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Country John
02-12-07, 07:42
I was told in the zona about the massage homes, where you go in and line up the girls for pick up, does anyone had any experience there lately?
How would you rate the girls looks 1-10?
a guy in TJ told me you can find gems in these places silicone free, but I want to find out more info, including the place name and the location in the Zona.
I'm looking to pay about same as AB and little more if the service is good with GFE, just tired of the same AB in-out rush service and the mechanical alley cats.
I want something different in a quiet environment without the bells and whistles.
Appreciate any info.

They are called CASETAS.

NEVER go to a Caseta unless you know the house, know the people etc. You could be setting yourself up big time. Never go anywhere based on what "a guy in TJ" told you. You MUST KNOW who you are delaing with. Stick to the Zona. Casetas are VERY dangerous.

I do live in Mexico. I've been here for a year and a half and I've been doing business here for the past 15 years. I own two business here and I'm setting up a third. I understand very well how "things" work here. You are quite right. Payola is big time. BIG TIME. But not everywhere. I've yet to pay anyone off. My busineses are not high profile or high risk. There are those that are, like Adelitas and Chicago club for example. The government would never "tolerate" prostitution int he Zona if it were not for the payoffs. You're quite right about that.

But you are wrong to think that mongering is a major component of the revenue stream in Tijuana. That's just plain wrong. If you were to look under the hood here you'd see much industry, there's a lot going on here. And it's going to grow rapidly over the next ten years. Some of it might be monger money but don't fool yourself, it's a minor part. The drug trade is much bigger than mongering will ever be.

I understand why you believe what you do. I'm sitting in the middle of it however and my experience is quite different from yours. There are many fine hard working people here. There are many prosperous busineses here. There is much that happens outside the Zona. The Zona is not the center of the universe in TJ, far from it. There are people who have never been to the Zona.

Of course the government gets a piece of the pie, just like the USA which is right up there on the corruption scale. You should spend some time here. Get to know some people outside the Zona, see what business is doing here.

Most american dollars do not end up in the Zona. Most of it is being invested in real estate and construction. Even more in business ventures like manufacturing etc. Cities like Monterrey, Tijuana, Mexicali have enormous American investments. The zona is a drop in the bucket. In the big picture, it might not even show up on radar.

The Zona is a cash cow for the club owners and the dirty politicians, not to mention the cops who get to go through your pockets on the way home, which is what these posts are really about.

Be careful not to over-estimate your importance as a monger to the economy of Tijuana. If it were such a big deal, you'd have police escorts from the border to the Zona and back again. Instead, you are set up as fair game for the dirty cop who would rob you of your last $20. before you cross the border. That ought to tell you something.

Country John

Member #4450
02-12-07, 08:14
They are called CASETAS.

NEVER go to a Caseta unless you know the house, know the people etc. You could be setting yourself up big time. Never go anywhere based on what "a guy in TJ" told you. You MUST KNOW who you are delaing with. Stick to the Zona. Casetas are VERY dangerous.

I do live in Mexico. I've been here for a year and a half and I've been doing business here for the past 15 years. I own two business here and I'm setting up a third. I understand very well how "things" work here. You are quite right. Payola is big time. BIG TIME. But not everywhere. I've yet to pay anyone off. My busineses are not high profile or high risk. There are those that are, like Adelitas and Chicago club for example. The government would never "tolerate" prostitution int he Zona if it were not for the payoffs. You're quite right about that.

But you are wrong to think that mongering is a major component of the revenue stream in Tijuana. That's just plain wrong. If you were to look under the hood here you'd see much industry, there's a lot going on here. And it's going to grow rapidly over the next ten years. Some of it might be monger money but don't fool yourself, it's a minor part. The drug trade is much bigger than mongering will ever be.

I understand why you believe what you do. I'm sitting in the middle of it however and my experience is quite different from yours. There are many fine hard working people here. There are many prosperous busineses here. There is much that happens outside the Zona. The Zona is not the center of the universe in TJ, far from it. There are people who have never been to the Zona.

Of course the government gets a piece of the pie, just like the USA which is right up there on the corruption scale. You should spend some time here. Get to know some people outside the Zona, see what business is doing here.

Most american dollars do not end up in the Zona. Most of it is being invested in real estate and construction. Even more in business ventures like manufacturing etc. Cities like Monterrey, Tijuana, Mexicali have enormous American investments. The zona is a drop in the bucket. In the big picture, it might not even show up on radar.

The Zona is a cash cow for the club owners and the dirty politicians, not to mention the cops who get to go through your pockets on the way home, which is what these posts are really about.

Be careful not to over-estimate your importance as a monger to the economy of Tijuana. If it were such a big deal, you'd have police escorts from the border to the Zona and back again. Instead, you are set up as fair game for the dirty cop who would rob you of your last $20. before you cross the border. That ought to tell you something.

Country John
You pretty much said it ol, thanks for you input.

About the casetas, can you explain in more details what can go wrong in these places?
And what MP would you recomend, not a caseta?
I once read a post about CHEATERS, do you know this place, or maybe a better one.

02-12-07, 20:01
Someone asked a couple questions regarding my post from a week ago that recaped my bad experience with a couple crooked cops.

After putting me in their police car they said they were taking me to the police station to go before a judge since they had "evidence" that I intended to solicit prostitution. I was very polite and respectful throughout this whole experience. They said I could be held for 72 hours. They said the judge might let me post a bond and that I could call an attorney at the police station.

I had no idea if any of this was true, but I felt that they had me by the balls, especially since I had a flight to catch later in the evening. They stopped just short of the police station and one cop asked me if there was any cocaine in the $20 bills that I had. WTF, now I was getting very concerned about possible being framed for drugs.

I know some guys will criticize me for not "pushing back", but I did not want to go before some TJ judge with an uncertain outcome. For all I know, the judge may be just as dirty as the cops.

I do not live in So CA and I can just as easily go elsewhere to monger. CR and SXM do not have the nearly the drug, gun and dirty cop problems so TJ is just not worth the potential hassle to me.

I think my experience is probably a case of bad luck for the most part, but it did happen in spite of my efforts to be cautious, so just be extra careful in TJ.

02-13-07, 02:24
Does anyone know if Sara at Bar Tropical is coming back? I haven't seen her since July. She is morena with large silicone breasts and a great ass. She strips sometimes and is high mileage.

02-13-07, 06:13
They are called CASETAS.

NEVER go to a Caseta unless you know the house, know the people etc. You could be setting yourself up big time. Never go anywhere based on what "a guy in TJ" told you. You MUST KNOW who you are delaing with. Stick to the Zona. Casetas are VERY dangerous.

Country John

Actually they're called casas de citas. A caseta is something else.

Member #4450
02-13-07, 07:31
What's so bad about the casas the cita or casetas?
I thought this was a MP, where you can choose the girl from the line up?
Can someone provide me with more info?
How's the girl selection in these places?
Are the girls average looking?

Country John
02-13-07, 17:17
What's so bad about the casas the cita or casetas?
I thought this was a MP, where you can choose the girl from the line up?
Can someone provide me with more info?
How's the girl selection in these places?
Are the girls average looking?

I stand corrected.... "casas de cita."

The problem is that you never know what you're walking into. A guy says "Heyyy man, I got for you dees yoing chics all you have to do is go to the house man...$30.00 for one hour, $50.00 for two hours man..."

So you go, and when you walk in you get clubbed over the head with a baseball bat. All your stuff gets ripped and who knows where you end up.

Some might say this never happens. It happed to a friend of mine. He was badly beaten. Lost everything he had on him. He was lured to a hotel room where two guys were waiting for him.

Now you might not be this unfortunate. It might be all "blue skys" with the girl of your dreams waiting for you to make passionate love for pennies on the dollar. Maybe. Do you feel lucky?

Don't take chances like this in the Zona, in Los Angeles, San Francisco or anywhere else. Go with what you know and be safe.

I want everyone to have a good time. Everyone should have a positive experience with these beautiful girls. But don't go stoopid. Be Safe.

Country John


Look, I don't want to "chicken little" on anyone here. I'm trying to keep it real. There are members who've had positive experiences at these places, they should chime in accordingly and then take the particulars to PM.

TJ is dangerous. Embrace the notion and take the steps needed to ensure your safety. OK??? OK.

Country John
02-14-07, 08:42
Now Is Not The Time To Meet Girls At The Border Incidental To Escort Appointments.

Louie OK
02-14-07, 10:20
I'm pretty sure they exists, though I haven't used those services.
There are our more local forums I think that address better such topics.
Tijuana Blog, Tijuana Amigo, etc have info I think.

I've seen "massage parlors" and similiar places around 7th & 8th between F.M. Martinez and Revolution.
I'll bet there are many other as well spread about the city.

Blue Nose
02-15-07, 02:36
I'm pretty sure they exists, though I haven't used those services.
There are our more local forums I think that address better such topics.
Tijuana Blog, Tijuana Amigo, etc have info I think.

I've seen "massage parlors" and similiar places around 7th & 8th between F.M. Martinez and Revolution.
I'll bet there are many other as well spread about the city.
There are, and quite a few of them are in la zona. The problem with them is that the prices are high and the service is generally bad. You pay the house fee, get a crappy, rushed massage and then overpriced full service. Why not just go to AB or CC and get essentially the same thing, for less money?

If you do want to use these places, I would recommend that, at least until you have more experience, you buy the "package" up front. This means you pay a flat fee for everything and no negotiating in the hroom. La Campamiento spa (spelling?) behind Bar La Tropa offers such a package.

If you just want a massage, try Azteca Massage on Revolucion - good masaage, but completely non sexual. For the other types of massages YMMV in the parlors, but most people on this forum (self included) report bad experiences with them. That being said, I have never tried a casa de cita.

Blue Nose

02-18-07, 03:36
I knew I would be in San Diego area 2 or 3 Fridays ago. For once in my life I decided to plan ahead. I e-mailed one of the Tijuana services (I think they may be all the same) and set up an appointment with Nicole (Nicholl on her web-site). I first had taxi guy take me to I believe La Mansion. It reminded me of cabanas in the Dom Republic. They required that your I.D. be left at desk for overnight stay. You know where you can stick that, so it was off to Pueblas Amigas...way too expensive, but nice and I didn't want to waste time finding a place.

Nicole showed right on time. This woman is a 10 on the attractive scale. Not a 10 looks or bodywise but very enthusiastic and never a frown or hesitation. Everything I was interested in was on the program. I am not into anal and neither was she. However, I think she might be willing to experiment if you are nice about it.
She kept an old man busy for a solid 2 hours. This was the best experience I have had except for maybe Rio and the termas where the Brazilian women take it personal if you don't get off.

Sure, I paid the equivalent of 5 trips upstairs at Adelitas, but probably 2 or 3 of those would be marginal at best. Also, at my age or any age I don't want to be doing my business in a puddle of unknown body fluids.

Do yourself a favor and get a hold of Nicole. Treat her right and enjoy. I am getting nothing for this.

John Rain
02-18-07, 04:28
Hey! The city of Tijuana is adopting a giant penis named "Xuani" as the official mascot. Check out the news story and photo:



02-18-07, 20:40
After 7 hours of flying I finally arrived in SD around 7:30 pm. Instead of wasting the 40ish for a taxi to the border I decided to take the long adventerous route. I took the 992 bus to the Santa fe depot then transfered to the Blue line to the border. My orginal plan was to take a Mexicoach bus into TJ so I can avoid the polica, but I decided last minute I didn't want to wait for the bus so I just walked thru and then took a cab. No problem with Polica!

Since this was my 1st night in TJ, I decided to stick with a safer/nicer hotel. HDS was highly recommended by many mongers on this board so I decided to stay one night. I don't know if it was because they were able to spot a newbie but they charged me 50 a nite, instead of the 45 many of you guys said it would cost.

Now that I had my base camp secured I decided to venture out. My orginal goal was to stop at HK all night but after a few minutes of walking I could not find it. I decided to go into Adelias (SP?) since it was close by. Man you guys in SD are very lucky. The girls in Adelias are insanely beautiful, they have all different types of girls. Since it was a Saturday night the place was absolutely insane. You could not move without bumping into somone. After a few beers I decided to try my luck with another club. Hopefully one that was less packed.

Before I go any further, let me perface this by saying I like to wonder around alot when I drink. So the next section might be a lil long. I'll try to break it down to make it easier reading.

1. Adelias, Didn't stay too long it was too packed for my taste. Hotest girls though.

2. Playboy, After you see the chicks at Adelias the girls at Playboy are UGLY as hell, I stayed for half a beer.

3. Miami club, Wondered into that club not realizing it was attached to HK

4. Went to HK from the side door in Miami club. HK was more my style because it wasn't AS packed as Adelias.

5. Tropical, Another half beer stop club

6. Chicago club, now this is what im talking about. It has girls almost as hot as Adelias but its not as packed. I still didn't have any girls approach me. I guess you have to get a waiter to bring the girls over right?

7. Got tired of all these packed clubs so I found this cutie SG. She wanted $20 plus 3 for the room, unfortuantly I didn't have anymore money because she wanted $10 for sin ropa and $10 more for a BJ. Overall she was OK but im only baseing this one looks. She was one of the hottest SG working that night, her proformance on the other hand was very dead fish.

8. Last club I went to was La Tropa or whatever that club is infront of HDS. I was actually pretty surprised there were a few cuties working there.

After all my TJ fun for the night I went back to the hotel to get some sleep. Man having a room far away from traffic is a must, it was loud as hell I kept on waking up all night long.

The next morning (today) I checked out of HDS and took a taxi to north revo. I guess it was still too early but alot of clubs and stores were still closed. After about 2hours of wondering around the streets I found VivaMex spa, being tired and jetlagged still I decided to try it out. I got to admit that was one of the best messages I ever recieved, too bad you dont get a happy ending there =)

So this concludes my story with me sitting in the internet cafe around the corner from VivaMex. The plan for the rest of the day is to check out HK/Adelias/Chicago Club during the day to see if its alot less packed. I like being able to sit down and talk with chicas, its pretty difficult to do that at night time.

I will be in TJ for another 9 days so, if anyone has any suggestions on things or chicas I should check out I would be extremely thankful, Also I plan on posting all addtional trip reports in this thread.

Thanks again everyone for the help, esp Melonbag!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Bq Ribs
02-18-07, 22:28
Since this was my 1st night in TJ, I decided to stick with a safer/nicer hotel. HDS was highly recommended by many mongers on this board so I decided to stay one night. I don't know if it was because they were able to spot a newbie but they charged me 50 a nite, instead of the 45 many of you guys said it would cost.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.Thanks for the report. I am new to the board and have plans to make a TJ trip real soon. Please keep us posted on the hotels. I would prefer to stay in TJ and not in SD. For starters a guest friendly hotel would be great.

Enjoy the rest of your trip.

Bq Ribs
02-19-07, 08:07
Instead of wasting the 40ish for a taxi to the border I decided to take the long adventerous route. I took the 992 bus to the Santa fe depot then transfered to the Blue line to the border.Did you catch the 992 bus at the airport? My flight will arrive at 12 noon giving me ample time to take the long adverterous route to TJ.

Bq Ribs
02-20-07, 03:56
I have read many posts and did several searches but I still have several unanswered questions. I will be in TJ the last weekend of March and need to know the following:

1) Which are the better guest friendly hotels in TJ. I would prefer to stay in TJ and not in the USA.

2) Do the guest friendly hotels have websites?

3) What cell phone service will work in TJ?

4) Are internet cafes available?

From my readings it seems most of the P4P is in the Adelita Bar area and not so much on Avenida Revolution. Is this right?

Thanks in advance to those who can help a TJ newbie. I hope to contribute to this board with my DR, CR, and Spain experiences.

02-20-07, 19:46
I appreciate the information available here. Although a lot of my activities at various locations were done by winging it, I use this site more for up to date information on what establishments are open or closed or which are currently "hot. My experiences have almost always been different than those described here. Also, places like Adelitas or Chicago club can be very different from night to night or even hour to hour.

I claim to be an expert on nothing but to reply to some of BBQ's questions: Take the Airport Flyer bus (I believe 992) right outside terminal to downtown trolley station for $2 or 2.25. Take the trolley to San Ysidro (border crossing) for $2.00 buying ticket from vending machine (simple even for me). Get out, cross over-pass, and you are in Tijuana for <$5. I have never been stopped by police going into Mexico. The only hassle usually are the taxi touts.

If your cell phone works on US side and is a major carrier, it will probably work on TJ side as well. A lot of their customers cross back and forth daily and I see many of the same phones used both sides. Mine worked better in TJ than many US areas.
Go directly to Adelitas, Chicago Club, Bar Tropical "triangle area" and make sure to check out street girl area essentially behind Adelitas as well which includes Hong Kong bar. Keep in mind that a place or area that may be dissappointing at one time may be quite different an hour later.

I would stay away from Revolution particularly at night. It has recently seemed more likely for criminal activity including a larger police presence. This is just an opinion since I have never experienced any problems with crime or police even when staggering out of a taxi to return to US.

I have stayed in only somewhat expensive hotels on TJ side but never had a problem bringing friends back to hotel room.

By the way, can anyone post in Spain section about up to date possibilities in

Bq Ribs
02-21-07, 08:00
I appreciate the information available here.And I appreciate the information you posted. Your post answered quite a few questions for me. I will be in TJ the last weekend of March. It is a spur of the moment trip. I just started my TJ research a few days ago. I will be in TJ for three nights which I think will be ample time since there doesn't seem to be much else to do other than chase chicas.

If you could pass along some hotel names, preferably with a website, I will be all set to go.

DustMeOff, thanks again for your reply.

02-21-07, 19:32
Except for a visit a few weeks ago, most of my visits to TJ were 3 to 5 years ago. I stayed at Pueblo Amiga last visit (and another time 3 years ago). This hotel is very nice and in the $100 plus range. The woman I was with even called the front desk and had condoms delivered to room. This hotel is short walking distance from the border and has taxis outside all day.

Awhile back I had no problem bringing an all-nighter to the Grand Tijuana. Again, this hotel is expensive. I personally don't mind because they are cleaner, safer, and usually more quiet than I believe the monger hotels to be.

All of the "upscale" hotels can be found with a search of Tijuana hotels. I know I have seen lists of fairly inexpensive guest friendly hotels on this or other Mexico specialist web sites.

Remember that any prospects from Adelitas, Chicago Bar, or alley will already have their designated accomodations. They usually won't go anywhere else with a client. So except for the price and location (which of course are important to most people), there isn't any advantage to being right in the area as far as chica activity is concerned.

I again apologize if this information isn't too informative. My days of going upstairs at Adelitas 3 times a night are over. I would rather spend a little more to possibly get a little more. Those experiences were very enjoyable though most of the time, I just don't want the hassles of a rush job anymore.

Country John
02-22-07, 00:25
And I appreciate the information you posted. Your post answered quite a few questions for me. I will be in TJ the last weekend of March. It is a spur of the moment trip. I just started my TJ research a few days ago. I will be in TJ for three nights which I think will be ample time since there doesn't seem to be much else to do other than chase chicas.

If you could pass along some hotel names, preferably with a website, I will be all set to go.

DustMeOff, thanks again for your reply.

There are a few options available, many are written up. Search out the info for Pueblo Amigo Hotel, Plaza Rio etc. These are a taxi ride from the zona and you can use the short time rooms for your work there. The hotels I mentioned are very nice and comfortable. Nice place to re-charge, but then again, you're going there to sex yourself to death right?

If this is your first trip to the land of orgasms, I'd suggest you room up at a safe place until you learn the lay of the land. Once you see how things work, you can plan further. A safe space to come back too after the Zona tour is very cool.

Country John

Bq Ribs
02-22-07, 04:02
There are a few options available, many are written up. Search out the info for Pueblo Amigo Hotel, Plaza Rio etc. These are a taxi ride from the zona and you can use the short time rooms for your work there.

Remember that any prospects from Adelitas, Chicago Bar, or alley will already have their designated accomodations. They usually won't go anywhere else with a client.I am really starting to rethink this TJ thing. I am most comfortable having my hotel room and bringing the chicas to "my space". Running upstairs for a quickie is not really my thing, been there and done that. I am somewhat older and prefer the slow times with the ladies. You know, shower together, sit and chat, have a drink, listen to music before you get down to doing what you really want to do. I prefer to meet a chica I am comfortable with and do a TLN. So far, from what I have read, TJ doesn't seem like the place for this.

I really would like to visit TJ if no more than to see what the place is like. Maybe I will take my chances. If I search long enough I am quite sure I will find someone who won't mind going to my hotel.

Country John
02-22-07, 20:34
I am really starting to rethink this TJ thing. I am most comfortable having my hotel room and bringing the chicas to "my space". Running upstairs for a quickie is not really my thing, been there and done that. I am somewhat older and prefer the slow times with the ladies. You know, shower together, sit and chat, have a drink, listen to music before you get down to doing what you really want to do. I prefer to meet a chica I am comfortable with and do a TLN. So far, from what I have read, TJ doesn't seem like the place for this.

I really would like to visit TJ if no more than to see what the place is like. Maybe I will take my chances. If I search long enough I am quite sure I will find someone who won't mind going to my hotel.

You won't have to look very far at all. Talk to the girls (in the club, perhaps Chicago Club) and tell them what you want to do. The girls will usually work with you if the numbers are right.

You should visit the happiest place on Earth, it's quite a site for the seasoned monger who hasn't ben there. Just remember to be careful and not wander off with anyone you do not know, be polite and have a friendly disposition. You'll love it. The place is a circus.

Country John

02-22-07, 23:17
I am really starting to rethink this TJ thing. I am most comfortable having my hotel room and bringing the chicas to "my space". Running upstairs for a quickie is not really my thing, been there and done that. I am somewhat older and prefer the slow times with the ladies. You know, shower together, sit and chat, have a drink, listen to music before you get down to doing what you really want to do. I prefer to meet a chica I am comfortable with and do a TLN. So far, from what I have read, TJ doesn't seem like the place for this.

I really would like to visit TJ if no more than to see what the place is like. Maybe I will take my chances. If I search long enough I am quite sure I will find someone who won't mind going to my hotel.TLN's are easier to come by on slower nights and in smaller bars like LC, TB, RR or La Valentina. Monday and Tuesday nights are usually the best for TLN's or whenever it's a slow night at the bar. You should arrrange the TLN so that you avoid paying a bar fine which is usually accomplished in a couple of ways. You either make plans on the girls night off or you wait until she finishes her shift. There are other ways but these are the most common to avoid the bar fine. Also arranging a TLN is a little less difficult if for instance you tell the girl that you'll take her out dancing or to eat at a nice restaurant or you'll be staying at a hotel in Ensenada or Rosarito.

John Rain
02-23-07, 04:02
This is a trip report in four parts as follows:
Part One – A Fine Afternoon (posted in Tijuana Reports)
Part Two – The Grim Reaper (posted in Miami Bar Reports)
Part Three – My Sweet Freebie (posted in Hong Kong Club Reports)
Part Four – Street Adventures (posted in Streetwalker Reports)

Part One – A Fine Afternoon
I headed down to TJ on Sunday the 18th. Traffic was light the whole way and I arrived at the Ueno parking lot about 2:30 p.m.. I crossed over into Mexico, grabbed a taxi over by the Farmacias near McDonald's, and asked the driver to take me to El Arco on the corner of Revolución and (Articulo 123) Primera. I walk over to the HSBC Bank ATMs but they are both empty. Back to Primera and turn down Constitución. The same girls are all working, but one of my favorites Miss NoKisses isn't here right now. I smile and say hello to Andrea and some of the other girls along the way.

As I approach the Alley (Callejon Coahuila), I see Miss Perfect is here with a big grin on her gorgeous face. I haven't seen her since before Navidad and miss her dearly. She is so beautiful. Dark skin, a petite, slender body. Long, straight black hair always presented perfectly but combed a bit differently every time. Ninety-nine pounds of perfection. I kiss her on the cheek and hold her hand as we catch up on recent events. Was she on vacation when I was here two weeks ago? No, she wasn't feeling well and didn't work for a couple of days. It's a beautiful sunny afternoon and I'm wearing a short-sleeved shirt, but Miss Perfect wants to know if I brought a jacket because it will be cold tonight. I tell her no but have a long shirt for later. She warns me that it might rain later, a detail a had not considered. Anyway, we say our goodbyes for now and I walk over to Hotel Porton to get a room for the night.

Hotel Porton is a newer hotel right in the Alley, as such it's clean and comfortable by Zona Norte standards, but is also very small and very loud at night. Location is the main attraction for me. A room is $35 for the night, I paid 350 pesos which they accept without question. Recently, they haven't been charging anything for bringing girls back. The rooms downstairs are for short time street girls, but they have a few rooms for overnight upstairs. I get settled in and then head out into the Alley.

There really aren't that many girls working in the Alley right now. In fact, as I walk around, it's like it was two weeks ago, about half as many girls as usual. Numerous regulars are nowhere to be seen.

So, I head up Constitución and now see Miss NoKisses standing at her usual location. She is reading something which I quickly grab from her. It's a sex comic. She turns red with embarrassment. I pretend to be shocked finding a nice catholic girl like her with a sex comic. She quickly blames Andrea (down the street) as the one who gave it to her. I tell her that I know Andrea well and she would never read this kind of filth because she is very pure and innocent. Miss NoKisses denies this vehemently and asks if I want to get something to eat. I tell her no, but she can be my securidad (security) because I need to go to the cajero (ATM). She pushes the comic into her roomate's hands (Her roomate is working here also) and off we go to BanaMex on second street. On the way back, we stop for condoms at a drug store. Then back to my room with her a for a nice session. She complains when I kiss her, "pintura!, pintura!" that I'm ruining her lipstick but she really craves the attention. We're friends for several years and very comfortable together. Afterwards, we shower together.

I walk her back to her location and ask if she might want to have a beer later this evening. Miss NoKisses says maybe and I say goodbye, kiss her on the cheek, and head north down Constitución, past Callejon Coahuila, then turn west down Calle Coahuila.

I walk past Adelita Bar, pausing to see if any girls are returning from Hotel Coahuila to the bar but at the moment there are none. I cross the street over to Tropical Bar. Tropical is attached to Hotel Ritz de Oro, which I like to call Hotel Ritz de Basura. It's a poorly maintained maze of twisting stairs and oddly placed rooms. If you've ever been there you know what I mean. I've stayed over night there twice. (As an aside, Tropical Bar and Hotel Ritz de Oro are part of the Hotel Las Cascadas group, as is Chavelas Bar, Miami Bar, and Hong Kong Bar.)

I go into Tropical Bar, it's okay but the layout is odd in that there are really only a few good seats around the stage, the stools around the bar itself are always full, and lots of thick structural supports ensure a couple of dozen bad seats elsewhere. I am left with a bad seat over by the baños and order an agua mineral. Scanning the scene, I see a nice looking woman stripping on stage and one or two other passable girls, but mostly a lot of cows. Over at the bar I see a very fat man with his hands all over a cute girl, and looking closer, I realize that I saw him two weeks ago in Chavelas where he was entertaining three beautiful girls at the same time. He must be well connected somehow.

Anyway, Tropical Bar is a bit old-fashioned in that there are girls sitting on benches waiting for dollar dances or for you to approach and buy a drink. I like its style and slower pace. I have been in here when there were lots of cute girls, but today it isn't happening for me. Disappointed, I finish my drink and head out.

End of Part One – Part Two continues in Miami Bar Reports

Beaver Liquor
02-27-07, 18:38
Like a lot before me, I'm making my first trip ever to Tijuana. I'm flying into Palm Springs to visit a friend for a few days and just found out that he's working. On the bright side I found this as the perfect excuse to visit this lovely little sin city. So I'm going to rent a car and drive down for the day, probably stopping over at Gas Lamp District (just to say I've been. Any pointers where to eat early morning would be great). I plan on crossing over at around 11am maybe noon. I've read a lot of post on this forum and a few on another. I was able to get most of my questions answered, but found a few still needing resolved.

1. If I'm going to be in the Zone Norte from 11am till 4pm on a Monday, what can I expect as far as quality and quantity (both bar girls and SGs)?

2. I'm in my mid 20s and traveling alone. What is your opinion of this?

3. Before I arrived at Zone Norte, I plan on locating a pharmacy to purchase some viagra (I'm young, but multiple sessions may require some pharmaceutical help). Can you help me with a name/address of a pharmacy on the way to Zone Norte?

4. Depending on the what happens while I'm in Tijuana I may find myself with extra time to do whatever. If you wonder out of Zone Norte, are there any specific things to do/see worth noting. I read that Mexico's largest winery was near by.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm into photography so expect a lot of pics upon my return. I'm a good salesman so I expect to get some good photos of the chicas. If any of you guys down there during this time, let me know. We'll share some beers and swap some stories. What little punting I've done it's been in Europe.

By the way, WTF is a "sin ropa"


Country John
02-28-07, 03:57
Like a lot before me, I'm making my first trip ever to Tijuana. I'm flying into Palm Springs to visit a friend for a few days and just found out that he's working. On the bright side I found this as the perfect excuse to visit this lovely little sin city. So I'm going to rent a car and drive down for the day, probably stopping over at Gas Lamp District (just to say I've been. Any pointers where to eat early morning would be great). I plan on crossing over at around 11am maybe noon. I've read a lot of post on this forum and a few on another. I was able to get most of my questions answered, but found a few still needing resolved.

1. If I'm going to be in the Zone Norte from 11am till 4pm on a Monday, what can I expect as far as quality and quantity (both bar girls and SGs)?

You'll run the gamit. I'm not sure what you expect quaslity wise but be advised that most have found the selection adequate. The top tier girls (in the zona) are supposed to be at Adelitas. But shop around.

2. I'm in my mid 20s and traveling alone. What is your opinion of this?

Depending on what you're driging, you'll be a cop magnet. Make sure that the car is clean, there are NO weapons or ammo, drugs or devices in the car. Purchase "Mexican" insurance for the day (about $20.00) and make sure the paperwork on the car is in order. If you are renting, make certain that the rental contract permits the car to be drivin into Mexico. If not, and you get stopped, you WILL have problems.

3. Before I arrived at Zone Norte, I plan on locating a pharmacy to purchase some viagra (I'm young, but multiple sessions may require some pharmaceutical help). Can you help me with a name/address of a pharmacy on the way to Zone Norte?

Farmacias are everywhere. I would discourage a young man of 20 years from dropping viagra. This is your first trip son, don't do meds like that without talking to a doctor. There shold be enough stimuli in the Zona to get you off.

4. Depending on the what happens while I'm in Tijuana I may find myself with extra time to do whatever. If you wonder out of Zone Norte, are there any specific things to do/see worth noting. I read that Mexico's largest winery was near by.

You won't have time for that. Park in a secured parking lot. NEVER on the street. Have nothing visible in the passenger compartment. Use common sense as though you are in a high crime area;because you ARE.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm into photography so expect a lot of pics upon my return. I'm a good salesman so I expect to get some good photos of the chicas. If any of you guys down there during this time, let me know. We'll share some beers and swap some stories. What little punting I've done it's been in Europe.

Do me a favor: Go to the Zona, bang some girlies, get a few pics where you can, then get out. Post a trip report.

I have to caution you about your personal security. Dress down. No bling. Leave valuables in the trunk of your car. Stay low profile.

By the way, WTF is a "sin ropa"

"Sin Ropa" means "without clothes." The girls in the Alley like to remove only the required clothing for the service they provide. Having them remove all their clothing usually requires a few extra dollars. When you ask for "sin ropa" you are asking for full nudity.

Be safe and Be nice

Country John

02-28-07, 07:13
3. Before I arrived at Zone Norte, I plan on locating a pharmacy to purchase some viagra (I'm young, but multiple sessions may require some pharmaceutical help). Can you help me with a name/address of a pharmacy on the way to Zone Norte?Young Punter,

I am not a doctor and I have not been to TJ but I read your post and Country John's excellent response with interest. Do follow his advice, but if you are going to use Viagra, I suggest you try a lower dose such as 25 or a 50. Do not use 100 the first time. All it will do is give you a bad headache. Other alternative is to try Cialis, 20mg. The flushing and headache are less of an issue with "C" and the intended effect lasts longer. BTW, do not mix both.

02-28-07, 18:32
About photography: If you take photos of the chicas, especially nude photos, and get stopped by the TJ policia, they could consider it pornography (which is illegal to produce in Mexico). It wouldn't be unusual for them to check your digital camera or cell phone for photos.

Just something to think about.

Naked Gunz
02-28-07, 19:12
If you are renting, make certain that the rental contract permits the car to be drivin into Mexico. If not, and you get stopped, you WILL have problems.
Country John

OMG is this true! Stopped 3x in 1 day till I ran out of bribe money.
When I told the last cop I had NO MONEY; If looks could kill I would be
dead..he just walked away very pissed...AND THIS WAS 1987!
Now days I would be dragged to TJ jail- fo sho!

Beaver Liquor
02-28-07, 20:15
About photography: If you take photos of the chicas, especially nude photos, and get stopped by the TJ policia, they could consider it pornography (which is illegal to produce in Mexico). It wouldn't be unusual for them to check your digital camera or cell phone for photos.

Just something to think about.First, thanks to everyone for their advice. Regarding the camera issue, I had already planned on keeping the memory card and camera separate at all times. Or just use a dummy memory card in the camera with tourist pics.

In regards to safety issues, some had thought I would be driving across. I am actually walking across and and spending the time walking in/around zone norte including allies. I received some great private messages. But if anyone else wants to add their opinion, I'd greatly appreciate it. Again, I'm in my mid 20s and will be alone. I'll be there this Tuesday from 11am till 4pm. Depending on how things go, I may stay overnight, but I don't want to get ahead of myself just yet.

02-28-07, 23:11
You can drive your car in Baja California, which is considered part of the Free Trade Zone, without any additional permits. Make sure that you have all the paperwork in order, just as you would to drive in the US.

02-28-07, 23:15
Young Punter: Separating your memory card from your camera might not be good enough. If you do get stopped, they will turn everyone of your pockets inside out, and seeing a separate memory card will be a red flag.

Be smart; be careful, and have a good time.

Naked Gunz
03-01-07, 00:06
In regards to safety issues, some had thought I would be driving across. I am actually walking across and and spending the time walking in/around zone norte including allies. I received some great private messages. But if anyone else wants to add their opinion, I'd greatly appreciate it. Again, I'm in my mid 20s and will be alone. I'll be there this Tuesday from 11am till 4pm. Depending on how things go, I may stay overnight, but I don't want to get ahead of myself just yet.

Walking across is best option. Car can get you in too much trouble and is a hassle with parking, ect. Other than that you don't have to be THAT paranoid man- it ain't North Korea! My advice would be to just go and have fun. Add more time to your stay when you feel more comfortable. I was so intimidated ny my visit to Kenya that I KNOW I didn't have as much fun as I could have.

On that note save some of that TJ money for a real monger spot like Thailand.

03-01-07, 00:30
I agree, you don't have to be that paranoid, but the reason you shouldn't be paranoid is because you are clean, and if you do get stopped, they'll have nothing on you.

I agree, also, about Thailand, except that the baht is down to about 33 per dollar.

Country John
03-01-07, 04:56
There are plenty of pics of the Zona and of the girls. I would suggest leaving the bling at home and getting your feet wet there before doing anything ambitious like snapping pictures.

Realize that there are other mongers in the Zona and some might not appreciate being photographed. This is a private hobby and the notion that your pic could end up on a popular website could be disturbing to some if they see someone snapping pics.

Remember that the many of the girls have their handlers or "padrotes" looking on as the girls work. If they see you getting snappy, they might want the camera. When you are not looking, you might lose the camera.

No, don't be paranoid. Everyone knows why you are there. Just go with the flow, get laid by a pretty latina or three, get back and do your trip report. Read the board, espcially Brockton O'Tooles guide.

Be safe and be nice
Country John

Go there, become familiar with the place, enjoy the stay. Don't try to play games with the cops - they outnumber you and they will win if it gets shitty. Don't even go there.

03-03-07, 16:05
As a tourist, visiting TJ coming from San Diego the situation is a bit different from what I can read in the threat.

It's very easy to go there. Just take the Trolley "Blue line" from Downtown San Diego direction San Ysidro. It will cost $ 4.50 for the two ways. Take a seat in this train and try to relax, since it takes about 45 min from there. The people in the train will come and go and at the end, there are mostly spanish speaking folks in there. It's a special entertainment by itself. I enjoyed it several times.

Arriving at the border just follow the crowd the long way over the bridge to cross the freeway into Mexico. You will first see some american perhaps some mexican officials, but no one will ask you something. I took the door to Mexico in the East. From there it was like 500 m to reach the bus to "Centro". They charged me Pesos 3.50 and 10 min later I stood on the Av. Revoluccion.

From there it's just 2 min to walk to RLD - I am sure, everyone will find it easyly.

It's a everyday discussion, but IMHO I don't estimate the mexican women in general as beautiful. I entered "Hong Kong", "Chicago" and "Adelitas" an - hey - they girls show very sexy dancing, but the closer you get the more you will be disappointed (sorry, I don't want to hurt anyone, it's just my opinion). Looking in the corner, many girls hang arround in a sad mood.

At the end I walked arround the blocks, where I found like 100 SW. Here, I saw the more beautiful ones (again, IMHO), some dull, others in a good mood. I went to the room with 3 of them and was only happy with one girl. Here name was N....(sorry, for the moment I don't remember her name, if so I will tell you later) She had a open smile from the first minute to the last, she showed emotion and was the only girl I met that really was in to sex. I paid $20 for her (about 20 min, but she never took the watch to have the time) plus $5 for the shabby room. If you meet her, be nice to her so she will be for you and will give you a lot of pleasure.

Going back I took a cab, cots $5 or 50 Pesos (most people just take 1:10 even that it is 1:11, they are mostly nice folks, no bankers). At the border you pass 3 or 4 mexican officials (again no question, no hassle even that i have been a !lonely man") to be at the american controll like 100 m later. Again very easy, you show your passport. That's it.

Conclusion: TJ is a good option being in San Diego: different country with a special atmosphere, cheap girls - but: nothing to compare with what you could get in Europe (Prague, Germany, Spain ..) for comparable prices.

But is was fun anyway (I have some pictures from "my girls", but I won't make them public. Country John is right!

Country John
03-03-07, 19:29
Nice TR Labadi. There are some gems in the alley, that's for sure. I had a few favs there who always gave good service. Repeating with your fav is the key to good service and then better service later on. Your observations are on the money.

Latinas are not everyone's cup of tea, especially guys with mongering time overseas it seems.

But they sure are MY cup of tea. Oh yeah.

Country John

03-03-07, 23:22
Latinas are not everyone's cup of tea, especially guys with mongering time overseas it seems.

But they sure are MY cup of tea. Oh yeah.

Country John
Hi, I have no trip report to share about the mechanical sex available in Tijuana, but I notice that some people on here seem to lump the Mexican women available in TJ with ALL Latinas.

With all due respect, please stop this. "Latinas" are a very diverse group of women from all over Mexico, Central America, and South America, not to mention certain parts of Europe even. Lumping the women of Tijuana and Mexico with the women of Colombia, Brasil, Venezuela, etc, is a complete insult! Just to put it into perspective, it would be like saying since a Chevy Camaro is a sports car, it's in the same league as a Ferrari!

Hell, even the country I'm in now, Ecuador, the women here beat the Mexican women by light years, and this country isn't even in the top tier for Latinas.

Please don't make the guys on this web site think that all Latinas are like the girls available in Tijuana and Mexico. That's just blatently false. Anyways, I think most guys on here love Latinas. It's Mexicanas we (myself and others who complain about TJ) dislike!

Thank you for letting me rant.

03-04-07, 01:31
It's Mexicanas we dislike![/QUOTE]

Who is this 'we' you speak of?

Country John
03-04-07, 20:20
I hear the protest but I respectfully disagree. My Maya Mexicana is Latina from the tips of her negra toes to the very top of her Raven Black hairy head. It's what makes her special.

Certainly other women of the world can claim the moniker, and they might be rightfully entitled to do so. But that doesn't dis-entitle the Mexicanas of Tijuana, not one bit (in my opinion).

There is a lot to appreciate in these girls. You need to be patient. You need to want to see it and you need to be able to recognize it when you do. In the fleeting pay for play world of the Zona, it's easy to overlook all that. Why be concerned at all since you're there for a $20 to $60 fuck and a few beers.

I've had long discussions with my girley about the term "latina." She is one. For sure. And I like it.

Country John

03-05-07, 03:36
While in SD on business, I made it down to TJ on Sun night and Thurs night. I visited everything from AD/CC/HK to Revolution to massage. Here are some random observations:

1. Clubs on Revolution are really dead, even on Sun night. Several clubs (including Eclipse and Pussycats) had no customers and 2-3 women. Believe or not, these places ended up being the best option for me. I had total negotiating power and there was 1 decent girl at each place. It was truly amazing how much power I had. When I would try to leave one of these places, some of the girls and bartenders would make offers for me to stay (free shots of tequila, half price full service, etc). I ended up with a nice looking girl from Pussycats for $40 (sex and BBBJCIM) in the table dance room on Sun night.

2. Bartenders rip you off on Revolution. They always try to switch your $10 for a $1 when you try to pay for a drink. When one guy did this to me at Pussycats on Thurs night, I told him I saw the switch and to give me my $20 back (yes $20, not $10). He said, no it was $10. I wanted to scare him a little, so I threatened getting the Police and he either got scare or confused (maybe he thought I really did give him a $20) and gave me a $20. So now I'm up $10. Then, I walked out leaving the beer sitting there because of the untrustworthy bartender and the women were not that great. So the scamming bartender now is down $10 and has an open beer that I didn't pay for. If more people messed with these guys, they wouldn't try to pull that crap all the time.

3. AD had hot women, but all seemed cold. I didn't even try. I will say those were the best damn Mexican women I've ever seen.

4. Some clubs on Revolution have TV's (not the kind you watch).

5. Massage places want $40 just to get the girls alone to negotiate for sex. I didn't want to take the chance. Also, the aggressive guys on Revolution try to get you to visit and then demand a tip. If I stay, sure, but don't beg me to go with false promises of 40 beautiful women, waste my time, then ask for a tip.

6. Mexican food is great. I've eating at probably 50 Mexican taco stands and have had nothing but great tacos (never gotten sick).

Blue Nose
03-06-07, 03:48
Hi, I have no trip report to share about the mechanical sex available in Tijuana, but I notice that some people on here seem to lump the Mexican women available in TJ with ALL Latinas.

With all due respect, please stop this. "Latinas" are a very diverse group of women from all over Mexico, Central America, and South America, not to mention certain parts of Europe even. Lumping the women of Tijuana and Mexico with the women of Colombia, Brasil, Venezuela, etc, is a complete insult! Just to put it into perspective, it would be like saying since a Chevy Camaro is a sports car, it's in the same league as a Ferrari!

Hell, even the country I'm in now, Ecuador, the women here beat the Mexican women by light years, and this country isn't even in the top tier for Latinas.

Please don't make the guys on this web site think that all Latinas are like the girls available in Tijuana and Mexico. That's just blatently false. Anyways, I think most guys on here love Latinas. It's Mexicanas we (myself and others who complain about TJ) dislike!

Thank you for letting me rant.
Ezinho, with due respect, I think to lump all "Mexicans" into one category (mechanical SG) is a bit unfair. Yes, there are a lot of mechanical SGs in Mexico and TJ, but there are also some really great bar girls, semi-pros (TLN girls) and civillians that will give you a run for your money (or maybe even for free if you are good!) A lot of us guys on this board - and I admit that I am one of them - think that Mexican women are the most beautiful, sexiest creatures alive. Others may disagree, and of course that is their right. Women from Asia and Soth/Central America are hot as well, but once you develop a taste for Mexican women, nobody can ever talk you out of it. Most of us are hooked!

Blue Nose

Country John
03-06-07, 06:38
Ezinho, with due respect, I think to lump all "Mexicans" into one category (mechanical SG) is a bit unfair. Yes, there are a lot of mechanical SGs in Mexico and TJ, but there are also some really great bar girls, semi-pros (TLN girls) and civillians that will give you a run for your money (or maybe even for free if you are good!) A lot of us guys on this board - and I admit that I am one of them - think that Mexican women are the most beautiful, sexiest creatures alive. Others may disagree, and of course that is their right. Women from Asia and Soth/Central America are hot as well, but once you develop a taste for Mexican women, nobody can ever talk you out of it. Most of us are hooked!

Blue Nose

Good point and why the hell haven't we had dinner since last year Bluenose?

If you consider that many of the girls view what they do as "sex without Love," then that should answer the question "Why does she stare at the ceiling when I'm fucking her?"

These girls don't love you, they don't like you and they could probably care less about you. so the "mechanical" aspect of what they do is manifested in those who do not have good customer service skills.

My girley is most passionate and anything but mechanical. She's like a different girl every night.

Many of my SG regulars gave great service and were anything but mechanical. I have had several that were but that never spoiled the fun.

Latinas are fabulous creatures. Learn to enjoy them, hook up with one that you can develop into a regular and you'll be very surprised just how delicious they can be.

There ARE mechanical chicas out there. Don;t worry, you'll recognize them when you get them in the sack.

Country John

Smut Villain
03-06-07, 22:45
Latinas are not everyone's cup of tea, especially guys with mongering time overseas it seems.

But they sure are MY cup of tea. Oh yeah.

Country John
Not always true, CJ. For example, I've logged plenty of time chasing overseas poontang; but somehow I just keep coming back for more of that "Brown Sugar" down south of the border :)

Country John
03-07-07, 01:38
Not always true, CJ. For example, I've logged plenty of time chasing overseas poontang; but somehow I just keep coming back for more of that "Brown Sugar" down south of the border :)

I'll drink to that!

Pipe Layer99
03-08-07, 01:43
Some friends and I will be down there in a a month or two. Working out the logistics now. Two of my buddies have been there a few times already. This will be my first trip to Mexico for mongering.

I've read most of the forum so far. I appreciate all who contribute. Thanks
I will be sure to hit Adelitas, Chicago, and Hong Kong. I will even see some of the smaller ones to look for a diamond in the rough. My buddies swear by AB, but I like to see a variety of things.

Keep up the good posts and thanks again. Donnie D

03-09-07, 22:27
It looks as if a big church has now opened right between Adelitas Bar and Las Chavelas. Interesting location.

Ninguno Especial
03-10-07, 18:35
It looks as if a big church has now opened right between Adelitas Bar and Las Chavelas. Interesting location.

Where have you been? The church has been there as long as I can remember, maybe 10 years plus. It's not Catholic either but more like holy roller.

Blue Nose
03-10-07, 20:18
Some friends and I will be down there in a a month or two. Working out the logistics now. Two of my buddies have been there a few times already. This will be my first trip to Mexico for mongering.

I've read most of the forum so far. I appreciate all who contribute. Thanks
I will be sure to hit Adelitas, Chicago, and Hong Kong. I will even see some of the smaller ones to look for a diamond in the rough. My buddies swear by AB, but I like to see a variety of things.

Keep up the good posts and thanks again. Donnie D
Donnie D,

I think that AB, CC & HK will keep you busy for your first trip and it's a great way to ease into things into the zone. Once you feel a bit more comfortable with TJ, you can venture into some of the different places - Las Chevalas, Valentina and some of the other smaller bars just to check them out. Remember that la policia are out in full force right now so be safe: no drgus or weapons of any kind and if you need to hit a farmacia for some vitamin V, take it right away - don't walk around with it. Other than that, just exercise common sense and you will be fine. Have a great trip and please post a TR when you return.

Conejito - that church has been there for a while, but when there is no service, there is usually a gate across the front of it, so you would hardly notice it just walking by. I agree with you, though - it's quite a location for a church. I always feel like such a sinner walking by it on my way from AB to La Perla.

Blue Nose

Country John
03-11-07, 05:19
Donnie D,

I think that AB, CC & HK will keep you busy for your first trip and it's a great way to ease into things into the zone. Once you feel a bit more comfortable with TJ, you can venture into some of the different places - Las Chevalas, Valentina and some of the other smaller bars just to check them out. Remember that la policia are out in full force right now so be safe: no drgus or weapons of any kind and if you need to hit a farmacia for some vitamin V, take it right away - don't walk around with it. Other than that, just exercise common sense and you will be fine. Have a great trip and please post a TR when you return.

Conejito - that church has been there for a while, but when there is no service, there is usually a gate across the front of it, so you would hardly notice it just walking by. I agree with you, though - it's quite a location for a church. I always feel like such a sinner walking by it on my way from AB to La Perla.

Blue Nose

Well, if you ARE a God Fearing Man, the place is convenient for slipping in for saying your prayers and lightly confessing. Yu should try it sometimes Bluenose, you're way overdue for a solid confession!!! Are you in TJ?

Country John

Pipe Layer99
03-11-07, 06:10
Thanks for the tips. I appreciate it.

I have been around, so I will be fine. I've pretty much travelled the world. Plus I am going with a few friends who speak Spanish and have been there over the past few years. As for vitamin V, no need for that, I'm still in my 30's.
Thanks again.
I will contribute and post a trip report when I return. It won't be until May.
So until then keep the senoritas warm and let them know the storm is coming.

Always Play Safe, Donnie

Donnie D,

I think that AB, CC & HK will keep you busy for your first trip and it's a great way to ease into things into the zone. Once you feel a bit more comfortable with TJ, you can venture into some of the different places - Las Chevalas, Valentina and some of the other smaller bars just to check them out. Remember that la policia are out in full force right now so be safe: no drgus or weapons of any kind and if you need to hit a farmacia for some vitamin V, take it right away - don't walk around with it. Other than that, just exercise common sense and you will be fine. Have a great trip and please post a TR when you return. Blue Nose

Pipe Layer99
03-11-07, 06:12
CJ, that was a good one.

After reading your posts, I think I will PM you and Blue Nose before I go to see if we can hook up. Til then, take care and thanks for the good posts.


Well, if you ARE a God Fearing Man, the place is convenient for slipping in for saying your prayers and lightly confessing. Yu should try it sometimes Bluenose, you're way overdue for a solid confession!!! Are you in TJ?

Country John

John Rain
03-12-07, 02:05
Part One
It was a grinding week at work, so I decided to skip out early on Friday and head down to TJ. I forced my way through rush hour traffic arriving at 7:00 p.m. Revolución looked kind of empty for a Friday night. I stop at a drugstore on the corner of Primera and Constitución to buy some Sico brand condoms. They're strong and thin with a nice soft feel to them. There's a couple of policia at the corner. They didn't hassle me. Down Constitución one of my favorites Miss NoKisses isn't here right now. Her roommate sees me and gives me the classic "Psst, Psst" and motions for me to come over. She says Miss NoKisses isn't working today but will be here tomorrow. I ask her roommate to tell her to be here at 11:00 am tomorrow morning.

As I approach the Alley (Callejon Coahuila), I don't see Miss Perfect either. It is a bit late so I suppose she has already gone home. There are a lot of policia at the little Zona Norte substation. The Alley seems a bit empty also. I get a cheap room at Hotel Mini. It'll be loud, cold, and uncomfortable but the location is great and I'm not really here for the accommodations.

I walk down to Hotel Venecia and pick up Miss Gordita. She tells me right away that she knows last time I was here, I avoided her. Her friend saw me. I agree wholeheartedly, because it's true and doesn't really matter. Does she want to spend some time this evening with me? Of course, she moans she hasn't fucked anybody all day long and needs, you guessed it, rent money. Oh, and she needs money for her kid and money for her mom. Gotta give her credit, it didn't take 30 seconds to hit the top three reasons: mi renta, mi mama, mi niña. The street girl blues.

We head off to Bar La Gloria on Constitución to have a few beers, listen to some music, and maybe even dance a couple. I order a Bohemia and Miss Gordita gets a Sol. She's hungry and gets a package of whole dried shrimp from one of the passing-by vendors that appear nonstop. She slowly picks the shrimp apart dipping them into pico sauce. They smell, it's disgusting. She doesn't like the music, I give her a few bucks to go tip the DJ for some different songs. As soon as he starts playing her music choices, more and more couples get up to dance. Eventually we dance as well. Actually, I just sort of shuffle around. A couple of hours later we're back at my room shuffling around on top of each other for some unremarkable, ordinary sex. I shower and walk her back to where she stands.

Back up Constitución and then Primera, I stop in at Bar El Fracaso and see an amiga of Miss Gordita and dance a couple of slow dances with her. She asks why I'm not still with Miss Gordita. She had seen us leave together from in front of Hotel Venecia earlier in the evening. I explain that three hours is enough time with Miss Gordita. She disagrees and starts talking about how well she would treat a special man like me. I'm not interested in this woman, so I leave the bar after a short while.

Down Constitución I run into Adriana, a favorite of mine that I haven't been with in a long time. She has a square face with strong facial features, thick lips, broad smile, dark brown hair about shoulder length. A curled strand of hair falls down on either side of her face. She's about 5 feet tall. She has a full, curvy figure. I grab her hand and pull her along as I keep walking. She looks surprised and says "Si?" As we near the entrance to Hotel Erma she asks "Aqui?" No, I tell her. Let's go to my room. "Adónde?" Mini, I tell her. "Okay!"

Passing the police substation, there are a lot of hookers being unloaded from a police van and led into the station. They were picked up for working without a medical card. A bit later, Adriana gets a call on her cell phone from a girlfriend who says she's headed home for the night since she forgot to bring her tarjeta with her and doesn't want to get caught by the police.

In the room, I see that Adriana has lost some weight and is looking mighty fine to me. I compliment her and she gushes with appreciation. I love her great attitude, always upbeat. She's freshly showered and smelling great. She has soft perfect skin with no scars or tattoos or blemishes. Nice boobs with generous, dark nipples. We don't discuss anything about money or what I expect. I already know she does quickies for $20, otherwise she's available by the hour for $50. She is pretty much agreeable to whatever I want. We've even fallen asleep together in the past. After warming up under the blankets, I explore her body a bit, followed by a great covered bj. Next Adriana asks me if I want "chuga-chuga." Chuga-chuga? "Si, la chuga-chuga," she laughs pumping her arms and hips. Okay. I would like some chuga-chuga now. Afterwards, we lay together, wrapped around each other, for the rest of the hour after which I pay her 500 pesos. She kisses the money and makes the sign of the cross before putting it into her wallet. I walk her back to her spot and say goodnight.

Don't know about you, but having this gorgeous creature in my own hotel room for an hour at 500 pesos beats the hell out of getting the bums rush by some chica with attitude, too good to touch me at Adelita Bar.

End of Part One – To Be Continued

John Rain
03-12-07, 04:59
Part Two
It's about 11:45 p.m. on Friday night and I wander into one of the dive bars in Zona Norte to possibly do some dollar dances with a girl or two. Standing near the entrance, I see a table with three young, pretty girls sitting together smoking and drinking. It's slow for a Friday night, but not so slow that these girls would be alone. I look at the beers on their table, there's a can of Modelo for each, and more importantly, no other beers, that is to say it doesn't look like they have guys with them. So, I take a seat a couple tables across from them and try to figure this out. Two of the girls are exceptionally pretty, with very fine facial features, petite in statue, and quite shapely. The other has a pretty face though not finely chiseled like the others. She is average in size and her body is nice but not remarkable. The puzzle is, three girls this good-looking wouldn't be working here, they would doubtless be working at some more upscale bar. They're not sitting with men, so what are they doing here?

I order a Bohemia and sip away at it while studying the situation. There's one other American in the entire place and he's sitting at the table next to them. He's a great big fat guy, must be 300 pounds. He starts talking to one of them. A waiter shows up, apparently to see if he wants to buy a fiche beer, he declines and turns around away from the girl. A local comes over and asks the same girl to dance and she goes with the local. Another comes over and asks one of the other girls to dance and likewise she goes with him. A couple songs go by and the girls return alone to their table. I guess they are working? At any rate, I need to get in on this before they're taken. I walk up to the table and ask the average-sized girl to dance. She agrees.

On the dance floor I get a closer look at my girl and realize that she's very pretty, much more so than I had thought at a glance. This is one sexy Latina! Her gentle, sexy swaying to the music wins me over. Her face has soft wide features and is beautiful. We dance another song. She's a bit timid in that she hasn't latched on to me like a fiche girl normally would. She's acting more like a non-pro would. She doesn't speak English. When the song ends, I ask if she would like a beer. Yes. She walks back to her table and I point to my table and she says no sit over here at her table with the other girls. I'll call the girl I was dancing with Miss LatinaSexy. One of the girls is away dancing, the other, with the prettiest face of the three, was sitting alone until we returned. I'll call her Miss CaraBonita. A waiter comes over and Miss LatinaSexy orders a Tecate. Miss CaraBonita doesn't speak English either. This girl is a hottie.

Meanwhile, the fat man gets up and walks over to me asking if I speak Spanish. I tell him no and he says the other girl, the one who isn't at the table, speaks English very well, he says good luck buddy, and then he leaves the bar. The third girl returns to the table, I get up to let her sit on the inside of the bench. And there we sit, me with three young, hot Latinas. I tell the third girl that I heard she speaks English. She says yes she does. Where are you from, I ask. "San Diego," she says. You live in San Diego? "Yes." Are you an American? "I'm a Mexican-American."

Still puzzling over the situation, I ask her what she is doing here with her friends. "It's my birthday. I'm nineteen today and these are my cousins. They live here." She's very pretty with dark brown hair pulled back, very cute, fine, facial features, busty, shapely body. Very petite. I'll call her Miss Mexi-Americana. I congratulate her on her birthday and ask if she would like a beer. She jumps on that right away and orders a Tecate. So, I tell her I think it's rather adventurous for her to be here in this bar. She giggles and agrees it is. They are clearly not working girls and this certainly is no place three hotties would choose to celebrate a birthday. It's a dive. So, I ask her, why are you here, what are you doing here of all places?

"Oh, my sister works here," Miss Mexi-Americana replies. "She only does dances and beer!" she quickly adds, making sure I understand that her sister is not a prostitute. With that she motions to a woman across the room to come over. Now we are joined by Miss FicheGirl who is in her late twenties, overweight, dressed provocatively and basically, to be blunt, looks the part. Miss FicheGirl rushes over and greets me warmly like a friend. She has a big smile with a deep dimple on one side and medium brown hair. Her personality is a 9 trapped in the body of a 6. Her English is fine but not perfect, she laughs that she has forgotten how to speak English.

Now the situation makes some kind of sense. A beautiful nineteen year old is celebrating her birthday with her two Mexican cousins. One is nineteen, the other is twenty. One cousin is strikingly beautiful, the other in a more subtle way even sexier. Their family situation has been difficult and broken up. Their father is ill and unable to care for himself, let alone the family. The older sister works here as a fiche girl. She has to work on Friday nights, so her sister and her cousins come here to be together in a rundown bar in the Red Zone of Tijuana. This is real life stuff.

So, there I sit, after midnight, with four Latinas. I start to excuse myself and tell them it was so nice to meet them but I don't want to intrude further on their family celebration. The birthday girl, Miss Mexi-Americana, asks me to stay and Miss FicheGirl says "No, you're celebrating with us!" She grabs my hand and says let's go dance! And off we go to the dance floor. We return and I buy everyone a round. The song La Chica Sexy by a local band, Los Tucanes de Tijuana, starts playing. This song gained some popularity a few year ago. Miss Mexi-Americana says we have to dance to this and pushes me out with her. Dancing with her I realize that she is only about 4'8" and very well-stacked. In the USA, the chances of me dancing with a gorgeous nineteen year old are somewhere between zero and nothing.

And so it goes for more than three hours, taking turns dancing with them, sometimes dancing with all of them. The FicheGirl drifts back and forth dancing with clients and then returning. Then something strange happens. A local comes up and says something to me in Spanish pointing to one of the girls. I ask FicheGirl what he what he is saying. She says, you are the man at this table, he wants your permission to dance with my cousin. I ask Miss LatinaSexy if she wants to dance with this man and she readily agrees, so I grant permission. This goes on throughout the evening, a local will come up to the table and ask my permission to dance with one of "my" girls (My own Latina posse, ha!). If she wants to go I give permission, if she doesn't, I decline.

A photographer shows up and FicheGirl insists that I get a photograph. I decline mostly out of embarrassment. But she will hear none of this and insists that I have photo to remember this night. She makes all the girls stand up and get in front of me. At 5'7" I tower over all of them. The photo turns out great. Now, Miss Mexi-Americana says they're hungry and will probably be going to get something to eat, do I want to go with them or stay here? I say I'll be heading back to my room now and she asks if I'm sure. Yes, but thanks anyway for a lovely evening. But FicheGirl says no way, I cannot leave them, I must go with them to eat.

Meanwhile, a fight breaks out in the bar and within about 90 seconds there are 7 or 8 cops here. They quickly sort things out. One young cop comes over to flirt with Miss CaraBonita, she also likes him and flirts with him. How rude. He didn't even ask my permission!

Well, the police decide to close the bar because of the fight. And we find ourselves on the street wondering where to go to get something to eat at 3:15 am. Miss Mexi-Americana suggests hot dogs from a street vendor. I say no to that quickly. We should find someplace inside to sit down. Miss FicheGirl says there is a restaurant around the corner. I realize she is talking about Restaurante Montecarlo, the restaurant next to Adelita Bar. I confirm that's what she means and she says yes, let's go. So, I proudly lead my Latina posse through the crowd around the corner and past Adelita Bar to dine with the putas at Montecarlo.

We grab the only empty booth, get menus, and order. Miss Mexi-Americana gets sopa verduras con camarones, Miss LatinaSexy gets carne asada, FicheGirl and CaraBonita get camarones frito, and I simply get frijoles y arroz. We eat our food and enjoy watching the putas come and go with their scandalous attire. The girls make plans to visit their father in the hospital the next day. I take out the photo and look at it. Then I realize that I should have gotten a photo for them. I ask FicheGirl if she would like to keep this photo to remember her sister's birthday. She says she would like that very, very much. So, I give her the photo of us.

We finish dinner. I thank each of them for sharing their family celebration with me. Four warm, genuine Latina women who gave me a night I'll remember for a long time.

03-12-07, 22:59
I have done the TJ thing many, many time. I am making my next trip back to TJ in the next 3-6 weeks. I was looking for anyone with any experience with a good escort service. I was thinking of a 2-3 hour session with a hot latina. I would prefer this be at my hotel (maybe Puebleo Amigo where I have stayed before).

Onething I am really looking for is a hot chica who would allow GREEK. Otherwise I would probably just stick with the CC/AB crowd.

You can either reply here or PM me.

Blue Nose
03-13-07, 03:46
Well, if you ARE a God Fearing Man, the place is convenient for slipping in for saying your prayers and lightly confessing. Yu should try it sometimes Bluenose, you're way overdue for a solid confession!!! Are you in TJ?

Country John
I'm so overdue for confession that I will be immediately struck down if I even try to enter that place...so, for now I think I'll just stick with "observer" status as I walk to Las Chevalas.

I actually have not been down for a while as I have been busy traveling (on business) all over the place. I will be heading down within the next 2-3 weeks and I will definitely email you before I go. I can't wait to hear all about the business and to see you and Adela. How's the crime and policia situation these days? Any calmer now? Are the gringos staying away because of this?

Donnie D - sounds good. Let me know when you're coming into town. At the very least, I can show you around a little and help get you on your way.

Blue Nose

Country John
03-13-07, 05:09
I'm so overdue for confession that I will be immediately struck down if I even try to enter that place...so, for now I think I'll just stick with "observer" status as I walk to Las Chevalas.

I actually have not been down for a while as I have been busy traveling (on business) all over the place. I will be heading down within the next 2-3 weeks and I will definitely email you before I go. I can't wait to hear all about the business and to see you and Adela. How's the crime and policia situation these days? Any calmer now? Are the gringos staying away because of this?

Donnie D - sounds good. Let me know when you're coming into town. At the very least, I can show you around a little and help get you on your way.

Blue Nose

Sunday night was slow in the zona, the cops are a bit more aggressive so behave. Take your viagra in the farmacia. Adela sends saludos and yes, we should hook up for dinner or something.

About that confession, I can hear it over dinner so don't sweat it.

Country John

Pipe Layer99
03-13-07, 05:52
CJ and BN,

You guys must know each other.

I will definitely send you guys my info a week before arrival. I am looking forward to seeing the places mentioned. As of now, it looks like my friends and I will be down there 24 May (trip will be 4 days).
In the mean time, I'm working on plans to go back to Rio De Janiero for the 3rd time. Hit Rio for 10 days in April, the TJ late May. Great way to start the summer.

The more I think about it, I wish I knew what to expect in TJ. I usually spend about 3K for a 10 day trip to Rio. I'm thinking I could get away with 1000 for a 4 day visit down south, then go again in May for another 1000. That'll be just 2000. So I will save the other 1000. Let me sleep on it.


Country John
03-13-07, 15:41
CJ and BN,

You guys must know each other.

I will definitely send you guys my info a week before arrival. I am looking forward to seeing the places mentioned. As of now, it looks like my friends and I will be down there 24 May (trip will be 4 days).
In the mean time, I'm working on plans to go back to Rio De Janiero for the 3rd time. Hit Rio for 10 days in April, the TJ late May. Great way to start the summer.

The more I think about it, I wish I knew what to expect in TJ. I usually spend about 3K for a 10 day trip to Rio. I'm thinking I could get away with 1000 for a 4 day visit down south, then go again in May for another 1000. That'll be just 2000. So I will save the other 1000. Let me sleep on it.

Donnie, you should be fine with that kind of money but here's one tip: NEVER talk about stuff like that on a public board. It's fine to talk about money but not how much you'll have on you when yo arrive etc. It's a personal security issue.

Always keep your personal stuff personal, don't let anyone look up your skirt. If you're bringing a million dollars, cool but don't let anyone else know that.

We like to believe that everyone reading this board is a solid citizen. Wrongo bongo. Now BlueNose will be looking for you to buy his beer.....sheesh....

Country John

03-14-07, 07:48
Finally I will be back down in TJ this Saturday night and will spend the night visiting strip clubs on Revo and Zona. Anyone wants to hook up?

03-14-07, 07:59
Prologue: If I have doubled posted this message, please accept my apologies.

CJ and BN,

The more I think about it, I wish I knew what to expect in TJ. I usually spend [. . . .] I'm thinking I could get away with 1000 for a 4 day visit down south [. . . .]

Donnie"What to expect in TJ". The seeming naivete is kind of cute. Actually, I'm not sure what Donnie is getting at: whether it's just the expenses, or "what kind of place is Tijuana?". I dare to assume it's the latter.

Start with a foundation of Newark, New Jersey (is San Pedro, California another Newark?). Lay on: downtown sidewalk throngs as dense as in Manhattan, at least in the daylight; police force like in a southern Gothic movie circa 1960; warring organized crime gangs that roam the city waging battle, like in 1920s Chicago.

Tijuana is a former podunk that in just 50 or 40 years has mushroomed into a booming metropolis -- sort of like Chicago between 1850 and 1890. Tijuana's economy is based on low wage assembly plants (and maybe also on drug shipping). Its population growth is on the order of 100 percent a decade.

Please don't misunderstand -- by all means go and enjoy the ZN. But just be real as to what this city's attractions are. (As for the ZN, a major selling point would be that you're dealing with women, domestic women, who're selling themselves, as opposed to imported women who are b e i n g sold.) The Pacific beaches, the zoo and the museums and the family fare and the arts scene, are not world class fabulous. By the way, be sure to visit the San Diego zoo (no, I do not have any business relationship with that zoo).

May I humbly suggest to newbies that they end their first foray to Tijuana by returning back to the US in the daylight and on foot, just to get the layout of the area by the crossing station: the pedestrian overpasses, the buildings, etc. (Once you've made it across, you can choose to head right back to Tijuana.)

Do you want to become a lamb in the wilderness? Here's one easy way: drive into Mexico without purchasing Mexican auto insurance (inexpensive, sold by the day, Google it). If you insist on driving into Mexico, first stop off in San Ysidro, within a mile of the border, to buy the insurance at one of the dozens of vendors you can locate by their freeway billboards or their shop signs as you cruise through the neighborhood.

Country John
03-14-07, 23:02
Prologue: If I have doubled posted this message, please accept my apologies.

"What to expect in TJ". The seeming naivete is kind of cute. Actually, I'm not sure what Donnie is getting at: whether it's just the expenses, or "what kind of place is Tijuana?". I dare to assume it's the latter.

Start with a foundation of Newark, New Jersey (is San Pedro, California another Newark?). Lay on: downtown sidewalk throngs as dense as in Manhattan, at least in the daylight; police force like in a southern Gothic movie circa 1960; warring organized crime gangs that roam the city waging battle, like in 1920s Chicago.

Tijuana is a former podunk that in just 50 or 40 years has mushroomed into a booming metropolis -- sort of like Chicago between 1850 and 1890. Tijuana's economy is based on low wage assembly plants (and maybe also on drug shipping). Its population growth is on the order of 100 percent a decade.

Please don't misunderstand -- by all means go and enjoy the ZN. But just be real as to what this city's attractions are. (As for the ZN, a major selling point would be that you're dealing with women, domestic women, who're selling themselves, as opposed to imported women who are b e i n g sold.) The Pacific beaches, the zoo and the museums and the family fare and the arts scene, are not world class fabulous. By the way, be sure to visit the San Diego zoo (no, I do not have any business relationship with that zoo).

May I humbly suggest to newbies that they end their first foray to Tijuana by returning back to the US in the daylight and on foot, just to get the layout of the area by the crossing station: the pedestrian overpasses, the buildings, etc. (Once you've made it across, you can choose to head right back to Tijuana.)

Do you want to become a lamb in the wilderness? Here's one easy way: drive into Mexico without purchasing Mexican auto insurance (inexpensive, sold by the day, Google it). If you insist on driving into Mexico, first stop off in San Ysidro, within a mile of the border, to buy the insurance at one of the dozens of vendors you can locate by their freeway billboards or their shop signs as you cruise through the neighborhood.


Tijuana is one place where you feel almost instantly the fact that what Americans have come to know as "civilized" society has not yet found it's way into this part of the world. The place has an edge to it that keeps you slightly off balance and maybe somewhat insecure.

But that's the allure.

Tourists are generally safe as long as they behave. I've been living here for almost the past two years and I'm very comfortable but still guarded. This is one place where you NEVER let your guard down. Finding the balance between being comfortable and yet secure takes some work but it's worth it IMHO.

The only thing anyone can expect with certainty is a very difference ambience, not necessarily a more dangerous environment despite what you hear.

I agree: Visit Mexico. Visit Tijuana. But read the fucking board. Do your research. Understand the risks associated with your reasons for coming here. Browsing the leather shops on Revolution is very different from strolling the Zona Norte, that's for sure.

I happen to like Mexico. The social vineer is very very thin here and most people are genuinely nice or not. It's easy to get along etc.

Country John

Pipe Layer99
03-14-07, 23:27
Donnie, you should be fine with that kind of money but here's one tip: NEVER talk about stuff like that on a public board. It's fine to talk about money but not how much you'll have on you when yo arrive etc. It's a personal security issue.
Always keep your personal stuff personal, don't let anyone look up your skirt. If you're bringing a million dollars, cool but don't let anyone else know that.
We like to believe that everyone reading this board is a solid citizen. Wrongo bongo. Now BlueNose will be looking for you to buy his beer.....sheesh....
Country John

Come on now CJ. You gotta be kidding. You're thinking I am too naive. I did not mean I'd be travelling there with a grand in my hand (or pocket). I was referring to how much I may end up spending on the 4 day trip altogether. I was including the flight, hotel, food, drinks and ladies.
Of course most people, like me, will use an ATM on the U.S. side and only take across the border what they plan on spending that particular day.

Pipe Layer99
03-14-07, 23:48
"What to expect in TJ". The seeming naivete is kind of cute. Actually, I'm not sure what Donnie is getting at: whether it's just the expenses, or "what kind of place is Tijuana?". I dare to assume it's the latter.

My thoughts were more rhetorical in nature.
Rhetorical question - my asking what to expect not to gain information but to assert more emphatically the obvious answer.

I've already read the forum - therefore homework is completed. Also, if I do make the trip, I will be travelling with 3 friends who have been there every year for the past 4 years. So they know the ropes in TJ. Plus they are all Hispanic.

I do appreciate the comments. However, I was not really looking for a response as to 'what to expect' - but I will offer an elaborated answer to what I was referring to. I was actually thinking out loud (as I typed) about what I can expect from the women. After seeing women in Europe and Brazil, I was just thinking what the experience would be like with women south of the border. Thats all. My buddies have been down there and can go on and on about TJ. But they have never been to Rio or Italy, Spain, Germany, Romania, Prague, etc. So thye can only talk about TJ. I'm hoping my good experiences can be repeated in TJ.

Hope that clears the cloudy air.

Country John
03-15-07, 03:34
My thoughts were more rhetorical in nature.
Rhetorical question - my asking what to expect not to gain information but to assert more emphatically the obvious answer.

I've already read the forum - therefore homework is completed. Also, if I do make the trip, I will be travelling with 3 friends who have been there every year for the past 4 years. So they know the ropes in TJ. Plus they are all Hispanic.

I do appreciate the comments. However, I was not really looking for a response as to 'what to expect' - but I will offer an elaborated answer to what I was referring to. I was actually thinking out loud (as I typed) about what I can expect from the women. After seeing women in Europe and Brazil, I was just thinking what the experience would be like with women south of the border. Thats all. My buddies have been down there and can go on and on about TJ. But they have never been to Rio or Italy, Spain, Germany, Romania, Prague, etc. So thye can only talk about TJ. I'm hoping my good experiences can be repeated in TJ.

Hope that clears the cloudy air.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Be safe and be nice.

Country John

Member #2128
03-16-07, 10:22
I first started going to TJ almost 20 years ago. After enjoying the Revolution Clubs--Bambi, Unicorn, etc. in those early days, where some nights were like wild orgies with guys sucking on bare titties in the booths and at the tables while they were being jerked off at the same time, one fine day I stumbled over to the Zona Norte where the the streets were lined with SW for $10 USD. This was sometime around the late 1980s and I was hooked. Yes, they were ten bucks a pop! And the rooms were $2. The girls were "easier" too, without the rampant upselling you get today, where everything is "extra" and the attitude often changes for the worse once you get inside the room. There were also more simple girls from the countryside---darker Indian girls wearing older, country clothes, not the hot hooker outfits you see a lot of today.

During the last few years I've gone to TJ less and less. I've learned to expect much less from the place I loved in "the good old days". Now the street girls are still programmed for a 15 minute quickie session, but the price is $20-30USD sin ropa and the no-pussy touching, no tit-sucking rules come up more and more. The rooms that are clean are 5-6 bucks and the Adelita girls are asking for $60 and the rooms are $12USD for the 20-30 minute session last time I was there. Suddenly, several $40 experiences on the street and one or two $70 experiences at a club is getting to be an expensive day...and then it just isn't worth the boring, tedious 2 hour drive in each direction! Sure in LA it's $100-150 for the same little Latina on this side of the border, but fuck, I hate that drive. And here in LA the girl is giving you the GFE for at least 1/2 hour or more, not just pulling down her panties to the ankles for 15 minutes and staring at the ceiling.

Also, anyone who has had the opportunity to travel to Thailand or the Dominican Republic knows what high levels mongering can reach.....short time means 1-2 hour sessions as a rule, complete, full on, sometimes TLN sessions, no holds barred, in your own clean and comfortable hotel room for $30-50 and an unending supply of girls willing and wanting to please. After such trips, sadly, TJ feels sorely lacking in most departments. Just IMHO....what I've learned to expect from my old stomping grounds.


Pipe Layer99
03-16-07, 20:36
I first started going to TJ almost 20 years ago. After enjoying the Revolution Clubs--Bambi, Unicorn, etc. in those early days, where some nights were like wild orgies with guys sucking on bare titties in the booths and at the tables while they were being jerked off at the same time, one fine day I stumbled over to the Zona Norte where the the streets were lined with SW for $10 USD. This was sometime around the late 1980s and I was hooked. Yes, they were ten bucks a pop! And the rooms were $2. The girls were "easier" too, without the rampant upselling you get today, where everything is "extra" and the attitude often changes for the worse once you get inside the room. There were also more simple girls from the countryside---darker Indian girls wearing older, country clothes, not the hot hooker outfits you see a lot of today.

During the last few years I've gone to TJ less and less. I've learned to expect much less from the place I loved in "the good old days". Now the street girls are still programmed for a 15 minute quickie session, but the price is $20-30USD sin ropa and the no-pussy touching, no tit-sucking rules come up more and more. The rooms that are clean are 5-6 bucks and the Adelita girls are asking for $60 and the rooms are $12USD for the 20-30 minute session last time I was there. Suddenly, several $40 experiences on the street and one or two $70 experiences at a club is getting to be an expensive day...and then it just isn't worth the boring, tedious 2 hour drive in each direction! Sure in LA it's $100-150 for the same little Latina on this side of the border, but fuck, I hate that drive. And here in LA the girl is giving you the GFE for at least 1/2 hour or more, not just pulling down her panties to the ankles for 15 minutes and staring at the ceiling.

Also, anyone who has had the opportunity to travel to Thailand or the Dominican Republic knows what high levels mongering can reach.....short time means 1-2 hour sessions as a rule, complete, full on, sometimes TLN sessions, no holds barred, in your own clean and comfortable hotel room for $30-50 and an unending supply of girls willing and wanting to please. After such trips, sadly, TJ feels sorely lacking in most departments. Just IMHO....what I've learned to expect from my old stomping grounds.


Thats exactly what I was talking about. I may make a trip down there with some friends to see for myself. Just because these are old friends, they need an excuse to get out and we can catch a few ball games while in town. But I've been asking them about their experiences and I'm not getting a warm feeling. After being in other countries and treated well, I'm afraid I will be disappointed when I do visit TJ. Sure, I'll still have fun seeing the places, drinking, and fucking. But I will leave with a blah feeling. My expectations will have to be adjusted prior to the trip.

Then the following month I will leave for South America!!!

Thanks 2128. Donnie

03-16-07, 23:13
If you can erase all the memories from your trips to Brazil, you should be fine. Unfortunately, it will be hard to do and you may be a little disapointed. I live in L.A. throughout my life so tj was my first mongering stop. I had nothing to compare it to except for the high price chicks in the states. Beautiful chicas at a low price in tj versuse hot chicks but high prices in the states. The two hour drive was worth it.

Fast forward many years when I could actually afford trips to Brazil and Thailand and other places. My favorite destination is Brazil. The passion, looks and the overall gfe the gdp give, is second to none. Not to say you can't find a good gfe in tj, but it is harder to find.

In my over 20 years going to tj, I have only had 4 Brazilian type gfe. They are there, just harder to find.

Do I still go to tj? Yes, as many times as I can. Why? Because I can put in perpective the difference in culture between Mexico and So. America.

Should you go? In my opinion, yes. Don't expect the Brazilian gfe, but if you are lucky, you just might get one. Also, in tj, when you go upstairs to the hotel, expect the knock on the door to tell you time is up, whereas in Brazil, if the girl likes you, the knock will never come.

Hope this helps and I hope you have a great time in tj.


03-17-07, 20:42
Hi there fellow mongers.

After nearly 20 years exploring the red zones of the Philippines, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Australia, I finally got around to TJ and the zona in '95. I've not been back since '03 but am planning a trip soon. ( I used to live in San Diego).

The one thing learned was to expect the unexpected. It's more fun that way !

Once I was relaxing at Chevales, took a seat by the stage to enjoy the show which was about to begin, then somebody tapped my shoulder. It was a so-so chica who said her friend sitting at the bar would like to meet me (now I'm thinking "is this a new scam of some kind ? "). The chica pointed out her friend, and she was definitely attractive. Wow attractive, killer body.

I motioned for her to come on over, she did. The strip show was starting but I wasn't interested in that anymore, so I escorted her to another table away from the stage and bought her a drink. After the requisite polite chit-chat, I learned that she was now sort of a semi-pro, having worked at Manhatten on a limied basis. It was an easy negotiation for a $50 pop, the best I ever had in TJ, and the closest thing to a GFE for me.

I will never forget her, never saw her again, and believe me I had an eye out for her ever since.

On a final note, this forum is great!

Blue Nose
03-17-07, 21:29

tijuana is one place where you feel almost instantly the fact that what americans have come to know as "civilized" society has not yet found it's way into this part of the world. the place has an edge to it that keeps you slightly off balance and maybe somewhat insecure.

but that's the allure.

tourists are generally safe as long as they behave. i've been living here for almost the past two years and i'm very comfortable but still guarded. this is one place where you never let your guard down. finding the balance between being comfortable and yet secure takes some work but it's worth it imho.

the only thing anyone can expect with certainty is a very difference ambience, not necessarily a more dangerous environment despite what you hear.

i happen to like mexico. the social vineer is very very thin here and most people are genuinely nice or not. it's easy to get along etc.

country john
well put. since people are asking philisophical, open ended questions, please allow me to put in my philipsophical and somewhat rambling two cents on this matter.

for me personally, i think the things that i like the most about tj and mexico are the same things that prevent other americans from going there in the first place. the fact that it is rough around the edges - to me that just means that the place, and its people, have character. i like the fact that it is kind of gritty, and that you are never sure what may happen next. so many places (houses, neighborhoods, businesses, shopping malls, even gas stations) in the us and in socal have become cookie cutter pleasantville type places - clean, well lighted sterile and oh so dull. i live in a nice area here, and i am lucky to do so, but some days it just bores the hell out of me, and i find myself wishing i was in tj.

like most in mexico and the rest of latin america, the people in tj are survivors. life is not nearly as easy for them as we have come to expect it to be. travelling one half mile south of the border, you will realize just how unfair life is. like people who live anywhere where life is more of a struggle than what we are used to, the people of tj and mexico typically have more character, more soul, if you will, than their counterparts in the us. the whole mantra of "less is more" seems to ring true in mexico - the people there certainly have less than we have in terms of material goods, but they value their relationships with family and friends much more than we do. i have had many pleasant conversations with mexican men and women who really are wonderful people - nice, humble, friendly and generous. i have bought countless beers for guys in mexico only to have them return the favor on the next round.

to summarize, i think in many ways that during a trip to mexico, you will see what you want to see, depending on your point of view. while most americans (from their posts north of the border) see a somewhat backwards, developing country with a large population of poor people, or a place where women and beer are cheaper than back home, others choose to peel back the onion a bit and see beyond the surface. those of us fortunate enough to be able to visit mexico and spend some time getting to know it find something entirely different.

i love tj. i love the grittiness, the sense of adventure, the lack of social structure and civil regulations and most of all the people. hopefully, with time, you will see it the way that i do and learn to like it also. no matter what is happening in the rest of my life, it always keeps me coming back for more.

blue nose

03-19-07, 20:31
There may be many who are already aware of this, but there are at least three videos available online of TJ street girls .. each varying in length from 2.5 to 4.5 minutes. Search key = 'Tijuana street girls' in Google, YouTube .. etc.

Hard to say how recent the videos are, all btw provided by the same guy. I found it interesting, in asmuch as I haven't been down to the zona in a few years now. The videos do reflect the way I remember the girls and the streets themselves.

That said, if anyone should happen to have a look at these and confirm (or deny) that at least some of the locales are in the 'alley'?



Lee Bog
03-20-07, 01:41
I love TJ. I love the grittiness, the sense of adventure, the lack of social structure and civil regulations and most of all the people. Hopefully, with time, you will see it the way that I do and learn to like it also. No matter what is happening in the rest of my life, it always keeps me coming back for more.

Blue Nose

Well put Blue Nose
To add my 2cents in: No matter where you are, the major things that really make any place bearable are your relationships with the people. It's all just a matter of perspective & taste where you enjoy living. I think you've reached a certain wisdom when you can appreciate new experiences in new places for what they are & try to understand other people & their way of life. I've learned a lot & I've also come to appreciate the many advantages of living in the US. I've learned to appreciate them even more since I've experienced living in other places where things are perhaps not as "civilized" or "modern." Yet there is a certain beauty to living a simpler life. To each his own.

03-20-07, 05:05
Latest health monitoring news: half blow off some of their monthly checkups.

Beg pardon for submitting something so long and it's not even a trip report. But it is all about the chicas' bodies, so I'm sure we're all still interested.

The first news report appeared just three days ago in a Tijuana newspaper (in Spanish, of course). It's at their Web site. Interestingly, the article's last paragraphs are missing from the paper's own Web page, but a different Tijuana news site has the complete version.

Tijuana's prostitute monitoring system was also the subject of a feature in the New York Times on Dec. 31, 2005 by James C. McKinley, Jr. (see excerpts below).

from FRONTERA (the Tijuana daily), March 16, 2007

. . . Only half of the nearly six thousand sexoservidoras [sex servants] registered with the Municipal Health authority regularly report for their checkups, states Manuel Mayor Noriega, chief of the department of Health Inspection. [For you Spanish challenged, the guy's *main* surname is *Mayor*, not Noriega.]

There are presently 5,860 persons working in prostitution who have registered with the Municipality [of Tijuana], of which around 100 are of the male gender, he indicated, and only 50 percent come in for testing monthly. Some come in every three to four months.

. . . many are transients in Tijuana, he said; they come into town for just a few days.

Mayor indicated that last year, eleven sexoservidoras tested positive for HIV. Persons who test positive are referred to the General Hospital and are reported to the Secretariat of Health. Their health card is also pulled permanently.

The prostitutes more often test positive for syphilis or gonorrhea.

Jorge Larrieu C., director of Muncipal Inspection and Verfication, said that when police conduct roundups of sexoservidoras, the fraction of them that have expired health cards or no card at all is 10 to 15 percent.

Sexoservidoras with a health card [from the Municipality]

2004: 2,500

September 2006: 4,624

March 2007: 5,860

Source: Dirección Municipal de Salud.

Costs [current exchange rate is 11.1 pesos to one dollar]

Health card, 568.98 pesos

Lab culture exam (monthly) 189.64 pesos

HIV test (every four months) 379.27 pesos

Source: Control Sanitario [Health Inspection].

One sexoservidora said, "It seems the fees we pay are high because we get no services. If we test positive for something, they don't give us a prescription, they send us to another doctor, and we have to go to whichever doctor they choose."

* * *
Excerpts of what the New York Times reported on New Year's Eve 2005 (they interviewed the same Manuel Mayor).

"The city has also begun issuing new credentials to prostitutes to replace the old pink booklets. The new licenses look like a credit card with a photo. A magnetic strip on the back allows health inspectors with hand-held scanners to check the card-holder's medical status in seconds.

"If a person is infected at the time when they read the credential, there will appear a red light that says she cannot work," said Manuel Mayor Noriega, who runs the city health clinic for prostitutes.

"Though there are still laws against prostitution on the books, the sex trade has long been part of the atmosphere in downtown Tijuana, a city that bloomed from a tiny town during Prohibition around bars, casinos, brothels and racetracks.

". . . Martha Montejano, a city councilwoman who pushed through the new law at the behest of Mayor Jorge Hank Rhon, said the city has legalized the sex trade for all intents and purposes, in hopes of stopping the spread of disease.

". . . Dr. Jorge Alvelais Palacios runs a clinic at the state hospital here where free H.I.V. tests are available. He estimated that, according to preliminary data, between 10 and 12 percent of the people in the sex trade who come to his clinic test positive." [Article doesn't say how many persons this is and how broad a territory they come from.]

". . . Dr. Mayor said the incidence of AIDS in women registered with the city clinic is very low - with only three cases detected so far this year. All were women who had arrived from other cities and were seeking a credential to work. The incidence of syphilis and gonorrhea is similarly small, less than five cases of each discovered this year, he said."


Adelante Siempre
03-21-07, 05:15

Tijuana is one place where you feel almost instantly the fact that what Americans have come to know as "civilized" society has not yet found it's way into this part of the world. The place has an edge to it that keeps you slightly off balance and maybe somewhat insecure.

Reminds me of a cartoon I saw years ago in the newspaper. Two guys sitting at a bar, one of them reading a newspaper with a worried look on his face. The other says to him: civilization as you know it may about to end, but civilization as I know it is about to begin.

It's a matter of perspective, gentlemen.

Pipe Layer99
03-21-07, 05:32
Latest health monitoring news: half blow off some of their monthly checkups.
Beg pardon for submitting something so long and it's not even a trip report. END

Ther has to be 'ONE' ___________ (you fill in the blank) in every forum -
This should be posted in the General Information or Safety section.
If its not a TJ report for mongering and the like find another place to post.

Donnie D

Country John
03-21-07, 15:51
Reminds me of a cartoon I saw years ago in the newspaper. Two guys sitting at a bar, one of them reading a newspaper with a worried look on his face. The other says to him: civilization as you know it may about to end, but civilization as I know it is about to begin.

It's a matter of perspective, gentlemen.

True. Included in the equation are experiences. Look, America is a great country and I'm not trying to knock it, neither is BlueNose. No disrespect to America or Americans is intended and I apologize if any were inferred or taken. Not that you are suggesting same, just wanted to clear the air.

03-24-07, 03:23

All of us, including myself, are always worried about geting caught with the valuable pills on us by the Tijuanero lawmen. The Tijuanero laws state that you can have these meds on you as long as you have a Rx from a Tijuanero doctor. A US doctor Rx is not valid in TJ.

Hasn't anybody here figured out where the cheap Tijuanero doctor is at that will just write a Rx for a few pesos. I don't think they really need to exam you. They are just as corrupt and lazy as the Tijuanero lawmen. I am sure a "mordida" (bribe) is all it takes for him to sign that little piece of paper.

Someone's got to have a connection in this town. Please share. Then all the paranioa will end at making it back to the Pedistrian bridge. Next time I go, I'll find a doctor and post. But until then, we are probably looking at another 6 months. I'm slowly weening off the very addicitng Tijuana drug. Las putas de la Zona. The monthly trips have dropped down to quarterly and now bi-yearly.

Country John. You provide alot of details on the cops, laws, streets, restaurants, dating, regular clubs, and hot dog stands. You are like a TJ almanac. What about a doctor recommendation? Hook us all up.


03-25-07, 03:44

All of us, including myself, are always worried about geting caught with the valuable pills on us by the Tijuanero lawmen. The Tijuanero laws state that you can have these meds on you as long as you have a Rx from a Tijuanero doctor. A US doctor Rx is not valid in TJ.

Hasn't anybody here figured out where the cheap Tijuanero doctor is at that will just write a Rx for a few pesos. I don't think they really need to exam you. They are just as corrupt and lazy as the Tijuanero lawmen. I am sure a "mordida" (bribe) is all it takes for him to sign that little piece of paper.

Someone's got to have a connection in this town. Please share. Then all the paranioa will end at making it back to the Pedistrian bridge. Next time I go, I'll find a doctor and post. But until then, we are probably looking at another 6 months. I'm slowly weening off the very addicitng Tijuana drug. Las putas de la Zona. The monthly trips have dropped down to quarterly and now bi-yearly.

Country John. You provide alot of details on the cops, laws, streets, restaurants, dating, regular clubs, and hot dog stands. You are like a TJ almanac. What about a doctor recommendation? Hook us all up.

Peace!I have not done this in a while, but use to be go to the nearest pharmacy and ask to see a doctor for whatever you need, I paid $25 for the doctor and i forgot how much for the pills.

I have talked to other mongers and was told the price is now $35 I could be wrong, but this is what I use to do, but no longer I will not take the chance and get thrown in some shithole that they call a jail.

Happy Hunting

Member #4450
03-28-07, 01:53
Hey CJ,
How's everything down there?
Are the cops behaving?
I haven't been there for about two months, I do things different now, I don't go and pick up girls at random anymore, I have a HOT FAV, for a TLN, just got tired of the same thing over and over in AB, the mechanical thing was keeping me back home so I'm keeping her for now and you guys keep your hands off her, LOL, every time I see her she wants a TLN she's not showing very much interest
in a lot of money, she just wants some good company and have some laughs, that's the kind of girl I like to F**k, so I'm saving up some $$ for June,
I'm recovering from financially damages of too many TJ love trips, I rather spend the $$ once for a TLN, than split the dough x 4 times in and out rush thing!

Country John
03-28-07, 02:43
Hey CJ,
How's everything down there?
Are the cops behaving?
I haven't been there for about two months, I do things different now, I don't go and pick up girls at random anymore, I have a HOT FAV, for a TLN, just got tired of the same thing over and over in AB, the mechanical thing was keeping me back home so I'm keeping her for now and you guys keep your hands off her, LOL, every time I see her she wants a TLN she's not showing very much interest
in a lot of money, she just wants some good company and have some laughs, that's the kind of girl I like to F**k, so I'm saving up some $$ for June,
I'm recovering from financially damages of too many TJ love trips, I rather spend the $$ once for a TLN, than split the dough x 4 times in and out rush thing!

Hi HT.

Everything is OK down here right now.

I spent sunday in the Zona with my girley just walking around, talking to people (including the cops). I met one of the cops who worked out in the Los Pinos area, he was "transferred" to the Zona Norte area. We carried on like we were old "buds." I bought him coffee late at night as I was leaving and gave him 20p for another coffee later on every night. Always wished him well etc, told him to be safe. The guy remembered me and approached me as I was walking along the Zona. Very cool.

The cops seems to be behaving. I did notice several guys get searched but that's "par" of the course. Like I said before, just keep your act clean and you'll be OK.

There was a lot of foot traffic on Sunday, especially int he Alley. Lots of girls on the South side, some very young ladies and lookers too.

Yeah, Adelitas gets old after a while that's for sure. The place is loud, the DJ is a jerk and the service sucks. It sure has changed since the old days. I miss the old AB.

Bar Tropical still have the same feel though, so I'd suggest that guys go there instead of AB. Bar Tropical is now what AB used to be, at least that's the feel I get from the place.

Got yourself a girley eh? Watch her closely and have a good time. Enjoy the ride while it lasts because not many turn into lasting relationships. That's not to say none do, but FEW do. As long as you are enjoying yourself and you're not paying for pappas brain operation, you'll be fine. Be on the lookout for warning signs: requests for money etc. It can creep up on you. Unless you know now that you won;t have a problem helping her out, develop a mechanism for dealing with it. If she's in it for the money, she'll bounce if you don;t pay her so watch that carefully.

Many mongers don;t realize that hookers are people too. While Americans take great pains to plan every inch of their life, in Mexico the girls only get to take things as they come along and therefore tend to be short sighted and develop an talent for siezing opportunities. Be aware of that. On the bright side, show them your heart and they will give you their life. The right girl can be the last one you'll ever need.

Latinas are very durable girls, they're tough and resilient. So take it one step at a time, learn the culture because it's a big part of what makes them tick.

Things seemed to have calmed down in the Zona. There are more "auxillar" cops on foot patrol these days so I was right when I said it is a "training ground" for a lot of recruits. That's no reason to let your guard down because these guys are "new school."

Be safe and be nice
Country John

Member #4450
03-28-07, 21:39
The cops seems to be behaving. I did notice several guys get searched but that's "par" of the course. Like I said before, just keep your act clean and you'll be OK.
Country John
That's ol it is!

Got yourself a girley eh? Watch her closely and have a good time. Enjoy the ride while it lasts because not many turn into lasting relationships. That's not to say none do, but FEW do. As long as you are enjoying yourself and you're not paying for pappas brain operation, you'll be fine. Be on the lookout for warning signs: requests for money etc. It can creep up on you.
Country John
That's the best part of it, she quoted me a number,+ dinner/movies and not a penny more.

PD: CJ please do me a favor?
I lost my girl's cell#, any chance you might know AB phone# if you got it PM
me. Thanks.............

Country John
03-29-07, 01:00
That's ol it is!

That's the best part of it, she quoted me a number,+ dinner/movies and not a penny more.

PD: CJ please do me a favor?
I lost my girl's cell#, any chance you might know AB phone# if you got it PM
me. Thanks.............

Sorry mate, I no longer have contact info for the hotels. But if she works at AB then she lives at the Cohilla hotel, just above the club (if she does not have a place off property).

Don;t worry, she'll keep and you can update your info when you next see her.

Country John

Country John
03-29-07, 17:20
You might be pleased to hear that the cops have reduced their presence at the drop off point. (Sentry).

Apparrently the reason for this is that there have been amountain of complaints about toursts being robbed, and since "honest cops" are the only ones allowed to work there, the position will go un-manned.

While it might be a good thing, it should also raise your caution level because the rateros might be a bit more bold. Travel in packs if you are walking the pesdestrian bridge. Be safe. Be aware. DO NOT walk alone at night.

Keep in mind that since the TJ cops are not there "officially," some might sieze the opportunity to do some "unofficial" business if you are walking the route alone at night, so DON'T WALK ALONE AT NIGHT.

Country John

Pipe Layer99
03-30-07, 01:10
CJ please do me a favor?
I lost my girl's cell#, any chance you might know AB phone# if you got it PM me. Thanks.............


Here is the info you requested. found at www.adelitabar.com

San Diego South/San Ysidro Travelodge
643 East San Ysidro Blvd.
San Ysidro, CA 92173 USA
Tel: 619-428-2800

Donnie D

03-30-07, 04:43
It's supposed to be Spring Break right now, I believe. What's it like in the Zona at this time? I was thinking of going this weekend but not if its going to be overcrowded with annoying and rowdy college kiddies. So what should I expect if I go? And is it spring break, or is spring break over?

Country John
03-30-07, 07:46

Here is the info you requested. found at www.adelitabar.com

San Diego South/San Ysidro Travelodge
643 East San Ysidro Blvd.
San Ysidro, CA 92173 USA
Tel: 619-428-2800

Donnie D

Donnie D, you are a star for searching for your fellow Monger, but the above info is NOT for Adelitas Bar, it is for the San Diego South/San Ysidro Travelodge in California, not Tijuana.

I'll be in the Zona tomorrow night having some cervesas with my girlie at Bar Tropical. I'll swing by, get the info and post it tomorrow night.

Sorry I don't have it -- I lost my notes. (Translation= My girlie tossed it.)

Country John

03-30-07, 22:41
That's ol it is!

That's the best part of it, she quoted me a number,+ dinner/movies and not a penny more.

PD: CJ please do me a favor?

I lost my girl's cell#, any chance you might know AB phone# if you got it PM me.

ThanksAdelita Hotel number is 6646855631. You can ask them for the number to the bar, if there is one. Although if you called the bar and asked for a girl they would most likely hang up.

Pipe Layer99
03-31-07, 03:49
Donnie D, you are a star for searching for your fellow Monger, but the above info is NOT for Adelitas Bar, it is for the San Diego South/San Ysidro Travelodge in California, not Tijuana.

I'll be in the Zona tomorrow night having some cervesas with my girlie at Bar Tropical. I'll swing by, get the info and post it tomorrow night.

Sorry I don't have it -- I lost my notes. (Translation= My girlie tossed it.)

Country JohnI must have been drinking when I looked that up. I just checked again and its for a damn hotel.


Country John
04-01-07, 04:34
Adelita Hotel number is 6646855631. You can ask them for the number to the bar, if there is one. Although if you called the bar and asked for a girl they would most likely hang up.LOL, this is so true. They get a thousand calls a day!

Loco Smith
04-04-07, 04:44
I'm trying to plan a trip to TJ from seattle. Anyone going soon? Can someone give me some info.

Country John
04-04-07, 18:09
I'm trying to plan a trip to TJ from seattle. Anyone going soon? Can someone give me some info.


Read Brockton O'Tooles guide very carefully, then ask specific questions based on what you learned. We'd be delighted to help you out.

Country John

Member #2600
04-05-07, 00:04

Read Brockton O'Tooles guide very carefully, then ask specific questions based on what you learned. We'd be delighted to help you out.

Country JohnHell I even printed it out and am studying it like I'm back in college.

I'm looking for any help as well. As far as traveling down that way, I have parking check. I have taking a taxi checked and Country I read yours and various other members post about cash and cops. But I still have a few questions:

As far as cash, I've read that you guys say not to have it on you but do you mean don't have a lot or just don't bring any and use an ATM?

What time is a good time to go, I'm thinking of taking a Friday trip that way being that I live in L.A. I was thinking of getting to TJ around 12pm and maybe staying till 10pm or 12am. Is that a reasonable time to go and see all the sites?

Another question is ID, should I have a passport now with all the new law stuff about travel that way? I have a passport but I need it updated.

Any help would be great and I'm following your advice on not looking like a tourist as well!


04-05-07, 03:02
You don't need a passport, yet. At the beginning of 2008, you'll probably need one.

You should carry as much cash as you think you'll need. The policia are pretty homophobic, and I know some who stash the bulk of their money in their underwear because they say that the policia never check your underwear. I've never done this; I don't think it's necessary.

Friday is not a bad day because there will be more chicas working. That said...there will also be many more mongers, and you won't get any special deals that you can usually get during the week. Personally, I like Thursdays and Sunday afternoons.

California Guy
04-05-07, 04:17
Havent been down in a while or on the board but I noticed some comments about more cops? Just curious if someone could clue me in? I was thinking about heading down this week but that depends on the situation.

Take care everyone!


Country John
04-05-07, 16:35
Havent been down in a while or on the board but I noticed some comments about more cops? Just curious if someone could clue me in? I was thinking about heading down this week but that depends on the situation.

Take care everyone!


You might notice more cops around, but nothing has changed. Just use the same common sense as before and you should be OK.

Country John

I Love Pussy
04-05-07, 23:45
Hello fellow mongers,

I just wanted to thank everyone especially CJ with his knowledge of this great land. I have only been two times, and chose the sg's since it is more in my budget and there were a lot of very hot ones to chose from in my opinion. I would go to AB, drink a beer then go walking. I chose 3 chicas the first time, 4 the second. The second time I got stopped by the policia as I was just walking around minding my business. They were asking for drugs or viagra, and I had nothing on me just some condoms. So they were fine after checking me they just let me go thankfully. I do have just a few questions for CJ or anyone else who really knows. First, is it ok to purchase beer at a store (in bottle or can) and carry it around with me (unopened) while I search for a chica? My intention would be to drink the beer in the hotel room with her. If police found me carrying an unopened beer is that ok or not? I was spending too much on the beers at AB so this would be my other way of doing it if it is ok. Also, I have some kids and ladies clothes I was thinking of bringing down and 'trading' with a chica or 2 for services. Is this ok? I could donate the clothes here in the USA but I had the idea that maybe they would appreciate the clothes and I could save some money. Also, where is Bar Tropical? Is it right in the same vicinity as AB? I would like to go there since CJ does speak highly of it. Thank you again. The Zona is the best.

California Guy
04-06-07, 02:44
Hello fellow mongers,

I just wanted to thank everyone especially CJ with his knowledge of this great land. I have only been two times, and chose the sg's since it is more in my budget and there were a lot of very hot ones to chose from in my opinion. I would go to AB, drink a beer then go walking. I chose 3 chicas the first time, 4 the second. The second time I got stopped by the policia as I was just walking around minding my business. They were asking for drugs or viagra, and I had nothing on me just some condoms. So they were fine after checking me they just let me go thankfully. I do have just a few questions for CJ or anyone else who really knows. First, is it ok to purchase beer at a store (in bottle or can) and carry it around with me (unopened) while I search for a chica? My intention would be to drink the beer in the hotel room with her. If police found me carrying an unopened beer is that ok or not? I was spending too much on the beers at AB so this would be my other way of doing it if it is ok. Also, I have some kids and ladies clothes I was thinking of bringing down and 'trading' with a chica or 2 for services. Is this ok? I could donate the clothes here in the USA but I had the idea that maybe they would appreciate the clothes and I could save some money. Also, where is Bar Tropical? Is it right in the same vicinity as AB? I would like to go there since CJ does speak highly of it. Thank you again. The Zona is the best.

Tropical is across the street from AB.... I dont think it is a crime to carry a beer but I wouldnt do it just because you never know if the cops will give you problems. Last, the clothes idea wont work. They are trying to make money, and they have pimps, so you will be carrying clothing for no reason. If you wanted to give it as an additional gift that might get you a better session since most of those girls are like a piece of wood in bed.

04-06-07, 04:01
I believe that it is OK to carry unopened beers.

I have done it numerous times. without even thinking of this as an issue and have done it mostly carrying them across the police station near guadalupe's spot (east end of the alley)

I do not know the exact legal situation. but I never had a problem.

Hello fellow mongers,

I just wanted to thank everyone especially CJ with his knowledge of this great land. I have only been two times, and chose the sg's since it is more in my budget and there were a lot of very hot ones to chose from in my opinion. I would go to AB, drink a beer then go walking. I chose 3 chicas the first time, 4 the second. The second time I got stopped by the policia as I was just walking around minding my business. They were asking for drugs or viagra, and I had nothing on me just some condoms. So they were fine after checking me they just let me go thankfully. I do have just a few questions for CJ or anyone else who really knows. First, is it ok to purchase beer at a store (in bottle or can) and carry it around with me (unopened) while I search for a chica? My intention would be to drink the beer in the hotel room with her. If police found me carrying an unopened beer is that ok or not? I was spending too much on the beers at AB so this would be my other way of doing it if it is ok. Also, I have some kids and ladies clothes I was thinking of bringing down and 'trading' with a chica or 2 for services. Is this ok? I could donate the clothes here in the USA but I had the idea that maybe they would appreciate the clothes and I could save some money. Also, where is Bar Tropical? Is it right in the same vicinity as AB? I would like to go there since CJ does speak highly of it. Thank you again. The Zona is the best.

Country John
04-06-07, 05:24
Hello fellow mongers,

I just wanted to thank everyone especially CJ with his knowledge of this great land. I have only been two times, and chose the sg's since it is more in my budget and there were a lot of very hot ones to chose from in my opinion. I would go to AB, drink a beer then go walking. I chose 3 chicas the first time, 4 the second. The second time I got stopped by the policia as I was just walking around minding my business. They were asking for drugs or viagra, and I had nothing on me just some condoms. So they were fine after checking me they just let me go thankfully. I do have just a few questions for CJ or anyone else who really knows. First, is it ok to purchase beer at a store (in bottle or can) and carry it around with me (unopened) while I search for a chica? My intention would be to drink the beer in the hotel room with her. If police found me carrying an unopened beer is that ok or not? I was spending too much on the beers at AB so this would be my other way of doing it if it is ok. Also, I have some kids and ladies clothes I was thinking of bringing down and 'trading' with a chica or 2 for services. Is this ok? I could donate the clothes here in the USA but I had the idea that maybe they would appreciate the clothes and I could save some money. Also, where is Bar Tropical? Is it right in the same vicinity as AB? I would like to go there since CJ does speak highly of it. Thank you again. The Zona is the best.

Unopened containers are OK. Might be a little warm when you get to the hrooom though.

SG's will usually NOT drink during working hours (some don't drink or smoke at all). They have their padrotes watching them. Most ARE being watched, so be careful.

The girls do not want clothes. They can afford to buy nice stuff for their kids. Used clothing usually goes in the dumpster, I wouldn't waste my time.
drop the clothes at the local Salvation Army or somewhere useful. BNow if it's NEW clothes you're talking about then that is a whole different story, only don't buy the clothes, give them the money.

Bar tropical is across the street from Adelitas. Walk out the front door of AB, look to the left, there it is.

I had a fav at Adelitas once tell me a story about this guy (regular customer, Americano Gringo) who sessioned with her a few times and he was in lub with her. She has a few kids and the guy know it.

One day he walks into Adelitas with THREE large plastic trash bags BURSTING with old clothes. she said "Wat ju do wit dat heer?" The guy says "It's for you and your kids!! (big smiles etc.) She said "I don whant dat sheet, get it away from me!" "What I whant is ju muny!"

And oh yeah......Guadalupe......man, she is looking fine fine fine fine. Said Hi to her last Sunday. She could have been the next Tania (or maybe she is).

Be safe and be nice
Country John

Rick Rock
04-06-07, 08:18
Hey, usually post in the DR section.

Are there any girls from other countries working here (Asian or European)? Just wondering.

Pipe Layer99
04-06-07, 20:47
Reposted here to make sure I get more opinions

For those of you who have been to the clubs a few times - will the girls talk to you for a few minutes BEFORE you buy them a drink?

My thoughts -
If I go to a club, bar or anywhere else, I want some conversation first. This is my screening time. I don't read anythiung on this thread about fellas screening the girls. I can usually tell within a few minutes if the girl is interested, a shark, or a dud (I wrote usually). So, I prefer some conversation for a minute or two, then if there is a click, I'll buy a drink to feel her out some more. Most importantly, I want to find out what the girl will do in the room BBBJ, CIM, anal, and what she won't do. Then if its all good, hit the sheets.

Lets say you see a hottie and decide to buy her a drink right away and she turns out to be a dud (no spark), you just wasted a few bucks 'for nothing'.
Or even worse, if you grab a hottie and just take her to the room without screening her first, you may again waste some cash. So I recommend screening beforehand.

Interested in hear some constructive opinions about this issue.
Thanks Donnie

Blue Nose
04-06-07, 22:22
Reposted here to make sure I get more opinions

For those of you who have been to the clubs a few times - will the girls talk to you for a few minutes BEFORE you buy them a drink?

My thoughts -
If I go to a club, bar or anywhere else, I want some conversation first. This is my screening time. I don't read anythiung on this thread about fellas screening the girls. I can usually tell within a few minutes if the girl is interested, a shark, or a dud (I wrote usually). So, I prefer some conversation for a minute or two, then if there is a click, I'll buy a drink to feel her out some more. Most importantly, I want to find out what the girl will do in the room BBBJ, CIM, anal, and what she won't do. Then if its all good, hit the sheets.

Lets say you see a hottie and decide to buy her a drink right away and she turns out to be a dud (no spark), you just wasted a few bucks 'for nothing'.
Or even worse, if you grab a hottie and just take her to the room without screening her first, you may again waste some cash. So I recommend screening beforehand.

Interested in hear some constructive opinions about this issue.
Thanks Donnie
A good question, but it tends to depend on the situation as well as the bar. For example, if the girl is standing and you walk up to her for a minute and chat with her, then you can usually get away for a few minutes without buying her a drink. If you are sitting and she comes to you, usually within 1 minute (at the busier bars like AB, HK and CC after 9pm) you will be asked by a waiter if you want to buy her a drink. At the smaller and less crowded bars, where there are fewer stupid gringos around, guys can and do routinely spend a few minutes chatting with the girls before buying them anything (the locals guys especially).

The waiters at the larger/busier bars are trained to be pushy, especially with Americans, but don't let that deter you. If you haven't made up your mind yet, just say no to the drink and continue chatting with the girl for as long as she will let you. At a smaller less crowded bar, she will likely want to chat with you (because there are fewer big spending gringos there) but at the larger bars, if you turn them down for a drink, they almost immediately ask you if you want to go to the hroom.

Generally, my approach at the larger bars has been to find somebody I like after scoping the place out for 30 minutes or so, then invite them to have a drink. I then use the drink to take care of the small talk and give them what Country John calls the "squeeze test". At this point, you can start to talk about what will and will not happen in the hroom. Just be careful to negotiate and confirm downstairs in the bar, and make sure to pay after the session, especially if you are asking for something a little out of the ordinary. At the smaller places, I talk with the girls for a few minutes and make the decision whether to buy them a drink or not based on the conversation.

The first time you go to ABs, just sit at the bar on the right after you walk in, order a beer, sit back and watch how the place works. It won't take you long to figure out the rhythm of the place. Girls are constantly coming over to guys, sitting down at tables and going upstairs.

Blue Nose

Blue Nose
04-06-07, 22:37
Hell I even printed it out and am studying it like I'm back in college.

I'm looking for any help as well. As far as traveling down that way, I have parking check. I have taking a taxi checked and Country I read yours and various other members post about cash and cops. But I still have a few questions:

As far as cash, I've read that you guys say not to have it on you but do you mean don't have a lot or just don't bring any and use an ATM?

What time is a good time to go, I'm thinking of taking a Friday trip that way being that I live in L.A. I was thinking of getting to TJ around 12pm and maybe staying till 10pm or 12am. Is that a reasonable time to go and see all the sites?

Another question is ID, should I have a passport now with all the new law stuff about travel that way? I have a passport but I need it updated.

Any help would be great and I'm following your advice on not looking like a tourist as well!

As far as transportation goes, your first time down it is best to park north of the border and walk across. Go through the turnstile and take the exit on the right. Walk through the other turnstile, cross the street and turn left in front of the row of Farmacias (welcome to pharmacy alley). Keep following the sidewalk and signs for the taxi libres (white cars with orange markings - $3 to the zone) or you can take an expensive yellow taxi ($5 to the zone), which are closer but more expensive. If you are unsure where the taxi libres are, just follow the crowd of local people, who will walk right past the yellow cabs.

Just bring the cash you need, and there's really no need for credit cards or ATM cards. Keep $10 in your car for parking (in case you lose your money) and it is always good to take $20 from your wallet and put it in your shoe or something in case the policia or bad guys take your money. If you have a hotel, you can use their safe for your valuables.

12pm - 10pm or 12am is reasonable for a visit. Just be careful going back to the border that time of night. Lots of cops used to hang out where the taxis drop you off for the border. Supposed to be better now, but I wouldn't risk it - have the taxi drop you off a few hundred feet away. Do not walk back to the border at night. In fact, on your first trip, do not walk anywhere.

You don't need a passport yet, but you will starting on Jan 1 2008. You need photo ID and proof of citizenship doesn't hurt either. As for not looking like a tourist, here are a few ideas: don't carry a huge backpack unless you are going to a hotel room to stay over, no cameras around your neck, no shorts or sweat pants, no maps of TJ or Spanish 101 books. Consider taking off that baseball cap and for heaven's sake NO FANNY PACKS - ever. Try to pretend you know where you are going, even if you don't. Don't loiter outside bars too much or you become a target for the policia and other bad people. Leave a bar and walk with purpose to the next one. Stopping and talking to the SGs is OK. Try to learn a few phrases of Spansih before you go, and be polite, even gracious to people. You are a foreigner and a visitor. Mexican people are used to being treated like crap by Americans, so a little humility and good manners goes a long way.

Blue Nose

04-07-07, 02:49
Is it possible to take a girl to a health clinic and pay for her STD screening to ensure that she doesn't have herpes? Has anyone done this before?

How much would it cost to pay for a girl for an entire night?

Pipe Layer99
04-07-07, 05:00
A good question, but it tends to depend on the situation as well as the bar...............................
Blue Nose

I appreciate the info. If the trip pans out next month, I will send you a PM with the dates.

California Guy
04-07-07, 07:36
So I havent been down in a couple months, that is my normal time frame because TJ never really improves. Anyway, I go straight to HK to grab some beers, chill, and watch the show. The place is fairly packed and I figured this would be ther case because it was Thursday night. Unfortunately I didn't see many hot or new chicas but there were a few cute ones so I hung out. The girl/girl show was just starting and the girls were so bad I couldn't watch! I mean you would think they would at least put one decent looking girl up but I am very serious when I say I wouldnt have sex with either of these girls for free.

Later I notice a couple more girls coming around and there were 3-4 8's that were probably with guys. One was new and had an amazing body and pretty face but was alwasy dancing sexually with a girl so I think she was a lesbian. One of my friends who works at HK asked if she went with guys and she said no so that also made me think this. Also a cute blonde with a nice body, looked American but she was from Mexico and definitely worthy.

I was going to grab a girl and take her up but I just hung out and threw down some dollars and bought a couple drinks for girls. I spent too much though on the ones and drinks so I felt like I was Pacman Jones afterwards...an idiot! So now around 1am I see a girl I met last Summer and she is super cool and a solid 8. She was hanging out with some guy but wanted me to wait to talk and hang out, which was okay since she could make some cash off the guy.

So the guy finally bails and we go to the top to be alone. Right away she tells me this terrible news and I am not sure if this was discussed before on this site because I go on and off with reading messages. Anyway she informed me this one guy who used to go down was murdered by one of the girls in December. I obviously wont say his name out of respect and because I would never do that but I am sure some of you knew him. He was a super nice American guy and was always polite and friendly to all of the patronts, waiters, girls, and anyone he came in contact with. I only hung out with him about 3 times but once he gave me this cool tour of the smaller bars, he spoke good Spanish, and it was very informative and fun. Needless to say I felt terrible and was sad to hear but made me realize that I everyone here needs to be very careful, including myself.

Finally after an on and off night I was going to leave, didnt hook up, but I knew the border line was going to suck bad so I figured I would wait. Then my friend told me if I wanted I could hang out with her and go to her appartment, of course I said yes. Finally she can leave and we go to her place which is a decent little place she shares with a couple girls. I did a stupid thing earlier by not eating and then having too much beer, well not where I was drunk but just too much because I didnt eat, so I didnt feel good. She felt bad and had me lay down and started massaging my head which helped a lot. Next thing I know she grabs my hands and puts them on her cute little ass and we start making out like crazy. I had never hooked up with her before, she was just a good looking girl I would talk with and buy a drink for here and there so I considered her a friend. Well she was very erotic and was super fun but unfortunately I didnt bring down a condom so I was pissed and she didnt have any. Still I managed to use my fingers and give her a nice orgasm and she eventually ended me off by giving me a bbjcim which was probably the best Ive ever had! After we crashed and I woke up, got a taxi, and went back home.

Overall one of the oddest nights Ive had in TJ!

Blue Nose
04-07-07, 17:25
Is it possible to take a girl to a health clinic and pay for her STD screening to ensure that she doesn't have herpes? Has anyone done this before?

How much would it cost to pay for a girl for an entire night?
Don't know about the clinica check up, but I guess you could try it. Pretty much anything is possible in TJ, as long as you have the dinero. Remember that girls in TJ undergo mandatory health screening and are required to carry their health cards with them. You can always ask to see it...

As for an all nighter, the price will really depend on where you go to get one. At an AB or a CC, most girls will quote you a ridiculously high price - several hundred dollars. In my experience, the real gold is mined at the smaller clubs where there are fewer Americans throwing money around. True, that the selection may not be as good, so you have to do your homework. This is where it gets kind of fun - you can do a bar tour, just stop by for a drink, and check out the girls. You will almost always find at least a few girls who are worth your money, and then at this point you can buy them a drink and see if they would be open to an all night session. I have never paid more than $120 for an all nighter, and most of the girls from the smaller bars will gladly settle for $100. If she gives great service, you can also tip her. Good luck.

Blue Nose

04-07-07, 18:35
As far as cash, I've read that you guys say not to have it on you but do you mean don't have a lot or just don't bring any and use an ATM?

I was thinking of getting to TJ around 12pm and maybe staying till 10pm or 12am.

Another question is ID/passport.ThanksI recommend carrying just cash. No credit cards. No ATM card. If you follow O'Toole's safety tips, you won't have to worry about getting robbed. But why carry valuables you aren't going to use? You never know. Just take as much as you'll think you'll need, plus a little extra.

Friday from noon forward is a fine time to go. The Adelita Bar will probably be your main attraction at that time. Chicago Club will be dead until 9:00 p.m. Don't know about the afternoon action at the Hong Kong Club. I always go at night.

No need for a passport for *LAND* crossing until 2008. But you do need an ID to present upon re-entering the USA. I carry my drivers license.

Country John
04-07-07, 20:50
Anyway she informed me this one guy who used to go down was murdered by one of the girls in December. I obviously wont say his name out of respect and because I would never do that but I am sure some of you knew him. He was a super nice American guy and was always polite and friendly to all of the patronts, waiters, girls, and anyone he came in contact with. I only hung out with him about 3 times but once he gave me this cool tour of the smaller bars, he spoke good Spanish, and it was very informative and fun. Needless to say I felt terrible and was sad to hear but made me realize that I everyone here needs to be very careful, including myself.

It was in the news. The guy had his throat cut by a a guy who was the boyfriend of the girl he was keeping in his TJ Apartment. He shows up as they are moving her furniture out. Things get ugly, he gets his throat cut and the rest as they say is history.

The girl and two guys are currently in jail, they were caught in Tecate by TJPD and Tecate PD Nice police work.

Proof positive that you REALLY must be careful. The truth is that it takes TIME and common sense to develope a relationship.

Bluenose, you are quire right on your assessment of small bar girls!

We're off to Acapulco the end of the month for a week!

Country John

B Venom
04-12-07, 00:21
Does anyone know any massage spots that do more than massage?

Also the prices?

Country John
04-12-07, 07:17
Does anyone know any massage spots that do more than massage?

Also the prices?

Son, this is your first post? Did you read the board? Did you look anything up? Guys spend HOURS posting info here for the benefit of guys like you. It would be nice if you took advantage of that first, post a few trip reports, tell us all about how you did your thing int he zona, give us accurate info and then after a while ask a question or two.

Know what I mean? this is not my board, that's true but I gotta say, please do some research.

go there, do that, post a few trip reports and then let's talk.

Be Safe and Be Nice.

Country John

04-12-07, 07:44
Does anyone know any massage spots that do more than massage?

Also the prices?There are way too many that I would want to list.

You could get lucky and find a good provider at a massage parlor but in general most massage providers are not good sex providers. It's best to keep massage and sex services seperate. And have you ever tried having sex on one of those massage tables? It's impossible. If there are going to offer full service then they should have beds.

There are other Tijuana prostituion boards on the internet that have seperate categories for bars, massage parlors, hotels, etc with reports from members. If your interested in full service from a massage parlor then I suggest you search one of these other boards.

This site has a lot of good information but it's more difficult to find because of the way it's organized. Most everything is in Tijuana reports which is just one long thread and not searchable.

04-12-07, 16:09

When did Aztec massage start doing extras? Are we talking about the one on Revolution, near VivaMex?

I go to VivaMex and Aztec fairly regularly and was under the impression those two were theonly legit massage places in TJ. If Aztec is now doing extras could you recommend someone?


Son, this is your first post? Did you read the board? Did you look anything up? Guys spend HOURS posting info here for the benefit of guys like you. It would be nice if you took advantage of that first, post a few trip reports, tell us all about how you did your thing int he zona, give us accurate info and then after a while ask a question or two.

Know what I mean? this is not my board, that's true but I gotta say, please do some research.

Now: for a good time, goto Aztec masaage, or Cheaters. You can even go to Mermaids in the Zona.

go there, do that, post a few trip reports and then let's talk.

Be Safe and Be Nice.

Country John

04-13-07, 04:01
Maybe he didn't do the research.

04-14-07, 19:36

When did Aztec massage start doing extras? Are we talking about the one on Revolution, near VivaMex?

I go to VivaMex and Aztec fairly regularly and was under the impression those two were theonly legit massage places in TJ. If Aztec is now doing extras could you recommend someone?


I believe that CJ misspoke. Now that Claudia has moved to VivaMex are there any attractive chicas ie not gordas left at Aztec?

Bone Order
04-15-07, 08:18
I am going to be in TJ for two nights. Any suggestions or recommendations on where to stay? I would like to stay close the action. I am going to try and find some all nighters as well.

Country John
04-16-07, 00:23
I believe that CJ misspoke. Now that Claudia has moved to VivaMex are there any attractive chicas ie not gordas left at Aztec?

I mis-spoke. Never having gone to one, I heard stories about extras there but never paid much attention. If came to the front when I was doing the post.

I stand corrected.

Country John

04-16-07, 05:14
... have you ever tried having sex on one of those massage tables? Yea, many, many times in Ciudad Juarez. The massage parlors are the primary reason that I visit there, although the bars are fun, too.

I will have to check out the massage parlors in TJ next time.

04-16-07, 05:42
I believe that CJ misspoke. Now that Claudia has moved to VivaMex are there any attractive chicas ie not gordas left at Aztec?I dont believe there are any attractive girls at Aztec. If you want an excellent massage though I'd recommend Blanca. Typical big girls who does a wonderful job of getting ll the knots out. Just be sure to ask her to do a firm massage.

How attractive is Claudia and how good is her massage?

Sorry to get off track.

04-21-07, 16:53
Friday night (4-20) was slow, certainly due to the rain.

Hong Kong actually had two attractive girls doing the whipped cream/lesbian show rather than the ugly broads they usually have. I believe they're both new(er). I dont know either girls names.

Blue Nose
04-21-07, 18:56
I am going to be in TJ for two nights. Any suggestions or recommendations on where to stay? I would like to stay close the action. I am going to try and find some all nighters as well.
I think the nicest hotel that is closest to the zone is the Hotel Hacienda de Santiago. It is new, clean, chica friendly and about as close to the action as you want to be. From the arch, walk down the hill, and it is on the far side of the first intersection. From AB, walk out take a right, past the stop sign and continue for one block Hotel HDS is on the left, right across from Bar La Tropa. Rates are about $45 - $50 a night.

As a backup (and Hotel HDS does fill up quickly on weekends) I recommend the Hotel Nelson. This is located at the corner of Revolucion and Primera, right next to the arch. Rooms run about $60. Nelson is not as nice or as new as the HDS, but it is clean and safe. One note about the Nelson is that if you want to bring in a girl for a TLN session, make sure you pay for a double room (a few dollars more). They will question you on your way upstairs with a chica at night, but when they see that you have paid for a double they smile and wave you through. The restaurant at the Nelson is also pretty good, although prices are a little higher because you are right on Revolucion.

Both hotels are noisy at night, because of all the noise from outside (mariachis, drunk people, music from bars and clubs, police car sirens etc.) so just be prepared for that. There are quieter places in TJ, but they are further away from la zona and you will need a taxi at night.

Blue Nose

Blue Nose
04-21-07, 18:59
I believe that CJ misspoke. Now that Claudia has moved to VivaMex are there any attractive chicas ie not gordas left at Aztec?
Reinaldo, would you mind poting the (approximate) location of VivaMex massage. I have been a frequent patron at Azteca and I think their massages are great, but sometimes when I go there, there is up to a one hour wait because so many mongers are relaxing between sessions there.

I would like to try VivaMex as a backup. Is it clean and safe? What are their rates like? No full service I assume. Thanks.

Blue Nose

John Rain
04-21-07, 20:17
... location of VivaMex massage.
I've never gone but, it's on Revolution. You've probably "seen" it a hundred times without noticing it. It's on the East side of Revolution, a block or two South from the Arch.

Here's a photo:

Bq Ribs
04-21-07, 20:37
I think the nicest hotel that is closest to the zone is the Hotel Hacienda de Santiago.

As a backup (and Hotel HDS does fill up quickly on weekends) I recommend the Hotel Nelson.

Blue NoseThanks for the information. Would you have contact information for these hotels? I did a Google search with no luck.

Bq Ribs
04-21-07, 21:21
I did find a website for Hotel Nelson


Is there a website for Hotel Hacienda?.

Do you have any information on Hotel La Villa De Zaragoza? http://members.aol.com/hotellavilla/

04-23-07, 00:27
Bq ribs

I have been going to hotel zaragoza for many years I normally drive there get a room and leave my car there. Taxi to adelitas and take it from there. They have security roaming the parking lot and have never had a bad experience in the hotel except for the bad night ladies I bring there and try to steal from me.

Only one problem before I go up to my room with them, I make an excuse to go to my car and put my money under the trunk matt.

Rooms are nice a little out of the way, but when I go to TJ I monger all over the place so this is central for me, Revolucion is 1 block up and i still go there.

Happy Hunting

Blue Nose
04-24-07, 03:15
Bq ribs

I have been going to hotel zaragoza for many years I normally drive there get a room and leave my car there. Taxi to adelitas and take it from there. They have security roaming the parking lot and have never had a bad experience in the hotel except for the bad night ladies I bring there and try to steal from me.

Only one problem before I go up to my room with them, I make an excuse to go to my car and put my money under the trunk matt.

Rooms are nice a little out of the way, but when I go to TJ I monger all over the place so this is central for me, Revolucion is 1 block up and i still go there.

Happy Hunting
Firedsup - thanks for the tip about hotel Zaragoza. Can you give an approximate location or directions from la zona. How are the rates there? I have never been, but I have heard relatively good things about this place. I think I will put it on my standby list.

Bq ribs - Unfortunately, I do not have contact information for Hotel Hacienda de Santiago. I have always just shown up there and requested a room. I tried the www.seetijuana.com website, but it is not listed there. If you get there early on Thursday or Friday (before 4pm) you should not have a problem getting a room, but later on it can be tough. Saturday, you may have to try even earlier - it's a very popular place with mongers. I've never had any problem getting a room at the Nelson, though. On the seetijuana website, there are many other 4 & 5 star hotels listed, so you can take a look at those if you like. Some of them are a little further away, but quite nice. Not sure about the chica friendliness, but if you pay for a double and register the girl when you arrive (required at Pueblo Amigo Inn, I believe) it should not be a problem. After all...it's Tijuana.

Blue Nose

04-24-07, 04:03
Link to Hotel La Villa de Zaragoza which is East of the Jai Alai on the same side of the street as Ricardos restaurant. Don't ever use your credit card here.


Country John
04-25-07, 20:45
Link to Hotel La Villa de Zaragoza which is East of the Jai Alai on the same side of the street as Ricardos restaurant. Don't ever use your credit card here.


Use cash. Do not use a credit card or debit card.

04-26-07, 06:13
Reinaldo, would you mind poting the (approximate) location of VivaMex massage. I have been a frequent patron at Azteca and I think their massages are great, but sometimes when I go there, there is up to a one hour wait because so many mongers are relaxing between sessions there.

I would like to try VivaMex as a backup. Is it clean and safe? What are their rates like? No full service I assume. Thanks.

Blue Nose

VivaMex is on the east side of Revolucion between 3rd and 4th. It's gringo owned and clean and safe. Rates are comparable to Aztec. No sexual services.
They have a website.

04-26-07, 06:18

How attractive is Claudia and how good is her massage?

Attractive slim twenty something guera who gives a very good massage.

Country John
04-26-07, 16:54
VivaMex is on the east side of Revolucion between 3rd and 4th. It's gringo owned and clean and safe. Rates are comparable to Aztec. No sexual services.
They have a website.

The owner of VivaMex is a friend of mine (we're not drinking buddies), and VivaMex is a totally legit and professional parlour. They are busiest on Saturday and it's best to make an appointment but you can walk in Sunday afternoons and evenings.

The girls receive professional training and are quite good. There is NO SEX or "happy endings" at VivaMex, it's completely above board.

Country John

Mr Happy Feet
04-27-07, 06:43
Hello All, I travel a lot in my job and will be in SD for two weeks in June. I was there last in 2006 and made many trips across the border. I usually went in the day or stayed overnight in a hotel near the Zone.

I am hoping to meet up with other like-minded guys in the SD TJ area and make the mongering trips together. Or just meet up in the zone and kill some time together in between sessions.

If anyone is interested drop me a PM or give me a discreet way to contact you.


04-27-07, 09:22
having just joined isg i feel compelled to add my two cents. first off, thanks for the great information. if not for these types of forums i would have made many mistakes and paid for it. that doesn’t mean i haven’t made any. some were avoidable and some not.

from the few times i’ve been there, here are a couple do’s and don’ts.


be nice to the girls. remember they are people too. they may not like what they are doing but being a gentleman only works to your advantage. more than one girl has expressed that courtesy goes a long way. but remember there are many out there who’ll take advantage of you so be careful, especially the aggressive ones, more on that later.

use patience, walk the bar and get a feel for the girls and the vibe. i usually walk around and head to the bathroom. then take another stroll around, have a beer and see what happens.

be honest with yourself. even though she might have a 10 body and face, if she is a dead fish in conversation or interaction with you, then she might be that way in bed. more than once i’ve had a girl sit with me only to have to tell her there was no chemistry; she’s very pretty and nice but no sex tonight. they get their credit for the drink and go away. the look on some of the other girl’s faces when you dismiss an obvious breadwinner is priceless.

tip the bartenders, washroom guys and room cleaners. com’on, most of the beers are $3.50-$4.00, a buck on top of that is nothing compared to what we pay here for just a beer from a guy with a dirty beard and bad attitude. the washroom guys have to watch a bunch of guys [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134) before they fuck. the room cleaners speaks for itself, a buck to deal with your cum filled condom and sweat coated sheet, a buck is nothing.

when returning to the u.s., if you parked on the san ysidro side, ask the cab driver to drop you off on the sentry side. you don’t have to walk across the bridge and you are right there at the trolley and parking lots.


get drunk and make a scene. you are a visitor in their country. think what you may about mexico, but it is still their country. you are not in kansas anymore. don’t think you can act any different there than you can here. they resent the attitude that you go down there to act out there what you can’t do at home; this is their home.
being a drunken asshole and hassled by the cops there is far worse than it is here.

do not walk from the border to zona norte; take a cab. it’s only 5 bucks and safe. don’t loose your money or possibly your life over a couple bucks.

after telling you to be generous and tip, now i’ll say don’t over pay for sex. i only go down mid-week because i work weekends, so i’m sure supply and demand works there as much as anywhere in the world. but $40-$60 for fucky-sucky is the going rate; even the 9’s and 10’s. i’m not cheap but i don’t want to over pay. i’ve paid $40 and had a gfe, but also paid $100 and been disappointed.

don’t go for the aggressive ones. when a girl comes on strong it should send up a big red flag. i’ve fallen for this and been put through the motions and rushed out faster than diarrhea through a goose. no matter how good looking she is, if the first words out of her mouth are “ do you want to fuck me?’ or “i want to suck your cock” get away from her as soon as possible. she’ll never deliver a good experience.

as you can tell i’ve had several great times and a couple of bad times hunting pussy in tj. it comes with the territory. not all that goes bad happens in tj. on one trip my car was stolen out of the lot behind jack in the box on san ysidro blvd. insurance paid for it but the hassle was enormous.

there are much more experienced mongers on this sight than me. cj is the one that comes to mind first. if i have misled anyone, please let me, us know. if you have anything to add, i’m all ears.

thanks again.

editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

04-28-07, 03:55

Do not walk from the border to Zona Norte; take a cab. It’s only 5 bucks and safe. Don’t loose your money or possibly your life over a couple bucks.


I assume you mean at night right because I've never had a problem or heard of problems walking to and from the zona during daylight hours.

Blue Nose
04-28-07, 18:06

Do not walk from the border to Zona Norte; take a cab. It’s only 5 bucks and safe. Don’t loose your money or possibly your life over a couple bucks.


I assume you mean at night right because I've never had a problem or heard of problems walking to and from the zona during daylight hours.
There have been a few posts lately advising people not to walk to the zone at all. Let me add my two cents on this, and you guys can respond in turn. In general, I think a person who is brand new to TJ, or never been to Mexico or Latin America, should most definitely take taxis anywhere in TJ the first few times he goes, regardless of the time of day. I did, and looking back I am glad that I did. I didn't really understand the rhythm of the city or how a developing country works. Everything from the traffic laws to the hordes of street vendors is different than here.

However, once you have been to TJ a few times, and feel comfortable with the zone, as well as how things work in general, I think it is perfectly acceptable to walk to and from the zone during daylight hours. Of course, you should still use precaution and keep your guard up, but for the most part you should be fine. After dark is a different story - I would not recommend walking to or from the zone at night and in fact I do not recommend walking anywhere outside the zone at night, including even a block or so away from it. I have done that at night and been hassled by the police.

Blue Nose

Member #4450
04-28-07, 20:08
There have been a few posts lately advising people not to walk to the zone at all. Let me add my two cents on this, and you guys can respond in turn. In general, I think a person who is brand new to TJ, or never been to Mexico or Latin America, should most definitely take taxis anywhere in TJ the first few times he goes, regardless of the time of day. I did, and looking back I am glad that I did. I didn't really understand the rhythm of the city or how a developing country works. Everything from the traffic laws to the hordes of street vendors is different than here.

However, once you have been to TJ a few times, and feel comfortable with the zone, as well as how things work in general, I think it is perfectly acceptable to walk to and from the zone during daylight hours. Of course, you should still use precaution and keep your guard up, but for the most part you should be fine. After dark is a different story - I would not recommend walking to or from the zone at night and in fact I do not recommend walking anywhere outside the zone at night, including even a block or so away from it. I have done that at night and been hassled by the police.

Blue Nose

I agree BN,
The zona is dangerous to walk alone anytime day or night, I was there last Thursday and the surrounds near the Alley are looking scary lately, there are too many Deported Gang members from the U.S. running loose in the zona, always bugging the tourist offering drugs and minors, watch out for these criminals.

I saw this gang guy coming out from a very small alley the space between two buildings, and when he saw me at the distance that I was heading his way he jumped back and hided behind the wall?
I don't know what he had in mind, but I didn't care to find out and I just turned around, and went back the other direction that I came from, and I'm not a small guy @ 6' tall 260 lbs and a lot of muscle weight from building houses for the past twenty years, I don't think that I'm an easy prey, but still like you said keep you guard up, better to avoid walking too long the zona, some might say that nothing happens to them when walking the zona, but it only takes that desperate hungry guy with 5 kids at home to ruin your day.

04-29-07, 02:38
For the most part I would agree that the day is different than the night when it comes to walking around in T.J. However, the criminal element ebbs and flows down there and the consequences are not great until you are the exceptional case.
Even walking on Revolution Blvd in the afternoon I have stopped abruptly, turned around and observed the "casual stroller" changes their direction and flow.

Day or night, keep your guard up.

04-29-07, 09:18
I was upstairs at Adelitas when the guy knocked after only 22 minutes instead of 30. The girl started to get up, but I said "Hey hold on".

I went out in the hall naked with the condom still on. The guy was halfway down the hall mopping, and I told him, "Hey amigo I still have 8 more minutes!"

He just looked at me and said "Oh OK, 8 more minutes." So I went back in the room, looking at my watch a few times and telling the girl how many minutes we had left. He didn't bother to come back again when the 30 minutes was over.

Mutha Foo
04-29-07, 17:23
I have used my credit/debit card here and never had a problem. Been here at least 20 times in the past 2 years.

04-29-07, 20:14
I've read reports that the girls are required to have a check up for STD's on a periodic basis; and that they are certified with a card of some type. Does anyone ever ask the girl to show her card or is that managed by the bar? What about the street girls?

Member #4450
04-30-07, 02:10
I was upstairs at Adelitas when the guy knocked after only 22 minutes instead of 30. The girl started to get up, but I said "Hey hold on".

I went out in the hall naked with the condom still on. The guy was halfway down the hall mopping, and I told him, "Hey amigo I still have 8 more minutes!"

He just looked at me and said "Oh OK, 8 more minutes." So I went back in the room, looking at my watch a few times and telling the girl how many minutes we had left. He didn't bother to come back again when the 30 minutes was over.

That's why we called AB Mechanical F.cks , it's all about timing, when game is over you need to put more quarters to continue playing, just don't tip those A holes, and tell him you're upset because of the knocking and he's not getting a tip, these idiots need to learn to respect our privacy.

Ninguno Especial
04-30-07, 04:41
I've read reports that the girls are required to have a check up for STD's on a periodic basis; and that they are certified with a card of some type. Does anyone ever ask the girl to show her card or is that managed by the bar? What about the street girls?

Both bar girls and SGs are required to have them but not all do. Some will show them to you, others will give a feeble excuse it is in her locker or some such thing. Only the street girls in fixed locations have them. The 'walkers' that move around on a certain corner do not and should be avoided if health is a concern.

If you play safe it really doesn't matter if they are not 100% healthy as you are 'covered'. On the other hand, you can get herpes or veneral warts even if you are covered and the health check may not have caught these.

04-30-07, 08:59
Mr Happy Feet

I don't know how to drop you a discrete PM (I don't know what PM stands for, along with a lot of the other acronyms on this site). But I do plan to monger in the zone during June. I’ve been heading down there solo and while I get what I want a little camaraderie would be nice. On one of my first trips I meet a fellow monger while was walking across the bridge from the US to Mexico. At first I was skeptical of a stranger approaching me as I walked across the tan bridge, but it was quickly evident he was on the up and up. We shared a cab, and alternated the beer purchases along the monger route. My last trip I came across a gentleman in the alley who was dumbfounded with the entire scene of the young girls on the street. However someone to chill with between sessions would be nice too. Please don’t think I’m considering this a date, strictly hetro here.

EDITOR'S SUGGESTION: There is a link labeled "Abbreviations" in the menu bar at the top of this page. This will take you to the Forum's Glossary where you will find a chart with most of the Terms & Abbreviations used in the Forum. Thanks!

Jay Love
05-01-07, 02:47

To send someone a private message (PM), you left click on the "users screen" which appears in the upper right-hand corner in the post, then a menu drops down and "send a private message" option is chosen. Being fairly new to this hobby myself, the website:


has been a good reference for looking up the meanings of acronyms and slang. Thanks,


Mr Happy Feet

I don't know how to drop you a discrete PM (I don't know what PM stands for, along with a lot of the other acronyms on this site)

EDITOR'S SUGGESTION: There is a link labeled "Abbreviations" in the menu bar at the top of this page. This will take you to the Forum's Glossary where you will find a chart with most of the Terms & Abbreviations used in the Forum. Thanks!

Jay Love
05-02-07, 03:10
I meant upper left-hand corner of the post; clicking on the user's screen name. Sorry about that.


To send someone a private message (PM), you left click on the "users screen" which appears in the upper right-hand corner in the post, then a menu drops down and "send a private message" option is chosen. Being fairly new to this hobby myself, the website:


has been a good reference for looking up the meanings of acronyms and slang. Thanks,


05-03-07, 05:38
Here's a couple of tips a doctor freind gave ma a long time ago and hasn't failed yet.
Get some Pepto Bismol tablets and take one just before you have a meal. He called it a profolactive method. If only he knew how familiar I am with that method in TJ. Go ahead and eat anything you want, off the street or in the restaurants, within reason. Remember as long as the meat has been kept hot you should have no problem. The water they rinse the veggies with is a problem. Pepto deals with that.
I have used this method evey time I go to TJ and and beyond and never had a problem. I love to bang the shit out of a chicka, go out have a couple tacos on the street, take a walk, and go back and bang another one.

Also use plenty of soap cleaning in the showers.

Always, don't drink the water; bottled only. Ice is suspect too.

Mr Happy Feet
05-05-07, 14:15

I sent you a PM that includes an e-mail address I use just for the hobby. Glad you responded. I travel and mongor all over the world and always feel safer with another hobbiest whether it is Thailand, Bahrain, and especially TJ.

The regular guys like CJ put out great safety information for TJ, but nothing is better than the buddy system. I always try to make conversation on the way over to the Zone with fellow mongers, but like me they are usually guarded. It is too bad we can't all carry a certified-sane monger ID card. :-)

I hope to hear from you or others headed to TJ in June. (8th-26th)



[QUOTE=Surfnk9]Mr Happy Feet

However someone to chill with between sessions would be nice too. Please don’t think I’m considering this a date, strictly hetro here.

Loco Smith
05-07-07, 04:07
Is there really pimps in TJ? I've been doing research and I remember reading about padrotes? Or something close to that name? About them being in the alleys. Are they just like they ones we see in the you. S?

Country John
05-07-07, 23:28
Is there really pimps in TJ? I've been doing research and I remember reading about padrotes? Or something close to that name? About them being in the alleys. Are they just like they ones we see in the you. S?

Yes, yes and yes.

Loco Smith
05-08-07, 01:07
Yes, yes and yes.Do all the girls in tj have pimps? Just the SW's or bar girls too? Are these pimps like the ones in the you. S that will try to rob you while your on your date? Are the pimps the guys in front of the hotel just standing there? I v seen pics of the hotels that people post and I see lots of hoes and guys out there just standing outside of the hotels. Are they the pimp to be worried about?

Ocho Monger
05-08-07, 02:25
I've never mongered without a buddy. The way I see it is, its an adventure to share with a friend or friends. We've had our little group we go with since the beginning. Not really a big group but at most 2-4 people in a groupe per trip. Sharing stories and driving to TJ is half the fun. We've even theme nights we've made up.
Some days will be petite night, or if we're really not sure what we're wanting, we'd make it a plump ass night or blondie night or whatever. Another one is non-hottie central night. Its when you cant get a chick that is sitting in the main floor. You have to get one thats more on the side or in the back part of the bar. Its just to change up the selection. Sometimes you find some chica that you may not have picked in the first place but actually turns out really good.

Its also a good idea to be in a small group for safety. We really dont wanted any more to the other areas of Zona, since there is no point for us. We've seen the other parts and its not our thing. If you're new and not really familiar with the area, go with buddy and stick together. Try to lay low and dont attract attention if you dont need to. No need to bring fancy watches, jewelry or flash money around in this area. The girls arent going to be impressed by it. In a way, it'll even make you even more of a target by the husters.

Lay low, keep it simple and have fun.

Country John
05-08-07, 19:28
Do all the girls in tj have pimps?


Just the SW's or bar girls too?

Some or most but not all. Bar girls tend not to have pimps per se but never rule it out. Always assume they do.

Are these pimps like the ones in the you. S that will try to rob you while your on your date? Are the pimps the guys in front of the hotel just standing there?

See above. When you pay a girl that you don't know for intimate sex, assume that she might try to take advantage of you in some way and assume that she is being watched. That way you can work to keep the "odds" in your favor.

I v seen pics of the hotels that people post and I see lots of hoes and guys out there just standing outside of the hotels. Are they the pimp to be worried about?

Worry about pimps when you don't pay, or hurt the girl. Other than that, negotiate your deal, get to the room, doo your deed and move on (while being happy and nice of course).

Having a buddy is a good idea and travelling in groups is cool as long as you behave. The cops notice groups easily.

Country John

05-08-07, 20:05
I have heard that a lot of the SG's have pimps, but don't see them watching the girls. I have also noticed that some of the hotels provide lockers for the girls so there is some sort of business arrangement. Some of SG's will only go to a certain hotel. So there I think there is some connection.

Double Nickle
05-08-07, 21:34
18 february 2007 (sorry for the delay). downtown san diego is full of information offices so i had no trouble getting full directions to where to catch the blue line trolley to the mexican border. i got a round trip ticket for $5. during peak there is a trolley every 15 minutes and it seems to take about 45 minutes to get to the last stop at the border town of san ysidro, california.

i wasn't quite sure where to go so i asked a transit policeman who was standing right by the trolley. he pointed and said to just follow all the people. as soon as i rounded the building by the trolley i saw the entrance to the bridge. it was very solid, more like a tunnel than a bridge, except it was elevated. it was a fair walk. at the end were 2 sets of full height turnstiles. i didn't notice anyone getting any attention from the police.

an information office just before the second turnstile had closed at 3 pm. a cluster of men not far outside on the left turned out to be taxi libre drivers. i had a $2 coupon off taxi fare to the campamento massage parlor. the driver said it was closed because they employed ****d girls although the website is still up. i thought of asking to go to mermaids or adelitas instead but he said he knew another very good massage parlor.

he took me to luxor and even walked right inside with me. they obviously knew him. i opted for the $55 massage with the masseuse naked rather than the $40 with her in a bikini. this was paid to the house. anything else was to be negotiated with the girl in the room.

6 girls were in the line-up. it was a difficult choice. i liked the honey blonde babe who had been doing the talking. but i went with this big boobed raven haired ivory skinned amazon who must have been 5' 8" or 5' 9". her name was karen.

she didn't look particularly hispanic, but she must have been because her english was very skimpy. when we got to the room with the professional massage table i was given my choice of beer or wine but opted for bottled water. i undressed quickly. she stripped off her tightwhite pants, bra, red sweater, and beige panties. she seemed to get a kick out of watching me watch her do this. she looked very good stripped down - a tad soft, but great natural tits, round ass, and a proportionate waist.

she asked me something. i finally figured out it was what extras i wanted. for everything she wanted $100. ok. up front. ok. i started to lie on my stomach so she could massage my back. no. lie other way up. ok. she immediately starts putting a condom on me. she slides her mouth up and down my shaft like shes pumping for oil. we do a fair amount of this and then she climbs on cowgirl style. up and down. back and forth. my hands roam. her body feels good all over. she stops. "all finished?"i was pretty sure i hadn't come so i say, "i usually have to finish by hand ." she starts out with condom on. i get her to take it off. i finish myself off exploding while thinking how great tit fucking her would be. she has me clean myself off with paper towels and a cloth towel. while i am getting dressed i swear she is emptying half a can of air freshener in the room.

[b]editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Country John
05-08-07, 23:02
I have heard that a lot of the SG's have pimps, but don't see them watching the girls. I have also noticed that some of the hotels provide lockers for the girls so there is some sort of business arrangement. Some of SG's will only go to a certain hotel. So there I think there is some connection.

That's because not all pimps are guys. Many girls have a madrote(sic) watching them. They count how many times a girl goes up, how long she's in etc. Some girls will not touch you or let you touch them because they do not want thier handler to think they have an outside deal going, so they'll seem cold.

SG's go to the hotel that they post in front of because the hotel guy lets them post there. If they wen't to the hotel next door with the business, the place they post in front of would get pissed and make them move.

Storage for a change of clothes is not uncommon. The girls don't leave the Zona in their work clothes. I wonder how many of them you would recognize in their "off duty" wear?

Toad Tamer
05-09-07, 05:01
Double Nickle, you didn't go in far enough, to La Zona. Do some research here. You could have doubled your fun time for $140. No door charge at the clubs in La Zona. Next time.

Pipe Layer99
05-09-07, 05:11
18 february 2007 (sorry for the delay). downtown san diego is full of information offices so i had no trouble getting full directions to where to catch the blue line trolley to the mexican border. i got a round trip ticket for $5. during peak there is a trolley every 15 minutes and it seems to take about 45 minutes to get to the last stop at the border town of san ysidro, california.

i wasn't quite sure where to go so i asked a transit policeman who was standing right by the trolley. he pointed and said to just follow all the people. as soon as i rounded the building by the trolley i saw the entrance to the bridge. it was very solid, more like a tunnel than a bridge, except it was elevated. it was a fair walk. at the end were 2 sets of full height turnstiles. i didn't notice anyone getting any attention from the police.

an information office just before the second turnstile had closed at 3 pm. a cluster of men not far outside on the left turned out to be taxi libre drivers. i had a $2 coupon off taxi fare to the campamento massage parlor. the driver said it was closed because they employed ****d girls although the website is still up. i thought of asking to go to mermaids or adelitas instead but he said he knew another very good massage parlor.

he took me to luxor and even walked right inside with me. they obviously knew him. i opted for the $55 massage with the masseuse naked rather than the $40 with her in a bikini. this was paid to the house. anything else was to be negotiated with the girl in the room.

6 girls were in the line-up. it was a difficult choice. i liked the honey blonde babe who had been doing the talking. but i went with this big boobed raven haired ivory skinned amazon who must have been 5' 8" or 5' 9". her name was karen.

she didn't look particularly hispanic, but she must have been because her english was very skimpy. when we got to the room with the professional massage table i was given my choice of beer or wine but opted for bottled water. i undressed quickly. she stripped off her tightwhite pants, bra, red sweater, and beige panties. she seemed to get a kick out of watching me watch her do this. she looked very good stripped down - a tad soft, but great natural tits, round ass, and a proportionate waist.

she asked me something. i finally figured out it was what extras i wanted. for everything she wanted $100. ok. up front. ok. i started to lie on my stomach so she could massage my back. no. lie other way up. ok. she immediately starts putting a condom on me. she slides her mouth up and down my shaft like shes pumping for oil. we do a fair amount of this and then she climbs on cowgirl style. up and down. back and forth. my hands roam. her body feels good all over. she stops. "all finished?"i was pretty sure i hadn't come so i say, "i usually have to finish by hand [because of a retarded ejaculation condition]." she starts out with condom on. i get her to take it off. i finish myself off exploding while thinking how great tit fucking her would be. she has me clean myself off with paper towels and a cloth towel. while i am getting dressed i swear she is emptying half a can of air freshener in the room.

i did like the report. however i think the prices were too high.

no negotiations??? you paid $155 for some sex (and no massage). you should have at least gotten a 30 min massage for your $55, then the rest could follow. get your $55 worth first, then after the massage you could negotiate for extras $50-60 should get it done. but let her earn her pay. come on now.

since you were south of the border, i'm thinking you should have known you can get a girl at a club. you mentioned adelitas in your post. the girls at adelitas can be had for $60 plus a $12 room fee. thats only $72 (no $55 house fee for a massage). in fact, you could have had 2 girls for $144 and walked out with $11 left.

gentlemen, please, never accept the 1st price a girl tells you. even in the states, you can find massage parlors that charge $55-75 for an hour massage. then negotiate for the extras.

just my .02 cents. no offense intended at all.
i hope this information helps others on future trips. dd

05-09-07, 06:30
Donnie D. I must agree here seems a bit to much, Double nickle the thing that would have pissed me of is that she made me clean my self, I hope you did not give her a tip or anything seems to me you got ripped off. But next time negotiate she probably was an American and playing dumb, but you never know.

Happy hunting to all

05-09-07, 06:33
Double Nickle:

The taxi driver took you to Luxor because he gets paid to do this. I'm pretty sure that El Campamento is open.

Also....you paid too much.

Ocho Monger
05-09-07, 10:35
ya those are those Taxi Driver "tricks" I've had those comments told to us many times. Our preference is Adelitas or that area, so when we have a Taxi driver tell us that the area is closed or has alot of cops, and the next line is a comment about another place such as the Luxor or Purple Rain, we either jus tell them, we've been here many times and know that line he's pulling on us. If the Taxi Driver is being a pain about it, just ask him to take you back to the Taxi place or La Linea and you're going back home. Cut your losses and pay the $3-5. Hop on another Taxi and I'm sure the next driver wont tell you the same thing.

I've had eager friends that even beg me to not go back to the border, not thinking that we are actually still trying to get to AB. My first rule in going to TJ is keep as safe as possible. Try not to get into any trouble. Do not make a big deal of something that you can fix, such as the taxi driver deal. Its only a few dollars, its not worth it to argue with the guy and get into trouble. You never know, the guy can get pissed off and drop you off in the middle of no where or lead you to Federales.

Country John
05-09-07, 19:27
every time i read that a guy get's in a cab and the driver says he "knows of a good place," i cringe.

mongers have to read the board a bit more closely. double nickle was obviously taken for a major ride, he got a girl that couldn't get him off, paid full price, and to rub himself out, then clean himself up.

it's not hard to be easy on a noobie, but that's just me. the girls, the cab drivers and the clubs spot noobies a mile away and they wring their hands with delight.

here's something you can cut out and put in your wallet:


1. approach first taxi driver.
2. do not get in car yet.
3. say "adelitas for three dollars plus two dollar tip, ok?"
4. wait for taxi driver to answer.
5. taxi driver says "yes," or "si," then get in and go.
6. taxi driver says anything other than what is in 5, above, approach next taxi driver and go back to #2 above.


if the taxi driver (after geting you in the cab) says something like "ju know seenior, adelitas was closed because they use **** girls?"

you say: "really???" "wow." "well i always wanted to go there when it was closed." he won't get it, but don't worry because it doesn't matter. just make him take you to adelitas.


sounds like it's time to open a monger college, if i charged you what you would have otherwise lost, i'd make a fortune!!!!

be safe and be nice.

country john

05-09-07, 19:53
When I used to take the taxis, I would say, 'I'm meeting my friend in front of Adelitas at 4pm'. They cannot argue with that.

Toad Tamer
05-10-07, 04:47
I learned my lesson at Purple Rain. $40 bar fine then negotiate upstairs. What a ripp off. Taxi drivers get a tank of gas for every so many people they hustle in.

John Rain
05-10-07, 05:07
Same thing here, if the taxi driver asks or suggests anything, I politely decline and tell him I'm meeting my friends at the Arch or Adelita Bar.

Never, never engage in any discussion of mongering or talk of looking for women or anything of the sort. Just "I'm meeting my friends."

05-10-07, 21:51
i made a trip out to tj and like before i left my car at the us side. glad i did cuase on the way back i saw the huge line i would've been stuck in. i always take a cab after crossing and say adelitas and cuanto es? i make sure i get a price before i get in and do not part take in any conversation because i know they like to size you up before they scew you. i was curious that the local sd pd was checking ids before hitting the mexico side. maybe checking for **** as they ignored me when i went by. had a few beers in ab and hit my first girl after two suds. i walked around to shake it off and strolled thru the alley. the pickens are less pretty but the price is better than ab. around misnight i went back to ab and the place was crowed. i had to [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) so in the can some idiot showed up busting in and threw up all over the stall doors. really ingenious! everyone bailed out cause of the stench. i went back out and hit the alley again. to my surprise there was a black bbw on the corner that spoke good english and was trying to get a brother to go to the room with her. i figured she was from across the bridge trying to make some money here. the board has helped a lot to make my trips to tj a whole lot smoother so thanks to all and as always thanks jackson!

be safe!

Ocho Monger
05-11-07, 01:05
I did something out of the ordinary last week. I couldnt believe myself actually. I'm usually in the Oceanside/SD area every so often. Of course, since its only an additional 30 min drive to the border, you'd think, hey might as well hit up AB, right?
Well, last friday, we actually were in the area pretty early, so it would have been the perfect time to hit up AB. We hop on the fwy and start heading down at 10pm or so. A few miles down, something got to me or I dont know. and I actually suggested that we just head back home and not go to TJ this Friday night. Thats totally unlike me, haha. I couldnt believe I turned down AB for the first time.
I guess there's gonna be times that you gotta make the call not to go. LOL.
I hope its not too often that this happens.

05-11-07, 06:44
Another trip and another good time in TJ, almost. I went for thee gals, two a hotties that were definitely worth it, and an average one that wasn’t too good. Oh well, to a certain extent it’s a crapshoot. The lesbo show at HK bar was great and if I hadn’t blown my wads earlier I would have gone for one of the girls in the show. She was just my type, young, tight and good-looking. A few tacos later and it was a cab back home.

Then came the rip off from the local police at the Sentri border crossing. All of my previous trips I never encountered the police but had taken precautionary actions. This time I forgot. There were five officers waiting by the border, one was a petite woman. They frisked me and took my wallet. Asked if I had any drugs, or guns. The older guy asked all the questions and the gal went through my wallet. They had me with my hand on the wall. When they were satisfied the gal hands me back my wallet, I take two steps and look in it and see that a $100 dollar bill was missing. On all of my other trips most of my money was in a shoe. And I mean in a shoe, not just a sock. My Spanish is pretty good so I tell them that there is money now missing from my wallet. The older guy doing all the talking says I must be mistaken, and then the girl says the same thing. But she had a smirk on her face. Well I knew I was out the money, but I wasn’t going to go down without a fight. Fighting figuratively, even confronting them is treading on thin ice. So I knew I had to come up with something better. I tell the cops that I was sure I left with 3 $100 bills, when actually it was two. I opened my wallet and showed him the only one in my wallet. He reiterates I must be mistaken and I insist again that I am positive there were 3 because I counted them before I left the bar and now there is only one. Then I looked right at the gal, indicating to them I knew she took the money. Our eyes met and her smirk was gone and replaced with a small scowl because she knew that the others were going to expect her to come up with $200 when she clipped only one. Now they all think they got a big chunk of change coming so they really don’t want me around, besides I wasn’t drunk or obnoxious, just certain and insistent. I made my huff, like all ripped-off gringos, and head for the border.

Sure they got the best of me, but to keep up the charade she couldn’t admit they were stealing from me. I hope I was able to make the little *****’s life a more difficult, if only for a night. It was a $100 lesson. Shit.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

05-11-07, 13:21
Confirming Surfnik9's report of heavy police presence + searches at the Sentri crossing. At least 10 of them are waiting for you. Sad...

Ocho Monger
05-11-07, 19:51
We've been fortunate to not get hassled with all the times been to TJ. We're usually in a group of 2-3, 4 at most. Sometimes holding a soda can and walking leisurely. We're never drunk or anything, of course trying to lay low as possible, but you never know. Anything can happen and can get caught up by the Sentri cops.

Luckily it was just money Surnfk9. Sucks still though.

Regarding about money. We usually never bring wallets or large amounts of money. For the newbies, try to only bring a certain amt that you want to spend. Set a budget. there's always a next time to spend more, you dont have to do 3-4 girls in a day. hehe.

But going there we split the wads into several groups. Usually, put about $80 all together, to cover the room and the chick, to cover each session. That leaves spare change for the tip guy. I put this on one of the back pockets.

Another bundle is your $1s, $5s and maybe $10. Thats for the beer, food and/or cab fare. So you're not fumbling for big bills on the street and have looky loos lookin at your fat wad of 20s and 100s. I usually put this on the front pockets for easy access.
The 3rd bundle, I usually have the backup $80-100 just in case for another session. I have just the money and the ID here placed in the other back pocket.

If need be, Another couple hundred is in my shoe or if I have other pockets that nite.
I try to prevent pulling out all what I have at once so it doesnt look so obvious you have alot of money all together. There's no need to have and show you have a big fat wad when buying a taco, or paying for the room or paying your girl.

05-11-07, 20:40
When I go to TJ I only carry as much money as I intend to spend.

Double Nickle
05-11-07, 22:11
every time i read that a guy get's in a cab and the driver says he "knows of a good place," i cringe.

mongers have to read the board a bit more closely. double nickle was obviously taken for a major ride, he got a girl that couldn't get him off, paid full price, and to rub himself out, then clean himself up.

it's not hard to be easy on a noobie, but that's just me. the girls, the cab drivers and the clubs spot noobies a mile away and they wring their hands with delight.

here's something you can cut out and put in your wallet:


1. approach first taxi driver.
2. do not get in car yet.
3. say "adelitas for three dollars plus two dollar tip, ok?"
4. wait for taxi driver to answer.
5. taxi driver says "yes," or "si," then get in and go.
6. taxi driver says anything other than what is in 5, above, approach next taxi driver and go back to #2 above.


if the taxi driver (after geting you in the cab) says something like "ju know seenior, adelitas was closed because they use **** girls?"

you say: "really???" "wow." "well i always wanted to go there when it was closed." he won't get it, but don't worry because it doesn't matter. just make him take you to adelitas.


sounds like it's time to open a monger college, if i charged you what you would have otherwise lost, i'd make a fortune!!!!

be safe and be nice.

country john
i did like the report. however i think the prices were too high.

no negotiations??? you paid $155 for some sex (and no massage). you should have at least gotten a 30 min massage for your $55, then the rest could follow. get your $55 worth first, then after the massage you could negotiate for extras $50-60 should get it done. but let her earn her pay. come on now.

since you were south of the border, i'm thinking you should have known you can get a girl at a club. you mentioned adelitas in your post. the girls at adelitas can be had for $60 plus a $12 room fee. thats only $72 (no $55 house fee for a massage). in fact, you could have had 2 girls for $144 and walked out with $11 left.

gentlemen, please, never accept the 1st price a girl tells you. even in the states, you can find massage parlors that charge $55-75 for an hour massage. then negotiate for the extras.

just my .02 cents. no offense intended at all.
i hope this information helps others on future trips. ddthis trip (6 march 2007 - sorry for the delay) instead of turning left at the information office to go to the taxis, i turned right. you go through a turnstile and there is a fairly well defined pedestrian walkway. a pedestrian bridge crosses the tijuana river. this pedestrian way leads you right to revolution avenue downtown, the main tourist section. there on revolution and 2nd is a huge massage sign on top of a building. a modest entrance led to aztec massage. i almost went in but wanted to check out wendy's near guerrero park. i didn't find it without the exact address but i did see other massage places.

i decided to verify my taxi drivers statement last trip that la campamento was closed. i could have turned right just outside the last turnstile gate and been there in a few blocks. instead from guerrero park i walked down calle coathuillo from the other side. one place on the north side of the street had scantily clad beauties outside (in the early afternoon). a bit further east on the south side of the street i saw the sign "adelita." a tall knockout in red hot pants nearly made my eyes bulge out of their sockets.

a bit further on i picked up a tail. "hey, you looking for something?" "you want a massage?" i tell him "i know where i'm going" and i point to the la campamento sign across the street. but that is apparently where he wanted to take me. he catches up to me. i'm about to go in the calle coahuilo [however you spell it) entrance. "no, no, that's the hotel entrance, you want the side entrance." around the side there is a parking garage entrance with a guy seated in a chair. we go through there and to the left and there is the entrance to the la campamento massage parlor.

i go in a door in the all glass front, and down a short set of stairs in the lobby. i am told to wait on the couch. another guy, anthony, comes in and tells me 30 minute massage only is $40. massage and sex for 30 minutes is $90. massage and sex for an hour is $120. i select the $120 option. he has the 3 available girls line up in front of me. they are all young and attractive. it is a hard choice but i pick elonga (not sure i heard the name right).

she takes me to a room just off the waiting room. it had a wide massage table that looked homemade. she had to move all her personal junk off it. the room had it's own bathroom and shower.

i start taking my clothes off: shirt, shoes, socks. she comes back in, closes the door and starts taking hers off while i remove my pants. her body has a bit of a tummy bulge in profile but she is still young and hot - a little soft but not flabby. i would guess she is around 20.

she has me lie on my stomach with my head in a very stiff opening in the massage table. she puts oil on my back and rubs my neck, shoulders, and back for a short time. she doesn't even get to my buttocks or legs. "turn over." i wonder if she is going to massage my front but she has the condom out to put on.

she's stroking me by hand to pump me all the way up. then she gives me a good blowjob though the condom feels too tight. maybe there was a sale on slims.

then she starts riding me cowgirl style. my hands wandered all over her tits, hips, and thighs. that young flesh does feel good. she would alternate between moving up and down on my cock, wriggling side to side and back and forth, and letting me bounce my hips up and down. we do this for quite a while and i'm in heaven.

finally she climbs off me and starts whacking me off by hand. after a bit i take over. meanwhile she goes to town on my nuts and fondles my thighs, arms, and chest. very nice. the condom is still on. "can i take it off?" "no." "ok." so i have to work extra hard on top of my retarded ejaculation condition which means i have to wank myself really hard for the final release. with her help i explode into the condom.

she goes into the bathroom and brings me a bit of toilet paper to mop myself up. i take off the still tight condom. a drop of jism falls on my chest and we both go, "ew."

she offers me a shower which i take. she sits on the toilet seat and watches. kinky. i like it. then she takes a shower, concentrating on her pussy. i dry myself. then she dries herself. we dress. she opens the door for me, lets me kiss her on the cheek, and i bid her adios.

on my way out anthony plugs for a tip (optional) and i give him $5. it is a lot easier getting a taxi back than it is getting one to your chosen destination. there is a taxi stand on the corner just outside luxor. i don't know where one is here, i just walked the short distance back.

on my way back a guy on the pedestrian bridge across the tijuana river put in a plug for a drugstore. he said girls were available too. i told him i'd just been taken care of at la campamento, but maybe "next time."

when you get back near the border the border bridge, mexican customs, and the information office are on the west side of the big highway. take a walkway across the highway. the taxi will probably let you off by here too. walk towards the border past a lot of shops to us customs which is the major bottleneck. but once you're through customs and exit the building you are immediately in front of the trolley stop back to san diego.

double nickle

editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Blue Nose
05-12-07, 20:38
I took one for the whole team last weekend. There is a relatively new bar in the zone that is being heavily promoted by the street hawkers (most of whom are criminal deportees from the US). It is on the east side of Constitucion, almost directly adjacent to the alley and it is called "Delicious". Well, I was doing my usual rounds and every time I walked by there were at least three dudes hassling me. I know from experience at TJ that the worse the bar is, the more they hassle you - you never see guys in front of AB, CC or HK because they know already that these are the best clubs and that mongers want to go there.

Anyway, for the purposes of reporting on this forum only I decided to peak in and take a look. I entered and ordered a Dos Equis. It is two storey place and the downstairs portion is pretty small with a few tables and a stage. They have strip shows but they are not continuous. There were about 5-6 women when I was in there, and about 3 other guys. Place was dead at 10pm. Anyway, I am drinking my beer when Sandra de Guatemala comes over and asks if I want company. I didn't really, but she seemed nice so I bought her a ficha. We chatted amicably for a few minutes, and it seems that the few people who do go into that bar are mainly locals with the occaisonal American guy on his first trip to the zone that they sucker inside.

Finished my beer and went upstairs to the restroom. The upstairs portion is quite a bit larger than downstairs, and it is their VIP section (which makes no sense). There was nobody up there, and I didn't stick around to ask what, besides higher prices, makes it a VIP section.

Conclusion: avoid this place. It is not very good, and I didn't see too many quality women there. I am sure there might be the occaisonal gem in there, but it is not worth repeated trips to find her. The guys out front are aggressive, but just tell them "no, gracias" and keep walking. They will leave you alone after a minute.

Blue Nose

05-13-07, 00:08
Delicious isn't a new bar, but it has been completely remodeled recently, so it was closed for several months. I liked it more before, when it was a dive bar.

John Rain
05-13-07, 05:06
I liked it more before, when it was a dive bar.
Hah! Actually, Bar Delicias is still a dive bar, but I know what you mean. It's name has been Bar Delicias for years, but prior to the remodel it had a big painting of Homer Simpson on the outside with a title something like "Taberno de Moe" in a futile attempt to appeal to Americans.

I did stop by at the end of March and wasn't particularly impressed with the remodel. Downstairs, they relocated the bar and stage, but the major change was opening the upstairs floor which previously was just storage.

This bar is owned by the same folks who own Hotel Cascades, Miami, Hong Kong, Las Chaveles, Rizo de Oro, Bar Tropical, and La Tropa Bar. But it has its own manager.

Last year, I took a girl from here back to my room for the night, but was very disappointed in the service. On my last trip, I enjoyed a beer with a somewhat attractive gordita morena, but things didn't go any further. The place was basically, dead with just some locals drinking. It really isn't worth the effort, move along.


05-13-07, 07:06
I guess the difference is that, now, Bar Delicias is pretending to not be a dive bar.

Country John
05-13-07, 18:37
I guess the difference is that, now, Bar Delicias is pretending to not be a dive bar.

It was a taste of the old zona, that's for sure. I took a girl one night, she was a bit over 30, but she had a great bod and a big smile.

I took her to my room at the Leyva, we were all hugs and kisses etc and had I great session for about 1-1/2 hours gor $50.

Immediately after the session, I paid her and she immediately got dressed and left. She was as cold as a block of ice after the session. I thought the place was a dive then but I was looking for a break from the standard routine.

The zona is a place where putting lipstick on a pig is simple because it never really matters.

There are a couple of cool old bars around but that was not one of them.

The pushy waiters are easy, just keep saying no after buy your beer.

Country John

Blue Nose
05-15-07, 03:14
Delicious isn't a new bar, but it has been completely remodeled recently, so it was closed for several months. I liked it more before, when it was a dive bar.
It's funny - I had walked by that place a million times and never even noticed it or thought to go in until they put the new sign and the aggressive hawkers out front. Lesson learned here - aggressive marketing tactics really do work. At any rate, sounds like they have cleaned it up a bit inside but like many of you guys, I enjoy a taste of the old zone - the really dumpy bar with girls of mainly 5-6 quality with the occaisonal gem thrown in. If you like semi pros, these places are the only game in town. They have got character!

Blue Nose

05-21-07, 21:32
Is there anywhere within 1-2 blocks that is safe to walk to purchase Cialis/Viagra in the Zona. I typically purchase a pill right as I cross the border and go right by the McDonalds. However I never want to have any pills on me so I consume what I buy in the pharmacy. I have on occassion wanted to purchase a 2nd pill for a long day of action. I one time saw them selling something like that in the HK bar but didn't look further.

I know there is a pharmacy on the street 1. 5 blocks after you leave AB, exit right, and then right at taco stand. I am not sure how late it is open or how high quality it is. Also there isn't any privacy there as there is no door to enter. The pharmacy by the border is very discrete (just in case). Also I don't know what hours the various pharmacies are open. Worst case I would just take a cab back and purchase and then cab back to the Zona if I was really horny I guess. I only want to buy name brand products in packaging just to be safe as money isn't a major issue.

05-21-07, 21:34
I have been to the Zona about 10 times in the last 3 years. I have mostly spent my time in CC/AA and a little of the HK club for fun. I have read several posts talking about picking up a chica from other clubs (La Tropa, Bar tropical, and others). Any specific good clubs would be appreciated. Also directions (like left, right) as I can never remember the streets and names.

Anyone know of a web site that has names of streets and all of the TJ clubs on it? That would be cool.

Country John
05-22-07, 16:00
I have been to the Zona about 10 times in the last 3 years. I have mostly spent my time in CC/AA and a little of the HK club for fun. I have read several posts talking about picking up a chica from other clubs (La Tropa, Bar tropical, and others). Any specific good clubs would be appreciated. Also directions (like left, right) as I can never remember the streets and names.

Anyone know of a web site that has names of streets and all of the TJ clubs on it? That would be cool.

When you exit Adelitas, cross the street. There you'll find Mermaids and further (to your left as you stand outside AB) is Bar Tropical. La Tropa would be one block to your right as you exit AB. Purple Rain is all the way to the end of the block (to the right), cross constitution, then to the end of that block (revolution) then turn left; you can't miss it.

The key to buying Viagra is to take it in the store, not on the street. You should have no trouble finding a farmacia anytime, just don't carry it around with you.

Be safe and be nice
Country John

Dave #2
05-22-07, 17:32
Do you recommend any of the escort services that are available in Tijuana?

I do like the idea of having a full hour with a chica in a decent hotel. Price seems a bit high but might be worth it if it is conveniant and if the chica is hot.

Thanks for any input - Dave.

Pipe Layer99
05-22-07, 20:44
I have been to the Zona about 10 times in the last 3 years. I have mostly spent my time in CC/AA and a little of the HK club for fun. I have read several posts talking about picking up a chica from other clubs (La Tropa, Bar tropical, and others). Any specific good clubs would be appreciated. Also directions (like left, right) as I can never remember the streets and names.

Anyone know of a web site that has names of streets and all of the TJ clubs on it? That would be cool.

There is a map on this thread with a lot of bars, restaurants, and street girls locations on it. I saw it awhile back and printed it out.
Just go through the guide and look for it.


Pipe Layer99
05-22-07, 21:04
Anyone know of a web site that has names of streets and all of the TJ clubs on it? That would be cool.

Mission complete -
Netman look in the TJ photo thread #244

05-22-07, 22:13
Country John[/QUOTE]The key to buying Viagra is to take it in the store, not on the street. You should have no trouble finding a farmacia anytime, just don't carry it around with you.

Be safe and be nice,

Country John[/QUOTE]CJ,

Since you are definitely the resident Zona expert I wonder if you could tell me specifically where to buy Viagra in the Zona without walking to an unsafe neighborhood. I am not sure which of the Farmacias are open 24x7 and if you can walk to them safely at night. Any help greatly appreciated.

05-23-07, 01:52
After finishing my business in Ensenada, my friend and I headed back to the border only to find ourselves in a 3 hour Sunday night parking lot. I glance to my left and see a HUGE line of people. Wondering what they were doing, my friend tells me they're trying to cross through by foot.

We were going to park on the US side and then re-enter but took a pass when we saw literally hundreds of people waiting to get through on the other side. Is this common? I remember only having to wait 10 minutes max back in the day. Looks like it would take an hour or more by foot plus it was real dark with a bunch of locals hanging around.

Is there a faster way in and out?

Country John
05-24-07, 03:53

Since you are definitely the resident Zona expert I wonder if you could tell me specifically where to buy Viagra in the Zona without walking to an unsafe neighborhood. I am not sure which of the Farmacias are open 24x7 and if you can walk to them safely at night. Any help greatly appreciated.

Netman, thanks for the compliment but I am certain there are members who know a lot mroe than me but since you asked, there is no such thing as "safely" walking around or outside the Zona at night. In fact, I would advise you to not do that.

Here's what you do: hail a taxi libre and tell the driver that you have $5.00 for a ride to a farmacia close by and return after effectuating your purchase. Chances are you'll go a few blocks, and then return but you'll be MUCH safer than if you walk, both from the cops and the thugs. Get to the farmacia, do the thing and then get back.

Now if you absolutely insist of taking a walk, then wallk up the hill (on constitution) and the farmacias are there and they're usually open late. Don't expect any "deals" from them however, and know that the cops are watching the place. Take the V pill inside before you leave the store. If I were you wing man for a night, that's how I'd handle it.

Be Safe and Be Nice
Country John

05-24-07, 05:44
Since you are definitely the resident Zona expert I wonder if you could tell me specifically where to buy Viagra in the Zona without walking to an unsafe neighborhood. I am not sure which of the Farmacias are open 24x7 and if you can walk to them safely at night. Any help greatly appreciated.

What time of night were you planning on walking?

05-26-07, 06:58
I'm heading down to TJ in June and thinking about staying overnight in TJ. I remember there were a couple of posts mentioning good hotels, but I can’t find them.

I’ll be down there mid-week. I’m not looking for anything fancy, just clean, safe and comfortable. Oh, and not too pricey.

I don’t particularly care to stay in the Zona. Anybody with some experience staying at a local hotels in TJ?

Lulu Pussy
05-26-07, 17:08
After a very nice time in the Zona, took a cab back to the border. As a was walking up, two cops stopped me for a "routine inspection" The female one when through my pockets while the male asked me what I was doing down there, where I live, did I have sex with girls at the titty bar, etc.

Had a couple hundred left in my pockets, the female cop apparently helped herself to $80. No sense in arguing about it, it's not like they;re going to give it back. Certainly worth the fee NOT to spend the night in a TJ jail.

Word to the much wiser than me. Put your money in your sock before crossing and leave only $10 or so in your pockets.

Toad Tamer
05-27-07, 19:11
Thanks for the tip LuLu!!

Country John
05-27-07, 19:48
After a very nice time in the Zona, took a cab back to the border. As a was walking up, two cops stopped me for a "routine inspection" The female one when through my pockets while the male asked me what I was doing down there, where I live, did I have sex with girls at the titty bar, etc.

Had a couple hundred left in my pockets, the female cop apparently helped herself to $80. No sense in arguing about it, it's not like they;re going to give it back. Certainly worth the fee NOT to spend the night in a TJ jail.

Word to the much wiser than me. Put your money in your sock before crossing and leave only $10 or so in your pockets.

This is not good. They're back to full strength by the looks of things.

You need to have your money IN YOUR HAND when you step out of the cab. Don't keep it in your pocket. Did you get the name of the officer by chance?

You guys need to step it up a bit, stop "letting" this happen. Stop making it sooo easy. If you have the money in your hand you can count it in front of them when they ask you to show it to them.

I agree it's terrible. Really terrible.

Country John

05-27-07, 20:52
Yep theyre everywhere, am latino so they dont bother me, but word of caution, just take enough cash for your purpose and leave just enough for when they frisk you you have some on you, otherwise they will get mad.

I always leave my wallet in the car or at home and just take enough for drinks, cab fare to and from the zona, food and ofcourse for 1 or two sessions with the senoritas, I bring back in my pocket about $20 to $25 If am asked for a "voluntary donation" to keep the streets safe.

Baldy Cruiser
05-28-07, 01:48
This is not good. They're back to full strength by the looks of things.

You need to have your money IN YOUR HAND when you step out of the cab. Don't keep it in your pocket. Did you get the name of the officer by chance?

You guys need to step it up a bit, stop "letting" this happen. Stop making it sooo easy. If you have the money in your hand you can count it in front of them when they ask you to show it to them.

I agree it's terrible. Really terrible.

Country JohnCountry John,

I love your reports. Reading up on this forum the week before I make my bi-annual trek to TJ is a major help. You are a wealth of information. You are a lucky man! You're girlfriend sounds awesome.


05-28-07, 07:52
After a very nice time in the Zona, took a cab back to the border. As a was walking up, two cops stopped me for a "routine inspection" The female one when through my pockets while the male asked me what I was doing down there, where I live, did I have sex with girls at the titty bar, etc.

Had a couple hundred left in my pockets, the female cop apparently helped herself to $80. No sense in arguing about it, it's not like they;re going to give it back. Certainly worth the fee NOT to spend the night in a TJ jail.

Word to the much wiser than me. Put your money in your sock before crossing and leave only $10 or so in your pockets.This is their MO. The gal takes your wallet while they have your hands up for a search, the older guy does all the talking and she takes some but not all your money. They got me for a clean $100 dollar bill.

However, when I protested I inflated the amount. I said it was $200, and I made sure all the other cops there heard me (about 5 of then). That way they would be expecting more from her, I’m sure they all split the take. Anything to make their lives, and trust for each other, more difficult is fine by me.

I learned my lesson. Try not to have any money left over and if you do stash it well.

05-28-07, 08:19
This is not good. They're back to full strength by the looks of things.

You need to have your money IN YOUR HAND when you step out of the cab. Don't keep it in your pocket. Did you get the name of the officer by chance?

You guys need to step it up a bit, stop "letting" this happen. Stop making it sooo easy. If you have the money in your hand you can count it in front of them when they ask you to show it to them.

I agree it's terrible. Really terrible.

Country JohnThe last time I got frisked walking back I had put it in my hands. They we're trying to tell me to put my hands on the wall, but I said not until I get my 85 dollars in my hand. They didn't even look at my money in my hands against the wall, but they throughly searched me hoping to find something to get my money from me. Also by knowing how much you've got and saying it out loud really upsets them because they know it'll be harder to get. I've lost too much from them in the past to ever give them anything easy. TJ use to be fun, but I stopped going as often because of the polica problems. I also use to spend lots of money and bring friends, but now it's strait to AB by myself. It's too bad because more money would be spent in the community if this polica problem wasn't so well known.

05-28-07, 08:48
You may not see me post much, but I am a monger for many years I personally like to drive over and stay at hotel of my choice the best advice which works for me, is before I leave I put the cash in my trunk under the trunk covers, this has worked since the early 70's. CJ is a little more current then I so take it where it comes from

Good luck to all.

Zona Monger
05-28-07, 17:46
two sat nights ago, 2am. seven cops at the sentri drop off, all huddled in the darkness under the bridge. i got out of the cab and headed way over to the right. i thought i made it through, nope. two peeled out right towards me. the usual occured. (1) my money went into my hand. (2) cdl out and ready. (3) usual dumbass questions from cops. just visiting friends, two beers only, unemployed. the cops search me. i told them not to leave anything in my pockets. he told me he was a professional and did not do that (lol). on my way with no ripoffs.

the professional policia seem to be back to full potential. probably with the blessing of the new mayor.

Country John
05-28-07, 23:02
Country John,

I love your reports. Reading up on this forum the week before I make my bi-annual trek to TJ is a major help. You are a wealth of information. You are a lucky man! You're girlfriend sounds awesome.


Thanks. I try to keep everyone as informed as possible.

Coming to TJ is an "experience" that sometimes becomes a "way of life" for many guys old and young. It's easy to get caught up in the allure of the latina too. I was married to one for 15 years and I'm two years into another relationship.

Guys like One Wing Low are very correct too, at the end of the day it might not be difficult to get laid State-side for less than the total tab in TJ. Guys going to TJ anjoy a certain anonymity and a whole new set of rules. Sex with young latinas is possible here without the fear of reprisal where State-side, sex for money can cost you the farm -literally.

There is also an "edge" to TJ that adds to the package. The problem is that there are rules in TJ that are easy to break and when you get caught it can be dramatic. Take police action for example, if you make a mistake and are caught the consequences usually involve money.

There is a lot of information here and it should be digested. A lot of guys posted a lot of experience.

Country John

05-29-07, 01:52
Yep theyre everywhere, am latino so they dont bother me, but word of caution, just take enough cash for your purpose and leave just enough for when they frisk you you have some on you, otherwise they will get mad.

I always leave my wallet in the car or at home and just take enough for drinks, cab fare to and from the zona, food and ofcourse for 1 or two sessions with the senoritas, I bring back in my pocket about $20 to $25 If am asked for a "voluntary donation" to keep the streets safe.

I find your post contradictory. On the one hand you say the police don't bother you and at the same time you say you carry 20 to 25 for the voluntary donation so they won't get mad.

Pipe Layer99
05-29-07, 02:27
I find your post contradictory. On the one hand you say the police don't bother you and at the same time you say you carry 20 to 25 for the voluntary donation so they won't get mad.

Xxnegrito was not really contradicting his self. He wrote he has an extra $25 'in case' he is asked for a donation.

05-30-07, 00:19
I'm heading down to TJ in June and thinking about staying ove

I don’t particularly care to stay in the Zona. Anybody with some experience staying at a local hotels in TJ?Hotel Villa de Zaragosa is nice, chica friendly and not too pricey ($50-70). 7th and Madero behind the Jai Alai Fronton (a mile from la zona). In Plaza Rio area try Hotel Lucerna ($90-100). Excellent restaurants, ambiance, security and clientele (mostly business folks). If you take a chica there for dinner and order the tableside Caesar salad, you will get on her gold star list.

Mofo Monger
05-31-07, 06:32
Planning to hit TJ on Friday nite.

Any mongers care to join me?

05-31-07, 06:53
Going to TJ takes a lot of time driving, crossing border, taxiing, walking then walking back, waiting in line in US immigration...In average it costs me 6 hours minimum to go then come back.

Besides the cost in time, when you add up the gas, parking, taxi, girls, hotel, drinks etc... you are spending at least about $120 -$150 per trip for one pop.

I went to CL and found a few nice girls who do quickie for $100. The last one was a petite blonde, 5', 100 Lbs, with an tight, hard, almost perfect body with nice round boobs and a pretty face. She is nice and sweet as hell too. She works out of a hotel near Disneyland. She's one of three girls who work there.

There is some risks of getting entrapped by LE with CL ads. So we need to trade among ourselves phone numbers of real working girls, especially the nice, pretty one. Anyone wanting to trade, PM me. I am into Asians, small white girls or Latina.Yes it can be more cost effective, but that's why it's best to "pop" more than one. I use to go to the "alley" right away. Then stop by the pharmacy before having some tacos and beer. Then to AB for a more fun and if with friends more food, another trip to the pharmacy and back to AB. I haven't done that since being hassled over a year and a half ago when me and my friend lost $500 to the polica. We usually would spend all day wandering around and buying things at the shops. Now it's get in get out and then come back later if you feel like it. To each their own, but the risks of LE are enough to drive me to marriage. (LOL) Just kidding.

06-01-07, 08:37
Planning to hit TJ on Friday nite.

Any mongers care to join me?Am game if you drive, we can meet up somewhere.

Country John
06-02-07, 19:52
You guys need to be careful with the drugs and booze. Viagra is powerfull medicine and taken in combination with other stuff could be deadly.

A well known monger has his face on the TJ Morgue website because he was reckless (at least this is is what I think killed him) as he died in the Zona Norte, and was extracated from one of the hotels there. He was a young guy too.

Think about your body and your health, think about your family and those who would be affected by your death if something should happen to you in the Zona.

Be careful, please.

Be safe and be Nice
Country John

06-02-07, 22:38
I am going to be in San Diego and my only free day is Sunday. How is the action in TJ on Sunday. Is it worth going to CC or AB? Thanks in advance guys.


Jay Love
06-03-07, 04:39
I am going to be in San Diego and my only free day is Sunday. How is the action in TJ on Sunday. Is it worth going to CC or AB? Thanks in advance guys.

JayI've been going to TJ on Sundays evenings/nights for the past couple of months. In fact, I went hog wild a couple of weeks ago on a Sunday night. Mainly because I work mon through sat; but AB starts getting busy and packed around 10p or so; and CC is relatively sparse the whole night/fewer girls than AB. There are still a lot of hot girls working sundays though; and I usually see one or two of my favorites at both places. I prefer the "slowness" of Sundays; you can get better, unrushed service as well. You won't have a million guys to compete with. The only drawback is that some of the girls could be tired from a busy weekend (Fri & Sat). I think you'll see something you like on Sundays at either AB or CC, and perhaps the alley as well.


06-05-07, 03:45
Going to TJ Friday June 8. Leaving LA about 6PM, returning about mid night. Meet up at a location along Freeway 5.

Let's go in force to split costs, have mor fun with your bros, and so we wont be harassed by the stupid policia.

Sign up here.Like I responded last week, am game, just let me know how to contact you.

06-06-07, 20:19
Does anyone know how much a cab would cost to go Zona Norte to the Otay Mesa border crossing? How would you ask in espanol to go to there? Yo quiero ir otay mesa? Can one cross at that location by foot at all hours?

06-07-07, 06:56
So besides the Zona Norte area, what else is there to see and do in TJ besides the annoying little stores that all sell the same crap?

I go there and walk on Revolucion st and some other close by streets but there really doesn't seem to be much to do at tj. Plus it gets tiring walking so much. I need something to help kill time between pops. Also note that I'm not there with a car. Prefferably something that doesn't cost money or at least not much money.

I've tried just spending time in the bar but I get annoyed with all the smoking, and loud music which gives me a headache. Plus I don't like having to turn girls down while I'm waiting, I figure they'll end up taking it personally. Plus I've had some that I turn down, go sit opposite side of the table basically just cockblocking me from any other chicas.

So any suggestions on stuff to do or cool places to go and kill time?

06-07-07, 13:06
Does anyone know how much a cab would cost to go Zona Norte to the Otay Mesa border crossing? How would you ask in espanol to go to there? Yo quiero ir otay mesa? Can one cross at that location by foot at all hours?

Very good Able. Actually it would be: Yo quiero ir a Otay Mesa. [ a (spanish)=to (english) ]

Alternatively: Otay Mesa por favor. (Would certainly work)

Alternatively: Otay Mesa. (Simplest and would certainly also work)

No idea what cab fare would be.

Country John
06-07-07, 17:18
Does anyone know how much a cab would cost to go Zona Norte to the Otay Mesa border crossing? How would you ask in espanol to go to there? Yo quiero ir otay mesa? Can one cross at that location by foot at all hours?

I think you should be able to get there for $100 pesos if you waive it under the cabbies nose... It's probably a 20 minute drive from El Centro, don't go during rush hour however or it will add significantly to the travel time and the cost.

Country John

06-07-07, 17:34
ablegrey, i have never taken a taxi to otay but i can confirm this place is a mess, you will as other places have to walk past all the people selling thier wares, the traffic is terrible, and the smell is terrible, i have only crossed with my car and that is pretty dangerous, the people seem to be complete idiots trying to jockey for a non existing position.

if you try leaving by car on the last bridge you will have difficult time getting onto the road, people just do not want to let you in. as cj has said leave non peek hours i do know there is a lane for the taxis, but i do not know where they drop you off. from the zona i would imagine it to be between 5 to 10 dollars, plus tip.

good luck

Country John
06-07-07, 21:03
ablegrey, i have never taken a taxi to otay but i can confirm this place is a mess, you will as other places have to walk past all the people selling thier wares, the traffic is terrible, and the smell is terrible, i have only crossed with my car and that is pretty dangerous, the people seem to be complete idiots trying to jockey for a non existing position.

if you try leaving by car on the last bridge you will have difficult time getting onto the road, people just do not want to let you in. as cj has said leave non peek hours i do know there is a lane for the taxis, but i do not know where they drop you off. from the zona i would imagine it to be between 5 to 10 dollars, plus tip.

good luck

i agree. one interesting thing about otay is the "money converter" guys that are in lanes ready to convert your pesos back to dollars. i wonder why they don;t do that at san ysidro? one obvious answer of course is robbers, but it seems to be working at otay.

06-08-07, 00:19
Thanks for the info.

I may go that way some time.

Cerveza Mas
06-08-07, 06:29
El Jefe Jackson has an excellent Club and Boliches list over in the Argentina/Buenos Ares thread. I'd like to propose that we create a similar list for Tijuana. I'm willing to create and maintain the list - truth is I'll probably end up making the list for myself as my own research - but I'm not sure if there's enough interest here for it to be published. Let me know if you're interested. If there's an overwhelming response (or even a small response backed up by subscription support for the forum) then I'll start assembly. Here's a general idea of what I'm thinking:

Club, Hotels, Restaurants List


Adelita Bar

Las Chavelas

La Valentina


Hong Kong

Rio Rosas

La Tropical



Chicago Club




La Perla


Have a great weekend all


06-08-07, 09:44
So besides the Zona Norte area, what else is there to see and do in TJ besides the annoying little stores that all sell the same crap?

I go there and walk on Revolucion st and some other close by streets but there really doesn't seem to be much to do at tj. Plus it gets tiring walking so much. I need something to help kill time between pops. Also note that I'm not there with a car. Prefferably something that doesn't cost money or at least not much money.

I've tried just spending time in the bar but I get annoyed with all the smoking, and loud music which gives me a headache. Plus I don't like having to turn girls down while I'm waiting, I figure they'll end up taking it personally. Plus I've had some that I turn down, go sit opposite side of the table basically just cockblocking me from any other chicas.

So any suggestions on stuff to do or cool places to go and kill time?One place I have found is Viva Mex Massage. This is a legit massage/health spa, no happy endings here and don't bother to ask. The place is clean and the girls are pleasant. They give a true, deep tissue, full body massage. For me, it is so good that I work out a bit harder right before I go on a mongering trip; just so I'm a bit sore and enjoy the massage that much more. They do a great deep tissue foot massage that has brought me tears of joy.

I go in the afternoon before the evening adventures, but I have read on this forum that others that use it as a relaxing resting stop between mongering sorties. Just google, Viva Mex Tijuana and you'll get their website.

There are other bars besides those in Zona Norte. Check them out.

06-08-07, 11:09
Damn good idea

Best Taco Stand: corner Nino hero and Coihuila

Best legit massage: VivsaMex

06-09-07, 09:42
I have mongered in Mexicali, Nogales, and Algodones many times but am making my first trip to Tijuana in early July. I plan on staying 2 or 3 days. I have read the forum and found that hotels "Hacienda de Santiego" and "Nelson" are close and chica friendly. I have two questions. First do these hotels have secure parking? I have driven in Mexicali alot and am not afraid to drive. I would like to enter Mexico from Mexicali and drive to Tijuana. I would rather drive if there is secure parking as I don't want to cross the border every day to check on my car at the border parking lot. Secondly if I do decide to leave my car across the border and stay at one of these motels, how much of a hassle is it to carry a back pack with clothes and other hygiene items? Do the policia hassel you much and going back how much does customs hassel you if you have a back pack?



06-09-07, 19:28
Question: Why do people say not to carry Viagra with you and you take it before you leave the pharmacy? Is carrying it illegal? Also, is it a bad idea to bring your own condoms with you and carry them on you?


06-09-07, 19:37
Hi, all.

I'm a long-time lurker to a couple of these boards, primarily the TJ and Burma ones. I finally broke down and registered just to "give back" a little. These boards are a wealth of information, and have proved useful on a number of occasions when planning trips, etc.

My experience, over the last 6 or 7 years, has been primarily in SEA, with a little Central America thrown in. I got interested in TJ a couple of years ago and started digging through this board. Brockton's guide was very helpful, although a bit dated at the time. A study of all the contributions here made my first time a good experience, indeed. But that's ancient history.

This post is really to thank all the contributors here, especially Country John. Keep up the good work!

I had a very nice trip last Saturday, but have been too busy to post. I'll fix that problem now. I decided to visit a few venues that I'd never seen. The first portion will be posted in this thread, as none of the other threads really apply to those places. The last part will be under the Chicago Club thread (where I've always had great experiences).

Thanks again.


06-09-07, 20:46
finally got a chance to go to tj last saturday. i hadn't been since near the end of baseball season last year. too busy, too many other places to go!

i called my "regular" (and i use the term loosely, as i don't go too often) but she, apparently, was visiting family in chiapas. (actually, she was, as she called on monday and said so). so, i opted to save a few bucks and not go for a tln. turned out to be something of a mistake, but hey.

got tied up with some work on one of my project cars, got a late start and didn't get down to the border until almost 8:00. parked at the ueta lot, aka the san ysidro public urinal! was a lot more paranoid than usual, thanks to all the policia warnings posted on this board. so, opted for a taxi instead of walking. had him drop me at sanborn's near 2nd, i think. i didn't realize there were two!

i'd read some earlier posts about mexico lindo, so, having never been, figured i'd poke my head in and take a look. wandered up la revu to 7th, turned right, and there it was. didn't look too impressive, three viejos were hanging out in front of the door. oh, well, gotta take one for the team. so, in the door.

it's a small, dark place with a u-shaped bar in the middle of the room. the girls tend to hang out in the corner on the right as you enter. there are a few tables rep001tered around the room's periphery. there was a large room off the the left that looked long-unused. typical men's room with the attendant scrounging tips.

gordo viejo was sitting at the corner of the bar nearest the door, three chicas huddled in the corner just past him. so, i perched on a bar stool on the opposite side of the bar. beers are a little pricey, considering the location, at $3.50 each. this is about 8:30 on saturday and there were 2 customers, me and gordo. this does not bode well. i check out the chicas, but it's kinda dark and my eyes aren't what they used to me. they don't look too impressive.

mid-way through the first beer one of the chicas comes over and sits two stools down. i just kinda "ignore" her to see what happens. eventually she says "hola" and i say the same. this is a kind of game i like to play sometimes, when i don't really care if i talk to the girl or not. i like to see how far she'll go to break the ice, etc. a few minutes later she says something else and i "give in" and start to chat her up.

she's magdalena from chiapas. probably about 5' 6" maybe a bit more. reasonably attractive, but no knockout. somewhat short, light brown hair. smokes like a chimney. very little english, but i can speak sufficient spanish to carry on a basic conversation. wound up buying her 3 drinks (at $7.50 a pop!), another couple of beers for me, and schmoozing for a couple of hours. she's only worked in this bar for about a month (where have i heard that before?) but her reason was that, prior to that, she was pregnant with her third kid. that pretty much killed any stray notions of sampling this girl's wares.

during the conversation i had her tell me the names of the other girls. there were only 5, including her, so it wasn't a lengthy list. one was the fabled lorena. she'd come in about 30 minutes after i'd begun speaking to m. i would've liked to chat with her for a few minutes, but she either came in with the guy who was next to her, or he came in immediately after her and glommed onto her. she looked to me about a 7, dressed conservatively, seemed "nice" from her body language. probably the nicest looking chica in the room, but that's a big fish in a very small pond.

one topic that came up was the lack of clientele. m said the place was always tranquilo, but that business had been adversely affected by the policia. apparently, word of the shakedowns is spreading and a lot fewer people are visiting. (way to go, guys! kill that golden goose!) she asked if i'd had any trouble, but i hadn't, except one time on the bridge. she expressed concern that i would even consider walking across the bridge. so, it's taxis for me from now on.

while yakking it up, a drunk american wandered in with a young, rather large hispanic lady. he began, very loudly, letting everyone in the bar know that it was his daughter. weird. then, after ordering drinks, every time the chubby bartender would come over he would thrust his hand down her blouse and make loud comments. the girls are rolling their eyes, the poor bartener looks really embarassed, and i can't believe the tolerance most mexicans have for gringos borrachos.

oh, well, after a bit magdelena starts making very subtle hints about me having a lady, etc., etc. we never got around to discussing money, as i really wasn't interested. then, a male friend of hers came in, she gulped down the rest of her drink, gave me a peck and hopped over to his table. they were gone within 10 minutes. better him than me... so, finished my beer, finished listening to my songs on the jukebox and headed out. it was around 11:00pm.

so, after investing a couple of hours and around $40 (drinks, tips, jukebox) i now knew what i'd come to find out. mexico lindo is now a quiet little "neighborhood" bar. there was never more than about 14 people at the peak of business, including the bartender, bathroom attendant, wandering guitar player and the working ladies. it's a good place to grab a quiet drink, i suppose, but not as good for that as the bar in the hotel nelson. there were no girls there that i would even consider paying $100/hour, assuming that's still the going rate.

i'll cut this short here, and resume with another post. sorry for the length.


editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Blue Nose
06-09-07, 21:49
Question: Why do people say not to carry Viagra with you and you take it before you leave the pharmacy? Is carrying it illegal? Also, is it a bad idea to bring your own condoms with you and carry them on you?

Well, it is technically illegal to purchase or carry Viagara/Cialis/Levitra etc. without a doctor's prescription. However, at virtually any farmacia in Mexico, one can buy virtually any drug (with the exception of some controlled substances) without a script from a doctor, and the law is really only enforced for Americanos who come to Mexico to load up on cheaper medication. Basically, it is simply an excuse for the Mexican policia to extort money from you. The reason most posters here advise you to take the Viagara as soon as you leave the farmacis is so that, in case you are stopped, the cops will have one less excuse to take your money.

In general, I advise people to bring their own condoms (purchased in the US) with them, just because I believe that our own medical regulatory system (which has its own faults) is better than that of Mexico's. In Mexico, it is very common practice to bribe public officials so that they will "look the other way" while laws and rules are flouted. There was a case a number of years ago where contaminated milk was sold and a lot of people, kids mainly, died from it. Turns out that the company bribed local health inspectors and sold the milk knowing that it was bad. While I think for the most part the condoms they have in Mexico are fine, I generally like to control the situation by bringing my own. That way I can guarantee that it has been stored properly and not past its expiration date etc.

With the exception of one individual on this forum who was fined for "prostitution" by having condoms on his person (a trumped up, BS charge if ever there was one), I have not heard of any problems with guys carrying condoms around. I have even been stopped and searched by the police while carrying condoms and they just had a good laugh about it and gave them back. The cops know why you are there, that's for sure!

Blue Nose

Blue Nose
06-09-07, 22:08
I have mongered in Mexicali, Nogales, and Algodones many times but am making my first trip to Tijuana in early July. I plan on staying 2 or 3 days. I have read the forum and found that hotels "Hacienda de Santiego" and "Nelson" are close and chica friendly. I have two questions. First do these hotels have secure parking? I have driven in Mexicali alot and am not afraid to drive. I would like to enter Mexico from Mexicali and drive to Tijuana. I would rather drive if there is secure parking as I don't want to cross the border every day to check on my car at the border parking lot. Secondly if I do decide to leave my car across the border and stay at one of these motels, how much of a hassle is it to carry a back pack with clothes and other hygiene items? Do the policia hassle you much and going back how much does customs hassel you if you have a back pack?


You are right about Hacienda de Santiago and Nelson both being chica friendly and close to the zone. While HDS has its own parking garage, Nelson does not. However, you can simply drive into the zone, turn towards Chicago Club and park in the Hotel Leyva parking lot, right next to CC. This is a guarded parking garage, and I have never had any problems there. There is also another pay lot across the street from the Leyva parking lot.

Personally, I prefer to park in San Ysidro and walk into TJ. Going south with a small backpack will not even get you a second glance from the bored Mexican customs guy. If you take a huge suitcase, they make you push a button which, if a light flashes red, means your stuff will be inspected. Most people just walk right past it and on the rare occaison when I have seen somebody press it, it usually comes up green (they have these at all Mexican border crossings, and I believe they are random).

No problem walking back with a small bag either. The customs guys sometimes ask you what you bought in Mexico, but that's about it. Just keep in mind though that after you pass immigration, your bag will go through a large X-ray machine on the way out of the building. You have to do it, or they will yell at you and make you stop. They are looking for drugs etc., so just be careful what you pack. If it's just a bag with personal effects, they really couldn't care less.

Bluse Nose

06-11-07, 02:49
out of mexico lindo, walked a couple of blocks down la revu to clear my head and get a breath of fresher air. rats! forgot to [CodeWord134] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord134).

grabbed a taxi libre and asked to go to adelita's. interesting note, driver had just left the meter running for who knows how long, never turning it off. not really sure how this might benefit him.

had him stop across the street, as i had no intentions of going to ab. i decided to check out tropical bar, as i'd read quite a bit about it on this forum. with bladder bursting i hot-footed it inside.

there's a bar along the back wall, a raised dance floor off to the right of the entrance, tables all around the dance floor and stools along the bar. squeezed through a pack of vaqueros borrachos in the men's room, squeezed back out again, and looked around.

this might be an interesting place to pick up a "less experienced" chica, on other days or hours, but tonight, saturday at around 11:00, it was packed with locals. i would've liked to had the cowboy hat concession! every seat was taken, lots of others milling around. four or five couples dancing. music at full volume.

now i like to dance and enjoy it. spent oodles of $$ with arthur murray years ago. been to loads of honky-tonks when i lived in the mid-west. have seen the inside of almost every disco between yangon and phnom penh. but i've never really gotten the hang of the sort of "hippity-hop" style preferred by a lot of the mexicans. so, dancing doesn't look like an option. it's difficult to carry on a conversaion in a foreign language when you can't hear, so chatting up a young thing doesn't look likely. and, while i like almost all kinds of music, some is better than others. i rank ear-splitting ranchera and nortena just below cambodian karaoke. so, strike three. time to move on.

out the door, turn right, go to the corner. decided to check out club pollo across the street.

the club is a strip club, nice atmosphere, new carpeting, fairly clean. the waiter shows me to a booth and won't stop bowing and scraping. nice guy, but give it a rest! it's kinda long, booths along the left side as you enter, a stage on the right, tables around the stage and down the length of the room. bar and banos in the back. beer is $2.50.

sit, get cerveza, watch. format is girl dances one song, takes a quick break, dances a second where most of the clothes come off. first problem is that there is a severe girl shortage. the place is about 1/3 full, with everybody sitting in booths. figure 10 or 15 customers. girls are sitting with them, and there are almost no girls "available." they were all fairly attractive and the ones i saw were pretty good dancers, too. but the lack of chicas made the place seem pretty dead. one would have to drag her ass out of her booth and away from her customer, dance her set, then go back to her customer. then a few dead minutes while the process is repeated.

i don't have a problem with the latin style of having the chicas hang around and force you to go up and do the choosing, but that wasn't happening here. the three "available" ladies were all clumped together in the corner booth, like so many finches. and i have never had good luck having a waiter or mama-san pick a girl for me. such experiences have always been duds. so, finish the beer and move on.

as i had to walk past on my way to cc, i figured i'd look into mermaid's and see what all the excitement was.

again, on a quiter night this may be interesting, but tonight, now around 11:15, it wasn't. it's a small place, with a small stage in the middle of the room, tables around it, a sofa in the back. several stools around the entrance and at the small bar, which is on the left as you enter. girls are dressed in the cutesy "catholic schoolgirl" motif, with tiny plaid skirts, knee socks, white blouses, etc. beers at $3.00, i think.

this place seemed to be suffering from management problems. there were sufficient ladies, but they were never around. upon entering and grabbing a seat, the waiter wanted to know if i wanted to have a girl come sit with me. he pointed to the only female in the place, a rather large lady in street clothes, sitting at the bar. in fact, he pointed out that she was large. i declined and said i really didn't care for large ladies. :-) after a bit, a bunch of the girls came in off the street, one rushed onto the stage and did her dance routine. very good, and she knew her way around a chrome pole. next thing i know she's finished and gone. then all the others vanish, too. weird. several minutes pass, customers come in, see nothing and leave. others sit down, see nothing and leave. eventually, the girls show up again and perch on the stools by the door. one dances (very well, i might add). finish beer, half an hour wasted, time to relocate. now it seems to me the point of a bar is to attract customers and sell drinks. having your attractions, i.e. the ladies, wandering in and out all night, during prime business hours, while customers are entering, turning around and leaving, seems a poor way to run a bar.

it's getting late, i've learned a lot about where not to go on a saturday, it's time to get serious. off to chicago club.

i'll finish in the chicago club thread.


editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Country John
06-11-07, 18:02
Great trip report. Pollo is a rip off joint and they've been struggling for the past few years. They used to have a jumping club but the maseros got dirty and the girls got careless, no customer service etc. Save your money on this place.

Country John

06-12-07, 13:26
Nice trip report, pollo bar for as long as I can remember, has had nice looking gals and great dancers, but very limited on the gals, not enough always be careful there, bartenders would get $100 bill or twenty and change was never right, since this place is away from the main attractions be careful as far as causing any problems when you do not get the right change. Could be very unhealthy for you.

It is an interesting place pop your head in maybe you might get a better night, if not walk on by.

Happy hunting

06-13-07, 07:59
Great trip report. Pollo is a rip off joint and they've been struggling for the past few years. They used to have a jumping club but the maseros got dirty and the girls got careless, no customer service etc. Save your money on this place.

Country JohnSay, monguru de tutti monguri, what's your 2 yen on this New York Bar? A friend and I are going to TJ Thursday night (2 nights of mongering, then a cab down to Rosarito for some beaching/fishing/whatever, then back on Sunday for more mongering).

So far, I've been into AB, HK, CC, Tropical, but only booked parties at AB and the alley.

Would like to try some other places, and this New York place sounds okay from the board so far. Any particular warnings, or endorsements * ?

(The State *****mongering Bar of Nevada does not certify any *****monger as a specialist. Statements made by these horndogs have not been evaluated by the FDA for safety or efficacy, but Country John seems to genuinely know his shit.)

Country John
06-14-07, 16:36
Say, monguru de tutti monguri, what's your 2 yen on this New York Bar? A friend and I are going to TJ Thursday night (2 nights of mongering, then a cab down to Rosarito for some beaching/fishing/whatever, then back on Sunday for more mongering).

So far, I've been into AB, HK, CC, Tropical, but only booked parties at AB and the alley.

Would like to try some other places, and this New York place sounds okay from the board so far. Any particular warnings, or endorsements * ?

(The State *****mongering Bar of Nevada does not certify any *****monger as a specialist. Statements made by these horndogs have not been evaluated by the FDA for safety or efficacy, but Country John seems to genuinely know his shit.)

No experience in New York bar, it's new and I need to check it out. You can trust One Wing Low's report however and I would go there based on his report.

You need to keep your head straight in all bars however as any waiter or girl might try to take advantage of an opportunity to become unjustly enriched. Having said that, you can session the girls then pop up to Revolution, maybe hit El toritos for some relaxation, dancing and cervesas. When you re-charge you can hit the zona again.

Pollo is a rip-off bar using all of the rip off tactics they can dream up. From short changing to over-charging to bringing shit to the table that you didn't order. They short time you on the girls who also try to rip you. Not the kind of experience you are looking for. I'd stay away from the place.

Does the State *****mongering Bar Of Nevada at least recognize one with in excess of ten years experience as an "expert?"

You and your wingmen be safe down there OK? Have a good time but keep your wits about you.

Be safe and be nice
Country John

Smut Villain
06-15-07, 02:19
No experience in New York bar, it's new and I need to check it out. You can trust One Wing Low's report however and I would go there based on his report.

You need to keep your head straight in all bars however as any waiter or girl might try to take advantage of an opportunity to become unjustly enriched. Having said that, you can session the girls then pop up to Revolution, maybe hit El toritos for some relaxation, dancing and cervesas. When you re-charge you can hit the zona again.

Pollo is a rip-off bar using all of the rip off tactics they can dream up. From short changing to over-charging to bringing shit to the table that you didn't order. They short time you on the girls who also try to rip you. Not the kind of experience you are looking for. I'd stay away from the place.

Does the State *****mongering Bar Of Nevada at least recognize one with in excess of ten years experience as an "expert?"

You and your wingmen be safe down there OK? Have a good time but keep your wits about you.

Be safe and be nice
Country John
Hey CJ,

As far as I know the New York Bar is not new at all - I remember going there (and the Manhattan Club) as far back as '97 or so. It's not quite like the other clubs in the Zona, however; it's more like a nightclub/cabaret sort of setup. There's the standard 3-song strip act onstage, interspersed with the occasional variety act (e.g. a magic show or comedy routine). The atmosphere is usually a little classier than the usual Zona Norte hangout, and the ladies tend to be dressed to match (classier but still sexy). I never took any of these girls for a test drive as a customer - I was already getting mine on the side - but I do believe that take-out is also on the menu.

At least, this is how it was the last time I went - but that was a very long time ago.

Country John
06-15-07, 03:05
Hey CJ,

As far as I know the New York Bar is not new at all - I remember going there (and the Manhattan Club) as far back as '97 or so. It's not quite like the other clubs in the Zona, however; it's more like a nightclub/cabaret sort of setup. There's the standard 3-song strip act onstage, interspersed with the occasional variety act (e.g. a magic show or comedy routine). The atmosphere is usually a little classier than the usual Zona Norte hangout, and the ladies tend to be dressed to match (classier but still sexy). I never took any of these girls for a test drive as a customer - I was already getting mine on the side - but I do believe that take-out is also on the menu.

At least, this is how it was the last time I went - but that was a very long time ago.

You are exactly right, I mis-spoke. By "new" I meant "remodeled," Like the "new" Bar Deliciouso or whatever. It was receently remodeled but I have yet to go in since. I walked past it with my girlie a few weeks back (and a few memories came back to me of course) and I explained to the barker outside that the place has a reputation as a rip off joint with pushy waiters etc., and he said: "I know."

Thanks for pointing that out.

Country John

06-19-07, 05:31
I hope you guys dont mind me asking this here.

How long on average would you say it takes to cross the border from the US to TJ and vice versa? How long are you waiting in line?

Also, from the San Diego area, is there an alternate way to get into Baja without having to go through TJ? Just to avoid the local TJPD.

Thanks.How far down are you going?

In years past on countless surf trips, I crossed the border in the early hours of the morning just to avoid the cops in TJ and Ensenada. The plan was to get to the other side of Ensenada just as the sun came up. You don’t want to drive the country roads at night, cattle are not uncommon on the country roads; and early morning hours meant less chance of policia encounters. So the usual routine was to get to the border around 4:00am, do the money exchange and insurance (which is a must), TJ by 4:30 and Ensenada at 6:00; then on to points south.

Heading north now a days is a lot longer. A friend just told me it took her 7 hours to get back on a Sunday afternoon/evening.

Good luck.

Country John
06-19-07, 05:52
I hope you guys dont mind me asking this here.

How long on average would you say it takes to cross the border from the US to TJ and vice versa? How long are you waiting in line?

Also, from the San Diego area, is there an alternate way to get into Baja without having to go through TJ? Just to avoid the local TJPD.


In the evenings during the "rush hour" it can take up to 20 minutes by car to enter Mexico. Walking is no problem, there are usually no delays in crossing on foot. There are usually never any problems entering Mexico by car or on foot, so don't worry about it. The delays are in getting back State-side.

Coming back is a different story, it depends on the time of day. again, rush hours are rediculous. Some mongers have been standing in line for 2 hours during rush hour periods, at other times late at night it's a breeze but you have to watch out for cops if on foot.

Driving back at night can be a one to two hour wait on average. No problems with cops while you're in your vehicle however, unless you look like a punk.

There is no other way to get to Rosarito or Ensenada without passing through Tijuana. You might try entering at Otay, but you'll still pass through TJ to get on the highways to Baja.

when you come to Mexico, be prepared to be stuck in lines, and be plesantly surprised if you are not.

Be safe and be nice,
Country John

06-19-07, 08:04
Also, from the San Diego area, is there an alternate way to get into Baja without having to go through TJ? Just to avoid the local TJPD.

There's a new free road named Blvd 2000 between Tecate and Popotla that you could use to bypass TJ. The road connects to the free road in Popotla.

06-19-07, 09:20
There's a new free road named Blvd 2000 between Tecate and Popotla that you could use to bypass TJ. The road connects to the free road in Popotla.
Thanks guys. I was thinking of going to Rosarito. If I still have to go thru TJ even by going through Otay, then I might as well take Tecate.

Actually I'm more concerned about the return trip to the US than the entry into MX.

I read on Wikipedia that some people keep a car on both sides in garages, and walk across on foot in order to beat the traffic. This is for frequent commuters who live on the opposite side from where they work. Any thoughts on this?

Is there a place I can look up this new BLVD 2000 near Popotla?

Pinche Gabacho
06-19-07, 19:05
how long on average would you say it takes to cross the border from the us to tj and vice versa? how long are you waiting in line?friday evenings, from about 3:30pm to maybe 8:00pm, cars entering tijuana will be backed up for an hour or two. most otherwise the delay is minimal. as cj said, the m-th return commute will cause a short back-up.

entering the u.s. by car, you can expect a mean of about an hour and a half with a standard deviation of about thirty minutes. the worst times to cross are on the weekends between 2:00pm and 10:00pm and anytime there's a three-day weekend in the u.s.

entering tijuana on foot, even at the busiest times, will occasion only a five-minute back-up at the first turnstile.

entering the u.s. on foot almost defies description. weekdays from 4:00am to maybe 7:00am the delay is usually minimal but by 8:00am the line can be an hour and a half long. weekends beginning around 1:00pm until very late the lines can be as much as four hours long. the most fun can be had, however, very early on saturday and sunday mornings, say between 3:00am and 5:00am, when the lines are not only slow but made up of drunken gringo party animals too cheap to rent a hotel room: these shining examples of u.s. cultural exchange are either vomiting, passed out, or trying to provoke the bcis into fights ... a few times i've known them to [CodeWord111] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord111) on the walls inside the building ... and a couple of times the bcis simply closed the building until the crowd outside came to order (adding another hour or more to the delay).

crossing times are of great interest to tijuanans. most local radio stations give reports every fifteen minutes or so. you can also check online nowadays -- although i have personally found them frequently inaccurate -- by clicking the "garitas" link on www.el-mexicano.info or www.frontera.info or www.tijuana.gob.mx .

from the san diego area, is there an alternate way to get into baja without having to go through tj? just to avoid the local tjpd.excuse my naïveté, but whereabouts do you have run-ins with the municipal police force? and why do you have those run-ins?

there are three highways entering rosarito from the north: búlevar 2000, the carretera libre, and the carretera cuota. even though it's wicked fast, búlevar 2000 would make sense only if you were crossing at otay and heading directly to rosarito and then only if you can get on it without first getting lost. the libre is how i go to rosarito. in light of your fears of the local police, however, i would recommend you stick with the cuota -- the local police don't even have jurisdiction on it.

i read on wikipedia that some people keep a car on both sides in garages * * * any thoughts on this?and i have read in wikipedia that el yunque does not exist. personally, i don't know of anyone who has a car on both sides of the border. some fronterizo chicanos will borrow a car from a family member, yes, but i suspect that the two-car story is just another urban legend from the borderland. anyone who can afford two cars and the monthly rent to store them should have the wherewithal to get a sentri pass instead. even when the sentri lanes are backed up, the frustration isn't anything like what a pedestrian will encounter.

is there a place i can look up this new blvd 2000 near popotla?if you're asking for a map, try the city's website at http://infogeo.tijuana.gob.mx/website/siter1/tijuana.htm (you might have to come in through their homepage, since the url for "carta urbana" or "cartografía oficial" changes a lot). or you could just go to a bookstore here in town and ask for a current map; there are a couple of good ones for five or six bucks.

if you're asking how to identify the access road as you're driving north on the carretera libre, then the answer would be to look for signage on the right-hand side of a three-way stop close by fox exploration. it will look like an ordinary intersection, with storefronts of pharmacies and what-not, but there will be a small highway sign indicating tijuana to your right. it quickly becomes a commitment admiting to few u-turns and passing through twenty miles or more of attractive desert countryside. unless you're prepared to wind up somewhere between tecate and nuevo tijuana, i would advise that you not take mr toad's wild ride.


06-19-07, 19:10
Thanks guys. I was thinking of going to Rosarito. If I still have to go thru TJ even by going through Otay, then I might as well take Tecate.

Actually I'm more concerned about the return trip to the US than the entry into MX.

I read on Wikipedia that some people keep a car on both sides in garages, and walk across on foot in order to beat the traffic. This is for frequent commuters who live on the opposite side from where they work. Any thoughts on this?

Is there a place I can look up this new BLVD 2000 near Popotla?

I haven't seen this new road on map yet.

Here's a link from bajanomad that will give you directions to the road from the Otay Mesa border crossing.


06-20-07, 02:47
There's a new free road named Blvd 2000 between Tecate and Popotla that you could use to bypass TJ. The road connects to the free road in Popotla.

Thanks for the link but just for the record it doesn't go between Tecate and Popotla. If you read the directions you'll see that it hooks up with the ROAD to Tecate. Tecate is further to the east.

06-22-07, 04:40
Popped down for a few hours yesterday (Wednesday). Saw a regular who I hadn't seen in quite a while.

Now Wednesdays are pretty quiet in TJ anyway, but it was really dead along La Revu. We usually eat in this little place she calls the "downstairs restaurant. " I can't remember the name, but it's more or less opposite Agua Caliente, off the street and down some stairs. The food's quite good, as is the service. I think she knows the lady who runs it, or something. But it's well worth a visit.

Anyway, she starts telling me how really bad TJ's hurting, at least those who depend on the tourist $$. She uses this place as sort of an object lesson. Half the place is now dark. The outside "patio" has been bricked up, as they couldn't affort the extra rent, or whatever, for the extra space. And she told me that pretty much the whole city is suffering the same fate, as it were. She then proceeded to lay the blame squarely on the TJ cops. People hear the stories and stay away in droves.

This was sort of confirmed today (as if we needed any more confirmation) when I visited a customer's office. I was chatting with his wife. They went to Ensenada over last weekend. They're a little older, extremely nice and very well-to-do. Just the kind of people you would WANT as tourists. They missed their turn for the toll road and got a bit lost. Next thing you know they're nabbed for DWG. They got fleeced for $140. Of course, they didn't know enough to politely resist or dicker. So, another loss to Mexico, dollar-wise, as they'll never go back, and another black eye for TJ.

As somebody else said, the Mexican people really do deserve better.

And, to hop on my soapbox and open a can of worms, legalization of drugs would put a LOT of very evil people out of business overnight. And that might go a long way to clean up Mexico's corruption. And I don't now, nor have I ever used drugs. Not even pot.


Ninguno Especial
06-22-07, 07:31
Great observations by your amiga and I agree that the only way to have any kind of control in the 'drug war' is to legalize & regulate just like alcohol or Viagra.

Tax the shit like beer & cigarettes, get the country out of debt and put the dealers out of business on both sides of the border.

PP for president!

Cerveza Mas
06-22-07, 16:36
Anyone headed to TJ this weekend?

Country John
06-22-07, 17:53
It's a sad fact that the rampant corruption in Mexico is to blame for tourist issues and hence cash flow issues in TJ. I have a lot of friends in business there and the story is the same, one to the other. These are restaurant and club owners, mostly on Revolution who have watched as their business dropped by over 50% in the last year. They are hurting, they are pissed and they are scared.

TJ might hardly do as an index to the climate throughout Baja, but it is a unit of measurement to be sure and if it's any indication of the climate in Baja then one could draw from that the conclusion that people are staying away because of the unpredictability of the cops and the uncertainties of safety issues. The horror stories just keep on rolling in.

Mexico is short sighted, there are a very few who are forward thinkers and moving forward means encroaching on the domain of the vested interests and that would include the cops and the drug trade. It seesm that it is not possible to get the co-operation and unity of purposes straight to where things improve.

The people of Baja are the ultimate victims. Not only do they lose the revenue from tourism and the weekend warriors, but the climate adds a bitter taste to already controversial issues South of the of the border. It's not fair to them, but nobody seems to care, very sad.

You can be certain that, in a tightening economy, the "vested interests" are feeling the pinch too. I'm not sure how much hurt the Zona is feeling, I'll be around tomorrow night and I'll ask a few people, but business is down as well, as reported here.

People are right to be afraid and concerned. Especially if they don't know how to deal with the cops, it can be a bone rattling experience to be sure. Business in Mexico is very very tough. It breaks my heart to do this but I am closing two businesses within the next six months and all but pulling out altogether. Very sad.

I am tired of being pulled into offices by business associates and told (behind closed doors and drawn curtains) that I need to be "very careful" because of the crime against business people, kidnappings etc. I understand the need for personal security, but making it a priority as part of a normal routine is something I am not sure I can live with.

There are many reasons why business don't make it, and none have to do with the work ethic. It seems as though you can't turn the "fire" up past 1/3 without attracting the attention of the cops, politicians and other "officials" all of who want a piece of the action. Similar to the system in California I suppose, but totally unregulated.

I'll keep my relationship with the girl as long as I can and evaluate even that on a month-by-month basis.

I love Mexico, I love the people, the culture etc. But sadly, there is a practical side to life and one needs an income, stability and freedom like what we enjoy State-side. Freedom from fear is probably number 1. Being well off in Mexico sucks.

I dont think I would actually discourage people from visiting, and I don't want to spook anyone now. I intend to keep my relationship with my girl and review every 30 days or so. I would however say that you MUST have your game face on and you MUST understand where you are and WHY it's important to have a mechanism for dealing with the cops. If you can't program an extra $150 or so for "unexpected emergencies" then develop your plan for dealing with the cops and make it a good one.

Remember, in your dealings with merchants in TJ (whether a retaurant masero or shoe shine guys) that things are tough right now, and it's not their fault. Be polite and respectful. They are going through routh times.

I am not certain if things will change much for the better in my lifetime but I DO intend to find a different ray of sunshine in Mexico with my girley and stop thinking that anyone can enjoy commercial success if they are about the right thing. Only the very well connected and very well off could undertake a commercial activity that would be worthwhile and profitable over the long term.

Sorry for the long post. I'll stop here.

Be safe and be nice

Country John

California Guy
06-23-07, 03:36
I totally agree with CJ but I will go one step further and say I also stopped going as much because of the quality of girls and service I was getting. I have noticed the past few times I went down, one was a Thurs. and one was a Wed. that HK had very few gringos around spending money. At the same time I look at some of the girls and see the same faces from 2 years back when I first started going to the zona. Not a bad thing if the girls are worthy but most still have attitudes and ask for a lot of money. I have gotten lucky a couple times but I would say my batting average of getting a great girl is about 2 out of 10 times I go down, so I'm hitting 200 lol. I know a lot of people have their regulars and that is great, definitely a different situation, but I like to enjoy different girls. Of course if I really like a girl I have no problem going back for more but those have been few and far between.

It is really sad for all the people who are get hurt by these corrupt police officers and high officials but I can't see it changing. I have been to TJ, mainly revolucion, about 500-700 times back in my junior high and high school days and it is still the same scene but just worse. You really have to feel bad for the people who are trying to run a business down there and can understand why so many people risk their lives to come to this country.

Hopefully more people, I mean in the US, write letters talking about the abuses and the people of TJ force action to better their lives. I mean can you imagine if TJ was clean, police friendly, etc...? It would make so much money it would be amazing... still I just think the greed and corruption is too deep and with so many things run by the drug cartels nothing will ever change.

06-23-07, 04:25
I think Fox had the right idea with making small amounts legal. Bush put on the pressure because if TJ would have cleaned up, then it would have been a model for America to follow. (Imagine that.)

The polica I hate as of late. I use to walk around TJ smiling, noding, and spending way more money than I do now. Getting two 20's taken because I was dumb enough to bring Yohimbie with me across the border. Though legal and I told them to take me to jail, they just "lifted" the cash while searching. However it was the time my friend and I lost over 500.00 USD for his perscription medications that really ticked me off. They even gave them back because they knew it was legal and they had all our cash. Though I got 25 back from them saying I at least needed an alley girl on my trip. (LOL) So now the cabbies get more money and the merchants do not. I always gave the guy on the bridge a dollar on my way back if I hadn't been hassled. He's always friendly and smiling rolling around up on the bridge. I haven't seen him in ages due to me being all about business and cabbing strait to AB and then back to the border. It's quite sad.

The hard times are most likely going to get worse before it gets better. I still make trips here and there by myself and I have many friends who have asked to join in my mongering adventures. I go alone unless it's someone hard core who won't puss out when pressured by polica or a beautiful latina. What makes me sad is all the people that are trying to make a better life for themselves in Mexico. Without the tourist dollars the crime, corruption and violence will escalate affecting those there trying to live a better life there. No wonder so many try to come to the US for a better life, but even that has risks. A never ending cycle that both countries need to work together to solve, but with our history, I wouldn't trust us either.

Cerveza Mas
06-24-07, 02:49
Tj Monger 101 stuff.

Parking was good behind the Burger King near the end of the trolley line. Take either 5 or 805 to the last US exit and stay to the left. Drive over the freeway into the "Business District". Drive over the trolley rails and behind the Burger King for $5 parking for first 8 hours. Other parking in the area is $7 to $20. I used a Club, so didn't worry about car theft.

It takes about 1/2 an hour to get from parking to chica. 10-15 minutes worth of a walk to get across the border and 10-15 minutes worth of a cab to Adelita. Even if I'm not going to Adelita it's a well know spot central to the Zona. I also go to the right towards the McDonalds and catch a yellow cab. Btw. The drivers wear a yellow shirt so they're easy to spot.

AB was extremely busy at 3:00 on a Saturday. No seats available in the front of the house. Some seats in the far back right. Groups of Americans were walking in 4-5 at a time. Probably 40-50 chicas on the floor with a good mix of tall, short, cute, hotties, chunkies, pick your flavor. They tend to wait for you to approach them. Once you do, they may warm up a bit. The ones that stay frosty once you start talking to them (or start out with "Hi, want to go to hroom? ") are the ones to avoid.

Chicago Club (CC) however, was desolate. Being the only gringo in there for a while I received all the attention. Three chicas sat around me at the bar, grabbed my hand and put it on choice portions of their anatomy. I counted about 12 chicas, no customers. I'm guessing that with supply/demand microeconomics in force, the chicas would be open to negotiation and spending time more so than in AB. Enjoying the attention, but not interested in more than that from the three providing it, I drank my $4 cerveza and moved on.

Valentina bar, on the Alley was also desolate. Darker than both AB and CC, I would guess about 6-10 chicas of second/third tier quality.

New York Club, down the street from AB, looked to be just opening. No chicas, no customers, no bartenders. One guy in front receiving medical attention with lots of Policia around. Dunno if it was shock at the price of chica drinks or a viagra induced attack.

Taxi back to McD's and walk across the bridges to the border. No cops in sight and about 15 minutes worth of a wait at about 6 PM.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

06-24-07, 08:20
Hi cm,

Good report, but I believe it is the parking lot behind the Jack in the box restaurant you are talking about.


06-24-07, 18:06
Just got back from TJ this morning. Please use CAUTION when returning home. I was searched by two policia in front of the taxi drop-off area, by the pedestrian overpass. Spread eagle, the whole deal... There were half a dozen policia picking off returning Americans.

What upset me the most is when they went for my wallet first, and started counting what monies I had in it. They spent more time in my wallet than with me. If I had a kilo of coke in my drawers, they never would have found it, really.

Initially, one policia asked if I spoke Spanish, and told him I did not. Of course, I understood every fkng word they said. During the pathetic pat down, and money count of my wallet, one asked the other "quanto." The other replied "45." Yes, that was what I had in my wallet!

I was soon released after the count was revealed. Suppose, it was not enough money for them. In addition, I did not have any suspect contraband (Cialis, heroine, Chiclets, etc...).

Talking to one of my favorite chicas in AB, she stated that business has been weak this year, in comparison to same period last year. Furthermore, from most reports, general business is down in the area. If this is the case, the policia are hungry. Be careful!

Nothing further unusual to report. Hit my regular spots in the district. The same O.

06-24-07, 18:34

The restraunt you mentioned, I believe is called La Especial, I have been going to this establishement since the early 60's as a kid, with my pops.

They also have a taco stand at the top of the stairs called by the same name very good food as far as I am concerned. As usual make sure you order with bottled water or soda.

Happy hunting

P.S. I would like to comment about the corruption of the Policia, but this is not any better or any worse than it has been for the last 30 years, it is just more noticeable because of forums and websites as this one. Just my 2 cents worth.

Member #4450
06-24-07, 20:00
Just got back from TJ this morning. Please use CAUTION when returning home. I was searched by two policia in front of the taxi drop-off area, by the pedestrian overpass.

What time this happened to you?
You said Morning, is this mean very early like 4-7 am?