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03-30-18, 12:14
A crap day and shit happens, but dare I say, a lot of the shit happens by not being prepared. I can see where Impact is on Google Maps past Bang Kret. That is past where I had to go for Immigration stamp. Motorcycle for that, is unwise choice. Take BTS to Mo Chit or similar then taxi, or just taxi the whole way and be able to direct taxi with Google Maps and GPS. Taxis can go the wrong way.

If you are looking at vehicles you can afford a smart phone. They are not that expensive for basic models. My step daughter has an inexpensive one because she is likely to smash it from time to time. Mine is a few years out of date but still working fine (and takes 2 SIMs). I guess you have ulterior motive so you cannot be contacted on Video. LOL.

You could know by reading my posts (LOL) that while Crazy House opens at 7. 30, the best time to arrive is 9 PM if you want to see the better girls. Also the line up has declined a lot. Don't expect absolute beauties. Some girls with good bodies. Really pretty, not many, while I am very fussy. Some doable.

Traffic in Bangkok is a problem, that is best covered by knowing the time of day and time of month, day of week, and how that affects traffic. Outsiders won't know it well. I do use motorcycles at times for short trips due to heavy traffic. Some how I have avoided the incidents you report.

Lastly, you have been in Thailand such a long time, perhaps learning Thai could be worthwhile to you, even though takes years to get good at it. Find a good class to start with. It is hard when get older to take on vocab fast, I know. I did much better when I was 35 (long ago). Now I am getting a lot more exposed to Issan, I have new basic Issan vocab to learn gradually. I don't particularly like the sound of Issan language (it's like ugly Thai), but same applies to German, Chinese, Vietnamese etc. It is said that with just 200 words or so, you can start communicating very simple expressions in Thai with Thais. Maybe that is exaggeration, I don't know. I believe I am fluent to speak 4000 words now and understand maybe 8000 in context, but that is much more than necessary, although I can't follow TV News in Thai better than about 70% understanding. I can learn more by myself now. Street conversation uses much more limited vocab. I could order my specs in detail the other day in Thai language. When they used any English words with me, usually the pronunciation is so far off, that I don't understand them, and have to ask them to spell the English words. LOL Guys that live here full time (I am not), should be able to get pretty good at Thai within 3 years I reckon, if diligent for study repetition. Its even easier for guys who have an Asian type language already, to understand pronunciation issues.

So obviously you feel much more at home in Pattaya because used to it. I am the opposite. It is hard to work out why family guys would be in Pattaya other than to monger. LOL.

When I am up country with family (not Pattaya), mongering is out of the question.Don't get my report wrong! What happen on my this visit didn't start my impression that Bangkok is a shit hole it always has been my view since I first visited in the late 70's. Even in the early 90's after a long period of not visiting before the BTS was build it was still a shithole it just got larger and the traffic was bad then and still bad now with or without the BTS. In spite of everything I wouldn't live in Bangkok but do enjoy visiting from time to time to change the boring tempo here in Pattaya but rare if ever leave the Nana Area or ride the motorbike taxi only to and from the USA Embassy.

When it comes to Impact, I did do a short research look and everything lead me to go to MoChit and connect to the Impact. I expected traffic therefore never having a problem catching a motorbike taxi here in Pattaya or even short rides in Bangkok Nana area. So to make sure I didn't sit in traffic just opt for the motorbike but maybe bad selection never had a wild ride ever in Pattaya or Bangkok Nana area .

As for speaking Thai yes I've been here a long time too long? I've taken a few years here in Pattaya through Father Rays Northstar library and a number of years I stopped. I realized with my Type A personality the more I learn the more I heard what I didn't like and would give Thai a piece of my mind. Doing so gets you in a lot of bad situation especially it doesn't take much to get a Thai man to snap especially when they realized you aren't Thai. So I stopped, reinvented myself a bit and now use my learning of Thai throw it in with a bit of humor which is what I did with the Thai motorbike driver. This was a major change for me because Thailand was becoming a nightmare with my personality and my background it was turning me back to how I grew up and there was just too much responsibility here for me to get in trouble because I was needed. My brother sat me down one day and told me we got so many things to focus people we need to track down we can't afford to use those resources to track down Farangs or Thai trailer trash. I know enough Thai to more than get by but my past experiences the last thing I want today is to be Thai or learn anymore Thai. I've been ask to be 100% Thai, which would never be ask of a white man but because I'm Asian I'm halfway there but reality that is the last thing I will ever want. It is tough enough making sure my son and wife don't think I have such contempt in general for Thais and their culture. But I'm doing fine these days smiling so although I had a bad trip I know shit happens that is life I'm learning to go with the flow.

As for Crazy house, I in fact have read your reports and in my visits last August and December made it a point to visit CH, and both times were around 8 pm, and the stage was full this time a bit earlier as noted 4 girls on stage no nudity bunch of naked girls upstairs standing around and blowing up balloons I waited but my neck and shoulder was stiffing up which made it uncomfortable so after a half hour of waiting I decided to bolt and again check out Soi 24-22 but again nothing. I even checked out the old Hana Massage to see if old Rin was there sure she could have taken care of the neck and LBM but nope she was gone or busy.

So don't get me wrong I would never live there yes Pattaya is my shithole the main reason it is easy to get around like my hometown San Francisco. But I've never seen a Motorbike Taxi or taken me in Pattaya in the manner I got taken in Bangkok, the place is too big and hard to get around. I travel on my motorbike each day usually average 50 KM a day and it is easy plus if I can't see the ocean I will past on all the highrises.

Working out is easy here in Pattaya especially if you don't care to use a gym. I'm old school I never go to a gym. I live on the darkside, I go out to the reservoir lake run up and down the stairs. I'm no Rocky but lift the small boulders and ride my bike 35-40 every two days.

As for Phones, I know I'm falling behind but as long as the phone rings and not often I feel I'm doing just fine. Not cheap it is a matter of priority to me. It has taken me two years to get off girls from Line, WeChat, etc. Just got tired of the calling at all hours today I'm much happier and for sure sleep better and this is really the way to live here. When I read the reports here about TF it makes me shake. I get it when I want I decide and not the little brain any longer you guys knock yourself out living here or visiting with all the dating sites.

04-01-18, 11:59
Don't get my report wrong! What happen on my this visit didn't start my impression that Bangkok is a shit hole it always has been my view since I first visited in the late 70's. Even in the early 90's after a long period of not visiting before the BTS was build it was still a shithole it just got larger and the traffic was bad then and still bad now with or without the BTS. In spite of everything I wouldn't live in Bangkok but do enjoy visiting from time to time to change the boring tempo here in Pattaya but rare if ever leave the Nana Area or ride the motorbike taxi only to and from the USA Embassy.

When it comes to Impact, I did do a short research look and everything lead me to go to MoChit and connect to the Impact. I expected traffic therefore never having a problem catching a motorbike taxi here in Pattaya or even short rides in Bangkok Nana area. So to make sure I didn't sit in traffic just opt for the motorbike but maybe bad selection never had a wild ride ever in Pattaya or Bangkok Nana area .

As for speaking Thai yes I've been here a long time too long? I've taken a few years here in Pattaya through Father Rays Northstar library and a number of years I stopped. I realized with my Type A personality the more I learn the more I heard what I didn't like and would give Thai a piece of my mind. Doing so gets you in a lot of bad situation especially it doesn't take much to get a Thai man to snap especially when they realized you aren't Thai. So I stopped, reinvented myself a bit and now use my learning of Thai throw it in with a bit of humor which is what I did with the Thai motorbike driver. This was a major change for me because Thailand was becoming a nightmare with my personality and my background it was turning me back to how I grew up and there was just too much responsibility here for me to get in trouble because I was needed. My brother sat me down one day and told me we got so many things to focus people we need to track down we can't afford to use those resources to track down Farangs or Thai trailer trash. I know enough Thai to more than get by but my past experiences the last thing I want today is to be Thai or learn anymore Thai. I've been ask to be 100% Thai, which would never be ask of a white man but because I'm Asian I'm halfway there but reality that is the last thing I will ever want. It is tough enough making sure my son and wife don't think I have such contempt in general for Thais and their culture. But I'm doing fine these days smiling so although I had a bad trip I know shit happens that is life I'm learning to go with the flow.

As for Crazy house, I in fact have read your reports and in my visits last August and December made it a point to visit CH, and both times were around 8 pm, and the stage was full this time a bit earlier as noted 4 girls on stage no nudity bunch of naked girls upstairs standing around and blowing up balloons I waited but my neck and shoulder was stiffing up which made it uncomfortable so after a half hour of waiting I decided to bolt and again check out Soi 24-22 but again nothing. I even checked out the old Hana Massage to see if old Rin was there sure she could have taken care of the neck and LBM but nope she was gone or busy.

So don't get me wrong I would never live there yes Pattaya is my shithole the main reason it is easy to get around like my hometown San Francisco. But I've never seen a Motorbike Taxi or taken me in Pattaya in the manner I got taken in Bangkok, the place is too big and hard to get around. I travel on my motorbike each day usually average 50 KM a day and it is easy plus if I can't see the ocean I will past on all the highrises.

Working out is easy here in Pattaya especially if you don't care to use a gym. I'm old school I never go to a gym. I live on the darkside, I go out to the reservoir lake run up and down the stairs. I'm no Rocky but lift the small boulders and ride my bike 35-40 every two days.

As for Phones, I know I'm falling behind but as long as the phone rings and not often I feel I'm doing just fine. Not cheap it is a matter of priority to me. It has taken me two years to get off girls from Line, WeChat, etc. Just got tired of the calling at all hours today I'm much happier and for sure sleep better and this is really the way to live here. When I read the reports here about TF it makes me shake. I get it when I want I decide and not the little brain any longer you guys knock yourself out living here or visiting with all the dating sites.Regardless of traffic, motorcycle is not great idea except for short distances and especially through back Sois. There is a danger element that cannot be totally ignored. I would not want to travel a lot on motorcycles, certainly not 50 km per day, and definitely not at any speed. Slow through traffic jams is better. Traffic danger is high and also bad country roads with potholes. You have to realise that Thais can buy their driver's license. They don't have to pass a test. Many tell me to read up and study the rules and pass a test is too hard.

I am not sure what a Type A personality is, Asshole, Angry, or what? LOL I am an Argumentative type I guess, when something makes so little sense, mostly the Mrs is the one who always has to win an argument though. I prefer to joke around when speaking with Thais. If angry, it is better not to speak to them at all, but I admit have done so sometimes. However I do lose my temper fairly rarely. I don't find Thais are making a lot of really rude comments about Farangs (at least in Bangkok) and up country. Most Thais that I deal with are fairly polite.

Most of have to be tolerant to handle the shitty aspects of Bangkok. Traffic is probably the worst. Many other aspects are easy. You don't like an establishment, you just move on. First hairdresser I went to today said 500 Baht. LOL I just left in a hurry to a barber nearby and paid 100 Baht. I don't need Hiso haircut joint. LOL.

Any time Crazy H does not have any girls completely nude means that there is a police / army presence and they are expecting something untoward. However that normally only lasts a short time. Too early, and it is possible to have no nude girls and only dressed ones, the rest yet to arrive. 8 PM is a bit too early (hence low girl numbers) even though they start dancing at 7. 30 PM. The good girls would rarely arrive before 9 PM. I checked out CH on Sat night briefly after midnight. Line up was not totally hopeless, but also nothing worth staying for. Most girls with a good reputation or popular would be taken long ago. Was still very busy for customers, despite the weak line up. Probably habitual customers. I have not checked out upstairs recently so don't know if that is still the ugly girls or may have improved. I am totally bored with CH, it has declined badly. It was a pretty good bar for me 3 to 4 years ago. At one time they only accepted good looking girls. That was long ago. Now it is Billboard that does not take on any fat or ugly girls. It would spoil their reputation. Still some girls with legs too thick for my taste. Most other bars do take ugly girls. CH has had some shockers (extremely ugly to my taste) also some extremely ugly surgeries (gone wrong?

5 Star and Long Gun also have naked girls and DollHouse may have, but I don't think the quality will be any better. Things have declined in my view, with new government, and the growing set of fake "Coyote" girls and Ladyboys. It is depressing. Can find beautiful girls, e. G. Billboard, and can find skilled girls very easy to fuck and have fun with, but getting everything together is still so hard.

There are parks in Bangkok for those that like running. E. g. Laps of Lumphini park early in the morning before gets too hot, and other parks attract quite a few runners, maybe too many? LOL Obviously can't just run anywhere. Need consistent level footing and no traffic hazards.

I am not trying to sell Bangkok at all. I have tolerated for a long time, but will be in the big city far less in the future. Moving out. As my Mongering levels decline, I don't think Pattaya has any attractions for me. I would only go there to see if they really have a lot of girl talent or not. Being very fussy, I would not expect too much.

Maybe the Pattaya monger scene has not declined as badly as what we have here? I do hear that the prices for girls is not a far different from Bangkok as what it used to be.

04-02-18, 12:26
Here's a reminder when leaving Thailand to budget sufficient time to go through all the steps of exiting the country. It took me well over 90 minutes from the time I was dropped off at the terminal until I got to the gate. It was a very slow process to drop off my suitcase, go through checkpoints, get to security and finally exit passport control. There were long lines everywhere. I saw quite a number of fools trying to jump the queues because they had left it too late. The worst case was the couple who had dropped off their suitcase and had only 10 minutes before their plane took off.

04-02-18, 13:43
Regardless of traffic, motorcycle is not great idea except for short distances and especially through back Sois. There is a danger element that cannot be totally ignored. I would not want to travel a lot on motorcycles, certainly not 50 km per day, and definitely not at any speed. Slow through traffic jams is better. Traffic danger is high and also bad country roads with potholes. You have to realise that Thais can buy their driver's license. They don't have to pass a test. Many tell me to read up and study the rules and pass a test is too hard.

I am not sure what a Type A personality is, Asshole, Angry, or what? LOL I am an Argumentative type I guess, when something makes so little sense, mostly the Mrs is the one who always has to win an argument though. I prefer to joke around when speaking with Thais. If angry, it is better not to speak to them at all, but I admit have done so sometimes. However I do lose my temper fairly rarely. I don't find Thais are making a lot of really rude comments about Farangs (at least in Bangkok) and up country. Most Thais that I deal with are fairly polite.

Most of have to be tolerant to handle the shitty aspects of Bangkok. Traffic is probably the worst. Many other aspects are easy. You don't like an establishment, you just move on. First hairdresser I went to today said 500 Baht. LOL I just left in a hurry to a barber nearby and paid 100 Baht. I don't need Hiso haircut joint. LOL.

Any time Crazy H does not have any girls completely nude means that there is a police / army presence and they are expecting something untoward. However that normally only lasts a short time. Too early, and it is possible to have no nude girls and only dressed ones, the rest yet to arrive. 8 PM is a bit too early (hence low girl numbers) even though they start dancing at 7. 30 PM. The good girls would rarely arrive before 9 PM. I checked out CH on Sat night briefly after midnight. Line up was not totally hopeless, but also nothing worth staying for. Most girls with a good reputation or popular would be taken long ago. Was still very busy for customers, despite the weak line up. Probably habitual customers. I have not checked out upstairs recently so don't know if that is still the ugly girls or may have improved. I am totally bored with CH, it has declined badly. It was a pretty good bar for me 3 to 4 years ago. At one time they only accepted good looking girls. That was long ago. Now it is Billboard that does not take on any fat or ugly girls. It would spoil their reputation. Still some girls with legs too thick for my taste. Most other bars do take ugly girls. CH has had some shockers (extremely ugly to my taste) also some extremely ugly surgeries (gone wrong?

5 Star and Long Gun also have naked girls and DollHouse may have, but I don't think the quality will be any better. Things have declined in my view, with new government, and the growing set of fake "Coyote" girls and Ladyboys. It is depressing. Can find beautiful girls, e. G. Billboard, and can find skilled girls very easy to fuck and have fun with, but getting everything together is still so hard.

There are parks in Bangkok for those that like running. E. g. Laps of Lumphini park early in the morning before gets too hot, and other parks attract quite a few runners, maybe too many? LOL Obviously can't just run anywhere. Need consistent level footing and no traffic hazards.

I am not trying to sell Bangkok at all. I have tolerated for a long time, but will be in the big city far less in the future. Moving out. As my Mongering levels decline, I don't think Pattaya has any attractions for me. I would only go there to see if they really have a lot of girl talent or not. Being very fussy, I would not expect too much.

Maybe the Pattaya monger scene has not declined as badly as what we have here? I do hear that the prices for girls is not a far different from Bangkok as what it used to be.We are more alike than we think? I would say you are type A, I just consider it first that you speak out, have a opinion not afraid speak your mind not a introvert? I came here like everyone not looking for trouble but it is so much I'm willing to tolerate. Living here has really humble me but I had to change not letting the little things prevent me from my objective here. But I'm not going to let anyone walk over or threaten me or my family in any manner and I don't care who they are?

You are correct motorbike in Bangkok short distant only the drivers are nothing like Pattaya, pretty tame in my book. I love riding a motorbike really the only way to get around here in Pattaya once you learn the ropes and habits of Thai's be defensive and that is the best offensive. Being commercially trained and license in teaching in the States has help me stay alive along with obtaining my motorbike training from the California Hwy patrol also helps. Staying alert is the key here so far so good knock on wood?

I come to Bangkok like a field trip the same you might think of Pattaya, if there is something worth coming back I will make a excuse to get away so far everything I need and get Pattaya has provided. Bangkok is just so big like New York but I can easily live in Hong Kong. Pattaya is just more open it has the best of both world like Bangkok plus more access to the beaches minus the traffic and skylights.

Last August, my first visit to CH, I felt I saw two of the best looking GoGo girls ever, both full naked. I love a great pair of legs and that is where I started and up. First choice are natural breast but if something catches my eyes with big tits I don't really discriminate. I even saw a average one a bit short but had a homely look which got me thinking she doesn't get BF much and might be a tiger in bed? I also made a number of visit to places like eight on Soi Cowboy all a disappointment since if there isn't some type of nudity I pass and that includes Bacarra. I ended up at Spanky's in August and found that was my second choice best of all the places in Nana. This time due to my neck I said not going to backtrack and just headed to Soi 22-24 and then to the bus station. Today, the urge just isn't there maybe because of all the work you got to do to get it? My theory in Pattaya these days and in Bangkok is I go look at steak and then get a hamburger I've found I have more fun at the massage places especially when it comes to service.

Being Asian the assumption the prices is I'm willing to pay which isn't the case which they found out quickly at Thermae. That is the same in Pattaya?

Run Mann
04-09-18, 17:01
The U.S Government shut down backpage last week and CL may be next.


04-10-18, 05:38
We are more alike than we think? I would say you are type A, I just consider it first that you speak out, have a opinion not afraid speak your mind not a introvert? I came here like everyone not looking for trouble but it is so much I'm willing to tolerate. Living here has really humble me but I had to change not letting the little things prevent me from my objective here. But I'm not going to let anyone walk over or threaten me or my family in any manner and I don't care who they are?

Last August, my first visit to CH, I felt I saw two of the best looking GoGo girls ever, both full naked. I love a great pair of legs and that is where I started and up. First choice are natural breast but if something catches my eyes with big tits I don't really discriminate. I even saw a average one a bit short but had a homely look which got me thinking she doesn't get BF much and might be a tiger in bed? I also made a number of visit to places like eight on Soi Cowboy all a disappointment since if there isn't some type of nudity I pass and that includes Bacarra. I ended up at Spanky's in August and found that was my second choice best of all the places in Nana. This time due to my neck I said not going to backtrack and just headed to Soi 22-24 and then to the bus station. Today, the urge just isn't there maybe because of all the work you got to do to get it? My theory in Pattaya these days and in Bangkok is I go look at steak and then get a hamburger I've found I have more fun at the massage places especially when it comes to service.
I consider myself to be mostly a Type B (now that I looked this up). Not highly competitive, nor aggressive. Not that well organised for time management. Rather naturally a bit lazy, relaxed, relatively stress free. Sure I am not afraid to have an opinion, especially if have relevant experience. Skeptical, argumentative and stubborn. Am willing to be convinced by logic though. Does not matter if my opinion is different to opinions of others. I can be very productive, especially in areas of my expertise and experience, and when it is more interesting and challenging work. I am not very social though, and work alone better than in groups, most likely. Some of us don't need any "wingmen". LOL I would prefer to have "wing-girls" LOL. I do have some degree of competitiveness in my area of expertise (for work).

I agree that MPs should have higher service levels, but it again depends on experience level of the girls. Very inexperienced MP girls are just as bad as inexperienced bargirls (assuming a non fun attitude), and in both areas, girls used to Asian customers, can act very unenthusiastically with Farangs. Once we get girls that like westernised guys, we do better, whether we are Farangs or Asians. Sounds like you are a very westernised Asian.

We all have to find the right balance between attitude, looks, and skills of the girl. Any one of these missing can spoil it for us. I have had girls with good attitude and skills, but just don't turn me on at all because looks and body is not up to standard. These could be highly recommended girls. I can sometimes forgive a girl with poor skills if she has looks and a great fun attitude and really seems to want to enjoy the fuck. I especially tolerate girls with very weak BJ skills including restricted by teeth braces. I can survive without BJ if girl is hot enough. One of my favourite girls from CH (gone now) was very pretty, and flawless body, but hardly ever gave me a BJ (had teeth braces). She did seem to enjoy herself, including liking the DATY, and was a bit of screamer. Lack of a good BJ did not matter, I was so hot for her. I know others would not tolerate this, and indeed for many guys, the BBBJ is more important than the fuck.

I think many Mongers are driven by a fear of missing out, causing them to need to try every realistic girl option and every shop. Often we read a guy decided to take a girl from a shop, even though the line up was poor. He just had to try the shop. Why?, I don't know. That is not me. I try less and less new girls and mainly stick to ones I have known for years. This is rather conservative actually. It is so much easier with known girls when you know reliably what you will get.

I am down to about 1 new girl tried per month. Less than 50% of them get repeated. In fact of new girls tried, this year, yet to repeat any. I intended to repeat Pin but she was gone. I still intend to repeat another one, if not too late.

04-10-18, 06:16
The U.S Government shut down backpage last week and CL may be next.

https://www.google.com/amp/amp.wsbtv.com/www.wsbtv.com/news/local/feds-shut-down-controversial-classified-ad-website-on-prostitution-and-sex-trafficking-charges/729419519That explains why my Tinder in the US is now flooded with hookers.

04-10-18, 07:44
5 Star and Long Gun also have naked girls and DollHouse may have, but I don't think the quality will be any better. Things have declined in my view, with new government, and the growing set of fake "Coyote" girls and Ladyboys. It is depressing. Can find beautiful girls, e. G. Billboard, and can find skilled girls very easy to fuck and have fun with, but getting everything together is still so hard.
Having recently checked out 5 Star, Long Gun, and Dollhouse, I can update. 5 Star is sister of CH. Crap bar for loud "disco stuff".

That I would not go so far as to call music. Almost no songs with singing. Awful (but some girls like this disco style crap). Looks for girls was crappy too with odd exception, and that is not the secret ladyboy, I am thinking of. LOL The LB is popular though. No clue why. The odd secret ladyboys creeping into a few bars these days, whether in Cowboy (e. G. Crazy Cats) or Nana (e. G. Diamonds). Great that NicF assures us that MPs would never do that.

Long Gun was extremely disappointing with mainly fattish girls, whether Coyote or go-go, excepting two or 3. No cute asses at all for my taste. May suit guys who hate slim girls. The one girl I knew from years ago, now had a horrible body.

Dollhouse was a pleasant surprise. Was vastly better than my previous visit. Seemed to have about 70% (a lot) slim good figure Coyotes (barring that tits are covered), some wearing G-strings instead of shorts. At BF of 1 K for Coyotes, I could easily try them once can ascertain if they kiss okay And that the tits are not a disaster (deflated sag bags). I am a regular a Shark, but the Coyotes there are too expensive for the BF. I would prefer to try pretty Coyotes at a better price in Billboard or Dollhouse.

So I can see myself going back to Shark, Billboard and Doll House, more so than others, currently. It's impossible to know all the bars well, especially since I have cut down on BFing bargirls somewhat. Have not BFed in CH this year. Had a great duo from Shark recently. Expensive but a good sex party. Have known the two girls probably for at least 4 years.

I believe the music for dancing was more suited to the customer base, in all bars mentioned except for 5 Star (the worst by a long margin). Maybe really young customers in 5 star like the disco stuff, but the bar is relatively empty. If was me, I would sack the DJ. Shark with lots of latin songs, was full of customers. Maybe the music matters somewhat. I can't stand a bar with overly loud disco stuff and no songs myself. Crazy House is borderline for this. Definitely too loud, and too much disco stuff. Cannot sit too close to speakers.

04-10-18, 11:36
The LB is popular though. How was she in bed? Good service?

Run Mann
04-10-18, 11:42
That explains why my Tinder in the US is now flooded with hookers.A dating site with hookers, thought that was Thai Cupid but those advertisers from BP and their ads will have to go somewhere.

Although many of them were already on multiple sites anyway. Unlike a lot of pure "dating" sites BP did offer a variety of other skilled services and other products and even some good massage sessions at reasonable rates.

04-11-18, 06:41
How was she in bed? Good service?I have not heard any reports, and we are not permitted to discuss that sort of thing that might promote LBs on this forum, even if I had been told. By popular, I mean the LB seems to get a customer easily, to at least buy drinks, and maybe BF.

With reportedly post-op ladyboys (I never checked if dick was gone on one as yet), I have no clue if the modern constructed pussy is really useful or not. After all, a real pussy has to stretch to be able to take extra long dongs, and has to be able to squeeze to give feeling to pencil dicks (I exaggerate a little). Lack of a an expandable and contractable pussy could even make a real girl unpopular unless she offers the tighter a-hole, etc. When I had a threesome recently, One girl's pussy was a little too tight and small (no baby), and the other a little looser. Neither was the perfect fit pussy, but we have to compromise at times. My GF is almost the perfect fit or slightly tighter than ideal for me, despite a baby long ago, so have to take it gradually to allow stretch/expansion time.

I have no interest in trying LB pussy or ass for that matter, and definitely do not want to see a dick on a LB. I would like to see a LB pussy some day out of curiosity re whether the appearance is actually any good, or quite ugly. Internet pics were a bit ugly for me. I have seen western post-ops with bush working as strippers in my youth, and was amazed the audiences seemed to like them despite the ugly body shape for me. I already generally don't like 90% of fake noses and fake tits. 10% are probably acceptable.

I expect that generally, since the LBs in some bars are hush hush, I expect they might be post-op ones, and would probably try to keep the bedroom very dark, and try to get customer off with a BBBJ, or anal sex. I am always into doing DATY in reasonable lighting before other things, which is to me a double check I have a real girl, just in case I ever should make a mistake.

04-11-18, 11:09
I am always into doing DATY in reasonable lighting before other things, which is to me a double check I have a real girl, just in case I ever should make a mistake.So you are saying you have done DATY then come to the realization that it was not a real girl on occasion? How did you handle that situation?

Mr Enternational
04-11-18, 14:31
With reportedly post-op ladyboys (I never checked if dick was gone on one as yet), I have no clue if the modern constructed pussy is really useful or not. After all, a real pussy has to stretch to be able to take extra long dongs, and has to be able to squeeze to give feeling to pencil dicks (I exaggerate a little). Lack of a an expandable and contractable pussy could even make a real girl unpopular unless she offers the tighter a-hole, etc.Look is one thing; functionality is another. We have all seen a piece of fruit in a bowl on a table and picked it up thinking it was real only to find out it wasn't. The functionality of a pussy requires nerve endings which a fake pussy does not have. I almost lost my foot in Koh Tao. The doctors back in the States had to cut out a chunk at the bottom. They were able to regrow the tissue and finish it off with a skin graft and all that is left is a small scar. But they could not grow the nerve back, so that part of the bottom of my foot is just a dead space. You can poke and prod all you want in that space but there will be no reaction from me without there being a nerve there to give it life. Similar to my foot, I am sure they can not add nerves to a fake pussy, which means it is just a dead hole.

04-12-18, 02:12
Look is one thing; functionality is another. We have all seen a piece of fruit in a bowl on a table and picked it up thinking it was real only to find out it wasn't. The functionality of a pussy requires nerve endings which a fake pussy does not have. I almost lost my foot in Koh Tao. The doctors back in the States had to cut out a chunk at the bottom. They were able to regrow the tissue and finish it off with a skin graft and all that is left is a small scar. But they could not grow the nerve back, so that part of the bottom of my foot is just a dead space. You can poke and prod all you want in that space but there will be no reaction from me without there being a nerve there to give it life. Similar to my foot, I am sure they can not add nerves to a fake pussy, which means it is just a dead hole.Fake pussy? That is why before I go really go down I use one of my senses I smell it first like I smell a fruit when I pick it up. Hom.

04-12-18, 06:57
So you are saying you have done DATY then come to the realization that it was not a real girl on occasion? Nope! Just a hypothetical. You keep trying to make too much of hypotheticals.

04-12-18, 07:10
Fake pussy? That is why before I go really go down I use one of my senses I smell it first like I smell a fruit when I pick it up. Hom.Ha ha. How do you smell a pussy without going down? LOL It has to be a bit whiffy or Time of Month to have odour detectable from a distance. Not many Thai girls are that whiffy. Okay Look first, then sniff, then lick. I probably omit the sniff test, odour can come of its own accord. I am more likely to pull out if pussy stinks than no odour at all. No overly dark situations for me. I certainly need to see the pussy from not too close clearly, without my glasses on. Big Bush adds its problems. Still need to see the pussy lips and bud.

As a good percentage of my girls have been seen clearly naked before BFing, I am yet to see any secret LBs dancing naked. They tend to avoid that. I have seen a post op LB naked, from the entrance of a Nana LB bar once (I think it was Voodoo or replacement bar in same location), and really did not look like a girl to me. Curves were all wrong and big Bush. I did not choose to go in (danger danger! So I am yet to see a Post-op completely naked, that convincingly looked like a woman in all respects. Big Bush would be an obvious warning sign.

04-12-18, 07:32
Is it true 90 per cent of the hookers in Thailand are ladyboys and dickless transsexuals?

Some people told me I have to be careful of beautiful women and that most ladyboys work in the same area as real women so you can't distinguish them. Unlike in Brazil, women are separated from ladyboys and don't work in the same area in Brazil. The only women you can fuck are the women pimped by their lazy boyfriends. That's a question I ask.

I have been to Thailand but never mongered out there. Damn I will soon go to thailand with my partner I will be screwed.

1) my partner will be up my ass.

2) I don't want to run into a cock or scarred pussy.

Mr Enternational
04-12-18, 13:40
I have seen a post op LB naked, from the entrance of a Nana LB bar once (I think it was Voodoo or replacement bar in same location), and really did not look like a girl to me. Curves were all wrong and big Bush. I did not choose to go in (danger danger! So I am yet to see a Post-op completely naked, that convincingly looked like a woman in all respects.To me they do not look like a woman with clothes on, so they definitely will not look like a woman with clothes off. I think a lot of dudes let the makeup and long hair throw them off. I have seen some obvious crossdressers walking around Pattaya in the daytime without the makeup. And without that there is no mistaking that they are guys.

04-12-18, 15:29
Is it true 90 per cent of the hookers in Thailand are ladyboys and dickless transsexuals?

Some people told me I have to be careful of beautiful women and that most ladyboys work in the same area as real women so you can't distinguish them. Unlike in Brazil, women are separated from ladyboys and don't work in the same area in Brazil. The only women you can fuck are the women pimped by their lazy boyfriends. That's a question I ask.

I have been to Thailand but never mongered out there. Damn I will soon go to thailand with my partner I will be screwed.

1) my partner will be up my ass.

2) I don't want to run into a cock or scarred pussy.You have zero chance of getting a ladyboy or anyone because your girlfriend will be up your butt. Why even ask?

I have an idea. Why not bring a LB to your room? That would get your girlfriend to exit, fast!

Run Mann
04-12-18, 16:49
Is it true 90 per cent of the hookers in Thailand are ladyboys and dickless transsexuals?

Some people told me I have to be careful of beautiful women and that most ladyboys work in the same area as real women so you can't distinguish them. Unlike in Brazil, women are separated from ladyboys and don't work in the same area in Brazil. The only women you can fuck are the women pimped by their lazy boyfriends. That's a question I ask.

I have been to Thailand but never mongered out there. Damn I will soon go to thailand with my partner I will be screwed.

1) my partner will be up my ass.

2) I don't want to run into a cock or scarred pussy.You sound like this woman is truly beating you down and is literally up your ass. Try this quiz and see how well you do in identifying the LBs although it may not make a difference in your case.


04-12-18, 17:23
You sound like this woman is truly beating you down and is literally up your ass. Try this quiz and see how well you do in identifying the LBs although it may not make a difference in your case.

https://www.bangkokdiaries.com/can-you-tell-the-difference-between-a-thai-lady-and-a-thai-ladyboy/I got a good score 10 out of 11, I mistook a girl for a ladyboy. Damn I will reject many girls just because I think they are not ladies and also because I have to find a way to keep my girlfriend busy in order for her to pay attention to something other than me while I fuck some other girls. I am totally screwed. I really miss fucking other girls.

So there are no bars that only gather girls. That means all depends on your luck and vigilance.

Find below the picture I am mistaken about.

FL Hawk
04-13-18, 01:07
Is it true 90 per cent of the hookers in Thailand are ladyboys and dickless transsexuals?

Some people told me I have to be careful of beautiful women and that most ladyboys work in the same area as real women so you can't distinguish them. Unlike in Brazil, women are separated from ladyboys and don't work in the same area in Brazil. The only women you can fuck are the women pimped by their lazy boyfriends. That's a question I ask.

I have been to Thailand but never mongered out there. Damn I will soon go to thailand with my partner I will be screwed.

1) my partner will be up my ass.

2) I don't want to run into a cock or scarred pussy.I have come close to being fooled a couple of times but you need to listen to your instincts. If the person you are interested in is all dressed up super fancy and they are really showing their stuff, they are probably a LB. If they don't sound like a girl, or if they are reluctant to speak, they are probably a LB. If they are tall or have big boobs or have tiny waists with big hips, there is a good chance they are a LB. LB. S often have a strange smile, too. One time when I was nearly fooled, what when caused me to realize "she" was a "he" was her avoidance of speaking and that "she" had a weird smile. Another time I would have been fooled had, in our extended talking, had "she" not came right out and told me. I was floored. "She" dressed like a legit girl, had the build of a legit girl, and spoke like a real girl. Perhaps the intelligent conversation should have warned me, but had "she" don't mentioned her true sex to me I would have gone back with her! Toooooo close. But, 99% if tune time your instincts will guide you and, of course, if you have any doubt, simply ask. Or, if you bring her to your hotel, ask the staff when "she" turns in her ID.

Many of the girls will be flattered if you ask if they are a real girl, as they acknowledge that many LBs are prettier than the average girl, so it is a compliment. Of course, word the question in a flattering way, I. E. "You are so beautiful. Are you really a girl?" Something like that.

Many newbies are indeed concerned about LBs, but stay sober, be observant, ask if you you must, and you will be fine.

And, no, of course 95% of the sex workers are not males!

Run Mann
04-13-18, 01:57
I got a good score 10 out of 11, I mistook a girl for a ladyboy. Damn I will reject many girls just because I think they are not ladies and also because I have to find a way to keep my girlfriend busy in order for her to pay attention to something other than me while I fuck some other girls. I am totally screwed. I really miss fucking other girls.

So there are no bars that only gather girls. That means all depends on your luck and vigilance.

Find below the picture I am mistaken about.LBs are easier to detect in person, the deeper voice, the exaggerated walk, big feet. Do a search for how to detect LBs for some more tips and there are many girl only bars but how will you escape from your GF to get to them?

Mr Enternational
04-13-18, 02:08
But, 99% if tune time your instincts will guide you and, of course, if you have any doubt, simply ask. Or, if you bring her to your hotel, ask the staff when "she" turns in her ID.You could always ask to see the ID yourself. It says male or female on it.

Mr Enternational
04-13-18, 02:11
I have to find a way to keep my girlfriend busy in order for her to pay attention to something other than me while I fuck some other girls.Seriously man. You must be really new. With all the massaging going on in Thailand you can't think to set your girl up for 3 hours in a spa? Oil massage, manicure, pedicure, foot scrub, facial, foot massage and 5 hours are gone already.

04-13-18, 04:04
Is it true 90 per cent of the hookers in Thailand are ladyboys and dickless transsexuals?

Some people told me I have to be careful of beautiful women and that most ladyboys work in the same area as real women so you can't distinguish them. Unlike in Brazil, women are separated from ladyboys and don't work in the same area in Brazil. The only women you can fuck are the women pimped by their lazy boyfriends. That's a question I ask.

I have been to Thailand but never mongered out there. Damn I will soon go to thailand with my partner I will be screwed.

1) my partner will be up my ass.

2) I don't want to run into a cock or scarred pussy.You have been subjected to gross exaggeration. Of course there are many places that reliably have girls only. Most massage joints (with girls) and certain bars are reliable.

Yes coming with your partner will limit your possibilities greatly. She will get suspicious when you go missing for too long. Even she can be engrossed in shopping for a couple of hours you might be okay Your phone will need to start playing up of have a flat battery. You can't afford to answer it when in the wrong situation.

Scared pussy is best avoided by going to pornstar type massage joints, however the girls there are not very pretty. Can meet scared pussy girls easily at any place that has a lot of Asian customers, I find. I even asked some bargirls if they like small or big. LOL Fortunately one or two answered the right way. Try to find girls that mainly do Farangs.

If you have a very short window of opportunity, consider going to a Blowjob bar like Kasilong, and ask which girls will give full service including a fuck. It is possible to get all done in 30 minutes.

As for online tests for ladyboys. It's much harder to pick them if don't meet them in the flesh. From pic only can be difficult. Your pic looked enough like a woman to me, but I have to hear the voice, see how they move and walk, look at the hands, etc. In the pic you gave, I don't detect obvious surgeries, she has very good waist to thigh curve (unlikely for ladyboy), possibly no nose job, etc. However no guarantee. She could have taken female hormones from a very young age.

04-13-18, 09:26
Similar to my foot, I am sure they can not add nerves to a fake pussy, which means it is just a dead hole.You may be right that they cannot add (new) nerves, but as far as I know it's not a dead hole because they basically turn the dick inside out when they create a fake pussy. So all the existing nerves are still there and 'she' is still able to get orgasms as well (but without ejaculating obviously).

04-14-18, 01:48
Ha ha. How do you smell a pussy without going down? LOL It has to be a bit whiffy or Time of Month to have odour detectable from a distance. Not many Thai girls are that whiffy. Okay Look first, then sniff, then lick. I probably omit the sniff test, odour can come of its own accord. I am more likely to pull out if pussy stinks than no odour at all. No overly dark situations for me. I certainly need to see the pussy from not too close clearly, without my glasses on. Big Bush adds its problems. Still need to see the pussy lips and bud.

As a good percentage of my girls have been seen clearly naked before BFing, I am yet to see any secret LBs dancing naked. They tend to avoid that. I have seen a post op LB naked, from the entrance of a Nana LB bar once (I think it was Voodoo or replacement bar in same location), and really did not look like a girl to me. Curves were all wrong and big Bush. I did not choose to go in (danger danger! So I am yet to see a Post-op completely naked, that convincingly looked like a woman in all respects. Big Bush would be an obvious warning sign.First, I hope it never happens but I would never even consider taking one if I have doubts at all. Maybe it is where I use to live S. F. That is pretty good training how to spot one in general. Just joking a bit but everyone has a natural scent to them no matter how much you wash. For myself I like to play around especially in the shower and when I go down like to spread and take a look around play with the toy if the toy is plastic I be out of there of course pay! that is the due I will gladly paid just to have been fool to go that far and certainly be more careful in the future if I'm able to get it up after the shock.

Only happen once here in Thailand so far after all these years took a real good looking one, nice legs, figure real sexy took her fun to be with ST, I was rock hard ready to go then went down to take a look and I nearly past out from the odor, yeast infection? I'm no baker that odor knock LBM out.

04-14-18, 08:45
Only happen once here in Thailand so far after all these years took a real good looking one, nice legs, figure real sexy took her fun to be with ST, I was rock hard ready to go then went down to take a look and I nearly past out from the odor, yeast infection? I'm no baker that odor knock LBM out.Odours matter a lot for sensitive nose. LOL Could be Candida (Thrush) or could be her period (that can be a lot worse). My ex wife had a lot of Thrush problems so I did not go down there. Farangs don't always clean well. Current partner has no such problems, so always go down. No odour sufficient to be worth mentioning.

Some Thai girls are willing to have sex during their period without a sponge inside, but not that many I find. I am not scared of a little blood. My GF would not consider it though.

I am in sticky climate here for Songkran, so I shower several times per day and use a weak acid wash down there daily (Lactacyd) just to be absolutely doing the most to keep yeast infections away. It is good for the Mrs. To have confidence she is not going to pick up a yeast infection from the man. Can happen during hot sticky sex.

Also we must change underwear frequently (so dry and not sticky) or not wear any. Having a very low carbs diet also helps keep away certain yeast and bad bacteria.

Many working girls have to work during their period and then stuff a yellow sponge up there referred to as "Luuk Jiap" (like a "baby chicken" This makes it quite impossible for me to fuck them as sponge can be felt with a finger in pussy. So Sponge is not more than 4 inches away. Unfortunately I need more penetration than 4 inches. It is true that the sponge compresses but I still never get a good feeling from fucking a sponge. The dick then goes limp fairly rapidly. Sponges have been known to abrade condoms and cause them to break. Happened to me once or twice.

Many times I have been able to persuade a girl to take the sponge out, and then all is well. A high percentage also try to deny the sponge is there at first. There are a small number of Thai girls that try to work always with a sponge stuffed in there. They may try this to protect uterus from brusing during pounding. I gave up one Thai girl who claimed she always used a sponge.

04-14-18, 15:00
Ha ha. How do you smell a pussy without going down? LOL It has to be a bit whiffy or Time of Month to have odour detectable from a distance. Not many Thai girls are that whiffy. Okay Look first, then sniff, then lick. I probably omit the sniff test, odour can come of its own accord. Smell your fingers after inserting one or two of them?

I'm not a big believer that a strange, funky or even bad odor in a pussy tells us much of anything significant, unless it is truly rancid. But I don't think I read anyone actually answering your opening question there so thought I might as well jump in with one of the more obvious ways I know of to do it. Hope that helps.

04-14-18, 15:47
Thank you for your advice. Syzygies; Mr Enternational, Run Mann, FL Hawk.

Mr Enternational: I am not as experienced in mongering in different places as you are. The only countries I am good at mongering in are Brazil and Russia, Because I am more into Caucasian providers. I had mongered in Japan few times but now I can't. I have been to many countries but not for mongering purpose.

Run Mann: Thanks for the link of the website you posted, I envisage trying girl only bars but I think it will be impossible because it is only open at night, I am sure any spa that Mr Enternational mentioned is closed at night so I have to find a way.

FL Hawk: good suggestion, better to see the ID before taking action, I will also ask every girl I am interested in if they are LB or women.

Syzygies: My objective is to get laid with some stunners that's why I am more interested in clubs, I just want to avoid scam clubs. My aim is to have a good experience with Thai stunners and not to only get my balls empty. Because I won't go to Thailand for a while. I don't want to leave Thailand regretfully because our first experience in a country is always the most important because that determines whether we will continue mongering at that place or not.

I would also like to ask members that also have experience in mongering in Brazil or Russia.

BBBJ and DFK are as common as in Brazil and Russia. Thai women are as hardcore as Russian and Brazilian women? The only Asian women I fucked are Japanese women and Russian Asians. I find Japanese women good at providing GF experience but not as hardcore as Russian and Brazilian women. I don't know about Thai Women I have never been with them. So I won't feel comfortable with any Asian women. 1) I don't know the Thai language and culture and I get the feeling the women are too soft for me, provided that my experience with Japanese women in bed was not good to the same degree as with Russian and Brazilian women.

Concerning Asian women's appearance, I am into skinny and fair-skinned women with piercings and tattoos. No preference for height.

P.S. I can't judge Thai women because I have never been with them, hope to have an insight from someone who hooked up with women of different ethnicities.

04-15-18, 05:22
Smell your fingers after inserting one or two of them?

I'm not a big believer that a strange, funky or even bad odor in a pussy tells us much of anything significant, unless it is truly rancid. But I don't think I read anyone actually answering your opening question there so thought I might as well jump in with one of the more obvious ways I know of to do it. Hope that helps.Some questions were meant to be rhetorical. The LOL tried to signify a joking question, not very serious. However I never thought of the need to check a Thai girls cleanliness by putting in fingers. I do like to put in fingers to check for that damned sponge that is "stuffing it up". LOL There that was another attempted semi joke, even though a serious statement.

Run Mann
04-15-18, 06:09
Run Mann: Thanks for the link of the website you posted, I envisage trying girl only bars but I think it will be impossible because it is only open at night, I am sure any spa that Mr Enternational mentioned is closed at night so I have to find a way.

There are many ways to remove the chains from around your neck or wherever she has it on you. There are also several places that offer 24 hour outcall massage to your hotel room so a two hour outcall massage session for her could provide some cover for you to step out for a while. CL has a number of them under the Therapeutic section.

04-15-18, 07:30
Syzygies: My objective is to get laid with some stunners that's why I am more interested in clubs, I just want to avoid scam clubs. My aim is to have a good experience with Thai stunners and not to only get my balls empty. Because I won't go to Thailand for a while. I don't want to leave Thailand regretfully because our first experience in a country is always the most important because that determines whether we will continue mongering at that place or not.

I would also like to ask members that also have experience in mongering in Brazil or Russia.

I tried to answer your previous post largely relating toladyboys, but your latest reply to me seems unrelated, in that you did not mention these clubs at first, in the post I replied to. Clubs can be expensive, and girl may not be available to go fuck, except at a latter time. So you could waste a lot of time entertaining without getting the sex going immediately. Added to that club girls maybe used to Asian customers and dick scared. Those girls will be very unlikely to perform to Brazil girl standards.

So I think your requirements seem a bit confused and contradictory. Explore clubs when you have no Mrs. Keeping a ball and chain on you.

You really have to decide what you want and how that can be achieved with a very limited time window. I don't see your Mrs. Being happy for you to disappear for hours. This means you won't have time to find stunners with guaranteed performance. Be prepared to take looks or performance, one or the other, but convenience and quick time being paramount.

You probably have to be content with a quick visit to a massage or blowjob joint, since that requires the least time. If you have hours to spare (without the Mrs being worried), you can try "The Lord" soapy or find a stunning Coyote girl in Billboard or Dollhouse in evening (8 PM+).

I would point out that I have a lot of difficulty to find stunning girls with great performance and not dick scared, and that is even without any restrictions on my movements and time in Bangkok. I have couple of bargirls that are a lot of fun regularly from Shark bar, Pat and Maa, but they might not be your taste. My best looking MP girls are all gone, so I have to look for new ones. Takes time.

04-15-18, 14:41
Odours matter a lot for sensitive nose. LOL Could be Candida (Thrush) or could be her period (that can be a lot worse). My ex wife had a lot of Thrush problems so I did not go down there. Farangs don't always clean well. Current partner has no such problems, so always go down. No odour sufficient to be worth mentioning.

Some Thai girls are willing to have sex during their period without a sponge inside, but not that many I find. I am not scared of a little blood. My GF would not consider it though.

I am in sticky climate here for Songkran, so I shower several times per day and use a weak acid wash down there daily (Lactacyd) just to be absolutely doing the most to keep yeast infections away. It is good for the Mrs. To have confidence she is not going to pick up a yeast infection from the man. Can happen during hot sticky sex.

Also we must change underwear frequently (so dry and not sticky) or not wear any. Having a very low carbs diet also helps keep away certain yeast and bad bacteria.

Many working girls have to work during their period and then stuff a yellow sponge up there referred to as "Luuk Jiap" (like a "baby chicken" This makes it quite impossible for me to fuck them as sponge can be felt with a finger in pussy. So Sponge is not more than 4 inches away. Unfortunately I need more penetration than 4 inches. It is true that the sponge compresses but I still never get a good feeling from fucking a sponge. The dick then goes limp fairly rapidly. Sponges have been known to abrade condoms and cause them to break. Happened to me once or twice.

Many times I have been able to persuade a girl to take the sponge out, and then all is well. A high percentage also try to deny the sponge is there at first. There are a small number of Thai girls that try to work always with a sponge stuffed in there. They may try this to protect uterus from brusing during pounding. I gave up one Thai girl who claimed she always used a sponge.Yea Songkran, especially today I must have taken 6 showers everytime I need to go to the bathroom, I just stripped and after took a quick shower. I pretty much a gamer if the pussy has a bit of natural odor and the girl is a looker I'm not going to pass it up. But the one I mentioned it was so bad it nearly knock me over, like I opened a refrigerator and left something rotting for a long time? Being a nice type of guy I just played it off it was me, old tired and can't get it up. It was in one of the Darkside bars in Pattaya wasn't going to hurt her feelings and since it was only 700ST I paid here she even had the nerve to ask for a tip, I just smile could of took her then.

A few years back I was seeing a showgirl regularly, I use to joke how many times you give to your Thai boyfriend she was serious I was getting more than he was although I was paying. True of not she told me she was on the pill since she didn't want another kid especially by him and there were a number of times she ask me to take her for her monthly checkup required by the place she worked. That being said I pretty much saw her exclusively one evening at a party with her friends she offered everything up with protection. There were times when we were together she said she was having her period but if I was horny and it didn't bother me pretty much told me to knock myself out and I did just wasted a good towel.

Rob Jones
04-16-18, 00:42
I am sure most of the guys reading this are aware of the mistake of even faintly having any feelings other then lust for your typical Thai bar girl. I have a trip coming up to Thailand and as my MO I make some contacts pre-trip to fill in voids in my time like early morning romps or can not be bothered to go out that night. One such contact put some photos on her Line timeline which I instantly recognised as a city in my country and asked how long she was there for? After a few messages back and forth she told me she was with her Boyfriend but was considering a meeting with me if I ventured to that part of the country. Due to time and distance restraints I declined.

The moral of the story is you can take the girl out of the bar but. You know the rest.

Don't let little head rule big head.


04-16-18, 09:56
But the one I mentioned it was so bad it nearly knock me over, like I opened a refrigerator and left something rotting for a long time? That is not too unusual for a western girl's period, although Thai girl periods are rarely that bad. Probably is worse for girls that use pads rather than tampons. The other option is she had an STD or very bad thrush. Anyway, better not to fuck a stinky pussy. I have fucked a few girls with period with minimal odours. They go for a good rinse first.

04-16-18, 10:08
The moral of the story is you can take the girl out of the bar but. You know the rest.

Don't let little head rule big head.
If a girl has been working a bar for a very short time, her character may not have been too warped yet, especially if she is part time and selects her customers, like in Thermae.

However, as a girlfriend, she is really only likely to be with you for economic reasons. She is likely to collect multiple "boyfriend" sponsors. She may well be supporting a lazy Thai boy on the side.

Once a girl wants to meet you on an ongoing basis for no money, only then is there a chance it is not economic. Even then she may be thinking of future economic improvement.

It's very simple that we can buy sex, or companionship time, but it is not love that can be bought. Added to that you never really start to know someone until you live with them many hours per day on along term basis (years). You also don't know them unless you saw them drunk a few times and picked a fight with them while they are drunk.

It is not impossible to make a relationship, with a hooker, is just the chances are very very low. Chances can be low for regular Thai girls as well. Cultural differences and standards of behaviour can be incompatible. I am even allergic to girls from my own culture, LOL.

My attitude, is if ever finish with GF, I certainly don't want another one. Too much hassle. Too few benefits.

Lastly, if you have fallen for some girl real quick, you can forget her real quick as well, once you see it was unwise. It is called infatuation and is very temporary. Once you are with her for many years, it becomes different.

Us old guys learned these lessons.

Rob Jones
04-16-18, 10:50
If a girl has been working a bar for a very short time, her character may not have been too warped yet, especially if she is part time and selects her customers, like in Thermae.

However, as a girlfriend, she is really only likely to be with you for economic reasons. She is likely to collect multiple "boyfriend" sponsors. She may well be supporting a lazy Thai boy on the side.

Once a girl wants to meet you on an ongoing basis for no money, only then is there a chance it is not economic. Even then she may be thinking of future economic improvement.

It's very simple that we can buy sex, or companionship time, but it is not love that can be bought. Added to that you never really start to know someone until you live with them many hours per day on along term basis (years). You also don't know them unless you saw them drunk a few times and picked a fight with them while they are drunk.

It is not impossible to make a relationship, with a hooker, is just the chances are very very low. Chances can be low for regular Thai girls as well. Cultural differences and standards of behaviour can be incompatible. I am even allergic to girls from my own culture, LOL.

My attitude, is if ever finish with GF, I certainly don't want another one. Too much hassle. Too few benefits.

Lastly, if you have fallen for some girl real quick, you can forget her real quick as well, once you see it was unwise. It is called infatuation and is very temporary. Once you are with her for many years, it becomes different.

Us old guys learned these lessons.A lovely little girl from Semarang in Indonesia gave me a good lesson 15+ years ago! It could have have been more costly but a gut feeling inspired me to make a fake Yahoo ID and she soon showed her true colours to my new persona.

04-16-18, 11:09
A lovely little girl from Semarang in Indonesia gave me a good lesson 15+ years ago! It could have have been more costly but a gut feeling inspired me to make a fake Yahoo ID and she soon showed her true colours to my new persona.The really skilled girls are harder to catch out, as don't tell a lot of easily detected lies, and don't necessarily hookup on the internet sites. Can be just the girl omits major details of what is going on in her life.

I just warn that some girls went undetected for very long times.

04-22-18, 15:19
Here is my experience for what its worth. I was on a budget. Others here can add or disagree.

You will most likely fly into Bangkok. I wanted to go to pattaya. It is smaller and less intimidating if everything is new. To get there, at airport, after customs you go downstairs. There are buses that go to pattaya every hour. This is best way to go. While at airport you need to get some thai money. I suggest at least 5000 baht $150. You get from an ATM. You can extend your visa to 2 months at airport. I don't know how, hopefully others here will explain. Also you can get a sim card here. I got my sim card in pattaya. I added time to it when it got low by going to 7/11.

You should have a motel already picked out. Have the details and address in your phone. Have a picture of a map to it in your phone also. The place the bus takes you will have taxis close by. Have one of them take you to motel. It shouldn't cost more than a couple hundred baht. I think you can trust you are getting a fair price. You have nothing to compare so go with anything below say 500 thb. It shouldn't be near that high though. You need the map because many taxi drivers wont know the hotel and cant read the address in english.

Baht buses are the way to get around pattaya. They cost 10 baht. You ring a bell to get off. They have specific routes and you just change baht buses when you need. Ask someone on the bus how it works. They almost always are willing to help.

Walking street is the big place most newbies want to go to. It has the gogo bars. There are other places. But1st couple of days walking street, soi 6 and beer bars are all you need. Soi means street. The numbered ones run 90 degrees from beach road.

Prices of girls at berr bars and soi 6 were 1000 baht and 300 baht barfine. I never got a girl out of a gogo.

I suggest first night you get a girl at soi 6 and take her upstairs to have. Overnight I liked better but it might seem weird first night in a foreign country sleeping next to a woman you just met.

Big advice next. Go for what you want. Want a 3 some tell that, want CIM do that. Don't want to buy some girl a drink, then don't. I don't mean be a dick, but its your vacation and your money.

Anyone want to know anything else I will answer best I can. Again others here will have different opinions. These are just mine.

04-22-18, 15:41
7/11's are different from those here. They are not jacked up prices. If you need something and 7/11 has it it is a fair price. I trusted food carts. They are everywhere. I never got sick from one. Have a map showing your motel on your phone. If you get lost get a motorbike taxi and show him map to get home. Motorbike taxis are everywhere. A lot of stuff in no name stores is counterfeit, though some is just as good as real. You can get viagra at most pharmacies, though a few told me they couldn't sell it and I would need a prescription. Beach road is easy to find so learn where things are in relation to it.

Pattaya is safe. But don't be an idiot and be aware. I got pickpocketed by a ladyboy being grabby when I was walking about. So be careful if someone is putting there hands on you. There is no need to have more money on you then hou will need. I locked my valuables in a hard sided suitcase.

Pattaya is safe other then the traffic. It is something else. Be careful crossing roads. Motor bikes come out of nowhere and obey no law.

Atm's charge a 220 baht fee. So you are better withdrawing more money at a time as the fee is the same wheter you withdaw 500 thb or 5000 thb.

Some things i never figured out. I didnt understand my phone billing. I would go to 7/11 every few weeks and give them my number and 500 baht. I lost the ability to use cellular internet a few times. Wifi is a lot of places though.

Get line message app. Everyone in Thailand uses it and it is free.

04-22-18, 18:58
Good job Horatio. I would add to your primer. I always stay at hotels with an in room safe instead of using a suitcase as a safe. Your suitcase can be stolen. If possible get a debit card that will pay all fees when used abroad. I have an account at Charles Schwab Company which provides debit cards that don't cost anything to use at any ATM. Schwab refunds all ATM fees. There is no need to bring a lot of cash to Thailand or to walk around with a lot of cash. I don't know whether or not this service is available to Schwab clients outside the USA.

Most phones will work in Thailand but they need to be unlocked to accept a Thai Sim card. Thai telephone based internet is reliable and fast. Just as good as the USA in most places. Great for accessing the internet and using Google maps.

Don't rent jet skis. It looks like fun but these guys are big time scammers. They will overcharge for damage to the jet ski whether you caused it or not.

Keep far away from ladyboys on the street as Horatio mentioned. They are highly skilled in the art of pickpocketing and known to be scammers. Don't go near them. When they approach I smile, cover my pockets with my hands, and quickly walk away from them without furthur eye contact.

I would suggest not renting motorbikes. Other than girls, the most fun I had in Pattaya was renting motorbikes with my wingman on my annual trips. We loved tooling around town and riding to Jomtien, the floating market, the big Pattaya hill, and other nearby places. I stopped renting three years ago. There is too much traffic and it has become too dangerous especially for a rider who only drives a car at home. Also the police will ticket you unless you have an international driving license valid for motorcycles.

Horatio's primer can go on and on but this is a good start.

04-23-18, 14:20
I would suggest not renting motorbikes. Other than girls, the most fun I had in Pattaya was renting motorbikes with my wingman on my annual trips. We loved tooling around town and riding to Jomtien, the floating market, the big Pattaya hill, and other nearby places. I stopped renting three years ago. There is too much traffic and it has become too dangerous especially for a rider who only drives a car at home. Also the police will ticket you unless you have an international driving license valid for motorcycles.
Also if you have an accident and don't have a valid motorcycle license then you could invalidate your travel insurance. Best to check your policy beofre leaving home.

04-24-18, 21:08
As there seems to be a lot of discussion related to expenses recently, I thought I would share my recent trip- 4/1-4/12- 11 nights (3 BKK, 8 Jomtien Beach) on the ground, as I used to live on expense account I am used to keeping records, even on vacation.

Ground Transportation: $112- I used pre arranged taxis thru Peak Taxi- all good fares, except going Airport to BKK where I pre-arranged over the internet- don't do this, book a car at the airport for about $10 less. After or before 30 hours on an airplane I don't want to wait for a bus. I use the Baht Bus in Pattaya / Jomtien and the BTS in BKK, and there is quite a bit of walking also.

Food: $15 daily average, except breakfast was included in the room. I enjoy a good hotel breakfast which can easily be had if planned ahead, then generally a light lunch and food market / car park dinner of local foods. Also enjoy street food and the Food Court at Terminal 21 is about as good as you can get (you can eat just about as much as you would like for $7).

Beer: $12 daily average- beer runs 65-150 generally about 75.

Misc / Tours: $18 daily average- this includes daily foot massage, laundry, snacks, - don't hire a guide for any of the tours- especially a working girl- you can do it all on your own if you have two wits about you.

Entertainment: $70 daily- I was exclusive with Thai Friendly girls, I had 9 with several overnights, the latter being the best bet- I liked the 2:00 pm til 9:00 am schedule the best. Generally in BKK 2500 (2 hrs /2 Shots), Jomtien 1,000ST, 1500 2/2- overnight about the same with food, treats, breakfast and a tip pushing it upward. Thai Friendly Girls 18-25 1000,38-41 1500 with 2/2 and generally as long as you like.

I am not big into GO GO bars, therefore I visited a number but did not do LD or Bar Fines, be sure to go and look- if you are nice and friendly and buy your own drinks and be upfront that you are not going to bar fine, you can enjoy a great scene do some touch and feel and enjoy for the price of a couple of beers- I have done beer bars but seem to be looking at too many old pros, there are two bars "Wonderful 1 and 2" second road and Soi 13 and one block down which seem to have a different set up for selection of girls which is positive so I have enjoy their service in the past.

The gentlemen's clubs (Kinearne? Is good but seems to be really a 1 and done for all in 1500, I went into Kit Kat Club in Jomtien and was the only guy there so left and have not been back, Soapies in Pattaya in the past 2200-2500 for their routine- do it once. MP in BKK vary by the experience- I did not get to them this trip, Soi 6 and Nana are good to walk thru but not my style.

Hotels: Bangkok. Adelphi Suites: $100, Agate Jomtien Beach $55- both inclusive of tax, tip, and breakfast for two- you can obtain best rates by dealing direct with the hotels (get a compare rate and availability on the search engine res services (Booking, Agoda) but then deal direct with hotels).

My selection of hospitality services may be not as normal as many on the site, as I have been to Thailand multiple times, and have matured past 65 so two sessions a day can't be accomplished in their entirety each day. And I have a tough time staying up til 4:00 am waiting for a bar girl.

Rates are based on 31 Baht per US $, which is almost 10% less than last year, and some prices have gone up in Thailand as well.

Hope this information helps for anyone planning a trip. Thanks to all that have contributed to the Forum and remember RTFF, YMMV, and Cheers, PM me for any specifics.

04-25-18, 09:18
As there seems to be a lot of discussion related to expenses recently, I thought I would share my recent trip- 4/1-4/12- 11 nights (3 BKK, 8 Jomtien Beach) on the ground, as I used to live on expense account I am used to keeping records, even on vacation.

Ground Transportation: $112- I used pre arranged taxis thru Peak Taxi- all good fares, except going Airport to BKK where I pre-arranged over the internet- don't do this, book a car at the airport for about $10 less. After or before 30 hours on an airplane I don't want to wait for a bus. I use the Baht Bus in Pattaya / Jomtien and the BTS in BKK, and there is quite a bit of walking also.

Food: $15 daily average, except breakfast was included in the room. I enjoy a good hotel breakfast which can easily be had if planned ahead, then generally a light lunch and food market / car park dinner of local foods. Also enjoy street food and the Food Court at Terminal 21 is about as good as you can get (you can eat just about as much as you would like for $7).

Beer: $12 daily average- beer runs 65-150 generally about 75.

Misc / Tours: $18 daily average- this includes daily foot massage, laundry, snacks, - don't hire a guide for any of the tours- especially a working girl- you can do it all on your own if you have two wits about you.

Entertainment: $70 daily- I was exclusive with Thai Friendly girls, I had 9 with several overnights, the latter being the best bet- I liked the 2:00 pm til 9:00 am schedule the best. Generally in BKK 2500 (2 hrs /2 Shots), Jomtien 1,000ST, 1500 2/2- overnight about the same with food, treats, breakfast and a tip pushing it upward. Thai Friendly Girls 18-25 1000,38-41 1500 with 2/2 and generally as long as you like.

I am not big into GO GO bars, therefore I visited a number but did not do LD or Bar Fines, be sure to go and look- if you are nice and friendly and buy your own drinks and be upfront that you are not going to bar fine, you can enjoy a great scene do some touch and feel and enjoy for the price of a couple of beers- I have done beer bars but seem to be looking at too many old pros, there are two bars "Wonderful 1 and 2" second road and Soi 13 and one block down which seem to have a different set up for selection of girls which is positive so I have enjoy their service in the past.

The gentlemen's clubs (Kinearne? Is good but seems to be really a 1 and done for all in 1500, I went into Kit Kat Club in Jomtien and was the only guy there so left and have not been back, Soapies in Pattaya in the past 2200-2500 for their routine- do it once. MP in BKK vary by the experience- I did not get to them this trip, Soi 6 and Nana are good to walk thru but not my style.

Hotels: Bangkok. Adelphi Suites: $100, Agate Jomtien Beach $55- both inclusive of tax, tip, and breakfast for two- you can obtain best rates by dealing direct with the hotels (get a compare rate and availability on the search engine res services (Booking, Agoda) but then deal direct with hotels).

My selection of hospitality services may be not as normal as many on the site, as I have been to Thailand multiple times, and have matured past 65 so two sessions a day can't be accomplished in their entirety each day. And I have a tough time staying up til 4:00 am waiting for a bar girl.

Rates are based on 31 Baht per US $, which is almost 10% less than last year, and some prices have gone up in Thailand as well.

Hope this information helps for anyone planning a trip. Thanks to all that have contributed to the Forum and remember RTFF, YMMV, and Cheers, PM me for any specifics.Excellent posting with some realistic expenses. Thanks.

04-25-18, 10:34
Rates are based on 31 Baht per US $, which is almost 10% less than last year, and some prices have gone up in Thailand as well.
Thanks for the summary but next time please quote all prices in Baht. This board has members from all over the world, not just the US, so please quote prices in the currency of the land you're talking about. Makes it a lot easier for everyone to convert the prices to their home currency.

04-25-18, 11:27
Thanks for the summary but next time please quote all prices in Baht. This board has members from all over the world, not just the US, so please quote prices in the currency of the land you're talking about. Makes it a lot easier for everyone to convert the prices to their home currency.Not only, prices, be them, hotel, food, girls, bars are expressed in baht. And will not change because the exchange rate fluctuates.

ST has always been around 1000 b. In Pattaya and 1500 in Bangkok. Still it is, even if more expensive for farang because di the rate.

Member #4591
04-25-18, 12:32
Not only, prices, be them, hotel, food, girls, bars are expressed in baht. And will not change because the exchange rate fluctuates.

ST has always been around 1000 b. In Pattaya and 1500 in Bangkok. Still it is, even if more expensive for farang because di the rate.You will be hard pressed to find ST for 1,500 Baht in Bangkok. 2,500 Baht is the norm now in the Go go bars, Thermae, We chat, Craig's List, Thai Friendly, and most clubs where freelancers are such as Insanity. The price will drop for street walkers and for freelancers in the Soi 7 Beer garden. Prices will go up in Spasso, Mixx, and Levels.

Most girls will ask for 3,000 and you can counter with 2000 but agree on 2,500. The odd one will go for 2000 on a slow night.

04-25-18, 12:40
There are so few posts that give prices in detail, I sm happy to see them in sny currency.

Thanks for the summary but next time please quote all prices in Baht. This board has members from all over the world, not just the US, so please quote prices in the currency of the land you're talking about. Makes it a lot easier for everyone to convert the prices to their home currency.

04-25-18, 12:54
Thanks for the summary but next time please quote all prices in Baht. This board has members from all over the world, not just the US, so please quote prices in the currency of the land you're talking about. Makes it a lot easier for everyone to convert the prices to their home currency.The guy is breaking his actual total costs and has been kind enough to share them with us. People reading this may be from all over the world, but he isn't. He broke down the actual prices in baht.

04-25-18, 13:01
You will be hard pressed to find ST for 1,500 Baht in Bangkok. 2,500 Baht is the norm now in the Go go bars, Thermae, We chat, Craig's List, Thai Friendly, and most clubs where freelancers are such as Insanity. The price will drop for street walkers and for freelancers in the Soi 7 Beer garden. Prices will go up in Spasso, Mixx, and Levels.

Most girls will ask for 3,000 and you can counter with 2000 but agree on 2,500. The odd one will go for 2000 on a slow night.Yeah, the only 1500 I hear is from sporadic SW's and Nana Hotel Sign girls.

04-25-18, 19:08
You will be hard pressed to find ST for 1,500 Baht in Bangkok. 2,500 Baht is the norm now... You can still find plenty of girls for 1000-1500, although in Farang areas more might be the asking rate.

Easiest thing is to go to a BJ bar like Som's Haven and get FS for 1200. Then there are streetwalkers: most on Soi 3 or Soi 4 would be happy with 1500 and some will consider 1000. In low-end Thai areas like Yaowarat or Khlong Lot rates are as low as 500 (some women are not worse looking than on Sukhumwit, though service is poor). Online, there's FanFinFin for 1000-1500, and 2000 for the top end of the spectrum.

2300 still gets you 2 h PSE at Tulip or Snow White. With that in mind, I see absolutely no point in paying anything over 2 k or so for a typical not-so-great one-shot ST, unless the girl is truly good looking, and very few are these days.

Member #4591
04-25-18, 19:34
You can still find plenty of girls for 1000-1500, although in Farang areas more might be the asking rate.

Easiest thing is to go to a BJ bar like Som's Haven and get FS for 1200. Then there are streetwalkers: most on Soi 3 or Soi 4 would be happy with 1500 and some will consider 1000. In low-end Thai areas like Yaowarat or Khlong Lot rates are as low as 500 (some women are not worse looking than on Sukhumwit, though service is poor). Online, there's FanFinFin for 1000-1500, and 2000 for the top end of the spectrum.

2300 still gets you 2 h PSE at Tulip or Snow White. With that in mind, I see absolutely no point in paying anything over 2 k or so for a typical not-so-great one-shot ST, unless the girl is truly good looking, and very few are these days.The acronyms ST and LT are reserved for freelancers and Go go girls. Obviously this is not referring to massage shops or BJ bars and obviously the average punter who frequents ISG will never ever find themselves using a Thai sideline website. When was the last time you went to Tulip, Snow White, or Som's Heaven and requested LT or ST? Never, because those aren't options. I honestly don't see your point as I already mentioned about Streetwalkers. So what are you actually trying to say here that wasn't already said by me?

If you are going to quote my post, make sure you quote the whole post otherwise your post becomes very misleading and suspect to being just plain argumentative. You conveniently left out the parts of my post referring to Street walkers and so forth when you quoted me.

04-26-18, 00:31
You can get FS at Som's Haven for 1200?

04-26-18, 01:55
You can get FS at Som's Haven for 1200?Yes FS is available but you better be quick as you only get 30 minutes. A couple of the ladies have told me that since they mainly give BJs and rarely have FS they can get quite horny at times.

Run Mann
04-26-18, 03:01
Yes FS is available but you better be quick as you only get 30 minutes. A couple of the ladies have told me that since they mainly give BJs and rarely have FS they can get quite horny at times.They're not rigid clock watchers though as long as your 30 minutes don't go too far beyond the time limit you should be ok.

04-26-18, 09:11
Where would you go for a long weekend? Ideally something that has both P4P as well as some tourist sights, and is not too far from Bangkok. And not Pattaya, Phuket, or Phnom Penh (been there).

Any recommendations?

04-26-18, 09:59
There are so few posts that give prices in detail, I sm happy to see them in sny currency.

The guy is breaking his actual total costs and has been kind enough to share them with us. People reading this may be from all over the world, but he isn't. He broke down the actual prices in baht.He only broke down the prices partially. But hey, it's not such a big deal and it was a good post nevertheless. I just wanted to point out that it makes more sense to quote prices in baht.

04-26-18, 10:08
You will be hard pressed to find ST for 1,500 Baht in Bangkok. 2,500 Baht is the norm now in the Go go bars, Thermae, We chat, Craig's List, Thai Friendly, and most clubs where freelancers are such as Insanity. The price will drop for street walkers and for freelancers in the Soi 7 Beer garden. Prices will go up in Spasso, Mixx, and Levels.

Most girls will ask for 3,000 and you can counter with 2000 but agree on 2,500. The odd one will go for 2000 on a slow night.I'm only using WeChat and most girls quote me 2000 or 2500 for a ST. I always negotiate BBFS and can usually get them for 2000, and sometimes 1700 or 1500.

But I have to add that (with a few exceptions) these girls are not 8's or higher. Mostly 7 -ish.

Jimmy Boy 99
04-26-18, 10:27
You can get FS at Som's Haven for 1200?The 1200 Bhat is for 30 minutes in a room with a couch. You can also get an hour in a room with a bed for 1700 Bhat.

Red Kilt
04-26-18, 10:27
I'm only using WeChat and most girls quote me 2000 or 2500 for a ST. I always negotiate BBFS and can usually get them for 2000, and sometimes 1700 or 1500.

But I have to add that (with a few exceptions) these girls are not 8's or higher. Mostly 7 -ish.Interesting data here about the cost of mongering in BKK, especially with the recent Smooci thread about comparing SIN and BKK.

It reassures me that I chose to live in Manila instead.

FWIW, 2000 - 2500 THB = 3300 - 4000 PHP.

Given that the standard FL price in Manila for a ST is 1500-2000 PHP (that's my price anyway), it means BKK mongering is twice as expensive as Manila.

Engine Driver
04-26-18, 10:51
Interesting data here about the cost of mongering in BKK, especially with the recent Smooci thread about comparing SIN and BKK.

It reassures me that I chose to live in Manila instead.

FWIW, 2000 - 2500 THB = 3300 - 4000 PHP.

Given that the standard FL price in Manila for a ST is 1500-2000 PHP (that's my price anyway), it means BKK mongering is twice as expensive as Manila.You raise a good point. You can also generalise by saying the Thai girls are prettier, but the Filipinas give a better GFE and speak English.

Red Kilt
04-26-18, 13:04
You raise a good point. You can also generalise by saying the Thai girls are prettier, but the Filipinas give a better GFE and speak English.Yes ED but I stuck to the objective data set which is verifiable by using daily forex rates.

As soon as we get into liveability, food, traffic, prettiness, GFE, English-speaking, other attractions etcetera then we are into the subjective opinion area, and that's where all the arguments on ISG occur.

04-26-18, 13:16
You can still find plenty of girls for 1000-1500, although in Farang areas more might be the asking rate.

Easiest thing is to go to a BJ bar like Som's Haven and get FS for 1200. Then there are streetwalkers: most on Soi 3 or Soi 4 would be happy with 1500 and some will consider 1000. In low-end Thai areas like Yaowarat or Khlong Lot rates are as low as 500 (some women are not worse looking than on Sukhumwit, though service is poor). Online, there's FanFinFin for 1000-1500, and 2000 for the top end of the spectrum.

2300 still gets you 2 h PSE at Tulip or Snow White. With that in mind, I see absolutely no point in paying anything over 2 k or so for a typical not-so-great one-shot ST, unless the girl is truly good looking, and very few are these days.Where is Khling Lot?

04-26-18, 13:23
Interesting data here about the cost of mongering in BKK, especially with the recent Smooci thread about comparing SIN and BKK.

It reassures me that I chose to live in Manila instead.

FWIW, 2000 - 2500 THB = 3300 - 4000 PHP.

Given that the standard FL price in Manila for a ST is 1500-2000 PHP (that's my price anyway), it means BKK mongering is twice as expensive as Manila.Wait, is that standard, or is that YOUR price? You use both words in the sentence.

I'm not trying to be smart, I'm genuinely curious. Never been to the Philippines, though I've slept with a few back in the States and they were all insatiable little sluts in bed (and I mean that in a GOOD way), so.

I mean, here in Bangkok, it's easy to walk into a BJ bar for 1000; it's easy to find SW's that'll do 1500 to 2000; easy to find massage places that are 2000 to 2500 range; Thermae girls from 2500 to 3000, go-go bar girls 3000 to 3500. That's STANDARD, not just (I don't THINK) MY price.

Can you give a similar run down of standard prices for Manila?

And maybe touch on the violent crime issue in the country as well?

Thanks! Always interested in seeing the world!

Member #4698
04-26-18, 14:45
Scenario #1 (assuming you know no girls previously in MNL); a Makati top end bar girl (Bottoms or Kojax & Plan B, my 3 favorite Burgos bars) barfine is 3900 p and 3500 p respectively which includes two lady drinks (it used to include 10 ladydrinks, but alas no longer), but this does not include the customer's drinks. Then Bottoms or Kojax (Plan B) girls will want 3900 p or 3500 respectively for ST (add another 1000 p for LT). Grand total 7800 p and 7000 p respectively for ST.

EDSA Complex Go Go barfines are approximately 1000 p to 1500 p less and the girls will generally ask for 3000 p for ST so EDSA girls are approximately 2000p ($38) less for ST with no real loss in quality. It is a matter of location, location, location.

Scenario #1 (assuming you know no girls previously in BKK); a Sukhumvit top end Go Go girl (Crazy House or Twister, my 2 favorite bars) barfine is 700 baht which does not include two lady drinks (so for price comparison purposes I will include them here @ 250 baht ea. = 500 baht. Then CH & Twister girls will want 2500 baht to 3000 baht for ST (add another 1000 baht for LT). Grand total 3700 baht to 4200 baht for short time with 2 lady drinks included.

Therefore, in common currency a Makati Go Go bar girl will run you $134 to $149 (EDSA Complex Go Go girls will run you around $100) vs a Sukhumvit Go Go bar girl for $118.5 to $133 for ST including 2 lady drinks. Note: In Sukhumvit Go Go's with coyotes, the coyotes barfine, not her service charge which will remain unchanged in most cases, will be approximately double so Sukhumvit Go Go bar coyotes like those in Mandarin Go Go will run around $143 for ST including 2 lady drinks.

Quality wise IMHO you can find highly attractive girls in both cities although there seem to be more doable girls in the BKK setting. I would add that service wise I like both BKK and MNL girls about equally, but for different reasons which is why I like to visit both cities on my SE Asian trips. Variety man, Variety!

And at the beginning of my Go Go to Go Go price comparison I made the assumption that I know no girls in either city. The price scenario suddenly gets much less expensive in MNL after you get to know the girls and begin to repeat with your favorites. My favorite repeat MNL girls come straight to my hotel eliminating the barfine. Thus my cost for my high end repeat only MNL Go Go girls is 4000 p ($76) for modified one shot ST (3 to 4 hours) although additional costs are always incurred for dinners and bottles of tequila LOL. I like to treat my girls well and party party.

Note: I might write up some more apple to apples price comparisons of BKK to MNL. Scenario #2 would be SW's to SW's ie Burgos Street "massage girls" to Sukhumvit SW's. Scenario #3 would be low to mid-level FL's ie LA Cafe girls to Thermae Cafe. Scenario #4 would be soapy girls to soapy girls ie Flight 187 girls to the Lord girls for example. The message I want to convey from all these price comparisons is that there are great girls in both cities and if you have not checked out both, you should. It's only money! What better way is there to spend it then on girls and drink?

04-26-18, 17:34
So, for go go girls, there's essentially not all that much of a price difference for newcomers.

04-27-18, 02:38
Please do this and thanks. I have never been to Philippines and am thinkingbof going there.

Note: I might write up some more apple to apples price comparisons of BKK to MNL. Scenario #2 would be SW's to SW's ie Burgos Street "massage girls" to Sukhumvit SW's. Scenario #3 would be low to mid-level FL's ie LA Cafe girls to Thermae Cafe. Scenario #4 would be soapy girls to soapy girls ie Flight 187 girls to the Lord girls for example. The message I want to convey from all these price comparisons is that there are great girls in both cities and if you have not checked out both, you should. It's only money! What better way is there to spend it then on girls and drink?

04-27-18, 06:11
Where would you go for a long weekend? Ideally something that has both P4P as well as some tourist sights, and is not too far from Bangkok. And not Pattaya, Phuket, or Phnom Penh (been there).

Any recommendations?How about Hua Hin? A two hour drive from BKK. Hua Hin has a few tourist sites and some girls as well.

04-27-18, 06:43
Scenario #1 (assuming you know no girls previously in MNL); a Makati top end bar girl (Bottoms or Kojax & Plan B, my 3 favorite Burgos bars) barfine is 3900 p and 3500 p respectively which includes two lady drinks (it used to include 10 ladydrinks, but alas no longer), but this does not include the customer's drinks. Then Bottoms or Kojax (Plan B) girls will want 3900 p or 3500 respectively for ST (add another 1000 p for LT). Grand total 7800 p and 7000 p respectively for ST.

EDSA Complex Go Go barfines are approximately 1000 p to 1500 p less and the girls will generally ask for 3000 p for ST so EDSA girls are approximately 2000p ($38) less for ST with no real loss in quality. It is a matter of location, location, location.

Scenario #1 (assuming you know no girls previously in BKK); a Sukhumvit top end Go Go girl (Crazy House or Twister, my 2 favorite bars) barfine is 700 baht which does not include two lady drinks (so for price comparison purposes I will include them here @ 250 baht ea. = 500 baht. Then CH & Twister girls will want 2500 baht to 3000 baht for ST (add another 1000 baht for LT). Grand total 3700 baht to 4200 baht for short time with 2 lady drinks included.

Therefore, in common currency a Makati Go Go bar girl will run you $134 to $149 (EDSA Complex Go Go girls will run you around $100) vs a Sukhumvit Go Go bar girl for $118.5 to $133 for ST including 2 lady drinks. Note: In Sukhumvit Go Go's with coyotes, the coyotes barfine, not her service charge which will remain unchanged in most cases, will be approximately double so Sukhumvit Go Go bar coyotes like those in Mandarin Go Go will run around $143 for ST including 2 lady drinks.

Quality wise IMHO you can find highly attractive girls in both cities although there seem to be more doable girls in the BKK setting. I would add that service wise I like both BKK and MNL girls about equally, but for different reasons which is why I like to visit both cities on my SE Asian trips. Variety man, Variety!
Nice comparison, and especially helpful for me as I live in the Philippines (and can attest to the accuracy of the costs quoted) and will be going to Bangkok for 2 nights next week. I used to live and work in Bangkok, and have made a handful of visits there since moving to the Philippines, but my information and knowledge are well out of date. I did try to PM you with a specific question, but your mailbox is full.


04-27-18, 09:57
So, for go go girls, there's essentially not all that much of a price difference for newcomers.No, there's not. Not between BKK and MNL anyway. If you're looking for a cheaper place go to Angeles. Barfines there are around 3000 - 3500 PhP in most bars and they are all inclusive, meaning you don't have to negotiate a fee for the girl seperately. Depending on her service you can give her a small tip (something between 200 and 500).

The barfines in Angeles are for LT officially, however these days quite a lot of girls will come up with some excuse after one or two rounds and want to leave.
In Manila you pay more but you usually get better service and LT is really LT.

04-27-18, 10:10
And maybe touch on the violent crime issue in the country as well?Don't worry too much about that. Generally speaking Thailand might be safer than the Phils but most people who take the usual precautions, behave normally and don't get (too) drunk never have any problems.

04-27-18, 12:45
You raise a good point. You can also generalise by saying the Thai girls are prettier, but the Filipinas give a better GFE and speak English.True, and there will be those who say the opposite of that. You see that on the Latin American forums, as well. Brazilian versus Colombian. Its all subjective. To be sure, there are plenty of pretty women in Thailand, but there are also plenty that aren't.

Sam Sanuk
04-28-18, 04:04
Nice comparison, and especially helpful for me as I live in the Philippines (and can attest to the accuracy of the costs quoted) and will be going to Bangkok for 2 nights next week. I used to live and work in Bangkok, and have made a handful of visits there since moving to the Philippines, but my information and knowledge are well out of date. I did try to PM you with a specific question, but your mailbox is full.

GE.Indeed, the kind of useful info posted by a respected poster "in the know". Thanks to Natty.

05-01-18, 13:16
You will be hard pressed to find ST for 1,500 Baht in Bangkok. 2,500 Baht is the norm now in the Go go bars, Thermae, We chat, Craig's List, Thai Friendly, and most clubs where freelancers are such as Insanity. The price will drop for street walkers and for freelancers in the Soi 7 Beer garden. Prices will go up in Spasso, Mixx, and Levels.

Most girls will ask for 3,000 and you can counter with 2000 but agree on 2,500. The odd one will go for 2000 on a slow night.Yes I agree. While I can get street walkers for 1000 to 1500, I mostly don't, as the standard of the body or the service is generally disappointing.

Better to take a reliable Oily girl and pay a bit more, or take FS in a BJ joint in order to get a relative cheapy. That has generally worked out better for me than street walkers. As someone else pointed out BJ girls are bored with doing BJs but not so bored with fucking and DATY. LOL.

In Thermae recently, cannot get 1500. I have paid more and still generally disappointed with the service. Girls seem to want to do relative quickies and not much GFE. Meanwhile I can get really great GFE times from my favourite bargirls, with stunning bodies. So I pay a premium to get a hotter girl.

I cannot be bothered with discos (maybe I am too old). Mostly just sticking to my regulars these days. It is easier and service level is sure. Tried only 4 new girls this year. LOL One MP girl great but disappeared from the MP, BJ bar girl was also great, and the other two not good enough to repeat. I learn that my regulars are always the best bet. Try something new if pretty enough or I am desperate enough.

I don't want to choose any new girl in a rush.

05-04-18, 05:23
Hi guys,

Used that for various reasons to find company to special needs and now gone the personals, any idea what replaces that?

05-04-18, 06:12
World wide as of today on Craigslist, It happened a month ago in USA.

Anyone have suggestions for similar web pages here in Thailand?

Mr Enternational
05-04-18, 12:00
World wide as of today on Craigslist, It happened a month ago in USA.

Anyone have suggestions for similar web pages here in Thailand?Thai Friendly, WeChat.

05-04-18, 14:33
Thai Friendly, WeChat.WeChat and TF don't have same service provider categories CL.

Mr Happy Feet
05-05-18, 12:04
How about Hua Hin? A two hour drive from BKK. Hua Hin has a few tourist sites and some girls as well.I agree. I have lived in Hua Hin a year now and there is plenty of lovin: ST as little as 1000, LT 1500-2000, street walkers, semi-pros / part time girlfriend in all shapes, sizes, and ages. Sure, the 20-year-old, top shelf stunner / spinner / model will cost more but even she can be negotiated on a slow Tuesday night. Bars are closing near midnight most nights and the some staff would love to spend the night in a hotel, make some easy money with the potential to extend for a day or two. Oh, and nearly all of them are constantly working via Thai friendly, Tinder, or Badoo. Many bars employ lady staff but are not bar-fine bars. So, you can chat one up, buy a normal drink or two, shoot some pool, and take her home for 1000-1500. PM me if you want more info.

Good luck,


05-10-18, 00:40
Can I get a bus ride from pattaya to phuket any day if the week? I have taken a bus between the 2 a few times but can't remember if it was just on certain days. Thanks.

05-10-18, 02:21
Can I get a bus ride from pattaya to phuket any day if the week? I have taken a bus between the 2 a few times but can't remember if it was just on certain days. Thanks.Why not just fly?

05-10-18, 08:35
Why not just fly?Or do a Google search. How hard can it be?

05-10-18, 13:18
I didn't rhink that would have the answer. But you are right. It. They are available everyday.

Or do a Google search. How hard can it be?

Mumbai Guy
05-24-18, 14:46
29th. May being a religious holiday bars will be closed and sale of alcohol will be prohibited. I would like to know the oily MP scene. Will the MPs be open? I am landing in BKK on 29th. So was curious to know.

Rob Jones
05-26-18, 01:17
Hi Guys.

I'm landing at Suvarnabhumi tomorrow and I'm wondering if anyone can give me an idea of clearing immigration and customs at the moment? My flight lands at 4. 30 pm and I'm sure last time we were about 2 hours at that time on a Saturday in February.

Thanks in advance.


05-26-18, 01:30
Hi Guys.

I'm landing at Suvarnabhumi tomorrow and I'm wondering if anyone can give me an idea of clearing immigration and customs at the moment? My flight lands at 4. 30 pm and I'm sure last time we were about 2 hours at that time on a Saturday in February.

Thanks in advance.

Rob.If you don't mind spend a bit (900 baht) go and sign up for the express service online. Works like a dream. I have used it for my last 4 or 5 visits and each time iI have never had to spend more than 2 minutes at immigration. A pretty lady will be standing right outside the aerobridge doors with a placard carrying your name. She will greet you, take your passport, offer to take your hand baggage and escrt you to the premium lane for immigration. That is a breeze. Then on the land side she will come with you to the conveyor belt and wait till you collect your checked-in luggage. She will even offer to come up to your taxi, but here is where I sign her off. Tip if you must. I usually hand over a 100 to make it a round 1000 baht spent on saving 2 hours.


Banana Boi
05-26-18, 01:32
Hi Guys.

I'm landing at Suvarnabhumi tomorrow and I'm wondering if anyone can give me an idea of clearing immigration and customs at the moment? My flight lands at 4. 30 pm and I'm sure last time we were about 2 hours at that time on a Saturday in February.

Thanks in advance.

Rob.Wasn't too bad a couple weeks ago. Maybe 30 minutes max. It's no longer high season. It shouldn't be as bad as February.

If you don't mind spend a bit (900 baht) go and sign up for the express service online. Works like a dream. I have used it for my last 4 or 5 visits and each time iI have never had to spend more than 2 minutes at immigration. A pretty lady will be standing right outside the aerobridge doors with a placard carrying your name. She will greet you, take your passport, offer to take your hand baggage and escrt you to the premium lane for immigration. That is a breeze. Then on the land side she will come with you to the conveyor belt and wait till you collect your checked-in luggage. She will even offer to come up to your taxi, but here is where I sign her off. Tip if you must. I usually hand over a 100 to make it a round 1000 baht spent on saving 2 hours.


Thanks. Good to know. Bookmarked the link. Definitely will consider next time. Now if they had this for the chaos at DMK I'm all over it!

05-26-18, 02:13
Thanks. Good to know. Bookmarked the link. Definitely will consider next time. Now if they had this for the chaos at DMK I'm all over it!Might be a good idea to write to them and check if they have the service at DMK.

Mr Enternational
05-26-18, 05:31
I'm landing at Suvarnabhumi tomorrow and I'm wondering if anyone can give me an idea of clearing immigration and customs at the moment? My flight lands at 4. 30 pm and I'm sure last time we were about 2 hours at that time on a Saturday in February.The other morning it took about 5 minutes. It only took that long because they were having a shift change. I have never ever ever had to wait 2 hours. They must have been on strike that day. You can always walk with a limp and ask for the handicap line. I have a picture of when my foot got messed up on Koh Tao. So when push comes to shove I go to the handicap line and if someone asks why I am in that line, I show them the picture in my phone to make them cringe and stop asking so many damn questions.

Robert Long
05-26-18, 19:42
Hi Guys.

I'm landing at Suvarnabhumi tomorrow and I'm wondering if anyone can give me an idea of clearing immigration and customs at the moment? My flight lands at 4. 30 pm and I'm sure last time we were about 2 hours at that time on a Saturday in February.

Thanks in advance.

Rob.If you fly with an upgrade or business class, they will give you an express pass that will clear you in 5 minutes. The entrance is just past the main entrance for the immigration room. Another perk is that your bags will come up first.

Your going to drop a couple of hundred bucks a day in Bkk so why not get there by flying business at a little higher price?


05-27-18, 00:14
The other morning it took about 5 minutes. It only took that long because they were having a shift change. I have never ever ever had to wait 2 hours. They must have been on strike that day. You can always walk with a limp and ask for the handicap line. I have a picture of when my foot got messed up on Koh Tao. So when push comes to shove I go to the handicap line and if someone asks why I am in that line, I show them the picture in my phone to make them cringe and stop asking so many damn questions.5 minutes? That doesn't sound right, at all. Anybody else a bit skeptical? I went through customs at BKK a while back, on what I was told was an ordinary day (the guy I cleared with had been through BKK at least a dozen times) and it took at least 30 minutes. Then again, a while back Mr. E was telling me about what I saw during my latest immigration experience at DFW Airport, and described the LE dogs present there, when I have never seen a LE dog at DFW airport in my 40 years of traveling through it.

Roaming Rob 1
05-27-18, 03:04
I have been to Thailand about 40 times over the past 15 or so years, and while I never have been able to clear immigration in 5 minutes I can say from my experience if I can get through in 15 minutes or so I feel like I have done good. I have felt the pain of being in line well over an hours quite a few times. I do think the time of the day plays a large part of it as with the staffing levels at the immigration desks.

I have noticed that if I come in on a flight from say Singapore during the morning the lines do seem to be shorter. However if I am arriving on a flight that comes in later in the evening when several flights that contain a larger percentage of westerners the lines do take a lot longer to move. With all that said I would not discount what any BM says as his experience could be legit. Just because others haven't experienced doesn't make it not true. Just my two cents.

05-27-18, 03:49
I have been to Thailand about 40 times over the past 15 or so years, and while I never have been able to clear immigration in 5 minutesAgree in general. If you get an ASEAN Card or fly Biz Class it is possible to clear in 5 minutes. Added bonus with ASEAN card is you can get an entry for longer than 30 days.

Banana Boi
05-27-18, 05:16
I have noticed that if I come in on a flight from say Singapore during the morning the lines do seem to be shorter. My last 2 recent entries to Thailand one via suvabharumi and the other at dmk I notice they pull out anyone with a Singapore passport and they get express service.

05-27-18, 08:33
Your going to drop a couple of hundred bucks a day in Bkk so why not get there by flying business at a little higher price?A little higher? Business class is usually about three times more expensive than economy. If I would fly business then I could only go to SE Asia once a year, instead of two or three times on average.

05-27-18, 08:43
5 minutes? That doesn't sound right, at all. Anybody else a bit skeptical?The only time it took 5 minutes for me (or in fact even less) was when I came back from the Phils around midnight one time and the immigration hall was almost empty. I was also in one of the front rows so I got off the plane quickly.

All other dozens of times it took anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes I think. No reason for me to spend 900 Baht on a express service. That's almost a ST.

Mua Tur
05-27-18, 11:26
On 8th April my flight landed at 4.30 pm. I get surprised we few are from other countries in the Que for immigration other than Chinese groups. Why the hall is full of Chinese!

On 14th April 2.00 pm got the Que in front of immigration on way to manila. It was same the hall was full of Chinese groups. Couple of times my Que immigration officer stand on his chair and warned to some Chinese ladies just to shut the mouth. Too much noise. Citizens from other countries are not much. And we passed the immigration like a breeze.

On 30th April 5.00 pm arrived Suvarnabhumi again from Manila. Just the repeat of other days. No crowd, less visitors than I seen before. Short Que and smooth passing the immigration.

On 8th may passed out BKK. Nothing to surprise we just breezed out the immigration and what the hell the hall was full of Chinese visitors.

The bottom line: What happened to Thailand! Does the visitors getting less these days?

05-30-18, 02:48
I'd rather ask guys over here who are like-minded, rather than on one of those tourist TwerP boards. I got a hundred and fifty days to go before I leave for a six-month trip, just a few general questions for guys in the ground.

When I go for my visa extension, because I'm coming in on a s e TV do I do that as soon as I get to town, or do I wait until the end of my visit. Is immigration being okay to a guy with a brand new clean passport, no visit since 2015, self-supporting and clean cut with a hidden gutter crawl inside? Similarly, I assume the place to go for my next single entry would be Vientiane, or is it different Embassy the favorite. I'll leave for a couple of weeks at the end of my first 90 stay to go to Laos and Cambodia or even Burma if that's a good place to go.

As to the crackdown, Arecfolks carrying your actual passports in Bangkok itself, or just a photocopy okay. I also have a passport card. I'm not going to be in the red light district very often. I don't drink at all. So I don't get into any trouble.

Just out of curiosity, if you've been staying in Bangkok for a while, what are your districts of choice.

Mr Enternational
05-30-18, 04:12
When I go for my visa extension, because I'm coming in on a s e TV do I do that as soon as I get to town, or do I wait until the end of my visit.
As to the crackdown, Arecfolks carrying your actual passports in Bangkok itself, or just a photocopy okay. I also have a passport card. I'm not going to be in the red light district very often. I don't drink at all. So I don't get into any trouble.What crackdown are you speaking of? You just have to be able to produce your passport in a reasonable amount of time. A passport card is not doing you any good, because they want to see the entry stamp to make sure you have not overstayed. Nobody has ever stopped me asking to see a passport. I think this mainly happens when they raid a club or something. And I have been in clubs when they were raided and they have never asked me for anything then either. I am only asked for ID in a traffic stop but I have a Thai license. You go to immigration for an extension on the last day that your visa is valid.

05-30-18, 05:38
The bottom line: What happened to Thailand! Does the visitors getting less these days?Visitor numbers are quite reduced in the hotter and wetter months from April to October. Everyone wants the cooler weather from Nov to Feb, so that is why everything is full then.

Mua Tur
05-30-18, 05:54
Visitor numbers are quite reduced in the hotter and wetter months from April to October. Everyone wants the cooler weather from Nov to Feb, so that is why everything is full then.That's likely correct. But I have visited Thailand numerous times regardless what the season that was. But always seen the upper Sukhumvit is full of farang. But this time (30th April to 8th May) it surprised me seeing very much empty. I strolled Soi 3 to Asok every day I stayed but all the same. Empty and empty.

05-30-18, 07:30
I'd rather ask guys over here who are like-minded, rather than on one of those tourist TwerP boards. I got a hundred and fifty days to go before I leave for a six-month trip, just a few general questions for guys in the ground.

When I go for my visa extension, because I'm coming in on a s e TV do I do that as soon as I get to town, or do I wait until the end of my visit. Is immigration being okay to a guy with a brand new clean passport, no visit since 2015, self-supporting and clean cut with a hidden gutter crawl inside? Similarly, I assume the place to go for my next single entry would be Vientiane, or is it different Embassy the favorite. I'll leave for a couple of weeks at the end of my first 90 stay to go to Laos and Cambodia or even Burma if that's a good place to go.

As to the crackdown, Arecfolks carrying your actual passports in Bangkok itself, or just a photocopy okay. I also have a passport card. I'm not going to be in the red light district very often. I don't drink at all. So I don't get into any trouble.

Just out of curiosity, if you've been staying in Bangkok for a while, what are your districts of choice.Leave the passport card at home. It is of no use in Asia. I would always keep my passport in a safe place like a hotel safe. You should carry a copy of your passport and the stamped entry page at all times. I would also suggest emailing a copy of your passport photo page to yourself. In the event you lose your passport, it would be helpful to have a copy in your email.

05-30-18, 08:05
Everyone wants the cooler weather from Nov to Feb, so that is why everything is full then.Everyone wants to get out the cooler European weather from Nov to Feb, so that is why everything is full then (in Thailand).

Member #4563
05-30-18, 10:33
Anyone knows if an expat allows to invest in stocks in his local Thai bank account and what is the tax for the profits.

My country charge 25 percent from the profits.

Mua Tur
05-30-18, 17:51
it would be helpful to have a copy in your email.Excellent idea. Generally what I do I email the list of phone numbers (in a spreadsheet listed meeting date and place) of to be meeting girls to myself. Just open up the email to call next girl when I needed. Some time I m forced to take selfie pic with girls and I send those pic by email to her and to me too. Than I delete those pic from my phone right after I leave her.

Bugzy 69
05-31-18, 14:33
While I tend to agree with you about escaping lower European temperatures during Nov-Feb period, on the opposite side I noted that this coming July and August flight prices to BKK are really high compared to other years. Normally I fly either Emirates or Lufthansa but both quoting above 900 euros, Lufth even over 1 k. Even Turkish airlines known for their bargains have rates in the region of 900 euros.

Everyone wants to get out the cooler European weather from Nov to Feb, so that is why everything is full then (in Thailand).

05-31-18, 19:14
Anyone knows if an expat allows to invest in stocks in his local Thai bank account and what is the tax for the profits.

My country charge 25 percent from the profits.You might have to be resident to be able to do that.

05-31-18, 20:52
Tickets were significantly cheaper for me to fly into pattaya then Bangkok. I am flying from usa. Check flights on Qatar airlines flying onto pattaya on a Tues. Or thurs.

While I tend to agree with you about escaping lower European temperatures during Nov-Feb period, on the opposite side I noted that this coming July and August flight prices to BKK are really high compared to other years. Normally I fly either Emirates or Lufthansa but both quoting above 900 euros, Lufth even over 1 k. Even Turkish airlines known for their bargains have rates in the region of 900 euros.

06-01-18, 05:19
Anyone knows if an expat allows to invest in stocks in his local Thai bank account and what is the tax for the profits.

My country charge 25 percent from the profits.Using my own experience which may possibly be out of date as regulations in Thailand constantly change the answer is yes but just as with opening a bank account it's not straightforward. For banking or brokerage services always go to the head office of the bank. There isn't consistency on what the actual regulations are but using a retirement visa I have accounts with 2 banks and 2 brokerages. You wouldn't know for sure till you visit. I found BBK bank on Silom to be the most responsive but you should keep trying if you are initially refused at a particular bank. Also it might help if you are referred by an existing customer in good standing. Dividends are taxed at source at 10% and best of all no capital gains if you are fortunate enough to cash out with a profit.

Robert Long
06-01-18, 07:20
Tickets were significantly cheaper for me to fly into pattaya then Bangkok. I am flying from usa. Check flights on Qatar airlines flying onto pattaya on a Tues. Or thurs.Every airport has landing fees. If I fly China Air thru Norita it costs and additional $30.00 than going thru Taipei. Also the price of petro is still climbing and I assume that is driving the cost of tickets to be higher. I was told that the petro is 80% of the cost of running an airline.


06-25-18, 15:35
Can anyone recommend a really superior tapas restaurant in Bangkok? I have been to some super ones in Europe recently so missing the Flavours that really hit you.

I don't want a pretend Tapas place where food seems similar to Thai, Italian, Japanese, etc. Nor one where many dishes have the same pre prepared tomato sauce. Quality special taste is what I want, and low carbs dishes too. E. g. Boquerones, Pimientos Padron, Gambas Ajillo, champinones al ajillo, special duck and pork dishes, etc.

06-25-18, 15:53
Can anyone recommend a really superior tapas restaurant in Bangkok? I have been to some super ones in Europe recently so missing the Flavours that really hit you.

I don't want a pretend Tapas place where food seems similar to Thai, Italian, Japanese, etc. Nor one where many dishes have the same pre prepared tomato sauce. Quality special taste is what I want, and low carbs dishes too. E. g. Boquerones, Pimientos Padron, Gambas Ajillo, champinones al ajillo, special duck and pork dishes, etc.Don't know if it fits what you are looking for but the restaurant tacos and salsa on soi 18 (south of suk) has spectacular Mexican.

FL Hawk
06-25-18, 19:18
If you fly with an upgrade or business class, they will give you an express pass that will clear you in 5 minutes. The entrance is just past the main entrance for the immigration room. Another perk is that your bags will come up first.

Your going to drop a couple of hundred bucks a day in Bkk so why not get there by flying business at a little higher price?

RL.Not exactly "a little" higher.

My last two trips to Thailand has been on EVA business class, in which you get expedited service through customs and the wonderful, lay-flat sleeping seats. (On my previous 5 trips I flew their Elite class, which was quite nice.) But last April, as I approached the immigration stop, there was just one person, and they cleared out just as I reached the stop. So I was able to walk right up, zero wait, and get cleared in a minute. As you say, my checked bag was amongst one of the first to come out. I was probably on my way to Pattaya while the folks in cattle class on my flight were still waiting to be cleared.

BUT, the cost in a killer. I just checked prices for my upcoming return to LOS next November with EVA:

Cattle Class: $ 712.68.

Elite Class: $1,307.68.

Buss Class: $4,926.68.

Business Class seems to have escalated in the last year, making it even harder to justify. Elite class is still a bargain I feel. Business class has certainly spoiled me, but for us mere mortals, the approx $3,600 higher price over Elite class, and $4,200 higher prices than Cattle class, is very very difficult to justify. For a two week trip, that adds up to over $250 per day! That can pay for a lot of Soi 6 and WS agogo girls!

I think I have enough points with EVA / Infinity to get a free upgrade to Business Class for my November trip, so I can put of the decision on whether to continue with Business class off until next year.

But the added cost for Business class is not insignificant. If you can justify it, it is wonderful, but far be it from me to tell you what is "justifiable" for you.

Member #4698
06-25-18, 19:57
Can anyone recommend a really superior tapas restaurant in Bangkok? I have been to some super ones in Europe recently so missing the Flavours that really hit you.

I don't want a pretend Tapas place where food seems similar to Thai, Italian, Japanese, etc. Nor one where many dishes have the same pre prepared tomato sauce. Quality special taste is what I want, and low carbs dishes too. E. g. Boquerones, Pimientos Padron, Gambas Ajillo, champinones al ajillo, special duck and pork dishes, etc.Authentic Tapas in BKK is a stretch, but you might like Barcelona Gaudi on Soi 23. In my view, it's not an I'd go out of my way to eat there restaurant, but it isn't bad either. I give it 3.7 stars.

You will probably think I don't know what I am talking about Mediterranean-wise if you have never eaten at the following restaurant, but I really like Pala Pizza Romana underneath the BTS Asoke station. I must have passed by this restaurant 500 times before I gave it a try one hungry night, but afterwards I was really surprised how tasty their pizza slices were and I ordered a 3rd slice. Very flavorful! Somebody knows something about Italian spices at this restaurant. I know it is not Tapas, but a couple of small slices of various pizzas and a glass of red Italian wine might satisfy your Mediterranean flavor urge. My favorite slice is the Boscaiola. I give it 4.4 stars, which is amazing given Pala's location and everything. Go! This place is surprisingly good.

06-25-18, 20:12
Can anyone recommend a really superior tapas restaurant in Bangkok? I have been to some super ones in Europe recently so missing the Flavours that really hit you.

I don't want a pretend Tapas place where food seems similar to Thai, Italian, Japanese, etc. Nor one where many dishes have the same pre prepared tomato sauce. Quality special taste is what I want, and low carbs dishes too. E. g. Boquerones, Pimientos Padron, Gambas Ajillo, champinones al ajillo, special duck and pork dishes, etc.I'm not an expert, but I had tasty tapas at Di Maria Tapas on Sukhumvit 79 Alley back in 2014 (just few steps from BTS On Nut). Their selection was a bit limited, though, if my memory serves me right. I don't know if they are still there.

06-26-18, 14:43
Authentic Tapas in BKK is a stretch, but you might like Barcelona Gaudi on Soi 23. In my view, it's not an I'd go out of my way to eat there restaurant, but it isn't bad either. I give it 3.7 stars.

You will probably think I don't know what I am talking about Mediterranean-wise if you have never eaten at the following restaurant, but I really like Pala Pizza Romana underneath the BTS Asoke station. I must have passed by this restaurant 500 times before I gave it a try one hungry night, but afterwards I was really surprised how tasty their pizza slices were and I ordered a 3rd slice. Very flavorful! Somebody knows something about Italian spices at this restaurant. I know it is not Tapas, but a couple of small slices of various pizzas and a glass of red Italian wine might satisfy your Mediterranean flavor urge. My favorite slice is the Boscaiola. I give it 4.4 stars, which is amazing given Pala's location and everything. Go! This place is surprisingly good.I have seen it, passing by so might give it a try, Barcelona Gaudi. I am hoping for something special to be really worth making the effort to go to. In Europe recently, a Tapas was the best good priced restaurant I could find in the town. Most others were very ordinary.

I don't really go for Italian at all these days (so boring), so will skip the other one. I have been to maybe one good Italian this year (in Italy).

Its a problem though when I don't like to eat much Carbs. So no pasta, no Pizza, no polenta, no french fries, no risotto, etc.

My previous Bangkok "Tapas" experience was a place between Soi 21 and 19, I think Big Mamas, and it was rather ordinary. Not a repeat thing.

06-26-18, 14:59
I'm not an expert, but I had tasty tapas at Di Maria Tapas on Sukhumvit 79 Alley back in 2014 (just few steps from BTS On Nut). Their selection was a bit limited, though, if my memory serves me right. I don't know if they are still there.It looks to be Italian, or is this a different place?:


Member #4698
06-26-18, 15:27
Its a problem though when I don't like to eat much Carbs. So no pasta, no Pizza, no polenta, no french fries, no risotto, etc.
.I have been off processed Carbs like pasta, risotto, cake (ha ha), and bread for about 18 months. The result: I have lost roughly 20 lbs (9 kg) and feel much more fit. I also dropped a size in Polo and T-shirts. It has been mostly a pretty easy change in lifestyle except that I still love real French bread, authentic pizzas, and double fried hand cut potatoes which I now reserve for special occasions. Good carbs, unprocessed carbs like fresh fruit (its mango season in Florida right now and I have 3 trees all laden with ripening fruit), beans, legumes, and sweet potatoes ect are very good for you and tasty. In Thailand its pretty easy for me to stick to a healthy lifestyle (diet) consisting of protein, vegetables, and good carbs with a rare and occasional indulgence because I love Thai food. It is much more difficult to eat healthy in the PI for example. I don't even try.

06-27-18, 11:39
It looks to be Italian, or is this a different place?:

http://www.cafedimaria.com/?utm_source=tripadvisor&utm_medium=referralThey had wood oven pizza but used advertise for tapas as well. Check the Google maps Streetview for the address and you can still see the tapas advertised. The Google Streetview might be out of date as the hotel next door has changed its name twice since. I haven't visited that alley for years.

06-27-18, 12:10
Try the Pullman. It is not bad.

Can anyone recommend a really superior tapas restaurant in Bangkok? I have been to some super ones in Europe recently so missing the Flavours that really hit you..

06-27-18, 12:21
Thai business class is sweet.

Especially if you land in the morning and they park at the gates begin with D. This then opens up right near the immigration gate 2 (might be b) which has a specific business class immigration channel and you can be out collecting your luggage in 15 minutes and outside the customs in 30 minutes maximum.

I think immigration gate 1 or A doesn't have this facility.

Not exactly "a little" higher.

My last two trips to Thailand has been on EVA business class, in which you get expedited service through customs and the wonderful, lay-flat sleeping seats. (On my previous 5 trips I flew their Elite class, which was quite nice.) But last April, as I approached the immigration stop, there was just one person, and they cleared out just as I reached the stop. So I was able to walk right up, zero wait, and get cleared in a minute. As you say, my checked bag was amongst one of the first to come out. I was probably on my way to Pattaya while the folks in cattle class on my flight were still waiting to be cleared.

BUT, the cost in a killer. I just checked prices for my upcoming return to LOS next November with EVA:

Cattle Class: $ 712.68.

Elite Class: $1,307.68.

Buss Class: $4,926.68.

Business Class seems to have escalated in the last year, making it even harder to justify. Elite class is still a bargain I feel. Business class has certainly spoiled me, but for us mere mortals, the approx $3,600 higher price over Elite class, and $4,200 higher prices than Cattle class, is very very difficult to justify. For a two week trip, that adds up to over $250 per day! That can pay for a lot of Soi 6 and WS agogo girls!

I think I have enough points with EVA / Infinity to get a free upgrade to Business Class for my November trip, so I can put of the decision on whether to continue with Business class off until next year.

But the added cost for Business class is not insignificant. If you can justify it, it is wonderful, but far be it from me to tell you what is "justifiable" for you.

Mr Enternational
06-27-18, 12:34
Thai business class is sweet.

Especially if you land in the morning and they park at the gates begin with D. This then opens up right near the immigration gate 2 (might be b) which has a specific business class immigration channel and you can be out collecting your luggage in 15 minutes and outside the customs in 30 minutes maximum.I come in from Manila on a cheap $60 Cebu Pacific flight and same thing. They park at D and I am always through immigration quickly. No business class required.

06-27-18, 15:13
Can anyone recommend a really superior tapas restaurant in Bangkok? I have been to some super ones in Europe recently so missing the Flavours that really hit you.

I don't want a pretend Tapas place where food seems similar to Thai, Italian, Japanese, etc. Nor one where many dishes have the same pre prepared tomato sauce. Quality special taste is what I want, and low carbs dishes too. E. g. Boquerones, Pimientos Padron, Gambas Ajillo, champinones al ajillo, special duck and pork dishes, etc.Try Toro in courtyard 72 thong lo. Was pretty good. But not cheap given the trendy location.

07-01-18, 05:06
Try Toro in courtyard 72 thong lo. Was pretty good. But not cheap given the trendy location.Thanks the hot Tapas menu looks reasonably good, however I do see the prices are somewhat steeper than European Tapas restaurants I attended. I was using one Tapas restaurant where prices were about 60% of that. So you are right about not cheap.

Still might give it a try on special occasion.

07-01-18, 05:14
Try the Pullman. It is not bad.

.Has a few Tapas dishes, unfortunately a few with bread, where I normally don't like to eat bread nor potatoes, however maybe a few dishes left to try.

07-01-18, 05:24
I have been off processed Carbs like pasta, risotto, cake (ha ha), and bread for about 18 months. The result: I have lost roughly 20 lbs (9 kg) and feel much more fit. I also dropped a size in Polo and T-shirts. It has been mostly a pretty easy change in lifestyle except that I still love real French bread, authentic pizzas, and double fried hand cut potatoes which I now reserve for special occasions. Good carbs, unprocessed carbs like fresh fruit (its mango season in Florida right now and I have 3 trees all laden with ripening fruit), beans, legumes, and sweet potatoes ect are very good for you and tasty. In Thailand its pretty easy for me to stick to a healthy lifestyle (diet) consisting of protein, vegetables, and good carbs with a rare and occasional indulgence because I love Thai food. It is much more difficult to eat healthy in the PI for example. I don't even try.I recently attended a ceremony and catered meal in Bangkok. Was "chinese" food (from Kittisak catering) , however most dishes were junky stuff, like dumplings, deep fried battered or crumbed almost tasteless stuff like fish balls etc. A lot of sugary sauces. The most healthy dishes were pork leg with veg (both steamed veg and some pickled veg), and a steamed fish with carrots and french green beans. It was these two better dishes that most Thais at the table ignored. They preferred to eat the junk stuff that I avoided. LOL.

In general Thais eat very different to health food, especially in the modern day, which is why we see so many fat young girls where 25 years ago most bar girls were slim.

Despite this it is still much easier to eat good healthy food in Thailand than in Europe, unless you cook your own. Veggies are available in Thailand. Dishes without sugar can be found (not easy). Just that young people avoid veggies these days.

Having a nice Chicken, eggplant variety and sweet basil curry. It looks like green curry but I don't like green curry so vary the ingredients to suit myself. It is good when we know exactly what farm fresh organic ingredients go into the curry, but can't guarantee the chicken was fed only natural stuff. In modern day a lot of high hormone chickens are available. Country raised chickens can taste a lot different.

07-01-18, 06:08
Looking for bareback all the way. Tired of covers in my other travels. I don't mind doing extra work and paying a little more.!If you don't mind extra work, you've got it made. All you have to do is get a girl to like you.

Mr Enternational
07-01-18, 06:12
Despite this it is still much easier to eat good healthy food in Thailand than in Europe, unless you cook your own. Veggies are available in Thailand. Dishes without sugar can be found (not easy). Just that young people avoid veggies these days.I always get my vegetables steamed instead of them putting all that oyster sauce shit on it. Some places have refused to prepare it steamed, but at my regular joints all I have to do is walk in and they know what to start cooking. I love that shit.

07-01-18, 16:58
You sound like some of the women I know. They can never go to a restaurant without sending something back or making a special order modification of a menu or off menu item. Caesar, dressing on the side, no anchovies, shaved cheese not grated and so on. High end restaurants are used to it. Make your special request, no bread, no carbs.

Has a few Tapas dishes, unfortunately a few with bread, where I normally don't like to eat bread nor potatoes, however maybe a few dishes left to try.

07-02-18, 15:02
Haven't been to Thailand in about 8 years, planning a gentleman's vacation for later this year. Doing my due diligence research on the forum and kind of got the impression the scene may be drying up a bit, at least in BKK. Sounds like Annies is closed and finding good places is more difficult for the visitor.

Last time I was there it was like shooting fish in a barrel. Nana and Annies were my goto, and it was hard to walk in certain areas without have massage girls call out to you.

Are things still hopping there or should I consider another venue? I hear Frankfurt is pretty active.

07-02-18, 16:54
Haven't been to Thailand in about 8 years, planning a gentleman's vacation for later this year. Doing my due diligence research on the forum and kind of got the impression the scene may be drying up a bit, at least in BKK. Sounds like Annies is closed and finding good places is more difficult for the visitor.

Last time I was there it was like shooting fish in a barrel. Nana and Annies were my goto, and it was hard to walk in certain areas without have massage girls call out to you.

Are things still hopping there or should I consider another venue? I hear Frankfurt is pretty active.Bangkok is still hoping, Annie's only had the used dried up variety anyway, nothing to miss. As to Frankfurt I'm sorry but you've heard wrong on that, big decline in service with an increase in what the girls want to charge you. Still good for a stop over but not worth an extended vacation.

07-02-18, 18:18
Hi guys,

I plan to take few days off from where I am working and stay in Bangkok for about a week or two and work from here and also have fun during off hours. I usually stay 4 or 5 star hotels but I just find the wifi connection really unreliable.

If I can get access to high speed internet connection for which I can use to download or upload about 50-60 gb per day, it would be fantastic. I mean, I would be in paradise. Is it possible to buy an usb internet connection which can meet my requirement? The normal 4 g is limited to 4-8 gb and I can finish it in 2 hours.

Thanks in advance!

07-02-18, 19:06
Hi guys,

I plan to take few days off from where I am working and stay in Bangkok for about a week or two and work from here and also have fun during off hours. I usually stay 4 or 5 star hotels but I just find the wifi connection really unreliable.

If I can get access to high speed internet connection for which I can use to download or upload about 50-60 gb per day, it would be fantastic. I mean, I would be in paradise. Is it possible to buy an usb internet connection which can meet my requirement? The normal 4 g is limited to 4-8 gb and I can finish it in 2 hours.

Thanks in advance!Better hotel does not equate to faster Internet connection, but usually more stable. The fastest I have found is AIS Super WiFi that is easily available everywhere but it also depends on the hot spot location. I spent a couple of days going to different places to test. The problem for me is that oversea connection is too slow to download large file via company VPN.

07-03-18, 02:03
I am sure others will disagree with me, but at the macro level nothing tops Bangkok for mongering. The quantity, variety of options, access, and cost are better than anywhere else. On each individual merit there are probably places that would take the top spot, but all considered I can't think of anyplace else that even comes close. Considering that bangkokg and pattaya are less than 2 hours from each other; this twin city combination is really unmatched anywhere else. You have streetwalkers, p4 p massage (low to high), BJ bars, app "dating", escorts, beer bars, gogo bars, pickup bars (thermae), pickup apps (wechat, ect), regular massage places where you never know what might happen, and then even more local places that tourists don't typically even touch on like sideline girls and other local venues that fall somewhere in between. This is not to say that other places aren't great, I love the philipinnes too, macao is terrific, and Japan has an interesting scene too. If you like one specific thing then go wherever that is best. But for variety nothing tops thailand for options. Add a robust public transport system (full disclosure I am from the US so ANY public transport seems like an accomplishment), great variety and quality of food, interesting cultural attractions, the most diverse and affordable hotel options ($30 USD to $400 USD a night and everything in between, and relatively easy access from airport connections world wide I don't see anything that comes close to competing. Now it certainly was better in the past and the value has certainly declined, but that seems to be just about everywhere. Macao 5 years ago when I first went was around 10-20% cheaper, girls better performers, and more selection. My favorite location in PI just went up last year from 3000 peso LT to 4000, that's a 33% price increase! Sure I would love it for P4 P to go another direction, I would also love for american girl's to start clocking in under 70+kg, but wishing isn't going to make is so. I didn't fall for LOS on my first trip and even didn't plan a long 2nd trip, but after that second trip I knew I would be back for years. Anyway maybe it's just my yellow fever acting up.

Haven't been to Thailand in about 8 years, planning a gentleman's vacation for later this year. Doing my due diligence research on the forum and kind of got the impression the scene may be drying up a bit, at least in BKK. Sounds like Annies is closed and finding good places is more difficult for the visitor.

Last time I was there it was like shooting fish in a barrel. Nana and Annies were my goto, and it was hard to walk in certain areas without have massage girls call out to you.

Are things still hopping there or should I consider another venue? I hear Frankfurt is pretty active.

07-03-18, 05:18
Use hotel wired connection not wifi. Or a business center or Internet shop. Ask to wire connect. There are sometimes limits on wired connection so Internet shop won't like that.

I can use to download or upload about 50-60 gb per day, it would be fantastic. I mean, I would be in paradise. Is it possible to buy an usb internet connection which can meet my requirement? The normal 4 g is limited to 4-8 gb and I can finish it in 2 hours

07-03-18, 05:19
Better hotel does not equate to faster Internet connection, but usually more stable. The fastest I have found is AIS Super WiFi that is easily available everywhere but it also depends on the hot spot location. I spent a couple of days going to different places to test. The problem for me is that oversea connection is too slow to download large file via company VPN.How about airbnb?

07-03-18, 05:42
Better hotel does not equate to faster Internet connection, but usually more stable. The fastest I have found is AIS Super WiFi that is easily available everywhere but it also depends on the hot spot location. I spent a couple of days going to different places to test. The problem for me is that oversea connection is too slow to download large file via company VPN.I have similar problem. FTP via VPN to my PC was very slow. 12 M (not that big at all) took several minutes (at a Hotel Internet), should be several seconds. I suggest try to download to a company local site, and then only access parts of the file via VPN window to it. Alternatively look at file summarisation, since you cannot really look at all parts of a large file (assuming not video). Also compress (Terse) data first.

I have not totally mastered these problems yet. Still working on it, from remote Thailand location, "Baan Nork". Not Hotel now.

At least have a pretty good Internet Connection. CAT company supplies best internet in Thailand for home use (from my experience in Bangkok and elsewhere). I have not tried AIS Super Wifi. I have tried True and 3 BB (in past years ago) and both were shitty, with my phone 4 G (AIS) working better than those.

07-04-18, 03:49
How about airbnb?I don't know. I think it really depends on where the content is or whether it is delivered by content delivery network, and not how fast the connection is.

07-04-18, 03:52
I suggest try to download to a company local site, and then only access parts of the file via VPN window to it.I do that in countries that we have servers. I now just use remote access for short term solution.

07-05-18, 19:27
I don't know. I think it really depends on where the content is or whether it is delivered by content delivery network, and not how fast the connection is.I will try to communicate with some airbnb owners in Bangkok. But I am afraid to approach them as I tried to do with some airbnb hosts when I was visiting India, they got all freaked out and suspicious, then a girl finally took me in but she had just 500 gb limit and I used up 350 gb in two days and she started moaning.

It is a bit hard to explain why I use this much data partly because of the confidentiality agreement I have with my clients.

If I get access to high speed unlimited internet and Bangkok, I am in heaven as I can continue to make money during the day and fuck during night!

07-06-18, 03:36
I am surprised you got that much through or need that much. You can test out a hotel's connection by connecting directly in at a business center. If it suits your needs, you can check into that hotel for a couple days. Then move around to the other hotels that worked. There are hotels who claim to cater to high tech road warriors.

I will try to communicate with some airbnb owners in Bangkok. But I am afraid to approach them as I tried to do with some airbnb hosts when I was visiting India, they got all freaked out and suspicious, then a girl finally took me in but she had just 500 gb limit and I used up 350 gb in two days and she started moaning.

It is a bit hard to explain why I use this much data partly because of the confidentiality agreement I have with my clients.

If I get access to high speed unlimited internet and Bangkok, I am in heaven as I can continue to make money during the day and fuck during night!.

Member #4591
07-08-18, 07:20
My Daling.

I love you and I miss you too much. My friend in bar say you old man look same same monkey but I know you very hansum man. I have many problem I write you before that buffalo me sick. Now it die Fall down and dead in middle rice field. Bad fortune when it fall it fall on papa and break he leg in many place. Now he not work. Brother me make stretcher bamboo he take from roof house. Roof come down and rain in house. He take papa to hospital motorcycle. Have big accident when he come home hit police car. Police say brother me blame. Police say he mudt pay big money. Not worry darling motorcycle you buy OK but Police car bad broken. Bad luck make Mama heart problem. Doctor say she must triple by-pass. I no understand but brother say you understand.

You know darling I only work in bar as cashier and not go with man I wait for you come back Bangkok but if you no help me I think I hab to go with man for pay bills.

Old people my village say you responsible. If you send money me before buy medicine sick buffalo then it no die, papa no break leg, house have roof, brother no ride into police car, Mama no have heart problem.

Please send me 200,000 baht for my bank. Papa fix 10,000 new roof 30,000, new police car 100,000, mama fix 50,000. I take off 2,000 baht for sell buffalo meat but me have to pay more hospital bill for 24 people have problem eat contaminated meat 12,000 baht. I not know money England but brother me say me it 71.2424 mid-market rate close of trading yesterday. This means you send me 10,000 your pound.

Rob Jones
07-08-18, 07:27
My Daling.

I love you and I miss you too much. My friend in bar say you old man look same same monkey but I know you very hansum man. I have many problem I write you before that buffalo me sick. Now it die Fall down and dead in middle rice field. Bad fortune when it fall it fall on papa and break he leg in many place. Now he not work. Brother me make stretcher bamboo he take from roof house. Roof come down and rain in house. He take papa to hospital motorcycle. Have big accident when he come home hit police car. Police say brother me blame. Police say he mudt pay big money. Not worry darling motorcycle you buy OK but Police car bad broken. Bad luck make Mama heart problem. Doctor say she must triple by-pass. I no understand but brother say you understand.

You know darling I only work in bar as cashier and not go with man I wait for you come back Bangkok but if you no help me I think I hab to go with man for pay bills.

Old people my village say you responsible. If you send money me before buy medicine sick buffalo then it no die, papa no break leg, house have roof, brother no ride into police car, Mama no have heart problem.

Please send me 200,000 baht for my bank. Papa fix 10,000 new roof 30,000, new police car 100,000, mama fix 50,000. I take off 2,000 baht for sell buffalo meat but me have to pay more hospital bill for 24 people have problem eat contaminated meat 12,000 baht. I not know money England but brother me say me it 71.2424 mid-market rate close of trading yesterday. This means you send me 10,000 your pound.ROTFPML. And all you did was wave as you walked past the bar LOL.

Rob Jones
07-08-18, 07:30
I will try to communicate with some airbnb owners in Bangkok. But I am afraid to approach them as I tried to do with some airbnb hosts when I was visiting India, they got all freaked out and suspicious, then a girl finally took me in but she had just 500 gb limit and I used up 350 gb in two days and she started moaning.

It is a bit hard to explain why I use this much data partly because of the confidentiality agreement I have with my clients.

If I get access to high speed unlimited internet and Bangkok, I am in heaven as I can continue to make money during the day and fuck during night!Everyone is entitled to a holiday. Give yourself a break for a few days and fuck both day and night.

07-08-18, 19:24
My Daling.

I love you and I miss you too much. My friend in bar say you old man look same same monkey but I know you very hansum man. I have many problem I write you before that buffalo me sick. Now it die Fall down and dead in middle rice field. Bad fortune when it fall it fall on papa and break he leg in many place. Now he not work. Brother me make stretcher bamboo he take from roof house. Roof come down and rain in house. He take papa to hospital motorcycle. Have big accident when he come home hit police car. Police say brother me blame. Police say he mudt pay big money. Not worry darling motorcycle you buy OK but Police car bad broken. Bad luck make Mama heart problem. Doctor say she must triple by-pass. I no understand but brother say you understand.

You know darling I only work in bar as cashier and not go with man I wait for you come back Bangkok but if you no help me I think I hab to go with man for pay bills.

Old people my village say you responsible. If you send money me before buy medicine sick buffalo then it no die, papa no break leg, house have roof, brother no ride into police car, Mama no have heart problem.

Please send me 200,000 baht for my bank. Papa fix 10,000 new roof 30,000, new police car 100,000, mama fix 50,000. I take off 2,000 baht for sell buffalo meat but me have to pay more hospital bill for 24 people have problem eat contaminated meat 12,000 baht. I not know money England but brother me say me it 71.2424 mid-market rate close of trading yesterday. This means you send me 10,000 your pound.Buddy of mine got a message from his girl that she had problems with her vagina after having sex with him, sent him a photo of her in the hospital (no face showing of coarse). Closer look of the photo showed a left foot missing a toe. Comparing photo's of his girls foot that he took he knew the foot in question wasn't his girls. Another buddy got a message that her son was in the hospital and hooked to a dialysis machine. On closer examination of the machine in the photo it was found to be a rice cooker.

07-09-18, 06:31
And she thought she was hooked up to an ATM machine! You will be surprised at the the scams out there. Last month, a friend went to India and noticed that the bottled water he bought had caps with the plastic tabs broken. He also had to do the throw the change on the floor to get away from a group of kids that surrounded him.

Another buddy got a message that her son was in the hospital and hooked to a dialysis machine.

07-15-18, 11:51
Please send me 200,000 baht for my bank. Papa fix 10,000 new roof 30,000, new police car 100,000, mama fix 50,000. I take off 2,000 baht for sell buffalo meat but me have to pay more hospital bill for 24 people have problem eat contaminated meat 12,000 baht. I not know money England but brother me say me it 71.2424 mid-market rate close of trading yesterday. This means you send me 10,000 your pound.Surprisingly very few girls tell the true story (but some do) about supporting mother's gambling debts, brother's drug habits, or pimp's drug habits, or bribe needed to get daugther off a police charge, etc.

One Thai girl I know for many years, not a GF or sex partner, has a brain tumour. This is probably actually true. It is not at all clear to me how serious her condition is, one has to assume it may be bad. She can't afford an operation to remove it, and maybe does not want to risk it. Real shit happens.

Locals in the village seem to die regularly from motorcycle accidents, lung or liver cancers, etc.
Cost me quite a bit for GF's father medical treatment. She had to nurse him almost full time for quite a long time. Brain disease. He died eventually anyway, then Thai funeral's can be costly too.

Dependents always end up expensive. If a guy can have no dependents, P4P could be a lot cheaper. What are the benefits of a wife? Ha Ha.

07-15-18, 14:52
...As to Frankfurt I'm sorry but you've heard wrong on that, big decline in service with an increase in what the girls want to charge you. Still good for a stop over but not worth an extended vacation.I respectfully disagree! I have been going to Germany for the FKKs since 2006 and I have taken close to 20 trips there. I was just there last week and the scene has not changed much. Still a great place to sample Caucasian chicks, mostly Eastern Europeans.

I live in the US and stopped visiting Caucasian chicks back in 2008, after I met a Korean provider that year. After that, I only did Asians when in the US, preferably Koreans. I go to Europe once a year to visit family, a perfect time to try Eastern European chicks. I have been pretty content with the eye candy there and with the service as well.

One has to keep in mind that when I first mongered there in 2006, the cost of a session was 50 Euros for 30 min. Guess what? It still is 50 Euros, but personally, I have been paying more than that for a while now. So, it is normal that if one does not want to pay more than 50 Euros, they will get a quickie and no more. No GFE, no DATY, no Kissing, etc. Basically you get what you pay for, as it should always be.

BTW, I also visited Club Globe in Zurich on this trip, for the first time. I paid 95 CHF (Swiss Francs) to enter the club and paid 145 CHF per 30-min session. There, you definitely find plenty of eye candy (my favorites), you get GFE service, but you pay dearly for it. The girls were mostly Romanians, but you get the best of the bunch. Those girls who cannot make it at Globe end up going back to the German FKKs.

Honestly, I am not sure yet if I like Globe better than the German FKKs though. I have no problem finding my type of eye candy in the German FKKs, and I like Germany better than Switzerland, where everything is so expensive. As an example, my hotel in Frankfurt cost me about $70/ night. In Oerlikon (a suburb of Zurich), I paid $200/ night for pretty much the same quality hotel. Even public transportation was more expensive in that place.

07-15-18, 15:32
I respectfully disagree! I have been going to Germany for the FKKs since 2006 and I have taken close to 20 trips there. I was just there last week and the scene has not changed much. Still a great place to sample Caucasian chicks, mostly Eastern Europeans.....One has to keep in mind that when I first mongered there in 2006, the cost of a session was 50 Euros for 30 min. Guess what? It still is 50 Euros, but personally, I have been paying more than that for a while now. So, it is normal that if one does not want to pay more than 50 Euros, they will get a quickie and no more. No GFE, no DATY, no Kissing, etc. Basically you get what you pay for, as it should always be.
I'm not arguing about 50 euro quickies, I'm fine with paying 100 euro's for an hour. What I don't like is having to negotiate extra for BBBJ on top of that. The new German law also enforces the girls having to register as prostitutes which puts a damper on new talent wanting to spread their legs. The talent pool was already too thin to begin with, the new law is killing many of the clubs. But as I stated before, Sharks and Oase are still worth a visit since the owners have told the girls to keep on giving BBBJ's or risk getting banned from the club. Two clubs does not make a great vacation destination. A stopover on the way to Asia in my opinion is the only way to visit Frankfurt.

07-15-18, 15:44
I'm not arguing about 50 euro quickies, I'm fine with paying 100 euro's for an hour. What I don't like is having to negotiate extra for BBBJ on top of that. The new German law also enforces the girls having to register as prostitutes which puts a damper on new talent wanting to spread their legs. The talent pool was already too thin to begin with, the new law is killing many of the clubs. But as I stated before, Sharks and Oase are still worth a visit since the owners have told the girls to keep on giving BBBJ's or risk getting banned from the club. Two clubs does not make a great vacation destination. A stopover on the way to Asia in my opinion is the only way to visit Frankfurt.When I was there a week ago, I visited Oase, Sharks and Mainhattan. BBBJ every time, no question asked, but I always offer them 100 Euros and tell them exactly what services I want. The talent pool was indeed thin, but I heard that was due to the world cup in Russia. Apparently, many girls went to earn some money there.

Rob Jones
07-19-18, 07:14
Hi all.

Is there anywhere at the International Airport that you buy a local SIM card.



Banana Boi
07-19-18, 07:56
Is there anywhere at the International Airport that you buy a local SIM card.
I am guessing you mean Suvarnabhumi airport? Yes, just after you walk out of the immigration and baggage claim area there are several stalls where you can pick up a SIM card.

Rob Jones
07-19-18, 09:47
I am guessing you mean Suvarnabhumi airport? Yes, just after you walk out of the immigration and baggage claim area there are several stalls where you can pick up a SIM card.Thanks be. Be.

07-19-18, 17:15
I am guessing you mean Suvarnabhumi airport? Yes, just after you walk out of the immigration and baggage claim area there are several stalls where you can pick up a SIM card.BB is correct. The three major companies have kiosks next to each other there. I always see them after exiting customs and looking to my left. I'm not sure if they have the same promotions you can get in Bangkok city or in Pattaya.

I always use AIS 1-2 Call Sims. Good, English speaking customer service. Stores in every mall. Do most of you use AIS or does True or DTAC provide advantages I don't know about? I believe AIS charges 3 baht per minute for calls to the USA. I don't know what they charge to call Australia.

The Windex Man
07-19-18, 20:51
Hey, I wasn't sure where to write this, but it seemed this question belonged in the general section. About to try something that is risky, but I was just given the opportunity to work 100% remote where as long as I have internet connection, I do not have to go into an actual office in the USA, namely the Phoenix office which is city I live in. Here's the issue though: I really do not want them to know I'm out of the country. I realize that in Thailand, I will need to find a hotel / condo that has great internet, as that is key, but not sure who has consistently GREAT internet (hopefully wired, as I'm thinking its more secure), so that will take some research, but also, I have to have a situation where if my manager wants to call me on my business line, he can call me and I can pick up the phone as if I'm still in the states. There can't be some situation of a company phone bill saying there was some long distance charge to thailand. Nobody at the office contacts anybody on whatsapp, so that's out and is suspicious. Should be a regular phone number someone is dialing and I need to be able to call into business meetings without incurring myself a $500 dollar phone bill.

Anybody have tips on how its possible to do something like this? If not possible and too much headache, I won't do it, but I'm really thinking something can be done. I'm willing to purchase what I have to in order to do this. I love Thailand!

Will be travelling with:

* Company laptop and company phone &.

* Personal laptop and personal phone.

Thanks for your help. Either issue you can speak on (phone or internet), will be greatly appreciated.

07-19-18, 21:29
but also, I have to have a situation where if my manager wants to call me on my business line, he can call me and I can pick up the phone as if I'm still in the states. There can't be some situation of a company phone bill saying there was some long distance charge to thailand.It will be easy if your company uses Cisco phone system. You can use your PC or app on your phone to receive / make land line calls. You can also forward phone call to your smart phone with Wifi calling or other VOIP phone numbers, google it and you should find some explanation.

Rob Jones
07-19-18, 22:11
BB is correct. The three major companies have kiosks next to each other there. I always see them after exiting customs and looking to my left. I'm not sure if they have the same promotions you can get in Bangkok city or in Pattaya.

I always use AIS 1-2 Call Sims. Good, English speaking customer service. Stores in every mall. Do most of you use AIS or does True or DTAC provide advantages I don't know about? I believe AIS charges 3 baht per minute for calls to the USA. I don't know what they charge to call Australia.Thanks. Not that worried about calling cost as the wife will know I'm in Thailand and we will use WhatsApp for our calls. It's the data I'm after because last visit I wasn't meant to be out of Australia and I racked up an extra $200 on my phone bill in 5 days.

Rob Jones
07-19-18, 22:17
Hey, I wasn't sure where to write this, but it seemed this question belonged in the general section. About to try something that is risky, but I was just given the opportunity to work 100% remote where as long as I have internet connection, I do not have to go into an actual office in the USA, namely the Phoenix office which is city I live in. Here's the issue though: I really do not want them to know I'm out of the country. I realize that in Thailand, I will need to find a hotel / condo that has great internet, as that is key, but not sure who has consistently GREAT internet (hopefully wired, as I'm thinking its more secure), so that will take some research, but also, I have to have a situation where if my manager wants to call me on my business line, he can call me and I can pick up the phone as if I'm still in the states. There can't be some situation of a company phone bill saying there was some long distance charge to thailand. Nobody at the office contacts anybody on whatsapp, so that's out and is suspicious. Should be a regular phone number someone is dialing and I need to be able to call into business meetings without incurring myself a $500 dollar phone bill.

Anybody have tips on how its possible to do something like this? If not possible and too much headache, I won't do it, but I'm really thinking something can be done. I'm willing to purchase what I have to in order to do this. I love Thailand!

Will be travelling with:

* Company laptop and company phone &.

* Personal laptop and personal phone.

Thanks for your help. Either issue you can speak on (phone or internet), will be greatly appreciated.I'm not much help with phones etc but have you considered the 14 hour time difference? I only have a 3 to 4 hour time difference from my home which is hard to juggle sometimes when I'm here and my thinks I'm only 300 kilometres up the road!

07-20-18, 01:03
BB is correct. The three major companies have kiosks next to each other there. I always see them after exiting customs and looking to my left. I'm not sure if they have the same promotions you can get in Bangkok city or in Pattaya.

I always use AIS 1-2 Call Sims. Good, English speaking customer service. Stores in every mall. Do most of you use AIS or does True or DTAC provide advantages I don't know about? I believe AIS charges 3 baht per minute for calls to the USA. I don't know what they charge to call Australia.I will be staying for 6 months plus. Is it possible to get a one week SIM at the airport and later upgrade it at a store. I see they have some 6 month unlimited data plans cheap.

Mr Enternational
07-20-18, 01:28
I will be staying for 6 months plus. Is it possible to get a one week SIM at the airport and later upgrade it at a store. I see they have some 6 month unlimited data plans cheap.The SIM is all the same. You just add money to your phone and put whatever code in for the plan you want. Or show them the plan you want and they will do it for you.

07-20-18, 02:38
The SIM is all the same. You just add money to your phone and put whatever code in for the plan you want. Or show them the plan you want and they will do it for you.Cool. So just pick my company, buy the SIM and get the plan I want at the airport, or just get a week and deal with it later. In the past I have always used tourist some but I'm going to be there longer than 90 days.

07-20-18, 02:43
I have used AIS for some 10 plus years. If the data or SIM expire before my next trip, the costs are very small. The shops /7-11 will usually have what I need and some information. I am not getting the best deal or value but it is quick and a lot cheaper than roaming data. Sometimes a roaming carrier will offer a local access number free or at a discounted rate.

Is there anywhere at the International Airport that you buy a local SIM card.
BB is correct. The three major companies have kiosks next to each other there. I always see them after exiting customs and looking to my left. I'm not sure if they have the same promotions you can get in Bangkok city or in Pattaya.

I always use AIS 1-2 Call Sims. Good, English speaking customer service. Stores in every mall.

Is it possible to get a one week SIM at the airport and later upgrade it at a store. I see they have some 6 month unlimited data plans cheap.
The SIM is all the same. You just add money to your phone and put whatever code in for the plan you want. Or show them the plan you want and they will do it for you.

07-20-18, 03:10
You have a long list but this is probably not the place to discuss. Google is your friend. First of all, what is the worst case scenario if they find out and are you willing to lose your job or risk it?

Second. They will find out with the company phone and laptop.

Third. What you are looking at is a virtual office. How tech savvy are you? You will most likely slip at some point and they will find out.

Fourth. If you just want to make it easier for them to contact you and for you to work, then Skype in and others gives you a local number to forward your calls. Echo and bad connections are a problem and reestablishing the calls do not always solve the problem. Actually WhatsApp calls are pretty good and stable. Look at TMobile.

For Internet connection into your home look at VPN boxes. You should have a fast up and down bandwidth. Even then, it could be slow depending on your Internet requirements. The only way to test is to do a test period at the actual locations.

You can do it fairly cheaply. But companies spend a lot of money to do it and have 100% up time and stability.

Calls into the US are cheap or free. Should not be over US $0. 20 per minute.

Hey, I wasn't sure where to write this, but it seemed this question belonged in the general section. About to try something that is risky, but I was just given the opportunity to work 100% remote where as long as I have internet connection, I do not have to go into an actual office in the USA, namely the Phoenix office which is city I live in. Here's the issue though: I really do not want them to know I'm out of the country. I realize that in Thailand, I will need to find a hotel / condo that has great internet, as that is key, but not sure who has consistently GREAT internet (hopefully wired, as I'm thinking its more secure), so that will take some research, but also, I have to have a situation where if my manager wants to call me on my business line, he can call me and I can pick up the phone as if I'm still in the states. There can't be some situation of a company phone bill saying there was some long distance charge to thailand..

07-20-18, 05:31
Not the same for you, but I am from usa and use tmobile. They do not charge anything extra for me using Internet here. The only extra charge is for phone and that is 20 cents a minute.

Thanks. Not that worried about calling cost as the wife will know I'm in Thailand and we will use WhatsApp for our calls. It's the data I'm after because last visit I wasn't meant to be out of Australia and I racked up an extra $200 on my phone bill in 5 days.

07-20-18, 07:04
Hey, I wasn't sure where to write this, but it seemed this question belonged in the general section.

Anybody have tips on how its possible to do something like this? Either issue you can speak on (phone or internet), will be greatly appreciated.I know on Skype that you can buy a landline phone number. It has the same area code as where you live, and similar looking phone number. You choose the number (if it is available). The price that someone calling you will pay is the same as calling that local number where you live. However you will be receiving calls over the internet via Skype, so you need to be connected. The caller can just use any phone be it cell phone or landline. There would be no indication that you would be in Thailand.

Banana Boi
07-20-18, 07:29
I'm not much help with phones etc but have you considered the 14 hour time difference? Big barrier to fun. Working hours in America cut right into prime hobbying time inThailand.

Ed Setra
07-20-18, 11:17
I will be staying for 6 months plus. Is it possible to get a one week SIM at the airport and later upgrade it at a store. I see they have some 6 month unlimited data plans cheap.Yes, or just buy the SIM at the airport for 49 Baht, put a few hundred Baht credit on it at the desk where you buy the SIM and then choose the package that suits your planned usage.

I use DTAC so packages here. http://www.dtac.co.th/en/prepaid/products/all-main-packages.html.

And the other cellphone operator providers have similar offers.

The Windex Man
07-20-18, 12:34
Big barrier to fun. Working hours in America cut right into prime hobbying time inThailand.Yeah good point and I realize that I'll be working at nighttime in Thailand, where it will be daytime here. I'm sure I can manage it though. There's fun to be had in Pattaya during the day. Got plenty of time to sleep when I'm dead, so I'll just work and have as much fun as possible for now.

The Windex Man
07-20-18, 12:40
I know on Skype that you can buy a landline phone number. It has the same area code as where you live, and similar looking phone number. You choose the number (if it is available). The price that someone calling you will pay is the same as calling that local number where you live. However you will be receiving calls over the internet via Skype, so you need to be connected. The caller can just use any phone be it cell phone or landline. There would be no indication that you would be in Thailand.Really appreciate that suggestion Franga. Concerning receiving calls over the Internet, I will try to make sure wifi is always connected when walking through the city. Looking into this Skype thing now!

The Windex Man
07-20-18, 12:42
Not the same for you, but I am from usa and use tmobile. They do not charge anything extra for me using Internet here. The only extra charge is for phone and that is 20 cents a minute.I see that this is actually a response to RobJones, but I think this suggestion can possibly help me out as well with my post. Thanks.

07-20-18, 13:14
Not the same for you, but I am from usa and use tmobile. They do not charge anything extra for me using Internet here. The only extra charge is for phone and that is 20 cents a minute.Horatio I also have TMobile in the USA and I am aware they provide unlimited internet in 140 countries in the world. Is their internet fairly fast in Thailand? I worry the speeds will be super slow.

Member #4591
07-20-18, 13:42
Hey, I wasn't sure where to write this, but it seemed this question belonged in the general section. About to try something that is risky, but I was just given the opportunity to work 100% remote where as long as I have internet connection, I do not have to go into an actual office in the USA, namely the Phoenix office which is city I live in. Here's the issue though: I really do not want them to know I'm out of the country. I realize that in Thailand, I will need to find a hotel / condo that has great internet, as that is key, but not sure who has consistently GREAT internet (hopefully wired, as I'm thinking its more secure), so that will take some research, but also, I have to have a situation where if my manager wants to call me on my business line, he can call me and I can pick up the phone as if I'm still in the states. There can't be some situation of a company phone bill saying there was some long distance charge to thailand. Nobody at the office contacts anybody on whatsapp, so that's out and is suspicious. Should be a regular phone number someone is dialing and I need to be able to call into business meetings without incurring myself a $500 dollar phone bill.

Anybody have tips on how its possible to do something like this? If not possible and too much headache, I won't do it, but I'm really thinking something can be done. I'm willing to purchase what I have to in order to do this. I love Thailand!

Will be travelling with:

* Company laptop and company phone &.

* Personal laptop and personal phone.

Thanks for your help. Either issue you can speak on (phone or internet), will be greatly appreciated.I'll tell you what I do. I subscribe to an AIS Serenade Platinum Package, it give me unlimited interned at the highest speed in 4 G with no speed reduction after using a certain amount of data. It is faster than 99% of wifi connections. I use my iPhone's personal hotspot to give internet to my MacBook and any other devices such as my iPad. I get 3000 minutes of local calls. Before I left for Thailand I sunscrobed to googles VOIP phone system and got a local USA number. Then I subscribe to a VPN so I can access the American number. That way I can make a receive calls on this American number and no one knows where I am. VPN location must always be set to USA or it won't work. All in should be 4,000 Baht per month. If you keep your American number active, no need for the VPN or google hangouts VOIP service. Register the American number with skype. Then buy skype credit and you can then make and receive calls through skype.

Mr Enternational
07-20-18, 13:55
Horatio I also have TMobile in the USA and I am aware they provide unlimited internet in 140 countries in the world. Is their internet fairly fast in Thailand? I worry the speeds will be super slow.In Thailand, Philippines and Dominican Republic it is slow, so I keep a local SIM in those places. Most everywhere else that I go it works fine. If you only need to send messages it is okay, but if you have to go to a website is when you see the 2 G speed, if you can even get to the website.

07-20-18, 18:20
RTFF their website. They are slow except Mexico. Not good for voice calls. OK for mail.

Horatio I also have TMobile in the USA and I am aware they provide unlimited internet in 140 countries in the world. Is their internet fairly fast in Thailand? I worry the speeds will be super slow.

The Windex Man
07-20-18, 19:28
I'll tell you what I do. I subscribe to an AIS Serenade Platinum Package, it give me unlimited interned at the highest speed in 4 G with no speed reduction after using a certain amount of data. It is faster than 99% of wifi connections. I use my iPhone's personal hotspot to give internet to my MacBook and any other devices such as my iPad. I get 3000 minutes of local calls. Before I left for Thailand I sunscrobed to googles VOIP phone system and got a local USA number. Then I subscribe to a VPN so I can access the American number. That way I can make a receive calls on this American number and no one knows where I am. VPN location must always be set to USA or it won't work. All in should be 4,000 Baht per month. If you keep your American number active, no need for the VPN or google hangouts VOIP service. Register the American number with skype. Then buy skype credit and you can then make and receive calls through skype.Wow, this seems pretty cool. Let me verify I got this right. I get the AIS package and throw that in my personal phone. I have an android, but more than likely, it will still work. I go in my android, set up a hotspot and that would be what I would utilize when logging in, then doing my work on the company laptop. According to what you are saying, not only is the connection faster than wifi, but it also sounds like it's much more secure, because I'm not sharing my hotspot with other people. Huge benefit! Before I go to Thailand and buy the AIS, I would need to get a local phone number here in USA with google or Skype. If google, VPN is a requirement, so VPN would need to be installed on the phone. I currently have PureVPN, but it's only on my personal laptop, so it will need to be on my personal phone as well. When you say "subscribe to a VPN so I can access the American number", does this mean you have to stay logged in to the VPN in order to make / receive calls? I may go the Skype route as mentioned by you and Franga, but just wanted to ask.

It seems that after all this, I should have my business phone number be forwarded to this new local number and that should be it, huh?

07-20-18, 22:27
It seems that after all this, I should have my business phone number be forwarded to this new local number and that should be it, huh?I don't think you can do that without paying a fee for international calls. The point of Google voice is to use US number to receive call while outside of US. You can set it up with your android phone.

Since you are using Android, you can check out Porject Fi to see if your phone qualify to use it.

07-21-18, 04:42
I like it and the speeds are good.

Porject Fi to see if your phone qualify to use it..

07-21-18, 05:52
Tldr; local dr told me not to trust drugs from local pharmacies.

I am in phuket. I take testosterone treatment. I had a blood test last week and some of my values were wrong. The doctor I saw prescribed one pill and told me to keep taking the one I had from usa. I only had 3 left of those and asked if I could get more from local pharmacy. She told me not to trust the local pharmacies. She told me where to get if I need more, sort of, but told me to wait until next visit to see if I still need. So apparently she thinks the local pharmacies are selling bogus drugs.

07-21-18, 08:18
Tldr; local dr told me not to trust drugs from local pharmacies.

I am in phuket. I take testosterone treatment. I had a blood test last week and some of my values were wrong. The doctor I saw prescribed one pill and told me to keep taking the one I had from usa. I only had 3 left of those and asked if I could get more from local pharmacy. She told me not to trust the local pharmacies. She told me where to get if I need more, sort of, but told me to wait until next visit to see if I still need. So apparently she thinks the local pharmacies are selling bogus drugs.Some Pharmacies may sell fake stuff, which means source of the drugs is questionable and quality could be poor to not working at all. Other Pharmacies get criticised for not stocking drugs that they cannot trust to be effective, particularly when comes to hormones. In past I heard they used to import hormones from Germany but may not be able to do so any more, meaning more questionable sources get used by some places.

Should check with Pharmacy if they mean: generic copies are sold (which maybe okay Depending on source), or low quality, or does she mean rip-offs where product is totally fake.

Not quite everything is readily available.

07-21-18, 10:24
Hey, I wasn't sure where to write this, but it seemed this question belonged in the general section. About to try something that is risky, but I was just given the opportunity to work 100% remote where as long as I have internet connection, I do not have to go into an actual office in the USA, namely the Phoenix office which is city I live in. Here's the issue though: I really do not want them to know I'm out of the country. When I was working for an international company here in the Netherlands there was a clause in my contract that said I had to live in the Netherlands because the company was based in the Netherlands (the Dutch part of it anyway). Visiting another branch of the company in another country for a meeting or whatever was allowed of course, but I had to be based in the Netherlands. They told me it was a requirement of the tax authorities.

However I don't know the requirements of the tax authorities (or any other authorities for that matter) in the USA.

07-21-18, 12:30
However I don't know the requirements of the tax authorities (or any other authorities for that matter) in the USA.US is the same. There is also a double taxation issue if one stays in another country too long. For some US states, when someone is working in offices in two states, the hours in each state also have to be tracked.

Usually manager will not know the tax implication, but when it reaches the HR, the HR in an international company definitely will know.

Unless you don't care losing your job, it is not a good idea to do it. I personally don't want to violate the trust of my boss so I always tell him where I am. I had a conference call with several customers early this morning at 4 AM, but I fall asleep. Fortunately, another coworker also attended the meeting, he called me on my company number to wake me up. The coworker didn't know where I was. It could turn out badly for me and my boss if I missed the meeting.

Arthur Bishop
07-22-18, 02:29
When I was working for an international company here in the Netherlands there was a clause in my contract that said I had to live in the Netherlands because the company was based in the Netherlands (the Dutch part of it anyway). Visiting another branch of the company in another country for a meeting or whatever was allowed of course, but I had to be based in the Netherlands. They told me it was a requirement of the tax authorities.

However I don't know the requirements of the tax authorities (or any other authorities for that matter) in the USA.If you are a USA Citizen, you can live and work outside the USA And it will not have any negative tax implication in the USA You can claim a deduction if you have been outside the USA Longer than 180 days in a full calendar year (but check with a tax accountant as this number changes and the new tax code). If you are in the USA As a permanent resident, the tax treatment is the same, the issue is maintaining the permanent residency, if you trigger certain threshold or have not applied for a Travel Permit if you intend to be outside the country for more than 6 months (which is not advisable). You should not claim the deduction for being outside the USA You might trigger a tax liability if the foreign country if you stay longer than X days (most countries that I have lived and work is 180, but is better to check). In that case, you need to file taxes there assuming that you are in that country with a business or working visa. What you pay in the foreign country normally will be taken as a credit in the USA (not 100% face value, but still very high). You will need to file your taxes in the foreign country first and file later in the USA To be able to claim the credit. When you work and live overseas, you can apply for an extension and your tax declaration in the US is due around October each year (interests apply on any money due in April). If you are looking to do this as a one off, you could move to X country in October 2018 and stay until mid March 2019 and your tax liability for 2018 and 2019 will be only the USA As long as you do not come back to the same X country in 2019 and trigger the threshold required to file a tax there in 2019.

07-22-18, 17:40
If you are a USA Citizen, you can live and work outside the USABased on the context, he is talking about working at a location in US for an US company and received salary from US while residing oversea. This is different from working oversea and receiving salary from the oversea source. The issue is that company may have financial obligation to another country so they often will have a limit on how long you can work in another country, and it is country dependent.

Arthur Bishop
07-23-18, 00:24
Based on the context, he is talking about working at a location in US for an US company and received salary from US while residing oversea. This is different from working oversea and receiving salary from the oversea source. The issue is that company may have financial obligation to another country so they often will have a limit on how long you can work in another country, and it is country dependent.That is how I understood it, perhaps my comments were not as clear because there are two matters to consider: tax and immigration and these have different implications if you are a US citizen, permanent resident or just a working visa. My observation still apply in his particular case, as this is a very common scenario in several industries, where you are employed by a US entity, have a US base, receive all salary in the US, but end up doing a lot of work and / or residing overseas. There will be no issue with US from a tax perspective and key point to consider is if you will trigger a tax liability in foreign country that you choose to reside (triggers varies from country to country).

07-23-18, 13:31
There will be no issue with US from a tax perspective and key point to consider is if you will trigger a tax liability in foreign country that you choose to reside (triggers varies from country to country).It's not just personal tax liability as well. The foreign government could also say that the company has a permanent establishment in country and if they do business there on a fly in fly out basis then their tax status could change.

07-23-18, 13:54
RTFF their website. They are slow except Mexico. Not good for voice calls. OK for mail.What is that supposed to mean "Read The F*cking Forum Their Website"? That makes no sense.

But I was reading about T-Mobile service on the "Using Cell Phones in Brazil" thread, and on post #231, a BM was talking about how great T-Mobile was when travelling abroad and posted a screenshot of his excellent data speed in Sao Paolo. Now that I have "RTFF'd", which one of you am I supposed to believe?

07-23-18, 20:08
which one of you am I supposed to believe?If you are going to Sao Paolo, believe what is said in that forum. If you are going to Thailand, then believe Bushes and Mr E.

07-24-18, 03:44
If you are going to Sao Paolo, believe what is said in that forum. If you are going to Thailand, then believe Bushes and Mr E.I was just curious about their speeds in Thailand when I posted the question. And I had read the TMo website. I think anybody spending more than a day or two in Thailand should get a Thai SIM. They are cheap and you get the benefit of good internet speeds. Calls to US are about 5 baht (US. 09) minute with my Thai SIM vs. TMo's US. 20 per minute. I use Viber and some calls are free if the other person has Viber, too.

07-24-18, 06:07
Eszpresszo, you have a good friend in Google. Here is what was on TMobile site today. Third item on search result.

"Coverage not available in some areas; we are not responsible for the performance of our roaming partners networks. Standard speeds approx. 128 Kbps. No tethering. Not for extended international use; you must reside in the USA And primary usage must occur on our USA Network. Device must register on our USA Network before international use. Service may be terminated or restricted for excessive roaming or misuse".

From the same page:

"If you need high-speed data or want to share data through tethering, then we suggest adding an international data pass."

Some people long ago consider 128 Kbps very fast unheard of speed. I do not work for TMobile so all the information I supply are heresay.

It sometimes helps to read out loud to better understand.

What is that supposed to mean "Read The F*cking Forum Their Website"? That makes no sense.

But I was reading about T-Mobile service on the "Using Cell Phones in Brazil" thread, and on post #231, a BM was talking about how great T-Mobile was when travelling abroad and posted a screenshot of his excellent data speed in Sao Paolo. Now that I have "RTFF'd", which one of you am I supposed to believe?For various reasons, I always get a local SIM if I can grab one and have it activated quickly or have a friend bring one over for me.

If you are going to Sao Paolo, believe what is said in that forum. If you are going to Thailand, then believe Bushes and Mr E.

07-24-18, 06:18
I usually get a local SIM. As you said, very easy to pick up all over. With friends, I can ask them to activate and load for enough data for x days if I need data and bring when meeting me when I arrive at hotel. I don't always need data if it is a short trip. I would post the SIM to a friend before departure and they get the SIM with balance and data. And yes, I am aware there might be calls. LOL.

I was just curious about their speeds in Thailand when I posted the question. And I had read the TMo website. I think anybody spending more than a day or two in Thailand should get a Thai SIM. They are cheap and you get the benefit of good internet speeds. Calls to US are about 5 baht (US. 09) minute with my Thai SIM vs. TMo's US. 20 per minute. I use Viber and some calls are free if the other person has Viber, too.

07-24-18, 14:06
With tmobile you can text for no extra charge. It's important for me because I need to be able to text my old boss about when work is starting back up. I don't want to ask him to get some special app just for me. I mostly use wifi for internet, so phone internet isn't that important. Plus I want to keep my old phone number so I have to pay each month anyway on old phone. , though that is reduced.

I was just curious about their speeds in Thailand when I posted the question. And I had read the TMo website. I think anybody spending more than a day or two in Thailand should get a Thai SIM. They are cheap and you get the benefit of good internet speeds. Calls to US are about 5 baht (US. 09) minute with my Thai SIM vs. TMo's US. 20 per minute. I use Viber and some calls are free if the other person has Viber, too.

07-24-18, 14:20

Will Thailand be dead for mongering next week with the King's b'day?

07-24-18, 16:11
Arrived here today for one week. I was looking for some day time activities other than Soi 6 and came across this article. Despite my many visits to Pattaya, I haven't done a lot of the things on this list. I thought I would share the list with you. Sorry if someone posted this previously.


07-24-18, 17:40
So what Tmobile speed can you get? If you are on the ground.

Arrived here today for one week.

Banana Boi
07-24-18, 19:10

Will Thailand be dead for mongering next week with the King's b'day?No. Just walk around and talk to girls you think are hot. If their bar is closed for the night you just saved a barfine.

Rob Jones
07-24-18, 22:18
Arrived here today for one week. I was looking for some day time activities other than Soi 6 and came across this article. Despite my many visits to Pattaya, I haven't done a lot of the things on this list. I thought I would share the list with you. Sorry if someone posted this previously.

https://www.thethailandlife.com/things-to-do-in-pattayaOn my first trip to Pattaya I looked at something similar but I found personally that having sex with the girls, drinking, eating and sleeping filled my days for the week. LOL. But if I was going for longer than 1 week I would definitely visit some of the places on that list.

07-25-18, 01:48

Will Thailand be dead for mongering next week with the King's b'day?I concur with Banana Boi on this. One or two day bar closures only mean there are fewer bars open to sit and drink alcohol. They do not put an end to girls needing to pay their rent, phone bill and maintenance on their boyfriend's motorcycle. Therefore, mongering goes on unabated.

The only reason I'm chiming in to repeat his response is to add elements like rain and heat to this principle. I am often asked by overseas friends who are primarily interested in mongering if this or that month is a good time to visit Thailand or should be avoided due to expected rain or heat.

I tell them I have lived here through a half dozen Rainy Seasons and Hot Seasons and I honestly cannot think of a single day when the rain was so heavy for so long or it was so hot outside that I could not go into a bar, restaurant or walk within 15 minutes of my lower Sukhumvit area apartment and be presented with a buffet line of mongering opportunities whose deals can only be sweetened by the fact that they are offered under slightly more duress and urgency than if all things in nature, bar openings and so-called high season were perfect.

Now, that doesn't mean that 2018 or 2019 can't and won't go down in history as The Year of the Great Thailand Floods and we all had to take refuge on rooftops for a week or whatever. No one can accurately predict such a thing. Just that I have not experienced any event in the past 6 straight years that would put more than a momentary crimp in anyone's plan to go out and monger well.

07-25-18, 13:28
Thanks for the replies guys. If Jakarta babes don't keep me I'll head over next week and post a report.

07-26-18, 04:49
So what Tmobile speed can you get? If you are on the ground.I am in Pattaya now. I can't test my speed because I temporarily suspended my TMo account while I am gone to save some money.

07-30-18, 23:26
With the warm tea and cool gel?

07-31-18, 17:32
Give the BJ girl a breath mint and a cup of tea? Works for me.

With the warm tea and cool gel?.

08-01-18, 01:55
Hah, better than nothing. But a far cry from a true ice and fire blowjob. Best damn feeling ever.

Give the BJ girl a breath mint and a cup of tea? Works for me..

08-01-18, 20:58
Hah, better than nothing. But a far cry from a true ice and fire blowjob. Best damn feeling ever.Pat Benatar had a song about that, but I've never tried it.

Run Mann
08-02-18, 02:35
If you love your showers golden make sure you get yours from a clean source or you could lose an eye or more like this Aussie.


Member #4698
08-02-18, 02:56
Anybody know where to get a fire and ice blowjob in Thailand?
With the warm tea and cool gel?With the warm tea and cool gel?Yeah, #1. Macau & #2. Geylang (Chinese houses). Fire and Ice is a Chinese thing.

08-02-18, 05:34
Hot tea / water and then ice water. Nataree used to have it. You could try the other big houses on Ratchadapisek.

With the warm tea and cool gel?

08-02-18, 06:57
Give the BJ girl a breath mint and a cup of tea? Works for me.

.You like that? One of my little dating site girls, a blowjob dreamgirl really, pulled that on me about a month ago. She popped a Halls breath mint, took a sip of her tea and then gave me a BJ. The breath mint created a painful stinging sensation on my dick that the tea could not wash away throughout the whole damn uncomfortable experience. I didn't have the heart to stop her effort to be creative entirely. All it took was that one hit with the breath mint to turn an otherwise dream blowjob into a stinging, first somewhat warm and then a cold stinging disappointment. I had been looking forward to her blowjob for hours. I endured it and worked hard to finish, something I have never had to do with this girl. Work hard to finish, I mean.

Afterwards I had to confess it was not a great idea, honey, and please don't ever do that breath mint thing again.

08-02-18, 07:56
I actually liked mine. Could be your girl chose the Ultra Intense Mint Flavor Explosion. LOL.

Afterwards I had to confess it was not a great idea, honey, and please don't ever do that breath mint thing again.

08-02-18, 16:35

I've never had the mint thing before. It sounds. Interesting. Definitely worth a try, minus the flavor explosion.

The girl I used. To see years ago, it was just a warm tea, and then a gel. The gel was cool / cold. I don't know what kind or where she got it from. And it was not "mint". Just the physical snesation of hit and cold. Maybe ice cubes would work as well, or cold water. But seriously that gel stuff. It was just fucking perfect. I'm telling you guys, if you have not had it before, just know there is an experience out there like no other!

I actually liked mine. Could be your girl chose the Ultra Intense Mint Flavor Explosion. LOL.

08-02-18, 16:39
Bummer that place is gone then, but thanks for the advice. I'm sure I will try at least a couple of them. I don't mind paying a premium for the real deal. In my experience, totally worth it.

Hot tea / water and then ice water. Nataree used to have it. You could try the other big houses on Ratchadapisek.

08-02-18, 18:48
I never had fire and ice but there is a physiological reason to increase erection, as with a good sucking blow job, if ice cold and warm liquids are used. In sports some use it to increase blood circulation to help healing. The increased circulation should give you a harder boner. Will offer an iced drink and coffee to a girl next time.


I've never had the mint thing before. It sounds. Interesting. Definitely worth a try, minus the flavor explosion.

The girl I used. To see years ago, it was just a warm tea, and then a gel. The gel was cool / cold. I don't know what kind or where she got it from. And it was not "mint". Just the physical snesation of hit and cold. Maybe ice cubes would work as well, or cold water. But seriously that gel stuff. It was just fucking perfect. I'm telling you guys, if you have not had it before, just know there is an experience out there like no other!

08-02-18, 23:09

I've never had the mint thing before. It sounds. Interesting. Definitely worth a try, minus the flavor explosion.

The girl I used. To see years ago, it was just a warm tea, and then a gel. The gel was cool / cold. I don't know what kind or where she got it from. And it was not "mint". Just the physical snesation of hit and cold. Maybe ice cubes would work as well, or cold water. But seriously that gel stuff. It was just fucking perfect. I'm telling you guys, if you have not had it before, just know there is an experience out there like no other!Any gel that has Menthol or its Synths will give similar cooling sensations.

08-03-18, 05:09
Any gel that has Menthol or its Synths will give similar cooling sensations.I had fire and ice done to me for the first time about 30 years ago in Pahrump, Nevada. Can't remember the name of the brothel. I've had it done several times since and I've always liked it. I still have the red rope trick on my bucket list. I hear it's only available in China if at all.

08-03-18, 17:29
I had fire and ice done to me for the first time about 30 years ago in Pahrump, Nevada. Can't remember the name of the brothel. I've had it done several times since and I've always liked it. I still have the red rope trick on my bucket list. I hear it's only available in China if at all.Alexis in Jakarta used to have that service till they sadly shut shop a few months ago due to political and religious pressures. I have been fortunate enough to partake in the past.

I hear it is available in China but I am yet to experience it there.

08-04-18, 02:43
Simplest solution may be to subscribe to ooma.com - one time payment. Buy their VOIP device, {Telo-$100, wifi Telo - $130} activate it in the US and get assigned a US number of your choice {within constraints} and lug it around to any part of the globe with an internet connection. Attach a phone handset to it and you are home free. Receive and make high quality calls as if you are within the US. You have a better range of options if you subscribe to their Premier service.

Wow, this seems pretty cool. Let me verify I got this right. I get the AIS package and throw that in my personal phone. I have an android, but more than likely, it will still work. I go in my android, set up a hotspot and that would be what I would utilize when logging in, then doing my work on the company laptop. According to what you are saying, not only is the connection faster than wifi, but it also sounds like it's much more secure, because I'm not sharing my hotspot with other people. Huge benefit! Before I go to Thailand and buy the AIS, I would need to get a local phone number here in USA with google or Skype. If google, VPN is a requirement, so VPN would need to be installed on the phone. I currently have PureVPN, but it's only on my personal laptop, so it will need to be on my personal phone as well. When you say "subscribe to a VPN so I can access the American number", does this mean you have to stay logged in to the VPN in order to make / receive calls? I may go the Skype route as mentioned by you and Franga, but just wanted to ask.

It seems that after all this, I should have my business phone number be forwarded to this new local number and that should be it, huh?

08-09-18, 16:40
If I am getting a regular massage, no sex wanted or offered, would I have my underwear on or off? I just want a massage and nothing more and am at a place where nothing more is offered.


08-09-18, 17:45
If I am getting a regular massage, no sex wanted or offered, would I have my underwear on or off? I just want a massage and nothing more and am at a place where nothing more is offered.
This isn't a forum about basic education but since you ask: In a legit massage place yes you are supposed to cover your nudity either with the provided underwear or if you are not confortable wearing them, you are meant to put on towel on your waist.

08-09-18, 17:50
If I am getting a regular massage, no sex wanted or offered, would I have my underwear on or off? I just want a massage and nothing more and am at a place where nothing more is offered.

Thanks.For an oilie you would always take your underpants off. For a thai masssage you would keep your underpants on and they would even dress you in pyjamas.

Mr Enternational
08-09-18, 19:13
If I am getting a regular massage, no sex wanted or offered, would I have my underwear on or off? I just want a massage and nothing more and am at a place where nothing more is offered.I must be the only one here that gets nekkit for a foot massage. I always decline the pajamas.

08-11-18, 17:08
Anyone know what to expect with mother's day coming up? A FL told me since the 12th falls on a weekend it's observed on Monday instead. Would this impact availability of attractions both inside and out of the hobby? I was planning on seeing the Palace during the day and hitting up the bars at night but it seems like both of them might be closed.

Thanks in advance.

08-12-18, 04:28
The girl I was was with last night does not have to work today because her bar is going to be closed. She didn't know if other places would e the same. So at least some bars in phuket are going to be closed. Though that bar is not in a big touristy place.

Anyone know what to expect with mother's day coming up? A FL told me since the 12th falls on a weekend it's observed on Monday instead. Would this impact availability of attractions both inside and out of the hobby? I was planning on seeing the Palace during the day and hitting up the bars at night but it seems like both of them might be closed.

Thanks in advance.

08-12-18, 04:54
I am going to a small strip of bars and the picking is bad. One girl I took home sent me a line message a few days later, I mistook her for someone else and replied. Apparently she got mad. She told me she didn't want to talk to me anymore and when I saw her yesterday she gave me a mean look. I don't understand that. I imagine I am not the only customer she has or messages with. She was fun, but no more of her.

Another woman there I have taken back to the motel with me twice. She sends me line messages that she loves me and misses me, etc. I told her I am butterfly and see different women. I don't really want to see her again because of her messges. If not for them she is fun to be with. When I researched coming to thailand for the first time, 13 years ago, I read that women could be possessive if you barfined them. I never had that experience much until this trip.

I am going back to pattaya for a week in a couple of weeks. I think I will monger there more and not so much here. The busy part of phuket is a bit too far for me to drive at night, especially if I drink anything.

When I was here in phuket last winter, I met a woman who i liked being with. I barfined her most weekends and didn't really want to butterfly much. I haven't found anyone like that this time and really don't think I want to. Katherines has pretty girls there, but I like to get girls long time, overnight and that is expensive at katherines. That said I think katherines is the way to go for me. I am here for 3 more months so maybe high season will change things for the better.

Rob Jones
08-17-18, 00:22
Hi all.

I was in Thailand in May and paid for 1 months premium membership which I then canceled when I returned home. About 1 week later my account was suspended so I opened a new account but again 1 week later it was suspended as well. I used a different email account but the same cell number for verification.

Firstly has this happened to other people? Secondly how do I fix this problem? I'm thinking of obtaining a new SIM and use it for the verification code.

I was a standard member of TF for 6 months and I experienced no problems. Is the suspended account a reward for buying and and not renewing my premium membership?

Thanks in advance.


Mr Enternational
08-17-18, 00:47
I was a standard member of TF for 6 months and I experienced no problems. Is the suspended account a reward for buying and and not renewing my premium membership?Why not email and ask them? When mine expired it was on automatic renewal and I did not know it. When I saw it charged my card, I sent them an email and they reversed the charges.

08-17-18, 02:28
Hi all.

I was in Thailand in May and paid for 1 months premium membership which I then canceled when I returned home. About 1 week later my account was suspended so I opened a new account but again 1 week later it was suspended as well. I used a different email account but the same cell number for verification.

Firstly has this happened to other people? Secondly how do I fix this problem? I'm thinking of obtaining a new SIM and use it for the verification code.

I was a standard member of TF for 6 months and I experienced no problems. Is the suspended account a reward for buying and and not renewing my premium membership?

Thanks in advance.

Rob.Not that I will have a better suggestion than Mr. E's about contacting them, but just letting you know something similar to this happened to me too. Like you, I'd had a short term premium account, cancelled and later could not sign up again for another stint. This would not make sense from a business standpoint, of course. It must be a weird glitch in their system. Why would ThaiFriendly "punish" someone for cancelling an account in the past by preventing them from signing up again later to give them more money? But the same thing crossed my mind at the time. Then again, the word "Thai" is in there, so maybe what makes sense has little or no bearing. In my case, signing up again with just a different email address was enough to get it done. I had the same phone number as before.

I should mention that when I first got stumped in trying to sign up for that second stint, I emailed them about it and never got a response. I waited a week for their reply and never got one. That was when I decided to try signing up with a different email address and that solved it.

Now, I have gotten an email response from them on a recent question I had about renewal while I am a current premium member. Which is a very different circumstance, of course. Incidentally, my question this time was how to change my auto-pay/renew 3 month premium membership to an auto-pay/renew 1 year premium membership without first cancelling my current 3 month membership, which appeared to be the only way it can be done according to what I've read on their website. I am wary of cancelling and being locked out again unless I open another email account, maybe add a new phone number for verification, blah, blah, blah. Sure enough, that is what ThaiFriendly's email response told me to do; I must allow my current account to end and then sign up again for a new account. You can't change your next billing cycle ahead of time while in the midst of another one in order to retain your current profile settings, photos, Interests, Favorites, etc. Uh. Ok.

That also means I had to go into settings and cancel the auto-pay/renew part of the deal or my ongoing 3-month premium memberships will never end, they'll just keep getting automatically renewed as a 3 month premium membership. I've got a couple of weeks left of my current account so it remains to be seen whether I will be able to sign up again and give them more money or not when that time comes.

Oh, a quick question: are you signed up with another dating site, say, ThaiCupid on that email account that no longer works for ThaiFriendly? I only ask because that was the case for me and, as weird as it sounds, the thought actually crossed my mind that there was some issue of "duplicity" or perhaps the same people own both sites and they were trying to boost or retain ThaiCupid memberships by locking me out of ThaiFriendly or whatever strange Internet thingy was up.

Rob Jones
08-17-18, 04:22
Not that I will have a better suggestion than Mr. E's about contacting them, but just letting you know something similar to this happened to me too. Like you, I'd had a short term premium account, cancelled and later could not sign up again for another stint. This would not make sense from a business standpoint, of course. It must be a weird glitch in their system. Why would ThaiFriendly "punish" someone for cancelling an account in the past by preventing them from signing up again later to give them more money? But the same thing crossed my mind at the time. Then again, the word "Thai" is in there, so maybe what makes sense has little or no bearing. In my case, signing up again with just a different email address was enough to get it done. I had the same phone number as before.

I should mention that when I first got stumped in trying to sign up for that second stint, I emailed them about it and never got a response. I waited a week for their reply and never got one. That was when I decided to try signing up with a different email address and that solved it.

Now, I have gotten an email response from them on a recent question I had about renewal while I am a current premium member. Which is a very different circumstance, of course. Incidentally, my question this time was how to change my auto-pay/renew 3 month premium membership to an auto-pay/renew 1 year premium membership without first cancelling my current 3 month membership, which appeared to be the only way it can be done according to what I've read on their website. I am wary of cancelling and being locked out again unless I open another email account, maybe add a new phone number for verification, blah, blah, blah. Sure enough, that is what ThaiFriendly's email response told me to do; I must allow my current account to end and then sign up again for a new account. You can't change your next billing cycle ahead of time while in the midst of another one in order to retain your current profile settings, photos, Interests, Favorites, etc. Uh. Ok.

That also means I had to go into settings and cancel the auto-pay/renew part of the deal or my ongoing 3-month premium memberships will never end, they'll just keep getting automatically renewed as a 3 month premium membership. I've got a couple of weeks left of my current account so it remains to be seen whether I will be able to sign up again and give them more money or not when that time comes.

Oh, a quick question: are you signed up with another dating site, say, ThaiCupid on that email account that no longer works for ThaiFriendly? I only ask because that was the case for me and, as weird as it sounds, the thought actually crossed my mind that there was some issue of "duplicity" or perhaps the same people own both sites and they were trying to boost or retain ThaiCupid memberships by locking me out of ThaiFriendly or whatever strange Internet thingy was up.Did you use a different cell number to activate your new account?

08-17-18, 07:47
Did you use a different cell number to activate your new account?No.

In my case, signing up again with just a different email address was enough to get it done. I had the same phone number as before.However, I honestly don't remember giving them a phone number either time I signed up. Only an email address. Maybe I did and just don't remember. I mentioned that I didn't change my phone number in my previous reply because I have not changed my phone number since I moved to Thailand several years ago, long before I first signed up for ThaiFriendly, so I knew that was not an issue for me.

Right now, looking at my Account Settings on the computer version of the site, I don't see a place to enter or change a phone number. Maybe a phone number was applied to the mobile app version of ThaiFriendly when I downloaded and installed it. Again, I don't remember if it was required or not. I don't see anything about a phone number in those Settings either. But I suspect I just opened the mobile app and entered the same Username and Password I was already using on the computer version.

08-24-18, 15:13
Just my opinion fwiw. I was walking down 2nd Road and some woman was trying to get to me to get a massage from her. She said 300 baht body to body. Then inside it all changed. I ended up giving her an extra 700 thb for a crappie blow job and a hand job. I probably misunderstood what she meant when she said, "300 baht, body to body". Who knows and it isn't worth it to argue on some things. The whole thing was a waste of money.

That incident aside, I think it is better to get a massage at a massage place and have sex at a sex place. Keep the 2 separate. When I am getting a oil massage and they keep bumping into little horatio though, he starts thinking and we end up mixing up the two.

Now that I am back in pattaya I remember why I hate motorbikes. Those things come out of nowhere and are quick. I am surprised more people don't get hurt by them. I saw some guy crossing the road at a corner, halfway across and not paying attention to anything. Some people are drunk or just idiots and motorbikes are dangerous.

I don't know if there are other places like pattaya in the world, but it sure is a unique place to me. I will be ready to go when I leave in a week, but it is a lot fun for awhile.

08-24-18, 18:16
I think it is better to get a massage at a massage place and have sex at a sex place. Keep the 2 separate.Fully agree with that, I never understood the appeal of the massage parlor sex. They don't have proper facilities for sex, like private rooms with showers. Moreover, I hate how it's customary to first start a massage and then negotiate sex -- if negotiations fail, you're neither getting a proper massage (which you'll pay for), nor sex. The girl knows it, and she's in a better negotiation position. Either we arrange the whole deal upfront, or I walk.

Rob Jones
08-24-18, 22:30

However, I honestly don't remember giving them a phone number either time I signed up. Only an email address. Maybe I did and just don't remember. I mentioned that I didn't change my phone number in my previous reply because I have not changed my phone number since I moved to Thailand several years ago, long before I first signed up for ThaiFriendly, so I knew that was not an issue for me.

Right now, looking at my Account Settings on the computer version of the site, I don't see a place to enter or change a phone number. Maybe a phone number was applied to the mobile app version of ThaiFriendly when I downloaded and installed it. Again, I don't remember if it was required or not. I don't see anything about a phone number in those Settings either. But I suspect I just opened the mobile app and entered the same Username and Password I was already using on the computer version.All is good now. I sent an email when I eventually found a link. My page was so blocked that I couldn't get past " your page is blocked due to a complaint ". I found a notification in my email and followed it back to get the email address. Funnily enough as soon as I mentioned refund my account was activated within 12 hours. I asked why I was blocked but no response to that query.

Thanks for everyone's help.

Mr Enternational
08-25-18, 00:29
Fully agree with that, I never understood the appeal of the massage parlor sex. They don't have proper facilities for sex, like private rooms with showers. Moreover, I hate how it's customary to first start a massage and then negotiate sex -- if negotiations fail, you're neither getting a proper massage (which you'll pay for), nor sex. The girl knows it, and she's in a better negotiation position. Either we arrange the whole deal upfront, or I walk.Who the hell wants to waste 1 hour for a shitty massage or a massage that they didn't want in the first place? Like you said, you can arrange a deal up front or better yet get them to come to your place. The other day in Manila I met a massage chick on WeChat. She came over and gave me one of the best and longest blow jobs ever by a Filipina, we fucked like rabbits, then she gave me one of the best massages to top it off. We fell asleep until I had to check out of the hotel. I even threw in the 200 pesos penalty she was going to have to pay for not going to work that day.

Oh. Forgot the part when she washed me from head to toe and asked if she could suck my dick while we were in the shower.

08-25-18, 02:39
Who the hell wants to waste 1 hour for a shitty massage or a massage that they didn't want in the first place? Like you said, you can arrange a deal up front or better yet get them to come to your place. The other day in Manila I met a massage chick on WeChat. She came over and gave me one of the best and longest blow jobs ever by a Filipina, we fucked like rabbits, then she gave me one of the best massages to top it off. We fell asleep until I had to check out of the hotel. I even threw in the 200 pesos penalty she was going to have to pay for not going to work that day.
The only good sex of any kind I have ever experienced with a Thai massage shop girl has been when I took her out of the shop and got her into my own room. In which case some have been very good indeed. And that would be by either paying the fee at the shop to take them out or, as in your example, had them come over around the system. Engaging with them in their established venues always seems to introduce unnecessary obstacles to my ultimate pleasure goals and the girl's deserving monetary reward for it.

Same thing is happening for me with the Bangkok Out Call/Escort scene. I have found it so easy and rewarding to simply arrange a home delivery with girls (several of whom recently or currently appear on the Escort Service sites) by meeting them on the online dating and social network sites, it is a mighty struggle to find or tease out a justification to book them through their established services instead.

Tracking their exact whereabouts leading up to my front door on a GPS system is fine, I suppose. But something tells me being able to quickly and briefly chat person-to-person with the girl well before "booking" to work out any condom or no condom issues, defining what a real CIM finish means, determing if she is shaved or hairy, how she looks currently on live video and not 8 years ago in a carefully posed photo, as well as her accepting without hassle a fee typically about half what is cited on her Escort Service site strikes me as superior to any "advantage" offered or promised by the established services. So far.

Mr Enternational
08-25-18, 03:12
I have found it so easy and rewarding to simply arrange a home delivery with girls who recently or currently appear on the Escort Service sites by meeting them on the online dating and social network sites, it is a mighty struggle to find or tease out a justification to book them through their established services instead.That leads back to my question that nobody ever answers. If you bar fine a girl once, you have already established contact with her and have her details. What is the sense in going to pay the bar again for the same girl that you already know and can just call her up to have her come over whenever? I do not understand that whatsoever. Is is just a must to have her during the hours that the bar is open or what?

08-25-18, 03:41
That leads back to my question that nobody ever answers. If you bar fine a girl once, you have already established contact with her and have her details. What is the sense in going to pay the bar again for the same girl that you already know and can just call her up to have her come over whenever? I do not understand that whatsoever. Is is just a must to have her during the hours that the bar is open or what?Well, my reasoning for still going to the bar, paying the barfine and so on is a matter of timing. These days I am a one cum a day 65 year old living in Bkk and not a fan of getting that done during the day before a bargirl starts her shift or at 3 am after she ends her shift. 9-11 pm feels about right to me. LOL.

Also, I have done tons of "I come stay all night with you for free after work, honey!" girls and am now convinced the guy who bought her Lady Drinks, paid the 700 baht barfine and the 2000+ fee for a ST at 9 pm when she was truly in "on the job" mode gets a MUCH better deal than the guy getting her all wrung out, tired, drunk and cranky, looking at a bed as a place to fall into a coma rather than a "free" sexual playground after she has long forgotten what an "on the job" mode was. Most of the time I happily pass on those winning offers anymore. Days off are a different matter, of course.

However, the conditions are different for FLs or girls who sometimes show up on Escort Service sites rather than girls working in a bar or massage shop.

08-25-18, 09:37
The other day in Manila I met a massage chick on WeChat. She came over and gave me one of the best and longest blow jobs ever by a Filipina, we fucked like rabbits, then she gave me one of the best massages to top it off. We fell asleep until I had to check out of the hotel. I even threw in the 200 pesos penalty she was going to have to pay for not going to work that day.I call Bullshit on this.

Mr E making it rain in Manila. Never. LOL.

😉 😉 😀 😀 🤤 🤤.

08-25-18, 09:47
What is the sense in going to pay the bar again for the same girl that you already know and can just call her up to have her come over whenever?There certainly are benefits to having a bargirl's number but I think it's a mistake to assume she will be available "whenever" you want her.

You're going to be at the back of the queue after working till 3 am, Short and Long time punters who have BFed her, being drunk, tired or asleep or at home, an hours taxi away from you.

For me, after work is out as at 3 am I'm either asleep, drunk or all ready have a girl.

Before work is doable but then there are time pressures between her waking up and getting to work and ghe general chaos that is a girl making a meeting on time.


Member #4698
08-25-18, 13:21
That leads back to my question that nobody ever answers. If you bar fine a girl once, you have already established contact with her and have her details. What is the sense in going to pay the bar again for the same girl that you already know and can just call her up to have her come over whenever? I do not understand that whatsoever. Is is just a must to have her during the hours that the bar is open or what?You make an excellent point Mr E. But not all girls can or will come over during their Go Go work hours which then requires either flexibility on my part or the acceptance of paying the barfine if I want the girl in prime time.

Scenario 1: Girl or girls are able to give the bar some excuse and can visit whenever I like. This is the scenario with my 2 favorite Makati Bottoms girls as well as most of my repeat Manila Go Go girls. As to my Bottoms girls, I don't know how they get away with it or what excuses they give their mamasan, but they are able to visit me prime time for seemingly multiple endless days in a row. Last trip I had them visit me 9 nights in a row - 7 pm to 1 am. I gave the girls what I always give them, supplied bottles of Tequila for the room, and fed them. Their bar got nada. No barfine. Only towards the end of that run did the girls tell me that mama was getting tired of their no show BS and demanding that they return to the bar. Ha Ha. Great girls! I took them both to Sabang Beach, Palawan for 4 nights too. Again no barfine. I just gave them what I usually give them plus food, drink, and T-shirt souvenirs for their kids.

Scenario 2: Girls can't or will not cut their attendance at their bar, but are eager to come over during the afternoon, sometimes with a GF if I am ok with that, for pool parties, boom boom, and late lunch / early dinner before going to work. I enjoy this no barfine scenario a lot and an added benefit is that it leaves my nights open for anything I want to do.

Scenario 3: Girls can't or will not cut their attendance at their bar, but are eager to come over after work. I used to take advantage of this scenario when I was in my 20's and was low on cash. I never paid for sex back then. The girls would come over or I would meet them a block or 2 away from their bars after closing and then the girls would spend the rest of the night and morning with me gratis. Nowadays time is more important to me than money, so I do not like late night drop ins anymore. It crimps my night and besides, by 3 am I usually in dreamland. Ha Ha. But if I lived in LOS instead of just visiting for 7 or 8 weeks at a time, I might engage in scenario 3 with certain girls, but only if I was particularly fond of them and we had a special relationship.

08-25-18, 15:14
You make an excellent point Mr E. But not all girls can or will come over during their Go Go work hours which then requires either flexibility on my part or the acceptance of paying the barfine if I want the girl in prime time.

Scenario 1: Girl or girls are able to give the bar some excuse and can visit whenever I like. This is the scenario with my 2 favorite Makati Bottoms girls as well as most of my repeat Manila Go Go girls. As to my Bottoms girls, I don't know how they get away with it or what excuses they give their mamasan, but they are able to visit me prime time for seemingly multiple endless days in a row. Last trip I had them visit me 9 nights in a row - 7 pm to 1 am. I gave the girls what I always give them, supplied bottles of Tequila for the room, and fed them. Their bar got nada. No barfine. Only towards the end of that run did the girls tell me that mama was getting tired of their no show BS and demanding that they return to the bar. Ha Ha. Great girls! I took them both to Sabang Beach, Palawan for 4 nights too. Again no barfine. I just gave them what I usually give them plus food, drink, and T-shirt souvenirs for their kids..2 and 3 are my favourites.

08-27-18, 18:40
That leads back to my question that nobody ever answers. If you bar fine a girl once, you have already established contact with her and have her details. What is the sense in going to pay the bar again for the same girl that you already know and can just call her up to have her come over whenever? I do not understand that whatsoever. Is is just a must to have her during the hours that the bar is open or what?There are so many aspects to this. That is perhaps why you think no one wants to answer. I will try to cover some aspects.

1. It depends how much the girl likes and where you are on her pecking order list. If you are a big favourite the girl will keep coming to you most likely. She may still have to pay the barfine each day for a variety of reasons. She may not. Depends on the bar and its rules.

2. Some girls are slyly seeing customers without paying the barfine and hope they don't get caught out. This is much easier if they attend irregularly, and are effectively sideline girls. Some girls claim to be 100% honest and would never cheat the bar. LOL.

3. Many bar girls want to do short time only and preferably close to the bar, so that they can return to the bar and try to sell more drinks or get another short time, if they need the money or are quite popular.

4. One extremely popular girl would happily agree to meet me before bar opening time, because she could get in an extra ST for the evening and sometimes liked to come over for a swim in the pool in daylight hours, occasionally would do long time booking if she thought she would not lose money or was feeling lazy to do many STs. If I met her at say 6 PM near to the bar, she would expect the BF still to be paid, and would even hand it over at the bar before going off with me, since it is quite easy she could be spotted going into ST hotel with me.

5. I have a regular bargirl who is often quite lazy to go to work. She meets me outside and does not expect a BF to be paid. We meet well away from the bar. She has no intention to go to the bar afterwards, might be just desperate for some Baht. Sometimes she is fucking me in return for a small assist already given previously when she was desperate, or previous advance is deducted. She has the sense to never ask for a large amount in advance and not often, just enough to buy food when was sick (or her friend is sick and has to be looked after etc. Whatever). Don't even care what is the real reason. She is somewhat of a bullshit artist so I always take what she says with a grain of salt. Anyway, despite that she remains a good fuck and needs my business. Unfortunately shy about being nude when room is well lit despite a really great slim body so have to get some drinks into her to loosen her up a lot, then she goes at it very well. She cums with difficulty but makes it sometimes. She does not seem to bullshit on this topic. She could easily say she cums every time but does not. She probably needs a real power fucker guy to get her off regularly.

6. There is another girl I meet quite secretly and quite regularly, usually late and sometimes whole night, but she can't be seen with me anywhere commonplace as story could get back to employment and / or her official Boyfriend. Therefore we have to meet at locations and times that suit her. Not all girls want to act so secretly. They may want to be very straightforward and pay barfines to the employer.

7. Girls are hired to sell drinks at the bar, and some are doing their best to achieve this and would rather meet good clients at the bar. They may hope to make a good salary or monthly bonus. Others never get any salary so don't care about monthly earnings. They may still want to make some drink commissions to improve their image in the eyes of the employer. Completely useless girls bringing in few drinks and few Barfines may well be fired as a waste of space and unless extra good looking enough to pull guys in the door but that still requires attendance.

8. To work in a bar, a girl has to be useful even if she is a sideline girl that only shows up sometimes like weekends, due to being a student. That means the girl has to pull in a good number of drinks per month and barfines. Otherwise just get rid of her. So there is a limit to the clandestine meetings she can get away with.

9. Why not meet in the daytime? Some girls are typically sleeping from 8 am to 4 pm (example), I. E. They do not go home from work and immediately sleep. They party or have a good time after work (if not completely drunk already). They don't want to do Long Time since they won't be ready to start sleeping till maybe as late as 8 am and they certainly don't want to fuck at or after 8 am in their normal routine. Girls are all different.

10. Girls may have a boyfriend who expects them to work out of the bar only, no secret meetings. LOL This could apply whether the girl's BF is a Thai or a westerner. BF may send girl to work and pick her up at the bar. May be minding her like a pimp or manager.

11. Girl may have a baby to look after in daytime and her mother minds baby during bar hours.

There are too many varying scenarios, you may well think of others.

So in the end, a guy may well be sick of the bar and not want to waste money buying drinks (when girl does not need leg openers), but the girl may have other ideas. I went to Shark recently as was easier to organise a 3 some when I only had the contact number of one of the girls. The result was having to pay 2 BFs. That is now rectified. I may well be able to arrange a 3 some without going to the bar, but I don't see there is any guarantee of that. Just depends on the girls' attitudes. I certainly don't want to be showing up to bars on a daily basis but an occasional quick visit to check the new talent is okay.

Recent visits to Dollhouse and Crazy House and Shark were not that impressive. No new girls were "must dos" for looks, or even close to that. Hence did not try anything new. Played it safe. Doll House previously had some nice BFable coyotes but standard seems to have dropped right away. Have not BFed inside CH for a long time now. Did take an ex CH girl from 5 Star earlier in the year. The "Car Alarm" music (as another guy put it previously) really makes you want to BF the girl (if can find one) and get out of there as quick as possible. Really hate the bar especially the DJ. Not keen to go back. I can check if "G" wants to meet outside. LOL She has nice tits and nice pussy, BJ okay, like her body (no surgeries).

08-28-18, 20:35
Concern grows as the British pound reaches an historical low versus the Thai Baht as far as this member views it. Don't ever remember the weakening to this extent. The political clowns in Euroland and UK are distabilizing the market with their indecisiveness and failure to reach a settlement divorce.

Bet there are many concerned expats crying into their beer just as I'm deeply concerned. Kinda puts a different perspective on retirement options. Just how bad is this going to get?

Rob Jones
08-29-18, 00:48
Hi all.

During my next visit to Pattaya I'm planning on having a tooth filled and my teeth cleaned. Any recommendations?



Mr Enternational
08-29-18, 06:43
During my next visit to Pattaya I'm planning on having a tooth filled and my teeth cleaned. Any recommendations?I have been going to Doctor Smile across from Tukcom for years. As a matter of fact I need to go in a couple of days for a cleaning and yearly check. I think it costs about 700 baht for the deep cleaning. A filling is about the same price. I never knew you did not need to be numbed for a filling until I came to Thailand and the dentist in Bangkok asked me if I wanted it. I was so used to being ripped off in the USA that I did not know it was not necessary.

08-29-18, 07:07
Went to Thailand for the first time last week. I spent 2 nights in Bangkok and 5 Nights in Pattaya. Plenty of time as by the third day the jet lag / alcohol consumption caught up with me and I was exhausted. I made a lot of rookie mistakes while there but know better now. Here is a summary of what happened.

Bangkok Day 1 Nana Plaza.

1. Went to Nana Plaza checked out several of the bars until closing on a Tuesday night. Visited most of the bar and had a few drinks at each. Found a girl I liked at Rainbow 3 on the third level. Mamasan told me I could have her short time for 3000 baht and 1000 baht bar fine or long time 5000 baht and 1000 baht bar fine for long time. From reading this forum I figured that was too much and offered 650 barfine and 3500 for long time. Mamasan said no and walked away in "anger". The girl seemed angry with the mamasan. They re-approached me 5 minutes later and said 1000 bar-fine and 3000 for (3 hours). At this point I said ok but that I needed to go to the ATM. I left the bar and never returned. Did not have the patience for that. Went back out to the main street and visited some of the beer bars outside of Nana and had a chat with an Australian Monger. Observed street freelancers who looked [CodeWord902] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord902) and others opening announcing they would have bare back sex with anyone. I returned home with nothing for the night.

Bangkok Day 2 Soy Cowboy.

1. Arrived at Soy Cowboy around 9 pm on Wednesday. First went to the country bar in front had a beer and people watched. Then hit several gogos.

Afterschool- Had a few drinks. Nice ladies and mamasan. Only 3 other customers in the place. Lineup was not attractive.

Shark Bar- Nice Lineup but nothing of interest.

Baccara- Place was packed. By the time I got there it was about 1030 and alot of the top girls were already gone. Made conversation with an average looking girl upstairs. Said not thank you and went back out on the street.

Sahara- I was slightly drunk by this point and went into this place. Big mistake. I went in and had two girls grinding on me within minutes. Ordered several rounds of drinks while I made out with and fondled them great fun at this point. 30 minutes later I looked at the check 5800 baht!. (It said in 30 minutes I had purchased 24 coyote drinks) The I was speaking with were not dressed any different than everyone else so I did not believe they were Coyote dancers. I paid the bill and immediately left as the bouncers were closing in when I got the check. Obvisouly this place is a scam avoid.

Baccara second time- This was my favorite place of the night went back, I was only none asian customer. Met up with the girl again. Had a few drinks. It was now only an hour before closing. I decided to barfine the girl I had been speaking with. Told the Mamasan. Quoted me 750 baht bar fine. When she left to go ring it up I changed my mind and decided I no longer wanted the girl. The Mamasan refused and the bouncers told me I had to pay or there would be trouble. I paid the barfine and for the drinks and left. The girl followed me out. I told her I did not want her and to go away. She would not leave me alone. I withdrew some money out of the ATM. Three some 20 baht bills on the ground and told her to pick it up like a dog. I walked away and told her to fuck off. She cried.

Now drunk back at hotel I want some food. Get in a cab. Driver says do you want a lady. I said sure. He takes me to some place where I walk in and there are 100 girls fishbowl style sitting on couches. I pick one pay 3500 baht to the place and back to the hotel we go. I get back she starts a covered BJ. After five min I am not into it and tell her to leave. She asks for money saying the place I got her from does not pay her. I said well you should work somewhere else threw 20 baht outside the hotel room door on the floor and as she was picking it up I slammed the door, she cried. So this night I spent probably 1500 baht and only got 5 min of a shitty covered blow job and a hang over.

Next day off to Pattaya.

Arrive at hotel around 230 pm. Nothing room is not ready. Leave bags with bell staff and head to Devils Den. Walk in and very nice English speaking man explains the rules and prices. The girls come in (all 5 and 6's out of 10's). I pick 2 and off we go. We get to the room, shower, and begin. Very nice double BBBJ and I fuck them both. Cum after about 20 min. Take another shower. Lay back on the bed and we go at it again. Got a second pop. We go downstairs. I pay the $4000 baht and tip each of them 200 baht each. Girls were average looking, no lesbian action between them, but very nice double BBBJ, decent enthusiasm, and 2 pops. Overall satisfied.

Check in hotel and have some food. Take a nap. Back out on Walking Street by 9. After dark I was overwhelmed by the amount of street walkers everywhere! Anyways go into a few of the bars. Visited Baccara first. Packed again just like Bangkok had a few drinks and left. Then went to crazy house, was pretty dead, had a few drinks and left. Then went to Moulon Rouge. Spent 1000 baht on 3 drinks with 2 average looking russian girls. Quoted 20,000 baht to take them out. Place only had 7 or 8 girls working total. Said no went back out to the street. Still early in the night and went to a gogo bar down an Alley still today remember what it was called. It believe it was semi directly across from Saphire. Smaller place with very few customers and probably 20 girls dancing. I sat down and had a drink. Within a few minutes a very cute young looking asian girl was sitting on my lap DFKing me. I bought a few rounds of drinks. Mamasan said 1000 bar fine and 5000 for long time. I said what about 1000 bar fine and 4000 long time. She said fine. I leave with the girl, she seems very genuinely excited and seemed to be very happy in her interactions saying goodbye to the other girls on the way out the door. We immediately leave and she says what do you want to do. I say we can do whatever and she says lets go to the Pier night club. I say sure, we go in and order drinks and hooka. This was really fun as she was like my girlfriend the entire night. We smoked several rounds of hooka, drinks, danced, DFK makeout session the entire night until it closed at 3 am. She was taking pictures, snap chats, and videos the entire night and sending to all her friends. She seemed really genuinely happy. Then we leave and she asks if I want to play pool. I say ok, she keeps snap chatting and video taping it, I really don't care and go with it. We play 5 games of pool at the pool hall bar on walking street (I wanted to leave after 2 but she insisted we stay). Things are going really well still a good time but she all of a sudden started going to the bathroom for longer periods of time. We leave the pool bar at about 430 and go to the New York diner for food. She is more and more into her phone as we are there. We order a bunch of food and as we are finishing she goes to the bathroom for probably 30 minutes. She comes back out and I finally say "what's the deal is everything ok"? She says yes. I said why you on phone so long do you have a boyfriend or something. She would not answer and seemed to look upset. At this point I say I had fun with you but it is best our time ends now. She then says no I give you whatever you want with tears in her eyes. I said no not like this I am leaving. I go into the bathroom and when I come back she is gone. I gave her no money at this point. Super weird. Fun night but no sex and 4000 baht saved. I kind of felt bad as she hung out with me for 6 hours and got no money at all just a platonic good time. Was she trying to scam me? Was I supposed to still pay for her time? This kind of felt like a college date where the girl felt guilty and bailed at the end.

Day 4.

Went to Rasputin soapy massage at 2 pm. Awesome time beautiful girl. 2500 baht.

Back to walking street. Went to a few gogo's wasnt feeling it. Went back to Rasputin. Got one of the models for 5000 baht. Was totally worth it.

Day 5.

Walked down SOI 6. Felt trashly left.

Walking street got drunk. Got scammed for 2800 baht for drinks at crappy gogo. It was close to Airport club.

Went to Rasputin again. Went with same 2500 baht girl again.

Day 6.

Checked out Happy 2 and another massage joint close by during the day. Did not take anything.

Went to walking street. Took a girl from Iron for short time across the street. 3500 baht total. 500 for short time hotel. In out bang 20 minutes.

Immediately left the short time hotel and went to Farenheight 1000 baht bar fine. 4000 baht long time. Took back to the hotel. 2 pops. She offered BBFS I said no, took BBBJ though. Good experience.

Day 7.

Soi 6 during the day. Had a few beers. Once again felt trashy could smell the HIV in the air. Did nothing there.

Went to Rasputin. Took the same 5000 baht model from the other night. Satisfied again. She does BBBJ in bathtub but not on bed odd but still good.

Went to LK Metro area at night. Lots of Farangs here and less asians. Checked out Love, Champagne and a few others. I was too tired to do anything and went back to the hotel to pass out. If I go back will spend more time in this area. Girls are less hot and plentiful then walking street but the places are more farang oriented and less likely to rip me off I feel. I went to the sports bar at the end of the corner to get a bite to eat. Can the servers in this place be bar fined? They acted like they can be not that I would want to just wondering.

Day 8 last day.

Went back to happy 2 got a girl 2400 baht very good. Got a bite to eat and headed home around 6 pm.

08-29-18, 07:53
Hi all.

During my next visit to Pattaya I'm planning on having a tooth filled and my teeth cleaned. Any recommendations?


Rob.For the past two years I have had my teeth cleaned at Dentist at Beach located on the 4th floor of Pattaya Festival Mall. Their offices appear to be very clean to me and I believe I pay B700-800 for a basic (not deep)cleaning. Their Central Festival mall location is so touristy I almost didn't bother. But when I saw their modern, clean facility I knew it was the place for me. I would suggest stopping by and talking to them. English is no problem. I'm sure Mr. E's recommendation would be worthwhile to check out as well.

For your information I will tell you I pay USD $90 for a cleaning here in Los Angeles.

http://www.dentistbeach.com is their website.

08-29-18, 08:24
I have been going to Doctor Smile across from Tukcom for years. As a matter of fact I need to go in a couple of days for a cleaning and yearly check. I think it costs about 700 baht for the deep cleaning. A filling is about the same price. I never knew you did not need to be numbed for a filling until I came to Thailand and the dentist in Bangkok asked me if I wanted it. I was so used to being ripped off in the USA that I did not know it was not necessary.I try to get to Thai dentist (degree in USA) about 3 times a year for clean and scale and checkup. There is usually some plaque to be cleaned off. It seems to keep the problems away, is vastly cheaper than western dentists and usually I can be seen same day I ring up for appointment (in Bangkok), unless right staff are not there. Thai dentists are not so busy because Thais can't afford really frequent visits.

Mouth decay is a contributor to bad breath so worth keeping in good condition.

08-29-18, 08:26
I have been going to Doctor Smile across from Tukcom for years. As a matter of fact I need to go in a couple of days for a cleaning and yearly check. I think it costs about 700 baht for the deep cleaning. A filling is about the same price. I never knew you did not need to be numbed for a filling until I came to Thailand and the dentist in Bangkok asked me if I wanted it. I was so used to being ripped off in the USA that I did not know it was not necessary.I try to get to Thai dentist (degree in USA) about 3 times a year for clean and scale and checkup. There is usually some plaque to be cleaned off. My teeth maybe more problem than average (formerly). It seems to keep the problems away, is vastly cheaper than western dentists and usually I can be seen same day I ring up for appointment (in Bangkok), unless right staff are not there. Thai dentists are not so busy because Thais can't afford really frequent visits.

Mouth decay is a contributor to bad breath so worth keeping in good condition.

08-29-18, 08:36
Thought someone might have some good useful experience.

Can I apply for a six month multi-entry Visa to Thailand from Singapore? Only applied from home country previously. Is Singapore a good place or is somewhere else nearby better? I expect to be in Singapore for a reasonable period.

How long can one stay in Singapore without a Visa, as a tourist. LOL I only stayed a few days previously?

I was not that impressed by girl talent in Geylang and in Orchard Tower previously. Are their great places for slim pretty models, preferably without surgeries, or am I better off coming back to Bangkok for long weekends, and saving expensive Singapore Hotel costs. Maybe my previous survey was a bit too quick.

Am I better off taking a Thai girl to Singapore with me for a while? LOL The worry is she might want to go shopping. Ouch!

08-29-18, 08:47
Hi all.

During my next visit to Pattaya I'm planning on having a tooth filled and my teeth cleaned. Any recommendations?


Rob.The dental center at the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital on Sukhumvit charges around 1300 baht for teeth cleaning and includes X-rays of your side teeth in the price.

Another place which seems good is PIDC on Soi Buakhao just across from Soi Honey.

I would be wary of all these clinics around the place. So I pay up for proper treatment.