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Monger X
11-07-06, 19:50
My buddy and I are visiting San Diego the weekend of Dec 8th and will be taking a break or two in TJ. Is the 3 AM closing of bars still in effect? That really blows if that is the case. Our usual routine is to enjoy the San Diego nightlife and then head on down for some after hours fun. I don't like the prospect of either-or. If I still lived in S. D. I probably wouldn't care but we only have 3 days. Any news on this front?Yep the 3AM closing time for the bars is still in effect.

Bend It
11-08-06, 17:08
Hi Guys,

I may have an opportunity to be in San Diego in a month or so, after not having been there for some time. When does the passport requirement to get back into the US from Tijuana go into effect? Thanks,

Bend It

11-08-06, 23:29
look about 4 posts down

11-09-06, 02:09
Border Patrol, Customs, Homeland Security - all of these guys - have received special training on spotting bullshitters when they answer simple questions. When you give the guy a bullshit answer to the question "What were you doing in Mexico?" and he sees the corner of your mouth twitch, you could be in for a surprise.

I have an idea: tell the fucking truth. Unless your wife is there with you, tell them what you were doing in Mexico: Chasing The Girls. It just so happens that you are not the only one doing it. They know it, I tell them EVERY time I cross. They chuckle. They nod their head. They believe me. It's real.

What they think about what you do doesn't matter Their opinion is a big fat zero. Don't worry about it.

If you want something to worry about, worry that these guys won't catch a badguy with a backpack full of nastys.

Be honest with these guys. There is no reason not to.

Be safe and be nice

Country JohnI have been going to TJ since I was sixteen. I was down there last week and I am 73 now and look younger,I still visit the girls in the Zone and Adelitas when I go for dental etc.This report by Country John is RIGHT ON.

11-09-06, 17:18
Hi Guys,

I may have an opportunity to be in San Diego in a month or so, after not having been there for some time. When does the passport requirement to get back into the US from Tijuana go into effect? Thanks,

Bend ItLast I heard the implementation dates are:

January 1, 2007 – Passport or other accepted document required for all air and sea travel to or from Mexico and Canada.

January 1, 2008 – Passport or other accepted document required for all air, sea and land border crossings.

11-09-06, 17:21
Was wondering if anyone went to one of these before to meet TJ escorts and support a local orphanage (looks legit)... or thinking of going this year on December 3rd?


11-09-06, 23:44
Jeez. http://travel.state.gov/travel/cbpmc/cbpmc_2223.html

"As early as January 1, 2008, ALL persons, including U.S. citizens, traveling between the U.S. and Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, the Caribbean, and Bermuda by land or sea (including ferries), may be required to present a valid passport or other documents as determined by the Department of Homeland Security. While recent legislative changes permit a later deadline, the Departments of State and Homeland Security are working to meet all requirements as soon as possible. Ample advance notice will be provided to enable the public to obtain passports or passport cards for land/sea entries."

Took about 30 seconds to Google.

Blue Nose
11-11-06, 18:20
Border Patrol, Customs, Homeland Security - all of these guys - have received special training on spotting bullshitters when they answer simple questions. When you give the guy a bullshit answer to the question "What were you doing in Mexico?" and he sees the corner of your mouth twitch, you could be in for a surprise.

I have an idea: tell the fucking truth. Unless your wife is there with you, tell them what you were doing in Mexico: Chasing The Girls. It just so happens that you are not the only one doing it. They know it, I tell them EVERY time I cross. They chuckle. They nod their head. They believe me. It's real.

What they think about what you do doesn't matter Their opinion is a big fat zero. Don't worry about it.

If you want something to worry about, worry that these guys won't catch a badguy with a backpack full of nastys.

Be honest with these guys. There is no reason not to.

Be safe and be nice
Country John

Well put. There is absolutely nothing to fear with telling the truth as to why you were visiting Mexico. If anything, it shows that you're honest and not "intimidated" by them so I think in many ways it actually sends the right message to a border guard - that you have nothing to hide. By mongering in Mexico, you haven't broken any US or Mexican laws so unless you are carrying something you shouldn't be or have outstanding arrest warrants then you will be fine. When they ask me what the purpose of my trip was, I usually reply "mainly drinking and dancing", "beer and girls" or "having sex with beatuiful women". These usually elicit a laugh from the guards and they just wave you through. I don't think they hear those answers very often, so maybe they appreciate the honesty. Don't be afraid to tell the truth - even if your border guard is a woman, she is not the morality police.

I would also hasten to add that I have seen more and more people getting hassled for just presenting a driver's license at the border. Since a DL does not denote citizenship, you can expect a few more questions. I know that the new PP law does not take effect for a while, but now might be a good time to invest in one or a new "pass card" (wallet sized federal ID card that can be used for border crossing purposes) as soon as they are available.

Blue Nose

11-12-06, 03:21
There is absolutely nothing to fear with telling the truth as to why you were visiting Mexico. While I agree with this guidance under the current state of security technology, I am concerned about how things are going to work come January 1, 2008.

One we all start crossing with "swipeable" passports, every last one of our trips will be recorded. That's a HUGE difference from the current system. Moreover, the Dept. of Homeland Security has announced they're going to create a "risk profile" for every person who crosses. While they SHOULD have better things to worry about than guys who admit to patronizing the Zona Norte, I remain concerned. Given the "Six Degrees of Separation" thinking that goes into building these databases, I can see DHS thinking that the less-glamorous parts of TJ are full of undesireables (of whatever stripe) and concluding that anybody who admits hanging out there deserves a database entry because he is possibly "linked" or "associated" with those undesireables.

I don't care if the inspectors know I'm lying. I'll never admit to chasing hookers in Tijuana when I cross.

11-12-06, 06:22
This is a query rather than a report.

I have pretty carefully read the last six pages of this thread, and am now in a quandry. These reports about Mexican police as well as US border patrol harrassment are absolutely appalling! Now, I am not so much concerned about the US side--if the US border control officials want to shake me down and strip search me for viagra or pot, so be it (they will find neither). And I don't give a flying fuck what they think when I tell them I went to Mexico to fuck *****s--there is not a damn thing they can do about it! I have entered and re-entered the US from over sixty different countries, and am quite used to US customs bullshit, and have no fear of it, since I will be breaking no American laws, and in America (believe it or not!) we still have a modicum of constitutional protection (Patriot Act notwithstanding). But this nonsense of Mexican police routinely harrassing tourists and extorting them is absolutely outrageous! But please understand, I am no greenhorn when it comes to either international travel, or to hunting pussy. I have mongered frequently in some far-flung locales, including Costa Rica, Hong Kong/Macau, Japan, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Dominican Republic, Brazil, and Thailand. But I have yet to encounter ANYTHING resembling the kind of nasty, outrageous, and totally unjustifiable state-sanctioned criminal activity described here--directed by police against tourists who have committed no crime other than to pump much needed American cash into their impovershed economy. And right on our very doorstep, no less!

Anyway, enough grandstanding. This is a serious post and I'm trying to decide what to do! I have a couple of free days/nights on an upcoming trip to San Diego right before Christmas. Before checking in with this board (as I almost always do before a trip to a new place) I was planning on spending those two nights in Tijuana. But now I am having trepidations. I want to have a fun time fucking chica *****s (GFE if possible!)--and I would like to be able to concentrate on the normal trials and tribulations of the pussy hunt rather than on avoiding this off-putting, and apparently potentially quite dangerous police harrassment. So here are my choices, the way I see them:

1. Cancel Tijuana altogether, and confine my mongering to the US (San Diego).

2. Stay in a hotel Tijuana for the two nights (as was my original plan).

3. Stay in a motel in San Isidro and cross over in the evening, and back to the US at the end of the night's activities (on foot).

I would be VERY grateful for some advice on which option to choose, in order to minimize the potential for a run-in with this out-of-control Mexican gestapo. I am traveling alone, since that is what I prefer. (As a well known author once opined, "Whoring is basically a solitary activity".)

Thanks in advance for any advice about this that you guys can provide!

11-12-06, 07:49

I have also visited many of the same places hyou mentioned and had some of the same reservations that you mentioned.

I saw plenty of cops, who appeared to be from a couple of different organizations. While I'm sure there is corruption, it don't think it is common enough to change your plans other than to exercise common sense.

Don't flash cash or valuables. Dress casual, don't advertise wealth. Keep your wits, I saw that the cops did pay much more attention to the guys who were obviously drunk.

I also stayed in areas where there were plenty of others (witnesses) around.

Have fun.

John Rain
11-12-06, 16:53
So here are my choices, the way I see them:

1. Cancel Tijuana altogether, and confine my mongering to the US (San Diego).

2. Stay in a hotel Tijuana for the two nights (as was my original plan).

3. Stay in a motel in San Isidro and cross over in the evening, and back to the US at the end of the night's activities (on foot).

Come on, you have to go!

Personally, I almost always stay the night in TJ.

Statistically, the chances of trouble are small. The most likely areas of getting stopped by Police are:

1. Walking within TJ from the border to the Zone.
This is a no-brainer, take a taxi from the border to Adelitas.

2. The taxi drop spot when crossing back at night.
Staying the night in TJ avoids this problem as well.

Other than that, you already know the basics:

A. Be aware of your surroundings.
You have no "rights" in Mexico. Know where you are going.

B. Be courteous to all.
Smiles, thank you's, and apologies can avoid or solve most problems. You know not to walk around drunk, right?

C. Dress plainly and comfortably.
Don't attract attention. Jeans and plain long-sleeve shirt recommended. Sturdy, comfortable shoes are a must for navigating the poor sidewalks and streets.

D. Carry as little as possible.
You need I.D. and only enough cash for the current task. Leave everything else in your room.

You have to visit Adelita Bar, Tropical, and Chicago Club. Needless to say, some time in the "alley" behind Adelita Bar is a must and certainly my favorite area. The alley is filled with hot girls. (It's an alley in name only, not in the American sense at all. It's a brightly lit street filled with girls and mongers.) Stop in at Hong Kong Bar to relax.

Have a great time and post a report!

11-13-06, 17:56
Mike123, Bluescott, and One Wing Low--thanks so much for your much needed advice! You have convinced me to go! The info you provided is invaluable, and I will try to stay in a TJ hotel--the one you suggested if possible, near the action. One other question in that regard--does that hotel (or any others you can recommend) have an in-room safe? Thanks again!

Country John
11-14-06, 00:22
This thread is slipping off topic as there is a topic to deal with this issue.

I think what it all boils down to is this:

We all know that when you cross the border you are in a different COUNTRY. The customs and way of life are different. Very different. From the viewpoint of the police, they feel it's ok to take advantage of an opportunity once it is presented to them.

What do you mean opportunity?

An opportunity for the cops is when you are being stupid. Being stupid means that you ran a light, you jay-walked, you were in a place that you should not have been, you look like you fit a "profile," you have un-documented drugs, are easily intimidated etc.

How can I avoid presenting the cops with an opportunity?

Simple: don't be stupid. You're going there to have sex with the girls right? OK, do you have to get falling down drunk or will a few beers do? Do you have to bring dope with you (not your wing-man, drugs)? Can you dress so you blend in instead of standing out? Are you there to make a fucking fashon statement? Do you look like you got money? Do you avoid eye contact with the cops?

Once a dirty cop spots you, your body language and your appearance will mean a great deal in his decision making. He might think you're an easy mark and he can then intimidate the dollars right out of your wallet.

If you are a tough cookie, the cops will move on to an easier mark. Being prepared with your paperwork, and not being a drunkard will be very helpful.

I could go on and on. Nobody wants me to do that especially in this thread.

Should you go to TJ? Certainly. But do your reasearch first because what you learn from this board will help you handle the cops and not be at all worried about them.

Country John

11-15-06, 01:00
I recently found out that there are a little over 5000 'servidoras sexuales" in the TJ area. They apparently have their privates checked every two weeks by the Dept. of Health and then issued a card with which they can gain access to the many different clubs in la Zona. It's in the clubs' best interest to have clean girls present as it will ensure continued patronage from the many clients that visit. I'm not sure about the SW in the areas, though I'm sure that the ones that are mostly visible throughout the night are checked.

Another interesting fact is that many of these girls are from the surrounding areas north of the border. I once partied with one gal who said she was from Barrio Logan (about 15 minutes N from San Ysidro), but that was in Rosarito.

There's your TJ trivia for the day.


P.S. I can't source where I received this info as I was told in person by family who resides in TJ.

John Rain
11-16-06, 06:13
They apparently have their privates checked every two weeks by the Dept. of Health and then issued a card with which they can gain access to the many different clubs in la Zona. It's in the clubs' best interest to have clean girls present as it will ensure continued patronage from the many clients that visit. I'm not sure about the SW in the areas, though I'm sure that the ones that are mostly visible throughout the night are checked.

Yes, the Street Girls also have the same medical checkups as the club girls. It's common for social workers to sweep the alley checking for the medical cards. Those without them are taken away and fined $40.

They used to have paper booklets with their photos and checkup dates stamped in them. Now they have plastic ID cards with a magnetic strip holding the checkup data (as I reported earlier: Putas Go Digital). You can also ask to see it, though some may be reluctant to have you see their real names.

A few years back, I went to the clinic with a girl. We took a taxi about ten minutes away from Centro to a residential area. The clinic was working out of a regular house turned doctor's office. I waited outside on the porch. About every five minutes another girl would arrive either on foot or by taxi. As I recall lthey get inspected every two weeks and get blood work done for STD testing once per month.

This summer, a Street Girl friend of mine was in a panic because she lost her "Tarjeta" (medical card) and said it would take 8 or 9 days to replace. We tore apart my hotel room but never did find it.


Country John
11-16-06, 06:23
Yes, the Street Girls also have the same medical checkups as the club girls. It's common for social workers to sweep the alley checking for the medical cards. Those without them are taken away and fined $40.

They used to have paper booklets with their photos and checkup dates stamped in them. Now they have plastic ID cards with a magnetic strip holding the checkup data (as I reported earlier: Putas Go Digital). You can also ask to see it, though some may be reluctant to have you see their real names.

A few years back, I went to the clinic with a girl. We took a taxi about ten minutes away from Centro to a residential area. The clinic was working out of a regular house turned doctor's office. I waited outside on the porch. About every five minutes another girl would arrive either on foot or by taxi. As I recall lthey get inspected every two weeks and get blood work done for STD testing once per month.

This summer, a Street Girl friend of mine was in a panic because she lost her "Tarjeta" (medical card) and said it would take 8 or 9 days to replace. We tore apart my hotel room but never did find it.


Mike....I thought I saw a SG who looked a lot like you, are you SURE you didn;t find her card??????

Thanks for the update. Magnetic stripped plastic ID's eh? Good move. I used to card the girls all the time for laughs just to see who'd show 'em. They are supposed to show them when you ask.

I remember seeing some duck into the hotels when they saw the inspectors coming down the alley; very funny stuff to see them emerge 30 seconds later in street clothes walking briskly away.

Country john

John Rain
11-17-06, 06:11
Mike....I thought I saw a SG who looked a lot like you,
Ha! Well, that would be one ugly gordita.


John Rain
11-17-06, 06:16
Are there any self-serve photo processing machines in TJ? I mean the kind that one now finds in WalMart or Target, that accept input from a variety of digital camera media and print on demand.

Anybody know?


Country John
11-17-06, 06:29
Are there any self-serve photo processing machines in TJ? I mean the kind that one now finds in WalMart or Target, that accept input from a variety of digital camera media and print on demand.

Anybody know?


Are you a Costco member? I think there's one in there. There'd be one at Walmart, on Blvd Insergentes (sic).

You can also go to the Rio Plaza. I believe there are a few photo shops here that can help you out.

Country John

11-17-06, 14:19

Cj is right, try Dorians at Plaza Rio. The photo dept. is near the middle of the store and they do take digital memory.


Travel Addict
11-17-06, 22:33
Nasty cops on every corner last night stopping and searching people.
Saw a funny scene where some guy took a pic of the cops and the cops came and arrested him, threw his camera on the ground kicked into a million pieces. Also, the SENTRI cops had 3 guys spread-eagled at the taxi drop off. SHEESH!

My current advice, don't drive over, don't walk around a lot, try to travel in a group. Don't carry ANY pills, knives, mace, weapons, powders, rolling papers, etc., to give them an excuse to hassle you. You guys can argue hey there is no law against, e.g. taking pictures, carrying a Tylenol or Viagra in your pocket, but it doesn't work that way in TJ. Especially NOW as business in TJ is dead now, and the cops have nobody to pick on except YOU. It is true that with a confident attitude you can often talk them into picking on some OTHER guy, but there is no 100% guarantee. You want to spend a week in jail before you see the judge and then what? You are gonna lecture the judge on Mexican law? Better to be 100% clean, don;t give them any excuse.

11-18-06, 02:54
I am going down to San Diego next week.

Can you still get back from TJ with just your Drivers license? If so when do the new rules take affect?

11-18-06, 05:54
You want to spend a week in jail before you see the judge and then what? You are gonna lecture the judge on Mexican law?

This is a myth that the Tijuana police perpetuate based on monger ignorance. Jueces Municipales ie municipal judges are available 24/7. The cops have to produce you forthwith. It's not like California where they have two court days ie not including weekends to arraign you. The policia tell you you'll have to wait in jail to see a judge so you'll pay a bribe.

11-18-06, 06:05
LooksLike: Yes, you can use your driver's license. They keep pushing back the date making passports mandatory. I don't think it will ever happen.

Travel Addict: I'm not saying that the cops smashing the camera was a good thing, but the TJ cops are really paranoid about now because of all of the killings, and they don't want to get 'outed' and possibly targeted. It's not unusual, right now, to see those in law enforcement wearing masks while on duty. Anyway, that's just my guess as to why they would do such a thing.

11-18-06, 17:51
Haven't been to TJ in years, but plan to go next Friday and Saturday. Are there any wingmen available? I was in CR recently and it was really great how gringos would help out each other down there.


Rabo Verde
11-19-06, 05:25
americans accused of sex crimes in tijuana

posted: 10:25 am pst november 9, 2006
updated: 4:11 pm pst november 9, 2006
san diego -- two american men, one a san diego resident, are in a mexican jail accused of crossing the border to have sex with young boys.

images: americans charged with sex crimes in tijuana

nicholas joseph simons, 31, of san diego, and robert vann smith, 39, of georgia, were arrested friday after police stopped their minivan in tijuana. investigators said they found three mexican boys in the van, ages 9, 10 and 12. they also found allegedly sex paraphenalia and dvds containing children's shows and pornography.

investigators said the men met the boys a year ago. the children were selling trinkets to tourists on the street. the men befriended the boys and returned to tijuana several times, giving them toys and candy in exchange for sex, they added.

mexican police said the men visited the boys several times at their homes. one boy's mother is being charged with neglect, authorities said.

ernie limon, a special agent with the u.s. department of justice, said authorities are seeing more cases of sex predators from the u.s. going to mexico in search of victims.

"they're exploiting these young children who are trying to make a living for their family, and then they get caught up on these sexual assaults," limon told nbc 7/39.

simons and smith face numerous charges, including [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123). they are being held at la mesa state prison outside of tijuana.

copyright 2006 by nbcsandiego.com. all rights reserved. this m

11-19-06, 17:52
If you want FS without all the BS of drinking or lap dancing or a show or looking for a SW and a room, here is one alternative. Just pick out a girl at Cheaters Sauna, walk down the hallway to a room, undress together, do the deed, and head back to San Diego.

To get there, go to the huge silver arch in TJ and proceed down Revolucion Ave. (toward the mountain…the Hotel Nelson, followed by the El Tigre Night Club will be on your right). Go 4 traffic lights to Flores Magon Street, which is just past all the noisy bars. You’ll see the Myster Club with a green awning just before the corner. Turn right and walk past the Temptation parking lot on your left. Three doors past the lot is Cheaters Sauna, which will likely have a man outside soliciting your business.

You’ll be shown up the stairs to a viewing room on the second floor. On a Saturday at about 7 PM there were about 12 skimpily-clad girls, who stood in a semi-circle, and I was asked to choose one. I should note that ALL the girls were slender and light-skinned, which is very unusual for Mexico. They ranged from 6 to about 9 in looks. The price was quoted as $40 for a massage and whatever you and the girl agreed on after that. I said (in Spanish, which I think helped my case) that I only had $60 and wanted FS for that. The senorita in charge said “Wait a minute” and disappeared into an office to consult. She came back and said OK, and I chose a short, very cute slim brunette 9, with tiny tits and a great smile.

There are probably 5-8 rooms down the hall. Ours was tiny, with barely enough room for a single bed. It was clean. The girl was from Sinaloa, but lives with her parents now in TJ. 22 years old, one 2 yr-old child, estranged from her husband. She was very low-keyed, had a quick laugh, was patient and accommodating. Sort of like a dutiful Asian girl, if you know what I mean. So it was a very positive session.

I highly recommend the place for a quickie. It was my second time there, and the results were similar. The return walk across the border to retrieve my car on the US side varied, however. On a weekday in August at about 4 PM, the line to walk back across the border was 2 hours, and it was quicker to pay $5 for a bus to cut the wait to 1 hour. On a Saturday in November at about 8:30 PM, there were a huge number of cars waiting and no line to walk back!

11-19-06, 22:14
The price was quoted as $40 for a massage and whatever you and the girl agreed on after that. I said (in Spanish, which I think helped my case) that I only had $60 and wanted FS for that. The senorita in charge said “Wait a minute” and disappeared into an office to consult. She came back and said OK, and I chose a short, very cute slim brunette 9, with tiny tits and a great smile.

Thanks for the report. You paid $60 total or 60+40=100 total?

11-20-06, 06:22
Thanks for the report. You paid $60 total or 60+40=100 total?$60 total!

Adult Fun
11-20-06, 18:00
Has anyone used this service (tijuanagirlz)? Would like your thoughts and info if you have the time.


Nero X
11-21-06, 00:40
Also had a good time at Cheaters MP. Damn, $60 is nice!

I paid $80 for the FS package, 1 hour. Cute girls :)

Member #4450
11-22-06, 03:01
[QUOTE=DukePV]I highly recommend the place for a quickie.

I'm getting confused?

Is it 1 hour FS, or a quikie for $60 or $80?

If you can specified details, like touching here or there is extra, Bj is included?

What do you get for $80? Is it more like an alley girl kind of date?

I don't care for a lame massage, I like to get to the point, that's the part I need to know. Are the chicas hot like AB, or more like alley girls?

I appreciate if you can provide more info.

Country John
11-22-06, 09:05
When assessing the validity of a post, I look at two things. The extent of the rave and the number of posts. Someone raving about a girl or an MP without getting very specific, just fucking ranting about how great it is, well that might be someone with an interest in the club or MP trying to drum up business by posting bullshit on a website forum like this one.

That is not the case with these posts. Cheaters is a reputable spot (although often hassled by the cops, probably because of their proximity to Revolution and 6th). Repeat customers can get great deals. People with manners can get great service, and enjoy the best that the lovely latina has to offer. OOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH jeez.

The reviews are great and experiences by other mongers have been consistently pleasing as only the latina can do it.

Country John

11-22-06, 10:55
Haven't been to TJ in years, but plan to go next Friday and Saturday. Are there any wingmen available? I was in CR recently and it was really great how gringos would help out each other down there.

Cheers.I'm moving my boat from Dana Point Marina to Baja Naval in Ensenada via Chula Vista Marina this weekend SF. Looking to find a monger who would help me crew my 34ft sportfisher. Do the Zona in TJ Friday/Saturday and head to Ensenada Sunday/Monday. Each hop is about 5 hrs running. PM me if you can help. All expenses paid except the pussy. Can boink 'em on the boat at Baja Naval and save hotel expenses.

Blue Nose
11-23-06, 00:35
There's a lot of confusion right now over what ID is / will be required and when. I think I can clear it up for most traveller's with this post.

The DHS just published today the new requirements in the CFR (Code of Federal Register) what the new rules would be for travelling by AIR. As of January 23, 2006 (because the rule takes effect 60 days after publication in the CFR) passports will be required by all travellers BY AIR to the US, including US citizens. Remember that this is for air travel only. The rule applies to travel to the US from all countries, including Mexico and Canada.

As of today, the DHS plans on implementing the passport requirement for LAND crossings on January 1, 2008. Although congress passed a law giving DHS more time to implement this arrangement, the DHS head said they are working towards this date for implementation. One reason I can see for pushing this date back is that there is supposed to be some "pass card" the government will make available for travel within the Americas. It is like a passport only cheaper and only for travel within the western hemisphere. As of today, the government has not started to design these cards, which may make the 1/1/08 deadline unrealistic.

I think the LAND requirement will be much harder to implement and will really bog things down at the border, so I would not be suprised to see the date slip. However, as of today, that is the plan so all of us Socal TJ mongers have about a year to get ready for the land crossing changes in ID requirements. I do believe the government is serious about this one, despite the adverse effect it will have on trade and tourism. They have had every opportunity to back down but have decided to push ahead with it. My advice, for what it is worth, is to get your passport ready...

Blue Nose

11-23-06, 02:05
I highly recommend the place for a quickie.I'm getting confused?
Is it 1 hour FS, or a quikie for $60 or $80?
If you can specified details, like touching here or there is extra, Bj is included?
What do you get for $80? Is it more like an alley girl kind of date?
I don't care for a lame massage, I like to get to the point, that's the part I need to know. Are the chicas hot like AB, or more like alley girls?
I appreciate if you can provide more info.The señora asked for $40 up front and "whatever you and the girl decide on". I said I wanted to pay her $60 total up front for FS, and she agreed. No time limit was mentioned...I probably spent 20 minutes. Babel13 says he got 1 hour for $80 FS. So there's no standard: it depends on your negotiation. I touched her everywhere, she touched me everywhere. She did partial CBJ before we did FS. She was not an alley girl type: pleasant service and friendly conversation (a bit of Spanish really helped). I didn't ask for or get any massage. I'm not familiar with AB, but the Cheaters girls were attractive, 6s to 9s.

Rider Jay
11-25-06, 05:12
i made a classic mistake before my 2 tj trips last week. since i’ve been about 15 times in the last few years i thought i knew the whole scene so i didn’t take the time to rtff before these visits. had i done so i would have known about the extra heat that’s being applied by the police and that the bars now close at 3am.

i was out on business last week in la so i flew into san diego after work on friday. i stayed on the border and spent my time in tj until sunday afternoon and then drove to my la business that lasts monday through friday. i then drove back to san diego friday night and stayed again until i had to return home on a sunday afternoon flight. by traveling half way around the country and with nothing being non-stop these days, i didn’t get across the border until about 1am that 1st weekend. after crossing i took a cab and had him drop me off at the arch, my standard spot to start my stroll. i was immediately stop and searched by the police. they asked me the standard do you have any weapons or drugs question. when they got to my money clip, which only has my id, my room key, and about $300 in small bills, they looked through it and handed it back to me. they never asked me for any type of bribe, obviously didn’t find anything illegal, and then let me go. after that i took a few laps around the track until i found a sg that appealed to me. we settled for $30 suky, fuky, sin ropa, with 2 positions and off we went. i like to start that off with a sg then move on to ab’s for a look. as you would expect it was crowded so i decided to walk over to chicago for my first of what i hoped was a few beers. i was going to relax and recharge with a couple and then pick someone for upstairs. after about 5 minutes and ¼ of my beer i heard them announce that everyone had to be out in 5 minutes. i thought i was hearing things. i asked the bartender if it was a fire drill or something stupid and he then told me of the new law. he also said that he heard they might even start closing at 2am sometime in the near future. last call in tj, wtf is that all about. damn, is las vegas and bourbon street next? the reason i like crossing the border is to get away from the restrictions of personal freedoms that are forced upon us in the states. don’t get me wrong i believe we live in the greatest country in the world but i only wish we weren’t so uptight about closing times and sex. (we can throw away the helmet laws while were at it also.) i’m sure i’m not alone in thinking this will really hurt a lot of the businesses in the area. it certainly stopped me from a couple hours of spending both on me and the girls. i walked around for awhile, ate a few tacos, had fun for $30 with another sg, and headed back across to the travel lodge. this new law has also created another problem. normally at 4:30 am, my favorite time to cross, you can march strait across without any lines. this time it took about 30 minutes.

on saturday i got over around noon. i typically walk to the downtown area during the day and always take cabs at night. after a nice experience with monica, a real beauty that stands in front of the hotel colon mostly during the day on weekends, i went to the to the new caliente on revolution to watch the ohio state michigan game. not a bad play to watch a game. it felt like being in a las vegas sports book. after i recharged in the book i went and picked another girl. this one was a little disappointing. although we were very clear on what i wanted and the price she still tried to up sell me once in the room. when she couldn’t get that on her attitude change and it showed in her service. since 90% of the girls i choice are ones i haven’t been with before because i love the variety, as you’d expect i run into a dog once in a while. i just file them in my memory bank and avoid them in the future.

i had dinner that night a la perlas. if you are leaving chicago’s heading towards abs, it’s at the end of the block and i always have a great meal there. after drinking and bouncing around for a while i finished up with one of the chicago girls. although a little more expensive, i couldn't get her down from $60, she was very pretty and a lot of fun. i made sure i hit the border just before the 3am rush.

all things considered i had a fun 1st weekend. the next one had a few more speed bumps along the way and i’ll break it down in my next, not so long winded post.

editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Member #4450
11-25-06, 21:14
The señora asked for $40 up front and "whatever you and the girl decide on". I said I wanted to pay her $60 total up front for FS, and she agreed. No time limit was mentioned...I probably spent 20 minutes. Babel13 says he got 1 hour for $80 FS. So there's no standard: it depends on your negotiation. I touched her everywhere, she touched me everywhere. She did partial CBJ before we did FS. She was not an alley girl type: pleasant service and friendly conversation (a bit of Spanish really helped). I didn't ask for or get any massage. I'm not familiar with AB, but the Cheaters girls were attractive, 6s to 9s.Thank you!

Much better in details.

If the girls are hot like Luxor MP is worth trying I guess?

Except Luxor is expensive, at 40 an hour and 100 for the girl!

Ath Trainer
11-25-06, 21:28
Last time I was in TJ I was returning to the border. I got out of the cab, and was stopped by two Mexican cops standing near the stairs. One male, one female; They asked me to stop and show ID. I showed them my license an asked what the problem was. They looked at my ID, frisked my pockets from the outside, looked at each other, and let me go. I was firm, but polite. This was the only time I had an incident w/Mexico's finest in about 20 visits. I always go by myself, don't get drunk, stay in the zona, and take taxi to and from.

Plain White Guy
11-26-06, 01:03
Looking for someone to show me the ropes in TJ tonight or tomorrow. Don't really want to go all night, just an hour or two and a few pops. Any volunteers?

11-27-06, 17:58
Odo will be in the zone. Its always nice to meet and hang with others. I am asian 40s, with many safe trip experiences in the zone. Leave messages for odo at Hotel Del Coronado Wed or Thurs.

11-28-06, 10:13
I was firm, but polite.This says it all. Good job!



Rider Jay
11-29-06, 00:42
The second leg of my west coast trip kicked off when I finished my business in LA last Friday about 6pm. After fighting the traffic down and checking into the Travel Lodge at the border in San Ysidro, I hit the Zona about 9:30pm. Not long after I started walking around and as soon as I crossed Av. Constitution onto Articulo I was approached by the police. I was questioned, searched, and let go. I wasn’t asked for a bribe but it’s still an unpleasant experience. I then headed towards the Alley and for $30 for everything, went with my first girl of the weekend. After a couple of beers and recharging a while, I started to walk around in search of # 2. As soon as I hit close to the same area I was approached again. This time I just said, you got to be kidding me, I was searched an hour ago. Who do I look like, Al Capone? The policeman, who I knew spoke English, just smiled and let me go without the search and questions.

This made 4 times in my last 3 weekends in TJ that I’ve been approached by the police. Not once in any occurrence was I asked for a bribe or really abused in any way but is that coming? Something must be up. I’m almost expecting them to plant something on me or make up some bullshit reason to make an arrest. In the 15 or so trips over the last few years before the last 4 I was never so much as looked at. I was always the guy that preached if your respectful, mind you own business, don’t get real drunk, and don’t act like a rowdy asshole, you’d never get bothered. That surely is the case anymore. I’ve always had a lot of fun when I go to TJ and a few times have even been accused of being a bit of a cheerleader for the place but they’re slowly changing my mind. The new attitudes of the police along with the new closing times are starting to make the place lose a little of its appeal.

I ended the night going from Chicago’s to AB’s. I did a few shots, drank a few beers, and finished the night with a pretty AB’s girl that went from $60 to $50. After that I took a cab back to the border all the while looking over my shoulder until I passed customs.

On a completely different subject, when Jackson 1st started offering memberships I read in its own thread, a bunch of comments about not trusting Pay Pal and asking for a way to send a money order or cash. I was also leary of paying by credit card but I've seen where cash is now possible. I am already a Sr. member and already have the ability to PM and look at photos so the membership really doesn’t add anything that I need. I sent $25 in cash yesterday anyway. With all the great information that I pick up at this site I am happy to pay something towards its maintenance. I hope a lot of others follow suit.

Be safe, Rider Jay

Rabo Verde
11-29-06, 00:49
I was hanging out with some of our favorite Adelitas girls on their day off and they told me that the Zona and Adelitas are in the new movie BABEL with Brad Pitt. I thought yeah sure. So I took 3 of them to the nice VIP theaters at the Plaza Rio.

The Plaza Rio is a really nice shopping center a $5 cab ride from the zona OR from the border, completely safe and modern, with 200+ stores and restaurants, a food court, and with TWO big movie theaters, Cineopolis and Cineopolis VIP. The VIP theater has huge reclining leather seats, unlike anything I have seen in the USA. Between the two theaters there are at least 10 movies playing at any time, mostly in English with Spanish subtitles. Just tell the taxi PLAZA RIO. You can even look up the movie times at


If you get tired of the beggars cops and trash of the Zona, grab a girl and head over to the Plaza Rio some time, for dinner and a movie, you will find that not all of TJ is a shithole!

OK so we get there, buy our popcorn and find some secluded seats so the girls can play with my dick through the movie. And sure enough, halfway through the movie, some of the characters (but not Brad Pitt) cross the border, drive down Callejon Coahuila (the ALLEY) and head for a wedding in Tecate (apparently they cut the scene when they went past Adelitas and the Chicago Club).

Me and the chicas almost fell out of our seats laughing as they pointed out girls they knew on the screen ("Hey there's Maria, that fatass puta!!!!") Afterwards we went dancing and had an after-movie party. The girls were putting on a show on the dance floor of this straight disco.

It was funny dancing in the club with these 3 superhot chicks and all the other gringos were drooling and wondering how I got so "lucky" ROFL, apparently these Gringos don't know about the ZONA, and they thought they were gonna find wild mexican chicks in a DISCO. Anyway, thats my story for today, over and out.

Country John
11-29-06, 06:49
I know it's popular to think that every cop in TJ is corrupt but the reality is that it is simply not true.

When you encounter one who wants to put the arm on you, a good approach is to look disappointed, not intimidated. In my last encounter (or second to last) I told the cop that I knew someday I would have to pay a cop to make him go away and that so many were straight up guys etc. Made him feel like shit. Maybe I was lucky.

The cops are looking for gringos or anyone else buying or possessing illegal drugs in Mexico, where it is against the law. They are also loking for gringos (especially) who stray into the most dangerous parts of TJ that happen to be close to the Zona.

Some have a tough time with that notion. But it is simply a fact.

It is also a fact that lots of guys go to TJ looking for drugs, not just prostitutes. So the cops have a job to do. When you meet one that isn't out to get into your wallet, show some respect because many are.

Country John

11-30-06, 07:47
Look fellas I have been comming to T.J. for a long time, yea there are a lot of cops fedrales or whatever you want to call them. The fact is they have been traveling in the streets as long as I can remember, and I have been comming here since the early Sixties when I was a punk kid.

To say that there are few bad apples, probably but you will find that anywhere go.

Go out and enjoy yourself, just do not be the drunk or idiot who calls a cop an asshole and he understands what you said, you will not like the holes in there that they call a jail, you also will not like the hole they have in the ground that they call a toilet, in other words you just will not like this shithole of a jail.

Mongering, pussy hunting, G.F. hunting chica hunting can all be done, without being hassled if you know how to behave and not be intimidated.

Listen to some of the veterans that post more than I do because most of them know what is up, and know how to take the proper precautions good hunting to you all.

12-01-06, 22:49
Can anyone provide input on how the quality of women looks at this time of year. I know that alot of the hot ones start heading home for the holidays. Has anyone seen a drop in quality? When do they usually start traveling home? My question pertains to AB as well.

I plan on visiting tomorrow from the LA metro area to bet on the games at Caliente and end up at the Zona.

Hows Chicago looking nowadays? I was there 2 months ago and there were alot of hot women.

Rider Jay
12-03-06, 03:38
[QUOTE=Country John]I know it's popular to think that every cop in TJ is corrupt but the reality is that it is simply not true.

I don't think they're all corrupt and I'm always respectful. Like I said I've never been asked for a thing after they find that I'm clean. It's just that after years of never being so much as looked at, now I've been approched 4 times in the last three trips. It's a little unnerving. I am always polite, never drunk and loud, always dressed nice but not flashy and, since I'm middle age and clean cut, I don't think I fit the druggy profile. I never realized however that so many grigos went over looking for drugs since they are so easily obtained right in streets at home.

I haven't complete lost intrest in TJ just noticed a change. I still have a great time when I'm there and hopefully by the next trip a little of the heat is off and the bars go back to their normal times.

Be Safe, Rider Jay

12-03-06, 17:19

as i previously posted, the government plans to create a profile for every single person who crosses the border. once rfid passports or border crossing cards are mandatory, this database will at a minimum record the date and time you cross. note well that inspectors at the border can add "notes" to your profile in the database.

granted, they are supposed to be looking for terrorists. but it worries me when the government knows that i've entered the u.s. at the san ysidro pedestrian inspection building 25 times in the past year, every time between 1:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. that data alone is enough for somebody to draw an adverse inference about the purpose of my trips to tj.

and what's to keep some humorless inspector from adding an unflattering note? as we know, they can easily spot a hobbyist and the zona norte is a rough place that's a magnet for some less than reputable characters. i can easily foresee them creating a database code indicating that while in mexico you "associated" with bad people, or "frequented a high crime area," or some such nonsense.

or how about the already-extant efforts to crack down on [CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908) and **** prostitution? suppose the authorities discover an **** chica in the zona, or a girl who claims to be there against her will. i can foresee the americans concluding the zona is "linked to" or "associated with" trafficking and/or child prostitution and that anybody who is suspected of hanging out there deserves a database entry.


aclu urges u.s. to stop
collection of traveler data

by ellen nakashima
washington post staff writer
saturday, december 2, 2006; a05

privacy advocates yesterday called on the federal government to scrap a department of homeland security data-mining program designed to create terrorism risk assessments for every traveler who enters or leaves the united states.

the automated targeting system began as a means of screening cargo but was quietly expanded in recent years to screen and create risk profiles that will be retained for 40 years, the washington post reported last month after a notice describing the system appeared in the federal register.

the government has been scrutinizing air passengers for risks for 10 years, and assessments of some land border crossers have been conducted for about two years, a customs and border protection official said in an interview thursday.

the risk profiles, which single out travelers for extra attention from customs officials, were disclosed publicly for the first time in the nov. 2 notice, raising concerns among privacy advocates.

in formal comments filed friday with the department of homeland security, of which the customs agency is a part, the aclu urged the government to abandon the program.

"how come we never heard about it before?" said barry steinhardt, director of the aclu's technology and liberty project. "the fact that they've been doing it for 10 years, under what authority?"

david sobel, senior counsel for the electronic frontier foundation, said he believes the program's existence without notice violates the 1974 privacy act. he, too, opposes the program.

"i don't see the logic of collecting massive amounts of information on millions of innocent citizens in the name of locating a small number of suspected terrorists," he said. "casting that large a net raises issues both with respect to the security benefits as well as the privacy impact of the system."

customs officials expressed exasperation with the call to abandon the program.

"how do they expect us to determine who's safe and who's at risk?" asked patrick jones, an agency spokesman. "we have over one million people coming into the country every day, and our job is to protect the american public from people who might want to harm the american public."

a separate proposal to conduct risk assessments on air passengers, called capps ii, raised so much controversy in 2004 that it was derailed, and a successor program has stalled.

jayson p. ahern, a customs and border protection assistant commissioner, said the agency intends to eventually enter data for all border crossers in the ats database. the data include name, date of birth, flight itineraries and credit card information. it also can include a customs inspector's interview notes on a traveler.

ahern said travelers are screened for risk based on "assumptions" that he would not disclose. those deemed potentially risky would be flagged for follow-up, he said. the system does not assign a numeric score or color code, he said.

"when you look at all the [risk] factors, it just kicks it out that this person is a target for follow-up," ahern said. in other words, he said, "somebody's targeted or not."

government officials asserted that creating a vast database over time on travelers -- including those who are law-abiding -- will help analysts build models of normal and suspicious behavior. ahern said 309 million land and sea border crossings and 87 million air border crossings are made each year. more than 95 percent are for lawful reasons, he said.

staff writer spencer s. hsu and staff researcher madonna lebling contributed to this

12-03-06, 18:29
I was in TJ on Friday night and they've changed the curfew to 7am.

12-03-06, 23:54
I never realized however that so many grigos went over looking for drugs since they are so easily obtained right in streets at home.

Sorry but just because Country John says so doesn't mean it's true. He hasn't provided any evidence to support his claim. Of course he will now post that he has been told by TJ officers that many gringos go to buy drugs but I'm talking about objective evidence.

I would argue that TJ police search gringos for drugs not because they are likely to be holding but because the few who do are more willing and able to pay a bigger bribe to be let go than their mexican counterparts.

As you pointed out drugs are readily available here in the U.S. With proposition 36 and PC 1000 the consequences of being caught here with a small quantity of drugs are relatively minor ie you have to go to classes and remain clean for a certain period of time and then charges are dismissed.

Country John
12-05-06, 04:06
Sorry but just because Country John says so doesn't mean it's true. He hasn't provided any evidence to support his claim. Of course he will now post that he has been told by TJ officers that many gringos go to buy drugs but I'm talking about objective evidence.

I would argue that TJ police search gringos for drugs not because they are likely to be holding but because the few who do are more willing and able to pay a bigger bribe to be let go than their mexican counterparts.

As you pointed out drugs are readily available here in the U.S. With proposition 36 and PC 1000 the consequences of being caught here with a small quantity of drugs are relatively minor ie you have to go to classes and remain clean for a certain period of time and then charges are dismissed.

Do me a favor Reinaldo: do a search on the work VIAGRA and tell me how many hits you get. Search "prescription drugs" and post your findings. Read the newspapers about bus-loads of seniors going South of the border to purchase drugs.

Better yet, stand in front of any farmacia on Revolution for an hour or so. Report back how many Gringos/Gringas are there loading up.

I don't post bullshit. If I do I'll call it out.

Drugs are drugs. Gringos go there to buy drugs without a prescription etc etc.

Country John

12-05-06, 04:33
Truthfully CJ I did not think you were referring to Viagra etc. As my post implies I thought you meant weed crystal etc.

Member #4450
12-05-06, 04:53
Do me a favor Reinaldo: do a search
Better yet, stand in front of any farmacia on Revolution for an hour or so. Report back how many Gringos/Gringas are there loading up.


Country John

I'm not Reinaldo but I can tell you "yes" a lot of Gringos/Gringas I have seen
hitting the Farmacia, and they're not after aspirin if you ask me!

12-05-06, 09:04
Look guys, if you read some of my post the stuff your talking about has been going on for years, the drugs from the phamacies or the illegal as hell kind,this stuff has been happening for years and years, and probably be going on for more years the board I thought was for basically chica info.

No offense to anybody, I like the monger style, good times.

Happy hunting

Country John
12-05-06, 20:26
Truthfully CJ I did not think you were referring to Viagra etc. As my post implies I thought you meant weed crystal etc.

I re-read my post and I understand what you mean. Perhaps I should have included that prescription type drugs purchased in Mexico without a prescription from a Mexican doctor are considered "illegal drugs."

But when you think about it, prescription drugs purchased in the USA without a prescription from a USA doctor are also considered illegal drugs.

So illegal drugs are drugs that you have in your possession that you have no legal right to possess. That includes prescription drugs (without a prescription) or illicit drugs like weed, CM etc.

So we're both right.

Country John

Blue Nose
12-06-06, 05:28
I re-read my post and I understand what you mean. Perhaps I should have included that prescription type drugs purchased in Mexico without a prescription from a Mexican doctor are considered "illegal drugs."

But when you think about it, prescription drugs purchased in the USA without a prescription from a USA doctor are also considered illegal drugs.

So illegal drugs are drugs that you have in your possession that you have no legal right to possess. That includes prescription drugs (without a prescription) or illicit drugs like weed, CM etc.

So we're both right.

Country John

I think you are both correct. As for gringos buying illegal stuff from Farmacias without a prescription, that stuff goes on all the time, and the writer of this post is one of the worst offenders! As for the illegal drugs, if you guys travel further south in Baja California, you will notice many checkpoints maintained by the Mexican military. These guys stop and interview drivers of all nationalities and colors for illegal drugs and weapons. I have had my vehicle searched very thoroughly by them (look for hollow compartments in the dash, check the tires, use mirrors to look under the vehicle, under the hood etc.) There is lots of drug activity in Mexico and there are Americans involved in it. Not a week goes by without hearing of a big bust at the border, and it often involves a US citizen hired as a "mule" to bring stuff back into the US.

I agree that TJ cops are not out for the "big game" bust - nobody is going to be walking around with a 100 pound bag of weed in la zona norte - but nobody can deny there are a lot of street drugs in the zone and they are used and abused by Americans and Mexicans alike. Cops know this and stop and search a lot of people. When they stop a gringo though, they are looking more for la mordida than anything else. Once when I was stopped, the cop seemed visibly disappointed that I wasn't carrying anything (except for the Cialis tablet that was safely dissolving in my stomach as he searched me!)

Blue Nose

Rabo Verde
12-07-06, 06:39
13 tj cops killed this year

i was reading a tj newpaper at sanborns last night and it had a story about the rise in violence. 13 tj municipal cops have been assassinated so far this year. some of the girls were mentioning that a famously mean and corrupt cop from the zona, named santiago, had recently been shot dead.

you also have to remember, if you are on foot, and you observe a few simple rules, you have about a 98% chance of not being hassled by the cops on any given trip. then if you are stopped on foot, 98% of the cops who might search you are going to let you go anyway, if you have no car, no pills or powders of any kind, no weapons of any kind (including pocketknife), don't [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134) in public or get in a fight, and are not visibly intoxicated or scared.

i stopped driving over because recently i would estimate that your chances of being stopped, if you drive into and out of the zona at night, in a car with usa plates, you have about a 50% chance of being stopped by a squad car or roadblock. it is hard to call their bluff if they want you to leave your car on the treet in tj (never to be seen again) or towed away (big payment to the towing company).

if you must carry something strap it under your balls, lol. mexican cops are extremely afraid of being thought or called gay, and 99% of the time, they will empty your pockets, give you a cursory patdown, look very thoroughly in any bags you are carrying, and will look in your shoes and your socks, but they do not want to be seen patting you on the crotch.

once when a cop was starting to pat down my crotch and inner thighs, i started moaning and said "oooooo papi" like i liked it , and i laughed. the guy turned bright red and his cop buddies started harassing him, and they forgot all about me!

has anyone here actually been to the jail or "gone to see the judge?"

in 30 years of tj i have never heard any credible stories of tj cops planting anything on a gringo who was otherwise minding his own business. it would seem to be a legitimate fear, if they are willing to shake you down for having a viagra or a tylenol or a 3 inch knife in your pocket, why not just put some coke on you and blackmail you? but this is very rare or nonexistant in tj, i get the impression that if you give them an excuse by being drunk and belligerant, or get caught with something, especially hard drugs, they might up the charges or plant evidence, but apparently not too many are interested in framing a completely innocent guy. i am sure it has happened, but it does not seem to be a serious concern.

12-08-06, 04:08
Pretty scary numbers, but i am ok with it all, I like you have survived our fair share of mishaps here in TJ.

But must admit 16 years ago got stopped with some fellas that worked for me and went into tj for dinner, the fellas that went with me are from mexico, and have legal papers to be in the U.S.

Comming back the guy that was driving, was told to make a right into a darkasss street, and was told that he ran a stop sign, and since he smelled of beer, he would have to go to jail. Well the guy in the camper shell in broken english says whats going on here. He was also put in the squad car, I told the officer that I was their boss and we just had dinner, He in turn told me to follow him to make arrangements at the station, and i did so and when we got there I was told that I was under arrest and the mordida was $350 american.

They searched us and went through our pockets wallets and even tried to read the little slips of papers in my wallet dumb fucks.

After they found $37 between the 3 of us and asked me If I could get more so that my fellow workers could get out, I got pissed asked to see my friend at the american council and He would loan me the money. Well of course they let us go with our $37, plus the money under my balls.

Guys at that time i did not know anybody or where any council is, just made it up.

Good luck and Good hunting

12-08-06, 08:00
Ok, I have been stopped many times in my car for various reasons in TJ. A couple of times by the swat guys checking to see if I was a drug dealer and when I had nothing, they let me go with no problems, no fines, nada. A couple of times, I was stopped for the tint on my car and they wanted 100 to 200 bucks or impound my car. Supposedly it was too dark. I demanded to see their Seargent and so they took me to the station about 4 blocks west and 2 blocks north near the Rapido. At the station, I told the Sarg that it was not illegal where I was from, but that I would drive with my windows down and he let me off with no fine. I gave the officers who pulled me over 10 bucks each outside, just to make sure they didn't stop me later. and had no problem after that. In my opinion, sometimes it is worth going to see their superiors if it is bogus, and sometimes, if it is 20 or 30 bucks, it is worth it to just hand it to them on the road. HEY, IT'S MEXICO!!!!!!! Para mi, no es una problema, porque me gusta cojer con sus putas finas jovenes!!!! ya! jejejejeje

12-08-06, 23:11
I was in TJ on Friday night and they've changed the curfew to 7am.

Really now.. What kind of curfew is 7am. Lets see. The cops come to your bar at 7am and say, sorry, the sun it up, close it down until after breakfast.

Its more likely that the curfew was removed, and the bars close when the business slows at 7am.

Member #4450
12-09-06, 00:11
Its more likely that the curfew was removed, and the bars close when the business slows at 7am.

7 am?????????
Are they serving breakfast at 7am? I can't find any other good reason to be at a bar this early, or maybe I just passed out drunk on the floor.LOL,LOL

12-10-06, 01:19
That would only tell me that you were in the bar, and had to close up for a few hours as they used to do, or you were to damm drunk and asked you to leave more power to you.

I think that I have had my fair share of early morning adventures, about 4 yrs. ago I left El unicorno at 4:00 a.m. I was bombed and still wanted more took 2 chicas from there with no bar fine because they were closing.

Went 2 blocks to a place called chavelas, this one is 2 blocks west of rev. blvd. Anyhow went there and danced drank and be merry grag, grab, grab, seems to me a lot of the other dancers from peanuts and beer and madonnas were there also. Went back to my hotel, Hotel Zaragoza, behind the Jai ali complex and rocked and slept and so and so on.

Nice to see you posting belldude2, still lovemuff and it taste great to.

Happy Hunting and good luck

12-11-06, 18:53
Visited around 8:30 pm 12/9. Stayed for a beer looked around 1 butch chick complete with blue jeans and plaid flannel shirt and 1 local gal in t shirt and jeans. stayed for 20 minutes while it rained.

Observation nice bar needs girls, beer was good and ok price 2.00, chica tending bar was nice looking. Will return to re evaluate.

12-11-06, 19:05
Arrived around 9pm, they were having a 2 for 1 beer special so I settled in for a while. I watched the show, there were three girls working when I arrived. I watched each dance and the spoke with a waiter to find out their routine. He told me that you could go upstairs for a vip dance for 85 an hour, I asked him about taking the girl to a hotel and he told me that everything was available in the vip area.

So I made my choice, nice looking 21 y/o with large breasts. Upstairs we went accompanied by the waiter and a bucket of beers. After the waiter left the girl took her bikini top off and gave me a lap dance. But she kept turning away watching the other dancers then kept calling the waiter back for bottle opener and additional drinks (I did not have to pay for them). Finally I asked her about sex and she told me 100 more for her. I declined and finished the hour rubbing and squeezing those tits.

Not happy with her performance, nice club, good looking girls hopefully performance is better with the other girls.

Good hunting and lets keep the prices down.

12-12-06, 20:39
Saturday night, I walked in around 8:30, about 5 or 6 good looking women working and a strip show to boot. I have been here several times but they never really had any decent talent. I was walking by and wanted to get out of the rain for a few minutes.

This place has cleaned up alot, and definitely attracted some better looking talent, but is still a locals bar.

12-12-06, 20:44
I have had really good luck on my trips when I walk across and get a Taxi Libre. They will take you from the border to Adelitas for $4.00 and I usually give them a tip. Return is the same. I have in the past taken the yellow cabs but they vary in charges from $5 to $8 without tip. Also they seem to be readily available.

Rabo Verde
12-14-06, 22:54
Police caught in cross hairs of Tijuana violence

Cartels are blamed in 12 officers' deaths

By Anna Cearley

December 4, 2006

TIJUANA – Flower vendor Baltazar Brito was conversing with two nuns near a park just south of the city's tourist strip when a pair of trucks trapped two police cars.

He had a bad feeling, so he grabbed the nuns and pulled them to the ground behind his wooden stand. Seconds later, men with assault-style weapons started shooting at the police.

PEGGY PEATTIE / Union-Tribune
At Tijuana's Mi Chante restaurant, a waitress and a U.S. citizen were gunned down when police were fired upon in September.
The gunmen were so close that their spent bullet casings bounced off Brito's stand as the nuns prayed fervently.

The Nov. 9 shooting spared the trio, but an officer who tried to help his colleagues was wounded and died a day later. A fourth officer escaped the shooters, but was abducted and killed the next day.

Despite his close call, the 52-year-old Brito said he wasn't too worried.

“The problems aren't with me,” he said a week after the attack. “It's between them.”

Since September, Tijuana has seen a spate of abductions, gunbattles and dumped corpses.

Even so, the city would have to record more than 65 killings in December to top last year's toll of 396 homicides. Through November, the dead numbered about 328, according to the Baja California Attorney General's Office.

PEGGY PEATTIE / Union-Tribune
Assailants slightly wounded a woman and a taxi driver in an attack near Baltazar Brito's flower stand at a busy corner in Tijuana.
What makes the recent carnage stand out – creating a perception that lawlessness is rising – is who is being targeted, how they are being killed, and the threat to ordinary residents caught up in the violence.

Twelve law enforcement officers have been killed since September, prompting speculation that some of these homicides are the result of drug gangs competing over police loyalties. City officials attribute the deaths to vengeful neighborhood drug traffickers responding to crime-fighting efforts.

Two officers were ambushed and killed Tuesday. A secretary who was with them also died.

In September, at Mi Chante restaurant, a waitress and a U.S. citizen were gunned down when assailants opened fire on police. During the attack near Brito's stand, a woman and a taxi driver were slightly wounded.

Observers note that the most recent violence began after U.S. authorities arrested Francisco Arellano Félix in August. His family's cartel has dominated drug trafficking in the region for more than a decade.

Several top Arellano Félix leaders have been arrested since 2000, and it's not unusual to see violence increase immediately afterward, but this latest rash of killings has been particularly notable.

“There's a war going on,” said Victor Clark, director of the Tijuana-based Binational Center for Human Rights.

September's homicide toll came to 44, the highest monthly total this year. It's impossible to say how many of the killings are directly linked to drug trafficking.

Authorities estimate that 20 percent to 30 percent of the killings are the work of organized crime. One victim, a former state investigator, was found with his severed index finger dangling from a crude wire necklace. A note labeled him a “dedo,” or “finger,” slang for a snitch.

Acknowledging the instability, Baja California's state congress voted last month to request that a military general take charge of the array of law enforcement agencies in the region. The idea hasn't been embraced by state law enforcement authorities.

Meanwhile, a state advisory committee on public security tapped into public concern by leading an unprecedented 16-day march against violence in October and November.

Drug-trafficking experts note that in the world of organized crime, a certain amount of violence is inevitable, and that has kept the city's monthly homicide rate ranging from 20 to 57 in recent years.

The most notable wave of violence was in the mid-1990s when the Arellanos were consolidating their power, linking up with some police groups and creating a culture of silence by gunning down reform-minded officers.

The violence spiked again in late 1999 and early 2000. That's when a rival cartel, believed to be headed by Ismael Zambada García, attempted to supplant the Arellanos by recruiting city police officers to its side and going on a killing spree until some members of Zambada's group were arrested.

At that time, the official explanation for why the city's police chief, Alfredo de la Torre Márquez, was gunned down was that he had refused a bribe from Zambada's group. De la Torre's possible connection to the Arellanos was never acknowledged by Mexican authorities, although U.S. officials privately told the Union-Tribune that was the case.

Clark said his sources tell him some of the current problems stem from shifts among the approximately 20 Arellano cells in Tijuana. They are operating more independently, he said.

In the past, according to Clark, the cartel was more vertically structured. Arrangements with police recruited to aid the cartel were done through a designated Arellano liaison. Now there is confusion about who to deal with.

Complicating matters, Zambada's group and other rival cartels are said to be offering money to police, further splintering loyalties within police agencies.

The situation has had an effect on local drug traffickers.

A person involved in moving drugs into the United States, who asked not to be named because of the potential repercussions, said it's common to get a visit – and demand for payment – from an Arellano representative for being allowed to operate in Tijuana. The gang has an extensive spy network.

Arellano confederates typically don't identify themselves, but it's generally assumed who they are. Now, the trafficker said, there's uncertainty. “You don't know if you are doing business with someone who is an enemy” of the Arellanos, he said.

Though insiders say the Arellanos are still the dominant group in Tijuana, an eventual shift in the power base isn't unimaginable. In 2004, Mexican federal authorities announced that a longtime suspected Arellano gang member, Gilberto Higuera Guerrero, now in custody, had apparently switched sides to work with Zambada's drug group in Mexicali.

Meanwhile, the power of drug groups has created a parallel universe in which citizens, inured to the impact of shootouts and dumped bodies, have formed a curious set of references.

When Tijuana's mayor, Jorge Hank Rhon, was asked by a Mexican television reporter about the crime problem shortly after the attack near Brito's stand, Hank replied: “We have had four or five days of peace.”

People want things to change, Brito said, but they are scared, and that fear hampers authorities in their quest to go after criminals.

“The federal attorney general said that if he had a magic wand then things would change,” Brito said. “And then they ask the community to help by saying 'here's a phone number, and if you see anything bad, you call and we will go' . . . even though it's a known fact that if someone calls, there will be repercussions.”

Country John
12-20-06, 09:09
Maybe you'd prefer "Happy Holidays," or something else but for me it's Christmas time. A big tree, gifts, fellowship, sex and all that good stuff.

I get moist around this time of the year when I reflect on how many good brothers are not with us any more. I've had several close people pass away this year and I'm a long way from home.

I always ask people to take a moment and realize how fortunate they are to be here still, so do that OK?

Rumor has it that the Zona will be active over the holidays, with girls working up to Christmas eve. It would not surprise me to see a few girls working Christmas day. I might do a drive-by and check things out.

Be careful out there. Watch out for drunk drivers, live through the season. I'll be headed back to TJ for the holidays and I get a much better sense of the season in Mexico than I do State-side. Good for the soul.

Merry Christmas Jackson. Thanks for all you do. And to all you mongers out there, be safe and be nice.

Country John

12-20-06, 18:57
Either it is rare or rarely reported--

How many of you can report a threesome with two chicas?

I plan to visit TJ mid-January '07 and two chicas in one session would do me well.

Please share your threesome experience.


Zona Monger
12-21-06, 06:29
How is the fun on New Years? It's been reported on other TJ boards that the Zona is dead on New Years. This could be mis-direction by other mongers to keep all the fun to themselves :). What's the truth boys?

12-21-06, 08:46
Either it is rare or rarely reported--

How many of you can report a threesome with two chicas?

I plan to visit TJ mid-January '07 and two chicas in one session would do me well.

Please share your threesome experience.

StunkI've done it a couple of times with chicas from AB. The price was 100 for both, (The room was double?)but unfortunately they didn't play with each other. I was too happy to go up with two that I didn't discuss details. Good luck to you and if you spend enough time I'm sure you'll find some willing to go for that price.

12-22-06, 00:28
How is the fun on New Years? It's been reported on other TJ boards that the Zona is dead on New Years. This could be mis-direction by other mongers to keep all the fun to themselves :). What's the truth boys?

It's no lie. It's normally dead. 95% of the working chicas in TJ come from some other part of Mexico. They, like many Christians in this country like to be home for that Christmas holiday with their families. Factor that in with the cold weather, and it leaves a zona at less than 50%.

If you are diligent, and not extremely picky, you can still have a good time, but remember that selection will be way, way down from normal. Expect things to start picking up good again around mid February.

12-25-06, 07:46
Fellow mongers,

I'll be arriving at the San Diego airport Tuesday & plan to spend a few days in TJ. I remember taking a public bus from the airport to connect with a tram/train (by a Starbucks) to get to the border. It has been a couple years & I forgot the precise bus number & tram/train numbers. Any help will be tremendously appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Ho Lover1
12-25-06, 15:30
Take bus 992 from the airport to the downtown station and transfer to the blue line trolley to go to the border. If you need further info, you can check with the information desk in the baggage claim/ground transportation area in the airport terminal. I think they have maps and schedules there. The MTS transit system also has a website at sdcommute.com. This is a very economical way to travel while in the SD area. Enjoy your stay.

12-25-06, 19:56
Fellow mongers,
I forgot the precise bus number & tram/train numbers.


12-26-06, 09:38
Thanks Ho Lover & Etaoin2003!!! I really appreciate it.

The Tax Man
12-27-06, 00:56
I was in San Diego for a few days beginning with Wednesday December 13th through Sunday, December 17, 2006. On the first day, I arrived about 6PM in San Diego airport. I took the bus and then the trolley down to the San Ysidro depot.

The first objective was getting a hotel for the night. Because I didn't have a rental car and I had two suitcases, I decided the easiest thing was to stay on the American side. I have been to TJ many times and have stayed on both the American and Mexican sides. For the first time, I tried staying at the hotel right near the trolley station. This is the place that advertises 24 hour parking. I was quoted a price of $55 for the night. The hotel did not take credit cards. Thankfully I had enough cash. However, I will never stay in this place again. The door to the room barely locked. The TV only had an antenna and only picked up Spanish stations. The place was very unclean. The next monrning, I moved down to my favorite San Ysidro hotel. I have stayed at the Flamingo Motel many times. It is less than a half mile walk to the border and is only $40 per night. The owner has always treated me well and accepts credit cards. Even though it is a little extra walking, it seems to be the best deal in the neighborhood.

My first night in TJ was decent. I rode the Mexicoach into town. I noticed that they have increased the price to $5 one way. When I got into town, I still needed to walk to the Zona. From now on, I will just walk accross the border and catch a cab directly to the Zona. When I got there, Adelitas was busy for a Wednesday. I got good treatment from a hot chica for $40 plus $12 for the room and $5 tip. This took some negotiating and patience, but was worth it. I received good treatment with CBJ and three positions.

My second eveing in TJ, I just wanted to relax. I spent a few hours eating in restaurants and seeing the sights. I went to the Zona and enjoyed the company of a SG. The price was $20 + $5 for the hotel. It was pretty good for the price, although it lasted only 20 minutes.

On the third day, I had the entire day to enjoy Mexico so I went to Rosarito. The price from Mexicoach is $9 one way or $16 round trip. I only buy the one way because they have failed to send a return bus before. Anyway, I didn't enjoy Rosarito as much as I used to. Prices have gone up considerably. I had lunch at Senor Frogs. I asked about drink specials and was told that Corona was on special. After having lunch and two Coronas, I was informed that happy hour hadn't started yet and the each beer was $3. I can deal with a few small pains, but I have noticed during the last two trips to Rosarito, that many bars and restaurants are now including a 10% sales tax. I really bet that the government gets the money. One other bar charged $7 for a margarita. Granted they used better quality ingredients but I still think the prices have gotten out of hand. I caught the Mexicoach bus for the ride back to Tijuana. I was the only passenger on the return trip. The driver offered me a deal that he would drop me off two blocks before returning to the terminal. In exchange, I would not need to buy a ticket but just give him a $5 tip. The $4 savings sounded like a bargain to me.

After arriving back in TJ, I really wasn't in the mood to visit the Zona and decided to take an evening off. I walked around TJ enjoying some food and a few drinks. Because the streets were fairly busy, I made the stupid mistake of deciding to walk back the US. There were several Americans walking near me. As we passed over the bridge of the TJ river, a police officer stopped an American at random and began searching him and his girlfriend. For a moment I was thankful that it wasn't me. However, as I came up near where the line would start I did encounter a problem. This is the area where taxi drivers normally drop off passengers heading back to the US. Two TJ cops came over to me and began questioning me about why I was there. I told them I was just having dinner and that I wasn't there to cause any trouble. Anyway, the two cops began searching me. They took my wallet and started going through it. Unfortunately, I had brought enough money in case I wanted to go the Zona. I had $90 in my wallet. The only thing the cops found was a Rolaid in my pocket. I explained that this was for heartburn and was not illegal. The cops told me that I needed a prescription for it and that I was under arrest. I knew that it was time for a bribe. Iasked how much the fine was going to be. The cops told me $50. They wanted the $50 bill that I had with me. They told me the fine would be $80 if I had to be taken to headquarters. I asked them if I could just pay $40 and reminded them that I had done nothing wrong. The cops then began accusing me of being a drug dealer, etc. I tried to argue with the cops as to my innoncence, but one cop got out a pair of handcuffs and motioned that he was ready to use them. Reluctantly, I handed them the $50 and walked away. As I walked away, I heard them start doing the same thing to another American heading back to the US. This incident took place about 11:45 PM that night. My guess is that the cops were looking for their Christmas bonus.

After the Friday night incident, I decided not to return to TJ the next day. It sounds like everyone is looking for money. It irritates me to think that the money taken from me by the TJ cop would have been spent in their local economy the next day. Not only are the cops taking away business from local establishments, but they are destroying the tourist business. This is the second time in the last five trips that I was unfairly targeted by the TJ cops. I have decided that with the rising prices and other problems, I will not be returing for the next couple of years. I usually come to town twice each year. They have lost me as a frequent customer. Although it is a much longer (and more expensive flight) I will be taking my business to Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic. This is a shame because I do like spending time at the beach in SD and then having fun in the evenings in TJ.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

12-27-06, 07:40
Tax Man,

Being innocent, the cops would have let you go for free if you had politely refused to pay and requested to see a judge.

They would rather move on to their next target than waste time taking you somewhere.

Num Nutz
12-28-06, 15:58
Why doesn't anyone take the damn bus back to the border?

12-28-06, 17:33
Why doesn't anyone take the damn bus back to the border?
That was also my question.. But thinking about it, I think the answer is that the bus stops working around 9 pm... If true, that does not help much for those going at night, which is in any case the time when the cops are the most active.

But I agree, when I go during the day, I take the bus...

12-29-06, 01:50
Have not been to TJ in (2) years. Back then, none of the working girls or the locals knew where St. Louis was. Now they all know because St. Louis won the WORLD SERIES!!!

Still, St. Louis is a $hithole compared to San Diego & all it has to offer.

In addition, I vacationed in Thailand this summer. Hate to say this but Thailand girls beat TJ girls hands down in both quantity (300,000 girls in Pattaya Beach alone) as well as quality. Before making the TL trip, I thought this was the best place other than Amsterdam.

Suggest all you dedicated mongers vacation over there. There are over 40,000 retired mongers from Britain living over there permanently. Lots of retired US military guys also.

Muff Eater
12-29-06, 08:40
Do the SGs work for someone, or can they make their own deals for TLN?

Country John
12-29-06, 22:46
Do the SGs work for someone, or can they make their own deals for TLN?

Most street girls have boyfriends, husbands or handlers that they answer to and/or watch over them as they work. They can make a unilateral decision to TLN but the numbers are ususally much higher than you might be willing to pay. I was once quoted $500. for a TLN with my fav SG, I guess I was not one of her favorite clients.

TLN's mean different things to different girls. For a bar girl, a TLN usually starts when she finishes her shift and ends at sunrise. If she's off at 3AM, then you get 4 hours or so. Most guys are surprised at this, but you have to suck it up and pay the girl anyway.

KNow what you want when you make the deal. A TLN starting at 10PM and lasting all night to sunrise will be expensive. Ask the girl how much for a TLN, then ask her when you can meet her (to get a feel for the shift) and what time she expects to go home.

Walkers on the other hand are a bit more liberal on TLNs, but they are bit riskier.

Country John

Guy #2
12-30-06, 01:27
Why doesn't anyone take the damn bus back to the border?Tell us how.

12-30-06, 06:20
Tell us how.

Buses leave from the Mexicoach terminal on Revolucion between 6th and 7th. They use the far right lane and drop you off beyond the point where the police extort tourists. However as another poster pointed out they only run til 9PM and Tijuana's finest usually aren't a problem at that hour. Tonight I walked over the pedestrian bridge just after 8PM and there were no officers in sight.

John Rain
12-30-06, 07:07
Do the SGs work for someone, or can they make their own deals for TLN?
I know several street girls well. Based on my experiences, I think the odds of getting a street girl who doesn't already know you to spend the night with you is extremely unlikely.


1. Most view their work as a job with set hours and have no interest in spending the night with you.

2. Many have boyfriends or spouses that won't allow it.

3. Generally, street girls are much more conservative/religious than bar girls. Although you may think of them as below bar girls, the street girls usually look down on bar girls as crazy and out of control. They view spending the night with a stranger as dangerous.

4. On the outside chance that they quote you a crazy high price (like $300) and you accept it, I think that it's unlikely that they would actually spend the night with you. So, certainly don't pay in advance. They'll find some compelling reason or "emergency" that requires them to leave.

I have found with myself that my own unrealistic goals lead to a feeling of disappointment when in TJ. Setting realistic goals is the key to an enjoyable trip. For example, how about the following scenario?

To warm up, cruise the alley and find a cutie for $20 or $25. Afterwards, go to Bar Tropical and do some dollar dances with four or five different girls. Repeat dances with those that tickle your fancy. Avoid buying drinks for the girls, but enjoy a couple of beers yourself. Head over to Chavelas and repeat the same. This time if one of the girls passes the squeeze test ask them to go to the room for $40. Head over to Hong Kong and spend a couple hours relaxing and watching the show. Decide ahead of time that you are there to relax and buy no lady drinks. Just enjoy the show. After this find another street girl and ask her for a double session for $30 or $40. Choose someone whose language skills match your own and spend a bit of time getting to know them. Get a good night's sleep, wake extra early and bang two more cute street girls. Then back to the hotel for a nap and afterwards head home with a smile.

Just my thoughts. Best wishes for a great trip.

12-30-06, 21:03
I know several street girls well. Based on my experiences, I think the odds of getting a street girl who doesn't already know you to spend the night with you is extremely unlikely.


1. Most view their work as a job with set hours and have no interest in spending the night with you.

2. Many have boyfriends or spouses that won't allow it.

3. Generally, street girls are much more conservative/religious than bar girls. Although you may think of them as below bar girls, the street girls usually look down on bar girls as crazy and out of control. They view spending the night with a stranger as dangerous.

4. On the outside chance that they quote you a crazy high price (like $300) and you accept it, I think that it's unlikely that they would actually spend the night with you. So, certainly don't pay in advance. They'll find some compelling reason or "emergency" that requires them to leave.

I have found with myself that my own unrealistic goals lead to a feeling of disappointment when in TJ.

One of the most insightful posts about sg's I've ever seen on any board.

Muff Eater
01-01-07, 02:50
Thanks for the insight! I guess I gotta find the right one. I was with a nice young petite SG the other night and asked her the same question. She quoted me $20 for 20. I asked her how much for an hour, she said $100. The math didn't seem right, so I asked her again and she said maybe $80. So I asked her for 3 hours and she said $500. So I said okay, let's try 20 first. After the deed, we were laying in bed and I asked her how come it was so much for more time, since 3 20 minute sessions should be $60. She said that when someone gets them for more time, they have to work more, do more things and positions and it's harder for their bodies. Kinda made sense since we men have super vitamins that keep our batteries charged. And she said that maybe next time I see her, I could probably get a better price.


I know several street girls well. Based on my experiences, I think the odds of getting a street girl who doesn't already know you to spend the night with you is extremely unlikely.


1. Most view their work as a job with set hours and have no interest in spending the night with you.

2. Many have boyfriends or spouses that won't allow it.

3. Generally, street girls are much more conservative/religious than bar girls. Although you may think of them as below bar girls, the street girls usually look down on bar girls as crazy and out of control. They view spending the night with a stranger as dangerous.

4. On the outside chance that they quote you a crazy high price (like $300) and you accept it, I think that it's unlikely that they would actually spend the night with you. So, certainly don't pay in advance. They'll find some compelling reason or "emergency" that requires them to leave.

I have found with myself that my own unrealistic goals lead to a feeling of disappointment when in TJ. Setting realistic goals is the key to an enjoyable trip. For example, how about the following scenario?

To warm up, cruise the alley and find a cutie for $20 or $25. Afterwards, go to Bar Tropical and do some dollar dances with four or five different girls. Repeat dances with those that tickle your fancy. Avoid buying drinks for the girls, but enjoy a couple of beers yourself. Head over to Chavelas and repeat the same. This time if one of the girls passes the squeeze test ask them to go to the room for $40. Head over to Hong Kong and spend a couple hours relaxing and watching the show. Decide ahead of time that you are there to relax and buy no lady drinks. Just enjoy the show. After this find another street girl and ask her for a double session for $30 or $40. Choose someone whose language skills match your own and spend a bit of time getting to know them. Get a good night's sleep, wake extra early and bang two more cute street girls. Then back to the hotel for a nap and afterwards head home with a smile.

Just my thoughts. Best wishes for a great trip.

Muff Eater
01-01-07, 02:59
I guess this being the holiday season, there weren't many girls to choose from. I'd say that about 2/3rds of the SG's are gone and only Adelita's had a decent crowd to chose from, although there were a lot less desireable women than I remember. I'll be heading back in February so there should be a few more to choose from.


Country John
01-01-07, 22:02
Strolled the alley with my girley Saturday night and stopped into Adelitas for a few beers. Yes, it was like a ghost town. Adelitas was slow (at about 9PM) but I know it probably got real hot by about 10 or 11. The place was starting to get busy when we left.

As far as the girls go, there were maybe 2 or 3 that I found really attractive and would probably have taken if I were not there with the girl, but I'm retired now anyway. Average arriba time was 31 minutes from floor to floor. Average time from first squeeze to arriba was 5 minutes, so it's all "business as usual."

Stopped into Rio Verde for a look, not much happening there either. Adela said that she now knows no-body there. Lots of fresh faces and young girls. It's really easy to tell the pros from the noobies.

Lots of cops out. I passed three groups of cops int he Zona, none hassled mne at all. In fact, one even wished me a happy new year. I must have an innocent face. Adela says they are assholes.

Los of girls are home for the holidays but they'll be back starting around the 15th or so. Many hold out for the plane ticket from the club. The clubs want the girls back, fast, so they'll pay the airfare if the girl is a performer like Salma de HK has been for so many years.

Anyway, happy new year to you all. Happy and safe mongering. Be nice to the girls.

Country John

Nero X
01-02-07, 05:47
Took a stroll through AB around Midnight.

WOW, never seen so many fatties in there. I only saw 3 flacas. AB was horrible.

Member #4450
01-02-07, 21:33
She said that when someone gets them for more time, they have to work more, do more things and positions and it's harder for their bodies.

That's B.S!
Don't buy that , they just want more dough from you, they will give you the same lousy service, and leave you with an empty wallet.
"WORK MORE" I can't stop laughing, you're not going to get better service by paying more, most alley girls are dead cold fish, and they don't care in giving good performace they want you in and out fast.
Let's keep the prices down for everyone, just think with your main head and save.
Good luck.......

Toad Tamer
01-03-07, 03:35
Things were down in Costa Rica as well. Xmas day was the worst.

Ghost town.

Mutha Foo
01-04-07, 02:07
Went to ABs yesterday. All I saw were a couple of tumbleweeds and a bunch of fat chicks. Won't be going till February.

01-04-07, 10:16
The new regime flexed it's muscle in TJ today. I wonder if it'll have any effect on the annoying, unprovoked searches [for bribes].

Here's most of the article:

TIJUANA, Mexico (Reuters) - Hundreds of soldiers and federal police descended on the border city of Tijuana on Wednesday to probe corruption by local police and open a new front in President Felipe Calderon's war on drug violence.

As two helicopters circled overhead, dozens of troops with assault rifles and riot shields converged on a police headquarters to inspect weapons, a first step in probing alleged drug gang links and corruption inside the local force.

Calderon ordered a 3,300-strong special force to Tijuana and the first 500 arrived on Wednesday. The offensive came three weeks after Calderon sent 7,000 troops to his crime-ridden home state of Michoacan to kick off a new war on drug-related violence that killed some 2,000 people in 2006.

"We are determined to regain security, not just in Michoacan or Baja California, but in every part of Mexico that is threatened by organized crime," Calderon said on Wednesday, visiting troops in Michoacan, in western Mexico.

Calderon took office on December 1.

Tijuana, just south of San Diego and one of the busiest border crossings into the United States, sees a murder almost every day and two kidnappings a week, most blamed on brutal rivalries between drug cartels.

01-04-07, 19:09
Thanks for this helpful report.

Far from a Very Important Person, I'm interested in VIP treatment while in TJ. I'll be there for less than two days and I'd like to maximize my experience. Hopefully all the chicas will be back by Jan 15. Where can a fellow monger go for special VIP experiences?

Arrived around 9pm, they were having a 2 for 1 beer special so I settled in for a while. I watched the show, there were three girls working when I arrived. I watched each dance and the spoke with a waiter to find out their routine. He told me that you could go upstairs for a vip dance for 85 an hour, I asked him about taking the girl to a hotel and he told me that everything was available in the vip area.

So I made my choice, nice looking 21 y/o with large breasts. Upstairs we went accompanied by the waiter and a bucket of beers. After the waiter left the girl took her bikini top off and gave me a lap dance. But she kept turning away watching the other dancers then kept calling the waiter back for bottle opener and additional drinks (I did not have to pay for them). Finally I asked her about sex and she told me 100 more for her. I declined and finished the hour rubbing and squeezing those tits.

Not happy with her performance, nice club, good looking girls hopefully performance is better with the other girls.

Country John
01-05-07, 01:00
Thanks for this helpful report.

Far from a Very Important Person, I'm interested in VIP treatment while in TJ. I'll be there for less than two days and I'd like to maximize my experience. Hopefully all the chicas will be back by Jan 15. Where can a fellow monger go for special VIP experiences?

I am not at all involved in the escort business - I have no time and I would probably fuck it up anyway.

But if you are looking for a SPECIAL VIP service session then that is the way to go. There are only two services in TJ. Never go to a private provider and NEVER go to a Caseta or Casita. You might wake up dead.

You might get something that approximates special VIP in one or more of the clubs, but that's a different story and usually involves more money. If you want an excellent private session, go escort. PM me if you'd like to know more and I'll get back to you, time permitting.

Remember: I am NOT in the escort business. But I have a cupple buds who are and they got their act together. I've referred a few members already but I've not had or seen any feedback.

Be Safe and Be Nice
Country John

01-05-07, 02:19
Will be heading you way in a couple of weeks. Where would the best spot be to look for a big assed beauty who speaks greek. Last Time I was there maybe 5 years ago I stayed at AB, is this still reccomonded?

Thanks for all the great info!


Country John
01-05-07, 07:56
the military and federales have confirep001ed all the weapons from tjpd and the force has walked off the job in protest, saying they will not patrol without weapons. i believe they plan to do ballistics tests to check if any of the weapons were involved in murders etc. (bright of me eh?)

this means that tj is being patroled by the military and the feds so this is no time to play games with drinking and driving, drugs or other mis-adventures.

if you are coming into tj with a vehicle, get insurance and make sure your paperwork is in order. take your viagra in the store before you leave. be smart. don;t be stooopid. this is no time to let your guard down.

you have been warned.

country john

01-05-07, 13:31
Chicago Club has just raised its ladies' drink prices from $6 to $8. Customer drinks have been raised from $3 to $4.

Adelita Bar is still at $7.50/$3.50.

Country John
01-05-07, 17:13
Chicago Club has just raised its ladies' drink prices from $6 to $8. Customer drinks have been raised from $3 to $4.

Adelita Bar is still at $7.50/$3.50.


I guess if mongers are willing to pay, they'll keep running the price up.

Here is the link to the story on TJPD.


Country John

01-05-07, 20:09
Hi Folks,

First of all thanks for all the valuable information in your your reports, which made it possible for me to venture down south and enjoy my experience.

I flew down to San Diego airport on the 3rd and took the 992 BUS to the Santa Fe Depot and then on to the Blue Line Trolley to San Ysidro / Tijuana and within an hour I was crossing the border. I got to the border at 6:30pm and took the Taxi Libre to Adelitas. AB was pretty dead at this time, but there were still about 5 or 6 hotties. Relaxed had a couple of beers and then strolled on over to HK. HK had no good looking girls, just some fugly chicks trying to do their thing on the stage. Not finding any thing I like I head out to the alley. There were a few SGs, few young ones and the rest your average Latinas.

I went back to AB and one hottie caught my eye, I forget her name it was something like vanessa or tessa or something. I invited her for a drink, she said 60 I countered with 50 and she promised a lot of stuff downstairs, but when we get upstairs, she was like no sucking on the tits, no kissing and this and that and just plain vanilla CBJ, then mish and then doggie and I pop in about 20 minutes and she heads out the door. This was really assembly line sex and from what I read before, the hotter ones don't need to please their clientele as the homely ones and that was demonstrated in her attitude. Although it was sort of a trophy fuck, I was still not happy with it. Headed downstairs and there were some chicks dancing but it was still pretty much slow around 11pm, after another beer decided I will try Chicago.

Chicago was also pretty slow, and their talent was not that great, but I was looking for somewhat of an ordinary girl that will give me a GFE. Met Sonia who was 24 and was about 5'3 and was pretty average looking. had 2 drinks with her and got a good vibe from her as she was all over me and kissing and stroking and allowing me to fondle her. I was hungry and asked her to join me for some tacos next door and we go have some tacos all the while she is telling all that she will do to me. Around 1:30 we head upstairs and since I wanted to catch some sleep, I ask for the room for all night. It was 35 for the room. She is really nice in the room, we kiss and cuddle and fondle and she gives me a great massage and does BBBJ for about 5 mins and then puts on condom and rides me passionately and I come after about 25 minutes. I pay her $60 + $10 tip for her performance. Now she says that Chicago closes at 3 and she doesn't want to drive and if I like she can come back and spend the night with me, I am thinking this is somewhat of a scam and I say yes I will think about it. I go to sleep about 2:15 and there is a knock on my door at 3:30 its Sonia and she is back. She says, she just wants to sleep the night over and comes in.

There's no talk about money and right away she jumps in to bed and gives me a BBBJ and then rides me with the condom on and we go to sleep after I am done. I tell her that I will be up at 10am and I wanted one more session with her and she agrees. We go at it again at 10 and I shower and leave a $20 tip for her.

I take a Taxi back to the border, there is a long line, but I was across in about an hour. Had breakfast at the MCD's and took the trolley back to Santa Fe Depot and then onto the 992 bus and I am at the Airport by 1pm.

All in all a very good session especially because of Sonia at Chicago.

Sorry for the long TR, but wanted to give you a complete synopsis in case any body else wanted to take the same route, including the bus and trolley and all.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Member #4450
01-05-07, 20:42

I guess if mongers are willing to pay, they'll keep running the price up.

Country John

I don't understand how these people run a buisiness?
This club is always dead, raising the drink prices is not going to bring more customers, what they really need to do is fix this place up and bring some more prime USDA meat. LOL

01-05-07, 22:50
Thanks CJ for the help. I'll probably skip VIP deals and be a price cautious. This forum has enlightened me and I don’t plan to overpay (in order to keep general prices down). If you’re around during the afternoon of Jan 17 or the evening of Jan 18, I’ll buy you a beer. I'll be traveling to TJ from a great distance and I'm sure we'll have more experiences to share. PM me and let me know.

On another subject, I’ve found steamy pics posted by mongers traveling in Brazil, Thailand, and other obscure places in this forum’s photo gallery and I hope to contribute with pics from my trip to TJ. I understand some won’t allow their picture taken for various reasons and I risk losing an expensive camera, but what’s your experience on this subject? Would you recommend it?

Country John
01-06-07, 00:39
I don't understand how these people run a buisiness?
This club is always dead, raising the drink prices is not going to bring more customers, what they really need to do is fix this place up and bring some more prime USDA meat. LOL

CC is known for it's "dead time." It's always been dead during the day and early evening and during the week. The money is in weekend work etc.

Also you need to remember that they don't give a shit about you, me or any other monger. They see enough traffic at the place to warrant taking the risk and they also know that it's just a matter of time until the crowd comes back. The key is for mongers to take it upon themselves to stay away from the clubs that are ripping them off. That won't happen though. Mongers go back. $8 for a ficha eh? Jeez.

My girley and I were in Adelitas last weekend and I was paying $3.50 for our beer, I wouldn't want to be paying those high fichas. Just go in, ask the girl to go, then leave.

Country John

01-07-07, 03:13
San Diego paper has a story saying the cops have returned to duty, without guns, and that the federales continue to be overseeing the city, and that turistas didn't even notice. Hell maybe it's even better than before.

Country John
01-07-07, 20:19
san diego paper has a story saying the cops have returned to duty, without guns, and that the federales continue to be overseeing the city, and that turistas didn't even notice. hell maybe it's even better than before.

spent all day yesterday and most of the evening downtown and in the zona. i agree, people are very relaxed and i sense they like this arrangement, the toothless tiger that was tjpd. people i talked to are happy the cops don;t have their guns. there were a definite drop in presence, i drove freely without problems and the zona was a without problems.

my girl and i visited several clubs (ab, tropical etc) and had a few, watching the dancers and havinga few laughs. the guys in ab must have thought i was nuts. i had my hands all over her and the girls were going crazy watching me stuff 200p notes doen my girlys bra. (i got them all back later :d ). when she went to the br several girls were wanting to take her place :lol: .

later, on revo, there were planty gringos/gringas but sttll few cops. the ones that were out were sin weapons.

people are behaving themselves much more than i expect4ed they would. i had a feeling that there would be respect for the new arrangement and as short lived as it might bocome people seem to be interested in keeping it and not fucking it up. then again, who wants to fuck with the military.

my understanding is that the federales that were posted at tjpd are not working right now and had their weapons confirep001ed also. we got a whole new gang of guys out there.

for the ones that are working, let me say that i have a lot of respect for a guy or girl who will suit up and patrol a place like tj sin weapons. that, my friends, takes balls. if they encounter you and are decent, show some respect because they just might be one of the "good guys."

country john

most recent: tjpd ordered to return to work but without weapons. read the story here: http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/mexico/tijuana/20070106-9999-1n6tjcrime.html

01-08-07, 19:21
1. If you stay more than 72 hours dont you need a visa?

2.. If I do decide to stay on the US side do you think going back and forth twice a day for the duration of five days will be an issue with US customs? It never was in the past I just dont know how things are these days.

**** I never quite understood the public drunkeness rule. My eyes get bloodshot red after two beers but I dont stumble around. Ive only been stopped once in TJ and I deserved it. The cops came into a strip club that I was in while I was standing up tipping a girl...not keeping a low enough profile. I guess they saw it as I refused to notice their presence.

Toad Tamer
01-09-07, 03:52
There is no way for them to tell when you made entry. You do not have to show your passport upon entry. On the way out they will swipe your passport and a date and time will be recorded. IMO if your gonna make 2 trips a day you might as well stay in la zona.

Country John
01-09-07, 05:22
1. If you stay more than 72 hours dont you need a visa?

You should have a "tourist visa" (FMT) when you enter Mexico. This is one of those "selective enforcement issues." but technically it's wise to have one. They are valid for 90 days and cost $20.00.

2.. If I do decide to stay on the US side do you think going back and forth twice a day for the duration of five days will be an issue with US customs? It never was in the past I just dont know how things are these days.

No, it will not be a problem. Just make sure your paperwork is in order. With themilitary running the show in TJ's these days, be very sure your paperwork is in order. I bought a new visa the other day. Just to have my paperwork complete. Do not fuck with Mexican military.

**** I never quite understood the public drunkeness rule. My eyes get bloodshot red after two beers but I dont stumble around. Ive only been stopped once in TJ and I deserved it. The cops came into a strip club that I was in while I was standing up tipping a girl...not keeping a low enough profile. I guess they saw it as I refused to notice their presence.

Public drunkeness is the same as State-side. Don't be falling down drunk in public.

Country John

01-09-07, 14:56
I understand what you say about having your paperwork in order but I doubt "daytrippers" going to TJ get a visa. Maybe Im wrong but I guess I can check it out once Im there . I have a valid passport and will bring my birth certificate . Yes/No

The other thing worth mentioning is all the TJ hotels minus the $100 and over deals have gotten really lame reviews from travelers so Ill probably stay at travel lodge on the US side. Ive stayed there before and it was nice.
The good nite inn in chula vista used to be my place after 9/11 but those guys are charging $60/$75 for a crack den eventhough its only one block from the trolley and next to my favorite restaurant " El Torito ". I used to get it for $40 a night. America is such a rip off.

Thanks for the tips .

Country John
01-09-07, 17:31
I understand what you say about having your paperwork in order but I doubt "daytrippers" going to TJ get a visa. Maybe Im wrong but I guess I can check it out once Im there . I have a valid passport and will bring my birth certificate . Yes/No

The other thing worth mentioning is all the TJ hotels minus the $100 and over deals have gotten really lame reviews from travelers so Ill probably stay at travel lodge on the US side. Ive stayed there before and it was nice.
The good nite inn in chula vista used to be my place after 9/11 but those guys are charging $60/$75 for a crack den eventhough its only one block from the trolley and next to my favorite restaurant " El Torito ". I used to get it for $40 a night. America is such a rip off.

Thanks for the tips .

Hi. You don't need to bring your birth certificate if you have a passport, if you're staying for the afternoon then forget the visa, it is not required.

The Zona hotels are utility facilities there for your use and convenience, not your comfort. Comfort is the very last thing on their minds. If you don't mind staying State-side then I would do that instead of staying in the Zona. Border hotels know why you are there and they are taking advantage. Some are members of this and other boards, so they know what you are about. They don't give a shit either because if you don't show, someone else will be there to take your place.

Relax, have a good time and bang lots of chicas.

Country John

01-09-07, 19:34
As you all should know tuesday is the day American Airlines comes out with specials. They are offering a web deal for $179 RT from jfk. Ive never seen it get that low before even during the 9/11 era.

01-09-07, 19:55
No visa needed. Technically you needa tourist card if you go past Maneadero (90 minutes South of TJ) or stay more than 3 days but if you stay in TJ nobody will EVER know if you have been there 3 days or 30. I would not worry about it.

Motel 6, while in a worse location about 3/4 of a mile West across the freeway, is quiter than travelodge (where I used to regularly stay) and of same caliber. TL has a design defect that makes LOUD noise whenever somebody in room above you or next to you turns on the water.

TL used to be $49 Sun-Thur but now they want like $80. Motel 6 is under $50 even on weekends so you save money by staying there and taxiiing it (during daytime it is a nice walk past the outlet stores) . Book in advance on weekends or, failing that, get there early.

I always stay on US side.

BEWARE the LENGTHY WAITS crossing back into the US as a ped. It was NEVER LIKE THIS overr the many years I have been going there. Late at night is not bad but in the afternoons it is HIDEOUS (Sunday is off the chart). Last few trips were so bad it really put a damper on my enthusiasm for TJ visits. There are often only 3 lanes open and a bunch of guys standing around doing nothing (emulating their neighbors to the South).

I always rent a car so I am thinking of driving to Otay Mesa border crossing and then just paying for parking in a garage in TJ.

Country John
01-10-07, 02:49
i drive (and live half the week) in tj, i bring my own car but i have amigos that rent etc. there are a few rules for happy living if you drive your own or a rental in mexico.

rule number one - buy mexican insurance

you are held to account for your responsibility at the time of the accident. you'd better have a method to square things up if you cause an accident. either in the form of readily available cash or insurance written by a mexican insurance company.

rule number two

make sure your rental contract permits you to take the car to mexico. hertz allows it and some others will if it's written into the contract but never drive an illegal rental in mexico. make sure your have mexican insurance on the rental.

rule number three

never park in an unsecured area or on the street. your car and/or your stuff might not be there when you get back, even in daylight. always park in a secured lot. there are many of them in tj, there are several in the zona.

rule number four

traffic laws are strictly enforced against vehicles bearing usa plates. obey all traffic laws, signs and speed limits. you will have a problem if you are caught, forget the 1000 or so cars that ran the sign before you.

rule number four a

pedestrians have the right of way, even against a red light. you can't run 'em over because you had the green. stop before the limit line or if there is none, where it would normally be (and you know where that is, right?).

rule number four b

right hand turns from the left hand lane and left hand turns from the far right hand lane are common in tj, watch the guys next to you very carefully. a lot of drivers in tj actually are brain dead. protect yourself at all times. go when you are clear to go.

rule number five

do not drink and drive. it is not tolerated and i believe it is classed as a criminal offense. (citation needed). tjpd does not have a sense of humor on that one.

country john

01-10-07, 03:03
Will be in TJ in two weeks. Do I need a passport to get back to U.S., or is my drivers license good enough to cross home? Will be going to AD and the alley. Thanks for the current reports. My trips down are getting farther and farther apart.

01-10-07, 07:09
[QUOTE=Country John]You should have a "tourist visa" (FMT) when you enter Mexico. This is one of those "selective enforcement issues." but technically it's wise to have one. They are valid for 90 days and cost $20.00.

Country John[/QUOTE

Actually, the tourist visa is good for 180 days, and costs $22.50.

I got mine today.

Country John
01-10-07, 17:08
You should have a "tourist visa" (FMT) when you enter Mexico. This is one of those "selective enforcement issues." but technically it's wise to have one. They are valid for 90 days and cost $20.00.

Country John

Actually, the tourist visa is good for 180 days, and costs $22.50.

I got mine today.

That would be correct. You can enter for "business purposes" and that is good for 90 days.

Country John

01-10-07, 20:40
BEWARE the LENGTHY WAITS crossing back into the US as a ped. It was NEVER LIKE THIS overr the many years I have been going there. Late at night is not bad but in the afternoons it is HIDEOUS (Sunday is off the chart). Last few trips were so bad it really put a damper on my enthusiasm for TJ visits. There are often only 3 lanes open and a bunch of guys standing around doing nothing (emulating their neighbors to the South).

I was there last year, I rented a bike for $7 and was able to cut the line. Can you still do this?

01-10-07, 23:32

No, you can't cut in line if you have a bike anymore. The Mexican don't even rent bike out to people anymore. I guess if you have a bike you are required to dismount and walk across.

Country John
01-11-07, 00:52
Remember, the San Ysidro border crossing is the busiest border crossing in the world.

When I'm faced with the busiest anything in the world, I'm ready for a nice long wait.

I always drive back and the wait actually seems to be getting shorter. Maybe I'm just getting used to it.

Country John

01-11-07, 05:25
[QUOTE=Country John]You should have a "tourist visa" (FMT) when you enter Mexico. This is one of those "selective enforcement issues." but technically it's wise to have one. They are valid for 90 days and cost $20.00.

Country John[/QUOTE

Actually, the tourist visa is good for 180 days, and costs $22.50.

I got mine today.

I see you guys talking about visa’s and saying it’s not required. Are passports required yet? I have never used a passport or visa going to TJ and have been going 15+ years. Is it now required? or is going to be required soon? And if so when does this new law kick in?

Country John
01-11-07, 06:29
I see you guys talking about visa’s and saying it’s not required. Are passports required yet? I have never used a passport or visa going to TJ and have been going 15+ years. Is it now required? or is going to be required soon? And if so when does this new law kick in?

Hi Flapjack.

You don't need a passport or a visa to enter Mexico at the San Ysidro Border crossing but you will need a passport to return Stateside soon. If you don;t have a passport, it's a good idea to get going on it. As for now, your drivers license or birth certificate should be ok. Check with the homeland security website for the kick-in dates for passport requirements.

If you travel deep into Mexico you'll need to have a visa, but as for the zona, the only passport you need is your wallet.

I used to have all the dates locked in my memory but beer and latinas tend to make you forget.

Country John

01-11-07, 07:21
Hi Flapjack.

You don't need a passport or a visa to enter Mexico at the San Ysidro Border crossing but you will need a passport to return Stateside soon. If you don;t have a passport, it's a good idea to get going on it. As for now, your drivers license or birth certificate should be ok. Check with the homeland security website for the kick-in dates for passport requirements.

If you travel deep into Mexico you'll need to have a visa, but as for the zona, the only passport you need is your wallet.

I used to have all the dates locked in my memory but beer and latinas tend to make you forget.

Country John

Found this on U.S. Department of Homeland Security web site.

New Travel Document Requirements

For Citizens of the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Bermuda
Beginning January 23, 2007, citizens of the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Bermuda will be required to present a passport to enter the United States when arriving by air from any part of the Western Hemisphere

01-11-07, 14:07

No, you can't cut in line if you have a bike anymore. The Mexican don't even rent bike out to people anymore. I guess if you have a bike you are required to dismount and walk across.

That sucks, it saved alot of time. Just pay for the bike and ride or walk by all the people on line.

It would save me around 1-1:30.

If I saw the line that long again, I would just go back for another round at AB.

Member #4450
01-11-07, 20:21
What Pharmacy in TJ sells Cialis cheaper than $13.50 ?
Most Farmacias at the border crossing are charging 13- 13.50.
One pharmacy offered me Cialis from a big jar without the package for $10
but I did not trust it, they could be fake sugar pills, or some other shit.

Blue Nose
01-12-07, 02:54
Hi Flapjack.

You don't need a passport or a visa to enter Mexico at the San Ysidro Border crossing but you will need a passport to return Stateside soon. If you don;t have a passport, it's a good idea to get going on it. As for now, your drivers license or birth certificate should be ok. Check with the homeland security website for the kick-in dates for passport requirements.

If you travel deep into Mexico you'll need to have a visa, but as for the zona, the only passport you need is your wallet.

I used to have all the dates locked in my memory but beer and latinas tend to make you forget.

Country John

If you are crossing into the US by AIR, you will need a passport starting January 23, 2007. If you are crossing by land or by sea (including ferries) then the passport requirement does not kick in until January 1, 2008. This is according to the DHS website.

Those of us who cross at San Ysidro still have some time but it's best to get these things taken care of early.

Blue Nose

Blue Nose
01-12-07, 02:58
What Pharmacy in TJ sells Cialis cheaper than $13.50 ?
Most Farmacias at the border crossing are charging 13- 13.50.
One pharmacy offered me Cialis from a big jar without the package for $10
but I did not trust it, they could be fake sugar pills, or some other shit.
Best price I've ever had for Cialis is about $12. You can get this price at the first farmacia along farmacia alley as you walk across (blue and white sign). The pharmacies along farmacia alley have the best prices - avoid the ones on Revolucion.

When the guy offered to sell you a tablet outside the blister pack, he was actually taking a larger count bottle and breaking it down himself (in order to make more money). This is why he could afford to sell for $10. Most medicine is dispensed this way (think of all the time they put meds in the standard amber bottle for people), but I agree with you that it is much easier to fake. Unless you know or trust the guy, I would go with the blister-packed tablet and pay the extra $3.

Blue Nose

Member #4450
01-12-07, 03:45
Best price I've ever had for Cialis is about $12. You can get this price at the first farmacia along farmacia alley as you walk across (blue and white sign). The pharmacies along farmacia alley have the best prices - avoid the ones on Revolucion.

When the guy offered to sell you a tablet outside the blister pack, he was actually taking a larger count bottle and breaking it down himself (in order to make more money). This is why he could afford to sell for $10. Most medicine is dispensed this way (think of all the time they put meds in the standard amber bottle for people), but I agree with you that it is much easier to fake. Unless you know or trust the guy, I would go with the blister-packed tablet and pay the extra $3.

Blue Nose

How you doing BN?

I just knew you were going to reply my post, glad to see you reply!

If you mean the big farmacia as you walk across the street right on the corner which is the largest one on that street where Mc Donalds is?
let me tell you they always charged me $13.50, I might look too much like a tourist. LOL
I never buy anything on the zona farmacias, always overpriced.
I also want to mention the 20mg pill is for a horse LOL, I get a bunch of side efects after a few minutes of taking the pill, it makes me feel drugy, hot and I get dizziness, half of pill works more natural for me and I don't have to be hard for 24/7 LOL, how are you dealing with the Vitamin C ?

01-12-07, 04:31
Hey Horny,

The cheapest Cialis can be found in the pharmacy right behind McDonalds in an alley. Walk towards the pedestrian bridge away from the yellow cabs towards the Zona Arc Dont know the name of the pharmacy but it's right next to a liquor store. There is a kiosk of tourist trinkets right in front of it. They have consistently sold me cialis at $10/pill this past entire year. They know I am a gringo and they do not increase the prices. They come in their original bubble wrap. I believe viagra is cheaper there as well. I prefer Cialis - 20 mg. I bring it back and pound the chicas like a race horse out here in Cali.

Member #4450
01-12-07, 21:35
Hey Horny,

The cheapest Cialis can be found in the pharmacy right behind McDonalds in an alley. Walk towards the pedestrian bridge away from the yellow cabs towards the Zona Arc Dont know the name of the pharmacy but it's right next to a liquor store. There is a kiosk of tourist trinkets right in front of it. They have consistently sold me cialis at $10/pill this past entire year. They know I am a gringo and they do not increase the prices. They come in their original bubble wrap. I believe viagra is cheaper there as well. I prefer Cialis - 20 mg. I bring it back and pound the chicas like a race horse out here in Cali.

Thanks Pico,

I know the one you're talking about, I'll try it next time $10/pill is a great deal
if it comes in the small box.
Is always a good idea to check the expiration date on the package when you buy any medicine in TJ, They don't throw it away , they just wait for the next sucker to sell it!

Blue Nose
01-14-07, 23:16
How you doing BN?

I just knew you were going to reply my post, glad to see you reply!

If you mean the big farmacia as you walk across the street right on the corner which is the largest one on that street where Mc Donalds is?
let me tell you they always charged me $13.50, I might look too much like a tourist. LOL
I never buy anything on the zona farmacias, always overpriced.
I also want to mention the 20mg pill is for a horse LOL, I get a bunch of side efects after a few minutes of taking the pill, it makes me feel drugy, hot and I get dizziness, half of pill works more natural for me and I don't have to be hard for 24/7 LOL, how are you dealing with the Vitamin C ?

Nice to hear from you. Yes, that was the farmacia that I was referring to, and you may be right about the $13.50 for an individual tablet. I haven't purchased any there for quite a while (I ordered a whole bunch of generic Cialis tablets from India a while ago, so I am just using those). When I was purchasing there, I was buying 4 at a time, and I believe that entitled me to a small discount. At any rate, that was about the best price I ever saw in TJ.

In terms of side effects, a lot of guys get headaches. What I recommend, if you take the entire 20mg at once, is to take 2 Tylenol tablets either with the vitamin C or shortly before you take it. This should help with the headache. As well, don't drink too much cerveza while you are taking it. Splitting the tablet into two halves and either only taking 10mg or taking the two halves a few hours apart should also mitigate some of the side effects. Remember not to take this or any ED medicine without talking to a doctor first if you have high blood pressure, heart problems or glaucoma.

Blue Nose

01-15-07, 22:36
What does the scene in TJ look like right now? Busy? Slow?

How about walking across the border? What is the wait time?

Replies with reports are appreciated.

Member #4450
01-16-07, 00:16
Nice to hear from you. Yes, that was the farmacia that I was referring to, and you may be right about the $13.50 for an individual tablet. I haven't purchased any there for quite a while (I ordered a whole bunch of generic Cialis tablets from India a while ago, so I am just using those). When I was purchasing there, I was buying 4 at a time, and I believe that entitled me to a small discount. At any rate, that was about the best price I ever saw in TJ.

In terms of side effects, a lot of guys get headaches. What I recommend, if you take the entire 20mg at once, is to take 2 Tylenol tablets either with the vitamin C or shortly before you take it. This should help with the headache. As well, don't drink too much cerveza while you are taking it. Splitting the tablet into two halves and either only taking 10mg or taking the two halves a few hours apart should also mitigate some of the side effects. Remember not to take this or any ED medicine without talking to a doctor first if you have high blood pressure, heart problems or glaucoma.

Blue Nose

Hi BN,

Let me tell you this drug can be scary sometimes, I once took a C, and went to take care of business, and after I checked my face in the mirror, thought I was gonna get a stroke or something!
My eyes were red with bloody veins on the white of the eyes, first think came to my mind, that It was related to high blood pressure, but I was feeling OK, only a temporary efect of the drug I guess, and 911 in the zona
can be a long time waiting for medical help I guess, or maybe not? I've never seen an ambulance in the zona, so if you have an emergency just drag your ass to a taxi and go to the nearest hospital.
Anyway 1/2 of tablet works better on me, without the headaches,
I don't understand is if this drug raises or drops the blood pressure?I read somewhere that C, lowers your BP?

Monger X
01-16-07, 00:41
I don't understand is if this drug raises or drops the blood pressure?I read somewhere that C, lowers your BP?If taken with certain heart medications (nitrates) it can cause an unsafe DROP in BP. Same is true for vitamin V.

Toad Tamer
01-16-07, 05:22
I tried some generic C from the net for about $3-$4 bucks a 20mg tab. I take half and it works like a charm. Sent me 4 free V's with the order. Tried it, don't like the headaches and it doesn't last as long as C's. I guess this is why they are giving them away.

Country John
01-16-07, 05:48
Hi BN,

Let me tell you this drug can be scary sometimes, I once took a C, and went to take care of business, and after I checked my face in the mirror, thought I was gonna get a stroke or something!
My eyes were red with bloody veins on the white of the eyes, first think came to my mind, that It was related to high blood pressure, but I was feeling OK, only a temporary efect of the drug I guess, and 911 in the zona
can be a long time waiting for medical help I guess, or maybe not? I've never seen an ambulance in the zona, so if you have an emergency just drag your ass to a taxi and go to the nearest hospital.
Anyway 1/2 of tablet works better on me, without the headaches,
I don't understand is if this drug raises or drops the blood pressure?I read somewhere that C, lowers your BP?

This was taken from the cialis web site. I don't know which is worse, the side effects or the disease.

I've seen many ambulances in the Zona. All too often, guys die upstairs doing the glam slam. So be careful. KNow your body. Talk to your doctor. Don't risk a ride to the Tijuana morgue.

Side effects:

Like all medications, CIALIS may have some side effects. The most common side effects with CIALIS are headache, upset stomach, back pain, and muscle aches. These side effects usually go away after a few hours. Patients who get back pain and muscle aches usually get it 12 to 24 hours after taking CIALIS. Back pain and muscle aches usually go away by themselves within 48 hours. Call your doctor or other healthcare professional if side effects continue to bother you.

As with any ED tablet, in the rare event of priapism (an erection lasting more than four hours), seek immediate medical help to avoid long-term injury.

In rare instances, men taking prescription ED tablets (including CIALIS) reported a sudden decrease or loss of vision. It's not possible to determine if these events are related directly to the ED tablets or to other factors. If you have a sudden decrease or loss of vision, stop taking any ED tablet and call your doctor right away.

Be safe and be nice
Country John

Member #4450
01-17-07, 01:16
I've seen many ambulances in the Zona. All too often, guys die upstairs doing the glam slam. So be careful. KNow your body. Talk to your doctor. Don't risk a ride to the Tijuana morgue.

Country John
Guys dying having sex are the old grandpas in their 60-80s age,
Sorry for some of you people, but you need to know you limitations,
I've seen very old men in AB older than the TITANIC. LOL
Just find another hobby like playing bingo or bird feeding :>) :>)
again sorry, but it's funny shit!

01-17-07, 02:37
Well, if I had to pick a way to go...

Country John
01-17-07, 03:13
Guys dying having sex are the old grandpas in their 60-80s age,
Sorry for some of you people, but you need to know you limitations,
I've seen very old men in AB older than the TITANIC. LOL
Just find another hobby like playing bingo or bird feeding :>) :>)
again sorry, but it's funny shit!


In a few years I'll be one of those "old grandpa" types. And sooner than you think, you'll be one too! And I can't think of a better way to go. The last thing I want to see before I time-out is that beautiful full pink panocha my Maya Princessa carries around for me.

60 happens to be the "new 50" and 50 happens to be the "new 30." So some of old farts are not as old as you young fellers think. And I remember what my mamma used to say:"The older the bull, the stiffer the horn."

Be safe and be nice
Country John

Member #2041
01-17-07, 04:15
And I remember what my mamma used to say:"The older the bull, the stiffer the horn."

Country John
Nowadays, this translates to: "The stiffer the horn, the bigger the pill"

Member #4450
01-17-07, 04:38

In a few years I'll be one of those "old grandpa" types. And sooner than you think, you'll be one too! And I can't think of a better way to go. The last thing I want to see before I time-out is that beautiful full pink panocha my Maya Princessa carries around for me.

60 happens to be the "new 50" and 50 happens to be the "new 30." So some of old farts are not as old as you young fellers think. And I remember what my mamma used to say:"The older the bull, the stiffer the horn."

Be safe and be nice
Country John

Don't get me wrong!
is nothing wrong been old you just have to remember that you can feel young
like in your 20s, but when you push more than normal with the xtra C, it might leave the bull horns upside down, and that might scare your Maya Princessa :>)
AB front door sign said: no one under 18 or above 55 :>)

Country John
01-17-07, 06:41
Nowadays, this translates to: "The stiffer the horn, the bigger the pill"

LOL, I'll pass that one on to mamma.

I swear to God, I never took a C or V pill in my life. No need. My girley gives me the best porn style monkey fuck I ever had and she does it every day and night I'm there. I'm averaging 7 pops over 4 days and 3 nights besides running around town taking care of business. There is nothing this girl will not do, bless her heart. She's a REAL latina Maya babe who takes real pride in pleasing her man. A real Gem.

When we strut Revo the barkers outside the farmacia eyeball me after looking at her and they gang up on me trying to sell Viagra. I tell them that SHE is my Viagra.

She once told me that when I can't get it up she'll still get me off. What a gal eh? Find something like that State-side. Not only that, she's probably the funniest girl I know, so I got quite a package on my hands.

When the girl has the stuff (like most latinas do and hardly ANY gringas do) then that's when getting excited can kill. But what a way to go......

Country John

Queer Juan
01-17-07, 22:52
Yes that's quite a warm and loving relationship you have going there, but a little truth in advertising now and then might not hurt either. Here's a quote from another board by Mr. Romantic himself. Country John :

"She was a hooker (ficha girl according to her). She no longer works in the club and hated every minute there. She is very fearful that she might have to return if I dump her. I pay her a fee to be my domestic engineer in my house in Tijuana." Country John.

See, there are two sides to everything. The other moral to the story is be careful what you write on the internet cause it might come back to bite you in the ass.

01-18-07, 03:50
Yes that's quite a warm and loving relationship you have going there, but a little truth in advertising now and then might not hurt either. Here's a quote from another board by Mr. Romantic himself. Country John :

"She was a hooker (ficha girl according to her). She no longer works in the club and hated every minute there. She is very fearful that she might have to return if I dump her. I pay her a fee to be my domestic engineer in my house in Tijuana." Country John.

See, there are two sides to everything. The other moral to the story is be careful what you write on the internet cause it might come back to bite you in the ass.Hilarious, just hilarious. Let me guess - KOS?

Steve 99
01-18-07, 04:48
Well did a few nights in TJ this week. The winter is definietly slower than the spring summer. Quality/Qty way down versus June when I was here.

Popped a Street Girl first night. Blow-up doll nightmare. Why even bother???

I was about to give up on TJ all together but decided one more try. Went down next night and got 2 great pulls. One from Tropical - one from CC. Both great attitueds and great performance. Went through a few drinks with girls with bad vibes. It is worth the 7 bucks to screen them.

Last night tried to keep it going. Got a cute Tropical girl who spoke no English. She undresses and lays on bed. Worse than Street Giirl. I should have put my clothes on and left. I mean this girl just starfished like I have never seen. Grudge fu__ her best I could and left. Chicas like this should not be working.

So you can find the good performers in TJ. It takes luck and good screening. Adelitas girls looked all big time production oriented. Worse than June. I live on the East and no trade shows in San Diego for a couple years so thats it for TJ for me for a few years. I can see why the CA guys burn out on TJ with the starfish pulls- pisses you off!!! But it is worth it if you land the good ones.

01-18-07, 07:25
in response to queer juan weather cj writes about the help he has or some nice chica as his novia more power to him, me being one of those old mongers, take my hat off to you.

as far as being to old, the hell with that stuff the rev, zona and the rest of tj still the monger and still the banger, the hell with cialis, full speed ahead.

been in jail got arrested there, all just for having fun, and being young and dumb, the older i got the better it got because the getting was getting easier to get.

guys i do not care how old anybody is enjoy enjoy enjoy, find it where you can.

good hunting

Country John
01-18-07, 08:10
Yes that's quite a warm and loving relationship you have going there, but a little truth in advertising now and then might not hurt either. Here's a quote from another board by Mr. Romantic himself. Country John :

"She was a hooker (ficha girl according to her). She no longer works in the club and hated every minute there. She is very fearful that she might have to return if I dump her. I pay her a fee to be my domestic engineer in my house in Tijuana." Country John.

See, there are two sides to everything. The other moral to the story is be careful what you write on the internet cause it might come back to bite you in the ass.

It would have been a good idea for you to date the above post entry.

I never lie in my posts Queer Juan. I have no fears that anything I write would be "coming back to bite me in the ass."

You're a bright guy and should know that relationships are dynamic. They evolve with time. Some go bad, some don't. I made no secret of who she was and I was quite forth-coming in my posts about my progress with her. If you were sincere in your research, you'd already know that is true.

My most recent post about my girley is also very true and I stand behind every word. So far she's turned out to be a good companion and a bright light in my life. That's saying a lot for a chica that used to be a "hooker." But one must never let one's guard down, must one?

Mongers share one thing in common with the nastiest of hookers: we're people. You don't fuck a hooker, you fuck a person. Hooker is what they do, it's not who they are. Even you Queer Juan, are a person. Even our friend the "King Of Sluts" is a person.

So if you're going to dragnet the site searching out contracdictory statements made by me in past posts, save your valuable time for more important endeavors like writing trip reports. Judging from the number and kinds of posts under your handle since 09/ 2003, you've contributed little to this board, that is except to criticize others.

Firedsup, I couldn't agree more. Bang till you just can't bang no more. I still suggest that everyone check with their doctor before taking V or C.

Be safe and Be Nice
Country John

Queer Juan
01-18-07, 22:31
I think it's important to show how a person really thinks especially if that person can't or won't.

Here's another gem form the recent past by Mr. Sensitive. This one dated 12/01/06. I'm not making this stuff up, it's all documented, I just think it's funny when juxtaposed with all the chest beating.

"But here's the deal: she needs to keep creating her life within my universe if she wants to stick around." COUNTRY JOHN.

She needs to keep creating her life within YOUR UNIVERSE if she wants to stick around? I had to write it again,I can't believe what I'm reading. I can't get my arms around the pomposity of it all. LOL.

Maybe you can explain this to us Mr. Wonderful?

01-18-07, 23:02
After a 3,000 mile red-eye hop-skip-jump, room service and a shower, one business meeting, and a pinch of homegrown, it was finally time to run for the border.

40-min Blue Line trolley ride for $5.

Arrival to border: 6:10 pm.

10-min Taxi ride to AB for $5. About 25 chicas made a 3 to 1 f/m ratio, but this turned over within hours. By 10 pm the real hotties arrived with their full-sized Ts & As. It dawned on me I’ve been looking forward to this moment for months. It was bittersweet though since most of these fuck factory chicas sent chilly vibes. So I wandered the Alley and enjoyed cat calls from the many SWs; one of which I found attractive, Ruby, but I passed.

New York, Mermaids, Tropical, and Miami were DOA. Too early. Several 7s & 8s at HK but the lighting was so poor I chose to return to AB and revive my buzz.

A trophy was in mind and Karla at AB, with her 5’11” frame, big tits, and blonde hair fit the bill. She proposed $60 and I countered with $50 plus $20 if she let me tape it. Regrettably, I paid upfront, lost all negotiation leverage, and managed only one lousy still pic. I’ll post it next month when I return home. A good CBJ but the sex was on training wheels. She held the condom, refused to let go, complained about me caressing her tits and refused to ride me. Quickly, I finished and moved on. YMMV, but I’d avoid her.

Tacos were delicious on the street. As I gorged myself, Ruby reemerged. Her 22-year-old body was fine and appearance decent. After alcohol, she was a 6 and the only SW I’d consider. Ruby proposed $20 and I offered $30 if she let me tape it. Again, no, so we settled for $20 and $5 for the room. The damn room had no faucet. CBJ was good but I was limp from her cold hands and lack of enthusiasm. For fun I proposed Greek and she called me loco. I just couldn’t keep it up so I split, thanked her, and said the experience was no good.

Back on the street I met Johnny. He offered hook-ups for yayo, crystal, etc., but I declined. I offered him a shot of Patron at Mermaids for conversational purposes. Later he scored me mota for $1 and we parted ways.

Back at AB I found Monica, an easy 10 with dark hair, but when you see her face she’s just under a 9. Her perfectly round bubble-butt and tits separated her from the rest. Monica's first words to me proposed arriba for $60. Before I had a chance to answer she walked away. She meandered a bit, returned, and I propositioned her, but she repeatedly refused all offers. Oh well.

There was only one way I could go home with a smile-- two chicas arriba. I had $22 for the room, $5 for a taxi to the border, and remaining amount somewhere under $100 was for them. I forget their names but they said they were sisters. Both 7s with bold-ons. Very good CBJ, doggie, and then mish with the second one. I was drunk by this time and loved every single second of it. Washed clean.

Returned to the boarder by 1:30 am. $45 taxi to downtown hotel (I knew I’d pass out in the trolley and I needed to get to bed). I will repeat only threesomes tomorrow, no SWs. What's your story?

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Member #4450
01-19-07, 01:28

01-19-07, 03:21
I plan on making my 1st trip to TJ in the next month or two. A few quick questions I have, couldn't find anything in any of the TJ guides.

1. How much should a taxi from the airport to near the border cost?
2. Any cheap hotels that are decent near the border? (USA side)
3. What the best hotels to stay in TJ, price I want to spend is less then 60.
4. Anyone wants free drinks? I'll down to find some people to chill with while im down there.

01-19-07, 03:21
40-min Blue Line trolley ride for $5.

Returned to the boarder by 1:30 am. $45 taxi to downtown hotel (I knew I’d pass out in the trolley and I needed to get to bed). I will repeat only threesomes tomorrow, no SWs. What's your story?

Thanks for the TR. Regarding the trolley:the one
way fare is a lot less than $5 so I guess you purchased a round trip ticket which you didn't end up using?

The only time you can take the trolley at 1:30 AM is Sat night/Sun morning. On the other nights service stops earlier.

01-19-07, 06:19
Queer Juan is psychoanalyzing Country John? Wooo I say stick to the TOPIC and thats the 'Ladies".

I personally don't want a Queer John hanging out at the house, nor do I want to make assesments of Country Johns arrangement with any person.

I may be "junior' but I ain't stoopid

Country John
01-19-07, 09:38
I think it's important to show how a person really thinks especially if that person can't or won't.

Here's another gem form the recent past by Mr. Sensitive. This one dated 12/01/06. I'm not making this stuff up, it's all documented, I just think it's funny when juxtaposed with all the chest beating.

"But here's the deal: she needs to keep creating her life within my universe if she wants to stick around." COUNTRY JOHN.

She needs to keep creating her life within YOUR UNIVERSE if she wants to stick around? I had to write it again,I can't believe what I'm reading. I can't get my arms around the pomposity of it all. LOL.

Maybe you can explain this to us Mr. Wonderful?

I would be delighted to explain. Apparently you are the only one who doesn't get it so let me attempt to help you out, perhaps turn a few lights on in that otherwise dimly lit space between your ears.

Apparently your confusion lies in the word "create," "creative," "creating" etc.
and that's not hard to understand given your choices here.

When a person "creates" in their life, they construct ways to survive. They develope their own paths in their life, their own interests and things to keep them occupied, productive, creative and hopefully happy. It can be said that a person exists within a universe that they "create." Are you with me so far? Good.

If you become responsible for "creating" (I know, there's that word again) someone else's universe for them, because they cannot or will not do it themself then that could become burdensome and frustrating, especially if you've tried to do it in the past and failed. These elements could make the relationship uninteresting or undesireable over time.

Your choice is to do that ("create") or not to do that. You can make that choice at any time but it's a good idea to do that in the beginning rather than to give up on the process after a number of years. Now let's get back to what I wrote and see if we can clear that up for you shall we?

"But here's the deal: she needs to keep creating her life within my universe if she wants to stick around." COUNTRY JOHN.

If the girl wants to remain in a relationship with me (that is to say within my universe) then on her own she needs to become productive, occupied or otherwise happy (she needs to keep creating her life) if she wants to have a continuing relationship because I will not be responsible for doing that for her, she has to be capable of doing that much herself.

Get it? Good.

I'd be happy to clarify anything else you'd like to bring up.

Country John

Nero X
01-20-07, 00:56
I plan on making my 1st trip to TJ in the next month or two. A few quick questions I have, couldn't find anything in any of the TJ guides.

1. How much should a taxi from the airport to near the border cost?
2. Any cheap hotels that are decent near the border? (USA side)
3. What the best hotels to stay in TJ, price I want to spend is less then 60.
4. Anyone wants free drinks? I'll down to find some people to chill with while im down there.1. Can't help you.

2. Best Western Americana Inn
815 West San Ysidro
San Diego, CA USA 92173
Like $60 bucks

3. Close to the zona action, Hacienda de Santiago (around $40) hotel IMO is the best hotel in the zona. Bring a heater perhaps. In the heart of the alley, Cascadas hotel next to Miami Bar. There is a chica surcharge I believe in Cascadas though.

Toad Tamer
01-20-07, 04:07
1. How much should a taxi from the airport to near the border cost?
2. Any cheap hotels that are decent near the border? (USA side)
3. What the best hotels to stay in TJ, price I want to spend is less then 60.
4. Anyone wants free drinks? I'll down to find some people to chill with while im down there.

************ if this is your 1st visit to TJ I highly suggest you go with an experienced wingman. Your taxi will be $5 unless you seek out the red ones. I believe those are a buck or two cheaper. I head staight through the turnstyles and take the $5 buck ones. All you gotta do is say "Adelitas por favor." Cinco dollars?? He says more than $5 say "asta la vista" then act like you are getting out. I guarantee he says back "ok, ok, cinco"

Adelitas is in the heart of the zona. Chicago Club is up the block turn left. The Alley is behind the block fron Adelitas. A wingman can show you all the other spots and tell you where not to go. Do not forget your passport and a drivers license. If your bringing vitamins, down it before you cross. I normally do the quick turnaround thing and don't stay down there.


01-20-07, 04:20
Visited TJ last night. Not many SWs to be found. I counted a little over a dozen or so in the alley.

Hit the usual bars. Chicago and HKC were slow, with a limited selection. Went to ABs. The usual hotties were not there. Hooked up with Erica.

01-20-07, 17:52
This will be my 1st time to TJ just for mongering, i've been there in the past with an ex gf. As for all the hot spots im pretty sure I know which places to go, ive read ALL the online guides on here and ********.com.

Are you sure you need a passport to reenter the USA? I thought thats only if you are flying.

Country John
01-20-07, 20:39
This will be my 1st time to TJ just for mongering, i've been there in the past with an ex gf. As for all the hot spots im pretty sure I know which places to go, ive read ALL the online guides on here and ********.com.

Are you sure you need a passport to reenter the USA? I thought thats only if you are flying.

Correct. You will not need a passport to return to the USA on foot or by car. You need a passport only if you are returning by air.

Country John

01-21-07, 20:13
I just purchased my ticket, man I got a great deal. Less then $200 round trip from Orlando to San Diego. I can't wait now, to bring back some pictures. Are you allowed to take pictures inside the clubs? Also do most chicas let you take their pictures in the private rooms?

John Rain
01-21-07, 23:38
Are you allowed to take pictures inside the clubs? Also do most chicas let you take their pictures in the private rooms?
Generally the clubs don't allow this although I recall at least one post mentioning it. I have seen maseros (waiters) give warnings several times. In Adelita Bar, I have seen a masero actually grab a phone from a guy and search it for photos.

Within the clubs there are invariably sanctioned photographers who will take a polaroid of you with a girl you are sitting with. They ask $5 but will take $4 if offered. The girls seem to be okay with this. I have a small collection of these polaroids myself. Alternatively, some guys mention giving their digital camera to a friendly masero who will take a photo for a tip.

Inside the room, I have never had the balls to ask a girl to let me take nude photos. I have taken clothed photos often. Typically, these are favorite girls that know me well. My own experience and certainly the impression I've gathered from reading many reports here is that most girls simply refuse photos. Some girls promise photos and then refuse in the room. And others allow very limited, controlled photos for a tip.

If you talk a good game and find the right girl, you might pull it off. But don't make this a major goal of your trip or you will likely be disappointed.

Another tip, if you do get some photos, don't walk around with those photos loaded in your camera for some cop to see and hassle you for.

Have fun,


Country John
01-22-07, 01:14
Good advice Mike 123.

Porn is illegal in Mexico and if the cops find nude pics of girls on your cam, you'd better have some money on you, because you're going to have to buy your way out of it. Same goes for your computer.

I have over 3000 pics of my girl in various stages of dress. Many nudes, many pussy shots. I got pics of memorial blow jobs etc. All those live on a dvd kept out of Mexico. In fact, why look at the pics when I got the girl?

I was stopped once with about 100 nude pics of her on the camera. The cops thought they had struck paydirt. My girl got the message through that we live together in TJ and she is my Amante, they had nowhere to go. The pics were porn style, no question about it.

The clubs won't let you take pics but Mike 123 is right. For a tip, the waiters will do anything. Have a secure place for your camera too or else someone else might be enjoying your work.

Be safe and be nice

Country John

p-t monger
01-22-07, 04:43
I went to TJ Friday and Saturday night. Got searched by the cops at the border both nights. It was the first time I've ever been searched. They got me as I was getting out of the cab to cross back over on foot. They made me lean over a mailbox and searched my pockets for "pills" and "weapons". Finding nothing, they let me go.

The foot traffic coming back into the US was non-existent. No line whatsoever on Friday night at 2:30am and only a group of about 8-10 people from Ireland in front of me on Saturday night about 1:30am.

01-22-07, 09:19
I finally got to go down south after a 6 month absence. Got into town around 06:30 and went to my new favorite steak house, Cheripan. This is where the upper class goes to eat. Want to see locals dressed up to the nines? This is one of those places.

Anyways, after dinner headed over to a/b.. I just walked in and walked right on out. There must have been a ratio of 8 guys for every chica. If you were a girl, this place was great, but us guys damn.

Went over to l/c. There were a few good looking girls there but of course they were sitting with guys that wanted them for the whole night. I stayed there for about an hour and a half. Since the girls I liked were not going to be availiable soon, I then walked over to t/b..

This place is becoming scary. Not the girls because there were some cute ones, but the price. I bought a drink for a better than average looking chica but certainly not a 9 or 10, more like an upper 6 -8. Anyways I asked her how much to go upstairs and she said it would be $80 dollars. I said no way. She wouldn't come down even though I told her the most I ever paid for a girl out of there was mx$600, and that was when the peso was almost 11- 1.

She wouldn't come down so I asked her who are the guys paying this price. She said all the gringos pay her this price. I know it's probably not the guys on this board that are paying that price, but this just goes to show you what we are up against.

After that fiasco, I went back to l/c and picked up a chica who had a pretty face but a big body. Not fat, just big. Anyways, she only asked for $40 and her service upstairs was good including dfk.

Hopefully $80 doesn't become the norm for their weak ass 1/2 hour service.


01-24-07, 01:47
Anyone know of any hotels that offer cheaper rates if you plan on staying about a week? If not looks like i'll be headed to Hacienda de Santiago looks like people here recommend that place.

01-24-07, 04:41
Anyone know of any hotels that offer cheaper rates if you plan on staying about a week? If not looks like i'll be headed to Hacienda de Santiago looks like people here recommend that place.

At one point they had a special where if you stayed 5 nights and paid up front you got two days free.

01-26-07, 15:29
Anyone know if hotel Hacienda de Santiago has rooms with a safe? If not any other hotels in TJ have them?

Also how safe is using a ATM in TJ? My understanding so far is that it is ok to use a ATM as long as you go into a big building such as a bank and use it inside where people on the street can't see you. When you do use an ATM in Mexico do they charge a crap load of fees?

Member #4450
01-26-07, 22:43
This place is becoming scary. Not the girls because there were some cute ones, but the price. I bought a drink for a better than average looking chica but certainly not a 9 or 10, more like an upper 6 -8. Anyways I asked her how much to go upstairs and she said it would be $80 dollars. I said no way. She wouldn't come down even though I told her the most I ever paid for a girl out of there was mx$600, and that was when the peso was almost 11- 1.

She wouldn't come down so I asked her who are the guys paying this price. She said all the gringos pay her this price. I know it's probably not the guys on this board that are paying that price, but this just goes to show you what we are up against.

Hopefully $80 doesn't become the norm for their weak ass 1/2 hour service.


Isn't this sad???
If we don't put a "STOP" to this shit, we are looking to the end of the zona.
There's no doubt that AB is ripping off the gringos.
Don't be surprise if you next stop in AB looks like this $100,+ $20 room, $10 ficha.

Nero X
01-26-07, 22:48
Anyone know if hotel Hacienda de Santiago has rooms with a safe? If not any other hotels in TJ have them?

Also how safe is using a ATM in TJ? My understanding so far is that it is ok to use a ATM as long as you go into a big building such as a bank and use it inside where people on the street can't see you. When you do use an ATM in Mexico do they charge a crap load of fees?Hello,,,

No in-room safes. Maybe in the lobby they have a safe available.

I've personally never had a problem using ATM's in tj. Read of a couple people having problems, mostly idiots getting help from strangers and whamo card swapped or other stuff. They walked into those problems.

The big Sanborns over on rev by 8th street has two atm machines I believe. Theres an atm by HDS walking towards rev thats I've used a couple times with no problems also.

For fees I've gotten charged like $2-3 bucks of fees but I did get charged some international fee atleast once with my BoA card.

01-27-07, 02:09

There's an HBSC on Revolution Av. not far from the Zona. I have not used it but I would not hesitate; HBSC is a very reputable international bank. In general cash withdrawals from ATMs provide you the best exchange rates and lower fees than you will get from a cambio exchange booth. You may negotiate slightly better prices by paying in pesos but everybody in the area is quite happy to accept dollars you bring from the USA.

I believe Hacienda de Santiago has a safe but not in the rooms. The rooms are quite large and quite nice. Tile, no carpeting, very clean. They have kitchenettes but no utensils, and the rooms are stripped -- not even a hangar in the closet. There's a liquor store / quick mart in the building and a small market across the intersection.

Blue Nose
01-27-07, 19:40
Anyone know if hotel Hacienda de Santiago has rooms with a safe? If not any other hotels in TJ have them?

Also how safe is using a ATM in TJ? My understanding so far is that it is ok to use a ATM as long as you go into a big building such as a bank and use it inside where people on the street can't see you. When you do use an ATM in Mexico do they charge a crap load of fees?
No safes in the room in Santiago, but they do have safety deposit boxes in the lobby that you can use. In fact, there is a big sign there that basically says they're not responsible for anything left in the room and to keep all valuables in the boxes in the lobby. Never had any trouble with stuff being stolen there, but I would not risk it. If you have valuables, use the box or better yet, leave them north of the border.

Blue Nose

Rider Jay
01-27-07, 21:26
I had one of my quick West Coast trips last week. Wednesday night I flew into San Diego about 7:30pm. Since I had to be in LA the next day for an 11am meeting I didn't want to risk getting stuck trying to cross the border so I stayed on the US side. The Travel Lodge is $49 during the week and is fairly clean.

I was in the Zona by 9pm. I was surprised by how slow it was. I know it was early but when I walked in AB's it look like the YMCA. Very few chicas and a couple dozen guys, mostly locals. It didn't matter because I've been doing more of the SGs lately. I find you’re just as likely to find a good performer in either spot. At least when you get a lousy lay it's not quite as aggravating if you’ve paid $20 instead of the $50 or $60 that the club girls want. I found one that was a lot of fun off the alley and then had a good dinner at La Perlas. After bouncing around and having a few drinks in the local bars it was time for another girl. This time I took one out of the Alley. She asked for $40 but took $25. Unfortunately she was in a hurry upstairs but, with some effort, I was able to finish. You can’t always pick a gem. I had a few more drinks and took a cab back to the border. The night went without incident and I was asleep by 3am.

I returned TJ on Saturday about noon and decided to stay again on the US side because crossing back during the day on Sundays can take hours. I took a look at the Flamingo Motel on the US side. It looked clean, was only $45 total, but didn’t have a heater. I was afraid that at 4am, my usual return time, the room would be freezing so I paid the $65 weekend rate at the Travel Lodge. This motel isn’t nearly as busy as it used to be since they’ve jumped their rates on weekends. It sits more then half empty most weekends when it used to be full. I walked from the border to the Zona because I find it perfectly safe during the day. Once across I almost immediately found a gem in the alley for $25 plus room. Not the prettiest face but thin like I like them. Once unwrapped she had a great body with perfect breasts and an attitude to match. I think she said her name was Jasmine. I seldom repeat because I usually like to try someone new but I will definitely look for this one again on my next trip. After the session I ate off the carts, had a couple beers, watched a little collage Basketball at the new Caliente on Revolucion, and waited until my batteries recharged. Then off I went to find girl #2. I found another decent SG on the CC side of Constitucion and we had a nice time. She wasn’t quite like Jasmine but was better then most, including the club girls. By this time it was around 9 pm and time for dinner. I took a cab and had them find me a restaurant that serves Carbon Pollo. For the life of me I can’t remember the restaurant’s name but it’s one of those places that barbeques the chicken over coals and it’s one of my favorite Mexican foods. After a 15 min ride, dinner, another 15 min ride, I was back in the Zona by 10 pm.

It sort of went down hill from here. I always have the cabs drop me at the big arch. This sometime saves me from the cabby’s sales pitches for massage parlors or strip clubs, besides that’s where I like to start my loop. I didn’t take 10 steps out of the cab before TJ’s finest wanted to search me. I must say they look very cute without their guns. Kind of reminds me of Barney on Mayberry only he got the gun but no bullets. The usual bullshit and they let me go. About 3 hours later, and on the same street only a block further down, I was stopped and searched again. I must not be the brightest guy in the world because I should have figured this out sooner but it finally dawned on me that every time I get searched it’s on the same street. It seems that if you’re walking alone you’re a big favorite to get stopped when walking on Articulo between Revolucion and Avenida Niños Heros. I never get stopped any were else. This is a shame because I have occasionally picked up some quality girls in this area. They are a little off the beaten track and often don’t try for an unreasonable amount when approached. They will now miss my business because I will avoid this whole block at night from now on. I will also have the cabs drop right in front of AB’s and start my loop from there where I’ll stick to Constitucion and the alley.

I then popped into my favorite bar to regroup and had a few $1 beers and a shot of good tequila. After that I ended my night in the safty of AB’s where I had some over priced beers and paid $50 for the girl plus $11 for ther room plus $1 tip for the room cleaner all for a girl who’s performance wasn’t any better then 3 of the 4 SG’s I had in the last few days. She was however very pretty :).

It was then about 4 am and I took a cab back to the border. This time I got lucky. Not that I had anything on me but I sure didn't want to get searched for the 3rd time. Just like many of you have reported the police were waiting for the gringos right where the cabs drop you off. There were about 4 of them but were all busy shaking down others that got there before me.

I would never take the risk of bringing something back but I do have a question for those of you who might know. If a legitimate, licensed, Mexican Pharmacy can sell a drug that is an over the counter drug in their country, how can it be illegal for someone to have it in their possession?

Even with all the bullshit from the police, the hustlers, and the beggars, I still will be back. There’s something about the culture, the food, and especially the ladies that will always draw me to Latin American countries.

Be Safe, and when in TJ, be extra safe.

Rider Jay

Num Nutz
01-28-07, 00:12
I was informed that you need to show a Mexican prescription for the pills you bought in order to be legal. Crazy I know. My question is why are they so concerned with us leaving their country with drugs or weapons?? You would think they would be more concerned with these things coming into their country. Maybe they are leery of their 'image" being tarnished and want to be sure everything stays in Mexico.

El Juez
01-28-07, 03:57
The only time I've been stopped (and, also personally ripped off by TJ's finest) was at the Sentri line where the ratero policia lifted money out of my wallet during a pat down. But I have personally seen gringos being shaken down on Ninos Heroes between Coahuila and the Alley and even on Coahuilla between La Tropa and AB. That was, of course, before the Federal crackdown.

01-28-07, 04:19
Well did a few nights in TJ this week. The winter is definietly slower than the spring summer. Quality/Qty way down versus June when I was here.

Popped a Street Girl first night. Blow-up doll nightmare. Why even bother?

I was about to give up on TJ all together but decided one more try. Went down next night and got 2 great pulls. One from Tropical. One from CC. Both great attitueds and great performance. Went through a few drinks with girls with bad vibes. It is worth the 7 bucks to screen them.

Last night tried to keep it going. Got a cute Tropical girl who spoke no English. She undresses and lays on bed. Worse than Street Girl. I should have put my clothes on and left. I mean this girl just starfished like I have never seen. Grudge fucked her best I could and left. Chicas like this should not be working.

So you can find the good performers in TJ. It takes luck and good screening. Adelitas girls looked all big time production oriented. Worse than June. I live on the East and no trade shows in San Diego for a couple years so thats it for TJ for me for a few years. I can see why the CA guys burn out on TJ with the starfish pulls- pisses you off! But it is worth it if you land the good ones. Starfish? Elaborate please.

John Rain
01-28-07, 22:51
Starfish? Elaborate please.
:) Starfish = Just lays there. Starfish move so slowly that it's hard to tell if they are even alive. So, a girl who just plops her lazy ass down, lays back, and stares at the ceiling while you're doing her is called a starfish.

Tommy 246
01-29-07, 06:10
Any suggestions of things to do in TJ in between pops?

Anything besides 1$ dances at HK?

Member #4450
01-29-07, 23:20
Any suggestions of things to do in TJ in between pops?

Anything besides 1$ dances at HK?

What you can do in TJ between pops is ?????????????????????????hummmm
wow! This is a hard question, I guess not much, I ask myself the same Q when I'm there, I guess eating, drinking, get laid, sing a ranchera kateoki, or maybe talk a lot of whatever BS with a ficha girl for $7 bucks :>)

John Rain
01-30-07, 03:40
Any suggestions of things to do in TJ in between pops?

Anything besides 1$ dances at HK?
There aren't $1 dances at Hong Kong, but you can kick back and watch the strip show. Or go upstairs and watch sports on the TVs.
Go next door to Miami Bar for $1 dances.
Go to Chavelas Bar for $1 dances.
Go to Bar Tropical for $1 dances.
Explore the many, many other bars.
I recommend a bowl of Tortilla Soup at Hard Rock Cafe.
Chat with the Street Girls.
Walk around Revolution.
Go to Plaza Rio.

Personally, I know several street girls well so I like to spend time with them. After an extended session in my hotel room, maybe see a movie or get something to eat with them or just window shopping. Also, I like to go with a favorite to dance or have a beer together.

01-30-07, 03:42
Any suggestions of things to do in TJ in between pops?

Anything besides 1$ dances at HK?
Restaurants, night clubs, movies, internet cafes, gambling (sort of), wrestling, beaches, bull fights, churches, shopping ...

Depends on time of day, time of year, how much Spanish you speak and how much hassle you want to deal with getting around. What do you do at home between pops?

01-30-07, 06:14
Restaurants, night clubs, movies, internet cafes, gambling (sort of), wrestling, beaches, bull fights, churches, shopping ...

Depends on time of day, time of year, how much Spanish you speak and how much hassle you want to deal with getting around. What do you do at home between pops?

Shoot some pool, go bowling, go to Centro Cultural de Tijuana, get a massage, go to the zoo, go to the greyhound races, go to a swap meet, go to Rosarito.

Country John
01-30-07, 08:55
Shoot some pool, go bowling, go to Centro Cultural de Tijuana, get a massage, go to the zoo, go to the greyhound races, go to a swap meet, go to Rosarito.

How about "GIRL WATCHING?"

There are loads of ladies out there roaming around. Post pop time is great for girl watching. Go up to the restaurant at the Hotel Nelson, have a quiet beer, maybe some soup. Relax and enjoy the sounds of TJ singing.

I would sit at the taco stand in the Alley (before they enclosed it and lost Country John's business) and watch the parade of Gringos and hookers.

You can also check your email at the internet cafe, stroll revolution... sheesh, there's lots to do between pops.

Country John

Adelante Siempre
01-30-07, 09:08
I have thought about having a mini vacation in T.J. In other words to enjoy the culture and the social events the city has to offer. What do you say, Country John, are there apartments, houses for rent for a reasonable some for a month or so?

01-30-07, 11:44
Just when I thought it was the end of western civilization, ( lol ), my faith has been restored at t/b. What a difference a week makes. After last weeks fiasco I came back down Sunday to see if the new trend would be higher prices at t/b.. Fortunately, it is not.

I went up with two different girls at different times and the sessions were really good. They didn't ask for $80 like the girls did last week. They both settled for mx$600. The first girl, her name is Camilla. She is petite and from Veracruz. Not the prettiest, but alot of fun upstairs. She didn't ask for money up front, provided bbbj, daty, many positions, and most of all, what I like best, lfk, dfking, and not a clock watcher. For whatever reason, maybe because it was a slow day, the knock came after about 45 minutes. Recommended.

The second girl, her name is Alexandria, or something similar to it. She imho, is much pretier than the first girl. She is taller, about 5'6" and the kind of body I adore. The only knock on her, she did everything Camilla did with the exception of the bbbj. She gave a cbj. But again, she was into dfking so I still had a great time with her.

Bad news is, now that I know the prices are still reasonable, I may have to go back next weekend.

I almost forgot, Camilla works the day shift, she leaves around 9:00, and Alex works the night shift, I believe she starts at 8:00.


Country John
01-30-07, 19:03
I have thought about having a mini vacation in T.J. In other words to enjoy the culture and the social events the city has to offer. What do you say, Country John, are there apartments, houses for rent for a reasonable some for a month or so?

Not sure about monthly rentals, never checked it out. I have a 1 year lease on my house. I'm certain that, if you look around, you'll be able to come up with something furnished on a short term basis. Even some of the hotels might talk to you about an extended stay.

Expect to pay around $300 to $400 for an apartment unfurnished. You might work that into a cupple weeks at one of the hotels based on $25. a night.

Also, check craigs list. Look for short term rentals in TJ. I'll keep an eye open for you because I'm probably going to move into a smaller place later this year.

Country John

Member #4450
01-30-07, 23:59
Are you guys for real??????????????????
Go to Rosarito, church, zoo, bowling, shopping, bull fight,beaches,etc...
You're not in Miami beach or Hawaii.
Yeah right! Cruise Tj in a pink Cadillac convertible drinking fine champagne and smoking those $100 cubans.
You people are really funny, Tj is to get laid, eat, drink and get laid again, not a place for family picnic.
If you want to go to the zoo go to San Diego LOL! and check seaworld wile you're there.

01-31-07, 05:39
Hey, the guy asked for suggestions. Recommendations are something else. I don't know what he's interested in.

For you however, I'd recommend the cathedral just outside la zona.

01-31-07, 08:29
Just a quick question for you all,

Anyone ever stay at the Hotel La Villa De La Zaragoza? It's located behind the Hai Alai building, one block off of Revolution.

A friend of mine told me it was a nice place, but he doesn't monger, so I was wondering if they let you bring girls back to the room?



Member #4450
01-31-07, 09:51
For you however, I'd recommend the cathedral just outside la zona.

Suggestions/Recommendations? What's the difference?
Are you trying to confuse me?

Country John
02-01-07, 01:44
Just a quick question for you all,

Anyone ever stay at the Hotel La Villa De La Zaragoza? It's located behind the Hai Alai building, one block off of Revolution.

A friend of mine told me it was a nice place, but he doesn't monger, so I was wondering if they let you bring girls back to the room?



Yeah but DO NOT use a credit card or ATM Debit card. Use Cash. Call first for the rate and be careful you dont get upcharged by the desk help. Parking is secure, $2.00 propina for the guard if you drive in. There is a decent restaurant there also with a bar. The place is chica friendly

Country John

02-01-07, 04:31
Hi guys,

I have to be in San Diego this Monday for business. Any ideas of a good place to watch the game in TJ?

I'm basically looking for a place I can get a seat, order food, and drink. While I usually separate football and mongering, I'll be alone, so I figure TJ would be a better choice than watching the game in San Diego.



Jimbo 2
02-01-07, 07:58
havn't done the tj scene in a while, especially after hearing adelitas was taking a dive

anyways went down today and had a great time. i first did a sg, she didn't try to raise the rates or none of that, but i did feel pretty bad because while the deed was being done she kept looking away like i was [CodeWord125] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord125) her or something, talk about a kill joy, felt bad and gave her a big tip

then i went to adelitas, a chick approached me, big ta ta's don't remember the name, think she was 27 and has a baseball uniform theme going

paid the 60, service was great she kept talking dirty to me in spanish which was a pretty big turn on, overall one of the best adelitas girls i've ever done

2nd adelitas girl, again don't remember her name, she was tall though (prob close to 6 if not over), red dress and had braces

paid 60 again and had great service w/ good attitude and she kinda look liked j-low which was an added bonus!

again one of the best adelitas girls i've ever done

overall one of my better adelitas moment

the only negative experience was this one girl that looked pretty but she had the weirded most annoying/creepy voice ever.

Rabo Verde
02-01-07, 10:34

Grab a Taxi, tell them Plaza Rio Shopping cinco dolares....
10 minute ride to a modern American style classy shopping mall 100's of stores and 2 movie houses ( most of the movies are in English with Spanish subtitles).
They have a nice food court, McDonalds, etc. and a Sanborns... You will be amazed how you can go from a shithole to a modern shopping mall in 10 minutes!

Country John
02-01-07, 18:10
Hi guys,

I have to be in San Diego this Monday for business. Any ideas of a good place to watch the game in TJ?

I'm basically looking for a place I can get a seat, order food, and drink. While I usually separate football and mongering, I'll be alone, so I figure TJ would be a better choice than watching the game in San Diego.



Adelita Bar should be showing the game. Expect lots of company though. It's usually a popular time in Adelitas and the girls HATE it. The maseros love it because the beers flow.

Have a good time.

Country John

02-02-07, 02:51
Adelita Bar should be showing the game. Expect lots of company though. It's usually a popular time in Adelitas and the girls HATE it. The maseros love it because the beers flow.

Have a good time.

Country JohnThanks. I've only been to TJ 4 or 5 times and couldn't remember if Adelita's even had a TV. I've only been on weekend nights and all the popular Zona Norte bars were wall to wall with people. I figure, I'll take a lap up Revo to the zona and see what looks good. Hell, maybe I'll even go into one of those strip clubs clip joints with the nice interiors as a treat.

02-02-07, 03:29
Hong Kong will be showing the game, too, but you might have to motion to the dancers to get out of the way of the screen. This really pisses them off!

Blue Nose
02-02-07, 04:42
Hi guys,

I have to be in San Diego this Monday for business. Any ideas of a good place to watch the game in TJ?

I'm basically looking for a place I can get a seat, order food, and drink. While I usually separate football and mongering, I'll be alone, so I figure TJ would be a better choice than watching the game in San Diego.


If ABs is too crowded, try Chicago Club. It is usually dead in the late afternoon and early evening and they will definitely have the game on. If you want to gamble on the game, you could also watch it at Caliente Sport Book - right across from La Valentina Bar in the alley.

Blue Nose

Adelante Siempre
02-02-07, 07:25
I don't know about you guys, but when I go mongering for an extended period of time, I like to gather as much info about the place ahead of time as I can.

The article below suggests that Tijuana has undergone changes in positive ways as well. The prostitutes are active in preserving their livelihood in the city, and have been active in standing up for their rights. It's still the best place to monger along the Mexican border that I have seen.


Adelante Siempre
02-02-07, 07:42
I think it's best to rent two places, if you can afford it. A nice one to live in, and a cheap room somewhere else to invite the overnight hookers to.

Adelante Siempre
02-02-07, 07:59
For the sake of variety, and possible free sex, I like to cultivate relationships with women from other walks of life too. It is nice to know that there is some amazing talent on the street in TJ, just in case. That way, a normal date is not overshadowed by the immediate need to get laid. One can be more selective, not appear needy, and tend to get better response from women in general.
Just the fact that you are from the States makes you attractive to women in TJ, and I think you can honestly play that card without making serious commitments. I get the impression that there is a more sophisticated side of TJ, more so than other Mexican border cities.
Besides, when you spend more time in one place you need some diversions and a hobby. I speak Spanish fluently, though not like a native. The fact that it's two hours from LA helps.
I am curious what impressions longer term visitors of TJ, like Country John, have of the city. The city has a great red light district for starters.

Smut Villain
02-02-07, 15:08
For the sake of variety, and possible free sex, I like to cultivate relationships with women from other walks of life too. It is nice to know that there is some amazing talent on the street in TJ, just in case. That way, a normal date is not overshadowed by the immediate need to get laid. One can be more selective, not appear needy, and tend to get better response from women in general.
Just the fact that you are from the States makes you attractive to women in TJ, and I think you can honestly play that card without making serious commitments. I get the impression that there is a more sophisticated side of TJ, more so than other Mexican border cities.
Besides, when you spend more time in one place you need some diversions and a hobby. I speak Spanish fluently, though not like a native. The fact that it's two hours from LA helps.
I am curious what impressions longer term visitors of TJ, like Country John, have of the city. The city has a great red light district for starters.
Well, I lived there for 5 years so I guess I can give you another frame of reference (even though I only speak for myself).

I agree that there is some untapped civilian talent on the street down there. If you were to take a break from Zona Norte for a bit and check out the rest of TJ, you'd find that there are some real cuties running around town. I don't think that being a Yank is such a turn-on for them in the way that you might think, though; being a border town with a world-famous red light district, I'm sure that gringos are nothing new to them. HOWEVER, being a gringo that speaks the language and understands the culture, without being condescending - THAT is what they would find impressive, and I speak from experience on that.

In fact, I highly suggest that any habitual TJ mongers take a few Spanish classes. It sounds weird, but when you come to TJ as a tourist or monger you often see only one side of the town, and that side usually looks like Av. Revelucion or Coahuila - in other words, a shithole. But when you go down there armed with some Spanish and an open mind you start seeing another side of the place that most visitors miss out on completely (maybe it's because folks who actually take the time to understand a place's language and culture tend to become a bit more adventurous). I've even noticed that natives will treat you a little differently, seeng how you're obviously not the typical "Ugly Americano Tourista".

Since you speak some Spanish you should try visiting TJ without hitting the red light district sometime. You'd be surprised at what you'd find. I was so surprised that I stayed there for 5 years :)

John Rain
02-02-07, 16:02
I met a woman on Amigos.com and we went on a normal date in Tijuana. She arranged the details. She spoke fluent English and has family in the LA area. We met for lunch, and afterwards went to a very upscale French Bistro, went to a movie in English, and then a nice coffee house. We drove around a bit and as we went down Revolution, which she hadn't seen in several years, she asked me to lock my car door because of all the drunk Americans. Her feelings were that you can find whatever you are looking for in Tijuana--a normal life, classy nightlife, culture, or the clubs for tourists and the prostitutes.

It was interesting to get her take on life in TJ.

Country John
02-02-07, 20:37
I am curious what impressions longer term visitors of TJ, like Country John, have of the city. The city has a great red light district for starters.

Tijuana is hot and cold. I've not had a bad experience personally, but gringos have to know that there is a potential for violence so they have to do basic things to stay low profile and avoid attracting attention. The reasons for this are many. There are many similarities to living anywhere in the USA, but in Mexico poverty, education and unemployment (criminal element notwithstanding) are reasons why people commit crimes. Mexico is no different.

So personal security moves to the front burner - big time.

The people are a gregarious and warm for the most part. They are a pleasure to be among. They understand the importance of family and friendships. Relationships tend to be warm and accomodating.

Gringos get a bad rap because they are generally arrogant and think that when they are in Mexico they can do whatever the hell they want. They have no idea how high profile they are, they in fact deny it with an aire of arrogance.

"Gringos" doesn't always mean "white" just like "nigger" doesn't always mean "black." In Mexico, it's a condition of existence it seems. Gringos are carefully watched. They also have a reputation for coming to Mexico for sex, not only with hookers, but also with minors. Child abuse at the hands of sex tourists is a huge problem. Recent arrests in Mexico bear that out.

What am I getting at?

Chicas tend to "hope" that a gringo is cool, but they tend to first believe otherwise since the gringo's tendancy is to take advantage; the very thing gringos accuse Mexicans of. They get a few beers in and then they start gushing with bullshit, bragging about what they got then telling the chica how beautiful she is. Very bad. The girl sees right through it. Of course the gringo doesn't know that loose lips sink ships and if the girl is bad, he's setting himself up.

It's tough to make a very positive first impression on a civilian latina. It's tough to win them over into dating material and eventually in the sack. The looser the latina, the easier the score. But your question was about impressions of TJ and bagging a civilian. Such a relationship must be developed and YOU have to be cool and willing to let it happen. Having a prostitute on the side will handle your immediate needs of course but when she finds out it is OVER with a big "O."

Latinas are VERY possessive and very jealous. They are demanding in terms of your time and attention. It can be a problem if you are not willing to accomodate them. The rewards far outweigh the drawbacks however if you get the right girley.

Traffic there is crazy - TJ is where you learn survival driving and you learn that anyfuckingthing is possible on the roads. The only good part is that the "other guy" knows that too so there is a sort of "mutual respect" and people get along it seems. Pot holes can take out your front end. Left hand turns from the far right hand lane across traffic and against a red light are common. Be ready for anything. Not just from taxi drivers, from ANY other car on the road.

Getting settled is done long hand. YOU have to go to the water company, etc. Service sucks generally but Americans are spoiled and expect everything delivered to the door on a silver platter. This does NOT happen in Tijuana. Roll the calendar back to the mid '60's and if you were around then you'll get a sense of what I'm talking about. It was a very cool time too.

For those of you brought up in California, TJ is a step backwards in terms of life style if material wealth or possessions is your standard of measurement. It is a major step forward if you are all about relationships and really enjoying the company of your friends. Chicas like to see their guy with "stuff" but they also like to see some stuff between the ears too. They can tell if you are your shit.

Americans seems to confuse the "quality of life" with the "quality of living." They are not the same thing. What would you be like if half your shit was taken away. Take ten years or so off the year of your car, divide the square footage of your house by 2, cut your income in half, etc. What would you be like if you had to cut by 1/2 everything you spend or have?

Latinas really do want a decent future. They are sincere. They will give you their life if you show them your heart. And believe me, NOBODY does it better than the latina. They are loyal and dedicated but it's a developed relationship and that can only happen when you understand how they think. A poster once said: "The only men who know everything about women already have boyfriends."

Dating a bar girl or a prostitute is stupid. You pay them, you fuck them, you leave.

The right civilian is a gem when you find the right girl, it's worth the search.

There are PLENTY of places to go in TJ besides the Zona. Las Pulgas on South Revo is jiumping with civilians - nice looking girls. As is El Torito (my new stomping pad). Gringos, LEAVE THE FUCKING CUT OFFS, TENNIS SHOES AND BACKWARDS BASEBALL CAPS AT HOME. I see the chicas laughting and pointing at you when you come into the club before your eyes adjust to the dark. You think you look hip hop, you look like a clown, like you don't know how to dress to impress. If you don't want to impress, then forget about it, right?

Wear something that falls into the "smart casual" class.

TJ has some bad PR, a lot of it is true but when you get "TJ Broken" and understand how things work you understand how to peacefully co-exist with TJ and when you do THAT, you just might learn to like it and the term "gringo" might not apply to yo any more.

Be Safe and Be Nice,
Country John

Smut Villain
02-02-07, 22:48
Tijuana is hot and cold. I've not had a bad experience personally, but gringos have to know that there is a potential for violence so they have to do basic things to stay low profile and avoid attracting attention. The reasons for this are many. There are many similarities to living anywhere in the USA, but in Mexico poverty, education and unemployment (criminal element notwithstanding) are reasons why people commit crimes. Mexico is no different.

So personal security moves to the front burner - big time.

The people are a gregarious and warm for the most part. They are a pleasure to be among. They understand the importance of family and friendships. Relationships tend to be warm and accomodating.

Gringos get a bad rap because they are generally arrogant and think that when they are in Mexico they can do whatever the hell they want. They have no idea how high profile they are, they in fact deny it with an aire of arrogance.

"Gringos" doesn't always mean "white" just like "nigger" doesn't always mean "black." In Mexico, it's a condition of existence it seems. Gringos are carefully watched. They also have a reputation for coming to Mexico for sex, not only with hookers, but also with minors. Child abuse at the hands of sex tourists is a huge problem. Recent arrests in Mexico bear that out.

What am I getting at?

Chicas tend to "hope" that a gringo is cool, but they tend to first believe otherwise since the gringo's tendancy is to take advantage; the very thing gringos accuse Mexicans of. They get a few beers in and then they start gushing with bullshit, bragging about what they got then telling the chica how beautiful she is. Very bad. The girl sees right through it. Of course the gringo doesn't know that loose lips sink ships and if the girl is bad, he's setting himself up.

It's tough to make a very positive first impression on a civilian latina. It's tough to win them over into dating material and eventually in the sack. The looser the latina, the easier the score. But your question was about impressions of TJ and bagging a civilian. Such a relationship must be developed and YOU have to be cool and willing to let it happen. Having a prostitute on the side will handle your immediate needs of course but when she finds out it is OVER with a big "O."

Latinas are VERY possessive and very jealous. They are demanding in terms of your time and attention. It can be a problem if you are not willing to accomodate them. The rewards far outweigh the drawbacks however if you get the right girley.

Traffic there is crazy - TJ is where you learn survival driving and you learn that anyfuckingthing is possible on the roads. The only good part is that the "other guy" knows that too so there is a sort of "mutual respect" and people get along it seems. Pot holes can take out your front end. Left hand turns from the far right hand lane across traffic and against a red light are common. Be ready for anything. Not just from taxi drivers, from ANY other car on the road.

Getting settled is done long hand. YOU have to go to the water company, etc. Service sucks generally but Americans are spoiled and expect everything delivered to the door on a silver platter. This does NOT happen in Tijuana. Roll the calendar back to the mid '60's and if you were around then you'll get a sense of what I'm talking about. It was a very cool time too.

For those of you brought up in California, TJ is a step backwards in terms of life style if material wealth or possessions is your standard of measurement. It is a major step forward if you are all about relationships and really enjoying the company of your friends. Chicas like to see their guy with "stuff" but they also like to see some stuff between the ears too. They can tell if you are your shit.

Americans seems to confuse the "quality of life" with the "quality of living." They are not the same thing. What would you be like if half your shit was taken away. Take ten years or so off the year of your car, divide the square footage of your house by 2, cut your income in half, etc. What would you be like if you had to cut by 1/2 everything you spend or have?

Latinas really do want a decent future. They are sincere. They will give you their life if you show them your heart. And believe me, NOBODY does it better than the latina. They are loyal and dedicated but it's a developed relationship and that can only happen when you understand how they think. A poster once said: "The only men who know everything about women already have boyfriends."

Dating a bar girl or a prostitute is stupid. You pay them, you fuck them, you leave.

The right civilian is a gem when you find the right girl, it's worth the search.

There are PLENTY of places to go in TJ besides the Zona. Las Pulgas on South Revo is jiumping with civilians - nice looking girls. As is El Torito (my new stomping pad). Gringos, LEAVE THE FUCKING CUT OFFS, TENNIS SHOES AND BACKWARDS BASEBALL CAPS AT HOME. I see the chicas laughting and pointing at you when you come into the club before your eyes adjust to the dark. You think you look hip hop, you look like a clown, like you don't know how to dress to impress. If you don't want to impress, then forget about it, right?

Wear something that falls into the "smart casual" class.

TJ has some bad PR, a lot of it is true but when you get "TJ Broken" and understand how things work you understand how to peacefully co-exist with TJ and when you do THAT, you just might learn to like it and the term "gringo" might not apply to yo any more.

Be Safe and Be Nice,
Country John
I could not have put it better myself, and your analysis was spot-on (as usual). I can definitely tell you have experience down there.

Adelante Siempre
02-03-07, 08:26
C.J., you made some good points about dressing appropriately in TJ. That is true even in the Zona. I found that I got better services, and rapport from the girls when I did not look like a bum off of the streets of LA. Even the cops don't hassle you when you project the right image.
Saw a brief news clip last week on CCN that 3000 Mexican troops are due to arrive in TJ because of the violence against LE over there. Has that changed the mongering situation at all in the Zona? Probably not, I would think.
Yeah, saw that huge sign in TJ at that traffic circle targeting illegal sex tourism. I guess some US NGOs have to justify their huge salaries by doing publicity campaigns. It concerns me to the extent that I want to know if there are any sting operations in the Zona or TJ where a 16/17 year old is used as a decoy to masquerade as a legal chica to snare the unaware. We all know that a lot of the girls drop their first baby around 16 or 17, but as foreigners we are held to a higher standard. No problem with that. OTO it is essential to know if we, as sex tourists are being targeted by entrapment techniques favored by US LE.
S.V. your description also suggests that TJ is a cosmopolitan city, notwithstanding the fact that large parts are TJ are third world, it seems to be a mix of first world and third world.
The other thing, are the girls back to pre-Xmas levels in numbers and quality yet?

Country John
02-03-07, 22:18
c.j., you made some good points about dressing appropriately in tj. that is true even in the zona. i found that i got better services, and rapport from the girls when i did not look like a bum off of the streets of la. even the cops don't hassle you when you project the right image.

saw a brief news clip last week on ccn that 3000 mexican troops are due to arrive in tj because of the violence against le over there. has that changed the mongering situation at all in the zona? probably not, i would think.
yeah, saw that huge sign in tj at that traffic circle targeting illegal sex tourism. i guess some us ngos have to justify their huge salaries by doing publicity campaigns. it concerns me to the extent that i want to know if there are any sting operations in the zona or tj where a 16/17 year old is used as a decoy to masquerade as a legal chica to snare the unaware. we all know that a lot of the girls drop their first baby around 16 or 17, but as foreigners we are held to a higher standard. no problem with that. oto it is essential to know if we, as sex tourists are being targeted by entrapment techniques favored by us le.

s.v. your description also suggests that tj is a cosmopolitan city, notwithstanding the fact that large parts are tj are third world, it seems to be a mix of first world and third world.

the other thing, are the girls back to pre-xmas levels in numbers and quality yet?tj does look like a thrid world city when you compare it to the gold plated streets of california, where a bump in the road is a cause of action in a lawsuit against everyone in the state. i don't call that "progress, " i call it "regression. "

the cops in tj got their guns back but the troops are still here. when the tjpd were a toothless tiger, everyone seemed a bit more relaxed. the cops stood down for several days but got back to business when the money got tight. there has been no change in their behavior in that regard.

the road blocks are tight right now, especially on the way to the zona. if you drive across, do not go to ave. see. benito juarez via ave puente mexico (taking the hard left loop) because as soon as you make the lopp, you get stopped. and they're stopping everything with california plates that has wheels.

here's what you need to do: after crossing, keep right on av puente mexico to ave paseo de los heros. make the right at emanillo zapata (next to costco). continue west and then either turn right on constitution or revolution. (revo might be blocked if traffic is heavy on the weekend) and consititution will take you right into the heart of the zona norte.

now that the cops got their guns back there is less military so less reason for the cops to stay honest at the checkpoints. avoid the checkpoints.

when you leave the zona, don; t take the short route back to the boder, take the longer way. that way you'll avoid the checkpoints. if you park at the leyva, when you make the right turn exit on constitution, turn left at the first stop sign, then take the first left, (ninos heros) then turn left on flores magon (i think you can make the left there, if not, go to the next block) then follow it east to constitution, turn right and follow it to s sarabia, turn left. take that to av paseo de los heros, take the roudabout and follow the signs to the border. you will be very close so don't sweat it. just pay attention. sometimes there is a checkoint on the roundabout but they are looking for drunk drivers, not mongers.

remember to be very cool and obey all traffic signals. behave yourself!

load up on some spicy tacos or something else to mask your breath. smoke a stinky cigar or something. if they smell booze on you, it could cost you a bundle. never have an open container in the vehicle.

regarding minors: la mesa prison is one of the worst in mexico. that's where you will go if you get busted. there is no heat, no airconditioning, the food sucks and so do the rest of the inmate population. it will be the worst experience of your life. getting out could cost you everything you own, not to mention your marriage. it can ruin your life. if you go in for sex crimes against a minor you might be in for a unique sexual experience when in prison.

a minor can trap you in the room after you do the deed. if you do not pay up big time, she could go to the cops (or her boyfriend might turn you in). you could get grabbed by a decoy. as soon as you lay a hand on her, you are gone. once the cuffs go on, they stay on mate. you are toast. there is a zero tolerance for this in mexico (as it should be).

just because mexico has strict laws and some corrupt cops doesn't mean it's a shithole. it is a very very cool place for those who willingly choose to behave. even then you still have to be careful. i am constantly on guard. it just takes less effort now.

dress to impress the girls. smell good. look good. be polite and don't brag about anything except how lucky you are to be sitting with such a sexy latina. latinas are very much in touch with their femininity and calling them sexy etc. is not a turn off. just don't be obvious and don't go over-board.

otherwise, be willing to take whatever will go with you in your situation. mexican people are so used to being treated like shit by gringos that they are now of the opinion that most are that way. lean this word: humility. then learn this word: respect. once you give a latina the glimmer of hope that you are for real, you have a chance.

another tip: don't throw money around or talk the "big talk. " don't lay out big-time tips. don't be buying the fucking stuffed animals or roses. (maybe buy one rose on the way out.) if you got money, then good for you. the chica will like that of course, but how she goes about extracting that from you will depend on how you present yourself. if you are humble and not gushing like a bytch to pay for everything including the "best wine in the house, " then she might get the idea that you watch your money carefully (like her) and maybe you do have some common sense after all.

anyway, enough of the ranting. one more note regarding minors: remeber the saying that "if it looks to good to be true then it probably isn't true. " if the girl looks ****, don't touch. move on to someone else. la mesa prison is very crowded right now. i think there are six guys to a cell.

be safe and be nice,

country john

Member #4450
02-04-07, 05:18

I always appreciate your info on TJ, but this time you're really scaring a lot of mongers in this board, regarding cops, Mexico laws, prison, mates, minors etc.

Tj is not in war with the tourists, they make great income with the people coming from the U.S and Canada, and believe me they don't give a shit if you're a pretty hansom Brad Pit, or you act like a gentleman, when you're there they know why you're there, and that's what they want very simple everything is money and sex trade, nothing else, when they see you there they see "DOLLARS", that's why you always find girls from ol over Mexico working in TJ.

The nice girls looking for love aren't in the zona, I understand that you have a relation with a TJ girl, but without offense let me ask you, who's paying ol the bills and her expenses? That's my point.

And it's very likely if you ever run out of "DOLLARS"that you sweet latina girl dump you.

The zona in TJ is for sex, I almost got hooked with a nice girl once, and of course she would date me only like a girlfriend, but like any relationship you must be present and pay ol her bills and keep an eye on her 24/7, not me, first I'm not planning in moving to TJ , second if I want a serious relation with a girl, TJ is the last place on earth that I would go, and crime is not any worse than L A.

Minors aren't in the zona, some girls might look younger than 18 but they're not and there's no way for me to find out their real age,if they're working the clubs or the zona streets or the alley they're legal age, somewhere else outside the zona I don't know because I don't go there.

Sorry CJ I have to disagree with you but there's no tourist trap anywhere in the zona and I know it because I always talk to the locals even TJ cops in my fluent native spanish and they never ask me for a dime, the cops have told me they just don't like annoying drunks,weirdos and drug buyers, at longest you're there with a right conduct enjoying yourself with the girls, theres nothing to worry about, of course if you're drunk as hell walking in TJ at 2 am you're a good target for a cop to get money from you.

I hope you understand the red zones, or zonas in Latin America are very likely, these areas are supposed to be dirty against latin culture and you'll find everything from pick pockets to bad cops not only in TJ, but in other latin countries too.

I think is good if we go back to the point what the zona is for and write more about sex trade in TJ and put aside all the love stories and non sense. "NO OFFENSE"

02-04-07, 17:17
I have been going to TJ for a lot of years and stayed in fleabag hotels and great hotels Zaragoza I must say is one of my Favorites. Chica friendly, fair pricing they have a deluxe room with a kitchenette in it. Taxi $5 to just about anywhere you want to go nearby restraunts. Close to Rev. walk or take a taxi to the zona, the walk is great going there, but after a few cases of booze, taxi is better. For me I have never had any problems, they do have a website, if you go without reservations better get there early.

Happy hunting

Country John
02-04-07, 21:05

I always appreciate your info on TJ, but this time you're really scaring a lot of mongers in this board, regarding cops, Mexico laws, prison, mates, minors etc.

Tj is not in war with the tourists, they make great income with the people coming from the U.S and Canada, and believe me they don't give a shit if you're a pretty hansom Brad Pit, or you act like a gentleman, when you're there they know why you're there, and that's what they want very simple everything is money and sex trade, nothing else, when they see you there they see "DOLLARS", that's why you always find girls from ol over Mexico working in TJ.

The nice girls looking for love aren't in the zona, I understand that you have a relation with a TJ girl, but without offense let me ask you, who's paying ol the bills and her expenses? That's my point.

And it's very likely if you ever run out of "DOLLARS"that you sweet latina girl dump you.

The zona in TJ is for sex, I almost got hooked with a nice girl once, and of course she would date me only like a girlfriend, but like any relationship you must be present and pay ol her bills and keep an eye on her 24/7, not me, first I'm not planning in moving to TJ , second if I want a serious relation with a girl, TJ is the last place on earth that I would go, and crime is not any worse than L A.

Minors aren't in the zona, some girls might look younger than 18 but they're not and there's no way for me to find out their real age,if they're working the clubs or the zona streets or the alley they're legal age, somewhere else outside the zona I don't know because I don't go there.

Sorry CJ I have to disagree with you but there's no tourist trap anywhere in the zona and I know it because I always talk to the locals even TJ cops in my fluent native spanish and they never ask me for a dime, the cops have told me they just don't like annoying drunks,weirdos and drug buyers, at longest you're there with a right conduct enjoying yourself with the girls, theres nothing to worry about, of course if you're drunk as hell walking in TJ at 2 am you're a good target for a cop to get money from you.

I hope you understand the red zones, or zonas in Latin America are very likely, these areas are supposed to be dirty against latin culture and you'll find everything from pick pockets to bad cops not only in TJ, but in other latin countries too.

I think is good if we go back to the point what the zona is for and write more about sex trade in TJ and put aside all the love stories and non sense. "NO OFFENSE"

None taken and thanks for your input. I was adressing not the Zona exclusively but things in General. Your experiences might vary of course.

I was sitting in the hHotel Nelson restaurant last night and observed a group of 4 young guys walking through the plaza and returning o the USA. They were stopped by the cops. After the dust cleared, one kid paid $350.00 to get off the hook for being slightly drunk on the condition he leave the country immediately. Don' tell me anything about tourist traps son.

The second group was standing at the light next to the plaza ready to cross when they were stopped by the same group of cops. One was a bit more than drunk and was stupid enough to resist a search. Into the back of the truck he went. He went hard too. Fought the cops every inch of the way.

I talked to his buds after the truck drove off. They were pissed of course and now had to face a Saturday night arguing with the cops and probably paying some money to get their bud out.

So tell me it isn't so, tell me it doesn't happen.

I'm not trying to scare anyone. I live here. If I were so scared I'd move.

I respect everyone's opinion and if your experiecnces are different than mine then that just proves that there are three elements to this: Good luck, Bad Luck and common sense.

Others have similar experiences, some have different ones Your experiences are always wlcomed.

You are quite right: it is ALL about money. It's great that you chat with the cops. Get a business card, learn their name. Get to know them. Because when a group get you at a dis-advantage you might need the connection. The cops don;t want to ruin the wheels of comerce in the Zona, you're quite right about that. You are also quite right that the Zona sees it's share of mis-behaving Americans, just like America does. Justice under Roman Law is swift. But when you are at a disadvantage, when you put yourself in the position of being vulnerable because you have prescription meds without a prescription, an open container, dope or are caught with a minor then the game changes and you know it. That's what I'm talking about.

As far as being neat and clean is concerned, to each his own. I spent last night at El Torito (my new watering hole) and some of the chicas there were stunning. I guess each guy brings his own game. I'm certainly not the fashon police.

One more thing: there ARE minors in the Zona. My girfriends sister "manages" an apartment building in the Zona, IN the Zona. She tells me a lot of stories. Some might be bullshit just like some on this board, but every monger needs to make his own decisions. Nothing wrong with a bit of advice.

Thanks again for your input.

Be safe and be nice.
Country John

Member #4450
02-05-07, 00:02
None taken and thanks for your input. I was adressing not the Zona exclusively but things in General. Your experiences might vary of course.

I was sitting in the hHotel Nelson restaurant last night and observed a group of 4 young guys walking through the plaza and returning o the USA. They were stopped by the cops. After the dust cleared, one kid paid $350.00 to get off the hook for being slightly drunk on the condition he leave the country immediately. Don' tell me anything about tourist traps son.

The second group was standing at the light next to the plaza ready to cross when they were stopped by the same group of cops. One was a bit more than drunk and was stupid enough to resist a search. Into the back of the truck he went. He went hard too. Fought the cops every inch of the way.

AII talked to his buds after the truck drove off. They were pissed of course and now had to face a Saturday night arguing with the cops and probably paying some money to get their bud out.

So tell me it isn't so, tell me it doesn't happen.

I'm not trying to scare anyone. I live here. If I were so scared I'd move.

I respect everyone's opinion and if your experiecnces are different than mine then that just proves that there are three elements to this: Good luck, Bad Luck and common sense.

Others have similar experiences, some have different ones Your experiences are always wlcomed.

You are quite right: it is ALL about money. It's great that you chat with the cops. Get a business card, learn their name. Get to know them. Because when a group get you at a dis-advantage you might need the connection. The cops don;t want to ruin the wheels of comerce in the Zona, you're quite right about that. You are also quite right that the Zona sees it's share of mis-behaving Americans, just like America does. Justice under Roman Law is swift. But when you are at a disadvantage, when you put yourself in the position of being vulnerable because you have prescription meds without a prescription, an open container, dope or are caught with a minor then the game changes and you know it. That's what I'm talking about.

As far as being neat and clean is concerned, to each his own. I spent last night at El Torito (my new watering hole) and some of the chicas there were stunning. I guess each guy brings his own game. I'm certainly not the fashon police.

One more thing: there ARE minors in the Zona. My girfriends sister "manages" an apartment building in the Zona, IN the Zona. She tells me a lot of stories. Some might be bullshit just like some on this board, but every monger needs to make his own decisions. Nothing wrong with a bit of advice.

Thanks again for your input.

Be safe and be nice.
Country John

Thanks CJ, for not taking my input as a personal offense, and excuse any wrong in my English writing, like I said before I'm a latino and English is my second language, so I try to do my best, if you know what I mean.

Now regarding traps or what I call "easy targets" for TJ finest law enforcement, "YES" you're right, but liked you said always the "young and stupid" are good candidates for arrests in TJ, I"ve seen them all the time, especially when these kids are drunk and going in big groups, they just bring too much attention to the cops, so everywhere you go no matter if you're in TJ or somewhere else in the world, you always must act with respect to the locals, in my case I don't live in TJ but I visit often, not an easy task for me because I live 2 1/2 hours away from TJ I have no problem talking to the girls or the locals, I have a perfect 100% spanish, so I can talk a lot of BS with the girls, and like you said you experience might be different, but after dating ol these AB girls and some Alley cats, I found the only way you can get great service is by dating the same girl, or girls over and over, they build up a kind of friendship with you, but you need to know when to stop, or otherwise you can get hooked.

So it doesn't matter how good spanish you can talk if you don't have a fat wallet, the girls in the zona are very aware that most men going to TJ are married, and there's no chance for a girl in TJ to get in a serious relation, only If someone is willing to provide the support they needed, and that includes taking care of her 2 kids back in Guadalajara or else in Mexico getting her a green card, marriage and the whole package, I don't think most mongers here are ready to deal with that, so sex is what most guys here are looking for in TJ.

Dressing nice and clean cut is always a "must" when doing the zona, when I mean dressing nice, I don't mean a fancy suit and tons of jewelry, just dress casual but clean, leave the shorts and the Hawaiian shirt at home if you don't want to look like a clown tourist, I seen some of you there dressing this way.LOL.

The minors thing, I don't really want to go there, but I've seen a bunch of young looking Paraditas on the wall, which It makes me think that if they're there working the Alley, must have the legal age to work, if you do just judge by the "too Young looking" guessing, you could not get an accurate guess, I've seen girls working at the alley looking very young and they always claimed to be 18+, so how can we be sure what's their real age? what are we supposed to look for? old and wrinkle ugly girls?

Again, I Appreciate your comment.

Adelante Siempre
02-05-07, 04:01
So it doesn't matter how good spanish you can talk if you don't have a fat wallet, the girls in the zona are very aware that most men going to TJ are married, and there's no chance for a girl in TJ to get in a serious relation, only If someone is willing to provide the support they needed, and that includes taking care of her 2 kids back in Guadalajara or else in Mexico getting her a green card, marriage and the whole package, I don't think most mongers here are ready to deal with that, so sex is what most guys here are looking for in TJ.

I agree that you are not going to get laid for free. There is a difference in how you are going to get laid OTOH. If you are being selective, you are going to choose one that turns you on more than the others that evening. I let them know how much they turn me on with no bullshit added about how special they are, etc. I just let them know that they turn me on. It invariably spices up the session. You do have to pay your $20 minimum, however, the experience depends on "what you put into it".
The minors thing, I don't really want to go there, but I've seen a bunch of young looking Paraditas on the wall, which It makes me think that if they're there working the Alley, must have the legal age to work....


Yes, all of them are 18 or over. It's just that the Zona does not operate on a Zero Tolerance policy. There maybe some fuzzy logic there, but more or less the girls are of the age they should be. Unless you are really crossing the line, being drunk and underestimating the age a little is not going to kill you, not unless you are unlucky that night. What CJ said about the decoy(s) is quite possible. I saw one that looked obviously young, then I looked closer, and under her denim jacket she was wearing a black T shirt with "stop sign" on it, and a hand raised up. Not exactly an invitation. Now, if you are too drunk, you may overlook the age, and the T shirt, but that could be a serious misstep. Again, I am not 100% sure, but there has to be some street smarts that come into play at some point.
OTOH, there are some sweet gems who must be barely 18 and definitely a consideration, and they do give you the "look." (and the whisper) so I think they are okay.
It all comes down to, as to paraphrase Dirty Harry, "do you feel lucky tonight, punk?"

The Zona, is a great place, I just want to go more often :)

02-05-07, 04:12
Both of you have valid points. Regarding minors: they are almost always walkers. You won't find them standing in the same place outside of a hotel. They are constantly moving so they won't get stopped by the police. I'm not in any way condoning this, but I know for sure that they do exist, not in large numbers, but they do exist.

So, if you see a girl of questionable age that you happened to meet on some corner, be very wary and ask for proper ID. Or better yet, pass on her, and find someone that you are sure is of legal age. You don't want to get caught up in that sort of thing.

02-05-07, 04:27
Is it commonplace to ask for proper ID of a SG?
If so, what do these Mexican ID's look like?
Do you ask for it on the street or in the room?


Both of you have valid points. Regarding minors: they are almost always walkers. You won't find them standing in the same place outside of a hotel. They are constantly moving so they won't get stopped by the police. I'm not in any way condoning this, but I know for sure that they do exist, not in large numbers, but they do exist.

So, if you see a girl of questionable age that you happened to meet on some corner, be very wary and ask for proper ID. Or better yet, pass on her, and find someone that you are sure is of legal age. You don't want to get caught up in that sort of thing.

Member #4450
02-05-07, 05:18
Is it commonplace to ask for proper ID of a SG?
If so, what do these Mexican ID's look like?
Do you ask for it on the street or in the room?

You're going to need a lot of luck for a SG to show you ID, I couldn't even get them to show me the medical card, is like they get offended by the question.

02-05-07, 06:36
That's why I said it might be better to pass if there's any doubt. I think, but I'm not certain, that their health certificate has their date of birth. They'd have to be of age to even get the health certificate.

Country John
02-05-07, 07:02
you can get a sg to show her card if she looks young and thinks she'll lose the deal if she dpesn't show it. most sgs don't want to show you their cards because it has their real name on it - that's what they don't want you to see.

the girls who dress and post in the zona are legal. the illegal girls are walkers and are also hanging around the hotels.

you are big fish if they get you in the room. so stick to the girls who are in uniform in the alley or with the bar girls. (note that rio verde was shut down for a couple of months last year because of employing **** girls and drugs.)

use your head. be safe. be nice.

country john

02-06-07, 05:06
What areas of TJ would you recommend to find the nice non-hooker TJ girls?

02-06-07, 22:38
I had a bad experience down in TJ recently, even though I had done some homework by reading lots of these threads.

After crossing the border around noon, I took a cab directly to Adaletias and briefly checked out the place. Then I went to the alley and picked up a pretty young SG. Frankly she was disappointing, especially compared to Costa Rica and the Dom Rep.

Then I decided to just wander around a bit, within a block of the zone. I saw a guy getting frisked by the cops, but I didn't think much of it since I had not been drinking and had no drugs of any kind (even asprin as recommended by this board). Well I was wrong.

Two cops drive up in their car and ask me what I'm doing. I politely responded that I was just walking around the area since this was my first time in TJ. They frisked me and found that I had a couple condoms, a map of the zone and some notes I had taken about the zone. I also had about $150, passport and a check card.

They put me in the car and told me that they now had "evidence" that I was soliciting prostitution and that they were taking me to the police station to go before a judge. I said that prostitution was legal in the zone and that I did not do anything illegal.

The cop said the rules change, and then he asked me if I had cocaine or was looking to buy drugs! Holy crap, I'm a clean cut professional that never takes drugs. But it occurs to me that these cops might try to frame me.

They said that I would be held for 72 hours, unless I paid a bond. Yep, I had to pay the bastards off. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before so please be careful out there.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Country John
02-07-07, 02:58
What areas of TJ would you recommend to find the nice non-hooker TJ girls?

Oh Lord...... on almost any street corner. But there are many clubs that have civilians - MANY. Start by visitng Las Pulgas on Saturday night around 11PM, then get back to me.

Country John

Member #4450
02-07-07, 03:54
Oh Lord...... on almost any street corner. But there are many clubs that have civilians - MANY. Start by visitng Las Pulgas on Saturday night around 11PM, then get back to me.

Country John

How safe for the tourists is Las Pulgas at night if you compared it to the zona bars?

Can I feel safe going here alone at night?
I mean can you walk outside the bar and around the area without getting robbed?

Is this a Mexican bar that plays only Rancheras and Mariachi music?

Last stupid question: Where's Las Pulgas nightclub?


02-07-07, 09:04

How safe for the tourists is Las Pulgas at night if you compared it to the zona bars?

Can I feel safe going here alone at night?
I mean can you walk outside the bar and around the area without getting robbed?

Is this a Mexican bar that plays only Rancheras and Mariachi music?

Last stupid question: Where's Las Pulgas nightclub?

Thanks.Las Pulgas is on Revolucion across the street from Jai Alai between 7th and 8th. There are 4 different dance areas inside the club plus they have another area for special performances. The have a live band in the main dance area wed, fri, sat and sun. The music in the club is mostly banda and norteno but they do have dance areas upstairs and downstairs where they play pop, salsa and some cumbia.

I haven't seen very many Americans venture in here. I would guess that the majority of the clientele are 25 to 35 and 99% or greater are latino. I prefer to go on Sunday and Wednesday nights because the ratio of single women to single men seems to be higher. Wednesday night is ladies night so they don't have to pay a cover charge.

As long as you don't get drunk and start problems I wouldn't worry too much about your safety inside the bar. The security is very good and I've only witnessed a few fights over the 4+ years I've been going there. I've never been threatened or harassed by anyone in LP but I have in ZN puta bars including AB.

If you are outside I wouldn't recommend walking away from the general vicinity of LP. Personally I've seen and experienced considerably more problems walking on Revolucion than in the ZN. IMO there are way too many drunk American kids looking for trouble, bar touts, thieves and crazy people on the Rev. Nowadays I never walk on Revolucion between 1st and 7th, I either take a taxi if it's late or I walk up constitucion to 7th street.

Good luck!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Country John
02-07-07, 17:42
How safe for the tourists is Las Pulgas at night if you compared it to the zona bars?

Can I feel safe going here alone at night?
I mean can you walk outside the bar and around the area without getting robbed?

Is this a Mexican bar that plays only Rancheras and Mariachi music?

Last stupid question: Where's Las Pulgas nightclub?


Las pulgas is a civilian nightclub located on South Revolution (about 10 blocks south of the Zona). It is a $2.00 cab ride from the Zona. It is huge. Disco, Banda etc. The live bands are fantastic in the Banda room. They bring in big acts from across Mexico. Bands with 15 to 20 guys in 'em. Very impressive. The sound is excellent and the place jumps with women.

Chicas who are into Ranchero and Banda etc are your hard core Mexicana/Latina babe. These women are absolutely fabulous. They are worth the admission price just to look at them (IMHO).

The disco attracts the younger crown (and some old farts like retired mongers). Many zona girls go there on their nights off. They travel in packs. Las Pulgas used to have a sction open to the street but they've since covered it up with storefront. The disco is loud and gets VERY crowded at around 11PM.

There are a lot of girls in this location. If you got game and know how to behave, you should have NO trouble hooking up at Las Pulgas. Spanish helps, these are the people of Tijuana. Factory workers, students etc. out for night on the town. And do they know how to party.

Being alone anywhere in Mexico is a reason to have your eyes on and your common sense working. Las Pulgas is mostly Spanish. There are waiters who speak English so getting service is no problem. Just be careful and have fun. If you are alone, don't drink too much. (Never drink too much anyway...right?) If you bring a good attitude, you just might find some fabulas chicas smiling at you.

Country John

John Rain
02-08-07, 07:48
You can get a SG to show her card if she looks young and thinks she'll lose the deal if she dpesn't show it. Most SGs don't want to show you their cards because it has their real name on it - that's what they don't want you to see.

That's true. They all (98%) use a fake name. So, they don't want you to see their real name which they guard fiercely. It's even more obvious since they switched to the digital cards with their name and photo obviously displayed. I think they were more willing to flash the old-style paper booklets they used to have.

The girls are required to have the cards with them. I've seen social workers sweep through the Alley checking cards. If you ever see it happening, some girls will quickly slip away if they can. I assume it's usually because they have let their medical examinations expire. I have seen girls taken away during such sweeps.

I don't know if it's true, but a girlfriend at AB told me a few years ago that, if you don't have your ID card you go to jail for a day or pay a $40 fine.

Louie OK
02-08-07, 10:35
this wednesday afternoon, i made my first trip on foot through the zona norte alley since i returned from ecuador a few weeks back.
i was actually tired of mongering by the time i got back. anyways, i strolled through checking the scenery and poking my head in a few joints.
stood inside hong kong a few minutes, but i wasn't in the mood to sit and suck down their happy hour minimum of two beers for $3.50.
a little further stroll found halfway down the alley asking a short young thing from zacatecas about her services.
she agreed to do anal even after i told her i would pay afterwards only if she performed as agreed.
she actually sucked my cock sin condom which i didn't ask for. she did ask me before doing it if i was clean.
i believe she was pretty knew at selling sex. low and behold, she proceeded to back out of her buttfuck promise.
needless to say, i kept my end of the bargain and told her it's over and she ain't getting paid.
she didn't like that and cursed me, but i was out only $5 for room and not 20 (or more).

so i then left and continued my walk on to the corner and noticed a cute thing smiling at me. i really had wanted to scout about some more (there were plenty of girls out there)
as well as shake off the irritation i felt from the liar a few minute before. at the same time, i wasn't in the mood for all the riff-raff hitting me up for this and that.
the girl said she was 18 and from oaxaca with a child and that she cost 150 pesos. she seemed much friendlier and more sincere than the other girl, esp. about tapping her tailpipe.
well, the rules i laid out were the same so if she's a liar, i was only out another 5 bucks. up we went, paid for the room, and she got her lube like she said.she had.
in the room, her smooth tight body with a tiny bit of babyfat and nice juicy boobs looked great. she lubed both my pecker and her butt and got in doggy like i wanted.
it was wonderful as her perfect pucker below her arched back swallowed my whole damn cock.
flipped her on her back for some shallow assfucking while demanding she spread her cheeks to show me some gape.
the show continued to be great as i went back to puppy position putting the dipstick in and out like in the movies.
it was a rarity that i got to come deep in her ass since i'm often too busy snapping pictures or filming this kind of action.

afterwards, i paid the girl $15 to which she acted confused. after giving her another five, she seem content with all smiles.
she admitted that this wasn't a painful experience and that she can actually orgasm with anal drilling. cool.

we both went downstair happy. i walked about a little more before leaving.
before that though, i actually found another decent looking street girl who would do the pooper for $20.
she at first tried to get it for 50, then 40, but then said okay to 20. this was the case with all my warnings that i won't pay her a red fucking cent if she flaked on me.
well anyways, it wouldn't make any difference then because my nut sacks were drained for the time being but that i was coming back another time tyo fuck her in the ass.

as for those too "cool" isgers who try to imply anal equates homosexuality, i've tried to addressed that notion somewhat humorously in a previous quito post #672,
and then a few more afterwards. http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=534438&postcount=672

i'm sorry that i wasn't able to get any trophy pics this time like the many i've been posting in the quito, ecuador section.
those who enjoy ass action, that is where there is plenty to be found.


Country John
02-09-07, 21:00
this wednesday afternoon, i made my first trip on foot through the zona norte alley since i returned from ecuador a few weeks back.
i was actually tired of mongering by the time i got back. anyways, i strolled through checking the scenery and poking my head in a few joints.
stood inside hong kong a few minutes, but i wasn't in the mood to sit and suck down their happy hour minimum of two beers for $3.50.
a little further stroll found halfway down the alley asking a short young thing from zacatecas about her services.
she agreed to do anal even after i told her i would pay afterwards only if she performed as agreed.
she actually sucked my cock sin condom which i didn't ask for. she did ask me before doing it if i was clean.
i believe she was pretty knew at selling sex. low and behold, she proceeded to back out of her buttfuck promise.
needless to say, i kept my end of the bargain and told her it's over and she ain't getting paid.
she didn't like that and cursed me, but i was out only $5 for room and not 20 (or more).

so i then left and continued my walk on to the corner and noticed a cute thing smiling at me. i really had wanted to scout about some more (there were plenty of girls out there)
as well as shake off the irritation i felt from the liar a few minute before. at the same time, i wasn't in the mood for all the riff-raff hitting me up for this and that.
the girl said she was 18 and from oaxaca with a child and that she cost 150 pesos. she seemed much friendlier and more sincere than the other girl, esp. about tapping her tailpipe.
well, the rules i laid out were the same so if she's a liar, i was only out another 5 bucks. up we went, paid for the room, and she got her lube like she said.she had.
in the room, her smooth tight body with a tiny bit of babyfat and nice juicy boobs looked great. she lubed both my pecker and her butt and got in doggy like i wanted.
it was wonderful as her perfect pucker below her arched back swallowed my whole damn cock.
flipped her on her back for some shallow assfucking while demanding she spread her cheeks to show me some gape.
the show continued to be great as i went back to puppy position putting the dipstick in and out like in the movies.
it was a rarity that i got to come deep in her ass since i'm often too busy snapping pictures or filming this kind of action.

afterwards, i paid the girl $15 to which she acted confused. after giving her another five, she seem content with all smiles.
she admitted that this wasn't a painful experience and that she can actually orgasm with anal drilling. cool.

we both went downstair happy. i walked about a little more before leaving.
before that though, i actually found another decent looking street girl who would do the pooper for $20.
she at first tried to get it for 50, then 40, but then said okay to 20. this was the case with all my warnings that i won't pay her a red fucking cent if she flaked on me.
well anyways, it wouldn't make any difference then because my nut sacks were drained for the time being but that i was coming back another time tyo fuck her in the ass.

as for those too "cool" isgers who try to imply anal equates homosexuality, i've tried to addressed that notion somewhat humorously in a previous quito post #672,
and then a few more afterwards. http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=534438&postcount=672

i'm sorry that i wasn't able to get any trophy pics this time like the many i've been posting in the quito, ecuador section.
those who enjoy ass action, that is where there is plenty to be found.


this is a good tr. my only comment is to assess carefully when the girl goes bad on the deal. getting mad at her or pissing her off might backfire with the wrong girl. that's not to say you should not hold the girl to the deal, of course you should. but if you can settle for a good lay and keep the transaction up-beat then that could work too, especially if the girl is good to go for the session.

always square things up witht he girl. if she changes the deal and you get a blowjob in the process, sqaure up with her. if you were promised anal and got panocha, bbbj etc, then square up with her but tell her you are not happy.

you do not need to have girls talking trash about you in the zona. learn from your experience and move on. remember, these are prostitutes, not members of the chamber of commerce.

i once had a sesson go real bad and i actually tricked the girl into leaving the room after i got my money back from her shoe. when i left the hotel, i has a cop and her boyfriend waiting for me on the sidewalk. she told the cop that i didn't pay her for sex and the boyfriend was not happy. i argued with the cop and told him she was a rob but ended up paying half to her just to keep the peace. when they go bad, they can go very bad. i learned well from this incident. when night falls int he zona, you do not want girls talking trash especially if the boyfriend is around (and many of them are).

another time i had a girl try to double condom me. i got very pissed. she was a young girl and a real looker. i refused the double condom. she got pissed and i had to have an amigo broker a settlement where i paid for the room and the blowjob. it got very loud, and she got a bit ugly but when it was over, we kissed and made up.

each time i felt i had to act to keep the peace.

never pay for bad service, but pay for the service you got. be square with the girls. if you monger in the zona long term, it will help to have a reputation for being fair with the girls, even though your attitude might be that they are just prostitutes and deserve everything they get. if that is the case, remember this: you are fair game too so govern yourself accordingly.

be safe and be nice
country john

Member #4450
02-09-07, 22:35
I once had a sesson go REAL bad and I actually tricked the girl into leaving the room after I got my money back from her shoe. When I left the hotel, I has a cop and her boyfriend waiting for me on the sidewalk. She told the cop that I didn't pay her for sex and the boyfriend was NOT happy. I argued with the cop and told him she was a ROB but ended up paying half to her just to keep the peace. When they go bad, they can go very bad. I learned well from this incident. When night falls int he Zona, you do not want girls talking trash especially if the boyfriend is around (and many of them are).

Be safe and be nice
Country John

Something similar happened to me yesterday with a ROB.
But I'm not a newbie at the zona, and I can certainly sense that something is very wrong lately at the zona, walking the Alley is getting paranoid, not many
mongers walking anymore on the evening, a lot more cops busting tourists,
and and few young SW girls walking around and offering sex but what got my attention is they're offering BBBJCIM, anal, and they speak English?? this is not your everyday services that you get from the Alley girls, again I smell "TRAP"
What can you tell this board what really is going on right now in the zona, especially on the Alley and near by streets??
If you Read Falcon 77 post, you can see this is really happening!

After reading Falcon 77 post I found I was in the same normal situation, I was
walking the Alley, like any other monger, carrying some money, U.S passport, about 8 condoms, but no map, is this now illegal?
LOL, solicitation charges in the zona????

FALCON 77 quote=
Two cops drive up in their car and ask me what I'm doing. I politely respondedthat I was just walking around the area since this was my first time in TJ. They frisked me and found that I had a couple condoms, a map of the zone and some notes I had taken about the zone. I also had about $150, passport and a check card.

They put me in the car and told me that they now had "evidence" that I was soliciting prostitution and that they were taking me to the police station to go before a judge. I said that prostitution was legal in the zone and that I did not do anything illegal.

02-09-07, 23:23
Gentlemen: Right now things are tough right now for everybody in TJ. During the Federal troop takeover, many of the most corrupt (I.E. Cops stopping Americans for briber, er, possible crime?) did not have the opportunity to rob people. Now that they have their toys back, they are in make up mode big time. A lot of the freeflow drug money just isn't there for now, so what's left for them to get that easy shakedown? Oh, yes, us, dumb bastards headed downthere thinking that things are back to normal. Fellows, even during DAYTIME they are harrasing people of different ethnic (White, black, oriental, etc.) orientation. The State Department has issued a traavel warningg for Mexico, to include Tijuana tha does not expire until 15 March 2007. Here is a quote from their website:

"U.S. citizens have also been victims of random shootings on major highways outside of Mexico City, Nuevo Laredo, Tijuana, and other areas throughout Mexico. In recent years, dozens of U.S. citizens have been kidnapped in Nuevo Laredo, with more than two dozen cases still unresolved; recent incidents indicate a possible resurgence of kidnappings for ransom. Mexican police and other government figures have been murdered in Guerrero, Nuevo Leon, the Federal District, Tamaulipas, and other states. Drug cartel members have been known to follow and harass U.S. citizens traveling in their vehicles, particularly in border areas including Nuevo Laredo and Matamoros."

Those on this website or not that take a chance to go downthere, just haven't paid any attention to the news. Times are desperate downthere and bound to get worse. If you go there, understand that you are literally taking a chance on your life. If the State department (Who don't like to post notices of this kind with our neighbors) is telling you to stay away, then the cops, Federales, hookers, anyone you come in contact with have the right to take you for a ride. Personally you won't see me down there ever, until they get their shit together. When is this, I don't know. But I know it is not any time soon.

Country John
02-10-07, 04:17
Something similar happened to me yesterday with a ROB, read my other post!
But I'm not a newbie at the zona, and I can certainly sense that something is very wrong lately at the zona, walking the Alley is getting paranoid, not many
mongers walking anymore on the evening, a lot more cops busting tourists,
and and few young SW girls walking around and offering sex but what got my attention is they're offering BBBJCIM, anal, and they speak English?? this is not your everyday services that you get from the Alley girls, again I smell "TRAP"

What can you tell this board what really is going on right now in the zona, especially on the Alley and near by streets??
If you read Falcon 77 post, you can see this is really happening!

After reading Falcon 77 post I found I was in the same normal situation, I was
walking the Alley, like any other monger, carrying some money, U.S passport, about 8 condoms, but no map, is this now illegal?
LOL, solicitation charges in the zona????

FALCON 77 quote=
Two cops drive up in their car and ask me what I'm doing. I politely respondedthat I was just walking around the area since this was my first time in TJ. They frisked me and found that I had a couple condoms, a map of the zone and some notes I had taken about the zone. I also had about $150, passport and a check card.

They put me in the car and told me that they now had "evidence" that I was soliciting prostitution and that they were taking me to the police station to go before a judge. I said that prostitution was legal in the zone and that I did not do anything illegal.

OK. Prostitution is not LEGAL in the Zona Norte, it is TOLERATED. This keeps prostitution confined to a manageable area.

The MANAGEMENT of the area is a multi faceted jewel that accomodates business leaders and others who would like to see it GONE and those who are profiting by it.

When the police harass americaos, these "do-gooders" or the supporters for abolishon of the zona think "good, maybe they won't come back." You and I know that's bullshit.

The cops for their part realize that there is little that can be done if they decide to try to intimidate you into parting with some long green. They know that Gringos are easily intimidated by them so they "go for it" when they see an opportunity.

Americanos leave themselves wide open by doing stupid things. For the cops, it like shooting fish in a barrell. The other aspect is that they are out there doing "police work," and it's no secret that there is a major drug problem in TJ and no place in TJ is worse than the Zona Norte. Just BEING THERE exposes the good tourist to all kinds of nasties, and tourists sometimes take stoopid chances.

Like walking around the Zona drawing a map when you can just go to any OXXO and buy one for five bucks. The cops probably want to know what you're up, and when they get you on the stoopid meter at about a "5" they decide what their game will be.

So when tourists get it into their heads that the zona is a procedure as well as a place then things will even out a bit.

Lots of cops got killed over the past several months. That's no secret either. They ARE out there looking for bad guys and sometimes bad guys look like tourists, they don;t know until they check.

Cops know there is more money in the Zona. They talk to the girls. They get paid off by the walkers and "unofficial posters" like gringas to keep off the hot list. They know how much money people are spending, and they know when there is money in town. So the stage is set, and anyone who steps over the ever changing line get's wacked.

Knowing how to handle it is the key, and being alert helps a lot. Something else that helps a lot is not having anything stoopid on you.

Much has been written about croime, safety and the police in TJ and in the Zona in particular. They have a station there because people mis-behave. There are gang of therse guys who suppliment their income by intimidating tourists. The tourist needs to have his wits about him, not do anything stoopid, not stray out of the Zona and behave.

If you do that and co-operate when they ask to search you, if you are courteous but firm, if you are not an asshole, if you don;t dress like a member of the cripps gang or a thug then you'll be fine. Common sense is the watch term here. Nothing more and nothing less.

Things havn't "changed" so much as they might have gotten a bit more intense.

Be safe and Be Nice
Country John

Blue Nose
02-10-07, 23:28
i had a bad experience down in tj recently, even though i had done some homework by reading lots of these threads.

after crossing the border around noon, i took a cab directly to adaletias and briefly checked out the place. then i went to the alley and picked up a pretty young sg. frankly she was disappointing, especially compared to costa rica and the dom rep.

then i decided to just wander around a bit, within a block of the zone. i saw a guy getting frisked by the cops, but i didn't think much of it since i had not been drinking and had no drugs of any kind (even asprin as recommended by this board). well i was wrong.

two cops drive up in their car and ask me what i'm doing. i politely responded that i was just walking around the area since this was my first time in tj. they frisked me and found that i had a couple condoms, a map of the zone and some notes i had taken about the zone. i also had about $150, passport and a check card.

they put me in the car and told me that they now had "evidence" that i was soliciting prostitution and that they were taking me to the police station to go before a judge. i said that prostitution was legal in the zone and that i did not do anything illegal.

the cop said the rules change, and then he asked me if i had cocaine or was looking to buy drugs! holy crap, i'm a clean cut professional that never takes drugs - but it occurs to me that these cops might try to frame me.

they said that i would be held for 72 hours, unless i paid a bond. yep, i had to pay the bastards off. nothing like this has ever happened to me before so please be careful out there.

editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.
well, i know things are really getting bad if clean cut professional guys are getting frisked and shaken down in the middle of the day. i know all about the increased police presence, and the whole mood in tj seems more tense to me (more cops, more checkpoints, fewer people, less fun) than it usually is, but this is getting a bit ridiculous.

falcon77, can you give us a few more details on what happened? were you taken to the station? did they threaten to take you in front of the judge? what did you end up paying to the cops?

detaining somebody for having condoms and soliciting prostitution in tj makes about as much sense as handing out speeding tickets at the indy 500, but i guess this is the new reality in tj and for those of us who want to keep going there we will have to learn to live with it. thanks for posting this report as it will surely help others avoid a similar situation.

blue nose

Member #4450
02-11-07, 01:16
Gentlemen: Right now things are tough right now for everybody in TJ. During the Federal troop takeover, many of the most corrupt (I.E. Cops stopping Americans for briber, er, possible crime?) did not have the opportunity to rob people. Now that they have their toys back, they are in make up mode big time. A lot of the freeflow drug money just isn't there for now, so what's left for them to get that easy shakedown? Oh, yes, us, dumb bastards headed downthere thinking that things are back to normal. Fellows, even during DAYTIME they are harrasing people of different ethnic (White, black, oriental, etc.) orientation. The State Department has issued a traavel warningg for Mexico, to include Tijuana tha does not expire until 15 March 2007. Here is a quote from their website:

"U.S. citizens have also been victims of random shootings on major highways outside of Mexico City, Nuevo Laredo, Tijuana, and other areas throughout Mexico. In recent years, dozens of U.S. citizens have been kidnapped in Nuevo Laredo, with more than two dozen cases still unresolved; recent incidents indicate a possible resurgence of kidnappings for ransom. Mexican police and other government figures have been murdered in Guerrero, Nuevo Leon, the Federal District, Tamaulipas, and other states. Drug cartel members have been known to follow and harass U.S. citizens traveling in their vehicles, particularly in border areas including Nuevo Laredo and Matamoros."

Those on this website or not that take a chance to go downthere, just haven't paid any attention to the news. Times are desperate downthere and bound to get worse. If you go there, understand that you are literally taking a chance on your life. If the State department (Who don't like to post notices of this kind with our neighbors) is telling you to stay away, then the cops, Federales, hookers, anyone you come in contact with have the right to take you for a ride. Personally you won't see me down there ever, until they get their shit together. When is this, I don't know. But I know it is not any time soon.

This post makes a lot of sense to me, I knew something was very wrong lately in TJ, especially in the ZONA, I've never seen so many Americans getting stop by the cops on foot or car, I'm a frequent visitor to the ZONA, and watching so many clean cut guys getting harass by TJ cops during daytime it just didn't look right to me, it has nothing to do of someone acting stupid or if you're drunk, the cops are harassing everyone, including good people.
What happened to Falcon77, is police abuse no doubt, I walked the Alley many times before, and couldn't imaging getting arrested for solicitation charges, what a bunch of BS!
I guess the drug money isn't there at the moment, and they need to get it somewhere, so I'll wait till things come back to normal before going back there. If you're traveling anywhere else in TJ like Zona Rio, you'll be OK,
but avoid going to the Zona Norte where the girls are, there's where I saw all the shakedowns.

Mutha Foo
02-11-07, 01:51
Was there on Wednesday night and I saw alot of drama, more than I have ever seen in many years. I went straight from the taxi to ABs and along the ride I saw some serious shit. One cop had this gringo face down pointing a gun at him and right around the corner from that, I saw three Americans in handcuffs, as they towed their car away. Once I was at ABs I was getting some serious stares from the cops outside. Finally went upstairs with some hottie from Acapulco but when I came back downstairs a cop started yelling at me. Fortunately, the girl I was with started saying something to the cop and he backed off. I asked the girl what the hell that was about and she told me that ever since the cops got their guns back they've been going after Americans in retaliation to the fact that the US government is behind the extermination of "mafiosos". She told me that I was crazy to be in TJ because it is very dangerous time for Americans. I won't be going down anytime soon and I believe that this is just the tip of the iceberg. When the State Department issues a warning it means that things are not safe for Americans. Be VERY careful my fellow mongers!

Member #4450
02-11-07, 01:57
Was there on Wednesday night and I saw alot of drama, more than I have ever seen in many years. I went straight from the taxi to ABs and along the ride I saw some serious shit. One cop had this gringo face down pointing a gun at him and right around the corner from that, I saw three Americans in handcuffs, as they towed their car away. Once I was at ABs I was getting some serious stares from the cops outside. Finally went upstairs with some hottie from Acapulco but when I came back downstairs a cop started yelling at me. Fortunately, the girl I was with started saying something to the cop and he backed off. I asked the girl what the hell that was about and she told me that ever since the cops got their guns back they've been going after Americans in retaliation to the fact that the US government is behind the extermination of "mafiosos". She told me that I was crazy to be in TJ because it is very dangerous time for Americans. I won't be going down anytime soon and I believe that this is just the tip of the iceberg. When the State Department issues a warning it means that things are not safe for Americans. Be VERY careful my fellow mongers!

Thank you!
So I wasn't imaging things?
There's something going on there, and I was in AB last Thursday.
Nuff said!

Country John
02-11-07, 03:43
Don't go overboard. A guy face down on the ground with a gun pointed at his head is not someone with a pocketful of viagra. Don't jump to conclusions. Threre is probably more to the story.

I've walked the Zona with my girlfriend a lot over the past few weeks, both at night and during the day. I walked past groups of cops, past the police station, I've driven my car aound there etc and nothing happened.

Don't jump to conclusions. Just because someone saw a lot of police activity doesn't mean anything other than that they are a bit busier. I don't buy the story that they blame the usa for losing their weapons.

There is never an excuse to misbehave or let your guard down in the Zona. It is now and has always been a dangerous place. Co-operate and be on your way. Resist or be stoopid and spend the night in jail. Some things never change. You need to develop a mechanism for dealing with the situation.

Country John

02-11-07, 04:09
It's funny how we all have different perceptions. I live only a few blocks from Zona Norte, and I am there everyday. I haven't noticed anything different.

Member #4450
02-11-07, 06:15

Is very likely that police knows that you're a local, they know who's visiting the Zona and who's not, they might saw you car before, and they're not interested
in people that lives in TJ, the cops are targeting new faces, I can be months
without going to the Zona, and when I go back the people working at AB remember me, same with the waiter, and the cum boys at the hotel, and not seeing anything different doesn't mean everything is alright.
And I don't agree that TJ cops are only giving a hard time to the stupid and the drunk, that's not always the case, I know good clean people that went to the Zona and got harassed by the pigs.

02-11-07, 06:22
One thing is certain, there is never a shortage of rumors about TJ.

Things there are always in a state of flux, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see a steady drift of less tourists since 9/11. I suspect times are pretty tight for many that used to be comfortable catering to tourists. Just look at all the places that have closed.

In the short term I believe whatever is going on is in response to pressures that are almost entirely local, that is to say Mexican. It's rare to find anyone on these types of boards that have accurate insight into what's really going on. Right now there is clearly some kind of political stress between the Feds (the newly elected president) and the Hank people (just announced for governor of baja). The different le organizations are their tools. Various groups (business, unions, drug cartels, etc.) are all jockeying for power/influence. I can't sort out all that means in my own country. How much of what goes on in the street is on orders, and how much is just individual opportunism is the result of forces us gringos just don't have any visiblity on.

Another thing that's certain, money talks. As long as we bring money, someone is going to want us to keep coming. Bad cops are bad for business.

Adelante Siempre
02-11-07, 11:23
I was in the Zona at the end of November, and as I turned the corner, I saw two white people with their arms spread on top of the car and legs spred. The cops took their time shaking them down. The whole scene seemed ridiculous. I was only in TJ for two hours or so and ran into this scene, then returned back into the US. I never stay overnight in TJ anymore, not for a couple of years.
Things have been intense before the army moved in it seems.
In fact, I was enjoying the streets mostly to myself, with only a few dozen potential customers milling about. It seemed like a good thing, having all those women available to choose from. I guess, if things were back to normal, there would be a lot more johns around too. Take the good with the bad, I guess.

02-11-07, 13:00
2 years ago. I made 4 trips to TJ. Fly into vegas rent a car and make the 5 hour trip to tj. Had trips good and bad but on my last trip as I went thur the customs to have my id checked (no pass port need then) the guy checking started with all this shit about what I was doing and tried to make me out like I was doing something wrong and I was a piece of shit. I knew then that would be my last trip. And it was, I have found Costa Rica and for now its great and have no problems (I am sure that will change in the years to come) but as I read all the reports from TJ. Its the last place I would go. I was pulled over in a cab. The cops got (I think 10 dollars from the driver) and in my best trying to make out what the cops were saying in spanish, they were thinking about doing the same to me, but they got in the cop car and took off and the driver said "you were lucky they had to go"

Member #2041
02-11-07, 14:45
2 years ago ...i made 4 trips to tj...fly into vegas rent a car and make the 5 hour trip to tj...had trips good and bad but on my last trip as i went thur the customs to have my id checked (no pass port need then) the guy checking started with all this shit about what i was doing and tried to make me out like i was doing something wrong and i was a piece of shit...i knew then that would be my last trip...and it was , i have found costa rica and for now its great and have no problems (i am sure that will change in the years to come) but as i read all the reports from tj...its the last place i would go ...i was pulled over in a cab....the cops got (i think 10 dollars from the driver ) and in my best trying to make out what the cops were saying in spanish , they were thinking about doing the same to me, but they got in the cop car and took off and the driver said "you were lucky they had to go"

Mike, when the border guys ask me what I was doing in TJ, I look them straight in the eye and say - "getting drunk and getting laid". They NEVER give me a hassle after that, because they know I am telling the truth. The U.S. border guys are NOT a problem - they are simply doing their jobs. The Mexican cops, on the other hand, ARE a problem.

Louie OK
02-11-07, 17:57
This is a good TR. My only comment is to assess carefully when the girl goes bad on the deal. Getting mad at her or pissing her off might backfire with the wrong girl. . .. . Thanks Country John - that is a good comment to keep in mind. With these types of situations, things can escalate into something potentially dangerous. It's best to keep ones cool before things get out of hand. Fortunately for me, this girl was a 1st time FOB (fresh of the boat) from the south and new to the area. I guess it would've been somewhat fair to kick her down some cash for whatever services she already provided. The better my spanish gets, the more clear and adament I'll be able to assert my expectations with fewer potential "misunderstandings". In general though, most of the girls don't want a hassle anymore than we do.


Mutha Foo
02-11-07, 18:41
Read the section under Border Cities.


Country John
02-11-07, 21:33
Thanks Country John - that is a good comment to keep in mind. With these types of situations, things can escalate into something potentially dangerous. It's best to keep ones cool before things get out of hand. Fortunately for me, this girl was a 1st time FOB (fresh of the boat) from the south and new to the area. I guess it would've been somewhat fair to kick her down some cash for whatever services she already provided. The better my spanish gets, the more clear and adament I'll be able to assert my expectations with fewer potential "misunderstandings". In general though, most of the girls don't want a hassle anymore than we do.


Correct. Getting into their head and trying to understand where they are at as human beings helps a lot too. Sure, you're there to fuck them and they are there to fuck you but they come from a very different set of circumstances, they have different problems, different lives.

Mongers enter their lives for a brief moment, have intimate sexual relations with them, give them money then leave. Mongers can find lots to dislike about the process and so can the girls; bad press notwithstanding.

I'm not suggesting that you psychoanalyze anyone, just imagine where they are at. when you can understand them a bit better, it makles the whole experience better - trust me. I've had excellent relationships with repeat girls in the alley and in AB. Lucky for me I've had many TLN's and the opportunity to chat with them and listen to their bullshit. Some stuff rings true of course.

Never get angry with the girl. You will not win and it doesn't matter anyway. You don;t want the girls to have a bad perception at one end of the bock or the other. You are there to get laid and enjoy the experience.

About the cops: There are many bad ones out there, that's no secret. Some people are highly offended by the standard routine encounter with the cops. You're not in Orange County anymore son. You're in MEXICO. Things run a bit differently here.

Let's look at this a bit closer. They got red flashing lights, marked police cars, guns, badges and sometimes a shitty attitude. You got nothin'. Nothing except the knowledge that all the lights, badges and guns can't make someone guilty of something that they are NOT guitly of. All the marked police cars and bad attitudes can't make someone who is NOT wrong, wrong about anything.

The guy getting frisked is simply getting frisked. If he's not stoopid, he'll be on his way none the worse for the experience. The cops have the authority to stop who they want whenever they want for any reason. WHy not embrace that and co-operate -accept it as part of the game?

The game goes bad if you are riding dirty then you have a problem, but that's not the cops fault, he caught you-right? So don't be riding dirty. Develop a mechanism.

The military is there right now assisting TJPD in running down some bad guys. The word is that they are doing a good job. You might not see it, but it's true. TJPD wants to impress the powers that be that they are doing more and so the higher profile.

If you go to TJ expecting the worst, then you'll probably pull it in. If you get stopped for "felony leaving the Zona," then PLAY THE GAME. BE CO-OPERATIVE, get the guy to the point of knowing that he got nothing on you as fast as you can. Do it by being Mr. Co-operative. With every effort to resist, even subtle gestures like a look of disgust, they go deeper looking for an opportunity. Be glad to see them!

I watch guys getting stopped all the time. Remember that cops are very much into "inspection BEFORE the fact." This means that you MIGHT be bait. But you might not be. Get the guy to the point of realizing he has nothing as quickly as possible by meaning polite, co-operative but firm. I realize it's hard to understand this, but it works and it is the truth.

I can't negate your bad experiences with the cops. Nobody can. 99.999% of them are the result of turning control of the situation over to the cops and it's no secret that they have very bad manners. They are used to dealing with disgruntled Americans who hate them and think they are crooks etc. That might be true, but you don;t have to be one of them.

A burglar will break into an unsecured property before attempting to break into a secured one. TJPD is the same. Once they realize you're are going to tumble for them, they go to work. Don't give them that opportunity.

There is no way to keep from being stopped, so expect that it will happen at some point. It's how YOU handle it that will determine the outcome. You already know the cops will try to play you. You know that going in. You know that when you cross the border. Why havn't you developed a mechanism for dealing with it?

Mongers who visit the Zona to pay for sex with prostitutes are NOT "tourists" as defined by the Chamber of Commerce. Plain and simple. You know it and I know it. So do the cops. Very few "tourists" are hassled (tourists who strut Revo with the family buying stuff etc.). Sure there are exceptions, but the ratio is probably 1000:1 with Mongers.

Mongers who visit the zona for sex with prostitutes might be there for another reason too. Maybe drugs, maybe weapons. Tell me that the Zona is clear of this stuff, go ahead; make my day.

Go there, have a good time then leave. Be smart mongers. Be nice guys. Don;t be riding dirty and develop a mechanism for dealing with the cops who, like the girls in the Zona, are a fact of life.

Country John

Member #4450
02-11-07, 23:49
Mongers who visit the Zona to pay for sex with prostitutes are NOT "tourists" as defined by the Chamber of Commerce. Plain and simple. You know it and I know it. So do the cops. Very few "tourists" are hassled (tourists who strut Revo with the family buying stuff etc.). Sure there are exceptions, but the ratio is probably 1000:1 with Mongers.

Country John

Let's see the two sides of the coin!
Us mongers not tourists?
If wasn't for us TJ would be like the border limit with Guatemala, just another empty border without tourist money.
How can TJ survive without the mongers?

So they said that us mongers aren't tourists, so WTF are we? "Illegal Aliens"
where do the bars, business, farmacias and restaurants get most of their incomes?
Tj is not and never was a family vacation destination for shopping, or to go to it beautiful and contaminated beaches, but certainly is a great place for adult entertainment,The Chamber of Commerce needs to do more work about claiming the sex mongers aren't tourists.
If you're a foreigner coming legal into the country and expending money you suppose to be a "tourist" Duhhh!!!!

Adelante Siempre
02-12-07, 00:47
Does TJ need toursits at all? With the maquiladoras and NAFTA, there are factories to keep the locals employed. They maybe low wage earners, but they seem to have more options available to them today then years ago.
Is tourism such a large part of the city's income? I doubt it. There are many more picturesque places in Mexico to spend your vacation. Other than for business or for women, why would you visit? If you have relatives of course.
Then there is the fact that many Mexicans who work in the US legally or otherwise, send money back to Mexico. This isn't South America. It's hard to beat the $7 Colombiana hookers in Quito, or the $30 Colombianas in Panama, in both price and attitude.
In the meantime, there is TJ.

Country John
02-12-07, 03:29
Let's see the two sides of the coin!
Us mongers not tourists?
If wasn't for us TJ would be like the border limit with Guatemala, just another empty border without tourist money.
How can TJ survive without the mongers?

So they said that us mongers aren't tourists, so WTF are we? "Illegal Aliens"
where do the bars, business, farmacias and restaurants get most of their incomes?
Tj is not and never was a family vacation destination for shopping, or to go to it beautiful and contaminated beaches, but certainly is a great place for adult entertainment,The Chamber of Commerce needs to do more work about claiming the sex mongers aren't tourists.
If you're a foreigner coming legal into the country and expending money you suppose to be a "tourist" Duhhh!!!!

Mate, you're not expecting any of us here to buy into the notion that mongers are "touists" in the normal sense of the word, are you? Certainly a monger travels for pleasure and culture but the zona is not exactly a "tourist" attraction. How much of your money actually contributes to the economy of TJ? Yes, lots of money passes through the Zona. Yes, it is mostly american money but very little of it finds its way into the coffers of the government of TJ.

Let's see: the Zona is a place full of deported criminals, drugs, prostitutes, bars mongers. That's not exactly Disneyland.

The cops know that a great percentage of the people in the Zona are shopping for something other than sex.

Do you know how many cars were impounded incidental to sex crimes in TJ in the last 6 months? How does zero sound. Check the stats for your city or county.

Most of the income at the farmacias comes from elderly Americans buying their medications in Mexico, and others who have expensive prescription medicine issues. Nobody here actually believes that mongers keep these establishments in business. Do they?

I'm driving back from Soler today on the Via Rapida to Los Pinos and in front of me is a new van with California plates. Out the window in the drivers side comes a large McDonald's bag full of trash, almost bounced off my windshield.

If you read the papers, you'll know that TJ is about to begin building a very large, modern sewage treatment plant.

It's no secret that sex sells. I'm by no means "anti-Zona." But coming to a different country and going to one of the most dangerous places in Tijuana carries with it a certain amount of risk for the "tourist." When you step into the Zona you match a profile that is made up of possible druggies, pimps, pushers, and who knows what else. Americans do not get a free pass from this shit and it's arrogant to expect it, or to expect to be treated differently because you are American.

Some of the most violent criminals in Amercia were some of the cleanest cut guys out there. So everybody gets a turn on the trunk, spread-eagle. It's like a box of chocolates.

What we are dealing with here is the advantage TJPD has over the unprepared "tourist." The result of the disadvantage is loss of cash and the unjust enrichment of some crooked cops. Don;t expect the chamber of commerce to come rushing to the Zona to save you. You need to get smart about it yourself and develop a mechanism for dealing with it. Failing that, just bring some extra cash or stay home. There are plenty of noobies here every weekend to take your place.

The Zona is a place where you WILL NOT be missed. So if you like to come here, learn well what to expect and how to deal with it. The prostitutes don't care, the padrotes don't care, the clubs don't care and the cops don't care. That's the reality of it. So rather than debate what should be and what shouldn't be, it's better to bone up on what IS and then deal with that. Don't you agree?

Country John

Member #4450
02-12-07, 05:29
Mate, you're not expecting any of us here to buy into the notion that mongers are "touists" in the normal sense of the word, are you? Certainly a monger travels for pleasure and culture but the zona is not exactly a "tourist" attraction. How much of your money actually contributes to the economy of TJ? Yes, lots of money passes through the Zona. Yes, it is mostly american money but very little of it finds its way into the coffers of the government of TJ.

Let's see: the Zona is a place full of deported criminals, drugs, prostitutes, bars mongers. That's not exactly Disneyland.
The cops know that a great percentage of the people in the Zona are shopping for something other than sex.

Do you know how many cars were impounded incidental to sex crimes in TJ in the last 6 months? How does zero sound. Check the stats for your city or county.

Most of the income at the farmacias comes from elderly Americans buying their medications in Mexico, and others who have expensive prescription medicine issues. Nobody here actually believes that mongers keep these establishments in business. Do they?

I'm driving back from Soler today on the Via Rapida to Los Pinos and in front of me is a new van with California plates. Out the window in the drivers side comes a large McDonald's bag full of trash, almost bounced off my windshield.

If you read the papers, you'll know that TJ is about to begin building a very large, modern sewage treatment plant.

It's no secret that sex sells. I'm by no means "anti-Zona." But coming to a different country and going to one of the most dangerous places in Tijuana carries with it a certain amount of risk for the "tourist." When you step into the Zona you match a profile that is made up of possible druggies, pimps, pushers, and who knows what else. Americans do not get a free pass from this shit and it's arrogant to expect it, or to expect to be treated differently because you are American.

Some of the most violent criminals in Amercia were some of the cleanest cut guys out there. So everybody gets a turn on the trunk, spread-eagle. It's like a box of chocolates.

What we are dealing with here is the advantage TJPD has over the unprepared "tourist." The result of the disadvantage is loss of cash and the unjust enrichment of some crooked cops. Don;t expect the chamber of commerce to come rushing to the Zona to save you. You need to get smart about it yourself and develop a mechanism for dealing with it. Failing that, just bring some extra cash or stay home. There are plenty of noobies here every weekend to take your place.

The Zona is a place where you WILL NOT be missed. So if you like to come here, learn well what to expect and how to deal with it. The prostitutes don't care, the padrotes don't care, the clubs don't care and the cops don't care. That's the reality of it. So rather than debate what should be and what shouldn't be, it's better to bone up on what IS and then deal with that. Don't you agree?

Country John

I agree in part,
But come on don't tell me that the TJ government don't get money from the Zona sex and the drugs, you know everyones gets a piece of the pie, they know it's big business.
If you really think that TJ government is not taking any part of it, you must be living in another country, all the clubs, restaurants, transportation services have to pay to the government to stay in business one way or the other,
and it happens ol over the world, the money goes under the table.
most American dollars end up at the zona, you can believe different if you like.
Now can TJ survive without the mongers? of course they can, but the poverty rate would be much bigger, and yes the people of the zona do care if the mongers are not coming, go ask the girls and waiters when they all complain about low tourism coming to the area, there's a lot of people that you don't see everyday that benefits from us including government officials.
if everything was so wonderful in Mexico I guess we wouldn't have an immigration issue in the US.

Member #4450
02-12-07, 06:13
I was told in the zona about the massage homes, where you go in and line up the girls for pick up, does anyone had any experience there lately?
How would you rate the girls looks 1-10?
a guy in TJ told me you can find gems in these places silicone free, but I want to find out more info, including the place name and the location in the Zona.
I'm looking to pay about same as AB and little more if the service is good with GFE, just tired of the same AB in-out rush service and the mechanical alley cats.
I want something different in a quiet environment without the bells and whistles.
Appreciate any info.