's what I call earning your money!

04-30-20, 05:52
Fucking George Christensen for a living. Now that's what I call earning your money!ROFLMAO. 😂.

Poor girl should be the one getting 12% Super and perks for life. 👍.


Sam 14
04-30-20, 06:46
This is Singapore Airlines offering cheap lights, not some bum airline. Hmmm.. Wonder if the bum in this video is confused about whether or not entrance visas are being issued now or anytime soon, or if Singapore Airlines likes refunding tickets?


04-30-20, 07:26
Fucking George Christensen for a living. Now that's what I call earning your money!I had to remind myself who George Christensen was. Many prefer old guys as they have more money and can barely make one pop. That means a good night's sleep, which is what hookers really crave.

Sam 14
04-30-20, 08:02
Sorry, it's too late to edit my post. Apparently the Philippines News Agency retracted something in their earlier statement regarding a September opening. (About 10 minute mark).

04-30-20, 09:38
Very few of the ones in Australia are fuckable, so you could say you are not missing out on anything. Within 12 months of landing in Rich White Man Land, they will resemble brown refrigerators. 4'8" high and 4'8" wide. They have zero knowledge of nutrition, and I'm talking about the so called college educated ones. An endless supply of Tim Tams, full cream milk, vente sized frappes, quarterpounders with supersize fries, washed down with 2 litres of full sugar Coke each day will do that. They also don't walk anywhere, getting driven around by the gullible monger in his 20 year old Toyota Camry. There is so much food in RWML that immigrants from shithole countries just can't stop eating.

I once asked an LBFM, who had put on a few pounds and was complaining about her full sized rump, to switch to Coke Zero, or Coke Lite as they call it, instead of guzzling full strength Coke all day. She stared at me like I was some imbecile and said, "OMG, how can anyone drink that?. I would die without Coke. " Yeah, die from obesity and type 2 diabetes you fuckin' Einstein.This one can be found on the Gold Coast, Queensland.

Engine Driver
04-30-20, 13:20
This one can be found on the Gold Coast, Queensland.Yep, not too shabby. Let me guess, she's a care giver at an old people's nursing home?

04-30-20, 13:38
After the 15th of May, if the ECQ will not be extended anymore, we should all assume that a GCQ will be imposed on ALL of the regions affected by the COVID-19. Let us help Malacaang in informing people of the new normal we have to follow. Familiarize yourselves to avoid confusion.

General Community Quarantine (GCQ) Rules:

1. Selected workers in non-essential services are allowed to go to work.






-repair services.



2. Half of employees work from home, 50 percent are working on site:

● Finance.

Business process outsourcing (BPO).

Non-leisure trade and service.

3. Will remain closed:


Amusement centers.

Leisure facilities.


Tourism services.

4. NOT permitted to leave the house:

Children (0 to 20 years old).

Elderly (60 years old and above).

People with high-risk health issues.

5. ONLY shops catering to necessities will be allowed to re-open in malls. Malls will limit entry of shoppers.

6. Airconditioning will be limited in malls. WIFI will not be provided. NO loittering allowed.

7. Priority construction projects can resume.

8. Nonworkers are allowed to buy food and go out to avail of essential services.

Allowed will be people who are 21 to 59 years old.

Except again: children, elderly, vulnerable people.

9. Public transport can operate at reduced capacity.

10. Local government units shall enforce curfew for non workers.

11. Airports and ports can only operate for the unhampered delivery of goods.

Plans of going out or reunions after May 15 are still not entirely possible. You are required to bring an I. The. That specifies your AGE and ADDRESS wherever you go. Checkpoints will still be in place. You will still be questioned if you defy the rules.

We need to abide by the guidelines. Be aware that we are trying to avoid a second wave which is considered to be more damaging than the first.

We can do this.

Mr Enternational
04-30-20, 15:36
This one can be found on the Gold Coast, Queensland.Will thousands of you guys be sharing that 1?

04-30-20, 19:03
Will thousands of you guys be sharing that 1?Not yet but there is a queue forming at the state border for when we can get to her. 😁.

04-30-20, 20:04
Not yet but there is a queue forming at the state border for when we can get to her. 😁.Remember rule #1.

Queue up 6 feet apart. Thats from the tip of your dick or your belly which ever is out the furthest. In some cases that would be 7 feet from the chest!

04-30-20, 21:48
Remember rule #1.

Queue up 6 feet apart. Thats from the tip of your dick or your belly which ever is out the furthest. In some cases that would be 7 feet from the chest!Sort of reminds me of the good 'ol days in the iron ore towns. Hundreds of guys and only a hand full of girls in town / camp. Forever on, never off rosters. Nothing to spend money on. Then a couple of hussies would appear in rooms behind the pub.

Do you think they were kept very busy? 😳.

Enjoy. G.

05-02-20, 15:25
From the AC thread. Seemed more appropriate here.

I have had local girls overnight and they were happy with 1000. Daytime sex for 500. I am getting laid a couple times a week for less than USD 1000 a month including living costs. Hard to find girls willing to risk the ECQ rules to come over. Once we go to GCQ it should be easier.

If I could find a comparable live in GF, I would do that until the virus threat goes away and would get fucked and sucked daily for my 50 k p a month.While my living expenses in my province are a bit more each month, girly expenses are the same. Two of my fairly fearful regular girls here (they are lifelong friends) would not leave home, even under GQ rules. However, they knew other less-fearful girls who were willing, and we have a similar situation: One new girl spends 2 or 3 nights weekly, the other new girl spends 1 night and 1 afternoon weekly. Couldn't get much better. All 4 girls are friends. Will need to rotate the first 2 regulars back in when they feel more comfortable getting outside. Lockdown lightened yesterday, a number of shuttered resto's re-opened up around town and in a mall here (takeout only, in-house dining with social distancing coming soon I was told at one of them), and the province told a number of shuttered workers to go back to work. All in, about p70 k per month. I did not lock down in this place by accident.

A live-in GF. Yuck.

Member #4698
05-02-20, 15:47
I do not want a live-in GF. No Way! It just gets old fast and is far too restrictive. I do have my repeat favorites who are too good to throw away, but I think I will always need/want to find new girls to keep things lively and interesting. God help me. LOL.

Tangentially related to this subject, I just watched a documentary last night on the post impressionist painter Paul Gauguin entitled "Gauguin: The Full Story" directed by art historian Waldemar Januszczak on Amazon Prime. I highly recommend viewing it. Gauguin was one of us - he loved young girls - and travelled around the world to find them. It ended badly for Gauguin (penicillin was not invented until 1928), but man he mongered good until almost the very end. It was very interesting to watch his metamorphosis from stockbroker/husband/family man to painter/bohemian/punter extraordinaire. He let it all go loose. And what a great artist!

05-05-20, 05:17
Very few of the ones in Australia are fuckable, so you could say you are not missing out on anything. Within 12 months of landing in Rich White Man Land, they will resemble brown refrigerators. 4'8" high and 4'8" wide. They have zero knowledge of nutrition, and I'm talking about the so called college educated ones. An endless supply of Tim Tams, full cream milk, vente sized frappes, quarterpounders with supersize fries, washed down with 2 litres of full sugar Coke each day will do that. They also don't walk anywhere, getting driven around by the gullible monger in his 20 year old Toyota Camry. There is so much food in RWML that immigrants from shithole countries just can't stop eating.
.It is quite entertaining to go to my local shopping mall in Sydney on a Saturday morning and watch the 5-6/10 rated 20's-30+ y.o prospective refrigerator Pinays tagging along behind some decrepit old male who needs to slouch over the shopping trolley to stay upright. Girls always on the lookout for younger males to throw knowing smiles to as they walk past.

Engine Driver
05-06-20, 12:47
It is quite entertaining to go to my local shopping mall in Sydney on a Saturday morning and watch the 5-6/10 rated 20's-30+ y.o prospective refrigerator Pinays tagging along behind some decrepit old male who needs to slouch over the shopping trolley to stay upright. Girls always on the lookout for younger males to throw knowing smiles to as they walk past.Since the Aussie permanent residency visa chop is now securely in her Pilipinas passport, the wily Pinay is free to cast the net and see what she can catch at the shopping mall. The poor old codger is probably getting his nightly glass of warm milk with a few extra additives to speed up the, shall we say, "ageing process." Is he also getting his nightly BBBJCIM with swallow? I think that all stopped after the Pinay got the visa chop. Hahaha. The only problem is that after feasting on Tim Tams, Big Macs and Vente sized Starbucks frappes over the past few years in RWML, the LBFM has now morphed into a brown refrigerator.

Do any young guys want to be seen with a fat mail order bride?

05-07-20, 00:17
Since the Aussie permanent residency visa chop is now securely in her Pilipinas passport, the wily Pinay is free to cast the net and see what she can catch at the shopping mall. The poor old codger is probably getting his nightly glass of warm milk with a few extra additives to speed up the, shall we say, "ageing process." Is he also getting his nightly BBBJCIM with swallow? I think that all stopped after the Pinay got the visa chop. Hahaha. The only problem is that after feasting on Tim Tams, Big Macs and Vente sized Starbucks frappes over the past few years in RWML, the LBFM has now morphed into a brown refrigerator.

Do any young guys want to be seen with a fat mail order bride?AG forgot to mention the trailing 4 spoilt, obviously 100% Filipino, kids that John has adopted and is putting through a private Catholic School because he "loves them like they are his own". And, of course, Lyn's visiting "brother" who has secured a 3 month visitor Visa twice a year. He barely moves while John is home but finds novel ways to help Lyn when he, John, is at work.

Yes, young guys like the newly imported still slim and pretty girls. The club and Casino dance floors are full of them most nights. But the older wives who have been in the TimTam feedlot must resort to side dicks who are burnt out mongers too, still in town saving up for their next big fucktrip.

Enjoy. G.

Chocha Monger
05-07-20, 05:30
Since the Aussie permanent residency visa chop is now securely in her Pilipinas passport, the wily Pinay is free to cast the net and see what she can catch at the shopping mall. The poor old codger is probably getting his nightly glass of warm milk with a few extra additives to speed up the, shall we say, "ageing process." Is he also getting his nightly BBBJCIM with swallow? I think that all stopped after the Pinay got the visa chop. Hahaha. The only problem is that after feasting on Tim Tams, Big Macs and Vente sized Starbucks frappes over the past few years in RWML, the LBFM has now morphed into a brown refrigerator.

Do any young guys want to be seen with a fat mail order bride?Do you think the old coot gives her a Caramello Koala as a treat after each BBBJCIM w / swallow, as our beloved Grandpa Caramello did on his legendary forays into Southeast Asia and Micronesia? He would be surprised to find out that the ambitions of his darling LBFM now go far beyond a Caramello Koala. In RWML she expects a house and luxury car in return for the same BBBJCIM w / swallow she used to give him for a Caramello Koala in Flipsville. Oh how her expectations have swiftly grown! Hahaha!

Engine Driver
05-07-20, 06:38
AG forgot to mention the trailing 4 spoilt, obviously 100% Filipino, kids that John has adopted and is putting through a private Catholic School because he "loves them like they are his own". And, of course, Lyn's visiting "brother" who has secured a 3 month visitor Visa twice a year. He barely moves while John is home but finds novel ways to help Lyn when he, John, is at work.

Yes, young guys like the newly imported still slim and pretty girls. The club and Casino dance floors are full of them most nights. But the older wives who have been in the TimTam feedlot must resort to side dicks who are burnt out mongers too, still in town saving up for their next big fucktrip.

Enjoy. G.Yes that's very true. All the dating site girls are God fearing and want the monger to love her bastard kids like they're his own. Hahaha. I feel for the suckers that get trapped in this mess.

Engine Driver
05-08-20, 10:26
Do you think the old coot gives her a Caramello Koala as a treat after each BBBJCIM w / swallow, as our beloved Grandpa Caramello did on his legendary forays into Southeast Asia and Micronesia? He would be surprised to find out that the ambitions of his darling LBFM now go far beyond a Caramello Koala. In RWML she expects a house and luxury car in return for the same BBBJCIM w / swallow she used to give him for a Caramello Koala in Flipsville. Oh how her expectations have swiftly grown! Hahaha!As you may know, Grandpa Caramello did not monger in his home country and never experienced the outrageous demands made by LBFMs in RWML. He was lucky. He limited his hymen busting missions and endless pursuit of BBBJCIM w / swallow to South East Asia and Micronesia only. This ensured that he kept his costs down, meanwhile protecting his stellar reputation back in RWML.

On the day the RWML PR visa is in the worthless passport of those Filipinas, sex suddenly stops. There is no way those old coots are getting anymore BBBJCIM w / swallow. Hahaha. She will do the best she can to speed up death or divorce.

05-09-20, 02:23
AG forgot to mention the trailing 4 spoilt, obviously 100% Filipino, kids that John has adopted and is putting through a private Catholic School because he "loves them like they are his own". And, of course, Lyn's visiting "brother" who has secured a 3 month visitor Visa twice a year. He barely moves while John is home but finds novel ways to help Lyn when he, John, is at work.

Enjoy. G.Haven't seen any of those yet, but occasionally the girl will be carrying (internally or externally) the by-products of their consummations.

Chocha Monger
05-10-20, 15:26
As you may know, Grandpa Caramello did not monger in his home country and never experienced the outrageous demands made by LBFMs in RWML. He was lucky. He limited his hymen busting missions and endless pursuit of BBBJCIM w / swallow to South East Asia and Micronesia only. This ensured that he kept his costs down, meanwhile protecting his stellar reputation back in RWML.

On the day the RWML PR visa is in the worthless passport of those Filipinas, sex suddenly stops. There is no way those old coots are getting anymore BBBJCIM w / swallow. Hahaha. She will do the best she can to speed up death or divorce.True. Grandpa Caramello was sagacious as he was wily. He never fell for a relationship with one of those LBFMs with marvelous BBBJCIMWS skills, remaining a confirmed bachelor all his long life. In Brisbane and Oz at large, he curated an impeccable reputation as a kindly old grandfather handing out his favorite treats. He would occasionally promise one of his extremely attractive Southeast Asian or Micronesian conquests marriage in return for busting her hymen but he would vanish from her bed during the wee hours of the morning without leaving behind any trace of his existence beyond the cream pie in her pussy. He was a true master and legend to the game. RIP! Legend!

05-11-20, 03:19
You guys should team up and write comic books. There might be a new market for an adult series of cartoons. Maybe start a thread to suggest the name of the first episode.

05-11-20, 11:45
It seems that this area of the ISG has become an area of either jealousy because the old guys can still enjoy life or a platform to criticize anyone that doesn't bow down to a couple of posters. There are many of us that have been all over the world and don't really care what your one sided opinions are. Also these older guys that you seem to want to constantly rib also don't give a damn about what you have to say. Everyone will get old and die. If you think there is a threshold where a man that has money should stop enjoying himself then you should bow down to the so called masters of the internet as it has yet to be determined. That old guy with the young Filipina has been through more shit than you can even imagine and if you have a problem with it then maybe you should find another hobby. This board has been to help fellow mongers not to be a judgmental platform where a few people decide what is best for everybody. We have all traveled and we have all been laid. Lets get back to that and stop worrying about what someone else is doing.

Engine Driver
05-11-20, 12:53
You guys should team up and write comic books. There might be a new market for an adult series of cartoons. Maybe start a thread to suggest the name of the first episode.I assume you are referring to GE and RK. Their banter can be rather comical at times.

D Cups
05-11-20, 14:24
You guys should team up and write comic books. There might be a new market for an adult series of cartoons. Maybe start a thread to suggest the name of the first episode.Yes, the Adventures of Trainwreck and Reacharound.

Wicked Roger
05-11-20, 20:49
I assume you are referring to GE and RK. Their banter can be rather comical at times.What banter ED. There 'banter' is based on years of living the country and is useful for newbies who care to really understand issues etc. Now CM and ED 'banter' is purile, childish, meaningless drivel mostly.

As Beavis said stop being jealous, drive you train in the outback and as Beavis quoted.

'That old guy with the young Filipina has been through more shit than you can even imagine and if you have a problem with it then maybe you should find another hobby. This board has been to help fellow mongers not to be a judgmental platform where a few people decide what is best for everybody. We have all travelled and we have all been laid. Lets get back to that and stop worrying about what someone else is doing.'

05-11-20, 22:29
As Beavis said stop being jealous, drive you train in the outback and as Beavis quoted.Am I included in that as well? I know I'm jealous as hell, stuck here in suburbia reading about the few guys imprisoned in paradise and fending off eager maidens like your Barbie girl. 😁.

Very nice tatas indeed.

Take care. G.

05-12-20, 03:22
You guys should team up and write comic books. There might be a new market for an adult series of cartoons. Maybe start a thread to suggest the name of the first episode.Comic books! These knowledgeable and experienced mongers should just go write policies and law for the Philippines. President Duterte should fire his staff and hire these geniuses as his cr kitchen cabinet.

Engine Driver
05-12-20, 04:05
Comic books! These knowledgeable and experienced mongers should just go write policies and law for the Philippines. President Duterte should fire his staff and hire these geniuses as his cr kitchen cabinet.Unfortunately humor, sarcasm and wit is lost on many mongers. Let's not even try reading between the lines! Even when a person pays a compliment for good photos, another monger takes that as an insult! Hahaha.

Wicked Roger
05-12-20, 08:00
Am I included in that as well? I know I'm jealous as hell, stuck here in suburbia reading about the few guys imprisoned in paradise and fending off eager maidens like your Barbie girl. 😁.

Very nice tatas indeed.

Take care. G.No Goffering. I can sympathise but the fact is few girls are willing to go out, those that are allowed get a ECQ pass to allow it and if they do get the pass there are taxis / no jeepneys etc. I know this first hand.

So you can be Cebu near Ayala and Barbie can't visit you. Hence they are trying web cams instead as many are getting desperate for cash.

Yes very nice perky tatas.

Radical Guy
05-12-20, 15:39
I have a round trip ticket for a 2-week trip from the US to the Philippines, arriving in Manila on June 15. Any thoughts on how likely it will be that the 14-day quarantine requirement will be lifted by then?


05-12-20, 16:33
I have a round trip ticket for a 2-week trip from the US to the Philippines, arriving in Manila on June 15. Any thoughts on how likely it will be that the 14-day quarantine requirement will be lifted by then?

RG.Some of the posters here have speculated that PH won't be open until 2021. Some are saying earliest will be September, 2020.

I will go on record that no one has any real idea of when because even PH officials don't know when.

I am not aware of any 14 day quarantine requirement in effect now. However there might be one or might not be one or dependant on which country you are coming from or have been in.

05-12-20, 17:16
Some of the posters here have speculated that PH won't be open until 2021. Some are saying earliest will be September, 2020.

I will go on record that no one has any real idea of when because even PH officials don't know when.

I am not aware of any 14 day quarantine requirement in effect now. However there might be one or might not be one or dependant on which country you are coming from or have been in.No, we do not have a clue but we are fairly comfortable guessing that PH response will be less effective than say, Vietnam.

So I would expect to take longer than most countries.

And if it happens soon you will be risking your life most likely.

Radical Guy
05-12-20, 18:29
No, we do not have a clue but we are fairly comfortable guessing that PH response will be less effective than say, Vietnam.

So I would expect to take longer than most countries.

And if it happens soon you will be risking your life most likely.I'm not concerned about risks of the virus itself. Life always has its risks. But I AM concerned about flying to Manila, then being required to sit around in some quarantine center for 14 days, which is the duration of my planned trip. As of a couple of days ago, it appears that ALL international arrivals are required to be tested and quarantined for at least 14 days, regardless of test result.


05-12-20, 18:45
I have a round trip ticket for a 2-week trip from the US to the Philippines, arriving in Manila on June 15. Any thoughts on how likely it will be that the 14-day quarantine requirement will be lifted by then?

RG.I checked with several airlines. They all said you are more likely to be quarantined for 2 weeks in Philippines. It is not your choice to self quarantine. Strict quarantine means absolutely no contact with anybody. Food will be brought in. After quarantine you are allowed to go wherever you want.

At the moment all incoming to USA are to be quarantined for 2 weeks irrespective of where you went. Sone US airlines are positioning themselves to start international flights as soon as this requirement is lifted because there will be no demand otherwise.

So in your case better to drop your two week vacation and stay home. Even if you get tested and proven negative does not mean anything. It takes roughly 7-10 days to show symptoms and also you could end up as a carrier with no symptoms. No country is going to take a risk on a foreigner infecting their people even if it is already spreading rampant in their community.

05-12-20, 22:46
Unfortunately humor, sarcasm and wit is lost on many mongers. Let's not even try reading between the lines! Even when a person pays a compliment for good photos, another monger takes that as an insult! Hahaha.My greatest beef recently has been the level of moderation. It seems any contributor with an opinion now has their posts delayed by a few days and then they suddenly appear a few pages back, totally loosing the flow of a conversation.

I'm not interested in a board full of spam and personal attacks but surely ALL their contributions don't need to be moderated FOREVER.

05-12-20, 22:51
I have a round trip ticket for a 2-week trip from the US to the Philippines, arriving in Manila on June 15. Any thoughts on how likely it will be that the 14-day quarantine requirement will be lifted by then?

RG.Wouldn't you be better off going to Thailand?

Radical Guy
05-12-20, 23:12
Wouldn't you be better off going to Thailand?Nope, not an option for me. I guess I'll have to wait.


Wicked Roger
05-12-20, 23:33
I have a round trip ticket for a 2-week trip from the US to the Philippines, arriving in Manila on June 15. Any thoughts on how likely it will be that the 14-day quarantine requirement will be lifted by then?

RG.As I said before some people are dreaming. The ECQ in Manila has been extended to end May I think and the 14 day rule is in place. But why would any country allow anyone from the USA into their country when it clearly has no clue how to contain and manage the virus. I would be very cautious about your ticket, have the flight checked, your quarantine if any checked and then get a refund. Holiday at home so COVID 19 is contained in the USA (I see the treasury Sec has been pushing this idea).

Am sure you can get a refund of the ticket. Have you booked hotels as some I know find it harder to get a refund from them (some have lost their pre paid reservation with no refund).

And can you imagine a local monitoring facility with food brought to you in Manila? Bilibid maybe fun LOL. If you must risk your life OK as it is your life but don't risk other RG and stay away as visitors from the USA should be 'persuaded' from travelling anywhere for 12 months IMHO until there are adults in charge who can follow science not self interest.

05-13-20, 00:36
I'm not concerned about risks of the virus itself. Life always has its risks. But I AM concerned about flying to Manila, then being required to sit around in some quarantine center for 14 days, which is the duration of my planned trip. As of a couple of days ago, it appears that ALL international arrivals are required to be tested and quarantined for at least 14 days, regardless of test result.

https://www.philippineairlines.com/en/aboutus/newsandevents/advisory-covid19-10may20-57Virus situation is still about 200-300 daily w about half in Manila.

They have not resumed any international commercial flights yet so your trip is still anybody's guess.

14 days quarantine is the norm now regardless of test result at the airport for international flights arrivals for most countries.

That puts your 14 day trip almost nil on mongering if flights go ahead. Even if you are able to extend your trip, will ECQ will be lifted in Manila? As it is being extended till end of May as for now. ECQ means no visitors at hotels which is a death blow to mongering.

If I were you, I would just try and get a refund for air tickets and plan another trip when flights and restrictions situation are clear and announced that is if you are still interested then.

And armed w girl contacts as the entertainment outlets are not likely to be resumed or as per before anytime soon.

Not a good time to come mongering in philipines for a couple of months at least.

I m in the philipines for a few months now, and since the ECQ came into effect, was lucky to rent a live in GF, GCQ will be effected in my area in a few days and hopefully more options then.

05-13-20, 00:52
Some of the posters here have speculated that PH won't be open until 2021. Some are saying earliest will be September, 2020.

I will go on record that no one has any real idea of when because even PH officials don't know when.

I am not aware of any 14 day quarantine requirement in effect now. However there might be one or might not be one or dependant on which country you are coming from or have been in.Why would the Phills have a 14 day quarantine period already for visitors when visitation is not allowed, as per the countries that are far more advanced in the covid 19 fight they have all insisted on 14 day quarantine for visitors and even returning residents, why would the Phills be any different.

Unless you are a ph official yourself how would you know that the ph officials do not have an exit plan already or exit date already in place.

Wicked Roger
05-13-20, 02:45
Why would the Phills have a 14 day quarantine period already for visitors when visitation is not allowed, as per the countries that are far more advanced in the covid 19 fight they have all insisted on 14 day quarantine for visitors and even returning residents, why would the Phills be any different.

Unless you are a ph official yourself how would you know that the ph officials do not have an exit plan already or exit date already in place.I liked this one from Margarita Station. Simply put on the first line LOL.


This will deter most mongers I am sure more so the 10 day ones. The quarantine is becoming the new norm so we should expect it and plan for a month vacation in the Philippines and maybe more 14 days in isolation (but possibly a 5 star hotel as in some places) when we return.

05-13-20, 04:26
See its gone already. New money must start to flow again soon. Lets get this full open by Sept. And party.

Surplus cash! President Duterte is having lots of trouble finding the actual surplus cash. Surplus cash and emergency funds on the books is one thing as they found with Typhoon Yolanda.

When funds are distributed there is quite a shrinkage factor.For almost 2 months since lockdowns started here, there was no cash for the locals. Various Brgy were giving small amounts of various food types (more on that in another post). Then out of the blue a few days ago, with little notification, various Brgy were told to report to a single brgy for disbursement of "Amelioration Program" monies, cash. More than a dozen brgy were serviced each night, several nights running. Thousands queued up each night for a p6 k cash-in-hand pickup. Prior to this, I heard locals deny the existence of the program: "Its a fake. They never will give". A Brgy captain tells me that there are other programs running, and more money coming from a different program. A number of Brgy captains were wandering the street at the time with a loudspeaker, saying their people they could ignore the curfew and get in later that night if they were still in line waiting for their money. On of our front desk concierge told me the line was still long at 12:30 am.

05-13-20, 06:24
Mr Matt Hancock Secretary of State for Health and Social Care in the UK has just announced that travel abroad for UK residents will not be allowed this year at all, expect similar from most 1st world nations.

As many have said pinay pussy remains off limits to most till 2021 if extremely lucky, back to porn hub for non phills residents.

Wicked Roger
05-13-20, 07:27
.various Brgy were told to report to a single brgy for disbursement of "Amelioration Program" monies, cash.

Thousands queued up each night for a p6 k cash-in-hand pickup.
On of our front desk concierge told me the line was still long at 12:30 am.This is true Westie as was sent a photo yesterday of a lady queuing all day to obtain this. Plus rice, tins of tuna and hot dogs. Issue is as I said somewhere is not all are given if ask. Those with son / daughter as an OFW have been refused, same for those married to a foreigner and living overseas. The assumption is they are rich enough and can afford (not true as many OFWs are unemployed now).

Also I was told the PHP 6 k sometimes was less. I wonder why?

Red Kilt
05-13-20, 09:25
The cases keep going up especially in Manila.

05-13-20, 10:50
Keep in mind how many americans claim that COVID is a hoax. At least British and Spaniards have an almost as incompetent government but most people realize this is a real issue.

In any case this may be moot as I will not be surprised if this thing hits hard again in October.

Let see.

As I said before some people are dreaming. The ECQ in Manila has been extended to end May I think and the 14 day rule is in place. But why would any country allow anyone from the USA into their country when it clearly has no clue how to contain and manage the virus. I would be very cautious about your ticket, have the flight checked, your quarantine if any checked and then get a refund. Holiday at home so COVID 19 is contained in the USA (I see the treasury Sec has been pushing this idea).

Am sure you can get a refund of the ticket. Have you booked hotels as some I know find it harder to get a refund from them (some have lost their pre paid reservation with no refund).

And can you imagine a local monitoring facility with food brought to you in Manila? Bilibid maybe fun LOL. If you must risk your life OK as it is your life but don't risk other RG and stay away as visitors from the USA should be 'persuaded' from travelling anywhere for 12 months IMHO until there are adults in charge who can follow science not self interest.

Roll Aides
05-13-20, 20:03
Unless you are a ph official yourself how would you know that the ph officials do not have an exit plan already or exit date already in place.On Tuesday, presidential spokesman Harry Roque Jr. Announced that as of May 15, 37 provinces and 11 cities previously under ECQ or GCQ would be downgraded to low-risk areas, under no quarantine all. Yesterday, after receiving protests and petitions to extend quarantines from governors and mayors, this decision was reversed. Also, Francisco Duque, the Secretary of Health, admitted that he might have signed the IATF Resolution 35 without complete knowledge on the impact of the lifting of quarantine in affected areas. The IATF then walked back the declaration, and announced that said low-risk areas would be under "Modified General Community Quarantine", which is something they just made up, and which they have not issued any guidelines to the LGUs for, but apparently intend to. Later.

Now, I certainly do not know anyone on the IATF, but I do know a fucking shitshow when I see one, and I would be perfectly happy to wager any amount of San Miguel Pilsen that no, they do not, in fact, have either an exit plan or exit date already in place.

05-13-20, 20:48

05-13-20, 22:07
Mr Matt Hancock Secretary of State for Health and Social Care in the UK has just announced that travel abroad for UK residents will not be allowed this year at all, expect similar from most 1st world nations.

As many have said pinay pussy remains off limits to most till 2021 if extremely lucky, back to porn hub for non phils residents.Australia chief medical officer also is using the one year time. It's impossible to put a date as no one knows the progress of the virus.

Now, why do you say pinay pussy is off the menu? Today, I'm catching up with a pinay in my hometown. The game remains the same, we all just need to adapt to the new rules.

05-14-20, 00:57
Virus situation is still about 200-300 daily w about half in Manila.

They have not resumed any international commercial flights yet so your trip is still anybody's guess.

14 days quarantine is the norm now regardless of test result at the airport for international flights arrivals for most countries.

That puts your 14 day trip almost nil on mongering if flights go ahead. Even if you are able to extend your trip, will ECQ will be lifted in Manila? As it is being extended till end of May as for now. ECQ means no visitors at hotels which is a death blow to mongering.

If I were you, I would just try and get a refund for air tickets and plan another trip when flights and restrictions situation are clear and announced that is if you are still interested then.

And armed w girl contacts as the entertainment outlets are not likely to be resumed or as per before anytime soon.

Not a good time to come mongering in philipines for a couple of months at least.

I m in the philipines for a few months now, and since the ECQ came into effect, was lucky to rent a live in GF, GCQ will be effected in my area in a few days and hopefully more options then.I'm still interested in getting into PH as soon as I can. I can handle the 2 weeks quarantine as I can stay on holiday for a month or even longer if I need to. I just need to gather more info on this facility and costs. I'll wait until the end of May to see if the local quarantines will be lifted and if more info emerges.

05-14-20, 06:16
Mr Matt Hancock Secretary of State for Health and Social Care in the UK has just announced that travel abroad for UK residents will not be allowed this year at all, expect similar from most 1st world nations.

As many have said pinay pussy remains off limits to most till 2021 if extremely lucky, back to porn hub for non phills residents.Not allowed? He is reported as saying it's 'unlikely' and you cannot believe a word this guy says.

The EU are keen to open up borders for tourism.

Ryan air are planning 1000 flights per day from July 1st.

I find this optimistic but I am hoping for some travel this year. Some places are heavily reliant on tourism, for example it's 60% of Bali's GDP, so they will be keen to open up.

Kabul Guy
05-14-20, 07:10
It will be interesting to see how the prices work out for pussy here until the country opens up and supply and demand returns to normal levels. (If it ever will.).

One would think fewer mongers chasing the same pussy supply will result in a price drop. You may also get more pussy on offer as people in normal jobs will be forced to rely on the pussy proceeds of family members.

However since this is the Philippines the logic may be I used to get 2000 a night on 4 nights a week for 8000 a week. Now I am only getting fucked once a week so I need to charge 8000.

I suspect that we will see some hardened pro's used to getting the 8 k a week trying to charge that for one night a week but will also get regular girls turning semi pro and going for 1000 or less.

I am currently chatting to a girl next town over and she will come over as soon as ECQ ends on Saturday. I'll offer 500 plus 500 for travel costs and see if she accepts.

I have dropped a local girl whop can come even during ECQ because she was asking 6000.

05-14-20, 09:27
It will be interesting to see how the prices work out for pussy here until the country opens up and supply and demand returns to normal levels. (If it ever will.).

One would think fewer mongers chasing the same pussy supply will result in a price drop. You may also get more pussy on offer as people in normal jobs will be forced to rely on the pussy proceeds of family members.

However since this is the Philippines the logic may be I used to get 2000 a night on 4 nights a week for 8000 a week. Now I am only getting fucked once a week so I need to charge 8000.

I suspect that we will see some hardened pro's used to getting the 8 k a week trying to charge that for one night a week but will also get regular girls turning semi pro and going for 1000 or less.

I am currently chatting to a girl next town over and she will come over as soon as ECQ ends on Saturday. I'll offer 500 plus 500 for travel costs and see if she accepts.

I have dropped a local girl whop can come even during ECQ because she was asking 6000.This is no different to a Tinder princess quoting me 15 k during normal times. Those that have the cash to last through hard times can wait for the odd sucker to pass by. However, those that have bills to pay but no reserves will grasp anything.

I'm not in country but, from the messages I'm getting, I'd expect it would not be too hard for a resident to find some fun for a roof over her head and three squares until the hoards return.

Enjoy. G.

05-14-20, 12:13
Not allowed? He is reported as saying it's 'unlikely' and you cannot believe a word this guy says.

The EU are keen to open up borders for tourism.

Ryan air are planning 1000 flights per day from July 1st.

I find this optimistic but I am hoping for some travel this year. Some places are heavily reliant on tourism, for example it's 60% of Bali's GDP, so they will be keen to open up.Well lets see here, the covid 19 pandemic has cost the world multiple billions of dollars in the few weeks we have known about it and is for sure going to cost multiple billions of dollars more till a cure is found.

Do you honestly think that countries are willing to open up their borders for the small amount of dollars tourism brings in and risk a second pandemic costing further multiple billions of dollars and maybe the collapse of many countries entire economy.

Maybe blue balls is clouding your judgement a touch dear fellow.

05-14-20, 13:42
Hi KabulGuy, long time no see.

I was thinking along these lines actually. We must have been to the same economics school.

The "reverse elasticity thinking" is not exclusive to PI of course, I have seen it in action in Thailand and in the UAE. A little bit similar to all those "real estate prices only go up" and the only way for them to move out is through inflation, something I am confident the PI will do.

I think the most interesting aspect will be the part-timers, I would expect a large number of girls trying to complement their income and they will not have the same expectations hardcoded. Same for the new wave of pros.

But for the old ones, it will be tough I personally would avoid them as the chances of high-prices and poor service are really high.


It will be interesting to see how the prices work out for pussy here until the country opens up and supply and demand returns to normal levels. (If it ever will.).

One would think fewer mongers chasing the same pussy supply will result in a price drop. You may also get more pussy on offer as people in normal jobs will be forced to rely on the pussy proceeds of family members.

However since this is the Philippines the logic may be I used to get 2000 a night on 4 nights a week for 8000 a week. Now I am only getting fucked once a week so I need to charge 8000.

I suspect that we will see some hardened pro's used to getting the 8 k a week trying to charge that for one night a week but will also get regular girls turning semi pro and going for 1000 or less.

I am currently chatting to a girl next town over and she will come over as soon as ECQ ends on Saturday. I'll offer 500 plus 500 for travel costs and see if she accepts.

I have dropped a local girl whop can come even during ECQ because she was asking 6000.

05-14-20, 16:06

05-14-20, 21:29
The "reverse elasticity thinking" is not exclusive to PI of course, I have seen it in action in Thailand and in the UAE. A little bit similar to all those "real estate prices only go up" and the only way for them to move out is through inflation, something I am confident the PI will do.
You are right in assessing the market in terms of the professionals, part timers and relationship seekers who accept cash along the way.

Professionals. Will adopt a price that makes it worthwhile. If their pussy in unused then it is better to use it to get some income greater than the marginal cost.

Part timers. It may take time for them to reduce the value of their pussy until they start wanting life's little extra luxuries.

Relationship-seekers. Are those girls hoping to find their dream life in an overseas country. They will take whatever is offered.

Do you best guys.


Wicked Roger
05-14-20, 23:52
I'm still interested in getting into PH as soon as I can. I can handle the 2 weeks quarantine as I can stay on holiday for a month or even longer if I need to. I just need to gather more info on this facility and costs. I'll wait until the end of May to see if the local quarantines will be lifted and if more info emerges.Where do you think you will quarantine? In a 5 star hotel or Boracay? And unlike other countries (such as Australia) you will pay for the quarantine.

Why don't some people read the local press more and listen to some of the mongers who live there more, before they let their blue balls do the talking and thinking. And writing on the board LOL.

Wicked Roger
05-14-20, 23:56
https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2020/05/14/dutertes-bodyguard-philippines-please-stop-offering-rewards-killing-president/He just wanted to increase his 'likes' - something many want and do stupid moronic things to try and get it. Plenty stupid people on social media who think being an influencer is a 'job' and do crazy things. Some even die for it sadly but they chose to stand on a ridge with a 5 ooo foot drop for that magical Insta photo that would boost their number of followers. Too many examples nowadays.

As for both of these morons, their salaries are small so offering that sum is plainly the sign of a stupidity. If you really want to be noticed by the President and the police then do this but I would keep my head down and try to teach my students to be intelligent.

Wicked Roger
05-15-20, 00:07
Not allowed? He is reported as saying it's 'unlikely' and you cannot believe a word this guy says.
The EU are keen to open up borders for tourism.
Ryan air are planning 1000 flights per day from July 1st.
I find this optimistic but I am hoping for some travel this year. Some places are heavily reliant on tourism, for example it's 60% of Bali's GDP, so they will be keen to open up.Wishful thinking and agree with Napa. Who would want hoards of UK citizens in their country when it is clear it is one of the worst infected countries on the plant to date. Would you fly to Italy? Indonesia? Asia? Really?


The BBC reports says OK in the UK but unlikely elsewhere – much depends if other countries allow you in, insist on mandatory quarantine (which if 14 days could ruin the holiday). The airlines need business so by saying they can ramp up flights it is done I think to put pressure on the UK government etc.

Am sure some places desperately need the cash Jingo 10 I desperately need cash so please send me LOL) but would you put cash before lives and further infections that will shut down the country again, maybe for longer than the first time? (in the USA the answer is a yes as the idiot there thinks this is sensible).

Do you honestly think that countries are willing to open up their borders for the small amount of dollars tourism brings in and risk a second pandemic costing further multiple billions of dollars and maybe the collapse of many countries entire economy.
Maybe blue balls is clouding your judgement a touch dear fellow.Well said Napa – and it is clouding a few people's judgement on the board LOL.

Jingo wherever you are go to a massage place if they are open (as not in many countries) or love yourself as it is the cheapest (and possibly only) option for many nowadays.

05-15-20, 15:32
Plenty of the unemployed girls here now that will do anything for 1000 pesos. Curfew at 8 so if she is there it's for the evening. I know one cheap ass that is getting girls that normally won't talk to him. They know he is very stingy in the rewards department but if you happen to live near some of the girls that don't have to travel trough checkpoints it is definitely a buyers market. For the future who knows but right now if you have a house / apartment / bungalow / or even a tent you can easily find company.

05-15-20, 17:12
Plenty of the unemployed girls here now that will do anything for 1000 pesos. Curfew at 8 so if she is there it's for the evening. I know one cheap ass that is getting girls that normally won't talk to him. They know he is very stingy in the rewards department but if you happen to live near some of the girls that don't have to travel trough checkpoints it is definitely a buyers market. For the future who knows but right now if you have a house / apartment / bungalow / or even a tent you can easily find company.Awesome idea. I am going to buy a tent next time I am in Manila and set up in Rizal Park. I will save all that hotel money! Breakfast at McDo. Lunch and dinner by Grab. The lineup of 18 year olds will snake through the park and across Roxas Blvd down to the US Embassy, causing traffic to be even worse than it is!

Member #4698
05-15-20, 19:57
would you put cash before lives and further infections That is an irrelevant question. The governments of the world have no choice but to end their economic lockdowns or face civil disobedience and or outright rebellion.

But which countries are actually going to open up their borders and allow foreign nationals to enter without the 14 day quarantine is another matter entirely. So for expats living in the PI, Thailand, ect the end of the lockdowns will mean good times ie lots of quality girls at bargain prices. But for punters like myself it is still too soon. I mean who in their right mind is going to fly into the PI or Thailand for a vacation or poontang if it means quarantine first? No one. So foreigners will have to just wait and see which countries decide to open their doors first. But if you ask me when will things get back to pre-Corona normal? I would tell you not until a vaccine or cure is found and widely distributed and maybe not even then. And get ready for this; there is a real possibility that a 90% to 100% effective vaccine is never found. Welcome to the Post Corona era.

But to get back to your original question; the lockdowns are going to end everywhere because they have to. There is no other choice. So take care, keep to social distancing in public places, wash your hands often, don't touch your face and if you are among the elderly or immune deficient isolate yourself as much as possible. We will get past this.

LA Street Art:

05-15-20, 21:24
Well lets see here, the covid 19 pandemic has cost the world multiple billions of dollars in the few weeks we have known about it and is for sure going to cost multiple billions of dollars more till a cure is found.

Do you honestly think that countries are willing to open up their borders for the small amount of dollars tourism brings in and risk a second pandemic costing further multiple billions of dollars and maybe the collapse of many countries entire economy.

Maybe blue balls is clouding your judgement a touch dear fellow.Your math is way off LOL.

Or you misspelled 10's of trillions.

05-15-20, 22:05
Oh man, it is really sweet to find someone so optimistic. Your trust in rationality is bringing tears to my eyes!

Your analysis would be correct for rational, financial-minded people. And in my experience less than 1 in 4 professional manager in MNC really get things like opportunity cost and pricing on contribution.

So the thing with pros is that for a very long time, in their heads, they will think that they are losing money. If they used to get paid $100 and now they are fucking for $80 because that is the going rate, many of them will consider that you are "stealing" $20 from them. And their service will suffer, buyer beware. This is something I have seen happen (in UAE and Thailand) And his is actually why I broke down my analysis the way I did.

I know you are right from a purely rational perspective but please keep in mind who you are dealing with. People are seldom as rational as we would like to think, and poor uneducated pinays are clearly not a star group!

Once this is over my advise is to stick to semi pros (whom they will see any money as real extra money, 100% gratitude) or girls with no anchoring on old prices.

Leave the seasoned pros to those who do not read this forum!

P.S. Actually, I need to take an exception. Chinese are by far the most pragmatic, business savvy I have seen. You would be totally accurate with them in my experience, but not pinoys, not russians, not thais.

You are right in assessing the market in terms of the professionals, part timers and relationship seekers who accept cash along the way.

Professionals. Will adopt a price that makes it worthwhile. If their pussy in unused then it is better to use it to get some income greater than the marginal cost.

Part timers. It may take time for them to reduce the value of their pussy until they start wanting life's little extra luxuries.

Relationship-seekers. Are those girls hoping to find their dream life in an overseas country. They will take whatever is offered.

Do you best guys.


Wicked Roger
05-16-20, 02:39
That is an irrelevant question. The governments of the world have no choice but to end their economic lockdowns or face civil disobedience and or outright rebellion.

But to get back to your original question; the lockdowns are going to end everywhere because they have to. There is no other choice. So take care, keep to social distancing in public places, wash your hands often, don't touch your face and if you are among the elderly or immune deficient isolate yourself as much as possible. We will get past this.

LA Street Art:Lockdowns will end as they have partially in Australia for example and guess what. A spike in infections. Yes the economies must keep working but in the end the deaths will rise so what is the acceptable balance. For the USA seems 90,100+k and counting is OK. For NZ this is not acceptable. For the UK they want to avoid being the worst in Europe. Brazil will the next disaster. In the USA many of the protestors are ferals / bogans / red necks who barely understand the reasons why there is a lock down.

But yes it will come and at a cost. Happy to see a rebellion as IMHO the economy will collapse and sadly millions will die as those feral will be in charge LOL. Teach them a lesson in some respects LOL.

As you said no vaccine means we need be careful and some countries will cautiously allow visitors (but some are already looking to ban f those from USA UK and some European countries) or have a 14 day quarantine both in the visiting country and return country. So you spend 4 weeks effectively in quarantine. Where has your shagging holiday disappeared to LOL.

But many people won't wash hands often, will go bars and noisy places where there are more droplets, won't distance themselves and want to see lola / lolo in the nursing home. So behaviours by many won't change despite what many are going through. Is human nature and the only way to learn the new rules maybe is to catch COVID 9 and then you may wish you listened more carefully.

05-17-20, 13:08
Some information regarding what I am seeing here during lockdown. There has been discussion on the board about what the girls (or their families) have, or are receiving. Lockdown here is approaching 8-9 weeks. My perspective is from a provincial city of several hundred thousand inhabitants, and is nowhere near the 3 big cities. The lockdown situation here allows relatively easy daytime movement (curfew continues). This information is from 4 different barangay. I have friends (and long-time regular girls) in at least 1 compound in 3 of these brgy, and I have a newer girl in the 4th. Also discussing with front desk staff, tryke drivers, etc. Have been asking about what the government is providing in the way of foods and cash, and who is working at this point and in what kind of jobs. Rundown:

Brgy 4: For each family, first delivery 1 kg rice, 2 cans beef loaf, 3 cans sardines, 5 packets noodles. Second delivery was 5 kg rice, 2 cans beef loaf, 3 cans sardines, 5 packets noodles. That last was a few weeks ago, no new delivery and no guestimate on time frame from the brgy. They were pretty unhappy until SAP and other cash, which has now run out.

Brgy 6: For each family, 5 kg rice, delivered 3 times now. No canned meat or fish or noodles. I know the Captain in this Brgy and he confirmed that, saying he can sustain this for some time to come, however its been several weeks since a delivery. SAP monies from a week ago have been spent.

Brgy 27: For each family, first delivery was 2 kg rice, 2 cans sardines, 2 packets noodles. Second delivery 3 kg rice, 4 cans sardines, 6 packets noodles. Third delivery 5 kg rice, 8 cans sardines, 8 packets noodles. No word to the locals as to when the next delivery will be each time, deliveries seem random. SAP has been spent. Interestingly a foreigner showed up one day in this Brgy with bags of rice (2 kg), enough for 1 bag to each family. The Brgy tanod guys insisted on helping to pass it out. Nice, fella.

Brgy 19. For each family, first delivery was 3 kg rice, 2 cans meat and 3 packs noodles. Second delivery was 5 kg rice, 11 cans meat, 5 packs noodles. Waiting another delivery. This Brgy was in the last group to receive SAP, which was quickly spent.

Regarding cash. SAP monies distributed a week ago over several nights (have not talked to any family who did not receive the full P6 k). Locals told me that there are conditional requirements to receive the SAP, such as: Low-income qualification, and no OFW in the family. Another program that provides sporadic money to those families with kids in school (before and during lockdown) is ongoing.

Regarding work and income. Another gent on the board, Napa I think, mentioned his furloughed employees receiving salary. Good guy NS. Can not find anyone here who knows of anyone who is lucky enough to be in that boat. Almost everyone in all 4 of those brgy is out of work, there is no income when not working. Many of them who (previously) went outside the brgy for work are construction guys (no pay while off work). Two girls and one guy in brgy 27 I know are employed working in malls, in kiosks making and selling food for vendors you've seen before; they are not receiving any salary while the malls are closed. Someone also mentioned they grow vegetables, but I don't know of any patch of ground being used for a garden in any of those brgy (they are densely populated places). OTOH, there are plenty of chickens running about, and the occasional pig. Others have turned to working inside the brgy: One lady previously had a biz selling food in her compound for breakfast as students and trabajadoros going to school or work, but that petered out when everyone stopped schooling or lost work and had no money. She shifted gears and started making masks and sells them on the outside to a wholesaler who sells them in a market. She is pleased with the progress.

Malls recently re-opened, partially. Department and clothing stores, and a handful of restaurants for takeout. They have just a handful of employees inside (as few as one employee that is visible; a Starbucks has just 2 employees, one stands outside to take orders, then walks them inside one order at a time and hands it to the second employee, who makes the drink while the first girl goes outside to take another order). And while the mall is open, only a handful of customers are ambling about not buying anything (unlike the interior grocery store which has lines of customers socially spaced). Guessing that's because few folk are working and receiving a sweldo, thus preventing a trip to the mall.

In an unscientific survey, I asked in brgy #4, #6 and #27, the following questions (also tryke drivers): 1) Before the lockdown, of all the people in your brgy employed outside the brgy (malls, stores construction, habal drivers, and other, etc), what percent lost their jobs during the lockdown? Guestimates ran 70% to "All sir". 2) Are any of those newly unemployed getting any sweldo or other benefit? This was met with guffaws and "No. There's no more driving the habal sir, because the Mayor's decree. Who will pay that guy if no customer?" Some habal drivers became fast-food delivery guys. And: "All construction stopped. No sweldo".

Since my highly-unqualified survey, I have recently noticed quite a number of times 2 people on motorcycles, which means the habal biz will be back operating soon here.

On another note, I heard people in every corner of town say something interesting: "Hope they go to Enhanced Quarantine. Then they have to give foods to all. They won't do it because they can not afford it".

On a last note, based on my highly-unscientific survey of the several Brgy, its clear that each Brgy is spending very different amounts of money per family, which leads the locals to suspect that their Brgy office is corrupt. The people in Brgy 27 live across the street from Brgy 29, they easily compare handouts.

Engine Driver
05-17-20, 13:09
What banter ED. There 'banter' is based on years of living the country and is useful for newbies who care to really understand issues etc. Now CM and ED 'banter' is purile, childish, meaningless drivel mostly.

As Beavis said stop being jealous, drive you train in the outback and as Beavis quoted.

'That old guy with the young Filipina has been through more shit than you can even imagine and if you have a problem with it then maybe you should find another hobby. This board has been to help fellow mongers not to be a judgmental platform where a few people decide what is best for everybody. We have all travelled and we have all been laid. Lets get back to that and stop worrying about what someone else is doing.'You just to have accept reality. No one is travelling anywhere for the next 2 years, especially not to Flipsville. Governments in rich countries aren't just going to let their people travel to shit hole countries and risk further destroying their home economies upon the return of the old monger. The closest geriatrics on this board are ever going to get to LBFMs is through firing up their cum stained lap tops and watching reruns of Trike Patrol. To add to the excitement, some mongers who are into S & M might politely ask their moms to tie for them their favourite pink mouth gag ball.

In RWML, those who still have jobs and an income, have plenty of options. No need for travel.

05-17-20, 14:15
I have noticed Requests for money picking up. Usually more in the form of please help and I will send photos or videos. I did help one girl with a small amount and just said she can pay back in services if I return. If anyone needs some picks or videos I'm happy to give numbers and you can make your own arrangements. I have a couple of girls that send me these whether I want them or not!

Wicked Roger
05-18-20, 00:15
On a last note, based on my highly-unscientific survey of the several Brgy, its clear that each Brgy is spending very different amounts of money per family, which leads the locals to suspect that their Brgy office is corrupt. The people in Brgy 27 live across the street from Brgy 29, they easily compare handouts.Nice FR Westie.

Your last sentence is very true based on my unscientific survey with my friends etc. The OFW is a problem as they say as family has an OFW in their ranks they are rich thus no hand out. But not so as the OFW has no job, huge debts and can't send cash home. This is a cause of frustration for many I know.

As for Brgy officials being corrupt. Nothing new after all (we both know this). All those I spoke with say the same, some were even getting half of the SAP they were supposed to (some have now filed complaints and contacted Manila / President office to complain there is a PHP 30 k reward for each person who can prove corrupt Brgy officials. So far I read 183 cases! Some we getting 25% ! This does not surprise me.

Such is this country where pinoy will dump and s**t on pinoy easily. I know in some cities (Davao) it is better but am sure in the provinces there is a lot more corruption etc.

Have fun in lockdown (but no plum photos LOL).

05-18-20, 00:58
You just to have accept reality. No one is travelling anywhere for the next 2 years, especially not to Flipsville. Pop quiz:

If a monger swims from RWML at 2 mph and a bar girl catches a trike from home at 25 mph when will they meet?

Bonus points for calculating the hotel where the deal is consumated.


Chocha Monger
05-18-20, 01:36
You just to have accept reality. No one is travelling anywhere for the next 2 years, especially not to Flipsville. Governments in rich countries aren't just going to let their people travel to shit hole countries and risk further destroying their home economies upon the return of the old monger. The closest geriatrics on this board are ever going to get to LBFMs is through firing up their cum stained lap tops and watching reruns of Trike Patrol. To add to the excitement, some mongers who are into S & M might politely ask their moms to tie for them their favourite pink mouth gag ball.

In RWML, those who still have jobs and an income, have plenty of options. No need for travel.Harboring false hope of a swift return to the relentless pursuit of bareback cum-in-pussy with LBFMs will only lead to greater despair for sex tourists. Their hobby is just not that important to governments and mainstream society. In fact, some may see this as an opportunity to stamp out sex tourism where many do-gooder NGOs failed in the past. A simple two-week quarantine will eliminate any possibility of a visit to Flipsville for BBFSCIP for the majority of habitual sex tourists from Australia, Europe, and North America.

Furthermore, the viral pandemic wiped out the hotel and airline infrastructure that made cheap long-haul visits to Flipsville for bargain BBFSCIP possible. The future costs to arrive in Flipsville and consume the services of LBFMs will be cost prohibitive on a per unit basis for most mongers.

05-18-20, 03:15
Lockdowns will end as they have partially in Australia for example and guess what. A spike in infections. Yes the economies must keep working but in the end the deaths will rise so what is the acceptable balance. Governments realise that it will be impossible to completely eradicate the virus. The best they can hope for is to minimise it to a level the existing health system can cope with.

05-18-20, 21:54
Harboring false hope of a swift return to the relentless pursuit of bareback cum-in-pussy with LBFMs will only lead to greater despair for sex tourists. Their hobby is just not that important to governments and mainstream society. In fact, some may see this as an opportunity to stamp out sex tourism where many do-gooder NGOs failed in the past. A simple two-week quarantine will eliminate any possibility of a visit to Flipsville for BBFSCIP for the majority of habitual sex tourists from Australia, Europe, and North America.

Furthermore, the viral pandemic wiped out the hotel and airline infrastructure that made cheap long-haul visits to Flipsville for bargain BBFSCIP possible. The future costs to arrive in Flipsville and consume the services of LBFMs will be cost prohibitive on a per unit basis for most mongers.It is not a false hope. For many countries opening the country to allow people not necessarily mongers but businessmen, gamblers, tourists etc. Otherwise economy will collapse. All the countries economies are intertwined. You can count on your fingers countries which can support their economies without outside help. Even a hermit country like North Korea is dependent wholly on China. There is no way they can block Chinese businessmen coming.

For Philippines OFW income, business with China, USA and other countries is very important. Mongering income is negligible as for government. It only helps girls, restaurants, hotels in Angeles city. It is mostly cash economy and hardly any tax is paid to government.

Even with the uncertainties of the risk all are gearing up to get back to pre covid era. It will be done before economy is wrecked beyond repair irrespective of the human cost. In spite of all the relaxation and flights it is anybody's guess if people take the risk and do all the things like before.

Yes, it is true BBFSCIP is exclusively available in Philippines without much effort. Very few other countries it is possible these days. Even mongers are likely to stay away for a while.

05-19-20, 13:02
My view for some time now has been that a lot of people are catching Covid at least here in the big cities such as Cebu but that the vast majority of cases are asymptomatic. Cebu City Mayor essentially confirmed that today saying that they are finding 95% asymptomatic and a true Case Fatality rate of around 0. 1% in Cebu. The major reason is likely to be the very low number of elderly here 5% over 65 CF 16% US, 18% in UK and 23% in Italy. If you look at the 75 yr+ age group where the casualty rates start to get quite high the disparity is even greater.

IMHO Vitamin the deficiency is also an important factor in this disease which is what has been found in Indonesia, which seems to be the only country that has bothered to take the Vit the data. Of course back in Europe and the US people have been scratching their heads as to why so many of those with dark skins are dieing and resolutely ignoring the Vit the deficiency factor (because dark skins are slow at absorbing / metabolizing Vit the as they are optimised fro sunnier climes.

If the Cebu data is verified. And they are talking about completing a 50 k person test in the next few days, it will put tremendous pressure to lift the lock downs.

05-19-20, 21:58
Does anyone know how to use transferwise?

Usa to PI.

I don't have a PI bank acct, do I need one.

I paid for a acr card in 2019 but they never had it when I went to immigration to pick it up.

Any suggestions?

Many thanks.

05-20-20, 00:06
Does anyone know how to use transferwise?

Usa to PI.

I don't have a PI bank acct, do I need one.

I paid for a acr card in 2019 but they never had it when I went to immigration to pick it up.

Any suggestions?

Many thanks.Don't know from usa but from France I use western Union, no need to have a bank there, they get the money based on a code you give to the recipient, and your real name also.

05-20-20, 00:45
Does anyone know how to use transferwise?

Usa to PI.

I don't have a PI bank acct, do I need one.

I paid for a acr card in 2019 but they never had it when I went to immigration to pick it up.

Any suggestions?

Many thanks.Transferwise is very efficient and has great rates but you do need a bank account to transfer from and to. You can only send from an account in the name that of the TW account holder but the recipient can be anyone in pretty much any currency.

They do offer a debit card with good rates for purchases. Cash ATM withdrawals are very limited, $300 a month from memory.

To do a transfer just down load the app, set the ammount and currency, and key in the destination recipient and account.

Transfers from civilisation to SEA are typicially 2 or 3 days.

Enjoy. G.

Chocha Monger
05-20-20, 01:57
Sheeesh. If you dislike Messrs Reacharound's and Trainwreck's creative masterpieces so much, why do you so effortlessly keep falling into their trap? Every single time! Sheeesh. LOL.

Sarcasm, acerbic wit and humor is lost on many mongers. LOL.The man is obviously an avid fan of Messrs Reacharound and Trainwreck. He never misses an edition of their creative masterpieces.

05-20-20, 13:03
Transferwise is very efficient and has great rates but you do need a bank account to transfer from and to. You can only send from an account in the name that of the TW account holder but the recipient can be anyone in pretty much any currency.

They do offer a debit card with good rates for purchases. Cash ATM withdrawals are very limited, $300 a month from memory.

To do a transfer just down load the app, set the ammount and currency, and key in the destination recipient and account.

Transfers from civilisation to SEA are typicially 2 or 3 days.

Enjoy. G.Vote +1 for TransferWise.

The ATM fees are higher than some cards but the exchange rate and convenience is so good.

If anyone wants a sign-up bonus of a free transfer, I can send a link.

05-20-20, 13:25
Transferwise is very efficient and has great rates but you do need a bank account to transfer from and to. You can only send from an account in the name that of the TW account holder but the recipient can be anyone in pretty much any currency.

They do offer a debit card with good rates for purchases. Cash ATM withdrawals are very limited, $300 a month from memory.

To do a transfer just down load the app, set the ammount and currency, and key in the destination recipient and account.

Transfers from civilisation to SEA are typicially 2 or 3 days.

Enjoy. G.But western Union is not working from US?

05-20-20, 22:12
But western Union is not working from US?I don't know. I've never used Western Union.

Perhaps others can answer.

The benefit of most of the remittance companies is that the recipient doesn't need a bank account to access the money. But they charge accordingly.


Wicked Roger
05-21-20, 00:02
I don't know. I've never used Western Union.

Perhaps others can answer.

The benefit of most of the remittance companies is that the recipient doesn't need a bank account to access the money. But they charge accordingly.

G.Western Union can ask a lot of questions about the sender being a US company that can be seen as intrusive (eg place of work, pay slips, passport etc).

Other similar online remittance web sites include Worldremit which is less stringent and is similar Transferwise.

05-21-20, 00:41
I don't know. I've never used Western Union.

Perhaps others can answer.

The benefit of most of the remittance companies is that the recipient doesn't need a bank account to access the money. But they charge accordingly.

G.Thanks, yes with WU you have a xfer cost but then they can get the money instantly in any WU office or desk, only need for receiver is card, transaction number and name of sender.

05-21-20, 06:04
Vote +1 for TransferWise.

The ATM fees are higher than some cards but the exchange rate and convenience is so good.

If anyone wants a sign-up bonus of a free transfer, I can send a link.+2 for TransferWise. I use it on my phone all the time to transfer money from my USA bank account to my Thailand bank account. At first I was not pleased with the TransferWise results because I need to make sure the transfer shows up as a "Foreign Transfer" on my Thai bank account statement/pass book for the purpose of meeting the 65,000 baht per month income requirement to maintain a retirement visa. The money must provably come from outside of Thailand. But my first couple of transfers with them only showed up on my statetment/pass book as a "bank transfer." Not good enough.

Then I played with the options and discovered if I use the "Bank Debit (ACH)" option to make the transfer (sometimes referred to as "Direct Debit (ACH)" option on the mobile app I think) and choose to have it sent in USD to be converted into THB here on arrival, it did show up as a "FTT" (Foreign Transfer) on my Thai bank statement/pass book.

A $1,000 USD transfer costs about $15 USD, which they take out of the money being transferred, not from your originating bank account. And even if I don't initiate a transfer on the app with my smartphone until as late as 11:30PM, the money will show up in my Thai bank account around 2:05PM on the very next business day.

05-21-20, 14:18
Thanks, yes with WU you have a xfer cost but then they can get the money instantly in any WU office or desk, only need for receiver is card, transaction number and name of sender.The money made in these transactions is usually in the rate spread and not so much the fees. Always compare the rates. In some place WU is good others TW is better in terms of dollars received vs dollars paid.

05-22-20, 07:44
Since Olongapo went to GCQ a lot of things seem to be getting closer to returning to normal. The virus hasn't gone away but at some point the powers that be are going to have to decide to either open the country back up and let the virus run it's course or watch people starve and deal with the chaos that goes along with it. The Philippine Government cannot afford to provide enough resources to sustain the people for a long time. They are near the end now and there are not enough humanitarian groups to pick up the slack. It's anyone's guess but from what I am seeing I predict that everything is going to be open much sooner than expected. Again these are opinions only and I have nothing to back it up other than my daily observations. I guess we will see but many local businesses have already said they will not reopen so eventually a big decision is going to have to be made.

Kabul Guy
05-22-20, 07:56

The Philippine Government cannot afford to provide enough resources to sustain the people for a long time. They are near the end now and there are not enough humanitarian groups to pick up the slack. It's anyone's guess but from what I am seeing I predict that everything is going to be open much sooner than expected.

...I am thinking it will be a gradual opening, we will still see lots of things that will be closed, especially the high risk things like sports events, wide open inter island and international travel, bars and other similar venues will have social distancing restrictions maintained.

It will not stop it but might slow it down enough to flatten the curve so that they can control the speed at which it spreads while at the same time generating some income and production to keep the people going.

I fear a complete social breakdown more than I fear the virus. At least with the virus I can isolate myself as much as possible. With social breakdown I cannot stop myself from being the target of the crowd should they decide to see how much cash the white guy has.

Big Fun
05-22-20, 12:27
I'm an occasional contributor, but wanted to give my advice on sending money to RP. I am currently just outside the Capital region under MCQ.

Western Union: It's easy for a friend to pick up money; however, I think the exchange rates at WU are very poor. If you add on the service fee, it can be quite a chunk. One option is that you can send the money in USD. Your friend can pick it up and then exchange at a competitive money changer. I have used a large WU office in Makati where they can do this. Your friend should ask before the money is sent whether that is OK.

Worldremit: This is what I currently do directly from my computer. The exchange rates are much better than WU. But your friend needs a bank account. If your friend is a regular friend or more, then you are doing them a favor by suggesting they open a bank account.

The situation: It turns out that RP has the longest lock down of any country worldwide. But if you look at the numbers (worldometer), RP has not been hit very hard. Yesterday there were four deaths in a country of 100,000,000. Compare that to North America or Europe. Total deaths have been about 850 --maybe some undercount, because technology is not well developed here. Every year, 70,000 people here die from pneumonia. Make your own conclusions. Sadly, I think the lock down will be very devastating for many Filipinos. Think of the street sweepers, taxi drivers, waitresses, hotel room cleaners etc who help make your visit so enjoyable.

Reopening: Given the gov't attitude on lockdown, I don't think we will see bars and clubs opening anytime soon. I could be wrong. I expect many will go out of business.

Only positive when the strict lockdown comes on June 1 (we hope) is that hotels and domestic flights appear to be rock bottom. So I'm here.

OK, hope this is helpful.

05-22-20, 15:06
I agree but I walk every afternoon (Olongapo on GCQ now) and am seeing more and more people getting back to normal. The road crews have gone back to work trying to get a jump on the rainy season I assume. Most people still wearing masks but many aren't. Social distancing is practically out the window. Cars and scooters moving 24 hours again though not near as many. Alcohol sales have returned so a few late night parties are resuming. The cage is open and the dogs are coming out. Not like anyone is going to be successful by telling them to go back inside. This is going to be interesting for the next few weeks.

I am thinking it will be a gradual opening, we will still see lots of things that will be closed, especially the high risk things like sports events, wide open inter island and international travel, bars and other similar venues will have social distancing restrictions maintained.

It will not stop it but might slow it down enough to flatten the curve so that they can control the speed at which it spreads while at the same time generating some income and production to keep the people going.

I fear a complete social breakdown more than I fear the virus. At least with the virus I can isolate myself as much as possible. With social breakdown I cannot stop myself from being the target of the crowd should they decide to see how much cash the white guy has.

Wicked Roger
05-22-20, 17:24
I'm an occasional contributor, but wanted to give my advice on sending money to RP. I am currently just outside the Capital region under MCQ.

Worldremit: This is what I currently do directly from my computer. The exchange rates are much better than WU. But your friend needs a bank account. If your friend is a regular friend or more, then you are doing them a favor by suggesting they open a bank account..You have the option on WorldRemit to get cash pick up also Just check the drop down box as the first option it gives is bank but click on that and you 3 more options so the cuties can get via Cebuana, M Huiller and other instant cash places. They need a pass to get it if still a strict quarantine.

Not sure if this can be seen on the attached but if you look closely you see 4 options Big Fun.

Kabul Guy
05-22-20, 23:04

Worldremit: This is what I currently do directly from my computer. The exchange rates are much better than WU. But your friend needs a bank account. If your friend is a regular friend or more, then you are doing them a favor by suggesting they open a bank account.

The situation: It turns out that RP has the longest lock down of any country worldwide. But if you look at the numbers (worldometer), RP has not been hit very hard.
......I have used world remit in the past and it allows cash pickup at metrobank, LBC Pawlan Pawnshop etc.

I just signed up for Gcash, I linked my peso account and was able to send the Blow Job Queen some cash for her birthday which is today. No fees to send vs about 10% when I use world remit (part is the cash advance fee my Cdn credit card charges for using World remit services.) No issues with conversion as when I convert my USD to peso at the bank I get a very good rate.

While the stats look really good for here, we all know just how bad they are at keeping track of anything here especially something that may make them look bad. If they were that good I think that the restrictions would have relaxed more than they have, lots of people in different places still going about business as normal and lockdown enforcement has been pretty lax to say the least in many places. I am on a general Philippine discussion board and some places are reporting very severe enforcement of lock down, others almost zero enforcement.

In other words, about what you would expect for the Philippines.

05-23-20, 03:00
I have used world remit in the past and it allows cash pickup at metrobank, LBC Pawlan Pawnshop etc.

I just signed up for Gcash, I linked my peso account and was able to send the Blow Job Queen some cash for her birthday which is today. No fees to send vs about 10% when I use world remit (part is the cash advance fee my Cdn credit card charges for using World remit services.) No issues with conversion as when I convert my USD to peso at the bank I get a very good rate.I have used World Remit (the 'other' WR), WU, and other online sending. From my end, I use my bank's checking account for sending (ATM, not credit card, so I don't get hit with a cash-advance fee). From the girl's end, I send cash pickup only (I choose from the dropdown list: BDO, Cebuana, LBC, M Lhuillier, etc). The vast majority of my sends are quickly approved online (within a minute) and a control number is given, which I pass to the girl for pickup. However, as this is not a credit card transaction, on occasion my home bank holds up the process for several hours (not sure the reason why). I think the usual cost to me is about $3 USD. There is a free option for sending, if you don't mind several days delay in when your girl can pick up the money.

Member #4794
05-26-20, 07:31
Contact tracers are learning a new trade and governments across the globe are hiring teams of contact tracers. Our phones have anonymous or not so anonymous Bluetooth tracking data. They are using CCTV and extra ordinary means to track people.

What implications does this have on the mongering world? As we do, do something that is in a gray area. After this virus subsides who is to say that they will not keep on this team of contact tracers with their new found skills to keep tabs of persons of interest or create new types of extortion scams.

What would you do if confronted with a history of your bar fines this is also dereliction of the terms of most people passports. There is a line on the US passport agreement that prohibits sex tourism. What is your take on this NEW profession of contract tracers and what impact do you think it will have on this community none at all or will we have to start carrying our cellphones ins Faraday bags / blackout and wear masks and other extraordinary means to subvert these contract tracing teams? Are you taking any extra precautions due to the governments new invasions of privacy? We won't really know to What extent they will abuse their new found powers. I do feel like this has some far reaching implications that are as of yet unknown.

Kabul Guy
05-26-20, 09:34
Contact tracers are learning a new trade and governments across the globe are hiring teams of contact tracers. Our phones have anonymous or not so anonymous Bluetooth tracking data. They are using CCTV and extra ordinary means to track people.

.......One thing we learn from history, other than we don't learn from history, is that when a government uses a crisis to increase surveillance of its people, is that it never gives up this power once the threat subsides.

05-26-20, 13:58
One thing we learn from history, other than we don't learn from history, is that when a government uses a crisis to increase surveillance of its people, is that it never gives up this power once the threat subsides.Counterexample: Habeas Corpus suspended during American Civil War, temporarily.

One thing we do learn from history is that absolute statements, such as "never", do not stand up to examination.

05-30-20, 08:52
In the news:


"Flag carrier Philippine Airlines (PAL) is resuming operations of scheduled flights on selected international and domestic routes starting June 1.

In an advisory, PAL said it will operate limited international services on routes to the USA, Canada, Guam, Vietnam, mainland China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Taipei, Singapore, Japan, the UAE, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia. ".


"THE country will be transitioning into more relaxed lockdowns starting June 1, with fewer restrictions on people's movement and more outdoor activities and physical reporting to work allowed.

Most areas in the Philippines will be placed under a modified general community quarantine (MGCQ) the least strict lockdown level the starting Monday, while Metro Manila, Davao City, Region 2 (Cagayan Valley), Region 3 (Central Luzon), Region 4-A (Calabarzon consisting of Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, and Quezon), Pangasinan, and Albay will be placed under general community quarantine (GCQ). ".

05-31-20, 09:23
Contact tracers are learning a new trade and governments across the globe are hiring teams of contact tracers. Our phones have anonymous or not so anonymous Bluetooth tracking data. They are using CCTV and extra ordinary means to track people.MM, do you have a link to this tracing?

Red Kilt
05-31-20, 12:57
These are the GCQ guidelines.

Note the curfew data.

Member #4794
05-31-20, 14:09
MM, do you have a link to this tracing?They have not yet applied this to anything but COVID but after they are done with COVID these people will have learned a new terrifying skill. Some states in America have passed laws that CCTV and facial recognition cannot be used by law enforcement but as far as I know the Philippines hasn't even considered this law. I admit this is all in beta stages of development but when this system does get up and running and there is no real threat like COVID-19 and when costs for the implementation of this plummet. What do you think they are going to do with this system?








06-02-20, 09:30
Lurkers, I guess watching the US TV show "Almost Paradise" set in Mactan, Cebu PI is bringing up visions of wanderlust. I get that some of the setting of the show is fictional (there is no US Navy Base in Cebu) but wanted to know if that hotel they are shooting at is any good for lurking. I've notice some cuties in the background and I suspect those are some of the more high end types or general public but wanted to know if a trip to Mactan is going to be worth it once the PI opens up.

John Clayton
06-02-20, 17:57
Lurkers, I guess watching the US TV show "Almost Paradise" set in Mactan, Cebu PI is bringing up visions of wanderlust. I get that some of the setting of the show is fictional (there is no US Navy Base in Cebu) but wanted to know if that hotel they are shooting at is any good for lurking. I've notice some cuties in the background and I suspect those are some of the more high end types or general public but wanted to know if a trip to Mactan is going to be worth it once the PI opens up.I was there for two nights in early March. The hotels were empty because of Covid, but I got the impression that the place is pretty much 100% Korean / Japanese / Chinese. I wouldn't go there for mongering.

06-02-20, 18:19
I was there for two nights in early March. The hotels were empty because of Covid, but I got the impression that the place is pretty much 100% Korean / Japanese / Chinese. I wouldn't go there for mongering.Thanks. That combination really doesn't sound that bad. I've run across a few Japanese women on vacation and managed to connect. It's more of the talking game than the straight up pay for play. But the problem with that is they tend to run in packs and will not leave the group though you can often times get one to break off or there may be one there by themselves.

John Clayton
06-02-20, 19:24
Thanks. That combination really doesn't sound that bad. I've run across a few Japanese women on vacation and managed to connect. It's more of the talking game than the straight up pay for play. But the problem with that is they tend to run in packs and will not leave the group though you can often times get one to break off or there may be one there by themselves.Good luck. I realized only after I got there, that I'd been to Mactan Airbase previously in 1972. The island experience was different then!

06-02-20, 22:22
Lurkers, I guess watching the US TV show "Almost Paradise" set in Mactan, Cebu PI is bringing up visions of wanderlust. I get that some of the setting of the show is fictional (there is no US Navy Base in Cebu) but wanted to know if that hotel they are shooting at is any good for lurking. I've notice some cuties in the background and I suspect those are some of the more high end types or general public but wanted to know if a trip to Mactan is going to be worth it once the PI opens up.Those hotties in the background are paid extras.

After only watching the trailer I cannot see any correlation between the Philippines I have visited and enjoyed and that show.

Engine Driver
06-03-20, 06:43
Lurkers, I guess watching the US TV show "Almost Paradise" set in Mactan, Cebu PI is bringing up visions of wanderlust. I get that some of the setting of the show is fictional (there is no US Navy Base in Cebu) but wanted to know if that hotel they are shooting at is any good for lurking. I've notice some cuties in the background and I suspect those are some of the more high end types or general public but wanted to know if a trip to Mactan is going to be worth it once the PI opens up.The tattooed LBFM co-star of that show claims to be the niece of the Sultan of Brunei. Her father, Prince Jafri is quite a monger whose main hobby is BBFSCIP with random hot models. She might have been the result of one of those encounters.

We are not sure if your approach is going to be picking up tourists from Japan / China / Korea staying at the high end resorts or whether you will be using the monger method of dialing in for home delivery from the local talent pool. Mactan is quite some distance away from Cebu City and many LBFMs will flake out.

I would think that the former will be impossible unless you look like Don Draper or Idris Elba.

06-03-20, 17:10
We are not sure if your approach is going to be picking up tourists from Japan / China / Korea staying at the high end resorts or whether you will be using the monger method of dialing in for home delivery from the local talent pool. Mactan is quite some distance away from Cebu City and many LBFMs will flake out.

I would think that the former will be impossible unless you look like Don Draper or Idris Elba.My movie star looks days are long gone. But what I have learned from living in places like Hawaii and Guam where these types or tourist frequent, many of them come there looking for excitement of their own. 80% of the time they are probably married but hubby has no interest and they go their with girlfriends, with the same intentions as us lurkers have. I'll admit it can be difficult, and sometimes it helps if you have a wingman who is willing to TOFTT but it can happen.

But as you say since Mactan is far out there will always be some locals, just will take a little time to set it up. Sometimes it's just as thrilling going on the "hunt" for the elusive "snipe" than just bagging a local bar girl, but then that is often time just as fulfilling.

Thanks for the info, don't see any trips in my plans in the near future but wanted to know what the scene was to help me decide if I want to go there.

Mr Enternational
06-03-20, 18:30
But as you say since Mactan is far out there will always be some locals, just will take a little time to set it up.Insist on reinventing the wheel ey? The word of many that have been there 100's of times just is not good enough.

Sometimes it's just as thrilling going on the "hunt" for the elusive "snipe" than just bagging a local bar girl, but then that is often time just as fulfilling.You could just as well do that at home. No need in traveling to the other side of the planet to purposely disapppoint yourself.

06-04-20, 01:26
Those hotties in the background are paid extras.

After only watching the trailer I cannot see any correlation between the Philippines I have visited and enjoyed and that show.DrB can save himself a trip as all the extras will have just come out of the big city clubs. Just go straight to the source or find them on Tinder etc.

If he specifically wants girls local to that area there is no way I would make the trip on the off chance that she / they will be there to meet at the allotted time and place. Bring the mountain to Mohammed and bus the girls in. They will be happy to do this for the right incentive (shopping, cash or you're an appealing guy). Also, there are plenty of options 30 minutes away should Plan A fall through. Then there is no wasted days waiting for noshows.

Enjoy. G.

Wicked Roger
06-04-20, 08:13
Insist on reinventing the wheel ey? The word of many that have been there 100's of times just is not good enough.

You could just as well do that at home. No need in traveling to the other side of the planet to purposely disapppoint yourself.Some never believe the wisdom of elders Mr E. Some just ask questions and when they see the reply and it does not fit their ideal fantasy they ask again. Is just one handed typists in moms basement.

06-04-20, 23:49
. Also, there are plenty of options 30 minutes away should Plan A fall through. Then there is no wasted days waiting for noshows.
Enjoy. G.I think we should be more clear. IMO there is no monger action in Mactan resorts area unless you are doing BYO.

Why base yourself miles from facilities?

Why would I take a girl to a Mactan resort and be stuck miles from any facility other than the hotel?

So much better to be within walking distance of Ayala Mall, within wechat and tinder distance and hundreds of restaurants.

Cannot wait to be there again.


06-05-20, 00:50
I think we should be more clear. IMO there is no monger action in Mactan resorts area unless you are doing BYO.

Why base yourself miles from facilities?

Why would I take a girl to a Mactan resort and be stuck miles from any facility other than the hotel?

So much better to be within walking distance of Ayala Mall, within wechat and tinder distance and hundreds of restaurants.

Cannot wait to be there again.

PP.Just for clarity, I meant that if the OP was in Ayala or Cebu City generally and the girl didn't make the bus from Mactan then finding another is a simple and quick project. Much easier than if he was out of town.


06-05-20, 02:27
Just for clarity, I meant that if the OP was in Ayala or Cebu City generally and the girl didn't make the bus from Mactan then finding another is a simple and quick project. Much easier than if he was out of town.

G.Yep, I was mentally agreeing with you, although my post may have been contrasting to you. I meant it to be supplemental info.

Anyone thinking of having a mongering holiday, landing at Mactan International airport and then heading to spend their day and nights at a Mactan resort (I think Shangri-la is featured location) would be disappointed.


06-05-20, 02:49
Lurkers, I guess watching the US TV show "Almost Paradise" set in Mactan, Cebu PI is bringing up visions of wanderlust. I get that some of the setting of the show is fictional (there is no US Navy Base in Cebu) but wanted to know if that hotel they are shooting at is any good for lurking. I've notice some cuties in the background and I suspect those are some of the more high end types or general public but wanted to know if a trip to Mactan is going to be worth it once the PI opens up.There are options at Mactan resorts. Best bet would be chat with girl working there and she will introduce her friends. I have befriended many in Lapu Lapu area and they have stayed with me. Usually they meet you at the airport and both of you go to the resort. Those resorts are not the kind you find in Mexico and other islands which are all night drinking and partying. At Mactan resorts it is very laid back in the evening and at night. In fact it is boring if you are thinking about partying. Just stay in bed and fuck.

06-05-20, 04:15
There are options at Mactan resorts. Best bet would be chat with girl working there and she will introduce her friends. I have befriended many in Lapu Lapu area and they have stayed with me. Usually they meet you at the airport and both of you go to the resort. True, if he must stay in Mactan, that's an option or there are a tonne of lapu2 girls online. What can or cannot be made of them is up to him. 😁.


06-05-20, 04:22
Anyone thinking of having a mongering holiday, landing at Mactan International airport and then heading to spend their day and nights at a Mactan resort (I think Shangri-la is featured location) would be disappointed.

PP.Luckily, I stayed at the Shang (alone) on someone else's dime. It was a very nice place for a few days. However, I do remember it being very expensive. Keeping a girl fed and entertained inhouse would be eye watering and easily fund multiple girls elsewhere.

Enjoy. G.

Member #4698
06-05-20, 04:37
True, if he must stay in Mactan, that's an option or there are a tonne of lapu2 girls online. What can or cannot be made of them is up to him. 😁.

G.There used to be a pretty good place on Lapu Lapu called Mermaid Bikini Bar near the Marcelo Fernan Bridge where you could go and pick up good looking girls or has that place closed down? It has been a long time since I was in Cebu.

Engine Driver
06-06-20, 01:21
Lurkers, I guess watching the US TV show "Almost Paradise" set in Mactan, Cebu PI is bringing up visions of wanderlust. I get that some of the setting of the show is fictional (there is no US Navy Base in Cebu) but wanted to know if that hotel they are shooting at is any good for lurking. I've notice some cuties in the background and I suspect those are some of the more high end types or general public but wanted to know if a trip to Mactan is going to be worth it once the PI opens up.This sounds like people from poor countries watching Bay Watch on pirated DVDs and then thinking all Californians look like Pamela Anderson.

06-06-20, 02:35
Luckily, I stayed at the Shang (alone) on someone else's dime. It was a very nice place for a few days. However, I do remember it being very expensive. Keeping a girl fed and entertained inhouse would be eye watering and easily fund multiple girls elsewhere.

Enjoy. G.On my very first afternoon in Philippines my girl suggested we go there for afternoon lunch buffet. Yes it was a nice afternoon but expensive afternoon and I learned a lot.

06-06-20, 12:05
While we mostly suffer from blue balls having been in quarantine for 2 months and can't travel to the Phils, I am noticing a very surprising and pleasant thing where I live. The dating sites / apps like Tinder and Bumble, etc have never been hotter. Getting more likes and women reaching out TO ME than I ever have in my life. The women are no doubt partner, friend and sex starved just like us.

This is a very good sign for us mongers, at least the local talent pool is opening up like never before.

Member #4794
06-06-20, 18:16
This is a very good sign for us mongers, at least the local talent pool is opening up like never before.

No matter how desperate I get I will never go back to that horrid emasculating entitled pit if despair. I would rater bust a hole in my wall and install a pocket pussy or stick one in the tail pipe of my car before I delve into the local market. UNLESS they are imports from overseas stuck here and now unemployed that I will take. American born women have been deleted from my life for decades and will remain so. Rather than that as a sign of local talent reving up I see it as a revival of hotties in phils having to take to the bars and streets like they did 10 years ago hungry as fuck. Simps out of work here in the states can't send their simp donations any more so they will be on the hunt for a new ATM which means we will have a much nicer pool to choose from when international travel opens back up. For the next 1-2 years any dedicated mongers willing to risk a cold / flu will have their pick of the litter. I think most of these fair weather mongers we have seen in the past few years will dry up and stay home leaving only more shrewd and seasoned mongers. Which means woman will not have any easy pickings and they will have to start to offer better service and more value to attract that kind of monger since the simps will all be too scared to leave the house. I'm sure we will also see an uptick in hot webcam girls in phils as well, rather than the lola's we have currently running these webcam sites.

06-07-20, 04:25
No matter how desperate I get I will never go back to that horrid emasculating entitled pit if despair.I'll take that as a maybe. . . 😁.

I'm also a convert but I must say that some of the young white chicks I've bumped into in the tourist ghettos and beaches around Asia have been absolutely gorgeous. Of course, the furthest I ever got was a look of disdain or pity. 😥.

06-08-20, 00:27
This is a very good sign for us mongers, at least the local talent pool is opening up like never before.My 'local' talent pool consists of foreign talent that is in my country.

Korean, Chinese, Taiwanese, Filipina, Italian, Romanian. I have not banged an Aussie girl for 12+ months.


Red Kilt
06-15-20, 06:42
I was able to get a last-minute seat on a special flight into Manila for OFWs at 0040 h on June 11.

Flight was exclusively for OFWs. Non-OFWs with PH passports or guys like me with a 13 A permanent visa were allowed on once there was space available.

71 pax on the flight. I was the only non-OFW.

Arrived at 0400 h. Very efficient marshalling etc carried out by the PH Coast Guard.

Lots of forms to fill out.

I needed to nominate a hotel from a list in which I would be isolated until my test results were finalised.

My swab test was eventually carried out. Smooth and efficient. Passed through Immig (I was the only one there) and escorted to my airport taxi and sent to my chosen hotel.

Hotel was barricaded against entry by anyone other than staff and those with quarantine bookings.

All smooth. I was instructed not to leave my room and that food would be left outside the door at 0730,1200 and 1800 h.

My test results came back within 46 hours.

I was free to go home immediately.

Now confined in my own condo and not permitted outside because I am over 60. The condo security have reminded me of this.

It's all remarkably efficient.

There is a large backlog of OFWs waiting to return home. The PH airport facility can only accommodate restricted numbers of incoming flights which is why I had 6 commercial bookings cancelled over the 63 days I was waiting to return.

If you don't have a 13 A visa and are expecting things to ease up soon then don't hold your breath. Cannot see tourist visas being issued for the PH for a long time yet because cases of Covid are still increasing in various parts of Manila and elsewhere.

I am not sure why anyone would be desperate to come here as the virus is still all over and I sure as hell don't want to get it. A family friend from Makati (48 yo, non-smoker, fit and healthy), got it a month ago and died 3 weeks later. His wife said he died in agony from lung failure. It can hit anyone.

Mr Enternational
06-15-20, 07:50
I was able to get a last-minute seat on a special flight into Manila for OFWs at 0040 h on June 11.Great report RK! I don't know what makes people in these various threads think they are going to quarantine in these countries when they arrive and be able to have someone come visit them. That would totally defeat the purpose of the quarantine.

Big Fun
06-15-20, 10:12
Was in Rizal outside of NCR, but came to Makati due to extreme boredom. Makati gives a different flavor of boredom. LOL. Can at least get a better selection of food here. Oh also, my part of Rizal had a liquor ban.

The rules are that you are not supposed to travel between various regions except for legitimate business reasons, but with all the traffic etc, that is not being enforced. A month ago there were roadblocks, but now essentially nothing. Even with the roadblocks / checkpoints, the Filipinos were hyper vigilant the first day after a speech from Dutuerte with guns and gates, second day kind of waved people through as they had a look, third day eating lunch watching the cars, forth day texting and web surfing heads down, forth day maybe no one at the checkpoint, or sleeping. You could count on it. The pattern repeated after each presidential announcement.

Hotels have various rules on guests. I am at City Garden (not Grand) and the easiest way to stay to be a long term guest. Minimum requirement is you stay a week. Other hotels had more stringent requirements: waiting for a flight, stranded, legitimate business with ID. My GF would fail all of those.

Total ghost town, although activity is increasing. Last week I asked at check in. CG had 20 guests total. CG looked like a staged war zone. Big heavy bar on the door with the obligate security guards in the fancy uniforms. Now it's much less stringent than a week ago. My GF is registered but she comes in and out all the time with different staff and they never question her or ask for ID. So I think if you walk in like you are a legit guest, it is no problem. Probably helpful to have a key and know your room number.

Fun things.

Totally dead at night. Walked up and down Makati Ave in the street. Zero traffic. Burgos is like the quietest street anywhere. Everything is closed except for hotels and mini mart /711.

And if you are looking for fake Cialis, fake Viagra, fake watch, or belt etc, you are out of luck! Ha ha ha. Kind of nice to walk up and down Burgos without Cialis being shoved in your face. (but then again, I have my GF here).

I have no idea as to when the bars will open. I have heard that restaurants will be opening soon for eat in dining with appropriate distancing. You know how it goes with bar owners. I am wondering whether bars will now reopen as restaurants to serve food with girls on the side after a payoff to the appropriate local.

That's my report. Back to having a drink, watching TV, and working a little.

06-15-20, 23:12
That's my report. Back to having a drink, watching TV, and working a little.Thanks for the reports RK & BF. It's hard to imagine that life is still so dead in Ph while back here in Australia life is pretty normal these days. Looking at the Ph covid numbers and the society's way of flouting the rules I can see in time Ph will get on top of it, eventually. The returning travellers would be a little blip compared to the community cases.

Red Kilt
06-17-20, 06:00
Today's Phnom Penh Post had the following statement (in a longer article).

"And starting June 15, Cambodia also requires foreign travellers to deposit $3,000 for testing, quarantine and travelling including covering treatment costs in case they test positive for Covid-19 while in Cambodia.

Government spokesperson Phay Siphan said the government reversed its earlier decision because the virus is gravely affecting the economy.

He said it has become the international standard for countries to charge for treatment services and require foreign travellers to have health insurance".

Note the final line in the Cambodian statement.

This is highly likely to become the standard fee around the ASEAN region at least. It will be announced in PH as soon as the airport opens to those without PH passports or 13 A visas.

Not many people have $3000 usd as disposable cash to deposit into a bank account and be consumable by the local health authorities.

Wicked Roger
06-17-20, 10:00
"And starting June 15, Cambodia also requires foreign travellers to deposit $3,000 for testing, quarantine and travelling including covering treatment costs in case they test positive for Covid-19 while in Cambodia.

This is highly likely to become the standard fee around the ASEAN region at least. It will be announced in PH as soon as the airport opens to those without PH passports or 13 A visas.

Not many people have $3000 usd as disposable cash to deposit into a bank account and be consumable by the local health authorities.This will seriously dampen the demand for monger (maybe anyone) cto come to the Philippines of cash is needed. Those who do will wonder how long to wait before they get the cash back if pass the test? Some bank refunds in the western world take week! Hopefully not so in Asia.

Those with blue balls may need to look elsewhere in the near future or stay at home and get used to the local talent. Especially the cheap charlies on the board who boast about stiffing a trike driver 50 pesos or insist 1000 pesos all night is the norm and then say they paid the lady less!

06-17-20, 22:10
This will seriously dampen the demand for monger (maybe anyone) cto come to the Philippines of cash is needed. Those who do will wonder how long to wait before they get the cash back if pass the test? Some bank refunds in the western world take week! Hopefully not so in Asia.

Those with blue balls may need to look elsewhere in the near future or stay at home and get used to the local talent. Especially the cheap charlies on the board who boast about stiffing a trike driver 50 pesos or insist 1000 pesos all night is the norm and then say they paid the lady less!I am ready to put up my $3,000 deposit. I can use my $1200 stimulus money towards it.

Hopefully no 14 days of quarantine. But if I can do the quarantine in my AC hotel that would be ok.

I have half a dozen girls waiting for my return. Additional 3 new ones awaiting!

Wicked Roger
06-18-20, 01:30
I am ready to put up my $3,000 deposit. I can use my $1200 stimulus money towards it.

Hopefully no 14 days of quarantine. But if I can do the quarantine in my AC hotel that would be ok.

I have half a dozen girls waiting for my return. Additional 3 new ones awaiting!But DG you are not a cheap charlie and you have your stimulus cheque LOL Many are not so lucky and will try and stiff the banks a few pesos and boast about it here LOL.

06-18-20, 02:09
But DG you are not a cheap charlie and you have your stimulus cheque LOL Many are not so lucky and will try and stiff the banks a few pesos and boast about it here LOL.I kind of like the bar set a little high. Keeps out the cheap Charlies.

06-18-20, 03:00
I was able to get a last-minute seat on a special flight into Manila for OFWs at 0040 h on June 11.

My test results came back within 46 hours.

I was free to go home immediately.

Now confined in my own condo and not permitted outside because I am over 60. The condo security have reminded me of this.

If you don't have a 13 A visa and are expecting things to ease up soon then don't hold your breath. Cannot see tourist visas being issued for the PH for a long time yet because cases of Covid are still increasing in various parts of Manila and elsewhere.

I am not sure why anyone would be desperate to come here as the virus is still all over and I sure as hell don't want to get it. A family friend from Makati (48 yo, non-smoker, fit and healthy), got it a month ago and died 3 weeks later. His wife said he died in agony from lung failure. It can hit anyone.

RK, is the restriction indefinite because you are over 60 or will you be allowed out of your home and circulate after you are virus free after 14 days. My more direct question is are you under an indefinite house arrest? Are there any loosening of restrictions for things like buying groceries, shopping, or meeting friends? Getting laid?

For us sixty plus year old visitors there, I can't imagine anything more fun than a 30 day vacation of being locked in my hotel up indefinitely regardless of whether it is a 1 star or 5 star.


06-18-20, 22:15
I just came across this post in the Sao Paulo thread and I find it very meaningful to share some parts of it.

Every man, based on his personal circumstances and desires, has his own limits and that's fine. You don't call a man a cheapskate just because he goes for the Buick every single time. But you don't call him a snob either just because he prefers a BMW, and can tell the difference between the two. I personally won't be going for any Bentley's! I could, but for me that's too much to be paying for "a car" (a piece of ass). But I do accept that there is a difference in value between a Buick and a BMW and a Bentley, and I know how to recognize each one when I see it. What price I want to pay, that's up to me, without passing negative judgments upon others and what they are willing to pay for.

Kabul Guy
06-18-20, 23:01
RK, is the restriction indefinite because you are over 60 or will you be allowed out of your home .....There are 4 levels of quarantine, from strictest to least restrictive.

ECQ Enhanced Community quarantine.

MECQ Modified Enhanced Community quarantine.

GCQ Modified General Community quarantine.

MGCQ Modified General Community quarantine.

Under all of these over 60 cannot go out except for essential reasons, Over 60 can go to work in allowed businesses.

The over 60 will not be able to move freely until we get to the new normal.

However this being the Philippines, enforcement will be highly variable. I am in Cebu province and other than most places closed, have had very little restriction on my movements, only asked for my pass at one mall, not the other and never while moving around. However with everything closed, I have not been moving that much.

Once places open up, I doubt if they will be asking me for my ID thinking I am over 60 when it will be the businesses doing the checking and they need the income. I also look younger than 60 so they have some deniability.

The government is under a lot of pressure to reopen the economy so I am thinking that at the end of the current restrictions, most of the country will go to MGCQ and movement will gradually return to normal. They will deal with any further outbreaks by contact tracing etc before undergoing another severe shutdown.

06-19-20, 06:58
However this being the Philippines, enforcement will be highly variable. I am in Cebu province and other than most places closed, have had very little restriction on my movements, only asked for my pass at one mall, not the other and never while moving around. However with everything closed, I have not been moving that much.Every business here requires you show your brgy exit pass when entering the front door (hardware store even). No mask, no exit pass, no entry (excluding businesses inside malls; the pass must be shown at the mall entrance). Only curfew restricts movement.

Once places open up, I doubt if they will be asking me for my ID thinking I am over 60 when it will be the businesses doing the checking and they need the income. I also look younger than 60 so they have some deniability.Few have asked my age, as I also look younger, and maybe they just don't care to ask. When asked, I've been honest (I am over 59), but nobody cared, nobody told me that I could not go inside.

They will deal with any further outbreaks by contact tracing etc before undergoing another severe shutdown.There is a lot of trace-back documentation going on at restos and coffee shops suddenly. Every coffee shop I enter now makes me fill out a form with my name, residence, and phone number, right at the front door, before entering.

06-23-20, 08:48
Totally agree. That is why I do not get it. I asked my wife how she wanted to divide everything. I drew up the paperwork for her to sign. Instead, she decided to get a lawyer. We went to court and the judge gave me more than the original agreement.

The shit would have cost me only $35 to file the original agreement. Because she went to get a lawyer, ended up costing me the same $35 to file and an extra $15 to serve, and cost her $1500 for the lawyer plus the stuff the judge decided to give to me instead of her. Easier and cheaper to work shit out on your own, type that shit up, and file it yourself. Hundreds of examples to follow on the internet, but greed is a mf.My ex managed to shaft us both. I offered to pretty much walk away, just with control of my companies, which meant giving her a house (and everything in it) worth $2,400,000 free and clear. She said no. $200,000 in lawyers fees and better part of 2 years later and she had to give me $250,000 in cash (and of course I had control of the companies). So she ended up down $350 k down after 2 years of stress and bitterness. Sigh. You would have thought the value calculation wasn't that hard to make, but I guess it all comes down to emotion rather than intellect for some.

Member #4794
06-23-20, 10:41
I've been seeing a ton of coverage on the Philippines not easing these lockdowns and retracting verbiage that implies this is temporary.

It seems as if they are digging in and making this more permanent than I had previously anticipated. Smh. Horrible news imo.



06-23-20, 12:22
I've been seeing a ton of coverage on the Philippines not easing these lockdowns and retracting verbiage that implies this is temporary.

It seems as if they are digging in and making this more permanent than I had previously anticipated. Smh. Horrible news imo.

Today's virus cases is 1150,about double of the norm 5-600's.

How to ease the restrictions even if they wanted to being unable to keep the virus numbers under control ?

They may even go stricter to ECQ if these numbers persists.

I just got informed my Manila-Jakarta flight in July is cancelled.
Really bleak outlook for tourist entry for quite sometime.

06-23-20, 20:33
Today's virus cases is 1150,about double of the norm 5-600's.

How to ease the restrictions even if they wanted to being unable to keep the virus numbers under control ?

They may even go stricter to ECQ if these numbers persists.

I just got informed my Manila-Jakarta flight in July is cancelled.
Really bleak outlook for tourist entry for quite sometime.Pretty much all the girls I've been chatting to (and these are in "safer" provincial areas) have commented that quarantines are getting worse not better.

Many blame the recent opening up of cebu to allow people to leave that city and return home.

Without being alarmist, I'm extending my expectations even further of when I'll actually be willing and able to return.

Cheers G.

Mr Enternational
06-23-20, 20:52
Pretty much all the girls I've been chatting to (and these are in "safer" provincial areas) have commented that quarantines are getting worse not better.My girl said that many areas were not following the restrictions to begin with. They were out partying and shit.

06-23-20, 21:07
My contacts in province, mainly Cebu, Palawan, Bohol, sais that lockdown is still very strict, they can go out for food, even long distance, one in Cebu says she walk 3 hours to find vegetables in a wide field where guards authorize them to collect a few, limited quantity by person, and when she return all neighbours who didn't want to walk, want her to give to them. And she is quite obliged to give or she can be at risk.

In Palawan, a cruise ship has arrived with many cases on board, but now they have disembarqued so they are in the city. And the number of cases is raising.

But in Makati, my contact says that situation, today, is quite good, they are able to go out, even if she don't go often, traffic is far from being normal, but situation seems less critical than in thoses provinces.

That's what is heard in these past days.

06-23-20, 21:11
AC girls I chat with say they are still locked down. Rules have eased a little to go outside. Some barangays still require passes to go about. People under 20 and over 60 are not allowed to go out. Some over 60 with no one to buy food for them are allowed Out to shop.

One girl was allowed to fly home to province. Once in the province she was required to stay 14 days in the barangay quarantine center.

Massage girls I chat with are allowed to work in spas now. But very slow with customers.

Haven't heard about anyone out drinking and partying.

06-23-20, 21:14
AC girls I chat with say they are still locked down. Rules have eased a little to go outside. Some barangays still require passes to go about. People under 20 and over 60 are not allowed to go out. Some over 60 with no one to buy food for them are allowed Out to shop.

One girl was allowed to fly home from Clark to province. Once in the province she was required to stay 14 days in the barangay quarantine center. Prior to travel she had to go around getting health certificate, barangay travel pass and other requirements.

Massage girls I chat with are allowed to work in spas now. But very slow with customers.

Trikes and jeepney are operating with social distancing.

Hotels have not opened up yet.

Bars are rumored to open soon after passing an inspection.

Haven't heard about anyone out drinking and partying.

06-23-20, 23:13
Can't speak as to other locations but there are some bars in Makati where if you know the owner they are having "private" parties most days of the week. Not open to the general public but if you get in through your connections full drink and food menus are on the table. Also lots of girls working who may or may not be available. I'm assuming if this is going on in Makati it is also happening in other places in the Philippines.