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Member #4611
07-04-18, 03:49
I am assuming Pullman is in sukhumvit Soi 21.

Soi 23 has lots of massage joints. Are they any good? Who knows? Who knows what you are really looking for? I would rather go elsewhere. I have given more than you deserve with such a vague question.Pullman G is near Chong Nonsi. Pullman Grand Sukhumvit is the one on Asoke with a rear entrance on Soi 23.


07-04-18, 05:13
My mother is a very proper person, and would never do anything even a little bit suspect. As such, there are many things happening for me, I would never mention to her. She would love to interfere in the business of others, according to her rules. LOL Like how I fucked two girls at same time. Ha ha. Even I am a person who would not want to indulge in some of the porn fuelled "sicko" fantasies of others. However I understand other guys have different standards to me, and are looking to dominate and denigrate. I prefer my girls to be enjoying themselves and having fun, as far as possible. Just my way. On odd occasion I had 3 girls concurrently. They were friends and appeared to have a good time. I never took 4 at once. LOL Once I book girls, I am reliable though, unless the girl fucks it up. It is not unusual for a girl to be waiting for some other customer, then eventually go with me, because he did not show up in reasonable time. Girl won't wait forever.

So posts about booking multiple rooms, and then cancelling are not intended for the consumption of guys like yourself. You really should ignore them rather worry too much. No one is really suffering, other than Hotels like this appear to be full when they might not be in reality. It is not illegal what they doing. It is optimising if you like. Making a comment is allowed but we recognise that it won't influence anyone.

Most Hotels know a certain percentage of rooms will be cancelled and filled again maybe at the last minute. It is part of the economic model. Go with the flow.

I have tentatively booked a room in a Hotel for days available, and waited for cancellations to make the in between days available. Since I did not want to keep changing Hotels, if the in between days did not become available, I would cancel the whole lot. No big deal. Hotel was fullish anyway. Hotels are rarely full very day though, due to customers coming and going.

Even when a plane is fully booked and I cannot be given a seat on that particular flight, I show up to the airport, and one hour before let them know I am here waiting for a "no show". Almost never failed to get on the flight in the end. So I know that full flights are not absolutely full, even if they tell me too full to allow me to be wait listed. There are always no shows that the airline was not informed about in advance. They know it. They expect it. Last time I managed to get on such a "full" flight at the last hour, there were still vacant seats. A lot of "no shows" I guess. So this has some parallels to the Hotel room booking situation, especially where customers can cancel for free up to 6 PM on first day of stay.Suppose just diff POV. Where some may be happy to try their luck I prefer to know in advance exactly when where dates etc. Saves hassle.

- enough hassle with WG. My point is more in relation to similar " atittude " with WG. Now I am not so niave to think there is any integrity in this business but can see why WG have MO as they do when punters treat them this way. I suppose many will say be a realist, that's the world we monger in and that's true. Luckily many girls will treat those of differing nationalities different based on previous expereince.

07-04-18, 14:37
Not common practice in my country buddy. What we do is do our research, find a good deal and book. Its called respect or not screwing around with people and businesses. Some people treat businesses, hotels, restaurants (and even girls) as a master slave type relationship. Next time you are in BKK stand outside hotels and see how many lights are on at night. What you think hotels have waiting lists? You might think its smart, others would agree with me. Funny now I am in Kl and when I go to BC WG flock to me, yes flock, because they know I will treat them with respect whereas other "nationalities" they either say no to or charge ridiculous prices and give crappy performance. And all these "nationalilities" do is wreck the market and promote below avaerage performance.

You make your bed you lie in it.I'm quite surprised by the vigor and what I assume is hatred with which you've responded to my posts. I've been working 6-7 days a week for the last two years trying to get my business up and running and keeping up with my instalments toward my house. Now I decided to take a week off and do some mongering (which I can afford thanks to the tax returns), and the hotels I've reserved I've chosen them for their proximity and their prices (all within 25-30 AUD / night off each other) and as such posted my query for suggestions.

Now may be I haven't had enough time to do a thorough research or I'm not very good at this part so I couldn't make up my mind, but that doesn't give you the leave to tell me off and Making false assumptions. The first post led me to think I'm dealing with a condescending old man, but your second response. I believe I can add racism and arrogance to the list (and I honestly don't care if all the WG line up and bend over for free where ever you visit due to your awesomeness). I personally haven't done anything to ruin your experience with WG or hotels (not yet at least, and hopefully never will). So get off your high horse and keep your racial profiling (because that's exactly what it looks like) to yourself.

A 33 yo respectful white male.

Rob Jones
07-05-18, 01:31
I'm quite surprised by the vigor and what I assume is hatred with which you've responded to my posts. I've been working 6-7 days a week for the last two years trying to get my business up and running and keeping up with my instalments toward my house. Now I decided to take a week off and do some mongering (which I can afford thanks to the tax returns), and the hotels I've reserved I've chosen them for their proximity and their prices (all within 25-30 AUD / night off each other) and as such posted my query for suggestions.

Now may be I haven't had enough time to do a thorough research or I'm not very good at this part so I couldn't make up my mind, but that doesn't give you the leave to tell me off and Making false assumptions. The first post led me to think I'm dealing with a condescending old man, but your second response. I believe I can add racism and arrogance to the list (and I honestly don't care if all the WG line up and bend over for free where ever you visit due to your awesomeness). I personally haven't done anything to ruin your experience with WG or hotels (not yet at least, and hopefully never will). So get off your high horse and keep your racial profiling (because that's exactly what it looks like) to yourself.

A 33 yo respectful white male.I too couldn't understand the attack? I'm booking now for my February visit and so far I have booked and cancelled at least once. I use Booking.com and it has a feature that allows me to do that so I am assuming that it is common practice. I was in Pattaya in May and leading up to that trip I booked and rebooked about 6 times due to different reasons ranging from location, reviews and price. Don't let it worry you and enjoy your time in the LOS.


07-05-18, 01:38
I too couldn't understand the attack? I'm booking now for my February visit and so far I have booked and cancelled at least once. I use Booking.com and it has a feature that allows me to do that so I am assuming that it is common practice. I was in Pattaya in May and leading up to that trip I booked and rebooked about 6 times due to different reasons ranging from location, reviews and price. Don't let it worry you and enjoy your time in the LOS.

Rob.The very fact that an aggregator site like Agoda or Booking allow you to cancel for free, means they are OK with it and so are the participating hotels. Some may charge a price differential for this flexibility, while some others maintain the same prices. I find absolutely nothing wrong with booking and cancelling rooms as many times as I feel necessary before my trip, with the sole aim of getting the best price for the room I want in the hotel of my choice.

I have an upcoming trip in August that will span 3 countries where I will be staying at 4 different hotels. I have already chopped and changed my hotels and rooms 3 times. Is this malpractice? Hell no! It is common sense. Anyone who thinks otherwise is living in Utopia.

Rob Jones
07-05-18, 03:30
The very fact that an aggregator site like Agoda or Booking allow you to cancel for free, means they are OK with it and so are the participating hotels. Some may charge a price differential for this flexibility, while some others maintain the same prices. I find absolutely nothing wrong with booking and cancelling rooms as many times as I feel necessary before my trip, with the sole aim of getting the best price for the room I want in the hotel of my choice.

I have an upcoming trip in August that will span 3 countries where I will be staying at 4 different hotels. I have already chopped and changed my hotels and rooms 3 times. Is this malpractice? Hell no! It is common sense. Anyone who thinks otherwise is living in Utopia.To add to my post one of the filters I use is the free cancellation policy. It's just as important as A / see and 24 hour security. I think you pay about 10% more but worth it.

07-05-18, 04:17
Vigor, attack, hatred. Man you must be thin skinned.

Its not racism, arrogance, racial profiling, false assumptions when it is the truth. Currently in KL where many WG tell me that they will not go with certain types as their usual complaints are smelly, dirty, rough, sometimes don't pay, sometimes have 2/3 guys back in room waiting. Some taxi drivers of some races even [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) and abuse girls too. Just ask them and they will tell you. Due to the large population of some countries people there learn to live a dog eat dog exsistence and bring those same attitudes when travelling. If I leave Beach Club tonite I will be inindated with rip off taxi drivers selling viagra, condoms and overpriced fares. The girls will tell you they are scared of speaking up for fear of reprisal. And they aren't Malay cause I've asked.

Maybe this is your first time travelling. I would assume so. So go to Thailand and other mongering destinations and see how some WG just snub some nationalities due to their previous history. Even your brothers admit that others have tarnished the reputation and thus it make it harder for them to monger.

Playing the racism card is so easy today, just like Western women playing the sexism card. Crying racism is just an easy way to try to deflect the discussion away from the real issue which is the attitudes of certain nationalities and treatment of girls. Racism means superiority, I do not think I am superior to you but I maintain that by my respectful dealings I and others of my nationality reap the benefits.

So good luck with your mongering, hopefully you will understand more when you monger and experience the path your brothers have laid for you. Maybe you can start to reverse the sterotypes the WG, travellers and people of other lands have about these nationalities.

You know its funny that everyone wants to come to America, Germany and Australia to live but no one wants to go to these other countries to live. Why is that?

As Jack said. " You want the truth. You can't handle the truth".

07-05-18, 07:28
OK. So now I understand the main issue / area that you've been basing your arguments on.

My user I'd is a joke that my high school classmates commonly used to tease a Muslim mate of mine, which I then continued to use as my character name in a popular MMORPG game up until a few years ago, and when I was creating an account here. Well let's just say I had a nostalgic moment (33 at the end of it is my age BTW).

I am not Muslim (Arab), Nor I am Indian (which I believe are the "nationality and race you've been referring to). I was born a Christian (not my fault) and I hate the concept of religions. And that feeling of hate is strongest towards the perceived religion (for obvious reasons that I believe you and I will have in common).

Now. I do apologize because I wasn't spending too much time reading your responses (and I admit I've had a typical "blonde" moment) and as such was perplexed as to why you assumed me to be an Arab or an Indian despite me making it clear that I was a white Aussie male. It actually was a mate of mine who slapped me on the head and pointed out the username.

So I hope that explains the confusion I was feeling, and my responses to your comments. I'll leave this argument here and once again do apologise for my role in the misunderstanding.

Member #4698
07-05-18, 14:10
The very fact that an aggregator site like Agoda or Booking allow you to cancel for free, means they are OK with it and so are the participating hotels. Some may charge a price differential for this flexibility, while some others maintain the same prices. I find absolutely nothing wrong with booking and cancelling rooms as many times as I feel necessary before my trip, with the sole aim of getting the best price for the room I want in the hotel of my choice.

I have an upcoming trip in August that will span 3 countries where I will be staying at 4 different hotels. I have already chopped and changed my hotels and rooms 3 times. Is this malpractice? Hell no! It is common sense. Anyone who thinks otherwise is living in Utopia.

To add to my post one of the filters I use is the free cancellation policy. It's just as important as A / see and 24 hour security. I think you pay about 10% more but worth it.I agree with you guys; no prepay / free cancellation is a useful feature that I look for when I am in the process of booking hotels for an upcoming trip. All the major reservation sites offer this type of booking reservation including the hotel sites themselves. Actually there are 3 types of reservations starting from the usually most expensive: 1. No prepay / free cancellation up to a few days before arrival, 2. No prepay / penalty cancellation, and 3. Full prepay / penalty cancellation.

Cancelling a no prepay / free cancellation reservation is real easy to do on Agoda and Expedia and the hotel reservation sites themselves. It is common practice and the hotel booking sites advertise this benefit as a way to attract customers. It is all fair game. The reservation sites have no problem raising rates when demand is high so don't feel sorry for these suits when a lower rate is offered. I will always cancel a free no penalty reservation if a better deal comes my way.

But occasionally I will spot a discount rate attached to a prepay / no cancellation booking that is so low (around 20% less than the no prepay / free cancellation rate) that I can't resist the offer as long as I am 99.9% certain the rate is unbeatable and I will show up to fulfill the contract otherwise the risk is too high. To this end I keep a spreadsheet of lowest rates on all the hotels I have stayed at or have an interest in staying at in the future. That way I know when I see a really good deal regardless of whether it's a free cancellation or penalty no cancellation offer. I tend to book way in advance. For example, I have already booked most of my April / May 2019 trip and I haven't even begun my Sept / October 2018 trip yet. What can I say? I saw a couple great deals, mostly free cancellation type deals, but also a couple of really attractive (price-wise) no cancellation deals too. I can't help it. I am an addict. 555!

One more thing: I was originally booked for a March/April 2018 trip. Then in January 2018 my Dad suffered a traumatic brain injury (subdural hematoma) and had to undergo a life saving brain operation. Fortunately he full recovered in record time, but it was touch and go for a while and I cancelled my entire trip in order to look after him. There was no problem canceling all the no prepay/no penalty cancellation reservations and with a copy of a letter from the surgeon I was fully reimbursed for all my cancelled prepay-ed and cancelled no prepay / no cancellation reservations including my United Airlines reservation. So, all's well that ends well and I am really looking forward to my next trip.

07-05-18, 19:49
I've been working 6-7 days a week for the last two years trying to get my business up and running and keeping up with my instalments toward my house. Now I decided to take a week off and do some mongering (which I can afford thanks to the tax returns), and the hotels I've reserved I've chosen them for their proximity and their prices (all within 25-30 AUD / night off each other) and as such posted my query for suggestions.
My suggestion is this, find a hotel within walking distance of Nana for the first few days. That area has more going on and it will let you get your feet wet for the first part of your trip. I like the Nana hotel for its location but the Majestic suites works just as well. The Phachara suites or the Landmark hotel are nicer hotels if you don't want to slum it at the Nana. All are girl friendly. Hotels won't be sold out (except for the Nana on the weekend) so you can move if you don't care for the location.

Robert Long
07-06-18, 22:11
Hua Hin might as well be an area just outside of BKK. I had heard rumors about it being a great golf area and that many expats lived there. I decide to pack my bags including the 2 legged one and spend a few days checking it out.

You can get there by Bus in 3 hours for 110 baht. This is the big bus with ac and acceptable seats. Booked a room close to the beach and dug in for 3 days. Walking street is nice and the weather was nice and cool at night. There are a few streets that run off of walking street and they are all bars and massage shops. Girls everywhere. Business is slow during June and July so they were all sitting around looking for anything with legs. I realized that I had taken a sandwich to a banquet by bringing my GF.

I did manage to ask one lady, while my GF was shopping, what the going rate was for ST. She replied that with it being slow 1500 baht for a couple of hours. The girls I saw were not bad, ranging from a 5 to an 8. Something that I did notice is that Hua Hin is an area that has a lot of older men with their spring chicken hand in hand. Not like Pattaya or Phuket there were no loud groups of guys partying and drunk. Not a party place as far as I could tell.

It appears that Hua Hin is a destination for couples from BKK to get out of the madness for a few days. An old guy like me with their younger Thai lady in tow.


07-07-18, 08:53
Hua Hin might as well be an area just outside of BKK. Thanks RL, but I think you should post this in the thread 'Other areas'.

07-09-18, 17:27
This hotel is girl friendly, however the following are to note:

1 - If you accompany a girl neither they will ask for girl's ID while entering nor will call you to check if everything is alright when the girl leaves.

2 - However, if the girl comes by her own they will call when she goes up and comes down both times.

3 - Helpful staff and a nice restaurant downstairs.

4 - A little far from the happening Nana Plaza and Cowboy, but hey Grab costs only a hundred baht or so.

Enjoy your stay!

07-15-18, 10:09
It appears that Hua Hin is a destination for couples from BKK to get out of the madness for a few days. An old guy like me with their younger Thai lady in tow.
Yet it is still touristy, suiting guys who don't want it too quiet. For really quiet I could suggest Prachuap. I think Hua Hin is a little boring for natural surroundings although my experience there is very limited. What would be the attraction for the girl going with you? Was it cheap to be there all up? I guess I am asking if that is the advantage rather than flying to Krabi which would cost more. I had absolutely fabulous time with young MP girl in tow at Krabi in hotel pool, in sea, looking at coral and fish, etc. , beautiful nature, good food, a few years back. It was touristy too, but not crazy like Phuket or Pattaya. Down side was I had to pay her airfare and a reasonable amount per day.

07-15-18, 12:15
Hey guys,

Newcomer and first timer to Thailand.

Was wondering if you guys had any suggestions on hotels that are girl-friendly and all the mongering / massage / gogo bars will be easily accessible from there.

4* and over preferably.



07-15-18, 15:14
Hua Hin might as well be an area just outside of BKK.

...It appears that Hua Hin is a destination for couples from BKK to get out of the madness for a few days. An old guy like me with their younger Thai lady in tow.I spent a couple of days in Hua Hin a few years ago, and I loved that place. A quiet place yet plenty of action, and more important, I had no problem finding eye candy. Not quite like Bangkok or Pattaya, but pretty enough for this old fart. Plus, it had some really nice restaurants for a small town, that satisfied the foodie in me. You can also easily tell there is money there.

07-21-18, 11:17
Last time stayed at Citadines on suk11. Liked it a lot. Fairly classy room, girl friendly, efficient and friendly staff. Don't generally choose places for gym or pool.

I see the Citadines on suk23 is cheaper for comparable room. Is it so different? I read a few neg reviews on booking sites. I assume it too is girl-friendly. ? Are other Citadines in area decent?

07-22-18, 12:06
Hey guys,

I've been reading the forum for a while now and would like to thank everyone for the information being assimilated here. .

I'm due to reach Bangkok This month for a holiday and still haven't been able to finalise my stay location. So far I've made reservations at the Park Plaza, Movenpick, the Courtyard and the Continental. From the information here in the forum I gather that all these hotels are GF and have had decent reviews, which have now led to some confusion on my end as to which hotel to confirm. So I would love if any of you senior mangers can help me in my decision making.

In terms of what I plan to do while in BKK, I have initiated contact with an escort agency (xclusivethai) and plan to have escorts come in for the first two days of my stay (for both fun and accompanying me and introducing me to the nightlife scene), after which I plan to go and have my own adventure.

Any and all advice will be appreciated.


Keep it simple, and Thais will keep it simple for you.


08-03-18, 10:33
Hey guys,

Newcomer and first timer to Thailand.

Was wondering if you guys had any suggestions on hotels that are girl-friendly and all the mongering / massage / gogo bars will be easily accessible from there.

4* and over preferably.


IF.I can recommend Sofitel Sukhumvit, it's 5 stars hotel, I love it! The position is perfect, between soi 13 and 15, you can easly walk to soi cowboy or to Nana plaza and Thermae very close.

Robert Long
08-04-18, 01:30
Yet it is still touristy, suiting guys who don't want it too quiet. For really quiet I could suggest Prachuap. I think Hua Hin is a little boring for natural surroundings although my experience there is very limited. What would be the attraction for the girl going with you? Was it cheap to be there all up? I guess I am asking if that is the advantage rather than flying to Krabi which would cost more. I had absolutely fabulous time with young MP girl in tow at Krabi in hotel pool, in sea, looking at coral and fish, etc. , beautiful nature, good food, a few years back. It was touristy too, but not crazy like Phuket or Pattaya. Down side was I had to pay her airfare and a reasonable amount per day.Hua Hin was very quiet when we were there in June. Although my favorite is Kata Beach. It is very mellow and just right the relaxing weekend or week away. It reminds me of the small beach towns of southern France along the Med. And much better than the insanity of Patong Beach.

The lady was ok with Hua Hin and never complained. I took her to the large night market and malls for shopping as well as the Buddhist tourist sites along the beach. Golfing is great in this area with many well maintained courses, Black Mountain being one of the best. I find Thai ladies are easily satisfied with food and shopping.

I found most of the costs 20% below BKK for food, car rental, and hotel. You should rent a car for a day or two to see the sites. Hua Hin area is spread out along the ocean for miles. Quite different than the crammed together tourist cities most are used to.


08-05-18, 05:27
I can recommend Sofitel Sukhumvit, it's 5 stars hotel, I love it! The position is perfect, between soi 13 and 15, you can easly walk to soi cowboy or to Nana plaza and Thermae very close.I spent last week at this hotel. The rooms are very modern. Walk in shower fits 2 people. You and your girl will be very impressed. Girl friendly and a great Soi 11 location. Lots of FL clubs and restaurants nearby. Between Nana Plaza and Cowboy. Excellent value at USA $72 ($75-80 on weekends). Part of Accor group which includes Sofitel, Mercure, Ibis brands. This is the best Mercure I have stayed in.

08-05-18, 14:16
I can recommend Sofitel Sukhumvit, it's 5 stars hotel, I love it! The position is perfect, between soi 13 and 15, you can easly walk to soi cowboy or to Nana plaza and Thermae very close.The JW Marriott on Soi 2 is a great 5 star hotel 2 min walk from Nana and girl friendly.

08-05-18, 18:23
Newcomer and first timer to Thailand.

Was wondering if you guys had any suggestions on hotels that are girl-friendly and all the mongering / massage will be easily accessible from there.


08-05-18, 22:49
Newcomer and first timer to Thailand.

Was wondering if you guys had any suggestions on hotels that are girl-friendly and all the mongering / massage will be easily accessible from there.

Thanks.Dynasty Grande Hotel, Soi 6. Five minute safe walk to Nana Plaza, 12 minute walk to Soi Cowboy. Nice pool, go for a balcony room too.

08-06-18, 01:23
Dynasty Grande Hotel, Soi 6. Five minute safe walk to Nana Plaza, 12 minute walk to Soi Cowboy. Nice pool, go for a balcony room too.I like the Dynasty Grande for visiting Nana plaza. (I agree with 5 minutes walk to nana, but 12 minutes walk to soi cowboy is pushing it. I think it's closer to 25. You must walk a lot faster than I do.). I've probably stayed at DG over 50 times over the years so I'm certainly not knocking it as a hotel choice in Bangkok. But In my opinion, that's not a good place to stay if you are looking for a massage. The massage places near nana are pretty crappy (again, in my opinion). I guess if you want to go to Annies soapy, that would be ok, but there are a lot better soapies in town. Soapies are awesome and a must try for anyone new to Bangkok, but I wouldn't pick a hotel special to be close to those. Overall, I prefer the oily or even the traditional massages.

The good massage places on sukhumvit are up near soi cowboy (thai massage) or soi 33 or soi 26 (oily), which is not close to that DG hotel. You can look on agoda to see the best rated hotels in that area. If I want to frequent massages or soi cowboy, I normally stay in either the Marriott Queens Park hotel on soi 22, the Pullman right next to soi Cowboy, or Terminal 21 hotel across the street from soi cowboy. All three are more expensive than the DG, but they are also nicer. S Sukhumvit Suites is right next to Soi Cowboy and is about the same price as the DG.

If you do consider staying in the nana area, Majestic Grande is now almost the same price as Dynasty Grande and is a nicer hotel. Dynasty Grande was much cheaper than Majestic Grande years ago, but Dynasty Grande prices are the same as they have always been while the Majestic Grande prices have dropped. The other options in the nana area are Majestic Suites or even the normal Dynasty hotel which are closer to nana and cheaper than the Grande. The food at the Majestic Grande is light years better than the Dynasty Grande.

That being said, you can always take a taxi or sky train from any of those hotels to the massage places or rotate between nana and soi cowboy though regardless of where you stay. As long as you are in the vicinity, it doesn't really matter so much. Any hotel between soi 2 and soi 24 along sukhumvit is fine if you ask me.

Here's a hint if you do stay at the DG. Never take a bath there. Those baths are not cleaned well enough and there is always cum residue in them. As long as you shower rather than take a bath, you are good.

08-06-18, 05:43
When asking for a hotel suggestion could you please give us an approximate price range? It's difficult to make good suggestions when we don't know what you want to spend. Here is a suggestion about location. Always stay near Sukhumvit Road between Soi 2 and Soi 33 if you are new to Bangkok. You will then have easy access to the BTS, FL bars and pickup spots, Nana Plaza, Soi Cowboy, and soapy and oily massage joints.

Staying near Sukhumvit between Nana and Soi Cowboy is the ideal location IMHO.

08-08-18, 02:10
Near Between Soi 24 and Soi 7.

Banana Boi
08-08-18, 07:01
Very short time hotel? Clean but cheap. Near Between Soi 24 and Soi 7.Ruamchit above Thermae. I believe it's 500 baht per hour or so and rooms are fairly clean.

08-12-18, 07:21
Ruamchit above Thermae. I believe it's 500 baht per hour or so and rooms are fairly clean.Stay here until August 19th, 2018. Where are the BBBJCIM places around here. With others so I have to sneak out. I was able to get to Son's Heaven last we. Enjoyed it but to far away. Need something closer. Only see foot massage near skywalk. I will skip foot massage if anything very near me has a secrete menu. Please help on advice. [CodeWord900] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord900), and others are to far to chance getting caught by the warden.

Arn Poddict
08-12-18, 23:07
Hear Hear! Although I usually order a lot more room service in Manila than BKK because some of the restaurants in BKK are really good and therefor I prefer to take my BKK girls out for late night din din after boom boom.If you have managed to pick up higher class hookers like freelancers or stay longer time with your bar girls then they might enjoy eating at better restaurants. Most bar girls I have taken randomly and fucked short time don't like to eat in a restaurant before or after the session. Occasionally room service food is accepted if they are not in a hurry to get back to bar which they nowadays usually are.

08-13-18, 13:31
Hello friends,

First, I would like to thank all the senior members for Great information shared in this thread. With all the inputs and my requirements, I have been able to shortlist Dreams Hotel for my upcoming trip towards the end of this month.

Could you please guide if there are any better properties around similar location or a better location with a budget of THB1500 which is also guest friendly and close to the action place?

Would also need your recommendation if this would be the best location for someone travelling there for the first time. I am interested in the freelancers and GoGo Bars.

This is my first trip to Thailand and I am looking forward to a great week (3 days Thailand & 3 days Pattaya).

Any helpful hints you can share to make this trip worthwhile is highly appreciated. Please also share your recommendation for Hotels in Pattaya.

I will definitely share my experience and findings in this thread.

Thank you all.


Mumbai Guy
08-13-18, 15:46
Ruamchit above Thermae. I believe it's 500 baht per hour or so and rooms are fairly clean.Atlas on soi 7/1. A decent short time hotel. 350 baht per hour.

08-19-18, 21:50
Stayed at the above hotels in my last trip in May, all were girl-friendly.

I considered Holiday Inn Sukhumvit 22 a 3-star hotel, with not much service and food was so-so, was offered breakfast at a promotional price. Accessing the hotel pool is a hassle because I had to get through the restaurant on the 8th floor first. But the location is top-notched, within walking distance to all the actions, including Nana, oily and nuru massage parlors.

I was hesitated about Park Hyatt because of its high-end status which might not be girl-friendly, but I was wrong. Booked an escort via Smooci and the hotel had no problem with that. The infinity pool on the 10th floor provided attentive service including ice-cold bottled water and iced towel. Food was much better here.

When I come back to BKK next year, I would like to stay in the Marriott Executive Apartments Thonglor, heard the pool was nice there.

08-19-18, 22:32
I'm going to have 2-day layover in Bangkok before my departure for Vietnam, and I'm looking for accommodation near Soi Cowboy. This hotel has nice score on booking site but it's obviously new and there are very few reviews on internet so I'm not sure about their guest policy. It is way cheaper than my previous bookings in this area so I'm curious about this one. I don't really need any extra options (swimming pool, gym, breakfast.) for those two days so I think this one would be good enough. Of course only if it's girl friendly.

I would appreciate any info about this one.


08-19-18, 23:36
I'm going to have 2-day layover in Bangkok before my departure for Vietnam, and I'm looking for accommodation near Soi Cowboy. This hotel.... Of course only if it's girl friendly. Thanks.You can send an email and ask about the guest policy, but I would be amazed if there would be any problem bringing home a friend (or two) for the night.

Also, there's a Citadines on soi 23, which is one of four in BKK and a one-bedroom should be in the 1600-1900 THB range. Very functional but basic and roomy. TTG.

08-20-18, 00:06
You can send an email and ask about the guest policy, but I would be amazed if there would be any problem bringing home a friend (or two) for the night.

Also, there's a Citadines on soi 23, which is one of four in BKK and a one-bedroom should be in the 1600-1900 THB range. Very functional but basic and roomy. TTG.I already tried that of course. It's iCheck Inn resort apparently. But they failed to answer. I remembered this site where I was getting info's so far and thought it would be quicker.

Citadines 23 looks ok and it's in the price range I'm looking for. Thanks. I'll consider it also.

Still would like info on Studio Asoke if anyone has stayed there.

08-20-18, 01:15
I'm going to have 2-day layover in Bangkok before my departure for Vietnam, and I'm looking for accommodation near Soi Cowboy. This hotel has nice score on booking site but it's obviously new and there are very few reviews on internet so I'm not sure about their guest policy. It is way cheaper than my previous bookings in this area so I'm curious about this one. I don't really need any extra options (swimming pool, gym, breakfast.) for those two days so I think this one would be good enough. Of course only if it's girl friendly.

I would appreciate any info about this one.

Thanks.One of our trusted senior members, Syzgies, posted a favorable review about this hotel in April, 2018. I considered it for my recent trip but eventually chose to spend more and stay elsewhere. The hotel is girl friendly. I would suggest reading forum posts going back 6 months. You'll gain a lot of valuable info about hotels. It's easy to go back 6 months in the hotel forum. The main Bangkok forum has more posts and it is harder to read back 6 months. If this is your first trip to BKK I would take the time to read the Bangkok forum (6 months) as well.

08-20-18, 14:55
One of our trusted senior members, Syzgies, posted a favorable review about this hotel in April, 2018. I considered it for my recent trip but eventually chose to spend more and stay elsewhere. The hotel is girl friendly. I would suggest reading forum posts going back 6 months. You'll gain a lot of valuable info about hotels. It's easy to go back 6 months in the hotel forum. The main Bangkok forum has more posts and it is harder to read back 6 months. If this is your first trip to BKK I would take the time to read the Bangkok forum (6 months) as well.Thanks. That is the info I was looking for.

I found report from Syzgies and after reading it I think I'll be booking this hotel very soon. It is only 35€(40 $) per night and perfect location.

I'm a new member but was following Thailand forum for years and it was very helpful so far. No, this is going to be my fifth trip to Bangkok in 3 years, and so far I stayed at LE Fenix in soi 11 (3*) ,Galleria 10 in soi 10 (4* Dream hotel in soi 15 (5* and ICheck Inn soi 7/1 (3* All were girl friendly.

I usually stay for 1-3 nights before I leave for islands or Pattaya or like this year in Saigon, so I really just need some basic comfort and good location. Of course if I run into some discount or promotion like I did for Dream Hotel I will gladly use it. It was like 65 $/ night for a 5* hotel in soi 15, which I think was a good deal.

Hope I helped someone with info.

08-20-18, 16:49
Are there hotels in Sukhumvit side where you can check in early morning and checkout late evening for 1 day charge?

08-21-18, 14:20
I already tried that of course. It's iCheck Inn resort apparently. But they failed to answer. I remembered this site where I was getting info's so far and thought it would be quicker.

Citadines 23 looks ok and it's in the price range I'm looking for. Thanks. I'll consider it also.

Still would like info on Studio Asoke if anyone has stayed there.Beware Citadines 23 has quite hard mattresses. I did not like it, nor the staff (unhelpful), but was many years ago. I stayed in Studio Asoke and was excellent value if looking for budget Hotel at the time. It was newish and I was surprised how big the room was. Yes I would do it again.

Someone asked about checking in early and leaving at night. I think most Hotels don't do it, but can easily book two nights and not use all of it, if Hotel is cheap enough.

I think that was the case when I stayed in Studio Asoke. I had very late arrival and had to go to airport the next night to head somewhere else so just very temp accommodation, but booking two nights did not break the bank. I took two girls back to the room for a threesome, so I got value somehow. LOL.

08-22-18, 20:58
The JW Marriott on Soi 2 is a great 5 star hotel 2 min walk from Nana and girl friendly.Any tips or suggestions on the girl friendly aspect? Just walk in or did you have to register?

08-23-18, 05:21
Any tips or suggestions on the girl friendly aspect? Just walk in or did you have to register?Haven't stayed there in a couple of years. If I took a girl up to the room with me, they never registered. If the girl showed up (like an escort), some times they would make here register, and some time not. I always stay on the Executive Level, so they usually can't come up by themselves. Again, it has been a couple of years, so it may have changed.

Gigi Buffon
08-23-18, 23:45
Any tips or suggestions on the girl friendly aspect? Just walk in or did you have to register?JW Marriott is girl friendly, girls need to register if they show up on their own. Last time, I stayed there, they were not sending the girl directly to your room, once they register, you will get the call from reception announcing that you have a guest and they will ask you to come down to the lobby to pick her up. Other Marriott hotels in Bangkok will give you the option to come down or send directly to your room.

08-24-18, 09:23
Dear members,

Need some info regarding Novotel Bangkok Sukhumvit 20 is it girl friendly? And do I have to go down to pick up the guest or do they send her directly to my room?

Robert Long
08-24-18, 21:25
Dear members,

Need some info regarding Novotel Bangkok Sukhumvit 20 is it girl friendly? And do I have to go down to pick up the guest or do they send her directly to my room?Contact the Hotel either by calling or email, and just ask. Thais are very open minded.


Red Kilt
08-25-18, 02:57
Contact the Hotel either by calling or email, and just ask. Thais are very open minded.
You might get an accurate verbal answer if you call because nobody is accountable.
However, if you email seeking an email reply you will get a standard written response that will not implicate the hotel in any law-breaking activity.
You will get a vanilla reply along the lines of "any additional guest in a room must be registered at the front desk" which will not be the sort of reply you want.

08-25-18, 12:16
Dear members,

Need some info regarding Novotel Bangkok Sukhumvit 20 is it girl friendly? And do I have to go down to pick up the guest or do they send her directly to my room?Novotel Soi 20 is girl friendly. Received girl few times in bar area.

Then walked to elevator from the route away from reception. No one even checked for ID. This was early 2017.

08-27-18, 06:34
Hi guys, looking to head to BKK and thinking of staying at the Park Plaza Sukhumvit Soi 18. Anyone know if girl friendly?

08-27-18, 07:45
Beware Citadines 23 has quite hard mattresses. I did not like it, nor the staff (unhelpful), but was many years ago. I stayed in Studio Asoke and was excellent value if looking for budget Hotel at the time. It was newish and I was surprised how big the room was. Yes I would do it again.
Studio Asoke was booked out (becoming popular), so I tried another budget Hotel for one night (passing through). Sakura Sky. It has capsule rooms and normal rooms. I took a Superior double room above basic level and price was 1215 Baht without B/F. Room was spacious and modern. Very nicely decorated Hotel. Could not find any faults at all. A bargain.

Location is Soi 33 just across from Mitu, Akane massage joints, near to S33 Compact. In the heart of massage land, but I don't like massage, at least not real amssage. LOL.

08-28-18, 02:16
I am in the process of writing reports from my last trip, just a quick couple hotel notes. Two things from many trips I have observed that may be of use to others. 1.) I normally stay at larger hotels not always chains, but larger properties, and my attempts at in person negotiation have always failed. The rate I could have gotten weeks or even months earlier have always been better. This makes no sense to me and is foolish, but my results just haven't panned out. Too much corporate structure I suppose. 2.) The only time I have been even mildly successful was with female staff members and in general I constantly find the female hotel staff to be more competent, quicker, and more likely to give me upgrades than the male staff. Often it seems that the male staff need additional help from another staff member. So my suggestion is that whenever possible go for the girl behind the desk.

I stayed at the landmark 2 nights, Marriott in thong lo 4 nights (executive lounge is great here), and 4 nights at the four points on soi 15. The Marriott and Landmark are 2 of my normal haunts and are both great. Marriott works better for regulars as it's a bit further, but most girls won't care if you tell them you will give them cab fare. It's still bullshit since almost every girl I have ever met lives down suk that direction anyway, but it's not worth arguing over 100 thb. This was my first time at four points and worked great for thermae and is reasonable for cowboy and nana. Comparatively though I found it overpriced compared to competitors, but still served my purposes fine. I should start testing internet speeds, but all 3 places the speed was good enough for my remote work connection.

Banana Boi
08-28-18, 03:33
Sakura Sky. It has capsule rooms and normal rooms. I took a Superior double room above basic level and price was 1215 Baht without B/F. Room was spacious and modern. Very nicely decorated Hotel. Could not find any faults at all. A bargain.

Location is Soi 33 just across from Mitu, Akane massage joints, near to S33 Compact. I booked 2 nights at Sakura Sky earlier this year since I had to be around the nearby Metropolis Building. I left after 1 night and booked a different hotel. Room size was good but old. Bathroom was miserable. I asked for a better room but they said I already had the upgraded renovated room. Staff was very nice. Best thing about Sakura Sky is that you see all these young Japanese girls in their sleepwear running to the shared washroom. I tried to book at S33 Compact next door but they were sold out. I like the area though. Saw a couple of massage girls who looked passable. It's worth the price I guess but not for me. I prefer modern newer hotels like Arte Hotel on Sukhumvit 19 but it's always sold out since I tend to book last minute.

08-28-18, 05:32
Has anyone used an airbnb instead of hotel. If so, how are they about bringing girls in? Most seem to be apartments, so maybe it depends on the neighbors.

08-28-18, 07:34
I booked 2 nights at Sakura Sky earlier this year since I had to be around the nearby Metropolis Building. I left after 1 night and booked a different hotel. Room size was good but old. Bathroom was miserable. I asked for a better room but they said I already had the upgraded renovated room. Staff was very nice. Best thing about Sakura Sky is that you see all these young Japanese girls in their sleepwear running to the shared washroom. I tried to book at S33 Compact next door but they were sold out. I like the area though. Saw a couple of massage girls who looked passable. It's worth the price I guess but not for me. I prefer modern newer hotels like Arte Hotel on Sukhumvit 19 but it's always sold out since I tend to book last minute.There are was nothing old about the furnishing of my room. Yes the building may be old.

Not sure what you mean by miserable bathroom. I was quite satisfied by mine, largish and clearly fitted out not long ago.

Everything new.

I did select "Superior" room on booking, only slightly more expensive than normal room.

Shower was over bath, which might upset some, but I saw no problem.

Toilet had fancy contraptions for arse and pussy cleaning although had normal Thai jet spray hose as well.

There were probably no shared bathrooms on my floor. (5th floor I think).

Based on the redecoration, it all seemed modern to me, even if building is quite old. Not a single issue or complaint from me. At 1200 Baht,
cannot expect an amazing Hotel. I love Column Hotel but in a totally different price league (maybe 3 to 4 times the price).
Don't see specials there that often any more. I like Grand Mercure Soi 19 as a good in between standard, when they have a good price.

Nice to know though, that perhaps the room standards vary a lot. I guessed that a bit, since they have capsule rooms too.

I don't like to use a lot of money on Hotel rooms, unless have a fancy girl to stay with me, when I could be using it for girls like a threesome from Shark. LOL However the room must reach a basic standard including the bed being comfortable, have a window, air con works, and a satisfactory bathroom. I love to have kitchette or large fridge when possible and a balcony.

08-28-18, 11:43
Guys, Member from LK forum here.

I'm visiting Bangkok next month and planing to stay at "Majestic Grande Hotel*". As I found it's a girl friendly place. Just looking to get a confirmation from you guys, I can bring girl to the hotel right? And any tips would be mostly welcome.

09-01-18, 05:44
I know I don't have many posts here but hope I'm still allowed to ask questions.

I'm currently planning my first ever trip to Bangkok for a week long stay later this year and also booked 6 hotels based on reading this thread. The hotels I booked are Grand Centre T21, Four Points, Pullman Grande, Best Western Premiere, Dream, and Citadines 11. However I have no idea which one I should actually stay at. I think all of these hotels are guest friendly but please correct me if I'm wrong. Location wise, all of them are pretty much a wash as I chose them for pretty much being in between Nana and Soi Cowboy. So if anyone has ever stayed in more than one of them and can compare them for me so I can make a final decision, that would be great. Thank you and advance.

09-02-18, 02:12
Do the Grand Centre Point T21. Rooms are nice, modern, quiet, and pool is great. Since you are first time visitor has the advantage of the great T21 food court and all the other restaurants right there. Direct access to skytrain and MRT and since you won't have any thai Terminal 21 is easy to communicate to taxi drivers. Last, as you noted easy access to Nana, Cowboy, thermae, the massage places at 33 and 24, and the BJ bars in the area as well.

I know I don't have many posts here but hope I'm still allowed to ask questions.

I'm currently planning my first ever trip to Bangkok for a week long stay later this year and also booked 6 hotels based on reading this thread. The hotels I booked are Grand Centre T21, Four Points, Pullman Grande, Best Western Premiere, Dream, and Citadines 11. However I have no idea which one I should actually stay at. I think all of these hotels are guest friendly but please correct me if I'm wrong. Location wise, all of them are pretty much a wash as I chose them for pretty much being in between Nana and Soi Cowboy. So if anyone has ever stayed in more than one of them and can compare them for me so I can make a final decision, that would be great. Thank you and advance.

Member #4698
09-02-18, 02:44
I'm currently planning my first ever trip to Bangkok for a week long stay later this year and also booked 6 hotels based on reading this thread. The hotels I booked are Grand Centre T21, Four Points, Pullman Grande, Best Western Premiere, Dream, and Citadines 11. However I have no idea which one I should actually stay at. I think all of these hotels are guest friendly but please correct me if I'm wrong. Location wise, all of them are pretty much a wash as I chose them for pretty much being in between Nana and Soi Cowboy. So if anyone has ever stayed in more than one of them and can compare them for me so I can make a final decision, that would be great. Thank you and advance.Of the hotels you mention, I would give T21 the best reviews and I mostly concur with MichaelSamuel. That said, I would also add that T21 is a little pricey these days for what you get. For example, the last time I stayed there I booked the 1 bedroom executive suite for $126 with bfst. Sadly, that is not even close to the current price for that room anymore. It is a lot more expensive now even in low season. Another note of warning is that the T21 beds are Asian style and by that I mean very, very firm. If you like a firm mattress then you will like the beds at this hotel. But other than those 2 points the hotel is great and very popular. The pool is very nice and the location hard to beat.

But in the same current price range I prefer the Weston (nicer, larger rooms, western style (softer) beds, better restaurant, smaller pool, & very similar location). Then in a cheaper price range (around $105) I really like the Radisson Blu (modern rooms, great breakfasts, interesting location around the corner from Cowboy, and a friendly roof top bar). And in a slightly more expensive price range I suggest the Sofitel (modern Sukhumvit luxury & great location in between Cowboy and Nana) or the Sheraton (old school luxury and great pool). All these hotels are extremely GF.

09-02-18, 08:58
Of the hotels you mention, I would give T21 the best reviews and I mostly concur with MichaelSamuel. One unusual thing about T21 worth noting though. It is a really nice hotel but for some reason, they do not serve My alcohol anywhere in the hotel.

09-02-18, 17:24
One unusual thing about T21 worth noting though. It is a really nice hotel but for some reason, they do not serve My alcohol anywhere in the hotel.Meant they do not serve any alcohol within the hotel.

09-03-18, 07:44
Of the hotels you mention, I would give T21 the best reviews and I mostly concur with MichaelSamuel. That said, I would also add that T21 is a little pricey these days for what you get. For example, the last time I stayed there I booked the 1 bedroom executive suite for $126 with bfst. Sadly, that is not even close to the current price for that room anymore. It is a lot more expensive now even in low season. Another note of warning is that the T21 beds are Asian style and by that I mean very, very firm. If you like a firm mattress then you will like the beds at this hotel. But other than those 2 points the hotel is great and very popular. The pool is very nice and the location hard to beat.
I hate overly firm beds. Heavy bones. Pullman Grande beds are comfortable in the extreme. Like sleeping on a cloud is how I describe it. Citadines 23 has very hard mattresses. I hated it. Pullman Grande is good when they have a special on, same as I only really stay top Hotels when they have a good price, not frequently in Bangkok Hotels anyway.

09-10-18, 10:36
Got amazing deal for a high rise apartment with Kitchen, cost is 1500 per night and girls guessed it would be at least double that price. Just keep an eye out for unusual specials, since these are not normally available at short notice I think. I can't mention where it is right now, as she may read the forum. LOL.

Ed Setra
09-10-18, 12:17
Got amazing deal for a high rise apartment with Kitchen, cost is 1500 per night and girls guessed it would be at least double that price. Just keep an eye out for unusual specials, since these are not normally available at short notice I think. I can't mention where it is right now, as she may read the forum. LOL.Sounds a good deal. Where to look for unusual specials?


09-11-18, 06:38
Sounds a good deal. Where to look for unusual specials?

Thanks.Any booking site. I got this one on Booking.com. Was a apartment run by TC Contel property mgt. I don't have AirBNB experience but heard it can be risky.

09-11-18, 07:55
Are there any hotels that allow you to walk in with two girls without having to stop for an ID check? More specifically any that allow more than one girl up to your room at one time?

09-11-18, 12:24
I'm going to have 2-day layover in Bangkok before my departure for Vietnam, and I'm looking for accommodation near Soi Cowboy. This hotel has nice score on booking site but it's obviously new and there are very few reviews on internet so I'm not sure about their guest policy. It is way cheaper than my previous bookings in this area so I'm curious about this one. I don't really need any extra options (swimming pool, gym, breakfast.) for those two days so I think this one would be good enough. Of course only if it's girl friendly.

I would appreciate any info about this one.

Thanks.I stayed there last week. Hotel staff are friendly and helpful It's definitely girl friendly. Brought girls there every night. No issues. Just need to give them the girl's ID. If you only plan to visit Soi Cowboy then it's okay but I also visited Thermae bar so I had to walk quite a distance. The building shakes every 10 minutes because of the subway underneath. Toiletries are bare minimum. My room A/C didn't work well and the water pressure from my shower was poor. I booked Ruamchitt Plaza Hotel for my next visit so that it; s convenient for me to visit Thermae, Soi Cowboy and Nana Plaza although I read some reviews complaining they got charged joiner free for bringing girls back but I suspect he was bringing more than 1 girl at a time or he only checked "1 person" when he booked the room.

09-11-18, 12:31
Are there any hotels that allow you to walk in with two girls without having to stop for an ID check? More specifically any that allow more than one girl up to your room at one time?Certainly they exist, although hard to be definitive, because can depend on the level of pomposity of the particular staff member on the desk.

We used to have Tansak on the forum who regularly took 5 different girls to his room every day, and more than 1 at a time. He would have to keep requesting extra towels. LOL His fortune may have evaporated in the end.

I used to take two girls at one time to Admiral Premier quite regularly and most staff did not bat an eyelid.

One time two girls stayed whole night but the bed was slightly small for all three. You might want a room with King Size bed.

There are some hotels with a lift that bypasses reception then only have elevator guard to deal with. I used to go in back entrance to Pullman Grand directly to elevators without passing reception.

Now I am in an apartment which does not require me to pass any Hotel reception if I use the correct entrance.

Lastly if there is a problem at your Hotel, you can certainly use a ST Hotel. They may charge 100 Baht extra for the additional girl to cover towel laundry etc. E. g. Asoke Place I have certainly taken 2 girls many times.

Recently I was at one Hotel in Sathorn area that was overly zealous about checking girl ID. I did not like it due to having one girl not Thai whose right to be in Thailand and working as a hooker was a bit suspect. So I always prefer reception that ignores the extra guest.

It don't take street walkers back to my regular room, unless I know them well. No risks taken! I don't use a Hotel room safe yet never had anything stolen from my room. I guess that means I chose only suitable girls to go back to the room. Obviously don't leave cash lying around to tempt the cleaners.

I guess you read about Smoothie's problem recently so make sure the girl's are old enough if reception might be checking, and for some Hotels that seems to be 20 YO.

Avoid pompous Hotels, but I can't list which ones they are. Was Parvena too pompous in my recent experience. Won't be back there. Now in an apartment, I can do what I like and did bring two girls for threesome already.

09-11-18, 13:59
I need a decent, yet inexpensive (say 1400 BHT) hotel in the Ari / Saphan Kwai area next week for a few days. Girl friendly one of course.

Agoda has a whole slew of them but some personal experience as to the girly issue will be helpful. If no one knows, NBD, if I get the urge I will just go ST and a Love shack. Its just nice to have the option.

I can go to my usual place in Ekkamai, but then I would have to ride the BTS during rush hour so no no no go.

09-12-18, 00:06
None of my regular places do unless you ask them too. Here is my list from experience.



Four Points.

JW Marriott.

Marriott on 57.

Grande Centre Point T21.

I doubt you would be questioned at any about more than one girl either. But I haven't tried.

Are there any hotels that allow you to walk in with two girls without having to stop for an ID check? More specifically any that allow more than one girl up to your room at one time?

Banana Boi
09-12-18, 04:19
Has anyone stayed at Tints of Blue? Looks decent. My main question is can I cut through to Soi Cowboy or do I need to walk all the way to Sukhumvit then back up to Soi Cowboy?

J A Karl
09-12-18, 05:35
I will be back in Bangkok tomorrow for a 3 week business trip, but unfortunately there was no room available for the entire stay at my regular hotel. I got the option to change room a couple of times, but I don't like switching between different rooms.

I know it might be a gamble but I will try a completely new hotel for me. St James Hotel on Soi 26. Never been there before but I will write a report on how it was.

Be safe.

09-12-18, 06:26
Has anyone stayed at Tints of Blue? Looks decent. My main question is can I cut through to Soi Cowboy or do I need to walk all the way to Sukhumvit then back up to Soi Cowboy?I don't believe there is any direct way through, however rather than head to Sukhumvit head to Narz club and can get through to the east west soi via the car park. I used to stay in Admiral Premier a lot and that is not far from Narz and Pegasus. I think it will be marginally shorter but not by much

09-13-18, 07:03
There are some hotels with a lift that bypasses reception then only have elevator guard to deal with. Hyatt Place on Soi 24, the elevators bypass the reception if you're staying on the lower floors, up to FL. 16 from what I remember. Above that you need to change elevators but you could probably do this on another floor. I haven't tried since the girls I brought back to my room were during the day so they didn't bother even looking at me at reception.

09-13-18, 10:04
I stayed there last week. Hotel staff are friendly and helpful It's definitely girl friendly. Brought girls there every night. No issues. Just need to give them the girl's ID. If you only plan to visit Soi Cowboy then it's okay but I also visited Thermae bar so I had to walk quite a distance. The building shakes every 10 minutes because of the subway underneath. Toiletries are bare minimum. My room A/C didn't work well and the water pressure from my shower was poor. That is interesting since I had no issues at all when stayed there. I don't recall the shaking at all. Perhaps I am used to noisy Thailand.

09-13-18, 10:16
Hey, I am doing the same trip. Let me know how Saigon goes. I have never been.

Thanks. That is the info I was looking for.

I found report from Syzgies and after reading it I think I'll be booking this hotel very soon. It is only 35(40 $) per night and perfect location.

I'm a new member but was following Thailand forum for years and it was very helpful so far. No, this is going to be my fifth trip to Bangkok in 3 years, and so far I stayed at LE Fenix in soi 11 (3*) ,Galleria 10 in soi 10 (4* Dream hotel in soi 15 (5* and ICheck Inn soi 7/1 (3* All were girl friendly.

I usually stay for 1-3 nights before I leave for islands or Pattaya or like this year in Saigon, so I really just need some basic comfort and good location. Of course if I run into some discount or promotion like I did for Dream Hotel I will gladly use it. It was like 65 $/ night for a 5* hotel in soi 15, which I think was a good deal.

Hope I helped someone with info.

09-14-18, 01:29
That is interesting since I had no issues at all when stayed there. I don't recall the shaking at all. Perhaps I am used to noisy Thailand.Yea I guess I was unlucky to get a defected room but for the price I paid, I got no further complains. My room was very spacious. Going to stay Ruamchitt next time because it's just above thermae and walking distance from Nana.

09-14-18, 07:02
Are there any hotels that allow you to walk in with two girls without having to stop for an ID check? More specifically any that allow more than one girl up to your room at one time?The Westin on Sukhumvit is absolutely girl friendly without any ID check and also when bringing in two girls never got questioned.

J A Karl
09-15-18, 19:33
As I mentioned a couple of days ago I have now been staying a few nights at St James on Soi26.

First time for me here, probably also the last.

Entrance and reception area are very nice and clean but the rooms needs an overhaul big time.

The price for my "superior " room is 1480 baht per night as some kind of weekend price. But it's to much to pay for this kind of room.

The staff is friendly, the breakfast is OK, A/C is working and it is definitely a girl friendly hotel. I took 2 girls here yesterday and they only had to show their ID at the reception, even got an extra towel since I booked the room for 2 people, not 3.

I was due to stay here 15 nights, but no, that will not happen. First thing tomorrow morning I am checking out and going to the Westin Sukhumvit instead.


09-16-18, 00:26
The Westin on Sukhumvit is absolutely girl friendly without any ID check and also when bringing in two girls never got questioned.Same with the Sofitel Sukhumvit and Pullman Grande on Asoke. No ID check and taken two girls at the same time with no issues.

Member #4611
09-16-18, 02:22
Has anyone stayed at Tints of Blue? Looks decent. My main question is can I cut through to Soi Cowboy or do I need to walk all the way to Sukhumvit then back up to Soi Cowboy?Think you can cut thru NARZ carpark rather than go to Sukhumvit. Not sure it saves you that much though.


09-16-18, 05:01
The price for my "superior " room is 1480 baht per night as some kind of weekend price. But it's to much to pay for this kind of room.
I was due to stay here 15 nights, but no, that will not happen. First thing tomorrow morning I am checking out and going to the Westin Sukhumvit instead.

Chears!1480 maybe a very good price actually, rather than too much, if there no specific faults, just not modern enough. Probably the regular price (closer to 3 K) is too much. Needs "overhaul" is a little vague. Old furniture with marks is quite acceptable for many. I currently have a large room (suite) with kitchen, large fridge, balcony, everything really good except hotel room is oldish (old furniture and timber work). No complaints. Price about 1200 (special) so I can't complain at all. Previously was in a really superb apartment for 1500 (if was Hotel would be 3 K+) but it wasn't close to good food options. Local Thais eat a lot of crap food.

For super standard rooms, normally have to pay a lot more.

Today I move to another bargain place. Good modern rooms at 1 k+. I save money for mongering by using cheaper Hotels when I am staying alone. Hence never stayed in the Western LOL. I have stayed in Column (superb) when on special. One of my favourites.

Generally I am a lot more fussy about quality and appearance of girls, compared to Hotel rooms. However I love a room with good sized fridge. Functionality is what matters. Don't need artistic rooms.

09-16-18, 05:05
I don't believe there is any direct way through, however rather than head to Sukhumvit head to Narz club and can get through to the east west soi via the car park. .... I think it will be marginally shorter but not by much

Think you can cut thru NARZ carpark rather than go to Sukhumvit. Not sure it saves you that much though.

FK.Did you see my reply post to BB. You seem to almost quote me, although used a few less words. LOL.

J A Karl
09-16-18, 05:21
1480 maybe a very good price actually, rather than too much, if there no specific faults, just not modern enough. Probably the regular price (closer to 3 K) is too much. Needs "overhaul" is a little vague. Old furniture with marks is quite acceptable for many.I don't mind old furniture with marks on it.

The things I do mind is the state of the bathroom. I did not mention that in my first post.

Cracked tiles, bad smell etc.

The Westin is way above my normal price range.

But this trip I wanted to treat myself to both nice ladies and a nice hotel.

Normally I would never pay more than 2000 baht per night, ever.

09-16-18, 13:48
Studio Asoke has been mentioned here before (and that's how I found it) and I can only recommend it. I also noticed Syzygies post from 27 August that Studio Asoke was booked out then. Sorry I took the last room there then it seems:

It is indeed a brand new hotel with good prices on a very good location near Cowboy and MRT / BTS. Very comfortable and large bed, new TV a good bunch of movie and foreign channels (and of course a Plethora of Thai channels so you can be forced to watch a quality Thai soap with your newly acquired muse of the night).

Do get one of the upper two floors though, otherwise you might hear a lot of the unrelentless Bangkok traffic. It is right on Asoke Montri road so very heavy traffic.

When you check in you will be given a form which on the bottom says 'Unregistered guests are not allowed to the guest room'. Fortunately that is just there for show, do not fret as the staff don't bat an eyelid as your unregistered guest of the night drops their ID card off at reception.

Some things to consider:

- Smokers beware there is no balcony and if you want to light up you have to go downstairs every time. They didn't care about my vape in the room which I obviously was using inside (don't take those outside by the way or risk getting a 'fine' by some corrupt BiB members).

- Transparent bathroom / toilet wall. Why? Particularly awkward if you are NOT with a (temporary) girlfriend.

- WiFi wasn't the best I had, in particular the corner of the upper floor. Was a bit better during my second stay on third floor.

- You can register for their membership for free and get a discount when you book directly with them and when you book five days get one day free.

I love the night shift security guy who opens the door and gets the elevator for you like it is a five star hotel, with a big smile on his face. If he aint snoring loudly on his chair that is.

Please leave a room for me in December.

09-17-18, 01:51
Stayed at the above hotels in my last trip in May, all were girl-friendly.

I considered Holiday Inn Sukhumvit 22 a 3-star hotel, with not much service and food was so-so, was offered breakfast at a promotional price. Accessing the hotel pool is a hassle because I had to get through the restaurant on the 8th floor first. But the location is top-notched, within walking distance to all the actions, including Nana, oily and nuru massage parlors.

I was hesitated about Park Hyatt because of its high-end status which might not be girl-friendly, but I was wrong. Booked an escort via Smooci and the hotel had no problem with that. The infinity pool on the 10th floor provided attentive service including ice-cold bottled water and iced towel. Food was much better here.

When I come back to BKK next year, I would like to stay in the Marriott Executive Apartments Thonglor, heard the pool was nice there.Apples and Oranges? Isn't Park Hyatt pricing roughly 3x that of the Holiday Inn?

09-17-18, 03:18
Unusual specials?

Originally Posted by Syzygies: Got amazing deal for a high rise apartment with Kitchen, cost is 1500 per night and girls guessed it would be at least double that price. Just keep an eye out for unusual specials, since these are not normally available at short notice I think. I can't mention where it is right now, as she may read the forum. LOL.
Sounds a good deal. Where to look for unusual specials?

Thanks.Ditto. Keep an eye out where, Syzgies?

Banana Boi
09-17-18, 03:23
Please leave a room for me in December.Not sure on your exact dates but some dates I checked for you in December were already booked. Book it now there is free cancellation for roughly the same price.

09-17-18, 06:14
When you check in you will be given a form which on the bottom says 'Unregistered guests are not allowed to the guest room'. Fortunately that is just there for show, do not fret as the staff don't bat an eyelid as your unregistered guest of the night drops their ID card off at reception.

Some things to consider:

- Smokers beware there is no balcony and if you want to light up you have to go downstairs every time. They didn't care about my vape in the room which I obviously was using inside (don't take those outside by the way or risk getting a 'fine' by some corrupt BiB members).

- Transparent bathroom / toilet wall. Why? Particularly awkward if you are NOT with a (temporary) girlfriend.

- WiFi wasn't the best I had, in particular the corner of the upper floor. Was a bit better during my second stay on third floor.

- You can register for their membership for free and get a discount when you book directly with them and when you book five days get one day free.

I love the night shift security guy who opens the door and gets the elevator for you like it is a five star hotel, with a big smile on his face. If he aint snoring loudly on his chair that is.

Please leave a room for me in December.Yes I can confirm I had no problem with my young Cowboy girl (non smoker). I do try to get other places with balcony when my Gik comes as she smokes.

It amazes me that rather few bar girls smoke these days in my experience. 20 years ago they all smoked (almost all). That is one change for the better.

I was not fussed by transparent bathroom. If some one needs to shower when there is a guest in the room, surely that implies that sex is likely to take place. LOL.

Did not notice traffic noise so I guess I must have been on a high floor. I don't recall the wifi. I usually have 4 G on my phone so can use my phone's internet when Hotel is not the best. Not great though if you need to watch porn videos. LOL.

09-17-18, 06:23
Ditto. Keep an eye out where, Syzgies?I thought I wrote already that I booked on booking.com but too lazy to check now. In the end the Apartment in Sathorn was excellent at 1500 but local places selling food were not too good, for the types of food I prefer. Note that apartments don't have room cleaning each day, typically, so your towel supply maybe inadequate, depending how many girls (I had a threesome first night). LOL

Later was in a very well priced Hotel at 1200, but when I came to extend, price had gone to over 3000 due to a tour group coming in, and booked out the following day. Hate that so moved.

That is down side with very good value for money Hotels. Tour groups become aware that they can get good rooms for low price and can virtually book out the place.

Years ago I liked Admiral premier until it became popularly booked by group tours. You definitely don't want to be at a Hotel breakfast when a Chinese tour group is in the Hotel. The standard of manners in their culture is just not compatible with the rest of the world. Being on a boat to Islands with a Chinese tour group was equally appalling.

09-17-18, 07:36
Saw this hostel offering good rates in Agoda. Has anybody who stayed here before can confirm if it's girl friendly?

09-17-18, 09:41
When you check in you will be given a form which on the bottom says 'Unregistered guests are not allowed to the guest room'. Fortunately that is just there for show, do not fret as the staff don't bat an eyelid as your unregistered guest of the night drops their ID card off at reception.
When your guests drop their ID card they are most likely being registered as well by the reception. Many hotels keep a list with the names of the guests and the rooms they are visiting, and they have to sign it when they are leaving and getting back their ID.

09-17-18, 09:44
I was not fussed by transparent bathroom. If some one needs to shower when there is a guest in the room, surely that implies that sex is likely to take place. LOL.
Showering is not the problem for me. Taking a leak or even worse a dump in front of someone else is another thing LOL.

09-17-18, 17:28
Nana tai suite location, says Soi 4 anybody familiar with or any info on. ?I familiar with Soi 4 but having trouble figuring out where this hotel is location wise, let's say we're is it starting out at Nana hotel where from their, thanks, anybody ever stay their and opinion on staying their.

09-18-18, 16:03
Nana tai suite location, says Soi 4 anybody familiar with or any info on. ?I familiar with Soi 4 but having trouble figuring out where this hotel is location wise, let's say we're is it starting out at Nana hotel where from their, thanks, anybody ever stay their and opinion on staying their.If you look it up on Agoda or Booking.com you can see on their maps that it's located pretty deep into soi 4. About a 10 to 15 minute walk from the Nana hotel I think.

09-27-18, 03:56
I've met a TG (non pro) who has agreed after some months of coffee, lunch hours, and mall visits to meet for a short time romp near Terminal 21. Looking for recommendations on clean, safe places in that area with rooms for 2-3 hours short time liaison. All tips welcome! PM if you prefer. See.

09-27-18, 08:15
I've met a TG (non pro) who has agreed after some months of coffee, lunch hours, and mall visits to meet for a short time romp near Terminal 21. Looking for recommendations on clean, safe places in that area with rooms for 2-3 hours short time liaison. All tips welcome! PM if you prefer. See.Asoke Place, right across the street from Terminal 21.


09-27-18, 13:57
I've met a TG (non pro) who has agreed after some months of coffee, lunch hours, and mall visits to meet for a short time romp near Terminal 21. Looking for recommendations on clean, safe places in that area with rooms for 2-3 hours short time liaison. All tips welcome! PM if you prefer. See.Ruamchitt Plaza Hotel, near Sofitel Sukhumvit, clean and safe.

Banana Boi
09-27-18, 23:55
Ruamchitt Plaza Hotel, near Sofitel Sukhumvit, clean and safe.I notice Ruamchit is sold out many nights due to the Asians going to Thermae. Does anyone know if Ruamchit sets aside ST rooms even if the hotel is listed as sold out?

09-28-18, 04:29
To you and ChinaSki as well. I found his place through a google search but the web link took me to a real estate site! I'm looking to rent, not buy LOL.

I'll put "Place" in the search engine and try again. We're looking for daytime not nighttime bookings, so I'm not worried if they are full up at night.

Thanks again.

Asoke Place, right across the street from Terminal 21.


Ruamchitt Plaza Hotel, near Sofitel Sukhumvit, clean and safe.

09-28-18, 05:06
To you and ChinaSki as well. I found his place through a google search but the web link took me to a real estate site! I'm looking to rent, not buy LOL.

I'll put "Place" in the search engine and try again. We're looking for daytime not nighttime bookings, so I'm not worried if they are full up at night.

Thanks again.It is hard to imagine either of those hotels' Short Time rooms are booked every hour in advance, all day and all night, any day or night of the week. If you walk into one and they say they are all booked up and walk into the other and they say they are all booked up too, you could try Atlas Hotel just inside Sukhumvit Soi 7/1 on the left as the next choice. It isn't as close to Terminal 21 as the other two, but maybe only another 5-6 minute walk further than Ruamchit Hotel. And if all three of those hotels' Short Time rooms are all booked up in advance for every hour of every day and night, then there is definitely a tremendous underground P4P industry going on in secret in this city because the couples somehow manage to file into the ST hotels in a steady stream all day and night without being seen entering or exiting the front doors (even when Thermae is closed during the day).

I'm not sure I have ever seen more than one couple standing in front of the check-in desk through the glass doors of Ruamchit Hotel and Atlas Hotel during the day. And usually there is no one standing at those check-in desks waiting to check-in during the day. Can't say the same about Asoke Place since you can't really see the front desk from street level as you pass by.

Assuming you don't want to find out one or all of those hotels is miraculously "sold out" of Short Time rooms only as you and your non pro girl arrive for your tryst, I suppose you (alone) could always cruise by each one 2-3 hours before you meet your girl to book a room in advance just to make sure.

09-28-18, 08:46
I guess what EihTooms was trying to make clear in the previous post, in his usual comprehensive way (no offence), is that you don't have to reserve a room in a ST hotel in advance. You just walk in there whenever you like with a girl and rent a room.

PS: the Ruamchitt is not a ST hotel in the strict sense of the word but a normal hotel that also rents out rooms by the hour.

Banana Boi
09-28-18, 09:14
Maybe it's just me but if I have been dating a non pro in Bangkok and we have decided to finally have sex I'd be getting a real hotel room and not a ST hotel. Many decent hotels around Terminal 21 that are not much more expensive than a ST room as long as you are not booking last minute or on the weekends.

09-28-18, 10:35
Maybe it's just me but if I have been dating a non pro in Bangkok and we have decided to finally have sex I'd be getting a real hotel room and not a ST hotel. Many decent hotels around Terminal 21 that are not much more expensive than a ST room as long as you are not booking last minute or on the weekends.Not sure I agree. Obviously the guy already has a room somewhere. If that is not near enough, or he can't afford to be seen with a girl at lunchtime for gossip reasons, then getting a ST room is quite okay If is clear that meeting is for sex purposes.

On other hand he could reasonably move his accommodation to be near 21. However Thai girls are not reliable. The liason might happen only once, or might not happen at all.

I used to rent by the month past BTS On Nut. Was a little too far for a lunch time liason. I did use ST Hotels a lot.

Better to pick a good one though, maybe not Asoke Place in this case. Altas is unfortunately in the sordid Soi 7/1 however I have used it. Room standard varied a lot. Ruamchit Plaza should normally have ST rooms available daytime, but worth checking by phone call I guess.

I was recently in Bangkok for 10 days (maybe) and had a Laos girl desperate for money I was expecting to fuck a lot for the period. Unfortunately she had her period and then other things came up for her relating to study and family. Only got to do her once, and even that was rushed since she had to go the airport soon after. Always best to have backup plans. Of course she was a hooker. Just not really working much.

Hong Kong Boy
09-29-18, 03:44
Does the bar in Hyatt still have working girls there?

Gigi Buffon
09-29-18, 03:59
Does the bar in Hyatt still have working girls there?If you are referring to Spasso's located in the Grand Hyatt, then yes, you will find freelancers and independents there every night.

Member #4698
09-29-18, 05:23
Does the bar in Hyatt still have working girls there?RTFF. Name of the bar is Spasso. Best on Thurs, Fri, and Sat nights 10:30 to 1. After 1 your best bet is across the street at Mixx in the basement of the Intercontinental. I took 1 Spasso girl this trip. 35 but still put together nicely. GFE and a passionate performer. 5000. Stayed with me in the loom for 3 hours. Showed me how to operate the light system in the room. LOL. I have not repeated with her for any apparent reason other than there are so many other quality options to have good sex with that I never found the time to get back to her again. If I go back to Spasso another time on this trip it will be to see if Miss Tanzania is out and about. She was the hotest girl in the place the night I met her and is my 2018 one that got away girl. 555.

09-30-18, 04:59
PS: the Ruamchitt is not a ST hotel in the strict sense of the word but a normal hotel that also rents out rooms by the hour.I and others have referred to certain hotels in the area as "ST hotels" as a term of convenience, but I am not aware of any hotel around there where you enter from the public street that will book a room "only" for ST or "only" by the hour. Are there any? Maybe those drive-in hotels where you park your car or the taxi pulls in behind a curtain and you and your lady enter the room unseen by passersby can only be booked by the hour, not sure. But I don't know why those hotels wouldn't book for an all night stay either if they had a room available. It is logical that the ST rooms located exactly inside Nana Plaza can not be booked for all night, essentially being on private property, not directly accessible from the public street and there would not be anyone at the desk in the daytime hours I suppose.

I'd say the rule of thumb is every public street accessible hotel rents rooms for overnight but not every hotel rents rooms by the hour too. So it is the latter we are referring to as "ST hotels".

About 3 years ago my apartment building was undergoing some plumbing renovations and I did a quick survey of some of the better known "ST hotels" around to see if I could book a room for overnight. And I don't mean at 8 X The Hourly Rate. That would be way overcharging, imo. I mean similar to a normal hotel booking. At that time Asoke Place, DiPlace (behind The Tavern on Soi 4), Atlas Hotel (on Soi 7/1 or was it still World Inn then) PB Hotel and another I don't recall now all had regular overnight rooms available for normal rates. Seems to me they were all in the 850-1100 baht range for an overnight booking then. Maybe they weren't the exact same rooms or on the same floors as their ST/by the hour rooms for the sake of not annoying the overnighters with the potentially more raucous ST trade. But they were all on the same program as Ruamchit Hotel in terms of offering both.

09-30-18, 11:20
It is logical that the ST rooms located exactly inside Nana Plaza can not be booked for all night, essentially being on private property, not directly accessible from the public street and there would not be anyone at the desk in the daytime hours I suppose.
Yes well put. Those rooms aren't good enough to be called a Hotel LOL, and surely no one would stay there all night, even if was possible. If a Nana Girl insisted to go there for the ST fuck, I would cancel. I admit have not tried there recently.

I agree. any Hotel that allows a 1 or 2 hour booking for reduced price, is by definition a ST Hotel, with or without carpark curtains.

I once thought about staying cheap at The Strand, Pat Pong, but really there is far too much noise there from nearby discos. Not a viable all night Hotel.

There are two other ST Hotels in same soi as Di Place. One particularly appealed to me because they had flexibility to do a 90 min booking, where most wanted to give you only 60 minutes and then pay for another full hour.

I found a lot of girls in Nana that want to use the Nana rooms were trying for a 30 min ST or less. Same goes for street walkers. No quickies for me.

Carpark Curtain Hotels probably have a very bad reputation for Thais as the TV Lakhorn series portray them as a way a guy can drug the girl and take her to such a place for date or abduction forced sex, and the fact that girl maybe trying to escape or unconscious will never be seen by the management or public. All hidden from view. Of course these soap series may not be quite reality, I would not know.

09-30-18, 12:38
Yes well put. Those rooms aren't good enough to be called a Hotel LOL, and surely no one would stay there all night, even if was possible. If a Nana Girl insisted to go there for the ST fuck, I would cancel. I admit have not tried there recently.


I once thought about staying cheap at The Strand, Pat Pong, but really there is far too much noise there from nearby discos. Not a viable all night Hotel.
The ST rooms in Nana Plaza on the second level up the steps on the left as you enter the Plaza, kind of a zig-zag turn on the left, down a couple of steps and behind a partition were not bad the last time I used one there about 2 years ago. Not nearly as nice as the rooms in The Strand in Patpong though.

The ones up the escalator side on the right as you enter the Plaza, near Mercury Go-Go Bar, are atrocious. Avoid at all cost.

The rooms on the third level on the Butterflies Go-Go Bar side were not memorably bad like that second group was but it has been at least 3 years since I used one of those. Maybe some remodeling has been done or maybe some of those spots are not even ST rooms anymore.

Strange, but some go-go and beer bar girls working in Nana Plaza seem not to know about all the various ST room spots in the Plaza and might take you to the worst ones because they don't know about the better ones. Or they get a kick back from one and not others, maybe some other scheme they're up to, had a problem at one of the spots, whatever. I might have missed mentioning a spot for some too not having ever rented those particular rooms.

09-30-18, 14:22
Had the opportunity to stay here recently. Over all it's a relatively new girl friendly value hotel that may not satisfy your need.


This is the best part of staying at this property for Nana lovers. Nana sky train is less than 5 minutes walking distance. 7-11, pharmacy, laundry and restaurants are within a 2 minutes walking distance. Cowboy is probably a 15-20 min walk if you enjoy walking. Taxi service can be arranged via the reception without any hassle.

Quality of room:

Being a relatively new place I did experience some drilling sound and maintenance noise. Another letdown for me was the sound proofing. With the doors closed I could still hear the elevator ding dong and people having conversation at the walkway. Condom is available with room service.


Sign up for their newsletter and they do send promotion codes that can get you a steep discount.



Anyone stayed in Citrus Suites Sukhumvit 6 recently? What has been your experience with bringing back your catch to this place?

I know this hotel is GF since I emailed them and clarified but would like to know if we need to register the guest as mentioned in their email. All my previous trips I only stayed at four point and they never cared once to register the guest.


10-01-18, 07:44
I always stay at hotels on the odd-numbered side of Sukhumvit. I just find that side of the street much more interesting. You can visit popular sois like 7, 11, and 19. The Biergarten, Thermae, Terminal 21, Soi Cowboy are all on that side of Sukhumvit. They're also more street walkers on that side of Sukhumvit.

When friends ask for a recommendation, I always recommend hotels on the side of Sukhumvit with odd numbered sois.

10-01-18, 08:14
I always stay at hotels on the odd-numbered side of Sukhumvit. I just find that side of the street much more interesting. You can visit popular sois like 7, 11, and 19. The Biergarten, Thermae, Terminal 21, Soi Cowboy are all on that side of Sukhumvit. They're also more street walkers on that side of Sukhumvit.

When friends ask for a recommendation, I always recommend hotels on the side of Sukhumvit with odd numbered sois.Its far easier to walk on the even numbered side. LOL On 8 is a very conveniently located Hotel. Plus Biergarten and Thermae very have limited appeal to me. Don't usually find what I am looking for to be available to me. Not once did I take a girl from Biergarten unless I have Alzheimers.

Most of the BJ bars (expect Wood) are on even side. LOL Not that I use that often.

I don't think it matters which side if not too deep in Soi. I don't like to stay in Soi 4 though. Traffic and access problems.

Soi 3 to 7 are probably not great choices, the Arab sector. Annoying muslim stuff on loud speakers, and the Arab food and people smells.

No pork available, all Halal.

Column Hotel Soi 16 was fabulous for me when I tried it.

10-08-18, 19:05
Anyone has tried the new Novotel in Soi 4? I'm very curious to know the quality of that hotel, I think the position is perfect for everything, food-shopping-pussy.

Bubba Boy
10-09-18, 01:43
Anyone has tried the new Novotel in Soi 4? I'm very curious to know the quality of that hotel, I think the position is perfect for everything, food-shopping-pussy.All Novotels around the world are basically the same as they are in Thailand. It is essentially a formula based hotel. Like a Mcdonalds or Ikea in that the rooms are pretty much cookie cutter stuff but to a nice enough 4 star standard. I like them as they are always very good, perhaps a little plain but always super clean and updated. I have stayed at several in the Suk area and they are all very good and although Chinese group tourists make up the majority of guests they are all girl friendly. I have not had an issue with bringing guests back although I tend to go for more discrete types rather than girls that look like out and out H*s. I am not sure how they would handle dragging back 2 or more girls at the same time that are dressed for the street, perhaps they would not have a problem. I don't know, but a nicely dressed discreet young lady casually walking thru the lobby arm in arm has never been a problem.

I am currently looking at the new one on Soi 4 that literally just opened this month for my next trip in a few weeks. Because it is brand new the prices are much lower than the similar Novotel just down the road around Soi 2, it is about 1/3 cheaper. I would think it is even nicer as everything would be literally brand new. I think there are worse options around. If you do stay there in the next few weeks let us know.

Bubba Boy
10-09-18, 01:53
Has anyone had much experience using Airbnb in BKK around the Sukhumvit Road area? I basically just work, hit the gym, grab food from the street and have a girl over maybe twice a week. So there would not be much traffic or party noise through the place so am thinking the neighbours wouldn't have an issue.

The prices seem to be about 2/3 of a similar hotel which would be worth it as I am staying for 3 to 4 weeks next visit. Anyone have thoughts?

10-09-18, 02:24
Has anyone had much experience using Airbnb in BKK around the Sukhumvit Road area? I basically just work, hit the gym, grab food from the street and have a girl over maybe twice a week. So there would not be much traffic or party noise through the place so am thinking the neighbours wouldn't have an issue.

The prices seem to be about 2/3 of a similar hotel which would be worth it as I am staying for 3 to 4 weeks next visit. Anyone have thoughts?I have used AirBnB extensively in BKK. But I prefer to stay in the Silom / Sathon area where the apartments are much nicer. I have also stayed in apartments near Thong Lo, Ekkamai and Ratchada.

Never had any issue with neighbors for any reason. I doubt it would be any different in Suk.

10-09-18, 03:26
I have stayed at several in the Suk area and they are all very good and although Chinese group tourists make up the majority of guests they are all girl friendly. .There already is good reason not to stay there, if you want to take the buffet breakfast. Chinese tour groups are perhaps worst behaved in the world, by normal standards.

10-09-18, 04:01
I notice Ruamchit is sold out many nights due to the Asians going to Thermae. Does anyone know if Ruamchit sets aside ST rooms even if the hotel is listed as sold out?How do you know it is sold out because of Asians, much less Asians going to Thermae? First off, the hotel is located in Asia, and the presence of Asians in a hotel in an Asian city should hardly be a unusual event. Remember, its their continent, so don't act like they aren't supposed to be there.

Have you ever been down into Thermae? Its not very big, and there is not enough seats at the bar to accommodate many guests, and that would be a much smaller number of guests than the hotel can accommodate. While not large, the Ruamchitt isn't a small boutique hotel either. The night I was there, there was maybe a dozen Asian gentlemen in the place and it was packed to the walls with girls. Nobody was hooking up and leaving until I picked one who actually wanted to chat and hook up. So, its not a place where there is a lot of turnover of Asian tourists. There's probably more turnover out front of the hotel later in the night. Given the other attractions in the area, I can't imagine people staying there sorely just to pay too much money for the privilege of taking young woman with an attitude up the stairs in the back to their room. Personally, I did it out of curiosity and wanted to report something back to the forum. And I'm not Asian. But, I would stay there again for reasons that have nothing to do with Thermae (prime location, really cool staff, rooftop pool, economical price on windowless rooms that allow me to sleep in).

10-09-18, 22:47
Has anyone had much experience using Airbnb in BKK around the Sukhumvit Road area? I basically just work, hit the gym, grab food from the street and have a girl over maybe twice a week. So there would not be much traffic or party noise through the place so am thinking the neighbours wouldn't have an issue.

The prices seem to be about 2/3 of a similar hotel which would be worth it as I am staying for 3 to 4 weeks next visit. Anyone have thoughts?For the last few years I have used Airbnb extensively in BKK.

One time on Soi 15.

MANY times at THE EDGE condominium on Sukhumvit Soi 23.

Next one will be at the Noble Ploenchit condo right on BTS Ploenchit.

Never had any kind of problems at all.

Bubba Boy
10-10-18, 06:57
For the last few years I have used Airbnb extensively in BKK.

One time on Soi 15.

MANY times at THE EDGE condominium on Sukhumvit Soi 23.

Next one will be at the Noble Ploenchit condo right on BTS Ploenchit.

Never had any kind of problems at all.

I have used AirBnB extensively in BKK. But I prefer to stay in the Silom / Sathon area where the apartments are much nicer. I have also stayed in apartments near Thong Lo, Ekkamai and Ratchada.

Never had any issue with neighbors for any reason. I doubt it would be any different in Suk.Thanks guys, appreciate the feedback.

10-11-18, 17:35
I live to stay in this hotel because of its cleanliness, and comfy cosy feel in the room, its not a very big hotel, probably about 20-30 rooms, But its good location and nearby 7/11, ScratchDogs Discotheque is a plus point. I love to pick up FL or pretty girls ScratchDogs and the hotel is walking distance. Hotel is girl friendly, and not really expensive. Last time I got it from agoda for 1700 bht per night.

10-12-18, 10:59
I live to stay in this hotel because of its cleanliness, and comfy cosy feel in the room, its not a very big hotel, probably about 20-30 rooms, But its good location and nearby 7/11, ScratchDogs Discotheque is a plus point. I love to pick up FL or pretty girls ScratchDogs and the hotel is walking distance. Hotel is girl friendly, and not really expensive. Last time I got it from agoda for 1700 bht per night."live to stay". LOL you crack me up man. Nobody lives for this purpose. Unfortunate Typo I guess you intended: "like to stay". Cosy reads like an advertising euphemism for very small? LOL, perhaps not your intention also.

I was amazed can get a 30 sq. M room at Sakura Sky (soi 33) for less than 1200. And smaller (like 23 sq. M to 25) for under 1 K. I tried the better size room once for a liason and had no issues at all.

10-14-18, 16:43
"live to stay". LOL you crack me up man. Nobody lives for this purpose. Unfortunate Typo I guess you intended: "like to stay". Cosy reads like an advertising euphemism for very small? LOL, perhaps not your intention also.

I was amazed can get a 30 sq. M room at Sakura Sky (soi 33) for less than 1200. And smaller (like 23 sq. M to 25) for under 1 K. I tried the better size room once for a liason and had no issues at all.Hi,

Sorry it was a typo, it should be "like to stay", I feel its kinda okay with me even the price is not that cheap, but the room is really good, as the equipment and amenities in room is new. Location perhaps play a big part for the price as its near some bars and discotheque. Its accessible to the soi 22 bars and restaurant as well, I mean within walking distance.

10-15-18, 03:33

Sorry it was a typo, it should be "like to stay", I feel its kinda okay with me even the price is not that cheap, but the room is really good, as the equipment and amenities in room is new. Location perhaps play a big part for the price as its near some bars and discotheque. Its accessible to the soi 22 bars and restaurant as well, I mean within walking distance.Whatever turns you on. I never stay in Soi 22 myself. Perhaps others really like this Soi also. The talent levels of girls on my recent quick walk through Soi 22 bars was too low for me to stay a while. Maybe was too early (Sat night) and the better looking girls yet to arrive (quite possible). Dare I suggest to try Billboard at Nana Plaza for better looking girls (unless you don't like slim girls). LOL Pretty much low talent levels evident at MPs without going inside them all of course. What is the attraction? Sure you have bulk ordinary girls available. I don't need restaurants much. Street and market food is fine. If you will try every girl in a massage shop (Liola), you can't be very fussy. LOL Maybe every Thai girl is attractive compared to what you are used to?

I must be crazy as was quite happy to stay in the "dead" Soi 33 not long ago. It does have some MPs though.

10-15-18, 07:33
Whatever turns you on. I never stay in Soi 22 myself. Perhaps others really like this Soi also. The talent levels of girls on my recent quick walk through Soi 22 bars was too low for me to stay a while. Maybe was too early (Sat night) and the better looking girls yet to arrive (quite possible). Dare I suggest to try Billboard at Nana Plaza for better looking girls (unless you don't like slim girls). LOL Pretty much low talent levels evident at MPs without going inside them all of course. What is the attraction? Sure you have bulk ordinary girls available. I don't need restaurants much. Street and market food is fine. If you will try every girl in a massage shop (Liola), you can't be very fussy. LOL Maybe every Thai girl is attractive compared to what you are used to?

I must be crazy as was quite happy to stay in the "dead" Soi 33 not long ago. It does have some MPs though.Hi,

yup, I try the girl in Liola because my actual friends is opening the shop as I will go on try his girls, but also as a form of support. Nana Plaza no longer attracted to me. Billboard is famous, perhaps the one and only shop there which is not as pushy as the other outlet within NANA, the girls there a plenty, I used to sitting around the corner with 1 or 2 beers watching the girls dancing showing off their boobs. But a ST of 3700- 4500 bht or above for a ST and only within the ST hotels in Nana Plaza does not appease to me. Just my opinion, those girls don't worth that much for 45 mins ST. Nana no longer an attraction for "lady searching" for a people like me. Recently I sat at Hooters and having beer for an hour, saw some FL lady standing at the front. I even able to get 2 FL for a 3 some for 1500 bht each, and their appearance is not bad. I will post the reports laters in another thread.

10-15-18, 08:01
Geez Syzygies, what has Eric77 done to you? Why such a condescending reply when he was merely saying he likes this hotel?

10-15-18, 10:02
Geez Syzygies, what has Eric77 done to you? Why such a condescending reply when he was merely saying he likes this hotel?Sorry, must have been in a bad mood when the whole Soi scarcely seemed to have a pretty girl available that I could find. I don't have any problem with the Hotel at all. No idea. So is it a really good location? Was surprised he wrote he intended to try several girls at one massage joint though, in the MP thread. I wondered why. Seemed like advertising.

10-15-18, 11:59
Sorry, must have been in a bad mood when the whole Soi scarcely seemed to have a pretty girl available that I could find. I don't have any problem with the Hotel at all. No idea. So is it a really good location? Was surprised he wrote he intended to try several girls at one massage joint though, in the MP thread. I wondered why. Seemed like advertising.You can't find girl suits your taste? That's your problem. If you think I am advertising, you can make complain to the admin and had me banned, its that easy. I am aware I am new to this forum, its because I just discovered this place, it doesn't mean I am some paid fake writer to do marketing. Liola is just the first come to my mind when I decided to share my experience here. I had plenty of others places I haven't contribute reviews yet. I wrote what I feels, I just merely put up some reviews that I had already visit. Or else what? So if I wanted to try several girl in one joint, that's advertising? You can go think what you like on my post, making quick conclusion base on my few reviews, as if I care about your opinion.

10-15-18, 12:18
I live to stay in this hotel because of its cleanliness, and comfy cosy feel in the room, its not a very big hotel, probably about 20-30 rooms, But its good location and nearby 7/11, ScratchDogs Discotheque is a plus point. I love to pick up FL or pretty girls ScratchDogs and the hotel is walking distance. Hotel is girl friendly, and not really expensive. Last time I got it from agoda for 1700 bht per night.Good suggestion. Looking at the price right now, it's only 40 usd and the rooms online look nice. I stay on soi 22 often at the Marriott Queens Park. My very first trip every to Thailand I stayed on Soi 22 at the Imperial Queens Park hotel back in the 90's (which is now the Marriott), so I have a soft spot in my heart for that area. I've never been a fan of soi 20, but it's easy enough to walk to good places from there. The soi 22 bars are nowhere near as good as they were years ago so I don't go to those anymore, but I find I can walk to soi cowboy very easily from that area. The mall is near and I can also walk to soi 26 or 33 easily for an oily massage. I haven't tried Scratchdogs, but I will check it out.

10-15-18, 13:38
Hi Gents,

BKK newbie here, making my first trip in a couple months. I'm a fan of the big international hotel chains (points, rewards, upgrades, etc. Etc. Thanks to all the business travel I do). I'm thinking about the Westin Grande Sukhamvit, or LE Meridien. But I can't seem to find any recent info on whether they're GF (or whether, generally, hotels like that are or aren't).

Any info much appreciated, and of course I'll post TR when the time comes!

10-15-18, 13:52
Hi Gents,

BKK newbie here, making my first trip in a couple months. I'm a fan of the big international hotel chains (points, rewards, upgrades, etc. Etc. Thanks to all the business travel I do). I'm thinking about the Westin Grande Sukhamvit, or LE Meridien. But I can't seem to find any recent info on whether they're GF (or whether, generally, hotels like that are or aren't).

Any info much appreciated, and of course I'll post TR when the time comes!Both are completely guest friendly. Usually all 5 star international chain hotels are. Both the hotels you have mentioned are good. LE Meridien is closer to the old world Pat Pong action, while Westin is where you want to be if your haunt is Nana / Cowboy. I would go with Westin, as I like their properties better. And in this case, the location is a lot more favorable.

10-15-18, 13:59
Hi Gents,

BKK newbie here, making my first trip in a couple months. I'm a fan of the big international hotel chains (points, rewards, upgrades, etc. Etc. Thanks to all the business travel I do). I'm thinking about the Westin Grande Sukhamvit, or LE Meridien. But I can't seem to find any recent info on whether they're GF (or whether, generally, hotels like that are or aren't).

Any info much appreciated, and of course I'll post TR when the time comes!I have stayed at almost all the 5 star hotels downtown and along the river over the last 30 years and never ever had a problem bringing a girl back for the night. Some check IDs, some do not even bother to do that. Stayed last week at the Sofitel Sukhumvit for and and just walked through the empty lobby to the elevators with a girl from Nana Plaza at 1 h o'clock at night, all I got from the staff was a polite "good night sir". Book for 2 to be on the safe side.

10-15-18, 14:09
Both are completely guest friendly. Usually all 5 star international chain hotels are. Both the hotels you have mentioned are good. LE Meridien is closer to the old world Pat Pong action, while Westin is where you want to be if your haunt is Nana / Cowboy. I would go with Westin, as I like their properties better. And in this case, the location is a lot more favorable.Awesome, thanks for the intel! I was leaning toward the Westin so decision made!

10-15-18, 15:00
Good suggestion. Looking at the price right now, it's only 40 usd and the rooms online look nice.Rooms are nice, staff is ok and the place is girl friendly but the 40 dollars double rooms are composed of 2 small beds that they put aside. I used to come in that hotel for my first nights a few trips ago but always woke up with some backhaches. And you can do nothing in their pool as it is too small. Nowadays I much prefer the Mermaid on soi 29 (opposite soi on Sukhumvit to soi 22), it's around the same price, bed is better and almost never seen anyone in their big pool, and it's girlfriendly also.

10-15-18, 20:32
Rooms are nice, staff is ok and the place is girl friendly but the 40 dollars double rooms are composed of 2 small beds that they put aside. I used to come in that hotel for my first nights a few trips ago but always woke up with some backhaches. And you can do nothing in their pool as it is too small. Nowadays I much prefer the Mermaid on soi 29 (opposite soi on Sukhumvit to soi 22), it's around the same price, bed is better and almost never seen anyone in their big pool, and it's girlfriendly also.Mermaid sounds great. It's a short walk to soi 33 Akane massage where the girls provide ass rimming as part of the standard service.

10-16-18, 01:31
Mermaid sounds great. It's a short walk to soi 33 Akane massage where the girls provide ass rimming as part of the standard service.Get the Corner Suite or the Junior Suite. The other rooms (Studio and Deluxe) are a trifle small IMHO. Other than that absolutely no complaints about this hotel.

10-16-18, 06:32
I have stayed at almost all the 5 star hotels downtown and along the river over the last 30 years and never ever had a problem bringing a girl back for the night. Some check IDs, some do not even bother to do that. Stayed last week at the Sofitel Sukhumvit for and and just walked through the empty lobby to the elevators with a girl from Nana Plaza at 1 h o'clock at night, all I got from the staff was a polite "good night sir". Book for 2 to be on the safe side.Sofitel Sukhumvit is in a very good location, its in the best location for a 5 stars hotel I believe. The reason is its situated in the middle of Nana & Cowboy, both within walking distance, then if you looking for FL, next doors Thermea cafe under Ruamchitt Hotel has plenty to offer. For discotheque, Insanity is the nearest at soi 11, it is also in walking distance if you like to walk.

10-16-18, 10:49
I am thinking about staying at Legacy Suites on Soi 29 on my next trip.

Anyone here have any experience with this hotel?


Robert Long
10-16-18, 20:41
I am thinking about staying at Legacy Suites on Soi 29 on my next trip.

Anyone here have any experience with this hotel?

Thanks.I have stayed there many times and even extended. I always get upgraded because they know me. Soi 29 is a good area. It is out of the trashy lower Soi's below 19 and has many good restaurants. Across Suk is Soi 22 with many MP's and open bars. The only real issue with Soi 29 is that it is right in the middle between 2 Bts stations. So you need to get some exercise and walk to Asok or Phrom Phong. But the hotel rooms are large the breakfast is great and the pool and exercise room are nice.

I am a papaya eater every morning. If they are not on the buffet, I ask and the girls run to the back and bring for me. There is a great Thai resto on 29 named MJ. The owner is Bill from GB and his wife is Essan.

The food is great and the price is very reasonable.

I have stayed at the Mermaid Hotel next door and I prefer the Legacy. The Mermaid corner units are nice but the Legacy room are twice the size. They also have a DVD player. Hint.


10-16-18, 21:16
Inexpensive, clean, helpful & friendly staff, so-so breakfast buffet (go to Indulge nearby instead), convenient location near Soi Cowboy and generally central to all the possibilities available in the Sukhumvit area. The dated rooms have good A/C, piping hot water, but the topper: built in sturdy wood desks opposite the comfortable beds (ask the staff to join the 2 twins and make them into a super king). Perfect height for a lady to sit on (she might want a pillow or towel) while you pound away and marvel at her breasts, pussy and facial expressions. On the wall, on the right side of the desk (TV sits on the left side) there's a mirror. I fucked a freelancer who picked me up at the Beer Garden on Soi 7 yesterday, we turned the padded desk chair completely around and she got on her knees while I stood and did her doggie. Great for looking at her ass or in the mirror at her bouncing breasts and facial expressions, plus, she can look in the mirror and see how pleased you are.

10-17-18, 10:20

Thanks for your review of Legacy Suites. I got a room at a terrific price and it had great.

Reviews on TA.

10-17-18, 12:16
I have stayed there many times and even extended. I always get upgraded because they know me. Soi 29 is a good area. It is out of the trashy lower Soi's below 19 and has many good restaurants. Across Suk is Soi 22 with many MP's and open bars. The only real issue with Soi 29 is that it is right in the middle between 2 Bts stations. So you need to get some exercise and walk to Asok or Phrom Phong. But the hotel rooms are large the breakfast is great and the pool and exercise room are nice.

I am a papaya eater every morning. If they are not on the buffet, I ask and the girls run to the back and bring for me. There is a great Thai resto on 29 named MJ. The owner is Bill from GB and his wife is Essan.

The food is great and the price is very reasonable.

I have stayed at the Mermaid Hotel next door and I prefer the Legacy. The Mermaid corner units are nice but the Legacy room are twice the size. They also have a DVD player. Hint.

RL.I ate there once and wasn't impressed. The place is closed now and is being gutted. How much did you pay for Legacy?

10-17-18, 13:26

but the topper: built in sturdy wood desks opposite the comfortable beds (ask the staff to join the 2 twins and make them into a super king). Perfect height for a lady to sit on (she might want a pillow or towel) while you pound away and marvel at her breasts, pussy and facial expressions. On the wall, on the right side of the desk (TV sits on the left side) there's a mirror. I fucked a freelancer who picked me up at the Beer Garden on Soi 7 yesterday, we turned the padded desk chair completely around and she got on her knees while I stood and did her doggie.Ok, now that is actually very useful intel. I am not kidding. I won't stay in a hotel room on a mongering holiday unless it has a sturdy desk and a padded desk chair to accompany it. But here is a critical detail question; does the padded desk chair in those Tai Pan Hotel rooms have padded arms?

Any ST room, VIP room in the back of a bar or BJ Bar cubicle that does not have a sturdy desk and padded ARM chair combo in there has totally dropped the ball on providing one of the most useful and sex (especially oral sex) accommodating features they could provide with very little monetary investment. Not only does such a combination provide the kind of imaginative options you mentioned, but it provides one of the most comfortable positions for YOU and THE GIRL when it comes to her giving you a blowjob. You sit on a cushion on top of the desk, she sits in the arm chair, scoots it close to the desk so she is positioned between your legs and where you can anchor your feet on those padded chair arms. Then she goes to town on you in much more comfort and in a much better angle than she will ever experience kneeling on the floor or all scrunched up on the bed trying to do it there. Which improves virtually all conditions for you as well.

The obvious counterpart is you sit in the chair and she sits on the desk with her feet anchored on those chair arms on each side of your shoulders as you go to town eating her pussy. And, unlike almost any other position you can assume for this purpose, both of your hands and all of your fingers are fully available and right there to do whatever is necessary or desired as well.

That is a 100% better position for you and her to be in for a blowjob, imo. However, as of this writing not one BJ Bar that I know of has bothered to even think of adding such a set in their rooms for that very purpose. You can find that combo in some hotel rooms. And you certainly will find it in MY apartment. lol. But you will find nothing like it in any BJ Bar cubicle or VIP room that I know of. Magic Table on Soi 7/1 has something almost kind of sort of like it in one of their VIP rooms. But misses the boat on in a couple of ways. Less than about 1000 baht can put that kind of combo set in any ST or BJ Bar cubicle in the city. But not one BJ Bar owner has given it so much as a moment's thought to do it.

10-17-18, 17:15
sturdy desk .Every time I see a room where the 'desk' is floating on the wall without legs to help support it I wonder how many guys put their girls on it only to have the entire thing collapse.

10-17-18, 20:07
Excuse me but this newbie is planning to visit Bangkok for the first time. Can anyone recommend a hotel that is girl friendly and walking distance to girls who can walk to my hotel for some day action?

10-18-18, 01:41
I've stayed at Legacy Suites several times. Really a wonderful property. I think I OK stay again in November.

I am thinking about staying at Legacy Suites on Soi 29 on my next trip.

Anyone here have any experience with this hotel?


10-18-18, 02:01
Every time I see a room where the 'desk' is floating on the wall without legs to help support it I wonder how many guys put their girls on it only to have the entire thing collapse.LOL. Yes, that can be tempting to use but must be stronger than just enough to support a table lamp. A good strong built in vanity table is fine of course. But then the hotel often botches it by slipping a small divan/stool under it with no arms, no chair back, nothing. Or, even more often, a slim kitchen table type chair with no arms. Practically useless for this purpose.

Sometimes there is another arm chair in the room that can be traded out with the stool to match up with the table or desk. I have gone so far as to move a patio chair into the room and scoot that up to the vanity table because it is the only chair available with arms!

10-18-18, 03:42
Every time I see a room where the 'desk' is floating on the wall without legs to help support it I wonder how many guys put their girls on it only to have the entire thing collapse.Tai Pain desks have legs, I tested them as soon as I unpacked.

Got a good price yesterday for 1 night at the Landmark Bangkok, wanted something fancy and close to Nana Plaza. 27th floor, room isn't huge but its very nice, bed and more comfortable than Tai Pan (let's hope so for a 4 or 5 star hotel), lights on dimmers, marble floor and counters in the bathroom with a full window wall into the bedroom area (with blinds), sturdy glass desk but no mirrors for sex viewing. I made an effort to get to know the mammassan at Billboard, bought her and her staff lots of drinks and she set me up with their number 1, effing hot, groped, kissed and lap danced me with all manner of seductive moves before the bar fine (700) and short time session (3000). Smoking hot in bed and highly responsive to oral. Unreal.

10-18-18, 03:51
Just finished breakfast, quite an expansive layout, fresh guava and cantaloupe juice, espresso station (the cappuccinos were superb), multiple bread and pastry stations, international cheeses and breads, hummus, the obligatory egg / omelette station, the usual cooked meats, Thai dishes, etc. Quality modern chill / lounge music (similar to Indulge near Terminal 21), even hints of aroma therapy as you walk around filling your plate. Highly recommend, 850, overnight escorts would appreciate as well.

10-18-18, 03:56
Excuse me but this newbie is planning to visit Bangkok for the first time. Can anyone recommend a hotel that is girl friendly and walking distance to girls who can walk to my hotel for some day action?There are dozens, depending on your price range. A mid-priced one is the Dynasty Grande- it is solid. The Dynasty Inn is right in the belly of the beast, and it down a rung. Right around the corner is the Landmark- a 5 start hotel. On agoda, you are talking 60/40 and 110 ish in the order I mentioned.

10-21-18, 07:33
I made an effort to get to know the mammassan at Billboard, bought her and her staff lots of drinks and she set me up with their number 1, effing hot, groped, kissed and lap danced me with all manner of seductive moves before the bar fine (700) and short time session (3000). Smoking hot in bed and highly responsive to oral. Unreal.Was that the fat mamasan? I avoid the fat one after she cheated me by not returning the BF change, and disappearing (closing time) when she worked at Crazy House. At some point she got fired, and also did not last at Mercury bar! How much did you spend on her? Lucky it turned out well. You might never be able to get rid of fat mamasan.

In your other post "Highly recommend, 850" What on earth does that mean? Is that cost of aroma therapy massage?

10-21-18, 09:09
Was that the fat mamasan? I avoid the fat one after she cheated me by not returning the BF change, and disappearing (closing time) when she worked at Crazy House. At some point she got fired, and also did not last at Mercury bar! How much did you spend on her? Lucky it turned out well. You might never be able to get rid of fat mamasan.

In your other post "Highly recommend, 850" What on earth does that mean? Is that cost of aroma therapy massage?Price of Atrium breakfast buffet is 850 BHT.

I guess Moma the is fat, but not as fat as the mamasan at Angelwitch. I have a slightly more detailed post pending in the Bangkok Reports section, Angelwitch overcharged me last night, and I have a separate beef with them (and Billboard) as well, I kind of went off in that post, but I hope the admin here doesn't censor it, management needs my brand of feedback. As for customer service of Moma the, I feel she highly delivered for me, tipped her 200 when leaving with the lady.

10-22-18, 07:34
But I can't seem to find any recent info on whether they're GF (or whether, generally, hotels like that are or aren't).

Any info much appreciated, and of course I'll post TR when the time comes!All three Hyatt's are, I stay at all of them pretty frequently. Westin is, I stayed there but it was a long time ago.

10-22-18, 11:56
Was that the fat mamasan? I avoid the fat one after she cheated me by not returning the BF change, and disappearing (closing time) when she worked at Crazy House. At some point she got fired, and also did not last at Mercury bar! How much did you spend on her? Lucky it turned out well. You might never be able to get rid of fat mamasan.
I have not seen that particular fat mamasan we have discussed in the past at Billboard for a while. The last 2-3 times I've been there in the past month or so, that is. Maybe I was just lucky enough to have been there when she was on holiday.

10-22-18, 16:30
Hi all,

I will be moving to Thailand for couple of years in January. Before landing there, I am thinking of booking a hotel room for couple of days, so that I can look at some options and buy a apartment.

Though, not sure should I book a hotel after landing or online. I think online will be cheaper.

Which hotel is most economical which I can also book online? And also which service is best for booking flight to Bangkok?


10-23-18, 05:38
Hi all,

I will be moving to Thailand for couple of years in January. Before landing there, I am thinking of booking a hotel room for couple of days, so that I can look at some options and buy a apartment.

Though, not sure should I book a hotel after landing or online. I think online will be cheaper.

Which hotel is most economical which I can also book online? And also which service is best for booking flight to Bangkok?

Thanks.You can book a Hotel very easily online. Cheap Hotels have been recommended in this thread. A couple of days is enough only for initial booking. I would then suggest you rent somewhere for a while by the month at some point, furnished room. No big rush to buy an apartment. Need to be more sure about where you like first. Compromise between price and convenient location. You can book flights to Bangkok online also. I do. There are search engines that compare prices or book direct with airline.

It's still an awful long time till Jan. No rush. Take your time. I rarely book a Hotel more than a few days in advance.

Renting can be very affordable. Vastly cheaper than my home country. You don't really need to buy, maybe, unless really intend to stay forever. Anyway no rush to make the big decision. 2 years can flash past. Must be close to 2 years I stopped renting by month in Bangkok and moved to another main location.

10-23-18, 06:35
Can't think of the name to save my life, what's brand new hotel on corner of soi 6, anybody stay their yet. Good place? Thought I read something about it, but can't find, thanks!

10-24-18, 08:40
Can't think of the name to save my life, what's brand new hotel on corner of soi 6, anybody stay their yet. Good place? Thought I read something about it, but can't find, thanks!You would find out easy using Google Maps. I wonder if you mean Q Condo Apartmens close to corner with sukhumvit road. Possibly not a Hotel. There are other corners. There is Grand Sukhumvit. Maybe some would consider that to be near enough to a Corner. LOL.

10-24-18, 09:36
Can't think of the name to save my life, what's brand new hotel on corner of soi 6, anybody stay their yet. Good place? Thought I read something about it, but can't find, thanks!I guess you mean the new Novotel at the corner of Soi 4 and 6? I know somebody mentioned it but I haven't seen a review yet. It looks good from the outside though, for what it's worth.

10-24-18, 10:35
I guess you mean the new Novotel at the corner of Soi 4 and 6? I know somebody mentioned it but I haven't seen a review yet. It looks good from the outside though, for what it's worth.Nice you could guess the right corner. LOL.


10-24-18, 18:58
Nice you could guess the right corner. LOL.

https://goo.gl/maps/qvH2LXcJt7P2Thanks much, guess he used the key word "brand new"probably the only brand new one on soi 6?

10-25-18, 06:16
Thanks much, guess he used the key word "brand new"probably the only brand new one on soi 6?Not my favourite area so I did not pass that corner for many months other than maybe zoomed past on motorcycle at night. The Hotel is officially maybe in Soi 4. Not sure. I don't recall where is the entrance if noticed it at all, but would make more sense to have it in Soi 4 surely.

Robert Long
10-25-18, 07:36
Hi all,

I will be moving to Thailand for couple of years in January. Before landing there, I am thinking of booking a hotel room for couple of days, so that I can look at some options and buy a apartment.

Though, not sure should I book a hotel after landing or online. I think online will be cheaper.

Which hotel is most economical which I can also book online? And also which service is best for booking flight to Bangkok?

Thanks.My opinion is that you rent an ABNB for a month or two. Get to know the areas of Bkk. You also need to get the apps for the BTS and MRT, which are the basic transit systems. The Bus apps also if there is one. Bkk has some very interesting areas and some have great views. I would not buy but rent after you find the right place in the right area. If after a year you have decided and you are familiar with Bkk make your move. I personally would never want to live in the Sukhumvit area which is the Watthana district, but I am sure other seniors will argue that recommendation. Do everything on line if you can.

Good luck.


10-25-18, 07:59
Thanks much, guess he used the key word "brand new"probably the only brand new one on soi 6?Not the only brand new one (there's another one in Soi 6 right across the street) but last time I was in BKK I was staying in a nearby hotel in Soi 4 and walked by the new Novotel every day.

The Hotel is officially maybe in Soi 4. Yes it is.

10-25-18, 08:04
My opinion is that you rent an ABNB for a month or two. Get to know the areas of Bkk. You also need to get the apps for the BTS and MRT, which are the basic transit systems. The Bus apps also if there is one. Bkk has some very interesting areas and some have great views. I would not buy but rent after you find the right place in the right area. If after a year you have decided and you are familiar with Bkk make your move. I personally would never want to live in the Sukhumvit area which is the Watthana district, but I am sure other seniors will argue that recommendation. Do everything on line if you can.

Good luck.

RL.Actually the North side odd Sois are in Khet (district) Wattana. The South even Sois are in Khet Khlong Toei. I have heard of guys renting rooms cheaply around Thong Lor area, so I could imagine living there if found a quiet Soi with cheap accommodation. If you are close to BTS, good food markets nearby, quiet, and good internet, life is pretty much okay. Being in a location suited to be visited by your girls can be a critical factor for some, LOL, if you can stand to be a known monger when building management and neighbours all saw you with various young girls. I largely avoided this and only took girl to room late on a rare occasion, so only the security guard saw anything. So just how discreet you can be in chosen building can matter.

Was easier for me to just fuck girls on site or in ST Hotel.

10-25-18, 08:16
Not the only brand new one (there's another one in Soi 6 right across the street) but last time I was in BKK I was staying in a nearby hotel in Soi 4 and walked by the new Novotel every day.

Yes it is.Prime real estate available so a lot of new hotels and condos going in there it appears. I see a Citrus arrived not that long ago and an Ibis coming. Dynasty Grande was only one I tried on Soi 6. Was quite good with very nice pool very good bathrooms, except for restaurant food was shitty (bad chef years ago), maybe Breakfast okay.

10-31-18, 17:41
Has anyone stayed at the Grand Mercure Bangkok Asoke Residence recently? Do you know their joiner policy (fee for 1 or 2 girls)? I have tried contacting the hotel but without luck.

Thank you.

11-01-18, 10:16
Has anyone stayed at the Grand Mercure Bangkok Asoke Residence recently? Do you know their joiner policy (fee for 1 or 2 girls)? I have tried contacting the hotel but without luck.

Thank you.I have certainly had girls all night, no join fee and took girl to BF, but can't remember if ever took 2 girls for ST there. Too long ago.

Always book for 2 guests, not 1.


You will see the Hotel is listed.

Admiral Premier was a place I often took 2 girls at a time.

11-05-18, 20:43
I stayed a while at iCheck Inn on soi 7/1 and found it to be clean and modern. They said they upgraded me to a higher class of room because the hotel was full. My room was on the back side, overlooking an empty lot between soi 9 and 11, and was remarkably quiet. Bathroom was spacious with enough room in the shower for two people and if you like to watch, there's a window with blinds between the bedroom and the bath. Lobby includes a couple of Macs if you need computer access, and free coffee / tea from a Japanese dispensing machine. Wifi is fast and free. Rooms are going for around $40 on booking dot com. There is an outdoor restaurant with basic breakfasts and day / evening food. It closes early, but there's no shortage of nearby options including food carts.

Joiners have to leave ID at the desk, and they do call and check on you after she leaves.

You have to run the gauntlet on 7/1 to get there past aggressive ladyboys, massage, Devil's Den, Wood Bar, Chrome Bar, Magic Table, et cetera, but that should be no problem for anyone reading this review.

CallSign Papa
11-09-18, 10:31
Hi guys, looking to head to BKK and thinking of staying at the Park Plaza Sukhumvit Soi 18. Anyone know if girl friendly?You'll struggle to find a hotel in this area that isn't girl friendly, but yes, I've stayed here and had no issues. The lifts aren't locked (no room key required) and so during the day any visitors can come straight up to your room. At night you need to register them (although I was asked to do that less than 50% of the time).

11-09-18, 14:24
Stayed at Sakura Sky a 2nd time. First time my room was great and had no issues.

2nd time was a bit different, so to be fair I had better give a 2nd opinion.

The rooms obviously vary in quality. Renovation is happening on the 7th floor.

First time I possibly got a newly renovated room because I did not notice any defects.

Normal rooms are not high quality but commensurate with price of about 1 K per night. Students stay here. Japanese stay too. There are extra cheap capsule accomodation available on ground floor.

Soi 33 is really dead. Many businesses closed. Plenty of massage shops open. Not many places to get good quality food. Local caf dish Phat Thai was poor. Tasteless. One would think Thais would have right ingredients but no.

Room colour scheme is black, silver, grey, white, beige, a bit depressing. Bathroom too. Carpet shows stains and blotches, paintwork chipped in places, peeling wallpaper in places. Not much maintenance occurring maybe. Can see why renovate maybe needed. Cleaning staff Cambodian. They take no more than 5 minutes to do my room, maybe less, so not thorough like some Hotels.

No great problems with room functionality. Nothing missing. Deluxe rooms have a bathtub too, lesser rooms do not. Electric kettle to boil water is important to me and provided. Microwave shared available on 1st floor. Large solid table to work at. Initially room had a silly low chair. Cleaning staff could see I needed better so they swapped my chair. Bathroom has a special Japanese toilet contraption.

One lift is out of action. Other one is also small and shared with construction workers wheelbarrowing stuff to and from the 7th Floor. No problems to bring a girl. Quiet from street noise on level 5. Rooms are not sound proofed at all. Room door has a large gap underneath, wasting the aircon effort. If you fuck loudly, the whole floor might hear. LOL including the Asian girl students staying here.

Once heard a Thai couple quarrelling loudly somewhere on same floor. Maybe he refused to pay her the agreed amount and had kicked her out into the corridor without her bag and phone and stuff. Maybe slightly wrong interpretation but I understood what they were staying quite clearly at times. No sign of building security coming to take action so I had to ring reception and ask them to deal with it. Maybe the police would be needed. LOL.

So its not a classy hotel. LOL Cheap and functional. I call it a good alternative to take a girl to instead of using ST Hotels. Nothing irritates me too much about it. Room size is good. Bed size is good. Presume the TV works. Never switched it on. I think it is still best value for money around Suk area. Are there any other Hotels with a good sized room for 1 K?

I am not staying in the base level private rooms (800 baht). I would take a superior or deluxe for a little more.

I know if I take a room nearby for 2 K (is mermaid possible for 2 K these days, maybe not), I will get a somewhat better, but will I get twice as good, no. For 3 K can probably get a very nice room and 4 K starting to look at luxury (maybe my favourite Column Hotel). For very budget conscious, I think Sakura is pretty damn good value. For those looking for a bit of class, forget this one.

Further out, like Phra Khanong or so, I am aware its possible to get a bare bones room for 500 to 600 Baht, but really there are not many that go below 900. Sakura is one where a basic room (which I did not try) can be had for 800. Capsule rooms with shared bathroom must only 400 Baht at guess. I have never seen one.

Some cheap Sukhumvit rooms are tiny. Not this one. Maybe 24 square metres (4x6). Always check the square meters on the booking site.

11-09-18, 17:30
Hi all,

I will be moving to Thailand for couple of years in January. Before landing there, I am thinking of booking a hotel room for couple of days, so that I can look at some options and buy a apartment.

Though, not sure should I book a hotel after landing or online. I think online will be cheaper.

Which hotel is most economical which I can also book online? And also which service is best for booking flight to Bangkok?

Thanks.I have stayed for numerous times at the Boss Mansion on Rama IV, Soi 42.700 meters from Ekkai BTS. $30 a night, big rooms, nice staff, girl friendly. Far enough off the action to be quiet, close enough to make late nights a habit.

If you are looking to rent look at Thonburi on the BTS. Condos everywhere and 5 k cheaper per month for a decent crib compared to Central. Can be a pain to get home late nights but you will figure it out.

11-09-18, 20:46
Which hotel is most economical which I can also book online? And also which service is best for booking flight to Bangkok?
Booking dot com has accumulated a pretty thorough listing of reasonably priced hotels and has a good search engine, although I prefer Google Maps because I'm more location-centric than worrying about a few baht in price. Google will link you through to Booking, Agoda, et cetera, as needed.

For flying: Find routes using Google search (they bought the ITA Matrix engine) and book directly with the airline. If you're coming from a country served by one of the regional discount airlines such as Lion or AirAsia, check their sites directly as well, because they're not always properly indexed by Google.

11-14-18, 05:59
If you are looking to rent look at Thonburi on the BTS. Condos everywhere and 5 k cheaper per month for a decent crib compared to Central. Can be a pain to get home late nights but you will figure it out.I don't think this Thonburi option really makes sense for most people unless not travelling to other side of the river (Sukhumvit) that much. You would have to tolerate long BTS trips with changeover at BTS Sayaam (Siam), and slightly costly taxi to get home late, which eats into the 5 k savings.

No girl is going to want to go with you back to your place on Thonburi side (too far), unless she lives there too (unlikely for Sukhumvit hookers). Just so happens I know some girls who live on Thonburi side (not hookers), and my GF once used to live in Wuthagaat, Talaat Pluu.

I tend to hate the BTS these days because gets packed in like sardines in rush hour. I do stay in Sathorn area though if not going to Sukhumvit often, and late night taxi back is only 15 to 20 minutes, probably another 10 minutes to Thonburi side. I often go into Sukhumvit on MRT (avoiding changeover), which can be equally badly packed out in rush hour.

Better to rent close to work place in my view. At least should try to make it easy to get to and from work which is a daily activity. Save wasting time and frustrations of the traffic jam and rush hour. So if someone works in Thonburi, by all means stay there.

11-14-18, 06:36
If you're coming from a country served by one of the regional discount airlines such as Lion or AirAsia, check their sites directly as well, because they're not always properly indexed by Google.If you choose to fly on a Asian discount (budget) airline you have bigger balls than I.

J A Karl
11-14-18, 06:52
I'm looking for a nice hotel in Bangkok.

Hard to describe exactly what I'm looking for but I will try.

Close enough to shopping malls and yet far from the mongering action. Or at least far enough not to be disturbed by it.

I'm taking a potential GF to Bangkok for a short trip, about 4-5 days. There will be a lot of action in the room but eventually we need to get outside and eat etc.

Looking for a hotel with a nice pool and pool area.

Like a perfect hideaway hotel if you know what I mean.

Preferably not close to Sukhumvit for obvious reasons.

Maybe you know something around Siam or Riverside?

Any recommendations appreciated.

11-14-18, 07:10
I'm looking for a nice hotel in Bangkok.

Hard to describe exactly what I'm looking for but I will try.

Close enough to shopping malls and yet far from the mongering action. Or at least far enough not to be disturbed by it.

I'm taking a potential GF to Bangkok for a short trip, about 4-5 days. There will be a lot of action in the room but eventually we need to get outside and eat etc.

Looking for a hotel with a nice pool and pool area.

Like a perfect hideaway hotel if you know what I mean.

Preferably not close to Sukhumvit for obvious reasons.

Maybe you know something around Siam or Riverside?

Any recommendations appreciated.You are wasting everyone's time unless you state your budget.

J A Karl
11-14-18, 08:34
You are wasting everyone's time unless you state your budget.Ok.

I never thought much about price.

But let's say up to about 2500 bht per night.

Banana Boi
11-14-18, 09:08
But let's say up to about 2500 bht per night.I don't know all areas in Bangkok but I do know that both Siam and Riverside are not cheap areas for hotels. You're not going to find a nice hotel around Siam for 2500 baht. Unfortunately, it's mainly 4 or 5 star hotels in this area. Double or triple for hotels like Intercontinental. Kempinski, Grand Hyatt. Your best value around Riverside and the new IconSiam mall is likely the Hilton right beside the mall. However, prices may have skyrocketed there because of the new mega mall.

Grande Mercure Bangkok Asoke Residence is a very nice hotel on Sukhumvit Soi 19. Far enough away from Sukhumvit to be quiet but near enough to walk to Terminal 21 / Asoke BTS. Unless you book far in advance or get lucky this will also run you over 2500 baht.

You may want to try AirBNB and stay in a condo. Pretty sure you'd find a place in the areas you seek within your budget.

Pointy Stick
11-14-18, 09:25

I never thought much about price.

But let's say up to about 2500 bht per night.Dynasty Grande. Check the website for deals.

J A Karl
11-14-18, 12:14
I don't know all areas in Bangkok but I do know that both Siam and Riverside are not cheap areas for hotels. You're not going to find a nice hotel around Siam for 2500 baht. Unfortunately, it's mainly 4 or 5 star hotels in this area. Double or triple for hotels like Intercontinental. Kempinski, Grand Hyatt. Your best value around Riverside and the new IconSiam mall is likely the Hilton right beside the mall. However, prices may have skyrocketed there because of the new mega mall.

Grande Mercure Bangkok Asoke Residence is a very nice hotel on Sukhumvit Soi 19. Far enough away from Sukhumvit to be quiet but near enough to walk to Terminal 21 / Asoke BTS. Unless you book far in advance or get lucky this will also run you over 2500 baht.

You may want to try AirBNB and stay in a condo. Pretty sure you'd find a place in the areas you seek within your budget.

Thank you Banana Boi.

I will definitely look at these options.

11-14-18, 15:29
If you choose to fly on a Asian discount (budget) airline you have bigger balls than I.Your greatest danger is crossing any street in Bangkok, followed by the taxi ride to the airport.

I've not flown Tiger, but I've flown AirAsia many times, both Thai and Malaysian versions, domestic and international. The aircraft are clean, the seats generous, the service enthusiastic, and the food excellent. Much better than my experiences with some non-discount carriers like Malaysia Airlines and China Southern.

11-14-18, 16:09
I don't think this Thonburi option really makes sense for most people unless not travelling to other side of the river (Sukhumvit) that much. You would have to tolerate long BTS trips with changeover at BTS Sayaam (Siam), and slightly costly taxi to get home late, which eats into the 5 k savings.

No girl is going to want to go with you back to your place on Thonburi side (too far), unless she lives there too (unlikely for Sukhumvit hookers). Just so happens I know some girls who live on Thonburi side (not hookers), and my GF once used to live in Wuthagaat, Talaat Pluu.

I tend to hate the BTS these days because gets packed in like sardines in rush hour. I do stay in Sathorn area though if not going to Sukhumvit often, and late night taxi back is only 15 to 20 minutes, probably another 10 minutes to Thonburi side. I often go into Sukhumvit on MRT (avoiding changeover), which can be equally badly packed out in rush hour..Have to disagree with you my friend. Unless your sole purpose is mongering, to me it makes no sense to pick your spot in relation to Sukhumvit. I live in the Wutthakaat / Talat Plu area and its a 13 klick ride down Sathon Thai road, usually no traffic late at night, 120 B. Its only a little longer than to On Noot or Sapan Kwai. And I generally don't want hookers in my place anyway, even though once in a while I do. And if she doesn't want to go, well sucks to be her. I've had them ride the BTS with me.

I avoid Siam, if I am riding in at rush hour (not often), and need to go to Sukh (even less) I just switch at Silom and MRT it to Asoke. All depends on time of day, etc.

But you should live near where you work, commuting sucks. For gits like me, that don't go to Suk at night more than once a week, the savings are well worth it, especially if I am done before midnight. And what I lose in occasional taxi rides home late at night (maybe costs me an extra dollar or two) I save in food, rent and stress. I have local eateries where I pay half of what it costs down in tourist town.

Of course we have Icon Siam now and that is an eye candy paradise. And not a lot of Falang, so the shop girls give you the eye.

You do lose on TF and WC and Tinder sometimes when the gals are like in Bang Kapi or Lat Phrao, but I've never had a problem meeting a girl from any other area.

11-15-18, 03:56
If you choose to fly on a Asian discount (budget) airline you have bigger balls than I.Nothing wrong with Air Asia. I've flown over 10 times and never had a problem with them.

11-15-18, 03:59
Your greatest danger is crossing any street in Bangkok, followed by the taxi ride to the airport.

I've not flown Tiger, but I've flown AirAsia many times, both Thai and Malaysian versions, domestic and international. The aircraft are clean, the seats generous, the service enthusiastic, and the food excellent. Much better than my experiences with some non-discount carriers like Malaysia Airlines and China Southern.Let's not go crazy. The food is mediocre at best even for airplane food, but I do like the airline overall.

11-15-18, 04:01
Have to disagree with you my friend. Unless your sole purpose is mongering, to me it makes no sense to pick your spot in relation to Sukhumvit. I live in the Wutthakaat / Talat Plu area and its a 13 klick ride down Sathon Thai road, usually no traffic late at night, 120 B. Its only a little longer than to On Noot or Sapan Kwai. And I generally don't want hookers in my place anyway, even though once in a while I do. And if she doesn't want to go, well sucks to be her. I've had them ride the BTS with me.

I avoid Siam, if I am riding in at rush hour (not often), and need to go to Sukh (even less) I just switch at Silom and MRT it to Asoke. All depends on time of day, etc.

But you should live near where you work, commuting sucks. For gits like me, that don't go to Suk at night more than once a week, the savings are well worth it, especially if I am done before midnight. And what I lose in occasional taxi rides home late at night (maybe costs me an extra dollar or two) I save in food, rent and stress. I have local eateries where I pay half of what it costs down in tourist town.

Of course we have Icon Siam now and that is an eye candy paradise. And not a lot of Falang, so the shop girls give you the eye..If you don't mind me asking. How much are you paying monthly for rent?

11-16-18, 10:12
Let's not go crazy. The food is mediocre at best even for airplane food, but I do like the airline overall.The problem with airplane food is that our taste is different at high altitudes. Our taste buds just don't work very well. You can google it if you want to know more.

Banana Boi
11-16-18, 10:27
The problem with airplane food is that our taste is different at high altitudes. Our taste buds just don't work very well. You can google it if you want to know more.I didn't know this but I have enjoyed some meals I've had in business class from time to time. Maybe I was just starving.

11-16-18, 20:23
I didn't know this but I have enjoyed some meals I've had in business class from time to time. Maybe I was just starving.I've flown Cathay business as well as many others and while it's definitely better than cattle class, it's still not great. Cathay business class was great in that I was actually able to sleep for more than 8 hours (I actually skipped a meal).

11-22-18, 14:16
The problem with airplane food is that our taste is different at high altitudes. Our taste buds just don't work very well. You can google it if you want to know more.I can't think of any airplane meal they have served me over the years in economy class that I would eat at home. I have had some good meals in Business and First class though.

11-22-18, 16:39
I can't think of any airplane meal they have served me over the years in economy class that I would eat at home. I have had some good meals in Business and First class though.The explanation for that is in this article: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/comment/why-does-plane-food-taste-so-bad

11-22-18, 17:37
The explanation for that is in this article: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/comment/why-does-plane-food-taste-so-badOur taste buds don't work properly? So why is it that you set down a plate of airline food and a whopper made an hour ago and that whopper is delicious? Give me a cold ham and cheese sandwich any day over the preheated food they serve on airplanes. Imagine requestion a special meal and being able to select a cold sandwich, that would be pure heaven compared to what they serve now.

11-22-18, 18:04
The explanation for that is in this article: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/comment/why-does-plane-food-taste-so-badI'm not saying that article is inaccurate. However, the food served on planes in economy class is garbage regardless. It's tantamount to a reheated frozen food dinner you can make in your microwave at home.

11-22-18, 18:06
Imagine requestion a special meal and being able to select a cold sandwich, that would be pure heaven compared to what they serve now.Fly United. They serve sandwiches. Complete crap sandwiches.

11-22-18, 21:32
Fly United. They serve sandwiches. Complete crap sandwiches.Yeah, I flew on one leg this year as they were code sharing with ANA. Even the hot foods were much worse than ANAs and unlike the Asian airlines, they use plastic utensils.

Red Kilt
11-23-18, 02:48
Yeah, I flew on one leg this year as they were code sharing with ANA. Even the hot foods were much worse than ANAs and unlike the Asian airlines, they use plastic utensils.Not sure how this thread got into the topic of airline food but I'll chime in anyway.

I fly business class these days and my MOO is to eat the food in the lounge before I depart and ignore the food served in flight.

Why people feel obliged to eat large meals between 2200 and midnight after lift-off is beyond me. Would you do that at home?

I have some friends in the airline food catering business and the stories they tell reinforce my strategy to generally avoid airline food at all costs.

On board I usually have a glass of wine and then hit the dessert wines (muscat or port).

Sweet and syrupy and more bang for your buck. Couple of glasses and I sleep well. Works for me.

11-23-18, 04:35
Our taste buds don't work properly? So why is it that you set down a plate of airline food and a whopper made an hour ago and that whopper is delicious? Give me a cold ham and cheese sandwich any day over the preheated food they serve on airplanes. Imagine requestion a special meal and being able to select a cold sandwich, that would be pure heaven compared to what they serve now.One of the best airline meals I ever had was when they ran out of the hot food before they got to me and resorted to serving us a basket with a ham and cheese sandwich, small bag of chips, an apple and a cookie. LOL. Ham sandwiches can be done just fine by airline chefs. Chicken cordon bleu, not so much. Imagine if they redirected their efforts to preparing a meal for an airline that is difficult to pull off impressively in established restaurants and instead focused on making really great ham and cheese sandwiches.

11-23-18, 05:26
Yeah, I flew on one leg this year as they were code sharing with ANA. Even the hot foods were much worse than ANAs and unlike the Asian airlines, they use plastic utensils.The food on ANA isn't bad. Their bread rolls are always pretty good too, not stale and hard like the ones on United.

11-23-18, 08:31
I'm not saying that article is inaccurate. However, the food served on planes in economy class is garbage regardless. It's tantamount to a reheated frozen food dinner you can make in your microwave at home.Well, I think the question is if it is really garbage, from the very moment it was produced, or has it become garbage at the moment you eat it because of all the reasons mentioned in the article?
Probably the latter in most cases.

11-23-18, 08:51
One of the best airline meals I ever had was when they ran out of the hot food before they got to me and resorted to serving us a basket with a ham and cheese sandwich, small bag of chips, an apple and a cookie. LOL. Ham sandwiches can be done just fine by airline chefs. Chicken cordon bleu, not so much. Imagine if they redirected their efforts to preparing a meal for an airline that is difficult to pull off impressively in established restaurants and instead focused on making really great ham and cheese sandwiches.Maybe you were just lucky with that sandwich because it was relatively fresh. I think chicken cordon bleu can be done just fine too by airline chefs. That is, if they are really chefs in a restaurant and prepare it fresh. But airline food is made in big factories, a long time before it's eaten, and not fresh on the spot in a kitchen in the plane. And that's a world of difference.

11-23-18, 09:06
Why people feel obliged to eat large meals between 2200 and midnight after lift-off is beyond me. Would you do that at home?Maybe business class has large meals but on long haul flight in economy class I can barely survive on the two tiny meals they are serving these days, LOL.

Member #4698
11-23-18, 11:56
On long haul flights from the USA to Asia I bring along a large bag of high quality trail mix that I purchased the day before at my neighborhood gourmet food store. That way I can avoid most Airline meals which are pretty awful and which can send me to the shit box while still in flight. When I must eat an Airline meal I try to eat light and avoid the carbs.

Banana Boi
11-23-18, 14:05
On long haul flights from the USA to Asia I bring along a large bag of high quality trail mix that I purchased the day before at my neighborhood gourmet food store. Me too. I bring something similar or I buy something to munch on before boarding the plane. One good thing about Cathay Pacific is they will heat up ramen noodles for you any time you want it. Yes I know this isn't good food but at least you have a choice not to go hungry. They also have unlimited snacks and some fruits to eat during the flight.

11-23-18, 21:26
Me too. I bring something similar or I buy something to munch on before boarding the plane. One good thing about Cathay Pacific is they will heat up ramen noodles for you any time you want it. Yes I know this isn't good food but at least you have a choice not to go hungry. They also have unlimited snacks and some fruits to eat during the flight.And in business class, they will make you an edible burger (runs out fairly quickly as it is in limited supply).

11-24-18, 04:15
And in business class, they will make you an edible burger (runs out fairly quickly as it is in limited supply).Cathay's business class burger is good. I pass on their dinner and get their burger if available.

11-26-18, 14:41
I stayed in very comfy and guest friendly Citadines 11. Wondering if guest friendly is policy for all chain in BKK? I'd be interested to hear if Citadines 8, and 23 are also guest friendly?

11-26-18, 14:45
Is Citadines in soi8 girl friendly? Anyone stayed there? I like to call in the ladies so hope the hotel does not ask me to come down to pick them up but rather just sends them to my room after a call.

11-26-18, 16:52
Hello guys,

Could anyone please advice me any good girl friendly hotels to stay in Pattaya for 2 nights, my budget is 1500 baht per night max more or less, also you can inbox me thanks.

11-27-18, 00:41
Well Gents, Soi 11 used to be my stomping grounds, and I've been to BKK probably over 30 times over 25 years. But Soi 11 has become gentrified, too expensive, all the character gone. I like Old Thailand, when things were less commercial, and the closest thing to Soi 11 as it was 20 years ago is Soi 22. My new hotel is Admiral Suites:


It checks all the boxes. Girl friendly, laid back staff, big rooms with kitchen, not expensive, can throw parties every night, and lots of massage girls close by (like right across the street) who can be summoned in a pinch, like the Bobsie Twins.

I've been depressed lately, so what did I do? Just bought round trip tickets on Hong Kong Air out of LA ($680 + $200 for upgraded seats) and just booked 9 nights at the Admiral Suites.

11-27-18, 08:59
Hello guys,

Could anyone please advice me any good girl friendly hotels to stay in Pattaya for 2 nights, my budget is 1500 baht per night max more or less, also you can inbox me thanks.http://www.internationalsexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?1875-Pattaya-Hotels

11-27-18, 14:50
http://www.internationalsexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?1875-Pattaya-HotelsThanks a lot Mogwai I was searching for this.

Sir Apple
12-21-18, 18:22
I'm planning to stay in Bangkok from the December 29th to January 1st. I was wondering if I should make reservations or book a hotel on the day. From agoda it seems good room prices are getting harder and harder, but I don't know if it's baiting technique or it's actually that hard.

I plan to book a room near Sukhumvit, budget around 5000 baht per night. Ideally it would have tons of mirrors to watch the action closely.

Also, I'm wondering if Rojal Benja is a girl friendly hotel. I'm planning to do a 3 girl session at some point.

Thank you. This is my first international mongering experience and I plan to report it all. PM me if you go to Madrid and I'll recommend you both hotels and mongering destinations.

Robert Long
12-21-18, 23:03
On long haul flights from the USA to Asia I bring along a large bag of high quality trail mix that I purchased the day before at my neighborhood gourmet food store. That way I can avoid most Airline meals which are pretty awful and which can send me to the shit box while still in flight. When I must eat an Airline meal I try to eat light and avoid the carbs.China Air has very good food in business class, great wines and even Haggen Das ice cream. Coffee is fresh and many beer choices.


Member #4698
12-21-18, 23:40
China Air has very good food in business class, great wines and even Haggen Das ice cream. Coffee is fresh and many beer choices.
RL.I just can't pull the trigger on a business class ticket. I have flown Business Class a couple of times round trip to Asia, liked it, duh, but prefer to spend my money on girls. I enjoy the ability to rarely pass on a girl I desire based on financial consideratons alone. But all the more power to you business class punters. I envy you, sort of. Ha Ha. Enjoy!

I recently passed on a stunning Ukranian girl I saw in Famila Nobre, Macau recently. She was a tall, thin, model quality blonde girl with large natural breasts like the prettier MetArt girls you see on the internet. WOW! I was really tempted, but her price was 4,000 mop ($500), which I could not allow myself to pay, so I passed and chose instead a couple of Chinese models who were very expensive as well, but not astronomical like the Ukranian girl.

Robert Long
12-22-18, 06:54
I just can't pull the trigger on a business class ticket. I have flown Business Class a couple of times round trip to Asia, liked it, duh, but prefer to spend my money on girls. I enjoy the ability to rarely pass on a girl I desire based on financial consideratons alone. But all the more power to you business class punters. I envy you, sort of. Ha Ha. Enjoy!

I recently passed on a stunning Ukranian girl I saw in Famila Nobre, Macau recently. She was a tall, thin, model quality blonde girl with large natural breasts like the prettier MetArt girls you see on the internet. WOW! I was really tempted, but her price was 4,000 mop ($500), which I could not allow myself to pay, so I passed and chose instead a couple of Chinese models who were very expensive as well, but not astronomical like the Ukranian girl.If I was a world traveler like you are I would go Premier Economy also. But I go direct Bkk or Denpasar from Honolulu. 11 hours to Taiwan is tough without the bed. I cut back on the lady spending and support the 1500 to 2000 ladies.


12-22-18, 07:27
I just can't pull the trigger on a business class ticket. I have flown Business Class a couple of times round trip to Asia, liked it, duh, but prefer to spend my money on girls. I enjoy the ability to rarely pass on a girl I desire based on financial consideratons alone. But all the more power to you business class punters. I envy you, sort of. Ha Ha. Enjoy!

I recently passed on a stunning Ukranian girl I saw in Famila Nobre, Macau recently. She was a tall, thin, model quality blonde girl with large natural breasts like the prettier MetArt girls you see on the internet. WOW! I was really tempted, but her price was 4,000 mop ($500), which I could not allow myself to pay, so I passed and chose instead a couple of Chinese models who were very expensive as well, but not astronomical like the Ukranian girl.I never paid for business class either. But I travel enough to accumulate enough miles that I've flown business class 3 times with Cathay (through American Airlines although that might be much harder now) and once with China Airlines for long flights. I'm surprised that you've never accumulated enough miles as it seems like you take more trips than I do.

12-22-18, 07:51
I just can't pull the trigger on a business class ticket. I have flown Business Class a couple of times round trip to Asia, liked it, duh, but prefer to spend my money on girls. Absolutely. You have to get the priorities right. I do business class when I get points upgrade (or annual free upgrade), but I am not going to use my mongering funds on it.

Likewise I am not going to waste large amounts on a very expensive Hotel room, just to lie in a bed 95% of time alone, then be stingy with girl spending. Makes no sense to me. Okay I nearly forgot about fucking the girl on the bed. However I believe girls will consider a guy to be rather mean if they try to pay the girl poorly but splurge on very posh Hotels. Obviously we all have minimum standards that are acceptable though. Noisy or stinky Hotels annoy me, and extra hard beds. If I was trying to be romantic with a girl, I might choose a higher standard, but value for money is all important.

12-27-18, 19:50
Here are results of my research on I did in August. Not complete and since prices vary, maybe daily, use only as a comparison. The list of girl-averse hotels in this area might be shorter. Hope this helps and doesn't hurt. I don't have first-hand experience of any of them. I emailed some hotels and none seemed offended by my asking. Seems to be a BKK industry. Feel free to revise, correct, enhance. All those blank lines were added by ISG.

Girl friendly hotels mentioned in this forum, can't remember how far back I went. The last number on each line is km from Soi Cowboy and the number to its left is the price I found on various hotel sites.

Best Western Premier Sukhumvit 137 2.

Citadines Sukhumvit 11 Bangkok 61 12.

Citadines 23 55.5 and.

Courtyard 105 3. 2 nw.

Dream Hotel Bangkok 80.8.

Dynasty Grande Hotel 73 1.2 nw (girls must be over 20 yo).

Four Points by Sheraton Bangkok, Sukhumvit 15 144.6.

Grande Centre Point Hotel Terminal21 166.2.

JW Marriott 176 1. 3 nw.

The Landmark Bangkok 134 1. 1 nw.

Marriott Executive Apartments 132 2. 6 se.

Movenpick 110.9 nw.

Novotel Bangkok Sukhumvit 20 104.8 se.

Park Hyatt 323 1. 9 nw.

Park Plaza 91.6's.

Pullman Bangkok Grande Sukhumvit 144.2.

Radisson Suites Bangkok Sukhumvit USD98 1. 5 km.

Radisson Blu Plaza Bangkok 210.4.

Sakura Sky Residence $36 1.1 se.

S33 Compact Sukhumvit Hotel 41 1. 1 se.

Sofitel Bangkok Sukhumvit 198.6.

Studio Asoke 44.3 and.

The Westin Grande Sukhumvit, Bangkok 169.4.

Then I found bargirlfriendlyhotels Thailand Bangkok where a hero has actually stayed and taken girls. I made this list of ones that appealed to me. Agoda is a hotel booking site that has good prices and that I had good experience with. b.com is booking.com, h.com is hotels.com.

Retro 39 Hotel at phrom, 1.3 km to cowboy $40 7. 8 agoda (this is a hotel rating).

City Lodge Soi 9 at nana bts $39 7. 6b.com.

The Manhattan Sukhumvit 300 m nw o asok $49 agoda 7.4 agoda tub / shower.

CityPoint Hotel 110 m s o asok $58 agoda.

Fusion Suites Hotel just and of S metro $55 agoda $49 -priceline nice bath pic.

S Sukhumvit Suites Hotel at Asok x metro $70 h.com verified GF.

Sacha's Hotel Uno 230 m and o Asok $43 $55 agod nice shower.

SilQ Bangkok Hotel next to Sacha $47.

Tai-Pan Hotel at Suk metro $69.

Room at Bangkok 170 m s o asok $26 funky decor.

Red Planet Bangkok Asoke 260 m s o asok 7. 8 agoda $54 agoda.

Paradiso Boutique Suites half btn nana asok $35.

Admiral Suites Bangkok 1100 m s o Asok $34-39 8. 0h.com.

Citadines Sukhumvit 16 450 m s o asok $47-71 8. 7b.com.

Best Western Plus At 20 Sukhumvit, 17 Sukhumvit 20 Alley 700 m se o asok x metro $38.

Majestic Suites Hotel Nana 220 m nw o nana $59-49 8. 2h.com.

Grand President Hotel $50 350 m and o nana bad WiFi in 2015.

Petals Inn by dawin $35.

The Dawin Bangkok Hotel, Sukhumvit 4 Alley $50 500 m sw o nana 8. 8h.com.

Heaven at 4 next to Dawin $31 b.com 7.9.

Galleria 10 Bangkok Hotel Sukhumvit 10 Alley $54 500 m s o nana 8. 0h.com.

Dream Hotel Soi Sukhumvit 15 $78 ne ov nana 550 m.

Dynasty Grande Hotel $51-78 300 m sw o nana.

Aspen Suites Hotel 65 Soi Sukhumvit 2 $45 kinda far from nana 900 m.

Boss Suites Nana next to Aspen $31.

Hotel Icon Bangkok by Aspen $54.

Ambassador Hotel Bangkok 180 m and o nana $57 bad h.com.

Alt Hotel Nana by Aspen $41.

Hotel Solo Sukhumvit Soi 2 by aspen $46.

12-28-18, 04:06
Here are results of my research on I did in August. Not complete and since prices vary, maybe daily, use only as a comparison. The list of girl-averse hotels in this area might be shorter. Hope this helps and doesn't hurt. I don't have first-hand experience of any of them. Might be useful, although I rarely worry about it too much, unless girl has no Thai ID. Formatting makes it a bit confusing. nw???

I agree that the list of Non friendly places should be much shorter, and that would be really useful, if all non friendly places were well known. I have not had a problem for years now. Last one was Solo on Soi 2 saying girl could not "visit" my room because she was only 19, yet was allowed to check her in like a normal person staying in the room. Crazy!

Obviously I would not stay at Solo again, was too deep in the Soi anyway. I liked Admiral Premier who did not object to 3 girls going up to my room concurrently. Towel shortages. Ha ha.

Many years ago I had a suspicion Taipan was not friendly, but did not really test it. It is rare to have a problem in lower Sukhumvit area. Rembrandt was a little finicky from memory.

I don't recall if I ever paid a joiner fee anywhere. Possibility not or maybe once in Bayoke Suites (Pratu Nam area) when wanting to take 2 Mona Lisa girls to my room.

12-28-18, 09:23
Might be useful, although I rarely worry about it too much, unless girl has no Thai ID. Formatting makes it a bit confusing. nw???NW, SE. North West, South East I would suspect. Probably more useful for Americans who's cities are set out in this fashion but not for many others. Probably just saying the nearest BTS station would be more useful, but still a good list and I think everyone appreciates the effort that has gone into it.

I'll add two more, Grand Hyatt between Siam and Chit Lom, and Hyatt Place at Soi 24, near Phrom Phong. I can also confirm the Park Hyatt is GF. I haven't been to the Hyatt Regency yet because it wasn't open when I was in Bangkok a few weeks ago. I think it opened on 21 Dec.

12-29-18, 02:21
NW, SE. North West, South East I would suspect. Probably more useful for Americans who's cities are set out in this fashion but not for many others. Probably just saying the nearest BTS station would be more useful, but still a good list and I think everyone appreciates the effort that has gone into it.

I'll add two more, Grand Hyatt between Siam and Chit Lom, and Hyatt Place at Soi 24, near Phrom Phong. I can also confirm the Park Hyatt is GF. I haven't been to the Hyatt Regency yet because it wasn't open when I was in Bangkok a few weeks ago. I think it opened on 21 Dec.I can't really see how North West applies to Sukhumvit Hotels. Should be all SE unless the central point is something quite strange. Maybe using Sukhumvit/Asoke intersection as the center (555)?

I can see now the "and" was supposed to be N=North. The forum text mangler has struck again. One needs to edit a post and repaste in the entire text to overcome the mangler, unfortunately, if the poster has edit authority.

12-29-18, 09:31
The last number on each line is km from Soi Cowboy and the number to its left is the price I found on various hotel sites.

I can't really see how North West applies to Sukhumvit Hotels. Should be all SE unless the central point is something quite strange. Maybe using Sukhumvit/Asoke intersection as the center (555)?I think he took Soi Cowboy as the central point.

12-30-18, 08:14
Has anyone stayed in Serene Asoke Hotel (right beside Soi Cowboy) before? I wonder if it's girl friendly.

Pointy Stick
12-30-18, 11:29
Currently staying at the Rajah in Soi 4. Last time I was her a couple of years ago it was to fuck Russian and Turkish hookers operating in the coffee shop. I don't think anything like that is operating still but will keep my eyes peeled. It's 2600 for a standard room in the new wing but there is no pool or gym. Hardly anyone here. Cheaper rooms in the old wing are 1500. As usual with Thai construction the standards are mediocre. Bed is OK and firm. Access if by a separate lift that you don't need to go by reception to get into the new wing, just shoot through the tattoo place in front. If you stay in the old wing you'll need to go past reception. Much prefer the Dynasty Grande with pool and gym however if there were Russian hookers here my opinion would change.

Pointy Stick
12-30-18, 11:30
Currently staying at the Rajah in Soi 4. Last time I was her a couple of years ago it was to fuck Russian and Turkish hookers operating in the coffee shop. I don't think anything like that is operating still but will keep my eyes peeled. It's 2600 for a standard room in the new wing but there is no pool or gym. Hardly anyone here. Cheaper rooms in the old wing are 1500. As usual with Thai construction the standards are mediocre. Bed is OK and firm. Access if by a separate lift that you don't need to go by reception to get into the new wing, just shoot through the tattoo place in front. If you stay in the old wing you'll need to go past reception. Much prefer the Dynasty Grande with pool and gym however if there were Russian hookers here my opinion would change.

12-31-18, 02:05
Currently staying at the Rajah in Soi 4. Last time I was her a couple of years ago it was to fuck Russian and Turkish hookers operating in the coffee shop. I don't think anything like that is operating still but will keep my eyes peeled. It's 2600 for a standard room in the new wing but there is no pool or gym. Hardly anyone here. Cheaper rooms in the old wing are 1500. As usual with Thai construction the standards are mediocre. Bed is OK and firm. Access if by a separate lift that you don't need to go by reception to get into the new wing, just shoot through the tattoo place in front. If you stay in the old wing you'll need to go past reception. Much prefer the Dynasty Grande with pool and gym however if there were Russian hookers here my opinion would change.2600 is a lot if the Hotel rooms are mediocre. That maybe why hardly any customers (although low season I guess). For me, not important to be right where the hookers are, and hookers are spread out anyway. Yes Dynasty Grande is good but location is a bit awkward for travel from and to by taxi.

Consider a slightly broader range of locations. Don't see the big appeal of Soi 4 area myself.

Pointy Stick
12-31-18, 05:44
2600 is a lot if the Hotel rooms are mediocre. That maybe why hardly any customers (although low season I guess). For me, not important to be right where the hookers are, and hookers are spread out anyway. Yes Dynasty Grande is good but location is a bit awkward for travel from and to by taxi.

Consider a slightly broader range of locations. Don't see the big appeal of Soi 4 area myself.I agree. I've only just started staying at mid-range hotels in the past two years despite coming to LOS for 12 years and staying in the Khao San areas or Pattaya. Cannot really bring myself to spend on the high end when there are decent mid-range options around. They Dynasty Grande hits all the right points for me being close to the BTS in a relatively quiet side street with amenities such as a semi-decent gym and pool. I'm only staying at the Rajah for a couple of days. This place is new for those that care. Most of the old wing has been taken out of commission with only a few floors being used. I went up their in the lifts and it was a bit spooky. Might see if I can get a room at the Atlanta in Soi 2 after reading an article on retro hotels. Given their position on sex tourists it will be of limited interest to the readership.

12-31-18, 11:37
Will be staying in Bangkok in about 3 weeks. 2 Nights in Aloft, for Marriott promo and a good best rate guarantee rate (2300 thb), 4 nights in Grande Swiss which I haven't stayed in before but its a very convenient location and rates around 2100 thb and 2 nights at the Royal Orchid Sheraton on a points stay.

12-31-18, 12:18
I stayed there a while back and when I came back with a lady friend I was subject to the Spanish Inquisition by a lady on reception. I told her that I had booked a room for 2 persons and here we are. She hummed and arred before saying "OK but you cannot change lady" fine I said. She had not checked my booking which was for 1 night only. Tee Hee.


12-31-18, 15:31

Thanks for taking time with this. I have Admiral suites and Citadines 11 booked for next visit. First time at former, repeat visit latter.

01-01-19, 13:30

Thanks for taking time with this. I have Admiral suites and Citadines 11 booked for next visit. First time at former, repeat visit latter.We have had past reports a few years ago that Admiral Suites were not that great (Admiral Premier much better), however it is possible it has changed a lot. So if you stay there, let us know.

Pointy Stick
01-02-19, 11:33
Have just checked out the Malaysia Hotel for their restaurant. Seems to be favoured by middle aged guys and their catamites with some couples and their children. May not be the ideal accommodation for BMs. I was wandering around and noticed the Dusit Thani was still open for business until the 5th which I thought was slated for redevelopment. Kicked myself for not checking earlier as the rate was 3200. Would have been good to try a piece of Bangkok history before the Curtin goes down.

Banana Boi
01-04-19, 11:00
Anyone know if Ruamchit Plaza sets aside some ST rooms for Thermae customers even when the hotel is sold out? Are the ST rooms still 500 baht?

Admin, please delete my post in the Bangkok Reports thread as it belongs here.

Ed Setra
01-04-19, 12:08
Anyone know if Ruamchit Plaza sets aside some ST rooms for Thermae customers even when the hotel is sold out? Are the ST rooms still 500 baht?
I don't think so. Just my opinion.

A couple of months back I went to the desk (before going into Thermae, just checking my options for later) and asked if short time rooms were available and was told no, they were fully booked. This was about 9 PM.

01-06-19, 20:36
Has any one stayed in or seen the suites in the Nana hotel recently? Thinking of booking for a couple of nights end of November, pictures of the room look OK but can't find out if they are noisy rooms. Tried emailing the hotel but hotel just say all info is on the web page.

Fancy staying at "ground zero" but will want to sleep at some point.

01-07-19, 06:38
Has any one stayed in or seen the suites in the Nana hotel recently? Thinking of booking for a couple of nights end of November, pictures of the room look OK but can't find out if they are noisy rooms. Tried emailing the hotel but hotel just say all info is on the web page.Nana Hotel is totally surrounded by bars, so yes it's noisy.

Mr Hawaii
01-07-19, 07:10
Has any one stayed in or seen the suites in the Nana hotel recently? Thinking of booking for a couple of nights end of November, pictures of the room look OK but can't find out if they are noisy rooms. Tried emailing the hotel but hotel just say all info is on the web page.

Fancy staying at "ground zero" but will want to sleep at some point.Stayed there for 5 nights in November. Top floor, 11th. They called it room 188, although it was 1188. Cost 1890 baht per night, that included breakfast. Some real gems in the hotel parking lot at about 9 pm. Some were college girls, some just needed extra money. I found them to be very honest, but you can judge for yourself. Noise? Did not hear a thing. Hooters is connected to the hotel, so I don't know if the first few floors hear the noise. Plus, my room was the back side of the hotel, did not face the parking lot nor the street. Enjoy. Happy new year.

01-07-19, 09:54
Has any one stayed in or seen the suites in the Nana hotel recently? Thinking of booking for a couple of nights end of November, pictures of the room look OK but can't find out if they are noisy rooms. Tried emailing the hotel but hotel just say all info is on the web page.

Fancy staying at "ground zero" but will want to sleep at some point.I have stayed in all the room types at the Nana hotel, except for the 'refurbished' standard rooms which I will try in a February. I agree with you: for a punting holiday a ground zero location can't be beat. Rooms on the higher floor are pretty quiet.

The suites are on the third floor in the back wing. Rooms are quite large, generally dark with no view, and noisy because they are above the nightclub (called EQ now) can't recommend them unless you plan to entertain 12+ people in the room.

If you decide to stay there include "refurbished room, high floor, Sukhumvit view" in the hotel website booking instructions.


01-07-19, 20:14
If you decide to stay there include "refurbished room, high floor, Sukhumvit view" in the hotel website booking instructions.

SL.Thanks gentlemen that's exactly the info I was after, won't bother with the suite and will book following Sunlover2's advice and will let you all know how it goes.

01-08-19, 00:01
I have stayed in all the room types at the Nana hotel, except for the 'refurbished' standard rooms which I will try in a February. I agree with you: for a punting holiday a ground zero location can't be beat. Rooms on the higher floor are pretty quiet.

The suites are on the third floor in the back wing. Rooms are quite large, generally dark with no view, and noisy because they are above the nightclub (called EQ now) can't recommend them unless you plan to entertain 12+ people in the room.

If you decide to stay there include "refurbished room, high floor, Sukhumvit view" in the hotel website booking instructions.

SL.Used to love the Nana hotel until. I stayed in one of their refurbished rooms. The old beds were 'unique' with interesting peaks and valleys but they had years to get broken in. These new rooms have the exact same mattress (why change the manufacturer if the old mattresses lasted 50 years) and they are anything but soft. Sleeping on the floor might be the better option.

01-13-19, 07:55
Hey fellow mongers,

I have been reading through girl friendly hotel recommendations and I just must ask. Do the hotels really check if you are taking a girl to your room? I live in Europe and can't imagine asking anyone in the hotel where I'm staying if I can bring a girl over. Is this different in Thailand, like someone controls you if you have a company?

Thanks for your opinions.

Pointy Stick
01-13-19, 08:54
So you didn't find any Russian or Turkish hokker in Rajah hotel coffee shop.Correct. Operation is busted as is the RG.

01-13-19, 15:50
Flying in late at night and flying out late the next night. Recommendations for a hotel in Sukhumvit area that allows late check out, like 5 pm? I don't mind paying extra for the privilege.

01-13-19, 22:03
Flying in late at night and flying out late the next night. Recommendations for a hotel in Sukhumvit area that allows late check out, like 5 pm? I don't mind paying extra for the privilege.Maduzi hotel right in the heart of town allows late checkout, don't know if they do it at 17:00 though. Checked out 14:00 last time.

01-14-19, 02:09
Do the hotels really check if you are taking a girl to your room? I live in Europe and can't imagine asking anyone in the hotel where I'm staying if I can bring a girl over. Is this different in Thailand, like someone controls you if you have a company?

Thanks for your opinions.Yes, this is mostly the case. Opinions differ as to whether this is obtrusive for the monger, or that it is for everyone's protection.

What they do is either the front desk or a security guard at a dedicated security desk will take the girls ID, log it somehow (sometimes they photocopy it, sometimes they write the name and ID number down, and sometimes they keep the ID while the girl is in the hotel). If the girl then rips you off, you can officially trace her. That's why it is not universally seen as a bad thing.

When the girl leaves, she goes by the security desk and picks up her ID, and often the hotel calls up to the room before releasing the ID to the girl and asks "Mr Kumbu, is everything OK sir?" and Mr Kumbu says "Can you see my smile from where you are?" (or something less dopey than that), and the girl gets her ID back.

It's a little awkward standing in the lobby with a girl next to you having her registered. It feels like the eyes of the world are on you, judging you for wanting to screw a beautiful woman. "Does everyone know my tongue is minutes from her asshole?" But as we all know, there's nothing wrong with that, and the eyes of the world can go gouge themselves. But it honestly is very normal, so I would not let it deter you.

01-14-19, 03:02
Flying in late at night and flying out late the next night. Recommendations for a hotel in Sukhumvit area that allows late check out, like 5 pm? I don't mind paying extra for the privilege.Dynasty Inn in Soi 4 allows late check out until 6 pm, for about half the room rate. If they don't have another guest for the room anyway.

01-14-19, 09:32
Yes, this is mostly the case. Opinions differ as to whether this is obtrusive for the monger, or that it is for everyone's protection.

What they do is either the front desk or a security guard at a dedicated security desk will take the girls ID, log it somehow (sometimes they photocopy it, sometimes they write the name and ID number down, and sometimes they keep the ID while the girl is in the hotel). If the girl then rips you off, you can officially trace her. That's why it is not universally seen as a bad thing.

When the girl leaves, she goes by the security desk and picks up her ID, and often the hotel calls up to the room before releasing the ID to the girl and asks "Mr Kumbu, is everything OK sir?" and Mr Kumbu says "Can you see my smile from where you are?" (or something less dopey than that), and the girl gets her ID back.

It's a little awkward standing in the lobby with a girl next to you having her registered. It feels like the eyes of the world are on you, judging you for wanting to screw a beautiful woman. "Does everyone know my tongue is minutes from her asshole?" But as we all know, there's nothing wrong with that, and the eyes of the world can go gouge themselves. But it honestly is very normal, so I would not let it deter you.Thanks for the info Kumbu. Yeah, I guess its good then for our own protection. I can imagine everyone staring at you, out loud saying stuff like, its horrible or how can he do that. But in their heads they truly think something like. Oh gosh, wish it was me with that girl. Think it would just be funny if there formed a queue at the security desk on the "busy" hours.

01-14-19, 17:56
Flying in late at night and flying out late the next night. Recommendations for a hotel in Sukhumvit area that allows late check out, like 5 pm? I don't mind paying extra for the privilege.S31 will do late checkout up to 5 PM or so (probably for an extra charge, don't recall).

01-14-19, 23:16
I can imagine everyone staring at you, out loud saying stuff like, its horrible or how can he do that. You know, I've never actually had that happen. I've never been tsked by a stodgy middle-aged woman, or gotten a "No you di'int" from a Berkenstock-wearing ultra-feminist. I think they know where they are. They are in Thailand, and not only that, they are in the Nana district. If they came there and DIDN'T see horny men with nubile young girls, they would be disappointed. So I think the staring is more the kind that you get when you are on safari and a cheetah appears in the grass. It's why you are there, and you are supposed to gawk. My point is that you won't even have to deal with verbal harassment (maybe some one else on ISG has been harassed like this, but not me).

01-16-19, 08:44
Anyone tried some suite at So Sofitel in front of Lumphini Park? I would like to book a suite and I'm looking for some feedback. I have just found some videos from YT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bhx_ZsGVt-k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syfNSfz-aJQ&t=197s .

Thanks in advance.

01-21-19, 10:13
Gents, I am planning my next trip, and I'm wondering about lodging. I've stayed at quite a few BKK hotels in the last 10 years, some high end, some decidedly not (I'm looking at you, Hotel Solo). I'm wondering if I should go with something tried and trusted, or try something new. Here are some of the hotels I am thinking about staying at sometime in March. I wonder if anyone here has any thoughts on these hotels. I have RTFF, and there is something on each of these hotels (though not much on Jasmine City Hotel), but if you have any current thoughts, I would appreciate it.

Mercure Soi 11Grand Swiss Soi 11Adelphi SuitesDream HotelS15: someone said they had to pay a joiner fee here - seriously?Jasmine City HotelSilQMajestic GrandeThe ContinentIf these were the hotels you were considering, which would you go with?

*Just FYI, here are some hotels I have stayed at in the past: Aloft Soi 11 (good, but a bit far up soi 11, but might stay here again), Frasier Suites Soi 11 (ditto), S Sukhumvit Asok (great little hotel, ace location, might stay here), Pullman Grand (fancy, very nice, but a tad pricy), Landmark (super location, super hotel), JW Marriott (expensive, but top notch in all respects), Hotel Solo (did not care for it, too far down the soi, staff were not particularly attentive), Cape House (fine), Mayfair Marriott Executive Apts (awesome, but Lang Suan is a little far from the action), Centre Point Ratchadamri (excellent, but a little too prim and proper for me), Centre Point Wireless Rd (no problems), Hyatt Erawan (too fancy for this trip), Swisshotel Nai Lert Park (a little out of the way, with the best breakfast I've ever had, but not to my liking for this trip).