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01-15-18, 11:32
Returned 1/6 from 2 wks in sosua. Had a great time! I've been there every Christmas since 2012. This was the slowest by far, but I still had a blast! There were enough chicas but not an abundance. Not too many guys either, a few came in the last few days, but nothing crazy. I laughed when you said chicas were complaining about low prices. Of course guys are going to low ball when things are slow. But I know from experience chicas have a hord time understanding and accepting that they won't always get "my price". I predict there will be less guys traveling in next few yrs, because money is getting tight in the states. I'm hearing there going to close rumbas as soon as it opens. We shall see. All in all I still luv my little beach town. Be back soon! Peace!So far this year there hasn't been one day when it hasn't rained really hard, or looked like it was going to, and that has kept a lot of folks off the street, except for Saturday night when everybody was out like they'd just got out of jail.

The beach on Saturday was jumping so much, I spent most of the day there, for the first time ever. Music and impromptu dancing! My PP chica joined the band.

More European guys in town than usual (they must know something!) plenty of "hot" women available to take right off the street, but I got my latest two 10's on call, after I send my PP chica home. They are always up for anything. I'm in pussy heaven!

For this old guy, every thing I love and need is around the corner, or a phone call away. Good food, good swimming, good friends, and hot chicas. No need to drive or taxi every day. I usually visit PP and Cab, but I honestly haven't found the need since I've been back.

As for the clubs, count me out. We have clubs at home, but clubs are a whole different scene, no need to go half way around the world to spend big money on divas with attitude. Especially at my age, LOL.

Last night they had lights in Rumba and some work was being done. If it opens for Superbowl that would bring a lot of Americans down, but I'm not sure if more crowds will improve Susua for me. I rarely go to Rumba anyway.

One of my old hoe friends came by where I was and we chatted I asked her If she'd like a beer, she said no and rubbed her belly. I gave her 500 pesos and said, "change!" I thought she was going accross the street, she just hollered at a MC and sent him off. 5 minutes later he came back with a full take out meal, and she gave me 300 pesos back. Turns out she sent him to the same place up the street where I pick up my fried chicken.

There really are 3 prices for everything in Sosua!.

01-15-18, 13:30
The question is, where are these Phantoms in the daytime? It is the same in Santo Domingo. If you go to certain clubs on certain nights, your jaw will drop. But no idea why I don't see these chicks out in the daytime. Unless it is just the way they fix themselves up to go clubbing that is throwing me off from how they really look in the day hours.You raise a an interesting point. I recall several years ago when Passions and CMP were open. They used to have some fly ass women up in there. In my early days of coming to Sosua on vacation (my learning curve) I was thinking they were importing these women from somewhere.

But what opened my eyes, is that I started seeing those same women in the day time walking around with no make up, no fancy clothes, no high heels, a hair net (tube). Plain Jane. Them muggs were ordinary chicks. That there re-opened my eyes from what I already knew about the women in the clubs back in the day in the states. Back then many or most men elevated womens value based on the exterior facade that they portrayed. Meanwhile underneath all of that makeup, hair, clothes, high heels, was usually just a regular chick.

Today on the North coast, Pica Flor, is a good example of the same thing. You take off their makeup, high heels, tight provactive clothes, put their hair up in a tube, and all you got is an average chick. With that type of exposure, you don't see any reason to pay them 100 USD for 4 hrs, 150 for overnight. It's just an illusion.

As for the hot chicks in PP, SD or wherever they are, they are no exception. You strip them of the facade they are using to elevate their value, and all you got is an average chick. Further, once a dude gets a chance to hit it once, her value plummets with that man immediately. Her value is strongest with the men that never had her. Ask any man who has had very attractive women that he's fucked ad nauseum.

All them chicks up in the clubs, their strongest value / asset is towards the men that haven't fucked them, yet. And if any of those chicks are giving up the pussy to local men for free or a huge discount, that in of itself will reduce her value in the eyes of the men she's targeting (that have the superior resources.).

01-15-18, 13:58
Unless it is just the way they fix themselves up to go clubbing that is throwing me off from how they really look in the day hours.Mr. E,

You nailed it! The day / night transition of girls (in Santo Domingo at least) is dramatic. You know I'm here all the time. I spend most of my time hunting for non pros during the day. Girls just going about their daily business. And you do have to use some imagination when looking at them during the day, because the night club / date package will be much nicer. I have never had a girl show up for a date looking like they do during the day. Even the poorest barrio girls have their one outfit they look great in. They will get friends to help them do their hair and nails and they will come out looking as stunning as humanly possible for them.

I'm a muscle car guy. The type that prefers performance over appearance. You know the kind of rough around the edges street machine that will blow the doors off the pretty boy's imported machine in the 1/8 mile. Who said everyone has their tastes. Holla! LOL!

The question is, where are these Phantoms in the daytime? It is the same in Santo Domingo. If you go to certain clubs on certain nights, your jaw will drop. But no idea why I don't see these chicks out in the daytime.

01-15-18, 14:10
We all have our tastes.Revere, if we all have our tastes, and you actually believe that, then does your position make sense, that there are no hot chicks in Sosua? This isn't a semantics game, it's just common sense. Either you believe we all have our tastes or you don't. But its not your call to choose or identify for other men what they consider hot, attractive, or adequate for their needs in Sosua.

I used this analogy in the past here. Some folks remind me of someone who sits down next to you while you are eating. They complain about how bad the food is in the place, and that they know a better restaurant where the food is off the chain. While you are enjoying your food, they proceed to tell you how nasty your food tastes to you. They want you to feel the same way about your food, that they did with the food they had.

My thing is this. I am in agreement with you that we all have our tastes. If the food here doesn't do anything for you, you don't have to broadcast it, you don't have to tell me how nasty my meal is to me. Go where you feel that fulfills your needs. Nobody needs a dissertation on why someone doesn't like this or that anymore. Everybody isn't trying to do what other people do. Especially if the station in life of each party are worlds apart. Many men may not be into night clubbing and HIP HOP like other folks. They may enjoy more simplistic entertainment or means to hooking up. Hanging out at a night club may be a distraction or even a time waster for some folks.

If someone believes we all have our tastes, then I think it should reflect in how they carry themselves. They go about their business enjoying, not appearing as if they are trying to recruit other people to participate in what they are doing. BTW the answer to your question. Are there hot chicks coming to Sosua, and on Pedro Clisante these days? The answer is yes. You know how I know? Because we all have our tastes. Are there chicks in Sosua or PC that arent hot? The answer is yes. You know how I know? Because we all have our tastes.

01-15-18, 14:10
As for the hot chicks in PP, SD or wherever they are, they are no exception. You strip them of the facade they are using to elevate their value, and all you got is an average chick. Further, once a dude gets a chance to hit it once, her value plummets with that man immediately. Her value is strongest with the men that never had her. Ask any man who has had very attractive women that he's fucked ad nauseum.Mr. Wrx2005, I couldn't agree with you more. There is that saying every hot girl has at least one man saying FDB!

All them chicks up in the clubs, their strongest value / asset is towards the men that haven't fucked them, yet. And if any of those chicks are giving up the pussy to local men for free or a huge discount, that in of itself will reduce her value in the eyes of the men she's targeting (that have the superior resources.).And you know these women are giving it up to local men for free and a huge discount. But, I actually doubt it reduces her value in the eyes of men she's targeting if they don't know that's what's happening. If that's the case most sexual tourists are engaged self delusion. Just a thought.

Wow! I must of woke up in the twilight zone this morning. I'm agreeing with Mr. E and Mr. Wrx2005. Must be the sunshine and fresh ocean air. LOL!

01-15-18, 14:29
But what opened my eyes, is that I started seeing those same women in the day time walking around with no make up, no fancy clothes, no high heels, a hair net (tube). Plain Jane. Them muggs were ordinary chicks. That there re-opened my eyes from what I already knew about the women in the clubs back in the day in the states. Back then many or most men elevated womens value based on the exterior facade that they portrayed. Meanwhile underneath all of that makeup, hair, clothes, high heels, was usually just a regular chick.

Yes, of course this is true, and obvious, but when you are new to the DR it may take a while to catch on.

I remember many years ago being gobsmacked when a slim chica who was a cashier at a supermarket in Puerto Plata exchanged eye glances and flirty looks even though I was in line three cash registers over, and wrote her name and number on a scrap of paper, and passed it over to me. What kind of place is this, I thought. But then much later I realized that she was probably one of the chicas who gets dolled up and takes the late night taxi down to Sosua to find a man for extra cash, and that perhaps she recognized me and knew of me, or that probably she considered me a prospect because of the man I was with in the supermarket, who is well-known in Puerto Plata or Sosua. Remember, when you are in that area, you are the hunted, not the hunter. As far as girls forsaking Sosua for nightclubs in Puerto Plata? Maybe, but if they are looking for male companionship for money, they will always go where the money is. If it is true that they are avoiding Sosua, it could be because they don't like the clientele in Sosua, and can do better elsewhere. Not the music.

01-15-18, 15:32
I do think Revere has good intention and that he was only trying to guide fellow travelers along a path that he thinks others may like. It is that spirit that counts, while you folks write your comments on his thoughts.

Personally, I have a problem with "Hip Hop" music and similar genres. In fact, I think it has done more harm to a certain segment of a population but this is not the forum to speak of it. I think the Hispanic music is beautiful (Bachata and Salsa, I cannot follow Merengue, too fast of a tempo) and it is a shame they are all giving up on that tradition to follow a miasma. In any case, I would not go to a place where the music is deafening with language which often is course, no matter how pretty the women are (in the dark of course while I am fortified with alcohol) but that is me. I would stick to the island in general, which has plenty of "diamonds in the rough".

01-15-18, 17:06
As far as girls forsaking Sosua for nightclubs in Puerto Plata? Maybe, but if they are looking for male companionship for money, they will always go where the money is. If it is true that they are avoiding Sosua, it could be because they don't like the clientele in Sosua, and can do better elsewhere. Not the music.Some other variables comes to mind. But 1st I would question, who interviewed ALL of these women going to night clubs in Puerto Plata? Are there any plain Jane chicks going to the night club in PP? If so, what's their story?

Who accounted for every chicks reason for being in a PP night club, instead of going to Sosua? It could easily be a simple matter of preference or convenience. Close proximity to where they live. Choosing to avoid the stigma women get for coming to Sosua. Afraid of being spotted in Sosua by family. Perhaps it's beneath them to stay in some raggedy hotel with other women just because they don't have a client / date. Maybe they arent playing the music they like in Sosua, and not much dancing going on either? But again, I still say. No man can miss what he can not measure.

A man aint missing out on Thai, Filipina, Colombian, Cuban, German, African, or any other woman just because those women exist in those other places. Right now there are a shitload of fine ass women dancing in an Atlanta strip club right now. Does it make sense to be concerned about NOT being with any of those women? I'd like to be fucking the chick I met in the Philippines tonight. But am I missing anything because I can't be there?

Men have to use their brain and not be clouded by emotion. For enough men that vacation in Sosua, everything they need is right there. Airport close, check. Food shopping close, check. Nice beach to hang out all day, check. Women available day and night to get ones loins exercised for young and old farts, check Many hotels to choose from, check. Most anything one needs is within walking distance, check. People who do not like or enjoy smoky environments, maybe don't drink or like to be around those that do, can find alternative things to occupy their time, check.

Taking all of that into consideration, would an individual with all of those conveniences in place really be missing anything not going to a night club in PP just so he can say he enjoyed OTHER hot chicks who are crazy about HIP HOP? Here's something else to consider.

If a guy goes to PP one night, and meets a hot chick up in the club, exchanges numbers, and she agrees to visit him in Sosua, fucks him in his hotel, what does that say about her now? Weve already established what were dealing with. The venue we meet them at, or score with them at, has no significance, in changing what they may represent to us eventually.

How many hot chicks that have gone to a night club has already fucked a bunch of men that they connected to by FB, Tagged or Badoo? Them chicks in PP aint no new or better juice. It's the same juice in a different package/venue.

01-15-18, 23:46
Many thanks for the many reports! I RTTF! LOL! Was in Sosua / POP / Cabarete a few years back and had a good time!

Heading down again next week and was wondering about current best practices regarding currency. ATM? Bring cash along with me? Any advantage to either exchanging for DOP at a bank, street or shops? Also if it is best to bring CDN $ to DR or exchange to USD before leaving Canada?

Any recommendations on GREAT fish or lobster places and any recommendations on non-mongering activities?

01-15-18, 23:53
Many thanks for the many reports! I RTTF! LOL! Was in Sosua / POP / Cabarete a few years back and had a good time!

Heading down again next week and was wondering about current best practices regarding currency. ATM? Bring cash along with me? Any advantage to either exchanging for DOP at a bank, street or shops? Also if it is best to bring CDN $ to DR or exchange to USD before leaving Canada?

Any recommendations on GREAT fish or lobster places and any recommendations on non-mongering activities?I would recommend to use pesos down here, and, assuming you are Canadian, just bring your ATM card and the many machines will give you pesos at the best rate without going through another level of currency exchange I. E. , USA.

Carry only what you need for the day / evening.

01-16-18, 01:27
It's an emerging older group of Dominican women who still look good and have style as they hold on go what they once had. The Dominican dudes don't want these girls. These girls don't go to hip hop clubs but rather stay home and cook and raise kids. They mainly visit the neighborhood commando on Friday night to gossip, sip a beer and maybe dance. They also have big wet pussies which I like that are under serviced. So guys you can deal with some crazy young girl and hope / pay for a good experience or move up to the 30-40 age group and pluck something more stable. Just my take on things.For me, those women I consider "older" fall in the age range of 35 and above. I am attracted to older women that still look good. So I can relate.

To this day, there are older women that are still in the p4 p game. Those types I'd choose to avoid. I know a Dom Cupid lady I met a few years back. She was 38 at the time. She had two children living with her. At the time, I thought because she was older she would be more compatible. We can enjoy certain things together. However the more involved I got with her, the more she revealed her hypergamist nature. Looking at me as a resource to supplement and maintain her and her family.

With older women often comes with bigger expectations. With a young chick you may easily slip some dinero in her purse and she may be happy. Dealing with an older chick can run the risk of her expecting much more. Very often that starts off with wanting a "serious" relationship. Once established, she can now put her expectations and demands on a guy. She is your novia now. And it's your job to take care of your novia.

Most guys may not be interested in that level of involvement. The reason they got involved is because they thought she would be more mature. Perhaps more passionate in the bed. Or the juice would be off the chain. However enough guys eventually find out, getting involved with an older women may not be without it's own set of issues.

I admire those instances where a guy gets involved with an older Dominican lady, that has a job, aint looking for a mans money. Will cook for him, and take care of him in the bed. Thats the type of older lady I would like to hook up with. But I still do not want a relationship. And it seems many if not most good women like that want a serious exclusive relationship, which I'm not interested in investing in.

01-16-18, 01:49
So guys you can deal with some crazy young girl and hope / pay for a good experience or move up to the 30-40 age group and pluck something more stable. Just my take on things.I didn't mean to imply every older lady is looking for a serious relationship. But I am saying that a guy still runs the risk of an older chick expecting a guy to do certain things if he gets involved. Like paying her rent, utilities, buying major appliances, helping them set up another residence, medical expenses etc. Helping her with taking care of her children or other family members. It might get to the point where a guy has to question or discern whether the quality and quantity of the older ladys juice / company, is worth it?

Mr Gogo
01-16-18, 02:00
I didn't mean to imply every older lady is looking for a serious relationship. But I am saying that a guy still runs the risk of an older chick expecting a guy to do certain things if he gets involved. Like paying her rent, utilities, buying major appliances, helping them set up another residence, medical expenses etc. Helping her with taking care of her children or other family members. It might get to the point where a guy has to question or discern whether the quality and quantity of the older ladys juice / company, is worth it?True most want what you say but initially they will probably be happy that someone (non Dominican) took the time to invite her out for a beer or dinner, with sex as the desert.

Mr Enternational
01-16-18, 02:54
However the more involved I got with her, the more she revealed her hypergamist nature. Looking at me as a resource to supplement and maintain her and her family.

With older women often comes with bigger expectations. Dealing with an older chick can run the risk of her expecting much more. Very often that starts off with wanting a "serious" relationship. Once established, she can now put her expectations and demands on a guy. She is your novia now. And it's your job to take care of your novia.What the fuck. This is 100% my experience with 9 out of 10 women in this age group in DR. They appear to be established and mainting well, but once you get in with them they expect you to maintain them financially. And when you will not they are in the wind looking for someone that will.

I remember one chick in Santiago who would not let me stay at her house (would let me visit though) and thought I was going to help pay bills around there. Bich if I can't stay at your house then my money can't stay either. How I look paying for a hotel when I'm helping pay bills at your house? I wouldn't have helped anyway, but it is the principle of the thing. I don't understand how they got along so well all of this time, then when you show up all of a sudden they are in desperate need of some shit.

Never ran into this with a chick younger than 35, but the ones over 35 are exactly how you described. The ones under 35 don't expect shit but for you to keep them company.

01-16-18, 03:28
What the fuck. This is 100% my experience with 9 out of 10 women in this age group in DR. They appear to be established and mainting well, but once you get in with them they expect you to maintain them financially. And when you will not they are in the wind looking for someone that will.

I remember one chick in Santiago who would not let me stay at her house (would let me visit though) and thought I was going to help pay bills around there. Bich if I can't stay at your house then my money can't stay either. How I look paying for a hotel when I'm helping pay bills at your house? I wouldn't have helped anyway, but it is the principle of the thing.

Never ran into this with a chick younger than 35, but the ones over 35 are exactly how you described. The ones under 35 don't expect shit but for you to keep them company.Finishing up my story of the DC lady. She too is from Santiago. Last year, I wanted her to come up to Sosua to see me. She kept promising she would. Every time we connected on Whatsapp, she'd ask me the same freaking questions. Am I married, do I have a novia? Of course, I'd say no. She always seemed to be sizing me up for the long game. All I wanted was to enjoy more of that good juice she had.

Anyway, just when I'm thinking she is going to make it, she cancels out. It's her period, or she'll come up with a new tentative day. That day comes, and goes. I don't sweat it though. To me it's just something to do. The one thing she will ask in the interim is, would I be open to a serious relationship? Because she is interested in a "stable" relationship.

See, the chick is running game. She probably has no real intention of coming to Sosua for a couple of days like she used to. She knows, that her sex is really all the bargaining chip that she has. So what she tries to do, is attempt to get some sort of commitment established beforehand. Now if I were saying all of the right things, she would be at my spot in no time. But because, I'm insisting that she just come and we'll talk about everything when she gets here, she aint letting that happen.

What she doesn't know, is that I am aware of one of the ways she supplemented her self financially over the years. She would come down to Puerto Plata and hang out in the resorts and Playa Cofresi. There she could hook up with men on vacation looking for companionship. Now when it comes to me, she has always maintained that she don't want my money or a mans money. But she does feel a man involved with her should take care of the "basics". The basics include food, utilities, making up rent, medical, emergencies etc.

She refuses to admit that means she does want / need a mans money. She's convinced that her expectations doesn't involve wanting a man for his money? Now here's the irony. Last year when I talked to her, I think that was October. Nothing new, right? But around the Christmas holiday I sent her a message which I thought was to her Whatsapp, but it was her sons Whats app. BTW both of her kids (boy and girl) got married each almost 2 yrs ago. I apologized to the young man for misdirecting my holiday messsage to his WA, and asked him to contact his mother and ask her to contact me.

He said he couldn't because she is married now? I'm like WHAT?. Married? I was just in contact with this chick in October and she is married now? Back in October we were talking about her visiting me then. I knew she was hungry to latch onto a man to get a relationship, but damn! I guess she got what she wanted. Fast forward to last week January 6, and I hear from her. I suspect her son advised her that I was asking about her. So you are married now? She said she is separated. So now were back to square one of her wanting a serious relationship.

This chicks focus and track record is dangerous. And getting involved with her just for some juice can be risky. She wasted no time asking me again if I'd be interested in a serious relationship. I have pretty much ignored those messages and just stick to greetings and pleasantries. She is smart enough not to come to my house, because she knows what will NOT happen after she gives up the juice I already enjoyed before. BTW out of curiosity I have asked her what do I get from her being in a serious relationship? She said lots of love and companionship. Insert rolleyes icon here.
She's about 42 now and still attractive, but I see the desperation in her by not being where she would like to be, which is securely connected to a mans resources.

Mr Gogo
01-16-18, 05:19
What the fuck. This is 100% my experience with 9 out of 10 women in this age group in DR. They appear to be established and mainting well, but once you get in with them they expect you to maintain them financially. And when you will not they are in the wind looking for someone that will.

I remember one chick in Santiago who would not let me stay at her house (would let me visit though) and thought I was going to help pay bills around there. Bich if I can't stay at your house then my money can't stay either. How I look paying for a hotel when I'm helping pay bills at your house? I wouldn't have helped anyway, but it is the principle of the thing. I don't understand how they got along so well all of this time, then when you show up all of a sudden they are in desperate need of some shit.

Never ran into this with a chick younger than 35, but the ones over 35 are exactly how you described. The ones under 35 don't expect shit but for you to keep them company.There you go again with that slick ass Atlanta shit. Why would an older lady let you stay at her house when she has kids and a good reputation? She probably comes to your hotel to fuck, has dinner at restaurants with you and lets you come visit but you want to twist it to helping her pay her bills to make it seem like you don't pay for pussy and have to question her about being a trick because she needs help. Look, I'm not about those games. My main girl is 36 yo and gorgeous and in great shape. She comes over and cooks, does my laundry, cleans my place, does my toes and nails and fucks me good (when is the last time a young girl did that for you? I have rules like I don't send money but I treat her nice (cash) when there. Sure she is pushing for more of a relationship and for me to meet the kids but that's a slow process that will take years as I want to keep it simple. She has never told me "no' for sex and is always on point. I don't let her know about other girls and entertain topics to maneuver her to giving me free pussy to prove herself. I pay my way and have no problems with that as long as she puts in the time to make me happy and my life better. But on the other end I have limitations for now and I don't meet family and she stays.

At WRX: Sounds like you had some decent experiences with older women but you got spooked because they had other motives. What woman wouldn't want a relationship from a guy that she likes and spends time with? Women take that direction and you were honest with yourself "I only wanted the juice" so she either went by your rules or not. I can respect that more than a guy that is just using a girl for a future place to stay and paying a 25 dollar electric bill once a year. What's interesting is that after you figured this girl out and knew her future desires, you still tried to call her after she hadn't called you for some time. She refused to come to Sosua to visit and possibly told her son that you accidentally called, to tell you she was now married to help you get the message that she was no longer interested to come to Sosua to give you some juice or see you anymore. You are great a looking at every angle involved except when it contradicts your point that you were correct. You even tried a Mr E move by begging her to come and you will talk to her once she arrives to fuck. Man that must have been some good old pussy LOL.

I stick by my point: Older women are more appreciative, still have some pizzaz, will give more to make you happy and still like to fuck. I presented it as an option for guys who might be looking for more than a quick two hour fuck in a hotel room. Sure they want security, sure they might be slick, but that's the challenge you have to navigate.

P.S. I'm not getting into any long debates over this and take up pages on this board. Either you get it or you don't, either way I have moved on.

01-16-18, 16:08
There you go again with that slick ass Atlanta shit. Why would an older lady let you stay at her house when she has kids and a good reputation? She probably comes to your hotel to fuck, has dinner at restaurants with you and lets you come visit but you want to twist it to helping her pay her bills to make it seem like you don't pay for pussy and have to question her about being a trick because she needs help. Look, I'm not about those games. My main girl is 36 yo and gorgeous and in great shape. She comes over and cooks, does my laundry, cleans my place, does my toes and nails and fucks me good (when is the last time a young girl did that for you? I have rules like I don't send money but I treat her nice (cash) when there. Sure she is pushing for more of a relationship and for me to meet the kids but that's a slow process that will take years as I want to keep it simple. She has never told me "no' for sex and is always on point. I don't let her know about other girls and entertain topics to maneuver her to giving me free pussy to prove herself. I pay my way and have no problems with that as long as she puts in the time to make me happy and my life better. But on the other end I have limitations for now and I don't meet family and she stays.

At WRX: Sounds like you had some decent experiences with older women but you got spooked because they had other motives. What woman wouldn't want a relationship from a guy that she likes and spends time with? Women take that direction and you were honest with yourself "I only wanted the juice" so she either went by your rules or not. I can respect that more than a guy that is just using a girl for a future place to stay and paying a 25 dollar electric bill once a year. What's interesting is that after you figured this girl out and knew her future desires, you still tried to call her after she hadn't called you for some time. She refused to come to Sosua to visit and possibly told her son that you accidentally called, to tell you she was now married to help you get the message that she was no longer interested to come to Sosua to give you some juice or see you anymore. You are great a looking at every angle involved except when it contradicts your point that you were correct. You even tried a Mr E move by begging her to come and you will talk to her once she arrives to fuck. Man that must have been some good old pussy LOL.

I stick by my point: Older women are more appreciative, still have some pizzaz, will give more to make you happy and still like to fuck. I presented it as an option for guys who might be looking for more than a quick two hour fuck in a hotel room. Sure they want security, sure they might be slick, but that's the challenge you have to navigate.

P.S. I'm not getting into any long debates over this and take up pages on this board. Either you get it or you don't, either way I have moved on.As usual Mr GG you are on the right track. We need more of your common sense posts here!

The Forum is starting to sound like a "Dear Abby" column, for unhappy, mistreated lovers again!

Try and remember that Sosua is not some TV dating show, it is a town where mongers go to buy cheap sex.

Select your merchandise, pay your money, and don't complain if you bought the wrong size shoes! Try not to delude yourself that you are getting anything for free, except what you pay for. Hoes live a hard, tough life, they don't grow up with any concept of "entitlement".

Playing mind games with hoes is complete waste of time, especially with hoes, because hoes will tell you anything you want to hear. They are a lot like salesmen and politicians. Don't listen to what they say, watch what they do!

Pay as you go, and only for what you get, you'll gather no moss, you can live your life as a free man, and enjoy the many pleasures and fantasies that are for sale in Sosua!

01-16-18, 18:40
The Forum is starting to sound like a "Dear Abby" column, for unhappy, mistreated lovers again!Respectfully, now I see why mongers are hesitant to write trip reports for the Sosua forum. Because based on current and past history, any trip report written would be quickly buried by a myriad of posts from guys who feel slighted and feel the need to posture, strut, and wave their cocks at each other.

Someone should really consider opening a "Sosua Chit Chat" forum here on ISG.

01-17-18, 00:00
There you go again with that slick ass Atlanta shit. Why would an older lady let you stay at her house when she has kids and a good reputation? She probably comes to your hotel to fuck, has dinner at restaurants with you and lets you come visit but you want to twist it to helping her pay her bills to make it seem like you don't pay for pussy and have to question her about being a trick because she needs help. Look, I'm not about those games. My main girl is 36 yo and gorgeous and in great shape. She comes over and cooks, does my laundry, cleans my place, does my toes and nails and fucks me good (when is the last time a young girl did that for you? I have rules like I don't send money but I treat her nice (cash) when there. Sure she is pushing for more of a relationship and for me to meet the kids but that's a slow process that will take years as I want to keep it simple. She has never told me "no' for sex and is always on point. I don't let her know about other girls and entertain topics to maneuver her to giving me free pussy to prove herself. I pay my way and have no problems with that as long as she puts in the time to make me happy and my life better. But on the other end I have limitations for now and I don't meet family and she stays.

At WRX: Sounds like you had some decent experiences with older women but you got spooked because they had other motives. What woman wouldn't want a relationship from a guy that she likes and spends time with? Women take that direction and you were honest with yourself "I only wanted the juice" so she either went by your rules or not. I can respect that more than a guy that is just using a girl for a future place to stay and paying a 25 dollar electric bill once a year. What's interesting is that after you figured this girl out and knew her future desires, you still tried to call her after she hadn't called you for some time. She refused to come to Sosua to visit and possibly told her son that you accidentally called, to tell you she was now married to help you get the message that she was no longer interested to come to Sosua to give you some juice or see you anymore. You are great a looking at every angle involved except when it contradicts your point that you were correct. You even tried a Mr E move by begging her to come and you will talk to her once she arrives to fuck. Man that must have been some good old pussy LOL.

I stick by my point: Older women are more appreciative, still have some pizzaz, will give more to make you happy and still like to fuck. I presented it as an option for guys who might be looking for more than a quick two hour fuck in a hotel room. Sure they want security, sure they might be slick, but that's the challenge you have to navigate.

P.S. I'm not getting into any long debates over this and take up pages on this board. Either you get it or you don't, either way I have moved on.I will accept that you have no interest in discourse, correction or clarification. And therefore do not need your input for the things I intend to address.

Being spooked involves some sort of fear, worry or unsettling feeling of something. I do not see how that applies to a man who is simply not interested in an exclusive relationship with a chick? I could understand your usage of spooked if a man stopped dealing with a woman or tried to avoid her because she reveals she wants a "serious" relationship. In my example, I was open to us talking about her concerns, just not back and forth texting on a phone. The chick was given the opportunity to visit to get that done, but it hasnt happened yet.

And quite frankly, I can easily see her being the one spooked by the idea of sitting down and having a serious discussion that may eventually reveal that what she is prepared to offer has very little value compared to what she stands to gain.

You say you find it interesting that I called the chick even though she hadn't called me for sometime. Whats so interesting about that? She has contacted me many times over the years asking me if she could come up. In fact we were together this past summer. She didn't come last October, and she hasnt come this month. And like I said in my post. I wasnt sweating whether she came or not. I'm in a better position in this matter than she is.

Your statement that she might have told her son to tell me she was married to help me get the message that she was no longer interested in coming to see me etc, is laughable. The son gave her my message. What he wouldn't do, is give me her new number. She contacted me 8 days after my exchange with her son. And if I knew how to upload a whatsapp screen, It would show that he didn't have a problem contacting his mother for me. So your assumption does NOT apply. You may have been mislead by me incorrectly saying he said he wouldnt contact her. Wheras what I meant to say is he wouldnt give me her new number.

Lastly, I didn't know asking a woman to come see you had to be about a man begging her to come? Begging? Really? Also, when did the woman refuse to come? Another substitution of facts? See Dominican men know more about their women than some foreigners. The no shows werent refusals to come. Her change of plans was her prioritizing who or what was more important to her livelyhood. I don't fault her for choosing to get with the best deal where ever and whenever she can get it. She is not the 1st woman I have known who was single one moment and married within a few months. Plenty dominican women operate like that. Thats why I do not take their interest in me or any man seriously.

I don't process their behavior as them liking a man or appreciating a man just because a man invites them to eat, drink or have sex. Anything that looks like happiness is probably more them being amused by the idea that they just might have a man on the hook that they can exploit for his resources. Something a typical local man would stay away from. In other words, there is a valid reason enough older DR women have a hard time securing a relationship, especially with their local men.

01-17-18, 04:00
I remember one chick in Santiago who would not let me stay at her house (would let me visit though) and thought I was going to help pay bills around there. Bich if I can't stay at your house then my money can't stay either. How I look paying for a hotel when I'm helping pay bills at your house?5 Stars! Hahaha.

01-17-18, 04:09
I stick by my point: Older women are more appreciative, still have some pizzaz, will give more to make you happy and still like to fuck. I presented it as an option for guys who might be looking for more than a quick two hour fuck in a hotel room. Sure they want security, sure they might be slick, but that's the challenge you have to navigate.My ideal retirement strategy would be to have an older chick as my main chick, and a soft harem of younger chicks that I deal with away from my main chick. From what I understand it is generally accepted in Latin American cultures that a man has a mistress (or multiple) on the side, but all the main chick asks is that you don't flaunt them / bring them around her (which is why Casas are a thing in Latin America).

01-17-18, 05:19
Go as always you are on point. I made a conscious decision not to deal with WRX he is the most insecure paranoid person on the board. He writes books defending his bad monger moves. Everyone knows you do not invite non putas to Sosua. Dominicans know that Sosua is a big brothel. Most girls who are not pros will be insulted by a Sosua invite. I like you have had excellent results with the 35 years plus ladies. They are happy to have a man with money paying attention to them. They give you 100% in the sack and are pretty good company on a date. Most of the guys on this forum are getting long in the tooth so sport fucking is not our strong suit.

There you go again with that slick ass Atlanta shit. Why would an older lady let you stay at her house when she has kids and a good reputation? She probably comes to your hotel to fuck, has dinner at restaurants with you and lets you come visit but you want to twist it to helping her pay her bills to make it seem like you don't pay for pussy and have to question her about being a trick because she needs help. Look, I'm not about those games. My main girl is 36 yo and gorgeous and in great shape. She comes over and cooks, does my laundry, cleans my place, does my toes and nails and fucks me good (when is the last time a young girl did that for you? I have rules like I don't send money but I treat her nice (cash) when there. Sure she is pushing for more of a relationship and for me to meet the kids but that's a slow process that will take years as I want to keep it simple. She has never told me "no' for sex and is always on point. I don't let her know about other girls and entertain topics to maneuver her to giving me free pussy to prove herself. I pay my way and have no problems with that as long as she puts in the time to make me happy and my life better. But on the other end I have limitations for now and I don't meet family and she stays.

At WRX: Sounds like you had some decent experiences with older women but you got spooked because they had other motives. What woman wouldn't want a relationship from a guy that she likes and spends time with? Women take that direction and you were honest with yourself "I only wanted the juice" so she either went by your rules or not. I can respect that more than a guy that is just using a girl for a future place to stay and paying a 25 dollar electric bill once a year. What's interesting is that after you figured this girl out and knew her future desires, you still tried to call her after she hadn't called you for some time. She refused to come to Sosua to visit and possibly told her son that you accidentally called, to tell you she was now married to help you get the message that she was no longer interested to come to Sosua to give you some juice or see you anymore. You are great a looking at every angle involved except when it contradicts your point that you were correct. You even tried a Mr E move by begging her to come and you will talk to her once she arrives to fuck. Man that must have been some good old pussy LOL.

I stick by my point: Older women are more appreciative, still have some pizzaz, will give more to make you happy and still like to fuck. I presented it as an option for guys who might be looking for more than a quick two hour fuck in a hotel room. Sure they want security, sure they might be slick, but that's the challenge you have to navigate.

P.S. I'm not getting into any long debates over this and take up pages on this board. Either you get it or you don't, either way I have moved on.

01-17-18, 12:06
My ideal retirement strategy would be to have an older chick as my main chick, and a soft harem of younger chicks that I deal with away from my main chick. From what I understand it is generally accepted in Latin American cultures that a man has a mistress (or multiple) on the side, but all the main chick asks is that you don't flaunt them / bring them around her (which is why Casas are a thing in Latin America).You have pretty well described my situation, although "older" to me (30-35) is still pretty young at my age! LOL.

The frst one lasted 8 years, but she wouldn't let me out of her sight. So I played around out of her sight. She's in NJ now with her son and her rich relatives. She sends me pictures.

This last one might last as long because she's a mother hen to two beauties, one is just a non pro bi friend, and one is an independent semi pro. She doesn't mind a little extra spice, as long we keep it all in the family.

Besides the sex, what you can get from a smart older woman, who has her own life, is priceless. The way she cleaned up and organized my new place in one day was something to behold. I never saw a woman work so hard, so happily! Would only let me eat salads and her home made sopa, because of the weight I need to lose, and prepared a weeks supply before she left, with strict instructions. There's stuff In my cupboards and fridge that I've never seen before, but I'm feeling great!

The hard part is always the first part, laying down rules that work for both of you. Because she has a bambina in scool in PP I get all the free time I need. But we did have to have that conversation about how she couldn't just come to my place whenever she could get away from PP. You have to be firm and in control of the main stuff, but give her some freedom about things that are less important. There's that old "give a little, take a little" thing that works well in relationships.

Aside from the couple of parties we had, when she comes down (only at my invitation now) at the weekends, we are basically monogomous!

I think it is the perfect set up! (for now!) We'll see.

I love Sosua!

01-17-18, 12:33
Straw Man Fallacy: A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent. One who engages in this fallacy is said to be "attacking a straw man". It's a way of misrepresenting your opponent's position.

For the record I did indicate in my post that "I had just returned from Sosua" It was right in the beginning of my post. The selective reading here by a few is mind boggling.By BongJovi.

Everyone knows you do not invite non putas to Sosua. Dominicans know that Sosua is a big brothel. Most girls who are not pros will be insulted by a Sosua invite. BJ is correct the selective reading is mind boggling. There was no evidence, argument or discussion about inviting non putas or non pros to Sosua? Just like nobody ever mentioned anything about begging any woman to come visit a man.

The direction of the exchanges here was about older women, not whether or not they were putas or not. We can save that for another discussion, since even there you are incorrect. Non pros / putas are invited and come all the time to Sosua. Perhaps you may not be privy to that practice because you don't live here, and too busy focused on your own world. Here's a formula you can use as a hint.

Expats / long or short term vacationers + Social media / or chance meetings in public + available women un / underemployed (older or younger) = Visits, relationships, and / or arrangements between all parties involved.

Is this to say ALL non putas / pros are game for an invite to Sosua? Absolutely not. Many want no association with Sosua, putas or men that go there. However for enough non putas / pros they simply don't have the time because they are working 6 to 7 days a week.

The woman in my example fits the criteria perfectly. She never had a full time job when we were kicking it strong. She's been coming back and forth to Sosua since 2014. She received visits from me to her place in Santiago, and on occasion we stayed in hotels in Santiago.

One more thing I neglected to point out. Sundays in Sosua is usually family day for locals. Occasionally a man can meet a local woman right on Sosua beach, exchange contact information, and hook up down the road, with her having no problem coming back to Sosua. Now of course, the two may make arrangements to entertain themselves outside of Sosua. But staying in a mans hotel, villa or apartment aint that big of a deal.

I know you aint listening or talking to me. But I'm addressing you anyway.

Mr Enternational
01-17-18, 13:28
Everyone knows you do not invite non putas to Sosua. Dominicans know that Sosua is a big brothel. Most girls who are not pros will be insulted by a Sosua invite.Are you speaking from experience or are you speaking from an assumption? How many non-pros have you invited to Sosua and they told you that they were insulted and would not come? (I'll wait.) Because over the years I have invited plenty of chicks from as far as La Vega to come to Sosua (and have used their own money to get there - unlike the chicks that you send money to to come see you) and not one said they would not come or were offended at the invite. Even had an American Dominican chick come to Santiago one time and she wanted to head to Sosua, but I convinced her to go to Punta Rucia and Playa La Ensenada instead because I wanted to check out something new.

And although I have taken these women to Pedro Clisante at night, maybe you forget that Sosua is more than hookers on PC at night. You can go to Sosua and never even go near PC! So I am going to jump out on a limb and say that you have never invited a non-pro to Sosua because ALL chicks that I know that are not hookers have never turned down an invite from me to come to Sosua. Shit. I have even had chicks get mad because I didn't invite them! (One from Moca and one from San Francisco de Macoris that stand out. I had to put them biches out of the car for insisting that they were coming with me.) From my EXPERIENCE, everyone knows that there is no problem inviting non-putas to Sosua.

P.S. Having hookers gather on less than a 100-yard stretch of an entire town could hardly count as it being a big brothel.

01-17-18, 14:58
This is a P4 P forum buying pussy is what we do no shame in the game. You spend your time bragging how you got free pussy from poor women all over the world. You are so self assorbed that you would not notice if they were bothered. Pimps do not have the capacity to understand what women feel or care. If I want a women to come spend time with me I will make the arrangements. That is what men do. Since I was 14 and could make my own money. I have not needed or wanted women to spend money on me. I was brought up with old fashion values. Taking women to Sosua even a pro is like taking sand to the beach. There are so many attractive women walking around focusing on the one you are with is impossible.

My DR friends male and females have discussed with me what they know Sosua to be. EX pimps have warped perspectives in IMHO. I do not roll like they do. If any of us wanted to play DR chicas or any third world place being wealthy gives you total access. You can have a 100 young ladies on call hoping you are not a dishonest jerk. I have more respect for pros and non pros not to humiliate or make their lives more difficult. I do not take their money or abuse their kindness. Best of all I have a great time and get treated very well while sleeping good at night with a clear conscious. However I know we all have our own code or lack there of. You do you pimp daddy. Mongering is my hobby not my life.

Are you speaking from experience or are you speaking from an assumption? How many non-pros have you invited to Sosua and they told you that they were insulted and would not come? (I'll wait.) Because over the years I have invited plenty of chicks from as far as La Vega to come to Sosua (and have used their own money to get there - unlike the chicks that you send money to to come see you) and not one said they would not come or were offended at the invite. Even had an American Dominican chick come to Santiago one time and she wanted to head to Sosua, but I convinced her to go to Punta Rucia and Playa La Ensenada instead because I wanted to check out something new.

And although I have taken these women to Pedro Clisante at night, maybe you forget that Sosua is more than hookers on PC at night. You can go to Sosua and never even go near PC! So I am going to jump out on a limb and say that you have never invited a non-pro to Sosua because ALL chicks that I know that are not hookers have never turned down an invite from me to come to Sosua. Shit. I have even had chicks get mad because I didn't invite them! (One from Moca and one from San Francisco de Macoris that stand out. I had to put them biches out of the car for insisting that they were coming with me.) From my EXPERIENCE, everyone knows that there is no problem inviting non-putas to Sosua.

P.S. Having hookers gather on less than a 100-yard stretch of an entire town could hardly count as it being a big brothel.

01-17-18, 15:31
This is a P4 P forum buying pussy is what we do no shame in the game. You spend your time bragging how you got free pussy from poor women all over the world.Relax O'Kool:

This is the same guy who calls Sosua a "shit sandwich" and he would "never go to Sosua by choice", only presumably to fuck all the lawyers and putas that are lined up begging him to fuck them for free! He's moved on the "next level" of mongering and has left Sosua for those "poor abused wives" like you and me, who just "don't know any better. (so he says!) LOL.

The original legend in his own mind!

But he's always here in the Susua Forum, ready to pounce on anybody who has figured out how to have a good time in our favorite beach town!

But there's hope for him.

Another noted Sosua complainer here, has done a 180, and is now posting stuff that he excoriated me for just a couple years ago!

It's all there, in the record! He at least is a learner, LOL.

Continue to enjoy Sosua, it drives them crazy, for some weird shit reason! LOL.

I mean, how we possibly be having a great time, when they can't?

Mr Enternational
01-17-18, 16:04
This is a P4 P forum buying pussy is what we do no shame in the game. You spend your time bragging how you got free pussy from poor women all over the world.What the fuck are you talking about? Just because someone mentions they ate at a restaurant, does that mean they never cook at home, or more so that it is a brag to say they ate at a restaurant? Once again you are attributing to me and arguing something that I never said and the countless reports that I have posted alone of being involved in P4P show that you are off the rails. For your information, I just posted a report yesterday in the Bogota thread of 2 women I PAID for sex not even 24 hours ago.


Again. Simple question. How many non-putas have you invited to Sosua to know that "most girls who are not pros will be insulted by a Sosua invite?"

How do you find the gall to call BS on others' statements when you can't even back up your own? See, I talk about things that I have experienced and know, while you talk about things you assume and suspect. So I am calling BS on you!

Taking women to Sosua even a pro is like taking sand to the beach. There are so many attractive women walking around focusing on the one you are with is impossible.And so why is it that you import women to Santo Domingo? Surely with it being a big city and the capital there are way more attractive women walking around than the small town of Sosua.

Matter of got damn fact:

I was in Sosua from Saturday until Yesterday. It was a short trip so I did not make any posts. I had a Cupid girl from puerto Plata drop by my 1st night.
2nd day I had a lady from my last trip bus in from San Juan.
Spent 5 days in the DR having a good time. 2 days in Sosua with 1 girl. Yes I brought sand to the beach.

Talk about not practicing what you preach. Once again you stick your foot into your mouth showing yourself to be the king of BS.

D Cups
01-17-18, 16:37
Greetings fellow mongers,

I am not a Sosua hater or lover, having only been there once, and preferring the relative tranquilo of Santo Domingo and Santiago chicas. Nevertheless I did putas and non-putas in Sosua and met a non-puta beer vendor on the beach who actually was a lot more trouble than any puta. She actually brought copies of her fucking bills and expected me and pestered me to pay them for her. Sheesh. Got to love the beach and the food, though. Especially the rib place. Just my .02. No flaming necessary. Cheers, amigos. Can we all just get along?


01-17-18, 16:58
And although I have taken these women to Pedro Clisante at night, maybe you forget that Sosua is more than hookers on PC at night. You can go to Sosua and never even go near PC! So I am going to jump out on a limb and say that you have never invited a non-pro to Sosua because ALL chicks that I know that are not hookers have never turned down an invite from me to come to Sosua. Shit. I have even had chicks get mad because I didn't invite them! (One from Moca and one from San Francisco de Macoris that stand out. I had to put them biches out of the car for insisting that they were coming with me.) From my EXPERIENCE, everyone knows that there is no problem inviting non-putas to Sosua.

P.S. Having hookers gather on less than a 100-yard stretch of an entire town could hardly count as it being a big brothel.Last year you had lunch with a lady you invited / brought to Sosua beach (The Tree House). I forgot where you said she lived and worked. Last year I had two ex coworkers contact me to let me know they were coming with their women to the DR for vacation. I invited each couple to visit me.

One couple I picked up, the other took a cab from Lifestyles. Both guys knew everything about my lifestyle visiting and living here from when we were working together. So Sosua was no secret to them. And they entrusted that I knew what I was doing. I brought each couple to the beach for lunch. Then drove each couple around in Sosua, and to my apartment. Not one of those women jumped out of their skin claiming "Oh shit, look at all of them damn hookers walking around".

Both couples thanked me, and both said coming to Sosua was the best part of their trip. Moreso than being strictly at the resort. The negative stigma of Sosua is wearing thin. A lot of people are regularly employed here. There is evidence of growth in this small town. More streets and roads in Sosua are getting paved. The various types of law enforcement to some extent are looking and acting more professional (with expected exceptions). There is always some sort of construction going on.

This place is full of businesses. Most folks think of Sosua for it's tourism. But the town has several banks, supermarkets, insurance agencies, hospital, clinics, dentists, bus station, farmacias, colmados, vehicular mechanics, major furniture and appliance store, utility company, hotels, apartments, car dealer and renters, a ball field, schools, museum, scuba diving, fishing excursions, cargo / parcel companies, clothing stores, salons, local transport for everybody etc. So with all of this going on, and then some, to describe Sosua as simply a brothel is really a very narrow-minded view.

Mr Enternational
01-17-18, 17:13
I am sorry, but this OldKool mashup is just too funny:

Taking women to Sosua even a pro is like taking sand to the beach.

My DR friends male and females have discussed with me what they know Sosua to be.

Everyone knows you do not invite non putas to Sosua. Dominicans know that Sosua is a big brothel. Most girls who are not pros will be insulted by a Sosua invite.

I was in Sosua from Saturday until Yesterday. I had a Cupid girl from puerto Plata drop by my 1st night.

Yes I brought sand to the beach.
Yes I brought sand to the beach, and I hope you burn in hell!


In the words of the late, great Rick James, "Cocaine is a hell of a drug."

01-17-18, 17:26
What the fuck are you talking about? Just because someone mentions they ate at a restaurant, does that mean they never cook at home, or more so that it is a brag to say they ate at a restaurant? Once again you are attributing to me and arguing something that I never said and the countless reports that I have posted alone of being involved in P4P show that you are off the rails. For your information, I just posted a report yesterday in the Bogota thread of 2 women I PAID for sex not even 24 hours ago.


Again. Simple question. How many non-putas have you invited to Sosua to know that "most girls who are not pros will be insulted by a Sosua invite?"

How do you find the gall to call BS on others' statements when you can't even back up your own? See, I talk about things that I have experienced and know, while you talk about things you assume and suspect. So I am calling BS on you!

And so why is it that you import women to Santo Domingo? Surely with it being a big city and the capital there are way more attractive women walking around than the small town of Sosua.

Matter of got damn fact:

Talk about not practicing what you preach. Once again you stick your foot into your mouth showing yourself to be the king of BS.Say it isn't so E? You got Mr calling BS on other folks inviting non pros / non putas to Sosua? He openly claimis he invited a Dom Cupid chick, and then another chick from San Pedro to Sosua. I guess he's right. Everyone knows you don't invite non putas / non pros to Sosua, right? Especially when you got plenty of putas in Sosua to choose from (sarcasm).

01-17-18, 17:49
Taking women to Sosua even a pro is like taking sand to the beach. There are so many attractive women walking around focusing on the one you are with is impossible.

So Mr O K, Back in November of last year you invited 2 women to Sosua? One you had part of the night, and sent her on her way. The 2nd one, you wifed up in Sosua for two days? I thought you said everyone knows you do not invite non putas to Sosua? Apparently you didn't get your own memo. Apparently you got special rules for yourself, and a different set of rules you apply to others.

01-17-18, 18:47
My apologies for having you salivate over nothing. The lobster fest was available in the restaurant opposite the small supermarket on the strip near the road down to the playa. Forget the name but was burned a couple of years ago.

Pray tell where the all-you-can-eat lobster orgy is? And price please?

Also Tempo. What does Guinea fowl taste like? I only know of it from Iron Chef (the original Japanese version, not the Hollywood remake. Because that's how I roll.).

01-17-18, 20:39
My apologies for having you salivate over nothing. The lobster fest was available in the restaurant opposite the small supermarket on the strip near the road down to the playa. Forget the name but was burned a couple of years ago.Something like El Loco, next to Sinatra's, but long gone now. Just a burned out shell!

Down on Choromicas beach near the river, one of the fisherman's cabins generally has an old freezer full of local lobsters, and on a weekend, they might cook one up fo you.

More than one alone can eat so I guess that qualifies as "all you can eat"? Best to arrange in advance though!

On another note, the furniture arranging has stopped at Rumba, now everything is piled up into a corner and bags of cement are coming in by the shitload!

Doesn't look like Rumba will be open soon, but there's always some work going on and somebody is spending money on the place, so we'll see!

01-17-18, 20:41
Greetings fellow mongers,

I am not a Sosua hater or lover, having only been there once, and preferring the relative tranquilo of Santo Domingo and Santiago chicas. Nevertheless I did putas and non-putas in Sosua and met a non-puta beer vendor on the beach who actually was a lot more trouble than any puta. She actually brought copies of her fucking bills and expected me and pestered me to pay them for her. Sheesh. Got to love the beach and the food, though. Especially the rib place. Just my .02. No flaming necessary. Cheers, amigos. Can we all just get along?Lol.

Strangers don't just come up to you in Sosua, or anywhere else with a pile of bills for you to pay.

Must be a back story!

Wanna share?

She must have had huge knockers, right? Lol

D Cups
01-18-18, 00:03
Naturally, Mr. O, 38 D on a slim frame and fucked me really good jejej. We went out maybe three times, dinner and her for dessert. After the third date whamo kablammo here pay my bills. Ay yi yi Still, I don't need the chica drama so she never got a roster spot.


Strangers don't just come up to you in Sosua, or anywhere else with a pile of bills for you to pay.

Must be a back story!

Wanna share?

She must have had huge knockers, right? Lol

01-18-18, 03:37
And although I have taken these women to Pedro Clisante at night, maybe you forget that Sosua is more than hookers on PC at night. You can go to Sosua and never even go near PC!
I do not want to get in the middle of the animated conversation between Old Kool and Mr. E. I think Old Kool is not off and that Sosua does carry "some" stigma, I would say, that of association. Having said that, like Mr. E, I have had people visiting me from elsewhere, as far as Bonao (a woman in her early thirties who works and is well off because of parents and stayed with me at Casa Valeria) and had fun, with the beach, the food, the hanging out on Pedro Clisante. One even smoked a cigar with me standing in front of one of the bars, that is now closed. Another, from Pto Pta, when she was seen and recognized by another girl from the same town, explained to the latter, that I was her "novio". So take it whichever way you wish. My take is, the women are doing whatever they are doing, to maintain a life and a family. I am going to respect that. Last trip, a girl.

If I am not staying at Casa Valeria, I could indeed do without visiting Pedro Clissante as I have a car almost always but now of course, the restaurant at New Garden is a big attraction for me, not to speak of the Austrian place on Pedro Clissante or the German restaurant on the main street. Unfortunately the French place is essentially closed and I miss their ratatouille!

01-18-18, 05:16
Both girls were pros. One I had been with me on my previous trip and who retired from Sosua. I had a very good time with her and wantd to repeat. The other was also a retired Sousa girl in her 30's. To be honest I regretted inviting both of them. This is why I did what I did. The non weekend girls are pretty hard core and not very appealing to me. I had hoped that these giirls would provide better service and some GFE. However I saw many hot new chicas who I was not able get to because of my committment to my imports My statements were honest observation based on personal experience. Even on a bad night Sosua has more hot babes then any man can handle. Not to mention at my age 20 year old pussy is a big deal. I write my post to help other guys. I share the good and the bad. This can be very helpful but I will call BS when I see it. If any one has been to Classicos and there were more guys then girls please share.

WRX You know more about my post then I do. I am flattered to have you as a fan.

So Mr O K, Back in November of last year you invited 2 women to Sosua? One you had part of the night, and sent her on her way. The 2nd one, you wifed up in Sosua for two days? I thought you said everyone knows you do not invite non putas to Sosua? Apparently you didn't get your own memo. Apparently you got special rules for yourself, and a different set of rules you apply to others.

01-18-18, 13:42
.... I will call BS when I see it....We all have that right.

01-18-18, 14:01
Both girls were pros. One I had been with me on my previous trip and who retired from Sosua. I had a very good time with her and wantd to repeat. The other was also a retired Sousa girl in her 30's. To be honest I regretted inviting both of them. This is why I did what I did. The non weekend girls are pretty hard core and not very appealing to me. I had hoped that these giirls would provide better service and some GFE. However I saw many hot new chicas who I was not able get to because of my committment to my imports My statements were honest observation based on personal experience. Even on a bad night Sosua has more hot babes then any man can handle. Not to mention at my age 20 year old pussy is a big deal. I write my post to help other guys. I share the good and the bad. This can be very helpful but I will call BS when I see it. If any one has been to Classicos and there were more guys then girls please share.What is so bad about bringing hookers to Sosua, pro, semi pro and OP (occasional pro, LOL)?

I must have availed myself of dozens, if not hundreds, of chicas, in exchange for some material benefit, and money, over the years.

Thinking back, I don't recall even one of them actually being a Sosua native. Seems they all come in from out of town.

From my old long time regular, to my current little group, none of them actually lives in Sosua. My buddy, who has been with me off and on for the last couple years has the same experience.

A good question might be, why do we bring them in to Sosua?

That's where Sosua shines. The friendly little town, the beaches, the restaurants, the cheap and accessible friendly hotels, familiar faces, PP and Cabarete close by, and the scenery, yes even the girls enjoy looking at the passing scene from a seat in Baileys or Sinatras, or even Casa Marina, while sipping a glass of wine. Likely they'll see a neighbour from their little town with some monger, and a hola!

As long as folks are happy with what they are doing, who cares?

It's the miserable ones you have to look out for.

In my time in Sosua, I have met a few malcontents, that didn't know how to handle themselves, and the Charlie Brown black cloud seemed to follow them around. These people are a pain in the ass with their constant rip off stories. I used to engage them and ask, why are you here? But that conversation went nowhere.

I once got blamed by a guy I'd met at my hotel, (I posted the story here) who asked to join the fun at our table when, after groping a chica for half an hour, she asked him for money! There was a scene, drinks were spilled, and he says I thought she was your friend? I even got blamed for trying to help a guy with a contact, because she didn't like him.

So I decided a long time ago to remane anonymous, and stay away from other mongers, and their complaints. I fell for it again though this last time, I usually check out a couple of my favorite bars. I was leaving one, and the guy next to me asked where I was going, I told him and he invited himself along. Ok.

When we get there, his eyes light up when he see's all the chicas I know, and says he'd like to by a couple of drinks but he doesn't have enough money. I point up the street to the locations of at least 2 ATM machines. He insists I loan him the money, but I'd only just met him, but he saw me give 200 pesos to an old hoe to buy food, so he bitched. I said because you came with me to my bar I will buy you your drink, but I'm not your bank ok?

He started to get antsy and loud, and my trusty radar tells me that something was building here, so I drank up and left. Made a point of buying him his first beer. I was back there a couple days later and the staff just rolled their eyes at the guy. I apologized, but it wasn't necessary, they know me well. I ran into him later and he said thanks for getting me into trouble. You just can't win! Lol

So that's why I stick with the locals. They are much nicer friends than most mongers I have met! Mongers want your info and local contacts! Then they get all insecure about having had to ask you, and their ego gets bruised, in their own eyes. There's always this dichotomy, and tension in a mongers mind about him being a Mr Big, or just another a poor slob who has to pay hookers to get what God gave out for free! :)

As always, IMHO, YMMV!

Mr Gogo
01-18-18, 16:10
How far can we extend ourselves for a newbie?

Last weekend I met a first timer who had strayed from the Hamaca resort. He asked me the scoop on things so I had him meet me on the strip that night. First I explained the rules: Don't let a girl sit at our table unless you are more than sure you might take her, don't buy them exotic drinks, get the bedroom price and rules before hand, don't mislead the girls. Well we sit on the strip at Piano bar and as soon as he sees a big ass he forgets everything I told him now I got to try to do damage control. One girl winks comes over, shakes his hand and her and a friend are at our table. I tell the friend that seat is taken and they both double team the dude. The waitress appears and looks at the ladies and they both order double baileys. I tell him to buy them president beers and he said it's okay. They talk ten minutes and one girl asked for 100 usd for two hours. He tells me this and I tell her that's nowhere near the price of girls walking the street. She doesn't budge and gives me mean looks. He is stuck and I told him don't let them sit down but he said she just did it. I explained you got to be firm with these girls. She walks off and the waitress brings dude his 800 peso beer for the two drinks. Five minutes later another sits down with him. I go to the restroom and the waitress stops me. She said I come here all the time and many people respect me but its not a good look to get the reputation of someone who stops Dominicans from eating. The girls have to make money and my friend wants to spend money so let him. Damn, now this is falling back on me.

A girl I call my little sister walks by and kisses me and the guy goes crazy. I figure she speaks English so maybe he can't fuck this up. She sits down and asks for a water. The other wolves are sitting around looking pissed at our table.

They leave and two hours later I get a call. Dude is upset because the girl is raising hell in the room. I ask him to put the phone on speaker. My sister said the guy doesn't want to pay her. I ask him and he said she never asked for money beforehand, plus he thought she wasn't a hooker because she was my friend. I explained that he met her on the strip and girls don't walk there to trick for free. She wants 2500 pesos and he offers 1000 pesos. I explained to dude that he paid almost that for two girls to sit and talk for ten minutes. I mediated the shit whereas dude would give her 1500 pesos and I would give her 500 pesos next time I see her. I didn't want the situation escalating on the newbie I somehow felt responsible for.

My rule has always been to explain the rules and if they don't follow them the wolves will eat. But it's hard sitting there watching a guy get booked. How do the vets and expats living there handle these type of situations? How far do we extend ourselves schooling newbies? Much appreciated.

Charles Pooter
01-18-18, 21:52
Great story, MrGogo !

I go to the restroom and the waitress stops me. She said I come here all the time and many people respect me but its not a good look to get the reputation of someone who stops Dominicans from eating. The girls have to make money and my friend wants to spend money so let him. Damn, now this is falling back on me.I would have told her to mind her own fucking business.

Well we sit on the strip at Piano bar and as soon as he sees a big ass he forgets everything I told him now I got to try to do damage control.You gave him your rules. As soon as he disrespected you by immediately ignoring them I would have walked. I certainly would not have fixed him up with a chica I respected.

Pretty clear the guy was a half-wit, though I guess that might only be that obvious in retrospect.

When I used to roll with a larger group in Sosua, one guy came down from flyover America for a week. He brought the bare minimum to cover his food, drinks and board but nothing for the chicas, so he offered them all I. O. U.s

I see nothing wrong with inviting a chica I do not know to sit at my table for a small Presidente or refresco. I think the time it takes to drink it is about the right amount of time to assess her. (if she asks for a Baileys or a Corona, then she is already "assessed". Next!) Better to waste five times beer money than take an avoidable dud back to my room.

01-18-18, 21:54
How far can we extend ourselves for a newbie?

Last weekend I met a first timer who had strayed from the Hamaca resort. He asked me the scoop on things so I had him meet me on the strip that night. First I explained the rules: Don't let a girl sit at our table unless you are more than sure you might take her, don't buy them exotic drinks, get the bedroom price and rules before hand, don't mislead the girls. Well we sit on the strip at Piano bar and as soon as he sees a big ass he forgets everything I told him now I got to try to do damage control. One girl winks comes over, shakes his hand and her and a friend are at our table. I tell the friend that seat is taken and they both double team the dude. The waitress appears and looks at the ladies and they both order double baileys. I tell him to buy them president beers and he said it's okay. They talk ten minutes and one girl asked for 100 usd for two hours. He tells me this and I tell her that's nowhere near the price of girls walking the street. She doesn't budge and gives me mean looks. He is stuck and I told him don't let them sit down but he said she just did it. I explained you got to be firm with these girls. She walks off and the waitress brings dude his 800 peso beer for the two drinks. Five minutes later another sits down with him. I go to the restroom and the waitress stops me. She said I come here all the time and many people respect me but its not a good look to get the reputation of someone who stops Dominicans from eating. The girls have to make money and my friend wants to spend money so let him. Damn, now this is falling back on me.

A girl I call my little sister walks by and kisses me and the guy goes crazy. I figure she speaks English so maybe he can't fuck this up. She sits down and asks for a water. The other wolves are sitting around looking pissed at our table.

They leave and two hours later I get a call. Dude is upset because the girl is raising hell in the room. I ask him to put the phone on speaker. My sister said the guy doesn't want to pay her. I ask him and he said she never asked for money beforehand, plus he thought she wasn't a hooker because she was my friend. I explained that he met her on the strip and girls don't walk there to trick for free. She wants 2500 pesos and he offers 1000 pesos. I explained to dude that he paid almost that for two girls to sit and talk for ten minutes. I mediated the shit whereas dude would give her 1500 pesos and I would give her 500 pesos next time I see her. I didn't want the situation escalating on the newbie I somehow felt responsible for.

My rule has always been to explain the rules and if they don't follow them the wolves will eat. But it's hard sitting there watching a guy get booked. How do the vets and expats living there handle these type of situations? How far do we extend ourselves schooling newbies? Much appreciated.An age old question!

The age old answer? You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. Unless he / she is a child or a family member, speak your piece, go on the record, then get out of the way. There's only so much you can do for a stranger. You have no right to make their decisions for them. If your advice turns out to be good, they will come to realize it over time and will respect you.

If you want to spend your precious vacation time protecting fools from themselves, there are groups you can join for that, like this forum.

But like here in this Forum, good advice to some is bad advice to others. My advice? Don't try to play God. Live and let live and move on! Some people insist on making their own mistakes.

My kids learned early, they can respectfully diagree with my opinions, as long as they don't try to insist that they are are "right" and I am "wrong"!

Put a more commonnly familiar way, people are entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts!

Let's face it if we could all agree, there would be no flaming here among mongers, no Wars, and no need for those gun totin' cops that are needed on your own streets to stop your own neighbors doing bad things to your family, and stealing all your stuff!

Charles Pooter
01-18-18, 22:03
... no need for those gun totin' cops that are needed on your own streets to stop your own neighbors doing bad things to your family, and stealing all your stuff!I am English. I do not understand this part of your otherwise excellent post.

01-18-18, 23:19
I am English. I do not understand this part of your otherwise excellent post.LOL.

I think it has something to do with the human condition. I added it for the benefit of those who naively believe we can all see reason and logic and all "just get along", if we can just come together, elect the right leader, spend enough money, or turn our swords into ploughshares, or something!

There's a reason that guy with the sawed off shotgun hangs around the ATM!

There's some bad dudes out there!

01-18-18, 23:26
I go to the restroom and the waitress stops me. She said I come here all the time and many people respect me but its not a good look to get the reputation of someone who stops Dominicans from eating. The girls have to make money and my friend wants to spend money so let him. Damn, now this is falling back on me.

My rule has always been to explain the rules and if they don't follow them the wolves will eat. But it's hard sitting there watching a guy get booked. How do the vets and expats living there handle these type of situations? How far do we extend ourselves schooling newbies? Much appreciated.That is why I hardly ever drink with anyone. If they are big spenders the girls then expect me to follow suite. If the guy is a Cheap Charlie then I am one too. You are the company you keep. I never recommend or play cupid with any girls I know because it will always bite you in the ass with her and her friends and the entire bar if she is a bar girl. Great way to lose friends, lovers, or both.

So much for following your own rules. I try to help new guys to a point. Once they do everything the exact opposite of my advice I become the girls best friend and try to see how much we can get out of the fool by buying tons of drinks, getting a high priced meal, over paying for play, buying gifts for her. I turn it into a game for me.

01-19-18, 00:12
How far can we extend ourselves for a newbie?

Last weekend I met a first timer who had strayed from the Hamaca resort. He asked me the scoop on things so I had him meet me on the strip that night. First I explained the rules: Don't let a girl sit at our table unless you are more than sure you might take her, don't buy them exotic drinks, get the bedroom price and rules before hand, don't mislead the girls. Well we sit on the strip at Piano bar and as soon as he sees a big ass he forgets everything I told him now I got to try to do damage control. One girl winks comes over, shakes his hand and her and a friend are at our table. I tell the friend that seat is taken and they both double team the dude. The waitress appears and looks at the ladies and they both order double baileys. I tell him to buy them president beers and he said it's okay. They talk ten minutes and one girl asked for 100 usd for two hours. He tells me this and I tell her that's nowhere near the price of girls walking the street. She doesn't budge and gives me mean looks. He is stuck and I told him don't let them sit down but he said she just did it. I explained you got to be firm with these girls. She walks off and the waitress brings dude his 800 peso beer for the two drinks. Five minutes later another sits down with him. I go to the restroom and the waitress stops me. She said I come here all the time and many people respect me but its not a good look to get the reputation of someone who stops Dominicans from eating. The girls have to make money and my friend wants to spend money so let him. Damn, now this is falling back on me.

A girl I call my little sister walks by and kisses me and the guy goes crazy. I figure she speaks English so maybe he can't fuck this up. She sits down and asks for a water. The other wolves are sitting around looking pissed at our table.

They leave and two hours later I get a call. Dude is upset because the girl is raising hell in the room. I ask him to put the phone on speaker. My sister said the guy doesn't want to pay her. I ask him and he said she never asked for money beforehand, plus he thought she wasn't a hooker because she was my friend. I explained that he met her on the strip and girls don't walk there to trick for free. She wants 2500 pesos and he offers 1000 pesos. I explained to dude that he paid almost that for two girls to sit and talk for ten minutes. I mediated the shit whereas dude would give her 1500 pesos and I would give her 500 pesos next time I see her. I didn't want the situation escalating on the newbie I somehow felt responsible for.

My rule has always been to explain the rules and if they don't follow them the wolves will eat. But it's hard sitting there watching a guy get booked. How do the vets and expats living there handle these type of situations? How far do we extend ourselves schooling newbies? Much appreciated.I would not try to give a stranger any kind of advice on this kind of thing unless he specifically asked my opinion, and I would not take offense if he did the opposite of what I suggested. I would not introduce him to anyone I regarded as a 'friend', and I would not assume that I had any kind of responsibility for him.

01-19-18, 01:50
How far can we extend ourselves for a newbie?
They leave and two hours later I get a call. Dude is upset because the girl is raising hell in the room. I ask him to put the phone on speaker. My sister said the guy doesn't want to pay her. I ask him and he said she never asked for money beforehand, plus he thought she wasn't a hooker because she was my friend. I explained that he met her on the strip and girls don't walk there to trick for free.This is fucking hilarious. My bet is that the dude was just playing stupid and trying to get a freebie.

You should have dropped his knuckle-head ass off at a jack-shack. He would have went home and told all his buddies that he met the most beautiful woman in the world and now has a girlfriend there.

01-19-18, 07:42
How far can we extend ourselves for a newbie?

Last weekend I met a first timer who had strayed from the Hamaca resort....Well we sit on the strip at Piano bar Just want to point out to some that Gogo is talking about Boca Chica here (although he posted in this forum), lest he scares the newbies away from Sosua. I've never had girls sit down at my table uninvited in Sosua. The girls in Boca Chica are wolves!

01-19-18, 07:58
Personally, I am curious as to how the numbskull was able to call Mr. Gogo. Do a lot of you guys give your phone numbers out to random people you meet? And 'lend' money to random strangers in bars as Oakie did? Because if that is the case, a dickhead like me could make a good living up there!

01-19-18, 11:34
Personally, I am curious as to how the numbskull was able to call Mr. Gogo. Do a lot of you guys give your phone numbers out to random people you meet? And 'lend' money to random strangers in bars as Oakie did? Because if that is the case, a dickhead like me could make a good living up there!

That "random stranger" is someone I've known for 9 years, and it wasn't a "loan", LOL.

She's been around a long time. I've never done her, but she has connected me to fresh new out of town talent. In my world, one good turn deserves another.

Read it again, dickhead, it was the "random stranger" who got sore because I would not lend him any money! The guy I was talking about, who also took offense at what he "thought" he saw!

Not good to make dickheaded assumptions about what you "think" is going down in a third world bar! :)

Mr Gogo
01-19-18, 14:28
Thanks to the guys that provided useful info and to the guy that offered nothing. My conclusion is that we also have to size up newbies and not go with our heart and just want to help a lost countryman. When the signs are there that they are more in tune with following their own agenda instead of following our helpful advice, maybe it's time to move on and let the wolves eat.

01-19-18, 14:53
How far can we extend ourselves for a newbie?

Last weekend I met a first timer who had strayed from the Hamaca resort. He asked me the scoop on things so I had him meet me on the strip that night. First I explained the rules:

My rule has always been to explain the rules and if they don't follow them the wolves will eat. But it's hard sitting there watching a guy get booked. How do the vets and expats living there handle these type of situations? How far do we extend ourselves schooling newbies? Much appreciated.In my experience, the average person does not learn what a vet knows by a crash course. And in enough instances in so limited time, all the stranger may get out of the lesson is, don't do this, and don't do that. Thats not learning. I do not believe they truly understand or appreciate the value in what you are getting across.

To a stranger they may not be rules, but instead precautions / guidelines. And I doubt you could possibly break down every reason and scenario that might apply so he can grasp what's in his best interest. Another way to look at it, he has no reason to believe anything you told him is a matter of life or death, so he's is free to take it under advisement, but do his own thang. It's not your job or responsibility to monitor what another man does, just because you gave information that he asked for. And he is under no obligation to follow your advice / rules.

From a vet and an expats perspective, I would not expect casual acquaintances to do exactly what I say. And I do not fault them for doing what they feel like doing. Now if I catch a case about being bothered by what they do which is contrary to what I advised against, then that's my fault. As for your working girl friend? She is in the business, and he is a customer. They can both have at each other, and let business run it's course. Their business problems are theirs.

01-19-18, 15:51
Both girls were pros. One I had been with me on my previous trip and who retired from Sosua. I had a very good time with her and wantd to repeat. The other was also a retired Sousa girl in her 30's. To be honest I regretted inviting both of them. This is why I did what I did. The non weekend girls are pretty hard core and not very appealing to me. I had hoped that these giirls would provide better service and some GFE. However I saw many hot new chicas who I was not able get to because of my committment to my imports My statements were honest observation based on personal experience. Even on a bad night Sosua has more hot babes then any man can handle. Not to mention at my age 20 year old pussy is a big deal. I write my post to help other guys. I share the good and the bad. This can be very helpful but I will call BS when I see it. If any one has been to Classicos and there were more guys then girls please share.

WRX You know more about my post then I do. I am flattered to have you as a fan.Since you are so flattered I'm sure you won't mind me staying on your cyber neck then. And we won't see anymore nonsense about you trying to ignore or avoid discourse on these boards. Lets dig in shall we?

Bottom line, in the previous posts of yours that MR E pulled up. You pretty much identified the women in question as Dom Cupid chicas. Not once did you claim they were Sosua pros. So even then, you were trying to mislead folks reading your trip reports to make it seem they were not putas. Essentially lying by omission. Anyway, lets use a little deductive reasoning in why that is so. When you meet a chick on DC for the 1st time, you do not know her as a Sosua hooker / pro.

You know her as a chick from Dom Cupid. Hence the reason you described them as such. And we all know your routine for enticing and baiting these women initially so they have good reason to come to where you are. And you damn well know, you can get enough non pros to come to Sosua if you bait them, like you do. If you know you are dealing with a known pro, there would be no reason to bait or entice them to come to Sosua. Just schedule a meeting. But that isn't the case here.

So really, you repeating with these women and you now claiming they are retired Sosua pros, that simply is irrelevant (and probably a hole patching lie anyway). What matters is you met them on DC initially and you brought them to Sosua. You didnt meet them 1st on the strip in Sosua not fuck them, and then find them on Dom Cupid later and all of a sudden decide you want to fuck them now.

You: :Oh BTW didnt I see you in Sosua selling pussy? DC chicks : Yes you did. You : Oh so you dont have no problem coming to see me in Sosua? DC chicks : Nope not at all, Were all retired Sosua hoes." You : Ok bet, see each of you retired ladies later. Im sure it went down just like that.

In case you have a hard time grasping, that means to you they are not known to you as Sosua pros initially. Retired or active. Now, I'm not saying none of them werent Sosua pros at some point. No. I'm just saying when you met them initially and got them to come to Sosua, they were Dom Cupid chicas. Which makes your position seem very hypocritical. So this sloppy hole patching job you trying to pull off doesn't fly.

And you giving laptops to pros above and beyond paying them cash, is highly suspect. Damn if a Sosua hoe / pro can get a laptop, I'd like to see what you give non pros that came to Sosua to see you? BTW if a Sosua hoe is retired, does that now make her a non pro?

And when are you going to explain your statement, that Everyone knows you don't invite non putas to Sosua? When and where did you learn that BS? Because you sure arent practicng that yourself.

01-19-18, 17:48
I am joining the growing numbers who understand you have a mental issue and ignore you. Have a nice day in you paranoid world. Take your meds.

Since you are so flattered I'm sure you won't mind me staying on your cyber neck then. And we won't see anymore nonsense about you trying to ignore or avoid discourse on these boards. Lets dig in shall we?

Bottom line, in the previous posts of yours that MR E pulled up. You pretty much identified the women in question as Dom Cupid chicas. Not once did you claim they were Sosua pros. So even then, you were trying to mislead folks reading your trip reports to make it seem they were not putas. Essentially lying by omission. Anyway, lets use a little deductive reasoning in why that is so. When you meet a chick on DC for the 1st time, you do not know her as a Sosua hooker / pro.

You know her as a chick from Dom Cupid. Hence the reason you described them as such. And we all know your routine for enticing and baiting these women initially so they have good reason to come to where you are. And you damn well know, you can get enough non pros to come to Sosua if you bait them, like you do. If you know you are dealing with a known pro, there would be no reason to bait or entice them to come to Sosua. Just schedule a meeting. But that isn't the case here.

So really, you repeating with these women and you now claiming they are retired Sosua pros, that simply is irrelevant (and probably a hole patching lie anyway). What matters is you met them on DC initially and you brought them to Sosua. You didnt meet them 1st on the strip in Sosua not fuck them, and then find them on Dom Cupid later and all of a sudden decide you want to fuck them now.

You: :Oh BTW didnt I see you in Sosua selling pussy? DC chicks : Yes you did. You : Oh so you dont have no problem coming to see me in Sosua? DC chicks : Nope not at all, Were all retired Sosua hoes." You : Ok bet, see each of you retired ladies later. Im sure it went down just like that.

In case you have a hard time grasping, that means to you they are not known to you as Sosua pros initially. Retired or active. Now, I'm not saying none of them werent Sosua pros at some point. No. I'm just saying when you met them initially and got them to come to Sosua, they were Dom Cupid chicas. Which makes your position seem very hypocritical. So this sloppy hole patching job you trying to pull off doesn't fly.

And you giving laptops to pros above and beyond paying them cash, is highly suspect. Damn if a Sosua hoe / pro can get a laptop, I'd like to see what you give non pros that came to Sosua to see you? BTW if a Sosua hoe is retired, does that now make her a non pro?

And when are you going to explain your statement, that Everyone knows you don't invite non putas to Sosua? When and where did you learn that BS? Because you sure arent practicng that yourself.

01-19-18, 18:48
I am joining the growing numbers who understand you have a mental issue and ignore you. Have a nice day in you paranoid world. Take your meds.Anyways, I rest my case!. Meanwhile, I'll sit back and continue observing seeing you embellishing your reports and calling out BS on other posters.

01-19-18, 22:28
I am joining the growing numbers who understand you have a mental issue and ignore you. Have a nice day in you paranoid world. Take your meds.

What took YOU so long? Lol

There's a lot of hating going on here. Weird shit man!

Anybody want to hazard a guess as to why?

My take is that they can't stand success, it makes them feel so....... small and inadequate?

What a bunch of losers, who have never figured out how to have a great time in our fave beach town, Sosua!

But, they do control this media, so as long as they do, you'll get their Fake News!

Note to Newbies:

Only if you buy into their bullshit will they leave you alone!

(Oh, and all you assholes who have PM'd me for the last 3 years complaining to me about the same thing, but not having the balls to man up, and publicly post your opinions, please don't be PM ing me anymore!)

Thank you!

There, that feels better, already :)

01-19-18, 23:34
What took YOU so long? Lol

There's a lot of hating going on here. Weird shit man!

Anybody want to hazard a guess as to why?

My take is that they can't stand success, it makes them feel so....... small and inadequate?

What a bunch of losers, who have never figured out how to have a great time in our fave beach town, Sosua!

But, they do control this media, so as long as they do, you'll get their Fake News!

Note to Newbies:

Only if you buy into their bullshit will they leave you alone!OK guys we need to take step back and let MrEnternational way in on what he thinks to resolve outstanding issues. He has the most posts on the Sosua board! LOL.

Mr Enternational
01-20-18, 04:51
OK guys we need to take step back and let MrEnternational way in on what he thinks to resolve outstanding issues. He has the most posts on the Sosua board! LOL.To me it is bich shit. I don't agree with you so I am going to block you. Women do that shit. Me, Wrx, Gogo, and GrownMan are friends and you can see by our posts that we each do shit a different way. We probably disagree on more shit than we agree on. We can talk shit to each other and go on about our business and nobody's feelings are hurt. Just because you do not agree with someone does not mean you need to ignore them. Take in what you can use and throw out what you do not want. We are all here to learn things from each other and teach things to each other; at least that is why I am here. There are not many things about DR that I learned on my own.

I like to talk shit with OldKool but he has taught me some things as well. One thing off hand is Grands restaurant in Santo Domingo. I go to that mf about 18 times whenever I am there. Even met DCups in there about a year ago. Had OldKool not said anything or had I been ignoring his posts, I would have never known it existed. But he mentioned it and it made me say let me go check out this place OldKool is talking about. To me, ignoring someone because you do not like something is stupid. They may offer up some good info that you will miss out on and could save you from trying to reinvent the wheel.

One guy named Jaosousa used to post here. (You can do a search for his old posts.) This mf was a wealth of information on the DR and Santo Domingo in particular. I would always bypass Santo Domingo (mostly out of fear) but one day he offered to show me around the city. He told me the best place he thought I should stay, told me explicit directions how to drive there from the airport, then when I arrived he came to pick me up and spent hours of his time trying to teach me everything he knew about the place. It was just too much information for me at one time. I am still to this day trying to find some of the places that he took me around to. Then the next day he hooked me up with Gagoo who showed me about using GPS in the DR. That was a game changer and made things 1000 times easier. What happened to him? Just like anyone else that "knows too much", MFs didn't want him around and ran him off. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face. A huge loss to the DR forum if you ask me.

01-20-18, 06:26
Jaosousa was a big loss to the forum. Not only was he a wealth of info but a real nice guy. Helped me out a lot my first trip to dr about 6 years ago. Too much bullshit people starting fights with him over the stupidest shit. Just like what's going on now LOL.

Mr Gogo
01-20-18, 07:26
Jaosousa was a big loss to the forum. Not only was he a wealth of info but a real nice guy. Helped me out a lot my first trip to dr about 6 years ago. Too much bullshit people starting fights with him over the stupidest shit. Just like what's going on now LOL.Jao was one of the legends on this board and he gave me my first tour of Santo Domingo. I knew him well personally and he had a few family issues, like his parents were older and not in the best health. We had a clash at the end because he lost his focus on the board and got distracted. I happened to stumble across his email in an old phone and sent him a line asking if he was okay a few years ago and he was happy to hear from me but only replied that he was good. Him Miami Heat lover, Bq ribs and a few others will go down as the ones who schooled me and will always be in my heart. BTW Jao was a lawyer.

01-20-18, 14:46
He taught me how to pull chicks on the fly. That is why I always rent a car. Cannot tell you how many chicks I have met on the fly.

Mr Gogo
01-20-18, 15:35
You can actually go back and dig this one up if you want.

Miss Santiago, some of you know her from back in the day was working Sosua then. She is now in Boca Chica I saw her there last week. Well, Miss Santiago fucked Jao and stole his phone. Joao called the police and when they came they searched her purse and couldn't find the phone. Everybody was confused, so Joao asked the police to call the phone while she was still there. Ring, ring, ring, everybody including Miss Santiago start looking around trying to figure out what was ringing. Joao said the phone is in her underwear. Everybody went back to the room and had her strip naked but no phone. Joao scratched his head thinking like a lawyer. Joao asked the police to call the phone again. Ring, ring, ring, what the fuck. Joao pointed at her pussy. The girl had the phone stuffed in her pussy. Joao got his phone back, posted pictures of the girl and the whole situation. I have seen her 100 times and never fucked with her, after Joao exposed her.

D Cups
01-20-18, 16:00
Hi Mr. E,

Ya Paco Grands is a nice place to grab a bite, a beer, watch the chicas go by and even exchange dollars. Lots of pros, semi pros and nonpros floating by at all times of the day and night. I like to see the chicas late afternoon / early evening there. To the newcomers, it's on the south end of Calle Conde. You can't miss it.

One thing off hand is Grands restaurant in Santo Domingo. I go to that mf about 18 times whenever I am there. Even met DCups in there about a year ago. Had OldKool not said anything I would have never known it existed. But he mentioned it and it made me say let me go check out this place OldKool is talking about. To me, ignoring someone because you do not like something is stupid. They may offer up some good info that you will miss out on and could save you from trying to reinvent the wheel.


01-20-18, 16:07
Meanwhile, while you circle jerkers are patting yourselves on the back, and, as one savvy poster put it, waving your dicks, reminiscing about your good old days, don't suppose you even noticed that nobody is posting any Sosua Reports anymore.

The last one posted here was a while back, by guess who? LOL.

You've explained that you are old, good friends, but why don't you find another venue for your gossip, and complaints? You don't need a park bench in front of the general store in this day and age of technology, so why commandeer a forum dedicated to a place, Sosua, that none of you are actually in, or would never go to this "shit sandwich", as you call it, by choice?

You're supposed to have moved on to the "next level", remember? Lol

Forget the old days, let's make the Sosua forum GREAT again, to borrow a current term.

Let's have some reports, and the guys that never go there just talk amongst yourselves, but not here, PLEASE!

There are other places surely for friends to gather, or don't you have any real friends?

01-20-18, 17:25
There is a reason why trip reports have dropped on here. Grownmen do not want to be micromanage. If they write a trip report that is negative then they do not need someone coming on trying to defend sosua. A forum is expressing what you feel at that time. If people talk about something else you let it flow, but you just have to always try to micromanage the forum and why do you think no one wants to talk on this forum no more. You only want people to write positive trip report's about Sosua. Good luck with managing that approach. There is a reason this forum has dropped off have you ever thought you might have something to do with that. You always have to comment on every post. No one wants to hear someone micromanage the blog and that is why there is a drop off on trip reports. Again, actions always speak louder than words. Truth matters.

01-20-18, 18:44
There is a reason why trip reports have dropped on here. Grownmen do not want to be micromanage. If they write a trip report that is negative then they do not need someone coming on trying to defend sosua. A forum is expressing what you feel at that time. If people talk about something else you let it flow, but you just have to always try to micromanage the forum and why do you think no one wants to talk on this forum no more. You only want people to write positive trip report's about Sosua. Good luck with managing that approach. There is a reason this forum has dropped off have you ever thought you might have something to do with that. You always have to comment on every post. No one wants to hear someone micromanage the blog and that is why there is a drop off on trip reports. Again, actions always speak louder than words. Truth matters.I believe in democracy so as you circle jerkers are in the majority I'll leave you to your own devices and not waste anymore time here.

I'm actually in Sosua, it's stopped raining and I am in heaven!

I just want to encourage more NA jailbirds to experience what I do!

Mr Enternational
01-20-18, 18:50
There is a reason why trip reports have dropped on here. Grownmen do not want to be micromanage. If they write a trip report that is negative then they do not need someone coming on trying to defend sosua. A forum is expressing what you feel at that time. You only want people to write positive trip report's about Sosua. You always have to comment on every post. No one wants to hear someone micromanage the blog and that is why there is a drop off on trip reports.My PM box is full of messages saying this exact thing! People do not want to post because when others have had a negative experience and posted about it, they are always ridiculed by a couple of members that consider Sosua their personal paradise.

D Cups
01-20-18, 19:35
Ya I remember that guy. He helped me out a lot, too, via email (not PM). A Prince of a guy.

Jao was one of the legends on this board.

01-21-18, 00:08
There is a reason why trip reports have dropped on here. Grown men do not want to be micromanaged. If they write a trip report that is negative then they do not need someone coming on trying to defend sosua.So I do not know who you have in mind here but when recently you wrote on how to have more "attractive" females in Pto Plata etc, there was at least one person, who wrote a "5000 word" post cutting you down. I personally thought, you were trying to help.

I know, in the DR, one can have a good time, at an affordable cost and without having to travel far. I enjoy Sosua and LOVE the DR but I do not live there. It is interesting that people who are critical, return there (if not live there already) with a frequency that is befuddling. As for reports, all that is there to know, bar the latest exchange rate, has been written about already. People "so scared" by all the criticisms writing only plaintive PMs (the only PMs I seem to get are for contacts) to whoever, may fly off wherever, I hope in droves! Food, hotel and chicas will all cost less.

01-21-18, 03:00
My PM box is full of messages saying this exact thing! People do not want to post because when others have had a negative experience and posted about it, they are always ridiculed by a couple of members that consider Sosua their personal paradise.I've had negative p4p experiences in cities in the 40 plus countries that I have visited with the possible exception of Rio, Sosua has been among my worst. Calcutta in India (I've posted in that forum) has been worst than Sosua. Were it not for the great performing Russians in Hong Kong, Hong Kong would have been worst than Sosua (in p4p that is). My experiences in Europe, China (except HK), South East Asia and South America have all been better. Others may have had different experiences and that's normal as reading all forums will demonstrate, we are all different.

01-21-18, 04:48
Has anyone been in Sosua on Super Bowl Suday. Where is a good place to watch the game.

Mr Enternational
01-21-18, 06:26
Has anyone been in Sosua on Super Bowl Suday. Where is a good place to watch the game.Superbowl weekend is when I have seen the most people ever in Sosua. I take it that you already have a hotel booked. If not, good luck with that as well as finding somewhere to watch the game along with hundreds of others that are trying to catch it.

01-21-18, 10:21
Has anyone been in Sosua on Super Bowl Suday. Where is a good place to watch the game.Midtown Bar and Restaurant is a great place to watch the game,10'x15' big screen projected over the pool. If you don't know where it is it is inside the Las Palmeras Hotel complex, formerly the Don Antonio Hotel.

01-21-18, 14:47
So I do not know who you have in mind here but when recently you wrote on how to have more "attractive" females in Pto Plata etc, there was at least one person, who wrote a "5000 word" post cutting you down. I personally thought, you were trying to help.

I know, in the DR, one can have a good time, at an affordable cost and without having to travel far. I enjoy Sosua and LOVE the DR but I do not live there. It is interesting that people who are critical, return there (if not live there already) with a frequency that is befuddling. As for reports, all that is there to know, bar the latest exchange rate, has been written about already. People "so scared" by all the criticisms writing only plaintive PMs (the only PMs I seem to get are for contacts) to whoever, may fly off wherever, I hope in droves! Food, hotel and chicas will all cost less.Mr Tempoecorto, there is nothing wrong with Revere trying to help fellow mongers. I recall the individuals that responded, including myself. There was no disagreement that what he suggested would work for certain men (I didn't disagree, I said it was good to whom it applied). Him being helpful wasnt the full issue, now was it?

What you choose to ignore or discount, is that being helpful in one instance (offering an alternative to Sosua by going to a PP night club) but, using statements like "there are no hot chicas in Sosua" as support for why one should go to PP to a night club, is not necessarily helpful to those guys who are newbies or have never been to Sosua. Moreover, Revere was asked to explain how he came up with those beliefs, but he chose not to respond to that. So it's not like feedback and clarification wasnt sought.

This is the Sosua Forum, not the Puerto Plata forum. So I do not consider saying there are no hot chicks in Sosua within a forum full of newbies or those who have never been to Sosua to be helpful to them. Now as far as anyone cutting him down? Thats some BS, right there. There was never anyone or anything said towards him personally, or directed at him to "cut him down". The particulars of what he provided is what was addressed, which had nothing to do with him as a person.

As intelligent as you write. And as nice a fella as Mr G said you are, (and I suspect that you probably are a cool cat) why do you represent yourself that way here in this Forum when it comes to misrepresenting details and facts regarding what certain posters write? All of you that either disagree, don't like the poster, what that poster writes, or just have a difference of opinion, should be able to express your POV without distorting in order to compensate.

Thats why it's laughable when guys throw out distortions and exaggerations of what you post or what they choose to understand, make unsubstantiated remarks about you or something you did, and then claim they have to ignore you, or not continue talking anymore. It's childish and non productive. Were men. We should be able to discuss and debate like men. Instead of you focusing only on Reveres post being helpful, maybe you could of paid more attention to what was actually being addressed and put that in it's proper perspective. Maybe others were being helpful to newbies too. You considered that possibility?

01-21-18, 15:55
Hello gentlemen,

I will be taking my first trip to Sosua so I will asking some you veterans for some guidance as I plan my trip to Sosua for the first time and I promise that I will heed the advise given and not ruin the game. My first basic question is how much is considered S. T for a chica session and how much time is considered a l. T and I hat should the pay be for both. Please forgive the punctuation cell phones are hard to write with.

01-21-18, 16:03
Has anyone been in Sosua on Super Bowl Suday. Where is a good place to watch the game.Yes. This will be my 4th SB watching the game in my apartment in Sosua. You are welcome to come. Seriously though, the Ahnvee Hotel has a special. 1000 pesos per person, all you can eat of a special menu. Chicas I read were supposed to be provided drinks for free. Big "D" is supposed to be cooking some things. Screens all over the complex. I read that after the food is gone, they may be allowing people to enter without cover.

Bourbon Street will have the game projected on the walls like they usually do. As well as a couple of flat screens up. Rumba may be open for SB, so that may be another option. Midtown Bar/Restaurant is another option. The Happy Birthday Bar is another option. ( they have food/snacks ). Be advised that many places showing the game may have a cover charge for seating/participation.

01-21-18, 22:32
What you choose to ignore or discount, is that being helpful in one instance (offering an alternative to Sosua by going to a PP night club) but, using statements like "there are no hot chicas in Sosua" as support for why one should go to PP to a night club, is not necessarily helpful to those guys who are newbies or have never been to Sosua. First off, when something you wrote recently, resonated with me, I wrote a post commending it as I found it was thoughtful (on 1/14/18).

Personally, I do not care for clubs / discos neither do I think that the PP pool is any different from the Sosua pool. Also, from my perspective, PP and Sosua are so close geographically that both are potentially accessible. I would also say that most of us take it as a given, that beauty is only in the "eyes of the beholder". In view of that, my thought on reading Revere's note was that, this might be helpful to some, especially to younger people or those that like a dance hall kind of environment. In other words, irrespective of whether you agree or not with what Revere is saying, I do think, it did not require the long prose you wrote in response, which might be construed (or perhaps misconstrued) as unwarranted critique.

01-22-18, 13:07
I have heard Superbowl weekend was a busy time in the su. I was not able to book my normal hotel. I did realize I was booking Superbowl weekend.

01-22-18, 23:22
I will be in Sosua for a week and am trying to figure out if a side trip to BlackBeards on a Sunday and Monday is worth the excursion. Having never visited, it looks a bit isolated. Are there activities to keep one occupied for a couple of days?

01-23-18, 01:49
If you are are newby who does not like the club scene in Sosua then BB is a decent option. It is a bordelo in a hotel, The selection is nowhere near what you will see on a a slow night I Sosua but some guys love the place. If you are having a good time in Sosua I would hang in there. I am somewhat bias. I am not a big fan of the place.

I will be in Sosua for a week and am trying to figure out if a side trip to BlackBeards on a Sunday and Monday is worth the excursion. Having never visited, it looks a bit isolated. Are there activities to keep one occupied for a couple of days?

Bone Yard
01-23-18, 02:05
Not sure that Sunday and Monday are the best days at BB's. Most of their activities run Thursday to Saturday.

I will be in Sosua for a week and am trying to figure out if a side trip to BlackBeards on a Sunday and Monday is worth the excursion. Having never visited, it looks a bit isolated. Are there activities to keep one occupied for a couple of days?

01-23-18, 02:26
Based on what you two said and reading a bit, I will pass on BlackBeards. It would likely cost more than it's worth since I already have an apartment in Sosua for a week. The transportation and room at BlackBeards would likely add up to an extra $250. I can find a better use for that. If Sosua does become boring then based on what is available on the Internet, I can always hop a bus ride to Santiago for a day trip.

Mr Enternational
01-23-18, 04:33
Based on what you two said and reading a bit, I will pass on BlackBeards. It would likely cost more than it's worth since I already have an apartment in Sosua for a week. The transportation and room at BlackBeards would likely add up to an extra $250. I can find a better use for that. If Sosua does become boring then based on what is available on the Internet, I can always hop a bus ride to Santiago for a day trip.You can just go see what the place is about. You do not have to get a room there. It is just a hotel with chicks there, to put it plain and simple.

01-23-18, 04:54
Based on what you two said and reading a bit, I will pass on BlackBeards. It would likely cost more than it's worth since I already have an apartment in Sosua for a week. The transportation and room at BlackBeards would likely add up to an extra $250. I can find a better use for that. If Sosua does become boring then based on what is available on the Internet, I can always hop a bus ride to Santiago for a day trip.I personally like to mix BB with Sosua. My first trip to BB, I stayed two days. The 2nd time, I stayed four. It may not be for everyone, but I really like mixing the two. That is what I would recommended that anyone not sure about it, is to book for a couple of days, then head to Sosua. If you like it, come back for more. I have done a couple of reports on my trips to DR. It's all about what makes you happy!

01-24-18, 06:39
I will be in Sosua during the Superbowl. It was not planned. I miss calculated when tthe game was being played. Consequently my plans or lack there of were turned upside down. I almost never book reservations in Sosua because it is rarely needed. All my go to hotels are booked. I booked an apartment that I know nothing about accept it is relatively close to the action. My fingers are crossed. While this was not my goal I am excited by the posibilities. Seeing the Su packed to the gills should be fun. The selection of women should be crazy. At the end of the day I plan to have an awesome time. The big gun chicas should be in full affect.

01-24-18, 08:17
I will be in Sosua during the Superbowl. It was not planned. I miss calculated when tthe game was being played. Consequently my plans or lack there of were turned upside down. I almost never book reservations in Sosua because it is rarely needed. All my go to hotels are booked. I booked an apartment that I know nothing about accept it is relatively close to the action. My fingers are crossed. While this was not my goal I am excited by the posibilities. Seeing the Su packed to the gills should be fun. The selection of women should be crazy. At the end of the day I plan to have an awesome time. The big gun chicas should be in full affect.Last year I warn a wolf pack member not to go to the Sue during Super Bowl last year. But you can't tell young hard dick to get soft. As far as they were concerned they were getting the Best of both worlds. Super Bowl and Hoes. That's what they called it!

My young homey will never return to the Sue during Super Bowl again. It was so crowded they couldn't operate like the normally been a customed too. And yes prices go up the weekend warriors are in full affect. A lot of these guys only come once a year. They plan on spending at least a stack in three days.

01-24-18, 08:40
Anyone heard about the new checks at pop? Finger printing and eye scanning. Supposedly just started a couple days ago. Not too worried about the new checks just the 2.5 hour wait in line! Anybody got info?

Mr Enternational
01-24-18, 10:30
Last year I warn a wolf pack member not to go to the Sue during Super Bowl last year.

My young homey will never return to the Sue during Super Bowl again. It was so crowded they couldn't operate like the normally been a customed too. And yes prices go up the weekend warriors are in full affect.I got word that chicks are charging $100-$150 for short time.

01-24-18, 11:12
I got word that chicks are charging $100-$150 for short time.What will it be like days after Super Bowl weekend?

01-24-18, 16:05
I got word that chicks are charging $100-$150 for short time.Yes Super Bowl is the equivalent to the African animal migration once a year. The chicas can come and feast on prices they normally wouldn't get during the year. It will be a sellers market. Kool is a vet so he should fare well.

To any first timers out there The prices you about to get quoted are Not the norm. Cross your fingers for GFE but do not expect. Enjoy the game and only pay for quick session because that's basically what she's going to provide anyway. One of my partners said even the chica that charged him 2000 pesos twice in prior months tried to charge him 100. Telling him it's normally 150 but she knows him.

Think I'm going to come through the week after with a shit load of hair. Better yet I better make it 2 days later Money doesn't last long in the Sue.

Mr Enternational
01-24-18, 17:12
I do not know what Super Bowl is. Is it similar to Cup-a-soup?No. You are thinking of World Cup.

01-24-18, 17:48
For those of you coming to Sosua for Super Bowl weekend I just wanted to give you a rundown of the hottest events and happening places.

Saturday February 3rd.


From 12 Noon till Sunset on Sosua Beach its going down. The two livest places on the beach are coming together to throw the Ultimate Beach Party. Big the's Place (107 B) and The Treehouse (112 B) hosting a joint venture right in the middle of both locations. There has never been a beach party as big as this. You don't want to miss it.

Saturday February 3rd.


Later in the afternoon from 3 pm Until, please make your way over to the VIP Mansion Party. This is a exclusive party for the person that is looking for a little more. Party location will be disclosed during the week of the Super Bowl. Visit Happy Birthday Bar for all of the Mansion Party specifics.

Sunday February 4th.


From 5 pm until the game ends make your way down to AHNVEE RESORT for our All You Can Eat Super Bowl Buffet. 1000 pesos gets you in. Multiple huge screens, tailgate party, live halftime performance by The Bravissimo Dancers, Big Baller Champagne VIP section, Big the's BBQ on site, and much, much, more.


After the game ends till 5 am AHNVEE RESORT will host the biggest party ever. Free Entry, Multiple DJ's, Comfortable VIP sections, and ladies drink free all night. Clubs in town close at 1 am but we will keep the party going all night. The after party at Ahnvee will be a Movie.

01-24-18, 17:57
I do plan on paying 100 for anything. However we shall see. Worst case back to SD and wifing up.

01-24-18, 19:01
I do not plan to pay inflated rates. I am not sure why these girls think just because the bros show up in numbers that their pussy is better.

You never know. The DR is a strange place. When money is involved they lose their minds. I am an optimist. I figure the 7 s and 8's will be begging for business. If not I have my old girls waiting in SD.

I do plan on paying 100 for anything. However we shall see. Worst case back to SD and wifing up.

01-24-18, 19:24
I do not plan to pay inflated rates. I am not sure why these girls think just because the bros show up in numbers that their pussy is better.Mr. OldKool,

Maybe the girls learned it from Uber? Because isn't that the same concept they use for surge pricing?

Picture this: somebody explaining the concept to girl during post coitus pillow talk and the light going off in her head. Afterwards, she tells all her friends. There you have it. LOL!

Besides you know, somebody's bringing a cheer leading outfit for his girl, and somebody else is arranging to get some head during the halftime show. And although inflated prices might not be worth it for us, for somebody else those experiences could be priceless.

Just pass me the hooka!

01-24-18, 23:25
I am looking forward to testing the waters. I have spoken to some of the local ladies who tell me that things have been on the upswing in Sosua. I am hard headed I will not pay higher rates if I can help it. I think much of it is word of mouth. They tell one another what they expect and it becomes a fact. The Haitian girls are going to have a field day with my money

Mr. OldKool,

Maybe the girls learned it from Uber? Because isn't that the same concept they use for surge pricing?

Picture this: somebody explaining the concept to girl during post coitus pillow talk and the light going off in her head. Afterwards, she tells all her friends. There you have it. LOL!

Besides you know, somebody's bringing a cheer leading outfit for his girl, and somebody else is arranging to get some head during the halftime show. And although inflated prices might not be worth it for us, for somebody else those experiences could be priceless.

Just pass me the hooka!

01-28-18, 05:30
One of the great things about going to Sosua is the preparation. This trip should be different from by pass trips in that I am staying alternate accomodations and going when the SU is on steroids. It does matter not I plan to have a blast no matter what.

01-28-18, 12:48
Just returning from my second Sosua adventure, had a great time despite the persistent rain.

I switched things up little this time by focusing on quality over quantity, and fellas there's a lot of quality out there.

I also brought had a female friend from the States (who also loves women) tag along sharing my room with me, which was a bit of a double edged sword, but didn't stop our fun at all. She got a lot of dirty looks from the street girls as we walked, but she wasn't faded. We found a couple of top notch 10's that were down for happy hour, which was awesome, but she was also cool enough to let me do my own thing with any girls who weren't.

Husker Dude
01-28-18, 14:44
Anyone heard about the new checks at pop? Finger printing and eye scanning. Supposedly just started a couple days ago. Not too worried about the new checks just the 2.th5 hour wait in line! Anybody got info?I got down a week ago & leaving now. They did have new fingerprint scanner at POP, & they were having a hard time getting it to work, just takes a long time to go through because of it. They had to try several times for both fingers & thumb for each hand: Chicas asking for 100-150 US, but will quickly come down to 2000-2500 p. Raining heavy last 2 nights in Sosua. Rain kept a lot of chicas away, lots of hefty chicas out. LOL.

01-28-18, 21:47
Puerto Plata or Cabarete.

Has anyone been in Sosua on Super Bowl Suday. Where is a good place to watch the game.

01-28-18, 22:34
I got down a week ago & leaving now. They did have new fingerprint scanner at POP, & they were having a hard time getting it to work, just takes a long time to go through because of it. They had to try several times for both fingers & thumb for each hand: Chicas asking for 100-150 US, but will quickly come down to 2000-2500 p. Raining heavy last 2 nights in Sosua. Rain kept a lot of chicas away, lots of hefty chicas out. LOL.Got redirected to Santiago due to a missed flight on Jetblue and yes they are doing fingerprinting and scans there so I don't doubt it is happening in POP too. Also they are still doing the outbound flight interviews which is holding you up on the departures. So please take a few extra minutes when you leave to make sure you don't miss your flight to accommodate this extra hassle. Just left last week after 2 weeks on the ground it was a great trip. The town looks like it's putting itself back together and Rumba has construction going on along with a new food court (rumor) is going in where the'Latins use to be. Tons of ladies and the fun never stopped despite the rain. Lots of gringos and the girls are asking for more but don't bite. Keep it at 2000 DP or less for ST and of course what the market will bear for an all night that's up to you. My thing is 1500 DP period + 100 for moto and then give the propina if it is really good. And always negotiate the cost first. Way to many to chicas out to get burned for to much dinero. 2500 to 3000 is alright for a toda la noche. Enjoy the life!

01-29-18, 04:41
On my last trip six months ago they were doing the finger printing. It is time consuming but everybody gets done.

Got redirected to Santiago due to a missed flight on Jetblue and yes they are doing fingerprinting and scans there so I don't doubt it is happening in POP too. Also they are still doing the outbound flight interviews which is holding you up on the departures. So please take a few extra minutes when you leave to make sure you don't miss your flight to accommodate this extra hassle. Just left last week after 2 weeks on the ground it was a great trip. The town looks like it's putting itself back together and Rumba has construction going on along with a new food court (rumor) is going in where the'Latins use to be. Tons of ladies and the fun never stopped despite the rain. Lots of gringos and the girls are asking for more but don't bite. Keep it at 2000 DP or less for ST and of course what the market will bear for an all night that's up to you. My thing is 1500 DP period + 100 for moto and then give the propina if it is really good. And always negotiate the cost first. Way to many to chicas out to get burned for to much dinero. 2500 to 3000 is alright for a toda la noche. Enjoy the life!

01-29-18, 18:43
Also they are still doing the outbound flight interviews which is holding you up on the departures. So please take a few extra minutes when you leave to make sure you don't miss your flight to accommodate this extra hassle.Are these interviews mandatory? I think I know what you're talking about: you've shown up at the airport to leave, have checked-in, collected your boarding pass, and gone through security. You're waiting in the departures area for your flight when all of a sudden, somebody with an official-looking badge on a lanyard, clipboard, and pen approaches you and wants to ask you a series of questions about where you stayed, how much money you spent, what your activities were in the country, etc. This exact scenario happened to me twice during my travels in other countries and I just politely declined both times, as I don't believe the information they're trying to collect is always being use in a beneficial way.

01-29-18, 19:02
Planning on going back to the DR for a couple of weeks in late May. We will splitting our time between SD, Boca Chica and Sosua. Right now we plan to fly into SDQ on Wednesday stay there two nights and then go to Sosua Friday and stay there for a few days before heading to BC for the rest of the trip.

At least I plan to head down to BC. I have a lot of contacts down there. The other two traveling with me may stay longer.

My question is would it be better to go to Sosua over Memorial Day weekend, go during the week or go the weekend after Memorial Day. I know that it's just an American holiday but will it be flooded with gringos and have inflated prices during that time?

Little more info: I have chicas in both SD and Boca Chica that I know and have met but none that I have met personally in Sosua (only WhatsApp).

Thanks for the input.

01-29-18, 23:29
Are these interviews mandatory? I think I know what you're talking about: you've shown up at the airport to leave, have checked-in, collected your boarding pass, and gone through security. You're waiting in the departures area for your flight when all of a sudden, somebody with an official-looking badge on a lanyard, clipboard, and pen approaches you and wants to ask you a series of questions about where you stayed, how much money you spent, what your activities were in the country, etc. This exact scenario happened to me twice during my travels in other countries and I just politely declined both times, as I don't believe the information they're trying to collect is always being use in a beneficial way.I got an email from JetBlue a while back telling me to go early because of this new interview procedure. I just left last week and the guy wanted to hold my passport while he interviewed me. When I said no he got a little testy. They interview you and then put a sticker on your passport before you go to the counter. I don't like it, but what can you do. I certainly don't want to get put on a no fly list. It is a pain and it is time consuming, but again what can you do except comply. I just don't give up a bunch info. I keep it short with a generic answer. A couple of months ago when I was leaving I was behind a sista that told them' to go straight to hell and was yelling at the guy and he backed completely off and let her go through and I followed, ha, ha. I don't think it is mandatory but they will make the effort and get really nosy into what you were doing. Just say you a great time with every question and frustrate the guy if you feel threatened.

01-30-18, 02:45
Planning on going back to the DR for a couple of weeks in late May. We will splitting our time between SD, Boca Chica and Sosua. Right now we plan to fly into SDQ on Wednesday stay there two nights and then go to Sosua Friday and stay there for a few days before heading to BC for the rest of the trip.

At least I plan to head down to BC. I have a lot of contacts down there. The other two traveling with me may stay longer.

My question is would it be better to go to Sosua over Memorial Day weekend, go during the week or go the weekend after Memorial Day. I know that it's just an American holiday but will it be flooded with gringos and have inflated prices during that time?

Little more info: I have chicas in both SD and Boca Chica that I know and have met but none that I have met personally in Sosua (only WhatsApp).

Thanks for the input.Sounds like you have a game plan I hope you know what you're doing. When I take my boys from Sosua to BC their whole attitude changes. It's like going from 2 day of Disney World to 5 days of Busch Gardens. I always get why the hell did we leave the Sue. The chicas know that memorial weekend is the closest thing to Super Bowl Weekend as far as Americans visit in the country.

For my friends I usually use Boca Chica as a warm-up. Then I shoot them to the Sue for the final finale. If you plan on doing the opposite you better have a game plan.

Mr Enternational
01-30-18, 03:53
I got an email from JetBlue a while back telling me to go early because of this new interview procedure. I just left last week and the guy wanted to hold my passport while he interviewed me. When I said no he got a little testy. They interview you and then put a sticker on your passport before you go to the counter. I don't like it, but what can you do.That sounds like the routine security questions that are done from most other countries when going back to the USA. Not really an interview, just about 3 questions asking if you packed your own bags and if any strangers have given you anything. Takes 2 seconds.

A couple of months ago when I was leaving I was behind a sista that told them' to go straight to hell and was yelling at the guy and he backed completely off and let her go through and I followed, ha, ha.People better learn to stop acting a jackazz with people that hold their fate. That could have just as well went the other way and she would not have been going anywhere. I was coming into Mexico last month and there was a lady coming out of the back room yelling at the top of her lungs, "Get your cameras out. I AM A CANADIAN CITIZEN. I come here 4 times every year..." Yeah bich but you ain't in Canada now. You have to respect these people and follow their rules if you plan to be in their country.

Mr Enternational
01-30-18, 03:59
For my friends I usually use Boca Chica as a warm-up. Then I shoot them to the Sue for the final finale. If you plan on doing the opposite you better have a game plan.Exactly. Going to Sosua to BC will no doubt be anticlimactic.

01-30-18, 06:40
Arrived in pop yesterday. Got fingerprinted but not eye scanned went through customs in 10 min no problem.

01-30-18, 08:28
That sounds like the routine security questions that are done from most other countries when going back to the USA. Not really an interview, just about 3 questions asking if you packed your own bags and if any strangers have given you anything. Takes 2 seconds.I know what you're talking about, as I've had that many times as well. But I'm going to respectfully disagree and side with NightWhaler on this one. I had the "mandatory question session" attempted on me when heading back from San Andres Island (Colombia) a few years ago. I was asked if I wanted to answer a few questions about my trip from the badge-and-clipboard employee and I thought "sure, what harm can it do?" At first, the questions were like "how long have you been here?" and I answered them. But when they got more specific, like what hotel was my lodging, how much money did I spend, what did I buy, etc, I politely ended the interview. I just don't think that kind of specific information is always used in good ways.

People better learn to stop acting a jackazz with people that hold their fate. That could have just as well went the other way and she would not have been going anywhere. I was coming into Mexico last month and there was a lady coming out of the back room yelling at the top of her lungs, "Get your cameras out. I AM A CANADIAN CITIZEN. I come here 4 times every year..." Yeah bich but you ain't in Canada now. You have to respect these people and follow their rules if you plan to be in their country.Agreed, especially when you're in an airport. Popping off at the mouth (an old military term) to officials who have the law on their side when you're in a foreign country and not on your native soil is usually a bad idea.

01-30-18, 18:33
I know what you're talking about, as I've had that many times as well. But I'm going to respectfully disagree and side with NightWhaler on this one. I had the "mandatory question session" attempted on me when heading back from San Andres Island (Colombia) a few years ago. I was asked if I wanted to answer a few questions about my trip from the badge-and-clipboard employee and I thought "sure, what harm can it do?" At first, the questions were like "how long have you been here?" and I answered them. But when they got more specific, like what hotel was my lodging, how much money did I spend, what did I buy, etc, I politely ended the interview. I just don't think that kind of specific information is always used in good ways.

Agreed, especially when you're in an airport. Popping off at the mouth (an old military term) to officials who have the law on their side when you're in a foreign country and not on your native soil is usually a bad idea.I don't know whether my experiences have been the same as those reported here but the questioner has usually been a young woman and I got the impression that the questionnaire was being used either for tourism statistics purposes or for a university thesis. I stopped accommodating them after a bout in Bangkok when the trend of questioning led me to believe it was about sex tourism in Thailand. I have always had the option to refuse but if ever I come across mandatory interrogation, I will just play with them.

01-30-18, 20:25
Sounds like you have a game plan I hope you know what you're doing. When I take my boys from Sosua to BC their whole attitude changes. It's like going from 2 day of Disney World to 5 days of Busch Gardens. I always get why the hell did we leave the Sue. The chicas know that memorial weekend is the closest thing to Super Bowl Weekend as far as Americans visit in the country.

For my friends I usually use Boca Chica as a warm-up. Then I shoot them to the Sue for the final finale. If you plan on doing the opposite you better have a game plan.The reasoning behind the order was that we have one new guy coming (for just 5 days) so we wanted to go to Sosua on the front end with him. We may switch it up or keep the same plan but the other two have been to BC before and if they get to Sosua and decide to stay they can. We are all grown.

What I do is tell guys when and where I going and if they decide to book the same time great if not oh well. I spent too many years waiting to get guys to go only not to go myself. I've gone solo or with one other person. This will be the first time traveling with potentially three guys so that will present some challenges. Fortunately the new guy is fluent in Spanish and the other three of us have some level of comfort with the language.

I appreciate the input and will seriously consider a BC- Sosua- SD plan especially since others have said that Memorial weekend is another big weekend after the Superbowl weekend.

For all of its warts and it has many (I. E. Crackhead Charlie, crappy beaches) I still like BC. Not for the chicas but because it's cheaper to fly into SDQ and it provides a cheap base to deal with chicas from SD, San Pedro and the surrounding area, and the occasional waitress in BC. Plus love seeing Margherita and sitting out on the corner with a plate of chicken, rice and beans. What can I say BC is my first love in the RD, but who knows Sosua may become my first mistress.

Thanks again guys.

01-30-18, 21:06
Arrived in pop yesterday. Got fingerprinted but not eye scanned went through customs in 10 min no problem.They have been doing this for a while in the capital. I guess PP has just caught up with the times.

Mr Enternational
01-30-18, 23:33
Arrived in pop yesterday. Got fingerprinted but not eye scanned went through customs in 10 min no problem.LOL. How did fingerprinted and photoed turn into fingerprinted and eye-scanned?

01-31-18, 23:01
LOL. How did fingerprinted and photoed turn into fingerprinted and eye-scanned?Have no idea but on fb people been posting eye scanning and finger printing can take up to 2. 5 hours at customs in pop. Maybe that was just the first week they started doing it now it's much smoother.

02-01-18, 02:31
Have no idea but on fb people been posting eye scanning and finger printing can take up to 2. 5 hours at customs .Welcome to Dominican of republic. When going through customs please have a snicker.

02-01-18, 04:15
I will let you Know what I find.

02-02-18, 02:02
First off, when something you wrote recently, resonated with me, I wrote a post commending it as I found it was thoughtful (on 1/14/18).

Personally, I do not care for clubs / discos neither do I think that the PP pool is any different from the Sosua pool. Also, from my perspective, PP and Sosua are so close geographically that both are potentially accessible. I would also say that most of us take it as a given, that beauty is only in the "eyes of the beholder". In view of that, my thought on reading Revere's note was that, this might be helpful to some, especially to younger people or those that like a dance hall kind of environment. In other words, irrespective of whether you agree or not with what Revere is saying, I do think, it did not require the long prose you wrote in response, which might be construed (or perhaps misconstrued) as unwarranted critique.Interesting. I was talking to you about you claiming somebody cut him down? There were no such posts from anybody. And now here you are deflecting, talking about something else. SMH?

You could give two shits about what anyone posted to Revere. Reveres POV was addressed straight up by anyone who responded, without attacking him personally. We don't need to do that subtle feminiine shit. The only reason you commented is because of who posted, not what was posted. You should have manned up and addressed the poster who supposedly cut him down. Not that sneaky feminine shit. You know daggone well, that If any of your buddies posted anything similar to what you call cutting him down, you would have kept your cyber mouth shut.

You aint got to hide behind another poster, be direct. If it's constructive, you would have done your job. Now as far as you thinking that something you saw posted wasnt required? Man you came to the wrong damn place. People post all kinds of information that isn't required here. You better get a grip and get used to the idea that this forum is a privilege for all of us, it isn't designed for your gratification or sensitivities.

The same way you wrote directly to me about something resonating with you, thats the same thing you should be doing when you decide you want to address the issue of somebody cutting down another poster, or you dont think something said was required. You dont do that weak subtle shit. You go directly to that poster and express your concern. If you can do it ( being direct ) for something you favor, you can do it for something you dont.

The Tall Man
02-03-18, 19:11
Just a follow up to my Sosua visit 3 months ago, back in early November, and wanted to let all you to be mindful of using protection, I took risks that I do not usually take but some good weed and alcohol lowered my thought process.

Just got a full blood workup done and I AM CLEAN. I plan on staying that way so when and if I should ever return to the Sue here are my rules for me to follow:

1. Don't plow my dick bareback in the first skinny street dark black Haitian * I meet like I did in the Sue on my first night there, but god damn I just could not resist that skinny petite butt and seeing my dick slamming deep inside.

2. Be careful of any girl in your room. Assume they will all steal from you (some did with me).

3. Better manage who I befriend, hate those hustler guys that pester you at any chance.

4. Don't get known for buying party favors each time I party with a girl or two.

5. Drink less alcohol and more water and.


Please no haters, this write up is my time capsule for me to open and read before my next visit to the DR.

The Tall Man.

Ath Trainer
02-03-18, 21:43
Just a follow up to my Sosua visit 3 months ago, back in early November, and wanted to let all you to be mindful of using protection, I took risks that I do not usually take but some good weed and alcohol lowered my thought process.

Just got a full blood workup done and I AM CLEAN. I plan on staying that way so when and if I should ever return to the Sue here are my rules for me to follow:

1. Don't plow my dick bareback in the first skinny street dark black Haitian * I meet like I did in the Sue on my first night there, but god damn I just could not resist that skinny petite butt and seeing my dick slamming deep inside.

2. Be careful of any girl in your room. Assume they will all steal from you (some did with me).

3. Better manage who I befriend, hate those hustler guys that pester you at any chance.

4. Don't get known for buying party favors each time I party with a girl or two.

5. Drink less alcohol and more water and.


Please no haters, this write up is my time capsule for me to open and read before my next visit to the DR.

The Tall Man.Test again, in 3 months.

02-03-18, 22:27
Just a follow up to my Sosua visit 3 months ago, back in early November, and wanted to let all you to be mindful of using protection, I took risks that I do not usually take but some good weed and alcohol lowered my thought process.

Just got a full blood workup done and I AM CLEAN. I plan on staying that way so when and if I should ever return to the Sue here are my rules for me to follow:

1. Don't plow my dick bareback in the first skinny street dark black Haitian * I meet like I did in the Sue on my first night there, but god damn I just could not resist that skinny petite butt and seeing my dick slamming deep inside..Good stuff, Tall Man. I've never gone bareback in the Su, but I once got a full HIV checkup upon returning to the states! Glad to see you had a good time.

Mr Enternational
02-04-18, 17:51
I just saw a video from the front of Clasico and it seems to be 50 dudes to 1 chick. What is the status Old Kool?

02-05-18, 20:57
Just a follow up to my Sosua visit 3 months ago, back in early November, and wanted to let all you to be mindful of using protection, I took risks that I do not usually take but some good weed and alcohol lowered my thought process.

Just got a full blood workup done and I AM CLEAN. I plan on staying that way so when and if I should ever return to the Sue here are my rules for me to follow:

1. Don't plow my dick bareback in the first skinny street dark black Haitian * I meet like I did in the Sue on my first night there, but god damn I just could not resist that skinny petite butt and seeing my dick slamming deep inside.

Please no haters,

The Tall Man.Oh lawd! I ain't Hating but I ain't Participating. So right You must Chica proof your room! Before you hit the strip club. Before you hit the strip. To late once you bring her back with a session on your mind. You thinking about if she gives BBBJ and she thinking about cuffing your iPad.

I always say there's a difference between a Punta and a *****.

The ***** might not give you anything.

The Punta will try to half screw you with one hand while stealing your shit with the other.

02-05-18, 21:17
There is a reason why trip reports have dropped on here. Grownmen do not want to be micromanage. If they write a trip report that is negative then they do not need someone coming on trying to defend sosua. A forum is expressing what you feel at that time. If people talk about something else you let it flow, No one wants to hear someone micromanage the blog.This is something for all of us to remember. I miss this, read it today and edited it with no disrespect anyone! IMO It's just real talk. Now I am waiting for someone to write a report on the Super Bowl! Olkool Donde tu?

02-05-18, 22:46
I just saw a video from the front of Clasico and it seems to be 50 dudes to 1 chick. What is the status Old Kool?Leave him alone. He will have to get out of the line and lose his turn waiting for that one chick to be done with the other 49 dudes if he takes time out to come here to respond to you, hehehe.

02-06-18, 01:52
It's been awhile since I have been to the SU.

1. I was curious to know how many guys use their credit card when dining out or buying groceries? Do places charge you more for using your card? I normally like to use my VISA card when I dine out so I can hold onto my cash.

2. Do cambios accept $100 bills and do they have to be in PRISTINE condition?

3. Are people accepting dollars and what denominations are preferable ? Would a stack of singles be useful for tipping and bus/public transport ?

Thanks so much for the information

Mr Enternational
02-06-18, 03:31
It's been awhile since I have been to the SU.

1. I was curious to know how many guys use their credit card when dining out or buying groceries? Do places charge you more for using your card? I normally like to use my VISA card when I dine out so I can hold onto my cash.Only place I would use a CC in DR is a chain hotel, rental car, or sometimes to get gas. I have actually used it in a couple of expensive restaurants in Santo Domingo before, but I look at DR as a cash destination.

2. Do cambios accept $100 bills and do they have to be in PRISTINE condition?They would probably take pennies if you tried to exchange them. The only place I know with the pristine condition thing is Thailand. They run them through a machine there. In the DR they just look at it.

3. Are people accepting dollars and what denominations are preferable ? Would a stack of singles be useful for tipping and bus/public transport ?Why would they be interested in USD? Only use USD in places that use them for their currency (Panama, Cambodia, widely used in Peru). But all you are going to do it rip yourself off trying to use USD and 9 times out of 10 people are going to look at you strange. What if you went to a restaurant in your home town today and when you paid in USD they brought your change back in South African Rand? (Although in Peru when you pay with USD they will give you change in Soles) Stick to the local currency.

02-06-18, 03:38
Only place I would use a CC in DR is a chain hotel, rental car, or sometimes to get gas. I have actually used it in a couple of expensive restaurants in Santo Domingo before, but I look at DR as a cash destination.

They would probably take pennies if you tried to exchange them. The only place I know with the pristine condition thing is Thailand. They run them through a machine there. In the DR they just look at it.

Why would they be interested in USD? Only use USD in places that use them for their currency (Panama, Cambodia, widely used in Peru). But all you are going to do it rip yourself off trying to use USD and 9 times out of 10 people are going to look at you strange. What if you went to a restaurant in your home town today and when you paid in USD they brought your change back in South African Rand? (Although in Peru when you pay with USD they will give you change in Soles) Stick to the local currency.Thank You for the response. Well Noted.

02-06-18, 04:54
Only place I would use a CC in DR is a chain hotel, rental car, or sometimes to get gas. I have actually used it in a couple of expensive restaurants in Santo Domingo before, but I look at DR as a cash destination.
Why is this? I generally prefer to use CC when I travel internationally to minimize how much cash I carry around and because it gives the best exchange rate with no fees.

Do they not take it in most places? Or do they seem untrustworthy?

I have used CC in Colombia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Mexico and a few others without incident.

Mr Enternational
02-06-18, 05:43
Why is this? I generally prefer to use CC when I travel internationally to minimize how much cash I carry around and because it gives the best exchange rate with no fees.

Do they not take it in most places? Or do they seem untrustworthy?

I have used CC in Colombia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Mexico and a few others without incident.There is a fee for currency conversion on most cards. The two I have that do not charge one are Amex Platinum and Discover. I bank with Charles Schwab and they return all ATM fees at the end of the month. I do not think there is a lot of card fraud in the DR, but there are a lot of computer glitches that for instnace may cause you to be charged money that you never withdrew. DR is one of the few countries where the cash exchange rate is just as good as the electronic exchange rate.

02-06-18, 16:01
I had not planned being in Sosua Superbowl weekend but it worked for my schedule. I land in SD on Thursday at 2 pm. I met 2 guys who agreed to share a cab in town. I arranged one of my long time cupid girls to meet me in Zona Colona. She was on time and looking very nice. After 6 years I still get hard just looking at her. We went to Sambil mall and Jaraqua casino where won 150 bucks playing blackjack. This paid for my evening in SD. My girl gave me 3 pops. This is a great start`to my vaction. The edge is off. I leave for the metro bus 8am and get to the Su before 1.

DAY 1 All my go to hotels are booked and I have reservations at place I know nothing about. I have low expectations but I was blown away by how nice it was. I nice one bedroom condo overlooking a pool near Play Chiquita. a block from Mary Rose. Not walking distance but there are motto guys very close, I rent a bike for 3 days but soon learn that there is to much traffic on the streets for me. I am scared shitless and bring the bike back after only 1 day. I had planned to have one of my old SU girls to come visit but changed my mine and told her I was not coming. 1 hour after I getting in town she text me I had been spotted. I blink and invite her over. She knows how to push all my buttons and gives great gfe. I give her a day. 2 pops later I am spent.
Day 2 coming next( sport fucking)

02-07-18, 04:19
After you have 2 days GFE a little sport fucking is in order. I had 5 good session\s with the ladies I knew, The wise thing would be to chill a while and that was my plan until I saw this big tittied 4"11" cutie as I left the bank. Take her back to the room and good time is had. She was young and cute and exactly what my bucket list required, It is Saturday the streets are full. There is rumor of a pool party, The party starts at 2 pm. I get there at 4 pm. 1000 pesos food and a drink. I spent 2 hours there playing dominos and looking at the chicas. I met 2 cool expats who shared their wisdom. A cute chica was playing dominoes with us. I invite her to come back with me. On the way to my room my GFE from previous day sees me, This the high light of my trip. This girl gave me the best Blow job of my life, prior to her I had 6 sesions so there was a question of there being any leche in me. She gave a Vanessa del Rio class BJ. She would not stop did CIM and tried to get a 2nd pop and almost suceeded. If I could suck pussy half as good as her BJ I would be a legion. Later in the day I did 2 more sesisons. After the porn quality BJ everything was anticlimatic. I over did day 2. 3 new chicas at my age is a bit much. I need to be more disciplined but when you have been in sex hell for months it hard not to pig out.

Day 3 Superbowl Sunday there were many options to watch the game. The 2 places that were the leaders were Bourbon street and a resort called Ahnvee. I chose Ahnvee and was very pleased. 1000 pesos got entry and a great place to watch the game. The food was excellent and atmosphre was very nice. There was live entertainment and plenty of women. We all enjoyed the game but I could not stop thinking of BJ queen. I had another session scheduled for later.

Unfortunately I was able to hook up her again. She was late and it was my last night so I had to get a replacement. I picked a winner and late her spend the night.

Summary: Super weekend is a blast in Sosua. There crowds are large but all the guys are chilled. You will run into people you know and like.

02-07-18, 04:46
Few shots.

02-07-18, 06:51
After you have 2 days GFE a little sport fucking is in order. I had 5 good session\s with the ladies I knew, The wise thing would be to chill a while and that was my plan until I saw this big tittied 4"11" cutie as I left the bank. Take her back to the room and good time is had. She was young and cute and exactly what my bucket list required, It is Saturday the streets are full. There is rumor of a pool party, The party starts at 2 pm. I get there at 4 pm. 1000 pesos food and a drink. I spent 2 hours there playing dominos and looking at the chicas. I met 2 cool expats who shared their wisdom. A cute chica was playing dominoes with us. I invite her to come back with me. On the way to my room my GFE from previous day sees me, This the high light of my trip. This girl gave me the best Blow job of my life, prior to her I had 6 sesions so there was a question of there being any leche in me. She gave a Vanessa del Rio class BJ. She would not stop did CIM and tried to get a 2nd pop and almost suceeded. If I could suck pussy half as good as her BJ I would be a legion. Later in the day I did 2 more sesisons. After the porn quality BJ everything was anticlimatic. I over did day 2. 3 new chicas at my age is a bit much. I need to be more disciplined but when you have been in sex hell for months it hard not to pig out.

Day 3 Superbowl Sunday there were many options to watch the game. The 2 places that were the leaders were Bourbon street and a resort called Ahnvee. I chose Ahnvee and was very pleased. 1000 pesos got entry and a great place to watch the game. The food was excellent and atmosphre was very nice. There was live entertainment and plenty of women. We all enjoyed the game but I could not stop thinking of BJ queen. I had another session scheduled for later.

Unfortunately I was able to hook up her again. She was late and it was my last night so I had to get a replacement. I picked a winner and late her spend the night.

Summary: Super weekend is a blast in Sosua. There crowds are large but all the guys are chilled. You will run into people you know and like.Sounds like a great time.

I'm making my first trip there in a few weeks. Any recommendations on a hotel or airbnb that allows us to bring girls back?

02-07-18, 08:40
After you have 2 days GFE a little sport fucking is in order. I had 5 good session\s with the ladies I knew, The wise thing would be to chill a while and that was my plan until I saw this big tittied 4"11" cutie as I left the bank. Take her back to the room and good time is had. She was young and cute and exactly what my bucket list required, It is Saturday the streets are full. There is rumor of a pool party, The party starts at 2 pm. I get there at 4 pm. 1000 pesos food and a drink. I spent 2 hours there playing dominos and looking at the chicas. I met 2 cool expats who shared their wisdom. A cute chica was playing dominoes with us. I invite her to come back with me. On the way to my room my GFE from previous day sees me, This the high light of my trip. This girl gave me the best Blow job of my life, prior to her I had 6 sesions so there was a question of there being any leche in me. She gave a Vanessa del Rio class BJ. She would not stop did CIM and tried to get a 2nd pop and almost suceeded. If I could suck pussy half as good as her BJ I would be a legion. Later in the day I did 2 more sesisons. After the porn quality BJ everything was anticlimatic. I over did day 2. 3 new chicas at my age is a bit much. I need to be more disciplined but when you have been in sex hell for months it hard not to pig out.

Day 3 Superbowl Sunday there were many options to watch the game. The 2 places that were the leaders were Bourbon street and a resort called Ahnvee. I chose Ahnvee and was very pleased. 1000 pesos got entry and a great place to watch the game. The food was excellent and atmosphre was very nice. There was live entertainment and plenty of women. We all enjoyed the game but I could not stop thinking of BJ queen. I had another session scheduled for later.

Unfortunately I was able to hook up her again. She was late and it was my last night so I had to get a replacement. I picked a winner and late her spend the night.

Summary: Super weekend is a blast in Sosua. There crowds are large but all the guys are chilled. You will run into people you know and like.Good report and glad the crowds didn't kill your trip!

Mr Enternational
02-07-18, 12:24
There is rumor of a pool party, The party starts at 2 pm. I get there at 4 pm. 1000 pesos food and a drink. I spent 2 hours there playing dominos and looking at the chicas.

Day 3 Superbowl Sunday there were many options to watch the game. The 2 places that were the leaders were Bourbon street and a resort called Ahnvee. I chose Ahnvee and was very pleased. 1000 pesos got entry and a great place to watch the game.You told us the price of all of the parties, but none of the chicas? A field report ain't worth a damn if the next monger planning to go does not know what the women are going to get him for.

02-07-18, 12:49
Day 3 Superbowl Sunday there were many options to watch the game. The 2 places that were the leaders were Bourbon street and a resort called Ahnvee. I chose Ahnvee and was very pleased. 1000 pesos got entry and a great place to watch the game. The food was excellent and atmosphre was very nice. There was live entertainment and plenty of women. We all enjoyed the game but I could not stop thinking of BJ queen. I had another session scheduled for later.Mr. OldKool,

Thank you for both of your excellent "man in the arena" reports. I don't need to know the amount you gave your girls. Each person is going to give what they want and can afford. Some people drive BMW's others Kia's. They are both cars. Four tires, steering wheel, engine and transmission. The quality of your report was not affected negatively by not providing prices for your girls. Remember, the critics don't matter.

02-07-18, 13:33
You told us the price of all of the parties, but none of the chicas? A field report ain't worth a damn if the next monger planning to go does not know what the women are going to get him for.Hell yeah. I am with E on this. You are a Sue regular. I know you were going to enjoy yourself but what was different with so many people and a high demand for Chicas. Did you hear any outrageous prices. For the most part you stuck with your regulars which is always a smart move. Were you able to make it to Classico. What were the men / Chica ratio. Two places were thousand pesos all you can eat and drink?

Last year Super Bowl my boys told me bourbon street was so packed they had chairs in the kitchen!

02-07-18, 13:36
Few shots."Donde su fotos" where's your pictures.
You mean to tell me with all the people on this site only one person among us went to the Sue on Bowl Super Bowl? Is there anyone else out there that went they could give us Their perspective.

02-07-18, 16:28
I paid my normal pricing 2000 for ST and 3500 for all night. The girls would open with high prices but would fold like cheap chairs when a fair offer was made. The girls could see that there was a lot of competition. Many many 7, 8, and 9's. Scoing a customer was a big win with all the competition. At the pool party the you negotiate your price wirh girl and 500 pesos for 30 minutes in a room. Classicos was so full you could not move. I went just to see the mass of people. I stood next to VIP section and watched the constant throng circle the room.
I have never seen so many guys in the sue. I went to the beach on Sunday At 2pm must have been over 200 brothers on the beach all smiling. The chica ratio must have been 3 or 4 to one. The girls were ever where you looked all over the SU and not just on Pedro. The girls felt time presure. Must were in tonwn for a short time and needed to make some money. Going home with empty pockets not an option.

Funny story: I went to the Casino Saturday night 3 am and one of ugliest Haitian girl I have ever see latched on to me. I enjoy dancing and she was a good dancer and had a smoking hot body and no panties. My dick was saying hit it but my eyes were like hell no. The poor thing had a face like a baboon. I coud not walk out the club with that on my arm.

You told us the price of all of the parties, but none of the chicas? A field report ain't worth a damn if the next monger planning to go does not know what the women are going to get him for.

Mr Enternational
02-07-18, 16:51
I have never seen so many guys in the sue.Same thing I said about when I was there 2 years ago. And judging from the videos there were way more guys there this year. A lot of those guys had to be staying outside of Sosua because there is no way Sosua has that many rooms.

02-07-18, 18:14
Why is this? I generally prefer to use CC when I travel internationally to minimize how much cash I carry around and because it gives the best exchange rate with no fees.
Do they not take it in most places? Or do they seem untrustworthy? I have used CC in Colombia, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Mexico and a few others without incident.I read the response of Mr. E and I agree that the DR is primarily a cash economy. However I disagree with him that paying someone in USD would be unacceptable. In the tourist areas, which is what are frequented by most here on this forum, the US currency is a non-issue. For example, the taxis taking people to Sosua from Santiago airport often quote in USD (100 or so). I have on many occasions paid tips, to taxi or chambermaids or security folks, with single dollar bills, especially when I arrive.

I have paid women with USD. I have also been to grocery stores in bigger cities and they would change USD without a blink, and give you changes in local money. The exchange rate might not be the very best but you certainly can manage with USD until you are ready to change. Traveling with a mix of currencies, from $100, to 20,10, 5 and 1, is the smart move as you can thus prevent overpaying.

02-07-18, 18:44
Funny story: I went to the Casino Saturday night 3 am and one of ugliest Haitian girl I have ever see latched on to me. I enjoy dancing and she was a good dancer and had a smoking hot body and no panties. My dick was saying hit it but my eyes were like hell no. The poor thing had a face like a baboon. I coud not walk out the club with that on my arm.Awhile back a chica slipped me her card in BC. A couple of nights later, drunk, I decided to call the number not remembering who gave it to me. Didn't get an answer but the next morning I get a whatsapp message from it. I didn't know what the heck it said. Later I found out it was Creole. Anyway this chica starts video calling me on whatsapp over and over again but I don't answer. Finally my partner answers, takes one look and says "OH HELL NAW!" and hangs up on her. Of course she calls over and over again. Finally I send her a message (she speaks some english) and I ask her to send a picture.

Sure enough she is ugly enough to stop a TRAIN, I mean wordclass ugly, like in Aunt Ester and Patrick Ewing bastard child ugly but. As she has a banging body. I hadn't had a hatian yet and she was not going to be my first. Plus I didn't want to bring her back to my hotel especially in daylight. Long story short didn't hook up with her.

On planning my next trip I found her number and starting messaging with her. When she asked me for a pic I sent my boys picture, me and him both laughed as he promised to get me back. When I get back to BC I message her from a different phone and tell her that I am the friend of the one she had been chatting with and said that I might want to see her. But know this chica has come up has her own moped and is talking in US dollars. Tells me she gets $75 for a massage at the resort she works at. I tell her congratulations and good look with your $75 massage job. When you need or want a quick 1500 pesos let me know.

Of course a couple of days later she contacts me and says she wants to come by but DANG its still daylight LOL. Ok how can I do this, I'm solo this time so none of my partners to talk ch! T about me but the guys that work at the hotel know me and even as a monger, we have reps and supposed standards right? I tell her to come through but I don't go down we she gets there, from my balcony I can see the gate and I tell them to let her up.

She comes up and looks a little better (she has some hair now), before she had a nappy orange / red short Bush. Takes off clothes, body is banging but a little scared. Now I'm thinking as ugly as she is the sex has got to be off the hook!

Nope couldn't take the the and I think I'm pretty normal size. Bummer and disappointed, sent her on her way after about 20 minutes of her squirming and trying to position herself so I couldn't hit the way I wanted to.

Moral of story for me: Myths continued to be busted "Ugly chicks are good in Bed" Nope.

02-07-18, 21:20
Prior to this trip I had a very limited perspective of the housing options in the SU. I met guys staying in nice places that I Knew nothing about. I have a contact who does local realestate. She has access to great condo rentals at excellent prices. I paid 135 for 3 nights for a very nice 1 bedroom condo.

Same thing I said about when I was there 2 years ago. And judging from the videos there were way more guys there this year. A lot of those guys had to be staying outside of Sosua because there is no way Sosua has that many rooms.

D Cups
02-07-18, 21:53
Not bad $45/ night. How close to everything and did it have a pool? Thanks. Stay away from any uglies and please report any giant juggs jejejejeej.

paid 135 for 3 nights for a very nice 1 bedroom condo.

Mr Enternational
02-07-18, 22:40
In the tourist areas, which is what are frequented by most here on this forum, the US currency is a non-issue. For example, the taxis taking people to Sosua from Santiago airport often quote in USD (100 or so).The reason against doing it is because most people are going to rip themselves off. I guarantee you that if you told said taxi driver 4000 pesos instead of $100, then he would say okay, although 4000 pesos equal $81.

Most people can't count too well. A prime example is Tijuana, Mexico. Back when the exchange rate was 10 MXP to $1, the street girls would ask for $20. This of course was 200 pesos. I would never pay in $, always telling the chicks that I only have pesos. The exchange rate went up to 13,14, 18, then 20. Street girls still start off by saying $20. And most guys give them the $20. I still say I only have pesos and guess what. They still say 200 pesos, which by today's rate is $10.66. I am paying half of what guys that are paying with dollars are paying because they are too lazy to use pesos!

Let me also add that people running around paying in $ is half of what has Sosua messed up. Chicks actually have the nerve to ask $200. They don't realize what $200 is. Now if you made them tell you in pesos (9,800), then I guarantee you they would not let that fall out of their mouths because they would realize how ridiculous it is to even ask for that much.

02-07-18, 23:52
Came across this text.

Charles Pooter
02-08-18, 00:32
The reason against doing it is because most people are going to rip themselves off ... Now if you made them tell you in pesos (9,800), then I guarantee you they would not let that fall out of their mouths because they would realize how ridiculous it is to even ask for that much.Great post, Mr E.

My favorite example is one which was widespread for many years in Sosua and among most of the working girls.

As more girls started working and things got competitive, they had to hold their price for ST at 1500 pesos for the best part of a decade, despite the increased cost of living. With 30 pesos to the dollar the price was therefore 50 dollars. Ten years later the girls would still ask for 50 dollars, although the peso had fallen to 45 to the dollar, so guys who paid in dollars were paying half as much again as those who paid in pesos.

Never underestimate the lazy-mindedness and innumeracy of Dominicans. This obtains at managerial levels, so I damn sure it applies to working girls as well.

02-08-18, 03:27
Awhile back a chica slipped me her card in BC. A couple of nights later, drunk, I decided to call the number not remembering who gave it to me. Didn't get an answer but the next morning I get a whatsapp message from it. I didn't know what the heck it said. Later I found out it was Creole. Anyway this chica starts video calling me on whatsapp over and over again but I don't answer. Finally my partner answers, takes one look and says "OH HELL NAW!" and hangs up on her. Of course she calls over and over again. Finally I send her a message (she speaks some english) and I ask her to send a picture.

Sure enough she is ugly enough to stop a TRAIN, I mean wordclass ugly, like in Aunt Ester and Patrick Ewing bastard child ugly but. As she has a banging body. I hadn't had a hatian yet and she was not going to be my first. Plus I didn't want to bring her back to my hotel especially in daylight. Long story short didn't hook up with her.

On planning my next trip I found her number and starting messaging with her. When she asked me for a pic I sent my boys picture, me and him both laughed as he promised to get me back. When I get back to BC I message her from a different phone and tell her that I am the friend of the one she had been chatting with and said that I might want to see her. But know this chica has come up has her own moped and is talking in US dollars. Tells me she gets $75 for a massage at the resort she works at. I tell her congratulations and good look with your $75 massage job. When you need or want a quick 1500 pesos let me know.

Of course a couple of days later she contacts me and says she wants to come by but DANG its still daylight LOL. Ok how can I do this, I'm solo this time so none of my partners to talk ch! T about me but the guys that work at the hotel know me and even as a monger, we have reps and supposed standards right? I tell her to come through but I don't go down we she gets there, from my balcony I can see the gate and I tell them to let her up.

She comes up and looks a little better (she has some hair now), before she had a nappy orange / red short Bush. Takes off clothes, body is banging but a little scared. Now I'm thinking as ugly as she is the sex has got to be off the hook!

Nope couldn't take the the and I think I'm pretty normal size. Bummer and disappointed, sent her on her way after about 20 minutes of her squirming and trying to position herself so I couldn't hit the way I wanted to.

Moral of story for me: Myths continued to be busted "Ugly chicks are good in Bed" Nope.Just tell me what in the hell possessed you to want to hit and ugly girl. She looks like a cross between Patrick Ewing and aunt Esther and that made your dick hard? Which part the aunt Esther part or Patrick Ewing part? Man DC you were on other shit. Jajajaja.

02-08-18, 03:49
Just tell me what in the hell possessed you to want to hit and ugly girl. She looks like a cross between Patrick Ewing and aunt Esther and that made your dick hard? Which part the aunt Esther part or Patrick Ewing part? Man DC you were on other shit. Jajajaja.IMO Some chicas think the same way for different reasons. For instance, a Punta might want to go with the oldest guy in the group because she thinks she can get him off faster. I remember my partner Dra came with us for the first time. Dra was overweight 5'10 360 and had to have braces on his legs to keep him balanced. He had to walk side to side like a lame duck. You should have seen the amount of chicas willing to going after him! Little did the chicas know Dra was well endowed and full of Cialis and testosterone double shots. He said his diabetic medication would not let Ejaculate for a while. He was killing them!

Moral to the story. Just because a man is limping doesn't mean he's limping.

02-08-18, 04:21
I have an upgrade for the board. The place had a pool off street parking very clean. However it is next to playa Chiquita which is just out of walking distance. I was given a good contact for sosua rentals that should serve you well. 1809 710 0894, Franzisa Bulls She manages several very nice properties in Sosua In your honor I hit a 38 dd, She was young and cute with nice set. I will emai you a picture.

Not bad $45/ night. How close to everything and did it have a pool? Thanks. Stay away from any uglies and please report any giant juggs jejejejeej.

The Tall Man
02-08-18, 05:22
IMO Some chicas think the same way for different reasons. For instance, a Punta might want to go with the oldest guy in the group because she thinks she can get him off faster. I remember my partner Dra came with us for the first time. Dra was overweight 5'10 360 and had to have braces on his legs to keep him balanced. He had to walk side to side like a lame duck. You should have seen the amount of chicas willing to going after him! Little did the chicas know Dra was well endowed and full of Cialis and testosterone double shots. He said his diabetic medication would not let Ejaculate for a while. He was killing them!

Moral to the story. Just because a man is limping doesn't mean he's limping.That shit is funny, I must say that all the bros I met in Sue last November were all cool, treated this tall white boy who could not dance a lick in classico as a friend and brother. Love you all.

Thant is funny!

The Tall Man.

02-08-18, 16:19
The reason against doing it is because most people are going to rip themselves off. I guarantee you that if you told said taxi driver 4000 pesos instead of $100, then he would say okay, although 4000 pesos equal $81.

Most people can't count too well. A prime example is Tijuana, Mexico. Back when the exchange rate was 10 MXP to $1, the street girls would ask for $20. This of course was 200 pesos. I would never pay in $, always telling the chicks that I only have pesos. The exchange rate went up to 13,14, 18, then 20. Street girls still start off by saying $20. And most guys give them the $20. I still say I only have pesos and guess what. They still say 200 pesos, which by today's rate is $10.66. I am paying half of what guys that are paying with dollars are paying because they are too lazy to use pesos!

Let me also add that people running around paying in $ is half of what has Sosua messed up. Chicks actually have the nerve to ask $200. They don't realize what $200 is. Now if you made them tell you in pesos (9,800), then I guarantee you they would not let that fall out of their mouths because they would realize how ridiculous it is to even ask for that much.An example. The last time I landed in Santiago and needed a ride to Sosua, I paid 3000 pesos to a taxi driver with a van. I did not wait for any driver to come up to me to quote me a price in USD or pesos. And if they did, I was ready to tell any driver what I was offering in pesos. Eventually there may be a driver that will take the offer. Thats how a lot of things work in the DR when there is competition.

Some feel that if one is a tourist or in a tourist environment, and they are only on vacation, it's no big deal using ones own currency for any and everything if you can get away with it.

Dealing with chicas. Your premise is correct. Of all the years I've been coming to the DR, most chicas are used to being paid in pesos. And enough of them have a set amount in mind. A few years back, the exchange rate was like 43 to 1, and chicks were still expecting 1000 to 1500 for short time, and perhaps 3000 and up for TLN. But as the USD rate got better, many chicks were still expecting the same pesos (some asked for more from time to time) even though the exchange rate on all currencies had gotten better for foreigners.

IMO, foreigners paying chicas in USD or in their own currency, they are partly responsible why enough of these women expect or look to be paid in foreign dollars. Plus whatever the chicas learn from their network and the male street hustlers. Fortunately, enough guys know, if you paid a chick 3000 pesos for TLN 4 yrs ago when the exchange rate was lower, you still may pay the same 3 k to 3500 pesos for TLN at todays exchange rate and still make out.

Example: if the USD to peso rate was 43 to 1 4 yrs ago. 3000 pesos would be almost $70. Fast forward to now, and 3000 and 3500 pesos is about $62 and $72. So why should a guy put himself in the position of a chick asking for $100 to $200 USD? When that same chica may very well accept 3 k to 3500 in pesos for the same arrangement?

IMO, the idea is, you don't allow it to get to the point of ASKING a chick what her price is, so she can quote you in USD (or your currency). They are almost bound by chica regulations to make up some ridiculous amount just in case the potential customer is willing to pay it. The truth is enough guys will pay it and that's why they ask for it. They will ask the chick what she wants, she gives her price / expectation, and enough guys tell the chicas, lets go.

IMO, (for those guys that could use the information) , it's usually better for guys to make the chick an offer they themselves are comfortable with. Chicks can accept it, or the two can negotiate further. For a monger, he is in a better position to negotiate from his offer (including the option of walking away if she declines) , than negotiating down from her high ass quote / expectation. Truth is though, enough guys could care less about those considerations. They will pay whatever they choose to pay. And have no problem paying in their own currency instead of the local currency.

As for using ones own currency for paying for a hotel stay, or tipping, that's quite doable. But I do think that paying for certain things / services in ones own currency can potentially attract the wrong kind of attention to oneself and / or result in potentially paying more unnecessarily. Again some guys don't care about that.

D Cups
02-08-18, 16:32
Thanks Old Kool. I appreciate it! Maybe it's time for me to head back to the Sue. Signed,

Professor de Pechos QUOTE=OldKool;2138498] have an upgrade for the board. The place had a pool off street parking very clean. However it is next to playa Chiquita which is just out of walking distance. I was given a good contact for sosua rentals that should serve you well. 1809 710 0894, Franzisa Bulls She manages several very nice properties in Sosua In your honor I hit a 38 dd, She was young and cute with nice set. I will emai you a picture. / QUOTE]

02-08-18, 17:52
Just tell me what in the hell possessed you to want to hit and ugly girl. She looks like a cross between Patrick Ewing and aunt Esther and that made your dick hard? Which part the aunt Esther part or Patrick Ewing part? Man DC you were on other shit. Jajajaja.She was thicka than a snicka.

02-08-18, 20:20
Uber from the beach to the airport would be less than $3 usd. The trouble is finding a car. It's not developed in DR.

02-08-18, 20:39
Negotiations with chicas have been covered in the forum. You can reach out to friends for advice also. Wearing flashy designer stuff like Jordans and air maxes like young NYer attract the wrong attention from humble people. Some guys equate to prices back home or have to have a dream or trophy bang. Some guys have no problem blowing their income tax. I'm good with arithmetic so I will pay in the most advantageous currency. Survey the scene and gurus. Guys who have solid negotiation skills should fare well after practicing on a few chicas.

02-08-18, 22:28
I saw that 1 sale a day has unlocked phones for 39.99 or 2000 pesos. Thinking about picking up a few for the chicas. Always running into some that don't have a phone. A cellphone for TLN may work as opposed to 2000 pesos.


02-08-18, 22:58
I saw that 1 sale a day has unlocked phones for 39.99 or 2000 pesos. Thinking about picking up a few for the chicas. Always running into some that don't have a phone. A cellphone for TLN may work as opposed to 2000 pesos.

Thoughts?That only works if the Chica really needs a phone. I like plugging them into the matrix when they need it. Remember money trumps all. I usually give options. ST 1000 if you're malo 1500 regular if you are good more. That can lead to 2000 pesos or a phone or in some cases both. I pay per performance. I see you're a lot like me. Even though I wouldn't session with Patrick Ewing. It's not about how pretty the chica looks. It's about the performance in the bedroom. 10's and 9's beauty queens are often overrated.

I used to tell my friends when they first get there. First you're going to have sex with the chicas of your dreams, then you're going to look for someone you can have fun with in bed.

02-09-18, 00:16
The gym is around 250 pesos a day or 600 for the week. Most days it closes around 9. On Saturday it closes at 1. It is on the top floor above the casino at the entrance to the beach.

02-09-18, 00:22
The reason against doing it is because most people are going to rip themselves off. I completely understand your view point. Your South African Rand was an interesting example but the DR economy (in contrast to your example) is very heavily dollar denominated. Petroleum is traded in dollars (one of their biggest expenses), Tourism income is in dollars (although I am sure Euro counts as well) and all the repatriation of DR emigres are primarily in dollars. No wonder people are so familiar with the USD and that would help any tourist to manage without looking for a bank late at night. So my point was precise and the field very circumscribed: If I get to the DR (SDQ or STI or POP) late at night with no local money in pocket, can I get by with dollars? The answer is a clear "yes". I can pay the right amount if I have the right breakdown of the currency (and can count) without getting ripped off and the day after I can go to change my money into the local currency.

02-09-18, 02:21
I made my maiden trip. Very impressive specimens. If I was rich it would take me 2 weeks to knock off my faves. Considering transport I won't be frequenting. Drinks or cheap and I prefer the girls wear lingerie. Probably worth it if you get GFE and lots of time. I think I saw some of the girls freelancing on Clisante. Perfectly happy paying 1500 to 3 k for a 8 instead of 6 k for a dime.

02-09-18, 02:50
That only works if the Chica really needs a phone. I like plugging them into the matrix when they need it. Remember money trumps all. I usually give options. ST 1000 if you're malo 1500 regular if you are good more. That can lead to 2000 pesos or a phone or in some cases both. I pay per performance. I see you're a lot like me. Even though I wouldn't session with Patrick Ewing. It's not about how pretty the chica looks. It's about the performance in the bedroom. 10's and 9's beauty queens are often overrated.

I used to tell my friends when they first get there. First you're going to have sex with the chicas of your dreams, then you're going to look for someone you can have fun with in bed.Tru that, Cash is king. I just like using different baits when I hunt, pesos, dresses, perfumes, panties, this was just another thing to add to my tackle box. You got to put me on to the hair game that's next level.

Also true about the "chicas of your dreams" I went there on my first trip. Girl is gorgeous and sweet but too dang money hungry but I was young and dumb and fed her too well. She started asking for money for her kids clothes and tuition. Still would see her (I'll post pic) she does not look like one of Ewings kids LOL.

The best one I had was a student from SD, can do this thing with her coochie and at only 22! I snuck money in her bag one day and when she got home and found it was mad that I did that. Has never asked me for money in 6 months that I have know her. Only problem with the one's that don't want money is that they are looking for a husband. Been there done that. Its cheaper to rent or use Uber (had to sneak that in) as opposed to buying a car.

02-09-18, 02:50
So far I can't get the cuties below 1500.

Mr Enternational
02-09-18, 03:23
I saw that 1 sale a day has unlocked phones for 39.99 or 2000 pesos. Thinking about picking up a few for the chicas. Always running into some that don't have a phone. A cellphone for TLN may work as opposed to 2000 pesos.

Thoughts?You go to work and your boss tries to pay you with a cell phone. Will that work for you, when you had a long list of things you needed from Walmart? Why go through the trouble of finding cell phones to buy then giving them to chicks that have to find someone to sell it to when you could have just given her money and let her buy what she needed. It is the same as giving stuff to the needy. Don't buy coats and toys, just give the money for the people or organization to buy what is needed.

Most people these days have a phone anyway. And if they haven't been able to afford getting one, chances are they won't be able to afford keeping credit on it. The good thing about mongering is that you don't need gimmicks or lures as you do with a regular chick; all you have to do is show up with money. Plus money is easier to carry than all that other stuff.

02-09-18, 05:20
You go to work and your boss tries to pay you with a cell phone. Will that work for you, when you had a long list of things you needed from Walmart? Why go through the trouble of finding cell phones to buy then giving them to chicks that have to find someone to sell it to when you could have just given her money and let her buy what she needed. It is the same as giving stuff to the needy. Don't buy coats and toys, .Duly noted, though your logic seems flawed to me. Of course I wouldn't take a cell phone, but first and foremost because its value is less than what would be owed to me. A somewhat better argument would be if someone was going to finish my basement for say $5000 but I also know they need a work van and I happen to have one that is worth say $6000. I make them the offer of either the van or the cash, but it is their choice.

That is what I am giving them a choice. Straight pesos (2000) or a phone that may be worth say 2500 to them.

As far as the needy (homeless), I don't give them cash, they don't need cash, they need the things that cash can bring them. Clothing, food, shelter. A homeless man that needs a coat, would be far better off with warm coat that I no longer want than 20 bucks.

Just trying to spark a different conversation than the normal, who loves Sosua, who hates Sosua, who's trolling who and who's calling who out.

We all have our ways what works, works.

Mr Enternational
02-09-18, 06:27
Duly noted, though your logic seems flawed to me. Of course I wouldn't take a cell phone, but first and foremost because its value is less than what would be owed to me.Not flawed at all. Your rate is $50/ hour and your boss tries to push a $150 cell phone off on you for working 3 hours, when you had overdue utility bills and a bare cupboard at home. Neither Sosua Luz nor La Sirena accepts cell phones as payment. Money was invented because not everyone was in the market for a cell phone, left boot, used alternator, etc as payment.

As far as the needy (homeless), I don't give them cash, they don't need cash, they need the things that cash can bring them. Clothing, food, shelter. A homeless man that needs a coat, would be far better off with warm coat that I no longer want than 20 bucks.We are all needy. That is why we go to work to get money to exchange for things that we know will fullfill our personal needs. In Cuba the people go to work and the government gives them the things that they suppose they need. I just gave a homeless guy a goose down coat. 2 hours later he broke out in a rash because he did not know the coat was filled with real bird feathers. Instead of trying to use my inept wisdom and proclaim what another person needed, I should have given them the cash and let them go at it themselves because who would know better than them what goods or services they themselves needed?

Just trying to spark a different conversation than the normal, who loves Sosua, who hates Sosua, who's trolling who and who's calling who out.You definitely did that. I laughed myself to sleep with that Patrick Ewing, Aunt Esther deal. It just goes to show that as guys we can find one thing that we like about a chick and roll with that. Sometimes I go out and choose a chick just because of the hairdo that she has.

Mr Gogo
02-09-18, 07:28
Not flawed at all. Your rate is $50/ hour and your boss tries to push a $150 cell phone off on you for working 3 hours, when you had overdue utility bills and a bare cupboard at home. Neither Sosua Luz nor La Sirena accepts cell phones as payment. Money was invented because not everyone was in the market for a cell phone, left boot, used alternator, etc as payment.

We are all needy. That is why we go to work to get money to exchange for things that we know will fullfill our personal needs. In Cuba the people go to work and the government gives them the things that they suppose they need. I just gave a homeless guy a goose down coat. 2 hours later he broke out in a rash because he did not know the coat was filled with real bird feathers. Instead of trying to use my inept wisdom and proclaim what another person needed, I should have given them the cash and let them go at it themselves because who would know better than them what goods or services they themselves needed?

You definitely did that. I laughed myself to sleep with that Patrick Ewing, Aunt Esther deal. It just goes to show that as guys we can find one thing that we like about a chick and roll with that. Sometimes I go out and choose a chick just because of the hairdo that she has.I understand what the homie is saying. I often give homeless people food and clothing because I'm more in control of their needs than their wants when its MY money. They might want cash for drugs so what use is it to contribute to their wants (drugs). IMO you are really contributing to something they might want verses something they might need when giving cash.

As far as the dresses and phones, it shows a creative side that most guys don't present. Understand when you are dealing with working girls you are dealing with girls who know how to hustle so sometimes having gifts and not cash taps into their hustle side. They can manage those gifts better then they can manage cash, plus the hustle in them makes them curious about what else is there. In a way you see a side of them that cash won't present. Personally I like to see the girls eyes light up like Christmas when I tell them I have a gift and tell them look there. Cash is more business like, gifts are more personal.

Another advantage is it breaks the ice. Seeing her eyes light up and having her try on the dresses gives you an insight on them and lets you see the loose. I remember in Cuba and me and my girl went to Grownmans crib in Cuba and he had ten dresses laid out neatly. My girl saw those dresses and grabbed her face with excitement. I stepped back and enjoyed the moment, happy for her but Grownman was licking his chops knowing he was going to get a show. She stripped down to her underwear and tried on every dress and even let us take pictures as she was enjoying her " Top model moment". Damn Grownman has more pictures of my girl than I do LOL.

02-09-18, 07:37
Pretty much all the supposed top notch girls that work at said establishments can be approached outside. Got a Classic girl for 2 k. Apparently weekend warriors want to pay an inflated surcharge for the same girl I saw on Clisante a hour before. Competition is stiff for the girls. The working girls seem to come from the same source. I rather parking lot pimp a 7.5+ for 2 k. The 200Rd entrance to go upstairs isn't necessary unless your an alcoholic or like popping bottles and dancing. I'm an opportunist. The girls angle is a horn dog with a wallet full of pesos don't want to go home alone with bluebells hard balling over 500 pesos when he know that girl has the optics he likes. I'm picky but with over 200 girls I can find 5 to 10 chicas who gets the excitement and juices flowing.

02-09-18, 11:28
Duly noted, though your logic seems flawed to me. Of course I wouldn't take a cell phone, but first and foremost because its value is less than what would be owed to me. A somewhat better argument would be if someone was going to finish my basement for say $5000 but I also know they need a work van and I happen to have one that is worth say $6000. I make them the offer of either the van or the cash, but it is their choice.

That is what I am giving them a choice. That's a slam-dunk! I see you have been having a session with Patrick Ewing again. Let's say a pack of hair runs me $43 dollars. The value of that hair retails in the DR runs for about 4000- 5000 pesos. If a Chica needs hair what do you think she's going to choose.
My top distributor used to tell me baby give me two packs of hair so I can sell. She would prefer this over money. After three days of sessions Instead of giving her 4000 pesos; I give her two packs of hair. She can easily make up to 10,000 pesos because the chicas she sells the hair to may not have all the money. And has to pay her back in small increments until she reached 10,000 pesos.
We must remember that the DR is all about bargaining. In our culture cash is the Dominant bargaining tool when we need something. We don't have time to play the bargaining game. At least not on the level they play. This is why after a street vendor notice you might like his product and gives you his over exaggerated price. You say hell no! He then will asked you well "how much will you give me"? He knows it's not about the item or how much he paid. It's how much you want or need what he has to offer so he can maximize its profit.

02-09-18, 13:08
I completely understand your view point. Your South African Rand was an interesting example but the DR economy (in contrast to your example) is very heavily dollar denominated. Petroleum is traded in dollars (one of their biggest expenses), Tourism income is in dollars (although I am sure Euro counts as well) and all the repatriation of DR emigres are primarily in dollars. No wonder people are so familiar with the USD and that would help any tourist to manage without looking for a bank late at night. So my point was precise and the field very circumscribed: If I get to the DR (SDQ or STI or POP) late at night with no local money in pocket, can I get by with dollars? The answer is a clear "yes". I can pay the right amount if I have the right breakdown of the currency (and can count) without getting ripped off and the day after I can go to change my money into the local currency.I realized something following your exchange with Mr E. He may or may not have realized it. But you made a straw man argument when you said you disagreed with him. You implied that he said USD was unacceptable to use.

But that assessment of his position is not accurate in the context he was using. The emphasis of his post wasnt that USD was unacceptable, or that you can't get by using USD. Mr E's focus was on the benefits of using local currency, what locals expect, and to avoid ripping oneself off.

A poster asked this question and he responded to it.

3. Are people accepting dollars and what denominations are preferable ? Would a stack of singles be useful for tipping and bus/public transport ?.

In that question, there was no emphasis on can somebody use USD until they can exchange money. Or because it's late at night and the banks are closed. It was a general question about people accepting dollars and what denomination would be preferable. , and would a stack of singles be useful for tipping / public transport?

And Mr E's answer reflected a general response to what was asked, emphasizing that locals are not necessarily looking to be paid in USD. So in essence there is no need to concern oneself about what preferred denomination of USD one should carry. Nor is there a need to have a stack of singles on hand to tip or pay for transport. The poster reading can take the info and decide for himself what he chooses to do with it. Some guys might assimilate what was provided as survival guide, or how to blend in type of info. Points you made are helpful too. But it is in addition to what Mr E provided.

So when you talked about using USD because one may not have exchanged money yet. Or mentioned how you use USD to tip etc, you changed the focus from what Mr E and the poster was discussing to something else.

I'm sure Mr E or any logical person would use whatever currency they had until they could exchange money. So based on that, Mr E's focus and yours do not match. So I do not see a disagreement, I see a difference in perspectives being addressed.

Now if the poster asked, is it ok to use USD until such time one can exchange money, and he says, "NO WAY" Then you can say you and him disagree. But him discussing apples, and you interpreting his response as oranges, is not a disagreement.

Another thing guys can get from this, it's a good idea to save pesos so you can be better prepared once you return.

02-09-18, 13:38
Not flawed at all. Your rate is $50/ hour and your boss tries to push a $150 cell phone off on you for working 3 hours, when you had overdue utility bills and a bare cupboard at home. Neither Sosua Luz nor La Sirena accepts cell phones as payment. My final thoughts on this.

I see where you're going but my boss can't pay me less because I am an employee. A chica that you meet on the strip on in a club is NOT your employee. True a chica and an employee both perform a service for some compensation but that is where the similarity ends. An employee is much more.

The definition of an employee is "An individual who works part-time or full-time under a contract of employment, whether oral or written, express or implied, and has recognized rights and duties. " Most would also add that an employee works for an agreed upon wage or salary.

A chica has no contract with you when you meet her and she has no recognized duties, her duties could include a HJ, sex or whatever she agrees to at that time. Finally there is no agreed upon wage. In the forum I have seen people say that get what they want from "free" to paying in the 1000's of pesos.

If I had described a scenario where I promised a chica (entered into a verbal contract) 1000 (wage) for a BJ (duties) and then told her I was only going to pay her 750 pesos or give her a dress instead then you comparison would be completely on point.

I won't even go into why money was invented.

Thanks for your opinion. Its refreshing to see people can agree to have differing views on this board without getting personal.

02-09-18, 14:34
Not flawed at all. Your rate is $50/ hour and your boss tries to push a $150 cell phone off on you for working 3 hours, when you had overdue utility bills and a bare cupboard at home. Neither Sosua Luz nor La Sirena accepts cell phones as payment. Money was invented because not everyone was in the market for a cell phone, left boot, used alternator, etc as payment.

My final thoughts on this.

If I had described a scenario where I promised a chica (entered into a verbal contract) 1000 (wage) for a BJ (duties) and then told her I was only going to pay her 750 pesos or give her a dress instead then you comparison would be completely on point.DcGogo

That is what I am giving them a choice. Straight pesos (2000) or a phone that may be worth say 2500 to them..

I can see how easy it is to get lost in our analogies. But if I am reading both of you correctly: DcGogo is saying he may offer a chica something she may value in lieu of cash? DcGogo is saying he is giving the chica a choice.

I think Mr E's position is leaning more towards addressing what was the original agreement/expectation between parties? The emphasis here is on what the original agreement is / was. So if the agreement is 2000 pesos, why is a guy now breaking out with a phone (or whatever item) for her to choose from? That or cash?

For instance. If the agreement was 2000 pesos for a session. At the end of the session, 2000 pesos is expected to be rendered. And if a phone or some other item was going to be used in lieu or in addition to cash, then perhaps that could have been discussed from the beginning.

But to bring that up after services were rendered might be an issue for someone expecting cash. One could appear suspect, belatedly offering something not previously discussed or negotiated. So, IMO, The issue here is about the timing of when a chica is being given a choice of cash or an item in lieu of cash in contrast to what the original agreement was /is.

I can see the situation from many angles. One, giving the chica the choice of a phone (or other item in lieu of cash) and a chica accepting it, as a win / win. And I can also see a chica potentially being offended or put off if it appeared a guy was trying to get out of paying what was originally agreed (cash). And she absolutely did not need or want the other choices.

So perhaps, giving a chica extra choices for compensation before services are rendered might be better than giving her choices after her services were provided (especially when being paid cash was expected and / or agreed upon.).

Mr Enternational
02-09-18, 15:25
I think Mr E's position is leaning more towards addressing what was the original agreement/expectation between parties? The emphasis here is on what the original agreement is / was.I am just saying the reason chicks to sell their bodies in Sosua is to get money. I understand Dc is saying he is going to see from the jump if a chick will take a cheap phone that he brought instead of money. I know he is not going to agree to give her money then try to change the deal after the fact. Like Grown Man said, if they accept something that you paid less for, but in their eyes is worth as much as the cash payment they would receive, then fair exchange is no robbery.

What will be a robbery is if he puts them in his checked luggage and they go missing before he gets it back. Or depending on how many he brings, DR Customs gets a whiff and makes him pay duty on them. I never heard of someone saying this happened in DR, but if he was to bring so many whatevers into places like Brazil or Peru where Customs don't bullshit around it may be more trouble than it's worth.

02-09-18, 16:25
DR Customs gets a whiff and makes him pay duty on them. I never heard of someone saying this happened in DR, but if he was to bring so many whatevers into places like Brazil or Peru where Customs don't bullshit around it may be more trouble than it's worth.This has happened 3 times with guys I know. 2 of whom here actually selling the phones in the DR. Customs held one for a 12,000 pesos tax and the other for 15000 pesos. The other guy had hair and argued them down to 3000 pesos.

I will share a secret. It's better to have in your jacket pockets than your luggage.

02-09-18, 16:29
That's a slam-dunk! I see you have been having a session with Patrick Ewing again. Yall going to stop calling shorty Patrick Ewing LOL. She just LOOKED liked she could be his love child. I'll post some pictures of some chicas in the fotos section and you see if you can tell which one I'm talking about.

Hopefully you can, as she's been the only questionable one. But her looks my grow on you kinda like if you visit the zoo and you say "Aww that baby baboon is soooo cute".

02-09-18, 16:41
I thought about something some of us can relate to. In some colmados or supermercados (as an example) , sometimes they are short pesos at the register. And upon giving you your change, they come up short. And may voluntarily give you pieces of candy rather than paying you the pesos they owe you. At that point they are not giving you a choice, they are making the choice for you. Some folks I talked to, do not like when locals do that, even though we are only talking about a few pesos. What sets some folks off, is that they may be regular customers.

And figure, why can't the store accept being short a few pesos, rather than the customer? In other words, don't give me candy instead of my change, give me my correct change or the store takes the loss of a few pesos. Even if you ask a customer will they accept candy instead of their correct change, that could be construed as an insult. The store certainly wouldn't accept candy if a customer were short. Most stores will wait while you rifle through your pockets or purses to make up the difference of what you owe. But when the store comes up short, the store is still required to pay them what is owed. And if they can do it, then they shouldn't be offering them candy instead of their money.

Their choice of giving a person candy instead of their correct change is suspect IMO. Knowing this potential, whenever I go to the grocery store, I usually have enough change / pesos as backup just in case they "run out" of pesos and can't give me my correct change.

Another area is using motoconchos. Many guys have been faced with having to pay for a moto but did not have change. And enough moto drivers use that to their advantage. They will claim they don't have change. Some hoping they will be rewarded with more than the fare.

The moto might have been hired to transport a chica to a guys place, and even the chica won't try to help by paying with pesos she probably has in her purse or pocket. So a guy should be prepared ahead of time, by having adequate pesos in denominations for small purchases and services. Don't expect the locals to be eager to compensate or accommodate us because we were unprepared. Generally speaking, locals are more likely to be proactive depending on who it benefits? If there is something in it for them, a local might do what it takes to make it happen.

And that is why guys need to be careful seeking help / information from locals, without knowing (or taking into consideration) if that local expects to be compensated. Example: You are lost. Moto driver offers to escort you to your destination. He leaves his post to help you. Once there, you realize he expects to be compensated for helping you. You would look pretty stupid finding out you only have large bills. Not to mention never discussing with the driver what he expected to get paid for helping you.

It's not important in every case, but it is a good practice to ask what they want for their help. Most locals will be reasonable. A few could turn out to be dickheads and ask for something ridiculous (like 500 to 1000 pesos). So be prepared to kick out 50 to 100 pesos to locals who you solicit help from or they offer to help.

I keep 2 100 peso bills in my visor of my car just in case I am stopped by Police Nacionals looking for a propina. I politely attempt to talk myself out of coughing up pesos initially, but if it gets sticky, I offer the pesos in my visor so I don't have to fumble through my pockets or show them where my money is on my person. So far the money is still there, because me sticking to speaking english and pretending not to understand them fully , usually results in them losing interest in detaining me.

02-09-18, 17:08
This has happened 3 times with guys I know. 2 of whom here actually selling the phones in the DR. Customs held one for a 12,000 pesos tax and the other for 15000 pesos. The other guy had hair and argued them down to 3000 pesos.

I will share a secret. It's better to have in your jacket pockets than your luggage.I didn't know about hair until recently. The rep from my Parcel / Mail courier service in Sosua, said that people who order hair or have hair shipped, have to pay taxes on that hair when it goes through customs in Santo Domingo. Apparently, Dominicans realized that hair is such a hot item, they could collect millions in pesos by putting a tax on it. I was also advised that some phone parts that are ordered may be taxed as well.

02-09-18, 20:38
The exchange rate at Classic is 20% less than other places. They give a cool 40:1. Not a big deal if you buy 1 drink and admission. They definitely prey on the gringo.

02-10-18, 08:31
The chicas have demanded 500 pesos more once in the room with rookies. A lot of girls are from the barrio and light on ethics. This obviously makes the DR less attractive compared to other hot spots. Someone asked about this and was ridiculed and mocked. The only solution to this is to not return to the DR or not repeat with your deal breaker. Negotiating with the girls is not fun especially when they are backtracking on their agreements. After surveying the scene 2 k is fair to a 7-8. I have came under the impression not to let quibbling over 500 pesos ruin your trip / night because it is very time consuming and you may miss out on few girls because negotiations stalled. Prices are inflated because Sosua is a small incubated tourist trap that have girls flock from all over Hispaniola. I suspect some guys shorten their trips so they can have concentrated fun. For instance if they have 3 k to spend on a trip they would prefer to spend $600 a day for 5 days rather than $300 a day for 10 days. I like Sosua much better than SDQ. Another tactic is a passable girl will have a hot friend and they will try to lock you in a 2:1 deal. For instance you like the friend and you are under the impression they are not truly bi and you will not get a true menage a trois you may say I will hire your friend I fancy for 2 k. That's when the aggressive ordinary friend may say hire us both for 3 k. Not a bad deal but you have 4 hands you have to worry about when chica proofing your room and in reality it is less work for the girls because you are balancing one nut between two partners.

02-10-18, 11:44
The chicas have demanded 500 pesos more once in the room with rookies. A lot of girls are from the barrio and light on ethics. This obviously makes the DR less attractive compared to other hot spots. Someone asked about this and was ridiculed and mocked. The only solution to this is to not return to the DR or not repeat with your deal breaker. Negotiating with the girls is not fun especially when they are backtracking on their agreements. After surveying the scene 2 k is fair to a 7-8. I have came under the impression not to let quibbling over 500 pesos ruin your trip / night because it is very time consuming and you may miss out on few girls because negotiations stalled. Prices are inflated because Sosua is a small incubated tourist trap that have girls flock from all over Hispaniola. I suspect some guys shorten their trips so they can have concentrated fun. For instance if they have 3 k to spend on a trip they would prefer to spend $600 a day for 5 days rather than $300 a day for 10 days. I like Sosua much better than SDQ. Another tactic is a passable girl will have a hot friend and they will try to lock you in a 2:1 deal. For instance you like the friend and you are under the impression they are not truly bi and you will not get a true menage a trois you may say I will hire your friend I fancy for 2 k. That's when the aggressive ordinary friend may say hire us both for 3 k. Not a bad deal but you have 4 hands you have to worry about when chica proofing your room and in reality it is less work for the girls because you are balancing one nut between two partners.She goes up on the price is 500 pesos! I called his tactic checking for your nuts. Yes the Chicas just had a session with them but she doesn't know if the rookies have nuts. So what they do is go up on the price 500 pesos after the session is over to check. A lot of guys will fall. Assuming they paid and not saying what the rookies did was wrong cool but the puntas are hoping for this. They may only share the secrets to her other amigas because she knows you're not going to repeat with her. She doesn't care she's going back on the strip for more money. Maybe she'll catch another Rookie.

It's not that the guy are weak it's just we are on vacation and don't have time to argue about $12. Victory goes to the aggressive patient one. She would have never tried this tactic with anyone other than a Gringo. Amongst each other, Price agreed is the price indeed. That is the rule of trade which is a big part of their Culture.

I have one of my partners had a Chica that he sessioned before for 2000 pesos one trip. He liked her and he assumes she did the same because they kept in contact. When he session with her again on a different trip she said her price had went up 500 pesos after they finished. I was a little ticked when he said he gave in.

First, the greatest gift you can ever give these puntas (besides free money) is a repeat session. I told him he should've told her his price had went down 500 pesos gave her the 1500 and let her argue back for 2000. At least she would have walked away with her 2000 and respect for him.

Listen new guys. There's a reason why cool said this happened to the rookies. Because most chicas won't try a vet like that. There's a reason why she asked you all of those questions like where you staying, how long you been here, how long you going to be here, is this your first time and etc. She is sizing you up. That's if her amigas haven't gave her a rundown on your group already. They will point out the new guy and then try him to see if he has any nuts.

Cool you brought up another point I always mention. Stop thinking happy hour means puntas are going to be pleasing each other. Unless you are actually getting two Dykes or you go over the particulars of Happy Hour don't assume shit. And even though we have a dykecdemic (dyke epidemic) here in the US, most chicas don't get down like that. Most of these chicas just want their amigas to get some money with them. They plan on licking on their amigas like you plan on licking on your road dog if why'all ran a train.

Stop trying to make these working girls Dykes. Or make sure their Dykes when you agree to Happy Hour.

Dominicana's respect masculinity and confidence. You don't believe me just check out the Dominican. He's not to be played with when it comes to his money and his woman respect him for that. You can't take a passive position when dealing with them or they will run you over. And Happy Hour put both of those puntas on the bed in the Position you want them to be in. Tell them to stay there into your ready for them. You'll be surprised how well they listen to you before you Exchange money for services.

In Boca Chica I had two girls offer me Happy Hour. They wanted 1500 pesos a piece. And even though I have session with 1 I did not jump on them. I told them I only 2000 pesos for one session. Not 3000 pesos for one session. 2000 That's it period. Observing my demeanor agreed they were willing to take the 2000 pesos and share it. I still passed it up! But I got their numbers.

02-10-18, 11:57
I keep 2 100 peso bills in my visor of my car just in case I am stopped by Police Nacionals looking for a propina. I politely attempt to talk myself out of coughing up pesos initially, but if it gets sticky, I offer the pesos in my visor so I don't have to fumble through my pockets or show them where my money is on my person. So far the money is still there, because me sticking to speaking english and pretending not to understand them fully , usually results in them losing interest in detaining me.We always put our spare change in the ash tray. It's for toll and police officers whom have more time to detain us than we have to stall them saying we have no money or Don’t understand. There's nothing worse than opening up your Wallet full of vacation money trying to chump him off a small tip. I wouldn't let me slide giving me 200 pesos.

02-10-18, 15:23
Cash is more business like, gifts are more personal.An excellent summary!

Starting a conversation with "how much" and going on to define the steps of performance in bed thereafter, with a complete stranger is the nemesis of the so-called GFE experience. Using other tricks, be it gift or food or other stuff, often changes the dynamic and the experience (perhaps) more rewarding. Of course if the gift is of sizable "perceived" value, it is a dilemma between cash and gift Vs. Cash or gift. In general, I would agree that cash is more important to the women but a much needed gift can have a definite impact as well, speaking from personal experience.

02-10-18, 16:45
My principle is always pre negotiate before taking a girl. Girls may still ask more than the negotiated rate but generally once agreed they tend to accept. Most girls do not want the drama because word certainly gets around in a small town if they threaten you.

I have had good fun in Sousa. I tend to do other things if the girl is GFE like going on day trips etc. I do rent a car always. Gives me the mobility I require and girls are impressed too. One girl had her mom in the hospital for some operation and I took her to get her mom. She was more than grateful. Certain minor things you do for them goes a long way rather than wham bam TY.

02-10-18, 22:23
My principle is always pre negotiate before taking a girl. Girls may still ask more than the negotiated rate but generally once agreed they tend to accept. Most girls do not want the drama because word certainly gets around in a small town if they threaten you.

I have had good fun in Sousa. I tend to do other things if the girl is GFE like going on day trips etc. I do rent a car always. Gives me the mobility I require and girls are impressed too. One girl had her mom in the hospital for some operation and I took her to get her mom. She was more than grateful. Certain minor things you do for them goes a long way rather than wham bam TY.This is good advice, something one must do in Tijuana. I haven't been in a freelance situation in a very long time so I was considering changing my approach a little to a more casual one. However after reevaluating, the Tijuana approach seems more reasonable. Always negotiate services and money before. Payment is never ever made up front.

There is a saying in Mexico. Mariachi pagado antes toca mal. IMO the only defense a monger has in getting what they want is negotiating up front and withholding the money until the session is completed. I know some guys like a more GFE approach and to let things happen naturally. That could work for some guys in certain situations but I'd rather come across as a hard ass at first then ease up after business is settled. After all it is a business deal.

D Cups
02-11-18, 00:25
This is true. When I give a chica an expensive perfume or sexy lacy bra from USA they love it. And when I play guitar for them and give them a romantic CD of myself to them was it is que bueno. Cash is good but cash plus es mejor. Especially if it is personal. Cheers.

An excellent summary!

Starting a conversation with "how much" and going on to define the steps of performance in bed thereafter, with a complete stranger is the nemesis of the so-called GFE experience. Using other tricks, be it gift or food or other stuff, often changes the dynamic and the experience (perhaps) more rewarding. Of course if the gift is of sizable "perceived" value, it is a dilemma between cash and gift Vs. Cash or gift. In general, I would agree that cash is more important to the women but a much needed gift can have a definite impact as well, speaking from personal experience.

Charles Pooter
02-11-18, 02:09
Mariachi pagado antes toca mal. Useful tip. I will remember that next time I see a mariachi on Pedro Clisante.

Mr Enternational
02-11-18, 05:05
This is good advice, something one must do in Tijuana. I haven't been in a freelance situation in a very long time so I was considering changing my approach a little to a more casual one. However after reevaluating, the Tijuana approach seems more reasonable. Always negotiate services and money before. Payment is never ever made up front.

There is a saying in Mexico. Mariachi pagado antes toca mal. IMO the only defense a monger has in getting what they want is negotiating up front and withholding the money until the session is completed.That means shit in Sosua. Those chicks will tell you anything to get you into the room. Once I took a picture of a chick before I took her to the room. She asked why I wanted to take her picture. I said in case you start some trouble. You think that stopped that bich from causing trouble? WRONG! WRONG! We are talking about Sosua here man. Ain't you heard about the scorpion and the frog? Well you are the frog and Sosua hookers are the scorpions.

I'm not saying there are no good apples there, but your chances of coming across a bad one is much higher than other places. Like you said, even in TJ if you negotiated it in the deal then you are good to go, but if there is something you did not negotiate then that is on you and you are at her mercy. In Sosua, although you negotiated A-F, don't be surprised if you only come away with A, C, D, and F while she comes away with 500 additional pesos. LOL.

02-11-18, 07:03
That means shit in Sosua. Those chicks will tell you anything to get you into the room. Once I took a picture of a chick before I took her to the room. She asked why I wanted to take her picture. I said in case you start some trouble. You think that stopped that bich from causing trouble? WRONG! WRONG! We are talking about Sosua here man. Ain't you heard about the scorpion and the frog? Well you are the frog and Sosua hookers are the scorpions.

I'm not saying there are no good apples there, but your chances of coming across a bad one is much higher than other places. Like you said, even in TJ if you negotiated it in the deal then you are good to go, but if there is something you did not negotiate then that is on you and you are at her mercy. In Sosua, although you negotiated A-F, don't be surprised if you only come away with A, C, D, and F while she comes away with 500 additional pesos. LOL.Looks and race play a big deal in Sosua. You can probably get away being 50 if you take care of yourself. Don't be a poorly dressed out of shape arrogant guy. A handsome fit 6 foot 2 young fit guy will probably get more mileage from high demand chicas unless the less attractive omega is kinder and more generous or has a history with girls. Look for the humble girl trying to make ends meet instead of the young Hottie trying to siphon quick Jordan money. Chica fuego can rebuff low offers because they feel they can meet their quota before midnight or have Western Union boyfriends who sponsor them so all they have to do is hang out with their amigas.

02-11-18, 07:17
That means shit in Sosua. Those chicks will tell you anything to get you into the room. Once I took a picture of a chick before I took her to the room. She asked why I wanted to take her picture. I said in case you start some trouble. You think that stopped that bich from causing trouble? WRONG! WRONG! We are talking about Sosua here man. Ain't you heard about the scorpion and the frog? Well you are the frog and Sosua hookers are the scorpions.

I'm not saying there are no good apples there, but your chances of coming across a bad one is much higher than other places. Like you said, even in TJ if you negotiated it in the deal then you are good to go, but if there is something you did not negotiate then that is on you and you are at her mercy. In Sosua, although you negotiated A-F, don't be surprised if you only come away with A, C, D, and F while she comes away with 500 additional pesos. LOL.Tijuana is vastly different because a girl can build regulars. Commuting regularly from NY is cost prohibitive for lower middle class. The Dominicanas know who is local, expat, and tourist. Unless the girls get use to seeing me 4 trips a year; 75% will not care about a repeat. I'm not t a thirsty type that gas chick's up and go for the all night right off the back in the DR. The girls see me as a stranger with the opportunity to earn 1500% local wages in a short amount of time. Sosua is pathetically small so I would rather not wife up a chick for a week.

02-13-18, 00:25
Learning the ropes I spent 240% my daily budget my first 2 days. Now that the learning curve has adjusted and the weekend has ended my expenses have come back to Earth. Weekdays are slow as molasses for Chica selection on Clisante. For mass F$ckers I recommend grabbing your top 4 selections your first weekend night because you may not see her again for a few days. Food wise the Sue is overpriced. I went to Bourbon Street and adult drinks can run $7+ usd. The drinks are good at bourbon. St. The food is less tasty as Popeye's back home but a simple plate can run you $20+ The best meal I had so far was a fish plate at the end of the beach for over 1000 pesos. Only way around it would be preparing your meals. The bargain menu at restaurant can get old quick. We are 4 hours of rain a day this week which doesn't help things.

02-13-18, 02:17
Learning the ropes I spent 240% my daily budget my first 2 days. Now that the learning curve has adjusted and the weekend has ended my expenses have come back to Earth. Weekdays are slow as molasses for Chica selection on Clisante. For mass F$ckers I recommend grabbing your top 4 selections your first weekend night because you may not see her again for a few days. Food wise the Sue is overpriced. I went to Bourbon Street and adult drinks can run $7+ usd. The drinks are good at bourbon. St. The food is less tasty as Popeye's back home but a simple plate can run you $20+ The best meal I had so far was a fish plate at the end of the beach for over 1000 pesos. Only way around it would be preparing your meals. The bargain menu at restaurant can get old quick. We are 4 hours of rain a day this week which doesn't help things.Yo cool where the hell in the Su are you? Plates running you $20 in Bourbon Street? Over 1000 pesos for fish? No wonder you went past your budget. I haven't seen close to those prices and I was there 3 months ago. Average price at Bourbon Street 400 pesos. Average price for fish 450 pesos. I will admit I hadn't been Bourbon but 4 times last year.

02-13-18, 02:40
Yo cool where the hell in the Su are you? Plates running you $20 in Bourbon Street? Over 1000 pesos for fish? No wonder you went past your budget. I haven't seen close to those prices and I was there 3 months ago. Average price at Bourbon Street 400 pesos. Average price for fish 450 pesos. I will admit I hadn't been Bourbon but 4 times last year.I will post pics of menu next time. Most entrees over 500 pesos.

02-13-18, 06:11
Here is an attempt to show Chez Mon Real pricing. I'm assuming burgers don't include fries and drinks.

02-13-18, 18:57
Yo cool where the hell in the Su are you? Plates running you $20 in Bourbon Street? Over 1000 pesos for fish? No wonder you went past your budget. I haven't seen close to those prices and I was there 3 months ago. Average price at Bourbon Street 400 pesos. Average price for fish 450 pesos. I will admit I hadn't been Bourbon but 4 times last year.After all of the years I have been enjoying Sosua you are right on when you say the food is overpriced. I personally do no eat at Bourbon Street just because of the price. I also agree with you on the quality of food once prepared and I go hog wild with the chicas on the first couple of days until I settle in and get my head together (no pun intended) and back on budget. Got to be careful. There is great fish place on the main hwy. Across from where Caribe Tours stops by Charimico, you get to pick your fish from the cooler and the price is decent. There are other places on the main drag down the street if you want take a walk to eat. Of Bailey's has the Dominican buffet which is reasonable and a buffet off the main drag behind the Jolly Roger Bar thru a little walkway. Good food and affordable. I think they charge by weight. I am not a rich man so I have to stay on budget most of the time, however, no matter how much I wind up spending it is a far shot better than home here (including the ladies of course) and I don't take the travel cost into consideration. I just go. Have fun fellows and enjoy the life!

02-13-18, 19:50
Bourboun Street has quasi Roscoes Chicken and Waffles pricing but a lot less delicious. The 18% tax seems like gratuity to me.

02-13-18, 23:35
I reserve Bourbon for drinks only the rest of the trip. Here are some snapshots of the menu. There is a demographic indifferent to being fleeced. Bourbon is prime real estate for watching the honeys.

02-14-18, 00:35
Bourboun Street has quasi Roscoes Chicken and Waffles pricing but a lot less delicious. The 18% tax seems like gratuity to me.Food Prices sound disturbing. I look forward to rice and beans on a budget con tostones, add yuca. Is that place Susanas still open?

You bring up a good point. Do most places charge this tax and what other fees do people try to add on? Are people tipping USA amounts? Extra charge for Credit Cards?

In reality anywhere in the caribbean is going to be expensive. Islands need to import most of their food.

I am hoping to find local fruits, breads, veggies if I can.

02-14-18, 01:20
Food Prices sound disturbing. I look forward to rice and beans on a budget con tostones, add yuca. Is that place Susanas still open?

You bring up a good point. Do most places charge this tax and what other fees do people try to add on? Are people tipping USA amounts? Extra charge for Credit Cards?

In reality anywhere in the caribbean is going to be expensive. Islands need to import most of their food.

I am hoping to find local fruits, breads, veggies if I can.I thought tipping in Latin America was 5-10% Back home 15%+ on the conservative side for good service. My receipt had ley (law) written on it with a extra $1. 20 usd on it. My hotel did not charge tax on room service and a lot of the euro places tax is included in the price. I suspect 30% of the establishments are charging these obscene gasoline like taxes. Booze and food can be on par with your chica budget. Most people don't use CC much except reputable places and ATMS. Just like you don't use your home currency outside of taxis and hotels etc. I've seen old white punters tip 10 cents in SE Asia. Obviously, I don't follow them.

Charles Pooter
02-14-18, 01:54
You bring up a good point. Do most places charge this tax and what other fees do people try to add on?This has been explained many times here. Restaurants are legally obliged to charge 18% ITBIS and 10% Service Charge. If they do not do this they can be fined or, at worst, have their licence to operate withdrawn.

Some restaurants include one or both charges in the item price shown on the menu. Others add them to the total when you pay. If in doubt, ask for clarification.

ITBIS is a turnover tax or valued added tax similar to VAT in the United Kingdom. The ITBIS collected has to be passed on to the government. It is an important source of income as income tax is difficult for them to collect in this country as the informal economy is such a large percentage. Also keeping intelligible annual accounts is beyond the wit of most Dominicans even of they wanted to. So if the owner does not charge it to the customer he loses out.

The service tax is supposed to be shared out among all staff (not just those with whom the customer interfaces). As you can imagine, there is plenty of scope here for fiddles and disputes. If Service Tax is charged (as it always should be, whether or not shown separately) there is no need to tip as well. Dominicans rarely tip except for service over and above the norm. However, if the staff need to speak English with you, I think that alone is worth a tip.

In reality anywhere in the caribbean is going to be expensive. Islands need to import most of their food.
Rubbish. I live here full-time and I very rarely eat anything imported. The DR is a fertile country and produces everything you need for a healthy diet at affordable prices. You can eat and drink well for 500 pesos a day, and survive healthily on 300 pesos (though that would not be most people's idea of a good holiday). If you want Angus steak and Grey Goose of course you will have to pay through the nose.

02-14-18, 05:14
High Caribe disco is up and running I presume. I have good memories of it few years ago. Large spacious and plenty of girls. Do not like Classico because sometimes it gets elbow room only. There is no way to have decent conversation because of loud music. At high Caribe easy to go out of dance floor and talk without worrying. Also at Classico I do worry of pick pockets.

Heading to Sosua this weekend.

02-14-18, 05:47
This has been explained many times here. Restaurants are legally obliged to charge 18% ITBIS and 10% Service Charge. If they do not do this they can be fined or, at worst, have their licence to operate withdrawn.

Some restaurants include one or both charges in the item price shown on the menu. Others add them to the total when you pay. If in doubt, ask for clarification.

ITBIS is a turnover tax or valued added tax similar to VAT in the United Kingdom. The ITBIS collected has to be passed on to the government. It is an important source of income as income tax is difficult for them to collect in this country as the informal economy is such a large percentage. Also keeping intelligible annual accounts is beyond the wit of most Dominicans even of they wanted to. So if the owner does not charge it to the customer he loses out.

The service tax is supposed to be shared out among all staff (not just those with whom the customer interfaces). As you can imagine, there is plenty of scope here for fiddles and disputes. If Service Tax is charged (as it always should be, whether or not shown separately) there is no need to tip as well. Dominicans rarely tip except for service over and above the norm. However, if the staff need to speak English with you, I think that alone is worth a tip.

Rubbish. I live here full-time and I very rarely eat anything imported. The DR is a fertile country and produces everything you need for a healthy diet at affordable prices. You can eat and drink well for 500 pesos a day, and survive healthily on 300 pesos (though that would not be most people's idea of a good holiday). If you want Angus steak and Grey Goose of course you will have to pay through the nose.This is a great response to the restaurant question. Thanks.

I guess if you eat like a local your costs will come way down but from my past few caribbean experiences (DR / Jamaica / Puerto Rico) the food was not cheap compared to the mainland.

02-15-18, 04:55
This is a great response to the restaurant question. Thanks.

I guess if you eat like a local your costs will come way down but from my past few caribbean experiences (DR / Jamaica / Puerto Rico) the food was not cheap compared to the mainland.You must live on a farm a provide your own food back home because the food in the dr is very cheap. I can go to Tera Linda's and get a steak dinner between 800 & 900 pesos. I can also get a 3 lb lobster, 2 fresh pieces of 2 to 3 lb fish with all the sides and drink included in Mamon for 2500 pesos. On average I might spend between 600 & 700 pesos(breakfast,lunch, and dinner), a day in food and I ain't a little man. So maybe someone needs to show you where the good food is for a reasonable fair. I guess if you eat at the beach it might be more expensive but then again you have to know where to go. Believe me when I say I Do Not starve or cheat myself when it come to eating in Sosua. Peace.

02-15-18, 12:38
I see some people selling fish and lobsters on the main highway. I would like to buy lobsters and have somebody cook for me. Is there any restaurants willing to do it?

02-15-18, 21:44
You must live on a farm a provide your own food back home because the food in the dr is very cheap. I can go to Tera Linda's and get a steak dinner between 800 & 900 pesos. I can also get a 3 lb lobster, 2 fresh pieces of 2 to 3 lb fish with all the sides and drink included in Mamon for 2500 pesos. On average I might spend between 600 & 700 pesos(breakfast,lunch, and dinner), a day in food and I ain't a little man. So maybe someone needs to show you where the good food is for a reasonable fair. I guess if you eat at the beach it might be more expensive but then again you have to know where to go. Believe me when I say I Do Not starve or cheat myself when it come to eating in Sosua. Peace.I live in the Washington, DC area. If someone were to visit DC and stay and eat in DC they would think (and be correct) in saying that the food downtown is way overpriced. But if they knew where to eat they could eat well at a decent, obviously not DR cheap, cost. So the question should be where are the cheaper places that are also good to eat in Sosua?

As someone traveling there in May I for one want to know.

02-16-18, 02:57
I live in the Washington, DC area. If someone were to visit DC and stay and eat in DC they would think (and be correct) in saying that the food downtown is way overpriced. But if they knew where to eat they could eat well at a decent, obviously not DR cheap, cost. So the question should be where are the cheaper places that are also good to eat in Sosua?

As someone traveling there in May I for one want to know.Cheap eats are only at Dominicans frequented places. There are many restaurants which are mainly open on weekends because lots of Dominican families go eat, drink, dance till wee hours. You will not find prostitutes there but can hook up with a regular girl if she likes you. I have gone with a local girl to these places. Dominicans are very friendly and places are cheap to drink and eat. Do not eat uncooked food there. Around Sousa all restaurants cater to foreigners and charge high prices.

02-16-18, 14:54
I try to travel to the DR about 4 times a year. I am very creative when it comes getting cheap flights. The fights have gone up 150 to 200 for the same flights. Even flights to SD are through the roof, I am not sure what the driver are but the increases are real. On my next trip I am splitting carriers. One way to POP on United and American is 230 not bad. The killer is the return trip are all over 400 dollars. My work around was to fly out of Santiago for $290. On Spirit. The god news is that I am not going through Miami.

02-16-18, 23:56
I try to travel to the DR about 4 times a year. I am very creative when it comes getting cheap flights. The fights have gone up 150 to 200 for the same flights. Even flights to SD are through the roof, I am not sure what the driver are but the increases are real. On my next trip I am splitting carriers. One way to POP on United and American is 230 not bad. The killer is the return trip are all over 400 dollars. My work around was to fly out of Santiago for $290. On Spirit. The god news is that I am not going through Miami.I keep looking for dates to head back as it's been years but the flight price is ridiculous, even from Florida. I can do two flights to Colombia or CR for the same price as one to the DR. And I don't have to go thru Miami or mess with Sprint! I've been keeping an eye out for quite a while too. I see some flight prices that mirror something I can take to Brazil or Argentina. I'd love to mix it up to the DR more often since it's so close, but price just doesn't make it worthwhile. Oh well.

02-17-18, 01:05
I try to travel to the DR about 4 times a year. I am very creative when it comes getting cheap flights. The fights have gone up 150 to 200 for the same flights. Even flights to SD are through the roof, I am not sure what the driver are but the increases are real. On my next trip I am splitting carriers. One way to POP on United and American is 230 not bad. The killer is the return trip are all over 400 dollars. My work around was to fly out of Santiago for $290. On Spirit. The god news is that I am not going through Miami.That one-way flight for that amount is a no-brainer. I cannot get anything under 400 one way from my area to PP. Not even out of Miami and that's just a 2 hour ride. Currently in my area the prices are normal to SDQaround 500 round-trip. No longer than a seven hour duration each way. Good luck with spirit. Make sure they don't charge you for the air you breathe.

02-17-18, 06:28
If you fly Monday or Tuesday United and American both have flights under 250 into POP. However the problem is getting back. This trip I am leaving from Santiago on spirit. I fly Spirit about 10 times a year so I know all the quirks. The other airlines are implementing some of the same policies. I have no problems with them the good out weighs the bad.

That one-way flight for that amount is a no-brainer. I cannot get anything under 400 one way from my area to PP. Not even out of Miami and that's just a 2 hour ride. Currently in my area the prices are normal to SDQaround 500 round-trip. No longer than a seven hour duration each way. Good luck with spirit. Make sure they don't charge you for the air you breathe.

Mr Gogo
02-17-18, 07:01
If you fly Monday or Tuesday United and American both have flights under 250 into POP. However the problem is getting back. This trip I am leaving from Santiago on spirit. I fly Spirit about 10 times a year so I know all the quirks. The other airlines are implementing some of the same policies. I have no problems with them the good out weighs the bad.You sugar coat Spirit airlines because you are cheap but you are correct about the rest. American airlines are now charging for an upgrade for over head luggage and pre-boarding. In 2009 I used to fly into POP for 289 rt but now its 650. The key is to stay aware. Southwest flys into PUJ and with two free bags but you have to catch the bus.

02-17-18, 09:52
OldKool, I also make about 4 trips / yearly to the DR. Mostly stay in SD and, import Cupid chicas from surrounding provinces for value added premium services, which I usually get in return, for hosting them at the capital. I understand this is not for everyone but I am into sensual reciprocity. I also understand that with Cupid chicas, you need a lot of patience and, often no shows, but once you make physical contact with the chica, it's a certainty you'll get the best of her, if you treat her fairly well. I've been following your write-ups and believe you are pretty much familiar with the benefits associated with importing cupid chicas to the capital. About flight costs, up until about a year ago, I used to be super nervous about flying budget airlines, then, I gathered the courage and flew Frontier out of PHL to PUJ round trip for $360 including paid luggage, as compared to $550-$600 that I usually paid flying AA or Delta with stop over at MIA, JFK and / or ATL. Ever since, my last 3 flights to the DR, have been on Frontier. The Frontier flight from PHL to PUJ is direct on Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays and, although sitting is somehow comparatively tight, the planes look new with amazing flight attendants onboard. The flight gets to PUJ before 12 noon, and I can catch the Bavaro Express bus at 1:00 pm, and be in SD around 4:00 pm, just about the same time as, or a bit earlier than, flying AA or Delta with layovers. The bus ride (very comfortable with TV & WiFi) from PUJ to SD, is 400 pesos, which is even cheaper than catching a cab from SDQ to the city. As I write this, I have an upcoming flight to the DR in 3 weeks on Frontier and, I paid $234 with $16 insurance included / round trip. Go figure! I am travelling light with a bag-pack, so won't be paying for bag.

If you fly Monday or Tuesday United and American both have flights under 250 into POP. However the problem is getting back. This trip I am leaving from Santiago on spirit. I fly Spirit about 10 times a year so I know all the quirks. The other airlines are implementing some of the same policies. I have no problems with them the good out weighs the bad.

02-17-18, 15:49
Well, my flight was supposed to leave around 5 pm and get to Sosua by 10 pm. Plane malfunction and ok better to be safe. They waited for another plane and departure time was supposed to be 8 pm. All aboard and something on the plane and something on this plane was on fire. Surrounded by fire trucks. They put out the fire and the part which caused the fire had to be removed and a new one installed. They were not sure if they had the part. However they found the part, installed it testing took a long time. However since I was upgraded to first class they served unlimited drinks. Normally they do only after we are in in the air. For the trouble on landing they gave 100 dollar voucher. By the time I reached Sosua it was after 5 am. I had e mailed Sosua Breeze hotel and they said they will leave the key with night security. Ok hotel, nothing great. Clean and good WiFi. There is car parking inside the gate if you rent one. I had arranged car rental but all were closed when I landed. Had to give taxi mafia 20 dollars for the short ride. Did not feel like arguing wee hours in the morning. Booked one and need to go to airport to pick it up today. Tired and slept well.

Sosua Breeze said they will move me to a better room today. Let us see. Was looking to go Rocky's for breakfast but it looks like it has vanished or I did not put effort to find it. Conversion rate is 48 pesos for US dollar. At the airport the guy was giving only 40. I said No. So do not change at the airport.

Walked around Main Street work is going on everywhere. Lots of changes happening whenever they get around to get back in business. No obvious girls trolling the street. I was looking to cure my frustrations of last night but no go. Maybe when I get the car and drive around will find somebody. Maybe go to the beach and look but before that I need manicure, pedicure, massage.

After winter cold nice to walk around balmy, sunny weather.

Will report further on happenings here.

D Cups
02-17-18, 16:10
What airlines is that Sammon? Cheers.

Well, my flight was supposed to leave around 5 pm
Will report further on happenings here.

02-17-18, 19:10
I often do the exact same thing when I fly into SD, I have had awesome success with my Cupid girls. Like you I import them from other towns. The girls usually very accomodating. I would do it more but the spot fucking in Sosua can be so much fun.

02-18-18, 14:36
What airlines is that Sammon? Cheers.Air Transat from Toronto. Happened to be in Buffalo, NY on work issues. Nice airline. Has non stop to Puerto Playa.

Saturday. Plenty of girls on the strip. All ugly. Had a nice massage in front of Sosua Plaza hotel. 600 pesos for one hour. They moved me to nice renovated superior room. $50 per night cash. Very nice. Nice king bed with 4 pillows. Nice bathroom with plenty of hot water. They give two fresh bath towels. Wish they would include couple of hand towels.

Went to the airport and rented a car from Avis. Took moto 200 pesos. Had a nice nap getting ready for the night. Plenty of guys at the bar in the evening. Girls just stayed on the street. Quality is not good. What happened to all the pretty girls who are from Puerto plata, Santiago, LaVega etc?

Went to the casino in town but was dead. They have re opened casino at playa chiquita. Played few rounds of blackjack. Went to a nice restaurant on the strip and had big lobster with trimmings. 795 pesos. Inexpensive and tasted very good. Quality of the girls has not gone up. By this time it was 11 pm. Stood at the entrance to Classico waiting to get in. I guess it was crowded inside and they allow allowing few in at a time.

While I was waiting talked to few decent girls. One quoted 5000 al night. Laughed at her and she would not budge from 3500. Pretty girl with nice boobs although probably 28 years old. Others refused to do all night, short time only for 2000. Waiting around but still did not get in Classico. Walked around and found a nice young fairly pretty girl. She would not do LT because she had a baby few months ago. Settled with her ST for 2000 (maybe too much?). In the room she was very much GFE. We both showered. Nice big pointy lactating boobs. She said she is from Santiago. Had few tattoos on her body. No kissing (I did not try).

Kissed her firm boobs, fingered her pussy which was wet. Maybe she did not have sex for a while. CBJ for a long time, sex with few positions. She was horny. Made herself cum and sex was good. After she was not in a hurry to leave. I offered to take her to dinner tonight. Not sure if she will show up. Stayed for an hour and left. Wanted to take pics of her stand up pointy boobs but she would not allow. Lack of sleep due to all night flight problems had me drained. Slept well. Planning to take a ride to Cabarete, Puerto Plata and see if I can hook for with normal girls at at least part timers.

02-18-18, 23:36
Went to the airport and rented a car from Avis. Took moto 200 pesos.I discovered when I was there last time that a publico will drop you at the entrance to the airport for less than the fare to PP, I think it was 30 pesos.

Charles Pooter
02-18-18, 23:47
I discovered when I was there last time that a publico will drop you at the entrance to the airport for less than the fare to PP, I think it was 30 pesos.And safer too.

I am a big fan of motoconchos. Must have made between seven and ten thousand trips by now with no problems, but I avoid riding them along main highways.

02-19-18, 00:22
I am a big fan of motoconchos. Must have made between seven and ten thousand trips by now with no problems, but I avoid riding them along main highways.My last time riding one was after a ride to Western Union on one of those side roads in Sosua. We passed close to a van driving by (or it may have been parked), and it was close enough to where I thought that had we been just an inch closer that van would have taken my kneecap off.

Charles Pooter
02-19-18, 02:20
My last time riding one was after a ride to Western Union on one of those side roads in Sosua. We passed close to a van driving by (or it may have been parked), and it was close enough to where I thought that had we been just an inch closer that van would have taken my kneecap off.Sounds like fine judgment by the driver. Any fool can miss a parked vehicle by three feet. Anyway, the Lord provided you when born with two kneecaps in case you damaged one.

02-19-18, 20:07
Usual stuff. Went for massage at M & M. Nice professional massage. Cost is little high. 900 pesos. We not trolling on Main Street. Too many guys than girls. Girls quality is not good. Too many expats start drinking in the morning at various bars. Went to playa Chiquita but the table was occupied. Came back to Main Street via high Caribe. It does not seem open.

Got talking to a decent looking girl and it was 2000st. Sex nothing to write home about. She was in a hurry. Cannot find any GFE. Wish Philippines was closer. LT seems to be lowest 3000 but do not want to commit before unless the girl is a beauty.

Alicia beach hotel seems full. Lots of cars. May try the food there tonight.

Took a ride to Puerto plata and it looks like all the AI resorts are coming back. Maybe because of winter up north. Yesterday took a ride to Cabarete and beyond. There are many cabanas there. Have anybody used those places? Maybe a good idea if stuck with a wife or GF at AI resorts.

02-20-18, 05:06
Usual stuff. Went for massage at M & M. Nice professional massage. Cost is little high. 900 pesos. We not trolling on Main Street. Too many guys than girls. Girls quality is not good. Too many expats start drinking in the morning at various bars. Went to playa Chiquita but the table was occupied. Came back to Main Street via high Caribe. It does not seem open.

Got talking to a decent looking girl and it was 2000st. Sex nothing to write home about. She was in a hurry. Cannot find any GFE. Wish Philippines was closer. LT seems to be lowest 3000 but do not want to commit before unless the girl is a beauty.

Alicia beach hotel seems full. Lots of cars. May try the food there tonight.

Took a ride to Puerto plata and it looks like all the AI resorts are coming back. Maybe because of winter up north. Yesterday took a ride to Cabarete and beyond. There are many cabanas there. Have anybody used those places? Maybe a good idea if stuck with a wife or GF at AI resorts.Keep an open mind and it will come to you. Remember the ladies just came off of the holidays and are spending that new found wealth and relaxing that fine ass. Be patient, something good will come through. Can't say I blame bout' the P. I. though, one thing I can say for me personally, I like color the scheme in the D.R. and one thing is for sure ain't no filipina can match that Hispaniola ass and bounce!


02-20-18, 14:27
Met a old GF. She was 18 few years ago and inexperienced. We had a great time staying together 3 days. I almost did not recognize her. She looked better when she was young. However I took her. She did BBBJ and lots of sex last night. Anyway here is the pics.

02-20-18, 19:18
Air Transat from Toronto. Happened to be in Buffalo, NY on work issues. Nice airline. Has non stop to Puerto Playa.

Saturday. Plenty of girls on the strip. All ugly. Had a nice massage in front of Sosua Plaza hotel. 600 pesos for one hour. They moved me to nice renovated superior room. $50 per night cash. Very nice. Nice king bed with 4 pillows. Nice bathroom with plenty of hot water. They give two fresh bath towels. Wish they would include couple of hand towels.

Went to the airport and rented a car from Avis. Took moto 200 pesos. Had a nice nap getting ready for the night. Plenty of guys at the bar in the evening. Girls just stayed on the street. Quality is not good. What happened to all the pretty girls who are from Puerto plata, Santiago, LaVega etc?

Went to the casino in town but was dead. They have re opened casino at playa chiquita. Played few rounds of blackjack. Went to a nice restaurant on the strip and had big lobster with trimmings. 795 pesos. Inexpensive and tasted very good. Quality of the girls has not gone up. By this time it was 11 pm. Stood at the entrance to Classico waiting to get in. I guess it was crowded inside and they allow allowing few in at a time.

While I was waiting talked to few decent girls. One quoted 5000 al night. Laughed at her and she would not budge from 3500. Pretty girl with nice boobs although probably 28 years old. Others refused to do all night, short time only for 2000. Waiting around but still did not get in Classico. Walked around and found a nice young fairly pretty girl. She would not do LT because she had a baby few months ago. Settled with her ST for 2000 (maybe too much?). In the room she was very much GFE. We both showered. Nice big pointy lactating boobs. She said she is from Santiago. Had few tattoos on her body. No kissing (I did not try).

Kissed her firm boobs, fingered her pussy which was wet. Maybe she did not have sex for a while. CBJ for a long time, sex with few positions. She was horny. Made herself cum and sex was good. After she was not in a hurry to leave. I offered to take her to dinner tonight. Not sure if she will show up. Stayed for an hour and left. Wanted to take pics of her stand up pointy boobs but she would not allow. Lack of sleep due to all night flight problems had me drained. Slept well. Planning to take a ride to Cabarete, Puerto Plata and see if I can hook for with normal girls at at least part timers.I have to admit that is a first I have ever heard of someone not being able to get into classico. Are you really sure you were not able to get into classico or you were just hanging around and did not go in. I have never witnessed a line so long you could not get into classico.

02-20-18, 23:18
In Sosua now. Raining all the time. Yesterday, coming from Santiago, an idiot of a taxi driver bumped into me, damaging the bumper. I got out and saw the poor guy completely miffed. He had no money I could see and it was no point asking for insurance as I would be gone in two days. I came to Sosua, and went to the laundry person who I go to. While there, I remembered his brother has a motorbike repair place and so I showed him the damage and asked if he knew anyone to fix it and that I would have to pay. He took me to two different places. And we chose the second one. 2500 pesos later, the car was back to normal to be returned to the rental. I had to drop the vehicle for a couple of hours and so he dropped me off in his vehicle and picked me up again when it was time for me to go pick up the car.

Such helpful experience in my own town? Zilch!

Long live la Republica Dominicana!

02-22-18, 03:47
I have to admit that is a first I have ever heard of someone not being able to get into classico. Are you really sure you were not able to get into classico or you were just hanging around and did not go in. I have never witnessed a line so long you could not get into classico.I did not stay too long to find out to get into classic. Back in USA now. In general Sousua is not what it used to be. Half way decent girls ask for 5000 pesos LT. They will go as low as 3500. I guess inflation. ST girls are plenty for 2000.

There are plenty of girls but I do not go mongering to be with ugly girls. Apart from sex I look for company to have fun with, eat dinner, travel etc. Most girls I saw are older late 20- early 30 ,s. No teeny boppers except some ugly Haitians.

Overall for a short trip Sousa is ok. Cannot find GFE type easily who will stay alnight. Most have bambinoes and do not want LT.

Although I drove around a lot did not find any regular girls. This was never a problem before. Did get a policeman stop me going wrong way on a one way street. One look and he asked me to turn around. Other than that no problem driving. Every day it rained mostly in the morning. Car was a big help to get around. Of course renting a car is sometimes scary but I have very good experience in driving in other countries with crazy drivers and I am good at driving in mountainous roads.

Next trip to Southeast Asia.

02-22-18, 05:09
I did not stay too long to find out to get into classic. Back in USA now. In general Sousua is not what it used to be. Half way decent girls ask for 5000 pesos LT. They will go as low as 3500. I guess inflation. ST girls are plenty for 2000.

There are plenty of girls but I do not go mongering to be with ugly girls. Apart from sex I look for company to have fun with, eat dinner, travel etc. Most girls I saw are older late 20- early 30 ,s. No teeny boppers except some ugly Haitians.

Overall for a short trip Sousa is ok. Cannot find GFE type easily who will stay alnight. Most have bambinoes and do not want LT.

Although I drove around a lot did not find any regular girls. This was never a problem before. Did get a policeman stop me going wrong way on a one way street. One look and he asked me to turn around. Other than that no problem driving. Every day it rained mostly in the morning. Car was a big help to get around. Of course renting a car is sometimes scary but I have very good experience in driving in other countries with crazy drivers and I am good at driving in mountainous roads.

Next trip to Southeast Asia.Hey, I am with you all the way. I told people on this board talent way off, but they did not want to hear it. You are spot on talent level not what it use to be. I am glad you have an honest opinion.

Coole Mr
02-22-18, 14:51
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02-22-18, 15:20
I was in Su 3 weeks ago. I had a serious problem. So many women I could not do all the ones I wanted. I saw some ladies who were rock stars. I have been going to SU for 7 years. Yes things are always changing clubs open and close. What does not change is Dominican women generaly very attractive. When you go to a place where there are 2 or 3 hundred young women and can not find anything you like you may be the problem. Franklly at my age 20 year old pussy is an automatic 7. I am making these the good old days.

02-22-18, 16:00
Hey, I am with you all the way. I told people on this board talent way off, but they did not want to hear it. You are spot on talent level not what it use to be. I am glad you have an honest opinion.Nobody said they didn't want to hear that talent was way off in Sosua. You said something else in addition to that which was debatable and subjective. You said there were NO HOT CHICKS in Sosua. Which I considered to be a fallacious statement. Big difference than you only saying talent in Sosua is way off. You even supported that it was false or at the very least, subjective when you said that we all have different tastes. So for you to cosign on what this one poster is saying about his experience is a little disingenuous. It seems this Straw Man approach to assigning folks thoughts is an epidemic.

Did it ever occur to you that this poster may be demonstrating that he is one of those guys that has different tastes or standards of what he considers attractive? That by no means, proves that there were never any attractive women in Sosua at the time he was there, before he got there, or after he left. What about the 100's of other guys that came to Sosua? How are they managing to find women they are attracted to, but a select few can't?

I keep seeing the same guys coming back to Sosua on the regular. Sometimes within days or weeks instead of months. They must be finding attractive, hot women in Sosua. Sometimes you have to do a little deductive reasoning when folks make questionable claims. Like dude, what did you need the women to look like in order to consider them attractive to you? Before I would assume every woman in Sosua was ugly or non doable, I would pay more attention to the issues of the individuals complaining. Did he have a bad experience? If he gets high or drinks, could that be a factor. Does he repel the women that he wants to hook up with. You just cant assume without investigation. Something you failed to pursue. He fit your narrative and you jumped on it.

One last point. Many men in my age group are on the mature side. We've discovered through our experiences that many of the chicks worth kicking it with do not have to look like dime pieces in order to get the service we want. Many of us have also encountered women who looked very attractive, but provided poor service. That being the case, a great provider that happens to be a 6 or 7 is a whole lot better than a 9 or a 10 who only provides the look but very little substance.

02-22-18, 16:37
Can anybody define what those terms are supposed to mean regarding chicas / women? Is quality and talent going to be the same for each guy? Does Your Mileage May Differ concept play a role in the quality or talent each man may experience?

02-22-18, 17:31
I reread some portions of Sammons trip report for Sosua. I never did get the full understanding of what he was looking for as far as quality of chicas was concerned? In one part he mentions that he did encounter a few women that he felt were attractive enough to approach and hire. Seems though, most of them were not interested in Long Time only Short Time. Which could mean, him getting GFE was unlikely. There may be other variables leading up to that assessment. But could that be one example of what he is including in his assessment of quality of chicas going down? In addition, of the women he was considering, he also got prices he was not willing to pay. Taking that into consideration, maybe the real issue is, the supply and demand curve was not in his favor. It seems there were enough attractive women he approached that would fit into his vacation schedule. But there were no meeting of the minds.

In other words, if a guy comes to Sosua and demonstrates to providers that he has a spending budget he won't budge from, is focused on a particular service the providers he approaches are NOT interested in (LT, GFE or TLN) , you can't readily blame that on quality is lacking. Somewhere, somebody may get his price as well as LT, TLN or GFE service because his approach and/or the chicas assessment of the monger may differ from their assessment of some other guy.

2 guys go to a club. (add any variable you want, is the guy fat, short, ugly, handsome, black / white etc) One guy dances all night with hot chicks, and gets numbers. Offers some of those women a drink. When he leaves the club he feels he had a great time. 2nd guy walks up to a few hot women asking to dance, none want to dance at that moment. None agree to go somewhere where they can talk. 2nd guy has no interest in buying expensive drinks for chicks he hasnt connected with.

Guy goes home thinking about how his experience sucked at that club. What or who is responsible for each mans experience, the club, the individual, the women, or circumstances they had no control of? All of the above? Life isn't fair. Just because we have money doesn't mean we are going to get what we are willing or want to pay for. Providers have standards and rules too. Quite often the women we would like to hire that have all the attributes we desire ( looks, price GFE, TLN ) , may have already been taken off the market. That dont mean quality doesnt exist. It may mean, you lost your turn, or it hasnt come up yet. Or one is not willing to make the sacrifice to attract a particular provider that would move him up the priority list.

02-22-18, 18:39
Wrx2005 - I totally understand what your saying I just have high expectations when I am travelling. Your saying there are times that you just miss out on top talent and might be chosen. I hear you, but when I scan the room of Lovera Bar or Eurphoria the talent level does not compare to classico and I want what I want and I can pick what makes me happy. Never going to settle when I know what is out there. Oldkool I am happy that you are happy with the talent level in sosua. I mean that. I just have high standards for me and just will not be happy if I do not do me. Again, does not change the fact that I love staying in the higher end properties of sosua, but talent does not match my expectations. Everyone has to be happy with their decisions and expectations. I just say what I think, feel and see.

Charles Pooter
02-23-18, 00:00
A haitiana I know needs some cash to resolve a family issue in Haiti in four weeks time. She is 28, a semi-pro, attractive, slim side of average, clean, honest, and a cheerful companion in public or in private. I have known her for eight years and can recommend her. She has an evening job so is only available for the next three Wednesday nights (28 Feb, 7 Mar or 14 Mar). She speaks good Spanish and a little French and English. (Her native tongue is of course Haitian Kreyol, but I guess any member who can speak that needs no help hooking up with haitianas).

She could be with you from 5 pm to 10 am next morning (unlimited pops) and wants 4000 pesos for those 17 hours plus return transport from Puerto Plata. Or would stay with you in Puerto Plata at your place or at Mountain View Hotel. She would also expect a cheap evening meal and breakfast.

I feel a bit awkward "advertising" her here but she asked me to help and I keep reading about guys having bad experiences in Sosua or guys who want to try a haitiana but are deterred from doing so by the hard-core cliques in Sosua. You will have no problems with her trying to up the price or wanting to leave early. She has never done drugs or smoked or hooked in Sosua, and she drinks little alcohol. No tattoos or piercings and knows how to dress so as not to embarrass you in public or where you live.

If interested, PM me with your email address. Best would be you come to Puerto Plata at 4 pm (cost you 160 pesos return from Sosua) and we all three have a drink on the Malecon (very pleasant now the weather is improving) to see if you and she hit it off. If either of you do not fancy it, then no harm, no foul, and you could be back in Sosua in time for dinner (unless you fancy sampling Puerto Plata at night).

I do not have WhatsApp now but expect to within a few days.

02-23-18, 02:45
I reread some portions of Sammons trip report for Sosua. I never did get the full understanding of what he was looking for as far as quality of chicas was concerned? In one part he mentions that he did encounter a few women that he felt were attractive enough to approach and hire. Seems though, most of them were not interested in Long Time only Short Time. Which could mean, him getting GFE was unlikely. There may be other variables leading up to that assessment. But could that be one example of what he is including in his assessment of quality of chicas going down? In addition, of the women he was considering, he also got prices he was not willing to pay. Taking that into consideration, maybe the real issue is, the supply and demand curve was not in his favor. It seems there were enough attractive women he approached that would fit into his vacation schedule. But there were no meeting of the minds.

In other words, if a guy comes to Sosua and demonstrates to providers that he has a spending budget he won't budge from, is focused on a particular service the providers he approaches are NOT interested in (LT, GFE or TLN) , you can't readily blame that on quality is lacking. Somewhere, somebody may get his price as well as LT, TLN or GFE service because his approach and/or the chicas assessment of the monger may differ from their assessment of some other guy.
In Mongerworld we try to get best looking, best providers who rock our world, best service in and out of bed in exchange for best deal money wise. This is why we travel all over the worlds sex destinations. If we are ready to pay any amount we need not travel. All kinds of beautiful girls are available right here in USA.

In this case Dominican Republic especially Sosua used to be a destination where over the years I had great fun with good looking women who gave good service cheap. Not anymore. Remember we do not go there for dating. We are there to get girls by paying money. Not any amount of money. It is a business deal. We try to get the best price. There is no need to ' Meeting of minds ' like you put it. She is not your date. Moment your back is turned she is up for sale again.

Quality of the girls has gone down quite a bit. No more country girls coming to Sosua to make money from foreigners as it used to be because of police crackdowns and closing of some bars etc. All I saw over 4 nights is mostly ugly girls with very few passable girls. Only a couple or so good looking. What I do is negotiate prices just to get the feel. Just because I ask the price it does not mean I want to take that girl. If we let girls dictate the price, service, time we are screwed. We need to let them know we are the buyers who dictate.

Freewheeling mongers has spoiled many destinations by acting like weekend millionaires.

02-23-18, 03:30
Wrx2005 - I totally understand what your saying I just have high expectations when I am travelling. Your saying there are times that you just miss out on top talent and might be chosen. I hear you, but when I scan the room of Lovera Bar or Eurphoria the talent level does not compare to classico and I want what I want and I can pick what makes me happy. Never going to settle when I know what is out there. Oldkool I am happy that you are happy with the talent level in sosua. I mean that. I just have high standards for me and just will not be happy if I do not do me. Again, does not change the fact that I love staying in the higher end properties of sosua, but talent does not match my expectations. Everyone has to be happy with their decisions and expectations. I just say what I think, feel and see.The thing is Revere, what other men are doing in Sosua or what standards they have, never had or has any connection to you. It's not like folks here have been engaging you in debate or criticisms on why you have the standards or expectations you have. Which would compel you to post your opinion about the quality of chicas being way down, or that there are no hot chicks in Sosua. And further to advise the fellas, ya'll need to check out the clubs and hot chicks in PP. Why do you care if some guys do not see the glass as half empty for what they get out of Sosua? After all, other men still coming to Sosua and having a good time does not affect your ability to enjoy and maintain the standards / expectations you experience elsewhere?

I have seen enough instances where some guys are reporting that they started going to different locations to monger. And in the same breath feel the need to use their new disdain for a previous destination as the reason for it. Then they want to criticize, condescend, or come off as somewhat superior to those who still find value in something they don't anymore. What does that behavior seem like to you? If another mans standards / expectations and MO is really not your concern, not connected to you in any way, and you respect another mans right to his preferences / standards etc, (even if they are not your own) and you also believe we all have our own tastes, what's the reason for bringing up your standards / expectations being different?

02-23-18, 04:09
In Mongerworld we try to get best looking, best providers who rock our world, best service in and out of bed in exchange for best deal money wise. This is why we travel all over the worlds sex destinations. If we are ready to pay any amount we need not travel. All kinds of beautiful girls are available right here in USA.

In this case Dominican Republic especially Sosua used to be a destination where over the years I had great fun with good looking women who gave good service cheap. Not anymore. Remember we do not go there for dating. We are there to get girls by paying money. Not any amount of money. It is a business deal. We try to get the best price. There is no need to ' Meeting of minds ' like you put it. She is not your date. Moment your back is turned she is up for sale again.

Quality of the girls has gone down quite a bit. No more country girls coming to Sosua to make money from foreigners as it used to be because of police crackdowns and closing of some bars etc. All I saw over 4 nights is mostly ugly girls with very few passable girls. Only a couple or so good looking. What I do is negotiate prices just to get the feel. Just because I ask the price it does not mean I want to take that girl. If we let girls dictate the price, service, time we are screwed. We need to let them know we are the buyers who dictate.

Freewheeling mongers has spoiled many destinations by acting like weekend millionaires.Sammon your premise is somewhat flawed. I'm not sure who is identified as "we", but being a monger is not some monolithic mindset/MO. And when it comes to standards / expectations / quality etc, one mans preferences does not set the bar for others. If a guy can't get his needs met, his issue is not every other mongers issue. Every monger does not seek to get the best looking girl to rock his world. That only applies to you and those that fit the criteria. The key thing you said that I agree with is that Sosua no longer provides YOU (and others who share your sentiments) with good looking women who give good service cheap to YOU. I agree that YOU try to get the best price. But again, that does not apply to every monger. The good thing about choices, Sosua is not hindering anyone from never stepping foot there again. One mans disappointment does not automatically make another mans experience a failed opportunity.

02-23-18, 04:44
Going to watch the adults and kids play at the ball field.

Watching intense games of chess with several guys at The Tree House.

Hooking up with guys to chop it up (discussing everything from A to Z) along with chica watching.

Listening to music at ones favorite eating or drinking spot.

Driving around looking for possible places to rent or buy property (especially for those nearing retirement).

Several guys enjoying swimming / snorkeling in the bay.

Meeting guys from all over the globe.

Make plans to travel to places through the contacts they made.

Investing time in seeking better quality hookups instead of relying on chicas in Sosua alone. Establishing regulars that offer TLN, GFE, good looking, affordability and a degree of trust.

Maintaining ones fitness by attending the local gyms in town. Or renting a bicycle.

Doing research on other hotels, just in case.

Enjoying a day / night in ones place just relaxing (TV, movies, studying etc).

Thats just a small list.

It's interesting the things a man can do with his time when his thirst for women / companionship / sex can be put on the back burner.

02-23-18, 09:04
A haitiana I know needs some cash to resolve a family issue in Haiti in four weeks time. She is 28, a semi-pro, attractive, slim side of average, clean, honest, and a cheerful companion in public or in private. I have known her for eight years and can recommend her. She has an evening job so is only available for the next three Wednesday nights (28 Feb, 7 Mar or 14 Mar). She speaks good Spanish and a little French and English. (Her native tongue is of course Haitian Kreyol, but I guess any member who can speak that needs no help hooking up with haitianas).

She could be with you from 5 pm to 10 am next morning (unlimited pops) and wants 4000 pesos for those 17 hours plus return transport from Puerto Plata. Or would stay with you in Puerto Plata at your place or at Mountain View Hotel. She would also expect a cheap evening meal and breakfast.

I feel a bit awkward "advertising" her here but she asked me to help and I keep reading about guys having bad experiences in Sosua or guys who want to try a haitiana but are deterred from doing so by the hard-core cliques in Sosua. You will have no problems with her trying to up the price or wanting to leave early. She has never done drugs or smoked or hooked in Sosua, and she drinks little alcohol. No tattoos or piercings and knows how to dress so as not to embarrass you in public or where you live.

If interested, PM me with your email address. Best would be you come to Puerto Plata at 4 pm (cost you 160 pesos return from Sosua) and we all three have a drink on the Malecon (very pleasant now the weather is improving) to see if you and she hit it off. If either of you do not fancy it, then no harm, no foul, and you could be back in Sosua in time for dinner (unless you fancy sampling Puerto Plata at night).

I do not have WhatsApp now but expect to within a few days.I will be in town again on the 4th of April and she sounds like someone I would appreciate meeting. PM me if she's still around and needs assistance. I must admit I send a couple chicas $25.00 to $30.00 us if they ask. Thing is they seldom ask so I don't mind helping out from time to time. When I get to Sosua they treat me very well in all aspects.


02-23-18, 13:28
..... being a monger is not some monolithic mindset/MO. And when it comes to standards / expectations / quality etc, one mans preferences does not set the bar for others..... Every monger does not seek to get the best looking girl to rock his world....I have been having sex for close to 50 years now and have reached a stage in my life where fucking average and below average girls just does not do it for me. I would rather save my money and go to more expensive destinations like Germany or Brazil where I can session hot girls. I actually would rather stay home and wank to the likes of Vanessa Veracruz than travel to a destination to sample sub par girls. Now this is good news for mongers in Sosua for that means less punters to compete for their girls so I guess that Sosua regulars would appreciate that.

Charles Pooter
02-23-18, 14:04
Good idea for a thread, Wrx2005, especially if others chip in with ideas. The truth is that there is not that much else to do once you have visited a couple of times, but plenty to keep a first-time visitor on a shortish trip amused.

I would add:

Visit Castillo Mundo King (Google it if you do not already know of it), a ten minute walk up the hill behind the cop shop (or take a moto if a hot day). Sadly Rolf, its creator and custodian, died recently so you may need to check if and what hours it is still open.

Some people like Monkey Jungle and / or the adjacent ziplining.

Massage at Kika's

A day trip to Puerto Plata (35 minutes ride). Cost you a dollar each way by publico (or two dollars to buy two seats for more comfort). Suggest you ride to Parque Central, where the cathedral is, then walk to the Malecon (5 minutes) from there. I am happy to meet guys for a drink on the Malecon afternoons if pre-arranged.

A day trip to Cabarete (15 minutes ride). I think 35 pesos each way.

Visit the (very small) Jewish Museum about the origins of Sosua (founded by Jewish refugees).

02-23-18, 14:05
I have been having sex for close to 50 years now and have reached a stage in my life where fucking average and below average girls just does not do it for me. I would rather save my money and go to more expensive destinations like Germany or Brazil where I can session hot girls. I actually would rather stay home and wank to the likes of Vanessa Veracruz than travel to a destination to sample sub par girls. Now this is good news for mongers in Sosua for that means less punters to compete for their girls so I guess that Sosua regulars would appreciate that.Exactly! If a particular destination doesn't serve ones needs, all a person needs to do is adapt to what works for them. A speech or declaration about it is un necessary. Nobody needs to know how or where someone else gets their rocks off. Thats because everyone has their own needs, preferences, standards, skill set, maturity level and experience. Very often a persons choice is comprised of more than it being about the women.

Nobody would ever know somebody existed or what their standards were unless they themselves volunteered that information. That info is just not on any other mongers mind to care about. And trust, mongers who choose to go to someone elses unfavorable destination (including Sosua) will not and have not lost any sleep over their departure, nor feel a sense of relief that somebody moved on. One won't miss or care about what they can't measure.

02-23-18, 14:33
Good idea for a thread, Wrx2005, especially if others chip in with ideas. The truth is that there is not that much else to do once you have visited a couple of times, but plenty to keep a first-time visitor on a shortish trip amused.

I would add:

Visit Castillo Mundo King (Google it if you do not already know of it), a ten minute walk up the hill behind the cop shop (or take a moto if a hot day). Sadly Rolf, its creator and custodian, died recently so you may need to check if and what hours it is still open.

Some people like Monkey Jungle and / or the adjacent ziplining.

Massage at Kika's

A day trip to Puerto Plata (35 minutes ride). Cost you a dollar each way by publico (or two dollars to buy two seats for more comfort). Suggest you ride to Parque Central, where the cathedral is, then walk to the Malecon (5 minutes) from there. I am happy to meet guys for a drink on the Malecon afternoons if pre-arranged.

A day trip to Cabarete (15 minutes ride). I think 35 pesos each way.

Visit the (very small) Jewish Museum about the origins of Sosua (founded by Jewish refugees).Good additions. I especially like getting massages. Kika's is one of my favorite spots. As well as Karina's massage down the street. I saw a couple of Youtube vids about Jewish settlement in Sosua back in the day. Interesting stuff.

02-23-18, 15:14
Freewheeling mongers has spoiled many destinations by acting like weekend millionaires.Interesting. Assuming that is true, are they the only mongers who have spoiled many destinations? Exactly how does a free wheeling monger spoil a destination? Are there any other types of mongers that can spoil a destination? For instance, how about the mongers who are WESTERN UNIONIZED? Or the guys marrying local women or facilitating them moving away?

Or the guys buying cars, paying for apartments for local women etc? Do those guys have impact on spoiling a destination? Do they contribute to driving up the expectations of women (young and old) hoping to get what other chicks got? Maybe we can attribute all of these things being responsible for so much low quality and talent from women trying to get a piece of the action? It's to the point all types of women come out the wood work looking to get paid.

Lets focus on the women for a moment. Can we attribute destinations being spoiled by the women themselves? Like women recklessly having babies by local men, putting themselves in the position of having to resort to pay for play? How about the family structure in the last 5 yrs? Have the family values and home training gotten better or worse for folks in any mongering destination?

There was a time more women seemed to have and demonstrated domestic skills. They voluntarily cooked and cleaned for mongers. What seems more prevalent today with women in enough destinations? It sure aint trying to be someones Suzy homemaker. It's more about making a quick buck.

And if they can get it without working for it, the better it is for them. ( scamming, thieving, lying ). Point being, a lot has changed over the years with women, and in the family structure. One can't sit back and blame things on men, and not open the aperture a little wider to see that women have also changed. And men also adapted to womens changes. So again, if a particular destination doesn't serve one's needs, there is no use complaining about it, just go where one can get their needs met.

Now if one can't afford to do that, don't blame that on others. Take responsibility and do what is necessary if there are any shortcomings ( the shortcomings of the participants of any destinations or as an individual having issues getting his needs met elsewhere. Ex, wanting to go to a better destination, but it's too far, too costly etc ).

02-23-18, 15:54
The man was fascinating to talk to if you could suspend your disbelief and hear him out with an open mind. A visit there is fascinating and slightly disturbing but will definitely pique your interest.

Watch for the bees!

Good idea for a thread, Wrx2005, especially if others chip in with ideas. The truth is that there is not that much else to do once you have visited a couple of times, but plenty to keep a first-time visitor on a shortish trip amused.

I would add:

Visit Castillo Mundo King (Google it if you do not already know of it), a ten minute walk up the hill behind the cop shop (or take a moto if a hot day). Sadly Rolf, its creator and custodian, died recently so you may need to check if and what hours it is still open.

Some people like Monkey Jungle and / or the adjacent ziplining.

Massage at Kika's

A day trip to Puerto Plata (35 minutes ride). Cost you a dollar each way by publico (or two dollars to buy two seats for more comfort). Suggest you ride to Parque Central, where the cathedral is, then walk to the Malecon (5 minutes) from there..

02-23-18, 18:19
What I do is negotiate prices just to get the feel. Just because I ask the price it does not mean I want to take that girl. If we let girls dictate the price, service, time we are screwed. We need to let them know we are the buyers who dictate.Sammon, I agree that mongers shouldn't let girls dictate certain things. While a monger has control over what he chooses to pay, he can't dictate the quality of service a girl puts out. He also can't dictate how much time a chica puts in providing whatever he thinks he's paying for. All a monger can do is calculate and speculate beforehand on what he might get. Meanwhile women have their own way of getting what they want. Being seductive enough to get men to think they might get a certain type of service, GFE or time.

That means, if a monger desires GFE or LT, he can't dictate that a chica provide that. Just because he has money. It's entirely up to the woman on whether on not she chooses to provide that. A woman can get around the time issue as well. She can leave after a guy busts a nut. She can make up some reason why she has to leave. The main thing a monger can do is dictate his response to the control the female has. That usually involves trying not to pay in full. Good luck with that. Because that could lead to paying considerably more. He can choose not to hire that chick again. And if a monger thinks him bad mouthing her to other mongers or him refusing to give repeat business is going to stop her hustle, he is sadly mistaken.

Bottom line, after the deed is done, if a monger did not get what he was paying for, he did not dictate anything. The woman did.

Mr Enternational
02-23-18, 18:52
And if a monger thinks him bad mouthing her to other mongers or him refusing to give repeat business is going to stop her hustle, he is sadly mistaken.LOL. I have been warning guys about a chick that had a visible STD when I took her. You think that is fucking stopping them? They are looking for every possible reason to get her anyway.

02-24-18, 01:35
A haitiana I know needs some cash to resolve a family issue in Haiti in four weeks time. She is 28, a semi-pro, attractive, slim side of average, clean, honest, and a cheerful companion in public or in private. I have known her for eight years and can recommend her. She has an evening job so is only available for the next three Wednesday nights (28 Feb, 7 Mar or 14 Mar). She speaks good Spanish and a little French and English. (Her native tongue is of course Haitian Kreyol, but I guess any member who can speak that needs no help hooking up with haitianas).

She could be with you from 5 pm to 10 am next morning (unlimited pops) and wants 4000 pesos for those 17 hours plus return transport from Puerto Plata. Or would stay with you in Puerto Plata at your place or at Mountain View Hotel. She would also expect a cheap evening meal and breakfast.

I feel a bit awkward "advertising" her here but she asked me to help and I keep reading about guys having bad experiences in Sosua or guys who want to try a haitiana but are deterred from doing so by the hard-core cliques in Sosua. You will have no problems with her trying to up the price or wanting to leave early. She has never done drugs or smoked or hooked in Sosua, and she drinks little alcohol. No tattoos or piercings and knows how to dress so as not to embarrass you in public or where you live.

If interested, PM me with your email address. Best would be you come to Puerto Plata at 4 pm (cost you 160 pesos return from Sosua) and we all three have a drink on the Malecon (very pleasant now the weather is improving) to see if you and she hit it off. If either of you do not fancy it, then no harm, no foul, and you could be back in Sosua in time for dinner (unless you fancy sampling Puerto Plata at night).

I do not have WhatsApp now but expect to within a few days.Hmmm she's over 27, a semi pro you a professional monger have been knowing for eight years. She's in a bind and she still wants top premium pay for her services?! How much would she charge if she wasn't in a bind? Jajajaja.