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02-22-23, 01:17
I don't think it is a Mexican guys issue at all. I think it is a pimp issue. And it just so happens that the pimps in this Zona Norte are Mexican. I think that if you were to visit a red light district in China or Europe, you are going to meet men of lower quality regardless of race, culture or national origin. Once I left the Zona Norte, I thought the quality of people, men in particular improved greatly.Maybe you're right. I just think the mongering scene overall has deteriorated since I started 20 years ago. Tijuana was a lot more fun back in the day and now seems like a constant ripoff at every corner by everyone. It started going downhill when they started the dollar robe fee. LOL.

02-22-23, 01:19
You can pay cash at Mansion. US $40/ night weekday. On the weekend maybe only for 4 hours, I don't know. - Mansion is ok, TV with porn channels, comfortable big beds, air condition, shower. You can order food and drink to your room.I guess I've been getting screwed or I'm just to gringo. They always sell me the 4 hours no matter what day it is. I paid in pesos, but less for the no jacuzzi room and more for the jacuzzi. The jacuzzi room didn't have a functioning heater, but at least the water was warm. The regular room had heat, but missing remote. Once I called down for a remote a guy showed up trying to sell me on his harem of women. I didn't get any photos, but I think he wanted $150 for an hour for a chica. I told him chica was prearranged and maybe next time. It is a convenient and discreet place as the garages have doors you can close and no one would even know you were at the motel. Definitely better experience than Zona Norte ST joints, but Zona Norte just makes it convenient in one spot.

02-22-23, 01:26
I don't think it is a Mexican guys issue at all. I think it is a pimp issue. And it just so happens that the pimps in this Zona Norte are Mexican. I think that if you were to visit a red light district in China or Europe, you are going to meet men of lower quality regardless of race, culture or national origin. Once I left the Zona Norte, I thought the quality of people, men in particular improved greatly.The real Hong Kong had old lady pimps. You walk past buildings and old ladies ask if you want women. They take you up to an apartment and a lineup shows up. Really sad in reality as the condition of apartments are not well kept and women seem past their prime. Dubai similar situation meeting older ladies pimping out Ethiopian, Iranian, Filipina, or Russian chicks. They are probably the house keepers or "tourists" on short visa stays hooking for extra cash for their family back home. I have yet to run into any crazy situation except one time in the Middle East, don't recall if it was Kuwait or Qatar, a taxi didn't seem legit and didn't get into it. Americans have a bounty on their head in the Middle East. At least in Mexico I don't think the cartels have bounties on our heads for a propaganda video.

02-22-23, 02:22
You're making Tijuana sound as dangerous as Medellin.Here is the 2022 list: https://twitter.com/petrogustavo/status/1628088244301705246?cxt=HHwWvMC9ibvokJgtAAAA.

Captain Solo
02-22-23, 02:40

Mexico is so proud she holds top places in this list.

02-22-23, 02:57
I guess I've been getting screwed or I'm just to gringo. They always sell me the 4 hours no matter what day it is. I paid in pesos, but less for the no jacuzzi room and more for the jacuzzi. The jacuzzi room didn't have a functioning heater, but at least the water was warm. The regular room had heat, but missing remote. Once I called down for a remote a guy showed up trying to sell me on his harem of women. I didn't get any photos, but I think he wanted $150 for an hour for a chica. I told him chica was prearranged and maybe next time. It is a convenient and discreet place as the garages have doors you can close and no one would even know you were at the motel. Definitely better experience than Zona Norte ST joints, but Zona Norte just makes it convenient in one spot.Yeah they took advantage of you but not to bad. I saw a girl from Hot and Sexy a few months ago and she would only go to La Mansion. It had been awhile since I used that place so I asked the booker how long the room was for. I think it was a Thursday so I could only stay 6 or 8 hours for around $40. So it seems that depending on the days of the week they have different times you are allowed to stay. My favorite is Villa Dorado which is more laid back and you can stay till the next morning, at least during the week. Since it's further away some girls might not visit.

02-22-23, 03:16
I don't think it is a Mexican guys issue at all. I think it is a pimp issue. And it just so happens that the pimps in this Zona Norte are Mexican. I think that if you were to visit a red light district in China or Europe, you are going to meet men of lower quality regardless of race, culture or national origin. Once I left the Zona Norte, I thought the quality of people, men in particular improved greatly.I have to agree when I was in Sonora I saw a different class of Mexican, just normal people trying to make a living without all the sex tourism getting in the way. The people were friendly enough. Remember Tijuana is a border town and like all border towns it attract people from all over Mexico for the pursuit of money. Some people are descent folks and some are down right dangerous and evil.

02-22-23, 04:25
I have to agree when I was in Sonora I saw a different class of Mexican, just normal people trying to make a living without all the sex tourism getting in the way. The people were friendly enough. Remember Tijuana is a border town and like all border towns it attract people from all over Mexico for the pursuit of money. Some people are descent folks and some are down right dangerous and evil.Most of the Mexican men I've met were all cool and give you a fist bump and sometimes tell me respect. They are all trying to make a better living, but sadly you're going to find some try to get the most dollars off you as possible in tourist traps. It happens all over the world and doesn't pertain to specific ethnicity or gender. You don't complain about the women fleecing you of money because you probably enjoy it, but the men in Mexican society are supposed to be the providers and that is why you see so many women in the sex trade in Mexico or any impoverished part of the world for that matter. They can't rely on a man as one time in their life they probably did try to rely on a man and it didn't work out.

Most probably come from broken or one parent homes and not in the most ideal environment. Food insecurity is a big one reason and the women I've met all over the world tell me their dreams of opening up a business, I. E. 7-11, Oxxo, boutique, etc. As the end game. Sadly when you travel over the world and if you keep in touch, you realize they aren't the best in accounting or business acumen and never get the opportunity to exit the industry. It just churns them up and spits them out once they become less desirable. Hopefully they accomplish what they seek out in the end.

02-22-23, 04:29
Yeah they took advantage of you but not to bad. I saw a girl from Hot and Sexy a few months ago and she would only go to La Mansion. It had been awhile since I used that place so I asked the booker how long the room was for. I think it was a Thursday so I could only stay 6 or 8 hours for around $40. So it seems that depending on the days of the week they have different times you are allowed to stay. My favorite is Villa Dorado which is more laid back and you can stay till the next morning, at least during the week. Since it's further away some girls might not visit.Hmmm makes me wonder if I should ask them for 6-8 hours, but only stay for about 2-3 hours at most. I saw an advertisement for a jacuzzi motel, but forgot the name and wanted to try it out. Maybe someone here knows the name or suggestions on other love motels. I really enjoyed the themed rooms when I was in Macau saunas and love rooms in China. They had sex swings, mirrors, and everything setup for adult fun. I think I saw rooms setup in a similar fashion for Siete de Copa, but never tried since so far from center.

02-22-23, 04:53
Hmmm makes me wonder if I should ask them for 6-8 hours, but only stay for about 2-3 hours at most. I saw an advertisement for a jacuzzi motel, but forgot the name and wanted to try it out. Maybe someone here knows the name or suggestions on other love motels. I really enjoyed the themed rooms when I was in Macau saunas and love rooms in China. They had sex swings, mirrors, and everything setup for adult fun. I think I saw rooms setup in a similar fashion for Siete de Copa, but never tried since so far from center.Well if you only plan on staying a few hours I'm not sure if it matters very much. Depending on my work schedule I often like to sleep in the room after my session until I go to work so that's why I like Villa Dorado. They also have a Oxxo or 7/11 next door. Most of the love motels have jacuzzi rooms but they are usually stricter with the time you have. I used to go the the El Parador back in the day with an AB fav and she loved having sex in it. I'm definitely not the most experienced when it comes to knowing all the different love motels but from the knowledge I've gained is that El Priemer is the only one that has themed rooms, you can get a swing in the rooms, stripper pole and maybe some other things that I'm not aware of. I think the biggest thing they are known for is the rooms they have with full size pools. You can check out the pics on their website. One of the more modern motels that I know some like is Motel Via on the areápida. If I remember correctly a buddy liked it because of the full size mirror on the ceiling.

02-22-23, 14:27
I spent a lot of time in Tijuana and Rosarito in 2022. From Jan to May was mostly the Zona Nortre. From June to Nov was all over as I started taking locas all over Tijuana, Tijuana playa and Rosarito. Was in clubs, food places, beaches and all kinds of various spots.

Never saw any sign of trouble.

Yes I did have interactions with police in 2022. Went on my way with all my money. I am white as can be.

Tbh I do not explore all Tijuana has to offer. I did end up in a couple areas I probably should not have been in. Once my bad neighborhood sense tingled I bailed. Stick to the main areas. Avoid sketchy neighborhoods. This applies to any major city.

One note about 2023. I would take care about going to Mexico in 2023. Some think there will be more violent times coming. Honestly I take care no matter where I go. Even in Los Angeles things can get bad fast in wrong area. Key is to try to always be aware. Once one decides to get drunk make sure one is in safe envirnment with trust worthy people. Again this applies everywhere.

Tijuana is the murder capital of the world and there's like 4 people in jail for murder. 99% of murders result in no jail time. And a gringo is going to be the best target. Just ask Mexicans how often they are stopped walking by policia. They will say never. Everyone's fav target is the gringo.

02-22-23, 14:52
Here is the 2022 list: https://twitter.com/petrogustavo/status/1628088244301705246?cxt=HHwWvMC9ibvokJgtAAAA.Wow, I've been to many of these cities and the cities I felt least safe in all my travels around the world are not on this list - San Salvador and Caracas.

02-22-23, 15:37
Wow, I've been to many of these cities and the cities I felt least safe in all my travels around the world are not on this list - San Salvador and Caracas.I hope I'm not sounding Pollyannaish when I say this.

Tijuana might be high on the list but it's not a monolith. Spending time in zona rio or revolution is not the same as spending time in the barrio. You could say La is a dangerous city because we have crips and bloods but they're not walking around Redondo beach.

Still, there is something unsettling in the air in Tijuana. Even in safe areas I tend to Uber and stay indoors.

02-22-23, 19:37
Wow, I've been to many of these cities and the cities I felt least safe in all my travels around the world are not on this list - San Salvador and Caracas.My ex wife and my kids live in El Salvador. When I was stationed there with the Navy in 2011 to 2013 I do admit it was extremely violent with shootings and stabbings daily. One time while driving back form work I saw a bus driver and his assistant laying dead in the bus with several bullet holes in them both and a lot of blood. The street gangs there killed them because they wouldn't pay protection money. The major gangs are MS13 and 18th street. They were originally from LA but started recruiting gang members in El Salvador after they got deported from the US. It was estimated that there were once over 50,000 gang members at one time. Fast forward to now, the current president Nayib Bukele has cleaned up the streets of El Salvador and placed the majority of the gang members in a few new prisons he has constructed during his administration. The country is safer but at the cost of many civil rights violations namely placing people suspected of gang activity in jail for up to 180 days without a warrant. Amnesty International is investigating this. I will be visiting in April so pray for me LOL.

02-22-23, 21:15
The point about different neighborhoods having differt saftey levels is 100% accurate.

Tijuana had a different feel in general. Not going to spew lots of details that some people may not even be able to understand. We are in danger in a lot of places we may not expect. Do as much research as possible and be prepared.

One thing about just about all of Latin America tho if one is walking around afraid or unaware of the local envirnment one will become a target for people who want to make some money.

TBH almost no where is completely safe. Some areas just more risky than other areas.

I hope I'm not sounding Pollyannaish when I say this.

Tijuana might be high on the list but it's not a monolith. Spending time in zona rio or revolution is not the same as spending time in the barrio. You could say La is a dangerous city because we have crips and bloods but they're not walking around Redondo beach.

Still, there is something unsettling in the air in Tijuana. Even in safe areas I tend to Uber and stay indoors.

02-22-23, 21:20
My guess is the further away from the border the less reliable this data is.

The more corrupt areas will say some homices so not count for one reason or another. Some will be so corupt they will not even label an obvious homicide as homicide.

Wow, I've been to many of these cities and the cities I felt least safe in all my travels around the world are not on this list - San Salvador and Caracas.

02-23-23, 00:30
My guess is the further away from the border the less reliable this data is.

The more corrupt areas will say some homices so not count for one reason or another. Some will be so corupt they will not even label an obvious homicide as homicide.Similar to how COVID doesn't exist or eradicated in China or North Korea or how Burlesconi was the president of Italy and owned 5 news agencies. Always skeptical of news and their agenda. You'll never hear he true story unless you do some independent investigation, but in reality, I haven't ran into any sketchy situations in Mexico. I can't say the same for certain cities in the USA Also I bet the news says Russians are happy with Putin or North Koreans are happy with Kim as supreme dictator.

02-23-23, 00:55
I'm linking up with a girl I met on social media next week in Tijuana. We will be spending a whole day together.

Let me be blunt with my question here. My Spanish is good, not great. In between bangs I'm going to have hours to kill.

What can I do there that's pleasant for both? Was thinking to take us for massages maybe?Guys get set up all the time. It's a business down here:


If you want to throw dough at a girl, get a room at Rizo for a day or so. Find one you like at one of the clubs and meet up with her outside hours. There are several good restaurants in the area, or you can go to Zona Grastro for more upscale. The Zona is somewhat protected in this regard. Outside the area is a real jungle. Be warned.

02-23-23, 00:57
You're making Tijuana sound as dangerous as Medellin.The murder rate is higher in Tijuana.

02-23-23, 04:49
Guys get set up all the time. It's a business down here:


If you want to throw dough at a girl, get a room at Rizo for a day or so. Find one you like at one of the clubs and meet up with her outside hours. There are several good restaurants in the area, or you can go to Zona Grastro for more upscale. The Zona is somewhat protected in this regard. Outside the area is a real jungle. Be warned.I actually think the Zona is more of a jungle, but a contained jungle. Everytime I enter I'm more worried about drugged out and desperate gringos than Mexicans. If you walk around Plaza Rio, Chapultepec, or any other higher end plazas I bet you'll see Mexicans with more money than the average gringo going to the Zona. I've been to far worse and sketchy areas in the world chasing poon.

02-23-23, 09:28
There seems to be a lot of confusion on hotels and motels, credit cards, etc.

In Mexico there is a differentiation between "hotel" and "motel" that is different than that in the USA. Hotels are what we know as hotels. Motels are, 99.9% of the time, what we would call "No-Tels" or "Love Motels. " They are designed primarily for short time liaisons. Believe it or not, the biggest demographic of the motels' clientele are married Mexican couples. But all are welcome, as prostitution is not illegal. They are very popular with the locals, especially on the weekends and holidays.

All motels will have some form of garage where you can park your car out of sight of the public. The really old ones will have a walled-off courtyard with outdoor parking. Newer ones will have individual garages where you drive in, close the door, and go into the room. They will all have, at minimum, a bed, bathroom with shower, room service of one kind or another, and a TV with up to three porn channels. Some will have jacuzzi rooms. Some will have a swimming pool. Others will have themed rooms. There is a motel for every budget. Rates as of February, 2023, for the main motels run around 600 pesos for a regular room, 1000 pesos for a jacuzzi. Room prices are for two people. Each additional person will cost more, roughly half the cost of the room.

On weekends, all motels rent all of their rooms (except for the really expensive themed ones, swimming pool ones, etc.) in 4-hour increments. If you want to stay longer you must pay every 4 hours. On weekdays rules are more flexible and some allow a much longer stay. Some overnight. On weekdays El Parador, for instance, pretty much allows you to stay all night in a regular room, but not a jacuzzi. Jacuzzi rooms are tough to clean up, it takes a long time, so they're pretty strict on the 4-hour deal. Villa Dorada will often give you 6 hours during the week in their jacuzzi rooms. Some motels have an all-night price posted (Motel Otay and IIRC Motel Via). This is vaild for weekdays.

All motels will demand some form of ID. If you walk / taxi they will ask for your ID, or sometimes the girl (if she's accompanying you) can give hers. They will retain it until you leave. If you drive, your car license is recorded and that is your form of ID. Your room WILL be checked before you are allowed to leave. You may pay the room, and all incidentals, in cash.

OK. Hotels are like hotels in the States. Some will require that your guest register with you when you check in, others won't. Some will ask if a girl shows up to see you that she present ID before she's admitted. Ticuan for instance. Others really frown on escorts showing up and may not admit them, or may charge you. Lucerna and Grand come to mind.

Note for those wanting to conduct everything in cash. Hotels WILL demand a picture ID when you check in and they WILL make a photocopy of it. You can still pay in cash, but there will be a record of your stay. Why anyone would want to stay in a hotel where anybody could come and go as they please is beyond me. There are some fleabag exceptions in Centro, but if I was going to stoop that low I'd just get a room at Cascadas.

02-23-23, 12:23
My ex wife and my kids live in El Salvador. When I was stationed there with the Navy in 2011 to 2013 I do admit it was extremely violent with shootings and stabbings daily. One time while driving back form work I saw a bus driver and his assistant laying dead in the bus with several bullet holes in them both and a lot of blood. The street gangs there killed them because they wouldn't pay protection money. The major gangs are MS13 and 18th street. They were originally from LA but started recruiting gang members in El Salvador after they got deported from the US. It was estimated that there were once over 50,000 gang members at one time. Fast forward to now, the current president Nayib Bukele has cleaned up the streets of El Salvador and placed the majority of the gang members in a few new prisons he has constructed during his administration. The country is safer but at the cost of many civil rights violations namely placing people suspected of gang activity in jail for up to 180 days without a warrant. Amnesty International is investigating this. I will be visiting in April so pray for me LOL.Bus drivers don't make shit. Why would you ask them for protection money. These people are purely evil. We need to deport every gang banging pos from the states as soon as possible. Why do we let these lowlife Hispanics dictate our border and country. We are so soft now. This isn't the same country that dropped 2 nukes on Japan. I kind of miss the sociopathic country we were. People were scared of the US back in the day. Now ms 13 owns Biden.

02-23-23, 14:34
My ex wife and my kids live in El Salvador. When I was stationed there with the Navy in 2011 to 2013 I do admit it was extremely violent with shootings and stabbings daily. One time while driving back form work I saw a bus driver and his assistant laying dead in the bus with several bullet holes in them both and a lot of blood. The street gangs there killed them because they wouldn't pay protection money. The major gangs are MS13 and 18th street. They were originally from LA but started recruiting gang members in El Salvador after they got deported from the US. It was estimated that there were once over 50,000 gang members at one time. Fast forward to now, the current president Nayib Bukele has cleaned up the streets of El Salvador and placed the majority of the gang members in a few new prisons he has constructed during his administration. The country is safer but at the cost of many civil rights violations namely placing people suspected of gang activity in jail for up to 180 days without a warrant. Amnesty International is investigating this. I will be visiting in April so pray for me LOL.My last visit to El Salvador was in 2008. The sexual enthusiasm of the girls there rivalled that of Brazilians, I had an extremely good time. However, I never felt less safe in my life. Security guards with huge guns in every big establishment. I went to this casa not patronized by foreigners and some patrons looked at me in a manner that I would be in grave danger if it were not so public. If it does get safer I certainly owe the country another visit.

02-23-23, 14:46
I actually think the Zona is more of a jungle, but a contained jungle. Everytime I enter I'm more worried about drugged out and desperate gringos than Mexicans. If you walk around Plaza Rio, Chapultepec, or any other higher end plazas I bet you'll see Mexicans with more money than the average gringo going to the Zona. I've been to far worse and sketchy areas in the world chasing poon.I'm getting an Airbnb in Tijuana, in zona rio. A house, not apartment (read: no doorman, but I wanted the space).

Bad idea??

02-23-23, 19:41
I'm getting an Airbnb in Tijuana, in zona rio. A house, not apartment (read: no doorman, but I wanted the space).

Bad idea??I've had airbnbs in all parts of Tijuana. I don't see an issue unless you're inviting people you don't know over to the place. Just hook up at short time motels or if they are regulars you have history with and they don't have any vices like drugs, then I don't see any issue.

02-23-23, 19:49
My last visit to El Salvador was in 2008. The sexual enthusiasm of the girls there rivalled that of Brazilians, I had an extremely good time. However, I never felt less safe in my life. Security guards with huge guns in every big establishment. I went to this casa not patronized by foreigners and some patrons looked at me in a manner that I would be in grave danger if it were not so public. If it does get safer I certainly owe the country another visit.Yeah some mongers need to travel more. In Honduras, they had security guys with shotguns standing outside McD and other fast food joints. Would they really take your life over a Big Mac? Also in El Salvador the Coke delivery guys have to stay strapped as they might get robbed by MS13. Central America is definitely more dangerous than Mexico. You definitely wont find me trying to explore El Salvador as my handyman fled the country due to the MS13 issue. If a man dies in MS13, their family owes them a replacement. Most of the standup dudes have to make the trek over our border to seek asylum or die trying. The options are join or a bullet to the head and possibly watch your family get assaulted and killed in front of you before they take your life.

Cartel will mess with you if you mess with their business. If you're just a tourist, the worst that could happen is getting hit by crossfire in drug dealer shoot outs in Cancun or Tulum. Every time I go into a bar or club bathroom some drug dealer is always offering their services. It doesn't matter what city or part of the country I find myself in. I always decline as you never know if they are laced with fentanyl that could take you to the afterlife. It can be dangerous in any part of the world. I recall reading a story of some guy wearing a Rolex while waiting to take a train in Italy. The muggers wanted the watch and he declined. The guys chopped off his hand and took the watch. Stay safe and have fun!

02-23-23, 21:44
My last visit to El Salvador was in 2008. If it does get safer I certainly owe the country another visit.Now is the time to return! In the last year, the president has rounded up all the gang members and slapped then into prison, with really no hope for them to get out. He is also planning, with his own money, to build a bigger prison to hold more thuds! It is one of my favorite countries.

02-23-23, 22:52
I'm getting an Airbnb in Tijuana, in zona rio. A house, not apartment (read: no doorman, but I wanted the space).

Bad idea??Not a bad idea but do be careful. The problem lies if a date you invite over goes bad. I've had that happen to me in private apartments to the extent that I placed her clothes and bags outside my door to get her out of there. It didn't help that she had a taxi driver / bodyguard waiting outside. Another time a girl showed up even when I canceled with her. I had to turn off all my lights and lock my doors!

Anything can happen but the privacy is priceless.

02-23-23, 22:53
My last visit to El Salvador was in 2008. The sexual enthusiasm of the girls there rivalled that of Brazilians, I had an extremely good time. However, I never felt less safe in my life. Security guards with huge guns in every big establishment. I went to this casa not patronized by foreigners and some patrons looked at me in a manner that I would be in grave danger if it were not so public. If it does get safer I certainly owe the country another visit.Some of the best point and click sex I've had was in El Salvador. Too bad the city is a dump and impossible to get around without driving. The food is good and the women are passionate.

02-23-23, 23:22
Yeah some mongers need to travel more. In Honduras, they had security guys with shotguns standing outside McD and other fast food joints. Would they really take your life over a Big Mac? Also in El Salvador the Coke delivery guys have to stay strapped as they might get robbed by MS13. Central America is definitely more dangerous than Mexico. You definitely wont find me trying to explore El Salvador as my handyman fled the country due to the MS13 issue. If a man dies in MS13, their family owes them a replacement. Most of the standup dudes have to make the trek over our border to seek asylum or die trying. The options are join or a bullet to the head and possibly watch your family get assaulted and killed in front of you before they take your life.

Cartel will mess with you if you mess with their business. If you're just a tourist, the worst that could happen is getting hit by crossfire in drug dealer shoot outs in Cancun or Tulum. Every time I go into a bar or club bathroom some drug dealer is always offering their services. It doesn't matter what city or part of the country I find myself in. I always decline as you never know if they are laced with fentanyl that could take you to the afterlife. It can be dangerous in any part of the world. I recall reading a story of some guy wearing a Rolex while waiting to take a train in Italy. The muggers wanted the watch and he declined. The guys chopped off his hand and took the watch. Stay safe and have fun!Why the hell would you walk around anywhere, including America, with a Rolex. You only wear a Rolex in a controlled environment like a private party.

02-24-23, 14:27
Why the hell would you walk around anywhere, including America, with a Rolex........To pick up freebies.

02-24-23, 16:07
Not a bad idea but do be careful. The problem lies if a date you invite over goes bad. I've had that happen to me in private apartments to the extent that I placed her clothes and bags outside my door to get her out of there. It didn't help that she had a taxi driver / bodyguard waiting outside. Another time a girl showed up even when I canceled with her. I had to turn off all my lights and lock my doors!

Anything can happen but the privacy is priceless.That's a great point. I do have to be careful to not let things get out of control. Fortunately I'm a deeacalstor by nature. But I do have to end things if they're going sour. This is not an escort. It's a civvy.

02-28-23, 02:04
Anyone have an idea yet where most of the Adelita girls are going?

If they go to Chicago, that might make the club pretty strong again. Even going to Tropical would be a nice bump up for the club.

Is it possible they would work in the alley for 1/3 the price?

02-28-23, 07:17
Anyone have an idea yet where most of the Adelita girls are going?It's been reported that some of the chicks went to Chicago. No word if any went to Tropical Bar.

03-01-23, 00:21
Anyone have an idea yet where most of the Adelita girls are going?

If they go to Chicago, that might make the club pretty strong again. Even going to Tropical would be a nice bump up for the club.

Is it possible they would work in the alley for 1/3 the price?If a girl works in the alley, is it really cheaper? Let's hope the price is still 100 in the bars. Although soon 100 will be a rare find. Street girls prices have gone up per guys reports. Let's say her price is $25. That's 15 minutes. $50 half hour. Clothes off? $15 more. " You want to touch and kiss what on me papi?" "Are you clean papi?" $10. "You want me to lick what papi. With no condom papi?" $15 more.

Cocr Brotheler
03-01-23, 01:18
I met someone from there on Sun night here in Austin and he said the current President of E. S. Is rounding up all the thugs and locking them away in a new prison built especially for this.

03-01-23, 06:06
It's been reported that some of the chicks went to Chicago. No word if any went to Tropical Bar.
You won't catch any non Mexican girls from Adelitas at HK or Tropical. They will most likely end up at Chicago. Several Colombians and Venezuelans had already made the jump from Adelitas to Chicago months ago due to business being slow.

They could also decide to end up going back home. There was a couple cute Mexican girls at Adelitas I could see ending up at Hong Kong but as of now my chick friends at HK say they haven't gotten any of those girls showing up for work yet. They might have been told to hang tight while they sort shit out, but at some point a girl's got to eat.

03-01-23, 18:17
You won't catch any non Mexican girls from Adelitas at HK or Tropical. They will most likely end up at Chicago. Several Colombians and Venezuelans had already made the jump from Adelitas to Chicago months ago due to business being slow.

They could also decide to end up going back home. There was a couple cute Mexican girls at Adelitas I could see ending up at Hong Kong but as of now my chick friends at HK say they haven't gotten any of those girls showing up for work yet. They might have been told to hang tight while they sort shit out, but at some point a girl's got to eat.The skinny ones will go to HK. The medium ones that don't want to put up with HK's pimp mafia (meseros) will go to Chicago. The overweight and old ones will go to Tropicals.

03-01-23, 20:01
I met someone from there on Sun night here in Austin and he said the current President of E. S. Is rounding up all the thugs and locking them away in a new prison built especially for this.They had a video of this place on the news and it's supposed to be able to hold around 40 k prisoners. Of course the dumb human rights people are complaining about the conditions.

03-02-23, 02:50
I met someone from there on Sun night here in Austin and he said the current President of E. S. Is rounding up all the thugs and locking them away in a new prison built especially for this.These ms17 guys need to get to usa, where they can do asylum and live amongst their family in Jersey, long Island, and Virginia. Ther3's already more el salavadorians in usa than their own country. Over here they can be who they want to be and nobody bothers them.

03-02-23, 05:11
I'm getting an Airbnb in Tijuana, in zona rio. A house, not apartment (read: no doorman, but I wanted the space).

Bad idea??If you do it let us know how it goes, and if you can recomend the Airbnb that you rented even better.

03-04-23, 02:37
If you do it let us know how it goes, and if you can recomend the Airbnb that you rented even better.Most of the Airbnb rentals have reviews unless they are relatively new. They have been pretty accurate reading cleanliness, noise, traffic, etc.

03-04-23, 18:08
Pedwest has no dedicated Sentri lane but you can walk past the entire line and there isn't a wait. Will take less than 5 m and most of that is walking.

I'm not sure where your car is but the walk from pedwest to the trolley station is 10-15 m.Thank You, I park at border station parking and will use Pedeast based on your information.

Orgasm Donor
03-04-23, 18:17
Update March 3, 2023.

Adelita Bar still closed, Chicago Bar packed!

Adelita Bar, Est. 1962 Still closed, no word or sign on when it may open again. Word on the street Federal Police involved, so its might be pretty serious.

In other news, Chicago Bar more packed than I have ever seen it.

I didn't go to Hong Kong or Tropical, those places not fun for me anymore, aggressive meseros, and idiots "making it rain", and arrogant chicas asking too much for arriba. Because of all of that has ruined those places for me. (We are almost paying the same as we are in the US now).

Inflated egos on all sides ruin it for everyone.


Chicago Club was fun for a while, but the meseros were getting aggressive there too. I understand they need to help the chicas hustle, but see'Mon. Man!


03-04-23, 22:45
Update March 3, 2023.

Adelita Bar still closed, Chicago Bar packed!

Adelita Bar, Est. 1962 Still closed, no word or sign on when it may open again. Word on the street Federal Police involved, so its might be pretty serious.

In other news, Chicago Bar more packed than I have ever seen it.

I didn't go to Hong Kong or Tropical, those places not fun for me anymore, aggressive meseros, and idiots "making it rain", and arrogant chicas asking too much for arriba. Because of all of that has ruined those places for me. (We are almost paying the same as we are in the US now).

Inflated egos on all sides ruin it for everyone.


Chicago Club was fun for a while, but the meseros were getting aggressive there too. I understand they need to help the chicas hustle, but see'Mon. Man!

OG.Its really not possible to find one of these bars with not aggressive waiters. Sometimes its better to just stay out of the places. For instance spend a night drinking in regular bars. Not that its easy to meet Tijuana woman in them but for your own mental piece of mind. Gringos, because of where they go, and where they stay, they see the constant hassle. Its too much to take sometimes a break, going to a revolution bar and having some beers is good, as it reminds you how your supposed to be treated.

03-05-23, 09:14
Thank You, I park at border station parking and will use Pedeast based on your information.They're both good.

If you have global entry it's the same. You walk up either way.

If you don't then it's just time of day. West is better but only open 6 am-2 pm.

03-06-23, 15:03
I just read this:

"Tijuana, located in Baja Mexico just South of California, is the most dangerous city in the world. As of 2022, itÂÂ's the it has a concerning 138 murders per 100,000 people. ItÂÂ's controlled by the Sinaloa Cartel, which is why itÂÂ's such a murderous place. This is a city you never want to visit, ever, even though it attracts visitors because of its bullfighting and racetracks. That makes it sound even more dangerous, so stay as far away as possible. ".

Enter The V
03-06-23, 15:28
I just read this:

"Tijuana, located in Baja Mexico just South of California, is the most dangerous city in the world. As of 2022, itÂ's the it has a concerning 138 murders per 100,000 people. ItÂ's controlled by the Sinaloa Cartel, which is why itÂ's such a murderous place. This is a city you never want to visit, ever, even though it attracts visitors because of its bullfighting and racetracks. That makes it sound even more dangerous, so stay as far away as possible. ".USA is more dangerous bud believe it.

03-06-23, 15:32
I just read this:

"Tijuana, located in Baja Mexico just South of California, is the most dangerous city in the world. As of 2022, itÂ's the it has a concerning 138 murders per 100,000 people. ItÂ's controlled by the Sinaloa Cartel, which is why itÂ's such a murderous place. This is a city you never want to visit, ever, even though it attracts visitors because of its bullfighting and racetracks. That makes it sound even more dangerous, so stay as far away as possible. ".Did you have an actual point to make?

03-06-23, 19:30
I just read this: "it attracts visitors because of its bullfighting and racetracks".So that's what the attraction is! And here I thought it was mostly drawing *****mongers and foodies!

03-07-23, 01:30
I just read this:

"Tijuana, located in Baja Mexico just South of California, is the most dangerous city in the world. As of 2022, itÂ's the it has a concerning 138 murders per 100,000 people. ItÂ's controlled by the Sinaloa Cartel, which is why itÂ's such a murderous place. This is a city you never want to visit, ever, even though it attracts visitors because of its bullfighting and racetracks. That makes it sound even more dangerous, so stay as far away as possible. ".As a regular of Tijuana I had to Google this myself.

Dude just read one more article. Literally one. Any one. You'll find the truth all over. Yes Tijuana is a murder capital. But it's a big city. You stay in the nice areas you're fine. Tijuana has slums and cartel fights. You're unlikely to ever see either. You're most likely to see restaurants and families and street vendors.

It's like you don't got to LA and go to Compton.

03-07-23, 14:37
My favorite loca from CDMX came to Tijuana last weekend. We spent a day in Tijuana and went to the Zona. Was a lot of fun.

She maybe enjoys the girls more than I do.

Spent a couple days doing Rosarito and Ensenada. Was cold but we had fun. Went to a few bars. Went to a few food places.

I did see more national guards then recent trips but I think there was a larger national guard pressense last Summer in this area. Can theorize based on some news reporting but not sure the exact reasons.

Got medical pass and got through border by car in 25 minutes. Little longer than last time but still good.

I felt safe the entire time.

03-07-23, 14:49
Did you have an actual point to make?Yes, if you're into bullfighting and racetracks, stay away.

03-07-23, 19:27
I just read this:

"Tijuana, located in Baja Mexico just South of California, is the most dangerous city in the world. As of 2022, itÂ's the it has a concerning 138 murders per 100,000 people. ItÂ's controlled by the Sinaloa Cartel, which is why itÂ's such a murderous place. This is a city you never want to visit, ever, even though it attracts visitors because of its bullfighting and racetracks. That makes it sound even more dangerous, so stay as far away as possible..Have you been to Tijuana? Or you just post stuff that you see.

If you go there and don't deal with drugs, no one is going to kill you.

03-07-23, 22:08
Got medical pass and got through border by car in 25 minutes. Little longer than last time but still good.Still no word on your Sentri pass?

03-08-23, 04:26
Have you been to Tijuana? Or you just post stuff that you see.

If you go there and don't deal with drugs, no one is going to kill you.I got choked out standing in front of the street girls, and dropped head first while passed out. Unless they stabbed me in my head. Most likely they just dropped me head 1st. 4 North Carolina people got shot up kidnapped this week 10 minutes after entering mexixo. Everywhere you turn in Zona Norte is a bunch of people with high powered guns. Cartel body guards, policia, national guard, military, I seen many times hk shoulder to shoulder crowded and military walking through with machine guns bumping into people just going from front door to back door. I had cartel or police busting open my hk hotel with ski masks machine guns and bullet proof vests looking for someone. Theres a real danger in Tijuana its not accurate to say its safe anymore. Just too many guns ready to go off at any moment.

03-08-23, 08:41
First, I want to thank all of you for posting your experiences and tips here on this site. I've been thinking about visiting Tijuana for many years and finally took the plunge yesterday. I travel to San Diego every year and have always been concerned about crossing the border thanks to the constant barrage of media coverage we see in the US about the dangers of Mexico. I finally took the trip even when there was a recent shooting in Zona Norte, closing of Adelitas and the news talking nonstop about the kidnapped americans in Matamoros.

I took the trolley from 5th st in San Diego, walked right into Mexico ready with my FMM form since I do not have Global entry and grabbed a taxi for $6 to the Hotel Ticuan. I watched enough videos that it felt like I had done this before. I arrived at Ticuan at 4:00 pm having left SD around 2:30, and then took a walk up Ave Revolucion to the arch and Zona Norte. Since I opted to go the escort route for my first time, I was just walking around to check out the scene. Plenty of SW's on the streets exactly as you see them in various youtube videos. On the way back, I picked up some Maxifort for $1. 60 per 100 MG at a random Pharmacia, then stopped for a beer at Norte Brewing which is a challenge to find. It was worth it though since the IPA was pretty good. Then I hit up Victors Liquors for some Tequila where I had a very enjoyable experience picking out a tequila including a sample in the store. As a first timer, I felt safe the entire time but of course, always had my city smarts on as I do in any city.

I had arranged an overnight with Mundo at cuminTJ. As all of you have indicated, he was very responsive and helped guide me to the best option. I emailed him last week ahead of the trip with various options and I decided to go with Habana as suggested by Mundo. She had good reviews that were a little dated but she was perfect for my first Tijuana experience. For me, the overnight experience is such a pleasure and Habana was as good as it gets for me.

In the morning, she headed off on her way and I headed back to SD. I was a bit worried about the border crossing since the border crossing website showed 2+ hour wait. I grabbed a taxi from the Ticuan for $6. The driver took me right up to the line which he assured me was going to be good. I was through security and onto a trolley in 30 minutes without sentri. I was at Ped East at 9:30 am. My biggest mistake was not getting a churo right at the beginning of the line. It all went very smoothly but I would definitely get Global entry for next time.

03-08-23, 16:30
Congrats on your first trip.

Next time don't walk to Zona though! That patch from Revo to Zona is rough. And an Uber between the 2 should only be about 3 dollars.

First, I want to thank all of you for posting your experiences and tips here on this site. I've been thinking about visiting Tijuana for many years and finally took the plunge yesterday. I travel to San Diego every year and have always been concerned about crossing the border thanks to the constant barrage of media coverage we see in the US about the dangers of Mexico. I finally took the trip even when there was a recent shooting in Zona Norte, closing of Adelitas and the news talking nonstop about the kidnapped americans in Matamoros.

I took the trolley from 5th st in San Diego, walked right into Mexico ready with my FMM form since I do not have Global entry and grabbed a taxi for $6 to the Hotel Ticuan. I watched enough videos that it felt like I had done this before. I arrived at Ticuan at 4:00 pm having left SD around 2:30, and then took a walk up Ave Revolucion to the arch and Zona Norte. Since I opted to go the escort route for my first time, I was just walking around to check out the scene. Plenty of SW's on the streets exactly as you see them in various youtube videos. On the way back, I picked up some Maxifort for $1. 60 per 100 MG at a random Pharmacia, then stopped for a beer at Norte Brewing which is a challenge to find. It was worth it though since the IPA was pretty good. Then I hit up Victors Liquors for some Tequila where I had a very enjoyable experience picking out a tequila including a sample in the store. As a first timer, I felt safe the entire time but of course, always had my city smarts on as I do in any city..

03-08-23, 18:29
First, I want to thank all of you for posting your experiences and tips here on this site. I've been thinking about visiting Tijuana for many years and finally took the plunge yesterday. I travel to San Diego every year and have always been concerned about crossing the border thanks to the constant barrage of media coverage we see in the US about the dangers of Mexico. I finally took the trip even when there was a recent shooting in Zona Norte, closing of Adelitas and the news talking nonstop about the kidnapped americans in Matamoros.

I took the trolley from 5th st in San Diego, walked right into Mexico ready with my FMM form since I do not have Global entry and grabbed a taxi for $6 to the Hotel Ticuan. I watched enough videos that it felt like I had done this before. I arrived at Ticuan at 4:00 pm having left SD around 2:30, and then took a walk up Ave Revolucion to the arch and Zona Norte. Since I opted to go the escort route for my first time, I was just walking around to check out the scene. Plenty of SW's on the streets exactly as you see them in various youtube videos. On the way back, I picked up some Maxifort for $1. 60 per 100 MG at a random Pharmacia, then stopped for a beer at Norte Brewing which is a challenge to find. It was worth it though since the IPA was pretty good. Then I hit up Victors Liquors for some Tequila where I had a very enjoyable experience picking out a tequila including a sample in the store. As a first timer, I felt safe the entire time but of course, always had my city smarts on as I do in any city.She's an interesting chica, Habana. Little too aggressive for my liking but still fun.

Fun fact Mundo used to date her twin. Does she still have the braids down to her a $$? The 10 lbs of hair was a little turn off for me. Wish the girl pictured had showed up but that was many moons ago. New pictures are as good as gold in this game.

Glad your first experience went well. I'd recommend the Ticuan / escort combo to any first timer.

03-09-23, 00:55
She's an interesting chica, Habana. Little too aggressive for my liking but still fun.

Fun fact Mundo used to date her twin. Does she still have the braids down to her a $$? The 10 lbs of hair was a little turn off for me. Wish the girl pictured had showed up but that was many moons ago. New pictures are as good as gold in this game.

Glad your first experience went well. I'd recommend the Ticuan / escort combo to any first timer.She doesn't have the braids anymore. Very fun girl and speaks good English.

03-09-23, 03:30
She's an interesting chica, Habana. Little too aggressive for my liking but still fun.

Fun fact Mundo used to date her twin. Does she still have the braids down to her a $$? The 10 lbs of hair was a little turn off for me. Wish the girl pictured had showed up but that was many moons ago. New pictures are as good as gold in this game.

Glad your first experience went well. I'd recommend the Ticuan / escort combo to any first timer.Ha Ha, yes she did snore. Before we crashed for the night, I told her that I snored and that is was OK to push me or whatever to get me to stop. She was a lot of fun and not too aggressive. Maybe she has mellowed in her old age, LOL. Her hair was shorter but who knows, maybe it was her twin? She also said she had never seen her pictures on the website and when she saw them she wasn't happy about the face and also indicated she has a few more pounds since they were taken.

I'll take the advice on walking as well for the future. I may stick with Ticuan / escort combo anyway. There was some nice eye candy on the first block (C. Primera) walking away from the arch toward Zona and it was around 5 in the afternoon so it didn't seem too sketchy.

03-09-23, 05:11
I got choked out standing in front of the street girls, and dropped head first while passed out. Unless they stabbed me in my head. Most likely they just dropped me head 1st. 4 North Carolina people got shot up kidnapped this week 10 minutes after entering mexixo. Everywhere you turn in Zona Norte is a bunch of people with high powered guns. Cartel body guards, policia, national guard, military, I seen many times hk shoulder to shoulder crowded and military walking through with machine guns bumping into people just going from front door to back door. I had cartel or police busting open my hk hotel with ski masks machine guns and bullet proof vests looking for someone. Theres a real danger in Tijuana its not accurate to say its safe anymore. Just too many guns ready to go off at any moment.I agree with you. The golden age when Madonna's and peanuts and beer were open and Ceasars was a strip club are over. I used to drink back in those days. Was drunk many nights and never felt unsafe or robbed. Even the touts were fun. Besides the usual short changing you a dollar here and there, it was an amazing time. I don't see it ever going back to the safety and fun of that time. Under no circumstance do I feel real safe now. There is more of a darkness now.

Cocr Brotheler
03-09-23, 05:25
I got choked out standing in front of the street girls, and dropped head first while passed out. Unless they stabbed me in my head. Most likely they just dropped me head 1st. 4 North Carolina people got shot up kidnapped this week 10 minutes after entering mexixo. Everywhere you turn in Zona Norte is a bunch of people with high powered guns. Cartel body guards, policia, national guard, military, I seen many times hk shoulder to shoulder crowded and military walking through with machine guns bumping into people just going from front door to back door. I had cartel or police busting open my hk hotel with ski masks machine guns and bullet proof vests looking for someone. Theres a real danger in Tijuana it's not accurate to say it's safe anymore. Just too many guns ready to go off at any moment.Unfortunately true re Matamoros kidnappings. 2 of those kidnapped in Matamoros ended up being killed just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. And in Nuevo Laredo last week reports of MEX soldiers shooting speeding cars, at least 5 shot. And if you search and read the Spanish newspapers of the TX-MEX border towns there is a lot more killings going on never reported, same for Tijuana.

And if your ignorant enough (not speaking to D69) to believe TJ just fine, it has all the ingredients for a major flare up and hearing about narcos inside HK with bodyguard carrying semi-auto pistols I believe it!

It may sound cool at first but when narco's battle happens inside HK it will be like Scarface movie tutes and tricks running for their lives everybody getting shot up!

I like HK very much but control when I go in there preferring off peak times especially Fri and Sat nights.

03-09-23, 20:13
USA is more dangerous bud believe it.Having visited 30 countries and more than 100 cities across the globe, I can tell you where the only bad things have happened to me in my travels. USA. Period. Any violence against or near me: USA. Anytime pickpocketed: USA (and one attempt in Singapore LOL). Anytime anything stolen from me: USA. My car was stolen right out of our secured garage in Austin, TX!

03-10-23, 08:00
Good news guys, no need to worry, the Gulf cartel has apologized for their mishap and assure everybody no other innocent people will be harmed. Party on, brothers!

Cocr Brotheler
03-11-23, 03:04
Having visited 30 countries and more than 100 cities across the globe, I can tell you where the only bad things have happened to me in my travels. USA. Period. Any violence against or near me: USA. Anytime pickpocketed: USA (and one attempt in Singapore LOL). Anytime anything stolen from me: USA. My car was stolen right out of our secured garage in Austin, TX!I hear you Austin guy. I'm an Austin guy again now too and scared to go downtown at night just for regular nightclub or bar crawling but I 56 now too.

03-11-23, 08:12
Good news guys, no need to worry, the Gulf cartel has apologized for their mishap and assure everybody no other innocent people will be harmed. Party on, brothers!Hehehe! Thanks for the reassuring message! Open tequila and we're back to the party!

03-11-23, 22:36
I hear you Austin guy. I'm an Austin guy again now too and scared to go downtown at night just for regular nightclub or bar crawling but I 56 now too.Austin averaged about 8 homicides per 100,000 residence in 2021. For comparison, San Diego averaged 4. 6 for the same period.

Captain Solo
03-13-23, 18:00
The border city of Tijuana was the Mexican municipality with the highest number of homicides, with 1,969 cases reported in 2021. Tijuana was followed by Ciudad Juárez, located south of El Paso, Texas, with a total of 1,393 homicides. Jun 1, 2022.

About 2% murdered every year on top of natural causes.

03-13-23, 21:29
The border city of Tijuana was the Mexican municipality with the highest number of homicides, with 1,969 cases reported in 2021. Tijuana was followed by Ciudad Jurez, located south of El Paso, Texas, with a total of 1,393 homicides. Jun 1, 2022.

About 2% murdered every year on top of natural causes.The murder rate is higher then we lost in Iraq and Afghanistan in a year for kia's (killed in action). Yes it is dangerous here if you deal with the wrong people, do drugs, sell drugs, or get caught in the cross fire. But honestly most murder is between the Cartels and they aren't targeting American mongers looking for sex in the zona. Just be careful and be vigilant of your surroundings, stay away from the slums west of the zona norte and you should be fine.

03-13-23, 22:26
The border city of Tijuana was the Mexican municipality with the highest number of homicides, with 1,969 cases reported in 2021. Tijuana was followed by Ciudad Jurez, located south of El Paso, Texas, with a total of 1,393 homicides. Jun 1, 2022.

About 2% murdered every year on top of natural causes.More concerning is the Mexican imprisonment rate for murders which is almost zero. So murder is actually legal. Could you imagine the murder rate in LOS Angeles Chicago and nyc if they only put someone in jail 3% of the time the way mexixo does? Mexixo can fix alot of its problems by building prisons and using them. But they don't beleive in prison state like USA does.

03-13-23, 22:30
The border city of Tijuana was the Mexican municipality with the highest number of homicides, with 1,969 cases reported in 2021. Tijuana was followed by Ciudad Jurez, located south of El Paso, Texas, with a total of 1,393 homicides. Jun 1, 2022.

About 2% murdered every year on top of natural causes.LOL, way too much fear-mongering and exaggeration on these boards. There's no 1,969 people per 100 K getting killed in Tijuana. Or any other city for that matter. 1,969 is probably the total number that were killed in Tijuana that year, which is way, way lower than 2% of the population (just a fraction of that).

03-14-23, 04:21
Per every 100,000 people, Austin Tx averages about 7 homicides, San Diego averages about 5.

Medellin, Columbia averages about 20.

Tijuana averages about 130.

03-14-23, 14:13
LOL, way too much fear-mongering and exaggeration on these boards. There's no 1,969 people per 100 K getting killed in Tijuana. Or any other city for that matter. 1,969 is probably the total number that were killed in Tijuana that year, which is way, way lower than 2% of the population (just a fraction of that).Can't we all just get along and fuck hookers?

03-14-23, 16:16
LOL, way too much fear-mongering and exaggeration on these boards.Yes, some of us are known to apply liberal amounts of poetic license to their post.

I, on the other hand, like any other red-blooded American, get my serious news from Twit-her, FaceBlather and Faux Gnus.

Captain Solo
03-14-23, 16:34
2% murder rate seems very high. I may have misread this news article.

1969 may be all murders for 2021, not per 100 K. Have to recheck that news source. My bad.

This stat should not make the bros shake uncontrollably in fear while humping hot chicas.

Captain Solo
03-14-23, 16:47
That should make all Americans risking their asses in Tijuana super heroes and true patriots.

You think we will soon receive our Congressional Medal of Honor?

03-14-23, 23:52
You think we will soon receive our Congressional Medal of Honor?How about awarding the "Congressional Medal of On-Her and Off-Her and back On-Her Again"?

03-15-23, 03:54
How about awarding the "Congressional Medal of On-Her and Off-Her and back On-Her Again"?I heard the report of a 9 mm gun shot today in the Callejon at about 11 am. I confirmed this with 2 other guys that were working the door of HK. So be careful and hit the deck if the cartels start shooting around you LOL.

03-15-23, 14:07
I heard the report of a 9 mm gun shot today in the Callejon at about 11 am. I confirmed this with 2 other guys that were working the door of HK. So be careful and hit the deck if the cartels start shooting around you LOL.I heard reports of guys shooting their 9 inches into babes in HK so be careful to not let other guys have all the fun.

03-15-23, 15:19
I heard reports of guys shooting their 9 inches into babes in HK so be careful to not let other guys have all the fun.More like5 inches and a lot of ego LOL!

Captain Solo
03-15-23, 18:26
Her honorable Tijuana mayor will grant you Mexico's Medal of on her, in her and out of her.

03-17-23, 03:47
Hey all, long time member but not active much lately as I took a brief hiatus from all of this. Then when I came back in the game, I was solely going to Tijuana because it was easy and a sure thing. I have been there more times than I can remember which isn't an easy task coming from the Midwest.

I have some time (a week next month and while I was ready to book Tijuana as usual) I thought. Maybe it is time to explore elsewhere. I really love the set up in Tijuana, I know the city very well and I maximize my experience with SA, Civvies and of course I still LOVE the club scene.

I speak pretty good Spanish (nearly fluent at this point) so I feel I can and should explore outside of my bubble. I haven't before because I LOVE Tijuana and the atmosphere of the Zona. It's a sure hit every time. But lately the prices and just BS watered down experience has me seeking a place that may still have something like HK used to be 10 years ago. Maybe it doesn't exist, but a change of scenery might help either strike gold or appreciate Tijuana that much more.

So I have narrowed it down to the following after RTFF:

1. CDMX. Easy to get to, Cheap, great food, lots to do, plenty of SA and Escort options.

2. Guadalajara. Easy to get to, Cheap, great food, plenty of SA and Escort options.

3. Monterrey (and piggy backing Saltillo Coahuila) - Easy to get to, Cheap, seems not as "touristy" as the other 2 as well as Tijuana. So might get cheaper and raunchier options. Regarding Saltillo, based on a TR from Tom Jackin! Sounds like the Clubs there are what I am trying to find!

Initially, I was thinking Medellin, but the distance and time traveling is just not how I want to spend the week. Now I am leaning toward #3 but wanted to get insight from anyone that might be familiar with all 3 and what you recommend. Of course, if Tijuana is superior in every way and should just stick to that. I haven't ruled that out either.

Already got SA chicas contacted in each so I am sure that will be an option, but I really want a place with the best club scene as well. Just like that atmosphere.

Thanks in advance for tips and suggestions! I'll make sure to provide a great report while out there.

03-17-23, 15:49
Hey all, long time member but not active much lately as I took a brief hiatus from all of this. Then when I came back in the game, I was solely going to Tijuana because it was easy and a sure thing. I have been there more times than I can remember which isn't an easy task coming from the Midwest.

I have some time (a week next month and while I was ready to book Tijuana as usual) I thought. Maybe it is time to explore elsewhere. I really love the set up in Tijuana, I know the city very well and I maximize my experience with SA, Civvies and of course I still LOVE the club scene.

I speak pretty good Spanish (nearly fluent at this point) so I feel I can and should explore outside of my bubble. I haven't before because I LOVE Tijuana and the atmosphere of the Zona. It's a sure hit every time. But lately the prices and just BS watered down experience has me seeking a place that may still have something like HK used to be 10 years ago. Maybe it doesn't exist, but a change of scenery might help either strike gold or appreciate Tijuana that much more..I would go to Mexico city. It will be interesting enough that you won't be needing constant woman like Tijuana. If all you do is go to Tijuana eventually Tijuana can be like walking from your living room to the bathroom in your house. Nothing seems interesting or noticeably anymore.

03-17-23, 19:11
I would go to Mexico city. It will be interesting enough that you won't be needing constant woman like Tijuana. If all you do is go to Tijuana eventually Tijuana can be like walking from your living room to the bathroom in your house. Nothing seems interesting or noticeably anymore.I agree that is why I am having this thought. I figure worst case, if things aren't to my liking I can grab a cheap flight to Tijuana and finish things off there.

I will check SA. But as mentioned I am a Strip Club guy. Any must go to out there? I am sure nothing like HK, but anything even remotely close or even more laid back will do.


03-17-23, 19:35
Hey all, long time member but not active much lately as I took a brief hiatus from all of this. Then when I came back in the game, I was solely going to Tijuana because it was easy and a sure thing. I have been there more times than I can remember which isn't an easy task coming from the Midwest.

I have some time (a week next month and while I was ready to book Tijuana as usual) I thought. Maybe it is time to explore elsewhere. I really love the set up in Tijuana, I know the city very well and I maximize my experience with SA, Civvies and of course I still LOVE the club scene.

I speak pretty good Spanish (nearly fluent at this point) so I feel I can and should explore outside of my bubble. I haven't before because I LOVE Tijuana and the atmosphere of the Zona. It's a sure hit every time. But lately the prices and just BS watered down experience has me seeking a place that may still have something like HK used to be 10 years ago. Maybe it doesn't exist, but a change of scenery might help either strike gold or appreciate Tijuana that much more.

So I have narrowed it down to the following after RTFF:.I think it is best to figure you what you are looking for before you go. If you are mongering it is difficult to beat Tijuana because everything is laid out for you in one central location. If you can get away from the mongering mindset then just about every major city in Mexico beats Tijuana and by the time you return, you will say to yourself that Tijuana is kind of fucking ugly compared to the rest of Mexico.

03-20-23, 14:25
I think it is best to figure you what you are looking for before you go. If you are mongering it is difficult to beat Tijuana because everything is laid out for you in one central location. If you can get away from the mongering mindset then just about every major city in Mexico beats Tijuana and by the time you return, you will say to yourself that Tijuana is kind of fucking ugly compared to the rest of Mexico.I concur.

I say this as someone who goes to Tijuana on the regular. It's an awful city with few redeeming qualities except it's proximity to the US and readily available access to poontang that costs half as much as 1 mile to the north. Yes it has some good restaurants and bars but it is largely a cultural wasteland and a existential threat to the humanity and dignity of its inhabitants, most of whom would live elsewhere if given the choice and opportunity.

03-20-23, 16:39
I concur.

I say this as someone who goes to Tijuana on the regular. It's an awful city with few redeeming qualities except it's proximity to the US and readily available access to poontang that costs half as much as 1 mile to the north. Yes it has some good restaurants and bars but it is largely a cultural wasteland and a existential threat to the humanity and dignity of its inhabitants, most of whom would live elsewhere if given the choice and opportunity.Well I'd say it's more than "some". There are many hella good restaurants, bars, breweries, etc. Of solid (or even outstanding in some cases) quality at excellent pricing that alone makes it worth visiting Tijuana occasionally. And it's not like it's just food, drinks, and pussy that's cheap. If you find the right spots there are other services such dental, cosmetic, auto, etc. Services that are quality at a fraction of the price that you'll find in the USA Wouldn't want to live there like some do but IMO Tijuana does have several redeeming qualities outside of the clubs. I've grown fond of the city personally even outside of Zona Norte.

03-20-23, 17:05
The last time I went to Tijuana I left my hotel at 2:00 PM and I could not find the border line. I left from La Mansion and every sign that I followed took me in circles around the city. Every time I would get close to what looked like a border line, the police would direct me away. Google maps / car navigation was no help. Eventually I just crossed through the sentry line because I honestly could not figure out how to drive across the proper way. I always stay at La Mansion. Can someone explain how to get into the automobile crossing line when it is busy? Is it easier to navigate to the Otay Crossing?

03-20-23, 18:22
Well I'd say it's more than "some". There are many hella good restaurants, bars, breweries, etc. Of solid (or even outstanding in some cases) quality at excellent pricing that alone makes it worth visiting Tijuana occasionally. And it's not like it's just food, drinks, and pussy that's cheap. If you find the right spots there are other services such dental, cosmetic, auto, etc. Services that are quality at a fraction of the price that you'll find in the USA Wouldn't want to live there like some do but IMO Tijuana does have several redeeming qualities outside of the clubs. I've grown fond of the city personally even outside of Zona Norte.I also concur with that.

Some of Tijuana's restaurants are indeed excellent. Those from the placencia group are always a hit. And many others. I eat very well there. And some bars have excellent mixology that would rival anything here in the states.

But still, those are pearls among swine. The city is ugly and poorly planned. The people are often miserable and contemptuous of their richer and more entitled neighbors to the north (with good reason often). While some areas are safe, smart people will not walk between safe areas a mile away due to legitimate safety issues. The police are corrupt. The poverty is not third world but it's not first world either and when it's bad it's really bad (like shanty towns).

I'm not saying Tijuana has nothing going for it. It does and I go there often. I'm saying that as a resident it would suck. It's good for norteños like us to come and do our thing and leave. But for people who make it a home, it's just an awful place.

03-20-23, 20:33
The last time I went to Tijuana I left my hotel at 2:00 PM and I could not find the border line. I left from La Mansion and every sign that I followed took me in circles around the city. Every time I would get close to what looked like a border line, the police would direct me away. Google maps / car navigation was no help. Eventually I just crossed through the sentry line because I honestly could not figure out how to drive across the proper way. I always stay at La Mansion. Can someone explain how to get into the automobile crossing line when it is busy? Is it easier to navigate to the Otay Crossing?Next time you cross in sentri they very likely will fine you 5 k. And it needs to be paid on the spot.

03-21-23, 02:44
Next time you cross in sentri they very likely will fine you 5 k. And it needs to be paid on the spot.Thanks for the heads up. They actually said I get 2 free ones. That's why I'm here asking, because I don't understand where you need to go in order to enter the que for normal re-entry. Is it easier to just drive to Otay?

03-21-23, 04:34
Thanks for the heads up. They actually said I get 2 free ones. That's why I'm here asking, because I don't understand where you need to go in order to enter the que for normal re-entry. Is it easier to just drive to Otay?Well I don't pay much attention to the streets of Tijuana since most are hard to find names of except for the larger ones. So I like to use businesses as a point of reference. I was in La Mansion last October and this is the way I went back to the border. I had to look at Google maps to find the names of the businesses to try and help you better.

When you come out of La Mansion you can only go right, so go right and stay until the first off ramp which is right where the Holiday Inn is. Once you get on that off ramp it takes you to Ave. De LOS Héroes, this is one of the main streets in Tijuana. You can take this all the way to the border. You will go thru 3 "Glorietas" aka traffic circles but just stay in the middle so you go straight. You will pass El Camino Real hotel at the second one and Plaza Rio at the third one. Now the only problem with this route is that the border line is usually the longest since it's for those that don't have Ready Lane and usually moves slower.

Your second option is to do the same as the first but at the first traffic circle go to the right and take the bridge over the river. Now stay in the right lane so yo can take the first right off ramp once over the river. This will put you onto the areápida that will take you to the border and the Ready Lanes.

If you look on google maps before your trip to get familiar with things and maybe make a test drive if you have time before you go to the motel. Tijuana is pretty easy to get around once you figure out some of the basic streets. Mostly it's East to West and the biggest obstacle is to realize that most businesses are on one side of the river but to get back to the border you have to get to the other side.

03-21-23, 04:50
Thanks for the heads up. They actually said I get 2 free ones. That's why I'm here asking, because I don't understand where you need to go in order to enter the que for normal re-entry. Is it easier to just drive to Otay?I messed up on my last report. If you do the first way I mentioned you actually go thru 4 traffic circles. I somehow forgot about honest Abe.

03-21-23, 13:43
Tijuana is an ok place to have fun. Same with Rosarito and even Ensenada. I fly the lower cost girls from all over Mexico into Tijuana and we have lots of fun going to places to eat. Bars and various sight seeing. They are still high quality girls. It is just well known the closer the girl is to Tijuana/San Diego the more she will ask for.

Now I get how someone who has been to other cities in Mexico thinks Tijuana is bad. Even Mexicans I know think Tijuana is not as good as the other cities I been too. Besides some of the obvious beach cities I really like CDMX. Yea no amazing beaches but fantastic sight seeing, great food and so far I have met my favorite locas from CDMX. Some I met there and some I met in the Zona from there.

I think it is best to figure you what you are looking for before you go. If you are mongering it is difficult to beat Tijuana because everything is laid out for you in one central location. If you can get away from the mongering mindset then just about every major city in Mexico beats Tijuana and by the time you return, you will say to yourself that Tijuana is kind of fucking ugly compared to the rest of Mexico.

03-21-23, 13:46
After more than 18 months I have gotten the interview. I am working through that process. A less resourceful person than me could wait a year for the interview.

Still no word on your Sentri pass?

03-21-23, 17:46
I also concur with that.

Some of Tijuana's restaurants are indeed excellent. Those from the placencia group are always a hit. And many others. I eat very well there. And some bars have excellent mixology that would rival anything here in the states.

But still, those are pearls among swine. The city is ugly and poorly planned. The people are often miserable and contemptuous of their richer and more entitled neighbors to the north (with good reason often). While some areas are safe, smart people will not walk between safe areas a mile away due to legitimate safety issues. The police are corrupt. The poverty is not third world but it's not first world either and when it's bad it's really bad (like shanty towns).

I'm not saying Tijuana has nothing going for it. It does and I go there often. I'm saying that as a resident it would suck. It's good for norteos like us to come and do our thing and leave. But for people who make it a home, it's just an awful place.I could never live in Tijuana. A friend picked me up from revolution street on a sat night 8 pm to drive to her daughter apt 10 miles away. It took an hour. And that was normal. Its much worse in the day time I was told. The neighborhood her daughter lived in for low rent patients I wouldn't be safe in. Then she showed me apartments she's looking for for herself and other adult kids. Maybe 3 4 blocks off revolution. The streets look ghetto. There's no parking spots. Its nothing like a nice USA apartment t with a small patch grass maybe a little breathing room. Nope. Just everyone on top of each other and 3 bedroom was like $900 month. Wow. She wanted me to move into the laundry room part time and pay rent LOL. I'm like no thanks I like my revolution street hotels. My friends living in Tijuana paying these rents they make no money either. Like 6 dollars an hour. These aren't even. Minimum wage jobs. It would be middle income jobs that in is a pay 24 an hour.

03-23-23, 19:44
After more than 18 months I have gotten the interview. I am working through that process. A less resourceful person than me could wait a year for the interview.Seems like you can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. The interview should be easy and pretty quick. Just be honest and you shouldn't have a problem. Good luck.

03-23-23, 19:54
Living in Tijuana is much easier and nicer than you would think. In my years living there I never meet people that were depressed by living in Tijuana. Like most cities those living there are very proud and even with its negatives most in Tijuana come from other parts of Mexico for work. Being a border city it's definitely not full of normal Mexican culture as you find in some other parts but everyone is very warm especially if you make the effort to speak the language.

The city is getting more foreign investment and you can see the money being injected but the traffic is a mess and unfortunately Mexico doesn't have the money to spend or print like the US to make large investments to build more highways.

03-24-23, 13:16
Living in Tijuana is much easier and nicer than you would think. In my years living there I never meet people that were depressed by living in Tijuana. Like most cities those living there are very proud and even with its negatives most in Tijuana come from other parts of Mexico for work. Being a border city it's definitely not full of normal Mexican culture as you find in some other parts but everyone is very warm especially if you make the effort to speak the language.

The city is getting more foreign investment and you can see the money being injected but the traffic is a mess and unfortunately Mexico doesn't have the money to spend or print like the US to make large investments to build more highways.I agree 100 % . Tijuana is a vibe. You are either down with the program or not. I get things done here that I could never accomplish in the USA. Too many to name but life is easier here in many regards but YES at a price. Eventually I might outgrow it but there is no doubt Tijuana has been a lifesaver to me and many other Americans. I will always have respect for this city and even more for the natives that live here.

03-26-23, 05:07
Living in Tijuana is much easier and nicer than you would think. In my years living there I never meet people that were depressed by living in Tijuana. Like most cities those living there are very proud and even with its negatives most in Tijuana come from other parts of Mexico for work. Being a border city it's definitely not full of normal Mexican culture as you find in some other parts but everyone is very warm especially if you make the effort to speak the language.

The city is getting more foreign investment and you can see the money being injected but the traffic is a mess and unfortunately Mexico doesn't have the money to spend or print like the US to make large investments to build more highways.I love the city, but they do need better roads and less traffic. They probably don't collect enough tax revenue to reinvest into the city. Mexico is a mostly cash system so easy to bypass any tax revenue laws. Driving 10 miles can turn into an hour affair during most of the day. They keep building offices and residential buildings, but I don't see any improvements with more roadways or toll roads. I’m sure they could make nicer thoroughfares near via rapida if they charged tolls. I've seen in the news they plan to create a metro system, but imagine it would take at least a decade to complete.

03-26-23, 05:11
I could never live in Tijuana. A friend picked me up from revolution street on a sat night 8 pm to drive to her daughter apt 10 miles away. It took an hour. And that was normal. Its much worse in the day time I was told. The neighborhood her daughter lived in for low rent patients I wouldn't be safe in. Then she showed me apartments she's looking for for herself and other adult kids. Maybe 3 4 blocks off revolution. The streets look ghetto. There's no parking spots. Its nothing like a nice USA apartment t with a small patch grass maybe a little breathing room. Nope. Just everyone on top of each other and 3 bedroom was like $900 month. Wow. She wanted me to move into the laundry room part time and pay rent LOL. I'm like no thanks I like my revolution street hotels. My friends living in Tijuana paying these rents they make no money either. Like 6 dollars an hour. These aren't even. Minimum wage jobs. It would be middle income jobs that in is a pay 24 an hour.I've driven past some pretty impressive neighborhoods in the hills of Tijuana. I think it was south of La Cacho and Chapultepec area. I'm sure most if not all are million dollar homes. Traffic is terrible, but rent for a 1-2 br in Tijuana runs $500-$700 compared to $2,000-$2,500 in SoCal.

03-26-23, 16:46
Good advice. I am always upfront and honest with the government and law enforcement. IMO their job is hard enough without people making it more of a problem.

To anyone else who gets the interview it may be better just to go to Arizona. Can easily get those appointments in a month or two. Otay wait is currently 2024.

Seems like you can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. The interview should be easy and pretty quick. Just be honest and you shouldn't have a problem. Good luck.

03-26-23, 16:52
I love the city, but they do need better roads and less traffic. They probably don't collect enough tax revenue to reinvest into the city. Mexico is a mostly cash system so easy to bypass any tax revenue laws. Driving 10 miles can turn into an hour affair during most of the day. They keep building offices and residential buildings, but I don't see any improvements with more roadways or toll roads. Im sure they could make nicer thoroughfares near via rapida if they charged tolls. I've seen in the news they plan to create a metro system, but imagine it would take at least a decade to complete.Yes Tijuana definitely needs a above ground trolley.

I don't think they can start building a below ground one. Thats probably more expensive. But a trolley that goes from the border to revolution and maybe a transfer to shoot south 10 miles at revolution, and one that goes to Playas from revolution. And at the border have another teaser that shoots maybe like a upside down you, that goes into the neighborhoods where everyone's living and back tobotay border crossing. The congestion is Tijuana in my opinion is the worst I've seen. Ifbin LOS angelles I'm always staying close to the coast so I can't speak to dealer into LA but Tijuana is much worse than Venice Santa Monica.

03-26-23, 17:05
I do not think living in Tijuana is as bad as some think. I do not like commuting so not for me.

Roads = California roads are pretty horrible right now and we pay crazy taxes specifically for road upkeep.

Safety = Mexico is not as safe but anyone not yet aware that California is on a hard path down in terms of public safety in not aware of current events. One of the reasons people leaving California is because of safety issues.

Cost of living = not even a comparison. Mexico wins in a landslide. Specially if you have the ability to go back into the USA to buy the things that are more costly in Mexico.

Fun = not sure what people want to call some of these insane radical culture changes happening in the USA but they definitely making things less fun. I get "woke" may not be what the word was originally intended for and maybe the meaning has been shifted to fit political goals but I think everyone knows what I am talking about when I say woke actions in USA want me to take my money and resources to another country. This comes from a life long Left voter.

Little sorry to bring politics into this but the out of control political polarization that seems to have infected the USA (and CDMX on some levels according to my friends there) is really bringing the world down imo. Yes I will take my resources elsewhere to avoid that no fun crap. TBH a lot of is it just "rich people problems" because when I go to places that have less money these woke problems seem to go away. Maybe if people were dealing with real life and death problems they would see the insane nonsense in some of the things they stirring up crap about.

Cocr Brotheler
03-26-23, 20:52
I agree with you Hadez.

I like this Youtube. Is all about going where treated best as many Americans continue to flee if they have the means.


03-27-23, 00:14
I do not think living in Tijuana is as bad as some think. I do not like commuting so not for me.

Roads = California roads are pretty horrible right now and we pay crazy taxes specifically for road upkeep.

Safety = Mexico is not as safe but anyone not yet aware that California is on a hard path down in terms of public safety in not aware of current events. One of the reasons people leaving California is because of safety issues.

Cost of living = not even a comparison. Mexico wins in a landslide. Specially if you have the ability to go back into the USA to buy the things that are more costly in Mexico.

Fun = not sure what people want to call some of these insane radical culture changes happening in the USA but they definitely making things less fun. I get "woke" may not be what the word was originally intended for and maybe the meaning has been shifted to fit political goals but I think everyone knows what I am talking about when I say woke actions in USA want me to take my money and resources to another country. This comes from a life long Left voter.

Little sorry to bring politics into this but the out of control political polarization that seems to have infected the USA (and CDMX on some levels according to my friends there) is really bringing the world down imo. Yes I will take my resources elsewhere to avoid that no fun crap..Maybe it is just me but I could never live in Tijuana. The smell of the place, the shitty streets, traffic, traffic lights, dilapidated buildings, and corrupt cops makes me sick of the place quickly. Every single time I have gone down there I could not wait to get back to San Diego and the good ole USA, which is usually about 2-3 days. I always feel a sigh of relief when stepping foot on US soil. My suggestion to anyone thinking about moving to Tijuana is to spend like a full week there before making the decision. Just my opinion.

03-27-23, 02:15
One of my chica friends at HK had been telling me she was planning on going back to her hometown for this last week of March. I guess she had mentioned it to some of her other clients as well, but turns out she has pushed her plans back for another month and will remain in TJ for now. One of those clients decided to buy a plane ticket for this last week of March as soon as she told him about going over there and is now upset with her because she changed her traveling plans. He's been trying to guilt trip her about not going back home because he was hoping to spend some time with her down there even though she never told him she would or that her plans were set in stone, she had just casually mentioned it. She told him that was of his own doing and she never told him to fly himself out there. He's upset because his plane ticket can't get refunded. Now he's trying to convince her to go out there if he pays for her transportation and she doesn't want to. Some guys are really fucking weird. These girls have to put up with this creepy behavior. I really hope it's not one of you guys. If it is, she has shown me your picture and text messages. She doesn't want to see you out there where she had only planned for quality time with family. Take the loss on the ticket and move on dude.

Cocr Brotheler
03-27-23, 04:17
Key is to spend it in one of the good areas. I stayed 4 nights at Ticuan Hotel and that area decent plus I went to Zona Rio that trip to see the new Top Gun last summer. But yeah most parts of Tijuana not that nice. Who wants to leave their apartment and smell sewer?

03-27-23, 05:31
One of my chica friends at HK had been telling me she was planning on going back to her hometown for this last week of March. I guess she had mentioned it to some of her other clients as well, but turns out she has pushed her plans back for another month and will remain in TJ for now. One of those clients decided to buy a plane ticket for this last week of March as soon as she told him about going over there and is now upset with her because she changed her traveling plans. He's been trying to guilt trip her about not going back home because he was hoping to spend some time with her down there even though she never told him she would or that her plans were set in stone, she had just casually mentioned it. She told him that was of his own doing and she never told him to fly himself out there. He's upset because his plane ticket can't get refunded. Now he's trying to convince her to go out there if he pays for her transportation and she doesn't want to. Some guys are really fucking weird. These girls have to put up with this creepy behavior. I really hope it's not one of you guys. If it is, she has shown me your picture and text messages. She doesn't want to see you out there where she had only planned for quality time with family. Take the loss on the ticket and move on dude.I never just wing it with plans as I like to be sure before I spend money. I would have asked her before hand if she would be cool with me visiting her in her hometown. Better yet is wait for her to invite me down to her hometown like my ex girlfriend did. To just buy a ticket without asking her first is very creepy and stalkerish behavior, plus it is stupid af. I would have just bought a plane ticket to Tijuana to see the gals in HK and the zona since that is a guarantee of a good time. Girls go home to see the family, I am headed to El Salvador next week and it is time for my kids, I don't want anyone coming along with me LOL. That client needs to find more girls to hang with.

03-27-23, 21:23
One of my chica friends at HK had been telling me she was planning on going back to her hometown for this last week of March. I guess she had mentioned it to some of her other clients as well, but turns out she has pushed her plans back for another month and will remain in TJ for now. One of those clients decided to buy a plane ticket for this last week of March as soon as she told him about going over there and is now upset with her because she changed her traveling plans. He's been trying to guilt trip her about not going back home because he was hoping to spend some time with her down there even though she never told him she would or that her plans were set in stone, she had just casually mentioned it. She told him that was of his own doing and she never told him to fly himself out there. He's upset because his plane ticket can't get refunded. Now he's trying to convince her to go out there if he pays for her transportation and she doesn't want to. Some guys are really fucking weird. These girls have to put up with this creepy behavior. I really hope it's not one of you guys. If it is, she has shown me your picture and text messages. She doesn't want to see you out there where she had only planned for quality time with family. Take the loss on the ticket and move on dude.That is seriously fucking psycho behavior. She should call the cops on him the moment he lands. A couple of months inside a Mexican jail with Mexico's finest gentlemen should rehabilitate him.

03-28-23, 04:35
Guys. I lived in Puerto Nuevo / Rosarito for 6 years before I was car jacked. (my own stupidity) I have traveled to Colombia 7 times in the last 3 years. The women there are off the charts but now full of sex tourists. I visited Cozumel / Cancun / Isla Mujeres etc. Many years back and although it's probably much different. It's easier to get there from Tijuana then say Bogota. With long layovers in cdmx it could be a nice experience. So if I drive to Tijuana, fly to Cancun. Flights under $200 (Volaris LOL) and in 4 hours.

All this to ask anyone if they would do a 4-6 day trip to Cozumel / Cancun before or after Easter Sunday. Or Tijuana? FYI Colombia is still do-able.

03-28-23, 15:55
Guys. I lived in Puerto Nuevo / Rosarito for 6 years before I was car jacked. (my own stupidity) I have traveled to Colombia 7 times in the last 3 years. The women there are off the charts but now full of sex tourists. I visited Cozumel / Cancun / Isla Mujeres etc. Many years back and although it's probably much different. It's easier to get there from Tijuana then say Bogota. With long layovers in cdmx it could be a nice experience. So if I drive to Tijuana, fly to Cancun. Flights under $200 (Volaris LOL) and in 4 hours.

All this to ask anyone if they would do a 4-6 day trip to Cozumel / Cancun before or after Easter Sunday. Or Tijuana? FYI Colombia is still do-able.So true about the Sex Tourist in Colombia, way too many low end Sex Tourists. This is why I love MTY and CDMX. I have very little competition, life is good. CDMX can get expensive quickly if you are not careful, MTY is much more reasonable. The beach resorts are going to be expensive.

The only problem during the Holidays in MTY, many leave the city, so not the best time to visit. Good luck.

03-30-23, 06:18
Hey y'all I'll be visiting Tijuana in about 2 months. I arrive Saturday and leave Wednesday. I plan on staying at cascadas for the majority of the trip but was debating my first night at a local hotel to check out the escort scene and local club / bar scene. Any recommendations for a hotel that's escort friendly, relatively cheap, and close to the nightlife scene?

It seems as if hotel Ticuan is the favorite but was wondering if y'all had any other suggestions. After that I'll be at cascadas from Sunday to Wednesday for some down and dirty mongering LOL.

03-30-23, 08:17
Guys. I lived in Puerto Nuevo / Rosarito for 6 years before I was car jacked. (my own stupidity) I have traveled to Colombia 7 times in the last 3 years. The women there are off the charts but now full of sex tourists. I visited Cozumel / Cancun / Isla Mujeres etc. Many years back and although it's probably much different. It's easier to get there from Tijuana then say Bogota. With long layovers in cdmx it could be a nice experience. So if I drive to Tijuana, fly to Cancun. Flights under $200 (Volaris LOL) and in 4 hours.

All this to ask anyone if they would do a 4-6 day trip to Cozumel / Cancun before or after Easter Sunday. Or Tijuana? FYI Colombia is still do-able.This year there is a big problem with seaweed, sargassum on the beaches of the east coast of Mexico and the Caribbean islands. Check You Tube for the situation in Playa del Carmen (near Cancun). The west coast of Mexico (Pacific) does not have this problem.

03-30-23, 13:48
Hey y'all I'll be visiting Tijuana in about 2 months. I arrive Saturday and leave Wednesday. I plan on staying at cascadas for the majority of the trip but was debating my first night at a local hotel to check out the escort scene and local club / bar scene. Any recommendations for a hotel that's escort friendly, relatively cheap, and close to the nightlife scene?

It seems as if hotel Ticuan is the favorite but was wondering if y'all had any other suggestions. After that I'll be at cascadas from Sunday to Wednesday for some down and dirty mongering LOL.A few guys mention hotel Ceasars as being good for escort. But the lobb is big bright fancy you won't be able to sneak anyone in under radar. So if its none girl its fine. But girl after girl will stand out. In that case hotel baja is another option. There's been a few new hotels in last 3 years that nobody mentions. The ones I use are a step below this and would work but you may want fancier. Hotel Nelson right in front of revolution and on front of arch and 700 feet from zona would probably work but I haven't been. I'm surprised that hotel looks quiet maybe there's something wrong with the rooms. There was a report somewhere about a guy having all his money stolen from staff. Basically being new you want to look at a map and stay within half block of revolution. Then you can get drunk on 2 dollar beers and walk home easily. My favorite bars are zebra, rubix which is 80's music bar, and rock bar, heavy metal music. And el museo has a good bar where you can watch people in street. And meet gringos. I probably wouldn't go into Pulgas or the dance types of places alone as once I tried and the security staff didn't sound like he wanted me in even at like 5 pm. Gave me a whole bunch questions like a cop would. I didn't even walk in didn't feel safe. Actually that was el copeo.

03-30-23, 17:02
Hey y'all I'll be visiting Tijuana in about 2 months. I arrive Saturday and leave Wednesday. I plan on staying at cascadas for the majority of the trip but was debating my first night at a local hotel to check out the escort scene and local club / bar scene. Any recommendations for a hotel that's escort friendly, relatively cheap, and close to the nightlife scene?

It seems as if hotel Ticuan is the favorite but was wondering if y'all had any other suggestions. After that I'll be at cascadas from Sunday to Wednesday for some down and dirty mongering LOL.Ticuan is mentioned so often for a reason. I've enjoyed every stay there and will be there this weekend. I prefer being in a safer area that's still a short walk down the main strip from the action. Free parking and free breakfast. Rooms have a secure safe, 8/10 on the cleanliness and staff is great. I usually opt for the jacuzzi room but most of the other rooms are good too and lower priced.

I would recommend asking to not be in a room facing the loud club Las Pulgas as the noise goes all night on weekends. Not a deal breaker but I've been surprised how loud it gets.

04-01-23, 02:20
Anyone know if the 15% gratitude is actually the tip or just a service charge? They only list is as GRATITUDE on the menu. Had a waiter tell me it wasn't a tip. I am not so sure he was being truthful.

04-01-23, 18:56
I just found out I will be in San Diego next week and want to head over to Tijuana. I have not been in years and have not had the chance to do my research. What is the price for the Taxi from the boarder to HK? It use to be $5 but again that was years ago. What is the typical girl at HK going for and what is the hotel cost these days?

Thanks for any info.

04-02-23, 02:51
I just found out I will be in San Diego next week and want to head over to Tijuana. I have not been in years and have not had the chance to do my research. What is the price for the Taxi from the boarder to HK? It use to be $5 but again that was years ago. What is the typical girl at HK going for and what is the hotel cost these days?

Thanks for any info.Theres no set price for taxi. I haven't seen anyone pay more then 10 dollars. 5,10, does it matter? If it matters you should pay a dollar to take the bus to revolution and walkntonhknor take hk limo and give him 3 dollars. I think there's a coupon online for limi too. But if you tip the guy he will let you in. As taxis and ubers have gotten more expensive the hk limo becomes more helpful. The girls are gona be minimal 100, from what guys write. From what I read, 95% of the guys pay more than 100. They just consider the extra money as tips or favors for specific sex activities. If you are looking for the top third of good looking woman. . good luck at $100. Because it probably won't happen st that price. The rooms are about $30 to $40 now. Its better to rent the room for the night you can see price on hk hotels website.

04-03-23, 10:16
Anyone know if the 15% gratitude is actually the tip or just a service charge? They only list is as GRATITUDE on the menu. Had a waiter tell me it wasn't a tip. I am not so sure he was being truthful.Tip = gratuity.

Same same.

04-03-23, 15:36
Most of the Taxi drivers will demand $5. I usually take the Taxi vans after dark. You other option is Uber. Uber's cost anywhere from $3-$5. There is also another ride share called inDrive. InDriver is cheaper than Uber. The difference is that you pay cash with InDrive.

I just found out I will be in San Diego next week and want to head over to Tijuana. I have not been in years and have not had the chance to do my research. What is the price for the Taxi from the boarder to HK? It use to be $5 but again that was years ago. What is the typical girl at HK going for and what is the hotel cost these days?.

04-06-23, 16:43
I applied for my Sentri card in November 2022 and finally got approved for an interview in March 2023. So 15 months wait time to finally receive an interview request. I am currently residing in San Antonio and will have my interview in Laredo on the 21st. We shall see what happens.

04-06-23, 19:08
Hello all.

I am just looking for confirmation that my plan to get from SAN to TIJ is ok. I am doing a cheap vacation to PVR using airline miles to get to SAN and buying a ticket on Volaris from TIJ to PVR. (originally I planned to spend a night at Cascadas on the way but my ticket put me in San Diego at 9 in the morning so maybe I will stop in Tijuana on the way back instead).

Google wants me to use buses to go to the CBX crossing from SAN. I like the trolley to the San Ysidro crossing and from there I plan to grab a cab to TIJ. I expect the cost to be about the same since it looks like the CBX crossing has a $20+ user fee.

Would I be adding unnecessary expense and danger if I go through San Ysidro instead of CBX?

04-06-23, 20:05
Little sorry to bring politics into this but the out of control political polarization that seems to have infected the USA (and CDMX on some levels according to my friends there) is really bringing the world down imo.Hadez, I'm curious what your friends in CDMX have told you. I know a girl there that I talk to occasionally and she hasn't said anything.

04-07-23, 10:12
Hello all.

I am just looking for confirmation that my plan to get from SAN to TIJ is ok. I am doing a cheap vacation to PVR using airline miles to get to SAN and buying a ticket on Volaris from TIJ to PVR. (originally I planned to spend a night at Cascadas on the way but my ticket put me in San Diego at 9 in the morning so maybe I will stop in Tijuana on the way back instead).

Google wants me to use buses to go to the CBX crossing from SAN. I like the trolley to the San Ysidro crossing and from there I plan to grab a cab to TIJ. I expect the cost to be about the same since it looks like the CBX crossing has a $20+ user fee.

Would I be adding unnecessary expense and danger if I go through San Ysidro instead of CBX?No to extra expense / danger. A cab to TIJ from PedEast after you cross will be about $20. The difference is in time and convenience -- if you use CBX, you'll be taking one bus and if you go to San Ysidro / PedEast, you'll be taking a bus to the trolley, then the trolley and then a cab, all while lugging your bags. Not sure why you'd want to do that instead.

04-07-23, 20:15
No to extra expense / danger. A cab to TIJ from PedEast after you cross will be about $20. The difference is in time and convenience -- if you use CBX, you'll be taking one bus and if you go to San Ysidro / PedEast, you'll be taking a bus to the trolley, then the trolley and then a cab, all while lugging your bags. Not sure why you'd want to do that instead.Thanks for the confirmation.

I have seven hours to get from SAN airport to TIJ and there are better things to do in San Diego and Tijuana than sit in the airport that long. I pack light so my luggage won't be much of a problem and I won't have time for breakfast before I fly to San Diego so a stop in downtown San Diego will be enjoyable.

Maybe I will burn a couple hours in Tijuana getting a legitimate massage or get my feet soaked and toenails clipped so they are presentable on the beach.

04-08-23, 10:46
Thanks for the confirmation.

I have seven hours to get from SAN airport to TIJ and there are better things to do in San Diego and Tijuana than sit in the airport that long. I pack light so my luggage won't be much of a problem and I won't have time for breakfast before I fly to San Diego so a stop in downtown San Diego will be enjoyable.

Maybe I will burn a couple hours in Tijuana getting a legitimate massage or get my feet soaked and toenails clipped so they are presentable on the beach.With that much time to kill you could definitely go to HK and leave your bag at the front desk (to the left just inside the main entrance) for a couple of dollars and have a bit of fun for a few hours. I've done that many times and the bag won't get molested in my experience. There are always taxis out front and it'll take under 30 min to get to the airport from there.

Next time, plan on an overnight layover. Perfect way to start a vacation in Mexico. .

04-10-23, 02:58
Thursday, 8:40 PM: No clients, one female (bartender?) Two apologetic meseros.

Baxter Slade
04-10-23, 04:23
Thursday, 8:40 PM: No clients, one female (bartender?) Two apologetic meseros.They have a lot of nerve. Last time we had a long wait for pizza across the street so tried to check the place out and they wanted a cover charge screw that.

04-10-23, 04:50
Thursday, 8:40 PM: No clients, one female (bartender?) Two apologetic meseros.I wasn't even sure the name of this place. I had to Google and check it. I've been recommending guys go, but I always say go only on Fri. Sat night. There may be a cover, but it will get you into a new big club. And its a block from hotel ticuan. Its. Ore for guys in need of change scenery From. Hk. A block north of this club, 30 feet off revolution is a massage place that has a bar next to it. If you go to this bar, theres 2 dollar beers various woman in the bar who will flirt and then do massage sex I hear. I haven't paid for that. But. I went and drank. Again, it was a good change pace from the sausage fest in Hong Kong. Shit on weekends I run out of Hong Kong and will find any bar on revolution or its side streets to see some woman even the gay bars have a better woman to men ration than hk on the weekend.

04-10-23, 15:42
Anyone lucky enough to catch a glimpse of that flaca walking sin ropa through the Zona midday Sunday? I was walking behind her from the big church all the way to Chicago club. The looks on everyone's faces were priceless. Never seen so many heads turn. Meth was the common guess from the locals I spoke to. Didn't feel appropriate to take a picture, but that's a memory I'll never forget.

04-11-23, 04:31
As a precaution I usually print FMM form before visiting the border (via foot).

This time I realized I forgot to do that when on the trolley heading to the border. So I filled out the FMM form on my phone and got a pdf file with the FMM and took screenshots.

Luckily they did not ask for FMM or demand any fee (I. E, it was like pre-covid) and I sailed through easily.

But I am curious if anyone shown the FMM on the phone to get through without paying an FMM fee. I want to know if they accept FMM on phone vs printed FMM form.

04-11-23, 17:01
The FMM form only counts if it has a stamp on it. For now the Mexican immigration only requires it if you straying Mexico more than 7 days. Just show the Mexican immigration your passport and they not require one for 1 day visits to Mexico. Before they were scamming people and making everyone buy a FMM form for $30. Also remember that the FMM form is valid for 180 days if you get one.

As a precaution I usually print FMM form before visiting the border (via foot).

This time I realized I forgot to do that when on the trolley heading to the border. So I filled out the FMM form on my phone and got a pdf file with the FMM and took screenshots.

Luckily they did not ask for FMM or demand any fee (I. E, it was like pre-covid) and I sailed through easily.

But I am curious if anyone shown the FMM on the phone to get through without paying an FMM fee. I want to know if they accept FMM on phone vs printed FMM form.

04-11-23, 20:08
As a precaution I usually print FMM form before visiting the border (via foot).

This time I realized I forgot to do that when on the trolley heading to the border. So I filled out the FMM form on my phone and got a pdf file with the FMM and took screenshots.

Luckily they did not ask for FMM or demand any fee (I. E, it was like pre-covid) and I sailed through easily.

But I am curious if anyone shown the FMM on the phone to get through without paying an FMM fee. I want to know if they accept FMM on phone vs printed FMM form.Never tried to get through with a PDF version of the FMM (don't know if that's even allowed honestly) but did want to point out that I have also noticed that Mexican customs officials have been a lot less aggressive in demanding the FMM "fee"/ bribe over the past year or so. To be fair, the Mexico / USA Border was technically "closed" during the peak of COVID unless you had a valid reason to cross (e. G. , medial appointment, work-related need) so the bribe in a way was actually doing us a favor (allowing us to cross a border that by federal law was supposed to be closed) while the customs officials were able to pocket a little cash in return.

Captain Solo
04-12-23, 18:56

Airshow starts 9:30. Thunderbirds will fly at the end, about 4 PM. Will leave OC at noon, get there by 1 PM, bring sandwich lunch to Riverside National Cemetery to watch the airshow. We do not want to drive in March AFB parking since it costs $40 (WTF?) and would take hours to get in and out on a 2-lane road with thousands cars. Cannot find the FM frequency the airshow will be broadcast in. Damn.

Take 91 East exit 58 to Van Buren Blvd. To the Nat Cem. Beers have to be discrete, hide in the trunk and drink from cups. Don't try to watch from freeway 215 as CHP will chase you off.

Naturally after air show we will head South to Tijuana to visit the fine senoritas and the main course, hot Latinas' Flying Pussies show. Couple bros are going if you want to join the group.

04-13-23, 06:29
Wanted to share me new routine. After the 2nd night I always head to beach for a couple of hours to kill some time enjoying the waves and some nice food / drinks.

One reason I do this is HK club is a little quiet till around 4 pm.

I take the yellow stripped van from one block away from the front of the cathedral https://*******.com/van-downtownTJ.

And exit at Walmart (and Del parque) https://*******.com/TJbeach-walmart.

Return bus from beach at Vittorios restaurant https://*******.com/bus-from-vittorios.

15 pesos each way and riding with the locals is a nice cultural experience.

At the beach I visit Black dog cafe for nice cool indoor or outdoor shade spot to enjoy a nice smoothie or other drink. Other nice cafes there too.

I always get multiple skewers of BBQ shrimp. They cook them right on the beach. Delicious.

One day I may visit on the fish restaurants that overlook the beach.

I highly recommend going to the beach in the early afternoon when there is not much action at HK club. Then when you come back around 4 or 5 HK is bustling.

04-13-23, 17:49
Wanted to share me new routine. After the 2nd night I always head to beach for a couple of hours to kill some time enjoying the waves and some nice food / drinks.

One reason I do this is HK club is a little quiet till around 4 pm.

I take the yellow stripped van from one block away from the front of the cathedral https://*******.com/van-downtownTJ.

And exit at Walmart (and Del parque) https://*******.com/TJbeach-walmart.

Return bus from beach at Vittorios restaurant https://*******.com/bus-from-vittorios.

15 pesos each way and riding with the locals is a nice cultural experience.

At the beach I visit Black dog cafe for nice cool indoor or outdoor shade spot to enjoy a nice smoothie or other drink. Other nice cafes there too..I did the same thing recently. Can't beat that big taxi for 15 pesos. I was eyeing those shrimp but didn't pull the trigger. How much were they?

I grabbed some nice Mango and tajin and some good corn. Walked the boardwalk, border wall and around the bull stadium. Felt very safe the whole time.

I'd like to stay at the nice hotel there but wouldn't want to make that far of a drive solo after crossing the border. It's nice for a short day trip to kill 3-4 hours.

Thanks for sharing taxi locations.

04-14-23, 00:59
I was eyeing those shrimp but didn't pull the trigger. How much were they?
. It's nice for a short day trip to kill 3-4 hours.

Thanks for sharing taxi locations.Skewers have six shrimp of a reasonable size - 50 pesos per skewer. And they taste great!!

They also provide fresh lime, chili sauce.

04-14-23, 13:13
I did the same thing recently. Can't beat that big taxi for 15 pesos. I was eyeing those shrimp but didn't pull the trigger. How much were they?

I grabbed some nice Mango and tajin and some good corn. Walked the boardwalk, border wall and around the bull stadium. Felt very safe the whole time.

I'd like to stay at the nice hotel there but wouldn't want to make that far of a drive solo after crossing the border. It's nice for a short day trip to kill 3-4 hours.

Thanks for sharing taxi locations.Sounds great, what's the name of that nice hotel?

04-14-23, 18:52
Sounds great, what's the name of that nice hotel?I talked reception. No jacuzzi rooms and no fridge unfortunately. Also parking is partially indoor partially fenced in outdoor but they have a security guard.

Av Del Pacifico 560, Playas, Monumental, 22504 Tijuana, be. See. , Mexico.

04-14-23, 18:55
Skewers have six shrimp of a reasonable size - 50 pesos per skewer. And they taste great!!

They also provide fresh lime, chili sauce.Not bad at all. I'll make sure to try next time.

Thanks for the reply.

One thing I'm curious about is the corn on the COB. Half the time it's more boiled and juicy and fresh. Other times specifically when I crossed the border it would be more grilled and dry and chewy and off putting. Is it just luck of the draw or are there two different kinds?

04-14-23, 19:02
Lucha Libre is popular in Mexico and I've always wanted to hit up the wrestling museum in Tijuana. Along the wrestling theme, tag me in if you need assistance Road Warriors style.I finally found a decent Tijuana promotion called Crash. They have a big event May 5 with Blue Demon Jr.

I tried buying tickets for hours last night with an amigo helping me translate and I could not get the site to work. Will try again today.

04-14-23, 23:40
First of all, thank you so much for this information. I've been trying to gather this kind of information, and Playas was on my to-do list.

But, your links came through looking like this (and connecting to nowhere):

I take the yellow stripped van from one block away from the front of the cathedral https://*******.com/van-downtownTJ.

And exit at Walmart (and Del parque) https://*******.com/TJbeach-walmart.

Return bus from beach at Vittorios restaurant https://*******.com/bus-from-vittorios.And while I can easily find Walmart and Vittorios, your "one block away from the front of the cathedral" leaves me with four possibilities. Is it one block south of the cathedral, I. E. Ninos Heroes & 3rd? Or one block east, or one block west? I'm pretty sure it's not north, because that would be at Ninos and Premera, more or less in the Zona.

So, might I talk you into being just a little more specific?


04-14-23, 23:54
First of all, thank you so much for this information. I've been trying to gather this kind of information, and Playas was on my to-do list.

But, your links came through looking like this (and connecting to nowhere):

And while I can easily find Walmart and Vittorios, your "one block away from the front of the cathedral" leaves me with four possibilities. Is it one block south of the cathedral, I. E. Ninos Heroes & 3rd? Or one block east, or one block west? I'm pretty sure it's not north, because that would be at Ninos and Premera, more or less in the Zona.

So, might I talk you into being just a little more specific?

Thanks.You can also take the giant school bus to Playas Ruta 1 and 2. One goes to the boardwalk. The other one doesn't.

Calle 3 between Cons and Ninos Heroes.

They get there by passing through Soler.

04-16-23, 15:15
First of all, thank you so much for this information. I've been trying to gather this kind of information, and Playas was on my to-do list.

But, your links came through looking like this (and connecting to nowhere):

And while I can easily find Walmart and Vittorios, your "one block away from the front of the cathedral" leaves me with four possibilities. Is it one block south of the cathedral, I. E. Ninos Heroes & 3rd? Or one block east, or one block west? I'm pretty sure it's not north, because that would be at Ninos and Premera, more or less in the Zona.

So, might I talk you into being just a little more specific?

Thanks.ISG censored word is "*******".

I take the yellow stripped van from one block away from the front of the cathedral * com / van-downtownTJ.

And exit at Walmart (and Del parque) * com / TJbeach-walmart.

Return bus from beach at Vittorios restaurant * com / bus-from-vittorios.

04-17-23, 01:56
I sometimes take the taxi vans to Rosarito or Pueto Neuvo. The vans are crowded and they take to long to go there. Sometimes I will ride with a friend that lives in Tijuana. It would be nice if there was some reasonably priced buses that went directly from Tijuana to Rosarito.

You can also take the giant school bus to Playas Ruta 1 and 2. One goes to the boardwalk. The other one doesn't.

Calle 3 between Cons and Ninos Heroes.

They get there by passing through Soler.

Captain Solo
04-17-23, 17:22
Very nice of the bros to post info for side trips outside of La Zona. Will try La Playa in day time when La Zona is boring.

I went on the Yellow / White collectivo van to Rosarito Beach, 100 pesos each way. It picks up on O'Campo near Calle 2 or 3 and drop off across from Hotel Rosarito Beach, a nice day trip.

Where do the Puerto Nuevo Collectivos pick up and drop off? How late do they run?

Would be nice to ride down for sea food dinner sometimes.

04-18-23, 05:55
Very nice of the bros to post info for side trips outside of La Zona. Will try La Playa in day time when La Zona is boring.

I went on the Yellow / White collectivo van to Rosarito Beach, 100 pesos each way. It picks up on O'Campo near Calle 2 or 3 and drop off across from Hotel Rosarito Beach, a nice day trip.

Where do the Puerto Nuevo Collectivos pick up and drop off? How late do they run?

Would be nice to ride down for sea food dinner sometimes.Why not sea food at Tijuana beach. Why do all the way down to Puerto Nuevo?

04-18-23, 05:58
Not bad at all. I'll make sure to try next time.

Thanks for the reply.

One thing I'm curious about is the corn on the COB. Half the time it's more boiled and juicy and fresh. Other times specifically when I crossed the border it would be more grilled and dry and chewy and off putting. Is it just luck of the draw or are there two different kinds?Try the true mexican corn dish called Elote (typically boiled corn with mayo and spices, etc.).

Common at the beach too and I have seen carts selling it San Diego & San Jose too.

04-18-23, 08:44
I sometimes take the taxi vans to Rosarito or Pueto Neuvo. The vans are crowded and they take to long to go there. Sometimes I will ride with a friend that lives in Tijuana. It would be nice if there was some reasonably priced buses that went directly from Tijuana to Rosarito.I've taken buses that pick up (on a schedule) 2 blocks after walking across the pedestrian bridge / border crossing. They have AC and TV and will go all the way to Ensenada or stop for you along the scenic hwy anywhere. Very cheap https://www.busbud.com/en/bus-tijuana-rosarito/r/9muc14-9mub0h.

04-18-23, 08:47
Very nice of the bros to post info for side trips outside of La Zona. Will try La Playa in day time when La Zona is boring.

I went on the Yellow / White collectivo van to Rosarito Beach, 100 pesos each way. It picks up on O'Campo near Calle 2 or 3 and drop off across from Hotel Rosarito Beach, a nice day trip.

Where do the Puerto Nuevo Collectivos pick up and drop off? How late do they run?

Would be nice to ride down for sea food dinner sometimes.I lived there. Even an Uber is cheap and you can pay in cash. Leme know if you are there. I am thinking Sunday. Tuesday.

04-18-23, 08:55
Very nice of the bros to post info for side trips outside of La Zona. Will try La Playa in day time when La Zona is boring.

I went on the Yellow / White collectivo van to Rosarito Beach, 100 pesos each way. It picks up on O'Campo near Calle 2 or 3 and drop off across from Hotel Rosarito Beach, a nice day trip.

Where do the Puerto Nuevo Collectivos pick up and drop off? How late do they run?

Would be nice to ride down for sea food dinner sometimes.Potentially arriving late Sunday 4/30. Depends on details first but I lived there. We can just drive my van down. But I don't do weekends.

04-18-23, 13:47
Access to a beach is a huge plus for Tijuana, can't do that in Medellin.

04-18-23, 15:25
I noticed the the Valentina bar was closed as well last night. The security guard told me that apparently 2 members of the family are suing each other. So the court closed the bars until things are settled. This seems quite odd. But who knows. He also worked at HK before. He said thet there is about 1500 people that come into HK. He claims that HK does 200,000 in revenue each day.

Captain Solo
04-18-23, 15:53
Rambo is right. Tijuana has fresher, tastier seafood than Puerto Nuevo, Popotla and Ensenada, cheaper too.

La Playa has a few upscale seafood restaurants with expensive menus. La Perla on Coahuila has a good menu under the thatched roof. My friends from overseas were impressed with unique Mexican seafood, mixing with locals dancing to the loud band. Went home, they copy the blanched shrimp marinade in a vinaigrette and red onion, called shrimp ceviche, served as appetizer. Their friends love that new way to eat shrimp. Titos on O' Campo and Calle 4 has a large menu of exotic Mexican sea food, including grilled rock fish on coal. Mariscos Choforo on Ninos at the Cathedral Plaza has fresh seafood, authentic, very popular and cheap.

Just want to go to Popotla and Puerto Nuevo for the feels of authentic Mexican fishing villages, including dogs pooping all over sidewalks hehe.

Captain Solo
04-18-23, 15:59
Will be down that Sunday with a couple wingmen. Had a blast with them in HK last Sunday. They were buying wine bottles non stop for putas all night. A wingman bagged 6 girls with a few threesome sessions.

Looking forward to hearing your account of living like locals in Puerto Nuevo.

04-18-23, 18:58
I noticed the the Valentina bar was closed as well last night. The security guard told me that apparently 2 members of the family are suing each other. So the court closed the bars until things are settled. This seems quite odd. But who knows. He also worked at HK before. He said thet there is about 1500 people that come into HK. He claims that HK does 200,000 in revenue each day.I would say those #s could be accurate. For instance that's about $130 per person. Even if you don't count the hotel, and just count hk share of the ficha hk, hk vip lap dance, and all the liquor. Remember, guys like me spend $12 bucks on hk, another 10 on tips for girls, but the guy next to me can be spending $130, and the guy next to him $550.

04-19-23, 04:12
I've taken buses that pick up (on a schedule) 2 blocks after walking across the pedestrian bridge / border crossing. They have AC and TV and will go all the way to Ensenada or stop for you along the scenic hwy anywhere. Very cheap https://www.busbud.com/en/bus-tijuana-rosarito/r/9muc14-9mub0h.Just FYI for those of you that might think of visiting Playas, Rosarito or Ensenada as the weather warms up. The normal road that goes to Playas and also connects with the toll road to Rosarito and Ensenada had a huge land slide and is partially closed especially no heavy vehicles. They've made a few new detour roads but I imagine the traffic is still a mess and will only get worse as more visit going into the summer. They guess it will take around 4 months to fix the road so that's basically the whole summer and the busiest time. I'd still recommend going since less time in the Zona the better but you might want to know the trip time maybe longer than before.

04-19-23, 19:28
Just FYI for those of you that might think of visiting Playas, Rosarito or Ensenada as the weather warms up. The normal road that goes to Playas and also connects with the toll road to Rosarito and Ensenada had a huge land slide and is partially closed especially no heavy vehicles. They've made a few new detour roads but I imagine the traffic is still a mess and will only get worse as more visit going into the summer. They guess it will take around 4 months to fix the road so that's basically the whole summer and the busiest time. I'd still recommend going since less time in the Zona the better but you might want to know the trip time maybe longer than before.If you're going to Rosarito or Ensenada there is a different route that goes the "back way" instead of along the ocean. It will take you past that failed community where all the houses are identical / cheap / abandoned. I don't have more details as the local chica drove me one day, but I'd asked her to go that way so I could see more of the area I'd never been. It wasn't much slower and probably a lot faster now considering the delays mentioned on the regular route. It wouldn't be an option for Playas though.

04-19-23, 21:57
Just FYI for those of you that might think of visiting Playas, Rosarito or Ensenada as the weather warms up. The normal road that goes to Playas and also connects with the toll road to Rosarito and Ensenada had a huge land slide and is partially closed especially no heavy vehicles. They've made a few new detour roads but I imagine the traffic is still a mess and will only get worse as more visit going into the summer. They guess it will take around 4 months to fix the road so that's basically the whole summer and the busiest time. I'd still recommend going since less time in the Zona the better but you might want to know the trip time maybe longer than before.So maybe the part road nearest the mudslide is bad. I will ask around. There is a local route thru Tijuana that is about the same time to drive.

04-20-23, 06:21
So maybe the part road nearest the mudslide is bad. I will ask around. There is a local route thru Tijuana that is about the same time to drive.Update: Anyone wants to wander around nearby. We could do Tijuana, Playas, Puerto Nuevo or even Valle de Guadalupe. I've lived in Rosarito and La Mission during drug wars, craziness and many, many trips to the clubs in Tijuana. PM me. Pit Bull, Usher. Mariah Carey etc. Concert here in Vegas Saturday night. Then I drive to Tijuana. Going to be very tired. LOL.

04-20-23, 17:32
Anyone going? I haven't been to one of these before.

04-20-23, 23:27
Anyone had any experience with taking girls to Grand Hotel Tijuana?

Are they any issues or special rules to consider? Will the door guys even notice or care?


04-21-23, 00:32
Anyone had any experience with taking girls to Grand Hotel Tijuana?

Are they any issues or special rules to consider? Will the door guys even notice or care?

Thanks.Tell them to wait on the couch in front of the elevators. When you make it to the lobby pop your head out of the elevator and call their name. Elevator only functions with an electronic room key.

04-21-23, 19:31
Read online that the Tijuana Mayor is going to have the city in force the hours of selling alcohol to some of the bars and clubs. It was pretty vague so hard to say if the Zona will be on the list but one gentleman mentions that many places have been illegally operating past their permitted times and some operate 24 hours. I don't think it's hard to figure out who he's talking about. I remember this happening maybe 10 years or so ago but it didn't last long. Maybe they are just trying to get a larger payoff from the bars but they are trying to say that selling alcohol late at night is what helps to increase the amount of violence that happens late at night.

So those of you that can text girls you might want to ask them if they have heard anything. I'm not sure if HK still has the club they built on the 10th floor that they could use. I know the majority of people on this board seem to leave before 2 am but those that aren't this is just a heads up but it also might not have anything to do with the Zona bars.


04-21-23, 22:45
Tell them to wait on the couch in front of the elevators. When you make it to the lobby pop your head out of the elevator and call their name. Elevator only functions with an electronic room key.Thanks, I know how the elevators work. Was only wanting to know if the hotel had any issues with bringing girls. I have stayed here many times. I guess I could ask the door guys next time.

04-21-23, 23:50
Thanks, I know how the elevators work. Was only wanting to know if the hotel had any issues with bringing girls. I have stayed here many times. I guess I could ask the door guys next time.You won't have trouble but you would probably be better off doing it the couch / elevator way so that if someone did have a problem with it they wouldn't know about it.

Good Luck either way.

04-22-23, 01:11
You won't have trouble but you would probably be better off doing it the couch / elevator way so that if someone did have a problem with it they wouldn't know about it.

Good Luck either way.Easy at Grand. Meet at the bar for a drink. Then just walk up to room.

Even easier is Pueblo amigo. 30% of 50% more expensive, but it's a much nicer hotel, and even easier to get girls in / out because it's so big.

04-22-23, 05:07
Was in Tijuana the week after Easter. First time since summer 2022. It was fairly cool & chilly all week, definitely not the best weather. The overall talent seemed down, but there's still always gems to be found.

Several of the top street walkers are still around, but it was too chilly to talk with them. HK talent at least mid week was the worst I've ever seen it. In addition to Adelita being closed it seemed Dulce Gabbanna was closed too.

Food in the Zona is up. Tacos at Azul Tacos are now $2 each they were $1. 50 before & might have even been $1 at one point. The HK taco stand also now has many tacos over 30 pesos which with the weaker exchange rate of 17/18 to 1 is close to $2 each.

$80 sexo offers are near impossible at HK, but more common in all the other bars.

04-22-23, 05:36
Easy at Grand. Meet at the bar for a drink. Then just walk up to room.

Even easier is Pueblo amigo. 30% of 50% more expensive, but it's a much nicer hotel, and even easier to get girls in / out because it's so big.Grand is more expensive than the PA. Recently stayed in both. PA is plagued with noise on all sides.

The manager however told me himself no problem with girls. One of the guards actually walked a girl up to my room for me . She was having a hard time finding it.

04-22-23, 11:50
Hey guys. Planning my first trip to Zona Norte and just wanted to get any suggestions / adjustments to my plan. Lived in Orange county for a few years nearly 20 years ago, and did make a couple visits to Tijuana, but never to Zona Norte or any clubs.

I now live in the midwest, and well, I am newly single and looking to celebrate!

Unfortunately due to my local airport, flying into San Diego requires looooong layovers, so I am planning a direct flight into LAX. Found that Amtrak Grand Central station terminates at a station in San Ysidro. I understand this is basically at the border, and google maps shows it being very near the border. I am assuming I can walk over from here into mexico. I have a US Passport, and I have a US Enhanced Drivers License, so I am assuming this should go well. I plan on taking an FMM? I am assuming this is necessary, but if not I can just hold on to it. Take HK bus to HK, easy peasy?

Planning a 3-4 day getaway, long weekend. Planning on flying out early am either Sat or Sun, flying back later on Tue. Depending on what flights work best.

Was going to book nights at the Cascada in Hong Kong. I plan on mainly dealing with street girls, as that is basically the fantasy for me, although I have read many reports on issues. Just the street shopping for girls wearing almost nothing then bending one over, lifting her skirt and making a deposit is really hot to me! Its the working girl aspect I love.

Also plan on sampling the bar girls, probably a mix, but definitely want to be able to take street girls to the room. I am figuring 1 bar girl a night, 2-3 street girls per day.

Figured the VIP Card is a worth it as the discount is heavy on the days I will be there, 3 days card would save me atleast 160 bucks or so just on the room. I am understanding book ahead online, pay for card when I arrive, then use card for discount on room when I check in.

Looking to go early / Mid May. Any issues with Cinco De Mayo? Better or worse to go then?

Money. Recommendations based on above? I am thinking 1000 dollars total for spending cash, and I am understanding US Dollars at HK, Chicago, etc, Pesos with street girls / vendors. US Dollars work everywhere, but the the conversion rate is not great on the street. Would like to avoid using foreign ATMS. I have some pretty solid security features for money safety etc, I have travelled extensively in the past. Should I exchange cash US Side or Mexico Side? Best rates? Currently looks to be about 18 p / 1 US. Any issues exchanging back?

I remember on previous trips to Tijuana getting in was a short simple drive, usually barely anything, but getting back out could be hours. I always drove in and out at the time, this time I will be on foot. How long should I plan to leave ahead to get across the border? 1-2 hrs safe? Can't really miss a flight.

Well, those are the basics, if anyone sees any large flaws in my plan, please point it out. I have a fair amount of disposable income for this trip, however I am always cautious to follow norms and not spoil these girls and ruin them for the future. 100 / USD for a bar girl (Tip for special service) and 300 pesos for sex with a street girl. Believe it or not, I am not much of a BJ guy, so that seems like a big fight with alot of these girls in the reports I have read, would'nt be much of an issue for me. However, would love to see a couple Tijuana Creampies.

How are food prices? Seems to be close to the dollar in pricing, for example tacos 30 Pesos (basically 1. 50) so food looks to be US prices just in Pesos. Probably cheaper from street vendors? Any MUST hit food spots in the area?

Have watched tons of the Zona Norte walk videos, Lots of girls I would love to contribute to their College Funds. Maybe I am just not that picky, but I felt 80% were pretty hot!

Lastly, due to time change, jet lag, 3 hour difference, and I am already a morning person, how is early morning action? HK is 24 hrs, but I am assuming like most strip clubs that's not the A Squad, but sometimes they make up for that with enthusiasm. How about the street girls? I have seen "Morning walks" that showed a fair number out. No times posted though. I am already a morning person, add in the 3 hour time diff, Ill be up and moving at 3 am Tijuana Time.

Thanks for reading this and helping a Zona Norte First timer have a fun, safe first trip!

04-22-23, 17:12
Hey guys. Planning my first trip to Zona Norte and just wanted to get any suggestions / adjustments to my plan. Lived in Orange county for a few years nearly 20 years ago, and did make a couple visits to Tijuana, but never to Zona Norte or any clubs.

I now live in the midwest, and well, I am newly single and looking to celebrate!

Unfortunately due to my local airport, flying into San Diego requires looooong layovers, so I am planning a direct flight into LAX. Found that Amtrak Grand Central station terminates at a station in San Ysidro. I understand this is basically at the border, and google maps shows it being very near the border. I am assuming I can walk over from here into mexico. I have a US Passport, and I have a US Enhanced Drivers License, so I am assuming this should go well. I plan on taking an FMM? I am assuming this is necessary, but if not I can just hold on to it. Take HK bus to HK, easy peasy?

Planning a 3-4 day getaway, long weekend. Planning on flying out early am either Sat or Sun, flying back later on Tue. Depending on what flights work best.

Was going to book nights at the Cascada in Hong Kong. I plan on mainly dealing with street girls, as that is basically the fantasy for me, although I have read many reports on issues. Just the street shopping for girls wearing almost nothing then bending one over, lifting her skirt and making a deposit is really hot to me! Its the working girl aspect I love.You're going to be spending more than that on street girls.

I'd check in to the hotel first and drop most of that cash before heading into HK.

Other guys will have to confirm if you'll be able to bring street girls up or have to go to their hotels each time.

You'll save a lot of money eating street tacos instead of bar food.

I am also going May 5th weekend and don't anticipate it being any different, more of a holiday north of the border.

04-22-23, 17:24
Hey guys. Planning my first trip to Zona Norte and just wanted to get any suggestions / adjustments to my plan. Lived in Orange county for a few years nearly 20 years ago, and did make a couple visits to Tijuana, but never to Zona Norte or any clubs.

I now live in the midwest, and well, I am newly single and looking to celebrate!

Unfortunately due to my local airport, flying into San Diego requires looooong layovers, so I am planning a direct flight into LAX. Found that Amtrak Grand Central station terminates at a station in San Ysidro. I understand this is basically at the border, and google maps shows it being very near the border. I am assuming I can walk over from here into mexico. I have a US Passport, and I have a US Enhanced Drivers License, so I am assuming this should go well. I plan on taking an FMM? I am assuming this is necessary, but if not I can just hold on to it. Take HK bus to HK, easy peasy?The train actually goes to downtown San Diego, at which point you walk a couple of hundred feet to the trolley station and take the blue line trolley the rest of the way. Once it gets to San Ysidro, you are a very short walk to the PedEast border crossing. Keep in mind that it's about a 30-45 min bus ride from LAX to the train station. They are not close to each other.

Planning a 3-4 day getaway, long weekend. Planning on flying out early am either Sat or Sun, flying back later on Tue. Depending on what flights work best.Your plan of flying to LAX is going to end up adding a significant amount of time. The bus to the train station, plus the train ride, plus the trolley ride will add up to 4+ hours. Given you're coming from the Midwest, have you considered taking a connecting flight into TIJ instead of SAN? There's a website called FlightConnections that will give you an idea of your options there. For example, you can go ORD to GDL and then GDL to TIJ.

Was going to book nights at the Cascada in Hong Kong. I plan on mainly dealing with street girls, as that is basically the fantasy for me, although I have read many reports on issues. Just the street shopping for girls wearing almost nothing then bending one over, lifting her skirt and making a deposit is really hot to me! Its the working girl aspect I love.

Also plan on sampling the bar girls, probably a mix, but definitely want to be able to take street girls to the room. I am figuring 1 bar girl a night, 2-3 street girls per day.I wouldn't make too many plans in advance. You're staying long enough that you can spend a day just taking it in and then making some plans.

Figured the VIP Card is a worth it as the discount is heavy on the days I will be there, 3 days card would save me atleast 160 bucks or so just on the room. I am understanding book ahead online, pay for card when I arrive, then use card for discount on room when I check in.Correct. Remember to get the card before checking in because they won't give you the room discount after the fact.

Looking to go early / Mid May. Any issues with Cinco De Mayo? Better or worse to go then?
Depends on your tolerance for crowds. In my experience, the absolute worst time to go is when there's a big ticket fight going on.

Money. Recommendations based on above? I am thinking 1000 dollars total for spending cash, and I am understanding US Dollars at HK, Chicago, etc, Pesos with street girls / vendors. US Dollars work everywhere, but the the conversion rate is not great on the street. Would like to avoid using foreign ATMS. I have some pretty solid security features for money safety etc, I have travelled extensively in the past. Should I exchange cash US Side or Mexico Side? Best rates? Currently looks to be about 18 p / 1 US. Any issues exchanging back?Everyone will give you a different answer for this and really it depends on you. I budget USD 500-1000 a day (not including hotel) because I want to treat myself when I go. The ATMs that are physically located in banks are fine from a safety perspective, and you will actually get a better exchange on them. When the bank prompts you with their proposed rate, just decline it and you will get the Visa or MasterCard rate (you have to say yes to the service charge but it's usually about 50 pesos). I wouldn't plan on needing too much MXN pesos unless you're going to spend more on street girls than club girls. You don't need to make that decision until you get there.

I remember on previous trips to Tijuana getting in was a short simple drive, usually barely anything, but getting back out could be hours. I always drove in and out at the time, this time I will be on foot. How long should I plan to leave ahead to get across the border? 1-2 hrs safe? Can't really miss a flight.

Well, those are the basics, if anyone sees any large flaws in my plan, please point it out. I have a fair amount of disposable income for this trip, however I am always cautious to follow norms and not spoil these girls and ruin them for the future. 100 / USD for a bar girl (Tip for special service) and 300 pesos for sex with a street girl. Believe it or not, I am not much of a BJ guy, so that seems like a big fight with alot of these girls in the reports I have read, would'nt be much of an issue for me. However, would love to see a couple Tijuana Creampies.I can already tell that you're very likely going to blow through that grand in under two days. Don't be surprised if you do.

Have watched tons of the Zona Norte walk videos, Lots of girls I would love to contribute to their College Funds. Maybe I am just not that picky, but I felt 80% were pretty hot!

Lastly, due to time change, jet lag, 3 hour difference, and I am already a morning person, how is early morning action? HK is 24 hrs, but I am assuming like most strip clubs that's not the A Squad, but sometimes they make up for that with enthusiasm. How about the street girls? I have seen "Morning walks" that showed a fair number out. No times posted though. I am already a morning person, add in the 3 hour time diff, Ill be up and moving at 3 am Tijuana Time.Good news here: 3 am in the Zona is still last night, not tomorrow morning. The deadest time is roughly 6 am to 10 am for HK and the street, and 6 am to about 4-5 pm for the other clubs.

Captain Solo
04-22-23, 18:15

This is excellent info, very helpful for the bros. Quite a few ISG bros need guide for convenient healthcare services.

How much did the doc charge? On Revo, signs are posted doctor visits $5-10.

For the meds, $50 you got 20 pills Amoxicillin, some anti histamine and 3 packs inhalers, excellent deal. Hope you recover and feel better.

So Farmacia Roma is on East end of Ave Frontera, across from Ped East taxi stand with a doctor office next to it, even open late, very convenient for the bros seeking quick and convenient health care. Last time I needed a CoVid test, went to a couple urgent care centers in So Cal, all had long lines of waiting patients, a few with severe health problems. They waited all day then were told to go home, coming back the next day, some had to wait 3 to 4 days just to see a Physician Assistant. Damn. The convenience and low costs of Mexico's healthcare put the US system to shame.

When you can breathe and feel better, would be fun to meet you in La Zona. Will buy you a few drinks.

Well guys, I happen to have a home in both Rosarito and San Diego. The other day I needed meds and called my medical provider here in the US. They told me they couldn't get me an appointment, but that I should go to the Urgent Care. Based on past experience, I knew it could take 3+ hours to be seen at the Urgent Care. Plus, my chances of catching something else (worse) was in the back of my mind. So I elected to drive down to TJ to get some antibiotics. As I got close to the border I could see the traffic was going to take about 30-45 minutes to cross and it was already 7 pm and most doctors offices would be closed by the time I got there. So, like I typically do when I go down to monger for the night, I parked at the pay lot to the left of Jack in the Box. I power walked my way into Mexico. Having a resident card (Mexican green card) I always enter in through the Mexican side (on the left). In all it took me less than 10 minutes from the time I got out of my car until I was at the Roma across the street from where all the taxis are. To the left of Roma is a doctors office that is open until 9 pm each night. I walked in and nobody was in the lobby. The doctor immediately called me in and examined me. Within 10 minutes he was writing me a prescription for amoxacillin 875 mg pills (10) and said I should ask for two bottles so I have an extra one (your US doctors won't do that for you). Then I walked next door to the Roma farmacia, gave them my RX and for (don't remember exactly) but I think it was around 900 pesos I got 2 bottles of amoxacillin 875 mg x 10 pills (5 day supply each bottle), two other RX he gave me to dry up the mucus and a 3 pack of inhalers so I could breathe.

Point being, it took me less than 30 minutes from the time I parked my car until I had seen the doctor and bought my prescriptions. Fortunately I have Sentri, so I walked right back to the front of the line, crossed (CBP didn't even ask if I had anything to declare which wouldn't have mattered because amoxacillin is legal to bring back, if a reasonable amount) then went to my car and drove home. In all my trip took under an hour, more like 45-50 minutes when I was back at my car.

And no, I didn't go mongering. I could barely breathe LOL.

But in regards to Viagra and Cialis that you guys were talking about... I like the Maxifort brand of generic Sildenafil (Viagra). I usually get the 100 mg pills (purple) and they work great... better than the Figora brand. As for the generic Cialis, avoid the lime-green box (don't recall the name) but those 20mg Tadalafil are filled with crap. I like the seafoam green and white box by SELECT PHARMA that they sometimes have in stock at Roma Farmacia. I have also used the generic farmacia (70% off place). That farmacia makes all their own generic meds I believe and their 20 mg Tadalafil pills work good too. Any of them are probably better than the lime-green (2 for 1 special) brand that they sell which are big fat yellow pills. They make me much more flush than the generic store brand or the SELECT PHARMA (again my favorite for generic Mexican Tadalafl 20mg)

Last word of advice, if you like to party, be careful of the coke in Zona Norte. One of favorite putas in Chicago told me a "new girl" died there a couple weeks ago from doing the coke. She said she didn't know the girl because she only worked there for a couple days, but that she died. So just a heads up. I think a lot of it has fentanyl mixed into it now

04-22-23, 19:27
The train actually goes to downtown San Diego, at which point you walk a couple of hundred feet to the trolley station and take the blue line trolley the rest of the way. Once it gets to San Ysidro, you are a very short walk to the PedEast border crossing. Keep in mind that it's about a 30-45 min bus ride from LAX to the train station. They are not close to each other.

Your plan of flying to LAX is going to end up adding a significant amount of time. The bus to the train station, plus the train ride, plus the trolley ride will add up to 4+ hours. Given you're coming from the Midwest, have you considered taking a connecting flight into TIJ instead of SAN? There's a website called FlightConnections that will give you an idea of your options there. For example, you can go ORD to GDL and then GDL to TIJ.

I wouldn't make too many plans in advance. You're staying long enough that you can spend a day just taking it in and then making some plans.

Correct. Remember to get the card before checking in because they won't give you the room discount after the fact.

Depends on your tolerance for crowds. In my experience, the absolute worst time to go is when there's a big ticket fight going on.

Everyone will give you a different answer for this and really it depends on you. I budget USD 500-1000 a day (not including hotel) because I want to treat myself when I go. The ATMs that are physically located in banks are fine from a safety perspective, and you will actually get a better exchange on them. When the bank prompts you with their proposed rate, just decline it and you will get the Visa or MasterCard rate (you have to say yes to the service charge but it's usually about 50 pesos). I wouldn't plan on needing too much MXN pesos unless you're going to spend more on street girls than club girls. You don't need to make that decision until you get there.

I can already tell that you're very likely going to blow through that grand in under two days. Don't be surprised if you do.

Good news here: 3 am in the Zona is still last night, not tomorrow morning. The deadest time is roughly 6 am to 10 am for HK and the street, and 6 am to about 4-5 pm for the other clubs.Amazing advice thank you. I will up my daily spend a bit. It's not much of an issue like you said I plan on treating myself!

04-22-23, 19:33
You're going to be spending more than that on street girls.

I'd check in to the hotel first and drop most of that cash before heading into HK.

Other guys will have to confirm if you'll be able to bring street girls up or have to go to their hotels each time.

You'll save a lot of money eating street tacos instead of bar food.

I am also going May 5th weekend and don't anticipate it being any different, more of a holiday north of the border.Definitely drop money at hotel for safety. Keep just what I plan to use immediately available. I also keep sacrificial in a separate pocket.

Yeah I am assuming the 300 like bare bottom line. Likely 500 but hey got to have some fun negotiating.

Awesome on the street tacos. Anything unique you recommend? Escamoles?

04-22-23, 22:41
The train actually goes to downtown San Diego, at which point you walk a couple of hundred feet to the trolley station and take the blue line trolley the rest of the way. Once it gets to San Ysidro, you are a very short walk to the PedEast border crossing. Keep in mind that it's about a 30-45 min bus ride from LAX to the train station. They are not close to each other.

Your plan of flying to LAX is going to end up adding a significant amount of time. The bus to the train station, plus the train ride, plus the trolley ride will add up to 4+ hours. Given you're coming from the Midwest, have you considered taking a connecting flight into TIJ instead of SAN? There's a website called FlightConnections that will give you an idea of your options there. For example, you can go ORD to GDL and then GDL to TIJ.

I wouldn't make too many plans in advance. You're staying long enough that you can spend a day just taking it in and then making some plans.

Correct. Remember to get the card before checking in because they won't give you the room discount after the fact.

Depends on your tolerance for crowds. In my experience, the absolute worst time to go is when there's a big ticket fight going on.

Everyone will give you a different answer for this and really it depends on you. I budget USD 500-1000 a day (not including hotel) because I want to treat myself when I go. The ATMs that are physically located in banks are fine from a safety perspective, and you will actually get a better exchange on them. When the bank prompts you with their proposed rate, just decline it and you will get the Visa or MasterCard rate (you have to say yes to the service charge but it's usually about 50 pesos). I wouldn't plan on needing too much MXN pesos unless you're going to spend more on street girls than club girls. You don't need to make that decision until you get there.

I can already tell that you're very likely going to blow through that grand in under two days. Don't be surprised if you do.

Good news here: 3 am in the Zona is still last night, not tomorrow morning. The deadest time is roughly 6 am to 10 am for HK and the street, and 6 am to about 4-5 pm for the other clubs.Theres no direct usa flights into Tijuana. Or out of Tijuana to usa cities. . you just fly to san diego. If the hassle of trolleys is to be avoided, simply get an Uber at the border to the San diego Airport. Unless its rush hour its not alot of money. Theres no tolls or bridges like in nyc and Florida Jersey, etc. By the time your done giving all your money away in mexixo the idea of spending $30 on an Uber for yourself will be easier to swallow.

04-23-23, 03:55
Theres no direct usa flights into Tijuana. Or out of Tijuana to usa cities. . you just fly to san diego. If the hassle of trolleys is to be avoided, simply get an Uber at the border to the San diego Airport. Unless its rush hour its not alot of money. Theres no tolls or bridges like in nyc and Florida Jersey, etc. By the time your done giving all your money away in mexixo the idea of spending $30 on an Uber for yourself will be easier to swallow.You didn't read what I wrote. There are dozens of one-stop flights from US airports to TIJ. Come to think of it, you didn't read what the OP wrote, either. Have a nice day.

04-23-23, 04:55
Definitely drop money at hotel for safety. Keep just what I plan to use immediately available. I also keep sacrificial in a separate pocket.

Yeah I am assuming the 300 like bare bottom line. Likely 500 but hey got to have some fun negotiating.

Awesome on the street tacos. Anything unique you recommend? Escamoles?I wouldn't eat street tacos if I was in Tijuana for the 1st time. Theres sonmany places to go eat and sit down whybwouldnyou want to be standing on those dangerous streets? Or sitting in hk hotel room by yourself eating a taco when you just spent $300 on airfare and $1300 on woman? Better to go eat at el museo, the Nelson, Azul, theres a few new taco places on revolution, then when you learn where you are walking, theres the places the Mexicans use 1 block west of revolution and even 2 blocks west of it up and down. All those streets many places to eat.

04-23-23, 14:24
Theres no direct usa flights into Tijuana. Or out of Tijuana to usa cities. . you just fly to san diego. If the hassle of trolleys is to be avoided, simply get an Uber at the border to the San diego Airport. Unless its rush hour its not alot of money. Theres no tolls or bridges like in nyc and Florida Jersey, etc. By the time your done giving all your money away in mexixo the idea of spending $30 on an Uber for yourself will be easier to swallow.I like public transit when possible. I'd prefer to end up closer but it's better to take 3 hrs to get to the border than an 18 HR layover in Denver.

I forgot to ask. Dress code? Watching some videos of the clubs. Recommendations? Business casual? Jeans? I feel over dressing could cost you in higher quotes from the girls?

Captain Solo
04-23-23, 16:36
There are not too many direct flights anymore. Quickest way is to rent a car in LAX, drive down in 2 hours, park behind the Burger King on San Ysidro Blvd for $10 a day.

With warm weather, a number of hot girls are working the street. Street girls are nice, conservative small town girls compared to bar girls who are slick and jaded, too many tattooed ghetto girls.

Casual clothes are OK. Dress like you are going out to eat. Jeans are acceptable. A wingman dresses shabby but blows a couple thousands a night on girls. Girls cling onto him, showing him lots of love hehe.

04-23-23, 16:48
Theres no direct usa flights into Tijuana. Or out of Tijuana to usa cities.That is incorrect.

04-23-23, 17:09
Definitely drop money at hotel for safety. Keep just what I plan to use immediately available. I also keep sacrificial in a separate pocket.

Yeah I am assuming the 300 like bare bottom line. Likely 500 but hey got to have some fun negotiating.

Awesome on the street tacos. Anything unique you recommend? Escamoles?Lots of street food there. I like the 30 pesos pancake lately. I always do Al Pastor tacos or Birria.

04-23-23, 18:00
Amazing advice thank you. I will up my daily spend a bit. It's not much of an issue like you said I plan on treating myself!Agaveboy has pretty much given all the advice. I did the train once from LAX down to San Diego and like Agave mentioned it stops near one of the trolley stops and then you just catch the trolley down to the last stop at San Ysidiro. It was fine. The down aspect of it was that it's a hassle to get to the Amtrak train from LAX and was somewhat expensive as Uber had a surcharge on with traffic conditions. Once you're at the Amtrak train though it's fine, I just remember it was a hassle. It's a nice train ride though.

Some other options, dependent on your budget, time you have available, and how deep you want to get. While there isn't a flight to Tijuana direct, the stopovers typically in Guadalajara and Mexico City have a great independent escort scene worthy of a stopover for 1-2 days (as long as it wasn't Sunday as most girls take off that day in CDMX). It would require a bit of homework but the girls are fun and there is a lively SG scene though the independent escort girls are not that much more expensive and allow CIM, DATY, DFK, etc.

You mentioned you like public transport so this wouldn't probably work and your home airport may not fly to it but I've flown into Burbank airport a couple of times. It's not as busy as LAX, a little closer to Tijuana than the other LA airports and the rental car pickup was so much easier. I got a rental car and took the scenic route or if in a hurry the main highway down to San Diego and parked the rental at the border. This also allowed me to stop at my favorite seafood taco place in SD and grab a beer near one of the nice beaches before heading into the debauchery of the ZN. This was pre covid so the prices for rentals are probably higher now but it's an option.

04-23-23, 22:50
How much is everyone paying now for taxi service from border to zona norte? The white taxis were now quoting me $10!

Just a year ago it was $5-6. I walked around for a bit and got one guy to do it for $8.

It seems like they are all colluding to quote $10 now. Wtf.

04-24-23, 01:56
How much is everyone paying now for taxi service from border to zona norte? The white taxis were now quoting me $10!

Just a year ago it was $5-6. I walked around for a bit and got one guy to do it for $8.

It seems like they are all colluding to quote $10 now. Wtf.I've told you guys to remain firm at $5. Even with gas prices up and inflation, $5 is more than good enough for the 2 mile ride. When they quote anything above 6 I laugh in there face and keep walking. Even if you have to ask several of them, eventually someone will accept the 5, trust me. If the cab driver happens to be a good guy then I'll give them an extra buck.

From the border to the zona I always try to take the bus or taxi vans though. Cost less than a dollar. If the HK limo is already there I'll take that sometimes as well.

04-24-23, 04:57
I like public transit when possible. I'd prefer to end up closer but it's better to take 3 hrs to get to the border than an 18 HR layover in Denver.

I forgot to ask. Dress code? Watching some videos of the clubs. Recommendations? Business casual? Jeans? I feel over dressing could cost you in higher quotes from the girls?Not even business casual.

No formal business jacket. But a casual balzer is OK.

Just a casual outdoor jacket if you need it.

A clubbing type of shirt and any pants or jeans in general is fine.

Basically no dress code and people are NOT formally dressed.

Since I stay at the hotel upstairs I just wear a nice shirt and no jacket / sweater.

04-24-23, 05:34

Any recent reports about whether the passport book gets stamped if you cross the border on foot?

Unfortunately I don't have time to get either Passport Card (traveling internationally in 1. 5 month and looks like the passport card application needs me to send the passport book). I applied for Global Entry, but their online tracker is showing a 4-5 month processing time.

Ideally I would not like to get my passport book stamped if possible. FWIW, I a California REAL ID drivers license, which I am assuming does not count as Enhanced ID for re-entry.

A related question: if you make a day trip just to visit Zona Norte, where do you keep your passport book? I guess I can keep it in the Front pocket of my jeans, but it feels a bit risky.

Thank you!

04-24-23, 07:35
How much is everyone paying now for taxi service from border to zona norte? The white taxis were now quoting me $10!

Just a year ago it was $5-6. I walked around for a bit and got one guy to do it for $8.

It seems like they are all colluding to quote $10 now. Wtf.I don't use taxi anymore, now I use "Zona Shuttle" to Hong Kong and back to the border. Good service and I tip $3 one way. At the border, the Hong Kong limo parks by the office (big Zona Shuttle sign). If you are returning to the border, from Hong Kong, report to the Hong Kong employee outside on the sidewalk and he will call a Hong Kong limo for you. Tip driver around $3.

04-24-23, 08:29
I don't use taxi anymore, now I use "Zona Shuttle" to Hong Kong and back to the border. Good service and I tip $3 one way. At the border, the Hong Kong limo parks by the office (big Zona Shuttle sign). If you are returning to the border, from Hong Kong, report to the Hong Kong employee outside on the sidewalk and he will call a Hong Kong limo for you. Tip driver around $3.I do the exact same thing in both directions. Works beautifully.

It's nice to ride in a limo. And usually there are water bottles in the limo.

I once had issues with a taxi driver so I feel the zona shuttle / limo is much safer.

04-24-23, 12:23
How much is everyone paying now for taxi service from border to zona norte? The white taxis were now quoting me $10!

Just a year ago it was $5-6. I walked around for a bit and got one guy to do it for $8.

It seems like they are all colluding to quote $10 now. Wtf.They are all colluding. They quoted me 10 too. I had to ask a few to get 7.00. They all seem to turn down five now. You just get tired and give in.

04-24-23, 14:29
You need a passport. Real ID won't work.

They do not stamp your book. They barely look at it.

Get that passport card. So much better. For the future. Just to be able to keep it in your wallet.


Any recent reports about whether the passport book gets stamped if you cross the border on foot?

Unfortunately I don't have time to get either Passport Card (traveling internationally in 1. 5 month and looks like the passport card application needs me to send the passport book). I applied for Global Entry, but their online tracker is showing a 4-5 month processing time.

Ideally I would not like to get my passport book stamped if possible. FWIW, I a California REAL ID drivers license, which I am assuming does not count as Enhanced ID for re-entry.

A related question: if you make a day trip just to visit Zona Norte, where do you keep your passport book? I guess I can keep it in the Front pocket of my jeans, but it feels a bit risky.

04-24-23, 14:32
Whoa hold the mic.

There is parking for 10 dollars a day? Are you sure?

I have tried a lot of parking spots and I cannot find one that charges less than like 30 or 40 bucks for each overnight and then they keep charging anew in the morning. Every overnight trip costs me 60 to 80 dollars in parking fees if I get there at noon and leave the next evening.

Say more of this 10 dólar a day parking.

There are not too many direct flights anymore. Quickest way is to rent a car in LAX, drive down in 2 hours, park behind the Burger King on San Ysidro Blvd for $10 a day.

With warm weather, a number of hot girls are working the street. Street girls are nice, conservative small town girls compared to bar girls who are slick and jaded, too many tattooed ghetto girls.

Casual clothes are OK. Dress like you are going out to eat. Jeans are acceptable. A wingman dresses shabby but blows a couple thousands a night on girls. Girls cling onto him, showing him lots of love hehe.

04-24-23, 15:23

Any recent reports about whether the passport book gets stamped if you cross the border on foot?

Unfortunately I don't have time to get either Passport Card (traveling internationally in 1. 5 month and looks like the passport card application needs me to send the passport book). I applied for Global Entry, but their online tracker is showing a 4-5 month processing time.

Ideally I would not like to get my passport book stamped if possible. FWIW, I a California REAL ID drivers license, which I am assuming does not count as Enhanced ID for re-entry.

A related question: if you make a day trip just to visit Zona Norte, where do you keep your passport book? I guess I can keep it in the Front pocket of my jeans, but it feels a bit risky.

Thank you!If you cross by foot and are Latino, and don't have bags and dress in your worst clothes you can cross on the Mexican side especially from 2 pm tob8 pm when everyone is returning from work. Having nice clean clothes or bags will get you stopped for your passport. Now if you walk on the foreigner side of the line, there's 50% chance they will stamp your passport. If you ask them to not stamp your passport, 100% they will stamp it. I've tried. If you are very determined to not get q stamp you can simply say you left your passport home and would like to buy the 1 day 20 dollar pass. Its really a bribe to let you in but you can't call it a bribe. They give you no paperwork nor ask to see your ID I don't believe but bring a license at least.

Captain Solo
04-24-23, 17:15
The sign says parking all day $10. That lot is busy, usually full. I have never parked there.

Twice I was in the area, guys were running out screaming their cars were broken into, one guy's BMW could not be started. A wingman's Tesla was broken into, a bag of orange stolen, nothing else. The parking attendants could not do anything. So take your own risks.

Captain Solo
04-24-23, 18:39
20 years ago Yellow taxis insisted on $5 from the border to La Zona. They got nasty when guys negotiated for less. They do have to pay the city steep fees for licenses and parking rights, but I hated to have to deal with the rude, nasty Yellow cabbies.

At night I used to walk down the street with 3 fingers stick out. In a few minutes a Taxi Libre would pick me up for that fare, but I usually give them $5 or more anyway. Or during day time I would take the shared taxi to Constitucion for $1.

HK's Border Shuttle free limousines wait near Ped East's taxi stand. Uber rides are cheap from border to La Zona, about $3 to 4 depending on peak time. We rode Uber from HK to Hippodromo for $6, about 7 to 8 miles away. Just before CoVid half dozen cabbies chased after and beat up SoCal guys who booked Uber at the border and taunted them, an incident that caused alarms among officials in City Hall. So you should be discreet.

If you don't want to wait, keep in mind that gas, food, rents, pussies and everything else have gone up in prices with inflation after CoVid. If you take taxis consider to give them more than the $5 fare that was 20 years ago.

04-24-23, 21:40
I don't use taxi anymore, now I use "Zona Shuttle" to Hong Kong and back to the border. Good service and I tip $3 one way. At the border, the Hong Kong limo parks by the office (big Zona Shuttle sign). If you are returning to the border, from Hong Kong, report to the Hong Kong employee outside on the sidewalk and he will call a Hong Kong limo for you. Tip driver around $3.I've always tipped $2, never had any issues. Been a long, long while since I've taken a taxi from the border. I pretty much always either take the Zona Shuttle or the 15-peso (or $1 where the taxi driver will give you I think 5 pesos or so in change if you want it) shared taxis. I'm trying to make more of an effort to learn the shared taxi routes as I guess you can pretty much get wherever in Tijuana would want to go if you really know those routes, LOL. I know how to take the shared taxis from pretty much anywhere in Tijuana back to the Zona Norte area at this point as it seems you can always find a shared taxi going to Zona Centro (Revolucion), just need to get better going the other way.

Yeah, I guess taxi fares are up to $7 at this point, which is a rip-off, but somewhat understandable given inflation and rising gas costs. But I've just stopped dealing with the yellow taxis period. If I don't know the shared taxi route, I'll just use Uber / Didi.

04-24-23, 23:28
Booked my flight, ended up coming in sat. Early to LAX on the 20th and leaving Tues afternoon. Looking to book Cascadas sat-Tues any rooms recommended? Sat will be full price but with vip card I can get discount sun and Mon. Does vip card work on suites? Would a suite give girls GPS?

04-24-23, 23:30
Grand is more expensive than the PA. Recently stayed in both. PA is plagued with noise on all sides.You might want to check out Agoda. I just booked a room at the Grand for this Friday and the rate was $87 (plus taxes). The PA is showing $155 (plus taxes).

04-24-23, 23:38
If you don't want to wait, keep in mind that gas, food, rents, pussies and everything else have gone up in prices with inflation after CoVid. If you take taxis consider to give them more than the $5 fare that was 20 years ago.I disagree. The money in pesos has gone up from 16 to 18 per USD. So that $5 has gone from 80 to 90 pesos.

That should be enough for the short ride when compared to Uber.

But these days I only take the limo from HK and my $3 tip does the trick.

04-25-23, 02:02

Any recent reports about whether the passport book gets stamped if you cross the border on foot?

Unfortunately I don't have time to get either Passport Card (traveling internationally in 1. 5 month and looks like the passport card application needs me to send the passport book). I applied for Global Entry, but their online tracker is showing a 4-5 month processing time.

Ideally I would not like to get my passport book stamped if possible. FWIW, I a California REAL ID drivers license, which I am assuming does not count as Enhanced ID for re-entry.

A related question: if you make a day trip just to visit Zona Norte, where do you keep your passport book? I guess I can keep it in the Front pocket of my jeans, but it feels a bit risky.

Thank you!Put passport in zip lock bag and wear a pair of the thinnest shorts you can find that has a zippered pocket. Pocket needs to be on the thigh or front not the back pocket or it will fall. Apart if you keep doing this method. It looks weird when. I have to dig it out but at least I don't lose it.

I was robbed of my passport card so I just got the book after that.

04-25-23, 02:57
That is incorrect.Ok. Who does?

04-25-23, 04:08
Having nice clean clothes or bags will get you stopped for your passport. Now if you walk on the foreigner side of the line, there's 50% chance they will stamp your passport. If you ask them to not stamp your passport, 100% they will stamp it. Well, that's depressing. I guess I need reasons to visit Tijuana that will sound good to wife, if she checks my passport. Do you guys know of other good reasons? Sight seeing? Beaches?

Any insight on where I should keep my passport book? Front pocket of jeans? Should I buy a money belt.


04-25-23, 05:03
Was going to go down to TJ last night but ended up taking a big tittie Asian girl up for a test drive here in San Diego. Sex was covered but got DFK + BBBJ included, total damage was $190 for hhr. Hands down the biggest pair of natural tits I've ever seen on an Asian. A little pricier than what I spend on a HK girl but saved the gas and hassle of traveling into Mexico and dealing with the line, didnt have to tip anybody and didnt have to deal with meseros hounding me for drinks. An old coworker of mine asked if I could accompany him down to the zona this Saturday so I'll probably hold off on going until then.

04-25-23, 07:25
Any recent reports about whether the passport book gets stamped if you cross the border on foot?

A related question: if you make a day trip just to visit Zona Norte, where do you keep your passport book? I guess I can keep it in the Front pocket of my jeans, but it feels a bit risky.
Yes passport gets stamped as a general rule of thumb. But I know you can talk them into not doing it.

I get my passport stamped in the same two pages every time. So no one can tell when I visited.

I always carry passport and most of my cash in a pouch that is attached to a lanyard. And I tuck it under my shirt. Not accessible by pickpockets.

04-25-23, 09:03
Ok. Who does?https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=flights+from+tijuana+to+usa.

Baxter Slade
04-25-23, 15:55
Well, that's depressing. I guess I need reasons to visit Tijuana that will sound good to wife, if she checks my passport. Do you guys know of other good reasons? Sight seeing? Beaches?

Any insight on where I should keep my passport book? Front pocket of jeans? Should I buy a money belt.

Thanks!Don't know if you are into sports at all. I always used the love of sports betting and its much closer than Vegas.

And then there is the saving money option. If any of these fit. I went to buy cigs, medicine or dental work etc.

04-25-23, 16:42
I have only had my passport book stamped once in all my trips to Tijuana.

Yes passport gets stamped as a general rule of thumb. But I know you can talk them into not doing it.

I get my passport stamped in the same two pages every time. So no one can tell when I visited.

I always carry passport and most of my cash in a pouch that is attached to a lanyard. And I tuck it under my shirt. Not accessible by pickpockets.

04-25-23, 19:47
I have only had my passport book stamped once in all my trips to Tijuana.Occasionally my 6 month tourist pass that's what 35 40 dollars now runs out and I will go into mexixo without it. Its typically 70% time I get a stamp. Of course for the guys who don't know, this 6 month pass they sell, let's you walk in on the Mexican side without filling paperwork out each time, and it avoids confused stamps. But they still stamp it for the Initial day when you buy the 6 month pass. I've never had any success when asking them not to stamp and I've asked about 8 times. One time I walked into Mexico with a 70 year old female friend and she had never been to mexixo. She didn't get a stamp. I did. So it may have to do with age.

04-25-23, 19:56
Well, that's depressing. I guess I need reasons to visit Tijuana that will sound good to wife, if she checks my passport. Do you guys know of other good reasons? Sight seeing? Beaches?

Any insight on where I should keep my passport book? Front pocket of jeans? Should I buy a money belt.

Thanks!You can apply for a passport card. Its useful for Mexico and Canada. No fuss no mas.

I'm currently on the "dental work" excuse to visit Tijuana. Next trip I'm thinking someone birthday party or quince LOL.

04-25-23, 21:00
I have only had my passport book stamped once in all my trips to Tijuana.What? Out of how many times? What's your trick? What do you do? What time do you usually go? So many questions 😀.

04-25-23, 22:16
...... Sex was covered but got DFK + BBBJ included, total damage was $190 for hhr.......Dang, west coast is cheaper than east coast.

04-25-23, 22:52
Was going to go down to TJ last night but ended up taking a big tittie Asian girl up for a test drive here in San Diego. Sex was covered but got DFK + BBBJ included, total damage was $190 for hhr. Hands down the biggest pair of natural tits I've ever seen on an Asian. A little pricier than what I spend on a HK girl but saved the gas and hassle of traveling into Mexico and dealing with the line, didnt have to tip anybody and didnt have to deal with meseros hounding me for drinks. An old coworker of mine asked if I could accompany him down to the zona this Saturday so I'll probably hold off on going until then.Not worth the risk of getting caught up in a sting, arrested, going to jail, photo taken by the local LE, and put on a sex predator list. No thanks.

04-25-23, 23:07
Was going to go down to TJ last night but ended up taking a big tittie Asian girl up for a test drive here in San Diego. Sex was covered but got DFK + BBBJ included, total damage was $190 for hhr. Hands down the biggest pair of natural tits I've ever seen on an Asian. A little pricier than what I spend on a HK girl but saved the gas and hassle of traveling into Mexico and dealing with the line, didnt have to tip anybody and didnt have to deal with meseros hounding me for drinks. An old coworker of mine asked if I could accompany him down to the zona this Saturday so I'll probably hold off on going until then.Did you meet her at AMP in San Diego.

04-26-23, 01:52
Not worth the risk of getting caught up in a sting, arrested, going to jail, photo taken by the local LE, and put on a sex predator list. No thanks.
I went on a Sunday night a little bit past 9 pm. Pretty sure PD doesn't do any stings at that time and day, the place and rest of the building was practically empty. In a sting you wanna catch as many people as possible. Also it's in El Cajon where prostitutes roam the streets freely without cops harassing them. Prostitution isn't high on their priority list.

04-26-23, 02:37
You can apply for a passport card. Its useful for Mexico and Canada. No fuss no mas.
.Yes, but as I said, I can't right now. If I understand correctly I need to send my passport book to get passport card. But I need my passport book right now for some international travel in 1 month.

04-26-23, 03:30
Did you meet her at AMP in San Diego.Yeah I wrote a report under Massage Parlors on the SD / USASG board if you want to check it out.

04-26-23, 15:35
I went on a Sunday night a little bit past 9 pm. Pretty sure PD doesn't do any stings at that time and day, the place and rest of the building was practically empty. In a sting you wanna catch as many people as possible. Also it's in El Cajon where prostitutes roam the streets freely without cops harassing them. Prostitution isn't high on their priority list.There are over 600 brothels openly operating in NYC, I think raids there are a thing of the past.

04-26-23, 15:38
I disagree. The money in pesos has gone up from 16 to 18 per USD. So that $5 has gone from 80 to 90 pesos.

That should be enough for the short ride when compared to Uber.

But these days I only take the limo from HK and my $3 tip does the trick.I avoid Tijuana taxis in general because I am disinterested in paying the gringo tax, or threatened, or being taken to a run down bar in the middle of nowhere. Or even to a police shakedown as described by some guys on this board.

Take Uber or the HK limo, or the Chicago SUV.

04-26-23, 15:48
There are over 600 brothels openly operating in NYC, I think raids there are a thing of the past.Where are you getting these numbers from? Any links for brothel info en NYC?

04-26-23, 16:00
I usually visit Tijuana once a week and normally go late afternoon in the the evenings. I only have my passport stamped once in 10 years. I normally go with streetwalkers. These days I have regular girl that I have been seeing for a few years now. The walkers are quite rare these days. If passport stamping is a concern then get a passport card.

What? Out of how many times? What's your trick? What do you do? What time do you usually go? So many questions.

04-26-23, 21:15
Where are you getting these numbers from? Any links for brothel info en NYC?Some of the flushing queens nyc brothels that were open in same spot for 15 yrs closed down in last year or 2 when I went back. But like you said there's so many open now you wouldn't be able to keep track of them all. All these Asian girls come here and can work for minimum wage in a restaurant or make $400 a day. Maybe the hot ones make triple. In general the approach of law enforcement, in the city, not the suburbs is, "these prostitutes are victims of trafexking, lies to get them here, we must give them shelter, housing, quick path to citizenship, even if they were here illegally. So there's not many if any woman getting in legal trouble anymore. If there's any men getting in trouble I haven't read about it. There's a forum called utopia guide where the guys post like Tijuana but I don't read it because 99% of what I find interesting about zona norte is its a different country.

04-27-23, 08:00
Was down in Zona Norte for a few days last week (stayed at Cascadas). Some quick, general thoughts:

- Adelitas is still closed. Shame as that's my favorite club (prefer the laid-back atmosphere to the nightclub atmosphere of HK, even if the girls aren't quite as hot). Have heard that they could be in preparation to re-open within the next few weeks but that's just a rumor I heard from a couple of chicas. (They are telling me there are people still inside working, cleaning, preparing for a possible re-open.).

Chicas were all over the place in terms of why Adelitas closed so not even worth repeating those rumors. The rumors I heard were nothing new and are stuff that's been repeated here in previous posts anyway. I do tend to believe the rumor one chica told me several weeks ago (that I also posted to this board) that the HK owners and some other rich businessmen down there are working together to get Adelitas (HK's main competition) closed. It's just what makes the most sense and the chica who told me this is educated (went to law school though did not finish), mature, credible, and was confident in what she was saying. Still just a rumor though.

-Am seeing that HK is in the process of expanding to become and even bigger club. From the outside, saw workers doing construction inside on what looked like a brand new area of HK that will open in the future. The expansion appears to be going out towards the curb on the side opposite the side that Adelitas and the church are on.

-Speaking of that side of HK, I see that the popular HK taco stand is back in its normal position on the curb adjacent to HK. (The taco stand had moved for several months I think to the curb between Chicago and Adelitas while work on the sidewalk was being completed.).

-Pet peeve of mine at Cascadas going back a few years now is that the room keys often expire prior to check out. For example in a 3-day stay last week, I had to return to the front desk twice to geta replacement room key because they expired after one day. Seems like the front desk has a habit of not setting the room keys up for the correct number of days. Don't know if anyone else who stays at Cascadas regularly experiences thi. S.

-Noticed that the price of drinks slightly increased at HK and Tropical. Not all that much, but did notice on the big drink list boards that drinks have increased by a $1 or $2, at least for the stuff I'm used to drinking. (For example, Dos Equis used to be $4, now is $5.).

-In Cascadas, the number of drinks in the small room refrigerators has decreased from 10 to 6. Was told by the front desk that this is standard going forward due to the increased price of drinks. So once you check into your room, would confirm that you have 6 drinks in your refrigerator (instead of 10).

Baxter Slade
04-27-23, 16:19
Was down in Zona Norte for a few days last week (stayed at Cascadas). Some quick, general thoughts:

- Adelitas is still closed. Shame as that's my favorite club (prefer the laid-back atmosphere to the nightclub atmosphere of HK, even if the girls aren't quite as hot). Have heard that they could be in preparation to re-open within the next few weeks but that's just a rumor I heard from a couple of chicas. (They are telling me there are people still inside working, cleaning, preparing for a possible re-open.).

Chicas were all over the place in terms of why Adelitas closed so not even worth repeating those rumors. The rumors I heard were nothing new and are stuff that's been repeated here in previous posts anyway. I do tend to believe the rumor one chica told me several weeks ago (that I also posted to this board) that the HK owners and some other rich businessmen down there are working together to get Adelitas (HK's main competition) closed. It's just what makes the most sense and the chica who told me this is educated (went to law school though did not finish), mature, credible, and was confident in what she was saying. Still just a rumor though.

-Am seeing that HK is in the process of expanding to become and even bigger club. From the outside, saw workers doing construction inside on what looked like a brand new area of HK that will open in the future. The expansion appears to be going out towards the curb on the side opposite the side that Adelitas and the church are on..Thanks for the updates. Yea I got all worried on check in when I noticed there were not 10 drinks in the fridge. Not quite sure there will always be 6 either. The way it was explained to me you should look at the price chart posted on the fridge, you should then add the prices of the drinks in the fridge and it should equal $30 if not you may have a problem.

Math is hard LOL. Lets see how the guys who clean the rooms do. So far it has been spot on.

04-27-23, 16:26
Where are you getting these numbers from? Any links for brothel info en NYC?I monger in this city and don't use USA sex guide. Boots on the ground.

04-27-23, 19:41
Some of the flushing queens nyc brothels that were open in same spot for 15 yrs closed down in last year or 2 when I went back. But like you said there's so many open now you wouldn't be able to keep track of them all. All these Asian girls come here and can work for minimum wage in a restaurant or make $400 a day. Maybe the hot ones make triple. In general the approach of law enforcement, in the city, not the suburbs is, "these prostitutes are victims of trafexking, lies to get them here, we must give them shelter, housing, quick path to citizenship, even if they were here illegally. So there's not many if any woman getting in legal trouble anymore. If there's any men getting in trouble I haven't read about it. There's a forum called utopia guide where the guys post like Tijuana but I don't read it because 99% of what I find interesting about zona norte is its a different country.CC: Turgid.

That's GOOD to know. Eventually I will be returning to NYC. With legal weed on every corner I am sure there are an assortment of vices to choose from.

04-27-23, 19:41
I monger in this city and don't use USA sex guide. Boots on the ground.What is the most you are paying per session and the least?

04-28-23, 17:01
What is the most you are paying per session and the least?Per hour the least is $250 and can go all the way up. The most I pay is $500.

05-03-23, 19:30
The public bus and trolley stops running at 1 am till 5:30. Was wondering if there is another bus or cheap van goes to downtown or old town during those hours?

05-04-23, 01:49
The public bus and trolley stops running at 1 am till 5:30. Was wondering if there is another bus or cheap van goes to downtown or old town during those hours?Not that I know of and I'd probably know of it between reading g here and walking in out mexixo so much. But that would be a definite economic opportunity. The Boracha gringo bus. 230 am, 330 am every. Ight. I bet it would be 40 customers a night once word got put. I see so may mongers going home at 7 am in t shirt they probably didn't even rent a room and just sat in Hong Kong till 6 am or so. It would have tons of revolution club goers too on thurs to Sunday and even Mexicans going to work at odd hours.

05-04-23, 11:15
The public bus and trolley stops running at 1 am till 5:30. Was wondering if there is another bus or cheap van goes to downtown or old town during those hours?Taxi is always at the San Ysidro trolley station. A trip to downtown San Diego from San Ysidro can cost you at least $50 (I paid $25 to Chula Vista) even though Interstate 5 was empty at night with no traffic. Try Lyft or Uber it might be cheaper. The last trolley to downtown San Diego weekday is 1248 AM or 1249 AM and the next is 428 AM.

05-06-23, 00:47

Captain Solo
05-06-23, 08:00
If you get stuck in San Ysdro, look for Private vans in the lot across from JIB. They pick up passengers in S why and drive to OC, LA then Fresno all night, departing about every hour. Guys hang out on street corner trying to fill their vans. Ask around and negotiate price.

Couple years back I got stuck without a ride at 3 AM in San Ysidro. Talked to a van driver with 1 amputated arm, driving with his right arm. He agreed on $20 to OC. We waited around half hour, got an old farm hand returning from visiting his number 1 wife in Michoacan with 6 kids, going back to his farm job in Fresno with his second wife with 4 more kids.

We were only 2 passengers but the guy departed, picking up more passengers in Santa Ana and LA for Fresno. He dropped me off in front of my house, which is about 5 miles off the freeway. Gave him $10 tip for the hard work.

05-06-23, 16:18
Was in Tijuana for a weekend a couple a weeks ago after a couple years.

Wanted to get a girl off Musas but coordination did not work and they tried to switch girls last minute and I said no, wow Escort scene in Tijuana still sucks.

I wanted a SG but for the 3 nights I was there out of seeing over 100 on the street not one was attractive enough, wtf.

HK is now more expensive than ever. Tecate is $5, I was trying take an all natural girl with no tattoos and she wanted $150. Wft. I told her I never pay over $100.

HK is too full on weekends nights, its good for anytime but weekend nights. Then seating is too random and everything too full. There's 100+ girls there but I'm only going to FK like 3 max that night so I'm there to watch and flirt 90% of time.

Chicago is my favorite on weekend nights. There's only ever like 3 hot girls there but hey that's all I need and you get great seating, nothing is rushed, cheaper drinks, no girl is over $100. Even the girls working there said they would not want to work at HK because its too intense of a work environment. I took Elisa who has a perfect slim natural body and a amazing Venezuelan with had afro hair but was light skinned, both provided excellent service.

I did take a girl from HK for $100 and when we got to the room without asking she starts setting up her phone in the corner to film. I'm like wtf, she says Ill set it up so it doesn't show your face. I said only if I get a copy and I see the results before letting you keep them, she agreed. We fucked for a little but I got nervous stopped and checked. Yea some on my face is there and I deleted it and off the deleted folder, she got mad so I said I would film from my hand. I then did my best filming. Yea done this before and then told her I can no longer do it because a proper fuck takes two hands she got mad again LOL so I put the phone down and took her to pound town in multiple positions for the full 30 m until the door knocked so I came quick. We had to stop many times too because she said I was hurting her LOL. When we were done I was sweaty and huffing but I grabbed her phone and made her open it and I texted myself the videos and made sure all of hers were deleted. She saw this and got mad LOL but complimented me on my amazing POV filming. When we to the elevator she immediately sent them to someone. Hmmm. Who? Then when we got downstairs to the club she didn't even say goodbye and later texted me don't ever text me at this number. Her WhatsApp profile pic was of her and some dude hugging hahaha.

Just wondering has this ever happened to anyone else. How many HK girls have only fans?

05-06-23, 17:10
I wounder if the Van's would drop me off downtown.

If you get stuck in San Ysdro, look for Private vans in the lot across from JIB. They pick up passengers in S why and drive to OC, LA then Fresno all night, departing about every hour. Guys hang out on street corner trying to fill their vans. Ask around and negotiate price.

Couple years back I got stuck without a ride at 3 AM in San Ysidro. Talked to a van driver with 1 amputated arm, driving with his right arm. He agreed on $20 to OC. We waited around half hour, got an old farm hand returning from visiting his number 1 wife in Michoacan with 6 kids, going back to his farm job in Fresno with his second wife with 4 more kids.

We were only 2 passengers but the guy departed, picking up more passengers in Santa Ana and LA for Fresno. He dropped me off in front of my house, which is about 5 miles off the freeway. Gave him $10 tip for the hard work.

05-06-23, 17:42
I think that is really ridiculous that the trolley stops running at 1 am. SD is the 8th largest city in the US. San Ysidro is also the busiest border crossing in the world. SD is also trying to become a zero emissions city & wants to encourage people to take mass transit. Thee is many people that cross the border that do not have cars or go down to Tijuana to drink at night. So having the trolley run at reduced hours would help things a lot I suggested to the MTS that the trolley should run all night. Their answer was that the MTS does not have the right to run from 1-4 am. This because the railroads run freight cars during those hours. The railroads have sidings traffic that has priority so this should be a easy problem to resolve. Also the last blue line trolley from downtown stops at 11:45 am.

Not that I know of and I'd probably know of it between reading g here and walking in out mexixo so much. But that would be a definite economic opportunity. The Boracha gringo bus. 230 am, 330 am every. Ight. I bet it would be 40 customers a night once word got put. I see so may mongers going home at 7 am in t shirt they probably didn't even rent a room and just sat in Hong Kong till 6 am or so. It would have tons of revolution club goers too on thurs to Sunday and even Mexicans going to work at odd hours.

05-07-23, 15:53
......I did take a girl from HK for $100 and when we got to the room without asking she starts setting up her phone in the corner to film. I'm like wtf, she says Ill set it up so it doesn't show your face. I said only if I get a copy and I see the results before letting you keep them, she agreed. We fucked for a little but I got nervous stopped and checked. Yea some on my face is there and I deleted it and off the deleted folder, she got mad so I said I would film from my hand. I then did my best filming. Yea done this before and then told her I can no longer do it because a proper fuck takes two hands she got mad again LOL so I put the phone down and took her to pound town in multiple positions for the full 30 m until the door knocked so I came quick. We had to stop many times too because she said I was hurting her LOL. When we were done I was sweaty and huffing but I grabbed her phone and made her open it and I texted myself the videos and made sure all of hers were deleted. She saw this and got mad LOL but complimented me on my amazing POV filming. When we to the elevator she immediately sent them to someone. Hmmm. Who? Then when we got downstairs to the club she didn't even say goodbye and later texted me don't ever text me at this number. Her WhatsApp profile pic was of her and some dude hugging hahaha.

Just wondering has this ever happened to anyone else. How many HK girls have only fans?Way back in the 90's before cell phones with cameras I used to photograph and do videos in sessions. I never had a girl request to do it, or even request it, ever. If a girl ever asked to do it I would be under a moral obligation to say yes. However, I would put something over my head during the proceedings and bang her like there's no tomorrow. Her saying that I am hurting her during the video would be cool.

Captain Solo
05-07-23, 17:30
The guy drove me to OC, dropped me off in front of my house about 5 miles away from the freeway, so they would be open to drop you off at airport, trolley lots or anywhere in downtown San Diego.

The drivers are open to all sorts of deals. Negotiate with them and give them propinas.

05-07-23, 23:07
Way back in the 90's before cell phones with cameras I used to photograph and do videos in sessions. I never had a girl request to do it, or even request it, ever. If a girl ever asked to do it I would be under a moral obligation to say yes. However, I would put something over my head during the proceedings and bang her like there's no tomorrow. Her saying that I am hurting her during the video would be cool.Thats a gigantic risk / liability for guys, and for hk. Honestly she should of been reported to hk staff. They would probably fire her instantly shea just 1 puta but one that's not worth the risk to hk busines operation.

05-08-23, 00:01
I think that is really ridiculous that the trolley stops running at 1 am. SD is the 8th largest city in the US. San Ysidro is also the busiest border crossing in the world. SD is also trying to become a zero emissions city & wants to encourage people to take mass transit. Thee is many people that cross the border that do not have cars or go down to Tijuana to drink at night. So having the trolley run at reduced hours would help things a lot I suggested to the MTS that the trolley should run all night. Their answer was that the MTS does not have the right to run from 1-4 am. This because the railroads run freight cars during those hours. The railroads have sidings traffic that has priority so this should be a easy problem to resolve. Also the last blue line trolley from downtown stops at 11:45 am.Outside of NYC and Chicago subway (two largest systems out there), I don't think there's a single major transportation system in the USA That operates 24/7, outside of some bus systems. New Orleans trolley system operates 24 hours I think but that's a limited system that by design doesn't cover the whole metro like the San Diego system does. As a night owl I'd love 24/7 for all major transportation systems, but am assuming it's not financially feasible in most cases.

05-08-23, 02:23
The guy drove me to OC, dropped me off in front of my house about 5 miles away from the freeway, so they would be open to drop you off at airport, trolley lots or anywhere in downtown San Diego.

The drivers are open to all sorts of deals. Negotiate with them and give them propinas.One of the great things about Mexico. Folks are much more chill and open to negotiating almost anything (for the right price) it seems.

05-08-23, 23:50
Wanted to share me new routine. After the 2nd night I always head to beach for a couple of hours to kill some time enjoying the waves and some nice food / drinks.

One reason I do this is HK club is a little quiet till around 4 pm.

I take the yellow stripped van from one block away from the front of the cathedral https://*******.com/van-downtownTJ.

And exit at Walmart (and Del parque) https://*******.com/TJbeach-walmart.

Return bus from beach at Vittorios restaurant https://*******.com/bus-from-vittorios.

15 pesos each way and riding with the locals is a nice cultural experience.

At the beach I visit Black dog cafe for nice cool indoor or outdoor shade spot to enjoy a nice smoothie or other drink. Other nice cafes there too.

I always get multiple skewers of BBQ shrimp. They cook them right on the beach. Delicious.

One day I may visit on the fish restaurants that overlook the beach.

I highly recommend going to the beach in the early afternoon when there is not much action at HK club. Then when you come back around 4 or 5 HK is bustling.I visited Tijuana May 3-6. The guy at immigration just asked me how long and flashed me through. No form needed to be filled by them or me.

I realized the forum admins deleted *******s in my earlier post about vans to beach. I assume they will allow google map urls.

Van to beach: https://www.google.com/maps/@32.533692, -117.0412647,3 a,75 y,340.16 h,88.15 t / data=!3 m10!1 e1!3 m8!1 sdnXNXWkBnyaF4 GcppbvGNg!2 e0!6 shttps:%2 F%2 Fstreetviewpixels-pa. googleapis.com%2 Fv1%2 Fthumbnail%3 Fpanoid%3 DdnXNXWkBnyaF4 GcppbvGNg%26 cb_client%3 Dmaps_sv. Tactile. GPS%26 w%3 D203%26 h%3 D100%26 yaw%3 D287.08215%26 pitch%3 D0%26 thumbfov%3 D100!7 i16384!8 i8192!9 m2!1 b1!2 i55.

Get off bus here to go to beach: https://www.google.com/maps/@32.52841, -117.1201563,3 a,37.5 y,89.62 h,84.1 t / data=!3 m9!1 e1!3 m7!1 sUibVgbke59 xdV1 g3 VlG8 FA!2 e0!7 i16384!8 i8192!9 m2!1 b1!2 i50.

Return van: www.google.com/maps/@32.530915, -117.1196697,3 a,75 y,118.88 h,79.54 t / data=!3 m9!1 e1!3 m7!1 sxmwqGb0 OOEoY4 PGpWzkipw!2 e0!7 i16384!8 i8192!9 m2!1 b1!2 i49.

This time I spent time at a nice coffee shop next to black dog cafe (at the side of beach where westerners hang out).

05-09-23, 00:49
I returned to USA via foot across the order on Saturday afternoon (at the old Ped East entrance next to San Yisidro trolley station).

The non-sentri line was twice as long as normal.

A guard told me this was all in anticaption of the upcoming change of laws related to covid later this week.

Even the sentri line was longer than normal (but negligible in comparison).

So beware that if you are going to return without a global-entry / sentri card your wait times will be much much longer than before.


05-09-23, 01:10
-Pet peeve of mine at Cascadas going back a few years now is that the room keys often expire prior to check out. For example in a 3-day stay last week, I had to return to the front desk twice to geta replacement room key because they expired after one day. Seems like the front desk has a habit of not setting the room keys up for the correct number of days. Don't know if anyone else who stays at Cascadas regularly experiences thi. S.
.Cascadas room keys sometimes working days before actual checkout.

This used to happen almost consistently a few years ago.

I complained to management about this many times in the past -luckily it's a lot better now.

Problem happened to me during my trip in April. But all was OK during last week's trip.

05-09-23, 06:23
So beware that if you are going to return without a global-entry / sentri card your wait times will be much much longer than before.Not sure what you are talking about.

I returned Friday early evening and the regular line was long. But with my Sentri card, it took less than 10 minutes from the taxi stand to my car in SY.

05-09-23, 21:27
Hey Everyone,

I am planning my first trip to South America. I have 5 - 6 days with me and I am wondering which destination makes more sense for a first timer in this part of the world.

I have mongered in other parts of the world (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Russia, Ukraine, India, Singapore, UK, Canada). The modus operandi has been usual Thailand style bars, SA & escort services.

Do you recommend Tijuana or Colombia (Medellin / Bogota) for a first timer? I speak no spanish at all.

05-10-23, 00:06
Anyone going to this? I keep clicking the link for tickets and get an error. Did the event happen to sell out already?

05-10-23, 02:18
Hey Everyone,

I am planning my first trip to South America. I have 5 - 6 days with me and I am wondering which destination makes more sense for a first timer in this part of the world.

I have mongered in other parts of the world (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Russia, Ukraine, India, Singapore, UK, Canada). The modus operandi has been usual Thailand style bars, SA & escort services.

Do you recommend Tijuana or Colombia (Medellin / Bogota) for a first timer? I speak no spanish at all.With your resume hands down Colombia. Even if you don't speak Spanish I have faith that you will figure it out. You will be bored with Tijuana and dealing with the hustles. Keep Tijuana in mind for later. Plan on returning a few times. It takes time to build up contacts here but worth it in the end.

05-10-23, 06:13
Hey Everyone,

I am planning my first trip to South America. I have 5 - 6 days with me and I am wondering which destination makes more sense for a first timer in this part of the world.

I have mongered in other parts of the world (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Russia, Ukraine, India, Singapore, UK, Canada). The modus operandi has been usual Thailand style bars, SA & escort services.

Do you recommend Tijuana or Colombia (Medellin / Bogota) for a first timer? I speak no spanish at all.I have not been to Colombia but hear good things about it.

I have been to Thailand / Singapore, India, Europe. Tijuana is much better for me.

Hongkong club is the greatest club in the world. Nothing even comes close.

I live in California and Tijuana is so much closer and easier / cheaper to get to / back. So it is a no brainer for me to stick to Tijuana.

Streetgirls in Tijuana are fine. I have my favorite streetgal who I have been almost exclusively the past 3 years. She is that good.

If not for HK clubI would go to the place that is least painful logistically since they are probably both great.

But HK club makes Tijuana the clear winner.

Tijuana has a nice beach too in addition to great food.