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05-16-18, 17:17
Wow, sounds pretty bad, and unlike some sort of flu virus or common cold type of sore throat. Really sounds like you caught some sort of STD.

I don't dine at theY myself, but I have seen so many reports on this forum of mongers who do so, and how the chick became "really wet", and had "multiple orgasms". So, I was thinking I must be missing out on something! But I would rather skip the side effects and not have to head to the clinic the next day.

Thanks for sharing.It's not something I do every girl and every time. I have to be in the right mood and I need chemistry with the girl.

Also her pussy didn't exactly smell fresh either so that was bad on me.

It does enhance the experience overall in my opinion if you really have a connection with the girl. I don't go down on any girl in Tijuana because they don't seem as clean.

05-16-18, 18:50
I enjoy DATY as well. There is a strong positive-feedback loop of pleasure between me and the girl. My last STD screening came back negative, even for the HPVs 1 and 2, so I have been pretty lucky so far. I enjoy uncovered oral, but I always wrap the rascal prior to vaginal sex.

I practice a safety routine to minimize risks. Knowing that Cranberry supplements are recommended to women to prevent Urinary Tract Infections, I start taking these pills a week before I visit, to make my urinary tract less hospitable to foreign invaders. We both take showers first, then brush teeth and both use Listerine Antiseptic mouthwash to minimize the amount of possible oral bacteria (whenever I use it at home, my dick gets hard for some reason, perhaps a conditioned response? Guys have an advantage over girls because we can flush out any foreign matter in the urethra with a good, strong orgasm. Afterwards, I try to take a leak as well. Then comes another round of Listerine, followed by application of hand sanitizer on and around my lips (but not on the penis, LOL! And another shower.

Nothing but abstinence is risk-free, but my goal is to minimize risk while still having fun. My understanding is that an infection needs a critical mass of surviving organisms to get started so I do what I can to minimize that number.

I'd be happy to hear about others' routines.I am a firm believer in Old Wives tales: too see if a vagina is clean, fan the pages of a Bible over it, and if it doesn't catch on fire, she is clean. Else, take some ear wax out on your finger and swirl it around inside her pussy and if she has disease, it will burn her. And if you accidentally cum in a girl, open a coke bottle after shaking it, and let it explode inside the girl to kill the sperm to prevent pregnancy. LOL.

But seriously, after I cum, I jump up, get a bottle of alcohol, and clean my mouth, and cock, then take a [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140), then gargle with listerine, then brush, then shower. Has worked well for me.

Soapy Smith
05-16-18, 19:00
I enjoy going down on girls, particular girls, which brings me to my final point which is that the mind is a vital erotic organ too. I love clits & vaginas and it turns me on and gets me hard whenever I go down on a quality vagina. To get to the root of the matter, sight, taste and olfaction all have significant connections to arousal. There's a reason why male dogs, stallions, and other animals sniff and lick around the honeypot before going into action. They, of course, have much keener senses of smell than humans. But in the end we are also animals, and regardless how subtle the taste and smell of a woman's arousal is, I think there's little doubt that these delicate sensations are transmitted to the brain. It is sometimes pointed out that we see, smell, and taste with our brains, even if eyes, nose, and tongue are the initial receptors. I would argue that the brain is more than a vital erotic organ, it is the center of libidinal activity. It both collects the sensations of touch, sight, smell, and taste and renders the combination of sensory processes into thinking--and hence pleasurable thought.

It makes sense, therefore, that we tell young men dealing with issues of quick ejaculation to "just think about baseball" (cricket, football, rugby, whatever) when they begin to sense an approaching climax.

05-16-18, 20:07
I don't remember exactly what it was but I did go to the ER right after I got back from my trip (few days after I was with the girl).

I had the worst sore throat in my life. It felt swollen and it hurt so much to swallow it made me tear up every time I tried to eat something. They gave me some coating on my throat and some pills as I recall. I can't think of anything else I did on that trip to give me such bad throat pain (never had anything like that before or since) and her pussy wasn't exactly the freshest smelling thing.So glad that I avoid DATY with providers, the thought of how many punters must be slamming into her vagina with surrounding intimate skin touching hers and then you might want to go down on her. No matter how clean she is. Now matter how high class she is I would dare not lick her there. Hope whatever you caught is reversible. Best of Luck

05-16-18, 20:14
I've caught a few things in Thailand but these happened from covered sex, so it was from going down on one chick and receiving BBBJ from another. I've not gotten anything from barebacking though.

It's always a risk we take in this game, some are more willing to accept it than others, and these guys always seek reassurances that risky sex in Asia is completely safe.

Only in Asia though I do more risky sex. When I go to Tijuana I have absolutely zero desire to bareback or go down on the chicks. Some of them even didn't want to shower before sex.Wow thanks for the headsup, if I ever visit there no p6 for me.

05-16-18, 20:49
[CodeWord111] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord111) first before going bareback. [CodeWord111] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord111) after to flush out. Unfortunately there is no way to flush out the germs if you go down on the girl. Most often people swallow because it is a natural reaction because of lots of spit. I remember in China girls are constantly spitting out while doing BBBJ.

Another issue is pussy opening is very close to her anus which has millions of bugs. Irrespective of how clean it is you are swallowing her shit.

I practically never go down on girls unless she is my GF. It is safer with GF because over time you both develop resistance to each other's germs. Generally Asian girls do not expect you to go down on her. This is a western thing but once you do it they like it.

With temporary girls you do not need to do it.

05-16-18, 22:12
Anyone have experience finding travel companions, negotiating, etc? You pay for their trip and per day I imagine. I haven't really done threesomes, but I imagine optimal value from two girls would require at least 24 hours together, but I think I'd have even more fun doing 2-3 days vacation together.

Also, what rates are you guys finding and negotiating in Angeles for booking a girl for 24 hours or 48 hours?

Soapy Smith
05-16-18, 23:52
I had the worst sore throat in my life. It felt swollen and it hurt so much to swallow it made me tear up every time I tried to eat something. They gave me some coating on my throat and some pills as I recall. I can't think of anything else I did on that trip to give me such bad throat pain (never had anything like that before or since) and her pussy wasn't exactly the freshest smelling thing.Why do you assume that sex was the culprit? Like all developing countries, the Philippines has a multitude of viruses and bacteria to which you do not have immunity. They carry them around in their mouths--in much greater quantities than in their vaginas, and there are many ways they can be communicated: a kiss, a shared drinking glass or toothbrush, even poorly sanitized dishes or glasses at restaurants. Did you by any chance rinse your mouth with tap water after brushing your teeth, or rinse off your toothbrush in tap water? Tap water in most parts of the Philippines is swimming with things that will make you sick.

One of the worst cases of Turista I ever experienced in the Philippines popped up the next day after eating at a Korean restaurant on one of the back streets in Ortigas. In hindsight I suspected it was from raw vegetables that they served as bonchon (the little side dishes that are served with Korean barbeque), presumably lettuce or white radishes. Not a particularly high end restaurant, so very likely they used unfiltered tap water to rinse vegetables. I wrote out my usual "cipro 500 MG. Generic * 14" self-prescription on a piece of note paper, which my squeeze delivered to a nearby 24 hour pharmacy. Within three days I was doing much better. Recent reports that pharmacies are clamping down on prescriptions suggest that may no longer be possible.

Finally, how do you know you didn't pick up the illness from the re-circulated air in a jetliner during your return travel?

Soapy Smith
05-17-18, 00:17
I realize others may have experienced varied mileage, but I have gone down on dozens of Filipinas, mostly p4 ps, and never contracted illness from doing it. I do pass on the opportunity to go down on women with smelly vaginas. I only had to do so once. With p4ps I fuck only under cover.

Nice Guy 99
05-17-18, 01:54
We both take showers first, then brush teeth and both use Listerine Antiseptic mouthwash to minimize the amount of possible oral bacteria (whenever I use it at home, my dick gets hard for some reason, perhaps a conditioned response?

I'd be happy to hear about others' routines.Brushing teeth is not a great idea. It creates abrasions on your gums which can serve as viral entry points.

05-17-18, 02:34
Anyone have experience finding travel companions, negotiating, etc? You pay for their trip and per day I imagine. I haven't really done threesomes, but I imagine optimal value from two girls would require at least 24 hours together, but I think I'd have even more fun doing 2-3 days vacation together.

Also, what rates are you guys finding and negotiating in Angeles for booking a girl for 24 hours or 48 hours?You need to have some sort of chemistry to have fun on travels. Better o try keeping her for couple of days yo see how it goes. After that if she is willing you can plan. Of course all costs will be Bourne by you. As per payment you would give normal per day. Plus some shopping.

Threesome is hard for travel. Many hotels will charge for the third person. If you find girls who are good friends it can be fun.

I took two girls from AC to Subic had good fun. They were good friends and kept me happy. Boating, jet ski, on the beach were lots of fun. However after three days got bored and decided to come back even though planned for four days.

05-17-18, 02:38
So glad that I avoid DATY with providers, the thought of how many punters must be slamming into her vagina with surrounding intimate skin touching hers and then you might want to go down on her. No matter how clean she is. Now matter how high class she is I would dare not lick her there. Hope whatever you caught is reversible. Best of LuckI respect that, I think the best thing to do really is to practice safe sex (relatively) for your benefit and hers.

Why do you assume that sex was the culprit? Like all developing countries, the Philippines has a multitude of viruses and bacteria to which you do not have immunity. They carry them around in their mouths--in much greater quantities than in their vaginas, and there are many ways they can be communicated: a kiss, a shared drinking glass or toothbrush, even poorly sanitized dishes or glasses at restaurants. Did you by any chance rinse your mouth with tap water after brushing your teeth, or rinse off your toothbrush in tap water? Tap water in most parts of the Philippines is swimming with things that will make you sick.

One of the worst cases of Turista I ever experienced in the Philippines popped up the next day after eating at a Korean restaurant on one of the back streets in Ortigas. In hindsight I suspected it was from raw vegetables that they served as bonchon (the little side dishes that are served with Korean barbeque), presumably lettuce or white radishes.Actually it happened in Thailand. I don't trust the water in Thailand myself, so I used bottled water even for brushing my teeth.

But I am very confident that my problem was caused by going down on that girl. I have never had throat pain as bad as that before or since, and I've been on many trips to Thailand and never gotten sick from flying or even being in the hotel room with the A. See. On constantly. I remember not kissing her that much as she wasn't into kissing a lot, but I did go down on her with gusto. And I don't think I gargled or rinsed my mouth afterwards either.

Mr Enternational
05-17-18, 03:40
Actually it happened in Thailand. I don't trust the water in Thailand myself, so I used bottled water even for brushing my teeth.

But I am very confident that my problem was caused by going down on that girl. I have never had throat pain as bad as that before or since, and I've been on many trips to Thailand and never gotten sick from flying or even being in the hotel room with the A. See. On constantly. I remember not kissing her that much as she wasn't into kissing a lot, but I did go down on her with gusto. And I don't think I gargled or rinsed my mouth afterwards either.Still don't understand why you are attributing your illness to this. I have lived in Thailand for 8 years and have never not brushed my teeth with the water in the bathroom sink and have gone down on tons of chicks and never anything like you describe. Probably just a normal virus and nothing to do with going down on that girl.

Last July I was with a chick and got sick as a dog. The chick got sick too. Figured I must have gotten it from her. I went to the doctor in Thailand and got medicine and it did not clear up. When I got to the USA a week later I went to the doctor still pretty sick. He said it was not from the chick, but because it was too cold in the movie theater that we had went to and to bring a jacket next time.

Soapy Smith
05-17-18, 05:53
Last July I was with a chick and got sick as a dog. The chick got sick too. Figured I must have gotten it from her. I went to the doctor in Thailand and got medicine and it did not clear up. When I got to the USA a week later I went to the doctor still pretty sick. He said it was not from the chick, but because it was too cold in the movie theater that we had went to and to bring a jacket next time.I had a similar experience from the Phils in early April. I had gone to the hotel of an associate to collaborate on a work project. The associate had the air con in the room set very cold, like maybe low 60's. I worked in the room, nearly shivering, for about 90 minutes. Later I took a taxi to my own hotel and while enroute started to feel a sore throat coming on. Two days later as I was flying back to the states my sore throat had turned into a cough and sinus headache. While it may have started as a virus, the ongoing irritation later turned into a serious sinus infection that had me bedridden for nearly a week. My doctor prescribed antibiotics, which took hold after about eight days. I asked her if the cold room might have caused the initial illness. She suggested that, while cold temperature doesn't directly cause illness, our mouths and sinuses are always incubating potential viruses and bacteria. Normally we just fight off these threats, but under duress from cold temperatures our bodies' abilities to fend off garden variety illnesses may get compromised.

05-17-18, 07:41
Still don't understand why you are attributing your illness to this.

He said it was not from the chick, but because it was too cold in the movie theater that we had went to and to bring a jacket next time.He reported that he had problems swallowing food, and if you read the literature on pharyngeal gonorrhea this is one of the symptoms. Swallowing food with a sore throat caused by the flu or common cold wouldn't be an issue.

You don't get sick from airconditioners or cold temperatures otherwise everyone visiting Antarctica would end up sick, but this is not the case. You get sick from breathing in a virus that has come out of someone's lungs.

05-17-18, 08:28
He reported that he had problems swallowing food, and if you read the literature on pharyngeal gonorrhea this is one of the symptoms. Swallowing food with a sore throat caused by the flu or common cold wouldn't be an issue.

You don't get sick from airconditioners or cold temperatures otherwise everyone visiting Antarctica would end up sick, but this is not the case. You get sick from breathing in a virus that has come out of someone's lungs.I didn't know Antarctica had air cons? (Joke).

Years ago I worked in an air con Hi-rise building. I would get sick when the air con came on and blew on me. For years this went on and finally I found a doctor that diagnose me with chronic sinus infections from the air con. Now I take meds for allergies so they don't turn into sinus infections.

A about two years ago during the Indonesian fires I developed pink eyes from it in Manila. I went to Makati Medical clinic and the 70 year old doctor questioned me about it while his frompy 65 year old woman assistant sat there listening. He keep asking me if I ate pussy and wheter I was on top or bottom of the pussy. Meanwhile the old woman sat there like it was nothing. I responded that I did indeed eat at the why in AC a number of times. He then asked if I had my eyes opened or not. The following lecture was to always eat pussy from the top and never the bottom, keep your eyes closed as it will lessen the chance of bacteria getting into your eyes and causing an infection!

He gave me a prescription and the frompy assistant handed me a bill for 1 k like it was an everyday occurrence. It turned out I had pink eyes and no other std symptoms.

Dine with your eyes closed or wear goggles gents.

05-17-18, 09:06
I didn't know Antarctica had air cons? (Joke).Damn, the air cons must be the reason it's so freaking cold there!

05-17-18, 09:15
You don't get sick from airconditioners or cold temperatures otherwise everyone visiting Antarctica would end up sick, but this is not the case.You don't get sick from the cold directly but the cold certainly lowers your resistance (like Soapy also pointed out already).

And beside that air conditioners can become a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi if they are not cleaned on a regular basis.

X Man
05-17-18, 11:45
The two of them probably had a good laugh afterwards.

I didn't know Antarctica had air cons? (Joke).

Years ago I worked in an air con Hi-rise building. I would get sick when the air con came on and blew on me. For years this went on and finally I found a doctor that diagnose me with chronic sinus infections from the air con. Now I take meds for allergies so they don't turn into sinus infections.

A about two years ago during the Indonesian fires I developed pink eyes from it in Manila. I went to Makati Medical clinic and the 70 year old doctor questioned me about it while his frompy 65 year old woman assistant sat there listening. He keep asking me if I ate pussy and wheter I was on top or bottom of the pussy. Meanwhile the old woman sat there like it was nothing. I responded that I did indeed eat at the why in AC a number of times. He then asked if I had my eyes opened or not. The following lecture was to always eat pussy from the top and never the bottom, keep your eyes closed as it will lessen the chance of bacteria getting into your eyes and causing an infection!.

05-17-18, 15:09
He reported that he had problems swallowing food, and if you read the literature on pharyngeal gonorrhea this is one of the symptoms. Swallowing food with a sore throat caused by the flu or common cold wouldn't be an issue.Yes, there's no other logical explanation than eating bad pussy, I don't know why some people are so adamant about diverting blame from dining at the why. Just because it never happened to you, doesn't mean it's not happened to others.

I have also caught the bad flu in Thailand which debilitated me for a week, and sore throat was not a symptom. I had to go back to my childhood the last time I had a sore throat and it wasn't anywhere near as bad as the one from Thailand. It felt like my throat was constricted. Like I said her pussy didn't exactly smell good but in the heat of the moment I didn't care. I've never had any ill effects from eating pussy that didn't smell bad.

I don't think they cultured my throat but don't remember.

05-17-18, 15:13
The two of them probably had a good laugh afterwards.Seems like you would eat clean pussy and not working girl pussy.

05-17-18, 16:05
Not all hotel water are the same.

Over a year ago I was sitting outside by the swimming pool having lunch at RBI located at Queens Hotel. They seem to have the cleanest and sparkling pool I have seen in PH and most of USA. I complimented the head maintenance man, an American and got into a discussion about the pool maintenance. After 10 minutes he excused himself to work on the hotel water filters. Which lead into a discussion of water filtration systems. It had never dawn on me that the hotels had a filtration system with holding tanks. He mentioned most decent hotels had a 3 to 5 phase filtration system or people would get sick from the water. Queens had a 5 phase system and he maintained it regularly.

People could very well get sick from the water unless the business has a well maintained water filtration system.

The other week I stayed at a very nice hotel in Camp John Hay, Baguio and they had warning signs by the bathroom faucet that the water was not potable! Welcome to the Philippines.

Soapy Smith
05-17-18, 17:07
most decent hotels had a 3 to 5 phase filtration system "Decent hotels" may be the operative element. The same seems to hold for restaurants. Better restaurants filter their water, others not necessarily. A few years ago I did a brief internet search for Philippine outlets that sell water filtration systems. Other subscribers may know of better deals, but at the time the very basic small systems (suitable for a household) I found went for the equivalent of about 1200 USD. It's understandable that many businesses would not have them.

Soapy Smith
05-17-18, 17:27
always eat pussy from the top and never the bottom, keep your eyes closed as it will lessen the chance of bacteria getting into your eyes and causing an infection!I find this reassuring. I don't like doing 69, mostly because my brain can't sort out the conflicting sensations from active and passive activities. It's an old guy's equivalent of not chewing gum and walking at the same time. So I always do DATY from on top: the woman on her back, me on my stomach between her legs or kneeling beside the bed, my arms under her thighs, lifting them up, and holding hands with her on her stomach. Closing the eyes may take some practice. It would presumably be easier with natural pubes: the hair is like a jungle landing strip, and the nose can use it to guide the mouth and tongue into place. Kalbo pubes would require a new technique in which I'd need to develop sensitivity in my cheeks for gently rubbing up against her inner thighs. Natural pubic hair also serves to deflect spatter away from the eyes, sort of like a salad bar spit guard.

Chocha Monger
05-17-18, 19:01
The two of them probably had a good laugh afterwards.Actually, the questions the doctor asked about eating pussy were quite serious and logical. Gonorrheal conjunctivitis can be acquired from eating pussy in the bottom position when infectious vaginal fluids and cum drips into the eyes of the monger, or the infected girl farts in his face causing aerosolized gonococcal bacteria to come into contact with the conjunctiva. Eating pussy in the top position is a bit less risky, as far as the eyes are concerned unless the girl squirts in the monger's face. It may be a good idea for cunnilingus connoisseurs to inquire as to whether the recipient of their lingual attentions squirts, to avoid being blindsided by a blast of vaginal fluids to the eyes.

Gynecologists do not wear surgical masks and safety glasses just to look cool while peering down dilated vaginal shafts. They do so to protect themselves from any unexpected discharges of virus and bacteria laden fluids and aerosols from the vaginal and / or anus. They would rather not take an infectious squirt or fart to the face, mouth, eyes, and nostrils.

05-17-18, 23:14
Actually, the questions the doctor asked about eating pussy were quite serious and logical. Gonorrheal conjunctivitis can be acquired from eating pussy in the bottom position when infectious vaginal fluids and cum drips into the eyes of the monger, or the infected girl farts in his face causing aerosolized gonococcal bacteria to come into contact with the conjunctiva. Eating pussy in the top position is a bit less risky, as far as the eyes are concerned unless the girl squirts in the monger's face. It may be a good idea for cunnilingus connoisseurs to inquire as to whether the recipient of their lingual attentions squirts, to avoid being blindsided by a blast of vaginal fluids to the eyes.

Gynecologists do not wear surgical masks and safety glasses just to look cool while peering down dilated vaginal shafts. They do so to protect themselves from any unexpected discharges of virus and bacteria laden fluids and aerosols from the vaginal and / or anus. They would rather not take an infectious squirt or fart to the face, mouth, eyes, and nostrils.I got this myself and later diagnosed other guys with it. Briefly, we get infected by one of these lovely ladies and then we rub our eyes. The level of ignorance and / or gay abandonment here is amazing and I am in the dock with most others. When I asked how the women got their diseases treated, I was told they don't. On my last day last time in Angeles, I gave two hooker pals probably 2 dozen condoms each for future use. One, pregnant with her third child, gave her ration to her mate as she couldn't be bothered and the other wanted unprotected sex with me even though I was fighting a mild chlamydia infection from her and / or someone else. Swimming in vaginal sewers.

05-18-18, 00:56
Gonorrheal conjunctivitis can be acquired from eating pussy in the bottom position when infectious vaginal fluids and cum drips into the eyes of the monger, or the infected girl farts in his face causing aerosolized gonococcal bacteria to come into contact with the conjunctiva. Rrrrrrrrrrrromance!

Gynecologists do not wear surgical masks and safety glasses just to look cool while peering down dilated vaginal shafts. They do so to protect themselves from any unexpected discharges of virus and bacteria laden fluids and aerosols from the vaginal and / or anus. Who says its dead?

05-18-18, 03:39
Actually, the questions the doctor asked about eating pussy were quite serious and logical. Gonorrheal conjunctivitis can be acquired from eating pussy in the bottom position when infectious vaginal fluids and cum drips into the eyes of the monger, or the infected girl farts in his face causing aerosolized gonococcal bacteria to come into contact with the conjunctiva. Eating pussy in the top position is a bit less risky, as far as the eyes are concerned unless the girl squirts in the monger's face. It may be a good idea for cunnilingus connoisseurs to inquire as to whether the recipient of their lingual attentions squirts, to avoid being blindsided by a blast of vaginal fluids to the eyes.

Gynecologists do not wear surgical masks and safety glasses just to look cool while peering down dilated vaginal shafts. They do so to protect themselves from any unexpected discharges of virus and bacteria laden fluids and aerosols from the vaginal and / or anus. They would rather not take an infectious squirt or fart to the face, mouth, eyes, and nostrils.This comment was posted by someone who previously suggested that a "drug resistant" strain of Gonorrhea was incurable, when in fact the phrase "Drug resistant" only means that. This poster suggested that this strain of VD would cause you to lose your genitals as a result.

But, the term "Drug Resistant" means just that (in case you didn't get it the first time) In other words, a single shot of an antibiotic or a 3-day scrip of some mundane antibiotic won't work. A friend of mine's mom has contracted a "drug resistant" strain of TB, which is a rare disease in the Western world these days. So her mom won't be able to take the standard medication the CDC gives away for free. She will have to pay for a series of injections of high powered antibiotics to clear that up. Better than the old days when TB put you in the hospital for months at a time and the US government operated a chain of "Chest Hospitals" for TB patients who lived there while enduring ongoing treatment.

People, perform your own due diligence. Venereal disease is a serious matter, but it doesn't need to be hijacked by misinformation on the internet, when in fact the internet offers a lot of good, factual info if you bother to look hard enough past the first page of a google search.

05-18-18, 06:38
.......................... "Swimming in vaginal sewers".Quote of the year, so far.

05-18-18, 10:19
This can not be serious. A board certified US doctor said you got sick from low temperature in a movie theater? You can't get sick from cold temps. That's insanity. You get sick from a virus or from bacteria. Neither of which is temperature dependent.

All of life is a risk / reward system. Is barebacking worth the risk? Depends on what you perceive the reward to be.

I was in AC 2 months ago for 10 days. I'm still trying to get up the gumption to write a trip report. My reports are long and detailed. I had 13 girls, some pros, some non. One condom. I took doxycycline for the entire trip. Got full tests 2 weeks after my return, all clean. Cranberry juice, going [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134), brushing teeth, all mostly nonsense. Rely on solid science to protect us all.

Still don't understand why you are attributing your illness to this. I have lived in Thailand for 8 years and have never not brushed my teeth with the water in the bathroom sink and have gone down on tons of chicks and never anything like you describe. Probably just a normal virus and nothing to do with going down on that girl.

Last July I was with a chick and got sick as a dog. The chick got sick too. Figured I must have gotten it from her. I went to the doctor in Thailand and got medicine and it did not clear up. When I got to the USA a week later I went to the doctor still pretty sick. He said it was not from the chick, but because it was too cold in the movie theater that we had went to and to bring a jacket next time.

Soapy Smith
05-18-18, 18:57
the other wanted unprotected sex with me even though I was fighting a mild chlamydia infection from her and / or someone else. Swimming in vaginal sewers.Do you not see the contradiction in your writing? (I initially wrote "thinking," but I would characterize what you are doing here as writing without thinking.) Presumably you contracted chlamydia from bareback fucking, which you apparently did with more than one woman, since you don't know who gave it to you. Yet you characterize Filipina vaginas as sewers. If you believe Filipina vaginas are this disease-ridden, then your barebacking takes on a masochistic character. It's also illogical that you wanted to cover up after you showed signs of chlamydia but not as a preventative measure before dipping into these vaginal sewers. Furthermore, since the symptoms of chlamydia often take several weeks to appear, did you give any consideration to the women you barebacked during the period your chlamydia was incubating? And how about the poor suckers who had sex with the women you exposed to the infection?

The person you are quoting is well known for posting unfiltered hyperbole. This person may do this intentionally—to provoke others—or because the individual is mentally ill and just can't help it. Eszpresszo has aptly pointed out errors in this person's hyperbolic post. Please follow Eszpresszo's advice and get reliable information about STIs. The intentions of the person you are quoting have little in common with sharing accurate information. Here is one reliable source:


A couple points in the interest of full disclosure:

I once contracted chlamydia from a Filipina who gave me bareback deepthroat. My own approach was to totally abstain from sex until lab tests showed it was gone, even though I was in Metro Manila at the time and there were many opportunities. I fuck bareback only with women I know extremely well.

Finally, I do avidly engage in DATY, but I observe and smell closely before I engage. And, as in my recent post about pubic hair as spatter protection, I sometimes offer such posts as a cynical stick in the eye to people who offer uninformed stigmatic opinions about cunnilingus. I apologize if you found my post offensive.

Soapy Smith
05-18-18, 19:10
Who says its dead?Or perhaps alien life forms might crawl out.

05-18-18, 21:13
Do you not see the contradiction in your writing? (I initially wrote "thinking," but I would characterize what you are doing here as writing without thinking.) Presumably you contracted chlamydia from bareback fucking, which you apparently did with more than one woman, since you don't know who gave it to you. Yet you characterize Filipina vaginas as sewers. If you believe Filipina vaginas are this disease-ridden, then your barebacking takes on a masochistic character. It's also illogical that you wanted to cover up after you showed signs of chlamydia but not as a preventative measure before dipping into these vaginal sewers. Furthermore, since the symptoms of chlamydia often take several weeks to appear, did you give any consideration to the women you barebacked during the period your chlamydia was incubating? And how about the poor suckers who had sex with the women you exposed to the infection?

The person you are quoting is well known for posting unfiltered hyperbole. This person may do this intentionallyto provoke othersor because the individual is mentally ill and just can't help it. Eszpresszo has aptly pointed out errors in this person's hyperbolic post. Please follow Eszpresszo's advice and get reliable information about STIs. The intentions of the person you are quoting have little in common with sharing accurate information. Here is one reliable source:


A couple points in the interest of full disclosure:

I once contracted chlamydia from a Filipina who gave me bareback deepthroat. My own approach was to totally abstain from sex until lab tests showed it was gone, even though I was in Metro Manila at the time and there were many opportunities. I fuck bareback only with women I know extremely well.

Finally, I do avidly engage in DATY, but I observe and smell closely before I engage. And, as in my recent post about pubic hair as spatter protection, I sometimes offer such posts as a cynical stick in the eye to people who offer uninformed stigmatic opinions about cunnilingus. I apologize if you found my post offensive.With regard to your intemperate post.

1. ChochaMonger writes well. He seems on the money on this point.

2. Many who get STIs, chlamydia in this case, display no symptoms. I did and went to the hospital immediately and reported on it here as an act of public service. The most time that could have been between me contracting it and going on anti-biotics was a week and, that episode with condoms apart, I had neither sex nor alcohol until I got the medical all clear.

3. I teamed up with the two (they tracked me down for $$) and gave them condoms and a sex lecture precisely because I had been with them. That was almost a year ago now, I owuld be pretty sure both are heavily diseased by others now. I gave one of them a whole pile of anti biotics but I doubt they helped long term.

4. You, in your sanctimony, miss the main point. Pampanga is a sewer of STIs and few women care about it. Most become asymptotic and will pass on the diseases in this crapshoot of crabs.

5. I like barebacking. I am aware of the risks and I easily become complacent. I will accept anything that comes m,why way as my own fault.

6. You engage in DATY and depend on your nose, like you are a specially trained bloodhound. Get real before you get herpes.

7. I note you admit how offensive you are. That is one of the reasons I prefer not to mix too much with mongers. I find m,any of them ignorant and uninformed.

8. I will be in Angeles in a few days' time and I will play it by ear, abstaining from drink when looking for cut prize meat, playing the odds a little bit, promising not to bareback but knowing I love it and will probably cream them up.

10. On the related matter of Viagra etc, I no longer use them and prefer to act my age, in performance at least. I intend to ease myself out of this hobby but I have been intending that for 20 od years now.

05-19-18, 00:00
.......I fuck bareback only with women I know extremely well.......All well and good but do they fuck bareback only with men they know extremely well?

05-19-18, 03:17
The person you are quoting is well known for posting unfiltered hyperbole. This person may do this intentionallyto provoke othersor because the individual is mentally ill and just can't help it. Eszpresszo has aptly pointed out errors in this person's hyperbolic post. Please follow Eszpresszo's advice and get reliable information about STIs. The intentions of the person you are quoting have little in common with sharing accurate information. Here is one reliable source:

https://www.cdc.gov/std/chlamydia/stdfact-chlamydia.htm.Yes, though I also suggest going beyond government agencies and try to find info on contraction directly from researchers. Why? Because government agencies are run by public health administrators who have a different agenda from an actual medical science researcher. The problem with public health administrators is they are often not medical scientists, if they are even doctors at all. They have an agenda, first and foremost to cover their ass, and if that means overstating the risk of some activities, then so be it. Or to put it more politely, they are apt to err on the side of caution. Scientists also have their agenda, and they are known to be competitive with each other and often very ego-driven. However, a scientist's credibility is based on their ability to deliver empirical evidence of their findings instead of mere theory. They aren't allowed to fudge things.

I'm not suggesting that we underestimate the risk of sex with prostitutes. Rather, I am suggesting that we look hard to what is presented to us and be ready to be skeptical of anything that doesn't come from a truly scientific source. That means being wary of things you read on various dodgy web sites as well as unqualified opinions here on this forum.

By the way, here is the CDC on whether or no you can get AIDS from oral sex:

"However, it is hard to know the exact risk because a lot of people who have oral sex also have anal or vaginal sex. The type of oral sex that may be the riskiest is mouth-to-penis oral sex."


Note the use of the phrase "may be", which is typical bureaucratic vagueness. I can no longer find the webpages, but I found two different articles where a medical scientist was queried on whether or not HIV could be transmitted from oral sex. Their answers were respectively, "No" and "Its possible, but extremely unlikely".

Peruse this page by the CDC on transmission of STDs via oral sex:


But look at the statement in regards to giving oral sex to a female. Under the tab for each disease, there is a statement that says "Giving oral sex to a woman with an infected vagina or urinary tract may result in getting (insert disease name here) in the throat.

However the asterisk is for a footnote which explains "* Statements followed by an asterisk have not been well studied. " In other words, they aren't sure of anything, hence the use of the word MAY instead of CAN or WILL. More bureaucratic vagueness in these warnings, in the absence of clear scientific data.

But, I won't be jingoistic here and I will quote the NHS on the topic of transmission through oral sex:

STIs that are commonly caught through oral sex are:


Genital herpes.


Infections that are less frequently passed on through oral sex include:



Hepatitis A, hepatitis be and hepatitis see.

Genital warts.

Pubic lice.


Note how the NHS cites a low transmission of HIV via oral sex while other sources flat outright minimize the risk.

As for contracting Hepatitis A from anilingus, its ridiculous to even talk about it, when there is a common vaccination for Hep A, that is typically bundled with the Hep be vaccine. Most kids in America get vaccinated for both at the pre-K age and a booster later in their early adolescence. The dual vaccination is requested upon enrollment in public schools in most places in the US. The HPV vaccine is now required of teenage girls to be admitted to public schools in some places.

Some of these things are totally avoidable by getting these vaccines. If you can get vaccinated against a STD, there doesn't need to be any discussion of getting it. I love getting and receiving analingus. I have been vaccinated, so I won't be giving or receiving hepatitis from butt munching. If we can get a vaccine for HepC, another major risk will be reduced. Its my understanding that it is being researched at this time. In any case, if you don't have the Hepatitis A / B vaccine, then go get it! Unlike Syphillis, Gonorrhea and Chlamydia there is no simple cure, making them seem like minor inconveniences in comparison.

Soapy Smith
05-19-18, 05:13
Yes, though I also suggest going beyond government agencies and try to find info on contraction directly from researchers. Thanks for your "temperate" and well-researched post. I have known some researchers who also hedge their answers, simply because it's difficult in experimental designs to control all the potential compounding factors. And I suspect much of the research is from reports turned in by government health agencies, which means from reported cases that walk into health clinics, and many of the data for these cases are self-reported rather than from controlled experiments.

Soapy Smith
05-19-18, 05:31
All well and good but do they fuck bareback only with men they know extremely well?In the case of sexual partners, having a very good knowledge of their sexual activities is implied in my definition of knowing them extremely well. If I'm not sure, I cover up. Obviously people lie and deceive, as reported frequently in this forum, so knowing with 100% certainty about others' behavior is not possible. But minimizing risk by being well informed and observant seems to me like a reasonable aspiration.

Nice Guy 99
05-19-18, 06:30
I'd known her for eight years. She was a short time queen. Wanted to score 3 per night and then would come sleep with me long time. As she has aged she hooked up with a Canadian who gave a monthly stipend to get her to quit the business. He worked in another country but had many friends where she worked so she could not work the bar scene. Of course when I was in country she would still see me.

Rolling around naked in bed on our first session after she struck up this "permanent" relationship she grabbed my naked cock and pushed it in her pussy saying "F me baby". Maybe one of my hottest moments in 30 years of mongering. We have been bare backing for almost a year now. Actually it has seemed to make our relationship closer (yes, I treat WGs as real people with real feelings). She doesn't bare back her Canuck because he is not cut.

So the point is. There are circumstances where you can set up a safe bare back relationship.

Cumming inside her feels so good.

Chocha Monger
05-19-18, 12:47
I'd known her for eight years. She was a short time queen. Wanted to score 3 per night and then would come sleep with me long time. As she has aged she hooked up with a Canadian who gave a monthly stipend to get her to quit the business. He worked in another country but had many friends where she worked so she could not work the bar scene. Of course when I was in country she would still see me.

Rolling around naked in bed on our first session after she struck up this "permanent" relationship she grabbed my naked cock and pushed it in her pussy saying "F me baby". Maybe one of my hottest moments in 30 years of mongering. We have been bare backing for almost a year now. Actually it has seemed to make our relationship closer (yes, I treat WGs as real people with real feelings). She doesn't bare back her Canuck because he is not cut.

So the point is. There are circumstances where you can set up a safe bare back relationship.

Cumming inside her feels so good.Of course, the Canadian is the only one being deceived and sold dreams of exclusivity because a prostitute is very trustworthy, and would never dream of telling every monger the same lie.

Chocha Monger
05-19-18, 13:10
And since it provides absolutely no stimulation to one's erectile tissue, situated principally at the head of one's dick, it is utterly pointless.While this is true for the majority of men, some fellas with a broken boner tend to have their erectile tissue principally at the tip of their tongues. The condition is analogous to the one that afflicted the protagonist in Deep Throat, specifically having her clitoris located deep in her throat.

05-19-18, 17:45
Had a four night, three day visit. As soon as I got in I started my traditional quest for my regular. To most guys a "regular" is a multiple repeat bedroom partner. In my case it is a dancer who I regularly look for and generally never find. Last visit, though, after three failures over a year and a half, I scored, and it was amazing. That, though, apparently reset the clock so she was back to being missing. The quest took me from Club Asia, "She work at Crystal Palace now!" to Crystal Palace, "She work at Club RA now!" and to Club RA, "No, she work at Crystal Palace!

Well, I guess three strikes and you're out. I did, though, find a couple cute waitresses at Club RA who proved more than willing to console me over my failure. EWR there is 3000 for the dancers, 3400 for the waitresses. It was a bit different from my previous AC BF's, and not just numerically. I had read about it here but this was my first "Let's go clubbing" experience. It wasn't that bad since this was one of the election nights so business was way down, at least early on. After poking our heads into several other places we ended up just hitting Atlantis, where I instantly had renter's remorse when I spotted a real cutie on stage, a cutie that would not be there when I returned on the next and final night of my stay. Then it was back to Kokomos. There was a lot of Tagalog (I assume) chattering, some of which I'm sure was, "Let's take him to an outdoor restaurant to see if the heat will kill him before we have to go to his hotel!

They failed, but it was close. I find the heat, even in the evening, pretty bad (right now it is about 45 F /7 Celsius at my place), but it could have been worse: we sat right under a fan and more importantly we did not go to Phillies as we had planned. Phillies, I learned the hard way, had live music, and not very good live music. Good or not, live music is not my thing: I'd have dressed in drag to get into a lifeboat on the Titanic, not to save my life but to get away from the band. The pizza was decent, though, so there was that. Then it was time for the Main Event. Well, almost. My room was non-smoking and because the bar was closed we had to go back downstairs and outside for a few minutes. At least this time I knew I had a shower waiting.

After that things went well, indeed. They were definitely into the safe sex thing so a LOT of condoms ended up strewn about, but eventually, VERY eventually, things came to a very happy ending. I suspect that the condoms and spending the last ten days sweating in various SE Asian countries were equally to blame, but they were good troopers and refused to give up. I was left lying in a sweat soaked spot in the middle of the bed. Note so self: Next time lie on one side or the other so I can have a dry side for later.

Other bits: Ponytails, my former go-to place for afternoon choices, disappointed again. I think I'll give up on them. Way too far to go to strike out. On the last day I tried Shipwrecked instead, really just to give the maids time to rummage through my stuff. Shipwrecked made Ponytails look adequate. I was only there for twenty minutes but the entire time there was just a slightly chubby, unsmiling dancer on stage, leaning against the wall with arms crossed. I scoped out the two other options I could see and decided not to wait for them to go up.

Club Asia has gone to the evening gown format with the exception of the three very unremarkable feature dancers (t-shirts and shorts) so one cannot really examine the goods prior to rental. God knows what those gowns hide: Fat, baby damage, Justin Bieber tattoos, penises, etc.

The girl who does the pole and curtains show at Crystal Palace was very impressive. The problem was that that was not what I went for. When I go to the bars I'm shopping. But impressive nonetheless. I really wish the bars would stick to the basics: Bar girls dancing on stage. Let's get rid of the beauty shows, Olympic tryouts, feature dancers, etc. , that seem to be multiplying.

Even with the Object of my Lust from the night before absent Atlantis was still great once the feature dancers dispersed. I find the trick is to get a seat against the wall to better fend off the massage girls. Another "Do we really need this?

So not the best of visits, but the best part was freakin awesome. I'll give it another crack in October or November. Yes, it is cooler then but the initial shock is a whopper: Instead of 45 F /25 Celsius difference from home it can be 110 F /60 Celsius or more. It gets better after a few days, though, if you survive.

Okay! Back to the STD's!

Soapy Smith
05-20-18, 03:19
With regard to your intemperate post.Your characterization is fair. I stand by my statements, but my tone was unnecessarily condescending. I apologize for the tone of that post. It was triggered by your characterization of Filipinas' vaginas as sewers. I felt that was an unnecessarily sweeping generalization. It also seemed condescending toward Filipinas, even if most of us have been exposed to a slice of Filipinas who happen to be prostitutes, and at any point in time some of them are carrying STIs. Since you and I have both admitted to having gotten an STI in the Philippines, would it be fair to refer to Western mongers in general as having sewer flowing through their penises? I just can't see any basis for assuming our moral or hygienic superiority over them.

On the lighter side, we ought not beat ourselves up in disagreements about sexually transmitted infections. Given the state of sex education in public schools for many of us during our formative years, it's no wonder that some of us get confused:



And it appears that for at least one Ivy League graduate, the situation doesn't necessarily improve with time:


Nice Guy 99
05-20-18, 05:00
I'd known her for eight years. She was a short time queen. Wanted to score 3 per night and then would come sleep with me long time. As she has aged she hooked up with a Canadian who gave a monthly stipend to get her to quit the business. He worked in another country but had many friends where she worked so she could not work the bar scene. Of course when I was in country she would still see me.

Rolling around naked in bed on our first session after she struck up this "permanent" relationship she grabbed my naked cock and pushed it in her pussy saying "F me baby". Maybe one of my hottest moments in 30 years of mongering. We have been bare backing for almost a year now. Actually it has seemed to make our relationship closer (yes, I treat WGs as real people with real feelings). She doesn't bare back her Canuck because he is not cut.

So the point is. There are circumstances where you can set up a safe bare back relationship.

Cumming inside her feels so good.

Of course, the Canadian is the only one being deceived and sold dreams of exclusivity because a prostitute is very trustworthy, and would never dream of telling every monger the same lie.You are too much. After almost 9 years with her I know how to read her.

Mr Enternational
05-20-18, 05:13
Rolling around naked in bed on our first session after she struck up this "permanent" relationship she grabbed my naked cock and pushed it in her pussy saying "F me baby". Maybe one of my hottest moments in 30 years of mongering.Man you must be a REALLY Nice Guy if a chick grabbing your dick and putting it inside and saying fuck me baby is one of your hottest moments in 30 years. The Filipinas that I know (pro and nonpro) do that on the regular as if they have all watched the same movie and heard the exact same dialogue. And it is funny as shit with their accent.

By contrast, I would say one of my best moments is when I was home in Thailand with this chick and she wanted me to go pick her friend up so she could drink in my room because it was her friend's birthday and she didn't want her to be alone. I went to get the girl and we were drinking a while. I was flirting with the chick whenever my girl was looking away. My girl finally had to go to the toilet, and when she came out of the bathroom she saw me fucking her friend on my bed. Without missing a beat, she came up behind me and started licking my ass.

Another would be when a buddy of mine met a chick that worked at the bank. She said her and her friends were getting a room that night and wanted my buddy to invite some guys. We had a wild orgy with those chicks and they were all married. We have done orgies before, but what put the icing on the cake was me and another buddy DP'ed a chick. At first she didn't want to because she said her husband would know if someone has been fucking her in the ass. But we talked her in to it. So she was riding my buddy and I came from behind to put my meat in her ass. The whole room was cheering.

And then there was Freaknik....

05-20-18, 06:48
Well, I wish I could report something like what Mr. Enternational just posted, so this report may seem sort of lame in comparison. Anyhow, I was in AC for a few nights over election weekend. Short report, as one of the nights a lot of stuff was closed due to the alcohol ban.

Stayed at Eurotel, 22 USD a night in a standard room. No fridge, no coffee / tea maker, quite short of any essentials but there was a hair dryer.

Perimeter bars:

Looking for some day time action I headed out first to Candy bar. It was around 1 pm, got it, and thankfully I wasn't the only punter in there. A depressing sight of 7 or 8 girls, all of whom were victims of the jolibee gut. I got harassed to buy a drink for one of the ladies. One girl came off stage to come sit with me, didn't buy her an LD but she was cheerful and made this visit slightly more pleasant. I left after a drink. Next door is Det5, which was closed due to alcohol ban. Can't even remember which other bars I walked into, maybe Ice bar and blue sapphire, both equally depressing with terrible line ups. I never came back to Perimeter.


I spent most of my nights either at Skytrax or HighSo as I'm not the biggest fan of barfines. First night, there were some hotties at HighSo, some of which I struck out with. It was odd, as I normally won't cold approach a hot chick without her giving some sort of vibe or hungry stare. One girl was staring at me for about 10 minutes as I was walking around, when I approached her she had nothing at all to say. This happened both nights I was here and both times the girls did not go home with anyone as I stayed until quite late.

I did end up taking home a really nice looking, slim girl. I didn't realize how attractive her face was until we got in the room. Very sweet, she told me she was new, but she gave off more of a professional vibe, fine by me. Shower, then nice BBBJ, then when it came time to smash, I go soft after a few minutes. So finished with BBBJCIM, where she jerked me off into her mouth. We chatted for a while, said she was leaving AC the next day as she was just visiting friends in AC. Got another BBBJCIM before she left with 1.5 k.

Second night was alcohol ban, I hit up a few bars, very quiet, had dinner then retired. Was just tired and just wasn't feeling it.

3rd night, I randomly ran into a buddy of mine whom I met in BKK. We hit up a few bars. Pony Tails was terrible, left without having a drink. Ditto Brown Sugar, After Dark was closed, before we stumbled into Midnight Cruiser. It was pretty lively, with some cute girls on stage, and some of the waitresses were quite good looking as well. We stayed here a couple hours and had fun groping around a few sets of girls.

Ended up at HighSo again, and met some cool girls. Not the hottest, but chicks that make the night fun. Danced with all of them and they helped bring over more girls, and girls they thought I should take home LOL. I've noticed that Pinays are pretty good wingmen, they ask you what you like and then they go round the whole club and bring back a girl for you to see if you like them. I love that friendly nature the Pinays have. Anyways, ended up taking home a light skin blond girl, who was sort of a dead fish back at the hotel. It wasn't all bad, sometimes its nice for them to just take it without saying a word. She took it hard with no complaints, sent her off with 1.5 k. Then I was off the next morning.

My impressions of my second visit to AC are fairly lukewarm. Maybe its because of the election and alcohol ban, but a combination of very low talent and jolibee stomachs literally everywhere has me saying when I do come back, it'll only be for 2 or 3 nights max. Other notes, use tinder or the wechat discover feature but be careful of the ladyboys. I chatted with a few cute girls but we could never arrange a time that fit both of us. I also noticed every second bar or club has signs outside: dancers wanted, mamasans wanted with dancers. You get the feeling they are starved for talent, and its true.

Nice Guy 99
05-20-18, 08:13
Man you must be a REALLY Nice Guy if a chick grabbing your dick and putting it inside and saying fuck me baby is one of your hottest moments in 30 years. OK. To each his own. Her putting my naked cock in her pussy was a big deal. This was a PRC and they are religious about condoms. But I will never forget how good it felt slipping into that hot wet **** and cumming like crazy.

If you read my posts you know I had a bare back 3-hole pinay for 3 years, but it wasn't the same. The pinay asked me for anal when I first met her. She asked me for bare back. She had a full time job and was not a WG. IDK, I try to understand these girls emotionally, you should also.

05-21-18, 00:48
I'm not suggesting that we underestimate the risk of sex with prostitutes. Rather, I am suggesting that we look hard to what is presented to us and be ready to be skeptical of anything that doesn't come from a truly scientific source. That means being wary of things you read on various dodgy web sites as well as unqualified opinions here on this forum.

Unlike Syphillis, Gonorrhea and Chlamydia there is no simple cure, making them seem like minor inconveniences in comparison.Great analysis Eszpresszo! What's your opinion in using germicides before and after sex? I use Chlorhexidine on my privates before and after sex. Do you think it is effective?

05-21-18, 03:35
Great analysis Eszpresszo! What's your opinion in using germicides before and after sex? I use Chlorhexidine on my privates before and after sex. Do you think it is effective?Never done it myself, but thanks for suggesting it. I have used natural Tea Tree Oil and Eucalyptus based hygienic wipes after sleeping with brothel girls. Are you familiar with defense, the combat sports brand of soaps? Check it out! Its intended for people in wrestling, martial arts and other contact sports. However, they have not excluded themselves from the realm of sexual hygiene.


Read their site a bit closer and some things they say allude to the ingredients in their products being useful in sexual hygiene. I'm sure they are being indirect for purposes of liability and regulations. They actually broach the topic of Herpes here.


The make some handy hygienic wipes. I bought a box of the individually packaged wipes. I took these along on my last trip to Asia in March, and carried one in my shirt pocket. It drew some astonished looks from the girls when I whipped it out and the smell of Eucalyptus permeated the room. LOL. They went for the shower afterwards, while I wiped my privates down with this, first.


Now they even make a barrier foam!


I don't mean to do a commercial for this company. But, I do think they are acting in the interest of hygiene and public health. And along the way they seem to have something to offer the monger, too.

05-21-18, 21:47
Never done it myself, but thanks for suggesting it. I have used natural Tea Tree Oil and Eucalyptus based hygienic wipes after sleeping with brothel girls. Are you familiar with defense, the combat sports brand of soaps? Check it out! Its intended for people in wrestling, martial arts and other contact sports. However, they have not excluded themselves from the realm of sexual hygiene.


Read their site a bit closer and some things they say allude to the ingredients in their products being useful in sexual hygiene. I'm sure they are being indirect for purposes of liability and regulations. They actually broach the topic of Herpes here.


The make some handy hygienic wipes..Great suggestion. I checked out defense soap. I think it probably is great for MMA fighters who have to use some anti-bacterial liquid daily as defence soap does not interfere with your natural skin flora. But I would still go with Chlorhexidine as it is surgical grade. And there are Chlorhexidine wipes too. Maybe someone can pitch in some other germicide too. And then there are others who take preventive antibiotics too.

05-21-18, 22:36
All this talk reminds me of my first trip to Thailand all those years ago. Went to the travel clinic at my GP (family doctor) to check I was up to date with everything. Needed a booster of something, probably tetanus etc. Asked where I was going to go by the little old grey haired lady nurse. Said Bangkok, on my own. She looks at me, winks, and says "let's get you another shot for that then! Hep something probably.

05-22-18, 01:50
I also noticed every second bar or club has signs outside: dancers wanted, mamasans wanted with dancers. You get the feeling they are starved for talent, and its true.Those signs have been there for more than 20 years. It is like for sale sign on the store windows.

05-22-18, 05:49
I'm thinking of visiting AC over the Christmas period, since the people are quite religious are there much going on? Thanks.

Mr Enternational
05-22-18, 15:38
Met some guys today and we went up to the Perimeter bars. Of course Det 5 is my place. Stopped in there and saw that it had changed. They bought the bar next door, so now it has two sides. There was a pregnant chick and I asked her about bar fine. Damn she had some shark teeth and some bad ass breath. I was glad that she told me she wasn't bar fining. Although I wanted to skeet on her baby's head. Saw another chick that I liked who was dancing on stage. We were talking shit back and forth and I went up to rub on her ass. When she came off stage I asked about bar fine. She said it was 2500. I said what the fuck. When did y'all start charging that much? She said it was for spotlight. I said well give me nightlight instead. I told her that I would come back to get her.

We left and went to shit. I think 54 something. It was on the corner and was going to close at 8. Nothing was going on there. Then we went around the corner to the bars where you can fuck upstairs. We went into Rio Bar. Chick tried to get me to go up for 2000 but said she only does BJ. I said fuck that. I want to fuck. She said she was a cherry girl and also liked girls. Later she went over to one of the other guys I was with and come to find out she will take 100,000 pesos to deflower. Next stop was Candy Bar. Wasn't shit going on in there either. My buddies left to go eat and I stopped back in Det 5 to get my girl.

She was on stage again and I told her to come down because I was back to get her. I told her to tell mamasan that I will give her the money tomorrow. Mamasan came over and said okay and confirmed the price of 2500. Then the chick did not want to go. I was like huh? They were speaking Tagalog back and forth. Mamasan said she did not want to go because she did not know me. She was just over here sitting in my lap an hour ago when I told her I would come get her later. Well I am not trying to force anyone to come make some money so I left.

Came back to the Penthouse and got on Tinder and WeChat. Got a Tinder chick that said she would be over in 30 minutes. I said 15 minutes. She said okay. She was taking too long so I went over next door to Swiss Chalet to eat. The girl said she had arrived and I told her to come to the restaurant. This damn girl is outside the restaurant but talking about she is too shy to come in. She asked if I had a blue shirt on and I confirmed. Then she said well maybe I just go back home. Wasting transportation. I told her goodbye. Again I am not forcing anyone to make any money around here. Guess I will head out to the Fields bars and High Society.

Chocha Monger
05-22-18, 21:57
Met some guys today and we went up to the Perimeter bars. Of course Det 5 is my place. Stopped in there and saw that it had changed. They bought the bar next door, so now it has two sides. There was a pregnant chick and I asked her about bar fine. Damn she had some shark teeth and some bad ass breath. I was glad that she told me she wasn't bar fining. Although I wanted to skeet on her baby's head. Saw another chick that I liked who was dancing on stage. We were talking shit back and forth and I went up to rub on her ass. When she came off stage I asked about bar fine. She said it was 2500. I said what the fuck. When did y'all start charging that much? She said it was for spotlight. I said well give me nightlight instead. I told her that I would come back to get her.

We left and went to shit. I think 54 something. It was on the corner and was going to close at 8. Nothing was going on there. Then we went around the corner to the bars where you can fuck upstairs. We went into Rio Bar. Chick tried to get me to go up for 2000 but said she only does BJ. I said fuck that. I want to fuck. She said she was a cherry girl and also liked girls. Later she went over to one of the other guys I was with and come to find out she will take 100,000 pesos to deflower. Next stop was Candy Bar. Wasn't shit going on in there either. My buddies left to go eat and I stopped back in Det 5 to get my girl..The Det5 girl was planning to pull a runner. You come and she goes. Game over! Then you threw a new twist in her plot with the pay-after-fuck model. She figured that you were going to cudgel her pussy with that BBC all night long with several pops, and she was not going to be able to run out on the deal.

'Shy Girl' was probably well-known to the restaurant staff, having accompanied her monger 'boyfriend' there several times. She did not want the restaurant staff to see that she was cheating her other foreigner to get her fix of BBC. Her initial expectation was probably going straight to the room to ride the BBC to Pound Town.

Mr Enternational
05-23-18, 06:38
Gentlemen. You have asked and they have responded. In the wake of mongers boosting the economy of AC and keeping it afloat all of these years, it appears they are building a brand new 8-story mongering complex between ABC Hotel and SM Clark.

Mr Enternational
05-23-18, 06:50
Came over to SM to get the 1:30 Genesis bus to Manila. I guess the word has gotten out. It was full before it even pulled in. The few people that did get in were standing. So for the 2:30 bus I wait. Contrast that to when I got here a couple of nights ago and there were only about 5 of us in the brand new bus from NAIA complete with wifi and USB chargers. It made the 2-hour 350 peso ride very comfortable.

Victory Liner has decided to stake its claim in the game with new service from SM Clark to Subic for 250 pesos for those Olongapo fans.

05-23-18, 06:53
I'm thinking of visiting AC over the Christmas period, since the people are quite religious are there much going on? Thanks.I been myself 2 times before on Christmas it was plenty of girls here for fun and weather was nice.

Mr Enternational
05-23-18, 06:57
On my way from the hotel to SM, I happened to notice this trike price list posted in the trike I was taking. If you look closely, right under the piece of tape at the bottom, you will see where it lists the 100-peso, government-mandated fare from Fields to Perimeter. Or from Fields to SM Mall. Or even from the top of Fields to the bottom of Fields for that matter.

Mr Enternational
05-23-18, 07:09
The Det5 girl was planning to pull a runner. You come and she goes. Game over! Then you threw a new twist in her plot with the pay-after-fuck model. She figured that you were going to cudgel her pussy with that BBC all night long with several pops, and she was not going to be able to run out on the deal. 100% correct you are as usual my good man. Be it though I am a handsome man with a pocket full of money, that chick had no intention of staying. The mamasan kept asking me short time or long time, and every time I would say, "Why long time of course," the girl would cringe deeper into agony.

05-23-18, 08:42
On my way from the hotel to SM, I happened to notice this trike price list posted in the trike I was taking. If you look closely, right under the piece of tape at the bottom, you will see where it lists the 100-peso, government-mandated fare from Fields to Perimeter. Or from Fields to SM Mall. Or even from the top of Fields to the bottom of Fields for that matter.How about Fields to Dau bus station?

Mua Tur
05-23-18, 15:33
How about Fields to Dau bus station?It is still 100 peso; at least it was in April, 2018.

05-23-18, 17:32
Gentlemen. You have asked and they have responded. In the wake of mongers boosting the economy of AC and keeping it afloat all of these years, it appears they are building a brand new 8-story mongering complex between ABC Hotel and SM Clark.I seriously doubt that complex is being built for or paid for by mongers. Isn't it in the Clark side of the fence? If anything bars will eventually get pushed out by urban renewal by higher land value and rents. CC's will never support the higher rents.

Enjoy it while you can.

Isn’t that the new car dealership going up?

Kabul Guy
05-25-18, 00:31
.... Given the state of sex education in public schools for many of us during our formative years, it's no wonder that some of us get confused:

....You mean in US schools don't you?

I graduated high school in Canada in the early 70's and sex education consisted of definitive and factual explanations of how sex worked, how contraception worked and methods of transmission of STI's worked. (This was pre AIDS days when just about everything was curable with one course of penicillin or other antibiotic.).

I was in a small city (pop 13,000) in the Canadian prairies, think small city in the Midwest, generally conservative in outlook (by Canadian standards) but not all hung up on the Puritan ethics of sex being bad. Perhaps it was because it was a farming community where people lived a little closer to nature and the realities of life but at least in my Canadian experience nothing like the bullshit that passes for sex ed in the US occurred.

05-25-18, 04:17

I'm still trying to figure out travel plans, but if you had 9 days on the ground vacation days, would you spend all of that in Angeles City, or break it up?

I'm thinking 9 days only in Angeles would get boring quick. I'm not interested in going to other parts of the P. I. Though.

I was thinking of flying to Japan also, so maybe spend 4 days in AC and 5 days in Tokyo. I've been to Tokyo several times and done all the famous sites, so I'm really only interested in doing a few specific things like visit Disneyland and other such thing.

Round trip flights from the USA To only Clark International would cost a little over 800, while adding on the Tokyo leg would add about 200 extra dollars (Asiana, never flew with them).

05-25-18, 04:28
Guys, to those living in AC with a local, what's it really like? Apart from the obvious sex on tap. Is their enough to do and keep yourself sane? I've been a few times and wondered what it would be like full time. I watch videos of a couple of western guys posting on youtube who live there and some find it boring and others have opened up little businesses with their wife.

My local GF is doing my head in. Asking the same questions every day. "when are you coming back". "I'm bored, send me money so I can go shopping", "I need to eat", "Do you still love me", "why you not talk to me when I call".

Now I live in Australia and visit 3 times a year, and she used to live down here for 5 years married to an abusive Aussie husband but she divorced and went home. She doesn't work in the bars, in fact she doesn't do anything except stay at home looking after her dog, cat, extended family and now she's taking care of a sick cousin's 4 month old baby expecting me to pay for the babies stuff! It's not even mine or hers! She never asked, can barely look after herself and then decides to take care of the baby forever. It's a lovely thing to do but she can't afford it. It's like their is no logic to their thinking. I was planning to visit next month and go to Palawan or Subic with her, but now she said I have to book two hotel rooms, one for us and the other for her niece to look after the baby at night time.

The mindless questions and boredom would get to me I reckon if I lived there. Plus paying for everything including extended family. I know most are poor and uneducated by mine lived and worked here so I thought she could grasp the basic fact that working pays for living. Apparently not. I'm convinced they think western men are walking banks with unlimited money. Think again sister, it's been a fun 2 years but I can't see a future up there giving up most things I take for granted here. And no, I'm not thinking of moving her back here as she says she was lonely here last time.

Of course, replies are welcomed but let's please keep it friendly and constructive and not smart ass or take a swing for my comments and opinions. I'm well aware not to send lots of cash etc and that extended family goes with the girls in the country, etc. I was just after some sane opinions. She's beautiful in lots of ways, but so needy and princess like I can't go on, LOL.

Nice Guy 99
05-25-18, 04:52

I'm still trying to figure out travel plans, but if you had 9 days on the ground vacation days, would you spend all of that in Angeles City, or break it up?

I'm thinking 9 days only in Angeles would get boring quick. I'm not interested in going to other parts of the P. I. Though.

I was thinking of flying to Japan also, so maybe spend 4 days in AC and 5 days in Tokyo. I've been to Tokyo several times and done all the famous sites, so I'm really only interested in doing a few specific things like visit Disneyland and other such thing.

Round trip flights from the USA To only Clark International would cost a little over 800, while adding on the Tokyo leg would add about 200 extra dollars (Asiana, never flew with them).Asiana is a great airline.

If you're thinking of mongering, skip Japan.

Naked Gunz
05-25-18, 05:49
Gents, I'm still trying to figure out travel plans,I'm thinking 9 days only in Angeles would get boring quick. I'm not interested in going to other parts of the P. I. Though.Sounds like your playing it safe by going someplace you already know, and I agree-Japan ain't the right place. Subic is just down the road, and worth a day trip at least. Visit a bar that night and take your BF with you to Tiger park (or whatever the name is) the next day. Its a park that showcases animal shows with a drive through enclosure where the tiger jumps on the truck your in. Its on SBMA. The perfect compliment to the Phils is a trip to Thailand, or Hong Kong.

I would just do the nine days in Angeles, with side trips to Manila and Subic for a change of venue, because I hate to waste a travel day going to another country. That's an entire day of drinking and shagging wasted! God knows flying is a pain in the ass anymore.

Kabul Guy
05-25-18, 07:07
Asiana is a great airline.

If you're thinking of mongering, skip Japan.Yes I second that, a quick read of the Japan forums shows a marked dislike of foreigners there.

Mr Enternational
05-25-18, 07:12
She's beautiful in lots of ways, but so needy and princess like I can't go on, LOL.So dump her. Relationships are just like any other things. There are pluses and minuses. If the minuses outweigh the pluses or there are certain minuses that you absolutely can not put up with, then get out. LIke at work when the same mfs are always complaining about the same stuff. I don't understand why they would continue to work there under those (what they see as) unfavorable conditions. Then they get mad if someone tells them, well why do you continue to work here. No way that I would stay in any type of relationship where I felt used, abused, not appreciated, underpaid, etc when I could just walk away and find another same as I found that one.

Red Kilt
05-25-18, 09:14
Of course, replies are welcomed but let's please keep it friendly and constructive and not smart ass or take a swing for my comments and opinions. I'm well aware not to send lots of cash etc and that extended family goes with the girls in the country, etc. I was just after some sane opinions. After setting out the GF's behavior and attitude in such a negative way, I cannot believe that you are actually asking for an opinion about what to do.

It's a no-brainer. Cut off all relationships. I suspect that you are someone who cannot make hard decisions and wants others to tell you what to do.

As someone who has written extensively about my life living in the Philippines for the past 21 years, my vote is very clear.

05-25-18, 14:14
It's like their is no logic to their thinking. Hahaha Shazzam for ISG (Phils thread) President!

but so needy and princess like I can't go on, LOL. Sounds like half the girls I've dated. From a professional dropper: Drop her right now. End that madness and move on.

Chocha Monger
05-25-18, 17:23
Guys, to those living in AC with a local, what's it really like? Apart from the obvious sex on tap. Is their enough to do and keep yourself sane? I've been a few times and wondered what it would be like full time. I watch videos of a couple of western guys posting on youtube who live there and some find it boring and others have opened up little businesses with their wife.

My local GF is doing my head in. Asking the same questions every day. "when are you coming back". "I'm bored, send me money so I can go shopping", "I need to eat", "Do you still love me", "why you not talk to me when I call".

Now I live in Australia and visit 3 times a year, and she used to live down here for 5 years married to an abusive Aussie husband but she divorced and went home..After two years of fun, the answer is obvious. No one spends two years with the same woman in the Philippines unless it is true love. Time to make your commitment official and move her back down under to The Land O' Plenty with the baby to keep her company and a credit card to go shopping with, as she is likely to get bored when you are busy at work all day.

Alternatively, you can buy a house in Angeles City, in her name since as a foreigner you cannot own property with land attached. Sell all the things you have in Oz, move to the Philippines and live happily ever after running a little sari-sari store or rum shop. It beats sitting in Oz, wiring money, getting no Aussie puss, and dreaming of making your visit to Angeles City to drop your load. You will save money on three annual round trip tickets and hotels; with cheap booze and plentiful hookers in Angeles City, you will forget Oz in no time.

The final option is to continue with the status quo. Send her money to take of the baby and go shopping when she feels bored or craves Chicken Joy w / spaghettis. Pinays feel bored when they are horny and in need of a hard fucking. If you are unwilling to move here and provide it or move her back down under where she is accessible, you have to be much more open-minded and let her fuck other mongers and Pinoy boyfriends when she feels bored and horny. Many mongers have realistic and practical arrangements like this, as no Pinay is going to sit around wasting away her few good years without making babies and / or marriage with house and lot in the hopes a monger will return to service her three times a year. Feel free to PM me if this option interests you, as I am willing and able to help with your situation.

Member #4566
05-25-18, 20:52

It is worth reading this story to give you perspective on your situation; about how your girl friend will never be satisfied with what you do for her but rather will always be trying to expand the scope of your generosity.

I came to understand that there is an immense difference between vacationing and living in a place. I love vacationing in the PI. My pleasure begins with anticipating my next trip. I will not live there.

There is an old saying that a monger does not pay for a girl to stay with him but rather for her to leave. And so, by analogy, a vacationer in the PI has the luxury of departing the PI at the end of his stay and leaving all of that rat race behind him.

05-26-18, 02:46
Asiana is a great airline.

If you're thinking of mongering, skip Japan.No, I wouldn't monger in Japan. I've read enough things about mongering in Japan that I have no desire to do so there. I do enjoy visiting for other things besides mongering especially the amusement parks like Disneyland, I'm a big fan of extracurricular activities besides women.

I've never flown Asiana so good to know.

Sounds like your playing it safe by going someplace you already know, and I agree-Japan ain't the right place. Subic is just down the road, and worth a day trip at least. Visit a bar that night and take your BF with you to Tiger park (or whatever the name is) the next day. Its a park that showcases animal shows with a drive through enclosure where the tiger jumps on the truck your in. Its on SBMA. The perfect compliment to the Phils is a trip to Thailand, or Hong Kong.

I would just do the nine days in Angeles, with side trips to Manila and Subic for a change of venue, because I hate to waste a travel day going to another country. That's an entire day of drinking and shagging wasted! God knows flying is a pain in the ass anymore.Thank you, now that I think of it, like you suggest it's probably better to just stay in A. See. The whole time and relax instead of the hassle of flying other places and whatnot. If I had a longer time off I would visit other countries but only nine days is cutting it too close.

The reason why I was thinking of Japan was not for mongering but the other attractions like Disneyland. But I think back to past years where I've spent weeks in Thailand and I seemed to be fine with not much to do but sleep during the day and monger at night.

I'll look for other things to do like you suggest like Subic. My focus would be on finding decent companionship of course.

Soapy Smith
05-26-18, 06:34
You mean in US schools don't you?

I graduated high school in Canada in the early 70's and sex education consisted of definitive and factual explanations of how sex worked, how contraception worked and methods of transmission of STI's worked. (This was pre AIDS days when just about everything was curable with one course of penicillin or other antibiotic.).

I was in a small city (pop 13,000) in the Canadian prairies, think small city in the Midwest, generally conservative in outlook (by Canadian standards) but not all hung up on the Puritan ethics of sex being bad. Perhaps it was because it was a farming community where people lived a little closer to nature and the realities of life but at least in my Canadian experience nothing like the bullshit that passes for sex ed in the US occurred.I was trying to defuse the overwrought tone of discussion about STIs. These two clips were from a 2004 teen romantic comedy movie named **Mean Girls*.

In my own experience in the 60's in the states there was little of factual value offered in sex education classes. I grew up in a small rural community where a gym teacher would have been responsible to teach that stuff. Boys and girls were sex-segregated for such instruction, and the gym teachers may not have been well enough informed to offer much of factual significance. In addition to our school teachers, there were probably fewer than a dozen adults in the community with college educations, and there was a distinctive Puritanical hangup regarding sex among the adults. You should feel comparatively fortunate to have gotten the sex education you describe.

I was self-taught in such matters, from a paperback book entitled **Love Without Fear** by Eustace Chesser. My older sister brought it home from college and left it in her bedroom after her Freshman year. She was very upset to find the binding worn out when she returned a semester or two later. I recall that the book was largely non-judgmental about oral sex (which I read about with great interest--many times), but a little judgmental about saving sex for marriage. By comparison to opinions that some folks in this forum offer about the dangers of cunnilingus, it seems amazing that Dr. Chesser could have been so misinformed.

Member #4566
05-26-18, 08:47
You mean in US schools don't you? . . . in my Canadian experience nothing like the bullshit that passes for sex ed in the US occurred.I worked in the English department of a couple of Korean universities. The foreign faculty was a mixture of Americans and Canadians and there was always tension between the two groups. The Americans blamed the tension on the Canadians and they in turn blamed it back on the Americans. Your comment illuminates the difficulty that sometimes occurs when these two nationalities talk about each other.

Kabul Guy
05-26-18, 09:22
I worked in the English department of a couple of Korean universities. The foreign faculty was a mixture of Americans and Canadians and there was always tension between the two groups. The Americans blamed the tension on the Canadians and they in turn blamed it back on the Americans. Your comment illuminates the difficulty that sometimes occurs when these two nationalities talk about each other.I have worked internationally a lot mostly for US companies. In my experience the tension is more of the nature of two siblings fighting over space in the back seat of the car. We generally get along well but as the much smaller population we will always take an opportunity to point out differences as we really do not like being mistaken for Americans. (Hence the flags and maple leafs on our backpacks and luggage LOL).

From Juno Beach to the aftermath of 11 Sep to Kandahar we were always with the Americans when it mattered, even if Hollywood has never acknowledged that.

05-26-18, 09:53
I have worked internationally a lot mostly for US companies. In my experience the tension is more of the nature of two siblings fighting over space in the back seat of the car. We generally get along well but as the much smaller population we will always take an opportunity to point out differences as we really do not like being mistaken for Americans. (Hence the flags and maple leafs on our backpacks and luggage LOL).

From Juno Beach to the aftermath of 11 Sep to Kandahar we were always with the Americans when it mattered, even if Hollywood has never acknowledged that.I've worked with many Canadians throughout most of my professional life, and I've never once encountered any of the problems you guys describe. For the most part, we all become close friends and there was never any tension based on nationality.


Wicked Roger
05-26-18, 14:55
Of course, replies are welcomed but let's please keep it friendly and constructive and not smart ass or take a swing for my comments and opinions. I'm well aware not to send lots of cash etc and that extended family goes with the girls in the country, etc. I was just after some sane opinions. She's beautiful in lots of ways, but so needy and princess like I can't go on, LOL.Your last sentence is explicit as was RK's reply. Stop it.

Maybe tell her get a job? Any job but there are call centres there (near) sales jobs etc so ask her get a job as then she won't ask for cash or be bored.

CM was also fairly straight forward also.

But live AC it is soulless and boring IMHO unless you have the age, income and stamina for 24/7 shagging LOL.

Member #4566
05-26-18, 17:54
we will always take an opportunity to point out differences as we really do not like being mistaken for Americans. . . .we were always with the Americans when it mattered, even if Hollywood has never acknowledged that.As for Hollywood, A Wipedia site lists movie stars from Canada. Americans would be surprised by some of the Hollywood actors from Canada.

When Stephen Hawking was fitted with a new voice machine he complained, probably jokingly, that it spoke with an American accent. He could just as easily have said that it spoke with a Canadian accent since Canadian speakers and American speakers are often indistinguishable. Consider for example the accents of the Canadian actors Jim Carrey, Demi Moore, and the rich baritone voices of the great Raymonds, Burr and Massey. I understand that you do not want to get lumped together with Americans. You will please forgive me if it appears that I have just done exactly that however it was not for that purpose but rather for another illustration that our similarities far exceed our differences. And for that I am truly grateful.

Perhaps that is the source of the tension which I mentioned before: Americans find similarities with Canadians while Canadians, as you mentioned, "will always take an opportunity to point out differences ".

You can't possibly know about my sex education. I received my puberty training on the mean streets of Queens, NY somewhere between LaGuardia and Idlewild airports. I attribute the guidance I received there to my achievement as an ISG member.

Finally, I felt shared pride when Alice Munro, the great short story writer from Ontario, won the Nobel Prize for literature in 2013. Such a graceful writer and with a voice that I could say was like my own.

Kabul Guy
05-26-18, 18:20
I've worked with many Canadians throughout most of my professional life, and I've never once encountered any of the problems you guys describe. For the most part, we all become close friends and there was never any tension based on nationality.

GE.It is not tension per say but more of a desire to be known as a distinct nation in our own right.

There are three pairings of countries in the world where one is about 10 times the size of the other and they are joined by a common history, culture and language. Canada / USA is one, New Zealand / Australia and Uruguay / Brazil are the others.

In all cases the relationship is very similar, outsiders have a difficult time telling us apart and the smaller country is very cognizant of the risk of being overwhelmed culturally, economically and socially by the larger and takes distinct steps to avoid that outcome.

Kabul Guy
05-26-18, 18:23
As for Hollywood, A Wipedia site lists movie stars from Canada. Americans would be surprised by some of the Hollywood actors from Canada.

.....That is one area where we really punch above our weight class. It is an unfortunate part of reality that since the US market is 10 x the size of the Canadian one that our best and most talented have to go south to achieve the massive fame and fortune.

I do have to apologize for Justin Berber.

05-26-18, 20:12
That is one area where we really punch above our weight class. It is an unfortunate part of reality that since the US market is 10 x the size of the Canadian one that our best and most talented have to go south to achieve the massive fame and fortune.

I do have to apologize for Justin Berber.Thanks for Celine.

Many from around the world try and break into what they deem as the big league $ (Hollywood). Jackie Chan for one. People go around the world to where the talent and marketplace is. I go to AC!

05-27-18, 00:18
Sorry KG but last I checked they don't speak Portuguese in Uruguay!


05-27-18, 03:34
Relatively new to ISG but have been living in AC on / off for the past few years. I do work here so my experiences are a little different to others. It's been refreshing to read the forum and see the ups and downs of my fellow punters.

Over the years I have had good success in Wechat with non-professional girls. But I have come unstuck twice in the past few weeks. Ladyboys that swear they are 100% female. Same story, posing as massage girls on period, so don't expect sex. Voice not loud as they have a cough. Bula bula.

First time the one came to my hotel and I was suspicious. Once you get suspicious things can't proceed in my case. I just cut my loses and send them away.

Yesterday I took the extra precaution to meet the girl at Chowking. Once again, some suspicion so sent her away.

In both cases they didn't complain or abuse me. Not even any message after. I think if they were a real girl that they would argue more and definitely have some spite about their wasted effort.

Then all of a sudden wechat will deliver a true gem. It's the gems that make the duds part of the fun. I'm sure it's like the old miners that panned for gold in the rivers. Shift a lot of sand to get the gold.

This lady was a professional lady, non-Filipino, she is in AC for working. Being a non-Filipino female in a city where every guy is here to meet Filipino must have been hard for her. Ended up meeting her late at night and had some drink at Aqua. Back to her hotel and got entertained by her. The real irony was that the reason she was interested in me was that I had asked her if she was a lady boy. As a real woman that set her a challenge to prove to me that she was a real woman.

Looking forward to contributing more.


05-27-18, 03:36
Forgot to mention, anyone have any success with the Yoga girl on wechat. She has profile pic of various yoga positions which when taken in a professional yoga context are very innocent. In an angeles city context so many good ideas.

I'm interested to share wechat experiences.


Mr Enternational
05-27-18, 04:08
Sorry KG but last I checked they don't speak Portuguese in Uruguay!Besides that Brazil is half Black. Uruguay is lilly White (except for the few Dominicans that have gone there recently to work.) And let's mention the difference in crime rate too. Nothing at all common between those two countries.

Kabul Guy
05-27-18, 06:12
Sorry KG but last I checked they don't speak Portuguese in Uruguay!

SE.Perhaps I got the wrong pairing, I do recall that it was in South America. Can / US and NZ / Aus is definitely the other two pairings.

Member #4566
05-27-18, 07:11
Perhaps I got the wrong pairing, I do recall that it was in South America. Can / US and NZ / Aus is definitely the other two pairings.How about New Jersey and New York or Oakland and SF?

Soapy Smith
05-27-18, 08:14
It is an unfortunate part of reality that since the US market is 10 x the size of the Canadian one that our best and most talented have to go south to achieve the massive fame and fortune.Except for Meghan Markle, who went to Toronto to film seven or eight years of a cable series. She struggled in the acting market in California, apparently because producers couldn't figure out whether to cast her as Black, White, or Hispanic. Obviously there are other Americans who have filmed in Canada, and especially Toronto, apparently because it's a reasonable substitute for NYC and cheaper for production costs.

Kabul Guy
05-27-18, 11:12
Except for Meghan Markle, who went to Toronto to film seven or eight years of a cable series. She struggled in the acting market in California, apparently because producers couldn't figure out whether to cast her as Black, White, or Hispanic. Obviously there are other Americans who have filmed in Canada, and especially Toronto, apparently because it's a reasonable substitute for NYC and cheaper for production costs.Lots of Canadian places used in movies.

Vancouver for a big city with mountain backdrops. The interior of BC for outdoor movies shot in the mountains.

Alberta is often used as a stand-in for the western plains for western movies.

Winnipeg because of the so called Exchange District, buildings built in the 1890 to 1910 time frame for Chicago in mob gangster movies.

There are some great tax advantages offered by Canadian areas for movies lowering production costs further.

Soapy Smith
05-27-18, 11:20
There are three pairings of countries in the world where one is about 10 times the size of the other and they are joined by a common history, culture and language. Canada / USA is one, New Zealand / Australia and Uruguay / Brazil are the others.Perhaps you meant Uruguay and Argentina. Both are predominantly Spanish speaking. Relations are generally good between them, but they occasionally take turns insulting each other.

Soapy Smith
05-27-18, 11:22
The interior of BC for outdoor movies shot in the mountains.And often used as a substitute for movie scripts set in Alaska. Much cheaper in many ways, and the weather conditions are not as harsh.

The Cane
05-27-18, 11:32
It is an unfortunate part of reality that since the US market is 10 x the size of the Canadian one that our best and most talented have to go south to achieve the massive fame and fortune.Georgia on the rise: http://variety.com/2018/artisans/production/georgia-production-incentives-2-1202819086/..

05-27-18, 16:17
Looking at ticket prices now and cheaper to fly into Manila so that is an option.

While I am not too keen on the hour or so ride from Manila to AC, and I've read of mixed reviews about the Manila airport, this might be a good option. Maybe book a taxi to and from AC.


05-27-18, 18:55
Lots of Canadian places used in movies.I concur. Toronto subway is used as standing for New York subway. Last year, "It" was filmed just a few blocks away from home with mostly Canadian crew. A friends's son works for a Hollywood film crew company in Toronto.

05-27-18, 21:47
Looking at ticket prices now and cheaper to fly into Manila so that is an option.

While I am not too keen on the hour or so ride from Manila to AC, and I've read of mixed reviews about the Manila airport, this might be a good option. Maybe book a taxi to and from AC.

https://www.yelp.com/biz/ninoy-aquino-international-airport-mnl-pasay-2?start=20There are nothing wrong with Manila airport terminals. I have used T1, T3 and T4. Planes land and take off. What else do you need from an airport?

There are many transports to and from Manila with different price ranges. All reported in ISG. Too bad you or anyone else will have to filter thru endless non AC reports.

05-27-18, 22:54
Lots of Canadian places used in movies.Are there lots of prostitutes in Canada? I ask, because this website is supposed to be dedicated to mongering.

05-28-18, 01:43
There are nothing wrong with Manila airport terminals. I have used T1, T3 and T4. Planes land and take off. What else do you need from an airport?

There are many transports to and from Manila with different price ranges. All reported in ISG. Too bad you or anyone else will have to filter thru endless non AC reports.Though Manila terminals are essential barebones, and lack many of the amenities—people movers, decent and abundant restaurants, sufficient seating—than modern do more modern airports, it's major problem is limited runway space. It has no parallel runways, and thus only a single runway can be used for both take-offs and landings at any given time, often (usually) resulting in departure and arrival delays since planes are forced to circle the airport when landing, or to wait at the gate or in line while taking off.


05-28-18, 03:25
Had an interesting weekend experience with a waitress at a well known Perimeter hotel. How the weeks often evolve here in AC.

Early last week a colleague and I met for a breakfast chat before work. This time of year there were lots of OJT placements at the hotel. The OJT work for free and are really used as free labor by the hotels. One particular girl about 28 was a little stickier and giving us more attention than we really required. She had quite a nice personality from what I could see.

Anyway, when it came time to settle the bill I said I'd write my number for her. I left it in the compendium when we paid. I was genuinely interested in her and her life. I had suggested she text me in her off day.

Within 30 minutes she had added my on Viber. Had some good chat with her and of course she's a struggling single mum. Her off day comes around and she just wants to hang out together in my place. Doesn't want to be seen outside with a foreigner and happy to be inside.

Of course the inside day was full of action and she was indeed quite pleasant to chat with.

The reason I share this is that it doesn't always work. If the girl is just friendly as part of her job then it can be misunderstood. They genuinely need to be interested for this to work, otherwise you just look desperate.

Happy days, now I wonder just how sticky she will want to get.


Wicked Roger
05-28-18, 04:12
It has no parallel runways, and thus only a single runway can be used for both take-offs and landings at any given time, often (usually) resulting in departure and arrival delays since planes are forced to circle the airport when landing, or to wait at the gate or in line while taking off.

GE.This is why I always catch an early morning plane to and from Manila (from Cebu) as this way I can generally (not always) avoid a huge delay. Taking a plane to Cebu from Manila late after or evening = huge delays and having been in a 4-5 hour delay for a domestic plane, stuck in T3, I don't want to do that again often.

Mr Enternational
05-28-18, 05:24
Though Manila terminals are essential barebones, and lack many of the amenitiespeople movers, decent and abundant restaurants, sufficient seating.You forgot no air conditioning in a brand new building.

Kabul Guy
05-28-18, 06:30
Are there lots of prostitutes in Canada? I ask, because this website is supposed to be dedicated to mongering.Yes but the Canadian forums here are dead.

Try lyla.com.

We did stray a little from the main topic didn't we.

05-28-18, 07:26
Are there lots of prostitutes in Canada? I ask, because this website is supposed to be dedicated to mongering.Yes, most prostitutes you see in Hollywood movies are from Canada.

05-28-18, 14:31
I think I went into more bars the other day in AC than I ever have. Talent was way low and keep in mind that I am not the pickiest mf on ISG. To me it looked like that place is on its last leg. Or maybe it is low season or something. I don't keep track of the seasons. I have never been a big gogo fan anyway. It is boring to me. But my opinion is that the game has really moved to the web. That and it is easier to get normal jobs now so less women are feeling the need to go hang around on a stage all day..So how was Crystal palace, gecko's, club atlantis, la bamba etc (the main fields ave gogo bars) talent?

05-28-18, 15:31
Geddit (Fields not Field). Got chatting to the cafe owner about a local who had been smoking one of those Vap things. He'd been there with two women and a horrible little brat. The women had 8 children between them by 8 different papas. They worked at the game and so did he as a billie boy though sometimes he'd have to disappear when a high roller was in from Korea, after which his lady friend would buy him a motor bike because she lacks a brain. My mouth was agape listening to the stories of her feral customers.

Splashed a bit of cash in a run down Perimeter Road bar. One of the women thanked me profusely for throwing 100 peso bills about. Returned the next night and bar fined her. I reckoned I was her first and I was right. She was so happy to be bar fined it brought me back to my teenage dating years. She told me in pidgin English how she would invest the money. When I left her the next day, she waved and waved till I had vanished out of sight.

As regards the X rated stuff, condom use did not arise though I do have them and some jelly in reserve. In my defence I had some drink on me and never would have managed the two pops with a condom. My Viagra days are finished. The hotel has a sign up telling us too use condoms.

She is a sweet kid, I will bar fine her again and stick to her but only 2-3 times a week. She wants us to start a serious relationship. She got the short straw there though I tipped her well.

Some of the older dancers are just hanging in and I would imagine have little to no chance of a bar fine or even a ladies' drink.

05-29-18, 03:30
There are nothing wrong with Manila airport terminals. I have used T1, T3 and T4. Planes land and take off. What else do you need from an airport?

There are many transports to and from Manila with different price ranges. All reported in ISG. Too bad you or anyone else will have to filter thru endless non AC reports.Thanks, I just saw one down below from a blog on how to get from the airport to AC.

I guess I was a bit spooked by reading about the airport a while ago, about scammers and whatnot.

I suppose the cost savings isn't that huge for some, about $300 between landing at Clark and Manila, but for someone like me on a tight budget every penny counts.

05-29-18, 10:03
Geddit (Fields not Field). Got chatting to the cafe owner about a local who had been smoking one of those Vap things. He'd been there with two women and a horrible little brat. The women had 8 children between them by 8 different papas. They worked at the game and so did he as a billie boy though sometimes he'd have to disappear when a high roller was in from Korea, after which his lady friend would buy him a motor bike because she lacks a brain. My mouth was agape listening to the stories of her feral customers.

Splashed a bit of cash in a run down Perimeter Road bar. One of the women thanked me profusely for throwing 100 peso bills about. Returned the next night and bar fined her. I reckoned I was her first and I was right. She was so happy to be bar fined it brought me back to my teenage dating years. She told me in pidgin English how she would invest the money. When I left her the next day, she waved and waved till I had vanished out of sight.

As regards the X rated stuff, condom use did not arise though I do have them and some jelly in reserve. In my defence I had some drink on me and never would have managed the two pops with a condom. My Viagra days are finished..Nice little report Pedro.

05-29-18, 16:16
Thanks, I just saw one down below from a blog on how to get from the airport to AC.

I guess I was a bit spooked by reading about the airport a while ago, about scammers and whatnot.

I suppose the cost savings isn't that huge for some, about $300 between landing at Clark and Manila, but for someone like me on a tight budget every penny counts.$300 is a good amount of money. Pussy for a week to me. Could rebuild a typhoon damaged home in Philippines.

What Manila terminal are you coming in to? And time?

Mr Enternational
05-29-18, 17:37
Some of the older dancers are just hanging in and I would imagine have little to no chance of a bar fine or even a ladies' drink.I definitely saw a couple in Det 5 on stage that were about 70 years old wearing support hose. What the fuck was that shit about?

Kabul Guy
05-30-18, 00:42

I suppose the cost savings isn't that huge for some, about $300 between landing at Clark and Manila, but for someone like me on a tight budget every penny counts.Everyone has to make their own determination on the value of their time. If Angles is your final destination then not only the difference in transportation costs, (including transportation between Manila and Clark) but the time and comfort must be taken into account. After determining that you must then decide for yourself if the cost differences make it worth while doing.

It always amuses me to read someone saying do that / don't do that it is worth it / not worth it without explaining what makes it worth while or not for their circumstances and preferences. No two people will have exactly the exact same preferences, financial and other concerns, goals, and experiences.

For example I am here on an SRRV, a day is not a big deal to me so I just might consider taking a bus a nice adventure and part of the fun in the Philippines. If you are coming for a 5 day mongering trip then any time on the bus would be a waste of time and paying extra to get more pussy time is a prime advantage.

We should stick to giving factual information as much as possible and when giving opinions say what factors swayed our opinions so that people whose circumstances are different can make the best decision for themselves and their circumstances and goals.

05-30-18, 00:49
I guess one must be tolerant and mellow with age. I am going to bar fine my little dolly again tomorrow night and am kinda hoping no one else got to her in the meantime. She really wants a boy friend sponsor and, if you want a sweet little f machine who will cook for you and watch cartoons all day, she is the ticket. That is a bit cruel as she never went for the remote control but you get the point. I don't mind the baby stretch marks but I guess it becomes a hard sell when your most prominent bodily feature is a monstrous gut.

Walking down Walking Street (what else), I fell in with two lovely ladies who were off to MacDonald's for some of their fine cuisine. One, who was dressed like a tarted up Annie Oakley had a hair lip and was hard to understand. I hope for her sake she gets bar fined.

Two local lesbians have just taken a room here for some are&are. Their motor bike helmets help stop prying eyes. I guess that is two more we won't see at Church on Sunday.

We are all early risers here. Some of the whales booze it up from about 6 am from when the sun begins to fizzle us all. Walking from Det 5 to Walkiing Street is tough goimng under it. I guess that is why many lof these lovely ladies prefer boning geriatrics than picking rice under the blazing sun.

05-30-18, 01:34
I definitely saw a couple in Det 5 on stage that were about 70 years old wearing support hose. What the fuck was that shit about?And a time before that, I saw 2/3 severely overweight / obese women on stage at Det5. Huge, the fattest girls ever sighted on stage during my 44 yr career, of whoring / touring. I thought at the time, it must be an attempt to make the other 90% of girls look good? Now 70 yr old. Maybe same strategy by owner / manager. Backfired with me, I got out before finishing my first drink.

The end is nigh (AC).

Wicked Roger
05-30-18, 01:57
I definitely saw a couple in Det 5 on stage that were about 70 years old wearing support hose. What the fuck was that shit about?LOL.

Am sure there is a market for all sorts Mr E. I am amazed by friends (mainly Arab I admit) who love lots of flesh on a lady. The meatier the better in some ways. All that means IMHO is there are less guys chasing those I prefer.

Though that said I do know a very tight and slim 60 pinay who has the body of a 30 year old and can put to shame some 20 years old. Not an ounce of fat on her, eats well, exercises every day etc (I should follow her regime LOL).

05-30-18, 03:39
$300 is a good amount of money. Pussy for a week to me. Could rebuild a typhoon damaged home in Philippines.

What Manila terminal are you coming in to? And time?There are a few creative ways in which you can land yourself into CRK depending on where you are coming from. Seasonality determines the pricing and in H1 2017 all of my flights were cheaper into CRK instead of MNL. Here are some airline pro tips.

Buy your tix from {insert home} to HKG or SIN.

From these locations you then buy a HKG-CRK-HKG (SIN_CRK-SIN) return tix on Cebu Pacific. You could also be more adventurous if you are exploring Cebu, so your Cebu Pacific tix might be HKG-CRK, CRK-CEB, (A few days) then CEB-HKG.

Generally flights HKG-CRK are morning flights.

SIN-CRK are afternoon flights.

Even as a guy that is comfortable with airport transits, for the past few months, I'm comfortable with the MNL-CRK road transit.

Happy hunting.

05-31-18, 01:24
The end is nigh (AC).Before I started posting I RTFF. The end of AC has been predicted so many times. I tend to think as it is a place that is changing rather than ending.

There really is something for everyone here. If you dot like Det 5, move onto the next place. The super attractive ones are moving to the higher money.

I don't think that bargirls can make it in call centers. They can easily move to becoming maids and domestic help for those call center workers though.

Remember that the end game for many of the new arrivals in AC is for them to find a foreign sponsor. There will always need to be a way for visiting foreigners to meet hopeful pinay.

The app dating scene is growing but it takes time. Not as convenient as just walking into (and out of) a series of bars.

Enjoy your day everyone.

05-31-18, 16:30
Before I started posting I RTFF. The end of AC has been predicted so many times. I tend to think as it is a place that is changing rather than ending.

There really is something for everyone here. If you dot like Det 5, move onto the next place. The super attractive ones are moving to the higher money.

.How are the lineups at the larger fields gogos? I don't mind barhopping during the day to look for cheaper talent but if I'm striking out I'd like to know there's high quality talent available elsewhere even if its at a higher price.

05-31-18, 19:14
How are the lineups at the larger fields gogos? I don't mind barhopping during the day to look for cheaper talent but if I'm striking out I'd like to know there's high quality talent available elsewhere even if its at a higher price.Beauty and talent doesn't necessarily come together in a package. But with either one and especially with both they go fast. So coming late and they might have been taken.

Depends on what your pesos are worth to you.

05-31-18, 21:40
Beauty and talent doesn't necessarily come together in a package. But with either one and especially with both they go fast. So coming late and they might have been taken.

Depends on what your pesos are worth to you.I'm just trying to get a feel for the talent level regardless of price. There is little if no talk at all of the larger gogo's in Angeles City. I googled the Dollhouse and it says they open at 5 pm and close at 6 am, what's the best time to show up and see a decent lineup at these gogo's?

05-31-18, 22:07
I'm just trying to get a feel for the talent level regardless of price. There is little if no talk at all of the larger gogo's in Angeles City. I googled the Dollhouse and it says they open at 5 pm and close at 6 am, what's the best time to show up and see a decent lineup at these gogo's?Then the best time would be 5:15. Most of the girls will be on duty then. The girls have to pay penalties if they are late. From previous reports the lookers are barfined pretty quick right after opening.

06-01-18, 01:37
Then the best time would be 5:15. Most of the girls will be on duty then. The girls have to pay penalties if they are late. From previous reports the lookers are barfined pretty quick right after opening.However Asian businessmen and VIPS get preference from mama's an and can select before opening in a lot of cases. The earlier the better.

Engine Driver
06-01-18, 07:39
How are the lineups at the larger fields gogos? I don't mind barhopping during the day to look for cheaper talent but if I'm striking out I'd like to know there's high quality talent available elsewhere even if its at a higher price.You will generally be disappointed with the line ups in the bars. Most of the girls are fat and ugly. As soon as they arrive from the rice paddies, they get stuck into Jollie Bee and high calorie beer. Combine that with rice for three meals a day and you have one fat little Pinay in no time. I've never been to the big Walking Street bars at 5. 15 pm, so don't know what the Koreans are helping themselves to. 5. 15 pm is just too early for Westerners to start the evening off, so I wouldn't be too concerned.

My advice would be if you can find a hot little spinner at the Perimeter bars at 2. 00 pm, keep her. The chances of finding anyone hotter in AC nowadays may be slim. One thing I've learnt after several trips to AC is to live for the moment. Don't risk putting anything off till later as the opportunity may never arise again.

06-03-18, 02:50
$300 is a good amount of money. Pussy for a week to me. Could rebuild a typhoon damaged home in Philippines.

What Manila terminal are you coming in to? And time?I'm still searching, but none of the flights listed show what terminal the flights arrive, but it arrives around 10-11 in the morning.

Everyone has to make their own determination on the value of their time. If Angles is your final destination then not only the difference in transportation costs, (including transportation between Manila and Clark) but the time and comfort must be taken into account. After determining that you must then decide for yourself if the cost differences make it worth while doing.

It always amuses me to read someone saying do that / don't do that it is worth it / not worth it without explaining what makes it worth while or not for their circumstances and preferences. No two people will have exactly the exact same preferences, financial and other concerns, goals, and experiences..Great points. It always depends on the individual circumstances. Some people, and I'm not singling out anyone here but just speaking generally, have a tendency to immediately shoot down what others do and frame it so that only their way is the "best" way.

There are a few creative ways in which you can land yourself into CRK depending on where you are coming from. Seasonality determines the pricing and in H1 2017 all of my flights were cheaper into CRK instead of MNL. Here are some airline pro tips.

Buy your tix from {insert home} to HKG or SIN.

From these locations you then buy a HKG-CRK-HKG (SIN_CRK-SIN) return tix on Cebu Pacific. You could also be more adventurous if you are exploring Cebu, so your Cebu Pacific tix might be HKG-CRK, CRK-CEB, (A few days) then CEB-HKG..That's pretty interesting. Mixing and matching is another option, something I might look into just for variety.

You will generally be disappointed with the line ups in the bars. Most of the girls are fat and ugly. As soon as they arrive from the rice paddies, they get stuck into Jollie Bee and high calorie beer. Combine that with rice for three meals a day and you have one fat little Pinay in no time. I've never been to the big Walking Street bars at 5. 15 pm, so don't know what the Koreans are helping themselves to. 5. 15 pm is just too early for Westerners to start the evening off, so I wouldn't be too concerned.

My advice would be if you can find a hot little spinner at the Perimeter bars at 2. 00 pm, keep her. The chances of finding anyone hotter in AC nowadays may be slim. One thing I've learnt after several trips to AC is to live for the moment. Don't risk putting anything off till later as the opportunity may never arise again.Great advice.

I have always been more of a gogo type guy, so my primary hunting grounds would be gogos.

I've seen a few videos of gogo girls on YouTube including the Score Birds hotel bikini contest and have not really seen a lot of girls that I find attractive to my tastes. I am not saying they are not pretty, but not my style. But with so many bars and gogo's, I'm sure there will be someone for my likes.

06-03-18, 06:49
Bar fined another Perimeter Road Jollibee. Pretty to look at, too many ladies drinks (three for her and four for the waitress who has a farm piglets, two houses, coconuts, a no good 20 year old son and two white husbands), lies all night long to leave early, two shots, no condom (waitress pays attention at seminars, Jollibee does not). Bargirls are as hungry as wolves and I bought them meals which all the "girls" shares.

Here in my hotel, fat Jolibees are encamped by the pool, chatting to foreigners to send them the air far from Palawan to Pampanga to meet them. This is as they loll about with the 80 year old US fiances, whose mates copped one in 'Nam and thereby escaped all these scammers.

Although I like to shoot my load into these Samarians, you'd be nuts to have anything but a bonking sesion or two with any of them. No wonder fools end up at the deep end of the pool. Not me. Maybe back to the freelancers and short time hotels tonight.

I passed Hi So at 4.45 am. Lots of Koreans with their Jolibees and young urchins trying to piick pocket them. Most of the women looked like Dracula's daighters as the sun came up. Some storm yesterday.

06-03-18, 07:46
That's pretty interesting. Mixing and matching is another option, something I might look into just for variety.Be aware though that if you book the second leg of your journey separately with another company you will have to go through immigration in HKG or SIN, pickup your luggage from the belt and check in for the second leg. Obviously this can take quite some time.

And if you miss the second flight because your first flight is delayed you will not get any compensation and you will not be automatically (and free of charge) rebooked to another flight.

06-03-18, 07:55
I'm still searching, but none of the flights listed show what terminal the flights arrive, but it arrives around 10-11 in the morning.Could be terminal 1 but most likely terminal 3.


06-03-18, 08:34
Be aware though that if you book the second leg of your journey separately with another company you will have to go through immigration in HKG or SIN, pickup your luggage from the belt and check in for the second leg. Obviously this can take quite some time.

And if you miss the second flight because your first flight is delayed you will not get any compensation and you will not be automatically (and free of charge) rebooked to another flight.You are correct and I'm hope OlderMan4 U will do his own investigation.

I'm comfortable with HKG being 2 hours between flights. SIN I can book 90 minutes. Travel insurance can provide some relief in certain situations.

All of that being said, I have not missed any of my different airline booking in the past. I did 10 different arrivals in 2017 into MNL & CRK from combination SIN, HKG & KUL.

Happy weekend peeps.

06-03-18, 12:24
I'm just trying to get a feel for the talent level regardless of price. There is little if no talk at all of the larger gogo's in Angeles City. I googled the Dollhouse and it says they open at 5 pm and close at 6 am, what's the best time to show up and see a decent lineup at these gogo's?Depends on if you are looking for ST or LT. If you take the girl early it is more likely they will leave after one pop and go back to the bar to earn extra money. Generally I like to take a girl around 10-11 pm. I like LT. Beware of the runners. They will give all sorts of excuses to leave. Almost all of these girls have seen and done everything. There is nothing you can add to keep the girl. Many members in the forum have mentioned that girls like to sleep in an air con room with nice bed rather than go back to their shacks. Some do but many are really used to their kind of living and would rather go back to their own bed and to their friends. Remember they work very long hours in the bar and they need good sleep.

Freelancers and dating site girls tend to stay with you overnights. Also it depends of likability and being comfortable with you.

Some mongers like to barfine 2 or 3 per day. For me one is good enough irrespective of runner or not. There is always tomorrow.

06-03-18, 17:20
Here in my hotel, fat Jolibees are encamped by the pool, chatting to foreigners to send them the air far from Palawan to Pampanga to meet them. This is as they loll about with the 80 year old US fiance's, whose mates copped one in 'Nam and thereby escaped all these scammers.

I was chatting with one who lives in a far away province, do not remember which one. She says she wants to come see me in Cebu but had to fly but had no money. I said OK I will fly to her. Oops, wrong answer for her. She disappeared. LOL.

06-04-18, 04:44
My observations. As most know not much to do in AC during the day unless you want to waste money. Came out at 8 pm. Lollipop girls were mostly fat. Damage 120 piso beer. Viking girls were barely passable. Roughly 25 girls on stage. At 2:30 AM Hiso was 70% full and girls were mostly ordinary. The 8 or so Special girls had Caucasian dates. I saw a couple cutes on Walking St but wasn't clear what their agenda was. I'm picky and I can say unbiased that quality is down. I hate to see Manila talent.

06-04-18, 08:15
Are two grotty go go bars beside each other. About a dozen things dancing in each, big fat, chain smoking mamasans, a few hygiene-challenged Koreans who just look like they got out of prison. About 1800 for a trip upstairs. Maybe a tetanus shot is advisable. The first track they are on looks like something from a spaghetti western. If you stand at the Garfield's corner, they will holler for you. Watch the traffic if you decide to run.

06-04-18, 23:09
She has been freelancing in Angeles for 3 years. She was boned bareback twice last night. She will be boned again when she wakes up. She asked if I had condoms. I said I did. No need for them she says as she does not need them. She goes to High Society.

1.5 all in. Better deal than the bars She is as good looking as any of the bar "dancers" but it is not her thing. Her thing will be drinking my cum tonight. She seems low maintenance. A good find.

06-05-18, 00:07
Anyone have a realiable guy they use for transportation around Angeles?

I have someone I use all the time to get from Manila to Angeles, but since he's based in Manila, he's not really available in Angeles for shorter trips.

06-05-18, 02:27
Everyone has to make their own determination on the value of their time...It always amuses me to read someone saying do that / don't do that it is worth it / not worth it without explaining what makes it worth while or not for their circumstances and preferences. No two people will have exactly the exact same preferences, financial and other concerns, goals, and experiences...

We should stick to giving factual information as much as possible...Well said! I have seen too many of those so-called advice in these forums.

06-05-18, 08:08
Are two grotty go go bars beside each other. About a dozen things dancing in each, big fat, chain smoking mamasans, a few hygiene-challenged Koreans who just look like they got out of prison. About 1800 for a trip upstairs. Maybe a tetanus shot is advisable. The first track they are on looks like something from a spaghetti western. If you stand at the Garfield's corner, they will holler for you. Watch the traffic if you decide to run.And watch your back.

It was outside Garfields an elderly Englishman was fatally shot in the back of the head for his old cell phone and small chump change in his pockets. Two little bars mentioned in above report, were up for anything, until the police raided the joint. Wouldn't want to be in the upstairs room when they called nowaays, LOL.

Here is video of little bar Pedro is talking talking about: There is more than one video, taken prior to police raid. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6Z4S8Wi0B0.

Been there, done that. The golden era (incl. Fat chick in video). The end is nigh (LOL).

06-05-18, 10:42
She has been freelancing in Angeles for 3 years. She was boned bareback twice last night. She will be boned again when she wakes up. She asked if I had condoms. I said I did. No need for them she says as she does not need them. She goes to High Society.

1.5 all in. Better deal than the bars She is as good looking as any of the bar "dancers" but it is not her thing. Her thing will be drinking my cum tonight. She seems low maintenance. A good find.Do you have a photo of her or contact info sounds like my type of girl.

Mr Enternational
06-05-18, 10:59
Do you have a photo of her or contact info sounds like my type of girl.Your type of girl? Just sounds like the average run of the mill AC FL to me. Besides that, YMMV. Just because he got something (no pun intended), does not mean you will get the same thing.

06-05-18, 13:35
Your type of girl? Just sounds like the average run of the mill AC FL to me. Besides that, YMMV. Just because he got something (no pun intended), does not mean you will get the same thing.Main thing is to stay calm. I always fall iin love with them and promise them the moon, the sun, the stars, a ring and as many kids and Jolibee meals as they like, It often rebounds but that is fine. She stands outside the big bar opposite the jeepney station, The big bummer is her "pal" phoning up. Te advantage of freelancers is you can chat and assess. Cheaper too.

06-05-18, 16:47
My observations. As most know not much to do in AC during the day unless you want to waste money. Came out at 8 pm. Lollipop girls were mostly fat. Damage 120 piso beer. Viking girls were barely passable. Roughly 25 girls on stage. At 2:30 AM Hiso was 70% full and girls were mostly ordinary. The 8 or so Special girls had Caucasian dates. I saw a couple cutes on Walking St but wasn't clear what their agenda was. I'm picky and I can say unbiased that quality is down. I hate to see Manila talent.There are rare finds to be found in AC. Thai discos have better FL talent but will get stale after a few weeks. I'm picky but have seen many attractive women. PI is still cheap outside of pussy.

06-05-18, 16:57
I acknowledge newbies are getting her 5 years too late. Bars that were popular 3 years ago have trouble getting 10 customers. Many bars are closing early. I was pleased with Ponytails lineup. The Korean dynamic hasn't raised its ugly head too bad so far. In my estimation too many bars are competing. It takes time to build an off the clock stable. I've gotten lucky so far. The AC performance this year has been 9+!

06-06-18, 04:07
And watch your back.

It was outside Garfields an elderly Englishman was fatally shot in the back of the head for his old cell phone and small chump change in his pockets. Two little bars mentioned in above report, were up for anything, until the police raided the joint. Wouldn't want to be in the upstairs room when they called nowaays, LOL. Here is video of little bar Pedro is talking talking about:.That is the place OK. I'd be more concerned about hygiene than police raids. Anywhere quiet is subject to a stick up and I know of several other instances.

Good video of those marriage material maidens. I would imagine that room upstairs needs a clean. The mamasans were revolting looking specimens.

I bought an orange liquor bottle last night in the mall. It used a vodka base. Some if the most horrible crap I ever drank.

06-07-18, 08:36
Short timed in the Hilltop Hotel for about 350 PHP for three hours, with 1000 to the receptacle (plus tip). Had to listen to her Canuck owner who has his name tatted over her and who wants to use her as a human toilet. Read his vile wattsapp messages. Guy has issues.

She mentioned the rent was due. I told her they get nice Christmases in Canuck land.

The hotel is nice, the tatts less so.

Walking Street seems to be Koreatown. They seem to be everywhere. Maybe the area self replicating virus, Next on the agenda is freelancers and short time hotels in Korea town. Freelancer quality is bad; some have been here since 'Nam I imagine and others look like scammers.

06-07-18, 23:14
It was outside Garfields an elderly Englishman was fatally shot in the back of the head for his old cell phone and small chump change in his pockets. Two little bars mentioned in above report, were up for anything, until the police raided the joint. Wouldn't want to be in the upstairs room when they called nowaays, LOL. (LOL).I think of this area as being reasonably safe, by all means use caution. Down this road is Boomerang Hotel, perfectly fine place.

For my reasoning if I am asked for my phone, cash, in a hold up then I will be complying. I hope that will satisfy them as killing me is not going to give them anything else.

That's just my strategy.

06-08-18, 01:32
I think of this area as being reasonably safe, by all means use caution. Down this road is Boomerang Hotel, perfectly fine place.

For my reasoning if I am asked for my phone, cash, in a hold up then I will be complying. I hope that will satisfy them as killing me is not going to give them anything else.

That's just my strategy.They crept up and shot him in the back of the head. There was no asking.

Normal for Phil crims to attack from behind you, not face to face, and no conversation.

Chocha Monger
06-08-18, 08:54
They crept up and shot him in the back of the head. There was no asking.

Normal for Phil crims to attack from behind you, not face to face, and no conversation.Yes. They are not interested in how compliant the victim may or may not be. They sneak up from behind and blow the foreigner's brains out before he realizes anything is amiss. Chocolate Dave was one of the few foreigners to escape a sneak attack because the shooter only wounded him with the first shot from a 22 pistol and he was able to run like hell. The best a monger can hope for is that the shooter is a bad shot, which may give him a chance to run if he is not a lame duck or too fat. All bets are off if the monger needs a Zimmer frame to make his escape.

06-09-18, 00:39
Yes. They are not interested in how compliant the victim may or may not be. They sneak up from behind and blow the foreigner's brains out before he realizes anything is amiss. Chocolate Dave was one of the few foreigners to escape a sneak attack because the shooter only wounded him with the first shot from a 22 pistol and he was able to run like hell. The best a monger can hope for is that the shooter is a bad shot, which may give him a chance to run if he is not a lame duck or too fat. All bets are off if the monger needs a Zimmer frame to make his escape.I just find it hard to believe that Filipino crimes would be so random. Those that live here know of foreigners who flash cash, are lazy with how they discuss their personal security and generally create a problem for themselves. The word does get passed around and people get hurt.

Dress down, don't wear jewellery, be nice to your GF and her family.


06-10-18, 02:54
Want to go from Angeles to Batangas Pier then obviously Sabang.

Will taxi it all the way to the pier. So boat to Sabang takes approx 1 HR from Batangas. What would time be from Angeles to Batangas. Any better times / days to travel? Maybe not peak HR and not weekend? Do I have to go through manila? Cost? Should I break the trip up and stay in Manila overnight??


06-10-18, 04:23
....................be nice to your GF and her family.Better yet, stay single and steer clear of potential trouble.

Engine Driver
06-10-18, 04:32
Want to go from Angeles to Batangas Pier then obviously Sabang.

Will taxi it all the way to the pier. So boat to Sabang takes approx 1 HR from Batangas. What would time be from Angeles to Batangas. Any better times / days to travel? Maybe not peak HR and not weekend? Do I have to go through manila? Cost? Should I break the trip up and stay in Manila overnight??

Appreciate.It would take you 4-5 hours to get from Angeles to Batangas Port by taxi. Cost is negotiable, but I reckon around 5,000 PHP would be reasonable. Leave at 9. 00 am and you should be at the port by 1. 00-2. 00 pm. If you travel by bus, you will need to transfer. If you have a taxi, best to go straight through.

Mr Enternational
06-10-18, 06:01
I just find it hard to believe that Filipino crimes would be so random. Those that live here know of foreigners who flash cash, are lazy with how they discuss their personal security and generally create a problem for themselves. The word does get passed around and people get hurt.

Dress down, don't wear jewellery, be nice to your GF and her family.Well here is a random Filipino crime that made it to worldstar the other day.


Engine Driver
06-10-18, 08:58
Anyone have a realiable guy they use for transportation around Angeles?

I have someone I use all the time to get from Manila to Angeles, but since he's based in Manila, he's not really available in Angeles for shorter trips.Just go to the travel desk at Margarita Station on Fields Avenue. They will arrange a clean car with reliable driver for you. Pricing will be fair. You can also book on line. I've used them many times and it's a very good service.

06-10-18, 09:16
Just go to the travel desk at Margarita Station on Fields Avenue. They will arrange a clean car with reliable driver for you. Pricing will be fair. You can also book on line. I've used them many times and it's a very good service.I agree, their price is fair, and their service is good.

D Cups
06-10-18, 14:32
When I go to Batangas / Sabang later this year from Manila I will be spending the night in Batangas first. This will be my first time to both locations.

It would take you 4-5 hours to get from Angeles to Batangas Port by taxi. Cost is negotiable, but I reckon around 5,000 PHP would be reasonable. Leave at 9. 00 am and you should be at the port by 1. 00-2. 00 pm. If you travel by bus, you will need to transfer. If you have a taxi, best to go straight through.

06-10-18, 15:46
Yes. They are not interested in how compliant the victim may or may not be. They sneak up from behind and blow the foreigner's brains out before he realizes anything is amiss. Chocolate Dave was one of the few foreigners to escape a sneak attack because the shooter only wounded him with the first shot from a 22 pistol and he was able to run like hell. The best a monger can hope for is that the shooter is a bad shot, which may give him a chance to run if he is not a lame duck or too fat. All bets are off if the monger needs a Zimmer frame to make his escape.I believe there is more to this story than a random robbery. It maybe a hit arranged by somebody to make it to look like robbery. Most likely culprit could be ex wife, present wife, present GF, past GF, business associates or just by rubbing on wrong people.

These kind of hits happen to people living in Philippines. Not casual tourists unless they are at the wrong place at the wrong time. Even then murders are rare. Most likely getting beat up. One time a moto guy in AC told me he can take me to a casa to find real pretty girls. I told him to bring to my hotel. Even in ermita I went to a casa couple of times picked a girl and took her to my hotel. Still looking back it was a risky thing to do.

06-10-18, 17:46
Not that it really matters, but I agree with you as opposed the wolf criers. There was probably some history there and probably a previous altercation of sorts.

I believe there is more to this story than a random robbery. It maybe a hit arranged by somebody to make it to look like robbery. Most likely culprit could be ex wife, present wife, present GF, past GF, business associates or just by rubbing on wrong people.

These kind of hits happen to people living in Philippines. Not casual tourists unless they are at the wrong place at the wrong time. Even then murders are rare. Most likely getting beat up. One time a moto guy in AC told me he can take me to a casa to find real pretty girls. I told him to bring to my hotel. Even in ermita I went to a casa couple of times picked a girl and took her to my hotel. Still looking back it was a risky thing to do..

Wicked Roger
06-10-18, 18:28
I believe there is more to this story than a random robbery. It maybe a hit arranged by somebody to make it to look like robbery. Most likely culprit could be ex wife, present wife, present GF, past GF, business associates or just by rubbing on wrong people..Tend to agree Sammon as this happens too many times (statistically IMHO) in the Philippines and AC more so. See this link (lots you can chose from).


While not AC this is another and no one really charged. IE the person who paid the gunmen (who were arrested fairly quickly) never been found. Too many get away with murder literally.

Soapy Smith
06-11-18, 03:05
Well here is a random Filipino crime that made it to worldstar the other day.

http://m.worldstarhiphop.com/android/video.php?v=wshh3OXXZxgiyy0s6XtpMust be some rare occurrence, since recent evidence suggests that the Philippines has killed its way to a much higher level of safety:

https://www.forbes.com/sites/panosmourdoukoutas/2018/06/10/duterte-has-brought-safety-to-the-philippines/#41 dafaff285 f.

Regarding the New Zealander killed, reading in a little further suggests that foreigners are well-advised not to settle on Biliran. Didn't AV report buying an outrigger banca and fishing nets on Biliran a couple years ago? Anybody heard from him recently?

Wicked Roger
06-11-18, 03:14
Must be some rare occurrence, since recent evidence suggests that the Philippines has killed its way to a much higher level of safety:

https://www.forbes.com/sites/panosmourdoukoutas/2018/06/10/duterte-has-brought-safety-to-the-philippines/#41 dafaff285 f.

Regarding the New Zealander killed, reading in a little further suggests that foreigners are well-advised not to settle on Biliran. Didn't AV report buying an outrigger banca and fishing nets on Biliran a couple years ago? Anybody heard from him recently?Generally many I know and speak with feel safer due to the new president. Always make me laugh to read about his high approval ratings yet much of the oppress (who more in league with the richer class of society) say how unpopular he is etc LOL.

Foreigners who live in small in communities IMHO stand out like a sore thumb and if they then start to get 'involved' with local families or clans then the situation can't be good for the person.

As a few posters have said here before you keep your head down and out of politics. One foreigner who had a business in Visayas asked some questions at a meeting about the council's use of the budget funds etc (IE where was it going hence pointing to corruption) and suddenly he was charged with [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123). Took him 11 months to get of jail when police 'finally realised' she was still a virgin and he had been set up. Luckily he is still alive.

Mr Enternational
06-11-18, 05:37
Since we are on the subject. I was sitting around the other day talking to some buddies in Thailand. They live part time in AC and part time in Pattaya. One said that he was doing some kind of job in Kokomos. He got tired of the vendors harassing people in front so he ran them off. He is a big enough guy. He said they did not come around for a couple of days.

Then some guy showed up needing to see him. The lady would not tell him who it was. She just kept saying you need to come now. He went out and it was a Muslim guy. He only said a few words, "Don't fuck with my vendors. " My buddy said this guy is some well known killer. He told the guy yes sir and never saw him again. Evidently all of that stuff that the vendors sell comes from China through the port in Mindanao. And they don't work for themselves as I always thought. They sell that shit for some type of Muslim cartel. All I know is one thing. You won't catch me fucking with those vendors!

Engine Driver
06-11-18, 06:09
Since we are on the subject. I was sitting around the other day talking to some buddies in Thailand. They live part time in AC and part time in Pattaya. One said that he was doing some kind of job in Kokomos. He got tired of the vendors harassing people in front so he ran them off. He is a big enough guy. He said they did not come around for a couple of days.

Then some guy showed up needing to see him. The lady would not tell him who it was. She just kept saying you need to come now. He went out and it was a Muslim guy. He only said a few words, "Don't fuck with my vendors. " My buddy said this guy is some well known killer. He told the guy yes sir and never saw him again. Evidently all of that stuff that the vendors sell comes from China through the port in Mindanao. And they don't work for themselves as I always thought. They sell that shit for some type of Muslim cartel. All I know is one thing. You won't catch me fucking with those vendors!One street vendor came to me at Kokomo's and tried to sell me an electric drill and angle grinder. As if some tourists are going to buy those items? Obviously they do!

Everyone is organised into some gangster run collective. The street vendors, beggar kids, stall holders. I'm sure the stall holders need to pay extortion money each month to the local mafia don. No different to any other developing country.

A 1 week monger in AC is unlikely to get into trouble if he keeps a low profile, doesn’t get into arguments at bars or with girls and leaves his valuables in the hotel safe. At night, best not to walk along the perimeter road. Take a trike.

06-11-18, 07:47
..................................... A 1 week monger in AC is unlikely to get into trouble if he keeps a low profile, doesnt get into arguments at bars or with girls and leaves his valuables in the hotel safe. At night, best not to walk along the perimeter road. Take a trike.Correct. Fly in, get what you want, fly out. ST, ST.

The elderly gent shot in the back of head, Garfields, was a first time tourist. Some of us, talk about the dark side of the Phils, to help newbies understand, it looks like the Disney Land of sex, but there is a dark side to it too. I have survived unscathed from 1974 to today, respecting that.

Fun, fun, if it isn't fun, forget it. For me, Phils has been fun (ST, no residency).

Chocha Monger
06-11-18, 08:23
Tend to agree Sammon as this happens too many times (statistically IMHO) in the Philippines and AC more so. See this link (lots you can chose from).


While not AC this is another and no one really charged. IE the person who paid the gunmen (who were arrested fairly quickly) never been found. Too many get away with murder literally.The Kiwi was very active in local affairs, and the allegations paint him as an overbearing colonialist who insisted on overstaying his welcome after he was declared "persona non grata" and designated for removal. It also states that he owned land and got into a property dispute with a barangay councilor. It sounds a lot like AV, as it was his last known destination; he was beefing with the government and owned property. The fella ignored many warning signs before the Flips whacked him. Owning land is one of the fastest ways to get into disputes with the natives and end up whacked. All consulates strongly advise against circumventing the prohibition on foreign ownership of land precisely because of the number foreigners who end up taking a dirt nap over land ownership.

06-11-18, 11:37
f that stuff that the vendors sell comes from China through the port in Mindanao. And they don't work for themselves as I always thought. They sell that shit for some type of Muslim cartel. All I know is one thing. You won't catch me fucking with those vendors!Now you are making my grey matter work. I recall being at the markets and did notice that many of the stalls were Muslim run. They refer to the counterfeit cigarettes as "Muslim" cigarettes. So I guess that is a big money ring.

06-12-18, 05:12
Guess applying his forefarther's NZ strtegy did not pan out well for him in PI.

The Kiwi was very active in local affairs, and the allegations paint him as an overbearing colonialist who insisted on overstaying his welcome after he was declared "persona non grata" and designated for removal. It also states that he owned land and got into a property dispute with a barangay councilor. It sounds a lot like AV, as it was his last known destination; he was beefing with the government and owned property. The fella ignored many warning signs before the Flips whacked him. Owning land is one of the fastest ways to get into disputes with the natives and end up whacked. All consulates strongly advise against circumventing the prohibition on foreign ownership of land precisely because of the number foreigners who end up taking a dirt nap over land ownership.

06-12-18, 22:00
Had an interesting couple of nights this week (so far).

Via wechat have been chatting to a new contact. Mother, one son. She works at Robinson's mall somewhere and is keen for us to meet, if I can just meet her directly from work. The thought of collecting a mall girl that's been on her feet for a 10 hour shift and then expecting a stellar performance didn't really excite me. I have been to Robinsons here in AC a few times just to go to the department store. The mall is not that big and not that exciting. I didn't see any assistants that stood out.

Yesterday (Tuesday) was her OFF but I had work. I decided I would meet her on Monday night, do the qualifying and if suitable follow her up on Tuesday. I don't want to wait until Tuesday night to find our she's not a goer.

It's a good sign that she is legit when she is worried about where to meet and being seen. We decide on Friendship Jollibee which is far fro her work. Can it be any further? Any way, I turned up there 9:30 pm Monday expecting her to be late. She had to leave work at 8, get home, get changed and get to Friendship. She arrived about 9:45, not too bad and I know she is motivated. Nice face, standard Filipino one child body. No longer super slim, fattening hips but not "fat" as such. Nice lady that is trying hard and knowing that she has to play for pay. I'm happy to meet her again as it's always exciting to find out what performance is under the hood.

Tuesday afternoon after my work she arrives at my apartment at 6. Standard small talk. Had rice and adobo reheated out of the reference. She is a little nervous but then in the silence after the meal she decides to ask to use the bathroom and chooses the bathroom off my bedroom. Of course she could have chosen the one next to the lounge but the bathroom choice sens a good signal. While she goes in there I relocate to lying / sitting on my bed and reading a book. When she comes out she just comes over and sits on the bed beside me. Takes off her shoes and leans against me. Then the real fun begins.

She is obviously doing this a bit more than her shyness shows. Enthusiastic in initiating once the lights are off. Great in BJ. She was happy to collect the first load and said it still had a jollibee taste. Shaved pussy. She stayed the night then just left now about 4:30 a. I have a theory that the non-professional girls like to get home so they are there when the kid (or husband) wakes.

I gave her P1500 for upcoming school supplies plus a grab taxi to get home.

Have a great day everyone.


06-13-18, 05:35
Last night, brolly in hand like a short sword, I ventured down via jeepney to Checkpoint at about 9 pm. Crossing the road, I passed three yobs lurking in the shadows waiting to mug someone. I picked my way down to Walking Street and back up again, with two sperm buckets in tow.

This is no easy task. The rain, the dark, the absence of lights and proper pavements, the lumps and holes and bumps and unlit trikes on the footpath make it a hazardous and frustrating task, so much so that by the time I got to Walking Street, I picked up the two freelancers at 1 k each long time just to get it over with.

I fed them as I know these buckets never have money (one had one peso and the other 5 pesos; this is normal). They spoke to each other in Tagalog non stop and I knew I was on a bummer. After beers in my room, it should have been down to business but these women of good virtue did not do blow jobs and insisted on condoms and a degree of privacy. I got rid of them at about 1 am and paid them the tariff with a small and undeserved tip for wasting my time and my sperm.

Imagine my horror the next morning when I discovered I was missing 7 cheap Pinoy condoms. The pretty one, who drank more than I did, told me her aunt, a nurse, warned her about AIDS and UTI (I have never heard one of these lovely providers mention UTI before). But that is no excuse to steal my condoms.

Trying to talk money sense into these women is a waste of time. The previous night, I walked out of a Perimeter Road bar as I was as unhappy with the price of the ladies' drinks as the ladies were with their lot in life. Instead of concentrating on being nice to Pedro, they focus on nickle and diming for ladies' drinks and short timing. That is not the way to health, wealth and prosperity. They should concentrate on getting the big buffalo, not on chilling with their workmates.

Last night's flops shared a room with 8 others, each paying 250 PHP a week, no pillows or bedding included. Pretty face told me some of her room mates, those with pillows and such luxuries, will bonk anyone and anything to get PHP and that several of them have AIDS. Both of them were 20 and each said they never had a proper job, not ever as a waitress of whatever.

I just treated myself to a big meal in the American Veterans of Foreign Wars place, which seems to have lots of ex 'Nam and Korea guys on their last legs. Food helpings are huge, pork chops are the big seller. Waitress told me she has been there 5 years, she has a HR degree and all jobs, especially call centres, are like hens' teeth.

When I jeepneyed home last night with my two pieces of excess baggage, the Iglesia ni Christo had them packed to the rafters. I doubt many of them pound what passes for the pavements of Walking Street.

I make a point of asking the ladies I hook up with how much money they have in their pockets and when last they ate. The results are depressing. If the women find it so hard to get a customer, imagine how the muggers lurking in the shadows feel.

If the godfathers who run Pampanga had any sense, they would spend some serious money on infrastructure, make the bars more welcoming (to part fools from their money) and take other lessons from Thailand. Instead, it is all chaos, much like the Japanese must have found it when they took over in the early 1940's (though I doubt they would have tolerated the messy conditions and bombed out side walks).

I will be on the prowl tonight with money to spend but they don't make it easy. No wonder all of these providers can have zero expectations in life.

Kabul Guy
06-13-18, 10:25
It would take you 4-5 hours to get from Angeles to Batangas Port by taxi. Cost is negotiable, but I reckon around 5,000 PHP would be reasonable. Leave at 9. 00 am and you should be at the port by 1. 00-2. 00 pm. If you travel by bus, you will need to transfer. If you have a taxi, best to go straight through.You have to watch the ferry departure times. Since some lines have last departure of the day around then, any later that 3 PM or so you may not get a boat ride until 5 AM. I'd recommend getting there earlier than that, leave 6 AM latest.

06-13-18, 10:53
Want to go from Angeles to Batangas Pier then obviously Sabang.

Will taxi it all the way to the pier. So boat to Sabang takes approx 1 HR from Batangas. What would time be from Angeles to Batangas. Any better times / days to travel? Maybe not peak HR and not weekend? Do I have to go through manila? Cost? Should I break the trip up and stay in Manila overnight??

Appreciate.If you don't mind paying a bit extra, take a taxi or bus to Manila and fly with Air Juan seaplane from Manila Bay to Puerto Galera. They have multiple flights on most days and should cost 4500-5500 PHP each way (flight only). The flight between Puerto Galera and Manila is roughly 40-45 minutes.

Mr Enternational
06-13-18, 11:58
Or you could go spend the night in Manila and stay at City-State Hotel. There is a bus that leaves there every morning that goes to Batangas. Then you transfer to the boat to Sabang. I think the package deal was 600 pesos. Don't quote me. Been a few years since I went. It was probably the best scuba diving I have done in PI. As for anything else you are not really missing anything.

Chocha Monger
06-13-18, 18:20
Guess applying his forefarther's NZ strtegy did not pan out well for him in PI.The NZ land acquisition strategy that resulted in about 99% of South Island ending up in the hands of colonists is a fatal error to attempt in the Philippines. Nothing brings out the dark side in the natives like a foreigner moving into the area and buying up land or setting up big businesses. There are many abandoned unfinished mansions, guest houses and farmhouses in the provinces, which foreigners started building but never finished due to sudden retirement or fleeing the Flip blade runner. The mysterious disappearance of Lewis, of Lewis Grand Hotel fame, after allegedly selling his shares in the corporation occurred following involvement in a land grab dispute in Barrio Barretto. The barangay councilor will likely add AV's land to his holdings, seeing how the boundary line was in dispute. He will have no problem showing documents that AV supposedly signed to transfer ownership before his demise.

Kabul Guy
06-13-18, 22:52
Or you could go spend the night in Manila and stay at City-State Hotel. There is a bus that leaves there every morning that goes to Batangas. Then you transfer to the boat to Sabang. I think the package deal was 600 pesos. Don't quote me. Been a few years since I went. It was probably the best scuba diving I have done in PI. As for anything else you are not really missing anything.A little more than than but not much.

Bus to Batangas is just under 200, ferry is 550 one way or 1000 round trip and terminal fee is less than 100 total for both ends. (varies depending on where you disembark.) So total about 800.

06-14-18, 07:08
NI, many responses already. FWIW, I usually fly, though I query how much safer that is in the end should something go wrong. If you are not on a schedule I suspect you will be fine. If you are on a schedule, flying back a couple days early might be suggested. Ferrys in the PI do sink or get cancelled. Weather is more a factor depending on when you plan to travel. I am a good swimmer but I not sure if I can make it to shore even with a BCD, Then there is my fear of abandonment like what happened to several tourist divers in Australia.

Want to go from Angeles to Batangas Pier then obviously Sabang.

Will taxi it all the way to the pier. So boat to Sabang takes approx 1 HR from Batangas. What would time be from Angeles to Batangas. Any better times / days to travel? Maybe not peak HR and not weekend? Do I have to go through manila? Cost? Should I break the trip up and stay in Manila overnight??


06-14-18, 09:12
This was one of the worst American tourist killings during my time coming to the Phils. This guy who had never been out of his home state of Tennessee was gunned down by tandem team on a motorcycle in the "no man's land" that used to exist between the old Europhil Hotel and the Lewis Grand. For whatever reason, the guy ended up there, was shot and staggered back and collapsed on that little bit of lawn in front of the LGH and died on the way to the hospital. And, to top it off, Philippine officials gouged the grieving family on the expenses in returning the body.


Correct. Fly in, get what you want, fly out. ST, ST.

The elderly gent shot in the back of head, Garfields, was a first time tourist. Some of us, talk about the dark side of the Phils, to help newbies understand, it looks like the Disney Land of sex, but there is a dark side to it too. I have survived unscathed from 1974 to today, respecting that.

Fun, fun, if it isn't fun, forget it. For me, Phils has been fun (ST, no residency).

06-14-18, 10:58
FWIW, this is a quote:

"Mexico, for example, has been issued the most travel warnings between 2009 and 2016, with a total of 28. Mali is in second place with 26, then Israel with 25, Pakistan with 25, and Iraq with 24. If you compare that to the number of American tourist deaths in the same time span—filtered to only include homicides, executions, and terrorist attacks—Mexico does, in fact, come out on top with 598 Americans killed."

You can also search "Forbes Man accused of killing Italian tourist mistakenly released."

I fear the number of tourists "ending" in US is probably quite high. I noticed that my rentals in FL tend to be better disguised after numerous incidents over the years.

I feel a lot safer in PI (and Asia) than in many parts of the US and Mexico. You will get a bullet for your shoes or sunglasses. Yes, I did visit the the border towns and EP.

This was one of the worst American tourist killings during my time coming to the Phils. This guy who had never been out of his home state of Tennessee was gunned down by tandem team on a motorcycle in the "no man's land" that used to exist between the old Europhil Hotel and the Lewis Grand. For whatever reason, the guy ended up there, was shot and staggered back and collapsed on that little bit of lawn in front of the LGH and died on the way to the hospital. And, to top it off, Philippine officials gouged the grieving family on the expenses in returning the body.


06-14-18, 12:04
Just a quick internet search:

"This article quoted official Australian figures and explained that nearly 400 tourists a year (0.01%) die visiting Australia. While most of the deaths are attributed to accidents and health-related issues, the article stated that during the review period, 22 persons died from an unlawful assault or, in other words, were murdered (Guardian 2003)".

FWIW, all these numbers are less than where I came from and am fairly accustomed to. I am always aware of my surrounding so, knock on wood, I have been fairly safe. So, for me, I feel safe doing my activities with the necessary precautions, regardless of where I am. For those who don't feel safe in the PI, my best advice is stay away. Stay far away. Go to safer places.

06-15-18, 02:42
If you don't mind paying a bit extra, take a taxi or bus to Manila and fly with Air Juan seaplane from Manila Bay to Puerto Galera. They have multiple flights on most days and should cost 4500-5500 PHP each way (flight only). The flight between Puerto Galera and Manila is roughly 40-45 minutes.I'll be making a visit to PG in a few months and will check out airfares back to Manila. When returning the bus can turn into a nightmare (traffic) so flying back would be pretty solid.

FWIW the ferry ride to Sabang isn't bad at all, it takes 90 minutes.

06-15-18, 04:35
It is expensive. The guy can fly from Angeles. But some tourists do like the view and the journey and the full trip experience.

I'll be making a visit to PG in a few months and will check out airfares back to Manila. When returning the bus can turn into a nightmare (traffic) so flying back would be pretty solid.

FWIW the ferry ride to Sabang isn't bad at all, it takes 90 minutes.

06-15-18, 14:14
I'll be making a visit to PG in a few months and will check out airfares back to Manila. When returning the bus can turn into a nightmare (traffic) so flying back would be pretty solid.

FWIW the ferry ride to Sabang isn't bad at all, it takes 90 minutes.With air Juan, their fares rarely change. Always 4500-5500 PHP from PG to Manila bay. Last time I did the whole journey, I left PG at 9:30 am on a Sunday morning and arrived at my hotel in AC at around 1 pm.

06-15-18, 16:05
Here is another example of foreigners getting shoot in my US from the SCMP website.

"The family of a Chinese student who was murdered in a road rage incident reacted furiously in court on Wednesday after a judge accepted a plea deal from her killer.

Holly Davis fatally shot 19-year-old Yue Jiang of China in January 2016, while Jiang's boyfriend, Endong Chen, sat next to her, according to police in Tempe, Arizona. Davis had rear-ended the Arizona State University student's car.

After their collision in 2016, Davis got out of her Volkswagen Passat, walked to the driver's side door of the Mercedes Jiang and Chen were in and opened fire, police said.

The student was transported to a nearby hospital but died of multiple gunshot wounds to the torso.

Endong told police that he and Jiang did not know Davis, and they had no interaction with her until she collided with them. He also told police that there was no traffic dispute leading up to the incident.

Endong and Jiang had just come from a grocery shopping trip.

I don't know why. I sometimes feel much safer in the PI.

This was one of the worst American tourist killings during my time coming to the Phils.

Chocha Monger
06-15-18, 21:42
Here is another example of foreigners getting shoot in my US from the SCMP website.

"The family of a Chinese student who was murdered in a road rage incident reacted furiously in court on Wednesday after a judge accepted a plea deal from her killer.

Holly Davis fatally shot 19-year-old Yue Jiang of China in January 2016, while Jiang's boyfriend, Endong Chen, sat next to her, according to police in Tempe, Arizona. Davis had rear-ended the Arizona State University student's car.

After their collision in 2016, Davis got out of her Volkswagen Passat, walked to the driver's side door of the Mercedes Jiang and Chen were in and opened fire, police said..Holly Davis was a psycho junkie who was out to kill someone to make herself feel better. She even wrote a note warning of her violent intentions. Davis rammed the Chinese student's car from behind. When she stopped, as required by law in traffic collisions. Davis approached her car and shot her multiple times. Bandits, kidnappers, and hitmen use the same tactic in Manila on travelers leaving the airport in taxis or hired private cars.

Feeling safe is subjective and based on a many variables. However, most mongers arriving in the Philippines to fuck the natives have access to more money than 90% of the population here. Many Filipinos live on a level of daily financial desperation where they cannot afford a conscience, and they will knife or put a bullet in the back of your skull for less than what you pay a spotlight dancer for a fuck. They also know the odds of the cops catching them are very low, and there is no capital punishment.

The USA is much larger than the Philippines, and in spite of sensational cases of violence in the US, most Americans will never experience a violent crime, see the body of a murder victim in their lifetime or have a family member murdered. The same is not true for the Philippines. The cheap pussy buffet can put mongers in such a relaxed state; they no longer perceive the dangers around them until it is too late.

06-15-18, 22:25
Adding to the below post: "The family of a Chinese college student came to Arizona to tearfully plead for harsh punishment against the woman who shot the 19-year-old to death after a minor car crash, but a judge honored a plea agreement Friday to send her to prison for 25 years. ".

06-16-18, 05:59
This is from USA today circa 2017. "Memphis police are searching for suspects accused of intentionally rear-ending cars on the interstates and then carjacking and robbing the drivers. Since Tuesday, there have been three "bump and run" carjacking and robberies, police said. The first occurred at 8:35 am Tuesday on Interstate 55 and Brooks Road."

Another from 2017. "Jackson is accused of killing Carlo Marigliano, a visitor from Naples, Italy who was fatally shot while driving on North Shackleford Road in West Little Rock. Two other suspects were arrested last year in connection with the murder."

Knock on affect is some people don't stop, even for police and were summarily man handled. Memphis is in Tennessee, where the American guy previously mentioned came from. Remember the movie Godfather and how Sonny met his end?

Davis rammed the Chinese student's car from behind. When she stopped, as required by law in traffic collisions. Davis approached her car and shot her multiple times. Bandits, kidnappers, and hitmen use the same tactic in Manila on travelers leaving the airport in taxis or hired private cars.

06-16-18, 08:01
It is expensive. The guy can fly from Angeles. But some tourists do like the view and the journey and the full trip experience.I'm pretty sure a car from AC to PG is between 5 and 7 K but I don't mind doing the bus going there. As you say, "the full trip experience" is fine w / me but coming back is just wrong LOL. If RainMania is correct the plane would be cheaper than a car from PG to Manila. I'll check it out, sounds good.

With air Juan, their fares rarely change. Always 4500-5500 PHP from PG to Manila bay. Last time I did the whole journey, I left PG at 9:30 am on a Sunday morning and arrived at my hotel in AC at around 1 pm.Early Sunday is the best day to move around there. Thanks for the useful information. Not much of that around here these days. Cheers.

Chocha Monger
06-16-18, 23:26
Adding to the below post: "The family of a Chinese college student came to Arizona to tearfully plead for harsh punishment against the woman who shot the 19-year-old to death after a minor car crash, but a judge honored a plea agreement Friday to send her to prison for 25 years. ".It is not a good time to be Chinese in America. China is taking a lot of heat right now for stealing American technology, infringing on patents, dumping cheap steel and aluminum in US markets, and hacking into secure databases to steal info. Many Chinese students are associated with government agencies, and undergo debriefing upon their return home. Generally, when the government of a country blames people from another country for causing problems in the host country, visitors and immigrants from the accused country will experience hostility from natives who blame them for job losses and trade deficits.

Lots of China related issues coming up among people wanting to make America great again. Things like Chinese birth tourism is an issue for people wanting to eliminate birthright citizenship in America. A rise in Chinese immigration is also driving attempts at immigration reform. In recent years, Asian immigration combined exceeded Mexican and Central American immigration. Seemingly, random attacks on Chinese are sometimes not as random as one may think. It is not unlike an American paying a visit to Iran, Afghanistan or Yemen. They will find people wishing to do them harm.

American mongers may feel safe whoring in Angeles City but terrified in Mindanao, the Sulu Archipelago, and the Zamboanga Peninsula.

06-17-18, 04:22
Equality applies to OFO is the usual mantra in the US. The US Pacific railroad was built mostly by imported Chinese laborers. However, they were the only People in world denied entry and not allowed to the US for close to 100 years. All other People just had to land and were allowed to stay. The Chinese Exclusion Act was passed sometime in the 1800's and finally repealed in 1940's. Even the Chinese laborers who build the railroad were pressure or forced to leave the US. "This land is our land."

It also does not help if the Chinese drive Mercedes while most Americans drive something like Volkswagens. Both German but.

During the California gold rush they were also excluded or killed. Presumably because they dug up more than their counterparts.

NZ is going through similar issues. There is talk of a tourist tax. Treating tourist drivers differently.

Well. IIMFITP. They still welcome me here. Treat me well. Mostly speak my language. Like the color of my money. And don't sue me if I make sexist jokes.

It is not a good time to be Chinese in America. China is taking a lot of heat right now for stealing American technology, infringing on patents, dumping cheap steel and aluminum in US markets, and hacking into secure databases to steal info. Many Chinese students are associated with government agencies, and undergo debriefing upon their return home. Generally, when the government of a country blames people from another country for causing problems in the host country, visitors and immigrants from the accused country will experience hostility from natives who blame them for job losses and trade deficits.

Lots of China related issues coming up among people wanting to make America great again. Things like Chinese birth tourism is an issue for people wanting to eliminate birthright citizenship in America. A rise in Chinese immigration is also driving attempts at immigration reform. In recent years, Asian immigration combined exceeded Mexican and Central American immigration. Seemingly, random attacks on Chinese are sometimes not as random as one may think..

06-17-18, 18:40
There has not been a better time for Chinese in America than now. End of story.

06-17-18, 18:43
Anyone getting any poon in AC lately?
Please report in, where, when and how?

06-18-18, 09:29
Skunking around this sump for the last few weeks, I only now realise why the end of Hitler's armies were so much in my mind. It is those infernal and ubiquitous trikes which look like they were in use when General Yamashita's troops were enjoying are&are here. Though I hate the trikes, others refuse to use the jeepneys, which I have used to ferry sperm catchers to and from my lodgings near Red Planet.

Sperm catchers is probably not the correct word. In general, they are lazy good for nothings (and I mean nothings) in the 18-27 age bracket. Last night's one slept from when we entered at 10 pm to just before she left at 8 am. I barebacked her once, picked her up in that Skamps' Square opposite the jeepney station.

I also had a 3 some with two lithe 18 year olds. To get to the short time hotel. Walk down Walking Street from Phillies. Take the first main right and walk a good distance till you get to look over your shoulder country. A big selection of Grade Z meat there at night. I also scoped it in the afternoon and in the early evening. You can also get to it by leaving MacArthurs Highway a few turns after Waking Street. You will see some old hags hanging about. I imagine it is a mugger' paradise so be warned.

Most freelancers just want to give the barest minimum and that is no use to me.

What we have here is a failure to communicate. Instead of going out as hussling hard and stringing vulnerable fools like me along, they want to get back to the gang of losers they hang around with and hang about. I met the two condom thieves outside Phillies and they said sorry for doing a runner with my rubbers.

It is shtt like this that lead to physical escalations.

I have a penis in my pants and pesos in my pocket. It should be much simpler than this.

Soapy Smith
06-19-18, 05:32
If in fact East Asian immigrants and students outnumber those from other areas, then violence against them doesn't represent prejudicial targeting. It's a simple function of their numbers in the population. I found one graph that shows Chinese students in the states outnumber those from any other country, with half again as many as from India, which is in second place.


It makes sense that the Chinese government tries to extract information from returning students, but two things work against those efforts. Chinese culture, following Confucian thinking, is much better at mimicry than creative thinking and innovation, so that dispensing what they learned is sort of like shooting their wad--once--followed by limited ongoing creativity. Second, after a couple of years of exposure to "freedoms" in North America, many of the brightest never return.

Ms. Davis' shooting of the Chinese student was apparently an act of road rage. I would speculate that American road rage shootings disproportionately take the form of Black on Black violence rather than American on Asian violence. If this is so, then African Americans are at greater risk than are Chinese.

06-19-18, 17:46
Sorry to barge in on the Chinese in USA trolling. Sunlight Hotel is the dump I mentioned a few posts ago. I got it tonight for 230 PHP) short time. It is less than a 5 minute walk from Walking Street. The street is dark but there is a very bright road nearby. Use a trike and / or exercise caution. Lots of skannks outsider but play the odds.

The short time hotels have big trades in horny Pinoys / Pinays. If a 100 PHP peso rise does not break your bonk, go for Hilltop Hotel short time instead.

My take on the whole situation is you are best shopping online as otherwise it is too much bullshtt. Tonight's was ok asI had her last night as well, Left her at 11 pm but sjhe says she looked for customers till 7 am. That equals no sleep and a bad performance.

Time to check out of this trike obsessed dmlp with their pathetic footpaths. Thankfully, I have not been mugged, Must go to Hicksville USA for ghat.

06-20-18, 09:29
If in fact East Asian immigrants and students outnumber those from other areas, then violence against them doesn't represent prejudicial targeting. It's a simple function of their numbers in the population. I found one graph that shows Chinese students in the states outnumber those from any other country, with half again as many as from India, which is in second place.


It makes sense that the Chinese government tries to extract information from returning students, but two things work against those efforts. Chinese culture, following Confucian thinking, is much better at mimicry than creative thinking and innovation, so that dispensing what they learned is sort of like shooting their wad--once--followed by limited ongoing creativity. Second, after a couple of years of exposure to "freedoms" in North America, many of the brightest never return..Spam nothing to do with the forum topic please delete. These constant off topic posts are screwing up the forum and making it unusable.

Soapy Smith
06-20-18, 20:06
Spam nothing to do with the forum topic please delete. These constant off topic posts are screwing up the forum and making it unusable.There's this great new invention on websites. If you look to the right side of the website screen, there's this dark gray vertical bar called a scroll bar. If you click and drag it upward you can quickly move past any post that you find uninteresting.

A second option: if you find that somebody like me posts a lot of stuff that you consider spam, you can put that forum member on ignore. Then you never see anything they post, except when somebody else quotes it for a reply. Consult the front page of ISG for instructions.

06-20-18, 22:10
Sorry to barge in on the Chinese in USA trolling. Sunlight Hotel is the dump I mentioned a few posts ago. I got it tonight for 230 PHP) short time. It is less than a 5 minute walk from Walking Street. The street is dark but there is a very bright road nearby. Use a trike and / or exercise caution..Personally for me that area is a no go zone. The WG on the streets worry me there. It's been a good day to see that the big accommodation in the center of that area was removed and has removed much of the foot traffic. You correctly point out that it is pinoy hunting area.

X Man
06-21-18, 07:21
A much better strategy for getting people to get back on topic or even go to PM would be to ask politely. Or better yet, add your own "on topic" message. I'll follow my own advice by adding a picture that I took in beautiful Angeles City.

Spam nothing to do with the forum topic please delete. These constant off topic posts are screwing up the forum and making it unusable.

06-22-18, 18:01
Last night, brolly in hand like a short sword, I ventured down via jeepney to Checkpoint at about 9 pm. Crossing the road, I passed three yobs lurking in the shadows waiting to mug someone. I picked my way down to Walking Street and back up again, with two sperm buckets in tow.

Imagine my horror the next morning when I discovered I was missing 7 cheap Pinoy condoms. The pretty one, who drank more than I did, told me her aunt, a nurse, warned her about AIDS and UTI (I have never heard one of these lovely providers mention UTI before). But that is no excuse to steal my condoms.

Trying to talk money sense into these women is a waste of time. The previous night, I walked out of a Perimeter Road bar as I was as unhappy with the price of the ladies' drinks as the ladies were with their lot in life. Instead of concentrating on being nice to Pedro, they focus on nickle and diming for ladies' drinks and short timing. That is not the way to health, wealth and prosperity. They should concentrate on getting the big buffalo, not on chilling with their workmates..You shopped from the street when you could've got a bar girl for the same price or a little more. Most mongers don't leave all their condoms in plain view. I've had girls boost 1 condom before. Your bandits took almost a whole box. I suggest leaving the streets alone and get girls affiliated with bars. Fortunately they were the PI variety which I do not use. I hope you learned your lesson because others have worst stories. I wish you the best. Happy hunting!

06-22-18, 19:26
You shopped from the street when you could've got a bar girl for the same price or a little more. Most mongers don't leave all their condoms in plain view. I've had girls boost 1 condom before. Your bandits took almost a whole box. I suggest leaving the streets alone and get girls affiliated with bars. Fortunately they were the PI variety which I do not use. I hope you learned your lesson because others have worst stories. I wish you the best. Happy hunting!I disagree with you are bar "girls". Most are lazy lumps and it is the same crap / clap shoot as on the street. Most have no interest in providing an acceptable service. The condom thieves were the most diligent in protecting their health (at m why expense). They essentially masturbated my penis by sheathing it inside their vaginas and moving up and down until I shot my pathetic load. I also dislike bars, asdfo the bar girls.

Very few of the providers gave a worthwhile service. I think, in retrospect, they believe, once you squirt, it is game over and back to their crackhead friends. For a sex experience, my right hand is not only cheaper but better.

Personally for me that area is a no go zone. The WG on the streets worry me there. It's been a good day to see that the big accommodation in the center of that area was removed and has removed much of the foot traffic. You correctly point out that it is pinoy hunting area.The second night was so dark I could not even see the hookers on the road. The problem is if trouble starts, you have no get away plan. The hookers I met there in the afternoon were not only bottom barrel but looked the type who would double job as muggers.

Besides the condom thieves, I had no problem re criminality. The condom thieves are a real case of a 3 some being tiresome and much less enjoyable than a 1 on 1. The problem I feel is a mismatch between what we expect and what they provide.

The long timer who slept the whole time, bar 150 seconds in thee morning when I bonked her was easily the worst.

I am currently doing an internal review and I shan't repeat this farce or risking life and limb with trikes and broken pavements to pay for forgettable bonks.

As regards the actual bar girls, one can be lucky but the odds are against it. They want your m oney and then gol out hunting again or go home.

06-23-18, 05:30
You shopped from the street when you could've got a bar girl for the same price or a little more. I've never found a bargirl for only 1000 PhP.

Anyway, I don't want to start that discussion again and I have heard rumours that as of July 2 solliciting in the streets is not tolerated anymore in Angeles. It seems that the mayor is behind this. Can anyone confirm this? I can't find anything on internet.

06-23-18, 13:45
I've never found a bargirl for only 1000 PhP.

Anyway, I don't want to start that discussion again and I have heard rumours that as of July 2 solliciting in the streets is not tolerated anymore in Angeles. It seems that the mayor is behind this. Can anyone confirm this? I can't find anything on internet.I suggest it also goes along with so many other rules.

Motorbike helmet wearing is compulsory.

Plastic bags are banned.

Etc etc.

There is no budge to enforce it. Should they fine poor street girls?


06-24-18, 03:04
There is no budge to enforce it. Should they fine poor street girls?According to one of my regulars they can be send to prison, based on a new law that the mayor is about to implement.
I don't know. We will see how serious this is.

06-24-18, 08:41
Point of correction: The Barangay are already enforcing streetwalking bans. Ladyboys are not allowed look for business om Walking Street and, if they try, they are arrested. With the help of the bars' bouncers, it would be very easy to extend this to women, at least during the busy hours.

The idea would be to herd them into dead areas like Sunlight. This is how local authorities elsewhere often deal with casual traders, which is what they are.

I reckon jeepneys could be dealt with in the same way: just put buses on the main routes and rip the guts out of the jeepney market. That is what Duterte hopes to do in any event.

06-25-18, 02:21
First 4 days in AC.

Overall I would say this place is fun. Each adventure get better as I hone my skills finding the ladies. I did make some of the biggest mistakes that you all warned about but more details in the report. The other major issue I am having to deal with is pussies are a little to tight, and I never though I would say that in my life. But wow, even with lube, some of these girls have the kung fu death grip on my dick while inside. Also I would say that I am an normal sized guy, but three for three have been crazy tight.

6/21 - 3000 php.

I BF, I cannot remember the name, Girl was 20, looked cute, very shy. But I did not listen to all the warnings like I should have. Once home had very poor BBBJ, I could do better. She would only suck the tip, and when trying to go further it was refused. So I was like well fuck it time to pound away. Started in doggy, and took some effort to get in, had to take some time and some uncomfortable looks from her. Anytime I went full depth she would jerk forward. Finished up pretty quick with her, and did not even try CIM. So her service was sub par, but pussy was very tight.

6/22 - 3000 php.

BF again, girl was 24 cute and said she sucked the meanist dick ever. So I figured what the hell. She was also super cute, no baby damage. She did infact preform an amazing BBBJ. She worked her hardest to get me to cum, but it just would not happen. Finally she gave up and went into riding me like she stole me. While giving me BBBJ she also informed me that I was to big for her, which I have never heard before, but again to my suprise pussy was also very tight and she and I had an amazing time. This girl was tons of fun.


BF again from Club Atlantis, #1037- 3500 php.

Again this girl was small and shy. Finally got talking to her and she warmed up. Asked a few basic questions and go ok responses. So I rolled the dice. She was also 24, no kids, all of 90 lbs maybe less. This girl blew my mind. GFE, BBBJ, regular sex, anal. Man was I impressed. We started the night with some tequila in my room, and shot the shit for a bit. Once she loosed up a bit, she asked to see my dick. Again I am not sure what these girls are normally getting out here but she was like ok. Quick shower together, brush teeth, mouth wash, hand sanitizer, and straight to business. Amazing BBBJ, again she gave it her all to get some cum out of me, but just could not get it to happen. She finally jumps on and goes to town after 15 mins of riding me like a stolen bike, she is ready for me to get a workout in. I start to hit is missionary going full depth on her tight little pussy, after getting a bit tired decided to go for some doggy. Finally after some doggy with a finger in the ass I was done. Showered up, and brush and mouth wash again. Chilled on the couch just making out and shooting the shit for another hour. She starts asking me if he still works, and I reply with find out. We end up having an amazing anal sex session on the balcony. Again another amazing BBBJ.

So far those are the only reports. Working on more. If I could get my #3 with a friend then I think my trip would be perfect.

Currently the clubs are not super full of customers, but the big clubs are full on women. The smaller clubs are very short on talent. Lots of girls in the smaller clubs looking pretty beat up. I have not been to HiSo yet, and Monday night might be a bust, Sunday was pretty slow also. So I ended up taking Sunday off.

Another issue, I need to find more lube. I am out. So this after noon I will be on the hunt unless anyone knows where I can grab some.

06-25-18, 04:59
First 4 days in AC.

Overall I would say this place is fun. Each adventure get better as I hone my skills finding the ladies. I did make some of the biggest mistakes that you all warned about but more details in the report. The other major issue I am having to deal with is pussies are a little to tight, and I never though I would say that in my life. But wow, even with lube, some of these girls have the kung fu death grip on my dick while inside. Also I would say that I am an normal sized guy, but three for three have been crazy tight.

6/21 - 3000 php.

I BF, I cannot remember the name, Girl was 20, looked cute, very shy. But I did not listen to all the warnings like I should have. Once home had very poor BBBJ, I could do better. She would only suck the tip, and when trying to go further it was refused. So I was like well fuck it time to pound away. Started in doggy, and took some effort to get in, had to take some time and some uncomfortable looks from her. Anytime I went full depth she would jerk forward. Finished up pretty quick with her, and did not even try CIM. So her service was sub par, but pussy was very tight.

6/22 - 3000 php.

BF again, girl was 24 cute and said she sucked the meanist dick ever. So I figured what the hell. She was also super cute, no baby damage. She did infact preform an amazing BBBJ. She worked her hardest to get me to cum, but it just would not happen. Finally she gave up and went into riding me like she stole me. While giving me BBBJ she also informed me that I was to big for her, which I have never heard before, but again to my suprise pussy was also very tight and she and I had an amazing time. This girl was tons of fun.


BF again from Club Atlantis, #1037- 3500 php.

Again this girl was small and shy. Finally got talking to her and she warmed up. Asked a few basic questions and go ok responses. So I rolled the dice. She was also 24, no kids, all of 90 lbs maybe less. This girl blew my mind. GFE, BBBJ, regular sex, anal. Man was I impressed. We started the night with some tequila in my room, and shot the shit for a bit. Once she loosed up a bit, she asked to see my dick. Again I am not sure what these girls are normally getting out here but she was like ok. Quick shower together, brush teeth, mouth wash, hand sanitizer, and straight to business. Amazing BBBJ, again she gave it her all to get some cum out of me, but just could not get it to happen. She finally jumps on and goes to town after 15 mins of riding me like a stolen bike, she is ready for me to get a workout in. I start to hit is missionary going full depth on her tight little pussy, after getting a bit tired decided to go for some doggy. Finally after some doggy with a finger in the ass I was done. Showered up, and brush and mouth wash again. Chilled on the couch just making out and shooting the shit for another hour. She starts asking me if he still works, and I reply with find out. We end up having an amazing anal sex session on the balcony. Again another amazing BBBJ.

So far those are the only reports. Working on more. If I could get my #3 with a friend then I think my trip would be perfect.

Currently the clubs are not super full of customers, but the big clubs are full on women. The smaller clubs are very short on talent. Lots of girls in the smaller clubs looking pretty beat up. I have not been to HiSo yet, and Monday night might be a bust, Sunday was pretty slow also. So I ended up taking Sunday off.

Another issue, I need to find more lube. I am out. So this after noon I will be on the hunt unless anyone knows where I can grab some.Glad you are having a great time in AC like you should be. Nice reporting.

South Star pharmacy should have lube. It might be behind the counter. Best to bring your empty lube to show them what you want.

06-26-18, 04:34
Another issue, I need to find more lube. I am out. So this after noon I will be on the hunt unless anyone knows where I can grab some.Any 7-11 sells lube in a satchel for about P25. They also have a tube for P200 (I'm guessing on that price).

The Pharmacies will usually offer KY Lube at western prices based on brand awareness. My locals' pharmacy on the left 10 meters down Narcisco near the corner Narcisco & Fields sells a bigger lube tube for P200. When they invariably first offer you KY, ask for "the other one".

Enjoy your time here. It really is paradise.


06-26-18, 08:34
I've never found a bargirl for only 1000 PhP.

Anyway, I don't want to start that discussion again and I have heard rumours that as of July 2 solliciting in the streets is not tolerated anymore in Angeles. It seems that the mayor is behind this. Can anyone confirm this? I can't find anything on internet.5 years ago Raymond St. Bars were less than 1000 PHP. Anyway for future trips I will be looking at the 3 k specimens.

06-26-18, 08:39
I disagree with you are bar "girls". Most are lazy lumps and it is the same crap / clap shoot as on the street. Most have no interest in providing an acceptable service. The condom thieves were the most diligent in protecting their health (at m why expense). They essentially masturbated my penis by sheathing it inside their vaginas and moving up and down until I shot my pathetic load. I also dislike bars, asdfo the bar girls.

Very few of the providers gave a worthwhile service. I think, in retrospect, they believe, once you squirt, it is game over and back to their crackhead friends. For a sex experience, my right hand is not only cheaper but better.

The second night was so dark I could not even see the hookers on the road. The problem is if trouble starts, you have no get away plan. The hookers I met there in the afternoon were not only bottom barrel but looked the type who would double job as muggers.

Besides the condom thieves, I had no problem re criminality. The condom thieves are a real case of a 3 some being tiresome and much less enjoyable than a 1 on 1. The problem I feel is a mismatch between what we expect and what they provide..You need an experienced wingman to take you under his wing. Have you considered the internet? I've never got a girl from the Internet. Indirectly through Facebook though.

06-26-18, 18:12
Still having tons of fun in this city. However you need to be careful with the kids on the street, they were working hard to pick pocket me. I had a pair of them roll up on me grabbing my arms and doing everything in there power to get in my pockets. I never have anything in my back pockets, and I only bring with me what I am ok loosing. I normally walk with my hands in my pockets, so I can keep track of my stuff. This paid off in spades. Kids were grabbing up on me, I could feel them trying to get hands in my pockets, but no luck because I was already holding all my stuff. Kind of funny to watch them walk away all sad that they got nothing.

Anyhow, lube found at a pharmacy. So that worked out well.


BF again from Club Atlantis, #1037- 3500 php.

Yep the same girl again. More or less the same story, however she stayed from 10 pm until 9 am, and was ready to sex it up anytime. So we spent a good amount of time just fucking away. The only issue is that now, I am all drained. Legs are tired, body is tired, hell my dick is tired. I am running on empty. I don't even have the will to go out looking tonight. This has been some of the best money I have ever spent on pussy.

Now not all has been great, a lot of the gogo bars are low on talent, most of the girls look like they just don't give a fuck. It is funny to watch them run when the Asian guys throw 20's on the stage. The heard of them almost kill each other for a 20. So if you want to see some excitement, just get a stack of 20's and throw them at the stage. Weather was been pretty good, but had a few times where it would start to sprinkle while walking. I have a few days left, and I will be looking for a few more top tier girls.

06-27-18, 12:32
You need an experienced wingman to take you under his wing. Have you considered the internet? I've never got a girl from the Internet. Indirectly through Facebook though.Thanks for your advice. I must have bonked well in excess of 1000 hookers since I began my road to perdition. I make a point of soaking up information.

You ask me to consider the Internet and then say you have not used the Internet. There is absolutely no way I would give FB details to any of these beings.

As it happens, some of the better bonks were from PinayLove but I withdrew from it as I was being pestered. Maybe I should have persisted but that is not my main point, which was that Angeles aka Koreatown continues to deteriorate. I doubt I will be back. I have said that many times before but it is too much work for too little return.

One of my wingmen has said the same thing about Amsterdam. They want you jacked off and gone.

I intend to inv estigate non SE Asian destinations though I expect the same result.

X Man
06-27-18, 16:19
I would strongly recommend that newcomers take more logical techniques to prevent theft from street kids. If you have your hands in your pockets, playing pocket pool, and let these trained thieves rifle through your pockets, you are putting yourself in some serious risk.

When you are in dodgy areas, walk fast, walk strongly, and growl when street kids approach. In a worst case scenario, pull some coins out of your pocket and throw them in the direction that is opposite of the direction you want to travel. They will follow the money. If you are a nervous nelly, or a scared puss willy, you should run at top speed.

Still having tons of fun in this city. However you need to be careful with the kids on the street, they were working hard to pick pocket me. I had a pair of them roll up on me grabbing my arms and doing everything in there power to get in my pockets. I never have anything in my back pockets, and I only bring with me what I am ok loosing. I normally walk with my hands in my pockets, so I can keep track of my stuff.


06-27-18, 22:34
Reading back through the forums people have lamented he lack of places to travel from Angeles Clark. I notice on the Clark Airport facebook page they now have an impressive and growing listing of places that can be accessed by direct flights.

Try this link: https://www.facebook.com/ClarkAirportPhilippines/photos/pcb.1892991427390373/1892991297390386/?type=3&theater.

06-27-18, 23:00
I would strongly recommend that newcomers take more logical techniques to prevent theft from street kids. Street kids are out till 7 am, with their hands under a towel or t shirt. Shouldn't say this but I can see why they get whacked in Latin America.

There are just so many human and Barangay made obstacles in Pampanga, who needs it? It is a one trick town, bomb craters in Walking Street, probably the world's heaviest concentration of STIs, a growing attitude problem, providers' excuses that wouldn't pass muster in kindergarten. Who wants to be walking around like Rambo, dodging bullets, urchins and muggers?

We go to Pampanga for P4P. I don't think it is worth my while any more. I have given up the Viagra and Cialis crap as I feel it is not natural.

They should decide whether they want to upgrade Pampanga or keep it as the toilet without running water, soap and paper that it is.

Chocha Monger
06-28-18, 02:09
Thanks for your advice. I must have bonked well in excess of 1000 hookers since I began my road to perdition. I make a point of soaking up information.

You ask me to consider the Internet and then say you have not used the Internet. There is absolutely no way I would give FB details to any of these beings.

As it happens, some of the better bonks were from PinayLove but I withdrew from it as I was being pestered. Maybe I should have persisted but that is not my main point, which was that Angeles aka Koreatown continues to deteriorate. I doubt I will be back. I have said that many times before but it is too much work for too little return.

One of my wingmen has said the same thing about Amsterdam. They want you jacked off and gone.

I intend to inv estigate non SE Asian destinations though I expect the same result.Sadly, there are too many monger dollars chasing too few quality beavers. With elderly perverts facing instant termination of employment and branding as sexual deviants simply for leering at female coworkers in the West, the stream sex-hungry geriatrics to Third World fleshpots shows no signs of abating. This means the skanks have the upper hand. You cum, they go! There is nothing a monger can do except rub a tube of topical Novocain on his cock to prolong the vaginal masturbation of his leather turtleneck.

My neighbor from Norway aka 'The Land of Chlamydia' spent barely a month bareback fucking his Flip exotic beauty, before marrying her in a mad attempt to remove her pussy from the cybernetic wet market permanently. He was a month too late though. As after he fucked her for one month, she was two months pregnant.


The Pinoy boyfriend, who she introduced as her cousin, was busy drinking Red Horse compliments of the Norwegian's remittances and filling up her puss with native sperms. The whole barangay is waiting with baited breath for her to pop out the 100% Visayan bastard just to see if the foreigner will accept it for his own.

It is the most exciting event to occur in the backwards Bush village in half a century, and the local drunks at the table outside the rum shop have already placed their bets. I put my money on the lazy Pinoy boyfriend, young Pinoys are more virile than alcoholic middle-aged Norwegians and the Pinoy put in more time fucking the girl. The Pinoy has the edge with eleven months of insemination versus the barely one month of Norwegian insemination delivered to the Filipina's pussy. The odds are ever in his favor.

I doubt you will find much sexual relief in the non-Southeast Asian whoring venues, as Western mongers ruined them long before venturing to the Far East in horny hordes. Koreans are famous for their 3-3-3 business model in Southeast Asia. However, outside Southeast Asia, Westerners are famous for 5-3-3 model. Mongers outside of Southeast Asia hump away to encouraging slogans such as, "Hurry up and cum!" and "Leche Papi! Leche!

Chocha Monger
06-28-18, 03:14
I would strongly recommend that newcomers take more logical techniques to prevent theft from street kids. If you have your hands in your pockets, playing pocket pool, and let these trained thieves rifle through your pockets, you are putting yourself in some serious risk.

When you are in dodgy areas, walk fast, walk strongly, and growl when street kids approach. In a worst case scenario, pull some coins out of your pocket and throw them in the direction that is opposite of the direction you want to travel. They will follow the money. If you are a nervous nelly, or a scared puss willy, you should run at top speed.Unless you are DMX, barking growling and howling at the street urchins is not going do anything besides making them laugh and call you 'buang' (lunatic), as they rob you and run off down an alleyway. Seriously, an elderly potbellied foreigner growling at a gang of juvenile Filipino miscreants like a rabid mutt is not going to intimidate them in the slightest. Perhaps when they double over out of breath from laughter, it will provide their amusing prey a couple seconds head start to dash into a nearby business establishment.

Otherwise, leave the barking howling and growling for when you cum in a hooker's snatch doggy-style. She will get a good laugh out of it, and her friends will want to try you just to see if her story is true.

Anyone one who looks like DMX, has a rap sheet to match, and can manage to project the viciousness of a Doberman or Pitbull as shown below can give growling and barking a go. Just because a monger likes to fuck hookers raw dog in doggy-style does not mean he is as intimidating as a canine.


06-28-18, 06:38
With elderly perverts facing instant termination of employment and branding as sexual deviants simply for leering at female coworkers in the West, the stream sex-hungry geriatrics to Third World fleshpots shows no signs of abating. This means the skanks have the upper hand. You cum, they go! I mentioned this very point to my Amsterdam wingman. I told him I had made a half-hearted pass at one of the many women I worked with and got nobbled over it. A younger male bonked every single woman there and not a word.

Your supply and demand analysis is on the money. They prefer to hang about for days on end on an empty belly and get one geriatric for short time, rather than have a real business model and deliver serviced.

From what I have picked up, those rural villages are Sodom and Gomorrah fuelled by Red Horse and cheap rum.

06-28-18, 06:38
Syphlitic brain damage is getting worse in the forum.

Meanwhile AC is alive and well. Just got a message from a regular that she has a new beautiful girl for me when I come back. This will be the third one she has referred to me this year. The other two I still have in my rotation.

06-28-18, 09:10
5 years ago Raymond St. Bars were less than 1000 PHP. Anyway for future trips I will be looking at the 3 k specimens.Don't know about Raymond St but lately when I was in AC I pulled a girl from that little short time bar at the corner of A Santos / Vian St for 1200 PhP. She asked 1500, and in advance, but I managed to talk her down to 1200 and pay after. She accepted, albeit reluctantly (the mamasan was not around so that might have helped). This girl was a very cute little spinner, 19 yo, no baby, with a very tight pussy.
I didn't pull any other girls from this bar but there were often two or three 8's hanging around there when I passed it, so it's worth checking out.

I was almost 2 weeks in AC and, to my surprise, had one of the best holidays ever. I didn't visit the agogo's (I gave up on them 3 years ago already) but pulled my girls mostly from WeChat and a few from the streets and, except for one, had satisfying or even great sessions with all of them.
All the girls were young (< 25), slim and attractive and all the girls from WeChat looked like their pictures. I payed most of them 1000 or 1200 for ST and two very good-looking girls 1500.

So even though the scene in AC is slowly but surely deteriorating for years in a row already, it's still possible to have a good time. I just wish the place wasn't such a dump. I prefer Pattaya over AC for the food and environment but I prefer AC over Pattaya for the girls and the price level.
Wouldn't it be possible to move all the girls from AC to Pattaya? Well, the good looking ones anyway LOL.

06-28-18, 10:54
I was wondering if any of why'all have seen this woman in High Society. So I was in AC a couple months ago and I distinctly remember a blasian chick staring me down while I was there, but at the time my mindset was if I wanted a black chick I could have stayed at home. Well, recently I've been chatting with a blasian woman I met on Filipino Cupid and she's pretty amazing. I'm well aware that a fool and his money are easily parted which is why I come to you all seeking help. If this is the same chick I saw at HiSo a few months ago I will continue to enjoy the great convo and leave it at that. If not, I may be more inclined to make a return trip for a face to face meet.

06-28-18, 14:22
Wouldn't it be possible to move all the girls from AC to Pattaya? Well, the good looking ones anyway LOL.You don't know how many times I've wished I could transport all the Manila girls to Bangkok and vice versa! Better food, transportation, culture. But then Red Kilt would be screwed haha.

06-28-18, 15:06
You don't know how many times I've wished I could transport all the Manila girls to Bangkok and vice versa! Better food, transportation, culture. But then Red Kilt would be screwed haha.We can move RK as well.

Mr Enternational
06-28-18, 15:53
I was almost 2 weeks in AC and, to my surprise, had one of the best holidays ever. I didn't visit the agogo's (I gave up on them 3 years ago already) but pulled my girls mostly from WeChat and a few from the streets and, except for one, had satisfying or even great sessions with all of them.
All the girls were young (< 25), slim and attractive and all the girls from WeChat looked like their pictures. I payed most of them 1000 or 1200 for ST and two very good-looking girls 1500.

I prefer Pattaya over AC for the food and environment but I prefer AC over Pattaya for the girls and the price level.But it is pretty much the same thing in Pattaya. Get on WeChat, Thai Friendly, or just walk around. No need to go to boring gogo bars paying 5 X the amount when those same chicks walk around the street and go get food at the market. Why wait until they are inside of an expensive ass gogo or some bar (where you are expected to buy drinks) before you approach them? Meet chicks on the street, trade info, and have them come over later. I usually give 1000 baht LT, but give them 1000 baht ST if that is too much pressure. It is simple. Same thing you have done in AC, you can do in Pattaya.

Granted 1000 pesos is still an amazing 62% of 1000 baht though. That place is cheap as shit!

06-28-18, 17:05
Yeah, the good ole days when I made 85 cents an hour in high school. Then $1. 35 per hour. My first SW was $10.00 plus $2. 00 for the room.

Really can't live the good ole days! Live today for what it is. All still good.

Soapy Smith
06-28-18, 18:57
I was almost 2 weeks in AC and, to my surprise, had one of the best holidays ever. LOL.It's reassuring to know that not everybody is suffering from syphilitic brain damage.

Yeah, the good ole days when I made 85 cents an hour in high school. Then $1. 35 per hour.I remember those days, so you must be old as dirt too.

06-28-18, 23:31
If this is the same chick I saw at HiSo a few months ago I will continue to enjoy the great convo and leave it at that. If not, I may be more inclined to make a return trip for a face to face meet.There are so many opportunities that I have thought to follow-up until I wake up to myself. Cute girls in HK working as maid, bank manager from KL holidaying in Bali, student on term break in Mindanao etc etc. The issue with all of these is that it is me (us) that put in the time and money to make it work. Are they really that unique in the world? AM I that special?

For me, I go back to my personal plans and activities and find the girls that fit with that.


X Man
06-29-18, 01:57
Funny you would say that because the lunatic play works like a charm. Shake your head like you are in convulsions, make some weird noises, and the kids lose interest. You should try it Chocha. I think you'd be pretty good and lunatic acting.

Unless you are DMX, barking growling and howling at the street urchins is not going do anything besides making them laugh and call you 'buang' (lunatic), SNIP

06-29-18, 09:39
Same thing you have done in AC, you can do in Pattaya. I am doing the same thing in Pattaya. However generally speaking I prefer Pinays over Thai girls. Just a bit anyway, it's not really a strong preference.

06-29-18, 09:40
I remember those days, so you must be old as dirt too.Or he just wasn't worth more than 85 cents an hour.

Wicked Roger
06-29-18, 10:03
Funny you would say that because the lunatic play works like a charm. Shake your head like you are in convulsions, make some weird noises, and the kids lose interest. You should try it Chocha. I think you'd be pretty good and lunatic acting.XMan long time no meet and see.

What you fail to say in your FR is that you describe your normal demeanour 24/7 not the more sophisticated one that I present LOL.

We have to play act crazy unlike some LOL.

06-29-18, 15:17
Or he just wasn't worth more than 85 cents an hour.Very true then. I am worth a little more now. Just trying to share it with as many pinays as I can.

Chocha Monger
06-30-18, 00:47
Funny you would say that because the lunatic play works like a charm. Shake your head like you are in convulsions, make some weird noises, and the kids lose interest. You should try it Chocha. I think you'd be pretty good and lunatic acting.Notice the fella in the photo taking a stroll on Fields Ave on a rainy day; I call him the Fields Stroller. This poor lunatic wore neither pants nor drawers, and his mangled dick dangled freely at mid-thigh. Yet, no one seemed to notice. No girls running away screaming. No old women grasping at their bosoms in shock. No police rushing up with a blanket and truncheons at the ready. Not even the dogs barked! Raving lunatics are a normal part of life in Angeles City, and they roam the streets freely both native and foreign. When a foreign maniac leaps from a rooftop or a balcony, it barely makes a ripple in the community.

In another town, I saw sexy female lunatic taking a bath and washing her panties and dress in a large pothole on the busy main street. She was as naked as the moment she came into this world and looked no older than her early 20's. Again, no one seemed to notice that she was stark naked. Well, no one except the trike drivers and a handful of drunks outside the nearby rum shop having their early morning grog. I can assure that no one looked scared or appalled to see a naked lunatic washing up in a pothole in the middle of town. In fact, a few of the drunks were asking her how much for a root.

Filipinos do not feel threatened by lunatics as Americans do. The sight of a naked lunatic causes nothing more than a few laughs in the Philippines. In the USA, police would arrive on the scene within minutes ready to shoot. Women would run down the streets shrieking in terror. Stores would slam and lock their doors. News crews would rush to the scene with cameras to transmit live.

Furthermore, mental health professionals believe that all mongers have some sort of psychopathology. This is the reason the USA Authorities catch mongers paying for pussy and then obligate them to attend "john schools" to receive treatment for anger management and sexual addiction. According to the experts, paying for sex is a manifestation of psychological impairment, and mongers need treatment to help them develop "healthy sexual relationships" with women.

The typical scene in Angeles City on any day, where 50-85 years-old mongers weighing 300 lbs or more tow 18-25 years-old prostitutes back to their hotel dens for a suck and fuck is lunacy to the average Westerner. I doubt any mongers inform their coworkers, family, and friends that they are off to spend their vacation or retirement fucking young hookers in a decaying town in the Philippines. If they did, their family would likely deem them lunatics and persuade them to seek professional help. One is already "acting crazy" when arranging to fly to the Philippines for sex. That is enough to qualify as a "sex maniac" in the USA. LOL!

06-30-18, 08:16
First time in A / C a month ago, walked out of Fields hotel and two minutes later I eye a girl I want and another one that I end up wanting walks up nearby. Another nearby older lady approaches me and I assume she is their manager. I end up taking both girls and make the wrong decision of paying upfront. Turns out the older lady wasn't managing them at all and just did the talking. The gis didn't say anything because they felt they needed the older lady to make the sale. But she only left them with 1 k each, when I gave her 5. So the girls were unhappy the whole time, complaining the whole time in the room and I'm just stuck there like wtf listening to their bullshit. I get them out of the room after I unload one from each. It turned into way too much drama, I had to act like I needed food and wanted them to come with me to get them out of the room before telling them their services wasn't worth a tip. And it wasn't my fault they let a total stranger do their selling for them.

A pretty bad first experience, considering there was no violence or theft.

Second experience: ended up wechatting a girl who actually just wanted to hang out, no P4P, a heart broken virgin who wants to marry a foreigner. She said she ended up there before knowing ACs history and she thought she was just taking a normal corporate job. We just hung out and I got her to sleep over but couldn't get her to put out. She never once suggested money so I assume she's pretty legit. I am coming off of some meds still so I wasn't needing sex.

Question 1 : any full nude shows anywhere in the Philippines? I believe they've been banned, but I'm sure somewhere it still goes on, maybe a different island.

Question 2 : anyone getting bareback from barfined girls?

Question 3 : after the crackdown in Subic, is it anything like it used to be anymore? I had never been before the crackdown sadly, but I'm still wanting that experience. Even if it's outside the Philippines. Any help would be appreciated.

Feel free to PM me.

Thanks guys.

Nice Guy 99
07-01-18, 04:03
Question 2 : anyone getting bareback from barfined girls?
Duh! + more characters.

07-01-18, 04:44
First time in A / C a month ago, walked out of Fields hotel and two minutes later I eye a girl I want and another one that I end up wanting walks up nearby. Another nearby older lady approaches me and I assume she is their manager. I end up taking both girls and make the wrong decision of paying upfront. Turns out the older lady wasn't managing them at all and just did the talking. The gis didn't say anything because they felt they needed the older lady to make the sale. But she only left them with 1 k each, when I gave her 5. So the girls were unhappy the whole time, complaining the whole time in the room and I'm just stuck there like wtf listening to their bullshit. I get them out of the room after I unload one from each. It turned into way too much drama, I had to act like I needed food and wanted them to come with me to get them out of the room before telling them their services wasn't worth a tip. And it wasn't my fault they let a total stranger do their selling for them.

A pretty bad first experience, considering there was no violence or theft..Sounds like you read zero about AC before landing (kinda strange) giving 5 k to a stranger for 2 girls she didn't even know (even stranger).

Mr Enternational
07-01-18, 06:25
Furthermore, mental health professionals believe that all mongers have some sort of psychopathology. This is the reason the USA Authorities catch mongers paying for pussy and then obligate them to attend "john schools" to receive treatment for anger management and sexual addiction. According to the experts, paying for sex is a manifestation of psychological impairment, and mongers need treatment to help them develop "healthy sexual relationships" with women.I had to do some trafficking training for work the other day. There were only 2 categories of people, buyers and victims. They seriously consider any chick that is selling pussy to be a victim. Being a seasoned monger all I could do was shake my damn head.

07-01-18, 08:20
First time in A / C a month ago, walked out of Fields hotel and two minutes later I eye a girl I want and another one that I end up wanting walks up nearby. Another nearby older lady approaches me and I assume she is their manager. I end up taking both girls and make the wrong decision of paying upfront. Turns out the older lady wasn't managing them at all and just did the talking. The gis didn't say anything because they felt they needed the older lady to make the sale. But she only left them with 1 k each, when I gave her 5. Don't know if it was the same lady but recently when I was in AC I saw an older lady with a fairly attractive young girl (late teens or early twenties I think) walking around. She was clearly looking for customers for the young girl who looked quite shy and inexperienced. A few days later I saw the same old lady again but this time with a mid twenties and very bored and uninterested looking girl.
It didn't feel good. And you don't need a middle(wo)man in AC anyway. You always pay too much and it can be dangerous.

Question 2 : anyone getting bareback from barfined girls?I never barfine girls anymore because I don't visit the bars but I get plenty of bareback from freelancers. But with most bargirls it shouldn't be a problem as well, unless things have really changed.
Just a hint: if they ask for a condom it doesn't mean they insist on a condom. 90% will give in immediately if you say you don't like condoms because they take away all the good feelings.

Question 3 : after the crackdown in Subic, is it anything like it used to be anymore? I had never been before the crackdown sadly, but I'm still wanting that experience. Even if it's outside the Philippines. Any help would be appreciated.What experience exactly?

07-01-18, 15:18
I had to do some trafficking training for work the other day. There were only 2 categories of people, buyers and victims. They seriously consider any chick that is selling pussy to be a victim. Being a seasoned monger all I could do was shake my damn head.I think of that as NonSense-itivity training. If Women's Lib made any sense, then women would be as free to do with their pussies as they are with their embryos. But in the feminist world, men are still the evil apex predators (especially white straight men).

Chocha Monger
07-01-18, 19:56
I had to do some trafficking training for work the other day. There were only 2 categories of people, buyers and victims. They seriously consider any chick that is selling pussy to be a victim. Being a seasoned monger all I could do was shake my damn head.The buyers and victims only ideology assumes that men always have all of the power and women are helpless. It ignores the evidence that the women selling pussy often victimize sentimental men, feigning love and emotional bonding to con them out of their homes and cash savings. When the buyer tries to save the supposed victim selling pussy, he often ends up victimized. Yet, victimology ignores this reality, as men as victims of female mercenaries with a pussy and no heart is not an issue that is likely to attract charitable donations and government funding.

When a prostitute defrauds a man of house and lifesaving, society holds him accountable for his actions (I. E. Trusting a woman with his assets) and deems him a fool. However, the woman who uses her pussy to commit the fraud is a 'victim' of the male buyer cheated out of his wealth. LOL!

If the feminists honestly believe that there are only buyers and victims, they would push to end all marriage, especially hypergamous marriages where women marry men with greater wealth and earnings. They would insist that women pay their way when dating and in relationships, and shame women who expect men to pick up the bill for their meals and buy them expensive gifts on special occasions. Instead, they allow these unequal social interactions to occur because they benefit women. Prostitution puts a price on sex, and that destroys the belief system that says pussy and demonstrations of affection are priceless. This threatens the ability of women to use sex, love, and marriage as their primary means of transferring vast amounts of wealth from men to women.

Men can use the buyers and victims only argument when it comes to performing dangerous strenuous and dirty work. The employers not only purchase the labor of the workers, they profit from it and continuously find ways to increase the amount of labor obtained from each worker for less compensation. Therefore, there are only employers and victims.

07-01-18, 20:23
Furthermore, mental health professionals believe that all mongers have some sort of psychopathology. This is the reason the USA Authorities catch mongers paying for pussy and then obligate them to attend "john schools" to receive treatment for anger management and sexual addiction. According to the experts, paying for sex is a manifestation of psychological impairment, and mongers need treatment to help them develop "healthy sexual relationships" with women.Really? Mental health professionals believe this? Can you cite some source for this? Who are these "experts" you are citing?

07-02-18, 16:50
Sounds like you read zero about AC before landing (kinda strange) giving 5 k to a stranger for 2 girls she didn't even know (even stranger).She talked to the girls as if she knew them and they kept eye contact with me as if it was ok. I am cautious about theft. This possibility wasn't even on my radar, as the girls seemed to consent to this the whole time. The only part where it broke off was at the last minute before they went up the door, when I paid the lady and she gave them each 1 k.

5 k for two girls for the whole night. Is that a bad deal?

07-02-18, 17:02
Don't know if it was the same lady but recently when I was in AC I saw an older lady with a fairly attractive young girl (late teens or early twenties I think) walking around. She was clearly looking for customers for the young girl who looked quite shy and inexperienced. A few days later I saw the same old lady again but this time with a mid twenties and very bored and uninterested looking girl.
It didn't feel good. And you don't need a middle(wo)man in AC anyway. You always pay too much and it can be dangerous.

I never barfine girls anymore because I don't visit the bars but I get plenty of bareback from freelancers. But with most bargirls it shouldn't be a problem as well, unless things have really changed.
Just a hint: if they ask for a condom it doesn't mean they insist on a condom. 90% will give in immediately if you say you don't like condoms because they take away all the good feelings.

What experience exactly?I agree, don't need a middleman or woman, pay too much. They were winners for my taste and I just wanted them. Too eager I guess.

But. Dangerous how?

Re: barfining, condoms.

OK, I'll give that a try. 90% is good odds. From Manila experiences of barfining, my impression is that the mamasans frighten them all away from it. And since you pay upfront at bars, you're left screwed if she refused, aside from trying to return her. Also, you're put into the position of the girl demanding more for Live, no condom sex, which I've been put in.

Maybe AC pussy is cheap enough that I have to accept some dud experiences and move on.

Re: experiences.

Fully nude shows, dances. More than AC. Now they can't even say the word barfine in subic.

Anywhere without all these crackdowns? I really just want to enjoy nude, full blown tits and pussy shows sometimes.

07-03-18, 03:42
Maybe less people like to do this or I just can't find it on the forum, but what are the rates for having a girl for 24 hrs, 48 hrs, etc? Full days.

07-03-18, 08:09
But. Dangerous how?Could be a setup with a minor or some other scam.

By the way: was the older lady you were talking about really an old lady, as in 50+ or 60+? Or was she just a little bit older than the other girls?

07-03-18, 08:13
Re: barfining, condoms.
OK, I'll give that a try. 90% is good odds. From Manila experiences of barfining, my impression is that the mamasans frighten them all away from it. And since you pay upfront at bars, you're left screwed if she refused, aside from trying to return her. Also, you're put into the position of the girl demanding more for Live, no condom sex, which I've been put in.Manila is different. It is much easier to get bareback in AC than in Manila.

Nice Guy 99
07-04-18, 06:31
Manila is different. It is much easier to get bareback in AC than in Manila.Come on guys. Once you get their panties off and start licking I have never had a pinay refuse bareback.

Naked Gunz
07-04-18, 07:02
Come on guys. Once you get their panties off and start licking I have never had a pinay refuse bareback.That has led to NSU for me there more times than I want to remember.

Chocha Monger
07-04-18, 10:40
Come on guys. Once you get their panties off and start licking I have never had a pinay refuse bareback.Licking is not even necessary. When the Pinay is sucking your cock, just tell her that you "want to make baby" with her and she will let you ram it in raw and cum-in-pussy. Most do not like rubbers any more than mongers do, and complain if you use one because you are treating them as if they have "a sickness."

07-04-18, 12:27
OK, I'll give that a try. 90% is good odds. From Manila experiences of barfining, my impression is that the mamasans frighten them all away from it. And since you pay upfront at bars, you're left screwed if she refused, aside from trying to return her. Also, you're put into the position of the girl demanding more for Live, no condom sex, which I've been put in.
Someone posted awhile back that the girls in Manila won't do a 'runner' as in after one shot try to head back to the bar because 'you' pay them their amount in the morning. If you pay the entire amount including the girls cut to the bar then you have no control.

07-04-18, 14:49
The buyers and victims only ideology assumes that men always have all of the power and women are helpless. It ignores the evidence that the women selling pussy often victimize sentimental men, feigning love and emotional bonding to con them out of their homes and cash savings...Astute analysis. I like it!

07-04-18, 23:47
Maybe less people like to do this or I just can't find it on the forum, but what are the rates for having a girl for 24 hrs, 48 hrs, etc? Full days.If you are negotiating via a bar then they will want the barfine price per day.

Some guys find it easy to barfine the girl once and then negotiate with her direct.

If you go the freelancer scene they will offer the most flexibility. By freelancer I mean truly independent woman not a worker controlled by another.

There are a surprising number of women in Angeles who are just happy to hang out.


07-05-18, 12:06
..........complain if you use one because you are treating them as if they have "a sickness."....errr some of them do.

07-05-18, 14:00
Some guys find it easy to barfine the girl once and then negotiate with her direct.

PL.This works well and can cut costs if the OP is looking for a repeat ST before or after work. However, if he wants full days a bar fine will still be payable for every shift she is not at work.

The advantages of continuous "rolling" barfines are that she will be more of a GFE to say "thanks" for the ongoing income, you remove the risk from getting repeated unknown girls and yes, you get her for 24 hours per day (maybe minus a couple of hours to go home and get some clothes, if she needs them).

07-05-18, 16:45
Manila is different. It is much easier to get bareback in AC than in Manila.Bareback is easy with young girls who do not have a kid. Sometimes difficult with those have kids. Having a kid before they are 25 is an ambition with Phi girls irrespective of marriage. After they have one kid they are happy although they struggle for support. That is where we come into the picture. Few thousand pesos will solve their immediate needs. IMHO they know very well long term stability with a foreigner is very rare even among the pretty ones.

They may marry older foreigners toget out of the country and according to my previous girls who have done that they are not happy at all. They do not fit into the western society well. Besides age difference haunts them. Hanging around with old wrinkly as a trophy wife irritates them because in western society it is rare.