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05-07-10, 02:04

I forgot to mention about Manhattan on my last trip a couple weeks back. Manhattan usually has a small flower street on the 3rd floor I believe. But on the floor above that, on the 4th floor, they have come up with a new line up of girls. Model quality girls and bra-less-underwear-less group. The model group was only 6 girls strong while the bra-less and underwear-less group was only 5 girls strong. Manhattan has been trying to beef up their competitiveness in the CP market. Now that Xingdi is closed down, there's a huge upside demand for groups of people who want to get high and have fun. In addition, Manhattan is turning their 5th floor into a a floor for customers who want to get high. This in my personal opinion will make Manhattan a bit more complicated. Before it was just strictly a KTV with beer and alcohol, but now their clientele base is going to include people who have substance abuse problems (Druggies), which could make things a bit hairy over there. This information was given to me by a trusted source within the organization.

I guess with so much KTV competition everyone is trying to segment themselves to be niche players in order to survive in CP's cut throat environment.


05-07-10, 03:42
Went for a business trip to the city of Dongguan about 1 hour drive from Shenzhen. Business colleagues reserved accomodation at the royal DG hotel http://www.Royaldghotel.com/newEbiz1/HotelPortalFG/portal/html/index.html

Long story short after a days hard work of business dealings and factory surveys, my business colleagues wanted to show me a good time. So they took me to the 4th floor. This entire floor is dedicated for male entertainment purposes, it is basically a sauna. Went there at around 8pm, the PR was super friendly partly because my biz colleague is a regular there. Got me a room with jacuzzy and steam bath, the bathroom itself is rather large encompassing the mentioned steam room, orthopedic bed with an overhead shower for the body slide dance and a standard issue shower bath. Next on to the ritual selection parade process. Enter a line up of girls about 15 or so, good quality cute faces altough most of them are of average height (southern province girls)

Chose a girl, Lily, face 8 body 7 attitude 8, does not speak much english but that is to be expected.

On with the shower ritual, body slide on the orthopedic bed, long story short it is quite a satisfactory experience, the girls do make an effort to satisfy your every desire, the girl I picked went all the way to ensure I had a good time. The kicker is, she turned out to be quite young, just turned 20.

Overall, I would recommend this sauna hotel for anyone with a hectic business schedule

Also note that it's a good idea to call the PR ahead for an added discount, it is a 15% discount rate if you make a reservation beforehand.

The name of the PR is "Qing-Qing", phone number is 137901847** (pm me for details)

Hope this report helps you guys out there in Dongguan


SE Asia Joe
05-07-10, 04:49
Yes Penn girls may not be as wild and fun as Fuhao girls, but the quality of the girls are much prettier in my personal opinion. The reason why you never get to see the girls you like are because Penn has VIP rooms where many mommies will try to line up at first. Also Mommies have specified rooms they can go to. So for example some mommies are only allowed to go to Even number rooms and some mommies are assigned odd number rooms. This is done on management's part so that they can give all mommies a fair chance at getting business, so that popular groups of girls don't end up getting all the business while other group of girls don't get any chance in hell to get customers because their quality of girls are inferior. This actually helps management retain more quantity of girls in the long run. Not always good for clients, but in a competitive environment this is necessary, or else Penn will lose out to Mayflower. The popular girls, are hot ones, will usually always have a customer call ahead of time to reserve them anyways, so therefore you don't see many hot ones in the line up. The best time to go is during a weekday like thursday and it's pouring and raining outside....I was there during those circumstances, and we saw so many hot chicks at Penn it wasn't even funny!

What I don't understand is why KTV's don't just do flower streets now. I mean most of the better managed and popular KTVs all have flower streets. Mayflower, Eurasia, Fuhao, etc. Perhaps Flower streets are the secret to their success ?

Just want to add that I concur with all that you say re the Peninsula, with the exception of the thing about the VIP rooms. Thing is, these VIP rooms are on the upper floor and accessible mostly by elevators (lifts for you Brits!) and a rather separate part - and although the ORIGINAL intention for these VIP rooms was what you mentioned, the actual practicalities is that the Mommies will end up NOT first going to these VIP rooms. Your best bet thus is to figure out which mommies has the best/better looking gals, get their name cards and call them ahead to bring their gals to you.

And whilst I concur that the Fuhao these days seems to have a lot of fun gals, the Pen to me is still the KTV with overall OK standards - and it MOSTLY depends on what you and your gang are out to experience as your evening's enjoyment that determine the "tone" of the evening; pretty well par for the course for any KTV evenings anywhere.



SE Asia Joe
05-07-10, 04:57

I forgot to mention about Manhattan on my last trip a couple weeks back. Manhattan usually has a small flower street on the 3rd floor I believe. But on the floor above that, on the 4th floor, they have come up with a new line up of girls. Model quality girls and bra-less-underwear-less group. The model group was only 6 girls strong while the bra-less and underwear-less group was only 5 girls strong. Manhattan has been trying to beef up their competitiveness in the CP market. Now that Xingdi is closed down, there's a huge upside demand for groups of people who want to get high and have fun. In addition, Manhattan is turning their 5th floor into a a floor for customers who want to get high. This in my personal opinion will make Manhattan a bit more complicated. Before it was just strictly a KTV with beer and alcohol, but now their clientele base is going to include people who have substance abuse problems (Druggies), which could make things a bit hairy over there. This information was given to me by a trusted source within the organization.

THIS.... I did not know, but I guess it only stands to reason - seeing as the Manhattan - and California Red accross the street - had always been where more "locals" go to vs. other KTV's.

And the "locals" that do go to CP to party are really the "heavier duty" guys as a lot of the regular locals consider CP as being a cesspool and way too low class for them.

But drugs is one thing none of us here on ISG want to/need to avoid whilst in China. I'd think that for every sex related crack downs, there'd at least be double the times the LE will have drugs busts. And even going to venues where drugs are likely to be is not advisable.

Again just my POV


SE Asia Joe
05-07-10, 05:00
i think i was there as well and it sucked, i was there early and checked out the halls while the other rooms were picking them off and there just simply was not talent there. the atmosphere is lame and the girls boring. the fuhao girl with us was saying why did we come there, it sucks and is boring lol.

yes fun guys could not overcome the lameness of penn
jeez big guy - you really have had your share of problems this last trip huh??!!


and this thing about fingering gals - no, not a new idea at all and it's been forever that a lot of chinna gals will not allow digitizing the sex experience. and if you think about it, it does make sense - sort of - as our hands are the organs which do come into contact with other surfaces most. on top of that there is the question of fingernails and the nasties that can - and do - reside underneath it (think the scraping of dna under fingernails on csi).

plus, according to some gals i've talked to about this matter - most guys really do not know how to use their fingers to excite gals. in most cases these guys "go to town" on their pussies and can actually cause injuries to them. it's one thing to emulate porn videos with your li'l bro - but with your fingers??!!! well.....!!!


05-07-10, 05:37
This is done on management's part so that they can give all mommies a fair chance at getting business, so that popular groups of girls don't end up getting all the business while other group of girls don't get any chance in hell to get customers because their quality of girls are inferior. This actually helps management retain more quantity of girls in the long run. Not always good for clients, but in a competitive environment this is necessary, or else Penn will lose out to Mayflower.

As if I give a F**k to have mommies have a fair chance - LOL. they always push me the ugly fat ones, as if. Yes and flower streets are a key to success as it gives everyone a sort of fair chance. a well done room show is good, but for them to spend 5 minutes selling you uglies is not good. Huihua and PP used to do fast room showings, nowadays like in the Penn we saw 5? groups in 30 min. that just doesn't work.

05-07-10, 09:42

I can attest to what you say about mommies always pushing the ugly ones to you first. On many occasions I see them pushing the least desirable ones your way, hoping and wishing that they can pull a fast one on you.

But as I recall, there was this one time that you got pushed a girl who was one of the leftover ones, at Fuhao or Manhattan one time, and you ended up liking her because she was very compliant in bed.

Although we all go to KTV's in search of the best looking girls....sometimes...just sometimes...you end up getting a lot better service and attitudes from girls that aren't usually as easily picked in the line ups. Sure I am kind of picky when I'm at a KTV, but still sometimes you find a gem amongst girls you least expect.


As if I give a F**k to have mommies have a fair chance - LOL. they always push me the ugly fat ones, as if. Yes and flower streets are a key to success as it gives everyone a sort of fair chance. a well done room show is good, but for them to spend 5 minutes selling you uglies is not good. Huihua and PP used to do fast room showings, nowadays like in the Penn we saw 5? groups in 30 min. that just doesn't work.

05-07-10, 10:01
-Indirectly pointed towards SEAJoe or other brothers who have had experience sponsoring girls.

I end up learning a lot from footie girls. It's interesting to note that footie girls, especially the ones at pozilim, meet and deal with all sorts of people from all over the place. I was always wondering how come the quality of girls at KTVs, even at Eurasia which is suppose to be one of the high class places in CP didn't have outstanding quality looking girls. A footie girl told me a good point in regards to that. She told me that the best looking girls are always sponsored by some rich guy within a month or two when they start working at a KTV. She told me that most of the girls you see at KTVs are the left over girls that rich guys aren't willing to sponsor because they aren't pretty enough. She tells me that this is very true because she sees these girls, beautiful looking girls that they swear to me look like 仙女= Goddess looking girls who came with clients...and then they end up coming by themselves later on claiming that they don't work anymore because they got some rich guy sponsoring them.

You learn the darnest things from footie girls. I even got a footie girl who told me that Mommies that are good at what they do, can earn up to 20-30 thousand RMB a month. Most of them bring along a gigolo/duck that they sponsor to get a foot massage.

Anyhow..to bring things back, i know of a girl who use to work at one of the high end KTVs. She was sponsored immediately...actually many times by different rich guys. She's only 19 years old and she's got a huge apartment in one of the nicest apartment complexes in CP, and the guy bought her a 5 series BMW to drive around. let me mind you that the apartment is under her name and is fully paid off. She was able to get two other apartments from two other guys as well. So she's got 3 apartments in her name and she's not even 20 years old. I asked her how did she manage to milk all of these guys? She answered that she doesn't. ....she said that I never ask for anything...and because she never asks for anything....men end up giving her things. She said the more a girl asks a guy for things the more turned off the guys are. But when a girl says nothing ans asks for nothing the guys always give her presents and expensive things. I thought to myself...wow! this girl really knows men's psychology at such a young age.

So is this characteristic similar in all girls that you guys have sponsored? It seems that she's got it right on the bulls-eye! I notice that the more a girl asks me for things, favors or money or presents, the more I get turned off by that. But when money is never mentioned in the topic of our conversations, it makes me want to do more for the girl and be more generous.

If all girls were this smart...we would have a lot more poor mongers out there!


05-07-10, 13:55
But as I recall, there was this one time that you got pushed a girl who was one of the leftover ones, at Fuhao or Manhattan one time, and you ended up liking her because she was very compliant in bed.

Yeah but that 'leftover' was cute in my book, and her friend suggested her not the mommie. I honestly do not think the usa rule that ugly girls work harder is true in china. yes, in fact bsd and I went to visit a friend who supposedly is sponsored by a singapore guy only to find her fuck friend there - we were looking at the apartment only but it was obvious she had a local boyfriend in addition to her sponsor staying in the apt with her. he did not have any 'things' out there, but they indicated that they were moving, not her but they. hehe.

very true about asking for money vs. not asking. but most girls are thinking short term i want the money/stuff now and are not as clever as that one.

05-07-10, 14:00
Me and another guy hit Manhattan on a wednesday night to check out the scene. Only checked out the third floor and I did see 2-3 in the crowd of maybe 50-60 girls that I would pick. Chose actually the first one I saw (probably should have also taken the big dd girl but her face was average), which turned out to be a former bbs girl as BSD notified me. In fact I knew her but did not know that. The girls all looked fairly new to the business so perhaps this is an 'entry' location to the business.

Actually had a good time, she was pretty cool and there was no room minimum on that day. It is an okay place with an average selection, the proximity to Clipper makes it nice but I can't say it is any better than clipper
in quality or room. And clipper used to have a girl that would nude dance for 30min for 200/300? Which is something different..

05-07-10, 14:09
So I sorta learned my lesson. When you become too deeply involved with a KTV girl you can't ever go back to her KTV and pick another girl. It makes going to KTVs not all that fun. It limits the number of KTVs that you can freely go to and choose girls.

Amen. That is a big issue, even so if you just like seeing one as a regular customer, they see you and do not choose them they get pissed. FuHao has become this pit for me as there are 3-4 there that I regularly pick, sit and like to see. A few I have sat and not played with yet, and even a mommie that I had my eye on an accomplished. The mommie was lots of fun actually and would repeat. I had been flirting with the mommie for two trips and she came over and actually did not know if it was a freebie or not. she didn't say anything until sheepishly asking for xiao fei because father was sick or she said she wouldn't have asked.

point being that she asked puts the pressure off should I go to fuhao and choose since she made it business.. now as far as getting a running 'discount' with a ktv girl I think that is standard practice if the girl likes you and you keep her for awile.

SE Asia Joe
05-07-10, 17:22
-Indirectly pointed towards SEAJoe or other brothers who have had experience sponsoring girls.

I end up learning a lot from footie girls. It's interesting to note that footie girls, especially the ones at pozilim, meet and deal with........

Why point at ME???!!

AsnD - fergeddabout it!!!
Banish ALL thoughts of sponsorship of a China gal!!
You as well as I know that its a bad idea -
And PLEASE!! Don't do what I do.... do what I tell you to do!!

Don't matter none if they ask for it or don't ask for it - they ALL end up costing you $$$.
And BTW - if all it costs is just $$$$, then consider that you've done well.


SE Asia Joe
05-07-10, 17:35
Amen. That is a big issue, even so if you just like seeing one as a regular customer, they see you and do not choose them they get pissed.....
I hope that you and AsnD realize that all this feeling of "exclusiveness" is only what YOU feel and what the gals are counting on. To them it's nothing but good business sense - a booking for another night - plain and simple!

Sorry to burst the bubble - but it ain't got nothing to do with her having "feelings" for you...exceptin' of course the feel of your crisp red Maos' in her purse!!

Next time you come across such a situation, just go up to her and instead ask her for her recommendation as to which gal is gonna be a suitable companion for you that evening. And when she suggests herself just plain out tell her "No No thanks! Need/want to get another girl who's gonna be as much fun as you last night etc." And of course smile!!

She ain't gonna be offended - it's all business/par for the course.



05-07-10, 18:12
I can attest to what you say about mommies always pushing the ugly ones to you first. On many occasions I see them pushing the least desirable ones your way, hoping and wishing that they can pull a fast one on you.

I don't think that's really the case. The idea of what's desirable in a woman varies by culture, and Chinese have a difference sense of beauty than people who have grown up outside China, especially in Guangdong.

For example, typical Guangdong guy prefers a woman with a little meat on them. They would never go for those "spinner" types a lot of other people chase after. Another example, Guangdong guys prefer women with round faces, a lot of other cultures prefer angular faces. There's also a height thing, most men in China prefer the woman to be shorter than them. There's also a preference for white skin, a preference for round double eyelids, angular noses, the list goes on and on which oftentimes is contrary to what foreigners find desirable. Basically, if a mommy offers you a slightly chubby, short, pale, moonfaced girl, she's actually thinking this is the type that most guys prefer, because in South China, it is what guys go for.

When I'm in China, I go to a lot of KTV, not just with friends from overseas, but also with business associates, and a lot of these guys are native to Guangdong. Most of those guys pick girls I wouldn't even take a second look at, especially those moonfaced girls. Over time, I realized, their tastes are just different than mine.

05-07-10, 18:18
She ain't gonna be offended - it's all business/par for the course.



I completely agree. First of all, girls who work at KTV already have a negative opinion of KTV customers. They already consider all of us to be 嫖客 (piao2ke4), so they fully expect us to pick variety of girls. Pretending to be sincere and stuff doesn't work because they know how to play the game, and like the dice game, they're probably better at it than us.

05-07-10, 18:27
Amen. That is a big issue, even so if you just like seeing one as a regular customer, they see you and do not choose them they get pissed.

It's not an issue. It's only an issue if YOU think it's an issue. KTV girls see regular customers all the time. I would go as far to say that most customers of KTV are regular customers. I would estimate that on any given night at a large KTV, over 75% of the people there have been there before and more than half of them, within the past month. The girls see the same guys all the time. I remember one girl at the Virgin KTV a couple years back. While in the room, she kept getting phone calls and she kept saying stuff like "bùhǎoyìsi" I asked her who kept calling her. She told me it was guys who she sat with previously who are at the KTV that night. I asked how many guys were there, and she said there were six.

The mistake a lot of us make is that we only think of things we see from our perspective, which is not unreasonable. If you look at it from the girl's perspective, you'll realize just how often she's "been there, done that."

05-08-10, 00:52

i got a story for you two. I went to a KTV hoping to get one of my favorite KTV girl that I really liked. So I booked a room and went over to the flower street right when they started lining up. Apparently my girl was already reserved by another customer so she never showed up at the flower street that evening. In any case, I ended up picking some other girls at the line-up. I picked two girls...which is very unusual for me. But one of them happened to be her friend.

So I bring them back to the room and we are ordering beer etc...and I just decided to text my favorite KTV and tell her that "I didn't know that you were picked so quickly. I cam here to surprise you but I guess you are busy, have fun." So at this point she knows that i am at her KTV in another room. She asks which room I am at and she walks in....and Screams at me in front of my friends, and 4 other girls in the room. She was so upset that I was with other girls and not her. She even yelled at her friend and told her she "hates" her for sitting with me and not telling her that I was at the KTV earlier. I was very embarrassed being yelled at by in front of so many people, was quite shocked to be honest!

I took her outside to calm her down and she starts crying and also yelling at me at the same time. What escapes my logic is that she already had a customer who reserved her and also reserved a room from her so that she can reach her monthly quota. But she still was so upset that I sat with another girl, which one of them was her good friend.

Perhaps you guys are right, most girls...actually 99% of all KTV girls are just in it for the money. But for some reason, I couldn't understand for the life of me why she was so upset if there was no way she could sit with me that evening. I figured it to be she had more than just regular girl to client relationship feelings. But then again i could be wrong. Perhaps when you are in the moment or involved with the girl you like you tend to over-think on a lot of aspects of the situation.

But perhaps....please don't ruin my fantasy...perhaps some girls kinda do really like you?

I know I am going to get blazed in the next few post about how I'm a sucker and being played. I welcome all comments, positive and negative.


I hope that you and AsnD realize that all this feeling of "exclusiveness" is only what YOU feel and what the gals are counting on. To them it's nothing but good business sense - a booking for another night - plain and simple!

Sorry to burst the bubble - but it ain't got nothing to do with her having "feelings" for you...exceptin' of course the feel of your crisp red Maos' in her purse!!

Next time you come across such a situation, just go up to her and instead ask her for her recommendation as to which gal is gonna be a suitable companion for you that evening. And when she suggests herself just plain out tell her "No No thanks! Need/want to get another girl who's gonna be as much fun as you last night etc." And of course smile!!

She ain't gonna be offended - it's all business/par for the course.



05-08-10, 01:00

I would have to agree with you on this one. i too have gone to KTVs with local Guangdong people in DG. Their perception of what is pretty is very different from what we perceive as pretty. The round face is definitely true. I find that they want girls that have round face, round eyes and just look young and meaty is ok so long as they have tits.

But i see this re-occuring trend amongst mongers from all over the world. Older guys, like moi, seem to fall for the smaller, shorter, young looking girls, that are skinnier. They don't need an exceptional body, but they just have to look like they are young, innocent is a plus!

Then there are the 20-30 year olds like SEAJoe, who like the more womanly looking types. girls that have ass and tits and just look seductive and Hot! Usually young guys like the tallers ones who look more like a model types of a girl you would see in maxim magazine.

So what's the deal...as we get older we like younger ones? Perhaps as we get older, we already have a wife who is more mature so we want something that we can't get so we go after the cute, shorter younger looking ones? And when you are young you already have a young girlfriend so you are looking for the more model type, hotter and taller quality chicks?

I look at all the guys, ages ranging from 20's -60's and the girls they pick are so predictable-exactly like what I described above. Perhaps I am just stereotyping and of course there are exceptions, but this is just IMHO.


I don't think that's really the case. The idea of what's desirable in a woman varies by culture, and Chinese have a difference sense of beauty than people who have grown up outside China, especially in Guangdong.

For example, typical Guangdong guy prefers a woman with a little meat on them. They would never go for those "spinner" types a lot of other people chase after. Another example, Guangdong guys prefer women with round faces, a lot of other cultures prefer angular faces. There's also a height thing, most men in China prefer the woman to be shorter than them. There's also a preference for white skin, a preference for round double eyelids, angular noses, the list goes on and on which oftentimes is contrary to what foreigners find desirable. Basically, if a mommy offers you a slightly chubby, short, pale, moonfaced girl, she's actually thinking this is the type that most guys prefer, because in South China, it is what guys go for.

When I'm in China, I go to a lot of KTV, not just with friends from overseas, but also with business associates, and a lot of these guys are native to Guangdong. Most of those guys pick girls I wouldn't even take a second look at, especially those moonfaced girls. Over time, I realized, their tastes are just different than mine.

05-08-10, 01:22

Alright...alright....I get the point! I know better than to go off trying to sponsor a girl in China. But can't you at least let an old man like me dream a little?

But I have to tell you, if I find a girl who looks like the same exact girl in these pictures...Then I'm packing up my bags, leaving behind whatever I'm doing and moving there right away....


Why point at ME???!!

AsnD - fergeddabout it!!!
Banish ALL thoughts of sponsorship of a China gal!!
You as well as I know that its a bad idea -
And PLEASE!! Don't do what I do.... do what I tell you to do!!

Don't matter none if they ask for it or don't ask for it - they ALL end up costing you $$$.
And BTW - if all it costs is just $$$$, then consider that you've done well.


SE Asia Joe
05-08-10, 02:19
But perhaps....please don't ruin my fantasy...perhaps some girls kinda do really like you?

I know I am going to get blazed in the next few post about how I'm a sucker and being played. I welcome all comments, positive and negative.



SE Asia Joe
05-08-10, 02:20

But I have to tell you, if I find a girl who looks like the same exact girl in these pictures...Then I'm packing up my bags, leaving behind whatever I'm doing and moving there right away....

So....... you'd think that I would NOT pick her at a line-up??


05-08-10, 04:50

i got a story for you two. I went to a KTV hoping to get one of my favorite KTV girl that I really liked. So I booked a room and went over to the flower street right when they started lining up. Apparently my girl was already reserved by another customer so she never showed up at the flower street that evening. In any case, I ended up picking some other girls at the line-up. I picked two girls...which is very unusual for me. But one of them happened to be her friend.

So I bring them back to the room and we are ordering beer etc...and I just decided to text my favorite KTV and tell her that "I didn't know that you were picked so quickly. I cam here to surprise you but I guess you are busy, have fun." So at this point she knows that i am at her KTV in another room. She asks which room I am at and she walks in....and Screams at me in front of my friends, and 4 other girls in the room. She was so upset that I was with other girls and not her. She even yelled at her friend and told her she "hates" her for sitting with me and not telling her that I was at the KTV earlier. I was very embarrassed being yelled at by in front of so many people, was quite shocked to be honest!

I took her outside to calm her down and she starts crying and also yelling at me at the same time. What escapes my logic is that she already had a customer who reserved her and also reserved a room from her so that she can reach her monthly quota. But she still was so upset that I sat with another girl, which one of them was her good friend.

Perhaps you guys are right, most girls...actually 99% of all KTV girls are just in it for the money. But for some reason, I couldn't understand for the life of me why she was so upset if there was no way she could sit with me that evening. I figured it to be she had more than just regular girl to client relationship feelings. But then again i could be wrong. Perhaps when you are in the moment or involved with the girl you like you tend to over-think on a lot of aspects of the situation.

But perhaps....please don't ruin my fantasy...perhaps some girls kinda do really like you?

I know I am going to get blazed in the next few post about how I'm a sucker and being played. I welcome all comments, positive and negative.


She sounds like wifey material to me. It is best you head down to the local jeweler and buy her a ring and marry her before you get away. She sounds that she may have a bit of jewish "bitchiness" princessa gene in her too. Very valuable genes to have to pass down to another female. She makes a great wife. She should get along fine in the ole' USA. Make sure you post a picture of her in the photo gallery. All of us want to make sure that we know that she is your gal.

05-08-10, 05:02
So....... you'd think that I would NOT pick her at a line-up??

No, you wouldn't. She's over 22. bwahaha...

I don't know why guys would "sponsor" a girl and leave her in CP. Sponsor her and get her outta that environment. Get her a job or a biz or some schooling. Wouldn't that be a better way to invest your sponsorship? Otherwise, it's all going to majong or her lending your money to her friends.
It's ok for guys living in closer proximity to CP. A weekend romp with the young mistress is always fun. And I guess a person's gotta pay to have a hottie at his beck and call anytime. So it's ok, in the right conditions.

I somewhat keep in contact with a few favorite gals, but once I saw my phone bill (from minute calls and texting), I stopped that sh*t. Again, money down the drain. I now don't even QQ. What's the point? All it is IS: "When are you coming back? What are you doing? I miss you...I need money. Biz is bad. Can you wire me some SEAJ bucks?" I cut QQ out after a month. Therefore, out of sight, eventually out of mind.

As for girls seeking me out even when they are sitting or see me with another girl or her friend, I think it's cause they wanna keep you during those slow periods when they have no customers... kinda like guys having a list to call when the evening goes bad and he needs a pronto gal to salvage the night. Also they keep the guys (like myself) with a small dick so when deciding, they go with the guy who makes their job easier.

05-08-10, 05:20
I took her outside to calm her down and she starts crying and also yelling at me at the same time. What escapes my logic is that she already had a customer who reserved her and also reserved a room from her so that she can reach her monthly quota. But she still was so upset that I sat with another girl, which one of them was her good friend.

Is that ur weakness?? A girl cries and u cave? Me too. That's why I have my wingmen do my dirty work. bwahahaha.

Hey, good description of guys choosing types of girls in your other post. But I remember one girl you settled for when you came in late. You said she was kinda "chunky" and may not bring her home. But you ended up taking her home. Did she pull the "teary-eye" on ya?

I fall in love easily so I tend to choose girls I won't normally date or fall in love with. Therefore, I don't choose the tall, model-types or the exquisite bodied ones.

But if I do fall heads over heels over a CP gal, I got my good buds in CP to beat me until I come to my senses.

05-08-10, 06:55

I don't know the girl or your circumstances with her but, IMHO, she was just putting on a show of jealously to keep you on the line and coming back.

A WG, KTV or otherwise, likes us purely based on our generosity. Especially old geezers like we are. They have no other way to judge us.

They hear all kinds of bullshit from punters telling them how much they love them, want to save them from their misery and look after them, etc., that they believe nothing more than the $$$$.

Just my POV.



i got a story for you two. I went to a KTV hoping to get one of my favorite KTV girl that I really liked. So I booked a room and went over to the flower street right when they started lining up. Apparently my girl was already reserved by another customer so she never showed up at the flower street that evening. In any case, I ended up picking some other girls at the line-up. I picked two girls...which is very unusual for me. But one of them happened to be her friend.

So I bring them back to the room and we are ordering beer etc...and I just decided to text my favorite KTV and tell her that "I didn't know that you were picked so quickly. I cam here to surprise you but I guess you are busy, have fun." So at this point she knows that i am at her KTV in another room. She asks which room I am at and she walks in....and Screams at me in front of my friends, and 4 other girls in the room. She was so upset that I was with other girls and not her. She even yelled at her friend and told her she "hates" her for sitting with me and not telling her that I was at the KTV earlier. I was very embarrassed being yelled at by in front of so many people, was quite shocked to be honest!

I took her outside to calm her down and she starts crying and also yelling at me at the same time. What escapes my logic is that she already had a customer who reserved her and also reserved a room from her so that she can reach her monthly quota. But she still was so upset that I sat with another girl, which one of them was her good friend.

Perhaps you guys are right, most girls...actually 99% of all KTV girls are just in it for the money. But for some reason, I couldn't understand for the life of me why she was so upset if there was no way she could sit with me that evening. I figured it to be she had more than just regular girl to client relationship feelings. But then again i could be wrong. Perhaps when you are in the moment or involved with the girl you like you tend to over-think on a lot of aspects of the situation.

But perhaps....please don't ruin my fantasy...perhaps some girls kinda do really like you?

I know I am going to get blazed in the next few post about how I'm a sucker and being played. I welcome all comments, positive and negative.


05-08-10, 07:00

Welcome to the forum and thank you for your excellent first report!

IMHO, I would like to see more of these concise, no nonsense posts with useful information.

The only thing you left out was the price. How much did you pay?

Just my POV.


Went for a business trip to the city of Dongguan about 1 hour drive from Shenzhen. Business colleagues reserved accomodation at the royal DG hotel http://www.Royaldghotel.com/newEbiz1/HotelPortalFG/portal/html/index.html

Long story short after a days hard work of business dealings and factory surveys, my business colleagues wanted to show me a good time. So they took me to the 4th floor. This entire floor is dedicated for male entertainment purposes, it is basically a sauna. Went there at around 8pm, the PR was super friendly partly because my biz colleague is a regular there. Got me a room with jacuzzy and steam bath, the bathroom itself is rather large encompassing the mentioned steam room, orthopedic bed with an overhead shower for the body slide dance and a standard issue shower bath. Next on to the ritual selection parade process. Enter a line up of girls about 15 or so, good quality cute faces altough most of them are of average height (southern province girls)

Chose a girl, Lily, face 8 body 7 attitude 8, does not speak much english but that is to be expected.

On with the shower ritual, body slide on the orthopedic bed, long story short it is quite a satisfactory experience, the girls do make an effort to satisfy your every desire, the girl I picked went all the way to ensure I had a good time. The kicker is, she turned out to be quite young, just turned 20.

Overall, I would recommend this sauna hotel for anyone with a hectic business schedule

Also note that it's a good idea to call the PR ahead for an added discount, it is a 15% discount rate if you make a reservation beforehand.

The name of the PR is "Qing-Qing", phone number is 137901847** (pm me for details)

Hope this report helps you guys out there in Dongguan


05-08-10, 07:03
THIS..... from one true veteran who's had more than his fair share of once bitten...twice...three.. four etc times shy!!



Yes, I fall sometimes too, but I am only human. That said, each time makes me harder (no pun intended) and supports my theory.

Just my POV.


Robin Mill
05-08-10, 09:36

I know I am going to get blazed in the next few post about how I'm a sucker and being played. I welcome all comments, positive and negative.


Hi AsnDragon

Geez... This is interesting.
But let's assume she really like you and is IN LOVE with you.

So what are you going to do about it?
Pack your bags and stay with her? Sponsor her the SEAJ way???

I recommend:
Get her, bonk her a 1/few nights, say you are sorry, thought she do not like old man like you, didnt know you break her heart, role play BF GF...
grew tired of her, pay her.
Rinse and repeat for many other gals.

I kinda like this.
Bonk and role play all for the same price!

Continue to be the DRAGON and why stop at 1 when you can have many!!!


Sky Ryder
05-08-10, 10:26

i got a story for you two. I went to a KTV hoping to get one of my favorite KTV girl that I really liked. So I booked a room and went over to the flower street right when they started lining up. Apparently my girl was already reserved by another customer so she never showed up at the flower street that evening. In any case, I ended up picking some other girls at the line-up. I picked two girls...which is very unusual for me. But one of them happened to be her friend.

So I bring them back to the room and we are ordering beer etc...and I just decided to text my favorite KTV and tell her that "I didn't know that you were picked so quickly. I cam here to surprise you but I guess you are busy, have fun." So at this point she knows that i am at her KTV in another room. She asks which room I am at and she walks in....and Screams at me in front of my friends, and 4 other girls in the room. She was so upset that I was with other girls and not her. She even yelled at her friend and told her she "hates" her for sitting with me and not telling her that I was at the KTV earlier. I was very embarrassed being yelled at by in front of so many people, was quite shocked to be honest!

I took her outside to calm her down and she starts crying and also yelling at me at the same time. What escapes my logic is that she already had a customer who reserved her and also reserved a room from her so that she can reach her monthly quota. But she still was so upset that I sat with another girl, which one of them was her good friend.

Perhaps you guys are right, most girls...actually 99% of all KTV girls are just in it for the money. But for some reason, I couldn't understand for the life of me why she was so upset if there was no way she could sit with me that evening. I figured it to be she had more than just regular girl to client relationship feelings. But then again i could be wrong. Perhaps when you are in the moment or involved with the girl you like you tend to over-think on a lot of aspects of the situation.

But perhaps....please don't ruin my fantasy...perhaps some girls kinda do really like you?

I know I am going to get blazed in the next few post about how I'm a sucker and being played. I welcome all comments, positive and negative.



I know that this is business...on both sides of the equation. Having said that, it is a very personal business....again on both sides of the equation. If someone can spend time with some of the gals, albeit working girls, and not develop some kind of a connection occasionally then they are either some hard core son-of-a-guns or better men than me. I suspect it is the same for the gals.....actually I know it is the same, from their comments. They may be with 100 guys and 99 times it is just making sure they make the right grunts at the right time and smile at the size of the man's didi, but that one other time....the sighs are genuine and the warmth felt for real. I don't care if they are "working girls" they still have emotions and maybe something you did for/with this lady clicked for her and yeah she didn't like it much knowing you were in the next room sharing that with a co-worker regardless of her availability. I didn't say it was rational, but it is human nature.
I hope you continue to enjoy her company and her yours, until you don't.....
Congrats...your still alive!


05-08-10, 10:28
My 2 cents following this debate...

Ok believe what you want but i did have a love story with a KtV girl.
Was last year. Everyone here told me it was a scam and she was going to rip me off but she never did.

We met in a bar where she was "recruiting". Instant crush. We started to kiss, went to a hotel and had a night of passionate love. Several days later she called me after she finished her "job" at 2 in the morning, came over and so on. She never asked me for money and insisted for paying the hotels and drinks, and food. When i left China i slept at her appartement the night before i left. She was living with really HOT girls who were also KTV girls, in fact one of them is the hottest girl i've ever seen, and relies on rich guys buying her everything (car, etc...).

Sexually she looked like she was in a trance, nothing to do with what you usually get with money, and well, better than any other chinese girl i met. Was biting, scratching, and out of control.

Anyway, i left, we kissed, she even cried at the airport and all and said she hopes i would come back. From time to time she calls me on my cell phone in France just to say hello, which probably cost her a lot of money. Turns out she needed money because her father had cancer. At first i didn't really buy it, but these stories are actually true most of the times. He father died a few months later.

Everyone told me to stay away but i decided to go for it.
Bottom line : if she likes you you're never gonna pay. As long as you pay, don't even think about it guys. My general policy is to never pay for the girls on the first dates because i want girls who like me, not girls who are looking for a generous man.

You'd think paying would work better, well, you couldn't be more wrong, it's all about your attitude and self confidence. I'm always broke but somehow i stil manage to get girls they even cook for me and stuff. Then again i'm just 28, tall and educated, and, well, basically, marriage material.

I never promised her anything. Basically i listened to her when she needed to talk, didn't talk much but made jokes to tease her, make her smile and ease the atmosphere.

And honest, makes you feel really good about yourself when a girl tell you : usually guys pay for me, but you're special.

05-08-10, 10:49
My 2 cents following this debate...

Ok believe what you want but i did have a love story with a KtV girl.
Was last year. Everyone here told me it was a scam and she was going to rip me off but she never did.

We met in a bar where she was "recruiting". Instant crush. We started to kiss, went to a hotel and had a night of passionate love. Several days later she called me after she finished her "job" at 2 in the morning, came over and so on. She never asked me for money and insisted for paying the hotels and drinks, and food. When i left China i slept at her appartement the night before i left. She was living with really HOT girls who were also KTV girls, in fact one of them is the hottest girl i've ever seen, and relies on rich guys buying her everything (car, etc...).

Sexually she looked like she was in a trance, nothing to do with what you usually get with money, and well, better than any other chinese girl i met. Was biting, scratching, and out of control.

Anyway, i left, we kissed, she even cried at the airport and all and said she hopes i would come back. From time to time she calls me on my cell phone in France just to say hello, which probably cost her a lot of money. Turns out she needed money because her father had cancer. At first i didn't really buy it, but these stories are actually true most of the times. He father died a few months later.

Everyone told me to stay away but i decided to go for it.
Bottom line : if she likes you you're never gonna pay. As long as you pay, don't even think about it guys. My general policy is to never pay for the girls on the first dates because i want girls who like me, not girls who are looking for a generous man.

You'd think paying would work better, well, you couldn't be more wrong, it's all about your attitude and self confidence. I'm always broke but somehow i stil manage to get girls they even cook for me and stuff. Then again i'm just 28, tall and educated, and, well, basically, marriage material.

I never promised her anything. Basically i listened to her when she needed to talk, didn't talk much but made jokes to tease her, make her smile and ease the atmosphere.

And honest, makes you feel really good about yourself when a girl tell you : usually guys pay for me, but you're special.

thats it, chinese KTV girls love tall and broke French guys lol. God Frenchman are so full of themselves and stink as well.



PC out

Un Le70
05-08-10, 11:34
My 2 cents following this debate...

Ok believe what you want but i did have a love story with a KtV girl.
Was last year. Everyone here told me it was a scam and she was going to rip me off but she never did.

We met in a bar where she was "recruiting". Instant crush. We started to kiss, went to a hotel and had a night of passionate love. Several days later she called me after she finished her "job" at 2 in the morning, came over and so on. She never asked me for money and insisted for paying the hotels and drinks, and food. When i left China i slept at her appartement the night before i left. She was living with really HOT girls who were also KTV girls, in fact one of them is the hottest girl i've ever seen, and relies on rich guys buying her everything (car, etc...).

Sexually she looked like she was in a trance, nothing to do with what you usually get with money, and well, better than any other chinese girl i met. Was biting, scratching, and out of control.

Anyway, i left, we kissed, she even cried at the airport and all and said she hopes i would come back. From time to time she calls me on my cell phone in France just to say hello, which probably cost her a lot of money. Turns out she needed money because her father had cancer. At first i didn't really buy it, but these stories are actually true most of the times. He father died a few months later.

Everyone told me to stay away but i decided to go for it.
Bottom line : if she likes you you're never gonna pay. As long as you pay, don't even think about it guys. My general policy is to never pay for the girls on the first dates because i want girls who like me, not girls who are looking for a generous man.

You'd think paying would work better, well, you couldn't be more wrong, it's all about your attitude and self confidence. I'm always broke but somehow i stil manage to get girls they even cook for me and stuff. Then again i'm just 28, tall and educated, and, well, basically, marriage material.

I never promised her anything. Basically i listened to her when she needed to talk, didn't talk much but made jokes to tease her, make her smile and ease the atmosphere.

And honest, makes you feel really good about yourself when a girl tell you : usually guys pay for me, but you're special.

What we western guys must always remember is that most of the young Chinese girls (and Chinese ladies in general) have a very superficial approach when it comes to emotions. I dare to include almost ALL their emotional world in that saying. Such a young Chinese girl will LOVE you just as quickly as she will HATE you, as quickly as she will be AFRAID of something, HAPPY about something, or SAD.

I always found it very convenient that whatever emotional problem my girl was having, it didn’t take more than 5 minutes chat to make her snap out of it. It always reminded me of 2 y/o children back home. Just divert their attention and they will stop crying and be ok again.

This is the background for understanding why the girls fall in love so quickly with the western guys. It's true that money has something to do with it, but I find that is only secondary. The first reason is the emotional support they get from us guys, which is NEVER in the menu of the Chinese men. It gets them immediately "hooked".

I also had similar experience with WG who fell in love with me during those 3-4 hours at the KTV. One time I got a marriage proposal while taking the shower together at the hotel. Another time a girl left in the morning (got paid) and asked to come back for another round in the afternoon, before she has to go to work again. I even know of a guy who had a WG who took him for a trip in another province (she paid the flight expenses and hotel for him). Usually this is possible only when the girl has not been working for TOO long time. I guess after 1 year of working it would not happen anymore.

The bottom line (for me) is that playing with the girl’s feeling is NOT an honest thing to do. It’s ok to be friendly and be yourself, show respect to the girl and make her feel happy. If and when the girl suggests a “deeper” relationship with me I always share some of my wisdom with her and tell her how things actually work and how bad most men are. Sorry if it kills some opportunities (of free sex) for some of you guys, but I feel it’s the honest thing to do.

Cunning Linguist
05-08-10, 18:49
What we western guys must always remember is that most of the young Chinese girls (and Chinese ladies in general) have a very superficial approach when it comes to emotions. I dare to include almost ALL their emotional world in that saying. Such a young Chinese girl will LOVE you just as quickly as she will HATE you, as quickly as she will be AFRAID of something, HAPPY about something, or SAD.

I always found it very convenient that whatever emotional problem my girl was having, it didn’t take more than 5 minutes chat to make her snap out of it. It always reminded me of 2 y/o children back home. Just divert their attention and they will stop crying and be ok again.

This is the background for understanding why the girls fall in love so quickly with the western guys. It's true that money has something to do with it, but I find that is only secondary. The first reason is the emotional support they get from us guys, which is NEVER in the menu of the Chinese men. It gets them immediately "hooked".

I also had similar experience with WG who fell in love with me during those 3-4 hours at the KTV. One time I got a marriage proposal while taking the shower together at the hotel. Another time a girl left in the morning (got paid) and asked to come back for another round in the afternoon, before she has to go to work again. I even know of a guy who had a WG who took him for a trip in another province (she paid the flight expenses and hotel for him). Usually this is possible only when the girl has not been working for TOO long time. I guess after 1 year of working it would not happen anymore.

The bottom line (for me) is that playing with the girl’s feeling is NOT an honest thing to do. It’s ok to be friendly and be yourself, show respect to the girl and make her feel happy. If and when the girl suggests a “deeper” relationship with me I always share some of my wisdom with her and tell her how things actually work and how bad most men are. Sorry if it kills some opportunities (of free sex) for some of you guys, but I feel it’s the honest thing to do.

This must be an Asian thing. I had a Thai girlfriend who had such bipolar episodes. I suppose because they figure that in that way, they can get what they want by pulling a temper tantrum. It seems to be their weapon of choice in manipulating you. Contrast this with a way different culture such as in Haiti. They are more stoic, down to earth. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to seeing for myself just how Chinese girls are.
In Thailand, people really judge you by how you dress. If you dress neatly, you are treated with respect. Of course, bar girls there will go with most anybody but they go more willingly if you look right (clean shaven, neat shirt, no tanktops, slacks, no shorts, well-groomed appearance). I suppose that holds in CP. I was told that in the Dominican Republic that ups the price but knowing the language cancels that out in my experience. How about China?

LA Dude
05-08-10, 19:57
You guys are killing me with your love stories. Don't think that every girl who shows some kind of affection for you loves you. While its true that we are involved in a business transaction, some girls may actually like you and want to spend non-working girl time with you. But don't confuse that with love. Give those girls some credit. They know that most of us come from another country, spend only a short amount of time in China, obviously like to have sex with many different women, and may have wives or children. If anything, a girl may enjoy spending time with you for whatever reason and so she will treat you more like a friend and less like a client. But don't think she actually wants to bring you home to meet the parents.

05-08-10, 22:24
My 2 cents following this debate...

Then again i'm just 28, tall and educated, and, well, basically, marriage material.
And honest, makes you feel really good about yourself when a girl tell you :

"usually guys pay for me, but you're special".

Sounds like your future wife's marriage vows.

05-09-10, 02:50
But don't think she actually wants to bring you home to meet the parents.
actually, i had two instances that the girls parents (harbin and sichuan) invited me to dinner during an important chinese holiday. i refused since i know its a signal of marrige!

05-09-10, 03:30
Anyway, i left, we kissed, she even cried at the airport and all and said she hopes i would come back. From time to time she calls me on my cell phone in France just to say hello, which probably cost her a lot of money. Turns out she needed money because her father had cancer. At first i didn't really buy it, but these stories are actually true most of the times. He father died a few months later.


How much time do you spend in China, Asia? How many WGs have you done? I understand that many guys want to believe, "My girl is different". Just different stories to tell and different approaches to take but their intentions are in fact all the same.

Just my POV.


SE Asia Joe
05-09-10, 07:14
..........r money!!

That is what I always half jokingly half seriously tell gals and then laugh.

This is the true score of most relationships in China and most parts of Asia where the economic disparity is just so large that many times a gal's body is the only thing of much worth. Sad but true.

Having said that though, it behoves all of us well to NOT throw it in their face or for us to think that the ONLY ties we have with these gals is purely based upon economics.

My ex-mistress always reminds me "Love is not of much use/good unless there is bread on the table" - which is the reality. But it does NOT mean that our relationship was bereft of ANY emotions - in fact there was - and still exits - a lot of true emotions between us.

IMHO, most Asian gals becomes WG's, mistresses, KTV gals, whatever purely out of necessity/not much other choice - but they are also still humans and "falls" for guys whatever reason. And they do "fall" as hard as anybody else - but they also realize that there are still the economic realities; and thus..........!

For us guys, it's important that we all realize this situation/reality and act accordingly. I for one fall head over heels in love with my little vixens, go all out accordingly to satisfy them economically (within reasons, what I can afford AND taking into account "prevailing market rates") - BUT know firmly and at the back of my head that this all is just an illusion and NOT a life-long commitment. Just enjoy the ride for as long as it's enjoyable.

And of course NOT treat them like the WG that I KNOW at the back of my head that they are. But and BTW - NO FREEBIES - not fair!! You get a gal fall for you, IMHO it's just unconscienable and plain only cheap0-cheapo to cheat a gal for free/cheaper sex..... just coz she's falling for you.

Yes Yes, and there are those who offers "free/cheap" sex as a precursor to trying to reel in a big fish - and that's another reason why y'all oughta NEVER take free/cheaper sex from WG's.

just IMHO


Blue Phone
05-09-10, 09:00
Anyone know about this place call Danshui?

Will be required to go there soon and would like to find out if there are good Saunas or BBS in that city.

Any recommendation and whats the damage like?


Bob Builder
05-09-10, 12:34

i got a story for you two. I went to a KTV hoping to get one of my favorite KTV girl that I really liked. So I booked a room and went over to the flower street right when they started lining up. Apparently my girl was already reserved by another customer so she never showed up at the flower street that evening. In any case, I ended up picking some other girls at the line-up. I picked two girls...which is very unusual for me. But one of them happened to be her friend.

So I bring them back to the room and we are ordering beer etc...and I just decided to text my favorite KTV and tell her that "I didn't know that you were picked so quickly. I cam here to surprise you but I guess you are busy, have fun." So at this point she knows that i am at her KTV in another room. She asks which room I am at and she walks in....and Screams at me in front of my friends, and 4 other girls in the room. She was so upset that I was with other girls and not her. She even yelled at her friend and told her she "hates" her for sitting with me and not telling her that I was at the KTV earlier. I was very embarrassed being yelled at by in front of so many people, was quite shocked to be honest!

I took her outside to calm her down and she starts crying and also yelling at me at the same time. What escapes my logic is that she already had a customer who reserved her and also reserved a room from her so that she can reach her monthly quota. But she still was so upset that I sat with another girl, which one of them was her good friend.

Perhaps you guys are right, most girls...actually 99% of all KTV girls are just in it for the money. But for some reason, I couldn't understand for the life of me why she was so upset if there was no way she could sit with me that evening. I figured it to be she had more than just regular girl to client relationship feelings. But then again i could be wrong. Perhaps when you are in the moment or involved with the girl you like you tend to over-think on a lot of aspects of the situation.

But perhaps....please don't ruin my fantasy...perhaps some girls kinda do really like you?

I know I am going to get blazed in the next few post about how I'm a sucker and being played. I welcome all comments, positive and negative.


I am jealous. How did you get this gal to stop sleeping with other customers?
Going out on a limb here, but I assume you are a big tipper and like to give presents? And how much did you pay her even though she was leaving with another customer that night?

Bob Builder
05-09-10, 12:41
My 2 cents following this debate...

Ok believe what you want but i did have a love story with a KtV girl.
Was last year. Everyone here told me it was a scam and she was going to rip me off but she never did.

We met in a bar where she was "recruiting". Instant crush. We started to kiss, went to a hotel and had a night of passionate love. Several days later she called me after she finished her "job" at 2 in the morning, came over and so on. She never asked me for money and insisted for paying the hotels and drinks, and food. When i left China i slept at her appartement the night before i left. She was living with really HOT girls who were also KTV girls, in fact one of them is the hottest girl i've ever seen, and relies on rich guys buying her everything (car, etc...).

Sexually she looked like she was in a trance, nothing to do with what you usually get with money, and well, better than any other chinese girl i met. Was biting, scratching, and out of control.

Anyway, i left, we kissed, she even cried at the airport and all and said she hopes i would come back. From time to time she calls me on my cell phone in France just to say hello, which probably cost her a lot of money. Turns out she needed money because her father had cancer. At first i didn't really buy it, but these stories are actually true most of the times. He father died a few months later.

Everyone told me to stay away but i decided to go for it.
Bottom line : if she likes you you're never gonna pay. As long as you pay, don't even think about it guys. My general policy is to never pay for the girls on the first dates because i want girls who like me, not girls who are looking for a generous man.

You'd think paying would work better, well, you couldn't be more wrong, it's all about your attitude and self confidence. I'm always broke but somehow i stil manage to get girls they even cook for me and stuff. Then again i'm just 28, tall and educated, and, well, basically, marriage material.

I never promised her anything. Basically i listened to her when she needed to talk, didn't talk much but made jokes to tease her, make her smile and ease the atmosphere.

And honest, makes you feel really good about yourself when a girl tell you : usually guys pay for me, but you're special.


The gal's father had cancer and she thought so much of you that she gave you the honor of letting you save him and you just let the old guy die!

You are le cold-hearted basterde!


SE Asia Joe
05-09-10, 13:51

The gal's father had cancer and she thought so much of you that she gave you the honor of letting you save him and you just let the old guy die!

You are le cold-hearted basterde!

Bob, Pcpc1688 - guys!! Take it easy.

Onadlos's just writing about his own experiences, opinion and outlook - same as most of us here. OK, he may have come out appearing a bit boastful - but Hey - in any board (and especially ISG I guess) there IS a bit of "showing off" anyways!

And that's what makes it all interesting reading. What is NOT interesting/enjoyable is when we get into shouting/spamming matches (ooops - did I just point the finger at myself too?). Especially when it starts to become personal.

Just my POV.

Thanks and peace!


LA Dude
05-09-10, 19:58
Seaj, you speaketh the truth.

I go to CP to get the porn star experience. I want to do many different girls in many different ways. While I truly enjoy the company of some of these working girls as well as the sex, I AM NOT looking for another SO. I find that a lot of you guys are looking for an SO or at least an SO experience. That explains a lot of you DJ hunters. Bottom line is, a lot of times you will simply find what you are looking for. So when a working girl tells me that she "likes me", I take it that she enjoys my company whereas some of you guys will take it as she is "falling for me. "

I'm not trying to burst your bubble. CP is fantasy land and you should go there and live out whatever fantasy you want. Just be aware of the realities of CP.

Bob Builder
05-10-10, 00:25
Bob, Pcpc1688 - guys!! Take it easy.

Onadlos's just writing about his own experiences, opinion and outlook - same as most of us here. OK, he may have come out appearing a bit boastful - but Hey - in any board (and especially ISG I guess) there IS a bit of "showing off" anyways!

And that's what makes it all interesting reading. What is NOT interesting/enjoyable is when we get into shouting/spamming matches (ooops - did I just point the finger at myself too?). Especially when it starts to become personal.

Just my POV.

Thanks and peace!


Sorry Joe, I forgot to add ROFLMAO!

What I really want to know is where all the gals he finds at KTVs that don't take accept money on "first dates". I will be "first dating" a lot more gals from now if that is the case.

05-10-10, 04:48
But perhaps....please don't ruin my fantasy...perhaps some girls kinda do really like you?

They all like me ;).

If I were inclined to find a GF at a KTV, I'm pretty sure I can do it without too much trouble, and I'm not talking about sponsoring a girl. On more than a few occasions, I've had other guys' partners ask me to call them. I'm not saying that KTV girls don't feel genuine emotions, the are human after all, and I've had a few who had previously gotten attached to me. The point I want to make is that on average, most of them are damaged, and to a certain extent, most of us are damaged.

KTV girls can't escape the money for sex paradigm. No matter what, they can't get over the fact that KTV customers pay for sex. Regardless of what you tell a KTV girl, it will always be on the back of their mind that at some point, you paid her for sex and that basically, you're willing to pay anybody for sex. They come to believe that sex is an emotional response for men, that it's only a pleasure mechanism. There's nothing wrong with that, but you don't want your girlfriend thinking that because then they can't stop believing that you're always going to cheat on them.

On the reverse, guys like us can't get over the fact that a KTV girl has sex for money. No matter how much you like the girl, no matter how pretty she is, no matter what she tells you, no matter what you tell her, no matter how much you tell her you respect her, somewhere in the back of your mind is the fact that this girl would fuck anybody for 500-2500RMB. Somewhere along the line, when you're pissed off or whatever, you'll throw that in her face, and that will be the end.

I'm not saying that a relationship with a KTV girl is impossible. I just think that there are just way too many obstacles to make it work for any serious length of time. I do however, think that a long term relationship with a former KTV girl is possible as long as you don't know about her past. I think there are probably hundreds of thousands, if not millions of former KTV girls who have moved back to their home towns, found themselves a husband and have had kids, and who are now living the life they always wanted.

05-10-10, 04:51
Seaj, you speaketh the truth.

I go to CP to get the porn star experience.

I don't know what kind of porn you're watching, but almost all porn I see on the internet involves lesbians or anal with some ATM. I haven't really seen that offered in CP.

05-10-10, 04:57
Bob, Pcpc1688 - guys!! Take it easy.

Onadlos's just writing about his own experiences, opinion and outlook - same as most of us here. OK, he may have come out appearing a bit boastful - but Hey - in any board (and especially ISG I guess) there IS a bit of "showing off" anyways!

And that's what makes it all interesting reading. What is NOT interesting/enjoyable is when we get into shouting/spamming matches (ooops - did I just point the finger at myself too?). Especially when it starts to become personal.

Just my POV.

Thanks and peace!


The French guy's story doesn't bother me. I've seen it both firsthand and with my friends. Anytime you spend more than a couple nights with a girl, they all cry when you leave. In the past, I used to get caught up in it a bit and would say really gay stuff like, "I really like you too," or "I'll call you when I get arrive in my home country," or "I'll send you an email as soon as I get back," or "I'll call you right before I come back so you can be ready for me," or "I'll never forget you." Of course I never followed up on those things. It's just stuff you say when you're caught up in an emotional moment with a crying girl.

05-10-10, 05:05
In Thailand, people really judge you by how you dress. If you dress neatly, you are treated with respect. Of course, bar girls there will go with most anybody but they go more willingly if you look right (clean shaven, neat shirt, no tanktops, slacks, no shorts, well-groomed appearance). I suppose that holds in CP. I was told that in the Dominican Republic that ups the price but knowing the language cancels that out in my experience. How about China?

You can look however you want. Whether I've worn a suit or shorts and a t-shirt with flip-flops, I've don't ever remember being turned down in CP. This also applies to whether I've just showered or haven't bathed in three days or whether I'm clean shaven or haven't shaved in a week. One girl I remember told me she liked the unkempt look and liked the fact I haven't shaved in several days. When it's CP, it's all about the money, they don't care what you look like.

SE Asia Joe
05-10-10, 05:33
You can look however you want. Whether I've worn a suit or shorts and a t-shirt with flip-flops, I've don't ever remember being turned down in CP. This also applies to whether I've just showered or haven't bathed in three days or whether I'm clean shaven or haven't shaved in a week. One girl I remember told me she liked the unkempt look and liked the fact I haven't shaved in several days. When it's CP, it's all about the money, they don't care what you look like.
WHoooo, woo, woo .... I agree with this assessment.

But what you've not pointed out is the fact that Chinese people - and of course Chinese WG's especially - are quite attuned to figuring out the true "net worth" of others no matter how their outside appearances are.

Lets take you as an example - as you rightly pointed out, you could be dressed anyway you are - but you get accepted totally. What's the reason?? Well, underneath whatever it is that you're dressed in, it's quite easy for anybody to figure out that you're a man of means AND a man who's willing to/routinely spend such means!!

Unlike most Western and economically advanced countries where just about everybody is "homogenized", China does have a very wide divide between the haves and and the have-nots - and the habits, conversations, mannerism.... the AIRS ... of most individuals come out loud and clear. Plus unlike in the West where poverty is NOT considered a disease or the result of an individual's failings, everybody aspire towards material wealth - and thus this acute awareness/sort of antenna of other's socio-economic standings.

Me - I just come over the young, good looking, muscle rippling, blond, blue eyed Swede that I am!! Muahaha!!


05-10-10, 06:29
it's just stuff you say when you're caught up in an emotional moment with a crying girl.
reminds me of one story. a ktv girl from chongqin that i "befriended" in fujian. she wanted to keep it business. so she told me her standard rate per night (1000 at that time). and that she would be with me every night so long as i paid her. i agreed. for the next 13 days it was the wildest nights. after work, i would come back from the office and she would [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) me. on the final day we had the last breakfast. she told me she had lots of fun. then she started to cry! i was so surprised. after a long ten minutes. she calmed down finished breakfast and we seperated. she knew we would never meet again and that forecast was true

05-10-10, 07:15

I'm not a big tipper. In fact the only thing i did was to take her out of CP for a couple of days. Take her to places she's never been to and just have fun with her. I told her that I wanted to take her to do things that normal people do instead of just being in a KTV place. We just had dinner at some nicer restaurants, not expensive ones-Cuisines she likes. Bought her some clothes, which weren't that expensive. Took some walks in the park and just did every day things. Shoot the breeze, have ice cream and just walk around. I think she appreciated that I treated her like a normal girl and not a WG, which is something she hasn't experienced in a long time. Communication wasn't an issue since I spoke chinese decently.

Many times, if you click with a girl, you just click with her. Sure it may all be fake and just an illusion as SEAJOE and OAH (Whom are real veterans in this trade) would say, but sometimes you just avoid that and move forth and take things as they come. If you keep on thinking in the back of your head they are trying to con you, then you can never have a good time.

That day she didn't wear any make up, she wore street clothes in a way that people couldn't even recognize that she was a WG. In addition we went somewhere away from CP where she could be any other normal girl. There was no constant fear or defense she has to put up when you are in CP--afraid to see friends, customers, mommies etc...when you are away from CP girls seem more able to relax and be themselves. for just a few moments throughout the day they can forget about being a WG, the pressures of having to deal with difficult customers, drinking and getting drink etc. Just as we guys go to CP to escape our own problems in real life, when you take a WG out of CP, you help them escape and forget about their day to day problems. It helps to lighten up the mood and in general it also helps you to get to know her better and vice versa.

I don't go out there on a ledge to tell them I'll marry them. I mean those of you guys who know me- i'm old, fat and short i'm sure the girl doesn't like me for my looks. But sometimes you just click with them in a way. call me naive, but the feeling is nevertheless unforgettable.

I never got her to stop sleeping with other customers, she just wishes to sleep with me instead of them. Also, being gentle and giving in bed also helps out as well. When in bed you treat them as if you are making love and not having sex, it helps them mentally feel more at ease with you.

Just my two cents.


I am jealous. How did you get this gal to stop sleeping with other customers?
Going out on a limb here, but I assume you are a big tipper and like to give presents? And how much did you pay her even though she was leaving with another customer that night?

05-10-10, 07:22

For young men like you, i'm sure that it's not much of an issue to secure a girl who likes you. I do agree with you that the fact that they are a WG or the knowledge of that does hinder a genuine relationship. However, perhaps I am one of those damages guys out there. So long as they quit being a WG, i'm willing to ignore the fact that she use to be a WG and I can try with 99% effort in letting that go and not bringing that fact up when we argue. Call me deranged, but I don't view any of these girls poorly or badly because they are WG. everyone has their reasons and most of it is just to help out their families financially. In fact, they trying to help out their families by doing this line of work and sacrificing themselves actually makes me admire them a bit more. (Depending on the circumstances...not for some lazy-ass boyfriend of course)

But I could overlook the whole WG thing. Honestly. It may linger within me and affect at times, but I could actually see myself being able to live with that fact. I think I really am deranged!


They all like me ;).

If I were inclined to find a GF at a KTV, I'm pretty sure I can do it without too much trouble, and I'm not talking about sponsoring a girl. On more than a few occasions, I've had other guys' partners ask me to call them. I'm not saying that KTV girls don't feel genuine emotions, the are human after all, and I've had a few who had previously gotten attached to me. The point I want to make is that on average, most of them are damaged, and to a certain extent, most of us are damaged.

KTV girls can't escape the money for sex paradigm. No matter what, they can't get over the fact that KTV customers pay for sex. Regardless of what you tell a KTV girl, it will always be on the back of their mind that at some point, you paid her for sex and that basically, you're willing to pay anybody for sex. They come to believe that sex is an emotional response for men, that it's only a pleasure mechanism. There's nothing wrong with that, but you don't want your girlfriend thinking that because then they can't stop believing that you're always going to cheat on them.

On the reverse, guys like us can't get over the fact that a KTV girl has sex for money. No matter how much you like the girl, no matter how pretty she is, no matter what she tells you, no matter what you tell her, no matter how much you tell her you respect her, somewhere in the back of your mind is the fact that this girl would fuck anybody for 500-2500RMB. Somewhere along the line, when you're pissed off or whatever, you'll throw that in her face, and that will be the end.

I'm not saying that a relationship with a KTV girl is impossible. I just think that there are just way too many obstacles to make it work for any serious length of time. I do however, think that a long term relationship with a former KTV girl is possible as long as you don't know about her past. I think there are probably hundreds of thousands, if not millions of former KTV girls who have moved back to their home towns, found themselves a husband and have had kids, and who are now living the life they always wanted.

05-10-10, 07:29

You must be a pro and been at this for many many years. Even now I still have these separation emotional sadness when I part with these girls that I like. I think you have just mongered so many years that you have become numb to the whole deal, or...you just never found a girl that was completely to your liking.

After so many years i'm still the helpless romantic that SEAJOE is like, and fall for girls..get emotionally sucked in when I shouldn't be. I guess it happens with old age...oh wait..SEAJOE is a 25 year old Blonde Swede, I forgot!


The French guy's story doesn't bother me. I've seen it both firsthand and with my friends. Anytime you spend more than a couple nights with a girl, they all cry when you leave. In the past, I used to get caught up in it a bit and would say really gay stuff like, "I really like you too," or "I'll call you when I get arrive in my home country," or "I'll send you an email as soon as I get back," or "I'll call you right before I come back so you can be ready for me," or "I'll never forget you." Of course I never followed up on those things. It's just stuff you say when you're caught up in an emotional moment with a crying girl.

05-10-10, 07:31

I'm banking on the fact that you recently do not frequent KTVs that often, and due to your absence, i'm thinking that I have a higher chance of getting these girls during your absence.


So....... you'd think that I would NOT pick her at a line-up??


05-10-10, 07:34
Bruce Tea,

Well...i know your type when I see it! It's like the USDA stamp they put on their meat...the girl that's your type always has a BRUCETEA Girl stamp on it and you can spot that from any line up. The skinny ones that look wild! haha.

Come one, let's face it...the emotional part of being with a WG is just as important as the sex. That's one thing that both you and I can agree on! right?


Is that ur weakness?? A girl cries and u cave? Me too. That's why I have my wingmen do my dirty work. bwahahaha.

Hey, good description of guys choosing types of girls in your other post. But I remember one girl you settled for when you came in late. You said she was kinda "chunky" and may not bring her home. But you ended up taking her home. Did she pull the "teary-eye" on ya?

I fall in love easily so I tend to choose girls I won't normally date or fall in love with. Therefore, I don't choose the tall, model-types or the exquisite bodied ones.

But if I do fall heads over heels over a CP gal, I got my good buds in CP to beat me until I come to my senses.

05-10-10, 07:37

Rule number one- when you get a China girl, never take her out of China! If you do then you will be sorry for the rest of your life! Expectations within the girl changes once she goes to a western country. She ends up learning all the bad habits and forgetting about all the good ones.

But I think no matter how bitchy the girl in China can be, they won'y be as bad as a bitchy jewish "princess" attitude.

Just my personal opinion



She sounds like wifey material to me. It is best you head down to the local jeweler and buy her a ring and marry her before you get away. She sounds that she may have a bit of jewish "bitchiness" princessa gene in her too. Very valuable genes to have to pass down to another female. She makes a great wife. She should get along fine in the ole' USA. Make sure you post a picture of her in the photo gallery. All of us want to make sure that we know that she is your gal.

SE Asia Joe
05-10-10, 15:02

Rule number one- when you get a China girl, never take her out of China! If you do then you will be sorry for the rest of your life! Expectations within the girl changes once she goes to a western country. She ends up learning all the bad habits and forgetting about all the good ones.

But I think no matter how bitchy the girl in China can be, they won'y be as bad as a bitchy jewish "princess" attitude.

Just my personal opinion

Oh AsnD.... you're now just gonna get Ole Ben going again about all his freebies!!

And how some of these China gals ain't all that innocent and goody-goody-two-shoes.

And how bad some of these gals who ARE married and settled down in China to Chinese guys can be.....as his freebies!

Ain't no Jewish princess can compare in bitchiness to a Chinese gal who's aimin' for bitchiness!!!

OK Ben - fire away at Asn!!



SE Asia Joe
05-10-10, 15:46
Seaj, you speaketh the truth.

I go to CP to get the porn star experience. I want ..............

That explains a lot of you DJ hunters............

I'm not trying to burst your bubble. CP is fantasy land and you should go there and live out whatever fantasy you want. Just be aware of the realities of CP.
ROFLMAO!!!.......DJ Hunters!!! what a name.... DJ Hunters!!

Well, DJ hunters, I've got some very bad news for you!!

MOST CP DJ's are the true Piranhas out there!!

These are gals who've got the patience, the intelligence to figure out the scene and to work it to the best of their aims, the willingness to go through bad short term spells for a large, long term payoff - but don't need to do much heavy liftin' in their work/in the meanwhile.

They get all dressed up and dollied up, work the KTV room as THE good gal in the midst of all these low moral WG's, pick and chose amongst all the guys in the room, act all coy and unavailable and will exude untouchable sexuality all night long. What more powerful aphrodisiac is there for us poor unsuspecting mongers??

They'll keep/give away phone numbers from the pick of the KTV room each night - professing to do so only to get us to book a KTV room from them. They'll drink and play games all night long with you.... and be UN-available for take-out that night. And all along they'll be doing high tactic/non touchy-touchy flirting with you. What chances has the regular KTV gal got against these true mistresses of the art of flirtation! What with their tacky groping and low class physical rubbing and tugging? And immediate availability!

And what is their pay-off?? The big fish!! The ones they figure they can reel in for lots of mullah. And for the longest period.

No, I cannot miss work at all - I'll get fined. No, as a DJ I cannot/will not go out with customers - I don't really know how you convinced me to meet you. If I was just going to sell my body, I wouldn't have taken this much lower paying and non-glamorous job as a DJ................ and the spiel keeps on and on!!

Watch out for DJ's guys!!

That's of course only my POV/IMHO!!


05-10-10, 16:30

for young men like you, i'm sure that it's not much of an issue to secure a girl who likes you. i do agree with you that the fact that they are a wg or the knowledge of that does hinder a genuine relationship. however, perhaps i am one of those damages guys out there. so long as they quit being a wg, i'm willing to ignore the fact that she use to be a wg and i can try with 99% effort in letting that go and not bringing that fact up when we argue. call me deranged, but i don't view any of these girls poorly or badly because they are wg. everyone has their reasons and most of it is just to help out their families financially. in fact, they trying to help out their families by doing this line of work and sacrificing themselves actually makes me admire them a bit more. (depending on the circumstances...not for some lazy-ass boyfriend of course)

but i could overlook the whole wg thing. honestly. it may linger within me and affect at times, but i could actually see myself being able to live with that fact. i think i really am deranged!


first of all, i'm not that young. i'm in my 40's now.

it could be that you're fine with the girl being a former hooker. i can even believe that in some guys. the problem though, is two fold, the girl may not forget you were a customer. because of that, petty jealousies will come up everytime you're late coming home, anytime you go out with your friends, and for certain, everytime you go to ktv, they'll want to tag along to keep an eye on you. believe me, i've seen this firsthand with some friends of mine. it's a bizarre sight when a former ktv girl is yelling at her boyfriend because he's staring at some other girl at a ktv. it gets really surreal when she gets all drunk and starts crying about it.

also, i tend to be on the more cynical side when it comes to motivations for working ktv. sure the girl may very well be supporting her family back home, or sending her brother to college or paying for her father's hospital bills or whatever. i think though, those tend to be after thoughts. come on, what kind of parents send their daughter out to be a prostitute? that's like admitting your utter failure as a parent. if your uneducated unskilled 18-22 year old daughter is sending you thousands of rmb a month, you have to know what she's doing to earn that money. i had this argument with a friend and eventually, even he had to admit there's no way for a parent to not know.

if i were a parent, no matter what my circumstance, i would tell that girl to come home. the girls who work these jobs rarely do it because they have no other choice. they do it because it's relatively easy money compared to working other jobs. honestly, what other job pays nearly as well for comparably little work? once they make some money, then they think of their family and perhaps send some back home. then they can rationalize it to themselves that what they're doing is necessary.

listen, i don't hate ktv girls. as a matter of fact, i love 'em to death. they make the whole china experience a lot more interesting. what i'm trying to say is, don't get caught up in the whole thing and don't fall for the "good girl" trying to make it in a "bad world" thing. so much of the scene is a facade, and once you peel it away, it's really just a lot of bs. it's fun anyway, but don't look at it as anything more than that. believe me when i say, most ktv girls are fooling themselves too. they don't think of themselves as hookers, but in reality, they're exactly that. they'll try to convince you that they were forced into it by circumstance, and most likely, they've convinced themselves of the same thing. that's usually not the reality though. just be careful out there, and don't get too caught up in the scene. it can lead to some weird situations, like stalking, that you'll really regret later on.

05-10-10, 17:06

You must be a pro and been at this for many many years. Even now I still have these separation emotional sadness when I part with these girls that I like. I think you have just mongered so many years that you have become numb to the whole deal, or...you just never found a girl that was completely to your liking.

After so many years i'm still the helpless romantic that SEAJOE is like, and fall for girls..get emotionally sucked in when I shouldn't be. I guess it happens with old age...oh wait..SEAJOE is a 25 year old Blonde Swede, I forgot!


I haven't been at it that long. Previously, I've even had KTV girlfriends. One of them was even a once in a blue moon unspoiled beauty and I went out with her for almost a year. She was the kind of girl a guy, even a guy like me, could really fall for. After a while though, it just didn't work out. I had my issues, she had hers, and it just wasn't the right time. When we broke up, I gave her some money and told her to go back to her home town and never come back. I hear that's exactly what she did and I'm sure her husband is very happy to be with her.

I don't think I'm numb to KTV. When I go, I have a great time and guys who have seen me will attest I'm not a wallflower. As for finding a girl I really like, that's like real life too, finding a girl you really like is not an easy task. There's a CSN song that goes something like, "if you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with." At KTV I'll go with the flow. Each time, it feels like new because each experience is just that much different from the time before. The thing is though, I don't romanticize KTV. I know what it's for and it's not for finding a girlfriend.

I don't think I'm a hardcore monger yet. I'll go to saunas every now and then, but lately, I rarely take girls back to my hotel when I go to KTV. I think the last time I took a girl back I was probably in Guangzhou and half the reason was because my friend I was sharing a hotel room with was taking one back. I don't really fuck that many girls anymore. A lot of it has that, deja vu feeling for me now and I'm probably at the age now that sex isn't as much of an all consuming motive as it once was.

A little introspection has shown me that I've taken a too callous attitude towards women and sex and that's not necessarily a good thing. You really don't want to get to the point where when you see a pretty woman, all you think about is whether she was previously on the job, or how much money it'll take to fuck her. One time, I was at a Starbucks in SZ with a friend's ex, and she kept telling about how so many girls at Starbucks are on the job. That's the last thing I wanted to know.

05-10-10, 18:03
Also they keep the guys (like myself) with a small dick so when deciding, they go with the guy who makes their job easier.

Then why do they keep QQing me?? LOL maybe the like the pain. **jk**

What you said though is true, even ones that you befriend eventually have the sick father/mother, etc story please send money. that is when they get deleted on QQ.

I just got QQ'd by a recent girl from FH ... she is small and cute but i am sure gets picked less my chinese than foreigners, just trying to keep a regular in her lineup. Some are more professional than others, but some genuinely like hanging out with you ... and if given the choice between someone they like and someone they don't for the same pay where would you go???

QQ can be a great source for finding girls when the phone number is lost/changed and good for keeping touch with the few that you like repeating.

05-10-10, 18:16
I don't know what kind of porn you're watching, but almost all porn I see on the internet involves lesbians

Obviously you've never met Coco. LOL. FH girl and her real girlfriend works there too. This girl is a CP local, for real, and is ever the professional. but you think even the pro can't have 'feelings' well for whatever reason she was pissed at me last time cause I didn't pick her and her girlfriend. jealous, ego hurt, whatever you call it i could tell it was more than just about the money. she gets sat every night, but if they really have fun with a client they do get a bruised ego when not chosen. it is real jealousy but not love.

based on some events of last trip, i no longer care if they are hurt or jealous, i am choosing a contractor for the night. next time you call they will come.

it can be tough and I sometimes will sit a regular fun girl on a slow night telling her that she will not go home that night and they agree. they could go earn more but choose to come have some fun drinking and playing in room. but in the end it is a waste of money just to be 'nice'

05-10-10, 18:19
When it's CP, it's all about the money, they don't care what you look like.

being non-chinese can be a problem. i have not had any trouble in the past, but recent trip at Fuhao, I had 2 girls terrified to go with me from flower street, i just told mommie no cause they were genuinely scared and they will not get over that. and since this is Fuhao where anything goes, it was surprising. guaranteed bad service or worse, they leave before then end of the party. but clotheswise you can wear what you want. std ktv seems to be tshirt and jeans or shorts in the summer.

05-10-10, 18:28
. If your uneducated unskilled 18-22 year old daughter is sending you thousands of RMB a month, you HAVE TO KNOW what she's doing to earn that money. I had this argument with a friend and eventually, even he had to admit there's no way for a parent to NOT know.

Some of them are quite clever. They will only send home what the factory 'paid' like 2000 RMB a month, or say that the factory owner, etc is boyfriend and gives them things. I have inquired about this many times and got the same story about limiting the funds going home to be equivalent to the factory wage or factory wage + girlfriend bonus. this is how they explain the clothes, shoes, jewelry, that their factory owner boyfriend gave them.

I think the parents are that naive, as they do not know the ktv game, sauna etc, only factory owners know the true inside deal. even locals might know what goes on in a sauna but they do not have the money to truly know the game.

i talked with a cabbie in guangzhou about saunas in dongguan and he though they were all 1-2k for a girl. do they not know about the 400-600 or less in cp and ca? he was genuinely surprised that there was a scale, so outsiders work only on passed on information rather than true experience. the parents could genuinely have no clue, given they are farmers with limited newspaper and outside communications.

also ktv in other parts of china sometimes the girls do not go out. this i have heard from chinese and non-chinese that some ktvs are for in house play only and girls really choose if they want to go out. so they are hostesses and you need to get to know them before they will go out. even some that say they are DJs to parents it is believable that they do not go out (and many true DJs don't)

05-10-10, 19:26
Some of them are quite clever. They will only send home what the factory 'paid' like 2000 RMB a month, or say that the factory owner, etc is boyfriend and gives them things. I have inquired about this many times and got the same story about limiting the funds going home to be equivalent to the factory wage or factory wage + girlfriend bonus. this is how they explain the clothes, shoes, jewelry, that their factory owner boyfriend gave them.

I think the parents are that naive, as they do not know the ktv game, sauna etc, only factory owners know the true inside deal. even locals might know what goes on in a sauna but they do not have the money to truly know the game.

i talked with a cabbie in guangzhou about saunas in dongguan and he though they were all 1-2k for a girl. do they not know about the 400-600 or less in cp and ca? he was genuinely surprised that there was a scale, so outsiders work only on passed on information rather than true experience. the parents could genuinely have no clue, given they are farmers with limited newspaper and outside communications.

also ktv in other parts of china sometimes the girls do not go out. this i have heard from chinese and non-chinese that some ktvs are for in house play only and girls really choose if they want to go out. so they are hostesses and you need to get to know them before they will go out. even some that say they are DJs to parents it is believable that they do not go out (and many true DJs don't)

There are plenty of girls who don't send any money home. There are also many who only send home a limited amount, like 300-500RMB a month, and those girls will be more or less beyond suspicion. What I'm talking about though, are the girls who send home a lot more than that. Even 2000 is pushing it because that's a lot more than standard factory income.

As for parents being naive.... No. A lot of them will choose to ignore it, or consciously try to believe what the daughter tells them. Deep down though, they know what's going on. Even if they tell the parents they have a rich boyfriend, they know at best, she's a mistress, and that's really the best they hope for. Chinese will not have significant others who are socially beneath them. A rich Chinese guy will not take the daughter of a poor farmer to be his wife. Even a middle class Chinese guy will not take someone like that as his wife. Yes you might see it on those TV shows, but that's not reality. That doesn't mean rich guys won't take in a mistress or two or three.

One time, a girl I've known for a long time asked me to lend her 25K. Her father wanted to buy an apartment or something. I lent her the money. I asked her whether her father will be curious as to how she was able to get that much so fast. She said her father probably knows what she does, but doesn't want to push it. Another girl sent her parents 20K telling them it was a gift from her boyfriend, which was actually the truth. Unless her parents are dumb as rocks, they know she's as best a mistress, at worst a hooker. There's really no other way for an uneducated, unskilled girl to come up with that kind of money except maybe straight out robbery.

As for KTVs in other parts of China where girls don't go back with you, that's completely true. I've been to various other parts where that has been exactly the case. There are even whole establishments where none of the girls are available for take out. Whatever you want to do, you have to arrange with the girl individually. I remember one time in Wenzhou, I got a beautiful girl. She was da bomb, about 5'6", creamy skin, lovely face, model like figure. She wouldn't go back with me even though my friend offered her 5k, even though the owner of the KTV was there and requested it. Turns out she was a virgin and saving it, or at least that was her story. There are some places where it just doesn't happen.

05-10-10, 19:47
Obviously you've never met Coco. LOL. FH girl and her real girlfriend works there too. This girl is a CP local, for real, and is ever the professional. but you think even the pro can't have 'feelings' well for whatever reason she was pissed at me last time cause I didn't pick her and her girlfriend. jealous, ego hurt, whatever you call it i could tell it was more than just about the money. she gets sat every night, but if they really have fun with a client they do get a bruised ego when not chosen. it is real jealousy but not love.

based on some events of last trip, i no longer care if they are hurt or jealous, i am choosing a contractor for the night. next time you call they will come.

it can be tough and I sometimes will sit a regular fun girl on a slow night telling her that she will not go home that night and they agree. they could go earn more but choose to come have some fun drinking and playing in room. but in the end it is a waste of money just to be 'nice'

I'm not saying there are no lesbians in CP. Most likely, there probably exists a population of 60-80 million lesbian/bisexual women in China. It's a cultural taboo though, so most of them won't out themselves. What I'm saying is, you can't really go to a sauna and ask for the "lesbian package."

As for stuff like jealousy and hurt feelings... it's all a game. Please don't tell me you get jealous of guys who choose your previous girls. Think about that but 50X over. Like I said before, girls at KTV see the same guys over and over, and most of the time, the guys will choose a different girl each time he's there. The girls have to develop a really strong defense mechanism in order to survive that kind of rejection on a nightly basis. Think about what goes through a girl's head when dozens of fat ugly guys reject her. The girl can respond in one of two ways, develop a really strong defense mechanism, or let her ego get crushed. Of course the girls may prefer certain customers over others, and maybe on a particular night, they may want you to choose them, most likely, as the lesser of multiple evils. In the end though, they'll forget about us just like we forget about them.

In the past, I've had girls tell me all sorts of stuff. Things like, "I've never met a person as good as you before," "I really like you," "I want to be your girlfriend," "I want to be your mistress," "I don't want to leave," "I don't want you to leave," "you can't pick another girl," "I don't want to see you with another girl," "can I see you tonight," "what are you doing today? can I come with you," "can I wait in your hotel room?" etc., etc., etc. I take it all with a grain of salt.

In SZ a while back, I was a regular at a small KTV, they had like 20 girls. My friend and I went through every single one of them multiple times, even the ugly ones. Sure, the girls made a little scene about how they didn't get picked, but they perked right up the next night. The best part of that place was, on most nights, we were the only customers they had.

05-10-10, 20:32
being non-chinese can be a problem. i have not had any trouble in the past, but recent trip at Fuhao, I had 2 girls terrified to go with me from flower street, i just told mommie no cause they were genuinely scared and they will not get over that. and since this is Fuhao where anything goes, it was surprising. guaranteed bad service or worse, they leave before then end of the party. but clotheswise you can wear what you want. std ktv seems to be tshirt and jeans or shorts in the summer.

If you think that is bad, this is worst. One late night going to the Night Market, the girls saw a bunch of guys leaving a van. When they saw these guys, they started yelling and screaming. The girls in the alley immediately ran back into the stores and locked their door. :) I have never heard this happening before. I don't believe there are any problems now. It's kind of funny afterwards if you think about it.......

For the girls you wanted at Fuhao, you are corrected for not picking them. Even if you speak to them in Mandarin or if you are Chinese, if they don't want to go, don't pick them. You might feel sorry later.

05-10-10, 23:43
After hearing about Dongguan and then doing due diligence research here on ISG I took a trip up to CP solo. It was an interesting experience and I thought I'd contribute my knowledge here.

Just a little background. I know the scene in Thailand, Cambodia and Philippines very well. But my experience in China is limited to only Shenzhen and from recently also. So my perspective and point of reference for comparison are to those places.

I arrived at CP by train about 10 minutes before the thunder storm triggered and it started pissing rain. Just bad luck. Instead of my original plan to walk to a more central place for a hotel, I had to settle at the Home Inn (如家)just across from the station. 139rmb/night, very clean new room, and courteous staff. Get the 12rmb membership card on offer and your second night and future visits will be 112rmb/night. Girl friendly.

It must have been about 730pm when I couldn't stay in the room any longer eager to scout out the place. With umbrella in hand and google maps in pocket, I walked towards the Yanlan hotel. Along the way, I saw one BBS on the left hand side which looked very dodgy with dim blue lights. I didn't inquire. I was more interested in the Yanlan hotel area because from three maps someone shared here, there is a long diagonal street (Shangye da jie) with BBS and footies.

To my great disappointment, I only saw what I believe were two BBSs on Shangye da jie with two girls inside. I had high expectations from reading posts here, expecting BBS with 10-20 girls each! I walked on to the end of the street to find nothing more. Eventually, I got to the three shopping streets (are these the night market streets talked about here?). Again, nothing. My understanding is there are street WGs there? But how is that possible as these were the typical walking shopping streets. I must have something mixed up here. With nothing around, I walked up to the Swan Lake hotel. I saw a couple KTVs but not the streets full of MPs and BBS that I was imagining in my head from reading all these posts here! LOL

I walked up and down that street where Swan Lake hotel is and again nothing! I inquired at what could be a massage parlor along the street but they told me only legit massages there. I saw what looked like working girls walking along but they probably worked at the large KTV midway along the street. On the verge of giving up on the way out and back across the street from Swan lake hotel, a mamasan shopping at the fruit stall calls me over. I follow her down the deserted alley, she knocks on a big green gate and the gate opens to a large empty room with sofas lined along one side of the room and 8 girl watching TV on the opposite side. She sits me down and pulls a couple girls over. Standard 200rmb. The remaining girls didn't seem to give a shit, just busy watching TV. In fact, the only person who seemed to give a shit was the mamasan LOL.

I picked one, about a 7, 20yo and took her back to the hotel. 10rmb taxi. What happened after was the disappointing part. Her attitude turned shit in the taxi. I'm a friendly person and like to strike up a conversation with people. But this girl would have nothing to do with it (in hindsight, I think her attitude changed when I wanted to go back to the hotel vs her wanting me to just rent a room nearby). In the room, she just went through the motions, undressed, shower, I think the only time she smiled was when watching a Hong Kong live TV show after the shower on the bed. Naked she was not bad at all, but I really don't like attitude and as a result, the whole experience was merely functional. Also, she won't give BJ. I gave her 100 plus a 10 for taxi. But she claimed it was 20 to go back from the train station. I'm sure was a load of crap but I didn't want to argue over 10rmb. She left looking like she was unhappy that I would cheap out on the taxi fee...WTF? So the damage was 200+10+20 = 230rmb for ST. Must say, the value proposition was not very good here. For this amount of money, one can get much better experiences from the three places I mentioned above. Just sayin.

I assume the reason why I found nothing around is because of the rain. Can someone confirm? But even this BBS I found was really hidden and not with the blue lights hair dressing front I assumed. It was just inside a locked gate, one would never know something is inside.

Next day around 130pm, I decided to give it another try, light raining only, again I saw nothing on shangye da jie. Even the two I saw the night before were gone. Probably closed as it was too early?

I even stopped by at one of those sex stores and asked the owner where these BBS are. He pointed me to a street around the corner from the four seas restaurant. I walked up and down that street and again saw nothing. I did see a couple sex stores on that street though, a tell tale that something is there, maybe it was just the rain again or being too early.

I walked to the Silverstar hotel and ahaaa, the mamasans have finally appeared outside. And lots of them! They would pull me to the streets behind to check out the girls. Again, all closed discreet doors, not the obvious blue light hair shops I expected. I declined their offers as I was more interested in trying the Silver star. For BBS 200rmb+80 (room) I didn't want another BBS with attitude. I recall someone posted a comment here that BBS girls usually have emotional issues. I completely agree. I'd rather spend 400 at the MP as I find MP girls friendlier and you get so much more for paying only a little more. Better value imho. And to my great surprise, the MP experience was fantastic. For two hours, she did everything and more. She had a whole checklist of 30+ items to do and I could rate her abilities on the paper LOL. The list included all sorts of massage and stimulation involving oil, hot water, hot hands, mouth, breasts.

So in summary, one bad and one good experience. But from my observation, CP is not nearly how I imagined it. I really thought there were BBSs everywhere and KTVs and MPs bright neon lights around every street corner. The place was quite subdued really. Shenzhen Luohu has way more MPs and KTVs. At least I can say for the areas I was able to cover by foot in CP.

If I go again, I really would like to know where these large BBS's are with 20 girls? Baby's BBS was mentioned by SEAJ? And I'd be up for trying other MPs also next time and maybe KTVs if I'm not exploring alone. That could be fun.

05-11-10, 03:48
I remember one time in Wenzhou, I got a beautiful girl. She was da bomb, about 5'6", creamy skin, lovely face, model like figure. She wouldn't go back with me even though my friend offered her 5k, even though the owner of the KTV was there and requested it. Turns out she was a virgin and saving it, or at least that was her story. There are some places where it just doesn't happen.

Funny also in Wenzhou, had a beauty (same girl, doubt it), and we prearranged that they were available with the mommie and both agreed. Only to have them say no at the end of the night. Arguement was useless as it was obvious we were not local and not going to repeat anytime soon. But it does seem in some areas that they just do not go out, and if they do the rate is much higher than the 2/5/8 or 3/6/9 we are used to in southern china. also though I have seen managers ask for the money to take their cut (200) on upping the rate to 600 on me. i simply asked the girl and cut him out next time. however, he does manage only to give me girls that will go out and not change their mind. a few times I was actually surprised that the girl will go as ultimately outside of southern china, it is their decision.

many if they will go will not leave the hotel, as inside the hotel they cannot be seen, but if going with non-local to another hotel very easy pickings for the police to arrest or demand a bribe. sauna also can be tough to get for foreigner if you do not speak the language, last trip I was denied only to be offered 5 minutes later as I inquired with the proper language so they assumed it wasn't a setup.

05-11-10, 03:54
What I'm saying is, you can't really go to a sauna and ask for the "lesbian package."

As for stuff like jealousy and hurt feelings... it's all a game. Please don't tell me you get jealous of guys who choose your previous girls.

You can absolutely go to a sauna and ask for the 'lesbian package'. you don't know what you are talking about. you can always ask and be sure you won't get it. LOL. Actually if you know a mommie very well you can ask for girls that will play together. I will send you a pair that are very playful at HH if you want (since i know you), and they will not go porno lesbian, but vibrators, kissing and upper body licking is fair game. that is ALOT in china as you know.

It depends on the girls... often I recommend girls to others, but I have on occasion sidelined the girls for the week as I would prefer not to have my friends doing her at the same time as me. out of sight out of mind. but while i'm there a very few i prefer to keep private stock.

also if any guy brings a girl to a ktv, i consider them off limits without permission to get a number. that is an old debate. nothing spoils the illusion like the girl sitting with a different guy the next night (that is if you actually want to repeat with them).

05-11-10, 04:00
For the girls you wanted at Fuhao, you are corrected for not picking them. Even if you speak to them in Mandarin or if you are Chinese, if they don't want to go, don't pick them. You might feel sorry later.

What were the guys in the van?

Should have been there the time 6 whities were walking the bbs trail, pretty sure one girl jumped out the window... actually i was only trying to talk to her having already picked one and she wouldn't come within 10 feet of me. Santa probably had already scared her permanently...

I actually asked this FH very big breasted cutie if she was genuinely scared in Mandarin and I could see hands were shaking and sheer terror. Perhaps a previous bad experience or none at all. Mommie tried to force this issue but I know better now not to pick the timid. much better to have a willing and playful girl.

05-11-10, 04:56
Oh AsnD.... you're now just gonna get Ole Ben going again about all his freebies!!

And how some of these China gals ain't all that innocent and goody-goody-two-shoes.

And how bad some of these gals who ARE married and settled down in China to Chinese guys can be.....as his freebies!

Ain't no Jewish princess can compare in bitchiness to a Chinese gal who's aimin' for bitchiness!!!

OK Ben - fire away at Asn!!



For that wonderful comment, im going to hand out a few more razors (and a couple of cans of creme of course) to some of your home girls. I'll tell them that you prefer them that way.

05-11-10, 05:16

Rule number one- when you get a China girl, never take her out of China! If you do then you will be sorry for the rest of your life! Expectations within the girl changes once she goes to a western country. She ends up learning all the bad habits and forgetting about all the good ones.

But I think no matter how bitchy the girl in China can be, they won'y be as bad as a bitchy jewish "princess" attitude.

Just my personal opinion


I agree that it is best to leave the China girl in China and make sure she does not leave. Once she leaves, I'm sure that the trouble will start. In the past it is somewhat difficult for these gals to even cross over to Hong Kong but as China becomes more liberal I'm sure that the travel restriction will be lower.

My comment was that if a gal put on such a show and temper show, it is time to put her on the "dump" list. I do not need that type of hassle or potential problem in the future. Could you even imagine of developing a deeper "er tai" gf relationship with her and you are out with some business associate and she throws one of these fits. Can't let that happen. I think it is really stupid of a girl to put on this type of show. I do not need any gal to be such a "freak" in public. Being freaky in the bedroom maybe enjoyable.

I have seen a few colleagues that have married these gals and brought them over. A few of my colleagues even had long talks with them and the girls promise to be good. Most will only last a few years until they figure out the system. Most of these marriages ends up in diaster.

For me I rather play the one that are already married and trophy lonely housewives. I will leave it at that.

The best way is just to Pay and Play and them dump them when you are bored. (SEAJ, this comment is directed to you.). Just teach them to keep their pussy shaved smooth. If you find one of SEAJ's fav gals, shave her pussy smooth and well; ). SEAJ, that is for leaving the last comment and misspelling my name. Its, BnLee, and my name is not Ben.

SE Asia Joe
05-11-10, 06:05
What were the guys in the van?

Should have been there the time 6 whities were walking the bbs trail, pretty sure one girl jumped out the window... actually i was only trying to talk to her having already picked one and she wouldn't come within 10 feet of me. Santa probably had already scared her permanently...

I actually asked this FH very big breasted cutie if she was genuinely scared in Mandarin and I could see hands were shaking and sheer terror. Perhaps a previous bad experience or none at all. Mommie tried to force this issue but I know better now not to pick the timid. much better to have a willing and playful girl.
If you white guys think that THAT is bad - you oughta see the reception that Black guys get in CP!!

I was roaming around the Yalan area a year or so ago and came across a couple big Black guys all duded out in bling and all. Man!!!! Not only were gals tearing out of their way, even Mommies stayed clear off them!!

Can you imagine - Mommies NOT even wanting to make eye contact with ANY mongers??!!!

And if you're reading this and are the guy(s) I refer to - My apologies/sorry guys - but I also stayed clear as I did NOT want to have to go into the BBS's and have the place cleared out - just coz I had you guys along!


05-11-10, 06:08
You can absolutely go to a sauna and ask for the 'lesbian package'. you don't know what you are talking about. you can always ask and be sure you won't get it. LOL.

LMAO. You're absolutely correct. You can ask. 双飞 is not usual term, but it's not what you see in porn. lol.

As for taking girls from other guys, I don't bother. There's enough fish in the sea, and I like girls all ways, tall, short, skinny, plump, what have you. So picking for me is pretty easy because I'm not fixated on a particular type. Whether somebody wants to take somebody I picked previously though, I really don't care. Hell, on many occasions I've given up the girls I picked for the night to others who wanted them, and on some occasions, even shared a girl for the night.

05-11-10, 06:24
I actually asked this FH very big breasted cutie if she was genuinely scared in Mandarin and I could see hands were shaking and sheer terror. Perhaps a previous bad experience or none at all. Mommie tried to force this issue but I know better now not to pick the timid.

You should do what some of the other guys do, show her your johnson. Once she realizes it's not 12" long with a 9" circumference, she'll be fine, that is unless of course, you happen to possess a 12" long dick with a 9" circumference. Then there might be problems. I hear though, that 25 year old Swedes often have the huge johnson (pronounced "yonson") problem, but that's just what I hear.

05-11-10, 06:27
If you white guys think that THAT is bad - you oughta see the reception that Black guys get in CP!!

I was roaming around the Yalan area a year or so ago and came across a couple big Black guys all duded out in bling and all. Man!!!! Not only were gals tearing out of their way, even Mommies stayed clear off them!!

Can you imagine - Mommies NOT even wanting to make eye contact with ANY mongers??!!!

And if you're reading this and are the guy(s) I refer to - My apologies/sorry guys - but I also stayed clear as I did NOT want to have to go into the BBS's and have the place cleared out - just coz I had you guys along!


I'm kind of curious what would happen if I color my skin with an overdose of temporary sun tan cream. Do the Robert Downey Tropic Thunder thing.

05-11-10, 06:48
I chatted a bit earlier with a girl I knew from SZ.

Anyway, this girl used to work at a high end KTV in HK. I first met her about... 6 years ago. Back then, she told me that she would make about 100K a month working at KTV, and I believed her. She always dressed very stylish and always had high end accessories. One of the members of this board met her a while back, but I haven't seen him post in a while, and he described her as being pretty enough to be Ms. China. I don't know if I would go that far, but she was ok looking.

Anyway, I asked her whether during her KTV days, her parents were aware of what she was doing. Her reply was an emphatic "no." She said her cover story was that she found a job as a secretary for a HK company that would occasionally send her to HK to accompany an executive. She told them that while there, she met a guy and became his mistress and he gave her an allowance every month. She said there was no why she could tell them the truth because then they would be too ashamed because where she comes from, Shandong, everybody assumes KTV girls are all hookers.

After some time, the story she concocted actually became true, so it wasn't a lie anymore. When her first sponsor ended their arrangement about 3 years ago, she found another guy. This guy bought her a Porsche Cayenne, so I'm guessing he's pretty loaded. During this time, she invested her money in SZ real estate and she did pretty well for herself. She probably has a net worth upwards of 15M RMB.

SE Asia Joe
05-11-10, 07:18
I chatted a bit earlier with a girl I knew from SZ.

Anyway, this girl used to work at a high end KTV in HK. I first met her about... 6 years ago. Back then, she told me that she would make about 100K a month working at KTV, and I believed her. She always dressed very stylish and always had high end accessories. One of the members of this board met her a while back, but I haven't seen him post in a while, and he described her as being pretty enough to be Ms. China. I don't know if I would go that far, but she was ok looking.

Anyway, I asked her whether during her KTV days, her parents were aware of what she was doing. Her reply was an emphatic "no." She said her cover story was that she found a job as a secretary for a HK company that would occasionally send her to HK to accompany an executive. She told them that while there, she met a guy and became his mistress and he gave her an allowance every month. She said there was no why she could tell them the truth because then they would be too ashamed because where she comes from, Shandong, everybody assumes KTV girls are all hookers.

After some time, the story she concocted actually became true, so it wasn't a lie anymore. When her first sponsor ended their arrangement about 3 years ago, she found another guy. This guy bought her a Porsche Cayenne, so I'm guessing he's pretty loaded. During this time, she invested her money in SZ real estate and she did pretty well for herself. She probably has a net worth upwards of 15M RMB.
And before any one pooh-poohs Moody about the HK$100K/month figure - I'd like to chime in that in Hong Kong at a high class KTV (of which there is nowadays less and less of, unfortunately, and we mostly call them night clubs here), 100K is totally believable for a pretty gal. Especially in days past when not as many guys make it up to China and/or there were NOT that many 141 HG/WG (Hotel Gal, Walk-up Gals), which really have cut the mongering rates in Hong Kong drastically.

I remember many times going up to a nightclub during "tea dance" time to get a gal who would command $2,000 ST and she'd go back up to the nightclub and get another punter for the rest of the night for at least $3,000.

And as far as Big Swinging Dicks from Hong Kong - Hong Kong guys quite routinely pay a gal a basic stipend of HK$30 - 50K/month here. And I know a friend who in the past had "sponsored" a gal for US$20k/month - but this gal was drop dead gorgeous without a trace of make-up and besides of course speaking Mandarin and her own dialect, also spoke great English and perfect Spanish (far as I can tell - as she had gone off to Peru, was even then still doing business from there and actually travels on a Peruvian passport.) Not only was the guy paying her all this, he had also come up with a stand by letter of credit to support her business.

Why am I telling you guys all this? Well, it's to tell you guys - and remind myself of course - that we really got it good in CP and Southern China. For the quality, the quantity, the quite "GFE" that lots of us gets and of course - the price!!

And BTW - lots of foreigners in Hong Kong still now routinely pay between HK$1K to as high as $5K to do some of the Thai/Filipino/Vietnamese/Indonesian near-skanks found in the Wanchai area - basically as they could not/do not want to get their "pleasure" from the cheaper local alternatives - as they don't speak the lingo; something which don't usually stop guys - even with the most rudimentary knowledge of Chinese - from punting in Southern China.




05-11-10, 07:40

this is getting interesting and juicy here. you ended up with a stalker? that's gotta be another whole tale right there.

do parents know that they are working as a wg? well the smart ones send money home that are within reasonable amounts so that their parents will not be suspicious. but honestly, most parents don't give a crap what the daughter does. it's a harsh reality, but i find that too many girls in china are just used as tools by their family to earn money and bring the money back to the brother. so perhaps some parents that are more cold, don't even care to think what their daughter does outside. the ones that do suspect they are doing something fishy outside will turn a blind eye to the whole deal, because in the end money is still more important in china. so long as money is rolling in i don't think they even care to question what's going on..they get use to that flow of income and just demand that it comes regularly every month.

i dunno, call me f***ed up, but to some degree i don't really draw the line of a girl being a prostitute or not. i just look at all girls are opportunist in general. even girls in western countries that people have as so, they are opportunist in so many ways. sure they don't bother to sell their bodies because their circumstances are much better in western countries, but in many ways they whine, trick, butter you up for gifts and dinners etc. i view all girls as wanting to excel in their life, and try to have a better future, and if it takes being with a better more well off guy, then all girls will jump at that opportunity.

i see girls in western countries that date men with status and money. they jump from one guy who drives a bmw to another guy who drives a porsche to another guy who owns a helicopter. sure they call it dating, but essentially she is selling her body and morals to excel and move up in society.

all girls want something for something. wg and non-wg.

just my opinion.


first of all, i'm not that young. i'm in my 40's now.

it could be that you're fine with the girl being a former hooker. i can even believe that in some guys. the problem though, is two fold, the girl may not forget you were a customer. because of that, petty jealousies will come up everytime you're late coming home, anytime you go out with your friends, and for certain, everytime you go to ktv, they'll want to tag along to keep an eye on you. believe me, i've seen this firsthand with some friends of mine. it's a bizarre sight when a former ktv girl is yelling at her boyfriend because he's staring at some other girl at a ktv. it gets really surreal when she gets all drunk and starts crying about it.

also, i tend to be on the more cynical side when it comes to motivations for working ktv. sure the girl may very well be supporting her family back home, or sending her brother to college or paying for her father's hospital bills or whatever. i think though, those tend to be after thoughts. come on, what kind of parents send their daughter out to be a prostitute? that's like admitting your utter failure as a parent. if your uneducated unskilled 18-22 year old daughter is sending you thousands of rmb a month, you have to know what she's doing to earn that money. i had this argument with a friend and eventually, even he had to admit there's no way for a parent to not know.

if i were a parent, no matter what my circumstance, i would tell that girl to come home. the girls who work these jobs rarely do it because they have no other choice. they do it because it's relatively easy money compared to working other jobs. honestly, what other job pays nearly as well for comparably little work? once they make some money, then they think of their family and perhaps send some back home. then they can rationalize it to themselves that what they're doing is necessary.

listen, i don't hate ktv girls. as a matter of fact, i love 'em to death. they make the whole china experience a lot more interesting. what i'm trying to say is, don't get caught up in the whole thing and don't fall for the "good girl" trying to make it in a "bad world" thing. so much of the scene is a facade, and once you peel it away, it's really just a lot of bs. it's fun anyway, but don't look at it as anything more than that. believe me when i say, most ktv girls are fooling themselves too. they don't think of themselves as hookers, but in reality, they're exactly that. they'll try to convince you that they were forced into it by circumstance, and most likely, they've convinced themselves of the same thing. that's usually not the reality though. just be careful out there, and don't get too caught up in the scene. it can lead to some weird situations, like stalking, that you'll really regret later on.

05-11-10, 08:00

$20K USD a month? that's absolutely a horrific number! I am currently imagining how pretty and hot and multi-talented this girl is. By any chance does she look like Liu yi fie?

HK sponsors seem to be the most generous. It just comes to show that there's always another Big Swinging Dick out there that has more money to top and sponsor the girl you like or think is hot.

I will be grateful and enjoy to the last moment all of which CP has to offer everyone. God bless Southern China! Everywhere else in China is really not all that much fun. Rates are higher, girls get to be choosy on their customers and they just don't have the quantity that CP has to offer.

Man...HK Mongers....gotta give it to them....


And before any one pooh-poohs Moody about the HK$100K/month figure - I'd like to chime in that in Hong Kong at a high class KTV (of which there is nowadays less and less of, unfortunately, and we mostly call them night clubs here), 100K is totally believable for a pretty gal. Especially in days past when not as many guys make it up to China and/or there were NOT that many 141 HG/WG (Hotel Gal, Walk-up Gals), which really have cut the mongering rates in Hong Kong drastically.

I remember many times going up to a nightclub during "tea dance" time to get a gal who would command $2,000 ST and she'd go back up to the nightclub and get another punter for the rest of the night for at least $3,000.

And as far as Big Swinging Dicks from Hong Kong - Hong Kong guys quite routinely pay a gal a basic stipend of HK$30 - 50K/month here. And I know a friend who in the past had "sponsored" a gal for US$20k/month - but this gal was drop dead gorgeous without a trace of make-up and besides of course speaking Mandarin and her own dialect, also spoke great English and perfect Spanish (far as I can tell - as she had gone off to Peru, was even then still doing business from there and actually travels on a Peruvian passport.) Not only was the guy paying her all this, he had also come up with a stand by letter of credit to support her business.

Why am I telling you guys all this? Well, it's to tell you guys - and remind myself of course - that we really got it good in CP and Southern China. For the quality, the quantity, the quite "GFE" that lots of us gets and of course - the price!!

And BTW - lots of foreigners in Hong Kong still now routinely pay between HK$1K to as high as $5K to do some of the Thai/Filipino/Vietnamese/Indonesian near-skanks found in the Wanchai area - basically as they could not/do not want to get their "pleasure" from the cheaper local alternatives - as they don't speak the lingo; something which don't usually stop guys - even with the most rudimentary knowledge of Chinese - from punting in Southern China.




SE Asia Joe
05-11-10, 08:10

$20K USD a month? that's absolutely a horrific number! I am currently imagining how pretty and hot and multi-talented this girl is. By any chance does she look like Liu yi fie?

Come to think of it - Yes, she does look like a bit like Liu YiFe - only still prettier if you can believe this.

First time I met her was at lunch at the old Terrazza on the mezzanine terrace of the Landmark, with the sun shining brightly on her in a very expensive looking (and probably IS expensive) white dress. And she looked absolutely like an Angel. Seriously!!

I remember that the only make-up she had on - if you can call it that - is the fresh smelling body lotion that she must have used bathing. She was THAT naturally beautiful.... and on top of that, she was mucho mucho intelligent, asking me pertinent questions and discussing her stock investments etc.

Damn - I gotta call my friend and ask him what ever happened to her!!


SE Asia Joe
05-11-10, 08:29

For me I rather play the one that are already married and trophy lonely housewives. I will leave it at that.

. Its, BnLee, and my name is not Ben.
Damn.... Bn - that's pretty damn subdued for YOU!!


and Bn..... hmmmmm.... my pinyin ain't any good.... but Bn..... don't that mean something....errrrr....not really complimentary??

Double Muahahaha!!!


SE Asia Joe
05-11-10, 08:49
After hearing about Dongguan and then doing due diligence research here on ISG I took a trip up to CP solo. It was an interesting experience and I thought I'd contribute my knowledge here.

Just a little background. I know the scene in Thailand, Cambodia and Philippines very well. But my experience in China is limited to only Shenzhen and from recently also. So my perspective and point of reference for comparison are to those places.

I arrived at CP by train ....................................

So in summary, one bad and one good experience. But from my observation, CP is not nearly how I imagined it. I really thought there were BBSs everywhere and KTVs and MPs bright neon lights around every street corner. The place was quite subdued really. Shenzhen Luohu has way more MPs and KTVs. At least I can say for the areas I was able to cover by foot in CP.

If I go again, I really would like to know where these large BBS's are with 20 girls? Baby's BBS was mentioned by SEAJ? And I'd be up for trying other MPs also next time and maybe KTVs if I'm not exploring alone. That could be fun.
Great report - terrible shame about your lousy experience!
(And I do wish that when a post gets moderated and posted later, that the post would get posted up on top, as I tend to miss them down the page)

Anyway, my comments/observation/retort to your post - and I hope you don't mind me being a bit critical.

First thing first - yes - we all here do tend to write a lot about the wonders of CP and how great it is all - to the point that a lot of readers get convinced that he can manage to navigate CP himself only armed with the info he gets from RTFF our posts/other websites. Well the fact of the matter is that CP is a lot more "complicated," - especially for punters who do not at least have a rudimentary grasp of the Chinese language.

And guys coming over to CP, I'd speculate that 99% of them comes specifically for sex and not much more. Why would you come all the way from wherever you come from, spend all that money on fares, spend whatever precious time away from work that you have to sacrifice - and come to CP without being totally prepared.

CP is NOT like other mongering destinations that foreign mongers are familiar with. A monger can pretty well go to Bangkok, Phuket, Manila, Angeles City, Singapore, Hong Kong - and even Shanghai and Beijing etc - and pretty well land on both feet and have a great time.

To navigate through all the wonderful things that CP has to offer, one does need either a lot of time or an experienced wing-man. Otherwise you'd end up just very frustratingly scratching the surface only - which is what I perceive Chiefsizzle as having experienced. And that is even already good - for besides not having been able to thoroughly enjoy CP the way CP should be enjoyed, Chiefsizzle could have gotten himself in serious trouble.

Just IMHO and like i said, I hope you don't get too offended; but I feel that I needed to write the above as a sort of warning to anybody else who is thinking of tackling CP the way you did.



05-11-10, 09:38
Seaj, I completely agree with your warning to people who read my report and might want to do the same thing. The way I 'adventured' in CP is only possible because I speak mandarin and canto and look like any other HK monger. Walking around alone at night and trying your luck for BBS around dark alleyways is NOT good if you stand out LOL.

I also agree that having an experienced wingman would have shown me a deeper side of CP. Certainly cut the learning curve to the best places. Although there was enjoyment in doing some exploring alone by foot in a new setting.

Maybe sometime when you make it up from HK, would be cool to join you. I'm versed in the ways of a good wingman.

Great report - terrible shame about your lousy experience!
(And I do wish that when a post gets moderated and posted later, that the post would get posted up on top, as I tend to miss them down the page)

Anyway, my comments/observation/retort to your post - and I hope you don't mind me being a bit critical.

First thing first - yes - we all here do tend to write a lot about the wonders of CP and how great it is all - to the point that a lot of readers get convinced that he can manage to navigate CP himself only armed with the info he gets from RTFF our posts/other websites. Well the fact of the matter is that CP is a lot more "complicated," - especially for punters who do not at least have a rudimentary grasp of the Chinese language.

And guys coming over to CP, I'd speculate that 99% of them comes specifically for sex and not much more. Why would you come all the way from wherever you come from, spend all that money on fares, spend whatever precious time away from work that you have to sacrifice - and come to CP without being totally prepared.

CP is NOT like other mongering destinations that foreign mongers are familiar with. A monger can pretty well got to Bangkok, Phuket, Manila, Angeles City, Singapore, Hong Kong - and even Shanghai and Beijing etc - and pretty well land on both feet and have a great time.

To navigate through all the wonderful things that CP has to offer, one does need either a lot of time or an experienced wing-man. Otherwise you'd end up just very frustratingly scratching the surface only - which is what I perceive Chiefsizzle as having experienced. And that is even already good - for besides not having been able to thoroughly enjoy CP the way CP should be enjoyed, Chiefsizzle could have gotten himself in serious trouble.

Just IMHO and like i said, I hope you don't get too offended; but I feel that I needed to write the above as a sort of warning to anybody else who is thinking of tackling CP the way you did.



05-11-10, 09:39
After hearing about Dongguan and then doing due diligence research here on ISG I took a trip up to CP solo. It was an interesting experience and I thought I'd contribute my knowledge here.

Just a little background. I know the scene in Thailand, Cambodia and Philippines very well. But my experience in China is limited to only Shenzhen and from recently also. So my perspective and point of reference for comparison are to those places.

Why haven't you wrote more reports on Thai, Cambodia, Philippines and Shenzhen. You have been a member since 2007, almost 4 years and you have less than 8 post.

It seems like you are expecting girls girls girls ( prostitution ) to be as open like in Thailand and the Philippines. It seems like you were expecting a large Red Light District or an area for prostitution. It's ILLEGAL in China.

Some of these shops once had over 75 girls to each shop. For you first post on CP, it looks like you don't like CP and you were expecting more. For "blue light hair shops", it's just a name for BBS. How can you expect 40 to 50 girls to fit in a small BBS that actually cuts hair. You were lucky you didn't get into trouble with all the scams. It sounds like you have too many hang ups.

Must say, the value proposition was not very good here. For this amount of money, one can get much better experiences from the three places I mentioned above. Just sayin.

If you think it's expensive, how can you afford going to KTV's. Most places in CP a KTV will be about 1200 to 1800 RMB. Most places it's 2/5/8 , then add the room, drinks and the DJ.

Da Dicknotist
05-11-10, 09:56
A lot of readers get convinced that he can manage to navigate CP himself only armed with the info he gets from RTFF our posts/other websites. Well the fact of the matter is that CP is a lot more "complicated," - especially for punters who do not at least have a rudimentary grasp of the Chinese language.

It's damn never impossible to navigate CP unless you're *extremely* well prepared, or have near-native Cantonese/Chinese ability. Let me take this opportunity to tell people to call BSD, a top guide, a top friend, and a top person, and he'll be more than happy to hook you up.

And guys coming over to CP, I'd speculate that 99% of them comes specifically for sex and not much more. Why would you come all the way from wherever you come from, spend all that money on fares, spend whatever precious time away from work that you have to sacrifice - and come to CP without being totally prepared.

I used to think this too, but my friends who live in CP tell me this is *not* the case. There are a lot of manufacturing related jobs in Dongguan, and its convenience due to its proximity to the rail station means visitors stay in the surrounding area. I'm sure plenty of them monger, but to say 99% come solely for sex is an exaggeration.

A bit unrelated, but if anyone is familiar with ducks in Guangdong, or if anyone needs a duck in Zhuhai, please PM me. Thanks.

05-11-10, 09:57
Weelock, point taken. Truth is I didn't visit ISG all that often for at least a couple years there. But when I do and I feel I have useful information to contribute, I try to write a detailed report.

Don't get me wrong though, my experience was by no means negative. The rain storm made things difficult. And like SEAJ said, I only scratched the surface of CP.

Why haven't you wrote more reports on Thai, Cambodia, Philippines and Shenzhen. You have been a member since 2007, almost 4 years and you have less than 8 post.

It seems like you are expect girls girls girls ( prostitution ) to be as open like in Thailand and the Philippines. It's ILLEGAL in China. Some of these shops once had over 75 girls to each shop. For you first post on CP, it looks like you don't like CP and was expecting more. For "blue light hair shops", it's just a name for BBS. How can you expect 40 to 50 girls to fit in a small BBS that actually cut hair. You were lucky you didn't get into trouble with all the scams.

SE Asia Joe
05-11-10, 10:37
Why haven't you wrote more reports on Thai, Cambodia, Philippines and Shenzhen. You have been a member since 2007, almost 4 years and you have less than 8 post.

It seems like you are expecting girls girls girls ( prostitution ) to be as open like in Thailand and the Philippines. It seems like you were expecting a large Red Light District or an area for prostitution. It's ILLEGAL in China.

Some of these shops once had over 75 girls to each shop. For you first post on CP, it looks like you don't like CP and you were expecting more. For "blue light hair shops", it's just a name for BBS. How can you expect 40 to 50 girls to fit in a small BBS that actually cuts hair. You were lucky you didn't get into trouble with all the scams. It sounds like you have too many hang ups.

If you think it's expensive, how can you afford going to KTV's. Most places in CP a KTV will be about 1200 to 1800 RMB. Most places it's 2/5/8 , then add the room, drinks and the DJ.
Whoa Dere pardner!!!

Why so harsh to Chiefsizzle?

At least he DID write a long and comprehensive report - plus he did write good and equally comprehensive reports on his previous punts in Cambodia etc. For a 29 YO punter, me-thinks that he's been acting very decently here - so howzabout not being so harsh on him? OK?

I for one would hate to see another "war of words" to erupt here like it did a few months back. Just IMHO


Psa. and errr.... he's been member since 04-02-2007 - that's closer to 3 years than 4!! Better than some other long time members - maybe at another forum!! Muahahaha!!

SE Asia Joe
05-11-10, 11:04
It's damn never impossible to navigate CP unless you're *extremely* well prepared, or have near-native Cantonese/Chinese ability. Let me take this opportunity to tell people to call BSD, a top guide, a top friend, and a top person, and he'll be more than happy to hook you up.

I used to think this too, but my friends who live in CP tell me this is *not* the case. There are a lot of manufacturing related jobs in Dongguan, and its convenience due to its proximity to the rail station means visitors stay in the surrounding area. I'm sure plenty of them monger, but to say 99% come solely for sex is an exaggeration.

A bit unrelated, but if anyone is familiar with ducks in Guangdong, or if anyone needs a duck in Zhuhai, please PM me. Thanks.
I hope/think you meant to write "near" instead of "never" in "It's damn never impossible....."

Anyway, reading Chiefsizzle's previous posts, I note that he's Asian, most probably have some (or even more than some?) Chinese speaking abilities and even wrote some Chinese words in his report. On top of it all, from what he wrote, he did seem to have done extensive RTFF and even armed himself with maps etc.

If my supposition is correct, then it reinforces my position that CP should not be handled single handedly as a first attempt - no matter how well prepared/equipped you may be. Besides which - I KNOW it would be next to impossible to TRULY enjoy oneself if in CP for the first time - and going solo. And thus your suggestion re Big Swingin Dave is definitely apropo and timely.

And as far as exaggeration about the %age of guys coming over to CP strictly for sex - well.... what good is a forum discussion unless there ARE exaggerations??!! LOL!!
And besides which - 100% of the guys I've met who comes to CP had ALL come just for sex!! So there!!

And ducks???!!! All I know about ducks is that there ARE ducks at the New Century. Don't know if these ducks will only service xi-lais or if they'll go with Johnnies. On the other hand, there is suppossedly also a group of gals at the New Century who are willing to go with gals too. It's all so screwed up!

05-11-10, 11:52
sorry uncle joe:

from what i read from his posts, he has done his homework on cp.

if he was looking for more of a red light district like thialand and the philipines, he should have came about 4 to 6 years ago. four to six years ago, there were clusters of places that were like red light district all over southern china. most places are gone or nearly gone. my favor place was in shenzhen called sha tsui / sha zui. it's only 20% like before.

even for cp now, it's only about 50% at it's peek about 6 to 7 years ago. amazon and new century were popular then.

Dongguan Doug
05-11-10, 14:48
First of all, I'm not that young. I'm in my 40's now.

Also, I tend to be on the more cynical side when it comes to motivations for working KTV. Sure the girl may very well be supporting her family back home, or sending her brother to college or paying for her father's hospital bills or whatever. I think though, those tend to be after thoughts. Come on, what kind of parents send their daughter out to be a prostitute? That's like admitting your utter failure as a parent. If your uneducated unskilled 18-22 year old daughter is sending you thousands of RMB a month, you HAVE TO KNOW what she's doing to earn that money. I had this argument with a friend and eventually, even he had to admit there's no way for a parent to NOT know.

If I were a parent, no matter what my circumstance, I would tell that girl to come home. The girls who work these jobs rarely do it because they have no other choice. They do it because it's relatively easy money compared to working other jobs. Honestly, what other job pays nearly as well for comparably little work? Once they make some money, then they think of their family and perhaps send some back home. Then they can rationalize it to themselves that what they're doing is necessary.Moody,

I could not agree with you more and thank you for saying something. I keep reading posts about how KTV/sauna/BBS girls are forced into it. By someone or by necessity. And roll my eyes each time. Of the tens of millions of 18. 25 Chinese women only a minute percentage are involved in prostitution. The majority have regular low paying jobs and, of these, there are many who have ailing parents and situations which none of us would like to be in. That being said, the majority do not turn to selling themselves and deal with the situation the best they can. As a parent, sending your daughter away and receiving money each month knowing what she is doing is pretty low.

The gap between rich and poor has grown considerably in China over the last 20 years and, because of technology, every young Chinese person watches television/ surfs the internet and sees beautiful apartments, cars, clothes, and other expensive things. It's very easy for us to be exposed to that as these things don't seem too foreign as we already have them or know that they can be attained through hard work. We're not watching TV from a shack in the middle of a field in a small town in rural China. If we were, we would dream of having these things and would feel bad to realize that there was really no way we could ever attain them. The only easy way (if not the only way for the majority of them) to make the kind of money that could afford a decent house and clothes is through coming to the big city and working in a sauna/BBS/KTV.

Just my POV.


05-11-10, 16:33

Well there's also Ducks at "lisheng KTV" or "LiCheng KTV" I was there when they had their runway show with first the guys and then the girls had a bikini show after the guys. So I know for a fact there are Ducks there. So there's another place other than New Century that has ducks. Dunno why that's even important in this forum though.

But I am very intrigued to hear about girls servicing girls. I thought that was just a rumor. It would be interesting to see what the girls are like. Are they mostly butch-looking girls? or are there some pretty decent ones that just treat it like a job? It sounds even more screwy, but can that be arrange so I can witness two girls going at it in front of me?

ah...the twisted fantasies I have...


I hope/think you meant to write "near" instead of "never" in "It's damn never impossible....."

Anyway, reading Chiefsizzle's previous posts, I note that he's Asian, most probably have some (or even more than some?) Chinese speaking abilities and even wrote some Chinese words in his report. On top of it all, from what he wrote, he did seem to have done extensive RTFF and even armed himself with maps etc.

If my supposition is correct, then it reinforces my position that CP should not be handled single handedly as a first attempt - no matter how well prepared/equipped you may be. Besides which - I KNOW it would be next to impossible to TRULY enjoy oneself if in CP for the first time - and going solo. And thus your suggestion re Big Swingin Dave is definitely apropo and timely.

And as far as exaggeration about the %age of guys coming over to CP strictly for sex - well.... what good is a forum discussion unless there ARE exaggerations??!! LOL!!
And besides which - 100% of the guys I've met who comes to CP had ALL come just for sex!! So there!!

And ducks???!!! All I know about ducks is that there ARE ducks at the New Century. Don't know if these ducks will only service xi-lais or if they'll go with Johnnies. On the other hand, there is suppossedly also a group of gals at the New Century who are willing to go with gals too. It's all so screwed up!

05-11-10, 16:41

Prettier than Liuyifei? that is really hard to take in. I'm trying to imagine a girl who can be prettier than Liu Yi fei-she literally looks like an angel.

I'm just curious to see how pretty a girl is who can command $20K a month. I guess it's not all about looks. It's also about how presentable she can be amongst business partners and the likes. Truly rare that a China girl can speak so many languages and actually be elegant and intelligent at the same time. I guess that whole package that makes her even more rare. Wow...$240K USD is a lot of money that many managers,lawyers, bankers and even business owners make a year. Some girls...really do have all the luck.


Come to think of it - Yes, she does look like a bit like Liu YiFe - only still prettier if you can believe this.

First time I met her was at lunch at the old Terrazza on the mezzanine terrace of the Landmark, with the sun shining brightly on her in a very expensive looking (and probably IS expensive) white dress. And she looked absolutely like an Angel. Seriously!!

I remember that the only make-up she had on - if you can call it that - is the fresh smelling body lotion that she must have used bathing. She was THAT naturally beautiful.... and on top of that, she was mucho mucho intelligent, asking me pertinent questions and discussing her stock investments etc.

Damn - I gotta call my friend and ask him what ever happened to her!!


05-11-10, 17:22
I'm actually pretty glad that 北姑=nothern girls aka. China girls came down to HK. I think for too long of a time local HK girls just got away with charging people outrageous amounts of money. Sure, there still those night clubs/KTV next to Regal Hotel in TST East where they still earn quite a lot of money, but i'm glad that more competition in HK helped drive down prices..which are usually always good for customers.

Just as a side-note: I didn't know this until a few years back, but Prostitution in HK is actually legal. But you cannot have someone solicit sex or arrange more than one girl at a time in one room or something like that. They try to keep it away from the public view. But in general I think HK is very laxed in general though. Places like Wan Chai and Sham Shui Po have street walkers all over the place soliciting sex but i never see any police come over to arrest or detain any streetwalkers. In fact I've ben approached several times in TST by female pimpstress, which i have written about in earlier posts.


And before any one pooh-poohs Moody about the HK$100K/month figure - I'd like to chime in that in Hong Kong at a high class KTV (of which there is nowadays less and less of, unfortunately, and we mostly call them night clubs here), 100K is totally believable for a pretty gal. Especially in days past when not as many guys make it up to China and/or there were NOT that many 141 HG/WG (Hotel Gal, Walk-up Gals), which really have cut the mongering rates in Hong Kong drastically.

I remember many times going up to a nightclub during "tea dance" time to get a gal who would command $2,000 ST and she'd go back up to the nightclub and get another punter for the rest of the night for at least $3,000.

And as far as Big Swinging Dicks from Hong Kong - Hong Kong guys quite routinely pay a gal a basic stipend of HK$30 - 50K/month here. And I know a friend who in the past had "sponsored" a gal for US$20k/month - but this gal was drop dead gorgeous without a trace of make-up and besides of course speaking Mandarin and her own dialect, also spoke great English and perfect Spanish (far as I can tell - as she had gone off to Peru, was even then still doing business from there and actually travels on a Peruvian passport.) Not only was the guy paying her all this, he had also come up with a stand by letter of credit to support her business.

Why am I telling you guys all this? Well, it's to tell you guys - and remind myself of course - that we really got it good in CP and Southern China. For the quality, the quantity, the quite "GFE" that lots of us gets and of course - the price!!

And BTW - lots of foreigners in Hong Kong still now routinely pay between HK$1K to as high as $5K to do some of the Thai/Filipino/Vietnamese/Indonesian near-skanks found in the Wanchai area - basically as they could not/do not want to get their "pleasure" from the cheaper local alternatives - as they don't speak the lingo; something which don't usually stop guys - even with the most rudimentary knowledge of Chinese - from punting in Southern China.




05-11-10, 17:33

i agree...i miss those good old days in cp. i remember the bbs behind hui mei was really happening! the rooms we went into were packed with at least 30-35 girls. it looked like baby's room except more girls. in addition, there weren't that many mongers at that time, or at least that's what it felt like.

but then again in terms of the ktv scene, i think these 3-4 years or so really took off. i mean hotels and ktvs being built all over has helped us guys have more choices in terms of ktvs to go to. but in terms of bbs girls, the numbers are down...way down! before most of the bbs girls were straight from factories...girls that really came from factories trying to make a few extra bucks on the side. they were much more appreciative if you gave them a 10 rmb tip or took them out to lunch or bought them a t-shirt or something. but now...girls are just not as hardworking as they use to be. expectations have ballooned and it's just not the same as the good old days.

don't get me wrong, at least it's still hell of a lot better than 2007 days. those were the worst! i got the worst service (especially from the swan lake bbs girls, when they were in their 5-6 small ktv room set up) from bbs girls. they were asking for and demanding for 50 rmb tips and if you didn't give it to them they actually used profanity and yelled at me and slammed the door.


sorry uncle joe:

from what i read from his posts, he has done his homework on cp.

if he was looking for more of a red light district like thialand and the philipines, he should have came about 4 to 6 years ago. five to eight years ago, there were clusters of places that were like red light district all over southern china. most places are gone or nearly gone. my favor place was in shenzhen called sha tsui / sha zui. it's only 20% like before.

even for cp now, it's only about 50% at it's peek about 6 to 7 years ago. amazon and new century were popular then.

05-11-10, 17:39

Well, I have read your posts before in regards to trophy wives. Reading them actually makes me want to try one as well. But, aren't your afraid that you are screwing with some big shot's wife and when he finds out he or hired thugs come after you because you have totally made him lose face and screwing his lonely wife at home?

I don't understand how you even get away with it. Sure they are mostly on business trips or out screwing their other younger second wives. But when you get caught with some powerful Chinese dude's wife...I smell trouble around the corner.

1. How do you get away with it?
2. Aren't you playing with fire?
3. What happens when the lonely trophy wife falls for you and it gets sticky?
4. You don't bareback them do you?



I agree that it is best to leave the China girl in China and make sure she does not leave. Once she leaves, I'm sure that the trouble will start. In the past it is somewhat difficult for these gals to even cross over to Hong Kong but as China becomes more liberal I'm sure that the travel restriction will be lower.

My comment was that if a gal put on such a show and temper show, it is time to put her on the "dump" list. I do not need that type of hassle or potential problem in the future. Could you even imagine of developing a deeper "er tai" gf relationship with her and you are out with some business associate and she throws one of these fits. Can't let that happen. I think it is really stupid of a girl to put on this type of show. I do not need any gal to be such a "freak" in public. Being freaky in the bedroom maybe enjoyable.

I have seen a few colleagues that have married these gals and brought them over. A few of my colleagues even had long talks with them and the girls promise to be good. Most will only last a few years until they figure out the system. Most of these marriages ends up in diaster.

For me I rather play the one that are already married and trophy lonely housewives. I will leave it at that.

The best way is just to Pay and Play and them dump them when you are bored. (SEAJ, this comment is directed to you.). Just teach them to keep their pussy shaved smooth. If you find one of SEAJ's fav gals, shave her pussy smooth and well; ). SEAJ, that is for leaving the last comment and misspelling my name. Its, BnLee, and my name is not Ben.

05-11-10, 17:39
And ducks???!!! All I know about ducks is that there ARE ducks at the New Century. Don't know if these ducks will only service xi-lais or if they'll go with Johnnies. On the other hand, there is suppossedly also a group of gals at the New Century who are willing to go with gals too. It's all so screwed up!

Yes and apparently they get 2k+ a night. That is what a ktv girl told me her mommie paid and mommie was open about it. Frankly I thought her mommie was cute (but older 40+)? but I bet a wild girl, you could see it in her eyes, she could have paid me.

05-11-10, 17:48
A list of conquests that I have not fulfilled yet, and they are the following:

To do:

1. A DJ (hopefully a pretty one) they don't usually hire ugly DJ's right?
2. A footie girl (has to be a pretty one)
3. Mommy
4. mommy assistant (although some are always pimped out to customers)
5. front desk receptionist at a hotel
6. A girl who washes people's hair at a real hair salons
7. With a filthy rich woman (not because I want her money, but just because)
8. A Waitress
9. A Manager/greeter/supervisor at a Footie place or at a spa
10. a girl who works at a regular SPA, like the one next to pozilim

I don't know why but those are the list of girls I'd like to do that are Non-working girls....or semi-non working girls.


ROFLMAO!!!.......DJ Hunters!!! what a name.... DJ Hunters!!

Well, DJ hunters, I've got some very bad news for you!!

MOST CP DJ's are the true Piranhas out there!!

These are gals who've got the patience, the intelligence to figure out the scene and to work it to the best of their aims, the willingness to go through bad short term spells for a large, long term payoff - but don't need to do much heavy liftin' in their work/in the meanwhile.

They get all dressed up and dollied up, work the KTV room as THE good gal in the midst of all these low moral WG's, pick and chose amongst all the guys in the room, act all coy and unavailable and will exude untouchable sexuality all night long. What more powerful aphrodisiac is there for us poor unsuspecting mongers??

They'll keep/give away phone numbers from the pick of the KTV room each night - professing to do so only to get us to book a KTV room from them. They'll drink and play games all night long with you.... and be UN-available for take-out that night. And all along they'll be doing high tactic/non touchy-touchy flirting with you. What chances has the regular KTV gal got against these true mistresses of the art of flirtation! What with their tacky groping and low class physical rubbing and tugging? And immediate availability!

And what is their pay-off?? The big fish!! The ones they figure they can reel in for lots of mullah. And for the longest period.

No, I cannot miss work at all - I'll get fined. No, as a DJ I cannot/will not go out with customers - I don't really know how you convinced me to meet you. If I was just going to sell my body, I wouldn't have taken this much lower paying and non-glamorous job as a DJ................ and the spiel keeps on and on!!

Watch out for DJ's guys!!

That's of course only my POV/IMHO!!


05-11-10, 17:50

You see...i'm not the only one into mommies! Tell me, we've seen so many hot Mommies from Fuhao to Mayflower to Prince Hotel.

I have a thing for Mommies...

Am I F**ked up or what?


Yes and apparently they get 2k+ a night. That is what a ktv girl told me her mommie paid and mommie was open about it. Frankly I thought her mommie was cute (but older 40+)? but I bet a wild girl, you could see it in her eyes, she could have paid me.

05-11-10, 18:40
I dunno, call me f***ed up, but to some degree I don't really draw the line of a girl being a prostitute or not.

Whether you can accept a prostitute as a "normal" girl is going to irrelevant in most situations. The important thing is that the girl knows it. Whether girls offer themselves up for food, a car, or whatever, there's still a line in a girl's mind as to whether she's a real pro or not, that line is crossed once cash changes hands and it's like losing one's virginity, once it's done, it's impossible to undo it. This is one of the reasons I say the girls are "damaged." The girl ALWAYS knows you have this one thing over her. No matter what you do, let say sleep with other women, she knows you can always come back with, "so what? you slept with other men for money." I get the feeling that once that's been said, it's pretty much over.

I'm not saying it's impossible to have a normal relationship with a former hooker, it's just very difficult. I know one guy who's trying to make it work, and even he admits it's difficult. There's always suspicion on the girl's part, because the girl's cant get over the fact you were once a customer. The guy's always half thinking, "what's the big deal if I have fun with a girl for a night, she used to make a living being on the other end of that." It's ALWAYS the elephant in the room nobody wants to talk about and it's even worse if your friends know about it.

05-11-10, 19:23
Whether you can accept a prostitute as a "normal" girl is going to irrelevant in most situations. The important thing is that the girl knows it. Whether girls offer themselves up for food, a car, or whatever, there's still a line in a girl's mind as to whether she's a real pro or not, that line is crossed once cash changes hands and it's like losing one's virginity, once it's done, it's impossible to undo it. This is one of the reasons I say the girls are "damaged."

Like they say, you can always take a girl out of a bar, but you can never take the bar out of the girl. Having a good long term relationship with a WG, the odds are stacked against you.Couldn't have said it better about the line being crossed. Once that mental line is crossed where her pussy has a price attached. Everything else becomes attached to that price as a point of reference. For example, the girl wants a gift or some money for her 'sick' mother. If you don't give it to her, she's thinking 'I used to get $$$$ a night, I stay with you the whole month and I only get $$, and now I need money and you don't give it to me, how many times have I slept with you this month....' etc etc

Then it so happens that an ex-customer is in town and calls her up. Guess what'll happen.

05-11-10, 22:04
First thing first - yes - we all here do tend to write a lot about the wonders of CP and how great it is all

CP sux. The only thing CP has going for it is the fact that there is a very high concentration of KTVs, saunas, and BBSes with in a relative small space. That's it. It's definitely not cheaper. Cheaper options can be found all over DG. The KTVs there are definitely not the best around. Right off I would say both Houjie and Tangxia have better KTVs than anything in CP.

Another reason CP sux is that the quality of service there is going down the tubes. It really is. CP saunas are too busy and because of that, service quality is way low compared to other areas. Even as recently as 3 years ago, it used to be much better. Nowadays, BBS girls are on strict time limits. Gone are the days when you could take a girl out of a BBS, have a meal, do some shopping, then go back to your hotel room for a couple hours. You're lucky if they spend an hour with you now.

If not for the fact that once you park your ass down at a hotel in CP, you can walk to at least a half dozen venues, CP wouldn't have any advantage over any other place. This however, is a HUGE advantage. Nobody on holiday (either short or long) wants to spend any unnecessary time doing more travelling.

Jack Maniel
05-12-10, 00:02
CP sux. The only thing CP has going for it is the fact that there is a very high concentration of KTVs, saunas, and BBSes with in a relative small space. That's it. It's definitely not cheaper. Cheaper options can be found all over DG. The KTVs there are definitely not the best around. Right off I would say both Houjie and Tangxia have better KTVs than anything in CP.

Another reason CP sux is that the quality of service there is going down the tubes. It really is. CP saunas are too busy and because of that, service quality is way low compared to other areas. Even as recently as 3 years ago, it used to be much better. Nowadays, BBS girls are on strict time limits. Gone are the days when you could take a girl out of a BBS, have a meal, do some shopping, then go back to your hotel room for a couple hours. You're lucky if they spend an hour with you now.

If not for the fact that once you park your ass down at a hotel in CP, you can walk to at least a half dozen venues, CP wouldn't have any advantage over any other place. This however, is a HUGE advantage. Nobody on holiday (either short or long) wants to spend any unnecessary time doing more travelling.CP is popular because the transport to there is relatively more convenient than going to other towns in DG. You can simply take train from either HK or LoHu to DG directly (1 hr and 30 mins respectively). I dont agree CP sucks as you can still find quite good saunas and K there if you know the places.

My only concern is the social order in CP is getting worse, particularly during nights.

05-12-10, 00:28
That being said, the majority do not turn to selling themselves and deal with the situation the best they can. As a parent, sending your daughter away and receiving money each month knowing what she is doing is pretty low.

In Thailand, I heard some parents will sell their children ( little kids ). You can do what ever you what with them. I think there are a few other places in Asian but I'm not sure. China is different, loyalty to family is first.

Jack Maniel
05-12-10, 00:53
Weelock, point taken. Truth is I didn't visit ISG all that often for at least a couple years there. But when I do and I feel I have useful information to contribute, I try to write a detailed report.

Don't get me wrong though, my experience was by no means negative. The rain storm made things difficult. And like SEAJ said, I only scratched the surface of CP.Its quite a good experience report to share with those who is preparing to venture CP. I definitely wont suggest anyone to go to the discrete places down in alleyway, although price is cheaper but both the girls hygiene and security a big concern. Both MPs and KTVs are great if you know where to go, they are cost effective in my view. I used to go to CP once a month with friends in the past years.

Since you speak mandarin, you will get less trouble in making a deal there. Maybe we can have fun there together some time later but honestly I can only take you to the MPs or KTVs, no BBS.

05-12-10, 03:54
You see...i'm not the only one into mommies! Tell me, we've seen so many hot Mommies from Fuhao to Mayflower to Prince Hotel.

I have a thing for Mommies...
Am I F**ked up or what?

No there are alot of hot mommies. If you remember my one week girl - I call her Rockstar - she is a mommie at Walter now, came over one night in the mommie outfit and jumped me while drunk, fucked for an hour and she went back to work.

Last visit I had a mommie at FH come over at 6am! after I sent my lame ktv girl home. She was a blast, she didn't discuss money up front I think she wanted to come as much as I wanted her, but of course said she needed money for sick dad. xiaofei hehe. she did not ask or tell amount she wanted I think an indication she did not want to ask. But as she is a FH mommie and I didn't want a guilt trip everytime I went there for getting a freebie it was a relief she asked actually.

The walter actually has alot of hot mommies, me and Dan saw at least 5 there however the girls are ugly. so why bother.

There is also a mommie at Mayflower that I think is gorgeous but she runs from me everytime I see her. although last few times she has been more friendly and gave me a phone number - though i don't know if it is legit, no time to test. I hear she has a 5 year bf from HK. shame really but that doesn't put her out of the hunt.

I think it would be fun to do an experienced mommie, one that might appreciate the experience and give. One time I did get a PP mommie to agree to go with her girl, but never followed through. needed to be drunker.

05-12-10, 04:13

Well, I have read your posts before in regards to trophy wives. Reading them actually makes me want to try one as well. But, aren't your afraid that you are screwing with some big shot's wife and when he finds out he or hired thugs come after you because you have totally made him lose face and screwing his lonely wife at home?

I don't understand how you even get away with it. Sure they are mostly on business trips or out screwing their other younger second wives. But when you get caught with some powerful Chinese dude's wife. I smell trouble around the corner.

1. How do you get away with it?

2. Aren't you playing with fire?

3. What happens when the lonely trophy wife falls for you and it gets sticky?

4. You don't bareback them do you?


To answer your questions, I usually do a background check on the trophy's wife signig. Other. I make sure that he is not a senior party official nor a crazed dude. Actually the wifey shows me a few recent pics of him and I know where he works so that if I get suspicious I usually knows who I'm dealing with. On several situation I know who these guys are and seen them party like a maniac.

Usually most of these ladies wants total discretion. They are just lonely and horny and I fill their needs. Most of them are truly just want some attention. As for a few falling for me, usually when I see some of those signals, I disengage and set them up with their next guy. I try never to do them at their home, usually she rents a hotel room or have keys to an unused apartment that I friend may not be using. Most of the time, she usually reserve a suite.

The best is that most of these ladies will not want to drag you out for a shopping trip. Most of them do not even want to be seen. They are afraid of being discover too. All of them knows that I am married and with a family. Two of them last year even went shopping before hand so that I have gifts to bring home to the wifey and family(she paid and quite nice gifts). She told me that this way I could spend more time caressing her in the hotel room. Most of the time in eat in. The best is that almost all of the time they PAID for it. Really.

As for bareback, several in the past did not mind. They even show me a clean bill of health. One of them laugh and said that she rather the kid have my genes over her hubby's Since I'm asian, there would probably be no question.

As for getting sticky, haven't had that happen. Like I said earlier, when I see signs of it. It put them on the "start to get rid of list".

PM me if you want specific.

05-12-10, 04:36
Btw, going rate for mommie short time at FH is 800, I assume 1200 overnight would be std rate. models are 3/6/10 there so they believe themselves above models. they can choose when they want to go out

the models at FH both that I had will strip and both were fun and very pretty.
worth 3/6/10? I would say absolutely. the process to get them is a bit annoying and they seem always booked (though the uglier ones seem to sit less you usually see 2-3 later in night still not chosen). Unfortunately this also means that they are probably going out nightly 5 times+ a week putting alot of mileage on them.

At bandao the models are 4/8/12 and only found one worth that. it is so tough when there are so many pretty girls at 800 level.

Last trip I went to FH I think 4 times in total. Fun everytime even on sundays. Clearly they are adding girls on friday/saturday though, as everyone in group said there were more 'new faces' on those days. ones we have never seen before, perhaps on trial, perhaps 'temps' on those days. You can almost guarantee a good time, even with only a few guys since BSD and others can tell you the fun girls, pick one you like and one partier (like the girl we call Cock grabber...) and you will have fun.

We also went to Bandao for the last time, on a saturday after 8 lineups most guys only had 1 girl, the talent perhaps was drained off to bsds but it was not good. that place is boring to boot and the girl i finally picked i didn't even bother to take home.

SE Asia Joe
05-12-10, 04:51
What has it been? A year? Year and a half tops since you were the good little guy sitting quietly at the KTV with your pocket translator, smiling lots and sitting gentlemanly?

And Now?? Not only partying like a Rockstar - but even doing Rockstars!! Gals up the yazoo, turning down any and all with even the slightest blemish - and THE man about town!!! (MAN!!! Even the way you look nowadays is different!!) ROFLMAO!!!

The point of this - well, its to tell everybody here that CP CAN be conquered and conquered well..... if you had the patience, willingness to pick up the language, the $$$ to sustain your aims meanwhile.

I've seen the "transformation" of Freepeaks with my own eyes - and my kudos to him! And my best wishes to one and all here that you also will be able to LEARN how to enjoy CP without making an ass of yourself!!

Also a question to you Freepeaks -like I said, I've seen your transformation HERE - how have you "transformed" back home, in your job, in your general outlook of life etc?? I'd really be interested to learn how CP changes a guy - for the better or for the worse.

Peace y'all!!


SE Asia Joe
05-12-10, 05:50
A list of conquests that I have not fulfilled yet, and they are the following:

To do:

1. A DJ (hopefully a pretty one) they don't usually hire ugly DJ's right?
2. A footie girl (has to be a pretty one)
3. Mommy
4. mommy assistant (although some are always pimped out to customers)
5. front desk receptionist at a hotel
6. A girl who washes people's hair at a real hair salons
7. With a filthy rich woman (not because I want her money, but just because)
8. A Waitress
9. A Manager/greeter/supervisor at a Footie place or at a spa
10. a girl who works at a regular SPA, like the one next to pozilim

I don't know why but those are the list of girls I'd like to do that are Non-working girls....or semi-non working girls.

With the possible exception of #7 (and even there - perhaps she wants to become more filthy rich? Switch Horse?), I'd say that my "warnings" about DJ's probably also applies.

Please remember that most gals come to - and stay at - CP to make money and the best and most obvious way at CP is Via guys. Period!

Just my usual IMHO!! LOL!


05-12-10, 13:42
Bnlee2, great stuff, it reads like its taken from a chapter from the must-read book 'Sperm Wars'. Older women can be so much more sexy than a younger counterpart, especially if they have taken care of their bodies. And from what I read, the demographic you target certainly do.


To answer your questions, I usually do a background check on the trophy's wife signig. Other. I make sure that he is not a senior party official nor a crazed dude. Actually the wifey shows me a few recent pics of him and I know where he works so that if I get suspicious I usually knows who I'm dealing with. On several situation I know who these guys are and seen them party like a maniac.

Usually most of these ladies wants total discretion. They are just lonely and horny and I fill their needs. Most of them are truly just want some attention. As for a few falling for me, usually when I see some of those signals, I disengage and set them up with their next guy. I try never to do them at their home, usually she rents a hotel room or have keys to an unused apartment that I friend may not be using. Most of the time, she usually reserve a suite.

The best is that most of these ladies will not want to drag you out for a shopping trip. Most of them do not even want to be seen. They are afraid of being discover too. All of them knows that I am married and with a family. Two of them last year even went shopping before hand so that I have gifts to bring home to the wifey and family(she paid and quite nice gifts). She told me that this way I could spend more time caressing her in the hotel room. Most of the time in eat in. The best is that almost all of the time they PAID for it. Really.

As for bareback, several in the past did not mind. They even show me a clean bill of health. One of them laugh and said that she rather the kid have my genes over her hubby's Since I'm asian, there would probably be no question.

As for getting sticky, haven't had that happen. Like I said earlier, when I see signs of it. It put them on the "start to get rid of list".

PM me if you want specific.

05-12-10, 14:47
Also a question to you Freepeaks -like I said, I've seen your transformation HERE - how have you "transformed" back home, in your job, in your general outlook of life etc?? I'd really be interested to learn how CP changes a guy - for the better or for the worse.

Very little transformation back at home actually. I am motivated to study Chinese more to have more fun in future, talk with friends on QQ. But other than that very little.

A VERY big downside to CP is that you begin to measure all play in CP value. Go to strip joint, drop $200 for a few lap dances, OR two girls from KTV or 7 bbs girls. It ruins strip joints, usa massage places - $100 for massage? geesh i can go to sauna and pick a model at huihua. perhaps that is why we all return to CP and go crazy, the conservation of all that energy coming out in our short stay.

05-12-10, 20:28
Very little transformation back at home actually. I am motivated to study Chinese more to have more fun in future, talk with friends on QQ. But other than that very little.

A VERY big downside to CP is that you begin to measure all play in CP value. Go to strip joint, drop $200 for a few lap dances, OR two girls from KTV or 7 bbs girls. It ruins strip joints, usa massage places - $100 for massage? geesh i can go to sauna and pick a model at huihua. perhaps that is why we all return to CP and go crazy, the conservation of all that energy coming out in our short stay.

Need to add the cost of a plane ticket. It's about 1300 to 1500USD for this summer. Then the cost for hotel, and girls. If you are staying for 14 days, it's expensive.

05-12-10, 20:33
CP can only change you for the worse. Once you get addicted you just can't stop. When you aren't there you start thinking about coming back. A serious case of CP blues kicks in and you try every ounce of effort to keep the fantasy alive--aka. using QQ to contact your girls, old and new alike.

hey...isn't that what Freepeaks does?


What has it been? A year? Year and a half tops since you were the good little guy sitting quietly at the KTV with your pocket translator, smiling lots and sitting gentlemanly?

And Now?? Not only partying like a Rockstar - but even doing Rockstars!! Gals up the yazoo, turning down any and all with even the slightest blemish - and THE man about town!!! (MAN!!! Even the way you look nowadays is different!!) ROFLMAO!!!

The point of this - well, its to tell everybody here that CP CAN be conquered and conquered well..... if you had the patience, willingness to pick up the language, the $$$ to sustain your aims meanwhile.

I've seen the "transformation" of Freepeaks with my own eyes - and my kudos to him! And my best wishes to one and all here that you also will be able to LEARN how to enjoy CP without making an ass of yourself!!

Also a question to you Freepeaks -like I said, I've seen your transformation HERE - how have you "transformed" back home, in your job, in your general outlook of life etc?? I'd really be interested to learn how CP changes a guy - for the better or for the worse.

Peace y'all!!


05-12-10, 20:39
There was one Fuhao Mommie who is really smoking hot. Now..when I sae mommie, I don't mean mommie assistants. I mean the real head mommie of the group of gals. There's this one skinny girl, about 27 years old, has nice firm tits, watermelon seed shaped face. She's from Henan. I don't know if she's for sale for 800 RMB for ST. If she was, then I'd be more than happy to take her out. She's a bit older, but she has that seductive look where you know she'll be good in bed. Perhaps someone can help me broker a deal the next time I'm there?

Freepeaks--I know which mommie at Mayflower you are talking about. last time we were there and you smiled at her, she ran away. But according to BSD she does not look good without makeup on...so...

I think Fuhao is a bit overrated. Or perhaps I have not been finding the right girls there. The quality of their girls are not that attractive, they are just more qild and fun. Even the models aren't as good looking as the Penn's Models in my personal opinion.

But Fuhao can be taken in small quantities, but if you go there 3-4 days straight...I just don't find it all that fun.

Different strokes for different folks. That's just my personal opinion.


Btw, going rate for mommie short time at FH is 800, I assume 1200 overnight would be std rate. models are 3/6/10 there so they believe themselves above models. they can choose when they want to go out

the models at FH both that I had will strip and both were fun and very pretty.
worth 3/6/10? I would say absolutely. the process to get them is a bit annoying and they seem always booked (though the uglier ones seem to sit less you usually see 2-3 later in night still not chosen). Unfortunately this also means that they are probably going out nightly 5 times+ a week putting alot of mileage on them.

At bandao the models are 4/8/12 and only found one worth that. it is so tough when there are so many pretty girls at 800 level.

Last trip I went to FH I think 4 times in total. Fun everytime even on sundays. Clearly they are adding girls on friday/saturday though, as everyone in group said there were more 'new faces' on those days. ones we have never seen before, perhaps on trial, perhaps 'temps' on those days. You can almost guarantee a good time, even with only a few guys since BSD and others can tell you the fun girls, pick one you like and one partier (like the girl we call Cock grabber...) and you will have fun.

We also went to Bandao for the last time, on a saturday after 8 lineups most guys only had 1 girl, the talent perhaps was drained off to bsds but it was not good. that place is boring to boot and the girl i finally picked i didn't even bother to take home.

05-12-10, 20:44
Plane tickets this summer is actually $1600 if you book now. The cost is quite high, but it never stops a true monger from hopping on the plane and coming straight to CP anyhow.

I know freepeaks...and this guy is willing and able when it comes to having fun in CP. The issue to many, not most, is not a matter of money, it's a matter of time. Most people can afford CP, although it may hurt the wallet a bit, it's just a matter if they have the time to come on over to party it up!


Need to add the cost of a plane ticket. It's about 1300 to 1500USD for this summer. Then the cost for hotel, and girls. If you are staying for 14 days, it's expensive.

05-12-10, 20:48

You sure got balls! I'm assuming that you are either good in bed, good looking or charming in some way. Most of these trophy wives seem pretty stuck up and reserved. I don't know how you are able to break that barrier and get them to open up, not to mention getting you and your wife and kids gifts??? amazing...

But I really do hope that you don't get in trouble. You are playing with fire when it comes to other people's wives.

But your arrangement is very interesting though. I can imagine that a lot of the rich wives get together and your name gets mentioned amongst them and you end up being this "go to guy" where girls can get satisfaction discreetly for free.

I'm certainly impressed, but again worried for your safety.



To answer your questions, I usually do a background check on the trophy's wife signig. Other. I make sure that he is not a senior party official nor a crazed dude. Actually the wifey shows me a few recent pics of him and I know where he works so that if I get suspicious I usually knows who I'm dealing with. On several situation I know who these guys are and seen them party like a maniac.

Usually most of these ladies wants total discretion. They are just lonely and horny and I fill their needs. Most of them are truly just want some attention. As for a few falling for me, usually when I see some of those signals, I disengage and set them up with their next guy. I try never to do them at their home, usually she rents a hotel room or have keys to an unused apartment that I friend may not be using. Most of the time, she usually reserve a suite.

The best is that most of these ladies will not want to drag you out for a shopping trip. Most of them do not even want to be seen. They are afraid of being discover too. All of them knows that I am married and with a family. Two of them last year even went shopping before hand so that I have gifts to bring home to the wifey and family(she paid and quite nice gifts). She told me that this way I could spend more time caressing her in the hotel room. Most of the time in eat in. The best is that almost all of the time they PAID for it. Really.

As for bareback, several in the past did not mind. They even show me a clean bill of health. One of them laugh and said that she rather the kid have my genes over her hubby's Since I'm asian, there would probably be no question.

As for getting sticky, haven't had that happen. Like I said earlier, when I see signs of it. It put them on the "start to get rid of list".

PM me if you want specific.

LA Dude
05-12-10, 21:55
Actually $1,600 is the low end. It could be $1,900 depeding on when you take the flight. I'm not above spendin $$ to have a good time but this is getting riduculous.

Plane tickets this summer is actually $1600 if you book now. The cost is quite high, but it never stops a true monger from hopping on the plane and coming straight to CP anyhow.

I know freepeaks...and this guy is willing and able when it comes to having fun in CP. The issue to many, not most, is not a matter of money, it's a matter of time. Most people can afford CP, although it may hurt the wallet a bit, it's just a matter if they have the time to come on over to party it up!


Da Dicknotist
05-12-10, 23:24
I hope/think you meant to write "near" instead of "never" in "It's damn never impossible....."

And ducks???!!! All I know about ducks is that there ARE ducks at the New Century. Don't know if these ducks will only service xi-lais or if they'll go with Johnnies. On the other hand, there is suppossedly also a group of gals at the New Century who are willing to go with gals too. It's all so screwed up!

Yes, that's a typo.

Ducks will only service women. Gals that will go with gals, I've heard about at New Century, but I called a papasan there and was told that's a myth.

Also, I tend to be on the more cynical side when it comes to motivations for working KTV. Sure the girl may very well be supporting her family back home, or sending her brother to college or paying for her father's hospital bills or whatever. I think though, those tend to be after thoughts. Come on, what kind of parents send their daughter out to be a prostitute? That's like admitting your utter failure as a parent. If your uneducated unskilled 18-22 year old daughter is sending you thousands of RMB a month, you HAVE TO KNOW what she's doing to earn that money. I had this argument with a friend and eventually, even he had to admit there's no way for a parent to NOT know.

I completely disagree with this analysis.

1) How much money do you think a KTV gal makes? Don't say something like, they go to work 20 days a month, get sat 15, get taken out 10. They take holidays more often than not at 150-200 a pop, get fined 30-50 RMB a time putting their feet up on the waiting room tables/forgetting their badges/fail directional quizzes from management, get into fights with customers and hence lose their sitting fee, get robbed by boyfriends/customers/pimps…

2) How much money do you think they're sending home? Getting makeup/hair done every day, eating good meals, feeding gambling habits (and occasional drug habits), buying new cell phones, buying new clothes, occasionally ducking, taking sticker pictures/traveling around Guangdong/going out drinking with "sisters"… That adds up. I would venture to guess 90% of KTV gals did not send 3000 RMB in the last 6 months home.

2) The ones that have more money than even they can blow are the ones sponsored by a rich boyfriend. Well, what kind of girl gets sponsored? The pretty ones, who have impeccable fashion sense, who wear makeup and hair wear, who know what buttons to push, who understand the benefit of getting a boyfriend, and who have the skills to do so. That takes time. So say it takes them 3 months to get a guy to sponsor them, 6 months to get the savvy to get a guy to sponsor them, plus however long they worked in a factory job. That they've gotten a raise after two years of work experience isn't unfeasible to me - why would it be to their parents?

3) Working at a KTV is comparatively more money, and more freedom, than a menial task. But I'd venture to say the amount saved is about the same, once you factor in the lifestyle adjustments. The only rational economic analysis of working in a KTV is upside. In no other job can you dream of making 100,000 a month. That's what the smart, veteran KTV girls are after, not your puny sitting fee.

A list of conquests that I have not fulfilled yet, and they are the following:

To do:

1. A DJ (hopefully a pretty one) they don't usually hire ugly DJ's right?
2. A footie girl (has to be a pretty one)
3. Mommy
4. mommy assistant (although some are always pimped out to customers)
5. front desk receptionist at a hotel
6. A girl who washes people's hair at a real hair salons
7. With a filthy rich woman (not because I want her money, but just because)
8. A Waitress
9. A Manager/greeter/supervisor at a Footie place or at a spa
10. a girl who works at a regular SPA, like the one next to pozilim

1) This shouldn't be hard. Don't sit a girl, and talk to the DJ all night. They are starving for male attention - where else is she going to meet men? 50-50 someone good with girls can pull it off that night.

2) This shouldn't be hard either. She's a stationary target and will stay with you as long as you pay her! If you're willing to devote the time to it, you will eventually hit on the right mix of things to say to convince her to give up her chastity. 90% chance someone smooth can pull it off within 2 visits there.

3 + 4) For non-p4p mommies, this is hard and requires some connections and some time. The strategy here is to get another employee (DJ/Mommy/Ass Mommy) to come to dinner with you afterwards, and to take your target with you. Be a gentleman and walk/cab her home, get the phone number, play msg games all day, and meet them in the afternoon before they go to work. 80-20 someone smooth can pull it off within 3 dates.

5) Another stationary target. Trick here is that she will probably not go out with you alone unless you play the msg game for a long time, so chat up *two* of them, take them out to dinner, and then next time you can get her on a date alone.

6) Exact same as (2)

7) No experience in Dongguan, but Shenzhen MixC Starbucks is the place for this. If she'll talk to you she'll meet up with you, if she'll meet up with you she's willing to lose her chastity.

8) Another stationary target.

9) Very similar to (5)

10) Exact same as (2)

Fast Eddie 48
05-13-10, 04:34
Plane tickets this summer is actually $1600 if you book now. The cost is quite high, but it never stops a true monger from hopping on the plane and coming straight to CP anyhow.

I know freepeaks...and this guy is willing and able when it comes to having fun in CP. The issue to many, not most, is not a matter of money, it's a matter of time. Most people can afford CP, although it may hurt the wallet a bit, it's just a matter if they have the time to come on over to party it up!


I am paying 1680 next month from US to china ,most airline ticket is sold out until end of July many tourist want to go to shanghai for the expo ,my travel agent told me ticket will drop by mid Aug but it will still be higher than normal .

Fast eddie 48

05-13-10, 04:53

You sure got balls! I'm assuming that you are either good in bed, good looking or charming in some way. Most of these trophy wives seem pretty stuck up and reserved. I don't know how you are able to break that barrier and get them to open up, not to mention getting you and your wife and kids gifts? Amazing.

But I really do hope that you don't get in trouble. You are playing with fire when it comes to other people's wives.

But your arrangement is very interesting though. I can imagine that a lot of the rich wives get together and your name gets mentioned amongst them and you end up being this "go to guy" where girls can get satisfaction discreetly for free.

I'm certainly impressed, but again worried for your safety.


Discretion is key. Yes. Last I look I still have my balls (last time I look and wash them). I tries to be very discrete about it. The key is to be a good listener or pretend to be. In the first ten minutes talking with them in a social environment you can tell what they are seeking. These ladies also wants to be discrete. They also do not want to be discover. Their hubby is probably supplying them with mucho dollars and all they are just eye candy and ornament for their man. Bottom line, they are lonely and needs some attention. If you play on that, you have already given them more than what they will ever have. It is a lot of psychology.

Two years ago, I was at a high end social event and by chance two of the ladies that I know just happens to be there. They just pretended that they do not know me. Discretion is the key.

05-13-10, 05:09
On the whole, I think you're misunderstanding the gist of what I'm saying. I'm saying that girls tell me they send 2000-3000RMB home a month to take care of their parents, send their brother to college, whatever. I don't believe it though and I think they're lying to me most of the time when they tell such things. I don't believe a parent would send their daughter out into the world to prostitute themselves to send money back home. On the few occasions they're telling me the truth and they do send that kind of money home to their parents, then I believe their parents are fully aware of what they're doing and I believe these people are close to being the lowest forms of life on earth, just a notch above your average child molester.

1) How much money do you think a KTV gal makes? Don't say something like, they go to work 20 days a month, get sat 15, get taken out 10. They take holidays more often than not at 150-200 a pop, get fined 30-50 RMB a time putting their feet up on the waiting room tables/forgetting their badges/fail directional quizzes from management, get into fights with customers and hence lose their sitting fee, get robbed by boyfriends/customers/pimps…

I think your average KTV girl in CP makes about 7-10K a month. Most of the CP girls I've spoken to have mentioned amounts in this range. In SZ, it's significantly higher at the better places, usually 20-30K. You would be surprised at how many girls actually turn multiple tricks in a single day. I knew one girl in SZ, on a good day, she would get like 3-4 guys, each of them giving her 1000-2500. Also, you would be surprised at how many guys pay extra. The best story a girl ever told me, she had a Japanese customer who would call her over once a week. He would play hide and seek with her for a couple of hours and give her 5000RMB. She said she cried when the guy told her he was moving back to Japan.

2) How much money do you think they're sending home? Getting makeup/hair done every day, eating good meals, feeding gambling habits (and occasional drug habits), buying new cell phones, buying new clothes, occasionally ducking, taking sticker pictures/traveling around Guangdong/going out drinking with "sisters"… That adds up. I would venture to guess 90% of KTV gals did not send 3000 RMB in the last 6 months home.

I think most girls don't send any money home, and I think that most of the ones that say they do are lying about it. I don't believe in the sick mother, dead cow, or brother in university stories I hear on occasion. If the girls do send money home, I believe that most of the time, it to be a small percentage of their income. If they send too much, they'll give themselves away since most likely, they've told their family and friends back home they're doing something else.

There are however, a few that do send significant amounts home. I have met at least a dozen girls who probably send home at least 2K a month. I knew 2 girls who sent at least 10K home a month. I would guess that girls who regularly send over 1K a month would be less than 1%, maybe even lower than that. The smart girls all stick their money in savings accounts or the stock market. BTW, most high end cellphones and other expensive items that girls' own... tend to be gifts.

I think you would also be surprised by how frugally girls live. Most of them have multiple roommates. The most common story I hear in CP is they rent a place for like 1500RMB and each girl pays 500RMB. Most girls don't eat much meat, so they spend very little money on food, probably less than 10RMB a day. Clothing in China is cheap (30RMB for a skirt, 80RMB for a pair of jeans, 5RMB for underwear), especially if you buy it on the internet which all girls are doing now.

2) The ones that have more money than even they can blow are the ones sponsored by a rich boyfriend. Well, what kind of girl gets sponsored? The pretty ones, who have impeccable fashion sense, who wear makeup and hair wear, who know what buttons to push, who understand the benefit of getting a boyfriend, and who have the skills to do so. That takes time. So say it takes them 3 months to get a guy to sponsor them, 6 months to get the savvy to get a guy to sponsor them, plus however long they worked in a factory job. That they've gotten a raise after two years of work experience isn't unfeasible to me - why would it be to their parents?

Again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I don't know how much time you spend in China or how many natives you know personally. The kinds of girls who find sponsors fill the gamut of girls. I know one guy from Beijing whose family is really wealthy, one of those guys who goes around carrying Chateau Lafite everywhere. One of his girls is a classic pale skinned tall slim beauty who dresses very well and perfectly made up each time I've seen her. I know another guy, originally from GZ. His girl is.... plain at best in my opinion. The guy dotes on her though. I personally think his wife is much better looking, but not according to him. It's not always the obvious ones that get sponsored, I've seen them come in all shapes and sizes.

As for a regular job, an uneducated unskilled factory worker is not going to get much of raise, even after 2 years, even after 10 years. No way are they going from making 1000RMB a month to something like 10,000RMB a month in 2 years, and not even 10 years. Sure, a factory worker, waitress, sales girl, massage girl, whatever girl, will probably get a raise after 2 years of work experience, but that raise will be more along the lines of 1000RMB to 1200RMB, if that, and that's just to keep up with inflation. BTW, it's not just KTVs and saunas that fine workers. Factories fine workers for just about everything. If they're late 5 minutes, they get fined. If their uniform is unclean, they get fined. The list goes on and on. The only reason factory workers save up any money is because they work such long hours, they're too tired, or they have a curfew, and they don't have time to spend it. Until CNY, their life is basically, work, eat, sleep. There's really nothing else.

3) Working at a KTV is comparatively more money, and more freedom, than a menial task. But I'd venture to say the amount saved is about the same, once you factor in the lifestyle adjustments. The only rational economic analysis of working in a KTV is upside. In no other job can you dream of making 100,000 a month. That's what the smart, veteran KTV girls are after, not your puny sitting fee.

I really don't think a typical factory worker can save anything near what a typical KTV girl can save. Sure there are lifestyle adjustments, the KTV girls will spend more money, especially since they're going to have to pay rent somewhere. I think though, you're over-estimating their living expenses. For example, a make up parlor typically charges between 5-10RMB. At most, that's 300RMB a month, and most likely about half that. I really don't think girls spend more than a couple hundred a month on clothes too, especially since they do receive a lot of clothes in the form of gifts.

Even accounting for extra expenses related to KTV life, at the end of the month, a KTV girl will have at least 4X-6X what a factory or service worker makes. What the girl chooses to do with that money is up to her. Teachers in the USA make 30K a year, and lawyers make 150K a year. Even accounting for the fact a lawyer has to wear better suits, live in a more prestigious neighborhood, buy a nicer car, join a better health club; which group will more likely have money left over at the end of the year? I'm betting on the lawyer and I don't think it'll be close.

Making 100K a month just by working a KTV in CP is highly unlikely and if anybody were capable of that, they probably would have quit already. I think when you say working at a KTV has an upside, that means an increase in probability of finding a sponsor. That's not really true though. Chinese guys see KTV girls as damaged goods. It's the last place they'll go to if they want to find a mistress. I don't want to get into the various ways Chinese guys find girls for themselves, it varies a lot, and that could very well take pages. Suffice it to say, the girls with the biggest sugar daddies have never worked a day in KTV. I will agree however, the girls have a higher chance of finding a foreigner to sponsor them when working at a KTV.

As for the puny sitting fee... Outside of GD, a very high proportion of KTVs are not automatic takeout. In a large number of establishments, it's actually grounds for firing if a girl goes out with a customer. Those girls make out ok too though. You'd be surprised at how many people are idiots like my friends and tip 500-1000RMB instead of 200-300.

You may disagree with what I've written here. That's fine. I may very well be wrong about a lot of things. These are all things I've found out through experience. I do talk a lot to the girls, for me, just fucking the girls is a bit too mechanical. I don't really try to build a rapport or anything, but I do ask a lot about their lives. In return the girls also ask me tons of stuff about me. I lie to them about everything. It may very be that the girls are lying to me about everything too. There is however, a consistency to what they tell me, so I think on average, what they tell me is at least half true, which may mean nothing at all.

05-13-10, 06:06
There is however, a consistency to what they tell me, so I think on average, what they tell me is at least half true, which may mean nothing at all.

here is one ktv story i will relate. i dated very few ktv girls but this was one of them out in quanzhou. at a place where the girls don't go out with the customers. this one took a liking to me and went to my hotel at her own accord. after seeing her during three biz trips. she started to call me husband in the open. i thought that was cute. she had her own room in a three bedroom apartment. paid like 600 rmb. she wanted me to stay with her in her room during my trips instead of the hotel. but i couldn't handle the bathroom. she is muslim chinese so she eats beef at least once a day 15rmb. the rest on spicy sauteed veg 2-4rmb. she only uses branded facials such shiseido as evidence of the empty bottles on the chest. i bought her a another japanese brand called koze but she refuse to use them on her face. mainly her hands, feet.... butt. she is shopping addict as well as a online game addict. she will work at the ktv as minimally as possible. maxing out at 7-14 days a week. on the days i visit her and i give her money after the biz trip end. she won't work at all for the next month. preferably playing online games. she rarely considers price when buying clothes. one night with her shopping for clothes, accessories, jewelry amounted to over 3000rmb at the local shops. it wouldn't have been more but she started the night late and the shops were closing (12am). the girl loves to sleep. get massages. she likes the simple teen life!

05-13-10, 07:47
Plane tickets this summer is actually $1600 if you book now. The cost is quite high, but it never stops a true monger from hopping on the plane and coming straight to CP anyhow.

I know freepeaks...and this guy is willing and able when it comes to having fun in CP. The issue to many, not most, is not a matter of money, it's a matter of time. Most people can afford CP, although it may hurt the wallet a bit, it's just a matter if they have the time to come on over to party it up!


I just check a few websites a few minutes ago. It's only about 1300 to 1500 USD from the West Coast to HKG. Travel dates are mid July returning in mid Aug. It even cheaper if you want to travel within the next week, $1100.

Fast Eddie got it for 1680 next month from US to china ( expensive ).

On the hand, I think once you want to purchased the ticket for the listed price on their website and enter your credit card number, they might say no seat available.

I guess it's a good thing I brought my tickets a few weeks ago for ~$1050 USD for July. I guess I better double check everything if it's not a scam. This is the first time I'm using this website.

SE Asia Joe
05-13-10, 08:16
I guess it's a good thing I brought my tickets a few weeks ago for ~$1050 USD for July. I guess I better double check everything if it's not a scam. This is the first time I'm using this website.
OMIGAWD - back again - so soon??!!

Ahhhh, the power of the China Pussy!!


SE Asia Joe
05-13-10, 08:29
I think your average KTV girl in CP makes about 7-10K a month. Most of the CP girls I've spoken to have mentioned amounts in this range. In SZ, it's significantly higher at the better places, usually 20-30K..........

I've been pondering this matter for a while - why is CP rates generally cheaper than other places? I.e. GD, SZ, even Houjie, Dongcheng etc at "comparable" places - both in terms of hardware (the actual place) as well as software (the gals).

And why do so many gals prefer to work out of CP instead of other places where they could command a higher price. Is it becoz business/the strike rate for sitting/take-out is higher in CP? Is it safer in CP? Are the "boys that be" that more effective in recruiting? What is it?

I can understand where at some other more 'minor' places, rates could be 1-3-5 or perhaps even lower - but then you get a corresponding lowering of the standards - soft and hardware.

And about the "footsies" rate in CP - why is it generally around the RMB 45-50 mark - whilst in other localities, where I'd imagine the rents would be even higher, footsy rates are lower. i.e. Was at a newly opened Huangjiang, SZ footsy last night and it was 25+5 tip and last week at the Shanshui hotel footsy, paid RMB28. I've also gone to footsies in GZ and again, the rates are lower around the RMB 30 mark.

just wondering - if anybody knows the reasons etc.


05-13-10, 08:55
I've been pondering this matter for a while - why is CP rates generally cheaper than other places? I.e. GD, SZ, even Houjie, Dongcheng etc at "comparable" places - both in terms of hardware (the actual place) as well as software (the gals).

and why do so many gals prewfer to work out of CP instead of other places where they could command a higher price. Is it becoz business/the strike rate for sitting/take-out is higher in CP? Is it safer in CP? Are the "boys that be" that more effective in recruiting? what is it?

I can understand where at some other more 'minor' places, rates could be 1-3-5 or perhaps even lower - but then you get a corresponding lowering of the standards - soft and hardware.

And about the "footsies" rate in CP - why is it generally around the RMB 45-50 mark - whilst in other localities where I'd imagine the rents would be even higher, footsy rates are lower. i.e. Was at a newly opened Huangjiang, SZ footsy last night and it was 25+5 tip and last week at the Shanshui hotel footsy, paid RMB28. I've also gone to footsies in GZ and again, the rates are lower around the RMB 30 mark.

just wondering - if anybody knows the reasons etc.


CP isn't cheap compared to other DG towns. For example, most other towns are cheaper for BBS and sauna. KTV price usually goes by the the quality of the establishment. Going by that route, several places are over priced compared to comparable places in other towns. For example, 2-5-8 is fine for HH, but it's over priced for Virgin. Look at something like Goodview, that place is a much higher quality establishment than any place in CP, yet it's still 2-5-8 for standard girls.

As to why girls don't go and move over to SZ or GZ, I think that CP customers take girls back at significantly higher rates than in the big cities. Most customers of SZ and GZ KTVs live there or work there, whereas I think most customers in CP don't live in CP. They're more often on holiday than to entertain clients and I think people on holiday are much more likely to take girls back.

Foot massage is significantly overpriced in CP. For example, most towns, foot massage is 20-30RMB. There's tons of naughty foot massage places too, that charge less than what HH charges. I think the main reason for this is lack of competition. Until recently, there were really only 3 foot massage places in CP. That's still few compared to some places where there's a half dozen within 10 minutes walking distance.

As for why more girls work there. Same reason more guys go there. Tons of places. Imagine if Sheraton, Cinese, Goodview, Exhitibition, Dongcheng, and Lungcheun Hotels were all within a 5 minute cab ride in the same town. Throw in some smaller hotels, a dozen BBSs, and a dozen saunas. You'll see a lot more girls in that town than any place near by. By the same token, you'll also see a lot more guys coming for the attractions.

05-13-10, 08:58

Talk about awkward moment. The two ladies you saw at the high society event, did they know each other? If they did, are they giggling in the back of their heads and trading stories to each other about their times with you like all ISG brothers do in the morning at the Miraton Dim Sum get-together? j/k

Eventually if you keep it up, all the girls at these high end events will look familiar to you.



Discretion is key. Yes. Last I look I still have my balls (last time I look and wash them). I tries to be very discrete about it. The key is to be a good listener or pretend to be. In the first ten minutes talking with them in a social environment you can tell what they are seeking. These ladies also wants to be discrete. They also do not want to be discover. Their hubby is probably supplying them with mucho dollars and all they are just eye candy and ornament for their man. Bottom line, they are lonely and needs some attention. If you play on that, you have already given them more than what they will ever have. It is a lot of psychology.

Two years ago, I was at a high end social event and by chance two of the ladies that I know just happens to be there. They just pretended that they do not know me. Discretion is the key.

Da Dicknotist
05-13-10, 09:00
Moody -

You've been in China for a long time and are very familiar with the girls. So am I. I just think you vastly overestimated how much the average girls makes.

CP KTV girls pay an "entrance fee" to start work at a place of 1000 to 2000, depending on the place. They also pay a monthly maintenance fee of 1000 to 2000. Some KTVs, like the Mayflower, are nice about the attendance policy and don't fine you for not showing up to work. The vast majority have a daily fine for every day they don't go to work beyond a certain limit (always less than 5) that adds up because these girls just don't have the motivation to work that often. Only the most dedicated girls work even 15 days a month, which means they're at least taking 10 days off. That's another 2000 in the hole.

For the days they work, they spend 50 RMB a day in transportation, makeup, hair. So before they start earning money, they're a good 4000 in the hole.
For girls to net 5000 a month, they need to be pulling 600 a night in the 15 nights they go to work, or getting sat 100% of the time and getting taken home 50% of the time. For girls to be netting 10,000RMB from the their job, they need to be pulling about 1000 a night, or basically being taken out 100% of the time. How many girls are *that* attractive?

Again, this is before rent/food/clothing/shopping. Yes, the majority of their spending is cheap and low, but their expense sheet isn't death by a thousand cuts, it's more death by huge blows. Take sisters to drink at a KTV and maybe even sit a duck? = 1000 RMB. Taking a couple of days off to go to Guangzhou to visit my sister? = 500 RMB. Buying those fancy skirt/shirt/dress/shoes are really nice? 600 RMB. Just got rocked at Mahjongg? 2000 RMB. Lending sister money despite better judgement? 3000 RMB. Leaching boyfriend? 2000 RMB a month, minimum. A severe ketamine habit? 6000 RMB a month.

Yes, of course they will have their good days when some rich dude overtips them, but those bad things that I mentioned are significantly more often than some rich dude tipping them. In fact, I'd venture to say they get robbed/cheated by customers more often than they get overtipped.

Now, moving to the ones that actually make money from tips/sponsors. The ones that actually send something unrealistic of a factory worker, (say, >500 RMB a month) home, it's a don't ask-don't tell situation.

Maybe quintupling your salary is unrealistic, but doubling your salary? Even if you're promoted from massage girl to assistant manager? Even if you curry favor with some place's laoban? Even if you say that's unrealistic, these parents aren't the brightest bulbs and might not have an understanding of much economics work in big cities. I'd say most of them don't suspect anything.

The ones that are raking in the dough and sending something ridiculous home, say >2000 RMB a month, the vast majority of KTV gals aspire to owning a clothing store, so they'll say something like they saved enough to open a clothing store with friends, and hence they can explain the highly variable revenue streams.

It's just a hard life, and it's unfair that youth and beauty are wasted on immature girls that buy frivolous things and fall for the wrong men. The vast vast majority of girls do it for X years and end up not saving anything, go home and work a menial job, get married to some loser back home. It's a sad life and one I wouldn't wish upon anyone.

05-13-10, 09:16
In terms of Footies- Swan Lake footie has a great special before 5 pm where it's almost a 35% discount from regular price. But why other footie places are so expensive I have no idea. Pozilim is the only place where I can understand their pricing strategy. They go high end, including food at certain hours, and good looking young girls. They have a requirement that the girls have to be younger than 25 years old, or at least look younger than 25. As to why other footie places are so expensive I don't know why either.

Why do girls want to work out of CP. I think...this is my own personal opinion...but most girls actually like CP's-city like environment, but not too big of a city. In some ways CP is like a small city/town that's not as intimidating as big cities like GZ and SZ where many girls from villages are not use to. In addition, CP is only a train ride away to the big cities if they want to get away for a while. But I've noticed that most girls don't even like going to SZ or GZ all that much anyhow. In fact I've met many girls who prefer CP's not-as-developed-backwardness. I think the "town" feel of CP makes me feel more at home.

Also one more theory is the availability of housing. CP has a large abundance of places to live at. So moving to CP is going to be a whole lot cost effective than moving to SZ and GZ's outrageous rents. Let's face it, it's all those Useless China boys that trick girls into this trade. So they need to consider their overhead and costs as well and CP in general is more cost effective than other cities. In fact, it's train station (The domestic Line that links all over China) is also another convenience factor. The girl can hop right out and start working as opposed to other DG towns which is very cumbersome to get to, requiring taking the bus, taxi etc.

Over the years i believe CP has really built up a reputation to be a true mongering town or place to be. It's well known that CP girls will be younger and fresher than the girls you get in SZ and GZ which are generally older. CP is like the first stepping stone they work at, and as they get older with high ambition go to SZ or Zhuhai and then as they get even more ambitious try to make it on over to HK and then Macau. So everyone wants fresh girls and that just makes CP a mongering destination with more demand and more guys, which is a positive attraction factor for the girls.

CP is like the wild wild west. Anything goes in this town. As San Francisco's gold rush brought many people with dreams and hopes for striking rich...CP has that same appeal in luring girls who are seeking a better life and a fatter pocket or purse.

In my personal opinion....


I've been pondering this matter for a while - why is CP rates generally cheaper than other places? I.e. GD, SZ, even Houjie, Dongcheng etc at "comparable" places - both in terms of hardware (the actual place) as well as software (the gals).

And why do so many gals prefer to work out of CP instead of other places where they could command a higher price. Is it becoz business/the strike rate for sitting/take-out is higher in CP? Is it safer in CP? Are the "boys that be" that more effective in recruiting? What is it?

I can understand where at some other more 'minor' places, rates could be 1-3-5 or perhaps even lower - but then you get a corresponding lowering of the standards - soft and hardware.

And about the "footsies" rate in CP - why is it generally around the RMB 45-50 mark - whilst in other localities, where I'd imagine the rents would be even higher, footsy rates are lower. i.e. Was at a newly opened Huangjiang, SZ footsy last night and it was 25+5 tip and last week at the Shanshui hotel footsy, paid RMB28. I've also gone to footsies in GZ and again, the rates are lower around the RMB 30 mark.

just wondering - if anybody knows the reasons etc.


05-13-10, 09:22

What other towns have cheaper BBS and Saunas? Perhaps I'm not looking hard enough or looking at the right places. Saunas seem to be about the same pricing in most other towns. Tangxia, Zhangmutou, Huangjiang, Houjie, Humen etc. In fact there are some super expensive Saunas like Goodview in Tangxia and Prince in Huangjiang that actually make CP saunas seem like a bargain. Unless you are talking about the cheaper room fees, which I would then agree that other towns are a bit cheaper in general. But if you compare with Meibao Sauna in CP, then prices are fairly comparable. But then again i have not gone to the more rural towns in DG like Qingxi or Liaobu etc., so perhaps you can educate me further on which places have cheaper venues like BBS, Saunas KTV etc. I would love to go and try them out.


CP isn't cheap compared to other DG towns. For example, most other towns are cheaper for BBS and sauna. KTV price usually goes by the the quality of the establishment. Going by that route, several places are over priced compared to comparable places in other towns. For example, 2-5-8 is fine for HH, but it's over priced for Virgin. Look at something like Goodview, that place is a much higher quality establishment than any place in CP, yet it's still 2-5-8 for standard girls.

As to why girls don't go and move over to SZ or GZ, I think that CP customers take girls back at significantly higher rates than in the big cities. Most customers of SZ and GZ KTVs live there or work there, whereas I think most customers in CP don't live in CP. They're more often on holiday than to entertain clients and I think people on holiday are much more likely to take girls back.

Foot massage is significantly overpriced in CP. For example, most towns, foot massage is 20-30RMB. There's tons of naughty foot massage places too, that charge less than what HH charges. I think the main reason for this is lack of competition. Until recently, there were really only 3 foot massage places in CP. That's still few compared to some places where there's a half dozen within 10 minutes walking distance.

As for why more girls work there. Same reason more guys go there. Tons of places. Imagine if Sheraton, Cinese, Goodview, Exhitibition, Dongcheng, and Lungcheun Hotels were all within a 5 minute cab ride in the same town. Throw in some smaller hotels, a dozen BBSs, and a dozen saunas. You'll see a lot more girls in that town than any place near by. By the same token, you'll also see a lot more guys coming for the attractions.

05-13-10, 09:30
Can someone please tell me why all these girls aspire to open a clothing store once they earn money? I mean I hear this story from 8 out of 10 girls I meet. My friends all hear the same story as well. In fact I ate with a KTV girl who earned enough money and started a clothing store and didn't earn money and closed it down. What is up with opening a clothing store? Is it that profitable? I mean most of them all get it from the same source-the wholesale place in Humen anyways. it's like everyone sells the same thing in Hualun shopping center because all of their inventory is the same. I wonder if one day these girls will considering on segmenting or repositioning their business models, perhaps new and different style clothing, so they can all sort of have a fighting chance to survive in this business.

I mean there's so many other businesses to go into, but why clothing of all things? Everyone sells the same exact style clothing. I remember that TianHe department store back 5-6 years ago was really booming and they had clothing stores all throughout the mall. Now...they occupy the first floor and not even half of the second floor...so many storefronts are all empty. I don't know if it's over-saturated or the economy is bad or something.

I'd like to see a girl who wants to open up something else besides a clothing store. Like...selling sex toys, or DVD stores or a tapioca milk tea store or something like that.

I once knew a footie girl who opened a fruit store...but it went bankrupt so she ended up becoming a footie girl to pay off her debt.

Sad..but Business is just too hard in CP.


Moody -

You've been in China for a long time and are very familiar with the girls. So am I. I just think you vastly overestimated how much the average girls makes.

CP KTV girls pay an "entrance fee" to start work at a place of 1000 to 2000, depending on the place. They also pay a monthly maintenance fee of 1000 to 2000. Some KTVs, like the Mayflower, are nice about the attendance policy and don't fine you for not showing up to work. The vast majority have a daily fine for every day they don't go to work beyond a certain limit (always less than 5) that adds up because these girls just don't have the motivation to work that often. Only the most dedicated girls work even 15 days a month, which means they're at least taking 10 days off. That's another 2000 in the hole.

For the days they work, they spend 50 RMB a day in transportation, makeup, hair. So before they start earning money, they're a good 4000 in the hole.
For girls to net 5000 a month, they need to be pulling 600 a night in the 15 nights they go to work, or getting sat 100% of the time and getting taken home 50% of the time. For girls to be netting 10,000RMB from the their job, they need to be pulling about 1000 a night, or basically being taken out 100% of the time. How many girls are *that* attractive?

Again, this is before rent/food/clothing/shopping. Yes, the majority of their spending is cheap and low, but their expense sheet isn't death by a thousand cuts, it's more death by huge blows. Take sisters to drink at a KTV and maybe even sit a duck? = 1000 RMB. Taking a couple of days off to go to Guangzhou to visit my sister? = 500 RMB. Buying those fancy skirt/shirt/dress/shoes are really nice? 600 RMB. Just got rocked at Mahjongg? 2000 RMB. Lending sister money despite better judgement? 3000 RMB. Leaching boyfriend? 2000 RMB a month, minimum. A severe ketamine habit? 6000 RMB a month.

Yes, of course they will have their good days when some rich dude overtips them, but those bad things that I mentioned are significantly more often than some rich dude tipping them. In fact, I'd venture to say they get robbed/cheated by customers more often than they get overtipped.

Now, moving to the ones that actually make money from tips/sponsors. The ones that actually send something unrealistic of a factory worker, (say, >500 RMB a month) home, it's a don't ask-don't tell situation.

Maybe quintupling your salary is unrealistic, but doubling your salary? Even if you're promoted from massage girl to assistant manager? Even if you curry favor with some place's laoban? Even if you say that's unrealistic, these parents aren't the brightest bulbs and might not have an understanding of much economics work in big cities. I'd say most of them don't suspect anything.

The ones that are raking in the dough and sending something ridiculous home, say >2000 RMB a month, the vast majority of KTV gals aspire to owning a clothing store, so they'll say something like they saved enough to open a clothing store with friends, and hence they can explain the highly variable revenue streams.

It's just a hard life, and it's unfair that youth and beauty are wasted on immature girls that buy frivolous things and fall for the wrong men. The vast vast majority of girls do it for X years and end up not saving anything, go home and work a menial job, get married to some loser back home. It's a sad life and one I wouldn't wish upon anyone.

05-13-10, 09:38

Your story of your KTV chick is like so many I have met all over. All these girls have very poor money management skills. They spend all of what the have and have no care for the world. I think it's partially due to the post 90's generation. These girls who are born after 1990's are more spoiled and less hard-working than the 80's general girls. Hence they work 7-14 days max a month. In fact many girls in Mayflower, the prettier ones only work Thurs-Saturday every week, since those are the only busy days where they have a fighting chance to go out with a customer. Otherwise they would rather pay the 50 RMB fine a day for not showing up with is only about 20 RMB more considering they wouldn't have to pay for makeup and taxi fare etc....

Was your girl in Quanzhou from Sichuan? 3000 RMB for one evening of shopping is not cheap! I wonder how long you could have kept that up?


here is one ktv story i will relate. i dated very few ktv girls but this was one of them out in quanzhou. at a place where the girls don't go out with the customers. this one took a liking to me and went to my hotel at her own accord. after seeing her during three biz trips. she started to call me husband in the open. i thought that was cute. she had her own room in a three bedroom apartment. paid like 600 rmb. she wanted me to stay with her in her room during my trips instead of the hotel. but i couldn't handle the bathroom. she is muslim chinese so she eats beef at least once a day 15rmb. the rest on spicy sauteed veg 2-4rmb. she only uses branded facials such shiseido as evidence of the empty bottles on the chest. i bought her a another japanese brand called koze but she refuse to use them on her face. mainly her hands, feet.... butt. she is shopping addict as well as a online game addict. she will work at the ktv as minimally as possible. maxing out at 7-14 days a week. on the days i visit her and i give her money after the biz trip end. she won't work at all for the next month. preferably playing online games. she rarely considers price when buying clothes. one night with her shopping for clothes, accessories, jewelry amounted to over 3000rmb at the local shops. it wouldn't have been more but she started the night late and the shops were closing (12am). the girl loves to sleep. get massages. she likes the simple teen life!

05-13-10, 09:48

What other towns have cheaper BBS and Saunas? Perhaps I'm not looking hard enough or looking at the right places. Saunas seem to be about the same pricing in most other towns. Tangxia, Zhangmutou, Huangjiang, Houjie, Humen etc. In fact there are some super expensive Saunas like Goodview in Tangxia and Prince in Huangjiang that actually make CP saunas seem like a bargain. Unless you are talking about the cheaper room fees, which I would then agree that other towns are a bit cheaper in general. But if you compare with Meibao Sauna in CP, then prices are fairly comparable. But then again i have not gone to the more rural towns in DG like Qingxi or Liaobu etc., so perhaps you can educate me further on which places have cheaper venues like BBS, Saunas KTV etc. I would love to go and try them out.


Lets start at Huangjiang. There's a strip of BBSes near the Prince Hotel. The price there is 100RMB. One time late at night, I was able to talk them down to 80RMB. Perhaps it's gone up since though, since it's been about 2 years since I've been there. There's a strip in Dongcheng near the park with BBSes, they were asking 100-150RMB. Houjie I believe is 130RMB. I'm not a big BBS guy, so I don't really go out of my way to search them out.

For saunas.... go almost anywhere. Yes there are a few super high end places like Goodview, Sheraton, and Prince, but the vast majority are 400 or under all inclusive. There's one in Nancheng that's 200 all inclusive. In Dongcheng I found 3 places all next to each other that were 2-300. I remember a place in Humen that was 300, but the place didn't have a bed, they had a futon. I guess they get a lot of Japanese customers. Furthermore, service tends to be much better because most girls get fewer customers than saunas in CP. I've been to Qingxi, I think they were 300. I've been to a bunch of others, but I don't remember the town names because this was before I could speak much Mandarin. I think though, the best overall sauna in DG is Kande Club in Humen. They're on the high side though, like 600 total. As long as you don't go to one in a major hotel, it's always cheaper what you find in CP.

SE Asia Joe
05-13-10, 12:25
Just wrote on the China General info thread about how strange it is that apparently, access to most sex sites from China has for the past few days/week been available without a need for VPN, proxies etc.

But things like Face book, YouTube etc are still blocked. Something really smells here.

Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom - remember this when Mao allowed/encouraged criticism etc - to only follow it with a very bad backlash.

Cain't be too careful and thus, probably best if we all are careful about what we write about AND still continue to use VPN/Proxies.



Da Dicknotist
05-13-10, 13:28
Here's the latest trick I've learned about getting by the Great Firewall:

go to who.is/dns and look up whatever site you're trying to access. For example, http://who.is/dns/facebook.com/ for facebook.

Try an alternate DNS associated with the site. For example, is working fine for Facebook. Hope this helps.

05-13-10, 14:55
Can someone please tell me why all these girls aspire to open a clothing store once they earn money?

its because they love clothes and fashion. being a buyer is a dream job for most fashion minded females worldwide. not only ktv girls.

05-13-10, 14:59
Was your girl in Quanzhou from Sichuan? 3000 RMB for one evening of shopping is not cheap! I wonder how long you could have kept that up?

she worked out of Quanzhou but she is half henan/zhuhai. the sichuan girl you are confusing with someone else. i kept her for like 2 and half years. i decided to stop talking to her once she started to get brainwashed from her other friends who are sponsered by rich older men. that was when she asked why she didn't get a monthly stipend of 10000 rmb. this girl also happen to own her own store at her hometown. two in fact. a shoe store and a clothing store. both closed down. now she is go go dancer somewhere in wenzhou.

05-13-10, 17:34
Moody -

You've been in China for a long time and are very familiar with the girls. So am I. I just think you vastly overestimated how much the average girls makes.

I really do think the girls make 7-10K a month. It's such a common figure than unless there's a massive conspiracy to inflate their income, it should be a pretty fair approximation. If anything, you would think they would lie and give you a lower figure to elicit more sympathy.

Again, this is before rent/food/clothing/shopping. Yes, the majority of their spending is cheap and low, but their expense sheet isn't death by a thousand cuts, it's more death by huge blows. Take sisters to drink at a KTV and maybe even sit a duck? = 1000 RMB. Taking a couple of days off to go to Guangzhou to visit my sister? = 500 RMB. Buying those fancy skirt/shirt/dress/shoes are really nice? 600 RMB. Just got rocked at Mahjongg? 2000 RMB. Lending sister money despite better judgement? 3000 RMB. Leaching boyfriend? 2000 RMB a month, minimum. A severe ketamine habit? 6000 RMB a month.

I categorize stories about drug habits, gambling debts, and various other large expenses in the same vein as the sick mother, brother in university, and got robbed yesterday and my rent is due stories. I take them all with a grain of salt. The vast majority of working girls lead pretty boring lives. Most of their daytime activities usually involve sleeping, watching TV, or playing dopey flash games on the internet. You won't believe how many girls play Super Mario.

Believe me, they make shit up all the time, and lately, I think the lies are getting more outrageous/original. I had one girl tell me she needed tuition money so she can attend university in Japan. I didn't believe it for a minute. I had another girl tell me she needed 5000RMB for an abortion, didn't believe that either, mainly because abortions don't cost that much. Another one told me her roommate withdrew all the money from her bank account and left. I almost believed that one until an acquaintance of hers told me it was lie. One told me her boyfriend beat her, turned out she was a cutter and injured herself on purpose. As often as we lie to the girls about things, they lie to us. There was one story I believed. One girl told me she had to go home early because her mother was watching her baby. She had all the telltale signs of someone who had recently given birth, so I gave her an extra 100 and told her to buy her kid some toys.

LA Dude
05-13-10, 17:57
Asian people have a different standard of beauty than we do in the west. They value milky white skin, big eyes, and of course, tall and thin. Among other things. They don't really care about big tits or big ass and the hour glass figure. I remember choosing a KTV girl with big tits once and she told me that other girls make fun of her big tits and that she doesn't get picked very often! So we might think someone's mistress is not that hot but she might be highly valued in China.

Again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I don't know how much time you spend in China or how many natives you know personally. The kinds of girls who find sponsors fill the gamut of girls. I know one guy from Beijing whose family is really wealthy, one of those guys who goes around carrying Chateau Lafite everywhere. One of his girls is a classic pale skinned tall slim beauty who dresses very well and perfectly made up each time I've seen her. I know another guy, originally from Guangzhou. His girl is. Plain at best in my opinion. The guy dotes on her though. I personally think his wife is much better looking, but not according to him. It's not always the obvious ones that get sponsored, I've seen them come in all shapes and sizes.

05-13-10, 18:26
CP KTV girls pay an "entrance fee" to start work at a place of 1000 to 2000, depending on the place. They also pay a monthly maintenance fee of 1000 to 2000. Some KTVs, like the Mayflower, are nice about the attendance policy and don't fine you for not showing up to work.

Actually Mayflower does fine. 30 rmb/day for not showing, and of course if you show up, so 60 (of 200) if you show and sit. Also they fine for small dishes if you do not order, I think that is 20.

Most girls I ask say 8-12k it depends on how pretty and how much they go out.
Makeup and hair is 20-30rmb, +10 to wash which they do every 2-3 days.
most do stay in small 500-600rmb/month places that they have alone or share for bigger place, they do not like to waste on rent.

So for an average day they spend 30 rmb on makeup/hair, get 200 sitting fee, fine of 20 for no snack and give mommie 60/200 so they only get 100 for sitting roughly. that is only like 2000-3000/month. every go out they clear 500 so to make 10000 they would have to go our 15+ times.

assume 10,000 a month
20 days worked
10 sit / 10 go out
20 days * 30 makeup/hair = 600
rent = 600
food = 500 /month
mommie fee sit = 50*10 = 500
mommie fee go out = 200*10 = 2000

So minimum spend is 4200 of the 10000
add in clothes, cell phone etc, they are probably spending 6000 a month, which equates to what one KTV girl told me. she said she had no money the next day (she could only sit - auntie came..). She said between food, rent, clothes, phone, interent, fees etc she spends 200/day

Sure they will get over tips and multiple sits a night if they are lucky,

If you only sit for a month and do not go out, even if you sit every night you will only clear 1-2k a month. Perhaps this is the motivation for going out also from the girls.

05-13-10, 19:52
wow you actually spent 10,000 RMB a month on her for 2 1/2 years? I hope she was worth it.

You see what I mean about money management skills? You give her enough money to open up two stores and they both closed down. I want them to open like a makeup store or..something that's out of the ordinary. perhaps that might have a better chance at survival.


she worked out of Quanzhou but she is half henan/zhuhai. the sichuan girl you are confusing with someone else. i kept her for like 2 and half years. i decided to stop talking to her once she started to get brainwashed from her other friends who are sponsered by rich older men. that was when she asked why she didn't get a monthly stipend of 10000 rmb. this girl also happen to own her own store at her hometown. two in fact. a shoe store and a clothing store. both closed down. now she is go go dancer somewhere in wenzhou.

05-13-10, 20:01
Reminds me of one of those crazy stories/lies that i was told by one of my girl. I treated her to a few meals for a couple days after our KTV run in. She thinks i"m a nice guy so she calls me up one evening and starts crying...say said that her roomate's boyfriend kidnapped her, took all her money and locked her up. She was asking me to come over and free her, and give her some money to go back home to run away from these thugs. I'm thinking in the back of my head....even if this story was true, i wouldn't come to your apartment with a bunch of thugs in the first place. Anyhow, i detected something fishy so I started asking her all these questions..like if they locked you up how come they didn't take your cell phone? And if you have a cell phone shouldn't you be calling the police instead of calling me to come over? I kept on asking questions and there was always a long pause before she answered....on my 5th questions she basically hung up the phone. I think she sensed that I knew she was lying and just didn't bother anymore.

But I'll tell you...they try to act like they are crying but many of these girls are just well trained liars. Take things at face value for many of them unless you can really verify the truth, which even that is very difficult.


I categorize stories about drug habits, gambling debts, and various other large expenses in the same vein as the sick mother, brother in university, and got robbed yesterday and my rent is due stories. I take them all with a grain of salt. The vast majority of working girls lead pretty boring lives. Most of their daytime activities usually involve sleeping, watching TV, or playing dopey flash games on the internet. You won't believe how many girls play Super Mario.

Believe me, they make shit up all the time, and lately, I think the lies are getting more outrageous/original. I had one girl tell me she needed tuition money so she can attend university in Japan. I didn't believe it for a minute. I had another girl tell me she needed 5000RMB for an abortion, didn't believe that either, mainly because abortions don't cost that much. Another one told me her roommate withdrew all the money from her bank account and left. I almost believed that one until an acquaintance of hers told me it was lie. One told me her boyfriend beat her, turned out she was a cutter and injured herself on purpose. As often as we lie to the girls about things, they lie to us. There was one story I believed. One girl told me she had to go home early because her mother was watching her baby. She had all the telltale signs of someone who had recently given birth, so I gave her an extra 100 and told her to buy her kid some toys.

05-13-10, 20:10
I like to explore new territories. It's interesting about the BBS in other towns being so much cheaper. I can never find them in other towns because it seems most of them are hidden somewhere, that if you don't know anybody to take you to them you'll never find out.

Now when you say BBS these are not the pink neon lights outside where they double as a hairwashing place right? Because I would like to take them back to my hotel instead of having to do them on their dirty beds. Them putting a towel over the bedsheets doesn't really make me feel like it's any more sanitary. Back in 2002 I was in Shanghai in one of these places and it was just weird how they had many beds next to each other where they service clients and the only thing dividing each bed was a clothes line with a bedsheet. So you could hear all these other guys moaning while he was getting a BJ. It just feels uncomfortable in that kind of environment.

In terms of Saunas, I've only gone to the bigger hotels in other towns. Perhaps the smaller ones are not as visible and many of them don't seem that safe. In a previous report, I reported how Chengdu in Sichuan have these Saunas run by thugs...where they promise you 300 RMB all inclusive and then they give you the bill for $1400 RMB. They tag on charges like management fee, room fees, tea charges, bedsheet cleaning etc...When they give you the bill they surround you and encircle you to make sure you don't run away. Very dangerous situation so...i usually only go to bigger hotel saunas as they appear safer, unless someone on the board recommends places that are safe to go to. But thanks for the list...i'll have to go try them out sometime.


Lets start at Huangjiang. There's a strip of BBSes near the Prince Hotel. The price there is 100RMB. One time late at night, I was able to talk them down to 80RMB. Perhaps it's gone up since though, since it's been about 2 years since I've been there. There's a strip in Dongcheng near the park with BBSes, they were asking 100-150RMB. Houjie I believe is 130RMB. I'm not a big BBS guy, so I don't really go out of my way to search them out.

For saunas.... go almost anywhere. Yes there are a few super high end places like Goodview, Sheraton, and Prince, but the vast majority are 400 or under all inclusive. There's one in Nancheng that's 200 all inclusive. In Dongcheng I found 3 places all next to each other that were 2-300. I remember a place in Humen that was 300, but the place didn't have a bed, they had a futon. I guess they get a lot of Japanese customers. Furthermore, service tends to be much better because most girls get fewer customers than saunas in CP. I've been to Qingxi, I think they were 300. I've been to a bunch of others, but I don't remember the town names because this was before I could speak much Mandarin. I think though, the best overall sauna in DG is Kande Club in Humen. They're on the high side though, like 600 total. As long as you don't go to one in a major hotel, it's always cheaper what you find in CP.

05-13-10, 20:18
Moody is correct. I've seen girls being sponsored who are not very pretty. But because they speak cantonese very well, and many HK guys like girls they can communicate with and end up sponsoring them. And they HK guys are really really rich too. I find that sometimes guys look for girls they can communicate with and are more honest to the sponsor. I've heard from one guy who said he was tired of sponsoring really pretty ones because they end up cheating on you. He would rather a girl be more loyal and not as pretty.

So it's true, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Although one rule remains true....the really really hot ones always get sponsored because the general population of Mongers usually, but not all, fight for the same type of girls.


Again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I don't know how much time you spend in China or how many natives you know personally. The kinds of girls who find sponsors fill the gamut of girls. I know one guy from Beijing whose family is really wealthy, one of those guys who goes around carrying Chateau Lafite everywhere. One of his girls is a classic pale skinned tall slim beauty who dresses very well and perfectly made up each time I've seen her. I know another guy, originally from GZ. His girl is.... plain at best in my opinion. The guy dotes on her though. I personally think his wife is much better looking, but not according to him. It's not always the obvious ones that get sponsored, I've seen them come in all shapes and sizes.

05-13-10, 20:31
Actually $1,600 is the low end. It could be $1,900 depeding on when you take the flight. I'm not above spendin $$ to have a good time but this is getting riduculous.

1. When are you traveling ?
2. From where are you traveling to and from ? LA ?

I just check again on many websites, the low end is ~1300 USD, traveling from the West Coast to HK. The average was ~1500 USD. The travel dates are from mid July to mid of Aug.

LA Dude
05-14-10, 01:26
Ya, I'm coming from LA. I was looking at Cathay and price range is 1, 600 to 1, 900 depending on the day. I was looking at mid July travel dates. Which airline or website were you on that only charge 1, 300? I assume this would not be a non-stop flight?

1. When are you traveling?

2. From where are you traveling to? LA?

I just check again on many websites, the low end is 1300 USD, traveling from the West Coast to HK. The average was 1500 USD. The travel dates are from mid July to mid of Aug.

05-14-10, 03:37
wow you actually spent 10,000 RMB a month on her for 2 1/2 years?

Uhm. no. she asked why I DIDN'T give her 10000 RMB like her friends were getting. But if I was making six figures. I would give her that amount. But I don't. but she was one of the finest (& tightest) girls I experienced. from time to time she would ask for money. and being stupid i would give it to her even though i haven't seen her for over a year. her older sibling (who is looking for a husband and she is very pretty IMO) would often chat with me so it makes it that much harder for me to forget her.

SE Asia Joe
05-14-10, 05:25
Let me chime in a bit.........

IMHO, there can NOT/should not be generalizations regarding sponsorships as it will lead to wrong information/impression etc. If it was just a matter of general interest/curiosity - OK; and if some guys are gonna use the various opinions as to where they should start 'negotiations,' that's also fine. But me-thinks a "qualifier clause" should be included in these musings!!

It all depends on YOUR OWN dynamics with your own gal. Consider all the various permutations to the relationship and you will see that there cannot be a generalization as to sponsorship arrangements. Akin to the impossibility of assigning certain parameters as to what constitutes marriage!



SE Asia Joe
05-14-10, 05:34
I really do think the girls make 7-10K a month. It's such a common figure than unless there's a....................One girl told me she had to go home early because her mother was watching her baby. She had all the telltale signs of someone who had recently given birth, so I gave her an extra 100 and told her to buy her kid some toys.
Again, IMHO, there cannot be "generalization" as to the level of earnings etc.

It all depends on the gal herself - how hot she is, how far she'd go to make $$, where she's operating out of (A heckuva lot of difference in the scale charges at different venues... and locations), is the figure bandied about gross or net... and what actually constitutes net, who she's disclosing the figure to (and what her intentions towards subject is),....... and the whole gamut of other factors!!

And again, the permutations and variations are endless.

I did though enjoyed your story about the gal with the baby - excepting - have you considered that it probably wasn't the mother watching the baby - but more likely the useless BF? ROFLMAO!!


SE Asia Joe
05-14-10, 07:24
I like to explore new territories. It's interesting about the BBS in other towns being so much cheaper. I can never find them in other towns because it seems most of them are hidden somewhere, that if you don't know anybody to take you to them you'll never find out. ...........

In terms of Saunas, I've only gone to the bigger hotels in other towns. Perhaps the smaller ............... But thanks for the list...i'll have to go try them out sometime.

In terms of BBS's, yes IMHO BBS's in other towns are cheaper than CP's. But even in CP, it's the Yalan/Swan Lake ones who's been at the forefront of the higher prices; essentially as there is the demand created by all these non-natives/out of towners - to the point that I'd estimate AT LEAST 90% of the clients there are all out-of -towners.

Saunas and KTV's though - IMHO, for ROUGHLY EQUIVALENT QUALITY/VENUE, I really do think that CP's saunas and KTV's are cheaper than other parts of Dongguan - never mind Shenzhen, Guangzhou etc.(exception is probably Zhuhai's saunas - but then again - I see that lots of venues there is getting shut/slow down quite a bit these days).

I may be/probably wrong on this - chiefly coz just about everytime I've been to KTV's/Saunas outside of CP, it's always been with some BSD (local and Hong Kong etc) or another, and invariably end up at a top class venue.

This being so, I TOO would love to join Moody and/or other mongers familiar with other great places in the CP surround. So Moody.... next time...!!


05-14-10, 08:47

You mentioned that other BBS in other DG towns are cheaper. But how would you rate the quality of their girls? Same quantity of girls as well?

You are correct about the yalan BBS area. The girls there even tell me that they ONLY do out of town foreigners and never go out with a China local guy because once a girl went out with a China local guy and she was kidnapped and they never heard from her again. That happened 2 years ago too. Pretty scary stuff.

Moody--Could we tag along on your next sauna/KTV expedition to other DG towns?


In terms of BBS's, yes IMHO BBS's in other towns are cheaper than CP's. But even in CP, it's the Yalan/Swan Lake ones who's been at the forefront of the higher prices; essentially as there is the demand created by all these non-natives/out of towners - to the point that I'd estimate AT LEAST 90% of the clients there are all out-of -towners.

Saunas and KTV's though - IMHO, for ROUGHLY EQUIVALENT QUALITY/VENUE, I really do think that CP's saunas and KTV's are cheaper than other parts of Dongguan - never mind Shenzhen, Guangzhou etc.(exception is probably Zhuhai's saunas - but then again - I see that lots of venues there is getting shut/slow down quite a bit these days).

I may be/probably wrong on this - chiefly coz just about everytime I've been to KTV's/Saunas outside of CP, it's always been with some BSD (local and Hong Kong etc) or another, and invariably end up at a top class venue.

This being so, I TOO would love to join Moody and/or other mongers familiar with other great places in the CP surround. So Moody.... next time...!!


05-14-10, 09:11

You mentioned that other BBS in other DG towns are cheaper. But how would you rate the quality of their girls? Same quantity of girls as well?

You are correct about the yalan BBS area. The girls there even tell me that they ONLY do out of town foreigners and never go out with a China local guy because once a girl went out with a China local guy and she was kidnapped and they never heard from her again. That happened 2 years ago too. Pretty scary stuff.

Moody--Could we tag along on your next sauna/KTV expedition to other DG towns?


I heard it was a ransom kidnapping. After picking a girl, they pretended to go to a hotel. The girl was asked to call her mommie for money. I don't think any money was paid out. I heard this happened a few places around Southern China like in Humen. I also heard of stories of non payment of service. As a result, BBS strongly prefer not to deal with local Chinese.

There was also a rumor of a girl being killed in a hotel by a local Chinese in CP.

SE Asia Joe
05-14-10, 10:10

you mentioned that other bbs in other dg towns are cheaper. but how would you rate the quality of their girls? same quantity of girls as well?

you are correct about the yalan bbs area. the girls there even tell me that they only do out of town foreigners and never go out with a china local guy because once a girl went out with a china local guy and she was kidnapped and they never heard from her again. that happened 2 years ago too. pretty scary stuff.

moody--could we tag along on your next sauna/ktv expedition to other dg towns?


been a while since i did bbs's hunting outside of cp - just too convenient here!! and whilst i did do quite a few bbs gals outside of cp in the past, i've also gone on quite a few "bbs sightseeing tours" with a variety of guys, both from isg as well as others.

anyway, last time i went to bbs's outside of cp was the time a regular of mine took wadman, santa and i "touring" huangjiang where she lives at. she was not a wg, but she easily took us to about 20 of them rep001tered around the area - and thus they're really not that difficult to locate. the quality was pretty well equivalent to the ones in cp, but the price was lower - 130/300 if i remember correctly.

i also went around qiaotou - just the next city north of cp and there the bbs's - a lot with with decent short term rooms provided as part of the deal - which was 130 st - and if i remember correctly, they were available to take out back to cp. she asked for 400 including the taxi fare back in the morning.

i also used to go around longgang, sz after golf there - and again there, the gals were pretty well the same quality as at cp and the price was even lower - 100 - ?? (never had lt from there so don't know).

then there are of course the bbs's in shenzhen and zhuhai - and they generally run 150/300.

i've also gone bbs hunting in foshan (next to gz), houjie, dongcheng, changan etc and at all these places, the rates never go above 150 st.

just don't ask me to take you there - i wouldn't be able to tell you where myself as i'd only been to each place once or twice at max.

just my 2 cents that's all


Da Dicknotist
05-14-10, 11:29
Eh, arguing over the finances of KTV girls is pointless. We all agree they make more money but also spend more money than factory workers, but lack the money management skills to be able to really save money. Even those who end up saving money blow it on clothing stores which are never successful.

The best story I've ever heard from a KTV girl was the something along the lines of this: "They kidnapped me, robbed me, stripped me and took naked pictures of me so I had no recourse. Then they started hitting me, which I didn't mind that much, but then they started hitting me in the head … with a hammer. When my captors fell asleep I stole 20 RMB from one of them and wrote a rescue me note and threw it out the window, but no one came to rescue me."

What happened to the 30 rmb catacombs in Changping? I walked around and couldn't find any girls in those stone houses…

Dongguan Doug
05-14-10, 13:11
Went to the Waterfall Garden hotel yesterday to find my previous girl. The manager whom I had spoken to beforehand informed me that I would need to wait an hour as it was only 2PM and it would take her that long to get there. I did not have time to wait but was presented with a lineup of 6 and was assured by the manager that the service provided by these girls would be excellent (as I had a bad experience last time). I saw a few attractive ones but nothing that really got me excited so I decided to pass and planned on returning in the evening. I called the manager that evening around 10PM and was told that I would have to wait an hour. I also called the girl directly and she didn't pick up her phone (makes sense as she was with a client). I decided I didn't want to wait and went home. She sent me a text message this morning saying she was sorry and that she went home very early last night to sleep as she wasn't feeling well. Interesting on how she feels the need to lie.

Checked out the sauna at the 9 Days Hotel in Nancheng this afternoon. It is on the 5th floor of the hotel. The manager, Mister Zhao, led me to a room and explained to me there were 2 options: the full service option for RMB300 and the massage and release option for RMB200. I was shown 2 girls, both of whom were very unattractive, and decided to pass. He explained to me that I should come back in the evening around 10PM as there would be more girls at that time. The decor in this place wasn't great (small dirty bed, shower I wouldn't enjoy showering in, etc...) and I would not recommend it – you get what you pay for and the quality at a RMB600 saunas is exponentially better.

In terms of cheaper saunas outside CP, I think that the RMB600-800 range is southern China/ Shanghai is pretty standard at a certain level. Sure, you can find something for RMB300 but it's nowhere near the quality of the RMB600 ones.


Big Sabbal
05-14-10, 13:56

I was in Shanghai in April and I found a girl similar one as you posted in one of the bars in Shanghai near the flyover. Location is at the end of the road running between railway station and intercity BUs stand near the flyover there is a KTV bar. This Beer bar is very next to the KTV and the girl is a waitress there small girl, similar looks. She is working there smiles nicely, one may try their luck.


Alright...alright....I get the point! I know better than to go off trying to sponsor a girl in China. But can't you at least let an old man like me dream a little?

But I have to tell you, if I find a girl who looks like the same exact girl in these pictures. Then I'm packing up my bags, leaving behind whatever I'm doing and moving there right away.


05-14-10, 15:07
I heard from a taiwanese agent that Shenzen has a reputation for kidnapping hong kong visitors and stripping them of there organs. the target is normally teenaged girls visiting local malls selling replicas. the story continues saying these girls are often found in the bathroom knocked out with shody stitchings or just plain dead. the local authorities would cover the incident up and label the dead as missing. is this just a urban myth or there are legs to this story?

05-14-10, 16:01
Well guys, talking about other cities, just happended that I visited this town Dongguan City, and there where no action near or in the vicinity of the hotel that I stayed at.... BBS action was no where to be found in this city, sure there is, but didn't had much time to venture about this and wanted a good Sauna experience.

Ended up at the New Century Riverside Hotel after a recommendation from a taxi driver, price quoted was RMB468 up. After arrival at the hotel, was taken to the 5th or 6th floor, can't remember exactly since it was almost 2 o'clock in the morning and after a long day of travelling, eating and drinking....

Anyway, I was quoted package of 468 and 550. I did not get specified too much about the differences between these two packages, by the captain (papasan) except that 468 was shorter time, and 550 was longer, both was "complete whole package", so I did not needed to worry about extra tip or anything else, good service guaranteed. He did try to up sell me the 550 package and mumbled something like you get a longer and prettier girl. Considering it was quite late, I only choosed the 468 package and asked for a discount. Papsan, said not possible because I was first time customer, but will give next time (was dumb enough to tell him it was my first time at his place...). Consider the late hours I opted for the 468 package only. Shortly after I accepted he called in two girls, both smiling and presented their number and where they come from. One shorter girl, not smiling too enthusiastic as the longer girl, who happened to come from Northern part of Guandong, so I choose her nr 38.

We took a shower and she started with a thoroughly cleaning of my whole body and a BBBJ in the shower, girl was a champ, but did not managed to get me blew in the shower (too tired, too much to drink too...). Went to bed, continued BBBJ and a light massage. Girl took really good time and even gave me an Ice/Fire treatment, but still I did not wanted to blew my load, yet. Eventually after a long long time and the girl really made an effort to blew me I thought it was time for the grand finale.

Then comes the funny part, after completion, girl asked how many minute was reserved, I said I payed 468 to papasan, then girl reply that should be the 2hr treatment. She showed me a menu card with all that was included and it was a loooong one, couldn't even remember half of it. But she now stared to cares every part of my body and I am not going in to all details. Anyway, phone rang after 90 min from the front desk claiming times up, girl reply "customer paid 468", the girl explained that the 90 min should cost apros 350, we continue, after 10 min or so, phone rang again and said times up. After the last phone call girl thought a little bit and said that normaly the 2 hr treatment should be 450up, it depend if customer has reserved room or not. I told her that I had not made any reservation and that I was walk in and that explained that papasan did not wanted to give me the discount.

The girl gave me as much service she opted for and took time to explain and cares me, was patient and we had good sex. She even said that I should call her direclty nex time to get the discount.... tiped her 50 kuai, probably not necessary, she said so, probably will get some flaming from you guys now....

So any good input from your guys what I did wrong regarding not arguing about the price level/discount from the begining. Hard to think when it was that early in the morning and there did not seem too many other options. Any comment is welcome.

By the way, any good recommendations of a place with red ropes in DG/CP, it is on my to do list ^.^


05-14-10, 16:12
This being so, I TOO would love to join Moody and/or other mongers familiar with other great places in the CP surround. So Moody.... next time...!!


You're welcome to come along. I'll probably next be in China sometime in the summer. The thing is, I get taken out a lot to places in the middle of nowhere. When I say middle of nowhere, I really mean that. I recall one place I went to, there was a big empty field next to the building. Often though, we go pretty late. We'll meet for dinner around 7-8PM. Then head out to KTV around 9-10PM. Then drink til around 2AM. To be honest, these places are not necessarily any better than places in CP. They're just different.

05-14-10, 16:19
So any good input from your guys what I did wrong regarding not arguing about the price level/discount from the begining. Hard to think when it was that early in the morning and there did not seem too many other options. Any comment is welcome.

Next time if you're at a new place, don't go up, just get a card for the sauna. Then call the number on the card, pretend like you've been there before, and make a reservation. They'll usually give you the discounted price if you do it that way.

05-14-10, 16:50
I did though enjoyed your story about the gal with the baby - excepting - have you considered that it probably wasn't the mother watching the baby - but more likely the useless BF? ROFLMAO!!

Probably. Like I said, the girls lie all the time. It's not often though, you see an F-Cup girl who's lactating. The stretch marks were also relatively new, still slightly dark, so the baby probably did exist. What can I say, sometimes I'm a sucker.

05-14-10, 19:29
Checked out the sauna at the 9 Days Hotel in Nancheng this afternoon. It is on the 5th floor of the hotel. The manager, Mister Zhao, led me to a room and explained to me there were 2 options: the full service option for RMB300 and the massage and release option for RMB200. I was shown 2 girls, both of whom were very unattractive, and decided to pass. He explained to me that I should come back in the evening around 10PM as there would be more girls at that time. The decor in this place wasn't great (small dirty bed, shower I wouldn't enjoy showering in, etc...) and I would not recommend it – you get what you pay for and the quality at a RMB600 saunas is exponentially better.


Sorry you had a bad time there. The times I've been there, I was there in the early evenings, and girl selection was pretty good, as least on par with what you find at places in CP. Timing is pretty important. I remember going to the Sheraton sauna last year in the middle of the night, like 3AM or so. Even the model girls were all very plain, and normally that place has the best talent on the west side. As for the facilities, I don't remember it being that bad, but then again, I'm not very picky about that kind of thing.

There's also something else I should point out. I don't really go for the complicated saunas. There are places that show you a card with like... 30 things written on it with how much time they're supposed to spend on each item. I tend to tell the girls to ignore most of the things on the card. For example, the milk bath thing doesn't do anything for me, so I tell them to skip it, same goes for 90% of the other things. Getting a blow from a girl while she's doing a handstand is interesting for about 3 seconds and not at all the second time you see it. Anyway, the reason I mention this is that a lot of the saunas I go to tend to be a bit plain compared to places that have a whole routine. I prefer it that way though. I understand there are lots of guys who like the routine, so some of the out of the way places really aren't for them.

05-14-10, 21:33
. She even said that I should call her direclty nex time to get the discount.... tiped her 50 kuai, probably not necessary, she said so, probably will get some flaming from you guys now....

By the way, any good recommendations of a place with red ropes in DG/CP, it is on my to do list ^.^


Yes normally unnecessary tipping is grounds for flaming, but you did not tip ridiculous and I would not fault you for tipping her given she did not cheat off the card, and when they tried to cut you short she jumped to your defense. Sounds like good service. You probably should have confirmed with papasan the time allotment at the beginning. I always confirm with the girls if it is 90 or 2 hours.

Sounded like solid service even if the quality was soso.

Note that I have gone to 5* hotels outside of DG, true 5* and the rate was 800 for sauna similar to rate of Crown prince and i think flight of phoenix (2 girls) was 1200. The rates in CP I do not think are more or less than other places, but occasionally you find diamonds in the rough and better looking girls in CP. perhaps it is sheer numbers, more girls, % are good looking equals more good looking girls in your flavor. that is the advantage.

05-15-10, 04:13
You don't have to leave the town to go exploring. There are a lot of other places in CP that have BBS's that are off the common path. Although a lot of them may or may not service foreigners, it would just take a little bit of smooth talking. There are a few here and there that service local clients, and can be found without too much trouble.
If it is exploring that you like (I really enjoy this) then 15 minutes in any direction will get you to someplace with new BBS. Any direction, for example Hengli, Chowtoe, Dongkeng, Dalan, Hwangjiang, etc. All have a vast amount of BBS to sample with all different types of girls. Granted service and selection will vary, but that the good part of the expedition.


Blue Phone
05-15-10, 07:25
So much discussion about BBS. But can anyone advise on how and where we can find such BBSes, especially those off the beaten track?

Lets start with those in CP first?

Also, i am going to Foshan. Anyone know about that area?

05-15-10, 10:01
Dongguan Doug,

I agree, you get what you pay for. But I was in Shanghai a couple years back...actually 3 years to be exact and I went to a SPA/Sauna near Cloud 9 shopping mall=龙之梦. I was in the VIP session and got a really cute Kunshan Girls near Suzhou and she was really pretty. But the damage was outrageous! Full service was $2000 including room and tips etc. I personally think that any Sauna in Southern China is better than Shanghai quality and prices and service. I didn't even get anything outstanding. No fire and ice, or any shower BJ etc. So in my personal opinion DG is still the best to be at.


In terms of cheaper saunas outside CP, I think that the RMB600-800 range is southern China/ Shanghai is pretty standard at a certain level. Sure, you can find something for RMB300 but it's nowhere near the quality of the RMB600 ones.


05-15-10, 10:10

totally agree with you. I skip many of the services at times because i feel it doesn't do much for me. What's annoying is they read off to you the services they will or do during the session. Like Bee going up flower or all these names that to me doesn't make much sense in the first place.

But it depends though...if it's my first time going to the Sauna then i will usually let them do all the services at least once. then the next time I just skip the ones that don't do much for me.

Some of the Saunas like in Crown Prince is pretty cool. You get to use a dildo on them and play with them which is new and different.

I like different, and i like to mix things up. So long as the sauna is safe and not owned by some mafia guys, then I'm always up for exploring new and undiscovered territory.


There's also something else I should point out. I don't really go for the complicated saunas. There are places that show you a card with like... 30 things written on it with how much time they're supposed to spend on each item. I tend to tell the girls to ignore most of the things on the card. For example, the milk bath thing doesn't do anything for me, so I tell them to skip it, same goes for 90% of the other things. Getting a blow from a girl while she's doing a handstand is interesting for about 3 seconds and not at all the second time you see it. Anyway, the reason I mention this is that a lot of the saunas I go to tend to be a bit plain compared to places that have a whole routine. I prefer it that way though. I understand there are lots of guys who like the routine, so some of the out of the way places really aren't for them.

05-15-10, 10:16
Couple of years back a girl was doing a red rope service and slipped and died. red Ropes were kinda taken out of many facilities, which I was quite sad to see as i wanted to try it as well.

But if anyone else knows where to get red rope service in DG please do share.

From what I hear it's still widely available in Xiamen over in Fujian province.


By the way, any good recommendations of a place with red ropes in DG/CP, it is on my to do list ^.^


05-15-10, 10:19

I would not be surprised if this happens in China. Think of how much an organ is worth ? Kidney, liver all more than $10K USD easily. I would imagine that these things happen further away from Luohu City Center though. But I have heard that during the late 90's in Shenzhen girls were targeted for organ snatching. Cases of girls going to get nails done, going to the bathroom and some of the guys don't even drug the girls, they just knock them unconscious and cut them up and take their organs. Not sure how prevalent this happens these days in Shenzhen though.

regardless, China is still a dangerous place and never let down your guard.


I heard from a taiwanese agent that Shenzen has a reputation for kidnapping hong kong visitors and stripping them of there organs. the target is normally teenaged girls visiting local malls selling replicas. the story continues saying these girls are often found in the bathroom knocked out with shody stitchings or just plain dead. the local authorities would cover the incident up and label the dead as missing. is this just a urban myth or there are legs to this story?

05-15-10, 10:32
Ok guys...I know nobody wants to discuss this topic. But I gotta ask you guys how you deal with girls who have an extremely bad odor down there in her vagina area.

I was trying to look up why some girls just smell so bad while some girls have absolutely no smell down there at all. I'm wondering if vagasil or any creams out there can neutralize the smell down there.

To me it's one of the biggest turns offs. there are times where the girl smells so bad down there that I just cannot continue on with the session, I just give her money and tell her to leave. Those are extreme cases...but honestly, Sometimes their odors are so strong it's overpowering....sometimes even making me want to throw up.

anyone have any solution to those types of situations? any cream or wipes out there for this kind of odor problem they have?


Robin Mill
05-15-10, 11:26
anyone have any solution to those types of situations? any cream or wipes out there for this kind of odor problem they have?


Hi AsnDragon

I knew how that is! I encountered a few! Most of them have slight smell, which is not overpowering, but you would think twice to go down south. I only encountered 1 or 2 that has completely no smell, and it is definately a pleasure to arouse them orally.

1 of them is from Baby BBS. Smelled so bad that the whole room stinks! Called the mummy said that i cant continue. She said that she will give me the next one free. (which means she dont make the 100RMB cut). I have yet to claimed for that, and it has being a year. Just my bad luck i guess.

Bad smell doesnt means she has STD. It can be bacterial inbalance in her vaginal and sometime, douching too much actually make it worse. Every gal is different, and the gal need to find out more about their body, to find out what suits them the best.

I alway pray that the my next one has big boobs, slim waist and dont smell down there...

05-15-10, 22:01
I would not be surprised if this happens in China.

Organ harvesting happens all the time in China, although not in the way described. China prisons have been a source of organs for a long time. I believe they usually target a certain group of prisoners who follow a certain religious/political sect, which I won't name because it might show up in search. Although the government put in place a law to supposedly prohibit it, there are still other laws that allow it, so I wouldn't be surprised if it still goes on.

05-15-10, 22:25
Ok guys...I know nobody wants to discuss this topic. But I gotta ask you guys how you deal with girls who have an extremely bad odor down there in her vagina area.

I was trying to look up why some girls just smell so bad while some girls have absolutely no smell down there at all. I'm wondering if vagasil or any creams out there can neutralize the smell down there.

To me it's one of the biggest turns offs. there are times where the girl smells so bad down there that I just cannot continue on with the session, I just give her money and tell her to leave. Those are extreme cases...but honestly, Sometimes their odors are so strong it's overpowering....sometimes even making me want to throw up.

anyone have any solution to those types of situations? any cream or wipes out there for this kind of odor problem they have?


I usually find gals with stinky pussy either are new to the business and does not clean their body well or just got off the truck. The other reason is usually gals with hairy pussy have a stronger odor than gals with shaven pussy. I never did like strong pussy odor that is why I prefer shaved snatches. Hey SEAJoe, I not writing this comment to "irk" you but really, the hairy pussy have more odor. Some guys are into that smell but I am not.

Just my two rmb on this.

BTW. SEAJoe, I do not tell gals to shave, if they do, I usually give them a bigger tip, if they are very hairy, I just tell them to leave and give you a call.

05-16-10, 07:06
I never did like strong pussy odor that is why I prefer shaved snatches.

maybe i've always lucked out... but selecting girls from heilongjiang, sichuan, chongqing, huebei always landed me with girls that have naturally relatively few hairs down below. i know one beautiful heilongjiang lady that is older (30, beauty salon owner) that i can literally count the number of strands she has down below. i always avoided south chinese girls and girls near beijing area since they are not my taste. although i met one girl that was from a province near beijing that had a bush that would make Richard Pryor envious.

Dongguan Doug
05-16-10, 09:24
Dongguan Doug,

I agree, you get what you pay for. But I was in Shanghai a couple years back...actually 3 years to be exact and I went to a SPA/Sauna near Cloud 9 shopping mall=龙之梦. I was in the VIP session and got a really cute Kunshan Girls near Suzhou and she was really pretty. But the damage was outrageous! Full service was $2000 including room and tips etc. I personally think that any Sauna in Southern China is better than Shanghai quality and prices and service. I didn't even get anything outstanding. No fire and ice, or any shower BJ etc. So in my personal opinion DG is still the best to be at.

AsnDragonI think you might have just had a bad experience with that outrageously priced sauna in Shanghai. DG is still the best because almost all hotels have a sauna so you never have to go too far. There are still many saunas in Shanghai and the quality, in my opinion is equally as high (or higher) as DG. The prices tend to be a little higher in Shanghai - say in the RMB850 range as opposed to the RMB600 to 800 range in DG but there are still lots of bargains to be had - for example at Sarcosa it's RMB600 all included if you leave before 7PM.

In terms of decor and sheer number of girls and quality of girls from which to choose from, the saunas I have been to in SH have been better.

Just in my opinion.


05-16-10, 09:29

I don't think that most girls even know about douching at all! So i doubt it would be because of that.

But yes I pray for the same type of girl as what you like too. But my preference is: NO Overpowering vaginal bad Smell, boobs, slim waist, and didn't have an abortion or baby yet. I got a KTV chick this last time, and she looked great overall. BUt when I took her back....her scar from her abortion really turned me off. It was from her pubic area all the way almost half way up her stomach, close to her breasts.

Rule of thumb...find the young ones....girls over 23 have higher chances of having babies before or abortions etc.

just my personal opinion


Hi AsnDragon

I knew how that is! I encountered a few! Most of them have slight smell, which is not overpowering, but you would think twice to go down south. I only encountered 1 or 2 that has completely no smell, and it is definately a pleasure to arouse them orally.

1 of them is from Baby BBS. Smelled so bad that the whole room stinks! Called the mummy said that i cant continue. She said that she will give me the next one free. (which means she dont make the 100RMB cut). I have yet to claimed for that, and it has being a year. Just my bad luck i guess.

Bad smell doesnt means she has STD. It can be bacterial inbalance in her vaginal and sometime, douching too much actually make it worse. Every gal is different, and the gal need to find out more about their body, to find out what suits them the best.

I alway pray that the my next one has big boobs, slim waist and dont smell down there...

Dongguan Doug
05-16-10, 09:32
Went back to the Waterfall Hotel Sauna in Dongcheng Friday night around 2AM and called the manager before I arrived. I had already reserved my regular girl and the lineup was prepared for my colleagues. There were about 8 girls, none of which were very pretty. They decided to pass and went to another sauna.

In terms of my girl, this was the third time I had been with her and the service was again top notch. I've had a few bad sauna experiences of late, where the girls complain that I'm too big, are tired, their stomach hurts, their attitude is not so friendly, they were smoking right before hand and I can smell it on their breath, etc... so it has been nice to finally have very positive sauna experiences. When the session was done, I realized that doing the same girl 9 times over 3 sessions isn't exciting or fun anymore. That will be the last time I will go to that sauna. This was the first girl, in a hundred or so sauna visits, that I ever repeated. It was fun while it lasted but I need to try some new girls and have some new experiences.


05-16-10, 09:32

Generally speaking less hair has a slightly less smell. BUt the stinch I'm talking about...that overpowering smell bad odor that's a mixture of rotten milk, eggs and slimmy fish/seafood smell comes directly from the vagina, and has nothing to do with the pubic hair area.

I've actually had girls with little pubic hair, but her vagina was so smelly I almost wanted to throw up. The thing is even she could sense that her vagina was very smelly as well.

I don't think it has anything to do with STDs, but more so to do with an unbalance of their PH? or bacteria as Will Robins pointed out? whatever the case is....is there some ointment these girls can use to neutralize the smell?

Any solutions? I don't think shaving their bush can even mitigate that problem.



I usually find gals with stinky pussy either are new to the business and does not clean their body well or just got off the truck. The other reason is usually gals with hairy pussy have a stronger odor than gals with shaven pussy. I never did like strong pussy odor that is why I prefer shaved snatches. Hey SEAJoe, I not writing this comment to "irk" you but really, the hairy pussy have more odor. Some guys are into that smell but I am not.

Just my two rmb on this.

BTW. SEAJoe, I do not tell gals to shave, if they do, I usually give them a bigger tip, if they are very hairy, I just tell them to leave and give you a call.

05-16-10, 09:37

I think this is a generalization of your own experiences. I find that most of the dongbei girls I'm with have hairy bushes and darker nipples for some odd reason. I call them blueberry nipples because some of them are really that dark.

In fact the only one white tiger girl= no hair at all in the pussy, 3 strands i counted and no smell, no armpit hair as well and no leg hair was actually from Hunan.

Every province has their hairy and non hair chicks. But some stereotypes do hold true. Sichuan chicks do usually have larger breasts as well as Guizhou. Anhui chicks are usually a little bit more chunky...as they have a bit more meat, i find this is also true for Shandong girls as well. Dongbei girl's personalities are usually more rough, and that holds true for 98% of all the girls I encounter.

displaying some of my personal stereotypes.


maybe i've always lucked out... but selecting girls from heilongjiang, sichuan, chongqing, huebei always landed me with girls that have naturally relatively few hairs down below. i know one beautiful heilongjiang lady that is older (30, beauty salon owner) that i can literally count the number of strands she has down below. i always avoided south chinese girls and girls near beijing area since they are not my taste. although i met one girl that was from a province near beijing that had a bush that would make Richard Pryor envious.

Dongguan Doug
05-16-10, 09:40

I don't think that most girls even know about douching at all! So I doubt it would be because of that.

But yes I pray for the same type of girl as what you like too. But my preference is: NO Overpowering vaginal bad Smell, boobs, slim waist, and didn't have an abortion or baby yet. I got a KTV chick this last time, and she looked great overall. BUt when I took her back. Her scar from her abortion really turned me off. It was from her pubic area all the way almost half way up her stomach, close to her breasts.

Rule of thumb. Find the young ones. Girls over 23 have higher chances of having babies before or abortions etc.

Just my personal opinion

AsndragonI noticed for the first time that my regular at the Waterfall Garden Hotel has a line or scar ranging from her pubic area all the way to her belly button. I couldn't tell whether it was a scar or not but there for sure was a line there. I'm not familiar with the lasting effects of abortions or the birthing process and I wasn't sure whether she had had an abortion or a child via C-section. I asked her when we were done whether or not she had any children (asking her that before I was about to fuck her would turn me off a little) and she said of course not. It must have therefor been scars from an abortion or she was lying. Either way. It's definitively not a turn on.


05-16-10, 19:24
First time for me to a Sauna in China. I've been reading the posts here and thought that I might give it a try (thanks for all the good reports!). Since I was anyway staying in Hui Hua hotel, it was very convenient start here.

Reception was very friendly, room rate 258, girl 300/400/500 for two hours. Got a voucher to get the room for 208 the next time (only valid for 5 weeks). The hallway and the rooms could do well with a refurbishment. The hotel guest rooms look definitely better.

From the line-up I chose No. 323, a (relatively) tall girl from Wuhan. Looks were good, but a bit too skinny for my taste (I should have looked a bit closer during the line-up).

Program included dancing, shower, BBBJ, FS. She also did a massage with hands and mouth/tongue. However everything was a bit mechanical, felt too rehearsed. The continuous use of mouth spray, spitting and tissues did also not help to create a sexy atmosphere (Is that normal?). Probably she was a bit nervous, since (she said) she has been there only for two months and we couldn't communicate very well because of my limited Chinese.

Overall experience was ok, but with a lot of room for improvement.

05-16-10, 19:35
I got a KTV chick this last time, and she looked great overall. BUt when I took her back....her scar from her abortion really turned me off. It was from her pubic area all the way almost half way up her stomach, close to her breasts.

Rule of thumb...find the young ones....girls over 23 have higher chances of having babies before or abortions etc.

just my personal opinion


That's probably not an abortion scar. In general, abortions don't leave scars, at least not physical ones. The only ones that might possibly leave a scar would be very late term abortions (like 5+ months) where the fetus is partially delivered via C section. Those scars would look like any other C section scar and are usually horizontal, about 3-5 inches. As you can imagine this type of procedure is extremely rare.

The scar you describe is most likely from a some type of gastrointestinal procedure. Either that or somebody cut her up for kicks.

05-16-10, 22:12
Generally speaking less hair has a slightly less smell. BUt the stinch I'm talking about...that overpowering smell bad odor that's a mixture of rotten milk, eggs and slimmy fish/seafood smell comes directly from the vagina, and has nothing to do with the pubic hair area.

Any solutions?Yeast infection. Warm, moist, dark... perfect breeding ground. Can be accompanied by discharge. Don't know about China, but most anywhere else, can buy over-the-counter remedies to kill. It's a douche, but a special one. Or see a pharmacist.

Bob Builder
05-17-10, 00:31
Ok guys...I know nobody wants to discuss this topic. But I gotta ask you guys how you deal with girls who have an extremely bad odor down there in her vagina area.

I was trying to look up why some girls just smell so bad while some girls have absolutely no smell down there at all. I'm wondering if vagasil or any creams out there can neutralize the smell down there.

To me it's one of the biggest turns offs. there are times where the girl smells so bad down there that I just cannot continue on with the session, I just give her money and tell her to leave. Those are extreme cases...but honestly, Sometimes their odors are so strong it's overpowering....sometimes even making me want to throw up.

anyone have any solution to those types of situations? any cream or wipes out there for this kind of odor problem they have?


After a bad run of girls with white stuff coming out of down there (and it can just be thrush) I would take all gals that I wanted to sit with into the toilet of the KTV room and get them to take off their pants and show me the goods.

Why wait until the end of the night and get disappointed?

05-17-10, 02:06
BUt the stinch I'm talking about...that overpowering smell bad odor that's a mixture of rotten milk, eggs and slimmy fish/seafood smell comes directly from the vagina, and has nothing to do with the pubic hair area.

I've actually had girls with little pubic hair, but her vagina was so smelly I almost wanted to throw up. The thing is even she could sense that her vagina was very smelly as well.

Any solutions? I don't think shaving their bush can even mitigate that problem.


Most likely, the girl had bacterial vaginosis, caused by a bad combination of bacteria in the vagina. Vaginas all have bacteria in them, but the wrong ones can cause a really bad odor along with cheesy discharge. I experienced it one time, and you're right, it's a disgusting nauseating odor. It's not an STD and usually caused in China by improper hygiene, not poor hygiene. It's usually caused by bad wiping technique (wiping back to front instead of front to back). There's meds for it, usually antibiotic creams or pills.

05-17-10, 04:58
I noticed for the first time that my regular at the Waterfall Garden Hotel has a line or scar ranging from her pubic area all the way to her belly button. I couldn't tell whether it was a scar or not but there for sure was a line there. I'm not familiar with the lasting effects of abortions or the birthing process and I wasn't sure whether she had had an abortion or a child via C-section. I asked her when we were done whether or not she had any children (asking her that before I was about to fuck her would turn me off a little) and she said of course not. It must have therefor been scars from an abortion or she was lying. Either way. It's definitively not a turn on.


What you saw was probably a linea nigra. Most women get it when pregnant and it may or may not disappear after birth. Some women though, just have it. It is extremely rare for a woman to have a vertical scar from having a C section or an invasive procedure abortion. For it to happen, there has to be really good reasons to do it that way.

Here's a link to a picture of a woman with a C section scar and a linea nigra.


Robin Mill
05-17-10, 09:28
The scar you describe is most likely from a some type of gastrointestinal procedure. Either that or somebody cut her up for kicks.

Cut her up for kicks?!?!?!!

I come to this forum to be 'turn on' by the stories here, and you just totally freak me out!!! Ha ha.

Moody is right in all aspect regarding the remedy to the smell down there. There is no once-off or immediated remedy for the problem. Proper maintenance is the key.

For the scar, that is a good picture for all to see how does the C-section looks like. I have a fair share of encountering WL with this scar. Some are innovative and had a tattoo flower/branches over it. Looks cool, but very obvious what they are trying to hid.

Well, i conclude you rather have WL with this scar and a tight virginal, and be in the known. Then to have a WL with no visible sight of having babies before, but loose virginal right?

05-17-10, 15:49
First time for me to a Sauna in China. I've been reading the posts here and thought that I might give it a try (thanks for all the good reports!). Since I was anyway staying in Hui Hua hotel, it was very convenient start here.

Reception was very friendly, room rate 258, girl 300/400/500 for two hours. Got a voucher to get the room for 208 the next time (only valid for 5 weeks). The hallway and the rooms could do well with a refurbishment. The hotel guest rooms look definitely better.

From the line-up I chose No. 323, a (relatively) tall girl from Wuhan. Looks were good, but a bit too skinny for my taste (I should have looked a bit closer during the line-up).

Program included dancing, shower, BBBJ, FS. She also did a massage with hands and mouth/tongue. However everything was a bit mechanical, felt too rehearsed. The continuous use of mouth spray, spitting and tissues did also not help to create a sexy atmosphere (Is that normal?). Probably she was a bit nervous, since (she said) she has been there only for two months and we couldn't communicate very well because of my limited Chinese.

Overall experience was ok, but with a lot of room for improvement.Typical is said too much but these girls get trained on specific routines. They do many guys a day, about 2 to 8. So yes it can be a bit mechnical, especially if they are afraid of a laowei, new in the business, have a bad day, you let them just do the routine or a combination of all above.

Was the same my first time. Some are gems who just blow you away sexually, some just do their job. Like everywhere.

Do not get discouraged, real good sauna girls are a gods gift (no offence)


05-17-10, 16:27
To me it's one of the biggest turns offs. there are times where the girl smells so bad down there that I just cannot continue on with the session, I just give her money and tell her to leave. Those are extreme cases...but honestly, Sometimes their odors are so strong it's overpowering....sometimes even making me want to throw up.

I have on occasion just had them leave. Yes huge turnoff but if they have yeast infection, then a quick cream is not going to stop the smell now. If they are 'naturally' that way then again a simple shower isn't going to help. If you are at KTV you can do a dip test on the merchandise for security. I've gotten too drunk forgot that and ended up going to a sauna at 2am after a short session that my nostrils wouldn't forget.

and you can not just base it on the qty of sex, it has alot to do with hygiene, changing underwear.. (i had one girl that only owned 2 pairs!!).. although she managed to have no smell.. none at all. so it is a bit random .. for ktv you can test, I suppose in bbs you can tell mommie the 'rules' and see if you can check, might not be able to pull that off though.

05-17-10, 16:36
I got a KTV chick this last time, and she looked great overall. BUt when I took her back....her scar from her abortion really turned me off. It was from her pubic area all the way almost half way up her stomach, close to her breasts.

Where was she from? Which KTV? I had one gorgeous I would say a 10 face, 8 body girl from Eurasia, i didn't even sit a second, very much my type, clothes off she had an abortion scar 4 inches long between vag and bellybutton, awful and she tried to cover it up with a tattoo of a centipede.

It seems girls who get pregnant in rural areas get very invasive, or late term abortions involving less than state of the art surgeries. In DG/SZ they do std western style D&C or D&E, I know a girl who has had 3 abortions over 3 years. all d&e cause they were early known. first trimester. I almost think some of these later scars are stillborns/ bad c-section either births or abortions via c-section like technique.

05-17-10, 16:45
It is extremely rare for a woman to have a vertical scar from having a C section or an invasive procedure abortion. For it to happen, there has to be really good reasons to do it that way.

Here's a link to a picture of a woman with a C section scar and a linea nigra.


However, you have to consider they are from some backwoods part of china with less than proper medical care and procedures. The right way to do C-section is a horizontal incision, that doesn't mean the local butchers comply especially with 'illegal' abortions. That said they could also have intenstinal surgery, but I have confirmed in 2 cases an abortion with a vertical scar in China. the closure on these scars is horrible, probably also with improper post procedure treatment.

LA Dude
05-17-10, 17:23

I agree with your stereotypes. I usually look for tits and ass when scouring the ktvs and I do find I end up with a Sichuan or Guizhou girl quite a bit. I also find that Sichuan girls have even smoother softer skin than most. The girls tell me its because of all the spicy food they eat. If I ever go to Sichuan, I might never leave. haha!


I think this is a generalization of your own experiences. I find that most of the dongbei girls I'm with have hairy bushes and darker nipples for some odd reason. I call them blueberry nipples because some of them are really that dark.

In fact the only one white tiger girl= no hair at all in the pussy, 3 strands i counted and no smell, no armpit hair as well and no leg hair was actually from Hunan.

Every province has their hairy and non hair chicks. But some stereotypes do hold true. Sichuan chicks do usually have larger breasts as well as Guizhou. Anhui chicks are usually a little bit more chunky...as they have a bit more meat, i find this is also true for Shandong girls as well. Dongbei girl's personalities are usually more rough, and that holds true for 98% of all the girls I encounter.

displaying some of my personal stereotypes.


05-18-10, 04:06

I agree with your stereotypes. I usually look for tits and ass when scouring the ktvs and I do find I end up with a Sichuan or Guizhou girl quite a bit. I also find that Sichuan girls have even smoother softer skin than most. The girls tell me its because of all the spicy food they eat. If I ever go to Sichuan, I might never leave. haha!

For some reason, I always end up with Sichuan and Hubei girls... Sichuan for their tits and looks/body type... Hubei for their personality... kind of bubbly cute... I know it's a way generalization.. but if you've ever had a girl from "Guizhou (sp?)" they're known for being very direct, (I call it mean) - but just straight forward... not my type...

I like girls to be cute and what the chinese call "wen-roh"...

Ahhh... away for less than a week and counting the days when I return... while in CP, I was sending some regulars regular emails from my iphones of snapshots of CP living... I was told it was appreciated, but kind of like dangling a carrot in front a rabbit, which the rabbit can't eat ... hahaa.... I told them I'd partake of the carrot for them... :)

now it's my turn to be the rabbit...

oh well.... that's life.

One Eyed Man
05-18-10, 05:09
If you are at KTV you can do a dip test on the merchandise for security.

That strikes me as a pretty forward move to make in a KTV, but I freely admit I don't know the ropes that thoroughly yet. I've even been in a KTV with you, I recall, but I don't think I saw you doing any dip testing. Are you sure you won't get your face slapped?

05-18-10, 05:16
For some reason, I always end up with Sichuan and Hubei girls. Sichuan for their tits and looks/body type. Hubei for their personality. Kind of bubbly cute. I know it's a way generalization. But if you've ever had a girl from "Guizhou (sp?)" they're known for being very direct, (I call it mean). But just straight forward. Not my type.I also like Sichuan gals for their nice titties. The only drawback is Sichuan girls usually have a red hot temper. Hubei gals are usually very sweet and a bit innocent.

SE Asia Joe
05-18-10, 10:07
No amount of washing, douching etc is gonna do an IMMEDIATE job when a gal is a stinky poo.

A gal asked me about this exact problem that a friend of hers has - as she had been trying to help her out on it; and I asked a Dermatologist friend of mine (in Hong Kong just about ALL dermatologists are also venereologists). He told me that if she did NOT have any STD's, then the most common reason is just a type of bacteria that invades a lot of gals' pussy and armpit area in Southern China (used to also be quite common in Hong Kong).

Basically this type of bacteria multiplies quite rapidly in the sweat glans and stubbornly stays there microscopically. The cure is just plain ole Rubbing alcohol applied twice daily after a shower/washing, followed by just common OTC deodorant for good measure. The problem should clear up in a week or two (and if it doesn't then she probably has other problems like Thrush or some other STD's).


I have on occasion just had them leave. Yes huge turnoff but if they have yeast infection, then a quick cream is not going to stop the smell now. If they are 'naturally' that way then again a simple shower isn't going to help. If you are at KTV you can do a dip test on the merchandise for security. I've gotten too drunk forgot that and ended up going to a sauna at 2am after a short session that my nostrils wouldn't forget.

and you can not just base it on the qty of sex, it has alot to do with hygiene, changing underwear.. (i had one girl that only owned 2 pairs!!).. although she managed to have no smell.. none at all. so it is a bit random .. for ktv you can test, I suppose in bbs you can tell mommie the 'rules' and see if you can check, might not be able to pull that off though.

SE Asia Joe
05-18-10, 10:26
BS Dave took us to the Clipper KTV last Saturday night - as they've got a real good promotion deal - something like three or four hundred RMB's for a small room that easily accommodates a dozen or more people and a couple or so dozen beers (not sure what the exact deal is - nowadays BS Dave handles all that to make sure that we get the best deal). Needless to say, it was a very cheap night - especially a SATURDAY night - for us all!!

Believe one of the reasons why The Clipper has to come up with these cheap promotions etc is that they had unfortunately gotten a reputation as having Fug-lies in the past. Well, surprisingly, the gals I saw were NOT bad looking at all and in fact, there WERE a few VERY acceptable ones - including one I used to do from the Peninsula previously and who I bumped into whilst watching the Show. Gals with our party wasn't bad at all either, and the next day, one of our guys even reported that he really had a helluva good time romancing and breaking his gal down - that when he "opened' her up, she really was GREAT!! And BTW, IMHO, dynamite body and cute face too!!

There's always something new happening in CP to attract us punters into their doors!! All we need to do is be on the look-out for them and take advantage of it when occurring.


Member #4144
05-18-10, 11:14
I checked many places in GZ and Zhuhai. Also, 141HK no longer blocked either. Is this going to last or just during the World Expo?

Can someone confirm this in CP?


SE Asia Joe
05-18-10, 13:55
I checked many places in GZ and Zhuhai. Also, 141HK no longer blocked either. Is this going to last or just during the World Expo?

Can someone confirm this in CP?

YES - this, ****** and most other SEX sites are UNblocked, whilst things like Facebook and Youtube are still blocked. Which is very strange....

And makes me suspect that there is something very underhanded here.

Please remember Mao's "let a thousand flowers bloom" campaign which encouraged everybody to criticize him, the government and eveything else - only to be followed by the harshest crackdown on all critics imaginable.

Please use caution and still continue to use your VPN's, proxies etc - or access this site from a public computer. No sense taking any chances.



05-18-10, 14:58
For some reason, I always end up with Sichuan and Hubei girls... Sichuan for their tits and looks/body type... Hubei for their personality... kind of bubbly cute... I know it's a way generalization..

my last biz trip i "hired" a (very tall) hubei girl as my personal guide for a several weeks. the way you describe her is very accurate. extremely cute, bubbly, and innocent. kinda like a japanese girl. she had this squeak that was an incredibly attractive. i wish i recorded that squeak on my cellphone. too bad she disappeared...

the next trip i am involved with a sichuan girl. the general stereotypes so far hold true to her body. milky skin, busty, cute bubble butt, slender, and very cute face. i have yet to notice her temper which i think she is holding off on me. so far she is being sweet... too sweet. suspicious...

05-18-10, 23:17
Alright I just wanted to add my two cents into these stereotypes. I love Hubei girls...and no it's not only because Liu Yi Fei is from Hubei. Hubei girls, in my personal opinion, have a facial structure that I'm more attracted to. For example, some of the hubei girls I see seem to have more watermelon shaped faces...the fair looking ones are very nice, milky like Sichuan. Also, I noticed that the nose bridge is taller...and their eyes are more like phoenix eyes...at least the ones that I am attracted to.

Now in terms of personality....I don't think they are the most innocent out of the bunch. The common stereotype is Hubei people are "9 headed birds." I once really liked this one sauna girl who even told me...she's from Wuhan...and she even says that Hubei people in Wuhan are really sly and tricky. Of course this is all based on case to case situations. But I do find Hubei girls to be smarter than say...their neighbors, such as Hunan and Sichuan etc.

But I must say...I've seen beautiful girls from all provinces....it's just some stereotypes are more true than not. Sichuan girls do have nicer skin...and I don't think it's just the Chili, i think it has more to do with the weather and the water. Sichuan is cloudy most days of the year. So less Sun Damage, and thus milkier looking skin. In addition, their water seems to be less polluted...(excluding Chonqing's waters of course) so that could also have something to do with their nice skin. generally...Sichuan girls are shorter though-adds to the cuteness factor. Although they are exceptions, I do see this as the general norm...even in Chengdu when I went there.


I also like Sichuan gals for their nice titties. The only drawback is Sichuan girls usually have a red hot temper. Hubei gals are usually very sweet and a bit innocent.

05-18-10, 23:19

I have heard of people saying to rub rubbing alcohol to kill the bacteria on the armpit areas. But I have a question....Can you really rub the vagina with rubbing alcohol? Wouldn't that sting like Heck?

It reminds of the those Saunas where they try to wash your dick and "disinfect it" by using that dermetol mouth wash, where they put it in their mouth and suck your dick with it...boy...that thing stings like a *****! I can only imagine how much rubbing alcohol would sting on the vaginal area.


No amount of washing, douching etc is gonna do an IMMEDIATE job when a gal is a stinky poo.

A gal asked me about this exact problem that a friend of hers has - as she had been trying to help her out on it; and I asked a Dermatologist friend of mine (in Hong Kong just about ALL dermatologists are also venereologists). He told me that if she did NOT have any STD's, then the most common reason is just a type of bacteria that invades a lot of gals' pussy and armpit area in Southern China (used to also be quite common in Hong Kong).

Basically this type of bacteria multiplies quite rapidly in the sweat glans and stubbornly stays there microscopically. The cure is just plain ole Rubbing alcohol applied twice daily after a shower/washing, followed by just common OTC deodorant for good measure. The problem should clear up in a week or two (and if it doesn't then she probably has other problems like Thrush or some other STD's).



05-18-10, 23:23
One Eyed Man,

I think what brothers are talking about are KTV's that are a bit more open to that type of behavior. FH being one of them. I can't imagine you doing that kind of thing at Eurasia or Royal Garden. So it just depends on which KTV you go to.

But even at FH, (I know lots of brothers think this place is the most fun) not all the girls are really that open and wild. If you pick the wild ones you have a good time. But in my experience, many of the girls are still rather reserved. So many times it's the luck of the draw...or unless another fellow brother recommends a wild one for you.


That strikes me as a pretty forward move to make in a KTV, but I freely admit I don't know the ropes that thoroughly yet. I've even been in a KTV with you, I recall, but I don't think I saw you doing any dip testing. Are you sure you won't get your face slapped?

05-18-10, 23:29

It was actually from FH KTV that I got that girl who looked great, but when you look at her she's definitely either got a C-section or a late stage miscarriage or abortion.

I think I actually know of the two girls that Will Robins and You are talking about.

Will Robin's tattoo on the scar was from a BBS

and i think your girl I've heard of before as well.

I agree though...sometimes it's better to just leave it, rather than to put a tattoo on it which highlights the scar even more.


Where was she from? Which KTV? I had one gorgeous I would say a 10 face, 8 body girl from Eurasia, i didn't even sit a second, very much my type, clothes off she had an abortion scar 4 inches long between vag and bellybutton, awful and she tried to cover it up with a tattoo of a centipede.

It seems girls who get pregnant in rural areas get very invasive, or late term abortions involving less than state of the art surgeries. In DG/SZ they do std western style D&C or D&E, I know a girl who has had 3 abortions over 3 years. all d&e cause they were early known. first trimester. I almost think some of these later scars are stillborns/ bad c-section either births or abortions via c-section like technique.

SE Asia Joe
05-19-10, 08:54

I have heard of people saying to rub rubbing alcohol to kill the bacteria on the armpit areas. But I have a question....Can you really rub the vagina with rubbing alcohol? Wouldn't that sting like Heck?

It reminds of the those Saunas where they try to wash your dick and "disinfect it" by using that dermetol mouth wash, where they put it in their mouth and suck your dick with it...boy...that thing stings like a *****! I can only imagine how much rubbing alcohol would sting on the vaginal area.

Jeez - where's Dr. J. when we need him??!!

When it comes to these medical things, we must all sound like school kids talking about sex!! LOL!!


05-19-10, 16:11
That strikes me as a pretty forward move to make in a KTV, but I freely admit I don't know the ropes that thoroughly yet. I've even been in a KTV with you, I recall, but I don't think I saw you doing any dip testing. Are you sure you won't get your face slapped?

I am not suggesting you pin them down. But after some drinking and flirting most are game for a little foreplay.

05-19-10, 16:39
I think what brothers are talking about are KTV's that are a bit more open to that type of behavior. FH being one of them. I can't imagine you doing that kind of thing at Eurasia or Royal Garden. So it just depends on which KTV you go to.

Okay that is true, Eurasia girls may not be up for that, never done RG but same goes. some of the less 'snobby' places the girls are more game, also it is a vibe. you could probably get away with putting your head/face in their lap while tickling them or something like that. there is always a way and if you get a wiff through the clothes, well run. I was at Versailles and sent a girl back cause I could not stand her BO, I can't imagine what the below would be.

05-19-10, 17:39
Few facts:

All it takes is an upset to the chemical balance of the vagina, which can happen for a number of reasons.

1. Antibiotics (the kill good and bad bacteria, if the 'smelly' bacteria take hold before good recovers... welll)

2. Lots of sex, changes pH in vagina, favoriting bad bacteria over good bacteria.

3. Alcohol ... Alcohol specially wine and higher alcoholic drinks can bring vaginal odour . This happens as the alcohol splits up fermenting and many other tissue changes occur wheraby blood has more OH ions and thereby the typical smell arises from the vagina . Again pH imbalance.

4. The 'sink' wash, the girls washing out their vagina in your hotel sink (and the subsequent flood) or in the shower, upsets pH balance (worse if they use soap) and depending on the individual can cause the odor to cometh.

5. wiping back to front ... I don't know but they are from a farm and stand on my toilet.

Lets see which xiaojies do ... 1 check (got a cold? hospital gives antibiotics, I knew one girl that ate 6 pills of antibiotic when she should take one a day, that is why pharmacies should not prescribe), 2 sex? check... 3, alcohol - uh they are at a KTV - check, 4. check, 5. someone will have to watch them dump, sorry not my thing...

more than a trifecta of reasons.

Alcohol internal to vagina is painful and will not help.

Externally doesn't help problem. There are a few antibiotic creams as well as 'home remedies' that might help.

The antibiotics creams usually work, but active culture (lactobacillus) yogurt douche (replace good bactera concept) and hydrogen peroxide/water douche for one week (replace peroxide generated by good bacteria) both have some clinical evidence, basically both try to get the environment back to normal pH.


05-19-10, 17:41
This is the type of scar I am talking about, below belly button, above vagina, covered by a very ugly tattoo, and I have seen at least 4 in CP. Nasty surprise.

05-19-10, 19:20
This is the type of scar I am talking about, below belly button, above vagina, covered by a very ugly tattoo, and I have seen at least 4 in CP. Nasty surprise.

Looks like something they do for an ectopic pregnancy

05-19-10, 19:35
Moody -

It's just a hard life, and it's unfair that youth and beauty are wasted on immature girls that buy frivolous things and fall for the wrong men. The vast vast majority of girls do it for X years and end up not saving anything, go home and work a menial job, get married to some loser back home. It's a sad life and one I wouldn't wish upon anyone.

I agree. Most end up with little to show for their years in the business. However, most factory girls end up with little also. A sauvy and or lucky proportion leverage out of their poverty but the majority just get by.

05-19-10, 21:19
I agree. Most end up with little to show for their years in the business. However, most factory girls end up with little also. A sauvy and or lucky proportion leverage out of their poverty but the majority just get by.

As crass as it sounds, the efforts of these rural gals does support a substantial 'entertainment' industry that directly provides for many well-paid jobs in the management and supervision of the KTV, Sauna, Hotel and their vendor/supplier industries. Even BBS owner/management is often a lucrative lifelong career.
And of course what police officer could send his kid to college overseas if it wasn't for the 'trickle up' effect of rural mattress labor.

Sky Ryder
05-21-10, 07:51
Let me start by telling everyone who wants to visit CP. If you don't contact BSD and make use of his services, you are denying yourself a big part of what is great about CP. That is, unless of course you are a VERY experienced CP person. Even then I am pretty sure BSD's status among some of the KTV/ Suana managers would add value to your visit. I know there has been some discussions about the value of his services, but I will tell you IMHO whatever he is getting is not enough! His service level reminds my very favorably of a lady on the Argentina Private forum named Roxana that basically was the point of contact for thousands (ok, at least hundreds) of mongers that visited Buenos Aires, a city that used to be one of the great destinations in the world to experience life as it should be.....but I digress.
I had tried on numerous occasions to make the trip to CP, but something always got messed up in my end. BSD was very patient and in the end we where able to work it out for me to come up from Shenzhen on Monday.
Arrived at the KTV that Dave had arranged for the evening's festivities, and experienced my very first "flower street". To say the least it was an OMG moment!! Another guy (thanks Patrick) help "guide" me through the process. If you can imagine, 200-300, 18-25 yr. old beautiful ladies all vying for your attentions....it was mind boggling! I wound up with a lovely, long legged lass, a little shy (as it turns out it was her 2nd day EVER working and she didn't get sat the first night) and a little firecracker with a great rack.
Met two more great guys from OZ on their first trip to China, and we partied the night away....what a blast. The guys were great and there is something about being in a room with 4-5 guys and 10 or so beautiful sexy girls that lends itself to a good time......
Here is where is gets a little weird. It is time to go home, and I am perplexed. I know the new girl is nervous and reluctant, but there is just something about her I find very desirable. I am sure the other one would be much more entertaining in the hotel.
Dave , discreetly asks the newbie if she wants to leave with me. She shyly looks away, and while she knows she is expected to make this move, I can tell she is hesitant. I tell Dave to let her off the hook and thank her for a great night and then pay her the sitting fee. She tells me, that it isn't me, just she is concerned she might not be "able to please me". I smile and off she goes. I go back into the room and ask Dave to tell the other girl I am ready to go and for her to change clothes. This is the weird part, she balks....now all night long she has been all over me trying to make sure I choose her and now......she doesn't want to go. I am like WTF?
Well Dave is not pleased, I am not pleased (you can read that to mean a little embarrassed), I mean here I am in the land of milk and honey and I can't get laid......Dave talks to the manager, and the mommie....(which made a BIG mistake by hanging up on him....twice) and in the end the girl comes up with some story about just finishing her period and she is afraid that if she goes with me, she will not be able to work for a few more days.....
Anyway I have lost interest. I am just ready to leave alone, when we make contact with the newbie. She agrees to give it a try and I am happy about being her "first customer". The session was forgettable, but she is not. A lovely lass, and maybe after some "seasoning" she will be a repeat.
Off to day two......

Sky Ryder
05-21-10, 08:13
Well it really starts during the afternoon. I wanted to play golf, but hadn't made a reservation early enough the day before. I went to the course anyway thinking I could get on easily. I could but at a 50% premium over what I was paying the next day. I passed. Hit some balls and Dave asked if I would like to join a couple of guys at the sauna/massage. It was exactly what I wanted. He told me that this place was "all legit", but that didn't matter as I was practicing the ago old "sperm management" for the evening.
Well, I had my second ever foot massage, which was spectacular, and that was followed by what can only be described as the most sensual, non sensual massage I have ever experienced. I mean OMG!!! It was a legit, good medium massage (my request), and one of the most extraordinary "glutes" massage ever. Dave said I would be hooked, and he was 100% correct!
I almost stayed another day just for this massage.
Met the two guys I was playing golf with the next day, and partying with this night and off we went to another KTV. Different presentation, this time the girls come in line ups in the room. I need practice in this manner. I chose one lovely, then after a while another. However the line ups weren't finished. A girl walked in that I couldn't resist so I took her as well. Now, in the future I will know that you are really picky on the second one and it is okay to exchange ladies, as long as you don't wait too long.....I wound up with three...lesson learned.
Another good night, different group of guys, different party styles. I learned a new card game and a new dice game. It was interesting dynamic with three girls, the first one I choose was nice, but the 2nd was a little distant in the beginning as I think she didn't like her chances of leaving with me. The third was just fun from the beginning. As the night wore on, it became obvious #1 was not my type, # 2 made a strong push, but #3 never let her get the upper hand. When I got #3 back to the hotel, she was a REAL treat and more than made up for the the previous night's inexperience! I got her number and will for sure repeat!
I did play golf the next day and had a good time. Dace arranged the whole event and we got a good deal, and it was a decent course. The greens are not the best, but had a good time and I had a GREAT caddy. She doesn't play but can read greens really well.
All in all, BSD is correct. I am hooked, CP is for sure going to become a habit and I am looking forward to my next visit. The hotel he suggested was very nice, the price good and I enjoyed everyone I met on the trip.
I would really like to find an easier way to get to CP. Dave's driver is great, but I would really like to see if there is an easy way to come up from the Shenzhen Bay border crossing. I am pretty sure there is bus service but haven't been able to find out for sure.
Dave, thank you for your patience with my many cancellations and as you can tell I had a wonderful experience. See you soon!
I can't wait to experience the 800 girl flower street!!!!

05-21-10, 17:21
Hubei girls, in my personal opinion, have a facial structure that I'm more attracted to.

I hope you guys realize, more often than not, the girls lie about where they're from. I even remember one girl who told me she was from Sichuan, a week later when I saw her, she must have forgotten her cover story, she told me she was from Zhejiang. For some reason, I rarely encounter girls who say they're from Henan, although Henan is supposed to be the most populous province in China. I'm guessing this is because most of the ones from there lie about it because of the AIDS stigma attached to the province. Never forget, how can you tell a KTV girl is lying to you? Her lips are moving. I hope you guy's don't think the names the girls give you are their real names too.

05-21-10, 18:25
Early this year I asked a girl where is she from. First I thought she said Hunan, like most of the working girls in Southern China. She later corrected me and said Henan in Mandarin. She even wrote out "Henan" in English for me. She was great in bed. She told me she will be in CP for about 6-7 more months. Yes, I knew about the AID blood thing.

I guess everybody has to stay away from me now and it is time for me to get tested again. BTW I did wear a condom. :)

SE Asia Joe
05-21-10, 18:29
I hope you guys realize, more often than not, the girls lie about where they're from. I even remember one girl who told me she was from Sichuan, a week later when I saw her, she must have forgotten her cover story, she told me she was from Zhejiang. For some reason, I rarely encounter girls who say they're from Henan, although Henan is supposed to be the most populous province in China. I'm guessing this is because most of the ones from there lie about it because of the AIDS stigma attached to the province. Never forget, how can you tell a KTV girl is lying to you? Her lips are moving. I hope you guy's don't think the names the girls give you are their real names too.
Actually.... I've always wondered what's with all this obsessing with which province one comes from in China.

After what's your name, where are you from usually follows.

Seems akin to asking if you've had lunch/dinner, or talking about the weather in the States - just idle talk.

Or is there more to it - as evidenced by all the talk we've been having about the merits of particular gals from particular provinces.

Just wondering


05-21-10, 18:39
Actually.... I've always wondered what's with all this obsessing with which province one comes from in China.

After what's your name, where are you from usually follows.

Seems akin to asking if you've had lunch/dinner, or talking about the weather in the States - just idle talk.

Or is there more to it - as evidenced by all the talk we've been having about the merits of particular gals from particular provinces.

Just wondering


Well, what happens a lot to me is that once the girls realize I"m not a native, they ask me where I'm from. Depending on the mood I'm in, I'll tell them one of various lies.

1. I am an overseas Chinese and grew up in the USA.
2. I am from Yanbian and an ethnic Korean.
3. I am Japanese and trying to learn Chinese.
4. I am an English teacher from the Philippines.
5. I am mixed race, half Chinese and half European and grew up in England.

Once I tell them where I'm from, it just usually follows that I ask where they're from. There are of course, some places where the girls tell you where they're from once they enter the room. To be honest, I don't care where they're from, I just care how they look.

SE Asia Joe
05-21-10, 18:50
Well, what happens a lot to me is that once the girls realize I"m not a native, they ask me where I'm from. Depending on the mood I'm in, I'll tell them one of various lies.

1. I am an overseas Chinese and grew up in the USA.
2. I am from Yanbian and an ethnic Korean.
3. I am Japanese and trying to learn Chinese.
4. I am an English teacher from the Philippines.
5. I am mixed race, half Chinese and half European and grew up in England.

Once I tell them where I'm from, it just usually follows that I ask where they're from. There are of course, some places where the girls tell you where they're from once they enter the room. To be honest, I don't care where they're from, I just care how they look.
Yeah - me too.

Don't really care where they're from and I certainly wouldn't be able to discuss the relative merits of each province's girls as you guys been doin'!

Maybe just generalizations - like that they're usually whiter, taller from further up north etc - but certainly not in as much details.

Not even worth 2 cents - my POV on this!!


05-21-10, 19:50
Yeah - me too.

Don't really care where they're from and I certainly wouldn't be able to discuss the relative merits of each province's girls as you guys been doin'!

Maybe just generalizations - like that they're usually whiter, taller from further up north etc - but certainly not in as much details.

I like girls all different ways. I don't care whether they're short, or tall, fat or skinny, light or dark. As long as they have a good look, I'm fine. Where they're from is the last thing on my mind, not to mention, if I ask, they're probably lying anyway.

05-21-10, 21:26
I think this whole which province you are from deal is created out of China's broken "hukou" system. Basically, people's "hukou" permanent residency is a very important issue in China. Where you are born is where you have your hukou and where you have your China ID Card. All of your social programs etc comes from where you are born. So if I was from Wuhan, Hubei. Then my ID card says Wuhan, who my parents are etc. So even if I worked in Shenzhen for a long period of time, I cannot get a Shenzhen Hukou unless I buy a house with a Hukou on it. If I buy a new house with no hukou, then I still cannot change my permanent residency to Shenzhen. Meaning if I need to do travel documents, important documents I have to go all the back to Wuhan. In addition, unless I have a working permit in Shenzhen if i get caught I have to leave as well. In addition, I if I had kids in Shenzhen they would not be able to enjoy the local schools in Shenzhen as well.

It's a messed up system, but this builds a bit of pride based on which province you are from. If you are from better parts like Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai etc...then you obviously are more haughty about where you are from. But if you are from Henan, which is one of the poorer provinces, and there'a s stigma that they don't like to take showers and are quite dirty, you aren't as keen to tell people where you are from. But...i do agree that AIDS stigma does stick so they don't tell people where they are from. Nevertheless, because many cannot leave the province where they are from, they live with it and have pride in where they are from and even advertise to people what good things their province has. I know girls that take other girls in because they are from the same province, not even the same township or area, because they feel that they are closer and there's an obligation to take care of them. For example, there's this one girl from Hubei Xiangfan and she took in a new girl to live in her apartment who was from Shaogan. They aren't from the same place but they will take care of each other because they are from the same province and feel that they should look out of one and other. I don't ever find people in California taking in another Californian because they are both from California in a foreign place.

But I personally think it stems from the whole Hukou system. Or...it could just be more simply than that...they just tell customers they are from a different province because guys like to try out new things.

just my personal opinion.


Actually.... I've always wondered what's with all this obsessing with which province one comes from in China.

After what's your name, where are you from usually follows.

Seems akin to asking if you've had lunch/dinner, or talking about the weather in the States - just idle talk.

Or is there more to it - as evidenced by all the talk we've been having about the merits of particular gals from particular provinces.

Just wondering


05-21-10, 21:31

I never know what to answer when they ask me where I'm from. Sometimes I remain silent and then I ask them to Guess.

Guess what they always say?

1. You must be Singaporean!
2. You must be Malaysian!

Then I say no...I say I'm Chinese.

then they ask which part?

I tell them...does it matter which part I'm from so long as I'm Chinese?

They say...well it does matter, which part are you from?

I remain in silence...and that upsets them, for some odd reason.

Basically I don't know what to tell them. Even if I told them the truth many girls don't believe me anyways.

But how do you pull off that you are half white and half Chinese Mix race?

Lots of girls think that I'm Japanese or Korean for some odd reason.


Well, what happens a lot to me is that once the girls realize I"m not a native, they ask me where I'm from. Depending on the mood I'm in, I'll tell them one of various lies.

1. I am an overseas Chinese and grew up in the USA.
2. I am from Yanbian and an ethnic Korean.
3. I am Japanese and trying to learn Chinese.
4. I am an English teacher from the Philippines.
5. I am mixed race, half Chinese and half European and grew up in England.

Once I tell them where I'm from, it just usually follows that I ask where they're from. There are of course, some places where the girls tell you where they're from once they enter the room. To be honest, I don't care where they're from, I just care how they look.

LA Dude
05-21-10, 22:22
In the U.S., we stereotype people based upon what they look like. For example, someone who is black has a certain stereotype attached to them as opposed to someone who is chinese. Well, Chinese people stereotype people depending on where you are from. For example, Shanghai women are supposed to be money grubbing and stuck up or women from Shuzhou are supposed to be really beautiful. The women ask you where you are from because they believe that they can know what kind of person you are simply by knowing where you are from.

Actually.... I've always wondered what's with all this obsessing with which province one comes from in China.

After what's your name, where are you from usually follows.

Seems akin to asking if you've had lunch/dinner, or talking about the weather in the States - just idle talk.

Or is there more to it - as evidenced by all the talk we've been having about the merits of particular gals from particular provinces.

Just wondering


05-21-10, 22:50
In the U.S., we stereotype people based upon what they look like. For example, someone who is black has a certain stereotype attached to them as opposed to someone who is chinese. Well, Chinese people stereotype people depending on where you are from. For example, Shanghai women are supposed to be money grubbing and stuck up or women from Shuzhou are supposed to be really beautiful. The women ask you where you are from because they believe that they can know what kind of person you are simply by knowing where you are from.It is also part of the way people behave in China. We do it in the USA as well! When you meet someone for the first time, we ask them where you are from; where you grew up; what school you went to.

Its part of human nature. In the US, we compartmentalize the residents of certain parts of the country (the people from New York are rude; the folks from the Midwest are friendly; the LA folks are materialistic and the southerners are very hospitable!). Is it that much different than in in China?

Then you look at it from a native Chinese standpoint where you have a perception of what people in (certain) parts of the country act like. I am originally from Shanghai and (in Shanghai), the perception is that people from Guangdong province (the south in general) have poor manners and people from Ningbo (about 150 miles from Shanghai) speak very loudly (sounds like they are fighting). It is a way of self preservation and determining who you should trust and who you should be on the guard with. It is also a way to connect with someone (from your city) which is not that different than joining a group in Facebook.

Without giving a China history lesson, it can be generally explained as the "tribe" mentality which is common in Asia/ Middle East but exceptionally prevalent China.

05-22-10, 00:28
In the U.S., we stereotype people based upon what they look like. For example, someone who is black has a certain stereotype attached to them as opposed to someone who is chinese. Well, Chinese people stereotype people depending on where you are from. For example, Shanghai women are supposed to be money grubbing and stuck up or women from Shuzhou are supposed to be really beautiful. The women ask you where you are from because they believe that they can know what kind of person you are simply by knowing where you are from.

I have to second this in them asking where we're from. From talking to lots of the working gals, certain guys from certain places have bad reputations.. i.e. taiwan (kinda cheap) vs. hong kong (players)... girls kinda like the singaporeans (at least the ones I've talked to) - not sure why... I mean do they like them as "customers" because they don't give shit and pay lots? or what? I'm just not sure.. (honestly I don't know)...

but needless to say, there are reputations attached to certain guys.... the least favorite for the girls (again from what I've talked to) are the local guys... apparently those guys treat them like shit the most... again, no idea why.. maybe a separate culture thing...

Anyways.. as far as where the girls are from... I think it's just small talk... bullshit stuff... I use that as a springboard to learn how to say some words, tease them a bit and play around. I went out with this gal who said she was from Hunan, after a while she admitted she was from Hubei... (the difference, I have no idea about).

The good thing is I know some Sichuan words now that I could tell if they speak the dialect... if a girl says she's from Sichuan I can say some words that would certainly solicit a response.. .If I get none, I know they're lying... but even if they are... BFD (Big F**** Deal)... it's just for fun anyways.

I know there some should be some regular heading to CP by next weekend... damnit... Wish I could be there...

The best ticket prices I could get for July are about 1150... will be heading out in Late july to early august... haven't decided yet...

Have fun...


Cunning Linguist
05-22-10, 02:03
I have to second this in them asking where we're from. From talking to lots of the working gals, certain guys from certain places have bad reputations.. i.e. taiwan (kinda cheap) vs. hong kong (players)... girls kinda like the singaporeans (at least the ones I've talked to) - not sure why... I mean do they like them as "customers" because they don't give shit and pay lots? or what? I'm just not sure.. (honestly I don't know)...

but needless to say, there are reputations attached to certain guys.... the least favorite for the girls (again from what I've talked to) are the local guys... apparently those guys treat them like shit the most... again, no idea why.. maybe a separate culture thing...


Do the girls rate Laowais? Do they differentiate between Englishmen, Germans, Frenchmen, Southern Europeans, Americans, and Australians? On the board, a lot has been written about girls scared of White Laowais but are there some girls that just might prefer a well-mannered, well-groomed Laowai to at least a local? From this post, I gather that Singaporeans and Hong Kongers are at the top of the totem pole (probably the Japanese are at the top if they forget about the WWII atrocities)

05-22-10, 04:36

But how do you pull off that you are half white and half Chinese Mix race?

I don't really look like a native. My eyes are roundish and I have that double eyelid thing. My hair also curls a bit. A little speaking of another foreign language like Spanish or French and they believe. Of course they might not believe and they're just humoring me.

05-22-10, 04:48
I have to second this in them asking where we're from. From talking to lots of the working gals, certain guys from certain places have bad reputations.. i.e. taiwan (kinda cheap) vs. hong kong (players)... girls kinda like the singaporeans (at least the ones I've talked to) - not sure why... I mean do they like them as "customers" because they don't give shit and pay lots? or what? I'm just not sure.. (honestly I don't know)...

but needless to say, there are reputations attached to certain guys.... the least favorite for the girls (again from what I've talked to) are the local guys... apparently those guys treat them like shit the most... again, no idea why.. maybe a separate culture thing...

This may sound repetitive coming from me, but girls lie. A lot of times , they will tell you what they think you want to hear. I bet if SEJoe asks a girl what she thinks of HKese, she'll tell him she loves HKese as do all the other girls in DG. When I pretend to be Japanese, girls tell me they love Japanese men. I tell them I'm ABC and I ask about what they think of Japanese men, the girls say Japanese are all perverts. I tell them I'm ethnic Korean from Yanbian, girls say they're glad I'm Chinese. It goes on and on like that. They tell you whatever it is they think you want to hear.

In general though, I think the girls prefer natives. There are no language barriers. There are no cultural differences. There's no weird sexual practices. As they say, better the devil you know than the one you don't.

05-22-10, 04:54
Do the girls rate Laowais? Do they differentiate between Englishmen, Germans, Frenchmen, Southern Europeans, Americans, and Australians? On the board, a lot has been written about girls scared of White Laowais but are there some girls that just might prefer a well-mannered, well-groomed Laowai to at least a local? From this post, I gather that Singaporeans and Hong Kongers are at the top of the totem pole (probably the Japanese are at the top if they forget about the WWII atrocities)

Girls don't really differentiate laowai. They can't tell the difference whether your speaking French, Spanish, Italian, whatever. They have no idea whether you speak British English, Australian English, or American English. The only differences some girls really notice are eye and hair color. If you're naturally blonde and blue eyed, some girls will go for that, but there are other girls who think it's gross, so it's a wash. The other major factor of course, is race. If your black, good luck.

05-23-10, 08:25
In general though, I think the girls prefer natives. There are no language barriers. There are no cultural differences. There's no weird sexual practices. As they say, better the devil you know than the one you don't.

Yes the girls, in general they prefer natives because of a common language and culture. For the BBS mommies in CP, NO. They prefer Hong Kong, Taiwaniese, and overseas China like Singaporeans. I can't say for sure about KTV places because I rarely go to KTV's. In the end, it's about money, who can pay the most and if you look OK.

A few of BBS mommies had some trouble with some of the local Chinese from the North. They will avoid them.

05-24-10, 00:25
This may sound repetitive coming from me, but girls lie. A lot of times , they will tell you what they think you want to hear. I bet if SEJoe asks a girl what she thinks of HKese, she'll tell him she loves HKese as do all the other girls in DG. When I pretend to be Japanese, girls tell me they love Japanese men. I tell them I'm ABC and I ask about what they think of Japanese men, the girls say Japanese are all perverts. I tell them I'm ethnic Korean from Yanbian, girls say they're glad I'm Chinese. It goes on and on like that. They tell you whatever it is they think you want to hear.

In general though, I think the girls prefer natives. There are no language barriers. There are no cultural differences. There's no weird sexual practices. As they say, better the devil you know than the one you don't.

I completely agree.. and whatever they say about ME, I agree... but what's the point in telling a lie about the other various guys out there.. i mean what do I care what the difference is between an HK guy and a Singaporean... and why would she tell me she prefers Singaporeans overall if I'm not Singaporean... kind of blows the whole premise of it...

But you're right, I don't hold too much water.. but again, there are certain girls that I talk to that I know aren't lying... they know the game, they know that I'm playing the field just as they are... and there really aren't any smoke screens to build that whole facade...

But I know what you mean overall... girls tell you what they want you to hear, just as I do to them... it's a symbiotic lie I guess... However, apparently certain types of guys have certain reputations overall... and that's all I was trying to report...

And as far as SEAJ goes... if I were a girl, I'd say whatever he wants to hear too... he's such a sexy dog...


05-24-10, 00:28
Girls don't really differentiate laowai. They can't tell the difference whether your speaking French, Spanish, Italian, whatever. They have no idea whether you speak British English, Australian English, or American English. The only differences some girls really notice are eye and hair color. If you're naturally blonde and blue eyed, some girls will go for that, but there are other girls who think it's gross, so it's a wash. The other major factor of course, is race. If your black, good luck.

I think if you're non-asian... it's probably more of a young vs. old thing than a nationality thing... If you're a young anglo with good looking features, you're probably more acceptable because they find that naturally attractive... if you're darker skinned, then I agree with Moody in the sense that it'll usually turn off some gals... (but who knows - just generalizing).

However.. at the end of the day.. if one fish is no good, go for the next one... you'll find one that you like that will like you...

The fun is in the hunt... That's what LAMonkey and I were talking about the other day...


05-24-10, 03:01
if you're a young anglo with good looking features, you're probably more acceptable because they find that naturally attractive...

yea,,, if you look like a b l t the girls will [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) you. a blt is brad pitt, leo dicaprio and tom cruse. :)

brad leo tom

05-24-10, 03:53
if you're darker skinned, then I agree with Moody in the sense that it'll usually turn off some gals...

i remember a colleague that would tag along to the saunas and ktv with me. he was a light skin very good looking cuban. that amount of girls running away from him was incredible. something that he is not used to in america. i used to always tell him to go for the girls with visible tattoos and that were smiling at him. but nooo... he had to go with his fantasy chinese girl... lucy liu. and to this day. he has not had one good experience....

05-24-10, 03:55
yea,,, if you look like a b l t the girls will [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) you. a blt is brad pitt, leo dicaprio and tom cruse.

brad leo tom

that goes for almost all asian girls! i hate blts!

05-24-10, 10:03
As far as being a foreigner or not, it's not that big a deal in CP anymore, since the girls are use to it now.
Some generalizations I have come across in my years there:
Chinese don't like Japanese
The guys from Singapore drop a lot more cash
The girls are scared of blacks
Fat guys are easier, and they are lazy, so the natural outcome is they like fat guys.
It's a job for them, so where exactly you are from is not that important, it's your overall size, height in particular.


SE Asia Joe
05-24-10, 11:18
I And as far as SEAJ goes... if I were a girl, I'd say whatever he wants to hear too... he's such a sexy dog...

You guys just don't have the game thats all!!

Each and EVERY gal I meet, they ALL say

"......Oh Oh Oh!!! SEAJ, I really really do LOVE you.....r money!!..." Without fail!

I thought BLT means Big Lovely Tits??


05-24-10, 18:07
Fat guys are easier, and they are lazy, so the natural outcome is they like fat guys.

ingest more general tso chicken........

05-24-10, 18:25
I have to second this in them asking where we're from. From talking to lots of the working gals, certain guys from certain places have bad reputations.. i.e. taiwan (kinda cheap) vs. hong kong (players)... girls kinda like the singaporeans (at least the ones I've talked to) - not sure why... I mean do they like them as "customers" because they don't give shit and pay lots? or what? I'm just not sure.. (honestly I don't know)...

All of the above I can verify with my personal survey. Yes they like singapore guys because of money and also i was told short sex (5 min). Malyasian sort of fall into close to singapore. I think alot of them take 'girlfriends' who get a stipend and since they are far away the girls have the freedom to do what they want and they won't find out. BSD and I visited a friend of mine on a stipend ($30k RMB a month supposedly - probably $10k and she lied) but the point being her 'fuck' friend was in the room when we were there and she was in my bed the night before for a freebie. go figure.

and Japanese have a bad reputation because of the past and disrespecting the girls.

Locals that do come, tend to berate and disrespect so they do not like them.

HKers are liked because they can be regulars (closer than other foreigners). also tend to be nice to the girls, perhaps because of the HK society vs. the China society. HKers do have a reputation for drinking whiskey and alot of it.

there are only two types of laoweis, young and old. they do not distinguish nationalities and cannot. And most girls are either curious or not. it is probably 70/30 in ktv for curious, and 25/75 for bbs curious (also night market). saunas are 50/50 curious. perhaps why i prefer KTV girls because they start with the right attitude... BBS curious girls are fun, but I and others have witnessed girls hiding from laoweis inside the bbs room. Sauna girls must go if chosen, but you can see the ones that are up for the task and the ones who's eyes are saying please don't choose me, i have to walk home!

Taiwanese are considered cheap and drink alot, i have heard complaints that they will buy best alcohol and cheat the girls. (or try to do in bathroom without paying ST - one instance from PP KTV).

Cunning Linguist
05-24-10, 21:38
As far as being a foreigner or not, it's not that big a deal in CP anymore, since the girls are use to it now.
Some generalizations I have come across in my years there:
Chinese don't like Japanese
The guys from Singapore drop a lot more cash
The girls are scared of blacks
Fat guys are easier, and they are lazy, so the natural outcome is they like fat guys.
It's a job for them, so where exactly you are from is not that important, it's your overall size, height in particular.

Is six feet (1,84) about right or too short or tall? I imagine that 7 feet would freak them out and 5 feet would turn them off.

Cunning Linguist
05-24-10, 21:42
I think if you're non-asian... it's probably more of a young vs. old thing than a nationality thing... If you're a young anglo with good looking features, you're probably more acceptable because they find that naturally attractive...
The fun is in the hunt... That's what LAMonkey and I were talking about the other day...

This has turned into a very interesting discussion. What is young or too old? Is a well preserved, well-dressed and fit 40 year old all right (reasonably good-looking)? Would Sean Connery be given the short shrift?

Apac Man
05-25-10, 08:35
I like to thank BSDave for his wonderful hospitality, arrangements, and helping hand over the weekend as well as Patrick for being a great company and guide. Also thank you SEAJ for doing the introduction.

One should spend some times here in Europe to appreciate what a wonderful place Asia is :) But you all already knew it.

Thanks again,


SE Asia Joe
05-25-10, 08:42
This has turned into a very interesting discussion. What is young or too old? Is a well preserved, well-dressed and fit 40 year old all right (reasonably good-looking)? Would Sean Connery be given the short shrift?
errr..... Sean Connery is an old man now, who I'd bet very few in China would even know he was James Bond. On top of that, he's now bald headed BUT remains hairy!! I'd say that unless he's gonna flash his cash around, he's gonna have a time getting takers!!

And this may age me - but going back to when, a friend of mine asked me to take care of Gexrgx Lxzxnbx when he came to Hong Kong. Full of bravado and quite full of himself, he asked me to take him to the hottest spots in town and watch him do his magic!

OK - took him to the hottest place, then to the next hottest one and even to a third one.... and he totally bombed out!! I ended up taking him to Club Aoshiro and got him a Xiaojie to accompany him to his lonely bed!!


05-25-10, 10:37
Ok...i know that every guy has his own personal preferences and I don't have the right to judge them. However, Lucy Liu? Can people tell me how Lucy Liu would even be considered a "fantasy girl"? She's got freckles all over her face.

I don't know why there's this western obsession with Lucy Liu. In my book, she's not pretty!

Just my personal opinion...


i remember a colleague that would tag along to the saunas and ktv with me. he was a light skin very good looking cuban. that amount of girls running away from him was incredible. something that he is not used to in america. i used to always tell him to go for the girls with visible tattoos and that were smiling at him. but nooo... he had to go with his fantasy chinese girl... lucy liu. and to this day. he has not had one good experience....

05-25-10, 15:55
I too want to thank BSD for his hospitality and hotel arrangement and also a big thanks to SEAJ for passing me the details to contact the absolut CP party central nr. 1

I took my effort to make it to town on friday afternoon, meet up with BSD for a footie and then later to hit Fu Hao KTV for some action there.

Man the pre flower street is fun, running through all the different rooms and get a preview of what there is to come. The main flower street is even more fun, that is what I call a full scale meat market! Beware, the good ones is quickly taken, so don't hesitate if you see someone you like.

Been a too long time before I visited a KTV and I thought hey it is a party so ended up with three girls, now I now it is too much to handle so will not do that next time.... We were a try International crowd and there were more people showin up later, so we ended with 10 guys with a lots of girls in the room. I had one that was fun, another one who was cute and nice body a third one wanted my attention all the time and careesed for me, massaged me and feeded me all the time, but most importantly, let me touch her all over without any hesitation, while the other two was a little reserved - so guess who I choosed at the end of the nite, the one that put most effort to serve me - so she earned her way to go out with me you could say. Some one in the room pointed out that the best served girl at the room might not be the best when you take her out... Back at the hotel, no shower together or BJ, learnt from pervious KTV encounter that they usually don't have condoms - so this time I was prepared. I had to start all over her and it was like my time to earn to have sex with her, WTF.......!!

Anyway, I fall asleep and the girl did not leave, after a while I got horny againg so fingered her and she was still wet, so here we go for round two. This time I said: you on top, still no BJ or anything special but she did gave me a ride that I late willl forget, turned to missionary and made her come before I shot my load, I thought againg, WTF who is doing the most of the work again..... All in all nothing special to report about this girl, San San, she got my nr and guess what, she text me today and ask when I will visit her againg.... Well, if I got to pay that much money, she's got to perform a little bit better than that :-)

Only had time to stay one nite though, so could not take part of the other activities going on the rest of the weekend, whatever it was. But guys were fun to hang around and party with and I will definetly show up again if I will be in the vicinity next time.


05-25-10, 16:26
Anyway, I fall asleep and the girl did not leave, after a while I got horny againg so fingered her and she was still wet, so here we go for round two. This time I said: you on top, still no BJ or anything special but she did gave me a ride that I late willl forget, turned to missionary and made her come before I shot my load, I thought againg, WTF who is doing the most of the work again..... All in all nothing special to report about this girl, San San, she got my nr and guess what, she text me today and ask when I will visit her againg.... Well, if I got to pay that much money, she's got to perform a little bit better than that :-)

You should ask the girl before you take her back if she will perform certain services. BJ is still not ubiquitous in China, so you do have to specify you want the girl to do it. That goes for anything else you might want the girl to do, although certain things, like anal, are usually off the table unless you get to know the girl better.

Thing is, in China, most girls perform the way they think you want them to perform. I think a very high percentage of guys in China are just missionary, and seriously, nothing else. A lot of Chinese guys go for the "virgin" fantasy, and want the girl to appear very inexperienced. For a girl to just lay there and do nothing is completely acceptable and actually preferred by a large percentage of men. I remember one girl I met, she's a bit on the older side now, about 28. Before she met me, she had been with approximately 20 men (which probably means 100-200, she's kinda easy), all natives with age spread of 18 to 42. She said none of them ever asked her to do anything besides missionary. When I told her the things I like, she kept telling me I was a pervert.

05-25-10, 17:49
Hi all, first of all, am sorry for being late in filing this report of my last visit to changping in this April. Though it was a very short visit but I enjoyed a lot and met some of the other ISG members including pig fat, jetsetter, and water fish if I remember rightly at fuhao KTV and they were really enjoying there company. Actually I planned to spend the night at huihua sauna, but bsd suggested sm other and if I remember rightly it was plutocrate. Am I right bsd. It was very near to fuhao. The girl I selected was not a slim one for a change. She was tall and had right amount of meat at the right places. And believe me she used all her skills, trainings and efforts to please me. This was only because there was some refrence in between. I pumped her for atleast half an hour for the second shot, and she kept on smiling all the time. Gave excellent BBBJ and rimming. Slept in the well maintained room. Had fruits and cold drink complimentry & left for Guangzhou early morning. Thanks bsd and all you guys for your hospitality.


Apac Man
05-25-10, 18:11
You should ask the girl before you take her back if she will perform certain services. ...

And if you are not Chinese and planning to take the girl to your room, you should also ask if she will go out with a non-Chinese. You will be surprised how many girls will claim this is that time of the month! Of course they will sit with you in the room, but having sex is totally different story. CP is not that bad, but in places like Nanjing or Xi`an, it is close to impossible to have a KTV girl go with you if you are not Chinese.

Thing is, in China, most girls perform the way they think you want them to perform. I think a very high percentage of guys in China are just missionary, and seriously, nothing else...

LOL! My girl who did not speak a word of English all night long in the room, surprisingly knew that phrase very well.. Your are a pelvelt! Of course it was said giggling so it was not offending!

Be Safe,