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Horny Landoora
05-04-11, 15:16
I heard that the Free Visa on Arrival at Thailand being offered to visitors from some countries have been withdrawn completely?

I am given to understand that a fees has been imposed of 1500 bahts?

Anyone updated on this?

Daddy San
05-04-11, 15:29
Hi guys,

I have't been posting for some time, even though I made my usual yearly trip to SEA in February / March.

The reason is, that there is little I want to report on.

Partly due to a lack of notable events, but mainly, because I have gotten myself into a "stable relationship", which, to me, is emotionally much more satisfying than screwing around like I used to do in the past, but at the same time unsuitable for reporting the many many very juicy but very intimate details.

To make the long story short, I have grown extremely fond of a Thai lady of 42, some 5 yrs younger than my daughter and hot as hell (both of them). I mention this, because it is only my obviously advanced age, that has prevented me from becoming totally infatuated with my MILF.

I know all about the "sick buffallo","sich grandmother" and other scams, which many TGFs pull on the Western boyfriends.

I have made this very clear to my TGF from the start, that, while being very generous when we are together, I will never, ever send her money when we are apart.

So far, at least, it has worked and I am very much looking forward to being with her again next year.

We have, however, one serious problem:

She speaks just about zero English and I speak even less Thai. Which makes communicating even the simplest things very tedious. At my age, spending all day in bed with my lady is no longer an option and even then, I like to tell her how good she is and how much she pleases me.

I am fluent in 4 European languages and can get along quite well in at least 5 more, so learning a new language was never a problem for me, but with Thai, I don't even know where to start!

So here is my question: How did you learn Thai? Or What is a practicable way to learn Thai?

05-04-11, 16:35
I heard that the Free Visa on Arrival at Thailand being offered to visitors from some countries have been withdrawn completely?

I am given to understand that a fees has been imposed of 1500 bahts?

Anyone updated on this? Took me less time to Google the answer on my iPad whilst sitting in a Bangalore restaurant than it took you to post the question.

Member #4698
05-04-11, 16:42
Hi guys,

We have, however, one serious problem:

She speaks just about zero English and I speak even less Thai. Which makes communicating even the simplest things very tedious. At my age, spending all day in bed with my lady is no longer an option and even then, I like to tell her how good she is and how much she pleases me.

I am fluent in 4 European languages and can get along quite well in at least 5 more, so learning a new language was never a problem for me, but with Thai, I don't even know where to start!

So here is my question: How did you learn Thai? Or What is a practicable way to learn Thai? If you are serious about being fluent in Thai then you want the full immersion method. There is no other way to do it well. Line up a good school over the internet and begin your studies as soon as you return to Bangkok. It will take a couple months to get proficient and it won't be easy. Rosetta Stone doesn't work although it might help you with the basics in your case with your GF by your side to guide you every step of the way.

Of course the easy way to solve your problem is to send your GF to school to learn English.

Member #2041
05-04-11, 17:39
Hi guys,

I have't been posting for some time, even though I made my usual yearly trip to SEA in February / March.

The reason is, that there is little I want to report on.

Partly due to a lack of notable events, but mainly, because I have gotten myself into a "stable relationship", which, to me, is emotionally much more satisfying than screwing around like I used to do in the past, but at the same time unsuitable for reporting the many many very juicy but very intimate details.

To make the long story short, I have grown extremely fond of a Thai lady of 42, some 5 yrs younger than my daughter and hot as hell (both of them). I mention this, because it is only my obviously advanced age, that has prevented me from becoming totally infatuated with my MILF.

I know all about the "sick buffallo","sich grandmother" and other scams, which many TGFs pull on the Western boyfriends.

I have made this very clear to my TGF from the start, that, while being very generous when we are together, I will never, ever send her money when we are apart.

So far, at least, it has worked and I am very much looking forward to being with her again next year.

We have, however, one serious problem:

She speaks just about zero English and I speak even less Thai. Which makes communicating even the simplest things very tedious. At my age, spending all day in bed with my lady is no longer an option and even then, I like to tell her how good she is and how much she pleases me.

I am fluent in 4 European languages and can get along quite well in at least 5 more, so learning a new language was never a problem for me, but with Thai, I don't even know where to start!

So here is my question: How did you learn Thai? Or What is a practicable way to learn Thai? Can I suggest something else? If you are serious about this, you should make it a mutual project. That while YOU are learning Thai, you should offer to put her through a course in English at the same time. If she cares enough about you to take the course and put her work in, while you are footing the bill, you probably have a reasonable basis for making the sort of full-on commitment that this involves. If, however, she DOESN'T want to learn English even on your dime, to be with you. Then that should raise as many red flags as it needs to in order to keep you from making a major life-commitment towards someone who doesn't feel anywhere near the same way about you. Not to mention the fact that interacting intensively with someone else who's fluent in the language that each of you is trying to learn should actually make it easier for both of you to actually learn each other's language.

Member #2041
05-04-11, 17:47
Now we will all know the truth. When a Thai girls complains about how big it is, is she telling porkies, sweet mouthing, or just an honest excitement / fear.In MY case, I am sure they are being honest.

Orange Crust
05-04-11, 18:54
Can I suggest something else? If you are serious about this, you should make it a mutual project. That while YOU are learning Thai, you should offer to put her through a course in English at the same time. If she cares enough about you to take the course and put her work in, while you are footing the bill, you probably have a reasonable basis for making the sort of full-on commitment that this involves. If, however, she DOESN'T want to learn English even on your dime, to be with you. Then that should raise as many red flags as it needs to in order to keep you from making a major life-commitment towards someone who doesn't feel anywhere near the same way about you. Not to mention the fact that interacting intensively with someone else who's fluent in the language that each of you is trying to learn should actually make it easier for both of you to actually learn each other's language.I have had a tough time too in all languages. Some things that may helped:

MBK mall has tonnes of pirated software available. I'm pretty sure I saw Rosetta Stone learning Thai available for a 100 bt. That and for about 3000 bt you can get a hand held translator at Big C. They are kind of useless but are worth a few laughs.

If you have an iPhone or iPod, they are tonnes of language lessons available for free at iTunes.

YouTube has lessons too.

Just a few tools that you may not have thought about.

Chill Out
05-04-11, 21:12
If you can speak several languages already, it shouldn't take too long to pick up. I agree that going for immersion is always the best way, no matter the language. Which means you have to spend more time in the LOS. A tough realization, I'm sure. ;)

Edward M
05-05-11, 05:00
So here is my question: How did you learn Thai? Or What is a practicable way to learn Thai?Pimsleur is your friend. I listened to Pimsleur for 40 days before my trip to Thailand and it helped me a lot. There is only 1 level (15 cds) but it introduced me to a lot of vocabulary and grammar. I couldn't really converse in Thai but when people did not understand my English I could throw out some Thai to clarify and was able to understand a little of what I heard. I think the most effective method is to go through the cds with one lesson (half a cd) per day listening to it 3 or 4 times in that day so about 2 hours commitment per day and also the first time through do not skip a day or double-up and it should stick well in your brain. After the first time through you can go through them again doing 3 lessons per day and finish it for a review in about 10 days so 40 day commitment to go through it twice.

Contrary to popular belief Thai is not that hard a language to learn. The tones can be tough but remember English is a tonal language too but to a much less extent. There are no verb conjugations so all you will really need to learn is vocabulary.

It is too bad that there are not more levels.

BKK Dreaming
05-06-11, 01:52
London-Bangkok 352 UKP return.


Hope someone can use it.


05-06-11, 04:35
Can I suggest something else? If you are serious about this, you should make it a mutual project. That while YOU are learning Thai, you should offer to put her through a course in English at the same time. If she cares enough about you to take the course and put her work in, while you are footing the bill, you probably have a reasonable basis for making the sort of full-on commitment that this involves. If, however, she DOESN'T want to learn English even on your dime, to be with you. Then that should raise as many red flags as it needs to in order to keep you from making a major life-commitment towards someone who doesn't feel anywhere near the same way about you. Not to mention the fact that interacting intensively with someone else who's fluent in the language that each of you is trying to learn should actually make it easier for both of you to actually learn each other's language.I think that this is very good advice.

I am 7 years into a relationship where her English is passable but I assure you this is not enough. We have numerous problems based on miscommunication.

Daddy San
05-06-11, 18:19
Thanks for your manifold suggestions.

The best and quickest way to learn a language certainly is by total immersion.

I have gone through that exercise twice myself. Then, many years ago, it took me all of 3-4 months to become proficient in each language.

The nicest way I learned a language (French in this case) was by total immersion in my French girlfriend. The result was not as good, because half the time we were too busy to converse, but boy, was is nice!

I tried this approach with my TGF, but it just won't work.

She is very smart and not only understands some English, but seems to anticipate when I say something like "I want to eat your pussy" even before I say it, and from then on I can only mumble.

She, on her part, is often similarly "handicapped".

Spending more time with her on a joint project (in LOS or Germany, where I currently live) as someone suggested, would be great fun, but there is a problem: My wife might object.

On a mote serious note, while giving lots of valuable advice, none of you actually answered the first part of my question : How did you learn Thai?

Taking Thai classes is not an option, because there are no Thai classes where I live.

So, I guess that "Teach yourself Thai on CD" like Pimsleur or similar, is the only way. I guess I knew that all along.

I would appreciate any advice which course to choose and your personal experience with it.

Thanks a bunch.


BKK Dreaming
05-06-11, 19:10
Total immersionis is great if you are staying with educated people,

But most of the Issan girls did not go to school after 16 years old or so, and then Thai was not what they spoke at home,

You really need to be taught by educated Thais who also know some English so if you have a question of why something is said a certain way you can get an answer you understand,

Is Pimsleur Thai anywhere on the web to try it out for free and see if you like it? I did not really like Rosetta stone.



Rocky Power
05-07-11, 06:43
Total immersionis is great if you are staying with educated people,

But most of the Issan girls did not go to school after 16 years old or so, and then Thai was not what they spoke at home,

You really need to be taught by educated Thais who also know some English so if you have a question of why something is said a certain way you can get an answer you understand,

Is Pimsleur Thai anywhere on the web to try it out for free and see if you like it? I did not really like Rosetta stone.


BKThere is. Ill send you a link

Mr Enternational
05-07-11, 11:22
So, I guess that "Teach yourself Thai on CD" like Pimsleur or similar, is the only way. I guess I knew that all along.

I would appreciate any advice which course to choose and your personal experience with it. I learn better when I can see the words as well as listen. So I use this set in addition to the Pimsleur.

English http://www.bangkokbooks.com/php/product/product.php?product_id=000028

German http://www.bangkokbooks.com/php/product/product.php?product_id=000031

05-08-11, 05:52
Hi guys,

I have't been posting for some time, even though I made my usual yearly trip to SEA in February / March.

The reason is, that there is little I want to report on.

Partly due to a lack of notable events, but mainly, because I have gotten myself into a "stable relationship", which, to me, is emotionally much more satisfying than screwing around like I used to do in the past, but at the same time unsuitable for reporting the many many very juicy but very intimate details.

To make the long story short, I have grown extremely fond of a Thai lady of 42, some 5 yrs younger than my daughter and hot as hell (both of them). I mention this, because it is only my obviously advanced age, that has prevented me from becoming totally infatuated with my MILF.

I know all about the "sick buffallo","sich grandmother" and other scams, which many TGFs pull on the Western boyfriends.

I have made this very clear to my TGF from the start, that, while being very generous when we are together, I will never, ever send her money when we are apart.

So far, at least, it has worked and I am very much looking forward to being with her again next year.

We have, however, one serious problem:

She speaks just about zero English and I speak even less Thai. Which makes communicating even the simplest things very tedious. At my age, spending all day in bed with my lady is no longer an option and even then, I like to tell her how good she is and how much she pleases me.

I am fluent in 4 European languages and can get along quite well in at least 5 more, so learning a new language was never a problem for me, but with Thai, I don't even know where to start!

So here is my question: How did you learn Thai? Or What is a practicable way to learn Thai? D. S.

There are many reasons to learn Thai, if you visit offen or not! Some learn to use it as a pick up line in bars etc. Some learn enough so that they can get around and order the food, some need to learn it like you. Whatever you do or go you need to decide first if it is best to take private one on one or in group. I myself like the group but sometimes depending on the group all they want to learn are words and lines to pick up girls and there are students that might be more advance than you. You seem to be a learner type already fluent in 4 European languages.

In your situation IMHO, I can safely say that since she speaks very little English that she has no idea what you have told her about your situation. Aside from the language you need to learn more about the culture at the same time to avoid saying something you didn't mean or more on her part take something out of context. If you are a talker and go on and go many times a Thai will just say they understand just so that you would shut up and they would do it with a smile.

Many will view this suggestion as B. S. But one of the best books I have read here that I have learned a lot is the book title " Thailand Fever " this book is written in English and translated to Thai so that she can also read what you are reading. I have made this suggestion to many of my friends and many of them come away saying they understand but go ahead and do everything they shouldn't like they haven't even read it. I would nearly demand she read it so first she understand you and where you come from and give her a idea as to why you are the way you are? As it suggest in the book along with what Member 2041 said " if she refuse to read it that is a good sign as to where your relationship is heading!

Aside from the language you are dealing with much more, culture, loosing face, never speak openly to your friends or hers regarding personal matters it will come back to bit you in the ass. Aside from her never trust your opinion regarding a situation with another Thai, thinking it would never get back to her! They will backstab you and not know they are doing it. A word like realise or my can be contrue as something bad so yes it is a great idea to learn the language. Depending on wear you are I suggest you locate a Church that offer language classes for the both of you that way if you need private translation to get something across it is available. I suggest this because if they respect the place and individuals that presents the information they don't loose face.

Good luck, LBM

New Old Guy
05-08-11, 10:10
I'm going through the same ordeal of learning at least some Thai.

It is an incredibly hard task. I think that never in my life I have approached anything so difficult. Whoever tells you otherwise is lying.

My recommendation, if you are not prepared for an endless series of frustrations and likely ultimate failure, don't start it. The obstacles are deeply embedded in the nature of the language (that just to be clear from the beginning, is infinitely inferior in effectiveness to any indo-european language). And the way that is actually spoken.

In no particular order:

The five basic vowel tones. Anybody can understand and discern what a low or falling tone is. Problem is that is in reality, Thais mark the intonation with the less possible intensity, of course they will be understand anyway. I have recorded my Isaan squeeze uttering the five tones of the "maa" word, then had her listen to it. She had to admit that they mostly sounded the same. She blamed the fact she is Isaan. Now guess who do we most often spend time with?

Again on the Isaan people or girls, as somebody has pointed out, they are the worst teachers ever. Thai teacher are bad enough, Isaan people are totally useless. Even when talking to you, they will throw in Isaan sentences or words all the time (It makes a better conversation to their ears), and fail to tell you what is what. They would speak Isaan to each other, and you will not be able to practice word recognition, let alone understanding. That is one reason why they are looked down by other Thai. As soon they open mouth they reveal their origin, and never try to speak properly. Of course the opposite is also true, Isaan also are suspicious of Thai, and not interested in learning proper Thai ever. They only know enough to get away with the elementary school and that's it.

Back on the tones and you. When talking, if you accentuate the intonation, not only it will sound awkward but you will distort the pitch so much that you will not be understood - unless you're a professional signer perhaps. So, you will try to speak softly like them, just to meet yet another failure. There is a fine line that only a native speaker can master, unless you have it as natural talent, just give up with some words and intonations, as you will always sound ridiculous like when they say "call polip" or "Bruy beer". Thanks Buddha there is many useful words with plain tonality, you will want to use these most of the time.

Just to give you an idea, on the TV soap some days ago, a Western woman character was introduced. She was an upper-class, long-time resident of Thailand, to my ears her Thai had no western accent whatsoever and sounded exactly like the TV news. Well, they put captioning on screen when she was speaking! They have very little mental flexibility to understand others that do not speak they way they do, and are very quickl label one as "not very clear", at which point they pretty much give up trying, and ask you to use English instead. Call this motivating!

By the way, in my native European language we have something similar to intonations, we call them tonic accents. So two words can be written the same (expect for the accent), but pronounced differently. Just to be clear, being able to use these, will not help. Also let's say you speak some Spanish and are able to imitate the different way it's spoken for example, in Spain, Mexico, Colombia, and Argentina. That ability will not help a single bit. Spanish is a melodic, fully uttered language possessing a lovely cadence in each geographical variation. Thai is a sequence of short groans, moans.

Now for their "wonderfully simple" vocabulary. Most common words are extremely short, in practice monosyllabic. Now, I do not have scientific evidence to support my opinion, but I think that makes them even more difficult to remember, as there is no interesting sounds to grab to, for a mnemonic approach. But, I remember easily many Arabic or even Japanese words, that are nicely built on two or three contrasting, fully uttered syllables.

Now for the learning methods. Pimsleur is frankly ridiculous. I had great hopes until I discovered that after the first lesson, they introduce only 2 or so new words in each following one. At the 5th lesson they are still very politely asking each other which country they're from and if they speak Thai or not? WTF.

I know a guy that incensed Pimsleur, he also took many classes on his ED Visa, he boasts to be able to imitate the Thai intonation. We used to go out, I would hear him starting a conversation the right way, at that point invariably the Thai person replied something outside his knowledge that he could not respond to, and was soon relegated to the big smiles and gesturing. Also he received pretty much the same amount of "What?" as I do. He would avoid telephone conversation and had to use the smartphone translator all the time.

So we have the method with no writing, and the ones with writing that in theory should help you memorizing the sounds of each letter, words and phrases ultimately. True until you give a close look to the Thai script, with its inane amount of consonants, absurd vowel positioning rules, and the self-similar glyphs. It takes months if not years of effort to discern letters apart, associate a (variable) sound to them, then forming words. Forming is the appropriate term, as they use no spaces (not asking for dots, that would be too much). So it's up to you to figure it out. No wonder I see how Isaan or even Thai people to take 30 or 50 seconds to read one single line sentence on a public sign.

Simply put, the written form was not designed to be universally used, it had instead a religious, political and legal use. Then when they moved into modernity, instead of doing like the Viets done (under French guidance) by adapting the Latin script, they stuck to it, with the great results we're talking about here. If you really want to get close to it.be warned, it will simply bring even more frustration so if you can memorize, just avoid it.

Summarizing. I have the "Thai for beginners" book mentioned below, and will go slowly and painfully through it. I know already that starting each new lesson I have forgotten 80% of the previous one, but something is already better than nothing. I take it more as exercise in perseverance than else. Fortunately there are great dictionaries on the internet with recorded words. After two months here, I start recognizing some words, but only the easy ones with a distinct , almost Western sound. All there rest is, and I'm afraid will remain, a blurred, self-repetitive sequence of moans and groans. Exactly like some of the best moments in sex.

05-08-11, 10:37
...Now for the learning methods. Pimsleur is frankly ridiculous. I had great hopes until I discovered that after the first lesson, they introduce only 2 or so new words in each following one. At the 5th lesson they are still saying each other which country they're from and if they speak Thai or not? WTF...Excellent, informative, and entertaining report, NOG, and I'm sad to say you are right on all counts.

I've given up on the prospect of ever learning to speak and read Thai beyond pidgeon mode. You know, like gin hoy mai? I immersed myself in Rosetta Stone Thai before moving to Thailand only to discover that it teaches a very formal version of the language used by diplomats and those who might speak to the king. Needless to say, the Pattaya barbeer girls don't come close to understanding it, not to mention the average Thai.

I just don't give a shit anymore; love living here but have no desire to mix with the natives beyond mongering.

05-08-11, 16:58

For some it is easy for other it is hard? I have been told by translator that the Thai language is one of the hardest? For me like you it is very frustrating, I got to speak English, Chinese and now Thai sometimes I speak to my Mom in Thai and she says WTF are you talking about? It's even harder for someone like me that has a hearing problem. Can't hear all the tones? But remember everyone you don't need to learn Thai to get pussy here!


05-09-11, 03:16
...By the way, in my native European language we have something similar to intonations, we call them tonic accents. So two words can be written the same (expect for the accent) , but pronounced differently...

Vous êtes Francais, vous? ;)

Few Thais (Issan, Lanna, Thai-Thais or otherwise) in a casual conversational setting speak with the proper intonations. However, in practical terms, the spoken context will allow the speaker to be understood. I would surmise that if you want to hear proper textbook Thai being spoken, have a listen the next time someone addresses the King on television.

Your saying that the Thai language is "infinitely inferior in effectiveness to any indo-european language" is an unfair assessment of the language.

Just my opinion.

New Old Guy
05-09-11, 09:28
Vous êtes Francais, vous? .

Few Thais (Issan, Lanna, Thai-Thais or otherwise) in a casual conversational setting speak with the proper intonations. However, in practical terms, the spoken context will allow the speaker to be understood. I would surmise that if you want to hear proper textbook Thai being spoken, have a listen the next time someone addresses the King on television.

Your saying that the Thai language is "infinitely inferior In effectiveness to any indo-european language" is an unfair assessment of the language.

Just my opinion. No, I am not French, many languages have tonic accents. BTW, the right form would been: "Etes vous francais, n'est pas?". In this case we notice how "nes't pas?" works like the interrogative form of "mai" in Thai, placed at the end of a sentence.

Thanks for suggesting to listen to selected sources, but you know what, the King doesn't talk to us at will and about every matter. Moreover, we can't talk to him, beside that wold require a different form of Thai, even superior to the one that is "taught" by the Rosetta Stone system.

Regarding your comment about the "effectiveness" of the language. I think your opinion is largely influenced by the forced approach to impartiality and political correctness by which Westerns are largely affected since too many years. Because our ancestors committed too many atrocities in the name of civilization, colonization, or religion, now we refuse to give credit even where is due to the superiority of our culture in many branches of knowledge, ethic or human sciences.

To me, languages that comes without verb tenses, no fixed grammar rules, articles, noun quality modifiers, of which the script is unnecessarily convoluted or bloated beyond reason, and phoneme set lacks some basic sounds that the vast majority of other humans have, _are_ inferior to the ones having 4, 000 years of refinement from the lineage on Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin. I feel privileged to natively speak and communicate in languages that (if necessary) I can use in level of a sophistication impossible with others. English readers do not take this badly, of course great communication, technical and scientific work, poetry and literature can be had in English, but must base on a different foundation. If you studied an European language, you surely know what I mean.

I was taught that the generally recognized talent for engineering and learning languages that the Germans have, is also due to the highly refined structure of their language, so that to cause a mental fortification process in childs, going together with learning their tongue.

I may used the wrong word however, certainly that Thai can be very effective, for example to sell fish at the river marke

05-09-11, 09:41
No, I am not French, many languages have tonic accents. BTW, the right from would been: "Etes vous francais, and'est pas?". In this case we notice how "nes't pas?" works like the interrogative form of "mai" in Thai, out at the end of a sentence.

Thanks for suggesting to listen to selected sources, but you know what, the King doesn't talk to us at will and about every matter. Moreover, we can't talk to him, beside that wold require a different form of Thai, even superior to the one that is "taught" by the Rosetta Stone system. My point exactly. My example using a colloquial 'street' version of French may not be the perfectly correct form, but you understood it just as well.

To me, languages that comes without verb tenses, no fixed grammar rules, articles, noun quality modifiers, of which the script is unnecessarily convoluted, and phone set lacks some basic sounds that the vast majority of other humans have, _are_ inferior to the ones having 4, 000 years of refinement from the lineage on Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin. I feel privileged to natively speak a language that I can use in level of a sophistication unknown to other. English readers do not takes this badly, of course great poetry and literature can be had in English, but must base on a different foundation...Right. 'Inferior' perhaps. 'Infinitely inferior' perhaps a bit harsh.

Pro Fesseur
05-09-11, 10:45
BTW, the right form would been: "Etes vous francais, n'est pas?"
No. The right form is simply: "Êtes-vous Français ?" (usual interrogative form), or "Vous êtes Français, n'est-ce pas ?" (by using "n'est-ce pas", you are requesting a confirmation of an affirmation or of a suggestion).

By the way, in this context, it's better to ask if the person is a "francophone" (French-speaking person) as many other nationalities speak French too, and not only French nationals.

But it's just for the record, as it is not very important here...

Mr Enternational
05-09-11, 11:31
No. The right form is simply: "Êtes-vous Français ?" (usual interrogative form), or "Vous êtes Français, n'est-ce pas ?" (by using "n'est-ce pas", you are requesting a confirmation of an affirmation or of a suggestion).Or Vous êtes français? With intonation at the end denoting the interrogative. Or Est-ce que vous êtes français? with the est-ce que denoting the interrogative. So we should agree that there are various "right" forms. As Raverboy said, what is important is that you can get the point across.

Pro Fesseur
05-09-11, 12:27
Or Vous êtes français? With intonation at the end denoting the interrogative. Or Est-ce que vous êtes français? with the est-ce que denoting the interrogative. So we should agree that there are various "right" forms. As Raverboy said, what is important is that you can get the point across.

Yes, there are various correct forms, but those suggested previously by New Old Guy and Raverboy are incorrect (in proper French). I would not have said anything as it is not very important, but I intervened just because New Old Guy gave a wrong correction saying it was the "right form" while it was not the case. "Tout le monde peut se tromper !" (anyone can make a mistake, nobody's infallible)... ;)

Anyway, it was quite understandable and that's indeed the main point.

New Old Guy
05-09-11, 12:45
Thank you for correcting me. I don't use French almost at all and forgot most of it. For sure we want to speak properly, especially when it's French :-)

Also apologies for the too many mistakes and general "strangeness" in my English.

05-09-11, 21:19
DIA is a pay site. Is there any free online meeting sites?

Thanks and regards,


05-09-11, 23:09
DIA is a pay site. Is there any free online meeting sites?

Thanks and regards,

AB453DIA is not a pay site, it is free.

05-10-11, 00:37
DIA is not a pay site, it is free.You probably never used it then, it is paying if you want to do anything.

Yeah as a free member you can see people but can't contact them, so how useful is that?

05-10-11, 00:42
DIA is a pay site. Is there any free online meeting sites?

Thanks and regards,

AB453There are 2 free online meeting sites with which I am very successful.

However seeing as all you do is ask questions and not contribute any reviews, I won't name them here. You can use the Search function.

05-13-11, 19:07
Actually DIA is a free site. I met alot of ladies from there.

There are 2 free online meeting sites with which I am very successful.

However seeing as all you do is ask questions and not contribute any reviews, I won't name them here. You can use the Search function.

Alx 1994
05-15-11, 04:37
Hello, Gents,

So, I only have a week to spend in either of the two places, I don't like moving from one place to another, which city would one recommend and which area / location / hotel?

Any advice from the guys in the know would be much appreciated.

Run Mann
05-15-11, 08:16
You probably never used it then, it is paying if you want to do anything.

Yeah as a free member you can see people but can't contact them, so how useful is that? You're posting wrong information. DIA is totally free and you can contact the girls in real time via messages and they also can contact you. Some users even have their phone numbers and email addresses (mostly yahoo) listed in their profiles.

Fon Tok
05-15-11, 08:59
Hello, Gents, So, I only have a week to spend in either of the two places, I don't like moving from one place to another, which city would one recommend and which area / location / hotel? Any advice from the guys in the know would be much appreciated.I live in Bangkok and go to Pattaya often. If you are solely on a mongering trip, I suggest you go to Pattaya. It is very easy there to find nice women, the prices are generally better (for women, hotels, food), and when you need fresh air you can take a walk down by Beach Road.

Bangkok has more to offer for cultural tourism, and it is great for finding women. However, there is a bit of a learning curve to get it right, and it is more expensive. If you decide on Bangkok, stay somewhere on lower Sukhumvit Road and concentrate on Nana, Soi Cowboy and the various "oilie" massage shops. Read the forum for specific advice.

Your question could be answered more specifically if you provided more information on your budget and what kind of whoring you like to do (e. g., massage, go-go bars, threesomes, etc.).

05-15-11, 12:53
You're posting wrong information. DIA is totally free and you can contact the girls in real time via messages and they also can contact you. Some users even have their phone numbers and email addresses (mostly yahoo) listed in their profiles.Damn, you're right. Apologies to the OP. I mixed it up with TLL

Member #4537
05-17-11, 16:36
Anyone any idea what the new consequences are for a Touris Visa overstayer for more than 600 days. Yes. 600 days. Yes, there is a 20, 000 baht fine. But is there a jail sentence? Any first-hand experience here?

05-17-11, 16:56
This is a question for those that make 3-4 trips a year to Bangkok, via Tokyo and return to the US. I need to get back to the east coast and with the recent increase in air fare the direct flights are 2-3 times the normal rate, over $2, 000. Connecting flights are half the fare. The question is from an entry point what are the more reliable and convenient places of entry. Immigration time and customs for connecting flights for entry in Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington, DC and Los Angles. Which should one stay away from or are they all more or less the same. Thank you

05-17-11, 19:01
Anyone any idea what the new consequences are for a Touris Visa overstayer for more than 600 days. Yes. 600 days. Yes, there is a 20, 000 baht fine. But is there a jail sentence? Any first-hand experience here?Don't know the answer, but, I would find a local lawyer just in case you need representation. Doing this beforehand could be very helpful. I would hope there are ways to 'grease the skids" so-to-speak. Also - have your lawyer contact your Embassy if you're prepared to accept the punishment. Your Embassy is there to help.

If you don't like those options, I would check into travel to Malaysia via a train or car - or even a pleasure boat from Phuket to Penang. You might luck out and depart without any worry.

05-17-11, 19:42
Question: If there is no exist stamp what happens on the return to Thailand or is the answer one cannot return?

Just wondering.

Don't know the answer, but, I would find a local lawyer just in case you need representation. Doing this beforehand could be very helpful. I would hope there are ways to 'grease the skids" so-to-speak. Also. Have your lawyer contact your Embassy if you're prepared to accept the punishment. Your Embassy is there to help.

If you don't like those options, I would check into travel to Malaysia via a train or car. Or even a pleasure boat from Phuket to Penang. You might luck out and depart without any worry.

Fon Tok
05-17-11, 19:47
Question: If there is no exist stamp what happens on the return to Thailand or is the answer one cannot return? Just wondering.Get a new passport.

05-17-11, 19:55
Question: If there is no exist stamp what happens on the return to Thailand or is the answer one cannot return?

Just wondering. My first thought would to get a new passport. However, the Thai authorities might show you in their database as never having left, upon your return.

Run Mann
05-17-11, 20:50
Anyone any idea what the new consequences are for a Touris Visa overstayer for more than 600 days. Yes. 600 days. Yes, there is a 20, 000 baht fine. But is there a jail sentence? Any first-hand experience here?Can't imagine there is a one size fits all penalty for something like this but I would seek counsel from a qualified active attorney. I mean, what reason would anyone have for over staying so long without it being intentional? When you intentionally break the law there is less sympathy for you and less room to plea bargain. I suspect jail time may depend on just what the reason is for over staying, like if you were in a coma for 600 days (right) you may have a way out. The right legal counsel and a bag of Baht may be the best way out of something like this.


3-months in jail for overstay seems harsh.

From Pattayamail:

Italian jailed on overstay allegedly attempts suicide.

Boonlua Chatree.

An Italian man jailed for overstaying his visa allegedly attempted to hang himself while awaiting deportation.

Salvatore Albenese. 44, was rushed to Banglamung Hospital after officers on the third-floor Pattaya Police Station jail found him hanging from a 2-meter-long bandage. Police are investigating which officer allowed the Italian to enter the cell with the long wrapping.

Albenese was unconscious with severe bruising to his neck, but recovered after about two hours. He told investigators he was stressed by his imprisonment and that the noise, heat and foul smell of the jail made him want to kill himself.

The Italian was awaiting deportation after being slapped Oct. 2 with a two-year suspended sentence, three months behind bars and a 2, 000 baht fine for overstaying his visa.

Member #4537
05-17-11, 21:06
So what can a lawyer do to help about an overstayer, exactly? I heard if an overstayer shows up at the Immigration Detention Centre in BKK the penalty will likely be just the fine rather than being caught in the airport or by a random police officer.

Rick Rock
05-18-11, 05:16

Read the forum but couldn't get a real sense of this. Is it easier / more common to get butt sex in the Philippines or Thailand?

05-18-11, 12:07
No, not so, you do not want to get caught outside the airport, you go to jail if you are stopped and have expired visa. Better to get yourself to airport and pay the fine, so long as you have the money, they wish you goodbye, no monkey house.

So what can a lawyer do to help about an overstayer, exactly? I heard if an overstayer shows up at the Immigration Detention Centre in BKK the penalty will likely be just the fine rather than being caught in the airport or by a random police officer.

05-18-11, 13:45
This is a question for those that make 3-4 trips a year to Bangkok, via Tokyo and return to the US. I need to get back to the east coast and with the recent increase in air fare the direct flights are 2-3 times the normal rate, over $2, 000. Connecting flights are half the fare. The question is from an entry point what are the more reliable and convenient places of entry. Immigration time and customs for connecting flights for entry in Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, Washington, DC and Los Angles. Which should one stay away from or are they all more or less the same. Thank youI only entered back into the US at LA, Chicago, and DC. Immigration in LA is always a nightmare. Chicago and DC seem to move people in and out. Of course this depending on time of year. You might want to avoid Chicago in the winter and DC to a lesser degree. Landing earlier in the day like before 8am is always is better than later.

Edward M
05-18-11, 13:51

Read the forum but couldn't get a real sense of this. Is it easier / more common to get butt sex in the Philippines or Thailand? In my limited experience neither place has an abundance but Thailand has Devil's Den where it is guaranteed with some of their girls and it is demonstrated by their lineup who will accept.

05-18-11, 13:51
Don't know the answer, but, I would find a local lawyer just in case you need representation. Doing this beforehand could be very helpful. I would hope there are ways to 'grease the skids" so-to-speak. Also. Have your lawyer contact your Embassy if you're prepared to accept the punishment. Your Embassy is there to help.

If you don't like those options, I would check into travel to Malaysia via a train or car. Or even a pleasure boat from Phuket to Penang. You might luck out and depart without any worry. This is a excelllent advice! This isn't your typical few days overstay and although just going to the airport and paying the fine normally would do it we are talking about 600 days that is nearly 2 years. Although the maximun fine is 20, 000 baht. Getting advice here is one thing but none of us are professionals and we aren't the ones going to pay the penalty if we are wrong. So spend a little time and a few bahts and get the correct answer to your question. You might even contact Key Visa online and ask your question since he is a sponsor for the Pattaya Expat Club and if you are in Pattaya, every Sunday he is at the Grand Sole Hotel at the club meeting giving free advice.

If caught you are jailed and shipped out of the country forever.

Don't play around if you want to stay?


05-18-11, 19:19
I have by far gotten through the Detroit immigration many times without any hassle at all. Chicago I miss my connection half the time cause of the lines

05-19-11, 00:04
I found this 24 year old girl in the Nana Hotel parking lot at about 2 am. Her friend referred her as being able to do anal. She has a 3 year old daughter. I like her big naturals & her long hair. She asked 3000 for anal but we agreed on 1500 baht. BBBJ was very good but front to back & back to front service was mediocre. She couldn't take it deep but she tried. Sorry, I think I overpaid based on performance. She offered her phone number but I didn't take it.

05-19-11, 00:47
So what can a lawyer do to help about an overstayer, exactly? I heard if an overstayer shows up at the Immigration Detention Centre in BKK the penalty will likely be just the fine rather than being caught in the airport or by a random police officer.Well, I guess I would say at the very least, if you speak to a lawyer before you go the airport (or place of departure) and let him know your plans, he can be ready to come get you or defend you once caught. One thing I'd rather not do is be in a situation where the Thai authorities can throw you in detention without any one else knowing about it for days. Having someone (of legal standing) on the outside anticipating your dilemma should be something easy to accomplish just for safety purposes.

05-19-11, 00:52
In my limited experience neither place has an abundance but Thailand has Devil's Den where it is guaranteed with some of their girls and it is demonstrated by their lineup who will accept.Assuming Rick Rock wants to give it and not receive it, there is also Eden club which is on Suk Soi 11 I think. Where the women are sorted by those who do and don't (receive it).

I he wants to receive it. Then, hmmm. I'm going to leave that alone. .

Cheers mates.

Run Mann
05-19-11, 06:48
Assuming Rick Rock wants to give it and not receive it, there is also Eden club which is on Suk Soi 11 I think. Where the women are sorted by those who do and don't (receive it).

I he wants to receive it. Then, hmmm. I'm going to leave that alone. .

Cheers mates. Eden is on Soi 7/1 and the girls do give as well as receive.

05-20-11, 15:31
the question is from an entry point what are the more reliable and convenient places of entry. immigration time and customs for connecting flights for entry in chicago, san francisco, seattle, washington, d.c. and los angeles.i entered the united states at o'hare airport in chicago last fall. arrived about noon. it was a bit of a hike from the gate to passport control, but once i got there the line was very short. maybe a five minute wait. the inspector was speedy and polite. there was a lengthy wait for my luggage, which surprised me. perhaps the ramp rats at united were having a bad day. once i got my luggage, it was only about 50 feet to the customs inspectors. they just waved my through. no inspection of my bags or any questioning at all. from there, it was another 50 feet to where i checked my luggage for the domestic flight to my destination. lots of personnel there, and virtually no wait. even though the distances were not great, i hired a skycap because i had a lot of heavy luggage. once i checked my luggage, i had to ride a train to get to the terminal were my domestic flight boarded. it didn't take very long.

all in all, i think a two hour connection would be doable at ord. by the way, there are anecdotal reports that the cbp agents at lax are prone to hassling single men who have been to thailand. if you search the frequent flyer forums (like flyertalk) you can read stories from guys who got referred for secondary inspection, where the agents were very rude, where laptops were search, where flash drives and cameras were searched, and where the general attitude was accusatory. officially, cbp claims they are searching for child porn. but there is at least some reason to believe that certain agents are grossed out by adult prostitution and they take it upon themselves to give the business to travelers they profile as sex tourists.

finally, turkish airline has service from bkk to several cities on the east coast, connecting in istanbul. i've booked a trip in december, so i'll have report then.


05-20-11, 16:04
you can read stories from guys who got referred for secondary inspection, where the agents were very rude, where laptops were search, where flash drives and cameras were searched, and where the general attitude was accusatory. Officially, CBP claims they are searching for child porn. But there is at least some reason to believe that certain agents are grossed out by adult prostitution and they take it upon themselves to give the business to travelers they profile as sex tourists.Hahahahaha. No offense but sometimes Americans are too funny with the way they behave. Those fucking custom agents should look you with envy and not disdain. What a Joke.

Member #4698
05-20-11, 16:37
Hahahahaha. No offense but sometimes Americans are too funny with the way they behave. Those fucking custom agents should look you with envy and not disdain. What a Joke.Absolutely. America can be very prudish and puritanical. I can say this because I am a proud American.

And look at the way the two societies view the Strauss-Kahn event. Headline: "French agape over treatment of jailed IMF chief."


Maybe Strauss-Kahn is guilty and maybe he is innocent. No one knows and he will get his day in court, but if the accusations had been made in Paris, the police, the media and the court reactions would have been very different.

Fon Tok
05-20-11, 17:17
Hahahahaha. No offense but sometimes Americans are too funny with the way they behave. Those fucking custom agents should look you with envy and not disdain. What a Joke.On my way out (from the States) last time, the TSA guy looked at my ticket and with a big smile said,"Bangkok, I love that city. Going on a holiday?"

I said, "no, I live there," and he really liked that.

I forgot to tell him about the pretty ladies at my friendly neighborhood McDonalds. :)

05-20-11, 18:19
I found this 24 year old girl in the Nana Hotel parking lot at about 2 am. Her friend referred her as being able to do anal. She has a 3 year old daughter. I like her big naturals & her long hair. She asked 3000 for anal but we agreed on 1500 baht. BBBJ was very good but front to back & back to front service was mediocre. She couldn't take it deep but she tried. Sorry, I think I overpaid based on performance. She offered her phone number but I didn't take it.Maybe not the best performer nor the best waist line, but I would have picked her too based on the face and very nice long hair. Thanks for the photos.

05-21-11, 00:35
Hahahahaha. No offense but sometimes Americans are too funny with the way they behave. Those fucking custom agents should look you with envy and not disdain. What a Joke.Hahahaha; yes, but we have nothing on the French. :)

05-21-11, 04:27
Absolutely. America can be very prudish and puritanical. I can say this because I am a proud American.

And look at the way the two societies view the Strauss-Kahn event. Headline: "French agape over treatment of jailed IMF chief."


Maybe Strauss-Kahn is guilty and maybe he is innocent. No one knows and he will get his day in court, but if the accusations had been made in Paris, the police, the media and the court reactions would have been very different. I don't get the Hype over this Strauss-Khan story. He's just an old man, with an old wife, he got horny and tried to get action from his maid. I mean, is there really anything wrong with that? Its just sex for god's sake.

In some countries, woman are beheaded or stoned to death over some small shit.

I have worked in the USA and can tell you one thing, Americans are the worst people I have had to work with.

I had to always watch my behavior, vocabulary, body language and always leave the door of my office open during meetings so that no one could be offended or pretend to be offended or make up shit stories about harassment. Not the best work environment.

05-21-11, 04:39
I don't get the Hype over this Strauss-Khan story. He's just an old man, with an old wife, he got horny and tried to get action from his maid. I mean, is there really anything wrong with that? Its just sex for god's sake.

In some countries, woman are beheaded or stoned to death over some small shit.

I have worked in the USA and can tell you one thing, Americans are the worst people I have had to work with.

I had to always watch my behavior, vocabulary, body language and always leave the door of my office open during meetings so that no one could be offended or pretend to be offended or make up shit stories about harassment. Not the best work environment.You are so right. Look at the things you can and can't do when interviewing a staff member. You can't ask their gender (seriously!) you can't ask their religion, you can't ask their sexual orientation, you can't ask their age, etc. Madness. If you are confronted a transgender dwarf, you had best come up with a super reason for not hiring him / her or else for sure you will a legal action against you for discrimination.

Fon Tok
05-21-11, 05:32
I had to always watch my behavior, vocabulary, body language and always leave the door of my office open during meetings so that no one could be offended or pretend to be offended or make up shit stories about harassment. Not the best work environment.Ever think that maybe it's just you? ;)

05-21-11, 06:59
I don't get the Hype over this Strauss-Khan story. He's just an old man, with an old wife, he got horny and tried to get action from his maid. I mean, is there really anything wrong with that? Its just sex for god's sake...You're right.

What most civilized American's whould classify as an aggravated sexual assault on an unwilling victim, the French would say "It's just sex for god's sake."

When an old man gets horny in France, it's OK to attack the maid whether she likes it or not.

American's are just too timid.

05-21-11, 07:09
You're right.

What most civilized American's whould classify as an aggravated sexual assault on an unwilling victim, the French would say "It's just sex for god's sake."

When an old man gets horny in France, it's OK to attack the maid whether she likes it or not.

American's are just too timid.

I am a Frenchman too, but I don't share NicFrenchy's point of view. If proven, the sexual assault is, IMHO, a very serious crime.

05-21-11, 08:35
i don't get the hype over this strauss-khan story. he's just an old man, with an old wife, he got horny and tried to get action from his maid. i mean, is there really anything wrong with that? its just sex for god's sake.i don't buy it. strauss-kahn may have been naked, but needed to get to the airport in a hurry.
so this african maid is in his room, he probably shoves her out of the way to get to his clothes. she wants money, he declines. she decides to conconct the story to get money.

do we really believe he was that desperate for a quickie when in a hurry to get the airport?

where is her evidence? attempted [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123). bullshit! he has to get the benefit of the doubt.

05-21-11, 09:14
Do we really believe he was that desperate for a quickie when in a hurry to get the airport?He was not in much of a hurry as he stopped to have lunch with his daughter, who is a student, and then went to airport.


Member #4698
05-21-11, 14:04
where is her evidence? attempted [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123). bullshit! he has to get the benefit of the doubt.he will get the benefit of doubt in the courtroom and you can be sure he will have the finest legal team that money can buy defending him. but, there is evidence of anal sex. the question is was it consensual. it boils down to a case of he said, she said. the maid will be put on trial too. her history will be investigated completely and unless there is a witness or strong corroborating evidence of forced entry, strauss-kahn will get off. if necessary, a financial offer will be proposed to the maid to drop her accusations. its hard to imagine how a guy his age could so overpower a young, healthy, black girl and force himself into her back door. it is possible, however not very likely imo.

still, all the publicity and embarrassment, not to mention he had to resign his post and his political career is over; strauss-kahn has been fucked and fucked good. you got to ask what was this guy thinking? he is staying in a $3000/night suite at the sofitel. he could have called down to the concierge and requested suitable company. he has plenty of money. he should have made damn sure the maid was happy (big tip) before he left the hotel. in hindsight everything he did that afternoon qualifies as a dumb ass move. i question his rationality, although i agree with nic, it's just sex. it should not be a big deal.

Run Mann
05-21-11, 15:24
I agree with Nic, it's just sex. It should not be a big deal.Yep, let's see if you both feel the same way if someone ever bends you (or him), your mother, sister, daughter, wife or someone you care about over and force themselve on you sexually. Better yet, follow his example and do the same thing here in Thailand or anywhere else since it's not a big deal and only sex.

Member #4698
05-21-11, 15:55
yep, let's see if you both feel the same way if someone ever bends you (or him), your mother, sister, daughter, wife or someone you care about over and force themselve on you sexually. better yet, follow his example and do the same thing here in thailand or anywhere else since it's not a big deal and only sex.you are assumming it is [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123). [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) is not sex! it is violent sexual assault. it is a crime. if he is found guilty i think they should put him in prison for a long time. i am assuming it was consensual because i find it unlikely, although not impossible that a guy his age could force anal pentration on a young, healthy girl. truth is we don't know what happened in that room. no one does except the two parities concerned. in france the case would have been handled much differently. this is going to be big tabloid news for the duration of the trial.

personaly, i am not capable of [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123). i desire the girl to want the sex as much as i do. i am turned off if a girl is not into it. i could never force myself on a girl in the usa, thailand or anywhere. so the only way i could find myself in such a situation is on trumped up charges and false accusations. rm, that was a pretty low blow.

05-21-11, 16:09
he will get the benefit of doubt in the courtroom and you can be sure he will have the finest legal team that money can buy defending him. but, there is evidence of anal sex. the question is was it consensual. it boils down to a case of he said, she said. the maid will be put on trial too. her history will be investigated completely and unless there is a witness or strong corroborating evidence of forced entry, strauss-kahn will get off. if necessary, a financial offer will be proposed to the maid to drop her accusations. its hard to imagine how a guy his age could so overpower a young, healthy, black girl and force himself into her back door. it is possible, however not very likely imo.

still, all the publicity and embarrassment, not to mention he had to resign his post and his political career is over; strauss-kahn has been fucked and fucked good. you got to ask what was this guy thinking? he is staying in a $3000 / night suite at the sofitel. he could have called down to the concierge and requested suitable company. he has plenty of money. he should have made damn sure the maid was happy (big tip) before he left the hotel. in hindsight everything he did that afternoon qualifies as a dumb ass move. i question his rationality, although i agree with nic, it's just sex. it should not be a big deal. it is not easy here in usa to drop the [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) case if proven by evidence.

grand jury has advised for the case to go ahead after looking thoroughly about the case.

ofcourse there are holes in the case which will be exploited by the defense.

it is not easy here just to give money to the maid and the case is dropped. however it is possible to get a monetary settlement to the maid and the deal has to be made between her personal lawyer (not the state prosecuter) and the defense lawyer.

the problem facing the lady,

if she withdraws the complaint, she will be seen as accusation with intent to defraud the state and can be prosecuted.

what she should have done is call the police from the room after the attack and prevent the guy from leaving the hotel.

next she should have hired a lawyer to represent her. if she is looking for money the lawyer would have negotiated with the defence lawyers and not allow the case go to court.

now that the case is in the court, it will be harder.

ofcourse if the deal is reached between the woman and the accused she can always play a non-supportive witness and the case will go away. this happens in many cases.

on the other hand if the case goes to full trial she will not get anything.

as for the guy, sometimes people in power do stupid things. he could have had any working girl he wanted. there are many many escort agencies in manhattan who will send beautifull, discreet girls for his fun.

Run Mann
05-21-11, 16:18
you are assumming it is [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123). [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) is not sex! it is violent sexual assault. it is a crime. if he is found guilty i think they should put him in prison for a long time. i am assuming it was consensual because i find it unlikely, although not impossible that a guy his age could force anal pentration on a young, healthy girl. truth is we don't know what happened in that room. no one does except the two parities concerned. in france the case would have been handled much differently. this is going to be big tabloid news for the duration of the trial.

personaly, i am not capable of [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123). i desire the girl to want the sex as much as i do. i am turned off if a girl is not into it. i could never force myself on a girl in the usa, thailand or anywhere. rm, that was a pretty low blow. no, i'm not assuming anything, he is charged with sexual assault and the op made the point that the crime is not a big deal because he was horny and just wanted to get laid. you agreed with him and said yes it's no big deal, its only sex which is why i answered your post; his was already addressed by another poster. i am not discussing the merits of the case only the point that any sane person could not see why this allegation would generate such headlines why it is a big deal and not just sex.

05-21-11, 16:24
She doesn't appear to be so healthy and I wouldn't be surprised if this was a setup by Sarkozy to block DSK from a presidential bid. Either that or she expected to be paid for the sex and he didn't realize and forgot to pay.

05-21-11, 16:41
the op made the point that the crime is not a big deal because he was horny and just wanted to get laid. you agreed with him and said yes it's no big deal, its only sex which is why i answered your post;i guess i am the person you refer to as the op? (what does that stand for by the way? obese prick?)

i just said that there is no proof whatsoever of any forced sex or [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) and it's just the word of the maid so don't make it a bigger deal than it is. as of now, it's just sex and until proven otherwise you can't jump to conclusions.

have you ever had anal sex? at all? because in my case, even if the anal sex in consensual, i have trouble going in. so i just can't imagine someone anal [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) a lady. but that's just me.

Run Mann
05-21-11, 17:11
i guess i am the person you refer to as the op? (what does that stand for by the way? obese prick?)

i just said that there is no proof whatsoever of any forced sex or [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) and it's just the word of the maid so don't make it a bigger deal than it is. as of now, it's just sex and until proven otherwise you can't jump to conclusions.

have you ever had anal sex? at all? because in my case, even if the anal sex in consensual, i have trouble going in. so i just can't imagine someone anal [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) a lady. but that's just me. scroll down and read, that's not what you wrote, you essentially questioned why the case was such a big deal because the old man was horny and just wanted sex from his maid. how do you know there's no proof, are you the trier of fact? the police arrested him; a judge held him, a gj indicted him so they must have some evidence, the case won't be tried here. let's see what happens in the court of law if it gets there. he very well may be innocent or maybe not but in no way is this allegation not a big deal and it's not just sex.

New Old Guy
05-21-11, 18:25
i'm afraid that will be a case heard behind closed doors (i think there is such a provision in the ny law system)?

you know, in a way it's harder to prove that anal sex was non-consensual (hence [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123)), compared to conventional.

it's practically impossible to sodomize someone without either consensus, or much violence, and lubricant in both cases.

not to say the guy is innocent. we'll see (if they allow).

Pro Fesseur
05-21-11, 20:51
But, there is evidence of anal sex...Anal sex? Where did you read it? I thought it was forced ORAL sex (allegedly)?

Mr Enternational
05-21-11, 21:02
i entered the united states at o'hare airport in chicago last fall. arrived about noon. it was a bit of a hike from the gate to passport control, but once i got there the line was very short. maybe a five minute wait. the inspector was speedy and polite. there was a lengthy wait for my luggage, which surprised me. perhaps the ramp rats at united were having a bad day. once i got my luggage, it was only about 50 feet to the customs inspectors. they just waved my through. no inspection of my bags or any questioning at all.

by the way, there are anecdotal reports that the cbp agents at lax are prone to hassling single men who have been to thailand. if you search the frequent flyer forums (like flyertalk) you can read stories from guys who got referred for secondary inspection, where the agents were very rude, where laptops were search, where flash drives and cameras were searched, and where the general attitude was accusatory. officially, cbp claims they are searching for child porn. but there is at least some reason to believe that certain agents are grossed out by adult prostitution and they take it upon themselves to give the business to travelers they profile as sex tourists. i have read about people's computers being search but i honestly don't believe it. as much as i travel nothing like that has ever happened to me. i have been directed to agriculture a few times in which all you do is put your bag through the x-ray machine and i have had to do a secondary inspection once back in march arriving from colombia into jfk.

in this instance i had already gone through immigration and was on the way through customs. i have global entry so i use the machine for immigration and do not have to talk to an agent. i was pretty much in a hurry but before i got to the customs agent to give him my card another customs official told me to come with her. she diverted me to a desk in the same open area where the bagage claim and customs is. she opened my suitcase and took everything out and took a screwdriver with a sharp point and poked the plastic areas inside the bag. of course she asked me to turn my computer on but once she saw the screen working properly i was able to shut it back off. then i had to repack my bag myself and was allowed to go on my way. i had plenty of bootleg dvds from peru but she was not concerned about that. it is apparent that she was searching for drugs.

as i have said, after hundreds of times of entering the usa nobody has ever asked to see files on a computer or pictures from a camera. doing this would fall under a violation of the usa fourth ammendment of the right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure. i advise anyone that this happens to to see a lawyer and write to their congressperson.

Member #4698
05-21-11, 22:05
anal sex? where did you read it? i thought it was forced oral sex (allegedly)?from abc news.


"international monetary fund chief dominique strauss-kahn allegedly forced a new york city hotel housekeeper to perform oral sex and submit to anal sex, in addition to allegedly attempting to [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) her, according to a complaint filed today by the office of manhattan district attorney cyrus vance."

Pro Fesseur
05-21-11, 22:12
From ABC NEWS...Thank you. It was not mentioned in the previous news reports that I had been reading so far about this story.

05-21-11, 23:48
i am a frenchman too, but i don't share nicfrenchy's point of view. if proven, the sexual assault is, imho, a very serious crime.i am 1/2 french, and not proud of it. i left as soon as i turned 18. i find most french people to be quite low on the totem pole of cleanliness, manners, and they are also completely oblivious to people around them with their filthy cigarettes. polansky [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) a 14 year old was no big deal according to french law. so why would this be a big deal?

oh, and let's not forget the stupid idiotic scarf they must wear around their neck in even 30c temperatures. idiots.

maybe next time frenchy gets anally raped, we can all say. it's just sex.

05-22-11, 00:32
i...i just said that there is no proof whatsoever of any forced sex or [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) and it's just the word of the maid so don't make it a bigger deal than it is. as of now, it's just sex and until proven otherwise you can't jump to conclusions...who is jumping to conclusions?

how do you know "there is no proof whatsoever of any forced sex or [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123)"?

none of us knows the facts in this case. all we have is second hand information and hearsay from the newpapers.

if the charges are false the guy should be vindicated, and if there is any reasonable doubt, he will. right now, american law presumes him innocent, which is how it should be.

but if the charges are substantiated, sexual assault is a serious crime. it's not just a horny old man having sex, and if you think so, you are attempting to minimize the charge without knowing the facts.

Legal Tender
05-22-11, 01:08
I have read about people's computers being search but I honestly don't believe it. As much as I travel nothing like that has ever happened to me. I have been directed to agriculture a few times in which all you do is put your bag through the x-ray machine and I have had to do a secondary inspection once back in March arriving from Colombia into JFK.

In this instance I had already gone through immigration and was on the way through customs. I have Global Entry so I use the machine for immigration and do not have to talk to an agent. I was pretty much in a hurry but before I got to the customs agent to give him my card another customs official told me to come with her. She diverted me to a desk in the same open area where the bagage claim and customs is. She opened my suitcase and took everything out and took a screwdriver with a sharp point and poked the plastic areas inside the bag. Of course she asked me to turn my computer on but once she saw the screen working properly I was able to shut it back off. Then I had to repack my bag myself and was allowed to go on my way. I had plenty of bootleg dvds from Peru but she was not concerned about that. It is apparent that she was searching for drugs.

As I have said, after hundreds of times of entering the USA nobody has ever asked to see files on a computer or pictures from a camera. Doing this would fall under a violation of the USA Fourth Ammendment of the right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure. I advise anyone that this happens to to see a lawyer and write to their Congressperson. Do you remember Robert of "Girlfriend for a week" in Medellin? He is in federal detention in Florida awaiting trial as a result of a custom's check of his computer. The American Civil Liberties Union has litigation questioning these searches on Fourth Amendment grounds. Porno is not the issue. Kid porn will get your ass in jail, as it should.

05-22-11, 01:25
love to see the prudes get all worked up over some old french bastard allegedly [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) a girl.

people being shocked and amazed.

get fucking real will you please. do you think no [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) happens in thailand? or in many other countries?

i am not saying this guy is not guilty. and if he is, he should be castrated, but let's not make a mountain out of a little mole. worse things happen around us.

05-22-11, 01:34
Scroll down and read, that's not what you wrote, you essentially questioned why the case was such a big deal because the old man was horny and just wanted sex from his maid. How do you know there's no proof, are you the Trier of fact? The police arrested him; a Judge held him, a GJ indicted him so they must have some evidence, the case won't be tried here. Let's see what happens in the court of law if it gets there. He very well may be innocent or maybe not but in no way is this allegation not a big deal and it's not just sex.Look, until he is proven guilty, then it's just sex. We can debate here all we want, we will not be the judges or jury so as far as I am concerned, opinions are like assholes.

05-22-11, 01:42
if the charges are false the guy should be vindicated, and if there is any reasonable doubt, he will. right now, american law presumes him innocent, which is how it should be.if the charges are false, then the lady should be put in jail for a long time. if the charges are real, then dsk should be castrated.

but if the charges are substantiated, sexual assault is a serious crime. it's not just a horny old man having sex, and if you think so, you are attempting to minimize the charge without knowing the facts.yeah yeah yeah. it's funny how all posts here are taken so seriously, it's a sex forum for christ's sake.

but in the interest of keeping things interesting, i'll say that:

in my opinion, there is no way to anal [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) anyone against their will. they had consensual sex and the lady decided to open her mouth later on.

05-22-11, 02:25
polansky [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) a 14 year old was no big deal according to french law.she was 13 years old. and the europeans still don't care.

05-22-11, 02:44
I have read about people's computers being search but I honestly don't believe it. As much as I travel nothing like that has ever happened to me. I have been directed to agriculture a few times in which all you do is put your bag through the x-ray machine and I have had to do a secondary inspection once back in March arriving from Colombia into JFK.

In this instance I had already gone through immigration and was on the way through customs. I have Global Entry so I use the machine for immigration and do not have to talk to an agent. I was pretty much in a hurry but before I got to the customs agent to give him my card another customs official told me to come with her. She diverted me to a desk in the same open area where the bagage claim and customs is. She opened my suitcase and took everything out and took a screwdriver with a sharp point and poked the plastic areas inside the bag. Of course she asked me to turn my computer on but once she saw the screen working properly I was able to shut it back off. Then I had to repack my bag myself and was allowed to go on my way. I had plenty of bootleg dvds from Peru but she was not concerned about that. It is apparent that she was searching for drugs.

As I have said, after hundreds of times of entering the USA nobody has ever asked to see files on a computer or pictures from a camera. Doing this would fall under a violation of the USA Fourth Ammendment of the right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure. I advise anyone that this happens to to see a lawyer and write to their Congressperson. Believe it or don't but it happened to me in LAX coming back from Thailand in 2008, and was made worse by the fact my battery was dead, which made them suspicious. They found just normal pictures of touristic shit and two fully clothed pictures of the desk clerk at my hotel with her parrot on her shoulder. About an hour and a half of bullshit, interrogation, emptied all my luggage out and searched it thoroughly, and were real assholes. Major, major fucking assholes. Some huge black guy and some 110 pound white guy with a short man's complex. Black guy was like, what are you, a faggot? I hate all cops, all LE of all types. They are just bullies. Never anywhere at any time do they make me feel safer.

05-22-11, 03:24
love to see the prudes get all worked up over some old french bastard allegedly [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) a girl.

people being shocked and amazed.

get fucking real will you please. do you think no [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) happens in thailand? or in many other countries?

i am not saying this guy is not guilty. and if he is, he should be castrated, but let's not make a mountain out of a little mole. worse things happen around us. with all due respect, i think you are the one getting worked up over this, nic. you, and a lot of other frenchmen who think americans are picking on a french guy. btw, i agree with the french who thought the "perp walk" showing dsk in handcuffs was deplorable, but that's how all americans are treated too.

the rest of us are neither shocked nor amazed, but looking at the situation objectively. the man is innocent until proven guilty. we're not the one's calling for him to be castrated if guilty. you are. that's what i would call getting worked up.

we're just saying that the charges are serious. your initial post on the subject implied that the case against dsk is trivial. i merely responded, without making any judgment, that allegations of aggravated sexual assault are not trivial imho.

New Old Guy
05-22-11, 04:40
believe it or don't but it happened to me in lax coming back from thailand in 2008, and was made worse by the fact my battery was dead, which made them suspicious. they found just normal pictures of touristic shit and two fully clothed pictures of the desk clerk at my hotel with her parrot on her shoulder. about an hour and a half of bullshit, interrogation, emptied all my luggage out and searched it thoroughly, and were real assholes. major, major fucking assholes. some huge black guy and some 110 pound white guy with a short man's complex. black guy was like, what are you, a faggot? i hate all cops, all le of all types. they are just bullies. never anywhere at any time do they make me feel safer.if i was an american, and given such a treatment, then who had to worry would be them, as i would report the episode to the dept. and make a big deal of it. these are guys with already a lot of negatives in their personal file, why not adding your own complain just to make sure they will be stuck at the same rank forever and possibly have to get a van driving job at some point. they are sent to profile and hassle by their bosses in the hope they can scare some **** or whatever shady type and make a bust every once in a while. in reality nobody gives a fuck about them and they are the first to be dropped in case of problems, as we're not talking hero cops guns in hand chasing robbers here. remember you may have spent two unpleasant hours of your life but they spend eight every day doing the same shit, is not like since they are the ones interrogating that makes much a difference, what a miserable life they live.

New Old Guy
05-22-11, 04:57
She was 13 years old. And the Europeans still don't care.There is more story than just that, especially regarding they way he was trialed.

There is also a lot of not prosecuted crimes in the US, doesn't seem the Americans care much?

It is so stupid to read things like [nationality inserted] always do this or do think like that. When a [some nationality] does something, big or small, just or unjust, it's only because he / she was in a position of doing it and so it happened. Not that a whole nation agrees with the fact whatever it is. Can we drop the stereotypes in the name of a borderless pussy nation please.

05-22-11, 05:23
if i was an american, and given such a treatment, then who had to worry would be them, as i would report the episode to the dept. and make a big deal of it. these are guys with already a lot of negatives in their personal file, why not adding your own complain just to make sure they will be stuck at the same rank forever and possibly have to get a van driving job at some point. they are sent to profile and hassle by their bosses in the hope they can scare some **** or whatever shady type and make a bust every once in a while. in reality nobody gives a fuck about them and they are the first to be dropped in case of problems, as we're not talking hero cops guns in hand chasing robbers here. remember you may have spent two unpleasant hours of your life but they spend eight every day doing the same shit, is not like since they are the ones interrogating that makes much a difference, what a miserable life they live.and if you were american, you would know that would be a really bad idea, as you would be shit listed forever, and would have problems every time you traveled for the rest of your life. but you do have the right idea, in that at the end of the experience i just wanted to say (but did not) : "it sucks being you, working for shit wages doing a boring job, when i am fucking different pussy all over the world." instead i cooperated completely, with a big smile on my face. partly because i knew i had no photos or anything on my computer, and partly because i had a couple xanax in my watch pocket for which i did not have a prescription. xanax is a "schedule drug" in the us and you don't want to get caught with it. so i was very nice and amiable and concentrated on the idea that i had probably fucked one of their sisters or cousins at some point in time.

also, this was us customs and not those fucking rent a cop tsa people. obviously you're european and used to feeling good about "reporting" people to "departments" which i guarantee you never do shit, not in your country nor in my (former) country.

05-22-11, 05:39
There is more story than just that, especially regarding they way he was trialed.

There is also a lot of not prosecuted crimes in the US, doesn't seem the Americans care much?

It is so stupid to read things like [nationality inserted] always do this or do think like that. When a [some nationality] does something, big or small, just or unjust, it's only because he / she was in a position of doing it and so it happened. Not that a whole nation agrees with the fact whatever it is. Can we drop the stereotypes in the name of a borderless pussy nation please. It would be great if stereotypes had no validity. My mom used to say "People are the same everywhere." She had been to two or three other countries briefly, and had visited maybe 7 or 8 states in the US. I've been to every continent except Antarctica and the truth is, people are NOT the same everywhere. Americans ARE arrogant (and loud, and imperialistic, and lack fashion sense) , French people DO stink because they don't bathe very frequently or use deodorant, Muslims DO advocate violence, Méxicans DO use a lot of hair grease, Thais WON'T fight one and one and will always gang up on you, and et cetera. So the thing to do, instead of advocating an impossible borderless pussy nation (which I agree would be great in theory) , is to understand your environment and behave accordingly.

New Old Guy
05-22-11, 05:49
DH we can pretty much disagree on anything! From the effectiveness of reporting CBP hassholes, to the validity of stereotypes! To be honest with you I find yours to be particularly trite and false :.)

And I say that after having lived in the US and having traveled all over the world for many years.

But, also because we know each other in person, let's not drag it on, as each one is entitled to his own opinion. Cheers!

05-22-11, 06:29
Got to admit I have no idea who you might be but for sure no American wants to get on the shit list. Hmmm did we hook up in your native country and you went off on a guy who was overcharging me in a pizza place? And then we also met up in Thailand and had coffee in a train station? Can't see who else it could be. Don't remember your previous screen name but the English doesn't seem as good so maybe I am wrong. So which particular stereotype is incorrect in your opinion?

05-22-11, 08:15
we're not the one's calling for him to be castrated if guilty. you are.of course i am, i think that if we could castrate every [CodeWord126] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord126) then the next ones would think twice before trying to spread their love with other unwilling sperm recipients.

we are too soft with these people.

and people who abuse / molest / kill children should be publicly executed.

05-22-11, 09:58
I have read about people's computers being search but I honestly don't believe it. As much as I travel nothing like that has ever happened to me. I have been directed to agriculture a few times in which all you do is put your bag through the x-ray machine and I have had to do a secondary inspection once back in March arriving from Colombia into JFK.Appeals Court Strengthens Warrantless Searches at Border.

By David Kravets.

Wired. Com.

April 4, 2011 | 5:07 pm.


The authorities may seize laptops, cameras and other digital devices at

The USA border without a warrant, and scour through them for days

Hundreds of miles away, a federal appeals court ruled.

The 2-1 decision (. Pdf) Wednesday by the 9th USA Circuit Court of

Appeals comes as the government is increasingly invoking its broad,

Warrantless search-and-seizure powers at the USA border to probe the

Digital lives of travelers.

Under the 'border search exception' of United States law, international

Travelers, including USA citizens, can be searched without a warrant as

They enter the country. Under the Obama administration, law enforcement

Agents have aggressively used this power to search travelers' laptops,

Sometimes copying the hard drive before returning the computer to its owner.

Courts have ruled that such laptop searches can take place even in the

Absence of any reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing, and more than 6, 500

Persons have had their electronic devices searched in this manner since

October 2008.

The issue has gained renewed attention in recent months as American

Computer geeks connected to WikiLeaks, or who know people connected with

WikiLeaks, have found themselves repeatedly singled out for the searches.

At issue in the case decided Wednesday was the prosecution of a

California man on child pornography charges. In 2007, ICE agents seized

Three laptops and a camera from convicted child molester Howard

Cotterman, and transported them 170 miles away for a two-day search that

Uncovered hundreds of child porn images.

A lower court judge threw out the evidence, finding that the border

Exception did not apply when the search went beyond the border area.

The government appealed. Cotterman's lawyers argued that law enforcement

Should only be allowed to search digital devices at points of entry

Where they have the necessary equipment and personnel on hand.

'We find this position simply untenable, ' 9th Circuit Judge Richard

Tallman wrote for the majority, reinstating the evidence. Limiting

Searches 'would only reward those individuals who, either because of the

Nature of their contraband or the sophistication of their criminal

Enterprise, hide their contraband more cleverly or would be inclined to

Seek entry at more vulnerable points less equipped to discover them. '

The court also affirmed that 'particularized suspicion' was not required

For a border search.

In dissent, Judge Betty Fletcher wrote that the government should have

Had a better reason to search Cotterman other than him being a convicted

In 1992 of child molestation.

'I add my voice to the chorus lamenting the apparent demise of the

Fourth Amendment, ' Fletcher wrote.


Medianews mailing list.



New Old Guy
05-22-11, 10:03
Got to admit I have no idea who you might be but for sure no American wants to get on the shit list. Hmmm did we hook up in your native country and you went off on a guy who was overcharging me in a pizza place? And then we also met up in Thailand and had coffee in a train station? Can't see who else it could be. Don't remember your previous screen name but the English doesn't seem as good so maybe I am wrong. So which particular stereotype is incorrect in your opinion?DH, I know you from Buenos Aires, then if really curious, use PM.
Forget the differences and enjoy life.

Mr Enternational
05-22-11, 10:09
Appeals Court Strengthens Warrantless Searches at Border.

April 4, 2011 | 5:07 pm.


The authorities may seize laptops, cameras and other digital devices at The USA border without a warrant, and scour through them for daysThose bastards. That is why I spend most of my time away from that place. It has totally gone to shit.

05-22-11, 10:14
but, there is evidence of anal sex.how can evidence of anal sex relate to charge of "attempted [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123)"? doesn't make sense.

"attempted [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123)" would normally mean nothing actually eventuated.

media bullshit?

are we saying that was started consensual and then she changed her mind when he wanted too much?

New Old Guy
05-22-11, 10:24
Just upload sensitive material to any file storage website before coming back, and that's it. Also a good idea in case you misplace the memory device, or have nosy relatives etc.

As in the "war to drugs", the infinite money given to LE only serves to perpetuate their power, create jobs for the unemployable, and distribute taxpayer money to fight something the average gullible person can't really argue against. Very similar to actual war actually. That of course doesn't mean people will quite the shitthey are doing, only they will do it in a different manner. That is also what the Police State actually needs, an always present criminal opponent, to justify their existence.

05-22-11, 11:02
love to see the prudes get all worked up over some old french bastard allegedly [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) a girl.

people being shocked and amazed.

get fucking real will you please. do you think no [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) happens in thailand? or in many other countries?

i am not saying this guy is not guilty. and if he is, he should be castrated, but let's not make a mountain out of a little mole. worse things happen around us. this post reminds me of the old maxim 'better to keep your mouth shut and have people suspect you are an idiot than to open your mouth and confirm it'

maybe time to put down the opium pipe while there still some grey matter left...

05-22-11, 11:18
I'm with NicFrenchy on this one. I don't buy the story. It doesn't make sense. Either way DSK is getting acquitted. He hired a lawyer who defended Michael Jackson, crime boss Salvatore "Sammy the Bull" Gravano, online gambling king Jay Cohen, Puff Daddy and Jay-Z.

05-22-11, 11:33
I'm with NicFrenchy on this one. I don't buy the story. It doesn't make sense. Either way DSK is getting acquitted. He hired a lawyer who defended Michael Jackson, crime boss Salvatore "Sammy the Bull" Gravano, online gambling king Jay Cohen, Puff Daddy and Jay-Z.What's most interesting to me is the way the French press, particularly Le Monde, is handling the story. On the one hand the coverage is straightforward and factual, but there's lots of handwringing about having ignored the sexually aggressive private life of public people for so long. There's also lots of lengthy explanation about the American justice system and how it diverges in many procedural respects from the French system. All in all, the French coverage is more interesting, since the papers seem convinced that the whole incident reveals something about the French national psyche.

By the way, I don't think he's going to be acquitted; not when the charges have been leveled by a black, hard-working, Muslim immigrant woman. This is going to be played as a morality drama, with the rich and powerful man exercising his droit de seigneur over some poor, powerless

05-22-11, 11:34
I'm with NicFrenchy on this one. I don't buy the story. It doesn't make sense. Either way DSK is getting acquitted. He hired a lawyer who defended Michael Jackson, crime boss Salvatore "Sammy the Bull" Gravano, online gambling king Jay Cohen, Puff Daddy and Jay-Z.What's most interesting to me is the way the French press, particularly Le Monde, is handling the story. On the one hand the coverage is straightforward and factual, but there's lots of handwringing about having ignored the sexually aggressive private life of public people for so long. There's also lots of lengthy explanation about the American justice system and how it diverges in many procedural respects from the French system. All in all, the French coverage is more interesting, since the papers seem convinced that the whole incident reveals something about the French national psyche.

By the way, I don't think he's going to be acquitted; not when the charges have been leveled by a black, hard-working, Muslim immigrant woman. This is going to be played as a morality drama, with the rich and powerful man exercising his droit de seigneur over some poor, powerless woman in a menial job. He's going to go away for a long time, but I agree with Nic, this is being treated out of all proportion to its importance in the grand scheme of things.


05-22-11, 20:15
Slate has had some interesting podcasts covering the topic. Lots of time trying to explain what is meant when they talk about DSK having a good deal of "vigor".

05-22-11, 22:36
It is so stupid to read things like [nationality inserted] always do this or do think like that. When a [some nationality] does something, big or small, just or unjust, it's only because he / she was in a position of doing it and so it happened. Not that a whole nation agrees with the fact whatever it is. Can we drop the stereotypes in the name of a borderless pussy nation please.Obviously when a small percentage of the people do it (or even a majority) , stereotisms are unfair. But life is unfair.

There is more story than just that, especially regarding they way he was trialed.Yup, there probably was judicial mis-conduct; Angelica Houston said the girl did not act or look like a 13 year old. But Polansky did do the 13 year old (that is a fact; Polansky said she was a "woman", not a child). Although in Polansky's defense, the era in which he did the 13 year old was different. At that time, it wasn't considered the "worst crime around".

There is also a lot of not prosecuted crimes in the US, doesn't seem the Americans care much?In the US, you don't mess with children or dogs (Amazing that a NFL football player gets more time in jail for killing a dog than killing a human being - Vick and Stallworth).

05-23-11, 03:50
Well, Vick killed multiple dogs intentionally and repeatedly. Several were found buried on his property and no one knows how many more there were. Plus he was an arrogant asshole throughout his career and had been in trouble before. OTOH Stallworth was legally intoxicated but the pedestrian's negligence contributed, and he had a cleaner record, and he was humble and manned up. Whether it was "intentional" is arguable since he certainly drank intentionally and got behind the wheel intentionally. But there were more extenuating circumstances in his case, in my opinion.

Chill Out
05-25-11, 21:44
I guess this has been discussed before but it's not the most search-friendly thing to look for. So.

How do you explain that Thai girls are more beautiful than other Asian girls (on average)? I've been to many Asian countries. In no other places do you see that many cute girls, every day girls, in the street. I'm not talking about nice bodies (plentiful everywhere in Asia) and I'm not talking P4P (where actually finding a beautiful girl can be tough). I'm talking about the many beautiful girls you see in the subway, restaurants, malls, etc. There is just something to the Thai face that you don't find in HK, China, Japan or Malaysia.

What is it? Anyone has an idea? Is there a specific ethnic mix that produces features appealing to farangs? I would love to understand this.

Edward M
05-26-11, 00:36
I guess this has been discussed before but it's not the most search-friendly thing to look for. So.

How do you explain that Thai girls are more beautiful than other Asian girls (on average)? I've been to many Asian countries. In no other places do you see that many cute girls, every day girls, in the street. I'm not talking about nice bodies (plentiful everywhere in Asia) and I'm not talking P4P (where actually finding a beautiful girl can be tough). I'm talking about the many beautiful girls you see in the subway, restaurants, malls, etc. There is just something to the Thai face that you don't find in HK, China, Japan or Malaysia.

What is it? Anyone has an idea? Is there a specific ethnic mix that produces features appealing to farangs? I would love to understand this. I think the reason that you think regular girls are hotter than pros is that they are different ethnicities. The regular girls you see are probably ethnic Thais while the pros are mostly ethnic Laos with some Khmers thrown in. Girls in regular clothes too can appear hotter too because you think she is a regular girl and is more of a challenge / reward. Try to imagine them in a bikini on stage surrounded by other girls and she might not look so hot any more.

As to why you like Thais more than other Asian, that is just personal preference. Personally I find some other Asians (Japanese, Pinays, Chinese) on average hotter than Thais but also find the ethnic Thais on average hotter than the ethnic Lao and Khmer but that is just my opinion.

Tony Hoeprano
05-26-11, 07:29
Well, Vick killed multiple dogs intentionally and repeatedly. Several were found buried on his property and no one knows how many more there were. Plus he was an arrogant asshole throughout his career and had been in trouble before. OTOH Stallworth was legally intoxicated but the pedestrian's negligence contributed, and he had a cleaner record, and he was humble and manned up. Whether it was "intentional" is arguable since he certainly drank intentionally and got behind the wheel intentionally. But there were more extenuating circumstances in his case, in my opinion.There was the issue that Vick and his cohorts transported the dogs across state lines, making it a federal crime. To be honest, I don't think him being an arrogant asshole had much to do with it. If this were the case, more people would be in jail for being arrogant assholes LOL

05-26-11, 07:54
As to why you like Thais more than other Asian, that is just personal preference. Personally I find some other Asians (Japanese, Pinays, Chinese) on average hotter than Thais but also find the ethnic Thais on average hotter than the ethnic Lao and Khmer but that is just my opinion.I fully agree with you

Chill Out
05-26-11, 10:21
Maybe I've been in China for too long and can't appreciate it anymore. However, there is no question that Thai girls take care of themselves way, way more, in terms of fashion, hygiene, make-up, compared to Chinese girls. And even in terms of raw beauty, I would argue that there are many more beautiful faces in the street of BKK than in the streets of Beijing.

05-27-11, 03:20
There was the issue that Vick and his cohorts transported the dogs across state lines, making it a federal crime. To be honest, I don't think him being an arrogant asshole had much to do with it. If this were the case, more people would be in jail for being arrogant assholes LOLOf course just a generalization but it does have lots to do with arrogants with Vick.

I have met a few guys like Vick who were professional NBA players, without naming one, lets just say he was from Oakland, Ca. Who came from nothing and they had millions throw at him because near his peak he was a king. Guys like Vick who came from nothing then are worship like gods it's hard not to get arrogant. Basically it easy to get out of the hood but you can't get the hood out of the guy (is that how it is said?)

If you ever seen Vick play in person, I did in his rookie season with Atlanta and you could see the talent. Some say his younger brother had even more talent but compare him to Vick, Vick was a saint? Now! His younger brother was said to be a big ass-so and irrogant beyond belief and from what I hear is a crack head or in jail?


05-27-11, 07:21
I think the reasonThais are better looking on average, compared to other SE Asian countries, has much to do with the fact that they were never colonized and so there was relatively less miscegenation or whatever you want to call it. Similarly good looking are the Han Chinese, for much the same reason.

Gustav Vasa
05-27-11, 08:48
I think the reason Thais are better looking on average, compared to other SE Asian countries, has much to do with the fact that they were never colonized and so there was relatively less miscegenation or whatever you want to call it. Similarly good looking are the Han Chinese, for much the same reason.You are kidding, right!

There are many different ethnic races in Thailand. The 'original' Thai race, the Siamese, is a minority.

Think of the Malay, the Chinese, the Khmer, the northern tribes.

Ibn Buttita
05-27-11, 09:27
I think the reason Thais are better looking on average, compared to other SE Asian countries, has much to do with the fact that they were never colonized and so there was relatively less miscegenation or whatever you want to call it. Similarly good looking are the Han Chinese, for much the same reason.While I respect different views on what's attractive, I need to disagree here. I've found that girls who are a mixture of races / ethnicities, either via their parents or even generations before (I. E, many Latinas) tend to be more attractive than "purebloods." African girls with a mix of something else are very attractive to me (I can think of an Ivory Coast-Israeli girl I was with once in Ghana). In the Asian case, Filipinas really do it for me due to that dose of Spanish blood.

05-27-11, 20:14
While I respect different views on what's attractive, I need to disagree here. I've found that girls who are a mixture of races / ethnicities, either via their parents or even generations before (I. E, many Latinas) tend to be more attractive than "purebloods." African girls with a mix of something else are very attractive to me (I can think of an Ivory Coast-Israeli girl I was with once in Ghana). In the Asian case, Filipinas really do it for me due to that dose of Spanish blood.With a handle name with both butt and tit in it, and ending in a vowel, why does that not surprise me? Thai girls have neither but they have everything else the Latinas don't.

05-27-11, 20:29
Maybe I've been in China for too long and can't appreciate it anymore. However, there is no question that Thai girls take care of themselves way, way more, in terms of fashion, hygiene, make-up, compared to Chinese girls. And even in terms of raw beauty, I would argue that there are many more beautiful faces in the street of BKK than in the streets of Beijing.I can't speak about Bejiing, but there are many beautys here in BKK, whether it's at MBK, around Nana in the daytime or at night. Although I'd prefer the Hong Kong 141 sex site girls even more.

As to cleanliness, TGs do have a rep for that. OTOH I don't like how some I see are picking their zits and then ready to give me a HJ one minute later without washing their hands with soap & hot water.

05-27-11, 20:38
Do you believe what you tell us. God help us all if you do!I hope you didn't believe the following:

"She was a girl who didn't usually orgasm from customers, but particularly liked an extended blowjob that most customers were too lazy to give."

What kind of a "girl" recieves a "blowjob"?

05-28-11, 04:34
What kind of a "girl" recieves a "blowjob"?One that has a Clit the size of a small dicked Japanese (2 inches I think)

05-28-11, 06:00
While I respect different views on what's attractive, I need to disagree here. I've found that girls who are a mixture of races / ethnicities, either via their parents or even generations before (I. E, many Latinas) tend to be more attractive than "purebloods." African girls with a mix of something else are very attractive to me (I can think of an Ivory Coast-Israeli girl I was with once in Ghana). In the Asian case, Filipinas really do it for me due to that dose of Spanish blood.I agree on this. Mixed ethnicity blood generates better looking and somehow also stronger health.

Small communities (such as in islands) do tend to mix blood with same "relatives" and it is no good for the development of the physical (and health) specs.

You made a right example with people from the same area, but from countries having a different "foreign" influences.

05-31-11, 23:15
I guess this has been discussed before but it's not the most search-friendly thing to look for. So.

How do you explain that Thai girls are more beautiful than other Asian girls (on average)? I've been to many Asian countries. In no other places do you see that many cute girls, every day girls, in the street. I'm not talking about nice bodies (plentiful everywhere in Asia) and I'm not talking P4P (where actually finding a beautiful girl can be tough). I'm talking about the many beautiful girls you see in the subway, restaurants, malls, etc. There is just something to the Thai face that you don't find in HK, China, Japan or Malaysia.

What is it? Anyone has an idea? Is there a specific ethnic mix that produces features appealing to farangs? I would love to understand this.I discussed this with a friend recently, and he believed that part of the key is the context that you meet / see these girls. E. G the fact that you meet these girls in erotic settings (be it a gogo bar or a MP, or whatever) and most of them would not hesitate to jump into bed with you when you snap your fingers makes them hotter in your eyes.

I'm not so sure this is true. Today, I had lunch in a Thai restaurant here in Sweden where I live. All the staff were Thai (or at least looked like it) and I found all the girls rather hot. The cashier was one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. Perfect body, perfect smile, and eyes that you could drown in. I must have looked like a drooling fool when I paid the tab. She is of course totally inaccessible to me, for many reasons. Main one is the fact that my lunch date happened to be my wife.

Now that I think about it, she looked a lot like my favourite girl at Annies. Good thing I'm back in Bangkok this Sunday!

06-06-11, 00:04
I've found that girls who are a mixture of races / ethnicities, either via their parents or even generations before (I. E, many Latinas) tend to be more attractive than "purebloods." African girls with a mix of something else are very attractive to me (I can think of an Ivory Coast-Israeli girl I was with once in Ghana). In the Asian case, Filipinas really do it for me due to that dose of Spanish blood.Two reasons for this. One is that averages=healthy. Not too fat, not to thin, not too anything. Average girl actually starts out with an advantage in attracting males. Other is "hybrid vigor". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heterosis.

Of course we all tend to be comfortable with people who look like us. Or like the people we're accustomed to seeing. But if you took an average of all the women on Earth, you'd hit it.

06-06-11, 10:30
When going to Thailand for a few weeks, I usually lose my libido (appetite for sex) after about a week. Last time this happened both my friends and me.

Are there any pills you can take to bring your appetite for sex back? (I am obviously not talking about viagra or cialis here.)


06-08-11, 19:26
Well, That's why I said the Story you build is very important. Of course I lie, but it's always the same Lie so I have no problem remembering.I'd have to hear what your "story" is if I am to be convinced as to your claim of never having any problems with non pay for play gals in BKK. Otherwise I'd be more inclined to agree with older and more experienced posting old thai hands such as Daddy and OTH who although he preferred so-called "good girls" to "working girls" because he considered the latter to be dumb "country bumpkins", he still admitted to numerous problems, and some horror stories, with his many affairs with the former. Which, by the way, affirmed my intent to swear off the, ahem,"good girl" workers forever. Aside from that, if true, I'd have to attribute your alleged success to any or all of the following: few encounters, random luck, being extremely attractive to TGs beyond 99. 9 % of ISG readers. By attractive I mean such things that would suck in hot TG's, such as being young, handsome, rich, cultured, speak Thai, excellent job, living in BKK, sweet mouth too much, well endowed, fabulous in bed, generous and so on. If a guy had all that, then the claim might be true over a few dozen encounters with 10 different girls.

06-08-11, 21:48
Any recommendations for any restaurants near or around Nana / Soi 11? Buffets? Seafood? Thanks for any thoughts or comments on this topic.

Mr Enternational
06-08-11, 23:14
I'd have to hear what your "story" is if I am to be convinced as to your claim of never having any problems with non pay for play gals in BKK.

Aside from that, if true, I'd have to attribute your alleged success to any or all of the following: few encounters, random luck, being extremely attractive to TGs beyond 99. 9 % of ISG readers. By attractive I mean such things that would suck in hot TG's, such as being young, handsome, rich, cultured, speak Thai, excellent job, living in BKK, sweet mouth too much, well endowed, fabulous in bed, generous and so on. If a guy had all that, then the claim might be true over a few dozen encounters with 10 different girls. It stands to reason that many people think that normal Thai women are as shallow as many of us mongers tend to be.

06-08-11, 23:49
Any recommendations for any restaurants near or around Nana / Soi 11? Buffets? Seafood? Thanks for any thoughts or comments on this topic.Loads of good restaurants in that area, but it depends what you want regarding price and ethnicity.

Cabbages & Condoms (Soi 10?) is worth going to once if you haven't been.

06-08-11, 23:54
Any recommendations for any restaurants near or around Nana / Soi 11? Buffets? Seafood? Thanks for any thoughts or comments on this topic.I did it in a few decent not expensive places in Shukhmivt not far from Nana, both sides, but honestly can't recall the names: they are looking quite new and no more than a few Sois from 4.

There is one (Soi 12, walk 200mtr) , called Cabbage & Condom: thai food, nice atmpshere and. Something to not strictly related to mongering life, but still. On safe sex!

Google for it and you will see more about it.

The nearby 4-5 star hotels surely offer nice coffe shops.
Also a lot of indian cuisine around
Delicacies can be found at some stall in front of NEP: but do not ask what you eat! :)

06-09-11, 00:09
Loads of good restaurants in that area, but it depends what you want regarding price and ethnicity.

Cabbages & Condoms (Soi 10?) is worth going to once if you haven't been. Cabbages and condoms? Damn, food and service both are crap at this place. This is tourist only caus only these ignorant guys would eat there. Food is horrendous (and I am being nice).

Oh, I forgot, they give you these cheap ass condoms for free (use them at your own risk.)

The only thing I like about Cabbages & Condom is the Charity aspect. So From time to time I go there and drop 1, 000 thb donation and go eat somewhere else.

06-09-11, 00:21
Cabbages and condoms? Damn, food and service both are crap at this place. This is tourist only caus only these ignorant guys would eat there. Food is horrendous (and I am being nice).

Oh, I forgot, they give you these cheap ass condoms for free (use them at your own risk.)

The only thing I like about Cabbages & Condom is the Charity aspect. So From time to time I go there and drop 1, 000 thb donation and go eat somewhere else.I would have to agree that C&C is just a tourist joint and most folks I know have not enjoyed the food. I applaud your civic mindedness in making the contribution and common sense to eat else where.

I heard of small Chinese restaurant (cantonese) called Yong Lee on the corner of Suk and Soi 15 that is know for their roast duck.

Also, I heard some of buffets in the 4 & 5 star hotels are good, but expensive as well. I just wanted to know if anyone had anything to say about them. On Soi 11, the German & Japanese restaurants in the Grand President are good from my experience. Some folks said Rosabieng is suppose to be kind of good as well.

The Pro
06-09-11, 02:06
Nobody has really done details on the airport rail link so here goes.

One way trip Airport to Sukhumvit is 50 baht or 105 baht depending on whether you go Express or City Line.

City Line Airport to Makassan is 35 baht. Walk around from Makassan to Phetchburi MRT station (around 80 metres) and then one stop on MRT to Sukhumvit station and you have gone from Airport to Asoke BTS / Sukhumvit MRT for 50 baht and in around 45 minutes.

Excellent if you have to get to Sukhumvit in times of traffic jams where a taxi will cost 400 baht and take over 1 hour.

If you want to do it quicker there is the Express train, which costs 90 baht from Aiport to Makassan.

At the airport keep going down and the Airport train is on the lowest level. Right hand side is City Line train which takes 30 minutes from Airport to Makassan for 35 baht. On the left hand side is Express line which takes 15 minutes from Airport to Makassan for 90 baht.

Once you arrive at Makassan you can get a taxi, or if you do not mind a short walk then you can walk around to Phetchburi MRT station and from there go anywhere the MRT goes (which for Sukhumvit is one stop for 15 baht).

I always use the train if I have no luggage, as simply its quicker than taxi at most times of the day.

Coming back to the airport is just the reverse, either get the MRT to Phetchburi station and walk around to Makassan Airport Rail link station, or get a taxi to Makassan and get on the train from there. Fares are the same. 35 baht for City Link train and 90 baht for Express train.

If you are averse to walking a little, or do not like pulling you luggage around a bit, use a taxi from the airport. If you want to get into Sukhumvit quickly and avoid the traffic jams then use a combination of Express train and MRT and you can be in Sukhumvit Asoke from the airport in 30 to 45 mintues regardless of traffic.

The choice is yours. 50 baht for the total trip on the City Line / MRT or 105 baht on the Express Line / MRT.

06-09-11, 06:18
Cabbages and condoms? Damn, food and service both are crap at this place. This is tourist only caus only these ignorant guys would eat there. Food is horrendous (and I am being nice).

Oh, I forgot, they give you these cheap ass condoms for free (use them at your own risk.)

The only thing I like about Cabbages & Condom is the Charity aspect. So From time to time I go there and drop 1, 000 thb donation and go eat somewhere else. So f*king patronising.

Sure, it's not haute cuisine; I never said it was. The service is fine. The prIice is arguably a bit high but not excessive. 0bviously you chuck the free condoms.

You go there because it is a little bit different, amusing or interesting, and an admirable charity.

I repeat my statement. It's worth going to once. You have obviously been a few times and even tried the condoms.

06-09-11, 08:01
Any recommendations for any restaurants near or around Nana / Soi 11? Buffets? Seafood? Thanks for any thoughts or comments on this topic.There are loads. Sunrise Tacos is pretty good, as are a number of restaurants in Koreatown. Down Soi 11, Zanzibar and Limoncello are pretty good. There's also a German restaurant near both places and it's okay. Also down Soi 11, if U-turn left there's a little soi that Cheap Charlie's is on. Lots of little restaurants down there that are good.

I've been to Cabbages and Condoms twice. Unless you are on a date, don't waste your time. Food is overpriced for what it is. The condoms that they hand out are useless. Wayyyyy too small.

06-09-11, 09:08
I repeat my statement. It's worth going to once. You have obviously been a few times and even tried the condoms.Once is plenty. I would never take a date there. Just a newbie tourist.

06-09-11, 09:25
There are loads. Sunrise Tacos is pretty good, as are a number of restaurants in Koreatown. Down Soi 11, Zanzibar and Limoncello are pretty good. There's also a German restaurant near both places and it's okay. Also down Soi 11, if U-turn left there's a little soi that Cheap Charlie's is on. Lots of little restaurants down there that are good.Tastes in food are obviously as diferent as tastes in women.

Zanzibar is over-priced IMO.

There's a nice little Thai restaurant at the other end of Cheap Charlie Soi ('It's just a tourist place', the cry goes out.). Most of the other restaurants aren't Thai, which pretty much rules them out for me (when in Thailand I eat Thai. That rule applies in most countries except Korea. So equally KoreaTown ruled out for me).

I wouldn't touch a hotel buffet with a fork on the end of a barge-pole, but I'm prejudiced.

06-09-11, 09:28
I heard of small Chinese restaurant (cantonese) called Yong Lee on the corner of Suk and Soi 15 that is know for their roast duck.Their duck soup (ba mee bped) is great!

06-09-11, 11:37
Thank you all for your thoughtful comments and suggestions.

I will look forward to checking them out.

06-09-11, 12:40
So f*king patronising.Really? Maybe but I am opinionated if that's what you call patronising, then so be it.

I'm just a french asshole, what can I do.

06-09-11, 13:41
Really? Maybe but I am opinionated if that's what you call patronising, then so be it.No. 'Opinionated' and 'patronising' are not synonyms; they are not just two ways of looking at the world. You can easily be one without the other.

I'm just a french asshole, what can I do.Don't conform to your national stereotype, that's what. Break free.

You must really miss Paris:


06-09-11, 15:27
I wouldn't touch a hotel buffet with a fork on the end of a barge-pole, but I'm prejudiced.Oh come on LOL, you say that after recommending that shithole Cabbages and Condom?

I can guarantee (tried and approved) that the buffet at the 4 seasons, sukhothai, SGS and even WGS are above average. The Marriott "All you can eat" Dim sum are also amazing for only 750 thb per person (see picture)

06-09-11, 15:42
Oh come on LOL, you say that after recommending that shithole Cabbages and Condom?

I can guarantee (tried and approved) that the buffet at the 4 seasons, sukhothai, SGS and even WGS are above average. The Marriott "All you can eat" Dim sum are also amazing for only 750 thb per person (see picture) Without wishing to flog a very mort cheval, I was mentioning C&C as a mildly interesting one-off experience with OK food.

Above average buffet? You may well be correct. But the thought of a table full of barely warm mass-produced food stagnating and slowly congealing, whilst being picked over by a troupe of picky tourists in 4-star 'ambience' fills me with horror. And the words 'All you can eat for 750 Bht' are not normally associated with fine dining... But I am fussy. A carvery, anyone?

Give me that little food court on the corner of Soi 3 any day. Lovely pineapple smoothies. :)

Anyway, it's way past my bed-time in this time zone. See you all in LOS on Sunday.

06-09-11, 16:26
Without wishing to flog a very mort cheval, I was mentioning C&C as a mildly interesting one-off experience with OK food.I was just kidding about the C&C. .

Maybe we'll do brunch with Pita123, Alex and some other ISGers@the SGS on Sunday.

Ok, it's like 2, 000+ a pop, but well worth it.

Pita123, you in town? Get your ass over to BKK

New Old Guy
06-09-11, 18:48
I've just realized why all Thai people have cellphones with a large screen. It's almost impossible to read and write Thai script on a small screen one, where of course Roman script works perfectly. At a low resolution, you would need a lens to tell one letter from the other, even if it's your native language. What a fucked up alphabet.

06-09-11, 19:49
Any recommendations for any restaurants near or around Nana / Soi 11? Buffets? Seafood? Thanks for any thoughts or comments on this topic.I would like to recommend a medium-priced Korean restaurant, Dawon (not to be confused with Dawin Hotel) , near the Thonglor skytrain station, only three stops from Nana.

Each table has a grill, where you grill your own meat, which they keep serving you (all you can eat, time limit 2 hours) along with tasty vegetables. Only Asians eating there when I was there, which is usually a good sign. Great place to bring a date.

06-09-11, 20:11
So f*king patronising.

Sure, it's not haute cuisine; I never said it was. The service is fine. The prIice is arguably a bit high but not excessive. 0bviously you chuck the free condoms.

You go there because it is a little bit different, amusing or interesting, and an admirable charity.

I repeat my statement. It's worth going to once. You have obviously been a few times and even tried the condoms. I fully agree. The question was not "I am looking for fine place where I can eat every day at cheap price.

It is a nice one off. Just when trying a new wine for a change. Worth doing.

It is an usual place, why not trying, then?

06-09-11, 20:13
Oh come on LOL, you say that after recommending that shithole Cabbages and Condom?

I can guarantee (tried and approved) that the buffet at the 4 seasons, sukhothai, SGS and even WGS are above average. The Marriott "All you can eat" Dim sum are also amazing for only 750 thb per person (see picture) What hotels are SGS and WGS?

06-10-11, 08:36
Thank you all for your thoughtful comments and suggestions.

I will look forward to checking them out. If you like Thai food. And open late night. Try out the Thai Restaurants right across from the Beergarden. Not bad and not expensive.

06-10-11, 08:40
Nobody has really done details on the airport rail link so here goes.

One way trip Airport to Sukhumvit is 50 baht or 105 baht depending on whether you go Express or City Line.

City Line Airport to Makassan is 35 baht. Walk around from Makassan to Phetchburi MRT station (around 80 metres) and then one stop on MRT to Sukhumvit station and you have gone from Airport to Asoke BTS / Sukhumvit MRT for 50 baht and in around 45 minutes.

Excellent if you have to get to Sukhumvit in times of traffic jams where a taxi will cost 400 baht and take over 1 hour.

If you want to do it quicker there is the Express train, which costs 90 baht from Aiport to Makassan.

At the airport keep going down and the Airport train is on the lowest level. Right hand side is City Line train which takes 30 minutes from Airport to Makassan for 35 baht. On the left hand side is Express line which takes 15 minutes from Airport to Makassan for 90 baht.

Once you arrive at Makassan you can get a taxi, or if you do not mind a short walk then you can walk around to Phetchburi MRT station and from there go anywhere the MRT goes (which for Sukhumvit is one stop for 15 baht).

I always use the train if I have no luggage, as simply its quicker than taxi at most times of the day.

Coming back to the airport is just the reverse, either get the MRT to Phetchburi station and walk around to Makassan Airport Rail link station, or get a taxi to Makassan and get on the train from there. Fares are the same. 35 baht for City Link train and 90 baht for Express train.

If you are averse to walking a little, or do not like pulling you luggage around a bit, use a taxi from the airport. If you want to get into Sukhumvit quickly and avoid the traffic jams then use a combination of Express train and MRT and you can be in Sukhumvit Asoke from the airport in 30 to 45 mintues regardless of traffic.

The choice is yours. 50 baht for the total trip on the City Line / MRT or 105 baht on the Express Line / MRT. Good to know that. I always get stuck in traffic for over an hour. Since I always stay around Suk I'm going to try that next time.

Fon Tok
06-10-11, 08:58
I was just kidding about the C&C. .Maybe we'll do brunch with Pita123, Alex and some other ISGers@the SGS on Sunday. Ok, it's like 2, 000+ a pop, but well worth it. Pita123, you in town? Get your ass over to BKKPita, where are you?

Here's a few more buffet options (shamelessly copied from another forum & may not be current as of today. I'll check the internet for some of them)

Friday. Baccara.

One of the most popular go go bars on Soi Cowboy also serves up one of the most popular all-you-can-eat dinners in Bangkok every Friday night. The price varies at times, but the last time I was there it was 100 baht per person, and the buffet was served from 9 pm until about 11 pm. They spend the afternoon barbequing a pig, then cut it up and serve it with mashed potatoes, sauerkraut, potato salad, gravy, and sometimes a tossed salad. There is also Thai food; usually 4 to 6 dishes each Friday, though the selection varies. Sit on the open-air veranda in front of the go go and stuff yourself, but be aware that the service staff will expect you to order at least one drink. I've heard it rumored that the owner of Baccara runs this buffet every week as an excuse to barbeque the pig and irritate 'the Arab' who owns several bars on the Soi, but I have no idea whether that's true or not. This is probably not the place to bring your wife or girlfriend, though it's a great place to chow down with a bunch of good mates.

Saturday. The Wine Pub – Ratchatewi.

The Wine Pub may not be known to people who spend most of their time in Sukhumvit and Silom. It's on the second floor of the Pullman Hotel. The full address is:

2nd floor at Pullman Bangkok Hotel.
King Power. 8/2 Rangnam Road, Thanon-Phayathai,
Ratchathewi, Bangkok.

Every Saturday night from 6 pm to 10 pm the Wine Pub offers an all-you-can-eat tapas meal priced at 900 baht per person. The meal includes a bottle of wine, and if you don't finish the bottle you can take it home. The theécor is upscale and trendy, and the service is very good. This is a great place for a first date or a dinner with business colleagues.

Sunday. The Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit – Sukhumvit Road.

This is an elegant Sunday meal. The price is 2, 000 baht per person for one of the best Sunday brunches around, which is served from 11:30 a. M. Until 3:00pm Enjoy a buffet that is heavy on seafood while a live jazz trio plays gently in the background. Drinks are included in this buffet that is all about quality, but be ready to add a 10% service charge and 7% VAT to the bill, bringing the total price to 2, 340 baht per person. It's a wonderful buffet in a great atmosphere and worth every satang!

Monday. Coyote Mexican Restaurant on Sukhumvit Road near Soi 33.

We featured Coyote in the very first Spotlight, but that's no reason to ignore the great Monday night buffet that they offer, so here we go again. The price is 249 baht and the hours are from 6:30 to 9:30. Good quality Mexican food is available along with happy hour pricing until 6:30. Nice atmosphere, good service and a manager who has a good eye for picking pretty girls to work in the place. Your wife or girlfriend will feel right at home here, and it's also suitable for a business dinner or a night out with a group of friends.

Tuesday. Narai Pizza – locations throughout Bangkok.

The price is 179 baht and the buffet runs all day, from 10:00 am to 9:30 pm. I like the pizza here, though some people say it's crap. They offer some spicy noodles on the buffet as well but I wouldn't recommend them. One nice thing about this buffet is that it includes soft drinks. They offer Pepsi and 7up, but I usually get the lemon iced tea. This is a chain restaurant aimed at families, university students and the like. They have several locations, but I usually go to Century Mall near Victory Monument BTS or Fortune Center near Rama 9 MRT station.

Wednesday. The Great American Rib Company on Sukhumvit Soi 36.

The price is 450 baht but not 100% sure about the hours. You can sit outside on the open air deck at large picnic tables with wooden benches and enjoy American style barbeque in a very casual atmosphere that's perfect for a relaxed dinner with your girlfriend or a long night of drinking and eating with several of you best pals. Beef, pork and chicken are featured, and a specialty of the house is jalapeno corn bread, which I really love. You'll pay for your drinks here. I'the suggest plenty of cold beer to wash down the food, and then a taxi to take you back to your room for a long night's sleep.

Thursday. Yuan Chinese Restaurant – Millennium Hilton Hotel.

Okay, I'm cheating a little bit on this one because the buffet is available every day, but the price is 650 baht per person for an all-you-can-eat dim sum lunch that is available from 11:30 a. M. To 2:30 pm I've actually never eaten in this restaurant, though I've had some lovely evenings on the riverside veranda. This is one of Bangkok's best quality hotels, so I'm prepared to recommend the restaurant on the strength of the Hilton reputation.

(source: spotlight guy on big mango blog)

06-10-11, 11:32
I'll add a few more buffet options:

Monday. Bully's Pub on Sukhumvit 1 serves all-you can eat spaghetti and meatballs. Only been there once but it was excellent. 179 baht when I went a few years back.

Tuesday. Bourbon Street Pub (sukhumvit 22) has a Mexican buffet. It's pretty good, lots of options. I think it's about 300 baht but I can't be sure.

Sunday. Molly Malone's in Silom has a Sunday carvery from 12pm. 4pm. Lamb, Roast Beef, and Ham along with yorkshire pudding and some veg. Dessert is included.

06-10-11, 14:56
What hotels are SGS and WGS?SGS = Sheraton Grande Sukhumvit.

WGS = Westin Grande Sukhumvit

06-11-11, 07:23
Their duck soup (ba mee bped) is great!Yong Lee is very well known and popular since ancient times, despite grumpy staff and and closes very early (mainly a daytime place). Also closes for a staff break period. If after duck, I suggest Thong Kee on other side of Suk close to Asoke station is actually better tasting roast duck (less greasy / fatty). I prefer to get take-away roast duck from Thong Kee (but can eat in. Its completely Chinese style).

06-11-11, 07:39
Tastes in food are obviously as diferent as tastes in women.

Zanzibar is over-priced IMO.

There's a nice little Thai restaurant at the other end of Cheap Charlie Soi ('It's just a tourist place', the cry goes out.). Most of the other restaurants aren't Thai, which pretty much rules them out for me (when in Thailand I eat Thai. That rule applies in most countries except Korea. So equally KoreaTown ruled out for me).

I wouldn't touch a hotel buffet with a fork on the end of a barge-pole, but I'm prejudiced. Zanzibar was totally shit, IMHO, although many will agree. There was nothing good about it. Get eaten by mosquitos while waiting a long time for unsatisfactory food, and pricey. Plenty of better places in the same Soi 11, like Rosabieng, limoncello, etc. Even the German Pub.

I would eat in a good hotel buffet when price and quality is right, but its important to find a good one. Not the Ambassador, for example. I used to enjoy one at Century Park Hotel in Pratuunam a few years back that was very reasonably priced. Its usually easier to just pick a good normal restaurant and avoid eating too much. Grand Millenium buffet was okay (perhaps a bit pricey).

2K sounds too high for a buffet to me. I would rather get a cheap bite and a sex session for same money. A work out at Mango is not fattening :D

I like Little Italy on corner Soi 23 for simple stuff. Their lamb cutlets are great. Unpretentious, basic, but good.

My favourite restaurant is Toaya Soi 33/1 (Japanese) very good value for money and super fresh suschi, which is difficult to find (closed Tuesdays).

06-11-11, 11:27
2K sounds too high for a buffet to me. I would rather get a cheap bite and a sex session for same money. A work out at Mango is not fattening :DSGS Sunday brunch is well worth the 2. 5k and 4seasons buffet is also well worth the 3. 8k

New Old Guy
06-11-11, 11:51
SGS Sunday brunch is well worth the 2. 5k and 4seasons buffet is also well worth the 3. 8kYou're high as a camel, no food on earth is worth USD 133 or even 66!

06-11-11, 12:59
At the risk of inflaming the debate further, can someone suggest a nice little local restaurant serving authentic Thai food where I can celebrate my birthday, and where a cheap Thai hooker, sorry, smart young Thai lady, would not feel out of place. I'm probably more concerned with the ambience rather than the quality of the food.

To avoid arguments: 1000Bht / head is the most I am paying; and yes I know I am a cheap Charlie and 1000 bht will buy nothing, and yes I know it's impossible to get authentic Thai food within Bangkok city limits, and yes I know the staff will sneer at me for bringing a hooker out to dinner...

But if you have any suggestions, all gratefully received.

Fon Tok
06-11-11, 13:20
At the risk of inflaming the debate further, can someone suggest a nice little local restaurant serving authentic Thai food where I can celebrate my birthday, and where a cheap Thai hooker, sorry, smart young Thai lady, would not feel out of place. I'm probably more concerned with the ambience rather than the quality of the food. - To avoid arguments: 1000Bht / head is the most I am paying; and yes I know I am a cheap Charlie and 1000 bht will buy nothing, and yes I know it's impossible to get authentic Thai food within Bangkok city limits, and yes I know the staff will sneer at me for bringing a hooker out to dinner...But if you have any suggestions, all gratefully received.Naj on Silom Soi Convent (just past BNH Hospital) has very nice ambiance and good food. You can easily dine there for 2000 baht (for two).


06-11-11, 13:38
You're high as a camel, no food on earth is worth USD 133 or even 66!The purpose of absurdly high dining prices is to insulate the hoi-polloi from the riff-raff, to mark the consumer as a member of the hoi-polloi, and, of course, to pay for the restaurant owners many wives.

It's about who has the most money to waste frivolously rather than any low class considerations like value, etc.

Something like "Look at me, I'm so rich I can afford to pay $100.00 for a $10.00 meal, which makes me SO MUCH BETTER than you! Look how nice this table cloth is!".

Fon Tok
06-11-11, 15:05
The purpose of absurdly high dining prices is to insulate the hoi-polloi from the riff-raff, to mark the consumer as a member of the hoi-polloi, and, of course, to pay for the restaurant owners many wives. - It's about who has the most money to waste frivolously rather than any low class considerations like value, etc. - Something like "Look at me, I'm so rich I can afford to pay $100.00 for a $10.00 meal, which makes me SO MUCH BETTER than you! Look how nice this table cloth is!".For many, enjoying a superbly prepared meal is more about enjoyment than appearances. Understandably, fine dining in hotels and restaurants is not for everyone. It is somewhat akin to the appreciation and consumption of luxury cars, fine watches and jewelry, tailored clothes, and well-dressed, beautiful women with class. Some people like, and can afford, these things.

I wouldn't expect the subgroup of men on this ISG board who often quibble over a few hundred baht when paying a hooker to have much interest in these costly pursuits. Not an issue really.

I say, to each their own, as it is only money. That is why we live in a world with many, many choices.


06-11-11, 15:24
For many, enjoying a superbly prepared meal is more about enjoyment than appearances. Understandably, fine dining in hotels and restaurants is not for everyone. It is somewhat akin to the appreciation and consumption of luxury cars, fine watches and jewelry, tailored clothes, and well-dressed, beautiful women with class. Some people like, and can afford, these things.

I wouldn't expect the subgroup of men on this ISG board who often quibble over a few hundred baht when paying a hooker to have much interest in these costly pursuits. Not an issue really.

I say, to each their own, as it is only money. That is why we live in a world with many, many choices.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foie_grasWell said.

I believe there might be a valid argument against luxury watches and autos et. al. (though I love both and am VERY guilty of excesses) as they perform a basic function. BUT food, while serving its main function as nutrition MUST taste good, unless one is destitute. So, if one can not taste a difference in fine cuisine then so be it as its then money wasted but no one should knock those of us with more refined tastes and the money to enjoy them...

06-11-11, 16:11
I wouldn't expect the subgroup of men on this ISG board who often quibble over a few hundred baht when paying a hooker to have much interest in these costly pursuits. Not an issue really.

I say, to each their own, as it is only money. That is why we live in a world with many, many choices.


It's not about Bragging or anything like that. Why can't some people accept that some of us like to drink champagne or above average wine, while eating "Foie-gras", caviar, cheeses, expensive seafood and the likes?

I just came back from a French restaurant that serves an amazing Beef Cheek, how often can you eat that? And it was cooked to perfection. Cost? 1, 200 thb. But worth all the money.

Some people don't understand that it's all about the produce. Grain Fed Chicken, Real OZ Beef will beat Local Birds or Bufalo any day.

So if you're not ok with some people eating good food from time to time, then go eat your som-tam on soi 4.

06-11-11, 16:59
Naj on Silom Soi Convent (just past BNH Hospital) has very nice ambiance and good food. You can easily dine there for 2000 baht (for two).

http://www.najcuisine.com/webnaj/home.htmlMany thanks, Fon Tok. The only facts in a whole series of opinion posts.

But surely there is more than one good Thai restaurant in Bangkok? :)

06-11-11, 19:22
At the risk of inflaming the debate further, can someone suggest a nice little local restaurant serving authentic Thai food where I can celebrate my birthday, and where a cheap Thai hooker, sorry, smart young Thai lady, would not feel out of place. I'm probably more concerned with the ambience rather than the quality of the food.

To avoid arguments: 1000Bht / head is the most I am paying; and yes I know I am a cheap Charlie and 1000 bht will buy nothing, and yes I know it's impossible to get authentic Thai food within Bangkok city limits, and yes I know the staff will sneer at me for bringing a hooker out to dinner.

But if you have any suggestions, all gratefully received.The "White Elephant" Thai Restaurant on the 2nd floor inside the beautiful JW Marriott hotel?

Tom Yam Goong 260 Baht. They also offer a buffet & many other dishes, reasonably priced.

06-12-11, 01:52
Many thanks, Fon Tok. The only facts in a whole series of opinion posts.

But surely there is more than one good Thai restaurant in Bangkok? . I was taken to The Same Old Place on Soi 22 a few years back. Truly delicious. Have returned many times but they are only open about half the time I drop by. Well under your budget too. Try the crab cakes.

Fon Tok
06-12-11, 03:15
Many thanks, Fon Tok. The only facts in a whole series of opinion posts. But surely there is more than one good Thai restaurant in Bangkok? :)The ones I like to go to are low on ambiance and high on taste.

Talay Lek (Little Seafood) at the Chong Nonsi BTS Station.

Sabaijai in Ekamai Soi 59 for Isaan BBQ and fish.

An Isaan fish place on Narathiawat Road, closest to the intersection of Narathiawat Soi 24.

Derby King in Patpong.

MBK 6th Floor Food Court.

On Silom, the old man selling noodle soup close to Patpong 1.

Isaan BBQ place (only open for lunch (M-Sat) on Silom Soi Phiphat 1.

All of these places have very good food, cheap prices, and little or no ambiance.

06-12-11, 06:48
At the risk of inflaming the debate further, can someone suggest a nice little local restaurant serving authentic Thai food where I can celebrate my birthday, and where a cheap Thai hooker, sorry, smart young Thai lady, would not feel out of place. I'm probably more concerned with the ambience rather than the quality of the food.

To avoid arguments: 1000Bht / head is the most I am paying; and yes I know I am a cheap Charlie and 1000 bht will buy nothing, and yes I know it's impossible to get authentic Thai food within Bangkok city limits, and yes I know the staff will sneer at me for bringing a hooker out to dinner.

But if you have any suggestions, all gratefully received. Mouse I think makes a very good point, at least indirectly. You don't want to dine expensively unless the girl is at a level that will really appreciate it.

No point in taking to a poor working girl to a lavish reastaurant where she will hate you for wasting so much money that she could have used far better (in her view). I took a girl from a very poor background to a French restaurant and she was upset and astonished by the bill, even though I was paying. We could have eaten well in Japanese, Italian, Thai for far less and bought her some useful present instead like a camera, phone etc.

One day we entered the "Shark Fin" style restaurant near Asoke Fx by accident and walked straight out again when confronted by astonishing prices.

Playing posh does not impress girls that normally have to be frugal. It just helps train them that being really wasteful is okay.

If you want to take your Hi So girl to eat expensively, or just with your buddies, that is a better idea.

New Old Guy
06-12-11, 09:57
The purpose of absurdly high dining prices is to insulate the hoi-polloi from the riff-raff, to mark the consumer as a member of the hoi-polloi, and, of course, to pay for the restaurant owners many wives.

It's about who has the most money to waste frivolously rather than any low class considerations like value, etc.

Something like "Look at me, I'm so rich I can afford to pay $100. 00 for a $10. 00 meal, which makes me SO MUCH BETTER than you! Look how nice this table cloth is!". I know all that, I've been invited to such dinners, had to go and even pay sometime.

Then when I broke free from bourgeois power-trips, I swore to myself. Never anymore.

Yesterday night here in Phuket we stopped our bikes 20 mt before a Police roadblock, I was with two girls. Non of use wanted yet another ticket so I suggested to eat at a mom an pop place just in front of the cops. It took about 10 minutes for them to prepare our dishes, everything was fresh made. It was delicious, one of best the Thai meals I ever ate. Paid 100 Baht each. But you, know, it's *so* expensive here. HAHAHAHAH

06-12-11, 10:18
Mouse I think makes a very good point, at least indirectly. You don't want to dine expensively unless the girl is at a level that will really appreciate it.Not all of us dine with hookers. Sometimes we like to go out between friends and have a nice bottle of wine and superior food (Maine Lobster, USA scallops, Foie Gras). Why is it people always assume that because you are in Thailand and you go for expensive food you have to be crazy and a Hi-so deluded guy or the sort?

06-12-11, 12:33
The ones I like to go to are low on ambiance and high on taste.

Talay Lek (Little Seafood) at the Chong Nonsi BTS Station.

Sabaijai in Ekamai Soi 59 for Isaan BBQ and fish.

An Isaan fish place on Narathiawat Road, closest to the intersection of Narathiawat Soi 24.

Derby King in Patpong.

MBK 6th Floor Food Court.

On Silom, the old man selling noodle soup close to Patpong 1.

Isaan BBQ place (only open for lunch (M-Sat) on Silom Soi Phiphat 1.

All of these places have very good food, cheap prices, and little or no ambiance. Many thanks again. To be honest, when I said 'ambiance' I probably meant down-to-earth and unpretentious, so these all look pretty good to me (although I'm not going out for dinner in MBK!)

06-12-11, 12:42
Not all of us dine with hookers. Sometimes we like to go out between friends and have a nice bottle of wine and superior food (Maine Lobster, USA scallops, Foie Gras). Why is it people always assume that because you are in Thailand and you go for expensive food you have to be crazy and a Hi-so deluded guy or the sort?Because a lot of the time... er, never mind...!

I guess if you live here then dining out expensively on Western food is something to look forward to. I do it back home often enough, and I'm also lucky enough to be treated to some excellent food overseas. But when I'm in Thailand I eat Thai food, and that doesn't need to be expensive to be good. And when I'm in Thailand I spend my time with Thai hookers. :)

06-12-11, 13:15
Because a lot of the time. Er, never mind!

I guess if you live here then dining out expensively on Western food is something to look forward to. I do it back home often enough, and I'm also lucky enough to be treated to some excellent food overseas. But when I'm in Thailand I eat Thai food, and that doesn't need to be expensive to be good. And when I'm in Thailand I spend my time with Thai hookers. . Well, I eat Thai food Everyday so it's not that "exotic" anymore for me, I have had about 3, 000 thai meals already so sometimes a bit of Western food does not hurt. And from time to time, a bit of higher rated food does not hurt either.

There is a restaurant soi 19, called LE BEAULIEU, the food there is exceptional. The Chef is great and all the produce are Fresh and imported. Meals there (for 2) with wine easily reach 10k. But these restaurants I do not frequent with hookers (Hell, I don't dine with hookers in Public, I am a little too "Thai" minded in that regard).

New Old Guy
06-12-11, 14:07
There is a restaurant soi 19, called LE BEAULIEU, the food there is exceptional. The Chef is great and all the produce are Fresh and imported. Meals there (for 2) with wine easily reach 10k. But these restaurants I do not frequent with hookers (Hell, I don't dine with hookers in Public, I am a little too "Thai" minded in that regard).I've been there, with a beautiful young girl that you can or can not call an hooker. I think I wrote about it months ago. I wanted to see if she could surprise me by appreciating cheese, well she did not. The selection was good enough, on the other hand where's the problem when airplanes fly fresh food everyday and you pay an exorbitant price?

If one really wants to impress me, give me Uruguayan steak or Venezuelan parrilla (rodizo).

06-12-11, 15:02
If one really wants to impress me, give me Uruguayan steak or Venezuelan parrilla (rodizo).Out of South american steaks, I still favor Argentinean Steaks. But my fav has to be WAGYU from Kobe.

Expensive, yes, but no need for Knives on this meat. A pure delight.

New Old Guy
06-12-11, 15:49
Out of South american steaks, I still favor Argentinean Steaks. But my fav has to be WAGYU from Kobe.

Expensive, yes, but no need for Knives on this meat. A pure delight. I'm still formally an Argentinean resident. In Buenos Aires, at my favorite restaurant "La Brigada", the very best bife is imported from Uruguay, proudly cut with a spoon in from of you. Regular (excellent), beef can be had anywhere.

I know the Kobe beef is great, but I think the absolute best is "Fiorentina" from Tuscany. Try to believe.

06-12-11, 16:46
I know the Kobe beef is great, but I think the absolute best is "Fiorentina" from Tuscany. Try to believe.Interesting, Never heard of had this Fiorentina. I'll be sure to try it.


06-12-11, 17:16
Interesting, Never heard of had this Fiorentina. I'll be sure to try it.

ThanksFiorentina is a sort of T-bone steak, but huge, real huge. Got to be real hungry to eat it all.

And you need a good knife to approach it. Not because you ate challenged by non tenderness, but as you have to carve around the bone.

Usually half expensive as a Kobe.

None is competing the other, anyone. Each top in its own class.

Lone Punter
06-12-11, 17:25
Has anyone experience with this lthai languagel earning method for Ipod?


06-12-11, 18:51
A couple of questions.

Thinking of Bangkok & Pattaya, any point in heading to Samui or Phuket etc? Or even Hau Hin?

What am I looking to pay for a barfine + long time.

Also, whats this whole coyote dancing thing, are the girls not working girls that I can barfine or pay to take back to my hotel?

Any hotels recomendations would be great, I want something about 1000-1500 baht per night with FREE in-room WIFI!

New Old Guy
06-13-11, 10:51
A couple of questions.

Thinking of Bangkok & Pattaya, any point in heading to Samui or Phuket etc? Or even Hau Hin?

What am I looking to pay for a barfine + long time.

Also, whats this whole coyote dancing thing, are the girls not working girls that I can barfine or pay to take back to my hotel?

Any hotels recommendations would be great, I want something about 1000-1500 baht per night with FREE in-room WIFI! Can you please take the time to read not 100, not 10, but just 2 or 3 pages at random? All your questions will be answered.

And yes there is a big point in going to places like Phuket, because these are natural paradises with a totally different attitude. Patts liker will tell you otherwise, I respect everybody opinion.

06-15-11, 11:18
Not all of us dine with hookers. Sometimes we like to go out between friends and have a nice bottle of wine and superior food (Maine Lobster, USA scallops, Foie Gras). Why is it people always assume that because you are in Thailand and you go for expensive food you have to be crazy and a Hi-so deluded guy or the sort?Well said. I really like Herve's place in Soi 19. There are many world class restaurants in Bangkok. You get what you pay for though.

06-18-11, 08:45

Can some one please guide me if Swaranbhoomi airport has a luggage storage facility?


06-18-11, 10:52
In my wanderings looking for golf / polo shirts, all I seem to find are those that the street vendors in Pratunam and MBK stores have are much the same, very thin material, identical colors, large black embroidered horse on the left pocket area. Is there anyone store or vendor that sells better quality shirts?

06-18-11, 16:55
Really struggling to book hotels here guys. Thinking 4 nights Bangkok 5 Pattaya? Any other suggestions? How easy is it not to go straight to Pattay from the new airport?

06-18-11, 19:27
Really struggling to book hotels here guys. Thinking 4 nights Bangkok 5 Pattaya? Any other suggestions? How easy is it not to go straight to Pattaya from the new airport?Can't imagine why there would be any trouble whatsoever booking a hotel in either city. Spend a few minutes reading the hotel threads and you'll quickly see the places favored by punters. As for how much time to spend in each city, as they say in Thailand "up to you." The consensus seems to be that Pattaya is a little cheaper and the better destination if your main focus is on the play-for-pay scene. Plus there is the beach. Bangkok is more costly, but there is more to do when you aren't being a naughty boy. As for ground transport from the airport to Pattaya that's easy. There is the Bell Bus Service. And a taxi will run about 1000 baht.


06-18-11, 19:31
Can't imagine why there would be any trouble whatsoever booking a hotel in either city. Spend a few minutes reading the hotel threads and you'll quickly see the places favored by punters. As for how much time to spend in each city, as they say in Thailand "up to you." The consensus seems to be that Pattaya is a little cheaper and the better destination if your main focus is on the play-for-pay scene. Plus there is the beach. Bangkok is more costly, but there is more to do when you aren't being a naughty boy. As for ground transport from the airport to Pattaya that's easy. There is the Bell Bus Service. And a taxi will run about 1000 baht.

BunkyI'm thinking I might head straight to Pattaya then back to Bangkok for 4 nights on my way back. Rather that 2+4+2 days etc with Pattaya in the middle. I normally stay at the Woraburi sukhumvit but really want something similar but with free in-room wifi?

Is Nana hotel worth staying, mixed reviews but very handy. Also thought about Ibis sukhumvit. I think the ambassor is expensive for what it is

Hank Free
06-18-11, 21:52

Can some one please guide me if Swaranbhoomi airport has a luggage storage facility?

Cheers! Yes Wandere, there is a luggage storage facility located at the Arrivals level.

I used it to store my golfclubs for 2 days in February this year. It was not expensive (around 200 baht / day).

They take a note of your passport details and you have to complete a form, giving details of the contents of your luggage.

Cheers, Hank.

06-19-11, 00:02
Yes Wandere, there is a luggage storage facility located at the Arrivals level.

I used it to store my golfclubs for 2 days in February this year. It was not expensive (around 200 baht / day).

They take a note of your passport details and you have to complete a form, giving details of the contents of your luggage.

Cheers, Hank. There is also one at departure level, more or less straight from door #7.

Check carefully as not very easy to be seen.

Cost is 100 baht a that, asme procedure as said above.

No need to describe content, they have an x-ray machine.

They recommend not to put valuables, the saw my laptop, but I still left with them: I did not need it going to Annie's.

06-19-11, 00:04
Maybe the Lacoste store? .

The Pro
06-19-11, 10:50
As I have been using the Airport Link when I have no check in baggage I thought I would try it with a suitcase a few times and see how things go.

I will call luggage pick up 0 mintues.

Luggage picked up at 0 mins.

5 mins I was down buying the express train ticket (90 baht one way or 150 baht for a return with 2 week validity)

To compare normally at 5 mins I would be out and getting into a tax.

Only issue I noticed is that you cannot use the trolleys into the train station area, not a problem as I would not be attempting this if I did not have a bag with wheels on it.

Seems stupid though and I think its to do with trolleys belong to the airport but the train belongs to the SRT hence no airport property can be taken into the train statiion domain.

Waited for express train to arrive 10 mins, then 5 mins before departure.

Normally at 15 mins I would be at the first toll station on the expressway in a taxi.

15 minutes later I arrive at Makassan station. (total compare time 30 mins)

30 minutes in a taxi and I would be getting snarled up in expressway traffic around the 2nd toll station.

Now comes the excercise, lift down and walk around to Phetchburi station. Ok for me but certainly not for anyone who isn't able to walk with their bag for 5 minutes.

Brought a token for the single stop to Sukhumvit. 15 baht.

In under 10 mintues I have arrived at Sukhumvit station and walked to my destination.

Total Time from collecting bag from the luggage belt = 50 minutes and cost of 105 baht.

Normally by taxi its 400 baht including tollway fees and 45 to 100 minutes depending on time of day / rush hour.

Upsides :

Train is a pleasant journey, you can stretch you legs, stand up, view a different side of Bangkok from the carraige which is high up above everything else, you can do whatever you want really and no mad taxi driver.

Train is near enough a fixed time, no traffic jams to worry about.

You can also take the express train to Phaya Thai station and connect with BTS at Phaya Thai. So depending on whether you want MRT or BTS then get the ticket to Makassan or Phaya Thai.

For the cheap charlie you can use the "City Line" which is 35 baht to Makassan but takes 30 minutes as it stops along the way at a few stations.

Downsides :

Do not take it if you have heavy luggage you cannot wheel around "Bangkok" terrain for 5 minutes or so.

The walk from Makassan station to MRT Phetchburi is not covered all the way, so do not try when raining.

You might be asked by the security guard at MRT entrance to open your suitcase. I have not but it could happen.

You must be polite and patient. As you are dragging a suitcase around its best to let everyone else get on to the escalators at MRT stations first then you follow up the rear when there is no rush of people.

Waiting time. If you miss the express then the "city line" is next after 15 minutes before another express comes 15 minutes after that, and so it follows, express then after 15 mins city line then after 15 mins express etc.

To do :

Not tried Phaya Thai express and connecting to BTS, will try then some time soon.

Makassan to MRT Phetchburi walkway, is supposed to be being built some time soon, the sooner the better.

Taking the train back to the airport with luggage, as I always leave early its easier to take a taxi back and that will probably be what I do now, use the airport link train when arriving into Bangkok and use a taxi back to the airport.

Nobody has really done details on the airport rail link so here goes.

One way trip Airport to Sukhumvit is 50 baht or 105 baht depending on whether you go Express or City Line.

City Line Airport to Makassan is 35 baht. Walk around from Makassan to Phetchburi MRT station (around 80 metres) and then one stop on MRT to Sukhumvit station and you have gone from Airport to Asoke BTS / Sukhumvit MRT for 50 baht and in around 45 minutes.

Excellent if you have to get to Sukhumvit in times of traffic jams where a taxi will cost 400 baht and take over 1 hour.

If you want to do it quicker there is the Express train, which costs 90 baht from Aiport to Makassan.

At the airport keep going down and the Airport train is on the lowest level. Right hand side is City Line train which takes 30 minutes from Airport to Makassan for 35 baht. On the left hand side is Express line which takes 15 minutes from Airport to Makassan for 90 baht.

Once you arrive at Makassan you can get a taxi, or if you do not mind a short walk then you can walk around to Phetchburi MRT station and from there go anywhere the MRT goes (which for Sukhumvit is one stop for 15 baht).

I always use the train if I have no luggage, as simply its quicker than taxi at most times of the day.

Coming back to the airport is just the reverse, either get the MRT to Phetchburi station and walk around to Makassan Airport Rail link station, or get a taxi to Makassan and get on the train from there. Fares are the same. 35 baht for City Link train and 90 baht for Express train.

If you are averse to walking a little, or do not like pulling you luggage around a bit, use a taxi from the airport. If you want to get into Sukhumvit quickly and avoid the traffic jams then use a combination of Express train and MRT and you can be in Sukhumvit Asoke from the airport in 30 to 45 mintues regardless of traffic.

The choice is yours. 50 baht for the total trip on the City Line / MRT or 105 baht on the Express Line / MRT.

06-20-11, 20:18
As I have been using the Airport Link when I have no check in baggage I thought I would try it with a suitcase a few times and see how things go.

I will call luggage pick up 0 mintues.

Luggage picked up at 0 mins.

5 mins I was down buying the express train ticket (90 baht one way or 150 baht for a return with 2 week validity)

To compare normally at 5 mins I would be out and getting into a tax.

Only issue I noticed is that you cannot use the trolleys into the train station area, not a problem as I would not be attempting this if I did not have a bag with wheels on it.

Seems stupid though and I think its to do with trolleys belong to the airport but the train belongs to the SRT hence no airport property can be taken into the train statiion domain.

Waited for express train to arrive 10 mins, then 5 mins before departure.

Normally at 15 mins I would be at the first toll station on the expressway in a taxi.

15 minutes later I arrive at Makassan station. (total compare time 30 mins)

30 minutes in a taxi and I would be getting snarled up in expressway traffic around the 2nd toll station.

Now comes the excercise, lift down and walk around to Phetchburi station. Ok for me but certainly not for anyone who isn't able to walk with their bag for 5 minutes.

Brought a token for the single stop to Sukhumvit. 15 baht.

In under 10 mintues I have arrived at Sukhumvit station and walked to my destination.

Total Time from collecting bag from the luggage belt = 50 minutes and cost of 105 baht.

Normally by taxi its 400 baht including tollway fees and 45 to 100 minutes depending on time of day / rush hour.

Upsides :

Train is a pleasant journey, you can stretch you legs, stand up, view a different side of Bangkok from the carraige which is high up above everything else, you can do whatever you want really and no mad taxi driver.

Train is near enough a fixed time, no traffic jams to worry about.

You can also take the express train to Phaya Thai station and connect with BTS at Phaya Thai. So depending on whether you want MRT or BTS then get the ticket to Makassan or Phaya Thai.

For the cheap charlie you can use the "City Line" which is 35 baht to Makassan but takes 30 minutes as it stops along the way at a few stations.

Downsides :

Do not take it if you have heavy luggage you cannot wheel around "Bangkok" terrain for 5 minutes or so.

The walk from Makassan station to MRT Phetchburi is not covered all the way, so do not try when raining.

You might be asked by the security guard at MRT entrance to open your suitcase. I have not but it could happen.

You must be polite and patient. As you are dragging a suitcase around its best to let everyone else get on to the escalators at MRT stations first then you follow up the rear when there is no rush of people.

Waiting time. If you miss the express then the "city line" is next after 15 minutes before another express comes 15 minutes after that, and so it follows, express then after 15 mins city line then after 15 mins express etc.

To do :

Not tried Phaya Thai express and connecting to BTS, will try then some time soon.

Makassan to MRT Phetchburi walkway, is supposed to be being built some time soon, the sooner the better.

Taking the train back to the airport with luggage, as I always leave early its easier to take a taxi back and that will probably be what I do now, use the airport link train when arriving into Bangkok and use a taxi back to the airport. Just wanted to add I disagree with any first timer going to Bangkok to use the train system. There is nothing like making your way into the city in a Bangkok taxi, music, smog, thai driver going mental.

You really get a feel for the city in a personal way which you don't get travelling by train / skytrain which is mostly buisness people. You also run the risk of getting hassled walking down the street looking for your hotel. Sure you can tell them to go away but its a right pain.

Taxi all the way I reckon. Although the train back might be a good idea

The Pro
06-21-11, 03:41
Good news for those who do Bangkok-London-Bangkok on Thai.


06-21-11, 08:26
Is it my system or did the forum format change?

I am seeing two columns with the text squeezed into a left hand column.

Makes reading hard as long text and quotes go on forever down the page in a thin column.


06-21-11, 14:53
Is it my system or did the forum format change?

I am seeing two columns with the text squeezed into a left hand column.

Makes reading hard as long text and quotes go on forever down the page in a thin column.

SlimI think it is you.

My vision is ok

The only unusual things I see is.

[Add Invocation Code for Banner #2 Here]

Maybe a teething problemwe should actually discuss about this in here.


06-21-11, 15:19
Good news for those who do Bangkok-London-Bangkok on Thai.

http://www.planetalkinglive.com/2011/06/20/thai-airways-upgrades-cabins-on-boeing-747-400-aircraft/?A much needed refresheneing of the interiors and part of a major upgrade of TG fleetthey just announced substantial fresh orders for 37 aircrafts (six Boeing 777-300ERs, with delivery in 2014 and 2015, four Airbus A350-900s for delivery in 2016 and 2017 and five Airbus A320-200s for delivery in 2014 and 2015)

It plans to lease six 787-8s to be delivered in 2014 and 2015 and two 787-9s for delivery in 2017 from International Lease Finance with rental terms of 12 years.

It would also obtain, for delivery in 2016 and 2017, six A350-900s from Aviation Lease and Finance and two from CIT Aerospace International with rental terms of 12 years.

An additional six A320-200s, with a 12-year term of rental, would be leased from RBS Aerospace for delivery in 2012 and 2013)

2012 will see the introduction of A380 to the schedule.

On this web page you have a link to a video showing the future seats of 380 Thai airplanes.


Member #4698
06-28-11, 13:40
1. Predictions?

2. And what is the probability of more unrest after the elections?

06-28-11, 17:44
2. And what is the probability of more unrest after the elections?I hope none! The country has already had enough "unrest" (nice terminology to describe riots.) having disturbed the tourist, an important income for the country.

Long live to the King. .

06-28-11, 18:39
1. Predictions?

2. And what is the probability of more unrest after the elections? Natty Bumpo,

1) 280/500 seats in parliament for PT (Thaksins Party). The government coalition will lose big time.

2) What we have seen up to now was just the foreplay. The real problems are right now starting. Nevertheless, it is necessary for Thailand to get through this step of development to democracy.



Chill Out
06-29-11, 00:52
The real problems are right now starting.Giotto, can you explain further what you mean by this?

06-29-11, 09:26
Giotto, can you explain further what you mean by this?Chill Out,

Complex issue, but in short:

As everybody might know we have a serious rift in the Thai society since approx. 2005 (the roots of the conflict reach back much longer, read about the 1973, 1976 and 1992 unrests in Thailand). Simplified there are 2 major groups, the red shirt movement supporting the ex-PM Thaksin with his PT party on one side, and the old establishment / old elite on the other side (represented by the ruling coalition). The red side has won the last 3 elections (2001, 2005, 2007) but was stripped off the power two times afterwards with highly questionable means (one coup, another time through buying MPs and coalition partners for the DP, which is basically the party representing the old elites interests). The actual demographic structure of the Thai population and the unjustly distribution of Thailands wealth between the rich and the poor makes it highly likely that the PT will be the strongest political party in the future.

The old elites have tried with all thinkable (and sometimes highly questionable) means to "modify" the voting behavior of the Thais. Without any success. Again and again the red side wins elections.

Right now hundreds of thousands of websites are blocked here in Thailand, &112 penal code (lèse-majesté law) is used to neutralize political opponents, critical webmasters / writers and even scientists (the latest development). People might believe that Thailand is a democracy with everybody being equal before the law. But that's only the disguise Thailands real power want us to see. In reality there are lots of double standards here in the country, and the real power is held from groups in the background (the old rich families, people from the privy council, the army etc.). The rich become richer, and the poor poorer.

Thaksin and his party was given the chance to rule for four years (2001. 2005) , and this first term was extremely successful. He was reelected with an overwhelming majority even in Bangkok but had then nothing faster to do than to completely mess things up, bringing up corruption to before unknown levels of perfection. Still, he never forgot his voter base from the north / north-east where he remains highly popular. When he reached out to completely take over the power in Thailand (replacing certain army generals with trusted companions) the coup was staged, and he was removed from power. Though there was not much criticism directly after the coup (the Thai people like to live in harmony, and appreciated the series of events / demonstrations in 2006 to end) the people started to understand what had happened in the following months and years: a democratically elected government had been removed from power using the means of the past (18 coups in Thailand since 1932). The awareness of what has happened is much higher now than ever before – and the red movement does quite a good job in teaching their supporters about the Thai history and the misuse of democracy of the past.

Coming to the point: There will be a landslide victory for the reds in the upcoming elections. The old elite has shown in the past that they are not willing to give up the power. The first longer red government ended up in chaos. The coup was a complete failure in the attempt to change the minds of the voters. The policies of the current government also did not convince the people to support the establishment.

Question: What else can the old elite do to stay in power?

This question already creates uncertainty on the capital markets. The outflow of capital from Thailand has started. The THB is falling, growth rate is falling, exports are falling. I expect this trend to strengthen, the old elite will move money out of Thailand, will not reinvest, the only remaining strategy to fight the red movement for the old elite is to hold back any support for the government, to make them fail on their promises of their populist policies, to cap growth, tax income, create unemployment, pressure on wages etc. Etc. . Foreign investors will not jump in under this circumstances, China is close and is also attracting investments.

On the political stage all legal means will be used to remove the red government from power. There is a possible legal case (wrong statements in court) against Yingluck (PM candidate PT and sister from Thailand) , which might be used to take her out. Jatuporn (a great PT agitator) was neutralized already (sitting in a prison he cannot vote, and if he does not vote in the election he is not allowed to be elected, so he will not be able to take on his mandate). We will see lots of more cases like this. Then there is fear in the administration that a red government might take revenge for what was done to them in the past (91 people shot during the demonstrations last year etc. Etc.). A discussion about a possible amnesty for politicians banned in the past started already, but heat will come up once an amnesty for Thaksin will be discussed.

To sum it up: The reds will win the elections in a landslide. They red government will afterwards be involved in endless defensive actions initiated by the old elite. Falling tax income and growth will cause problems in fulfilling the high expectations of the voters. Unemployment will rise, and the support for the yellow shirts will grow again. The social rift in the society will get bigger, the poor will get poorer and lose their faith in the only movement that has ever tried to support them. Mass demonstrations will follow and finally open the door for the next political or military coup.


06-29-11, 12:53
I just asked myself why the stock market moved up strongly today.

The reason:


The described scenario is possible. Crispin is usually well informed (but also spreads rumors sometimes). In case that the meeting has really taken place and all parties will keep their word, then my expectations below will not materialize. After a period of "reconciliation" all Thais will live together happily for the next thousands of years, and the Thai economy will blossom!

And I will believe it when I see it happening. Not before.


Chill Out
06-29-11, 17:58
Nice analysis, thanks Giotto.

Kute Guy
06-29-11, 22:23
Anyone know of any good [free] online dating sites to meet thai women before I head over to Pattaya for 6 weeks in 5 weeks?

06-30-11, 02:20
I recently had the pleasure of using VR Taxi service from Pattaya to the BKK Airport, and later from the Airport to Pattaya, as recommended by several previous posters here.


I was picked up at my condo at 4:30 am in a late model comfortable air conditioned car. The driver arrived early and called to alert me just beforehand. The cost was 900 baht, tip: 100, which included all tolls, and I arrived at the airport in plenty of time to catch my flight to the US.

On my return to BKK, another driver was waiting for me just outside customs holding a sign with my name on it. Again, the car was late model, comfortable and air conditioned. The cost was 1000 baht to Pattaya, and I tipped 100 baht.

I highly recommend VR Taxi.

06-30-11, 02:41
I recently had the pleasure of using VR Taxi service from Pattaya to the BKK Airport, and later from the Airport to Pattaya, as recommended by several previous posters here.


I was picked up at my condo at 4:30 am in a late model comfortable air conditioned car. The driver arrived early and called to alert me just beforehand. The cost was 900 baht, tip: 100, which included all tolls, and I arrived at the airport in plenty of time to catch my flight to the US.

On my return to BKK, another driver was waiting for me just outside customs holding a sign with my name on it. Again, the car was late model, comfortable and air conditioned. The cost was 1000 baht to Pattaya, and I tipped 100 baht.

I highly recommend VR Taxi. Daddy07,

Only a old Daddy like you would get this type of service?


06-30-11, 03:33

Only a old Daddy like you would get this type of service?

BMOr maybe even a young whipper snapper like you. :)

06-30-11, 05:09
Wild Country has closed for good.I will miss the days of getting a blowjob in the back storeroom while sitting on a box of Heineken.

06-30-11, 18:37
I am wondering if anyone has any experience with Rosetta Stone language software? They only offer level 1 and reviews are mixed. I prefer software to use with my computer if it is any good. A class in Thailand would probably be best, but are they offered for visitors in Pattaya? I am from the US and hope to be there later in the year or just after the first of the year and stay for two months minimum. I would appreciate any recommendations. Thanks

06-30-11, 19:12
I am wondering if anyone has any experience with Rosetta Stone language software? They only offer level 1 and reviews are mixed. I prefer software to use with my computer if it is any good. A class in Thailand would probably be best, but are they offered for visitors in Pattaya? I am from the US and hope to be there later in the year or just after the first of the year and stay for two months minimum. I would appreciate any recommendations. ThanksSome people can learn a new language as easily as it is to go to the 7-11 store and pick up a carton of milk. Others (like me) struggle with it. I've tried Rosetta Stone (expensive and eBay always removes used Rosetta Stone for-sale so you'll be stuck with it since re-selling violates a licensing agreement) , Pimsleur, and a couple of other language courses. I kept falling asleep using the Rosetta Stone. The Pimsleur was the probably the best, but it still has its limits. Thai is a very hard language to master and if you're not constantly practicing it, you forget it fast.

For me, I learned certain basic phrases in Thai (for example, Do you know how to speak English?) from Pimsleur. If you know a few words and phrases in Thai (plus their customs) , the Thais seem to give you a bit more respect as a foreigner. That being said, if you go to any major city and you don't know any Thai, you can still get by without any problem.

If you're going to be there for 2 month, I'd download a Thai phrasebook application to your iPod and practice until your departure and wait until you get to Thailand to take classes (unless you can find classes in your hometown).

06-30-11, 19:45
Some people can learn a new language as easily as it is to go to the 7-11 store and pick up a carton of milk. Others (like me) struggle with it. I've tried Rosetta Stone (expensive and eBay always removes used Rosetta Stone for-sale so you'll be stuck with it since re-selling violates a licensing agreement) , Pimsleur, and a couple of other language courses. I kept falling asleep using the Rosetta Stone. The Pimsleur was the probably the best, but it still has its limits. Thai is a very hard language to master and if you're not constantly practicing it, you forget it fast.

For me, I learned certain basic phrases in Thai (for example, Do you know how to speak English?) from Pimsleur. If you know a few words and phrases in Thai (plus their customs) , the Thais seem to give you a bit more respect as a foreigner. That being said, if you go to any major city and you don't know any Thai, you can still get by without any problem.

If you're going to be there for 2 month, I'd download a Thai phrasebook application to your iPod and practice until your departure and wait until you get to Thailand to take classes (unless you can find classes in your hometown).Thanks for the response. I was in Thailand recently and did fine with no Thai language ability. However, it would have been better to know some of the language. The next trip will be for a longer stay, so some language ability would be helpful. I'll check into Pimsleur. Thanks

06-30-11, 20:40
Since this is a sex guide site, Thai sexual words / phrases might be of interest to some readers:


06-30-11, 20:55
I am wondering if anyone has any experience with Rosetta Stone language software? They only offer level 1 and reviews are mixed. I prefer software to use with my computer if it is any good. A class in Thailand would probably be best, but are they offered for visitors in Pattaya? I am from the US and hope to be there later in the year or just after the first of the year and stay for two months minimum. I would appreciate any recommendations. ThanksHave you tried Thaipod101. Com?

06-30-11, 21:21
Have you tried Thaipod101. Com?No, just learned of it now. I'll give it a try. Thanks

07-01-11, 00:01
I am wondering if anyone has any experience with Rosetta Stone language software? They only offer level 1 and reviews are mixed. I prefer software to use with my computer if it is any good. A class in Thailand would probably be best, but are they offered for visitors in Pattaya? I am from the US and hope to be there later in the year or just after the first of the year and stay for two months minimum. I would appreciate any recommendations. ThanksIt's fine if you want to learn how to speak to diplomats and perhaps the king, but useless for speaking to the natives.

Member #4698
07-02-11, 17:16
This is the headline from an interesting WSJ report. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304569504576403550032244010.html?mod=WSJ_hps_editorsPicks_2

Chuvit Kamolvisit, to quote from the report: "rose to fame by accusing police of extracting hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes from his sex empire and then failing to protect him in a land dispute. Using skills learned at business school in San Diego, Calif, Mr. Chuvit was one of the biggest in the business, which the World Health Organization has estimated could include as many as 200, 000 sex workers in Thailand. He built up a chain of cavernous emporiums with names like "The Sea of Love" and "Copacabana," where scores of women wearing little but bikinis and numbers on plastic tags waited behind glass walls for customers." Guess we all know about that, LOL.

"We need a strong opposition here to make the executive side stronger," Mr. Chuvit says during a campaign stop in Bangkok's notorious Patpong red-light district, where he is viewed as something of an improbable folk hero."That's why Thailand needs me. No other politician wants to ask questions because they want to get into power. Corruption is a big, big problem in Thailand."

No kidding, Mr. Chuvit. Anyway I thought you guys might enjoy reading this article. Elections tomorrow. The results should be interesting.

07-02-11, 21:13

This writer is well known for his coverage of Thai politics. I found this article to be a good introduction to the topic. Perhaps not as detailed or current as the Asia Times story cited by Mr. Giotto, but for those of us who are trying to master the basics this is excellent.


07-02-11, 22:26
. He built up a chain of cavernous emporiums with names like "The Sea of Love" and "Copacabana," where scores of women wearing little but bikinis and numbers on plastic tags waited behind glass walls for customers." Guess we all know about that, LOL.What is this all about? Emporiums with women in bikinis? And we do not know anything about it?

Come on guys. Where are the reports? Any address? LOL

The Pro
07-03-11, 05:29

This writer is well known for his coverage of Thai politics. I found this article to be a good introduction to the topic. Perhaps not as detailed or current as the Asia Times story cited by Mr. Giotto, but for those of us who are trying to master the basics this is excellent.

BunkyThe election is a bit of joke really. The "FlemJemPie" party are cheating like nobodies business. They have their associates printing the ballot forms and are said to have had quite a few million (tens of millions) printed as "spares just in case they run short".

Which means all those spares are all being ticked "FlemJemPie" and a certain Mr JizzChob is getting his cohorts to insert to make sure he wins plenty of seats for his party. The army and election commission are overlooking this because he is only doing it in "Poor Thai" party area's so as to keep their seats down and allow JizzChob to join with Adashit of the UnDemocrats to make the new government.

Vote buying. The watchdogs should be watching for Jizzchob and what he is up to.

Oyster Lover
07-03-11, 11:54
Yingluck Shinawatra has unofficially won the Thai election with a land slide victory. Reportedly she has won 313 seats out of a total of 465.

'An exit poll by Bangkok's Suan Dusit University, considered the most historically reliable, showed Puea Thai winning 313 seats with Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's Democrat Party taking just 152'

Just maybe this landslide victory will keep the Yellow Shirt riots to minimum?

However making statements like "Mr Thaksin called me to congratulate me and encourage me," Yingluck said of her brother, a billionaire ousted in a 2006 coup who now lives in Dubai to avoid jail for graft charges he says were politically motivated. ' "He told me that there is still much hard work ahead of us," she told reporters.

Before she's even official declared the winner; this might just spark another military coup is short time.

Thailand may or may not go even further down depending on how fast they try to return Mr. Thaksin to Thailand and full power, as opposed to the power he expresses by email and phone and TV interviews. His sister has offered a pardon to all political criminals.

Prediction, air fares to Thailand may be a bargain later this month.

07-03-11, 12:48

This writer is well known for his coverage of Thai politics. I found this article to be a good introduction to the topic. Perhaps not as detailed or current as the Asia Times story cited by Mr. Giotto, but for those of us who are trying to master the basics this is excellent.

BunkyNah. They won't vote for her. Its just a short term fad said advisers. Oops how wrong they were.

Sunday July 3, 2011. Thaksin party wins Thai election by a landslide. Exit polls Thailand's opposition swept to power in a surprise election landslide on Sunday, led by the sister of former Thai prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra in a victory for the rural and urban poor.

The above is probably correct. Old power-old money were just unwilling to 'move with the times'. I can't see how they would deal with an outright majority. Going to be interesting. Short term, streets should be very very happy. And noisy.

07-03-11, 19:48
Gentlemen kiss it goodbye, the killjoys are back in power. Our brief respite under the return of the good old Ancien Régime is over, and we return to barbarous democracy (which we all know from our own homelands is not compatible with any kind of fun, least of all our kind).

The Pro
07-03-11, 20:37
The election is a bit of joke really. The "FlemJemPie" party are cheating like nobodies business. They have their associates printing the ballot forms and are said to have had quite a few million (tens of millions) printed as "spares just in case they run short".

Which means all those spares are all being ticked "FlemJemPie" and a certain Mr JizzChob is getting his cohorts to insert to make sure he wins plenty of seats for his party. The army and election commission are overlooking this because he is only doing it in "Poor Thai" party area's so as to keep their seats down and allow JizzChob to join with Adashit of the UnDemocrats to make the new government.

Vote buying. The watchdogs should be watching for Jizzchob and what he is up to.Notice how exit polls suggested that Bumjaithai would get only 10 seats and yet wonder of wonders they managed to get over 30.

Rig a Rig a Rig. Said someone.

07-04-11, 00:56
Notice how exit polls suggested that Bumjaithai would get only 10 seats and yet wonder of wonders they managed to get over 30.

Rig a Rig a Rig. Said someone.LOL,

Another "Friend of Newin". I love him, too.

The results:

PT: 263 seats.

DP: 162 seats.

BJT: 34 seats (that's Newin's party)

CP: 19 seats

Voters turnout: 65. 99. Lower than 2007, that's strange. Rumours coming up, that the turnout in some PT / red strongholds was very low. I don't believe that.

1. 7 Mio. Bad ballots (5. 17 %). That's strange.

Looks like there was an attempt of the establishment to manipulate a bit. But due to the landslide victory of the PT their options were limited.

Good news: After "owning" the ministry of interior for years Newin is losing it now. :):):)


Horny Landoora
07-04-11, 07:36
Now that the poll results are out and as predicted Thaksin allies are back in power, would like to know from people who know and follow the scene closely the implications one can expect on the

- mongering scene.

- go go bars functioning.

Thai economy is largely dependent on tourism so what do you guys feel the policies of the newly elected government would be towards what effects us on the forum most?

Chill Out
07-04-11, 10:35
I don't understand the general anti-Thaksin sentiment in this forum. It seems he did a pretty good job all things considered when he was in power. Yeah he was corrupt but not more than most, and at least he got things moving a bit for the underclass as well. Sure he started some riots but that's after being kicked out of power in a coup. Is it his fault or the fault of those who did the coup in the first place? So what's with all the anti-Thaksin vibe?

07-04-11, 15:12
I don't understand the general anti-Thaksin sentiment in this forum. It seems he did a pretty good job all things considered when he was in power. Yeah he was corrupt but not more than most, and at least he got things moving a bit for the underclass as well. Sure he started some riots but that's after being kicked out of power in a coup. Is it his fault or the fault of those who did the coup in the first place? So what's with all the anti-Thaksin vibe?I'm with you, Chill. Under the new government the lives of the vast underclass will improve quickly and dramatically which I strongly favor.

I predicted this outcome in this forum some months ago. The danger is that the entrenched elite might decide to try and overrule the people by force. It will be a sad and bloody episode if they do.

The upper class and business people will have to shell out more so they and their sycophants are all bent out of shape about it. Ruthless exploitation of the poor is a very popular way of aquiring wealth and power in SE Asia, pretty much all over in fact.

Thaksin will crack down on illicit drugs and most corruption hard, which also puts off some folks. The pay-for-play industry will continue on pretty much as it is, though I expect it will become much more expensive and difficult for non-Thai's to compete in this arena. Some of the outsider operated venues that have proliferated in recent years will be facing a rough go. Which is probably a good thing, overall.

Lets face it, Chill, ever since Reaganomics and the greed-is-good Fascists he empowered came into their own in the States, the unenfranchised throughout the world have pretty much all suffered in the same way the American middle class has. Only those in the so called third world suffer much, much more, because they had so little to start with.

The rich get richer, and when the poor join together and rise up to demand a bigger slice of the pie, they don't like it.

07-04-11, 16:24
Thai economy is largely dependent on tourismAre you sure about that?

07-04-11, 16:29
I don't understand the general anti-Thaksin sentiment in this forum. It seems he did a pretty good job all things considered when he was in power.During Thaksin's power, did the p4p (foreigner oriented) scene get better or worse? And, did the conditions for foreigners / expats get better or worse?

07-04-11, 16:52
Are you sure about that?Appropriate question.

If I am not wrong agricultural and textile industries prevail.

Tourism a jsut a more visible industry, for the foreigners, so seems to take over.

Taken the famous tourist locations (5?) , Thailand does not seem to be invaded by tourism!

Even if it is not a Bible, one should read this to get a better idea of what Thailand is from an ecnomical point of view


(there is an interesting part dedicated to the monger world and their contribution to thai GDP, LOL)

07-04-11, 17:05
Are you sure about that?Not really.

Approx. 7 % of the GDP.


07-04-11, 17:09
During Thaksin's power, did the p4p (foreigner oriented) scene get better or worse? And, did the conditions for foreigners / expats get better or worse?It got worse, but mainly because of an extreme politician in the interior ministry. That guy will most likely not come back.


07-04-11, 17:12
I think minimal health care beats dying for want of the proper 100B worth of meds as happens far too often out in Isaan.

That said, I respect your opinion, Giotto, though I'm not sure it is entirely accurate.

You are very courageous to post such an inflamatory comment at this very fluid and potentially unstable time given your situation. Kudos!

07-04-11, 17:21
I think minimal health care beats dying for want of the proper 100B worth of meds as happens far too often out in Isaan.


That said, I respect your opinion, Giotto, though I'm not sure it is entirely accurate.
Thanks, what's not accurate?

I try to learn every day.


07-04-11, 17:49
It got worse, but mainly because of an extreme politician in the interior ministry. That guy will most likely not come back.

]Who else in Thaksin's camp helped worsen thing for us? Will those policies come back in the new government. This is what we all should be worried about.

07-04-11, 17:55
If you believe that he was not more corrupt than other Thai politicians, then I disagree. He was playing the game in a complete different league, more clever and more efficient. In my POV he did / does not give a shit about the people who elected him, he just used (misused) them to vote him into office. One should also think about how a small police officer can become a multibillionaire. To get there you need to be highly corrupt and highly criminal in Thailand (may be not only in Thailand).Agree.

On the other hand it is simply necessary that the old elite learns, that times of coups and putting snipers on roofs of buildings killing 92 demonstrators are over.Polarized wealth in countries makes for good mongering. When the middle class grows and gets richer, mongering suffers. Just have a look at the West.

Horny Landoora
07-04-11, 17:57
I know Thailand also exports lot of Rice, Gems and textiles but as someone pointed out Tourism still contributes 7% to GDP!

Although it is strange everyone continues to debate on the outcome in general with their views although no one has yet answered that what this poll outcome means for an avg reader of the forum like me who visits Thailand twice or thrice a year just for some fun at Go Go bars and mongering!

Don't take me otherwise if I don't show much interest in outcome for locals as this isn't THAIPOLITICSGUIDE. Com Aplologies to anyone who gets offended in advance!


07-04-11, 18:06
what this poll outcome means for an avg reader of the forum like me who visits Thailand twice or thrice a year just for some fun at Go Go bars and mongering!

Don't take me otherwise if I don't show much interest in outcome for locals as this isn't THAIPOLITICSGUIDE. Com Aplologies to anyone who gets offended in advance!Yah, I'm with you on this. I don't care about what happens to Thai people, I only care about the future availability of cheap pussy and new regulations / policies towards expats and tourists.

07-04-11, 18:10

Don't take me otherwise if I don't show much interest in outcome for locals as this isn't THAIPOLITICSGUIDE. Com Aplologies to anyone who gets offended in advance!Horny Landoora,

Nobody gets offended so easily.

We don't know what impact the outcome of the elections will have for the sex industry. Nothing is mentioned within the program of the PT, it was not an issue, the Thai people really had some more serious problems to deal with.

The Thai service provider from the North / North-East are happy at the moment, most of them are red. May be they will let you participate on their happiness. Who knows.


07-04-11, 18:26
Yah, I'm with you on this. I don't care about what happens to Thai people, I only care about the future availability of cheap pussy and new regulations / policies towards expats and tourists.Amjeck,

BTW, I don't really care about the cheap pussy and / or new regulations. We will live with that.

I care about the Thai people. You should give it a try.


07-04-11, 18:28
Yah, I'm with you on this. I don't care about what happens to Thai people, I only care about the future availability of cheap pussy and new regulations / policies towards expats and tourists.Availability if cheap pussy depends also on the wealth and good being of the population.

To' a certainly extent also on a degree of democracy. Tons of pussy in Vietnam and China but, no generalization, not so easy to take back to' your hotel room. Singapore and Hong Kong wide availability, but prices not au pair with Thailand. To the Point many TG go there to' be' WG's.

Look at the repeated alcohol bans for various reasons in Thailand.

Look at uprises between red and yellows last year.

Political and economical unstability do not work well for the mongerers. But a too strong government either, set aside their own business related to' the industry.

Although I am not too familiar with certain details, from what I read from.

Giotto, I not only see lots of similarities with a European country, but I do see the possibility that more than ever and above any standard, these guys can take control of much more of what they should.

For their own power, interests.

Once they and their friends are happy, they will have the same statement of yours: Who cares about the others? Be' them thai, farang, mongerers.

07-04-11, 18:33
Horny Landoora,

Nobody gets offended so easily.

The Thai service provider from the North / North-East are happy at the moment, most of them are red. May be they will let you participate on their happiness. Who knows.


http://www.livingstones.co.thGiotto, for the well being of your beloved customers patronizing the Sport Bar, make sure the hostesses all come from there, so they share more their happiness with your estimeed customers.

She happy. Me veeeery happy! .

07-04-11, 18:37

She happy. Me veeeery happy! .Bionicman,

She very very happy! Ching ching!


07-04-11, 19:02

Giotto, I not only see lots of similarities with a European country, but I do see the possibility that more than ever and above any standard, these guys can take control of much more of what they should.Bionicman,

I have no idea what European country you are referring to. But, you inspired me to describe the worst case scenario.

SATIRE! WARNING: SATIRE! (if NotTheNation writes nobody usually gets it!)

Service Provider wanted!

Bangkok bars complain about a sudden shortage of services providers for the entertainment of their customers. After their landslide victory of PT in the 2011 elections in Thailand many women born on the rice farms of the North-East decided to leave the sex business of the Bangkok / Pattaya / Patong bars / massage parlors to go back home.

Growing rice is considered to secure an attractive income under the upcoming Thai government. Rice farmers will receive a government guaranteed price for their rice far above world market price, providing the subsidies for this program was a key issue of the election campaign of the new government. For those poor women, who up to now sold their bodies to farang because of poverty it will now be much more attractive to grow rice than to work in a bar.

ISG reporters talked to Pim:

ISG: "Why do you go back to Isaan, now, after the elections?"

Pim: "Sabai, Sabai!"

ISG: "What do you mean?"

Pim: "Well, up to now the easiest way of making our living was to fuck farang. Now it is to grow rice!"

ISG: "Really? Can you make the same income as before?"

Pim: "Not sure. But, life will be easier, and I don't need to get up early at 4 pm to look for customers every day. Rice will grow, we have to work some weeks a year, but I am sure, we can make that! We also have our water buffalo to help."

ISG: "And if the income will be too low?"

Pim: "Look, I can always go back to Bangkok and fuck the fat old bad-smelling farang. But for the time being I need to relax a bit, I worked so hard in my life already. Thaksin is No. One. He provides us with the necessary income for our rice!"

At Nana Plaza some bars were closing already. No women dancing at the poles. Business owners were very concerned: "It's a catastrophe! Before it was not a big problem to find hostesses. But now they are all going back to their farms. May be we need to hire some water buffaloes as "cheap pussy".



Chill Out
07-04-11, 20:03
Lets face it, Chill, ever since Reaganomics and the greed-is-good Fascists he empowered came into their own in the States, the unenfranchised throughout the world have pretty much all suffered in the same way the American middle class has. Only those in the so called third world suffer much, much more, because they had so little to start with.Actually that is not accurate at all. I can assure you that the average Thai is much richer now than in the 80s. Same is true of the average Indian, Chinese, Malaysian, etc.

BTW, I don't really care about the cheap pussy and / or new regulations. We will live with that.

I care about the Thai people. You should give it a try.I heart this.

07-04-11, 20:20
Gentlemen kiss it goodbye, the killjoys are back in power. Our brief respite under the return of the good old Ancien Régime is over, and we return to barbarous democracy (which we all know from our own homelands is not compatible with any kind of fun, least of all our kind).But the red shirts also won all the recent elections and the BB deep throat industry continues as always. Why should anything change now? Will Thailand suddenly not be poor anymore, as a third world country of rice farmers? Will BKK unie students not still be wanting the latest gadgets on the market? Will flooding and crop failures cease in the sticks? The oldest profesion has a very long and deeply ingrained history in this ancient cuntry. The tourist industry is huge in LOS & Thaksin is all about the bottom line.

Yah, I'm with you on this. I don't care about what happens to Thai people, I only care about the future availability of cheap pussy and new regulations / policies towards expats and tourists.I'd think most readers here are more interested in how they can fuck women in LOS rather than save the country from its political problems.

So if I were running a hotel in BKK that employs hookers and constantly posted ads on a sex site, it would seem that I should care about the former.

Re Opebo's comment, I can only guess that he is concerned that Thaksin's people will help the poor so much it will ruin the pussy market in LOS.

"Why would I make one woman so miserable when I can make so many women very happy?" {Benny Hill}

07-04-11, 22:48
I don't understand the general anti-Thaksin sentiment in this forum. .what's with all the anti-Thaksin vibe?Obviously because his rule was a huge negative for our hobby. Why do you think we're all here?

But the red shirts also won all the recent elections and the BB deep throat industry continues as always. Why should anything change now? . The tourist industry is huge in LOS & Thaksin is all about the bottom line. I'd think most readers here are more interested in how they can fuck women in LOS rather than save the country from its political problems. Re Opebo's comment, I can only guess that he is concerned that Thaksin's people will help the poor so much it will ruin the pussy market in LOS.Why should we care about the 'political problem'? (the problem is democracy, by the way) We fled here for sexual freedom: tolerated prostitution, which democracy took away from us back home.

Thailand isn't very poor anymore, alas for us, so we're only getting the dregs at the best of times, but the point about Thaksin was the concerted effort to close down and squeeze out the industry. Weren't you here during the 2001-2006 bad times? In 2005 I thought for sure it was all over. The Beach Road in Pattaya was completely empty for months on end, with only black-shirted troopers roaming. I was actually just about to give up and go home, when wonder of wonders, a coup d'état saved the us and the Ancien Régime! I can't tell you how happy I was, and how much I've enjoyed the last few years respite (which by the way has been better under dear Abhisit than under the other post-coup governments).

Now I predict another crackdown, perhaps the last one. Have any of you experience with South Korea? It once had an industry as burgeoning as Thailand's, and I'm sure in 1980 or even 1990 people would have scoffed at predictions of its demise, but it is gone now. Killed by democracy and 'prosperity'.

07-05-11, 00:35
Actually that is not accurate at all. I can assure you that the average Thai is much richer now than in the 80s. Same is true of the average Indian, Chinese, Malaysian, etc.Actually, the per capita wealth has increased in these nations, but the lot of most of the common people has declined or remained stagnant at best when inflation is factored in. The economic growth is concentrated at the top. The people are exploited.

In the area I am most familiar with, which is the Cambodian border area in Isaan, most of the gains in standard of living in the last 30 years occured during and immediately following the Thaksin era. A great deal of the little improvement there has been of late is due to remittances from abroad. There are exceptions of course, but generally there has been an overall decline in the quality of life since Thaksin was removed.

Which explains why the people overwhelmingly rejected the establishment in spite of their unprecedented efforts to sway the election with vote buying and such.

What happens to the "haves" in the affluent areas of the cities does not accurately reflect what is happening in the rest of these societies.

Get out more. Have a walk in the slums outside of the city sometime.

Chill Out
07-05-11, 08:55
@Naughty: Just because the slum people don't have a Mercedes yet doesn't mean they aren't better off than 30 years ago. Look at pics from 30 years ago or just look at the stats.

@Opebo: So you'd wish long-lasting poverty on a people just so you can keep getting pussy on the cheap? No good.

07-05-11, 12:04
@Opebo: So you'd wish long-lasting poverty on a people just so you can keep getting pussy on the cheap? No good.'Good' or 'bad' is an entirely subjective and relative concept, C. O. In any case poverty isn't the only factor in a satisfactory sex industry. One need not be severely poor to prefer the easy work and high earnings of prostitution.

In my sad homeland (the Bad Place) there are huge and burgeoning reserves of poors as well, but acceptable sex services are difficult and dangerous to find. The key difference is the openness or toleration of the business. It is this last factor - toleration - that democracy rings the death knell for.

07-05-11, 12:33

SATIRE! WARNING: SATIRE! (if NotTheNation writes nobody usually gets it!)


http://www.livingstones.co.thLOL. Howled with laughter at that satire. Just what I needed, stuck in the Middle East at the moment with little immediate chance of getting back to LOS.

Keep it up,

