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04-05-06, 14:05
yes. probably a wise thing to do, given who I work for. So, I deleted my comments.

I did too.

Old Thai Hand
04-06-06, 02:05
It says something about where we live that a few relatively innocuous comments by some could then lead us all to rethink the wisdom of it and subsequently delete the comments en masse.

It made me think of the obvious contrast with the tabloid press in England that tears into the Windsors on a fairly regular basis.

On a side note: you wouldn't actually go to prison for it. You would just be expelled and banned from LOS forever.

Coma Boy
04-06-06, 08:46
Honolulu "Spastic" Jimmy's photo of a bar-girl with bank notes on her pussy and breasts would also probably not go down too well with the authorities.

Expect he stole that photo also, but still, not a wise one to post. But, then again, he isn't a wise one.

04-08-06, 09:07
What will happen? Who knows...
I guess, it depends on which part of Thailand.

But, overall, it'd be good for monger scene:
No more cleansing of bar scene or "entertainment districts."
No more running the government in a corporate style with efficiency. It's back to big bureaucratic government with administrative waste and corruption, so later open times and full-nudity in go-go's everywhere.
No more rural improvements, so more poor girls flocking to BKK, i.e. higher supply in bars and go-go's. And, subsequently, lower ST/LT rates...

I'd better start booking my next LOS vacation...

04-08-06, 09:21
it says something about where we live that a few relatively innocuous comments by some could then lead us all to rethink the wisdom of it and subsequently delete the comments en masse.

it made me think of the obvious contrast with the tabloid press in england that tears into the windsors on a fairly regular basis.

on a side note: you wouldn't actually go to prison for it. you would just be expelled and banned from los forever.
i know what you mean. i had a heated discussion with a local thai businessman last time i was in bkk. about my own country's leaders.
he hated them. i told him that he could say it, and i wouldn't take offense or hit him. unlike some other nations with religious zealots. i also told him that both he and i could say bad things or call names about my country's leaders whether we were in my country, thailand, or anywhere else in the world. but, i stated that i could not do the same with regard to thailand.
i didn't think that he understood the whole concept of freedom of speech, press, or expression. or, tolerance for others' opinions and ideas.

well, luckily, i didn't let that affect my mongering experience...

Mai Yao
04-08-06, 11:05
I just got back from a month long journey to China, Thailand and Cambodia, for the first time in my home state (Minnesota) I was searched at customs. I have seen enough movies to know better then to smuggle anything (I would make a terrible smuggler) but that didn't stop the friendly folks from helping themselves to 28 new DVD's, one of the coppers said so long as I was not bringing in a bunch of one copy or had too many it was OK, saddly this one was not mine and I had to fork over the ill gotten movies. The real problem was there looking at my laptop, 90% of my photo's are G-rated stuff, the great wall, Angkor Watt etc, then there is the other 10%. Even then the problem was not photo's I had taken abroad, but video clips and stills I had, some time ago, downloaded. Even though there is nothing illegal on my laptop, the customs man expressed "concern" about the 1200 porn video clips he calims I had (this is a lie I have no where near that many!) also he tried to make it sound like I had illegal content, I had none and I knew it but it is best to not keep anything on a laptop that you don't want anyone else to see, just a thought. I have heard of mailing DVD's back but would that make things worse? Just a heads upAccording to an article I read last week online in a professional photo journal, the Dept. of Homeland Security is planning to impliment a "policy change" (not propose a new law that would have to be debated in Congress) that would require that anyone entering the USA found in possetion of "pornographic" or "purient" images would have to have "proof" that the subject of the image is adult and gave consent.

In other words, if you have some digital photos in your camera or computer memory of a bare breasted maiden, you will have to produce some kind of acceptable documentation prooving it legal.

I can hear it now: "Uh-, honey; before you go would you mind signing your name here; and here: and on this one here: and if you could just put your fingerprint there-----. Oh, and by the way, do you happen to know a notary close by-------?"

04-08-06, 18:05
The sooner the US gets that FUCKING IDIOT and his bible thumping "friends" out of power the better

04-08-06, 21:37
Dinghy, to follow up on your previous post........

04-08-06, 22:43

Just tell me if the Baht is going to go back up now that Thaksin is out of office?


The Traveler
04-09-06, 00:59
According to an article I read last week online in a professional photo journal, the Dept. of Homeland Security is planning to impliment a "policy change" (not propose a new law that would have to be debated in Congress) that would require that anyone entering the USA found in possetion of "pornographic" or "purient" images would have to have "proof" that the subject of the image is adult and gave consent.

In other words, if you have some digital photos in your camera or computer memory of a bare breasted maiden, you will have to produce some kind of acceptable documentation prooving it legal.

I can hear it now: "Uh-, honey; before you go would you mind signing your name here; and here: and on this one here: and if you could just put your fingerprint there-----. Oh, and by the way, do you happen to know a notary close by-------?"
Mai Yao,

that sounds quite familiar. As you might know, a few members of this board had the very same demand.
But just as those guys, homeland security should first check their own behaviour.


The Traveler
04-09-06, 01:11
I guess, it depends on which part of Thailand.

But, overall, it'd be good for monger scene:
No more cleansing of bar scene or "entertainment districts."
No more running the government in a corporate style with efficiency. It's back to big bureaucratic government with administrative waste and corruption, so later open times and full-nudity in go-go's everywhere.
No more rural improvements, so more poor girls flocking to BKK, i.e. higher supply in bars and go-go's. And, subsequently, lower ST/LT rates...

I'd better start booking my next LOS vacation...

I doubt that. Even though Thaksin isn't the prime minister anymore, he is still acting behind the scene. Don't forget, many of the guys in power are close friends and he lifted them into their positions. So the "Thaksin system" will still be in place for some time.

The Traveler
04-09-06, 01:13
Just tell me if the Baht is going to go back up now that Thaksin is out of office?


the stock market went up but the cross rates are rather affected by other factors.

04-09-06, 02:09

Doing well in the market in U.S., but it seem everytime I'm ready to wire a large sum of money to Thailand the baht drops! I get the worse luck sometimes! But I can't really complaint since I'm halfway to my goal to retirement by the end of the year! Then starting next year that's when I will really be poor.


04-09-06, 03:20
I'm no computer expert but maybe while in still Thailand, you can upload your pics on to a website and store them there until you get home then download them to your computer again. This way, you won't have any pictures with you when you pass through customs. I'm sure The Traveler knows if this can be done or not.

Mai Yao,

that sounds quite familiar. As you might know, a few members of this board had the very same demand.
But just as those guys, homeland security should first check their own behaviour.


Retired Army
04-09-06, 03:22
What about downloading them on a thumbdrive and putting them someplace not in plain sight?

04-09-06, 09:38
What about downloading them on a thumbdrive and putting them someplace not in plain sight?
An X-ray might reveal it.
There are other methods in order of difficulty:
(1) Hide the directory and select "do not show hidden files and folders" under Windows Explorer's Folder Options.
(1) Change the extensions to something else, so a simple global search wouldn't reveal them.
(2) Zip them with passwords. If you get questioned, tell the DHS agent that the zip files contains sensitive private information. And, you'd need court-orders, a signed non-disclosure affidavit, and privacy act briefing before you can reveal the contents.
(3) Convert them to ASCII text files. If the agent looks at them, they'll apprear to be just a bunch of garbage characters. Recombine them when you get home. Similar process to Usenet News postings.

Good luck,

04-09-06, 12:06
I don't think they can do anything to you if it is just regular sex pics with girls. I had a friend come back from Brazil with a bunch of nudes and they just looked at it and let him go.

Retired Army
04-09-06, 14:03
I think the point is that unless you are a known pornography smuggler on the 10 Most Wanted List, don't attract attention. Just don't have things in plain sight.

Also, aren't there secure thumbdrives available? Seems like I have seen them advertised.

The Traveler
04-09-06, 20:55
I'm no computer expert but maybe while in still Thailand, you can upload your pics on to a website and store them there until you get home then download them to your computer again. This way, you won't have any pictures with you when you pass through customs. I'm sure The Traveler knows if this can be done or not.
NoCBJ4me is right, you can create multiple Yahoo mail accounts (1 GB each), sent your pics to your own account (or to a non-existing one) and have them stored in your "sent mail" folder by doing so. Easy and for free, but a fast connection is needed if you really want to upload 1 GB and more.

The Traveler
04-09-06, 21:11
an x-ray might reveal it.
there are other methods in order of difficulty:
(1) hide the directory and select "do not show hidden files and folders" under windows explorer's folder options.
(1) change the extensions to something else, so a simple global search wouldn't reveal them.
(2) zip them with passwords. if you get questioned, tell the dhs agent that the zip files contains sensitive private information. and, you'd need court-orders, a signed non-disclosure affidavit, and privacy act briefing before you can reveal the contents.
(3) convert them to ascii text files. if the agent looks at them, they'll apprear to be just a bunch of garbage characters. recombine them when you get home. similar process to usenet news postings.

good luck,

what ? do you really want to tell us that you can see files on an usb stick or mp3 player via x-ray ? no way man.

solution (1) doesn't work, since the pc that us custom will use to check your usb stick might have a different setting and everything would be visible.

second solution (1) won't work as well. they might just load it into a pic viewer or might use a little proggie that is checking the file structure rather than the extension.

i don't think that solution (2) will work either. at the end all info on your laptop is private info. they obviously don't need or already have all necessary permissions to have a look at it. so they might confirep001e your laptop if you don't let them have a look at that zip file.

finally solution (3) won't work too. converted into ascii would reveal the file structure, it is in no way different than looking at the files with a disk editor. those guys probably know their stuff.

best is still very strong encryption and make the container invisible. there are tools (like steganos security suite http://www.steganos.com. ) that provide these functions. if they should really find the container, claim to not know about it, could be an old windows swap file (name it like "pagefile.sy~")

04-09-06, 22:50
what ? do you really want to tell us that you can see files on an usb stick or mp3 player via x-ray ? no way man.
i was referring to ra's comment about hiding the thumb drive. i meant that once they noticed the stick, they might question it, since it was not in the same location as the laptop.

solution (1) doesn't work, since the pc that us custom will use to check your usb stick might have a different setting and everything would be visible.

second solution (1) won't work as well. they might just load it into a pic viewer or might use a little proggie that is checking the file structure rather than the extension.

i don't think that solution (2) will work either. at the end all info on your laptop is private info. they obviously don't need or already have all necessary permissions to have a look at it. so they might confirep001e your laptop if you don't let them have a look at that zip file.

finally solution (3) won't work too. converted into ascii would reveal the file structure, it is in no way different than looking at the files with a disk editor. those guys probably know their stuff.

best is still very strong encryption and make the container invisible. there are tools (like steganos security suite http://www.steganos.com. ) that provide these functions. if they should really find the container, claim to not know about it, could be an old windows swap file (name it like "pagefile.sy~")
hmmm... first of all, sorry about mislabeling the steps.

anyway, my steps were all about the contents on the laptop. and, it is assumed that the customs agents are doing random or cursory checks for terrorist-related material, illegal software, and/or prohibitive items, i.e. child p0rn. if they are using their own programs to scan your hard drive or actually loading up garbage files to check for porn pixs, then, they obviously suspect you. and, you'd better stop them from checking any futher and call in your lawyer.

as for contents on a usb drive, i agree. it's obvious that one would encrypt it, since it's the only safeguard in case you lose it or got it stolen.

as for encrypted data files, yes, of course, there is always the chance of confirep001ion (either the laptop or the thumb drive). but, if you really have nothing to hide (i.e. no child p0rn), then, let them have a look. of course, you'd do well to ask for a supervisor and a private room. you have a better chance of convincing your case to a cooler head without the interference of the accusing agent and the stink eyes from other travelers.

as for ascii, i think, you missed my point. by converting into ascii (using uuencode), the data is a bunch of ascii characters, i.e. no file structure or marker for pix types. obviously, you'd rename them with a different extension. so, a picture viewer or file reader won't catch it. and, if they use a disk editing tool to read the raw data, they would just see a bunch of garbage alphanumeric characters. so, you aren't transporting pictures, movies, or software. you'd be safe, unless they know to restring them together and decode them back to binary files. and, even if on a very rare chance that they do, you can still defend yourself, since you are only bringing back a bunch of text files. what you do with that data (i.e. restoring back to picture format) once you are in country is not their jurisdiction.

btw, i would like to point out that my suggestions were to protect one's privacy and any legitimate sensitive data (i.e. confidential corporate or legal files) from casual viewing infront of other travelers and lowly-paid hourly grunts. i have no problem with full disclosure once i am satisfied that the supervisor has the proper clearance and understands to be discrete and prevent unnecessary disclosure. obviously, official business-related pixs and videos would easily pass (assuming you have the credential to prove that you indeed are in such media business [lucky ba$tard]), but for personal pixs, you'd just have to reason with him.

and, no, i don't make a practice of importing illegal material or contrabands.
i just happened to have friends in both liberal circle and security field.


04-09-06, 22:59
NoCBJ4me is right, you can create multiple Yahoo mail accounts (1 GB each), sent your pics to your own account (or to a non-existing one) and have them stored in your "sent mail" folder by doing so. Easy and for free, but a fast connection is needed if you really want to upload 1 GB and more.
Windose Live Mail Beta has 2 GB storage, and Gmail is up to 2.7 GB.

BTW, anyone know how fast is the fastest broadband service in Thailand?


Retired Army
04-09-06, 23:20
windose live mail beta has 2 gb storage, and gmail is up to 2.7 gb.

btw, anyone know how fast is the fastest broadband service in thailand?


what i was told when i signed up for true a year ago is that it is fast within thailand, but once you try to access an outside site the speed drops quite a bit. i know this is highly technical, but i tried to simply it as much as i could.

The Traveler
04-10-06, 09:42

converting into ASCII is like opening a file with an editor. Just try it and open a pic with the windows editor and you will see what I mean.

If it is a JPG taken with your cam - no matter how you renamed it's extension - you will usually see a string "EXIF" in the header of the file. Bingo, it's a pic ! Same works with other file types like movies, exe and so on. So it's easy to see the real nature of the file.

Of course, best is to not have any illegal material. I see no need to encrypt any of my pics, just carry them on my CF-cards and if customs would like to have a look, no prob. BTW, if in doubt take a pic of the girl's ID or driver license, even if it might be a faked one (you never know).

04-10-06, 12:37
converting into ASCII is like opening a file with an editor. Just try it and open a pic with the windows editor and you will see what I mean.
No, it isn't. There's a lot more to it. ASCII is only 7-bit (0-127 characters), while binary sets are 8-bit (0-255).
And, I did what you suggested. Windose's Notepad revealed the header information and a whole bunch of special characters, i.e. 8-bit. If it was a pure ASCII file, you'd only see mostly readable characters, i.e. 7-bit.
So, even if the encoder leaves the identifying marker in the beginning, the rest of the data is not in binary format, so the picture viewer wouldn't be able to process it.
I don't think I am explain this too well. Check out:

BTW, if in doubt take a pic of the girl's ID or driver license, even if it might be a faked one (you never know).
Good point. Oh, I've noticed that most of the TG's ID cards do not match their face, since the photos were taken back when they were 16. And, I also noticed that most BG's (under 20) would readily grab one of the older co-workers' ID Cards, so that they can get into discos and niteclubs. I guess, the ID cards are a formality. Since Thai's use nicknames and the pixs aren't that up-to-date, it's hard to match an ID card back to it's owner.

Note: turn off flash and use close-up/portrait mode.

04-10-06, 12:42
what i was told when i signed up for true a year ago is that it is fast within thailand, but once you try to access an outside site the speed drops quite a bit. i know this is highly technical, but i tried to simply it as much as i could.
q: have you tested the connection speed? within thailand and overseas?

fyi, my vdsl is rated up to 14mbps. in korea, i get about 12mbps, and for overseas, it varies from 1-8 mbps, depending on number of ports opened.

how does that compare with true?

04-10-06, 15:36
If you need to hide any material in your laptop that upon entry back to the US you might feel it could be a problem you can always use the services of sites where you upload your stuff and keep it there until you come back then download it back to your computer. (long sentence :D)

Here is one of many services available: http://megaupload.com/


The Traveler
04-10-06, 20:38
No, it isn't. There's a lot more to it. ASCII is only 7-bit (0-127 characters), while binary sets are 8-bit (0-255).
And, I did what you suggested. Windose's Notepad revealed the header information and a whole bunch of special characters, i.e. 8-bit. If it was a pure ASCII file, you'd only see mostly readable characters, i.e. 7-bit.
So, even if the encoder leaves the identifying marker in the beginning, the rest of the data is not in binary format, so the picture viewer wouldn't be able to process it.


I guess you misunderstood something.
The standard ASCII set is in fact 8-bit and has 256 characters (0-255) but you only need the lower 7-bit (0-127) subset to display normal (english) text. Anyway, I forgot that the Windows Notepad is using ANSI, not ASCII. Both character sets are almost identical, but differ in the upper (128-255) characters.

Nevertheless, now I understand what you originally intended to tell us. You wanted to have it converted into the lower ASCII (7-bit) subset. Sure, this is some sort of "encryption" but since the original file type is easy to spot, not really a good idea as you might be forced to "decrypt" it.

Good point. Oh, I've noticed that most of the TG's ID cards do not match their face, since the photos were taken back when they were 16. And, I also noticed that most BG's (under 20) would readily grab one of the older co-workers' ID Cards, so that they can get into discos and niteclubs. I guess, the ID cards are a formality. Since Thai's use nicknames and the pixs aren't that up-to-date, it's hard to match an ID card back to it's owner.

Thanks for confirming what I am saying for ages. Guys who solely believe in IDs are very vulnerable for "mistakes".

The Traveler
04-10-06, 20:46
If you need to hide any material in your laptop that upon entry back to the US you might feel it could be a problem you can always use the services of sites where you upload your stuff and keep it there until you come back then download it back to your computer. (long sentence :D)

Here is one of many services available: http://megaupload.com/


I already gave the same advice but also said that it isn't really practicable for huge amounts of data. We are talking about pics (4-5 megapixel in average), so have you ever tried to upload several hundred MB or even a few GB from an internet cafe or by using the hotel network. It would be a pain in the ass and would need far too much time.

I think the best and still most convienient idea would be to compress it (ACE is best for that), encrypt it and store it as a hidden file on your MP3 Player. Add a few MP3 files and listen to them when passing customs.

04-11-06, 15:22
The standard ASCII set is in fact 8-bit and has 256 characters (0-255) but you only need the lower 7-bit (0-127) subset to display normal (english) text. Anyway, I forgot that the Windows Notepad is using ANSI, not ASCII. Both character sets are almost identical, but differ in the upper (128-255) characters.
Unless I misread the encyclopedia, the standard or basic ASCII is only the lower 7-bit set. I think you are referring to the extended ASCII which uses 8-bit set. And, Windo$e's ANSI is another version of extended ASCII, which as you say is differ in upper set.

Nevertheless, now I understand what you originally intended to tell us. You wanted to have it converted into the lower ASCII (7-bit) subset. Sure, this is some sort of "encryption" but since the original file type is easy to spot, not really a good idea as you might be forced to "decrypt" it.
Not if you rename it during the encoding process and remove the first few characters, indicating file type. (Use a normal text editor to delete and add back the same characters before decoding.) And, if you compress or encrypt it further, then, it's harder to identify. Of course, you can keep pouring layer upon layer of security, if you have the time and patience.

Anyway, the point I was making was about using the "loophole" of transporting text files vice picture or video files, to get out of "trouble."


04-11-06, 15:27
I think the best and still most convienient idea would be to compress it (ACE is best for that), encrypt it and store it as a hidden file on your MP3 Player. Add a few MP3 files and listen to them when passing customs.
Hey, thanks for the tip. Now, we know where to find the contraband files.

Just kidding... I'm not LE or DHS. ;-)


04-11-06, 20:27
I wonder how is going to be the rate of exchange of the Bath against the Euro and USA Dollar in this political situation? Is going to be cheaper or expensive?

And how is the current mark situation with the tourist and the working girls? Cheaper or more expensive? I will be there next month and my hotel was overbooked but the flight tickets were cheaper. I really don’t understand? Are we mongers going to take advantage of this situation or we probably have to pay more than in the past?

The Traveler
04-11-06, 20:38

the mongering scene won't be affected by it. Thaksin is still there in the background and the guys who are in power now were selected by him.

Flight tickets might have been cheaper due to low season and if you check other hotels you might find out that there is still plenty of room.

Exchange rates are rather affected by other facts but the stock market took a short hike because the uncertainty was gone. Nevertheless, the girls don't care about such things and will charge you as much as before.

So in short : no change at all.

04-11-06, 23:56

Exchange rates are rather affected by other facts but the stock market took a short hike because the uncertainty was gone. Nevertheless, the girls don't care about such things and will charge you as much as before.

So in short : no change at all.

Baht at 6 1/2 yr high accordingly to WSJ. Exports, eg shrimp, rice, commodities negatively impacted. Got as high as 37.85.

Not sure if it's Thaksin or not but Baht is stronger and it's not an anomaly (just yet).

The Traveler
04-12-06, 16:33

yep, but that's just the overall economical situation and it won't change just because Thaksin isn't the prime minister anymore.

Anyway, not all commodities are negatively affected, sugar for example is on a hike. The rising oil price is the overall excuse for raising prices for almost everything.

Don't forget, Thaksin is still there, he will reign in the background. Too many people were promoted to their current positions by him, so he still got a lot of influence.

04-12-06, 16:59

yep, but that's just the overall economical situation and it won't change just because Thaksin isn't the prime minister anymore.

Anyway, not all commodities are negatively affected, sugar for example is on a hike. The rising oil price is the overall excuse for raising prices for almost everything.

Don't forget, Thaksin is still there, he will reign in the background. Too many people were promoted to their current positions by him, so he still got a lot of influence.

Yep, I agree :-)

Retired Army
04-12-06, 17:54
Baht at 6 1/2 yr high accordingly to WSJ. Exports, eg shrimp, rice, commodities negatively impacted. Got as high as 37.85.

Not sure if it's Thaksin or not but Baht is stronger and it's not an anomaly (just yet).

What is the Baht in relation to other currencies? Is the Baht stronger or the dollar weaker?

04-12-06, 18:56
What is the Baht in relation to other currencies? Is the Baht stronger or the dollar weaker?
Retired Army. Bookmark this page, it is the BKK Post. It is interesting to read, and you have the price of Gold posted each day, AND the exchange rate.

04-12-06, 19:06
What is the Baht in relation to other currencies? Is the Baht stronger or the dollar weaker?

Not considered key currency, eg US$, Euro, Yen.

Note many Asian currencies, eg RMB, HK$, Ringgit are either fixed or float in very tight band. Others, S$, Peso, Rupiah, Dongyuan all float visavis US$.

Retired Army
04-12-06, 20:45
Retired Army. Bookmark this page, it is the BKK Post. It is interesting to read, and you have the price of Gold posted each day, AND the exchange rate.

That is a good website. Beats the Herald Tribune. As I suspected, the dollar weakened against all currencies. Probably due to lack of faith in the new Fed Chairman.

04-22-06, 12:50
From: http://pattayacitynews.net today and yesterday


Saturday 22nd April 2006

Important update on the recent murder of a New Zealand National in Pattaya.

An important update now on the story we covered earlier this week regarding the apparent murder of Mr. Stephen Jeffrey Miller aged 40 from New Zealand. He was shot dead as he was riding his motorbike along Soi Petragoon in North Pattaya. The Police investigation into this high profile murder is now being overseen by the regions top Police Officer, Police Lieutenant General Jongrak who is the Police Commander for Region 2. Inside Pattaya Police Station he chaired a meeting which was also attended by representatives from the New Zealand Embassy in Bangkok. In attendance were two of Mr. Miller’s wives, Khun Gintana and Khun Ann who are both assisting Police with their enquiries. It appears that Mr. Miller had four Thai wives. Three of the wives are now known to Police, Khun Gintana and Khun Ann who were at this meeting, Khun Mai, who did not attend and a fourth wife who has currently not been identified. Initial information suggested that Mr. Miller was involved in a court case regarding land and property ownership with Khun Ann. At the meeting she confirmed this to be untrue and Police now tell us that the case relates to a fourth wife who is now being located. The Embassy revealed that Mr. Miller had a previous conviction for illegally taking steroids into New Zealand, but this case had already been cleared. The Police General mentioned that some information cannot be released to the press at this time because it is an ongoing investigation, however they do know the shooter and his accomplice and an arrest is expected to take place shortly. Regarding possible motives for the shooting, Police have three theories which form the basis of their investigation.

1. The murder may be related to the steroid case in New Zealand.
2. It may be business related as Mr. Miller was active in the local property market.
3. It could relate to an ongoing court case with his 4th, as yet unidentified, wife

That’s all we have for now. We will bring any further updates to you when we receive them.
Original report and graphic photos at http://pattayacitynews.net

04-22-06, 15:04
I thought this was funny!

Adventurous.......................Slept with everyone
Athletic..............................No tits
Average looking...................Ugly
Beautiful............................Pathological liar
Contagious Smile.................Does a lot of pills
Emotionally Secure..............On medication
Free spirit..........................Junkie
Friendship first....................Former B_itch
New-Age...........................Body hair in the wrong places
Old-fashioned.....................No BJs
Outgoing...........................Loud and Embarrassing
Passionate........................Sloppy drunk
Voluptuous........................Very Fat
Large frame.......................Hugely Fat
Wants Soul mate................Stalker

1. Yes = No
2. No = Yes
3. Maybe = No
4. We need = I want..
5. I am sorry = you'll be sorry
6. We need to talk = You're in trouble
7. Sure, go ahead = You better not
8. Do what you want = You will pay for this later
9. I am not upset = Of course I am upset, you moron!
10. You're certainly attentive tonight = Is sex all you ever think

1. I am hungry = I am hungry
2. I am sleepy = I am sleepy
3. I am tired = I am tired
4. Nice dress = Nice cleavage!
5. I love you = Let's have sex now
6. I am bored = Do you want to have sex?
7. Would you like to dance? = I'd like to have sex with you
8. Can I call you sometime? = I'd like to have sex with you
9. Do you want to go to a movie? = I'd like to have sex with you
10. Can I take you out to dinner? = I'd like to have sex with you
11. I don't think those shoes go with that outfit = I'm gay

A strange thing happened while writing this post. After pasting this joke into the post, the word b_itch was displayed as ***** . I had to add a space in there to get it visible. I know I can type in the word "fuck" and it won't censor it. I guess that word is more offensive than fuck. Does anybody know what's up with this?


The Traveler
04-22-06, 19:34

there are certain banned words like b i t c h and w h o r e.

Read the Posting guidelines :

"Banned Words:
The words "*****", "*****" and "****" are not allowed because these words are commonly used to denigrate women, and that's not what this website is all about."


Coma Boy
04-22-06, 21:16
there are certain banned words like b i t c h and w h o r e.But many of us use those as terms of endearment.
When I call a ***** a ***** it sure feels romantic.

05-01-06, 08:19
But many of us use those as terms of endearment.
When I call a ***** a ***** it sure feels romantic.
I hear those are love-words in Texas.

"Dear *****,

I love you more then my pickup truck. That's how much I love you ***"

05-01-06, 15:39
I will be arriving in Bangkok on the 12th of MAy. I have been informed that it is the Visakha Bucha Day, which is a national holiday. Does this mean that everything is closed (no alcohol serving, shops closed, no action)?

If anyone knows more please advise so I can reschedule my flights.

05-01-06, 16:12
I will be arriving in Bangkok on the 12th of MAy. I have been informed that it is the Visakha Bucha Day, which is a national holiday. Does this mean that everything is closed (no alcohol serving, shops closed, no action)?

If anyone knows more please advise so I can reschedule my flights.


Most bars are closed. But we have a restaurant, so we are open. Our Sports Lounge Inhouse Restaurant :) too. We also serve chicken, dishes and those with two legs only.


05-01-06, 17:14
Thank you Giotto for the information and invitation. I will try to visit you once I arrive in Bangkok

I would like to receive a more general impression of how Bangkok looks on a national holiday. If things are pretty quiet on Visakha Bucha day, then I will arrange to arrive one day later.

I apreciate additional information on the action on this day (massage parlours, bars, clubs, shops etc). Please fellow members post some info so I can alter my flight schedule.

05-01-06, 20:48
Giotto, Thank you for the information and the invitation. I will visit you once I am in Bangkok.

I would like to receive some further information on how Bangkok looks on national holidays. Is everything closed and open venues is only the exception? How is the action on the national holiday Visakha Bucha Day.

Can one find bars, MP shops open or everything is closed that day.

Any of you fellow members leaving in Thailand can share the kowledge so I can reschedule flights, while there is still time.

05-02-06, 13:25
OK, I'm embarrassed to ask this question on this forum, but I am going to anyway.

I am very fussy when it comes to leather wallets and leather belts. I am in the market for both now.

Besides the thousands of street stalls selling leather wallets and belts, all of which I find of poor quality and design, but cheap, is there any store where good quality leather goods can be found in BKK? The stuff available in street stalls is crap.



05-02-06, 13:59
I am planning an extended stay in BKK the end of May from New York City, and have about 80lbs of clothing in 3 cartons I want to ship Surface Parcel Post which usually takes 4-6 weeks to arrive. Problem is I will be in Phuket and several of the other beach regions for the 1st 4 weeks, and have no long term address in Bangkok as of yet to label the cartons for shipping.

I know the GPO in BKK does hold letters and small parcels addressed to General Delivery 'Poste Restante' for up to 90 days, but I was wondering if anyone knows if they also hold cartons of that weight. Otherwise any other suggestions would be appreciated.

05-02-06, 14:16
I am planning an extended stay in BKK the end of May from New York City, and have about 80lbs of clothing in 3 cartons I want to ship Surface Parcel Post which usually takes 4-6 weeks to arrive. Problem is I will be in Phuket and several of the other beach regions for the 1st 4 weeks, and have no long term address in Bangkok as of yet to label the cartons for shipping.

I know the GPO in BKK does hold letters and small parcels addressed to General Delivery 'Poste Restante' for up to 90 days, but I was wondering if anyone knows if they also hold cartons of that weight. Otherwise any other suggestions would be appreciated.
I know you are a newcomer, but this is a sex forum. Try the UPS/Fedex/DHL chat rooms.

05-02-06, 14:18
OK, I'm embarrassed to ask this question on this forum, but I am going to anyway.TKM.
You should be shot for asking this in a sex forum. But then leather is an integral part of sex (Eden comes to mind). However, Thailand is not known for leather goods. Try Indonesia.

05-02-06, 14:29
I am planning an extended stay in BKK the end of May from New York City, and have about 80lbs of clothing in 3 cartons I want to ship Surface Parcel Post which usually takes 4-6 weeks to arrive. Problem is I will be in Phuket and several of the other beach regions for the 1st 4 weeks, and have no long term address in Bangkok as of yet to label the cartons for shipping.

I know the GPO in BKK does hold letters and small parcels addressed to General Delivery 'Poste Restante' for up to 90 days, but I was wondering if anyone knows if they also hold cartons of that weight. Otherwise any other suggestions would be appreciated.

To Worldtrav - suggest you post your query on flyertalk.com > forum > travel and dining thread - which is one of the best travel sites. You'll get a very quick answer from some of the resident experts there.

Duni - i can tell you're getting horny by your replies....time to visit LOS again! I'll be there end of this month and staying hopefully at Giotto's. LOL

05-02-06, 14:36

Friday 5th May is Buddha's Birthday & a national holiday in Hong Kong. I'm heading to Bangkok for a(nother) short break. Is it a holiday in LOS & will everywhere be closed ?


05-02-06, 14:42

Yup, you are right. I will be there May 18-20 staying at Giotto's. Looks like he has a fun place and convinced me to try it. Beers on me and any other ISG members who can show up (18th & 19th only).

That goes for you too Poster wherever you are.

05-02-06, 14:58

Yup, you are right. I will be there May 18-20 staying at Giotto's. Looks like he has a fun place and convinced me to try it. Beers on me and any other ISG members who can show up (18th & 19th only).

That goes for you too Poster wherever you are.

We'll miss each other. But 1Ball and/or Piper1 might be around at giotto's

05-02-06, 15:18
Can any of you fellow members really help me out. I will be passing transit from Bangkok and I have decided to stay for a couple of days. Unfortunatelly I am arriving on Visakha Bucha Day

I have posted the same quetion also yesterday, but I have been more confused.

Eventually, what is the case on Visakha Bucha Day. Will we get some action in Bangkok or do we have to postpone our arrival for a couple of days.

05-02-06, 16:27
Can any of you fellow members really help me out. I will be passing transit from Bangkok and I have decided to stay for a couple of days. Unfortunatelly I am arriving on Visakha Bucha Day

I have posted the same quetion also yesterday, but I have been more confused.

Eventually, what is the case on Visakha Bucha Day. Will we get some action in Bangkok or do we have to postpone our arrival for a couple of days.


you can never be sure, but normally the gogo's are closed on Buddha days, most of the bars too (if they not sell food), English Pubs are open and selling alcohol (since years), 50 % of the massage places are closed, because the ladies show respect to Buddha.

This year it seams to be taken a bit easier than normal: we got the advice from our friends on brown not to show bottles on the tables (if you understand what I mean, otherwise PM me).


05-02-06, 16:46

Friday 5th May is Buddha's Birthday & a national holiday in Hong Kong. I'm heading to Bangkok for a(nother) short break. Is it a holiday in LOS & will everywhere be closed ?


We just checked it. It is a "small" holiday, banks etc. are closed, but bars are open and alcohol is sold. We did not get any information from the police up to now, and this normally happens, if we cannot sell alcohol.


05-02-06, 17:14
Thank you Giotto!

The World
05-02-06, 22:00

I'm planning on bringing my laptop to Thailand with me. On it there are some videos, etc (nothing illegal in the UK, btw). However just want to double check I will should be OK entering Thailand with it. For example if they do decide to check the contents of my laptop, will there be trouble in store for me?


Pool Guy
05-03-06, 05:04
I am a photgrapher and went through customs with a camera bag and laptop, no one asked to see my bags. In fact, he just wanted to see my passport and asked how long I was planning to stay. The whole process took less than 5 minutes.


I'm planning on bringing my laptop to Thailand with me. On it there are some videos, etc (nothing illegal in the UK, btw). However just want to double check I will should be OK entering Thailand with it. For example if they do decide to check the contents of my laptop, will there be trouble in store for me?


05-03-06, 07:07
Thanks to information gleaned on this forum, before leaving Oz I arranged for some dental treatment whilst I am in BKK.

Well today I trotted off to the Dental Hospital (run by the King's dentist apparently) at Soi 49 and was extremely pleasantly surprised.


Without going into the gory details the treatment was better than anything else I have experienced in the world. That includes the US, UK, Australia, NZ, China and India.

Hygienic, efficient, thorough, timely, farang friendly, very bloody cheap, professional and fast are all words that more than adequately describe my experience. In short, what I had done cost a total of 3600 Baht. I got a quote for the same treatment in Australia before I left and was quoted A$1500. Get your currency converters out to work out the difference!

The staff there even dealt effectively with a very rude American (I assume expat) who demanded to be treated today even though she didn't make an appointment and there was no emergency. Her winning line was "Well what have you got on today that is more important than providing me with good service!". She was a real winner that one. Some people should have their passport revoked on the grounds that they are idiots, and they should NEVER be allowed out of their own country.

If I do have one beef, it is with the map they send you when you make a booking. It doesn't adequately represent where the dental hospital is located. My driver (a Thai local) couldn't even find it. In the end we were just lucky enough to stumble across it. I pointed that out at reception and they agreed, so I assume it will be changed.

All in all, thanks to board members who provided the initial advice. My mouth and bank balance are most appreciative.


Yi Ren
05-03-06, 19:08

Yup, you are right. I will be there May 18-20 staying at Giotto's. Looks like he has a fun place and convinced me to try it. Beers on me and any other ISG members who can show up (18th & 19th only).

That goes for you too Poster wherever you are.
Hey Duniawala,

I return May 16 (am in Bucharest of all places now), and actually plan to hang around for a while. Have been reading about Giotto's but haven't been down there yet. See you on the 18th/19th.


Pool Guy
05-03-06, 19:55
I've gotten great advice from the board, especially learning about Livingstone's Lodge. I'm planning my return trip for the first or second week next month. Any one else planning to be at Giotto's around the same time?

Pool Guy

05-04-06, 03:44
I've gotten great advice from the board, especially learning about Livingstone's Lodge. I'm planning my return trip for the first or second week next month. Any one else planning to be at Giotto's around the same time?

Pool Guy

I am most likely in Livingstone's that time :) !


05-04-06, 04:59
I thought I would put my impressions on record of my fifth Bangkok visit. They may be useful to some, but useless to others. Get out it what you can.

A little about me so you can create your framework for the report. I am a 40 year old monger of independent means. I am not Bill Gates certainly, but I’m not on the bones of my arse either. I don’t like getting ripped off, but I am not going haggle with some poor Thai girl over 1000 Baht for anything. Christ they need it more than me. So if any response includes “You paid too much and are putting up the price for the rest of us”. My response will be “Stiff shit!”.

Flights – Fortunately I don’t have to pay for my airfares. However I still have to deal with getting from the airport to Suk by cab. My flight arrived at midnight on Monday. Regular readers of the forum will know that the best way to get a cab from the airport is to go upstairs to departures after getting your luggage instead of catching a cab from the booth at the front of arrivals. Just the time I need to get a cab quickly, the Tourist Police were at Departures preventing cabs from picking up passengers, forcing them to go downstairs again to the booth at arrivals. No big deal I thought, just a matter of going downstairs and picking one up I thought. Well fuck me! When I arrived downstairs the line extended about 150 meters from the booth with cabs turning up every 5 or 10 minutes or so. This turned out to be a looong wait.

Eventually (like 90 minutes) it was my turn for a cab. Pleasant clean cab, with a driver who knew no English, and knew even less about his way around BKK. Apparently this is not unusual lately as country farmers are coming to BKK to make some money as their crops are rooted this year. With years of enjoying a good joint, my memory has got a little frazzled, but I was still able to direct him via finger pointing gestures and giggles where we were to go.

There were many touts trying to get business by asking exorbitant sums of money to take passengers to wherever they had to go, but for some reason touts anywhere [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) me off so I decided to be stubborn and wait. And wait. And wait. I think you get my idea.

Accommodation – Unfortunately again I don’t pay for my hotels. I do have to book them though. Generally I find that going straight to the hotels web site will reveal a better deal than going through places like Travel-O-City, Wotif and Lastminute.com’s. If there is going to be a difference, it will be small and not worth the bandwidth chasing the deal. I did a little experiment when booking a hotel for this trip. I got a quote from each of the following sources for my stay from 26 April – 3 May 2006 (6 days); A travel agent, Wotif.com, priceline.com, Lastminute.com, the QANTAS web page and my hotel’s web page. After comparing apples with apples, the total cost difference between the highest price and lowest price was a measly 1500 Baht over the 6 days! Get your currency converters out, but just not worth the time and effort. IMHO just select a 3-4 star hotel and book it through their web site and move on.

As for what hotel you select, I am in no position to provide advice, as I have to use certain chains (President’s in BKK). Most mongers would be happy with 3 – 4 star quality, and when you think about it, you don’t spend much time in your hotel anyway.

The mongering scene - Hasn’t changed much over the years has it? Same old bullshit that gives most of us the shit’s after a few days. A massage parlour here, a freelancer overthere, a dildo up your ass at Eden. When it’s all said and done, it’s all been done before. Nothing is new. The best advice I can give is go to an establishment that your research indicated provides what you are looking for. Don’t listen to one off reports that says a place is shit, or one place is great. People write things to suit their own imaginations sometimes. Just use your judgement, do a very minimal amount of research, and take each experience as it comes. If you want someone lick out your ass, go to Eden or Akane. If you want a soapie (christ knows why!) go to Darling’s or Annie’s. You know what I mean. The specific advice people provide on this forum is great, but you need to remember that you may not be able to replicate that experience and it would be naive of you to expect to be able to do so.

Go Go’s – Generally they are not my cup of tea, however I was entertaining a client so had to partake. I reckon if I see one more foreign object protruding out of a females vagina one more time, I will pewk. Other than the novelty value, I just cannot see what people get out of it. It scares the hell out of me what the people who enjoy this stuff must be like in the privacy of their own homes. I personally find it repulsive and degrading to the women, but hey, each to their own. No one is holding a gun to the heads of the ladies making them do it.

The best shows I found were at Soi Cowboy at the Long Gun bar. There I was able to see a girl pull a 10 ft string of flowers from her twat, smoke a cigarette with her twat and a cigar with her ass, and of course blow out candles from a cake. Also on show was a woman shooting darts from a blow pipe at a stack of balloons and the now obligatory ping-pong ball trick. All old, now boring, and certainly not erotic.

I did go to the alternatives at Patpong and Nana, but in the cold light of day, all these places are interchangeable not really my cup of tea.

Bars – Personally I didn’t find the Biergarten on Soi 7 as bad as I had read on this forum. Yes it is full of hookers of various shapes and sizes, but I was expecting an ugly fest. To my surprise there were some gems and a few cuties when I got there at 3.00pm. The ugliest thing about the place is all the middle aged, fat, bald, loud, ill-mannered mongers that frequent it. The way that some of these men (and I use that word loosely) treat the women was disgusting. Yes they are hookers, yes they get paid to fuck, yes some of them aren’t the best looking, but they are still people and they deserve our respect. Most (sorry to generalise) of the mongers there think they are Brad Pitt or the like from their attitude, and treat the women like dirt. Please guys, if you don’t like the look of the girl who approaches you, just say you are not interested. There is no need to try and humiliate her in front of your/her friends and make yourself look like a hero a long way from home. It is this sort of conduct at that probably led you to BKK in the first place, knowing you can get away with it.

Soi 33 – Without going into too much detail, but this place is a gem. Bars that don’t often feature in these type of forums, but are well worth the trip. Variety is aplenty and the girls are much less pushy. Well worth a try.

As an aside, I learnt a lesson during a trip to Soi33. Pickup up a girl from Renior’s (if my memory serves me correct). Naa (I think) was her name. Had seen around her over a couple of days and this woman was simply stunning. One thing I couldn’t work out was that everytime I entered the bar I got the usual wai from the other girls, but this woman would give me the look of death whenever I walked in. I couldn’t work out why. She gave me the impression that she hated my guts. I am unable to put together the words to describe this ladies beauty. She was tall (about 5’11”), slim, perfect breasts, legs to die for and a face that is equal to anything I have seen anywhere. Her skin was perfect. This girl was quite simply stunning, and she hated my guts.

Well one night I got to chatting to this lady, who had almost no English and even one-on-one she gave me the impression she hated my guts. What better way to resolve this was to take her back to my room I thought. Thought about LT (4000B), but the little man in my head was ringing a bell, so ST (2000B) was the go. She went back inside got changed and came back AN HOUR LATER! Not a good start but I remained cool. This is Thailand after all.

Got back to the hotel and she headed straight to the bathroom and ran the bath, good start I thought. Then she got in and proceeded give herself a nice old treatment, locking the door behind her. Making herself pretty I assumed. Wrong! 30 minutes later she got out with a towel wrapped around her and went straight to the bar fridge. It really pissed her off that there was nothing left in it as I asked the hotel to stop stocking it for my stay. Then she nearly exploded when she couldn’t find the remote control for the TV. Experience tells you that you must hide the remote if you are taking a P4P girl to your room.

I tried to explain that we were here to fuck, and fucking we would do. So I had a shower and came back out. Whilst I was in the shower she had to resort to using the TV manually and boy was she pissed off. I came out of the shower in a towel and got on the bed expecting her to start the action. All she did was lay at arm’s distance, put her hand under my towel and tried to jack me off. All the time wearing her towel. Now it was me getting pissed off. I pushed her hand away and tried to ask her why she hated me so much.

It turned out, as best I could understand, that she hates all Western men and what they are doing in her country. She also thinks her beauty entitles her to a better lot in life and she is only doing this to get money together to make a better life for herself. Great but I tried to point out that if she was a little more charming and accommodating towards her potential customer base, she may well make a lot more money a lot faster and would be able to leave the industry sooner. That little pearl of common sense escaped her.

To cut a long story short I told her to [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) off, gave her the money and she left. Believe it or not, what pissed her off the most was that I wouldn’t tip her at the end. Fuck if she only knew that I was thinking about not paying her at all and taking her back to the bar to complain. Couldn’t be fucked and put it all down to an experience.

Another note to self – Don’t go with model quality hookers. Bad attitudes may lay under the surface.

There was other mongering experiences had during my stay but you have heard them all before. Nothing new from me I’m afraid.

In summary, BKK is great. Do some general research on the net but don’t take it literally. Read about the experiences others have had, but do not expect to replicate them exactly. Some people write bullshit to massage their own ego’s, some people exaggerate their own experiences for reasons known only to themselves, and some people with excellent experiences don’t bother writing anything at all.

Come to Bangkok, enjoy yourself, behave yourself, remember that it is you who is the outsider and respect the Thai culture.

Time to do some work.


EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that somebody will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread.

05-04-06, 06:46
The Kman,

great report.

Conclusion: Never take a girl from the first line.


05-04-06, 07:35
Yep, I agree, great report. I am also stubborn in that way where I don't like getting taken advantage of by the airport taxi touts but I do give honest taxi drivers a bigger tip. Think I will give the Painter bars a try this next trip.

05-05-06, 04:50

Why you would go with a girl that obviously 'hates your guts' is beyond me. At least you don't complain too much about that stupidity.

"Another note to self – Don’t go with model quality hookers. Bad attitudes may lay under the surface." - A little RTFF would have warned you about that - "love is not only blind, but deaf..."

I haven't had the slightest problem with taxi drivers in BKK in the past two years after I started to use them again*. At the airport, just walk out to the main road and flag one down - be sure its red light is on!

*Had a few too many problems in the mid nineties...

05-05-06, 07:29

Interesting report and certainly foolish.

The reason why she acted the way she did the whole night was for you to get pissed off and throw her out... did you think about that? I mean, if you look at it from her perspective, the whole thing was perfect... she alledgedly stroked your dick and got paid 2000 bath for it.

Sorry, but you gave her yet another reason to continue behaving the way she did.

When this happends, you need to give her a choice :

1. we fuck and you get your 2000

2. we don't fuck and you get out now wit 0

This was a mutual business agreement, the terms were she Fucks you ST and you pay 2000.

I fail to understand why many Farangs (yes, there are many in the same situation) let their BG get away with that attitude... let alone promote it by paying... you wouldn't take that crap while in your home country so why do it in Thailand?

Good report by the way, I like your writing style ;)

05-05-06, 16:56
first off, let me apologise as since im not posting a report. just getting ready for my bangkok trip, im going to be there for 3 nights in july. any tips/advise would helps (regarding mongering that is!!)

im also interested in getting some action with white women (russians.. whatever).


Tiger 888
05-06-06, 04:30
If you tell us which reports you have already read, we might be able to tell you what information more you need. can't be much!.

05-06-06, 06:53

that is a great report, you capture so well many of the negative experiences that so many of us have had in Thailand. I'm not going to flame you for the problems with the starlet, I've made the same mistake in my past, learned my lesson and will never do it again. I have two key thoughts on this - one is that pussy's generally all look the same when turned up side down and the girls on all fours - so try not to be too taken by the girls looks in the bar.Secondly, attitude is so much more important than looks. A good fuck comes from a girl with a good attitude, you will enjoy it more and it will be much more memorable. I look for attitude first and foremost always. As you said, we shouldn't dehumanise the girls, many of them want a good time as well and they try to pick guys they think that they'll click with just as much as we try to pick based on looks.

As such, I try to avoid the stunning model types - they get come ons all the time and if they're not giving me positive vibes then I know what the outcome will be (as you found out). In many ways I agree with your girl's comments re. our behaviour in her country. Further, it's the Thai guys acquiescence which surprises me. I often think that if hordes of Asians were come to a W.European or N.American country, with much much more money than the locals and have sex with our young and beautiful women how would we react ? I see how people react in Britain when migrants come, work hard, keep their heads down, keep themselves to themselves and act humbly. If they were to act as we act in LOS there'd be a very high level of violence on the streets.

An interesting aside, one of the girls in BKK told me last night that there are so many women out working at the moment as schools go back next week and they all have to pay the school fees for their kids !


05-06-06, 20:57
Sorry, but you gave her yet another reason to continue behaving the way she did.

When this happends, you need to give her a choice :

1. we fuck and you get your 2000

2. we don't fuck and you get out now wit 0

That’s the way to go.

If you pay her after doing nothing you are encouraging her to continue with the same scam on and on.

Don’t pay her and she will learn the lesson, and after a few lessons she will either improve her attitude or go out of business.

05-07-06, 06:27
first off, let me apologise as since im not posting a report. just getting ready for my bangkok trip, im going to be there for 3 nights in july. any tips/advise would helps (regarding mongering that is!!)

im also interested in getting some action with white women (russians.. whatever).

man, why eat a hotdog when you're in a french resaurant? myself, i would get all the lbfm's i could while in the land of.

Pool Guy
05-07-06, 08:06
Man, why eat a hotdog when you're in a French resaurant? Myself, I would get all the LBFM's I could while in the land of.You might want to see this post for some insight:


I had a great time staying and learning of places through Livingstone's Lodge. You might want to read Giotto's lodge in Bangkok, or better yet stop by the sports bar and ask the Master Giotto himself.

Pool Guy

05-08-06, 05:09
You might want to see this post for some insight:


I had a great time staying and learning of places through Livingstone's Lodge. You might want to read Giotto's lodge in Bangkok, or better yet stop by the sports bar and ask the Master Giotto himself.

Pool Guy
I've heard of 'Russian' imports but have had lots of western women already. I like the sweet little brown ones myself. To each his own, but I think they're the sweetest.

05-08-06, 05:15
You might want to see this post for some insight:


I had a great time staying and learning of places through Livingstone's Lodge. You might want to read Giotto's lodge in Bangkok, or better yet stop by the sports bar and ask the Master Giotto himself.

Pool Guy

I do not really understand what all this has to do with Livingstone's Lodge, but let me clarify, that there are NO RUSSIANS working here, and there never will.

I personally don't understand why people are asking for Russian girls in Thailand - if you want Russions you should travel to Moscow.


05-08-06, 06:36
I personally don't understand why people are asking for Russian girls in Thailand - if you want Russions you should travel to Moscow.Point noted.

Not exactly asking for Russians. I was inquiring what the current scenario in Bangkok is. I have no issues with thai women and probably will spend sometime with them. Just checking my options ;)

@ tiger1 : I've been reading up a bit here and there and did some browsing in the picture gallery. No specific reports as such. But I will start taking notes of things and post back here :)

Pool Guy
05-08-06, 07:58
I do not really understand what all this has to do with Livingstone's Lodge, but let me clarify, that there are NO RUSSIANS working here, and there never will.

I personally don't understand why people are asking for Russian girls in Thailand - if you want Russions you should travel to Moscow.


I meant that you ONLY have SWEET TGs at Livingstones. Also, you have the expertise on how things are done, and why would you go to the Land of Smiles for Russians? Especially for the reasons posted in Evil's note.

Pool Guy

05-12-06, 15:34
For those of you interested in chasing Uni girls... Read:




05-12-06, 15:45
Has anyone had experience with the "friendship networking" sites for meeting TGs?

I sent out about 40 emails two nights ago. Currently have 9 repsonses ranging from, "tell me more, maybe we can meet" to "yes please, let's meet".

A fellow ISG member cautioned me that some of the girls are hookers (yep, a few are obvious, and I didn't email them). Others seem genuine - nurses, uni students, social workers, teachers, secretaries, etc. I pitch for the older gals (25 to 33). The site I used isn't a paid site, and not really a dating site either - more of a "friendship network", but girls still like to meet guys (hopefully for more than a bit of friendship. ;)) I've been lucky with it in other countries. Anyone had "sexcess" with these sites in LOS?

Old Thai Hand
05-12-06, 18:14
Has anyone had experience with the "friendship networking" sites for meeting TGs?

I sent out about 40 emails two nights ago. Currently have 9 repsonses ranging from, "tell me more, maybe we can meet" to "yes please, let's meet".

A fellow ISG member cautioned me that some of the girls are hookers (yep, a few are obvious, and I didn't email them). Others seem genuine - nurses, uni students, social workers, teachers, secretaries, etc. I pitch for the older gals (25 to 33). The site I used isn't a paid site, and not really a dating site either - more of a "friendship network", but girls still like to meet guys (hopefully for more than a bit of friendship. ;)) I've been lucky with it in other countries. Anyone had "sexcess" with these sites in LOS?

I've had tons of success. As a matter of fact, I met a 21-year-old girl yesterday after a few chats online, and shagged her (or more's the point, she shagged me) five times today. She showed up at my room this morning at 10 am and left at 3. She's just a regular TG. I even went with her to put in her medical report at her new job today with UFM Fuji Superstore. Her brother is a cop, her uncle runs a travel agency beside Panthip Plaza. She seems to have money and wasn't looking for anything from me...wouldn't even take taxi fare. She gave a beggar 100 baht last night when we were out.

On Wednesday, I met another, a 26 years old from Ubon who I've chatted with for about a month and who was in town visiting a friend and wanted to meet. She stayed over at my place Wednesday night and I went back to her friend's place yesterday morning and I went to meet the 21-year-old in the afternoon.

Nowadays, I meet most of my women this way and have had lots of success.

Old Thai Hand
05-12-06, 18:17
For those of you interested in chasing Uni girls... Read:




This story appears every year at this time. It's totally true. Uniforms are getting skimpier all the time. But, it doesn't translate into easily available shag material. In most cases, it's just appearance. Uni girls like to look sexy, act sexy and flirt. But, in most cases, that's as far as it goes.

05-13-06, 03:08
Pardon my ignorance but what's a "friendship networking" site. Can you post some sample names/links?

Old Thai Hand
05-13-06, 03:17
Pardon my ignorance but what's a "friendship networking" site. Can you post some sample names/links?

An example that I use from time to time is Bangkok Chat. There are lots of others.

05-13-06, 11:46
... I met a 21-year-old girl yesterday after a few chats online, and shagged her five times today. An example that I use from time to time is Bangkok Chat. There are lots of others.I've been lucky with friendster.com and hi5.com - obviously not as lucky as OTH - I usually only get four shags a day. ;)

These sites are not as full-on as sex or dating sites, but a lot of "respectable" girls will post profiles saying they want to "meet friends" - often a euphemism for "I wanna man now! (but talk to me nice first)"

05-13-06, 15:20
Here is a website for finding girls on the net. You will have to spend some time searching and approaching the girls you want to meet. I have done it before with success but now I don't find it worth it any longer as it can take a lot of time which I don't have. :)



05-13-06, 17:35

Thanks for the site - might check it out, but you're right. Very time consuming. Good if you live there. I have five definite "dates" so far (now I have to narrow it down) including a little cutie obviously desperate to come to Dubai. Why do they always have an ulterior motive? They should love me for who I am.

Three I
05-13-06, 18:28

Pakistani national held over brutal slaying of female teacher

handcuffed Pakistani national Mohammad Arif after being apprehended in a hotel room where blood-stained clothes were found.
A first encounter after chats on the Web leads to horrible murder; suspect said to have confessed during questioning

A tentative meeting with a new friend met through an Internet chat service, was apparently what led to English teacher Dissanee Thongnarkthae's murder.

Hua Mak Police on Monday night arrested a Pakistani man suspected of killing the Thai woman and dismembering her.

Maj-General Witthaya Kosiyasathit, chief of Metropolitan Police Division 4 who is supervising the case, quoted Mohammad Arif as saying he had killed the victim in a fit of rage after she was rude to him about using someone else's picture during the Internet chat, and lying about his nationality. According to Arif's confession, Dissanee had demanded that he pay for her air ticket home. "She turned angry when he refused to give her the money, an argument ensued, and the man killed her," said the officer quoting Arif's confession.

The officers said that Arif, now in police custody, initially protested his innocence, despite significant evidence found in his hotel room, including Dissanee's ID card and a large amount of blood.

Major Somphob Lekklang, an investigating officer from Hua Mak station, said Arif then gave conflicting information, by confessing to killing the victim, after joint questioning by Pakistani embassy staff and police investigators, then later retracting his account.

Forensic tests are underway to determine whether the blood found on the premises matches the deceased, whose head, arms and right leg were later found near a petrol station close to the Ratchadaphisek-Lat Phrao intersection. The victim's torso, cut into two halves, was found dumped off Soi Ramkhamhaeng 24 on Monday night.

Acting on a tip-off from a taxi driver, police obtained a search warrant and entered a room at Racha Palace Hotel on Soi Ratchadaphisek 14 where they found Arif, along with evidence including blood in the bathroom and on the carpet of the room, and women's shoes and clothing.

Other items found in the room included a butcher's knife and two chopping knives, a toy pistol and a travel bag with bar-coded tags attached that matched the barcodes on the two travel bags found containing the body parts.

Police said Arif had admitted that the items belonged to Dissanee, whom he claimed that he had sex with the night before, but that she had later disappeared. The police officer said that Arif said he had met Dissanee at an online chat site about a month ago, and that she had travelled to Bangkok on Sunday to meet him at a coffee shop. Police later escorted the suspect to his room at an apartment building in Soi Lat Phrao 23 where they found a pair of jeans soaked with blood.

The Criminal Court approved the arrest warrant and granted custodian authority to Hua Mak police after receiving the initial evidence report.

Witthaya said he believed the police had been lucky, because the unnamed taxi driver who had earlier collected Arif from the hotel, tuned into the Jor Sor 100 traffic radio shortly after the body parts were discovered.

Old Thai Hand
05-13-06, 19:58
Old Thai Hand,

You are a 50 year plus old man and can shag 5 times a day (in 5 hours too?), get outta here with that. Try to keep it real Pops, don't embellish!

Who the hell are you?
I don't give a fuck if you believe me or not. I'm in good shape, I work out 5 times a week and can manage it, easily. If you need testimonials, I'll happily provide them from girls that know me. This is why I can get 21-year-old girls...because I have this capacity. Maybe you can't. That's your problem. I don't need to embellish because after all, nobody knows me. Who really cares? So, I have nothing to prove to anyone. And...on top of everything... you have a mere 2 posts....pretty cheeky from a newbie who doesn't know shit about Thailand or me, for that matter.


I just found your take on it
funny. So, I'll leave you alone on this one. LOL

05-13-06, 20:52
Hey Chris Norton I am generally not into bragging but if opportunity arose I could also do 5 in a day. I recently did 3 in a few hours, and I am no spring chicken. I have no doubt that OTH is capable of these feats if he is in good shape. Perhaps you are a little jealous that you are not getting that kind of poontang, Huh Chris.

The thing of it Mr. Norton if you are not a Brad Pitt or a really good looking dude then being in shape is - working out at least 4 - 5 times a week. I work out 3-4 times a week, dropped 12 kilos in 18 months. Try it out. Its as good as Viagra or even better - I know that its makes a guy damn horny, all this exercise.

Girls don't only want money, if you look disgusting and smell as bad as you look your chances of scoring with younger, good looking women go to hell.

As for Piper he is a phenomenon in his own right.

05-13-06, 21:12
Piper, I just found your take on it - funny. So, I'll leave you alone on this one. LOLIt's an old joke - will tell the full version if we meet. I don't doubt that a guy can shag five times in five hours. But maybe not every day.

Chris Norton, I don't give a fuck if you believe me or not. If you need testimonials, I'll happily provide them No, please don't show us your testimonials. That's just a bit too intimate. ____________________________________

Buzz - Thanks, but I just post my tasteful pics and write about the fun side of a mongerer's life (without fail, something intereresting always happens when I hunt for or take a girl home - all good fun). Come to Dubai one day - you're not very far away.

Phenomenal is Wicked Roger in Abu Dhabi. I had drinks with him tonight, neither of us intending to pick up a gal due to our busy work schedules, but the horny bastard couldn't help himself. Don't know how he does it. Will post a report on the Abu Dhabi thread soon. By the way, he works out. Maybe I should get back into it.

Pool Guy
05-13-06, 21:47
This story appears every year at this time. It's totally true. Uniforms are getting skimpier all the time. But, it doesn't translate into easily available shag material. In most cases, it's just appearance. Uni girls like to look sexy, act sexy and flirt. But, in most cases, that's as far as it goes.Uni girls and also office girls wear skimpy clothes where I come from, too bad for me most weigh 200+ lbs (90+Kgs)!

Withdrawing from the beautiful TGs,

Pool Guy

Old Thai Hand
05-14-06, 01:32
[QUOTE=Piper1]It's an old joke - will tell the full version if we meet. Just a bit of fun. I don't doubt that a guy can shag five times in five hours. But maybe not every day.

LOL. Ya. possibly not every day. Today I am hung over and she wants to come to my place at a 11 am to take "care" of me. I'm not sure I could manage that capacity again today. But, maybe. You should see this girl's body! I think Lazurus, himself would wake from the dead and manage 5 times. if he got a look at her...not to mention that she's one of the best shags I've had in years, which is saying something.

I think that a contributing factor to frequency for any guy would be how hot the girl is, how horny she is, how talented she is, and how enthusiastic she is.

My record, btw is 10 times in 12 hours. That was with one of my former students 3 years ago who was the #1 best shag I ever had in my life. The girl was absolutely wild and was quite adept at making me rise to the occasion over and over again.

05-18-06, 23:15
I'll be arriving in Bangkok next week for my first visit, though I'm an experienced monger in other locations (mostly US, but also Amsterdam, Manila, Shanghai, and Mexican border towns).

I've read the forum (or much of it -- there's a lot of posts), but I'm just curious what advice you would give a first-timer in Bangkok such as myself. I'll have only two or three evenings and maybe Saturday afternoon (though I'll want to do some regular tourist stuff too).

I'll be staying at the Royal Orchid, which appears to be fairly close to the Sukhamvit (sp?) areas. Should I concentrate my limited time there?

Any help will be greatly appreciated, and I'll post my experiences for the benefit of other newcomers.


05-18-06, 23:53
bro azil,
plenty to do in bkk and not much time to do it in, such is a life of a monger.
1) make sure your hotel is near the action (or at least near a subway station) as traffic in bkk is bad--depending on time of day, you could spend your entire vacation sitting in a taxi going from one end of city to the other.
2)if you like the bar scene, and hotel near sukimvit rd, then look no further than nana plaza, and even walking distance to soi cowboy (about 25min walk)-another mongers delight.
3)all out fantasy with 2 gals to do whatever your sick mind can think of: go to eden club, 5min walk from nana plaza
4)all the famous bkk massage parlors are rep001ter all over the city and best to read the forum as info on this is just too much to mention in one post.
5)sw are everywhere at nite along sukimvit rd and prices will vary by time and looks. but beware: alot of ladyboys also out at nite in these areas.

have fun bro


05-19-06, 01:10
Azil, the Royal orchid is a very nice hotel, and though it might look close to the action on a map, it is not. It is also not on the BTS (sky train) line, so getting around is not as convenient.
If your company is not paying for the hotel, and you have not pre paid, I would suggest switching to the JW Marriott. 2 minutes from the action, very GF, and about the same quality as the Orchid.
If you are still around saturday night, meet a bunch of ISG derelicts at Giotto's, (see Giotto's lodge in BKK thread), or PM me for more info on that.

05-19-06, 01:11

Thank you. Based on what I've read here, it seems the Royal Orchid is a friendly place, so I'm guessing I can bring a streetwalker back there.

I'll probably try the Eden, I enjoy anal occasionally and it's so tough getting it most places. Is Eden in the ~2000 baht range that I see mentioned often here, or is it higher because of the special services?

05-19-06, 01:15

Thanks. I have no choice about the Royal Orchid, unfortunately.

I'll check out Giotto's and get in touch when I know for sure what next Saturday will be like for me (it somewhat depends on the biz situation).

05-19-06, 01:55
I'll probably try the Eden, I enjoy anal occasionally and it's so tough getting it most places. Is Eden in the ~2000 baht range that I see mentioned often here, or is it higher because of the special services?
It is 2,000 Baht, PER GIRL, once the dust has settled, depending on the time of day.

05-19-06, 04:21
It is 2,000 Baht, PER GIRL, once the dust has settled, depending on the time of day.

3500 for the girls plus your drink and a tip if you feel like it.

So 4,000 Bht is the right amount.

If you going for the anal go early as the girls wont be as used.

05-19-06, 18:56
Eden Club policy is MUST book 2 gals at same time so thats why prices may seem like double. But worth the price as 90min with 2 gals to do whatever you want.


05-20-06, 13:51
Will be in Bangkok soon, and looking to have some suits made. Can any one give me a ballpark U.S. Dollar value on having one made? Or even recommend a tailor.

Yi Ren
05-20-06, 17:11
Will be in Bangkok soon, and looking to have some suits made. Can any one give me a ballpark U.S. Dollar value on having one made? Or even recommend a tailor.
Umm... read the FAQ.


Retired Army
05-20-06, 21:55
Will be in Bangkok soon, and looking to have some suits made. Can any one give me a ballpark U.S. Dollar value on having one made? Or even recommend a tailor.

The best tailor is Raja's at the entrance to Nana Entertainment Plaza. A good quality suit will set you back $250.

05-20-06, 21:58
The best tailor is Raja's at the entrance to Nana Entertainment Plaza. A good quality suit will set you back $250.

Retired Army,

I disagree. Careful with this tailor.


05-20-06, 23:31
Umm... read the FAQ.


Thanks Yi Ren,

But the FAQ post is 4 years old. I think things have changed or maybe inflation has happened. Hence the post.

Retired Army
05-21-06, 09:19
Retired Army,

I disagree. Careful with this tailor.


What is the problem? I have had wonderful service from Raja's. Granted he is a little more expensive, but not much for what you get. All the BKK tailors use the same sweatshops to make their clothes. It's the quality of the fabric each shop has and the service that makes the difference. It's how they measure and provide service after the sale.

Just go to Raja's any afternoon about 5 p.m. and you will see that he is very popular.

05-21-06, 10:51
All the BKK tailors use the same sweatshops to make their clothes. It's the quality of the fabric each shop has and the service that makes the difference. It's how they measure and provide service after the sale.
The alternative is to go to a local Thai shop with its own in-house staff. Years ago my friend and I went to an Indian shop near our hotel on Sukhumvit Soi 13. Oh, yeah, the guy was friendly, helpful, and accommodating to our needs. Heck, he even got us into Ambassador Hotel at a substantial discount. When it's too good to be true... :(

Anyway, we later learned that the actual workers were Chinese and not on premise. Which explained the problems we encountered at both fittings (wrong placement of pockets, wrong pleats, wrong type of cuffs, too tight, etc...), resulting in wasted time and an extension to the agreed time. Apparently, there were miscommunications or "lost in translation."

Then, I was referred to Bithano (723 Sukhumvit, at Soi 39, opposite 26; 662-4788) by a fellow monger, and we have never used any other. The shop is run by two Thai brothers, staff by their family/friends, and the machines are right upstair, so any problems can be fixed right away, which we have not. There isn't any cutthroat pricings or deep discounts, but you get what you paid for. Quality material, workmanship, and service. You can ask them to do any special details--different sizes and shapes of collar, inside secret key/money pocket, suspender buttons, embroidered initials on cuffs, different location for labels, etc...

The other reason we liked it is that it is near Emporium, Lotus, and Angels. :D


Retired Army
05-21-06, 22:40
I will concede that your suggestion is probably the better way to go; however, probably not practical for the short time visitor.

Lover Boy #2
05-22-06, 06:31
Retired Army,

I disagree. Careful with this tailor. <Raja's>


I completely agree with Giotto. Be very careful at this shop. I have had 10 pairs of pants and three suits made at this place in addition to about 10 shirts over the years. I used this place because it was rec. to me by US military personnel and didn't know another place to go. The material is as advertised and as picked. The quality of the actual manufacture depends on which sweatshop person works on your garment, so they are very, very inconsistant. Also, when the going gets tough (i.e. numerous fittings and the thing still fits like crap)...you will see a big attitude change from Raja. They never met any of my deadlines and there was always an attempted delivery to a hotel as I was leaving for the airport.....and of course the fit was horrible (and I'm not a difficult fit)....and had to be redone on a return visit. Try the shop with the sewing operation on site.....it has to be better than this....although a lot of Thai tailors are complete shit...so be careful....

05-22-06, 08:32
What is the problem? I have had wonderful service from Raja's. Granted he is a little more expensive, but not much for what you get. All the BKK tailors use the same sweatshops to make their clothes. It's the quality of the fabric each shop has and the service that makes the difference. It's how they measure and provide service after the sale.

Just go to Raja's any afternoon about 5 p.m. and you will see that he is very popular.

Sorry for my late reply. Just saw this post now.

We had 2 customers in Livingstone's which used that tailor - both had quality problems during the final delivery, but no time any more for changes. Furthermore that shop is too expensive, there are much cheaper ones in Bangkok.


Ralph Kramden
05-22-06, 14:47
$250 is a lot to pay for sweatshop labor and spotty service.

I bought several suits from this apparantly different Raja's at 147 Sukhumvit Road, Soi 11, next to the Ambassador Hotel, for about $200 each as I recall. I got excellent service from Mr. Shiva and met the original Raja himself onetime, a real nice guy who started his business about 25 years ago. Their material and fit were not bad. So I would recommend this Raja's, as would several people I know, if you are intent on buying from a Bangkok tailor.

However, I have bought my last suit in BKK, and here is why. If you live in the US anywhere near a Burlington Coat Factory outlet store, that is the place to buy. I have bought several name brand suits on close out there, including one Brooks Brothers, never paying more than $150. BKK tailors can't compete with this quality and price.

My last visit in December I visited Raja's to see about some shirts, and he wanted $25+, which is just too much compared to what can be bought at discount stores in Southern California.

05-22-06, 15:21
wow. SUITS. Who needs them?
I wear shorts and T shirts to work, and more often than not, work is 35 feet, and one floor down away from my bed.
sorry, a bit drunk, and about to settle in for a nice BBBJTCAS. (and swallow). :D

05-22-06, 15:49
wow. SUITS. Who needs them?
I wear shorts and T shirts to work, and more often than not, work is 35 feet, and one floor down away from my bed.
sorry, a bit drunk, and about to settle in for a nice BBBJTCAS. (and swallow). :D1Ball, enough talk of your sex adventures. How rude.

Gentlemen, the purpose of this forum is to help men find tailors for suits. Let's get back to the topic. ;)

PS 1Ball - what's all this nonsense about settling in for BBBJTCAS and swallow. Sex is about give and take, you selfish man. Give the poor gal your usual romping and make her happy for 30 seconds. :D

Retired Army
05-22-06, 16:24
Nothing wrong with wearing a nice suit. You would be suprised how it turns women on. Makes even a middle age balding man look sexy. Add a real Rolex watch and Italian shoes and the most beautiful woman would choose him everytime over a young stud with a full head of hair working at Burger King.

05-22-06, 22:32
Nothing wrong with wearing a nice suit. You would be suprised how it turns women on. Makes even a middle age balding man look sexy. Add a real Rolex watch and Italian shoes and the most beautiful woman would choose him everytime over a young stud with a full head of hair working at Burger King.
You are correct, RA, provided it is worn out of choice, not necessity. I do own a very nice suit, and a Rolex, and a custom pair of shoes, so I guess, once every 15 years, when I feel the need to impress someone, that I am good to go ! ;)

05-23-06, 05:26
Does anyone know the id/pass for bkkteen? This must be a new feature.

Thanks in advance

05-25-06, 16:16
Does anyone know what is the Thai holiday on June 12 and 13?



05-25-06, 16:39
Does anyone know what is the Thai holiday on June 12 and 13?




just had the police here - there is no non-alcohol holiday in June. It might have something to do with the kings 60th anniversary.


05-25-06, 16:56
Does anyone know what is the Thai holiday on June 12 and 13?



It sounds like something related to the King's celebration. This is the schedule for those days:

12 June 2006
A ceremony to pay tribute to His Majesty the King by foreign monarchs and their representatives
Ananta Samakhom Throne Hall, 16.00-17.00 hr

12 June 2006
His Majesty the King opens an exhibition on His Majesty’s activities and projects over the past 60 years of his reign
Royal Thai Navy Convention Hall, 18.30 hr.

12 June 2006
Their Majesties the King and Queen and foreign monarchs attend the Royal Barge Procession
Royal Navy Institute, 19.00 hr.

13 June 2006
His Majesty the King hosts a banquet for foreign monarchs
Chakri Maha Prasat Throne Hall, 19.30 hr.

These events don't sound like they sould be the basis of a holiday, but maybe so; it's Thailand after all.


05-25-06, 17:10
As long as the girls are fucking on those days it works for me... :p

Thanks again pervs... :D


05-26-06, 04:22
Hi All,

Is there any flood threat in BKK? BBC says so many have died and have lost there houses / properties in Thailand.

I've scheduled my trip on early JUNE.

Thanks in advance

05-26-06, 13:57
As I walked to Eden Club this afternoon I saw the most beautiful girl working in a salon on Sukumvit(sp.) We locked eyes and smiled.

On the way back to the hotel I thought I would ask her to dinner.

She said yes and I will meet her at 11:30pm tonight.

I will post later but my best guess is that we will spend some time together and hold hands; I will tell her godnite around 1 or 2am and then pick up some cutie from Nana Disco or Grace and knock boots for a few hours.

I would love to get with this salon girl but I know the chances are slim to none. If this were our 2nd or 3rd date I could see us spending the nite together.

05-26-06, 15:25

Before you call her a regular girl find out more about who she is, etc. Just because she works in a Salon does not mean much until you get to know her better. Girls working on Suk have seen it and heard it all from the "working girls." Also, some of the Salon girls were former "working girls" or are looking into doing it or are taking a break from it. She may be more selective in looking for Mr. Right or just a someone to take care of her. I would not be surprise if she already has a farang bf and she is waiting for him to come back. I have met two the Salon girls and one was a wanna be player and the other one was on and off being a "working girl." Some Salon girls can be fun but beware of her intentions and yours as well.

Good luck.


05-27-06, 04:33

Before you call her a regular girl find out more about who she is, etc. Just because she works in a Salon does not mean much until you get to know her better. Girls working on Suk have seen it and heard it all from the "working girls." Also, some of the Salon girls were former "working girls" or are looking into doing it or are taking a break from it. She may be more selective in looking for Mr. Right or just a someone to take care of her. I would not be surprise if she already has a farang bf and she is waiting for him to come back. I have met two the Salon girls and one was a wanna be player and the other one was on and off being a "working girl." Some Salon girls can be fun but beware of her intentions and yours as well.

Good luck.


Sweet girl working at this salon for 2 years. works more than 60 hours a week.

Moved to BKK from north of Issan.

Had an american bf a while ago who saw her every few months.

She seems like a normal girl but I know before our "date" she gave some guy an oil massage upstairs. I did not ask if it was happy for him.


She took me to this Jazz Bar / Resturant nammed Saxaphone.
Great band named T-Bone playing kinda a fussion of Jazz, Reagge, and hip hop.

The food was awsome.

We talked, held hands, kissed a bit and took a cab back to downtown. I went home alone and rested a bit.

I then grabbed a shower and headed out to Nana Parking lot and found a cutie to spend the night.

I will see this salon girl on my next visit.
If I were ever to quit the game, she would be the kind of girl for me.

Angus Magee
05-30-06, 08:00
Not sure if this is the right place to post this...

I just watched a very good doco called "The Real Bangkok Hilton" about the Bangkwang jail in Bangkok.


Great viewing and a must see for anyone considering even touching drugs in Thailand, or doing anything that could get you a spell in that prison.

It made me very glad that by this time I ever visited Thailand (in my 40's) I had long since lost any interest what so ever in drugs.

Retired Army
05-30-06, 11:41
To change the subject. A few years ago I had an interesting experience and wondered if anyone else had experienced something similar. I was lying flat on my back and the girl sat backwards on my cock and sucked my toes while fucking me. It was a great experience.

05-31-06, 01:19
a warning to all flying into the usa. even though this topic has been covered, and solutions have been discussed, i believe it bears repeating. i will be posting this in the thailand and indonesia forums, and if anybody feels like quoting it in another country they frequent, be my guest.
i landed at san francisco international at 7.00 pm on a flight from taipei. i had a lot of luggage, including some commercial samples, so i was expecting to go through secondary inspection. and sure enough i was. first question was where had i been. answer: thailand and indonesia. where in thailand? bangkok.
i am then asked to open my carry on luggage, and he pulls out my computer, my camera and a usb memory stick. he spent 20 minutes looking through my computer. i could tell he was looking at photographs, and then he looked through my camera and the usb stick. not once did he give me any indication of what he was looking for.
after 20 minutes he let me go. i asked him what he had been looking for, and he just blew me off.
i am not one to take many pictures, for obvious reasons, i cannot have them in my computer. if i do take some naughty pics, i post them on isg, and then delete them. i don’t know what the situation is if they the kind of pics we see every day on isg is, but i don’t want to find out.
i am 99% sure he was looking for **** photos. if that is all he was looking for, i am sure that most people are safe. however, i must say it was a very unpleasant experience.
the few times i have wanted to save photographs, and not want them seen on my computer, i have emailed them to a yahoo account nobody knows exists.
again, i know this has been discussed before, just thought i would pass on an experience which happened to me less than 24 hours ago.

05-31-06, 02:08
1ball - I wonder what they would say if you had logged out of your computer? The computer boots up and prompts the user for a password...no access to ANY files. They ask you to boot them up because the battery is encased with lead and they cannot see into it, via xray, and verify it is in fact a battery.

Once it boots without a powercord inspection should be finished and they can't see any further.

What if you had folders that were password protected? Do you think they could demand that you give them access?

I realize it is better safe than sorry, I don't really take those kinds of photos, but nobody gets to poke around my hard drive period.

Am I 100% off base here? I always have to boot, and I always am logged out when I do boot, never had anyone suggest that I give up the password, and I always get searched pretty thouroughly.

05-31-06, 02:19
Man, I am the only one who uses my computer, so I don't have any passwords.
This guy had an agenda, he wanted photos of me doing who knows what to a 12 year old. Not my thing, so not worried there, but I don't know what he would have said to the likes of some of Piper1's recent photos.

better safe than sorry.

But you do raise an interested point. What if my computer were password protected, and he asked me for the password so he could browse through it? Am I obligated to give him the password?
does anyone know the answer to this? I beleive the answer is yes!

05-31-06, 02:30
but I don't know what he would have said to the likes of some of Piper1's recent photos.Not to be misinterpreted by lazy readers: My girls are always well over 18, and usually late 20s. Even tiny Jungle Girl is 28.

05-31-06, 02:33
not to be misinterpreted by lazy readers: my girls are always well over 18, and usually late 20s. even tiny jungle girl is 28.
not for 1 second did i want people to think i was inferring piper's pics are of **** girls, on the contrary. what i meant is they are some wild pics, and was wondering if anyone knew if those kind of pics are acceptable to homeland security.
sorry piper, if i gave the wrong impression.

05-31-06, 02:38
not for 1 second did i want people to think i was inferring piper's pics are of **** girls, on the contrary. what i meant is they are some wild pics, and was wondering if anyone knew if those kind of pics are acceptable to homeland security.
sorry piper, if i gave the wrong impression.no problems 1ball - i knew what you meant, but lazy readers might not. i know the history of this thread and i don't want to play that silly game with them.

by the way - i was bailed up at bkk airport on my way out and intrerrogated for an hour (irregular passport). luckily they didn't check my laptop. i made a few calls and they let me go two minutes before my plane took off. damn, i thought i'd have to go back to giotto's for another night. :)

Old Thai Hand
05-31-06, 04:22
But you do raise an interested point. What if my computer were password protected, and he asked me for the password so he could browse through it? Am I obligated to give him the password?
does anyone know the answer to this? I beleive the answer is yes!

The short answer is no. Under US law, it would be viewed as invasion of privacy. He's need the equivalent of a search warrant to access a secure computer. However, having said that, given the Nazi-like behavior of many US customs agents, it wouldn't surprise me if some wouldn't try to intimidate you into giving them the password. But, you are not obliged to do so. Therefore, I would suggest that securing your computer with passwords is good ploy to use if people are worried. These guys would not want to go through any possible legal challenge, as long as you stand your ground.

05-31-06, 04:34
OTH, I guess what you mean is equivalent to someone searching your vehicle without probable cause?
OK, so now is there someone out there who can show us computer illeterates how to secure our computers?

BKK Dreaming
05-31-06, 04:37
I think that you have no rights when you are at the Airport , until you pass Customs and Immigration you are not officially in the USA ,

Plus I would not want to [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) them off , so they flag you every time you come thru,


05-31-06, 06:05
oth, i guess what you mean is equivalent to someone searching your vehicle without probable cause?
ok, so now is there someone out there who can show us computer illeterates how to secure our computers?
no need to get paranoid. the reason imho they want to see the computer is 1) if you have anything which is detrimental to homeland security and 2) if you are carrying any **** materials etc. or commercial porno contents like dvds etc. it is a crime to import commercial materials. you should not have any probs regarding mature contents which are private. they are after criminals so you should be safe (right?).:)

although i have never been searched for computers, one thing i do is put the stuff on a flash usb drive and erase the folders. it is small, unobtrusive and you can throw it in your toiletries bag, if you want. or just keep it in your pocket. you can buy them at most places for $50 for a 1gb model. the outside front pocket of my carry on is where i keep loose change, keys, chewing gums, nicotine patches etc. etc. nobody has ever bothered to search that bag as yet.

last but not the least, is that if it is your day, there is nothing you can do about it no matter how secure your computer is.

as regards oth advice, forget it unless you want to spend many hours in detention waiting for your lawyer to show up. and these days, hs can put you in detention till they feel like it, just by saying one is a potential suspect. sorry, oth, this is not canada. the us has changed while you were out. they will take your computer and go thru it while you are cooling your ass.

Tiger 888
05-31-06, 06:32
Anyone interested in knowing how you can password protect your computer, hand out a password to show them something and still keep your secrets, without any evidence that there is hidden data. PM me, I am in Bangkok until saturday. (A short note to the cheap Charlies: The software is freeware and way better that the one you need to pay for. Can encrypt harddrives that look unformatted with no drive letter on Win XP). For a beer or 2 I can explain someone how it works and he then could pass it on. But I insist on someone not competely computer illiterate, please. Could meet at Giotto's for example. But I donot support the real illegals like paedo etc.!!!

You have to see deeper into the matter, since just encrypting a file or disk might not eb enough. Encrypted Data might show up unencrypted in your swap file or hibernation file for example. Even throwing away a USB stick doesn't help in this case.

And besides the legal issue, what would you do if someone finds your laptop that you lost. With simple tools all data is readable not matter how you password protect it, as long as it is unencrypted. You even might want to protect your business data.

05-31-06, 06:41
Just log out....the only reason you have to boot up is to prove the electronic device is in fact a computer. If anyone were to ask you to log in just say 'no' if you were pressured you could say 'That would violate several non disclosure agreements as all of the information on my machine is sensitive and work related, I cannot comment any further.'

This will either get you through quickly or hold you up for days. I like the flash drive idea, the yahoo email idea, or if you had access to a web server just upload. Better safe than sorry.

05-31-06, 08:54
Duni, if you look at my original post, the guy found my USB memory stick, and looked through that. It was loose in my carry on, and yes, he did look through my toiletries.
At first, I thought all he wanted was to make sure it was in fact a computer, but after booting up, that is when he started playing with it.
apparently, they are allowed to look at anything and everything one brings in. Saying what you say below, Man on the Street is all well and good, but does one need the aggravation? and yes, I could say that to them, and then sit in a holding cell until he crack the codes.
the US is fast becoming a Big Brother country, hence my decision to relocate ASAP. Going through immigration and customs is always an ordeal as it seems they live by the Napoleonic code.

05-31-06, 09:38
Will be in Bangkok soon, and looking to have some suits made. Can any one give me a ballpark U.S. Dollar value on having one made? Or even recommend a tailor.I recommend Rajawongse between the Landmark and the Subway sandwich shop on Sukhumvit. Great service and excellent suits.

Anyone who thinks they can get a better deal in the US has been drinking too many spiked Singhas. No matter what - it's a custom cashmere-wool suit.

I agree with RA same sweatshops (more or less) but its the "aftermarket" mods, fabrics and perks you get.

Old Thai Hand
05-31-06, 11:50
As regards OTH advice, forget it unless you want to spend many hours in detention waiting for your lawyer to show up. And these days, HS can put you in detention till they feel like it, just by saying one is a potential suspect. Sorry, OTH, this is not Canada. The US has changed while you were out. They will take your computer and go thru it while you are cooling your ass.

Yes, I agree with you. I was merely answering the legal question. BTW, I have been through the US security cordon within the last year and I know what kinds of hassles there can be.
You're probably right, though, the reality would be something different all-together, if they wanted to flex their muscles. Long before homeland security, I experienced the excessive paranoia of the US customs service the day after the Oklahoma bombings. At that point, they didn't know who had done it and were looking at anyone. They detained me on my way to Chicago from Toronto for 1 1/2 hours because of a drug charge (I wasn't convicted) I had 25 year earlier, when I was 17. These guys have always been nuts and they've just gotten far worse in recent years.

05-31-06, 11:57
I have never had my computer searched (yet) although once a prick had me open 2 suitcases and looked for whatever he was looking for but found nothing. In this case, it was in San Francisco and he made a mess of all the stuff I was bringing (some art) and I told him to help me put it back together becuase I could not close them. When I asked him what he was looking for he said heroin. I started laughing telling him that if I was bringing heroin it would not be in my suitcases. Some of these guys have an inferiority complex and have nothing better to do than play out their authority and waist people's time especially after a long ass flight...


If you own a Mac laptop chances are they wont even know how to navigate through the OS becuase they are not familiar with these computers.

If you have lots of pics and video and don't want to risk them found the best way to do it is to upload it to a storage website. Most decent hotels in Thailand have "fast" internet access and you can easily upload the stuff during the night when you are getting your beauty sleep.


05-31-06, 14:57
You can google for "file transfer services" or "file hosting services" and get both free and paid sites. I recently used Yousendit and zUpload to transfer a huge powerpoint brief across the Pacific. Apparently, its size was too big for email servers. Sigh...

If the USB thumb drives are too obvious as a target, then, another method is to upload the files onto your MP3 player (assuming you have the kind that allows plug-n-play and shows up on WinExplorer with a drive letter).

Good luck,

06-05-06, 21:10
For those of you interested in uploading your files to a storage service I did a test with a video file of 70.9 MBs. I used fast cable internet.

Upload time: 16 minutes (351kb/sec)
download timeof the same file: 4.5 minutes (540kb/sec)

Not a lot of time considering that you can store the files safely away from you computer. I used ibackup.com which works with Mac and PC.


Bill Buxton
06-06-06, 02:51
Not to change the subject but,I would like to take a 3-5 day trip with the wife in September over here.Would like some info on the best place to stay with the little woman.Or if that's a mistake I could go alone before returning back home in October.

Play Safe,Stay Sharp.


06-06-06, 13:22
a warning to all flying into the usa. even though this topic has been covered, and solutions have been discussed, i believe it bears repeating. i will be posting this in the thailand and indonesia forums, and if anybody feels like quoting it in another country they frequent, be my guest.
i landed at san francisco international at 7.00 pm on a flight from taipei. i had a lot of luggage, including some commercial samples, so i was expecting to go through secondary inspection. and sure enough i was. first question was where had i been. answer: thailand and indonesia. where in thailand? bangkok.
i am then asked to open my carry on luggage, and he pulls out my computer, my camera and a usb memory stick. he spent 20 minutes looking through my computer. i could tell he was looking at photographs, and then he looked through my camera and the usb stick. not once did he give me any indication of what he was looking for.
after 20 minutes he let me go. i asked him what he had been looking for, and he just blew me off.
i am not one to take many pictures, for obvious reasons, i cannot have them in my computer. if i do take some naughty pics, i post them on isg, and then delete them. i don’t know what the situation is if they the kind of pics we see every day on isg is, but i don’t want to find out.
i am 99% sure he was looking for **** photos. if that is all he was looking for, i am sure that most people are safe. however, i must say it was a very unpleasant experience.
the few times i have wanted to save photographs, and not want them seen on my computer, i have emailed them to a yahoo account nobody knows exists.
again, i know this has been discussed before, just thought i would pass on an experience which happened to me less than 24 hours ago.

ice has been real tough in sfo lately. this has been widely reported in other travel forums. regular business people have been targeted because they fit a profile namely single adult male 20 - 40 years old visiting se asia.

dont blame me i voted for the other guy.

i had my bags and laptop searched following my new years trip.
i also carry gov badges and my laptop is clearly gov property.

i just returned last month and was waived through without a secondary.
hopefully the seach over new years cleared me for future searches.

06-06-06, 15:39
a warning to all flying into the usa. even though this topic has been covered, and solutions have been discussed, i believe it bears repeating. i will be posting this in the thailand and indonesia forums, and if anybody feels like quoting it in another country they frequent, be my guest.
i landed at san francisco international at 7.00 pm on a flight from taipei. i had a lot of luggage, including some commercial samples, so i was expecting to go through secondary inspection. and sure enough i was. first question was where had i been. answer: thailand and indonesia. where in thailand? bangkok.
i am then asked to open my carry on luggage, and he pulls out my computer, my camera and a usb memory stick. he spent 20 minutes looking through my computer. i could tell he was looking at photographs, and then he looked through my camera and the usb stick. not once did he give me any indication of what he was looking for.
after 20 minutes he let me go. i asked him what he had been looking for, and he just blew me off.
i am not one to take many pictures, for obvious reasons, i cannot have them in my computer. if i do take some naughty pics, i post them on isg, and then delete them. i don’t know what the situation is if they the kind of pics we see every day on isg is, but i don’t want to find out.
i am 99% sure he was looking for **** photos. if that is all he was looking for, i am sure that most people are safe. however, i must say it was a very unpleasant experience.
the few times i have wanted to save photographs, and not want them seen on my computer, i have emailed them to a yahoo account nobody knows exists.
again, i know this has been discussed before, just thought i would pass on an experience which happened to me less than 24 hours ago.

there is at least an easy protection for the light check (of course it does not protect for an intensive harddrive analysis). why not simply camoflage the jpg sas excel, powerpoint, word files. hidden in a busines folder with real files and named with a business project should hold him up at least for a quick run through. if a group of jpgs are collected in a zip file and simply renamed as ppt could make the thing at least not so obvious and as well rather economical. of course there should be more powerpoint files then the one in the folder. and of corse there should be also real jpg pics, lets say from your cultural tours etc. in a pic folder.
of course the ananymus upload/ download thing is even better.

so does somebody know if he can ask us to enter the password? my work contract says it is strictly not permitted if this would be my business computer.



The Traveler
06-06-06, 23:57
For those of you interested in uploading your files to a storage service I did a test with a video file of 70.9 MBs. I used fast cable internet.

Upload time: 16 minutes (351kb/sec)
download timeof the same file: 4.5 minutes (540kb/sec)

Not a lot of time considering that you can store the files safely away from you computer. I used ibackup.com which works with Mac and PC.


how many hotels / internet cafes in LOS do provide a fast cable connection ?
Guess not that many, therefore it might work at home but in LOS connections are usually much slower. Furthermore 70 MB aren't much, just about 20 pics with a 5 MPix cam in full resolution.

Taipei Traveller
06-07-06, 03:36
I have an alternative solution for this, particularly when coming form places like LOS where internet connections are generally not that good.

I have a cheap watch that also contains a 512 mb memory card, got it as a free gift whilst in Taiwan, connects to the laptop via usb, download the pics to the watch, delete from laptop and good to go.

At least i know that if the laptop gets searched it is clean. BTW, for those of you just deleting files, they can be easily retrieved, you should shred them, ie delete permanently.

06-07-06, 13:40

where i stay in bkk they have cable access in the room. they have a decent it department and they set you up with ethernet connection. the speed is decent and definately much faster than a dial up but a bit slower than the us cable connection. so, it does work for me.

for mongering pictrues i never save them in raw sizes. for video i compress it with sorenson. a 5 minute sequence of digital video equals about 1.5 gigs but after compression (good quality) is about 49 mb.


The Traveler
06-07-06, 20:41

lucky you.

i rarely bring my laptop therefore i can't tell if the speed at the hotels might be better than at the internet cafes, but most internet cafes i have used so far only provide sufficient speed for normal web surfing. since upload is usually slower than download, uploading dozens or hundreds of pics in full resolution must be a pain in the ...

it doesn't make sense to me to buy a good high resolution digicam, but taking or storing the pics at only 2-3 mpix with high compression, which will reduce the overall quality of the pic. anyway, i was talking about normal jpegs in full resolution with low compression , a pic in raw format will be even bigger (5 mb+ in average).

video compression is another thing. the size of the video is reduced by storing only the parts that change between two following pics. after all, the quality is reduced as well, but since you usually don't want to make big printouts the decrease in quality can be tolerated.

anyway, with the upload speed mentioned, you will need 2h 15min to upload one hour of video. that's definitely not to my cup of tea especially when the connection isn't reliable and you have to start over (in case the web host doesn't support resume).

imho web storage only makes sense if you intend to store a few low res low quality pics or short trailers. it takes too much time to upload the real thing.

finally, private porn is not forbidden and nobody cares if the displayed persons are of legal age. therefore no big deal, wonder why so many do worry. shy ?

06-07-06, 21:53
some of the internet shops have really dial up service even though their advertise "fast internet." in some of those places it's even impossible to check your email so forget surfing... also, some coffee shops like starbucks and others offer wifi access with good speed. the place i stay supports resume and connections are reliable. 2 hours of upload is not a big deal cause i can do it at night. good compression like sorenson does not dimished the viewing quality to the eye a great deal and unless your skanky video is not for theatrical release then you won't need to worry. compression does reduce the size of the original quicktime file though...

the downside of carrying a laptop is the extra weight but i used it for work too so i need to bring it along.


Bold Focker
06-09-06, 16:10
I would like to buy a local sim card in BKK, is this possible and which one is best, or are they very much the same.

Do you need to registar the sim card and have to show proof like in Europe.

Thats Jim
06-10-06, 17:55
As an alternative, you can create a dummy login account, and log in to that one when asked. I doubt they would know the difference. Plus forensically speaking , having a customs wonk "browse" through peoples computers is only going to catch the stupid criminals.

Just log out....the only reason you have to boot up is to prove the electronic device is in fact a computer. If anyone were to ask you to log in just say 'no' if you were pressured you could say 'That would violate several non disclosure agreements as all of the information on my machine is sensitive and work related, I cannot comment any further.'

Member #3409
06-11-06, 03:30
I would like to buy a local sim card in BKK, is this possible and which one is best, or are they very much the same.

Do you need to registar the sim card and have to show proof like in Europe.

Purchased one a month or so back. A lady friend said to buy 1-2Call (AIS) but that is because what she used no doubt. Got it from MBK. I didn't have to register, although reading some other Thai boards you are meant to. Cost was 300 baht which included 100 baht credit. It was possible to change the default language for the voice prompts to English and recharge at an 7-11.

About a week after I got the card it stopped working for 2 days, apparently all phones with my prefix stopped, not an uncommon thing. Also Thailands mobile phone network is in a bit of a mess at the moment with congestion between carriers, AIS in particular but that may well be because they are the largest.

Anyway head to MBK and have a look around.

Gypsie King
06-11-06, 03:53
I would like to buy a local sim card in BKK, is this possible and which one is best, or are they very much the same.

Do you need to registar the sim card and have to show proof like in Europe.Hi Bold Focker,

It's very easy to buy a prepaid SIM card in BKK, just go to MBK and you will have tens of vendors willing to sell you a SIM card. Because I travel all around the country when in Thailand, I like to go with DTAC as their coverage is better in the backcountry.

Cost was 200Baht for a SIM card (you can even choose the number from the list they display over the counter). You don't need to provide any ID and to refill you can buy refill card at any 7-eleven.

For me, this is a must to be able to have a number that I can provide to the ladies and throw away when leaving the country. Plus, I can call hotels/girls and restaurant whenever I want.

Don't forget to verify that your phone is not locked to a specific provider and that you can use the GSM 900 and 1800Mhz on your cell.

Gypsie King out.

06-18-06, 09:15

Some can blow it in a single night. Others can make it last for half a month. How long can you survive on 1,000 baht? Here are some first-hand accounts of thrift and indulgence.

Story by RANJANA WANGVIPULA 'Bangkok Post' rewriter
Some years ago, a 1,000 baht banknote would have lasted me a long time. During my early days at the Bangkok Post, I was on the city beat. With a rather small salary, I had to scrimp by every possible means. One of my proudest achievements was that 1,000 baht could cover my lunches for two whole months!

How? At a roadside shop near the City Hall building, a full dish cost only 15 baht. The quality was admittedly not that great; after all eating gourmet cuisine was not a priority back then.

But last Saturday, I had a taste of high-class living, or something almost like it. I went to a bar on Khao San Road, the mecca of backpackers. There, we ordered some liquor, two bottles of soda and cola. The highlight of the evening was a demonstration of the "reggaeton dance", a sort of sexy Latin-style swinging set to hip hop and reggae music.

Time flew, and finally, a waiter arrived at our table with the bill.

"It's 1,060 baht," he announced.

In five seconds, I literally saw money _ the same amount that would have been stretched over two months in my previous incarnation _ fly out of my wallet. You may think I'm crazy for blowing it all on a mere three-hour stint at a bar. But for me, every baht was considered excellently spent, for it had brought me las noites longas _ a Portuguese phrase meaning a long and pleasurable night.

Story by ARUSA PISUTHIPAN 'Outlook' reporter

There are campaigns for people to save money blaring everywhere. Don't splurge. Set aside at least one-quarter of your income. Jot down your expenses. But how realistic are these expectations?

On some days, I think the feat is not all that difficult. I just stay at home, eat cups of noodles, watch TV and sleep. The mystery is that certain bills _ for my mobile phone, monthly parking and so on _ still manage to slip into my mailbox.

So I tried the last bit of advice: Keeping track of my money. How long can I keep a thousand baht? (Or you could say: How long will it want to stay with me?) A brief report of a "typical" outing in Bangkok is quite revealing.

The other day, I had a date with a friend. We went to see the film everyone's being talking about _ The Da Vinci Code.

By late morning, I already said goodbye to the first 120 baht I spent on the ticket.

That was only the beginning. Having had our adrenaline pumped rooting for Tom Hanks and Audrey Tautou to solve the riddles in time, my friend and I needed to fill our stomachs. We decided on a Hot-Pot lunch that created another dent of 170 baht each in the wallet.

Then off to cruise around the shopping centre _ that lasted several hours. I successfully resisted many temptations, but was finally overtaken by a chic T-shirt (495 baht). We celebrated the discovery with a nice cup of coffee. There went another hundred baht.

My mother's impromptu call saved the day: She wanted to treat us to dinner at the very same shopping centre, but at a different restaurant. That was a bonus _ I saved on the petrol and dinner bill too!

At the car park, the moment of truth arrived though. The guard standing next to the exit gate handed me a bill: I had to pay him a total of 130 baht for the hours I had my car parked at the shopping complex. A short ride later, I had to pay another 40 baht for the tollway charge as I drove my friend home.

Such a pleasant day it was, until I looked at the calculator. The figure "1,055" stared back at me, so innocently. It was a bit over the limit of what was supposed to be my maximum daily spending. If only there was a nang klang plaeng (open-air cinema) offered to people free of charge as in the old days! Or a river with shoals of fish ready to be caught and served up on my plate. Or a tree where I could park my vehicle gratis. But we city people don't have such "luxuries". I strongly doubt if I will ever be able to save one-tenth, let alone one-quarter of my salary. Any ideas?

Story by SUTTHI JANLEE Cleaning lady and mother of two (as told to Vasana Chinvarakorn)

A thousand baht can last for two, even three weeks. It's a whole lot of money. It took us 10 years to clear our debt with the Tor Kor Sor (state-run Agricultural and Agricultural Cooperatives Bank). Ten years ago we went bankrupt growing cassava. The original amount we owed them was 20,000 baht. But my husband's negligence to pay the interest meant we had to pay a total of 50,000 baht in the end.

Last year my husband won the lottery so I took a day's leave and went back to the bank's branch in Kamphaeng Phet to clear up everything myself. It was a huge relief.

With inflation, the price of vegetables at Khlong Toey market is quite high. But somehow I've found the cheapest place to buy food for my family: The street vendors near our rented flat. I don't know how they can make any profit, but a small bag of curry cost 10 baht, 15 if I ask for a little more meat. For dinner I just buy two to three bags and some rice. My husband loves eating a lot of rice, but scrimps on the side dishes. And my two children, who work elsewhere, don't usually come home until very late at night.

My policy is very simple: Don't buy unnecessary things. I don't go to the cinema or any entertainment venue. I have a haircut once every two to three months. Each of us has our own mobile phone, but I usually buy a refill card worth 200 baht, which lasts me an entire month. Most of the phone calls I receive are from my supervisors who call with some special orders. I buy myself a new dress or a gift only when I earn bonuses. But those are few and far between. After all, I get paid on a daily basis. When I feel sick and have to stay home, my bosses will automatically cut my pay. Nor do they give me any extra for working every day without a break.

Every morning I reach the office by 6:30am and stay there for the next 12 hours, sweeping and waxing the floor, mopping and washing dishes. Sometimes we are so busy we can't stop for lunch. On other days, I can survive on a bottle of soya drink for the morning and then skip lunch.

My most expensive day? It happened last Monday, June 12. I paid 300 baht for a standing ticket to witness the royal barge procession. I finished the day's job by noon, asked my colleagues to cover for me in case some urgent task should arise, had a quick lunch and took a bus to the Tha Chang pier.

From 1:30 to 8pm, when I reached home, I didn't eat anything. Not even a single drop of water. The experience was well worth it. I don't think I would have another chance in this lifetime.

The front rows were reserved for those who paid 3,000, 2,000, 1,500, 1,000 and 800 baht, respectively. At least I think I had a better view than people who paid a hundred baht. I looked back and saw the sea of yellow shirts standing behind me.

I also had one yellow shirt for this special occasion. I couldn't afford the expensive versions. Some of them cost 550 baht! Instead, I bought a cheap yellow shirt _ it was a little over 100 baht _ and I ironed on a washable sticker with the royal insignia on top of it. They were on sale in the market, ranging in price from 50 to 80 baht.

This wristband with the "We Love the King" inscription? My husband bought one each for the two of us.

Story by KRITTIYA WONGTAVAVIMARN 'Outlook' reporter

What a big relief! After a whole month away from home, I managed to return to Bangkok safe and sound and with a 1,000 baht banknote safe and sound inside my wallet.

I recently attended an international workshop for Southeast Asian journalists in Chiang Mai. The beautiful capital of the North was a refreshing change from the hectic, hustle bustle of my everyday life down in Bangkok. But I found the change in atmosphere quite friendly _ both environmentally and financially. When left on my own, I dined at a university canteen or local food shops, and each meal cost about 25 baht. When I wanted to cross to the other side of the town, I just hopped on one of the red songthaews and the return trip back to the dorm only cost me about 15 baht. Last but not least, there was plenty of free "gym space" for jogging or riding a bicycle _ crucial for someone who can't miss a day of a fitness regimen like me. On some days, I spent only 50 baht and still had a full stomach!

Stepping on the tarmac of Don Muang Airport, I felt a rush of warmth and confidence. I was going to turn over a new leaf _ my success in Chiang Mai convinced me that I could become a thrifty, and rich journalist.

Alas! I was doomed from the beginning. By the time I reached home, my taxi's meter registered 300 baht _ and I also had to pay another 50 baht for the airport charge.

At least I consoled myself that I still had 650 baht left _ translatable into 26 meals, or fewer in case I wanted to treat someone to dinner. But then my phone rang. "Long time no see!" screamed my fitness buddy. "Come to the gym right now!"

Before I knew it, the gung-ho exercising streak got the better of me. I didn't even bother to unpack my suitcases. I grabbed my long-orphaned gym bag, ran to the nearest Skytrain station, and another 35 baht was quickly converted into a BTS card for the ride.

Phew! I arrived in time to meet my friend. But before a whole afternoon of marathon body-combat and cycling sessions (and more marathon body-combat and cycling), I needed an adrenaline boost. So we stopped for a cup of espresso frappuccino and it was, uh-oh, another 125 baht. Luckily, I needn't pay anything else at the gym having already footed the advance membership fee of 24,000 baht at the beginning of the year!

It was 8pm, and I was voracious, starved to death. We staggered inside a Japanese restaurant. There we took no time to decide on the best deal available: The all-you-can-eat buffet for 499 baht. "Well, I'll have to owe you nine baht, and you'll have to pay the tax too!" I told my friend. And he kindly gave me a free ride home on top of that.

Thus did a 1,000 baht banknote, unused for a whole month, vanish in one day. I think I definitely need another assignment in Chiang Mai!

The Traveler
06-18-06, 10:02
1. preconditions for visa applications

the short-term visa for up to 90 days is a so called „schengen visa“ and valid for:
austria, france, greece, luxembourg, portugal, finland, denmark, iceland, belgium, germany, italy, the netherlands, spain, sweden and norway

what to submit

passport or travel document with a validity of at least three month.

2 passport photos, 5 x 3 cm (2inch) , white background

completely filled in application form with precise description of travel purpose

proof of sufficient health insurance coverage (not health certificate). coverage required min. 30.000 euro or 1.500.000 baht (see attached pdf for accepted health insurance companies)

formal obligation by inviting person, which can be obtained at the local aliens authority in your homecountry or at your embassy in bkk
or own funds, documents required: bank book, personal bank account summary or similar documents

evidence that the applicant is a genuine visitor and will therefore return to thailand upon expiry of the visa. this evidence depends on each individual case and could be:

- previous visas for schengen states, usa, switzerland, uk, canada or australia
- for self employed applicants: trade/business licence, tax documents i.e.
- for employees: work contract, letter of employment and permission of leave, social security card i.e.
- financially independent persons: proof of banking or real estate

family ties: own marriage certificate or birth certificate of child/children
please note, that for adults, the relation to the parents, brothers and sisters unfortunately do not provide such an evidence

if an applicant intends to visit close family members (parents, brother or sister), it is helpful to proof the relationship through relevant birth certificates

reservation of flight - no ticket - in order to avoid unnecessary costs

supply the originals and one copy of all documents mentioned above (passport: only first page)

in order to get a visa, it is necessary to proof that the applicant has a reason to return to . therefore all additional documents that give evidence shoulc be presented. the officer reserves the right to request further documents as necessary.

2. procedural principles

comprehensive application:

access to the visa-office can only be granted upon presentation of a completely filled and signed application form plus corresponding documentation. incomplete applications will have to be turned down for processing. documents translated into the language of your travel destination will speed up procedures!
personal interview:

particularly first time applicants are required to have an interview at the visa-office, thus requiring the personal appearance of the applicant.

individual decision making:

above enumeration of preconditions is exemplary and does not have a final character. each application will be dealt with individually and decisions will be based on the underlying legal provisions. the embassy reserves the right to require additional documents suitable to sustain the willingness of the applicant to return to his home country, or to suspend the requirement for extensive documentation.
duration of procedure:

two or three working days.

3. fees

the visa fee is the equivalent of 35,00 euro, approx. 1.800 - 1.900 baht, depending of the exchange rate. the fee is to be paid in cash upon acceptance of application. it is not refundable, even if the visa is rejected.

for procedural reasons, the embassy would appreciate payment of the exact amount upon acceptance of application.

children under 18 years old pay only half, husband/spouse of eu-citizens are exempted.

4. problems and solutions

usually there is no problem to get the above mentioned documents but it's often hard to impossible to prove the will of the applicant to return upon expiry of the visa if none of the above mentioned conditions are met.

solution 1

try to find a company which is willing to issue a working contract, which dates back at least two years plus a letter of employment and permission of leave for your girlfriend in exchange for a minor donation. but beware, don't make her a ceo or anything else that doesn't fit into her education and skills.

be prepared, the embassy will definitely ask her about her work and might also want to see if there are deposits in her bank account on pay-days. claim that the salary is payed cash, which isn't uncommon in smaller thai companies.

you could also float a company for approx. 50.000 baht in fees and have your thai associate sign the working contract for your girlfriend. not necessarily a useless investment as you could later use this company to own a house or condo in your own name (if more than 49% of the condo are already owned by farang, transfer is also cheaper).

the embassy simply can't check all the working contracts, but they might call and ask about the duties of your girl, therefore the phone number should lead to someone who is informed about your agreement.

this solution will only work if your girl-friend has a decent education (at least a minimum of 12 years - "mo hok"), is smart and could be accepted as an office worker. the missing social security card might be a problem but smaller private companies often don't pay for social security even though they would have to.

note : this solution should only be your last resort if everything else fails. if the embassy comes to the conclusion that any of the provided papers were faked, you and/or the applicant might end on a black list.

solution 2

don't apply for a schengen tourist visa but for a national visa for the purpose of marriage.
yes marriage, but don't worry, you don't have to marry. :)

this visa also has the great advantage that it can be prolonged and therefore exceed the 3 months given by the schengen tourist visa.

all you have to do is to file for marriage at your local civil registry office. depending on your homecountry, you and your potential future wife need to provide several documents to have your proposal accepted by the office, for example

documents you have to provide

id card and/or passport
registration card (proof of where you actually live)
birth certificate and/or excerpt of family register
in case of former marriages : divorce decree or death certificate of former partner

documents your thai partner has to provide

id card and/or passport
birth certificate ("bai goed")
excerpt of family register ("tabien baan")
certificate of being unmarried issued by the local register (amphoe),not older than 6 months
certificate of being unmarried issued by the central register in bkk to prove that there was no marriage in a different region (changwat), again not older than 6 months
in case of former marriages : marriage certificate or excerpt from the marriage register, excerpt from the divorce register, divorce decree (only for divorces at a court), divorce protocol and approval of this divorce by the administration of justice of your homecountry (only for private divorces by thai law), death certificate of former partner (only in case of death of former partner)

also all the regulations defined in §1448 ff of the thai civil- and commercial code must be met as well, like

your thai partner must be at least 20 years of age.
proof of being unrelated to each other.
proof of being unmarried or being legally divorced.
waiting period of 310 days after legal divorce (potential pregnancy)

you may then request a document which certifies that you intend to marry your thai girlfriend. this document must then be provided to the embassy in bkk, which will then forward it to the public authority responsible for aliens in your homecountry. the aliens department must approve your application and the embassy will follow their decision and finally issue the visa. this whole procedure usually needs about two months but you can speed it up a bit by seeking approval from your local aliens department before applying for a visa at the embassy.

this visa is prolonged if the civil registry office is requesting additional documents from your potential spouse - which is the norm and getting those documents often takes a lot of time as you have to get them from abroad, need to translate them by an accredited translator and must be legalized by your embassy in bkk.

when you finally reach the point of no return, you simply say no or just cancel the marriage. your girlfriend will then have to leave the country but by leaving upon expiry of the visa she has proven her will to return to thailand for any future visas.

note: this solution should be preferred. even though it needs a lot of efforts and much more time, it's more or less fool-proof and not illegal. no faked documents, no need to lie.

Kim Chee Kane
06-19-06, 10:33

Okay, this might sound pretty stupid or lame but I hope someone can assist me on this one. My friend received my package that I shipped and she informed me that she had to pay a fee for receiving mail? What is up with that?

I never knew that there was such a thing as fees for receiving your own mail in Thailand. I tried to search the web for any information but no luck. So, I hope one of you guys can msg me or reply back and let me know what's up with that.


06-19-06, 17:53

Okay, this might sound pretty stupid or lame but I hope someone can assist me on this one. My friend received my package that I shipped and she informed me that she had to pay a fee for receiving mail? What is up with that?

I never knew that there was such a thing as fees for receiving your own mail in Thailand. I tried to search the web for any information but no luck. So, I hope one of you guys can msg me or reply back and let me know what's up with that.


I send mail to Thailand regularly and haven't heard of this one before. I think the most likely explanation is that you did not pay enough postage at your end and the costs of delivery have had to be paid by the recipient

The Traveler
06-19-06, 22:49

Okay, this might sound pretty stupid or lame but I hope someone can assist me on this one. My friend received my package that I shipped and she informed me that she had to pay a fee for receiving mail? What is up with that?

I never knew that there was such a thing as fees for receiving your own mail in Thailand. I tried to search the web for any information but no luck. So, I hope one of you guys can msg me or reply back and let me know what's up with that.

Kim Chee Kane,

there is no such thing like a fee for receiving mail !
I have sent and received several packages to Thailand and none of the recipients had to pay such a fee. Only thing I can think of, you haven't paid the full postage but that shouldn't have happened because your post office usually checks it.

El Greco
06-19-06, 23:16

I never knew that there was such a thing as fees for receiving your own mail in Thailand. I tried to search the web for any information but no luck. So, I hope one of you guys can msg me or reply back and let me know what's up with that.


Maybe she has to pay for customs duties. What was in the package?

El Greco

Terry Terrier
06-20-06, 01:59
Import duties certainly have to be paid on parcels into the UK. Looks like it's the same for Thailand. A possible (but not surefire) way around this is to give a nominal value to and suitably vague description of the parcelled goods on the stick-on description. Of course, if the goods disappear in transit you will get fuck-all from any relevant insurance policy.

06-20-06, 02:12
Maybe she has to pay for customs duties. What was in the package?

El GrecoI have had similar experiences in other countries. When you receive mail (packages) in Mexico and other countries you have to pay either: a) import duties or b) brokers fees or c) both. Anyway, you are screwed. This is not the same in countries such as the US where you can import small items, gifts, samples, etc. without paying anything.

Just my 2 cents.

Kim Chee Kane
06-20-06, 07:59
Hey all.

Thanks for all the responses. I actually ordered via victoriassecret.com and had them ship it directly (express international). I was a bit surprised when she informed me about her paying 2000 bht? She had to pay for "vat". Not sure what that means though.

In any case. Thanks for the help.


06-20-06, 12:02
Anybody out there with an Apple laptop that knows it works where I can access WiFi in coffee shop in Bangkok? I have been told that Apple computers work on 64 bit instead of 128 bit or that the wireless protocol is different in Thailand for Macs... True?

I have some work to do and want to get out of the hotel room.



Angus Magee
06-20-06, 16:00
Sorry I can not help with a specific place but I can tell you that Mac's will work on wireless in Thailand. Two years ago when I was there I often found myself a wireless connection. However they were usually not free...

Prehaps try the hotel lobby of a major holtel. They sometimes have an unprotected network available.

06-20-06, 17:28

I don't care if I have to pay for it. I usually go wireless in the US with no problem but here I tried the hotel coffee shop and at a restaurant across the street and both showed an error. The someone told about the 64 vs 128 bit thing so I will research it and maybe I need to download a driver or something...


06-20-06, 18:35
Anybody out there with an Apple laptop that knows it works where I can access WiFi in coffee shop in Bangkok? I have been told that Apple computers work on 64 bit instead of 128 bit or that the wireless protocol is different in Thailand for Macs... True?

I have some work to do and want to get out of the hotel room.



What's with 64 vs 128 -- turn on your wifi and if you have an account, it'll work. If you don't, pay for it and it'll work fine. I've got a 3+ yr iBook and never had a problem in Asia with WiFi. In bkk, worked at soi 4 hotel, and few other places....giotto's lodge for one.

If you really are having problems, suggest you post query on apple.com > support > forum discussions > wifi. You'll get more compete responses.

06-20-06, 19:13
Thanks...I have a power book and never gives me any problems with airport. But you know macs can be a little weird (like women) when you try to hook them up... :D

I will check out apple support site.


06-20-06, 20:00
Thanks...I have a power book and never gives me any problems with airport. But you know macs can be a little weird (like women) when you try to hook them up... :D

I will check out apple support site.


I agree that macs are like women, but my analogy is:

Macs are like TGF (thai women that is), easy and straightforward: just plug and play :)

06-20-06, 20:11
Anybody out there with an Apple laptop that knows it works where I can access WiFi in coffee shop in Bangkok? I have been told that Apple computers work on 64 bit instead of 128 bit or that the wireless protocol is different in Thailand for Macs... True?

I have some work to do and want to get out of the hotel room.


I use a Mac laptop. Forget the BS about 64 bit/128 bit. Thats nothing to do with the WI-FI. In BKK, Starbucks on Sukhumvit is supposed to have it. Also in the Times Square (though I am not sure about it).

If all else fails, there is also Dr. Livingstone. However, I am not sure of the protocol about how to go about it. i.e. if he will entertain anyone sitting at the bar and use the wireless, or if it is just restricted to the hotel guests. Best if you ask him, though.

The Traveler
06-20-06, 21:28
Hey all.

Thanks for all the responses. I actually ordered via victoriassecret.com and had them ship it directly (express international). I was a bit surprised when she informed me about her paying 2000 bht? She had to pay for "vat". Not sure what that means though.

In any case. Thanks for the help.

Kim Chee Kane,

ok, now it's clear. I thought you have sent her some private stuff and packed it by yourself.

VAT means Value Added Tax, so if any goods are imported VAT has to be paid., just like in any other country.

Kim Chee Kane
06-20-06, 23:36
Kim Chee Kane,

ok, now it's clear. I thought you have sent her some private stuff and packed it by yourself.

VAT means Value Added Tax, so if any goods are imported VAT has to be paid., just like in any other country.Hm. Looks like I have to stay away from ordering products from a company. I guess I can purchase items on my own without having to pay the VAT fee? Would that be the best solution?

Be safe.

06-21-06, 04:02
I have some work to do and want to get out of the hotel room.

Check out stickmans site for a list of free wifi locations in bkk. Not sure if can post the web add' on the board so PM if u need it.

06-21-06, 05:34

Yes, the Suk Starbucks has wireless which is 150bt/hour which is not bad considering that the upstairs is quiet and usually empty. Dr. Livingston has already been gracious with an invitation.


Yes, I have seen the Stick's list for wireless.

Trav 1234,

Yeah, plug and play. And, an easy to navigate operation system too... :)

Thanks for the help...


06-23-06, 08:39
When the rain comes everything cools down and no one has to go outside. That is most likely the reason Thais associate the rain with romance and all things romantic.

When the rain comes I open all the windows and the door to my balcony and say, "Darling, it's raining. Romantic Romantic!" One time we were having sex and I asked, "I wonder how many people are watching us from their windows."

She replied, "I don't care. This is a private room and I don't mind to give the show." :)

That is a primary reason why rainy season is an excellent time to visit Thailand, especially when you are armed with this inside information! You can thank me later. ;)

poster . . .

Angus Magee
06-23-06, 14:10

I don't care if I have to pay for it. I usually go wireless in the US with no problem but here I tried the hotel coffee shop and at a restaurant across the street and both showed an error. The someone told about the 64 vs 128 bit thing so I will research it and maybe I need to download a driver or something...


What do you mean by it "showed an error"? If you open your airport connection it should either lock on to any available signal or it will ask for a 'wep password' if it detects a password protected network. Perhaps you need to configure your airport settings in 'preferences'>'network'. This will be done automatically when you click on configure.

Here is an excellent forum for asking specific and detailed questions regarding all things 'mac'


When ever I have a problem I ask there and it is usually solved by the end of the day.

06-23-06, 20:09
Kimm Chee - what he is trying to tell you is that IF it isn't a company shipment (personal) you can get away without putting the valuation declaration and paying the VAT. Companies put exactly what is in the shipment on the declaration (and the value).

Kim Chee Kane
06-23-06, 21:29
Kimm Chee - what he is trying to tell you is that IF it isn't a company shipment (personal) you can get away without putting the valuation declaration and paying the VAT. Companies put exactly what is in the shipment on the declaration (and the value).I see. Thanks for the clarification. Now I have a better understanding. I will try ship it on my own next time. The customs require some paperwork in detail...Do I need to work it a certain way?

Thanks for the help. Greatly appreciated.


06-25-06, 13:14
Anyone wanna meet up for a few beers in bkk? hunt around a few joints for some ass, ill be there from the 29 june, staying the nana plaza area.would love to meet some experienced mongers to show me what i have missed since i was last there 10 years ago? around the 1st july ill be in pattaya.

The Traveler
06-25-06, 16:13
I see. Thanks for the clarification. Now I have a better understanding. I will try ship it on my own next time. The customs require some paperwork in detail...Do I need to work it a certain way?

Thanks for the help. Greatly appreciated.

Kim Chee Kane,

if you make a private shipping you also have to declare what you are shipping. Customs wants to know, but they don't assume that it is brand new and therefore VAT might not be charged.

I wonder why the need to declare the contents for customs depends HOW you send the goods. Where I live you may either send it as a "parcel" or as a "letter" with the exact same measures and weight allowances. Letter is absolute the wrong word for it, because it may be a box, but that's what they call it.

A parcel must declare the contents, a letter must not. Customs logic ! :)

06-25-06, 16:24
Kim Chee Kane,

if you make a private shipping you also have to declare what you are shipping. Customs wants to know, but they don't assume that it is brand new and therefore VAT might not be charged.

I wonder why the need to declare the contents for customs depends HOW you send the goods. Where I live you may either send it as a "parcel" or as a "letter" with the exact same measures and weight allowances. Letter is absolute the wrong word for it, because it may be a box, but that's what they call it.

A parcel must declare the contents, a letter must not. Customs logic ! :)
I do not know about other countries, but all items sent abroad from the US via Fedex or other couriers must have the contents declared, even though it may be just a letter. For parcels a commercial invoice is also needed, declaring contents and value.

You can go to Fedex website and look under international shipments and it will tell you about all the documentations needed.

The Traveler
06-25-06, 19:40

in Germany it's different, for parcels you need to declare contents and value, but not for letters. Even if those "letters" are boxes. Strange but true.

I had sent a parcel to my GF which got lost, probably because someone in LOS liked the declared contents. So I sent another parcel but this time as a letter (actually a box again) as certified mail. This time it reached it's destination.

Anyway, you made the constraint that all items send by couriers need to be declared. Is that also the case if you send it by the state postal service ?

06-25-06, 20:06
Anyway, you made the constraint that all items send by couriers need to be declared. Is that also the case if you send it by the state postal service ?
Yes. However, their tracking system ends when they hand it over to the destination country's postal service so I don't use them if it is a valuable item, monetarily or otherwise.

Kim Chee Kane
06-25-06, 20:31
Hey all,

Thanks for all the great help! Very useful.

Now I have been reading the Thai section for quite sometime and realized something. I need to visit Thailand. hehe. I wanna see how crazy the madness is. Of course, I also have to spend time with my friend over there. :P

Be safe.

07-03-06, 05:43
It has been a long time coming but I finally made it to Bangkok to try the spice of the orient. My first experience was an interesting one, possibly not the fuck fest I had plan out to be due to the lack of time and opportunity. (was there for work).

Went to Poseidon - refer to post in Massage Guide and also party hard during the nights at Spasso at Grand Hyatt.

As the night progress, there were many girls there - to the point it is sometimes difficult to discern the pros and the non pros.

As my stay got longer, begin to tell the difference between the working and non working.

At the end of my 3 days sojourn, a pretty petite and model looking working pro decided that I am a good bet :) for the night after spurring many advances from the farangs there. (sorry no pic as she did not want her pic taken)


She stayed the night till lunch the next day where she left with a tummy full of protein :)

Total damage of 4k baht and taxi money. She was very sweet and I will definitely look for her again in GH.

Sorry if the writing is bit boring. Still learning the ropes to convey a good experience in word!


07-03-06, 16:24
Can you bring sextoys with you into Thailand.

I understand it is illegal.

does anyone have information about this?

The Traveler
07-03-06, 20:56
Can you bring sextoys with you into Thailand.
I understand it is illegal.


I always do :)
As far as I know it's not allowed to sell them, but it's not illegal to own them.

Don't worry about Thai customs, I have never been searched and never heard that anyone else was searched for illegal items.

Sukhumvit Sam
07-03-06, 22:42

I always do :)
As far as I know it's not allowed to sell them, but it's not illegal to own them.

Don't worry about Thai customs, I have never been searched and never heard that anyone else was searched for illegal items.

The ban on exportation of "Buddha images" still REALLY has me scratching my head.

At a shop round the corner from Nana Plaza a couple of weeks ago, I nearly bought a 20-baht-or-whatever postcard depicting a golden Buddha.

It did, actually, enter my head that buying the thing and taking it back home with me might technically be illegal.

OK, so it wouldn't, in all actuality, have been a problem.

And yet still, the letter of the law is troubling.

Meanwhile, let's say that I've got some Thai banknotes locked away in my desk drawer back here in South Korea.

Oh dear, oh no . . . That's an image of the king of Thailand which hasn't seen the light of day for weeks on end now!

What kind of bad magic could result?

Thailand really must grow up a bit, in this respect and in others. I won't even apologize for saying this. There ARE in fact worlds of sophistication beyond. Some of us are there already, some of us just striving to get there. Thailand needs to shed a bit of its self-complacency, recognize that it's got some learning to do, and adapt itself accordingly.

I love the "dharma raja" very much, even as a communist, but don't wish to be put in jail for proposing that republicanism might be a step forward.

And so forth . . .

Sukhumvit Sam

07-04-06, 05:05
The purpose of the ban is to eliminate people from taking precious artifacts of buddism out of the country.

I don't think this is an unreasonable law. I'm not sure if they would get upset if they caught you with postcards. I don't think they would mind.

07-04-06, 06:39
They just don't want any type of Buddha statue(s) being sent or taken out of the country. Images like post cards or pictures you take are ok. I learned this from my tailor while shipping stuff back to the US which I didn't want to drag around with me on the second part of my trip to Hong Kong and China.

The ban on exportation of "Buddha images" still REALLY has me scratching my head.Sukhumvit Sam

Tropic Tourist
07-04-06, 08:15
Can you bring sextoys with you into Thailand.

I understand it is illegal.

does anyone have information about this?I'll be in BKK for 1st time in August. I normally go to Costa Rica. I usually take my own toys and girls undies as gifts to the girls. My friend said I might get the undies cheaper there. Seems right. I also thought electronic vibes would be cheaper, since they are made in Asia. Also, there is mention of "toys" at the Eden Club.

Aren't there any sex shops for "toys, lotions, and garments" in BKK? If so, where? Thanks in advance for your help!

07-04-06, 13:12
The purpose of the ban is to eliminate people from taking precious artifacts of buddism out of the country.
And, even if the Thai immigration and airport security didn't catch you, there's a chance that the customs official at your final destination will, i.e. there're a bunch of countries whose products are not allowed into US due to sanctions. And, there is also a range of banned products from any nations. Some due to being pirated copies, some due to being made of animal on a endangered species list, some due to having a possibility of carrying plant diseases, and some due to being components of weap0ns of m@ss destruct1on.
So, just be careful of what you purchase overseas.

I don't think this is an unreasonable law. I'm not sure if they would get upset if they caught you with postcards. I don't think they would mind.
True. The same for paintings and photo books. How else would the words spread around of the great treasures to be seen in Thailand? And, I'm not talking about the ladies. ;)
As they say, picture is worth a thousand...

07-04-06, 13:19
I love the "dharma raja" very much...

Sukhumvit Sam
So, have you walked around this mural and deciphered the scenes?

(It's at Wat Prakaew next to the Grand Palace.)


07-04-06, 14:53

just wanted to browse some sites like darlina or free2peek and found out that they are censored by the thai police - well maybe isg soon too.

from thailand with their nice girls

07-05-06, 21:44
The ban on exportation of "Buddha images" still REALLY has me scratching my head.

Sukhumvit Sam

Actually this so call ban is really on exotic- relic Buddha images. The ones that are sold all over the streets and some gift shops are ok as these are just "tourist gifts"-ex: the plastic ones. I walked into a shop once with all sorts of Buddha statues and the owner told me which ones I could take with me or shipped out to me and which can not. If in doubt, the shops will know so just ask.

La Licker
07-07-06, 08:48
My wife and I will visit Bangkok soon. Any leads on where to pick up candidates to join us? Women only and maybe there is a particular place outside (or well known inside) Na Na or Soi Cowboy?

Evil Penivel
07-07-06, 17:16
My wife and I will visit Bangkok soon. Any leads on where to pick up candidates to join us?

The Eden Club on Soi 7/1 is a safe bet if you want to arrange it with a minimum of hassle and been certain of getting a high level of service. You can have a session with two ladies in-house or you can "take away" one or more ladies for a session in your hotel room. Just walk into Eden and explain to the management what you want.

Aside from Eden, you can find candidates at virtually every go go and beer bar in the city, plus a lot of places not primarily known for P4P. In a "straight" nightclub during my June trip, one of the serving staff offered to take care of both my TG and my myself. Same thing happened to my nephew and his wife in one of the Nana bars (he doesn't remember which one, but I believe it was Angel Witch). One of the girls came off the stage and asked, "you want me? I do both!" and pointed to him and his wife.

So candidtaes will abound just about everywhere you look, the only question will be how good a session you can expect from Flers or bar girls.


Retired Army
07-08-06, 07:15
My wife and I will visit Bangkok soon. Any leads on where to pick up candidates to join us? Women only and maybe there is a particular place outside (or well known inside) Na Na or Soi Cowboy?

What kind of quality are you looking for? There are some girls at the Huntsman Pub who specialize in couples. Better quality than what you will find in the bars. Angel Witch is also a good idea. Just take you wife with you and let your intentions be known up front and everthing will be cool.

07-09-06, 00:21
This may be a generalization but Thai P4P girls love to play with white couples.

You will have no problem at Nana.

I would let your wife pick.

Tropic Tourist
07-09-06, 02:07

Originally Posted by Sfinx
Can you bring sextoys with you into Thailand.

I understand it is illegal.

does anyone have information about this?

I'll be in BKK for 1st time in August. I normally go to Costa Rica. I usually take my own toys and girls undies as gifts to the girls. My friend said I might get the undies cheaper there. Seems right. I also thought electronic vibes would be cheaper, since they are made in Asia. Also, there is mention of "toys" at the Eden Club.

Aren't there any sex shops for "toys, lotions, and garments" in BKK? If so, where? Thanks in advance for your help!

Retired Army
07-09-06, 06:07

Originally Posted by Sfinx
Can you bring sextoys with you into Thailand.

I understand it is illegal.

does anyone have information about this?

I'll be in BKK for 1st time in August. I normally go to Costa Rica. I usually take my own toys and girls undies as gifts to the girls. My friend said I might get the undies cheaper there. Seems right. I also thought electronic vibes would be cheaper, since they are made in Asia. Also, there is mention of "toys" at the Eden Club.

Aren't there any sex shops for "toys, lotions, and garments" in BKK? If so, where? Thanks in advance for your help!

You can buy your standard "undies" very cheaply in BKK. If you want something "special" you should bring your own. Toys are extremely hard to acquire so if you want it, bring it. Eden has some toys, mostly for you. I don't remember seeing any for the girls, but I could be wrong because I wasn't looking.

Retired Army
07-09-06, 06:09
This may be a generalization but Thai P4P girls love to play with white couples.

You will have no problem at Nana.

I would let your wife pick.

It is a generalization and not necessarly correct. Despite what you see around Patpong and Sukhumvit, homo and bisexuality is not accepted by regular Thais.

07-09-06, 13:57
I just read a book about Thailand. Private Dancer is the name. It paints Thailand as a scary place.

Retired Army
07-09-06, 15:45
I just read a book about Thailand. Private Dancer is the name. It paints Thailand as a scary place.

It is, stay home!

07-09-06, 16:06
It is, stay home!

Yep. Too many bestards.

07-09-06, 18:10
BW - only if you let the little head do the thinking

<He's been and he's no dummy>

<batsman out>

07-09-06, 18:16
I just read a book about Thailand. Private Dancer is the name. It paints Thailand as a scary place.

Scary in what sense? If you are scared of getting more bonks in one week in Thailand than you will in your entire life at home and perhaps wearing out that heart and didi then you should indeed stay at home. Otherwise, forget what all those books and Christian advocates say and get over there and see for yourself. In case you havent noticed, we mongers on this forum are big supporters of LOS.
We are only scared of not having enough time to do it all while we are over there.


Eric Thai Addict
07-09-06, 22:46
I just read a book about Thailand. Private Dancer is the name. It paints Thailand as a scary place.Private Dancer is nice to read, but it also give you the guidance what you must avoid: fall in love. Whatever bargirls tell you, never believe half a word of it! Keep it just as a business transaction or be lucky, search on chat rooms and find a decent university girl as I did and you don't have all that BG trouble.

Retired Army
07-10-06, 05:54
I just received this from a good friend of mine who is in a position to know...

...Just spoke with a friend who is very well tuned into the governmental scene here in Thailand. His belief (and that of other prominent folks) is that the current govt. will try to do a takeover ..... probably soon, and most surely by the end of the year. The reason is that the current govt. has stolen so much that they HAVE to stay in power or suffer serious consequences. So they will effect a takeover.

According to the friend several political analysts have predicted a Khmer Rouge type govt. here by the end of the year. I asked what effect it would have on foreigners and he said it would not be a healthy environment to be living in. In addition he told me that an acquaintance in the police dept asked "which side he was on"? He responded "The kings"!

Now isn't that just great.

He said that one of the precursors to watch for is whether or not the planned election coming up in the near future actually takes place. He doesn't think it will. Or if it does it will likely be stolen.

p.s. The situation in the south is likely to "go south" soon as well. Many Thais trained in indonesia, will be arriving back in Thailand soon. If you have to ask what they've been trained in / for, delete the message and go to the disney channel. I hope my friend is wrong, but he seldom is.

... and further more.

Let me add: The thinking is that opposition candidates will be assassinated, which will start a back and forth tit for tat. This will end in a civil war. (God let him be wrong)

07-10-06, 06:04
I just received this from a good friend of mine who is in a position to know...

...Just spoke with a friend who is very well tuned into the governmental scene here in Thailand. His belief (and that of other prominent folks) is that the current govt. will try to do a takeover ..... probably soon, and most surely by the end of the year. The reason is that the current govt. has stolen so much that they HAVE to stay in power or suffer serious consequences. So they will effect a takeover.

According to the friend several political analysts have predicted a Khmer Rouge type govt. here by the end of the year. I asked what effect it would have on foreigners and he said it would not be a healthy environment to be living in. In addition he told me that an acquaintance in the police dept asked "which side he was on"? He responded "The kings"!

Now isn't that just great.

He said that one of the precursors to watch for is whether or not the planned election coming up in the near future actually takes place. He doesn't think it will. Or if it does it will likely be stolen.

p.s. The situation in the south is likely to "go south" soon as well. Many Thais trained in indonesia, will be arriving back in Thailand soon. If you have to ask what they've been trained in / for, delete the message and go to the disney channel. I hope my friend is wrong, but he seldom is.

... and further more.

Let me add: The thinking is that opposition candidates will be assassinated, which will start a back and forth tit for tat. This will end in a civil war. (God let him be wrong)

Hate to disagree, what you have to look at is the Kings health. If the king dies then there is a good chance a take over could happen. The King is all powerful in LOS and all will follow his orders.

Second the Thai People are way to smart, no way a Khmer Rouge type of government will ever take over.

Shamas O'D

07-10-06, 14:59
R Army,

C'mon, your friend is presenting you with something that's not only too bleak but againts the best interest of those who want to stay in power. Of course the govt. is stealing money but to create a state that is too extreme would not work in Thailand for many reasons but mostly there would be too much economic and political pressure from the outside to not create a totalitarian state.

You need to know that Thailand is doing well now and it has a great economic future provided the govt. keeps an open mind to outside investment and being close to getting a trade deal with the US would benefit Thailand in a big way that going extreme would not be a smart move.

Also, as somone already said it in here, the King would not allow a government going to an extreme power. And don't forget Thai people, although they follow tradition, they are quiet progressive and savy politically and socially...

A more realistic picture would be that the PM would do what he can to stay in power to continue to make tons of $$ but keep the power in check as it would benefit him and his buddies a lot more than just taking complete control of everything. What he needs to learn to do is to be a little more subtle on how to steal money and benefit from his other businesses tied to his power reach...


Retired Army
07-11-06, 06:17
I am just passing this along for general discussion. I didn't say I agreed or disagreed. Anything is possible in the LOS. The one thing I will agree on is that the King is the "wild card."

07-11-06, 07:01
I don't see the danger coming from the actual government. Th.s support in the upper Thai society is not strong any more, he pissed too many rich families off.

The real danger is upcoming when the actual k.i*n.g is not on the thrown any more. Unfortunately he had an accident a few days ago, and seriously suffers from a fracture of his pelvis right now. In case of negative developments - everybody knows that his sucessor on the thrown is well connected in the army, and has some different ideas about democracy than his father.

Then the hour of truth for the Thai democracy might come.


Old Thai Hand
07-11-06, 14:33
I think both Giotto and Juice have good points here. The one thing to remember is that the son is not the father in any way shape of form. Giotto is right about his connections and his politics. He also doesn't like Farang at all. Many think he won't take over because he is not liked by the people. But, with the military and his mother behind him, not to mention the birth last year of his son and successor, there's no doubt that he will be the next man at the top.

As for Thaksin...Although he's more or less back in charge, he is on very shakey ground. He doesn't quite enjoy the support of the army that some think he does. There are some very influential commanders in the military who are against him. Giotto is also correct that the Thai establishment are against him and they have a lot of money and power to stand in his way.

A Khmer Rouge of any type is impossible here. Thailand isn't post-Vietnam War Cambodia, poor and devastated by Nixon's secret war. This is a prosperous and comparatively developed country that can ill-afford the absolutism and extremism of it's past.

But, remember we're all armchair analysts here and Farang at that. Nobody really knows what will happen, not even the Thais. This country is always full of surprises.

07-11-06, 15:01

You make a good point of two different generations of likes/dislikes and experiences. The son has been to some degree sheltered from the "real" world and his father has always been viewed as an adventurer and progressive that travelled the world and was very interested in the arts (musician, painter, photographer, etc) which expanded his world and life views and experiences. The son can be viewed as a spoiled brat with little real life experience.

However, Thailand being an important player in the Asia market cannot afford politically or economically an extreme government based on biases. The fact that the son does not like Farangs might have little consequence in how the country is run because in the end it's about survival and prosperity not about liking someone. The US does not like many countries (i.e. China) but it has to do business with to survive and prosper.

But, I could be 100% wrong. Thailand has matured over the past 10 years to become a regional player and they have too much to lose from going to an extreme...


Old Thai Hand
07-11-06, 15:05
If one reads through history, Thailand is the only country never occupied during any major war. It is one of the few with bloodless coups, always with the 'sanction/approval' of the royal family.

Thai people have tremendous amount of tolerance, witness the current Thaksin regime. However certain things the people will never tolerate...that includes a 'regime'.

Anyone that thinks any type of Khmer Rouge regime will be established doesn't even qualify as an armchair analyst!


Not exactly.
Between the 16th and 18th century, parts of Thailand were occupied a total of 19 times by the Burmese. Thailand avoided occupation in the 19th century because it ceded large chunks of territory to both the French and British who agreed to to leave the remainder as a buffer zone between French interests in Indo-China and British interests in Burma and Malaysia. During WW II, The Thais lost a short war with the Japanese culminating in a battle in Chumphon on Dec. 8, 1941. Thereafter, Prime Minister, Field-Marshal Phibun under pressure became an ally of the Japanese and even declared war on Britain and the US, although this wasn't taken seriously by either. Out of appreciation, the Japanese returned large parts of occupied territory in Burma and Malaysia that had once been Thailand's. There were over 150,000 Japanese troops stationed in Thailand, most of whom were involved in the construction of the Death Railway. So, Thailand was indeed occupied in war. It was only after the war started to turn against the Japanese, that Phibun was forced from power in 1944.

In the recent past, so-called bloodless coups have later resulted in numerous deaths during popular uprisings such as the one in 1972.

The Thais are VERY tolerant. But, at some point even they snap. When this happens, anything can happen and usually does. Violence is certainly a real possibility when Thais have had enough.

07-11-06, 15:34
Not exactly.
The Thais are VERY tolerant. But, at some point even they snap. When this happens, anything can happen and usually does. Violence is certainly a real possibility when Thais have had enough.

So much for my armchair analysis :)

07-11-06, 19:10
It is, stay home!Nah I will probably buy a condo or a home in Pattya and put the property in my good friends name, not a bar girl she is a university grad who works at the airport. This book just points out some things that I noticed myself about Thailand and its natives. On that note Thailand is no scarier then I would say the Westside of Chicago the murder capital of the US and my childhood home. Take care R.A.

07-11-06, 19:13
BW - only if you let the little head do the thinking

<He's been and he's no dummy>

<batsman out>I just left had no problems at all besides Thai taxi driver/friend begging for money and poor performances of girls in bed. Take care

07-11-06, 19:26
Scary in what sense? If you are scared of getting more bonks in one week in Thailand than you will in your entire life at home and perhaps wearing out that heart and didi then you should indeed stay at home. Otherwise, forget what all those books and Christian advocates say and get over there and see for yourself. In case you havent noticed, we mongers on this forum are big supporters of LOS.

We are only scared of not having enough time to do it all while we are over there.

PTI did not find Bangkok too much to my liking. But one night in Pattaya was all it took and I am already looking for property to buy. As I stated earlier this book did make some good points and offered some good advice but it wont change my mind about the LOS. I will though handle the people a lot different because this book pointed out some of their behavior I couldn’t quite understand. Thanks take care.

07-11-06, 19:29
Private Dancer is nice to read, but it also give you the guidance what you must avoid: fall in love. Whatever bargirls tell you, never believe half a word of it! Keep it just as a business transaction or be lucky, search on chat rooms and find a decent university girl as I did and you don't have all that BG trouble.Guidance?

Its my new LOS Mongering bible. Thanks take care.

The Traveler
07-11-06, 23:15
Nah I will probably buy a condo or a home in Pattya and put the property in my good friends name, not a bar girl she is a university grad who works at the airport..
Boy Wonder,

why not buy that condo in your own name or a house on a company's name ?
Don't forget, people may change and even your "good friend" might turn into a not so good friend one day. Just be careful !

Retired Army
07-12-06, 06:59
R Army,

C'mon, your friend is presenting you with something that's not only too bleak but againts the best interest of those who want to stay in power. Of course the govt. is stealing money but to create a state that is too extreme would not work in Thailand for many reasons but mostly there would be too much economic and political pressure from the outside to not create a totalitarian state.

You need to know that Thailand is doing well now and it has a great economic future provided the govt. keeps an open mind to outside investment and being close to getting a trade deal with the US would benefit Thailand in a big way that going extreme would not be a smart move.

Also, as somone already said it in here, the King would not allow a government going to an extreme power. And don't forget Thai people, although they follow tradition, they are quiet progressive and savy politically and socially...

A more realistic picture would be that the PM would do what he can to stay in power to continue to make tons of $$ but keep the power in check as it would benefit him and his buddies a lot more than just taking complete control of everything. What he needs to learn to do is to be a little more subtle on how to steal money and benefit from his other businesses tied to his power reach...


The source of this information is actually the Thai Foreign Mininstry, by way of one of our Western embassies.

07-12-06, 16:29
Boy Wonder,

why not buy that condo in your own name or a house on a company's name ?
Don't forget, people may change and even your "good friend" might turn into a not so good friend one day. Just be careful !

Will keep that in mine.

07-12-06, 22:12
I did not find Bangkok too much to my liking. But one night in Pattaya was all it took and I am already looking for property to buy. As I stated earlier this book did make some good points and offered some good advice but it wont change my mind about the LOS. I will though handle the people a lot different because this book pointed out some of their behavior I couldn’t quite understand. Thanks take care.

Now thats the spirit I wanted to hear from you.
Its just funny as I found the opposite to be true for alot of people out there. They tend to like BKK as it has alot more to offer (more big city feel) and like Patts less as its described as more "sleezy". I happen to like both for the differences, and they are both close enough (2 hrs by taxi/bus) that it dont really matter which is better.

BTW: not sure if actually buying a place in Patts is such a great idea as its cheap enough to just rent (long term) when you are there. Not sure of all the regulations of foreigners owning property in LOS.


07-13-06, 11:44
Retired Army,

Look at the article from the Nation below where the PM is trying to make a case for democracy in Thailand with foreigner governments despite the fact he is losing support and dspite the fact he is the one putting democracy at risk..



Fred Gold
07-13-06, 23:46
I found some interesting material at this site. Has anyone had experience about meeting a "guide" on the friends list? Planning on making another visit soon, I hope!!! Some of the girls there are hot.
Thx Fred

07-14-06, 02:44
Chuwit avoids conviction

Lawyer gets 8 months' jail but alleged leaders of controversial raid 'unsighted'

Former Chat Thai MP Chuwit Kamolvisit and associates were yesterday acquitted of charges relating to the demolition of Sukhumvit Square bars and shops in early 2003, following a lengthy trial at the Southern Bangkok Criminal Court.

However, a lawyer working for the company that carried out the demolition, Nickel Company, was sentenced to eight months in jail for his involvement in the demolition.

A lawsuit filed by 103 plaintiffs had demanded Bt103 million in compensation and maximum penalties for the accused.

At about 4am on January 26, 2003, Chuwit and his accomplices bulldozed 60 beer bars and shops on the 10-rai square and then cordoned off the area, barring business owners from returning to see what was left, the plaintiffs said.

The defendants faced charges of damaging property, intrusion and illegal detention.

The charges against Chuwit, Lt-Colonel Himalai Phewphan of the Supreme Command, Army Major Thanyathep Thamathorn and 126 others were dismissed on the grounds of insufficient evidence, the court said.

The area was demolished at night so it was impossible to identify who did it, the court said.

Chuwit was merely a property owner who had sublet his property to others, while there was no evidence against Himalai, Thanyathep and the security guards in charge of the area, the court said.

However, the court found enough evidence to convict lawyer Chanvej Malaibucha, who worked for the company that carried out the demolition. He was sentenced to one year in jail, but the sentence was reduced to eight months because he provided useful testimony.

After the ruling, Chuwit said he respected the court's decision and would not file more lawsuits against the police or anyone else because he wanted the case to end.

The ruling confirmed that he had nothing to do with the demolition, he said.

Police spent more than two months gathering evidence leading to the suspects' arrests. The lawsuit was filed on March 13, 2003. All suspects denied the charges and the court took more than three years to consider the case, which included the questioning of 300 witnesses from the plaintiffs' side and nearly 100 defence witnesses.

Only one journalist was allowed to attend yesterday's court session in which the verdict was read.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/2006/07/14/national/national_30008667.php

07-14-06, 14:45
I did not find Bangkok too much to my liking. But one night in Pattaya was all it took and I am already looking for property to buy. .....Hey, just like with pussy: it's cheaper and safer to rent rather than buy.

Forget the ferang attitude about real estate. It does NOT appreciate in TH (actually often de-preciates) and is very hard to sell when you need to. My Thai ex has 5 properties in BKK and up-country she cannot get rid off since 1998 and actuallypays ppl to to live in as house sitters!

I'm staying in a serviced studio apartment in a nice quiet, little "mansion" on Phuket, with pool, DSL internet in room, A/C, kitchen ect for 10000 THB/mo (US$270) and my Thai friends tell me I pay too much.

PM me you're interested in info about mongering/wellness tours around Europe or Phuket or general consulting about TH.

Retired Army
07-14-06, 16:00
Retired Army,

Look at the article from the Nation below where the PM is trying to make a case for democracy in Thailand with foreigner governments despite the fact he is losing support and dspite the fact he is the one putting democracy at risk..



Thanks for the article. Just like everything else in Thailand: what does it really mean?

07-14-06, 22:34
R Army,

I cannot tell you what it means but it is what it is. It could be a smoke screen by the PM to do something else. Rember that deception is a tool to gain power in government (and business and relationships, etc). We have plenty of deception in the US. Nothing to do with conspiracies but what else can the embattled PM do? Anyway, I think the doomed scenerio will not happen but maybe a coup by the military could be in the horizon if they don't get their power struggle together. The military is probably waiting for the 2 parties to figure it out before they either consider it or take action. If it does happen I believe it would be temporary.


07-15-06, 02:18
Thanks for the article. Just like everything else in Thailand: what does it really mean?

Some place in Texas a village is missing it's idiot. Last seen at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington DC.

Shamas O'D

07-18-06, 17:08
Here is a reason why Thailand should get their shit together with their politics before is too late...


And, here is another reason. Loosing investments opprotunities is a huge mistake for a developing country and if the PM does not give a shit about it then someone should...



Dutch Boy
07-20-06, 14:10
can anyone tell me what this place is like... is it bargirl terratory like issaan or a better area??..

07-21-06, 02:56
can anyone tell me what this place is like... is it bargirl terratory like issaan or a better area??..
What do you mean by "is it bargirl terratory like issaan" ??

Retired Army
07-21-06, 06:33
can anyone tell me what this place is like... is it bargirl terratory like issaan or a better area??..

Why do you assume Issan is bargirl territory? Just because the majority of bar girls come from Issan doesn't make it a bad place. Undeveloped economically, but not a bad place.

07-21-06, 08:02
can anyone tell me what this place is like... is it bargirl terratory like issaan or a better area??..
Or are you trying to decide if your new tilac is a good girl because she comes from Surrathani and not Isaan ??

The Traveler
07-21-06, 21:46
can anyone tell me what this place is like... is it bargirl terratory like issaan or a better area??..
Dutch Boy,

Surathani is just another town in the South, neither better nor worse than any other town in LOS.

You can't judge anybody by his/her birthplace or where he/she used to live.
If you have any prejudices about bargirls or P4P in general you should rather ask yourself under which circumstances you have met the person in question and if she has a regular job, how she behaves and so on.

Dutch Boy
07-23-06, 02:24
yeap... you guys are right, sorry for my ermm... somewhat misplaced post there!!.. :-))

Fox Two
07-23-06, 09:15
Well, it has been several days since I have arrived in Bangkok and I suppose its time to start sharing some of my experiences in the hunt for inexpensive horizontal refreshment, if only to stop Giotto from nagging me about it. Since you guys have all been there and done that, I’ll just post things that are different, if only from a newcomer's point of view.

Day 1

Sorry, nothing really juicy here, but it was my first night in town and when you experience things like this by yourself, it tends to change you.

I had a delay in Tokyo and arrived in Bangkok around 3AM Tuesday morning. After checking in at Giotto’s, I took a quick shower and went for a walk. I like taking walks around new places I stay at to get a feel for the area and mark places of interest like Internet Cafes, Money exchanges etc. I eventually made my way to Soi Cowboy and found that it was pretty much closed for the evening. A cabbie saw me and waved. I went over and we chatted a bit. He asked me if I was looking for a girl, and if so he knew where to find one at this late hour. No charge to look and I was free to leave if I didn’t like any of the girls. Against my better judgment, I agreed and off we went. While in the cab, I chatted with him and he mentioned a few places he knew. Alarms really went off in my head when I heard the name “Cupidity”. I believe someone posted earlier this place gives kickbacks to the cabbies.

Anyway, we wound up at this place I think was called the “Stardust”. The cabbie said he wanted to check to see if any girls were still there, asked me to stay in the car and went inside. Yeah right, I thought. More likely he wanted to go inside to make sure he got his finder’s fee. The place was dark, rather shady looking and it was a bit intimidating when about 4-5 guys came out of the bar and approached the cab. I’ve been in fights in my younger years in the military and prepared myself to get rolled. I had no illusions of winning, but I was going to make damn sure someone was going to bleed before I went down. As it turned out, they checked me out, thought things were okay and brought out two girls. Neither girl was particularly attractive to me but I asked how much for the taller and skinnier of the two was. The guy in charge initially wanted 3000, I countered with 2000, and that got him down to 2700, which included barfine and the LT itself. Not much of a LT since it was already 4AM and told him so. We haggled some more, but I wasn’t really interested and more than a little on edge with 4 other guys standing around watching me. Eventually I just asked the cabbie to drive me back. As we left, one of the guys tried to get me to tip him for parking in the spot. I refused and asked him what he was talking about. I eyed the cabbie and the cabbie said something to this clown then waved him off. I asked the cabbie to drive me back to the hotel. At this point, I just wanted to get some rest and lay off hunting until I got some better advice from Giotto and other local fellow mongers.

More interesting encounters to follow…

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread.

07-24-06, 04:12
....A cabbie saw me and waved. I went over and we chatted a bit. He asked me if I was looking for a girl, and if so he knew where to find one at this late hour. No charge to look and I was free to leave if I didn’t like any of the girls. Against my better judgment, I agreed and off we went.....
Whilst not advisable to take this kind of trip, its far from dangerous, and the worst case is paying well over the odds for some P4P, personally, i think the fact you've done it has wised you up even more, and i think you played all of the situations that followed perfectly.
Although at 4am, i would suggest walking the sukhumvit, on the odd numbered side, between soi 19 (Robinsons) and soi 3, be careful of katoey pickpockets between soi Asoke and Soi 19, under the BTS. Plenty of fun to be had with FL's and bBG's who have finished shift, also plenty of drink & food stalls, and even Subway sandwich on the corner of soi 7/1.

07-24-06, 05:36
can anyone tell me what this place is like... is it bargirl terratory like issaan or a better area??..Surathani is not a bad place at all. Good staging area on the Southern Railroad for trips to Ko Samui and Ko Phuket. Take the sleeper train from BKK at 17oo and you'll be in either destination by next day by noon, well rested and ready to kit the beaches. Much cheeper and more hassle free than flying and more comfortable than bussing in. (RR line runs all the way to Singapore).

Many flirting opportunities with 'good' girls on the train. I've even got shagged right in a sleeper berth.

Fox Two
07-24-06, 07:34
Day 2

Woke up, showered again and went downstairs for breakfast. I met Giotto and his day staff. Everyone was friendly and we hit it off well. I spoke with Giotto for a bit and he was gracious enough to offer to show me around a few of the local bars on Soi 33 later in the evening. I spent the day walking around and making travel arrangements to Vietnam (the next leg of my vacation). Later I came back for some dinner and got ready for the evening.

The name of the first bar eludes me ("The Office" I think?), but it’s within walking distance accross from the hotel. Being new to Bangkok, Giotto was nice enough to give me a rundown of what to expect, how to flag down a girl (basically just make eye contact and wave), and described some of the local lore. None of the girls at the first bar really stood out and after a drink, we moved on.

The next club was Monet, which was pretty much around the corner and a few buildings down. It was a smaller place and the music was a little louder. Giotto spotted some acquaintances and made small talk with them while I chatted with a girl named “Mon”. Mon was a short, cute girl with a friendly and bubbly attitude. While not a knock out beauty, she did have a certain charm and reminded me of a past girlfriend. We joked around a bit, asked the usual questions. Where are you from? How long are you staying? Etc. She started giving me an impromptu shoulder massage and things started progressing quite nicely. Giotto finished up his conversation and caught my eye. He suggested we try another place or two since he thought that since Mon was not drop dead gorgeous, she would probably still be free if nothing better turned up later. So I made an excuse to Mon, conveniently blamed Giotto for dragging me off and away we went.

Club Renoir was our next stop and this place was a bit classier than the last two. The furnishings were higher quality and the girls were better dressed. Several were quite attractive. Giotto picked up conversation with someone he knew, while I chatted up a girl whose name sounded like, “San”. San was a dark exquisite beauty. She had smooth skin and a toned body with small but firm looking breasts. She was in her mid twenties and definitely not an amateur. I was hooked. Her English was quite good and we played the usual “get to know you” small talk game. San was more reserved and while she didn’t mind leaving the bar with me to hang out, she made it clear that she couldn’t do a ST/LT session. She made some excuse about recently recovering from some surgery. No, not a ladyboy operation. Giotto would agree we were talking to someone 100% female. Anyway, I made it equally clear that a happy ending was what I was looking for in the evening. Regrettably, after a bit more chatting, no accommodation could be found and we bid our farewells and moved on to Giotto’s place for a look around. In retrospect, perhaps San had been more interested in going with Giotto after learning who he was, but whatever her reasons, she certainly knew she was attractive and knew how to play her game.

His place was quiet that evening and while there were several girls about, none of them really sparked my interest. As a side note, I must comment that Giotto’s mamasan is quite an attractive lady, at least in my book. So after a drink, I bid Giotto a good evening and headed back to Monet to see if Mon was still around. She was and we picked up right where we left off. After some small talk, some mutual massage and kissing, we agreed on 2000 for a LT session plus a tip if things went well.

We got back to the hotel and showered up together making sure to pay extra attention to the more sensitive parts. There was lots of DFK and we moved on to the bed for the main event. Oral wasn’t all that great as she tended to use her hands too much to stroke. We did several positions and finished up in doggie. After cleaning up, we curled up together and slept til morning. I didn’t feel like a second round when we woke up, so we showered and I treated her to breakfast before seeing her off.

More to follow…

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for directions for posting a link to a specific report.