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11-18-19, 22:27
Why would 9s and 10s be in gogo bars when they could just as well be modeling in magazines and staring on Filipino soap operas and in Filipino movies? And who here knows what your idea of a 9 or 10 is? Why post such a subjective question.The question I was really asking is where are the 9's and 10's available to the foreigner for p4 p in Angeles if they can not be found in the go go bars. Are there even any available at all? And what I mean by 9's and 10's are what most guys would consider a 9-10 in general. Models in magazine quality. In Thailand they have those types of girls in high end escorts agency. Are high end girls available in AC if so where?

11-18-19, 22:48
The question I was really asking is where are the 9's and 10's available to the foreigner for p4 p in Angeles if they can not be found in the go go bars. Are there even any available at all? And what I mean by 9's and 10's are what most guys would consider a 9-10 in general. Models in magazine quality. In Thailand they have those types of girls in high end escorts agency. Are high end girls available in AC if so where?I suppose also a 9 or 10 in any city would be thinking do I really have to shag dirty old mongers to get money. Maybe one rich one but not multiples and as far as I am concerned 9 or 10 does not equate with 9 / 10 performance. Went out with a 9/10 once in my hometown once, yes my profile amomgst the boys went up, but after 3 wks I had had enough of the waiting 3 hrs to get ready, the constant stories of her previous conquests and the general self centredness MO.

BTW after High Society is Skytrax disco any good to troll?

11-18-19, 22:54
The question I was really asking is where are the 9's and 10's available to the foreigner for p4 p in Angeles if they can not be found in the go go bars. Are there even any available at all? And what I mean by 9's and 10's are what most guys would consider a 9-10 in general. Models in magazine quality. In Thailand they have those types of girls in high end escorts agency. Are high end girls available in AC if so where?Atlantis is going to be your best bet. Then the high-end girls will cost you as you have to outbid the option of them staying in the club and earning good money without having to deal with your cum.

A 7-8 girl can be vastly improved with a nice dress, makeup and heels. From my experience the girls I've had from Lollipop and the old Insomnia always dressed up to go home with their barfine. In many cases our mind and imagination can add 2-3 points to a girl's rating.

A base roots though, an uneducated impoverished filipina raised on rice can only go so far. Here are exceptions of course.

Now, how about this monger https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/relationships/dating/who-is-benedetta-bosi-the-20yearold-law-student-dating-millionaire-sporting-mogul-69/news-story/2976a5c9e747a411bf9476450824733e.

He wouldn't look out of place in AC.


Member #4698
11-18-19, 23:03
what I mean by 9's and 10's are what most guys would consider a 9-10 in general. Models in magazine quality. In Thailand they have those types of girls in high end escorts agency. Are high end girls available in AC if so where?What high end escort agencies in Thailand have model quality (9's and 10's) girls? I'd like to know. LOL.

Street, I think what everybody is trying to tell you, or at least the members who have responded to your initial inquiry, is that there are no 9's and 10's anywhere. The best looking Filipina I can recall meeting worked in Air Force One in MNL. She was smokin' hot and a very friendly girl. When she smiled nothing else mattered, but I would rate her an 8++ at best. So honestly, I don't think I have ever met a 9 anywhere and that includes all the $300 to $450 Chinese and Korean "super models" that I have seen and done in upscale Macau saunas like Rio. Those "super models" were hot all right and very good looking, maybe you would rate them as 9's and 10's I don't know, but I rate the most attractive of them a 7. 8 at best.

Everyone has their own rating system. So if you think you have found a 9 or a 10 in a BKK escort agency or somewhere else, great. Go with it. I just look for attractive girls that want to have a good time. I would categorize the girls I usually do as being in the 6 to 7. 5 range ie very attractive girls who are usually in the top 7% of their bar or club. And when I see a really hot girl, a 7 * girl IMO, and she is friendly and sexy and she passes the audition; I am a very happy camper.

Now there are some bars in AC like XS, for example, known for having the better looking girls. Start your search in one of these honky tonks and work your way down. I am pretty sure you will find what you are looking for. If not, after a couple of nights, head to MNL. And if you can't find any "9's" & "10's" in MNL, head to Macau. Good luck hunting & post a trip report afterwards.

11-18-19, 23:19
BTW after High Society is Skytrax disco any good to troll?From memory from your previous posts you are 50+ in age. The times I've been to Skytrax, the music was crap for my 50+ ears. Heaps of young korean dudes in groups. Wasn't a western monger scene. Another time going back to ABC I did take a BF there walking back from her bar. She had a good dance but once again not my scene.

Now I'm remembering that girl. She was a local girl from Dau working in the Midnight Rodeo. Now that is a bar which knows its market.


Mr Enternational
11-18-19, 23:57
IBTW after High Society is Skytrax disco any good to troll?Before there was High Society, there was Sky Trax. The Koreans took over that place after everyone else moved to HS. Funny how small that place seems today, but back then it was where everyone went.

Engine Driver
11-19-19, 00:37
The question I was really asking is where are the 9's and 10's available to the foreigner for p4 p in Angeles if they can not be found in the go go bars. Are there even any available at all? And what I mean by 9's and 10's are what most guys would consider a 9-10 in general. Models in magazine quality. In Thailand they have those types of girls in high end escorts agency. Are high end girls available in AC if so where?Such a club does exist. It is expensive, classy and oh so French. In fact, it is probably beyond the reach of most of the old pensioner mongers on this board as it is expensive, classy and well, French. It is located behind Santos Street, near the uber exclusive Euphoria One development. You can now understand their target clientele. It is not easy to find, so it is best you take a trike there.

Club Neuf-Dix Elite, as its name suggests, only employs girls who are 9's or 10's, as certified by the Philippines Government's Department of Tourism. It's much like the official certification and audit of 5-star hotels. These girls are amongst the most beautiful you will find anywhere in the Philippines. They represent an exotic mix of girls from all over this wonderful country, including beautiful Morena and hot-blooded Mestiza girls. The selection process involved to become a Neuf-Dix girl is extremely rigorous, arduous and meticulous. In fact, it is easier to be crowned Miss Philippines Earth (as opposed to Miss Philippines Mars?) than to gain employment at Club Neuf-Dix Elite. The girls are all scrutinised not only for their natural beauty, but on their grooming and deportment skills, French language proficiency and their scores from the Court of Master Sommelier's examination. Many of the selection panel members are former Miss Universe judges. It is said that the mamasan herself was a former Miss World finalist. The girls, during their final round of selection before a contract is offered, need to spend a week at the Chateau Lafite Rothschild Estate in Bordeaux to hone their spittoon usage technique. Besides for spitting out wine, this technique becomes useful in areas of bedroom activity.

The girls are employed here because they genuinely want to work in the hospitality industry in Angeles City. They have hearts of gold. Each day, they all receive numerous offers of employment as catwalk models, Instagram models, lead roles on soap operas and as permanent consorts to wealthy Korean mongers. It is rumoured the stipends on offer by the Koreans are more than 100 k pesos a month. All of them, without exception, reject these offers because a job at Club Neuf-Dix is a life changing opportunity and a job for life. It gives them unrivalled prestige and job satisfaction. No other career on earth can provide these. They cite the ability to meet sophisticated, distinguished, educated and classy mongers from all over the world, in addition to discussing French wine in French as the drawcard for living in Angeles City. Much like nuns must take a vow of poverty and chastity, these girls must take a vow of service and must promise to meet every need of the monger. Someone suggested these girls too take a vow of chastity, but the rather pragmatic Board of Club Neuf-Dix overruled as it would be against the Filipina culture.

The bar fine at Club Neuf-Dix Elite is, as you would expect, a rather steep 12,500 pesos for long time. This in itself keeps away the majority of mongers from this board and permanently glued to PL where they can pick up skank working girls with a shabu addiction for 1,000 pesos a pop. In addition to the bar fine, mongers are required to purchase a bottle of the finest French plonk suggested by the sommelier as soon as they sit down. This bottle, depending on the vintage and region, can easily exceed 100,000 pesos. The girls get a nice commission on bottle sales.

Please visit this club and write a report. I was unable to gain entry last time as they don't have a ramp to enable access for my mobility scooter. Secondly, they don't have a diaper change station inside and I hate dancing with beautiful girls with a diaper full of shit. I can assure you it is not a good look if my fulltime Pinay caregiver changes my diaper in public.

11-19-19, 00:52
Such a club does exist. It is expensive, classy and oh so French.At last, hope of the Promised Land. $250 US is fine for long time if she speaks French and has good implants but $2000 for a bottle of Chinaman plonk might be pricey if she is less than stellar but not a deal breaker. What is the deal with food (to go with the wine and ambience)? And, is a 100 PHP trike ok to head homewards or does she insist on a horse and four driven by a French speaking, Trilby and bowler wearing Odd Job Pinoy mute with a club foot and a dick a donkey might envy?

11-19-19, 01:19
The question I was really asking is where are the 9's and 10's available to the foreigner for p4 p in Angeles if they can not be found in the go go bars. Are there even any available at all? And what I mean by 9's and 10's are what most guys would consider a 9-10 in general. Models in magazine quality. In Thailand they have those types of girls in high end escorts agency. Are high end girls available in AC if so where?I heard in Manila there are places where you can get 9 and 10 on your scale.

Angeles city is cheap mans paradise. Personally renting a pussy is for pussy service rather than the beauty of the pussy owner. There are some good looking girls at Korean bars if you like fair thin round face girls. I would rather settle for a girl who satisfies me rather than her beauty.

11-20-19, 02:47
in addition to discussing French wine in French as the drawcard for living in Angeles City. Actually I was dating a non-working girl in AC that is proficient in French and thanks to her HK Banker sponsor was making regular trips to europe. Maybe she works at this bar.

11-20-19, 06:47
The bar fine at Club Neuf-Dix Elite is, as you would expect, a rather steep 12,500 pesos for long time. I will enjoy my 4 nights in AC with that much of money. Cheap mongers also have the right to survive in the society. 4 or 5/10 girls with assets that attract one can also get GFE with that much of money and can go back home with sweet memories. Chances of disappointment from stunners are high in expectations and in mathematics.

Good one ED. Cheers.

11-20-19, 18:14
I heard in Manila there are places where you can get 9 and 10 on your scale.

Angeles city is cheap mans paradise. Personally renting a pussy is for pussy service rather than the beauty of the pussy owner. There are some good looking girls at Korean bars if you like fair thin round face girls. I would rather settle for a girl who satisfies me rather than her beauty.I have not set foot in a korean place that I know of really. The only bars I really ever go to are lollypop section of fields. I know of 10-15 Korean type bars farther down the way that I have not even tried I figure I look in there see what up next time. Just wondered if the KTV places were the place to go for the higher end scale girls. So many jolly bee bellys now a days even in the models groups of those bars. How can a fat girl or a girl with a chewed up bubble gum belly put herself in the model group its disgusting. Guess I just head to manila

11-20-19, 23:03
I just noticed that Smooci is now offering girls in AC. When I look today I can see 5 girls listed expected between P4 k-P16 k for a two hour booking.

"Normal" girls will see advert for P8 k / hour and think that that is what is actually being paid. It's really pushing Manila prices into AC.

I think it is a bad thing.

Engine Driver
11-21-19, 04:02
I just noticed that Smooci is now offering girls in AC. When I look today I can see 5 girls listed expected between P4 k-P16 k for a two hour booking.

"Normal" girls will see advert for P8 k / hour and think that that is what is actually being paid. It's really pushing Manila prices into AC.

I think it is a bad thing.Good observation BD. That's another reason now to stay out of AC. I'm glad my mongering days in Flip Land are coming to an end. What usually happens in these situations is that mongers become desensitised to high sticker prices, so 10,000 pesos for 2 hours will become quite normal. There is no longer the shock value. It may even be considered cheap! Soon, even the 1,000 peso streetwalkers will be on Smooci at 8,000 a pop. Hahahaha. They only need three stupid mongers a month which they will get! It's a totally unregulated market. Bye bye Pina Love, Hello, Smooci. There's goes any chance of real romance leading to marriage with a sweet, God fearing AC girl. Hahaha.

I had a look at the Instagram account of the 15,000 peso lady Sofia and it seems she's on the Asian circuit, servicing businessmen in various cities. She's actually fat, ugly and tattooed. She does offer anal and BDSM, so many rich mongers will get off on that. You need to give her two hours prep time before the appointment. I presume its to give her poop chute a thorough cleansing with WR's enema kit. Need to make sure all the balut remnants are flushed out of her ass. I had a chuckle at the ubiquitous LV bags she is collecting as a reward from these stupid mongers.

A top shelf Colombian hooker in my country that I see is $440 South Sea Pesos for two hours. That's 15,400 Flip pesos without the need travel to AC. She's a 9 compared to this Pinay who would scrape through as a 6. So the $64,000 question is, what's the point in going to AC?

11-21-19, 05:45
So the $64,000 question is, what's the point in going to AC?I've said before that the price is always what ever the market will bare so while some idiots are paying the LV Princess 16 k, I can guarantee a pinoy boyfriend is getting it for free (or even leeching cash from her) and a favored customer is getting a heavily discounted rate.

I don't want to jump on the 'good old days' bandwagon but the same can now be said of all monger capitals. $400 prices are no longer uncommon in Manila, Bankok or Jakarta. However, all these cities also have $20 options if you know where to look, as do the respective regional centers.

So, to answer your question, go to have a look and a perve but be sure to only pay what you are happy to pay.

Cheers. G.

11-26-19, 17:49
A quick summary of my last trip to angeles:

Day 1: Met up with a bar girl I knew from before. Went to high society. She came back with me to my hotel. Didn't charge me.

Day 2: Did some bar hopping with another monger. Nothing of interest. At night went to high society. Met this girl Angie who works at a bar during the day and her fat friend who works at another bar. Late in the night she offered to go back with me for 3 k. I countered with 1. 5 k. We settled on 2 k. Probably could have gotten it for less if I had bargained a bit harder. She said she didn't have a baby but she had some really saggy boobs, worse than some baby mommas. Had 1 session before sleeping and nothing in the morning.

Day 3: Went to high society in the evening. Met a group 5 of massage girls that were having a good time. I paired up with Faith, but I really liked Bella even though she had some serious acne issues. Bella had a nice round ass. All the girls were from somewhere in mindanao. Surigao? Dunno. I forget. Anyways. Took Faith home. Had 1 session before sleeping. And another in the middle of the night at some point. Offered her money before she left, but she wouldn't take it.

Day 4: Had a girl come over I had bar fined from a previous visit. Darker skin girl but nice hips and ass on this one. Didn't discuss money. After the deed paid her 2 k. She seemed satisfied.

Day 5: The girl from day 5. Texted me saying she wanted to come over again. This time I said I could only give her 1 k. Budget constraints. I wasn't expecting her to accept. She countered with 1. 5 k. I stuck at 1 k. Finally she agreed and had a fast session with her for 1 k before going on a lunch date with normal girl I had met on a previous visit.

Day 6: Got Bella's number from the night before while passing her on the street. Texted the number and asked for a massage from her. She showed up and was a bit suprised to see me. Anyways. During the massage she says she's a virgin. So I'm not going to get any sex from her. She told me stories of giving up anal for some crazy amount like 30 k. And other guys paying ridiculous amounts of money to not have sex with her. She offers me a hand job for 600 on top of the 300 for the massage. Horny, I took the offer. Got to touch her boobs and ass while she jerked me off.

Day 7: Went to high society again. Struck out. But got some numbers. Say Faith there again, not fun seeing old conquests there.

Day 8: Another previous barfine wanted to come over for the night for 2 k. I said sure. Told her to come by 10 pm and she could leave by 6 am and I'd give her 2 k. She showed up at like 12:30 am. I forgot how cute she was. Nice smooth skin. But definitely is not into sex. Anyways, sessioned with her once before sleeping. No morning session. Just wasn't up for it. Gave her 2 k. She left at around 630 am.

Mr Enternational
11-26-19, 20:47
Day 7: Went to high society again. Struck out. But got some numbers. Say Faith there again, not fun seeing old conquests there That sounds like a solid trip. Why don't you like seeing the chicks you already fucked? To me it is like going to the food court at the mall. The wings n things lady where you ate yesterday won't get mad because you are eating next door at the Chinese place today. You just greet them and keep going.

And in your case where you liked the friend I would have even said where is your friend so and so. As a matter of fact, the first day I would have told them I was going to fuck her today and fuck her friend tomorrow. The more you practice the easier it gets. My dad told me when in a hoarhouse, act like a hoar.

11-26-19, 22:12
A quick summary of my last trip to angeles:.Sounds like a fun 8 days. You were really working the HiSo scene and mist have been getting treated like a regular.

As your report shows, 8 days is enough to stat seeing the same faces.

And Faith will be in HiSo again this week, next week etc. Her friend Bella will be doing massages until she finds one guy who does promise her everything, then she will be pregnant and back to the province for the birth. Finally then she will be back in AC ready for FS duties. Just be cynical.

Great days in AC.

11-28-19, 09:01
I'm headed to AC next week and follow a Facebook forum that keeps posting about a tropical storm. Is there any worries for people living in AC?

11-28-19, 09:44
I'm headed to AC next week and follow a Facebook forum that keeps posting about a tropical storm. Is there any worries for people living in AC?Keep a close eye on the sea condition charts. If a king tide hits, drowning in pussy is a real possibility.

Enjoy. G.

Engine Driver
11-28-19, 12:44
I'm headed to AC next week and follow a Facebook forum that keeps posting about a tropical storm. Is there any worries for people living in AC?People in the Philippines have been living with typhoons for thousands of years. There's nothing any white man can do about it. Unless you are going to be shacking up with a chick and her Tita in their wooden hut near the river, I wouldn't worry about it. Just take an umbrella and keep fucking those prostitutes. Then submit some reports.

11-28-19, 17:52
Day 1.

Philippines was always a destination on the cards for me due to the exotic locations and beautiful ladies.

First of all, I would like to thank the members of these forums for the excellent contribution. My primary areas of interest were Manila, Angeles and Cebu. I also consulted a few online blogs to get a general idea.

I arrived at NAIA, Manila in the morning. Immigration was smooth. Currency exchange was easy, all booths had same rates. Got a SIM card (Smart).

I had already contacted Mr Roy for a Taxi to Angeles as per the recommendation of a fellow member here. He was on time, polite and a safe driver.

The ride took almost 2. 5 hrs with a food stop on the way. The Manila traffic was better than I had feared.

My stay in Angeles was at ABC hotel. First impressions were OK but seemed overhyped, specially considering the high price tag. It was however comfortable, safe and friendly.

After shower and rest, went out around 4 PM. Walked all the way to the end of Walking street. First impression, not too crowded like Pattaya. And cleaner. Seemed quite safe too. Many Bars like Go Go's. But no Beer Bars.

At this time not many were open. Still went into a few like Cosplay. Had a drink there while watching the girls practice their dancing. All sizes and shapes. Not many stunning though.

Finally landed at Pony tails. Around 15 girls, half on stage. Was approached by a few. Gave a few ladies drinks too. Selected two for a threesome. 2.5 k each.

Came back to the hotel. Nice performance by the girls. One was looker, the other a bit chubby and older (28-30 I think). But both were enthusiastic. Started with a massage, then proceeded to the main act. No lesbian act by the way.

Afterwards went out for a walk with the two of them. Went into Kokomos. Had a good dinner.

Didn't see too much crowd even at 9-10 PM. Not many freelancers either. One good thing was near absence of beggars contrary to what I was told. Another good point was the absence of hawkers and scammers unlike Pattaya.

Came back to the hotel. Had another round before sleep. Slept like a dog. Early morning had another go with the two ladies and then sent them home with 500 peso tip each.

Member #4698
11-28-19, 20:14
Nice 1st day field report Neo. You did your research and slipped in comfortably to the AC style. Pony Tails is pretty much always reliable if not stellar and more importantly it is one of the better afternoon bars. I don't think a 1st timer in Pattaya could have done as well you did on your 1st day in AC and I prefer Pattaya over AC.

Agreed, ABC is over hyped / overpriced, but it is what it is: comfortable and welcoming. But that's why I prefer the less grandiose and baudy Lewis Grand with it's very nice swimming pool and solid breakfast menu.

Anyway, it sounds like you are off to a really good start. I look forward to reading about your further exploits. Rock On!

11-29-19, 00:37
My stay in Angeles was at ABC hotel. First impressions were OK but seemed overhyped, specially considering the high price tag. It was however comfortable, safe and friendly.Nice report and shows what can be done by RTFF.

The other thing I notice in your report is you got two girls in the afternoon who stayed the night with multiple pops for 2.5 k ea. I think the ABC venue can also take part credit for that. Girls do runners from dodgy cheap hotels. They like to stay longer at ABC.

The other credit also goes to be a gent.


11-29-19, 00:46
I'm headed to AC next week and follow a Facebook forum that keeps posting about a tropical storm. Is there any worries for people living in AC?Much more reliable is the weather reports in this forum.


Bars clearing with a chance of fresh pussy. 100% chance of getting laid.


Cheap beers on the Perimeter, afternoon & many hotel showers expected. 100% chance of getting laid.

The Weekend.

Expect some inbound traffic from the south. Bars may be more crowded with a chance of spilt beers. 100% chance of getting laid.

If there is a typhoon and there probably will be, just do all of the above with an umbrella.

11-29-19, 09:26
Much more reliable is the weather reports in this forum.
Monday.Bars clearing with a chance of fresh pussy. 100% chance of getting laid.
Tuesday.Cheap beers on the Perimeter, afternoon & many hotel showers expected. 100% chance of getting laid.
The Weekend.Expect some inbound traffic from the south. Bars may be more crowded with a chance of spilt beers. 100% chance of getting laid.
If there is a typhoon and there probably will be, just do all of the above with an umbrella.And when the heavens opened up it was bliss- the only trouble was I forgot my umbrella and so I had to go uncovered!


11-29-19, 13:46
The most boring thing has to be the morning after the first night.

All your excitement leading up to the trip has been more or less fulfilled (hopefully). Whatever elaborate fantasies you had dreamed of prior to the trip may have been satisfied, partially if not fully. Then you wake up the next day, without a hangover in my case as I don't drink (except coca cola) and have another go at it (in my case luckily a threesome).

But once the ladies are gone and you are done with freshening up and get ready for breakfast, you are wondering what to do during the day.

Most of these mongering places, and especially Angeles have precious little to do during the day. Of course, you could line up another hottie for the day online, but then after such a nice evening, night and morning, I needed some rest. The options were few, maybe a visit to the shooting range, a massage or a mall.

I selected the Mall. So after breakfast at a nearby place, I took a walk down to the mall. It took quite a while but as the weather was pleasant, I didn't mind. In SM Clark, roamed a bit and after sometime decided to come back. While returning, went to Walking street and had a nice foot massage towards the end of the street.

By the time the massage ended, it was starting to rain. Since it was a light drizzle, I continued on without an Umbrella. Went into a couple of bars, most were not open or the girls were practicing.

Had some lunch at McD and went into Ace Bar. Around 10 girls. Got talking to the Mamasan, and selected one slim girl. She didn't look too interested and made the excuse of periods. The second one too looked bored. The only available ones were hardly worth it. The barfine too seemed steep (2.5ST and 3.5 LT). So after one glass of coke, left the place.

Since it was hardly 2 PM or so, decided to return to the hotel. But the downpour increased significantly, forcing me into a roadside bar. I don't remember the name. There were a few girls. Ordered one coke. 2 girls lazily approached. Gave them LD. One was slim and cute. Asked her to barfine. For Short time and offered 1. 5 K. She refused but then I told the Mamasan that she can return in One hour. If we agree later on a long time, then I will pay the full Barfine. I think the weather forced the issue and she agreed.

Came back on a Tricycle. Now this is a funny contraption. Basically a motorcycle with a side seat attached. Both of us got into it and reached hotel. ABC staff are welcoming like anything! That's one point I have come to like about it.

Anyway, had an OK session. Not too bad, not great either. No Massage though. Girls definitely seemed to like ABC.

Gave her a 200 tip. Unnecessary, I think. But stil, WTH.

Both left the hotel together.

Still it was hardly evening and so decided to roam Walking street again. It seems such a small stretch compared to Pattaya. And the absence of beer bars too. Didn't like to go into some open bars like the Margarita station etc.

This time went into Vikings.

The rest will continue in another post.

Fake Nick
11-29-19, 23:41
The most boring thing has to be the morning after the first night.

All your excitement leading up to the trip has been more or less fulfilled (hopefully). Whatever elaborate fantasies you had dreamed of prior to the trip may have been satisfied, partially if not fully. Then you wake up the next day, without a hangover in my case as I don't drink (except coca cola) and have another go at it (in my case luckily a threesome).

But once the ladies are gone and you are done with freshening up and get ready for breakfast, you are wondering what to do during the day.If you have time I would recommend a bus trip to Baggio where the temps are very cool. Victory Liner will take you up the mountains at death defying speeds around the curves!

Then a trip to Mt. Pintatubo. By helicopter you can look down inside.

Play on the computer or look at websites.

Some bars have dance contests or bikini contests.

Rent a motorcycle and get pulled over for not wearing a helmet or not completely stopping at a sign, then be forced to pay 500 pesos to bribe the cop or go to jail.

Nothing more to do but chase around the clubs and fall in love with a hooker and fantasize about bringing her back with you.

11-30-19, 12:13
Came back on a Tricycle. Now this is a funny contraption. Basically a motorcycle with a side seat attached. Both of us got into it and reached hotel. ABC staff are welcoming like anything! That's one point I have come to like about it..Good to hear you are exploring opportunity.

Remember that ABC will send you a van to collect you and your barfine. Just grab the transport cell number form the guys at the front. When you text, you just tell them the bar, your name and your room number.

11-30-19, 14:36
I've come to a realization. I thought I was cheap before, but I should be even cheaper. Muchos gracias to MutantChicken for helping me realize this. In the past I never would have thought of giving girls "only" 1 k for a session. I always thought, if I offer something so low, how would I be perceived? I might offend the girl. Well screw that. That's all out the window. My last trip to angeles I got my first 1 k girl. And it was fantastic. She was happy and I was happy. Why wouldn't she be happy? It was 1 k for about 25 minutes of "work". Who wouldn't be happy to make that? Sex is not some special sacred act to these girls that they need to preserve it for someone special. Its work. If I was in the philippines and making 20 USD for 25 minutes of work, I'd be crazy happy. So cheers. To hopefully many more 1 k girls in the future.

My last trip to angeles city was my first ever to go without bar fining a single girl. Thank the koreans for the way things are now. Now you got expensive short time and long time prices. As well as some girls asking for 5k bar fines.

12-01-19, 00:04
The most boring thing has to be the morning after the first night.

All your excitement leading up to the trip has been more or less fulfilled (hopefully). Whatever elaborate fantasies you had dreamed of prior to the trip may have been satisfied, partially if not fully. Then you wake up the next day, without a hangover in my case as I don't drink (except coca cola) and have another go at it (in my case luckily a threesome).

But once the ladies are gone and you are done with freshening up and get ready for breakfast, you are wondering what to do during the day.

Most of these mongering places, and especially Angeles have precious little to do during the day. Of course, you could line up another hottie for the day online, but then after such a nice evening, night and morning, I needed some rest. The options were few, maybe a visit to the shooting range, a massage or a mall.

I selected the Mall. So after breakfast at a nearby place, I took a walk down to the mall. It took quite a while but as the weather was pleasant, I didn't mind. In SM Clark, roamed a bit and after sometime decided to come back. While returning, went to Walking street and had a nice foot massage towards the end of the street.
By the time the massage ended, it was starting to rain. Since it was a light drizzle, I continued on without an Umbrella. Went into a couple of bars, most were not open or the girls were practicing.
Had some lunch at McD and went into Ace Bar. Around 10 girls. Got talking to the Mamasan, and selected one slim girl. She didn't look too interested and made the excuse of periods. The second one too looked bored. The only available ones were hardly worth it. The barfine too seemed steep (2.5ST and 3.5 LT). So after one glass of coke, left the place.
Since it was hardly 2 PM or so, decided to return to the hotel. But the downpour increased significantly, forcing me into a roadside bar. I don't remember the name. There were a few girls. Ordered one coke. 2 girls lazily approached. Gave them LD. One was slim and cute. Asked her to barfine. For Short time and offered 1. 5 K. She refused but then I told the Mamasan that she can return in One hour. If we agree later on a long time, then I will pay the full Barfine. I think the weather forced the issue and she agreed.
Came back on a Tricycle. Now this is a funny contraption. Basically a motorcycle with a side seat attached. Both of us got into it and reached hotel. ABC staff are welcoming like anything! That's one point I have come to like about it.
Anyway, had an OK session. Not too bad, not great either. No Massage though. Girls definitely seemed to like ABC.
Gave her a 200 tip. Unnecessary, I think. But stil, WTH.
Both left the hotel together.
Still it was hardly evening and so decided to roam Walking street again. It seems such a small stretch compared to Pattaya. And the absence of beer bars too. Didn't like to go into some open bars like the Margarita station etc.
This time went into Vikings.
The rest will continue in another post.Clark Museum, SM City Mall, Zoobic Safari, Fontana Leisure Park, I go to movies maybe twice if anything decent, check out malls, maybe trip to Subic. I too get bored shitless during the days esp when I am not a big drinker and now older after 12 my body says had enough. Hit the gym my boy! One thing I try to do is have bfast as late as possible, then lunch is at 2 or just a small snax. Got to rearrange the body clock. I also hammer the movie channels esp during the hot afternoons re 1-5 pm. Maybe try write a detailed TR esp some of the non mong stuff like good restaurants or other stuff you find.

That's why I like places with a beach. Swim, snorkel, dive, paddle or god forbid ride a wave.


12-01-19, 04:26
Clark Museum, SM City Mall, Zoobic Safari, Fontana Leisure Park, I go to movies maybe twice if anything decent, check out malls, maybe trip to Subic. I too get bored shitless during the days esp when I am not a big drinker and now older after 12 my body says had enough. Hit the gym my boy! One thing I try to do is have bfast as late as possible, then lunch is at 2 or just a small snax. Got to rearrange the body clock. I also hammer the movie channels esp during the hot afternoons re 1-5 pm. Maybe try write a detailed TR esp some of the non mong stuff like good restaurants or other stuff you find.

That's why I like places with a beach. Swim, snorkel, dive, paddle or god forbid ride a wave.

NI.My last trip I found the poker room and spent many days there as well. Good way to burn 3-4 hours if you like poker.

12-02-19, 06:41
Clark Museum, SM City Mall, Zoobic Safari, Fontana Leisure Park, I go to movies maybe twice if anything decent, check out malls, maybe trip to Subic. I too get bored shitless during the days esp when I am not a big drinker and now older after 12 my body says had enough. Hit the gym my boy! One thing I try to do is have bfast as late as possible, then lunch is at 2 or just a small snax. Got to rearrange the body clock. I also hammer the movie channels esp during the hot afternoons re 1-5 pm. Maybe try write a detailed TR esp some of the non mong stuff like good restaurants or other stuff you find.

That's why I like places with a beach. Swim, snorkel, dive, paddle or god forbid ride a wave.

NI.I remember reading that you have a lovely Viet lady back in Melbourne. How did you manage to get her to be happy with you having mongering trips?

It's frankly amazing!

12-02-19, 22:20
Great to see that Ponytails is also popular with Australian politicians.


It's actually very bad that that bat manager talks about her clients like that.

Chocha Monger
12-03-19, 02:29
Great to see that Ponytails is also popular with Australian politicians.


It's actually very bad that that bat manager talks about her clients like that.Correction! Ponytails 'was' very popular with Aussie politicians. The Flip bar manager just shot herself in the foot, which is something Flips are very good at doing. The bar manager must be bitter at the loss of her cut of April's earnings now that she is the wife of a big time politician in White Man Land. Seems like she wants to remind April that she is still just a hooker.

I doubt that many Aussie politicians and other 'big spenders' are going to patronize Ponytails after seeing that video clip and article, as the bar manager is very indiscrete. Balibago Barangay Social Hygiene Clinic did a marvelous job at discouraging hookers from registering and reporting for STD checks.

Oh well, so much for anonymity while whoring and touring the Philippines. Thank goodness, other options abound for those who have the good looks of Idris Elba or Don Draper.

12-03-19, 03:32
I remember reading that you have a lovely Viet lady back in Melbourne. How did you manage to get her to be happy with you having mongering trips?
It's frankly amazing!I don't shove it in her face and she doesn't ask too many questions. Societal norms, ethics and morals are different in SEA countries. An understanding of these may give you a better insight of how relationships in SEA exist.


12-03-19, 03:52
Most important time of the year, is right now.

In two weeks time the girls will be in panic mode to collect enough money for Christmas celebrations with family and friends.

They'll even fuck with people like you and me, to put some money together. Imagine that!

Arrive with little $1 or $2 , Christmas type, chocolate gifts. Smile. "Are you going back to the Province for Christmas? If yes, she will need money for transport to and from, plus celebration money. She's deeply dependent on you and your ATM. Time to pounce.

It's the most important season of fucking, for her (money) and for you (honey).

It's now or never guys. If you can not have fun in the next couple of weeks before Christmas (25th) , you need to review your modus operandi. A bumper harvest awaits you and yes, threatens your ATM too.

"Fuck now, that the season of fucking is yours, and not those who follow after you" !

Note: If typhoon, beware of the fresh water crocodiles in Walking Street.

Engine Driver
12-03-19, 04:13
Like Sammon, I have zero tolerance for smelly pussies. While.

I haven't gotten around to doing the myriad of finger / ginger / laboratory tests he orders from the pathologist yet, I know a bad smelling pussy from a good smelling pussy.

Freelancers in AC particularly seem to be afflicted by rotten pussy syndrome (RPS). The more tattoos they have, the more likely their pussy will smell. Tattooed people are risk takers. When 90% of their customers fuck bareback with CIP, how could you not get RPS?

My previous nights freebie (yes in AC hahaha) left at 6.00 am to get to her day job, so I had time on my hands. I found a FL on Tinder at 8. 00 am and she agreed to hang out with me from 10.00 am to 2. 00 pm for 1,500 pesos. So she came on time and we had breakfast. We took my laundry to the, well, laundry, stocked up on water, and just did internet for a while.

We then showered and come DATY time, I couldn't do it. I told her to wash her money maker again and brush her teeth (cigarette smell). Still I couldn't do DATY. She was very, very upset and said she takes impeccable care of her pussy hahaha. I told her to go to the Balibago Barangay Social Hygiene Clinic today for the ginger test. Now that we know their medical records are not confidential, I wonder if she will follow through.

I gave her 1,000 pesos and told her to leave. You're probably wondering why I was so generous. AC is a gangster town and you don't want to have any issues over a few dollars. Unless you are Idris Elba, Don Draper or Chocha Monger, you pay now or you pay later. Hahaha.

12-03-19, 04:21
Most important time of the year, is right now.
In two weeks time the girls will be in panic mode to collect enough money for Christmas celebrations with family and friends.
They'll even fuck with people like you and me, to put some money together. Imagine that!
Arrive with little $1 or $2 , Christmas type, chocolate gifts. Smile. "Are you going back to the Province for Christmas? If yes, she will need money for transport to and from, plus celebration money. She's deeply dependent on you and your ATM. Time to pounce.
It's the most important season of fucking, for her (money) and for you (honey).
It's now or never guys. If you can not have fun in the next couple of weeks before Christmas (25th) , you need to review your modus operandi. A bumper harvest awaits you and yes, threatens your ATM too.
"Fuck now, that the season of fucking is yours, and not those who follow after you" !
Note: If typhoon, beware of the fresh water crocodiles in Walking Street.Hows the weather. Angels or Manila?? Today flight got put back due to typhoon.

Booked taxi to A at 6 am Wed.


12-03-19, 05:13
Hows the weather. Angels or Manila?? Today flight got put back due to typhoon.

Booked taxi to A at 6 am Wed.

NI.Mine got moved to 4 pm today, and my car service just told me the airport is closed till 11 pm in MNL. I assume I'll be delayed again. In BKK now, I just with they would tell me before I had to airport and then need to come all the way back in the BKK.

12-03-19, 05:36
Most important time of the year, is right now.

In two weeks time the girls will be in panic mode to collect enough money for Christmas celebrations with family and friends.Likely for AC. Elsewhere, I'd suggest the lead up to exam time is the best time of year to be in town. March / April also gets you away from typhoon season.

Enjoy. G.

Mr Enternational
12-03-19, 06:27
I doubt that many Aussie politicians and other 'big spenders' are going to patronize Ponytails after seeing that video clip and article, as the bar manager is very indiscrete.Or maybe they will start using a fake name and say they from another country as they should have been doing all along.

Engine Driver
12-03-19, 07:24
Hows the weather. Angels or Manila?? Today flight got put back due to typhoon.

Booked taxi to A at 6 am Wed.

NI.Pack your Wellington boots and raincoat NI. You're not the only one stranded. Pinay hooker who was going to fly in from.

BKK to suck my cock is stranded as well. Philippine Air has offered her a replacement ticket in a weeks time, but no accommodation or expenses. If that happened to you or me, we would argue to get out of there sooner or claim on insurance. If you're a poor Pinay hooker, who's barely literate, what do you do? Asshole monger who brought her into BKK for a dirty three days is refusing to buy her another ticket. Looks like she will be selling her pussy tonight at Thermae. Hahaha. She needs a bed for the night. Hahaha.

If there are any horny BKK mongers reading this, look out for her on the streets of Sukhumvit or at the Thermae haha. She's a solid 9, with long blonde extensions. She's instagram model material for sure.

12-03-19, 09:49
Or maybe they will start using a fake name and say they from another country as they should have been doing all along.Defeats the purpose. What's the point of being incognito if he can't be recognized as a VIP big spender by poverty stricken farmers' daughters? These guys live to have their egos massaged.

Cheers. G.

Chocha Monger
12-03-19, 10:09
Or maybe they will start using a fake name and say they from another country as they should have been doing all along.True. However, they all know what Idris Elba looks like.

12-03-19, 11:24
Defeats the purpose. What's the point of being incognito if he can't be recognized as a VIP big spender by poverty stricken farmers' daughters? These guys live to have their egos massaged.And others live to have their balls massaged.

Engine Driver
12-03-19, 11:40
Defeats the purpose. What's the point of being incognito if he can't be recognized as a VIP big spender by poverty stricken farmers' daughters? These guys live to have their egos massaged.

Cheers. G.It's interesting that ASIO (the Australian CIA) was monitoring all his visits as he was at risk of being blackmailed for associating with hookers. I knew he married a Pinay, but did not know she was an ex-prostitute from Pony Tails. I wonder how she will fit in when she dolls up to attend parliamentary cocktail parties and official dinners hahahahaha. This is just too funny.

Big George weighs about 350 lbs, so it's unlikely a white woman would have found him attractive. I reckon April has done rather well and is enjoying her life in northern Queensland.

12-03-19, 15:29
Like Sammon, I have zero tolerance for smelly pussies. While.

I haven't gotten around to doing the myriad of finger / ginger / laboratory tests he orders from the pathologist yet, I know a bad smelling pussy from a good smelling pussy.

Freelancers in AC particularly seem to be afflicted by rotten pussy syndrome (RPS). The more tattoos they have, the more likely their pussy will smell. Tattooed people are risk takers. When 90% of their customers fuck bareback with CIP, how could you not get RPS?

My previous nights freebie (yes in AC hahaha) left at 6.00 am to get to her day job, so I had time on my hands. I found a FL on Tinder at 8. 00 am and she agreed to hang out with me from 10.00 am to 2. 00 pm for 1,500 pesos. So she came on time and we had breakfast. We took my laundry to the, well, laundry, stocked up on water, and just did internet for a while.

We then showered and come DATY time, I couldn't do it. I told her to wash her money maker again and brush her teeth (cigarette smell). Still I couldn't do DATY. She was very, very upset and said she takes impeccable care of her pussy hahaha. I told her to go to the Balibago Barangay Social Hygiene Clinic today for the ginger test. Now that we know their medical records are not confidential, I wonder if she will follow through...............When a girl has BBFS and afterwards does not wash her nethers with due diligence she will have RPS. Semen is living tissue and we all know what happens when living tissue dies.

12-03-19, 21:49
Big George weighs about 350 lbs, so it's unlikely a white woman would have found him attractive. I reckon April has done rather well and is enjoying her life in northern Queensland.Isn't this the guy that tried to set up a cover story for the frequent trips by setting up a few save the kids type charities? All in his wife's name no doubt so yes, she would be seen as a cashed up whale back in the village too.

She's on a win win: living large in the public purse in Australia and recognized as a hooker done well back home.

12-04-19, 01:34
I wonder how she will fit in when she dolls up to attend parliamentary cocktail parties and official dinners hahahahaha. This is just too funny.I am sure the other MPs must be queuing up to get their turn with Mrs, George. I am certain Big George would have boasted about his wife's bedroom skills to a few mates over a couple of beers.

Chocha Monger
12-04-19, 01:35
When a girl has BBFS and afterwards does not wash her nethers with due diligence she will have RPS. Semen is living tissue and we all know what happens when living tissue dies.Anything less than a professional irrigation and suction with a vaginal cannula has little hope of removing the living cum tissue deposited deep into the recesses of a Pinay's pussy by multiple foreign tissue donors. Just get use to the aroma of public utility bareback pussy. Maybe, avoiding the use of teeth and tongue on high mileage pussy could help get pass the pungent aroma of the multi-donor living blob in her snatch.

Chocha Monger
12-04-19, 01:57
Like Sammon, I have zero tolerance for smelly pussies. While.

I haven't gotten around to doing the myriad of finger / ginger / laboratory tests he orders from the pathologist yet, I know a bad smelling pussy from a good smelling pussy.

Freelancers in AC particularly seem to be afflicted by rotten pussy syndrome (RPS). The more tattoos they have, the more likely their pussy will smell. Tattooed people are risk takers. When 90% of their customers fuck bareback with CIP, how could you not get RPS?

My previous nights freebie (yes in AC hahaha) left at 6.00 am to get to her day job, so I had time on my hands. I found a FL on Tinder at 8. 00 am and she agreed to hang out with me from 10.00 am to 2. 00 pm for 1,500 pesos. So she came on time and we had breakfast. We took my laundry to the, well, laundry, stocked up on water, and just did internet for a while.

We then showered and come DATY time, I couldn't do it. I told her to wash her money maker again and brush her teeth (cigarette smell). Still I couldn't do DATY. She was very, very upset and said she takes impeccable care of her pussy hahaha. I told her to go to the Balibago Barangay Social Hygiene Clinic today for the ginger test. Now that we know their medical records are not confidential, I wonder if she will follow through..A manly fella like Idris Elba would not have been so easily deterred from pounding that dried fish and balut smelling Pinay fuck-hole bareback. You should have held her hand down at Social Hygiene if you wanted her to take that ginger test. Alternatively, a bit of Vicks rubbed in the nostrils before going down under for a bit of teeth and tongue works wonders for pescatarians with weak stomachs.

Next time when confronted with a particularly fishy dish in the Philippines, try pairing it with a bottle of Legende Bordeaux Blanc. It explodes with freshness on the palate, obliterating the fishy flavor and aroma.

12-04-19, 06:39
Pack your Wellington boots and raincoat NI. You're not the only one stranded. Pinay hooker who was going to fly in from.
BKK to suck my cock is stranded as well. Philippine Air has offered her a replacement ticket in a weeks time, but no accommodation or expenses. If that happened to you or me, we would argue to get out of there sooner or claim on insurance. If you're a poor Pinay hooker, who's barely literate, what do you do? Asshole monger who brought her into BKK for a dirty three days is refusing to buy her another ticket. Looks like she will be selling her pussy tonight at Thermae. Hahaha. She needs a bed for the night. Hahaha.
If there are any horny BKK mongers reading this, look out for her on the streets of Sukhumvit or at the Thermae haha. She's a solid 9, with long blonde extensions. She's instagram model material for sure.Flew in to Manila 6 am. Clear skies no rain. Arrived Angeles around 9 ish. Plan is 8 nts Angeles, 1 night Manila, 7 nights Sabang, 4 nights Burgos St. Are you ready for a novel (at least Mr. E will be happy).


Sly One
12-04-19, 06:48
Flew in to Manila 6 am. Clear skies no rain. Arrived Angeles around 9 ish. Plan is 8 nts Angeles, 1 night Manila, 7 nights Sabang, 4 nights Burgos St. Are you ready for a novel (at least Mr. E will be happy).

NI.Lets get ready to Rumble. I will be watching your posts with interest as I get to A. C. In 1 months time.


12-04-19, 08:07
Flew in to Manila 6 am. Clear skies no rain. Arrived Angeles around 9 ish. Plan is 8 nts Angeles, 1 night Manila, 7 nights Sabang, 4 nights Burgos St. Are you ready for a novel (at least Mr. E will be happy).

NI.Great to hear you are on the ground. When you say it's 'moist' in Philippines, my mind can only go to one area.

Wicked Roger
12-04-19, 15:40
She's on a win win: living large in the public purse in Australia and recognized as a hooker done well back home.And is known a bar girl come hooker in north Queensland also. Am sure while George is in Canberra doing very little some young Aussie guy may attract her attention. Maybe we should go there G and have a sniff around see if she is game for a threesome LOL.

12-04-19, 19:31
Big George is fortunate to have got himself such a diamond. I am sure he fixed up many of his mates with wives and there are entire colonies of them out pacing the cane toad in terms of damage. She was obviously wattsapping back home and bringing all kinds of princess to The Land Down Undie. Can you imagine the fun at the receptions when they met the staff of the Philippines Embassy or the various Ossie trade emissaries who can tell an Angeles angel from a Makati mamasan at a glance.

On a personal, selfish level, that crap ain't for me. Bweing married to a low class hooker. I leave that to the usual and not so usual suspects.

12-04-19, 20:39
There is so much to be said for a classical education: Cervantes, Dante, Homer (the Ilyad, not American TV) and, yes, Moby-Dick, the great whale Ahab hunted as obsessively as Inspector Javert hunted Jean Valjean At the risk of plot spoiling, Moby Dick is some whale and I don't even think today's Japanese navy could take him out.

Big George and other sperm whales in search of Pinay poon are today's prey of choice and Pinays, whatever their faults, have learned by necessity to be expert whale hunters. Their harpoons are as sharp as their claws. As an old sea dog, let me salute the babe who bagged Big George and congratulate her on the meat she can now supply her entire province with. Personally, I think asking how much she would do short time for is not only disrespectful but, given her dead eyed dick ability to harpoon whales between the eyes, she is now way outside of all our price ranges, except for the trusty trike drivers of course.

12-04-19, 22:01
And is known a bar girl come hooker in north Queensland also. Am sure while George is in Canberra doing very little some young Aussie guy may attract her attention. Maybe we should go there G and have a sniff around see if she is game for a threesome LOL.Hahahah. With all the public info available I think it would take an enterprising chap about a day in AC to find out her contacts.

I'm guessing ASIO would be keeping a very close eye on her.

Engine Driver
12-05-19, 01:09
Hahahah. With all the public info available I think it would take an enterprising chap about a day in AC to find out her contacts.

I'm guessing ASIO would be keeping a very close eye on her.I tried that yesterday at Pony Tails. I bought a drink for a veteran dancer who has been there for 2-3 years. She claimed not to know of April. She got upset I would be judgmental of a hooker, so I had to backtrack and say wasn't love a grand thing. In my experience, Pinays will never help another colleague and will claim ignorance even if they share the same dorm. They get jealous very easily if other people's success.

12-05-19, 02:40
Caveat. Ok readers those of you who have read my Sabang TR and KL TR know I tend to do a travel log style. Some like some don't, but yes daytimes can be boring for me so this fills in the time and for you yes you might get a deeper insight into travels to these places. So if you enjoy, read – if not there will be sections highlighted by * to point you to the stuff you really wanted to know girls, bars, prices etc. So read what you wish. I only travel twice a year so this is my way of giving back for all those many questions I ask.

Here goes.

To stay and play or to go and play – that was the focus of this trip to the Philippines. With the south sea peso buying so little overseas I was tossing whether to stay and use the flights, accommodation, food and extra expenses money in my home town or whether the fruits of that awaited me overseas were worth the money to get there and stay there. Because I fly Business and stay in 4 star hotels for a 3 wk trip I would shelve out 5 K just to fly there, stay there, eat and get around. Now that 5 k could be used for 20 pretty good sessions in my home town. So after do KL in June and coming to the conclusion that I wasn't getting VFM the Phils was maybe going to be my last hurray for a while. Those of you may also know I have a beautiful Viet partner of 12 years so I am having my cake and eating it too.

Well things didn't get off to a good start. Apparently the wrath of God was trying to prevent me from coming to the Phillipines so he sent a typhoon to disrupt my plans. Great says he but luckily PAL rescheduled some 12 hrs later which saw me take off after midnight to arrive around 6 am. So planned one night lay over in Manila did not happen and rearranged schedule saw me off to Angeles direct from airport. Word about PAL business class – in a word dodgy. Food was terrible, seat was ok, service ok, entertainment good. Flew MAL at July and easily 5 times better in professionalism and standard of service. Flew cattle class before – is extra money worth it – no but if you are big like me and need comfort what do you do. Arriving at 6 am customs and immigration were a breeze straight through. Change some money. Used Angeles City Taxis for airport pick up – wasn't at designated spot but thankfully thanks to another pick up driver contacted my driver and off we went to Angeles. Approx. 2 hrs later we were pulling into Central Park Towers. Paid the 3,100 fee – sorry no tip – you should have been where you said you were going to be. Apart from that driver was good and would use service again. Now original plan was one night layover in Manila, taxi to Angeles and arrive 2 pm ish but due to PAL rescheduling arrived around 9 ish. Paid 1710 (50 AD) for early half day check in and up to room. Executive room was standard hotel room not great but not poor. Was missing some things I require kettle, iron, cup (LOL) but front desk soon were obliging. Note about attitude – attitude goes along way. On check in Jap guy was complaining about getting itemised bill and front desk said for some reason not possible but he wouldn't accept it and move on. When I went to ask for kettle, ironing board, iron, cup etc I was a bit concerned with possible response. But not an issue – a matter of fact – the signs were more than yes we can arrange that – the signs were any other way we can be of service to you. Now I am no stud but present quite well and are always polite and accommodating and you know when that smile and that look means more than I am just doing my job. She was cute but hotel staff probably not a good idea.

Ok unpacked, really needed food as refused breakfast options on plane as main meal was crap. Had done a bit of research on food and knew Bunny Burgers served pretty good bfast so off I went. Big Aussi bfast 330 p hit the spot and sat and watched the foot traffic up and down Fields Av. Some pretty young (maybe too young) fillies were passing, with occasional WG's. On the way home got propositioned by 2 out of 10 WG who was yelling ST to me from across the street. Yuk. Looked once and never looked back. So up to room quick 2 HR nap and here I am writing this. Impressions so far – so so – this is my 3rd time in Philippines but first time in Angeles. Lets see what the night holds. My plan is stay away from main bars on Walk Street – hit perimeter bars and High Society. Hoping to pay 2000 BF / takeaway plus drinks – each night spend 3000 all up. Might try my hand at some FL ers too and as some of you know there may be some "alternative" nights.

Ok crashed about 2 pm slept till 4 and woke up still a bit seedy. Went for a bit of a walk around 6:30 to have dinner. Thought Kokomos would be good place to watch and ok to eat so perched myself with other "viewers" on road way side and had meal (very fair not great lasagne and salad).

*Well first impressions were not good unfortunately. Walking traffic had very few what I considered 7 and above. 99% wouldn't pay for. AND they didn't seem that interested in me. Now usually I get at least few smiles, in KL in June was fighting them off but even these below 7's were not responsive. Lots of dangerous younger than should be on the walking street, very few ladyboys and maybe saw 5 above 7's for the 2 hrs or so I sat there. Koreans everywhere in their usual MO's – maybe that was it if you ain't Korean sorry you haven't got enough money. Talked to another Aussie and he commented he wasn't impressed with High Society and the general standard of girls in Angeles.

So plan was go home, dress a little bit better than singlet and shorts and hit High Society maybe a bar or too, maybe pick up a FLer. Got back to hotel and just felt tired, a bit deflated and thought F* it I've got 3 wks here lets just pass on this night. I think the beauty of my position with partner back home is I don't HAVE to have sex every night. If you don't have it one night you will have it another. Maybe its an age thing too – mad testosterone levels are not what they were at 18 so tonight good nights sleep and go hard tomorrow night. And considering the options I saw on Walk St and responses I couldn't be bothered doing the hard yards that night. He comes to the Candy Store and walks out empty? Well I wasn't that hungry I suppose.

First day Observations. Hmmmmmmm all hype, not much quality.


Engine Driver
12-05-19, 02:54
A manly fella like Idris Elba would not have been so easily deterred from pounding that dried fish and balut smelling Pinay fuck-hole bareback. You should have held her hand down at Social Hygiene if you wanted her to take that ginger test. Alternatively, a bit of Vicks rubbed in the nostrils before going down under for a bit of teeth and tongue works wonders for pescatarians with weak stomachs.

Next time when confronted with a particularly fishy dish in the Philippines, try pairing it with a bottle of Legende Bordeaux Blanc. It explodes with freshness on the palate, obliterating the fishy flavor and aroma.CM,

I am always grateful for your considered wine and food pairing suggestions. All that money your mom invested in your sommelier education has clearly not gone to waste.

While those old horny mongers are stocking up on cheap tequila by the crate load to bribe their way into virgin provincial pussy, you and I will be traveling in style, quaffing Legende Bordeaux Blanc and barebacking nasty pug nosed hookers with a bad case of the clap. Hahahaha. The antioxidant properties of that particular Frogland plonk are well known to ward off infections.

We have even read about one horny monger that wants to drive around the remote provinces, with a pickup truck full of cheap tequila, looking to flag down innocent virgins. Hahaha. Back in White Man Land, if he tried that trick, they would send him to a maximum security Federal penitentiary and throw away the key. Hahaha.

BTW, since old Club Foot has died, are you thinking of taking his place on the Wine List Guys group? They are looking for an erudite Francophile like yourself to take up the editorship of their esteemed wine rag. Also, was Trim Keeper ever a wine connoisseur?

Member #4698
12-05-19, 03:14
First day Observations. Hmmmmmmm all hype, not much quality. What observations, New? You observed less than the tip of a tip of an iceberg. Look, I am not challenging you on your decision to sleep in on your 1st night in town. You did what you wanted to do. But for God's sake, you make these observations about the AC scene without going into a single bar or buying a single girl a drink, let alone shagging a few girls. You know nothing. It is all in your head and with all your questions to the forum before arriving, I would have thought you would have a better handle on things. Apparently you don't, so here is the lowdown on what you should have comprehended from reading this thread:

AC is all about the bars. Perimeter bars in the afternoon and Fields Bars at night. THAT'S IT!

So, forget about reporting on nothing. Do some bar hopping first. Find some good looking, nice girls and get it on with them. This will entirely change your perspective. Now I hope my comments don't come across as too harsh, although to be honest, I don't really give a damn, LOL. But dude, you are in AC. It is a bar town left over from the Clark US Air Force days. Get on track! Hit the bars every night. Barhop until you find a girl you like. Then repeat the process every subsequent night until you leave town. If you take a liking to a particular girl repeat with with her if you feel like it. It is that simple, that easy. There are ton of bar girls to choose from. 5% to 7.5% are sexy & hot. The rest are undoable.

12-05-19, 04:07
Well, I didn't mind New Image's post. At least it was not bragging, boastful, and cup full, crap. It was as he saw it and experienced it. Honesty in reports is appreciated and NI reminded us Angeles is no Disney Land. Sometimes its up, sometimes its down, for us. You can not command a person to report this way or that way. What NI said is the way he saw it, did it. Fair enough.

At the same time I am always surprised at how serious Mongers approach Angeles. Myself I have a lot of fun there. I project 'fun' to the natives and they return favour. If they are enjoying your presence, outcomes are better. That's what I have experienced.

Anyway, I have nothing to do until I arrive in Angeles few days time. NI's report does not worry me at all, cause I know my reaction to AC will be different, mainly cause of my attitude and lengthy experience in this game, for it is a game. They play, I play. I enjoy, thus they enjoy. Never perfect, but most of the time great fun.

Yeh, my message if any is, don't be so serious about it all. In reality, be superficial, cause that is what they are. Light, on the surface stuff, not deep stuff. Depth is not there, so don't go digging for it, LOL. And it does not get you fucks, LOL.

Not as good as it used to be, but what is, as we travel through life / whoring. Old saying: "Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative".

First step when I get off the plane is smile (glad to be back again). The rest follows naturally.

Engine Driver
12-05-19, 04:52
I've been getting all sorts of beauty treatments during the day time here in AC, because there is quite simply nothing else to do. Can a few beautiful, dusky angels from Angeles City, transform a rough engine driver who's had a lifetime of hard labor into a glowing, radiant Idris Elba clone? We shall see.

I've been massaged, pummeled, exfoliated, scrubbed, manicured, pedicured and waxed to within an inch of my life. I've even had my ears candled for 300 pesos for fucks sake! I'm not sure what good that did, but it was on the menu and I needed to kill another half hour. The chick stuck these long paper tubes in my ear and lit the fuse. She assured me all the coal dust, gunk and 50 years of shit in my ears would be magically removed. Did it make any difference? Who knows? What would Idris Elba have done?

There are lots of massage places here in AC. Some a very good, some are very bad and some are just plain dangerous, likely to end with the horny monger in prison.

Street Massage Girls.

There are lots of pretty things handing out cards for massage on Fields Avenue. Most of them look about 14-16 years of age. That's because that's how old they actually are. Hahahaha. A number of people have confirmed that's their age. The bars won't take them and they need the money to support their dad's cheap tequila habit back in the provinces. Their Korean masters have paid the cops to look the other way, but that's no reason for you horny mongers to fall into the honey trap. Yes I agree that there will be nothing more sexy on this planet than to watch a 15 year old cutie stroke your cock while lovingly gazing into your eyes, but just keep walking and don't accept their cards. If you are busted with a girl in your hotel room, your life as you know it is over.

WeChat Massage Virtual Shops.

These are professionally run massage businesses owned by Koreans. Just turn on WeChat and about six businesses will pop up. The girls are all over 18. They provide room service massage and extras. It's around 800 pesos for two hours with cock and ball massage thrown in. The Korean term for this is jenlipson. If you want the chick to stroke your cock till you cum, she will want a 500 peso tip. There are a number of combinations and permutations. One girl, two girls, topless, one hour, two hours, cum release or blue balls. All firms are around the same price. Girls will not do FS. I had one yesterday. 20-year old gave me a very professional massage and then expertly massaged my balls and cock until I came (or is that cummed? One of the best HJs I've had. This is a must try in AC.

Reign Spa.

This is the best and most professional, legit massage shop in all of AC. You do not need to go anywhere else for a genuine massage. There is no funny business here. It's the type of massage shop your wife or girlfriend visits back home in Rich White Man Land and then charges $120 back to your credit card. Hahahaha. Really impeccable service here and I cannot recommend this enough. Mr E was so smitten with one chick here, he pursued her for four years before she would drop her panties. Hahaha. The original owner died a few years ago from cancer and its now run by her brother and her daughter. The original owner had diplomas from what Po massage university and attended all sorts of massage Olympics in Manila. I've been going here every day.

Other Places.

There are lots of other massage shops all over the place. Some are legit, some are anything goes. The dirtier and seedier the place looks, the more they will offer. In most cases, if you order room service, you can negotiate anything with the girl.

Mr Enternational
12-05-19, 05:30
AND they didn't seem that interested in me. Now usually I get at least few smiles, in KL in June was fighting them off but even these below 7's were not responsive.Don't rely on smiles. Talk to them!

So plan was go home, dress a little bit better than singlet and shorts and hit High Society maybe a bar or too, maybe pick up a FLer.The good thing about hookers is that you don't have to dress up for them. You don't have to party with them either. You can simply walk into High Society, see a chick you like, walk up to her and tell her let's go. Fuck all that buying drinks and bullshit. You can realistically be in and out of that place with a chick from 3 to 5 minutes. I have done such in various hooker discos around the world.

I think I made a report of the last time I went to High Society. I met a chick and gave her some money to go to the bar and buy us drinks. She came back with 1 drink. I said why you did not get a drink? She knew that she could put that 120 pesos to better use than buying some bullshit drink in a club. Don't get it twisted. The girls go there to look for someone to go to the room with; they are not there trying to get impressed. What you had on is standard AC wear and is fine for High Society.

12-05-19, 06:39
Any gear will do, that is true. They are not after drinks at Hi So and not after ladies drinks in Bars. They are after real money, and the quicker they get to it the better for them. LD's gives them about P100 commkision (if double) , but not necessarily same day. Might have to wait for a day or two for the 100. P100 in the hand is their preference, not the drink (commission).

But I wear my be grade gear / clothes back home except when visiting Doctor / Specialist, little bit of an upgrade then. Overseas whoring I wear my 'A' gear cause I am no Rogue Elephant, I am aged. Fresh smart clothes helps the aged's confidence. We are competing with young fresh cocks, who can dress down, we feel the need to dress up, although that might raise expectations of 'high price' (tip) sometimes.

Same, they are not interested in drinks, and they are not interested in us. They are interested in our money.

The smile from her is not for our charm, good looks etc, but for the anticipated cash she can collect, if we take her to our hotel room.

As the great Train Wreck, er, I mean, Train Driver, once said: "It's all transactional".

12-05-19, 08:12
Day 1.

Reached NAIA3 around 2. 30 afternoon last Thursday. Immigration was empty and came out in 5 minutes. 3 PM Genesis bus was ready and reached SM AT 6. 30. X'mas decorations showed everywhere. Look like in a festival mood. Reached Pacific Breeze in a tricycle. After shaving and shower went directly to pick the girl met last time from Insomnia. In two months she changed a lot. Jolly Bee effect reflected in her face and body. After food back to hotel and had one session and slept with her. She was busy with her smart phone throughout. Felt like she transformed in her attitude the way she have lots of fans. Its AC and they are for money to live the rest of their life. As one of the member said earlier "in a working girl house one have to act as a working girl". Good one. Next day morning I gave her a gift (a perfume) and bid bye.

Damage 3000 BF. 800 food. 25 dolor for perfume.

Day 2.

Friday after walking in SM mall went to PonyTail. Mamasan Celia is a friend of mine and talked with her some time. She suggested a girl for me and it belonged to my expectation. Asked her for long time but she hasto take care of her younger sister so declined but agreed to stay till 10. The experience was awesome. We were together for 5 hours talked a lot and did everything in bed in my imagination. I invited her for Bikini show in Score Birds next day. She planned it with her friend and we fixed a threesome plan on Saturday. I did it on excitement. I am a budget monger. If I take two girls together for a show I have to sacrifice the rest of the trip. Sometimes I feel like an idiot after giving offers. Visited few bars in WS after she left followed by spent some time I HS also.

Damage 2500 BF 500 Tip.

Day 3.

Went to Score Bird for Bikini show. It was okay to pass time. Met few friends. Since the management is same all the girls are from Atlantis, Doll House and Pony Tail. I am a fan of Pony Tail so I supported Pony Tail girls. Visited XS afterwards one girl approached me and she looked mature and talkative. I liked her and told if she is willing to stay LT I will BF her. She agreed. We went to HS for one hour and danced together having couple of SM beer. We had a wonderful time together. But unfortunately red flag showed up early morning and she asked my permission to move. Left at 4 in the morning.

Damage. 600 in Score Birds. 3600 BF, 400 beer at HS no tip.

Information: Kokomos started a 24 hour dance bar near the restaurant. Barfine is 3600 with the same we get for2000 or2500 from Angel Witch.

Lancelet opposite Kokomos started working a day session from 12 noon onwards.

Day 4.

Picked Genesis bus at 11 Am went to NAIA 3 and picked a taxi to Makati Palace in P Burgos. Makati Palace was strict on their check in time. Only at 3. Pick a Grab taxi and went to Abacca Spa. Since I haven't an appointment they declined. Booked at 7 and came back after spending some time in Havana Cafe. The two hour massage was excellent. Espicially the prostate and lingam massage. Came back to hotel and explored almost all bars by grabbing a beer. Burgos bars are not for budget mongers. So watch and go. Good looking FL were walking around. Will get them next time. This was my last day and next day I left Manila.

Thinking of coming back again in April or May.

12-05-19, 12:42
First day Observations. Hmmmmmmm all hype, not much quality.

NI.Well your expectations will adjust to the AC life and before long those 6's and 7's will be doing things to your body you didn't even imagine before.

How about raising the bar on what to get from these girls. Make your craziest fantasy come true. Go hire a penthouse at ABC or Lewis Grand. Fill it up with a few bar girls from your favourite bar. Invite a couple of other mongers and see what happens.

Hit pinalove and meet a few normal girls.

Go down to Nepo Mall and walk around there for something different (leave your wallet and valuables at hotel.

Grab a massage from a wechat massage girl.

Just a few ideas.

And I agree PAL J class is crap. I did it once when they had intro fares and once when I did a bid for upgrade. For the 7 hour flight now I just select the row behind exit row. Then when everyone has boarded I just move to exit row. Pinoys don't need the extra leg room.

12-05-19, 12:48
Yes Mr. E it appears the dress standard is more beach wear than casual and maybe many just want "anyone" to go back to the hotel with. Do the necessary gyrations and get the money only to go back as quick as possible to get the next client. But maybe, just maybe, there might be some who might appreciate something a bit different, be it just for one night. All of us have differing MO's and hopeful outcomes of our mongering experience. Viva la difference. And yes I will try to talk to them more. Thanks for this advice.

Mr. NB first night observations are just as stated "first night" I don't profess to be a seasoned monger, a matter of fact when one poster once said I was not a true monger I was satisfied with that statement. I may as you say " know nothing" but it will be interesting if after my time here whether your statement of " 5% to 7. 5% are sexy & hot. The rest are undoable" and " not much quality" are interchangeable statements.

There are varying reasons why many of us pursue this activity. It may seem strange for some to accept that there are those who don't have the mantra of: lets fuck as many girls as possible night after night. Remember when you look in the mirror there is only one person who looks back. Once again as above – each to their own. Sometimes its good being different.

Of course if my reports cause you so much stress there is an option available. For others my reports, observations will continue. Stay tuned.

Welcome all feedback.

Member #4698
12-05-19, 14:10
There are varying reasons why many of us pursue this activity. It may seem strange for some to accept that there are those who don't have the mantra of: lets fuck as many girls as possible night after night. Well if you are not into fucking every night you picked the wrong town in Asia to take your vacation because there is little else to do here. LOL. Your comment reminds me of the mindless bus tour Chinese tourists on Walking Street, Pattaya. Why do they come to Pattaya the red light capital of the Milky Way? It's humorous except for the fact that they get in the way as you are trying to walk down the Soi.

Dude, in case you did not know, AC is a shit hole. There is no rational reason to go to AC other than to party every night in the bars and get laid relatively cheap unless you have a business or family in the area. But hey, its a free country. Do as you like. Ha Ha.

On the doable scale: the percentage drops if you don't know where to go because quality varies immensely from bar to bar. Some bars don't have even one fuckable girl. Others have very good lineups. Maybe you will discover this fact. Maybe not. But I do hope you have something worth reporting in your future posts. I am holding off final judgement, but I got to say, I have a premonition that you are an example of the "happy troll" ie someone who just wants attention and loves to hear himself bloviate. This is a sex forum you know. Get to it!

12-05-19, 14:36
1. Tourists look at all kinds of crap. Thailand's and Holland's Red Light Districts are now family tourist haunts.

2. Although I always dress as a gentleman, it is surprising Angeles etc does not have all the Indian tailors Thailand is plagued with.

3. Lots of guys just like a slower pace, downing beers, hanging out with ex pats and having a girl to pat on the bum. They could well be a majority.

4. Relax and stop fighting. Holidays are for chilling.

12-05-19, 15:48
Angeles definitely isn't for everyone. Seems like you've already determined that it is the shit hole that everyone else already knew it to be. I would recommend Makati or the Burgos area. Stop wasting your precious vacation in angeles and leave it for those of us who like the dregs. Honestly, I can totally see where you're coming from. Angeles is not what it used to be. To really appreciate it you have to lower your standards quite a bit and appreciate it for what it is. Cheap sex. It seems like you are looking for something more, if that's the case, the probability of you finding it in angeles, though not impossible, is slim. Happy hunting!

Yes Mr. E it appears the dress standard is more beach wear than casual and maybe many just want "anyone" to go back to the hotel with. Do the necessary gyrations and get the money only to go back as quick as possible to get the next client. But maybe, just maybe, there might be some who might appreciate something a bit different, be it just for one night. All of us have differing MO's and hopeful outcomes of our mongering experience. Viva la difference. And yes I will try to talk to them more. Thanks for this advice.

Mr. NB first night observations are just as stated "first night" I don't profess to be a seasoned monger, a matter of fact when one poster once said I was not a true monger I was satisfied with that statement. I may as you say " know nothing" but it will be interesting if after my time here whether your statement of " 5% to 7. 5% are sexy & hot. The rest are undoable" and " not much quality" are interchangeable statements.

There are varying reasons why many of us pursue this activity. It may seem strange for some to accept that there are those who don't have the mantra of: lets fuck as many girls as possible night after night. Remember when you look in the mirror there is only one person who looks back. Once again as above each to their own. Sometimes its good being different.

Of course if my reports cause you so much stress there is an option available. For others my reports, observations will continue. Stay tuned.

Welcome all feedback.

12-05-19, 18:13
Day 2 Ok starting to get my bearings and get a better feel for the place – yes it is just another Pattaya but on a smaller scale. And yes I went to Pattaya once and am not going back. Day time was quick trip to SM Mall, getting supplies and looking around. Ok agree it's a shithole and yes I am not the typical Angeles monger but hey if you don't go, you know the rest. Dinner at Brass Knobs Restaurant which was reported to be decent food but Chicken Schnitzel and chips and soggy vegetables were pretty poor.

*Got there at 6 pm and bar was full with approx. 12 girls on stage. Saw 2 Platinum girls who were 8's, a few regular girls who were 7 ish and others well, pass. There were 2 "ladies" on stage that reminded me of the old Chinese boilers at home – you have to be kidding me, must be 40+ and OMG if anyone BF them I'the fall off my stool. Anyway overall impressions of Brass Knobs was "mehr".

Walked into 8 other Perimetre bars and talent at that time of night was very average. My usual MO was to walk into bar stand for 2 minutes and walk out. Went to go into Ponytails but it was closing – at 9 ? Did quick walk up and down Walk St – nothing caught my eye. Went back to CPH and fired up Wechat to see what's available. Found a provider who was willing to come over for 1500 which dropped to 1000 after 5 secs of negotiations. Looks were 7 ish but perf was GFE and stayed for 2 pops. Let her go with tip of 200. Apparently has sister (LOL) who is eager to meet me. A pleasant hour and a half for 1200 with a 7 I thought wasn't bad. So yes Angels appears to be just cheap sex for, as Mr. Kaz stated " those of us who like the dregs".

Yes this IS a sex forum, No one of the reasons I go on vacation IS to get away from the attention – if you only knew, and NO I have got 6 days to go here so I shall stay and as stated before if you don't want to read it – don't.

I will continue writing my reports in the style and manner I wish. One thing I pass on to those who are bothered to listen is that in life where you end up and what you achieve is down to the choices you make and the way you conduct yourself. Maybe if some people changed their choices and conduct they wouldn't HAVE to come back to the "dregs of Angeles".

12-05-19, 18:38
Yes this IS a sex forum, No one of the reasons I go on vacation IS to get away from the attention if you only knew, and NO I have got 6 days to go here so I shall stay and as stated before if you don't want to read it don't. I will continue writing my reports in the style and manner I wish. One thing I pass on to those who are bothered to listen is that in life where you end up and what you achieve is down to the choices you make and the way you conduct yourself. Maybe if some people changed their choices and conduct they wouldn't HAVE to come back to the "dregs of Angeles".Very well said. You remind me of one of the world's greatest mathematical physicists, who found go go clubs were excellent places to solve complex mathematical problems. That is why I go that. That and banging cheap, inked poon.

12-05-19, 21:42
Day 2 Ok starting to get my bearings and get a better feel for the place Did you do a swing by a Aqua at ABC? There are always FL there, something different.

12-06-19, 01:25
It's Christmas time, prepare yourself for the onslaught of fat, bald headed, lizard skinned, body odoured Mongers, who come out of hiding this time of the year. The girls are waiting for them, not the handsome young rogue elephants, they are waiting for the oldies who arrive bearing gifts (Chrissy chocs). The younger ones, only arrive with an elephant sized erection. Which do the girls prefer?

Money is the girls objective, not large penises, and the oldies are generous with their money, and soon to sleep after their first ejaculation. You younguns have got something to look forward to later on in life. Young girls preferring old guys who have proven, over time, to be 'easy money' (K factor).

Enjoy the fucks while you can get them guys, cause the Pensionado's are arriving en masse, few days time.

Chocha Monger
12-06-19, 02:22
There are lots of pretty things handing out cards for massage on Fields Avenue. Most of them look about 14-16 years of age. That's because that's how old they actually are. Hahahaha. A number of people have confirmed that's their age. The bars won't take them and they need the money to support their dad's cheap tequila habit back in the provinces. Their Korean masters have paid the cops to look the other way, but that's no reason for you horny mongers to fall into the honey trap. Yes I agree that there will be nothing more sexy on this planet than to watch a 15 year old cutie stroke your cock while lovingly gazing into your eyes, but just keep walking and don't accept their cards. If you are busted with a girl in your hotel room, your life as you know it is over.They list this particular massage on their flyers as "The Prince Andrew" for 500 pesos. You should decline this option and head to the nearest pizza shop instead.


I am always grateful for your considered wine and food pairing suggestions. All that money your mom invested in your sommelier education has clearly not gone to waste.

While those old horny mongers are stocking up on cheap tequila by the crate load to bribe their way into virgin provincial pussy, you and I will be traveling in style, quaffing Legende Bordeaux Blanc and barebacking nasty pug nosed hookers with a bad case of the clap. Hahahaha. The antioxidant properties of that particular Frogland plonk are well known to ward off infections.

We have even read about one horny monger that wants to drive around the remote provinces, with a pickup truck full of cheap tequila, looking to flag down innocent virgins. Hahaha. Back in White Man Land, if he tried that trick, they would send him to a maximum security Federal penitentiary and throw away the key. Hahaha.

BTW, since old Club Foot has died, are you thinking of taking his place on the Wine List Guys group? They are looking for an erudite Francophile like yourself to take up the editorship of their esteemed wine rag. Also, was Trim Keeper ever a wine connoisseur?Getting papa drunk on cheap XXX Siglo Treinta Tequila Gold in order to defraud his provincial virgin daughter of her virginity sounds familiar. Perhaps it is because it sounds suspiciously like colonialists giving the natives firewater in return for ownership of their land in what is now White Man Land. Things usually turn very ugly when horny foreign man, cheap tequila, and male relatives of Filipina fuck meat come together. The odds are good that it will result in the fatality of the horny foreign sex monger. Whoever came up with that scheme would do well to reconsider all possible outcomes.

In spite of being an erudite Francophile, I have not received an invitation to the editorship of Backwater Wines. I believe this is because the readership of that rag is largely composed of Night Train quaffing pensioners rather than refined connoisseurs of fine Carruades de Lafite. As for Trim Keeper, his interests lay beyond vintages. He was more of a connoisseur of exotic provincial fuck meats, part poissonnier and part grillardin.

Engine Driver
12-06-19, 02:46
NI, I was in AC the same time as you, but our experiences are totally different.

The Philippines is one of easiest places on earth to get laid and you are making a meal of it. You are an experienced monger, yet you have made some basic mistakes.

Firstly, you over planned everything way in advance and just asked too many questions, which basically annoyed many people. You even planned out what meal you would be having at such and such time / date / place six months in advance. Such level of precision planning might work for you in Geneva or Frankfurt where time means something, but it sure ain't going to be successful in downtown Angeles Fucking City. A 4.00 pm date with a chick might mean she turns up at 5.30 pm, 6.30 pm or doesn't show up at all. Get used to it. You can't plan anything in AC as nothing works to a schedule. Roll with it.

Secondly, you are suffering from Fear of Missing Out (FOMO). Let the opportunities come to you in AC. You can't possibly chase everything. You will go mad. Sex is everywhere and take the first option which presents itself. In the Philippines you can't pass up on the first unexpected offer as your planned option might never eventuate. Then you go home with blue balls like you did on Day 1.

The other thing that confuses me is your cost conscious approach. You say you splurged $4 k on a J class ticket for an 8-hour flight on a totally shit airline. Then you are counting every peso on the ground. I'm happy to pay a fraction of that for a Cebu Pacific ticket and endure 8 hours with working class Filipinos from Western Sydney and eat their 2 minute noodles. That then means I can splurge on gold toilets at the Shangers and ABC, pay way too much for top shelf hookers and drink top class plonk with the hiso crowd hahaha.

12-06-19, 07:45
Day 2 Ok starting to get my bearings and get a better feel for the place yes it is just another Pattaya but on a smaller scale. And yes I went to Pattaya once and am not going back.".If Pattaya and Angeles are not your cup of tea, then what is?

Meh, Angeles might not be a mongering heaven, but it definitely worth visiting once. I would regret not visiting it once in my lifetime.

12-06-19, 14:58
...........Holland's Red Light Districts are now family tourist haunts.........Now? I first visited the Red Light District of Amsterdam in 1973 and it was a tourist attraction then.

12-06-19, 15:39
Now? I first visited the Red Light District of Amsterdam in 1973 and it was a tourist attraction then.Now tour Angeles.

Wicked Roger
12-06-19, 22:57
You say you splurged $4 k on a J class ticket for an 8-hour flight on a totally shit airline.

and drink top class plonk with the hiso crowd hahaha.Never ceases to amaze me that men pay huge sums to get here and then are cheap charlies while here. Very odd behavior ED.

Top class plonk? I did not know Shangri La serves VB on tap? LOL (well that is what top class plonk means to a someone from the Eastern states LOL).

Kabul Guy
12-06-19, 23:23
1. Tourists look at all kinds of crap. Thailand's and Holland's Red Light Districts are now family tourist haunts.

.Amsterdam has actually started banning guided tours to the Red Light District due to the congestion caused by al the lookie lou's and the negative impact on the girls earnings.

12-06-19, 23:58
Enjoy the fucks while you can get them guys, cause the Pensionado's are arriving en masse, few days time.Real pensioners avoid Christmas travel as the flights are too expensive.

12-07-19, 00:33
Spent a week+both weekends in PH late October. A few days in MNL, and few in AC. Already posted in the Makati thread, so this is for AC.

Got to AC via the Genesis bus from MNL airport. Really easy and comfortable, would definitely take it again.

Arrived kind of late, around 9 or so. Checked in, unpacked, showered, etc. My buddy just arrived the same day and he just crashed, so I started by hitting up a girl from Tinder that I've been chatting up for a while. Agreed on 500 to meet and 2.5 k more if the "interview" goes well, which it did.

She was 24, light skinned, not a stunner but a spinner which is what I usually go for. Says that it's her first time ever freelancing. Didn't believe her at the time, but I am of the opinion that she did not lie about that (still talking to her a month later, so I've learned a lot).

Anyway, decided to move it to the room.

Although she didn't want to blow me, I got her to do it anyway for a short while. Quickly moved onto the bed where the fun began.

Now, I'll be honest. I was already pretty drunk at this point, so I don't remember much. What I do remember is that she was super vocal saying shit like "fuck me hard baby, you dick is so big, etc. " All in all, awesome service. A+, would (and did) see again.

In the morning, locked up my shit and got breakfast with my friend while the girl slept.

Came back and she's still sleeping so I just start bothering the shit out of her. She responded with "do whatever you want back there" and I obliged. Fucked her prone bone, no cover this time. Shit happens. That woke her right up, and she turns me on my back and jumps on top of me. "I'm so fucking wet baby!" - yeah, I noticed hahaha.

I'm pretty sure she had way more fun than I did. Later I find out that she had cum multiple times every time. Feels good man LOL.

Anyway, sent her on her way, and spent the rest of the day just wasting time. Walked over to a place called Gerry's for lunch, which was pretty terrible. Everything was super greasy, which I now understand is normal Filipino cuisine.

I thought my buddy would be up to hit the bars in the evening but I guess he was still jetlagged and so he just crashed early again. Decided I'll give Tinder girl another go. Chick took freaking forever to get ready, so I was determined to get her drunk. Met at Tequila Reef, which also was not good, but the tequila worked. Went back to the hotel and pretty much the same shit.

During the day, my buddy and were needed a cover story about just visiting Subic, so booked a car from the hotel to Subic to spend the day there and take random pictures.

With our cover story set, and my friend finally recovered from jetlag, hit the bars Tuesday night for our final night.

Started at Shooters. Remember reading about it here so checked it out. Terrible talent and left after a beer. However, I liked the setup, which was more like a strip club. Later, I realized that other places were more like a theatre / fishbowl / stage setup.

Went to another place where the girls were advertising that there were 60-100 girls inside. Can't remember the name, but they weren't lying. Unfortunately, there were maybe 4 girls worth my money there. Since it's our first time in AC, decided to have a few drinks and keep moving.

After a few more stops in random bars, we ended up XOXO.

That place is much bigger on the inside than it appears from the outside. Tiered pricing, I think it was like 3. 6 k for a normal girl, 4 k for a "model".

Had a blast in there. As I walked in, I thought I saw a mamasan from one of the previous bars, and shouted "didn't I just see you at the other bar?

After that, she took really good care of us. We were laughing and joking, I was feeling up her tits while she was feeling mine, just good ol' fun hahaha. Later she explained that she thought I was someone she knew (which I clearly wasn't).

She was giving me all kinds of recommendations on the girls, and provided me with a laser pointer so that I could point out a girl and she can tell me what she knows about them.

After a few flops, I picked out a "model" to barfine. To my regret, as the girl I picked went to change and leave, another really cute girl speaking great English sits down next to me. Had half a mind to swap my purchase, but decided whatever. Maybe next time.

Girl was 20, light skin, looked more Chinese that Filipino. Terrible English, but great attitude, and she tried to communicate at least.

Started in the shower, moved onto the bed. A little more cushion than I would've normally liked, but hell, I couldn't complain. Another round in the morning, and off she went. And off we went, back to MNL.

12-07-19, 01:40
Real pensioners avoid Christmas travel as the flights are too expensive.In that case, real pensioners do not deserve Christmas Pussy!

12-07-19, 05:30
To really appreciate it you have to lower your standards quite a bit and appreciate it for what it is. Cheap sex
Dinner at Brass Knobs Restaurant which was reported to be decent food but Chicken Schnitzel and chips and soggy vegetables were pretty poor. Got there at 6 pm and bar was full with approx. 12 girls on stage. Saw 2 Platinum girls who were 8's, a few regular girls who were 7 ish and others well, pass.Looks like Kazeu's advice has been well received and implemented. Finding 8's at Brass Knobs (or any other place on Perimeter, except some of the K bars) must mean something.

Wait! Did I also read something about find a 7 on WeChat for 1200 pesos? Can't wait to read the reports over the next few weeks.

Engine Driver
12-07-19, 06:29
Never ceases to amaze me that men pay huge sums to get here and then are cheap charlies while here. Very odd behavior ED.

Top class plonk? I did not know Shangri La serves VB on tap? LOL (well that is what top class plonk means to a someone from the Eastern states LOL).Hahahaha. Don't knock VB. It's a good working mans beer, brewed for hard working people like me. I remember taking my steam locomotive into Perth one day. Me, the fireman and guard got totally wasted on Emu Export Lager. It tasted like rancid cat's urine. Do they still make that shit over there?

12-07-19, 11:56
Real pensioners avoid Christmas travel as the flights are too expensive.I use to travel around Christmas and new year. The week between the two has to be the worst time (except maybe Holy Week) to be mongering in country: the weather sucks; the inevitable typhoon will limit travel around the islands / provinces; the girls who can most afford it (ie the hot ones) go home anyway.

Now my travel calendar is based heavily on college exam schedules. 😁.

Enjoy. G.

D Cups
12-07-19, 13:49

Now my travel calendar is based heavily on college exam schedules. Good one, G Man! And with so many universities the windows of opportunity are quite extensive! Cheers, mate!

12-08-19, 05:09
Firstly to my many fans, critics and respondents.

Pedro – never been compared to a physicist before but thanks I'll take it – were you referring to Einstein, Newton or Heisenberg? Pilot – no haven't been to Aqua – CPT has a nice rooftop pool, no girls but, but nice place to chill. E. the. – when you are over 6 foot you need comfort and I need comfort that's why I fly business- hope that's ok with you? But agree PAL is not the best airline. Also FOMO only applies to those who don't get it regular and have it as to speak "on tap". Luckily some of us have the option to pass on pussy on some nights – as I have said before if you don't get it one night you will get it the next. As to " sex is everywhere and take the first option which presents itself – really? Surely reading this now you would like to detract that statement. IMO too many guys are so pussy desperate that they accept substandard girls. When I was young an older guy said to me "a fucks a fuck' and I would reply "yeah but you got to have standards" Suppose it's a perspective thing. SEA trav – if not Pattaya or Angeles where- give me the KL Beach club girls or girls of HCM – or even girls in Oz that cost a fortune – at least self respect, a long term plan for their life and some dress and hygiene sense would help. I find its interesting that people criticise me for spending money to get her but then make the statement ' pay way too much for top class hookers" – forget who it was but once again really? Angeles – top class? Macau – to me that's top class. And you pay "way too much" – and then everyone complains about prices going up and girls attitude. As to Mr. Blank- not sure how to take your comments – now you prob can assume I have pretty high standards – the 8's were hot body, nice face, not skanky looking or hardened. They called them Platinum girls – is that a ref to price or from another bar?

So to day 3 – woke up and thought time to hit the gym. In Oz only one day a week I don't do some exercise of a real kind so try to at least maintain when OS. CPT doesn't have a gym but you can use Pac Breeze hotel gym. Well like most gyms OS pretty dodgy but enough to do some maintenance work. Bfast at Bunny Burger where ham & cheese croissant was fair without being great. Note also bloody hard to get decent coffee here too Spent most of day chilling by pool – I have late bfast so lunch is maybe a sandwhich or cake or something small. Dinner is decent meal – eating 2 big meals a day helps with waist line esp as said with interrupted exercise routine. Funny when I travel tend to loose weight – prob due to loss of muscle mass and lots of walking. Dinner at hotel was Fet Cab & salad which was once again edible but not great. Food will be better in Sabang.

*Hit the Perimetre bars about 5:30 – once again very disappointed with talent. Yeah yeah I need to get there earlier. Thanks who told me to stay away from massage girls on Fields. Are they really all underage – I nearly took home a cutie but thought ain't messing with "what ifs". Bar hopped – ended up at Insomnia – took girl home 2000 plus 1 lady drink plus coke for me. She was eager so we had a good time. Kicked her out at 11 ish with 200 tip. She seemed happy enough as she was prob going back to bar to increase her nightly takings. She wanted my number but prob won't see her again. She seemed confused why I picked her – I just said you looked nice. But she said lots more prettier girls in clubs – she seemed to lack self esteem – also if you are not a stick figure seems that you are ugly. Crashed about 12.

Day 3 alright but not great. Can't get used to this bars opening from 10 – 2 pm and most deals done by 4. Throws out my schedule LOL. Just feel like mongering is a night thing BUT yes I know when in Rome.

Nam: Kim.

Bar: Insomnia.

Age: 22 she said.

Face, Body; 7 ish – a bit chunkier than normal stick Filipina – nice tits.


Rating: 7 not bad but prob standard service for here – no better worse than second night girl.

Day 4. Woke up went for 45 min walk (amazing how girls on street at that time – got propositioned at 7:20 as walking. Man do these girls ever stop fucking? Breakfast at Bunny Burger – stuck to Aussi bfast met some nice English gents exchanged stories back to hotel. About 11 am headed off to SM Mall for a look see. Got a cinema so might go see Frozen 2 in future (not). Quick look around – well not much to see – lots of speciality shops that you wouldn't walk into, one department store with small range- tried to find singlets for me but either not much or not my size – 2 XL – usual problem in Asia. Had coffee and cake – both fair and left. Don't know where the girls hanging out at the Mall were – it was Sat from 11- 2 ish – plenty of Mums and kids. Hung around Starbucks for maybe 1 hour sipping coffee, dust would prob collect on me before something showed up. Trike there and back 100 peso each way from CPT. For sat morning seemed quite dead really esp being before Christmas – did I go to early? Would I go again – only if I was bored shitless -which just might happen here. LOL.

Cruised around in the afternoon hung out at pool and watching fast & Furious 7 or was it 8,9 or 10? Dinner at 4:30 till 5:30 at place near Walk St entrance. Butter chicken & garlic bread – mehr 7 out of 10. Quick look up and down W St. , quick look in a few bars and then back to hotel.

*Jayne from second night has been hassling me – you know morning calls, what you doing bb, I come now ok – she got a bit persistent so I told her I didn't like that so she backed off. I try not to see same girl two nights in a row gives them the wrong idea. Anyway we had ok time and I thought lets just repeat so we did. She was here 10 minutes after I rang. She was horny and excited I rang her again (more like money hungry) Anyway she came I came and we had nice time. Sent her on her way with 1200 and she was happy BUT I will repeat BUT rarely 3rd time – I only 3rd time if they are outstanding and we have a true connection. So that was Day 4. 4 down 4 to go Angeles is pretty mehr. Sorry if you are afan.


Mr Enternational
12-08-19, 06:09
Would I go again only if I was bored shitless -which just might happen here. LOL.

So that was Day 4. 4 down 4 to go Angeles is pretty mehr. Sorry if you are afan.Great reporting NI. I have never been able to do 4 days in AC and now that my buddy that was living there has died, I don't think I will be going back. Most of the action has moved to the apps anyway, and one can do that with a wider selection in Manila.

12-08-19, 06:26
Great reporting NI. I have never been able to do 4 days in AC

Most of the action has moved to the apps anyway, and one can do that with a wider selection in Manila.+1: a long weekend and my head is fried.

+1 again. Or, if NI does not like the big city, just buy direct from the source in Mindanao, Samar, Lyete.

Enjoy. G.

12-08-19, 09:19
Firstly to my many fans, critics and respondents.

Pedro never been compared to a physicist before but thanks I'll take it were you referring to Einstein, Newton or Heisenberg?

NI.I think he was comparing you to Richard Feynman.

Here is an excerpt from his book, "Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!

One day there was a police raid on Gianonni's, and some of the dancers were arrested. Someone wanted to stop Gianonni from putting on topless dancing shows, and Gianonni didn't want to stop. So there was a big court case about it; it was in all the local papers. Gianonni went around to all the customers and asked them if they would testify in support of him.

Everybody had an excuse: "I run a day camp, and if the parents see that I'm going to this place, they won't send their kids to my camp. . ." Or, "I'm in the such* and*such business, and if it's publicized that I come down here, we'll lose customers."I think to myself, "I'm the only free man in here. I haven't any excuse! I like this place, and I'd like to see it continue, I don't see anything wrong with topless dancing." So I said to Gianonni, "Yes, I'll be glad to testify."

In court the big question was, is topless dancing acceptable to the community ** do community standards allow it?
The lawyer from the defense tried to make me into an expert on community
standards. He asked me if I went into other bars. "Yes."

"And how many times per week would you typically go to Gianonni's?"

"Five, six times a week." (That got into the papers: The Caltech professor of physics goes to see topless dancing six times a week.)

"What sections of the community were represented at Gianonni's?"
"Nearly every section: there were guys from the real estate business, a guy from the city governing board, workmen from the gas station, guys from engineering firms, a professor of physics. . ."

"So would you say that topless entertainment is acceptable to the community, given that so many sections of it are watching it and enjoying it?"

"I need to know what you mean by 'acceptable to the community.' Nothing is accepted by everybody, so what percentage of the community must accept something in
order for it to be 'acceptable to the community'?" The lawyer suggests a figure. The other lawyer objects. The judge calls a recess, and they all go into chambers for 15 minutes before they can decide that "acceptable to the community" means accepted by 50% of the community.

In spite of the fact that I made them be precise, I had no precise numbers as evidence, so I said, "I believe that topless dancing is accepted by more than 50% of the community, and is therefore acceptable to the community." Gianonni temporarily lost the case, and his, or another one very similar to it, went ultimately to the Supreme Court. In the meantime, his place stayed open, and I got still got free 7*UpsI wish I could as free as him.

12-08-19, 12:04
- Koreanization of Walking Street is continuing. But if the Koreans weren't here, there would be less girls and less cute girls. I remember 2005, and IMO, it wasn't that good.

- Prices are creeping up on Walking Street. Many places has 3500 barfines, 150 SML, and 300 ladydrinks.

- Cambodiana was sold to a Korean. Re-named to Baccara. He hired many girls. Don't like Korean style bars because the girls are in normal clothes. I prefer bikinis. Way too many girls for a small bar. Most are marginal. Most are moms. 350 ladydrink. Koreans seems to bring higher ladydrink prices. I believe barfine was 3500.

- Club Ra was sold to a White guy. Named it Xanadu. He remodeled it. Nicer than before. Special dancer's barfine is 4000. Number 4 (girls with beads) was above average. Mamasan said to chose her. But I said no because I said girls like her don't give BJs. She laughed and said ya, and pointed to a fat girl in the back, and said she gives great BJ. I believe normal barfine is 3500. Ladydrink is 300. This place has one of the best happy hour prices on Walking Street, a SML for 70 pesos.

- Club Asia is closed. Arcadia is still closed. Salombo is closed for renovations (per the sign). The clubs behind Dollhouse (Crystal Palace, Tropix) are closed.

- Somebody reported that Golden Dragon was closed. It's still open. Another Korean style bar. Need to get there really early to get the best girls.

Thanks who told me to stay away from massage girls on Fields. Are they really all underage I nearly took home a cutie but thought ain't messing with "what ifs".That poster said 14-16. No way they are that young. Most / all look 18+ on Walking Street. Didn't look away from Walking Street, where it's possible, I guess. Most / all of the massage girls will have ID. Your hotel clerk can vet their ID. But some girls have used their friend's or sister's IDs. If you are paranoid, always pick girls who are 21+, even at the go-go bars. The problem is that it is impossible to tell the difference between 17,18 and 19.

I was told some of the massage girls will do it, some won't. I overheard a guy saying the massage girls give lousy massages.

Bar hopped ended up at Insomnia took girl home 2000 plus 1 lady drink plus coke for me.Must be a typo. The 2 levels of barfines are 3000 and 3500.

12-08-19, 12:26
Must be a typo. The 2 levels of barfines are 3000 and 3500.

Bar hopped ended up at Insomnia took girl home 2000 plus 1 lady drink plus coke for me. Can a few other AC regulars weigh please?

Either NI is super-gwapo and has managed to get a 33% to 43% discount on barfine OR GB has been charged 50% to 75% higher barfine than usual.

Or this is all one big confusion caused by typo errors. Which one is it?

Engine Driver
12-08-19, 19:45
Can a few other AC regulars weigh please?

Either NI is super-gwapo and has managed to get a 33% to 43% discount on barfine OR GB has been charged 50% to 75% higher barfine than usual.

Or this is all one big confusion caused by typo errors. Which one is it?They are both correct. Walking Street bars are 3,500 bar fine with LDs at 350. As you walk towards the perimeter, barfines are between 1800 - 2500. LDs are still 350. Pony Tails is 2,500, Insomnia is 2,000, Eruptions is 2,200 and Candy Shop is 2,000.

Bar patronage is way down. Even Pony Tails closes at 9.00 pm. Do you remember when it was still rocking at 2. 00 am?

The managers say that the bars are closing because of the smoking ban. Koreans and Chinese love to smoke. Also, a lot of the action has moved on line and bars are struggling to find girls. The Du30 drug crackdown means there's less money which needs to be laundered through the bars.

12-08-19, 21:23
Can a few other AC regulars weigh please?

Either NI is super-gwapo and has managed to get a 33% to 43% discount on barfine OR GB has been charged 50% to 75% higher barfine than usual.

Or this is all one big confusion caused by typo errors. Which one is it?NI is Super Gwapo. Those of us who have met him, envy his good looks and the fact that the girls are willing to even fuck free for him.

I am waiting to hear he has left town, before I become confident of a good time in AC this year.

Some guys have just "got it". He is one of them, believe me.

12-09-19, 02:51
NI is Super Gwapo. Those of us who have met him, envy his good looks and the fact that the girls are willing to even fuck free for him.

I am waiting to hear he has left town, before I become confident of a good time in AC this year.

Some guys have just "got it". He is one of them, believe me.Girls are so enamored with Super Gwapo that they forget they have to eat or their family and\baby have to eat. The girls have to go borrow 5/6 to pay their bills. Consequently an ugly guy like me has to pay 3,000 for the 5/6 instead of 2500 to fuck them.

BTW, a single lady drink is around 180.350 is the cost of a double LD.

12-09-19, 03:49
Greeting all from Angeles or as I like to call it Skank City. 3 days then I am off so Sxxxx if I intimidate you, apologies, I will be gone soon so you can have a good time then. BUT despite being Super Handsome man (in your mind and god knows when we met if ever) I am surely not competing with what you are chasing so feel free to sit beside me or I will even buy you a beer.

What I will say is yes I probably am not the typical Angeles monger and I do stand out. Why? Well I don't smoke, I don't drink, even though I am nearly 60 I look younger (even couple at gym this morning said so) I haven't got a gut, I don't have tatts, I'm not Korean or Asian, I do have a confidence but I like to think not arrogance about me. I also have quite a big, thick solid body. Although not believing I am a hunk my body type is more gridiron player looking I am very broad across the shoulders and when I wear singlets being 6'2 I suppose compared to many Filipinos I am biggish. Lots of times girls will check me out in the shower before sex to make sure the pain won't be too bad. Luckily for them, sad for me I prob think I am in the small to regular dept though. But as any good performer knows its how use use it that counts. Anyway enough dribble.

A few responses – yes it was Insomnia and yes it was 2000 and yes Ponytails closed at 9 that night.

So bludged around during the day. Bfast at bunny Burgers. Had to have 2 dinners though. Went to Phillies about 3 – ordered chicken breast and Caesar salad. Well Caesar was lettuce split up 5 large croutons dumped in and some sort of dressing. When the chicken came I had to ask Is this chicken? Small shoestring chips a few bits of cucumber and tomato and a sauce that tasted weird. I just looked at the food going WTF. So had a few bites of the chicken with sauce, chips were cold and sat there going what do I do. Now I know some of you will probably think arrogant prick but geez is this really what a chef would prepare. And there in lies my problem – I was expecting chefs to prepare food not cooks. Silly me. The trouble is the food I have had in Sabang, Manila, Cebu etc was pretty good on the whole but I know it's a sports bar but come on. Anyway after telling myself don't be an arsehole just eat it but I couldn't. Asked for bill, paid and left. If there was starving Filipnos around I would have said here eat this as I, as many would agree its wrong to waste food. Besides bfast here which is good at Bunny Burger haven't had an above average meal yet. Going to try Swiss Chalet tonight so hopefully I will be in luck.

*ok the stuff you might be interested in. Have been using Wechat and came across Tricia. We chatted a bit and then she said I am not a paygirl. Really so why are you on Wechat. We decided to meet here at hotel. Like usual arranged for 7 but got here 7:30 not bad considering normal practice. Claiming to be a "normal girl' we went up to CPT rooftop for a few drinks. She came dressed casually not in fuck me clothes which was ok by me. We chatted for about 45 minutes – she works as trainer in call centre, she came across quite well educated and for 24 seemed quite mature and sensible about life, the world etc. After about 45 minutes I said ok what do you want to do now? She wasn't sure. So I said ok you have 2 options – go to my hotel room or go. She chose option 1. Bit of small talk on bed then I moved in – unfort wasn't keen on kissing me, WTF, sorry lack of DFK for me is a big turn off BUT clothes came off, pussy was accessible and she went down on me straight away for BBBJ. I stopped her from her blowing and although she was wet and turned on she still refused to kiss me. Anyway we both came, she pretty strongly via my fingers after and cuddled. Post coitus pillow talk centred on how she broke up with BF 1 yr ago and how she is still getting over it. She said that this was the first time she had done something like this (possibly) and she said she wasn't sure about coming to see me and all etc stuff. She said she only kisses her BF. I listen sympathetically for a while but then got a bit assertive and said well you need to get it right in your own mind why you are here and what you are doing. Those of us with a brain know there's nothing more stressing than being a situation where your deeds and thoughts don't align. One thing I do tell the girls is I want them to be relaxed and comfortable with what they do. To me pointless having sex with a person who doesn't want to be there. (You may disagree depends on your outlook). Anyway we had a bit of a counselling session and then suggested she go home think about the whole situation and call me back if she wanted. She tried to retrieve the situation- wanting to stay, come to my hotel after work but that was not going to happen until she got her head straightened out. She wanted to stay the night (prob just enjoy the comforts) and tried to use all those womanly powers to convince me but I was in a state of disappointment and "get your shit together girl -I am not a counsellor" so it was time to go. I was disappointed because pretty sure she was not a working girl (well at least not fulltime) she was quite beautiful, had a bit of class about her and was educated. The type of girl that you could actually spend quality time with when you were not fucking her. She had small breasts but tiny firm nipples, unshaven pussy and nice arse. Anyway it was time to go gave her 300 for grab and off she went. So Sunday night 250 for drinks by pool and 300 for taxi fare, a session that was ok but had issues which spoilt the mood. Prob won't hear from her again and that's ok – won't be chasing her – unless she wants to throw herself unconditionally at me I am not interested in seeing her again.

So that was day 5 – yet to have anything near memorable.

12-09-19, 04:09
A few responses yes it was Insomnia and yes it was 2000That is incorrect. Barfine a girl for 2000 in front of me, and I will pay it.

BTW, a single lady drink is around 180.350 is the cost of a double LD.In the old days, the waitress would almost always ask permission to get the girl a double LD. This trip none of the waitress asked. Some of the Korean bars only have one type of LDs.

12-09-19, 05:48
That is incorrect. Barfine a girl for 2000 in front of me, and I will pay it.It cracks me up when someone is called out for what they did or did not pay for a girl. I've had the same happen to me: called an idiot for overpaying or a bullshitter for saying I paid a low price. In the end, NI has posted a mutually agreed amount he paid. If someone else paid another amount then that is also mutually agreed. Everyone can spend their money as they see fit.

NI, keep up the good reports. It's always good to read of people's actual actions and exploits in AC. I'm not sure why but some people get hugely offended when you (accurately) call their favourite watering holes a 'shit hole'. 😁.

Enjoy. G.

12-09-19, 05:56
Have been using Wechat and came across Tricia. We chatted a bit and then she said I am not a paygirl. Really so why are you on Wechat. We decided to meet here at hotel. It's perfectly normal for girls to have a very confused definition of if they are on the game or not. For us, if they receive money then they are a hooker. For many of the girls, they may not fuck for money but will require 'gifts' or 'taxi money'. See the many girls online who are angelic in their profiles only to be for hire in person.

I find it easier to not worry about counseling. Just let them play their games and have your fun.

Enjoy. G.

12-09-19, 06:18
It cracks me up when someone is called out for what they did or did not pay for a girl.This is a forum to disseminate CORRECT information. He wrote/implied that the barfine at Insomnia (a go-go bar on Fields) was 2000 pesos. That is incorrect. IF he is real, it will be an easy 2000 for him.

Yes, it is possible that he paid 2000, if the girl or the owner accepted less money. Also possible if he promised the girl a good tip. But that would be good info to know so people don't come and expect a 2000 barfine for the normal public.

12-09-19, 06:32
Greeting all from Angeles or as I like to call it Skank City. 3 days then I am off so Sxxxx if I intimidate you, apologies, I will be gone soon so you can have a good time then. BUT despite being Super Handsome man (in your mind and god knows when we met if ever) I am surely not competing with what you are chasing so feel free to sit beside me or I will even buy you a beer.

What I will say is yes I probably am not the typical Angeles monger and I do stand out. Why? Well I don't smoke, I don't drink, even though I am nearly 60 I look younger (even couple at gym this morning said so) I haven't got a gut, I don't have tatts, I'm not Korean or Asian, I do have a confidence but I like to think not arrogance about me. I also have quite a big, thick solid body. Although not believing I am a hunk my body type is more gridiron player looking I am very broad across the shoulders and when I wear singlets being 6'2 I suppose compared to many Filipinos I am biggish. Lots of times girls will check me out in the shower before sex to make sure the pain won't be too bad. Luckily for them, sad for me I prob think I am in the small to regular dept though. But as any good performer knows its how use use it that counts. Anyway enough dribble.

A few responses yes it was Insomnia and yes it was 2000 and yes Ponytails closed at 9 that night.Good report. Factual. Clearly narrating the Monger's dilemma. I have face similar situations in Dubai, where I work, mostly phillies who are lured to the City, by devious operators and get struck there with their families left back home. I once had a girl, a beauty with great boobs and twat. She started crying ' I don't want to do it' . After bit of consoling and cuddling she turned out to be be really horny and enjoyed the sex with a gusto.

Like you did, you can still take the situation under control. The girl needs some empathy and emotional support. Some cuddling and kind words. But never over do or fake it. Once you cross that moment and win over he heart, then you are assured of a great GFE. WG or a Regular or a one timer, the rule is. Treat her like a fellow human being. There is lot of truth in the good old saying ' Treat a ***** like a Lady, and a Lady like a *****' .

12-09-19, 09:27
Good report. Factual. Clearly narrating the Monger's dilemma. I have ...................Good advice by DXB. Treat the girls like human beings and they will do likewise to you. Otherwise you might get inflated bar fine prices, so that, if you go through with it, she gets extra money / compensation for a less than an anticipated less than satisfactory experience.

I don't know about you, but many want to marry me. Maybe its because I look like a very old lizard who might drop dead any day now. Main thing is for them to get to my country and do a runner with the first nice looking young man she comes across, LOL.

Visiting AC is supposed to be fun. So easy to do when you arrive with the right attitude.

It's Christmas time, "ring the bell" (not the bar bell) , have a go!

And if you see me bent over, holding my back with one hand, and walking stick in the other, give a hand! LOL.

12-09-19, 09:53
The girls have to go borrow 5/6 to pay their bills. Consequently an ugly guy like me has to pay 3,000 for the 5/6 instead of 2500 to fuck them.What's a 5/6?

Engine Driver
12-09-19, 11:22
That poster said 14-16. No way they are that young. Most / all look 18+ on Walking Street. Didn't look away from Walking Street, where it's possible, I guess. Most / all of the massage girls will have ID. Your hotel clerk can vet their ID. But some girls have used their friend's or sister's IDs. If you are paranoid, always pick girls who are 21+, even at the go-go bars. The problem is that it is impossible to tell the difference between 17,18 and 19.Check out the massage girls near Margarita Station, the Pharmacy and near the money changers on Fields Avenue. Then please go right ahead and chose the "Prince Andrew Special". When the police shake you down for 100,000 pesos at the local station, you will wish you had chosen the Woking Pizza option instead. By the way, do you sweat? Haha haha. You can then write in and tell us about the experience.

As for hotel staff verifying IDs, yes I'm sure they all have iris recognition technology installed at the 2,000 peso a night shitholes to screen all the hookers and massage girls who come in. Haha haha.

AC is a gangster run town, where everyone, including hotel staff, trike drivers, bar managers, bar tenders and police are in on the game. As dumb foreign mongers, none of this will be visible to us. Most mongers who are stung, shut up about it to avoid embarrassment.

What's a 5/6?It's a money lender who charges 20% interest per week. A chick can borrow 50 pesos, but must pay the money lender 60 pesos the following week. Hence the term 5/6. In many cities, the money lenders are Indians. They are called Bombay 5/6. It's quite a derogatory term.

12-09-19, 11:52
What's a 5/6?You borrow 5 and repay 6.

For example you borrow 1,000 pesos, but repay 1,200 pesos.

12-09-19, 12:24
You borrow 5 and repay 6.

For example you borrow 1,000 pesos, but repay 1,200 pesos.But with flip psychology at work, it would be a lot cheaper to not repay at all.

Foreigner to local natives, your not lending at all, your "giving" (goodbye). I found that out years ago amongst the natives of. (name of country with-held, LOL).

And yet, they can be very honorable, when you give them the bar fine, they give you the sex.

12-09-19, 14:15
You borrow 5 and repay 6.

For example you borrow 1,000 pesos, but repay 1,200 pesos.Pay back is within 30 days. 20% interest for one month.

Wicked Roger
12-09-19, 17:57
Pay back is within 30 days. 20% interest for one month.But many times they can't repay the 20% interest just increases and then they are in serious trouble financially. Is a nasty spiral of debt that is exploited by many.

Mr Enternational
12-09-19, 18:49
It's perfectly normal for girls to have a very confused definition of if they are on the game or not. For us, if they receive money then they are a hooker. For many of the girls, they may not fuck for money but will require 'gifts' or 'taxi money'. See the many girls online who are angelic in their profiles only to be for hire in person.I went through this with a chick in the Dominican Republic that I met on a dating site and was fucking for money for a couple of years. (She has recently moved to the States and works at American Eagle Outfitters warehouse now.)

She would not fuck me if money was not involved, but despite the dictionary definition of prostitute being one that fucks for money, she did not consider herself as such. She needed the money for regular living expenses so that meant she was not a hooker.

To her, a prostitute is a filthy streetwalker that used the money for I have no idea what. Her definition did not focus on the act of getting money for sex, but more where the person found the tricks that would pay them for sex and what they used the money for. Go figure.

12-09-19, 21:38
We can tell who has factual information and who doesn't by their posting here. I am beginning to think some have never been to AC. Let alone gotten any pussy.

Some have forgotten it is us in a foreign country. Why would the girls have to pee western style? It is us who pee and shit funny. Most foreigners don't wash their butts. Foreigners are known as "dirty butts".

Dirty butts please wise up.

Btw, the definition of a pro might be different in different countries. Local definitions and customs pre-empt other worldly ones.

12-10-19, 01:44
They are both correct. Walking Street bars are 3,500 bar fine with LDs at 350. As you walk towards the perimeter, barfines are between 1800 - 2500. LDs are still 350. Pony Tails is 2,500, Insomnia is 2,000, Eruptions is 2,200 and Candy Shop is 2,000.

Bar patronage is way down. Even Pony Tails closes at 9.00 pm. Do you remember when it was still rocking at 2. 00 am?

The managers say that the bars are closing because of the smoking ban. Koreans and Chinese love to smoke. Also, a lot of the action has moved on line and bars are struggling to find girls. The Du30 drug crackdown means there's less money which needs to be laundered through the bars.I get the point that different sections of the long stretch of road from the McDonalds end of Walking Street all the way up to Clarkton Hotel can have different pricing structures. But inside a single bar can there be such a large difference?

I thought GB was pointing out that Insomnia has a BF of 3000 and 3500, while NI reports it to be 2000. Is that possible? I think not.

12-10-19, 01:54
Does anyone know what happened in Centauro last night? There was a police action and lots of girls (I'd guess about 40 to 50) were taken in three long body Jeepnes. Huge crowd watching. I'm in Angeles for 5 days and leaving tomorrow. Will do a field report once I get back.

12-10-19, 02:14
So bludged around during the day. Bfast at bunny Burgers. Had to have 2 dinners though. Went to Phillies about 3 ordered chicken breast and Caesar salad. Well Caesar was lettuce split up 5 large croutons dumped in and some sort of dressing. When the chicken came I had to ask Is this chicken? Small shoestring chips a few bits of cucumber and tomato and a sauce that tasted weird. I just looked at the food going WTF. So had a few bites of the chicken with sauce, chips were cold and sat there going what do I do. Now I know some of you will probably think arrogant prick but geez is this really what a chef would prepare. And there in lies my problem I was expecting chefs to prepare food not cooks. Silly me. The trouble is the food I have had in Sabang, Manila, Cebu etc was pretty good on the whole but I know it's a sports bar but come on. Anyway after telling myself don't be an arsehole just eat it but I couldn't. Asked for bill, paid and left. If there was starving Filipnos around I would have said here eat this as I, as many would agree its wrong to waste food. Besides bfast here which is good at Bunny Burger haven't had an above average meal yet. Going to try Swiss Chalet tonight so hopefully I will be in luck.Food in the Philippines is probably the worst you will find on this planet. AC is considered the food capital of Luzon, mind you. Fuck that!

I have never tried Bunny Burgers, but it sounds like its worth a try. Let me try and help with a couple of other options.

1. Seems like you are a meat man. So go to Edelweiss. Its a German restaurant, on Malabanas Road, roughly behind the petrol station next to the Lewis Grand Hotel. You will not be disappointed.

2. If you like Asian food, particularly Thai, do visit Patchawaran, now called Patchies. The food is really good there. This is also on Malabanas Road. Google maps can help.

3. If you like Jaoanese, then try Yu Fu In. A bit pricey, but the ramen is pretty good.

4. Tequila Reef Cantina is Mexican fare. They serve large portions and the food is great IMHO.

5. The food at Lewis Grand is actually very good and the portion sizes are huge.

6. If you fancy street food, take a shot at the rotisserie chicken sold at the stall right right across the road from JJ Supermarket. The name starts with the.

Those of us with a brain know there's nothing more stressing than being a situation where your deeds and thoughts don't align.This one cracked me up. But then you are in the Philippines, where logic has no place in society. This was a good report. Thank you.

12-10-19, 02:15
Does anyone know what happened in Centauro last night? There was a police action and lots of girls (I'd guess about 40 to 50) were taken in three long body Jeepnes. Huge crowd watching. I'm in Angeles for 5 days and leaving tomorrow. Will do a field report once I get back.Its an Annual Rite. Christmas money has to come from somewhere, might as well be the bars, LOL. Poor girls bear the brunt of it. One of the ugly sides of the Phil mentality.

Thanks for info.

We need to keep abreast of such things. I will be there, AC, in a few days, you will notice me. Handsome, sharply dressed, and a girl on each arm, and will report IF arrests are continuing. Otherwise silence from me (in prison, LOL).

Shoot, shoot in the foot. Chrissy time when foreigners would like to go to Phils and have some fun, and this stuff starts coming up, LOL.

Signed. Sexy Santa.

12-10-19, 03:13
...Most foreigners don't wash their butts. Foreigners are known as "dirty butts".
...True! In many cultures, one is expected to wash their butts / ahole after taking a dump. One cannot clean their butt effectively with hygienic paper only.

12-10-19, 04:26
Ok woke up hit the gym, breakfast at Bunny's cornflakes and fruit, you can only go bacon & eggs so many times In a row, once again hung around the hotel most of the day. Fired up Wechat found a cutie who was willing so arranged 2 pm rendezvous. She was coming from San Fernando and once again was a little bit hesitant but after some reassuring BS (again) she decided to meet me. Get a text at 1;15 saying can we meet at 5 because " her Mom wants her to clean the house". I get the shits and prob wrongly say forget it – she says why I get so upset. Back and forth with her folding and saying I'll be there at 3 but I thought nup I don't trust you don't come. When I look back at the pics maybe I was too harsh but then maybe she was stuffing me around, Who knows.

Anyway thought ok lets do the early bar visit thing – so stuck my head in a few but ended up at Ponytails. Got my class of coke (60 pesos – happy hour price LOL – happy Hour for coke) and settled back. On stage maybe 12 girls – mostly 5 and 6 es. I really don't know why they are on stage – I mean the bar had about 30 patrons – but despite a shuffle here a shuffle there they just stood and stared into oblivion. Barfines at Ponytails on the 9/12/19 was 2,500 at about 2:40 pm to be exact. The girls all had white shorts and halter tops in white. After about 2 minutes some girl starts massaging me from behind and we strike up a convo about who, what where and general bar stuff. After about 15 minutes a new bunch of girls dressed more sexier came up on stage. Asked the massaging girl what's the difference and I thought she said they are the freelancers? But if any one can tell me the difference I would be pleased to know. Anyway they had bikinis or more skimpy outfits and were a lot more sexier in appearance but with tatts and that hardened bar girl look they weren't doing it for me. There were 2 girls at a push I would maybe had taken one with great arse and one who looked like a nice package. Anyway the first group came over to a corner near me and were chatting, resting and watching the girls on stage. I struck up a convo with one of them which drew 2 others into it. As I was chatting I was appraising them and one had a killer smile, young innocent look and looked like she wasn't as hardened as the others. But of course the one doing all the talking and nearest to me wasn't the cute one. Anyway blab blab blab you know bar chit chat and then I said to the cute one here change places and sit beside me. Anyway she did and I thought ok I have given you a sign how will you react? Well beats me she wasn't trying to sell so that put an end to that. Her friend the talkative one was encouraging her but either she didn't like me or was scared. Anyway if a girl is not into me no way am I talking her home. In KL if they don't DFK in the club they don't come home with me. I've been in many bars where girls are rubbing and encouraging you to BF them – beats me – do you want to make money or not?

Anyway walked back to hotel stuck my head in a few more bars but mehrrrrr. Got on Wechat and found Princess (lo) Looked ok so made arrangements to come to hotel at 8. Only I pic on Wechat that was tasteful so asked for more to check authenticity and after a while she sent me bra and panties shot but I not working girl (LOL). Princess asked me lots of questions – typically what job where you stay – to get idea of earning capacity and was a bit hesitant at first but after reassurance and take it or leave it from me she decided to come. Asked for grab payment and I agreed to pay driver once she got here. Said she was shy, yeah yeah. Anyway arrived I took it slow and watched body language and responses closely. She was a care worker and turned out to be 35 but looked maybe late 20's. Still its what she looks like not the number that counts. After about 20 minutes or so showing her I wasn't going to jump on top and fuck her brains out I went for a kiss – she returned and off we went. Funny girls here say "oh shit, oh shit" as you are doing your prelim exploration and wetting procedure. When she saw my cock she goes I think it will be too big for me LOL – I'm not John Holmes bb – anyway we progressed and she insisted on condom. Ok but not my preferred MO. She stayed for 3 hrs let her go around 11:30. With 1000 for her taxi fare.

Name: Princess.

Age: 35.

Looks: good body firm and good skin, bigger boobs than most Filipina, hard nipples, great arse, no bb damage – said she never had bb, Face was pleasant but photos on Wechat were deceptive – maybe taken at 25 not 35.

Perf: DFK, BBBJ, Covered FS, pretty enthusiastic and wanted second round no problems. 2 pops.

Rating: 7 ish.

WIR: prob not.

Damage: 1000 taxi money which she was happy with.

So she left at 11:30 and looked on phone bloody Jayne 10 text 4 missed calls – bb where are you? So said Hello, and then the pleading happened. Now I was still alert and wouldn't mind some company but wasn't that interested in sex. So initially said no going to sleep maybe another day but please bb bb please continued with all promises of everything. I replied I only have small amount of money to see reaction – but then she texted –"pay what you want" -so I gave in and thought we could chat for a while and I could kick her out for 200/300 peso for her time. So over she came- apparently she has been hanging around the hotel a few times trying to see if I was coming or going as the last 5 hrs my phone was off. I asked the doorman and he said yeah she's been walking past a few times. Great a stalker!. Luckily (or maybe I should have) I didn't walk Princess down to reception and out the door to show security all was good but did get a call to release her. So up she comes looking hot in high heels, tight dress and more of a fuck me look tonight. She tells me bb I have been waiting for you what have you been doing? Made up some BS story about drinking with Aussie mates at bar.

Anyway she goes to bathroom and comes back in suspenders and panties and says bb I want you just like last time. Now usually I am a 1 round man 2 if I am lucky so although she was looking super hot I was worried the spirit was willing but the machinery needed a period of recuperation. Anyway dives on top and off she went – told her I was tired but she manage to get a rise which she quickly jumped on and the "oh shit, Oh shit" started again. Not sure about other guys when they fuck 2 different women on the same night but to me there's a sense of been here done that when doing the deed esp if they are on top and you are a participant but more spectator than being that active. She cums rolls off and dies going almost instantly into a sleep cuddling me close. So bang 5 secs later she is doing those sleep jumps. So much for a bit of convo and kick her out – ok its nice to cuddle so I stroke her like a bb (being such a nice guy) and she snuggles more says bb take me home with you, 5 secs later snoring away.

Maybe 40/50 minutes later we wake up her with hand on my cock slowly stroking it – this time seems I have recuperated and off we go round 2. But I can't finish inside so I pull out and tug and come on her tits as she licks my balls and occasional cock. We chat 20 min then I say I sleep alone – she protests why bb – I say that's my rule so you got to go. By this time its 2;30 am and I am literally knackered (see Aust definition). Give her 1000 well just because and I walk her out so not to get second call from reception.

So that was double dipping on a Mon night. BTW finally found decent food prepared by a CHEF yes CHEF at Swiss Chalet. A little more expensive but service, theécor and esp quality and taste of food a lot better than the muck I have been served up at other places. Have a guess where I will be eating from now on.

Ok stay tuned. Tues night & wed night to go then I am out of this "shithole". Was at bfast this morning and overheard an Aussie talk to a Canadian. The Canadian made some disparaging comment about the place and the Aussie replied "what's wrong with this place?" The Canadian didn't bother replying LOL. I was thinking – how long have you got. I actually would prob prefer to be in Pataya than here and considering I never want to go back there that is saying something.


12-10-19, 04:55
At MNL about to fly home from a week in AC and I'm not sure there is any need to come back. AC used to be a cheaper and more fun option as the rest of SEA prices got inflated. Don't get me wrong, I still had a blast and there are still more than enough girls to go around.

Here is my gripe, and I preface this as I'm not a racist. KOREANS! First in 1 year from being there, they have taken over AC entertainment. Most go go I went into were being ran by Koreans. Bar fines up to 4 k in some places. Drink prices higher, and watching then interact with the girls as bosses is a little disgusting. One girl I took back from a bar said they yell at them all the time.

Next. Koreans! Customers everywhere. And I saw some with some pretty young girls. Almost dangerously young. Sounds like I'm jelly, umm no. Stopped going to BKK due to prices getting to high. Looks like AC is on the way up too.

For all the bars that were Korean owned I offered the girl to line message me, and I'll give her 2500 LT. This way the bar doesn't get my money, and she doesn't get screwed. Worked every time I offered. And the girls seemed happier in bed I was thinking more of them, then the bar.

Ahhhh who am I kidding, I'll be back.

12-10-19, 07:18
True! In many cultures, one is expected to wash their butts / ahole after taking a dump. One cannot clean their butt effectively with hygienic paper only.Have watched or been in the shower with 2 Filipinas in my time here. One was just last night Jayne. Man it was like medical scrub up procedure. She even had something from her purse in a packet like those sachets of shampoo you get to use to wash herself. Heard she used the bum gun too. She must have spent a good 5 - 7 minutes in the shower. I gave her some Chlorhexidine to use also (Chemist warehouse. Stuff doc use to scrub up before operation) maybe she was just preparing for next load who knows?


12-10-19, 07:31
the Aussie replied "what's wrong with this place?"
NI.Thanks for the reports.

Sounds pretty good to me. Lots of girl for not much money.

12-10-19, 08:20
Nam: Kim.

Bar: Insomnia.

Age: 22 she said.

Face, Body; 7 ish a bit chunkier than normal stick Filipina nice tits.

Perf: GFE, FS, BBBJ, DFK.Are you getting confused? Insomnia is not on Perimeter.

My regular at Insomnia doesn't know any girls named Kim.

There are 3 mommasans at Insomnia.

Mommy Odeth said she had a Kim working for her previously. She stopped working around July. She went back to school.

Mommy Evelyn said her Kim had a cute face, but a slightly chunky body. Sounds like the Kim you described. But she stopped working there around 6 months ago.

Mommy Angie wasn't working on Monday. I first met her around 2005, when the barfine was 1800. A lot of info on the internet is inaccurate or out of date. Even Wayne's AC map, which has a date of 2019, has out of date info few years old.

12-10-19, 08:59
True! In many cultures, one is expected to wash their butts / ahole after taking a dump. One cannot clean their butt effectively with hygienic paper only.Western approach terminology: Push-and-Smush method.

12-10-19, 13:05
Are you getting confused? Insomnia is not on Perimeter.
Does it really matter?

Technically the stores / kiosks opposite across the road at insomnia are on CDC property and therefore that area could be termed "perimeter". It's not a bar within the "walking street" signage, so easy for a visitor to call it Perimeter. Although personally myself I tend to think of Perimeter being any bars the other side of Lewis Grand.

NI is having fun and making a go of it. These are his personal experiences and thoughts. Let it ride.

Hope he's having fun.

12-10-19, 18:47
Does it really matter?Actually, I was giving him an "out". His post talked about Perimeter Road. If he said he mistakenly said Insomnia, and the bar was actually on Perimeter Road, then everything would have matched.

TechnicallyI believe technically, Perimeter Road starts at Jeepney Station.

personally myself I tend to think of Perimeter being any bars the other side of Lewis Grand.That's a good definition.

NI is having fun and making a go of it. These are his personal experiences and thoughts. Let it ride.Fakes, BS'ers, and idiots should not contradict me. Then I will let it ride.

I make mistakes. I do not mind being corrected.

12-10-19, 19:19
Does anyone know what happened in Centauro last night? There was a police action and lots of girls (I'd guess about 40 to 50) were taken in three long body Jeepnes.This is the gossip I heard from the girls at Insomnia.

- No official word on why. Speculation is the barfine racket. Undercover barfines, and then everyone is arrested. People say police need Christmas money.

- 4 mammasans there, but only 2 were arrested. They say each mammasan's bribe is 1 million pesos. So fuckin corrupt.

- This is day 2, and the staff are still in jail. They say a deep pocketed Korean owns the place, but the girls are still in jail.

- A waitress has a sister that works there, and supposedly the girls can get out if they pay the 20,000 pesos "donation" themselves. So fuckin corrupt.

- Supposedly one girl is out of jail because she fucked 5 Pinoy cops. So fuckin corrupt.

- None of the customers were arrested.

So fuckin corrupt! The victims, the victims of poverty, are in jail. The rich owner who is not in jail is debating if he wants to pay the bribe.

In 2017, Insomnia was raided, and the staff was arrested and taken to a staging camp. No customers were arrested. Luckily, the mammasans were in the back, and they escaped. The police asked for a 2 million bribe. The owner paid 1. 5 million. The staff was released, and the bar opened the following day. So fuckin corrupt!

12-10-19, 20:12
Check out the massage girls near Margarita Station, the Pharmacy and near the money changers on Fields Avenue. Then please go right ahead and chose the "Prince Andrew Special".- It's ridiculous if you are saying there's 14 year olds on the main street. IMO, city officials will not allow 14 year olds openly plying their trade on the main drag, Walking Street. Even in the old days, dubious aged girls were discrete; they were on the side streets, away from the main street.

- The massage girls seems to be in 3 main areas on Fields. In front of Cosplay. Those girls all wear a uniform. They work for a company. They are definitely 18+. They have a company issued ID. They are also on A. Santos, just off of Fields. They have uniforms, working for a company. They have company issued IDs. They are also on Fields near Teodoro St, between Insomnia and Margarita Station. Those girls wear normal clothes. OK, now some of those girls are questionable. But not 14. But it seems they work for a company, AND they have a city issued health ID.

- Your implied message is OK. It is good to err on the side of caution. I would suspect some of them might be using their older sister's ID.

As you walk towards the perimeter, barfines are between 1800 - 2500. LDs are still 350. Pony Tails is 2,500, Insomnia is 2,000, Eruptions is 2,200 and Candy Shop is 2,000.Pony Tails is on Perimeter. Are you saying Insomnia is after Pony Tails, on Perimeter. Are you guys looking at the same old wrong map. Insomnia is way before Pony Tails on Fields. Regular barfine is 3000 and 3500. Eruptions changed its name to 1881 awhile ago. Candy Shop? You must mean Candy Bar on Perimeter.

12-10-19, 21:38
................... Eruptions changed its name to 1881 awhile agp ............And I changed its name to Erections, even before that.

12-11-19, 07:16
What is the percentage of girls who are willing to bareback? And if so, do they allow CIM?

Aren't they afraid of a present in 9 months?!

Is the morning after pill common and cheaply available in Angeles?

12-11-19, 07:30
Ok firstly I am the first to admit I am green about Angeles – I am no expert in geography, BF, how the place works etc, I am a first time visitor and these are my impressions and observations. I may get it wrong from time to time but I just do the best I can. I ask a lot of questions before I come anywhere so this is my way of giving back. On a scale of 1 to 10 as far as being an expert on Angeles I am a 2.

Also (as we all know) in the mongering world things change sometimes by the minute – a girl can be standing somewhere one min, accept a BF one min or change her mind in any min. This can be frustrating for me who like things consistent but that is the environment we play in. On any given night, day, week, month things change – that is why I rarely ask for referrals to specific girls – what I see or get one night could be completely different on another – we all know that.

To Pilot, thanks, I call it as I see it, from my perspective. As with any intel you read you must remember who is doing the writing. To Mr. Green Bud I am not in your league of knowledge about Angeles I'm just doing my best. I am probably out of place here but if you sat in one of my lectures you would be too. But I would be happy enough that you were interested to be there. And have you heard the phrase "what's in a name?" I thought she said Kim but WTF dup dup going and all that noise could have been Tim for all I know. I'm sure when you are banging away the name is not on the top list of your priorities. So how about cutting me some slack?

Also if you don't want to read my "extra musings" just skip to the * where the info on girls and bars are. I know I can ramble on sometimes. Read what you wish.

One thing I have gleamed is about the body type of the typical Filipina and my tastes. Now my Viet partner at home due to good living Aust food and lifestyle she is a little more solid than your typical Asian. Is she fat, LOL, no but I have seen her move from a very girl like body when I met her 12 years ago to a more rounded body shape. She still a size 10 but LOL the boobs have got bigger and the arse filled out nicely. In Australia we have a saying "skin and bone' and that would describe maybe 85% of the bar girls and FL I see. Now what's the saying "Cushion when you are pushin" and grabbing a bony arse might be ok for some but not me. So I suppose most of what's available esp in bars is not in my preferred shape. Put on some tatts or tramp stamps and I left school at end of primary school so what's antidisestablishmentarianism mean and its bye not interested. (look it up – longest English word in dictionary not a place name or scientific term). Funny how when you are young the barbie image is what you aspire to but as you get older maybe your tastes change.

Ok so what was going on Day 7 – slept late, bfast at Bunny Burgers – good spot near entry on stool near front window to eat and observe walking traffic. Aussi bfast is good 325 for 2 eggs, bacon, 1 sausage, fried tom, 4 slices of toast and tea or coffee. People are friendly, place is aircon, Wg's arriving for bar next door and as I said just a nice place to sit and eat bfast. Have other bfast options too omelette, pancakes, cereal, plus range of burgers and other main meals all reasonably priced. Used to have Aussi owner and waitresses are nice and well dressed, one even was wearing stockings. 2 very cute waitresses there (8's in my books) but didn't disrespect them by trying to sus out their availability. Just threw out a few smiles but no "I'm interested" reaction so as I said wasn't going to disrespect them.

Swiss Chalet – lasgne, salad, garlic bread and fried pots = 750 for dinner. If you are staying at Central Park Towers just eat here or at least a few times. Quality food, good taste, professional outfit- just plain good.

Money Changers – did all mine at Norma's – quick easy, security guard there always but obviously always changed in daylight hours.

As for Central Park Towers – good bits: central position, rooms clean, air con good, bed good, pool -prob best bit (infinite edge but chlorine always very strong- I wonder why – everytime I got out I had to have a decent shower to de chlorinate myself – you know that itching slimy chlorine feeling on your skin) Millions of cable stations, just stayed in an Executive (LOL) Room which means standard long skinny hotel room – you know bathroom on side as you walk in to main room with bed, desk, chair, view was ok but who stares outside the window. I was here for 8 nts and it was adequate. Front desk were helpful and friendly. Paid $82 AD per night. Girls and people seemed impressed I was staying at CPT. Security would always check if I didn't go down with girl but I usually escort them out so this is good to know.

Bad bits: food = pass, had 2 meals both substandard – for a place that is trying to cater for maybe higher level clientele then they need to employ a chef not a cook. Don't know about you but when on vacation food is a biggie. Crap food = crap holiday.

Housekeeping – 2nd day USB went missing- now had some important stuff on there and did a top to bottom search of room a number of times but couldn't find it – dropped a hint with housekeeping you didn't happen to see? So after that gave them limited access to my room some days just getting towels and fresh supplies for room. Gave them a tip first 2 days but after USB went FO.

Pretty cheap on all the little extras- count towels in and out, no kettle in room, no cup (you're kidding), basic toiletries you had to pay for (never have I been in a hotel of this so called quality and you have to pay for toothpaste – are you kidding me) , had to ask for iron (not a biggie but), no towels for swimming at pool? One day aircon started leaking – maintenance guy fixed it – can happen anywhere, usual noise at nights some nights but mainly from excited guests and "takeaways" rushing home to do the horizontal dancing. Few days / nights Filipina and customer arguing. One night listened to a 'why did you cum inside'" argument LOL.

They tell me CPT is one of the better hotels in Angeles- I wanted to stay at Queens but full so I suppose overall it was adequate but go somewhere else to eat.

* ok so what about the bars, girls, night activities. Well quite frankly after a nice meal at Swiss Chalet I was thinking I might have the night off actually. Watched Hunt for Red October on TV with a very Englsih Russian Mr. Sean Connery who a quarter the way thru the movie suddenly changed from Russian to English – guess he told the directors enough with this "the the neyt BS I'm a Pom – you know I used to be 007?" Anyway around 9:30 thought lets go sit somewhere, have a coke and watch the passing parade. So took up residence at Phillies with my coke (70 peso) and watched. Must have been ladyboy night – about 5/6 on corner and maybe 10 or so walking past – seem more than usual. Didn't bother me though. Also massage girls were there. I really don't know about these -BUT I am not going to take a chance. Some are quite doable.

Ok so thought I'the take a walk along the main road that goes from Phillies down towards Pacific Grand (will that do Mr Budd). Thought I might get an ice cream and head home, wasn't really looking but who knows. So in the spirit of reporting back I thought I would do a quick report on the bars around the general area. I just wanted to get an idea of standard of girl, how lively the bars were on this night – wasn't really looking more of a reconnaissance type of exercise.

So in no particular order on Tues night 9:40 pm:

Body Shop – dead – girls rating 5.

Las Vegas – dead – girs rating 5.

Roadhouse – a few customers girls rating 5.

Bar One – girls rating 6 but still empty.

NB bar – new bar empty 2 girls on stage – girl tried to physically drag me in – obviously doing it tough.

Insomnia – lively – best selection of girls. Girls rating 6.

Ptails – closed.

Kona – a few customers – OMG 4 with many fuglies.

Brass Knobs – dead – 3 girls hanging around.

Eruptions – very quiet girls rating 4.

On the way back In the shadow cute little creature with glasses standing with pig tailed way too young friend. Stopped did a double take and then had a chat – 20 from Cebu, 2 wks here, keen as mustard to go with me, how much – said "1000 but you decide" – got her phone number and continued on. Past her on way back said maybe and continued home. Got back to hotel and I thought why not – she was cute – what's 1000 or less – ok come over. Took her 5 secs to get there. P.S. Found out her friend was 16. So when she said that I was a bit worried as she was cute and looked young with glasses so I was wondering age appropriate?

Anyway sex was great – she was a bit of an animal- almost lost my tonsils with her DFK, she heads south licking everything in sight, deep throated me, even sucked my toes. Later she tells me she hasn't fucked for 2 months (whatever) Her pussy tight as, had to take it slow and ease it in. She was having spasms of enjoyment pulling me in deeper and deeper once we got into it. Didn't take her long to cum and then I finished inside as she was drifting off – LOL I think she was spent. She wanted to keep playing with my dick after and she kept saying bb I'm horny still lets do it again. She says she doesn't usually stay that horny (words words) Anyway I tell her rest bb maybe more later. Later was 20/30 minutes later after some cuddling me trying to fight her hand away from my dick. This time entry easier and she had big O number 2 and I finished in her mouth after deep throat and ball sucking. Ok I was tired – her phone went off – it was her friend who wanted to go to disco so I said tell her you meet her in half an hour. Bit of chit chat, she showered and tended to shower me and off she went with 1000 payment (which she seemed happy with). So considering the night was a night off funny how things turn out BUT be warned some of them are young – 16 = dangerous, luckily my girl Andrea was 20 or so she said.

So day 7 once again not bad but not memorable but she was bloody energetic. I think I am finding perf is pretty good and they seem to like me but face and body are not that appealing to me but for about $30 AD do you think I'm complaining (even though it might seem that I am) Same deal in Aust prob cost me $300 AD an hour.

Lets see what last night brings – usually I meet my best girl on the last night – so bloody typical!


12-11-19, 15:19
.................Anyway sex was great she was a bit of an animal- almost lost my tonsils with her DFK, she heads south licking everything in sight, deep throated me, even sucked my toes. Later she tells me she hasn't fucked for 2 months (whatever) Her pussy tight as, had to take it slow and ease it in. She was having spasms of enjoyment pulling me in deeper and deeper once we got into it. Didn't take her long to cum and then I finished inside as she was drifting off LOL I think she was spent. She wanted to keep playing with my dick after and she kept saying bb I'm horny still lets do it again. She says she doesn't usually stay that horny (words words) Anyway I tell her rest bb maybe more later. Later was 20/30 minutes later after some cuddling me trying to fight her hand away from my dick. This time entry easier and she had big O number 2 and I finished in her mouth after deep throat and ball sucking...............Man, you hit the jackpot here.

12-11-19, 16:55
Although personally myself I tend to think of Perimeter being any bars the other side of Lewis Grand.
I'd say all bars other side of PonyTails considered "Perimeter".

12-11-19, 19:33
- Centauro re-opened. Not many girls were working.

- Gossip from the girls at Insomnia. They didn't know the amount of bribe, if any. They said some girls were still in jail. The girls at Insomnia are scared. They said the police demanded monthly payments from the owner of Insomnia. The owner refused.

- Seems like a good mafia protection racket if the police can get all the bar owners to pay up.

- Where the fuck is Duterte! He should have the Angeles police force arrested, and then put a bullet in their brains when they "resist" arrest, just like he did for the thousands of low level drug dealers. That will stop a lot of the corruption.

Wicked Roger
12-11-19, 23:45
- Centauro re-opened. Not many girls were working.

- Gossip from the girls at Insomnia. They didn't know the amount of bribe, if any. They said some girls were still in jail. The girls at Insomnia are scared. They said the police demanded monthly payments from the owner of Insomnia. The owner refused.

- Seems like a good mafia protection racket if the police can get all the bar owners to pay up.

- Where the fuck is Duterte! He should have the Angeles police force arrested, and then put a bullet in their brains when they "resist" arrest, just like he did for the thousands of low level drug dealers. That will stop a lot of the corruption.Welcome to the Philippines. Always more fun here than anywhere else as is blatant and open with no one cares and maybe some of the local officials take a cut also. Who would want to own a bar in the Philippines? The President has so many fires to put out including trying to cleanse a PNP that he says is corrupt. I have seen first hand the corrupt PNP tricks but managed to avoid anything at the time I was stopped etc.

12-12-19, 02:34
What is the percentage of girls who are willing to bareback? And if so, do they allow CIM?

Aren't they afraid of a present in 9 months?!

Is the morning after pill common and cheaply available in Angeles?IMHO almost all Philippine girls loves bareback. Some make a feeble request for you to use protection but ignored in the act. Some want you to withdraw on ejaculation as if that is going to prevent pregnancy. Few, not all would do CIM. Many hate it.

As to getting pregnant they think it is a blessing. Kind of old age insurance. If it is a girl much better. Do they struggle? Ofcourse but everything is relative. Everybody helps each other to raise a kid.

Contraception and morning after pill is avoided because it costs money.

12-12-19, 06:10
How much does the morning after pill cost? Any ideas?

I prefer CIP, but would prefer to not leave behind an offspring.

Mr Enternational
12-12-19, 06:50
Contraception and morning after pill is avoided because it costs money.But kids don't!

12-12-19, 07:22
IMHO almost all Philippine girls loves bareback. Some make a feeble request for you to use protection but ignored in the act. Some want you to withdraw on ejaculation as if that is going to prevent pregnancy. Few, not all would do CIM. Many hate it.

As to getting pregnant they think it is a blessing. Kind of old age insurance. If it is a girl much better. Do they struggle? Ofcourse but everything is relative. Everybody helps each other to raise a kid.

Contraception and morning after pill is avoided because it costs money.Went to purchase morning after pill from Pharmacy, they say " Its not Legal in Philippines " . 95% girls I been with didn't care about condom, they like is bareback, 99% prefer you to cum inside, and 100% prefer to get pregnant.

12-12-19, 07:28
Few, not all would do CIM. Many hate it.I'd say CIP is accepted far more that CIM. Especially if it's a repeat visit.

Having said that, they can get pretty wild if the original agreement was BBFS / NoCIP and the guy 'accidentally' forgets. For that reason it's a promise I'd recommend keeping.

Enjoy. G.

Wicked Roger
12-12-19, 13:26
IMHO almost all Philippine girls loves bareback. Some make a feeble request for you to use protection but ignored in the act. Some want you to withdraw on ejaculation as if that is going to prevent pregnancy. Few, not all would do CIM. Many hate it.

As to getting pregnant they think it is a blessing. Kind of old age insurance. If it is a girl much better. Do they struggle? Ofcourse but everything is relative. Everybody helps each other to raise a kid.

Contraception and morning after pill is avoided because it costs money.Simple solution to all this chatter. Tell the girls 'up the bum no babies come' LOL Then introduce them to the delights / pleasures of A levels LOL.

12-12-19, 13:59
I had a CIP moment and thought "I'll just take her to get a Plan be pill" but interwebz said Philippines is one of world's few countries that outlaws the Plan be pill. Whoa. Dodged a bun in the oven in the end. Also can vouch yes the mood gets way worse when they were promised no CIP but it happens anyways.

I go to Texas-Mexico border mongering and stock up on Viagra for global voyages, so maybe this next time in Mex I can stock up on couple of Plan be pills too. Or Amazon.

Update: I don't know why forum keeps changing letter b to the word be.

12-12-19, 15:02
Ok its not that bad I suppose. But it could be so much better and there in lies my confusion. But I suppose if you start to dress it up it looses that down and dirty feel that so many like and also if quality of food, hotels, bars go up so does the price of pussy. Apparently a lot of bars have Korean owners now and they are slowly gobbling up Angeles, so to speak. Would I return – prob not – I mean I was averaging about $50 AD per night for sex sometimes going back for a second helping so FFS you can't get that anywhere in Oz. IF you can get the same in Manila then I would agree with others who have said why go Angeles? One thing I would do is fly into Clark. I'the prob stay for 5 days max – but to me is 5 days worth the hassle? Prob not. CPT are building CPT mark 2 in viewing distance of CPT 1 across the pool. Looks impressive – one thing the place needs is more quality hotels. In my mind CPT is a 3 star hotel but maybe 4 stars in Phil standards. One thing I would do is research restaurants more before I came because honestly I can cook better than most "cooks". If you are coming you need to rearrange your schedule to (as many say) get to the bars at 2 at the latest. Its weird walking back from a late bfast at 10 mand seeing girls in some bars dancing away. I still couldn't get used to this concept.

A few more things that may help newbies (like I was) coming here. Firstly I felt completely safe at all times. Walked at 2 am in the morning, didn't go down any dark alleys but never felt threatened or intimidated. If you don't like bars plenty of FL about but I found many were less aggressive to front you – they waited for your initial spoken contact. For me Wechat worked a treat and I believe Tinder and other apps do a better job. Stay central close to W St and transport and getting to where you want to go is no prob. Basically you can walk to everywhere you need to go – even a 15/20 min walk to SM Clark is easy from the WSt area. Ladyboys were present esp later in the night but they will leave you alone unless you show interest. Most are easy to spot so if you have had a few you can still pick the girls from the boys. Prices – well the most I payed was 2000 for a bar girl, most FL I gave 1000 to a couple said up to you. Be aware that for some bars and girls you will be invisible because you are not Asian. The 8's and 9's are clearly aware of what they have and will only go for the 333 boys. There are some very young girls on the street, very young – stay away, OMG yes some are OMG material but keep remembering where you are and what can happen. Just look and go OMG and then reinforce to yourself that its not worth the chance. There are some semi pros or good girls around but anyone on a short visit you haven't got the time to spend "courting" them. Daytimes are as boring as shit (as many have said) if I came back it would be with some mates.

Last thing lower your standards – this is Philippines and this is Angeles. As many said its all about cheap pussy and that's it. Would I recommend a mate to come here – prob not.

Ok so writing this back in Manila staying at a dodgy Regency Grand Hotel near Robison Place. Its ok but seeing I am here for 1 night they didn't give me their best room (hopefully) Left Angels at 10:30 am – ha ha no traffic – WRONG – took 4 hrs to get here – you kidding me I planned outside peak hour WTF. Any way used Angeles City Taxis again 3,100 one way. Quick dump gear in room, looked around Robinson place, Indian for dinner, donuts for supper and have decided not to engage tonite – I repeat (and this is for me) You are not going to play tonight!

*So what about last night – well this is why I am not playing – got to bed at 4 am. So started with FLer on street called errr – anyway after Swiss Chalet beef medallion dinner found this Wg wandering outside Marg Station – well she found me. She was horny as fuck and started following me up the street – she pulls me into this dark spot and grabs my cock and starts saying all sorts of things. At first I thought WTF it's the main drag and even though its dark we are still pretty visible. Anyway so I decide to reciprocate thinking she will get shy and back off a bit I tell her " I will pull your panties to one side and lick you here in the street" She just goes Oh fuck and says but maybe we should go a bit further down the street where its darker" WTF. I start thinking hang on this is TOO aggressive for a girl- Ladyboy? Anyway I reach for the sweet spot and thank god nothing was growing down there but me touching her here made her recoil and say come on bb not here. Anyway she was about a 6 on looks but on sexiness and making you hard about a 9. Anyway back to the room and the sex was ok but not great – she was a bit of a player – very good at getting to the room but pretty prof when it came to the deed. Now I hate being played and in my mind after a while I was thinking FY woman – it became such a mind issue that I couldn't cum and despite getting me hard I couldn't finish. Gave her 1000 and let her go. "What's wrong bb she said- why you not cum bb? All my other customers cum bb" Just what I wanted to hear. I felt like saying – all your customers tonight or just the last 24 hrs.

Ok so felt a bit pissed and needed revenge. So wander and find another. Paloma bring her back, she wouldn't kiss me – WTF is going on – in my current state my tolerance meter was running very low- we must have been in the bedroom for 10 minutes max. Get dressed you can go – she wasn't phased – just got up – should have given her nothing but gave her 200. I have found with situations like this better to give them something than just kick them out but this depends on where you are. And besides what's $6 AD – a cup of coffee back home.

Now It was getting late but the blue balls were getting to me. FFS I thought do I have to go out again. The doormen were surprised when I brought back No2 after No1 but also how quickly we were up and down from the room. Anyway by this time it was getting on 1 am and I thought just go to sleep or have a wank or something but you know when the mind says your not going to sleep without cumming. Ok so 3rd time lucky – doormen open the door for me and release me with looks like where 's he going again.

Now if you can stand the late nights, hunting later in the night is better than hunting earlier in the night for the reason that women seem more desperate and aggressive in their tactics. (But of course in Angeles if you are a bar person the hunting times are reversed) Now my brain and body starts to close down by 10,11 says you should be sleeping and 12 is WTF are you doing up at this hour. I always wake up at 7 – this is from years of sport related activities done early in the morning – 7 am luxury. I wish I could have a reenergizing sleep for 3 hrs wake up at 6 pm, dinner at 8 and then hunt 9-1 am. How these guys go to High Soc from12 to 4 I don't know – BTW if you think about hitting HiSo before 11 don't bother – even 12. Talk about a late night venue.

Sorry I digress. Walked to Phillies man, back to back ladyboys. Think it was a convention. Anyway wander up WSt do a turn at kokomos and then this little thing with hair extensions does the usual Hello, honey. Being a dick I said my names not honey its bb. She laughs and flashes this cute smile with full set of teeth and almost child like laugh. Now even though she is small she still looks old enough not to ask the obvious question. Her hair extensions make her look incredibly hot and with that smile and nice little body I didn't need much convincing where we were going. I said 1000 for some fun. She goes lets go.

Now sex was good – well she was good – I after getting it up then down then up then down with the other 2 – I was a bit, well you could say not that firm. Now eventually I popped but it took a lot of hard work from her mouth and some hand assistance from me. Point about CIM- in my experience most girls had no issue with CIM. If you DATY then fairs fair. Funny how some didn't want to kiss but were happy with BBBJ straight away. If I was staying I think I would have repeated with her- I'm a sucker for a cute face, nice smile and nice package. She seemed pretty happy with me too as she snuggled in deep when we rested between trying to get the volcano to blow. Don't you hate when you can't cum and you've got that blue balls feeling. Should write a Country and Western song called " that blue balls feelin" LOL. Anyway I get up look at my phone fuck 3:30 am -ok bb got to go – she quick shower I keep watching her dress – that hair its mesmerising – I escort her downstairs – the boys on the door give me that look of surely he can't go again and off into the night she goes. So that was my last night in Angeles – bloody hard work.

So here I am in Manila and I am not going to turn on my phone. I am not going to go for a walk esp just outside Robinson Place. I am not, I am not..

Off to bang bang tomorrow. They tell me there's even more K's there splurging their millions. Great - hopefully some girls might appreciate a change like my beauty Gemma Diaz from CC Lips about 2 years ago. She's prob long gone.


12-12-19, 15:45
................ Anyway by this time it was getting on 1 am and I thought just go to sleep or have a wank or something but you know when the mind says your not going to sleep without cumming............Sometimes a good wank in the hotel room saves you time, hassle and money.

12-12-19, 16:04
It amuses me to see how serious some guys are about whoring.

Its a fun activity, with ups and downs. More ups than downs if you are not too serious, LOL.

Mr Enternational
12-12-19, 16:14
How these guys go to High Soc from12 to 4 I don't know Take a nap before.

12-12-19, 16:29
So here I am in Manila and I am not going to turn on my phone. I am not going to go for a walk esp just outside Robinson Place. I am not, I am not..

NI.Difficult to decide to really sleep there. Haha. I know.

Anyway good reports, I like.

12-12-19, 19:17
Simple solution to all this chatter. Tell the girls 'up the bum no babies come' LOL Then introduce them to the delights / pleasures of A levels LOL.Haha, so who want to have sex with a girl who has always sex without condom?

Yes indeed they hope to get a baby (and that you pay 300 dollar each month.

But they don't care about HIV.

BTW a HIV test is 100% reliable after 6 month having no sex.

So every HIV test is saying something about the health of 6 months ago.

All that two weeks testing of bars is no guarantee at all.

12-12-19, 20:20
I had a CIP moment and thought "I'll just take her to get a Plan be pill" but interwebz said Philippines is one of world's few countries that outlaws the Plan be pill. Whoa. Dodged a bun in the oven in the end. Sorry to say that Plan Bs are readily available in the Philippines. I know several girls who use it regularly.

12-12-19, 20:23
Sorry to say that Plan Bs are readily available in the Philippines. I know several girls who use it regularly.Just buy the generic ones. Levonorgestrel 1.5 mg.

I get them on Amazon and bring my own. They do work.

12-12-19, 20:24
It amuses me to see how serious some guys are about whoring.

Its a fun activity, with ups and downs. More ups than downs if you are not too serious, LOL.Amen to that. Some of my worst nights have been where I've gone out desperate for a good time and I've had some mind altering nights that were unscripted, intending just to have a couple of drinks.

Enjoy. G.

12-12-19, 21:15
On my last trip I overheard several guys talking about living in AC, how? I am only 47 so I can't retire there, and doing some research the longest I can stay is 59 days. How are some of you guys getting away with staying in AC?

12-12-19, 22:11
Thanks for visiting our 'shithole' and reporting in depth. Not many guys go to the length you have. It's an insight as to how business class travellers see our little patch of paradise, LOL.

Don't forget, street meat is sometimes in cahoots with corrupt police, especially at Christmas time. You escaped unscathed, lucky you.

I am concerned about your lovely Vietnamese companion waiting 2/3 weeks for you in Melbourne. Is there any chance she meets a nice young handsome man at the local Supermarket and partakes of his wares?

Paying business class air fares, and shagging street meat. Now that's one for the records, LOL.

I purchase Cattle Class seats and the extra 1,000/1500 dollars I save, I spend on quality babes, not the ones in the bars either. My menu is, fun in the bars, sex in the room, with non bar girls.

Thanks for visiting our shithole, LOL.

Engine Driver
12-12-19, 22:33
Nice reporting NI. We appreciate the time and effort you have taken to send in those field reports. Hopefully Sabang will be better for you.

There are heaps of girls below 18 selling their pussies in AC, both on the street and on PL. Blind Freddy could see that. I know there's another expert monger here who would disagree. He's convinced everyone is over 18 and the hotels use the latest technology to verify hooker IDs. Hahahahaha. He can compare notes with Prince Andrew when they are in Woking eating pizza.

I too have sometimes gone out for an afternoon stroll saying I'm not going to fuck tonight because my balls need a rest. I've literally walked 100 m and then I get accosted by two MILFs offering double fucky sucky. Two minutes later, said MILFs are in my hotel room.

Member #4698
12-13-19, 02:08
I purchase Cattle Class seats and the extra 1,000/1500 dollars I save, I spend on quality babes, not the ones in the bars either. My menu is, fun in the bars, sex in the room, with non bar girls.
I agree with your quote except the part about bargirls. I really like bar girls. Ha Ha.

So even though my finances are good, my finances are also finite like most people I guess. Thus I would rather spend my hard earned money in an unrestrained way on the best looking friendly girls I can find than on an upgraded plane seat in 1st class. That's just me, yet I firmly believe in the principal, whatever floats your boat. But the thing is that I think I have had more good times in AC doing it my way with better looking and more GFE oriented girls than our fellow BM who did it his way and has just left the town with no desire to ever return. Anyway, that is my take on NI's AC report. I hope he finds what he is looking for in his next port of call.

12-13-19, 02:20
On my last trip I overheard several guys talking about living in AC, how? I am only 47 so I can't retire there, and doing some research the longest I can stay is 59 days. How are some of you guys getting away with staying in AC?The Philippines has perhaps the best Visa allowances of anywhere, certainly in Asia. A tourist visa can be extended up to 36 months depending on your citizenship. There is a process to follow but it's hardly onerous.


"How long can I extend my in the Philippines?

Under Immigration Memorandum Circular No. SBM-2013-003, non-visa required national may extend their stay up to thirty six (36) months while visa required national may extend their stay up to twenty four (24) months.

Note: The said periods shall be counted from the date of the applicant's latest recorded arrival. ".

12-13-19, 02:35
On my last trip I overheard several guys talking about living in AC, how? I am only 47 so I can't retire there, and doing some research the longest I can stay is 59 days. How are some of you guys getting away with staying in AC?Believe or not but some people save their money for early retirement.

Some invest their money early.

Some have early retirement pension plans.

Some have monthly income.

Some are just bull shitters.

Do more research and you will find longer stays are possible.

12-13-19, 02:41
The Philippines has perhaps the best Visa allowances of anywhere, certainly in Asia. A tourist visa can be extended up to 36 months depending on your citizenship. There is a process to follow but it's hardly onerous.


"How long can I extend my in the Philippines?

Under Immigration Memorandum Circular No. SBM-2013-003, non-visa required national may extend their stay up to thirty six (36) months while visa required national may extend their stay up to twenty four (24) months.

Note: The said periods shall be counted from the date of the applicant's latest recorded arrival. ".Thank you for your kind reply. I will do more research, I just wasn't making sense of what I was seeing on the net.

12-13-19, 02:42
I value a nice hottie and good food. Economy plus airline tickets and mid priced hotels allows me to experience more time in that wet warm V along with a full tummy!

12-13-19, 02:44
Believe or not but some people save their money for early retirement.

Some invest their money early.

Some have early retirement pension plans.

Some have monthly income.

Some are just bull shitters.

Do more research and you will find longer stays are possible.Thank you for the reply. I have more than enough money to live in Asia for the next 10 years, I was just not finding the visa that would allow me to establish at least 6 months in the PI. Although I have no money issues, I'd love to make my money go a little further. Thailand is a no go now. Vietnam is to crowded for me. Cambodia is to dirty for me. The PI is in my top 3 of places I would find acceptable to live.

12-13-19, 02:48
- Spoke with a doorgirl at Centauro. She said all the girls were out of jail. She said the cops asked for 1. 5 million. The owner paid 1. 2 million.

- Of course there's dubious looking girls in AC. 14? Bar managers setting you up? I should stop commenting on hyperboles.

- Yes, I should also stop commenting on the Penthouse Forum stuff.

Engine Driver
12-13-19, 06:12
On my last trip I overheard several guys talking about living in AC, how? I am only 47 so I can't retire there, and doing some research the longest I can stay is 59 days. How are some of you guys getting away with staying in AC?Simple question, why would you want to stay more than 59 days in AC? Please enlighten on us on what we are missing out on.

12-13-19, 13:06
Note: The said periods shall be counted from the date of the applicant's latest recorded arrival..Easy to slip a side trip to HK every 59 days. And the counter starts again.

12-13-19, 16:59
Simple question, why would you want to stay more than 59 days in AC? Please enlighten on us on what we are missing out on.Fair question. I'm looking to fall off the grid for a little bit, but also be in a spot that I can have some fun when I feel the urge to hump something. I've been to almost every Asian country and Philippines really meets the cost per living vs fun debate. If Thailand was cheaper I would for site choose there. I don't like Vietnam or Cambodia for a place to live. Manilla is to much for me to take. Cebu didn't like it. AC is fairly cheap and I'm a simple guy who just wants to have some fun and enjoy life. Plus I do very well in AC with the girls I bring back. Got to go where you feel the happiest.

Mr Enternational
12-13-19, 21:33
Fair question. I'm looking to fall off the grid for a little bit, but also be in a spot that I can have some fun when I feel the urge to hump something. I've been to almost every Asian country and Philippines really meets the cost per living vs fun debate. If Thailand was cheaper I would for site choose there.What is not cheap about Thailand? My rent has been $125 for the last 10 years. When I retire in 20 years or so, I might ball out with a $300 place. I recently met a chick with a brand new 1 BR condo overlooking the water for less than $200.

12-13-19, 21:39
Easy to slip a side trip to HK every 59 days. And the counter starts again.That was my point: you don't have to leave the country for any of the extensions. Just keep applying for them and a ACR Card at your nearest BOI office.

Cheers. G.

12-13-19, 21:47
What is not cheap about Thailand? My rent has been $125 for the last 10 years. When I retire in 20 years or so, I might ball out with a $300 place. I recently met a chick with a brand new 1 BR condo overlooking the water for less than $200.Well I do believe that you found the Holy grail then. What part of Thailand are you in? I assume not Bkk. The baht is way to strong on conversions right now, so the dollar is not going that far. I was just there and a lot of people are moving out of Thailand due to the poor conversion.

12-13-19, 22:48
That was my point: you don't have to leave the country for any of the extensions. Just keep applying for them and a ACR Card at your nearest BOI office.

Cheers. G.Exactly. But I was travelling regularly to HK anyway.

Wicked Roger
12-13-19, 23:02
That was my point: you don't have to leave the country for any of the extensions. Just keep applying for them and a ACR Card at your nearest BOI office.

Cheers. G.And in the long run much cheaper than a plane ticket etc. Extensions are easy and cheap, ACR is fine and then you can chose if you want to leave the country or not for a few days.

12-13-19, 23:09
Thank you for the reply. I have more than enough money to live in Asia for the next 10 years, I was just not finding the visa that would allow me to establish at least 6 months in the PI. Although I have no money issues, I'd love to make my money go a little further. Thailand is a no go now. Vietnam is to crowded for me. Cambodia is to dirty for me. The PI is in my top 3 of places I would find acceptable to live.You haven't given any specifics for anyone to truly give you an answer. This is called GIGO. Garbage in garbage out. What's does enough money mean? Some come to PH with $600 a month thinking that is enough money to live on, then find out it is not enough.

For me personally I would need US $3000+ a month to retire in PH for the lifestyle I would have to have. Of course it would be a better lifestyle than I have in America or why move? It would include having a maid / cook and a masseuse on call every night. Condo rent would be P45 k+ a month. Rent would be higher in BGC.

12-13-19, 23:20
For me personally I would need US $3000+ a month to retire in PH for the lifestyle I would have to have. Of course it would be a better lifestyle than I have in America or why move? It would include having a maid / cook and a masseuse on call every night. Condo rent would be P45 k+ a month. Rent would be higher in BGC.With that sort of money, why wouldn't you retire in South America or the Caribbean somewhere? Or do you just have yellow / Asian fever?

12-14-19, 00:15
You haven't given any specifics for anyone to truly give you an answer. This is called GIGO. Garbage in garbage out. What's does enough money mean? Some come to PH with $600 a month thinking that is enough money to live on, then find out it is not enough.

For me personally I would need US $3000+ a month to retire in PH for the lifestyle I would have to have. Of course it would be a better lifestyle than I have in America or why move? It would include having a maid / cook and a masseuse on call every night. Condo rent would be P45 k+ a month. Rent would be higher in BGC.3 k a month, wow. I don't even live that way in San Diego CA. I'm very much unlike you, I don't need fancy. I can clean my own place and don't need massages. I can live on $1000-1200 a month comfortably. As far as what my current savings allows me to live, yes I could live at your prescribed budget still for 10 years, but I'm very conservative on how I spend my money on things like a place to sleep and maids and massages. I'm sorry to provide you with GIGO, but my initial post for this thread was actually just inquiring how people were staying in AC longer than 59 days, not on how to live there.

12-14-19, 01:34
With that sort of money, why wouldn't you retire in South America or the Caribbean somewhere? Or do you just have yellow / Asian fever?No habla espanol.

Engine Driver
12-14-19, 01:36
With that sort of money, why wouldn't you retire in South America or the Caribbean somewhere? Or do you just have yellow / Asian fever?The power imbalance between western monger and local hooker is a lot bigger in Flipsville than anywhere else, so it suits the mongers who normally wouldn't be able to get a root in the US. The LBFMs are less educated, more naive and will always accept BBCIP and BBCOF. There is a lot more sexploitation in Flipsville by loser mongers. This allows the monger to parade around like a rich colonial master in his plith helmet, even if he doesn't have two notes to rub together. Just look at the King of Cebu's record.

The monger might not be able to get away with this much in the Caribbean or South America as the girls and pimps are more street smart. They will slice off the mongers dick if he tried any of that master / servant shit. The girls are also less impressed with obese, Gringo trash.

12-14-19, 01:51
No habla espanol.Ahh, language barrier.

A smart chappy like yourself should be able to learn Spanish to a proficient level within 1-2 years.

It is quite funny that our forum is heavily related to the FIRE movement. Except we have slightly higher requirements due to mongering costs!

12-14-19, 02:44
No habla espanol.That's a pizz poor excuse. 😀.

With a well endowed Spanish dictionary you will pick it up quickly. Especially if English isn't a second / fall back language there. The fastest I've seen someone pick up a second language was a Japanese guy in Indonesia. He spoke NO English so if he wanted to eat, sleep, catch a taxi, anything he had to do it in Indonesian. He couldn't be lazy and fall back on Japanese as no one would understand him. 30 days later and he's watching the local news on TV and reading the newspaper.

Cheers. G.

12-14-19, 02:50
3 k a month, wow. I don't even live that way in San Diego CA. I'm very much unlike you, I don't need fancy. I can clean my own place and don't need massages. I can live on $1000-1200 a month comfortably. As far as what my current savings allows me to live, yes I could live at your prescribed budget still for 10 years, but I'm very conservative on how I spend my money on things like a place to sleep and maids and massages. I'm sorry to provide you with GIGO, but my initial post for this thread was actually just inquiring how people were staying in AC longer than 59 days, not on how to live there.The topics of resident monger finances was hashed out a while ago. Search Kabul Guys posts as he did a good breakdown and many of the follow up posts are also worth a read.

Due to some items being surprisingly expensive in Asia I'd regard $1000 as the absolute minimum and doubt it would afford a comfortable life on a ongoing basis but as you said, everyone's needs are different.

Cheers. G.

12-14-19, 04:00
If you want to follow my adventures switch to other areas forum where I am in Sabang.



12-14-19, 05:59
Ahh, language barrier.

A smart chappy like yourself should be able to learn Spanish to a proficient level within 1-2 years.

It is quite funny that our forum is heavily related to the FIRE movement. Except we have slightly higher requirements due to mongering costs!A smart chappy like me doesn't want to take the time to learn. I like SEA.

To each there own. Let it be.

12-14-19, 06:22
The power imbalance between western monger and local hooker is a lot bigger in Flipsville than anywhere else, so it suits the mongers who normally wouldn't be able to get a root in the US. The LBFMs are less educated, more naive and will always accept BBCIP and BBCOF.Which other countries have a similar large power / wealth / knowledge imbalance?

I need to put it on my list of countries to visit.

So far I'm thinking: Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand.

12-14-19, 10:55
A smart chappy like me doesn't want to take the time to learn. I like SEA.

To each there own. Let it be.That is one of the big plusses for the Philippines: you have to get out pretty remote before you can no longer get by with English as a fall back language. Elsewgere, it works for BKK, Jakarta etc but then drops off rapidly.

Enjoy. G.

Engine Driver
12-15-19, 00:22
Which other countries have a similar large power / wealth / knowledge imbalance?

I need to put it on my list of countries to visit.

So far I'm thinking: Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand.Most countries in Africa are desperately poor. A foreign monger in his safari suit and pith helmet could easily pull off the old colonial master role with ease. The hookers in Uganda, Kenya and Madagascar would be ideal victims upon which to test out the huge power / wealth imbalance theory. And they speak English too. I'm not sure if BBFS would be a good idea though. Hahaha.

12-15-19, 04:07
ED, I typed out an Award Winning PM to you, clicked submit, and got the message your PM inbox is full.

Time is of the essence. In hours I take off (cattle Class) to Phils.

What better Chrissy present could the girls get. Sxxxx for Chrissy!

12-15-19, 04:23
Most countries in Africa are desperately poor. A foreign monger in his safari suit and pith helmet could easily pull off the old colonial master role with ease. The hookers in Uganda, Kenya and Madagascar would be ideal victims upon which to test out the huge power / wealth imbalance theory. And they speak English too. I'm not sure if BBFS would be a good idea though. Hahaha.LOL, yeah Africa is a tad too left field for me. I'm not quite into super tanned girls and I do prefer BBFS.

Engine Driver
12-15-19, 06:53
ED, I typed out an Award Winning PM to you, clicked submit, and got the message your PM inbox is full.

Time is of the essence. In hours I take off (cattle Class) to Phils.

What better Chrissy present could the girls get. Sxxxx for Chrissy!Thanks Sxxxx, you're good to go now.

Since I'm being moderated like a kindergarten kid now, most of the action seems to be on PM now. Too bad, so sad that the best content is only seen by the banished elite. Hahahahaha.

Mr Enternational
12-15-19, 13:42
LOL, yeah Africa is a tad too left field for me. I'm not quite into super tanned girls and I do prefer BBFS.The people in Madagascar are the same skin tone as the people in PI.

12-15-19, 14:38
Thanks Sxxxx, you're good to go now.

Since I'm being moderated like a kindergarten kid now, most of the action seems to be on PM now. Too bad, so sad that the best content is only seen by the banished elite. Hahahahaha.Yes, but hark, after years, yes years, possibly 10 yrs or more of being monitored, that is, delayed in getting my posts at same time as subject is being discussed, ten years of being 'too late' , I am now free of monitoring! Seems like that, anyway. My posts are not being delayed, last few days. Credit to relatively new Moderator, his mind is more 'open' than his predecssor, it seems.

So there is hope for you yet. Be a good boy and you might get a reprieve. Although there is some merit in being "banished". It usually means your different, not 'common' and have other ideas / thoughts than the mob.

Even though I have been 'released' , the good stuff still resides in PM's. Let the masses read the regular stuff, and the innovative read something different (PM"s). I don't think CM will ever get a reprieve. Anyway he wears his badge with great pride.

OK, one more 'dark side' PM coming up.

12-16-19, 00:10
The people in Madagascar are the same skin tone as the people in PI.I love dark meat. Anywhere!

Member #4698
12-16-19, 00:33
The people in Madagascar are the same skin tone as the people in PI.Don't think so. Different race, ethnicity and a different look entirely. On average I would say that Madi girls are at least several shades darker than Filipinas and the Madi girls that most of us would be likely to shag should we go there would be even darker than that. Different facial structure and body shape too. But the island has potential. That's for sure. I browse the Madagascar forum to gain insights. A couple things I have found is 1) French is almost a requirement to get by and 2) Do not expect a point and shoot bar set up like AC Fields or MNL Burgos.

I am also very interested in Ethiopian girls. I read that forum too. Round trip, non stop, 8.5 hour flights from BKK to Addis are around $750.

One of my favorite Filipina repeat girls is part South Sudanese (Father) and part Filipina (Mother). She is a very sexy girl (a petite spinner) and very nice. Her skin tone is darker than all her friends. There is no mistaking the fact that she has some African genes. Born and raised in MNL, she is 100% Filipina in personality. I really like her. I have been seeing her since 2015.

Attached photos #1, 3, & 4 are Madi girls. Photos #2 & 5 Ethiopian.

12-16-19, 00:49
Don't think so. On average Madi girls are several shades darker than Filipinas and the Madi girls that most of us are likely to shag should we go there would be even darker. But the island has potential. That's for sure. I browse the Madagascar forum to gain insights. A couple things I have found is 1) French is almost a requirement and 2) Do not expect a point and shoot bar set up like AC Fields or MNL Burgos.I agree, in mada they have darker skin than in pi, even if not as dark than african ones.

12-16-19, 01:36
Don't think so. Different race, ethnicity and a different look entirely. On average I would say that Madi girls are at least several shades darker than Filipinas and the Madi girls that most of us would be likely to shag should we go there would be even darker than that. Different facial structure and body shape too. But the island has potential. That's for sure. I browse the Madagascar forum to gain insights. A couple things I have found is 1) French is almost a requirement to get by and 2) Do not expect a point and shoot bar set up like AC Fields or MNL Burgos.

I am also very interested in Ethiopian girls. I read that forum too. Round trip, non stop, 8.5 hour flights from BKK to Addis are around $750.

One of my favorite Filipina repeat girls is part South Sudanese (Father) and part Filipina (Mother). She is a very sexy girl (a petite spinner) and very nice. Her skin tone is darker than all her friends. There is no mistaking the fact that she has some African genes. Born and raised in MNL, she is 100% Filipina in personality. I really like her. I have been seeing her since 2015.

Attached photos #1, 3, & 4 are Madi girls. Photos #2 & 5 Ethiopian.For whatever it's worth, I worked in Addis and Asmara (Eritrea) for years, and believe that the women on the Horn of. Africa are the prettiest on earth.


Naked Gunz
12-16-19, 02:12
I am also very interested in Ethiopian girls. I read that forum too. Round trip, non stop, 8.5 hour flights from BKK to Addis are around $750.Ethiopians are super hot, but the attitude of those girls ruins almost any fucking with them. Instead of going all the way to Ethiopia, I just fuck them in Dubai. That can't be a direct flight, your going to have to pass through Dubai anyway. Just get off the plane and motor over to Bur Dubai and get all the chocolate you want.

Engine Driver
12-16-19, 02:53
Yes, but hark, after years, yes years, possibly 10 yrs or more of being monitored, that is, delayed in getting my posts at same time as subject is being discussed, ten years of being 'too late' , I am now free of monitoring! Seems like that, anyway. My posts are not being delayed, last few days. Credit to relatively new Moderator, his mind is more 'open' than his predecssor, it seems.

So there is hope for you yet. Be a good boy and you might get a reprieve. Although there is some merit in being "banished". It usually means your different, not 'common' and have other ideas / thoughts than the mob.

Even though I have been 'released' , the good stuff still resides in PM's. Let the masses read the regular stuff, and the innovative read something different (PM"s). I don't think CM will ever get a reprieve. Anyway he wears his badge with great pride.

OK, one more 'dark side' PM coming up.In any case, I have retired from mongering in the Philippines, so it doesn't matter if I'm being monitored to death or not. ISG has gone so PC now that I'm expecting Greta Thundberg to appear any moment and to give us all a stern lecture. Hahahaha.

On my last trip, it was just too fuckin' ridiculously easy to get laid and I think the fun has completely gone. In the old days, you at least had to get out of bed, put on some clothes and walk 500 yards to the bars to pull a chick. Now you don't even have to get out of bed FFS. You just kick the previous night's conquest out, grab your phone off the side table, find a chick who looks okay and type in "want to come over right now? Hotel XYZ, Room 123". Within 1-hour, some new chick is in my room giving me a BBBJ. And then keep repeating for the rest of the week until you are so tired and sore that you can't bear to see any more pussy. Yes, it was so easy, that it was completely boring. I at least like a bit of interaction with the community, a bit of sightseeing, some fancy wine appreciation and just a little thrill of the chase. Unfortunately, the advent of the smart phone has killed all that in the Philippines.

So what am I going to do about it? Well firstly say good bye to the Philippines. It's the easiest place on the planet to get laid and the easiest place also to fall in love with hookers. The girls are also the dumbest on earth. However, they are sweet and consistently provide the best GFE, but it's time to move on. I like a bit more intellectual stimulation and more robust conversation with my hookers. If I kept mongering in the Philippines, my brain would quickly turn to mush. Hahahaha. KG, you might like to tell us how have remained mongering in the Philippines for two years without losing your marbles. Hahahaha.

I've enrolled in Spanish lessons and I'm hoping to chase some South American pussy now. I figured I will only need a few phrases:

"How much to fuck?

"Your pussy juice tastes like nectar from the gods" (or the reverse "Your pussy smells bad".

"You are a totally hot babe".

"Can I please fuck your ass?

"want to hang out with me all day?

12-16-19, 05:44
Hi friends.

Two weeks before I wen to to Abacca Spa in Antipolo street, Makati City. The experience was excellent. In their visting card mentioned about a branch Kalani spa in Pampanga. Google there are two Kalani spa in Pampanga and are little faraway from Fields Avenue. Anybody have an experience in that Kalani spa?

12-16-19, 11:33
Seems you had a quite good time Elemental. Tried PM seems you have blocked receiving PMs, I've been to AC several times but had issues finding a girl who do A+. Do you mind sharing the details of the girl, may be leaving bread crumbs for me to find the girl. Thanks for your great report and help.

Spent a week+both weekends in PH late October. A few days in MNL, and few in AC. Already posted in the Makati thread, so this is for AC.

Got to AC via the Genesis bus from MNL airport. Really easy and comfortable, would definitely take it again.

Arrived kind of late, around 9 or so. Checked in, unpacked, showered, etc. My buddy just arrived the same day and he just crashed, so I started by hitting up a girl from Tinder that I've been chatting up for a while. Agreed on 500 to meet and 2.5 k more if the "interview" goes well, which it did.

She was 24, light skinned, not a stunner but a spinner which is what I usually go for. Says that it's her first time ever freelancing. Didn't believe her at the time, but I am of the opinion that she did not lie about that (still talking to her a month later, so I've learned a lot).

Anyway, decided to move it to the room.

Although she didn't want to blow me, I got her to do it anyway for a short while. Quickly moved onto the bed where the fun began...

Wicked Roger
12-16-19, 18:23
Seems you had a quite good time Elemental. Tried PM seems you have blocked receiving PMs, I've been to AC several times but had issues finding a girl who do A+. Do you mind sharing the details of the girl, may be leaving bread crumbs for me to find the girl. Thanks for your great report and help.Elemental does not have PM facility as he is unable to afford $25 to set it up so he can't message you and you can't message him Jason. Simple as that.

A level girls are a plenty if you know where to look and I know some so PM me.

Member #4698
12-16-19, 20:04
For whatever it's worth, I worked in Addis and Asmara (Eritrea) for years, and believe that the women on the Horn of. Africa are the prettiest on earth.
Hey GE, I assume you were a much younger man when you were stationed in Addis. It must have been one hell of an experience especially since it lasted over a couple years. I find Ethiopian girls very attractive too although I imagine from a monger's point of view that there is a huge variance in quality between top tier girls and cheap back room massage girls. Anyway, I am very interested in personally finding out. I have been to many countries and shagged my fair share of pretty girls from Caribbean Island girls to Japanese girls. Currently Ethiopian girls are at the top of my must do list.

12-16-19, 20:48
In any case, I have retired from mongering in the Philippines, so it doesn't matter if I'm being monitored to death or not. ISG has gone so PC now that I'm expecting Greta Thundberg to appear any moment and to give us all a stern lecture. Hahahaha.

On my last trip, it was just too fuckin' ridiculously easy to get laid and I think the fun has completely gone. In the old days, you at least had to get out of bed, put on some clothes and walk 500 yards to the bars to pull a chick. Now you don't even have to get out of bed FFS. You just kick the previous night's conquest out, grab your phone off the side table, find a chick who looks okay and type in "want to come over right now? Hotel XYZ, Room 123". Within 1-hour, some new chick is in my room giving me a BBBJ. And then keep repeating for the rest of the week until you are so tired and sore that you can't bear to see any more pussy. Yes, it was so easy, that it was completely boring. I at least like a bit of interaction with the community, a bit of sightseeing, some fancy wine appreciation and just a little thrill of the chase. Unfortunately, the advent of the smart phone has killed all that in the Philippines.Sad to hear the girls have lost such a handsome and promising lad Spanish. Yes a must, but you might never know enough to have a conversation with them, like you can with the flips. Limited as it is (Flips) , LOL. I concentrated on Brazil years back, learnt the lingo (Brazilian Portuguese), employed as teachers, local speakers on the spot, when I stayed there 6 months or more.

Then took the easy way out, and reverted back to the Filipino's, although flipsville has been degraded a bit with the arrival of the Koreans. Not affecting me greatly, fortunately. There is a way around just about everything, and there is a way of minimizing the K's presence too.

Anyway, to each his own. The dummies of flipsville will do me for the time being. Knowing educated ones helps too. I gravitate towards them, from time to time, during my stays. Know a few.

CM, you stay put, don't tell me your not returning to Phils too? LOL.

Chocha Monger
12-16-19, 23:16
In any case, I have retired from mongering in the Philippines, so it doesn't matter if I'm being monitored to death or not. ISG has gone so PC now that I'm expecting Greta Thundberg to appear any moment and to give us all a stern lecture. Hahahaha.

On my last trip, it was just too fuckin' ridiculously easy to get laid and I think the fun has completely gone. In the old days, you at least had to get out of bed, put on some clothes and walk 500 yards to the bars to pull a chick. Now you don't even have to get out of bed FFS. You just kick the previous night's conquest out, grab your phone off the side table, find a chick who looks okay and type in "want to come over right now? Hotel XYZ, Room 123". Within 1-hour, some new chick is in my room giving me a BBBJ. And then keep repeating for the rest of the week until you are so tired and sore that you can't bear to see any more pussy. Yes, it was so easy, that it was completely boring. I at least like a bit of interaction with the community, a bit of sightseeing, some fancy wine appreciation and just a little thrill of the chase. Unfortunately, the advent of the smart phone has killed all that in the Philippines.

So what am I going to do about it? Well firstly say good bye to the Philippines. It's the easiest place on the planet to get laid and the easiest place also to fall in love with hookers. The girls are also the dumbest on earth. However, they are sweet and consistently provide the best GFE, but it's time to move on. I like a bit more intellectual stimulation and more robust conversation with my hookers. If I kept mongering in the Philippines, my brain would quickly turn to mush. Hahahaha. KG, you might like to tell us how have remained mongering in the Philippines for two years without losing your marbles. Hahahaha.What would little Greta Thundberg say about mongers weighing hundreds of pounds flying around the poor global south to fuck the impoverished daughters of farmers and fishermen? Surely, the jets carrying these mongers belch tons of carbon and other pollutants into the air driving climate change that negatively affects the same girls they are fucking. Greta might say that mongers are fucking the girls twice.

Once on the ground, mongers use hired cars or taxis, and as they are much fatter than the natives, they need air-conditioning and cold drinks. All of this energy consumption farts more carbon into the atmosphere. This means more typhoons and rising seas that ravish fishing villages and rice paddies in the same way mongers ravish native pussies. All of this tragedy and we have not even taken into account the carbon cost of importing food and Chateau Lafite Rothschild to feed mongers' appetites. Certainly, Greta would not approve.

12-17-19, 01:26
Certainly, Greta would not approve.CM, you have missed the point yet again. Mongering is a worthwhile activity that fundamentally improves societies.

Think of those hither to malnourished farmers daughters that would be baking out in the sun harvesting rice. Mongering has provided vast wealth transfer to allow these girls to now dine on the finest Jollie Bee and Red Horse. Un seen mongers can Western Union transfer funds direct from home with no carbon foot print at all. Those in mom's basement can't even spell airplane let alone get on one to see their princess. There is even greater good when we consider the flow on of funds to STD Clinics, tattoo artists and shabu addicted boyfriends.

For these reasons, I'd suggest that mongers are noble gentlemen and our pastime is to be commended.


12-17-19, 01:48
In any case, I have retired from mongering in the Philippines, so it doesn't matter if I'm being monitored to death or not. ISG has gone so PC now that I'm expecting Greta Thundberg to appear any moment and to give us all a stern lecture. Hahahaha.

On my last trip, it was just too fuckin' ridiculously easy to get laid and I think the fun has completely gone. In the old days, you at least had to get out of bed, put on some clothes and walk 500 yards to the bars to pull a chick. Now you don't even have to get out of bed FFS. You just kick the previous night's conquest out, grab your phone off the side table, find a chick who looks okay and type in "want to come over right now? Hotel XYZ, Room 123". Within 1-hour, some new chick is in my room giving me a BBBJ. And then keep repeating for the rest of the week until you are so tired and sore that you can't bear to see any more pussy. Yes, it was so easy, that it was completely boring. I at least like a bit of interaction with the community, a bit of sightseeing, some fancy wine appreciation and just a little thrill of the chase. Unfortunately, the advent of the smart phone has killed all that in the Philippines.

So what am I going to do about it? Well firstly say good bye to the Philippines. It's the easiest place on the planet to get laid and the easiest place also to fall in love with hookers. The girls are also the dumbest on earth. However, they are sweet and consistently provide the best GFE, but it's time to move on. I like a bit more intellectual stimulation and more robust conversation with my hookers. If I kept mongering in the Philippines, my brain would quickly turn to mush. Hahahaha. KG, you might like to tell us how have remained mongering in the Philippines for two years without losing your marbles. Hahahaha.

I've enrolled in Spanish lessons and I'm hoping to chase some South American pussy now. I figured I will only need a few phrases:
"How much to fuck?
"Your pussy juice tastes like nectar from the gods" (or the reverse "Your pussy smells bad".
"You are a totally hot babe".
"Can I please fuck your ass?
"want to hang out with me all day?Agree with many aspects although " easiest place also to fall in love with hookers. " Not to sure about that one. And "best GFE" maybe but I bow to superior knowledge and experience.

What frustrates me about the Phils is their lack of drive, enthusiasm or desire to improve themselves. Yeah I know you don't go there to talk about quantum physics but they seem resigned to their lot in life. Talking with girls is, as you say, chatting to a 7 year old. And yeah once again I know we pay them to fuck but FFS surely you can string some sort of convo along.

I wish the Phils was closer to Oz so I could just fly in for 4 days, fuck and fly out. Boring as bat shit is right. BYVMD.

12-17-19, 03:07
What frustrates me about the Phils is their lack of drive, enthusiasm or desire to improve themselves. Yeah I know you don't go there to talk about quantum physics but they seem resigned to their lot in life. Talking with girls is, as you say, chatting to a 7 year old. And yeah once again I know we pay them to fuck but FFS surely you can string some sort of convo along.Pretty much every pinay I've been with (regulars, and that's a lot of ladies) are some combination of age 7/17/27 on the maturity scale, regardless her actual age. Have been with 22 YO gals who, in pillow talk, at times I think they are responsible adults (raising children, concern for schooling, other adult topics), at other times they are concerned with the need for lipstick and watching themselves in a mirror or cell phone (teenage stuff), and at times they seem to be a small child (walking thru a mall, she stops and wants to get a stuffed animal for her bedroom). Also have had the same experience / feeling with 40 YO pinay. While this seems at odds with Western culture, this 'multi-maturity' thing with pinay is also a blessing: on occasion you get to see the 'little girl' part of her explode out.

12-17-19, 13:41
Ethiopians are super hot, but the attitude of those girls ruins almost any fucking with them. Instead of going all the way to Ethiopia, I just fuck them in Dubai. That can't be a direct flight, your going to have to pass through Dubai anyway. Just get off the plane and motor over to Bur Dubai and get all the chocolate you want.Ethiopians are very proud, I think Ethiopia is the only country in Africa never to have been colonized by a European power. I met quite a few of them in Washington D. C. Sessioned many hookers there but never lucky enough to have encountered an Ethiopian provider.

12-17-19, 14:11
Ethiopians are very proud, I think Ethiopia is the only country in Africa never to have been colonized by a European power. I met quite a few of them in Washington D. C. Sessioned many hookers there but never lucky enough to have encountered an Ethiopian provider.Ethiopia was actually colonized for a while by Italy. The problem for the Italians I'm told is that they kept getting killed when they ventured outside of Addis. Asmara, Eritrea, which was then part of Ethiopia has a definite Italian feel to it.


12-17-19, 19:40
I was in Angeles between 7th and 11th of this month. This one was my 4th visit to Angeles. In the past I always thought what is more that I am going to add to this forum which is not said already. But, decided to share my 2 cents this time. I'll try and keep it crisp.

Transportation: From Manila to AC and back to Manila Genesis. Comfortable and nothing to complain.

Hotel: Queens. Not impressed. More details in the hotel review section.

Day 1 Threesome.

Unlike the previous times, I was solo this time. Reached the hotel early at 11 AM. As expected early check was not available and I was asked to come back at 2 PM. Quickly brushed and refreshed in the hotel restroom. Left the luggage at the reception and headed out. Brench at Tequila Reef. Classic margarita is good at this place.

Started at Phillies end of the Walking street and walked all the way till the end. On my way back I was invited into Baccara. Went in and had a SML. The line up was so so. I bought a lady drink for a friendly girl on the stage. Spent some time and left. Went to couple of other bars and spent time till 2 PM. Headed back to the hotel and checked in. After a good sleep till 7 PM, took shower and hit the walking street again. Went to many bars (Mansoon, Apple, Ship wracked, Brown Sugar, Insomnia etc. ,) in the walking street as well as on the other side of Phillies. Bought quite a few lady drinks but did not bar fine the girls. No regrets, I just enjoyed the scene and the company of the girls who sat with me for the lady drinks.

Around midnight I hit the Hi So. By then I was a little tipsy. Spotted a few who looked. There was one girl who got my attention. She looked different from the typical Filipina. Little darker skin, pretty face, nice rack and big round ass. Definitely looked a mix and hot. She was not making eye contact but her friend started talking to me. Asking me to take her friend. I ended up buying both drinks and we started dancing. The hot one loosened up and started flirting with me. I asked her to go to the hotel with me. She said she would go with me if I take her friend along. Her friend wasn't a looker. She was tiny with no assets. By this time I was a bit desperate and asked her to name the price. She quoted 5 K Peso and my counter offer of 4 K was readily agreed. I forgot my lessons and made the rookie mistake and did not ask for how long.

We headed back to the hotel. They first got inside the bathroom and took bath. By the time I came back from the shower both were on the bed naked waiting for me. The hot one hugged and gave me her boobs to suck while the other gave me BBBJ. After a while the pretty one wiped my Johnny and gave BBBJ. Both their skills were not great. Then the tiny one put the condom and rode me for some time while I tried to finger the other one without much success. Tiny one unmounted and the other girl changed the condom and started her deed. After a few minutes she was tired and wanted me on top. It all felt mechanical and the hot one was not allowing me to kiss as well. I got on top and gave her some good pounding and finished.

Both went inside the shower and took bath. When I went inside the entire bathroom was wet. The shower room was enclosed and I don't know what the heck they did but the entire floor was wet. By the time I came back I saw both of them dressed up. I realized that they are done and want to leave. It was my mistake that I did not ask whether it was ST or LT. Since their service was crap, I did not ask them to stay back as well. I paid and let them go. End of day 1.

12-17-19, 23:39
Good report.

Around midnight I hit the Hi So. By then I was a little tipsy. Spotted a few who looked. There was one girl who got my attention. She looked different from the typical Filipina. Little darker skin, pretty face, nice rack and big round ass. Definitely looked a mix and hot. She was not making eye contact but her friend started talking to me. Asking me to take her friend. I ended up buying both drinks and we started dancing. The hot one loosened up and started flirting with me. I asked her to go to the hotel with me. She said she would go with me if I take her friend along. Her friend wasn't a looker. She was tiny with no assets. By this time I was a bit desperate and asked her to name the price. She quoted 5 K Peso and my counter offer of 4 K was readily agreed. I forgot my lessons and made the rookie mistake and did not ask for how long.The range of 2 k to each girl for ST is not unusual, in fact it would be expected from the girl that you meant ST, since LT was not mentioned. Had you mentioned LT, they might have been fine with 4 k, or they might want a bit more, 5-6 K total.

It all felt mechanical and the hot one was not allowing me to kiss as well. Kissing is not allowed by most hookers (it implies that she is interested, intimacy). Lesson: Specify in the bar *all* your wants / needs in the bar before agreeing to a price (including kissing or BJ). Many a bloke has shared with me things as simple as: "Oh come on of COURSE blowjob is expected!" Nothing is expected until discussed.

Pute Nut
12-18-19, 00:46
The range of 2 k to each girl for ST is not unusual, in fact it would be expected from the girl that you meant ST, since LT was not mentioned. Had you mentioned LT, they might have been fine with 4 k, or they might want a bit more, 5-6 K total.
Is this what you guys pay in HiSo? For 2 K you can get a Perimeter BF all-in with bar share (girl gets about half, tip optional). I have paid 1100-1500 for my HiSo takeaways, which equals several days wages in PI.

Naked Gunz
12-18-19, 00:59
Kissing is not allowed by most hookers .it implies that she is interested, intimacy.Or she just didn't like him. I always get deep french because I check the vibe first. The girl usually wants to be attracted to the client. That's what the club convo is for- to see if your going to get GFE or clock watcher. Two girls is oldest trick in the book. Half the work for twice the pay. I have settled my threesome dreams, but my last duo I got from HiSo were not bad because one passed out quickly after the shag, but she made up for it the next day.

12-18-19, 03:43
Is this what you guys pay in HiSo? For 2 K you can get a Perimeter BF all-in with bar share (girl gets about half, tip optional). I have paid 1100-1500 for my HiSo takeaways, which equals several days wages in PI.I was utilizing what others said for payment. ME says he often gets (or doesn't go above) 1000, while others report more. There is a range. Just like in LAC, you might get a desperate cutie for 1000, or you might run into 38 year old fuglies who refuse to budge under 3500 for ST.

12-18-19, 04:24
Kissing is not allowed by most hookers (it implies that she is interested, intimacy). Lesson: Specify in the bar *all* your wants / needs in the bar before agreeing to a price (including kissing or BJ). Many a bloke has shared with me things as simple as: "Oh come on of COURSE blowjob is expected!" Nothing is expected until discussed.I'd agree that kissing is not encouraged by hard core hookers but most of the less hardened ones that I come across are ok with it.

I tend to agree on major points before leaving but setting out a list of demands gives me the shirts. I'd much rather have at it and see what eventuate based upon my likes and her areas of expertise. Nothing worse than a girl dragging out something that she doesn't want to do or is no good at just because it was the agreement.

I had a girl in cebu email me a list of activities with corresponding prices. She was very attractive and the list was comprehensive but the need to preapprove a schedule of events was a deal breaker for me. I prefer sponteneity any day.

Enjoy. G.

Pute Nut
12-18-19, 04:26
I was utilizing what others said for payment. Yeah I get that, it was an honest, open question. I just love overpayers as they attract talent. And there's a lot of talent in HiSo, in fact some girls complained that it's hard to get punters. Maybe not the smartest to say before bargaining with me, but then again most rocket scientists don't suck my willie for a living.

12-18-19, 04:54
And there's a lot of talent in HiSo, in fact some girls complained that it's hard to get punters. Maybe not the smartest to say before bargaining with me, but then again most rocket scientists don't suck my willie for a living.Hahaha. One girl in Sabang once made the mistake of telling me that at the end of a slow month quiet girls will go with a customer free of charge because if they don't get any bar fines for the month they loose everything. No dance fees, no lady drink commissions, nothing.

12-18-19, 05:52
Hahaha. One girl in Sabang once made the mistake of telling me that at the end of a slow month quiet girls will go with a customer free of charge because if they don't get any bar fines for the month they loose everything. No dance fees, no lady drink commissions, nothing.Keep a keen eye on wechat here but Tinder and other apps are prob better. But had one night where Fler offered me 2000 to begin with on Wechat- that dropped to 1000 and then later 500. I never saw her in real life but shows what is possible. And that was in sabang where BFs are 4000. Truth be known I was prob thinking she was LB anyway?

What makes it difficult is the girls all talk to each other. Don't think the girls here don't know where you stay, how much you pay, your cock size, etc etc. Makes scamming them hard, not that we would.

Doubt at least they would read this site but you never know.


12-18-19, 10:48
I had a girl in cebu email me a list of activities with corresponding prices. She was very attractive and the list was comprehensive but the need to preapprove a schedule of events was a deal breaker for me. I prefer sponteneity any day.The cebuana you were corresponding with. Its different in a gogo or pickup bar. My list of goodie needed in the room is 10 seconds or less. A girl balks at any of it and I'm looking elsewhere.

12-18-19, 20:00
Day 2, I messaged a bar girl I met in the previous trip. She was working in Brown Sugar when I first met her. She was very cheerful and an enthusiastic dancer. I couldn't bar fine her that time as she was wearing a red band but I got her messenger ID.

She promptly responded back and said she no longer works with Brown Sugar and working in Aladdin. I went there around 11 am. Upon entering I realized that it was a Korean bar. Bunch of chicks sitting on the stage and very busy with their mobile. No music, no dance and no eye contacts. The girls couldn't care less. Few Korean clients and they did call out couple of girls from the line up. Girls were pretty with makeup tailor made for the Korean clientele. Only after I reached the bar I learnt that my girl works in the evening shift but she came over in 10 minutes. I got her a lady drink and started talking to her. Soon I realized that the once cheerful dancer has now become a princess and tuned to the taste of the Korean clientele. She asked if I would like to pay bar fine and book her for the evening. I declined and said I will come in the evening and left. The bar was quiet pricy. 550 Pesos for 1 lady drink and 1 SML.

Came back to the hotel and fired up Tinder. Started messaging and agreed to meet up with a girl at SM mall in the evening at 4 PM. I did ask her if she is a natural girl and "she" confirmed. She messaged in the evening and said she is waiting at Starbucks. I soon met "her" and was pretty sure in the first sight that she is a he. I didn't want to be rude, so got us the drink and started window shopping with her. I asked once again if she is a natural girl and she responded affirmative. I didn't believe but continued walking along. I was getting many curious looks and by then I was in no doubt. I just waited till we finish the drinks and told him that there is no chemistry between us and excused myself. By the way, I warded off his multiple attempts to get me to buy him clothes and stuff.

Got back to the hotel and took some rest before hitting the bar scene around 7:30. Bar hopped for some time and picked up a girl from one of the smaller bars. Bar fine 2500. By the way, they did not detect the lady drink from the bar file. Not sure if this is the norm in Angeles. Just when we came outside the bar, saw one white guy down on the street and few guys trying to revive him. Quite a bit of onlookers watching. Soon the ambulance reached and they took him away.

We then hit the Hi-So. Danced for a while and then hit the room. Had a good session with her before going to sleep and then again in the morning. BBBJ, DFK, WOT, doggie & missionary. Tipped her 300 and bid her a bye.

Mr Enternational
12-18-19, 20:47
Only after I reached the bar I learnt that my girl works in the evening shift but she came over in 10 minutes. I got her a lady drink and started talking to her. Why not just tell her to meet you somewhere outside of the bar? Could have been a totally different person in a different environment and you could have saved some pesos instead of feeding the bar owner. I guess being a FL guy, I will never understand the bar obsession.

I didn't want to be rude, so got us the drink and started window shopping with her. I asked once again if she is a natural girl and she responded affirmative. I didn't believe but continued walking along. I was getting many curious looks and by then I was in no doubt. I just waited till we finish the drinks and told him that there is no chemistry between us and excused myself.Why do you say you were getting curious looks? People in AC see foreigners with ladyboys all day everyday. Why would they give curious looks to you and yours? I will be damned if I meet up with a ladyboy and start hanging out like nothing is wrong. That is like when the last guy said he opened the door and saw it was a ladyboy and invited him in the room. I would be like what the hell; you are a damn dude! You guys have softer hearts than I do. What is up with asking the natural girl stuff instead of saying are you a ladyboy, because you damn sure look like one?

12-19-19, 04:37
Keep a keen eye on wechat here but Tinder and other apps are prob better. But had one night where Fler offered me 2000 to begin with on Wechat- that dropped to 1000 and then later 500. I never saw her in real life but shows what is possible. And that was in sabang where BFs are 4000. Truth be known I was prob thinking she was LB anyway?

What makes it difficult is the girls all talk to each other. Don't think the girls here don't know where you stay, how much you pay, your cock size, etc etc. Makes scamming them hard, not that we would.

Doubt at least they would read this site but you never know.

NI.I've said many times that the price is what ever the market will bare. Sabang is 4 k ST to a chinese straight of the boat, 2 k for a session during the day to a favored customer or 500 p to a resident dive master when her rent is due.

Same girl, different situations.

Enjoy. G.

12-19-19, 05:21
Why not just tell her to meet you somewhere outside of the bar? Could have been a totally different person in a different environment and you could have saved some pesos instead of feeding the bar owner. I guess being a FL guy, I will never understand the bar obsession.Fair. But she did not tell me upfront that she was not working in the morning shift. The way she responded and asked me to come to the bar made me think she was working in the morning shift. Only after going there I was told by the mamasan that she was not working in the morning shift. In fact the mamasan also did not know that she was planning to come to the bar to see me until she popped in.

Why do you say you were getting curious looks? People in AC see foreigners with ladyboys all day everyday. Why would they give curious looks to you and yours? I will be damned if I meet up with a ladyboy and start hanging out like nothing is wrong. That is like when the last guy said he opened the door and saw it was a ladyboy and invited him in the room. I would be like what the hell; you are a damn dude! You guys have softer hearts than I do. What is up with asking the natural girl stuff instead of saying are you a ladyboy, because you damn sure look like one?Yes, I could have called the bluff straight to the face and walked away but I wasn't quite sure how to deal with it. So bought both of us drinks from Starbucks and left after about 10 minutes.

Wicked Roger
12-19-19, 06:59
I soon met "her" and was pretty sure in the first sight that she is a he. I didn't want to be rude, so got us the drink and started window shopping with her. I asked once again if she is a natural girl and she responded affirmative. I didn't believe but continued walking along. I was getting many curious looks and by then I was in no doubt. I just waited till we finish the drinks and told him that there is no chemistry between us and excused myself..If you ever see a LB I would say directly what you think and send them away. Why going window sopping, stop being soft on them and be tough is my advice.

No wonder you got looks as a LB is obvious most of the time but if you have not figured out and you end up in the bedroom then when he says 'I am on my period now so just take me anally' then that is the giveaway LOL.

Mr Enternational
12-19-19, 14:17
Fair. But she did not tell me upfront that she was not working in the morning shift. The way she responded and asked me to come to the bar made me think she was working in the morning shift.I got you. I know that you already knew her, but a lot of chicks on the dating sites in Thailand will be like come up to my massage parlor or come up to my bar. And I will be like no thanks. I will just meet up with you when you are not working. A lot of them are only on there to drum up business for the place they work.

12-19-19, 16:26
If you ever see a LB I would say directly what you think and send them away. Why going window sopping, stop being soft on them and be tough is my advice.

No wonder you got looks as a LB is obvious most of the time but if you have not figured out and you end up in the bedroom then when he says 'I am on my period now so just take me anally' then that is the giveaway LOL.LOL. "she" did give away though. While walking around the mall "she" told me that she would give me deep throat and suck me dry. Not too many working girls came out such strongly to woo me.

12-19-19, 16:54
Day 3 and 4: Nothing to write home about. Bar hopped quite a bit and picked up girls from the go go bars. Had decent sessions.

On day 4, I went to Jollibee for breakfast for a change. On my way back I saw a cute thing sitting in front of a bar few doors away from Brown Sugar. It was a newly opened bar, if I recollect correctly the name is something like music lounge. I walked in. It was a Korean bar and the girls were at least standing and not busy with their mobiles. Called a tall and slim girl from the line up and got her a lady drink. She was 18 years old and started working about a month or two ago. Made a mistake of bar fining her for ST. She was quite timid at the hotel. We both took bath separately and went to bed. I tried making her comfortable and gave her enough time to relax. After about half hour I slowly moved in. I fingered her and she got quiet wet. She then gave me a okayish BBBJ. Then I wanted to move in for the main course but she said her pussy was paining because of the fingering. She requested to finish me with BBBJ, I wasn't happy and tried persuading her for the full service but she was reluctant and kept requesting me that she would finish me with BBBJ. I gave up and asked her to continue. She did a okay job and finished off with BBBJ. I did tell her before I cum. Did not CIM. Tipped her 300 and sent her on her way.

On day 2, 3 and 4, I did have decent sessions with the girls I picked up from the Go go bars. I focused my report on those instances which was something more than a guys picks up a girl from the bar and had a decent session at the hotel.

Conclusion..... Angeles has tons of girls but most of them are below average. The pretty ones are spoilt by the Korean Clientele. One has to fish out the ones that are above average in looks and not the Korean princesses to get decent service.

Pute Nut
12-19-19, 17:23
Did not CIM. Tipped her 300 and sent her on her way.Great report but is something missing? What was the good service you tip a day's wage (2-3 days in province) for?

12-19-19, 17:38
Great report but is something missing? What was the good service you tip a day's wage (2-3 days in province) for?Do you really want to know?

In addition to Barfine Patrol we have Tipping Pa troll!

Please let them just report in.

Pute Nut
12-19-19, 18:07
Do you really want to know?Do you really want to know if I really want to know?

I tend to be a softie too and not push it when the SOSPS (Sudden Onset Sore Pussy Syndrome) sets in, but in most cases I would not tip.

Chocha Monger
12-19-19, 19:16
LOL. "she" did give away though. While walking around the mall "she" told me that she would give me deep throat and suck me dry. Not too many working girls came out such strongly to woo me.Sounds like things were really going to get wild in the jungle! You were going to get the blowjob of your life.

12-19-19, 19:58
Do you really want to know if I really want to know?

I tend to be a softie too and not push it when the SOSPS (Sudden Onset Sore Pussy Syndrome) sets in, but in most cases I would not tip.Yes, she did not deserve that tip for the service provided but she was really novice. I didn't feel like sending her empty handed.

Pute Nut
12-19-19, 22:05
Yes, she did not deserve that tip for the service provided but she was really novice. I didn't feel like sending her empty handed.That's OK, to each their own. She was not leaving exactly "empty handed" though. Next day she could cash in her share of the BF plus she had a funny story to share with her workmates how she could get away with SOSPS + no CIM. 3rd world hos will always gauge how much they can underperform and still cash in, and she was already good at it, it seems.

12-21-19, 09:43
Hello everyone,

I am going to Angeles for the first time on Jan. 7th, for 40 nights.

I have nearly completed a 75 night stay in Kiev and have 6 months experience in Sosua.

I have lots of info re apartments, agencies, and agents in Kiev to share.

I also have a trusted Ukrainian friend who I can share.

I also can share my regular girls in Kiev to someone willing to do the same.

Info re Philippines would be especially useful right now.

PM me if interested.


12-21-19, 14:52
Hello everyone,

I am going to Angeles for the first time on Jan. 7th, for 40 nights.

I have nearly completed a 75 night stay in Kiev and have 6 months experience in Sosua.

I have lots of info re apartments, agencies, and agents in Kiev to share.

I also have a trusted Ukrainian friend who I can share.

I also can share my regular girls in Kiev to someone willing to do the same.

Info re Philippines would be especially useful right now.

PM me if interested.

David.You don't have access to PMs but there's no need for advice on meeting girls in AC. Walk into any bar, make a selection and go.


12-21-19, 16:50
Hello everyone,

I am going to Angeles for the first time on Jan. 7th, for 40 nights.

I have nearly completed a 75 night stay in Kiev and have 6 months experience in Sosua.

I have lots of info re apartments, agencies, and agents in Kiev to share.

I also have a trusted Ukrainian friend who I can share.

I also can share my regular girls in Kiev to someone willing to do the same.

Info re Philippines would be especially useful right now.

PM me if interested.

David.Just be aware Walking street is small and the same girls are there every night, freelancers that is. And if you're pulling freelancers they will be looking for repeat business. I was there for two weeks and kept seeing the same girls and they always to see me and there is no place to hide got a little old. Just and FYI you may want to consider.

Mr Enternational
12-21-19, 18:45
I am going to Angeles for the first time on Jan. 7th, for 40 nights. I have nearly completed a 75 night stay in Kiev and have 6 months experience in Sosua. Info re Philippines would be especially useful right now.Having done 6 months in Sosua, it seems you are already prepared for the boredom you are about to experience from 40 days in AC.

12-21-19, 19:04
You don't have access to PMs but there's no need for advice on meeting girls in AC. Walk into any bar, make a selection and go.

GE.40 nights.

40 bars.

40 bar fines.

That's the formula. Then apply for the worlds Guinness record!

12-21-19, 19:24
40 nights.

40 bars.

40 bar fines.

That's the formula. Then apply for the worlds Guinness record!I like Guinness but not that much! LOL.

P.S. I can send and receive PM's without problem.

12-21-19, 22:18
Having done 6 months in Sosua, it seems you are already prepared for the boredom you are about to experience from 40 days in AC.LOL!

In Sosua I hung around with mostly Haitians. I related to their minority status and liked their lack of arrogance.

I'm old enough to not need a social life anymore. OK in my own company as I have spent large periods of my life alone.

But lets see how I get on.

12-21-19, 22:45
40 nights.

40 bars.

40 bar fines.

That's the formula. Then apply for the worlds Guinness record!40 nights,

40 rejections.

40 padded checks.

40 golden pussy syndrome.

40 extremely short time pleasure.

40 jealously looking at Koreans with beautiful babes.

12-21-19, 23:35
40 nights,

40 rejections.

40 padded checks.

40 golden pussy syndrome.

40 extremely short time pleasure.

40 jealously looking at Koreans with beautiful babes.Looks like I have unwittingly started something here with the number 40!

Any more takers, before I get my coat?

12-22-19, 01:56
Hello everyone,

I am going to Angeles for the first time on Jan. 7th, for 40 nights.

PM me if interested.


Will you be taking better accom than the standard hotels? For a stay of 40 nights I would have a much better girl experience outside of the entertainment precinct.

I'd be looking for a AirBNB in Hensonville or Friendship or even as far a field as Angeles proper.

Yes, go into the precinct for entertainment but live outside.



12-22-19, 18:57

Will you be taking better accom than the standard hotels? For a stay of 40 nights I would have a much better girl experience outside of the entertainment precinct.

I'd be looking for a AirBNB in Hensonville or Friendship or even as far a field as Angeles proper.

Yes, go into the precinct for entertainment but live outside.


PP.Hey PilotPaul,

I may disappoint you by telling you what kind of person I am and my approach.

I'm actually a cheap charlie, believing that the amount of time spent living somewhere is the most important factor, but I have more than enough money.

Currently I'm nearing a 75 day stay in Kiev costing about 7 k.

(Sosua cost about the same amount, done through 3 trips totalling about 6 mnths. That was 3 yrs ago when I wasnt aware of these forums).

I spend very little on myself, and daily living. I'm ok with a bit of protein, some diet soda, or water, coffee, ciggies and cheap beer. But I will put all my dough into what I regard as personal / sexual growth.

I am not looking for (but not against) a girlfriend, nor pretty faces. Just lots of varied, cheap fucking with slim girls initially, then thicker ones.

I prefer ST (2 hours is good) because I like to sleep alone. Probably why Phillies seemed a good choice.

Re boredom- I have spents lots of time living alone, so I can happily stay in my room all day. It makes the occasional hookup for a beer with a friend a treat!

I have spent many years living in developing countries as well as europe, often in the ghettos,. So that's what I prefer.

I have black hair and brown skin (indian / venezuelan), am multilingual, and dress simply so luckily don't stand out too much when I go abroad (this isn't always a good thing as people often see me as poor and are unwilling to believe that I am from england!

Re accommodation- I have booked with air bnb close to the action for about 2 wks, leaving the rest open.

My flight arrives on a Friday from HK. At 11:15 . Is it best to catch the Genesis from T3 to Angeles?

12-22-19, 19:53
Here another (rich) cheap charlie.

I comapered airbnp often with agoda and I just stick with agoda haha. 850 p for a room with clean swimpool just 5 minutes from the bars. Reserved long time ahead.

Wel david look in the streets around hotel Saleh in angeles city and jut hop in different hotels to ask the price for a month, you wil be supprised.

Maybe a month has only 18 nites.

I always eat for 60 pesos at the corner near the jeepney terminal on fields (warm dish).

Most of the times the breakfast is nothing in cheap hotels in the Phil and you sit in the heath, so don't waste much money to include Bfast.

Koffee you can buy fresh at 7/11 for 25 p (half a dollar) and you can sit in nice airco and buy a sandwich too while looking to the action on the street.

You wil be supprised, 24 hours a day bikini clubs open.

Most boring (Pinay are lazy even wil sit on the ground).

Most fun is sitting indeed along she street.

But the fun of Magarita station And Phillies I still don't see after 15 years.

Or you must like musquito fence or ladyboys.

O YEAH, manny bars have happy hours.

And don't order lady drinks if there are Koreans in the bar.

(So dress like a korean if you want to safe money haha.

Works maybe in each bar 1 time).

O yeah, 11 am is nice time to catch a bus.

But I take at 11 am from the airport a taxi to a busterminal to the north of manila to bypass EDSA.

Directly from the airport they drive along EDSA. A verry buzzy road around manila.

Its better to use a brain as long as it still functions in the Phil.

Ronald, holland.

Hello everyone,

I am going to Angeles for the first time on Jan. 7th, for 40 nights.

I have nearly completed a 75 night stay in Kiev and have 6 months experience in Sosua.

I have lots of info re apartments, agencies, and agents in Kiev to share.

I also have a trusted Ukrainian friend who I can share.

I also can share my regular girls in Kiev to someone willing to do the same.

Info re Philippines would be especially useful right now.

PM me if interested.


12-23-19, 00:01
Hey PilotPaul,
Re accommodation- I have booked with air bnb close to the action for about 2 wks, leaving the rest open.

My flight arrives on a Friday from HK. At 11:15 . Is it best to catch the Genesis from T3 to Angeles?As per my suggestion, everything is cheaper further away from WS. So in your first two weeks do try some contacts from outside the bars.

If landing at NAIA T3 then Genesis is the way to travel.

If travelling from HK then my preferred suggestion is to get a flight to CRK. Saving you many hours of traffic.

12-23-19, 08:45
Here another (rich) cheap charlie.

I comapered airbnp often with agoda and I just stick with agoda haha. 850 p for a room with clean swimpool just 5 minutes from the bars. Reserved long time ahead.

Wel david look in the streets around hotel Saleh in angeles city and jut hop in different hotels to ask the price for a month, you wil be supprised.

Maybe a month has only 18 nites.

I always eat for 60 pesos at the corner near the jeepney terminal on fields (warm dish).

Most of the times the breakfast is nothing in cheap hotels in the Phil and you sit in the heath, so don't waste much money to include Bfast.

Koffee you can buy fresh at 7/11 for 25 p (half a dollar) and you can sit in nice airco and buy a sandwich too while looking to the action on the street.

You wil be supprised, 24 hours a day bikini clubs open.

Most boring (Pinay are lazy even wil sit on the ground).

Most fun is sitting indeed along she street.

But the fun of Magarita station And Phillies I still don't see after 15 years.

Or you must like musquito fence or ladyboys.

O YEAH, manny bars have happy hours.

And don't order lady drinks if there are Koreans in the bar.

(So dress like a korean if you want to safe money haha.

Works maybe in each bar 1 time).

O yeah, 11 am is nice time to catch a bus.

But I take at 11 am from the airport a taxi to a busterminal to the north of manila to bypass EDSA.

Directly from the airport they drive along EDSA. A verry buzzy road around manila.

Its better to use a brain as long as it still functions in the Phil.

Ronald, holland.Hey Ronald, thanks for all those tips!!
After all my travels, a big lesson has been to dress and behave like the middle classes of the country you are in.
I have found that most developing cultures value a smart, clean-shaven, conservative/status image. I balance that with not wearing/carrying anything that would attract thieves.

I'm staying at the Clark Pad Inn, on Pampanga. It was about 14 pounds per night when I booked.

12-23-19, 09:35
O YEAH, manny bars have happy hours.

And don't order lady drinks if there are Koreans in the bar.
If you really want to save money then you shouldn't go to the bars!

12-23-19, 09:45
If you really want to save money then you shouldn't go to the bars!Over the years, I've found that even with the bars, about 3-4 days in that place if all I can stand. It's just too overwhelmingly boring. So if you don't go to bars, and instead focus on FLs and / or internet apps, what is there to do that would sustain your interest for 40 days?


Wicked Roger
12-23-19, 10:23
Over the years, I've found that even with the bars, about 3-4 days in that place if all I can stand. It's just too overwhelmingly boring. So if you don't go to bars, and instead focus on FLs and / or internet apps, what is there to do that would sustain your interest for 40 days?

GE.Been to AC 3 times and for a reason (newbie visit, wedding and a friend's wife organised a sex party for his birthday!

I would find 40 hours there a struggle!! But YMMV and we all have different flavours and interests.

12-23-19, 16:47
Over the years, I've found that even with the bars, about 3-4 days in that place if all I can stand. It's just too overwhelmingly boring.
GE.Yeah, my heydays in AC were 2006-2012 or so. Nowadays my stay there is 3 days maximum. With bars. Without bars I'd not go there at all.

Member #4698
12-23-19, 18:59
Yeah, my heydays in AC were 2006-2012 or so. Nowadays my stay there is 3 days maximum. With bars. Without bars I'd not go there at all.Well I am glad I made it to AC in 2010 pre the big bar raids that changed the culture, when the LT was the only time, girls did not want to leave in the morning less they lose you to another girl, and pretty girls in the big places danced topless. Remember body paint? Still, I think I missed AC's heydays which were probably in the 90's or even earlier. The 70's & 80's must have been an amazing party.

I think the bars ARE the only reason to visit AC, otherwise you are probably better off in MNL or Cebu, and 5 or 6 nights is optimal in AC provided you stay at a hotel with a decent swimming pool.

Wicked Roger
12-23-19, 23:49
Well I am glad I made it to AC in 2010 pre the big bar raids that changed the culture, when the LT was the only time, girls did not want to leave in the morning less they lose you to another girl, and pretty girls in the big places danced topless. Remember body paint? .My first time was 2009 and my lady ended up naked on dancing on a pole at one of the bars accompanied by the wife of a long term expat there (who then knew most of the bar owners. Non Korean at the time). Fun times and nice memories but I won't be going back as better options as you say NB. But each to his own YMMV.