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08-21-05, 10:16

Thanks for you information. I understand now why some girls only stay less than three months and them "pop back home". One FKK working Russian girl told me that she apply's for a visa in France and then she travels to Germany to work because France is a little eaiser for visa applications.

Euro 100

Yes looks can be deceiving. I was in PHG last year sitting at the bar and a guy smiled at me and said "Yakuza". He was making references to my oriental appearence. I just ignored him but would have kindly spoke to him in plain english. And yes I just an ordinary Joe with an ordinary life.

This topic has been of Pimps etc has been interesting and educational. Yes it does take the fun out of P4P on occasion. On a certain Dutch website there has been an uproar and furious debate about pimps and sex trafficking etc.....

08-21-05, 12:30
pimping is a non-theme in a forum.

We will never be able to discuss this issue in detail - pimping is not a profession in Germany, its a crime! So most of us will never have a detailled insight into the scene, because the guys take care that confidential things are kept confidential. And dont believe the girls too much! They will tell you everything they think you´d like to hear - hoping they´ll get a session, a regular customer or just a nice gift. At least 80% of all the stories I heard in the last to years didn´t stand examination.

Working as a prostitute is legal in Germany - but even the citizens of EU-countireis need a residence and work permit. Citizens of the "old" EU-countries have a legal claim to get both, citizens of the "new" EU-countries have a claim on the residence permit only. They have a legal right to work self-employed, but it´s not easy to get the necessary papers from the german authorities - especially not for the prostututes. Citizens of Bulgaria and Romania face the same situation.

Except for the marriage case Beffen mentioned, the "boyfriends" don´t provide legal papers to the girls.

08-21-05, 13:44
At many FKK clubs, a good number of women have been trafficked into the country. Despite prostitution's legal status in Germany, the underworld elements are deeply involved in this business. In fact a few years ago in a brothel outside of Frankfurt, the owners of the establishment, a married German couple and a Russian prostitute, were found shot to death. Where I live in Australia, while brothels are legal, there is a heavy organized crime element involved, particularly those from the Asian countries. As far as you running into a big muscular guy in an FKK, looks are very deceptive. I am fairly sizeable myself at 6'2"(about 1.9m) and a bit over 200 pounds, I used to be much bigger but lost a lot of weight, mostly fat, and look more cut.

08-21-05, 14:02
You are right Novize, but may be we were all secretly believing that in this anonymous forum, one WSG member would reply: "Yes fellows, I'm a pimp, and I will explain you everything you have always wanted to know about the hidden scene!"

Still we have always to keep in mind that this forum is read not only by customers, but also by the girls (that's why he have to be gentlemen in our reports), the club managers (these forum's are their best marketing information provider) and probably also pimps (take care of the security of the girls when providing sensitive information).

08-21-05, 22:35
Does anyone know the present location of a Polish provider named "Cora" who used to work at Atlantis? Black Hair, middle aged, very talented.

She found another club after Atlantis closed.



08-22-05, 04:39
You can expect organized crime in any situation where there is easy money and a lot of cash. If the activity is illegal, there is even more involvement since you can't go to the police and the profits are high.

If there were no FKK, the girls would be working in dangerous environments and subject to abuse. The customer would be at risk of being ripped off, beaten up, or worse. This is the situation in the US.

There will always be a demand for sex and someone will provide it at the right price. At an FKK, I am assured of a clean, safe environment and a reasonable price on top of that. There are free lancing girls, but most of them are from legal countries. You can always choose who you go with.

Given a choice, I think very few girls would choose this profession. Sure, there are a rare few that are in it for the sex. That does not make it better or worse and I certainly don't look down on the girls who choose to make this a profession. If a girls chooses to work by the only way possible (illegal marriage), that is a willing choice and I do not consider this exploitation.

I don't see any drug addicted girls which would suggest illegal activities. I suspect there are some guys that live off the girls income. There is not much that is illegal about that and it is not much different from a guy that tricks a girl into having sex or one that abandons a girls if she becomes pregnant. There are always slimy people in this world.

I view the sex industry like the porn industry. It provides an outlet for many people-- the performers and the customers. I treat the girls with respect and mostly they return the favor. I find it difficult for pimped out girls to provide a gfe. There are usually emotionally strung out and really hard. I guess that is why I am suspicious of the girls who "process" guys. They tend to be the kind of girls with pimps.

08-22-05, 14:16
Anyone who does not think that there is no trafficking or mafia element involved in the FKK or any kind of prositution anywhere in the world is seriously mistaken. Organized crime runs prostitution all over the world, including much of the developed first world, whether it is in Germany, Netherlands, the UK, Canada, Japan, Australia, or elsewhere.

Ducati Rider
08-23-05, 22:26
Please advise: How much may cost a taxi ride between the Frankfurt airport (FRA) and Oase. Does it depend on direction (FRA to Oase or return) or on a day of the week?

Thanks for reply

SX Lover
08-24-05, 21:46
Please advise: How much may cost a taxi ride between the Frankfurt airport (FRA) and Oase. Does it depend on direction (FRA to Oase or return) or on a day of the week?

Thanks for replyIt should be around 40 euro.

Harry Dude
08-25-05, 00:24
Just a couple of quick reviews:

I had the pleasure of visiting Oase last weekend and the weekend before, and I met these nice girls:

Jelena (or Elena) from Russia. A little bit older than many of the girls, I would say about 35 or so, about 160cm tall, with nice enhanced breasts (I actually like a nice breast job), and a very pleasant attitude. I really liked this girl, and she was extremely friendly, did an excellent BBBJ in the room, and I had a very good time. Twice.

Monica from Poland: Great BBBJ! What can I say. Thoroughly nice girl.

Is there something funny about Sydney (Sidney) from Malaysia? She gave me some strange vibes. Slim girl, clearly enhanced breasts, strange attitude.

08-25-05, 22:23
Its a lot more than 40EUR probably at least 60EUR and realistically 80EUR. I paid 25EUR for a ride from the airport to a hotel nearby.

08-26-05, 00:21
The path from the airport to Oase is pretty straightforward, i.e. it is a shorter (at least in time) than from downtown Frankfurt. I would guess it is not much more than 40e. I took taxi from downtown Frankfurt to Oase couple of years ago and it was about 50 euros. When I drive from the airport to Oase, it is much quicker than to have to get out of downtown Frankfurt first. You are pretty much straight onto A5 from the Airport, few minutes up to the Bad Homburg krauz, and from there I would guess it is about 10-15 minutes more.

I have not used taxi in Germany for quite some while as I always rent a car nowdays, but I would say it should definetly not be more than 50e unless the rates have been skyrocketing in the last couple of years.


08-26-05, 03:59
For those who are from the US the Euro is probably going to go as a high as $1.45 by the end of the year according to a Deutsche Bank report. Don't start with me on Bush, I voted for Kerry and Al Gore before that.

08-26-05, 08:04
I have taken a taxi from FRA to Oase about 10 times and it always cost betwen 40- 50 Euro depending on time of day, the highway construction and the stau (German for "traffic jam").
The poster who wrote otherwise has a habit of providing false, misleading information without any basis in reality. Can't Believe that Guy's Bullsh*t.

I haven' take a taxi from the airport in a couple of years. I generally drive a rental which is the best option IMO. I also occasionally take public transportation which is not difficult and also the cheapest option.

08-26-05, 23:16
I also occasionally take public transportation which is not difficult and also the cheapest option.

Not necessarily. At sixty.com you can often rent a Smart car for five euro per day. This beats public transportation.


Fly Bob
08-27-05, 00:23
I just checked on the Sixt web site. I didn't see anything there for less than 54 euros per day. Would you point me to the right place. Five euros is less than public transport. Help me out here on this one. It sounds too good to be true.


Not necessarily. At sixty.com you can often rent a Smart car for five euro per day. This beats public transportation.


08-27-05, 01:27
Does that 5 Euro rate include insurance? Someone told me that you have pay extra for auto insurance when you rent a car in Germany. The idea of driving in Europe makes me nervous anyway. I believe in saving the Earth and prefer using public transportation, although SMART cars are fuel efficient its still better for mother Earth if we take the train.

08-27-05, 04:07
Not necessarily. At sixty.com you can often rent a Smart car for five euro per day. This beats public transportation.


Five is pretty cheap. I think that would be on a weekend with a multiple day rental and limited mileage.

The problem is the small Smart is hardly the type of car to take on the autobahn. A roadster or a four-four would be ok. The four-two is only designed for driving within the city. BTW, I was once stuck with the roadster. It is the most uncomfortable car I have ever been in and you have to grease your briefcase if you want it to fit inside the car (there is no trunk). Hard to think such a car would come from the minds of Mercedes. Is it any wonder they lose money!

08-27-05, 08:16
It is with an "I" not a "Y".

If you have a credit card which covers your insurance (Most gold or platinum cards, but check with your card company) you can take the cars without insurance. It makes it a lot cheaper.

Sixti is the discount branch of sixt and only offers two types of cars, the smart and the Ford Focus. The smart starts at 5€ and the Focus at 12€ or something like that, and can start on a daily basis. It depends on how early you rent and how many cars they have. I tried it once, and the smart is one of the worst cars ever made, and a pain in the ass to drive. Driving it on a highway is marginally quicker than a bus, but at least you are more mobile.

08-28-05, 03:11
I tried Sixti in Frankfurt. You might get the 5 euro deal if you book early enough.

To get the total cost of Sixti, remember you have to buy fuel, consider parking if you're staying in the city, and usually wash the car at the end.

The big companies are all at the central train station. Sixti's office is on the subway line a few stops from the centre. It's a little tricky to access when you return the vehicle, lots of one-way streets.

The Smart has a few annoyances, that's for sure. But I like the value for money and would recommend it for someone who's staying a few days minimum and wants to get out to World or Oase most days.

08-28-05, 06:46
I had 2 sessions with Ella (she also said something like Steffi first), and had good time back in June. But, not sure if she is 26....She seemed to be much younger, w/o the make-up on, like 20yrs.

By the way, could you give me more details on Veronika?? Ella was always with some beautiful ladies, but I was not sure which one was Veronika.

Are they still around?? I remember her saying that she would be gone for a while and would be back in the mid Aug (I guess she is back now, from your report, if we are talking about the same Ella).


[QUOTE=Toscana]Ella from Russia, Kaliningrad (I thought she had been reviewed, but seemingly not). 26, about 162-164 cms before heels, shoulder length blonde hair, big smile, B breasts, splendid bum. Hangs around with Veronika, well known at the club, and a Russian beauty I didn’t manage to get hold of.

08-29-05, 02:03
Sorry, I have made this mistake before. It is www.sixti.com. And they have three classes of cars. I am crrently renting a Volvo from them, which is their top class, but still way cheaper than comparable models from other companies. So if you see a Volvo with "sixti.com" ad plastered all over it parked in front of FKKW, chances are that I am inside (the club, not the Volvo).

The Smart is fine, even the four-two. OK, it only goes up to 120 kmh, but so what. It is legal on the Autobahn. Sixti does not offer the roadster any more. But I rented it once from them. It looks like a toy Ferrari, and I have never had as many heads turning my way as when I drove this car through Frankfurt. It is a blast to drive. Yes, the statement about the missing trunk is true. But you can put your luggage on the passenger seat. Problem solved.

Fuel costs: these things drive on diesel, and they are incredibly fuel efficient. And in about 20 rentals I was only once required to pay the charge for washing the car.

Yes, the 5 euro rate is pretty much restricted to weekend rentals of more than one day. And the km allowance is also minimal, only 100 per day. But still, it is a great deal.


08-29-05, 04:30
I can not see any car with GPS system on sixti . How can I book a car with GPS?


08-29-05, 07:45
Sixti cars don't have GPS.

08-29-05, 10:21
Veronika always seems to be around when I am there, and of course hangs out with the other Russian girls.

She is tall with rather thick curly brown hair a bit longer than shoulder length (?). She has breasts on the larger side. Big mouth, literally and figuratively. She is always the one making the jokes in the group, and has a dirty laugh.

It's a matter of taste, but she is not my type, so I cannot say anything on performance.

08-29-05, 13:31
I just checked with Hertz. A car with GPS is over 300e for 2 days. In that price, a taxi will be cheaper.

Toki Jo
08-29-05, 14:38
For those of you visiting Oase, a combined stay in Bad Homburg at the Steigenberger 5 star Hotel is recommended. Its only a short taxi ride away, and costs around 13 euros one way.

Having visited Oase for the first time midweek, the number of girls I would say matched the number of punters.

I would rate several girls around the 8-9/10 mark, most of the girls average looking. Many made up for their enthusiasm in trying to get you into the rooms.

Included in the entrance was the buffet, but don't leave it too late as I found the food quickly goes. It is replenised around 3 times during the evening.

08-29-05, 16:04
TokiJo, well not everyone will be perfect. As far as beautiful girls are concerned, the NRW is the best. There was a rather funny report written by a person who described himself as a Indian who is a British citizen talking about a group of Asian men at a NRW club asking blonde German women if they do anal and rimming, he found it to be a rather funny example of globalization. He was mentioning how warm the women were to these men. The gentleman mentioned this as a way of refuting the idea that FKK clubs are racist by using the group of Asians as an example and also the fact that he, an Asian Indian British citizen was in the club enjoying himself.

08-29-05, 18:55
quote: "I just checked with Hertz. A car with GPS is over 300e for 2 days. In that price, a taxi will be cheaper."

I rented MB 180c for 100 euros + aprox. 20 airport charge from Friday to Monday. GPS included (it is free of charge at Sixt). Don't rent from Hertz or Avis unless you are in some kind of discount program there. Sixt and Alamo are the only reasonable deals I have found at FRA airport in many trips the last 3 years. The best rates for Alamo I have found via http://www.nova.co.uk/


08-29-05, 21:57
After a good Friday at World we decided Oase deserved a visit. Arrived around 6pm to find only 2 parking spots left. Was a bit worried about the ratio, but soon found out that the selection of girls was good enough to match the number of guests.

Compared to World the previous day, Oase was much more "animated". More mingling going on, pole dancing during the night and of course the Kino never dissapoints. I guess the Messe that was going on in Frankfurt has much more effect on Oase than World.

The towel situation soon got to the point that you need to get a new one in the reception, which can be a bit annoying.

In attendance were a few girls I know from previous visits. Decided to mix it up with some new ones as well as proven ones. First one was Beatrice from Polland. I have done session with her before and really like her. She is tall (178 cm), Great body, b/c cup breasts and a beautilful face to go with it. I know what I have with her and decided to do a full hour session. For those who like to get the full benefits of a session with her, pay attention to both her holes as she really gets into it.

Fellow punter did a session with a girl I have not seen before and gave her excellent review. Her name is Gabriela and is from Venezuela. She is very petit, mulat, about 150 cm and slim. Her skin tone and texture is perfect IMHO. A cup breasts, very pretty and friendly face. I decided to give it a go and after a very short time she had already made it to the top 3 of my all time list.

Fellow punter had told me she gave him a decent massage, and as I was still a bit tired from my session with Beatrice, I decided to lay down on my stomach as soon as we entered the room and see if she would take some time giving me massage. She had another idea which ended up with her tounge buried in my ass. Now I am a bit self conscious about my asshole as I do not belive a man's asshole to be one of the sexiest feature of the male anatomy, but the way she approach the subject was in a way that I had all my inhibitions cast away. Her bj techique could improve (a bit too much into the cheek), but her devotion to your bottom while giving you bj make up for that.

Gabriela will leave no part of your body unexplored, and her tenderness is only matched perhaps with that of Andrea at World. Belive it or not, but after sex time is just as good as the sex itself as she will continue to take care of you. I would like to believe that she liked me personally so much, but there were three of us that did total of 5 sessions with her on Saturday and Sunday, and all reported the same experience with her. This is a girl that one can get dangerously attached to, UGFE.

She has been at Oase for 2 months and before that she was at Fkk35 for 4 months. I have not seen reports of her before. Maybe there is something on the German boards and it would be interesting to know if they are the same.

My first session with Gabriela ended up being 1 and 1/2 hour, but I could have stayed forever as she is genuinly one of the nicest girl I have met in FKK.

After Gabriela, decided to call it a night as I was pretty sure everything that would follow within the next hours would suffer from the comparison.


08-29-05, 22:36
Sunday had been reserved for World, but for reasons that are explained in the World section, we were at Oase at 8:30pm on Sunday.

Had a new visitor to the FKK scene with me and was showing him around the club when I noticed Gabriela. I grabbed her hand and had her walk with me the rest of the tour. What followed was an hour and a half of pleasure and nothing but pleasure in the big mirrored close to the bar. Two guys who were with me that night did a session with her as well and all agree she deserves a place at the top.

Relaxed for couple of hours and decided to have a nightcap with Alina from Russia (Siberia). Dark short hair (she has cut it very short now, similar to hairstyle Angelique of Palace has), C/D cup breasts, hourglass figure.

I have done couple of sessions with Alina in the past. She is not GFE, does not really like you playing much with her, but IMO she gives some of the best BJ and ball sucking there is. For the state I was in at the time, that was exactly what the doctor ordered as I was not in the mood to do much myself. I would not give Alina my reccommendation to someone else unless they are looking for good bj and very nice soft ball sucking as that is the only thing she does really well. Don't expect deep passionate kisses or a lot of fondling (her breasts are quite nice though).


08-30-05, 00:48
Sixti cars don't have GPS.

Sixti car`s do have GPS.
I rented one before.
Although today I looked on the website and could not find one.
Try calling them.
If I remember correctly it was a Vauxhall Astra, Rented from Hahn.

08-30-05, 11:21
Agree 100% on Alina, although I think she is in fact from Moscow.

Irresistible BBBJ. But unfortunately you are right on the rest too. No DATY, 69 either. Worth the short "orange" trip for the looks and BJ, but no more.

SX Lover
08-30-05, 17:00
Toki jo,

What are the charges for Steigenberger in bad Hamburg.


Member #2633
08-30-05, 19:24
SX Lover,

first the place is called Bad Homburg and not Bad Hamburg. The city of Hamburg is situated in the north while Bad Homburg is in the middle of Germany closed to Frankfurt.

The prices of an Steigenberger room of sure are varifying by the time you arrive. Generally winter time is cheaper than summer time. As a basis you should calculate a price of 200 EURO per night and room.

Alex P Keaton
08-30-05, 20:36
Jenny: German, early 20's, extremely tall, long straight brown hair, brown eyes, B cups, decent English. She was reviewed previously in this forum by someone who got a weird vibe from her, but my experience was different. She approached me at the bar, played with my hair, nuzzled me, chatted, etc. I remembered seeing her sitting in basically the same place five months ago, so I agreed to give her a try. She was sweet and attentive to me throughout kissing, BBBJ, and CFS in a couple of positions. The basic problem for me was that I was about five inches shorter than her, so our bodies didn't mesh as well as I would have liked. Recommended for a man who is 6' or taller and is looking for a tall girl.

Eena (phonetic, can't possibly be right): Bulgarian, 22, A cups and slender build, medium-length wavy auburn hair, decent English, wearing a silver chain around her waist (even during the session). Lots of kissing and affectionate touching, BBBJ, DATY, CFS in a couple of positions. Possibly the best BJ I've had in an FKK club. I hope to visit her again and get her name right. Recommended.

08-30-05, 22:55
Eena, you mean Inna? Bulgarian women are pretty horny, the one I met was literally pulling down my zipper only a minute after I met her. Maybe its me, all those protein shakes, and days spent in the gym, weekends getting tan, the hair graft I got in Deutschland, paid off. I look like a 25 year old Elvis.

08-30-05, 23:03
Hi Alex,

I notices Jenny last Saturday and Sunday. There are 2 pretty tall girls at Oase. Jenny who I would guess is about 180-182 cm and Beatrice who is 178 cm. Beatrice has a bit larger breasts and Jenny has darker hair. Beatrice is a great session (at least for me), and I thought about going with Jenny as well, but I did not. Will try next time.

btw: you did not miss much not going to World on Sunday. The place was empty and we ended up leaving around dinner time for Oase.


08-31-05, 19:46
Hi fellow members,

I will be at Oase Friday 9th and Saturday 10th. It could be nice to meet a few WSG members. Just PM me for a meeting. I have a rental car if some of you need transportation.

See you at Oase


09-01-05, 11:22
Hi dudes,

There a two girls currently at Oase I noticed a lot when I was there last time. They tend to work together (at least sometimes) and every now and then they try to sell a threesome. One of them is German and the other claims to be Turkish. The German one is tall, with inflated DD boobs, porn star look (with the high heel boots and all), her physical stature is such that she would probably be able to beat the shit out of you if that is what you prefer :-)

The other one is tall as well, a bit more slender, has tastefully enhanced breasts. Had her hair Pocahontas style (she even told me she was Pocahontas, but I really did not believe her :-). Both of them look to be a little older than average, say about 30 years old.

I had a short encounter with them in the Kino. Thought it would be nasty when I realized they were gonna gang up on me, but it was all good and they were actually quite fun and handled my rejection with a nice attitude.

I observed them during some Kino foreplay, and it seemed to me that they went pretty straight to the bbbj, little or no cuddling before.

I was tempted to try one or even both of them, but decided to skip this time. Have any of you guys had any experience with either of these girls?


Alex P Keaton
09-01-05, 11:45
btw: you did not miss much not going to World on Sunday. The place was empty and we ended up leaving around dinner time for Oase.

Yep, I read your reports. I'm headed back to Palace today, then Oase either Friday or Saturday (or both if it's too good to resist).

09-01-05, 15:36
Hi fellow members,

I will be at Oase Friday 9th and Saturday 10th. It could be nice to meet a few WSG members. Just PM me for a meeting. I have a rental car if some of you need transportation.

See you at Oase



I will most likely be there on Friday night. I arrive in Frankfurt from the USA on Tuesday and will hit either Oasa or Gorgenhausen on my drive up to Koblenz and then I have meetings until Friday afternoon. I am staying at a hotel near the Frankfurt airport on Friday night and will most likely go to Oase after my arrival. I have a 9:30a flight back to the USA on Saturday morning.

Keep your eyes open for the American from Virginia on Friday and maybe we can hook-up for some conversation.

Alex P Keaton
09-03-05, 23:20
Janis: tall, slender Romanian, 20, long straight hair dyed a pinkish red, brown eyes, pale skin, A/B cups, decent English. Kissing, BBBJ, CFS in three positions. A neutral recommendation because you have to get her away from her Romanian clique who will insist that they should be part of a three-way with you, and you have to smile and ignore her pleas that you "feeneesh" when she gets tired 2/3 of the way through the session.

Judith: slender, Hungarian, 23, long curly brown hair with a couple of highlights, pale green eyes, tan skin, B cups with inverted nipples, decent English. Kissing, excellent BBBJ, CFS in various positions. She was my most GFE-ish experience this trip and she gets my highest recommendation.

It was a fairly busy Saturday at Oase. All the rooms were full for a time around 6 p.m., so there was good voyeurism to be had in the outdoors. I saw about a half-dozen Americans there, which is about five more than I usually see (i.e., myself in the mirror). One thin blonde girl had continuous customers from about 3 p.m. through 9 p.m. without having to hustle; she just sat there and looked innocent and they lined up.

Alex P Keaton
09-04-05, 22:00
Betty: Polish, 23, tall, tan, straight highlighted brown hair pulled tightly into a short ponytail, hazel eyes, firm B/C cups, tattoo on the small of her back, modest English. Kissing, good BBBJ, DATY, CFS in a couple of positions. Recommended.

09-05-05, 00:19
Hi dudes,

There a two girls currently at Oase I noticed a lot when I was there last time. They tend to work together (at least sometimes) and every now and then they try to sell a threesome. One of them is German and the other claims to be Turkish. The German one is tall, with inflated DD boobs, porn star look (with the high heel boots and all), her physical stature is such that she would probably be able to beat the shit out of you if that is what you prefer :-)

The other one is tall as well, a bit more slender, has tastefully enhanced breasts. Had her hair Pocahontas style (she even told me she was Pocahontas, but I really did not believe her :-). Both of them look to be a little older than average, say about 30 years old.

I had a short encounter with them in the Kino. Thought it would be nasty when I realized they were gonna gang up on me, but it was all good and they were actually quite fun and handled my rejection with a nice attitude.

I observed them during some Kino foreplay, and it seemed to me that they went pretty straight to the bbbj, little or no cuddling before.

I was tempted to try one or even both of them, but decided to skip this time. Have any of you guys had any experience with either of these girls?


Hey Chivas (and other interested WSGers),

That would be Kira (Turkish) and Sunny (German). Both certainly have all the right "Hardware". I have had sessions with both (not at the same time) and promise to compose a report with my observations soon.



09-05-05, 23:46
it was the best of times, it was the worst of times. dickens opened "a tale of two cities" with this sentence. (see, i do read books that are not outright porn!). my oase experience on saturdaywas just like this.

i avoided fkkw's mallorca party because of the current reported lack of providers and wend to oase around one pm on saturday. looking back through my posts, i realized that i had not been to oase for more than a year. but i was still surprized that i did not recognize any of the faces of the 15 or so girls that were there. i made my customary quick round through the club to gauge the level of talent. i would say that imo the talent base was dismal. about 10 of the 15 were very definitely in the no way, not even if you give it to me for free category. (keep in mind that i just had flown in from the us and was desparate for some action.) two were good-looking, and the other few just ok. the problem was that the nasty ones constantly kept coming over to me and asked if i wanted som ecompany. but i managed to send them away without causing hard feelings (i hope.).

the food was just like the supply of girls: sparse, and not desirable. i passed on eating.

after a couple of cups of coffee i went to hella, from kaliningrad, russia. bleached-blond hair, medium height, silicion-enhanced headlights, very nice ass and pussy (shaven clean). she has a friendly face, perhaps not the prettiest. by a very long margin she was the best-looking girls around.

session started good with a bbbj in the kino, during which she almost made me come (did i mention i just flew in from the states?). but i was able to hold off by thinking about baseball. hey, this really works!!!

so we went to the room, one of the newer air-conditioned ones. another bbbj, very competent, got me to the brink again. i suggested we put on a rain coat. hella, of course, sensed that she could move in for the kill. she mounted me cowgirls style and started some extremely competent riding, just at the right freqeuncy. quick, i must think of baseball, euro thought. but little euro reminded me that after a long flight across the big pond he needed relief. little euro always wins! so after only about five minutes into the session i was done. hella stuck around and cleaned me up, cuddled a bit. ok session. just what the doctor ordered.

i hung around another hour and deparately tried to find someone else to pop. could not see anything that interested me. hella came over, and i considered a second session. but in the end i just left. went to go shopping for some clothes, for crying out loud. if you know me, then you know that i hate shopping. but that's how desparate things were.

of course i know that the evening shift can bring change. so i came back to oase at 6:30 pm. of course i did not have to pay again for entering, because i had let the girl at the entrance know i wanted to come back, and she had given me a little note to bring back.

there more girls around now, 'bout 25 or so. some of the uglier early-shift girls were now replaced with rather decent looking ones. i did a set with paula, for brazil. dark skinned, big natural boobs, pretty smile, friendly demeanor, just what the doctor ordered. i would not say that i had special chemistry with her, but after a bit of foreplay and a good 25 minute session with definite gfe elements (she is a cuddly little cat!), i was happy to have come back.

then they served hot food. a queue had formed next to the pool, and so i got in line. the four girls in front of me were all lookers. ahhh, the evening is looking up ;-) the girl right in front of me was a pretty blond girls from russia, but i forgot the name. she was fun to talk to. we had plenty of time to do so, because the food people took their sweet time to get the food ready. so i rubbed the russian blond cutie a little on the nipples from behind, move my hands to her ass, then reaching under between her legs from behind, massaged her pussy. just to keep us busy during the wait. so the time flew by, and then we both got our food and ate. she was sitting with three other girls, and there was no more seat to join them. so i went to another table and ate there. i must say that i felt obliged to session with her, after all the playtime in the queue. i wouldn't have minded the least bit either ;-) but another guy picked her up right after she finished eating, and i did not see here any more.

oh well, there were now enough providers, a buyers market. the pole dances had started, and i strolled over. i peeked into the kino and saw sunny sitting there alone. sunny is tall, wears long black leather boots, has long black hair, very pretty enhanced boobs, and an overall pornstar look to her. she got very friendly with little euro right away after we moved to a couch in the first row of the kino. she gave me a very competent bbbj, and invited me to do some tongue-work of me own. i had her kneel on the couch and gave her a good tonguing from behind, then turned her over. i decided to apply some technique i had pickey up from a session with the incomparable olga at fkkw, and sunny showed her appreciation with some very rythmic hip-thrusting.

now there would have been the time to move to a room, i knew that there was a waiting line. sunny suggested to get to the main program right there. ok with me. she has the attitude of a pornstar, and it turned into a very good public fuck. first we went through most of the standard positions on the couch, and then we moved to the bed right in front of the couch. her cowgirl needs a bit of work, but she really shines at doggy. she arched her back beautifully and turned over to dfk. after about 20 minutes on the bed, i just could not hold it any longer and pounded her as hard as i can from behind while she was lying flat on the bed. bingo. great shot! a couple of guys had positioned themselves on the couches to watch, and i felt i had given them a good show.

alright, the day was a success after all. sunny is highly recommended if you want to engage in high-energy power-sex. the whole pornstar feel thing....


09-06-05, 07:03
Nice to read a good detailed action report again. Some of those ugly girls can be so pushy that I end up hurting their feelings in my final turn downs. but the night shift at Oase really is good at the moment, and with the horror stories I am reading about FKKW on all the boards, it does seem the only alternative.

09-06-05, 09:35
Very nice report Euro. If you notice, your Hella was the "Ella" I reported on about a month ago. What's an aspirate between friends? :-) You made a good choice there without a doubt.

09-06-05, 23:02

yes, she is the one. I just went back to your earlier report and read it. No doubt, your Ella is my Hella. I agree with your assessment: can't go wrong with her.


09-07-05, 01:46
Couple of weeks ago Harry dude wrote: "Is there something funny about Sydney (Sidney) from Malaysia? She gave me some strange vibes. Slim girl, clearly enhanced breasts, strange attitude."

She sure looked a bit strange to me as well and is also very annoying in her approaches. She does a very vigourus (but not very sexy) dance on the pole. Correct me if I am wrong, but on closer observation (muscle tone, size of hands and feets etc.), I had pretty much made up my mind that this one has not always been a girl.


09-09-05, 20:25
Couple of weeks ago Harry dude wrote: "Is there something funny about Sydney (Sidney) from Malaysia? She gave me some strange vibes. Slim girl, clearly enhanced breasts, strange attitude."

She sure looked a bit strange to me as well and is also very annoying in her approaches. She does a very vigourus (but not very sexy) dance on the pole. Correct me if I am wrong, but on closer observation (muscle tone, size of hands and feets etc.), I had pretty much made up my mind that this one has not always been a girl.

ChivazYes Chivaz,

I had the same idea!

09-10-05, 09:48
September FKK Tour: Part Two
Lady of Spain at Oase (Friday, September 2)

Oase really can’t be ignored as a top German FKK. I have many problems with the facilities: The owner could do something about the moldy sandals, the stuffy air (both in the club area AND the men’s changing room) and lack of ventilation, sub-standard meals etc. But Oase always has something good to offer in the lady’s department. Just the sheer numbers alone guarantee that there will be someone who fits a chap’s taste. Also Oase has a rawness element that is a big turn on for many. It is probably the wildest club of the 3 and one will certainly witness wild acts being committed both indoors and out.

After giving Sir Fredrick ample time to adjust his internal clock to central FKK time, we decided to head north to Burgholzhausen in hopes of finding a goldmine of girlies. Word on the street is that Oase has thrived while World is struggling. We entered Oase’s gates armed with a list of ladies to look for and I was pretty excited and rather hopeful after reading a number of positive reports.

It was around 3 PM when we arrived. A few lookers were at the bar but it was still early and I knew that the evening crowd would deliver many more dames. I spied Veronika, Vanessa, Alina, and a few others to whom I have yet to be introduced. A tall Amazonian with enhanced headlights made me turn my head twice before I descended to the changing room. After a quick shower and several attempts to find a pair of sandals that did not make me want to barf, I decided to enjoy a bit of sunshine before going inside to grab a drink and take attendance. A few evening shift girls were starting to show up. The Estonian Kitty looks great in her day cloths!

I also spotted a girl who I have seen very often in the past. She is tall, has brown-reddish hair pulled behind in a bun, and is Polish I think (at least she hangs with the Polish brigade. She has a super figure and does not smile so much. I have seen her at work in the Kino and her talents are impressive. Does any one know the name of this beauty?

Fred and I met up and sat together in the main room and scouted the line-up. He was being teased by some girls on the sofas across the way so I am not so sure that I had his undivided attention. A few girls entered the area and I spotted Maria of Spain right off. She has always been a cute one, but now she has lost a little more weight and is most desirable! We made eye contact and smiled at each other. I knew at some point that I had to get next to that! We have spoken before but I had never taken the plunge. That would have to change tonight.

While Fred was being enticed to sample some German girl’s home-cooking, I was getting ready to go practice my Spanish. I was too late for some lucky joker beat me to her. No problem. The day was barely under way.

Later while sitting near the main room entrance hoping to catch a glimpse of one of my targets the Amazon strutted by. She was clearly on the hunt and I gave her just enough of a leer for her to seize the moment. She came over, sat on my lap and let her fingers do some walking about while engaging in a bit of “get to know me.” SUNNY is certainly a knock-out body wise! Straight off the set of “Baywatch”. Her face is also attractive in certain way. Nothing tender about her looks. She is a hard body with the facial features of a Teutonic dominatrix. She seemed friendly enough and her class-A body had already made Dedalus Jr. decide to interface with those tits. Our conversational dialogue was simple enough. After the standard small-talk she practically ordered me to go to a room with her so that we could “pleasure each other”. “Mit Vergnügung” was my response.

In the room our session started off fantastically! She went right to work on mini Dedalus with that body and those luscious tits. I was sure that I had died and gone to Tit-Heaven! She started a BBBJ that was more than acceptable but after she saw the attention that I was paying to her twat, she laid on her back, spread her legs, arched her back and put my tongue to work. She seemed to really be into my efforts and I think that I may have actually gotten under her skin a bit. Perhaps she is just a good actress. A guy can dream, can’t he? We started a great doggie that I was enjoying the hell out of and she seemed to be having fun with as well. When we switched to missionary, suddenly everything changed. This wild amazon just went cold. Not mean or bitchy, just sort of empty. I was really built up for a grand finish but the coldness was a real mood-killer. When I saw what was happening I just lifted her great legs above my head and started to pound away till I was finished. Afterwards we had a smoke together but now she was really distant. I tried my best humor (albeit auf Deutsch) on her but she was done and that was that. At the locker I gave her her wages and went to kiss her cheek but she turned and left before I had a chance. Really odd.

I saw her later in the Kino as she was working the room with Kira trying to drum up some business. “Willst du jetzt mit zwei geilen Frauen ficken? What red-blooded hetero male would not want to steal an hour with these two sex machines? But Sunny really had me a bit leery. I may try her again one day. Since then I have read some good things about her on the German boards. If I do try her again it will probably be a Kinofick.

name: Sunny
hair: Brown with blond highlights
size: ~ ca. 1,75 m
figure: Hardbody, C/D-breast (enhanced)
origin: German
born: ~ 1980 ?
service: Hard-core great bbbj, DFK, DATY
other: Seems to team up with Kira (dark-haired, Turkish SUPER, figure)

I met up with Fred shortly afterward. He seemed to be bewitched by the lovely Steffi. I can’t blame him for that one is a dandy! She is definitely on the list for when I return to Oase. We both ran into Veronika from Latvia. She had been pushing a session since we arrived and I was strongly considering it. She is a great girl and I have always had great times with her. On this evening she seemed to always catch me during my moments of repose so it was not to be.

I was determined to find MARIA and after some patient biding of my time I finally stopped her as she was taking some Spanish steps through the main area. We talked for a bit and I had to convince her that we had not yet been together. We agreed to change that and she led me off to the Kino. Her Kino act is a hot one! She has sultry moves and is utterly bewitching when she looks at you in the midst of an All-Pro blow job. She thought that we should go to a room since it was so hot in the Kino. She was right about that so we moved our act to one of the rooms. This girl was worth the wait! She continued her oral practices and let me simultaneously return the favor. What a woman! She did some exploring with her fingers that shocked me somewhat but I managed to relax and take it all in stride. We tried many different positions before finishing with a hot missionary. Thank God she did not go strange like Sunny. Afterwards we talked and cuddled some. She has only been in Germany for a few years and speaks pretty fluent Deutsch. Sharp girl!

Later I paid her and was strongly considering a repeat performance before the evening was over.

name: Maria
hair: Dark, long
size: ~ 1,70 m
figure: Great legs, Nice C-breasts (all Natural)
origin: A lovely Spanish Mamasita
born: ~ 1984
service: Super! great bbbj, DATY, DFK
other: Oh that smile!

The stuffy indoor air made me decided to take a break and return to the great Oase outdoors. It was dark by now but there was still a lot of outdoor action going on. At one point while I was doing some extreme-lounging 7 couples were engaging in Sex al fresco. This is the cool thing about Oase. Just the atmosphere can be stimulating.

I caught Fred inside and listened to him brag about the wonders of Steffi. I was really tempted to see if Steffi lived up to her billing but I just had to try Maria once more. Fred and I were admiring Kira and some other creatures at the bar when Maria walked by. I abruptly excused myself and dashed off to catch her. She led me to the Kino again which seemed a good option. It was getting late and there was quite a line for the rooms. I had already heard a rather horny guy yell at the doors to the rooms. “Ich will sofort ficken! Ich bin dran zu ficken! Beeilen und doch schnell!” All in all, the Kino seemed more relaxed.

We got off to a good start with some passionate kissing, a lot of body contact and her fabulous oral skills. Then she asked if I would mind if we stayed there. I asked her if she wouldn’t rather go outside where it was cooler. She said that she was just fine right there but that we should move up front. I thought she meant the first couch. Wrong!

I have done my share of Kino-fucking and I have quit being shy about it. But I had yet to park my ass on one of the beds next to the silver screen and be on display with John Holms, Briana Banks and the rest of the featured porn acts running up on the wall. Yeah, as Maria was spreading towels on the heart-shaped bed, and as every jack-ball in the club was starting to wander into the Kino, I was wondering if I was up to this. Maria’s sex-appeal convinced me to boldly go where Dedalus had not gone before.

Dedalus’ Public Sex Tips for the Shy, Introverted or Weak of Heart

1. Relax (Obvious, right?) Try to forget that there is anyone else beside you and her in the Kino.
2. Don’t look into the crowd. It’s a mood killer. Plan all your positions so that your back is to the sofas.
3. Don’t try anything sexual on the Kino beds that you would not normally do in the rooms. If it’s your first time on stage, then that is enough of an experiment.
4. However self conscious that you feel, bear in mind that most of us crack-pots who are watching are only interested in seeing the girl that you are with. Chances are that she is what is going to stick in everyone’s mind and not you. Think about all of the ladies that you have seen perform in the Oase and Palace Kinos. Now think of all the men. Chances are that you will not recall anything about the guys.

Everything that transpired in the room with Maria was repeated on the heart-shaped bed, but I enjoyed myself even more this time around. If anyone was rating my technique, then I think I held my own. I hope that the voyeur that decided to move to the couch right in front of that heart-shaped bed enjoyed the show.

Maria asked me if I had ever done that before. I told her that it was my maiden voyage. She said that she didn’t think that I was the type that did that on a regular basis and that she hoped I had a good time. I told her that I did indeed. With the right girl I may try it again, soon.

Later on the bench outside by the sauna, Fred and I met up and compared notes on the evening. He seemed sorry to have missed the show, yet I am sure Steffi gave him enough to do.

Another good night of FKKing. Not sure that it was one of Oase’s mega line-ups. Did not see Maria of Bulgaria. No Lizzie, Lilith, Eva, or Cherry. I may have spotted the Gabriela of Chivaz’ Top-Acts but she was with the same dude every time I saw her. Inna, Judith, Mary and Ella were there and occupied most of the night. Again, the sheer volume of girls here make it difficult to leave Oase ungefickt.

Soon to come: Mall orca-Party or Bust?

Buenos Noches Cabrones,


09-10-05, 13:28
Hello guys,

I'm reading your forum for quite a while, so i thought it's time for a post of my own.
I arrived at Oase at around 15.30, The parking area was not very crowded at this time. There were quite a good selection of girls at this time, also a few new faces. After taking the meal and spoting around for some time i had my first session with a russin woman named Olga, who teased me at the bar

Olga: originally from Russia, now living in Germany;about mid 30's about 1.60 tall ; nice c- breasts, blond, symphatic person
Service: Good Blowjob, good missionary and cowgirl position.
After the session we talked for a while. Good Standard i would say.

While taking a break Ella tease me and so i decided to test her.
Ella: From Kaliningrad she said, now in Germany living; mid 30's i would say, about 1.60; blond, nice C-Cup;
Good Service but a little bit rushed for me.

Then about 19:00 there seemed to be a police controll becaus all the girls had to go to the locker.
I never saw this before: Oase at Rush Hour and no one single girl around.
After 30 minutes or so the girls showed up again.

First wanted to go home, but i nice romanian girl, which name i forgot, took me to the room to my last session of that day.

@Dedalus: Your right, Maria is really a hot girl, unfortunately she was not there yesterday.

09-11-05, 20:02
I plan to spend some time at Oase later this month when I fly out to Germany to see my wife. I am tired of being the observer at World and as my longstanding favourite worker is no longer there so Oase I will visit again. I have read the posts and there seem to be many recommendations - Sunny, Kira, Maria, Gabriella, Ella/Hella, Lizzie, Judith - as I know none of them my head is spinning! (Daniella I know but she is not often there). Does my list sound about right to Oase afficionados (if I've spelt that right)?

09-11-05, 22:08
I also spotted a girl who I have seen very often in the past. She is tall, has brown-reddish hair pulled behind in a bun, and is Polish I think (at least she hangs with the Polish brigade. She has a super figure and does not smile so much. I have seen her at work in the Kino and her talents are impressive. Does any one know the name of this beauty?Her name is Beate, a very tall brunette from Poland. My friend does have a session with her a few months ago. He was satisfied but it was a very short session, 15 minutes.

09-12-05, 16:59
I was looking forward coming back to Oase and meeting my favorite girls, after nearly 9 month. But did I make them all pregnant last time? I didn't recognize any of my girls, except Romanian Jessica. What a turnover!

I choosed a very beautifull young Romanian dark haired girl with a perfect body. I noticed she had not the right attitude, but for this very first session of my FKK tour I just needed a quick pop to release the pressure. And that's what I got! Her name is Anda, which means "go" in Spanish, so if you meet her, don't go! She performs her job on an RLD style!

All this disappointed me, so I decided that if anyway I didn't know anybody, I could better go to visit a complete new club for me. I decided to visit Palace, at only 10 min drive from Oase. At the reception, they kept my arm band, so that I could come back the same night without having to pay again. So this was my first time doing two clubs in one night! See my review on the Palace thread.

Later that night I came back to Oase for a memorable session, my very first trio. I think this is every man's fantasy, having sex with two girls. I happened to be also outside, on one of the outdoor bed, as it was a warm summer night. A public group sex in open air, I can't believe I did it!

Just imagine this perfect picture, naked under the stars with two sexy teenage girls, a blonde and a dark haired. The funny thing is that we had exactly the same age (I mean when you sum up both their ages of course!).

For the technical details of a trio, you have to know that the pricing is the same (50€ for each girl for every 30min), and that you need to change the condom every time you switch of girl. The first trio is very strange, kissing one mouth while receiving a blow job from another mouth, or performing DATY on one pussy while fucking another pussy! I admit I had sometimes trouble focusing, for example when both girls where under me, it was like fucking a girl with two heads! Couldn't build up a personal relation with both girls on the same time, so didn't even remember their names. Anyway, it's an experience anyone should try at least once in a lifetime!

But my best session that night was the last one just before closing time. Her name was Laetitia. She is half Moroccan and half Spanish. She is a very beautiful long dark haired girl with a perfect C cupped body. I rate her physicaly a 9. She has also a nice personality, speaking multiple languages (German, English, French, Spanish and Arabic), the kind of girl you wonder why she is in that business with so many qualities. I asked her also to go outdoor rather than stay inside, as Oase has a problem with air ventilation. She asked if BJ could be covered, which in a way made me feel more confortable due to some previous discussions on this board about Sexual diseases. Anyway I have had enough BBBJ that night, and skipped BJ. It was my 5th session that night, we had a long session of excellent sex in multiple positions. I was a bit afraid that I couldn't come, but Laetitia is marvelous,and I finally came on a perfect timing. Laetitia is a real recommendation!

09-12-05, 17:27

Great report. Brings back memories. Like I said in my report a few posting back, I enjoyed Sunny in the Kino, on one of the beds in front of the screen. She is into this. And it also was my first time on one of these beds.

I also agree with your points about the musty air and the terrible sandals. Since I just did ColA (see my post under "other clubs"), the contrast was staggering, with ColA being astoundingly clean.

But still, this coming Saturday I will be back at Oase ... unless I hear that Andrea and Lana have come back from their vacation to work at World.


Shag Master
09-13-05, 17:09
Well here I am, back in routine , after a great visit to Oase on Saturday.

The day started with me unexpectingly bumping into Cordelia whilst we were both making our way to Frankfurt. It was nice to see you again Cordelia, sorry I didn't get chance to say goodbye before we got separated in the crowds, enjoy your vacation!

Myself and the other 3 members of the Shagmaster crew descended on Oase at around 12 noon and , as expected, it was fairly quiet, but still a nice selection of girls around.

I started my activities with a Russian lady. I'm sorry but I forgot her name , however, I'm sure I have seen her around before, so if I do the description, perhaps someone can provide the name. She was tall, late 20's, very short black hair, nice smile, nice pair of firm boobs. She was an excellent choice. Great unhurried session in the room.

Afterwards I went to find the other guys and discovered that they had found the indoor hot tub, next to the swimming pool. Apparently it was pretty hot in there and the one guy decided to get out and get straight into the pool. However he didn't just ease himself into the pool, apparently he threw himself straight in with a resulting huge splash, which, was unfortunate for the poor guy who was walking past at the time and caught the brunt of the wave of water. !! If you were that person, can he apologise again?

Round 2 for me was with a Hungarian girl called Sissy. Around 24 years old, brunette with a ponytail, nice pair of natural boobs and a pierced tongue. What a great session I had. Very attentive with no rush and a nice chat in the room afterwards. She does not kiss, but had informed me of this before we went to the room.

Caught up again with the guys who were chilling out on the sunbeds outside. We were talking amongst ourselves , when the peace was shattered by very loud moans and groans coming from a guy who was situated in that secluded spot outside , that is reached by the steps next to the hot tub. Then it went quiet and then the loud moans again. We all found it quite amusing, I just hope the guy WAS actually enjoying himself!

Round 3 for me was with the recently talked about girl from Venezuela , Gabriela, no further details needed, she was as good as recent reports suggest.

Whilst I was inbetween sessions, I had a chill out in the outdoor hot tub and found myself talking to two guys from France and a guy from Canada, it was definately quite an international gathering at Oase that day.

Round 4 was my final session of the day, due to the fact that we had to leave for the airport at 8.30pm, and I opted for a repeat session with Sissy.

To conclude: This was probably one of my best visits to Oase. All my sessions were great, even though I didn't see Maria of Spain there. The evening shift swelled the girl numbers to around 50 and although the place was busy by 7pm it didn't feel too packed. I have to agree with the recent comments about the changing rooms, sandals and the inside air quality though. My fellow travellers all had a whale of a time and insisted that I keep them informed of any up coming trips . There was plenty of action going on in the kino and on the outdoor love swings. There was the usual wait for rooms shortly after the evening food had been served and consumed, however this didn't last that long.

I will probably return to the FKK pleasures next week, if only I could !! But a trip in November. Now that is definately possible.



09-13-05, 20:40
Do you guys know that there is a chick with the dick (or used to have a dick) working at Oase? I never read any report on this. So, here is my warning.

This chick is very skinny, with the Southeast Asian look. I did not talk to her or even near her. She seems to have a implanted breast.

How did I found out:
I was talking to a girl at the bar, This chick(or man) passed by. I made a comment that she looks like a man (very small ass). The girl I was talking to confirmed that. I was surprised. How can Oase let such chick with the dick work there? later, I confirmed this with another girl. I guess that all of girls know about this.

I saw ths guy was very happy after paying her at the bar. I wonder if the dude knew that he just fucked another dude.

If that's your thing. more power to you.

09-13-05, 22:14
Thanks for the report Shag. Always nice to receive fresh reports on Oase!

Tell me: Saturdays can get croweded at Oase. When you were there did you observe long waits for rooms? or did the "garden aspect" relieve the pressure on the indoor rooms? I remember visiting Oase with you last Nov. when, due to the winter months, all the action was inside so there tended to be a back-log of rooms at times. Was this the case during your visit or was it better?

Also, how many (roughly) Russian girls were there? Any new Lithuanians or Latvians?

Thanks again, Shag

Ortos (ST)

09-13-05, 22:37
This Sunday I made my first visit ever to a German FKK. I hade time from Sunday noon to Monday afternoon to spend in Frankfurt and following the recent reports in this forum, I decided to go for Oase. This showed to be very good choise.

Rented a Smart Car from Sixti.de The cost for two days including insurance and 200 km was only 28 Euro. I hade also booked an overnight at the Mercure hotel in Friedrichsdorf. My company has a discount card at Accor hotels, so the overnight cost was 30 Euro for the room. It was very easy to find the way from the airport to the hotel. Took about 25 minutes (you don't drive that fast with a Smart) The good thing with Friedrichsdorf is that it takes only 5 minutes by car from the hotel to Oase.

Since I was too early for the hotelroom, I headed directly to Oase. No big trouble to find that place either. I hade printed a map from map24.de and used that one toghether with the description on the webpage of the FKK. 2 pm and 20 cars on the parking area. Here we go.

The lady at the entrance asked if it was my first visit (was that so obvious) and I had to admit. Got a towel, key, and she then showed med the way to the locker room and quickly explained the premises and the cost related to the girls. As a newbe at the FKK I must admit it's a strange feeling when you first enter the place and 10 naked girls are looking back at you as you pass the bar. One of them immediately smiled, stroke my arm and said welcome. I escaped down to the locker room and tried to think out a plan to proceed.

The plan was easy. Glass of water in the hand, and then just walk around the whole area trying to get a grip of the situation. And that was not easy. I admit I did not count, but at my opinion there where girls everywhere. I felt the male:female ratio something like 1:3.

After a while I felt like the fox in an english fox hunt. I had to escape somewhere, and the first idea was the easiest. The smiling girl by the bar showed to speak absolutely excellent english. And with all good advices read on this forum, I invited her to one of the sofas to see what type she could be.

Maribela (or Mariela) 23 years from Rumania. Around 170 cm, A-cup, dark long hair. Very slender body. She was talkative and enough GFE like to after some 10 minutes force me to invite her to a room. No trouble to find a free one. I now have to admit that I stick to the very precausius guy's. I asked for cover even for the BJ. On the other hand, the difference is not that big to my opinion. Maribela has a nice soft technique for the BJ and after a while I had to ask her to stop. Time for a missionary. More than one week without sex had it's influence - would I last half an hour? Short break saved the situation and then time for doggy. She has a tight pussy, but luckily my frend below kept in shape. Five minutes later I had to fill the condom.

Time for a short recover. Went to check in at the hotel and back againg around 4 pm.

Next encounter called herself Darling. Dark brown body, firm and very soft skinn. Around 25 i guess, 165 cm, short hair (3 cm), A-cup and said she was from Haiti. Unfortunately her english was very poor, and my German is really not up to shape. This time we went almost directly to a room. With the language difficulties there was no idea to spend time on something else. This girl has an absolutely outstanding BJ technique. Real depthroating. With all these nice ladies I decided to follow the old chinese rules, sex according to Tao. You should have sex several times per day but keep your "ching". So, we kept on fucking in several positions and I finally explained to her that I didn't want to finish. Even that was not easy to explain in english. IMHO her soft but firm body, and not to mention the BJ, is absolutely worth a visit.

The good thing with Tao is that the member below is always ready. So when Lissy, 175 cm, just over 20, slim with A-B cup, long brown hair from Moldavia approched, he was immediately part of the game. Off to a room. We managed to find the last free one. This girls obviously like more tough times. When she was performing a BJ I started to give her massage on the pussy with my right thumb. All of a sudden, she sat up and pressed herself down on my thumb into the bottom. The following half an hour I must have lost two kilos just swetting. I was not able to pump hard enough, she just wanted even more. When the half hour had passed, everything in the room was wet. When she left me by the safety box, she smiled and asked me to come back when I wanted to finish. I wonder if I survive that.

Time had now past 8.30 pm, and the last encounter forced some relaxation. During the evening I had now and then seen a very nice girl, around 25, dark hair to the shoulders, 165 cm, A-cup with piercing in the left nipple. She had the spanish or italian look, and a great smile. Now she was sitting alone by the bar, so I had to take the opportunity and approached her. She didn't speak english. Not one single word. Shit! But I didn't care, this one I have to come closer. We went to one of the sofas and my 20 year old school german was what I had to rely on. She showed to have a Dutch mother, Italian father and was born in Cologne. Think she called herself Cissi. The Italian father explains the look. She also showed to have a piercing i the tung in the navel and even at the pussy. I hate piercing, specialy in the tung, but I couldn't care less in this case. After a few minutes she was sitting in my knee whith her brest in my mouth and and giving massage to my extremely hard erection behind her back. I didn't care about all the watching people, I don't know anyone here. After maybe 10 minutes we went to a room. BJ was maybe not her best game, but the rest..DFK, smiling and 100% GFE attitude. This one you could fall in love with. Half an hour passes quickly. Still following the Tao rules, we left the room together and had a shower outside. She said she was leaving for the night at 10 pm, and I decided to do the same.

This my first FKK visit was 100% satisfying. I didn't have to be at the airport until 4 pm Monday, so I will try the club even earlier when I check out from the hotel. I come back with a report about Monday

09-13-05, 23:33
I actually look forward to the room backlog problem as it gives all that off the clock time to get to know the person waiting with you a little better. Those standing in line feel up/makeout sessions can be great!

Lover Boy #2
09-14-05, 08:39
"Warning: Chick with the dick

Do you guys know that there is a chick with the dick (or used to have a dick) working at Oase? I never read any report on this".

I reported on this earlier at the Atlantis club. This male (now ?) was working some American soldiers near the bar area, flanked by another Thai girl. The same thing happened...a guy picked him and returned with a smile on his face.....claiming a great blow job. No doubt!!

I complained to two managers. Both listened, but seemed mildly annoyed that I realized this was a chick with a dick....no that the character should be working elsewhere....where his talent could be appreciated.

I personally don't like this kind of stuff because it is easy for the inexperienced colleagues to pick a dude up. This should not be happening in the FKK environment....which should have protection against this. If a guy is looking for a chick with a dick, there are many places in Germany for him to go...and guys who want this know this very well. So, why throw a mystery penis/lady boy on unsuspecting mongers? I think this is very bad policy for this type of club.

09-14-05, 09:00
I´m quite sure one can find post-OP Transsexuals at FKK-clubs. I don´t think that there are pre-OP TS´es working.

These persons feel like women, legally they are women, so why shouldn´t they work there?

Noone is obliged to book them, so it´s up to the customers to take their choice.

IMHO an FKK-club is not a place for intolerance.

09-14-05, 09:37

I am completely agree about what say Lover Boy.

I not expect and surely NOT want to find this type of "figure" into.

I say, I am not with a close mind (who can be with close mind into a FKK?)

Just it is not the right place for them, i believe.

(I always think that one thing is connected to another. I am not pretty sure their customers are the same with the daily ones there are now)

For FKK fans like me (and the people I know) this palce is a PARADISE, and I really hope never will change the policy.

Maximun respect for trans/ladyboy, just my personal opinion it isn't the place for them.

P.s. However i am sure they already have a place.

I come from far for spend nice time in these places... surely i will "change" if i will find me into a "bad" situation.


09-14-05, 13:40
IMHO an FKK-club is not a place for intolerance.

Well said. Maybe I'm a bit over tolerant but I think it's a question of each to his own. The more range the better. I have accidentallygone with two post ops (not in FKKs) and found their service was of the absolutely highest - although I was a bit mentally confused afterwards.

I can see it could offend some people but there are so many things which can offend - girls at FKKs get offended if a client wants to lick their feet, or use a vibrator, or if their boyfriend has sex with a prostitute; men at FKKs get upset if the previous client came in the girl's mouth, some men are intolerant of the girl's being real people and not plastic playthings.

So I think we need to mellow a bit about it and accept that it's one of life's risks that things at an FKK may turn out to be a bit more unexpected than our normal life

09-14-05, 15:24
I think it is an important point about the need to avoid intolerance in our beloved FKKs. And whilst I am no expert in TS's or post-ops or whatever, I certainly would not like to be tricked into a session with a man thinking he/she/it is a girl.

So I would only raise the question of honest business practises here. If a so-called "chick-with-a-dick" is passing herself off as girl but is not in fact a girl, and he/she/it does not reveal his/her true nature, is that not fraud?

I mean if you go into a restaurant and order lobster, but they bring you some kind of fish painted-up as lobster and positioned in a lobster shell, that ain't right, ist es?

09-14-05, 16:18
It has nothing to do with intolerance. It has everything to do with false advertising.

When I go to a fish market for red snapper, I expect the real thing. I don’t want to buy some human-made red snapper. It is different. It is not real red snapper.

As long as everyone is aware of this, it is cool. Take your selection carefully at such place.

09-14-05, 18:49
Ortos and Capt Nemo. I take your point. It all depends on whether one sees a post-op as a girl or not. I do, so I do not see it as false advertising. However I suspect most members do not see a post op as a girl, (the absence of a clitoris might be a disaster if one wants sex with a girl!) in which case it might be considered unacceptable (like buying a BMW which had been secretly fitted with a Nissan engine - it might/might not be better but it's not what the buyer expected ). Even if legally the person is a woman. Maybe I'm having a bad day but on this occasion I don't see how to square the circle. The "girl" can't exactly wear a disclaimer, but nor should hs/she be barred from working if she is legally a woman and considers herself a woman.

I fall back on the idea that the buyer has to be aware. If the person has a small man type ass, false breasts, no clit and just a urethral opening instead (but it's a bit hard to discover thatt early on) then it is/was obviously a man

09-14-05, 20:05
Jackson has been pretty clear on many sections of this forum that he will not tolerate posts about sex with post-ops, TV's Ts's or any other sort of deviant. Wahtever your personal beliefs, Jackson seems to have made it a personal point in his forum that Boys who pretend to be girls, or girls who used to be boys should not be mentioned. Let's keep it like this.

I also have to say I think if any person is working at an FKK who does not have the right chromosone structure, should have to walk around all day with a sign saying so.

09-14-05, 20:10
As I wrote, noone has to do a session with a Katoi.

But there is a need for that, otherwise these Katois wouldn´t earn money in the clubs.

And why should she advertise as a "Post-OP TS"? When she feels like a woman, she will tell you that she is one. That wouldn´t even be a lie.

If you recognize a Katoi and don´t want to do a session with her, just don´t do it.

If you don´t recognize a Katoi as a Katoi, it doesn´t make a difference.

09-14-05, 20:56

You wrote:

"Jackson has been pretty clear on many sections of this forum that he will not tolerate posts about sex with post-ops, TV's Ts's or any other sort of deviant. Wahtever your personal beliefs, Jackson seems to have made it a personal point in his forum that Boys who pretend to be girls, or girls who used to be boys should not be mentioned. Let's keep it like this."

I think it is important to clarify that we are having a very useful and necessary discussion here: about the apparent presence of a Man/Girl (chick-with-a-dick or whatever) masquerading as a woman at BHH Oase, one of the top 3 FKKs in Germany! This is definite info that I personally want to know. In fact I am eager for it, (so that I don't end up in a room by mistake), so I do indeed hope it will be broadcast loud and clear on this (Jackson's) forum. Discussions of this sort definitely should not be taboo, in my opinion at least, so I am a little confused by your comment discussions about one working in an FKK "should not be mentioned." You know what I mean? If some one at an FKK is trying to mislead me --and I think a post-op who works there must KNOW that every one of us is there to fuck a hot girl of our hetersexual dreams-- we all deserve to know who she is, no?

I can hardly believe that our esteemed Leader, Herr Jackson, would have us good old FKK boys in the dark about these things, eh? What do you say, Jackson? (Show us you actually read these FKK threads and chime in, will you old chap?)

09-14-05, 21:01
Well, I had to pop by Oase again on Monday. Felt rather strange to go there before 11 am. I was afraid to be the only male visitor, and mayby look too much like the guy waiting for the liquer store to open.

There were 4 cars on the parking besides mine, so it would obviously not be overcrowded. Entered and down to get undressed.

Due to my opinion the number of girls were fairly good already at this time of the day. Maybe 15-20 girls were visible and 5 - 6 men. In the bar I met Cissi from yesterday. 2 seconds later I had her in my knee with a big kiss on the mouth. We went to one of the sofas and contined to try to communicate in german. It didn't take long before it was a replay of the day before. Me almost fucking her sitting in my knee. At this time of the day you are very much alone doing this in the big open area, so off to a private room. She chose a nice room, large enough for at least two couples.

This time we stayed one hour. The Tao principle works, and it was one great hour of continous sex. I think she was rather satisfied when the hour had passed. Satisfied sexually I don't know, it's often hard to tell whats fake and whats real when you don't know the woman closer. We had a nice shower together and then I left her in the bar. This girl has a real GFE attitude all the way through.

Time for breakfast/lunch. It could absolutely be improved. As already said, I have not been to any other FKK yet, but what they offered at Oase was slightly below cheapest hotel standard, and that is not much.

The time had past 1 pm and I had to leave for the airport pretty soon. It didn't take long before I had my friend Cissi as company for the food. Most of the girls took something, and I guess she had realised that with the limited number of male visitors, why don't stick to the one still on hunt.

Maybe this is typical for a new visitor, but believe it or not, after the food I went of with the same girl to have some coffee in a sofa. Should I have looked for another one? I was very satisfied with her company, so why not. This time however the sofa was placed in the kino. One thing gives the other, and after 15 minutes we were fucking furiously on the sofa. What the hell, I don't know anyone in this place. 30 minutes later there was not place for Tao any more. 3 hours collection had to come out. I filled the condom and after a short rest we placed the furnitures back again where they should stand. They had moved around during the activity. Once again a shower together. I then had to get dressed and unfortunately leave the place.

A real GFE godbuy in the bar before I left. This two first days in the world of FKK had given much more than I ever could have dreamt. I have since long planned to travel back to Frankfurt and visit the Car fair IAA 2005. I wonder if it will be any cars at all, or if I stay at Oase. But OK, have to test Palace as well, and that one is closer to the Messe.

09-15-05, 22:31
i understand that it is confusing for some of you reading that there might be post op in fkk. those kind of discussions have been in other places also, like prisons or hospitals, wheter tv, ts, pre op or post op should be with the men or the women (just imagine for example [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) problems in prison).

i can confirm that this is not only at oase, i have noticed at least 2 post op in goldentime. there is maybe at every top club at least one post op, wether management try to prevent this or not, as they are legally women.
those who seem to discover this fact for the first time now have probably been allready trapped before without noticing anything, like a lot of other mongerers in other places. sorry to say this, as it may sound quite confusing for some. i remember a friend who hardly knew what was a tv, being very confused and believing he was gay when we told him he had just received a bj from a tv.

personaly, a tall and heavy build girl is for me a no-go girl, even for free and a hilton suite. that's probably why i notice easily the post op. and if a feminine girl like ramona appears to be in fact a post op...it won't make any difference to me!

regarding jackson's policy about tv, i agree with him, as he want this board clearly to stay heterosexual. during our discussion here, no one promoted sex with tv, we are all clearly heterosexual.

09-15-05, 23:15
I think that if a person is legally a woman then we have to accept that she has the right to work at an FKK. And if she thinks of herself as a woman then she will sell herself as one.

What is important is that we should all know how to recognise a post-op so that any of us who wish to avoid her can do so - as I said before a girl without a proper clitoris or vagina may not be acceptable for many members. So - look for the Adam's apple, muscles or sinewy arms, a man shaped ass, and a strange looking vagina.

I would not label them as deviants just because they don't conform to our ideas. Technically they are deviating fron the norm of this forum but that is all. After all many people would call all the members of this forum deviants or perverts!!

09-15-05, 23:53
Hi Dasvse,

quote: "Maybe this is typical for a new visitor, but believe it or not, after the food I went of with the same girl to have some coffee in a sofa. Should I have looked for another one?"

Well, it is my guess it is not such a usual behaviour for most who session with Lizzy. I did total of 3 hours in 2 sessions with her the second time I met her at Oase. She is just a nice girl to hang out with as well as great sex


btw: Great reports Dedalus. I had totally forgotten about Simona and had to look up my old reports to refresh my memory. She was pretty good.

09-17-05, 22:28

I will go in club Oase next December.

Is it possible to have sex with 2 girls who make also lesbo action?

If yes, what is the price?


09-18-05, 11:49
Daniarete: RTFF, check my report on this very same thread "twice better than once".

09-20-05, 01:55

I was at Oase on Saturday evening, the first day of the IAA, the big Frankfurt auto show. There were 40 to 50 girls in attendance, but also much more than 100 men. While 50 girls have no trouble satisfying even 150 men, the problem was with the lack of rooms. In all of my sessions I did not get to use a regular room with a door even a single time. Well, OK, for a couple of them I used the pool-side enclosures. At least they have beds. One pop was in the steam room, which was off. And another two in the kino. Couples were lining up two deep in front of the rooms. It makes for an all-around raunchy atmosphere, but if you want to take your time, the IAA is not the time to go to Oase.

Here is a list of my catches. All of them were firsts for me.

I started off with the best one of the night. Jasmin, from France. Long hair with very tight curls, chestnut brown. On the shorter side with a bronze skin color. She is definitely a keeper and was very much into the sex. She absolutely loved my DATY and already came before I had even put little euro into action. I will definitely go back to her again.

Then Bunny (not to be mixedup with Sunny, see my previous report). Bunny is from Salvador in Brazil, very black, tall, graceful, bright smile. Very competent sex. I would like to dance lambada with this girl.

I then watched some pole dancing. Mercedes, from Egypt, caught my eye. Her dance was a mixture of erotic and athletic. So I figured, what the hell. She did not disappoint in the sack. Since she is rather petite, I was able to do a few positions with her that I cannot do with heavier and taller girls. A fun time and 25 minutes of extremely hard work, but no pop. Happens.

I came out of the "room" with Mercedes, paid, took a shower, and went right back onto the horse, so to speak. Ran into Angela, from Rumania. She is blond, tall, a little bit on the heavy side, just the opposite of Mercedes, even though both are pretty in their own right. We went to the kino and had some pretty wild and sweaty (it was very hot in the kino) sex on the front couch and the bed in front of it. We used two condoms, but still finished with CIM. According to my stopwatch the whole romp took 28 minutes. Whew! Three minutes longer, and it would have cost me 200 euro instead of the 100 I owed her. I doubt that many people paid attention to Angela and me, because on the other bed in the kino a pretty athletic threesome was going on. I have had threesomes myself, and obviously I had sex in public, but never the combination of both. I have to try this sometimes.

Then I chilled for a while, hoping to get enough energy back for one last glorious pop. I selected Mary, also from Rumania. She is a friend of Angela. Her face reminds me a lot of a younger Lauren Hutton, in particular because of the cute gap between her two upper front teeths. She is tall and very well-proportioned. The session withe Mary turned out to be just average, but this was probably much more my fault than hers. I'll have to try her again when the place is calmer and I am more rested.


09-20-05, 08:28

Thanks for this great update and report on BHH! I think your comments at the start of your report illustrate what a double-edged sword it is to visit a club like Oase during a major Messe event: On the one hand there is a great selection of girls, on the other hand there are adverse conditions in the club, long waits for rooms, shortages of towels/ice, bad air, less than attractive enviornmetal conditions generally. Plus, lots of girls are a bit stressed. I've come to believe the best time is just before the storm arrives, say a day or two pre-Messe...or even after the storm has passed. Sometimes it's nice to be in the eye of the storm though...

True, Mercedes, who has been around at least since March, is not a tall girl. But when I saw her last this past April I would describe her as a little hefty in the rear, no? I mean, petite sometimes describes a slim, small, ballerina type. Mercedes is very buxom and curvey if I remember, though not tall. A bundle of sexual energy and erotic fire...

I became a bit confused reading this part of your report:

"...We used two condoms, but still finished with CIM. According to my stopwatch the whole romp took 28 minutes. Whew! Three minutes longer, and it would have cost me 200 euro instead of the 100 I owed her..."

I don't quite follow: If you do a 30-minute session with CIM it is 50E + 50E = 100E, no? How is it, then, that if you extended beyond the 30min, to say a session between 30-60min it would be 200E? Surely it would only be another 50E making a total of 150E for an hour session with CIM, no?

Thanks for another great update... With any luck I will soon supply my own in a few weeks...


09-21-05, 00:44

what happens with CIM after 30 min is up to discussion. I have had a few girls (Eva at Oase, Andrea and Jana at World) who spent much longer than 30 minutes in the room with me, did the CIM thing, and then still only charged me 100 euro. These are the few great exceptions, though, that only occur when the chemistry is right and the girls enjoy themselves.

On the other hand, I have also had two cases where the girls demanded that CIM doubles the fee, 100 euro for a half hour, and then 200 for the full hour. I lost both arguments and paid up.

Funny, I never had anything in between. Meaning I never spend the full hour with CIM and paid 150 euro. Maybe its just me.

With Andrea I just did not want to get into this situation. I definitely did not think that we had the greatest chemistry. Still a pretty good time was had by all ;-)


09-21-05, 00:46
Sorry, I meant "Angela", not "Andrea". Freudian slip, I suppose

09-21-05, 07:39
On the other hand, I have also had two cases where the girls demanded that CIM doubles the fee, 100 euro for a half hour, and then 200 for the full hour. I lost both arguments and paid up.


I don´t understand that. Did you complain at the reception? The CIM-uplift is definitely a "per case"-charge and not time-dependant...

Have fun,


09-21-05, 08:08
Agree with Ortos and Novize. I've never paid more than one-off EUR 50 for CIM. So, EUR 150 for the hour. One-off charge for anal too, although the level is up for negotiation. Can't believe reception would side with the girl here.

09-22-05, 02:11
No, I did not complain. OK, so I got ripped off. No biggie.
Next time this happens I will know to complain and to cite the combined wisdom of this board.

09-22-05, 08:57
Of course it is not a big thing, especially when you've had a great time with the girl :-). I got slightly done through my own inattention by a girl at Colosseum, but it was after the fact, and the session had been truly memorable. You write it off mentally.

What pisses everyone off is when a girl goes out and out to deceive and not give value. The true mongerer on the other hand is an optimistic, generous, trusting and kind-hearted soul, a pure and innocent victim who only has the welfare of his beauties at heart.....

09-22-05, 13:38
The true mongerer on the other hand is an optimistic, generous, trusting and kind-hearted soul, a pure and innocent victim who only has the welfare of his beauties at heart.....

Do you write greeting cards for mongerers? ;-)))


Dedalus (Aficionado of FKKs and all things ironic)

09-24-05, 17:43
Spent the day at Oase out in the sun. I had opted to meet Cissi from last week, but unfortunately she was not there despite her promise from the week before.

This time I made a big mistake. Followed a nice looking girl from Spain to a room. Louisa, 165 cm, long black hair, B-cup and spoke decent english. Said she was from Valencia and I don't know if it's the same Louisa mentioned earlier in this forum. I had seen her during the day walking around together with a taller girl with blond hair. They approached all men staying outside in the sun, and seemed to be rather pushy in their selling. First warning I didn't reacted on.

When I started to talk to her, she on the spot wanted to sell in her friend as a duo. After my negative answer she stoped talking and went below my towel. Now I should have backed out, but no, so off we went to a room. In there it was the next selling activity - anal. I have nothing against that, on the contrary, but now I started to feel I had jumped in the wrong basket. Here we only look for the money.

30 minutes sex went on where she showed no engagement at all. Totally dry and could just as well have been asleep. I was so irritated so I stoped and didn't want to finnish. This however made her very upset and the comment was that "she didn't like men who just wanted to use the half an hour for fucking". I wonder what we else should use it for at an FKK?

Sweet face, but a total waist of money. Time to head for Palace instead and try to find the Rumanian girl from yesterday.

Timber Tree
09-25-05, 22:51
It looks like Oase is not a very place to visit. I'm sure they have a lot of beautiful women roaming around the club. But with the upsell this, attitude that, extra for this, you can't do that. I think I won't be able to relax there if women have attitudes, and Mr. Happy won't be so happy.

We come there to relax, get out stress out, and have a good time. We paid for her time. But if SHE WANTS certain stuff done her, then she should be paying us.

I'm planning to visit the clubs November, I guess I'll passing Oase on my visit. I'll stick to the FantasyLand, PHG, and Wildenrath for now.

09-25-05, 22:57
It looks like Oase is not a very place to visit. I'm sure they have a lot of beautiful women roaming around the club. But with the upsell this, attitude that, extra for this, you can't do that. I think I won't be able to relax there if women have attitudes, and Mr. Happy won't be so happy.

We come there to relax, get out stress out, and have a good time. We paid for her time. But if SHE WANTS certain stuff done her, then she should be paying us.

I'm planning to visit the clubs November, I guess I'll passing Oase on my visit. I'll stick to the FantasyLand, PHG, and Wildenrath for now.

Suit yourself. Not every woman at Oase is as you describe. There are many gems there and while you may have to do some searching, it is well worth the hunt. Also, be prepared for you may also find some ladies at those other places who will be pretty particular about what you can and cannot do to them.

Have fun,


09-26-05, 07:14

I think you are making a huge mistake to write off Oase, simply because of an individual report about one girl's bad attitude. There are over 150 girls that work at Oase on a rotating basis. So even five or six bad reports of this type still does not in any way reflect the main standard one meets at this or any other club.

Dedalus makes a very important point, namely: You are just as likely to meet this type of girl at any of the clubs you might visit. And let's not put it all on just the girl's bad attitude. Alot has to do with you and your ability to select the right session partner and react to the warning signs you may perceive as you go through the various pre-session rituals. On a few occassions I chose not to react to the red-flags I saw in a girl's pre-session behaviour and I paid the price: a bad session. On other occassions, as I was marching to the room, I suddenly thought: "Wait a minute! Wtf am I doing here? This is not going to be a top session..." So I found a way to abort the session before it started.

One cannot stress enough how important one's instinct and chemistry is in selecting a session partner. Sure sometimes you win and sometimes you loose. But as you get better at this game, you'll start to score more and more goals. And Oase is one of the best clubs in Germany for this, believe me...

Remember: This kind of bad girl can be found in any club anywhere. It is up to us to recognise the signs of a bad provider before we committ to a session and abort the mission.


09-26-05, 10:34
I went with Louisa on my trip to Oase in August and - believe it or not - had a great time! I found Louisa to be a real fun girl, joking around with the other girls, wiggling her ass, flirting and being real eye candy for sure.

Inside the room I must admit I made some of the same experience as Polar: The anal selling activity and a little less heart and soul into the action than I had hoped for - seeing her bloom outside. Not a true GFE, but she finished me off big time, and we had some nice aftersex. All in all a satisfactory meeting. Not my favourite girl at Oase, but someone I still seriously would consider go back to.

I guess everyone can have a bad day, also the girls. Also, one girl can be a diamond to one guy and rust to another, as we can be looking for different things in a girl. I totally agree with Ortos statement on trusting your own instinct and chemistry.

Happy hunting!

09-26-05, 16:42

how far is Oase from Palace?? Any idea how much a Taxi would be ??
also is there some train/taxi combo that would be suitable?

thank you,


09-26-05, 17:59

how far is Oase from Palace?? Any idea how much a Taxi would be ??
also is there some train/taxi combo that would be suitable?

thank you,



From Frankfurt main station take the S5 to Bad Homburg (ca. 20 min.). From there take a taxi.



09-26-05, 19:51
I also met Luisa twice in the previous month's. The first session with her was from an excellent quality. I was impressed by her delicious body and good service.

The next time she wanted to make a '10-minutes' and she was down because of there were not enough men inside.

Because of this last experience I do not take her another time.

09-26-05, 21:35
Actually, I think it's better and a bit cheaper if you take that S5 s-bahn train all the way to the end of the line, Friedrichsdorf, instead of Bad Homburg, and then get a cab- it should only be 8 euros from Friedrichsdorf, its a bit closer to the club.


09-26-05, 22:02

how far is Oase from Palace?? Any idea how much a Taxi would be ??
also is there some train/taxi combo that would be suitable?

thank you,


Hey, Freddy:

I can tell you: I often begin the night at Oase or Palace and then change mid way to the other club. THere are train/taxi connections, but they are cumbersome and not suitable to quick transfers. When you got to go, you got to go, as they say. You want to be able to shift from one club to the other in as short a time as possible. I can tell you from direct and repeated experience that the drive from Oase to Palace is about 25 minutes. That is a nice comfortable transfer time. But that is direct driving with a hired car, and knowing the way! Trurst me: If you are asking the question you are asking, you have arrived at that moment in your FKK career when you need to make the transition from public transport to self-drive. Once you master that, you will feel so free to move about the FKK game board, you will feel as if you sprouted wings...


09-26-05, 22:21
I can confirm from my last visit this month that it takes not more than 15 min between Oase and Palace by rent car. Come on guys, why using public transport? Because it is less expensive? Most of the time, the two taxi rides from and to the airport are nearly as expensive as a day of rent car. And anyway, you are going to spend an average of 300€/night in FKK, it makes no sense. For most of us we don't live in Germany, the problem on FKK tour is not lack of money, but lack of fucking TIME! Don't lose time in public transport. You can even leave your luggage in the rent car to skip hotel and spend all the available time in FKK.

If you are afraid about orientation, buy a mobile GPS, it's only 500€ but it will change your FKK life. Enter all the Kaleu Club list in your GPS as waypoints, and you will have a Global Pussy Search!

09-26-05, 23:02

"I can confirm from my last visit this month that it takes not more than 15 min between Oase and Palace by rent car."

C'mon man! 15 minutes???? It takes a good ten minutes just to drive from Oase and reach the A661! Are you saying you can actually drive from Bad Homburg to Hausen in 5 minutes? No way! You have to go from the A661 to the A5 to the A66 then get of at the Hausen exit. There is traffic and lights to negotiate. I think it is closer to half an hour between destinations, less if you are lucky with traffic. Let's be realisti, eh?

Now I agree entirely with what you say about not wasting your precious FKK time on public transport, esp when you have just a few days to really utilise your opportunities. And you make an excellent point: If you are going to invest something like 300E a day on entry fees and sessions, what is another 40ishE in rent a car fees...Oh a hired car: what freedom it gives you to come and go, enter and reenter the clubs. It has enhanced my FKK stays 100-fold.


09-27-05, 00:47
I can confirm from my last visit this month that it takes not more than 15 min between Oase and Palace by rent car. Come on guys, why using public transport? Because it is less expensive? Most of the time, the two taxi rides from and to the airport are nearly as expensive as a day of rent car. And anyway, you are going to spend an average of 300€/night in FKK, it makes no sense. For most of us we don't live in Germany, the problem on FKK tour is not lack of money, but lack of fucking TIME! Don't lose time in public transport. You can even leave your luggage in the rent car to skip hotel and spend all the available time in FKK.

If you are afraid about orientation, buy a mobile GPS, it's only 500€ but it will change your FKK life. Enter all the Kaleu Club list in your GPS as waypoints, and you will have a Global Pussy Search!

Your driving times are a bit off but no matter. Fred asked about Public transport, hence my reply. BTW, during peak traffic hours, taking the S-bahn is quicker than driving. Also not everyone drives.

Beffen: Good point about the S5 and Friedrichsdorf. Never tried that, as I usually drive. Are there many taxis in F'dorf?



09-27-05, 00:56
Thanks for all the help Guys,

ill be in Frankfurt next week from 4th to 6th, pm me if anyones around.

Sounds like it might cost 30 - 40 euro in a taxi each way if it takes around 20 - 25 mins??? sound correct ???

09-27-05, 02:01
Hi Fred,

Sounds about right. Taxi to downtown Frankfurt from Oase costs about 40-45 euros and Palace is a bit shorter route from Oase than downtown.

Just to add a bit to the car vs. public transport:
I was at World the day after the "vacation" thing. Boy was I glad I had a car. Jumped right in and on a Sunday night, it took exactly 30 minutes to drive from World to Oase. The traffic was not heavy though.


09-27-05, 04:46
It looks like Oase is not a very place to visit. I'm sure they have a lot of beautiful women roaming around the club. But with the upsell this, attitude that, extra for this, you can't do that. I think I won't be able to relax there if women have attitudes, and Mr. Happy won't be so happy.

We come there to relax, get out stress out, and have a good time. We paid for her time. But if SHE WANTS certain stuff done her, then she should be paying us.

I'm planning to visit the clubs November, I guess I'll passing Oase on my visit. I'll stick to the FantasyLand, PHG, and Wildenrath for now.I can only agree with the previous comments below. You should absolutely not skip Oase just because of my not 100% satisfactory meeting with Louisa. A little bit my own fault since I should have reacted on the warning signals.

At the contrary, I would say that Oase is a must to visit. I went back again the same evening just to try to find Cissi (I hope the name is right) from the week before. She gives whatever you look for when it comes to GFE attitude. She only speaks german, but it's not a big deal. I managed 4 sessions, one "over the lunch chat" and a lot of cuddling in the sofas with her, only with my 20 years old shool-german. Just because she is the nice person she is. Unfortunately she had not shown up later during the evening either.

Before leaving I had a session with Gabriela. Unfortunately all rooms where occupied and we settled down by the pool. This is far from optimal. Cold from outside and very noicy from people around. Her way of sucking the balls are divine. I still miss Cissi, but the evening ended good anyway.

And just to confirm some previous discussion. Of course there is never a problem to leave and come back if you just tell at the entrance. The car travel between Oase and Palace is nothing. If it takes 15 or 25 minutes doesn't matter. It's easy and goes so quickly so you don't think about it. (If the A5 is not blocked due to a road accident of course, luckily I went in the opposite direction to Palace when this happened, and when I went back everything was sorted out.)

09-27-05, 08:14
Beffen is right- Take S5 all the way to F-dorf. Always a couple of taxis waiting, and they'll know where you want to go just by looking at you (panting, driveling, wild eyed, squirming with something in your pants, spraying cologne and sucking mints).

Palace to Oase- takes me 22 minutes from the airport to Oase (15 to BH exit, 7 minutes from highway to Oase) if there's no stau or construction. Palace to Oase, due to a couple of extra traffic lights but with shorter distance, should be about the same. "But Officer, that's not me driving 180 kmph. That's little iseeu pressing on the accelerator" and working the auto pilot."

Palace to Oase by taxi should be between 30- 35 Euro.

i agree, there's no comparing the flexibility or convenience that having a car gives you and unless you're really on a budget, if you're staying a couple of days in DE, rent the car and enjoy driving on one of the best highway systems in the world.

09-27-05, 12:08
(panting, driveling, wild eyed, squirming with something in your pants, spraying cologne and sucking mints).

LOL ha ha :D

09-27-05, 12:16
Oops, do I drive that fast? My addiction will kill me! I checked again on my map software: 23km and 19min between Oase and Palace.

09-27-05, 18:36
I have a small question that someone might help me to clarify.

When I visited Oase on Sunday 11, a rainy day perfect for a visit like this, all girls at the club where totally nude. I think I remember someone said it was the rules from the boss.

However, one week later on Thursday 22, almost all girls had bikini or even larger tops. This day it was warm and sunny. I can not see the logic in this.

Anyone knows how to understand this? I must say I prefered the first dress code compared to the second one.

09-27-05, 21:13
hey, schumacher-routard,

i have to complement you on your speed of transition from oase to palace! i think you should start a new carreer: as shuttle-driver between the two clubs! you could make a fortune, advertising quick inter-club transport...

you are right: later in the evening, the time when one is most likely to transfer from oase to palace, and the time when there is likely to be little traffic, one can easily buzz down the autobahn and reach palace in 20-odd minutes or so.

09-28-05, 02:28
Dessous Tag, one day a week when the girls can wear a little clothing. It is on tuesday at FKKWorld, wednesday at the Palace, and thursday at Oase.

Dick Rambone
09-28-05, 03:02
Is this close to Oase?


09-28-05, 18:47
Yes, this hotel is rather close to Ober-Erlenbach, a settlement outside of which Oase stands. I would estimate this hotel is less than ten minute drive from Oase. If I am not mistaken it is extremely close to the location of
Starlight Ladies too...

09-28-05, 19:06
Dessous Tag, one day a week when the girls can wear a little clothing. It is on tuesday at FKKWorld, wednesday at the Palace, and thursday at Oase.You always learn something new, thanks! That explains my concern about the dressed ladies at the Palace on Wednesday evening compared to my previous visit at Oase. Need to remember these days for the future.

Dick Rambone
09-28-05, 22:38
Looking at the map it seems like its walking distance.

09-29-05, 14:55
oase is located about 30km north of frankfurt halfway on the road between burgholzhausen and ober-erlenbach. the exact location is ober-erlenbacher-str. 109 613381 friedrichsdorf burgholzhausen (phone 06007 930643). the website is www.fkk-oase.de. the closest hotel is at 1.5km (katharinenhof ober-erlenbacher strasse 16 61352 ober-erlenbach, hessen 06172-4000).

your gps or software map may be confused with this location, as ober-erlenbacher-str. is a small side way, and that there are at least two other street with the same name in the area (yes, even hotel katharinenhof has the same street name, but is not in the same street than oase). my recommendation with gps is to enter this address: burgholzhauser-str. at ober-erlenbacher. once driving on this road, you will easily find the big sign indicating oase at the left side (when coming from ober-erlenbach). it’s anyway the only facility in the area, as oase is in the middle of nowhere. and to avoid any other confusion, this is the exact gps location: n50 14.454 e8 40.659.

without gps, here a very useful road description:

from the intersection of a3 and a5 at the frankfurt airport take a5 north for exactly 18 kilometers till you see the large blue sign that says bad homburger kruez. when you see this sign get over to the right lane and be ready to exit when you see another smaller blue sign that will say oberusel / bad homburg / offenbach / f-ost / a661. take the second (farther) exit that says oberusel / bad homburg. this will put you on a661.

(if you are coming from the north going south on a5 your exit will say oberusel / bad homburg / a661 and will be exactly 6.6 kilometers south of the bose building that you will see on your right off the autobahn and might be faster and less confusing if coming from fkk world than trying to go overland at night)

stay on a661 which will suddenly force you to get into the left lane because the road narrows. stay to the right till you see another blue sign that says bad homburg / stadtmitte. this exit should be approximately 1.5 kilometers from where you entered a661. take this exit and as soon as you exit, once again stay to your right, and take the first exit and you will come to a stop light.

from her on follow signs to ober-erlenbach. make a right at the light and 3.4 kilometers straight ahead you will have passed 4 left hand turns. by left hand turns i mean turns where the road widens and there is an arrow on the road allowing you to turn left. (don’t count driveways, parking lots etc.) continue on to one more left turn which will be your fifth coming off of a661. take this left and continue straight and make another left, which is just after you go under a road and is only 0.3 kilometers from the fifth left. continue on for 1.1 kilometers and you will pass an aral gas station on your right but at night it is not lit up . you are in the center of ober-erlenbach.

go to your next obvious left. make that left and on your left will be a taunus sparkase bank which is lit up. go up the hill and in exactly 0.2 kilometers you will see a yellow sign with burgholzhausen in black pointing to the left. make that left and continue on for 1.5 kilometers and you will see oase sauna club on you left. it is the only thing in that area that is lit up at night.

anyway, don’t worry, all the first timers experience problems finding oase. but the efforts are worth it!

if you chose to go by public transport, a taxi ride from frankfurt costs 40€-45€ for a 20-30 min ride. better is to take from frankfurt main station the s5 (cost is 3.5€) to bad homburg (20-25min) or friedrichsdorf (60min). from there take a taxi, it will cost only 7€ from friedrichsdorf or 12€ from bad homburg.

by the way, oase advertises also for a limousine service that can pick you up at hotel or airport (with escort if you ask for it!). pricing is 150€/60min and phone 06007 930643.

oase is open daily from 10am till 5am.

you can safely leave your car at the parking, as there is a security guard at the entrance (probably to prevent detectives or wifes checking cars). he will be the only security guard you will see, but believe me, he is not alone. oase like all fkk is extremely clean and safe. a pedestrian road will bring you to the entrance of the club. there are some surprising tennis courts outside, but even in the summer, don’t expect finding naked girls playing tennis! a few greco-roman styled statues will give you the theme of oase: a greco roman orgy.

at the entrance, you will be buzzed in. oase has clearly no discrimination policy against foreigners. but take care, it is however a gentlemen's club. be smart dressed and don't come in large number or drunk. in the club you are supposed to keep low profile, respect the girls and other customers. you will be welcomed by the girl behind the desk. you pay 65€ entrance, and you will be asked if it is your first time. don’t worry, if you answer yes, you just will receive some additional info. you will then receive your towel and your locker key , and you can go to the locker room. the locker room is at the basement, and you will cross the main bar, giving a first glance of the club. you undress, leave your clothes in the locker , take your first shower, and you are ready to explore the club dressed with a towel and sandals.

you may experience some orientation problems at first, as oase has several narrow stairs and corridors to go from one place to another. but you will easily find the main bar where non-alcoholic drinks are available for free. in front of this bar are the safes, where you can leave your wallet with your money. it’s the same key as the locker for your clothes.

a little further than the bar is the main club area. many sofas all around, plasma screens with porno movies (who the hell needs to watch a porno movie when being inside the world’s greatest brothel!). in the middle of this area, a dancing scene for the evening shows. and everywhere young beautiful naked girls coming from all over the world! on thursday, the dressing code for the girls is lingerie. when both shifts are in the club, between 6pm and 12pm, there are up to 60 girls. on daytime, expect half of that. they nearly all are beautiful (most 7-8, with a couple 9 and an occasional 10), between 20 and 30 years old, most are from eastern europe (russian, bulgarian, romanian, ukrainian, lithuanian, hungarian…), several german, several latina (venezuela, dominican republic, cuba, colombia, mexico, brazil…), several middle eastern (turkish, moroccan…),a few blacks (caribbean or african). most speak german and english. most customers are german, but there are also a lot other european, american, japanese and turkish. this international atmosphere is very friendly and relaxed and a bit erotic as there is sometimes some coach action. it’s easy to socialize, the girls are always ready for fun or some nice conversation. after a few hours, you will know most of the girls, and even if the club seems too big to be intimate, you will experience that strange feeling to feel at home in this mythic and decadent place.

at the back is the entrance of the cinema. take care when entering here for the first time, it is not for the weak of heart! if you are not raped by a few girls waiting to trap an innocent customer, you will enjoy a 3d porno movie, as there is coach action everywhere, including on stage! you can be a porn star yourself, sharing the screen/stage with famous porno stars briana banks or jenna jameson.

the main area can get over smoked and over crowded, especially in the evening. on the other side of the club is a more relaxed and quiet area with the swimming pool, jacuzzi, solarium and some tables to sit around and look at the plasma screen tv (but this time without porno) or to enjoy the buffet. the free buffet is served in the beginning of the afternoon and the beginning of the evening. here is also a major shower room with clean towels, as you are supposed to shower between each session. i forgot to mention the small massage room for professional massage in the corridor.

but the most impressive area (at summer time at least) is the outdoor garden, the best of all fkk. there are two nice wooden saunas, a hot outdoor jacuzzi, a bar and everywhere around outdoor beds for relaxing in the sun, alone or with some company. yes, you can even have public couch action in open air! a trio with two gorgeous sexy girls on a summer night under the stars is an unforgettable experience!

of course, don’t worry if public sex is not (yet) your idea of fun. there are plenty of available rooms everywhere in the club. you can go to a room with any of the girls, your age or weight is not an issue, no matter how gorgeous the girl is. only lack of hygiene or rude attitude may be an issue. as soon as you make eye contact, the girl will usually come to you. there is however no hassling. don't be shy to go by yourself and start conversation. it is not necessary to ask for pricing, as it is standard. there is no ripp-off. the pricing is 50€/30min (50€ for every additional 30min). this includes usually dfk, daty and bbbj. if there was some couch action before but it was short enough (5-10min), then timing is supposed to start when entering the room. but as soon as couch action has started (typically kissing or bbbj), you are supposed to go with the girl for a complete session. check pricing before for any additional service, but usually cim or cob is 50€ extra, anal is 100€ extra and trio is 50€/30min for each girl. girls in oase are much more open minded towards specific fantasies than at other fkk. expect to spend 300€/night as even without additional service it is hard to resist against multiple sessions, no matter how old you are. oase will make you discover unknown territories. but oase will reveal all it's magic when you will meet that unforgettable girl that will give not only sex, but her heart and her soul. a matter of chemistry...

all in all, oase is now (since atlantis closed) germany’s top fkk, and at that point also world’s greatest brothel. even if other clubs like world has better facilities, no fkk can beat oase’s unique atmosphere and impressive line-up.

if paradise exists, it's most probably something close to this.

Dick Rambone
09-29-05, 17:10
Great Report! Thanks

09-29-05, 19:39
Excellent description Routard.

09-30-05, 04:33
Anyone else who have met this girl and know her name? I think it is Cissi, but could just as well be Sissel or something like that. 165 cm, around 25 yo and slim with long black hair. Mother Dutch and father Italian, and you absolutely see the Italian roots. She has three piercing out of the ordinary (as I see it), tung, left nipple (A-cup) and pussy. She speaks german, and I guess dutch and maybe italian, but very poor english, almost none at all. The two days I met her she wore a tie made of strass. Always smiling and with very much GFE attitude. It's just disturbing not to be sure of the name of the girl with whom I've had the best sessions at Oase this far.

10-02-05, 00:03
Great report and I (as most of you know), very much agree, that Oase is the best FKK, today.
I've been posting for awhile that IMO it has successfully managed to stay over the years the most consistent, and the slightly decadent atmosphere just cannot be beaten.
Let's hope that the cyclical turns of fortune don't affect it.
But, best brothel in the world? I would guess that some of our buddies with S.American tendencies, or S.E. Asian leanings, might not agree.

I propose, Mr. Moderator, to begin the "brothel of the year award" on these pages. Let's appoint a blue ribbon panel, set criteria, accept nominations, sit (or lay) in judgment, and have an awards ceremony. Probably able to market this as a sales tool afterwards (rights to use the award in advertisement, etc.) I'm willing to be on the jury :-) (Believe me- 1st time I'm volunteering for jury duty!)

10-02-05, 00:46
I propose, Mr. Moderator, to begin the "brothel of the year award" on these pages. Let's appoint a blue ribbon panel, set criteria, accept nominations, sit (or lay) in judgment, and have an awards ceremony. Probably able to market this as a sales tool afterwards (rights to use the award in advertisement, etc.) I'm willing to be on the jury :-) (Believe me- 1st time I'm volunteering for jury duty!)

Not a bad idea, Isseu.

Oase may one of the most consistent of the German sauna/fkk/sex-for-hire clubs next to PHG. But the best...

The problem is that when World or Palace are really hummin' then they usually slam-dunk Oase. I am an Oase fan and have been so since the late 90s so I am not trying to needlessly bash the BHH business. But objectively speaking, most people I know, myself included, would prefer to visit Palace or FKKW when their line-ups are swinging. The smell in the men's changing room at Oase alone is enough to make a buzzard barf. The Oase management could take steps to give the place a better(word: CLEANER) atmosphere and still save the raunchiness.

From what I am reading on the German boards the new FKK Malibu is also a club to add to the mix now.

BTW: Novize: You should post a version of your Malibu visit here as well. I had fun imagining you running back to the parking lot to turn your car-lights off in a towel.

Cheers all,


10-02-05, 07:17
Just a quick question. Are bathrobes available at Oase, as they are at Palace and PHG?


10-02-05, 10:14
Anyone else who have met this girl and know her name? I think it is Cissi, but could just as well be Sissel or something like that. 165 cm, around 25 yo and slim with long black hair. Mother Dutch and father Italian, and you absolutely see the Italian roots. She has three piercing out of the ordinary (as I see it), tung, left nipple (A-cup) and pussy. She speaks german, and I guess dutch and maybe italian, but very poor english, almost none at all. The two days I met her she wore a tie made of strass. Always smiling and with very much GFE attitude. It's just disturbing not to be sure of the name of the girl with whom I've had the best sessions at Oase this far.I met this girl a few weeks ago and she introduced herself as: Sina.

Sympatic girl with a lot of piercings.

10-02-05, 20:54
BTW: Novize: You should post a version of your Malibu visit here as well. I had fun imagining you running back to the parking lot to turn your car-lights off in a towel.

Promised. I´ll post a summary of my first three visits soon, but I`ll include this little episode... ;)

Have fun,


10-03-05, 13:12
Some of you FKKers just don't realize that you are playing in the world division of mongering. I made extensive research on WSG, I have visited up to 50 countries around the world, including top sex detinations like Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Spain, the Netherlands, Australia, Russia, Cuba, or DR. I still have not found better than our beloved FKK. If you are number one in NBA, you can claim also for the world champion basketball title. Same rules for FKK and the "brothel of the year award".

Why? Dexter pointed this out when he started to organize his FKK tour. When you go to Thailand, there are only Thai girls, when you go to Russia, there are only Russian, in Mexico only Mexican etc...but when you go to FKK, you can have all kind of different nationalities. And for most of us, it's the need for diversity that brings us to this hobby, as we can have (GFE) sex for free at home. We start to complain when a FKK has 40% of Romanian girls. No matter how upscale, huge, or cheap a Thai brothel can be, it can not compete to FKK if there are only Thai girls.

Only rich developped countries can attract sex workers from all over the world. And, apart from the usual problems with third world countries (major securities matters, no reliable environment, cultural gab...) I have to add a personal concern. I feel unconfortable mongering in such countries, and being some kind of hegemonic Western sexual tourist taking advantage of misery to screw up girls that have no other choice to survive. Things can go too far, just read the Moroccan section about Belguel, a WSG Member that created a major international sex scandal.

But few developped countries have legal brothels. Australia and the Netherlands have some good brothels, but none of them can compete with FKK. Austria and Switserland have also, but are much more expensive. I was impressed by Spanish brothels. Riviera in Barcelona has a line up of more than 100 girls with extensive diversity (Good mix of Eastern Europe and South America with a few African or Asian...), but is, how shall I say, a bit too hardcore, and it can not be compared to the clean, relaxed, service minded FKK environment.

A few countries however have enough ethnical diversity so that there is no need anymore for nationality diversity, like Cuba or Brazil. Cuba has no brothels, but Brazil has. Brazil has even Therma's in Rio, similar to FKK. I have no experience with them, but they can probably rank between the 3 top Frankfurt Clubs and the other German FKK. And there is that amazing brothel named Fazendinha at Campinas close to Sao Paolo. Just check the reports and the website. Yes, Brazil IMHO may be the only possible challenger, and happens to be also my next destination...

10-03-05, 15:42
With all due respect to those, like Routard, who try manfully to simplify the driving instructions from Frankfurt, I can only repeat the simplest of instructions from Akibono many months ago on this board, for which, and to whom, I remain eternally grateful:


It works.

Fly Bob
10-03-05, 21:16
This is a big club. I took the train from Frankfurt Hbf. The ride was about one hour. There are taxi's in front of the station for about 7 euros. There were tons of girls wandering about. There were some that were a bit pushy but for the most part no pressure. Had three good sessions over the course of about six hours. The weather was nice so there were lots of girls outside. I would think that it would be a bit crowded for everyone inside only. The prices were as advertised.

10-04-05, 05:38
I met this girl a few weeks ago and she introduced herself as: Sina.

Sympatic girl with a lot of piercings.I guess you are more right than I. My german is really not up to date, and when it's noisy, it's difficult to hear. And I must admit I felt rather stupid to ask several times.

However, do you happen to know if she works at Oase on regular basis, or if it's more a one time shot?

10-06-05, 10:48
Spent the whole day at Oase yesterday, what a place - totally blew my mind.(and my sack)

just want to correct some info about getting there by public transport. The best way to is to take the S5 train from HBF to Bad homburg which costs 3.30 euro and takes 20 mins and then take a cab which cost 12 euro.

If you take the train all the way to Friedrichsdorf, it takes an hour and then you still have to lash out 7 euro for a cab. Also Oase sits between Bad Homburg and Friedrichsdorf , so by going to Friedrichsdorf you are actually back tracking in the taxi to Oase.

so getting off at Bad homburg saves you 40 mins of travel time.

its now 11.45 am , I am writing this post from the Ibis hotel near Palace and I am now going to walk around Palace for my final few hours on this trip.

Ill post a report on Oase when I get home


Fly Bob
10-06-05, 17:25
Thanks for your input. I went all the way to Friedrichsdorf. It was a long taxi ride to and from the train station. There was also a wait at Bad Homburg to go on to Friedrichsdorf. Good suggestion to get off early. Oase is really in the middle of the country and not very close to any village.


Spent the whole day at Oase yesterday, what a place - totally blew my mind.(and my sack)

just want to correct some info about getting there by public transport. The best way to is to take the S5 train from HBF to Bad homburg which costs 3.30 euro and takes 20 mins and then take a cab which cost 12 euro.

If you take the train all the way to Friedrichsdorf, it takes an hour and then you still have to lash out 7 euro for a cab. Also Oase sits between Bad Homburg and Friedrichsdorf , so by going to Friedrichsdorf you are actually back tracking in the taxi to Oase.

so getting off at Bad homburg saves you 40 mins of travel time.

its now 11.45 am , I am writing this post from the Ibis hotel near Palace and I am now going to walk around Palace for my final few hours on this trip.

Ill post a report on Oase when I get home


Stinky Pete
10-06-05, 19:42
just want to correct some info about getting there by public transport. The best way to is to take the S5 train from HBF to Bad homburg which costs 3.30 euro and takes 20 mins and then take a cab which cost 12 euro.

If you take the train all the way to Friedrichsdorf, it takes an hour and then you still have to lash out 7 euro for a cab. Also Oase sits between Bad Homburg and Friedrichsdorf , so by going to Friedrichsdorf you are actually back tracking in the taxi to Oase.

so getting off at Bad homburg saves you 40 mins of travel time.

FredFred: it was good to meet you Tuesday at Palace and spend some time talking and sharing information. I thank you for the friendly conversation. I'm glad you had a good time at Oase.

I recall that this was your first time going to Oase and your only time so far. Maybe next time you could actually go on the S5 train all the way to Friedrichsdorf and then you can see for yourself which way you think is the best way based on actual comparison between the two experiences.

I have done it both ways (1. Bad Homburg to Oase two or three times and 2. Friedrichsdorf to Oase most times). I always have preferred to go all the way to Friedrichsdorf, and do not recall ever having a long wait at Bad Homburg, although this may depend on the time of day (but I doubt the difference could really be 40 minutes. Did you actually experience this?)

Friedrichsdorf is only two stops beyond Bad Homburg on the same train, so the travel time can't be that much different. I have never had to wait 40 minutes at Bad Homburg to go on to Friedrichsdorf, but again, that may depend on the time of day. In my experiences I recall a bit of a wait in the train at Bad Homburg before it continued on to Friedrichsdorf, but not always. It has never taken me an hour to get from Frankfurt Main station to Friedrichsdorf on the S5.

I mention this because there may be some reading these reports who want to watch their expenses closely. Yes, the taxi ride to Oase costs only 5 Euro more from Bad Homburg than from Friedrichsdorf. In one day, roundtrip, that's a difference of 10 Euro, which will matter to some and not to others.

(There is also the advantage of more taxis at Bad Homburg. At Friedrichsdorf there is usually at most two or three taxis. I did have to wait for a taxi there, once).

Apparently, it is possible to eliminate the taxi altogether by changing trains at Friedrichsdorf.

There is a train that goes from Friedrichsdorf to Friedberg and this train is often waiting for people on the S5 at the Friedrichsdorf station. I have taken this train to get to Friedberg on my way to Giessen (on another train), to get to FKK World.

The train from Friedrichsdorf to Friedberg does stop at Burgholzhausen and supposedly Oase is within walking distance of the Burgholzhausen train station. I have never tried this walk from the Burgholzhausen train station, but would like to at least once, if I ever get up the nerve. I'm afraid I'd get lost. I do have a collection of maps from Mapquest, so I should be able to figure it out, but have not tried yet.

But once I do, THEN I'll be able to form a revised opinion about what is the best way to get to Oase; or best for me, anyway.

I know descriptions have been provided here about how to get from the Burgholzhausen train station to Oase, but I've been too lazy to search for them.

Fly Bob
10-07-05, 01:39
After taking the taxi from Friedrichdorf I think that it would be a long walk from the train station. I looked on several map programs and it looked like Oase was close to the village of Friedburg. But in reality it is probably more like a couple of km and there are lots of winding roads with funky intersections. I think the taxi cost me just under 10€ each way. I did not have to wait for a taxi but there was only one there. On the way back they called a taxi from Oase and I only had to wait about 15 minutes. The taxi driver seemed surprised that I wanted to go to Friedrichdorf but didn't say anything. To walk this it may be good to have a GPS as I was surprised at how far it was from Friedburg.

Either way you go there are plenty of girls waiting and willing to pleasure your every desire.


Fred: it was good to meet you Tuesday at Palace and spend some time talking and sharing information. I thank you for the friendly conversation. I'm glad you had a good time at Oase.

I recall that this was your first time going to Oase and your only time so far. Maybe next time you could actually go on the S5 train all the way to Friedrichsdorf and then you can see for yourself which way you think is the best way based on actual comparison between the two experiences.

I have done it both ways (1. Bad Homburg to Oase two or three times and 2. Friedrichsdorf to Oase most times). I always have preferred to go all the way to Friedrichsdorf, and do not recall ever having a long wait at Bad Homburg, although this may depend on the time of day (but I doubt the difference could really be 40 minutes. Did you actually experience this?)

Friedrichsdorf is only two stops beyond Bad Homburg on the same train, so the travel time can't be that much different. I have never had to wait 40 minutes at Bad Homburg to go on to Friedrichsdorf, but again, that may depend on the time of day. In my experiences I recall a bit of a wait in the train at Bad Homburg before it continued on to Friedrichsdorf, but not always. It has never taken me an hour to get from Frankfurt Main station to Friedrichsdorf on the S5.

I mention this because there may be some reading these reports who want to watch their expenses closely. Yes, the taxi ride to Oase costs only 5 Euro more from Bad Homburg than from Friedrichsdorf. In one day, roundtrip, that's a difference of 10 Euro, which will matter to some and not to others.

(There is also the advantage of more taxis at Bad Homburg. At Friedrichsdorf there is usually at most two or three taxis. I did have to wait for a taxi there, once).

Apparently, it is possible to eliminate the taxi altogether by changing trains at Friedrichsdorf.

There is a train that goes from Friedrichsdorf to Friedberg and this train is often waiting for people on the S5 at the Friedrichsdorf station. I have taken this train to get to Friedberg on my way to Giessen (on another train), to get to FKK World.

The train from Friedrichsdorf to Friedberg does stop at Burgholzhausen and supposedly Oase is within walking distance of the Burgholzhausen train station. I have never tried this walk from the Burgholzhausen train station, but would like to at least once, if I ever get up the nerve. I'm afraid I'd get lost. I do have a collection of maps from Mapquest, so I should be able to figure it out, but have not tried yet.

But once I do, THEN I'll be able to form a revised opinion about what is the best way to get to Oase; or best for me, anyway.

I know descriptions have been provided here about how to get from the Burgholzhausen train station to Oase, but I've been too lazy to search for them.

10-07-05, 06:30
I don't understand why there was such a long wait at Bad Homburg station- it's usually just a minute or 2. It is definitely usually quicker to stay on the same train to Friedrichsdorf.

It would be a very scenic but long walk to Oase from the train station...

"The taxi driver seemed surprised that I wanted to go to Friedrichdorf but didn't say anything. To walk this it may be good to have a GPS as I was surprised at how far it was from Friedburg."

Of course he was surprised, if you're leaving Oase to go back to FRA it makes sense to take the return train from Bad Homburg...

10-07-05, 11:37
Burgholzhausen: 2.11km
Friedrichsdorf: 6.85km
Bad Homburg: 7.46km

Fly Bob
10-07-05, 21:12
Thank you for clearing up this question. I knew it was a long way from Bergholzhausen in the taxi and that I really did not want to walk back, trying to retrace my way. Oase is in the country. It is a nice setting back off a country lane. Still worth the visit.


Burgholzhausen: 2.11km
Friedrichsdorf: 6.85km
Bad Homburg: 7.46km

Harry Dude
10-07-05, 22:38
I always take the S5 to Friedrichsdorf, then continue on to Burgholzhausen with the local train that waits for the S5 at Friedrichsdorf.

I have never had to wait at Bad Homburg.

Then I walk to Oase. Never had any problems. For those that want to watch their budget, that's the way to go.

Hidden Dragon
10-08-05, 00:22
I'm planning on staying overnight in Frankfurt and will probably be staying near the airport. How far is it from there?

10-08-05, 12:49
Stinky Pete, it was good to meet you too.

as regards this little debate about which is the best route to take, well i say for the sake of 5 euro, just take the quickest route you can, after all time is money.

Stinky Pete
10-08-05, 17:12
I'm planning on staying overnight in Frankfurt and will probably be staying near the airport. How far is it from there?

Some would rent a car. Others would get a taxi all the way. I have never done either of these. The taxi would be rather expensive.

For combination train and taxi, take train S8 or S9 from the airport (the ticket machines have a button, labeled with a flag, that allow you to get instructions in English). There is also a chart with destination codes, pick Bad Homburg or Friedrichsdorf. Really either one will do. Change to S5 at the Frankfurt Main station.

When you get to Bad Homburg or Friedrichsdorf, get a taxi to Oase. Most times, the entire trip from airport to Oase by train and taxi will take about an hour or less.

Here is an option for the overnight stay, especially if you have an early morning departure: skip the hotel. Stay at Oase until they close at 4am (you might even get some sleep).

When they close, they can call a taxi to take you back to the train station. I do not know when the earliest S5 train goes back to the Main station, but it's probably near 5am or perhaps earlier, so you might have to wait a bit. Might be best this time of day to have the taxi take you to Bad Homburg, as they have more indoor waiting areas (in case it's cold; otherwise, if you go back to Friedrichsdorf, be sure to have a jacket and sweater underneath at least).

If you have lots of luggage, you could have it kept at the airport, for a fee; this is probably the best option; or you could put it in a locker at the Main station. Also, I have seen men place their luggage on top of the lockers at FKK clubs; or they might keep it for you at the front desk. Just be sure you keep you valuables IN your locker.

10-08-05, 20:21
I'm planning on staying overnight in Frankfurt and will probably be staying near the airport. How far is it from there?
Airport to Oase is aprox. 25 km.


Hidden Dragon
10-09-05, 09:35
Ok, that could get a little pricey getting there by cab. With that in mind, are there any ones closer that are as good or better?


Boston Rover
10-09-05, 15:57
Really would like some advice. I going to France in November and was thinking of returning to Prague for a few days mongering afterward. Then encountered discussions of FKK Oase. I am always willing to try new things but don't want to make a silly choice. Is anyone willing to read my contemplation of 2 options and then offer comment or suggestions (based on their experience with either situation)?

Background. Am 65, gray haired, fit, good looking but not a young stud anymore. My native language is English and I speak some French. No German. One shot per night is my limit but I enjoy long, play and giving pleasure to the girl. I always treat the girls with respect in and out of the room, give them small gifts and lots of compliments. They usually respond very well in return - even the gorgeous window girls (10/10 ) in the Olde Kirk (Oudekerk) area of Adam - many of whom would grace a Playboy cover.

Option #1. Return to Prague ( http://www.fkk-prague.cz) for a overnight GFE with a known girl as an escort to my hotel. Potential down side is - has she changed in a year of regular working with several guys a night? I was in there last November and spent a number of one hour sessions with her. Cost about 3200 CZK (100 € per full hour inclusive rate with a 25% tip extra to her - and no leaving room after shot).

About her and details. This is not BS or fantasy. Russian and about 25. She is cute but not stunning (8/10). She was very friendly, extremely enthusiastic and loved sex (... last year). DFK, BBBJ, great pelvic action, etc. She had real orgasms from finger play outside and inside (I am happy to use a condom on fingers). Real orgasms? I am experienced enough to recognize involuntary spasms versus Kegel exercises. Moans and other sounds may have been acting but I doubt it. She did a BBBJ to die for - had to literally pull her off so we could proceed with my other plans. Was thinking of a return to spend a full night with her (about 500 € for 12 hours) with dinner, various activities, sleep, more activities and so on. But now is a year later. She is a regular there and may be getting burnt out. I do have ways of checking on this consideration. If that is the case, there maybe another fkk-prague alternative who is an unknown quantity (to me). They often have a limited number of new 18-21 year old part-time Czech lovelies (university students supplementing their income). Some of them are said to be enthusiastic in the room (according to web reports). But I am not particularly keen on that option - they are often relatively inexperienced and lack some basic courtesan and bedroom skills. There are frequently new EE girls who probably speak little or no English, and some conversation over 12 hours would be nice..

Option #2. I encountered FKK Oase information on WSG. It might be an intriquing alternative. Would probably visit in Sat to Monday or Tuesday range with 2 part days at Oase in mid-November. Maybe rent a car at airport. Stay somewhere nearby (Hotel Katherine?) . It sounds like the in-house mongering could a fun "hunting" process. I can certainly handle "auditioning" outside of rooms without committing myself. If some girl wants to give some freebie sample activities to try to entice me to a room then I would not complain. But she might not get my € "vote". I am a fussy, selective old man and would not be rushed. I can usually judge attitudes from long experience with working girls in various North American cities, Amsterdam, Frankfurt of 20 years ago, Prague, etc. But is it worth the bother? I don't want to be pressured or hassled (read on). It might be fun to do buffet- style mongering ( over a few days with lots of rest in between. I have never tried that before.

Approach. I would plan to pace myself and avoid shots - have great self control especially with BJ. Would plan to arrive each day about mid-afternoon, stay until maybe 2300 hours or so. Perhaps run up a bill of entrance fee plus 200 - 250 € per day for playtimes. Avoid alcohol, have light dinner and relax between encounters by wandering about, using the various facilaties, etc. I hope the girls will get the message and leave me alone during rest times. Would consider raw chemistry and observed behaviour, "chat" with possibilities, and finally head for a room.

The web reports about € are not clear. Is the room charge only for a place to go with the girls wanting extra, based on a menu? Or is a place plus basic girl activities with negotiated extras, or is it an all inclusive price.

If I hit a gem on Saturday, would she likely agree to an independent hotel escort visit on Sunday or Monday - afternoon or early evening ? Would kind of rate list would she suggest (2, 4, etc hours, and what should be my bottom-line offer (for 8+/10 girl who really knows what she is doing)?

What I don't want is wasting time with scams: "buy girls colored water drinks at €", "price change in the room scams", clock-watchers, "why don't you hurry and cum" types, etc.

All advice gratefully accepted.

Good hunting to you all.

Dick Rambone
10-09-05, 19:29
Might want to stay at this hotel. It's only 10 minute walk from the train station.


10-09-05, 19:47
Ok, that could get a little pricey getting there by cab. With that in mind, are there any ones closer that are as good or better?


Taxi to Oase from the airport might cost about 40e. You can opt for Palace which is also good. I guess taxi to Palace from airport would cost about 25 euros. I suggest you read "reports of distinction" to get a good overview af pretty much all you need to know such as public transport available to these places etc.


10-10-05, 13:06
The web reports about € are not clear. Is the room charge only for a place to go with the girls wanting extra, based on a menu? Or is a place plus basic girl activities with negotiated extras, or is it an all inclusive price.

50€/30min not clear? I suppose it's not clear because it sounds unbelievable for those who have never been to FKK. No, it's not the room's charge, it's the girl's charge. All-inclusive room+girl with FS, BBBJ, DATY and DFK. Hope it is clearer now.

What I don't want is wasting time with scams: "buy girls colored water drinks at €", "price change in the room scams", clock-watchers, "why don't you hurry and cum" types, etc.

Huh??? Oh yes, now I remember, long time ago, in a previous life before FKK!

Avoid alcohol, have light dinner and relax between encounters by wandering about, using the various facilaties, etc. I hope the girls will get the message and leave me alone during rest times. Would consider raw chemistry and observed behaviour, "chat" with possibilities, and finally head for a room

Don't worry, you are at the right place. Have fun!

10-10-05, 18:49
I can only admit I have had a similar contemplation.

A longer stay with the right girl in Prague, in the right apartment, is very well worth the effort. And maybe the money. Captain69 and LeGuideRose both give good advice, and to my experience, most often the correct advice. But since I started to visit FKK in Germany, Prague has to wait.

There is no doubt about it. If you have not yet been to Oase, or The Palace for that matter, you have to try. Oase with it's outdoor garden, saunas and whirlpool might give better oportunities to relax in between. That's at least my experience.

It's unbeatable to stay at a place with +50 gorgeous girls, most of them willing to please and with a fairly low rate. I also stick to one pop per night. Some of the girls might not like that, but it has only happened to me once. On the other hand, I have met such nice ones that we went to a room 4 times in a day, with a lot of activity on the sofas in between.

Language might be an obstacle, but a small one. They will always understand enough english. Some are very good, totally fluent, some only limited to whats absolutely needed. I personally use english in the FKK, and it has not been a drawback so far.

I have not asked someone to give me company to my hotel afterwards (but I have thougt of it), so on that I can't give any opinion. Maybe someone else can.

My only advice is, if you have not yet been to Oase (or Palace), go there, and do it now!

Whish you a good trip.

Dick Rambone
10-14-05, 17:42
Here is a view of Oase from Google Earth.

10-15-05, 07:50
Day two dawned with a text message from my Dutch friend Wim confirming that he will come to World on Saturday and a 1 PM call from Ortos who had arrived Thursday as well and immediately began double clubbing at Oase and Palace. He was at the Monopol next door and wanted to hit the neighborhood for a coffee. I was still a bit foggy and needed time to get it together so he did his thing and I woke up and at 3 we went across to the Hauptbahnhof for a quick lasagna breakfast (for me anyway) and swapped club reports. We decided to hit Oase while it was still early and not so crowded. Ortos had rented a cute blue Peugot and soon we were embedded in a nice Friday afternoon stau on the A5. Fun, fun, fun on the autobahn. But it WAS fun, debating and discoursing with the professor of FKK-ology Ortos along the road to Burgholtzhausen. He had brought a bit of smoke so that was a treat –I had a quickie in the parking lot and got paranoid so I went inside while he lingered to get his fill.

There were lot’s of girls at the bar, you really get the once- over when you check in at Oase. Immediately the heat and stuffiness hit me, then it was downstairs to their Petri dish of a locker room. Creepy sandals, none of them fit right and all of them hurt my feet. I tried three or four pair of varying sizes. The shower water stays cold for a loooong time and it’s hard to adjust, the flow lasts 3 seconds before you have to hit it again. The showers are right next to the toilets and the place just smells like bacteria. I trudge back upstairs with the wet towel to get a dry one in, stacked in the dining room of all places. Very poor layout. At the crowded bar, frazzled joyless attendants are pouring warm soda into skinny glasses and adding a single ice cube which immediately melts in the blast furnace of the main rooms. Everywhere people are smoking and bumping into each other, pushy girls push past guests. An immediate and unremitting litany of hey Schaatze inquiries from German and Spanish girls, hello my name is…. occasional tongues forced into your mouth, I immediately smell like heavy perfume, there is a smirking sardonic German brunette who doesn’t move all night from her seat at the bar- she says zimmer I say HUH? I wish Celine was here.

I hit the kino and sit down to perv on the one or two couples fornicating therein. Almost right away a meaty beaty big and bouncy German brunette plops down next to me with her tense saline boobies pointing their hard nipples in my ear. I hardly ever go with German girls in Frankfurt, they aren’t around as much as in PHG, home of the incredible Sammy and Ive, but Oase seems to have the most Germans of the three big Frabkfurt clubs. This girl is not really my type at all, but facially she resembles the incredible Sandra of the Wallen so I let her proceed. Sunny sunny sunny, I’ve read of her, is she good or bad? I can’t remember. Sunny is relentless in her pursuit, kissing and trying the BJ in the kino, the clincher that will obligate me to go to the zimmer. And soon, she does it, I trust to her Sandra face ass. After about a three minute wait, we get a room. The session went nowhere and neither did my unit. Her armpits smelled, her pussy was a bit gamey, her perfume was overpowering and she had cigbutt breath. Schiesse what have I done. I had her on the couch and didn’t realize this??, Ortos would later ask. I make excuses for a while, her BJ does nothing for me, I massage her and play with her tits- let’s get out of here, Sunny.

Ortos had by now checked in and joins me in the bar where we get drinks and he intricately dissected the possibilities and demographics of the array of naked multinational flesh on offer. Ahhh the circus that is Oase. A polyglot of accents perpetually accost me even though I am just looking. These girls are NOT shy. We repair to the couch room where I apprise Orotos of my misstep with Sunny the smelly Dud and we survey the scene. A series of 6-7 rated young Romanians come by to try their luck with us- Ortos made some friends last night I see. A bunch of babes come over to chat with him and try for their session. The place is crawling with Romanian girls, very unusual for Oase. I espy a couple of girls that look interesting, one real twin of Julia from World and a tall pair across the room, and initially I am impressed with the lineup. But something is wrong. Ortos and I separate after a while to hunt- I soon find myself outside on a love chair- it’s chilly and the chair wet with dew in the early October evening.

Soon the couple of tall Romanian babes I had been eyeing inside strolled outside. They literally attacked me when I said I’m from New York, squeezing in on either side of me on the lounge. The blonde was older and a bit wizened, cynical and loud- “I am *****”. “I will kill you”. The brunette had blonde streaks and was not nearly as cute as she looked from afar. The blonde began scratching at my ball sac with her long nails under the towel. This was not fun flirting. Finally they leave me alone. I go back inside and check out the buffet. Let’s just say the best thing was the big boiled potatoes. The rubbery Salisbury steaks and chicken chunks in red sauce was barely edible. As I am eating ST comes by and I tell him of the alfresco molestation I had just endured when the two predators from outside come by, "we will join you for dinner" they bellow. ST goes back inside laughing. I had had my fill of the slop and ditched my plate at the table as the vampire women went for their food. I decided to hide in the dance pole room where a series of good natured but fat- assed plumpe Gypsy babes were shaking it to very ethnic music as the strobe light brought me to the edge of apoplexy.

After two or three dances, Ortos appears and suggests that he is leaning toward a trip to Palace. This is music to my ears as I am having a shitty time and cannot get comfortable. Soon we are dowstairs tiptoeing through the fungus to get changed and head to Hausen and more relaxing environs. Recalling the claim that some mongers drive from Burgholtzhausen to Hausen in 20 minutes, we miss a turn while engrossed in conversation about our hobby and arrive at the Palace around 9:30 PM.

I am sooo through with Oase.

10-15-05, 11:09
Oase, all unzipped for your pleasure. Courtesy of Google Earth.

Fly Bob
10-15-05, 18:47
The map programs have a disagreement of exactly where Oase is located. This photograph resolves any question. The drive in the taxi seemed much longer and more complicated. This also shows how much Oase is located in the countryside.


Here is a view of Oase from Google Earth.

10-17-05, 22:01
Just a quick question. Are bathrobes available at Oase, as they are at Palace and PHG?

ThanxSorry, I can't seem to find the answer to this question.

10-18-05, 04:37
I visited Oase four times in the past month. The club has taken a small but undeniable step backwards--just when it seemed to be pulling way out in front of the others.

Basically, there are fewer top acts, and the overall level of talent is down a bit. A girl who has been there on and off for several years was actually the first to bring this to my attention. She blamed it on the influx of Romanians. I happen to like Romanian women, but I agree that a lack of other new faces has caused a sameness in the talent pool. Another thing, but harder to measure: that wild "anything-can-happen-at-Oase" energy just doesn't feel as strong. Friday night doesn't have the same buzz.

Still, I never had a bad session, Oase remains my favorite FKK, and i suspect it deserves its reputation as the best FKK.

Here's a rundown of the beauties I met over my recent visits, all on weekends. I'll combine them all into one list, starting with the good sessions, and ending with the great ones.

Slovakian giantess, the fattest woman I have ever messed with. Short brown hair, golden skin, pretty short. She invaded my lawn chair and got me going by hand with surprising ease, so I rolled with it. No regrets at all. She's very sweet, seems popular with the girls, aims to please, decent BBBJ (you may want to stop right there).

Smart, friendly Croatian, medium height, blonde hair, glasses, B-cup, boyish figure. Not hot, but energetic, sincere service, likes to kiss, easy to talk to, can easily develop some pleasant GFE with her, but nothing unforgettable.

Likes to mention her Moroccan-Spanish ancestry as selling point, but I think she spent most of her life in Germany. Dark, pretty face, very sexy eyes, seductive smile, nice natural C-cups. A bit aggressive pushing extras. Energetic but professional, somewhat mechanical service, but still fun--I had a feeling that's how it would be but I had passed her too many times (she's been at Oase for years) and finally broke down.

Very pretty blonde Russian, tallish, good not great figure, natural B cups, strong, smart personality, friendly, great english, well-educated, good service. "Blowjob is my hobby," she said, and she wasn't kidding. If you like CIM, you are in for quite a ride (though you may want to keep one eye on the clock).

Romanian, short, pretty face, dark hair with highlights, mole on her cheek, 3 piercings including a bunch on her navel. A-cups on a cute figure that I confess makes me a bit dizzy as I watch her walk up the stairs. 23 years, still learning the game, technique is just OK. Can be moody--she refuses to "turn on the charm" unless she is happy with you at that moment. Which means her service varies greatly. But if you happen to get her going she will become quite an unashamed nympho (I only managed it once but it was unforgettable).

Note: MIRABELLA NEVER stops talking before and after sex. This can be good, as she is surprisingly witty. Or it can be annoying, when she repeats the same stories about annoying customers, changing details from day to day until you realize she is making at least half of this stuff up. Still, she's worth a try. Best to put some thought into your approach--I saw her bluntly reject 2 customers within a few minutes (and they were not Turkish).

Dominican mamasita, short, very dark, not so good figure, A-cups not in the best shape. Has clearly given birth a couple times. But in my view her outstanding service and great personality qualify her as a top act. Many customers appear to dismiss her on sight, but she knows how to enjoy herself and if you try her I doubt you will manage to stop.

Chocolate brown Haitian honey, great beaming smile, beautiful firm silky skin, short curly hair, super service, popular, can get very busy on a weekend night, but never seems to stop smiling. She doesn't need to approach anyone, just hangs out on the couches with the Hispanic posse and lets them come to her. Aggressive, hot kissing and oral work.

Well-known short, sweet, Venezuelan star seems to have many fans booking for her long sessions. A must try. Young, short, dark eyes, long black hair, lovely B-cups, friendly, affectionate service. Kept me going for 90 minutes, I was powerless to end the session. To me, she's a good way to end the evening as she will find your second wind for you.

I guess the trend for my recent sessions is pretty clear: in the absence of the classic top act types, the sessions that stood out the most in my mind were all with Latinas who gave great service....even if they probably weren't the most beautiful women in the club that night. (OK, Darlene isn't quite Latina, but close...)

Note: this is not an exact order at all. Also, if you are new to Oase, keep in mind these are not necessarily indicative of what level of service you can expect, as you really must factor in chemistry, timing, and your preferences!

10-18-05, 19:00
Sorry, I can't seem to find the answer to this question.
Can't pretend to be an expert, but during my so far visits at Oase, I have neighter seen anyone using a bathrobe nor found any to use myself.

10-18-05, 21:43
Great report Tawan

For those who want to know better what Gabriela looks like, go to www.f35.de. There are pictures of her there (she is the darkest one of the girls). She used to work at F35 for few months before she started at Oase.

She has obviously had a rather quick route to stardom. When I visited in August, she was always free.

Faust420: I have never seen anyone wear a rope at Oase. Once in a while I see guys wearing ropes in Palace and World (although more frequently at World, it is still rather unusual though). If you bring your own to Oase, you can wear it for sure, but you will stick out like a sore thumb.


10-18-05, 22:55
I had the good fortune to be able to visit Osse last week, Sat, Sun and Thursday. The sessions on Sat and Sun were unremarkable with the exception of Leel who was a wild thing. Dinner food was bad, Breakfast food was safe. I arrived on Thursday at 10:30am shortly after they had opened, this is my favorite time as the girls are not so rushed to turn as many sessions in a short period of time like they are on the weekend. The sandals and dressing area could use a good wash with bleach, it smelled pretty bad, this is the first time that I have noticed what others here have complained about.

The best of the best was Nina from Koln, I think that there is something in the water there, every lady I have seen from Koln or Dusseldorf have been fantastic. When I am at an FKK and a lady tells me that she is from these cities, I will more likely than not take her for a session. Below is how I rate the ladies, relatively speaking + is an acceptable session, probably would not repeat, 3 and 4 are outstanding, 5 is godlike.

Sabrina + Corsica 25 Blonde, waif 5 3 thin, quick session in Kinko
Isabella ++ Romania, 25, spinner, blonde

Jen ++ 19 Germany 6 0, pretty, slender, dark hair, she sits at the bar and stares to get your attention
Leel ++++ Russia 24 5 5 hot, slender great oral skills

lily +++ Russia (has a tattoo on her lower back of a lily)
Nina +++++ Koln 29 gfe+, cute German looking girl.
Something like Lisa? ++++ Berlin spinner 23, 5 9 very slender, blonde, very cute girl

I spoke with one America from NY while I was there, he had been to The Place the day before and said that he thought that it was better at the moment.

Have fun.

10-18-05, 23:16
I didn't manage to answer the following questions during my recent Oase visits:

Who is the dreamy-looking stunner who hangs around the bar, or near the stairs towards the rooms, never approaches a man, and yet never stops getting booked all night? Medium height, black hair, lovely pear-shaped breasts, nice figure, vacant stare, and sort of a big nose. Eastern European, I think, but not really part of any posse?

Who is that very tall girl, tallest in the club right now, long black hair, who hangs around bar, doesn't talk to other girls much, is generally quiet, not in any rush to do a lot of sessions, but still quite friendly when approached... Leaves early, might work the early shift?

How many times can a man descend Oase's slimy steps for another joyless shower in Swamp Monger before his immune system just gives up the fight?

10-18-05, 23:40
Hey chivaz!

What is wrong with stucking out like a soar thumb? I have spent most of my life sticking out! I will be taking my big fluffy green robe with me when I go to world. The only concern that I have is that the girls get turned off by the robe!

Great report Tawan

For those who want to know better what Gabriela looks like, go to www.f35.de. There are pictures of her there (she is the darkest one of the girls). She used to work at F35 for few months before she started at Oase.

She has obviously had a rather quick route to stardom. When I visited in August, she was always free.

Faust420: I have never seen anyone wear a rope at Oase. Once in a while I see guys wearing ropes in Palace and World (although more frequently at World, it is still rather unusual though). If you bring your own to Oase, you can wear it for sure, but you will stick out like a sore thumb.


10-19-05, 05:35
How many times can a man descend Oase's slimy steps for another joyless shower in Swamp Monger before his immune system just gives up the fight?When I last time visited Oase, I spent some time speaking with the lady who served the (extremely poor) food they offer. Due to her knowledge, Oase will close a few days around christmas time for renovation and painting activities.

I wonder how much they will manage to improve their premises in just three days?

10-19-05, 08:59
I think the very tall girl with long black hair you are asking about is Jen, or Jenny, from Fulda that Jeff01 wrote about in the post before yours. Jenny's definitely the starer he was talking about anyway. I wrote about her a couple of months ago, and I know she's still around.

10-19-05, 18:43
Hey chivaz!

What is wrong with stucking out like a soar thumb? I have spent most of my life sticking out! I will be taking my big fluffy green robe with me when I go to world. The only concern that I have is that the girls get turned off by the robe!

Hi Biggee,

Nothing wrong with that dude, just a statement of fact. Some like to stick out others don't. You might even get some more attention from the girls, specially with the fluffy green one, although usually 50e bills in your locker is all you need to get enough attention ;-)

I would still reccommend against the thick variety. These places are not cold and you might feel a bit hot in a big fluffy one. This I would say is specially true with Oase main room and Kino which are not the most ventillated places you'll find.


10-19-05, 20:37
I much prefer the robes than towels. As I am a little fat I find the towels keep falling off me, no matter how tight I tie them.

Also as a smoker its handy to have a pocket to carry your ciggies.

I found the lack of robes a disadvantage when i visited Oase 2 weeks ago.

Also I have found it easier for the women to grab your cock when you wear a robe which is nice !!!

10-19-05, 21:31
I was in Frankfurt for 3 days from 4th to 6th Oct. I went to Palace on the 4th and 6th, and I went to Oase on the 5th. I had 10 women in total over the 3 days, and all were good experiences expect one. I also met members Wry Cooter and Stinky Pete, both nice guys.

Here is a comparison of both clubs :

Location : Winner - FKK Palace, because its about 5k from the center of Frankfurt, and 5 mins walk from the Ibis Hotel. FKK Oase is in the middle of the Countryside.

Women : Winner - FKK Oase, I found women here averaged 8 on the 0 - 10 scale, and the women in Palace averaged 7. Of course there are plenty of stunners in both places. Also there are about twice the number of women in Oase, approx 80 - 100 at night. Performance in the room was similar in both clubs

Cheap/free thrills : Winner - FKK Oase, the women is Oase allow a much better "test drive" than in Palace. I must have groped and touched 1/2 the women present in Oase the day I was there, with no problems at all. I even French kissed 3 women who i didnt go the room with, and I even fingered one of them. None of those women gave out to me for not taking them to the room. I tend to flirt and joke alot with the women, so i suppose that helps, I also lash out alot of compliments which doesnt hurt either. The downside of this is that the women are much pushier in Oase than in Palace. But if you say no , then leave you alone (eventually). Id say atleast 20 women touched my cock duing the day I spent in Oase.- Christ Im getting horny thinking about it again.

Rip offs/ bad experiences : Winner - Fkk Oase. Ok I only had 2 sessions in Oase and one of those was a 3 some. Both of those sessions were very good and memorable. I had 1 bad experience in Palace, and that was with that Czech girl with the huge tits Linda. I was dozing on one of the big swings, when she woke me and asked could she sit beside me, I said yes. Immediately she started kissing me, and rubbing my cock, while i rubbed her tits. She then asked if i wanted to go to the room, and I said maybe later. She then stood up and demanded that I give her 50 euro now and that we could go to the room when i wanted. I was pissed off because i really dont fancy her, and felt she kinda caught me off gaurd. But to avoid trouble I paid her and went for the session later that night, and really didnt enjoy it. But I guess one bad session out of 10 isnt bad. I also had a problem with Mia, fat Turkish girl with huge tits. I rimmed her during the session and then when we went to the locker , she said I owed her an extra 50 euro for the rimming. I told her that was crap ( no pun intended), and that she should have pointed it out earlier. I could have gone to the manager, but we eventually settled on 25 euro. I decided she might deserve the 25 euro cos we had long couch action. anyway whats another 25 euro on top of 500.

Relaxing athmosphere : Winner - FKk Palace, due to the less pushy attitude of the women Id say Palace is more relaxing. Although the pool and garden areas of Oase are quite relaxing.

Facilites : Winner - FKK Oase, becuase its way bigger and has a garden, 2 proper whirpools, a decent sized pool, 2 saunas, and a steam room. Palace has one sauna and a turkish bath that doesnt have steam. Palace has this small pool/whilrpool combo, but it only has jets in the center and if you sit in it you are far away from the jets. Both have similar type Kinos. Palace has 2 bars , while Oase only has one small crowded bar.

Food : Winner - FKK Palace, the food is more extensive and they have desert. the food in Oase is ok, and certainly does the job. Lack of dessert was a dissapointment for this fat bastard.

Summary : i would say FKK Oase is better overall, but If you dont want to get constantly hassled by girls, then go to Palace. Although I dont mind getting constantly hassled by girls cos its great for cheap thrills.
Bottom line - both places are fucking great, and I have had 100s of wanks thinking about my experiences in these places since i first went last March!!!

Oh and of course Palace has robes and Oase doesnt.

Dick Rambone
10-19-05, 22:08

Any pictures with your new camera?

10-19-05, 22:17
Not yet Dick,

youll have to wait for next trip in November..

10-19-05, 22:41
I hope that you knew I was joking. That robe is a bit thick, I might just head to the local store and find me a bright pink one! But seriously I will find me a thinner ine to take.


Hi Biggee,

Nothing wrong with that dude, just a statement of fact. Some like to stick out others don't. You might even get some more attention from the girls, specially with the fluffy green one, although usually 50e bills in your locker is all you need to get enough attention ;-)

I would still reccommend against the thick variety. These places are not cold and you might feel a bit hot in a big fluffy one. This I would say is specially true with Oase main room and Kino which are not the most ventillated places you'll find.


10-21-05, 21:03
I hope that you knew I was joking. That robe is a bit thick, I might just head to the local store and find me a bright pink one! But seriously I will find me a thinner ine to take.


Yes, I had that figured out

See you in couple of weeks. Let me know the final color of the rope. Will make it easier for me to spot you on Friday.


10-28-05, 11:53
I was just thinking about the fantastic day i spent in Oase on Oct 5th.

One disadvantage of the outdoor area is that it shows how ugly some of the women are in reality. The same girls look ok in the darkened rooms inside.
Dont get me wrong, most of the girls in Oase are serious hotties, but when some of those hotties go into the daylight, they do move down a few notches on the 0-10 scale. I also noticed some girls with bad acne that look fine in the bar area, but outside you can see all the damage thru the makeup.

10-30-05, 18:28
One disadvantage of the outdoor area is that it shows how ugly some of the women are in reality. The same girls look ok in the darkened rooms inside.
Dont get me wrong, most of the girls in Oase are serious hotties, but when some of those hotties go into the daylight, they do move down a few notches on the 0-10 scale. I also noticed some girls with bad acne that look fine in the bar area, but outside you can see all the damage thru the makeup.

Geez, I wonder how bad we look to them out in the harsh daylight. Well, we're paying, so I guess that's the great equalizer.

11-01-05, 16:06
Hello guys,

I am going back to OASE next week. One of my local friends just visited there a week ago, and he had some mixed feeling about OASE, due to some aggressive Romanians, but I know the place is still good, with some good talents.

Has anyone seen Stefi (Ella) from Russia, Olivia (opti-fuck?) from Poland lately?

He also mentioned that he met a tall blondish Polish woman around 30 (model looks, but older than the others). Monica or something. Any idea?



11-01-05, 18:12
I have realised why my experience of Oase seems to be different from most people's. Somehow I always manage to be there early on Sunday afternoon, or in the morning on a weekday.

I went last Sunday about 14.00. Even worse it was half-term I believe and coming up to a holiday in most of Germany. I didn't see anybody I particularly wanted to go with (I even checked every girl's name against a list of about 20 names I had in case one I didn't fancy had in fact been recommended by somebody on the forum - but none of them were there) I planned to hang around till more girls turned up (there were about 20 there) However there was nowhere in the club where it was possible to chill without being the focus of attention. After an hour I just got fed up saying every five minutes that I did not want to go to a room at that point. I am not complaining about the girls - I like being approached - it is just that there is nowhere to chill out while waiting. Every girl was eagle eyed watching every move I made. And the daytime food is execrable.

So, as has happened on nearly all my previous Oase visits I left, and made my way to World, where at the same time of day there was an impressive collection. A short report on that will follow

Harry Dude
11-01-05, 22:01
Hello guys,

He also mentioned that he met a tall blondish Polish woman around 30 (model looks, but older than the others). Monica or something. Any idea?

TWThere used to be a Monica from Poland at Oase, blonde (but not very light blonde) hair, and a tattoo of a wolf's paw on her shoulder. Last time I saw her at Oase was in July.

Harry Dude
11-01-05, 22:06
Stopped by Oase on Saturday early afternoon. Some of the chicks were really trying hard to get customers, and this one girl from Latvia was really persistent. I kept saying "No thank you" and was being as polite and smiling as possible, but she just kept on and on. Eventually she gave up, walked over to her friends, pointed towards me and clearly expressed her disgust with me.

Oh well. Some of these girls lead tough lives, so I don't blame them for not always being in a great mood.

Anyway, I did eventually cave in to Alina from Russia. Great (enhanced) tits. She sat for a while in the bar, and whenever new customers entered, she would turn around, make sure her tits were displayed properly, and smile. Kind of fun to watch. Anyway, she did a half devent BBBJ, however I got the impression that she wanted the sex to be over with as quickly as possible (she did try to give the impression of enjoying herself with some noises, but it was clear she wasn't really into it). She was nice and friendly though, so I'd say it was an average session.

Harry Dude
11-01-05, 22:14
Onela from Germany/Darmstadt

Absolutely fantastic. Onela is in her late 20's, and she gave me the most inspired, energetic session I've had in a long time. She was extremely friendly and nice, did some very deep and wet kissing, fantastic BBBJ, and very enjoyable sex in multiple positions. And, she gave an extremely good impression of actually enjoying herself (she fooled me). Afterwards, we just talked and killed some time - she was not rushed.

Top notch. Recommended!

11-02-05, 00:07

you are right and thats the biggest probelm with Oase - No where to chill between sessions, apart from the Garden which obviously doesnt count in the winter.

Be warned guys - you are under constant "attack" in this club. And the women will constantly hassle you without any break.

But If you are a really horny bastard who has not fucked a woman in ages you might enjoy getting your cock rubbed all day during those "sales pitches".

11-02-05, 00:41
Hello guys,
Has anyone seen Stefi (Ella) from Russia, Olivia (opti-fuck?) from Poland lately?
I am pretty sure Olivia is not around anymore. At least I have not seen her for a long time.


11-02-05, 08:18
Three weeks ago, I saw Steffi, a blonde Russian girl, working over the weekend. Olivia is long gone since last year, and no loss there, boys...

As for being under constant attack at Oase: I think this is more of an issue if: A) you are there during the afternoon/day-shift when there are not many men and two many girls; and B) when you are not recognised as a "regular" guest at the club.

I go to Oase relatively frequently and I can't say how many times I have "chilled" in the back sofas in the kino (i.e. the sofas just upon entering the room) and girls will see me, start to approach, then recongnise me, and leave me alone. Maybe they know I have regular sessions with particular girls so out of solidarity to them they don't want to "steal" me? I don't know, but I don't seem to have the same degree of annoyance as other guys. It does help too if you speak German...

Shiatsu: You poor boy! Nearly every time you visit Oase, you have a bad time; you come away disappointed. Yet, if my memory is correct, every time, you admit that you go on a Sunday and/or during the day-time and comment: Things would probably be much better if only I went during an evening or on a Saturday! Well, why not try it during a proper hour/day when the conditions will likely be optimum? You still might not like the place, but not for lack of any good girls to session with...


11-02-05, 09:47
Ortos - dead right. I bring it on myself - I only posted so that other people don't do the same stupid thing I do!! If I were a more frequent visitor then as you say they would recognise me and then leave me alone

No problem with the club, (apart from there being nowhere to hide!!) - just that Sunday early afternoon is probably best avoided. It's just that in the evenings I have always had "appointments" elsewhere

11-02-05, 10:09
Shiatsu: I swear, if I ever do overlap with you during some slow evening at World, I will kidnap you and drive you to Oase, just to see the difference in the girl line-up and general scene from Sunday afternoons. Btw: I last visited Oase on a Sunday night and had a superb time...but I had a couple of sterling girls whom I had sessioned with over the previous few days waiting for me... So it goes..

Hey, btw: Where is the best place to "hide" at World? In the sauna? I suppose, at Oase, if it is a very slow day/night, one could always "hide" in a room or one of the alcoves by the pool...

11-02-05, 18:12
Ortos - I believe you , I believe you. Can I be spared the kidnap (unless you can organise a van load of girls to occupy me?) I will be at FKKW on the 9th and 10th of November. A visit to Oase will be included (voluntarily) if I get an SMS that my favourite Oase girl is working

As for hiding at FKKW - just anywhere seems to work well for me, I seem to acquire a special invisibility skill at FKKW, But yes - it is possible actually to sleep anywhere downstairs and not be disturbed

11-02-05, 22:54
Anyone planning to visit Oase should check it is open. I am told that after a police check the club was closed earlier today (I hope my source is correct and I am not misleading!)

The police in the area seem to be watching very closely for anyone who might be working and infringing any laws

11-02-05, 23:15

I truly hope your source is "taking the mick!" I hope the rumours are false...I am planning to spend some time and Euros at Oase next weekend...


11-02-05, 23:23
It's more than rumour. Maybe it'll just be a brief problem

11-02-05, 23:28
Anyone planning to visit Oase should check it is open. I am told that after a police check the club was closed earlier today (I hope my source is correct and I am not misleading!)

The police in the area seem to be watching very closely for anyone who might be working and infringing any laws

According to a post on the Roemerforum, Oase was raided last night at about 8:30 by a squad of about 100. Apparently some poor joker was interrupted in the midst of some serious goings on by one of the many storm-troopers and, after an abrupt coitus interruptus, had to wait for an hour with his girl in the room with this trooper in the doorway.

I have been in a few raids but I have never been that unlucky.



11-02-05, 23:35
Dedalus - that sounds a serious raid. Normally the Police arrive in limited numbers and just check the girls' papers. It sounds like they were intent on catching the place with its pants down and had been preparing for a while? Or do you think I am wrong?

That's one reason why it pays to be circumspect on these forums - I would expect the Police to keep an eye on them for snippets of information whci would indicate various sorts of wrongdoing

(I obviously have a closer interest than most in all this)

11-02-05, 23:56
Dedalus - that sounds a serious raid. Normally the Police arrive in limited numbers and just check the girls' papers. It sounds like they were intent on catching the place with its pants down and had been preparing for a while? Or do you think I am wrong?

Well, I do think that it must have been serious enough for the owner to have to close the club. I have been present during two different raids at Oase in the past and both times I just showed my ID, got a stamp and went back to having fun. One of those was about 3 years ago when they carted away 20 or so girls for not having the proper working papers. It lasted about 3 hours, then the commandos left and a good time was still had.

I do not wish to speculate on an open forum about what is going on there. I was always under the impression that since that last big raid, the Oase owner was pretty careful about having his employee's papers be in order. There are others on this board who are probably more in the know than I am.

I will say that I am surprised to hear that Oase got hit before FKKW did. Many of us have been expecting a raid to take place there for some months now.

If they are still closed on Friday, then I will be start to worry. They ought to use this time to clean the men's changing room.



Fly Bob
11-03-05, 01:24
This sounds serious! What are the storm troopers looking for? What is the crime being committed that attracts this level of attention. For 100 troopers to show up in a big deal. It seems bigger than a few girls papers being out of order. They should be able to resolve that in a less conspicuous manner. Are the police attempting to put pressure on the owners?


Well, I do think that it must have been serious enough for the owner to have to close the club. I have been present during two different raids at Oase in the past and both times I just showed my ID, got a stamp and went back to having fun. One of those was about 3 years ago when they carted away 20 or so girls for not having the proper working papers. It lasted about 3 hours, then the commandos left and a good time was still had.

I do not wish to speculate on an open forum about what is going on there. I was always under the impression that since that last big raid, the Oase owner was pretty careful about having his employee's papers be in order. There are others on this board who are probably more in the know than I am.

I will say that I am surprised to hear that Oase got hit before FKKW did. Many of us have been expecting a raid to take place there for some months now.

If they are still closed on Friday, then I will be start to worry. They ought to use this time to clean the men's changing room.



11-03-05, 04:20
I'm planning on visiting next weekend. It would be a big downer if they were closed!

11-03-05, 08:29
First, I would like to thank Shiatsu and Dedalus for informing us about this. Dedalus (and anyone else who reads the German fora): Please do keep us abreast of developments in this story. For example: It would be very important to know what is happening today and tomorrow at Oase. Will they open again? or remain closed? Is this the first nail in the coffin of FKK life? or is it just a case of "Oase, it was your turn last night." And who is next: Palace? God I hope not.

Anyway, this sounds like a long-planned invasion event. They took down Atlantis. Then they hit World. Now they hit Oase. World recovered, but it took a good few weeks.

We'll all keep our eyes on this thread and our fingers crossed in the next few days...


11-03-05, 08:49
Fly Bob - I think it really is about papers. And having high profile raids is one way of putting the fear of god into the whole business so that all clubs are careful. The good news is that if it really is about papers then any club which runs with all legal workers is ok.

The issue of papers is a very big issue since it is the result of a huge political scare in Europe over the enlargement of the EU. Many western governments dealt with this by promising to keep a close eye on people coming from the east - the new countries' residents do not have an unfettered right to be in Germany.

Raiding FKKs is an easy way for the authorities to claim they are in control of sex trafficking etc - whereas in fact FKKs are the one place where there is probably almost nil people trafficking.

And of course, if a girl does not have the right papers (as few from the east have) then the chances are that there are other non -legal things going on.

In a more sensible world the papers issue would be seen as the irrelevance it is but politics and prejudice is not like that

11-03-05, 12:56
I rang them just now and the Lady said that the club would reopen at 5pm today.

here is the number if anyone else wants to check it out +49 6007 930643

11-03-05, 14:33
Apparently there was a notice on the radio that a "bordello" near Burghozhausen was raided and that 10 Romanians with faked papers were discovered. Also there was the usual talk about [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908).

Also Golden Time was raided yesterday. It is still open and the raid lasted only 3 hours.


Fly Bob
11-03-05, 16:04
It helps to know that you are not too worried Politics is a dirty game without any reason. I hope this settles down soon.


Fly Bob - I think it really is about papers. And having high profile raids is one way of putting the fear of god into the whole business so that all clubs are careful. The good news is that if it really is about papers then any club which runs with all legal workers is ok.

The issue of papers is a very big issue since it is the result of a huge political scare in Europe over the enlargement of the EU. Many western governments dealt with this by promising to keep a close eye on people coming from the east - the new countries' residents do not have an unfettered right to be in Germany.

Raiding FKKs is an easy way for the authorities to claim they are in control of sex trafficking etc - whereas in fact FKKs are the one place where there is probably almost nil people trafficking.

And of course, if a girl does not have the right papers (as few from the east have) then the chances are that there are other non -legal things going on.

In a more sensible world the papers issue would be seen as the irrelevance it is but politics and prejudice is not like that

SX Lover
11-03-05, 18:02
Just called Oase, they are still not open. Receptionist told that they are not open but asked me to call back in 30 minutes. So may be they are in process to reopen.

Hope all will be fine.

11-03-05, 20:19
(This was a response to a post which was deleted but I thought it ok to keep my response)

"[CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908)". Those who want to close down prostitution always try to conflate and confuse two totally different things, One is the kidnap or co-ercion of unwilling women into prostitution - needless to say I have no respect for men and women who do this,

However the second is a different thing - where a woman wants to go from one country to another she may want and need some help. This comes within the definition of people trafficking but is much more complex. The so called victim is willing and can even be the lead partner. It is akin to the complexities of issues around illegal Hispanic immigration into the US.

It does not suit the establishment of countries to draw this distinction. It is much easier to scare the local population if the establishment can conjure up a picture of innocent women abused by evil criminal gangs.

This is why use of language is important - [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908) as a phrase is often serving political agendas and not the human suffering which can take place by the enslaving of people

When you hear of [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908) in relation to an FKK it could (and almost certainly does) mean illegal immigration NOT enslavement

11-03-05, 21:58
Personally I have a few of my favourites in the Romanian camp at Oase and would be most interested in knowing who had to go and who is staying. Any news on Janis, Claudia, Nicole, Loreen, Clara and the others?

I would guess Oase before the raid had about 20 Romanian girls .

SX Lover
11-04-05, 01:01
Called again today, they did not reopen today. I was told that they will open on friday at 1PM.

11-04-05, 02:16
In early October, Oase had more Romanian girls than I had ever seen, some were very aggressive towards me. Perhaps the "managers' of the other more established legal girls complained to the authorities.


Mind Snatcher
11-04-05, 15:28
Called again today, they did not reopen today. I was told that they will open on friday at 1PM.
Can anyone confirm that Oase is now open for business again? I hope to visit at the w/e.

11-04-05, 16:15
it is certainly true the distinction between enslavement and when a woman needs help with work papers to work in Germany. Thats when she needs a "loverboy".

I was in PHG last week and a girl who I know told me a "loverboy" helped her get a job at PHG and she was in debt to him for two years. The loverboy would pick her up from her house and drive her to PHG and then when she finished her shift, loverboy would pick her up. When I heard this I was quite shocked as th loverboy was obviously protecting his investment. She told me very few girls work who need help with work papers that work at FKK clubs are free from loverboys.

I guess that what you(we) don't know doesn't hurt us? When I was leaving PHG I saw a guy bring two girls in normal clothes to PHG for work and I could sense the guy was a loverboy. Sorry to put a dampner on this subject but paradise is not all it seems.

(This was a response to a post which was deleted but I thought it ok to keep my response)

"[CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908)". Those who want to close down prostitution always try to conflate and confuse two totally different things, One is the kidnap or co-ercion of unwilling women into prostitution - needless to say I have no respect for men and women who do this,

However the second is a different thing - where a woman wants to go from one country to another she may want and need some help. This comes within the definition of people trafficking but is much more complex. The so called victim is willing and can even be the lead partner. It is akin to the complexities of issues around illegal Hispanic immigration into the US.

It does not suit the establishment of countries to draw this distinction. It is much easier to scare the local population if the establishment can conjure up a picture of innocent women abused by evil criminal gangs.

This is why use of language is important - [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908) as a phrase is often serving political agendas and not the human suffering which can take place by the enslaving of people

When you hear of [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908) in relation to an FKK it could (and almost certainly does) mean illegal immigration NOT enslavement

11-04-05, 19:20
How come I am not some hookers loverboy :(

11-04-05, 19:36
I called thins evening at around 19:00 and was told that they are open for business.



11-04-05, 21:12
Oase just posted a notice on the Roemerforum that they are open and that they are offering a special:
Free entrance to "female guests" who have correct papers until the 10th of November.
Free entrance on the 9th and 10th of November for all male guests.

See you then,


11-04-05, 21:14
Mabe because you don't want to go to prison for living off the immoral earnings of a prostitute(pimping) or be charging a girl 30%-50% interest on what she owns you for fixing her work papers.

How come I am not some hookers loverboy :(

11-04-05, 22:57

I had everything all planned with a trip to Palace on Monday then to Oase on Friday. With the lower sp levels, would I be better to plan on going to World instead of Oase?

Thanks for the advice.


11-05-05, 01:14
Prostitution is legal in Deutschland, but "loverboy"ing is not.

11-05-05, 03:22
Just got back from Oase. The place is fine and running as usual. Selection was ok, but not great. 17 girls are missing in action, 16 Romanians and 1 Columbian.

Will be back there tommorrow. Will report in more detail later.


11-05-05, 07:34
Just got back from Oase. The place is fine and running as usual. Selection was ok, but not great. 17 girls are missing in action, 16 Romanians and 1 Columbian.

Will be back there tommorrow. Will report in more detail later.


I never kept track of the number of girls that worked at the club, but 17 sounds like a very big number to be arrested!

11-05-05, 08:51
On an average Weds night at Oase one could easily encounter 40-50 girls working there. I've seen up to 90 girls there on some (insane) Friday/Sat nights...

11-05-05, 13:58
Are any of the Romanian girls left at all? Any chance they are coming back (with proper papers ...). I always thought the Romanian camp was the best. Many of them will be surely missed.

There were 91 girls at Oase (including approx. 15 Romanians) at a given time on a Friday night not long ago (one girl told me this). With a ratio of 4:1 or 5:1 between girls and guys most of that night, not surprisingly there was a sense of abandonment among the girls. Which can be a risk in the long run I guess. But for a guy on that particular night, what can I say ... heaven on earth! ;-)

11-06-05, 06:19
Oase just posted a notice on the Roemerforum that they are open and that they are offering a special:
Free entrance to "female guests" who have correct papers until the 10th of November.
Free entrance on the 9th and 10th of November for all male guests.

See you then,


Can anyone confirm the free entry dates. I would love to take advantage of that since I am in town!

11-06-05, 10:22
Can anyone confirm the free entry dates. I would love to take advantage of that since I am in town!

Go to the Oase website (http://www.fkk-oase.de/) and check their "Gästebuch" tab. It's all there.



11-07-05, 18:17
One thing I have been hearing from girls and from club owners about the raids of late is that the Tax man is coming to the raids as well. checking that the girls are registered and paying taxes on their earnings. I have uncurroberated but believeable reports of one girl who has been levied with a 50,000€ fine for back taxes. I aksed how they knew how long she was working and was told they followed the various times her name came p in a raid and went from a base yearly salary.

That means the first reason for booting the girls is because of incomplete or improper papers, but the second method is if they are not legally resigtered and paying taxes. I think the renewed raids are more due to the taxman wanting his cut of the business.

11-07-05, 18:34
One thing I have been hearing from girls and from club owners about the raids of late is that the Tax man is coming to the raids as well. checking that the girls are registered and paying taxes on their earnings. I have uncurroberated but believeable reports of one girl who has been levied with a 50,000€ fine for back taxes.

That means the first reason for booting the girls is because of incomplete or improper papers, but the second method is if they are not legally resigtered and paying taxes. I think the renewed raids are more due to the taxman wanting his cut of the business.

Makes perfect sense. The Finanzamt has to get that bread one way or another. Also I saw in the papers where the Police had busted a group making fake documents (Visas, Passports, etc.) and I wonder if who ever got caught gave up the Romanians. Just speculation on my part.

Cheers, and pay those taxes,


11-07-05, 18:56
What hope have these girls if they have to pay a lover boy as well as tax??

11-07-05, 21:55
after leaving world last friday at 8:30pm, we arrived at oase at 9pm. we had decided to take a sneek peak at the bar and the main room before we would pay entrance. it did not look great, but still ok so we went ahead.

after the shower i walk by the bar, grab a soda and into the main room, quick scan and i can't believe my luck. gabriela is sitting there all alone. i sprinted accross the room and sat next to her. she remembered everything from last time and we were off to a room for a two hour session which ended by cim. she is so good at various things i did not even have penetrative sex with her! i have gone into enough details about gabriela already and further comments by me at this time will just end up beeing cheesy. as it turned out during the night, me and my crew kept her busy from 9pm until 1am and everyone were quite impressed by her.

also did a session with letitha, letizia (or something like that), half spanish half moroccoan. i was looking for a quicky at the time before i would leave, and i cannot complain. it was a quicky, but mostly because of my preference for it to be so, although she did seem quite happy with the speed of things as we were finished in 20 minutes. can't reccomend with or against.

oase looks to be in ok form. selection this friday night was a class above world. sources say that 17 girls were taken out of circulation during the raid, 16 romanian and 1 columbian, so i guess the place was a bit short on talent, but still i liked the selection better than at world. after discussion with some members of this and other boards about the hygenic situation at oase (that have not really bothered me before) i noticed some things that i have not really noticed before, for example the sofa hygenic status is terrible. this place needs some upgrading.

all the girls were confident the place would pick up really fast (i did not know of the free entry of girls until the 10th at the time, but that will for sure bring some new ones in)

there was a pretty funny episode that happened when we were leaving the place. me and my friend were waiting for a third guy to arrive in the reception area as we were about to leave. as we did not know where he was (turned out he was doing a last minute 1 hour session with gabriela), i thought he might have gone outside to wait at the parking lot.
i asked the girl in the reception to let me out so i could check if he was there. when i open the door, outside there is a cat and a mouse (not metaphorically speaking, there really was a cat and a mouse outside). the mouse runs in, but my friend is able to block its path and the girl behind the desk jumps out with a broom or something and is able to shove it back outside. i did not notice this at the time as i was half way to the parking lot where i do not see anyone so i head back to wait at the bar. when i am buzzed in again and open the door, the mouse sprints out of nowhere inside and is at this time to make its way to the bar. what follows was amazing sight and sound. all the girls jump up on the chairs, glasses fly in the air and break on the floor and there is a fair share of screaming going on. two brave visitors wearing towels were able to corner the poor thing, wrap it up in a towel and set it free outside. after a while everything is back to normal and my friend returns from the session with gabriela with a big grin on his face.

that concludes last fridays adventure. tommorrow there was a plan to visit oase again, a plan that was changed at the last minute. more about that in the palace section report coming up.


11-07-05, 22:16
also did a session with letitha, letizia (or something like that), half spanish half moroccoan. i was looking for a quicky at the time before i would leave, and i cannot complain. it was a quicky, but mostly because of my preference for it to be so, although she did seem quite happy with the speed of things as we were finished in 20 minutes. can't reccomend with or against.


i just feel obliged towards laetitia to confirm that my experience with her was excellent.


11-08-05, 03:31
Left World around 8pm. As the rest of my team needed to be somewhere else, I made a detour into Frankfurt dropping them off before heading to Oase. Arrived at Oase at 10pm. After a quick observation, I concluded there were at least 30-40 girls at Oase, at least twice the number of World. Right away I spotted Can'tRememberName from World (the fair skinned girl with glasses, a tad of kind of baby fat). She has been a fixture at World since I remember so I was kind of surprised to see her at Oase. Guess she was taking advantage of the free entry.

I walk into the main hall and guess what, Gabriela is standing there like she is just waiting for me. Ok. I have now seen reports of her being pretty busy and I have also observed her being busy after I have had my session(s) with her, but somehow it has always been the case when I arrive that she is free. I had mentioned to her last Friday that we would be back on Saturday, but as a last minute call we had made Saturday a Palace evening. She mentioned this, not in accusing way, but in a kind of dissapointing way. I am not surprised as last Friday, team Chivaz contributed quite well into her scholarship fund as we kept her busy from 9pm to 1am.

As we are going to the room, I pass Lizzy on the way wating by the stair down to the lockers. She looks at me and recognises me and I say "Hi Lizzy". Gabriela gives me this "Hey" with a dissaproving look, but all in good spirit though. Now, Lizzy is one of my all times favorites. She is one of the girls that can keep me in room for a very long time (a qualification Gabriela posesses as well). The thought of a threesome entered my mind for a brief moment. Lizzy just entered my to-do list for the night, but it was not to be.

After an ala Gabriela session for hour and a half I took a long rest. I was hoping to catch Lizzy, but somone had taken her to a room and kept her until closing time. I met her a couple of times when she was fetching drinks for her and her lucky partner and she gave me this "I am sorry" look and told me she was still involved in a session.

Around 1am, the pole dancing starts and on comes the strobe light. I will donate a session with a girl of own choice to the guy who climbs the wall and ripps that fucking thing down!

After a while I sit down at a table with Linda and Betty from Greece (or wherever they are really from), more for a chat than I was going to do a session. I remembered some bad reports of Betty, but to be honest, I found their company to be quite nice and there was no pressure of going to room by either of them. As it turned out I ended up in room with Linda. It was a nice session. Linda had been drinking a bit (she pointed that out to me before the session) and was smelling of alcohol. It does not bother me, but I tended to keep the kissing to a minimum though as I did not like the taste that much.

I was thinking about leaving after the session, but then I noticed that a rerun of the United vs. Chelsea games was starting at 2am on the TV in the bar. As I had not heard the results, I decided to watch the game with the plan in mind to have a session with Lizzy if she would show up. She showed up, but only to fetch drinks. Guess there must have been quite some dehydration problems in her session, she is at least quite capable of doing that to you.

When the game was over I was ready to leave, but what the hell, lets take one walk through the club to see who is around at 3:40 am. Guess who is sitting alone in one of the sofas? Yeah, you're right, Gabriela. I sit down for a short talk. Tell here that I am quite done for the night, but if she is up to it, she can have a go at it. She gives me this devilish smile like "oh yeah, you just wait and see what I can do to get you going". The girl likes a challenge. We ended up in a room until closing and this time she just flat out topped herself. It was a superb performance worthy of a gold metal.


11-08-05, 17:46
the loverboy thing.

it used to be really popular to find some sort of 40-50 year old guy who was not too successful with women and have him get into a fake marriage with a girl looking to work in germany. this guy generally got 20,000 dm and now they get about 12,000€ to do so. then the guy arranging all this wants some money too, but it is often not an ongoing thing forever. the media likes to blow it out of proportion. in many cases where i know the particulars it is well known from the start and the costs are put into the equation. they can still make a decent living. this women locked in a room and gang raped until they agree to work for nothing for 4 years is movie of the week stuff.

11-08-05, 18:21

you should write a book, your knowledge is exemplary.


this women locked in a room and gang raped until they agree to work for nothing for 4 years is movie of the week stuff.

i cant say whether this happens in germany, but i have seen documentries and it does happen in other countries such as the uk, that is girls are lured to the uk with promises of aupair work and end up being sex slaves.

11-09-05, 02:29
Around 1am, the pole dancing starts and on comes the strobe light. I will donate a session with a girl of own choice to the guy who climbs the wall and ripps that fucking thing down!


I agree. That strobe hurts everybody's eyes. I have talked to the owners, but got nowhere with my compliant. They say that everybody else likes it. More people need to complain about it; hopefully then it will change.

Also, just my personal preference: Most of the girls that dance on the pole try to be too athletic. For my money it is much better, if the girls just move slowly and show pussy. ;) Instead, most of them seem to think they are trying out for the Rumanian gymnastics team.


11-09-05, 08:57
Instead, most of them seem to think they are trying out for the Rumanian gymnastics team.


Not anymore...


11-09-05, 10:55
I actually liked the Romanian gymnastic team - Nadia Comanecci was pretty good, although with her build, not exactly FKK material.

Dick Rambone
11-09-05, 16:55
She looks nice............

11-09-05, 17:39

what a big photo Dick.

11-09-05, 17:50

you should write a book, your knowledge is exemplary.


I cant say whether this happens in Germany, but i have seen documentries and it does happen in other countries such as the UK, that is girls are lured to the UK with promises of Aupair work and end up being sex slaves.
This happens in a lot of countries, Germany isn't alone in this. I have seen Russian and Eastern European prostitutes in the darndest of places, try Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.

11-09-05, 17:54
One thing I have been hearing from girls and from club owners about the raids of late is that the Tax man is coming to the raids as well. checking that the girls are registered and paying taxes on their earnings. I have uncurroberated but believeable reports of one girl who has been levied with a 50,000€ fine for back taxes. I aksed how they knew how long she was working and was told they followed the various times her name came p in a raid and went from a base yearly salary.

That means the first reason for booting the girls is because of incomplete or improper papers, but the second method is if they are not legally resigtered and paying taxes. I think the renewed raids are more due to the taxman wanting his cut of the business.

So prostitutes in Germany pay taxes like everyone else? I remember one time I was there in 2000 and they wanted to tax my notebook.

11-09-05, 21:29
Ill be in Oase on tues Nov 22nd and Palace on 23rd. Please PM me if anyone wants to meet up.

Agenda is :

Flight arrives at 10am on 22nd. I plan to take train from Airport and then change for S5 to Bad homburg. I will then take a taxi to Oase, so I should hit Oase around 12pm. I will stay untill around 2 am, then take a cab to Ibis Frankfurt west.

Hope to hit Palace next day by 12pm and will stay untill 6pm, then its back to the Airport with empty sack and even emptier wallet.

Cant wait. Ive had many erotic thoughts about Oase since spending a day there one month ago.



11-10-05, 14:03
Word on the street is that Oase was charging 20 € yesterday instead of the 0 € as they promised.



11-10-05, 16:23
Which street is that? Ober- Eschenbacher strasse?

My imagination running wild -
Scene: Quiet small town street, milkman delivering milk, women hanging out the wash, kids on bicycles, moms pushing prams, all whispering to each other:" Hey, did you hear that Oase is charging 20 instead of O!"


SX Lover
11-10-05, 18:48
20 or 60 euro. It hardly matters. Quality of providers is all it matters.

FKK scene is the far better, cheaper and safe.

11-11-05, 02:57
FKK World had free entrance days when they first opened and they were a nightmare. A nominal entrance fee is not a bad idea to keep out the riffraff but they should have announced a reduced entry fee rather than free if they're going to charge 20 Euros.

I was at Oase on November 4th at about 10PM and it was terrible. The talent pool was very shallow but I waited for about 90 minutes to see who would come out of the rooms. Nothing improved so I hit the road and was at the Palace before midnight.

To Dedalus: The men's locker room was as smelly as ever!

11-11-05, 03:02
I was at Oase on November 4th at about 10PM and it was terrible. The talent pool was very shallow but I waited for about 90 minutes to see who would come out of the rooms. Nothing improved so I hit the road and was at the Palace before midnight.

To Dedalus: The men's locker room was as smelly as ever!
Hi Fats,

I was there too, arrived at 9pm, grabbed up Gabriela and was off to a room for couple of hours. If you think Oase was in bad form, you should have seen World, it was pretty dead (I was there until I gave up and went to Oase).

and yes, that lockerroom smells, but what is starting to bother me more is that the damn sofas are disgusting.


11-11-05, 14:19
Well, boys, Here's the scoop:

I arrived last night at Oase to sample the so-called "Free Entry" atmosphere. I did not know quite what to expect, but thought that it could really be a nightmare in there if indeed there was no fee collected at the door.

I drove over around 17.30 just as it was getting dark. Already the parking lot was over-flowing and auxilliary parking was about 150m away down a small side street, Burgholzhausenstrasse, leading to a farm. Funny there were already about 15 cars here as well. Signs were that there would be very crowded conditons.

Lit a joint and started to walk over. Ten minutes later at the door to Oase, I was told "Eintritt ist Frei, aber 20E 'Spende' fuer essen und Getranke, blah, blah..." ("Entrz is free, but 20E 'contribution' to cover food and drink...") Yeah, whatever. I thought to myself: Should I be the 300th man to hold some kind of temper tantrum at being dooped, or just go with the flow? The lady looked at me as if expecting some wry comment like "You advertised Free Entry, not Free + 20E, you slimey bastards..." But instead, I decided: Swimming with the current is better than against it. So I told her: Oh, ja, I fully understand. You have to charge something or this place would be full of every Tom, Dick and Harry --or the Deutsch equivalent, Dieter, Peter und Hassan-- and this place would be a real zooilogische Garden..." She really like that from me and as I shelled out the 20E note she even gave me a warm smile and an extra Towel, already in short supply.

Well, at 17.20 my locker number was 103! Already into three digits, eh? I did not like the number because there were no money lockers to go with this high denomination locker, so I went back and changed it for the more normal 29 that had just come free...

The place was buzzing indeed. But quite frankly the atmosphere was good, almost great! Girls galore, and somehow there was not an awful wait for rooms until a few hours later around 21.00. Between 18.00 and 21.00 it was very smooth sailing. And I was ever so impressed with the girl line-up, many new girls, many regular girls that I recongnised from previous visits. Absoluely no young, new-to-the-scene Romanians, though, who populated the place a month ago, pre-Raid. There must have been at least 50 girls, and before the numbers of Men became too high, the club offered fantastic mongering conditions. Yes it was a bit smokey in the lounge and kino, but that does not bother me as much as others. Yes, the locker room did not smell like a fresh spring morning. It got worse later as I was leaving about 21.00. But when I arrived at 18.00 it was not too bad.

Girls that I recongised working Oase last night, in particular order:

The legendary, Maria of Bulgaria, looking quite fine, I might add...
Lizzy the wild, leggy Moldavian -- not very busy
Steffi, the Blonde Russian bombshell, very available
Gabriella, petite erotic sex princess from Vensuela, also free alot
Paula, the buxom, sexy Columbian school teacher
Sunny, having undergone a hair and face transformation
Some no-go-with Girls from the old Oase guard: Vicky, Bulgaria, Linda, Greece, a few more of these two...
Russian Alina, with short dark hair, very lonely at the bar
Saw the slightly fat fair skinned girl with glasses who used to work at World and whom Chivaz mentioned.

Absent were: Latvian Veronika, Maria of Spain, the Spanish-Morrocaan girl mentioned below starting with "L", Judith the Hungarian fitness fanatic, very cute girl, and others.

But there were several new girls, obviously with papers, who looked easily in the 8.5-9 range. Two stood out: A tall, dark blonde leggy girl, have no idea of her name or origin...always busy, and a petitish, dark haired girl with hair cut similar to Russian Alina, but with a large tatoo on back. There were lots of other girls there that I wanted to try...but I knew this was my first day and I would have ample chance to go back and sample more during more optimum conditions...like as soon as I finish posting this!

So, after two sessions at Oase, both quite good, I decided to pull out at about 21.00 with re-entry pass in hand and headed to Palace. But not before I had an hour or so chat with the vernerable fellow monger, Dedalus, who had drove up from Sud-Deutschland for an all-nighter at Oase.

Palace was great, and I think the magnetic draw of free or low entry at Oase made the numbers of men at Palace less than normal, so it better conditions to monger at Palace for the late night. I ended up finishing my night at Palace and never made it back to Oase, but there is always today and tomorrow... and then there is World to check out too...


11-11-05, 16:28
Which street is that? Ober- Eschenbacher strasse?

My imagination running wild -
Scene: Quiet small town street, milkman delivering milk, women hanging out the wash, kids on bicycles, moms pushing prams, all whispering to each other:" Hey, did you hear that Oase is charging 20 instead of O!"



Just some leftover "Umgangssprache" from my old days in the hood.


Last night the entire men's locker area smelled like feet and Münsterkäse. I really thought that I would barf. I hear however that a renovation may be in the works soon. At least that's what the homies on Ober- Erlenbacher Str. were sayin'.



11-13-05, 08:26
Umgangsprache - like that one..

my man, dat's not munsterkasse, dat' s some mean smelling shit, you know, dose pipes full of cum, and shit and barf, and **** juices and some mean moder fuckers dat never shower and shit, get my drift, homey?

11-13-05, 17:09
Umgangsprache - like that one..

my man, dat's not munsterkasse, dat' s some mean smelling shit, you know, dose pipes full of cum, and shit and barf, and **** juices and some mean moder fuckers dat never shower and shit, get my drift, homey?

Well done! Remind me to make you an honorary "hood" man.

Fo' Shizzle, my Iseeu,


11-14-05, 15:15
There used to be a very pretty Persian girl called Mia at Atlantis. Very GFE.

When it closed down she went to Oase for a couple of weeks and then she completely disappeared.

Has anybody seen her somewhere ?


11-14-05, 15:37
I went to Oase, despite knowing that it had offered free entry. On the door they said free meant 20 euros. So far as I am concerned that just sums up the club's attitude. The number of cars was about three times normal (from my experience) so they lost no money by charging 20E

I did not have a fit, but just turned round and went to World. Also I had planned to spend the whole of the next day at Oase (paying 65E) but went to World again instead -where they have honest cut price offers

I had very much wanted to go to Oase since unlike FKKW it would offer me anonymity, but I never seem to hit it off with the place

11-14-05, 17:24
Dadou, may be you are alking about my Mia, that wonderfull girl that took my FKK virginity in Parksauna Wildenrath a few years ago. I asked also about her and received this answer:

11-14-05, 23:18

I think you may have made a mistake to not enter Oase that night for 20E...Sure, it's a bit off-putting to expect free and then find out there is a 20E "contribution" towards drinks and food. But I was actually happy that it was not totally free, because even the meagre 20E fee was enough to keep the real dregs of the riff-raff out.

I can tell you, during my visit to Oase, where I met Dedalus also, there was a remarkable line-up of girls. I went to World two nights later and was extemely unimpressed. I know you are a bit pissed off with the false-advertising, but I do have sympathy with the fact that this was all some kind of a post-raid publicity stunt, conducted by the Oase management, to show everbody that the club is up and running again.

Bearing in mind that you were at the door, and that it would cost nearly 20E in petrol there and back, weren't you tempted to pay the 20E and have a look inside. I did, and there were stunning girls there...Later in the evening, though the conditions deteriorated, so I went off to my favourite club, Palace.

11-15-05, 08:59
What a pity we still didn't manage to meet up at Oase or World. I think we were at FKKW together (again) an stil missed each other. I found the line up at FKKW really good- it would have been fun to explore our opinions together. I am going to report on the excellent events at FKKW on the Saturday particularly.

I guess FKKW is like home and Oase is like the pub down the road - and I'm a bit of a stay at home. I'm sure the girls at Oase were excellent - there are plenty of good reports

Next time you are around perhaps we can manage to finally meet up. Have fun

11-15-05, 19:27
Last Saturday I spent 6 hours in Oase and here’s my report: -

Things were pretty slow when I arrived around 1pm, but the place gradually filled up during the afternoon.

My first session was with a 40 year old Polish girl called Dana. She is medium height, blond, has a deep, sexy voice and she performed very well indeed and certainly gets my recommendation. Later in the day, I was tempted to have her again, but other things intervened. By the way, I often find that the older girls consistently give better service than the youngsters.

My next experience was with a 28 year old Columbian who said her name was Lies, as in short for Lisa. She had black hair and nice “c” cup boobs. We chatted nicely for a while and she seemed OK and so I decided to have a session with her. The first 20 minutes were reasonably OK except that she kept on moving around and messed up the rhythm a little, but then, suddenly, she asked me if I wanted another half an hour. I said that I would tell her when this half an hour was over. She said that this half an hour was over and started to leave. I asked her just to wank me for a minute just so I could have an orgasm, but she said it would cost an extra 50 euros.

So I went to the reception to complain. The older, blond woman there seemed unconcerned and so I paid 50 euros and decided to put it down to experience. I discussed this with another girl. She said that this cuts both ways and that often the customers lie to the girls, for example, they agree to pay 25 euros for an extra 15 minutes and then don’t pay it. If the girl then complains to reception then the management always backs the customer. She said that it may seem like my complaint was ignored, but that Lies would certainly be questioned about it later.

At the end of my evening when I was going, the receptionist asked me if everything had been OK and we discussed Lies again. This time she took the time to listen to me and she asked me some questions so that she understood exactly what I was saying. This made me feel a lot less annoyed by the whole experience.

Anyway, the next girl of the afternoon was Sabrina, a 21 year old blond from Cologne. I was minding my own business, waiting for another girl when she approached me, but this did not deter her. We stroked each other on a sofa for 10 minutes or so and all the time I was apologising that I was waiting for someone else. Eventually I just said that we should go to a room, but Sabrina said that we should wait a bit longer for my bird to turn up! I immediately liked her for this, and then led her away to the nearest place.

The sex was pretty good, not absolutely 100%, but hey, I’m splitting hairs here, it was great. Then afterwards I massaged her for another 10 minutes or so, making the whole session an extremely pleasurable one, and well over half an hour.

My fourth and last girl of the day was one of my all time favourites, Julie from Gdansk in Poland, 24, very tall and a bit quiet, speaks good English and German. I have written about her before on this forum and everything I said then still applies now. She will suck and lick you continuously until you tell her to do something else and her body is just fantastic. She’s only there on the weekends if you want to find her for yourself. This girl really does it for me!

By the way, the name of the white skinned, glasses wearing, slightly plump and dumpy girl who normally is to be found in World is Jeanette and she hails from Giessen. I had her once back in September and had a perfectly good, average shag out of her.

11-15-05, 23:23

ill be in Oase this day week and i cant fucking wait. oh la la!! I hope to get some good photos as well. I know most women dont want to partake in photos, but there are always some, so lets hope i can decorate the board for xmas!!!!

There is no doubt guys, we are the chosen few. I mean what does every other guy over 30 have?? I'll tell you : He is either married to a wife with stretch marks or he is getting nothing, remember there are alot of guys who are getting nothing at all. Feel better??

11-16-05, 02:29
By the way, the name of the white skinned, glasses wearing, slightly plump and dumpy girl who normally is to be found in World is Jeanette and she hails from Giessen. I had her once back in September and had a perfectly good, average shag out of her.
Bingo, thats her name. I have always kind of fancied her "girl next door" look, but everytime I come to World she will walk up to me and immedietly ask "wanna go to room for sex" or something like that. It is a kind of ultimatum that I always give the same answer to: "No", even if I would like to try her out sometime.


11-16-05, 07:16
Bingo, thats her name. I have always kind of fancied her "girl next door" look, but everytime I come to World she will walk up to me and immedietly ask "wanna go to room for sex" or something like that. It is a kind of ultimatum that I always give the same answer to: "No", even if I would like to try her out sometime.


I did her at World once and she was ok. She was really tight. However, I found the upselling to be annoying. She even asked for a tip afterwards! But what I found a little scary was the fact that she has the personality of a little girl. I also did not like the story that she was married to a much older man. Those two facts suggested a very manipulated person.

11-16-05, 07:27
I was also at Oase this Thursday and Sunday. If I knew so many others would be there, I would have PMed you. I got a little different impression than the other reports.

First, there was a ton of men there. But given the number, the rooms were not that busy except for a 1/2 hour period. I think this is because many men were going for one session and only 30 minutes. I noticed that alot of the girls were not busy. There were many regulars but Lucy was abscent; she is almost always there.

I ran into Anella who had been away for a long time. She had planned to quit the business awhile back. I guess she was there for a short time since she left early and I did not see her when I returned on Sunday. She looked much better than the last time I saw her. I guess being out of the business was good.

I did manage a session with a cute German girl named Ruby (strange name for a woman). She is quite fair skinned and has a real hard body without being too muscular. We has a nice session and she tried hard to please, but obviously this is not a very comfortable profession for her.

Sunday brought much of the same crowd of girls. I had a session with a girl from Cologne. Forgot her name (claudia or something). She is tall and thin with dirty blond hair. Claims she only works once a week since her other job is a receptionist at a hotel. Pretty mechanical session which ended as soon as I came. I would not recommend.

11-16-05, 07:41
For those interested, I ran into Kris the masseuse on Sunday. She is an Irish looking woman with freckles and reddish blond hair. She is one of the best to relieve the tension of a long plane trip.

Becareful about asking for a firm massage. She is quite vigorous and I have see more than one man squirm with a little pain!

11-16-05, 23:51
Anybody now about some hotels between oase and world?I dont think its nesserary to stay in frankfurt centrum long way to drive.Is it any small city between this places?

11-17-05, 01:13
Anybody now about some hotels between oase and world?I dont think its nesserary to stay in frankfurt centrum long way to drive.Is it any small city between this places?
OK, just for you ;), here is what to do: Go to hotels.de and type in the city into the search field. If you don't know any city, try "Friedberg (Hessen)". It will come back with a list of 25 hotels with 20 km. Prices, service, the whole spiel. You can even get a map with location of the hotel. I have printed out the map and marked the location of Oase and FKKW for your convenience.


11-21-05, 09:19
Just took a look at the Oase website. It would seem that the Oase management is making a strong push to put their problems behind them. They have lowered the entrance fee for the girls to 35 € which puts it among the least expensive for the ladies. This may attract some more and better talent.

Also they will reduce the entrance fee for male guests on the 10th and 11th of Dec. to 35 €



11-23-05, 09:43
Wild Oase Night- November 10

Cheap bastard that I am, the prospect of a free entry to Oase last Thursday was too much of a deal to pass on. It would be difficult to squeeze a trip in but again, I am a cheap bastard. Upon receiving intel that the Oase Boss-man was tacking a 20€ fee for food and drinks, I was initially pretty steamed. It’s not the 20€ that bugged me, but the false advertising. 20€ IS a good way to keep out the riff-raff and rubber-neckers. I only wish that they had been up front from the start.

Arrived at around 8:00 PM to a full parking lot. I was first informed that I needed to park in the next field but as luck would have it, some guys were leaving so I was able to secure a prime spot. There was a long line of guys waiting to get in and I saw at least 5 turned around and left when they were informed of the 20€. In all my years of Oase visits, this was the first time that I could not get a locker to stow away my wallet and cigarettes. I spied more than a few lookers at the bar and unfortunately, a great traffic jam of men in towels milling all over the place. It would probably be a night to act aggressively if I was to catch the ladies of my choice.

The descent into the changing room was awful!!! Halfway down the steps I could smell the funk. No joke, it was really sickening. (Note to myself: NEVER AGAIN GO TO OASE WITHOUT BRINGING MY OWN SLIPPERS!) I did the quickest change that I could as well as a quick shower just to get out of there. I would be told later in the evening that a renovation is planned for around March. I hope that our noses can hold out that long.

I ran into a few regulars that I know who said that they were leaving. Simply too many men and I heard the words “hier ist echt unangenehm” pretty often. This really did not come into question for me as I knew that Lizzy would be there. I also saw quite a few familiars: Betty, Steffi, Gabriella, Sunny, Ella and a new and improved Donna. Her new boob-job is hot!

The US military was there to take advantage of the reduced entrance fee. Probably an entire division was present. I kept wondering how these guys would react if another commando raid with helicopters, machine guns and bullet-proof vests was to transpire that night. (As if these kids didn’t have enough to worry about.) Most of these guys were pretty well behaved; still they did stick out among the hundreds in attendance.

I also ran into ST among the madding crowd; I think just off a session. We had a nice time comparing notes and he informed me that lovely Maria from Bulgaria was around. Super! That would certainly be one of my sessions. ST was set on double clubbing and checking out the Palace talent-pool that night so after we said goodbye, I went looking for LIZZY.

I parked my butt on a coach close to the pretty little Steffi. I was close to making the goggle-eyes at her when Lizzy plopped herself right next to Steffi. I have known this hot Moldavian for some time now and it was a no big task to get her attention. She came over, strutting her sexy stuff, wearing some alluring white nylons. We thought about starting our session in the Kino but it was completely full; nearly all the couches and the beds up front were occupied by couples. (It would be this way for most of the night.) We made an about-face and headed off in search of a room but nothing was to be found. We did however luck out and found one of the beds by the pool to be free. Not my first choice for a romantic interlude with this fine lady but it would do. Lizzy has always provided service of the finest standard and she did not disappoint on this night. Because it was such a hectic night, I was not expecting much in the way of small talk but she was very relaxed and made no effort to rush. It has been some months since I have had the pleasure of one of her incredible blowjobs. Definitely heaven!!! Of the many positive qualities that Lizzy possess, her height and flexibility (she says that she use to dance) can make for some interesting sexual acrobatics.

The lady has always and continues to be a gem! Highly recommended, gents.

name: Lizzie
hair: Light brown long and curly,
size: ~ 1,78 m
figure: slender, perhaps A/B Breasts. Killer Legs!!!!
origin: Molavian
born: ~ 1983
service: bbbj, DFK, GFE to PSE, one of the best that I have met in the Biz.
other: usually works Thursdays though the weekends, but not every week.
location: Oase

I had an interesting time observing some girls in the Kino. Sunny, who has lighted her hair and looks pretty good right now, was a constant presence in that room. I am not a huge fan of her Zimmer service but if I were to go with her again, then it would definitely be a Kino session. At one point, as some guy was going to town with her on one of the couches close to where I was plopped, another guy who was sitting next to me and who had been watching with keen interest decided that he could no longer stand it and went right up to her and put his joint in font of her face. She did not hesitate and started going to work on him. It was quite a show watching those two boys trade off on her. The girl is a talented athlete.

On a night like this one, you have to plan ahead. I was very anxious to reacquaint myself with Maria but as the evening progressed, it was looking more and more as though her card was full. She even at one point asked if I would be there the next day. The new and improved Donna looked like an interesting option. Some of the pornstar moves that she displayed that night in the Kino were quite an inspiring sight. I have yet to do a session with Beatrice from Poland (the tall cute one who hardly ever smiles) and I was thinking that this would be a good night to change that. Unfortunately for me, all of these girls were constantly on the move and it was going to take some extra effort to snatch one of these girls.

It would be awhile but while sitting at the bar at around 3:45 I felt a warm body on my back and a heard a sweet Bulgarian voice in my ear. Hallo MARIA. It has been since her Atlantis days that I have seen her and she has always been one of my favorites. She was my second session the first time I visited Oase way back when. Maria still looks fantastic and in fact even better than she did when we had our first session together (at least six years ago). The rumors about her having a little extra weight are false. She is in great shape and, oh man, what legs!!!

We ran off to see if there was a free room where we could relax and catch up. We lucked out and caught the new and improved Donna leaving a room with some happy gentleman.
We spent a good 20 minutes talking about were each other had been of late. It was also interesting to hear her talk about and describe the raid. She was one of the unfortunate girls who was caught in a room flagrante delicto with a guest when a commando dressed in black with an Uzi busted in and kept her and her guest still and silent for about an hour. Apparently these commandos did indeed rappel down from helicopters to the rooftops, wearing all black and masks. Also quite a few guests and girls were not thinking Razzia (raid) but terrorists. While I have no problem with the Police keeping an eye on these clubs and making sure that everything is run properly, I have to wonder at the mentality of the powers that be who decide on using commando troops coming out of helicopters armed with machine guns to subdue a bunch of horny, naked people.

Maria and I did eventually get down to business. It has been a while since our last encounter but I can now vouch that she has not forgotten any of her her talents. We enjoyed a nice, slow and long session which is how Maria is best savored. She is (IMHO) probably the finest GFE out there. An hour well spent.

name: Maria
hair: Dark blonde, long
size: ~ 1,70 m
figure: slender, B Breasts.
origin: Bulgaria
born: ~ 1980
service: bbbj, DFK, Super GFE
other: form. Victoria-Atlantis, also a Starlight girl
location: Oase

Despite the rugged nature of Oase’s hygiene status, I have to give the club some credit for getting past what could have been a death-nail for the place. We saw Atlantis close its doors, and FKKWorld is still reeling from its problems. Oase is attracting some great talent and with their more affordable fees for the ladies entrance, this should certainly continue.

Cheers all,


11-23-05, 10:13

You are aware that the new official ISG uniform is Pink Bunny Slippers!