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Sasha Coffee
12-08-07, 23:28
the feminist of today is sorely out of touch with the average womans concerned and needs.

They are more concerned with turning a manhole into a personhole and chairman into a chairperson... They want us to keep our maidens name when we marry (if we marry) and have failed to realise that by keeping our maiden name we are merely choosing one mans (our father) name over our husband. This doesn't empower woman it is merely whitewashing over the things that the average woman is concerned about and allowing the feminist movement to believe they are doing some good.

Feminism works best when you work with the men in your life to contribute to society in the whole. Not try and make men become down trodden or uplift women to a status above men.

After all when both sexes work together to the mutual benefit the world and relationships both family and personal will strengthen. There will be no need for a feminist movement as men will happily work with women and respect their needs and desires. Just as women should do for men.

I don't believe that any one sex is better than the other or worse. We both have different strengths and weaknesses. The faster feminists respect men for their strengths and acknowledges womens weaknesses the quicker they will all be out of a job. Maybe this is why they are so hell bent on alienating men from society.

Who knows? Maybe we have all forgotten how much we need the other sex. Not only to reproduce but because we can compliment each other in all aspects of life and achieve remarkable things with a little co operation. Sadly the feminists only know how to co operate when its going their way.

Bango Cheito
12-10-07, 04:45
There are many different kinds of feminism, and a good half of them probably DO support women embracing their sexuality instead of denying it!

I certainly don't think NYC is anything like the rest of this country. But it WAS a bastion of tolerance compared to many other more socially retarded regions, now that's even gone!

Wet Nose
12-11-07, 06:11
I’m sure you’re correct, American feminist won’t be satisfied until they impose their affliction on men the world over.

Nope. They're curiously quiet on what's going on in the fundamentalist Muslim world, which just reveals their hypocrisy. Compared to what's going on there (stoning, flogging, honor killings, female genital mutilation, 10 steps behind the husband, no driving, etc), they get a swell ride in N. America.

I'd love to see a crusade by them, but that'd be just expecting too much.

Punter 127
12-11-07, 12:32
Nope. They're curiously quiet on what's going on in the fundamentalist Muslim world, which just reveals their hypocrisy..

I agree they’re quiet but I’m sure they’re not happy with that situation, and they pick their battles carefully. If they thought they could accomplish anything and the political climate was right they would speak out. I also suspect they’re fearful of the “fundamentalist Muslim world”, probably with good reason.

12-11-07, 23:12
I am still laughing at the responses. Double standard, anyone?


12-12-07, 05:53
Nope. They're curiously quiet on what's going on in the fundamentalist Muslim world, which just reveals their hypocrisy. Compared to what's going on there (stoning, flogging, honor killings, female genital mutilation, 10 steps behind the husband, no driving, etc), they get a swell ride in N. America.

I'd love to see a crusade by them, but that'd be just expecting too much.

NO!!! Feminists are NOT quiet about the rest of the world including the Islamic world. They ARE seeking to make female genital mutiliation a human crime and grounds for political asylum. They ARE promoting US style feminism to women in developing countries.

It only seems like they are quiet because the media doesn't report on those activities.

James 006
12-12-07, 06:12
I tried to find information about the monger situation in USA.
Where can I find it?

Punter 127
12-12-07, 12:29
I tried to find information about the monger situation in USA.
Where can I find it? http://www.usasexguide.info/

Naked Gunz
12-16-07, 02:43
NO!!! Feminists are NOT quiet about the rest of the world including the Islamic world. They ARE seeking to make female genital mutiliation a human crime and grounds for political asylum. They ARE promoting US style feminism to women in developing countries.

It only seems like they are quiet because the media doesn't report on those activities.

Dude..Can you blame them on this one?? I mean..do you want your unit shaved off? I tried to do an Ethiopian at "THE Y" in Dubai and she basically just laid there. Her man in the boat had been cut away.

12-16-07, 06:22
of course female genital mutilation is horrible and unacceptable, as is all violence.
but feminists fixate on "violence against women", ignoring and taking for granted all the violence against men: dangerous jobs (how many women die in coal mines?), war, prison [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) & assault (more often joked about), hazing in the military, school, and on sports teams that sometimes results in serious injury or death, and the very much unreported fact of domestic violence against men particularly among the elderly. feminists, and the media and society at large, are curiously silent and devoid of any sense of outrage on these things.

furthermore, feminists cheapen the whole notion of violence. when it comes to porn, uncoerced p4p, consensual heterosexual sex, and placing a swimsuit calendar at my desk at work, they call all those things "violence against women".

Chocha Monger
12-17-07, 07:04
Women don't want equality. They want superiority. They will scream all day and night about being "equal" until they realize that being equal means being given the same treatment and bearing the same expenses as a man. The latest responses to lawsuits aiming to put an end to "ladies night" clearly demonstrate this. Of course, there are also "men" who wish to continue buying drinks for parasitic barflies in the vain hope that they will become drunk enough to reveal hidden sluttiness. These losers argue in favor of keeping a stiletto heel firmly planted in the American man's ball sack. http://abcnews.go.com/TheLaw/comments?type=story&id=3412561

12-29-07, 23:16
I agree with you mostly the only thing I can say is this -

When I preach the problems with AW, I generally get an understanding nod from the people within ear shot.

I am not anti-social nor do I harbor ill feelings towards most women. I just don't feel the need to play the game they have largely created because of their bad choices when it comes to men. I have long said that some women should have other people select their mates because they do such a poor job of if themselves. Same goes for Men, but I think some men are desiring to be controlled by some woman.

Why should I date an ugly woman or an ugly and fat woman??? That is what is largely available to me because I -

A) I don't make $50,000 a year
B) I drive a car most people under 25 would own (I love it!)
C) I live at home (changing soon)

Okay so it looks like I will be buying real estate. However I do not care to use that to my advantage with local women. I feel I'll get a better quality "over there" just plain BETTER.

Not saying I can't find that here and not likely in my social circle...

Its much quicker to go to Europe. I did not go to Europe and fuck around on anybody I was committed to because I wasn't committed to anybody. Now one particular German woman my disagree with that, but the TRUTH was, I put her 2nd on the list which she didn't like and tried selection #1. That backfired and I generally didn't recover from that.

So I am not being an expat and fucking up the market over there.

I like European women because they largely don't care about A or B. C would happen regardless, so they are not worried about that either.

Money, nice digs, and fancy wheels are what all women want. If you ain't got it (or don't effaciosuly convey that you have it) you will get no play. Women from Europe and other places are just as bad or worse than AA in this regard.

Here's what you need to do: go to KBR's website and apply multiple times. You can go to Iraq for a year and come home with 85,000+ in the bank. You will work 7 days a week for 12-14 hours a day, but after the year is up you can chill for a some time while living the life that you dream about.

Capt Ajax
12-31-07, 19:26
Here's what you need to do: go to KBR's website and apply multiple times. You can go to Iraq for a year and come home with 85,000+ in the bank. You will work 7 days a week for 12-14 hours a day, but after the year is up you can chill for a some time while living the life that you dream about.

......not nearly enough money to risk my life IMHO. It would have to be 10 times that amount for me to sign up. Anyway what good is all that money if you end up maimed or worse dead.

01-01-08, 15:22
It escapes me that folks can go 1/2 around the world for some snatch for a week or two but can't go 1/2 way around the world for themselves, and, by doing so, equip themselves with the ability to get quality snatch for a lifetime.

No money no honey is the rule of the day.

Unless you are lucky enough to have your kin bequeath substantial sums to you (or you win the lottery) you need to make a bunch of money on your own accord to be an international lady's man. If you are not in a high paying career field and lack the ability to put yourself into one, spending a few years living under austere conditions while making major bank is a great way to enable one to live the life that they dream about.

I'm presently back in the Sandbox, living in the IZ with no expenses, making just under 200k a year. This kind of loot enables me to do whatever/mostly I want--within reason--in a mongering destination of my choice for an extended period of time.

even if my leg gets blown off-- which it won't, I'm more scared driving in EE then I am living in the IZ--it really won't matter because most 2nd and 3rd world women place money at the top of the pantheon of love. i will be a no legged fucking machine.

Grinding away in America for the average Joe will do nothing but make him a lurker on this board bitching about this and that instead of a member that posts pictures of hot women.

01-01-08, 22:37
and find ways to avoid taxes, thats really saves a lot :D

Too Jaded
01-02-08, 01:26
I'm presently back in the Sandbox, living in the IZ

As was I. I'll never forget that feeling when I finally landed in Kuwait and knew I was FREE!

After nearly a year (without R&R) I hit Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore, and the Philippines to unwind and cash was not a problem. My two month vacation probably ran me around $12k, all while staying at premium hotels and banging top tier trim.

I live in DC where it isn't much cheaper anyway, so good for you and have a great time whereever you go.


Too Jaded
01-02-08, 01:30
......not nearly enough money to risk my life IMHO. It would have to be 10 times that amount for me to sign up. Anyway what good is all that money if you end up maimed or worse dead.

Your choice. There are tens of thousands of contractors and very few casualties, in fact I would wager it is safer in the IZ than driving here on the DC Beltway.

CNN's fear mongering is working, but that only means that the pay scale continues to be high for those of us who are in fact willing to go.

I was making just under $30k per month as a 1099 when I left. But those days will soon be at an end, as living conditions and security continues to improve and congressional funding declines.


01-02-08, 03:53
Women don't want equality. They want superiority. They will scream all day and night about being "equal" until they realize that being equal means being given the same treatment and bearing the same expenses as a man. The latest responses to lawsuits aiming to put an end to "ladies night" clearly demonstrate this. These girls are the easiest to tame and cheat on. Trust me. It's the clinchy ones who put on a guilt trip that traps you. The superiority ones are the best to date, fuck, and then leave with all your pride intact.

01-02-08, 14:42
As was I. I'll never forget that feeling when I finally landed in Kuwait and knew I was FREE!

After nearly a year (without R&R) I hit Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore, and the Philippines to unwind and cash was not a problem. My two month vacation probably ran me around $12k, all while staying at premium hotels and banging top tier trim.

I live in DC where it isn't much cheaper anyway, so good for you and have a great time whereever you go.


i assume you are out-of-country? dam, 30K a month...what were you doing?

Too Jaded
01-03-08, 11:15
i assume you are out-of-country? dam, 30K a month...what were you doing?

Well, you gotta remember I was 1099 so I not only paid for my own expenses (including plane tickets, consulate fees, tools and equipment) but also had no benefits and had to pay my own employer match on my taxes and social security. I had no vacation time, no R&R breaks, no one to relieve me in an emergency.

In the contracting world it would have been the same as a job making one-third to one-half that amount but with typical benefits and R&R built in.

But, we totally digress. This is the American Women thread, not the Iraq thread (read my Report of Distinction in that thread from as year ago).


01-04-08, 19:11
The AW in question wanted the sperm donor of her children to pay up to $1,500 a month in child support, in addition to $66,000 in back-support, after she promised him he wouldn't have to. Even having sex with a paper cup in this country is risky!


HARRISBURG, Pa. - The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that a woman who promised a sperm donor he would not have to pay child support cannot renege on the deal.

The 3-2 decision overturns lower court rulings under which Joel L. McKiernan had been paying up to $1,500 a month to support twin boys born in August 1994 to Ivonne V. Ferguson, his former girlfriend and co-worker.

"Where a would-be donor cannot trust that he is safe from a future support action, he will be considerably less likely to provide his sperm to a friend or acquaintance who asks, significantly limiting a would-be mother's reproductive prerogatives," Justice Max Baer wrote in the majority opinion issued last week.

Arthur Caplan, chairman of the Department of Medical Ethics at the University of Pennsylvania, said the decision runs counter to the pattern established by similar cases, where the interests of the progeny have generally been given great weight.

"It sounds like the Pennsylvania court is trying to push a little harder into the brave new world of sperm, egg and embryo donation as it's evolving," Caplan said.

McKiernan's lawyer, John W. Purcell Jr., said Wednesday an adverse decision against his client would have jeopardized the entire system of sperm donation.

"That wouldn't just include Pennsylvania, because we found out in the course of this trial that many doctors order their sperm for their artificial inseminations out of state," he said.

Ferguson and McKiernan met while working together at Pennsylvania Blue Shield in Harrisburg and had a sexual relationship that waned before Ferguson persuaded him to donate sperm for her.

Courts found that the two agreed McKiernan would not have to pay child support and would not have visitation rights, but Ferguson later changed her mind and sued.

A county judge said it was in the twins' best interests that McKiernan be required to support them. In addition to monthly payments, McKiernan also was ordered to come up with $66,000 in back support. The appeal reverses that order.

Elizabeth Hoffman, Ferguson's lawyer, did not immediately return a phone message seeking comment left at her office Wednesday.

Justice J. Michael Eakin, in a dissent, said a parent cannot bargain away a child's right to support. "The children point and say, 'That is our father. He should support us,'" Eakin wrote. "What are we to reply? 'No! He made a contract to conceive you through a clinic, so your father need not support you.' I find this unreasonable at best."

01-04-08, 19:41
This is precisely why all serious mongers should be vasectomized. I got sued by an AW once for paternity, years after my vasectomy. Bringing in the evidence, seeing the look on her face, the judge asking me, "Did you tell her you were sterile?" and me saying, "She never asked!" All priceless to me after all these years. The judge made her pay all costs, including my lawyer and, importantly, including all my lost wages and transportation costs incurred. This was before DNA.

The best part was her swearing up and down her fidelity while I a) knew I was sterile and b) knew exactly who the father was, due to my extensive contacts in the community. So after delivering the verdict, the judge asked if we had anything else to say. She said, "Ummm I guess not, Your Honor." I said, "Two words: (father of baby)." She turned white as a ghost.

Twenty years later I am still laughing about this. Sitting in those hearings was way easier than the job I had at the time and I got paid for every minute of it. She even had to pay for the doctor's appointment where I jacked off in the cup. So bring it on! Pay me to jack off!

DJ FourMoney
01-04-08, 21:23
Money, nice digs, and fancy wheels are what all women want. If you ain't got it (or don't effaciosuly convey that you have it) you will get no play. Women from Europe and other places are just as bad or worse than AA in this regard.

Here's what you need to do: go to KBR's website and apply multiple times. You can go to Iraq for a year and come home with 85,000+ in the bank. You will work 7 days a week for 12-14 hours a day, but after the year is up you can chill for a some time while living the life that you dream about.

Funny you mention that... I've been on KBR's web site off and on, as you know I have a Class A currently going unused generally and thought I could maybe find something over there. I didn't quite find what I was looking for, so I could try again and I HEARD that if you know somebody already working there and in good standing that is your inside track, so DD is that what your doing?

If so hook a brotha up!

My boy's pop is making some serious cheddar from his gigs in "the sand box" its a utter shame we have to go into conflicted areas ie: dangerous work to make "bank" but such is life.

Back to my original post -

Money doesn't solve everything, its a tool. A tool I loath to use to get women locally to pay attention to me.

I made a mistake, I admit it, German girl #2 would have worked at Wal-Mart if that meant having a stable lifestyle, she wasn't comfortable being #2, yelled at me on my pre-paid SIM card for about 20 mins, kids and all, driving her car.

I went after hot Norwegian girl and it backfired, thems the breaks.

I wanna make money for the things I want, I could care less what a woman expects to have, that a game mostly American women play. That is not to say some European women play that game too. Generally the better looking they are the more likely they are to play that game and maybe that's why I'll more than likely end up with -

a) Better than Average FSU girl

b) Better than Average Western European girl

c) Nobody at all

I have a few last resort tactics in mind, deperation is not an option, so I'll either get what I want or get comfortable fucking women in their 40's because I'll be 40 soon.

DJ FourMoney
01-04-08, 21:37
It escapes me that folks can go 1/2 around the world for some snatch for a week or two but can't go 1/2 way around the world for themselves, and, by doing so, equip themselves with the ability to get quality snatch for a lifetime.

No money no honey is the rule of the day.

Unless you are lucky enough to have your kin bequeath substantial sums to you (or you win the lottery) you need to make a bunch of money on your own accord to be an international lady's man. If you are not in a high paying career field and lack the ability to put yourself into one, spending a few years living under austere conditions while making major bank is a great way to enable one to live the life that they dream about.

I'm presently back in the Sandbox, living in the IZ with no expenses, making just under 200k a year. This kind of loot enables me to do whatever/mostly I want--within reason--in a mongering destination of my choice for an extended period of time.

even if my leg gets blown off-- which it won't, I'm more scared driving in EE then I am living in the IZ--it really won't matter because most 2nd and 3rd world women place money at the top of the pantheon of love. i will be a no legged fucking machine.

Grinding away in America for the average Joe will do nothing but make him a lurker on this board bitching about this and that instead of a member that posts pictures of hot women.

Trust me brah I am down, I wanna go. I guess I have to apply several times as you stated. Fuck it, why the hell not? I should had done this 3 years ago, I wasted my time making a grand total of $35,000 in two years in a dead end position and muthafuckes wonder why I mad at work.

01-06-08, 20:35
Quick Money Legally

DJ, KBR doesn’t employ people in my area of expertise, but since I’ve spent a substantive amount of time in the Sandbox since the invasion and because KBR is by far the largest private employer of Americans in Iraq I have a basic familiarity with them.

Unfortunately, I don’t really know anyone that works for them on more than a casual basis so I can’t hook you up. Due to the sheer magnitude of their operation and the inherent staff turnover that you are bound to find in a warzone, I don’t think that you need a personal connection to get the job. Some dudes may say to the contrary because they think it protects their nests.

What I have heard is that you need to apply online like everyday for a month before the recruiter calls you. I suggest that you apply for anything that you might be even remotely qualified for—shit like the MWR coordinator; he sits in the gym and hands out to towels to GIs. That’s gotta be the easiest $80,000+ the working man has ever made.

Another job which doesn’t have a whole lot of prerequisites is a badge maker. I think the company that has this contract is I3 Technologies. You make badges all day for 6 days a week for 90 days at a time but the money is good 65K+. You can’t be a felon or have a seriously fucked up credit report because they will process you for a security clearance. S

Finally, the best kept secret in the contracting world. With only three weeks training you can get a job in some of the best mongering locations—South East Asia & Africa—paying 80K+ a year. Check out the link.


A former student of mine, who was a good guy but couldn’t catch a break, did this course and now has a very good lifestyle as a direct result of it.

Good luck and let me know if I can be of further assistance.

DJ FourMoney
01-07-08, 10:22
Quick Money Legally

DJ, KBR doesn’t employ people in my area of expertise, but since I’ve spent a substantive amount of time in the Sandbox since the invasion and because KBR is by far the largest private employer of Americans in Iraq I have a basic familiarity with them.

Unfortunately, I don’t really know anyone that works for them on more than a casual basis so I can’t hook you up. Due to the sheer magnitude of their operation and the inherent staff turnover that you are bound to find in a warzone, I don’t think that you need a personal connection to get the job. Some dudes may say to the contrary because they think it protects their nests.

What I have heard is that you need to apply online like everyday for a month before the recruiter calls you. I suggest that you apply for anything that you might be even remotely qualified for—shit like the MWR coordinator; he sits in the gym and hands out to towels to GIs. That’s gotta be the easiest $80,000+ the working man has ever made.

Another job which doesn’t have a whole lot of prerequisites is a badge maker. I think the company that has this contract is I3 Technologies. You make badges all day for 6 days a week for 90 days at a time but the money is good 65K+. You can’t be a felon or have a seriously fucked up credit report because they will process you for a security clearance. S

Finally, the best kept secret in the contracting world. With only three weeks training you can get a job in some of the best mongering locations—South East Asia & Africa—paying 80K+ a year. Check out the link.


A former student of mine, who was a good guy but couldn’t catch a break, did this course and now has a very good lifestyle as a direct result of it.

Good luck and let me know if I can be of further assistance.

Thanks for the insight and the link....

Unexploded Ordnance???

Now that is a JOB I know:

a) Hardly ANYBODY thinks about

b) 90% of the people on the planet wouldn't do in their right mind

c) I might be crazy enough to do it....

01-07-08, 12:05
you don't disarm bombs or anything. your job is just to locate the munitions, mark it, cordon the area off, and then someone (or something else) gets rid of the ordanance. the job pays good money in exotic locations with lots of vacation time.

you may even be able to get the federal aid money to pay for or offset the costs of the course.

Capt Ajax
01-07-08, 19:19
Thanks for the insight and the link....

Unexploded Ordnance???

Now that is a JOB I know:

a) Hardly ANYBODY thinks about

b) 90% of the people on the planet wouldn't do in their right mind

c) I might be crazy enough to do it....

Crickey......$6995.00 full participant rate for a 4week course. I wonder if this includes tuition, lodging and books.

DJ FourMoney
01-07-08, 19:57
Crickey......$6995.00 full participant rate for a 4week course. I wonder if this includes tuition, lodging and books.

At 7K, I would hope is all inclusive!

Taking this to PM's its off-topic...

01-07-08, 20:04
your job is just to locate the munitions,
EOD was never something I wanted to do... even if it was only finding the unexploded ordinance and not actually disarming it. Bombs like to go off. It's what they do. Every EOD tech I ever met was slightly to severely loopy in the cranium.


01-08-08, 08:19
This is the board for discussing AW. If you wish to exchange information on being a mercenary, there are thousands of sites on which to do so.
While I am sure you can draw a connection between your topic and AW, I can make a connection between flea bites and the price of eggs in Mongolia.

DJ FourMoney
01-08-08, 13:03
This is the board for discussing AW. If you wish to exchange information on being a mercenary, there are thousands of sites on which to do so.
While I am sure you can draw a connection between your topic and AW, I can make a connection between flea bites and the price of eggs in Mongolia.

Didn't just say it was off topic? - :D

Well I don't come in contact with AW enough to constantly "bash" on them anyway and that discussion gets quite stale wouldn't you agree?

This is related, though distantly with the general AW discussion as it speaks to the need to make a large income to date top quality AW women. Frankly they would find this type of work "exciting" at the most and "interesting" at the least. After all, just how many people do you know are UXO techs and aren't ex-military who I would think usually takes types of jobs post-obligation.

There is the obvious element of danger that Doc speaks of, which is why many women like firemen, police men and military personal.

Yes Yogin, there is connection, though distant...

I am considering it as I don't have many options and I am getting to an age where age discrimination starts to become a factor in a few short years when it comes to higher paid employment/careers. I am interested in short-term training, high paid employment which is why I have a Class A.

Truck Driving is considered about as low brow as career choices get in Western culture, they aren't highly looked upon in Europe either and for good reason.

The requirements are not hard -

Be on time (and even that's adjustable)

Have a professional appearance (some actually pull that off)

That's basically IT...

In return for a STARTING salary of $31-34K, you give up your free time and your social status in most cases. As in any traveling profession, your devotion and commitment to relationships with the opposite sex is always called into question. You know how many times a casual discussion about my work turned into how many lot lizards ran into or if they existed???

Inside of 5 years and if you hustle, you can make $45-50K, not chump change and not rich either. At that point if your organized you can consider going "Owner/Operator". As many O/O's have told me, if you stay out of the titty bars, don't knock up some girl you meet on the road and pay child support, you can make a very decent living (75-80K net after taxes) and let's faces it, its not what I would call hard work driving a truck on cruise control@65 listening to Sirius or XM radio.

The hardest thing to do is back it into a dock and frankly with enough practice that isn't hard either.

Back to the original off-topic discussion of mercenary work. I define such work is asking for a job, a gun and 2007 Bullet-Proof GMC Yukon from our friends at Blackwater and other "companies" under contact to the US Government.

Finding unexploded bombs is humanitarian work, just the other day Reuters reported young children playing with unexploded munitions and blew themselves up - http://www.ipc.gov.ps/ipc_e/ipc_e-1/e_News/news2004/2004_01/034.html

This is not cows accidentally stepping on land mines and to this day they still find mines in Germany and Britain from WWII.

As Americans we are lucky that we only had the Civil War and Land Mines were not invented just yet. There's UXO clean up jobs in the States from War Games and converting former military bases to private sector use.

The main draw to this and a point that DD makes; this is international employment, allowing me to indulge in my new found love of chasing Scandinavian and Slavic women. I am of the opinion that only Germans and Brits make up the majority of transplants interested in IR relationships and they are mostly located on the East Coast where I am on the West Coast and I don't find chasing women across the country when they are basically no different appealing.

Lastly I would like to buy property and that means making house payments, something that is not possible on my current income (Down payment is not a problem). I also feel if done correctly a job like this while dangerous will allow me to do just what I want and in 5 years be where I want to be without 2-4 years of University training and making less overall.

There I tied it all together with the main topic of this board...

01-08-08, 15:47
I can do better than that.

This is the AW thread. Or more aptly called the: “Get the fuck away from American women thread.”

This requires means and opportunity. Most dudes have neither the means nor opportunity to live in a place which will allow them to fuck hot non-american women.

I am providing advice to address this quandary.

The means to fuck lots of hot women all the world is money, charm, fame, and good looks. It’s hard to improve one’s affability overnight and most lads are not keen on going under the knife; thus, that leaves money as the only prerequisite that most of us can improve by our own gumption. I’m too much of a pussy to be a criminal so I am restricted to proffering advice on getting money quick legally.

Jobs, money, and mongering go hand-in-hand.


Even if you manage to make loads of money which will attract hot economically deprived women you need to be in a position to fuck them. Most rich dudes in America work like dogs. My former roommate did the whole post Ivy League thing and went to Wall Street. His bonus last year was 489K; however, he works 90+ hours each week and when his grandpa died his boss refused to let him attend the funeral as a pitch book needed to be completed.

Raj does not have the opportunity to apply deodorant let alone to fuck.

Therefore, an international fucker needs a job which will allow him to have the money to attract women while simultaneously having the opportunity to fuck them. There are very few jobs which satisfy both requirements (multinational executives/consultants, diplomats, aid workers, and pro athletes)…I guess that the trenching profession would marginally meet this criterion.

Being a contractor—which is not a mercenary-- is a comparatively easy way to have both the opportunity and the means to fuck hot women.

That’s what the ISG is all about.

I think that the correlation is blatantly apparent and not excessively off-topic.

Capt Ajax
01-08-08, 22:32
Thanks DD, I appreciate your info.

I can do better than that.

This is the AW thread. Or more aptly called the: “Get the fuck away from American women thread.”

This requires means and opportunity. Most dudes have neither the means nor opportunity to live in a place which will allow them to fuck hot non-american women.

I am providing advice to address this quandary.

The means to fuck lots of hot women all the world is money, charm, fame, and good looks. It’s hard to improve one’s affability overnight and most lads are not keen on going under the knife; thus, that leaves money as the only prerequisite that most of us can improve by our own gumption. I’m too much of a pussy to be a criminal so I am restricted to proffering advice on getting money quick legally.

Jobs, money, and mongering go hand-in-hand.


Even if you manage to make loads of money which will attract hot economically deprived women you need to be in a position to fuck them. Most rich dudes in America work like dogs. My former roommate did the whole post Ivy League thing and went to Wall Street. His bonus last year was 489K; however, he works 90+ hours each week and when his grandpa died his boss refused to let him attend the funeral as a pitch book needed to be completed.

Raj does not have the opportunity to apply deodorant let alone to fuck.

Therefore, an international fucker needs a job which will allow him to have the money to attract women while simultaneously having the opportunity to fuck them. There are very few jobs which satisfy both requirements (multinational executives/consultants, diplomats, aid workers, and pro athletes)…I guess that the trenching profession would marginally meet this criterion.

Being a contractor—which is not a mercenary-- is a comparatively easy way to have both the opportunity and the means to fuck hot women.

That’s what the ISG is all about.

I think that the correlation is blatantly apparent and not excessively off-topic.

01-10-08, 00:44

Chocha Monger
01-16-08, 06:42
Last week I suffered a bout of insupportable horniness and couldn’t do my usual traveling so I succumbed to rooting a fairly attractive AW. I did the typical dinner deal and once the formalities were over she asked where we were headed after leaving the restaurant. I told her that we were going to root the look on her face was priceless. As I drove around looking for a suitable fuck venue she pointed some high priced hotels on the strip. I told her that I had no intention of walking into one of those late at night without reservations and paying top dollar for a few hours. I finally found a decent looking motel and got a room. Once in the room she started flipping through the TV channels and began bitching because there were no premium movie channels. I told her that I wasn’t there for the cable, grabbed a beer and promptly went to work sucking on a nipple. She was in heaven and the drawers went flying across the room in the twinkling of an eye. Soon I had her knees trussed up next to ears as I rooted her pussy for the next half hour until I popped. Another beer break followed then I rooted her pussy for an hour in the same position then doggy until I quit without popping because I needed another cold beer. Then round three followed ending without a pop after another hour. At that point we went to sleep for three hours then the little head woke up so I attempted to initiate round four. My AW companion protested loudly that I wasn’t letting her sleep and she had to work the next day at eleven. She jumped up from the bed and headed to the other one where she spent the rest of the night.

Total cost for the night of plain sex without oral and plenty of attitude was $160.00 without accounting for time and opportunity cost. I will not repeat.

On another note, it seems that one can do quite well in America as a man providing that marriage and children are avoided. This old guy made millions on an hourly wage that never exceeded $11/hr. http://www.philly.com/inquirer/home_top_stories/20080113_Donor_built_millions_on__11_an_hour.html

DJ FourMoney
01-16-08, 12:31
Last week I suffered a bout of insupportable horniness and couldn’t do my usual traveling so I succumbed to rooting a fairly attractive AW. I did the typical dinner deal and once the formalities were over she asked where we were headed after leaving the restaurant. I told her that we were going to root the look on her face was priceless. As I drove around looking for a suitable fuck venue she pointed some high priced hotels on the strip. I told her that I had no intention of walking into one of those late at night without reservations and paying top dollar for a few hours. I finally found a decent looking motel and got a room. Once in the room she started flipping through the TV channels and began bitching because there were no premium movie channels. I told her that I wasn’t there for the cable, grabbed a beer and promptly went to work sucking on a nipple. She was in heaven and the drawers went flying across the room in the twinkling of an eye. Soon I had her knees trussed up next to ears as I rooted her pussy for the next half hour until I popped. Another beer break followed then I rooted her pussy for an hour in the same position then doggy until I quit without popping because I needed another cold beer. Then round three followed ending without a pop after another hour. At that point we went to sleep for three hours then the little head woke up so I attempted to initiate round four. My AW companion protested loudly that I wasn’t letting her sleep and she had to work the next day at eleven. She jumped up from the bed and headed to the other one where she spent the rest of the night.

Total cost for the night of plain sex without oral and plenty of attitude was $160.00 without accounting for time and opportunity cost. I will not repeat.

On another note, it seems that one can do quite well in America as a man providing that marriage and children are avoided. This old guy made millions on an hourly wage that never exceeded $11/hr. http://www.philly.com/inquirer/home_top_stories/20080113_Donor_built_millions_on__11_an_hour.html

He is recluse if he hasn't dated EVER and had a cruch on a young girl that died 60-65 years ago!

I could do without a phone if I didn't have any family, friends, interest or hobbies and he clearly has none of these. Plays Bingo and eats with his homies at Micky D's. Girls won't date a guy with used clothes from the Salvation Army, that's why he never dated...

Yes you can do this too, but WHO WANTS TOO???

01-16-08, 16:57
I can do better than that.

This is the AW thread. Or more aptly called the: “Get the fuck away from American women thread.”

This requires means and opportunity. Most dudes have neither the means nor opportunity to live in a place which will allow them to fuck hot non-american women.

I am providing advice to address this quandary.

The means to fuck lots of hot women all the world is money, charm, fame, and good looks. It’s hard to improve one’s affability overnight and most lads are not keen on going under the knife; thus, that leaves money as the only prerequisite that most of us can improve by our own gumption. I’m too much of a pussy to be a criminal so I am restricted to proffering advice on getting money quick legally.

Jobs, money, and mongering go hand-in-hand.


Even if you manage to make loads of money which will attract hot economically deprived women you need to be in a position to fuck them. Most rich dudes in America work like dogs. My former roommate did the whole post Ivy League thing and went to Wall Street. His bonus last year was 489K; however, he works 90+ hours each week and when his grandpa died his boss refused to let him attend the funeral as a pitch book needed to be completed.

Raj does not have the opportunity to apply deodorant let alone to fuck.

Therefore, an international fucker needs a job which will allow him to have the money to attract women while simultaneously having the opportunity to fuck them. There are very few jobs which satisfy both requirements (multinational executives/consultants, diplomats, aid workers, and pro athletes)…I guess that the trenching profession would marginally meet this criterion.

Being a contractor—which is not a mercenary-- is a comparatively easy way to have both the opportunity and the means to fuck hot women.

That’s what the ISG is all about.

I think that the correlation is blatantly apparent and not excessively off-topic.

Some people got a different definition of "rich". I think Eastern bloc women are easy as hell and are nothing like Western women, I would never want to live in the Eastern bloc though, going there once a year is good enough. Its easy for Western Europeans to go East, their money goes far in the Eastern bloc and its nearby. Australia is close to Asia, and lots of Aussie monger in South East Asia where their money goes far, I knew people who work in McDonalds down under, who go for a month in Thailand or Indonesia for cheap but good quality pussy, so even working class Aussie yobbos manage to get it. Even when you compare Aussie women to their US counterparts, they are easy to impress, also the country is a magnet for female travelers from Asia and Europe. I have seen large numbers of blonde hair blue eyed women speaking some gibberish and figured they were European backpackers. I actually got to meet a lot of women by turning my home into a guesthouse for backpackers, but this won't work in the USA, as backpackers are not common.

There is a pocket in the Americas that has a high concentration of hot women, Montreal QC, I thought a large percent of French Canadian women were hot and not incredibly difficult to click with. In fact, I saw dudes that were rather ordinary with some pretty fine women over there.

01-16-08, 20:05
He is recluse if he hasn't dated EVER and had a cruch on a young girl that died 60-65 years ago!

I could do without a phone if I didn't have any family, friends, interest or hobbies and he clearly has none of these. Plays Bingo and eats with his homies at Micky D's. Girls won't date a guy with used clothes from the Salvation Army, that's why he never dated...

Yes you can do this too, but WHO WANTS TOO???
I just read the article and I think the guy is actually a genuis if you ask me. He essentially shrugged off all the propaganda that we get forced-fed every day in the U.S.; that you need a top-tier education, a punishing 60-70 hour a week job, the brand new SUV, the newly-built McMansion and the AW wife and 2.3 snot-nosed kids. We're all taught, as American men, that we will not succeed in life and are nothing unless we have all of the above. This guy told society to go fuck itself, did things his own way, and in the end, ended up with more money saved up than most people obtain doing it the traditional way.

The dude never dated? Of course he didn't because he's probably GAY, that's why he never chased after pussy. He decided to give $1 million cash to his Alma Mater. But just think if some on this site followed his footsteps, they could've used that money to retire early (30's or 40's) to SEA/Latin America/EE.

Yeah, he's a little old wierdo, I agree. But I still think we can learn from what he achieved.

DJ FourMoney
01-17-08, 11:00
I just read the article and I think the guy is actually a genuis if you ask me. He essentially shrugged off all the propaganda that we get forced-fed every day in the U.S.; that you need a top-tier education, a punishing 60-70 hour a week job, the brand new SUV, the newly-built McMansion and the AW wife and 2.3 snot-nosed kids. We're all taught, as American men, that we will not succeed in life and are nothing unless we have all of the above. This guy told society to go fuck itself, did things his own way, and in the end, ended up with more money saved up than most people obtain doing it the traditional way.

The dude never dated? Of course he didn't because he's probably GAY, that's why he never chased after pussy. He decided to give $1 million cash to his Alma Mater. But just think if some on this site followed his footsteps, they could've used that money to retire early (30's or 40's) to SEA/Latin America/EE.

Yeah, he's a little old wierdo, I agree. But I still think we can learn from what he achieved.

Oh I took lessons from it....

I refuse to play that "Where The Ballers At?" local game. I have been saving money, a few CD's and some more risker stuff down road.

Yeah I am broke otherwise, I burned up money on the ride and Europe, still have some left, saving that.

Goal is to retire by 50; 13 years away!

That's why the next career move is so important, put in 10 and get the fuck out!

I am not conditioned to have a wife and kids, I am quite selfish. I like kids and relish the chance to put some people on this earth that aren't trippin and can give back, no matter what they do, productive people.

The wife factor, I like knowing where my PUSSY is coming from. Going months and months, sometimes YEARS without it is a f'in drag. I am tired of it, to the point I consider throwing dollars at it.

Its either throw money at worthless local hoes or throw money away on "real" hoes overseas and maybe one or two locally, though overpriced.

DJ FourMoney
01-17-08, 11:06
Some people got a different definition of "rich". I think Eastern bloc women are easy as hell and are nothing like Western women, I would never want to live in the Eastern bloc though, going there once a year is good enough. Its easy for Western Europeans to go East, their money goes far in the Eastern bloc and its nearby. Australia is close to Asia, and lots of Aussie monger in South East Asia where their money goes far, I knew people who work in McDonalds down under, who go for a month in Thailand or Indonesia for cheap but good quality pussy, so even working class Aussie yobbos manage to get it. Even when you compare Aussie women to their US counterparts, they are easy to impress, also the country is a magnet for female travelers from Asia and Europe. I have seen large numbers of blonde hair blue eyed women speaking some gibberish and figured they were European backpackers. I actually got to meet a lot of women by turning my home into a guesthouse for backpackers, but this won't work in the USA, as backpackers are not common.

There is a pocket in the Americas that has a high concentration of hot women, Montreal QC, I thought a large percent of French Canadian women were hot and not incredibly difficult to click with. In fact, I saw dudes that were rather ordinary with some pretty fine women over there.

First serious internet contact was French speaking girl that was very disappointed with me after talking for months on the phone and on mIRC and I wanted to dip into something more local, caught me talking to another girl that ended up being my GF for 2.5 years. Considering what I got locally and what I could have had in Canada... I made a mistake, she was involved in the family business too...

Yeah maybe the native English speaking Canadian women are a mess and not worth f'in with???

I dunno

Capt Ajax
01-17-08, 22:06
There is a pocket in the Americas that has a high concentration of hot women, Montreal QC, I thought a large percent of French Canadian women were hot and not incredibly difficult to click with. In fact, I saw dudes that were rather ordinary with some pretty fine women over there.

I agree, those French Canadian women are HOT, HOT and pretty easy to talk to. French Canadian women are the prettiest White women in North America PERIOD.

Bango Cheito
01-17-08, 22:28
The French-speaking part of Canada is far and away the best, both for mongering and for relationships in general. It is really like a little slice of Latin America up north in many ways.

DJ FourMoney
01-19-08, 11:06
The French-speaking part of Canada is far and away the best, both for mongering and for relationships in general. It is really like a little slice of Latin America up north in many ways.


Jelly Donut
01-19-08, 15:09
Is there any other country in the world where people believe in a persons ability to change more than the United States? I mean, I talk with, for instance, Indians and they seem to be slotted for one thing or another from the start. In France, where a person goes to school seems to mean everything; if you don't make the cut by the time your 18 - it's pretty much game over. Caste and class seems to be more important everywhere else I look - even Canada - no one born in Canada can grow up to be Head of State there, since that franchise is held by a bunch of royals. Just seems like in the USA a persons ability to change, to self-define and even to escape streotyping is given way more latitude than anyplace else.

DJ FourMoney
01-19-08, 21:25
Is there any other country in the world where people believe in a persons ability to change more than the United States? I mean, I talk with, for instance, Indians and they seem to be slotted for one thing or another from the start. In France, where a person goes to school seems to mean everything; if you don't make the cut by the time your 18 - it's pretty much game over. Caste and class seems to be more important everywhere else I look - even Canada - no one born in Canada can grow up to be Head of State there, since that franchise is held by a bunch of royals. Just seems like in the USA a persons ability to change, to self-define and even to escape streotyping is given way more latitude than anyplace else.

One of the great features of our country.

We have never had to be liberated from stronger power, we did it ourselves!

We have no Royalty per say, so ANYBODY can be President and in turn be the most powerful person in the world.

In lies the train wreck..

Which runs right into the desires of the typical American Woman. Many want the world, but by the time reality and age hit, the view becomes more realistic but at the same time to many men they become less desirable.

When a male hits his 30's, the ONLY way you can get women 10 years your junior is to either have power, have money, good looks or any combination of the above.

Otherwise your resigned to dating women usually unmarried for reasons unknown (usually bad!) or women with children either from a married relationship of 5-10 years or a series of "sperm donors" they dated in their 20's.

Hardly IDEAL when you add up all the other baggage.

What's nice though is being American usually gets you a pass in most social circles around the world. A dimmer view of our country with the result of the worst presidency in human history has not complete snuff out the world's love affair with the United States especially after comparing their own localized problems...

01-20-08, 17:00
We are talking about the best opportunities for getting pussy, not for career advancement. France is head and shoulders above the USA in the pussy category, I remember running into a couple of dorky guys from the US last summer in Nice, they were both of Asian(one Indian and the other Korean) origin and hooked up with some rather fine French hotties who wanted them to teach them English, the fact that they were non-white and American intrigued them(so I guess the ability to "change" is a good thing). That being said, its getting hard to impress foreign women by saying I am simply American, you got to show more than that these days, its still a positive for at least the near term though. In a lot of foreign countries that you might think are "lower" women have no problem marrying in their own country and many times that is what they prefer. If you don't believe me, try proposing to an upper class Brazilian woman, unless you are handsome and super rich, forget it, oh you will probably have to get past her security detail as well.

Anyway, back to topic, Montreal, Quebec, is an oasis of fine pussy in North America, almost like being in the twilight zone. The city is full of women, of the young and luscious type. For someone from North America who can't afford to go to Europe or Asia or just does not have any time, there are a lot of mongering options there. You should see some of the providers there, supply outweighs demand.

Those French Canadian girls won't give a shit about your social class. Even their cousins on the other side of the Atlantic can be very approachable, if two 150lbs. geeks can do it, anyone can.

You can talk about all the "Self Improvement" and deviating from stereotypes, all you want. My idea of improvement is having a roof over my head, food on the table, and some nice piece of ass. There is definitely plenty of quality ass outside of the US, in places that could be a couple of hours away, as I mentioned in Canada. Most of the dudes in that part of CA seemed to be pretty normal everyday Joes, not rich or powerful. Same thing in much of Europe, it doesn't take much effort to find some fine ass. Anyway those countries are mostly socialist, so everyone turns out to be even, eg. doctor earns as much as a garbage man.

DJ FourMoney
01-21-08, 10:31
We are talking about the best opportunities for getting pussy, not for career advancement. France is head and shoulders above the USA in the pussy category, I remember running into a couple of dorky guys from the US last summer in Nice, they were both of Asian(one Indian and the other Korean) origin and hooked up with some rather fine French hotties who wanted them to teach them English, the fact that they were non-white and American intrigued them(so I guess the ability to "change" is a good thing). That being said, its getting hard to impress foreign women by saying I am simply American, you got to show more than that these days, its still a positive for at least the near term though. In a lot of foreign countries that you might think are "lower" women have no problem marrying in their own country and many times that is what they prefer. If you don't believe me, try proposing to an upper class Brazilian woman, unless you are handsome and super rich, forget it, oh you will probably have to get past her security detail as well.

Anyway, back to topic, Montreal, Quebec, is an oasis of fine pussy in North America, almost like being in the twilight zone. The city is full of women, of the young and luscious type. For someone from North America who can't afford to go to Europe or Asia or just does not have any time, there are a lot of mongering options there. You should see some of the providers there, supply outweighs demand.

Those French Canadian girls won't give a shit about your social class. Even their cousins on the other side of the Atlantic can be very approachable, if two 150lbs. geeks can do it, anyone can.

You can talk about all the "Self Improvement" and deviating from stereotypes, all you want. My idea of improvement is having a roof over my head, food on the table, and some nice piece of ass. There is definitely plenty of quality ass outside of the US, in places that could be a couple of hours away, as I mentioned in Canada. Most of the dudes in that part of CA seemed to be pretty normal everyday Joes, not rich or powerful. Same thing in much of Europe, it doesn't take much effort to find some fine ass. Anyway those countries are mostly socialist, so everyone turns out to be even, eg. doctor earns as much as a garbage man.

Give the man a cigar!

Yes career advancement is not the theme of this on-going thread, its about finding pussy. This thread is mainly about the disadvantages of getting some in the United States of America.

Funny CBGB in the usual places I find women I don't find too many attractive French women for some reason.

Maybe its like Scandinavian women, they just don't use the net for dating...

But what you find online in say Germany is about accurate for what you find in real-time.

Maybe I really need to be in France in otherwords to see if its all cracked up to be. I did meet a French-African in Stockholm and I asked him straight up if French girls were pretty and he said "If that was the case would I be in Stockholm?" Not that France doesn't have pretty women, it just seems they are far more average in the looks department just like German women when you get down to the nutz and bolts.

I rarely saw a German woman above 7

But in Stockholm, Oslo and Bergen I saw stunners LEFT and RIGHT, it was truly unreal and local men only ***** about attitudes not looks... I mean the girl at the exchange boot was hot, the coat check girl at the club was hot, the blonde behind the counter at 7-11 was hot, even at Napokin Airport, the girl that exchanged my ticket, it was crazy!

And they were all brunettes save for the 7-11 girl with grey, green or ice blue eyes... If you can't tell I do need to go back, unfinished business....

My homie lives in near Toronto, maybe I need to check Canada more.... Been before just a short time though.

Wet Nose
01-22-08, 01:55
Caste and class seems to be more important everywhere else I look - even Canada - no one born in Canada can grow up to be Head of State there, since that franchise is held by a bunch of royals. Just seems like in the USA a persons ability to change, to self-define and even to escape streotyping is given way more latitude than anyplace else.

Well the monarch of England will always be the ultimate head of state of Canada, but her representative in Canada (the Governor General) can be chosen by the prime minister...who is elected by the people.

The last Governor was a female born in Hong Kong and the present one was born in Haiti. In many ways, the GG is the head of state, as she does the day to day duties of the head of state.

Jelly Donut
01-23-08, 03:10
Well the monarch of England will always be the ultimate head of state of Canada, but her representative in Canada (the Governor General) can be chosen by the prime minister...who is elected by the people.

The last Governor was a female born in Hong Kong and the present one was born in Haiti. In many ways, the GG is the head of state, as she does the day to day duties of the head of state.

Interesting. I did not know that. I am now going to rant a little -

Why not just throw the bums out? What point do they serve? If you get rid of the Queen that frees up space for Shannon Tweed on the 20.

At the very least get rid of the German pretenders to the throne - replace them with some true hier of William I. You can do this with DNA testing. It would be cool - I bet a lot of people would have a shot. We could run the search like "Canadian Idol" or something...

Or better yet, pick just someone from Haiti to cover the task - since the implication above is it's same thing - (it's not, now, is it?) that would show some balls.

- Okay. I think that does it for me.

01-23-08, 06:01
Well the monarch of England will always be the ultimate head of state of Canada, but her representative in Canada (the Governor General) can be chosen by the prime minister...who is elected by the people.

A Point of Correction.

Canada's Prime Minister is NOT elected by the people. In the parliamentary system, the people vote for their parliamentary representative ONLY. The party with the most seats in Parliament is the party that forms the government. That winning party chooses a leader and that leader becomes the Prime Minister.

So, the Prime Minister is elected by the members of the party that wins the most seats in Parliament.

01-23-08, 17:03
Give the man a cigar!

Yes career advancement is not the theme of this on-going thread, its about finding pussy. This thread is mainly about the disadvantages of getting some in the United States of America.

Funny CBGB in the usual places I find women I don't find too many attractive French women for some reason.

Maybe its like Scandinavian women, they just don't use the net for dating...

But what you find online in say Germany is about accurate for what you find in real-time.

Maybe I really need to be in France in otherwords to see if its all cracked up to be. I did meet a French-African in Stockholm and I asked him straight up if French girls were pretty and he said "If that was the case would I be in Stockholm?" Not that France doesn't have pretty women, it just seems they are far more average in the looks department just like German women when you get down to the nutz and bolts.

I rarely saw a German woman above 7

But in Stockholm, Oslo and Bergen I saw stunners LEFT and RIGHT, it was truly unreal and local men only ***** about attitudes not looks... I mean the girl at the exchange boot was hot, the coat check girl at the club was hot, the blonde behind the counter at 7-11 was hot, even at Napokin Airport, the girl that exchanged my ticket, it was crazy!

And they were all brunettes save for the 7-11 girl with grey, green or ice blue eyes... If you can't tell I do need to go back, unfinished business....

My homie lives in near Toronto, maybe I need to check Canada more.... Been before just a short time though.
Montreal has some of the best adult entertainment found in North America, try www.merc.ca, there is a lot of posts about action in Montreal. I thought French Canadian women were absolutely fine. Eastern Europe is great for finding women compared to a lot of other places, in the FKK Clubs in Germany, the best sp's are often EE.

01-24-08, 11:38
For a real fun experience try walking around Newark or JFK Airport after a trip to South America. It's like the bar scene from Star Wars.
Give the man a cigar!

Yes career advancement is not the theme of this on-going thread, its about finding pussy. This thread is mainly about the disadvantages of getting some in the United States of America.

Funny CBGB in the usual places I find women I don't find too many attractive French women for some reason.

Maybe its like Scandinavian women, they just don't use the net for dating...

But what you find online in say Germany is about accurate for what you find in real-time.

Maybe I really need to be in France in otherwords to see if its all cracked up to be. I did meet a French-African in Stockholm and I asked him straight up if French girls were pretty and he said "If that was the case would I be in Stockholm?" Not that France doesn't have pretty women, it just seems they are far more average in the looks department just like German women when you get down to the nutz and bolts.

I rarely saw a German woman above 7

But in Stockholm, Oslo and Bergen I saw stunners LEFT and RIGHT, it was truly unreal and local men only ***** about attitudes not looks... I mean the girl at the exchange boot was hot, the coat check girl at the club was hot, the blonde behind the counter at 7-11 was hot, even at Napokin Airport, the girl that exchanged my ticket, it was crazy!

And they were all brunettes save for the 7-11 girl with grey, green or ice blue eyes... If you can't tell I do need to go back, unfinished business....

My homie lives in near Toronto, maybe I need to check Canada more.... Been before just a short time though.

Chocha Monger
01-26-08, 00:21
These women got caught in their own game. Apparently, they each believed that they were landing a fat 54 yrs old sardine but found a corporate shark on the line instead.

DJ FourMoney
01-27-08, 08:24
For a real fun experience try walking around Newark or JFK Airport after a trip to South America. It's like the bar scene from Star Wars.

Tell me about it, when I came back into LAX, its like I step into another world...

All of sudden waist lines expanded and attitudes increased...

Wet Nose
01-27-08, 22:22
A Point of Correction.

Canada's Prime Minister is NOT elected by the people. In the parliamentary system, the people vote for their parliamentary representative ONLY. The party with the most seats in Parliament is the party that forms the government. That winning party chooses a leader and that leader becomes the Prime Minister.

So, the Prime Minister is elected by the members of the party that wins the most seats in Parliament.

Yes, I agree to a certain extent...but in some cases, the party already has a leader before the election. I don't think any party goes into an election without a leader.

If that leader is hugely unpopular, then less people will vote for their party representative. Therefore, since the party has less seats in Parliament, thus no majority formed.

So when people vote for their representative, they are also indirectly voting for the prime minister.

Wet Nose
01-27-08, 22:28
These women got caught in their own game. Apparently, they each believed that they were landing a fat 54 yrs old sardine but found a corporate shark on the line instead.

I don't see what the guy did wrong in a corporate context.

He supposedly made a whole bunch of bogus promises. Most of the article is filled with female accusations blah-de-blah-de-blah. But in a job context, what did he really do wrong?

It's sad that just because of some random accusations (perhaps unjustified - who knows) that he lost his job. But hey, an accusation is all you need in America, especially if you're a man.

Proof, justice is optional.

01-28-08, 00:25
for men who have to suffer BLACK American women? It is a fate worse than DEATH, and I think if Jackson were to open up such a forum that our white countrymen would find that their suffering pales in comparison to what black guys have to go through if they are trying to scrounge something out of the black pool of vagina.

01-28-08, 21:08
Should there be a separate thread for men who have to suffer BLACK American women?

What do you mean by have to suffer Black American women?

Is someone forcing you to be with them? Are Black women coercing you to be with them?

There are Black women all over the rest of the world. Tons right next door in Latin America.

Learn some Spanish or Portuguese and get on a plane to Dominican Republic, Colombia, or Brazil (Later for Venezuela.) and enjoy sweet sexy Black women without the American attitude. Sitting at your computer moping and complaining is the same as jerking off.

01-28-08, 21:36
What do you mean by have to suffer Black American women?

Is someone forcing you to be with them? Are Black women coercing you to be with them?

There are Black women all over the rest of the world. Tons right next door in Latin America.

Learn some Spanish or Portuguese and get on a plane to Dominican Republic, Colombia, or Brazil (Later for Venezuela.) and enjoy sweet sexy Black women without the American attitude. Sitting at your computer moping and complaining is the same as jerking off.
It is the American Women forum and quite the appropriate place to complain about American women of all colors... :)

01-28-08, 22:52
American women come in all types and colors, some of the most horrible examples of American women happen to come from minority backgrounds. Asian American(Indian and Chinese) can be some of the worst. Hispanic women in the US can also be nose in air, try Cuban women in Miami, absolutely snobbish. A lot of African American women are not so kind hearted either.

Capt Ajax
01-29-08, 15:44
Jeeezzzz, I've just come across this ad on CL and I'm simply amazed at the audacity of AW. She describes herself as a classy, petite blonde BUT does not offer a GFE, and yet she want's a FOOL to plunk down $200/hr for whatever service she offers. I guarantee there will bunch of American Men (SUCKER's) who will fall for this BS and be sorely disappointed. Some American men never learn....your comments please.

From the looks of her legs in the pics, she looks like an over the hill American monster.

Her ad:

Atypical - w4m - 49

You are a selective gentleman who chooses mature company beyond all else and understand the fact I am not GFE experience. I delve to provide you with an unparalleled erotic bodyrub that is not soon forgotten. I am a classy all-natural petite blonde with semi-short wavy hair,green eyes,5'1",112 llbs.with a Type A personality;receptive in meeting you. Discrete and fully aware of the parameters to be upheld.

I ask that when you decide you are ready to contact me to leave pertinent information so as not to have continual e-mails leading nowhere.
Thanks for your time reading and as always,


DJ FourMoney
01-31-08, 12:29
Jeeezzzz, I've just come across this ad on CL and I'm simply amazed at the audacity of AW. She describes herself as a classy, petite blonde BUT does not offer a GFE, and yet she want's a FOOL to plunk down $200/hr for whatever service she offers. I guarantee there will bunch of American Men (SUCKER's) who will fall for this BS and be sorely disappointed. Some American men never learn....your comments please.

From the looks of her legs in the pics, she looks like an over the hill American monster.

Her ad:

Atypical - w4m - 49

You are a selective gentleman who chooses mature company beyond all else and understand the fact I am not GFE experience. I delve to provide you with an unparalleled erotic bodyrub that is not soon forgotten. I am a classy all-natural petite blonde with semi-short wavy hair,green eyes,5'1",112 llbs.with a Type A personality;receptive in meeting you. Discrete and fully aware of the parameters to be upheld.

I ask that when you decide you are ready to contact me to leave pertinent information so as not to have continual e-mails leading nowhere.
Thanks for your time reading and as always,


Are you purposely running across these ads?

Latin Bound
01-31-08, 13:45
I don't see what the guy did wrong in a corporate context.

He supposedly made a whole bunch of bogus promises. Most of the article is filled with female accusations blah-de-blah-de-blah. But in a job context, what did he really do wrong?

It's sad that just because of some random accusations (perhaps unjustified - who knows) that he lost his job. But hey, an accusation is all you need in America, especially if you're a man.

Proof, justice is optional.This is just absolutely ridiculous. What does this has to do at all with his job performance?

01-31-08, 15:06
American women come in all types and colors, some of the most horrible examples of American women happen to come from minority backgrounds. Asian American(Indian and Chinese) can be some of the worst. Hispanic women in the US can also be nose in air, try Cuban women in Miami, absolutely snobbish. A lot of African American women are not so kind hearted either.

I made the trade. I traded in my American Hispanic wife for an Japan raised Filipina.

The run down:


Hispanic family was well off, Cali Suburbanites so my black poor ass didn't fit the bill. Her father told her all blacks are criminals even though I was a soldier in the great American military( I said that with sarcasm) when she met me as she was also.

Filipina family in Japan. Treats me like a damn king. Even the not direct family members such as her cousins and aunts and its not about money. One of her aunt owns about 6 homes in an exclusive area of the Philippines and a $300,000 condo in a surburb of Tokyo.


The American seemed to take extreme pleasure in making me feel like shit. Whenever I got excited about something she would be there to knock me down about it. Complained when I was at home broke. Complained when I got a Job that allowed me to fly first class take trips to any destinations in the world I wanted and party like a rock star.

The Filipina supports my decisions and stands behind me 100.


All couple have disagreements thats a given. But the American was all gloves off hit below the belt.

The Filipina too much of a lady for that. Even if she angry she handles herself like a Corvette on curve.


The American whined and complained. Told me that was all I thought about then when I stopped asking for it she asked Why I didn't want her?

The Filipina, all I can say fire works still after damn near 4 years.


Not all American women are bad. Not all nothing is anything. But ask how many Americans you know are divorced? I had one army buddy while in Iraq taking bullets from Al Qaeda (no pun intended he got a purple heart for getting shot) his wife was back in Texas destroying his credit letting other guys drive his car around, sending guys in jail his money he was sending her to take care of the house and family. I have heard this story too many times from guys in the states. I also have heard similar stories from guys in Asia who decided to get involved with a bar girl or a women of easy pickings. In places like Thailand and PI people are poor and some will do anything for money and its kind of understandable but in a country like America...

01-31-08, 16:30
You want to see AWs at their most extreme, meet some Cuban American women in Miami, they are some of the most ultra conservative and ultra materialistic women you will ever meet.

Women in a lot of other countries are wonderful, I have friends who have been to Cuba who have raved about Cuban women, but since I was born in the US I can never go there, but those are women in their own country. When you take a woman out of her country and place her into America, she will change, its guaranteed. I lived in a city with a lot of immigrants, and the immigrants behave so much differently than their countrymen that are in their homelands.

01-31-08, 16:47
Women in a lot of other countries are wonderful, I have friends who have been to Cuba who have raved about Cuban women, but since I was born in the US I can never go there, but those are women in their own country.
You can visit Cuba as a US citizen, you just can't enter from a US airport. You'd have to enter from Canada, Mexico or Europe for example. Friends of mine weren't impressed with Cuba at all however, Brazil much better.

Capt Ajax
02-01-08, 00:53
When you take a woman out of her country and place her into America, she will change, its guaranteed. I lived in a city with a lot of immigrants, and the immigrants behave so much differently than their countrymen that are in their homelands.

I do agree with the above statement. A Chinese gal has warned me NOT to even think about marrying a U.S. naturalized immigrant. It would be the biggest mistake of my life she says.

Jelly Donut
02-01-08, 01:35
You can visit Cuba as a US citizen, you just can't enter from a US airport. You'd have to enter from Canada, Mexico or Europe for example. Friends of mine weren't impressed with Cuba at all however, Brazil much better.

My amateur understanding is, as an American, you can go there. You just can't spend any money. That's how they get you.

Last time I checked, there were flights out of Miami to Havana. If you could get permission from the US government, you could go. This became more difficult with the Bush Administration - it tightend visas in order to make the Cubans living in critical political Florida happy and, of course, September 11 made it all the more difficult - the "pressure" on Cuba ramped up.

One of results of 9/11 is the Canadian government started sharing airline travel information with the US government. So, if you traveled through Canada, that information would end up in the hands of officials in the Liberty Loving Land of the Free. They then tag you with travel to (and spending money in) Cuba.

If you want to go, you need to be careful about how you get there and the paper trail you generate - even then, I'm not at all sure what or how the government punishes Americans who travel there - I expect it's just a stiff fine and something undesirable on your permanant record.

Anyway - I end up at the same point with the good doctor
Brazil much better.

02-01-08, 19:24
Cuba doesn't seem like much anyway, especially when you have Argentina and Brazil. But those places are a much longer plane ride.

Naked Gunz
02-08-08, 08:33
My amateur understanding is, as an American, you can go there. You just can't spend any money. That's how they get you.

Last time I checked, there were flights out of Miami to Havana. If you could get permission from the US government, you could go. This became more difficult with the Bush Administration - it tightend visas in order to make the Cubans living in critical political Florida happy and, of course, September 11 made it all the more difficult - the "pressure" on Cuba ramped up.

One of results of 9/11 is the Canadian government started sharing airline travel information with the US government. So, if you traveled through Canada, that information would end up in the hands of officials in the Liberty Loving Land of the Free. They then tag you with travel to (and spending money in) Cuba.

If you want to go, you need to be careful about how you get there and the paper trail you generate - even then, I'm not at all sure what or how the government punishes Americans who travel there - I expect it's just a stiff fine and something undesirable on your permanant record.

Anyway - I end up at the same point with the good doctor

I work for the government and hold a TS clearance. If I even thought about going there, well I may as well stay, because I'm sure it would be all over when I got back. I'm too old to flip burgers for money.

I've heard about some guys who have sailed there and paid their customs to not stamp the passport.

02-10-08, 04:25
Some one please remind me again, as a young single man, why I should bother to get married?


02-11-08, 01:54
Some one please remind me again, as a young single man, why I should bother to get married?

To have children of whom you have legal paternal rights.

Chocha Monger
02-11-08, 02:43
To have children of whom you have legal paternal rights.
"America has the highest divorce rate, and the chance that an infant will grow up with both a mother and a father is slimmer than in any other country. But that does not seem to disturb the American woman, for out of all women of highly industrialized nations, she has the highest birth rate. No wonder; children are a guarantee of income. American fathers pay the highest alimonies, and since nonpayment can be punished by imprisonment, he pays promptly."
- Esther Vilar, Manipulated Man

Marriage doesn't guarantee legal paternal rights to children that a man sires, at least not here in the USA. Of course, the are laws on the books that should guarantee visitation rights and so on but they are rarely enforced against women. I knew a guy who went to court to contest an increase in his child support payments. One of his objections was the fact that his ex refused to comply with the court order granting him visitation rights. The judge blatantly told him that his only concern that day was money and that he would have pursue his grievance concerning visitation at another time.

All one ensures is the legal obligation to pay support for the children born into the marriage regardless of who fathered them. At least fathers of "illegitimate" are entitled to proof of paternity before being ordered to pay support for the children they supposedly fathered.

On the other hand marriage guarantees women hefty alimony payments in addition to child support for her economic hostages. Which is more traumatic to a child, being born a bastard or being held as a hostage in the aftermath of a bitter brutal divorce?

02-11-08, 21:55
If there is ever a more opportune time to leave the USA, now is the time. Its obvious even with the coming economic crisis that is going to hit, AWs will be AWs. The one reason we Americans have been welcome in many places around the world is because we have money, this might change soon, so its time to cash the chips and leave the casino.

02-11-08, 23:24
The one reason we Americans have been welcome in many places around the world is because we have money, this might change soon, so its time to cash the chips and leave the casino.
Or simply develop some skills beyond just having money. Take care of our bodies, learn languages, develop interpersonal skills and culture.

The pussy is everywhere and it is just waiting to get fucked.

The mirror is a good place to start your journey to pussy nirvana.

Rubber Nursey
02-12-08, 00:27
Or simply develop some skills beyond just having money. Take care of our bodies, learn languages, develop interpersonal skills and culture.
By jove...I think he's got it!
Elementary, my dear Watson.

02-12-08, 18:36
You can develop other skills but money has always been the thing people have associated with Americans worldwide. Even when we talk about a global economy, much of that has been developed on American models of business.

Rock Dog
02-13-08, 03:02
In a few more years, Castro and his brother will both be gone. Then the floodgates will swing wide open as American businesses (and pleasure-seekers) go swarming into Cuba.

Sounds like the answer to your prayers right? Doubt it. Once the laws of supply and demand kick in, the price of everything will rise until it's not a good deal anymore. The women would still be better looking though.

Even with economic tough times, there's always gonna be guys with money. And there will always be places where those guys can go to have the kind of fun they like to have.


02-13-08, 16:28
Costa Rica and DR are already wide open, I don't understand what would be special about Cuba.

Rock Dog
02-14-08, 00:41
For one thing, it's a lot closer to the US than anywhere else except maybe Mexico. And, for Americans, Cuba has been "the forbidden fruit" for as long as most of us can remember.

Factor out those 2 things and Cuba's not much different than any other Spanish speaking destination.


Tropical Joe
02-19-08, 01:53
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted in accordance with the Forum's SPAM policy prohibiting reports containing political commentary. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information. Thank You!

Wet Nose
02-19-08, 07:09
another woman who thinks she knows what's best for men....

kay s. hymowitz
child-man in the promised land

today’s single young men hang out in a hormonal limbo between adolescence and adulthood.
about half of american males aged 18 to 34 play video games--and do so for over two hours a day.
about half of american males aged 18 to 34 play video games—and do so for over two hours a day.

it’s 1965 and you’re a 26-year-old white guy. you have a factory job, or maybe you work for an insurance broker. either way, you’re married, probably have been for a few years now; you met your wife in high school, where she was in your sister’s class. you’ve already got one kid, with another on the way. for now, you’re renting an apartment in your parents’ two-family house, but you’re saving up for a three-bedroom ranch house in the next town. yup, you’re an adult!

now meet the twenty-first-century you, also 26. you’ve finished college and work in a cubicle in a large chicago financial-services firm. you live in an apartment with a few single guy friends. in your spare time, you play basketball with your buddies, download the latest indie songs from itunes, have some fun with the xbox 360, take a leisurely shower, massage some product into your hair and face—and then it’s off to bars and parties, where you meet, and often bed, girls of widely varied hues and sizes. they come from everywhere: california, tokyo, alaska, australia. wife? kids? house? are you kidding?

not so long ago, the average mid-twentysomething had achieved most of adulthood’s milestones—high school degree, financial independence, marriage, and children. these days, he lingers—happily—in a new hybrid state of semi-hormonal adolescence and responsible self-reliance. decades in unfolding, this limbo may not seem like news to many, but in fact it is to the early twenty-first century what adolescence was to the early twentieth: a momentous sociological development of profound economic and cultural import. some call this new period “emerging adulthood,” others “extended adolescence”; david brooks recently took a stab with the “odyssey years,” a “decade of wandering.”

but while we grapple with the name, it’s time to state what is now obvious to legions of frustrated young women: the limbo doesn’t bring out the best in young men. with women, you could argue that adulthood is in fact emergent. single women in their twenties and early thirties are joining an international new girl order, hyperachieving in both school and an increasingly female-friendly workplace, while packing leisure hours with shopping, traveling, and dining with friends [see “the new girl order,” autumn 2007]. single young males, or syms, by contrast, often seem to hang out in a playground of drinking, hooking up, playing halo 3, and, in many cases, underachieving. with them, adulthood looks as though it’s receding.

freud famously asked: “what do women want?” notice that he didn’t ask what men wanted—perhaps he thought that he’d figured that one out. but that’s a question that ad people, media execs, and cultural entrepreneurs have pondered a lot in recent years. they’re particularly interested in single young men, for two reasons: there are a lot more of them than before; and they tend to have some extra change. consider: in 1970, 69 percent of 25-year-old and 85 percent of 30-year-old white men were married; in 2000, only 33 percent and 58 percent were, respectively. and the percentage of young guys tying the knot is declining as you read this. census bureau data show that the median age of marriage among men rose from 26.8 in 2000 to 27.5 in 2006—a dramatic demographic shift for such a short time period.

that adds up to tens of millions more young men blissfully free of mortgages, wives, and child-care bills. historically, marketers have found this group an “elusive audience”—the phrase is permanently affixed to “men between 18 and 34” in adspeak—largely immune to the pleasures of magazines and television, as well as to shopping expeditions for the products advertised there. but by the mid-1990s, as sym ranks swelled, marketers began to get their number. one signal moment came in april 1997, when maxim, a popular british “lad magazine,” hit american shores. maxim strove to be the anti-playboy-and-esquire; bad-boy owner felix dennis sniffed at celebrity publishers with their tired formulas. instead, he later observed, the magazine’s creators adopted the “astonishing methodology of asking our readers what they wanted . . . and then supplying it.”

and what did those readers—male, unmarried, median age 26, median household income $60,000 or so—want? as the philosophers would say, duh. maxim plastered covers and features with pouty-lipped, tousled-haired pinups in lacy underwear and, in case that didn’t do the trick, block-lettered promises of sex! lust! naughty! and it worked. more than any men’s magazine before or since, maxim grabbed that elusive 18- to 34-year-old single-college-educated-guy market, and soon boasted about 2.5 million readers—more than gq, esquire, and men’s journal combined.

victoria’s secret cover art doesn’t fully explain the sym’s attraction to maxim. after all, plenty of down-market venues had the sort of bodacious covers bound to trigger the young male’s reptilian brain. no, what set maxim apart from other men’s mags was its voice. it was the sound of guys hanging around the animal house living room—where put-downs are high-fived; gadgets are cool; rock stars, sports heroes, and cyborg battles are awesome; jobs and joni mitchell suck; and babes are simply hot—or not. “are there any cool jobs related to beer?” a reader’s letter asks in a recent issue. answer: brand manager, beer tester, and brewmaster.

maxim asked the sym what he wanted and learned that he didn’t want to grow up. whatever else you might say about playboy or esquire, they tried to project the image of a cultured and au courant fellow; as hefner famously—and from today’s cultural vantage point, risibly—wrote in an early playboy, his ideal reader enjoyed “inviting a female acquaintance in for a quiet discussion of picasso, nietzsche, jazz, sex.” hearing this, the maxim dude would want to hurl. he’d like to forget that he ever went to school.

maxim happily obliges. the editors try to keep readers’ minds from wandering with articles like “confessions of a strip club bouncer.” but they rely heavily on picture-laden features promoting the latest skateboards, video games, camcorders, and other tech products, along with an occasional q-and-a with, say, kid rock—all with the bare minimum of print required to distinguish a magazine from a shopping catalog or pinup calendar. playboy’s philosophy may not have been aristotle, but it was an attempt, of sorts, to define the good life. the maxim reader prefers lists, which make up in brevity what they lose in thought: “ten greatest video game heroes of all time,” “the five unsexiest women alive,” “sixteen people who look like they absolutely reek,” and so on.

still, maxim is far from dumb, as its self-mockery proves. the maxim child-man prides himself on his lack of pretense, his unapologetic guyness. the magazine’s subtext seems to be: “we’re just a bunch of horny, insensitive guys—so what?” what else to make of an article entitled “how to make your girlfriend think her cat’s death was an accident”? “the only thing worse than a show about doctors is a show about sappy chick doctors we’re forced to watch or else our girlfriends won’t have sex with us,” the editors grumble about the popular (with women) grey’s anatomy.

the maxim child-man voice has gone mainstream, which may explain why the magazine’s sales were flat enough for dennis to sell it last summer. you’re that 26-year-old who wants sophomoric fun and macho action? now the culture has a groaning table of entertainment with your name on it. start with the many movies available in every guy-friendly genre: sci-fi flicks like transformers, action and crime movies like american gangster, comedies like superbad, and the seemingly endless line of films starring adam sandler, jim carrey, and the “frat pack,” as usa today dubbed the group of young male comedians that includes will ferrell, ben stiller, vince vaughn, owen and luke wilson, jack black, and steve carell.

with a talent for crude physical comedy, gleeful juvenility, and self-humiliation, the frat packers are the child-man counterparts to the more conventional leads, like george clooney and brad pitt, whom women and esquire editors love. in old school (2003), three guys in their thirties decide to start a college fraternity. frank the tank (the moniker refers to his capacity for alcohol), played by ferrell, flashes his saggy white derriere streaking through the college town; the scene is a child-man classic. in 2005’s the 40-year-old virgin, carell plays a middle-aged nerd with a large action-figure collection but no action. in one guy-favorite scene, a beautician painfully waxes carell’s hirsute chest; as carell pointed out later, this was a “guy thing, this sadistic nature that men have to see other men in non-life-threatening pain.”

even though the networks must be more restrained, television also has plenty of “stupid fun” (as maxim calls a regular feature), gross-out humor, and even low-level sadism for child-man viewers. this state of affairs is newer than you might think. apart from sports programming and the simpsons, which came along in the early 1990s, there wasn’t a lot to make young men pick up the remote. most prime-time television appealed to women and families, whose sensibilities were as alien to dudes as finger bowls.

today, the child-man can find entire networks devoted to his interests: spike tv runs wrestling matches, star trek reruns, and the high-tech detective drama csi; blackbelt tv broadcasts martial arts around the clock; sci-fi is everywhere. several years ago, the cartoon network spied the potential in the child-man market, too, and introduced adult swim, late-night programming with “adult” cartoons like family guy and futurama, a cult favorite co-created by matt groening of the simpsons fame. adult swim has cut into the male letterman and leno audience, luring gold-plated advertisers saab, apple, and taco bell; child-men, it should come as no surprise, eat lots of fast food.

one can also lay the success of cable giant comedy central at the child-man’s sneakered foot. in its early-nineties infancy, comedy central had old movie comedies, some stand-up acts, and few viewers. the next several years brought some buzz with shows like politically incorrect. but it was in 1997—the same year that maxim arrived in america—that the network struck gold with a cartoon series starring a group of foul-mouthed eight-year-old boys. with its cutting subversion of all that’s sacred and polite, south park was like a dog whistle that only syms could hear; the show became the highest-rated cable series in that age group.

in 1999, the network followed up with the man show, famous for its “juggies” (half-naked women with exceptionally large, well, juggies), interviews with porn stars, drinking songs, and a jingle that advised, “quit your job and light a fart / yank your favorite private part.” it was “like maxim for tv,” one network executive told media life. comedy central’s viewers, almost two-thirds of them male, have made both the daily show and the colbert report cultural touchstones and launched the careers of stars like bill maher, jimmy kimmel, dave chapelle, and, most notably, daily show anchor jon stewart—who has already hosted the academy awards and is set to do so again, a perfect symbol of the mainstreaming of the sym sensibility.

nothing attests more to the sym’s growing economic and cultural might than video games do. once upon a time, video games were for little boys and girls—well, mostly little boys—who loved their nintendos so much, the lament went, that they no longer played ball outside. those boys have grown up to become child-man gamers, turning a niche industry into a $12 billion powerhouse. men between the ages of 18 and 34 are now the biggest gamers; according to nielsen media, almost half—48.2 percent—of american males in that age bracket had used a console during the last quarter of 2006, and did so, on average, two hours and 43 minutes per day. (that’s 13 minutes longer than 12- to 17-year-olds, who evidently have more responsibilities than today’s twentysomethings.) gaming—online games, as well as news and information about games—often registers as the top category in monthly surveys of internet usage.

and the child-man’s home sweet media home is the internet, where no meddling censors or nervous advertisers deflect his desires. some sites, like mensnewsdaily.com, are edgy news providers. others, like askmen.com, which claims 5 million visitors a month, post articles like “how to score a green chick” in the best spirit of maxim-style self-parody. “how is an suv-driving, to-go-cup-using, walking environmental catastrophe like yourself supposed to hook up with them?” the article asks. answer: go to environmental meetings, yoga, or progressive bookstores (“but watch out for lesbians”).

other sites, like menarebetterthanwomen.com, tuckermax.com, thebestpageintheuniverse.com, and drunkasaurusrex.com, walk maxim’s goofiness and good-natured woman-teasing over the line into nastiness. the men hanging out on these sites take pride in being “badasses” and view the other half bitterly. a misogynist is a “man who hates women as much as women hate each other,” writes one poster at menarebetterthanwomen. another rails about “classic woman ‘trap’ questions— does this make me look fat? which one of my friends would you sleep with if you had to? do you really enjoy strip clubs?” the fifth amendment was created because its architects’ wives “drove them ape-shit asking questions that they’d be better off simply refusing to answer.”

that sound you hear is women not laughing. oh, some women get a kick out of child-men and their frat/fart jokes; about 20 percent of maxim readers are female, for instance, and presumably not all are doing research for the dating scene. but for many of the fairer sex, the child-man is either an irritating mystery or a source of heartbreak. in internet chat rooms, in advice columns, at female water-cooler confabs, and in the pages of chick lit, the words “immature” and “men” seem united in perpetuity. women complain about the “peter pan syndrome”—the phrase has been around since the early 1980s but it is resurgent—the “mr. not readys,” and the “mr. maybes.” sex and the city chronicled the frustrations of four thirtysomething women with immature, loutish, and uncommitted men for six popular seasons.

naturally, women wonder: how did this perverse creature come to be? the most prevalent theory comes from feminist-influenced academics and cultural critics, who view dude media as symptoms of backlash, a masculinity crisis. men feel threatened by female empowerment, these thinkers argue, and in their anxiety, they cling to outdated roles. the hyper-masculinity of maxim et al. doesn’t reflect any genuine male proclivities; rather, retrograde media “construct” it.

the fact that guys cheer on female heroines like buffy the vampire slayer as much as they do chuck norris tells against this theory somewhat. but there’s an ounce of truth to it. the men of the new media are in backlash mode, largely because they believe that feminists have stood in their way as media gatekeepers—that is, agents, editors, producers, and the like—who don’t understand or accept “men acting like men.” they gleefully stick their thumbs in the eyes of politically correct tsk-tskers. in one south park episode, the sexual harassment panda, a mascot who teaches schoolkids the evils of sexual harassment, is fired after his little talks provoke a flood of inane lawsuits. in maxim, readers can find articles like “how to cure a feminist,” one of whose recommendations is to “pretend you share her beliefs” by asking questions like, “has gloria steinem’s marriage hurt the feminist agenda?”

insofar as the new guy media reflect a backlash against feminism, they’re part of the much larger story of men’s long, uneasy relationship with bourgeois order. the sym with a taste for maxim or south park may not like gloria steinem, but neither does he care for anyone who tells him to behave—teachers, nutritionists, prohibitionists, vegetarians, librarians, church ladies, counselors, and moralists of all stripes. in fact, men have always sought out an ant****ial, even anarchic, edge in their popular culture. in a renowned essay, the critic barbara ehrenreich argued that the arrival of playboy in 1953 represented the beginning of a male rebellion against the conformity of mid-century family life and of middle-class virtues like duty and self-discipline. “all woman wants is security,” she quotes an early playboy article complaining. “and she is perfectly willing to crush man’s adventurous freedom-loving spirit to get it.” even the name of the magazine, ehrenreich observed, “defied the convention of hard-won maturity.”

ehrenreich was right about the seditious impulse behind playboy, but wrong about its novelty. male resistance to bourgeois domesticity had been going on since the bourgeoisie went domestic. in a man’s place, historian john tosh locates the rebellion’s roots in the early nineteenth century, when middle-class expectations for men began to shift away from the patriarchal aloofness of the bad old days. under the newer bourgeois regime, the home was to be a haven in a heartless world, in which affection and intimacy were guiding virtues. but in tosh’s telling, it didn’t take long before men vented frustrations with bourgeois domestication: they went looking for excitement and male camaraderie in empire building, in adventure novels by authors like robert louis stevenson, and in going to “the club.”

by the early twentieth century, the emerging mass market in the u.s. offered new outlets for the virile urges that sat awkwardly in the bourgeois parlor; hence titles like field and stream and man’s adventure, as well as steamier fare like escapade and caper. when television sets came on the market in the late 1940s, it was the airing of heavyweight fights and football games that led dad to make the big purchase; to this day, sports events—the battlefield made civilized—glue him to the barcalounger when he should be folding the laundry.

but this history suggests an uncomfortable fact about the new sym: he’s immature because he can be. we can argue endlessly about whether “masculinity” is natural or constructed—whether men are innately promiscuous, restless, and slobby, or socialized to be that way—but there’s no denying the lesson of today’s media marketplace: give young men a choice between serious drama on the one hand, and victoria’s secret models, battling cyborgs, exploding toilets, and the nfl on the other, and it’s the models, cyborgs, toilets, and football by a mile. for whatever reason, adolescence appears to be the young man’s default state, proving what anthropologists have discovered in cultures everywhere: it is marriage and children that turn boys into men. now that the sym can put off family into the hazily distant future, he can—and will—try to stay a child-man. yesterday’s paterfamilias or levittown dad may have sought to escape the duties of manhood through fantasies of adventures at sea, pinups, or sublimated war on the football field, but there was considerable social pressure for him to be a mensch. not only is no one asking that today’s twenty- or thirtysomething become a responsible husband and father—that is, grow up—but a freewheeling marketplace gives him everything that he needs to settle down in pig’s heaven indefinitely.

and that heaven can get pretty piggish. take tucker max, whose eponymous website is a great favorite among his peers. in a previous age, max would have been what was known as a “catch.” good-looking, ambitious, he graduated from the university of chicago and duke law. but in a universe where child-men can thrive, he has found it more to his liking—and remarkably easy—to pursue a different career path: professional “asshole.” max writes what he claims are “true stories about my nights out acting like an average twentysomething”—binge drinking (urbandictionary.com lists tucker max drunk, or tmd, as a synonym for “falling down drunk”), fighting, leaving vomit and fecal detritus for others to clean up, and, above all, hooking up with “random” girls galore—sorority sisters, vegas waitresses, dallas lap dancers, and junior leaguers who’re into erotic asphyxiation.

throughout his adventures, max—like a toddler stuck somewhere around the oedipal stage—remains fixated on his penis and his “dumps.” he is utterly without conscience—“female insecurity: it’s the gift that keeps on giving,” he writes about his efforts to undermine his prey’s self-esteem in order to seduce them more easily. think of max as the final spawn of an aging and chromosomally challenged hugh hefner, and his website and best-selling book, i hope they serve beer in hell, as evidence of a male culture in profound decline. playboy’s aspirations toward refinement still hinted at the call of the ego and a culture with limits on male restiveness; max, the child-man who answers to no one except his fellow “assholes,” is all id—and proud of it.

now, you could argue that the motley crew of maxim, comedy central, halo 3, and even the noxious tucker max aren’t much to worry about, and that extended adolescence is what the word implies: a temporary stage. most guys have lots of other things going on, and even those who spend too much time on tuckermax.com will eventually settle down. men know the difference between entertainment and real life. at any rate, like gravity, growing up happens; nature has rules.

that’s certainly a hope driving the sharpest of recent child-man entertainments, judd apatow’s hit movie knocked up. what sets knocked up apart from, say, old school, is that it invites the audience to enjoy the sym’s immaturity—his t-and-a obsessions, his slobby indolence—even while insisting on its feebleness. the potheaded 23-year-old ben stone accidentally impregnates alison, a gorgeous stranger he was lucky enough to score at a bar. he is clueless about what to do when she decides to have the baby, not because he’s a “badass”—actually, he has a big heart—but because he dwells among social retards. his roommates spend their time squabbling about who farted on whose pillow and when to launch their porn website. his father is useless, too: “i’ve been divorced three times,” he tells ben when his son asks for advice about his predicament. “why are you asking me?” in the end, though, ben understands that he needs to grow up. he gets a job and an apartment, and learns to love alison and the baby. this is a comedy, after all.

it is also a fairy tale for guys. you wouldn’t know how to become an adult even if you wanted to? maybe a beautiful princess will come along and show you. but the important question that apatow’s comedy deals with only obliquely is what extended living as a child-man does to a guy—and to the women he collides with along the way.

for the problem with child-men is that they’re not very promising husbands and fathers. they suffer from a proverbial “fear of commitment,” another way of saying that they can’t stand to think of themselves as permanently attached to one woman. sure, they have girlfriends; many are even willing to move in with them. but cohabiting can be just another peter pan delaying tactic. women tend to see cohabiting as a potential path to marriage; men view it as another place to hang out or, as barbara dafoe whitehead observes in why there are no good men left, a way to “get the benefits of a wife without shouldering the reciprocal obligations of a husband.”

even men who do marry don’t easily overcome child-manhood. neal pollack speaks for some of them in his 2007 memoir alternadad. pollack struggles with how to stay “hip”—smoking pot and going to rock concerts—once he becomes a father to elijah, “the new roommate,” as he calls him. pollack makes peace with fatherhood because he finds that he can introduce his toddler to the best alternative bands, and also because he has so many opportunities to exercise the child-man’s fascination with “[CodeWord116] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord116).” he is affectingly mad for his little boy. yet his efforts to turn his son into a hip little neal pollack—“my son and i were moshing! awesome!”—reflect the self-involvement of the child-man who resists others’ claims on him.

knocked up evokes a more destructive self-involvement in a subplot involving alison’s miserably married sister debbie and her husband, pete, the father of her two little girls. pete, who frequently disappears to play fantasy baseball, get high in las vegas, or just go to the movies on his own, chronically wields irony to distance himself from his family. “care more!” his wife yells at him. “you’re cool because you don’t give a shit.”

and that “coolness” points to what may be the deepest existential problem with the child-man—a tendency to avoid not just marriage but any deep attachments. this is british writer nick hornby’s central insight in his novel about a boy. the book’s antihero, will, is an sym whose life is as empty of passion as of responsibility. he has no self apart from pop-culture effluvia, a fact that the author symbolizes by having the jobless 36-year-old live off the residuals of a popular christmas song written by his late father. hornby shows how the media-saturated limbo of contemporary guyhood makes it easy to fill your days without actually doing anything. “sixty years ago, all the things will relied on to get him through the day simply didn’t exist,” hornby writes. “there was no daytime tv, there were no videos, there were no glossy magazines. . . . now, though, it was easy [to do nothing]. there was almost too much to do.”

will’s unemployment is part of a more general passionlessness. to pick up women, for instance, he pretends to have a son and joins a single-parent organization; the plight of the single mothers means nothing to him. for will, women are simply fleshy devices that dispense sex, and sex is just another form of entertainment, a “fantastic carnal alternative to drink, drugs, and a great night out, but nothing much more than that.”

as the title of his 2005 novel indecision suggests, benjamin kunkel also shows how apathy infects the new sym world. his hero, 28-year-old dwight wilmerding, suffers from “abulia”—chronic indecisiveness—so severe that he finds himself paralyzed by the thanksgiving choices of turkey, cranberry sauce, and dressing. his parents are divorced, his most recent girlfriend has faded away, and he has lost his job. like will, dwight is a quintessential slacker, unable to commit and unwilling to feel. the only woman he has loved is his sister, who explains the attraction: “i’m the one girl you actually got to know in the right way. it was gradual, it was inevitable.” like hornby, kunkel sees the easy availability of sex as a source of slacker apathy. in a world of serial relationships, syms “fail to sublimate their libidinal energies in the way that actually makes men attractive,” kunkel told a dismayed female interviewer in salon. with no one to challenge them to deeper connections, they swim across life’s surfaces.

the superficiality, indolence, and passionlessness evoked in hornby’s and kunkel’s novels haven’t triggered any kind of cultural transformation. kunkel’s book briefly made a few regional bestseller lists, and hornby sells well enough. but sales of “lad lit,” as some call books with sym heroes, can’t hold a candle to those of its chick-lit counterpart. the sym doesn’t read much, remember, and he certainly doesn’t read anything prescribing personal transformation. the child-man may be into self-mockery; self-reflection is something else entirely.

that’s too bad. men are “more unfinished as people,” kunkel has neatly observed. young men especially need a culture that can help them define worthy aspirations. adults don’t emerge. they’re made.

Wet Nose
02-19-08, 07:11
I like this response written by Victor..


I am a 37-year-old man. Ms. Hymowitz is right. Young men being happy and doing what they want (as the article admits)? Outrageous! Awful! Terrible! Immature! Intolerable!

Everybody knows that young men have to stop doing what they want and/or makes them happy and marry some woman. This way, even if they are not happy, a woman would be able to do what she wants and to be happy. And, as everybody knows, the happiness of a woman is far more important than that of a man. As everybody knows, men are the beasts of burden of this society. They are only mature when they give up their dreams to fulfill the dreams of a woman.

So maybe he doesn't want to marry and have kids (like the boys in this article) and he wants to live without stress. This is so awfully immature. To be a fully grown-up man, he must do the following:

1. He must slave himself working 10 hours a day, to support a wife and kids he didn't really want, to buy a house in the suburbs he doesn't really need, and a SUV his wife nags him to buy. He must have a huge debt to buy everything his wife wants.

2. He must bear with an ever-nagging, ever-whining woman who is always dissatisfied if she doesn't get everything her way.

3. He must resign himself when sex dries up after some years of marriage and affection and kindness are a distant memory.

4. He must not complain when his wife decides that she is bored and divorces him, and he is stripped of all their assets and loses their children (the children he didn't want before they were born, but now wants most in the world).

5. He must pay for years child support for children whom he barely sees. In certain states, he must pay alimony for a woman who does not perform anything in return.

Only if he does all of this is he A GROWN UP. Not collaborating in his own destruction makes a man very immature.

Wet Nose
02-19-08, 07:13
Another good response...


Sent by Charles Weigle on 01-28-2008:

I'm frustrated by Hymowitz's article. What she observes about modern men is mostly consistent with what I have observed, but she fails to offer any reasonable explanation for why it is happening, or any potential means to address it. Instead, the article degenerates into a shrill attack on the men themselves, as if somehow between 1970 and 2000 a new genetic breed of man appeared in America, one that is somehow incapable of growing up and is unworthy of American womanhood. Hymowitz attaches the epithet "child-man" to this new, inferior breed of man.

More thought needs to be given to the question of what happened in the last 40 years to bring about this situation. It might be useful to think about the things that have not changed. For one, marriage in this country has always been voluntary and based on mutual affection rather than parental pressure. People in the past did not get married because they were forced to, but because they wanted to, just as they do (or don't do) now. For another, men are still men, made of the same genetic material that their fathers and grandfathers were made of. As Hymowitz observes, boys generally become men as a result of getting married and having children, not the other way around. Even before the days of the "child-man," unmarried men were immature, restless, irresponsible. Why did they choose to become married men in the past? Why don't they choose to do so now?

It would seem that something has changed in the nature of marriage itself, and in the economic and social circumstances that surround the decision to get married. One problem is that risks of marriage for men have greatly increased, while the rewards have decreased. Two historical factors seem to underly this change: feminism and no-fault divorce.

Feminism has changed things not because "men are intimidated by strong women" (men always have been intimidated by women, strong and otherwise), but because it has changed the inherent trade-offs of marriage to put the husband at a disadvantage. Feminist doctrine requires wives to deny or devalue the husband's role as provider and protector of the household. This is a role that men are well-suited for and find satisfaction in. Instead, wives are told to look to their husband primarily for companionship and emotional support. This is something that men are less suited for and find less satisfying. Their failure to meet the standards of emotional availability required by their wives often leads to resentment on the part of the wives and frustration for the husband, who senses that his wife wants him to be a grown-up without being a man.

In addition, because it is no longer acceptable to talk about "women's work" or "men's work," the division of labor becomes a source of strife rather than an efficient use of resources. Every household chore must be the subject of litigation.

The ultimate risk for the husband is that his wife's resentment might lead to a divorce. In a situation where courts still favor wives in child custody situations, divorce for the husband can mean financial ruin and the loss of his children.

The question might better be asked, why would a young man want to get married now? Sex, apparently, is generally available. Companionship is also available, and buddies make far less emotional demands than wives do. Wives can no longer be expected to provide domestic comforts (e.g., good cooking) that men value but are generally not very good at providing for themselves. (Although I would suggest that most wives still do provide these comforts, but that feminism has taught them to do so with a sense of resentment).

The question might also be asked, why would a woman want to get married? She can make her own living. The police can protect her from the bad people. Life doesn't require that much heavy lifting anymore.

It seems that the only reason left to get married is to have children. This is not to be underestimated, since children give purpose in life, introduce new levels of love and affection, and still provide a degree of security in old age that cannot be provided by government programs or careful retirement savings. For men, though, there is the greater risk of losing those children through divorce.

The frustrating thing about Hymowitz's article is that she places all the blame for this situation on the "child-men." Women surely can't be completely innocent in this breakdown. After all, the feminist movement in the 60s and 70s was a change in the expectations of women. They demanded that men change to meet those new expectations, but it appears that the men did not change that much. They are still the same "pigs" that they were back then. Only now they don't have any reason to "grow up" by getting married, maybe not so much to gain from it and a lot to lose. Maybe, as it turns out, a man needs a wife like a fish needs a bicycle.

As Hymowitz points out in her book, marriage is fundamentally important to the health of our civilization. And a healthy marriage is fundamentally useful for the people who choose to enter into it. Still, many no longer choose to enter into it. Understanding why that happens will require something better than a sneering new epithet for unmarried young men.

02-20-08, 17:35
More videogames??!! Good.

Jelly Donut
02-21-08, 02:39
Another woman who thinks she knows what's best for men....

Kay S. Hymowitz
Child-Man in the Promised Land
That’s too bad. Men are “more unfinished as people,” Kunkel has neatly observed. Young men especially need a culture that can help them define worthy aspirations. Adults don’t emerge. They’re made.

This is one of those situations where you might actually be willing to listen to the girl, if you thought you had a chance to bang her.

All Western culture calls on men, first and foresaking all other things, to be true to themselves. I think that's distilled Shakespeare. The more you read in Western culture, the more you realize how unimportant women are considered in a man's progression through life.

Rock Dog
02-22-08, 02:47
That took awhile to read through the whole thing! But, I think I've got the essence of what this particular woman is saying.

Basically it's your standard female whining. Blah blah blah, I'm so unhappy, blah blah blah, it's all the guys' fault and the ONLY solution to the problem is for the guy to change his behavior TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE WOMAN.

I see this crap all the time. It's never the woman's fault (they're perfect... dontcha know?) It's always the guys fault and therefore, always up to the guy to somehow make things right.

I'm not at all surprised that a lot of men are choosing to remain in an extended adolescent state. After all, we live in a culture that glorifies youth and being young. We admire those who can maintain a youthful vibe even as they get older. Where's the motivation to grow up and "be responsible" when there are so many drawbacks in doing so.

To Kay Hymnowitz...... You hate "the man-child" ? Well you better get used to hating them, they're gonna be around for a loooong time.

Rock Dog

One Note Tony
02-22-08, 04:18
If there is ever a more opportune time to leave the USA, now is the time. Its obvious even with the coming economic crisis that is going to hit, AWs will be AWs. The one reason we Americans have been welcome in many places around the world is because we have money, this might change soon, so its time to cash the chips and leave the casino.I made the move and packed up and moved to Peru. Life here is much better than in the USA. People here are not obsessed with money here as in the USA. Yes there are problems here but here you can find your paradise. The economy in Peru is growing by 7% per year. The food is great and the women are fantastic. What more do you need?

02-22-08, 14:04
Cuba doesn't seem like much anyway, especially when you have Argentina and Brazil. But those places are a much longer plane ride.From what I understand is that Cuba has the most beautiful beaches and hotels in the caribbean and is a short plane ride from Miami.

02-25-08, 15:37
Speaking of Ms. Hymen in the time period she mentions most men getting married by 26, feminism as we know it did not exist, it began during those time periods, but much of the Western world at that time was a man's world. Today, it makes no sense to get married, women do not do a lot of the things they did in the times when most men got married in their 20s, like cook, clean, take care of kids, etc. Divorce laws in almost all Western countries screw over the husband applying automatic guilt for the breakup of the marriage to him, and award the woman with everything.

To some people video games are one of the greatest inventions ever, rather than making people more violent, it has probably saved many lives. Unlike TV and movies a lot of video games are very unpc like GTA and DOA games. A lot of these games are made in Japan and often feature Japanese stereotypes of white western women, overtly slutty and will sleep with anyone.

02-25-08, 23:05
Other rants by the same woman:

http://www.manhattan-institute.org/html/hymowitz. Htm

Hymowitz is typical of this feminist, a hypocritical and self-contradictory pseudo-intellectual. Daddy bought her some degrees, she learned how to string some psychobabble together to make herself sound knowledgeable, inserted the obligatory "man bad/woman victim" into the undertones of her articles, along with the unquestioned, sanctimonious assumption women are suddenly qualified by gender alone to rule the world.

Look at other articles by her, compare her view on Single Young Women with her rant on SYM's that was posted below by other contributor.

Its the same old story. Men are getting it now. THAT's what I see about younger generations of men. Good for them!

Look through the above link to Hymowitz's other articles, especially this one:


Good for the goose, not the gander. Same schizophrenic argument--as women, they should be naturally empowered under their new self-proclaimed order. If things don't go as planned under their guidance and direction, they didn't fail on their own terms--it was the patriarchy that repressed them, or they were the victim of some vast male conspiracy.

Somehow, women traveling the world, buying what they want, hanging out with girlfriends and enjoying their lives, that's empowering. But finding out their male counterparts are finding the pleasures of hanging out with the boys and banging horny chicks on booty calls, that's despicable. Don't these young guys know they're supposed to pander and cater to these young women, so these young women can one day despise them and fuck up their lives and access to their children in divorce court? Obviously, these young men are far too immature to understand the role that has been assigned to them!

I'm surprised she stuck with videogames in her SYM rant. If she picked up on the upward trend in pooning overseas, she would have given herself a spontaneous hysterectomy.

I love this shit. What I get, is we're going to go head to toe with feminism and have this shit out in the next several years. And they're going down this time. Not because I hate women, not because I want to subjugate, use, and abuse women. But because feminism was and is one of the most absurd social reform platforms ever thrust upon Western society.

SE Asia Joe
02-26-08, 05:06
Watched Power of 10 last night and here are a few statistics of American preferences (don't know how scientific these stats are - but....) for you guys to chew on:
- Percentage fo American women who prefers chocolate to sex - 41%
- Percentage of Americans who weighs themselves every day - 14%
- Percentage of American who thinks the USA is the greatest country in the world - 82%


SE Asia Joe

02-26-08, 16:56
No survey on the percent of American men who prefer playing video games to spending time with American women??

Jelly Donut
02-27-08, 01:16
Watched Power of 10 last night and here are a few statistics of American preferences (don't know how scientific these stats are - but....) for you guys to chew on:
- Percentage fo American women who prefers chocolate to sex - 41%
- Percentage of Americans who weighs themselves every day - 14%
- Percentage of American who thinks the USA is the greatest country in the world - 82%


SE Asia Joe

My guess is the 82 percent is actually pretty low compared to countries that are basically tribal like, say, just about every other country in the world.

The more interesting number would be the percentage of people in other countries who think the United States is the greatest country in the world.

02-27-08, 09:04
I like this response written by Victor..


I am a 37-year-old man. Ms. Hymowitz is right. Young men being happy and doing what they want (as the article admits)? Outrageous! Awful! Terrible! Immature! Intolerable!

Everybody knows that young men have to stop doing what they want and/or makes them happy and marry some woman. This way, even if they are not happy, a woman would be able to do what she wants and to be happy. And, as everybody knows, the happiness of a woman is far more important than that of a man. As everybody knows, men are the beasts of burden of this society. They are only mature when they give up their dreams to fulfill the dreams of a woman.

So maybe he doesn't want to marry and have kids (like the boys in this article) and he wants to live without stress. This is so awfully immature. To be a fully grown-up man, he must do the following:

1. He must slave himself working 10 hours a day, to support a wife and kids he didn't really want, to buy a house in the suburbs he doesn't really need, and a SUV his wife nags him to buy. He must have a huge debt to buy everything his wife wants.

2. He must bear with an ever-nagging, ever-whining woman who is always dissatisfied if she doesn't get everything her way.

3. He must resign himself when sex dries up after some years of marriage and affection and kindness are a distant memory.

4. He must not complain when his wife decides that she is bored and divorces him, and he is stripped of all their assets and loses their children (the children he didn't want before they were born, but now wants most in the world).

5. He must pay for years child support for children whom he barely sees. In certain states, he must pay alimony for a woman who does not perform anything in return.

Only if he does all of this is he A GROWN UP. Not collaborating in his own destruction makes a man very immature.

Your post just gave me a epiphany....

Bango Cheito
02-27-08, 10:15
Why do we even NEED the institution of marriage anymore anyways? What purpose does it REALLY serve? And couldn't we find a way to bring up children that doesnt ruin our OWN lives?

I'm all for tearing the whole fucking mess down and starting over with some better ideas. And I think it's insane that all these "feminist" authors are defending marriage, which is the one institution that has kept them down for so long! If you really want to look at it statistically marriage has caused WAY WAY more harm to women than prostitution EVER could!

I think the ancient Celts had it right. Marriage should be a 5 year contract that automatically EXPIRES if not renewed.

02-27-08, 20:13
And I think it's insane that all these "feminist" authors are defending marriage, which is the one institution that has kept them down for so long!

BC has a great point here. I remember in the 70's that feminist authors were disparaging marriage as being a male tool of oppression against women. The feminist movement felt so strongly that they forced the passage of laws that gave women more rights in marriage. That is how our draconian divorce laws developed.

Men's reaction has been to not get married as much as before. NOW, women are complaining about marriage again! This time that men are immature for waiting so long to get married, if at all.

I think the flip-flop discredits feminists quite a bit.

02-28-08, 01:24

also, don't forget friedan's original posture on alimony--that it was condescending to women, and that if women wanted to be equal, they had to do so on their own terms and their own ability.

well, then the 70's saw the advent of a large spike in divorces, and it didn't turn out to be so easy for women post-divorce. then the feminist movement silently changed its posture to being pro-alimony. nowadays, we've seen the growth of the victimization industry, as evidenced by vawa legislation, which is preposterously unconstitutional, yet has been tolerated through two rounds of legislation. this last round, they added imbra, which puts blocks in place for men in the u. s. interacting with women overseas with intent to marry, of all things! and the feminists harp on and on about how marriage to foreign-born women is dangerous for these women (because all american men are one small step away from wife-beating psychopaths) and subservience for these poor women, yet the numbers indicate that these marriages have much higher success than the rate of the us population at large, and much less rates of domestic violence. in fact, lesbian couples, of all the progressive alternatives the real hardcore feminists offer up as alternatives to hetero couples, have much higher rates of domestic violence complaints, and break-ups.

deconstruct feminism, its a terribly discriminatory movement. its very thinly veiled premise is that women are, by gender, morally and intellectually superior to men, but their ability to guide society to a new utopian state has been repressed by the onerous obligations to motherhood and a vast conspiracy of men to subjugate them. i don't know how a self-respecting woman can buy into the whole platform of filth this movement endorses. i'm not sure when this utopia is going to arrive, but something's dreadfully amiss--"every pregnancy a planned pregnancy? " well, why is it that 40% of american women abort a pregnancy at some point in their reproductive lifetime (hint, most are not due to [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) or coercion, as the propaganda implies, but rather, 90%+ are due to females not understanding the nature of sexual intercourse and fertility from a female perspective, as in, you fuck, you and your partner are fertile, there is always a chance you will conceive. the numbers indicate they are conceiving in numbers far higher than responsible use of birth control would indicate were possible).

and healthier relationships? well, the legal institution of marriage is in the shits for sure. the only real people who seem to be fighting for it are the gays and lesbians, and someone should really take of the silk gloves and give them a 'smakin'--there's more to heterosexual marriage than just socially recognizing your "love"--hetero couples can biologically create new human life.

freedom doesn't cut both ways with hardcore feminists. witness earlier post about the same author's hypocrisy when insulting and lambasting single young men's behavior, compared to her support for single young women acting in a similar, individualistic frame.

but the ones that disparage women the most? the feminists. the whole movement is nothing but reactive against the unique sexual realties of being female. being female, in my book, is a much more complicated sexual state than being born male. the feminist movement does women a unique disservice by lambasting the "feminine mystique" while not realizes there really is something uniquely different about the feminine state when compared to the male state, which is really the de facto standard for our western psychology and free will bias.

personally, if our sons "get it"--they work hard, move up quickly, save and invest their money wisely and aggressively when young instead of taking on onerous family obligations in their 20's that society doesn't reward and these fringe groups keep sniping away at, they hang out with long-term male friends, play videogames, work out, bang some beaver on "booty calls" at the local bars, and save up and take a couple overseas trips and find out what sensual and sexual women often await them overseas, they're going to bring about the death of feminism. and its about damn time. because feminism surprisingly loses its power when its not controlling and manipulating relationships of trust.

Jelly Donut
02-28-08, 03:03
From "The Engagement"

"I had a very interesting lunch with George Costanza today."


"We were talking about our lives, and we both kind of realized we're kids. We're not men."

"So then you asked yourselves, 'Isn't there something more to life?'"

"Yes, we did."

"Yeah, well let me clue you in on something... There isn't."

"There isn't?"

"Absolutely not. I mean, what are you thinking about, Jerry, marriage? Family? They're prisons! Man-made prisons. You're doing time. You get up in the morning, she's there. You go to sleep at night, she's there. It's like you gotta ask permission to use the bathroom. 'Is it alright if I use the bathroom now?!' And you can forget about watching TV while you're eating."

"I can?"

"Oh yeah. You know why? Because it's dinnertime, and you know what you do at dinner?"


"You talk about your day. 'How was your day today? Did you have a good day today or a bad day today? Well, what kind of day was it? Well, I don't know, how about you, how was your day?'"


"It's sad, Jerry. It's a sad state of affairs."

"I'm glad we had this talk."

"Oh, you have no idea."

Jelly Donut
02-28-08, 03:51
Cost of raising kids - before college....


02-28-08, 04:17
Marriage is pretty much an archaic institution in the USA as well as a number of other countries.

Bango Cheito
02-28-08, 06:16
The other hidden part of young men not wanting to settle down is that financially they CANT. For more and more people in this country the idea of actually owning real estate is becoming more and more far-fetched. And kids, friggin FORGET IT!

Hell these days, if you have kids you could be making $50k a year and STILL have to hit the food bank every so often here in NYC.

02-28-08, 15:56
The US Dollar is turning into a joke, that's why people might make more money but actually be living worse. New York is one of the most overpriced hellpits on the planet. Sydney where I now live is also fairly pricey but nothing like New York or London which are worse.

02-28-08, 21:29
Young guys need to have a cowboy attitude to succeed.

If they're going to NY, LA, SF, Chicago, or similar high-cost area, the reason to do so should be to fast-track their careers.

If you're willing to bust tail, you can get the job title and skills to make $50-$60k in a couple years.

Then, my advice? Either decide how far out you are from 6-figure potential, or go out and recreate your income in a middle-sized American city unless you have a clear, measurable path to making the kind of cheddar you need to stay and thrive in those areas.

You'll go nowhere making that kind of money in a major American city. A LOT of guys were playing all this b. S. Real estate stuff. But now that's a game of musical chairs, where there just aren't enough chairs left. That road to quick appreciation wealth gone, I think the major metros will start feeling another round of decline the next 5 years. Its cyclical.

But, take your skills and title, search out a position in a mid-sized city, you'll make enough money to start buying real estate. And if you source your new city right, you should be able to buy cash-flowing residential property, which is relatively easy and stable to hold long-term, and is something you won't really find in the major metro's.

Besides, a young guy has stiff competition in a dating market like LA. That's a hardcore game being run there. The same kind of guy could actually meet some sweet and nice gals in some Southern cities I'm thinking about, and have himself a good time, all the while budgeting to go overseas.

I don't know what to do about American citizens having enough kids for replacement population. Our loose borders are a big concern. Its one thing if we are welcoming people from other countries who have skills necessary to contribute to a complex society such as ours, but our biggest immigration growth is in relatively unskilled people who, if you do an economic analysis, cost much more than they add to the economy, at the chagrin of the liberal intelligentsia, who wants them a voting block. In addition, the whole issue of illegal immigration galls most middle Americans, and rightfully so. If people enter the country flaunting the laws of the land, and they are tolerated, what message does that send about the value and integrity of our society? We're just a cheap and easy ****, and that's a slap in the face to established American citizens.

Bango Cheito
02-29-08, 03:51
NY is definitely a special case because of the sky-high rents here, but I don't think ANYWHERE in the country is what it used to be economically, OR socially.

02-29-08, 15:47
NY and California are special cases because both areas are highly involved in international trade, they also have significant numbers of skilled immigrants compared to other parts of the country. The reality is that the US today is nothing like in years past, on the economic front you can thrive in a lot of other places, pluck and prosperity today are not exclusive to Americans anymore.

02-29-08, 18:21

Immigration has being going on for centuries, there is a natural flow of people moving from one parts to the another.

America would not have being America..if europeans have not moved from europe due to issues back there.

India have being accepting immigrants from 1000's of years, parsis, Jews, whom even europe discarded were accpeted in India and more recently, tibetens are being accepted, dalai lama and all tibetens monks headquerters are in India.

Now, all monks, persians and jews came emty handed, but still they were accepted, and even today, they follow there own customs and culture and the people & indian government does not interfere and slowly they have gelled into indian society.

It is totally heartless to say, if you do not posses any skills we don't want you..its America's time to face immigrants, cos its prosperous now..people with issues become immigrants most of the time....if they possess skils and can live in their homeland why would they come to America at first place.

The majority of first generation immigrants will not have skills, but In America as we have seen, surely the second, third generation Americans will be more skilled and contribute to the society like bill gates, obama, sergie brin and million others

Bango Cheito
02-29-08, 19:09
I think it's the opposite actually. Immigrants usually come with valuable skills and contribute to the greater society peacefully, although they are generally way underpaid for what they do. Their children on the other hand wind up exposed to American public schools among other things and not only wind up less skilled, they have a very high rate of criminality.

Jelly Donut
03-01-08, 02:32

Immigration has being going on for centuries, there is a natural flow of people moving from one parts to the another.

All true and well and nice, but the United States is an almost singular case in that the rule of law is at the core of being an American. Without the Constitution, without law, an "American" is a hard thing to define. In contrast, a person from China or France or Russia does not need to reach very far to know who they are if the government falls apart and the law breaks down. When people arrive in the US skipping ahead of the law, it's fundamentally at odds with the principles that hold the country together.

As for being heartless, it's a shame there's a lack of resources in the world; in a sense it's heartless that the time and money spent in a mildly pointless discussion in cyberspace can not be effectively used to help people in Darfur. But that's the way it is. We apparently would rather use these resources to employ a bunch of network engineers and programmers and designers and other highly skilled professionals to sustain the information infrastructure than just send that money to some worthy and unfortunate person in Africa.

It's not clear to me that it's "heartless" for an American parent to want to see their tax dollars go to funding a quality education for thier own kids. The American parent has enough problems and is under enough pressures, moving a bunch of people into a school district who are not paying much in the way of taxes and have plenty of kids - that's got it's own heartless edge to it.

Certainly, you must have dealt with these kinds of issues in your own life? You've had to deal with wanting to do something desirable and good and not had the time and money to make it happen, right? It works the same way in national life.

03-01-08, 18:23

I actually realize immigration is a necessary route to obtaining enough people on a replacement basis to have our country function properly.

I don't believe we should tolerate illegal immigration. As JellyD points out, we have very little in the US besides a belief in core constitutional principles and Rule of Law, both of which are under surprising attack nowadays.

Immigration into the US is difficult is you take legal channels. Its arduous and long, and often separates families for years.

Then you have classes of people that flaunt immigration laws entirely, and come as they please from a perspective of the law.

That I can not support. It galls me and many like me that both parties cater to this faction, because they both realize politically the need to swing those votes in this and future generations.

In a complex, vertically scaled society such as ours, we should welcome immigration. We have to, because in the wake of feminist reform, domestic families are not replacing themselves, or creating enough young people to fill future generations.

But don't we have a responsibility, if this is the land of opportunity, to keep it that way?

We should be welcoming people who have skills that are needed by our country, not tolerating people who are coming her for their own selfish reasons and flaunting the laws and working for individuals within our country that are flaunting the laws to employ them.

Unskilled labor is critical to agriculture, esp. In the SW. Fine, institute and enforce a guest labor policy.

The problem in the U. S. Is that rule of law must start at the bottom and flow all the way down, covering all.

Immigration is a necessary component of the future of this country. I accept that from a pragmatic point of view. BUT, unmanaged immigration has disastrous consequences.

I've seen the liberal left make argument after argument that illegal hispanic immigration is good for the Southwest US. Acceptable economic analysis paints a very different picture, with the net cost to society being in the billions.

In the last few decades, people have been fed never-ending propaganda of how the U. S. Must leave and solve all the world's problems. You don't have to be very well-versed in economics or financial matters to understand what a mess we've made out of our domestic situation. And look at the squabbling over all this reform law, specifically since it targets mongering and related issues of being a hetero male. VAWA, VAWA II, IMBRA, now this HR 3887, if it passes. Increased shaming of men for consensual prostitution busts on a local level. All unconstitutional in my book, all very reactive social policies.

My point is, the US needs to regain some sense of responsibility to our own domestic situation first and foremost.

03-01-08, 20:15
All true and well and nice, but the United States is an almost singular case in that the rule of law is at the core of being an American. Without the Constitution, without law, an "American" is a hard thing to define. In contrast, a person from China or France or Russia does not need to reach very far to know who they are if the government falls apart and the law breaks down. When people arrive in the US skipping ahead of the law, it's fundamentally at odds with the principles that hold the country together.

As for being heartless, it's a shame there's a lack of resources in the world; in a sense it's heartless that the time and money spent in a mildly pointless discussion in cyberspace can not be effectively used to help people in Darfur. But that's the way it is. We apparently would rather use these resources to employ a bunch of network engineers and programmers and designers and other highly skilled professionals to sustain the information infrastructure than just send that money to some worthy and unfortunate person in Africa.

It's not clear to me that it's "heartless" for an American parent to want to see their tax dollars go to funding a quality education for thier own kids. The American parent has enough problems and is under enough pressures, moving a bunch of people into a school district who are not paying much in the way of taxes and have plenty of kids - that's got it's own heartless edge to it.

Certainly, you must have dealt with these kinds of issues in your own life? You've had to deal with wanting to do something desirable and good and not had the time and money to make it happen, right? It works the same way in national life.

Well Said...However, personally i had more issues with women kind than immigrants :)

Three I
03-02-08, 03:00

Immigration has being going on for centuries, there is a natural flow of people moving from one parts to the another.

America would not have being America..if europeans have not moved from europe due to issues back there.

India have being accepting immigrants from 1000's of years, parsis, Jews, whom even europe discarded were accpeted in India and more recently, tibetens are being accepted, dalai lama and all tibetens monks headquerters are in India.

Now, all monks, persians and jews came emty handed, but still they were accepted, and even today, they follow there own customs and culture and the people & indian government does not interfere and slowly they have gelled into indian society.

It is totally heartless to say, if you do not posses any skills we don't want you..its America's time to face immigrants, cos its prosperous now..people with issues become immigrants most of the time....if they possess skils and can live in their homeland why would they come to America at first place.

The majority of first generation immigrants will not have skills, but In America as we have seen, surely the second, third generation Americans will be more skilled and contribute to the society like bill gates, obama, sergie brin and million others

Dude you are dreaming American is becoming a total shithole the Ellis Inland days are over.

Three I
03-02-08, 03:02
I think it's the opposite actually. Immigrants usually come with valuable skills and contribute to the greater society peacefully, although they are generally way underpaid for what they do. Their children on the other hand wind up exposed to American public schools among other things and not only wind up less skilled, they have a very high rate of criminality.

Dude what U.N. Charter are you reading next you will call for One World Government. We are losing jobs here in the State and bringing poor immigrates here. For what? For what Jobs? Get a life read a book. look around you and stop listening to these fool on T.V.

Jelly Donut
03-02-08, 05:51

And look at the squabbling over all this reform law, specifically since it targets mongering and related issues of being a hetero male. VAWA, VAWA II, IMBRA, now this HR 3887, if it passes. Increased shaming of men for consensual prostitution busts on a local level. All unconstitutional in my book, all very reactive social policies.

Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA)
The Violence Against Women Act of 2000 (VAWA II)
The International Marriage Brokers Regulation Act (IMBRA)
Child Soldier Prevention Act of 2007 (HR 3887)

Some guys might wonder if this relatively recent string of legislation really impacts them. There's a great essay by Edward Levi "an introduction to legal reasoning" where he discusses the Mann Act (aka the White Slave Traffic Act) which passed through Congress in 1910. He talks about the original arguments which were used move the act through Congress. There was a lot of concern about women being imported into the United States at the time for the purpose of prostitution.

The interesting thing in Levi's discussion is the variety of cases that came to court under the Mann Act and the way various courts added to the law, defining law that went beyond the original arguments used to move the legislation through Congress. The courts needed to address questions like, say, what if the woman (victim) is self-trafficking? What if you run a brothel and take your employees on a vacation across state lines? Ambiguity within the Act created an opening for years of legal activity. The cases that came before the courts certainly covered territory that was never considered when Congress passed the Act.

IMBRA ought to be renamed the "Immigration Lawyer and Bureaucrat Employment Act of 2006" or the "American Pussy Protection Act" or the "Additional Barriers to Marriage Act". Still, it does not seem likely courts are going to overturn it, since it seems grounded in Article I, Section 8. Commercial regulation across borders. The fact that the consititution does not cover marriage is getting some attention these days. I guess you could counter the federal government was never intended to regulate marriage in any way.

Anyway, I'm not a lawyer, if I were to get married, based on my situation, I'd consider moving to the bride's country and marrying there since the United States has a culture where contention and law play such a dominate role in most relationships.

Bango Cheito
03-02-08, 13:50
Dude what U.N. Charter are you reading next you will call for One World Government. We are losing jobs here in the State and bringing poor immigrates here. For what? For what Jobs? Get a life read a book. look around you and stop listening to these fool on T.V.

Tsk tsk. Listen my little green friend, first I don't OWN a TV, haven't for four years. Secondly. I AM A FUCKING IMMIGRANT. Put that one in your pipe and smoke it. This country couldn't even keep its own lights on without the help of immigrants.

And I suggest some remedial education to help counteract that "quality" American education your ass got. Then people won't have to read your posts multiple times to get over the spelling and grammar errors in a TWO SENTENCE POST!

What I'm saying is anybody who thinks IMMIGRATION is what's ruining this country is an IDIOT who WATCHES TOO MUCH TV!

Jelly Donut
03-02-08, 22:08
And by the way I am not a religious nut.

Well, I'm curious why you take the time to say you are not a "religious nut". Does this mean you understand what you are saying is considered nutty?

Your ideas are not new. For instance -

"I WILL continue the consideration of some of the points in our political system, of which the foreign conspirators take advantage in their attacks on our liberties. We have seen that from the nature of the case the emigrant Catholics generally are shamefully illiterate, and without opinions of their own. They are and must be under the direction of their priests." - Samual Morse, 1835. "Foreign Conspiracy Against the Liberties of the United States"

If this 'conspiracy' is still a running venture, I give it damn poor marks. 180 years and all the Catholics the Pope has apparently been throwing at the Republic keep getting educated and turning into productive members of American society. The United States has thrived and prospered like no other nation in history over those 180 years.

It's very difficult to see you as "not a religious nut" - can you explain what you mean by that? It seems like you understand that what you are saying is the sort of thing people expect to hear from a religious nut. How are you different?

03-03-08, 18:33
The US is going into a decline phase, every great power has entered into a decline. This is nothing new. I really don't think the US is looking the same these days. Of course the US has thrived and prospered like no one else for the past 200 years but note the word "past", I am not sure about the future, it looks more like Asia's century for wealth than anyone else's.

DJ FourMoney
03-05-08, 08:56
The US is going into a decline phase, every great power has entered into a decline. This is nothing new. I really don't think the US is looking the same these days. Of course the US has thrived and prospered like no one else for the past 200 years but note the word "past", I am not sure about the future, it looks more like Asia's century for wealth than anyone else's.

Actually CBGB you have good reason for gloom and doom, however I think a few us understands how the government works and how they try and take advantage of the uneducated as they don't know any better. Just think of the people that still hope Obama isn't Muslim like that somehow has an effect on things anyway.

Its how our government has taught dumbies that Muslims are bad in any form.

Being a Christian is good, LOL, they can't be serious!

Its this stupid religious "under-current" in our social system that throws everything off and you can't have an intelligent conversation 90% cause they just don't get it.

The key is our education system; it needs to be rebuilt and we have to be more vigilant about who we put in office and who they are connected too.

It can be done, we can undo the damage of the last 25-30 years of conservative rule, after all Teddy's "Square Deal" and FDR's " New Deal" moved this country in a progressive direction unforeseen in any industrialized nation.

While traditional colonial powers where busy rebuilding themselves from WW2, we prospered positively and jumped ahead of them all! We can do it again, we can no longer afford to be asleep at the wheel and until America starts looking like Beirut in the 80's or the Gaza Strip currently, why are people so CONCERNED with being attacked again?????

Notice you have not heard anything about the terror alert system lately? Its because we aren't listening!

What all this has to do about American Women, I have no idea - :D

03-05-08, 14:54

I agree with concern over the conservative fundamentalists. I don't begrudge them the right to live as they choose, but I don't like their effect on other people's lives, or on policy. If they want to suck people into their reality, they'd better offer compelling reasons to follow their doctrines and ways of life.

The Republicans party has done an incredible disservice to any concept of conservatism the past 40 years. I refuse to use the term Rebublican and conservative in conjunction. The biggest, most wasteful spenders are the Republicans, not the Democrats. That I'll agree with any day of the week.

At the same time, I have an axe to grind with most liberals as well. Remember, the Republicans will court the illegal immigrants and feminists, but the radical Left will outright empower them. The Left will kick the male breadwinner out of his own house, then encourage sueing him for continued support of a household he's no longer a member, take away his kids, possibly jail him if he says anything to the contrary, jail him if he can't keep up with his support payments and legal bills (even if they're unrealistic), and give the female run of the land, presumption of legal proof to anything and everything she says or claims. Lovely.

Liberals love losers. They know their votes count just as well as anybody else's.

Liberals really court feminism. And I have no issue at all with the egalitarian principles of feminism when it comes to the workplace. But look at the legacy of feminism and what it has done to sustained, adult relationships in this country. Its utter bullshit. Abortion on Demand. Divorce on Demand. Its a whole platform of women do whatever they want, act upon any impulse they may have, and then use whatever means necessary to reverse what they have done, and bury it in propaganda which falsely excuses such behavior as "female empowerment. " A very reactive movement that hides behind well-crafted propaganda and plays on the Achilles heel of the masculine impulse to protect women, and warps that beyond all belief. Honestly, if there were not that amazingly powerful sexual power that forms our very being at play in male/female dynamics, women would be at an incredible disadvantage in our society, instead of now where they're at--which is they are the majority of the population by gender, and also, when all the smoke clears, actually control 60%+ of the wealth of this country. Hardly a minority, hardly a disadvantaged class by gender. Yet the bullshit continues.

But I ranted a little too much on the Liberal front. Really, both sides are rotten nowadays, in their own unique ways. Way I see it, Republicans are the biggest wasters, continuing to spend us into oblivion, continued monies into the MIC when the military challenges we primarily face nowadays have moved far away from conventional warfare. And these conservatives hide behind their ideologies when it comes to reforming our social systems, which are a real necessity in a post-agrarian economy such as ours.

And Liberals? They keep loving on their own special interests. Where's our universal health care? Nope--instead, we have disproportionate socialized health care for some, and others left out in the cold because they don't fit the Left's definition of misery needed to qualify. Instead of one primary organizational structure efficiently overseeing health care for all, we have numerous bureaucracies all managing their own little fiefdoms in god-awful, inefficient ways, often in contradiction with one another.

03-05-08, 15:04
The key is our education system; it needs to be rebuilt ...

You hit the nail SQUARELY on the head with that one, DJ!!!!

I used to work in education. Budget deficits and for-profit schools are dragging down standards. Everyone wants to provide education on the cheap. It can't be done if you are serious about educating and training a world class labor force and making an intelligent electorate. On the other side of the coin, students and their parents want ALL "A" grades in ALL their coures. That is a pipe dream. For grades to have any meaningful sense some students have to get B's and others C's, D's and F's. Otherwise it is just a fancy pass/fail system, where if you pass you get "A" and if you fail yoiu get some other lower grade.

The educational system for the majority of Americans is already done the tubes, through the looking glass, and into Wonderland. The ultra wealthy elite are taught in private schools where the debates about replacing evolution with "intelligent design" as the foundation of biology are rightly considered nonsense.

03-05-08, 18:25
What does America going downhill have to do with American Women? For one, the increasingly shitty exchange rates are making it harder to travel or move overseas, some people who have pensions are getting screwed over because their money is becoming worth a lot less. A lot of countries in Eastern Europe, my favorite place to monger, are eventually going to use the Euro, I heard a few analysts saying that 1EUR=3-4US Dollars over the next ten years. The Dollar is also falling against a heap of other currencies like the Yen, Brazilian Real(another pussy paradise), etc. Another reason why its easy to hook up with foreign women is because of the perception of Americans, which is frankly going rapidly downhill. I have noticed a big difference in how people react to Americans in past years and I live overseas. I live in Australia, when I came to the country in 2000, the perception of Americans was very favorable, I saw that it gradually went downhill, a few Australian women I met told me they went to the USA recently and had a horrible experience, did not find it to be fun at all, a few years before I would never hear those kinds of remarks. I even asked a German woman what most people there thought of Americans and it has went downhill there, they are also getting very cocky because the Euro is trashing the Dollar left and right.

Jelly Donut
03-06-08, 04:10
An interesting book review on marriage in America


Bango Cheito
03-06-08, 08:01
Wow, what a steaming load of horseshit.

Studies in fact show that kids do NOT need their biological parents as much as they need adult attention and guidance, PERIOD.

03-06-08, 21:14
The one question that is nagging me all night is....If America is the most powerfull nation on earth..or it was or it still is and if it is the land of the brave and of unlimited oppourtunity. The best and the most prosperous country ever

Then what i fail to understand and i think all of Phds and scientist combined will never be able to answer is ..Why haven't America produced a greater force to mankind like Jesus Christ, Buddha or Mother Terasa like figure in all of its glory.

The nation poorer and worse than America..have produced gems whom the whole world revere..

All right America have gates, jorden, micheal et all..still..people won't remember any great american 100 years from now...the force of Jesus and budha are still alive 1000's of years.

Im not anti-american, but these lofty talk by politicain etc in every speach is dragging away from the real cause of problems in America

03-06-08, 21:42
America is all about profits....not prophets.

J Europe
03-06-08, 22:48
American woman have shot themselves in the with this feminist movement crap and it is all about me.

The vast majority of American women are depressed, over weight, looking to find a supporter.

Just the other day coming out of the movies i heard a women yell half way across the parking lot that she was going to kick some guy's ass! She runs across the parking lot and gets into this guy's face and screams at him again that she was going to kick his ass and of course being the pussy's that American men have turn into he did nothing.

Now i am not activating hitting women by any stretch of the imagination and quite frankly it does not take much of a man to do so HOWEVER if you want to act like a man then i will treat you as one.

American women act the way they do because we as men( and social forces) have allowed women to just go off the deep end.

03-06-08, 22:53
Hello, Ezinho here currently reporting from South America.

Just out of curiosity, since this is the American Women thread, has anyone here actually had sex with an AW recently? Or even just gone out on a date with one? I'm coming back to Sex Prison soon and I'd be interested to hear about any stories anyone has regarding dating or banging AWs. I wonder if I've missed out on anything.

03-07-08, 00:29
Then what i fail to understand and i think all of Phds and scientist combined will never be able to answer is ..Why haven't America produced a greater force to mankind like Jesus Christ, Buddha or Mother Terasa like figure in all of its glory.

In belated honour of Black History Month, which just ended last week, I nominate the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as an example of a non-materialistic force for humankind that the USA has produced.

03-07-08, 00:39
Economic reports on housing foreclosures suggest that women are getting disproportionately hurt by this housing crisis.

Does anyone think their attitudes will change? That AWs will start to look at men as full partners who are essential to a healthy household and give up the "I don't need a man." (cause fish don't need bicycles) attitude?

03-07-08, 00:40
Okay, I'll go along with that. I second the nomination.

DJ FourMoney
03-07-08, 01:14
America is all about profits....not prophets.

This is the Gilded Age all over again...

03-07-08, 17:02
America has been all about making money $$$$ and worldly accomplishment, not making a new Christ, although religion is a powerful force in the USA. Consider the election, Obama lost some votes because people did not think he was Christian, then again Barack Hussein Obama doesn't sound very Christian.
Still lets face it, the Euro is smacking the US Dollar around, people now use the phrase the "Humble Dollar" and Might Euro these days.

03-07-08, 20:14
Bang Cheito,

Agree, what children really need is adults who are actively involved in their lives and are invested in guiding them into adulthood. 100% agreed.

Does it have to be their biological parents? Not necessarily.

I know you mean well with you comment, but for the masses of people, let me ask you this--who do you think is most willing to take care of and raise these children? Think about it--what would you have to pay adults to raise children with the same level of care for 18 years? In addition, the state would have to pay for the child's needs, instead of the parents doing so with after-tax dollars. To get a child from cradle to high school graduation, you'd be looking at six-figures to accomplish the same thing millions of loving parents accomplish.

Yup. Their biological parents are the first choice. Now certainly not always, we all know the horror stories. I won't discount that. But in social policy, nothing is fullproof. In large majority, though, the kids are better off with an involved mommy and daddy, and extended biological family.

The whole "biological parents is unnecessary to raising children" is often used by the feminist regime to discount keeping daddy in the picture. Of course, they used to believe that alimony was unnecessary, until they figured out the State had no means to make up the difference for losing one parent's income. So, in cases where the woman has learned she is the victim and entitled, they'll take daddy's money, but frame the rearing of the children squarely around the mother, all other things considered.

I certainly don't discount that women have a much higher personal investment in each side. An individual man could conceivably have thousands of children. Obviously, this is a fact of nature.

But a lot of guys marry with good intentions of raising a family. And something is wrong when these guys are exposed to much more damage when a divorce occurs. In my opinion, if you think about it, an unmarried woman would be more entitled to sue the man who impregnated her than suing her husband, in general cases. The husband has committed to the woman, and provided emotional and financial support. Why disproportionately punish him if things fall apart? If he just knocked her up and that was it, he'd only be up for child support payments. There are just real major, fundamental problems with feminist policy. Its reactive and cancerous to the common good.

Hymowitz is a hypocritical idiot. Read my earlier back-to-back comparison of articles that show she has separate agendas for single young females versus single young men.

BG, my point is, we should encourage biological parents to take care of their own children. The State has no scope or realistic means to supplement the loss of a good biological parent. Yes, children can be raised by others, and that is all part of the feminist "it takes a village to raise a child, " but let's not kid ourselves. State-sponsored programs to assist in rearing children SUCK in comparison to a good family environment.

Capt Ajax
03-07-08, 21:12
Economic reports on housing foreclosures suggest that women are getting disproportionately hurt by this housing crisis.

Does anyone think their attitudes will change?

Won't happen, instead you'll have a lot more AW joining the p4p ranks.

03-07-08, 22:42
Won't happen, instead you'll have a lot more AW joining the p4p ranks.

And who will their customers be?????? Us????

I think supply will rise but demand will fall. Do you think these new P4P players would adjust their prices downward to accomodate economic reality?

03-07-08, 23:44
No way, prices will always be higher in the US than in most places in the world, especially Europe.

DJ FourMoney
03-08-08, 01:10
Won't happen, instead you'll have a lot more AW joining the p4p ranks.


There is about as many AW willing to join the P4P trade as there is Christan Reich will have an actually effect on the Presidental race.


They are taking the Euro now in New York, no shock there. To the rich pigs at the top they don't care which form is comes in, its still CASH.

For the rest of us, with record cut-backs and job losses mounting there will be less money for everything and that includes the futle dating of AW which demand far more investment than warranted.

But for US budget travelers (myself included) that are not traveling abroad for work, we are faced with the serious issue of getting laid. If it wasn't happening for "free" before in the US, it will be even harder when you can't pay for the 3-4 dates needed in order to get into their pants.

Mongering in the US is not an option and I feel because of the proximity South America and Canada will be new destinations for those searching for a bargin.

However I do feel that Europeans will start discounting hotel and airline rates. I know BMW has already cut back production of their new 1 series entry level car, so I know Europeans are interested in still making a profit from Americans.

Chinese are traveling with there new found wealth, however don't we go to China for P4P??? (At least some of us do) so they are not going to say Germany for this reason and I don't think you'll see the amount of Chinese tourist jump up because only a few are making all the money, not the factory workers making Hot Wheels and LCD TV's...

Bango Cheito
03-08-08, 08:50
I certainly am not saying that the state should be in charge of raising children. I'm just saying it doesn't HAVE to be the biological parents INCLUDING THE MOTHER.

DJ FourMoney
03-08-08, 09:45
I certainly am not saying that the state should be in charge of raising children. I'm just saying it doesn't HAVE to be the biological parents INCLUDING THE MOTHER.

Of course it doesn't, it used to take a village to raise a child, biological was prefered but not required.

03-08-08, 10:44
DJ, BC CBGB and to the rest of the motley crew on this thread keep up the good work. I learn something from you guys everyday.

03-08-08, 18:55
Some of the more Christian European countries have the most active sex trades. Germany for example, a Catholic group helped to build a drive through brothel, really. Israel is supposed to have one of the biggest sex industries in the world, the country that is the birthplace of three religions!!!

03-08-08, 20:33
The one question that is nagging me all night is....If America is the most powerfull nation on earth..or it was or it still is and if it is the land of the brave and of unlimited oppourtunity. The best and the most prosperous country ever

Then what i fail to understand and i think all of Phds and scientist combined will never be able to answer is ..Why haven't America produced a greater force to mankind like Jesus Christ, Buddha or Mother Terasa like figure in all of its glory.

The nation poorer and worse than America..have produced gems whom the whole world revere..

All right America have gates, jorden, micheal et all..still..people won't remember any great american 100 years from now...the force of Jesus and budha are still alive 1000's of years.

Im not anti-american, but these lofty talk by politicain etc in every speach is dragging away from the real cause of problems in America

The answer is in your question. All these humans (mostly men) like Jesus, Buddha or Gandhi are born out of severe social crisis and unrest. America, a very young country, so far did not have the need for one because of the genius forefathers, the blessed resources and collective industry......may be in the future, the world's next Gandhi will come from America.

03-08-08, 22:46
Did anyone else see the news article today about a woman in New Jersey, a lawyer by profession, who is suing 6 Altantic City casinos for $20 M?

She lost over $1,000,000 over the past 5 years gambling. She owes the IRS $58,000. She embezzled money from her clients, and was disbarred for it. She blames the casinos. Her claim is that the casinos "had a duty of care to me." When the dealers saw her gambling for 3 or 4 days STRAIGHT, without eating or sleeping, they should have made her stop and barred her from gambling any more.

I suppose I shouldn't be, but I am still surprised at the sheer gall of shirking one's personal responsibilities and blaming others for personal faults.

I wonder if we will ever see a man sue a prostitute for letting him have too much sex with her.

03-09-08, 21:04
Did anyone else see the news article today about a woman in New Jersey, a lawyer by profession, who is suing 6 Altantic City casinos for $20 M?

She lost over $1,000,000 over the past 5 years gambling. She owes the IRS $58,000. She embezzled money from her clients, and was disbarred for it. She blames the casinos. Her claim is that the casinos "had a duty of care to me." When the dealers saw her gambling for 3 or 4 days STRAIGHT, without eating or sleeping, they should have made her stop and barred her from gambling any more.

I suppose I shouldn't be, but I am still surprised at the sheer gall of shirking one's personal responsibilities and blaming others for personal faults.

I wonder if we will ever see a man sue a prostitute for letting him have too much sex with her.

Imagine if she was getting a divorce and the sh*t she would throw out at the spouse.

If the casinos tried to stop her... imagine the type of stupid lawsuits that she will file against them.

DJ FourMoney
03-10-08, 05:30
DJ, BC CBGB and to the rest of the motley crew on this thread keep up the good work. I learn something from you guys everyday.

Unfortunately, the REAL news is located on the back pages of the newspaper;

About your only source for print media that hasn't be totally computed.

Your media is owned by 6 massive corporations, you think the message is controlled a bit?

The religious under current I mentioned keeps Prostitution illegal here (save for Nevada and no where near modern day Las Vegas) while PORN isn't, hmmm

(Guys I am trying really hard to tie this into the thread discussion..., at least I hope to be more successful than Bush trying to link 9/11 to Saddam)

You can only "LEARN" by living and READING the information, if you HAVE to watch it find Link TV or Democracy Now...

Otherwise, stay tuned to this thread for news and topical information cause I, don't think anybody can remember the last time we fucked an American women and enjoyed it....

DJ FourMoney
03-10-08, 05:35
Some of the more Christian European countries have the most active sex trades. Germany for example, a Catholic group helped to build a drive through brothel, really. Israel is supposed to have one of the biggest sex industries in the world, the country that is the birthplace of three religions!!!

Shiet I heard on Bill Press, that the US has the lowest frequency of sex at less than twice a week in most relationships!

We don't fuck enough in other words, I WONDER WHY?????

CBGB - the IRONY is strong isn't it?

DJ FourMoney
03-10-08, 05:40
Did anyone else see the news article today about a woman in New Jersey, a lawyer by profession, who is suing 6 Altantic City casinos for $20 M?

She lost over $1,000,000 over the past 5 years gambling. She owes the IRS $58,000. She embezzled money from her clients, and was disbarred for it. She blames the casinos. Her claim is that the casinos "had a duty of care to me." When the dealers saw her gambling for 3 or 4 days STRAIGHT, without eating or sleeping, they should have made her stop and barred her from gambling any more.

I suppose I shouldn't be, but I am still surprised at the sheer gall of shirking one's personal responsibilities and blaming others for personal faults.

I wonder if we will ever see a man sue a prostitute for letting him have too much sex with her.

She has gall and she stole from clients!

But in America some would argue that the gambling industry forced her to do the things she did and this whole Sub Prime lending thing that was mainly targeted to lower income families (black, white, brown and otherwise, but primarily to those with darker skin) that these people are shirking their responsiblies, when the Government regularly bails out large corporations...

Junior Punter
03-10-08, 09:02
In 2002, I was in San Francisco for work for quite a few weeks.

One night, I went out to a nice restaurant on Union in Pacific Heights with some work colleagues, , and we ended up chatting to this gorgeous girl and her friend.

We asked them out to drinks after dinner, but the pretty one said that she had to go back to the East Bay to drop her friend off, but maybe later. I said, in my charming English accent, 'Why don't I come and keep you company for the return journey', which she readily agreed to.

Anyway, after dropping her friend off, we made a 'stop' at Angel Island, and proceeded to make out and eventually had sex (unprotected - stupid me) in her car. It was great, as she was gorgeous, with the tightest body... but she refused to let me touch her face... something about spots. Anyway, she offered to drop me back in the Marina, but on the way pulled into a gas station, and asked me to pay for her petrol... talk about indirect 'pay-for-play'.

She also called me about 2 months later (I stupidly gave her my real name and number) telling me she was pregnant and needed $ for an abortion. I told her I would send over a few hundred $, but didn't have more as I had lost my job (as an investment banker). That was the last I heard from her...

I completely understand what all of you feel about American women; I don't think I would ever want to date one, at least not seriously.

03-10-08, 09:51
Unfortunately, the REAL news is located on the back pages of the newspaper;

About your only source for print media that hasn't be totally computed.

Your media is owned by 6 massive corporations, you think the message is controlled a bit?

The religious under current I mentioned keeps Prostitution illegal here (save for Nevada and no where near modern day Las Vegas) while PORN isn't, hmmm

(Guys I am trying really hard to tie this into the thread discussion..., at least I hope to be more successful than Bush trying to link 9/11 to Saddam)

You can only "LEARN" by living and READING the information, if you HAVE to watch it find Link TV or Democracy Now...

Otherwise, stay tuned to this thread for news and topical information cause I, don't think anybody can remember the last time we fucked an American women and enjoyed it....

I read five sources of news daily. Star and stripes newspaper, because I work for the US government. Sunstar/Cebu, because I live in the Philippines. BBC because they seem to be balanced in terms of world wide coverage. CNN because for me it’s the best news station in America and I check out my hometown’s top online paper.

That being said I wouldn’t disagree with you that news is controlled by corporations with an agenda. I think all people have an agenda. Every time I meet someone I ask what does this person want from me that they have invited themselves into my life. Cynical? I agree with what you said by “living” you learn, experience and eccentric information are the best teachers.

News From America

I haven’t been to my hometown in two years and America in one year.

People question me. “You are in your 20s why do you choose to live abroad especially in a third world country?”

Well the cover of my hometown newspaper told the all too common story of a high-school student getting gun-down over a $150 hat two days ago.

Then with the news on the economy and the dating scene in America I am cool right where I am at.

In Philippine news: Gang of guys roaming around looking for little kids so they can cut their organs out.


Same dumb shit everywhere. You are only safe if another human being is not around.

Last American girl I fucked?

One year and a half ago. My ex-wife a Mexican American Chica and it sucked as usual.

03-10-08, 11:24
cause I, don't think anybody can remember the last time we fucked an American women and enjoyed it....
I remember... :) American women can fuck very decently if they want to, even though I still prefer Euro women and Slavs.

They main issue I have with US women is that they are so insecure in their sexuality.

Capt Ajax
03-10-08, 15:40
I remember... :) American women can fuck very decently if they want to, even though I still prefer Euro women and Slavs.

They main issue I have with US women is that they are so insecure in their sexuality.

DS, I agree with your comments......Eastern European women put 'em to shame in the screwing as well as the looks department.

03-10-08, 16:24
Even if the economy and status of the US starts to enter a sharp decline, I don't think AWs are going to change anytime in the near future. They will always be AWs.

03-10-08, 17:44
I agree 100%. I would much rather have a non-American Latina or Asian, as opposed to an American woman. American women are way too spoiled and materialistic for me, not to mention moody as hell!

Even if the economy and status of the US starts to enter a sharp decline, I don't think AWs are going to change anytime in the near future. They will always be AWs.

DJ FourMoney
03-10-08, 22:39
Even if the economy and status of the US starts to enter a sharp decline, I don't think AWs are going to change anytime in the near future. They will always be AWs.

Last time?


A local girl I know, she was not all that cute and had a series of personal issues but called me up horny one night.

I have pretty much cut-off all contact with American women, a new girl (22, Half Latino, Half Phip, Pimpled badly) started working at my job recently, come to find out she's interested in the Latino Service Writer.

Which proves even the questionable ones overlook me.... Not that I care.

Ah, this world my goodness, I am looking forward to going back to Europe... Even if I have to pay 50-65 Euro for 30 mins its still better than what's available here!

Jelly Donut
03-11-08, 00:03
I mentioned the Mann Act a few posts back. Here is an example of how it can be used....


Also, Enziho, yeah, I've had sex with an AW recently. This was with an ex girlfriend who, ultimately, was looking for a husband and children. As far as I can see, there's plenty of good pussy in the United States. If you've got any prospects at all there are all kinds of women looking for a decent husband and children. If that's what you want, and you don't have any problem giving up sex and taking on the huge commitments you get with children, all with a reasonable chance she may sue for divorce....and etc, etc, etc....you've heard it all here before....

I know I could lie to these AWs - present myself as a guy interested in them and having a family and then screw around with them and dump them. It's just too much of a hastle. It was a mistake for me to even spend time with an ex GF. What am I supposed to tell her? "Well, I want to help you, but in 5 years, 10 years, 15 years out it is my vision to be still having sex with hot young women & that vision is totally at odds with raising a traditional American family."

Jelly Donut
03-13-08, 04:47
“She said she was not sure that Ms. Dupré realized who Mr. Spitzer was when he was her client"


03-13-08, 07:48
Here she is with some more pics:

She's hot.

03-13-08, 09:11
I don't remember what American women are like. Was with the ex for five years. Ever since me and the ex split been spending the last year and half partying in Dubai, PI and Thailand. Last contact I had with an American chick was out in Cali. Fat white chick who paid for my breakfast at a Denny's Diner trying to flirt. Going back to the states next month for week I will try my luck just for kicks and report back to you guys.

03-13-08, 09:16
Here she is with some more pics:

She's hot.

She is hot but not worth 4Gs. Even if she can suck a golf ball through a garden hose.

03-13-08, 11:21
She is hot but not worth 4Gs. Even if she can suck a golf ball through a garden hose.
NO, not worth 4Gs.... not that I had 4Gs to throw out the window anyway... :)

The only girl that would be worth 4Gs for me would have to have some special feature to make it worthwhile, and I don't mean in terms of physical beauty. Something that gives you a psychological kick. Mere sex just doesn't do it for me anymore, I get laid too much I suppose. Shucks.

Would have to be something truly memorable, something like an otherwise untouchable celebrity or the boss's wife or something forbidden like the virgin princess of some conservative nation. And of course no deal if I can't get it on video... :)

Christina Aguilera and those massive hooters she's sportin' now come to mind as does Nellie Furtado, but only if it was in that beautiful ass of hers.

Google Collien Fernandez, she's a German celebrity. Fucking awesome bod. She'd only be worth about a G though. Not famous enough. :)

No way in hell an unknown "8" like you might meet in any upscale disco would be worth anything above $300.

DJ FourMoney
03-13-08, 12:02
i mentioned the mann act a few posts back. here is an example of how it can be used....


also, enziho, yeah, i've had sex with an aw recently. this was with an ex girlfriend who, ultimately, was looking for a husband and children. as far as i can see, there's plenty of good pussy in the united states. if you've got any prospects at all there are all kinds of women looking for a decent husband and children. if that's what you want, and you don't have any problem giving up sex and taking on the huge commitments you get with children, all with a reasonable chance she may sue for divorce....and etc, etc, etc....you've heard it all here before....

i know i could lie to these aws - present myself as a guy interested in them and having a family and then screw around with them and dump them. it's just too much of a hastle. it was a mistake for me to even spend time with an ex gf. what am i supposed to tell her? "well, i want to help you, but in 5 years, 10 years, 15 years out it is my vision to be still having sex with hot young women & that vision is totally at odds with raising a traditional american family."

jd its not all gloom and doom, its the rules of the game that suck...

fact -

i am 37 (be 38 in aug) and western(ized) women are not comfortable with more than a 5-7 (10 as recommended by some) year age difference. hence that puts my effect dating age at 28-38.

the reality -

as doc asked previously - "do you want that???"

90% of these women have children from a previous sucker, err i mean relationship. now others in this thread have echoed that ready made might be ideal, no [CodeWord132] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord132) changing and the like.

i am holding on to this funny idea of being a first time parent, those two ideas clash...

fact -

after 30 many women are worst for wear in the looks department, many suffer from the usual trappings of being a busy single mother. some don't know how to back away from the dinner table, lunch counter, etc, almost every personal states under body type - "a few extra pounds" (only 5% of those are overrating..) others are just honest - "heavy build"

the reality -

what's a brotha suppose to do???

fucking with chubby chicks is not an option, period.

fucking with tired, old looking chicks is not an option.

i have two solutions...

a) not dealing with ins and k1 visas

b) dealing with ins, k1 visas and up to 8 months of government bs

option a; clearly means western european women

option b; means eastern european women, not to mention commiucation barriers...

either option is cheap, basically stupid (only when you tell other people) and downright insane to most people.

but i feel that is my only shot and the headaches i feel are reasonable if it gets me to what i want.

DJ FourMoney
03-13-08, 12:12
NO, not worth 4Gs.... not that I had 4Gs to throw out the window anyway... :)

The only girl that would be worth 4Gs for me would have to have some special feature to make it worthwhile, and I don't mean in terms of physical beauty. Something that gives you a psychological kick. Mere sex just doesn't do it for me anymore, I get laid too much I suppose. Shucks.

Would have to be something truly memorable, something like an otherwise untouchable celebrity or the boss's wife or something forbidden like the virgin princess of some conservative nation. And of course no deal if I can't get it on video... :)

Christina Aguilera and those massive hooters she's sportin' now come to mind as does Nellie Furtado, but only if it was in that beautiful ass of hers.

Google Collien Fernandez, she's a German celebrity. Fucking awesome bod. She'd only be worth about a G though. Not famous enough. :)

No way in hell an unknown "8" like you might meet in any upscale disco would be worth anything above $300.

I'd say roughly $3500 of that charge was "hush" money. High class hookers with high class clients pay the "hush" fee so word doesn't get around. To he honest and she is tight, but there better looking women than here to pay that kind a cheddar for.

Funny thing is, Nellie is still a single mother and as I have told other people several times; celebrities are normal people with either alot of zeros in their bank account or known as well as Coke-A-Cola world wide.

In their love lives, they get dumped and played like other people do.

All I can say Doc is you have game my brotha and put in a position to put the mack down to Nellie I think you would do just fine...

03-13-08, 14:17
Ashley Dupre??? She is NOT HOT. You have to be fucking kidding me that she is worth 4,000 dollars. There was one German FKK girl I met in 2001, she would be worth that kind of money but not American women is worth that kind of cash.

03-13-08, 14:35
Ashley Dupre??? She is NOT HOT. You have to be fucking kidding me that she is worth 4,000 dollars. There was one German FKK girl I met in 2001, she would be worth that kind of money but not American women is worth that kind of cash.
Nobody said she's worth $4,000... but very fuckable she is. I tend to think she'd look mighty fine to you if she was lying in front of you naked with her legs spread. I also dig the FKK chicks... but none of them are worth more than the 50 € they charge either... supply and demand...

BTW, ever seen those FKK chicks with their clothes ON? They tend to look a bit more plain as well. Naked boobies and twats tend to make a girl prettier... :)

03-13-08, 16:07
Actually I have seen an FKK girl with clothes on, last summer, I saw a few being dropped off before starting their shift, I also saw a few leaving the club to go home. One of the most beautiful ones dresses like a Tomboy, she happened to be one who digged me quite a bit, she was snotty to a lot of other customers too but nice to me, maybe because I wasn't old and fat. True they look more G-rated with clothes on but clothing is deceiving, especially that for cold climates. In warm places like Australia, you can tell who is hot or not because most women wear clothes for a warm climate. Even in summer I thought it was rare for most European women to wear shorts.

There was one FKK girl I met in 2001 who was an absolute stunner, Jessica Alba like but actually hotter than Jessica Alba.

I got a flickr of real American girls, California girls in fact, on their way to Disneyland, look what they are putting in their bodies, yukkk!!!

Capt Ajax
03-13-08, 20:02
Ashley Dupre??? She is NOT HOT. You have to be fucking kidding me that she is worth 4,000 dollars. There was one German FKK girl I met in 2001, she would be worth that kind of money but not American women is worth that kind of cash.

I agree!!!!! Agencies prey on guys dumb enough to pay them. Let's face it, good sex from a good lady is good sex from a good lady and the price that is charged doesn't usually have anything to do with it. Of course, some guy's EGOS are so hopelessly attached to their libidos that they actually believe the more they pay the better it will be. Are we so fucked up to see this??????

03-13-08, 21:59
My take on Eliot is that he just paid too much for something of that quality. What a total chump to pay for that type of prices for that low quality goods. As of $31K for the daily rate... what a totaly ripoff.

btw... Eliot is suppose to be a Harvard grad, one of America's smartest, For him to paid so much and get so little... he is just another dumbass idiot that graduated from America's best schools.

hey Eliot, if you are reading this... i have some real estate to sell to you in one of America's sunniest spot, No, Im not talking about your big ass... im talking about valuable land in the Mohave Desert. One of America's best land. If you sit back, you would come on down and plunk down your family's millions on a couple of acres here. btw.. i think there is also a bridge that i can sell to you here too. imagine a bridge for sale in the Mohave Desert. Imagine owning one of a few around here. Imagine you will be rich just living off the toll you can charge for crossing the Eliot bridge.

03-14-08, 00:27
When researchers ask teenage girls what is important to them -- finding a successful job, staying close to their friends, having a family, looking good and so on -- they discovered that their answer was "everything."


03-14-08, 00:29
last time I went to the Caribbean, I was a sex tourist, last time they went, they were just feeling lonely:


Capt Ajax
03-14-08, 00:50
My take on Eliot is that he just paid too much for something of that quality. What a total chump to pay for that type of prices for that low quality goods. As of $31K for the daily rate... what a totaly ripoff.

btw... Eliot is suppose to be a Harvard grad, one of America's smartest, For him to paid so much and get so little... he is just another dumbass idiot that graduated from America's best schools.

Unfortunately there seems to be a high correlation between extreme levels of "education" and equally-extreme levels of arrogance and lack of common sense.

Jelly Donut
03-14-08, 01:33
last time i went to the caribbean, i was a sex tourist, last time they went, they were just feeling lonely:


yeah. that's life in the usa. a movie like harold and maude (a very old woman with a very young man) is a charming comedy, while [CodeWord901] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord901) is a dark and twisted tale. you want double-standards, we embrace 'em.

Rock Dog
03-14-08, 01:53
So the Governor of New York state loses his job because of pussy. It's funny, but the focus around here seems to be that he paid 4 grand to get laid.

Is that a lot of money? Sure, for most people. But you have to remember one important fact. This is how things are in New York (the city AND the state). There's a lot of people with lot's of money there. The laws of supply and demand suggest that, anywhere you find a group of super-rich guys, you should also expect to find a group of women willing to sell sex for a super-rich price. Therefore..... $4,000.

Debate over whether her looks justify the price is pretty much missing the point. If quality sex could be had (on the side) without risking social disapproval, those girls would be lucky to get $400, never mind $4000.

$80k for sex? I'd have bought myself a Lexus instead!


03-14-08, 03:29
Yeah but Spitzer didn't obviously did not spend his own money for that *****. He was working as a public servant for years. There was no way it was his 4 Grand, he spent taxpayer money on that *****. Frankly considering Spitzer's background, he is a New York heeb, and I knew quite a few of them, they think they own the world, so the arrogant prick thought he could do anything he wanted and he lost.

Mr. "Clean"??!!! Whatever, New York is officially a shithole, its a third world country with first world prices, and no one understands English. Sure there are a lot of people with money in New York but then again there is a lot of money in Dubai, Hong Kong, Frankfurt, London, Tokyo, I could go on. Hong Kong, Tokyo, and London are passing New York as the most important money centers on the planet.

Jelly Donut
03-14-08, 04:06
Unfortunately there seems to be a high correlation between extreme levels of "education" and equally-extreme levels of arrogance and lack of common sense.

It correlates around American law schools and the Democratic Party. You want a sex scandel? Vote for an accomplished graduate of a first-tier law school, who married another lawyer and went on to a career in the Democratic Party. Think about what law school does to people. You should smell the problems well before you vote.

"You're a lesson in history to me, Sejanus. Proving that above all mankind needs its sense of smell." - I, Claudius - Reign of Terror

On the other hand, Alan Dershowitz, who's a smart lawyer and seemingly democratic wrote an excellent editorial in the Wall Street Journal today. He writes about these laws and tools - intended to stop "white slavery" and catch terrorists, organized criminals, drug cartels and financial manipulations - being used to root out a non-violent crime, between consenting adults. He captures a lot of the doubts I have in the wake of the Spitzer case; the Federal government has a vast array of tools to use in prosecuting sex cases and ruining lives. Just because Spitzer is on the menu today, doesn't mean we won't be having jelly donuts for breakfast.

03-14-08, 05:52
jelly donut: not that i don't agree with you about a double standard, but i'm not sure that 'harold and maude' and '[CodeWord901] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord901)' are good comparisons. harold was, at least, 18; [CodeWord901] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord901) was 12.

as far as spitzer goes, i think that the outrageous prices that he, and others pay for are high degrees of discretion, which the escort service does provide. he got busted, not because they were investigating the escort service, but rather him.

Rock Dog
03-15-08, 17:04
As far as Spitzer goes...... He got busted, not because they were investigating the escort service, but rather him.

Hope this doesn't sound like a dumb question, but here goes......
What was the reason they were investigating him for anyways? It almost sounds like "they" didn't find as much as they were hoping to, so they nailed him for this crap instead. Although, if CBGBs suggestion that it was taxpayers money being used is true, that would be pretty bad.


Jelly Donut
03-15-08, 17:52
Hope this doesn't sound like a dumb question, but here goes......
What was the reason they were investigating him for anyways? It almost sounds like "they" didn't find as much as they were hoping to, so they nailed him for this crap instead. Although, if CBGBs suggestion that it was taxpayers money being used is true, that would be pretty bad.


I don't believe anyone (in authority) is suggesting he used state money. The guy has a lot of personal wealth. He certainly did not need to use government money to pay his bills and doing so would have been an obvious lingering paper trail. My understanding is he was caught because the government was watching his personal bank account. They were using legal and technical tools designed to catch organized criminals and terrorists. And, it's true, the prostitution ring these transactions led to was apparently a criminal enterprise, but it's not exactly the Gambino crime family, the FARC or a net of righteous Arabian killers.

So, I see it like Roguesta. It was political. Entirely political. Here we see the government using laws and tools designed to fight slavery and terror, in situations where no one is being enslaved or terrorized. And the government chased this case down because of one big fish. Client 9. That means at least eight other guys (clients 1-8) face some kind of legal swamp because the government went on a politically-motivated fishing expedition for Spitzer. It would have been interesting to see how things would have developed if he was an ISG member.

It did not used to be this way in the United States. People could pull money out of thier bank accounts and get on with thier lives without the Federal government pulling these kinds of stunts. I can tell you, the Mann Act would never have passed if Congressmen in 1910 knew how it would be used in 2008.

Even if you are just reading this, lurking on the ISG, you have to consider - at what point does it become politically valuable for the federal government to look into it's vast array of laws and technical tools and use them against you?

03-15-08, 21:15
Hope this doesn't sound like a dumb question, but here goes......
What was the reason they were investigating him for anyways? It almost sounds like "they" didn't find as much as they were hoping to, so they nailed him for this crap instead. Although, if CBGBs suggestion that it was taxpayers money being used is true, that would be pretty bad.


From what I read, Spitzer was transfering money from one account to another in succession. Apparently this is similar to what criminals do when they launder money. One of the banks involved noticed the pattern of transactions and notified the FBI. I think an agent said that initially the FBI thought Spitzer was involved in bribery/payoffs and was trying to hide the source and/or destination of the money.

It was after following the money trail that they found the Emporer Club. More investigation revealed that all of the money being transfered was going to the Emporer Club. Therefore he was paying for prostitution and trying to conceal it. He was not taking bribes or laundering money.

03-15-08, 21:30
Unfortunately there seems to be a high correlation between extreme levels of "education" and equally-extreme levels of arrogance and lack of common sense.

I used to work in education. There are accomplished full professors who are arrogant beyond belief. They have succesfully created a world of their own that operates by their own rules and do not need to interact a whole lot with ordinary folk. They have tremendous common sense in their own world, but little in our world.

However, there are enough highly educated people, (ie have Ph.D.s), who are not arrogant and have plenty of common sense. I suspect that most of them are not in academia, but work in research departments of corporations. Examples are pharmaceuticals researchers, financial markets researchers, lawyers who research the legal system such as what proportion of his sentence does the average convict serve, and consumer product safety researchers.

I think your correlation applies mostly to academics in Ivy league universities.

DJ FourMoney
03-16-08, 11:22
Nobody said she's worth $4,000... but very fuckable she is. I tend to think she'd look mighty fine to you if she was lying in front of you naked with her legs spread. I also dig the FKK chicks... but none of them are worth more than the 50 € they charge either... supply and demand...

BTW, ever seen those FKK chicks with their clothes ON? They tend to look a bit more plain as well. Naked boobies and twats tend to make a girl prettier... :)

I dunno....

That Hungarian girl I was with at Palace was High "8" material and made you wonder why she would be doing that type of work, other than the easy money and set your own schedule stuff.

She cost me 100 Euro for just over a hour and 2 shots on goal.

I'd "Sport" her before I would sport the girl Spitzer was with. Maybe its because the Hungrain was not only naked but had killer light blue eyes, super soft tan skin, great smile and nice attitude. Not to mention she was blond too :)

Jelly Donut
03-16-08, 18:15
So the Governor of New York state loses his job because of pussy. It's funny, but the focus around here seems to be that he paid 4 grand to get laid.

Is that a lot of money? Sure, for most people. But you have to remember one important fact. This is how things are in New York (the city AND the state). There's a lot of people with lot's of money there. The laws of supply and demand suggest that, anywhere you find a group of super-rich guys, you should also expect to find a group of women willing to sell sex for a super-rich price. Therefore..... $4,000.

Debate over whether her looks justify the price is pretty much missing the point. If quality sex could be had (on the side) without risking social disapproval, those girls would be lucky to get $400, never mind $4000.

$80k for sex? I'd have bought myself a Lexus instead!



I don't don't know if you guys remember the woman in New York last fall - She didn't like her the floral arrangements for her wedding. The flowers (just the flowers) cost $27,435. I can't blame her for wanting perfection. She sued the florist asking $400,000 in damages.

Also, keep in mind the US Department of Arigculture says the average upper-income family will spend $182,000 on each child before they turn 17. The cost of sending your kid to Harvard for one year is about $50,000. The Spitzer's have three kids. For these people, sending your kids to college and graduate school is just part of the territory.

That just gives you an idea of the world the Spitzer's live in and some of the costs. Honestly, while most Americans would balk at these costs, for two high-end New York lawyers it's really not that much in proportion to income. It helps if your dad is worth a reported 500 million, too.

I think it's a pretty fair probability that Spitzer rarely, if ever, has had sex with his wife in the past ten years.* I think if you put yourself in his shoes, paying $1000 (she was middle-tier at the Emperor's Club) for some time with Ashley Dupre was incidental. It's like two good bottles of wine at high-end restaurant. I understand if his wife (a corporate lawyer) didn't raise an eyebrow at the expense, yet the federal government did....

Read this:


* Yeah. She sure is a trooper for standing by a man who's likely to inherit tens of millions of dollars.

Capt Ajax
03-16-08, 22:12
* yeah. she sure is a trooper for standing by a man who's likely to inherit tens of millions of dollars.

she might just stand by him long enough to get her hands on his inheritance of tens of millions of $$$$. from her looks during his speech, it seemed she had not slept a lick in weeks.

Rubber Nursey
03-17-08, 01:42
... anywhere you find a group of super-rich guys, you should also expect to find a group of women willing to sell sex for a super-rich price.
It's not that the women are willing to SELL sex for a super-rich price - it's that those sorts of men are willing to PAY a super-rich price for sex. Actually, most of them WANT to pay super-rich prices.

Interestingly, when I was working in a brothel, I used to offer $70 'quickie' specials during slow periods (the usual half hour price was $110 at the time). Rich guys working for big companies would flock in for a lunchtime shag and I always ended up making big bucks out of it. When I went private and was no longer splitting my takings with the house, I decided to offer the quickie special for $50. I barely got a phone call! I upped the rate to $70 and bingo...in they came. I asked why they weren't interested in a $50 special and they said it was just way too low - offering less than half price made it sound like I was desperate or had no self-respect. Some clients are convinced that higher prices = better service.

I reckon guys like Spitzer pay the big bucks not only to ensure discretion, but to massage their own egos. The arrogant gits probably get a degree of self-satisfaction just knowing they CAN have sex with 'high-priced call girls'...as opposed to the 'common man' who could never afford such a luxury. I guess there's also the question of what happens if they're unlucky enough to get caught. Better to be remembered for paying $1000 escorts (Like Spitzer and Charlie Sheen) than for getting a $20 blow job on the street (like Hugh Grant)!

03-17-08, 03:04
Here is a short video summarizing Mr. Spitzer deed



03-17-08, 17:53
I read up more on Spitzer, his Dad is a real estate developer and his father's net worth is estimated at $500 Million US, Spitzer received about $15 million from his father over the past few years, so I guess he did not use public funds. The other thing was that he had unprotected sex with the 22 year old prostitute multiple times, the prostitute herself had sex with numerous other men. Who knows maybe he passed along an STD to his wife.

The prostitute's real name is Ashley DiPietro:
She is 5'3" and is an aspiring rapper, she also has appeared in a rap video.

Rock Dog
03-19-08, 02:46
From what I read, Spitzer was transfering money from one account to another in succession. Apparently this is similar to what criminals do when they launder money. One of the banks involved noticed the pattern of transactions and notified the FBI.

Still sounds fishy. Imagine some bank employee.... and probably all they're doing is monitoring some automatic computer program designed to look for such patterns of activity. Now an account comes up.... a quick check reveals it belongs to the governor. What would YOU do.... assume it must be some kind of criminal activity?

I think most people would assume that Spitzer wasn't likely to be a terrorist. It sounds more like they had an excuse to go snooping (and a barely reasonable one at that!), so that's what they did. Not too far off from the secret police or Gestapo when the powers that be have such a free hand to snoop around in someone's personal affairs like this.

Back in the old days, the people who made this discovery would have either stayed quiet about it because it would have been seen as Spitzer's personal affair. Or they would have used it to get themselves a promotion of some kind. Nowadays it's like yeehaw, let's go get us a guv'ner!


ps. RN thanks for the explanation from your point of view. Male ego, hmmmm, as a cheapskate I don't want to believe.... but as a male I have to admit it makes sense. :D

03-19-08, 18:20
Pretty easy to get caught these days because of wiretapping and computers. Spitzer was a putz to get involved with an escort in the first place, he busted an escort service as AG, so he kind of stuck his neck out making himself out to be some kind of moral crusader.

I have already started hearing chatter about Barack Obama, rumors that he is gay or has been a big time womanizer and dated mostly white women, the kind of stuff that would stir up the meat and potatoes of the Republican party. I don't know about any of that, but that is the way the Reps like to ruin the image of the Dems.

The USA is the world's top producer of porn, yet you can get the FBI on your ass for using an escort service, shows the moral double standard of our society.
The porn industry in the US is amazing in that it loves to recruit female porn stars of every ethnicity. The latest craze is about an Indian Canadian woman by the name of Sunny Leone. That and the collapsing Greenback have me convinced not to return to the US.

Since 9-11 the US has been monitoring the financial activities of Americans and anyone residing in the US, I recall the terrorists who flew planes into the WTC had US bank accounts.

Jelly Donut
03-22-08, 13:56
Some edited excerpts from the link below
According to a survey the average "price" that men and women demand to marry for money these days is $1.5 million. The survey asked: "How willing are you to marry an average-looking person that you liked, if they had money?". Two-thirds of women and half of the men said they were "very" or "extremely" willing to marry for money. The matrimonial price tag varies by gender and age. Asked how much a potential spouse would need to have to be money-marriage material, women in their 20s said $2.5 million. The going rate fell to $1.1 million for women in their 30s, and rose again to $2.2 million for women in their 40s. Men have cheaper requirements. Their asking price overall was $1.2 million, with men in their 20s asking $1 million and men in their 40s asking $1.4 million.


DJ FourMoney
03-25-08, 11:39
Pretty easy to get caught these days because of wiretapping and computers. Spitzer was a putz to get involved with an escort in the first place, he busted an escort service as AG, so he kind of stuck his neck out making himself out to be some kind of moral crusader.

I have already started hearing chatter about Barack Obama, rumors that he is gay or has been a big time womanizer and dated mostly white women, the kind of stuff that would stir up the meat and potatoes of the Republican party. I don't know about any of that, but that is the way the Reps like to ruin the image of the Dems.

The USA is the world's top producer of porn, yet you can get the FBI on your ass for using an escort service, shows the moral double standard of our society.
The porn industry in the US is amazing in that it loves to recruit female porn stars of every ethnicity. The latest craze is about an Indian Canadian woman by the name of Sunny Leone. That and the collapsing Greenback have me convinced not to return to the US.

Since 9-11 the US has been monitoring the financial activities of Americans and anyone residing in the US, I recall the terrorists who flew planes into the WTC had US bank accounts.

Nevermind that most of them are LIVING and not DEAD....

9/11 was a HOAX on all levels and the truth is slowly creeping out, of course what will happen is Bush, et al will get some type of "free" pass and the country will call for moving on.

I wanna leave really, but I have no idea what I would be doing and feel I have to go where they speak English on a regular basis, that means Scandinavia really because I don't like driving on the right side of the car...lol

The guy I spoke too in Stockholm has me concerned about pulling up roots and just going someplace...

Rock Dog
03-26-08, 01:37
So I was watching the news today and they had a blurb about young girls involved in some prostitution ring in Texas.

This sounded interesting enough, so I waited around to hear the rest of the story. Turns out the "leader" is only supposed to be 13 or 14 years old herself! Not only that, but she was getting other girls from her school involved in working for/with(?) her.

This would have been kind of shocking even if the story was coming from some other country. But to think that this was going on in Dallas..... hard to believe!

Should give Nancy Grace something to exploit for at least the next week. Oh well.


DJ FourMoney
03-26-08, 22:21
So I was watching the news today and they had a blurb about young girls involved in some prostitution ring in Texas.

This sounded interesting enough, so I waited around to hear the rest of the story. Turns out the "leader" is only supposed to be 13 or 14 years old herself! Not only that, but she was getting other girls from her school involved in working for/with(?) her.

This would have been kind of shocking even if the story was coming from some other country. But to think that this was going on in Dallas..... hard to believe!

Should give Nancy Grace something to exploit for at least the next week. Oh well.


The truth is that sex slave/forced prostitution is a big business in America. Of course the focus with the INS is on "brown" people.

Over in the Moldova thread, lots girls are getting shipped to the US for work, Ive been wondering where they have been going - ;)

03-29-08, 02:18
Are you referring to illegals from Mexico and Latin American countries? The US could not run without them, almost all big and small businesses need their cheap labor to operate profitably. I am annoyed with all this racism against Hispanics, heck, I think if Muslims were blonde and blue haired, many of the ones I saw in Europe are actually white, there would be no problems with them either. Many Hispanics are white too.
Regardless to that, the USA is pretty much on its way down and the tide of history is turning. Record levels of debt, a crashing dollar, a crumbling credit system that has maybe another 5 to 10 years left, China and India's continual rise to the economic frontrunners of the planet, the US will be a third world country, but regardless the illegals will be the ones blamed for it even though it has been the fault of the selfish business elites in this country.

Rock Dog
03-29-08, 03:49
the truth is that sex slave/forced prostitution is a big business in america. of course the focus with the ins is on "brown" people.

believe it or not, it looked like they were all white girls. nobody mentioned anything about illegals or anything like that. the news story was giving the impression that they were all local girls from the same school. that's part of what made it so hard to believe.

there's been similar stories right here where i live in winnipeg. but it's always been native (indian) girls, and the person getting them involved has always been some adult.... never someone the same age.

question, how does one charge a 14 yr old girl for procuring other **** girls? i mean, she's **** herself. this is the crazy world we live in.


Bango Cheito
03-29-08, 08:56
back in the 90s there were some brothels in queens run by mexicans and with mostly mexican girls and everybody knew they used **** girls, which is why i never was a customer there. but there was no forced anything, those girls were 100% consenting to what they were doing, and moved about freely, lived at home, went to school etc.

03-29-08, 15:23
Eliot Spitzer increased wiretapping and electronic surveillance of customers who used "discrete" escort services as AG and Governor, he also increased the maximum prison sentence from three months to one year. Now that it is a fact that he used prostitution services himself, do you think he is going to do some time? I seriously doubt it, even if his political career is over, the man is filthy rich and will probably work in the private sector. Its people like this who make me glad I do not live in the US anymore. There is a lot of dislike for Bush out there but Spitzer is complete hypocrite and largely representative of many American politicians who try to apply there morals on others.

Rock Dog
03-29-08, 16:43
that truly is the key word here. There are so many people who are "higher up" who tell us how opposed they are. But as soon as they think no one's watching.... off they go to see their favourite girls.

I've seen it so many times, where some MP or escort service gets taken down. The client lists ALWAYS include men in law enforcement, lawyers, school principals, civil service workers and all kinds of professionals.

Publicly, they say "no, no, no", but privately they all want in. And the women are, if anything, even worse than the men. So many get up on their high horse and try and dictate to us what our morals should be..... when the real reason is, they just hate having some competition.

But isn't a little competition supposed to be good for business? I guess not, especially if your business is getting guys to spend their $$$ on you.

It's nothing but hypocrisy and it's coming in fast and furious from all sides.


03-29-08, 19:50
Law enforcement in the US are now also going after US citizens and Permanent Residents who go overseas to purchase sex. Obviously before that they were prosecuting people who went to places like Thailand who often engage in acts with minors, this is something I find disgusting and anyone who commits an act on a minor should be locked up forever. The issue I have is that the government really has no right to dictate what happens between two grown consenting adults, and the LE is now targeting Americans who go overseas in places where legal sex is very legit. We have it bad enough with local American women and need an outlet to escape, harassing people who go overseas in search of women is just too much.

DJ FourMoney
03-30-08, 00:59
Are you referring to illegals from Mexico and Latin American countries? The US could not run without them, almost all big and small businesses need their cheap labor to operate profitably. I am annoyed with all this racism against Hispanics, heck, I think if Muslims were blonde and blue haired, many of the ones I saw in Europe are actually white, there would be no problems with them either. Many Hispanics are white too.
Regardless to that, the USA is pretty much on its way down and the tide of history is turning. Record levels of debt, a crashing dollar, a crumbling credit system that has maybe another 5 to 10 years left, China and India's continual rise to the economic frontrunners of the planet, the US will be a third world country, but regardless the illegals will be the ones blamed for it even though it has been the fault of the selfish business elites in this country.

Well that's simplisic answer in a nutshell, of course the US could run without illegals.

But of course that would change the social status of alot of people.

Then again, if you made $20 a hour flipping burgers, mim wage was $12 and adjustable with inflation, there would be no need for illegals because even McDonald's employees could afford to rock a C class or 3 series Bimmer.

I honestly think those with college degrees get too much credit but those that have been in the armed forces are generally better adjusted to others because your life depends on the person next to you, so you better put your personal biases aside quickly.

College grads develop this elitest attitude that gets their blocks knocked off in nightclubs and other social events.

Their the ones that run out and try to sue you for every penny you got when it was their mouth over running their asses that got them bopped to begin with; take your beatdown like a man!

But I digress...

These problems can be solved, the problem is rich people don't give a shiet, a least until the rioting poor people start rioting in these gated communities and Black Water won't be able to save them...

Jelly Donut
03-30-08, 00:59
The issue I have is that the government really has no right to dictate what happens between two grown consenting adults, and the LE is now targeting Americans who go overseas in places where legal sex is very legit.

So, I went searching around the internet, looking for something that would support what you are saying. I have not found anything.

Are you thinking of a specific case? If so, I would like to know what it is because I am under the impression it is not against US law to travel overseas and have sex with another adult.


DJ FourMoney
03-30-08, 01:08
that truly is the key word here. There are so many people who are "higher up" who tell us how opposed they are. But as soon as they think no one's watching.... off they go to see their favourite girls.

I've seen it so many times, where some MP or escort service gets taken down. The client lists ALWAYS include men in law enforcement, lawyers, school principals, civil service workers and all kinds of professionals.

Publicly, they say "no, no, no", but privately they all want in. And the women are, if anything, even worse than the men. So many get up on their high horse and try and dictate to us what our morals should be..... when the real reason is, they just hate having some competition.

But isn't a little competition supposed to be good for business? I guess not, especially if your business is getting guys to spend their $$$ on you.

It's nothing but hypocrisy and it's coming in fast and furious from all sides.


Even so the whole Spitzer fiasco is mighty "fishy", there alot of interesting parallels to this and the Don Siegelman trumped up charges.

Here's hoping by summertime this whole thing will come crashing down around the ears of Dubya.

03-30-08, 04:44
that truly is the key word here. There are so many people who are "higher up" who tell us how opposed they are. But as soon as they think no one's watching.... off they go to see their favourite girls.

I've seen it so many times, where some MP or escort service gets taken down. The client lists ALWAYS include men in law enforcement, lawyers, school principals, civil service workers and all kinds of professionals.

yes..it is a bunch of hipocrisy. most law enforcement guys (the same guys in vice that get caught) that get caught and convicted very seldom goes to jail. most get home confinement... they claim and cry to the judge that it is too dangerous for them to go into jail and serve their time... a bunch of "pus$y" in my book. they should have thought about that before they cross the line.

03-30-08, 23:33
So, I went searching around the internet, looking for something that would support what you are saying. I have not found anything.

Are you thinking of a specific case? If so, I would like to know what it is because I am under the impression it is not against US law to travel overseas and have sex with another adult.


I haven't made a search, but I do know that has been illegal for many years for Americans to go abroad to do something that is illegal in the US. The first such laws were passed inthe 60's and 70's and were aimed at US companies that were paying bribes to foreign poiliticans and foreign government officials. They were not being prosecuted in the foriegn countries, so the US made the behavior prosecutable here in the US.

I recently read in a newspaper that some politicians were trying to enact laws expanding those covering paid sex with minors abroad. They want it to cover ALL paid sex, including with adults.

Bango Cheito
03-31-08, 04:06
AFAIK it was introduced by the Carter administration back in the 70s.

Rubber Nursey
03-31-08, 10:36
I recently read in a newspaper that some politicians were trying to enact laws expanding those covering paid sex with minors abroad. They want it to cover ALL paid sex, including with adults.
There was a discussion about this a couple of weeks ago in the 'Morality of Prostitution' thread, if anyone's interested.

Jelly Donut
04-01-08, 02:10
I haven't made a search, but I do know that has been illegal for many years for Americans to go abroad to do something that is illegal in the US.

I can see what you are saying, and without knowing a lot about it, my guess is it is illegal to break federal laws outside of the United States. The thing is, prostitution is legal within parts of the United States. It's not generally a federal crime. Of course, there is a federal law against moving someone across state borders for the purpose of prostitution in the US - that is what is going down with the Spitzer case. But they could not charge him with hiring a pro, because that's not federal jurisdiction.

04-03-08, 15:57
There was a discussion on one of the other threads regarding people getting harassed by authorities who go overseas for adult entertainment. In most places, this is hardly news. Where I live in Australia, its not uncommon for fellows to go to Indonesia or Thailand for fun, those two countries are particularly popular destinations though, a good number also go to Eastern Europe as well. From my experience though there seems to be no real issue traveling in and out of Oz, especially if you travel frequently. There was a US based monger who was worried that his repeated trips to Germany might have him suspiciously flagged as a sex tourist.

Rubber Nursey
04-03-08, 17:43
Farmer cuts tools in two for ex-wife

From correspondents in Belgrade
April 03, 2008 08:00pm

A SERB farmer used a grinding machine to cut in half his farm tools and machines to comply with a court ruling that he must share all his property with his ex-wife, local media reported today.

Branko Zivkov, 76, told Belgrade daily Kurir he had been ready to give his wife Vukadinka her equal share of everything earned during their 45-year marriage, but was furious at being asked to give away half his farming equipment.

Instead, he bought a grinder and cut in two all his tools, including large items such as cattle scales, a harrow and a sowing machine.

"I still haven't decided how to split the cow," he told the newspaper. "She should just say what she wants - the part with the horns or the part with the tail."

04-03-08, 19:31
there was a discussion on one of the other threads regarding people getting harassed by authorities who go overseas for adult entertainment. in most places, this is hardly news. where i live in australia, its not uncommon for fellows to go to indonesia or thailand for fun, those two countries are particularly popular destinations though, a good number also go to eastern europe as well. from my experience though there seems to be no real issue traveling in and out of oz, especially if you travel frequently. there was a us based monger who was worried that his repeated trips to germany might have him suspiciously flagged as a sex tourist.

i have been to afghanistan, japan, philippines, south korea, thailand, uae, uzbekistan so far and the only country i have ever been detained in was my own. all because of multiple stamps in my passport that i have been to thailand in which i visit to see a dentist yeah i take in the festivities while there but still....they went through my lap top checked my camera the whole nine accused me of being a **** with no evidence. found my porn stash i had not seen in months forgot i had it. i hold us government employmee credentials. the whole scene had racial overtones. young black guy oozing with money for some reason i have found makes people uneasy. i was asked repeatedly how did i get my job then threatened with not being allowed into the country. i could tell the procedure went down hill when one of the officers asked me did my job pay well after he saw my almost filled up stamp pages. i responded well if it didn’t i wouldn't be able to travel. bad move i guess. got to love the usa. have not been back in two years. going back in three weeks.

Capt Ajax
04-03-08, 22:15
I been to Afghanistan, Japan, Philippines, South Korea, Thailand, UAE, Uzbekistan so far and the only country I have ever been detained in was my own.

Young black guy oozing with money for some reason I have found makes people uneasy. I was asked repeatedly how did I get my job then threatened with not being allowed into the country. I could tell the procedure went down hill when one of the officers asked me did my job pay well I responded well if it didn’t I would be able to travel. Bad move I guess. Got to love the USA. Have not been back in two years. Going back in three weeks.

This is so sad, but true.

04-04-08, 12:36
That was my point D Etat, you said you got detained after visiting Thailand multiple times when returning to the US, it has been posted numerous times that male visitors returning to the US and several other Western countries have been given secondary inspections from Thailand. If the Australian authorities were to do the same, many travel agencies in Australia would be put out of business. There was another US based poster who was worried about his numerous repeated trips to Germany.

Chocha Monger
04-17-08, 04:31
Been following news on the polygamist community in Texas. I noticed that the women all looked healthy but there were no fat asses among them. They also seemed to be well spoken and modest.

Of course, they all had their kids taken away to be placed in foster homes by the State. Whether one agrees with polygamy or not you have to admit that this whole affair takes away any illusions about marriage being romantic. Marriage is a State institution and the State acted to further its interests. These kids will now be raised by "normal" American families on junk food, TV and video games. The nanny state always knows best. "Oh, those poor women were oppressed and brainwashed. They don't know what is best for them and their children." - feminists social workers talking.

Naked Gunz
04-17-08, 05:32
Been following news on the polygamist community in Texas. I noticed that the women all looked healthy but there were no fat asses among them. They also seemed to be well spoken and modest.

Of course, they all had their kids taken away to be placed in foster homes by the State. Whether one agrees with polygamy or not you have to admit that this whole affair takes away any illusions about marriage being romantic. Marriage is a State institution and the State acted to further its interests. These kids will now be raised by "normal" American families on junk food, TV and video games. The nanny state always knows best. "Oh, those poor women were oppressed and brainwashed. They don't know what is best for them and their children." - feminists social workers talking.

True all that.. great report dude.

04-19-08, 23:34
The Texas ranch cult is an exception, I doubt they were normal anyway. Normal in America is usually a bad thing anyway. I think I have pretty much brushed off American women the way some Supermodels have brushed off the American dollar(Gisele I hear ya!!).

I have lived overseas since 1999, almost ten years now, primarily spending most of my time in Oceania, and traveling all over. I go back the States occasionally but getting the same quality of woman in the USA that I have become accustomed to getting overseas, I would have to be a)Donald Trump or Bill Gates b)Brad Pitt c) Some Superstar Athlete Tom Brady or another bigshot. I am not any of those three, so I automatically find it hard as hell to find quality pussy in the US. I guess unless I can shell out 4k for some skank then the US might be worth it to spend my time.

Chocha Monger
04-20-08, 03:00
I was looking at Fox News the other day and Dr Laura was giving some advice. Her advice really shocked me. A female called in saying that her husband had allowed her to leave her job for a few years to take care of the kids but now that the kids were in school he wanted her to go back to work in order to help out with the expenses. The problem was that the wife enjoyed being at home and did not want to go back to work because she felt that her husband was capable of earning enough money to maintain her and the children. Dr Laura told her to hold her husband's face in both hands, look into his eyes and tell him that she knows that he is capable of supporting the family and that her place is at home so she would not be going back to work. Dr Laura said that the husband should be perfectly alright with this because it is the man's job to support the family anyway. Do you think if it was the husband calling saying that his wife wouldn't fuck anymore so he was going to leave her or fuck someone else the doctor would be so understanding? How about the husband wanting to stay home because he loves fishing and hunting? He would be called a deadbeat husband. No pussy for him. If a wife doesn't want to fuck, the man must be understanding, patient and faithful even if it means never fucking for the rest of his life. Utter bullshit if you ask me.

Chocha Monger
04-20-08, 16:46
Interesting read:

Latin Bound
04-20-08, 17:01
I was looking at Fox News the other day and Dr Laura was giving some advice. Her advice really shocked me. A female called in saying that her husband had allowed her to leave her job for a few years to take care of the kids but now that the kids were in school he wanted her to go back to work in order to help out with the expenses. The problem was that the wife enjoyed being at home and did not want to go back to work because she felt that her husband was capable of earning enough money to maintain her and the children. Dr Laura told her to hold her husband's face in both hands, look into his eyes and tell him that she knows that he is capable of supporting the family and that her place is at home so she would not be going back to work. Dr Laura said that the husband should be perfectly alright with this because it is the man's job to support the family anyway. Do you think if it was the husband calling saying that his wife wouldn't fuck anymore so he was going to leave her or fuck someone else the doctor would be so understanding? How about the husband wanting to stay home because he loves fishing and hunting? He would be called a deadbeat husband. No pussy for him. If a wife doesn't want to fuck, the man must be understanding, patient and faithful even if it means never fucking for the rest of his life. Utter bullshit if you ask me.Just amazing!

04-20-08, 19:36
Please don't take anything that ultra-conservative judgmental crazy b**** takes seriously. And don't call her "Doctor" in her professional context. She has a "doctorate" in physiology and no advanced degree in medicine, psychology, marital/family therapy etc.
Just watch her unleash fury on anyone who dares have sex who is not married. She is definately part of the problem here in Sex Prison USA.

04-21-08, 15:02
Dr. Laura is a hypocrite, a few years ago some nude photos of her showed up on the web. She apparently had sex with someone she was not married to, wow. The way things are in the US these days, I got no more interest in the country. I already see the last pillar of the US finally starting to slip, the economic supremacy that it once had. A surging Euro, a rising Asia, both places nowhere near as prudish as the US either.

DJ FourMoney
04-22-08, 12:31
I'm at a point in my life that if I don't find what I want here and the political system is not willing to work with the problems of the many and stop helping the few (excluding the poor in the process), I need to take a page out of CBGB book and live overseas.

04-23-08, 18:40
It’s been almost two years since my Nike Air Forces Sneakers touched US soil. Today I started the journey home. Tried my luck with a lady on the flight from Dubai to Paris. No dice. New York is the first city I hit. Got to US customs hoping not to have a repeat of two years ago? Well this time I showed my US government employee card right away. Along with the passport. The guy then asked how did you get that job I just explained right connects and my ex-military experience didn’t hurt he seem amazed. A black sercurity lady told me "Welcome home" after looking at all the stamps in my port. I felt a moment of nostalgia as I looked at my fellow Americans. I mean I work with Americans but the guys I work with alcoholics, full time mongers, psycho's you get the picture? I consider these people the regular Americans. That look of innocence on their faces not having experienced the poverty of a third world country or the violence of Afghanistan….The journey home is just beginning will be updating daily.

Capt Ajax
04-24-08, 01:14
It’s been almost two years since my Nike Air Forces Sneakers touched US soil. Today I started the journey home. Tried my luck with a lady on the flight from Dubai to Paris. No dice. New York is the first city I hit. Got to US customs hoping not to have a repeat of two years ago? Well this time I showed my US government employee card right away. Along with the passport. The guy then asked how did you get that job I just explained right connects and my ex-military experience didn’t hurt he seem amazed. A black sercurity lady told me "Welcome home" after looking at all the stamps in my port. I felt a moment of nostalgia as I looked at my fellow Americans. I mean I work with Americans but the guys I work with alcoholics, full time mongers, psycho's you get the picture? I consider these people the regular Americans. That look of innocence on their faces not having experienced the poverty of a third world country or the violence of Afghanistan….The journey home is just beginning will be updating daily.

D Etat welcome back to the land of AW leeches. Here's a letter from an AAW looking for prey.

Hi my name is Dee I'm looking for a guy who can handle having a steady on going friendship. I don't want someone who runs from provider to streetwalker back to provider again. I'm looking for someone clean, fun, out going and have a very high sex drive. I would like someone who will be able to see me at least twice a week if not more.

I'm not looking for someone who wants to trade or wants credit I'm not wal mart or the dope man so I don't take shorts. I'm not being funny I just know what I want. You must be at least 28 or older open minded, freaky with stamina and willing to be aggressive at times. I suggest for our visits to be at least an hour to two hours long each time. I want at least 200 to 350 roses each time. I’m five feet three inches very pretty face nice brown skin tone with sexy juicy lips (top&bottom).

I have thick chocolate thighs and a cute booty too. I’m not a small lady (150 lbs) but I wear it very well my breast size is a very suck able 40DD. I’m very clean with no kids and I have no problem pleasing my special friend. I stay in a nice quite little area where we both will be comfortable and relaxed. Once we get to know each other I will come to your place until then you’ll come to me. If this is what you want send me an email we’ll talk then meet. I’m something like married so I can’t put my number or face on here. I promise you will be pleased with me.

04-24-08, 01:32
I want at least 200 to 350 roses each time. I’m something like married so I can’t put my number or face on here. I promise you will be pleased with me.

What is up with the hundreds of roses??????? And if she really is married, how is she going to hide them from her husband?????

I hope her husband answers her ad! LOL!

04-24-08, 03:33
The roses she wants is cash. She is a provider. At least the guy should know going in its only about the money.

AW can be found, and taken home, but it's too much of a headache to deal with afterwards. I've had some that were ok, but in LA (and I don't mean los angeles) I get true girlfriends that are 10 to 15 years younger than me and call me back in the states to tell me they miss me. And not once ask for money.

I love listening to the AW in my office complain. I let them complain and never explain the male point of view. I don't want them to really change or just become better actresses.

04-24-08, 18:26
"Roses" are Dollars, its just one way of a prostitute to change her language.

04-24-08, 22:32
The roses she wants is cash. She is a provider. At least the guy should know going in its only about the money.

Of Course! Silly me! I have revealed how much mongering I do here in the US by showing how ignorant I am of the local provider lingo! LOL!

I am curious about how the current gasoline/oil situation is affecting mongering budgets. Mine has been shot to hell. The airline ticket prices, the gas prices, and the plummeting of the value of the US dollar are a perfect storm of anti-mongering factors for me. I will have no vacation this summer. My plan is to save for a trip over New Year's to visit a ladyfriend abroad. I will need 6 months to save up for it.

Capt Ajax
04-24-08, 23:14
Here's another ad: AW looking to barter her "non GFE" Massage services(i.e. no FS) for a replacement windshield. I think a windshield replacement is going to cost a heck of a lot more $$$ than a massage only session. I'm quite positive some desperate monger will fall for this BS.

Barter windshield replacement - w4m (Metro Atlanta)
I would like to barter an erotic bodyrub to get my windshield replaced on my car. I am a mature provider(Not GFE)with a petite frame,5'1",112 llbs,green eyes and medium wavy blonde hair. If you have a sincere interest in this possibility then please list some credential/s you have and give something verifiable of yourself of which you can afford to give me.


Tarius Shinobi
04-24-08, 23:28
Just go to www.nomarriage.com for all the information.

04-25-08, 17:55
Just go to www.nomarriage.com for all the information.

The content on the above site appears to have been lifted and plagiarized, uncredited and unacknowledged, from other sites such as ISG. And then that content is used to hawk someone's book.

Country John
04-25-08, 19:29
The content on the above site appears to have been lifted and plagiarized, uncredited and unacknowledged, from other sites such as ISG. And then that content is used to hawk someone's book.

Most American women have robbed themselves of the genuine opportunity to play the role of "girl" in society. They don't want to be "girls" anymore. It's almost a dirty word to call them one.

They insist on having all the rights and responsibilities of men. So much so that they in fact become men, some in deed. They lose the allure that attracts a sincere mate and instead can only evaluate the degree to which they can take advantage of a situation rather than contribute to the prosperity of a relationship. The assets of the man become the golden ring to which they now seem to aspire. Once their position is secured, they invoke the "Kings X" known (in California) as "irreconcilable differences" to get out of their marriage contract, taking with them 50% of the assets together with any support payments awarded them. Then they stat over again.

The American woman is dependent on the pussy wrench in order to get what she wants. Very few (if any) get anywhere because they are genuinely good people with their heart in the right place.

Latinas seem to appreciate the opportunity to focus on being "girls." Once their pressures and worries are removed from their every day life, they naturally focus on being girls. The also focus on being wives, girlfriends or whatever their role is. They don't want to be men, they want to be women. They want to be beautiful. For them it is a practice and they love doing it. They understand thier role, they are proud to play it and take pride in being good at it. They are respected because of it and (in my case) admired for being willing to assume that role.

Men, for their part, need to take responsiblity and do what they need to in order to let their girl be the best "girl" she can be. The results are predictable and are almost always welcomed. Just don't [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) them off!

Country John

DJ FourMoney
04-26-08, 07:38
The content on the above site appears to have been lifted and plagiarized, uncredited and unacknowledged, from other sites such as ISG. And then that content is used to hawk someone's book.

What's even funnier is that the shiet we write on here is not lifted from some book, its 100% Grade A, honest to goodness TRUTH.

When men in a crowd here you speak this way and nood in agreement, it doesn't have to be lifted from something....

04-27-08, 08:04
it’s been two years since i hit the us and even longer since i actually attempted to court american women. (i was married for four years until i discovered that there was another side to the planet) so here i was in full swing. hit the mall with my young cousin who is national high school basketball star and child hood friend of mine who some how finds and fucks some the most beautiful black girls my city produces. i mean all of us are not bad looking guys and are doing pretty decent financially. at any rate most of the girls we encountered were fucking **** girls who acted and dressed older what we refer to as jail bait.

the rest of girls were average no dead knock outs. i played along when we saw a half decent girl and would yell damn or something like that to excite my cousin and friend but really what i thinking was the amount of frustration and energy that was being invested in trying to chase these women. i mean the clothes the expensive jewelry not really bought for you but only to impress these women. you are supposed to look decent no matter what but the time and energy?

responses i saw from my cousin and friend advances was either outright ignoration or angry faces to extremely silly responses such as faces been made. on the other side of the world it’s not hard to find a love for life or the night. people may say due to the economic situation but if you have ever been to the slums in american city you might think you were in a third world country.

i was excited when i first arrived in the states but after seeing what these guys go through just to get some pussy i was shocked and beside myself at the amount of effort. hell my playboy friend had settled down with half puerto rican half black who he said almost drove him mentally insane with her changing attitudes weight gain and overall erratic behavior going from being uninterested in sex to telling him he couldn’t go anywhere without her being there (what the fuck) and he had gave up all ladies for her until her brother stole his car and because of her he let it the guy go.

they were even about to get married but my friend loves cars classics hood classics (monte carlo grand nationals) and when his restored baby got stole by the psycho's brother that was the thing that rang his bell and woke him the fuck up. mine was when my ex asked me to leave my government job to come live in one of the most expensive parts in the country with no damn plan.

long ass post this is but after this experience probably be another couple of years before i come back. hate to stay away due to the family being here but that desperation i saw in too many of the guys eyes strolling the mall i don't have the fucking stomach for it....

dear philippines here i fucking come....

04-27-08, 11:02
it’s been two years since i hit the us and even longer since i actually attempted to court american women. (i was married for four years until i discovered that there was another side to the planet) so here i was in full swing. hit the mall with my young cousin who is national high school basketball star and child hood friend of mine who some how finds and fucks some the most beautiful black girls my city produces. i mean all of us are not bad looking guys and are doing pretty decent financially. at any rate most of the girls we encountered were fucking **** girls who acted and dressed older what we refer to as jail bait.

the rest of girls were average no dead knock outs. i played along when we saw a half decent girl and would yell damn or something like that to excite my cousin and friend but really what i thinking was the amount of frustration and energy that was being invested in trying to chase these women. i mean the clothes the expensive jewelry not really bought for you but only to impress these women. you are supposed to look decent no matter what but the time and energy?

(tell me about it.....)

responses i saw from my cousin and friend advances was either outright ignoration or angry faces to extremely silly responses such as faces been made. on the other side of the world it’s not hard to find a love for life or the night. people may say due to the economic situation but if you have ever been to the slums in american city you might think you were in a third world country.

(yeah, i get those looks on a daily basis without even making any advances.)

(the chicks here in the slums got ipods, new cellphones every other month, chanel sunglasses, facebook profiles, and dudes hollerin at them giving them gigantic aw style entitlement attitudes.)

i was excited when i first arrived in the states but after seeing what these guys go through just to get some pussy i was shocked and beside myself at the amount of effort. hell my playboy friend had settled down with half puerto rican half black who he said almost drove him mentally insane with her changing attitudes weight gain and overall erratic behavior going from being uninterested in sex to telling him he couldn’t go anywhere without her being there (what the fuck) and he had gave up all ladies for her until her brother stole his car and because of her he let it the guy go.

(this post says alot... most places around the world the guy dictates the way its gonna be, not the other way around. and yes the effort doesn't justify the reward.)

they were even about to get married but my friend loves cars classics hood classics (monte carlo grand nationals) and when his restored baby got stole by the psycho's brother that was the thing that rang his bell and woke him the fuck up. mine was when my ex asked me to leave my government job to come live in one of the most expensive parts in the country with no damn plan.

long ass post this is but after this experience probably be another couple of years before i come back. hate to stay away due to the family being here but that desperation i saw in too many of the guys eyes strolling the mall i don't have the fucking stomach for it....

(im gonna have to wear shades from now on!)

dear philippines here i fucking come.... i really need to stow away in your luggage!

Chocha Monger
04-27-08, 20:36
if you have a choice, go with the warts

if i could offer a young man one piece of sage advice, it would be this:

don't get married.

don't do it. come the divorce, as come it probably will, the courts will systematically shear you of your children, your house, and huge amounts of your income for twenty years. don't do it. it isn't worth it. nothing is.

my saying this usually brings, from women, cries that i'm an extremist or woman-hater. no. the problem is not women, but the courts. men can behave every bit as reprehensibly as women, though they go about it differently. but the judicial system, which is politicized to the gills, utterly favors women over men in divorce cases, without remorse, decency, or concern for children.

should you doubt this, read, before you pop the most foolish of questions, from courtship to courthouse by the divorce lawyer jed abraham.*

writes abraham, "if you're like most men, you're married, or you hope to marry some day. you think you deserve to live happily ever after, but if things don't work out that way, you'll get a civilized divorce and move on. you'll stay pals with your ex, and you'll see your kids as often as you want.

"you have no idea what you're getting into."

and you don't. not the faintest freaking clue.

a few facts from abraham:

"the odds are 50% that your marriage will end in divorce. the odds are 70% that your divorce will be filed by your wife. the odds are 80% that your wife will get custody of your children-plus child support, alimony, and/or a hefty chunk of your property."

that is how it is.

yes, i know: you don't think this applies to you. cup cake loves you. she would never behave in such a way. think again. you have no conception of the hatred that divorce engenders. men are callous; women are mean. when a family breaks up, when a life dreamed of disappears in flames and emotions go limbic, women are not the kinder sex, and certainly not the more rational. and cup cake will have the absolute upper hand, with the full power of the state to help her express her dissatisfaction with you.

abraham: "if your wages are not withheld and you fail to pay your child support, the state will garnish your pay, slap liens on your property, intercept your tax refunds, report you to credit agencies, discontinue your driver's license, suspend your professional and business permits, hold you in contempt of court, put your face on a wanted poster, throw you in jail, and deny you food stamps. but if your ex doesn't spend that very same support on the children, the state will do. . . nothing."

it gets worse. there is, for example, "imputed income." this means that your child support will be based not on what your children need, not on what you earn, but on what the court decides you could earn.

don't do it.

if you love cup cake, live with her. be kind to her. be loyal to her. she may be as nice as you think she is: many women are. buy her roses. just don't marry her, or have children with her. if the laws were even-handed, marriage would be an admirable institution. the laws aren't equal.

but it's the kids she'll use, should things get nasty, to tear your guts out. if you're sure that cup cake won't do this, you're crazy. true, she may not. not all women do, or not to the same degree. but you won't know until it's too late. and the courts will do anything she wants.

abraham: "your ex will warm to calling all the shots. she may cancel your visitation now and then. if she's truly mean-spirited, she'll go much further. under the cover of her court-appointed role as sole custodian, she'll systematically sever your relationship with the children. she'll badmouth you to them. she'll schedule their extracurricular activities during your visitation time. for good measure, she may accuse you of domestic violence and child abuse."

think "joint custody" is the answer? the courts won't enforce it. what are you going to do-sue mommy? the kids will hate you for it. do you believe in pre-nups? the courts ignore them. read abraham. it's all there.

then, says abraham, there's the killer: "more efficiently, your ex may simply move with the children to a distant community, with the law's acquiescence."

kids are the crunch, guys. they hurt. and she will know it, and use it. the courts will help her. at bottom, the position of the courts is that the children are her property, like furniture. judges don't care about you at all.

ever drive away from what used to be your home, with your daughter of four streaking across the parking lot, yelling, "daddy! daddy! please come back!"-and you can't?

ever have your little girl of four say, "daddy, can i get my birthday present early?"

"why, pumpkin?"

"well. . . after the divorce we might move, and i won't see you again."

that's what you are in for, guys. don't do it. you'll be suicidally depressed, miss your kids to the point of desperation, be almost frantic-and the courts will make sure you can do nothing about it. the ex will probably enjoy it.

that's the reality. don't believe it? talk to men who have been there.

why do women do these things? not because they're evil. cup cake is probably a perfectly decent woman in her dealing with the rest of the earth. she'll do it because she hates you, which is the normal outcome of a divorce. she'll do it because she can. she's furious because the marriage didn't work, which will be entirely your fault.

and the law gives her every incentive: she will get the house, the kids, the child support-and she knows she will. if women knew they had an even chance of not getting custody, of having to pay child support, the divorce rate would drop like a prom dress and joint custody would suddenly mean joint custody. women love their children as much as men do.

but that's not how it is. the courts encourage divorce, and they [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) men. get used to it.

abraham: "the odds are it doesn't pay for you to marry and have kids."

that's a fact, guys. think about it.

fred on everything column:

05-02-08, 13:36
Some guys get western girls easy. Some say its because of money some say its because of looks I have seen guys prove both these false. After my return back to Asia from my brief stay it has weighed heavy on my mental. Just what is it? Is it the Pheromones? Just kidding with that but really? I know my future lies here in PI where I live but for the guys who are there there must be something.

Chocha Monger
05-03-08, 05:16
Some guys get western girls easy. Some say its because of money some say its because of looks I have seen guys prove both these false. After my return back to Asia from my brief stay it has weighed heavy on my mental. Just what is it? Is it the Pheromones? Just kidding with that but really? I know my future lies here in PI where I live but for the guys who are there there must be something.
Some say it's easy if you're a thug, drug dealer or you can tolerate lots of rejection until you eventually get lucky.

Bango Cheito
05-03-08, 08:09
If you're a professional musician, it helps :P

DJ FourMoney
05-03-08, 12:28
Just want do AW want?

If they are into Minorities -

Plug in your most famous Latin, Black or Asian "hunk" and visually that's where they start.

If they are into Caucasians -

Plug in your flavor of the month, whatever that is and that's where they start visually

From there they start with themselves, a reality check.

Then its up to YOU to prove that just because they'll never meet (insert famous person here) that you'll do in the long term or the very short term.

Then a bunch of sudjective bullshiet comes up, I won't even bother listing it all...

Tarius Shinobi
05-03-08, 23:07
After living in Asia & visiting Africa, Australia & Europe, I have no desire for American women. Heck, men from other countries don't want AW unless it's for sex only ! But American men can go almost anywhere in the world & get a sexy, beautiful woman who will be in your corner. All my friends in America that are married, or living with AW are totally miserable.

When I am in the U.S. , I visit clubs & I see AW acting all stuck up. I just laugh ! because I don't have to waste my time trying to get with them because I have lady friends in Hong Kong, Singapore & Thailand!

Damn I love Asia!

05-04-08, 23:00
i don't have the link to the article i read yesterday. it was about a married woman who was having an affair. her husband caught them 'al fragranti'. she told her husband that this man was [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) her. chivalrous protective husband that he is, he promptly protected his vulnerable helpless wife by shooting the [CodeWord126] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord126) dead. he got arrested for murder.

during the investigation the police detectives discovered that the '[CodeWord126] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord126)' was not in fact a [CodeWord126] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord126). he was the woman's extra-marital lover. she cried [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) to hide the fact of her infidelity. the prosecutor dropped all charges against the husband and charged the wife with manslaughter. on friday, she was found guilty, and sentenced to 6 years in prison (i think).

i think that is some story. i could not have made up something like that. i wonder if the prosecutor was a man or woman. do you think a woman prosecutor, as opposed to a man prosecutor, would have let her off?

Chocha Monger
05-05-08, 04:21
i don't have the link to the article i read yesterday. it was about a married woman who was having an affair. her husband caught them 'al fragranti'. she told her husband that this man was [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) her. chivalrous protective husband that he is, he promptly protected his vulnerable helpless wife by shooting the [CodeWord126] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord126) dead. he got arrested for murder.

during the investigation the police detectives discovered that the '[CodeWord126] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord126)' was not in fact a [CodeWord126] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord126). he was the woman's extra-marital lover. she cried [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) to hide the fact of her infidelity. the prosecutor dropped all charges against the husband and charged the wife with manslaughter. on friday, she was found guilty, and sentenced to 6 years in prison (i think).

i think that is some story. i could not have made up something like that. i wonder if the prosecutor was a man or woman. do you think a woman prosecutor, as opposed to a man prosecutor, would have let her off?
here is the link:

Tarius Shinobi
05-05-08, 06:12
It doesn't surprise me about that woman who lied about her affair.

The U. S. Legal system shows high favor to AW. If you marry an AW, signing that marriage license is like signing a "Faustian" contract with the Devil.

Your AW wife will take your money, your kids, your home & then your soul!

Also, I find it ironic that in American churches, there are more women who attend church than men; & at the same time, the divorce rate in the U. S. Is between 50 & 70%.

What are these women praying for? That's a **Dark Secret** that many women will take with them into purgatory.

Ever since I have stopped dating AW, my sex & social life has improved "Big Time". Even if you take into consideration the following:

1. The lowest ratio that women out number men 7 to 1.

2. There are 7 continents in the world.

3. Even if you exclude North America, You have Asia, Africa, South America, Europe, Australia & Antarctica (Greenland give or take), you still come out ahead if you venture outside of the U. S.

Gentlemen, don't limit yourself! Work hard, make money & travel. **Foreign Pussy** is the best Pussy! If you go AW, you will go down. Just like the value of the U. S. Dollar.

DJ FourMoney
05-05-08, 06:48
i don't have the link to the article i read yesterday. it was about a married woman who was having an affair. her husband caught them 'al fragranti'. she told her husband that this man was [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) her. chivalrous protective husband that he is, he promptly protected his vulnerable helpless wife by shooting the [CodeWord126] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord126) dead. he got arrested for murder.

during the investigation the police detectives discovered that the '[CodeWord126] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord126)' was not in fact a [CodeWord126] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord126). he was the woman's extra-marital lover. she cried [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) to hide the fact of her infidelity. the prosecutor dropped all charges against the husband and charged the wife with manslaughter. on friday, she was found guilty, and sentenced to 6 years in prison (i think).

i think that is some story. i could not have made up something like that. i wonder if the prosecutor was a man or woman. do you think a woman prosecutor, as opposed to a man prosecutor, would have let her off?

and muthafuckers think where crazy chasing women half way around the world??

aw are seldom caught and when they are, they get murdered too...

Latin Bound
05-05-08, 13:06
i don't have the link to the article i read yesterday. it was about a married woman who was having an affair. her husband caught them 'al fragranti'. she told her husband that this man was [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) her. chivalrous protective husband that he is, he promptly protected his vulnerable helpless wife by shooting the [CodeWord126] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord126) dead. he got arrested for murder.

during the investigation the police detectives discovered that the '[CodeWord126] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord126)' was not in fact a [CodeWord126] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord126). he was the woman's extra-marital lover. she cried [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) to hide the fact of her infidelity. the prosecutor dropped all charges against the husband and charged the wife with manslaughter. on friday, she was found guilty, and sentenced to 6 years in prison (i think).

i think that is some story. i could not have made up something like that. i wonder if the prosecutor was a man or woman. do you think a woman prosecutor, as opposed to a man prosecutor, would have let her off?they had the chance to sentence her anywhere between 2 to 20 years and they gave her 6. with good behavior she is out in four. damn! they should have sentenced heavily on that one.

05-06-08, 05:07
A lot of Australians complain about their women but frankly speaking, I have lived there for nearly a decade, Aussie women are nowhere near as horrible as American women. Unlike the US, in most parts of Australia with few areas that are more conservative, P4P is easily found especially around Sydney and Melbourne. The lifestyle in Australia is more relaxed in that many Australians travel abroad frequently unlike the US which is more insular and international travel is either frowned upon or only for the very well to do or rich. Immigration is nowhere near as tight, so its possible to bring in a spouse from abroad, and the process is nowhere near as horrible as dealing with Homeland Security in the US. That is another point as Oz has taken a large number of immigrants since the US has become a closed door for them since 2001, I have seen a lot of newcomers, women especially from Asia and Europe in Australia.

Tarius Shinobi
05-06-08, 05:43
Gentlemen, we have the entertainment industry to thank for showing the rest of the world how American women are on TV & on film:

1. Desperate Housewives ( Aargh )

2. Sex & the City ( 4 Ballbusting bitches in NY)

3. Baywatch ( The ladies were looking good in their red swimsuits, but really- Pam Anderson went from Tommy Lee to Kid Rock, to Hep-C, to marrying some guy, who she is now divorcing. )

4. Girlfriends ( The Black Female version of Sex & the City.......4 shallow women with no clue how to properly treat a man )

5. The Leading Actresses on all 3 CSI shows. ( Give an AW a badge, and the bitches suddenly becomes Wonder Woman ! )

6. Waiting to Exhale & How Stella Got Her Groove Back ( The author of the books, Terry McMillin's husband told her he was gay & then left her. Now she is a bitter ass ***** )

7. All the realty show bitches ! Too many to name, but they can all go to hell !

I am sure glad that I travel alot !

Capt Ajax
05-08-08, 00:44

05-09-08, 02:41
I have not dated an AW for years. I'm off to LA one week a month.

I hear the AW in my office complain about their men, and once the kids are grown and the divorced AW can't extract anymore child support then they really get bitter because the free money is gone.

Gentlemen, save your money and travell. If add up the money spent on dating, courting, marrying, and divorcing. It's simply way more expensive than taking some vacations every few months. And the only baggage you have when you return is your suitcase.

05-10-08, 21:48
Most American women have robbed themselves of the genuine opportunity to play the role of "girl" in society. They don't want to be "girls" anymore. It's almost a dirty word to call them one.

They insist on having all the rights and responsibilities of men. So much so that they in fact become men, some in deed. They lose the allure that attracts a sincere mate and instead can only evaluate the degree to which they can take advantage of a situation rather than contribute to the prosperity of a relationship. The assets of the man become the golden ring to which they now seem to aspire. Once their position is secured, they invoke the "Kings X" known (in California) as "irreconcilable differences" to get out of their marriage contract, taking with them 50% of the assets together with any support payments awarded them. Then they stat over again.

The American woman is dependent on the pussy wrench in order to get what she wants. Very few (if any) get anywhere because they are genuinely good people with their heart in the right place.

Latinas seem to appreciate the opportunity to focus on being "girls." Once their pressures and worries are removed from their every day life, they naturally focus on being girls. The also focus on being wives, girlfriends or whatever their role is. They don't want to be men, they want to be women. They want to be beautiful. For them it is a practice and they love doing it. They understand thier role, they are proud to play it and take pride in being good at it. They are respected because of it and (in my case) admired for being willing to assume that role.

Men, for their part, need to take responsiblity and do what they need to in order to let their girl be the best "girl" she can be. The results are predictable and are almost always welcomed. Just don't [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) them off!

Country John

QFT on so many levels

05-14-08, 09:56
Don't you guys think that American women resistance to be taken easy goes toward their worth to society and worth to themselves. Where I live in the Philippines to many women just give themselves way to easy.