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11-12-14, 17:42
OIC says the Blindman.

Thanks with the help on these subtle areas of discussion.

Re: food, photography, beaches, scams, greenhorn, clothing, weather, money.

One thing I left out is the internet / cell phone subject. And I really like first hand knowledge on these things.

In my research, I have gathered that wifi is widespread in BKK and depending on the hotel it can either cost some or may be free for those that are staying at that particular hotel.

So, do you recommend bringing a laptop or a tablet? And if so, do you put that item in the hotel-room safe? Is the safe big enough for that?

I have read that I can just buy a throw away phone at a 7/11 w / SIM card and use it while there, it comes with minutes. I don't know prices on this, but that's probably what I will do.

Now some of you might know and some may not know, but I use Gmail and have a free phone number associated with Gmail that I make calls to and from and text message, would this Gmail feature work in BKK (as far as calling the states via Gmail)? I know you cannot call to foreign countries.

Now I know the questions I have irritate some of you on here, you don't want to answer questions from a newbie, I understand, but some knowledge is just not out there in detail. You guys seem to be on the pulse, so that's why I ask.

On another subject for those that live in Asia- BKK, you as an American, do you find it hard to be around the Asian accent for a long period of time? I don't want to sound mean or rude, but it just seems to me that a person can take it for awhile but it could be irritating after a long period of time (a month). Wouldn't you seek out English speakers at some point?

11-12-14, 18:43
Google voice uses the phone cellular network, it is not voice over IP. I use Vonage extensions or Skype to call back to the USA.

OIC says the Blindman.

Thanks with the help on these subtle areas of discussion.

Re: food, photography, beaches, scams, greenhorn, clothing, weather, money.

One thing I left out is the internet / cell phone subject. And I really like first hand knowledge on these things.

In my research, I have gathered that wifi is widespread in BKK and depending on the hotel it can either cost some or may be free for those that are staying at that particular hotel.

So, do you recommend bringing a laptop or a tablet? And if so, do you put that item in the hotel-room safe? Is the safe big enough for that?

I have read that I can just buy a throw away phone at a 7/11 w / SIM card and use it while there, it comes with minutes. I don't know prices on this, but that's probably what I will do...

11-12-14, 19:45
OIC says the Blindman.

Thanks with the help on these subtle areas of discussion.

Re: food, photography, beaches, scams, greenhorn, clothing, weather, money.It was a pleasure to be able to help. Of course, I do it to increase my good karma, which for sure will assist me with the Thai girls.

One thing I left out is the internet / cell phone subject. And I really like first hand knowledge on these things.

In my research, I have gathered that wifi is widespread in BKK and depending on the hotel it can either cost some or may be free for those that are staying at that particular hotel.

So, do you recommend bringing a laptop or a tablet? And if so, do you put that item in the hotel-room safe? Is the safe big enough for that?I always bring my laptop / tablet and had no problem putting it in the safe. Of course it is not a huge laptop, for size think of a largish "netbook". I could even put my camera in the safe together with the laptop.

I have read that I can just buy a throw away phone at a 7/11 w / SIM card and use it while there, it comes with minutes. I don't know prices on this, but that's probably what I will do.Why do you need a throw-away phone? You don't know anyone in Thailand to call.

Now some of you might know and some may not know, but I use Gmail and have a free phone number associated with Gmail that I make calls to and from and text message, would this Gmail feature work in BKK (as far as calling the states via Gmail)? I know you cannot call to foreign countries.First time I heard of this, but I guess it will not work in Thailand.

Now I know the questions I have irritate some of you on here, you don't want to answer questions from a newbie, I understand, but some knowledge is just not out there in detail. You guys seem to be on the pulse, so that's why I ask.

On another subject for those that live in Asia- BKK, you as an American, do you find it hard to be around the Asian accent for a long period of time? I don't want to sound mean or rude, but it just seems to me that a person can take it for awhile but it could be irritating after a long period of time (a month). Wouldn't you seek out English speakers at some point?Since you don't speak a word of Thai it will just sound as background noise to you. The people you interact with will speak (some form of) English. Mind you, Thai speak a special form of English, called "Thinglish" which is English words but Thai grammar and tones. Very cute but not always easy to fully and clearly understand. However it never bothered me at all but I am not an American, I'm Belgian and so few people in the world speak my native language that I never expect to hear it spoken by someone abroad. Actually, when I'm abroad in a country which language I speak, after a few days I start to think in that language as well, so I don't miss it.

11-12-14, 19:54
On another subject for those that live in Asia- BKK, you as an American, do you find it hard to be around the Asian accent for a long period of time? I don't want to sound mean or rude, but it just seems to me that a person can take it for awhile but it could be irritating after a long period of time (a month). Wouldn't you seek out English speakers at some point?Actually the opposite seems to happen. You start talking more like the locals. The Thai accent (not language) can be irritating but its never got me running to native English speakers for comfort. We are here to experience the culture so just enjoy it and take everything in stride.

Old New Guy
11-12-14, 23:31
That is a good point, I think they use those exchange rates on that website for cash / note exchanges at their exchange kiosks. But Bangkok Bank also now offer on their ATM to exchange money when you are withdrawing, it asks the question just before giving you the money. Should never accept that, say no, they also show the rate there, it is even worse than what is on that website!?Seems to the same technique as when you're offered to be charged in USD using you credit card (DCC). Before fees, MC or Visa rates aren't bad.

11-14-14, 20:23
In my research, I have gathered that wifi is widespread in BKK and depending on the hotel it can either cost some or may be free for those that are staying at that particular hotel.

So, do you recommend bringing a laptop or a tablet? And if so, do you put that item in the hotel-room safe? Is the safe big enough for that?

I have read that I can just buy a throw away phone at a 7/11 w / SIM card and use it while there, it comes with minutes. I don't know prices on this, but that's probably what I will do.

On another subject for those that live in Asia- BKK, you as an American, do you find it hard to be around the Asian accent for a long period of time? I don't want to sound mean or rude, but it just seems to me that a person can take it for awhile but it could be irritating after a long period of time (a month). Wouldn't you seek out English speakers at some point?Internet is almost always free at the moderately priced hotels. You'll pay through the nose for it at most 5-star places. Go figure. However, the quality and speed vary greatly.

Yes, if you need to do some work bring a notebook or tablet. A tablet or small (11 inch, or so) notebook will fit into the room safes, at least most of them. Larger ones, say 14" or larger, will not fit in most of the in-room safes.

You'll only need a local number if you intend to call locals frequently. An exception is calling the USA for work, or something. Generally the price per minute to call the USA is cheaper on a Thai phone than using your USA-based phone, even with an international calling plan. Contact your carrier for more information. If you only call home occasionally, simply get an international voice / data plan from your carrier and bring your regular phone. My Verizon phone works fine in Thailand, Malaysia (but f*cking expensive), Singapore, Vietnam. I simply use my local phone to communicate with my GF.

I find the Thai language rather melodic. Not as nice as, say, Sinhalese, but much more enjoyable to listen to than Chinese. But, you will definitely get tired of trying to talk to bar girls, unless they already have a semi-decent command of English. The standard battery of "Hi (with proffered hand because ALL falang shake hands when greeting someone). Where you flom? What you name? How many baby? Where you stay in Thailand?" gets really old, really fast. If you can find ones who can carry on a conversation you'll have few problems. You'll just need a bit of patience while learning their different speaking rhythms and sentence structure. (For instance, Thai has no plurals and few, if any, articles).

Paul Kausch
11-14-14, 20:32
Internet is almost always free at the moderately priced hotels. You'll pay through the nose for it at most 5-star places. Go figure. However, the quality and speed vary greatly.Internet is free at the Sofitel Sukhumvit. You can pay for a high (er) speed connection.

11-15-14, 03:20
OIC says the Blindman.

Thanks with the help on these subtle areas of discussion.

Re: food, photography, beaches, scams, greenhorn, clothing, weather, money.

One thing I left out is the internet / cell phone subject. And I really like first hand knowledge on these things.

In my research, I have gathered that wifi is widespread in BKK and depending on the hotel it can either cost some or may be free for those that are staying at that particular hotel.

So, do you recommend bringing a laptop or a tablet? And if so, do you put that item in the hotel-room safe? Is the safe big enough for that?

I have read that I can just buy a throw away phone at a 7/11 w / SIM card and use it while there, it comes with minutes. I don't know prices on this, but that's probably what I will do.

Now some of you might know and some may not know, but I use Gmail and have a free phone number associated with Gmail that I make calls to and from and text message, would this Gmail feature work in BKK (as far as calling the states via Gmail)? I know you cannot call to foreign countries.

Now I know the questions I have irritate some of you on here, you don't want to answer questions from a newbie, I understand, but some knowledge is just not out there in detail. You guys seem to be on the pulse, so that's why I ask.

On another subject for those that live in Asia- BKK, you as an American, do you find it hard to be around the Asian accent for a long period of time? I don't want to sound mean or rude, but it just seems to me that a person can take it for awhile but it could be irritating after a long period of time (a month). Wouldn't you seek out English speakers at some point?You definitely will want a phone for a couple of reasons. First and for most you will need a phone for when you find a hot little pooying (thai woman) and want to see her again. Texting her before you go to her bar can be a great advantage if you want to be the one who barfines her that night, other wise it's just hit and miss.

For freelancers it's a must because if you find a good one then you can get her number and just text her and get direct to your door delivery (taxi fare not included).

I always bring a smart phone unlocked for asia sim cards, but you can also find them very cheap in the malls at the small phone stands. Last time I bought one there it was a samsung s4 copy that I purchased for all of 3000 baht. It had a crappy camera but all the apps worked on it including skype viber etc. You can use the free wifi at 4 bucks coffee or any other place that has free wifi.

I set up skype with friends and family I want to be able to talk with when I'm in thailand and we both go online and talk for free. If not then you can get a skype subscription and pay pennies / min.

Last but not least, minor emergencies. Make sure you carry a card from your hotel to show to the motorbike taxi's, but bare in mind that not all thai motorbike taxi drivers can read. With a phone you can call your hotel and have them direct the motorbike taxi to your hotel.

As for the food, eat it and enjoy it but most importantly, share it with the thai girls. I always buy 5 or 6 extra of the barbeque pork skewers you can find literally everywhere on the streets of bkk. They are deeeeelicious (aloi mak mak in thai) and its well known that the way to a thai girls heart / pussy is through her stomach. Thais love to share food.

I've only been sick once in the 40 years I've been going to thailand, and that was from the food at a western oriented mid class restaurant in bkk and that was easily fixed by a single pill from an all night pharmacy very near to nana plaza.

Anyway enjoy yourself, thailand can be a great place to visit and monger. LAT.

11-15-14, 03:48
Yes, if you need to do some work bring a notebook or tablet. A tablet or small (11 inch, or so) notebook will fit into the room safes, at least most of them. Larger ones, say 14" or larger, will not fit in most of the in-room safes.I have a 14" laptop and it fits in almost all of the in-room safes.

11-15-14, 10:40
I have a 14" laptop and it fits in almost all of the in-room safes.I go with an unlocked smart phone and get a sim card as Line app is even better than a phone number in my opinion. Makes it is easier to hook up with non P4P locals as well.

11-15-14, 14:54
I ll be arriving in BKK this Friday. Its my first trip to Thailand. I read where you have to have 10000 baht on you at customs at the airport. Do they actually make you pull out the money and show them? I plan on splitting my time between BKK and Pattaya for 5 days then flying my GF from the Phils over for a trip to Hua Hin. I really don't want to send her the 10000 baht in advance if I can avoid that. Is it absolutely necessary for her to have the money on arrival? I ll be waiting right out side customs for her.

Mua Tur
11-15-14, 15:28
I ll be arriving in BKK this Friday. Its my first trip to Thailand. I read where you have to have 10000 baht on you at customs at the airport. Do they actually make you pull out the money and show them? I plan on splitting my time between BKK and Pattaya for 5 days then flying my GF from the Phils over for a trip to Hua Hin. I really don't want to send her the 10000 baht in advance if I can avoid that. Is it absolutely necessary for her to have the money on arrival? I ll be waiting right out side customs for her.Yes, for the first timer visitors, like from Philippine, the custom may ask to show the money they have. But be careful, certainly not in baht it is in USD.

11-17-14, 01:18
If you darken the door of McD's, or Subway, I'll personally fly to BKK and cut off your nuts with a rusty knife. Thailand has, by far, the best street food in the world.
Agreed on the food. However any USA fast food chain is a great place to take a dump worldwide.


Old New Guy
11-17-14, 01:45
Yes, for the first timer visitors, like from Philippine, the custom may ask to show the money they have. But be careful, certainly not in baht it is in USD.It may be asked at immigration, not customs. They may give her a bit of hard time. The best is that she makes clear that she is on a vacation, has no intention to work in Thailand.

11-17-14, 03:41
Agreed on the food. However any USA fast food chain is a great place to take a dump worldwide.

Guido88.So when you get the runs from the Thai food you go to a USA fast food chain to take a dump. Sounds good to me, LOL!

11-17-14, 04:16
So when you get the runs from the Thai food you go to a USA fast food chain to take a dump. Sounds good to me, LOL!LOL That's the circle of life. Unfortunately been there done that, 3 days of Norovirus in BKK damn near killed me.


11-17-14, 05:36
LOL That's the circle of life. Unfortunately been there done that, 3 days of Norovirus in BKK damn near killed me.

Guido88.Did you have tests done to determine it was norovirus?

Old New Guy
11-17-14, 10:35
I ll be arriving in BKK this Friday. Its my first trip to Thailand. I read where you have to have 10000 baht on you at customs at the airport. Do they actually make you pull out the money and show them? I plan on splitting my time between BKK and Pattaya for 5 days then flying my GF from the Phils over for a trip to Hua Hin. I really don't want to send her the 10000 baht in advance if I can avoid that. Is it absolutely necessary for her to have the money on arrival? I ll be waiting right out side customs for her.Wanted to add, your GF's problems travelling can begin in the in Philippines. Immigration may prevent her from leaving at the airport, sometime they extort money. You can easily find info on this craziness.

11-17-14, 16:30
I don't do Google voice, so I can't comment on it.

As others have noted, you can use an American cell phone in Thailand, but the roaming charges will be outrageous. I recommend getting on the Bay of E and searching for an "unlocked GSM cell phone. " You'll find hundreds to choose from. If you want to splash out, you can spend big money for the latest iPhone or Samsung Galaxy. Or you can get a cheap flip phone or slider phone. I got a older Motorola with a slide out keyboard to make it easier to text. If I'm in a noisy bar it's easier to text than it is to talk on the phone. Plus of course you don't need to connect in real time. Finally lots of the girls prefer to text instead of chat person-to-person. Once you get to Thailand you can buy a SIM card at the airport. All the major cell carriers have booths just past the customs checkpoint. You can purchase a voice / text plan if you have an older phone. If you're rocking the smartphone you can get a voice / data plan, usually an all-you-can-eat in 30 days deal. Make sure you change enough money into baht to buy your SIM card. (The money changers are on the AIR side of customs.)

I need to be able to work remotely when I'm in Thailand, so I bring a laptop. My machine is too big for most safes, but I've never worried about leaving in my hotel room when I go out. (I should note, however, that I stay in nice hotels. If you're lodging in some backpacker hovel the risk might be greater.) I set up a Skype account before I leave on my trip. If I need to call back to the United States I can use either my cell phone (if I'm out and about) or Skype on the computer (when I'm in my hotel or any other place with wi-fi). You'll need a USB or Bluetooth headset, but those are super cheap.

Note: You can also wait until you begin your holiday to buy your phone, SIM card and headset. In Bangkok make your way to the MBK Center. In Pattaya find the Tukcom Center. Both are multistory shopping places that sell all things electronic. If you can't find it at the MBK or Tukcom you don't need it.

I don't need to take incoming calls from the USA, mostly because of the time difference. It's usually enough that people leave a voice mail for me back in the Land of Fat Angry Feminist Chicks and I return the call at my leisure. If you need to accept incoming calls you can e-mail people your Thai cell number. But they'll pay for an international call and of course that gives away where you are. You can work around this by paying a small fee to Skype for a virtual phone number in any area code you choose. Anybody who wants to reach you can call that number, which is *not* an international call because it's a USA Area code. Skype than connects the call to your Skype app on your laptop (which has voice mail if you don't answer). For an extra charge, Skype will forward the call to your Thai cell phone. So your boss dials (404) xxx-xxxx and through the miracle of modern commo your cell phone rings as you lounge poolside on holiday. (Actually, the time difference makes that unlikely, but you get the idea.)

Finally, if you're on the down low while in Thailand be advised that your e-mail headers will give away your location. This can be cured by using a proxy site. But that's a discussion for another day.


11-17-14, 17:17
I don't do Google voice, so I can't comment on it.

As others have noted, you can use an American cell phone in Thailand, but the roaming charges will be outrageous. I recommend getting on the Bay of E and searching for an "unlocked GSM cell phone. " You'll find hundreds to choose from. If you want to splash out, you can spend big money for the latest iPhone or Samsung Galaxy. Or you can get a cheap flip phone or slider phone. I got a older Motorola with a slide out keyboard to make it easier to text. If I'm in a noisy bar it's easier to text than it is to talk on the phone. Plus of course you don't need to connect in real time. Finally lots of the girls prefer to text instead of chat person-to-person. Once you get to Thailand you can buy a SIM card at the airport. All the major cell carriers have booths just past the customs checkpoint. You can purchase a voice / text plan if you have an older phone. If you're rocking the smartphone you can get a voice / data plan, usually an all-you-can-eat in 30 days deal. Make sure you change enough money into baht to buy your SIM card. (The money changers are on the AIR side of customs.)

........................... that unlikely, but you get the idea.)

Finally, if you're on the down low while in Thailand be advised that your e-mail headers will give away your location. This can be cured by using a proxy site. But that's a discussion for another day.

BunkyWell said. Additionally, if you use the local WiFi network to place your call to the US, you don't get hit with a roaming charge. So when you go to any foreign city, turn off the roaming cell service and enable only WiFi. This was told to me by my Sprint rep, but haven't had a chance to use it. If you have Vonage it works beautifully.

11-17-14, 17:27
I don't do Google voice, so I can't comment on it.

As others have noted, you can use an American cell phone in Thailand, but the roaming charges will be outrageous. I recommend getting on the Bay of E and searching for an "unlocked GSM cell phone. " You'll find hundreds to choose from. If you want to splash out, you can spend big money for the latest iPhone or Samsung Galaxy.

BunkyIf you use T-Mobile or ATT you should be able to get your phone unlocked before you leave the USA. Call your cell phone carrier and have them send you a code to unlock the phone. It's easy. There are also online services that send you the unlock code for a small fee. I have never used them. When you land in LOS just buy a SIM card and you are ready to go. If you a have a smart phone, buy a SIM that includes data for internet access.

I would like to hear more about those email headers. Can I email without giving away my location using my gmail account?

11-17-14, 17:47
I don't do Google voice, so I can't comment on it.

As others have noted, you can use an American cell phone in Thailand, but the roaming charges will be outrageous. I recommend getting on the Bay of E and searching for an "unlocked GSM cell phone. " You'll find hundreds to choose from. If you want to splash out, you can spend big money for the latest iPhone or Samsung Galaxy. Or you can get a cheap flip phone or slider phone. I got a older Motorola with a slide out keyboard to make it easier to text. If I'm in a noisy bar it's easier to text than it is to talk on the phone. Plus of course you don't need to connect in real time. Finally lots of the girls prefer to text instead of chat person-to-person. Once you get to Thailand you can buy a SIM card at the airport. All the major cell carriers have booths just past the customs checkpoint. You can purchase a voice / text plan if you have an older phone. If you're rocking the smartphone you can get a voice / data plan, usually an all-you-can-eat in 30 days deal. Make sure you change enough money into baht to buy your SIM card. (The money changers are on the AIR side of customs.)

I need to be able to work remotely when I'm in Thailand, so I bring a laptop. My machine is too big for most safes, but I've never worried about leaving in my hotel room when I go out. (I should note, however, that I stay in nice hotels. If you're lodging in some backpacker hovel the risk might be greater.) I set up a Skype account before I leave on my trip. If I need to call back to the United States I can use either my cell phone (if I'm out and about) or Skype on the computer (when I'm in my hotel or any other place with wi-fi). You'll need a USB or Bluetooth headset, but those are super cheap.Bunky,

What do you mean e-mail headers? I am not familiar with that.

I myself get the people I need to talk with from home to use Viber. I did this almost a year before I went to Thailand. Viber works excellent in Thailand and none will know you are gone. I used google voice a year ago and it worked great. But this year the google voice was not working perfect. I do not know what happened with this.

Turn off roaming when you get to Thailand and before you pay for your hotel. Ask to see the room and test WiFi in room. Usually it works great.

Paul Kausch
11-17-14, 18:06
As others have noted, you can use an American cell phone in Thailand, but the roaming charges will be outrageous.

BunkyI've heard this from many people on ISG. However, here is my experience: my carrier is AT&T; my phone is not unlocked; my plan is called Nation 450 with roll over; I have no domestic (USA) roaming charges; in Bangkok I pay a flat US $10, which allows me to use my cell phone for voice and text messages while I am there; I have no idea what the limits are; whatever they are I've never exceeded them in a 3 weeks stay.

Java Man
11-18-14, 10:40
I'm a T-mobile subscriber, when traveling I switch my Samsung Galaxy to Wi-Fi calling. No charge for text or voice to US when using this feature. I can receive calls too. Person calling thinks I'm in the US. Most smartphones have this feature, check your call settings. If you don't have it, (iphone doesn't,) go to the app store and get a Wi-Fi calling app.
Skype also has a smartphone app. Caveat: Even though I'm connected to Wi-Fi, sometimes the call and text connection drops. (It depends on the Wi-Fi signal.) But Viber, Whatsapp, and Skype stay connected.

11-18-14, 17:32
I'm a T-mobile subscriber, when traveling I switch my Samsung Galaxy to Wi-Fi calling. No charge for text or voice to US when using this feature. I can receive calls too. Person calling thinks I'm in the US. Most smartphones have this feature, check your call settings. If you don't have it, (iphone doesn't,) go to the app store and get a Wi-Fi calling app.
Skype also has a smartphone app. Caveat: Even though I'm connected to Wi-Fi, sometimes the call and text connection drops. (It depends on the Wi-Fi signal.) But Viber, Whatsapp, and Skype stay connected.Viber can only be used if the person or business you are calling in the USA also has Viber installed. You need a good, strong wi fi signal for it to work reliably. I have a few friends that have Viber but I can't call my work using Viber. I pay B399 for a SIM with free calls / text and 1 GB of 3G speed internet. In most places in BKK and Pattaya, Thai 3G is much faster than USA 3 G. That plan is good for one month. I have found that the airports desks seem to charge more for their SIM cards. The airport 7-11 (one or two levels lower) has better deals on SIM cards.

Java Man
11-18-14, 22:46
I pay B399 for a SIM with free calls / text and 1 GB of 3G speed internet. In most places in BKK and Pattaya, Thai 3G is much faster than USA 3 G.Begs a Question: Which SIM card?

11-19-14, 04:23
Begs a Question: Which SIM card?I had picked up AIS with similar package. 3 G was really good. Did last me 5 days of heavy usage including Google maps wherever I went.

11-19-14, 04:38
I ll be arriving in BKK this Friday. Its my first trip to Thailand. I read where you have to have 10000 baht on you at customs at the airport. Do they actually make you pull out the money and show them? I plan on splitting my time between BKK and Pattaya for 5 days then flying my GF from the Phils over for a trip to Hua Hin. I really don't want to send her the 10000 baht in advance if I can avoid that. Is it absolutely necessary for her to have the money on arrival? I ll be waiting right out side customs for her.I've never been asked to show my money at customs, but then it may be different for a pinay. I know a pinay that just returned from hat yai I'll ask her today and see if it's required. I just sent her a message in face book and I'll let you know as soon as she reply's.
she just replied and said that they didnt ask her to see the money just scanned and stamped her passport .


11-19-14, 11:50
I'm a T-mobile subscriber, when traveling I switch my Samsung Galaxy to Wi-Fi calling. No charge for text or voice to US when using this feature. I can receive calls too. Person calling thinks I'm in the US. Most smartphones have this feature, check your call settings. If you don't have it, (iphone doesn't,) go to the app store and get a Wi-Fi calling app.
Skype also has a smartphone app. Caveat: Even though I'm connected to Wi-Fi, sometimes the call and text connection drops. (It depends on the Wi-Fi signal.) But Viber, Whatsapp, and Skype stay connected.I also use Tmobile and have a galaxy. I have the wi fi switch. Is your phone unlocked? I leave tomorrow.

Mr Enternational
11-19-14, 15:28
I also use Tmobile and have a galaxy. I have the wi fi switch. Is your phone unlocked? I leave tomorrow.Call and switch over to the Simple Choice Plan so you can have free internet.

Java Man
11-20-14, 10:10
I also use Tmobile and have a galaxy. I have the wi fi switch. Is your phone unlocked? I leave tomorrow.Yes, mine is unlocked. I leave Tues.

11-20-14, 21:15
You seriously underestimate the power of the feminists in Western countries. The US military is practically dominated by a board of women (with a significant percentage of lesbians) who do nothing but look for discrimination and "bias" in the military and the generals cower in fear. Much of US domestic policy is now based upon the rantings of neurotic women. VAWA is only one example. The outlawing of any sort of P4 P, with draconian punishment, is one symptom of a society run by militant leftist feminists. Look at the current US shield laws (the woman is protected, the man is not), the war on masculinity, extremely biased divorce laws, etc. , etc.

Oh, and checking for pictures, when entering the USA, is most definitely NOT illegal. There are court rulings upholding this. Don't make ignorant statements such as this before you know the facts. It may, or may not, be legal in Europe, but it is most certainly permitted when entering the USA.I agree with this assessment, women run Hollywood, the media, and now government.

The nanny state, dysfunctional government, political correctness, and the emergence of women in government all started at the same time, around 1990.

Before President Clinton there were almost zero women in presidential administrations and then Clinton put in several in his administration. At the time I thought it was a good idea but 20 years later it was the beginning of a politically correct feminist state, their allie's are the extreme left and gays. They have hijacked the Democratic Party and are happy to twist reality and reform it to their liking.

Just watch American TV and you will see women empowerment every hour, it's built into every TV series or reality show. It's social manipulation at it's most sophisticated and they are ruthless, the bunch, Dems that is.

This is the assessment of a once proud democrat, me. All my grief and loss of freedom comes from democrats. Thankfully (for now) escape is across the border, any border.

11-30-14, 21:08
I have a Samsung Galaxy S-3 with Cricket.

According to Cricket I have CDMA but the phone also has a SIM card. So I am confused as to bringing this phone and getting a SIM card in Thailand for their GSM networks.

I do have the WiFI switch I can use to go to WiFi networks.

I downloaded WeChat (Chinese). Been using that here in the States (not many Thais use this). I downloaded Tango and we'll see how that goes.

My Cricket account lets me do international text messaging for free. But unknown if I can do that when I actually go there and try it.

Looking forward to my trip and many thanks to the many people that have contributed to the reports here that have answered many of the newbie questions that weren't answered in other reports or other websites.

I will be going to BKK and Pattaya, booked most of my hotels stays at an average of about $40 USD a night, I booked GF (guest friendly) hotels and booked a room for 2 at all places to cover my behind just in case.

Locations I will stay at include. Soi Cowboy, Soi 33 and Nana Plaza area of BKK. In Pattaya, not sure about the area names, but near Beach Rd. Still haven't booked all nights yet.

*clothing, you guys gave great advice. And will dress according to my tastes, weather and comfort.

*food- Haven't eaten any Thai food yet, but I will, someone mentioned how to say "not spicy" in Thai, but I already forgot. This will be important!

*prices- a look into this thread gives good indicators of prices, so spend accordingly.

*lingo- I imagine a language barrier, but dollars and sex will overcum this.

12-01-14, 00:44
Food is mai phet not spicy, or for english speakers just say "my pet". If you are in tourist areas I doubt you will find real spicy food. But watch it if you buy it from a food cart.

12-01-14, 03:22
CDMA phones cannot be used on GSM. Last year was different. They could be unlocked. WiFi is OK. Just buy a cheap regular Samsung phone, here, about 900 BT. with SIM card for making phone calls and use the CDMA for WIFI.

12-01-14, 03:30
I'll be hopping around SE Asia for 6 weeks starting in January. I know a few of the local low cost carriers like Cebu Air, and Tiger Air. I was wondering if there is a site similar to Expedia that has pricing from more local low cost carriers. What's your go-to site? If there isn't a site what about some more low cost carriers in SE Asia?

Thanks in advance.

12-01-14, 03:53
I'll be hopping around SE Asia for 6 weeks starting in January. I know a few of the local low cost carriers like Cebu Air, and Tiger Air. I was wondering if there is a site similar to Expedia that has pricing from more local low cost carriers. What's your go-to site? If there isn't a site what about some more low cost carriers in SE Asia?

Thanks in advance.Try Air Asia. No thrill no frill flights. Bring snacks or bring money to buy snacks during flight.

12-01-14, 05:36
I'll be hopping around SE Asia for 6 weeks starting in January. I know a few of the local low cost carriers like Cebu Air, and Tiger Air. I was wondering if there is a site similar to Expedia that has pricing from more local low cost carriers. What's your go-to site? If there isn't a site what about some more low cost carriers in SE Asia?

Thanks in advance.Air Asia serves more destinations in Asia than any other low cost carrier. If you buy in advance fares are very reasonable and sometimes dirt cheap.

12-01-14, 09:00
I know it has been mentioned before, but having some difficulty locating it. Next week will be the King's birthday / Fathers Day in Thailand. Does everything shut down in the city for celebrations? Will it be just Friday, or all weekend? Just trying to plan accordingly.

Thank you

Java Man
12-01-14, 09:00
What's your go-to site? If there isn't a site what about some more low cost carriers in SE Asia? Thanks in advance.Kayak.com lists the low cost SE Asia Carriers. I found airfare between Bangkok and Phnom Penh for $125USD one way on Bangkok Air.

12-01-14, 11:24
I'll be hopping around SE Asia for 6 weeks starting in January. I know a few of the local low cost carriers like Cebu Air, and Tiger Air. I was wondering if there is a site similar to Expedia that has pricing from more local low cost carriers. What's your go-to site? If there isn't a site what about some more low cost carriers in SE Asia?

Thanks in advance.I just generally use the carrier's website, especially if you know where you are flying in and out from as the hubs are different.

From Bangkok: Thai Smile, Nok Air & Bangkok airlines.

From KL: Air Asia, Firefly.

From Singapore: Silk air (probably not the cheapest), Tigerair, Scoot, Jetstar.

There are probably more but I haven't used then. Also, don't overlook the larger, full service airline such as Thai or Singapore. Especially true if you have luggage or want to eat / drink on the plane. I flew to bali with the family a few years ago and Singapore Airlines was the cheapest I found.

12-01-14, 16:37
Phones & Stuff.

I have a Samsung Galaxy S-3 with Cricket.

According to Cricket I have CDMA but the phone also has a SIM card. So I am confused as to bringing this phone and getting a SIM card in Thailand for their GSM networks.

I do have the WiFI switch I can use to go to WiFi networks.

I downloaded WeChat (Chinese). Been using that here in the States (not many Thais use this). I downloaded Tango and we'll see how that goes.

My Cricket account lets me do international text messaging for free. But unknown if I can do that when I actually go there and try it.

Looking forward to my trip and many thanks to the many people that have contributed to the reports here that have answered many of the newbie questions that weren't answered in other reports or other websites.

I will be going to BKK and Pattaya, booked most of my hotels stays at an average of about $40 USD a night, I booked GF (guest friendly) hotels and booked a room for 2 at all places to cover my behind just in case.

Locations I will stay at include. Soi Cowboy, Soi 33 and Nana Plaza area of BKK. In Pattaya, not sure about the area names, but near Beach Rd. Still haven't booked all nights yet.

*clothing, you guys gave great advice. And will dress according to my tastes, weather and comfort.

*food- Haven't eaten any Thai food yet, but I will, someone mentioned how to say "not spicy" in Thai, but I already forgot. This will be important!

*prices- a look into this thread gives good indicators of prices, so spend accordingly.

*lingo- I imagine a language barrier, but dollars and sex will overcum this.I was familar with wechat but not tango, downloaded tango and it allows you to search for nearby phones anywhere you point to on a map no matter where you are, whereas wechat only allows searches near where you are are present.

12-01-14, 18:00
Air Asia serves more destinations in Asia than any other low cost carrier. If you buy in advance fares are very reasonable and sometimes dirt cheap.Than they nickle and dime you to death.

12-01-14, 20:51
Than they nickle and dime you to death.Not really. As long as you don't get over the luggage limits (7 kg carry-on, or however much extra luggage you paid for), you'll be fine, no mandatory extra charges. AirAsia is straightforward, unlike some crappy low-cost airlines that try to [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123) you at each opportunity (for instance, charge $100 if you forget to print your boarding pass).

12-01-14, 20:56
I'll be hopping around SE Asia for 6 weeks starting in January. I know a few of the local low cost carriers like Cebu Air, and Tiger Air. I was wondering if there is a site similar to Expedia that has pricing from more local low cost carriers. What's your go-to site? If there isn't a site what about some more low cost carriers in SE Asia?

Thanks in advance.My go-to site is ITA Matrix, useful to compare various dates and airport combinations.

For low-cost, it's best to check the specific carrier site (e. G. AirAsia). Keep in mind that low-cost airlines sometimes operate from non-major airports (in Bangkok Don Mueang DMK instead of BKK, in PI Angeles / Clark CRK instead of MNL and so on).

In Thailand, check AirAsia, Nok Air and Thai Lion Air.

Uncle Volodya
12-01-14, 21:03
Air Asia serves more destinations in Asia than any other low cost carrier. If you buy in advance fares are very reasonable and sometimes dirt cheap.Air Asia flights are comfy (stewardesses are cute), they are generally on time, and they let you increase your baggage allowance by paying online for very reasonable rates. Nice if you are coming back after doing a lot of shopping.

Buts it's still a low budget operation and there can be surprises. For example, they cancelled the flight I was planning to take to and from Manila-Shanghai about two weeks before the flight. I was able to reschedule my hotel and other flights. But it was still a pain in the ass and I had to pay to change my ticket home on another airline.

Something to be mindful of when dealing with this or and other low budget airlines.

Member #4698
12-01-14, 21:50
Air Asia flights are comfy (stewardesses are cute), they are generally on time, and they let you increase your baggage allowance by paying online for very reasonable rates. Nice if you are coming back after doing a lot of shopping.

Buts it's still a low budget operation and there can be surprises. For example, they cancelled the flight I was planning to take to and from Manila-Shanghai about two weeks before the flight. I was able to reschedule my hotel and other flights. But it was still a pain in the ass and I had to pay to change my ticket home on another airline.
I agree. Air Asia is generally very good and economical airlines. I have flown them many times, but they have also cancelled flights and changed times on me several times recently and it took up to 3 months to receive a Visa card credit for the cancelled or changed flights. Notably they changed the flight time of my Macau to Manila flight to the next day so I cancelled my ticket as a result. They also discontinued their route from AC to Puerto Princessa a week before I was scheduled to fly. I cancelled my trip to Palawan on account of that screw up and went to Subic instead.

Come to think of it all my cancelled or changed times Air Asia flights had one feature in common: a Philippine connection. I have never had a problem with Air Asia in connection with flights to or from any other country in SE Asia. I have flown them from BKK to Phuket, Phnom Penh, Macau, Singapore, KL, and Jakarta without any problems. Look for the low fare rates. Note: Air Asia uses Bangkok - Don Mueang (DMK) as its Thai hub not Suvarnabhumi (BKK) which actually is not bad because it is much less crowded. Pay in advance for your luggage weight and front row seating for a trouble free flight.

I now prefer just about any airlines over Air Asia for flights to and from the PI . Cebu Pacific is good and very cheap, but sometimes their flight times are not worth the savings IMHO. Philippine Airlines have much better flight times for example than Cebu Pacific and they are cheaper than Thai Air to Manila.

12-03-14, 21:01
Seems like everyone in Thailand now knows the poor Burmese guys in Koh Tao didn't do the murders and were fitted up for it. Its very well know who the real culprits were and connected. All the taxi drivers seem to know all about it as an example. The British police know very well as well. Its an incredibly bad joke.

I can't see myself ever going to Koh Tao again unless the corruption gets weeded out.

12-03-14, 22:28
Seems like everyone in Thailand now knows the poor Burmese guys in Koh Tao didn't do the murders and were fitted up for it. Its very well know who the real culprits were and connected. All the taxi drivers seem to know all about it as an example. The British police know very well as well. Its an incredibly bad joke.

I can't see myself ever going to Koh Tao again unless the corruption gets weeded out.Corruption in Thai police force is not limited to Koh Tao. It is everywhere in Thailand. And Burmese are commonly made scapegoats by Thai police.

12-04-14, 02:05
Corruption in Thai police force is not limited to Koh Tao. It is everywhere in Thailand. And Burmese are commonly made scapegoats by Thai police.This situation was expected, after weeks of investigation they came to a dead end and the spot light was on them! It is no surprise t me at least they came up with two scapegoats. At this point it is not about justice it is about them loosing face and they will carry this to the end!

12-04-14, 03:10
I can't see myself ever going to Koh Tao again unless the corruption gets weeded out.http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/general/447000/thailand-improves-in-corruption-index - They seem to have gone up several places on the corruption index, wonder if that is reflected on the ground?

Member #4698
12-11-14, 17:58
Demand for P4P is not as inelastic as you think. It's not healthcare, where you have to pay what is charged or die. Men may well have a strong urge to get laid, but triple the prices, and there will be much fewer tourists going to Pattaya twice a year getting laid 3 times per day, or sexpats geting laid twice a week. Instead, they'll sharply reduce consumption, as they do in western countries.

Prices are only one factor making Thailand a favored P4P destination. Other factors are wide availability, the fun scene, good service and the unique open-ended GFE arrangements. All are going down the drain, and might be mostly gone within a few years. There are places where P4P is cheaper than Thailand, but few people travel there for sex.I agree with you that at some point higher prices will decrease aggregate demand for the girls in LOS and elsewhere, but my point is this has not happened yet. We have all seen prices rising dramatically from the 90's and yet the number of punters going to Thailand has increased annually over the same period seemingly impervious to the increased cost. 2014 saw a decrease in overall punter numbers, but that was due to the political instability, not the price increases and there was no price rollback in 2014 which might have been expected in a less inelastic market. The only benefit I saw from the lower demand in 2014 was a markedly improved attitude in the girls I met, but this is difficult to quantify because of its personal anecdotal nature. Nonetheless, I am happy to report that the girls I encountered seemed very eager to please and thus retain an ongoing relationship with me. This was probably due to the increased competition over lower demand for their services, but prices throughout 2014 remained at all time highs or even continued to rise slightly. This is a clear sign of an inelastic labor market.

For 2015 the expectation is that punter numbers will be much higher than in 2014 and so prices will most likely continue to rise. We shall see what this does to quality of service. I repeat, no one knows when the affect of increased prices will finally have an impact on aggregate demand although at some price point they must. For now anyway, prices for Asian and South American P4 P will continue to rise every year and I believe demand will remain strong. I for one am not going to stay home or go to Africa for cheap pussy. Spending more time with my favorite working girls. Semi monogamy. Is another way to help keep a lid on rising prices. I give my favorite BKK Go Go girl the same amount that I originally gave her in 2010 when we first met. The sex is better than ever and there are no time limits. I will continue to see her and a few of my other favored girls in Pattaya, AC, Subic, and Makati. I will also meet plenty of new girls along the way and continue to have a great time in SE Asia. I love it here.

12-12-14, 09:53
This situation was expected, after weeks of investigation they came to a dead end and the spot light was on them! It is no surprise t me at least they came up with two scapegoats. At this point it is not about justice it is about them loosing face and they will carry this to the end!They did not really come to a dead end. The real culprits were well known. Money and influence overcame justice. The police got paid off to change the evidence.

12-12-14, 14:00
They did not really come to a dead end. The real culprits were well known. Money and influence overcame justice. The police got paid off to change the evidence.These words use by me Dead End in my post originally came from a article I read on Thaivisa reqarding the investigation? They use the word Dead End after they ran out of evidence that lead no where although as you noted it really lead to money and influnence. We really agree as to what was happening the two scrapegoats is basically to focus the light away from the guilty and once they change all the evidence and the Human rights people came on the scene and saw evidence of tampering and pointed back to the BIB, knowing Thailand they were not going to backdown because they would lose face so they continue down the same road even if they look like idiots which is a good description of what they are!

12-12-14, 15:13
My go-to site is ITA Matrix, useful to compare various dates and airport combinations.

For low-cost, it's best to check the specific carrier site (e. G. AirAsia). Keep in mind that low-cost airlines sometimes operate from non-major airports (in Bangkok Don Mueang DMK instead of BKK, in PI Angeles / Clark CRK instead of MNL and so on).

In Thailand, check AirAsia, Nok Air and Thai Lion Air.You're absolutely right about the secondary airports. Much cheaper to fly in and out of DMK than BKK on most local flights. I've never flown in or out of DMK. Is there anything I should know? Seems like it's relatively easy to get to on the map. But as with most things in Asia I expect the unexpected.

Thanks for all the good info guys. I'm wheels up in less than a month! Leave this winter wonderland for those younger than I.

12-14-14, 07:43
Skip this report for guys used to Smartphones and Chat Apps.

Moved from Bangkok Thread:

Yesterday I joined 'Line' (http://line.me/en/), one of many chat & message applications out there. Some time ago I barfined a gorgeous agogo girl and I took some pictures of her. I wanted to send her these pictures so I texted her and asked for her email address. She replied that she hasn't got one (which I doubt, I suppose she just doesn't want to give it to me) and that I could send the pics to her Line ID. I thought 'what the heck is Line?' LOL. Never heard of it, so I googled it.

I agree that most Thai girls are not into email. They do Facebook, LINE, WhatsApp, etc. I prefer to stay away from Facebook but have had to finally join LINE and WhatsApp to make girl communications easy. Sometimes they are not in a good position to actually have verbal conversation (due to things being secret or discreet). With LINE you can connect to girls that do not know your phone number but you know theirs (you would have to say who you are). You can control LINE settings so that it does not display messages without you entering a password etc. Can have multiple LINE accounts, one per phone number with one set up on a mongering phone number. It doesn't tell girls where you are currently located. Secrecy provisions are reasonable. You don't have to give your real name, or put picture of yourself in there. Most girls are typing English in these Apps. I do type in Thai with GF though who has low English. One other girl types Thai to me and I reply in English, just because she is a little more comfortable with Thai. She actually speaks German and Swedish as well as English and Thai, but her written English is a little weak.

I believe using a Smartphone with data plan for x gigabytes per month is essential in any case. To look up things on internet, use certain smart Apps (I use Flashcards App for language study), use a Dropbox or equivalent to transfer important data, photos, etc.

GPS with Google Maps also essential to work out how to get to places efficiently, and how to avoid traffic jams by taking smart less known routes. E. g. Sukhumvit Prakhanong intersection has traffic jams due to roadwork late at night. So I found an alternate route with very low traffic, that takes half the time to get to On Nut area. I direct taxi driver's when necessary.

So any guy not using a smartphone, really is a dinosaur I think. Its just a quantum leap beyond the old phone technology, thanks to Steve Jobs. Get a good sized screen or a tablet and you do your ISG reports easily.

My next smartphone, may well be a dual SIM model, to reduce need to carry 2 phones.

12-14-14, 08:18
With LINE you can connect to girls that do not know your phone number but you know theirs (you would have to say who you are)Can you explain how to do this?

And thanks for your comprehensive reply!

12-14-14, 08:44
Can you explain how to do this?

And thanks for your comprehensive reply!When LINE checks your phone directory numbers, it will know if a girl has an account with that phone number. You just send her a message with LINE. If she does not have your number, she will not know who the message is coming from unless your account profile or message text makes it clear who is sending the message. So your message does not tell her your phone number automatically. That seems to be what happens to me several times. If your profile has your face picture, obviously she might recognise you. I don't use a self pic, just being very cautious. You don't know who your pic will be shown to.

At least with LINE, not everyone is seeing your messages or comments. I don't like Facebook style of seeing other people "private" messages, in some cases very inappropriate ones, or posting rubbish like "your status".

LINE is very handy for me to check with working girls whether they are working, what time they will arrive. Calling the shop, you often get wrong answers, very bad English, misunderstandings, disinterested persons working on the desk, etc. When I can get a message direct from a girl that she is on the way to work now, and will be 30 mins max., that is very useful to me. I don't like going to venues speculatively if possible.

I love the fact that a girl can message me via LINE and have no clue if I am currently in Bangkok or even in Thailand, if I don't say so. This is because I can connect to my LINE account with any SIM, even if original account phone number is not the phone number on my current SIM. My initial LINE account was on an OS phone number. I then started another account with a mongering number on a monger SIM. Not everyone knows this phone number, especially not the GF.

Another thing is LINE does not show if others persons are currently "on line" or not. This is good. A girl will not know if I am on line till I actually read her message and she gets a notification it has been read. So I have to avoid reading a message from her if I am officially "in flight between countries" but actually not in flight.

I get to know when girls are sleeping or on a booking or very busy, as have not read one of my messages for a long duration. Its much more difficult with plain SMS'es that cost for each and every message.

When I make a voice call with LINE, sometimes between countries, I find the sound quality has been better than Skype, even if using 3G phone data internet connect (not wifi). You really want to avoid paying big money for OS phone calls, except for short ones in an emergency. All I need is a reasonable internet service on phones at both ends and both parties having the same App like LINE.

I have a bit less experience with WhatsApp as only joined recently (on request of a particular girl not in Thailand). Many Thai girls have WhatsApp too but I think LINE is the most popular here. Some will have Tango too. I think Telegram is popular OS.

For guys that do not have regular girls like me (changing girls all the time), it may be a bit all unnecessary, however even send messages to buddies in same or others countries, about meeting up or whatever. Its far easier than using ISG PMs.

Member #4698
12-14-14, 15:07
I added WeChat a few months ago and I like it for making free calls and texts to my favorite BKK girl while I am still in the the USA. I look forward to trying the "People Nearby" search mechanism in the Discover section when I get to BKK.

Question: When I arrive in BKK with my unlocked Samsung Galaxy and its American sim card, should I swap out my American sim card for a local Thai sim card? And if I do will my WeChat little Thai friends still be able to automatically contact me through WeChat or will I have to change my WeChat settings (or add a 2nd WeChat account) using my local Thai number? I know I can figure it out when I arrive in LOS, but I am curious. I will also be traveling to Jakarta, Macau, and Manila and I expect I will be using WeChat in those destinations as well.

Additional comments: I also loaded WhatsApp onto my phone and easily connected with my Go Go friend on that format too, but I like the layout of WeChat better. Go figure. I guess I will also add a LINE account too. I like the added benefit of being able to load it and use it on my netbook. Viber would not load on my unlocked 3 year old Samsung Galaxy.

12-14-14, 15:29
Skip this report for guys used to Smartphones and Chat Apps.

My next smartphone, may well be a dual SIM model, to reduce need to carry 2 phones.I agree. The smartphone opens soon may opportunities in all walks of life. I have most of the social apps. A lot of girls use whatsapp, WeChat, Line, and Viber. I have them all, and a few others. It doesn't cost anything but a few minutes learning how to use them. Be careful with Facebook because they are contact working girls.

Aside from contact social type apps there are so many amazing apps that streamline life. Some of my favorites:

1. Waze: A real time traffic app just bought out by google. I use it when driving long distance as it show you where cops, hazards, and speed cameras in real time. When you see a cop you input it and everyone in the area knows it until someone comes along and reports that he's not there. It's also a navi system. I'm guessing it uses google maps software. It's a much better interface than maps.

2. List: a multi user shopping, to do, or any other kind of list. My live in can put milk on out common grocery list. Pops up on my phone and if convenient I can stop and get milk. It organizes everything grocery related in category which saves a grocery store rookie a boatload of time.

3. There are soo many picture editing apps it will make your head spin. My favorite is photoshop. But there are photo apps than can do almost anything. There are also video editing apps.

4. News apps. You can keep up to most major news outlets through your apps.

5. Sports: My favorite is Bleacher Reports where I track my favorite teams. Then each team has their more detailed apps.

6. Travel apps: All major airlines have apps where you can track your reservations and do just about anything you can on a pc. Even book travel. All the major travel sites have apps. I like Kayak, Expedia, and Agoda.

For fun I read yik yak posts, search tumblr for porn. 500 pix for photography. I pay for stuff with apple pay I also keep track of important things like boarding passes on passport on my iPhone.

All my apple devices are linked. Two macbook airs, an iPad, and two iPhones all have the same information. Pictures, calendars, emails, texts, what's on one is on all.

All this and a amazing camera, girls seem less likely to say no to a iPhone picture compared to a 35 MM camera that looks professional or even a p&s. I use the calendar for business, receive my emails from multiple accounts, use the calculator, I can view my security cameras around the house, I can even adjust my thermostat from anywhere in the world.

And then there's Facebook which is nice for keeping track of your friends.

It's a new world. I'm pushing 60 and I love this shit.

I was looking for dual simm phones in Vietnam last year but couldn't find one I felt comfortable with. I'll look again this year. Maybe BKK. Anyone use one?

12-14-14, 15:32
Question: When I arrive in BKK with my unlocked Samsung Galaxy and its American sim card, should I swap out my American sim card for a local Thai sim card? And if I do will my WeChat little Thai friends still be able to automatically contact me through WeChat or will I have to change my WeChat settings (or add a 2nd WeChat account) using my local Thai number? I know I can figure it out when I arrive in LOS, but I am curious. I will also be traveling to Jakarta, Macau, and Manila and I expect I will be using WeChat in those destinations as well.
Your account should have username and password, tel number is optional. Therefore switching sim cards won't screw things up. I actually have two accounts, one for biz, and one for 'personal use' using my T1234 username! When I swap to local postpaid or prepaid, no problems remaining connected.

Another very popular app is Line, widely used also by Asians.

12-15-14, 04:13
This may sound silly for you seasoned mobile internet veterans. Yesterday I installed the Tagged app on my smart Phone. The installation went smoothly and it said "Installed succesfully" or something like that in the end. However I cannot find the damn thing! The icon is nowhere to be found. Help....

I did a Google search but I seem to be the only one with this problem, LOL!

12-15-14, 04:47
I believe this bad trend is due to globalization, for one the girls are finding better paying jobs in the other hand you have millions of middle class man from India and China desperet to find girls as they have killed millions of girls in their own country. Add to that that Korean girls have been westernized and you have thousands of Korean man go to phil.

In Colombia and LA you have thousand of man from Spain, usa, Canada and Italy desperate looking for pussy because we can't get girls in our own countries.

I have been a monger for many years and I'm at end of my life cycle, still will find girls for play, not like before but because I look now for quality more than quantity, but I feel bad for the new generation of mongers, it will be a though world for man. ,.

I agree with you that at some point higher prices will decrease aggregate demand for the girls in LOS and elsewhere, but my point is this has not happened yet. We have all seen prices rising dramatically from the 90's and yet the number of punters going to Thailand has increased annually over the same period seemingly impervious to the increased cost. 2014 saw a decrease in overall punter numbers, but that was due to the political instability, not the price increases and there was no price rollback in 2014 which might have been expected in a less inelastic market. The only benefit I saw from the lower demand in 2014 was a markedly improved attitude in the girls I met, but this is difficult to quantify because of its personal anecdotal nature. Nonetheless, I am happy to report that the girls I encountered seemed very eager to please and thus retain an ongoing relationship with me. This was probably due to the increased competition over lower demand for their services, but prices throughout 2014 remained at all time highs or even continued to rise slightly. This is a clear sign of an inelastic labor market.

For 2015 the expectation is that punter numbers will be much higher than in 2014 and so prices will most likely continue to rise. We shall see what this does to quality of service. I repeat, no one knows when the affect of increased prices will finally have an impact on aggregate demand although at some price point they must. For now anyway, prices for Asian and South American P4 P will continue to rise every year and I believe demand will remain strong. I for one am not going to stay home or go to Africa for cheap pussy. Spending more time with my favorite working girls. Semi monogamy. Is another way to help keep a lid on rising prices. I give my favorite BKK Go Go girl the same amount that I originally gave her in 2010 when we first met. The sex is better than ever and there are no time limits. I will continue to see her and a few of my other favored girls in Pattaya, AC, Subic, and Makati. I will also meet plenty of new girls along the way and continue to have a great time in SE Asia. I love it here.

12-15-14, 07:38
This may sound silly for you seasoned mobile internet veterans. Yesterday I installed the Tagged app on my smart Phone. The installation went smoothly and it said "Installed succesfully" or something like that in the end. However I cannot find the damn thing! The icon is nowhere to be found. Help....

I did a Google search but I seem to be the only one with this problem, LOL!Never mind. I have installed it again and now it's working fine. Must have been some kind of hick up.

12-15-14, 08:09
I can't really speak about Bangkok, what I do know is Pattaya! I think as to what has been said as to the decline in working girls it seems the discussion is generally about Bangkok itself! The decline is not just one thing it is a little of everything for the decline? When people say the standard of living is better, minimun wages, I do not see it outside of Bangkok? As I noted, Bangkok is the only City of its kind in Thailand? What other City possess the International stuff like Business, culture, etc. That being said Bangkok itself can't alone uplift the entire nation population and provide a higher standard job for the entire country?

You take Pattaya itself. The public education system is just a sham with so many public school there is only one International school and unless you have money majority of Thai can't ever afford it, they barely can afford the uniforms each year for the public? The kids are push along and if their grades are not high enough their own public M4-M5-M6, which is like High School would not allow them to attend! That is why you see so many kids riding around in their motorbikes hanging out? English teachers are hired without the necessary qualification just to satisfy the Asean community that they are doing something? No different than each year they plaster Pattaya with wear your helmet campaign posters to satisfy the W. H. O. Who year after year give millions yet Thailand continues to rise to the number #2! It is all smoke and mirrors!

Sure some education is working but not large or fast enough to really make a difference in one area. Many up North once they finish M-3, 15 years of age can't afford or get into a higher school so what do they do? The kids hang out the girls say now what? Is that all there is to life? Maybe I should have a baby a family? So the first deadbeat kid comes along sweet mouth them and they spread their wings, she gets pregnant and we know what happens after that? This process is like a factory line throughout the country outside of Bangkok? Girl leave for the big city Bangkok or Daiseyland Pattaya, send money home to mother, sister who is taking care of kid. Some have no problem what they are doing the other ones turn a blind eye as long as money rolls in! Reality! How does a girl with basic education lie about working in a hotel etc. Send home thousands of baht, buy cars, house etc. Anyone who claims they do not know deserve to be called stupid no matter where they come from period! The basic math just does not add up!

Those of you that have been to Pattay, look around everywhere you go they want young girls working in the front lines. These jobs are at best part-time jobs in the west for teenagers? Places like 7/11, Lotus, Burger King, Big Mac, Pizza Pizza, Top Choeron, Big see, what age are the cashiers and in general working there? Ever see a older women or guy 30-S and up working? Yes sweeping up the floor or cleaning the toilet! Even being a nurse is no cat walk, go to the private hospital Bangkok / Pattaya, all young nurses catering to you hand and foot! Maybe they are there so when you get a woody that is a sign you are ready to go home? Even the nurse get dump and thereafter if they want to continue to work it is Government!

The discrimination is not only charging us double they apply it in the worse way to their own people! Throw them crumbs and they will be happy this is what they do with the rice farmers so they do not close the airport? It has been written and suggested that this is the time to change their entire education system until they do and until the girls hold out for a better deal instead of some dead beat LEO drunk the flow will continue? Maybe not the way it was before? The Internet has driven them underground in Bangkok that is about it!

The prices are up for many reasons and I hope many of you do go elsewhere it is your choice. But like a cheap suit the style will come back when no one knows when and what the cost will be? But that just leave more and drive the price down for us guys who stay here? I can't handle it now? I barely can sleep the smart phone going off every minute Line? Ding Dong Ding Dong! Everywhere I go Ding Dong? I go to 7/11 I hear Ding Dong, legit massage to relax Ding Dong! Ding Dong, no customer can I come over? Ding Dong if it is not one thing it's another Ding Dong!

12-15-14, 10:56
I can't really speak about Bangkok, what I do know is Pattaya! I think as to what has been said as to the decline in working girls it seems the discussion is generally about Bangkok itself! The decline is not just one thing it is a little of everything for the decline? When people say the standard of living is better, minimun wages, I do not see it outside of Bangkok? As I noted, Bangkok is the only City of its kind in Thailand? What other City possess the International stuff like Business, culture, etc. That being said Bangkok itself can't alone uplift the entire nation population and provide a higher standard job for the entire country?

You take Pattaya itself. The public education system is just a sham with so many public school there is only one International school and unless you have money majority of Thai can't ever afford it, they barely can afford the uniforms each year for the public? The kids are push along and if their grades are not high enough their own public M4-M5-M6, which is like High School would not allow them to attend! That is why you see so many kids riding around in their motorbikes hanging out?..What's this Ding Dong?

I also just can't see the Villages being up-lifted much by the boom boom in BKK.

12-15-14, 18:12
What's this Ding Dong?

I also just can't see the Villages being up-lifted much by the boom boom in BKK.If you are signed up on Line. Everytime you get a message your phone goes off! Ding Dong!

12-16-14, 17:20
The prices are up for many reasons and I hope many of you do go elsewhere it is your choice. But like a cheap suit the style will come back when no one knows when and what the cost will be? But that just leave more and drive the price down for us guys who stay here? I can't handle it now? I barely can sleep the smart phone going off every minute Line? Ding Dong Ding Dong! Everywhere I go Ding Dong? I go to 7/11 I hear Ding Dong, legit massage to relax Ding Dong! Ding Dong, no customer can I come over? Ding Dong if it is not one thing it's another Ding Dong!You can just set it to chirp or click or even be silent. LOL.

I enjoyed your write-up though.

Harry Dude
12-16-14, 18:19
You're absolutely right about the secondary airports. Much cheaper to fly in and out of DMK than BKK on most local flights. I've never flown in or out of DMK. Is there anything I should know? Seems like it's relatively easy to get to on the map. But as with most things in Asia I expect the unexpected.
I usually fly Air Asia when I go from Bangkok to Phuket. Flying from DMK is no problem, however Air Asia tend to be fairly strict on the size / weight of your carry-on. Apart from that, nothing unusual. Dining and shopping in DMK is of course limited compared to BKK. There is no rail service to DMK from downtown Bangkok (when I feel cheap I usually do the BKK- Makkasan rail service when I fly into BKK).

Otherwise. As long as you don't expect a modern flashy place, it is a perfectly OK airport, and it is rarely crowded.

[Only 12 more days until I am in Bangkok again...]

12-19-14, 17:07
I usually fly Air Asia when I go from Bangkok to Phuket. Flying from DMK is no problem, however Air Asia tend to be fairly strict on the size / weight of your carry-on. Apart from that, nothing unusual. Dining and shopping in DMK is of course limited compared to BKK. There is no rail service to DMK from downtown Bangkok (when I feel cheap I usually do the BKK- Makkasan rail service when I fly into BKK).

Otherwise. As long as you don't expect a modern flashy place, it is a perfectly OK airport, and it is rarely crowded.

Only 12 more days until I am in Bangkok again...I'm wheels up on the 8th! CAn't wait.

Thanks for the info. Seems that the flights are much less than those to BKK. Yangon to BKK is 83 USD. Yangon to DMK is 49 USD.

12-24-14, 06:42
Flying out of BKK on Thai Inter I noticed the hostess Miss T in Silk class was exquisite. I wasn't looking at her in a sexual way. She could compete with best of Singapore girls. Could not detect if she had a nose job. If so it was too good.

I just want to teach (ha ha) all these regular posters that we have a General thread. All the guff not related to Bangkok and sex in Bangkok, in particular can go here. The Bangkok Thread is totally out of control. Needs strong moderator in MHO, to delete posts off topic by heavy repeat offenders.

Other forums (other Language not English) I have seen have stronger moderating.

12-24-14, 07:47
Your account should have username and password, tel number is optional. Therefore switching sim cards won't screw things up. I actually have two accounts, one for biz, and one for 'personal use' using my T1234 username! When I swap to local postpaid or prepaid, no problems remaining connected.

Another very popular app is Line, widely used also by Asians.I use wechat with wifi only. The original account was set with an old, and now expired, thai som card, where you get an SMS to enable the access. Then the phone doesn't count anymore. Have wechat on iPod tocuh and iPad with no SIM card at all. Works everywhere. As long as you remember your login and password.

12-29-14, 01:49
I'm going for about 2 weeks, what do you guys recommend I bring with me $$? I'm thinking $2 k-$3 k.

As for going about the town, where do you stash your money, in your wallet, sock, fanny pack (so 80's). Or pocket?

The ways some guys are talking on the forum, some of these girls are all over you at these lonely bars. So. The greenbacks got to take cover I think.

How much do you take while going around town?

Paul Kausch
12-30-14, 16:37
Found this on Bloomberg:

Following is a summary of the November preliminary tourism statistics from the Bank of Thailand in Bangkok.

Nov. Oct. Sept. Aug. July June May.

Total Arrivals ('000) 2,438 2,181 1,856 2,076 1,915 1,559 1,737.

YoY% 2. 5% 6. 1% -7. 0% -11.9% -10.9% -24.4% -10.7%.

Occupancy Rate 66.7% 58.6% 51.0% 55.0% 49.3% 40.8% 46.4%.

It will be interesting to see what the numbers are for December and January. At any rate the numbers are now up two months in a row.

Sorry about the screwed up formatting. I've tried to fix it, to no avail. As we all know, the technology behind this fine forum is not professional quality.

David 2
12-30-14, 18:36
I'm going for about 2 weeks, what do you guys recommend I bring with me $$? I'm thinking $2 k-$3 k. As for going about the town, where do you stash your money, in your wallet, sock, fanny pack (so 80's). Or pocket?

The ways some guys are talking on the forum, some of these girls are all over you at these lonely bars. So. The greenbacks got to take cover I think. How much do you take while going around town?Your budget sounds about right to me. I usually budget $200 per day, excluding my hotel and airfare (which are paid for with credit cards). But I NEVER carry more than $200 cash with me at any time. The rest is tucked away in my room safe. And why travel with that much cash? ATMs are all over the place, so you can get cash 24/7 when you need it.

12-30-14, 18:55
Your budget sounds about right to me. I usually budget $200 per day, excluding my hotel and airfare (which are paid for with credit cards). But I NEVER carry more than $200 cash with me at any time. The rest is tucked away in my room safe. And why travel with that much cash? ATMs are all over the place, so you can get cash 24/7 when you need it.Agreed. I do the same budget $200 USD daily, excluding hotel and airfare and lock up rest in safe. As far as any monies on you if you bring someone back to the room, I don't take my close off until I shower so my personal items are never out of sight since they usually shower first.

Question about ATM's anyone know what networks they support over there? Starr, cirrus. Etc and any recommended bank ATM's? Never had to use an ATM abroad yet.

Thanks in advance,


12-30-14, 19:00
Any recommended spots with free WiFi that is close to Nana area? Second question is does anyone know if LOS blocks certain sites? I ask because my last visit this site ISG and a few other sites were blocked at my hotel which offered free WiFi which made for getting info difficult. Not sure if it was the hotel or the country. I know PRC blocks.


12-30-14, 21:06
I'm going for about 2 weeks, what do you guys recommend I bring with me $$? I'm thinking $2 k-$3 k.
How much do you take while going around town?That budget sounds reasonable. The biggest variable expense is the ladies. Only carry with you what you will need for that outing and leave the rest in the hotel room safe.

Your budget sounds about right to me. I usually budget $200 per day, excluding my hotel and airfare (which are paid for with credit cards). But I NEVER carry more than $200 cash with me at any time. The rest is tucked away in my room safe. And why travel with that much cash? ATMs are all over the place, so you can get cash 24/7 when you need it.I go all cash on my trips to Thailand. No footprints. Pristine $100 USD bills get the best exchange rate.

I think the current fee rate on foreign plastic using Thai bank ATM's is 150 or 180 baht per transaction which can add up. Certainly have an ATM and credit card as backups, and notify your bank that you will be traveling overseas so they don't flag the transaction and freeze your account.


Paul Kausch
12-30-14, 21:35
I think the current fee rate on foreign plastic using Thai bank ATM's is 150 or 180 baht per transaction which can add up. Certainly have an ATM and credit card as backups, and notify your bank that you will be traveling overseas so they don't flag the transaction and freeze your account.

SunLover.I go through about US$250 per day and typically spend 2 to 3 weeks in Bangkok. I don't like to take US$6+K in cash with me so I carry some cash and a make a few ATM withdrawals at a Citibank ATM. Citibank allows much larger withdrawals than other banks. I have no idea what the maximum is. I typical withdraw 40K because my bank has a US$1500 per day max. I go to the Asoke and Sukhumvit location. The ATMs are in a lobby, rather than out on the sidewalk; and there has always been a bank employee in the lobby when I've made my withdrawals. My bank doesn't charge me for using other banks' ATMs and covers the Citibank ATM charges so I'm only stuck paying the 150 (actually I think it's now 180) baht fee.

To exchange cash I use the Superrich 1965 locations. There is one at the Asoke BTS station. The best rate is at the head office. It is north of Central World off Ratchadamri Road.

12-31-14, 03:51
As I walked down Sukhumvit Soi 33 in the early afternoon, I saw the motorcycle taxi stand had turned into a biergarden. These guys where standing there in there orange wests around the table on which there was at least 10 empty beer bottles. I saw some of them drink the beer from a glass. Therefor I would avoid this way of transportation in / from Soi33.

Member #4387
12-31-14, 04:10
I go through about US$250 per day and typically spend 2 to 3 weeks in Bangkok. I don't like to take US$6+K in cash with me so I carry some cash and a make a few ATM withdrawals at a Citibank ATM. Citibank allows much larger withdrawals than other banks. I have no idea what the maximum is. I typical withdraw 40K because my bank has a US$1500 per day max. I go to the Asoke and Sukhumvit location. The ATMs are in a lobby, rather than out on the sidewalk; and there has always been a bank employee in the lobby when I've made my withdrawals. My bank doesn't charge me for using other banks' ATMs and covers the Citibank ATM charges so I'm only stuck paying the 150 (actually I think it's now 180) baht fee.

To exchange cash I use the Superrich 1965 locations. There is one at the Asoke BTS station. The best rate is at the head office. It is north of Central World off Ratchadamri Road.I used the ATM at Intercontinental Hotel here the other day (I was shitfaced but believe it was a Citibank one, scary blue colourscheeme). You could from choices on the screen choose up to 50000 bhts. I remember this as I thought "wow"(if you could withdraw more I don't know as the opening where the cash flows out have its limitation. As a sidenote the worst or best ATM (depends on how you view it) I ever encountered was at the Hard Rock Hotel, Las Vegas a few years back. You could choose from US1000 up to US5000.

12-31-14, 06:31
I use a Mastercard on the Cirrus network. And pay no fees since they are reimbursed at month end. I've not paid attention to other networks.


Question about ATM's anyone know what networks they support over there? Starr, cirrus. Etc and any recommended bank ATM's? Never had to use an ATM abroad yet.

Thanks in advance,


Paul Kausch
12-31-14, 06:51
I used the ATM at Intercontinental Hotel here the other day (I was shitfaced but believe it was a Citibank one, scary blue colourscheeme). You could from choices on the screen choose up to 50000 bhts. I remember this as I thought "wow"(if you could withdraw more I don't know as the opening where the cash flows out have its limitation. As a sidenote the worst or best ATM (depends on how you view it) I ever encountered was at the Hard Rock Hotel, Las Vegas a few years back. You could choose from US1000 up to US5000.The ATMs at the location I use do not have 40K as a option. I enter other and then 40K.

LA Guy 5
12-31-14, 07:31
I think the current fee rate on foreign plastic using Thai bank ATM's is 150 or 180 baht per transaction which can add up. Certainly have an ATM and credit card as backups, and notify your bank that you will be traveling overseas so they don't flag the transaction and freeze your account.

SunLover.The ATM fees do not add up if you use Schwab Bank's ATM card. There is no foreign transaction fee and they rebate the 180 Thai baht ATM fee (or any ATM fee throughout the world). http://www.schwab.com/public/schwab/banking_lending I may have mentioned all this a few months ago in this or another thread, but it probably bears repeating.

FWIW, I'm not a fan of Schwab brokerage, but do like Schwab Bank's ATM cards.

12-31-14, 08:17
I used the ATM at Intercontinental Hotel here the other day (I was shitfaced but believe it was a Citibank one, scary blue colourscheeme). You could from choices on the screen choose up to 50000 bhts. I remember this as I thought "wow"(if you could withdraw more I don't know as the opening where the cash flows out have its limitation. As a sidenote the worst or best ATM (depends on how you view it) I ever encountered was at the Hard Rock Hotel, Las Vegas a few years back. You could choose from US1000 up to US5000.That the screen shows choices up to 50,000 Bath doesn't mean that you can actually withdraw that amount. My bank allows me to withdraw up to a maximum of € 750 ($ 900) / day, so that equals to approximately 30,000 Bath. However almost all of the banks in Thailand only allow me to withdraw 10,000 Bath at a time. And for each time I have to pay the 180 Bath fee obviously PLUS a € 2,25 fee to my own bank.

So far I have only found one bank that allows me to withdraw 20,000 Bath at a time and that is the Tanachart bank. They have an ATM on Sukhumvit between soi 5 and 7 if I remember correctly and in Pattaya on Second Road very close to Soi Honey Inn.

I believe I've also tried the Citibank in Pattaya but not yet in Bangkok. Will try that next time I'm there.

12-31-14, 08:25
Question about ATM's anyone know what networks they support over there? Starr, cirrus. Etc and any recommended bank ATM's? Never had to use an ATM abroad yet. I use my normal debit card on the Cirrus network. Thailand is flooded with ATM's and if they have the Cirrus logo you can usually withdraw money without any problems. If you're in doubt then ask your bank.

12-31-14, 08:39
Any recommended spots with free WiFi that is close to Nana area? Second question is does anyone know if LOS blocks certain sites? I ask because my last visit this site ISG and a few other sites were blocked at my hotel which offered free WiFi which made for getting info difficult. Not sure if it was the hotel or the country. I know PRC blocks.

JRNot really close to Nana but I know Hollys Coffee on Sukhumvit close to Soi 15 has free WiFi.

And yes the new regime blocks certain sites, like some 'critical' foreign news agencies for example. However in the hotels where I stayed very recently the ISG was not blocked.

Run Mann
12-31-14, 09:25
Any recommended spots with free WiFi that is close to Nana area? Second question is does anyone know if LOS blocks certain sites? I ask because my last visit this site ISG and a few other sites were blocked at my hotel which offered free WiFi which made for getting info difficult. Not sure if it was the hotel or the country. I know PRC blocks.

JRMcDonald's (one hour limit) and Subway/Coffee World (Soi 7-1) has free wifi Ask the cashier for password, Subway has no restrictions but Mc'D does filter content so the word sex may be blocked which would eliminate ISG.

12-31-14, 09:47
That the screen shows choices up to 50,000 Bath doesn't mean that you can actually withdraw that amount. My bank allows me to withdraw up to a maximum of 750 ($ 900) / day, so that equals to approximately 30,000 Bath. However almost all of the banks in Thailand only allow me to withdraw 10,000 Bath at a time. And for each time I have to pay the 180 Bath fee obviously PLUS a 2,25 fee to my own bank.

So far I have only found one bank that allows me to withdraw 20,000 Bath at a time and that is the Tanachart bank. They have an ATM on Sukhumvit between soi 5 and 7 if I remember correctly and in Pattaya on Second Road very close to Soi Honey Inn.

I believe I've also tried the Citibank in Pattaya but not yet in Bangkok. Will try that next time I'm there.I might be mistaken since it has been some time ago but Citibank, Pattaya, if it is the one on Sukhumvit road just before Nernpludwan that bank does not have a ATM? Okay That question mark.

12-31-14, 09:49
Unless you happen to go there when it is filled with students doing whatever. Than their network slows down to a snail's pace or very commonly unable to even connect.

Not really close to Nana but I know Hollys Coffee on Sukhumvit close to Soi 15 has free WiFi.


12-31-14, 11:27
I might be mistaken since it has been some time ago but Citibank, Pattaya, if it is the one on Sukhumvit road just before Nernpludwan that bank does not have a ATM? Okay That question mark.Then it must have been another bank because I never wander as far as Sukhumvit Road.

You are forgiven for the question mark, LOL!

12-31-14, 16:39
There have been a number of posts here recently regarding a suitable budget for a Thailand trip. On my recent trip earlier this month I was in Thailand for 16 nights, a mixture of Bangkok, Pattaya and Samui. Excluding my flights and accomodation, I spent a total of EUR 1,300 or approximately THB 52,000. This included all sex, food, drink, taxis etc. I wouldn't consider myself a cheap charlie or anything, the girls I had were mostly FLs or Beer Bar girls that I took LT. I think if you mostly took gogo girls you'd end up spending a lot more. I fully enjoyed myself with all the girls I took, I had more than enough sex than I could keep up with really, and plenty of GFE from the girls aswell. So I don't think you really have to spend a fortune to have a good time in Thailand.

12-31-14, 17:12
Agreed. I do the same budget $200 USD daily, excluding hotel and airfare and lock up rest in safe. As far as any monies on you if you bring someone back to the room, I don't take my close off until I shower so my personal items are never out of sight since they usually shower first.

Question about ATM's anyone know what networks they support over there? Starr, cirrus. Etc and any recommended bank ATM's? Never had to use an ATM abroad yet.

Thanks in advance,

JRStarr, MC, Visa are all fine. ATM charges are 150 B per withdrawl, unless someone found a free one.

01-01-15, 00:32
I think if you mostly took gogo girls you'd end up spending a lot more. I fully enjoyed myself with all the girls I took, I had more than enough sex than I could keep up with really, and plenty of GFE from the girls aswell. So I don't think you really have to spend a fortune to have a good time in Thailand.True this. The ladies are the biggest budget variable and is specific to everyone's different circumstances. Once a day? Twice a day? Twice a week? ST or LT?

Back in the day when it was a shorter trip to blow off steam I would budget 2 x daily for a two hour oily PSE experience (think Snow White / Cherry / Mango / Tulip) which translates to 4600 baht or $140 USD. And yes; there were days when I picked up a NPL FL after midnight on top of that. Or think 90 minutes at Eden or a decent go-go girl LT would be the same amount of budget.

IMO a budget does not mean you need to spend it, but more or less means you are prepared to spend it. Basically it all depends on circumstances. Pull a groiny and you might be out of action for a day or two, or meet the girl of your dreams and setting the money on fire would be a slower expenditure.


01-03-15, 22:31
True this. The ladies are the biggest budget variable and is specific to everyone's different circumstances. Once a day? Twice a day? Twice a week? ST or LT?
SunLover.For my 16 night stay I was with 12 girls, comprised of 8 x LT and 4 x ST. I didn't really have a budget as such, only that I'd spend within reason what was needed to have a good time, what was the market value in the various places, and generally to avoid taking girls from gogo bars. I went to a few gogos for a drink and some eye candy, but I found their main motivation seems to be to get you to buy expensive lady drinks, and then after that do a ST session in a nearby ST hotel, which isn't my scene at all. I far prefer to bring the girl back to my hotel for LT, and hopefully some GFE if we both click. Most of the girls I was with were FL or beer bar, and also 2 girls I met up with through WE chat.

01-10-15, 05:12
Does anyone know if Pandora music app will work in Thailand? I was reading that it worked then didn't and then they were working on international licensing. If not can anyone recommend a streaming music app (android) that works in Thailand and not blocked. Looking for music you typically hear in US, TOP 40 billboard type music. Appreciate the help.


01-10-15, 15:07
Does anyone know if Pandora music app will work in Thailand? I was reading that it worked then didn't and then they were working on international licensing. If not can anyone recommend a streaming music app (android) that works in Thailand and not blocked. Looking for music you typically hear in US, TOP 40 billboard type music. Appreciate the help.

RSpotify works for me in Thailand.

01-11-15, 01:48
Is there a 'electronics' district in Bangkok? Sukumvit perhaps? Looking to buy some cctv cameras, like a whole set. Hikvision or something, was just curious. I know in HongKong I could get around Mongkok etc. But there must be the same accesiblity in Bangkok, if anyone is famillar? pantip plaza?

01-11-15, 03:53
Is there a 'electronics' district in Bangkok? Sukumvit perhaps? Looking to buy some cctv cameras, like a whole set. Hikvision or something, was just curious. I know in HongKong I could get around Mongkok etc. But there must be the same accesiblity in Bangkok, if anyone is famillar? pantip plaza?I guess in Pantip Plaza you can get this.

Paul Kausch
01-11-15, 03:54
Pantip plaza?Yes.


01-11-15, 04:33
For my 16 night stay I was with 12 girls, comprised of 8 x LT and 4 x ST. I didn't really have a budget as such, only that I'd spend within reason what was needed to have a good time, what was the market value in the various places, and generally to avoid taking girls from gogo bars. I went to a few gogos for a drink and some eye candy, but I found their main motivation seems to be to get you to buy expensive lady drinks, and then after that do a ST session in a nearby ST hotel, which isn't my scene at all. I far prefer to bring the girl back to my hotel for LT, and hopefully some GFE if we both click. Most of the girls I was with were FL or beer bar, and also 2 girls I met up with through WE chat.Of course go go joints have to sell expensive drinks. They have to make money, pay the girls and staff. Maybe you just want everything for free?

I don't see the point in taking long time with any girl till you already know she is reasonable GFE and good on the bed. However I see you don't repeat any girls, other than night and morning maybe for some LT girls. This suggests the standard of the girls was never so good, that you just had to do it again, another day.

01-11-15, 05:22
Does anyone know if Pandora music app will work in Thailand? I was reading that it worked then didn't and then they were working on international licensing. If not can anyone recommend a streaming music app (android) that works in Thailand and not blocked. Looking for music you typically hear in US, TOP 40 billboard type music. Appreciate the help.

RYou can get around the international restrictions and listen to Pandora by installing a VPN. I use Hot Shield, but there are many out there.


Member #4387
01-11-15, 05:49
Of course go go joints have to sell expensive drinks. They have to make money, pay the girls and staff. Maybe you just want everything for free?

I don't see the point in taking long time with any girl till you already know she is reasonable GFE and good on the bed. However I see you don't repeat any girls, other than night and morning maybe for some LT girls. This suggests the standard of the girls was never so good, that you just had to do it again, another day.Maby this poster is a bit like me but for a start I do ofcourse understand bars and go go's have to make money from other things than just the BF's. Even so what I don't like about these places is all the pushing by the mamasans and the neverending chit chats with girls only wanting a LD within first couple of minutes. I get the idea you, are maby a known face to certain places downtown BKK so your experience may differ from others and the mamasans and girls leave you more alone until you initiate actions?

Regarding LT play it is just a great part of my MO and the excitement trusting my instincts bringing a girl I just recently met back for some bedaction without in detail discussing much what is going to happen. Dealing with, almost without exception, nightclubgirls (beeing semi pros or regular girls) only makes me able to pretty much do the same as what is going on in the go go's. I am ofcourse thinking about the interview process and chemistry-/ attitudechecks. I feel I can relax more though as I don't have waitresses and mamasans pestering my table as I allready have my drinks as in bottleservice and can feed the girls in my own tempo while ofcourse scoping the newly arrived talent and start building the chemistry. I never discuss prices (for the regular girls this is not an issue anyway ofcourse) nor length of stay but in most cases for my nighttimepickups they seem to end out in a LT. The semipros want ofcourse a donation and ofcourse I do give them but going under the fixed price and the detailed worked out session radar atleast I strongly believe makes them girls perform on the highside and keeps them motivated for some nice payout at the end. Normaly I donate 3 k (did so for 8 years now). One disadvantage to my MO is ofcourse it is easier to evaluate the goods in a go go as the girls are just about nekked. To cope with this i try to do as much rubbing, touching especially ass and stomach. The stomach bcs i have a fobia when it comes to stretchmarks. If i see or fel stretchmarks i make up some lame excuse and moves on. I also look for push ups and build ins when it comes to the boob area. Actually not so important as i like to have girls with all kinds of boobsizes, real or fake ones, i dont mind. Next to stretchmarks though some baggy socks hanging from the area where it used to be tits is a no go so that is why i pay some attention.

I can think of 2 girls (semipros) under my years as a very frequent BKK visitor where I shortened a LT dramaticaly. One girl was starting to nag about wanting to do a CBJ. That is so totaly far from my comfortzone so she was ditched with a couple of hundreds bhts for whatever. Second was a girl starting some dramas and the crocodile routine. So a couple of bad experiences from a few hundreds girls isn't that bad at all. I also hear it is possible to end up with star fishes doing the BF routine so I realy don't feel I miss out on anything doing it my way.

For the semipro segment I am dealing with it is normaly no time for repeat sessions as in meeting them next time I am in BKK(over the years there have ofcourse been a few exceptions as they have been spectaculare i e performed PSE in extreme ways and that we can not toss away). There are just to many fresh new girls arriving into the semi pro segment to get stuck with just a few (yes I am well aware of I probably miss out some even better sessions you usually can have doing repeat sessions). For repeatpurpouses I have my fleet of regular girls so I am pretty much well covered viewed from a mongering angel(my angel, hehe).

01-11-15, 06:40
I am ofcourse thinking about the interview process and chemistry-/ attitudechecks. I feel I can relax more though as I don't have waitresses and mamasans pestering my table as I allready have my drinks as in bottleservice and can feed the girls in my own tempo while ofcourse scoping the newly arrived talent and start building the chemistry. I don't like the discos "music" generally. Spicy was the worst sound quality I have experienced recently. Just horrible noise. Would never consider returning there. The staff were rather irritating too.

I also cannot chat to girls in discos as the music is too loud. In gogos, chatting is possible for me. My hearing is not good at sound separation, so cannot hear talk over the general cacophony in discos. Last time I had my ears cleaned out it did me a disservice, amplifying very loud sounds, and making little apparent difference to very soft sounds.

Cannot you suggest any night clubs where the general noise level is lower than typical discos?

How much time do you invest for being in a club and selecting a girl? What is typical overhead in entrance price and the grog? Just curious.

Guess I am just too old for that sort of scene, and I do really struggle with noise levels.

01-11-15, 20:19
Is there a 'electronics' district in Bangkok?Pantip Plaza is good for electronics.

So is the MBK Center. While you are there, check out the hawker stalls. The food is terrific and the dining room is very comfortable.


01-11-15, 22:14
Pantip Plaza is good for electronics.

So is the MBK Center. While you are there, check out the hawker stalls. The food is terrific and the dining room is very comfortable.

BunkyMBK is better for Smart phones, tablets. A bit of photography.

Pantip plaza is more on CCTV, and all computer related items.

01-11-15, 22:14
Of course go go joints have to sell expensive drinks. They have to make money, pay the girls and staff. Maybe you just want everything for free?

I don't see the point in taking long time with any girl till you already know she is reasonable GFE and good on the bed. However I see you don't repeat any girls, other than night and morning maybe for some LT girls. This suggests the standard of the girls was never so good, that you just had to do it again, another day.The standard of nearly all the girls I took was really good, the reason I didn't repeat with any was my own personal feeling of wanting to try many girls, and not settle with one for the duration of the trip, even though some of the girls made it evident if that is what I wanted I could spend the rest of my time in Thailand with them.

By the way I don't expect everything for free! I just don't like been hassled for lady drinks as soon as I sit down in a place by a bossy mama / papa san. I think if you lived in Thailand or spent signifigant parts of the year there, then you would have more time and patience with gogos, survey the girls, take ST and if good return another day for LT. However I don't have the time for that really when I'm only there for just over two weeks, and may not be back again for months or even a year. This would be the case for a lot of guys on this site I suspect.

01-11-15, 22:29
I'm getting a Thai sim card (again) on my next trip and after a lengthy tour will be heading over to the Philippines. Anybody know if it will work over there? If I'm not mistaken I think I have to ask for a specific sim card that will work oversea's?

Member #4387
01-12-15, 00:07
I don't like the discos "music" generally. Spicy was the worst sound quality I have experienced recently. Just horrible noise. Would never consider returning there. The staff were rather irritating too.

I also cannot chat to girls in discos as the music is too loud. In gogos, chatting is possible for me. My hearing is not good at sound separation, so cannot hear talk over the general cacophony in discos. Last time I had my ears cleaned out it did me a disservice, amplifying very loud sounds, and making little apparent difference to very soft sounds.

Cannot you suggest any night clubs where the general noise level is lower than typical discos?

How much time do you invest for being in a club and selecting a girl? What is typical overhead in entrance price and the grog? Just curious.

Guess I am just too old for that sort of scene, and I do really struggle with noise levels.I see. Well my nightclubs of choice they all have simular volume levels and probably run a tad high to your liking. I understand your problem. There are a few mixed clubs in Thong Lor area I e Hobs (many places around here). They have low volumes if any music and atleast it is often devided into inside / outside arrangements where the outside would be most quite. But the real nightclubs they all have pumped up volume (atleast the ones I have visited). Another one I just come to think of, maybe an alternative to you, is Spasso (please advice it has been a while since my last visit) and if you stay around the "roundabout" bar area you are far away from the music (often livebands) so the noiselevel will be to your liking. Many girls surrounds the mentioned oval bar.

My time investments may vary so hard to pin out a certain ammount of time. I enjoy partying and clubbing. But in places like Climax or Insanity where there are loads of freelancers and semi pros I move fast and get ladies to my table. From these ladies I choose 1 I start interviewing. It can take 5 minutes and / or up to approx 1 HR. When I have chosen one nightclub I stay here and look for the best girl inside this one. Hopping around from place to place is ok but this I do prior to my clubbing as in having predrinks.

Usualy tabs will run from 3 k (1 btl of Absolute) and up (depends on how many btls I buy, fingerfoods / snacks or whatever). Covers are from 150 bht-300 bht.

01-12-15, 05:34
I'm getting a Thai sim card (again) on my next trip and after a lengthy tour will be heading over to the Philippines. Anybody know if it will work over there? If I'm not mistaken I think I have to ask for a specific sim card that will work oversea's?Assuming you want full data browsing will be cheaper to just get a card at airport in both locations. Less than $10 usd will get you a week unlimited. Make sure your phone is unlocked though and if you get it from vending machine make sure to get right size.

01-12-15, 05:36
I know American football isn't that popular but does anyone know of a bar that may be open and have the game at 8:30 am tomorrow? I know it's a long shot. But figured couldn't hurt to ask. Thanks.

01-12-15, 06:04
The standard of nearly all the girls I took was really good, the reason I didn't repeat with any was my own personal feeling of wanting to try many girls, and not settle with one for the duration of the trip, even though some of the girls made it evident if that is what I wanted I could spend the rest of my time in Thailand with them.

By the way I don't expect everything for free! I just don't like been hassled for lady drinks as soon as I sit down in a place by a bossy mama / papa san. I think if you lived in Thailand or spent signifigant parts of the year there, then you would have more time and patience with gogos, survey the girls, take ST and if good return another day for LT. However I don't have the time for that really when I'm only there for just over two weeks, and may not be back again for months or even a year. This would be the case for a lot of guys on this site I suspect.People who live in Thailand don't do LT. Who wants a prostitute LT? Anyway the ones who do LT are bottom of the barrel types.

Mr Enternational
01-12-15, 14:03
People who live in Thailand don't do LT. Who wants a prostitute LT? Anyway the ones who do LT are bottom of the barrel types.I don't know where you are getting your information from, but I ONLY do long time, unless I am hunting on Beach Road. And for LT my price is 1000 baht. All my friends who also live in Thailand are pretty much the same. Bottom of the barrel? I think not. Bar fine? Never. I always thought the main reason guys went to Thailand and Philippines was for LT GFE, and not for the ST wham bam that they could probably get on the street corner without leaving their hometowns.

01-12-15, 16:37
People who live in Thailand don't do LT. Who wants a prostitute LT? Anyway the ones who do LT are bottom of the barrel types.I not sure how you came up with that conclusion? What is your criteria to draw up that type of conclusion? To me I could response with a few bleep bleeps since I live here. I do ST mostly but when I do LT, what does that make me? What does it say for a guy who is on holiday and does LT? Why would he be a winner? I know a lot of guys living here and they are rolling in Baht.

To me it is a choice! No different that some like girls from Beach Road, Beer Bars, Go Go's. Some like thin, some like fat, some like old some like young. Does making a choice that does not agree with you make the person " bottom of the barrel types ". Does the girl going ST, make her different than a girl doing LT?

Real stupid comment just like your previous post which there are a few that were deleted since it was stated it was of no value and a waste of bandwithd! Welcome back Harold444.

01-12-15, 18:35
You show me a girl who goes LT for 1000 I'll show you a girl who has done over 5000 cycles. Has boobies that sag from here to high heLL, has a vagina that stretches from here to the Grand Canyon, has 3 or 4 teenagers from 3 or 4 guys, has been married to a farang, yadda yadda yadda!

The Cane
01-13-15, 02:23
Hey guys,

I'm planning a first mongering trip to Thailand and have a question about anal. When I'm there, I want to butt fuck as many pretty as is possible. I've RTFF and know where to go to find them, but I'm not sure how to ask if a girl does anal or not. I see guys in the forums writing "A+" and talking about "A-level". So to inquire, do I ask mamasan or papasan or the girl if she is "A-plus" or "A-level"? How do you communicate this question so that the Thais who don't speak good English will understand? Somebody help a connoisseur out.

01-13-15, 03:19
I not sure how you came up with that conclusion? What is your criteria to draw up that type of conclusion? To me I could response with a few bleep bleeps since I live here. I do ST mostly but when I do LT, what does that make me? What does it say for a guy who is on holiday and does LT? Why would he be a winner? I know a lot of guys living here and they are rolling in Baht.

To me it is a choice! No different that some like girls from Beach Road, Beer Bars, Go Go's. Some like thin, some like fat, some like old some like young. Does making a choice that does not agree with you make the person " bottom of the barrel types ". Does the girl going ST, make her different than a girl doing LT?

Real stupid comment just like your previous post which there are a few that were deleted since it was stated it was of no value and a waste of bandwithd! Welcome back Harold444.I meant the girls are of the bottom of the barrel types.

You made my point. LT is for short time tourists and sub-standard girls. A win-win situation if I ever saw one.

Old New Guy
01-13-15, 23:57
I meant the girls are of the bottom of the barrel types.

You made my point. LT is for short time tourists and sub-standard girls. A win-win situation if I ever saw one.Your opinion only. Actually there is no rule and things "depends". Good luck.

Mr Enternational
01-14-15, 01:27
Hey guys,

I'm planning a first mongering trip to Thailand and have a question about anal. When I'm there, I want to butt fuck as many pretty as is possible. I've RTFF and know where to go to find them, but I'm not sure how to ask if a girl does anal or not. I see guys in the forums writing "A+" and talking about "A-level". So to inquire, do I ask mamasan or papasan or the girl if she is "A-plus" or "A-level"? How do you communicate this question so that the Thais who don't speak good English will understand? Somebody help a connoisseur out.They speak enough English. Just ask them if you can fuck their ass. If she does not understand then tell another girl, "Tell your friend I want to fuck her ass. " Or say boom boom tood while smiling and nodding your head. She will either nod back in agreement or shake her head no while showing an expression of fear being vehemently opposed to it. From my experince most younger chicks don't do that. You would need to find someone over 30.

The Cane
01-14-15, 01:45
They speak enough English. Just ask them if you can fuck their ass. If she does not understand then tell another girl, "Tell your friend I want to fuck her ass. " Or say boom boom tood while smiling and nodding your head. She will either nod back in agreement or shake her head no while showing an expression of fear being vehemently opposed to it. From my experince most younger chicks don't do that. You would need to find someone over 30.Thanks for the advice. I did some more research and found that newbies can say "boom boom" for straight sex, "yum, yum" for oral sex, and "ow, ow" for anal sex LOL! I would be willing to go into the 30's no problem if she's good looking. But as you know, as a Rio lover where it seems that virtually everybody is doing it, when it comes to butt fucking in Brazil I'm spoiled for choice in the mid to late 20's range that I prefer. Well, at least 70% of the garotas who I meet who are in the industry "do it" hehehehe!

01-14-15, 07:36
I meant the girls are of the bottom of the barrel types.

You made my point. LT is for short time tourists and sub-standard girls. A win-win situation if I ever saw one.Here is the way I see it? Harold444.

Your comments are confusing. I never made your point because I don't think you even have a point. You have what 65 post and each and everyone of them are just short sarcastic lines to what others are saying. Two of them have been deleted by the Moderator for what is basically consider nothing of value to the conversation which IMHO, is basically your whole existence of ISG so far.

The reason you are stumbling now is because you got called out and being called out shows you haven't even been to Thailand and just basically making the stuff as you go along.

Now it is LT is for Short time tourists and sub-standard girls. Although to each his own and that goes for looks too. But making such a statement is just crazy. You are basically saying a guy who comes on a holiday that does LT, would only be with a sub-standard girl, yesterday it was the other way around. That is like saying if any person wants LT, you will be sleeping most likely with a average if not ugly girl and if it is ST in will definitely be a stunner. Unbelievable as it might seem to you but this is stupid.

I've lived here for years and seen it first hand? There are good looking young guys I have seen with average ladies, I've seen stunners go with fat, bald and yes ugly guys, I've seen Asians all types of races pull girls that are stunners for ST / LT, I've been to nearly all the clubs on W. S. This past year and a half like I-Bar, Isomnia, 808, Marine, Pier, Stone, Lucifers, Red Card, I wonder sometimes where are all these girls coming from? I'm not handsome man and certainly not young I've been with cows ( my choosing ) pigs ( again my choosing ) stunners in anyone's books ST/LT cheap and expensive and whether you are here LT/ST it begins and ends with money!

Basically, you should just go away since you have never been to Thailand or just have nothing like the Moderator said have to offer! Nothing in any of your remarks and I say remarks because you have not provided one report from a actual experience! Where you come up with your stuff only leads me to one conclusion.

01-14-15, 07:45
Here is the way I see it? Harold444.
SNIP SNIP SNIPDon't bother LBM. This guy loves to see people getting angry over his posts, that's the one and only reason he's here for.

If we all just simply ignore him (which is hard sometimes, I know) then it's no fun for him anymore and he will stop eventually.

01-14-15, 07:50
Don't bother LBM. This guy loves to see people getting angry over his posts, that's the one and only reason he's here for.

If we all just simply ignore him (which is hard sometimes, I know) then it's no fun for him anymore and he will stop eventually.Agree but I'm a parent still and I want to say my peace and tell these children with pimples on their faces from jerking off go back to their rooms and clean the tissue off their ceilings before mama comes home. And Steve7777, lock you door this time before you give you mama a heart attack?

01-14-15, 08:52
Thanks for the advice. I did some more research and found that newbies can say "boom boom" for straight sex, "yum, yum" for oral sex, and "ow, ow" for anal sex LOL! I would be willing to go into the 30's no problem if she's good looking. But as you know, as a Rio lover where it seems that virtually everybody is doing it, when it comes to butt fucking in Brazil I'm spoiled for choice in the mid to late 20's range that I prefer. Well, at least 70% of the garotas who I meet who are in the industry "do it" hehehehe!I've only heard yum yum in Cambodia, and the ow ow is a joke, right? :D

Say "boom boom doot dai mai" and, as Mr. E said, it'll get your point across. Boom boom you know, doot is a the equivalent of ass, dai mai is "will you?" She'll respond with "mai dai" or "go find ladyboy" if she doesn't.

Also, as Mr. E said, younger ones who do are going to be a bit thin on the ground. This isn't Brazil. In fact, generally speaking, Thais are terrible kissers and the young (18 - 22) ones aren't that great in bed. There are exceptions but the problem is that they are exceptions.

01-14-15, 10:34
I'm not as bold as Mr. E, if I talk about the Doot to the girl it is usually in a joking way. As for kissing sure there are exceptions. When I use to holiday I use to get lots that went through the motion and at times it would turn me off especially the one's that make up excuses like a cold sore which is a turn off especially after they just got done BBBJ. Kissing is a real plus just like a real good slow BBBJ. Maybe I've been lucky the last few years because I can't remember not having one that do not like to kiss and that is whether I take ST / LT, they got to be able to start kissing the moment the doors closes, they got to kiss while we shower, and they got to kiss on the way out.

And if they can kiss my way of asking whether they do the ass is when I go down on them and get them wet then take a finger or thumb and play around the area and if they do not push my hand away I insert my thumb and go from there.

Java Man
01-14-15, 10:50
Hey guys, I'm planning a first mongering trip to Thailand and have a question about anal. When I'm there, I want to butt fuck as many pretty as is possible.

when it comes to butt fucking in Brazil I'm spoiled for choice in the mid to late 20's range that I prefer. Well, at least 70% of the garotas who I meet who are in the industry "do it"This ain't Brazil. I've been here since end of Nov. Had my first Thai back door experience from a Pattaya Soi 6 bar girl yesterday. Surprisingly, she wasn't tight. That part was just OK, the other parts of the session were GFE. I have some leads on other par 3 courses, but just haven't found the time to get to them. :)

" Or say boom boom tood while smiling and nodding your head. You would need to find someone over 30.

Say "boom boom doot dai mai" and, as Mr. E said, it'll get your point across. Boom boom you know, doot is a the equivalent of ass, dai mai is "will you?" She'll respond with "mai dai" or "go find ladyboy" if she doesn't.I thought it was toot or tute. When I ask, "Boom Boom toot? Most say No. If she says No, ask her which lady there does, she'll know. No need to bother the mama san. Some say I can, but depends on size. It seems to me, the ones that can do it, don't really like it. Unlike in Brazil, where many enjoy it or prefer it.
As a long time Brazil vet, I'm still enjoying my time here. Lack of Anal has not spoiled my fun. One Soi in Pattaya has more action than all of Copacabana. And I've been able to find enough nice thighs and round perky butts, that taper into slim waists to keep me happy. :D

The Cane
01-14-15, 12:24
This ain't Brazil. I've been here since end of Nov. Had my first Thai back door experience from a Pattaya Soi 6 bar girl yesterday.

I thought it was toot or tute? When I ask, "Boom Boom toot? Most say No. If she says No, ask her which lady there does, she'll know. No need to bother the mama san. Some say I can, but depends on size. It seems to me, the ones that can do it, don't really like it. Unlike in Brazil, where many enjoy it or prefer it.
As a long time Brazil vet, I'm still enjoying my time here. Lack of Anal has not spoiled my fun. One Soi in Pattaya has more action than all of Copacabana. And I've been able to find enough nice thighs and round perky butts, that taper into slim waists to keep me happy. :DI intend to tap a Thai tute's "toot" on day one on the ground. If anybody can do it, I can. Just do the research and follow the money. So far, I've found that these two places are supposed to be pretty good bets for getting some anus in Bangkok and Pattaya respectively, both of which I will be visiting (Phuket too):



I the "analist" intend to get it on day one!

Red Kilt
01-14-15, 12:31
Does anybody know if Witch's Tavern along Soi Thonglor is still open?

In the 90's I used to enjoy taking a lady there for some food and the live band.

I heard mixed messages about it being closed.

The website wasn't any help; it seemed out of date.

Old New Guy
01-14-15, 14:08
Here is the way I see it? Harold444.
Harold again? That is so '13! But yes. With a twist of arrogance.

Java Man
01-14-15, 21:37
I intend to tap a Thai tute's "toot" on day one on the ground. http://devilsdenthailand.com/
Just so you know, they have a routine, a script they follow. It may not be the free for all you imagine with 2 women. It's Like going to Benihana, you order what you like, THEY prepare it and it's enjoyable. Before going into the room, make sure they understand what IT is you want and how they're to act with each other and you. This from a fellow freak who recently went. Also don't expect the same twenty somethings, like in Brazil. But this being Thailand, you may think they're twenty somethings. The good things is they're all Bi. They open at 1p. Get there early to see the full lineup. Glad to see you found their REAL website. Best of luck.

01-15-15, 21:24
Viagra, Kamagra or Cialis.

Seems there are a lot of fakes out there in Thailand. With my trip coming up, I want to try these pills out.

Presently I have no problems with ED, my problem is shooting my load too soon. If anyone has any insight where to get legit pills, would be helpful.

Also, anybody take these pills that don't need them? What happens, get a super strong boner for 6 hours or what?

Java Man
01-15-15, 23:13
Viagra, Kamagra or Cialis. With my trip coming up, I want to try these pills out.
If anyone has any insight where to get legit pills, would be helpful. What happens, get a super strong boner for 6 hours or what?Not sure if these will "help" with your problem, as they're for ED. If no problem getting it UP, don't take them. Readily available on Beach Road; I've seen guys hawking them on Soi 6 and Soi 7. RTFF as to which pharmacies have them and prices.

If you get a 4 HR+ boner, you've just killed your cocgk. It will turn black and will be amputated. Congrats, you're now a eunuch. Hench, the warning about seeking immediate medical attention in the commercials. Also, if your family has a history of heart problems, careful taking these drugs. That's why a Doc has to screen and prescribe them to you, (at least in the US.).

I got a 50 gel pack of Kamagra from a dude on Soi 7 for 1000 baht. He initially wanted 1500 baht. Works like it's suppose too. Another one is Black Ant King, aka the Black Hand, found on the street for around 300 baht for 10 pack. Works for some, doesn't work for others. I haven't priced C nor V. That problem, BTW, is ALL in your head. Best of luck.

Member #4698
01-15-15, 23:48
Presently I have no problems with ED, my problem is shooting my load too soon. Cialis / Viagra ect will not help with premature ejaculation. My prescription to you is visit Thailand (BKK and Pattaya), relax, have a great time, enjoy the scenery, and shag at least 2 or 3 girls per day for 10 days. The important thing is to relax and not beat yourself up over this. Every guy ever born has shot is wad too soon once in a while. After 10 days of banging your brains out, assuming there are no accompanying physical complications, your problem should go away or at least dissipate somewhat. If not I would then consult with a qualified Physician when you return home.

This medical article by the esteemed Mayo Clinic should help explain the issue and its ramifications in much further detail. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/premature-ejaculation/basics/definition/con-20031160.

01-16-15, 00:41
Viagra, Kamagra or Cialis.

Seems there are a lot of fakes out there in Thailand. With my trip coming up, I want to try these pills out.

Presently I have no problems with ED, my problem is shooting my load too soon. If anyone has any insight where to get legit pills, would be helpful.

Also, anybody take these pills that don't need them? What happens, get a super strong boner for 6 hours or what?Actually, one of these may help, but it's more of a side-effect than an intended consequence.

Many guys report that Viagra, Cialis to a lesser extent, and Levitra reduce sensitivity. You can get really hard but have a difficult time finishing. Dosage may be a contributing factor, I. E. The effect is worse if you take a bit too much.

In my case, (yes, TMI) a 20 MG Levitra pill works wonders, but significantly reduces sensitivity. A couple of weeks ago the girl in question kept raving about how long I was going, how much she loved it, and how I was never like that in the past. She may have been digging it, but I was getting tired and wanted to get things over with. :D

So, I recommend, if you want to try them, get them from a reputable on-line pharmacy. Don't buy the ones in Thailand off the street. Start with SMALL doses and experiment, because they have different effects on each individual. You do NOT want an overdose of Viagra.

Spring for a Senior Membership and I'll PM you a good web site.

01-16-15, 01:44
I got a 50 gel pack of Kamagra from a dude on Soi 7 for 1000 baht. He initially wanted 1500 baht. Works like it's suppose too. Another one is Black Ant King, aka the Black Hand, found on the street for around 300 baht for 10 pack. Works for some, doesn't work for others. I haven't priced C nor V. That problem, BTW, is ALL in your head. Best of luck.V and see can easily be found online for under a dollar per pill.

01-16-15, 07:37
Viagra, Kamagra or Cialis.

Seems there are a lot of fakes out there in Thailand. With my trip coming up, I want to try these pills out.

Presently I have no problems with ED, my problem is shooting my load too soon. If anyone has any insight where to get legit pills, would be helpful.

Also, anybody take these pills that don't need them? What happens, get a super strong boner for 6 hours or what?These pills won't help you with shooting your load too soon. But the time between getting another hard-on will be reduced.

For me Viagra and Kamagra (or any of the generic variants) will work for about four hours and I feel their effects about 30 minutes after taking one. Generally my erection gets harder and lasts longer. So I take one when I plan an extended session, like LT or a threesome at Eden Club.

I always buy my supply from a pharmacy in Bangkok and never got fakes. I wouldn't advise you to buy them from a street hawker.

01-16-15, 10:02
These pills won't help you with shooting your load too soon. But the time between getting another hard-on will be reduced.

For me Viagra and Kamagra (or any of the generic variants) will work for about four hours and I feel their effects about 30 minutes after taking one. Generally my erection gets harder and lasts longer. So I take one when I plan an extended session, like LT or a threesome at Eden Club.

I always buy my supply from a pharmacy in Bangkok and never got fakes. I wouldn't advise you to buy them from a street hawker.Don't you need a prescription for it or are pharmacies in Thailand different?


Paul Kausch
01-16-15, 18:32
Don't you need a prescription for it or are pharmacies in Thailand different?

JRThe pharmacies in store fronts along lower Sukhumvit sell brand name Viagra and Cialis without a prescription. I know of one pharmacy close to the US Embassy that requires a prescription.

01-16-15, 20:15
Viagra, Kamagra or Cialis.

Seems there are a lot of fakes out there in Thailand. With my trip coming up, I want to try these pills out.

Presently I have no problems with ED, my problem is shooting my load too soon. If anyone has any insight where to get legit pills, would be helpful.

Also, anybody take these pills that don't need them? What happens, get a super strong boner for 6 hours or what?These tabs facilitate the hardening and its onset but its your head that does the job so forget about 4 and 6 hour boners.

I have been inside a lady for close to 4 hours but wasn't rock hard every single moment.

To extend time, you need to look for dapoxetene or priology- something line that. I tried kutub. Indian generic which is a copy of dapo. But it did not work at all.

Where You Go
01-17-15, 01:26
The pharmacies in store fronts along lower Sukhumvit sell brand name Viagra and Cialis without a prescription. I know of one pharmacy close to the US Embassy that requires a prescription.Lower meaning south of Asok station?


01-17-15, 03:38
Don't you need a prescription for it or are pharmacies in Thailand different?

JRI have read somewhere (don't know where anymore) that you need a prescription officially. But this is SE Asia and as you might know a lot of things can be arranged 'unofficially' here. Or in other words: if they can make some money it can be done.

Paul Kausch
01-17-15, 05:18
Lower meaning south of Asok station?

Thanks!Sorry for not being clearer. Lower Sukhumvit refers to the section of the street with the lower numbered sois, which would be section to the west of Asoke heading towards the Nana station and beyond.

Harry Dude
01-17-15, 09:28
If you get a 4 HR+ boner, you've just killed your cocgk. It will turn black and will be amputated. Congrats, you're now a eunuch. Hench, the warning about seeking immediate medical attention in the commercials. Also, if your family has a history of heart problems, careful taking these drugs. That's why a Doc has to screen and prescribe them to you, (at least in the US.)..http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/mans-penis-amputated-after-viagra-overdose-8835146.html

01-17-15, 09:45
Don't you need a prescription for it or are pharmacies in Thailand different?

JRI have never been asked for a prescription, so indeed I guess pharmacies in Thailand are different.

LA Guy 5
01-17-15, 10:22
I have never been asked for a prescription, so indeed I guess pharmacies in Thailand are different.I was in Bangkok a couple of months ago and was told by two chain pharmacies that a prescription was now needed. One simply said I had to get a prescription from a doctor, the other had a guy who said he could write the prescription for me. I'm sure though there are many pharmacies that still sell viagra / cialis without a prescription but maybe not so many with recognizable chain names such as those found in malls.

Before that I had never been asked for a prescription, but don't recall if I ever asked for viagra / cialis at a mall or chain pharmacy. I usually bought the stuff as Indian generics at lower Sukhumvit independent pharmacies (at least seemingly independent), but have gotten rightly or wrongly a bit concerned about contaminants, etc. , with these.

LA Guy 5
01-17-15, 10:32

If you get a 4 HR+ boner, you've just killed your cock. It will turn black and will be amputated. Congrats, you're now a eunuch...That is awful. From now on I think I'll keep a stop watch going while having sex, and at 3 hours 59 minutes I'll think about something sure to be a boner killer.

01-19-15, 10:08
I used to use Mr Toom's services, but he is not responding.

Anyone can please share email details of good Minivan Driver (English speaking).


01-22-15, 07:59
Couple of more Scams to be aware of.

Somebody posted that cigarette scam that the police with green patches are doing and the [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) test as of lately.

Then the airport duty free scam where not only is it higher prices but they may accuse a person of stealing.

And if you go to Cambodia and buy cigs and come back through customs with more than 200 cigs, they will hold you and fine you "bribe".

Not to mention someone said, they are conducting some raids in Pattaya and PatPong?

I suppose I better register at the US Embassy so they can get me out of jail within the next 2-3 weeks! I guess being drunk on the streets of Bangkok isn't too bad of an offense, nobody talks about that one!


Mr Enternational
01-24-15, 02:37
What's up with the new law that started today that says entertainment venues can only sell alcohol from 9 pm-midnight?


01-24-15, 19:54



The National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission (NBTC) now orders all mobile phone operators to require mandatory registration of all owners of prepaid SIM cards by end of July, otherwise their phone use will be cut off.

The mandatory registration of prepaid SIM cards by the NBTC was decided for security reason as many unregistered SIM cards had been used by southern insurgents in igniting bomb explosions, and some were used to deceive the people.

The NBTC held a meeting with five state and private mobile phone operators today and reached an agreement that the service providers will notify their prepaid customers to produce identification documents for registration of their SIM cards from February 1 to July 31.

Failure to register their prepaid SIM cards, service providers will cut off their phone signals, thus disrupting their outgoing calls and Internet connections.

However they still can use the phones to receive call for a certain period. At present there are 90 million prepaid users but only 1. 7 million have registered.

Meanwhile the NBTC said it will hold a public forum to sound out opinions from the people on the per second call charge to be introduced before mandating all operators to replace their per minute call charge to per second call charge.

It also said that by February 14, all phone operators will roll out per-second call charge promotion packages to their customers as part of the "Returning Happiness to the People" scheme of the military junta.

01-24-15, 20:07
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/mans-penis-amputated-after-viagra-overdose-8835146.htmlA 66 year old man trying to impress his new girlfriend.

The Cane
01-24-15, 20:28
What's up with the new law that started today that says entertainment venues can only sell alcohol from 9 pm-midnight?

http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/794366-restriction-of-liquor-sale-time-takes-effect-today-throughout-thailand/?utm_source=newsletter-20150124-0739&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsThat was really poorly written and confusing to follow. I did a little research and found the following two pieces that make a lot more sense to me (first one has a 2015 update.



Seems to me the issue is more about them enforcing the many laws around alcoholic sales (and other matters) that they already have on the books.

01-25-15, 08:02
Don't you need a prescription for it or are pharmacies in Thailand different?

JRThe law says yes, but many ingnore the law, also most pharmacies have no pharmacist. Thats how one pharmacy served up an anaestheitic to one guy as a sleeping pill for the flight back home. He sure slept all the way, luckily no plane change in Tokyo, so they just left him is his seat.

Old New Guy
01-25-15, 08:15


It also said that by February 14, all phone operators will roll out per-second call charge promotion packages to their customers as part of the "Returning Happiness to the People" scheme of the military junta.We will see how it goes. In Argentina, shorty after the cellphones boomed in sales about 10 years ago, the then president mandated that unregistered SIMs would not have been tolerated anymore (in reality regulations never allowed unregistered SIMs to be sold). Big meeting, etc. Then nothing came out of it.

01-25-15, 19:37
I cannot believe that wearing shorts is an issue for some on here and the argument rages on.

In the USA, shorts are normal. OK, so its not so normal in Thailand, I get it. When I see youtube videos of Thailand, I see many many people with shorts and all the ladies have a skirt or shorts for sure.

So I ask myself a question or two. Do I want to be sweaty in pants or comfortable in shorts? Shorts win. I know some establishments won't let you in with shorts, just like in the States, so that's the deal.

I plan to use shorts daytime and maybe pants nighttime. For those of you that want to be little-Hitlers and insist people wear certain clothing, I ask you, what colors should one wear or avoid? Should I walk on the right side of the street or the left side?

01-26-15, 11:39
I cannot believe that wearing shorts is an issue for some on here and the argument rages on.

In the USA, shorts are normal. OK, so its not so normal in Thailand, I get it. When I see youtube videos of Thailand, I see many many people with shorts and all the ladies have a skirt or shorts for sure.

So I ask myself a question or two. Do I want to be sweaty in pants or comfortable in shorts? Shorts win. I know some establishments won't let you in with shorts, just like in the States, so that's the deal.

I plan to use shorts daytime and maybe pants nighttime. For those of you that want to be little-Hitlers and insist people wear certain clothing, I ask you, what colors should one wear or avoid? Should I walk on the right side of the street or the left side?The problem is not to short or not? Wear what you want and when you want it but the suggestion is don't smell?

I suggest do not wear white. Especially if you are old and have a problem unless you got a pamper. I know a guy that did and it was not pretty. I couldn't show my face at the place for over a year.

01-26-15, 11:41
That was really poorly written and confusing to follow. I did a little research and found the following two pieces that make a lot more sense to me (first one has a 2015 update.



Seems to me the issue is more about them enforcing the many laws around alcoholic sales (and other matters) that they already have on the books.Agree it seems again making a statement but the find print and clarification is nothing is going to change as long as they got the Intertainment license.

01-26-15, 12:27
Thailand is not the only country to do it, more and more countries have done it. But it creates a big issue for tourists who jet around for brief periods as buying a sim to stay in touch becomes a hassle. They have already removed free WiFi from Suvarnabhumi airport so this next step is going to create a lot more problems. Hopefully we can still buy pre paid sims from 7/11. Anyone?




The National Broadcasting and Telecommunication Commission (NBTC) now orders all mobile phone operators to require mandatory registration of all owners of prepaid SIM cards by end of July, otherwise their phone use will be cut off.

The mandatory registration of prepaid SIM cards by the NBTC was decided for security reason as many unregistered SIM cards had been used by southern insurgents in igniting bomb explosions, and some were used to deceive the people.

The NBTC held a meeting with five state and private mobile phone operators today and reached an agreement that the service providers will notify their prepaid customers to produce identification documents for registration of their SIM cards from February 1 to July 31..

Mr Enternational
01-26-15, 15:11
We will see how it goes. In Argentina, shorty after the cellphones boomed in sales about 10 years ago, the then president mandated that unregistered SIMs would not have been tolerated anymore (in reality regulations never allowed unregistered SIMs to be sold). Big meeting, etc. Then nothing came out of it.Well in the Dominican Republic last June it came to pass. If you didn't go to your respective company to register your #/ SIM with your I'd then your SIM was deactivated. I just so happened to be in the country at the time and was able to save mine.

01-26-15, 16:00
They have already removed free WiFi from Suvarnabhumi airport SNIP Go to Coffeeworld at Suvarnabhumi, they have free WiFi. No registration required.
And maybe there are more restaurants with free WiFi but I always sit at Coffeeworld so I don't know that.

01-26-15, 16:20
I cannot believe that wearing shorts is an issue for some on here and the argument rages on.

I plan to use shorts daytime and maybe pants nighttime. For those of you that want to be little-Hitlers and insist people wear certain clothing, I ask you, what colors should one wear or avoid? Should I walk on the right side of the street or the left side?Ted, Ted, Ted, what are you missing?

By now it should be patently obvious that many of the posters here just have insufficient social skills, or looks or a combination thereof, to convince the women in their daily lives to have sex with them. We all know them from school, work, etc. Not a crime and doesn't make them bad people. In fact your post supports this.

So for that contingent, many recommendations are made in these threads. Clearly one rationale is, if they have difficulty in their home arena then how could they possibly navigate the complex, often inscrutable world of Asian P4P sex?

No one is suggesting that one needs to wear his Sunday best, or polish his shoes or even shave. If you've spent even 5 minutes in lower suk you will have seen some of the weirdest creatures on the planet. And that's not even considering the Thai's.

Its just some basic common sense to make oneself as appealing as conveniently possible to enjoy as much of what they came to the LOS for.

Ted, if pants make you sweat in BKK then by all means wear shorts. If you are comfortable with it then you could probably wear only cowboy boots and a Speedo if you like and absolutely no one will bother you.

No one's a "Hitler" here.

The advice is simply about maximizing your success rate and like all advice you either take it, some of it or none of it. It's simply there for you to consider.

01-26-15, 18:09
Thailand is not the only country to do it, more and more countries have done it. But it creates a big issue for tourists who jet around for brief periods as buying a sim to stay in touch becomes a hassle. They have already removed free WiFi from Suvarnabhumi airport so this next step is going to create a lot more problems. Hopefully we can still buy pre paid sims from 7/11. Anyone?Yes, I was just in 7/11 to load more credits / time and they still sell prepaid sim cards.


01-27-15, 04:47
Yes, I was just in 7/11 to load more credits / time and they still sell prepaid sim cards.

JRThanks for the info, I better get mine quickly.

Go to Coffeeworld at Suvarnabhumi, they have free WiFi. No registration required.
And maybe there are more restaurants with free WiFi but I always sit at Coffeeworld so I don't know that.Nice, thanks for the tip.

01-27-15, 21:16
What's up with the new law that started today that says entertainment venues can only sell alcohol from 9 pm-midnight?


That was really poorly written and confusing to follow. I did a little research and found the following two pieces that make a lot more sense to me (first one has a 2015 update.



Seems to me the issue is more about them enforcing the many laws around alcoholic sales (and other matters) that they already have on the books.The original article was poorly written, probably by a native Thai speaker. But the meaning appears to be clear. No (legal) alcohol sales after midnight.

The afternoon ban remains in place. I've run into that on occasion, heading back to the condo in the afternoon. I stopped at the nearby 7-Inches to pick up some beers for the fridge. Nope. Huh? WTF?

But now it appears they want to limit alcohol sales everywhere to 10 hours. Bars would presumable have to institute a sort of split shift arrangement. Tourists will need to start getting a buzz by 11:00 am, take a siesta in the afternoon, then hit the bottle with a vengeance until midnight. :D

Now in true Thai fashion, I'm sure there will be (more than) a few greased palms, and the bars will continue to sell until 2:00, or whenever. So, not to worry.

01-27-15, 21:36
I cannot believe that wearing shorts is an issue for some on here and the argument rages on.

In the USA, shorts are normal. OK, so its not so normal in Thailand, I get it. When I see youtube videos of Thailand, I see many many people with shorts and all the ladies have a skirt or shorts for sure.

So I ask myself a question or two. Do I want to be sweaty in pants or comfortable in shorts? Shorts win. I know some establishments won't let you in with shorts, just like in the States, so that's the deal.

I plan to use shorts daytime and maybe pants nighttime. For those of you that want to be little-Hitlers and insist people wear certain clothing, I ask you, what colors should one wear or avoid? Should I walk on the right side of the street or the left side?Dayum, Ted. A noob, who's never been, jumping in here and throwing around the "H" word?

Wear whatever the hell you want. As RJ said, wear a Speedo and boots if it makes you feel better. But don't be so proud as to be incapable of taking advice from those who have more experience.

If you're hanging out all day in the hooker bars of Lower Suk, nobody will care, although you WILL be treated nicer if you dress neatly and smell good. If you plan to go to other parts of town, and interact with other people, a bit of discretion may be in order. Obviously you can't get into a temple wearing shorts. I think you still can't get into 5-star hotels after 5:00 with shorts. Years ago I went into the Mandarin, wearing shorts, in the afternoon. When the clock struck 5 I was suddenly Persona Non Grata.

(At this point I'd launch into an anecdote about me, a Thai lady in nice shorts, and the Skybar at State Tower, but I don't want to belabor the point).

Wear what you like, but bear in mind that no Thai adult male wears shorts away from the beach, and act accordingly.

Oh, and as far as snarky comments concerning colors, yes, here, too, some advice. I would avoid wearing a red shirt. Yes, farangs have special dispensation in a lot of areas, but it's best to avoid that. I have a yellow polo shirt with the royal crest on the pocket. I no longer feel comfortable wearing that, either. However, you can wear a pink shirt and get respect from both sides of the political spectrum.

As far as which side of the street to walk on, it doesn't matter. But never forget to look RIGHT and then left, unless you wish to become one with the front of a bus.

01-28-15, 02:17
P. P.

I never thought about it? Discretion? The only time I wear long pants is when I go home to the States meantime it is short everywhere including Temples, and I've been to lots of them. Maybe that is why I'm having such bad luck here and got kicked out of one and it was not for wearing shorts. Good idea. Going to get me a pair in case Thanks. See, even in a topic where we are beating it to death one can learn something from it.

Mer Zues
01-28-15, 02:33
I would avoid wearing a red shirt. Yes, farangs have special dispensation in a lot of areas, but it's best to avoid that. I have a yellow polo shirt with the royal crest on the pocket. I no longer feel comfortable wearing that, either. However, you can wear a pink shirt and get respect from both sides of the political spectrum.Wow I didn't think Red / Yellow shirts political conflict would effect what the tourists wear. I would be more careful about choosing my shirts for next trip LOL. Thanks for the heads up.

01-28-15, 12:33
Wow I didn't think Red / Yellow shirts political conflict would effect what the tourists wear.Unless there are active protests by one of the color parties I think you are fine. A farang wearing red is considered different than a Thai wearing red. If people altogether stopped wearing colors that were at one time or another co-opted by a political party there would be few options remaining.

I was in Bangkok May 2010 during the week leading up to and the day of the final battle that ended the Red protests. Experienced Marshall Law, heavily armed troops in the streets, and the shoot-to-kill curfew. There was no way on God's green earth I would have worn red at that time, and have by habit kept it to a minimum ever since. But yes I do bring and wear some red with me.

When in doubt look around and see what others (locals / tourists) are wearing. This concept cuts across the entire clothing debate. And if you are getting stares or strange looks while you are out and about it might be time to re-evaluate your choices.


01-28-15, 19:42
Wow I didn't think Red / Yellow shirts political conflict would effect what the tourists wear. I would be more careful about choosing my shirts for next trip LOL. Thanks for the heads up.As Sunlover said, it doesn't affect farang as much. But, IMHO, it's best to simply avoid it. I don't own any red shirts because I don't like the color. But I used to wear my yellow shirt with the royal crest. After 2009/2010 I noticed rater odd looks, especially from cabbies and others from the Isaan region. I began to feel slightly uncomfortable so I stopped wearing it. The GF recommends not to wear either color. Pink is the "other" royal color, so that appears to be safe. It's always good form in Thailand to show support for the king.

01-28-15, 19:45
P. P.

I never thought about it? Discretion? The only time I wear long pants is when I go home to the States meantime it is short everywhere including Temples, and I've been to lots of them. Maybe that is why I'm having such bad luck here and got kicked out of one and it was not for wearing shorts. Good idea. Going to get me a pair in case Thanks. See, even in a topic where we are beating it to death one can learn something from it.You got me to thinking. I know you can't get into the Royal Palace with shorts. But I seem to recall the GF insisting I wear shorts on some particularly hot days, and we did get into some temples. So, that may not be a hard and fast rule in Thailand.

However, I have been actively refused entry into temples in Myanmar while wearing shorts. They take things a bit more seriously there. You even have to remove your socks.

What did you do to get yourself thrown out of a temple? That must have taken some effort! :D

01-28-15, 20:31
A farang wearing red is considered different than a Thai wearing red.

SunLover.Absent an active conflict, if a farang wears red all the Thai's see is green.

01-29-15, 02:16
Absent an active conflict, if a farang wears red all the Thai's see is green.And purple. And white. 5555555.

01-29-15, 05:52
Unless there are active protests by one of the color parties I think you are fine. A farang wearing red is considered different than a Thai wearing red. If people altogether stopped wearing colors that were at one time or another co-opted by a political party there would be few options remaining.

I was in Bangkok May 2010 during the week leading up to and the day of the final battle that ended the Red protests. Experienced Marshall Law, heavily armed troops in the streets, and the shoot-to-kill curfew. There was no way on God's green earth I would have worn red at that time, and have by habit kept it to a minimum ever since. But yes I do bring and wear some red with me.

When in doubt look around and see what others (locals / tourists) are wearing. This concept cuts across the entire clothing debate. And if you are getting stares or strange looks while you are out and about it might be time to re-evaluate your choices.

SunLover.I have a great Nike Golf polo shirt cost me a pretty penny back home. I wanted to wear whenever I went to a place to watch the 49 ers games here in Pattaya. I also wanted to wear on Valentines and Christmas but because I have been mistaken a number of times as being Thai, I shelf the thing to be sure I do not put myself in a bad position and the yellow one too.

01-29-15, 06:20
I wore a red shirt during the first siege outside of central world. Before it started to get serious, the issan girls did get a bit sweet on me. Of course as it turned more serious I stopped that. Now days I would never do it. To infected.

The Cane
02-05-15, 01:07
Thailand has three of the top 25 most visited cities in the world! Bangkok, Phuket, and Pattaya. And I shall visit all three on my maiden voyage!


Uncle Volodya
02-05-15, 17:15
Hi guys,

Sorry if this is a bit off topic. But I think its finally time to start learning the language of my favorite (mongering) destination. Can anyone recommend an online course that can help me learn the bare basics: the alphabet, and some chit chat beyond "kuhn suai mak", "kaphuh krap", etc. ?

I am not trying to become a native speaker over night. Just to get a good base and then maybe take some Thai lessons while I am there over the summer.

Many thanks!


Old New Guy
02-05-15, 18:36
Hi guys,

Sorry if this is a bit off topic. But I think its finally time to start learning the language of my favorite (mongering) destination. Can anyone recommend an online course that can help me learn the bare basics: the alphabet, and some chit chat beyond "kuhn suai mak", "kaphuh krap", etc. ?

I am not trying to become a native speaker over night. Just to get a good base and then maybe take some Thai lessons while I am there over the summer.

Many thanks!

Uncle-V.http://highspeedthai.com/ is the best. If you want to try by yourself the old way, I can link a couple PDFs in PM.

Uncle Volodya
02-05-15, 21:21
http://highspeedthai.com/ is the best. If you want to try by yourself the old way, I can link a couple PDFs in PM.Khap khun mak na krap!

Do send those pdfs.

Kaaw an ni krap.

I need all the help I can get. LOL.

Alphabets looks impossible.

02-06-15, 01:27
Initial Assessment of Thailand.

Bangkok and Pattaya reminds me of turd world Mexico City and Tijuana. Many people, many cars, pop up vendors along the sidewalks. The smell of sewer is about everywhere, the sidewalks are misaligned and things poping up on the sidewalks, drivers are crazy, no respect for traffic laws. The roads were paved 40 years ago and its shows, never repaved again. And its hotter than shit here and that reminds me of Havana.

I think Pattaya is better for partying, but might as well put a vagina on the map with a beer and baht next to it. Pattaya in general probably has more white people than Thais! The Engliah are everywhere! Then the Aussies and the other Scandinavian representatives, a lot of Japanese too. Maybe rename Central Pattaya to Little London.

I like the freelancer bars the best, no haggling of lady drinks. In Bangkok, the Beer Garden was the best (that I could find). I haven't yet found a comparable bar like that one in Pattaya yet.

My mongering back home was a once very two weeks hobby, in Thailand, I have to fit it into my vacation of two weeks. And by the way, in the USA we call holiday a one day special day such as Christmas, New Years, Thanksgiving. We call time off of work to rest and relax a vacation, so a tad bit confused about the use of the word holiday.

So my initial assessment of Thailand is probably going to irritate some of you, well, it is what it is.

I'm 40 something years old and hop this place is here in 20+ years so I can be like the men I see now getting young tail! Seriously.

Member #4591
02-06-15, 05:29
I would like to propose an area of discussion regarding the undying respect some of our fellow members give the working girls here in Thaialnd. I am curious to know why some of us feel the need to defend the honor of these girls? I am really curious. I would like to give a quick example for the members to ponder. Recently I met a girl from Facebook. White skinned from Changmai. We went out on a couple of dates and planned a Valentines date for the 14th. Great sex after the second date. Her friend I met on one of our dates had met three different Thai guys throughout the evening, two married and one single. She was stringing all of them along because of financial reasons. My girl suddenly out of the blue sends me a line message last night telling me her friend needed 7000 Baht to pay her overdue rent and she wanted to help her but didn't have the Money. Promised she would pay me back. So in her eyes I should give this to her and trust her 100% to pay me back all after two dates. To make a long story short after I said no she began calling me down and sent pictures of her pilot boyfriend to me telling me I was no good and he was good. In conclusion she was also attempting to string me along. So my question again is why do some of the fellow members insist on trying to defend the honor of these girls? In my eyes it's simple. We pay and they stay LOL. If we can keep this discussion civil, I would really like to know.

02-06-15, 06:01
Tough choice but I would pick Bangkok / Pattaya.

Of course there are many factors that play into it.

Tijuana is near the border, so a person can have a hotel in San Diego and go down to Tijuana for activities. I never seen LT girls in Tijuana, they were always one shot mamas or time period specific and almost very case, girls have pregnancy stretch marks and they are young. And by the way there is only one section of town that has the ladies of the night, called the Cahuilla (ka'wheeela) just as short as Soi Cowboy and that's it. Two different pricing structures for foreigners and Mexicans.

Then there's Habana, Cuba where the girls are everywhere and will basically go with you to bang simply for taking them out for a meal. Of course there is their red light district called the Malecon (the main drag along the sea) and the beaches are wonderful, many black and mulatto girls. The girls that are straight out hookers are called jinateras (heen'a'teras). Basically like Thailand except there are hardly any businesses, you have to ask some of the girls where the clubs are. When you go to the clubs, you are a star! At the clubs there are jinateras. Costs on the ladies are $20 to $50 USD and its always LT unless things have changed or negotiated for ST.

So in conclusion, Tijuana is close, but [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) poor for a large section of red light districts and gals are marked up. Havana is great for Mongering, girls everywhere, you just need to sort out the good ones and if you like black or mulatto then this really good for you. Plus Havana is close to the states and the trip isn't exhausting.

So what about Bangkok? Far exhausting flight from the states 23 hours in all. Girls are everywhere which is good, and it is a party atmosphere with lots of Asian chicks if you have Asian fever, then it is here you should go.

02-06-15, 07:19
I would like to propose an area of discussion regarding the undying respect some of our fellow members give the working girls here in Thaialnd. I am curious to know why some of us feel the need to defend the honor of these girls? I am really curious. I would like to give a quick example for the members to ponder. Recently I met a girl from Facebook. White skinned from Changmai. We went out on a couple of dates and planned a Valentines date for the 14th. Great sex after the second date. Her friend I met on one of our dates had met three different Thai guys throughout the evening, two married and one single. She was stringing all of them along because of financial reasons. My girl suddenly out of the blue sends me a line message last night telling me her friend needed 7000 Baht to pay her overdue rent and she wanted to help her but didn't have the Money. Promised she would pay me back. So in her eyes I should give this to her and trust her 100% to pay me back all after two dates. To make a long story short after I said no she began calling me down and sent pictures of her pilot boyfriend to me telling me I was no good and he was good. In conclusion she was also attempting to string me along. So my question again is why do some of the fellow members insist on trying to defend the honor of these girls? In my eyes it's simple. We pay and they stay LOL. If we can keep this discussion civil, I would really like to know.Hi Bkkdog,

I won't give you an answer to your question, I keep calm on such questions.

But IMHO I would have given here the asked 7 k, as you said sex was great and she has delivered some "goods" already, however making sure, that would be an exception of the norm. Giving it and looking how it develops can be quiet interesting.

I have numerous times the request, before they have delivered anything, that of course is a strict no go.

In my eyes this cash thing has nothing to do with farangs. Same story applies to wealthy Thai guys. They / We are simply expected to pay, because they / we have it and the girls not. Simple as it is. Nothing grumpy attached to this.

02-06-15, 08:21
New member and planning my first tourist / mongering trip to Thailand in April for 24 days. Definitely will be spending time in Bangkok and Pattaya, but don't want to spend the whole time in both of those two cities. Reading forum posts for Bangkok Reports and Pattaya Reports going back to Jan 14 since I don't know anything. Looking for some recommendations on other cities / countries to visit. Places with both tourism attractions and a mongering scene. Any recommendations would be awesome.

Thank you

Old New Guy
02-06-15, 08:57
I would like to propose an area of discussion regarding the undying respect some of our fellow members give the working girls here in Thailand. I am curious to know why some of us feel the need to defend the honor of these girls? I am really curious. I would like to give a quick example for the members to ponder. Recently I met a girl from Facebook. White skinned from Changmai. We went out on a couple of dates and planned a Valentines date for the 14th. Great sex after the second date. Her friend I met on one of our dates had met three different Thai guys throughout the evening, two married and one single. She was stringing all of them along because of financial reasons. My girl suddenly out of the blue sends me a line message last night telling me her friend needed 7000 Baht to pay her overdue rent and she wanted to help her but didn't have the Money. Promised she would pay me back. So in her eyes I should give this to her and trust her 100% to pay me back all after two dates. To make a long story short after I said no she began calling me down and sent pictures of her pilot boyfriend to me telling me I was no good and he was good. In conclusion she was also attempting to string me along. So my question again is why do some of the fellow members insist on trying to defend the honor of these girls? In my eyes it's simple. We pay and they stay LOL. If we can keep this discussion civil, I would really like to know.Well, in reality a Thai girl's honor is high when she does well at what you described. We must understand that Thailand has a thousands year long tradition in this. It is part of their culture, a rich man can have as many GFs as he wants as long he's paying and treats them well. From Kings to policemen of today. If he doesn't pay, they will just walk away. Of course we're talking about women that are attractive, or sexually skilled. The ones that are not are simply not of an interest to anyone and will stick to the only husband they can find, an stay living in country. Just watch two Thai music videos, and one will be about a beautiful country girl that leaves to go live in Bangkok with a rich man that she doesn't love. If I was playing this game, I would not make a big deal, rather try to learn how to play. E. g when asked 7 K loan, offer 2 K gift with some explanation.

Things change when the foreigner is taken for serious money, first the dowry, then buy land, build house, then loose everything. That is a different game.

But with the city girls is easy to get along fueling the relationship with what you can honestly afford and is worth for the returns you get.

Member #4591
02-06-15, 09:27
Well, in reality a Thai girl's honor is high when she does well at what you described. We must understand that Thailand has a thousands year long tradition in this. It is part of their culture, a rich man can have as many GFs as he wants as long he's paying and treats them well. From Kings to policemen of today. If he doesn't pay, they will just walk away. Of course we're talking about women that are attractive, or sexually skilled. The ones that are not are simply not of an interest to anyone and will stick to the only husband they can find, an stay living in country. Just watch two Thai music videos, and one will be about a beautiful country girl that leaves to go live in Bangkok with a rich man that she doesn't love. If I was playing this game, I would not make a big deal, rather try to learn how to play. E. g when asked 7 K loan, offer 2 K gift with some explanation.

Things change when the foreigner is taken for serious money, first the dowry, then buy land, build house, then loose everything. That is a different game.

But with the city girls is easy to get along fueling the relationship with what you can honestly afford and is worth for the returns you get.Very good points but why do we defend their honor in this forum? I can't figure it out!

Old New Guy
02-06-15, 09:55
Very good points but why do we defend their honor in this forum? I can't figure it out!Well actually I've a good opinion about them, is that what you mean (smile) ? They can maintain themselves honestly, what's wrong with that?

You can often read postings like "she has a good job. From a good family. An impressive apartment and drives her own car" or "no money was ever asked or discussed", another pearl is "she seemed embarrassed in accepting the money". That doesn't change things a bit. You can be a young Thai TV star and you would be still expected to pay. It is only when you are known to have no money or fucking someone ugly that you are not.

Once I got to see an house for rent in one of the best neighbors of Bangkok. The very hot girl which family owns it showed up in an BMW convertible, M edition, because she had sold the Mini. From there is was all talks of handling multiple properties until she dropped us off at another Hi-end apartment complex. The young foreigner RE agent that was with me must have soaked the carpet by drooling after her. Now, not that it would ever happen, but if I was to sleep with her I would have no problem to leave 2 or 3 K by the bed stand. She would use them to pay her nails or give to the temple, but I know she would have no objection or problem, perhaps a laugh and a funny comment on the amount.

02-06-15, 10:17
In some posts I read that the Thai ladies give their BF or husband all the money they earn, in other posts I read that the women are expecting money from the boyfriend husband.

I talked to one Thai female in the states and she says when Thai women get shacked up they combine bank accounts as one right away to share expenses.

So are we taking about normal girls or ladies of the night? Or is there a difference?

Member #4591
02-06-15, 11:40
Well actually I've a good opinion about them, is that what you mean (smile) ? They can maintain themselves honestly, what's wrong with that?

You can often read postings like "she has a good job. From a good family. An impressive apartment and drives her own car" or "no money was ever asked or discussed", another pearl is "she seemed embarrassed in accepting the money". That doesn't change things a bit. You can be a young Thai TV star and you would be still expected to pay. It is only when you are known to have no money or fucking someone ugly that you are not.

Once I got to see an house for rent in one of the best neighbors of Bangkok. The very hot girl which family owns it showed up in an BMW convertible, M edition, because she had sold the Mini. From there is was all talks of handling multiple properties until she dropped us off at another Hi-end apartment complex. The young foreigner RE agent that was with me must have soaked the carpet by drooling after her. Now, not that it would ever happen, but if I was to sleep with her I would have no problem to leave 2 or 3 K by the bed stand. She would use them to pay her nails or give to the temple, but I know she would have no objection or problem, perhaps a laugh and a funny comment on the amount.

I am referring to random members posting a photo, contact info, and sharing intimate details about the Thai girl, bar girl or not and having other members tell him it's wrong to do so. My thinking is these thai girls whether they are working in a bar or not could care two shits about any farang. They are quite happily fucking around with us at the same time as their Thai guy. Many times the Thai man even knows and helps spend the money. I was recently just reminded of this so i posted about my experience. Everyday I read about men losing their money to these girls. Just today I read about a bloke who has overstayed his visa by 4 months and was arrested. Guess what? His excuse was a Thai girl drained his money and then left. If I pick up a random girl, freebie or not I could give a rats ass about her reputation just as she could care less about mine. There's no helping them hook up with other customers, helping them find out about our forum. It's a date and sex after, a casual hook up in my room, or a pay for play situation, that's it. For any member on this forum who thinks that these girls actually have any respect for us then please come and see me. I have a nice bridge for sale. Thai culture is about the men taking care of the woman and it seems the Thai men have a lot more leeway in this than farang. I have even seem bar girls or regular girls supporting their Thai boyfriends. Yes I can agree that not all Thai ladies are like how I describe but I have no intention of protecting their reputations, careers and so on. All I do know is I have never had a complaint from any lady after one of our dates. I take them to nice restaurants, bars, for occasional shopping but I certainly will not be scammed out of my money. This is just my opinion. I hope we can continue to discuss this without taking it personal. Happy mongering guys and take care of your wallets!

02-06-15, 11:42
I would like to propose an area of discussion regarding the undying respect some of our fellow members give the working girls here in Thaialnd. I am curious to know why some of us feel the need to defend the honor of these girls? I am really curious. I would like to give a quick example for the members to ponder. Recently I met a girl from Facebook. White skinned from Changmai. We went out on a couple of dates and planned a Valentines date for the 14th. Great sex after the second date. Her friend I met on one of our dates had met three different Thai guys throughout the evening, two married and one single. She was stringing all of them along because of financial reasons. My girl suddenly out of the blue sends me a line message last night telling me her friend needed 7000 Baht to pay her overdue rent and she wanted to help her but didn't have the Money. Promised she would pay me back. So in her eyes I should give this to her and trust her 100% to pay me back all after two dates. To make a long story short after I said no she began calling me down and sent pictures of her pilot boyfriend to me telling me I was no good and he was good. In conclusion she was also attempting to string me along. So my question again is why do some of the fellow members insist on trying to defend the honor of these girls? In my eyes it's simple. We pay and they stay LOL. If we can keep this discussion civil, I would really like to know.To be simple. They are human and so are we and not everyone is cut from the same cookie cutter. Many of us understand exactly what you are talking about and agree with the situation you post but it doesn't mean we have to stoop to that level and label them and generalize. As for defending, no one is insisting. I do not think anyone is defending them no more than you generalizing about your one situation that every Thai girl would do the same.
Would it be right if you met a Thai girl and she told you that she does not like Falang, they are all butterfly come to Thailand and treat us like dogs, lie and then leave. If you heard this it would be obvious that she got burn by a falang would that be fair to you?

Member #4591
02-06-15, 12:00
To be simple. They are human and so are we and not everyone is cut from the same cookie cutter. Many of us understand exactly what you are talking about and agree with the situation you post but it doesn't mean we have to stoop to that level and label them and generalize. As for defending, no one is insisting. I do not think anyone is defending them no more than you generalizing about your one situation that every Thai girl would do the same.
Would it be right if you met a Thai girl and she told you that she does not like Falang, they are all butterfly come to Thailand and treat us like dogs, lie and then leave. If you heard this it would be obvious that she got burn by a falang would that be fair to you?Good points but I would still never defend their honour on a sex forum. Yes all cultures have good and bad. You would be very surprised what I hear when my date thinks I cannot understand Thai. That's why I just take every date as a in the moment type of thing. In your example it is is fair to say that Thai girls have been burned by foreigners and vice versa. BTW this is just one situation of many I can describe as well as others.

Paul Kausch
02-06-15, 18:44
New member and planning my first tourist / mongering trip to Thailand in April for 24 days. Definitely will be spending time in Bangkok and Pattaya, but don't want to spend the whole time in both of those two cities. Reading forum posts for Bangkok Reports and Pattaya Reports going back to Jan 14 since I don't know anything. Looking for some recommendations on other cities / countries to visit. Places with both tourism attractions and a mongering scene. Any recommendations would be awesome.

Thank youChiang Mai is in interesting city to visit, but there is no mongering scene to speak of. Hua Hin is also a nice beach town. It's a popular vacation destination for Thais. Both are places you'd want to visit with a honey you met in Bangkok or Pattaya. It would not be hard to find a young lady who would be delighted to go with you. In other countries Phnom Penh is an option. Read posts in the PP thread to help you decide. Angeles City, Philippines is a very popular mongering destination. Again, read the ISG thread. Another option is Macau, specifically the saunas. Macau is more expensive than Bangkok, Pattaya, PP and AC, but the saunas are very interesting. Read the Macau Sauna thread. There are many very god posts that explain in detail how these venues work.

Also, I strongly recommend you pay the US$20 fee and become a senior member with the ability to send and receive private messages. You will get more help from other senior members if they see you are helping to financially support this forum.

02-06-15, 19:19
I would like to propose an area of discussion regarding the undying respect some of our fellow members give the working girls here in Thaialnd. I am curious to know why some of us feel the need to defend the honor of these girls? I am really curious. I would like to give a quick example for the members to ponder. Recently I met a girl from Facebook. White skinned from Changmai. We went out on a couple of dates and planned a Valentines date for the 14th. Great sex after the second date. Her friend I met on one of our dates had met three different Thai guys throughout the evening, two married and one single. She was stringing all of them along because of financial reasons. My girl suddenly out of the blue sends me a line message last night telling me her friend needed 7000 Baht to pay her overdue rent and she wanted to help her but didn't have the Money. Promised she would pay me back. So in her eyes I should give this to her and trust her 100% to pay me back all after two dates. To make a long story short after I said no she began calling me down and sent pictures of her pilot boyfriend to me telling me I was no good and he was good. In conclusion she was also attempting to string me along. So my question again is why do some of the fellow members insist on trying to defend the honor of these girls? In my eyes it's simple. We pay and they stay LOL. If we can keep this discussion civil, I would really like to know.IMHO, you are mixing up a lot of things that are quiet different. I'm not criticizing you, just giving my own point of view and YMMV.

A "relationship" with a working girl is strictly "business". I don't pay them to stay, I pay them to go away in the morning without any drama; hopefully the sex was good, it may even have been a nice GFE, but there are no real feelings involved. I don't get their FB, email, line or whatever kind of address or even their telephone number. I'm not interested in their friends or family. I'm not on a date with her. We've had our fun and that's it.

Anything more and I'd consider to be on my way to friendship or love. And in Thailand that means you (as the rich farang) will indeed pay for her to stay. The more affluent pay for the less well-off. Actually whether you are a farang or a Thai doesn't matter and perhaps it goes even more for a Thai.

Giving her 7000 baht (or any amount of money or presents) will increase your "face" with her and co-incidentally her giving the money to her friend will increase her standing in her social environment as well. Maybe she will pay you back (in money or services) but that is besides the issue. You are a few steps higher up now because of your jai dee (good heart) and that counts for a lot in Thailand. Our culture values independence and self-reliance whereas the Thail culture is all about connections and status. Next time you ask something from her she'll be honor bound to deliver, but (depending on the "value" of your request) that may then put you in her social debt.

To give you a real example: last time I was in Thailland me and my GF went for a dinner and -as usual- we met some of her friends and she could not do otherwise than to invite them. Of course I paid for the whole dinner. A few days later I asked my GF where I could get a haircut. She grabbed her phone and called one of the friends that joined us for dinner. The guy came by on his motorcycle and drove me to a barber shop, stayed with me the whole time, bought me a coconut drink and drove me back to the hotel. That's the way these things work in Thailand.

But don't misunderstand me. For sure there are mercenary types who abuse this system, but usually you'll find out quickly.

02-06-15, 19:25
Very good points but why do we defend their honor in this forum? I can't figure it out!I'd defend anyone's honor in any forum if it was wrongly put into question.

Old New Guy
02-06-15, 19:33
I'd defend anyone's honor in any forum if it was wrongly put into question.I think that with "defending honor" Bkkdog was referring to members that object to posting explicit details or pictures of a girl. That is a subjective matter and discussion that I'm not even interested to have.

02-06-15, 19:34
New member and planning my first tourist / mongering trip to Thailand in April for 24 days. Definitely will be spending time in Bangkok and Pattaya, but don't want to spend the whole time in both of those two cities. Reading forum posts for Bangkok Reports and Pattaya Reports going back to Jan 14 since I don't know anything. Looking for some recommendations on other cities / countries to visit. Places with both tourism attractions and a mongering scene. Any recommendations would be awesome.

Thank youAh, the typical "I am so busy and must cram everything in as short a time as possible" Western attitude!

24 days will be over before you know it.

One week in Bangkok allows you to barely scratch the surface of both touristy and mongering spots. A few days in Kanchanaburi (of "Bridge over the River Kwai" fame) will show you a totaly different part of Thailand. Then move to Pattaya and again a week will be too short to see and experience its sights. Going back to Bangkok for your last few days will give you a nice closure to your trip.

Remember, This is Thailand (TIT) where no plan ever survives contact.

Paul Kausch
02-06-15, 19:55
Definitely will be spending time in Bangkok and Pattaya, but don't want to spend the whole time in both of those two cities.

24 days will be over before you know it.My suggestions are options, but I strongly encourage you to think carefully about W's advice. He knows what he's talking about.

If you do a fair amount of research and arrived with a good idea of what is available in Bangkok and Pattaya, you might discover 24 days is not enough time for just those two destinations. Also Bangkok and Pattaya are different enough so one will not be just a repeat of the other. If you read back through enough posts you'll discover that each city has its fans.

02-06-15, 21:28
New member and planning my first tourist / mongering trip to Thailand in April for 24 days. Definitely will be spending time in Bangkok and Pattaya, but don't want to spend the whole time in both of those two cities. Reading forum posts for Bangkok Reports and Pattaya Reports going back to Jan 14 since I don't know anything. Looking for some recommendations on other cities / countries to visit. Places with both tourism attractions and a mongering scene. Any recommendations would be awesome.

Thank youGermany has a great FKK scene, check out the german FKK section.

Do you have the budget for such a long trip set aside (and how to access it when oversea's)? Hope your not planning on bringing enough cash to get you thru a 24 day trip.

What about angeles city? Search for some flights into clark field (CRK) out of Bangkok.

Splurge for the $20 membership fee so you can receive pm's, you'll get better info that way.

p.s. I'll be there at the end of April, will post my dates in the travel announcement section when my trips close to departing.

02-06-15, 23:07
Thanks Wolvenvacht, Paul and Breadman for your advice.

One week in Bangkok allows you to barely scratch the surface of both touristy and mongering spots. A few days in Kanchanaburi (of "Bridge over the River Kwai" fame) will show you a totally different part of Thailand. Then move to Pattaya and again a week will be too short to see and experience its sights. Going back to Bangkok for your last few days will give you a nice closure to your trip.My penciled plan was to start in Bangkok (5 nights), no plan, Pattaya (5 nights), and Bangkok (2-3 nights) to close out the trip. This would give me close to 10 days to find something to do. Kanchanaburi does sound like a awesome place to get away to for a few days.

Do you have the budget for such a long trip set aside (and how to access it when oversea's)?I do have a budget in mind for the trip. Will definitely bring cash with me, but not my full budget. I feel that it's always good to have access to US dollars. Then use ATMs for cash when needed. Read on the ISG forums that Charles Schwab is a good option. Looking into that.

Splurge for the $20 membership fee so you can receive pm's, you'll get better info that way.I did splurge on a $20 membership. Should be able to send / receive PMs. Noticed that it's a good idea to paid sub when asking questions and doing research.

What about beach recommendations? I know Pattaya is a beach city, but I do hear that its crowded and polluted. Not as crowded and a great place to relax for 3 nights.

Thanks again everyone.

02-07-15, 00:47
In some posts I read that the Thai ladies give their BF or husband all the money they earn, in other posts I read that the women are expecting money from the boyfriend husband.

I talked to one Thai female in the states and she says when Thai women get shacked up they combine bank accounts as one right away to share expenses.

So are we taking about normal girls or ladies of the night? Or is there a difference?"Is there a difference?" You can't be serious.

Traditionally the woman "ran the house" and managed the money. The husband gave his paycheck to the wife, who then paid bills, bought food, whatever. Sometimes there were variations, like the man gave the woman an allotment with which to run the house and he kept the rest. Traditionally, if the woman earned money, she kept it for herself. It will take too long to go into the whys and wherefores of these traditions. Today they have regular community property laws, etc. , so the younger generations may often combine their earnings.

Now, on the other end of the spectrum you have the bar girls who give their earnings to some guy, who then snorts / smokes / injects it. The guy is called a "Maeng Daa" and that is not a compliment. Regular Thai ladies look down on a woman who would give her money to such a man. And all you have to do is to look at a picture of the Maeng Dar Crab to see what society in general thinks of the man who is supported by these women.

02-07-15, 02:05
Good points but I would still never defend their honour on a sex forum. Yes all cultures have good and bad. You would be very surprised what I hear when my date thinks I cannot understand Thai. That's why I just take every date as a in the moment type of thing. In your example it is is fair to say that Thai girls have been burned by foreigners and vice versa. BTW this is just one situation of many I can describe as well as others.Funny, we are on ISG, not Facebook, Twitter, etc. Where should one actually defend them or one's position. I too agree we all have lots of stories and each one or example are different so should we or you place a basic answer to all situation or conversation. Sure we are mostly talking about P4 P ladies whether they hide behind a dating site so should we just assumed that is where they are now. That being said someone mentioned about posting picture girls from some of these dating website. I'm not for or against since I have no idea how and never posted a picture but I think people have to take things into perspective and not just assume it is okay To do, to me it is just common sense. We have the advantage? How would one feel if one of these girls posted a picture on a dating website and said something negative?

Personally, I think the majority of the dating website here in Thailand is a hide away for P4 P, based on their economy and culture begins and ends with money. Why would a Thai want to hook up with a Falang if it can't benefit them to a better life. Sure there is real love as we want to believe it but Thai relationship outside of their own race is to better themselves, not stay even or go below the line. If you have nothing to offer and for them to show you off they would lose face in front of friends and family. Unless, you are young, in Thai if you can't buy them a house, support them, what are you doing with this old fuck? 555. Now that is a generalization but that doesn't mean I wouldn't give her a chance and defend her etc. To get into her pants. And if she burns me etc. Then I can lump her in with the rest?

Member #4698
02-07-15, 02:14
My penciled plan was to start in Bangkok (5 nights), no plan, Pattaya (5 nights), and Bangkok (2-3 nights) to close out the trip. This would give me close to 10 days to find something to do. Kanchanaburi does sound like a awesome place to get away to for a few days.

What about beach recommendations? I know Pattaya is a beach city, but I do hear that its crowded and polluted. Not as crowded and a great place to relax for 3 nights.

A 24 day trip should afford you plenty of time to check out the girls and either A) relax on a beautiful island beach or B) see some of the cultural highlights and hill country scenery. My advice is stay in BKK and Pattaya and if you want, add a third destination from either column A) or column B) to your itinerary. Do not try to cram too much into your trip. As I see it, there are three viable itineraries. The length of time I recommend in each destination is merely a suggestion.

Trip 1. Girls Girls & Girls: BKK 14 nights & Pattaya 10 nights. What can I say? This is a great trip and believe me you will not get bored. 555.

Trip 2: Girls & Surf: BKK 9 nights, Pat 7 nights, Phuket 3 nights, and Ko Lipe 5 nights or forget Phuket and Ko Lipe and visit Ko Chang instead: BKK 11 nights, Pat 8 nights, and Ko Chang 5 nights.

Trip 3: Girls & Culture: Bkk 11 nights, Pat 9 nights, Siem Reap 4 nights.

I think any of these itineraries makes for a great trip. Which is the right one for you depends on what interests you. For example, no one can predict a head of time whether you will prefer BKK or Pattaya. I like BKK more, but I still get a kick out Pattaya. Keep in mind that Pattaya is not a beach destination. It is an adult P4 P amusement park on the coast. I enjoy walking Beach Road every day, but the only swimming you will do in Pattaya is at your hotel pool. Therefore choose a Pattaya hotel with a good pool.

If you are into beautiful beaches, as I am, you will notice that I have mentioned two real good ones here: Ko Lipe and Ko Chang. Ko Lipe is quiet, remote and very beautiful. Bring a girl if you want to get laid on Ko Lipe. Ko Chang is 3 hours down the road from Pattaya. It too is very beautiful and it has some great beaches and tranquil outer islands to explore. There are a few girlie bars on Ko Chang, but it is best to bring your own girl. Note: it should not be a problem to find a good girl to bring along if you schedule 8 nights in Pattaya before travelling to Ko Chang. On the other hand, going solo in the middle of a trip and taking a 5 day sex break will do wonders for your libido when you return to Pattaya or BKK and all the madness.

If you are into the cultural aspects I suggest you set aside Chiang Mai for another trip and fly from BKK straight into Siem Reap. Angkor WWat is spectacular and worth 3 days of exploration with a guide. Thailand has nothing to offer on this level although exploring the temples and palaces of Bangkok is really good too and Ayutthaya is an enjoyable daytime excursion from BKK. As far as Siem Reap, the town goes, I actually like it better than Chiang Mai. I find CNX very overrated and touristy. The surrounding hill country is another story. Mae Hong Son is a delightful provincial town.

In any case, you have a few decisions to make. Don't over think it. It is all good. Thailand is still numero uno despite all its problems.

Paul Kausch
02-07-15, 05:37
Now, on the other end of the spectrum you have the bar girls who give their earnings to some guy, who then snorts / smokes / injects it. The guy is called a "Maeng Daa" and that is not a compliment. Regular Thai ladies look down on a woman who would give her money to such a man. And all you have to do is to look at a picture of the Maeng Dar Crab to see what society in general thinks of the man who is supported by these women.Isn't Maeng Da "pimp" in Thai?

Member #4591
02-07-15, 05:58
I think that with "defending honor" Bkkdog was referring to members that object to posting explicit details or pictures of a girl. That is a subjective matter and discussion that I'm not even interested to have.You are correct. These girls care nothing about our honour or reputation so I can't figure out why we should care about theirs. Anyways very good information posted about the traditional thai ladies compared to the non traditional ones. There seems to be a farang stereo type that the traditional Thais cling to. In my recent case she was a traditional Thai girl but her and her friend were stringing along multiple guys and I was not going to be a player in her game. A good 60 % of a Thai girls I believe think the same. These will be my P4 P or one night stand options. If I ever try to settle down I will pick one from the other 40%.

Member #4591
02-07-15, 06:02
IMHO, you are mixing up a lot of things that are quiet different. I'm not criticizing you, just giving my own point of view and YMMV.

A "relationship" with a working girl is strictly "business". I don't pay them to stay, I pay them to go away in the morning without any drama; hopefully the sex was good, it may even have been a nice GFE, but there are no real feelings involved. I don't get their FB, email, line or whatever kind of address or even their telephone number. I'm not interested in their friends or family. I'm not on a date with her. We've had our fun and that's it.

Anything more and I'd consider to be on my way to friendship or love. And in Thailand that means you (as the rich farang) will indeed pay for her to stay. The more affluent pay for the less well-off. Actually whether you are a farang or a Thai doesn't matter and perhaps it goes even more for a Thai.

Giving her 7000 baht (or any amount of money or presents) will increase your "face" with her and co-incidentally her giving the money to her friend will increase her standing in her social environment as well. Maybe she will pay you back (in money or services) but that is besides the issue. You are a few steps higher up now because of your jai dee (good heart) and that counts for a lot in Thailand. Our culture values independence and self-reliance whereas the Thail culture is all about connections and status. Next time you ask something from her she'll be honor bound to deliver, but (depending on the "value" of your request) that may then put you in her social debt.

To give you a real example: last time I was in Thailland me and my GF went for a dinner and -as usual- we met some of her friends and she could not do otherwise than to invite them. Of course I paid for the whole dinner. A few days later I asked my GF where I could get a haircut. She grabbed her phone and called one of the friends that joined us for dinner. The guy came by on his motorcycle and drove me to a barber shop, stayed with me the whole time, bought me a coconut drink and drove me back to the hotel. That's the way these things work in Thailand.

But don't misunderstand me. For sure there are mercenary types who abuse this system, but usually you'll find out quickly.Your current Thai girlfriend sounds very cool but would she be so cool if you suddenly had a financial problem? As with Thai man who might have the same problem, the thai ladies seem to accept it more and help them instead of dumping them right away. But maybe that does not concern you. She has this hanging over your head while you have your activities with the other girls and this forum. Is is a fiat trade off? For me, maybe yes.

Paul Kausch
02-07-15, 06:14
Your current Thai girlfriend sounds very cool but would she be so cool if you suddenly had a financial problem?I've lost count of how many American men I've known who had financial problems that led to marital problems with their American wives that ended with divorces. Women marry a men for security. When a man can no longer provide security he no longer serves his primary purpose. Once upon a time marriage was a partnership and the man and woman struggled side by side to eck out a living. But then once upon a time people traveled in wagons and and oxen were used to pull plows.

Member #4591
02-07-15, 06:19
You are correct. These girls care nothing about our honour or reputation so I can't figure out why we should care about theirs. Anyways very good information posted about the traditional thai ladies compared to the non traditional ones. There seems to be a farang stereo type that the traditional Thais cling to. In my recent case she was a traditional Thai girl but her and her friend were stringing along multiple guys and I was not going to be a player in her game. A good 60 % of a Thai girls I believe think the same. These will be my P4 P or one night stand options. If I ever try to settle down I will pick one from the other 40%.Please don't get me wrong I mean not disrespect to you or your current situation with your girlfriend. I'm just using your example to try and prove a point. As I say here I will never defend the honour of the 60% of Thai girls that have absolutely no respect for us, speak badly behind our backs in Thai, and only have one thing in mind, separating our money from our wallets. I am perfectly happy to do if for good sex but I will not be scammed and lied to about a sick buffalo, friend no money for rent and so on. So why defend their honour if someone posts a photo with their face showing, or a screen shot of a mostly fake facebook profile. I being guilty of both along with other members in the photo gallery. They would never defend me so I will never defend them. 60%.

Member #4591
02-07-15, 06:24
I've lost count of how many American men I've known who had financial problems that lead to marital problems with their American wives that ended with divorces. Women marry a men for security. When a man can no longer provide security he no longer serves his primary purpose. Once upon a time marriage was a partnership and the man and woman struggled side by side to eck out a living. But then once upon a time people traveled in wagons and and oxen were used to pull plows.Good points Mr. Kausch but with Thai men the girls will go to work and sell their body in the bar and give the money to their Thai boyfriend where if there is a farang man involved it's see you later alligator. She will tolerate it more with a Thai man. In my most recent case, her friend was stringing along Thai guys for money and mine has a pilot boyfriend that would not give her the 7,000 Baht or she was just trying to get it out of me.

Member #4591
02-07-15, 06:34
Funny, we are on ISG, not Facebook, Twitter, etc. Where should one actually defend them or one's position. I too agree we all have lots of stories and each one or example are different so should we or you place a basic answer to all situation or conversation. Sure we are mostly talking about P4 P ladies whether they hide behind a dating site so should we just assumed that is where they are now. That being said someone mentioned about posting picture girls from some of these dating website. I'm not for or against since I have no idea how and never posted a picture but I think people have to take things into perspective and not just assume it is okay To do, to me it is just common sense. We have the advantage? How would one feel if one of these girls posted a picture on a dating website and said something negative?

Personally, I think the majority of the dating website here in Thailand is a hide away for P4 P, based on their economy and culture begins and ends with money. Why would a Thai want to hook up with a Falang if it can't benefit them to a better life. Sure there is real love as we want to believe it but Thai relationship outside of their own race is to better themselves, not stay even or go below the line. If you have nothing to offer and for them to show you off they would lose face in front of friends and family. Unless, you are young, in Thai if you can't buy them a house, support them, what are you doing with this old fuck? 555. Now that is a generalization but that doesn't mean I wouldn't give her a chance and defend her etc. To get into her pants. And if she burns me etc. Then I can lump her in with the rest?I agree with all of what you say. You are wise man. Why would she want to hook up with a foreigner? Face has a lot to play with it sure. But I really disagree with defending the honour of one of the 60% I speak of. It's a fair trade off for me. They take our money and talk bad about us in Thai as we post their photos and videos and gossip about the sex on this site. All good for me. I could care less if they lose face.

Paul Kausch
02-07-15, 06:47
with Thai men the girls will go to work and sell their body in the bar and give the money to their Thai boyfriend where if there is a farang man involved it's see you later alligator.These Thai men are pimps and the women are prostitutes. Prostitutes take money from the johns and give it to their pimps / lovers. It's worked that way all over the world since long before any of us were born. This stuff is universal and not unique to any one culture.

02-07-15, 07:28
Isn't Maeng Da "pimp" in Thai?Yes. It can also be used for someone who lives off of women. Which, I suppose, a pimp does, too. :)

02-07-15, 08:18
Your current Thai girlfriend sounds very cool but would she be so cool if you suddenly had a financial problem? As with Thai man who might have the same problem, the thai ladies seem to accept it more and help them instead of dumping them right away. Yes she's quite cool and between us there is already a whole lot of "social accounting" given that she once saved my life (but that's another story). But nobody can predict the future, so we just have to see what happens if / when it happens.

But maybe that does not concern you. She has this hanging over your head while you have your activities with the other girls and this forum. Is is a fiat trade off? For me, maybe yes.As long as I don't fall in love with someone else, she doesn't seem to mind. Thai women can see the difference between sex and love.

02-07-15, 08:24
I've lost count of how many American men I've known who had financial problems that led to marital problems with their American wives that ended with divorces. Women marry a men for security. When a man can no longer provide security he no longer serves his primary purpose.Well said Paul.

Once upon a time marriage was a partnership and the man and woman struggled side by side to eck out a living.This something which is much more prevalent still in Thailand it seems. Marriage for the Thai is more about economics than love.

But then once upon a time people traveled in wagons and and oxen were used to pull plows.Or the women and children pulled the plow. Much cheaper than buying an ox.

Member #4591
02-07-15, 10:53
Isn't Maeng Da "pimp" in Thai?Paul often the literal translations from two language end up coming out different on the other end. In this example the English translation is pimp. This is a man who is generally not in a relationship with his girls. He sexually abuses them a few times and takes a huge cut of their money for so called protection or the right to work in a certain area. The Thai word describes a man simply with no job who is supported by his girlfriend or wife. Whatever she gives him is drank, snorted or injected into his body as well as cheating with other girls. I once new a bar girl working at Mandarin from Surin. She was doing just this with her boyfriend. They have 1 baby together. He is a Thai boxer. Him being an up and comer, she had to go earn a living for the two of them. Would she do the same for her farang boyfriend? Sell her body to help a farang up and coming boxer or support his schooling? I think not. I asked why she was with him? She said " I love him" Of course he was out at the same time as her whoring around with the groupie Thai girls who follow the boxers. This is my point guys. In my recent example the girl has a pilot boyfriend but he couldn't pay the 7,000 but I was classified as the bad guy and he is the good one. Who cares about them. Don't defend their honour, especially here on ISG. If you don't want to see a photo of a Thai girl with her face uncovered, don't look. This is my opinion and please don't get offended by it, anyone. They give two shits about us so we should be the same. However when you are with them acting as a complete gentlemen, buying drinks, paying her for her time, even overpaying if the sex is great is completely understandable in my books. I give my girl at the Madame massage a 1000 THB tip every time. But if she ever asks me for 10,000 Baht I will say no because I defiantly know she is supporting a dead beat Thai guy.

02-07-15, 13:30
Isn't Maeng Da "pimp" in Thai?Yes, the word แมงดา maaeng- daa- is Thai slang for "pimp," however it's literal meaning is giant water bug. You can find them cooked and available for sale on Thai street food carts catering to bug eaters from Isaan.

02-08-15, 10:14
Laundry: Highway Robbery.

The hotels and even some to the laundry shops charge a lot of money to do laundry per piece. I bought new shirts at one third over the amount they wanted to charge me instead of getting my laundry done through them.

What do you do for laundry in farangland?

02-08-15, 19:10
Laundry: Highway Robbery.

The hotels and even some to the laundry shops charge a lot of money to do laundry per piece. I bought new shirts at one third over the amount they wanted to charge me instead of getting my laundry done through them.

What do you do for laundry in farangland?Simple solution: Don't have the hotel (or any laundry located on an extremely heavily touristed street like Soi Nana) do you laundry.

A brief inspection of almost any soi in BKK will reveal at least one, and usually several, laundries. Yes, it's slightly more effort. And you'll need to bag your laundry yourself, and schlep it to and from the laundry. But you'll save a ton, because laundry in Thailand is very cheap. And they will iron damn near everything, including your underwear. I love Thai laundry services.

02-08-15, 19:15
Simple solution: Don't have the hotel (or any laundry located on an extremely heavily touristed street like Soi Nana) do you laundry.

A brief inspection of almost any soi in BKK will reveal at least one, and usually several, laundries. Yes, it's slightly more effort. And you'll need to bag your laundry yourself, and schlep it to and from the laundry. But you'll save a ton, because laundry in Thailand is very cheap. And they will iron damn near everything, including your underwear. I love Thai laundry services.Yes, it is so convenient and cheap. They even ironed the bag in which I put the dirty laundry.

02-09-15, 00:58
Laundry: Highway Robbery.

The hotels and even some to the laundry shops charge a lot of money to do laundry per piece. I bought new shirts at one third over the amount they wanted to charge me instead of getting my laundry done through them.

What do you do for laundry in farangland?I find that there are much fewer laundries on the odd numbered sois of Sukhumvit than on the even-numbered (low numbers). My favourite is a place on Soi 13 called Hispeed. See their website.


02-14-15, 09:55
When I got on the plane going to Thailand, I knew it was going to be bad. I was wrong, sort of. The total time was 23 hours from Las Vegas to Bangkok including changing planes and layover. Economy seating.

The flight from Vegas to SFO was easy and not bad its a short distance time wise about 1 and a half hours.

Then got on the plane from SFO to Haneda (Tokyo). Wow there was extra room, I had nobody sitting next to me, so I laid down to sleep / rest, grueling 10 hour flight I think it was. Then the layover in Tokyo of about 3-4 hours, again, not too bad of a wait, time to stretch the legs.

Then got on board to Bangkok and happened to get the seats right where economy starts, so had good leg room, wow, great luck, so then the 7 hour flight, a lot of Entourage catch up! Finally get to Bangkok at 5:30 am Bangkok time. Overall, I must have lucked out on the flights, I thought this was standard, I haven't been on a plane in years.

The way back to Vegas was the nightmare!

Each of the legs of the journey was packed to the gills with people, flights were full!

From Bangkok to Japan, I got stuck in the absolute middle of the plane, cramped, I had several beers on board (Japanese flights, drink all you want complimentary). 3 hour layover in Japan. Had more beers at the airport.

Then got on the plane from Japan to Los Angeles and the nightmare continued. United computers went down, so held over for 1 hour on the tarmac. I got the window seat its 3 seats to the row, so after having many beers, I had to go to the bathroom several times, bothering the big fat couples that were next to me to get up and move out to the isle so I could go to the bathroom. My fluids were finally out and then decided I would only go to the bathroom when they got up to go. This is the 9 hour flight. Then the guy next to me is playing the arm chair game, hogging up my side of the arm rest, so I had to put my arm down and on the inside for most of the journey cause this guy would not budge. The guy then starts sleeping and snoring, his mouth is wide open and had a severe case of halitosis, I mean bad and was pointed my direction, smelt worse then some of the sewers in Bangkok. I never went to sleep, I put on the air vent above to clear the air but was cold for a long portion of time. The meals were something else as far as trying to eat while this guy was elbowing me.

Finally landed in L. A. But the 1 hour late caused me to miss my connecting flight to Vegas. 11 am. They tried to re-book me at 7:45 pm with United, WTF? So then they tried to book me with American at no charge. I went to American and they wanted an extra $25 baggage fee, I told them NO, I;m not paying that, I already paid my ticket in full and included the baggage. I go back to United they explained the baggage fee. I ended up not going with American and waited for the 7:45 pm flight, 8 HR layover. Got on board to Vegas, again packed, make it to Vegas at 9 pm, I miss the last free shuttle to my area of town and ended up taking a taxi to my house at the cost of $55 USD including the tip. Maybe I should have paid the American Airlines baggage fee of $25 USD after all.

02-14-15, 13:33
I'm lucky just a shot to the California west coast. I use to go through Japan using Northwest which is now Delta. The thing that bother me about Japan was the headache or long lines going through security. You practically have to be stripped naked to get through. Before and after wall to wall people. Then once you get on another as you mentioned 6-7 more hours.

Eva Air runs out of SFO / LAX, it is longer to Taipei like 14:00 hours but once you are on to me at less who cares. Once in Taipei, the layover is like 2/3 hours and going through security it is a breeze and once in the Eva terminal there is free Internet. Not wall to wall people. And when on to BKK, 3 hours.

Rules might have changed but when a airline is delayed not for natural causes (weather) they foot the bill like hotels and meals and should have footed the bill for the baggage. This is their problem, it has been a while since I work but the only time I remember access baggage becoming a problem and one should take note is when a customer using a Airline and the connection is made on a Code share or alliance as they call it. Your case does not seem to be the case. I was always instructed to not offer a thing unless the customer make a big issue of it. But I had a hearing problem and to process the customer I gave the store away before I left.

Member #4591
02-15-15, 19:04
I have just finished reading the Bangkok reports thread but have only read a hanful of reports regarding just that. Instead I have read about fake boobs, the best malls in Bangkok, and the best food courts. I really like the general thread for it was designed just for that purpose, discussions about non mongering topics. For those who complain about the newbies posting questions instead of reading through the site, consider this. A newbie goes to the Bangkok reports thread to look for information on go go bars in Bangkok but has to read about fake boobs and the best shopping malls. Of course he will just post a question. Who wants to read through all the crap. The search function may yield one or two results but you still need to read through a bunch of crap to see the real posts with all their replies and comments. How to solve this problem?

02-15-15, 19:12
I have just finished reading the Bangkok reports thread but have only read a hanful of reports regarding just that. Instead I have read about fake boobs, the best malls in Bangkok, and the best food courts. I really like the general thread for it was designed just for that purpose, discussions about non mongering topics. For those who complain about the newbies posting questions instead of reading through the site, consider this. A newbie goes to the Bangkok reports thread to look for information on go go bars in Bangkok but has to read about fake boobs and the best shopping malls. Of course he will just post a question. Who wants to read through all the crap. The search function may yield one or two results but you still need to read through a bunch of crap to see the real posts with all their replies and comments. How to solve this problem?You are very right man! Being an occasional follower of this thread for more than four years, while the thread has always been an updated source of valuable information, off-topic posts / discussions with so many replies has always been there and it kinda makes it a lot harder / more time-consuming to find what you are really looking for. And the fact that these off-topic discussions are often started and are usually answered / continued by senior members made me think that this is kinda tradition in this thread to talk about anything which might happened in Bangkok not only the mongering stuff.

02-15-15, 21:01
When I got on the plane going to Thailand, I knew it was going to be bad. I was wrong, sort of. The total time was 23 hours from Las Vegas to Bangkok including changing planes and layover. Economy seating.

The flight from Vegas to SFO was easy and not bad its a short distance time wise about 1 and a half hours.

Then got on the plane from SFO to Haneda (Tokyo). Wow there was extra room, I had nobody sitting next to me, so I laid down to sleep / rest, grueling 10 hour flight I think it was. Then the layover in Tokyo of about 3-4 hours, again, not too bad of a wait, time to stretch the legs.

Then got on board to Bangkok and happened to get the seats right where economy starts, so had good leg room, wow, great luck, so then the 7 hour flight, a lot of Entourage catch up! Finally get to Bangkok at 5:30 am Bangkok time. Overall, I must have lucked out on the flights, I thought this was standard, I haven't been on a plane in years.

The way back to Vegas was the nightmare!.Maybe next time you can try this strategy. Just aim his air nozzle directly into his mouth. He will eventually wake up and probably close his mouth.

02-15-15, 22:25
When I got on the plane going to Thailand, I knew it was going to be bad. I was wrong, sort of. The total time was 23 hours from Las Vegas to Bangkok including changing planes and layover. Economy seating.

The flight from Vegas to SFO was easy and not bad its a short distance time wise about 1 and a half hours.

Then got on the plane from SFO to Haneda (Tokyo). Wow there was extra room, I had nobody sitting next to me, so I laid down to sleep / rest, grueling 10 hour flight I think it was. Then the layover in Tokyo of about 3-4 hours, again, not too bad of a wait, time to stretch the legs.

Then got on board to Bangkok and happened to get the seats right where economy starts, so had good leg room, wow, great luck, so then the 7 hour flight, a lot of Entourage catch up! Finally get to Bangkok at 5:30 am Bangkok time. Overall, I must have lucked out on the flights, I thought this was standard, I haven't been on a plane in years.

The way back to Vegas was the nightmare!

Each of the legs of the journey was packed to the gills with people, flights were full!

From Bangkok to Japan, I got stuck in the absolute middle of the plane, cramped, I had several beers on board (Japanese flights, drink all you want complimentary). 3 hour layover in Japan. Had more beers at the airport.

Then got on the plane from Japan to Los Angeles and the nightmare continued. United computers went down, so held over for 1 hour on the tarmac. I got the window seat its 3 seats to the row, so after having many beers, I had to go to the bathroom several times, bothering the big fat couples that were next to me to get up and move out to the isle so I could go to the bathroom. My fluids were finally out and then decided I would only go to the bathroom when they got up to go. This is the 9 hour flight. Then the guy next to me is playing the arm chair game, hogging up my side of the arm rest, so I had to put my arm down and on the inside for most of the journey cause this guy would not budge. The guy then starts sleeping and snoring, his mouth is wide open and had a severe case of halitosis, I mean bad and was pointed my direction, smelt worse then some of the sewers in Bangkok. I never went to sleep, I put on the air vent above to clear the air but was cold for a long portion of time. The meals were something else as far as trying to eat while this guy was elbowing me.

Finally landed in L. A. But the 1 hour late caused me to miss my connecting flight to Vegas. 11 am. They tried to re-book me at 7:45 pm with United, WTF? So then they tried to book me with American at no charge. I went to American and they wanted an extra $25 baggage fee, I told them NO, I;m not paying that, I already paid my ticket in full and included the baggage. I go back to United they explained the baggage fee. I ended up not going with American and waited for the 7:45 pm flight, 8 HR layover. Got on board to Vegas, again packed, make it to Vegas at 9 pm, I miss the last free shuttle to my area of town and ended up taking a taxi to my house at the cost of $55 USD including the tip. Maybe I should have paid the American Airlines baggage fee of $25 USD after all.I feel your pain! When I used to go to Hawaii frequently it was the exact same thing. Moderately full flights outbound, but packed to the fucking rafters coming back. WTF? Don't they have the same number of flights in both directions?

You've succinctly described why I will no longer fly any domestic airline, except Southwest. Between the American Airlines prison matrons, err, flight attendants, the insane baggage fees, and sardine-like seating, flying has simply become a misery. Oh, and, like you, don't get me started on being wedged next to some lard-ass who should have been charged for two seats. Flying for 14 hours with a horde of Chinese has its drawbacks, but at least they tend to fit into the seats.

Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy Thailand?

02-16-15, 03:42
I feel your pain! When I used to go to Hawaii frequently it was the exact same thing. Moderately full flights outbound, but packed to the fucking rafters coming back. WTF? Don't they have the same number of flights in both directions?

You've succinctly described why I will no longer fly any domestic airline, except Southwest. Between the American Airlines prison matrons, err, flight attendants, the insane baggage fees, and sardine-like seating, flying has simply become a misery. Oh, and, like you, don't get me started on being wedged next to some lard-ass who should have been charged for two seats. Flying for 14 hours with a horde of Chinese has its drawbacks, but at least they tend to fit into the seats.

Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy Thailand?I spared you the real Gettysburg Address, but that's neither here nor there. I was not accustomed to so many women throwing themselves at me and getting catcalls from them instead of me to them. I was taken aback at the amount of women available, literally!

I do the mongering in Las Vegas but this was quite something else, as a famous Russian once said. "wadd'a country"!

I believe it's just way too hot, which makes it miserable. Bangkok is huge. Pattaya seems more my style. I don't know if I will come back, the weather sucks and that's the drawback for me. Maybe in my blue hair days should I live so long would I come back for a long extended stay.

But I have to admit, I'm in Las Vegas and kind of miss the women of Thailand and the good times I had there, a good reflection mixed with the heat.

One town's very like another.

When your head's down over your pieces, brother.

It's a drag, it's a bore, it's really such a pity.

To be looking at the board, not looking at the city.

02-16-15, 09:35

Then got on board to Bangkok and happened to get the seats right where economy starts, so had good leg room, wow, great luck, so then the 7 hour flight, a lot of Entourage catch up! Finally get to Bangkok at 5:30 am Bangkok time. Overall, I must have lucked out on the flights, I thought this was standard, I haven't been on a plane in years.


From Bangkok to Japan, I got stuck in the absolute middle of the plane, cramped, I had several beers on board (Japanese flights, drink all you want complimentary). 3 hour layover in Japan. Had more beers at the airport.

Then got on the plane from Japan to Los Angeles and the nightmare continued. United computers went down, so held over for 1 hour on the tarmac. I got the window seat its 3 seats to the row, so after having many beers, I had to go to the bathroom several times, bothering the big fat couples that were next to me to get up and move out to the isle so I could go to the bathroom.

Didn't you select your seats on line before flying? Maybe you're not aware of web check-in including the possiblilty to select your seat since you haven't been on a plane in years.

And drinking a lot of alcohol is never a good idea on planes. The air in planes is very dry and drinking alcohol dehydrates you even more. But the choice is yours of course.

02-16-15, 11:34
Has anyone had any experience or recommendations on fishing tours / guides for barramundi near Bangkok? I found several sites advertising tours, even Angel Massage on Soi 26.

02-16-15, 21:28
I believe it's just way too hot, which makes it miserable. Bangkok is huge. Pattaya seems more my style. I don't know if I will come back, the weather sucks and that's the drawback for me. Maybe in my blue hair days should I live so long would I come back for a long extended stay.
Yes, and you went during the "cool" season. :)

You'll find a god in every golden cloister /
And if you're lucky then the god's a she /
I can feel an angel sliding up to meeeeeeeee.

02-16-15, 21:42
Yes, and you went during the "cool" season. :)

You'll find a god in every golden cloister /
And if you're lucky then the god's a she /
I can feel an angel sliding up to meeeeeeeee.But thank God, I'm only watching the game, controlling it.

I don't see you guys rating.

The kind of mate I'm contemplating.

I'd let you watch, I would invite you.

But the queens we use would not excite you.

The Cane
02-16-15, 21:47
So then they tried to book me with American at no charge. I went to American and they wanted an extra $25 baggage fee, I told them NO, I;m not paying that, I already paid my ticket in full and included the baggage. I go back to United they explained the baggage fee. I ended up not going with American and waited for the 7:45 pm flight, 8 HR layover. Got on board to Vegas, again packed, make it to Vegas at 9 pm, I miss the last free shuttle to my area of town and ended up taking a taxi to my house at the cost of $55 USD including the tip. Maybe I should have paid the American Airlines baggage fee of $25 USD after all.American pissed me off recently with their baggage fees. I traveled on a free frequent flyer ticket, and when I went to check in for my flight, they charged me $25 to check one bag "because I hadn't paid full fare for the ticket". Wait a fucking minute! They were the ones who "awarded" me with a "free" ticket, then they turn around and charge me to check a bag because I didn't pay the full fare for the ticket? What kind of bullshit is that? To me "free" means "free", and the fucking trip wasn't free because I had to pay $50 round trip for my one piece of luggage plus an $11.20 "processing" fee. So, it wasn't a free round trip ticket after all! Nickel and dime them to death! I traveled on a United frequent flyer ticket last summer and didn't have to pay to check a bag. Just one more reason why I generally despise American Airlines and normally will avoid them when I can. Too many shitty old planes (they are modernizing their fleet I'll give them that) and shitty customer service! American Airlines. The only way not to fly!

Fast Eddie 48
02-18-15, 00:46
American pissed me off recently with their baggage fees. I traveled on a free frequent flyer ticket, and when I went to check in for my flight, they charged me $25 to check one bag "because I hadn't paid full fare for the ticket". Wait a fucking minute! They were the ones who "awarded" me with a "free" ticket, then they turn around and charge me to check a bag because I didn't pay the full fare for the ticket? What kind of bullshit is that? To me "free" means "free", and the fucking trip wasn't free because I had to pay $50 round trip for my one piece of luggage plus an $11.20 "processing" fee. So, it wasn't a free round trip ticket after all! Nickel and dime them to death! I traveled on a United frequent flyer ticket last summer and didn't have to pay to check a bag. Just one more reason why I generally despise American Airlines and normally will avoid them when I can. Too many shitty old planes (they are modernizing their fleet I'll give them that) and shitty customer service! American Airlines. The only way not to fly!To Cane.

This is a Redemption ticket for your Mileage it is not totally free you still have to pay the fuel tax and other tax, I fly with AA about 50,000 mile a year I transfer all my Mileage to Cathay pacific they don't charge me for baggage most airline is cutting mile benefit and service not just AA.

Fast eddie 48.

The Cane
02-18-15, 00:54
To Cane.

This is a Redemption ticket for your Mileage it is not totally free you still have to pay the fuel tax and other tax, I fly with AA about 50,000 mile a year I transfer all my Mileage to Cathay pacific they don't charge me for baggage most airline is cutting mile benefit and service not just AA.

Fast eddie 48.They charged me exactly $61.20. There was an $11.20 fee which I didn't mind actually. It was the $50 baggage charge that annoyed me, and the reason they gave for why I had to pay that. I recently obtained the Citi AAdvantage Platinum MasterCard. Now I won't have to pay for a checked bag again on American and will get other benefits as a result of having that credit card. Like I said, I don't like them, but sometimes they offer the best flights and connections, especially to Latin America.

02-18-15, 21:08
What do you guys that took up residence (live) in Thailand do?

I realize that its the cooler months now, but what do you guys do in the summertime? Do you go back to your country (US or wherever)?

You just hack out the weather?

I realize also that a lot of you are retired, semi-wealthy or moved there years ago. But besides teaching what do you do for a living (income) in Thailand?

And do you guys take girlfriends for extended periods of time and just hook up with her, I mean the temptations are at every corner and every time you look to your left or right!

How do you maintain it?

How was the red tape getting to stay in Thailand?

One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble.

Not much between despair and ecstasy.

Fast Eddie 48
02-19-15, 03:36
They charged me exactly $61.20. There was an $11.20 fee which I didn't mind actually. It was the $50 baggage charge that annoyed me, and the reason they gave for why I had to pay that. I recently obtained the Citi AAdvantage Platinum MasterCard. Now I won't have to pay for a checked bag again on American and will get other benefits as a result of having that credit card. Like I said, I don't like them, but sometimes they offer the best flights and connections, especially to Latin America.To The Cane.

Well other US airline is charging for baggage now not just AA I always carry on one garment bag for most of my US travel even to Brazil and ARG I travel light, just book with Cathay Pacific SFO to HK and BKK for 90,000 asia mile tax is about 300 usd I need to pay need to use it before it expired and I still have 200,000 miles avalible after that.

Fast eddie 48.

Old New Guy
02-19-15, 17:35
What do you guys that took up residence (live) in Thailand do?

I realize that its the cooler months now, but what do you guys do in the summertime? Do you go back to your country (US or wherever)?

You just hack out the weather?

I realize also that a lot of you are retired, semi-wealthy or moved there years ago. But besides teaching what do you do for a living (income) in Thailand?

And do you guys take girlfriends for extended periods of time and just hook up with her, I mean the temptations are at every corner and every time you look to your left or right!

How do you maintain it?

How was the red tape getting to stay in Thailand?

One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble.

Not much between despair and ecstasy.Well, people tends to fall into categories, you probably have seen a few already. Not everyone of course has the same sexual drive. There are also very monogamous men, bigots, priests, etc. The tens of thousand of British folks living cheap in Pattaya are different from an elitist living on a small Island. Some people makes a point of not having a fixed Thai wife. Some has all the free time to become rich working or trading online, others just slowly drink their life away, others fights the odds running a business that they can't even legally own, as well foreigner can't own land, only pre-determined condo units. There is a lot of people that has cut bridges with home country and would not have a place to return to. When older than 50 staying continuously is easy, only need Bt 80,000 in a Thai bank, or a monthly income of 65,000, or a combination of the two. The language is so difficult that few learn it satisfactorily. Millions of strange personal stories, at the end I think living in Thailand can be a blessing but is not an absolute value, life is what you can make out of it, wherever you are.

02-20-15, 07:09
[...] When older than 50 staying continuously is easy, only need Bt 80,000 in a Thai bank, or a monthly income of 65,000, or a combination of the two. [...]

That's a minimum of THB 800,000 (not 80,000) in a Thai Bank, or a monthly income of (at least) 65,000 for retirees (must be older than 50), or a combination of the two.

If you are married to a Thai national, it's only THB 400,000 in bank, or a monthly income of (at least) 40,0000 for most people, or a combination of the two. There is no minimim age (apart for being legally married first, of course) for this second type of visa.

A few other options are available (one may check ThaiVisa.com website and forums, for instance, for more details), but the two mentioned above are probably the most common for long-term foreign residents.

I am only 47 years old, I was 32 when I first came in Thailand as a tourist, and some time later married a local (at 35) because I wanted to live here and didn't need to work (I own apartments in my country of origin and can live here comfortably enough on their rental, I also had pretty good savings before settling here and still have a non-negligible part of them and some securities for 'raining days').

I have many hobbies (besides patronizing the local brothels and other P4P-related activities) and I also help several friends (I used to work in the IT sector, thus, I am often needed for computer-related projects and/or issues). And of course, as a married man, I spend much more time than I want with the wife and/or the in-laws (although, I must admit that it may be fun sometimes).

It was not difficult too much to acclimate myself to the weather. Now, I very seldom use A/C at home. I've always enjoyed the spicy Thai food and can eat like a local.

However, I regularly come back about one month yearly to France (my country of origin) usually during winter because one of my favorite sports is skiing and I cannot practice it in Thailand!

Old New Guy
02-20-15, 09:21
That's a minimum of THB 800,000 (not 80,000) in a Thai Bank, or a monthly income of (at least) 65,000 for retirees (must be older than 50), or a combination of the two.

If you are married to a Thai national, it's only THB 400,000 in bank, or a monthly income of (at least) 40,0000 for most people, or a combination of the two. There is no minimim age (apart for being legally married first, of course) for this second type of visa.
Yes, 800,000. But in case of marriage, funds and income cannot be combined.

02-20-15, 11:22
Yes, 800,000. But in case of marriage, funds and income cannot be combined.In the past, it was possible to combine income and funds, even for a non-immigrant "O" visa based on marriage (I know at least one consulate in Switzerland where it was possible), but I haven't checked this option recently, so, you are probably right and I stand corrected.

But one must realize that the whole process depends greatly on where you are applying for your visa (or extension of stay thereafter). For instance, it was still possible the last time I have checked (September 2014) to get a one-year non-immigrant "O" visa based on marriage at the Thai Royal Consulate in Savannakhet (Laos) without providing proofs of sufficient ressource. Not sure that it will last long and it's of course better not to count too much on this, but it demonstrates that rules are not always applied uniformly on these matters.

02-20-15, 18:25
Living in Thailand.

Thanks Goyave and Old New Guy (ONG) for some info. Goyave, are you in BKK? What city.

Do you feel uneasy about putting your money in a Thai Bank, is it held in Thai notes or can it be held in US dollars? 800,000 at 32.5 baht to the dollar is $24,615 USD. An the income part of $2,000 USD is okay, but do you have to have that rolling into a Thai Bank or can you just show the income from a US bank. But I am under 50 so that wouldn't apply.

So under 50, what applies if you don't get married?

Also, a concern, is the health care, what do you do there? Are there health plans or health insurance? Find a random doctor, costs?

I know some of this is researchable and have searched it, but real life experience is much better.

Old New Guy
02-20-15, 19:52
Living in Thailand.

Thanks Goyave and Old New Guy (ONG) for some info. Goyave, are you in BKK? What city.

Do you feel uneasy about putting your money in a Thai Bank, is it held in Thai notes or can it be held in US dollars? 800,000 at 32.5 baht to the dollar is $24,615 USD. An the income part of $2,000 USD is okay, but do you have to have that rolling into a Thai Bank or can you just show the income from a US bank. But I am under 50 so that wouldn't apply.

So under 50, what applies if you don't get married?

Also, a concern, is the health care, what do you do there? Are there health plans or health insurance? Find a random doctor, costs?

I know some of this is researchable and have searched it, but real life experience is much better.I think we could answer to all this, but best would be for your to participate the website that Goyave has linked. There are continuous discussions (based on real life) to all these questions and more. While on this forum we can concentrate on on the matter of pussy with all the juicy details, or discuss politics in open terms, things that are frowned upon there.

02-20-15, 20:20
Living in Thailand.

Thanks Goyave and Old New Guy (ONG) for some info. Goyave, are you in BKK? What city.

Do you feel uneasy about putting your money in a Thai Bank, is it held in Thai notes or can it be held in US dollars? 800,000 at 32.5 baht to the dollar is $24,615 USD. An the income part of $2,000 USD is okay, but do you have to have that rolling into a Thai Bank or can you just show the income from a US bank. But I am under 50 so that wouldn't apply.

So under 50, what applies if you don't get married?

Also, a concern, is the health care, what do you do there? Are there health plans or health insurance? Find a random doctor, costs?

I know some of this is researchable and have searched it, but real life experience is much better.While it may seem a bit strange, I understand that if you had your money in a Thai account before the crash of 2008, you would have lost nothing. I don't know any Americans who can say the same thing. Thailand has its share of problems, but they don't have Bush / Obama / The Federal Reserve doing their best to trash the dollar.

Now the problem lately is whether or not you, as a US Citizen, can get a bank account. I will try to do this, again, in April. I got busy last trip and just didn't get it done. The issue now, however, is FATCA. Stories abound about banks refusing accounts if held by a US national, based upon odious and insane reporting and withholding requirements. AFAIK, some Thai banks will still allow US holders. I'll report more later.

Under 50, not married, can be a problem. You may need to set up a company, or similar. As a US citizen, it's easier than most to set up a company under the Treaty of Amity.

The overall quality of health care is very good. Yes, there are good health insurance policies and they are extremely cheap by US standards. In any case, the health care in Thailand, at a good private hospital, is a fraction of what it costs in the USA. A good rule of thumb is 30% to 50% of what it costs in the US, depending on what's being done. Sometimes as much as 90% cheaper. The level of care in a private hospital is very good. In fact, a few years ago when I toured BNH doing research, I asked about semi-private rooms and the lady looked at me like I just beamed in from Mars. All rooms were private, just some were bigger than others. My only real complaint is that Thai doctors tend to overmedicate the hell out of you, and antibiotics are prescribed far too often.

Old New Guy
02-20-15, 20:40
While it may seem a bit strange, I understand that if you had your money in a Thai account before the crash of 2008, you would have lost nothing. I don't know any Americans who can say the same thing. Thailand has its share of problems, but they don't have Bush / Obama / The Federal Reserve doing their best to trash the dollar.I had money in US banks in 2008 and I haven't lost anything. I understand your dislike for US politics, but the US dollar is today stronger than ever. A good 30% stronger than in 2008. And the US economy is doing quite good too. I say that as these are true facts, not because I feel compelled to defend anything that is American. And Thailand had its fair share of incompetent/corrupt/dictatorial gov.ts, poor enough to negatively compete with anyone.

The rest of your posting I agree with.

02-20-15, 20:46
I think we could answer to all this, but best would be for your to participate the website that Goyave has linked. There are continuous discussions (based on real life) to all these questions and more. While on this forum we can concentrate on on the matter of pussy with all the juicy details, or discuss politics in open terms, things that are frowned upon there.You're right, I guess I've been shown the door! Pussy Politics. PP.

02-21-15, 00:14
Living in Thailand.

[...] Goyave, are you in BKK? What city. [...]

No, I don't live in Bangkok, but in Udon Thani province. While Bangkok, Pattaya or other touristy destination may be attractive for most foreigners, I don't like them too much anymore. The locals are (IMHO) much less genuinely friendly there, there is much more scams and criminality, you are mostly considered as a walking-ATM (that's also often the case elsewhere in Thailand, but to a lesser extent), etc. But to really enjoy other (non-touristy) places, one must understand and speak at least some basic Thai.

And I second Old New Guy's opinion for your other questions and I suggest that you join the forums of ThaiVisa.com for more inputs on those issues.

Old New Guy
02-21-15, 10:48
You're right, I guess I've been shown the door! Pussy Politics. PP.Look, that was only my suggestion, if you feel like discussing the logistics of moving or living in Thailand here, please go ahead.

02-21-15, 15:00
Has anyone had a recent positive experience at Queens Park Plaza, Sukhumvit 22? Kind of an anachronistic place in Bangkok, vestigial remains from when British were the preeminent ex-pat presence in town.

02-21-15, 16:55
Look, that was only my suggestion, if you feel like discussing the logistics of moving or living in Thailand here, please go ahead.Where else on ISG to discuss that topic?

Old New Guy
02-21-15, 17:11
Where else on ISG to discuss that topic?I said, go ahead without any sarcasm. Awaiting to read your suggestions to TTT.

02-21-15, 20:32
I said, go ahead without any sarcasm. Awaiting to read your suggestions to TTT.

Where else on ISG to discuss that topic?

Look, that was only my suggestion, if you feel like discussing the logistics of moving or living in Thailand here, please go ahead.

You're right, I guess I've been shown the door! Pussy Politics. PP.I'm as guilty as anyone of getting off topic and hijacking threads. But, IMHO, this is the General thread and isn't a bad place for non-skirt-chasing topics.

02-21-15, 21:42
I stayed at Suk-Soi 22.

Has anyone had a recent positive experience at Queens Park Plaza, Sukhumvit 22? Kind of an anachronistic place in Bangkok, vestigial remains from when British were the preeminent ex-pat presence in town.I stayed at Admiral Suites near Queens Hotel on Soi 22.

I like this area, has many bars on the west side of the street as you're heading to Sukhumvit Rd (the main drag). On the east side of the street, many foot and body massage places. Seems a little catered to the Japanese.

It is also close to Soi 33 which is really catered to the Japanese and basically Japanese area with many massage places and the testicle massage place called Honey.

So I partied on Suk-Soi 22, got drunk at the bars at the corner of Sukhumvit and Soi 22 (across from the Holiday Inn).

Same Same at these bars as most bars, girls wanting you to come in and have a drink, lady drinks, and take out. Beers are cheaper, but my experience is the scene was just on the west side of the Soi. I didn't venture out much more than Soi 31 and Soi 33 in the area, but those are dead Sois in my opinion.