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Steve Nash
06-23-20, 23:31
The whole month of June here in the province of Negros Occidental has been pretty good with the MGCQ.

Bars are open, restaurants are open, malls are fully open, not need to have a pass if you are traveling to different cities within Negros Occidental, taxi / grab, jeepney, tricycle and all type of transportation is back to normal, transportation and mass have their social distance seating of course. Bars at first (first week of June) they asked me to fill up a form with my name / address / phone number, but then starting the second week of June they stop asking for that. The only thing about bars is that they have to close by 10 pm, I was in a bar last Saturday and they let us stay until 1 am but of course they close the doors so they won't notice it was open, they suppose to have a curfew from 10 pm to 4 am here in Negros but twice now I walk after midnight and nobody stop me. I heard they are trying to push the curfew starting midnight soon, maybe on July 1st.

Anyways I guess the province where I am is getting back to normal because Negros Occidental has only 47 cases in total until yesterday (but the last 5 days has been bad with 19 new cases, mostly from Cebu commuters).

To be honest for me this whole month has been almost back to normal, like it was back in February and March, the same routine I had back then I'm doing it now (with the exception of business been open after 10 pm of course). Well malls and supermarket are close earlier than before (before it was 9 pm now is 7 pm), and cinemas are still close, which I have not idea why, since most cinemas are always empty so no need for social distance, I guess my routine of going to the movies once a week with my GF has been the one thing not back to normal.

But good thing the short hotels have been open the whole month, so I continue my 3 times a week short hotel visits this month. I'm glad that they have at least 4 short hotels that I know here in the city where I am that I can take turns. They should have a deal like for every 9 visits you get the 10th visit free, so I would get more than 3 free visits by now, but well, not everything is perfect in this world.

Wicked Roger
06-24-20, 00:24
My contacts in province, mainly Cebu, Palawan, Bohol, sais that lockdown is still very strict, they can go out for food, even long distance, one in Cebu says she walk 3 hours to find vegetables in a wide field where guards authorize them to collect a few, limited quantity by person, and when she return all neighbours who didn't want to walk, want her to give to them. And she is quite obliged to give or she can be at risk..Cebu is considered the worst case at the moment with the President calling them and saying Cebuanos were stupid in the local press. My contacts say the Cebu commuters as infecting the outlying province and towns such as Baybay and Ormoc in Leyte.

Best avoid Cebu as according those I know and am told the Cebaunos are 'hard headed and ignorant' (and she lives there).

Kabul Guy
06-24-20, 02:18
Cebu is considered the worst case at the moment with the President calling them and saying Cebuanos were stupid in the local press. My contacts say the Cebu commuters as infecting the outlying province and towns such as Baybay and Ormoc in Leyte.

Best avoid Cebu as according those I know and am told the Cebaunos are 'hard headed and ignorant' (and she lives there).

I am in Moalboal Cebu province. The lockdown here is very relaxed. I have not been asked for pass except at the mall (not every time either) and it has never been a problem (age over 60). The checkpoints are just a social gathering. Several sitting around a table, no distancing or masks in evidence and they never glance twice when I walk past or drive past them.

Other than no stores being open and the temp checks and hand sanitizer at the mall, you would never know anything was happening.

Wicked Roger
06-24-20, 06:23
I am in Moalboal Cebu province. The lockdown here is very relaxed. I have not been asked for pass except at the mall (not every time either) and it has never been a problem (age over 60). The checkpoints are just a social gathering. Several sitting around a table, no distancing or masks in evidence and they never glance twice when I walk past or drive past them.

Other than no stores being open and the temp checks and hand sanitizer at the mall, you would never know anything was happening.You would be the envy of friends in Cebu who are really fed up with pinoys not following the basics guidelines. Some in Airbnb and can't get a cutie for love or money.

Good choice of location KG and check the PMs.

Member #4794
06-25-20, 10:06
Other than no stores being open and the temp checks and hand sanitizer at the mall, you would never know anything was happening.Due to the spike in cases and hospitals being overrun I'm sure this will change there soon enough. The people in the provinces are drinking together like nothing happening like you are describing and undoing the measures they put in place.

Planes are being diverted to CEBU so no way to avoid going to CEBU if you are flying in. Due to demands from frontlines I think we will see the Philippines doing this lockdown in earnest instead of 1-2 days of lockdown and soft opening back up. All of the bar girls that I know are holding birthday parties an encouraging their friends ion their respective provinces to drink and gather. Bar girls are damaged and need socialization, normal people are trying to stick to this lockdown to flatten the curve which has NEVER been flattened in the Philippines. The bar girls I know are joking about COVID, beg and guilt people into gathering, proof is in the pictures they post of the parties they have been holding. Not to mention confirmed infected OFWs being shipped out to their respective provinces. Smh what a mess. If you are already in the Philippines I think you are "lucky" for people trying to get into phils that are not already there seems like that is quite a ways out.

Cebu City nurses planning to quit as hospitals see spike in COVID-19 cases.


CEBU arrival for flights from the US, UK, Japan & Singapore.


Red Kilt
06-25-20, 13:39
The bar girls I know are joking about COVID, beg and guilt people into gathering, proof is in the pictures they post of the parties they have been holding. Are you actually in the Philippines?

In my part of Manila most filipinos / Koreans / others are shit-scared of catching Covid and definitely would not attend any form of social event.

In my wife's northern province they are also very scared even though there are very few cases and zero deaths.

I guess it might be the circles in which I live, work and shop. I have not encountered any "bargirls" wanting to party since mid-March (to the best of my knowledge).

Member #4794
06-25-20, 20:23
Are you actually in the Philippines?
I guess it might be the circles in which I live, work and shop. I have not encountered any "bargirls" wanting to party since mid-March (to the best of my knowledge).Sadly I am not I'm am trying to get back in which is why I'm am so closely watching this however, my Facebook wall is full of bargirls holding private party's in their barangay in the province. Which is why I thought the Philippines was set to open back up soon now of course I have reassessed that and things are not even close to being handled. Bar girls are holding mostly birthday parties which would mostly be benign and just harmless fun if it were not for the covid. I think they think they are helping their dirt poor province friends cope with covid by cheering them up but they are doing it by gathering people together. These girls don't wear masks and 100% are not social distancing. I'm glad to hear that they are obeying the guidelines in your circles that is a "good" thing imo. The faster they get a handle on this the better then chances are that they open this back to to foreigners. The mainstream news paints an entirely different bleak picture of the Philippine and its fight against covid. It does look like the DOT is slated to open the country back up in September, but the way they are handling things even that could be too soon. It is hard to tell what is true to be honest. From all of the guys wanting to get back in I thank you for keeping us in the loop.



06-25-20, 20:32
It does look like the DOT is slated to open the country back up in September, but the way they are handling things even that could be too soon. It is hard to tell what is trueThere's 'opening the country'. And then, there's opening the country to people from the most infected country on the planet. Even when Philippines gets a handle on their situation, that's not going to mean they will let you in, does it?

Wicked Roger
06-25-20, 21:20
my Facebook wall is full of bargirls holding private party's in their barangay in the province. Which is why I thought the Philippines was set to open back up soon now of course I have reassessed that and things are not even close to being handled. B.So you are another person who believes Facebook and that what people post is true and correct? One day you will stop believing in Santa MM.

Some places are doing better than others in the country just as it is elsewhere in the world. Cebu (especially Talisay) is very bad and ahs be called pout the President recently for being probably the worse place for COVID19 and a degrees of irresponsibility that could well match the USA. But if you look closely at FB profiles for ladies there you see photos of them partying. But I know many / most are old photos. They like to give the impression all is well and boast to friends IMHO (which is stupid IMHO also).

Another cutie I know living in LA posted a FB photo of a large BBQ party. She was called out by some for the lack of social distancing. After being trolled about it she admitted it was an old photo!

As for the country opening up you balls must be about to explode? Given your desperation to get back there. Many have the same desire and some allow the brain not the balls to do thinking LOL.

06-25-20, 22:28
, my Facebook wall is full of bargirls holding private party's in their barangay in the province. Which is why I thought the Philippines was set to open back up soon

I guess it might be the circles in which I live, work and shop. I have not encountered any "bargirls" wanting to party since mid-March (to the best of my knowledge).Remember the old saying you can take the girl out of the bar but not the bar out of the girl? Your (MM) Facebook pics are a text book example of this with girls back home splashing cash around, desperate to be the center of attention and be seen as the big girls in town.

I'd agree with RK. Most in the provinces are diving for cover. One girl yesterday reported being abused for simply being out walking down to buy groceries. People returning from cebu etc are openly treated by others as potential sources of contamination. This fear in not totally without reason.

For the record, I too am not in country but am working from chat reports. Without being melodramatic, all are indicating that my earlier expected return date may have been optimistic.

Enjoy. G.

06-26-20, 01:39

https://www.tripzilla.ph/baguio-new-normal-travel/18262It's good for Baguio. Hope they tell the virus.

Member #4794
06-26-20, 09:11
So you are another person who believes Facebook and that what people post is true and correct? One day you will stop believing in Santa MM.Wait Santa is not real? Or did you mean Satan?

You are right that facebook is "fake"book most of the time but I have seen a few live streams where they are socializing within the bounds of the barangay. They seem to think if they socialize within their own barangay that its fine.

And I have seen a fair share of posts and memes shaming people for obeying the lock down these come from bargirls mostly, whether this speaks to how honest a picture that paints is certainly up for debate. But the world being locked down not much to go on being that the US government state department still has a Level 4 travel alert on all international travel, I think that would have to be downgraded first at least for any US citizen to be let out of their jail cell. I would not put it past dutarte to turn away Americans for the time being.

I think there are two different kinds of open as it pertains to this board.

#1 - One is the business being open and the locals being able to run and re-open business. Local foreigners also being able to frequent such business without hassle.

#2 - Local business / hotels / bars open & receiving tourists that arrived recently & are able to procure sex.

Member #4794
06-26-20, 19:43
People in CEBU trying to get back to the provinces are bribing cargo planes and cargo ships to get back to the provinces to get around the quarantine. What? This has to be a joke right? Wtf.

They also saying the data the government uses is totally different from the local data from the barangays implying that they have no idea what the real numbers.

They are also sending military to the southern regions to gearing up for this to get worst.

"DILG probes LSIs sneaking into provinces via cargo vehicles".


"Corrective measures needed in Cebu City's CoVID-19 response".


"PCG fleet resumes to deliver police to Cebu and LSI in Mindanao.

Erwin Aguilon".


Wicked Roger
06-26-20, 23:43
People in CEBU trying to get back to the provinces are bribing cargo planes and cargo ships to get back to the provinces to get around the quarantine. What? This has to be a joke right? Wtf.

They also saying the data the government uses is totally different from the local data from the barangays implying that they have no idea what the real numbers.

They are also sending military to the southern regions to gearing up for this to get worst.

"DILG probes LSIs sneaking into provinces via cargo vehicles".


"Corrective measures needed in Cebu City's CoVID-19 response".


"PCG fleet resumes to deliver police to Cebu and LSI in Mindanao.

Erwin Aguilon".

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9dMDNZ8X-oWhy are you so surprised. Never been to the Philippines it seems? Welcome to the Philippines where as one cuties once told 'even if poor but have cash you can bribe someone'.

I suggest you put off your visit to end 2021 as I can't see much progress to satisfy your faint heart.

I know many a monger now resigned to 1/2 Q 2021 before they even dip there toe in the waters there let alone their todger in a pussy LOL.

Member #4698
06-27-20, 01:38
Originally back in December 2019 and January 2020 I was concerned, but still very optimistic about the virus not being that big a deal. I thought warm tropical weather plus the world wide lockdowns would get things under control fast and that travel would be restored by June or July 2020 at the latest. Guess What? I was wrong big time! Turns out Corona ain't going away like previous recent outbreaks. It looks like it is here to stay. As a result international travel will remain off limits for most of us unless you are willing to submit to a quarantine upon arrival and various other restrictions or unless you are already in country. I have a couple of friends in Thailand. All I can say is they are having a much better time stuck in LOS then I am having in Florida even though the situation here in Florida has been Corona lite compared to lockdowns elsewhere.

Anyway, my point is international travel will not be up and running again until there is a widely distributed vaccine. Sorry, but that is the long and short of it. No country is going to open up their borders before the vaccine happens especially the PI. Now when a vaccine is found, and after it passes rigorous human testing and gets the gold seal of approval from the appropriate health organizations, and most importantly WHEN said vaccine becomes widely available is still anyone's guess. At this point availability of a vaccine by the end of 2020 seems way too optimistic to me. I sincerely hope I am wrong. Hopefully by March or April 2021 a vaccine will become widely available, but I wouldn't bet the farm on that date either.

That said, there are a number of very interesting and encouraging vaccine developments in labs all over the world. Scientific progress is being made. For example a recent 2 stage vaccine from Oxford looks very promising. It is just now beginning rigorous human trials. So I am confident an effective vaccine or vaccines will eventually be found. But testing and distribution will take time. That leaves us with no choice, but to stay safe and wait it out.

What a shit year 2020 has turned out to be!

06-27-20, 03:56
Originally back in December 2019 and January 2020 I was concerned, but still very optimistic about the virus not being that big a deal....

What a shit year 2020 has turned out to be!I was the same but now we have a perfect storm of unable to enter the PI, on the ground conditions making a visit unwise regardless of formal permissions and, mongers not being able to leave their home countries due to exit restrictions.

The first has been covered widely on this board but the other two may be the ones that take the longest to be corrected.

I was one of those that Roger speaks of, holding off and preparing for a Q2 visit but even that now seems wildly optimistic.

Yes some other counties do seem to be paradises to be "trapped" in. Alas, there are also reports of these countries' Emergency Dept beds filling, preventing foreigners admission for COVID treament and of course the difficulty of repatriation should treatment be required.

Sorry to sound melodramatic, but I too was one that wildly underestimated the impact and timeline of the effects of the virus.

Cheers. G.

06-27-20, 08:56
All I can say is they are having a much better time stuck in LOS then I am having in Florida even though the situation here in Florida has been Corona lite compared to lockdowns elsewhere.The latest figures indicate that the Florida "lockdown lite" measures may have been entirely misguided. Almost 9000 new cases in one day (25th of June).

Take care and stay safe.

Red Kilt
06-27-20, 09:56

06-27-20, 13:49
They eased the lockdown restrictions here at the beginning of the month, the malls started to open up, taxis appeared once again on the streets, my condo building (near Ayala Mall) allowed visitors again (they had to fill out an online 'health declaration' form before they were allowed in) but then suddenly on June 16 the authorities reimposed full lockdown again (back to ECQ) and all the malls had to shut and all taxis were taken off the roads and my condo building will not allow visitors.

All households (250,000 households, 1 million residents) in Cebu City had to apply for a quarantine pass back in March, to be shown before being allowed into a supermarket or to be shown if stopped out on the street by the police. These passes were suddenly cancelled last Tuesday and people were told to remain indoors until new passes were issued. They will be colour coded and will restrict when you can go outdoors, to just 3 days a week depending on the last digit on the pass. And no one will be allowed outdoors on a Sunday, starting fro tomorrow! Private cars are not allowed on the roads on Sundays, and are restricted to just 3 days a week during the week, depending on the last digit on their number plate. And everyone under the age of 21 or over 60 (I am in my mid 60's) is still not allowed to go outdoors, even when the restrictions were eased up at the beginning of the month this age group were still not allowed to go outdoors.

I did go out this afternoon, I have been out most days since the start of lockdown, either to go out to get food, or for a walk for exercise.

I have not been issued with my new pass so technically I was breaking the law this afternoon and could have been fined, I went to Rustans to buy some food, there were very few people out and about and very few cars.

So, all the bars and pubs and clubs are still closed, all the cinemas are still closed, there are some restaurants open but only for take-out, and there is an overnight curfew from 8 pm. The local supermarkets are closed at 6 pm.

Last Monday I got in my first taxi in about 2 1/2 months and took a ride down to SM City, there was a lot of traffic out on the roads and loads of pedestrians, not all the shops and restaurants were open in SM City, most restaurants that were open were for take-out only but I found one restaurant that was allowing dine-in, and for the first time in about 3 months I had a meal in a restaurant! And I also found a coffee shop at SM City (Bo's) that allowed dine-in, and also gave them my custom. But then, as I mentioned, the very next day all the Malls had to shut down again and we are now back to where we were at the end of March.

As for pussy, I have a few regulars here but all are under the age of 21 and are unable to come out to meet me. About a month ago I found one girl online (on Pinalove) and have met her a few times and used a small budget hotel nearby, she claims to be 23 but I think she is late 20's, really out of my preferred age-range but I'll have to make do for now, anyway, it's good sexercise! As there are no jeeps or taxis running, she has a 1 and 1/2 hour walk to come and meet me, I have about a 20 minute walk, the hotel is 1 k and I give her 1. 5 k.

Wicked Roger
06-27-20, 19:57
All I can say is they are having a much better time stuck in LOS then I am having in Florida even though the situation here in Florida has been Corona lite compared to lockdowns elsewhere.You speak way to soon NB.

Wolvenvacht said it before and this article repeats itself and shows the folly of listening to an idiot (plus the governor is generally on his knees when he speak to the Great Leader LOL).


06-27-20, 19:58
https://www.abc.net.au/triplej/programs/hack/qantas-boss-alan-joyce-pushes-back-international-travel-date/12391728?utm_medium=social&utm_content=sf235447817&utm_campaign=abc_australia&utm_source=m.facebook.com&sf235447817=1I am stuck in USA. ATM banned from EU too.

Wicked Roger
06-27-20, 20:04
They eased the lockdown restrictions here at the beginning of the month, the malls started to open up, taxis appeared once again on the streets, my condo building (near Ayala Mall) allowed visitors again (they had to fill out an online 'health declaration' form before they were allowed in) but then suddenly on June 16 the authorities reimposed full lockdown again (back to ECQ) and all the malls had to shut and all taxis were taken off the roads and my condo building will not allow visitors.

As for pussy, I have a few regulars here but all are under the age of 21 and are unable to come out to meet me. About a month ago I found one girl online (on Pinalove) and have met her a few times and used a small budget hotel nearby, she claims to be 23 but I think she is late 20's, really out of my preferred age-range but I'll have to make do for now, anyway, it's good sexercise! As there are no jeeps or taxis running, she has a 1 and 1/2 hour walk to come and meet me, I have about a 20 minute walk, the hotel is 1 k and I give her 1. 5 k.Nice FR Mdemde.

Cebu is being called out by the President as hear headed and people unable to follow the rules. I know a lot of people in Cebu are angry at others for basically ignoring the advice and warnings. - and there are some serious hotspots there (more along the SRP) but sadly many pinoys are 'hard headed' (to quote a cutie I know who is also upset at the ECQ being reimposed) and they seems intent on messing it up for everyone else.

Check your PMs please.

Wicked Roger
06-27-20, 20:06
I am stuck in USA. ATM banned from EU too.DG.

The way things are looking in your place USA citizens will be banned for a long time from most places. Makes sense given the spikes in cases and the fact you have such great leadership handling a huge public health crisis like a baby in arms sucking his thumb.

Be safe my friend.

06-27-20, 22:50
I left Cebu City February 28th after spending the month there for work. With going back to ECQ indefinitely June 16th I don't think tourism will now come back til fall at best. More likely after Christmas. I'm back in NYC where it's seems under control but it's because we can be outside this time of year. Places like FLA basically ignored the virus and seem to be paying for it now. I'm not sure when I can get back to Cebu for work. And if I do it's likely a quarantine despite that I have been tested. I still think with 106-109 million people the Philippines is safer health wise but I wouldn't go back now with all these lockdowns on and off despite me missing the ladies.

Originally back in December 2019 and January 2020 I was concerned, but still very optimistic about the virus not being that big a deal. I thought warm tropical weather plus the world wide lockdowns would get things under control fast and that travel would be restored by June or July 2020 at the latest. Guess What? I was wrong big time! Turns out Corona ain't going away like previous recent outbreaks. It looks like it is here to stay. As a result international travel will remain off limits for most of us unless you are willing to submit to a quarantine upon arrival and various other restrictions or unless you are already in country. I have a couple of friends in Thailand. All I can say is they are having a much better time stuck in LOS then I am having in Florida even though the situation here in Florida has been Corona lite compared to lockdowns elsewhere.

Anyway, my point is international travel will not be up and running again until there is a widely distributed vaccine. Sorry, but that is the long and short of it. No country is going to open up their borders before the vaccine happens especially the PI. Now when a vaccine is found, and after it passes rigorous human testing and gets the gold seal of approval from the appropriate health organizations, and most importantly WHEN said vaccine becomes widely available is still anyone's guess. At this point availability of a vaccine by the end of 2020 seems way too optimistic to me. I sincerely hope I am wrong. Hopefully by March or April 2021 a vaccine will become widely available, but I wouldn't bet the farm on that date either.

That said, there are a number of very interesting and encouraging vaccine developments in labs all over the world. Scientific progress is being made. For example a recent 2 stage vaccine from Oxford looks very promising. It is just now beginning rigorous human trials. So I am confident an effective vaccine or vaccines will eventually be found. But testing and distribution will take time. That leaves us with no choice, but to stay safe and wait it out.

What a shit year 2020 has turned out to be!.

06-28-20, 02:07
A few months ago I posted about an American guy who had wound up in Cebu City Jail following a allegation by the mother of a downs girl he had let into has apartment. If you recall he had been cleared of the main charge but sentenced to "child abuse". Sadly he died at the beginning of this month. As many of you are probably aware the Jails in Phils are a hotbed for covid because of the insane overcrowding. They have found many hundreds of confirmed cases though IMHO most of the inmates will now be positive and asymptomatic. The guy developed a fever but they just kept him in the cell only sending him to hospital when it got very serious. He died a few hours later and was buried the next day. The death cert says "septic shock" but he was 51 and my guess is the are just using it as a cover to avoid media coverage. Sorry for the depressing news I know its not what you came to this site to hear, but it's worth being well aware of the risks of certain behaviours here.

06-28-20, 12:35
A few months ago I posted about an American guy who had wound up in Cebu City Jail following a allegation by the mother of a downs girl he had let into has apartment. The guy developed a fever but they just kept him in the cell only sending him to hospital when it got very serious. He died a few hours later and was buried the next day. The death cert says "septic shock" but he was 51 and my guess is the are just using it as a cover to avoid media coverage. Sorry for the depressing news I know its not what you came to this site to hear, but it's worth being well aware of the risks of certain behaviours here.Though its sad a human life is lost in this way but.

He should know better than to associate w minors, worse inviting her into his apartment w dubious intentions.

One of my friends were always targetting the minors, the next thing I do is severe all ties w him.
There was a girl wanting to be my gf, but when i found out she is 16, i declined.

If you want to risk, then be prepared to face the consequences.

06-28-20, 13:14
Nice FR Mdemde.

Cebu is being called out by the President as hear headed and people unable to follow the rules. I know a lot of people in Cebu are angry at others for basically ignoring the advice and warnings. - and there are some serious hotspots there (more along the SRP) but sadly many pinoys are 'hard headed' (to quote a cutie I know who is also upset at the ECQ being reimposed) and they seems intent on messing it up for everyone else.

Check your PMs please.Thanks WR, I will do so now.

06-28-20, 13:42
Though its sad a human life is lost in this way but.

He should know better than to associate w minors, worse inviting her into his apartment w dubious intentions.

One of my friends were always targetting the minors, the next thing I do is severe all ties w him.
There was a girl wanting to be my gf, but when i found out she is 16, i declined.

If you want to risk, then be prepared to face the consequences.Always insist on police I. d ,not school or work I. D. For police I. D it costs around 250 pesos and couple of days. I believe police needs to be shown real birth certificate.

It is well known there are lots of mothers and cousins looking to make money fronting pretty girls who are not of legal age. I have several contacts who when pressed say the girls who they will procure are under age. Hotels have gotten tougher now checking I. D. For a person who is living local having an apartment thinking it is okay to do whatever is very risky.

Let the big head do the thinking and be safe.

06-28-20, 13:57
That is correct, work or school eye dee will not have date of birth; if it does, it was likely purchased on the street in Chinatown. There are alternatives to police clearance (there is no such thing as "police eye dee," except of course for police themselves): there is voter registration, free or cheap and needed to access local services, and with photo this is good proof of age 18. There is postal eye dee, used for banking. Also driver's license, etc. Also "barangay" or local neighborhood eye dee, but in place of this an 18 year old May as well have the voter eye dee.

Really, there is no excuse for someone age 18+ not to have at least a voter registration card. Absolutely no good excuse, she might be asked for proof of age when traveling, especially nowadays. And do check the photo that it's not her cousin.

Of course knowing filipinas, it may be that the card is declared "lost" because she does not want you to know her real name. In that case also, reject her.

Always insist on police I. The, not school or work I. The. For police I. The it costs around 250 pesos and couple of days. I believe police needs to be shown real birth certificate.

It is well known there are lots of mothers and cousins looking to make money fronting pretty girls who are not of legal age. I have several contacts who when pressed say the girls who they will procure are under age. Hotels have gotten tougher now checking I. The. For a person who is living local having an apartment thinking it is okay to do whatever is very risky.

Let the big head do the thinking and be safe.

06-28-20, 14:10
(there is no such thing as "police eye dee," except of course for police themselves): there is voter registration, free or cheap and needed to access local services, and with photo this is good proof of age 18. There is postal eye dee, used for banking. Also driver's license, etc.r.The Postal identification is the big one. They all know they need it, and no reason why one wouldn't have it.

06-28-20, 14:49
Though its sad a human life is lost in this way but.

He should know better than to associate w minors, worse inviting her into his apartment w dubious intentions.

One of my friends were always targetting the minors, the next thing I do is severe all ties w him.
There was a girl wanting to be my gf, but when i found out she is 16, i declined.

If you want to risk, then be prepared to face the consequences.Certainly he knew this. The girl was actually 24 but she had a mental age of a child and so counted as a minor in the Phils which he wasn't aware of. He also didn't have any sexual intent he had just been asked to clean a wound on her leg apparently.

It's an unusual case, and your main point, to be paranoid of any contact with minors is perfectly valid.

06-29-20, 03:59

I have been bitten before.

Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.

Have stopped playing with fire.

Hope our friends keep safe, and save their own lives.


A few months ago I posted about an American guy who had wound up in Cebu City Jail following a allegation by the mother of a downs girl he had let into has apartment. If you recall he had been cleared of the main charge but sentenced to "child abuse". Sadly he died at the beginning of this month. As many of you are probably aware the Jails in Phils are a hotbed for covid because of the insane overcrowding. They have found many hundreds of confirmed cases though IMHO most of the inmates will now be positive and asymptomatic. The guy developed a fever but they just kept him in the cell only sending him to hospital when it got very serious. He died a few hours later and was buried the next day. The death cert says "septic shock" but he was 51 and my guess is the are just using it as a cover to avoid media coverage. Sorry for the depressing news I know its not what you came to this site to hear, but it's worth being well aware of the risks of certain behaviours here.

06-29-20, 09:47
Looks like the admin has been kind enough to make me a Senior Member so I now have a private inbox.

I have posted before about the critical importance of having an Atty you can trust if ever you are unfortunate enough to get into trouble here in the Phils.

The case of the American guy who died earlier this month is a perfect example. The case he was fighting was ridiculously weak. The only evidence against him was that of a Downs girl who pointed to her mouth which was interpreted by her Shabu addict mum as oral rape. Anyone who took one look at the girl in question who was basically homeless, living in the streets, not washed for weeks, as well as suffering from Downs would immediately see that no one in their right mind would want to have any sexual contact with the girl. He ended up dieing because he didn't get a decent atty fast enough and when he did he had a stupid feud with him and the next one he got was murdered.

IMHO it is absolutely essential that anyone who spends any reasonable amount of time here has the names and numbers of a few more or less honest Attys specializing in criminal law in their phone book. If you plan to be here full time it would probably be worth preemptively establishing a relationship with one, but in any case you should have some names and numbers. Don't expect your Embassy to be able or willing to help in this situation, all they will do is give you a list of the most expensive top end generalist firms in the Philippines who are unlikely to want to take you on as a client or have the relevant skills. By and large if you are in one of the big cities Manila, Cebu or Davao you will be better off with a local lawyer. The quality of criminal lawyers outside the big cities is so low, you may find no reasonable alternative but to hire someone out of town. If you would like a list of reasonable Cebu Criminal lawyers, just PM me I'll put one together. Hopefully you will never need it, but like all insurance it's well worth having in case you ever do.

06-29-20, 10:39
The local supermarkets are closed at 6 pm.

Last Monday I got in my first taxi in about 2 1/2 months and took a ride down to SM City, there was a lot of traffic out on the roads and loads of pedestrians, not all the shops and restaurants were open in SM City, most restaurants that were open were for take-out only but I found one restaurant that was allowing dine-in, and for the first time in about 3 months I had a meal in a restaurant! And I also found a coffee shop at SM City (Bo's) that allowed dine-in, and also gave them my custom. But then, as I mentioned, the very next day all the Malls had to shut down again and we are now back to where we were at the end of March.In my post of 27th June I wrote that "Last Monday I got in my first taxi in about 2 1/2 months and took a ride down to SM City", I got my dates mixed-up, it was actually Monday the 15th June when I went there, and the very next day, 16th June, Cebu City reverted back to ECQ (the worst level) and shut down all the Malls, so they have been shut now for nearly 2 weeks.

And Metro supermarket inside Ayala Mall is now closing every day at 5 pm, not 6 pm, but Rustans is open till 6 pm.

06-30-20, 01:15
That is correct, work or school eye dee will not have date of birth; if it does, it was likely purchased on the street in Chinatown. There are alternatives to police clearance (there is no such thing as "police eye dee," except of course for police themselves): there is voter registration, free or cheap and needed to access local services, and with photo this is good proof of age 18. There is postal eye dee, used for banking. Also driver's license, etc. Also "barangay" or local neighborhood eye dee, but in place of this an 18 year old May as well have the voter eye dee.

Really, there is no excuse for someone age 18+ not to have at least a voter registration card. Absolutely no good excuse, she might be asked for proof of age when traveling, especially nowadays. And do check the photo that it's not her cousin.

Of course knowing filipinas, it may be that the card is declared "lost" because she does not want you to know her real name. In that case also, reject her.All proof of age costs money. Like I said before there is only small percentage of young 18,19,20 year old girls willing to have sex with foreigners not counting bargirls. I am talking about non bargirls.

These girls usually do not have jobs. Living with their parents and their social life is Partying with other young people in the barangay. Hearing from some friends they can make money from foreigners they join dating sites. They have no money to get proof of their identity. If I really like them after chatting cam to cam I do send money for them to get it. Most of the time I am not scammed. They know if they scam me for few pesos big payday will never come. Even some who confess being not of age fixed me up with their friends and cousins. I am generous if the girls are nice and friendly. Many have never been with foreigners.

Lately the hotel receptionist and security are very strict checking. There were instances where they found fake identities.

Naked Gunz
06-30-20, 04:59
Certainly he knew this. The girl was actually 24 but she had a mental age of a child and so counted as a minor in the Phils which he wasn't aware of. He also didn't have any sexual intent he had just been asked to clean a wound on her leg apparently. It's an unusual case, and your main point, to be paranoid of any contact with minors is perfectly valid.Yes and there is a girl that runs around AC begging for coins that seems both a it young shall I say, and a bit simple minded. Next thing I see is her sucking some dude off on a porn site. Really shameful.

Wicked Roger
06-30-20, 09:58
Cebu is now the city in lockdown the longest. Not one I would want to have in my list of achievements. Friends there say too many head headed pinoys, some having fiestas etc WTF?


Member #4794
06-30-20, 21:37
Cebu is now the city in lockdown the longest. Not one I would want to have in my list of achievements. Friends there say too many head headed pinoys, some having fiestas etc WTF?
Are we officially surprised now?, this is what I pointed out. I'm sure we will see the whole Philippines break all the wrong records soon enough.

2 months ago it "seemed" as if they had a handle on it, and had a lot of this board optimistic, it was just too good to be true the Philippines we all know and love is showing its stripes here imo.

Largest increase in new cases from Cebu City in Central Visayas.


Philippines COVID-19: The fastest growing country in the Western Pacific.


Steve Nash
07-01-20, 02:15
It was expect it that the cases will increase once they start testing regularly, before June they only test it like 150,000 to 200,000 people, in this month of June they started testing regularly and now more than 700,000 test have been done so far (500,000+ test in the last 3 weeks. Compare to 200,000 test done before in 2. 5 months /10 weeks).

If anything, we shouldn't worry too much since the cases are low comparing to other countries that test regularly, countries like: USA (30 k cases daily), Brazil (30 k cases daily), India (15 K cases daily), Russia (9 k cases daily), Spain (5 K cases daily), UK (4 K cases daily), Italy (4 K cases daily), Germany (4 K cases daily), France (3 K cases daily), Canada (1. 5 K cases daily). Philippines are only getting about 700 to 800 daily cases on average (less than 1 k!) during their regular testing time.

As long as they keep controlling those cities with high cases like Cebu City (keep them in ECQ until improves), I don't see Philippines getting worse or as bad as many Latin America countries right now. Remember there are alot of Philippine cities Covid cases free and provinces with less than 100 cases in the whole province!

In my opinion Philippines are doing a good job so far with their Quarantine laws.

I know there are other countries doing better BUT most of those countries don't have 100+ millions population, if you compare Philippines to those countries of 100+ millions population (even 80+ millions) this country is doing pretty good with lower cases.

Steve Nash
07-01-20, 03:05
I'm planning to go to Manila on the third week of July, does anybody here in Manila know of a condo or accommodation that is girl friendly right now?

My plan is to have 2 or 3 different girls a day and bringing them to my condo, are the covid accommodation rules impossible to do this? Am I allow to only bring 1 girl a day or are there still condos allowing to bring multiple girls a day?

My other plan is to rent a house, so that there won't be any guards controlling your guest coming in and out.

Anybody that can recommend me of a rental house in Manila?

BTW I'm already in the Philippines, so I will be traveling from the province with a travel pass and a medical clearance.

07-01-20, 05:03
Yes and there is a girl that runs around AC begging for coins that seems both a it young shall I say, and a bit simple minded. Next thing I see is her sucking some dude off on a porn site. Really shameful.Can you post the link?

Red Kilt
07-01-20, 06:46
I'm planning to go to Manila on the third week of July, does anybody here in Manila know of a condo or accommodation that is girl friendly right now?

My plan is to have 2 or 3 different girls a day and bringing them to my condo, are the covid accommodation rules impossible to do this? Am I allow to only bring 1 girl a day or are there still condos allowing to bring multiple girls a day?

My other plan is to rent a house, so that there won't be any guards controlling your guest coming in and out.

Anybody that can recommend me of a rental house in Manila?

BTW I'm already in the Philippines, so I will be traveling from the province with a travel pass and a medical clearance.There could be an issue with getting in and out of most hotels in Manila since virtually ALL of them are being used for quarantine of OFWs and BPO workers who have tested positive.

For some it's just one or 2 floors. For others, it's almost the whole place.

Entry to hotels is now very strict.

I went into EDSA Shangri la yesterday. Had to go through temp check, wash hands, then fill up a form saying where I was going (which resto or room) . I was using it as a short cut so when confronted by the form I excused myself and did a you-turn.

My condo is NOT allowing outside visitors in yet. If you have a visitor you have to meet them in the lobby.

You should try Air bnb to find a condo but ask a lot of questions before you pay, becos the condo might be locked down. That means you might be allowed in as the tenant, but no visitors will be allowed.

Conclusion: Use air bnb to get a house but again, ask a lot of questions. You are also running a helluva risk with 3 or 4 girls a day. How will you be sure at least 1 of them or all of them are not carrying the virus? If she has come from Tondo for example, yikes.

(One reason why I won't go near LA Cafe for a long time yet).

07-01-20, 08:14
I'm planning to go to Manila on the third week of July, does anybody here in Manila know of a condo or accommodation that is girl friendly right now?How are you planning to do that? If you are asking about accommodation options then presumably you are not a Permanent Resident. Are tourists now allowed in?

Cheers. G.

07-01-20, 08:36
There could be an issue with getting in and out of most hotels in Manila since virtually ALL of them are being used for quarantine of OFWs and BPO workers who have tested positive. For some it's just one or 2 floors. For others, it's almost the whole place. Entry to hotels is now very strict.In my city, almost all hotels (those that didn't close quickly when the lockdowns started) are almost completely full of OFW / SLI (Stranded Local Individual pinoy). It started, quietly and with no hotel announcement, about 4 weeks into the lockdown here. I moved into a nearly empty hotel (where I've stayed many times before). I didn't like the place where I was staying and just walked in off the street to the hotel and inquired about a room. "Westy welcome back! Yes, rent a room here. We miss you". Is that Mgmt code for you don't have very many customers? "Haha yes. Owner wants to stay open but few customers". I rented as there was a good rate on Agoda, the rooms have stiff mattresses (I like) and large mirrors (imagine me wanting that) and good wifi, and for less than you might expect. The next day as I was going out for lunch the desk girl called me over and asked for my Brgy health clearance. I handed it over and she made a copy. "Also sir Westy you need one for any guest". Wait, you didn't mention that when I booked the room for a week. She called a manager out and they spoke quietly. The manager turned to me and said: "Don't worry your guest's clearance". Check!

My condo is NOT allowing outside visitors in yet. If you have a visitor you have to meet them in the lobby.All condos in my city are not taking any outsiders (pinoy included) that are over 59 or under 21, and all newcomers must have a brgy or city health clearance (proof of 14-day quarantine in THIS city with no symptoms) + doctor's medical certificate (blood test and possibly chest xray). Even if you are allowed in to rent, you must register your guests at the time you register into the building, then each of them upon entry must also provide a health clearance + medical certificate. Many apartments in the area require same. Many hotels now require at least the brgy / city health clearance showing your quarantine or living in the city for 2 weeks symptom-free. If you are in a condo or such hotel or apartment, your guests will have to show the same. Some of my mates in this area are using short-time hotels for joy.

You should try Air bnb to find a condo but ask a lot of questions before you pay, becos the condo might be locked down. That means you might be allowed in as the tenant, but no visitors will be allowed. Conclusion: Use air bnb to get a house but again, ask a lot of questions. I have had mixed results in asking the questions of the airbnb hosts or owners. Example: Is there an age restriction at your condo?

1. "No sir". (Later it will turn out there is).

2. "No sir. But the property Admin might have restriction". BaJesus! You don't know? You are not 100% sure?

3. "No sir. The property Admin maybe has restriction. You ask them". Wait. You want me to fly to your city, taxi to your building, and ask at the front desk about the age restriction? "If you want to sir". BaJesus! Can't YOU ask them, since you live there? "Oh. Yes sir". BaJesus! Did the building Admin not notice you of these things? "I don't know sir. I can check". BaJesus! In chatting with the Admin at one such property, they told me: "Yes sir we notice every unit owner at the start of Covid lockdown. In fact, its the unit owners that have meeting and vote for these restrictions. Then we notice to all of them. Also we put up large sign in lobby and sign in elevators. Any owner tell you they are not aware is not telling a truth".

All condo properties have told me that all visitors must have same appropriate medical clearances here. Its one reason I don't want to go back to Manila, as I'm sure its the same there. One property Management told me that if I rented an airbnb place there, that I would not be allowed any visitors for any reason. I told them the airbnb rental was for two, me and my GF. "Sorry sir. You only will be allowed entry. You decide that with the owner and airbnb. But you only. No guests or visitor". I informed the owner, as the airbnb rental was already complete. He refused to refund, and I had to turn to airbnb. They refunded in full (official reason was not Covid, it was "Unit was not as described in listing" This is how it goes.

SN: The idea of coming in July is probably way too soon. If you've been following the discussion here, there have been guesses as to when lockdowns will lighten (they have, June 1), just a bit. Sunshine-up-the-ass estimates are for this year, more conservative estimates are 2021 (or later). WC.

Steve Nash
07-01-20, 10:32
There could be an issue with getting in and out of most hotels in Manila since virtually ALL of them are being used for quarantine of OFWs and BPO workers who have tested positive.I don't stay in hotels anymore, the last 6-7 years I always stay in condos or houses from airbnb.

My condo is NOT allowing outside visitors in yet. If you have a visitor you have to meet them in the lobby.

You should try Air bnb to find a condo but ask a lot of questions before you pay, becos the condo might be locked down. That means you might be allowed in as the tenant, but no visitors will be allowed.What about if I come with my guest straight from the airport and sign her as my second guest, do I need to give her name days in advance? Or just when I check-in, I still haven't decide who will pick me up at the airport, I have 3 candidates so I need to make sure who ever I choose will be the right one, because I might get stuck with her for my whole Manila stay.

Or maybe I should book the condo every 3 days and check-in a different girl everytime, hahaha that will be fun if it works, LOL.

Conclusion: Use air bnb to get a house but again, ask a lot of questions. You are also running a helluva risk with 3 or 4 girls a day. How will you be sure at least 1 of them or all of them are not carrying the virus? If she has come from Tondo for example, yikes.

(One reason why I won't go near LA Cafe for a long time yet).I have a cutie from Tondo, she told me she lives in the good side of Tondo not the poor side and from her facebook pics she doesn't look poor, she has a nice bedroom with aircond.

Does Tondo have a bad coronavirus epidemic? Or you just think because most of Tondo is a poor area so they might all have the virus.

Steve Nash
07-01-20, 10:37
How are you planning to do that? If you are asking about accommodation options then presumably you are not a Permanent Resident. Are tourists now allowed in?

Cheers. G.Tourist are allow in if you are stranded in the province and you have a flight back to your country, my flight back is for August.

But more likely I will change my flight date once I am in Manila.

Steve Nash
07-01-20, 11:08
SN: The idea of coming in July is probably way too soon. If you've been following the discussion here, there have been guesses as to when lockdowns will lighten (they have, June 1), just a bit. Sunshine-up-the-ass estimates are for this year, more conservative estimates are 2021 (or later). WC.I wish I can wait longer, I been holding going to Manila for a month now, but I really need to go there on July.

Today Manila was kept to GCQ, but Duterte said that Manila restrictions will be further eased to revive the economy. Hopefully on July 15 it will be change to MGCQ just in time before going there. There is a huge difference from GCQ to MGCQ, condo restrictions are lifted, here in the province I could bring a visitor without restrictions and not writing her name or giving ID. Well most of my visitors has been friends or family of my GF but still, I don't think bringing a girl will be any different.

I found a condo in airbnb that doesn't have security guards but is still secure because only people with a key can get in and because it has alot of cameras. Most reviews for that condo said that condo is secure so you have nothing to worry about.

That condo will be perfect for bringing multiple girls in a day since not restrictions and guards. I send an email to the owner a couple of days ago, so far no reply.

Worse case I will have to book a girl in my condo, and then when she goes to work I will use the short hotels close by for the other girls.

07-01-20, 11:37
Tourist are allow in if you are stranded in the province and you have a flight back to your country, my flight back is for August.

But more likely I will change my flight date once I am in Manila.My bad: I didn't read the part about you already being in country. Good luck with organizing a place that accepts visitors (we will want reports. 😁 ) and of course stay safe and healthy.

Regards. G.

07-01-20, 15:57
I was in country January and February before full on shit storm hit. While there I had a cold and sinus infection. Antibiotics etc cured after a few days. I was thinking I might have had the covid flu so when back home I got the antibody test (blood test) hoping it would be positive giving me some potential immunity. Nope, test came back negative. Nurse said that is Good News sir. I said not really, I was hoping to have some immunity and she said maybe it will be a slightly different strain later. I laughed and told her if her logic was true then we both should not bother with annual flu shot bcuz we never know exactly which strain of flu will be around that year. She hesitated and said of course you are correct but I have been told what we have to say, wtf.

07-01-20, 22:33
I was hoping to have some immunity and she said maybe it will be a slightly different strain later. The annual flu shot is a collection of 'best guess' strains as to the flu strain that might be circulating. In a country that has successfully 'flattened' the Covid curve, our flu numbers have gone from 30,000 last year to just 200 in the same period this year.

Mr FT I think you were more interested in flirting with that nurse. I have a feeling that the way this pandemic is progressing we will all be sending more time flirting with nurses.


07-01-20, 22:47
I was thinking I might have had the covid flu so when back home I got the antibody test (blood test) hoping it would be positive giving me some potential immunity. Nope, test came back negative. Nurse said that is Good News sir. I said not really, I was hoping to have some immunity and she said maybe it will be a slightly different strain later.As someone who has semi regular malaria relapses, I wouldn't recommend intentionally catching a disease in the hope of building an immunity. Proven immunization is fine but anything else, I'd avoid especially as we all get older.

Cheers. G.

07-01-20, 23:40
As someone who has semi regular malaria relapses, I wouldn't recommend intentionally catching a disease in the hope of building an immunity. Proven immunization is fine but anything else, I'd avoid especially as we all get older.

Cheers. G.Sorry to hear about your malaria bouts, I didn't know it is a relapsing illness. Damn mosquitoes, I don't plan to intentionally get the flu. I had it bad once almost 30 years ago and I thought I was going to die for 10 days. Probably would kill me now in my 70's. Viruses are sneaky bastards and stopping them from moving thru a population is almost impossible, slowing them is possible which is being tried now at a significant human cost without much success in most countries. If caught just hope I get a "mild" case.

07-02-20, 01:29
Viruses are sneaky bastards and stopping them from moving thru a population is almost impossible, slowing them is possible which is being tried now at a significant human cost without much success in most countries. If caught just hope I get a "mild" case.In countries where the people want to stop / slow the virus it has been successful and those countries are now getting on with life. I would say 'most' countries are getting the outcome that their actions seek.

07-02-20, 04:39
As someone who has semi regular malaria relapses, I wouldn't recommend intentionally catching a disease in the hope of building an immunity. Proven immunization is fine but anything else, I'd avoid especially as we all get older.

Cheers. G.I'm with you. I've had malaria twice and it's not an experience I would wish on anyone. The more science is uncovering about COVID-19, and its possible long lasting effects on health, the more it seems prudent to avoid it.


Red Kilt
07-02-20, 11:48
I have a cutie from Tondo, she told me she lives in the good side of Tondo not the poor side and from her facebook pics she doesn't look poor, she has a nice bedroom with aircond.

Does Tondo have a bad coronavirus epidemic? Or you just think because most of Tondo is a poor area so they might all have the virus.Yes. All of Manila (that's "old" Manila inc Malate, Ermita, Paco, Binondo, Intramuros and Tondo) are seeing large spikes in infections.

I definitely wouldn't be liaising with anyone from those areas.

The other problem you might encounter is that those areas may well be totally locked-down by the time you are in the NCR. The Mayor Isko Mareno was on TV earlier syaing that he was thinking he will have to do that because of the infection rates.

07-02-20, 21:51
Sorry to hear about your malaria bouts, I didn't know it is a relapsing illness. ........Probably would kill me now in my 70's. It depends on the strain. Some do, some don't. I've seen a few guys whose relapse was far worse than their original case. Sometimes the relapse can be decades later and if often caused by another stressor: change in location, climate, fatigue etc.

Cheers. G.

Kabul Guy
07-02-20, 23:29
As someone who has semi regular malaria relapses, I wouldn't recommend intentionally catching a disease in the hope of building an immunity. Proven immunization is fine but anything else, I'd avoid especially as we all get older.

Cheers. G.Malaria is a parasite not a virus or a bacteria so there is no immunity to it.

However your point is well made. With Covid we don't really know about immunity, it is appearing that the worse your symptom the more immunity gained but that is about the limit of our knowledge.

Member #4794
07-03-20, 07:31
" Lorenzana claimed that the World Health Organization predicted that the coronavirus would have killed almost 7,000 Filipinos in the first three months of the lockdown, with cases reaching as high as 75,000. As of yesterday, the country has 38,085 reported COVID-19 cases, with 1,274 deaths and 10,673 recoveries. ".

Philippines government remains glass half full on its fight with COVID, I think they might push for reopening their economy sooner than "worst case".

Since the cases don't reflect the worst case scenario, I think we see them experiment with reopening despite the rising number of infected cases. Regardless of it being bad or not as bad, public sentiment and the liability placed on local government and business owners keeps this lockdown firmly in place.

When the public starts to not fear this virus regardless of the real safety or the lack there of and we see the onus put on patrons rather than governments and businesses, I think we see things reopen for real.

"Lorenzana claims COVID-19 cases have 'plateaued'; 80% of PH to be on MGCQ on July 16".


Chocha Monger
07-03-20, 13:24
Yes. All of Manila (that's "old" Manila inc Malate, Ermita, Paco, Binondo, Intramuros and Tondo) are seeing large spikes in infections.

I definitely wouldn't be liaising with anyone from those areas.

The other problem you might encounter is that those areas may well be totally locked-down by the time you are in the NCR. The Mayor Isko Mareno was on TV earlier syaing that he was thinking he will have to do that because of the infection rates.How sad! Most of the girls that mongers root hail from Malate, Ermita, Paco, Binondo, Intramuros and Tondo. It would be difficult for a monger to find a good root without enlisting the services of such girls and possibly copping a case of the deadly bat virus in the process. The alternative is to remain locked away living a sexless existence in Manila until the tsunami of bat virus subsides unless upper class Pinays start selling pussy to old foreign mongers for some odd reason. Rumor has it that glory holes are making a comeback in the time of coronavirus, as mongers can safely get their marshmallows sucked through a hole in the wall.

Wicked Roger
07-04-20, 16:10
" Lorenzana claimed that the World Health Organization predicted that the coronavirus would have killed almost 7,000 Filipinos in the first three months of the lockdown, with cases reaching as high as 75,000. As of yesterday, the country has 38,085 reported COVID-19 cases, with 1,274 deaths and 10,673 recoveries. ".

Philippines government remains glass half full on its fight with COVID, I think they might push for reopening their economy sooner than "worst case".

Since the cases don't reflect the worst case scenario, I think we see them experiment with reopening despite the rising number of infected cases. Regardless of it being bad or not as bad, public sentiment and the liability placed on local government and business owners keeps this lockdown firmly in place.MM,

You seem obsessed with this matter and truly believe in Santa. Where in all this stuff does it say 'tourist visas will be issued' or even better 'tourist visas will be issued without the tourist going to mandatory quarantine and pay for it'.

Get real, while the figures are better than the USA (but all countries are) this does not seem to be a sensible way to try and persuade the Philippine government to let you back to the country to help your MSB (massive sperm build up) problem.

Hopefully can get a refund for whatever ticket / hotel you have booked as most mongers I speak to are planning 2 Q 2021 before they go back.

Read the sensible reports from other posters about the situation on the ground and then out that into your crystal ball please.

Kabul Guy
07-04-20, 23:27

"Lorenzana claims COVID-19 cases have 'plateaued'; 80% of PH to be on MGCQ on July 16".

https://coconuts.co/manila/news/lorenzana-claims-covid-19-cases-have-plateaued-80-of-ph-to-be-on-mgcq-on-july-16/I think that there is a misunderstanding what MGCQ means. It allows limited openings, service industries at limited capacity, it still does not allow under 20 and over 60 free travel.

It does not allow free inter-provincial travel.

It definitely does not allow international arrivals.

My guess is that we will not have easy travel around the country until late in this year and no international tourist arrivals until sometime mid 2021. This may change drastically if a vaccine, or cure, or preventative medicine becomes widely available.

Engine Driver
07-05-20, 06:03
....unless upper class Pinays start selling pussy to old foreign mongers for some odd reason.I don't think the upper class madams who live in gated communities like Forbes Park would be too interested in a white, septuagenarian monger's shrivelled cock. Those HiSo Pinays don't value the US passport nor the promise of eternal riches in RWML too highly. They have it all already. In fact, to be seen in Manila with a white monger would be social suicide for them. The average monger still needs to trawl through thousands of profiles on PL, FC or DIA for a low class root with a dirt poor nincompoop. In any case, it is all rather academic since no monger, unless already in Flipsville, is going to taste brown pussy any time soon. The Wuhan Reaper has put an end to all such fantasies. I don't know why they are wasting so much time on dating sites since it will yield zero results. A box of Kleenex and endless re-runs of Trike Patrol, Slopebang.com or Pinayot.com will have to do for the next year or two. At least those mongers will soon have forearms like Popeye! Hahahaha.

Red Kilt
07-05-20, 08:52
To all the guys not in the Philippines who are desperately checking ISG Phils thread daily to see when you can get back here as quickly as possible:

Let me assure you that you don't want to be here right now despite having 100's of girls on line offering you all manner of promises for what you will be able to do with and to them when you get here (for a price of course).

Most shops are still closed. Very few people around, and those locals that are around are very leery of foreigners (since they are known carriers of deadly international germs LOL).

Most hotels have strict quarantine provisions so you will not be having an endless stream of visitors. Condos have strict regulations for visitors, and every barangay council has its own set of rules. For example, if you are over 60 you can walk down one street but if you cross the road into another barangay you can be stopped and fined. You can also be fined if you don't wear a mask, and the locals will quickly report you too.

The new terrorism bill passed last week makes it much easier for LE to charge foreigners for any sort of misadventure (even if it's an accident). Don't believe any desperate women who say that everything is OK now. It's not.

My regular massage woman wants me to let her come to my condo even though my condo is relaxing visitor rules from this weekend, but I know she lives in one of the hot-spot areas and I don't want her in my place getting all close and personal right now. She has not been tested but she assures me she has not had any contact with the virus.

Of course she doesn't know that.

Thankfully I have my own condo and I haven't moved further than 2 blocks from home in the past month and don't plan to do so.

Life in PH now is very much different to how it used to be in February 2020.

Cool your jets guys. Take cold showers and resign yourself to the fact that you shouldn't come to the Phils for at least 3 or 4 more months.

Wicked Roger
07-05-20, 10:47
Cool your jets guys. Take cold showers and resign yourself to the fact that you shouldn't come to the Phils for at least 3 or 4 more months.Nice common sense report RK. Some just don't get it. They will read the attached link from the Inquire today and think life is back to normal but they won't read the last part of the article that says they can't enter. Plus if over 60 as some are they spend lots of cash to sit in a hotel alone eating pinoy food (assuming they can get in!) LMFAO.


Kabul Guy
07-06-20, 00:42

Cool your jets guys. Take cold showers and resign yourself to the fact that you shouldn't come to the Phils for at least 3 or 4 more months.I think you are a little optimistic there RK. My guess, and it is just a guess, is that we will be under some form of community quarantine until after that. Internal movement will remain difficult until into the New year.

If a vaccine was discovered today, one that was 100% effective and safe. It would take at least several months for it to be rolled out and administered to sufficient people world wide to allow a return to a semblance of normal.

The lingering economic impact will last until well into 2021 if not into 2022.

07-06-20, 01:05
I think you are a little optimistic there RK. My guess, and it is just a guess, is that we will be under some form of community quarantine until after that. Internal movement will remain difficult until into the New year.

If a vaccine was discovered today, one that was 100% effective and safe. It would take at least several months for it to be rolled out and administered to sufficient people world wide to allow a return to a semblance of normal.

The lingering economic impact will last until well into 2021 if not into 2022.I think the keyword here is "guess" none of us have a clue right now. As things are loosening up slightly it could go the other way as it has in Cebu. Only time will tell.

Kabul Guy
07-06-20, 03:58
I think the keyword here is "guess" none of us have a clue right now. As things are loosening up slightly it could go the other way as it has in Cebu. Only time will tell.In mid June I was expecting Cebu City to go to MGCQ and to see some areas on new normal. The reversion of Cebu City to ECQ was unexpected as I thought the worse would be stay as it was.

I would be happy under MGCQ if the dive operato0 rs were open and the over 60 restriction was not enforced.

07-06-20, 06:38
In mid June I was expecting Cebu City to go to MGCQ and to see some areas on new normal. The reversion of Cebu City to ECQ was unexpected as I thought the worse would be stay as it was.

I would be happy under MGCQ if the dive operato0 rs were open and the over 60 restriction was not enforced.The Barretto bars are starting to open. The over 60 crowd seem to be moving freely as that is the majority of the expats that live here. How many under 60 retirees in Barretto 7 or 9? Nine people can't support the bars LOL. Travel from AC has been relaxed but even still there won't be many customers. It was slow before the travel ban and Covid thing. Beer prices went up as the government imposed a tax rate increase but I don't think that extra 10 pesos is going to deter very many. There will be about 10 of the regular bars open by tomorrow. I guess this will be interesting. Stay tuned.

Billy Baht
07-06-20, 14:11
To all the guys not in the Philippines who are desperately checking ISG Phils thread daily to see when you can get back here as quickly as possible:

Let me assure you that you don't want to be here right now despite having 100's of girls on line offering you all manner of promises for what you will be able to do with and to them when you get here (for a price of course).

Most shops are still closed. Very few people around, and those locals that are around are very leery of foreigners (since they are known carriers of deadly international germs LOL).

Most hotels have strict quarantine provisions so you will not be having an endless stream of visitors. Condos have strict regulations for visitors, and every barangay council has its own set of rules. For example, if you are over 60 you can walk down one street but if you cross the road into another barangay you can be stopped and fined. You can also be fined if you don't wear a mask, and the locals will quickly report you too.

The new terrorism bill passed last week makes it much easier for LE to charge foreigners for any sort of misadventure (even if it's an accident). Don't believe any desperate women who say that everything is OK now. It's not.

My regular massage woman wants me to let her come to my condo even though my condo is relaxing visitor rules from this weekend, but I know she lives in one of the hot-spot areas and I don't want her in my place getting all close and personal right now. She has not been tested but she assures me she has not had any contact with the virus.

Of course she doesn't know that.

Thankfully I have my own condo and I haven't moved further than 2 blocks from home in the past month and don't plan to do so.

Life in PH now is very much different to how it used to be in February 2020.

Cool your jets guys. Take cold showers and resign yourself to the fact that you shouldn't come to the Phils for at least 3 or 4 more months.Well written, balanced report. I left AC in February to do some stuff in the USA, first trip back in years. We are seeing re-lockdowns here, but I can still go outside, ride a city bus to Walmart and shop, no check points, etc. IMHO, there is no perfect place in the new COV-idiocy world. It is what it is; I'm in the USA now and I'm OK with it. My next stop will probably be Mexico, Lake Chapala.

Member #4657
07-06-20, 14:14
Hello all,

I've happily been locked-down in London with my lovely girl from Fields. Fortunately she arrived for a holiday pre-covid and is happy to stay put for a while here. I've been enjoying all-access on-tap for the duration. So I've got no complaints. For sure may send her back at some point. However, I'm wondering if I might spice things up a little and try to find another couple who are in a similar situation. I would be open to a bit of same room fun or similar adventure. Covid safe of course. Does anyone have any tips on where one might find gents with their 'Subic / Fields / Makati' girlfriends in London UK? Maybe there could possibly be some well-known cafes or restaurants? Any tips welcome.

07-06-20, 22:31
Hello all,

I've happily been locked-down in London with my lovely girl from Fields. Fortunately she arrived for a holiday pre-covid and is happy to stay put for a while here. I've been enjoying all-access on-tap for the duration. So I've got no complaints. For sure may send her back at some point. However, I'm wondering if I might spice things up a little and try to find another couple who are in a similar situation. I would be open to a bit of same room fun or similar adventure. Covid safe of course. Does anyone have any tips on where one might find gents with their 'Subic / Fields / Makati' girlfriends in London UK? Maybe there could possibly be some well-known cafes or restaurants? Any tips welcome.How about getting her to join ex-pat filfipina groups in London?

07-06-20, 23:28
Hello all,

I've happily been locked-down in London with my lovely girl from Fields. Fortunately she arrived for a holiday pre-covid and is happy to stay put for a while here. I've been enjoying all-access on-tap for the duration. So I've got no complaints. For sure may send her back at some point. However, I'm wondering if I might spice things up a little and try to find another couple who are in a similar situation. I would be open to a bit of same room fun or similar adventure. Covid safe of course. Does anyone have any tips on where one might find gents with their 'Subic / Fields / Makati' girlfriends in London UK? Maybe there could possibly be some well-known cafes or restaurants? Any tips welcome.What happened to the Thai muffer you were passing round here? http://www.internationalsexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?2677-Bangkok-Reports&p=2288354#post2288354 Maybe she could give some pointers as most of us are not up to your standards. Good luck with the well-known cafes or restaurants, which seem tailor made for a Playboy fantasy letter. Lots of Pinays hanging about London cafes waiting on Covid geriatrics to hump them. No doubt your little tiger is straining to let loose and spread her love juices all over London. Good win by Spurs tonight. I'd say Messi will stay at Barca. I bet she loves chocolate, and marshmallows of course.

Member #4657
07-07-20, 09:32
How about getting her to join ex-pat filfipina groups in London?Thanks Pilot. We gave the expat social communities a try, but I found that generally people are a little more reserved once out of country.

I will keep looking. Thanks anyhow.

It seems that Pedro is a little frustrated about life. Poor little fella.

Member #4657
07-07-20, 11:36
How about getting her to join ex-pat filfipina groups in London?Thanks PilotP. I've pointed her in the direction of social communities, but I'm finding that the other Filipina exports are rather conservative. But will keep trying there.

Thanks for the input too Pedro. Noted!

07-08-20, 01:21
Great report re the state of the Philippines.

We were there in February and had a great time.

I guess patience is what everyone needs right now.

Here in lovely Melbourne things seem to get more crazy by the day.

Stay safe.



Well written, balanced report. I left AC in February to do some stuff in the USA, first trip back in years. We are seeing re-lockdowns here, but I can still go outside, ride a city bus to Walmart and shop, no check points, etc. IMHO, there is no perfect place in the new COV-idiocy world. It is what it is; I'm in the USA now and I'm OK with it. My next stop will probably be Mexico, Lake Chapala.

Steve Nash
07-08-20, 12:13
Yes. All of Manila (that's "old" Manila inc Malate, Ermita, Paco, Binondo, Intramuros and Tondo) are seeing large spikes in infections.

I definitely wouldn't be liaising with anyone from those areas.

The other problem you might encounter is that those areas may well be totally locked-down by the time you are in the NCR. The Mayor Isko Mareno was on TV earlier syaing that he was thinking he will have to do that because of the infection rates.OK Noted!

I will try to avoid girls from those places, so far I only have 1 from Tondo and 1 from Malate.

Most of my friends are from Makati, Taguig, Pasay, Pasig, Sta Ana (is Sta Ana consider old Manila), And also many of my friends are from Quezon City, which they said is not far to Makati by train (20 to 30 minutes trip). All of them are willing to meet me in Makati, but of course that's if it stays in GCQ, but if it goes back to ECQ and people need passes, then only the ones with a working pass will be able to come and meet me in Makati. I'm not naive of course, I know some of them will cancel or change their minds, but with my experience I know is a number games, the more contacts I have the more chances. So far is been working in Cebu and now is been working here in Negros during covid, so let's see how it goes in Manila. I know for sure in Manila there are more and more fishes in the sea.

Anyways I decided to delay my trip for a third time, I will go to Manila on end of August instead, just 2 weeks before my flight back to Canada.

So hopefully these lately increase of virus cases doesn't get worse, and it improves by the end of August. As long as it stays in GCQ I should be fine.

Red Kilt
07-09-20, 05:38
So hopefully these lately increase of virus cases doesn't get worse, and it improves by the end of August. As long as it stays in GCQ I should be fine.FYI.

Cases are still getting worse but it seems the Gov might put NCR on MGCQ and just let it all hang out.

Problem then will be that the hospitals will be swamped.

The MRT3 was suspended yesterday until further notice because a hot-spot emerged within the admins running the system as well as a few drivers. Closed until further notice.

Buko Max
07-09-20, 22:21
My regular massage woman wants me to let her come to my condo even though my condo is relaxing visitor rules from this weekend, but I know she lives in one of the hot-spot areas and I don't want her in my place getting all close and personal right now. She has not been tested but she assures me she has not had any contact with the virus.

Thankfully I have my own condo and I haven't moved further than 2 blocks from home in the past month and don't plan to do so.

Life in PH now is very much different to how it used to be in February 2020.You probably already know this but if you are over 60, you cannot go out at all. You are a prisoner in your own residence! Seems like this order will stay in place indefinitely.

Buko Max
07-09-20, 22:39
Anyways I decided to delay my trip for a third time, I will go to Manila on end of August instead, just 2 weeks before my flight back to Canada.

So hopefully these lately increase of virus cases doesn't get worse, and it improves by the end of August. As long as it stays in GCQ I should be fine.Whenever you plan to fly, better bring your patience. Flights get canceled left and right. Friends have been trying to fly out of Cebu and Manila and their flights are getting canceled. If you have a layover somewhere like HKG or SIN, that presents another set of problems. Good luck next month!

Kabul Guy
07-09-20, 23:43
You probably already know this but if you are over 60, you cannot go out at all. You are a prisoner in your own residence! Seems like this order will stay in place indefinitely.You can go out for essential travel or to work in permitted industries.

I am hopeful that this will be relaxed soon, they appear to be relaxing the rules as we go. For example back riding on a motorcycle will be allowed for couples who live together starting today.

Kabul Guy
07-09-20, 23:47
Whenever you plan to fly, better bring your patience. Flights get canceled left and right. Friends have been trying to fly out of Cebu and Manila and their flights are getting canceled. If you have a layover somewhere like HKG or SIN, that presents another set of problems. Good luck next month!I am guessing well into 2021 before recreational non citizen arrivals will be allowed again. Even then expect quarantine and people who have been in some places where the virus is still rampant to be banned. It may be late 2021 or even into 2022 before you will be able to arrive without pre-clearence, walk out the airport, into a cab and be fucking a girl within the hour again.

Red Kilt
07-10-20, 03:59
You probably already know this but if you are over 60, you cannot go out at all. You are a prisoner in your own residence! Seems like this order will stay in place indefinitely.This is not being enforced BM.

There were always exceptions to that rule (like getting meds, groceries etc).

I am well over 60 and I can freely walk around outside my condo in Ortigas nowadays to go to the nearby mall and assorted coffee shops.

Nobody is concerned about that now if you are following all the necessary protocols.

I am staying close to home though, and wearing the mask, washing hands and staying at least a meter away from most other citizens.

Steve Nash
07-10-20, 22:05
Whenever you plan to fly, better bring your patience. Flights get canceled left and right. Friends have been trying to fly out of Cebu and Manila and their flights are getting canceled. If you have a layover somewhere like HKG or SIN, that presents another set of problems. Good luck next month!I wouldn't mind if my flight to Canada gets cancel and I have to change my flight for afew weeks or a month once I'm in Manila, because it will mean I get to have more sex whitout my GF with me, she will be in Negros of course.

I don't think there will be a problem going to Manila from Negros, I have a foreigner friend who went to Manila from Negros last week (he needed to catch his flight to USA) and he text me that he didn't do a 14 days quarantine when he arrived in Manila, I guess leaving from a province with very low cases is fine. As oppose to coming from Manila to Negros, I have 2 friends who had to do quarantine when they arrived, the one I hook up with did a quarentine at a elementary school for 10 days until her test result came back negative, but the other one did a 14 days quarantine at a hotel and then on her barangay had to do another quarantine, which I found it suspicious why she had to do 2 quarantines in a row, she said her barangay ask her to do a home quarantine and that her neighbors are afraid of her and descriminate her. She ask me for patience and to wait for her so we can meet once she completes her home quarantine, but to be honest I'm thinking not to meet her just to be safe. I feel bad for her but I need to think for myself first.

07-11-20, 00:19
She ask me for patience and to wait for her so we can meet once she completes her home quarantine, but to be honest I'm thinking not to meet her just to be safe. I feel bad for her but I need to think for myself first.That's counter intuitive. The girl is safer than anyone because she has been in a low risk quarantine for 28 days. Safer than a random girl from malate.

07-11-20, 11:42
You can go out for essential travel or to work in permitted industries.

I am hopeful that this will be relaxed soon, they appear to be relaxing the rules as we go. For example back riding on a motorcycle will be allowed for couples who live together starting today.Like RK, I'm well over 60 and haven't yet had a problem with this. I drive frequently to go to malls, go grocery shopping and to do normal errands and all I've ever been asked for is the pass.


Rick Rock
07-11-20, 13:04
I am staying close to home though, and wearing the mask, washing hands and staying at least a meter away from most other citizens.Sounds like a great time. LOL.

07-11-20, 13:17
That's counter intuitive. The girl is safer than anyone because she has been in a low risk quarantine for 28 days. Safer than a random girl from malate.CDC came out with a advice to all sexually active people. (Aren't we all).

1. No kissing.

2. Keep your mask on.

3. No heavy breathing.

4. They are doing studies to see if semen and vaginal secretions contain virus.

5. No cuddling.

6. After sex get rid of the girl and spray and sanitize everything. (My guidelines).

07-13-20, 14:58
Recap / update. Previously I think I reported my two regular girls here went into hiding at the lockdown point. Fear and superstition seemed to grip the brgys where they lived. Thru a referral and other means, after about 2 lonely weeks I garnered two new young ladies. Each spending two nights (or afternoons) a week for the last several months. They seem to have become regulars, and I've been happy with getting my dong whistled 3-4-5 times a week. While there isn't a lot to do, everything was running smoothly (absent getting fresh meat regularly). Then one of the new girls dropped out of the race: "Westy I want better mom to my son". Sure, sweetie, I do COMPLETELY understand. Hate to see your sexy at ass walk away.

Down to one girl. What to do? Increase her nights each week? Hmmm. But it wasn't necessary. The morning after the mom told me that she wasn't coming back, one of my previous regulars txt, asking to stop by. Like it was ordained by the Gods (or by San Miguel). Sure, but thought you were afraid to leave the Brgy. "Nobody working now. I need to back to you. We can meet?" Well, that led to her filling in the exact scheduled spots of the gal who wants to be a better mom. See how I like to help in these situations? Fam is everything.

That was a week ago. Parts is parts and things is good. Then today the other previous regular girl sent a txt: "I can back to you now?" Ah, sh*t, a fly in the ointment. I am happy with the current schedule. Do I bring her back into the fold? Do I let her phantastic ass (showcased in the PG) decide this for me? Or her deepthroat ability? We meet tomorrow to discuss the matter.

Regarding lockdown in general. Miss the nightlife and drinking holes. I get more sleep than before. Getting laid regular is good. Agnes on Monday and Friday evenings, Mary on Wednesday evening and Saturday afternoon is good. Might be room for some deepthroat on Sunday afternoons. Que sera, sera.

Wicked Roger
07-17-20, 22:43
Despite all the dreamers on the board thinking that by July things would, or was it August (things don't really change and pandemic is more important. This from the Philstar newspaper.


Maybe of SSRV you can but those looking for a week or two of non stop shagging to relieve the tension in their nuts best play at home, with themselves of go to a country that allows you to party LOL.

Kabul Guy
07-18-20, 01:24

Maybe of SSRV you can but those looking for a week or two of non stop shagging to relieve the tension in their nuts best play at home, with themselves of go to a country that allows you to party LOL.

Still not clear on how long quarantine will be necessary, until a negative test result or 14 days? I am thinking that negative test result per RKs recent return but this is the Philippines and the rules change often and without notice.

Wicked Roger
07-18-20, 04:43
Still not clear on how long quarantine will be necessary, until a negative test result or 14 days? I am thinking that negative test result per RKs recent return but this is the Philippines and the rules change often and without notice.I agree.

But in the end the basic monger tourist is not allowed into the country as yet despite some on the board seemingly dreaming or hoping that it will LOL. Am sure I read somewhere that the President was saying not much back to normal before a vaccine. Sort of a given but at least he was very clear (assuming he said it).

Looks like the blue ball brigade need to wait longer KG.

Red Kilt
07-18-20, 06:43
Sounds like a great time. LOL.It is for me RR.

I live in a clean zone in Manila close to 6 big malls with a FT job on an international salary and I work on my own time from my home office.

Why wouldn't I be having a good time?

Plenty of coffee shops and restaurants open too.

Unlike many guys on this site, I don't measure good times by counting the number of uneducated, asymptomatic Covid-carrying women I can meet and get up-close and personal with. The sensible ones are staying away from foreigners that they don't know and likewise, I am staying away from the women who I don't know either and who probably come primarily from covid hot spots.

With the increased unavailability of hospital beds in Manila now (they are putting infected people in makeshift beds in hospital corridors), I am perfectly happy to stay home and lie low.

07-18-20, 13:51
I am perfectly happy to stay home and lie low.I've nominated flying below the radar as the solution to many different problems in Asia: uncomfortable questions from home; avoiding rampaging psycho pinas; guest access to apartments etc. I never thought it could be a literal life saver but for incountry residents I fear RK is right and it very well maybe.

Cheers. G.

07-21-20, 15:25
Watch this guy in yellow get a slug to the head and shuffle off his coil. The others just rob his bike and drive off. Duterte wants these guys to reap as they sow. For me, it makes bonking the LBFM gfs a little less attractive as I don't want my head pierced Pinoy style.


07-24-20, 12:26
We don't know when. But for my return trip I"m thinking I would do this:

A) One week prior hit Pinalove to find my airport reception pinay plus leads in planned cities.

B) Arrive into Cebu for a 2-3 day refamiliarisation and met at airport by a).

C) Flight to Surigao to visit my mate and his GF, find local girls for play.

D) Select one girl to retain for 4 day island hopping.

E) More provincial city play 2-3 days.

F) Leyte (new city experience) 2-3 days.

G) Angeles City 3-4 days (visit old work mates).

H) Manila 2-3 days and farewell back to Oz.

That's how I'll spend by next 3 weeks back in the country.

07-24-20, 13:15
We don't know when. But for my return trip I"m thinking I would do this:

A) One week prior hit Pinalove to find my airport reception pinay plus leads in planned cities.

B) Arrive into Cebu for a 2-3 day refamiliarisation and met at airport by a).

C) Flight to Surigao to visit my mate and his GF, find local girls for play.

D) Select one girl to retain for 4 day island hopping.

E) More provincial city play 2-3 days.

F) Leyte (new city experience) 2-3 days.

G) Angeles City 3-4 days (visit old work mates).

H) Manila 2-3 days and farewell back to Oz.

That's how I'll spend by next 3 weeks back in the country.Basically yes but don't over plan nor over think the trip. Pinas are notoriously late or even no shows and you want to retain flexibility. Also, provincial girls may be reluctant to be seen entering a hotel, at a moments notice, with an unknown white guy. She will be noticed and her friends and family will be informed. Many guys prefer to bus in from nearby towns to ensure anonymity for the girls. Remember PL doesn't distinguish between Cebu CITY and Cebu PROVINCE eg Santander and Daanbantayan in Cebu Province are at least 3 hours from Cebu City. Even more by rattling jeepney.

I've had far more success by contacting girls once I'm in country rather than planning to meet in a couple of weeks.

Enjoy. G.

07-25-20, 17:53
I've nominated flying below the radar .
It is for me RR.
Like RK, I'm well over 60 and haven't yet had a problem with this. .When the big head starts taking control. As they say, better to live and fight another day. I do basically similar things. It is amazing the amount of misleading information from reputable sources out there. Kind of sad. A personal balance / bubble hopefully will keep one safe and happy and not negatively impact others. Phillipines will most likely get worse. Those with options will probably fly back to countries where first vaccines will be available before returning.

07-26-20, 22:48
When the big head starts taking control. As they say, better to live and fight another day. I do basically similar things. It is amazing the amount of misleading information from reputable sources out there. Kind of sad. g.I sense from your post that there is an acceptance that the very things we like about PH and pinay are the same traits that are causing the virus to linger in Ph. Those attitudes around rules being for others and there is always a way to bribe your way through a checkpoints. And that's only if the checkpoint if still active after the first few days of establishment. They probably do not have structure to suppress the community transmission.

Things I saw in the past week:

" a declaration of nucleic acid test for COVID-19 and that the result of that test was negative" - counterfeit available for P25.

"list of covid test charges in Manila". I doubt that many pinoy will be paying P3,500 for a covid test unless it's covered by Philhealth. Without free testing the most likely candidates for community transmission will continue spreading it.

Got to find a new normal for a while.

Member #4698
07-27-20, 01:37
Hey Moderator, What is with the new Adult Friend Finder pop up adds that I just experienced on this web site after I logged in and clicked on new reports. They are very annoying! I wouldn't fuck those girls if you paid me $1000 per ****. I will quit posting and reading the ISG if these disgusting pop up adds can't be prevented.

A new low!

Member #4698
07-27-20, 04:01
I am using Bit Defender Total Security. Edge or Firefox Browsers with the AdBlocker Ultimate attachment. I still get these annoying pop up adds unless I apply the strictest controls on AdBlocker for the ISG website in which case no more pop ups, but also only a skeleton view of the ISG forum that is difficult to navigate and read.

I will try NordVPN next. Perhaps that will eliminate the problem.

07-27-20, 12:53
Hey Moderator, What is with the new Adult Friend Finder pop up adds that I just experienced on this web site after I logged in and clicked on new reports. They are very annoying! I wouldn't fuck those girls if you paid me $1000 per ****. I will quit posting and reading the ISG if these disgusting pop up adds can't be prevented.

A new low!It happens on all threads, don't know why you've singled out Phils to complain about it.

I can still read the indexes OK, I just ignore the ads. Maybe they need the money to pay for the server, access, etc.

07-27-20, 14:07
Hey Moderator, What is with the new Adult Friend Finder pop up adds that I just experienced on this web site after I logged in and clicked on new reports. They are very annoying! I wouldn't fuck those girls if you paid me $1000 per ****. I will quit posting and reading the ISG if these disgusting pop up adds can't be prevented. A new low!

It happens on all threads, don't know why you've singled out Phils to complain about it. I can still read the indexes OK, I just ignore the ads.Interesting. I complained about pop-ups a year or two prior, and then later they just stopped. Have not seen a pop-up until 15 minutes ago, I get a blank browser page that pops up on my computer anytime I click on the Phils PhotoGallery link (and so far, only that link). The PG opens in the original page, and a new blank page pops up. Will try it on a different browser. Have never seen ads like the one that NB has posted. Interesting.

Maybe they need the money to pay for the server, access, etc.Most likely. The site lost its ability to accept credit card payments a year or two prior. Now accepting bitcoin, just wondering how many members have a bitcoin account (versus how many have a CC).

07-27-20, 17:14
I sense from your post that there is an acceptance that the very things we like about PH and pinay are the same traits that are causing the virus to linger in Ph. Those attitudes around rules being for others and there is always a way to bribe your way through a checkpoints. And that's only if the checkpoint if still active after the first few days of establishment. They probably do not have structure to suppress the community transmission.Covid19 will linger for a while. It is not unique to PI. It will be in US and UK for a while longer, even with a vaccine. Will those against measles vaccine take a Covid19 vaccine?

07-27-20, 18:57
Dear all.

Don't know if this is the right forum to ask but a friend of mine who has a proper daytime job wants to earn a bit of cash on the side and is planning to do a paid video chat. Does anyone know of a site that she could sign up and register her services?

As it's in the Middle East she prefers to keep this extremely discreet. She is personal trainer and is struggling to make ends meet at the moment due to Covid-19.

Thanks a lot.


P.S. : will be posting the same query on a few pages so please ignore if you have read this as a repeat.

07-27-20, 20:06
Dear all.

Don't know if this is the right forum to ask but a friend of mine who has a proper daytime job wants to earn a bit of cash on the side and is planning to do a paid video chat. Does anyone know of a site that she could sign up and register her services?

As it's in the Middle East she prefers to keep this extremely discreet. She is personal trainer and is struggling to make ends meet at the moment due to Covid-19.

Thanks a lot.


P.S. : will be posting the same query on a few pages so please ignore if you have read this as a repeat.I would think she needs to define what countries she wants to market in? Also figured out how she will get paid? Pesos won't go very far in Dubai.

Good luck to her.

07-28-20, 00:43
Don't know if this is the right forum to ask but a friend of mine who has a proper daytime job wants to earn a bit of cash on the side and is planning to do a paid video chat. Does anyone know of a site that she could sign up and register her services?
I would suggest she doesn't need the cesspit that would exist on those site. She just needs a handful of local contacts that will pay for what she does.

Cunning Stunt
07-28-20, 03:01
Most likely. The site lost its ability to accept credit card payments a year or two prior. Now accepting bitcoin, just wondering how many members have a bitcoin account (versus how many have a CC).Yeah and the sanctimonious muvvers at PayPal veto this kind of site. This policy must cost them a lot of revenue as porn and its various side-shoots are legion on the web.

Mr Enternational
07-28-20, 03:14
I would suggest she doesn't need the cesspit that would exist on those site. She just needs a handful of local contacts that will pay for what she does.Why would anyone pay to videochat with a local girl, when they could just drive right over? Makes no sense to me. Yet I was fucking with a chick here in Pattaya who said there were guys here in town paying her for that exact same thing. Go figure.

07-28-20, 03:35
Dear all.

Don't know if this is the right forum to ask but a friend of mine who has a proper daytime job wants to earn a bit of cash on the side and is planning to do a paid video chat. Does anyone know of a site that she could sign up and register her services?

As it's in the Middle East she prefers to keep this extremely discreet. She is personal trainer and is struggling to make ends meet at the moment due to Covid-19.

Thanks a lot.


P.S. : will be posting the same query on a few pages so please ignore if you have read this as a repeat.Ask your friend to registered with Chaturbate.com and she will be paid by tokens which is transferred to her CC thereafter.

07-28-20, 03:54
Thanks for feedback.

She is actually based in Qatar.


Why would anyone pay to videochat with a local girl, when they could just drive right over? Makes no sense to me. Yet I was fucking with a chick here in Pattaya who said there were guys here in town paying her for that exact same thing. Go figure.

Rick Rock
07-28-20, 04:19
Why would anyone pay to videochat with a local girl, when they could just drive right over? Makes no sense to me. Yet I was fucking with a chick here in Pattaya who said there were guys here in town paying her for that exact same thing. Go figure.Why not? Guys give women money to dance without touching them. Guys give women money without even that. Some guys give money to women just for breathing. A sucker is born every minute, and he's soon parted with his dough.

07-28-20, 07:00
Thanks for feedback.

She is actually based in Qatar.

G.I don't watch or perform. So I am just guessing. I suspect there are web sites that will host her and handle transactions for a fee. They will probably advise her on payment methods if they do not offer the service. Laws have changed so the operators and performers have to work with it.

Location should not matter. Buy her a VPN to try. It will hide her location.

I think she wants to perform at her private set. Just Google sex webcam sites and see how they do it. Over the years, there are many documentaries on such performers. It shows just the performers and not the back office that handles the details. The details are usually beyond the abilities of the performers.

07-28-20, 08:49
Have any paid up members figured out how to turn off these PITA popups upon login?


07-28-20, 08:52
Dear all.

Don't know if this is the right forum to ask but a friend of mine who has a proper daytime job wants to earn a bit of cash on the side and is planning to do a paid video chat. Does anyone know of a site that she could sign up and register her services?

As it's in the Middle East she prefers to keep this extremely discreet. She is personal trainer and is struggling to make ends meet at the moment due to Covid-19.

Thanks a lot.


P.S. : will be posting the same query on a few pages so please ignore if you have read this as a repeat.Live Jasmin is the place to begin, not here. Why would people here have any idea of it as it seems a real pussy prison deal and a real last resort for folk who post here? My only connection is bonking hookers who do Live Jasmin as they found it pays well, flexible hours etc and English is a huge advantage. Go fishing in those waters. They have a rating deal where the women see your rating and if you are worth dealing with. If you are a big tipper, expect a harder come on. Faking her address should not be a major issue but she does look clueless.

07-28-20, 09:19
Have any paid up members figured out how to turn off these PITA popups upon login?

G.Seems to be have new this week. Try checking your popup blocker settings.

07-28-20, 13:33
I would think she needs to define what countries she wants to market in? Also figured out how she will get paid? Pesos won't go very far in Dubai.

Good luck to her.Funny thing is the peso has been very strong recently. Maybe blueballs behind screens are more generous than beer drinking walkers in wife beaters.

Or vice versa.

If the girl does in country with the payer, there are usually real time payment options outside western controlled networks. Wells Fargo and Pinkerton should be avoided nowadays.

In Asia, there are several e-wallets that will work. She can use that for Asian clients.

Roll Aides
07-28-20, 14:35
Try uBlock Origin.

07-28-20, 21:30
Thanks for feedback.

She is actually based in Qatar.

G.Google is your friend. I started thinking this would be great for one of the girls I know who does modeling. There is actually a wikihow that is a good starting point. Google.

How to become a Webcam Model.

Then read. It is kind of interesting. The challenge is to keep all the money and how to receive payments.

07-29-20, 08:22

Saw this this morning over my morning coffee. Really, that type of crap does not belong here, though it seems to be very popular. There are obviously entire armies of women at this and it is all about market niche. As the internet is global, I am sure the niche market is huge. Thus crap has been ongoing since the days of the dirty phone calls on premium numbers. Like so much more, if you are not involved, you don't know. On the odd occasion I looked at a tabloid, it used to amaze me the amount of ads for dirty phone calls and I knew a mentally disturbed guy who blew a lot of money on it. (I was banging his wife, a cleaner, helping her with be ills and orgasms).

Live Jasmin is the place to begin, not here. Why would people here have any idea of it as it seems a real pussy prison deal and a real last resort for folk who post here? My only connection is bonking hookers who do Live Jasmin as they found it pays well, flexible hours etc and English is a huge advantage. Go fishing in those waters. They have a rating deal where the women see your rating and if you are worth dealing with. If you are a big tipper, expect a harder come on. Faking her address should not be a major issue but she does look clueless.

07-30-20, 05:46
Dear all.

Don't know if this is the right forum to ask but a friend of mine who has a proper daytime job wants to earn a bit of cash on the side and is planning to do a paid video chat. Does anyone know of a site that she could sign up and register her services?

As it's in the Middle East she prefers to keep this extremely discreet. She is personal trainer and is struggling to make ends meet at the moment due to Covid-19.

Thanks a lot.

G.If she wants to be discrete she's unlikely to want to go direct to a cam site for all to see.

Why not just go on Cupid or Seeking Arrangement and filter the guys for idiots or location? She could even use a fake but similar profile pic to draw in the punters. Many girls there are offering paid camming either on a pay per view basis or informally after a 'gift'. My suggestion would be for her to just be forthright, explain what she is doing and why she is online. If she is attractive and outgoing she will soon build up a paying support base.

I'm not a user but I think most of the girls use PayPal or similar so she will need an account etc to be able set that up.

If she wants more info PM me and I can put you / her in touch with other girls who are using this method and they can discuss amongst themselves the benefits and pitfalls.

Cheers. G.

07-30-20, 10:22
Interesting. I complained about pop-ups a year or two prior, and then later they just stopped. Have not seen a pop-up until 15 minutes ago, I get a blank browser page that pops up on my computer anytime I click on the Phils PhotoGallery link (and so far, only that link). The PG opens in the original page, and a new blank page pops up. Will try it on a different browser. Have never seen ads like the one that NB has posted. Interesting.Update. The previous blank browser page popup now has an image, for Adult Friend Finder. This started about a week ago for me.

07-30-20, 10:51
Update. The previous blank browser page popup now has an image, for Adult Friend Finder. This started about a week ago for me.Seems a good way to learn Dutch in your case. Probably helps pay bandwidth bills and less intrusive than other sites which are almost impossible to use.

07-30-20, 12:06
Same for me on mobile at least, from time to time.

08-03-20, 16:12
They corkscrew? I mean, who knew. Right?


08-03-20, 18:47
Google is your friend. I started thinking this would be great for one of the girls I know who does modeling. There is actually a wikihow that is a good starting point. Google.

How to become a Webcam Model.

Then read. It is kind of interesting. The challenge is to keep all the money and how to receive payments.I got a solicitation from an acquaintance who does know some who ply the trade. She said that she heard some get merchant mobile wallets. Interesting but might get around several issues.

Chocha Monger
08-05-20, 02:02
It appears that mongers will not be visiting Flipsville anytime soon for BBFSCIP, BBFSCIA, and BBBJCIMWS.


08-06-20, 09:06
It appears that mongers will not be visiting Flipsville anytime soon for BBFSCIP, BBFSCIA, and BBBJCIMWS.

https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/08/philippines-closes-indonesia-se-asian-covid-19-cases-200803134640402.htmlWow 3,400+ new cases yesterday alone in Phils. That rockets Phils up to #24 on the https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries website, by total cases.

Rick Rock
08-06-20, 11:39
Wow 3,400+ new cases yesterday alone in Phils. That rockets Phils up to #24 on the https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries website, by total cases.There are likely tens of thousands or more cases.

Even with widespread testing conservative estimates say the US probably has 10 times more infections than the number of confirmed cases.

Most people don't know they're infected. Especially people under sixty without concurrent illness.

The latest stats out of the US CDC say just 100 of 100,000 people who get infected will require hospitalization. That includes all ages. When you take out the elderly the number drops as low as 6 or 7 of 100,000.

Member #4794
08-06-20, 16:42
Bar girls are usually too busy having sex with random men to mess around with dating sites. But I have been seeing a lot more bar girls on the dating site than usual. For what its worth they are noticeably more attractive in comparison to the normal homely selection but in my older age I have grown more accustomed to the more simple looking less made up women. Cam girls have been getting progressively more attractive as well due to ex bar girls looking alternate income opportunities. One perk of NOT mongering is my bank account has never looked this good & my credit cards all have a 0 balance, due to not booking flights or hotels. This year might turnout to be the most profitable year in my personal history, due to me not taking time off mongering. Amazing just how much money I did shell out for this hobby. Most of what I have been hearing from these girls on dating sites is that they "used" to have a boyfriend which usually means their ATM has finally dried up. Some notable youtubers have also stopped the remittance payments to phils. Duterte is also out of money and options at this point, he is starting to shit on the medical community as well. Phils slowly but surely moving into a FUBAR situation economically. They going to be sucking on the World banks teats and beg for aid when that dries up, will see Duterte ride some Trump and Xi cock, he will reverse all of his hardboiled stances on politics everyone has a price.

"BSP: Remittance drop accelerates in May, down by almost a fifth".




"Duterte: No money for food, aid if Enhanced Community Quarantine declared".


"Duterte scolds health experts for trying to 'demean' gov't, claims they're 'not doing anything'.


Member #4698
08-06-20, 20:43
One perk of NOT mongering is my bank account has never looked this good & my credit cards all have a 0 balance, due to not booking flights or hotels. <snip> Amazing just how much money I did shell out for this hobby. So which do you prefer, having a surplus bank account and zero CC debt or shagging a ton of Asian girls? It is no contest in my book. Money can't buy you love, but it can buy you a whole lot of fun.

Engine Driver
08-06-20, 20:54
Wow 3,400+ new cases yesterday alone in Phils. That rockets Phils up to #24 on the https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries website, by total cases.Amazing that China had only 84000 cases. LOL.

Leaders in RWML should learn from the communist play book. Cheating does pay.

08-06-20, 21:35
Some notable youtubers have also stopped the remittance payments to phils....What do you mean by this? What youtubers and what are / were they doing?


08-06-20, 22:04
Is there a link from my photo gallery to my WhatsApp chats?

I want to find which contact or chat a particular donor photo came from with out scrolling through every message to find it. Can I do this?


Member #4794
08-06-20, 22:51
What do you mean by this? What youtubers and what are / were they doing?
G.There have been a number of youtubers I follow that have not been able to go to the Philippines for quite a while so they have stopped sending monthly "allowance" money, there was a live stream discussion about this where a few other expat youtubers joined in on and had "girlfriends" that they were sending money to have now stopped sending money to the Philippines. Most of these guys are back in the states or wherever their home country is and don't know when they will be back in phils so they have decided to cut these girls off.

Kabul Guy
08-06-20, 23:03

Most people don't know they're infected. Especially people under sixty without concurrent illness.
.....Add in the fact that is coming out that a mild case does not confer long term immunity to the disease and I think that the people having asymptomatic cases will soon become a reservoir of the virus. It will continue to circulate in this population and only show up when someone shedding the virus goes to the old folks home to visit Grandma.

It is here to stay people, get used to whatever comes out as the new normal. How different the new normal is will depend on how effective and widespread vaccines can become, if we can get some prophylactic treatments and how well treatments are developed for the virus.

Member #4794
08-06-20, 23:07
So which do you prefer, having a surplus bank account and zero CC debt or shagging a ton of Asian girls? It is no contest in my book. Money can't buy you love, but it can buy you a whole lot of fun.You are absolutely correct. I would much rather be getting it in with some women instead of this pile of money and cam girls and crate of tenga eggs I picked up on amazon. But seeing as mongering has been cancelled for 2020. I have decided to go on a super trip whenever the all clear signal is sounded, maybe hit a few remote locations, this down time should give me ample time to prepare.

Mr Enternational
08-07-20, 04:07
Bar girls are usually too busy having sex with random men to mess around with dating sites. But I have been seeing a lot more bar girls on the dating site than usual.I have always seen many bar girls on dating sites in the Philippines and Thailand. Half the chicks on dating sites in AC were bar girls sitting there chatting on the computer while they were in the bar. You think you are talking to a normal chick then the broad hollers come to my bar.

Mr Enternational
08-07-20, 04:14
Is there a link from my photo gallery to my WhatsApp chats?

I want to find which contact or chat a particular donor photo came from with out scrolling through every message to find it. Can I do this?Nope. The best you can do is to go to a conversation and hit the 3 dots in the top right, then hit media to see all the media traded between you and that contact.

08-07-20, 06:23
I have always seen many bar girls on dating sites in the Philippines and Thailand. Half the chicks on dating sites in AC were bar girls sitting there chatting on the computer while they were in the bar. You think you are talking to a normal chick then the broad hollers come to my bar.Lots of the photos of Angeles girls are taken INSIDE the bar. Either that or they have lots of chrome pipes and black leather barstools at home. 🤔.


08-07-20, 06:34
But seeing as mongering has been cancelled for 2020. I have decided to go on a super trip whenever the all clear signal is sounded, You're not the only one. I can see 2021 mongers falling into 2 categories: those that stay behind due to lingering economic or health concerns and those that do make it across and make up for lost time.

Hopefully I'll be in Group 2. 😁.

Enjoy. G.

Member #4794
08-07-20, 08:45
I have always seen many bar girls on dating sites in the Philippines and Thailand. Half the chicks on dating sites in AC were bar girls sitting there chatting on the computer while they were in the bar. You think you are talking to a normal chick then the broad hollers come to my bar.I like to think after a decade on some of these sites I can spot a bar girl / freelancer in incognito mode. I ask for a Facebook account just to look at the pictures they have taken. If I see colored lights and a bar in the background or random hotel room selfies pretty safe to assume she is a pro. You can also kind of tell if they are eating at more upscale restaurants. Its not a fool proof method but weeds out most pros. Another tell I look for are freelancers eating at Jollibee after a days work along with the other freelancers, these poor province girls can't usually afford to eat Jollibee everyday. There are certain things freelancers and bar girls post that normal girls don't that I normally look to filter out in order to find potential girl friends / longer term arrangements. Don't get me wrong I do keep in touch with the pros but I am not going to invest hours of chat into a bar girl or freelancer, I just message them when I am in country for short time rendezvous. I will however invest some time into non-pros on occasion.

Rick Rock
08-07-20, 13:23
You're not the only one. I can see 2021 mongers falling into 2 categories: those that stay behind due to lingering economic or health concerns and those that do make it across and make up for lost time.

Hopefully I'll be in Group 2. 😁.

Enjoy. G.Or we'll all be in Group 3: prohibited from any kind of international travel by our wise and benevolent leaders.

D Cups
08-07-20, 14:19
You're not the only one. I can see 2021 mongers falling into 2 categories: those that stay behind due to lingering economic or health concerns and those that do make it across and make up for lost time.

Hopefully I'll be in Group 2. 😁.

Enjoy. G.Here's to Group 2! I'll be applying for SRRV next year when all this bullshit blows over.

Rick Rock
08-08-20, 07:58
Here's to Group 2! I'll be applying for SRRV next year when all this bullshit blows over.I thought it was going to blow over in May, I mean June, I mean July, I mean September. Are we all set for a sure 2021 reopening now? Based on what, may I inquire?

08-08-20, 08:54
I thought it was going to blow over in May, I mean June, I mean July, I mean September. Are we all set for a sure 2021 reopening now? Based on what, may I inquire?I don't think there is any realistic time frame. Just guesses, based on 'hopes'. Until there is a solid vaccine in place, distributed among the population (not just the rich or willing), it will just be a series of blooms. Alternately, herd immunity takes over (another 'hope', and nothing more). This could be years in the making. Vaccine timelines are just guesses. Depressing, isn't it?

If you are in-country, stay put and get a regular girl (two), button down the hatches, and ride it out. If you are not in-country, reacquaint yourself with your palm (like when you were married) or spend more to make some magic happen. There are pro's and cons to both staying in-country and to going home.

Red Kilt
08-08-20, 10:45
I thought it was going to blow over in May, I mean June, I mean July, I mean September. Are we all set for a sure 2021 reopening now? Based on what, may I inquire?I am surprised why so many guys are so desperate to get back to the PH that has the highest incidence of Covid-19 in SE Asia and has an overwhelmed health system.

It seems like these guys have no regard whatsoever for their potential to get infected given that the availability of girls desperate for their monetary assistance are those who live in crowded and relatively slum-like areas. They are also assuming they can actually arrange for women to get to their accommodation and that they will be allowed access.

I guess it's a classic case of the little brain ruling the big brain. Those who are desperate must be those who cannot score in their own country and can only get laid if they target desperate pinays who are not too choosy.

I live here and I can see that everyone in my "hood is very antsy about catching the virus. Masks and now shields are compulsory and it is not easy to get around. No taxis buses or trains.

I am bemused why guys with ages that are in the high-risk group will want to challenge the odds of getting infected and if you're unlucky you face being hospitalized in quite difficult circumstances.

I suppose it's a case of "it won't happen to me. These things only happen to other people".

Rick Rock
08-08-20, 12:14
I am surprised why so many guys are so desperate to get back to the PH that has the highest incidence of Covid-19 in SE Asia and has an overwhelmed health system.

It seems like these guys have no regard whatsoever for their potential to get infected given that the availability of girls desperate for their monetary assistance are those who live in crowded and relatively slum-like areas. They are also assuming they can actually arrange for women to get to their accommodation and that they will be allowed access.

I guess it's a classic case of the little brain ruling the big brain. Those who are desperate must be those who cannot score in their own country and can only get laid if they target desperate pinays who are not too choosy.

I live here and I can see that everyone in my "hood is very antsy about catching the virus. Masks and now shields are compulsory and it is not easy to get around. No taxis buses or trains.

I am bemused why guys with ages that are in the high-risk group will want to challenge the odds of getting infected and if you're unlucky you face being hospitalized in quite difficult circumstances.

I suppose it's a case of "it won't happen to me. These things only happen to other people".Perhaps they can read recent and respected medical studies that show just 0. 001 of people who are infected require hospitalization.

Perhaps they are not elderly, diabetic, or suffering from heart disease or cancer, in which case their chances of serious illness are well under 1 percent.

Or maybe they just don't care and are willing to take the risk, like guys who have sex with prostitutes without using a condom.

Chocha Monger
08-08-20, 13:14
I am surprised why so many guys are so desperate to get back to the PH that has the highest incidence of Covid-19 in SE Asia and has an overwhelmed health system.

It seems like these guys have no regard whatsoever for their potential to get infected given that the availability of girls desperate for their monetary assistance are those who live in crowded and relatively slum-like areas. They are also assuming they can actually arrange for women to get to their accommodation and that they will be allowed access.

I guess it's a classic case of the little brain ruling the big brain. Those who are desperate must be those who cannot score in their own country and can only get laid if they target desperate pinays who are not too choosy.

I live here and I can see that everyone in my "hood is very antsy about catching the virus. Masks and now shields are compulsory and it is not easy to get around. No taxis buses or trains.

I am bemused why guys with ages that are in the high-risk group will want to challenge the odds of getting infected and if you're unlucky you face being hospitalized in quite difficult circumstances.

I suppose it's a case of "it won't happen to me. These things only happen to other people".Well, you just described 99 percent of mongers. No one who looks like Idris Elba or Don Draper is dying to get back to one of the worst Wuhan virus hotspots in Southeast Asia for a root.

08-08-20, 14:08
Perhaps they can read recent and respected medical studies that show just 0. 001 of people who are infected require hospitalization.

Perhaps they are not elderly, diabetic, or suffering from heart disease or cancer, in which case their chances of serious illness are well under 1 percent.

Or maybe they just don't care and are willing to take the risk, like guys who have sex with prostitutes without using a condom.Well said Rick.

08-08-20, 19:05
RK wonders why people without fire protection are trying to run into an empty burning building or people who are already on fire. Well who knows. But there are several areas where people or leaders have made choices that will inadvertently lead to some interesting unintended insight into Covid19. The data guys are digging through all those numbers.

If someone wants to travel, I suspect they will find a way. Especially if they think they are or can be virus proof.

Several countries are advancing their own vaccine development because they suspect the new world order will lead to many western countries not sharing vaccines till their own population are vaccinated. So far the exceptions are surprisingly China and Russia.

Russia claims to have one soon. Like others, they are waiting for approval. So, if one cannot wait, they can sign up for one of the trials or be the first to get an approved vaccine in the jurisdiction that approved it.

Right now, restrictions on movement in PI has impacted mongering. Difficult to move around. Neighbors don't like a flow of strange people breaking quarantine in your home. They will report you.

Even in the US, I heard one person had a cop visit because of an out of state plate in the driveway. At least the neighbors did not try to self investigate with loaded guns.

Soapy Smith
08-08-20, 23:40
Russia claims to have one soon.They'll have one about as soon as the British do, since they've been hacking into the British studies. Innovation takes many forms.

08-09-20, 01:02
Well said Rick.Except the fatality rate is currently running around 1%. The mathematics are not hard to do. Just take the deaths, divide by the confirmed cases and multiply by 100. However given the fatality rate is much higher with known morbidity factors it would make a lot more sense to manage those segments of the population than the population as a whole.

08-09-20, 06:33
Perhaps they can read recent and respected medical studies that show just 0. 001 of people who are infected require hospitalization.

Perhaps they are not elderly, diabetic, or suffering from heart disease or cancer, in which case their chances of serious illness are well under 1 percent.

Or maybe they just don't care and are willing to take the risk, like guys who have sex with prostitutes without using a condom.

Except the fatality rate is currently running around 1%. The mathematics are not hard to do. Just take the deaths, divide by the confirmed cases and multiply by 100. However given the fatality rate is much higher with known morbidity factors it would make a lot more sense to manage those segments of the population than the population as a whole.Not making any claim that the virus / pandemic isn't dangerous, just some data in the pic. It would appear that the disease is deadly almost solely in the those who are both aged *and* have morbidity factors (diabetes, cardio-pulomonary problems, that admittedly co-relate with age).

And then there's this, from yesterday's NY Times: "A flurry of recent studies has revealed that a large proportion of the population 20% to 50% of people in some places might harbor immunity assassins called T cells that recognize the new coronavirus despite having never encountered it before. ". A previously undisclosed herd immunity (just my luck, I probably don't have assassin cells).


I'm keeping my mask on (and soon to come: the mandatory face shield).

Member #4794
08-09-20, 10:05
I'm keeping my mask on (and soon to come: the mandatory face shield).Might as well stretch one of the 1000's of unused condoms that are expiring in our respective luggage over your head at this point. Mandatory face shields? Hazmat suits will be mandatory before long. This is when I'm glad I don't live in a shithole, I'm more than happy with UBER eats from my favorite steakhouse, air-conditioning, plumbing that I can flush toilet paper down and my piles on money in the bank until this runs its course.

If anyone thinks the vaccine is THE panacea we are looking for its not when the vaccine is unleashed it will only be 50% effective (not 93%) which is about as good as the current Flu shot, we all know how well that works.

China specifically has HAD a vaccine since April hence the low infection rate in China (Chinese people are already vaccinated against the China based strain) and they aren't sharing until official trials are completed to show efficacy with the mutations and of course to ensure profit.




Rick Rock
08-09-20, 12:49
Except the fatality rate is currently running around 1%. The mathematics are not hard to do. Just take the deaths, divide by the confirmed cases and multiply by 100. However given the fatality rate is much higher with known morbidity factors it would make a lot more sense to manage those segments of the population than the population as a whole.I think you're talking about case fatality rates.

The important number is infection fatality rates.

As researchers like us have learned more about the spread of the virus, we have discovered that the total number of infected people is far greater than the number of confirmed cases. For example in New York, it was more than 10 times the previously announced infection rate.

When deaths from COVID-19 are divided by the total number of cases – not just reported cases – you get a statistic called the infection fatality rate (IFR). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention currently has a best guess of 0. 26%% for the IFR.

And that's in the US where half of the population is obese, and more than half of the population has a "chronic disease or illness. ".

Rick Rock
08-09-20, 12:55
If anyone thinks the vaccine is THE panacea we are looking for its not when the vaccine is unleashed it will only be 50% effective (not 93%) which is about as good as the current Flu shot, we all know how well that works.Not to mention that it won't work on obese people.

And that as many as half of people won't take it.

And that even if a vaccine was approved we only have the capability to actually make about 300,000,000 doses in a world of almost 9 billion people.

Start crunching those numbers and you might be able to understand why people in the travel industry are talking about maybe starting to approach something like normal in 2024.

08-10-20, 14:12
They'll have one about as soon as the British do, since they've been hacking into the British studies. Innovation takes many forms.Different paths. Vaccines are already available in many counties. Each have their own approval process for delivery to human population.

As for industrial espionage, it is an ancient game. Think tea, silkworms, pasta, wine, cheese, metal alloys, herbs. Check with Snowden, the 5 and soon to be 6 eyes should be more interesting.

Oh I skimmed a news report about some country buying up most supply and future production of Remdesivir.

Wicked Roger
08-10-20, 15:34
Oh I skimmed a news report about some country buying up most supply and future production of Remdesivir.That was USA. And some think if the vaccine is working and available USA should get it last now. From reading some news outlets horrified that the USA should ignore the rest of world's needs. But then I suppose it needs it more given that it leads the world in cases and deaths (but would not be in this position if we applied the logic of its President and did not do as many tests LOL).

08-11-20, 12:42
Supposedly Russia just announced the approval of a locally developed Covid19 vaccine. I guess James Bond, Felix and Our Man Flint are on their way to Russia.

That was USA. And some think if the vaccine is working and available USA should get it last now. From reading some news outlets horrified that the USA should ignore the rest of world's needs. But then I suppose it needs it more given that it leads the world in cases and deaths (but would not be in this position if we applied the logic of its President and did not do as many tests LOL).
Different paths. Vaccines are already available in many counties. Each have their own approval process for delivery to human population.

As for industrial espionage, it is an ancient game. Think tea, silkworms, pasta, wine, cheese, metal alloys, herbs. Check with Snowden, the 5 and soon to be 6 eyes should be more interesting.

Oh I skimmed a news report about some country buying up most supply and future production of Remdesivir.

Member #4794
08-11-20, 15:25
Time to dust off those condoms and suitcases. And get some jogging in so you don't keel over with your first bar fine.

"Duterte accepts Russia's vaccine offer; chances of COVID-free Christmas higher".


08-11-20, 16:19
Oh. Russia has partnered with local companies in several countries for research and vaccine production. Also their methodology is different from the Oxford and some US methodology. China took also a more traditional path. Hopefully, the differences will only enhance the overall protection for people as a whole versus people of a particular social economic status in certain countries.

And yeah. All blue ball monitor addicts better start exercising and dusting of that Costco special box of 1000 condoms.

Oh I skimmed a news report about some country buying up most supply and future production of Remdesivir.
Supposedly Russia just announced the approval of a locally developed Covid19 vaccine. I guess James Bond, Felix and Our Man Flint are on their way to Russia.

Wicked Roger
08-11-20, 22:49
Time to dust off those condoms and suitcases. And get some jogging in so you don't keel over with your first bar fine.

"Duterte accepts Russia's vaccine offer; chances of COVID-free Christmas higher".

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bjemgps_RCsNot tested, not properly trialed so say much of world media, and you believe in Santa also MM.

Read the local news (lots of different sites) as some of us do and listen to those who live in hot spots. Read the contributors to this thread. That is a better indication of what will happen then the link to a MB site.

And does it say that foreign mongers are to be given a priority or can leave their shores to travel or that very likely some rich politician and cronies will get the vaccine first leaving the poor scrambling (and which class of person are the mongers generally shagging?

While not many love to hear blue balls will likely continue until 2021.

08-12-20, 13:30
Not tested, not properly trialed so say much of world media, and you believe in Santa also MM.

Read the local news (lots of different sites) as some of us do and listen to those who live in hot spots. Read the contributors to this thread. That is a better indication of what will happen then the link to a MB site.

And does it say that foreign mongers are to be given a priority or can leave their shores to travel or that very likely some rich politician and cronies will get the vaccine first leaving the poor scrambling (and which class of person are the mongers generally shagging?

While not many love to hear blue balls will likely continue until 2021.Yeah. Devil is in the details. PI had a very sad experience with a French dangue vaccine severalyears ago even though it had been approved for a couple to several years before. It had a known theoretical problem that was not emphasized or highlighted. Still approved in the US.

Unfortunately, those with all the information and knowledge might not be the one giving the advice or the one in power. Think Johnson, Trump, Bolsonaro. Oh, A small amount of bleach is okay for disinfecting drinking water versus drinking contaminated water. Balance. Balance is important. But unfortunately there usually are a lot of information to digest first.

Soapy Smith
08-12-20, 20:30
Not tested, not properly trialed so say much of world media, and you believe in Santa also MM.The new vaccine is appropriately named Sputnik V. I'm old enough to remember the first Sputnik, a series of early space shots with animal or human cargo in satellite capsules. A bunch of dead dogs and cosmonauts before they got the wrinkles worked out. I'd assume Soviet / Russian standards for scientific testing procedures might not match those in other countries. If Putin is so impressed, and proud that his daughter was one of the volunteers who was vaccinated, why didn't he volunteer. It may turn out that poor Filipinos will be Duterte's first Guinea pigs, because better-educated Filipinos will likely delay gratification.

08-12-20, 21:39
The new vaccine is appropriately named Sputnik V. I'm old enough to remember the first Sputnik, a series of early space shots with animal or human cargo in satellite capsules. A bunch of dead dogs and cosmonauts before they got the wrinkles worked out. I'd assume Soviet / Russian standards for scientific testing procedures might not match those in other countries. If Putin is so impressed, and proud that his daughter was one of the volunteers who was vaccinated, why didn't he volunteer. It may turn out that poor Filipinos will be Duterte's first Guinea pigs, because better-educated Filipinos will likely delay gratification.Supposedly, the Soviet Sputnik program had a number of failures that the Politburo hid from the world. There suppose to be in the space junk circling the planet a number of mummified dogs and cosmonauts they could never retrieve!

08-13-20, 15:46
Supposedly, the Soviet Sputnik program had a number of failures that the Politburo hid from the world. There suppose to be in the space junk circling the planet a number of mummified dogs and cosmonauts they could never retrieve!Some of the newer US failures resulted in shuttle members possibly surviving a launch explosion but perishing on impact. Or shuttle breakup and burning on reentry. It is like the George Clooney's movie. Maybe better to go with co2 poisoning.

People have taken experimental medicine or treatments because of desperation. The US doctor that survived ebola and was airlifted back to the US, took a lot of experimental stuff. Including a young ebola boy survivor 's plasma. I wonder who consented on behalf of the boy.

If you had a Cloverfield esqu structure, stay put and don't bring any pussy inside. For some reason, bring a pussy inside usually results in guys dying. Guess history repeats, apple, tree, snake.

Kabul Guy
08-15-20, 00:07
Yeah. Devil is in the details. PI had a very sad experience with a French dangue vaccine severalyears ago ....The government is so desperate to reopen the economy that they may just promote an unproven vaccine so that they can get things going.

There is a vaccine, we are saved.

The Russian vaccine has not undergone phase 3 trials. That is large scale on many people. Normally that os necessary for approval. This early approval is politics and not science.

08-15-20, 01:14
The government is so desperate to reopen the economy that they may just promote an unproven vaccine so that they can get things going.

There is a vaccine, we are saved.

The Russian vaccine has not undergone phase 3 trials. That is large scale on many people. Normally that os necessary for approval. This early approval is politics and not science.The French Sanofi dengue fever vaccine had passed phase 3 trials and was approved for at least a couple years before Philippines adopted it. Many people died. It is still approved in US.

Remdesivir is still completing Phase 2 and 3 trials for covid19.

As I suggested, balance. Would more harm (many ways to measure) come from using an experimental vaccine versus keeping economy, schools open and not wearing masks and maybe taking Hydroxychloroquine?

Several doctors have taken the Oxford vaccine. The doctor who found the small pox vaccine tested it on a boy, not his, and tried to infect the boy with small pox.

Anyway, pussy is more dangerous. Lead to more deaths. Helen of Troy.

Rick Rock
08-15-20, 07:42
It may turn out that poor Filipinos will be Duterte's first Guinea pigsSeems likely:

"The Philippines will begin large-scale human testing of Russia's coronavirus vaccine in October, but President Rodrigo Duterte will not receive the inoculation until regulators guarantee its safety, his spokesman said Thursday. ".

But they'd be the second Guinea pigs.

These poor souls were the first:

"The Philippines was the first country to introduce the dengue vaccine CYD-TDV (Dengvaxia; Pasteur, Lyon, France) on a large scale in selected highly endemic regions, targeting about 1 million children aged 9–10 years. ".

"In late November 2017, the Department of Health (DOH) suspended the school-based vaccination program that used the dengue vaccine after reports circulated that several children had died from various complications allegedly attributed to the vaccine. Shortly afterwards, the company made a statement that its product posed higher risks to people without prior dengue infection. ".

"As of August 2019, over 600 people (mostly children) that had received at least a single dose of the vaccine had died. The scare caused by the controversy has been suggested as a factor in the country's loss of confidence in vaccines and low immunization rates, resulting in an infectious disease crisis in the country in 2019, including a measles outbreak. ".

Soapy Smith
08-15-20, 08:01
Some of the newer US failures resulted in shuttle members possibly surviving a launch explosion but perishing on impact. Or shuttle breakup and burning on reentry. NASA's two most conspicuous accidents were Challenger (1986) and Columbia (2003). Seven astronauts died in each accident. A researcher named Diane Vaughan argued that Challenger occurred because NASA's culture had developed a "normalization of deviance. " That is, they were so invested in "go, go, go," that they increasingly tolerated violations of safety standards, so that Challenger was an accident waiting to happen. Unfortunately, Columbia occurred because NASA officials didn't take Vaughan seriously the first time. I read somewhere that they invited her in and listened to her after Columbia. What we seem to be experiencing in some notable countries with Covid is a headlong rush to normalize deviance by idiots with political goals who are so eager to create an impression of getting things going that they are willing to throw all caution to the wind.

RR's story is almost scarier. Seems to have occurred in a context in which the lives of poor people are cheap and there never were any basic safety standards.

Rick Rock
08-15-20, 11:36
the lives of poor people are cheap and there never were any basic safety standards.Could be the slogan for ASEAN.

08-16-20, 18:11
RR's story is almost scarier. Seems to have occurred in a context in which the lives of poor people are cheap and there never were any basic safety standards.Well, I think that is what people in Flint thought. Again same state with Black Lives Matter.

Not too far behind were Asian and other poorer sections of the US population pressured to work without PPE and under conditions susceptible to Covid infections. The Germans and Japanese were also leading live human testing practitioners.

Things are tough for many pinays. Many are caught in making hard choices. Also, since many officially work abroad, they are more exposed to possible covid exposures. Worse for Filipinos.

Soapy Smith
08-17-20, 03:53
Well, I think that is what people in Flint thought. Again same state with Black Lives Matter.

Not too far behind were Asian and other poorer sections of the US population pressured to work without PPE and under conditions susceptible to Covid infections. Are you saying that shit rolls down hill?

Rick Rock
08-17-20, 07:50
Well, I think that is what people in Flint thought. Again same state with Black Lives Matter.

Not too far behind were Asian and other poorer sections of the US population pressured to work without PPE and under conditions susceptible to Covid infections. The Germans and Japanese were also leading live human testing practitioners.

Things are tough for many pinays. Many are caught in making hard choices. Also, since many officially work abroad, they are more exposed to possible covid exposures. Worse for Filipinos.Asians are the richest racial group in America: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_groups_in_the_United_States_by_household_income#Asian.

Average Filipino-American household earns $82,238 a year.

Average Korean-American household earns 92,074.

Average Chinese-American household earns 91,944.

Average Taiwanese-American household earns 105,726.

Average Indian-American household earns 123,453.

Compare this to overall average household income in America which is $61,937 a year.

Not quite a marginalized group LOL Especially when you realize many Asian-American households are traditional with a single male breadwinner versus America as a whole where mom dad and the eldest offspring usually have a job.

08-17-20, 16:16
Are you saying that shit rolls down hill?Been told a general observation that the paler or whiter the higher it floats; excluding present company. LOL.

08-17-20, 23:39
...........Things are tough for many pinays. Many are caught in making hard choices. ...........Ever since my last trip to the Philippines in 2007 I have been in touch with a non-pro Filipina who had a reasonably good job with an investment firm. Well due to the economic ravages of covid 19 she is now unemployed. She has resorted to selling clothing on line. I have bought some clothes from her to help her out.

Soapy Smith
08-18-20, 06:54
Asians are the richest racial group in America: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_groups_in_the_United_States_by_household_income#Asian.

Average Filipino-American household earns $82,238 a year.

Average Korean-American household earns 92,074.

Average Chinese-American household earns 91,944.

Average Taiwanese-American household earns 105,726.

Average Indian-American household earns 123,453.

Compare this to overall average household income in America which is $61,937 a year.

Not quite a marginalized group LOL Especially when you realize many Asian-American households are traditional with a single male breadwinner versus America as a whole where mom dad and the eldest offspring usually have a job.I think your numbers are correct. One reason may be that visa quotas favor immigrants with higher levels of education. Higher levels of education are undoubtedly correlated with higher incomes. In my local community I know a lot of the Fil-Ams. Many are doctors, engineers, professors, nurses, IT specialists. The exceptions are women who married veterans and sex tourists. (Nobody admits to being the latter.).

I'd like to see the data that confirm your thesis about traditional Asian households. I've seen some data suggesting that only Hispanics have larger households than Asians.

Mr Enternational
08-18-20, 08:00
I think your numbers are correct. One reason may be that visa quotas favor immigrants with higher levels of education. It does not work like that. I have worked in enough first generation immigrant people's houses to know there is nothing favoring immigrants with higher levels of education. Most can't even speak English if they are from a non-English speaking country. Afterall, people that are ahead of the game do not want to leave their country.

What happens is that the first generation comes and struggles and puts their kids through school in the process. You can see this time and time again in various countries. The Chinese will come and sell fruit on the corner. They will save enough to buy a corner store. Their family will sleep in the back of the store while the locals are talking down on them about it. Soon they will own a chain of grocery stores or restaurants, or nail salons, or whatever the hell, and their kids have become university graduates. When the locals see this they become jealous and believe they were given something or helped by the government. They see you when you are balling, but did not see you when you were struggling. Chinese have done the same thing in Thailand and the United States and they are now doing it in Latin America and Africa. There is no easy way.

08-18-20, 19:39
It does not work like that. I have worked in enough first generation immigrant people's houses to know there is nothing favoring immigrants with higher levels of education. Most can't even speak English if they are from a non-English speaking country. Afterall, people that are ahead of the game do not want to leave their country.

What happens is that the first generation comes and struggles and puts their kids through school in the process. You can see this time and time again in various countries. The Chinese will come and sell fruit on the corner. They will save enough to buy a corner store. Their family will sleep in the back of the store while the locals are talking down on them about it. Soon they will own a chain of grocery stores or restaurants, or nail salons, or whatever the hell, and their kids have become university graduates. When the locals see this they become jealous and believe they were given something or helped by the government. They see you when you are balling, but did not see you when you were struggling. Chinese have done the same thing in Thailand and the United States and they are now doing it in Latin America and Africa. There is no easy way.Holy moly Mr. E! A post of yours that DG 100% agree with. Not only agree but 100% accurate.

I have seen family run small hole in the wall Chinese restaurants produce CPAs, Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers and so on and on professionals. The whole family operated a small business probably earning $2. 00 a hour each. Which didn't matter. What matter was the combined family earned $50,000 a year, enough to live on and to save money for kid's college.

I have seen immigrant Korean family run dry cleaners send kids to college and then retire.

I have seen the poorest of the poor uneducated Vietnamese "boat people" take over the fishing in the gulf of Texas and send their kids off to college producing Doctors, Dentists, Lawyers and so on.

Most people assume these professional offsprings were from rich families!

08-18-20, 21:35
What happens is that the first generation comes and struggles and puts their kids through school in the process. You can see this time and time again in various countries. When I was a young kid we had a market garden growing tomatoes and potatoes. EVERY other family was first generation Italian immigrants. They worked non stop and those that didn't run a market garden used their existing skills to enter the building trades. One cousin was a bricklayer, another a tiler, another an electrician etc. Before long they all had 10 houses and their kids wouldn't even consider manual labour. That space has now been taken over by Vietnamese and SEA immigrants.

When I went to college its was right in the middle of the Pol Pot Kampuchean crisis. Mom and dad spoke no English and the kids weren't much better. NO ONE worked harder at school than those kids and through sheer hard effort and helping each other they always came top of class in high end engineering disciplines.

Meanwhile we were out chasing girls and getting drunk every night. 😁.

I would agree that skilled and wealth based immigration has added to the mix but the attitudes haven't changed. Why leave India, Korea etc is you don't want to work for a better future?

Cheers. G.

Member #4794
08-19-20, 16:35
While adding even more restrictions to the face shield and face mask they are adding a widespread curfew to the list of lunacy. This appears to be a way to squeeze honest working people out of the last few remaining pesos than it is life saving measures. It appears as if they are opening back up in order to collect fees from made up violations preying yet again on the poor which I attribute to the Philippines coffers being 1000% bare. Dutarte basically greenlighting Police shakedowns and corruption is back in season when things get rough police get to work harassing innocent people.

All the while Dutarte is running around allegedly or not so allegedly vacationing in Singapore on government funds. He even talks about vacating the presidency and possibly putting a security minister in charge. Dutarte seems like he has just given up until the vaccine which for the Philippines being last in line for and will take half a year at best to procure in numbers meaning full enough to make a dent. Question is are you still heading to phils as soon as you get inoculated? My little head still says yes but my big head might be winning this war.

"Metro Manila mayors agree to impose Unified 8 pm- 5 am Curfew, Palace says".


"Duterte denies Singapore trip rumors but stresses his right to travel".


Soapy Smith
08-19-20, 17:51
It does not work like that. I have worked in enough first generation immigrant people's houses to know there is nothing favoring immigrants with higher levels of education. Most can't even speak English if they are from a non-English speaking country. Afterall, people that are ahead of the game do not want to leave their country. I was mistaken, mea culpa. But the situation is more complex than you suggest. I plucked data from a 2017 report from the Center for Immigration Studies (tables in the attachment.) It suggests that education levels for recent immigrants are more diverse than for native-born Americans. That is, the recent immigrant population contains more people with less than a high school diploma, but also many more with bachelors degrees as compared to native-born Americans.

If "people that are ahead of the game do not want to leave their country," as you suggest, why do so many immigrants have bachelors degrees or more? And why is my local Fil-Am association comprised of so many doctors, nurses, engineers, professors, and IT guys? I know one guy who finished medical school in Cebu, then went back to train as an RN, took the nursing exam in the Philippines (Phils nursing certification is accepted in most US states), and came to the US as a nurse, earning more as a nurse here than as an MD in the Philippines. This is an anecdotal case, but I understand it's a common pattern. Educated people do leave developing countries. The Philippines and other poor countries have significant "brain drain" issues.

If you want to understand how people from the Philippines, both with and without education, migrate to OFW jobs, cruise ships, and professional employment in English speaking countries, please read Jason DeParle's excellent book, **A Good Provider is One who Leaves. *.

Bushes referred in a recent post to poor Asian families suffering under Covid. RR then showed income data drawn from Wikipedia, suggesting that Asian-American households earn more on average than other American households. But how can these numbers square with income data in the third table in my attachment, which shows recent immigrants' income is about half that of natives? A couple possible explanations:

1. The Wikipedia data are arithmetic means, whereas the data from the Center for Immigration Studies are median incomes. Mean is calculated by adding up all incomes and dividing by the number of individuals; median is the point at which 50% of cases are higher and 50% are lower. Mean income data are invariably skewed upward by a few millionaires. Median captures the most typical income across the population; it's a much better measure for "average" income.

2. The Immigration Center data are "recent" immigrants. It may be, as Mr. E and Dg suggest, that it takes a while or a generation or two for immigrant families to settle into better jobs.

But all of this suggests there may well be pockets of poor Asian immigrants as Bushes suggested, and as Dg described, such as Vietnamese fishing the Louisiana coast, or large households of Chinese restaurant workers with many people taking up floor space.

RK lectures me about not posting shit like this in ISG, which is supposed to be about fucking poor women. My excuse is that we're in a down time and most ISG members are unable to fuck Pinay p4ps at present.

Soapy Smith
08-19-20, 18:10
All the while Dutarte is running around allegedly or not so allegedly vacationing in Singapore on government funds. He even talks about vacating the presidency and possibly putting a security minister in charge. It's talk. In order to bypass Leni Robredo they'd need to amend the constitution. Similar situation in the states: may need to "redo the election" if Trump doesn't win.

Wicked Roger
08-19-20, 22:12
Question is are you still heading to phils as soon as you get inoculated? My little head still says yes but my big head might be winning this war.So you still believe in Santa MM. Maybe the last part of the sentence shows some understanding of reality.

How many times must the head attached to your groin realize Philippines is not safe enough yet. Look at statistics, speak to people there (some of whom have rarely left their houses since mid March), read the news without that head making judgement etc.

Simply put I doubt you will visiting until 2021 and that depends as has been noted before if tourists are allowed kin (I am still unclear is SSRV holders can get back still).

It also assumes your country will prioritize you for a vaccine shot over others deemed more high risk so best listen to the advice of previously and play at home, with yourself or both LOL.

And remember politicians who truly care about the man in the street are are rare all over the world LOL.

08-20-20, 09:44
There is a mixture of factual and non factual info on immigration from what everyone is saying.

- Asian American households (1st gen immigrants and their children) tend to do well economically because a significant proportion of them came into the country more educated than your average American. This doesn't necessarily mean all these immigrants waltzed into high paying jobs, even those that operate the laundry shops and convenience stores often have bachelor degrees and higher from their home countries. This tends to bleed into the decisions they make for their businesses and their families (I. E. Financial planning and literacy, strong education, taking advantage of government policies and opportunities, networking etc). And of course those that do waltz into high paying jobs also add to the mix.

- Asian American households (1st gen) also tend to have higher levels of poverty than the average American household. Particularly those from the South East Asian community, for example up to a quarter of Malaysian Americans in the US live below the poverty line. And that's before we talk about the undocumented Asian immigrants.


Member #4794
08-20-20, 12:28
The socioeconomic situation of Asians in Western Society Summit going on here is killing my boner even more than I thought possible. One thing that does come from a result of these 2nd 3rd and 4rd generation immigrant family's is they get progressively less attractive to me as their western brainwashing completes and they lose all sense of the culture we all enjoy so much overseas. They tend to get much more entitled and self serving. Today I would never dream of touching anything "American" or americanized, I'm saving all that trump money for trips to the shiittyest parts on asia and looking for the most disenfranchised women possible. Empowerment and independence are all huge boner killers for me personally maybe your more beta male like a more domineering woman. The only real side effect of Asian girls in America is that they gain a sense of empowerment sends chills down my spine.

The very first nipple I ever saw was of this 2nd generation Philippino girl that lived in a mansion in Duarte California in the 80's (NOT POOR) and I've been hooked ever since. Take Mirella Ponce (google her, known as the hot pinay mugshot girl) is kind of a good baseline for what asian "american" girls turn into. In the early 90's asian american fever was at its peak I remember going to many a "hot import night" car convention which were really just hot asian girl conventions. Daily city still has some Fil-Am focused festivals where you can intermingle with Fil-ams. I would say that Asian Americans are disenfranchised becasue they want to be, they mostly try to stick to closely knit communities (they seem to be slumming it more than genuinely poor). The later generations are much more indoctrinated and are less self isolating, asian women eventually start to date ONLY western men. There was some study done on modern online dating where Asian Males and Black females were the most racially discriminated against, which I would say is pretty accurate. Outcalls in the USA were costing me about $300-$1000 an hour with import models in the early 90's. When I learned I could bang 10 girls for a total trip cost of around 2-3 k I was hooked. I used to spend $1000's of dollars on hook ups in hotels on the strip in las vegas and incall / outcalls / asian message parlors in Daily city and Fresno. To this day in Las Vegas for some Asian Instagram hoe could run you anywhere from $350-$2000 (These girls in las vegas are at the bottom of the socioeconomic ladder and make $2 k an hour) and in manila the same quality girl will run you $50-$100 asians in western countries are not poor. Asian girls in America have 500%-1000% the income they do in their respective home countries even at the poorest levels. The western world and the WHO 2025 directives to end social economic strife also in turn mean an end to some mongering destinations eventually.

08-20-20, 19:12
Been told a general observation that the paler or whiter the higher it floats; excluding present company. LOL.As for the vaccine. The vaccine candidates are already beginning distributed as in tests and production. If you sign up for a trial, you will get one. Best place to sign up might be Brazil as trials need the virus spreading or deliberately given to test subjects; like the boy who got the polio vaccine and then the virus. Americans, Germans and Japanese have tested on people without consent.

As for travel, the Thai king and Duterte have shown that travel is possible. Both are examples of people escaping their home country. The anti globalization might not happen right away so I suspect there has to be travel to keep economies going. Just look around and read. Another British government official was caught travelling and setting a bad example, as if he really cares.

As for pussy, there are always some around. Maybe one or two paper shopping bags required. Otherwise it is time to get a nice Kindle and rediscover the joy of reading.

As for the Asian groceries stores, unfortunately, Trump might force them to sell to cvs, pathmart or Walmart.

08-23-20, 15:24

Delta is looking to resume scheduled MNL service from Inchon, Oct 25th. That is a good sign, but still subject to postponement if countries don't open up.

08-23-20, 16:55
...........Why leave India, Korea etc is you don't want to work for a better future? Cheers. G.That's right they don't leave SEA to monger in the US.

Wicked Roger
08-23-20, 23:14

Delta is looking to resume scheduled MNL service from Inchon, Oct 25th. That is a good sign, but still subject to postponement if countries don't open up.Says nothing about being allowed to enter the country and be given a visa on arrival. Which is the main issue for anyone coming the Philippines.

But was a good list to tell others where not to go. As shows where Americans are allowed to go so best avoid those places as the infection rate there etc is the highest (or one of top 3) in the world and given the reaction to it is clueless ways to control this pandemic would you want to be close to any source of infections (or would the cuties either? In Ireland the locals have called the police at times when see an American tourist LOL.

But in the end there has been no mention that tourist visas will be reissued so all this is speculation at best.

And of course your balls must be super blue if you must fly Delta anywhere LOL.

08-24-20, 15:21
Says nothing about being allowed to enter the country and be given a visa on arrival. Which is the main issue for anyone coming the Philippines.

But was a good list to tell others where not to go. As shows where Americans are allowed to go so best avoid those places as the infection rate there etc is the highest (or one of top 3) in the world and given the reaction to it is clueless ways to control this pandemic would you want to be close to any source of infections (or would the cuties either? In Ireland the locals have called the police at times when see an American tourist LOL.

But in the end there has been no mention that tourist visas will be reissued so all this is speculation at best.

And of course your balls must be super blue if you must fly Delta anywhere LOL.I feel bad that you live a life blinded by hate.

08-24-20, 20:43
I feel bad that you live a life blinded by hate.LOL, that's funny when they see American they call the police.

Wicked Roger
08-25-20, 00:14
I feel bad that you live a life blinded by hate.Why do you say hate Salty? Did you read the news and see the statistics or do you inhabit a different world where stats and facts are never believed.

Sadly it is fact read the news as it is all there and I state the basics facts unlike many world leaders who seem to think the public are stupid.

Read the news Salty as this gives an insight into the world. I know for a fact that you can't travel to the Philippines as a monger yet as no tourist visas so far, that USA tourists have been dobbed in by others as they don't obey self ISO rules.



Read those and then Google for others Salty LOL as most places in the world don't allow USA citizens to visit their countries and why should they? Now if we have a vaccine that works then things change but until then I will only see my family in the USA using Skype etc sadly.

I have family in the USA (southern states) some of whom are old / frail and high risk so I read the news and clearly understand that while I would like to go see them I can't and would not risk travel to a country that clearly has no idea how to handle a pandemic.

08-25-20, 02:08
LOL, that's funny when they see American they call the police.Not funny at all. In Canada we are barely keeping a lid on the virus. Barely. So many are worried about their rights on things like wearing a mask or holding large parties that the virus keeps percolating just below the surface here. Governors in the northern US states have been putting pressure on the Canadian Government to reopen the Canadian boarders. Thankfully to date this has been rejected. Canadians recognize that the last thing Canadians want is to have that stew circulated and brought across our boarders to Canada in greater numbers.

Americans are known for their arrogance of flouting the law once they gain entry to Canada. Right now, one of the few reasons they are allowed into Canada without quarantine is to drive directly to Alaska and even then they are encouraged to not use hotels and use drive through restaurants only. Recently it has been found that Americans have been using their stated direct trips to take a leisurely sightseeing side trips even stopping in our National Parks. It has become a significant enough problem that the R.C.M.P have started charging Americans with fines in the range of $2,500. And yes Canadians are calling the police when they see American licence plates where they ought not be seen. And yes Canadian authorities are following up.

WR is correct, North Americans are clueless about the ways to properly handle this pandemic. A case in point is how Vietnam dealt with their first outbreak. They locked down the country, provided testing and tracing, and in some cases locked down whole cities when a single new case as discovered. Within a couple months their citizens were out and free to wander the streets and party. They were more than three months without a new case. Ninety million people with less than 500 cases and no deaths. Recently they have had a new outbreak and they are going thorough the same process. I predict they will obtain similar results although this time they have suffered about 25 deaths. There are times when acting for the "the greater good" has to supersede individual rights and freedoms and it seems most Asian countries understand this. If North Americans understood this we would be out enjoying football and baseball rather than looking for a political excuse for exemptions.



I was booked to go back to Vietnam in February and cancelled my trip. I was concerned how a developing country would be able to handle the virus. In hindsight I wish I had gone as I suspect I would have been safer there than I am in North America where our leaders are afraid to lead. Had I gone I would still be enjoying my time there. Instead I suspect it will be late 2021, or longer if a vaccine is not available, before North Americans will be welcomed back to Asian countries.


08-25-20, 03:18
Not funny at all. In Canada we are barely keeping a lid on the virus. Barely. So many are worried about their rights on things like wearing a mask or holding large parties that the virus keeps percolating just below the surface here. Governors in the northern US states have been putting pressure on the Canadian Government to reopen the Canadian boarders. Thankfully to date this has been rejected. Canadians recognize that the last thing Canadians want is to have that stew circulated and brought across our boarders to Canada in greater numbers.

Americans are known for their arrogance of flouting the law once they gain entry to Canada. Right now, one of the few reasons they are allowed into Canada without quarantine is to drive directly to Alaska and even then they are encouraged to not use hotels and use drive through restaurants only. Recently it has been found that Americans have been using their stated direct trips to take a leisurely sightseeing side trips even stopping in our National Parks. It has become a significant enough problem that the R.C.M.P have started charging Americans with fines in the range of $2,500. And yes Canadians are calling the police when they see American licence plates where they ought not be seen. And yes Canadian authorities are following up.Viet Nam shares a border with China. Viet Nam experiences China at close quarters. Should it be any surprise that they know what goes on there and what to do about it? And you notice how all other Southeast Asian countries remain closed. These people have experience in living memory of epidemic disease and they are aware of the capacities of their public health systems. Americans, comparatively, are living in a bubble where for generations they've felt they've conquered every disease that's come their way. So, why wouldn't they react by shrugging this one off and clinging close as possible to their sense of normality. In 20-20 hindsight, North Americans should not have welcomed people from Asian countries back in late 2019. This virus — and others sure to come — will cause people to change their habits and thinking. In the meantime, best get it straight that ultimately it's best to rely on your own most-informed judgement here.

Member #4698
08-25-20, 03:22
Why do you say hate Salty? <snip>

Read those and then Google for others Salty LOL as most places in the world don't allow USA citizens to visit their countries and why should they? Now if we have a vaccine that works then things change but until then I will only see my family in the USA using Skype etc sadly.

I have family in the USA (southern states) some of whom are old / frail and high risk so I read the news and clearly understand that while I would like to go see them I can't and would not risk travel to a country that clearly has no idea how to handle a pandemic.Of course you are entitled to your opinion, WR, but you should be aware that it does come off as a little nasty and political.

Anyhow, Here is a bit of good news: Starting in September Costa Rica will waive it's 14 day quarantine for US Citizens / tourists from 6 American States provided these visitors can provide evidence that they tested negative for the Corona 48 hours prior to arrival and carry required medical insurance. I guess some country had to be the first to reopen. This sounds like a pretty good policy not just for tourists and mongers, but for everyone concerned. I hope the Philippine government gets smart and copies it. Costa Rica is a very beautiful country and it has many great beaches. I used to spend a lot of time there when it was really a treasure back in the 70's & '80's before I discovered SE Asia. Today I prefer Asian girls, however, 555. Still, this is good news. It shows that there is light at the end of the tunnel as more countries follow suit and open their borders to healthy visitors, lower fatality rates are being achieved due to a greater knowledge of the virus, yes even in America (OMG), and quite possibly there will be a vaccine by the end of the year.

BTW, I live in Florida, which is one of the 6 states that is not initially on the list of states allowed into CR in September. Yeah, we have pretty high Corona numbers and it amazes me frankly, but the vast majority of Floridians know how to take care of themselves and stay healthy. We don't want the government to tell us what we have to do. We like out freedom here.

08-25-20, 10:08
An early start. Thailand planning a small tourist re-opening.


08-25-20, 17:15
Well. Anyone notice the news that over a quarter of New Delhi residents are suspected to have been infected with Covid19? That is one country that is actively practicing "don't test don't tell". As well as forcing a mass migration of poor workers during the beginning of the epidemic. Images of officials hosing the trapped and stranded victims.

Not funny at all. In Canada we are barely keeping a lid on the virus. Barely. So many are worried about their rights on things like wearing a mask or holding large parties that the virus keeps percolating just below the surface here. Governors in the northern US states have been putting pressure on the Canadian Government to reopen the Canadian boarders. Thankfully to date this has been rejected. Canadians recognize that the last thing Canadians want is to have that stew circulated and brought across our boarders to Canada in greater numbers.

Americans are known for their arrogance of flouting the law once they gain entry to Canada. Right now, one of the few reasons they are allowed into Canada without quarantine is to drive directly to Alaska and even then they are encouraged to not use hotels and use drive through restaurants only. Recently it has been found that Americans have been using their stated direct trips to take a leisurely sightseeing side trips even stopping in our National Parks. It has become a significant enough problem that the R.C.M.P have started charging Americans with fines in the range of $2,500. And yes Canadians are calling the police when they see American licence plates where they ought not be seen. And yes Canadian authorities are following up..

08-25-20, 18:50
An early start. Thailand planning a small tourist re-opening.

https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/thailand-reopening-safe-and-sealed-covid/index.htmlStill 14 day quarantine. Bummer. I miss the pre COVID-19 days when you just went though customs and start texting and cutie at hotel when you get there. I guess that is still a ways off. Its a start, I guess.

08-25-20, 20:40
Why do you say hate Salty? Did you read the news and see the statistics or do you inhabit a different world where stats and facts are never believed.

Sadly it is fact read the news as it is all there and I state the basics facts unlike many world leaders who seem to think the public are stupid.

Read the news Salty as this gives an insight into the world. I know for a fact that you can't travel to the Philippines as a monger yet as no tourist visas so far, that USA tourists have been dobbed in by others as they don't obey self ISO rules.



Read those and then Google for others Salty LOL as most places in the world don't allow USA citizens to visit their countries and why should they? Now if we have a vaccine that works then things change but until then I will only see my family in the USA using Skype etc sadly.

I have family in the USA (southern states) some of whom are old / frail and high risk so I read the news and clearly understand that while I would like to go see them I can't and would not risk travel to a country that clearly has no idea how to handle a pandemic.
Like I said in my OP, Delta's flights will be contingent on the Philippines (and other countries) opening up. Perhaps I should have said "letting in foreigners, or issuing Visas" to be more clear. The "lol" at the end of your second paragraph led me to believe you were laughing at the misfortune of others. I see now it was about the US Tourist in Ireland.

Of course I believe in facts; they are as ugly as the nose on my face. Here are some more. US doesn't allow citizens of most other countries to visit. Most other countries don't allow citizens of most other countries to visit. The WHO says masks are useless. No, they protect you. No, they protect others from you. The media says Hydroxychloroquine cures! No, it kills! The CDC says that a 14-day travel quarantine is essential. That is, until yesterday.

The motto for 2020 should be "Who the Fuck Knows!" But I agree that the current US Government (both sides of the aisle) has failed the country in this crisis. What I wouldn't give for an Eisenhower, someone with strong leadership, who prioritizes country over party, and has the will and ability to unite. But all that we will get is a Trump or a Biden. Maybe we get what we deserve.

I hope your family stays healthy.

Soapy Smith
08-26-20, 00:48
BTW, I live in Florida, which is one of the 6 states that is not initially on the list of states allowed into CR in September. Yeah, we have pretty high Corona numbers and it amazes me frankly, but the vast majority of Floridians know how to take care of themselves and stay healthy. We don't want the government to tell us what we have to do. We like out freedom here.Maybe it depends what your definition of "freedom" is. At one extreme some libertarians think that freedom means no constraints on behavior, "you should be able to do whatever you want. " From another perspective individual freedom ends at the tip of the other guy's nose, and it's government's role to balance out various interests. Did I hear that a judge in Florida recently ruled that the Governor cannot compel schools to open up face-to-face? I suppose the judge's rationale may have been that only local school districts have that authority.

An alternative argument could be that other families, teachers, janitors, lunchroom staff, bus drivers, and administrators have a right not to be forced into covid spreader contexts. Children lack the discipline to not congregate, yell, cough and sneeze, and rub up against each other. There's one guy who keeps insisting that kids are "practically immune. " Not true. Kids' symptoms are less severe, but they are often asymptomatic spreaders. "Wow, let's truck some of this stuff home to grandma. ".

My daughter teaches autistic kids in a state near yours. They have not resisted their Governor's directive for face-to-face instruction. The school district is providing masks for teachers and kids, but they will not mandate wearing them. Teachers would like to do what retail businesses and doctors' offices are doing, putting up plexiglass shields around their work stations, but there is no budget for it. So the only way they'll get plexiglass is if they pay for it themselves. On teachers' salaries, in addition to the money they already spend out of pocket to provide things the school budget doesn't pay for – Kleenex, pens and pencils, snacks, etc. -- and that poor kids' families can't afford. Seems like teachers ought to have some freedom rights in this equation too.

08-26-20, 02:14
Still 14 day quarantine. Bummer. I miss the pre COVID-19 days when you just went though customs and start texting and cutie at hotel when you get there. I guess that is still a ways off. Its a start, I guess.Until there is a miracle cure, or a herd immunity of some type, it will be like this (mandated quarantine of foreigners -- some countries repatriating their own citizens are quarantining them also, including Phils). The host country will require the foreigner to agree in advance to a quarantine, to pay for his quarantine, and to pay for any other related expenses prior to departing the country. Without the miracle cure / vaccine or other immunity, this could last for years. Smile.

Member #4698
08-26-20, 03:04
My daughter teaches autistic kids in a state near yours. They have not resisted their Governor's directive for face-to-face instruction. The school district is providing masks for teachers and kids, but they will not mandate wearing them. Teachers would like to do what retail businesses and doctors' offices are doing, putting up plexiglass shields around their work stations, but there is no budget for it. So the only way they'll get plexiglass is if they pay for it themselves. On teachers' salaries, in addition to the money they already spend out of pocket to provide things the school budget doesn't pay for Kleenex, pens and pencils, snacks, etc. -- and that poor kids' families can't afford. Seems like teachers ought to have some freedom rights in this equation too.I empathize with your daughter's situation. I also feel for the waitresses and grocery store employees among many others that work on the front lines with the public. We live in trying times, but concerning your daughter, you will have to show me where & in what states and counties teachers will be forced to teach in the classroom against their will or face getting fired.

Check out this link to ClickOrlando.com dated August 24th concerning the ruling from a Florida Judge on Mandatory School Openings. The bottom line of this decision is no mandatory anything and no teacher will lose his or her job for refusing to enter a classroom for valid health reasons. I don't know in which state your daughter resides, but I think she will likely wind up with the same freedom as Florida teachers. I could be wrong. If so, let me know. But the Florida case is an example of how issues are decided in a democratic country (small d). There are 3 independent branches of government that act as checks and balances on each other to prevent abuse of power from any particular branch. The President or Governor, the Legislature, and the Judiciary. But you know that. I am just saying it out loud.


But now, let's take a look at the flip side of this coin where in a different state a different Governor mandated the closing of all fitness centers against the wishes of the owners, the work staff and the customers. A judge ruled that this mandatory closing was unconstitutional too, but then an appellate court overturned that ruling. One owner has refused to close his place. The case will probably end up in the Supreme Court unless the Governor of this state relents which is highly unlikely considering her strong political bias. The owners will most likely prevail in the long run, but at what cost? Their freedom and that of their staff and customers has been infringed upon. IMHO. Furthermore, this small business may go out of business while waiting for justice. So, the situation has become a hot political issue in the state and will have an affect on how the state votes in the upcoming election. It will be very interesting to see which side wins.

Note: We should probably take this discussion somewhere else if we want to continue it. The American Politics thread is the one set aside by Admin. We (myself most definitely included) have drifted more than a few clicks from Philippine General Info.

08-28-20, 13:10
Well. Anyone notice the news that over a quarter of New Delhi residents are suspected to have been infected with Covid19? That is one country that is actively practicing "don't test don't tell". As well as forcing a mass migration of poor workers during the beginning of the epidemic. Images of officials hosing the trapped and stranded victims.Well, we have another great advice from the US, in this case the CDC (centers for disease control). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention attempted Thursday to clarify controversial coronavirus testing guidelines published Monday that said people with no symptoms "do not necessarily need a test" even if they were exposed to an infected person.

With all these great advice and examples from the US, UK, and others, everyone will probably get infected once. So PI will have no reason to remain shut. The urge to make money is stronger than urge of the little head.

08-28-20, 14:22
Until there is a miracle cure, or a herd immunity of some type, it will be like this (mandated quarantine of foreigners -- some countries repatriating their own citizens are quarantining them also, including Phils). The host country will require the foreigner to agree in advance to a quarantine, to pay for his quarantine, and to pay for any other related expenses prior to departing the country. Without the miracle cure / vaccine or other immunity, this could last for years. Smile.I must say that a lot of people are not thinking this through. It is extremely unlikely a QUALITY vaccine will be available to all of us in 2020. The virus will stay and many more will be infected. I do not think the herd approach will be achieved in 1-2 years. However, I am very optimistic! The reason is governments and the population will gradually realize that the virus is very contagious but has a very low death rate. In Philippines the total deaths so far has been 3000 out of a population of 120 million. That 3000 was almost certainly mainly old, frail or people with serious secondary health issues. Next year people will see that there has been a massive overreaction to the virus and sanity will prevail and things will normalize. Unfortunately, in the interim many businesses will go bust and it will take time for many to overcome their fear and trauma.

Member #4794
09-01-20, 18:05
Don't Test, Don't Tell. Problem solved?. Because ignoring the problem always works right?

Looks like they are paying people to NOT have covid. Genius plan. Looks like they have this under control.

"Barangays with no virus case for 2 months will get P100,000 – Mayor Isko".


09-01-20, 22:32
"Barangays with no virus case for 2 months will get P100,000 Mayor Isko".
As if that's not going straight into the barangay's captain family pocket.

Kabul Guy
09-01-20, 23:16
I came across this site, https://www.dima.ph/ it is an on line reproductive health site. While it mostly sells condoms and birth control pills it has a generic Viagra pill for 4 pills 400 p 50 MG, 100 MG 4 pills 760 p.

You order on line for home delivery, they say one to two days in Metro Manila.

Delivery fee and "doctor consultation" fee extra.

Steve Nash
09-02-20, 20:47
I came across this site, https://www.dima.ph/ it is an on line reproductive health site. While it mostly sells condoms and birth control pills it has a generic Viagra pill for 4 pills 400 p 50 MG, 100 MG 4 pills 760 p.

You order on line for home delivery, they say one to two days in Metro Manila.

Delivery fee and "doctor consultation" fee extra.KG you are the best!

760 php (400 MG enough for 1 month daily use) + 100 php (2-3 days shipping) + 100 php (Doctor consultation fee) = 960 php TOTAL.

I will order it closer to my Manila flight so I can get it the day I will arrive.

One question, how trustworthy is this website?

Have you purchase anything from there?

I'm planning to pay with Paypal so I guess my payment will be secure this way.

Kabul Guy
09-03-20, 00:33
KG you are the best!

760 php (400 MG enough for 1 month daily use) + 100 php (2-3 days shipping) + 100 php (Doctor consultation fee) = 960 php TOTAL.

I will order it closer to my Manila flight so I can get it the day I will arrive.

One question, how trustworthy is this website?

Have you purchase anything from there?

I'm planning to pay with Paypal so I guess my payment will be secure this way.I have no idea how trustworthy the site is, you can order COD to be safe that at least you get something. I just saw it in the CNN Philippine web site as an article on safe and private family planning. Since I use Cialis, and right now they do not have that or a generic I will have to wait to see if they end up offering that.

Don't forget to bring a pill cutter if you are going to spread the pills out over a month. You may have trouble finding one here. I know Amazon sells lots of them.

09-05-20, 12:50
I have no idea how trustworthy the site is, you can order COD to be safe that at least you get something. I just saw it in the CNN Philippine web site as an article on safe and private family planning. Since I use Cialis, and right now they do not have that or a generic I will have to wait to see if they end up offering that.

Don't forget to bring a pill cutter if you are going to spread the pills out over a month. You may have trouble finding one here. I know Amazon sells lots of them.Way overpriced IMHO, Lazada has better deals.

09-05-20, 13:08
Way overpriced IMHO, Lazada has better deals.Well, sunny beaches. Nice work Beavis.


09-05-20, 14:20
Ano see how you are

09-07-20, 18:06
Well, we have another great advice from the US, in this case the CDC (centers for disease control). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention attempted Thursday to clarify controversial coronavirus testing guidelines published Monday that said people with no symptoms "do not necessarily need a test" even if they were exposed to an infected person.

With all these great advice and examples from the US, UK, and others, everyone will probably get infected once. So PI will have no reason to remain shut. The urge to make money is stronger than urge of the little head.There is recently talk from the CDC that a vaccine will be fast tracked at wrap speed, like rendesavir was, in time for the US elections. However, again, the Russian's wrap speed Sputnik beat the US to the punch. That one most likely will not make it outside the US.

It will be interesting. People finally are realizing that the current vaccines in late trials are not going to solve everything. So covid free travels to PI will not be widely available. That silver linings are for those youngsters on the ground in PI. The buffet prices on girls is getting great.

09-10-20, 02:05
What's a normal temperature range (celcius)? Those hand-held thermal laser scanners that they use almost everywhere here, pointed at your forehead. What's is a reasonable low or high temp reading that would allow someone from entering a mall, government office, or business? What temp is considered too high (fever)?

09-10-20, 02:54
What's a normal temperature range (celcius)? Those hand-held thermal laser scanners that they use almost everywhere here, pointed at your forehead. What's is a reasonable low or high temp reading that would allow someone from entering a mall, government office, or business? What temp is considered too high (fever)?36 to 37 is OK. 37 is considered "normal". 38 would warrant investigation. 35 is borderline hypothermia.

For the over 65 drop those by 1 degree.

Note that the cheap IR readers are +/- 3 degrees.

Cheers. G.

09-10-20, 05:37
What's a normal temperature range (celcius)? Those hand-held thermal laser scanners that they use almost everywhere here, pointed at your forehead. What's is a reasonable low or high temp reading that would allow someone from entering a mall, government office, or business? What temp is considered too high (fever)?Let's assume they start to apply the same stringency with which they do bag searches at malls. Anyone below 39 c is probably going to get waved into a mall. But if the same minimum wage security employee is wearing a white lab coat or scrubs, then maybe their will be a 5 second delay as they consider looking intelligent to let you still pass because you are a foreigner.

09-10-20, 13:33
Very sad.


09-10-20, 13:50
Body Temperature measurements are better than nothing but I would not totally rely on it. Some people run hot or cold normally. Pity those like the veteran with shrapnel trying to get through an airport metal detector. Girls run hot at certain times. Many super spreaders are documented to have gone through multiple temperature check points. Some show no symptoms at all. Even those sniffer machines are not totally reliable. A dog does much better.

36 to 37 is ok. 37 is considered "normal". 38 would warrant investigation. 35 is borderline hypothermia.

For the over 65 drop those by 1 degree.

Note that the cheap IR readers are +/- 3 degrees.

Cheers. G.
What's a normal temperature range (celcius)? Those hand-held thermal laser scanners that they use almost everywhere here, pointed at your forehead. What's is a reasonable low or high temp reading that would allow someone from entering a mall, government office, or business? What temp is considered too high (fever)?

09-10-20, 22:37
Out of nowhere, one senior member Pmed me to tell me that I m in a grave situation mongering right now in Cebu Philippines and he is much safer in his home country as if death is caused exclusively by covid.

I don't even know this guy nor have any convo w him directly or indirectly before.

He is too naive to think that covid can be spread by fxxking pros only.

Having blue balls is one thing, choking on sour grapes isn't healthy.

[Pictures Deleted by Admin]

Wicked Roger
09-10-20, 23:40
Very sad.

https://www.laprensalatina.com/philippines-will-not-open-to-intl-tourism-until-2nd-half-of-2021/?fbclid=IwAR0mDgc1ceM0kZBMf5hM6VsKAIA_NNlbKHvnz5fgJqyjDIjwxismpwANn6YAnd for those dreamers from earlier in the year stating they would be there by October seems the naysayers were correct and had their brains in their big head not the smaller one LOL.

Even after opening up am sure some countries will remain 'persona non grata' such as USA, Brazil, India who seem unable / unwilling to control the spread of COVID in their countries as the Philippines can't afford another lockdown or COVID wave in 2021.

09-11-20, 00:01
Out of nowhere, one senior member Pmed me to tell me that I m in a grave situation mongering right now in Cebu Philippines and he is much safer in his home country as if death is caused exclusively by covid.

I don't even know this guy nor have any convo w him directly or indirectly before.

He is too naive to think that covid can be spread by fxxking pros only.

Having blue balls is one thing, choking on sour grapes isn't healthy. Go get a life.Reporting here on the open board the gist or essence of what the other person sent you in PM is one thing. Openly reporting the other person's identity is wrong. Private Messages are sent with the understanding that they will be kept: PRIVATE. If you thought his message was out of line, you could have reported it to the board Admin.

09-11-20, 01:09
Reporting here on the open board the gist or essence of what the other person sent you in PM is one thing. Openly reporting the other person's identity is wrong. Private Messages are sent with the understanding that they will be kept: PRIVATE. If you thought his message was out of line, you could have reported it to the board Admin.

Yeah, I should left his ID out. Noted.
I took a shortcut to deter him to bother me again.
Some exposure may be good for him too to exercise discretion.

09-12-20, 12:12
And for those dreamers from earlier in the year stating they would be there by October seems the naysayers were correct and had their brains in their big head not the smaller one LOL.

Even after opening up am sure some countries will remain 'persona non grata' such as USA, Brazil, India who seem unable / unwilling to control the spread of COVID in their countries as the Philippines can't afford another lockdown or COVID wave in 2021.Thanks for the update WR. I guess we better find other places to dip our wicks, for another year at least, if this is true.

09-13-20, 23:58
Thanks for the update WR. I guess we better find other places to dip our wicks, for another year at least, if this is true.I'm settling in to my home town routines.

09-14-20, 20:34
Thanks for the update WR. I guess we better find other places to dip our wicks, for another year at least, if this is true.Saw article couple days ago, no tourism will be allowed in Philippines until 2nd quarter of 2021. OMG! I hope they revise this. Being stuck in USA, I will be ready to shoot myself by then.

Mr Enternational
09-14-20, 22:24
Saw article couple days ago, no tourism will be allowed in Philippines until 2nd quarter of 2021. OMG! I hope they revise this. Being stuck in USA, I will be ready to shoot myself by then.There are about 183 other countries on the planet to visit. No need to call yourself stuck.

09-14-20, 23:30
There are about 183 other countries on the planet to visit. No need to call yourself stuck.Problem for USA is that those 183 countries won't take the risk and your virus rates.

The Ph saying they will be closed until end of 2020 is at best a guess. Who would have such foresight and exactness? Better to just consider that the world is uncertain at the moment and plan for what is in place at the moment.

Doesn't sound like Ph is much fun a the moment anyway.

Kabul Guy
09-15-20, 01:01
There are about 183 other countries on the planet to visit. No need to call yourself stuck.But lots of them not open to foreign travel either. (Highly dependent on country of origin and countries visited recently.).

09-15-20, 03:08
There are about 183 other countries on the planet to visit. No need to call yourself stuck.True if You are a traveler looking to sightsee. For our mongering pleasure we need GFE, subservient, not too expensive, preferably fresh, young, pleasing mentality girls. Not too many countries left with these qualities of girls.

09-15-20, 06:59
Problem for USA is that those 183 countries won't take the risk and your virus rates.

I don't think that folks in the USA have quite got a grip on how this Covid19 situation will pan out for them in particular. Citizens of the USA, along with those from UK / Brazil / India will be the LAST people allowed into most counties. Even the Philippines. It just ain't going to open up as easily as some seem to have it in their head.

Wicked Roger
09-15-20, 08:34
There are about 183 other countries on the planet to visit. No need to call yourself stuck.Stuck if your main diet is Filipina pussy and maybe you find solace in Africa, DR, Thailand but if you are addicted to pinay pussy you are stuck in many ways.

And why USA people are not welcome apart from the COVID control issue is so many (not just US people I admit) are dumb / stupid / bogan.


Once a vaccine and tests on arrival etc maybe tourist welcome back. The President hinted at this recently saying has to be a vaccine first so mid 2021 maybe if lucky?

09-15-20, 19:56
There are about 183 other countries on the planet to visit. No need to call yourself stuck.183 countries funny. I've traveled allot of places and nowhere is like Thailand, Vietnam or Philippines and those places we cannot go. Real beauties like I've experienced for 100 bucks or less, I challenge you to do that anywhere else. The US certainly isn't one. My last trip to Vegas saw a oriental the quality of what I get in Asia. How much darling. $2000 short time! HaHaHa you are smoking crack. Sure if you are filthy rich the world is your oyster but for us normal guys S. E. Asia is a unique place that is not comparable to any place on earth.

Chocha Monger
09-15-20, 22:44
True if You are a traveler looking to sightsee. For our mongering pleasure we need GFE, subservient, not too expensive, preferably fresh, young, pleasing mentality girls. Not too many countries left with these qualities of girls.True. There are not many options left for mongers of little means to have their marshmallows sucked. Even before the Wuhan flu, the existing options were dwindling rapidly. The world of cheap sucky fucky is gone. Mongers will have to pay more for whatever remains. If they cannot afford to pay for a root at home, they will find themselves very ill prepared for higher prices abroad.

Mr Enternational
09-16-20, 03:33
183 countries funny. I've traveled allot of places and nowhere is like Thailand, Vietnam or Philippines and those places we cannot go. Real beauties like I've experienced for 100 bucks or less, I challenge you to do that anywhere else. Challenge accepted. Brazil. You can experience real beauties for even under $50. $20 as well. And get this. They even have Asian Brazilians. And Brazil is open to Americans. Dare I mention Colombia, which is supposed to open in the next couple of weeks. And the infrastructure is even better in those 2 countries.

Kabul Guy
09-16-20, 04:25
Challenge accepted. Brazil. ....Brazil and USA, two countries leading the race to the Covid bottom.

No thanks I will stay here in the Philippines.

Soapy Smith
09-16-20, 06:32
Citizens of the USA, along with those from UK / Brazil / India will be the LAST people allowed into most counties. Perhaps add Saudi Arabia to the list.

09-16-20, 18:09
And why USA people are not welcome apart from the COVID control issue is so many (not just US people I admit) are dumb / stupid / bogan.

Once a vaccine and tests on arrival etc maybe tourist welcome back. The President hinted at this recently saying has to be a vaccine first so mid 2021 maybe if lucky?With herd mentality and disregard of science, there is talk of FDA approving vaccine (s) before completion of trials. Sputnik launched first.

US people will be one of the first to be allowed to travel for various reasons. In fact many are travelling outside US already.

I am curious how long PI can keep its doors closed. Thailand is moving towards opening up. Exporting PI people is bringing in some remittances but worldwide that number is down.

Kabul Guy
09-16-20, 23:11
..... Exporting PI people is bringing in some remittances but worldwide that number is down.It does appear that the remittance amounts are what is keeping the peso high against other currencies. I would have thought that there would have been a significant drop in its value by now.

09-16-20, 23:19
US people will be one of the first to be allowed to travel for various reasons.

Would you care to enunciate those reasons?

09-17-20, 07:46
I don't think that folks in the USA have quite got a grip on how this Covid19 situation will pan out for them in particular. Citizens of the USA, along with those from UK / Brazil / India will be the LAST people allowed into most counties. Even the Philippines. It just ain't going to open up as easily as some seem to have it in their head.Currently, these are the countries where US citizens can travel with no restrictions:





North Macedonia.




Mr Enternational
09-17-20, 07:55
Currently, these are the countries where US citizens can travel with no restrictions:
Where did you get this list? Maybe you should qualify what you mean by restrictions, because US citizens have been going to Dominican Republic for a couple of months now but I do not see it on your list.

09-17-20, 08:16
It does appear that the remittance amounts are what is keeping the peso high against other currencies. I would have thought that there would have been a significant drop in its value by now.It is a mystery. Like the all time high for the Dow. The airline stock prices. The herd mentality or immunity Freudian slup.

09-17-20, 10:43
Where did you get this list? Maybe you should qualify what you mean by restrictions, because US citizens have been going to Dominican Republic for a couple of months now but I do not see it on your list.Updated as of September 16th: https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2020/07/travel/us-travel-bubble/index.html.

09-17-20, 12:04
Updated as of September 16th: https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2020/07/travel/us-travel-bubble/index.html.So many lists to choose from.


The Creaper
09-17-20, 13:45
Updated as of September 16th: https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2020/07/travel/us-travel-bubble/index.html.CNN is fake news.

09-17-20, 19:47
Sputnik launched first.Sent to me by a friend, Amusing.

Friday I volunteered for the Oklahoma vaccine trials for Covid-19, held here in the Lawton area. The vaccine is one that was created in Russia. I received my first shot Friday at 4:00 pm, and I wanted to let you all know that it's completely safe, with no side effects whatsoever (begin speaking russian) ;, and that I feelshκ953; χoρoshο769; я ч1091;1074;1089;1090;1074;1091;1102; с1077;1073;1103; н1077;1084;1085;1086;1075;1086; с1090;1088;1072;1085;1085;1086; и я д1091;1084;1072;1102;, ч1090;1086; в1099;1090;1072;1097;1080;1083; о1089;1083;1080;1085;1099;1077; у1096;1080;. Website did not copy Russian words and instead inserted numbers string. oh well.... you get the idea.


Soapy Smith
09-17-20, 19:52
Sent to me by a friend, Amusing.FT.Yes. Hilarious, and at a time when most of us need a little humor to get through the day.

09-17-20, 20:14
Updated as of September 16th: https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2020/07/travel/us-travel-bubble/index.html.US passport / certain people can actually get to more places. Situation changes rapidly. Like my previous post about United Airlines selling scalper high tickets for flights they never planned to operate to repatriate Chinese Students. Many of those students had to buy multiple over priced tickets with dubious prospect of getting refunded for the cancelled flight tickets.

British tourists were likewise caught off guard while on vacation with revised quarantine measures implemented in Britain in short notice.

Slightly better for business travellers from big companies because more resources can be used to find a favourable solution.

Problem now is politicians cannot be proven wrong but science can be.

Soapy Smith
09-17-20, 21:17
Problem now is politicians cannot be proven wrong but science can be.Right in a nutshell, and it's bass ackwards.