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James Zz1
09-03-07, 01:14
I have never been to the DR as I mostly hang out in CR and now Colombia, but I live in south florida so the DR is close and cheap. Also, I have some friends who are Dominican and often offer to show me around over there.

I have absolutely loved the posts on this thread, especially from CL. I just wanted to add a comment on one subject that I think is not well represented on the DR boards.

Quotes like this one seem to indicate that CL and most of the readers here (along with most of the men on the planet it seems) believe that wooing women is done with compliments and generosity. This is not really the case.

Think about it, we are traveling to foreign countries paying discount prices (compared to the US and Europe) for sex, but there are men getting the exact same women in those countries for nothing and some even getting taken care of by the women we pay. Why

Because women are not attracted to generosity or flattery in and of themselves. They are attracted to men who have perceived social or financial value. Generosity can show financial value, but only if the person showing that value is going to be around providing that value indefinitely. If you are going to be around for a few days or weeks then the only financial value you have needs to be obtained immediately, but not at the expense of missing other opportunities.

Also, if a woman can get financial value from one guy, but not social value then she will look elsewhere to get that social value. Thats one of the biggest reasons why we all often get less than the best treatment in these interactions. The women are only being true to their own best interests.

I just finished reading a book that lays all this (and a fuck of a lot more) out in a compelling story driven style and I highly suggest reading it to every single man or married man on the prowl on the P4P field or with civilians.

Its called The Game:


If you read this book I guarantee you will not be disappointed.

PS - Reading over what I wrote here it now becomes obvious to me why the author, Neil Strauss, gets payed lots of money to write books and articles and I don't. He does an exponentially better job of getting his points across than I do.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.Well said. I wonder where you hang out in Colombia. I hang out in Colombia.
You I bought the book. What I am curious about is your experiences between both countries.

Escort King
09-03-07, 02:17
I have been seeing this young beautiful woman for 3 straight trips now. She has provided me the wonderful sought after GFE. This is a time when I need advice and I need it ASAP! She usually never asks for money, until that terrible day when I gave her 100 dollars at the airport just shortly after we left. She never even asked for the money. From that point and on, she'd want a cell phone, but I declined. Then recently she is saying that she has come down with a vaginal yeast infection of some sort. Now, that call came a week after I saw her. She claims that this yeast infection she allready had when I was there with her. But I never saw any rashes on her, no blood ever came out, she never complained of pain during the fucky fucky, etc.

She asked for 100 dollars so she could get help for the yeast infection.

Thats right ladies and gentlemen, 100 fucking dollars for that!

Does anybody know how much it would cost to get treated for a vaginal infection in the DR, including the antibiotics of course. I have reason to believe she is lying, but I could be wrong. What is the game that these Dominican Girlfriends play on us to get money? I am relatively new to this game, so I could use a little overview on the GFE tactics and strategies.

In the meantime, I wont be sending her any money that she requested.You are being worked. The chicas love to have guys they can call for western union money. It is an old scam.

Cunning Linguist
09-03-07, 12:21
I thought that I would send a couple of photos of Yossi the mute. In looking back, I feel that I must have been out of my mind as I was certainly not drunk. A clear example of the little head countermanding the larger one.

I am still amazed that I was able to get a gyno shot of a girl. I thought that only others could do that. The most amazing thing was that it was Yossi's idea. So, if you are into photographing Dominican mute vulvas, this would be an excellent source.

09-03-07, 17:31
I woke up early the next morning, a warm, sunny Monday morning in the Caribbean tropics with a tropical lady fast asleep. However, my mind was fixed on getting ready for my flight as I was that I would have to be at La Plata airport nearly 3 hours ahead of departure, something which I hardly believed but was not ready to chance it.

While Lala slept, I carefully removed my belongings from all drawers and the wardrobe. Finally, Lala woke up but I just smiled and gave her a Good Morning kiss. I think that she was expecting me to make a move for a morning pop but, really, strange that I look back on it, I didn't really feel like it. My mind was still in a tizzy over all the girls that had driven me nuts. Ironically, only Lala seemed to have been the sole girl that turned out to have been mentally balanced, at least nice and normal and unjaded.

She took a shower, watched some TV, and, amazingly enough, asked for permission to leave. What a change from the others. I took a couple of pictures of her, with her clothes on, andI gave her all of the Dominican cash I had on me and, with a final kiss, she went out the door. A nice ending.

I got out my laptop to check up on my e-mail. There was a very unexpected one leering at me. I clicked on it to find that it had been written by Jackeline of all people. I had forgotten that I had given her my e-mail address. The e-mail read:

No pense que tu ele un mentiroso. Ele un falso

Besides the amazingly horrendous grammatical and spelling mistakes (the correct way would be "No pensabas que eras un mentiroso. Eres un falso, i.e. I didn't think you were a liar. You're phoney) that only a Haitian could make, I was struck by being called a liar and phoney by none other than Jackeline, a girl who had her own challenges with the truth and phoniness. I decided that it would be beneath me to reply and prompted zapped the e-mail to internet ether. However, I was stung by the message and memory of most of the girls in Sosúa left a bad taste in my mouth but Lala's athletic performance and stellar attitude really more than made up for it all.

I took a final look at my things, not wanting to leave anything between. In my leg-stash wallet, I unexpectedly came across a thousand pesos. It was about 8:30 in the morning and so I decided to take a camera with me and take a final stroll into Sosúa. I walked down to the nearly deserted beach, took some photos, and went back up town. Suddenly, somebody called me by my name. I looked behind and saw Eduardo, the Dominican guy who had walked with me to "La Bomba" where Ana was to meet me. He seemed to be so happy to see me although I had a rather well-founded suspicion why.

Eduardo started praising me, unctuously telling me what a nice guy I was, how lucky he was to have met me, how wonderful Spain is, how nicely I dressed, etc. He gradually worked his way to the expected pitch: could I give him 300 pesos to rent a room for the day? He was short on cash. Since I hadn't expected to find the 1,000 pesos in my room, I didn't really care. Besides, it was nice just to talk to a Dominican man who knew the tourist biz.

I invited him to a drink and he said he would have a coffee. I ordered a Presidente for breakfast, the breakfast of "campeones". The waiter brought it and the bottle was so intensely cold that the beer was half slush. However, it quickly melted in the now sweltering morning heat and the fine barley and hops brew really went down well. So well in fact that Eduardo said that he would have the same rather than a coffee.

Eduardo asked me about what I thought about Sosúa. I told him in a very diplomatic way that I found that most of the girls were less than honest, perhaps even a bit on the treacherous side. He laughed and told me that I would have to meet real Dominican girls. I mentioned out of curiosity whether "good" Dominican girls make a point of shaving down below. Eduardo laughed saying, "eso es cosa de putas. Las buenas chicas no hacen eso" (Only putas do that, good girls don't do such things).

I told him about Lala and he said that he knew her. Hmmm, I thought to myself. She was a puta, that is for sure, he said, but a nice one. Hmmm. Then Eduardo told me that if I came next year, he would fix me up with some really nice girls. I was, and am, intrigued by the prospect. I am still thinking about it.

I gave Eduardo his money and he took off, thanking me over and over and urging me to write him about the girls he would fix me up with. At that moment, someone else called out my name. It was a Dominican girl but, at first, I didn't know who it was. She told me to be sure to say hello to my mother for her and then, after a big smile, she walked away. It was only then that it dawned on me that it was none other than Elizabeth herself. She had different clothes on, a different hat and sunglasses.

She did not explain why she had stood me up the night before. She just wanted me to give her greetings to my mother. Go figure. Apparently, I had connected to her at least on one level and on one point. I had told her that I loved my mother very much and so, apparently, did Elizabeth love hers. At least we had that in common and she was deeply touched by it. The mind boggles.

I made my way back up to the New Garden Hotel and waited for the taxi driver who had brought me on Friday afternoon. He told me that he would pick me up at 10:30 a.m. Once again, for the third time, I was waiting for a Dominican who failed to keep his or her appointment. I was getting used to this quaint custom and took it in stride. At 11:00, I headed down to Calle Pedro Clisante and asked how much it would cost to take a taxi to Puerto Plata airport. The hotel people had told me the cost was an extortionate 30 dollars but that it cost 8 dollars to La Unión, a small town which is a very walkable distance to the airport.

Armed with this information, I walked down and asked prices. They mentioned 35 dollars but then I told them, OK, take me to La Unión because I will walk from there to the airport. People pay 8 dollars to go there. Stunned that I knew this, the driver offered to take me for 24 dollars. I accepted that.

Sosúa was a very interesting place. I am still debating whether I will go back next year. I now know what to do and what to look for .

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Nice report. If you walk up to the highway, you can take the public taxi to the airport for $1, or if you want to be really lavish, take all 6 seats for yourself for 180 pesos ($5.50).

Member #2128
09-04-07, 09:40
Excellent gyno shot, Cunni! The fingernails add a needed splash of color to an otherwise dull orafice.

Ahhh, your last day so bittersweet. Saying goodby, or actually "dismissing" your first GFE. Meeting your pal Eduardo on the street, who appreciated your final pesos with gentility. This was such a perfect moment. Then, in what seemed like the next moment, even more magical, running into a transformed Elizabeth, who redeemed herself by sending sweet regards to your adored Mom and then gliding away into the Clisante traffic asking for nothing more.

I can see yourself standing there, somewhat stunned with bags packed and a flight waiting. Was there a small part of you that didn't want to leave, even after the problems and small disappointments? Suddenly, Eduardo has offered the possibility of more little teasers, for your next visit! The Dominican Republic is like that. One moment you're quite ready to leave...then in the next, you want to stay for a bit longer....just one more day....just one more week...until...

Another member mentioned that with your language skills you should visit other parts of the DR. I second that! Santo Domingo is a big city, filled with neighborhoods and clubs and all sorts of nonsense to explore. Then there is Las Terrenas---even smaller than Sosua, but more beautiful and filled with non-pro sweeties who smile at you, looking for experiences with foreigners as much as a few pesos for new clothes. Compared to Sosua it felt all so much more innocent there.

This could have been just the beginning, the first chapter of something quite special. The rest of the country beckons....Eduardo wants to help you...Elizabeth wants to hear more about your mother....the Meregue calls you from the beach...you know the cool Presidentes will taste even better when you return...

CL, you will be back....as will we all.

Your board buddy,


World Jockey
09-04-07, 15:20
I thought that I would send a couple of photos of Yossi the mute. In looking back, I feel that I must have been out of my mind as I was certainly not drunk. A clear example of the little head countermanding the larger one.

I am still amazed that I was able to get a gyno shot of a girl. I thought that only others could do that. The most amazing thing was that it was Yossi's idea. So, if you are into photographing Dominican mute vulvas, this would be an excellent source.Yup and then there is Yossi

Took me a good min to discover she is a also DEAF

Last time I was with her I gave her 500 pesos and she was happy

Also. She likes to go girl on girl if anyone is interested.

Cunning Linguist
09-04-07, 18:06
Here are some photos of sweet Lala, non-nude. I just couldn't take pictures of her in the buff but I am sure she would have assented. I just liked her too much. I know, that is strange.

Member #3437
09-05-07, 15:12
Besides the amazingly horrendous grammatical and spelling mistakes (the correct way would be "No pensabas que eras un mentiroso. Eres un falso, i.e. I didn't think you were a liar. You're phoney) that only a Haitian could make, I was struck by being called a liar and phoney by none other than Jackeline, a girl who had her own challenges with the truth and phoniness. I decided that it would be beneath me to reply and prompted zapped the e-mail to internet ether.

However, I was stung by the message and memory of most of the girls in Sosúa left a bad taste in my mouth


Eduardo started praising me, unctuously telling me what a nice guy I was, how lucky he was to have met me, how wonderful Spain is, how nicely I dressed, etc. He gradually worked his way to the expected pitch: could I give him 300 pesos to rent a room for the day?

Eduardo asked me about what I thought about Sosúa. I told him in a very diplomatic way that I found that most of the girls were less than honest,


CL, thanks for the laughs.

Member #3437
09-05-07, 15:20
A vaginal yeast infection costs about three bucks to cure in the DR, and about 10 bucks to cure in the US.

Here is the thing Livefast, if you were banging someone with an active infection you need to treat yourself. Yeast infections are contagious, but not serious. Also, a male can have a yeast infection and not have symptoms. Go down and get the yeast infection cream out of the women's section of the pharmacy and slaver your nuts, and forget about this lying ho.

If you were barebacking this "girlfriend", I would also recommend 500 mg of cipro and a zpac. A ten day dose of Metro wouldn't hurt you either.

I have been seeing this young beautiful woman for 3 straight trips now. She has provided me the wonderful sought after GFE. This is a time when I need advice and I need it ASAP! She usually never asks for money, until that terrible day when I gave her 100 dollars at the airport just shortly after we left. She never even asked for the money. From that point and on, she'd want a cell phone, but I declined. Then recently she is saying that she has come down with a vaginal yeast infection of some sort. Now, that call came a week after I saw her. She claims that this yeast infection she allready had when I was there with her. But I never saw any rashes on her, no blood ever came out, she never complained of pain during the fucky fucky, etc.

She asked for 100 dollars so she could get help for the yeast infection.

Thats right ladies and gentlemen, 100 fucking dollars for that!

Does anybody know how much it would cost to get treated for a vaginal infection in the DR, including the antibiotics of course. I have reason to believe she is lying, but I could be wrong. What is the game that these Dominican Girlfriends play on us to get money? I am relatively new to this game, so I could use a little overview on the GFE tactics and strategies.

In the meantime, I wont be sending her any money that she requested.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Cunning Linguist
09-05-07, 19:23
Ahhh, your last day so bittersweet. Saying goodby, or actually "dismissing" your first GFE. Meeting your pal Eduardo on the street, who appreciated your final pesos with gentility. This was such a perfect moment. Then, in what seemed like the next moment, even more magical, running into a transformed Elizabeth, who redeemed herself by sending sweet regards to your adored Mom and then gliding away into the Clisante traffic asking for nothing more.

In reading back over what I have written, it does sometimes look like a convoluted story with so many weird turns and coincidences but it all really happened just as I wrote it down. (also, in re-reading, I have had to cringe at some mistakes which I failed to correct in the text. For example, in correcting Jackeline's Tarzan Spanish, I meant to write "pensaba", not "pensabas". Oh well.)

I can see yourself standing there, somewhat stunned with bags packed and a flight waiting. Was there a small part of you that didn't want to leave, even after the problems and small disappointments? Suddenly, Eduardo has offered the possibility of more little teasers, for your next visit! The Dominican Republic is like that. One moment you're quite ready to leave...then in the next, you want to stay for a bit longer....just one more day....just one more week...until...

In a way, I needed to get away to get a hold of my thoughts. All the contradictions and half-truths and no-shows really got to me. If I am a mongerer, I am in the "third-string Junior High School " league compared to some of the NFL class regulars on this site. At least I know my place. However, Sosúa ... and Thailand ... have shown me that I am still a man. Perhaps an obvious fact but, in making a true confession, I simply can't "get it on" with my wife for a myriad of reasons and yet, for example, in Sosúa, I really felt like I was a 20 year old stud, going through 5 girls in 2 and a half days. I am might be a hypocritical adulterer headed for hell (according to the religion I was brought up on) but my trip to Sosúa really raised my spirits and even self-esteem.

Another member mentioned that with your language skills you should visit other parts of the DR. I second that! Santo Domingo is a big city, filled with neighborhoods and clubs and all sorts of nonsense to explore. Then there is Las Terrenas---even smaller than Sosua, but more beautiful and filled with non-pro sweeties who smile at you, looking for experiences with foreigners as much as a few pesos for new clothes. Compared to Sosua it felt all so much more innocent there.

This could have been just the beginning, the first chapter of something quite special. The rest of the country beckons....Eduardo wants to help you...Elizabeth wants to hear more about your mother....the Meregue calls you from the beach...you know the cool Presidentes will taste even better when you return...

CL, you will be back....as will we all.

Good ol' #2128, I think that you know my heart. I will definitely go back to the DR but most likely to Sosúa again. I can think of some nice dark gazelles that I missed out on and now I kind of know what to do. Santo Domingo would be interesting but I have only go for just 3 or 4 days at the most and there of plenty of the girls that I would like to get to know. Likewise, Las Terrenas would be too far away given that I have so little time. Thanks for the advice anyway.

09-05-07, 20:43
Cunning Linguist said:

"I am might be a hypocritical adulterer headed for hell (according to the religion I was brought up on) but my trip to Sosúa really raised my spirits and even self-esteem"

I think that is the whole point of mongering. You return home feeling like a new person and suddenly all the intrigues and deceptions and little details that you have been struggling with fall into perspective when confronted with the reality back home.

BTW, Hell is no myth, and you will get your 10 million years roasting on a spit over a burning pit. Just be patient.

09-07-07, 04:46
There are a lot of recommendations for hotels here. If price is no object what is the best chica friendly hotel in or around Sosua? Going for 3 days for a friend's 40th bday.

Thanks much.

I Jags
09-07-07, 05:05
does this spot have ac and is it close to the ocean? thanks.

la vida buena.

after 8 trips to sosua in less than 4 years i not only anticipate but have adapted to certain rituals – you know, quirky things that only seem to occur on vacations to this slice of heaven, like gorgeous bartenders who wrap presidentes in cute little napkin "skirts", blackouts practically everyday and the most pleasant. dealing with less than solid waste management issues during bathroom visits. so it was with anxious anticipation that i gladly participated in another dr custom as the wheels screeched to a rolling stop beneath my seat on this aa flight from miami.

i clapped and cheered along with 200 other tourists and residents for i was back on dominican soil after a year’s absence and trips to other parts of the world with arguably much more to offer than tiny sosua. and yet sosua will forever hold a special place as a quick 3-hour alternative to my new love – brazil and more specifically. rio de janeiro. but brazil is literally 1, 000s of miles away from me as i made my way down the ramp into customs, dancing a two step to the frantic rhythms of a trio who accepted my crisp $5. 00 propina with a smile. after getting a stamp in my passport and grabbing my bags, i entered dominican heat!

oh it’s hot in new york this summer. when i left the forecast called for 93 in central park. but there’s something to be said for caribbean heat. i ain’t complaining ‘cause i like it hot, but it takes a minute to adjust. and just as i’m ready to shed my shirt and go bare-chested, i’m noticing taxi drivers wearing jackets and hats! i turned away. but not before borrowing one of the driver’s phones to call mi amiga who agreed to meet me at the airport.

i called and as i indicated where i was, i noticed her speeding around the corner on the back of a motoconcho screaming my name and laughing as she came closer. she hopped off the bike and ran to me arms outstretched in her cute little corduroy jacket. wow, sometimes you never realize to what extent someone is missed until you go two years without seeing them. but after catching up on each other’s lives, and reflecting on our history together during the drive to sosua, it was as if we were never apart.

after checking into my hotel – sosua by the sea, we settled in and walked to activate my cellular and change my dinero. we walked to bailey’s and met another friend of hers for lunch. it was getting late, and i was getting tired, mi amiga decided to stay in the hotel with me and i had no problem with that. the plan was for me to take a quick nap and hit the clubs around 10: 30 or so. yeah right! we were both out and at 1:30am i rolled over and said "oh, well. "

the next morning we had breakfast overlooking the ocean and i walked her to the highway where she boarded a taxi to the bus to return to her hometown. i thanked her for meeting me at the airport and gave her a linen armani exchange blouse (one of many i bought in nyc to give to my girls.). needless to say she thanked me. i gave her a hug and a kiss and she promised she’d return before i leave. cool.

susana’s is probably my favorite restaurant in sosua (with restaurant central in charamicos coming in close second). the food is fresh and it’s a bargain by any measure. susana is always on site to greet you with her warm smile and as per usual, she gave me a great hug to welcome me back "home". as i enjoyed my rather delicious lunch of chicken, rice and beans, i watched all of sosua pass before me. several of the kids on the street, i’ve known for years and as a result, they feel comfortable approaching me and wanting to hang out. of course, i’ll buy them something to eat if they’re hungry and today was no exception. so me and my "kids" enjoyed susana’s dominican cuisine before i headed off in search of chicas whose photos i wanted them to have.

each year since my first trip in 2004, i have photographed the good, the bad and the sexy of sosua – and since nothing (nude) has ever appeared on the internet, the chicas all literally line up to be photographed. this year was no exception, and as i’ve done in previous years, the photos i took last year i gave away as regalos this year.

it was in plaza sosua, as i made my way down pedro clisante on this beautiful afternoon, that i ran into paola – the prima of a novia from last year. the "novia" had no idea when i was coming, but she knew i would be there soon, as i told her i come every year for my birthday and she knew my birthday quite well considering i met her fine ass on my birthday at classico’s.

but to be honest, i was trying to avoid getting "wifed-up" so soon in my vacation. not that i wanted to necessarily hit other chicks, but i like the idea of possibly having an opportunity to do so. all those dreams quickly vanished when the prima gave me a bear hug and a kiss on the cheek. then she pulled out her cell and dialed the "novia". damnit!

"el es aqui ahora mismo. ! " i didn’t hear another palabra – only "chao". paola turned to me, laughed and asked me to buy her a beer. it was 2:00pm. at 6:30pm the hotel reception called and said i had a visitor in the lobby. i took one look at her beautiful caramel skin and size 2 frame (i like the flaccas.) with incredible full breasts and nice tight ass and thought "are you crazy? " the hotel doesn’t allow guests – a plus for me – ‘cause frankly i don’t wanna be hounded 24/7 by chicas. when i wanna see ‘ them i’ll see ‘em in the streets. if they’re really cool, then i’ll go ahead and check ‘em in and they can stay in this ai with me and feast and drink and lounge by the pool in peace.

i told the receptionist she would be having dinner with me and we proceeded to the restaurant overlooking the ocean and beach. she was a little tired after the ride from san francisco de macoris and i completely understand, but i wasn’t down for checking her in – not yet anyway. i still had my regular coming from santiago on the weekend.

after dinner we proceeded to the pool area and watched stars and each others bodies as our hands explored territories clothes could barely hide. she has an incredible body and i knew i had to make a move to my room, but alas, i couldn’t so i told her to meet me tonight at the club and we’ll go from there. i gave her regalos from ny. she thanked me, gave me a nice hug and stuck a wet tongue in my ear. i immediately had to stick my hand in my shorts’ pocket (if ya know what i mean.) and watched as her cute little ass left the hotel skipping carrying a big saks fifth avenue bag.

apparently word spread fast that i was in town. as i was leaving my hotel, the world-famous julissa came speeding around the corner on her moped with blausi riding in the back. i must admit julissa is looking rather delicious these days. they both literally screamed my name and i thought to myself "these chicas eres locas. "

donde tu vas? sosua life. ven aca! ok. and so it was that i had a nice sandwich on my first night out in sosua with julissa driving and blausi offering a birthday happy hour for nada. julissa seconded it by saying she’s been knowing me for 4 years and i never sex her.

duh. exactly! they’re cool as "amigas" and definitely good for vacation laughs, but i ain’t trying to hit chicks that seen more dick in ‘em than the urinal at madison square garden. i go for the less aggressive, off the beaten path, don’t live within 20 miles of sosua chicks. and their friends.

and after arriving at sosua life i solidified my opinion. there were some serious dogs this trip. not a good selection at all. granted, i’m picky. but most of these chicks were busted. too much makeup, too many beers and not enough crunches, and if that weren’t enough, they’re not very sophisticated. subtlety goes a long way with me, and these girls obviously skipped that course at soranji’s finishing school. so like t-pain, i was with the bartender.

ms. san francisco arrived with her two cousins and we all grabbed a few presidentes. we were ushered into latino’s and seated in the "vip" section – which i didn’t like – it gave the impression that we were somehow "better" than the main crowd on the dance floor, so i kept leaving the area to dance with the crowd. in my mind, "vip" is how ya carry yourself, not where you’re seated. so i didn’t return. but the music was hot!

i instantly fell in love with this one song i believe it’s called "destination" – and it’s on some hypnotic, rhythmic and other-worldly beat tip that’s bananas! all i know is that every time it came on i had to move and so did everyone in the clubs. it’s that hot.

we made our way to classico’s which is still going strong after all these years. my usual perch is near the dance floor as i’m a dancer. i don’t go to clubs to profile, i go to move! because of this fact, in the dr, i had a plan to dance with each and every chica in sosua and tonight i had a good start with maybe 10. of course with the new hours, just as the party is getting good, it’s closing time. so i made my way with ms. sf to my second hotel – la isla bonita – 600 pesos for the night. you can’t beat it.

after downing shots of tequila with me, we were both feeling pretty nice and after removing our clothes, we were looking even better. it’s amazing how sobering the art of sex is. as usual, this 23 year old made good use of her beautiful full lips for what seemed like an eternity as she slurped and slowly licked me before demanding "fug-me" um, ok.

two hours later, we were a sweaty mess as the electricity checked out as we slept. i didn’t mind and she woke me – bad breathe and all – with a great messy bj, finishing with riding me for all she was worth, screaming "i cum! "- completely oblivious to the fact that our window was fully opened. hey, if she don’t mind, i certainly don’t. and 10 minutes later, i had her on hands and knees, ass perfectly angled as i slammed her from behind, giving her a leche stream that slowly oozed down the beautiful curve of her spine. after a quick shower, we changed and headed out to laroca for desunyuno – delicious if somewhat pricey i might add.

not that i’m superstitious or anything, but today is friday, the 13th. and after giving ms. sf dinero for a motoconcho, i returned to my hotel, hoping to head to the gym and then to the pool to bask in the sun for a few hours. two years ago i purchased the greatest gadget for my ipod – a player that has great sound capacity and is compact for travel, so needless to say, it’s a constant companion on the playa, in my room and by the pool.

well today on this 13th day of july, it decides it doesn’t want to operate. that’s right. no sound, no power. nada! damnit! of course because the player also serves a dual purpose as an ipod charger, my ipod will soon die as well. i spent the better part of the day running to puerto plata and then out to caberete in search of another player or a charger to no luck and eventually gave in to the fact that it’s not gonna happen. i did find a repair shop in charamicos that from the looks of the shop made me cringe when they said they could fix it. but after 3 days, i returned and the greasy-fingered repairman handed me my now mangled player and said "no es possible". gee, you think? ! jerk!

oh, well. i thought of my last trip to rio this past new year’s eve – when it rained practically everyday. i told my friends to look on the bright side. yeah, it’s raining, miserable weather, but we’re in rio. so i took a dose of my own medicine and said, "it’s broken, but you’re in sosua, you’re not behind your desk in manhattan. get over it". and i did. of course it helps when you have ms. santiago, calling saying "te amo" and "i’ll see you in a few hours. "

cool. now there’s some good luck.

ms. santiago and i met on my first trip and have been (in her words) "amigos con beneficios. " every since. i do have feelings for her and i believe hers for me and yet we can’t seem to get along longer than 4 or 5 days. go figure.

later in the club, i was with ms. sf and trying to delicately explain (again) that i have ms. santiago coming up to spend time with me for my birthday. understandably, she doesn’t like ms. santiago at all and views her as a serious threat. i explained that there’s no need for drama ‘cause it’s my vacation and ultimately i’m gonna do right by all parties involved. just play your role. yeah right. that went over like rosie on a pole vault.

a friend of ms. santiago came over to me at classico’s and whispered that ms. santiago was on the other side of the club. i thanked her and told ms. sf i’d be right back. i wasn’t gone 5 minutes and as i was talking to ms. santiago, ms. sf comes storming over yelling and screaming that she came up here for my birthday and ms. santiago doesn’t love you, blah, blah, blah. of course this got a lot of attention in the club – as she stormed off crying. ms. santiago tried to grab my hand saying "let’s go! " and i told her, "no. you go. "

and so i was alone. at last. i went to my bartender and asked for a shot of brugal for the road and leisurely made my way down the stairs exiting the club solo feeling like this is way more than i wanted in theatrics. several chicas passed me on my out saying "diablo", "mafioso" and other malo names with smirks on their faces, i just nodded my head, like "that’ll be me. "

just goes to show, sometimes, you can’t even be honest with ‘em. i headed to the casino where i danced with some chicas i know. i got a tap on my shoulder and turned around to be greeted by ms. santiago’s gentle kiss on the lips. i gave her a hug and she smiled mentioning how i’m always causing problems. i told her i learned from the best.

i was introduced to her girlfriends and primas and we danced ‘til 4:30am when we returned to their apartments at casa cayene. we were all done so we all crashed on one giant bed. all six of us – me and five bad-ass chicas. only in sosua! i woke up and had to move them off me as i left for my hotel. but not before ms. santiago grabbed me and off we creeped to the bathroom for a somewhat quiet quickie.

i made my way to playa sosua today for the first time this trip and incredible as this may sound, every visit feels like the very first time. it truly is a peaceful yet lively setting with a stunning view of that perpetually cloud-shrouded mt. isabel. i leisurely strolled the shore, marveling at how love has company in the international language department. laughter – a child’s laughter in particular. it’s probably the purest form of shameless self-expression there is. it made my day and i pulled out my camera in an attempt to capture a glimpse of their joyous revelry.

after strolling the entire length of playa sosua, i returned to sit in my boy’s section and immediately ordered fried fish, french fries and a cold cola. as usual, the food and the sun were very satisfying and relaxing and before long, i was dozing. off. to. sl.

my cell phone’s vibration buzzed me back from a rather lengthy sueno and i answered half groggy as ms. santiago wanted to know where i was and why wasn’t i with her. i ended a rather sexy call by telling her i’ll see her tonight at sosua life.

fred jackson is my boy. love him to death. i first met him in 2004 at voodoo lounge when he and i sang the temptations’ classic "my girl". it’s so rare to find someone at one of these karaoke places who actually can sing that we both hit it off instantly. in subsequent years fred went on to open and run the sosua life bar opposite classico’s and since last year he owns a nice little spot further down pedro clisante from la passion’s called cubre libre bar.

i had been in sosua for two days, so i knew it was high-time i made my appearance. i came in and as usual marveled at his ability to hire some of the sexiest (if unreliable and untrustworthy) bartenders in sosua. i quickly ordered a cold one and gave a few of his bartenders photos i took of them last year on the beach in cabarete.

i invited fred out for my birthday celebration and he mentioned he would stop by classico’s. as is his custom, he invited me out for a picnic on my birthday with several of his bartenders and his novia. how could i say no? it’s on.

i left with a promise to see him soon and headed back down pedro clisante where of course i had to see the work peter is doing in lapassion’s. it’s a good look! although the pool had no water, its location and the willingness of the ladies to display what one could touch while basking in it, made it all worthwhile. one cutie took me by the hand and gave me a guided tour, removing her hand from mine when we were alone to grab another digit. i wasn’t complaining. but i told her i had to get going and that i’d see her again.

as i walked along the street returning to sbts, i heard my name called from a dark entrance to what appeared to be a deserted bar. i glanced inside and saw mimosa. the loca haitiana that in previous trips was a highlight of any trip for me. she nearly squeezed the life out of me before grilling me for not stopping by sooner (she heard i was in town). i honestly had no idea where to find her. as we talked the cutest of kids came out from the back and she introduced him to me as her son from some dude who she says has no part in his or her life anymore. interesting. but she seems to have adjusted well to motherhood. who’d thought that? before i became too impressed with her parenting skills, she excitedly told me she’ll be at the clubs, as she has to be on my dance card. sounds like a plan. with that i gave her a kiss and kept it moving.

at the club it was all good as i watched and felt sorta sad for ms. sf looking desperate trolling the bars with her cousins in a straight line, weaving thru the crowd like some misery train looking for somewhere to derail. i later found her in the company of some dude and as she walked past me, she rolled her eyes ‘til she went to sleep and i laughed.

i partied with ms. santiago and a slew of other sosua regulars and watched my back as the clock struck midnight. if you don’t know, i’ll tell you what someone didn’t tell me 2 years ago. dominican tradition states that when it’s someone’s birthday, their "regalo" comes in the form of a cold cerveza poured over the head. and for someone like me who’s sportin’ designer clothes, that ain’t the coolest prospect in the world. they got me that one year, but i’ll be damned if i’m drenched and smelling like a distillery for the remainder of the night. luckily the dj gave me a shout-out and the chicas gave me hugs and kisses and the chicos gave me high-fives! now, we’re talking

dude looks like a lay-day. ! i live in new york, a place packed with all kinds of different people with alternative lifestyles, and yet somehow, someway it all works – for the most part. we live and let live here. i said that to say that gays, cross-dressers and transvestites are not that big of a deal here. they’re everywhere and it’s a price you pay for living in this great, liberal, artistic metropolis.

sosua, this eternal yet ever changing ho-asis, now apparently has a market for babes with balls for i counted at least 5 dudes that were in full drag and were almost always busy with clients. i’m making mention of it, ‘cause two of them were friends with ms. santiago and her girls, so i was introduced and subsequently took pix of them. they were cool. a riot in fact. but there’s no way in hell any dude in their right mind could ever think they were anything but (biological) men. in other words, it isn’t what it isn’t.

one of them had to be about 6’ 5" and had on high heels to boot! and no matter where i was dancing, "she" somehow ended up dancing next to me. of course, i would speak and after a few days, she was stopping by to say hola. it was on one of these occasions at the casino that as i’m shaking her (rather large) hand to say "hola" that she pulls me in closer to say "i like you. " yikes! i politely told her i understand and respect who and what you are but i don’t get down like that. she stood up, flipped her hair and said "que lastima" (what a pity) and walked off. yeah, you go, girl.

hunger of course is a beast that is best dealt with swiftly and luckily there’s a guy right outside the casino who’s serving up some pretty good grub. of course i’d never eat off a cart in the middle of midtown manhattan, but at 4:30am, my defense is pretty weak, particularly when a cutie haitian has been eyeing me (with ms. santiago) all night. as i’m investigating what’s cooking that’s smelling so good, i go for funds, and wouldn’t you know it, mr. big spender has 200 pesos – enough for a motoconcho and nada mas. i’m not one for the atm machines at this hour, so i guess my curiosity will have to wait for my dinero to catch up.

not so fast. as i was turning to leave, a cutie that i had seen a few times said in her broken english "why you don’t wanna try? it’s good". i honestly told her ‘cause i’m broke’. taking a break from devouring their sandwiches, and without missing a beat, this girl made my night. she motioned to her girls who nodded in agreement. "we looky you pay muchas cervesas for everybody, so we buy for your birthday. "

now there’s a first. ok, bueno. not sure how they knew it was my birthday, but i ended up spending another 20 minutes with them sitting outside laughing and talking until ms. santiago came out and saw us. oh, boy. i calmed her ass down by saying "give piece a chance" and gave her a few bites of my delicious sandwich.

we all piled into a taxi and i spent the night at ms. santiago’s and struggled to sleep against the apparent wishes of a rather animated rooster outside the window at 11:30am who refused to accept the fact that dawn had long since passed!

i got up and made my way back to sbts. as i made my way to the coffee machine, i noticed some of the guests staring with a look of "where the hell is he coming from? " i eventually approached a nice couple from london and introduced myself and asked if they’d like to see the "real" sosua.

a co-worker of mine called me a week before i came down and told me he was making his first trip to sosua – at the same time i’d be there! so i had him book a room two doors down from me and when he arrived, i took him on the grand tour, explaining how in my mind’s eye, sosua is a mini-manhattan. it’s an international party town with many people from all walks of life, engaged in all forms of activities. the motoconchos are manhattan’s yellow taxis. hell now it’s even turned fab-you-lus with all the rupauls running around. not to mention, it’s crowded, noisy yet lovable in its own unique way. just like my neck of the woods.

it was interesting to watch someone’s first view of sosua thru their eyes. and to hear that infamous question – "they’re all prostitutes"? ! yes, and you’re fresh meat, buddy.

ms. santiago had to return to santiago (hot damn! ) later that night while out solo, ms. sf saw me again and this time she sadly eased up beside me and gave me a kiss under the chin and i gave her a hug. i’m not mad at her, but she’s – really all dominicanas. have this childish view of relationships. particularly when i know she’s in the game, even if it’s on a part-time basis. she said she was tired, and didn’t want to be with anybody but me and that she was going home. i told her i’d call her tomorrow and kissed her goodbye.

the following day i met fred and picked up ms. sf and we all headed out to eat in caberete. it was a cool outing until ms. sf showed a side of her that damn-near had me ready to pull an "oj". long story short? i don’t like mayo. i had a plate of fries that i would dip into katsup. ms. sf thought it nice to offer me a fry she had dipped in mayo, i told her "no me gusta, gracias" and as i continued talking to fred, ms. sf took another mayo-dipped fry and put it in my open mouth. ok, ha, ha – really funny. i playfully put her in a headlock and continued talking. 10 seconds later, she did it again! what the? ! "what part of ‘i don’t like mayo’ didn’t you understand? " "i’m serious. cut it out. " she laughed and i got pissed. i continued to talk and as i’m talking she takes a french fry dips it in mayo and makes like an airplane and does dives close to my face. i’m ready to knock her the hell out. fred and his girl are in shock like this chica is loca. she eventually eats that one as i stopped talking now and i’m only barely containing my anger as my hand is visibly shaking.

five seconds later she takes another fry loads it with mayo and smears it on my burger. i looked at her with disgust and thought of smashing that burger up her nose, but then i didn’t want to be the ugly american making a scene in a restaurant. so i got up and left the table and walked the beach for 20 minutes to calm down. when i returned she’s all crying with the "lo sientos – es bromas". in plain english i told her "fuck you! "; yet i don’t hold grudges so by the time we returned to sosua, i was fingering her in the backseat with plans on fucking her back at la isla bonita. but now i see that’s all we’ll have in common, i can’t roll with a kindergartener.

i left her there and headed back to the hotel where i met my buddy for a few drinks at the bar before heading out with the london couple in tow. all three of them were scared to try the motoconchos – and who can blame them. but i reassured them it’s the quickest way around town. if he’s going too fast, tell him to ease up a little, very simple.

once at the club, ms. sf arrived with her cousin looking her usual stunning (but boring) self. i greeted them and as we chilled she became increasingly irritated at the prospect of ms. santiago having my ai bracelet from the hotel and was perplexed why she didn’t have one this year as well. i told her it was too much of a hassle and with that she starts ranting that i love ms. santiago and not her and that i should be with her and how she came here for me. i tuned her out and she stormed away. whatever. her loss. i was very decent and patient with her crazy, spoiled ass. and finally, for the first time this trip it was me, myself and my boy! no hassles, no petty jealousies – just babe ogling.

ms. sandwich from the casino came in with her girls and gave me the hugs and kisses and of course i had to buy her a drink and take her photos. we hung out and ended up at classico’s dancing salsa ‘til they kicked us out (god i hate the new closing times.) just when the party is jumping it’s closing time and it takes a minute for the party to build the momentum it had at classico’s in the casino, but what can we do?

while dancing by myself – as i sometimes tend to do – within a minute, chicas always come near. tonight was no exception. this gorgeous thick girl with a black hat and black gloves – looking like alicia keyes came grinding up behind me – "hola. ms. keyes". she laughed and began frantically moving her hips as i tried in vein to keep pace. damn she was hot. i usually go for the chicks in the featherweight category, but this one could definitely get it!

i told her the club was about to close and she should ride with me to the casino and vamos – we headed out. in the backseat i asked could i see those boobs that were hypnotizing dudes in the clubs and she gladly whipped the most perfectly shaped carmel colored globes out for my viewing pleasure. i immediately placed my tongue on the nipple and sucked and gently bit them for the duration of the trip to the casino. every so often i’d stop to kiss her. i hope the driver was paying real close attention to the road, ‘cause everybody else was all in our lustful party.

it was getting late, i was tired and she was ready to go. but i knew i had no energy ‘cause i was gonna go horseback riding in the morning. when i told her she said "you can ride me. " and then she turned around, took off her hat and let her long hair down and offered it to me as though it were reigns. cute. she has a sense of humor, but i’ll pass. i got her number and told her i’d call. and to this day i’m regretting that i didn’t get with her. oh well.

the next day i was up and out by 8:30am for a tour of the country side on horseback. for those who’ve never done it, i highly recommend it! it’s a six-hour excursion that includes a tour of a barrio with live music on a farm as well as touring the mountainous regions of dr with stops for a swim in a natural lake with waterfalls, drinks and a big home-cooked meal at the end. all for $60. 00 us. i did it for the first time last year and made it a promise to do it each year. it’s organized by chiquino and he can be found near sbts and its beach.

of course when we returned i was so drained i just jumped in the jacuzzi to relax the muscles and chill. all and all this is a good vacation. drama? sure. petty chicas? claro. but time spent with them is still priceless in comparison to bs nyc chicks.

my amiga who met me at the airport called and said she wanted to come up to sosua for another visit before i leave. ok. so she arrived early the next day at 9:00am and i met her in the lobby and took her to the pool where we chilled out and talked with my boy from new york. she was hungry and i was pretty much done with the food at sbts, so we made our way to la roca (i wanted susana’s but she didn’t wanna be bothered with folks on that end of the calle) she was sporting my regalo and it looked great on her! she loved it (of course) and said she wouldn’t lose it – like she’s done to other rather expensive gifts in the past.

after more small talk, it was time for her to take the bus back home and so we loaded her into my boy’s car and drove her to her stop and i gave her a big hug and kiss goodbye and she flashed that smile that lights up any room and said "chao chao". it was sooo good to see her. no matter what, she will be with me one way or another for the rest of my life.

when i returned ms. santiago called saying that she heard i was with a lot of girls. "y"? of course i’m dancing and flirting, but i ain’t hitting these girls and she knows it. but it’s good drama – so here we go again. i told her to get her ass up here and she can find out who i wanna get with. she laughed and said she’ll see me in 4 hours. cool.

i told reception as i wanted her to stay with me in my hotel tonight.

ms. fashion plate arrived with the heaviest of suitcases for one night. i’m like who’d you kill and stuff in here? "it’s makeup, sweetie. " ok. we stayed in our room and made up for lost time for a few hours and as usual, my toes were sufficiently curled and i was ready for the night. after changing, we headed out and met her cousins/friends and partied like rock stars – totally dude.

i made my rounds around the club and said my gracias and adios to my folks and made it back to the hotel by 4:30am where me and ms. santiago attempted to beat our own world record for consecutive orgasms. for the record it’s 5 in 7 hours.

after checking out, i pulled a few tables together at the hotel restaurant and ms. santiago, the london couple, another couple from birmingham, england, my boy from new york and the manager of sbts had a goodbye brunch together and it was a nice way to say so long ‘til next year to one of my favorite destinations in the entire world.

i left from sti airport and ms. santiago rode with me – that road is no joke. i’d never do that at night, but it is stunning. very colorful with rich vistas in every direction. we talked for the first hour, but soon the drive thru the mountains got the best of us and we were knocked out until we arrived in noisy santiago. she made a stop to show me her very lovely apartment and then we were off to the airport some 20 minutes away.

i thanked her for another great trip and as they announced my flight she started with the tears. god i hate that part. but she knows i’ll be back. i always come back. and how could i not? for it is what vacations are made for. to vacate your normal everyday life and few places allow you an opportunity for pleasure on so many levels like mi sosua.

it is indeed a good life. yo amo sosua.

editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-08-07, 00:34
Does this spot have AC and is it close to the ocean? Thanks.It does have AC, however I've been there on several trips and and it was not working. Luckily, the overhead fan and an open window are a nice alternative. It's about a 5 minute motoconcho ride or 15 minute walk away from Playa Sosua.

09-08-07, 03:30
There are a lot of recommendations for hotels here. If price is no object what is the best chica friendly hotel in or around Sosua? Going for 3 days for a friend's 40th bday.

Thanks much.Check out the New Garden Hotel, but you better move fast because the place sells out fast.

09-16-07, 22:26
Okay, so, I recently visited BB's (submitted a report under POP) for a few days and had a great time. So great, that I'm already planning my return. Based on the recommendations of some true mongers who boasted 3-a-days in Sosua, I'the like to split my time between Sosua and Blackbeard's. I was given a couple of hotel suggestions, but forgot the names. The recommended places were really inexpensive--like 40-50 bucks a night or so and right on the strip with all the clubs. Sound familiar to anyone? Looking for basic amenities, but as a minimum queen/king bed, A/see, safety, WIFI would be nice, and a pool and or hot tub. Also, any recommendations on where to put up a big group of guys (like 10-15 dudes) for a future trip I'm trying to organize? Assume all will be mongering and will probably want their own digs. Recommendations for a good apartment-type setup or hacienda for rent for about a week would be great. Please, no RTFF replies, I'm doing that--I've gone back a couple of months so far, with no hotel/lodging inputs. Still reading. Also, can anyone confirm a guy's story where he said there were like 400 girls in the club and maybe 50 guys? What club (s) could hold that many people in Sosua? Or was he just talking shit?



Marc Anthony
09-19-07, 23:58
Europa is about $50 a night and right on Pedro Clisante with chicas hanging out right outside. As of last February it had wi-fi in the restaurant. Pool,reliable AC, cable, King sized beds.Yes the main cluster of discos will frequently have 100's of chicas and a small fraction of that number of males.That's true of Sosua in general. Casa Linda is a development of 2-3 BR villas that has rentals. There have been a number of postings by satisfied customers. Somebody would have to rent vehicles since they are a bit outside town - and read up on driving in the DR before assuming that's trivial. New Garden has been much recommended and is right in town about $50. If you want to book 15 rooms you may be able to get a good deal at any of these places as long as its not a prime December -January booking.Just google them- they have websites and email.

09-21-07, 19:28
Europa is about $50 a night and right on Pedro Clisante with chicas hanging out right outside. As of last February it had wi-fi in the restaurant. Pool,reliable AC, cable, King sized beds.Yes the main cluster of discos will frequently have 100's of chicas and a small fraction of that number of males.That's true of Sosua in general. Casa Linda is a development of 2-3 BR villas that has rentals. There have been a number of postings by satisfied customers. Somebody would have to rent vehicles since they are a bit outside town - and read up on driving in the DR before assuming that's trivial. New Garden has been much recommended and is right in town about $50. If you want to book 15 rooms you may be able to get a good deal at any of these places as long as its not a prime December -January booking.Just google them- they have websites and email.How about Hotel Casa Cayenna. Its chicas friendly, has A/C and is affordable. But, how far of a walk is it from the strip? At night, is walking back to the hotel with a chica or two just not a safe option?

09-21-07, 21:20
Rodeo, It sounds like you are ready to advance and remove your training wheels. Why would you consider a return to BB"s?

09-21-07, 23:19
How about Hotel Casa Cayenna. Its chicas friendly, has A/C and is affordable. But, how far of a walk is it from the strip? At night, is walking back to the hotel with a chica or two just not a safe option?Casa Cayenna is one block further than New Garden, within sight of one another. Just as safe a walk but there are a couple of perras (street putas) who will acost you enroute and rob you if you let them near. just keep walking and don't let them near.

09-23-07, 19:40
Rodeo, It sounds like you are ready to advance and remove your training wheels. Why would you consider a return to BB"s?Like I said, there's a couple or 3 honies at BB's that I REALLY would like to spend some time with! I'm definitely gonna take more advantage of the hot tub on my next visit...that thing is like magic with the girls, man!


09-25-07, 03:21
Like I said, there's a couple or 3 honies at BB's that I REALLY would like to spend some time with! I'm definitely gonna take more advantage of the hot tub on my next visit...that thing is like magic with the girls, man!


That hot tub is a perfect dick sucking venue.

09-25-07, 03:27
Yes sir!

That is perfect for getting your dick sucked.

That hot tub is a perfect dick sucking venue.

Silver Shadow
09-27-07, 10:36
Among my several (including my last) visit to Sosua, the happy ending at La Passions included a nice blowjob.

Has this changed?

09-27-07, 12:00
Among my several (including my last) visit to Sosua, the happy ending at La Passions included a nice blowjob.

Has this changed?

No, some girls even provide cim too.

09-27-07, 18:21
Casa Cayenna is one block further than New Garden, within sight of one another. Just as safe a walk but there are a couple of perras (street putas) who will acost you enroute and rob you if you let them near. just keep walking and don't let them near.I think that taking a concho would eliminate the risk of running into some unwanted "perras".

Have you stayed at Casa Cayenna; any feed on this place?

09-28-07, 03:15
I think that taking a concho would eliminate the risk of running into some unwanted "perras".

Have you stayed at Casa Cayenna; any feed on this place?Stayed there quite often in my earliest trips this year but switched to New Garden. NG is cheapoer at $45 a night with cash v. $60+ at Casa. Casa offers a very nice breakfast included where NG does not More girls visit NG during the day and early evening and most are attractive. One prblem with the Casa is the A/C which only functions well in a couple of rooms and is loud as hell.

Escort King
09-28-07, 16:19
Stayed there quite often in my earliest trips this year but switched to New Garden. NG is cheapoer at $45 a night with cash v. $60+ at Casa. Casa offers a very nice breakfast included where NG does not More girls visit NG during the day and early evening and most are attractive. One prblem with the Casa is the A/C which only functions well in a couple of rooms and is loud as hell.
The AC is an important tip. Plus you can get a much cheaper breakfast at Rocky's.

09-28-07, 20:31
I agree the A/C is a must, especially when its hot and humid; this will set me away from Casa Cayenna. The New Garden seems nice, affordable, well located and the reports are good. Some guys complain about their inability to book online. Do you trust their website for reservation, or do you follow up with a phone call? Do you get a printed confirmation?

Also, if you have a choice which floor is best (by pool side or 2nd or 3rd) in terms of comfort and privacy? It seems from the picture that the pool side rooms 'door is quite thin and may not lock!


Bq Ribs
09-28-07, 22:10
I stayed at Casa Cayena last month and switched rooms three times and still never had decent A/C.

New Garden is a much better deal. You just have to book early.

09-29-07, 20:02
Yes sir!

That is perfect for getting your dick sucked.

And I will be getting my dick sucked there in November.

DR Monger II
09-30-07, 18:04
I was drunk one night and saw one of this street putas follow me. Becareful. I just walked back to Casa Cayena quickly, but she kept following me.

Casa Cayenna is one block further than New Garden, within sight of one another. Just as safe a walk but there are a couple of perras (street putas) who will acost you enroute and rob you if you let them near. just keep walking and don't let them near.

10-01-07, 04:16
Anyone have any advice, contact names/numbers/agencies for Real Estate Investors in the area? Looking to plan a business/mongering trip with some High School/College buds that might be interested in purchasing properties. Would need agents that speak English and understand the complications of non-local investors. Thanks in advance!


10-01-07, 18:07
Anyone have any advice, contact names/numbers/agencies for Real Estate Investors in the area? Looking to plan a business/mongering trip with some High School/College buds that might be interested in purchasing properties. Would need agents that speak English and understand the complications of non-local investors. Thanks in advance!


Try Hispaniola Real Estate across from La Roca's.
Try Century 21 / Juan Perdomo on Pedro Clisante.
Both have agents that speak english.
I have dealt with both of them in the past.

10-01-07, 21:44

Last December I've been in La passion for the first time. Many nice girls to choose from but the massage was only standard. On their new website (beside that one in yahoo groops) http://www.lapassion-sosua.com some weeks ago they have offered some "take aways". Has anybody tried these nice girls outside? As far as I remember the prices where depending on the take out times (as earlier as more expensive). Thanks a lot!

10-02-07, 01:26
Okay dudes...I'm thinking of staying at Casa Linda (thanks for the website) and, rather than trying to figure my way around...or depend on a chica, I think I'd like to get a driver (or two) to drive me and the girls and maybe another mongerer around for a couple of days/nights. Anyone have any contacts of TRUSTWORTHY, English speaking drivers that know the best places for girls and won't get me killed by driving excessively drunk or trying to scam me. Also, looking for a good, inexpensive place to rent an SUV (include rates too if known)! Thanks in advance.


10-02-07, 07:32

Last December I've been in La passion for the first time. Many nice girls to choose from but the massage was only standard. On their new website (beside that one in yahoo groops) http://www.lapassion-sosua.com some weeks ago they have offered some "take aways". Has anybody tried these nice girls outside? As far as I remember the prices where depending on the take out times (as earlier as more expensive). Thanks a lot!

The best thing about passion`s girls is that they don`t cause any kind of trouble. Some of my best sessions in Sosua were with passion`s girls.Try to hook up with the girl(s) on their day off.

10-03-07, 03:43
The best thing about passion`s girls is that they don`t cause any kind of trouble. Some of my best sessions in Sosua were with passion`s girls.Try to hook up with the girl(s) on their day off.There's also a forum off of this La Passions site. I registered and had to ask...apparently, they're planning to charge $85/hr for ST in the rooms once they get them up and running. I asked them why so much when BB's charges half that for 2 hrs and 80 for TLN. I don't know if they'll reconsider pricing, but, maybe if enough of us get on there, it might work. Here's the forum URL:


Keepin em honest,


10-03-07, 03:48
The best thing about passion`s girls is that they don`t cause any kind of trouble. Some of my best sessions in Sosua were with passion`s girls.Try to hook up with the girl(s) on their day off.There's also a forum off of this La Passions site. I registered and had to ask. Apparently, they're planning to charge $85/hr for ST in the rooms once they get them up and running. I asked them why so much when BB's charges half that for 2 hrs and 80 for TLN. I don't know if they'll reconsider pricing, but, maybe if enough of us get on there, it might work. Here's the forum URL: http://www.lapassion-sosua.com/phpBB3/index.php

Keepin em honest,


10-03-07, 08:29
There's also a forum off of this La Passions site. I registered and had to ask. Apparently, they're planning to charge $85/hr for ST in the rooms once they get them up and running. I asked them why so much when BB's charges half that for 2 hrs and 80 for TLN. I don't know if they'll reconsider pricing, but, maybe if enough of us get on there, it might work. Here's the forum URL: http://www.lapassion-sosua.com/phpBB3/index.php

Keepin em honest,


Thank you for the information, i usually go there for the massages + happy ending. 2500 pesos/hour is way to much for me, cause at the discos most girls accepted 1500 pesos for toda la noche straight away, so maybe you are right and they should reconsider their pricing.

10-03-07, 15:54
Thank you for the information, i usually go there for the massages + happy ending. 2500 pesos/hour is way to much for me, cause at the discos most girls accepted 1500 pesos for toda la noche straight away, so maybe you are right and they should reconsider their pricing.

The new prices at La Passion may be relatively expensive, but I think they are aiming more at the tourist market. The man with his wife at the beach could take a quick motoconcho ride on the pretext of seeking an ATM, pop into LaPassion where a cute girl, clean room, shower, soap, condom etc. is all available.

So you are paying for convenience and one-stop shopping. Guys staying in their own room in Sosua will have more alternatives, as you have pointed out.

Escort King
10-03-07, 16:26
I hope he is grandfathering in pricing for his old clients. It is going from 900 pesos to 2500 pesos. That is outrageous

10-03-07, 23:13
There's also a forum off of this La Passions site. I registered and had to ask. Apparently, they're planning to charge $85/hr for ST in the rooms once they get them up and running. I asked them why so much when BB's charges half that for 2 hrs and 80 for TLN. I don't know if they'll reconsider pricing, but, maybe if enough of us get on there, it might work. Here's the forum URL: http://www.lapassion-sosua.com/phpBB3/index.php

Keepin em honest,


I think the difference is that Passion's is including the room in the pricing. BB's does not.

10-04-07, 02:34
I think the difference is that Passion's is including the room in the pricing. BB's does not.

Hmmm, if my math is correct, that comes to about $40-50 for a room for 2 hours, - a bit pricey, considering what one pays at a cabana.

10-04-07, 12:07
Hmmm, if my math is correct, that comes to about $40-50 for a room for 2 hours, - a bit pricey, considering what one pays at a cabana.

BB's will chage you $25-30 for a short term stay in one of their rooms.

Bee 362
10-04-07, 17:43
Hope this uploads. Nothing special Sosua bar girl.

Bee 362
10-04-07, 17:50
Hung out at Domino bar next to Europa hotel.

Bee 362
10-04-07, 17:54
Nice ass on this girl.

Bee 362
10-04-07, 18:17
Same Sosua girl.

Bee 362
10-04-07, 18:37
Haitian girl from the street.

Bee 362
10-04-07, 18:38
Cute girl, spoke english well.

Bee 362
10-04-07, 18:40
Beware, she's a bit of a gold digger.

Bee 362
10-04-07, 18:42
Sorry, this one is pretty dark.

Bee 362
10-04-07, 18:46
I spent the night at her apartment off the highway towards the airport. Spotless and well furnished. My guess is that she has a sponsor.

Bee 362
10-04-07, 20:50
More Domino bar girl Sosua.

Bee 362
10-04-07, 20:51
Even more Domino bar girl in Sosua.

Bee 362
10-04-07, 20:53
The reason why I go to the DR.

Bee 362
10-04-07, 21:12
After looking at a picture that I actually took I feel like barfing! Please don't view 1 hour before or after eating.

Bee 362
10-04-07, 21:25
I need to get a flight back to the DR.

Bee 362
10-04-07, 21:44
She said that Fabiola was her given name by Haitian Parents. She calls herself "Fabby". Aside from what she does to make money this girl has her shit together.

Bee 362
10-04-07, 23:23
Nasty US Ho. Florida. Rather be in DR.

Bee 362
10-04-07, 23:32
Nasty Girl I fucked in Miami.

10-05-07, 00:04
Okay dudes...I'm thinking of staying at Casa Linda (thanks for the website) and, rather than trying to figure my way around...or depend on a chica, I think I'd like to get a driver (or two) to drive me and the girls and maybe another mongerer around for a couple of days/nights. Anyone have any contacts of TRUSTWORTHY, English speaking drivers that know the best places for girls and won't get me killed by driving excessively drunk or trying to scam me. Also, looking for a good, inexpensive place to rent an SUV (include rates too if known)! Thanks in advance.

RodeoDoes anyone have any recommendations for drivers/guides on the North Coast...especially Sosua area?



Bee 362
10-05-07, 00:08
Another pic of girl from Miami.

Bee 362
10-05-07, 00:34
Living in Florida is cool. Lot's of street lizards.

Bee 362
10-05-07, 00:50
Don't have anything to lose.

Bee 362
10-05-07, 01:05
Gilfriend/ hoe

10-06-07, 01:17
It does have AC, however I've been there on several trips and and it was not working. Luckily, the overhead fan and an open window are a nice alternative. It's about a 5 minute motoconcho ride or 15 minute walk away from Playa Sosua.Hi Twohands!

Is this on Pedro Clisante? Can you give a wellknown spot that's close by? (Like Brittania, Dominos, etc.) I have been to Sosua more than a dozen times and I don't remember ever seeing a place by that name. It's good to know about places like that. Thanks

Lifes ADream
10-08-07, 21:51
Hope this uploads. Nothing special Sosua bar girl.Hi Bee,

I think her name is Tairi. I met her already afew years ago in Sosua hanging around the Europa. As you say, nothing special physically or in bed but a nice decent girl trying to earn a living. Good company, low pressure and won't hold it against you if she sees you going out with someone else.

10-09-07, 04:39
When are you going down
There's also a forum off of this La Passions site. I registered and had to ask. Apparently, they're planning to charge $85/hr for ST in the rooms once they get them up and running. I asked them why so much when BB's charges half that for 2 hrs and 80 for TLN. I don't know if they'll reconsider pricing, but, maybe if enough of us get on there, it might work. Here's the forum URL: http://www.lapassion-sosua.com/phpBB3/index.php

Keepin em honest,


10-10-07, 04:29
Hi Twohands!

Is this on Pedro Clisante? Can you give a wellknown spot that's close by? (Like Brittania, Dominos, etc.) I have been to Sosua more than a dozen times and I don't remember ever seeing a place by that name. It's good to know about places like that. ThanksIt's on Alejo Martinez (the street that runs parallel to Pedro Clisante. But closer to the ocean.) and it's further down towards the casino end. I can't really picture any landmarks near it. Just several miscellaneous "apartments" But no worries. If you ask any motoconcho (or chica for that matter) they can show you where it is. It's a good look.

10-10-07, 21:10
I hope he is grandfathering in pricing for his old clients. It is going from 900 pesos to 2500 pesos. That is outrageous
maybe you should do a little more research. What he charged 900 for before (massage with BJ) is now 1000. The 2500 is for full service.

10-11-07, 01:03
High for DR but most of us in the US pay $$ for just a strip and 1 pop.

maybe you should do a little more research. What he charged 900 for before (massage with BJ) is now 1000. The 2500 is for full service.

DR Monger II
10-11-07, 21:13
2,500 for 1 hour of full service? 1 pop? I think for that price you can go to Costa rica. There are plenty of MP that charge 25-40 an hour.

10-13-07, 02:52
When are you going down6-11 November.

10-13-07, 03:04

As I've mentioned, I'll be on the North Coast from 9-11 November. I'm currently booked at BBs the whole time, but, I'd like to spend at least a couple of nights in Sosua. Doesn't look like I can get a Villa for under 4 days at a time (bummer).

- I'm wondering if any dudes were planning on being at BBs on 9 and/or 10 November (Friday and Saturday), that may want to leave BBs together and go hunting for 'tang? Also, if you might be interested in splitting a suite or other semi-high end, girl friendly accomodations, let me know.

- I need any recommendations folks might have for a really lenient/open minded hotel that will allow the type of frolicking with the natives that we're used to. I'm looking for an all nighter with 3 girls and a pool or jacuzzi. I'd prefer a villa-type, private arrangement if one would be available for a reasonable price.

- Still looking for a driver w/a car (I don't think I'm going to rent a car, unless you guys think it would be okay to have a BBs girl drive that I'm going to include on my party).

- Where are good places to bring a girl shopping if I choose to do so? Not looking to do a shopping spree or anything, but, maybe a nice top, skirt, or pair of jeans.

Thanks bros,


10-14-07, 13:44
Are there any massage parlours in Sosua, cabarete, santo domingo, or puerta plata that give a decent massage with a HJ included? If so can you direct me to a link or give me some prices/locations? Thailand is not doable this trip unfortunately. Looks like I'll be spending most of my time in Sosua.

Thanx a lot in advance.

10-15-07, 00:57
Are there any massage parlours in Sosua, cabarete, santo domingo, or puerta plata that give a decent massage with a HJ included? If so can you direct me to a link or give me some prices/locations? Thailand is not doable this trip unfortunately. Looks like I'll be spending most of my time in Sosua.

Thanx a lot in advance.Dude, I've only hobbied in DR once (2nd trip next month), but, you can get significantly MORE than a HJ or massage in Sosua for under $50 USD. If, of course, you're trying to play it clean and REALLY just want a massage and HJ, I'm sure there are places, I just don't know of any because when I hobby, I go all the way!


Escort King
10-15-07, 03:40
Are there any massage parlours in Sosua, cabarete, santo domingo, or puerta plata that give a decent massage with a HJ included? If so can you direct me to a link or give me some prices/locations? Thailand is not doable this trip unfortunately. Looks like I'll be spending most of my time in Sosua.

Thanx a lot in advance.Passions in Sousa is good.

Twice Divorced
10-15-07, 04:14
Are there any massage parlours in Sosua, cabarete, santo domingo, or puerta plata that give a decent massage with a HJ included? If so can you direct me to a link or give me some prices/locations? Thailand is not doable this trip unfortunately. Looks like I'll be spending most of my time in Sosua.

Thanx a lot in advance.There are several places in Sosua. The best is considered to be LaPassions Massage on Pedro Clisante, with a "happy ending". Prices vary.

10-15-07, 04:21
Any nightly rate apartment-type setups in Sosua?



10-15-07, 06:10
Are there any massage parlours in Sosua, cabarete, santo domingo, or puerta plata that give a decent massage with a HJ included? If so can you direct me to a link or give me some prices/locations? Thailand is not doable this trip unfortunately. Looks like I'll be spending most of my time in Sosua.

Thanx a lot in advance.Go to La Passions in Sosua, you will love it.

10-15-07, 07:13
Are there any massage parlours in Sosua, cabarete, santo domingo, or puerta plata that give a decent massage with a HJ included? If so can you direct me to a link or give me some prices/locations? Thailand is not doable this trip unfortunately. Looks like I'll be spending most of my time in Sosua.

Thanx a lot in advance.

La Passion on Pedro Clisante. It's the best.

Hadji Singh
10-16-07, 22:15
Great time in DR! Doesn’t measure up to the Brazilian standard as far as food and beauties go but it is a close contender-especially if one lives in Florida. I stayed at the New Garden Hotel, www.newgardenhotel.net 809-571-2055 (thanks to the Forum) spoke with Wilfred and reserved a room for two nights for $45 per night-no credit card required for the reservation. The place is clean, safe and close to all the action, however, just called Wilfred to reserve a room first weekend in Nov. And he told me the rate would be $55 per night which includes breakfast and the safe lock. Now, I ate breakfast twice at PJ’s and the Waterfront and both times the check was under 300 pesos. So unless Wilfred is serving lobster and champagne for breakfast while Vivianna gives head under the table-his pricing is a little aggressive. I had a few beers on Playa Sosua with a German expat who recommended Hotel Voramar www.voramar-sosua.com 809-571-3910, rates are $45 per night with AC and safe. If anyone knows of other reasonably priced hotels I would appreciate some insight. Heard about Europa and I think that I walked past it but I have heard that it is a dump even for fucking.

La Passion is a good bet for better than average looking DR chicas. They have a bead-curtain door at the entrance! So expect a good time. It is simple, there are menus written in the King’s English which explain the services and also the price. When one has decided on the girl and type of service, pay the barmaid and follow the chica to the room. No money exchange with the chica! Just like in Brazil-no money exchange nor negotiating with the girl which equals no hustle. For a massage with BBBJ with CIM, 1 hour = $1, 000 pesos, full service for 1 hour = $2500 pesos. TLN varies from $3500 to $2000 pesos depending on the time of night. The facilities are clean, bright and modern unlike the Chongos in Ecuador. To get to La Passion hop on a Motochongo or just ask for directions. I do not know the name of the street that it is on I think it is Pedro Clisante, however, it is on the same street as the discos only farther down the road.

For a decent massage or more like a very good rub down and excellent head, stroll down DR Rosen past the New Garden toward the Waterfront Hotel and Playa Alicia. Just past DR Alejo Martinez I met two chicas sitting outside of a hair and nail salon who offered a massage with a happy ending for $500 pesos. I was a little reluctant and hung over so I told them I was going to have breakfast and would talk to them afterward. One was very aggressive and unattractive. The other had potential. Luckily as I returned from breakfast the aggressive one had gone and the somewhat cute one provided me with a massage and one of the best head-jobs to date. She especially worked and licked and sucked my balls like no other. She kept me on the threshold of pleasure and pain for about 20 minutes. I decided to fuck her for a additional $1000 pesos-not bad pussy the body showed signs of child bearing around the stomach and breast but she had a relatively nice ass and figure in general. Blew my load between her legs on her labia, she cleaned me up, I paid, kissed her goodbye and left. Absolutely no bullshit or hustle-I will pay her a visit again.

In total 2 nights and one morning four chicas for under $300 US not bad in my book. Pussy is literally everywhere in Sosua. The discos are loaded and it is easy to pick up P4P safely and easily and if one doesn’t satisfy you, then go back and get another. Any specific details send a PM- sorry no photos as I forgot to charge the battery before I left.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

10-17-07, 09:18
Did they have facilities in that "hair and nail salon" or did you end up taking her to your hotel? thanx

[QUOTE=Hadji Singh]

For a decent massage or more like a very good rub down and excellent head, stroll down DR Rosen past the New Garden toward the Waterfront Hotel and Playa Alicia. Just past DR Alejo Martinez I met two chicas sitting outside of a hair and nail salon who offered a massage with a happy ending for $500 pesos. I was a little reluctant and hung over so I told them I was going to have breakfast and would talk to them afterward. One was very aggressive and unattractive. The other had potential. Luckily as I returned from breakfast the aggressive one had gone and the somewhat cute one provided me with a massage and one of the best head-jobs to date. She especially worked and licked and sucked my balls like no other. She kept me on the threshold of pleasure and pain for about 20 minutes. I decided to fuck her for a additional $1000 pesos-not bad pussy the body showed signs of child bearing around the stomach and breast but she had a relatively nice ass and figure in general. Blew my load between her legs on her labia, she cleaned me up, I paid, kissed her goodbye and left. Absolutely no bullshit or hustle-I will pay her a visit again.

In total 2 nights and one morning four chicas for under $300 US not bad in my book. Pussy is literally everywhere in Sosua. The discos are loaded and it is easy to pick up P4P safely and easily and if one doesn’t satisfy you, then go back and get another. Any specific details send a PM- sorry no photos as I forgot to charge the battery before I left.

10-19-07, 05:08
OK. As I told you all I would give a report once I was done. Well I am sitting here the new garden hotel room after just getting a BBBJ and gave my lady friend a nice protein breakfast. So I thought I would kick back and report.

The first day I flew in I was met immediately by the taxi that New Garden sent. Checked in quickly and looked at the room. Nice room on the second floor with a balcony. I met a few mongers in the pool area while I was having a beer. A guy from Ohio was kind enough to give me directions to the beach, Classicos, La Passions, Shark Bar and Rocky's. After having my beer I decided to take a walk around. This was 5pm so not much on the street yet. Ended up in Passions for a massage and BBBJ. Nice start! I forget the name of the girl. Next I came back tot he Shark bar for a burger and met Lou. It was very good! watched the NFL games going on that day and met a few guys from NYC that had been to the DR many times. Big D said "Let me show you the walk and the show" I said "sweet!" Big D already had a fairly steady chica with him and she said "I can hook you up". She brought a girl by for a look at his hotel. Her was Valeeci(spelling is bad). She was very pretty and we hung for the night a Classicos with the guys I met Shark Bar. I went back and banged Valeeci for about an hour after classicos. Did a TLN with her and a BBBJCIM upon sunrise. Nice first day!

Second day left Valenci to go home and I went to Brittania for breakfast. It was awesome! Met the owner the night before. A nice guy and they have a great happy hour 2 for 1. Swam for most of the late morning at the hotel pool an I visited the beach later, then a place in Cabaret call Jose O'SHeas and had a phillly cheese for lunch. It was good too. Then a nap and back to Britannia for Happy hour before the walk. Went to Classicos and found a girl and thought we would do a TLN but after getting her back to the hotel I could see it was not going to be a good connection. She was fairly cold but I banged the s*&t out of her for 60 min and paid her for her time. After that I went back toward classicos and found another and came back to the hotel for another go with #2. The connection was better and she fucked with more feeling for 45 min and I went to bed spent. In the morning Doggie and BBBJCIM and swallow.

I left Sousa on the 16th :< but I plan on Passions for a boom boom for a good bye shot and then I leave. I want to thank all the guys for the great info on these boards. It help me and many others that I met soo much.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

10-20-07, 13:54
OK. As I told you all I would give a report once I was done. Well I am sitting here the new garden hotel room after just getting a BBBJ and gave my lady friend a nice protein breakfast. So I thought I would kick back and report.

The first day I flew in I was met immediately by the taxi that New Garden sent. Checked in quickly and looked at the room. Nice room on the second floor with a balcony. I met a few mongers in the pool area while I was having a beer. A guy from Ohio was kind enough to give me directions to the beach, Classicos, La Passions, Shark Bar and Rocky's. After having my beer I decided to take a walk around. This was 5pm so not much on the street yet. Ended up in Passions for a massage and BBBJ. Nice start! I forget the name of the girl. Next I came back tot he Shark bar for a burger and met Lou. It was very good! watched the NFL games going on that day and met a few guys from NYC that had been to the DR many times. Big D said "Let me show you the walk and the show" I said "sweet!" Big D already had a fairly steady chica with him and she said "I can hook you up". She brought a girl by for a look at his hotel. Her was Valeeci(spelling is bad). She was very pretty and we hung for the night a Classicos with the guys I met Shark Bar. I went back and banged Valeeci for about an hour after classicos. Did a TLN with her and a BBBJCIM upon sunrise. Nice first day!

Second day left Valenci to go home and I went to Brittania for breakfast. It was awesome! Met the owner the night before. A nice guy and they have a great happy hour 2 for 1. Swam for most of the late morning at the hotel pool an I visited the beach later, then a place in Cabaret call Jose O'SHeas and had a phillly cheese for lunch. It was good too. Then a nap and back to Britannia for Happy hour before the walk. Went to Classicos and found a girl and thought we would do a TLN but after getting her back to the hotel I could see it was not going to be a good connection. She was fairly cold but I banged the s*&t out of her for 60 min and paid her for her time. After that I went back toward classicos and found another and came back to the hotel for another go with #2. The connection was better and she fucked with more feeling for 45 min and I went to bed spent. In the morning Doggie and BBBJCIM and swallow.

I left Sousa on the 16th :< but I plan on Passions for a boom boom for a good bye shot and then I leave. I want to thank all the guys for the great info on these boards. It help me and many others that I met soo much.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Do you have some prices that you care to share for us,, of what you were paying or what the are asking for. ST, LT, TLN

10-21-07, 02:18
TLN - 2500 peso - ($75US)
Short time - 1000 peso - ($33)

Do you have some prices that you care to share for us,, of what you were paying or what the are asking for. ST, LT, TLN

10-21-07, 08:06
hello gentlemen,

i'm reporting on my recent trip to sosua. my first trip i managed to nail over twenty women in 8 days. this trip in contrast was 2 days in la vega (great non-pro scene), 4 days in sosua, and 2days in la vega. i'll report seperately on la vega experience.

the sniper shot me down this trip, and i spent most of time with a few women that i met. in my defense, these women left me with little desire to prospect for new talent. these women washed my clothes, cooked for me, deepthroated/face-fucked for me, some even swallowed every drop of my cum. and other gfe type things i'd prefer to leave off the boards. this report will be a little different since i'll speak mostly of the connections with these extraordinary women.

ingrid, (the darkskin chica with a piece of meat hanging from her mouth below). i met her in grocery store my previous trip to sosua. she's half dominician/hatian, 19 years old, eats/hangs out everyday at rocky's, lives alone, and loves to screw. my first night in sosua. she came by around 9pm and stayed till around noon. the next day. she does it all. anal, deepthroat, and as she so eloquently said "i'll drink leche". she can be very clingy though. i stayed in tradewinds condo (where i met this nonpro). when ingrid visited the first night. the nonpro and her amiga were in the apartment sipping on some beers and listening to music. we heard a knock on door so the girls figured it would be easier for them to leave through back door. so they left. ingrid came in huffin and puffin. then went out back door looking for the girls. she found them then told them to leave me alone. this didn't sit well with me, but i held my tongue (didn't want to ruin the mood for evening). i explained to her they live in complex and that i just met them. end of conversation. all in all. ingrid is fantastic value for the money conscious monger. she cares nothing about time, constantly keeps your meat in her mouth like it's a piece of candy, very reliable, and comes at price of 500-1000 pesos for 2-5 hours and 500-1300 for tln-all the sex you want. again i knew her from previous trip so i paid 500 pesos for whatever we did tln or short term (2-4 hours). i'm sure alot guys on this board knows her and again you can find her eating lunch at rocky's everyday. you guys can have her she's too possesive. p.s. her fantasy is a happy hour with two guys. she lives out this fantasy as much as possible. photos 1.jpg and 1111.jpg.

slim, an 18 year old non pro who's been in tradewinds condo for one month. she's originally from santiago. she lives with this dike named annie. to this day i believe slim/annie had something goin on, but they deny everything. the first day and half i spent with her we had very little time alone so i spoke with annie (she speaks decent english. and is a great "center of influence" with the chicas") i proposed in joking/playfull way "dos mill pesos" for slim to see where her head was. after annie translated this to slim. i waited for a reaction. to my suprise slim gave me the "gas face" and responded by saying she wasn't puta. now i'm interested. i realized this wasn't typical "fast food sex" and i desired her more. later, that evening annie/slim and i hung out some more. this time when annie went home. slim hung around listening to music and we tried our best to hold a conversation with my limited spanish/gestures. i'm sitting down in desk chair when she walks in front of me and gives me this sloppy french kiss that suprises the hell out of me. she is really intense! imagine this caramel complexioned 5'8 115lb flacca manhandling this 6'3 275lb african american guy. i have to admit i liked the way she took control. so we end up in the bed. and i'm thinking that i'm going to screw the crap out of this girl. wrong. we end up kissing/feeling for bout 20 minutes. and now i'm butt naked and she only has her tiny. tiny shorts on. i'm trying to get to the kitty kat, but she stops the advances. finally, i just start stroking myself. then for minute she just stares then she starts to kiss me again. then works her way down to my little friend. and begins her little mouth massage. she gives me the slowest bbbj that i can remember receiving in long time. it's not great. but decent. almost too slow. i make repeated attempts for her panties but have no success. eventually, after about ten minutes of this slow bbbj i believe she gets tired and just finishes me off with her hands. we lay in each others arms for bout 30 minutes and then she goes back home. throughout the rest of my time in sosua. we enjoy each others company swimming in pool, talking, kissing. and it always ended with the same slow bbbj until. my last night in sosua when we finally did the deed. it was kinda dissapointing compared to the other girls. mechanical. i believe she didn't have alot experience and wasn't completly comfortable with everything. she never once asked for anything. not one dime, but annie (roommate) constantly asked for beers. cigars, pesos, etc. between the two i spent a measly 500 pesos including buying beers, pizza, etc. the last night i insisted slim take my cd/radio since she liked the music so much. again annie/slim live in apt next to security guard in front of tradewinds. i will not post any of her pics and quite frankly believe she's too nice of girl for any of us to monger on. in terms of looks she's bout 7. very perky model like figure flatchested flacca with nice size in her lower body. very firm. she's always at home so if you stay in tradewinds you're bound to run into her. also check out annie (she can hook you up with some semipros who all are gfe's. not clockwatchers.

carmen/and her friend. i met them at caribe tours in santiago. i was coming from la vega to sosua. and we stopped at santiago. i exited the bus and we immediatly locked eyes. she smiled so i walked over and introduced myself. she has honey complexion with average size, but with cutiest little freckles sprinkled on her face. she said she was waiting for her friend to pick her up and that she lived in sosua. i asked when she would be back she said in two days. her friend arrived and wasn't bad looking either. her friend was plus size chica, but had some very full breats that i wanted to play with. i don't if they read me well, but carmen explained she didn't have a phone and gave me her friend's number and explained further her friend would be back tonight in sosua. i said cool and hurried my azz back on bus to sosua before i got left. so ironically my second day in sosua i call the friend's number in afternoon. her friend answers and says carmens not back. so i tell her to stop by tradewinds (remember these putas don't care about you. you're their job for the day). she responds "you pay me"? i say si. after we hung up, i'm thinking she may be a bad apple. after this conversation. so i knew i needed to establish some rapport with her before sex. she comes over with her bathing suit on (playa). this is really bad now, chicas from playa are the ultimate clockwaters. i figure i'll slow everything down. and if she rushes me i'll tell her to leave. so i break out brugal, beers, and another performance enhancing "sticky green supplement". so for about 40 minutes we chill out talk, laugh, etc. so finally i ask if she like to take a shower. she nods. so we take shower. she slowly scrubs me all over. it takes another 10 minutes in shower. i'm thinking damn i'm good at this shit (bringing women's guard down). anyways we proceed into bedroom (never a word about how much money. as you will notice. this is pattern). we enjoy about another hour of f****ng and s***ing. she start with nice bbbj then continue with an intense session with her thick body. i really abused this girl during this session. i'm all revved up on that dominician viagra. plus i had bunch of sex with ingrid the night before. so finally i get off of her and sit down in desk chair. i grab pillow and tell her to get on her knees. i set the stage by postioning my man between her huge double d breasts. and i squeeze them together while she massages both my nipples and licks the tip of my "little friend". honestly after about 3 minutes of this i let out suprising large load in her mouth. while still squeezing her large breasts together. she continues about ten seconds after i cum. like vaccuum then goes and spits it out. she comes back we laugh little. i give her 900 pesos and she splits. throughout the trip we meet two other times for the same intense sessions. totalling 750 and 600 pesos respectively. now for carmen. she finally comes back to sosua. she reaches out to me in late afternoon. (great sign. i guess her friend chatted with her). i knew when i laid eyes on carmen that she was sweetheart and she didn't dissappoint. she stopped by, we cooled out for bout 30 minutes. then took shower together. again really nice girl. anyways we make it the bed. and she starts with great slow bbbj. i continue to hit it doggie. then from side. then when she's flat on her stomach. i'm gettin a woodie now thinking bout how wet her stuff was. anyways. after another long session of screwing i stradle her face and begin to face f**k her slow but very deep. minutes before leche i pull my man out and slap her pretty freckled face with it. then i stroke myself while on top of her. she knows i'm going let one go in her mouth so right before i do she opens her mouth wide as hell and i squirt it in her mouth. she swallows it. we cuddle little more. than we clean up. she mentions she's hungry. i remember i went to supermarket. so i tell her to cook the "carne" and "papas" in fridge. she does while i'm sitting on my fat azz watchin the football game. i look up while she's cooking and she's sexy as hell cooking in her panties. so i can't resist. i go over and kiss her on neck. pull her panties down and begin to hit it doggie. we finish up with her riding me cowgirl on the couch. afterwards we eat. she cleans my entire kitchen. i give her 900 pesos and 750 pesos the next time we meet. carmen you can meet at classicos anytime (just look for shorty with freckles)when as she says "she's living her other life". she claims she doesn't work at all when in her hometown santiago. and that she's "good girl" there. taking care of her home/parents/ and "babinos". that first night she was "muy caliente". i believe this shorty kinda likes being a puta. and just likes to f*ck.

finally, my favorite chica. anna. as you can see with pics (first five are anna. and last one is cumshot. boy did anna love cum). i met anna while at the gym. during my first trip i went to gym right up street from tradewinds on main drag to caberete. that trip i actually met a chic who worked at passions at old gym and she became my daytime sex buddy. we would meet at gym around 10 am. work out for bout 90 minutes then she would come back to my place shower/srew/etc. then go to work at passions.

anyways i noticed the new gym close to passions while walking around. i decided to check it out. it's pretty nice. give massages. new equipment. and nice staff. the owner's wife works the desk. she's about 8. 5 and a sweetheart. anyways, i'm upstairs on treadmill talking to other gym employee on her cardio machine. when downstairs this chica pulls up in a moto. the chica on cardio machine says puta low under her breath. and gestures down below to the girl. i shrugg it off and keep going. about five minutes later she comes upstairs. and i'm like damn. she's fine. she has this guy working out with her. so i'm thinking its her man. he follows her from machine to machine. finally, i walk up to both of them and ask guy in espanol. "novia" and point to the girl. he says yes. so i make a motion with my hand to my mouth (in dr that means a girl is beautiful and point to the girl. they both laugh. and continue work out). now every few minutes we lock eyes and smile at each other. she's not acting like his girlfriend. i'm thinking. plus the other girl called her a puta. i go over and ask is this her boyfriend. she says no. just her workout trainer. (see dominician men hate americans who screw their women). i find out she speaks pretty good english (with all due respect to helpmann aka godfather of dr. the rule of eliminating a girl because she speaks english is not totally true. ingrid and anna speak english. i've let alot of dr prospects go because i too believed in this rule). anyways, at this point. anna could have told me she had three titties and i would still be feelin her. so i ask if she wanted to get beer after workout. she said sure. so we worked out another 70 minutes. this girl has tremendous stamina. and work ethic in gym. and she's very strong for her flacca size. we walk up calle to car wash and grab beer for bout 15 minutes before going back. anyways, we get back and again i break out greenery to help mood. we chill for bout 15 minutes. then we start fooling around. she stops and says we need talk. i'm like oh shiz. she says you understand this is business. i play soft and dumb and say "i thought it was because you liked me/pleasure". she said. "your crazy". i laughed and said i understand you need money. and i ask how much. she responds the money amount is not important. i mention nothing more about the amount. we proceed to foreplay for bout 20 minutes. then finally i get on top of her and she's dripping wet. virgin tight. and very shallow due to her flacca size. she figures out my spots in like five minutes. and this chic drives me crazy for next 15 minutes until i bust inside of her while she's on her side. i lay inside of her for another ten minutes. she starts to move again. she gets positive responses below. but after a few minutes she cleans up. then we lay up for another 30 minutes kissing. feeling. massaging. and she starts up another session. this one longer and more intense (you have to understand that while i was with anna she said yes to everything except anal. i mean yes to everything however you like it). anyways, several different positions. i proceed to straddle her face right before i leche for my signature move (facefu**ing). while she's rubbing my nipples i'm facef***ing with no hands for bout only bout five minutes. then i let it go. i don't take it out this time since she has a suction grip on my man. after bout ten seconds. after leche. she looks up at me pulls her mouth away and opens her mouth. she has the stuff on her tongue. she puts her tongue back in her mouth then sticks it back out again and it's like magic. the stuffs gone! anyways it was dark before she left with 1000 pesos. i met anna halfway into sosua trip. and after that day. i spent most of my time exclusively with anna and slim only. anna was incredible. some of the best sex i've had in long time. and a real looker. the pictures don't do her justice.

the last night in sosua i spend with slim (nonpro). after my uninhibited experiences with the other girls. being told i can't do this or that didn't sit well. anyways, after slim left in morning, i called anna asap and she stopped by to squeeze out two more leches for me in morning. i left for caribe tours in early afternoon. during the day, i stopped by this disco/casa between la vega and santiago. great place for women. you can catch the gauga there in la vega. got this nice bubble butt chica for 200 peso salida. and 800 pesos for chica. spent an hour with her onsite. that night i spent with nonpro/semi i met by walking around town my first day in la vega. in la vega, you can walk in barrio and all the girls will smile. i walked past this chica house. and i liked what i saw. stopped and chatted with her on her porch for awhile. we agreed to meet up later. if you speak spanish. you can have 80% of the available women in this town. i speak limited spanish and managed to do well with about twenty phone numbers. of girls i didn't have time for. it's just frustrating for both parties when you can't communicate through speech.

anyways my last full day i wake up and i immediately think i want to see anna, but my flight leaves the next morning from santiago (cheap fare). so i text anna on my dominician burner cellular (costs about 600 pesos and you can add 250 pesos claro card that last for trip). anyways, i tell her to jump on caribe tours in afternoon and come to la vega. she immediately accepts and shows up bout 7pm in la vega. i take her to hotel rey restaurant and we have dinner (less than 300 pesos for her). it's about 9 so we go back to hotel and proceed to have an all night sex frenzy. i had two leches that night. and two in late night/morning. four total. she was incredible! i fell asleep at around 2am. i woke up and she was wide awake she said "wake up you can sleep on plane". i went to brush my teeth and wash my face then went back and screwed some more. needless to say i didn't go back to sleep. in midmorning we said our goodbyes. i gave her 1800 pesos and promised i'd be back to see her.

i know this is long report. and i no longer feel like a rookie in dr mongering scene anymore. i have a few tips to duplicate the success of findind nice/bonita chicas in dr.

1) treat them like your girlfriend. this doesn't mean you have to spend lots of dough on them. little things mean alot. and not always asking cuanto pesos? or haggling about services before the deed. i bought three little teddy bears for 50 pesos apiece in la vega. that i gave to my favorite chicas. or just aknowledging their desires. asking if they need anything. really i could care less about most of these chicks. i just wanna guarantee myself good/passionate sex.

2) referrals/centers of influence. some chicas know alot of girls and word spreads fast about us. if the girls find out they can have a good time and get paid for it. then the amount of money/time is not the priority. for example, my last trip i met a beautiful flacca in classicos. we enjoyed great night of sex. she was a true swetheart. the next evening i give her ring. and tell her to come by and bring a friend. she does. we have a happy hour. she jets afterward about hour, but her friend stays the night. the friend is another sweetheart. gfe. we never spoke about how much. what they would/wouldn't do. i gave the flacca 1200 pesos for tln. and next night her friend 1200pesos for tln. i'm no azzhole. if chicas would have complained i would have given more, but they were the same quiet, lowkey, and submissive gazelle personalities. i'm mad i lost their numbers. i tried looking for them this trip with no success.

3) alternate locations to meet chicas. in sosua i've had great success meeting women in supermarkets and jinasio (gym). you know the stories above about passion's girl and anna in jinasio, but another is an older lady in old gym who has steakhouse over by passions. i met her my first time in sosua. we hooked up during my first trip. and she is the hottest 40yr women i've ever had. in la vega/el campo. you should spend the majority of the time in hunt (la calle, salons, universities, etc. in la vega i spent about 75% on hunt and only 25% with chicas. in sosua, i spent 10% on hunt and the rest on top of some chicas. maybe it's just me, but i have a fetish for these latin women (i have since i was little). and other than the beach and casino. i go to dr to screw and screw alot.

4) try your best to live like a dominician. save your loot for chicas. look for an apartment/condo instead of a traditional hotel. tradewinds costs 35 bucks a day for a huge one bedroom apt with internet. huge pool, balcony/patio. it's more economical. plus chicas feel more comfotable with longer stays when they're not in a box (hotel room). take guagas instead of taxis. learn the gauga system. for example, i took the shuttle from la vega to sti for 50 pesos+12 pesos guaga to departure area. taxi would've been 25 bucks!

5) explore. believe it or not the dr is safer than us! maybe its because i'm 275lb black man, but i believe you're safer walking around dr than nyc at night. just my opinion.

6) lastly, i'm a believer now in repeat business for a few reasons. first, the women learn fast what you like/dislike in bedroom. so sex becomes better each time. secondly, any puta will reduce her price after repeat visits. they don't enjoy looking for new guys everyday for money. they would rather be your "beeper chica" for the days you're in town than search for new meat.


i need your help. i'm a little dr'ed out. i want to visit another island. i've only been to dr and europe (on nonmongering trip when i was younger). let me know of good vacation spot for a money conscious monger who loves his latin chicas?

editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Hadji Singh
10-21-07, 15:33
Did they have facilities in that "hair and nail salon" or did you end up taking her to your hotel? thanx

I did her in the back of the salon. There is a small area separated by a yellow curtain. There is a massage table, music and that is about it ,however, the massage area is very clean. Enjoy!

[QUOTE=Hadji Singh]For a decent massage or more like a very good rub down and excellent head, stroll down DR Rosen past the New Garden toward the Waterfront Hotel and Playa Alicia. Just past DR Alejo Martinez I met two chicas sitting outside of a hair and nail salon who offered a massage with a happy ending for $500 pesos. I was a little reluctant and hung over so I told them I was going to have breakfast and would talk to them afterward. One was very aggressive and unattractive. The other had potential. Luckily as I returned from breakfast the aggressive one had gone and the somewhat cute one provided me with a massage and one of the best head-jobs to date. She especially worked and licked and sucked my balls like no other. She kept me on the threshold of pleasure and pain for about 20 minutes. I decided to fuck her for a additional $1000 pesos-not bad pussy the body showed signs of child bearing around the stomach and breast but she had a relatively nice ass and figure in general. Blew my load between her legs on her labia, she cleaned me up, I paid, kissed her goodbye and left. Absolutely no bullshit or hustle-I will pay her a visit again.

In total 2 nights and one morning four chicas for under $300 US not bad in my book. Pussy is literally everywhere in Sosua. The discos are loaded and it is easy to pick up P4P safely and easily and if one doesn’t satisfy you, then go back and get another. Any specific details send a PM- sorry no photos as I forgot to charge the battery before I left.==============================================

Greetings Hadji Singh,

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10-21-07, 18:38
Forgot The Pics

Mr Gogo
10-21-07, 21:26

Yes sweet Anna. I was with her in Sept, great companion. She does anal and is a sexual goddess. She has some dignity and doesn't think she is like the rest. She is a true player.

10-21-07, 23:56
[QUOTE=Bigsmoove]I need your help. I'm a little DR'ed out. I want to visit another island. I've only been to Dr and Europe (on nonmongering trip when I was younger). Let me know of good vacation spot for a money conscious monger who loves his Latin chicas?[QUOTE]

How about South America...Columbia, Brazil, Argentina.....there's plenty of info on this and other boards.

Madd Love
10-22-07, 01:26
Dam great report! I am headed to DR shortly and never been there, I hope all is good for me as your report. I will be staying at BB's and received advice earlier from fellow mongers on the board, but after your report I will try to venture out to sousa and see whats cooking over there. I wish I would have book for a longer stay in DR. You are the man for bagging all those girls. As for advice I would say go to Brazil but since the dollar is falling verses the Real its going to be a lot more expensive than DR and the air ticket as well. And from recent post on Brazil, the woman seem to be trying to over charge, and not sure if its a trend developing. But I have really never been overcharge in Brazil, because if a girl ask too much I move on to the next one and know there are more fish in the sea. Brazil is worth a look for a newbie. I have never been to Colombia but from the photos the woman look hot. I like the photos but they are very small and hard to see. If you could kindly re post them bigger, it would be nice. But Good report!

10-22-07, 11:16
Bigsmoove - great report. Thanks for the useful information. I'm thinking of staying at Tradewinds. How did you find the location and proximity to the action in Sosua?

10-22-07, 15:52
Bigsmoove - great report. Thanks for the useful information. I'm thinking of staying at Tradewinds. How did you find the location and proximity to the action in Sosua?

You can go on the website for "rocky's" restaurant and email marco(the owner) who rents a few apartments there.

If he doesn't have any availability ask him if he can put you in touch with an american named "mike" who also has a few apartments there. I met mike through herman the owner of siempre sol.

The thing that didnt sit well with me and tradewinds is you are on your own if you get a crazy chica. Nobody asks for ID so you cant trace anyone. Also you have to cross a really busy highway/avenue when you want to go into town.

Its like staying in a low income neighborhood in miami.

Tom Gueguen
10-22-07, 21:21
Forgot The Pics

Very good report but could you resize the pics.

It's a pity not to see these godesses well!

10-23-07, 14:53
Hello Gentlemen,

The sniper shot me down this trip, and I spent most of time with a few women that I met.

Ingrid, (the darkskin chica with a piece of meat hanging from her mouth below). I met her in grocery store my previous trip to Sosua. She's half Dominician/Hatian, 19 years old, eats/hangs out everyday at Rocky's, lives Wow what a report. Well thanks for the tips, hope I can use them my next trip but will surely try.

What do you mean with the sniper shot you down.

Is there anyway I can get in toch with this Ingrid?

Mr Gogo
10-24-07, 15:13
Very good report but could you resize the pics.

It's a pity not to see these godesses well!Here are some pics of Anna from my day with her in Sept. Big smooth was right the pussy is wet and very tight.

Marc Anthony
10-25-07, 10:39
Bigsmoove, excellent report and photos but could you post the photos in larger than the thumbnail size? Unlike some of the photos that get posted here I'd really like to see yours.

10-26-07, 01:05
Forgot The PicsHi Bigsmoove!

You have some excellent photos. However I am one of those that would like to see them in a bigger size. I am sure you can find someone to help you do that, if it's a problem at this point. Please, would you resize and repost them. Thanks a million.

10-26-07, 02:53
The big 50 is coming up and I think what is needed is a week in Sosua. Being a solo travelling and not a nervous sort; I thought a high end condo and SUV for a week would be the ticket. Do any of you have any ideas abot a NICE PLACE!!! I'll take my chances on the road seeking out the odd hitch hiking jewel.

Thank you!

10-27-07, 01:21
Yes, please resize them if possible.

Hi Bigsmoove!

You have some excellent photos. However I am one of those that would like to see them in a bigger size. I am sure you can find someone to help you do that, if it's a problem at this point. Please, would you resize and repost them. Thanks a million.

10-27-07, 18:19
The big 50 is coming up and I think what is needed is a week in Sosua. Being a solo travelling and not a nervous sort; I thought a high end condo and SUV for a week would be the ticket. Do any of you have any ideas abot a NICE PLACE!!! I'll take my chances on the road seeking out the odd hitch hiking jewel.

Thank you!

There are some nicer apartments about a block from the beach in Sosua. I was inside one that was pretty nice a few years back.

I'd avoid drawing attention to yourself with any fancy vehicles. There aren't many cars that travel the streets of Sosua and you'll stand out for sure. Mostly motorcycles get around there. There was a motorcycle rental place near Hotel Europa last time I was there.


10-27-07, 18:28
I need your help. I'm a little DR'ed out. I want to visit another island. I've only been to Dr and Europe (on nonmongering trip when I was younger). Let me know of good vacation spot for a money conscious monger who loves his Latin chicas?

You should try Quito, Ecuador. I lived in Sosua for 6 months and while it was fun, the girls in Ecuador beat it panties down. See the Ecuador forums. Quito has tons of action going on. And cheaper than DR. $7-20 to get laid in most places.

I do miss hanging out at the beach in Sosua. Was there every day. There was a guy from Holland (I think that's where he was from) that ran a very popular bar there. Not sure if he's still there. He knew lots of girls and even the girls working for him were available.


10-27-07, 18:36
Has anyone been to the Blue Dalphin Club? It is suppose to be an upscale gentelman's club in Sosua.

What are the room rates?

Is it O.K. to visit the bar if you're not staying there?

Is there take out?

It looks nice.




Brings back memories. I lived there for 6 months back in 2003. It was a work in progress when I was there although nice for the area. Steve and ?John? were the owners. American and Canadian. Not sure if they still own it. Lots of girls would drop by from time to time and hang out in the bar area.


10-27-07, 18:47
If you want Anonymity, don't come here! Mucho chica network

Already, the Haitian Hottie has caught me twice with the RD Jackhammer! Both are spending time in Cabarete, where my gf is housed. What is a Monger to do? In 2 years, this never happened in Buenos Aires.

You are right about that. The girl I was banging knew right away when I had other girls. The motorcycle taxis tell them most of the time.


10-27-07, 21:24
You should try Quito, Ecuador. I lived in Sosua for 6 months and while it was fun, the girls in Ecuador beat it panties down. See the Ecuador forums. Quito has tons of action going on. And cheaper than DR. $7-20 to get laid in most places.

I do miss hanging out at the beach in Sosua. Was there every day. There was a guy from Holland (I think that's where he was from) that ran a very popular bar there. Not sure if he's still there. He knew lots of girls and even the girls working for him were available.


His name is Herman and the bar is called Simpre Sol.

10-27-07, 22:06
His name is Herman and the bar is called Simpre Sol.

Yes. Sounds right.


Dc Rez
10-28-07, 22:13
I've heard that if you don't speak Spanish the mongering can be tough in DR...as I was thinking about doing a 3-4 week Spanish homeschool anyway. Why not do it in Sousa and monger as well?

I noticed there is a school offering intensive language lessons...anyone know if this is legit?

My plan is to hit up Sousa in December/January and monger my head off while trying to learn some Spanish.

10-29-07, 08:05
I've heard that if you don't speak Spanish the mongering can be tough in DR...as I was thinking about doing a 3-4 week Spanish homeschool anyway. Why not do it in Sousa and monger as well?

I noticed there is a school offering intensive language lessons...anyone know if this is legit?

My plan is to hit up Sousa in December/January and monger my head off while trying to learn some Spanish.

In Sosua there is a language school right next to the sosua bay hotel in the el batey section of town. If i recall right the name of this school is instituto intercultural del caribe.
their webpage is www.edase.com

Dc Rez
10-29-07, 14:37
In Sosua there is a language school right next to the sosua bay hotel in the el batey section of town. If i recall right the name of this school is instituto intercultural del caribe.

their webpage is www.edase.comSo from reading here am I correct in thinking:

My best bet for the hottest pussy is to get a room at a chica friendly hotel and then work the bars? I was thinking Blackbeard's but am reading the selection isnt that great? It will be first time in DR, however I have traveled extensively all over the world and therefore feel ok in most situations.

Just hit up the bars/clubs/beach for any hottie that acts flirtatious? I'm a quality over quanity guy, definitively looking for HOTTIES the less stretch marks the better...any recs as to specific places? Rocky's I guess? Passions?

10-29-07, 17:54
So from reading here am I correct in thinking:

My best bet for the hottest pussy is to get a room at a chica friendly hotel and then work the bars? I was thinking Blackbeard's but am reading the selection isnt that great? It will be first time in DR, however I have traveled extensively all over the world and therefore feel ok in most situations.

Just hit up the bars/clubs/beach for any hottie that acts flirtatious? I'm a quality over quanity guy, definitively looking for HOTTIES the less stretch marks the better...any recs as to specific places? Rocky's I guess? Passions?

Yeah get a room at a chica friendly hotel and then during the day most of action is at the beach or on a street called pedro clisante. At the beach a good spot is the siempre sol bar. It`s owner hermann has been in sosua for over 10 years and he knows most of the working girls.
At night the action is inside or in front of the discos in the center. The biggest ones are called classico`s, merengue bar, sosua life bar, and latinos.
Well depending on how much time you have in the D.R. you could spilt up your time between Blackbeard`s and Sosua.
In Sosua one of the best choices is the newgarden hotel just google it (girlfriendly, centraly located ac....) europe plaza hotel, voramar.....
In Puerto Plata just recently opened a new adult allinclusive resort called mustang ranch resort. Just google it and you get to their webpage for any additional information.
hope this helps for a bit just feel free to ask more stuff

10-30-07, 03:02
I've heard that if you don't speak Spanish the mongering can be tough in DR...as I was thinking about doing a 3-4 week Spanish homeschool anyway. Why not do it in Sousa and monger as well?

I noticed there is a school offering intensive language lessons...anyone know if this is legit?

My plan is to hit up Sousa in December/January and monger my head off while trying to learn some Spanish.

I would take note of the quality of the school and what makes them qualified to teach spanish. Spanish grammar in DR was some of the worst I have encountered anywhere. I was frequently catching grammar problems in conversations with people. Never seen it that bad anywhere else I have been and I've been to many spanish speaking countries in central/south america. Your spanish is only as good as your teachers. Bad habits are hard to break later if you learn them early on.


10-30-07, 04:05
Any damages from the storm? I heard it was pretty bad on the South side, just wondering how the North Coast did as far as damage or what have you.


Mr Enternational
10-30-07, 16:38
A nonpro just called and asked me for money because the storm fucked them up. I told her that I was sorry to hear it but I did not have money to send her. She said but you work a lot. I said yeah I work a lot because I have many things to pay. How did this idea get started that because we are foreigners and work that we just have a bunch of money laying around to pass out?

10-30-07, 22:30
A nonpro just called and asked me for money because the storm fucked them up. I told her that I was sorry to hear it but I did not have money to send her. She said but you work a lot. I said yeah I work a lot because I have many things to pay. How did this idea get started that because we are foreigners and work that we just have a bunch of money laying around to pass out?

I'll send you my Western Union information. I need help too. I am in Florida and we're about to get wacked. Need $$ to get out :)

The girls aren't stupid when it comes to prying money out of foreign hands..they look for any angle they can to get the bucks. If one girl is successful with that technique, they will all try it.


10-30-07, 23:02
I've heard that if you don't speak Spanish the mongering can be tough in DR...as I was thinking about doing a 3-4 week Spanish homeschool anyway. Why not do it in Sousa and monger as well?

I noticed there is a school offering intensive language lessons...anyone know if this is legit?

My plan is to hit up Sousa in December/January and monger my head off while trying to learn some Spanish.

If you want to learn proper Spanish, forget about Sosua. Costa Rica or Colombia would be better choices.

10-30-07, 23:58
A nonpro just called and asked me for money because the storm fucked them up. I told her that I was sorry to hear it but I did not have money to send her. She said but you work a lot. I said yeah I work a lot because I have many things to pay. How did this idea get started that because we are foreigners and work that we just have a bunch of money laying around to pass out?Is she in Sosua? Sosua wasn't affected, the South was hit pretty hard.

10-31-07, 01:03
Hey, guys. Who do you reserve Tradewinds through? I've sent a couple of requests through www.sosuatradewinds.com but I haven't gotten a response.

Appreciate your input!

La Isla
10-31-07, 01:27
Contact Marcos at Rockys Bar - thats also the website name. He has a few there that he rents.

Hey, guys. Who do you reserve Tradewinds through? I've sent a couple of requests through www.sosuatradewinds.com but I haven't gotten a response.

Appreciate your input!

10-31-07, 02:22
If you want to learn proper Spanish, forget about Sosua. Costa Rica or Colombia would be better choices.

That's 2 votes now for skipping school in Sosua. The grammar was bad.


10-31-07, 09:20
That's 2 votes now for skipping school in Sosua. The grammar was bad.


Well i guess it all depends whom you are talking too. At this place all teachers have a uni degree so they will get the grammar right.
If you hang out with *****s or low life barrio chicas who probably have never been to school it is likely that their grammar sucks.

10-31-07, 13:56
That's 2 votes now for skipping school in Sosua. The grammar was bad.


I took spanish classes in cabarete. I forgot the name of the place but it is located in the "callejon" where the locals live just before you hit the main street. They taught proper spanish then spoke slang amongst themselves.

I tried to do a month program in sosua and I believe it was through edase but when I arrived for the program they had me housed in an aparthotel across the street from the taxi stand (next to safari).

I thought what dumb ass would put me right on the main strip. This was before the 1am curfew. I stayed one night and I left for cabarete the next morning.

I think the worst place to take spanish lessons is spain and argentina. Unless you frequent either one of those countries on a regular basis you will not find much use for it.
You have to choose a nuetral spanish that is understood most everywhere. I chose mexican spanish since it has alot of proper grammar based on spanish from spain but the slang is recognized by other spanish speakers.

10-31-07, 19:37
Well i guess it all depends whom you are talking too. At this place all teachers have a uni degree so they will get the grammar right.
If you hang out with *****s or low life barrio chicas who probably have never been to school it is likely that their grammar sucks.

That's the point. The general education level in that area is poor with those that you'd likely be hanging out with. Learning spanish from them would be a poor choice. If the school teaches proper spanish, more power to them. The problem is many gringos/foreigners aren't going to know enough to realize they are learning bad grammar and will carry it with them.

As someone else said too, learning a fairly neutral spanish is a good idea. Many people flock to Ecuador for their spanish schools. Theirs is very good. I would recommend CR or Ecuador personally. In CR you get to experience the different spanish flavors of many countries. The problem with Mexican spanish is they use alot of slang words that many other CA/SA countries do not. And their use of words like ORITA vary too.


10-31-07, 19:42
I think the worst place to take spanish lessons is spain and argentina. Unless you frequent either one of those countries on a regular basis you will not find much use for it.

You are likely to run into varieties of castilian (from their province in spain) in many countries in CA/SA. You won't see their tense used though. They cover the spain tense in college but unless you travel there, you won't need it.


Professor 1
11-01-07, 02:58
Well i guess it all depends whom you are talking too. At this place all teachers have a uni degree so they will get the grammar right.

If you hang out with *****s or low life barrio chicas who probably have never been to school it is likely that their grammar sucks.All university degrees are not created equal. Now, tell me more about DR, and less about Spanish grammar.

11-02-07, 23:01
All university degrees are not created equal. Now, tell me more about DR, and less about Spanish grammar.

Good job..you killed the only thread we had going :)


11-03-07, 00:30
Hey brothers,

I'm gonna be headed to the North Coast next week. Can anybody tell me when is the best day of the week to hit the streets/clubs/bars in Sosua? I'll be staying in BB's most of the time, so, when I venture over to Sosua, I want to make sure its worth it. Not averse to spending the night there in one of the many places suggested. Also, is there a difference in hobbying there in day vs. Night? Also, anyone there now. Is there any noticeable damage from the storm? Even if it has diminished the number of girls because they went back to their hometowns to help/check on their families.



11-03-07, 08:50
Hey brothers,

I'm gonna be headed to the North Coast next week. Can anybody tell me when is the best day of the week to hit the streets/clubs/bars in Sosua? I'll be staying in BB's most of the time, so, when I venture over to Sosua, I want to make sure its worth it. Not averse to spending the night there in one of the many places suggested. Also, is there a difference in hobbying there in day vs. Night? Also, anyone there now. Is there any noticeable damage from the storm? Even if it has diminished the number of girls because they went back to their hometowns to help/check on their families.



Usually friday and saturday are the busiest nights in Sosua the discos stay open longer till 2 am in the morning and in general more people go out during the weekend.
The main difference between day and night is that during the day most of the action is right at the beach or in the pedro clisante street and during the night inside or in front of the discos.

11-03-07, 09:01
All university degrees are not created equal. Now, tell me more about DR, and less about Spanish grammar.

Spanish or the grammar grammar might not be important for you, but it is for me, cause to me the key for having good experiences with the girls is being able to talk to the girls.

11-04-07, 13:11
I am sending you this message on behalf of the women working in Sosua.

If you are going to Sosua there is no need to speak Spanish. The woman DO NOT CARE. They speak MONEY and DRINKS. (Money to feed the kids and drinks to be numb themselves to the fact that the have been reduced to hoeing to get some money.) If you want to have a great time there you need to do anything more than LOOK AS IF YOU WILL PAY. Look like you can pay and you will have the time of your life.

Live a little. Rent a scooter or a car. You will notice your chica stares will multiply tenfold. Go to the beach during the day and sit in front of one of the bars and order Presidente after presidente. You will have a table full of girls after a while.

The guy that go to Sosua and do not enjoy themselves are the guy that are being cheap. It's your vacation. Make it a time to remember. Dominican women have a name for you, but I will leave that for you to figure out.

Yes Dominican people talk a lot. All of your business will be in the streets as soon as you do it, if you do it by motoconcho (motor cycle taxi) or taxi. If you want your business that costs.

The girls in Sosua are there out of need, not out of want. They would much rather be in their hometowns with their children, instead of out sleeping with you. Keep this in mind while you are trying to short them for the money to sleep with them at a low price. Splurge a little and you will find that you can have a much more enjoyable time and she might take her eyes off the clock.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-04-07, 23:46
I am sending you this message on behalf of the women working in Sosua.

If you are going to Sosua there is no need to speak Spanish. The woman DO NOT CARE. They speak MONEY and DRINKS. (Money to feed the kids and drinks to be numb themselves to the fact that the have been reduced to hoeing to get some money.) If you want to have a great time there you need to do anything more than LOOK AS IF YOU WILL PAY. Look like you can pay and you will have the time of your life.

Oddly enough, you're message is pretty much accurate. The spanish does come in handy though as almost nobody speaks english. The ones that do speak english are probably hustlers.


11-05-07, 02:56
Is it safe to assume that any girl you meet in any bar/club in these two towns is for sale? I mean, that's a pretty broad generalization. Even if the odds are that 90+% are for sale, that still counts as "any girl" to me. Obviously there are the odd exceptions, but, I guess the question is. Are there any clubs where the odds are reversed? Where there are more non-pros than pros or more girls that aren't looking to hook up (even for free). Just regular girls out for dancing or a drink? I mean, nobody wants to be in the embarrassing situation of propositioning a non-pro. Of course, I'm looking for the places with the 90+% odds, but, I'm just curious for the perspective from those who have been there. And because this thread is dwindling away. Thanks!


Huge Hefner
11-05-07, 06:32

Like the others said before: Daytime sit down at the beach and drink a few beers and the girls will come to you, You will need to take a big stick with you to fight off the girls you don't want.

Nighttime, the beach closes down at dark and all girls from the beach and others move to the street, if you just hang around the club 59. And have a few beers the girls will come and seek you out, after 10pm the upstairs disco opens and you go upstairs and the girls will slowly fill the place and the odda are between 10 to 20 girls to 1 guy. Maybe not this time of year but I was there in September, the slow season and not many tourists but plenty of girls.

And as always Passions is always a great place day or night.

11-05-07, 08:26
Is it safe to assume that any girl you meet in any bar/club in these two towns is for sale? I mean, that's a pretty broad generalization. Even if the odds are that 90+% are for sale, that still counts as "any girl" to me. Obviously there are the odd exceptions, but, I guess the question is. Are there any clubs where the odds are reversed? Where there are more non-pros than pros or more girls that aren't looking to hook up (even for free). Just regular girls out for dancing or a drink? I mean, nobody wants to be in the embarrassing situation of propositioning a non-pro. Of course, I'm looking for the places with the 90+% odds, but, I'm just curious for the perspective from those who have been there. And because this thread is dwindling away. Thanks!


If you are looking for places with alot of non pros you should probably go to cabarete. I know a huge club right at the beach which is called bambu. this club attracts in general a younger international crowd, due to the fact that cabarete is a world famous wind surf destination.
I went to this place several times in march 2007 and i really liked it cause there is a totally different vibe at this place.
The guy/girl ratio is probably 1/1, alot of young people from all over the world and of course a lot of locals too.
The atmosphere was totally different no one was approaching you, no hola mi amor, no one grabbing you...
Well there also hang out pros but there number is nothing compared to Sosua.
Another place in cabarete is the nightclub above the ocean blue casino. this place stays open till 5am in the morning and alot of people from the bambu club make their way to this place. In march the entrance fee was 200 pesos. In general again a young crowd, alot of dominican couples...
In puerto plata i know 2 places. 1 is called la ruda bar and another one is called azucuar which attract mostly locals.

11-05-07, 23:59
Is it safe to assume that any girl you meet in any bar/club in these two towns is for sale? I mean, that's a pretty broad generalization. Even if the odds are that 90+% are for sale, that still counts as "any girl" to me. Obviously there are the odd exceptions, but, I guess the question is. Are there any clubs where the odds are reversed? Where there are more non-pros than pros or more girls that aren't looking to hook up (even for free). Just regular girls out for dancing or a drink? I mean, nobody wants to be in the embarrassing situation of propositioning a non-pro. Of course, I'm looking for the places with the 90+% odds, but, I'm just curious for the perspective from those who have been there. And because this thread is dwindling away. Thanks!


In Sosua, most of the girls in bars are available. If you make eye contact with them, you will know. They will generally also make themselves obvious because they will be keeping an eye on the foreigners. If they seem like they're busy doing their own thing, they might not be available OR they just might be a little more work to pickup.

The beach during the day is really the best place to get girls. The beach closes around 7-8pm when it's dark. Herman that runs Siempre Sol is an excellent source. He can introduce you to many girls.

In Ecuador recently, I had 3 girls I sat with and bought drinks in a bar, we all went to a disco, and I realized they were working...but weren't interested in me (except for free drinks). Some girls are just very picky and may be working..but if you're not their type, it may not matter.

Sometimes in normal discos, it pays to hangout and watch the croud for a while. You don't want their b/fs or husbands interrupting you either.


11-06-07, 14:35
Great! Thanks for the responses fellas. I'll be getting in today after 4pm. Can't wait.


11-07-07, 10:03
Great! Thanks for the responses fellas. I'll be getting in today after 4pm. Can't wait.


Have a great trip and don`t forget to take pictures

11-07-07, 19:52
Great! Thanks for the responses fellas. I'll be getting in today after 4pm. Can't wait.


Sosua was a real shock the first time I went there. Thought I had dropped into a war zone. It was the poorest country I had ever been to (even to this day). It made Nicaragua look good.

Once I got used to it, it was a nice place. Very laid back and relaxing down at the beach. Shot the sh*t with Herman many days at Siempre Sol. Loved the p*ssy parade walking by.

Unfortunately, I cannot go back to DR. Got into trouble with the mayor's niece and nephew in Sosua. That was back in my troubled days. Today, I like a nice non-dramatic vacation. I play nice now and avoid trouble.


11-08-07, 04:53
Hey bro,

When you get a chance go to this massage place called "Passions" (all motochonco guys know the place), but right after you go past Passions there's store there. There's a girl who works there (pic below)....you should make her acquaintance. She's very shy, but she loves to BBBJ, she's no clockwatcher/high priced, and her snatch is super tight..plus she's delightful to spend time with.

11-08-07, 06:37
Staying in Playa Dorada and want to go to Sousa for the day only. I want to find a girl for st. What is the best way to get there and where will I be able to take girl for a st session. Also what would be to going rate for the girl and where would be the best place to pick one up?

11-08-07, 13:46
Staying in Playa Dorada and want to go to Sousa for the day only. I want to find a girl for st. What is the best way to get there and where will I be able to take girl for a st session. Also what would be to going rate for the girl and where would be the best place to pick one up?

The best way to go to sosua is to use public taxis. The cost from puerto plata to sosua is 35 pesos one way. During the day in sosua most of the action is at the beach or in the pedro clisante street. The going rate should be round about 1000 pesos.
The hotel calysus is a short time fuck hotel in the sosua. St a room costs 300 pesos for 2-3 hours (most people in sosua know it) and i guess most working girls in sosua know cabanas where to take their clients in sosua.

11-10-07, 06:14
Yo Bigsmoove,

Holler at me. I want to share some info with you. PM me.

Tom Gueguen
11-10-07, 13:11
Hey bro,

When you get a chance go to this massage place called "Passions" (all motochonco guys know the place), but right after you go past Passions there's store there. There's a girl who works there (pic below)....you should make her acquaintance. She's very shy, but she loves to BBBJ, she's no clockwatcher/high priced, and her snatch is super tight..plus she's delightful to spend time with.

She seems nice for the little we can see.
Could you resize to make it bigger.

11-11-07, 01:40
Not a nude photo, but she does have a tremendously soft azz! She works in the store next to Passions. Probably won't approach you directly, but she's game, has very tight snatch, and she loves giving and receiving oral. We never spoke anything about compensation. Just after the sessions I gave her about 600 pesos.

After this chic, I came to the conclusion that 100% of the women in Sosua are available to you! It wasn't because she was drop dead gorgeous, but because she had such a shy demeanor.

11-11-07, 05:14
I read in a past post about this sex enhancer or erection helper. Does anyone know what it is? Are there places in Sosua to get stuff like this, Viagra, Cialis, etc.

11-11-07, 11:25
Bigsmoove I want to share something with you. Hit me up!

11-11-07, 19:57
LOL. The erection helper can be found in Sosua. It rhymes with azz and starts with g. Go to Sosua beach/Charmicos town (5min from Sosua).

11-11-07, 22:50
I read in a past post about this sex enhancer or erection helper. Does anyone know what it is? Are there places in Sosua to get stuff like this, Viagra, Cialis, etc.

This is a reference to ganja.Not a pill or pharmacy style enhancer. If you dont smoke then this would not be a good time to start.

Bq Ribs
11-12-07, 03:25
I read in a past post about this sex enhancer or erection helper. Does anyone know what it is? Are there places in Sosua to get stuff like this, Viagra, Cialis, etc.

There is a farmacia on the main highway near Calle Dr. Rosen. They sell Viagra, and Cialis. Ask for Lapella (generic brand), 50 pesos each.........

The beginning of this year they passed a law requiring you to have a doctor's prescription. Just ignore it. I have purchased Lapella and a gas station convenience store in Boca Chica.

Bq Ribs
11-12-07, 03:27
This is a reference to ganja.Not a pill or pharmacy style enhancer. If you dont smoke then this would not be a good time to start.

If you are talking about what I think you are talking about I would not be within 1000 yards of that stuff in the DR. The policia will lock you up in a heart beat if they catch you. No telling when or if you will get out the slammer.

11-12-07, 14:35
Can someone tell me how the weather is ? You can never tell by the forecast.

11-12-07, 17:30
If you are talking about what I think you are talking about I would not be within 1000 yards of that stuff in the DR. The policia will lock you up in a heart beat if they catch you. No telling when or if you will get out the slammer.

From someone who has personally been on the wrong side of the law in DR (years ago), I can tell you that it's not a nice place to be. If the drugs aren't legal, I'd stay away from them. The towns are small and the people talk. Being a foreigner puts a big $$ on your head. I only got out of trouble after having to bribe a judge or two. And 56 hours in lockup in mosquito infested outside cells.

If my experience saves one person, I'll be happy.


11-12-07, 18:09
From someone who has personally been on the wrong side of the law in DR (years ago), I can tell you that it's not a nice place to be. If the drugs aren't legal, I'd stay away from them. The towns are small and the people talk. Being a foreigner puts a big $$ on your head. I only got out of trouble after having to bribe a judge or two. And 56 hours in lockup in mosquito infested outside cells.

If my experience saves one person, I'll be happy.


Totally agree with you. Drugs or drug trafficking is a major problem in the D.R. and you can get in serious trouble just as member david 3069 mentioned above.
I once witnessed how G-2 police forces raided a house of an alleged drug dealer in puerto plata and that was scary as hell.

11-13-07, 00:28
If you are talking about what I think you are talking about I would not be within 1000 yards of that stuff in the DR. The policia will lock you up in a heart beat if they catch you. No telling when or if you will get out the slammer.

If you all read the post I was just claryfying what Bigsmoove meant by "sticky green stuff". I told him directly NOT to. Ive found people in the DR who sniff but who refuse to touch the sticky green.Culturally and legally, its frowned upon.

Bq Ribs
11-13-07, 04:39
If you all read the post I was just claryfying what Bigsmoove meant by "sticky green stuff". I told him directly NOT to. Ive found people in the DR who sniff but who refuse to touch the sticky green.Culturally and legally, its frowned upon.

My comments were not directed towards you. They were meant for Pedroxboy. Ganja has only meant one thing to me my entire life and I was just trying to give a warning, leave that stuff in the states.

Bq Ribs
11-13-07, 05:05
I read in a past post about this sex enhancer or erection helper. Does anyone know what it is? Are there places in Sosua to get stuff like this, Viagra, Cialis, etc.

Now to answer the last part of your question. You can buy Viagra, Cialis, and the generic form Lapella (50 pesos each) at just about any farmacia. Although the DR passed a law in January of this year that you need a doctor's presciption they can still be easily found. I have seen gas station convenience stores and colmados selling ED pills.

Jones Crusher
11-14-07, 18:14
Let me start by thanking the contributors to this site. The information proved invaluable during my recent (and first) trip to Sosua. I will also state that the experience would have been improved if I was fluent in spanish though the little bit I learned before going down was adequate for the task.

So, the story goes like this: A friend and I, so amateur at mongering as to not even be deserving of being called mongers, decided to go down to the DR to have a few days of fun. After looking at the reports on this site and being under the gun to set up the trip, I decided on Sosua. I will now go on record as stating that the girls in the DR and many of those I saw in Sosua, whether working in the all-inclusive, in the bars, or walking the streets, are some of the most beautiful girls I've ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on.

1st night being new we ended up at Tropical and had a massage. Then spent the night at the bar with some great girls and folks from Belgium.

2nd night we found our way to Passions, an establishment I wish I had never set foot in. We ended up going there 3 times in a 4 day span. While my companion was sensible and sampled 3 different girls, I had a GFE in the back with a girl I had picked out. This girl was not the prettiest nor did she have the best body but after spending an hour checking out the girls, she had whatever I was looking for. I took her in the back and won't bore you with the details but had a great time.

3rd night it was raining so after dodging raindrops on the strip we went back to Passions. I said "Hola" to my girl and went and sat down. As other girls came to talk to me, she shot daggers my way. Girls came over and gave me a hard time about only saying Hello, to her. I asked her over and took her back again. BIG MISTAKE! Next thing I know, I'm telling her I'll be back at 3:00 the next day to take her out.

4th night. Paid her bar fine, booked another room in my all-inclusive, took her to dinner, met her mother and baby (why yes, now that you mention it, that probably wasn't a smart move on my part), and had a great GFE. Put her in a taxi the next morning and walked back to the room fucked in the cabeza.

The only smart thing I did was convince her not to come to the airport to say goodbye, I told her I would stop in at Passions on the way. I decided to skip that scene. Not having totally lost my mind, on the way out to lunch with my traveling buddy, I stepped into the first massage place I saw with an attractive girl and plunked down $1000 for a great massage and BJ.

So now I'm left here wondering where I went wrong (could it have been going with the same girl more than once? , taking her out of the bar? , agreeing to meet the family? Yes! ) and looking at flights in January and February.

Anyone have any ideas on how to hide the stamps in my passport from my wife?

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-14-07, 20:56
People. Please "stop paying 3000pesos! "

Even the not so stellar ones are starting at 3000.

Someone is giving in. Please do not. Think with both heads.

Thank you

11-14-07, 21:21
Jones Crusher Dont worry, you are like I was my first trip. Now I am 12 trips into it and laugh about the first one. You asked questions for advice but it seems you already have answered all your own questions.

Go back next time and enjoy it by following the lessons you have learned this trip.

Let me start by thanking the contributors to this site. The information proved invaluable during my recent (and first) trip to Sosua. I will also state that the experience would have been improved if I was fluent in spanish though the little bit I learned before going down was adequate for the task.

So, the story goes like this: A friend and I, so amateur at mongering as to not even be deserving of being called mongers, decided to go down to the DR to have a few days of fun. After looking at the reports on this site and being under the gun to set up the trip, I decided on Sosua. I will now go on record as stating that the girls in the DR and many of those I saw in Sosua, whether working in the all-inclusive, in the bars, or walking the streets, are some of the most beautiful girls I've ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on.

1st night being new we ended up at Tropical and had a massage. Then spent the night at the bar with some great girls and folks from Belgium.

2nd night we found our way to Passions, an establishment I wish I had never set foot in. We ended up going there 3 times in a 4 day span. While my companion was sensible and sampled 3 different girls, I had a GFE in the back with a girl I had picked out. This girl was not the prettiest nor did she have the best body but after spending an hour checking out the girls, she had whatever I was looking for. I took her in the back and won't bore you with the details but had a great time.

3rd night it was raining so after dodging raindrops on the strip we went back to Passions. I said "Hola" to my girl and went and sat down. As other girls came to talk to me, she shot daggers my way. Girls came over and gave me a hard time about only saying Hello, to her. I asked her over and took her back again. BIG MISTAKE! Next thing I know, I'm telling her I'll be back at 3:00 the next day to take her out.

4th night. Paid her bar fine, booked another room in my all-inclusive, took her to dinner, met her mother and baby (why yes, now that you mention it, that probably wasn't a smart move on my part), and had a great GFE. Put her in a taxi the next morning and walked back to the room fucked in the cabeza.

The only smart thing I did was convince her not to come to the airport to say goodbye, I told her I would stop in at Passions on the way. I decided to skip that scene. Not having totally lost my mind, on the way out to lunch with my traveling buddy, I stepped into the first massage place I saw with an attractive girl and plunked down $1000 for a great massage and BJ.

So now I'm left here wondering where I went wrong (could it have been going with the same girl more than once? , taking her out of the bar? , agreeing to meet the family? Yes! ) and looking at flights in January and February.

Anyone have any ideas on how to hide the stamps in my passport from my wife?

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Forever Detroit
11-15-07, 01:45
Fellow Mongers.

A little help please. I decided to break the ice and head to Sousa at the end of the month for 4 Days! Nov. 24 thru 28th. Just confirmed flight & thanks to me reading the f. F. I decided on the New Garden. I'm currently working with Wilfried thru e-mails. Looks like a cancellation gets me in there. I have read the Dominican Forum back until Jan. 07 and I find that Sousa will be closes to suit my desires.

A little about me, I am a senior member (monger) on the USASEX Detroit board. 45, black, over 6 feet and hide the greys pretty well. I have checked out the international board for a few years and always wanted to experience getting away from the U. S. For mongering. And if you guys think Canadian women who are right next door to Detroit are any different than U. S. Women than you will be sorry.

Not looking to hit the women hard, just relax and go with the flow. Love to fish, deep sea if possible, but on a sea worthy boat! I know this is third world and all, but I like to make it back home safely. Want to take in the country side too, possibly horseback (no mules) or scooter. Lying on the beach sipping Presidentes, priceless.

Couple questions I have before making the jump that I hadn't seen on the board. 1) 4- day trip, not a big drinker. Don't gamble that much. & how you guys can handle 3 or 4 pops a day! Gotta find that viagra store! Anyway, how much cash should I bring, after paying for the room?

2) Will be arriving on a Saturday, are banks & farmacia, mobil phone store open?

3) Laptop computer, stay at home or bring it? WiFi or telephone line hook-ups?

4) Lubercations (covers) bring or buy on island?

5) Clothing, what to where during the day/nite, shorts and sandals till I go home or my pimp suits?

6) Stock the room with booze & food or head out and sample the local cuizene?

Anything else you guys can think of would be greatly appreciated. Your Sousa board is excellent & convienced me to finally get off the dime and get there.

F. D.

Mr Gogo
11-15-07, 05:57
Let me start by thanking the contributors to this site. The information proved invaluable during my recent (and first) trip to Sosua. I will also state that the experience would have been improved if I was fluent in spanish though the little bit I learned before going down was adequate for the task.

So, the story goes like this: A friend and I, so amateur at mongering as to not even be deserving of being called mongers, decided to go down to the DR to have a few days of fun. After looking at the reports on this site and being under the gun to set up the trip, I decided on Sosua. I will now go on record as stating that the girls in the DR and many of those I saw in Sosua, whether working in the all-inclusive, in the bars, or walking the streets, are some of the most beautiful girls I've ever had the pleasure of laying eyes on.

1st night being new we ended up at Tropical and had a massage. Then spent the night at the bar with some great girls and folks from Belgium.

2nd night we found our way to Passions, an establishment I wish I had never set foot in. We ended up going there 3 times in a 4 day span. While my companion was sensible and sampled 3 different girls, I had a GFE in the back with a girl I had picked out. This girl was not the prettiest nor did she have the best body but after spending an hour checking out the girls, she had whatever I was looking for. I took her in the back and won't bore you with the details but had a great time.

3rd night it was raining so after dodging raindrops on the strip we went back to Passions. I said "Hola" to my girl and went and sat down. As other girls came to talk to me, she shot daggers my way. Girls came over and gave me a hard time about only saying Hello, to her. I asked her over and took her back again. BIG MISTAKE! Next thing I know, I'm telling her I'll be back at 3:00 the next day to take her out.

4th night. Paid her bar fine, booked another room in my all-inclusive, took her to dinner, met her mother and baby (why yes, now that you mention it, that probably wasn't a smart move on my part), and had a great GFE. Put her in a taxi the next morning and walked back to the room fucked in the cabeza.

The only smart thing I did was convince her not to come to the airport to say goodbye, I told her I would stop in at Passions on the way. I decided to skip that scene. Not having totally lost my mind, on the way out to lunch with my traveling buddy, I stepped into the first massage place I saw with an attractive girl and plunked down $1000 for a great massage and BJ.

So now I'm left here wondering where I went wrong (could it have been going with the same girl more than once? , taking her out of the bar? , agreeing to meet the family? Yes! ) and looking at flights in January and February.

Anyone have any ideas on how to hide the stamps in my passport from my wife?First of all,dont be so hard on yourself.You had a good time,but you made several mistakes.First,you probaly told her it was your first time in Sosua.She wants first dibs on your time and money,if she has your number that was your second mistake.Be expecting a call for money for mom and the kids.You limited your options when you kept going back.Venture out and use her as your last option,Sosua is like Disney world,you dont keep riding the same ride all day.Get a duplicate passport made up just for your wife,unless she works for customs she will never know.The biggest mistake you can make is taking a friend that knows your wife,some things must be kept secret.

Escort King
11-15-07, 06:13
Fellow Mongers,

A little help please. I decided to break the ice and head to Sousa at the end of the month for 4 Days! Nov. 24 thru 28th. Just confirmed flight & thanks to me reading the f. F. I decided on the New Garden. I'm currently working with Wilfried thru e-mails. Looks like a cancellation gets me in there. I have read the Dominican Forum back until Jan. 07 and I find that Sousa will be closes to suit my desires.

A little about me, I am a senior member (monger) on the USASEX Detroit board. 45, black, over 6 feet and hide the greys pretty well. I have checked out the international board for a few years and always wanted to experience getting away from the U. S. For mongering. And if you guys think Canadian women who are right next door to Detroit are any different than U. S. Women than you will be sorry.

Not looking to hit the women hard, just relax and go with the flow. Love to fish, deep sea if possible, but on a sea worthy boat! I know this is third world and all, but I like to make it back home safely. Want to take in the country side too, possibly horseback (no mules) or scooter. Lying on the beach sipping Presidentes, priceless.

Couple questions I have before making the jump that I hadn't seen on the board. 1) 4- day trip, not a big drinker. Don't gamble that much. & how you guys can handle 3 or 4 pops a day! Gotta find that viagra store! Anyway, how much cash should I bring, after paying for the room?

About $300 a day will cover everything if buying food etc.

2) Will be arriving on a Saturday, are banks & farmacia, mobil phone store open?

Yes... hit bank at airport anf then atms

3) Laptop computer, stay at home or bring it? WiFi or telephone line hook-ups?

where are you staying? Rocky's has desktops to use

4) Lubercations (covers) bring or buy on islandbring condoms etc.

5) Clothing, what to where during the day/nite, shorts and sandals till I go home or my pimp suits?shorts days, jeans night

6) Stock the room with booze & food or head out and sample the local cuizene?
a little of both.... some decent restaurants

Anything else you guys can think of would be greatly appreciated. Your Sousa board is excellent & convienced me to finally get off the dime and get there.

Bring lollipops for chicas.... extra batteries for things you bring

Bq Ribs
11-15-07, 08:59
Fellow Mongers.I decided on the New Garden. Good choice and a one block walk to the strip

Love to fish, deep sea if possible, but on a sea worthy boat!
Cross that off the list. Only thing available are charters. Summer 2008 come to Jersey and go night blue fishing

Gotta find that viagra store!
Walk out of New Garden and make a left. Walk two blocks to the main highway. There is a farmacia in the little shopping strip. Ask for Lapella at 50 pesos. Viagra and Cialis are a lot more expensive.

Anyway, how much cash should I bring, after paying for the room?
Hard to say. Some days I spend less than $100 and other days I go over $200.

2) Will be arriving on a Saturday, are banks & farmacia, mobil phone store open?
Yes to all provided you don’t arrive at night. ATMs are the best way to get pesos (memorize a few of the exchanges). I just think 300 pesos is $10. You will be off by a little but you will be close enough. You are on vacation.

3) Laptop computer, stay at home or bring it? WiFi or telephone line hook-ups?
Not unless you have business to conduct leave the laptop home. First trip, one less thing to worry about. Sosua has internet cafes to check up on your email.

4) Lubercations (covers) bring or buy on island?
Bring them with you along with a vibrator, dildo, or pocket rocket. A couple of the small boxes of chocolate works great. They have the 4 piece box for about $2 in the states.

5) Clothing, what to where during the day/nite, shorts and sandals till I go home or my pimp suits?
Shorts, jeans are fine. Sosua is a very casual town. Save the pimps suit, pimp mobile, and wide brim hat for somewhere else.

6) Stock the room with booze & food or head out and sample the local cuizene?
New Garden has a small fridge so stock it with beer and keep some late night munchies in the room.

Anything else you guys can think of would be greatly appreciated.

You still need to know where to eat. Do you know where the 100 peso chicken joint is?

Where to download a map, Sosua is a very, very, very small town but the first trip a map will help.

Ask your questions know and save some confusion later.

Do four or five trips to Sosua than think about hitting the South Coast and Santo Domingo. A completely different ball game.

Rebel Monger
11-15-07, 09:45
Fellow Mongers.

A little help please. I decided to break the ice and head to Sousa at the end of the month for 4 Days! Nov. 24 thru 28th. Just confirmed flight & thanks to me reading the f. F. I decided on the New Garden. I'm currently working with Wilfried thru e-mails. Looks like a cancellation gets me in there. I have read the Dominican Forum back until Jan. 07 and I find that Sousa will be closes to suit my desires.

A little about me, I am a senior member (monger) on the USASEX Detroit board. 45, black, over 6 feet and hide the greys pretty well. I have checked out the international board for a few years and always wanted to experience getting away from the U. S. For mongering. And if you guys think Canadian women who are right next door to Detroit are any different than U. S. Women than you will be sorry.

Not looking to hit the women hard, just relax and go with the flow. Love to fish, deep sea if possible, but on a sea worthy boat! I know this is third world and all, but I like to make it back home safely. Want to take in the country side too, possibly horseback (no mules) or scooter. Lying on the beach sipping Presidentes, priceless.

Couple questions I have before making the jump that I hadn't seen on the board. 1) 4- day trip, not a big drinker. Don't gamble that much. & how you guys can handle 3 or 4 pops a day! Gotta find that viagra store! Anyway, how much cash should I bring, after paying for the room?

2) Will be arriving on a Saturday, are banks & farmacia, mobil phone store open?

3) Laptop computer, stay at home or bring it? WiFi or telephone line hook-ups?

4) Lubercations (covers) bring or buy on island?

5) Clothing, what to where during the day/nite, shorts and sandals till I go home or my pimp suits?

6) Stock the room with booze & food or head out and sample the local cuizene?

Anything else you guys can think of would be greatly appreciated. Your Sousa board is excellent & convienced me to finally get off the dime and get there.

F. D.
I will be there November 27th for my first (hopefully not the last) trip and I'll be staying at Europa. If you need a partner to chase the ladies and don't mind to associate with a 53 years old Cuban (a person not a cigar!), let me know. As for the side trip to the countryside, I'd suggest you don't put too much thought into it. You might find the right lady and end up coming out of the room just to eat. It happened to me in my first mongering trip to Costa Rica, also in the second and third. Life's good!

11-15-07, 12:53
Fellow Mongers.

A little help please. I decided to break the ice and head to Sousa at the end of the month for 4 Days! Nov. 24 thru 28th. Just confirmed flight & thanks to me reading the f. F. I decided on the New Garden. I'm currently working with Wilfried thru e-mails. Looks like a cancellation gets me in there. I have read the Dominican Forum back until Jan. 07 and I find that Sousa will be closes to suit my desires.

A little about me, I am a senior member (monger) on the USASEX Detroit board. 45, black, over 6 feet and hide the greys pretty well. I have checked out the international board for a few years and always wanted to experience getting away from the U. S. For mongering. And if you guys think Canadian women who are right next door to Detroit are any different than U. S. Women than you will be sorry.

Not looking to hit the women hard, just relax and go with the flow. Love to fish, deep sea if possible, but on a sea worthy boat! I know this is third world and all, but I like to make it back home safely. Want to take in the country side too, possibly horseback (no mules) or scooter. Lying on the beach sipping Presidentes, priceless.

Couple questions I have before making the jump that I hadn't seen on the board. 1) 4- day trip, not a big drinker. Don't gamble that much. & how you guys can handle 3 or 4 pops a day! Gotta find that viagra store! Anyway, how much cash should I bring, after paying for the room?

2) Will be arriving on a Saturday, are banks & farmacia, mobil phone store open?

3) Laptop computer, stay at home or bring it? WiFi or telephone line hook-ups?

4) Lubercations (covers) bring or buy on island?

5) Clothing, what to where during the day/nite, shorts and sandals till I go home or my pimp suits?

6) Stock the room with booze & food or head out and sample the local cuizene?

Anything else you guys can think of would be greatly appreciated. Your Sousa board is excellent & convienced me to finally get off the dime and get there.

F. D.

During the day most of the action is right at the beach or in the pedro clisante street. At the beach you should check out the siempre sol bar. It`s owner is herman who has been in Sosua for over 10 years now and he is a great source of information concerning the girls. His bar also offers great food like fish....
In case you can to check out some decent restaurants in Sosua i can recommend the bailey`s restaurant and another one called la ficha wich are all in walking distance to the new garden hotel.
Usually via the hotel you can also book/make different activities (deep sea fishing which i did in march 2007 it was fun but i did not catch anything, horse back riding tours).
How much money to bring is difficult to say it all depends what kind of stuff you want to do (how many times you want to get laid, how often to you want to go to restaurant, your trips.....)
One thing i can really recommend is to book a trip to la Semana to go whale watching.

11-15-07, 13:09
F. Detroit and Bone Crucher,

You guys are getting some great advice and info here. I am not so removed from my first trip here and remember the concerns and questions I had.

FD I only dabbled in Sosua but the advice is right on. Don't worry, when you get down there it all comes together. The DR is very different, but you will pick up on things quickly.

BC everyone makes mistakes as well as doing some things right their first trip. They are really not mistakes at all here, just learning opportunities. Next time you will be much more savvy and I am sure you already know what not to do as well as what to do. This is all part of the experience here.

FD one other thing, this is a whole different level of punting. It is what you make it. I will personnally tell you that is the biggest thing I learned when I started.

Good advice and posts guys. Many thanks to those who help the newbies.

Jones Crusher
11-15-07, 15:51
First of all,dont be so hard on yourself.You had a good time,but you made several mistakes.First,you probaly told her it was your first time in Sosua.She wants first dibs on your time and money,if she has your number that was your second mistake.Be expecting a call for money for mom and the kids.You limited your options when you kept going back.Venture out and use her as your last option,Sosua is like Disney world,you dont keep riding the same ride all day.Get a duplicate passport made up just for your wife,unless she works for customs she will never know.The biggest mistake you can make is taking a friend that knows your wife,some things must be kept secret.Thanks Lickitysplit and Mr. Gogo. I think I'll be better equipped to handle it next time. Thankfully, no, i did not give her any personal information.

Mr. Gogo, can you expand on the "duplicate passport" comment? Do you mean apply for another passport? If it wasn't for my wife seeing the new stamps in the passport-issue, I'd be planning my next 4 day trip for Jan. or Feb. Thanks

11-15-07, 22:25
Walk out of New Garden and make a left. Walk two blocks to the main highway. There is a farmacia in the little shopping strip. Ask for Lapella at 50 pesos. Viagra and Cialis are a lot more expensive.There is actually one a little closer then that. If you take a right as you exit the New Garden there is one on the same block on the same side as the NG. The price was the same 50 pesos.

11-15-07, 22:38
... This girl was not the prettiest nor did she have the best body but after spending an hour checking out the girls, she had whatever I was looking for. I took her in the back and won't bore you with the details but had a great time.Jonescrusher,

I am glad you had a good time. I was recently there as well and the girl that I spent some time with in passions was probably not one that I would have picked out if they had been lined up and you had to make a choice, but passions is not that kind of place.

I liked her personality and we vibed both in and out of bed. I did mange to aviod the trip home to see mama and her daughter, but I stopped by to see her a few times while there and like you they seem to gravitate towards you if there is a vibe and thats fine.

I did manage to sample the rest of what Sosua had to offer. The fact that you stayed pretty much with one woman just gives you a reason to go back and try the rest.

11-16-07, 05:05
[QUOTE=Escort King]
About $300 a day will cover everything if buying food etc.

You'd have to try hard to spend $100 a day for expenses outside of your hotel if you don't drink.

2) Will be arriving on a Saturday, are banks & farmacia, mobil phone store open?

ATMs are always open.. but be prepared if they don't work. Buy $100-200 or so at the airport to be safe. Can't count on ATM networks outside the country. Talk to herman at siempre sol at the beach. He can point out reliable money changers at the beach. They can give you the best exchange rates.

3) Laptop computer, stay at home or bring it? WiFi or telephone line hook-ups?

Leave it home unless you need to work. Stick with the internet cafes as others have said.

4) Lubercations (covers) bring or buy on islandbring condoms etc.

Consider going to WALMART and buying 1-2 12 packs of condoms. They are about $6 each.

5) Clothing, what to where during the day/nite, shorts and sandals till I go home or my pimp suits?shorts days, jeans night

Dress casual.

6) Stock the room with booze & food or head out and sample the local cuizene?

Girls like the place to be stocked..but why spend all the time your room? Hit the restaurants and bars around town.

Anything else you guys can think of would be greatly appreciated. Your Sousa board is excellent & convienced me to finally get off the dime and get there.

Make a copy of your passport and keep it in a seperate place. Scan a copy and email it to yourself if you can. Always a good idea when traveling overseas.

DR is DANGEROUS when it comes to motorcyles..although they are the primary taxi in Sosua. I learned to ride there in spanish though so I can't totally knock it. A lot of the taxi guys can get drunk... if he seems like he is, he probably is.. grab another one :)


11-16-07, 05:17
Let me start by thanking the contributors to this site. The information proved invaluable during my recent (and first) trip to Sosua. I will also state that the experience would have been improved if I was fluent in spanish though the little bit I learned before going down was adequate for the task.

It's easy to fall into the GFE routine with girls. I did about the same thing last trip in Ecuador and I've been mongering for quite a few years... 10+ days with the same girl. I did get out and tap a few others. Only 9-10 different girls in 18 days though. Was not the original intent. But I can't say I wasn't happy. We had a lot of fun. She stayed with me 24/7 the whole time. Saw her apartment, met her LARGE extended family at a birthday party for her cousin, etc. I still get text messages from her almost daily. And I call her too. Do I regret it? No.

If I find a nice one, it's often easier then taking chances with a bunch of them. I try to find a girl that likes girls too..and then I don't feel like I'm cheating on her.

When I lived in Sosua for 6 months, I had the same girl about 4-5 months. Still did others too. She found out and still took me back every time.


Bq Ribs
11-16-07, 05:35
Make a copy of your passport and keep it in a seperate place. Scan a copy and email it to yourself if you can. Always a good idea when traveling overseas.

Glad you mentioned that David. Just make a copy to carry with you and leave the passport in the hotel safe and make sure to hold onto the safe key.

Mr Gogo
11-16-07, 05:56
Thanks Lickitysplit and Mr. Gogo. I think I'll be better equipped to handle it next time. Thankfully, no, I did not give her any personal information.

Mr. Gogo, can you expand on the "duplicate passport" comment? Do you mean apply for another passport? If it wasn't for my wife seeing the new stamps in the passport-issue, I'd be planning my next 4 day trip for Jan. Or Feb. ThanksNo, I wasnt implying apply for another pass port. But, unless your wife is in law enforcement, a good dummy passport should pass.

11-16-07, 06:16
Escort King,

I will be down there around the same time with 2 of my boys, this is our 3rd trip, you will like it. Nov26-30th

Professor 1
11-16-07, 16:30
No, I wasnt implying apply for another pass port. But, unless your wife is in law enforcement, a good dummy passport should pass.I have not heard of a dummy passport. Please provide more information. I would like to believe that I could spot a (cheap) fake.

Forever Detroit
11-16-07, 21:16
Fellow Mongers

I really appreciate all the great advice, I am writing it down and trying to commit to memory what I don't write. Really wanted to take the "pimp suit", it's been a long time hanging in the closet.

I read about bringing presents, but lolly pops? They can't get that stuff there? Dildos too? How do you get that stuff through customs. I can see me getting my butt pulled out of line at the airport with those toys. Don't know if I'm so bold with that guys.

The guys going between the 24 & 28 if you would like to meet and hang out, the first round is on me. Send me P. M. & I can give you a number, but I don't know how the cell phone works over there yet. Or I can give you hotel information. I spoke to Wilfried from the hotel and he told me someone else on my flight is staying at the hotel. I assume the driver will be picking up two mongers at once.

Thanks again guys

F. D.

Jones Crusher
11-17-07, 03:35
I have not heard of a dummy passport. Please provide more information. I would like to believe that I could spot a (cheap) fake.The question is, could my wife spot it? I might just have to keep it with me (I travel in the US on business frequently) and "lose it" if it comes to that.

11-17-07, 22:20
Been thru customs 3 times,have never seen any bags checked. U.S. Customs may check your bags and they will leave a note that they did in your suitcase. If you got dildos that is where the note will be. LOL

Fellow Mongers

I really appreciate all the great advice, I am writing it down and trying to commit to memory what I don't write. Really wanted to take the "pimp suit", it's been a long time hanging in the closet.

I read about bringing presents, but lolly pops? They can't get that stuff there? Dildos too? How do you get that stuff through customs. I can see me getting my butt pulled out of line at the airport with those toys. Don't know if I'm so bold with that guys.

The guys going between the 24 & 28 if you would like to meet and hang out, the first round is on me. Send me P. M. & I can give you a number, but I don't know how the cell phone works over there yet. Or I can give you hotel information. I spoke to Wilfried from the hotel and he told me someone else on my flight is staying at the hotel. I assume the driver will be picking up two mongers at once.

Thanks again guys

F. D.

11-17-07, 22:22
The question is, could my wife spot it? I might just have to keep it with me (I travel in the US on business frequently) and "lose it" if it comes to that.

Why don't you get a bank safe deposit box and put it in there and keep the key to yourself.


Hadji Singh
11-17-07, 22:58
Carmen: 1000pesos-NO GFE, TERRIBLE SEX, ok BBBJCIM, NO ANAL.
I met Carmen through Mike (the owner of Casa Manana) squeeze. Although Carmen had a somewhat attractive face, her body was too slender for my taste, she had no ass but she did have a nice cocksucker and a nice attitude. I was going on 32 hours of sleep depravation, way too bused to hop on a scooter and very eager to unload a two week stockpile of ball juice-so I reasoned that Carmen will have to do. I took her upstairs, once in the room she turned on the TV-a Brazilian soap opera dubbed in Spanish. I was getting undressed to take a shower and to my surprise Carmen seemed very reluctant to join me, but she did. Undressed her body was even more slender and started to turn me off.

Sex with Carmen: Her pussy was the most unattractive pussy that I have ever encountered. Her labia literally looked like two oysters. She wouldn’t let me take a picture of it either. Her sex was unenthusiastic and I had to do most of the work. I caught her watching TV while I was pumping her oyster which caused me to LOL. I decided to get this over with and threw a pillow on the floor and made her kneel down with her back up against the bed and away from the TV. I gave her pie hole a good angry pounding before unloading deep in her mouth. She would repeatedly take her hand off of my shaft to try and balance her narrow ass on the pillow. This started to annoy me but I used it to my advantage. Just before I was ready to unload she took her hand off my shaft and I pushed in back to her throat and pumped in a two week stockpile of nut juice. She tried not to take it but I had her in a position which she couldn’t refuse.

Aftermath: She hightailed it to the bathroom to spit and it sounded like she was hacking. She came out and began to fixate on the TV so I handed her panties and bra and told her I needed to rest. She got the picture when I turned off the TV. I handed her the money which she tried to get extra for the motochongo but I told her I didn’t have any-opened the door and escorted her out without putting my foot in her behind.

Johanny: 1500pesos-GFE-ok, NO ANAL, BBBJ, sex-ok, I would hit it again if nothing else was available for 1000 pesos.

Picked her up on Playa Sosua at Siempre Sol (Herman’s bar). Had a few beers with her then she mentioned food so I decided to get her out of there before I had to buy her lunch, plus it was 4PM and she had to be at work (Secrets, where else) at 6PM. Loaded her on the scooter and motored back to Casa Manana.

Sex with Johanny: I am a die hard ass fan! So I was pretty excited at the thought of pounding her little J-Lo starter kit, however, much to my disappointment she wouldn’t let me fuck her in the ass! I tried to work around this by finger banging her ass, but she wasn’t down for that either. While she rode me on top I did manage to get a finger in a little, but she started to scream so I stopped. At that point I felt like throwing her out the window! As the two hours wore away so did her enthusiasm so I decided to get it over with. I was hitting it doggy style most of the time and I wanted to do something with that ass so I pulled out, removed the bastard condom and spread her ass cheeks and shot my load on her brown eye. I tried to work a little bit of the load into her ass with my finger and was somewhat successful but she rolled over and wanted to kiss. I told her it was almost 6PM and she was going to be late if she didn’t get going.

Aftermath: Put her on the scooter and dropped her off at Secrets. She wanted to set up something later that night but I told her I was going to the Disco. I was really disappointed having not scored her ass. I didn’t want anything to do with her after that. Her body was perfect except for her tits which were pretty beat up looking after having 3 KIDS! Who in the hell is barebacking all of these chicks?

Chiquita: She works at La Passion 2500pesos for 1hr-off of the menu. BBBJCIM, NO ANAL, NO GFE, sex-ok.

Sex with Chiquita: The facilities at La Passion are excellent-very clean and modern. The first time I had this chica I got the 1000pesos massage with BBBJCIM happy ending. She was definitely “rolling” that time but took the load without hesitation. Sex was ok at about one hour I finished in her mouth as she has a very nice cocksucker. She is just a little too slender for my taste but at 12midnight there wasn’t much to choose from. I was really hesitant about selecting Beyonce-she has that 13 year old girl look which is not my scene.

Aftermath: Coming back from PJ’s about 2AM I saw Beyonce and Chiquita walking down the street so I pulled over they hoped on the scooter and I dropped them of at the Discos. I said 200pesos for the ride they laughed and kissed me and walked off. I thought to myself there goes trouble. I wondered if they were going to the disco looking for business or fun.

Street massage: 1 hour, 500pesos-BBBJCIM, Ball sucking.
Just before the Waterfront Hotel/Restaurant there are chicas hanging outside of a nail salon offering massage-completo. I couldn’t forget the incredible ball job that girl(can’t remember her name) gave me. I fucked her last month but this month she had her period (pulled down her pants to show me). I plan to visit her next month when I am in Sosua.

Summary: This was my second trip to Sosua. Stayed at Casa Manana also called B+B (829-252-2930 ask for Mike) which is across the street from the TradeWinds Condos. Mike rents scooters which help getting around. B+B is a nice place, however, if one desires something closer to the pussy scene, more personal space with AC, safe, pool, bar, etc. B+B is not the place. I felt like a house guest more than a customer which is a grey area that I don’t like to be in. Mike and his cohorts are interesting especially the one leg dude.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Jones Crusher
11-18-07, 17:59
Why don't you get a bank safe deposit box and put it in there and keep the key to yourself.

DavidWell, my wife and I both have passports and occasionally travel out of the country. This past July we went to St. Maarten where i had to invent a couple excuses in order to high-tail it over to the Seaman's Club. We'll be going somewhere else this coming April. I don't leave the country all that often so it is only a matter of time (could be in April, could be in 5 years) until she happens to get ahold of my passport and wonders why there are all these extra stamps in there for the D.R.. Ah well, I usually think pretty good on my feet.

Jones Crusher
11-20-07, 03:04
Regarding Rocky's, New Garden, Europa:

1) Would my laptop be safe in all of them or any of them?

2) Do any or all require the chica to have an id available?


11-20-07, 05:23
Does anyone know any prices for New Garden rooms, and are they chica friendly, i'm going down on friday the 23rd.

11-20-07, 08:40
Does anyone know any prices for New Garden rooms, and are they chica friendly, i'm going down on friday the 23rd.

New Garden is girl friendly. Right now a room should be round about 55 dollars which also includes breakfast.

11-20-07, 15:40
New Garden is girl friendly. Right now a room should be round about 55 dollars which also includes breakfast.

Rooms should be $45( +tax) and you should be able to decide where you want to eat breakfast. I liked the breakfast scene at rockys myself.

I was there in july and that was the rate I payed. Have things changed since then ?

Escort King
11-20-07, 16:05
Regarding Rocky's, New Garden, Europa:

1) Would my laptop be safe in all of them or any of them?

2) Do any or all require the chica to have an id available?

ThanksDon't think Rocky's has safes so maybe not there. All should require IDs but Rocky's does not have security people all the time so maybe not there.

11-20-07, 17:10
Rooms should be $45( +tax) and you should be able to decide where you want to eat breakfast. I liked the breakfast scene at rockys myself.

I was there in july and that was the rate I payed. Have things changed since then ?

June, July,.... is the low season, in the high season november till april the rates go up

11-21-07, 00:35
don't think rocky's has safes so maybe not there. all should require ids but rocky's does not have security people all the time so maybe not there.

as a frequent guest at at rocky's, i can confirm - no in room safes. it is, however, a very secure environment. i always travel with a laptop, and have never had any serious concerns there.

regarding guests, i've yet to see those who exercise common sense (no ****d guests, etc.) experience any hassle about guests there. i saw no evidence of any formal cedula check procedure either.

Bq Ribs
11-21-07, 02:16
Regarding Rocky's, New Garden, Europa:

1) Would my laptop be safe in all of them or any of them?

2) Do any or all require the chica to have an id available?


I would pick New Garden without a doubt, the other two would not even be on my list of places to stay.

Casa Valeria, Club Residencia, maybe Casa Cayena (price is a little steep). If you want cheap, cheap, cheap there is The Waterfront basic room and I mean basic, but they have a swimming pool and beautiful lanscaped grounds.

If you really don't need your laptop leave it home and use one of the many internet cafes.

11-21-07, 05:05
New Garden is girl friendly. Right now a room should be round about 55 dollars which also includes breakfast.Thanks for the info.

Sunset Strip
11-22-07, 19:57
BQ Ribs,

Why would Rocky's and Europa not be on your list of places to stay? Thanks.
I have yet to make it to Sosua and those two places were where I thought about staying.

If anybody else has info. on those places please chime in.

I had heard that Europa was really girl-friendly and that Rocky's was really laid back. Europa seemed to have some nice accomodations--at least on the website pictures. Rocky's seemed more basic, but seemed inexpensive and convenient.


Bq Ribs
11-22-07, 20:56
BQ Ribs,

Why would Rocky's and Europa not be on your list of places to stay? Thanks.
I have yet to make it to Sosua and those two places were where I thought about staying.

If anybody else has info. on those places please chime in.

I had heard that Europa was really girl-friendly and that Rocky's was really laid back. Europa seemed to have some nice accomodations--at least on the website pictures. Rocky's seemed more basic, but seemed inexpensive and convenient.


Maybe my standards are a little higher than most people.

Europa is about as girl-friendly as you can get. They usually have putas hanging right outside the front door. If all you want to do is bring ho's in and out all day long it might be the place to stay. Europa is a revolving door of putas coming and a going. I prefer something a little more laid back. Europa is at the far end of Pedro Clisante. One looooooooong walk to the beach and at night you need a moto to hit the clubs. Forget about a good nights sleep with the bar music blasting from across the street and down the block.

Rockys is just too basic for me. A bed on four cinder blocks, one tiny TV, no A/C. Not to mention the fact there is no safe or security guard. I also don't like the idea you have to walk thru the restaurant area everytime you go to and from your room. For the same price I would stay a little farther away at The Waterfront. At least at The Waterfront you have a pool and a fantastic view of the ocean.

Just my 2 pesos, to each his own. I still put New Garden as #1, Casa Valeria, and a few others would be on my list of the top 5.

11-22-07, 22:41
Maybe my standards are a little higher than most people.

For the same price I would stay a little farther away at The Waterfront. At least at The Waterfront you have a pool and a fantastic view of the ocean.

Casa Valeria, and a few others would be on my list of the top 5.Are Casa Valeria and the Waterfront girl-friendly?

Also, how do you stop or what do you say to all the locals that never stop bothering you when you walk around town. What do you say to the girls at the discos that wont leave you alone? I saw some nice chicas that I was going to approach, but some of the aggressive chicas would not stop hounding me.

11-22-07, 22:42
I stayed here recently but did not get the feeling they would have allowed me to bring a GF back, so never tried. What if I had offered some pesos to the nightguard, does anyone think that would have worked?

Sunset Strip
11-22-07, 23:04
Thanks. That explained a lot.

I am thinking of hitting Sosua in january. I have a friend who claims we should go to Santo Dom. instead. But I want to have chicas who are ready to go, in an environment where paying to play is accepted everywhere. it seems Sosua is the right place to me.


11-23-07, 00:12
Thanks. That explained a lot.

I am thinking of hitting Sosua in january. I have a friend who claims we should go to Santo Dom. instead. But I want to have chicas who are ready to go, in an environment where paying to play is accepted everywhere. it seems Sosua is the right place to me.

If the main purpose of your trip is just to fuck attractive women, then Sosua is a much better destination for you.

You will get laid in Santo Domingo all right, but it is a big city with no beach. In Sosua everything you want (restaurants, bars, fast food, ATM, pharmacy, grocery store, supermarket, beach, massage, Internet cafe) is within walking distance, and if you want a classier resort Cabarete is only $1 away by public taxi.

Also in Sosua the women you meet will be freeelancers, therefore costing you less money and there will be more diversity. Fuck a girl after lunch, take two girls together in the evening, and another one for the night. No problem.

11-23-07, 01:05
After lurking for a while and reading many posts I think I have my list of questions for the experienced.

Some buddies and I are headed to Sousa in December. We have our places to stay. We are going to stay at Rocky's for a few days and then head to BlackBeards.


What are the prices for the freelancers working in Sousa?

Would have an TLN with them, should I just plan on putting all my valuable with the desk at Rocky's.

I don't mind spending a bit more money to find an TLN if I thought I could trust here.

Can I get into Blackbeards in the early evening if I am not staying there and get a girl and taker here back to Rocky's? Seems the girls at BB might be a little more to my liking from what I have seen here. I wish I was staying there all the time, but they were booked the first few days.

If Rocky's is not to our liking, can you give me some suggestions and contact info on where to stay. Ideally, I want someplace with room safes and security at the doors.


11-23-07, 03:34
Ok, the viagra from the little farmacia at the corner north of the New Garden Hotel sells fake viagra, larger pill than the real thing and a "100" stamped into it. NOT REAL. If you chew a real viagra it tastes like a fart, not like citrus.

The Cialis at the larger farmacia on Pedro Clisante across from La Roca is real, but I checked the expiration date after I left the store and saw it expired 09/07, but it still seemed to work. Didn't try LaPela. Regret that.

I recommend hooking up with someone with mongering experience if you are going here for the first time. I went at it alone and did ok, but had a difficult time figuring it all out.

Don't limit yourself to just the *****s on Pedro Clisante in the heart of town. Go east several blocks and check out the side streets. There are bars there too with girl friendly short stay places. This area is a scarey part of town at night if you are walking back to your all-inclusive hotel late at night, although I never got mugged or anything. Walk with purpose and like you know where you are going, even if you are lost.

The main ***** is Classico (? ), next to the German bar. (The guy in the German bar (ponytail) is a nice fella.) Pay the $100 pesos to go to the upstairs merengue dance floor, full of chicas and less agressive types.

The authentic DR food place two blocks up from Classico was good for eating lunch and dinner. Across the street is a good internet cafe (alfs? ) to keep in touch with this site for info when you get confused or need guidance.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Naked Gunz
11-23-07, 03:34
Carmen: 1000pesos-NO GFE, TERRIBLE SEX, ok BBBJCIM, NO ANAL.
I met Carmen through Mike (the owner of Casa Manana) squeeze. Although Carmen had a somewhat attractive face, her body was too slender for my taste, she had no ass but she did have a nice cocksucker and a nice attitude. I was going on 32 hours of sleep depravation, way too bused to hop on a scooter and very eager to unload a two week stockpile of ball juice-so I reasoned that Carmen will have to do. I took her upstairs, once in the room she turned on the TV-a Brazilian soap opera dubbed in Spanish. I was getting undressed to take a shower and to my surprise Carmen seemed very reluctant to join me, but she did. Undressed her body was even more slender and started to turn me off.

Sex with Carmen: Her pussy was the most unattractive pussy that I have ever encountered. Her labia literally looked like two oysters. She wouldn’t let me take a picture of it either. Her sex was unenthusiastic and I had to do most of the work. I caught her watching TV while I was pumping her oyster which caused me to LOL. I decided to get this over with and threw a pillow on the floor and made her kneel down with her back up against the bed and away from the TV. I gave her pie hole a good angry pounding before unloading deep in her mouth. She would repeatedly take her hand off of my shaft to try and balance her narrow ass on the pillow. This started to annoy me but I used it to my advantage. Just before I was ready to unload she took her hand off my shaft and I pushed in back to her throat and pumped in a two week stockpile of nut juice. She tried not to take it but I had her in a position which she couldn’t refuse.

Aftermath: She hightailed it to the bathroom to spit and it sounded like she was hacking. She came out and began to fixate on the TV so I handed her panties and bra and told her I needed to rest. She got the picture when I turned off the TV. I handed her the money which she tried to get extra for the motochongo but I told her I didn’t have any-opened the door and escorted her out without putting my foot in her behind.

Johanny: 1500pesos-GFE-ok, NO ANAL, BBBJ, sex-ok, I would hit it again if nothing else was available for 1000 pesos.

Picked her up on Playa Sosua at Siempre Sol (Herman’s bar). Had a few beers with her then she mentioned food so I decided to get her out of there before I had to buy her lunch, plus it was 4PM and she had to be at work (Secrets, where else) at 6PM. Loaded her on the scooter and motored back to Casa Manana.

Sex with Johanny: I am a die hard ass fan! So I was pretty excited at the thought of pounding her little J-Lo starter kit, however, much to my disappointment she wouldn’t let me fuck her in the ass! I tried to work around this by finger banging her ass, but she wasn’t down for that either. While she rode me on top I did manage to get a finger in a little, but she started to scream so I stopped. At that point I felt like throwing her out the window! As the two hours wore away so did her enthusiasm so I decided to get it over with. I was hitting it doggy style most of the time and I wanted to do something with that ass so I pulled out, removed the bastard condom and spread her ass cheeks and shot my load on her brown eye. I tried to work a little bit of the load into her ass with my finger and was somewhat successful but she rolled over and wanted to kiss. I told her it was almost 6PM and she was going to be late if she didn’t get going.

Aftermath: Put her on the scooter and dropped her off at Secrets. She wanted to set up something later that night but I told her I was going to the Disco. I was really disappointed having not scored her ass. I didn’t want anything to do with her after that. Her body was perfect except for her tits which were pretty beat up looking after having 3 KIDS! Who in the hell is barebacking all of these chicks?

Chiquita: She works at La Passion 2500pesos for 1hr-off of the menu. BBBJCIM, NO ANAL, NO GFE, sex-ok.

Sex with Chiquita: The facilities at La Passion are excellent-very clean and modern. The first time I had this chica I got the 1000pesos massage with BBBJCIM happy ending. She was definitely “rolling” that time but took the load without hesitation. Sex was ok at about one hour I finished in her mouth as she has a very nice cocksucker. She is just a little too slender for my taste but at 12midnight there wasn’t much to choose from. I was really hesitant about selecting Beyonce-she has that 13 year old girl look which is not my scene.

Aftermath: Coming back from PJ’s about 2AM I saw Beyonce and Chiquita walking down the street so I pulled over they hoped on the scooter and I dropped them of at the Discos. I said 200pesos for the ride they laughed and kissed me and walked off. I thought to myself there goes trouble. I wondered if they were going to the disco looking for business or fun.

Street massage: 1 hour, 500pesos-BBBJCIM, Ball sucking.
Just before the Waterfront Hotel/Restaurant there are chicas hanging outside of a nail salon offering massage-completo. I couldn’t forget the incredible ball job that girl(can’t remember her name) gave me. I fucked her last month but this month she had her period (pulled down her pants to show me). I plan to visit her next month when I am in Sosua.

Summary: This was my second trip to Sosua. Stayed at Casa Manana also called B+B (829-252-2930 ask for Mike) which is across the street from the TradeWinds Condos. Mike rents scooters which help getting around. B+B is a nice place, however, if one desires something closer to the pussy scene, more personal space with AC, safe, pool, bar, etc. B+B is not the place. I felt like a house guest more than a customer which is a grey area that I don’t like to be in. Mike and his cohorts are interesting especially the one leg dude.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

From your adventures, sounds like the girls there f*uck like an ironing board!
Are they all that mechanical? I want to take a trip in January

11-23-07, 08:51
Are Casa Valeria and the Waterfront girl-friendly?

Also, how do you stop or what do you say to all the locals that never stop bothering you when you walk around town. What do you say to the girls at the discos that wont leave you alone? I saw some nice chicas that I was going to approach, but some of the aggressive chicas would not stop hounding me.

Concerning people bothering you just keep on walking and ignore them. Don`t get involved in any kind of conversation with them. I somtimes used my mp3 musicplayer when i walked around in Sosua.
Some phrases which probably are going to help you in Sosua when you have to deal with aggressive girls/locals are:

ahora no tengo tiempo = right now i don`t have time
Deja me paz = leave me alone
que no me hablas= don`t talk to me
quizas mas tarde = maybe later
usted/tu no me gusta/s = i don`t like you
callate/ cierra la voz = shut up
que no me molestes = don`t bother me
estoy buscando otra chica = i am looking for a different girl
eso no importa = it is not matter
no gracias = no thank you

11-23-07, 13:54
Concerning people bothering you just keep on walking and ignore them. Don`t get involved in any kind of conversation with them. I somtimes used my mp3 musicplayer when i walked around in Sosua.
Some phrases which probably are going to help you in Sosua when you have to deal with aggressive girls/locals are:

ahora no tengo tiempo = right now i don`t have time
Deja me paz = leave me alone
que no me hablas= don`t talk to me
quizas mas tarde = maybe later
usted/tu no me gusta/s = i don`t like you
callate/ cierra la voz = shut up
que no me molestes = don`t bother me
estoy buscando otra chica = i am looking for a different girl
eso no importa = it is not matter
no gracias = no thank you

leave me alone actually is dejame en paz sorry about that. If you need more phrases just post them in english and i will translate them for you into spanish

11-23-07, 15:53
After lurking for a while and reading many posts I think I have my list of questions for the experienced.

Some buddies and I are headed to Sousa in December. We have our places to stay. We are going to stay at Rocky's for a few days and then head to BlackBeards.


What are the prices for the freelancers working in Sousa?

Would have an TLN with them, should I just plan on putting all my valuable with the desk at Rocky's.

I don't mind spending a bit more money to find an TLN if I thought I could trust here.

Can I get into Blackbeards in the early evening if I am not staying there and get a girl and taker here back to Rocky's? Seems the girls at BB might be a little more to my liking from what I have seen here. I wish I was staying there all the time, but they were booked the first few days.

If Rocky's is not to our liking, can you give me some suggestions and contact info on where to stay. Ideally, I want someplace with room safes and security at the doors.


During the day in Sosua the price should be round about 1000 pesos depending on how good looking the girl is.
Toda la noche should be round about 1500 pesos for a decent looking girl and maybe 2000 if the girl is a total knockout. During my last trip in march 2007 most of the times 1500 pesos for toda la noche was accepted straight away by most of the girls.
Concerning your valuables just put them in a suitcase with a lock and you will be fine.
A decent hotel in Sosua is the newgarden hotel; round about 50 bucks per night, ac, safe, centrally located...
For me another good hotel is the voramar which is situated abit outside of sosua in an area called playa chiquita. A walk to the center will take you round about 15 minutes. They also rent scooter for 20 bucks a day so transportation should not be a problem.
Just google those 2 names and you will reach their webpage for any further information.
I can not give you any information concerning BB as i have never been there.

Sunset Strip
11-23-07, 20:45
If the main purpose of your trip is just to fuck attractive women, then Sosua is a much better destination for you.

You will get laid in Santo Domingo all right, but it is a big city with no beach. In Sosua everything you want (restaurants, bars, fast food, ATM, pharmacy, grocery store, supermarket, beach, massage, Internet cafe) is within walking distance, and if you want a classier resort Cabarete is only $1 away by public taxi.

Also in Sosua the women you meet will be freeelancers, therefore costing you less money and there will be more diversity. Fuck a girl after lunch, take two girls together in the evening, and another one for the night. No problem.

Thanks. Sounds good. I usually spend lots of time in Rio and Tijuana, but both places have run their course with me. It seems the DR, and especially Sosua, is a good place to start anew. Plus, flights are cheaper and less time-consuming than Rio.


Sunset Strip
11-23-07, 20:45
If the main purpose of your trip is just to fuck attractive women, then Sosua is a much better destination for you.

You will get laid in Santo Domingo all right, but it is a big city with no beach. In Sosua everything you want (restaurants, bars, fast food, ATM, pharmacy, grocery store, supermarket, beach, massage, Internet cafe) is within walking distance, and if you want a classier resort Cabarete is only $1 away by public taxi.

Also in Sosua the women you meet will be freeelancers, therefore costing you less money and there will be more diversity. Fuck a girl after lunch, take two girls together in the evening, and another one for the night. No problem.

Thanks. Sounds good. I usually spend lots of time in Rio and Tijuana, but both places have run their course with me. It seems the DR, and especially Sosua, is a good place to start anew. Plus, flights are cheaper and less time-consuming than Rio.


Professor 1
11-24-07, 02:26

Can I get into Blackbeards in the early evening if I am not staying there and get a girl and taker here back to Rocky's?I stayed in an apartment near Blackbeards, and had access to the place 24/7. I actually emailed them in advance, and they send a nice invitation to visit. As the girls are independents, you can agree to take her wherever you desire.

Ty Down
11-26-07, 01:04
Can someone please tell me were Sosua is? I've been to Africa several times but I want to try DR. I just love those ladies of African descent.



11-26-07, 03:10

I'll be in Sosua Dec 12th-25th, it will also me my first time there. I'm staying at the New Garden hotel. I will also be going to BB (not staying there) just going to check out the talent and the bikini contest the Dec 15th. Does anyone know if I'll be able to attend even though I will not be staying at the hotel? I thought someone mentioned I could. If it is to my liking I might book a room there for a couple nights. I will also be checking out Cristals but will be flying solo.

Let me know if you will be there during those dates and want to grab a beer and maybe exchange information?


11-26-07, 08:14
Can someone please tell me were Sosua is? I've been to Africa several times but I want to try DR. I just love those ladies of African descent.



Sosua is in the north of the dominican republic close to a bigger city called puerto plata.

Mr Gogo
11-26-07, 15:27

I'll be in Sosua Dec 12th-25th, it will also me my first time there. I'm staying at the New Garden hotel. I will also be going to BB (not staying there) just going to check out the talent and the bikini contest the Dec 15th. Does anyone know if I'll be able to attend even though I will not be staying at the hotel? I thought someone mentioned I could. If it is to my liking I might book a room there for a couple nights. I will also be checking out Cristals but will be flying solo.

Let me know if you will be there during those dates and want to grab a beer and maybe exchange information?

ThanksSure,you can attend B.B bikini contest on Dec 15.Wilfreid at New Garden will take care of you.If you have never been to Sosua,you might not want to leave.I will be there from the 12th to the 16th.If you buying the presidente's you can pick me for all of Sosua's secrets.

11-26-07, 18:40
I'll defiinitely buy the Presidente's. My flight lands at 4:30pm on the 12th, let me know when/where you want to meet up and the presidente's will be on me.


Professor 1
11-26-07, 20:14

I'll be in Sosua Dec 12th-25th, it will also me my first time there. I'm staying at the New Garden hotel. I will also be going to BB (not staying there) just going to check out the talent and the bikini contest the Dec 15th. Does anyone know if I'll be able to attend even though I will not be staying at the hotel? I thought someone mentioned I could. If it is to my liking I might book a room there for a couple nights. I will also be checking out Cristals but will be flying solo.


Yes, you can visit BB's as a non-resident. I did, and obtain a short-time room on two occasions. It welcomes visitors.

11-27-07, 05:11
Hey Gents, have traveled all over South America, never made it to the DR, heading to Sosua from the 20th-25th of December. Happy to catch up with any of the guys who seem to be in town at that time. I have a few questions for the vets.

How much nicer is New Garden then say Rocky's? I hate to spend if I don't have to but not really on any sort of budget.

New Garden - How is it in terms of ease to get around town, especially at night?

New Garden - How far from the beach?

Can I bang every girl in the town in five days? Haha.... just kidding... but it seems I can meet people in town to branch out to PP or check out BlackBeards etc. If anyone wants to catch up, let me know, and I appreciate any thoughts.


Mr Gogo
11-27-07, 07:06
I'll defiinitely buy the Presidente's. My flight lands at 4:30pm on the 12th, let me know when/where you want to meet up and the presidente's will be on me.

ThanksIf that is the 1:30 out of Mia im on the same flight..i will p.m. you later.

Big Sexx
11-27-07, 15:11
Can someone give me the going rate for regular SW vs Girls from BB. Both for ST and LT.

11-27-07, 21:25
Hey Gents, have traveled all over South America, never made it to the DR, heading to Sosua from the 20th-25th of December. Happy to catch up with any of the guys who seem to be in town at that time. I have a few questions for the vets.

How much nicer is New Garden then say Rocky's? I hate to spend if I don't have to but not really on any sort of budget.

New Garden - How is it in terms of ease to get around town, especially at night?

New Garden - How far from the beach?

Can I bang every girl in the town in five days? Haha.... just kidding... but it seems I can meet people in town to branch out to PP or check out BlackBeards etc. If anyone wants to catch up, let me know, and I appreciate any thoughts.

EI just returned from Sosua on October 16th. I stayed at the New Garden and it was the perfect location for my 6 days in Sosua. Everything is in walking distance ( lou's shark bar, classicos, mauri mai, Baileys, the orange phone shop, la passion, the beach , farmacia close by etc.).

I was on my first trip to the DR and I went solo and with a little research prior to arriving I was comfortable with the entire area within an half-hour.

I ate breakfast at rockys daily and the atmosphere, staff and people eating there were laid back and friendly. The rooms were inexpensive but a little basic for me.

Have a great trip

11-27-07, 22:17
Yes, it is the same flight. Unfortunately I do not have access to PM's still have to set that up. I'm sure we can co-ordinate a way to meet up. Most likely Wilfred has us sharing a cab to the Garden Hotel. I'm already pumped about my first trip to the DR. Cannot wait to get away from this cold Chicago weather.


11-27-07, 23:33
I have been hanging on this forum and others and some of the pictures I come across and some of the posts talk about sex toys.

So, what is the deal. Should I bring them? I like to have fun and have a selection, not big, but enough to make it fun.

If I bring them, what is the best way to introduce them to the girls. I was thinking of just having them out on a night stand and if they choose to get one, that would be fun, if not, then oh well.

Any experience out there?


Escort King
11-28-07, 01:51
Can someone give me the going rate for regular SW vs Girls from BB. Both for ST and LT.BB is 1500 st and 2300-2500 tln. You can try and negotiate

Club girls are all a negotiation. Could be 500 for a quicky and 1500 tln or more

High end strip clubs. Grab a chica place really. 3000 and up

Mr Gogo
11-28-07, 06:53
Yes, it is the same flight. Unfortunately I do not have access to PM's still have to set that up. I'm sure we can co-ordinate a way to meet up. Most likely Wilfred has us sharing a cab to the Garden Hotel. I'm already pumped about my first trip to the DR. Cannot wait to get away from this cold Chicago weather.

LaterI will be at National Car Rental once we land.

It's at the airport.

Don't worry about catching a cab.

11-28-07, 12:19
I recently stayed at the New Garden for a few weeks. Everyone has different experiences, here are mine.

Good points - good location, close to Sosua beach and the main strip, excellent security guard (I gave him a few $'s to 'look after me'), reasonably comfortable rooms, safety box in room, aircon, wifi, ok pool, ok breakfast, good coffee, a few girls hang around (5's and 6's on average) and well managed.

But, there were a few too many drawbacks for me. For instance there's a little dog that runs around the place. Nice dog. But, it shits everywhere and has a particular preference for the dining area around breakfast time. Staff clean up the turds....eventually. One morning I sat to eat breakfast only a few feet from a turd that would have been larger than the dog. Despite my requests, the turd was still there 2 hours later.

Other drawbacks....price is now US$55/night which includes breakfast and room safe, which seemed to me to be quite high for the area given the facilities and quality of rooms. Bathroom was very dated, with wires not properly fixed to power sockets, faded mirror, cracked basin and loose toilet seat that required a balancing act. Forget about hot water during peak times like 7am - 9am, and 5pm - 7pm. Breakfast staff are a bit surly. Breakfast is a set menu of 4 similar options, which was ample for me but limited in choice. Quite noisy first thing in the morning from staff making up other rooms.

On balance I enjoyed my stay there, but for the money would probably stay somewhere else next time.

11-28-07, 12:42
Just back from Sosua. Nothing to report that hasn't already been written, with four exceptions.

See my earlier report on the New Garden Hotel.

I met this 10 in the bar underneath Classico. White skin, blue eyes, Dominicana, about 30 years old. Excellent in all ways. I forget her name. She won't do TLN and was US$25 for a few hours. I think she works only Mondays and Tuesdays.

A new bar seems to have opened at the Sosua beach end of Pedro Clisante. It's on the corner with the street that runs down to By the Sea and is called Happi Bar. Girls are great, but the real appeal to me was their music and that the girls actively encourage people sitting around the small bar to dance with them and learn the merengue and machata. I've got 2 left feet, but happily spent a hour or so each night learning the machata while nursing my Pres.

I couldn't speak a word of Spanish before I went. Rather than being a drawback, I think it worked to my advantage. I took a list of key words and phrases typed out, such as 'how much for the night' and 'I think you're gorgeous'. When I got stuck I simply pointed to the relevant word/phrase. That excited their curiosity and was the source of great amusement!

11-28-07, 19:41
Sosua has been hit or miss lately.

Sometimes you can find a diamond in the rough but 9 times out of 10 you are going to just get a street rat.

I have better luck going off the beaten path.

Find a semi puta and you will realize that your dining experience has increased tenfold.


11-28-07, 21:11
I just came back about 3 weeks ago from a 6 week trip to the DR, it was a pretty crazy trip, I posted some pics in the other section. But for some reason last while I was laying next to my wife in bed, a thought came to mind and I could not stop laughing, it was rather hard to make up a story on the spot that justified what was really going on in my head. I am not sure if any of you guys have ever seen the Midget that works @ Mangoo, sometimes you see him around Sosua. Well anyway he ended up @ Villa California for a crazy ass party.

I left the (club or casino ??), earlier and was home knocking the bottom out of this smokin hot 19 -20 year old sex machine named Noella, then I hear this loud music coming down the street, you know how they do it over there !!, well it stopped at our house, then the gate opened, then this group of people showed up about 15 - 18 people, they had some Akon bumpin (Smack that). Anyway the neighbors loved it, I am sure of that.

Before long the party was in and out of the pool and the house, after a couple of hours (5-6am) things started to quiet down, or so I thought, everyone had either left or was smackin some ass. I got up to refresh the Presidente and what I saw in the kitchen will be with me for ever.

There was a 6 foot 5 inch Haitian Chic laying on the kitchen table with her legs spread and open wide and this little Midget was just going to town on this giant, he was standing on a chair and her ass was hanging off the table a little, I have never seen anything like it in the world, not even movies. He had dyed his hair blond on 1 side, and the chic had some zebra stripped shirt pulled up over her head, the music was blasting way to loud, he had no clue I was watching, I thought I was at the circus. I woke up my buddy to come and see, we tried to snap pictures but the chic got all pissed off and left shortly after (sorry mini me). Crazy night, I knew I was having a good time in a good place when I woke up and there was a midget there and he was getting laid!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Forever Detroit
11-29-07, 17:38
Fellow Mongers

I would first like to say THANK-YOU for all the information you have contributed to the board & me. My first trip to Sosua wouldn't have happened if it wern't for your generous information. Special thanks, BQ. This comes from a first timer, solo trip. I had a lot of hesitation, but with the information from this board, and members I felt very comfortable. Some of the stories I have are ver similar to the posted ones here. Won't bore you with stuff you already know, but maybe I can help the guys in my situation thinking of making the trip. Remember, I speak no spanish other than a couple of words.

Sosua, first day

Airport, I know why people clap on the plane now! Never been on a jet that banks over the ocean at about 100 feet coming over a tree line to come to a landing. Wanted to kiss the pilot! Customes was a breeze, 20 dollar tourist card, 5 dollar tip to girl in custom because it was her (birthday? ). Cash exchange 1. 33, which from everyone I spoke with was pretty good. Driver from New Garden was waiting for me, that was comforting. No english, we managed though. Found out when he dropped me at the hotel he wasn't a hotel driver, but a taxi serivce. I tried to tip him 5 bucks, Wilfried the manager explained to me the service was $20, US. Remember that guys, I don't think anyone told me that part. Pretty standard rate.

Hotel is basic, but nice & clean. Killer miniture doberman spoke about greets you. Nice shower, changed and off on foot exploring what you guys have reported on. Talked to a few mongers at the hotel, basic advise, very nice guys. Your pretty much on your own though. Asked direction to the Beach from a few mongers and got diffrent directions. Oye! Didn't care, just walked. 5 o'clock in the afternoon on Sat. The city was bursting, people everywhere. Walking, driving, cycles, scooters, noisey as hell. First stop, Famacia couple doors down from New Garden. Lapella, Thank You guy. Never used the stuff, but it works! Young lady didn't speak english, but she knew what Lapella was. 500 R. D.

To the beach, went the wrong way. I think one of the mongers at the hotel was sending me to the bay. Went to Clemente ave. And turned left instead of right Oye! I walked & walked just looking at the beautiful women, never seen that many beautiful women in such a small area. They looked at me like I had meat around my neck, beautiful! Anyway after walking a long way, back and forth finally asked a guy in a uniform for directions. No english, but very friendly. Pointed to beach, "walk that way. " I walk past the municipal building, continued down a busted up rocky street to a dead end. Women sitting on the corner gestureing me to come over. They looked, not my type so I kept walking through a open gate of what looked to be a hotel under construction.

Met another friendly gentleman sitting on a chair half way through. From a distance he had a very nice smile. I walked toward him and while he was still sitting and smiling at me I notice the business end (barrel) of a shot gun pointed at my gut! This friendly guy smiling had a 12 guage pointed right at me (Oh Sh.) dead before I get started! I immidately raise my hands & turn around, let him see I have no weapons. He gestures me over, still raised hands I walk to him. Ask for beach? Very broken english he said " it's OK, beach over there). He points on the other side of hill, on the hotel property and we walk over. The beach is beautiful, but no body on the beach. I thank my friend who still has the shotgun and walk down the beach to the back of a hotel resort.

There are people on the beach, no english. I think German, walk through the back of a hotel, beautiful resort to the front entrance. Meet a nice security guard at a driveway gate. Try to talk with him, no english but he is nice. Also has a gun tucked in his waist and a shot gun. He finds a girl walking in the rain and she can speak a little english. She told me that I was at the Bay, the Sosua Beach was the other way. I walked with her and she told me her name was Lucy, she is a Massuse at the Resort which I just walked through and she was on her way to work. She told me she would massage me after she got off work. She said I would be very happy. Very nice girl, told her I would be back to look for her.

Ok, walked back to where I came from. Lesson learned, there are a lot of people with guns in Sosua just walking around. Never seen so many people with guns, no uniforms, just walking. That made me nervous. I was out about an hour or two just walking and looking. Rained a couple of times so I made it back to the hotel. Sat & had a Presidente outside. Met some guys from all over the place. Very nice & helpful. Told me I was in the bay and gave directions to the beach. It was getting dark, they told me don't go to the beach, it will be closed.

While sitting at the hotel I guess these guys had 4 or 5 girls stop by and they were negotiating in the front gate. I guess negotiations broke down because when everyone left 3 were still standing at the gate & it was raining. Guess I became the bate for them, negotiations 101 began for me. No spanish skills, they spoke minimal english. They were all adorable, 19-23, one girl was very pretty but from my experiences I found the prettiest don't want to work that hard. Well, needless to say I settled with the second prettiest, Jasmine 1000 R. D. For a massage and good times. They offered deals for 2 & 3, but I thought first time out I better stick to one.

Service was very good but mechanical. Her body was very nice & tight, no complaints. She spoke minimal english, but I could tell she was on the clock. Lot of Cum baby, Cum baby stuff. It is a turn off for me, but I wasn't disappointed with the service. After about an hour she was up and out the door. I thought, 30 bucks. In the U. S. That service would have cost $150, at least. I'm ahead of the game. Back down to the pool area to talk with more mongers from all over. 3 guys just came back from a 3 day stay at B. B. , told me it was nice, but where I was at had more things to do and better selection. Met two guys from New York, told me to go to Passions for a excellent time and selection. One had a car and they offered to give me a ride. Sosua at nite, OH MY!

After a couple of Presidentes I really wasn't feeling any pain. Don't know the alcohol content but I felt pretty good, but not stupid. These guys were on the serious hunt. They had plans that would take them until the morning and maybe 5 or 6 chicas. No I am on the newbie plan. They drop me off, I had walked by the place earlier on my search for the beach, so I knew my way home. Stopped at the bar next to Passions for another beer and watched the women walk by. Oh, thought I was in heaven.

Passions was a very nice place with a menu. Accomadating to non spanish speaking guys. Don't know the name of the Massuse, but she was a 9 in my book. For 1000 R. D. & 45 mins she put me in outer space. Very nice place & girls. Again, I felt very professional service. I was looking for the Latin flavor in the women, but only found they latin business women. I walked down Clemente Ave. Back toward the hotel and these Cycles were racing up & down the road. I have never seen so many people on a cycle (maybe a circus? ) 3-4 people on a little 1100 Kawasaki or moped. Small infants being carried in-between the adults. No helmets, half the bikes had no running head lights riding in the rain. Dancing in-between cars. Rider after rider stopping and asking if I want to ride. I will never be that drunk to get on a cycle down there. I walked!

On the way back stopped by many girls with the typical Ola baby. Stopped many times, Again for me. Some of the best looking women I have ever seen in a small confined area. Got gropped a few, found a few bars I stopped at before I got back to the hotel. Names I'm sure you guys are familur with. Just wanted to get back and rest. Long day from the trip. Got back to the hotel safely, met the security guard. Gun in waist band, (damn, it's a lot of guns in this little place! ) showed him my key & he let me in. Very nice man. Got to bed at about 11 that night, resting for the tomorrow.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-29-07, 18:02
This will be my 7th (or 8th?) trip this year. I will be returning to the New Garden. Anyone interested in meeting up can feel free to PM me.

Forever Detroit
11-29-07, 22:54
Day 2

I get an early morning start at New Garden, meet some of my fellow mongers in the outdoor cafe for breakfast. See the parade of TLN chickas leaving. Unbelivable! One of the guys from New York had two stunning chicas leaving. Both of them meaty with pretty faces. He looked like he was beat down and could have pushed him over with a stick. One of the chicas says something to me in Spanish because she see's me starring at her body. I tell her "No habla, espanol". She say's "Baby, yo eyes say it all. Yo want some of this? " Maybe later I respond. They walk out to the street and I have to get up and look at them walk down the street! Beautiful! My New York friend has a smile ear to ear. Tells me if I want it, he will call her later for me.

After spending an hour or so at breakfast meeting the guys and hearing about last night and places to go and things do. I headed out for the Sosua Beach, this time the right way but the long way around. I pass Latinas Club & Classico on the way. Closed but still chicas in the area giving the stare down. Ola, I found the term No Gracias worked for me unless I stopped. Kids on the street hustling shoe shines, vendors souveniers, fruits, vegitables. The smells of food cooking, cigar smoke, damn cycle smoke all in the air. I loved all of it.

Finally found the Sosua Beach street entrance. Before I got in I got stopped by what I found was a tour guide for the resort which is at the entrance and got hooked into a tour of the resort. Nice place, $250 a nite US, NO. I'm learning not to be so gulible. Get back to the beach entrance which a long row of shanty huts full of sovieners sold by what looked to be Haitians. I found that it is a tourist gauntlet. I have been to flea markets before and dealt with Haitians before in Miami at a market, but nothing could have prepared me for this.

I think I had a big mark on my forehead that said TOURIST! Brother, Brother, Brother come see my place. Venders blocking your path, actually pulling you into the store. Very aggressive selling tactics. I never knew I had so many brothers in my life. Everybody wanted some of me, I didn't want to be disrespectful but it got to the point where you had to walk away. I noticed some tourist walking and not even acknowledging these guys. I learned they were the seasoned tourist. I ended up buying a few cigars for cheap. I know a little about cigars to know, most of there stuff was fakes, irregulars and knock-offs. Buyer beware.

Met my first Haitian friend, Johnny. He was also an aggressive saleman, inside the beach area near the beginning stores across from the boats. If you go there soon he will be the one wearing the Detroit baseball cap I later gave him. He taught me a lot about Sosua, we hit it off well after I bought some of his wares. He speaks very good English and told me he would show me around the place later. Finally made it down to Sempre Sol after about an hour & half of being pulled on and sales pitched to.

Met Herman, nice guy, somewhat of a Celeb on the beach. He was pretty busy sitting back and talking with his coutrymen but had the time to chat a bit and tell me to stay for the puss parade. His waitresses wern't bad to look at either. I was amazed at how many people stopped by for photos with his waitress and they smiled and sold those Presidentes. Some of the guys from my hotel arrived and we drank there for a few hours. Great time, No Gracias worked well on the venders coming by. Herman told us guys everything is on the table in Sosua. You see something and want it, ask. The worst thing that will happen is they will say no. But if you hit on his waitresses, it better be after 7:00 when they get off.

On the way out got hit on in the gauntlet again Brother, Brother, Brother! Johnny left work early and told me we would walk. After stopping at his sister's store on the exit, damn! Promised to buy a picture from her later. He told me she also ran a bar on the Clemente we would stop at later. We walked, talked, stopped & drank beers. He told me if I see something and wanted it he would negotiate for me. Cool, I found a wheel man. Johnny knew a lot of people.

About 4:30 were walking past the Sea something club, sorry forgot name. I see this beautiful chica sitting near the side rails and she smiles. I stop in my tracks and have to go see her. This girl is a light complexion, beautiful body maybe 130 lbs. & stunning. Can't speak a word of English. My wheel man steps in and negotiates. Tells me her name is Jo, she is from a territory named Mau near Porta Plata. He negotiates 1000 rd, she has to be back at work by 6:00 pm. Hour & half, maybe high but she was gorgeous! Walked her back to the hotel and all the guys on the street were cracking there necks to see her in those tight jeans. Told Johnny I would meet him back there at 6.

Once in the room Jo who can't speak a word of english is truely beautiful naked. Her performance was good, but the language barrier made it akward for both of us. Got her back at 6:15, she told Johnny that she got off at 1 am and would be available for TLN. Kept moving, places to go, people to see. Went to Johnny's sister's place. Can't remember the name but it is maybe the last bar past Passions. He said she just opened it and working on getting customers to come in. She is very pretty, but wasn't going to hit on my wheel man's sister. She had a very pretty waitress, and a not so pretty one too who just starred off a lot. Dusted off a few President's and were off again back towards the center of town.

Domino's, we were walking by and I saw a waitress behind the bar with the most stunning face and eyes. Had to stop! She was beautiful, I'm sorry I can't remember her name, spanish names are hard for me to remember. She spoke very little English, but words didn't need to be spoken at all. We were talking and I saw a chica on the other side of the bar in a thin dress that has the best looking ass I have ever seen. J-Lo can't touch this girl with a 10 foot pole. My chica saw me staring and told me "you want her too? No problem, this is Happy Hour. " What, nobody I can remember writing on the board said anything about happy hour. Two for one! Ok, wheel man went into action again, 2000 RD. Off we go walking to the hotel hand & hand. Gave my wheel man 500 RD. Told him I would catch him later.

At the hotel these girls walk in through the front gate & mongers heads are turning. I know I did good now, even the hotel wait staff is checking these chicas out! Up to the room and they shower and come out, I think I died and went to heaven, again! Massage, bbj, cfs, back & forth changing condoms just amaizing. Two hours! BQ, thanks for the Lapella info. After all is done, these chicas are up, dressed, & ready to go make more money. Paid them and walked them back to Domino's in a rain storm, but I didn't care. My chica at the Sea bar see's me, Ola. Just don't have the strength.

Head towards Classico's for some food, oh, they don't have food. Pointed me across the street to I think an Italian Pizza place. Beautiful cook, Italian Chef who couldn't speak english made something out of what I thought was Zuccini, but it was explained it was vegitable similar. If someone could share I would be greatful. It was great! I sat in the bar and watched the chicas walking, cycling in the rain to the bar. Awsome site, just didn't have the energy and thought I would head to the hotel. Was going fishing in the morning.

Head out and pass Classico and who do I find, my wheel man Johnny drinking a Presidente. Stood talking and saw beautiful chica after another arriving. I'm just having fun and drinking again when I see this tall chica, dark, long hair, I think is Haitian. A 10 brick house in my book. My wheel man begins negotiations. This chica wants 4000 DR for the night, goes down to 3500. I'm not budging off 2500. I'm tired so I didn't care. Johnny tells her no, he tells me she will be back. Before she comes back, another 9. 5 tall Haitian walks up. Can't keep her hands off me and I am all there.

She also starts at 4000 and we negotiate down to 2700 t. L. N. Just before we finalize Ms. Brick house walks back over. Johnny looks at me and laughs. "What one yo want? " Ms. 9. 5, Shira. I walk off with her and Ms. Brick house is pissed. I laugh with Johnny and agree to meet after my fishing trip. Spent the rest of the night with Ms. 9. 5 and was very pleased that night and in the morning. Only disappointment was I thought all the chicas were not very emotional. I always thought latin women were very emotional with there sexuality. Walked Ms. 9. 5 home in the morning and she gave me her cell #. Told me she wanted another T. L. N. Tonight, told her I would call her, right. Wen't fishing.

F. D.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Forever Detroit
11-29-07, 23:50
day three was cool, after getting my fishing in 100 us 8am. 2pm on the beach you can set up a deep sea fishing tour. wanted to get back to the room and get a badly needed nap. saw my wheel man on the way out, told him i would meet him about 6:00 later. on the way out i hit the gauntlet again, brother, brother, brother. i had to toughen up and tell them guys leave me alone.

came back after my nap and met my wheel man as he was getting off. sat across from his sister's store and watched the sharks go after the tourist. these guys are comical, but thats how they make a living. johnny takes me to his place, which is a small room in an apartment building just off clemente. boy, makes me feel very fortunate i live in the u. s. his sister, brother, cousins & other relatives live in the building. all from haiti to make money. he changes and were rolling again. i tell him i'm already tired of the professional women in the town and want a g. f. e. /novia. ok, no problem, we search for one of them tonight.

after a few bars we stop at one near passions where we stopped before. beautiful girls at all the bars. i pretty much threw the idea of finding a gfe out there and wanted this beautiful stunner in domino's. she wanted to go but was on a schedule. told her we would be back in an hour. she said she would wait. got back about two hours later and she was gone (oh well). anyway went to the bar near passions and it's pooring down rain. stopped in there before and johnny knows the waitress, she is haitian. we get to talking and she is game for the g. f. e. /novia. she gets off at 1 am and tells me she will stop by the hotel after work to see me. she said she will cook for me, & love me until i leave. cool, i'm so there. she is nice looking, 7-8 range with short curly type hair. speaks pretty good english. i don't need her to be a stunner, just geniune.

me and my wheel man hang out in bars until about 11 pm, eating and drinking. i decide to head in, give johnny 500 rd for expenses and head to the hotel. my intentions was to go by domino's and see the stunning chica for an hour but she was gone.

about 1:30 in the morning the security guard knocks on my door with the haitian. she is warm, but smells to be drunk. we start getting it on in the bed and she doesn't want to kiss. i ask her whats going on? she tells me she doesn't kiss during sex. i ask about the novia situation and she refuses. needless to say, i'm pissed. i finish and tell her she has to go. she knows i'm pissed and says she can't get a cycle home because all the cycles go to the casino's after 3:00. it's pouring down rain outside so i agree to let her stay. i go onto the balcony and smoke a cigar and thinking, i ain't getting screwed by this (b) for a tln so she gotta go. i go back in and wake her up and tell her she gotta go. i will pay for the cycle home, she must have someone on speed dial. then she tells me that she has a baby at home she doesn't want to wake. ok, i tell her i will not pay her tln. she goes back to sleep.

i'm pissed and after another cigar i go and sleep in bed with her. at day break i'm up and in the shower. put my clothes on, i know she is awake but faking it. i tell her to get up, she has to leave. i told her i will pay her 1000 r. d. for her services. she say "honey, that's not enough" i tell her you better be happy you got that. we agreed on a g. f. e. last night and you don't want to kiss? get out! she tells me she has a cold, something was wrong with her throught. her baby needs more money, she didn't agree to the g. f. e. that ain't enough for her. well at this point i break it down to the sister and tell her i ain't giving her another penny & she better leave now. she tells me no! lies on the bed. i leave the money on the desk and tell her i am leaving. when i got out of the shower i made sure all my valubles were locked in the safe and i took my cell. i told her that she was a tigre (b) that everyone told me to look out for. get your sh. & go. she refused again, so i left. she was yelling as i shut the door. i knew her cedula was still in the managers office.

i went down stairs to have breakfast and sat down. about 10 mins later she came down fully dressed. looked to be crying, distressed, who knows and made a beeline to the front gate to a waiting cycle. i assume she called the rider to pick her up. she was gone and i was there laughing to myself. i had to get out of this place i said to myself. tigres! i went back to the room later and everything was in place, money gone.

f. d.

editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-30-07, 08:53
Forever Detroit:

Great report, looks like you are having fun in Sosua. Did you take any pictures of the girls?

11-30-07, 21:22
Anyway went to the bar near passions and it's pooring down rain. Stopped in there before and Johnny knows the waitress, she is Haitian. We get to talking and she is game for the g. F. E. /novia. She gets off at 1 am and tells me she will stop by the hotel after work to see me. She said she will cook for me, & love me until I leave. Cool, I'm so there. She is nice looking, 7-8 range with short curly type hair. Speaks pretty good english. I don't need her to be a stunner, just geniune.

Me and my wheel man hang out in bars until about 11 pm, eating and drinking. I decide to head in, give Johnny 500 RD for expenses and head to the hotel. My intentions was to go by Domino's and see the stunning chica for an hour but she was gone.


We agreed on a g. F. E. Last night and you don't want to kiss? Get out! She tells me she has a cold, something was wrong with her throught. Her baby needs more money, she didn't agree to the g. F. E. That ain't enough for her. Well at this point I break it down to the sister and tell her I ain't giving her another penny & she better leave now. She tells me NO! Lies on the bed. I leave the money on the desk and tell her I am leaving. When I got out of the shower I made sure all my valubles were locked in the safe and I took my cell. I told her that she was a TIGRE (B) that everyone told me to look out for. Get your sh. & go. She refused again, so I left. She was yelling as I shut the door. I knew her cedula was still in the managers office.

It sounds like you had an excellent time despite this small bit of drama. Far be it for me to give you suggestions on how to find girls; however, I think you may have had a little more success finding the GFE that you were looking for if you hung out and developed a vibe with a chica before heading back to the room rather then let your "new best friend" broker a deal for you.

Just a suggestion. Sosua is so easy to get around it; one doesn't need a "guide" even with little to no Spanish.

Glad that you had a good trip!

11-30-07, 22:55
Hey fellows,

I did a search for El Colibri in the Sosua forum and came up empty. Has anyone stayed there before and if so....any comments positive or otherwise?

Otherwise...I am looking for places to stay int the 30 range for 2nd week of december...Must be chica friendly of course....


11-30-07, 23:06
Hey fellows,

I did a search for El Colibri in the Sosua forum and came up empty. Has anyone stayed there before and if so....any comments positive or otherwise?

Otherwise...I am looking for places to stay int the 30 range for 2nd week of december...Must be chica friendly of course....


It is down pedro Clisante passed LA passions and not chica friendly.

Forever Detroit
11-30-07, 23:09
After throwing the Tigre (B) out I was pissed off and just wanted to drink & not be bothered with any other chicas, my flight was tomorrow. Went down to the beach later to pick-up some cigars I had on order. Passed the gauntlet and I guess the venders could see I was pissed so I only got a minimal amount of brother, brother brother this time. Picked my cigars and spoke to my wheel man Johnny about the chica he hooked me up with last night. (Tigre! )

Hung out a Sempre Sol and drank some Presidente's. Herman had a nice brown skin chica on his lap with lots of body. She was eyeing me like I was lunch. I just couldn't take another Tigre, but she was fine! Left out the back way of the beach which leads back into the locals neighborhood and caught a taxi back to the hotel for 1500 rd. Took a nap for awhile and was seriously thinking of just camping out at the hotel not being bothered with anyone. I couldn't believe how mad I was about the Tigre. I forced myself up, and was going to go out and eat lunch and have a beer.

Went to the German bar between I think the Latin Club and Classico for some chicken and a beer. Just relaxed drinking my beer and eating, not bothering anyone. Watching the chicas walk by and the dogs running in and out of the bar (wondering why are there no cats in Sosua? ). Just got off the cell phone from home when I here the typical Hola, from behind me. I really just ignored the call and continued eating. Not wanting to be bothered.

I hear the Hola again after a couple of minutes and turn around. There are two nice looking chicas that sat at the table behind me. There ok, but I just responded and turned back around. The darker chica came over and spoke, asked me if I wanted company. I told her no, she smiled and sat anyway. Her partner sat on the other side of me. You want a two girls? I thought I would blow her off by telling her I was getting with my Novia later. Thats ok, we make you feel real good and she no see us. By this time I think it is comical so we talk, and I have to buy them beers. It's ok, I'm being entertained by the propositions and the one dark chica is starting to feel me up on my legs and chest.

We are basically kidding and negotiating at the table, there broken English, my broken Spanish. She offering both of the chicas for 2000 RD. I'm just screwing around and told them I only do one at a time. The dark chica is the more aggressive of the two, so she tells me that you can pick just one, no problem. I wanted to [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) her off so I told her I wanted the other chica because I like big breast. She looked at me with disappointment & said thats ok. The other chica said thats no problem. We agreed on the time, 2hrs. And what ever I wanted. No problem, time not a problem.

We break the party up and start to walk back towards the hotel. The dark chica is following. Whats going on, I'm not taking you to my hotel. She stops at the corner and sits in the bar. Ok, no problem. Well the chica I'm with, I never even got her name grabs my hand and begins walking to the hotel. We talk and I find her name is Yajira. I'm now looking at her and she looks pretty nice, about a 6 or 7 on the Sosua scale. Pretty face, black hair to her back, nice hour glass figure. Not anything really special, just nice. I thinking a nice hump & dump chica for the time.

In the room she goes and takes a quick shower and comes out naked. I get to see her and she has a beautiful body. Hour glass figure, mid height, butter color and 36-38 DD's! I totally missed her body in the baggy jeans and T-shirt she had on. Her skin was soft, but firm. Little tummy, but so do I. It was on! I had looked at the clock and she wasn't going to leave for two hours. This chica was everything I was looking for sexually. Emotional, verbal, responsive, kissed and enjoyed herself as much as I did which made me enjoy the experience even more. She had no problems letting herself go and enjoying the experience. I would look into her brown eyes and get lost. Damn, where was she on Day 1!

You know what they say "time flys when your having fun. ". Two hours came and went and she was still there. She did everything I asked and never complained, looked for the time and smiled. At 6:00 o'clock, I got up and showered leaving her in bed. I look out into the room when I get out of the shower and she is making the bed up! No chica has done that for me. She showers and comes out, and I'm looking for round two. She is right with me if I wanted too. I told her that I wanted her to stay the night. She said No Problem. It took awhile for us to comprehend each other but I understood that she needed to meet her friend and tell her she is staying the night. Go home and make sure her mother takes care of the bambino's (2).

We decide to meet back at the hotel at 9:00. I tell her I want to have beers with my Amigo. She ask about my Novia? I tell her if she wants to be my Novia it's done. She tells me she wants to be my Novia, it's no problem. She then tells me if I want her back earlier, she can be back by 7:00. She just needed money to give her mom for the kids. I think I did the dummist thing since I arrived and pulled out 3000 R. D. And gave it to her. Told her to take care of her family and I will see her at 7:00, no problem. We kiss, & she leaves.

I go pick up my laundry from down the street, buy some souveniers at the corner and head back. All the time thinking, how could I be that stupid to give her that money. She's not coming back! I should have given her half now, half later. The little head certainly took over. Well if nothing else, she was the best date I had since I have been here. She was worth the money I said after sitting on chair in the balcony of my room smoking a cigar and drinking a Presidente at 7:15. Thinking that she isn't coming, where am I going to hang out now.

7:20 I get a knock on my door and my novia came back. This time with white tight dress pants and a black top! She was smokin! Kissed me and asked if we were going to have a feista in the room or if I wanted to go out? We walked to a restaraunt around the block by Popular bank. The guys in the hotel when they saw my Novia, they had to smile and give the head shake acknowlegement. We had dinner, she could have had anything on the menu and she picked the soup and a beer. I asked her where she wanted to go, she told me back to the room. This girl was getting better each moment we were together.

Me and my novia made love all night. It was great! Couple times during the breaks we would go out to the balcony and smoke and drink. She explained that she was a solo mother of a boy & girl and she had to take care of her mother too. She didn't like the chica thing, but thats what she did. She explained what it was to have a chica, rent, lights. She told me her man left her two years ago and she left Sandiago to make money. During the whole story I'm thinking I heard this stuff before on the boards. Unbelievable, really. She told me she wanted me to come to her home and meet her mother and kids tomorrow. I'm thinking, nope, I'm getting on a plane and getting out of Dodge. I wanted to ask, how come you don't have a job? I noticed that the T. V. Hypnotised her. I had to turn it off a couple of times. But this chica was everything I was looking for, so I just saying Si, Si, Ok.

Next day comes and I'm up early, showered and come out to find the bed made again. Is this chica for real? She's in the shower and I pull out my bags and begin to pack. She comes out and gets very sad, I don't know if it is a performance or she is really upset. She doesn't want me to leave and I don't want to leave either. She picks out the clothes she wants me to wear and lays them out on the bed. I will take you to my Casa now. Damn, didn't want to go, but didn't want to leave my Novia.

We take a cab to the other side of Sosua beach where I caught a cab from yesterday. We go to her casa and I meet her mother and daughter. Her son is at school. Her daughter is pretty and comes and gives me a big hug. I'm thinking set up, get out! Mom makes coffee and starts to cook, we told the cab driver to come back in an hour. I'm counting minutes at this point, exit stratagy. She gets a young Haitian man to come over and interpret for us. Long story short, I'm getting the low down on western union, e-mails and she doesn't have a cellular and wants me to get one for her. I told her we could e-mail thru her friend until he sets an account for her. Get me the information on a phone.

Well times up, gotta go, taxi is waiting. Mom just finished the meal and I declined saying I have a plane to catch. Said Adios to all and was leaving. My novia told me she would go to the airport with me. I'm thinking this is right out of the boards, I read this stuff before, damn. We go back to the hotel, walk to Sharks for breakfast. Set up the cab ride at 1:00 to the airport. I'm sitting across from her and I really don't want to leave. We have an hour before the cab, walk back to the room and get it on one more time. Check out, tell Wilfried I will be back, soon. Catch the cab to the bank, give my girl another 3000 D. R. And tell her to take care of the cab driver.

We hold hands all the way to the airport. She shows me the apartments she wants to move to, which is on the way to the airport. Get to the airport and she walks me to security and gives me a very passionate kiss good bye.

I'm goin back guys.

F. D.

P.S. I would appreciate imput on the western union thing. I read so much about guys getting set up. I'm not sure, I'm sure more seasoned veterans can help.


EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-30-07, 23:18
Wow...quick response...much appreciated!

Is perla de Sosua chica friendly?

Thank you very much!

BTW, what is the chica "density" like close to Xmas time? I will be returning on the 21st of December so I am thinking that should be fine...if the situation is anything like TJ I would imagine there would be plenty of chicas strolling pre Xmas to get some xtra cash for gifts....yes, no?

12-01-07, 00:36
Forever Detroit,

Great write up! Enjoy reading it. Man, everyone is warning me about those type of chicas. I am getting to a point where I an now thinking to stay in a non chica freindly hotel and take the chicas to a different hotel. I ahve no plan for overnights.

12-01-07, 08:54
Thanks for the detailed report.

It sounds like you had a well rounded trip. As far as the gfe, you can practically forget it in Sosua. The chicas from around the country come to Sosua to make the pesos. On the next trip travel outside Sosua to the smaller towns in the mountain areas or east past Cabarete. There is plenty of small bars with chicas along the way that you can visit.

12-01-07, 15:24
Hi guys,

In sosua and been checking out Passion after the good reviews here. Been with two ladies. One very good (Deborah) and one just below average (Caroline).

Deborah: short light chocolate girl with great spirit and very actively involved to ensure that I left happy. Her massage was great too.

Caroline: good looking, bad bad massage (rubbing softly with too much oil. Felt like a sardine) and was so keen in making me happy

To be continued.

12-02-07, 00:38
P.S. I would appreciate imput on the western union thing. I read so much about guys getting set up. I'm not sure, I'm sure more seasoned veterans can help I'm not sure that I qualify as a "seasoned veteran", but I've been to the DR about eight times. Six of those trips were to Sousa. In addition to input regarding Western union, I've also included some unsolicited tips that you might want to consider for next time:

1) Western Union - Great, you found your GFE girl, but you've already paid (overpaid actually) for that encounter. She gave you the experience that you wanted, and you gave her what she wanted $$$. If you had wanted a different experience, like say a quick and dirty blow job in the bathroom within 2 minutes of meeting her, she would have gladly done that instead. Bottom line, she is just another Sousa hooker, and this was nothing more than a commercial transaction. It is over, and you have nothing to gain by sending her money. She has moved on to her next client(s), and you need to move on as well.

2) Friends - Stay away from locals who speak English. Do not hire Pimps or "Wheel Men".

3) GFE Girls - Avoid Haitians (Africans) for GFE - you'll have better luck with Dominicans (Latins).

4) Problem girls in your hotel room - Only take girls that you know (or that you've previously had, rather) back to your hotel room. Take all new girls to the Calypso hotel. No registration is req'd and a room is only about 300 pesos for an hour or two. That's nothing if the girl starts getting crazy on your ass, or is not living up to the agreement, or whatever... As you found out the hard way, it's easier leave than it is to get somebody to leave. Call it insurance...

12-02-07, 01:04

Just my two cents worth. Sounds like she has a lot going for her but. If you will be sending her WU to keep her off the streets and "true" to you. Firstly, this means you have to send enuff to support her and her family. If not, she'll be working Sosua to supplement your/her income Which brings me to my second point, IMHO, you cannot have a chica remain true to you when she lives in Sosua (Charamico is a suburb of Sosua). While I sure there are exceptions to the rule, most of these chicas have learned that making 2-3k boffing a gringo beats working hard for a month at a regular job for the same money. The first time she needs money, she'll be at Classicos or Latinos. It is hard to blame them when you consider there financial straits. Mom or one of the kids gets sick and she needs to pay 1K for a medico or medicine. She has a motoconcho accident. Just go into this with open eyes. The other way is just to send some money to help her out knowing this isn't just your exclusive novia and that she will still be working while you're gone. But she will be there for you when you return and the relationship will be what it is. Best of luck.

Escort King
12-02-07, 02:43
DF the agression they showed you is normal and the WU pitch one they make often... hey a few guys paying them a hundred or two a month and they have a good income.
forget the wu and just see her when you go back. Once you have done a few trips you will have a small harem of chicas wanting to be your novia.

12-02-07, 14:28

Just my two cents worth. Sounds like she has a lot going for her but. If you will be sending her WU to keep her off the streets and "true" to you. Firstly, this means you have to send enuff to support her and her family. If not, she'll be working Sosua to supplement your/her income Which brings me to my second point, IMHO, you cannot have a chica remain true to you when she lives in Sosua (Charamico is a suburb of Sosua). While I sure there are exceptions to the rule, most of these chicas have learned that making 2-3k boffing a gringo beats working hard for a month at a regular job for the same money. The first time she needs money, she'll be at Classicos or Latinos. It is hard to blame them when you consider there financial straits. Mom or one of the kids gets sick and she needs to pay 1K for a medico or medicine. She has a motoconcho accident. Just go into this with open eyes. The other way is just to send some money to help her out knowing this isn't just your exclusive novia and that she will still be working while you're gone. But she will be there for you when you return and the relationship will be what it is. Best of luck.

Totally agree with above commments.

My last trip I hooked up with this juicy 18yo, we hanged for a few days and I got to meet some her friends. One of them was this long time gf of this NYC dude. Suppossedly he took care of her and what not. I met the dude...not too old, had a little bling, acting cool, clearly he had been in the DR before. He shows up and immediately is wifed up by this chica. Now I do not know how much he sends or how much he likes the arrangement but I do not know that 18yo friend was NOT staying at home prior to his arrival.

She would dress to the 9s and go clubbing or the beach. She usually blew off the local dominicanos throwing her compliments but was flirty with the euros and americanos.

I mean seriously, if you were her would you not be thinking "what about if this gringo gets tired of me/finds someone prettier/finds someone younger/ runs out of money...etc" Forget the one time emergency...what about long term solvency and security?

Another chick I met in one of the coffee shops, her story was: she had married to a german guy who had taken her to live in Germany for a year or so. Brought her back to the DR where she was living at his condo (nice condo btw) and he would come every couple of months to be with her. That interval continued to lenghten until, when I met her, he was coming 1 maybe 2x per year.

She told me who she never did anything behind his back, how she stayed at home watching TV...blah blah. At some point I made a casual remark about how I would be at Classico that night...her eyes lit up and said something along the lines of "well if a friend is going to be there then I will be there" That night she was there. Now this girl had a little bit of some class to her and let me tell you she had a GORGEOUS face. Her bod was just too skinny for me but seriously she had a beutiful face. I do not need to go into details but you know where this is going...yes?

Unless you are planning to be on the ground with her, live in the Dr, I say no WU.

12-02-07, 14:36
Thanks for the detailed report.

It sounds like you had a well rounded trip. As far as the gfe, you can practically forget it in Sosua. The chicas from around the country come to Sosua to make the pesos. On the next trip travel outside Sosua to the smaller towns in the mountain areas or east past Cabarete. There is plenty of small bars with chicas along the way that you can visit.

I have to respectfully disagree with the above. While you are much less likely to find GFE there than say Indonesia or the Phils if you spend your "interview time" wisely and are in no rush to pull the trigger you can find plenty of GFE....but at the end of the session they really will think they are your novia!!! =)

I am curious: which smaller towns are you referring to? Rio San Juan? Terrenas?

12-02-07, 18:37
Hey Ty, thanks for your good post on Ghana, but I have been to Sosua this last summer. I always fly Delta into Santo Domingo, then take Carbie bus a few days later to Sosua (4 hours) about $10. Most flights to DR was cheaper going to Santo Domingo and being the capital the pickings is always good. Remember I do not speak spanish and I managed getting around in the country. I always meet guys from US and other places and ask lots of questions. In fact I took a lady with me to Sosua as a guide, she stayed one night and I remained there.

All you read about Sosua is true, its a party town but not during the day. When I arrived I walked around the city trolling for pussy, there was none to be had, then at 9pm that night girls started showing up. Beautiful girls galore. There was 2 big bar Disco's along the main drag. Each of these were full to capacity. There's only one main road there and its where most of the bars are. It seemed I was outnumbered by at least 25 to one. I did my best and took 2 out that night.

Sosua is on the northern coast about 10 miles out of Puerto Plata (main town). I packed light and took a motorcycle from bus terminal to Sosua. I found a nice hotel 1/2 blk off the main road, right in the middle of everything. The hotel name is Apart-hotel Don Antonio, the manager had lived in US before and can speak english. His name is Obe' Silerio 809/571-2662 or 809/571-4943. About $35. 00 a night. Girl friendly also.

I had already book flight to Ghana for Christmas leaving on 5 dec but today I cancelled them and book flight for Santo Domingo instead LOL. I may try the Ghana trip later. I too love beautiful Black pussy. I just read your post on Ghana where you said the pics Riskman posted was your GF, damn I would definately lay a tongue on that pussy LOL

Glad if I could help.


Can someone please tell me were Sosua is? I've been to Africa several times but I want to try DR. I just love those ladies of African descent.



Sunset Strip
12-02-07, 20:10

First, thank you for your comments. You are really a good writer, by the way.

I have never been to the DR but will hit Sousua in january. I have been to Brazil countless times and Tijuana even more. I am quite experienced at this sport.

I agree with some of the posters that the best thing to do is go into the relationship with your eyes open. I got hurt bad once in Rio de janeiro and learned my lesson.

Sending money is fine as long as you realize that the girl lives in a culture where prostitution is more acceptable than in the US, and that prositution is one of the few sources of real income that these girls have access to.

Expecting them to quit is an assumption on our part that is not often sensible to them. That is unless you are willing to totally support the girl. This is a real option in my opinion only if you can afford it, want to do it, and plan on spending lots of time in the DR (moving there?).

Otherwise, just send money every now and then or a "small" amount on a regular basis. I have found that girls actually appreciate guys who send a certain amount on a regular basis more than the one-time big spender. Here I am giving up one of my secrets that a lot of guys do not understand. The girls tend to blow the big money fast by going out to party, buying new clothes, a cell phone etc. But they use the regular money to eat!

And remember, I think it was YOU who first mentioned novia, GFE, etc., not her! I have done the same thing in the past, only to then start getting suspicous when taken to meet the family. Relax and enjoy the fact that she was willing to take you there. Regardless of what many mongers say on the web, plenty of guys who visit these places will NEVER get taken home. It is obvious that she found you presentable enough to take to her family. ENJOY that shit brother because it is a positive.

In fact, despite what i said about prostitution being acceptable, girls do not really want to be seen outside certain areas in most Latin countries with guys who are obviously mongers. This girl showed you some real respect because I doubt she takes EVERY guy she meets home (I AM GOING TO PM with another question)

The reality is that you/I/we have to put yourself in the position to get hurt in order to find love. And despite what some guys in the ISG will say, you can find it in the DR, RIO,TJ, etc.

In the end, however, love is just like mongering, you are to enjoy yourself. If you enjoy having a girl in the DR, then send her some cash on a regular basis. When you hit town again you will be treated like a rock star and your costs will go down, more than making up for what you sent anyway.


12-02-07, 21:04
3) GFE Girls - Avoid Haitians (Africans) for GFE - you'll have better luck with Dominicans (Latins).I am not the politically correct type usually; however, Haitians are Haitian and not African. They are of African descent as are the Many of the Dominicans that you refer to as Latins. Skin color alone does not indicate race, ethnicity or Nationality.

12-02-07, 21:17
FD, your story is a very typical one played over and over again a million times by all the newbies from, Detroit, NY and Philly.. "I met this girl and she wanted me to be ner novio and I met her 1,2,or 3 kids and her mom, they are very poor from sosua abajo, maranata or charamicos, you go there and see how poor they are. You feel very sorry for them,, I know you really do. You have amazing GFE with her.. maybe even spend 3 or 4 days with her making love like theres no tomorrow..Handing out 3000 pesos daily here and there like its going out of style.. Already asking for a cell phone, Western Union, blah, blah blah. When you make a SOSUA girl your novia, You make her whole family your novia and you will be getting phone calls for every little thing. You will never find a good girl in SOSUA, NEVER NEVER EVER! but you might find good GFE'S. Where do you think you found this girl.. she's working, hustling..As soon as you left Where do you think your girl went? Maybe home for a little while to check on her kids.. Then where? She will be a little bored and go right back to where you found her... I know maybe you dont want to hear this, but in this aspect being the most blunt is the best way to get the message across.. Rules of thumb ESPECIALLY in SOSUA... "find em, fuck em, forget em!" "You can take the HO out of the game but you can't take the game out of the ho!" GUYS I THOUGHT LT is 1500 and ST is 1000, WTF is going on down there?

Mr Gogo
12-02-07, 22:13
1)Always check your heart at the airport (2)Understand Sosua is a sex town, some are more upscale than others. (3)If you meet the family, they are probally in on the hustle (4)understand the dominican dudes fuck first, everyone else gets in line according to their pesos. If you find a good fuck with a good attitude, she will be with you no matter weather you send money or not. When you arrive either the motoconcho boys or her girlfriend will give her notice. The problem is that the little money they ask for is nothing to us. But I'm not going to pay you to fuck someone else. Drink your Presidentes, go to the beach, and get a fuck or two in, then go to the airport pick up your heart sit back and smile.

12-02-07, 22:50
I'm interested in going to Sosua and combining mongering with scuba diving. 1st what hotel would be best for these hobbies. 2nd do you meet these girls mostly at clubs and on the beach. 3rd do the chicas go mainly for white guys, how would a brother with a little spanish do?

Forever Detroit
12-02-07, 23:45

Thanks for sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. I thought I might get a variety responses from the board members, and I did. I was looking for the tough love, staight shooting from you guys, and you provided it. Thank You very much.

Regarding the Novia situation, just so you know, I asked her. I was on a hump & dump mission when we met. Her demeanor impressed me so much I wanted to spend more time with her. I wasn't blinded by meeting her family, nor the fact that western union may come into play, because of the board members reporting their experiences. Thats why I wanted to share mine, so guys in my situation would have no misconceptions. As you read, after my "Haitian Tigre" experience I wanted to leave the country and try something different. Now I look forward to getting back to see my novia, isn't that worth something.

In the end, I think I will send something from time to time to help out. I am not assuming that she will be mine exclusively. I know I will not be exclusive to her either. I know that I want to see her again. As you read, she's not a 10, but we had a great connection I don't want to lose. So if I can keep a connection until my return, by helping her out from time to time. In my opion I don't think that is a bad thing.

Again, thank you gentlemen & board for all the help. I hope in all your endevours you find what your looking for! Oh, and on my wingman, Johnny. He was great, we learned alot from each other. My culture and his, we have connected a few times since I made it back to the states. My trip wasn't strickly to hunt punta. I wanted to learn a little about the culture too.

F. D.