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Queer Juan
11-02-08, 00:33

Good report, don't feel to badly this stuff happens to everyone at one time who tries to do right by a chica unforunately you have to learn the hard way that these girls have a ton of baggage and so do a lot of the mongers that try to play the game.

The worst part is that many so called "vets" of the Zona never learn, they just move on to the next chica and get taken all over again. You have to learn to say no. Mexico is filled with sick grandmothers and relatives that need an operation.

You wouldn't believe the number of times I've been stood up on dates because some chica's kid got "food poisioning". It's like they all went to school and learned all the same excuses.

I just laugh about it and head to the Zona. I screw their friends and thier friends friends. I call it "redistributing the wealth." Sounds like you got a handle on it.

The real girlfriend won't ask you for money. That's the litmus test. Some times they don't ask because the stupid monger offers it up trying to ingratiate himself to the chica. This doesn't work in Mexico, they''ll take the money but respect you less. Good luck next time.

Pablito Diablito
11-13-08, 16:10
Have any of you guys gone to visit any of these chick in other parts of Mexico. This chick that I have been banging at the HK is moving back home and told me to come and visit her.

I f#$%¡ng love Mexico City and could score a $250 LA - DF flight with a $9 a day car rental to get to Puebla.

I have spent a lot of time in Mexico and speak Spanish fluently. I actually drove to Mainland Mex, DF and Puebla earlier this year. I'm telling my friends that I'm going to DF to look at grad school. jajaja, but I legitimately will visit UNAM, even though the trip is just to bang this chick again.

Does this sound like a "I'm about to get taken" situation

I also told her I'd get her a laptop ($350 at frys) and give her a ride to the airport in TJ.

Cobra Comander
11-13-08, 20:29
Have any of you guys gone to visit any of these chick in other parts of Mexico. This chick that I have been banging at the HK is moving back home and told me to come and visit her.

I f#$%¡ng love Mexico City and could score a $250 LA - DF flight with a $9 a day car rental to get to Puebla.

I have spent a lot of time in Mexico and speak Spanish fluently. I actually drove to Mainland Mex, DF and Puebla earlier this year. I'm telling my friends that I'm going to DF to look at grad school. jajaja, but I legitimately will visit UNAM, even though the trip is just to bang this chick again.

Does this sound like a "I'm about to get taken" situation

I also told her I'd get her a laptop ($350 at frys) and give her a ride to the airport in TJ.Yes, It does sound like youre about to get taken. Big time. do yourself a favor and RTFF! There are many a story how some LPM got taken for everything they own cause of some delusion that the chicka is "the one" or whatever.

At least you're single though.


11-13-08, 21:46
It does sound like you could get taken. Why is she moving back home? Vacation or pemanently?

11-14-08, 02:26
Get taken for what? You are already getting taken for a laptop.

Sounds like she probably just wants her laptop and whatever else she can get out of you.

Pablito Diablito
11-14-08, 04:25
Not for vacation, but these girls can come back any time they want and live in the hotel upstairs. They make more money than people with an education do, so the option is always there.

Pablito Diablito
11-14-08, 04:40
The laptop has to be earned, not given yet, and plus, that shit costs $275 at best buy right now. She thinks they cost $500 and offered to pay something towards it. If I get longer than the 1/2 hour time limit it will be worth it. I have never blown two loads consecutively before banging this chick. She got me hard again in five minutes and I was back at it until that pinche knock on the door told her to get back to work.

I'm not worried about the laptop. I'll be compensated for that. It's going to Puebla and not coming back that worries me. Fucking Cartel is everywhere.

11-14-08, 19:35
The laptop has to be earned, not given yet, and plus, that shit costs $275 at best buy right now. She thinks they cost $500 and offered to pay something towards it. If I get longer than the 1/2 hour time limit it will be worth it. I have never blown two loads consecutively before banging this chick. She got me hard again in five minutes and I was back at it until that pinche knock on the door told her to get back to work.

I'm not worried about the laptop. I'll be compensated for that. It's going to Puebla and not coming back that worries me. Fucking Cartel is everywhere. "It's going to Puebla and not coming back that worries me"

Ummmm ahhhh please read my thread below on how not to give them anything and do not send them money.

If she is leaving fro good. Find new one. The bus stops their every day and their is always a new girl. And trust me when she comes back and you see her again. She will remember and it will be as good as ever.

I know what you mean about a girl who can get your rocks off twice in an hour. (see Jocelyn at mexicolindobar.com) and I think I attached a picture of her before. I met her at HK and the girl got me off 2 x's an hour evertime. That just doesn't happen:.(

Chasing her down in Mexico and giving her a laptop? Think it through. What will happen 6 mos or a year from now? Is it worth it? Next she will be asking your to go online and buy her plane ticket to get back.

My advice. Go shopping for a new one the day she leaves. I fell in love just after a session. This goddess walked up to the street taco stand while I was getting a taco. Even the Chico's eyes got huge when she walked up. She is new and ooooohhhh she is hot.

They are a dime a dozen and their will be a new crop come spring and agaion in June for the summer. Pickings get slim from about Thanksgiving through the first few weeks of January as they make the trek home for the holidays.


Cobra Comander
11-14-08, 20:20
The laptop has to be earned, not given yet, and plus, that shit costs $275 at best buy right now. She thinks they cost $500 and offered to pay something towards it. If I get longer than the 1/2 hour time limit it will be worth it. I have never blown two loads consecutively before banging this chick. She got me hard again in five minutes and I was back at it until that pinche knock on the door told her to get back to work.

I'm not worried about the laptop. I'll be compensated for that. It's going to Puebla and not coming back that worries me. Fucking Cartel is everywhere.Especially since I"LL be the ONLY one who knows why you're down there huh lmao!


Country John
11-17-08, 18:35
I read a lot about guys travelling deep South to see girls they met in the Zona. It's a statistal fact that over 95% of relationships with working girls do not work out. Why?

It's because they do not have relationship goals, they have money goals. If you have lots of money, you'll have the relationship and if you are int he market to purchase a relationship then the Zona Norte is the place for you.

The mistake many mongers make is connecting their wallet to their heart. It's better to give than to receive, but it's worse to be conned.

These girls have LOTS of practice and excellent coaching when it comes to extracting money out of mongers. They know the game. For them it's a practice. They look good doing it, and sex always sells.

You must know that when the phone rings, and the girl is your sweetie from the Zona asking for money to pay for daddys brain operation, chances are better than 95% it's a lie. If you pay her once, the'll add you to ler list of suckers. Yes, they have a list. Yes, you are on it. When they are done with you, they call the next sucker, and so on.

Don't think for a minute that you are the only one. You are not the only one. I don't care how sweet she is.

When nice campesana girleis, or girleis from poor families etc. get sucked into prostitution by false promises or desperation, they usually learn more than how to perform in bed. THey learn the ropes of suckerdom, and just how powerful and desireable that thing she is sitting on is to some guys. They experience guys whanting service for nothing, they experience all the bad things guys want to do to them and there comes a time when they want something more in return than what you are prepared to leave on the night stand.

They have a future to be concerned about and maybe a few kids to boot. Perhaps she wants to support her entire family. Perhaps she is their only chance to live a decent life so she'd better develop her skills in the sack and on the phone.

When she call you for monay the first time, she has no idea which way you will go and she's prepared to hear NO so say "No." Or say that you can't afford to send money, or you can only "help" her when she is with you etc.

Never go to MC unless it is a committed relationship and after you've been living with her for a while. If she leaves the club and becomes your girlfriend, spouse etc., then that's a different story but a LOT of water has to go under the bridge before that happens. Believe me.

It's easy to care for these girls. They are pretty and for many of us they are a fantasy come true. Leave it at that. That's why you're here.

After the fantasy wears off and reality emerges, you'll find that they are very similar to Gringas. Their natural tendancy to go after money should be managed, not held against them because all women do it.

Kepp you fantasy a fantasy. Be square with the girl of course buy remember that she is here on the same terms you are. She has to work for the money. Don't be sucked into the trap, it will never end. If you find a girl that you want to take in, then take her in and be responsible for her. Don;t be sending your hard earned money down a telephone line for nothing.

There is no shortage of willing girlies to provide your fantasy. They keep getting younger as you keep getting older. Don't sweat it.

Country John

Pablito Diablito
11-20-08, 03:21
Estas ignorante guey, [Non-English text deleted by Admin]

You get what you pay for.

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited to remove text not in English. While I encourage contributions from all members, the Forum is an English-only website. Please do not post reports in any language other than English unless accompanied by a full English translation.Thanks!

Pablito Diablito
11-20-08, 03:32
It's a statistal fact that over 95% of relationships with working girls do not work out. Why?I guess it just depends on what your definition of "relationship" is. I am not proposing a monogamous, loving, father of her children type of shit. I don't spend enough time in anyone place to commit to that paradigm.

I have been all through Latin America and my little black book continues to grow. I would much rather have some contacts in a city I'm visiting than cruise around solo. Solo being fine, but I like the company of hot girls because it indulges my ego.

When I show up in the cities that I have already been to I am treated much better than the first time I was there because I learn from experience and tip well.

But, I will take everyone's advice on the sending money thing. I mean, these are working girls, nothing in this world is free, and they have to earn their keep.

11-20-08, 05:20
What a beautifully written piece of advice. Honestly, if you don't hear CJ's advice, then you are truly an idiot. Thanks again for all of your posts. And thanks Jackson for providing this forum.

Country John
11-20-08, 18:15
I guess it just depends on what your definition of "relationship" is. I am not proposing a monogamous, loving, father of her children type of shit. I don't spend enough time in anyone place to commit to that paradigm.

Then we are talking not about the "I lub ju" type of thing where you found your "one and only." We're talking about a strictly client-provider business relationship. You wouldn't wire $200.00 to your pharmacist or dentist either. So understanding the relationship foundation is important indeed.

I have been all through Latin America and my little black book continues to grow. I would much rather have some contacts in a city I'm visiting than cruise around solo. Solo being fine, but I like the company of hot girls because it indulges my ego.

Sounds normal to me!

When I show up in the cities that I have already been to I am treated much better than the first time I was there because I learn from experience and tip well.

But, I will take everyone's advice on the sending money thing. I mean, these are working girls, nothing in this world is free, and they have to earn their keep.

Recognize then it's the money making the bang, not your mouthwash. No money means no amount of mouthwash will have those hot girls waiting at the airport to service your ego.

Try this: Call up one of the sweeties and tell her you want to see her but you have no money this time. See what color she turns. Then come back and let us know what happens. She might say "Sure baby, no problem with the money. I'll be right over." or she might say that she will be busy taking care of her sick father after his brain operation.

Pablito Diablito
11-20-08, 19:42
You wouldn't wire $200.00 to your pharmacist or dentist either. So understanding the relationship foundation is important indeed.
Uhh? I don't know how you get your pharmaceuticals, but I have to pay for mine so I don't understand the analogy.

Recognize then it's the money making the bang, not your mouthwash. No money means no amount of mouthwash will have those hot girls waiting at the airport to service your ego.But this does not just apply to vichys. Stuck in my demographic in Southern California (or NorCal for that matter) girls, for all their talk of equal rights and equal pay, want to be taken care of financially. No money means no love, period. My dad is a pretty cool cat, and from him and his friends, I learned at a very early age, that money will get you the very best of the opposite sex. This goes for pros and civilians alike.

I just like the fact that I don't have to worry about these girls showing up at my house or work, pissed off that I have not called them back. I think it was Charley Sheen that after getting busted for soliciting in hooker in LA, said that what we are paying to avoid a serious relationship.

Pablito Diablito
11-20-08, 19:46
What a beautifully written piece of advice. Honestly, if you don't hear CJ's advice, then you are truly an idiot. Thanks again for all of your posts. And thanks Jackson for providing this forum.Dude, who's CJ? Are you calling one of your bros out by name on this thread?

Pablito Diablito
11-20-08, 19:57
[Non-English text deleted by Admin]

You get what you pay for.

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited to remove text not in English. While I encourage contributions from all members, the Forum is an English-only website. Please do not post reports in any language other than English unless accompanied by a full English translation.Thanks!Sorry guys, that should have been sent as a PM to El Tijuanense, but I don't think that guys speaks Spanish either. Wannabe Tijuanero has been called güero to many times and thinks buey is spelled with a "g".

Could be even worse that this guy is a pocho and just doesn't speak Spanish that well.

Anyway, I will add a full translation next time. I think that it is important to speak multiple languages especially if you are going to Mexico. People just treat you better. I have learned a ton of Spanish in strip clubs and bars because it is just more fun. When I was living in Costa Rica one of my friends was paying a SP to be his conversational Spanish tutor. Dude learned so much because he was excited to practice.

Cobra Comander
11-21-08, 00:25
Dude, who's CJ? Are you calling one of your bros out by name on this thread?CJ=Country John


11-21-08, 02:55
Thanks CC for clarifying this. I could also have used Country or John , or even Juan del campo, si quieres. Nonetheless the man's advice is priceless. Of course I would never out a fellow monger by name, too many misinformed dogooders out there.

11-21-08, 03:16
Uh sorry, forgot about the policy not to use language other than english. Juan del campo merely means country john. Jackson, please delete these posts if you want because they really add no useful info.

The Dutchman
11-21-08, 03:19
I wrote a little about this chick a few months back. Have only been down a few times since then, and would just get this little school girl street chick. With the whitest teeth I ever cum across!

Anyway, my girlfriends job takes her out of SD, so last week finally able to make a few trips down south. So decide to go to HK, after getting a room over at Cascade. And I see the Deanna chick. She's called me a few times over the month, but I would throw her some b. S about work, so I couldn't cruise down. She sees me, comes and sits with me, asking for 1 drink. No problem. So I tell her come to my room at Cascade after work. She tries playin me with some b. S. But I just say "if you can't that's cool. I'm gonna go hang at AB's". So she agrees. Now I say in the bar "if you come after work, your coming because you want to, not because your working, right? ". She says right there "yes, of course".

It was like 12am, so I knew she would be off at 2am. She was busy with customers and I didn't have cash to buy drinks, so we part ways. I hit up AB's and check the street girls for awhile and go back to the room at 1:45.

She shows up around 2:30am. We b. S. For awhile as she's counting her tip money.

Then we get to business. I got to say this chick has the hottest little body, and a tight shaven little puss. I brought the laptop, so she wanted to get online to check email. We do that, then fuck again. She's there an hour and half. Everything seems cool, she hasn't said shit about wanting any cash. So at 4am, she says she's got to go, telling me she had to go back to work! I'm like what the fuck, I thought you were off. Then out of fuckin nowhere, she asks me for $40. In this case, I truly didn't have any cash and I didn't bring any cards. So she gets all pissed. But I told her, "sorry, I don't have any cash, hey if you don't like me anymore, sorry, I'll never go to HK again or see you". Anyway after like 20 min, she calmed down and left. So she's still pullin the same shit.

Stayed all day Sunday, but didn't hit HK again, just in case she was there and wanted to start some shit or call the bouncers on me.

The Dutchman
11-21-08, 07:27
I wrote a little about this chick a few months back. Have only been down a few times since then, and would just get this little school girl street chick. With the whitest teeth I ever cum across!

Anyway, my girlfriends job takes her out of SD, so last week finally able to make a few trips down south. So decide to go to HK, after getting a room over at Cascade. And I see the Deanna chick. She's called me a few times over the month, but I would throw her some b. S about work, so I couldn't cruise down. She sees me, comes and sits with me, asking for 1 drink. No problem. So I tell her come to my room at Cascade after work. She tries playin me with some b. S. But I just say "if you can't that's cool. I'm gonna go hang at AB's". So she agrees. Now I say in the bar "if you come after work, your coming because you want to, not because your working, right? ". She says right there "yes, of course".

It was like 12am, so I knew she would be off at 2am. She was busy with customers and I didn't have cash to buy drinks, so we part ways. I hit up AB's and check the street girls for awhile and go back to the room at 1:45. She shows up around 2:30am. We b. S. For awhile as she's counting her tip money.

Then we get to business. I got to say this chick has the hottest little body, and a tight shaven little puss. I brought the laptop, so she wanted to get online to check email. We do that, then fuck again. She's there an hour and half. Everything seems cool, she hasn't said shit about wanting any cash. So at 4am, she says she's got to go, telling me she had to go back to work! I'm like what the fuck, I thought you were off. Then out of fuckin nowhere, she asks me for $40. In this case, I truly didn't have any cash and I didn't bring any cards. So she gets all pissed. But I told her, "sorry, I don't have any cash, hey if you don't like me anymore, sorry, I'll never go to HK again or see you". Anyway after like 20 min, she calmed down and left. So she's still pullin the same shit.

Stayed all day Sunday, but didn't hit HK again, just in case she was there and wanted to start some shit or call the bouncers on me.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-21-08, 09:53
You wouldn't wire $200.00 to your pharmacist or dentist either. So understanding the relationship foundation is important indeed.

Uhh? I don't know how you get your pharmaceuticals, but I have to pay for mine so I don't understand the analogy.

He meant it in the same way. You do business with your pharmacist and dentist. Like it or not, the hooker is also someone you are doing business with.

Since you are sending money to the hooker cause she needs a laptop, would you also send money to your Pharmacist or dentist if they called you telling you they need money for a laptop?

Madd Love
11-21-08, 14:19
Anyone have apartment or hotel info next to all the action?


Country John
11-21-08, 17:47
He meant it in the same way. You do business with your pharmacist and dentist. Like it or not, the hooker is also someone you are doing business with.

Since you are sending money to the hooker cause she needs a laptop, would you also send money to your Pharmacist or dentist if they called you telling you they need money for a laptop?

I've spent time in el campo with my girlie just outside La Mira. Living at it's most basic where no part of the animal is wasted. She's Maya and her whole family lives in a small camp - the real deal. What a life.

Yes, Efjayel, you are exactly right. Perhaps I could have been a bit clearer.

Imagine getting a call from your pharmacist reminding you of the great deal he gave you on your prescription medication last month and now he needs you to send him $200 because his mom needs a brain operation.

The point is that your relationship with the guy is strictly a "client/provider" relationship and you probably would not spring for the $200. Same with the girls.

I understand that if it has tits or wheels it's gonna cost you, and every woman has a money goal, but sometimes the goal is not entirely money. MOney will always be a component in their survival model, but some girls are looking for more. They are looking for personal security and a safe place to be with someone who loves them and will take care of them. They don't want to worry anymore, and they don't want to be frightened about having a terrible old age.

My girlie cringes when she sees the old ladies selling chicklets and trinkets on the streets. They are sometimes out there after midnight, and have the same thing to look forward to tomorrow.

A girl who wants you to "take care" of her doesn't want $200 for a laptop. But negotiating and planning for mongering adventures takes many forms and strategies. This would be one.

Be safe and be nice
Juan del Campo.

Pablito Diablito
11-22-08, 00:59
I am going to take this discussion to the general TJ thread unless anyone can direct me to a better thread. It does not necessarily pertain to just the HK.

El Tijuanense
11-22-08, 02:47
Sorry guys, that should have been sent as a PM to El Tijuanense, but I don't think that guys speaks Spanish either. Wannabe Tijuanero has been called güero to many times and thinks buey is spelled with a "g".

Could be even worse that this guy is a pocho and just doesn't speak Spanish that well.Why would they call me 'guero' and guey is spelled by many Mexicans. I speak fluent Spanish my accent is neutral not an accent from Mexico,but i am Chicano,and know every slag Spanish Mexicano. Entiendes mendez?

11-23-08, 03:38
I have been to hong kong many times. I just wanted to list the pros and cons about this place.


-Get to fondle the girls for a dollar
- the waiters don't harrass the patrons as much as the waiters in other venues.
- the places is really nice and very spacious

- the cuties with band arount their chest are not available for sex.
- cute girls their tend to dissapear, it is very hard to settle on a girl to fuck.

11-23-08, 21:24

- the waiters don't harrass the patrons as much as the waiters in other venues.

Here is a post from yesterday (not mine) taken from another site:

Unless HK slows down the habitual bothersome outside vendors and keeps the maseros away from my table unless I call them over, I am finished with that place. I could not say 5 words to a chica the other night without having to fend off those ridiculous insects. Finally I told her sorry but I had to go...

11-23-08, 22:41
Why would they call me 'guero' and guey is spelled by many Mexicans. I speak fluent Spanish my accent is neutral not an accent from Mexico,but i am Chicano,and know every slag Spanish Mexicano. Entiendes mendez?

If you speak Spanish you should already know the answer? If they call you and it sounds like Wet-doo then it has to do with your skin color or white complexion. Now if you're a dark skinned Mexican then I had no idea why they would call you that?

11-23-08, 22:45
What a beautifully written piece of advice. Honestly, if you don't hear CJ's advice, then you are truly an idiot. Thanks again for all of your posts. And thanks Jackson for providing this forum.

So if you don't listen to CJ's advice then you are an idiot? That's a good one. I know some people that would say the opposite.

11-24-08, 10:16
Here is a post from yesterday (not mine) taken from another site:

Unless HK slows down the habitual bothersome outside vendors and keeps the maseros away from my table unless I call them over, I am finished with that place. I could not say 5 words to a chica the other night without having to fend off those ridiculous insects. Finally I told her sorry but I had to go...

What site is that?

I was once kicked out of HK for not wanting to buy a drink. I had just walked in, it was crowded and I was standing around with a bunch of other guys looking at the pole dancers. A short chunky mesero gets in front of me and asks what I want. I waved my hand in front of him indicating I didn't want anything. He said I need buy something or leave. I rolled my eyes and took a last good look at the stripers dancing. Then made direct eye contact with the guy and said, "Then I guess I'll leave." He walked me out. Lol it was funny.

El Tijuanense
11-24-08, 20:23
If you speak Spanish you should already know the answer? If they call you and it sounds like Wet-doo then it has to do with your skin color or white complexion. Now if you're a dark skinned Mexican then I had no idea why they would call you that?Pokey,

Are you chino? Obviously you aren't part of the Mexican culture. Their are light skin Mexicans lite brown hair called gueros, they are light skin Mexicans that are brunetes described as Moreno claros (which is me) but they never say bien aca 'moreno claro.

11-24-08, 23:07
I have been to hong kong many times. I just wanted to list the pros and cons about this place.


-Get to fondle the girls for a dollar
- the waiters don't harrass the patrons as much as the waiters in other venues.
- the places is really nice and very spacious

- the cuties with band arount their chest are not available for sex.
- cute girls their tend to dissapear, it is very hard to settle on a girl to fuck.Some of The Cuties with the bands are available. Ask Miguel or one of the other waiters that speaks english. We were bs'n the other day and he was telling me which ones fuck and the ones that will go to VIP etc. So just ask somebody who knows! They got a bunch of younger new guys working too. Try and find a Masero who has worked for a long time.

The waiters can get bothersome at times. But from what I here from the girls and from Miguel is that it's tough down their. They are really feeling the economy. One of the managers and I were talking 6 months ago about it. I asked him how much business was down and he said over 50%.

There is a line between getting good service and them just harrassing you. Sometimes they get a little aggressive. They are tyring to make a buck. I hate the $5 for pictures and $3 for a bag of chips they try and sell. They do this to make a buck! They get a large commission. The have to husstle to survive. So take it in stride and just be firm and say "Gracias, pero no! "

To the guy who left because he didn't order a drink? I'm an Alcholic and have never bought a drink for myself EVER. Been going their for years and years too. I'll buy myself a water or a coke sometimes. But usually nothing for myself. IF I get their after 8 on a Friday or Saturday you pay $3. 50 to get in the door but you get a beer. I just trade it in for a coke. Never been questioned about it. Never ever have I been told to buy a drink or leave. Must be somebody new. If you told Carlos (night manager) that they guy would get a few days off work!

I'll try and get a photo of some of my favorite maseros whom I trust and you should be able too also. Next time I'm down. I will bring camera.

Like I have said many many times. My friends are 50/50. Some hate HK and some hate AB. I just prefer HK. Had a lot more fun and met some really nice girls.

FYI. Perris just got some new tits and they look great.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-25-08, 03:19
Is Perris A Tall Blonde? If It Is Here, She Is Damn Hot, But She Tends To Dissappear, What Do Yo Suggest In Order To Secure Her Services?



I sincerely appreciate your contributions to the forum, but...

Would you please refrain from capitalizing the first letter of EVERY word in your reports!

It's difficult to read, it's time consuming to fix, and it takes you more work to write like that.

On behalf of myself and your fellow Forum Members: Thank You!


Pablito Diablito
11-25-08, 21:04
But they never say bien aca 'moreno claro.It's, "Ay Güero"

Bien aca? ven aca = come here, from the root verb, venir to come, venga aca, ven aca. No se escribe asi = is not written like that

yo vengo I come
tú vienes you come
él viene he comes
nosotros venimos we come
ellos vienen they come

Oh, you were trying to say, todo esta bien aca... all is well here

11-25-08, 21:30
What site is that?

From the posting guidelines:

I think this may come as a surprise to some members, but you may not use my forum to promote competing forums. This includes MSN, Delphi, Google, or Yahoo groups.

I respect those wishes so I won't name the site. I will say that it wasn't MSN :-)

11-26-08, 02:58
Is Perris A Tall Blonde? If It Is Here, She Is Damn Hot, But She Tends To Dissappear, What Do Yo Suggest In Order To Secure Her Services?Yes, she is blonde and sort of taller. She does come and go a lot. But many fo them do. She'll work for a few months and than return. I haven't seen her in quite a while and she showed up recently. Perris is easy to talk too. Just buy her a drink and say Hello, or Arriba! She doesn't take much coaxing to get her to go upstairs. At least she never did with me I have not taken her upstairs in 3 years or more, but she still says Hello, when I see her.

You got about a 1 in 10 chance we are talking about the same girl anyway. LOL! As their are a few blondes in their. But she will wear pants that say Perris sometimes as well.

Good luck!

Pablito Diablito
11-26-08, 05:05
Greyhound can take you to San Ysidro, probably cleaner and safer than Santa Ana Taco Express!Another option that runs pretty quickly is the train/coaster/surfliner to the trolly at San Diego's Santa Fe Depot downtown. The trolley is really slow, but the train is the best way to get from LA to SD. Especially on a Friday afternoon.

Cobra Comander
11-26-08, 10:30
Another option that runs pretty quickly is the train/coaster/surfliner to the trolly at San Diego's Santa Fe Depot downtown. The trolley is really slow, but the train is the best way to get from LA to SD. Especially on a Friday afternoon.Agreed. The trolly trip from old town is appx one hour. But well worth it.


12-01-08, 04:18
tijuana was awesome last night. i went to hk last night and it was pretty busy. my usual girl wasn't there so i had miguel (#6) go hunting for me. we were talking about the comments here on the board about these chicas not being availbale to ariba. well he comes back with janet. tall, 5-7, with hair to her butt and a nice b/c tits. she gets one drink and starts rubbing my johnson. this girl is a complete ****! she made me wear a condom for an awesome cbj. her lips went past the end of the condom! she took it all and let me just shove it to the back of her throat! she was all over it.

miguel and i went for a beer at tropical across the street and we talked more about the sash girls. he said the secret is out. many of them have come up to him and tell him; "i need money! get me a date! " he said sometimes he send the guys upstairs and than the girl goes up a few minutes latter so that nobody sees her leave! so ymmv. i got lucky and mine was just a horny **** and wanted to fuck.

by the way the waiters their have numbers on their badge and i can reccomend miguel #6 in the days and #77 in the evening. they both speak english also!

miguel than introduced me to emile at tropical. she used to work at hk. i can not remember the last time in over 5 years that i've gone for the double dip. but this girl was hot! she had an ass that was to die for, and she was fun, biting my dick in the bar through my jeans, giving me a very playfull lap dance in the bar, really working me sitting their. so what the heck, i take her upstairs and she give is awesome also! best ass i've scene in a long time. she also gave a cbj with choking and deep deep throat. she liked it too. i was grabbing her head and just holding her until she couldn't breath! i'm not usually that agressive. but what the heck. finished doggie and was exahaused. she was fun, and very enthusiastic in bed. hairy muff too. the carpet didn't match the drapes as she is blonde on top and brunette down below

not a bad night. than watched three people go out in handcuffs in the line. border was unusually busy and even the sentri was 30+. never a dull moment in tijuana!

editor's note: i would suggest that the author or another forum member consider posting a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

12-11-08, 05:26
I did that once, she charge me 70 dlls but only had 300 pesos, next day because she had my cell phone number she called me everyday, saying (so when are going to come back to HK miss you)

Try this: Call up one of the sweeties and tell her you want to see her but you have no money this time. See what color she turns. Then come back and let us know what happens. She might say "Sure baby, no problem with the money. I'll be right over. " or she might say that she will be busy taking care of her sick father after his brain operation.

12-11-08, 06:36
For some reason I have trouble finding HK after leaving AB. I think they are on the same block, same side of street. Could someone please confirm which way to turn after leaving AB.- is HK left or right, and how far down the block? Will be over the border in January.


12-11-08, 23:09
For some reason I have trouble finding HK after leaving AB. I think they are on the same block, same side of street. Could someone please confirm which way to turn after leaving AB.- is HK left or right, and how far down the block? Will be over the border in January.


Turn left; go past the restaurant, church, another bar, and look for the sign over the door, the doorman, sash girls, etc., etc. The entryway is somewhat set in from the rest of the storefronts.

12-12-08, 08:58
For some reason I have trouble finding HK after leaving AB. I think they are on the same block, same side of street. Could someone please confirm which way to turn after leaving AB.- is HK left or right, and how far down the block? Will be over the border in January.


Perfect reason to once again shamelessly promote my map...


Sgt Perv
12-12-08, 17:30
Perfect reason to once again shamelessly promote my map...

http://img517.imageshack.us/img517/1020/tj2te4.gifNeed to add new entrance to HK :)

12-12-08, 21:26
Ahh, your right :D

12-13-08, 20:03
For some reason I have trouble finding HK after leaving AB. I think they are on the same block, same side of street. Could someone please confirm which way to turn after leaving AB.- is HK left or right, and how far down the block? Will be over the border in January.

ThanksLook for the big dragon.

Kid Esquiss
12-16-08, 07:16
Was in HK last night.

Does anybody know a girl named "leslie" with the Lip piercing? If anybody has ever crossed paths with this girl let me hear about it. I will follow up with an experience. Thanks- KE

Pablito Diablito
12-18-08, 03:06
Was in HK last night.

Does anybody know a girl named "leslie" with the Lip piercing? If anybody has ever crossed paths with this girl let me hear about it. I will follow up with an experience. Thanks- KEShe sounds familiar, was it a ring or just a stud on her lower lip? Short, 5'1 maybe 5'2 with out the stripper heals, dark strait hair with no highlights. Busty with a little belly. If this is the girl I am thinking of, she somewhat resembles Alejandra, but with a different skin tone.

I had a session with her in October and had a lot of fun. She uses way too much biting in her act, but once I told her to mellow it out she was great. Super fun, smiling, GFE (lots of blandishment).

I think I caught her on the end of the day shift, or maybe the swing. It was before I went to Lucha Libre, and I don't remember her being there after Lucha.

That was a super fun trip, stayed at Cesars, HK for session #1 (leslie), dinner at los Arcos, Lucha Libre, session #2 with Sandy who was wasted by that I got back from Lucha. She was my favorite, sloppy-drunk-sex at it's best. She got me off twice that night and kept saying, "Quiero que estes en mi" <<I want you in me.

I really need to do another overnighter. That was really fun. I think that next time I want to stay at las Cascadas rather than Cesar's as the walk sucks at 6am. The girls at Cesar's wanted like $150 to stay the night (what was left of it anyway), so I made my way to the good old HK.

Country John
12-19-08, 18:35
Perfect reason to once again shamelessly promote my map...


The map is excellent and every member should download it.

12-20-08, 08:21
The map is excellent and every member should download it.

Thanks! I need to update it though.

12-20-08, 18:45
On a recent weekday afternoon Hong Kong was crazy! There was a girl in the tub who would climb out and use what looked like a cucumber on herself repeatedly. She would let guys do it to her also.
Other girls were doing the whipped cream (I think that's what it was) thing on the stage.
I took Marnai (not sure of spelling but that's how it sounds) and she acted like she truly enjoyed the time. She's orally gifted (and I don't mean her English)
She started out asking for $40 but talked herself down to $30 within 3 minutes.
A good value.

12-21-08, 14:44
$30 just for a bj or was it 30 min of f/s?

12-21-08, 18:33
$30 just for a bj or was it 30 min of f/s?

$30 for b/j...f/s...and then more b/j

Big Og
12-22-08, 21:43
$30 for b/j...f/s...and then more b/jWhat day and what time did you go? And what did thr girl look like?

Kid Esquiss
12-23-08, 05:58
She sounds familiar, was it a ring or just a stud on her lower lip? Short, 5'1 maybe 5'2 with out the stripper heals, dark strait hair with no highlights. Busty with a little belly. If this is the girl I am thinking of, she somewhat resembles Alejandra, but with a different skin tone.

I had a session with her in October and had a lot of fun. She uses way too much biting in her act, but once I told her to mellow it out she was great. Super fun, smiling, GFE (lots of blandishment).

I think I caught her on the end of the day shift, or maybe the swing. It was before I went to Lucha Libre, and I don't remember her being there after Lucha.

That was a super fun trip, stayed at Cesars, HK for session #1 (leslie), dinner at los Arcos, Lucha Libre, session #2 with Sandy who was wasted by that I got back from Lucha. She was my favorite, sloppy-drunk-sex at it's best. She got me off twice that night and kept saying, "Quiero que estes en mi" <<I want you in me.

I really need to do another overnighter. That was really fun. I think that next time I want to stay at las Cascadas rather than Cesar's as the walk sucks at 6am. The girls at Cesar's wanted like $150 to stay the night (what was left of it anyway), so I made my way to the good old HK.No this Leslie was taller, really thin and in shape with the stud on her lip. Shes 21. I think shes new there, said only a few months. I've gone all over the place to different spots, massage parlors, strip clubs, etc etc and I know how they hustle and bs you. After our first session, she told me she never really goes upstairs (uh? ) and that she liked me. She actually said she liked me many times. We just sat together and she only had 2 or 3 beers for the rest of the night and she got off work at 8. She said she wanted to go back upstairs and I said I didn't have any more money and she said it's ok and it didn't matter. She got off work, changed and we went up there. This session was way different and it was just strange. There was alot more kissing than the fucking and there seemed to be emotion and she was very affectionate. Said something about me going back to her house and meeting her parents but we were laughing like hell about stuff. I don't speak any spanish either and she barely speaks english but we were having a good time. She made me call her right then and there but my phone was dead so I wrote it down. We got dressed and she took me into the little area in front of Hong Kong and we kissed a few times and hugged me and said she had to catch her taxi to go home. I am 27 yrs old and have no problem meeting girls. I don't want to come across as being conceited but it's different when some older aged men or wealthy clients talk about some working girls pretending to like them in order to take advantage of them, financially.

Since then shes been texting me telling me that she likes me, misses me, asking when I'm going back to Tijuana and some other stuff. We spoke on the phone a couple times and shes supposed to call me tonight. I know how girls hustle and I find myself a sucker but I don't want to get caught up in something like this cause theres no real way of really knowing what this girls intentions are. She gave me her myspace and she seems to have a normal life just like any other girl which is the part that kinda of sticks in my head. Anyways, I moved away from california yesterday and back on the east coast and she knows that but why even try to contact me if I'm just a john?

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Pablito Diablito
12-24-08, 07:21
I know that this is kind of last minute, but if you have a chance to go to Tijuana tonight, GO!

I did some shopping in Tijuana this afternoon and had to swing by to see what was going on. There were a ton of chicks and not that many patrons.

The sash girls (no sashes tonight, but the dancers that usually don't go upstairs) seemed to be a lot more aggressive. I think this is the last chance to make some fast cash (and be able to spend it) before the holiday. The second floor on the Chavelas side was lined up with the sash girls and no clients. I sat at the bar and watched these girls sum up each person that walked into the bar and talk to each other about them. I think that tonight is the night to turn some dancers into pros.

I went upstairs with Roxanne from Veracruz. Really sweet girl, who tells me everything that I want to hear (that she's going to school and doesn't do crystal). She puts a lot of effort into her act and is quite animated. I might just start checking out the day-time crew on a more regular basis.

12-24-08, 18:48
I stopped in for 15 min to pick up my girl and take her to Premier and it was pretty busy.

They are open EVERY day so Christmas Eve and Day they will be their.

Border was crazy yesterday. Their was a line of people to get in to Mexico on the walking side! They all walked to the mall.

Can't tell you how many girls I talked to over the last few weeks who are NOT going home. They can not afford airline tickets this year. Their ecconmy is as bad or worse than ours.

The Sashe girls are almost all obtainable. And don; t for a minute think they are not pros! I wrote below that I have carnal knowledge of several!

Just ask. They may want to follow you up to the room a minute latter or something. But they will go!

Cobra Comander
12-24-08, 21:38
I know that this is kind of last minute, but if you have a chance to go to Tijuana tonight, GO!

I did some shopping in Tijuana this afternoon and had to swing by to see what was going on. There were a ton of chicks and not that many patrons.

The sash girls (no sashes tonight, but the dancers that usually don't go upstairs) seemed to be a lot more aggressive. I think this is the last chance to make some fast cash (and be able to spend it) before the holiday. The second floor on the Chavelas side was lined up with the sash girls and no clients. I sat at the bar and watched these girls sum up each person that walked into the bar and talk to each other about them. I think that tonight is the night to turn some dancers into pros.

I went upstairs with Roxanne from Veracruz. Really sweet girl, who tells me everything that I want to hear (that she's going to school and doesn't do crystal). She puts a lot of effort into her act and is quite animated. I might just start checking out the day-time crew on a more regular basis.

You went "shopping."

Did you get me that Hong Kong gift card I've been asking Santa for?


Pablito Diablito
12-24-08, 23:18
You went "shopping."

Did you get me that Hong Kong gift card I've been asking Santa for?

CCI was going to go to this place in Otay, but I missed the exit for the 905 and said what the fuck, let's go to Mexico. I spent 3 hours driving around Tijuana in hellish holiday traffic before I found the place I was looking for. And since I was already there. Hong Kong just happened to be on my way home.

12-24-08, 23:39
Anyways, I moved away from california yesterday and back on the east coast and she knows that but why even try to contact me if I'm just a john?

Ticket out of the Zona perhaps?

Kid Esquiss
12-25-08, 04:28
Who really knows what their intentions are. She told me she only likes to visit the U. S. Due to relatives. She's from Baja California which I don't think is as bad as the zona.

12-25-08, 16:03
Kid esquiss you don't happen to have a pic of this chick do you? . Because you have her myspace. Just curious. Havnt been in Tijuana in forever. You can pm me if you don't wanna post it here.

El Tijuanense
12-26-08, 00:02
Can't tell you how many girls I talked to over the last few weeks who are NOT going home. They can not afford airline tickets this year. Their ecconmy is as bad or worse than ours.I know 9 chicas that went home for good,they aren't making any money as before.

Pablito Diablito
12-28-08, 06:58
Anybody know what is going on at the HK for New Years Eve? Promotions or excessive covers or talent shortages?

I spent Halloween and fell in love with little red riding hood, wasn't so into the zombies, and got spooked several times. It had a real "From Dusk till Dawn" thing going on and I had a blast.

Uncle Al
12-29-08, 01:32
First did the street walker thing then went to hk to have a drink and unwind then this hot chick sat in my lap start rubbing mr happy then put my hand undder her shorts and then she started jerking me off at the bar under my pants.

Bought her a drink cost 7 dollars. Then she did her sales pitch 40 dollars private room no sex but plenty of touching 1 hour, I passed I said sex she said 60 dollars I said I want BBBJ she said 70 dollars I said I want 2 pops she said fine. So I got 2 pops BBBJCIM then fs, man she sucked me dry then got me hard till we fucked for a while then came and sucked me some more.

Total damage 70 to her. 12 to hotel. 1 condom.

I'll be going back tonight again for some more hunting.

Depeche Mode
12-29-08, 06:43
I was there for halloween also with my friend Mike. It was really fun.

12-29-08, 21:08
Anybody know what is going on at the HK for New Years Eve? Promotions or excessive covers or talent shortages?

I spent Halloween and fell in love with little red riding hood, wasn't so into the zombies, and got spooked several times. It had a real "From Dusk till Dawn" thing going on and I had a blast.The dress code this year is Black dress. All the girls are trying to get dresses and look good! Their will be a ton of action and the place will be packed and fun.

My girl was complaining about buying a dresss:.(But many of the girls share and the day girls will give them up for the night girls etc. But needless to say they all look great dressed up for the prom

Been their the last time they did this for 15th aniversary and OMG they looked good. Liked it betterthan the slutty stuff. Maybe it was just a different perspective and they just looked classier.

Have fun and stay safe.

Lulu Pussy
12-30-08, 18:26
...I said sex she said 60 dollars I said I want BBBJ she said 70 dollars I said I want 2 pops she said fine. So I got 2 pops BBBJCIM then fs, man she sucked me dry then got me hard till we fucked for a while then came and sucked me some more.

Total damage 70 to her. 12 to hotel. 1 condom.

I'll be going back tonight again for some more hunting.Sounds nice Uncle. Can you share her name with us? BBBJCIM is a nice specialty that we all like to encourage here.

01-02-09, 05:52
Went there on New Year's Eve, there was a rocking band, but the place was kinda empty, but the girls looked fine with there long black dresses, felt you where take out a girl on prom night.

Depeche Mode
01-03-09, 11:40
Wow. I kinda wanted to check out Hong Kong for new years. I went for halloween and it was fun. So, did you do anything?

01-03-09, 21:23
First did the street walker thing then went to hk to have a drink and unwind then this hot chick sat in my lap start rubbing mr happy then put my hand undder her shorts and then she started jerking me off at the bar under my pants.

Bought her a drink cost 7 dollars. Then she did her sales pitch 40 dollars private room no sex but plenty of touching 1 hour, I passed I said sex she said 60 dollars I said I want BBBJ she said 70 dollars I said I want 2 pops she said fine. So I got 2 pops BBBJCIM then fs, man she sucked me dry then got me hard till we fucked for a while then came and sucked me some more.

Total damage 70 to her. 12 to hotel. 1 condom.

I'll be going back tonight again for some more hunting.So give us some details? NAme? What does she look like? What was she wearing? 3 pops in 30 minutes? Must be nice to be 18 I'm lucky for that in 3 hours and she has to be hot and into it! :.(

Viva Viagra! Ctually Cialis is better.

01-03-09, 23:31
So give us some details? NAme? What does she look like? What was she wearing? 3 pops in 30 minutes? Must be nice to be 18 I'm lucky for that in 3 hours and she has to be hot and into it! :.(

Viva Viagra! Ctually Cialis is better.Actually Levitra is better. Quicker onset of action, milder side effects, and is not affected by alcohol. $10/pill at the pharmacia as you go through the rotating steel gate to get into TJ.

01-04-09, 08:09
My buddy and I headed down this afternoon for some New Year's R&R. I'll admit I was concerned about the lines at the border coming back due to the long holiday. Our taxi driver assured me that pedestrians had no problems but cars took 2 hrs plus to get through, ultimately this proved to be the case. Had him drop us off in front of Adelitas, but walked over to the restaurant caddy corner to have some beers and a bite, forgot the name. There was a Norteno band in there and it was a decent enough place, 6 beers and 4 tacos, $13 plus tip.
The street hustlers are getting really aggressive and surly when you blow them off! Even had one comment on out UK accents so I know he spent a lot of time in the US.
Into HK and it's the first time in there since the remodel. My buddy who's a long time Thailand monger, really liked it, the relaxed atmosphere and sports club layout helped relax us but the constant, annoying waiters were a distraction. He ultimately went up with a nice gal (name unknown) who worked out pretty well for him. He wants to repeat ASAP.
I went with my regular, usual 3 positions, BBBJ covered FS etc. I wish I could remember her name. Big (tall) girl, great English, all natural, good figure, no kids, hairpiece that doesn't really match her natural hair, Arabic/Italian looking. $60 plus 12 room plus $2 cumboy (no early knock propina). Nice quick trip, will repeat soon

01-12-09, 05:05
Well, I did say we'd repeat soon, so we went back yesterday. The place wasn't too crowded at 3pm. The girls told me they have problems with locals coming in with their pockets stuffed with beers, free show. After watching the dancers, soapy lesbo show and jacuzzi, we went arriba.

Same routine, but this time he tried a couple of different girls, one a very tall dyed blonde, slim with long legs. She was a dancer on the walkway. After he finished, she ran for it, nice bedside manner. My usual gives a passable GFE which is a neat trick in 30 minutes. I didn't try for seconds.
His second pop was with a small, dyed blonde, indian looking chica. He was very impressed with her tenacity as she wouldn't hear of him not finishing, kept at him. All the girls were $60 as usual, rooms $11 (I thought it's usually 12). The door guys tried the robe scam but we were moving too fast and just blew them off.
Later, say 6pm, the HK club was jumping, hooked up with another monger and his Latina lesbo GF. Had a few more beers while my wingman went for arriba #2. Walked over to Adelitas before heading for home. Nice, sedate trip.

01-12-09, 06:57
Actually Levitra is better. Quicker onset of action, milder side effects, and is not affected by alcohol. $10/pill at the pharmacia as you go through the rotating steel gate to get into TJ.

It’s a good idea to take your enhancers, whichever they may be, before leaving the pharmacias. Being caught with any type of drug, legal or not, is just asking for trouble with the cops. That means paying them with money you could be using for mongering.

01-12-09, 07:25
After watching the dancers, soapy lesbo show and jacuzzi, we went arriba.

Has anyone hooked up with any of the girls in lesbo show for a 2 girl romp?
Once I flirted with a couple of gals after their show, but the gal I was with was giving me TLN and didn’t like me flirting with other girls, so it didn’t work out.

01-16-09, 19:05
Has anyone hooked up with any of the girls in lesbo show for a 2 girl romp?

Once I flirted with a couple of gals after their show, but the gal I was with was giving me TLN and didn’t like me flirting with other girls, so it didn’t work out. YES! They will go up together. I know one of my favorites does it all the time with her girlfriend. Ask them if they have a girl they like to do doubles with. Many of the girls work in "tandum" and look for guys that have friends etc. So they work together everyday and are used to going upstairs together.

Ask! Pregunta!

01-17-09, 08:07
My buddy and I hit Tijuana last Sunday and Monday. Business is definitely off down there from 6 mos ago. Also the beggars are being super aggresive.

The lesbian show is not to be missed. These chicks actually eat pussy and lick ass holes, and for a buck you can finger there pussies and/or buttholes. I mean, where else can you give a hot chica a finger DP for $1?

Although I like variety, I ended up with the same chica both nights.

Sasha de Tijuana- 20 yo, black hair, and Very aggressive in the bar. Not so much in a rush, but she has no shyness at all about letting you feed on titty at the bar, and she either unzips pants and/or puts her hand down your pants for full access to Mr. Happy. I bought her a couple of fichas for her trouble, and we later went to the room. We settled on $60, but when I asked for kissing and DATY she wanted $10 more. I almost walked right then, because it seemed too much negotiation was going on. I also said I would only pay afterwards, not before. She suggested I put the $ on the table during our time together, and I agreed. She said that if she didn't perform as agreed, to tell the manager and she would be fired.

Her service was very good. CBJ with DT, LFK, and she seemed to enjoy the DATY. I pounded her in mish (my favorite) and was done way too early. She wanted to cuddle, and we did for quite a while. To my surprise, she then proceeded to try to get me ready for another go. At my age (early 50's) this wasn't going to happen, but I appreciated her efforts, and her staying until we got the knock about 4 times.

I went for it again with her on Monday night. We agreed on $100 for a full hour. I also asked for greek, but she wanted more since she had never done it. I decided to save the $ and forgo any associated drama, but I think she might try for $150 or $200 total. (just my impression). This session was not quite as good. The kisses weren't as plentiful, and she was looking at the wall during DATY. I need more interest or I have a harder time enjoying myself, especially if I've had a nut in the past day or so. I had a hard time keeping it up, and she ended up giving me a HJ. Kind of a disappointing finish to my trip, but overall I would recommend her. She also approved of me telling others about her on the internet to help her get more clients. I have a photo, and if I can figure out how to scan it in and cover my face, I'll do it.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Uncle Al
01-23-09, 03:59
Sorry it took so long to get back I wasnt on line. I went back the next nite to hk but did a street girl first for 20 fuck and suck, stopped by hk and had a few drinks same girl was there I gues she works nites sorry I forgot here name but didn't pick up any one in hk that nite. Picked up another 20 dollar girl again after a few drinks. The hk girl had black brown hair around 5 2 or so a little belly fat but still cute but the good news is I'll be going back in 2 weeks so if shes still there I try to rember here name. I'm in cabo now so I'll see what up there.

01-23-09, 23:44
Sorry it took so long to get back I wasnt on line. I went back the next nite to hk but did a street girl first for 20 fuck and suck, stopped by hk and had a few drinks same girl was there I gues she works nites sorry I forgot here name but didn't pick up any one in hk that nite. Picked up another 20 dollar girl again after a few drinks. The hk girl had black brown hair around 5 2 or so a little belly fat but still cute but the good news is I'll be going back in 2 weeks so if shes still there I try to rember here name. I'm in cabo now so I'll see what up there.This description sounds very much like Sasha de Tijuana, the chica in my report.

Kid Esquiss
01-24-09, 02:09
Are alot of these girls at hong kong strictly dancers or are they required to go upstairs? Do some of them have the options to go upstairs whenever they please?

01-24-09, 23:38
I have not had a chance to visit the Hong Kong Club since it was remodeled, so I decided to check it out.

When I got to the Coahuila entrance I saw that entry required buying a can of Tecate for $3.50 from a big tub of ice near the front door. That's my preferred Zona Norte beverage, so I didn't mind.

It was about 11:00 p.m. when I stepped inside and the place was full, but not so crowded that you couldn't move around. After years of entering the Hong Kong Club from the alley it was a little strange to step inside from the opposite direction. Everything looked familiar, but the bars and stages and so forth were not where I expected them to be. But after wandering around a bit the expanded layout was clear. There are more bars than ever before, so even if you can't find one of the numerous waiters it's easy to get a drink. And after you're finished renting your beer, there are also more restrooms. One note of caution: If you're new to the Hong Kong Club keep your head down for the first few minutes. There are a ton of steps, plus catwalks and other obstacles that can easily trip up the unwary. I saw a couple of tipsy chicas wipe out on different staircases.

Speaking of the chicas, I was very impressed. First, there were far more girls in there then I've ever seen before. The management must have laid on quite the recruiting drive. Roughly half wore their own outfits, and half wore snug red cocktail dresses. I gather the latter group are the artists formerly known as the sash girls. Second, the hotness factor has drastically increased. The gorditas that used to comprise a significant portion of the lineup are almost entirely gone, there are a handful of truly stunning hotties, and the middle of the bell curve is well represented by a variety of eminently doable chicks.

As I wandered around the ground level I noticed that several booths were occupied by Asian guys who were doing some serious drinking with some of the hotter girls. Back in the mid-90s these guys frequented the Chicago Club, but that place is a tomb these days and it looks like they've transferred their flag to a new club. I also enjoyed leering at the soapy senorita lounging in the bubble bath.

I climbed the stairs to the second level, where a big crowd had gathered in the area where the private dance booths are located. Every single seat was occupied, there were half a dozen girls standing decoratively on the balcony overlooking the main floor, and there were even a few sweeties standing around at the top of the staircases.

It didn't take long for me to hook up with Elisabeth, a petite brunette with an impossibly young, perfectly gorgeous face and perky little A-cup tits. She had a little baby fat belly, but otherwise she looked damn good in a snug minidress. Most importantly, Elisabeth had a outgoing sexy personality that stood in welcome contrast to the "I'm hot, worship me" vibe affected by so many trophy fuck girls at the Adelita Bar.

We lucked out when a couple of seats opened up, so I was only to happy to pay $9 (including tip) to buy her a drink. As she sipped on some type of pastel-colored fluid, Elisabeth's tiny little hand went straight between my legs. Mr. Wood was definitely amused. There was also some light necking, although not exactly deep french kissing. Meanwhile I had a very nice time sliding my hands all over her compact little body. Her tits were the perfect handful size, her nipples felt great between my fingers, and it was a blast to be able to reach down and slip my finger inside the waistband of her tiny cotton panties.

After a fashion Elisabeth had polished off her fluid and we considered our options. She was more than ready to head to the hotel, but I was in tune up mode and not interested. We settled on a privado in one of the booths. There was a little language barrier, but as far as I could tell the going rate these days is $20 for ten minutes. I can't be certain, but I think she also said that an hour would be $42. That doesn't sound right to me, so if anybody can enlighten us that would be great.

The privado was definitely nice. In addition to yet more fondling, kissing and stroking Elisabeth upped the ante by unzipping my fly and reaching inside to give Mr. Wood a little manual stimulation. Pretty damn hot. Could I have busted a nut? I suspect that I would have had to pay for extra time, but probably. As I said, however, I was in tune up mode so it was fine by me as far as it went. After our time expired I sent Elisabeth on her way.

So for $29 I got to spend about 20 minutes fondling a very cute, very young looking girl. Even better, she reciprocated in kind with special attention for Mr. Wood. That's value, gentlemen. And that's why I love the Zona Norte.


01-25-09, 01:07
$40 for an hour is the quoted price. (I believe the mesero that shows you in receives the odd $2). I went for it during one of my visits and received a HJ which I didn't really want, but was too weak to resist! I go to TJ to fuck, not get HJ's!

I avoid the privadas for that reason.

Uncle Al
01-25-09, 07:22
The private lap dance room rate should be 40 dollars for one hour.

That's rate I was quoted. Hope that helps.

L Lawliet
01-25-09, 07:30
Hey there,

I'm new in this forum, im from Tijuana and my first language is spanish, so forgive me if my grammar is bad. lol

HK is my top bar, I know a considerable amount of girls working in the afternoon.

I recommend Karla from the Edecanes (the ones that have the bands over their chests). Shes a special girl, but when you get to know her after some ficha drinks she will do a great job, and shes beautiful. 18 years old.

Shes by far the greatest pussy i've ever tasted in HK

01-26-09, 10:36
Thanks to the guys who answered my question.

Seems to me that an hour in the private booth would be a good deal if: (1) you're a horny bastard who just wants to grab and grope to tune up before banging the girl of your choice, or (2) you just want a quick pop via some yank on the crank. In either case the folks at the Hong Kong Club have you covered.


01-27-09, 21:25
Do the sasha girls need health cards? I took one up stairs and she was totaly unexperianced and seemed really nervous. She only wanted 50 for everything including anal. To bad I didn't have any lube.

Lulu Pussy
02-01-09, 17:35
Was enjoying the shaving cream show when the famous Salma stopped by with some napkins to help me clean up. Didn't recognize her at first, she looked a lot younger to me than the last time I saw her. Maybe a year ago. She was not sporting the big hair clip as in the past.

Not the best looking girl there by far, but the level of service is far beyond that of any other provider I've met in my long career at this hobby.

You get anything and everything you want with Salma, and with a smile and great attitude. Took a trip around the world visiting all three ports, then returned to the point of origin for a nice messy finish on her lips and tongue.

Priceless, but at the standard fare.

02-02-09, 05:16
Do the sasha girls need health cards? I took one up stairs and she was totaly unexperianced and seemed really nervous. She only wanted 50 for everything including anal. To bad I didn't have any lube.I call BS!

no place will let someone go up in their rooms if they have no health cards. they can get shutdown (or in reality have to pay a high multa)

let's hear some details (names, descrription) so someone can check and confirm (so others can go where you have!!)

Country John
02-02-09, 17:46
Was enjoying the shaving cream show when the famous Salma stopped by with some napkins to help me clean up. Didn't recognize her at first, she looked a lot younger to me than the last time I saw her. Maybe a year ago. She was not sporting the big hair clip as in the past.

Not the best looking girl there by far, but the level of service is far beyond that of any other provider I've met in my long career at this hobby.

You get anything and everything you want with Salma, and with a smile and great attitude. Took a trip around the world visiting all three ports, then returned to the point of origin for a nice messy finish on her lips and tongue.

Priceless, but at the standard fare.

Salma ("not the same as Salma Hyak!") is a very good girl with a big heart and a great attitude. Anyone familiar with my history knows I spent a lot of time with this gal, so I have a soft spot for her soft spots. She's been working out a lot. When she does that she firms up that nice form she has. I hear she's telling people that she's 28. Oh well, women always LIE about their age, but it's the service that counts.

Treat her right and if you repeat, the service get's better.

Regarding the sash girls, technically speaking they are not sex workers. I think the arrangement is that they are window dressing with a wet spot. They go up "independently," and therefore I don't think the club requires them to have a card, OR, they don't have a card for "some other reason." There is a rub to it, I need to find out what it is.

Be safe and be nice
Country John

02-02-09, 18:22
Salma ("not the same as Salma Hyak!") is a very good girl with a big heart and a great attitude. Anyone familiar with my history knows I spent a lot of time with this gal, so I have a soft spot for her soft spots. She's been working out a lot. When she does that she firms up that nice form she has. I hear she's telling people that she's 28. Oh well, women always LIE about their age, but it's the service that counts.

Treat her right and if you repeat, the service get's better.

Regarding the sash girls, technically speaking they are not sex workers. I think the arrangement is that they are window dressing with a wet spot. They go up "independently," and therefore I don't think the club requires them to have a card, OR, they don't have a card for "some other reason." There is a rub to it, I need to find out what it is.

Be safe and be nice
Country John

Hi, CJ

I'll post the results of my TLN later. But Salma says Hi, and she had loads of good comments about you. Send me those pix you promised. She really wants copies, as she lost hers in the airport. You know the story.

I wondered where she got all the money she was throwing around Saturday night. She wouldn't cop to going arriba, but now I know! :)

BTW, she says (to me, anyway) she's 37. That's probably pretty close to the truth.

Ninguno Especial
02-03-09, 02:53
i call bs!

no place will let someone go up in their rooms if they have no health cards. they can get shutdown (or in reality have to pay a high multa)

not from what i hear. although i've not been in a bar when the card inspectors come in i've heard countless stories about how they rep001ter and hide in the ladies room or slip out a fire exit when the inspectors come in. on the other hand very few street chicas that are stationed at the same spot will run as they keep theirs up to date.

Pablito Diablito
02-03-09, 11:33
I call BS!

no place will let someone go up in their rooms if they have no health cards. they can get shutdown (or in reality have to pay a high multa)At Mermaids the girls with no health cards (the non-Mexicans) are not dressed in the usual school girl uniform, but definitely go upstairs. I don't doubt that there are laws on the books that stipulate fines, but come on, this is Mexico, the government is obviously NOT in control.

Country John
02-03-09, 17:58
Hi, CJ

I'll post the results of my TLN later. But Salma says Hi, and she had loads of good comments about you. Send me those pix you promised. She really wants copies, as she lost hers in the airport. You know the story.

I wondered where she got all the money she was throwing around Saturday night. She wouldn't cop to going arriba, but now I know! :)

BTW, she says (to me, anyway) she's 37. That's probably pretty close to the truth.

What a sweetheart. Yeah, 37 is close enough. She told you about the other pics eh? OK, now I need to go through my pre-W-2 Divorce stuff. I'll do it.

She goes arriba faster than a home sick angel. She makes good money. Bless her. She's worth it though, every dime. I often think she'd be a great outcall, but she seems to like the express lane.

I look forward to your trip report.

Country John

02-04-09, 20:32
After staggering down the steps of the Rio Nilo, following my session with the lovely and gracious Araceli de DF, it was time to make my way to HK.

It was just after 7 when I got to the door and they were already doing the can-o-beer cover charge. Rats! Went in looking for Salma. Did 2 or 3 complete laps of the first two floors, but no dice. I figured she was prolly upstairs. So, I picked out a spot at the end of the bar nearest Coahuila. A young lovely at the pole kept squatting and showing off a wonderful pair of pussy lips, so I got ready to make myself comfortable. I was setting down my jacket and reaching for my wad of singles when I was accosted from behind. Ahh, the Divine Ms. S. Great timing. Not!

She insisted I buy her one ficha, which she nursed for the next 30 minutes, or so. We caught up a bit, then she said she had to run off and pay a $10 debt. Seems she was fined by the mamasan for not wearing a dress on some prior evening. I proceeded to do a gynecological exam of the young lady at the pole. Ms. S returned, we schmoozed some more until just after 8. She ran off to get dressed; I ogled the new gaggle of chicas, especially one Paulina. Looong black hair and an ass you could bounce quarters off. Mmmmm, quarters! Had to fend off one Estrella, she of the aluminum smile. Seemed kinda cute.

Ms. S returned in a pretty red cocktail dress with a black belt. She looked good. She grabbed me away from Paulina and hauled my ass out the door. Some Mexican kid was watching me, nodding his head and grinning from ear to ear.

This was supposed to be my “reimbursement” for some money I had sent to her over the Christmas holidays. She ran short and needed some dough for her daughter’s quinceanera. I didn’t really expect anything in return, but who was I to argue?

So, we walk up Constitucion and cut over to Revu. Bunches of cop trucks and zillions of cops doing something on Articulo 123. Up Revu and she asks me where I’m from. I told her the city and state where I was born. She said no, where is your blood? Oh, my ancestry. They’re all from Ireland. It was rather tough sledding, off and on all night, trying to explain where Ireland is located.

“So you’re not French?”

“No, not French.”

“You’re sure?”

“Yes, pretty sure.”

“Not Italian?”

“No, almost all Irish.”

“I used to know a French man.”

“Oh, Country John?”

“Yes, Country John….”

Then she paused, did a sort of double-take.

“How do you know Country John?”

“Oh, I’ve known him for a long time. He told me all about you. He told me to tell you hello.”

Well, that certainly shocked the snot out of her.

“Man, everybody knows about me!”

She then regaled me, for the rest of the evening, with tales of the Exploits of Country John and His Faithful Sidekick, Mr. Blue! :D

We got to the Espana and dumped the 50 lbs. of crap she hauls with her everywhere, and then she called her daughter. We were supposed to meet her for dinner, so she could thank me, in person, for the stuff I supposedly paid for. While we were waiting, Ms. S showed me the cute thong underwear she was almost wearing, and a freshly barbered panocha.

Then we went outside, over to Constitucion and to a nearby pharmacia to wait for her daughter. Ms. S told me that we were going to have dinner with her daughter and her daughter’s boyfriend, but that she (Salma) was paying for the kids. OK by me.

After everybody showed up, Ms. S bundled us into a taxi and took us to La Fogata, which I think is near Plaza Rio. This place was fairly pricey, IMHO. Everything was $10 - $20. It was also the absolute worst food I can remember eating in years. The chiles rellenos were completely tasteless and the steaks made shoe leather seem appetizing. I wouldn’t recommend this place to anybody. :( I figured I was going to run short of money sometime soon, so I handed Ms. S what I had in my pocket, which was $30 US and about $300p, and told her that I was now, officially, broke and she was responsible for any and all monetary expenditures from this point forward. Or words to that effect.

After dinner we cabbed it back to Las Pulgas. The kids split for home and we went inside. What a mob. Danced for a couple of hours, had a cerveza or two. She doesn’t drink outside of work, BTW. Earlier she had insisted I wear my shit-kickers (cowboy boots to those of you in San Ysidro). I hadn’t worn them in many years, and my feet were hurting. So, instead of tripping the light fantastic until dawn we called it quits about 1:30am. That was OK with her, as her normal bedtime is supposedly 11pm.

We walked back to the Espana, and, wonder of wonders, the entire boulevard was lit up like a Christmas tree. Nice change from several months ago when it was as black as Pelosi’s heart. No ratero policia lurking in the shadows this night.

Once in the room the fun finally began. Ms. S is really a nympho, once you get her started. But first we had to make the bed with the additional blanket she’d brought, so she wouldn’t get cold. Seriously. Then everybody into the shower.

Ms. S dearly loves to have her pussy eaten while she twiddles with her nips. I mean she is really into it. So, she straddles my face and we get busy. After a few minutes she’s moaning softly, then louder and more often. Her face and shoulder are braced against the wall for support, leaving her hands free to caress her nipples. After about 20 minutes, or so, she really lets loose and has finally had enough. After a quick breather she starts in on some mighty fine BBBJ. Very nice and very relaxing. After 10 or 15 minutes of this, I make her stop and flip her onto her back. However, she’s ready to go again. She keeps telling me it’s my fault she’s so horny. OK. I’ll wait. I dive in and start the clit massage all over again.

After her second round, she’s finally finished and begins more BBBJ. We then switch to mish, and she wants to do BBFS. I’m not so sure. Then we decide on the back door, so BB is not an option. I finally finish and collapse in a heap. After a quick cleanup, it’s time to sleep.

Ms. S comes out of the bathroom and bundles up in her parka. WTF? She says she didn’t bring her jammies, and she’ll get cold. You gotta be kidding. But she hops in bed with it. I lie down and wonder what it’s going to be like cuddling with a nylon parka. After 2 minutes she decides that it was a bad idea, way too uncomfortable, and takes it off.

Sleeping with Ms. S is very difficult. The beds at the Espana are a little small, and she tends to toss a lot. She is an extremely light sleeper. To make matters worse she had a cough. So, between the small bed, the tossing, the coughing and her occasional snoring, nobody got much sleep. :(

At around 8am they start running these damned laundry carts up and down the halls, so it’s impossible to stay asleep. We lie there for a long time, dozing. As she wakes up more she begins to chat more. I’m not a chatty guy in the morning! :)

After she fully wakes up, the hormones start raging and she’s ready for round 3. Ding-ding. So, after plenty of hugs and kisses she sits on my face and goes to town.

When she’s finished, I get up to take a quick leak. She says “You need to come in me.” :eek: Lucky for both of us that, in addition to not being very chatty in the morning, I really don’t like sex in the morning. Everything works, but the desire isn’t really there. It’s always been that way. She’s very persuasive, but I have real mixed feelings about sexo sin condon with working girls.

We finally get our shit together and vacate the room by about 11:30. She needs to get home to relieve the babysitter and I have to get home to change out a fuel pump and watch the Super Bowl. She offered to pay the cab and give me some money, but I’d saved some cab fare and had stashed some money in the car. So, we kissed good-bye, I put her into a cab, then I caught the next one.

In retrospect, a good time was had by all. But it’s not all skittles and beer. I think one needs the patience of a saint to hang with Ms. S for any length of time. She has very mercurial moods, for which she takes medication. They range from talkative in the extreme, to crying jags, to extremely loving, to horny nympho. Mind you, I’m not complaining or criticizing. It’s fun to be along for the ride, and she’s a fascinating woman. She has a great personality and a heart as big as all outdoors. If you meet her in HK, treat her right. Buy her a ficha or tip her a few bux at the least. She’s worth it.

02-05-09, 01:16
If you want a good BBBJCIM, RIM, Greek then I would suggest Jennifer. Not the best looking but 10+ service. She works days and saturdays.


Country John
02-05-09, 03:23
After staggering down the steps of the Rio Nilo, following my session with the lovely and gracious Araceli de DF, it was time to make my way to HK.

It was just after 7 when I got to the door and they were already doing the can-o-beer cover charge. Rats! Went in looking for Salma. Did 2 or 3 complete laps of the first two floors, but no dice. I figured she was prolly upstairs. So, I picked out a spot at the end of the bar nearest Coahuila. A young lovely at the pole kept squatting and showing off a wonderful pair of pussy lips, so I got ready to make myself comfortable. I was setting down my jacket and reaching for my wad of singles when I was accosted from behind. Ahh, the Divine Ms. S. Great timing. Not!

She insisted I buy her one ficha, which she nursed for the next 30 minutes, or so. We caught up a bit, then she said she had to run off and pay a $10 debt. Seems she was fined by the mamasan for not wearing a dress on some prior evening. I proceeded to do a gynecological exam of the young lady at the pole. Ms. S returned, we schmoozed some more until just after 8. She ran off to get dressed; I ogled the new gaggle of chicas, especially one Paulina. Looong black hair and an ass you could bounce quarters off. Mmmmm, quarters! Had to fend off one Estrella, she of the aluminum smile. Seemed kinda cute.

Ms. S returned in a pretty red cocktail dress with a black belt. She looked good. She grabbed me away from Paulina and hauled my ass out the door. Some Mexican kid was watching me, nodding his head and grinning from ear to ear.

This was supposed to be my “reimbursement” for some money I had sent to her over the Christmas holidays. She ran short and needed some dough for her daughter’s quinceanera. I didn’t really expect anything in return, but who was I to argue?

So, we walk up Constitucion and cut over to Revu. Bunches of cop trucks and zillions of cops doing something on Articulo 123. Up Revu and she asks me where I’m from. I told her the city and state where I was born. She said no, where is your blood? Oh, my ancestry. They’re all from Ireland. It was rather tough sledding, off and on all night, trying to explain where Ireland is located.

“So you’re not French?”

“No, not French.”

“You’re sure?”

“Yes, pretty sure.”

“Not Italian?”

“No, almost all Irish.”

“I used to know a French man.”

“Oh, Country John?”

“Yes, Country John….”

Then she paused, did a sort of double-take.

“How do you know Country John?”

“Oh, I’ve known him for a long time. He told me all about you. He told me to tell you hello.”

Well, that certainly shocked the snot out of her.

“Man, everybody knows about me!”

She then regaled me, for the rest of the evening, with tales of the Exploits of Country John and His Faithful Sidekick, Mr. Blue! :D

We got to the Espana and dumped the 50 lbs. of crap she hauls with her everywhere, and then she called her daughter. We were supposed to meet her for dinner, so she could thank me, in person, for the stuff I supposedly paid for. While we were waiting, Ms. S showed me the cute thong underwear she was almost wearing, and a freshly barbered panocha.

Then we went outside, over to Constitucion and to a nearby pharmacia to wait for her daughter. Ms. S told me that we were going to have dinner with her daughter and her daughter’s boyfriend, but that she (Salma) was paying for the kids. OK by me.

After everybody showed up, Ms. S bundled us into a taxi and took us to La Fogata, which I think is near Plaza Rio. This place was fairly pricey, IMHO. Everything was $10 - $20. It was also the absolute worst food I can remember eating in years. The chiles rellenos were completely tasteless and the steaks made shoe leather seem appetizing. I wouldn’t recommend this place to anybody. :( I figured I was going to run short of money sometime soon, so I handed Ms. S what I had in my pocket, which was $30 US and about $300p, and told her that I was now, officially, broke and she was responsible for any and all monetary expenditures from this point forward. Or words to that effect.

After dinner we cabbed it back to Las Pulgas. The kids split for home and we went inside. What a mob. Danced for a couple of hours, had a cerveza or two. She doesn’t drink outside of work, BTW. Earlier she had insisted I wear my shit-kickers (cowboy boots to those of you in San Ysidro). I hadn’t worn them in many years, and my feet were hurting. So, instead of tripping the light fantastic until dawn we called it quits about 1:30am. That was OK with her, as her normal bedtime is supposedly 11pm.

We walked back to the Espana, and, wonder of wonders, the entire boulevard was lit up like a Christmas tree. Nice change from several months ago when it was as black as Pelosi’s heart. No ratero policia lurking in the shadows this night.

Once in the room the fun finally began. Ms. S is really a nympho, once you get her started. But first we had to make the bed with the additional blanket she’d brought, so she wouldn’t get cold. Seriously. Then everybody into the shower.

Ms. S dearly loves to have her pussy eaten while she twiddles with her nips. I mean she is really into it. So, she straddles my face and we get busy. After a few minutes she’s moaning softly, then louder and more often. Her face and shoulder are braced against the wall for support, leaving her hands free to caress her nipples. After about 20 minutes, or so, she really lets loose and has finally had enough. After a quick breather she starts in on some mighty fine BBBJ. Very nice and very relaxing. After 10 or 15 minutes of this, I make her stop and flip her onto her back. However, she’s ready to go again. She keeps telling me it’s my fault she’s so horny. OK. I’ll wait. I dive in and start the clit massage all over again.

After her second round, she’s finally finished and begins more BBBJ. We then switch to mish, and she wants to do BBFS. I’m not so sure. Then we decide on the back door, so BB is not an option. I finally finish and collapse in a heap. After a quick cleanup, it’s time to sleep.

Ms. S comes out of the bathroom and bundles up in her parka. WTF? She says she didn’t bring her jammies, and she’ll get cold. You gotta be kidding. But she hops in bed with it. I lie down and wonder what it’s going to be like cuddling with a nylon parka. After 2 minutes she decides that it was a bad idea, way too uncomfortable, and takes it off.

Sleeping with Ms. S is very difficult. The beds at the Espana are a little small, and she tends to toss a lot. She is an extremely light sleeper. To make matters worse she had a cough. So, between the small bed, the tossing, the coughing and her occasional snoring, nobody got much sleep. :(

At around 8am they start running these damned laundry carts up and down the halls, so it’s impossible to stay asleep. We lie there for a long time, dozing. As she wakes up more she begins to chat more. I’m not a chatty guy in the morning! :)

After she fully wakes up, the hormones start raging and she’s ready for round 3. Ding-ding. So, after plenty of hugs and kisses she sits on my face and goes to town.

When she’s finished, I get up to take a quick leak. She says “You need to come in me.” :eek: Lucky for both of us that, in addition to not being very chatty in the morning, I really don’t like sex in the morning. Everything works, but the desire isn’t really there. It’s always been that way. She’s very persuasive, but I have real mixed feelings about sexo sin condon with working girls.

We finally get our shit together and vacate the room by about 11:30. She needs to get home to relieve the babysitter and I have to get home to change out a fuel pump and watch the Super Bowl. She offered to pay the cab and give me some money, but I’d saved some cab fare and had stashed some money in the car. So, we kissed good-bye, I put her into a cab, then I caught the next one.

In retrospect, a good time was had by all. But it’s not all skittles and beer. I think one needs the patience of a saint to hang with Ms. S for any length of time. She has very mercurial moods, for which she takes medication. They range from talkative in the extreme, to crying jags, to extremely loving, to horny nympho. Mind you, I’m not complaining or criticizing. It’s fun to be along for the ride, and she’s a fascinating woman. She has a great personality and a heart as big as all outdoors. If you meet her in HK, treat her right. Buy her a ficha or tip her a few bux at the least. She’s worth it.

I'm aware that it is sometimes rude to quote an entire trip report, but I wanted to make sure you read it before reading my reply. It's a great TR. I remember her fondly. I always thought how nice it would be if my wife (who I enjoyed fucking) could be just like her. Seriousy. That huge smile, and she really puts herself out there to you. A lot of fun to have around. Imagine a lifetime of that.

But I remember at the time she would have been a big number, the kids were small and she called me many times from Michoacan asking me to send her $10.00 by Western Union. One night I got her to admit that she has a list. I laughed my ass off. Several guys would send her money so she always had access to cash.

I'm glad you enjoyed the time with her. She's probably a good taste of what a very cool Mexican girlfriend would be like. I'm also glad you treated her right. I can just see that red dress on the floor now.

"Mr. Blue" happens to be my good friend Bluenose. You newbies would have a real laugh if you rsearched some trip reports back in late '03 and '04. A very interesting time.

Salma is worth the fee. If she goes up then she likes you and you will like that.

Nice TR PhordPhan. I drive a Phord. Great car.

Country John

02-06-09, 17:58
I am asking in the most current place. BUt here me out. I am looking to find a girl that would like to come over the boarder and come to usa with me. I would like to do this with the non-traditional way and pay someone to get her over. I am not looking for a sex slave or anything horrible. I would provide a good life. I see tons of girls over in Tijuana and they all don't seem to want to come over. THis does not have to be in Tijuana, it can be anywhere. So if anyone over there knows of a girl that want to come over please let me know. I am willing to travel anywhere.

You want help smuggling an illegal over the border so you can have a girl friend?

Well, Mr. White Knight, I think I can speak for many board members when I say "Get bent!"

Country John
02-06-09, 22:58
I am asking in the most current place. BUt here me out. I am looking to find a girl that would like to come over the boarder and come to usa with me. I would like to do this with the non-traditional way and pay someone to get her over. I am not looking for a sex slave or anything horrible. I would provide a good life. I see tons of girls over in Tijuana and they all don't seem to want to come over. THis does not have to be in Tijuana, it can be anywhere. So if anyone over there knows of a girl that want to come over please let me know. I am willing to travel anywhere.

Hello George. What you are asking is something that you would not be able to find on this board. YOu would have to physically come here, present yourself, do the legwork and then take it from there. You should also seek some legal counsel on what you are asking because merely being involved could land you behind bars. Not nice. The term is "[CodeWord908] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord908)" I believe and could land you in federal prison. THe girl gets to come back to Mexico at taxpayer expense.

Girls in Mexico might be a bit shy to the proposition of leaving immediately for the USA with someone they don't know and without paperwork etc. Only girls that actively work in the sex trade would be the best bet for finding someone quickly, and even they would have problems after a short time, these problems would become your problems and you do not need those kinds of problems.

You might consider getting a place here and a steady girl if you can afford it. It's nice to have an international boundary separating you from the girl, especially if you got something going on Stateside.

You never know who you might run into on a public board, so I guess a shot in the dark is always worth the effort if you want something bad enough. But we are about mongering, trip reports etc. While I like to help mongers out with advice about Tijuana and the girls, getting them state side without papers is not something I would even want to get involved in, and neither should you.

Be safe and be nice
Country John

02-07-09, 00:21
I am asking in the most current place. BUt here me out. I am looking to find a girl that would like to come over the boarder and come to usa with me. I would like to do this with the non-traditional way and pay someone to get her over. I am not looking for a sex slave or anything horrible. I would provide a good life. I see tons of girls over in Tijuana and they all don't seem to want to come over. THis does not have to be in Tijuana, it can be anywhere. So if anyone over there knows of a girl that want to come over please let me know. I am willing to travel anywhere.
Sounds like you're really lonely. Try googling, Mail order brides. lol.

Up Revu and she asks me where I’m from. I told her the city and state where I was born. She said no, where is your blood? Oh, my ancestry. They’re all from Ireland.

then she called her daughter. We were supposed to meet her for dinner, so she could thank me, in person,

told me that we were going to have dinner with her daughter and her daughter’s boyfriend,

After her second round, she’s finally finished and begins more BBBJ. We then switch to mish, and she wants to do BBFS. I’m not so sure.


When she’s finished, I get up to take a quick leak. She says “You need to come in me.” :eek: Lucky for both of us that, in addition to not being very chatty in the morning, I really don’t like sex in the morning. Everything works, but the desire isn’t really there. It’s always been that way. She’s very persuasive, but I have real mixed feelings about sexo sin condon with working girls.

Couldn't help but notice that she wanted condomless sex from you. Twice! Plus she introduced you to her daughter and her boyfriend plus took you out to dinner like a family. And also asks you about your heritage. Think of all this as what you want but it seems a bit suspicious to me.

Pablito Diablito
02-07-09, 04:27
I am asking in the most current place. BUt here me out. I am looking to find a girl that would like to come over the boarder and come to usa with me. I would like to do this with the non-traditional way and pay someone to get her over. I am not looking for a sex slave or anything horrible. I would provide a good life. I see tons of girls over in Tijuana and they all don't seem to want to come over. THis does not have to be in Tijuana, it can be anywhere. So if anyone over there knows of a girl that want to come over please let me know. I am willing to travel anywhere.Be aware that by going about this in the "non-traditional" way you will be putting your life and her life at risk. I second the motion to "Get bent" and take this shit somewhere else because we want nothing to do with it.

02-07-09, 07:23
Couldn't help but notice that she wanted condomless sex from you. Twice! Plus she introduced you to her daughter and her boyfriend plus took you out to dinner like a family. And also asks you about your heritage. Think of all this as what you want but it seems a bit suspicious to me.

Yes, your point is well taken. I've had the same thing happen to me in Thailand.

I think she would like to take this to a much higher level, but I'm truly not in a position to do that. It's unfortunate, too, because she is an extremely sweet lady.

02-08-09, 05:47
I will be in SD in about 2 weeks and plan to visit Tijuana for the first time. Reading some of your post I can see that GFE is available in some of the clubs, just what I am looking for after a few cold ones. How about the Alley girls that I have read about. Sounds like there are some cuties out there also. Are they the friendly type? GFE? I would like to sample as much as possible in the short time that I am there.


02-09-09, 08:47
Went to honk Kong this Sunday seemed to slow, couldn't find anything good, its been like that for a couple of weeks now. So went to adelitas I also no joy, almost till I saw this huge girl she was 6. 4 I guess I’m 5. 8, very nice body good curves, blonde short hair, nice tits, went to the hotel, when she took her hell of she was still so tall about 6 feet, she was huge, but nice body, service was average.

02-09-09, 10:43
Driving through Mexico as a tourist is not recommended. Especially not now. My sister got assaulted by the police on the road back from Rosarito. Something that happens a lot.

If you're looking for girl to start a relationship with, a hooker is the wrong place to start.

02-09-09, 22:01
Thanks for the help guys. It was just a mere question. I like the latin girls and I have been to Tijuana a few times. Now that you guys point out the bad stuff I see that it is not a good idea. I am interested in a Latin girl but all the dating sites seem be focused on Asian and Russian brides. Where that is not my thing. I did go to Philapeans last week and I must say guys. The girls there are free but you can pay if you want it quicker. And they will leave when you want them to. If you go score at a bar on just merit and take them home they will not leave. The girls in Mexico seem to be hardened by the game and not too enthusiastic. But I will be returning to Tijuana on March 8th for fun. Me and some friends are going to Roserito for Spring Break. March 8th to 15th. IS THIS A GOOD TIME TO GO? I have never been there for spring break. Can anyone give me any pointers on spring break time? And again. Thanks for the pointers.When returning from lower parts of Baja several years ago I passed through Roserito during spring break. Kids were out of control, drunk, rude, and obnoxious. Basically behaving in a way they could never get away with north of the border; just what locals hate (especially cops).

Using Mexico as a place to express yourself in a way you can’t at home disrespects the people. There are enough problems between the two cultures, going there and acting outrageously doesn’t help in the big picture of things, and only makes you a target on the personal level.

That being said, this was before the meth epidemic and the narco wars: so I would be even more apprehensive to encourage anyone of college age to go south of the border to party. I wouldn’t worry too much about the narco drug cartels, it’s the petty thieves and cops to watch out for. Just like in T. J.

Uncle Al
02-12-09, 04:29
Went HK and tried to find the girl who gave me BBBJCIM and no luck slim pickins that nite. Only 2 hot girls and one was eating dinner so I bought the other one a drink we negioateted for hotel and she want 100 dollars I played stupid and made like I don't understand what she said, she said whatyou want to spend I was pissed that she was high balling me so I low balled her 50 dollars because she said no bbj. She no so I walked then she and the watier came after me and 60 dollars and I said I would have done that in the first place if she didn't try to rip me off so I said I was going somewhere else.

Lesson learned never pay more than 60 in hk.

03-07-09, 09:11
Is it really $40 for one hour private dance?

I have also read $11 for 5 minutes.

Lulu Pussy
03-12-09, 03:11
Last night was hoping to find provider par excellance Salma as I had built up a good sized load and was dreaming of putting it onto her tongue as i had last time I was down in TJ. Alas, no Salma. Wound up having an OK experience with Saffire from Mexico City. Very nice looking, lovely natural tits and an incredibly cute little cooch. Gave her a few singles during her dance. Asked her upstairs. Turns out this girl has plenty of rules. Rule numero uno is nothing unwrapped. big drag there. So she bags junior right away and goes into a CBJ. Despite the glad bag, she did a very nice nob job, lots of eye contact and she is very cute so the visuals were all there. I asked about DATY and she told me that was $20 extra. WTF! Anyway, several positions later our time is running out and I'm not even close due to the fucking 20 mil thick condoms these girls use (keep forgetting to bring my own). I opt for an uncovered handy to finish. I tell her I want to cum on her tits, she says no (turns out she's still nursing her son, and gives her nip a squeeze to prove it). So OK, fine, I can understand she doesn't want her one-year old boy sucking cum-crusted nips. So I'm trying to opt for something else reasonably entertaining, tummy, leg, foot, something. But no, I start cumming and she jumps away like I'm dribbling lava. Just not as much fun as it should of being. Ok though.

Went back this morning a little before noon. Tipped Lisa de Acapulco $2-3 while she was dancing. After her set she plopped down next to me and started rubbing my dick. Good Morning! Little more of this, some very soft kissing, a few neck bites and I'm convinced. Arriba. She too is condom everying, but the session was a lot more fun with her. I would recommend her.

BTW, entering the first turnstiles you now see a couple military guys with Marina across their camos holding assault rifles. Welcome to Mexico!

When I left about 2 am last night, there where a total 3 people waiting ahead of me at the border. When i repeated that about 1pm today, there were hundreds, but the line moved quickly, maybe about 20 minutes. have you guys noticed that when all the border agents are working, the line that's furthest to the right moves about 20x faster than all the other, much shorter lines?

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Country John
03-12-09, 19:11
Salma usually finishes up at 8pm, she never misses her novellas at 9pm. Get there a bit earlier next time.

I'm glad Salma is getting some positive press here. I've known her for a long time and I remember her well from our sessions a few years back. I've not seen her in a while and I hear she's looking better than ever. I ALMOST got a bit serious with her. I'm glad now that I didn't because I don't think I was quite ready for her. She's a sweetheart, so treat her right; she's probably one of the best sessions there right now.

03-12-09, 21:16
have you guys noticed that when all the border agents are working, the line that's furthest to the right moves about 20x faster than all the other, much shorter lines?Yes, I have noticed that too and always head to the right. Of course, once when only about 6 lanes were open I went to the right with my friend and it wasn't the fastest line. He doesn't buy my "rule of thumb" anymore.

Socal Pimp
03-14-09, 15:45
How much action is happening at HK on a Sunday night?

Sgt Perv
03-14-09, 20:23
How much action is happening at HK on a Sunday night?You are better off at any club on Ave Rev. around 5th and 6th.

I am happy to give advice like this to a person like you as I am sure most will.

03-14-09, 21:27
How much action is happening at HK on a Sunday night?
At the top of the page is a link to abbreviations.

Pablito Diablito
03-15-09, 08:04
How much action is happening at HK on a Sunday night?Right now the zona is kind of slow, but out by the airport, La Mesa and the east side of town there is always a surplus of action. You should check it out, it's rad.

Rob Hay
03-26-09, 01:14
What does the word on the stash mean anyways? To answer the guy who asked yes these girls are available but on a case by case basis and depending on the customer. To me they so much more attractive than the regular strippers/workers there?

Depending on your type the aren't fake tits AB hotties but more the cute girl next door young innocent looking type. Which to many guys are much hotter than the fake tits and heavy makeup AB girls. To me i go back and forth on the issue and depending on my tastes at the moment. Some of these newer girls remind me of little Claudia from AB who i havent seen in some time.

I'm not sure why but the girls at night wear the stash but the day shift hk dancers don't.

Socal Pimp
03-26-09, 22:32
You are better off at any club on Ave Rev. Around 5th and 6th.

I am happy to give advice like this to a person like you as I am sure most will.Rev street is where I saw your mom wearing a black and white shirt and pantsuit, taking pics with overweight, elderly tourists.

Socal Pimp
03-27-09, 00:46
You are better off at any club on Ave Rev. around 5th and 6th.

I am happy to give advice like this to a person like you as I am sure most will.Oh Rev, thats where I saw your wife, wearing a black and white striped shirt and pants taking pics with tourists. Eating from a bucket.

Sgt Perv
03-27-09, 08:17
Rev street is where I saw your mom wearing a black and white shirt and pantsuit, taking pics with overweight, elderly tourists.Is there suppose to be some type of shame/insult connected with that statement ?
When your parents let you borrow their car, you should go to TJ and see how common that is on Ave Rev.

Be sure to check out the airport for some action also.

No Zanax
03-28-09, 06:52
At the top of the page is a link to abbreviations.


Seriously, regardless of the night, there's more and better action to be had at any of the zona clubs... when compared to SD sw's. I went to HK two Wednesdays ago, in the early afternoon(in the afternoon, for Christ's sake!). I found exactly what I was looking for. Then I sampled off Constitution, for dessert.

I don't remember the girl's name at HK, but her and her (supposed)sister work the day shift. First I bought my girl a drink, then she asked if her 'sister' could join. So, I bought them both one more. And that was a nice 20 minutes, definitely worth trying once. The other girl might really have been her sister- there was no offer of her joining us upstairs. Anyway. In the hotel, total GFE. Really sensuous experience. The usual 60 at the end, and that was that.

On the street, I decided to sample one of the girls that stand at the corner of Constitution and Calle Coahuila, on the southeast corner- with the girls that always wear that classic schoolgirl uniform. I'm a fool for that sort of thing. Anyway, standard 20 bucks, standard service that 20 bucks elicits.

I celebrated with a cigar from LCDH for the drive home. Perfect afternoon, really.


03-28-09, 20:40
RTFF is more than information regarding where and when.

If anyone goes a significant ways back and reads the postings, he’ll find a lot of the usual, don’t get outta control, watch out for the cops ect, ect… Even when one of us steps on someone else’s toe, (I’m no exception), it doesn’t go too far. It is part of the good will we have here in a common cause, which is good sex at a good price.

In addition they’ll find the sentiment of almost all posters here is that even though these women sell their bodies, they’re still human beings.

Degrading and/or demeaning the women who provide their services is not welcome.

03-29-09, 04:07
In addition they’ll find the sentiment of almost all posters here is that even though these women sell their bodies, they’re still human beings.

Degrading and/or demeaning the women who provide their services is not welcome.

Yes exactly. It's hard to believe how some guys see them as nothing but a hole to stick their dicks into. As if they're nothing, and somehow those guy's also think they are so much better than them simply because they live a better life. Well if their lives are so much better then what are they doing screwing someone they have no respect for? The majority of these women lead this kind of life because of hard economic times, desperation for money, to feed their kids. And yet somehow these jerks look down on them because they chose this life. Well it wasn't so much a choice as it was their only option so as to not live on the street and beg for money.

Even then, I also doubt they have any respect for the poor women who did preffer to beg for money than to prostitute themselves. These people can be such assholes.

04-03-09, 08:15
After trop, I needed to recharge. I then went into l/c.. There were a few doable chicas but I needed more time. There was one chica who looked like Lauren Sanchez the newscaster from L.A.. She was busy, I will have to try another time. After a drink I went over to h/k..

I was pretty satisfied after trop., so my plan was to relax and if something came up, I would do it, if not, time to go home.

I did not go to a/b but here at h/k, it was pretty crowded. I couldn't find a seat. Granted, the 2nd and 3rd floor of the old wing was closed, the only seats open, were in the old wing.

I was a little tired so I sat at one of the open booths in the old wing. At the time there was no dancers there, only in the new wing. There were about 10 chicas in the old wing, but nothing fancied me.

During the course of two drinks a few chicas came over for a $1 lap dance. These were cool and were getting me in the mood again. About 40 minutes after I sat down, finally some chicas started to dance on the long bar table. 10 minutes after that, they started the whip cream show. Just think minutes ago nothing, now everybody starts to find seats for the show.

While the show was going on, a chica dancing on the long bar caught my eye. I went over and placed a couple of dollar bills on her. I asked her name, she said it was Ruby. At least that is what it sounded like.

I went back to my seat to finish watching the show. About 10 minutes later, Ruby taps me on the shoulder and asked if it was okay to keep me company.

No problem, she sat by me and I bought her a drink. What was great, she didn't gulp the beer down. All the while she is cuddling next to me acting like my girlfriend. We just shoot the breeze while she is slowing caressing my thighs.

At some point, I ask her a question. She couldn't hear so she asked me to repeat. When she asked, her face was so close to mine, I dove in for a kiss. She responded very appreciately. From then on, it was like one big make out session in the booth.

I know for some it's not a big deal to make out in the booths, but I know many chica who do not want to make out in the bar area. Unlike Brazil where they love to make out in the bar area, tj is a little different. Even in the past with my atf, she wouldn't make out in the bar area. Only in the comforts of a hotel room.

Thing were going so good, I bought her a second drink and I hardly ever do that. That's how good she could kiss and how much fun she was.

Finally, after the second drink, we headed upstairs to the hotel. Again, I won't bore you with details but unlike the trop girl who almost was gfe, this chica was gfe and more.

Again, I'am not 100% positive her name was Ruby, but it sounded like that. She doesn't fit my idea chica. She is pretty, thin, and short. I usually like the taller ones. She also had a piercing near the corner of her mouth. She is from Veracruz and says she is 22 years old.

Ymmv, but I highly recommend this chica. At least if you are into gfe.

When we got back into the club, I notice they opened up the 2nd and 3rd floor of the old wing. Like they say, timing is everything.

I almost forgot, I paid mx$600.00. Again,the best part, she never asked for the money upfront.

Until the next time.

04-04-09, 02:24
When we got back into the club, I notice they opened up the 2nd and 3rd floor of the old wing. Like they say, timing is everything.

Last time I went, the trhid floor was blocked off completely with furniture as if they where using the place as storage. Pretty tacky looking.

04-04-09, 04:32
FJL, the last time you went to TJ the USD was 1 to 11 MXN.
Sitting in LA and playing vicarious Pope/Oprah doesn't help your credibility.
Dermdoc has you pegged, momser.

04-04-09, 04:40
I was there last week. When's the last time you went? Btw, why do you kiss spermdoc's ass, he treated your herpes for free?

For the record, before this turns into a huge flame war, let me remind you that you started this...

04-04-09, 05:05
So was I, odd we didn't meet. All I see is comments on other mongers' posts.
Try facebook or twitter to make friends, this is a forum for mongers.

04-04-09, 05:08
For the record, before this turns into a huge flame war, let me remind you that you started this...

The best way to prevent a flame war is not to fan it.

Your past posts, information and TRs speak to your credibility. The more you ignore it the sooner it will go away.
It may mean taking more than one for the team, but the team knows you’re up for it.

04-04-09, 06:56
So was I, odd we didn't meet. All I see is comments on other mongers' posts.
Try facebook or twitter to make friends, this is a forum for mongers.

I mentioned before, that I've gotten tired of writing huge reports after every trip so instead of being Mr. story teller I've reduced my stories to intelligence reports relating to whatever the current conversation is about. Basically I give out small bits of my reports from time to time. No I'm not here to make friends, just to share information. I hate Facebook and Myspace, so I never visit those sites. I view it as forum of teens, idiots and hipsters. Or more like teen idiot hipsters. Regardless, I avoid those sites like the plauge.

The best way to prevent a flame war is not to fan it.

Your past posts, information and TRs speak to your credibility. The more you ignore it the sooner it will go away.
It may mean taking more than one for the team, but the team knows you’re up for it.

All right, I won't continue anything on behalf of Surfnk9. Although everytime I read your name I picture a K9 surfing a wave wearing 80's style shorts and sunglasses.

04-04-09, 07:31
....everytime I read your name I picture a K9 surfing a wave wearing 80's style shorts and sunglasses.

Dam you’re good…. How’d you know?

The hardest part is finding neon boardshorts these days.

04-04-09, 17:49
Last time I went, the trhid floor was blocked off completely with furniture as if they where using the place as storage. Pretty tacky looking.

It looks like a high end sport bar remodel with lots of fixtures in place . Two exits, one more than AD.

A very aggressive marketing program on Ldrinks, possible high profit sharing.

Great sport bar but no AB.

04-04-09, 23:59
Yeah I like the new exit for HK since I can use it as a short cut to reach the alley.

04-05-09, 02:12
Yeah I like the new exit for HK since I can use it as a short cut to reach the alley.Redundant safety exit, if needed.

No Zanax
04-05-09, 07:37
Went back to HK Friday night. Wow. There's lots of new talent. I was looking for the same girl from a couple weeks before, Valeria(or Valerie, my hearing sucks), but I knew I was too late, since she worked till 6pm, and it was now 6:30pm. But no? I never thought about it, but Mexico doesn't observe DST- so their time is now 1 hour earlier than ours. It was only 5:30pm. After exploring the bar, I sat down at the second stage, in what is now the old half. There was her younger sister, Roxana(or Rosana),right in front of me. I didn't recognize her, but she recognized me. So. We went to the new side of the club, to the little bar upstairs- usually unoccupied.

Long story short: Valeria, Roxana's older 'sister,'(whatever, at this point I'll just concede they could be) joined us, coincidentally right after Roxana asked me why I didn't want both of them last time. I guess she told the waiter to have her sister join the fun. After one drink, I decide its finally time to try the age old fantasy, 2 on 1. ... It was worth doing- once, anyways- for the experience. Scratch another 'must do before I die' off my list. But I don't believe I'll do it again. At least not in a P4P situation. Really, it was distracting, trying to pay attention to 2 mouths, 4 hands, you get the idea. In a spontaneous situation, sure, but not in 30 minutes.

Quick sidebar: The freaking hotel clerk insisted that 2 girls is 11 bucks X 2. I was pissed, because I thought I'd read that the charge for the room is the charge for the room. 2 chicas, still 11 bucks. I argued, and before I knew it, I was destroying the mood, and perhaps embarrassing the girls. So I relented and paid 22 + 1 for the extra towels. Anyone have some more info on that?

Anyway, they kept themselves very separate. One girl on my crotch, the other making out with me, then trade. No simultaneous 'share and share alike,' reinforcing the idea that they probably are related. Pretty soon I realize that Roxana is more mechanical with me. Not bad, just mechanical. Valeria was more sensuous, but not like our time before. Apparently, she was more guarded about what she would do in front of her sister. After our time was almost up, I figured, "hey, this is my money, I'll spend it as I please!" It had to be obvious that I was paying more attention to what Valeria was doing, and Roxana was becoming more of a distraction for me, whispering in my ear, 'come on, baby, cum,' over and over as I fucked Valeria- It seemed pretty clear to me that Valeria was having as much fun as I was. So I politely asked Roxana if she could shower while Valeria and I finished. She wasn't too offended, but she was offended. Ah, well. As she left, I whispered, 'me gusta usted mejor,' in Valeria's ear. She loved that.

With the door to the bathroom shut, Valeria's tongue came out to play, and I lasted all of... 3 more minutes. Hey, I just spent 20 minutes with 2 chicks! Afterwords, I apologized to both of them, saying that I found it difficult to divide my attention, and that I felt awkward. This seemed to make things a little better. Paid 60 each to the girls, and they seemed happy with that. But Roxana remained well up in front of Valeria and I on our way out of the hotel :) I couldn't help but laugh.

During both visits with Valeria, she kept talking about their home town, San Filipe, I think. Apparently, Roxana works there, too, sometimes, but not Valeria. And she kept talking about how I really needed to go there, because its just sooo much more beautiful than TJ. And she mentioned that someone like me would probably be happier with only ONE partner. lol. She's probably right.

When I return, I will look for Valeria again. Its tough to find a girl that's a good fit, as they would say, simpatico. (la chemica!) Anyway, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. On my way out, I spied a hot little number in front of the hotel on the NW corner of Callejon Articulo and Constitucion, next to the magazine stand. Normally, the chicas in this section of the zona look pretty beat up, compared to the girls in the ally. But she was young and thin, flat tummy, and quite pretty. I asked her how much she needed. She told me 200 pesos or 20 bucks. But I was already late, so I passed. And THAT is my only regret from Friday night. Next time.

As to my second love, LCDH is always on my agenda when I go to TJ. Didn't waste a cigar in the club, but I did enjoy one for the ride home. For those in the know, it was a EL PSD No. 5. Short, strong, and ridiculously tasty. <here comes the pun> Just like Valeria.

keep it cheap

04-05-09, 19:55
Quick sidebar: The freaking hotel clerk insisted that 2 girls is 11 bucks X 2. I was pissed, because I thought I'd read that the charge for the room is the charge for the room. 2 chicas, still 11 bucks. I argued, and before I knew it, I was destroying the mood, and perhaps embarrassing the girls. So I relented and paid 22 + 1 for the extra towels. Anyone have some more info on that?

Unfortunately the price for the room does double if you go with 2 chicas.

04-06-09, 07:40
On my way out, I spied a hot little number in front of the hotel on the NW corner of Callejon Articulo and Constitucion, next to the magazine stand.

Don't you just hate it how when you finish a session and on your way out you see all these other hot chicas and you think to yourself, "I should have picked her instead?"

Sgt Perv
04-06-09, 08:36
I asked her how much she needed. She told me 200 pesos or 20 bucks. This is a prime example of why to convert to MXN Pesos.

Using US currency, she wanted $20 USD

Using Pesos she wanted 200 which is about 14.78 USD.

Saving more than $5 USD on just that one instance.

The higher the amount the more potential saving you can see.

04-06-09, 21:05
Don't you just hate it how when you finish a session and on your way out you see all these other hot chicas and you think to yourself, "I should have picked her instead?"

That happens to me a lot because I tend to go in the evening before all the hotties have arrived.

04-07-09, 04:40
This is a prime example of why to convert to MXN Pesos.

Using US currency, she wanted $20 USD

Using Pesos she wanted 200 which is about 14.78 USD.

Saving more than $5 USD on just that one instance.

The higher the amount the more potential saving you can see.Monday Lunch Time:

AD needs beauty & HK just a sport bar. Good music and large screens, very lame show for lunch - more staff than crowd.

Bar drinks in dollars or MXN - rest in US dollars

Sgt Perv
04-07-09, 08:37
Monday Lunch Time:

AD needs beauty & HK just a sport bar. Good music and large screens, very lame show for lunch - more staff than crowd.

Bar drinks in dollars or MXN - rest in US dollarsI have not spent USD in TJ Mexico since my first visit in 2000 and then only the first day.

At that time, it was more to blend into the culture than to save money.

Now it is also to save some money.

I have NEVER EVER been told no to my pesos in the baja area.

Bargaining does vary but never no to pesos.

No chica in the zona has ever refused pesos from me.

I have never heard of any other monger being refused his pesos.

Yes bars do prefer USD for higher profit.

I have right now about 800 pesos from my last trip because I know I am going back. If not , which would suck, I can always exchange them in the US at almost any large city currency exchange.

Sound7 seems to like promoting the spending of USD, not sure if he just does not know or has some type of financial interest in the zona or looking to argue.

Lulu Pussy
04-08-09, 20:55
Unfortunately the price for the room does double if you go with 2 chicas.Yep, I had the very good fortune a couple years back to take stunning twins up. The time of my life. I too thought WTF when asked for double the room fee, but I wasn't going to let anything get in the way of this double header.

I'm on my way down to TJ at the moment, in fact. I've given up on finding the twins again, but hoping to find provider supreme Salma for my first blast, then something sweet and hot for the 2nd round tonight. Wish me luck.

04-09-09, 10:14
Yep, I had the very good fortune a couple years back to take stunning twins up. The time of my life. I too thought WTF when asked for double the room fee, but I wasn't going to let anything get in the way of this double header.

I'm on my way down to TJ at the moment, in fact. I've given up on finding the twins again, but hoping to find provider supreme Salma for my first blast, then something sweet and hot for the 2nd round tonight. Wish me luck.

Lulu- Ah yes the twins
On my first trip to T.J. I was with a seasoned monger and at one point we found ourselves at La Tropa. There was an older waiter there who offered us young twins. He brought them over and at first I didn’t believe it. They were really really hot. But I was overwhelmed with the whole TJ experience since we had already been in every bar scouting the scene. Plus the guy was on the creepy side. So we declined.
It’s good to see someone has fond memories of the hot twins.
Bythe way, good luck

Champak Lal
04-09-09, 16:43
Yep, I had the very good fortune a couple years back to take stunning twins up. The time of my life. I too thought WTF when asked for double the room fee, but I wasn't going to let anything get in the way of this double header.

I'm on my way down to TJ at the moment, in fact. I've given up on finding the twins again, but hoping to find provider supreme Salma for my first blast, then something sweet and hot for the 2nd round tonight. Wish me luck.AB hotel does not charge for the girls if you are staying there. If you are taking two girls from AB, you may be better off renting the room. One big advantage in renting is: you do not have to worry about the knock.

Champak Lal
04-09-09, 16:45
When you use the Peso, you should just sound very confident about the calculation you have offered to the girl. They try to argue a little but always back off and accept your calculations. When rate was 1.4, Cascades was charging 360 pesos for the room or $ 30.

04-09-09, 19:56
AB hotel does not charge for the girls if you are staying there. If you are taking two girls from AB, you may be better off renting the room.

I've heard otherwise from seasoned mongers. Something about getting charged an extra $5 dolllar fee for each girl you take, something like that. But if your experience was different then please enlighten us on what you did.

04-09-09, 20:32
I have not spent USD in TJ Mexico since my first visit in 2000 and then only the first day.

At that time, it was more to blend into the culture than to save money.

Now it is also to save some money.

I have NEVER EVER been told no to my pesos in the baja area.

Bargaining does vary but never no to pesos.

No chica in the zona has ever refused pesos from me.

I have never heard of any other monger being refused his pesos.

Yes bars do prefer USD for higher profit.

I have right now about 800 pesos from my last trip because I know I am going back. If not , which would suck, I can always exchange them in the US at almost any large city currency exchange.

Sound7 seems to like promoting the spending of USD, not sure if he just does not know or has some type of financial interest in the zona or looking to argue.Recently a shared ride fare was 23 pesos and I offered two dollars. The driver refused and asked for one more dollar. A total request for three dollars. I paid him in pesos 23. A dollar is more than 3 pesos.

Drinks : Peso or dollars. (AB/HK)

Transportation: Peso or dollars

AB/HK 4 Others: Mexican Pesos declined

Dollar Peso Variation yr 2008 - 2009

$1 (USD) 10 - 14.50 pesos

$50 --- 500 to 725 pesos

$100 -- 1000 to 1450 pesos

04-09-09, 21:04
AB hotel does not charge for the girls if you are staying there. If you are taking two girls from AB, you may be better off renting the room. One big advantage in renting is: you do not have to worry about the knock.AB Room Rate? Currently at $12 USD (pesos ??) for 1/2 hour
1 hr $24 USD (pesos ??) ??
24 hrs ... $?? USD (pesos ??)

An option to consider.

04-10-09, 00:03
I just back from Tijuana and want you guys know wach out the server at the bar if they find out you are drunk they charge you duble.

04-10-09, 03:15
I have not spent USD in TJ Mexico since my first visit in 2000 and then only the first day.

At that time, it was more to blend into the culture than to save money.

Now it is also to save some money.

I have NEVER EVER been told no to my pesos in the baja area.

Bargaining does vary but never no to pesos.

No chica in the zona has ever refused pesos from me.

I have never heard of any other monger being refused his pesos.

Yes bars do prefer USD for higher profit.

I have right now about 800 pesos from my last trip because I know I am going back. If not , which would suck, I can always exchange them in the US at almost any large city currency exchange.

Sound7 seems to like promoting the spending of USD, not sure if he just does not know or has some type of financial interest in the zona or looking to argue.If AD/HK other payments all in peso, than 4 for the price of 3 ??

Cost saving 33%

04-10-09, 07:46
I just back from Tijuana and want you guys know wach out the server at the bar if they find out you are drunk they charge you duble.

Sounds like you're still drunk. :D

Champak Lal
04-10-09, 14:44
AB Room Rate? Currently at $12 USD (pesos? ) for 1/2 hour 1 hr $24 USD (pesos? )?

24 hrs. $? USD (pesos? )

An option to consider.Room rate was $ 35 (I believe) when I went last.

Champak Lal
04-10-09, 14:47
I've heard otherwise from seasoned mongers. Something about getting charged an extra $5 dolllar fee for each girl you take, something like that. But if your experience was different then please enlighten us on what you did.I did not pay any money for any AB girls I took. I did not take two girls at a time though. Cascades charges $ 5 for a SG after the limit of 1 (or 3) girls, based upon what you paid upfront. ($30 allows 1 girl, $ 45 allows 3 girls)

Champak Lal
04-10-09, 14:52
If you walk from HK to AB and keep going straight, after crossing the street there is a conversion place after a few shops. Their rate was slightly better than the place next to the police station. Moreover it was open before the other place. There were many locals on line (some of them seemed like girls from bars). That also made me believe that their rates may be better.

04-10-09, 16:19
I just back from Tijuana and want you guys know wach out the server at the bar if they find out you are drunk they charge you duble.I hope it did not break your bank.

Good you made it out and home.


04-10-09, 21:57
Room rate was $ 35 (I believe) when I went last. Where you able to get some rest or was the noise an issue?

Champak Lal
04-13-09, 16:08
Where you able to get some rest or was the noise an issue?The day I was there it was not that noisy.

Country John
04-13-09, 17:14
Recently a shared ride fare was 23 pesos and I offered two dollars. The driver refused and asked for one more dollar. A total request for three dollars. I paid him in pesos 23. A dollar is more than 3 pesos.

Drinks : Peso or dollars. (AB/HK)

Transportation: Peso or dollars

AB/HK 4 Others: Mexican Pesos declined

Dollar Peso Variation yr 2008 - 2009

$1 (USD) 10 - 14.50 pesos

$50 --- 500 to 725 pesos

$100 -- 1000 to 1450 pesos

You say above "Drinks : Peso or dollars. (AB/HK)" then you say "AB/HK 4 Others: Mexican Pesos declined."

Please clarify. Did AB refuse to accept Pesos?

Country John

04-14-09, 03:50
Recently a shared ride fare was 23 pesos and I offered two dollars. The driver refused and asked for one more dollar. A total request for three dollars. I paid him in pesos 23. A dollar is more than 3 pesos.

Drinks : Peso or dollars. (AB/HK)

Transportation: Peso or dollars
AB/HK 4 Others: Mexican Pesos declined
Dollar Peso Variation yr 2008 - 2009
$1 (USD) 10 - 14.50 pesos
$50 --- 500 to 725 pesos
$100 -- 1000 to 1450 pesosAb has a sign that says MX/USD 13:1 recently posted. It used to say 11:1. (ie. 13 pesos to 1 USD)

-In San Ysidro its about 13. 5:1 at the money exchange before you cross over.

-AD/HK I noticed on their prices they increased the price of beer in pesos and kept it the same in USD $3. 50/$3. 00. I also noticed mid week HK beers are only $3. So changing your money is not saving you on booze.

-Finally I don't want to go home with a pocket full of pesos to save $10.

So maybe bargaining with a SW in pesos could save you 20-30% but from my experience AD/HK top tier girls all want at least $50 USD regardless of exchange rate especially if you don't look or speak the spanish.

04-14-09, 23:03
Ab has a sign that says MX/USD 13:1 recently posted. It used to say 11:1. (ie. 13 pesos to 1 USD)

-In San Ysidro its about 13. 5:1 at the money exchange before you cross over.

-AD/HK I noticed on their prices they increased the price of beer in pesos and kept it the same in USD $3. 50/$3. 00. I also noticed mid week HK beers are only $3. So changing your money is not saving you on booze.

-Finally I don't want to go home with a pocket full of pesos to save $10.

So maybe bargaining with a SW in pesos could save you 20-30% but from my experience AD/HK top tier girls all want at least $50 USD regardless of exchange rate especially if you don't look or speak the spanish.Economic deflation TJ:

1USD = 13 peso (AD)

TJ Avenue Revolution Massage: 2X1
Tuesday & Wednesday

AB/HK Hotie: Dollar transaction

Pesos for cultural exchange and charity.

04-15-09, 00:44
I noticed that seasoned vets like to drink at La Valentina because of the 2 for 1 beer deals. As my friends pointed out there are hidden gems at the lesser known bars. Can someone tell me the best strip bars on the otay mesa side? My friend took me to one and the girls were only $40.

04-19-09, 02:40
This is by far my favorite bar in TJ. I went here four nights in a row. Parked in San Yisidro, walked across and took a cab here. They charge $3 cover at the door on the weekends. They give you a beer can which you can exchange for a bottle of water at the bar (I am not much into Mexican beer).

Pros: IMHO, the chicas are better looking at HK. Best among TJ bars for quality.
Quantity and choice rivals that of Adelitas.
Quality of the music is better.
I enjoy the multiple stage dances here. Unlike at Adelitas they are not dancing in the pit which is hard to watch unless you are siting next to the pit.
The DJ is less annoying.
The toilets are cleaner
The rooms are nicer.
They have the booth option inside the club for a quick sample ($20/song)*
VIP area on the top floor is an option ($70 which includes 10 drinks)*

Cons: The waiters are crazy annoying pushing drinks (this is a nuisance in all the TJ clubs)
The music is too loud.

I had over 8 encounters in 4 nights. I need to go now but will post the highlights soon.

* more on these two later.


04-19-09, 02:43
I noticed that seasoned vets like to drink at La Valentina because of the 2 for 1 beer deals. As my friends pointed out there are hidden gems at the lesser known bars. Can someone tell me the best strip bars on the otay mesa side? My friend took me to one and the girls were only $40.

What is the name of the bar your friend took you to? Are the girls any good?

04-19-09, 04:06
I believe that some (not all) of the hot looking chicks that dance on the stage in HK are paid extra by the management. They are less motivated to to go to the room. Couple of them ignored me when I called them over and couple of them wanted $80 so I ignored them. The names America (petite tight body) Sola (tall one gorgeous figure) come to mind.

Anyone else notice this?

04-20-09, 18:16
I believe that some (not all) of the hot looking chicks that dance on the stage in HK are paid extra by the management. They are less motivated to to go to the room. Couple of them ignored me when I called them over and couple of them wanted $80 so I ignored them. The names America (petite tight body) Sola (tall one gorgeous figure) come to mind.

Anyone else notice this?Is Sola a tall blond with very long legs and small breasts?

04-21-09, 05:14
Is Sola a tall blond with very long legs and small breasts?

I don't think so. She is tall, brunette, pretty face, rarely smiles and is quite reserved. I am pretty sure the one I am talking about has at least B cups. Hair color is of course less reliable.

This comment is for One wing low: Funny thing happened to me with Sola. The first day I saw her, she said $80 to go to the room. Two days later she said she does not go to the room.

BTW, If you want to know who goes to the room or who does not, talk to the gal monitoring the private lap dance booths on the second floor, next to the balcony. She does not speak good english. If your Spanish is decent and if you spare her a few dollars, she is full of information. The waiters are useless.

04-22-09, 17:30
One of the smarter things I've done lately was to get a room across (almost caddycorner) the road from HK to sleep off before the drive back to OC. I had the room key with me in HK and after watching a tall chica with decent legs dance for a while I decided to ask for arriba. I had already bought her 2 fichas so I was surprised when she wouldn't budge from $70. I eventually said OK but "in my room". The floor manager (I think) nixed this so I said forget it.
She has PERLA tattooed on her belly and a grim reaper on her ankle, oh and as I think back, a snaggle toothed grin.
Ended up tagging a hottie from AD's and calling it a day.

Pablito Diablito
04-24-09, 21:01
One of the smarter things I've done lately was to get a room across (almost caddycorner) the road from HK to sleep off before the drive back to OC. That drive back can be murderous! Just getting across the border can ruin you. I have had more than one experience where I was falling asleep in the line, and waking up when the person behind me lays on the horn, then fall asleep again.

It is so much smarter to sleep it off a little. I do have to admit, I love the coffee guys in the border line, they help too.

04-25-09, 05:40
PD, I wasn't even driving back! The car was in the $8 lot but didn't need to be out before 10 am.
The surly jerk at ICE looked at my US pp and said (it was 03:30) "where are you going"...(sigh) "home"

"what are you bringing back?"..... "nothing I hope".
Even with the sleepover, that drive sucks......

Party God
04-25-09, 15:53
Can someone please describe the best way to approach a Chica at HK? I am a long time AB client, but when I walk into HK I see a different atmosphere. Is it the same as AB in that one just talks to one of the chicas who are not already with someone?

Pablito Diablito
04-25-09, 16:35
Even with the sleepover, that drive sucks.If it weren't for the border, I don't think it would be as bad, as long as you are making the drive late at night, then you fly. I lived in LA for a while, the valley at that, and I always forgot how long it was going to take me to get home. I'd be surfing south of Ensenada, then stop in Ensenada for some beers and some chicks, thinking that I'd be back to LA in four hours. Well, I always forgot what a nightmare the line is on Sundays.

Getting across the border can be like getting to OC/LA. You need to be well prepared and plan it out. The quickest and most hassle-free way is in the middle of the night. Whether I am driving to Venice, or just trying to cross San Ysidro, I think that midnight (or later) is the best time to do either.

The last time I went to HK, my wingman and I left about 2:30am, headed strait for the border and had 5 cars in front of us. I have not walked across in a while, but I have been meaning to do so, just to know what is going on.

Pablito Diablito
04-25-09, 22:19
Can someone please describe the best way to approach a Chica at HK? I am a long time AB client, but when I walk into HK I see a different atmosphere. Is it the same as AB in that one just talks to one of the chicas who are not already with someone?This is where you use the ficha. I would recommend that you catch a girls eye, smile, and say, "te puedo invitar a una cerveza? " [Can I invite (buy) you to a beer? ]

I recommend that you try it in Spanish, but it really doesn't matter, they will understand you. Chat her up for a bit, get a feel for what she is going to be like in bed, and then see what you can get her upstairs for ($$).

I think of that first ficha as a timer (like sands through the hour glass) because you are trying to figure out if she is going to be any fun or not, before the pinche waiter pressures you to buy a second, or you decide to look around some more.

The difference that I see between AB and HK, is that AB has some aggressive ass cougars that are well past retirement age.

Member #4450
04-26-09, 01:46
Can someone please describe the best way to approach a Chica at HK? I am a long time AB client, but when I walk into HK I see a different atmosphere. Is it the same as AB in that one just talks to one of the chicas who are not already with someone?

I'm also a long time AB visitor and never been in HK bar i was wonder the same thing, I know there's a difference in chica fees compare to AB $70-up and some go with you to the room and some don't, what about that $20 dance is that just a lap dance?
Is there anyway to know who's a provider and who's just a dancer?

04-26-09, 02:02
Can someone please describe the best way to approach a Chica at HK? I am a long time AB client, but when I walk into HK I see a different atmosphere. Is it the same as AB in that one just talks to one of the chicas who are not already with someone? Actually, you can generally walk right up to them, wrap your arms around their butt and touch the goodies for a buck. Half of the time you don't even need a buck. Or if you're feeling mischievious, put a buck in your mouth and offer to tip it in her panties. Don't worry, you won't be turned down. Or you can ask one of the waiters to bring one over.

The gals over at HK aren't as inhibited as the gals at Adelitas. Funny but I often forget that I'm at Adelitas and often come on a little too strong. The irony.

04-26-09, 02:11
I'm also a long time AB visitor and never been in HK bar I was wonder the same thing, I know there's a difference in chica fees compare to AB $70-up and some go with you to the room and some don't, what about that $20 dance is that just a lap dance?

Is there anyway to know who's a provider and who's just a dancer? With one hand, put your index finger to your thumb to make a hole. With the other hand, use the index finger and slide it in and out of the hole. Show this to a gal and smile.

Just kidding.

They all go up. The difference is that they generally make ok money from dancing and drinking so they're more choosy. I notice one girl making a load of money just walking to all the guys and asking for a dollar. For some reason, they all gave her a dollar. Smart girl.

04-26-09, 02:35
What is the name of the bar your friend took you to? Are the girls any good?

On the Otay side stay away from the Maruba. They pester you to buy beer and chica fechas. I passed by the club today but can't remember the name. It may be the closest club to garita de otay.

04-26-09, 02:38
I'm also a long time AB visitor and never been in HK bar i was wonder the same thing, I know there's a difference in chica fees compare to AB $70-up and some go with you to the room and some don't, what about that $20 dance is that just a lap dance?
Is there anyway to know who's a provider and who's just a dancer?

Lap dance is not a deal unless she allows you to finger her and make out with her and let your hands fully roam. Some of the older (30+ years) dancers will give you a bj for $40 in the booth.

Party God
04-26-09, 06:38
This is where you use the ficha. I would recommend that you catch a girls eye, smile, and say, "te puedo invitar a una cerveza? " [Can I invite (buy) you to a beer? ]

I recommend that you try it in Spanish, but it really doesn't matter, they will understand you. Chat her up for a bit, get a feel for what she is going to be like in bed, and then see what you can get her upstairs for ($$).

I think of that first ficha as a timer (like sands through the hour glass) because you are trying to figure out if she is going to be any fun or not, before the pinche waiter pressures you to buy a second, or you decide to look around some more.

The difference that I see between AB and HK, is that AB has some aggressive ass cougars that are well past retirement age.Thanks for the advice sir!

I will try it next time.

04-26-09, 08:27
The difference with HK and AB is the main reason why I usually end up in AB. I'm no Mr. Smooth who can go up to any girl and start a chat. I've done it but not too frequently. The women in AB are more aggressive than most other bars and being a seasoned vet of this bar I've come accustomed to this. Any girl I like I simply have to make eye contact and before I know it, they're already sitting next to me rubbing my Mr. Happy.

In HK it's more like a regular pick up bar in that you have to make the move. The few women I have been with from HK was because they came up to me those are rare. At least for me. To make it easier, if you see a girl you like and she's alone you can get the waiter to bring her over. It helps if you know spanish cause you don't want to confuse the waiter and have him bring over the wrong girl and the face the awkwardness of turning that girl away.

Sgt Perv
04-26-09, 16:15
Can someone please describe the best way to approach a Chica at HK? I am a long time AB client, but when I walk into HK I see a different atmosphere. Is it the same as AB in that one just talks to one of the chicas who are not already with someone? Are you serious about asking how to get laid in a "house of I'll repute"?

Just ask for what you want!

Be polite but just ask. There are no virgins there. They all know basically why you are in the place. They are there to make money.

It is "temporarily" your money so at least attempt to get who/what you want personally.

It would be very hard to embarrass the chicas, considering where you are and everyone knows the score, just be polite.

There are aggressive chicas and non aggressive chicas in most the clubs.

How the chicas will act towards you will always vary for anybody.

I have had night and day differences from chicas from one night to the next.

One chica would who I wanted would not accept a drink with me but when I came back a couple hours later she almost broke her leg getting to me.


Some of it will have to do with the chica herself at the time and some of it will have to do with how you are perceived by them at that time.

It is very impolite to approach a chica who is obviously with someone else anywhere. If the chica you desire is "temporarily occupied", you can either wait and hope she does not get scooped up before she gets to you or tell the waiter that you are interested in the chica (recommended). Waiters are more than "mobile bartenders" so utilize their assets.

Why be shy? Be polite!

04-26-09, 16:59
I'm also a long time AB visitor and never been in HK bar i was wonder the same thing, I know there's a difference in chica fees compare to AB $70-up and some go with you to the room and some don't, what about that $20 dance is that just a lap dance?
Is there anyway to know who's a provider and who's just a dancer?

IMHO the $20 dances are a waste of money, but to each his own.

DO NOT even THINK about forking over $70 - $80 or more to any HK chica. Lots of the night shift will feed you the line that they're more expensive. Don't buy into it. It's a buyer's market now.

As far as finding out who goes up, just ask.

04-26-09, 17:15
Can someone please describe the best way to approach a Chica at HK? I am a long time AB client, but when I walk into HK I see a different atmosphere. Is it the same as AB in that one just talks to one of the chicas who are not already with someone?

If they're dancing, tip 'em then offer to buy 'em a drink. If they "like" you, they'll stop and sit with you. If they're not dancing, chat for a minute, offer a drink, and chat some more. Good way to practice your Spanish.

AB is way too gringo-ified. I really can't think of any Latin American bars I've been to where the girls come up to you the way they do in AB. AFAIK, it's really not considered "proper" (for lack of a better term) for the girl to throw themselves at the guy. There are certainly exceptions.

As difficult as it may seem to go up to a girl sitting at the bar in LC, for instance, it's really noting like the States. It's more like shooting fish in a barrel. The girls in the Zona are hoping you'll pick them out of the crowd. In the States, they're looking for reasons to say no, preferably with an ego-crushing insult! :)

04-26-09, 18:50
Good advice in this thread from several guys. I'll throw my oar in too.

The Adelita Bar has reduced the transaction to its essentials. Often the girl propositions you, and even if they wait to be approached striking a deal is simple. You sidle up next to a girl, exchange a few pleasantries, and 30 seconds later you're headed upstairs. I realize lots of guys deride the Adelita Bar as a fuck factory. But on some of my Zona Norte trips that's exactly what I want and it turns me on to know that five minutes after I finish my beer some hotty is going to be sucking my hard dick. As Erica Jong explained, the zipless fuck is the purest thing there is.

At the Hong Kong Club there's more foreplay. And usually that involves spending some time with the girl. There are evenings when I'm in the mood for that, and I enjoy tipping the girls, flirting a little bit, and sitting down for a drink. Cuddling in a booth adds a little girlfriend vibe, with the added benefit of mutual touching that's almost certain to be hotter than the last time you were out with your sweetie in a public place.

When I want to go upstairs with one of the Hong Kong girls I'm careful not to get ficha fucked. I'm happy to buy her a couple of drinks. But we need to reach what diplomats call an agreement in principle before I'll buy any more. If she's not willing to go up, the waiter gets waived off on his next pass. Ditto if she says OK, but I'm getting the starfish vibe from her.

Sometimes, however, I'm just tuning up and it doesn't matter if the girl is willing to go upstairs. If she's sweet I'm happy to drink and cuddle in the booth. If she's nasty I'll pay for a private dance. I'm usually able to negotiate two songs for $20, and if it's slow some girls will dance three. I'm not trying to get off in the booth. I'm just trying to get as much mileage as I can, which can be fun. Sometimes the girl does such a good job on the privado that I'll negotiate for a session to take place later.


Member #4450
04-26-09, 21:18
Thanks for ol the info!
BTW, maybe someone can explain the private booth dance deal a little better?
Is it worth the $20, is every girl the same way in the private dance I mean can you finger, kiss, bite, chew it up, slap it etc, etc.. for a 20? :D
Now that I remember I can get a SG for the same 20 bucks?
It sounds to me like HK is overpriced Am I wrong?

I guess AB is a different animal, I had girls come to me and straight out ask me if I want to F..K, that's too much to rough for my taste, I like the soft feminine approach and say hi first what's your name and the rest of the blah, blah B.S.
I guess AB is more like a glory hole!

Pablito Diablito
04-26-09, 21:41
Is there anyway to know who's a provider and who's just a dancer? The girls wearing the sashes that say "Edecan" (model) are still in training. They have a tendency to be more selective, and may say they don't do upstairs, but I think the common consensus is that they do go up stairs, it is just going to cost you more, in time and money. These are the girls that you do not want to directly approach, and give them a low ball offer for sex, without warming them up first, or at least getting them drunk.

Just remember that each girl's situation is different. Some really need the money, some just want to party, and some are really fiending to get high. You need to get a read for what each chick is about, and what her situation is like that day.

Sgt Perv
04-26-09, 21:54
I guess AB is a different animal, I had girls come to me and straight out ask me if I want to F..K, that's too much to rough for my taste, I like the soft feminine approach and say hi first what's your name and the rest of the blah, blah B.S..That is so sweet ,you're such a romantic :D

Now that I remember I can get a SG for the same 20 bucks?
It sounds to me like HK is overpriced Am I wrong?As far as getting a lap dance verses a SG, I agree with you.

Some people want the foreplay though.

Member #4450
04-27-09, 00:23
That is so sweet ,you're such a romantic :D

I have to admit I am a gentleman and I like to be nice to the girls sometimes the trick works and I get specials or extras I say making love not sex :D

04-27-09, 05:19
When I want to go upstairs with one of the Hong Kong girls I'm careful not to get ficha fucked. I'm happy to buy her a couple of drinks. But we need to reach what diplomats call an agreement in principle before I'll buy any more. If she's not willing to go up, the waiter gets waived off on his next pass. Ditto if she says OK, but I'm getting the starfish vibe from her.

BunkyCan't agree more. I buy the first drink of their choice at AD, CC or HK, the second one if its within a 1/2 hour of the first is a beer (cerveza solamente). Lets see her pound that second drink just as fast.

04-27-09, 05:31
The girls wearing the sashes that say "Edecan" (model) are still in training. They have a tendency to be more selective, and may say they don't do upstairs, but I think the common consensus is that they do go up stairs, it is just going to cost you more, in time and money. These are the girls that you do not want to directly approach, and give them a low ball offer for sex, without warming them up first, or at least getting them drunk.

Just remember that each girl's situation is different. Some really need the money, some just want to party, and some are really fiending to get high. You need to get a read for what each chick is about, and what her situation is like that day.From my experience, the girls in sashes are genuinely surprised when you start negotiating.

I don't think they're used to it.

Sgt Perv
04-27-09, 05:56
As long as it is a trick.

Member #4450
04-27-09, 07:13
As long as it is a trick.
That's not a bad idea, girls really fall for that especially if it's cash inside!
Had you ever saw that guy selling flowers and teddy bears in AB?
Sometimes when your nice to them they don't act so mechanical, but of course they are just working nothing more.

Sgt Perv
04-27-09, 18:38
That's not a bad idea, girls really fall for that especially if it's cash inside! The only thing I would put in the card would be a couple American ribbed condoms and then politely offer her assistance in using her gift. I totally believe in offering small tokens but that teddy bear and flower guys can keep their products.

Got to be somewhat original, not obviously lazy, in your tokens.

Just for example, my held secret, at flea markets in US you can get small vial perfumes (I love the little bottles and it is easy for the chica to store)) cheap and women love scents.

It is a scent that they normally would not have in Tijuana.

I am only talking about a couple dollars and it really works well with the chicas. The scent will remind them of you for later action.

Plus if you happen to get a chica who forgot to shower you can always "accidentally" spill it on them. LOL

I have had chicas remember me (by name) after a year because of this (it sure was not my Mr. Happy) and that is hard to do with all the people they interact with in a year.

Another thing is ear rings small easy to store. Great for work jewery.

I have given a pair to a sad (depressed) looking chica and got her to smile. Later a came back for a nice session.

Member #4450
04-27-09, 23:31
The only thing I would put in the card would be a couple American ribbed condoms and then politely offer her assistance in using her gift. I totally believe in offering small tokens but that teddy bear and flower guys can keep their products.

Got to be somewhat original, not obviously lazy, in your tokens.

Just for example, my held secret, at flea markets in US you can get small vial perfumes (I love the little bottles and it is easy for the chica to store)) cheap and women love scents.

It is a scent that they normally would not have in Tijuana.

I am only talking about a couple dollars and it really works well with the chicas. The scent will remind them of you for later action.

Plus if you happen to get a chica who forgot to shower you can always "accidentally" spill it on them. LOL

I have had chicas remember me (by name) after a year because of this (it sure was not my Mr. Happy) and that is hard to do with all the people they interact with in a year.

Another thing is ear rings small easy to store. Great for work jewery.

I have given a pair to a sad (depressed) looking chica and got her to smile. Later a came back for a nice session.

Perfume is nice but can get some guys in hot waters back home if you know what I mean?
Shit man your getting too serious now jewelry too?
Just get her a wedding ring a get it over with :D
Btw, that pussy stench can turn me off fast, I had a few that bad, I just don't have the guts to tell her to go wash that stinky dead fish with some gasoline or something LOL!
What options do you have? Can you just cancel the deal in the room and everything is cool?
That bad smell means few things, she just had her period
Also the girl can stink if she has yeast infection which guys can catch too.
So if it smell like dead squid under the summer sun yummy!
Watch for flies, Sushi anyone?:D

Sgt Perv
04-28-09, 00:37
Shit man your getting too serious now jewelry too?
Just get her a wedding ring a get it over with :DI have not spent over $5 ,I do not believe, for any one token.

I gather them throughout the year and keep them in my shaving kit during TJ season.

The possible stank problem:

1. You could get a pre-finger dip. That would be one way to test her innersoul.

2. You could playfully make an excuse to kiss her thigh and then take a snort
3. You could ask her if her "monkey" is "funky"......be prepared to get your face smacked.

4. You could stick cotton balls in your nose like the coroners do (your choice of scent...I like Jazmin).

5. You could apply cologne on yourself ( it takes a few minutes for you to get use to it).

6. You could carry an empty mustard bottle filled with water/vinegar and then squirt her.

I am pretty sure once she drops the linen ......you owe unless you have a "no funk" clause in your deal prior to going arriba.

You could have the hotel manger smell your finger and then ask for your room fee back ( be prepared to get your nose punched). lol

Member #4450
04-28-09, 06:39
You could have the hotel manger smell your finger and then ask for your room fee back ( be prepared to get your nose punched). lol
I'm a sport fisherman I can tolerate some fish stench, nothing is worse than dead warm squid I use for bait LOL!

Rabo Verde
04-28-09, 19:34
1. My gay friends use the finger test, while they are dancing, they stick their fingers in each other's butts, and give it a taste. You could also ask the midget waiter from ADELITA to help you out.... HE CAN'T KEEP HS NOSE OUT OF EVERYBODY'S BUSNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Badda-Boom

2. Wait til some other guy goes with her, and when he comes downstairs,
politely ask if you can Smell his dick... GIGGITY GIGGITY

Member #4450
04-28-09, 20:29
1. My gay friends use the finger test, while they are dancing, they stick their fingers in each other's butts, and give it a taste. You could also ask the midget waiter from ADELITA to help you out.... HE CAN'T KEEP HS NOSE OUT OF EVERYBODY'S BUSNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Badda-Boom

2. Wait til some other guy goes with her, and when he comes downstairs,
politely ask if you can Smell his dick... GIGGITY GIGGITY

I don't think anyone here cares about your gay friends tests and experiences,your last post below is repulsive and childish are you 9 yrs old?

BTW,do us all a favor and delete this nonsense post.

Cobra Comander
04-28-09, 21:27
I don't think anyone here cares about your gay friends tests and experiences,your last post below is repulsive and childish are you 9 yrs old?

BTW,do us all a favor and delete this nonsense post.

This offends you and you think the poster is immature BUT YOU make us read this BS?

Perfume is nice but can get some guys in hot waters back home if you know what I mean?
Shit man your getting too serious now jewelry too?
Just get her a wedding ring a get it over with :D
Btw, that pussy stench can turn me off fast, I had a few that bad, I just don't have the guts to tell her to go wash that stinky dead fish with some gasoline or something LOL!
What options do you have? Can you just cancel the deal in the room and everything is cool?
That bad smell means few things, she just had her period
Also the girl can stink if she has yeast infection which guys can catch too.
So if it smell like dead squid under the summer sun yummy!
Watch for flies, Sushi anyone?:D

Squid jokes, washing with gasoline suggestions and sushi references are SO funny.


Pablito Diablito
04-28-09, 22:34
BTW,do us all a favor and delete this nonsense post.Do I need to remind you again about the ignore button?

Member #4450
04-28-09, 22:39
This offends you and you think the poster is immature BUT YOU make us read this BS?

Squid jokes, washing with gasoline suggestions and sushi references are SO funny.

What's wrong with my post just a clean joke, I'm not saying sucking shit from anyone ass, and my post and jokes were between me and Sgt Perv, I didn't find Ravo Verde post offensive just stupid and personal, like I said this was a thread between me and Sgt Perv, go back and read the thread from the beginning before puking all over the site!

Cobra Comander
04-29-09, 07:39
What's wrong with my post just a clean joke, I'm not saying sucking shit from anyone ass, and my post and jokes were between me and Sgt Perv, I didn't find Ravo Verde post offensive just stupid and personal, like I said this was a thread between me and Sgt Perv, go back and read the thread from the beginning before puking all over the site!

You don't need to get all upset about it. Just saying.

You may also want to consider using periods instead of commas as well.


Sgt Perv
04-29-09, 08:24
If it was not for the swine flu, we should have a group hug and go back to playing. We are sounding more like biotches than the chicas. LOL

Let us go back to having fun without getting too carried away. People's humor vary but their is no harm intended.

Cobra Comander
04-29-09, 22:20
If it was not for the swine flu, we should have a group hug and go back to playing. We are sounding more like biotches than the chicas. LOL

Let us go back to having fun without getting too carried away. People's humor vary but their is no harm intended.

So my friend @ HK texted me this morning saying she was going back to Sonora until this flu thing blows over.....



04-30-09, 02:12
So my friend @ HK texted me this morning saying she was going back to Sonora until this flu thing blows over.....


CCThanks for the update.

I suspect that all the ladies will return to their hometown to be with their family particularly if their home town is in one of the uninfected area, and TJ is listed as an infected area. It just makes sense.

04-30-09, 03:48
Thanks for ol the info!
BTW, maybe someone can explain the private booth dance deal a little better?
Is it worth the $20, is every girl the same way in the private dance I mean can you finger, kiss, bite, chew it up, slap it etc, etc.. for a 20? :D
Now that I remember I can get a SG for the same 20 bucks?
It sounds to me like HK is overpriced Am I wrong?

I guess AB is a different animal, I had girls come to me and straight out ask me if I want to F..K, that's too much to rough for my taste, I like the soft feminine approach and say hi first what's your name and the rest of the blah, blah B.S.
I guess AB is more like a glory hole!

Yup, it depends on the girl and the situation when doing the private dance. One girl asked to go to the booth for $20, so I told her "bj" and she said that's not allowed in the booth. On a different visit she mentioned the booth again but this time agreed to do everything for $50.

Another girl I went to the booth with only allowed me to play and suck on her tits. Nothing lower. Jerked me off for an extra $5. I wanted to finish on her breast but denied me because she didn't have anything to clean up with afterwards.

At Ab you do get the girls who introduce themselves with "Hi, let's go upstair, I'll fuck you good!"

I got a few on my last visit. While they where definitely hot I turned them down simply because of it. Good chance of being a factory fuck. One girl I turned down, quickly replied with, "I DIDN'T REALLY WANT TO GO UP WITH YOU ANYWAYS!" and walked away. It was kind of funny.

Member #4450
04-30-09, 04:49
No harm done, let's go back to the chicas!

Member #4450
04-30-09, 07:17
I am more worry about the 7 killed cops than the pig flu virus.
Btw, the cops were all shot around 8pm early in the evening.
Are we in danger of crossfire in the zona?
There since to be too many municipal police around the clubs even at AB door.

04-30-09, 10:27
Thanks for ol the info!
BTW, maybe someone can explain the private booth dance deal a little better?
Is it worth the $20, is every girl the same way in the private dance I mean can you finger, kiss, bite, chew it up, slap it etc, etc.. for a 20? :D
Now that I remember I can get a SG for the same 20 bucks?
It sounds to me like HK is overpriced Am I wrong?

I guess AB is a different animal, I had girls come to me and straight out ask me if I want to F..K, that's too much to rough for my taste, I like the soft feminine approach and say hi first what's your name and the rest of the blah, blah B.S.
I guess AB is more like a glory hole!

I find the booths quite entertaining. There is suspense factor because every girl is going to be different in the booth...like a box of chocolates. I had plain lap dances to full on DATY to BBBJ in the booths. It is kind of exciting to be naughty, just a few feet away from unsuspecting customers who can vaguely see you through the sandblasted glass.

Member #4450
04-30-09, 17:48
You get all that for just $20?

05-02-09, 18:23
There is suspense factor because every girl is going to be different in the booth.Excellent point. For me, a trip to the booth is all about getting worked up in advance of a session upstairs. So I'm not disappointed if the girl won't get me off. Of course, I want to get my money's worth. So without being a jerk about it I always test the girl's boundaries. If she grinds her ass into my crotch I put her hand on the zipper. If she's comfortable rubbing the outside of my pants with her hand, I'll unzip to see if she'll reach inside to my boxers. If she's willing to do that I'll guide her hand inside the fly. If that's working, I'll guide her head down to my groin.

My strategy is the same when it comes to touching her. If she lets me grab her ass or fondle her tits over the top of her clothes, I'll try to slip my hand inside her bra or skirt. If she's OK with that I'll see if I can get inside her panties. If a little finger fucking is OK I'll take a shot at going down on her.

I emphasize that it's important to respect the girl's rules, whatever they may be. I'm always flirty and playful in the booth, and I never come even close to anything that is even remotely nonconsensual. Not only would that be manifestly uncool, but I suspect anybody who got rough with a girl in the private booth would be in for a major beat down at the hands of the club's staff. (Or even worse, it might become a matter for the police.) If you approach the privado the same way you did a session of heavy petting with your high school sweetie you'll be fine and it could end up being fun.

05-04-09, 06:25
Excellent point. For me, a trip to the booth is all about getting worked up in advance of a session upstairs. So I'm not disappointed if the girl won't get me off. Of course, I want to get my money's worth. So without being a jerk about it I always test the girl's boundaries. If she grinds her ass into my crotch I put her hand on the zipper. If she's comfortable rubbing the outside of my pants with her hand, I'll unzip to see if she'll reach inside to my boxers. If she's willing to do that I'll guide her hand inside the fly. If that's working, I'll guide her head down to my groin.

My strategy is the same when it comes to touching her. If she lets me grab her ass or fondle her tits over the top of her clothes, I'll try to slip my hand inside her bra or skirt. If she's OK with that I'll see if I can get inside her panties. If a little finger fucking is OK I'll take a shot at going down on her.

I emphasize that it's important to respect the girl's rules, whatever they may be. I'm always flirty and playful in the booth, and I never come even close to anything that is even remotely nonconsensual. Not only would that be manifestly uncool, but I suspect anybody who got rough with a girl in the private booth would be in for a major beat down at the hands of the club's staff. (Or even worse, it might become a matter for the police.) If you approach the privado the same way you did a session of heavy petting with your high school sweetie you'll be fine and it could end up being fun.

Is Hk in the top ten? Does anyone know? Thanks

05-04-09, 12:22
From what I hear, South America and Thailand are ranked as some of the highest.

Wait a minute, what sort of establishment would even conduct this kind of survey?

05-04-09, 16:57
Is Hk in the top ten? Does anyone know? Thanks

Top 10 what? Anbody's top 10 list is going to be highly subjective.

If you're talking about strip clubs, well, it beats ANY club in the US. Assuming you're looking for a place where mostly attractive girls dance around naked and you can screw them for a few $$.

It's better than the clubs in Costa Rica, primarily due to price/performance issues.

It's better than most clubs in Bangkok because there the girls have to remain clothed. Pattaya, not so much. On the other hand, it's worse than most clubs in Thailand because (again, subjective) the Thai girls are thinner and prettier than the HK chicas.

There is no right answer. If it's in YOUR top 10, enjoy.

05-05-09, 11:16
Yes, Thai girls can be very crushing in beauty, size and charm.

Beauty, really? I've never been to Thailand but from the pics i've seen of the girls working there they tend to look less than Stellar. Not ugly by any means but more of a regular girl you would see walking about. They don't seem to fix themselves up like most of the girls in the Zona. And their bodies tend to be on the skinnier side. Maybe it's just me being subjective since I preffer the latin girls with big booties. If I am wrong, then please let me know what it is I am not noticing. What are the bars like over there?

05-05-09, 11:28
Beauty, really? I've never been to Thailand but from the pics i've seen of the girls working there they tend to look less than Stellar. Not ugly by any means but more of a regular girl you would see walking about. They don't seem to fix themselves up like most of the girls in the Zona. And their bodies tend to be on the skinnier side. Maybe it's just me being subjective since I preffer the latin girls with big booties. If I am wrong, then please let me know what it is I am not noticing. What are the bars like over there?
...and you will have millions of details about the bars all over Bangkok.
I am a great fan of HK, and cannot see why loving Hk would mean not loving BKK. When in BKK, i enjoy the Thai, and when in SD, enjoy the HK girls... The differences are numerous, but I am not interested in "rating".. the major difference, is that in BKK, one you have BF the girl, she spent the evening, and if you want,the night with you, as your girl friend, and all that for aroung 50 $... But I also enjioy spending hours in HK, groping everything that passes by for 1 $, and finishing with my choice arriba...

05-05-09, 16:45
Beauty, really? I've never been to Thailand but from the pics i've seen of the girls working there they tend to look less than Stellar. Not ugly by any means but more of a regular girl you would see walking about. They don't seem to fix themselves up like most of the girls in the Zona. And their bodies tend to be on the skinnier side. Maybe it's just me being subjective since I preffer the latin girls with big booties. If I am wrong, then please let me know what it is I am not noticing. What are the bars like over there?

The girls do fix themselves up, but only the ladyboys go to the same extent (lots of eye shadow, eye liner, tons of rouge, etc.) as the TJ girls. My faves are the Burmese who really don't do that much except for the brown stuff (I forget the name) they put on their cheeks. I got to where I thought it was attractive.

The girls are very pretty, if you like Asians. If you're looking for chubbier girls with large asses, then pickings will be slim.

The go-go bars (as they are called there) generally do not let the girls dance nude (there was a crackdown a few years back). But this varies by region. In any case, the dancing that goes on at HK is far better than what you'll see in a Thai go-go. However, if you like being surrounded by pretty Asian chicks who treat you really nice, you can't beat a SEA bar.

05-05-09, 22:27
Unaware or unconcerned he was posting in a forum devoted to TIJUANA, some chap who goes by "Sound 7" inquired:
I’m getting ready for my virgin trip to Lima and have complied the following. Could you guys let me know if I have captured anything in error?You might want to follow the links to the forums for PERU.

05-06-09, 00:07
Beauty, really? I've never been to Thailand but from the pics i've seen of the girls working there they tend to look less than Stellar. Not ugly by any means but more of a regular girl you would see walking about. They don't seem to fix themselves up like most of the girls in the Zona. And their bodies tend to be on the skinnier side. Maybe it's just me being subjective since I preffer the latin girls with big booties. If I am wrong, then please let me know what it is I am not noticing. What are the bars like over there?Yep, I totally agree with you.

I'm mexican myself think some zona chicks are extremely hot. Especially the ones in the clubs adelitas, hk, etc.

05-06-09, 01:15
Thanks for the update.

I suspect that all the ladies will return to their hometown to be with their family particularly if their home town is in one of the uninfected area, and TJ is listed as an infected area. It just makes sense.

Actually there are no cases in Baja. I suspect there are mild unreported cases. The only nearby cases are in SD county.

05-06-09, 01:16
Stay away from anyone who is sneezing and coughing and constantly wash your hand. kissing would be a bad idea for those of you that do.

So my friend @ HK texted me this morning saying she was going back to Sonora until this flu thing blows over.....



05-06-09, 01:21
True. I don't think the Edecuan tricks are worth the hassle unless she's a 9+

From my experience, the girls in sashes are genuinely surprised when you start negotiating.

I don't think they're used to it.

05-06-09, 01:25
IMHO the $20 dances are a waste of money, but to each his own.

DO NOT even THINK about forking over $70 - $80 or more to any HK chica. Lots of the night shift will feed you the line that they're more expensive. Don't buy into it. It's a buyer's market now.

As far as finding out who goes up, just ask.

You don't have to ask. 80% of them do.

Rob Hay
05-07-09, 00:08
I've never had an Edecan ask for money. They either want to do it or they don't and they took whatever was given them them. 60/80. In general the Edecans are alot better looking than other workers there, imo

However the best looking one left to go home not the long ago. The best one left is Ruby but she is the type that will negotiate.

05-07-09, 11:02
I notice they have their position where they are supposed to stand. How are you supposed to get them to leave their spot and come sit with you? Are they allowed to leave their post?

05-08-09, 18:10
I notice they have their position where they are supposed to stand. How are you supposed to get them to leave their spot and come sit with you? Are they allowed to leave their post?Two ways.

You can either come up and ask them directly. Or you can tip the waiter a dollar and he'll go get her for you. The ladies will not refuse a drink.

Most guys like to plant their butt in their favorite booth first, then use a waiter.

The ladies come and go. But there are only so many good places to sit.

Nth Degree
05-17-09, 07:01
Went south at around 7 about. Crowds in the Zona were fairly sparse but HK had plenty of folks milling around. I must've caught them in the middle of shift change because the selection was a little lacking. But it gradually picked up over the next hour or so. Gal named Elizabeth from Cabo (blonde hair, bolt-ons, hard body) chatted me up so I opted for a privado. Decent enough so asked how much to go arriba. She wanted 70 but dropped her to 60. I had reservations in the back of my mind and, as it turns out, for good reason. But I went ahead. In the room she was pretty mechanical and tried to rush. Asked for a tip afterwards which I denied. Pretty much an Adelitas-like experience, which disappointed because I normally have a much better experience at HK. Would not recommend her.

Lulu Pussy
05-20-09, 05:44
hit hk middle of last week. got there about 5 or 6 and the place was jumping. shaving cream show going on (now new and improved with chocolate syrup). seriously, who doesn;t like watching two girls go at it, but who needs all that shaving cream shit.

was there about 3-4 hours in total and sat through 2-3 of these girl on girl shows. love hk.

couple beers in and the renowned salma brushes my shoulder. there;s younger, and there's better looking, but there's no better service than salma. arriba we go.

went around the world with salma, finished up her [CodeWord116] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord116) shoot. to be honest, i prefer to pop on her tongue, but she seems to get such a kick out of back door action, i just can't refuse.

later, wait at the border was maybe 30 min. all this bs about drug fights and swine flu doesn;t seem to be keeping anyone away.

Ze Gato
05-24-09, 03:36
I Met her at Hong Kong and she was very entertaining for almost two hours.

Country John
05-24-09, 18:09
I Met her at Hong Kong and she was very entertaining for almost two hours.

She looks better than she ever did when I was with her a few years back, maybe 5. Wow. My private gallery of her pics shows a much thicker gal. I know she works out like an addict, the results are amazing. Almost makes me want to take her arriba.....

I can tell you for a fact that you would not have her OK to post these. She is sensitive about it.....

05-24-09, 18:25
She looks better than she ever did when I was with her a few years back, maybe 5. Wow. My private gallery of her pics shows a much thicker gal. I know she works out like an addict, the results are amazing. Almost makes me want to take her arriba.

I can tell you for a fact that you would not have her OK to post these. She is sensitive about it.that's why I respect you, CJ, you're an ethical monger.

But it's hard to imagine she was ever five.

For Tijuana, without seeing her bunda and legs, important qualities to be sure, but her stomach and the promise of dark nipples have me thinking nine.

05-25-09, 07:18
hit hk middle of last week. got there about 5 or 6 and the place was jumping. shaving cream show going on (now new and improved with chocolate syrup). seriously, who doesn;t like watching two girls go at it, but who needs all that shaving cream shit.

was there about 3-4 hours in total and sat through 2-3 of these girl on girl shows. love hk.

couple beers in and the renowned salma brushes my shoulder. there;s younger, and there's better looking, but there's no better service than salma. arriba we go.

went around the world with salma, finished up her [CodeWord116] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord116) shoot. to be honest, i prefer to pop on her tongue, but she seems to get such a kick out of back door action, i just can't refuse.

later, wait at the border was maybe 30 min. all this bs about drug fights and swine flu doesn;t seem to be keeping anyone away.

good ol' salma. heart of gold. a couple of funny stories:

several months ago she was visiting relatives, ran short of money and texted me, asking for $50. wth, why not? i sent it and didn't think too much about it. back in march i was in hk when she came on shift and practically mugged me (in a good way). then she mentioned the money, reminded me that she had promised to repay it, and ran off to the dressing room. she returned with two $20 bills. you should have seen the looks some of the other dancers were giving us! it looked like she was paying me! :) of course, she got the money back an hour later!!

last week she texted me and asked when i was coming to see her, she missed me, she was jealous because she thought i was eating other pussy! you know the drill. :) i told her that business was slow and i didn't have a lot of money to give her (more or less true...). she responded and asked me if i wanted her to give me some money so i could come visit. that was a first!

now if all the chicas would do that...

Country John
05-25-09, 17:16
that's why I respect you, CJ, you're an ethical monger.

But it's hard to imagine she was ever five.

For Tijuana, without seeing her bunda and legs, important qualities to be sure, but her stomach and the promise of dark nipples have me thinking nine.

Funny story Phordphan, she often asked me if I needed money and I too sent money to her; she paid me back with either cash or sessions, I always opted for the sessions. She really does have a heart of gold. Why some guy didn't scoop her up already and get her the hell out of there is beyond me. She'd make a great wifey if you took care of her.

Pelongera, I always believed a monger should be square with the girl and show respect. she might not work out but that's the chance we take in this hobby. If it's actually the same Salma I remember in the photo, she's probably closer to nine today. I last saw her almot 5 years ago, not that she was a "5" when I saw her. It's proably true that, compared to what she looks like today, she was probably a five or so back then. She's probably the closest thing to a sure thing the Zona has to offer. Be nice to her and treat her right.

And don't post pictures without her consent. There are people that she does NOT want to know where she works, her parents for example. So these posted pics should come down and her privacy respected.

Country John

05-25-09, 17:41

Pelongera, I always believed a monger should be square with the girl and show respect. she might not work out but that's the chance we take in this hobby. If it's actually the same Salma I remember in the photo, she's probably closer to nine today. I last saw her almot 5 years ago, not that she was a "5" when I saw her. It's proably true that, compared to what she looks like today, she was probably a five or so back then. She's probably the closest thing to a sure thing the Zona has to offer. Be nice to her and treat her right.

And don't post pictures without her consent. There are people that she does NOT want to know where she works, her parents for example. So these posted pics should come down and her privacy respected.

Country John

I'm a little cornfuzed. Are the pix in question here the ones posted by Ze Gato? If so, they are most definitely NOT Salma.

Country John
05-25-09, 22:03
I'm a little cornfuzed. Are the pix in question here the ones posted by Ze Gato? If so, they are most definitely NOT Salma.

Yes, I'm thinking the original post might not have been clear enough to make the disctinction. Thanks for clearing that up. I had to brighten up the images a bit and I did that this morning before posting. That's when I realized that it might not be the same girl, hence the question. No more confusion on this end.

I got an ID on the girl by the way, she is MOYSHA at Hong Kong who turns out to be a PLM grinder of the "Class A" type.

Country John

Sgt Perv
05-26-09, 18:32
OK, I give up, what is a PLM?

I know that just PL is Pathetic Loser.

Country John
05-26-09, 19:33
OK, I give up, what is a PLM?

I know that just PL is Pathetic Loser.

PLM means Pathetic Loser Monger.

05-27-09, 23:34
PLM means Pathetic Loser Monger.

lol, whats a grinder?

Country John
05-28-09, 20:05
lol, whats a grinder?

A PLM "Grinder" is a chica who can spot a potential PLM from across the smoke filled room, approach him and immediately start his head spinning such that he empties his wallet, and is on the "hook" firmly for future fleecing that is carried out mercilessly for as long as he remains under her spell.

Never let a chica lose respect.

05-29-09, 02:19
HK has at least one PLM Grinder, Class A as defined by CJ to my knowledge. Chica can work with multi-servers to chase the cash out from patron's pocket in a very short time and be very effective with chica drink orders. The Chica drink is effectively discarded - just like magic and the new bottle is pre-opened in most cases like an assembly line. Constantly surrounded by servers providing chatter, distracting conversation and physical screen. Open floor booth ideal setup. Servers coming constantly in all direction. Lots of beer spill on the floor and full bottle removed quickly like magic trick. Ten plus Chica drinks in one hour with demanding tipping from servers and slow money change process. Multi-Server tracking a major challenge even with the ID number badge for the money change.

Try to use the same single server to better control this situation in the future, or just move on.

AB providers on the other hand uses a different income model.

bon voyage

A PLM "Grinder" is a chica who can spot a potential PLM from across the smoke filled room, approach him and immediately start his head spinning such that he empties his wallet, and is on the "hook" firmly for future fleecing that is carried out mercilessly for as long as he remains under her spell.

Never let a chica lose respect.

Sgt Perv
05-29-09, 05:09
lol, whats a grinder?What we in the USA call a hustler. Beware!

05-29-09, 12:52
What we in the USA call a hustler. Beware!

In other words an American woman. :D

Sgt Perv
05-29-09, 13:46
In other words an American woman. :DLike a lot of American strippers. Slowly but constantly ( aka grinding) draining your wallet/credit card (drinks,tips, lap dances,lines of BS and it is all a tease).

That is why I hate most USA strip clubs.

We all know people who have dropped hundreds without so much as a sticky finger to show/smell for it.

In the zona, if I am not getting some p*ssy by the 1000 peso mark I would be a PLM. Yes, I know it takes a lot less but I am talking PLM ( meaning that I am trying to get some and not or way overpaying).

Anybody who reads this forum , should never fall into that category.

Rabo Verde
05-29-09, 16:38
An American woman????
Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah at least a Mexican girl WILL usually fuck you before she robs you!

Rabo Verde
06-05-09, 23:55
So I was gossiping with some of the HK girls in Spanish.
Very few local TJ girls like to even be SEEN in the zona, as the immediate rumors will start. Well the HK management found a solution:

After the remodel, the club started advertising for and recruiting young TJ girls. The club pays young local hotties about $1 an hour just to stand on the bar or the rail and dance. The sash is optional. They get to tell people they are "promotadoras" which is kinda like the guys at the front of WALMART who say "WELCOME TO WALMART, HAVE A NICE DAY!"

They get clocked in on a clipboard and clocked out, and they get 100-150 pesos for "dancing" or hanging around out front of the bar for 8 hours.
They all start out thinking well I am just gonna dance and/or greet people with my clothes on....

They are not required to let guys touch them or get naked. So a bunch of local girls said hell, why not! Hang out at the disco with my girlfriends and get PAID for it? Just for wearing a sash? Fuck yeah! Then some of the braver ones started accepting drinks, privados, etc., and the rest is history..... jajaja

So the "shy" looking girls with the sashes are mostly local TJ girls who tell their family and friends they just get paid to only DANCE there, or hand out flyers, fully clothed. Many of them have to be home at 9 PM for their BEDTIME!!!!! Never underestimate the power of denial ROFL

06-06-09, 22:37
So the "shy" looking girls with the sashes are mostly local TJ girls who tell their family and friends they just get paid to only DANCE there, or hand out flyers, fully clothed.

Even if they are only "promoting," no one is going to believe it. You know how people love to gossip and exagerate stories. I'm sure over 80% percent of these sash girls wouldn't even dare tell their parents that they work as dancers.

06-07-09, 00:28
Just reading Mexico including Tijuana HK will not provide the protection against the HK's talented staff.
Better cultural understanding and timing - key for cash conservation anywhere.

Like a lot of American strippers. Slowly but constantly ( aka grinding) draining your wallet/credit card (drinks,tips, lap dances,lines of BS and it is all a tease).

That is why I hate most USA strip clubs.

We all know people who have dropped hundreds without so much as a sticky finger to show/smell for it.

In the zona, if I am not getting some p*ssy by the 1000 peso mark I would be a PLM. Yes, I know it takes a lot less but I am talking PLM ( meaning that I am trying to get some and not or way overpaying).

Anybody who reads this forum , should never fall into that category.

Sgt Perv
06-08-09, 14:10
Just reading Mexico including Tijuana HK will not provide the protection against the HK's talented staff.

Better cultural understanding and timing - key for cash conservation anywhere.It is not so much as the culture of any country but the subculture of the business.

The hustle is basically the same anywhere but by reading this forum, you should learn the prices,where to go and not go and what is really available.

Walking into a situation with an arm full of intel, will have you set up for success.
By reading this forum you should be aware of the scams that are out there, like the potato chip scam and how to deal with it.

Reading this forum should heighten your sense of awareness to the point where you see the scams coming and know how to deter most of them.

No matter how talented the staff may be, if you are ready for it it is less effective.
Everyone in the hobby does get scammed at one point or another but the difference between them and a PLM is the amount and how often it occurs.

Stopping or blocking scams in the beginning will stop/slowdown future attempts.
Scams mainly target the unknowing!

Member #4450
06-09-09, 04:09
By reading this forum you should be aware of the scams that are out there, like the potato chip scam and how to deal with it.

Is the potato chip scam the one the waiter brings to your table when you did not order any?
Watch out with the hard liquor trick for the girl, when I ordered a beer, don't let the girls order hard liquor like tequila etc, it cost more money like $8 if I'm not mistaking?

06-09-09, 06:36
I know on the la Bella (dance) is a even split with the house ($$) for three songs (6 minutes request). $ to the time counter, $ to the server arrangement, $ for touch, $ for the rental of smog suite, $$$ for a perception of being a super model (split?) and some other promotional features - $ tip for the server, other drink games $$$, potato chip $, outside lunch order $ with server's lunch not included. I forgot the shoe shine, another $.

One could hold on to $$ but not the one, five, ten, twenty unless a very quick exit. Entrance fee $?

It all adds up to $$$ no matter how you look at it at HK.

No deals or promotion at HK in the $$ range.

AB $$ to $$$

HK or AB profit sharing with the staff?

It is not so much as the culture of any country but the subculture of the business.

The hustle is basically the same anywhere but by reading this forum, you should learn the prices,where to go and not go and what is really available.

Walking into a situation with an arm full of intel, will have you set up for success.
By reading this forum you should be aware of the scams that are out there, like the potato chip scam and how to deal with it.

Reading this forum should heighten your sense of awareness to the point where you see the scams coming and know how to deter most of them.

No matter how talented the staff may be, if you are ready for it it is less effective.
Everyone in the hobby does get scammed at one point or another but the difference between them and a PLM is the amount and how often it occurs.

Stopping or blocking scams in the beginning will stop/slowdown future attempts.
Scams mainly target the unknowing!