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Captain Solo
11-06-19, 00:17
HK girls sometimes disappear into their rooms in Cascada to do Meth hits or something. They do that a lot after sex.

After the hits they may get too stoned or too relaxed to come back to work for 1 or 2 hours.

You just have to hit on other girls for alternate deals in case your sweethearts don't come back.

Captain Solo
11-06-19, 00:28
To Dodger.

The girls do not ask the $ tip for nothing.

Most would do a mini lap dance to show you their assets. Some may allow kissing, sucking, squeezing boobs, groping crotches etc. It's up to you what you can make out of those short encounters. A few girls even encourage kissing, tits sucking, deep fingering. I was sitting at the bar recovering after 2 sessions, thought I was completely out of ammo, but a girl came by, rubbed her butt on my crotch, swinging her boobs on my face, caressing my dick. Her soft skin, spongy body and sexy fragrance got me hard again!

To most guys the $ introductory tips are sexy and lots of fun, a cheap way to get to know the girls and find out how far they would go in bed, money well spent. The interactions make HK very lively, fun and sexy.

That's all great and all, but what about the point, that all these girls ask for a dollar for little to no reason? American strippers, with higher cost of living, look way better, and don't do this. And why should a girl have sex for 70 dollars if she can make 30-50 an hour walking around the club asking for one dollar. I watch, at least half the guys give a dollar for every girl that's asking, and some will give more than a dollar. Again, where's the motivation for affordable sex? Is this is working girl house or a charity event?

11-06-19, 08:56
LOL my man, and I guess this is over your head because these establishments pay tons, and tons of money to authorities to avoid them from coming over, harassing clients and / or closing down the place. As you may know, not everything happening is black and white, there's many gray areas, some of them most of us DO enjoy.

I have lots of friends from Cali who come for a great time, and guess what? They end up going back with a bright smile on their faces. It's not like when you ask a girl from CA out and you invite her to nice restaurants, gifts and that, and most possibly never put up, on average any date at the states would put you at -$150.00, just for a handshake and a kiss in the cheek, that is if they like you enough.

So actually spending $150 for sex with a pretty lady, plus fun is not a bad deal, it's just you guys trying to skim on the prices, which are just about the same at any strip / hooker bar, doesn't matter if it's the zona or not. And yes, la zona is a lot safer for tourist, someone is getting paid for that to happen, and it's not coming out of your pocket, let me just tell ya.

Consider that the whole establishment is one giant rip-off. What is offered is way outside the norms of established local economic boundaries. All following prices are converted to dollars to make it easier to follow. A beer at a normal bar is about $. 80. At HK it is $4. That's 5 x more than the going local rate. Let's say a beer at a USA bar is $4. Would you go to the local strip club and buy beers at $20 per bottle? A tiny little 7 oz ficha beer costs $9. If a grown man wage is $27/ day in Tijuana, a ficha equals 1/3 of a man's daily wage. So if a gringo makes $180/ day in USA, that's equal to paying $60 for 7 ounces of beer. Would you pay $60 to buy a stripper a tiny beer in America? Do you guys know how much a 16.9 oz bottle of Kirkland water costs for a puta at HK? It's something like $27. Add to that the constant mesero rip-offs and scams that make the experience even more expensive. And that's not even mentioning that Tijuana hookers make as much or more than their American counterparts, which is just plain ludicrous.

11-06-19, 09:57
And where exactly do you get this from?

Born and raised here in Tijuana my dude, and I get the same price as anyone.

On average girls get to do fuck 3 costumers a night (if they do good), and yes my seņor, their vaginas get sore and rashes too, by this I mean if they started charging less, they would have to fuck more to earn as much as they normally do. And may end up resulting not being able to work for the next day, which is a loss, to say the least.

So I don't know about you, so if I was one of them I'd just fuck 3 guys and call it a good night. Instead of fucking 4 and working more. Simple mathematics.

Good man. The problem with the prices is that the girls quote way higher for American guys. That's just plain predatory to jack up the price if your not Mexican. You just have to complain about the price or else the chicas will keep on upping the price. Quoting 120 is crazy now. In a few months there was a 20% average increase in prices being initially quoted. That's crazy.

11-06-19, 10:18
It's just a job, and guys need to realize that.

There's some that get lucky and the gal genuinely likes the dude and ends up having an excellent experience, in the end chicas may be at the end of their shift, so they get tired, as well as their coochies, so yep, if you become a regular with a chick and know her schedules you could be the very first guy she's taking inside of her that evening, if you really want to make your $100's worth and "beat the system" do things differently to get a better result, instead of just whining like little ladies over 20 additional dollars.

Keep in mind, this is rated the #1 and best strip joint in all central and south America, so by rule they cannot jack up their own price, be classy and respect the club's reputation.

I've sat next to cheeky Chinese dudes waving thousands of dollars in front of girls and still try to skimp the price to $80, for real, are you efing kidding me? It's ridiculous and disrespectful.

I live in Mexico. Born and raised, and even I have no complaints, instead of that I pursue quality, by knowing when it's a good time to arrive for example, key and vital, if they already had their lunch, if they had so many drinks, etc.

That's all I have to say for now.

I wanted to be up front and say that many mongers are not appreciating the HK girls, as professionals, as much as we should. While mongers might be there for leisure and have fun, HK girls are there to work to earn a living. They have regular working schedule just like any other working professional. They have rules to following just like any other industry. They takes risk for their return, which is no difference from other high risk professionals.

You might argue that HK girls are just selling their body. In some sense, it is actually very similar to sport players. People with the gift and talent of bring born taller and stronger than an average Joe making him a good fit to be a basketball player. With the talent, he still need a lot of hardworking and decipine to be a good player. Similarly, girl with gifted body are more likely to be a successful dance in a club. However, we shouldn't undermine the fact that the attractive girls also put in a lot of hardworking and discipline to maintain their shape to stay attractive. There are a lot of minor detail that many fellow bros might have overlooked. For example, those dame heels are probably killing the girl's feet all the time. From time to time, you might see girls on the floor trying to find something that they can lean to so that less weight is on their feet. In a hindsight, this might be the main reason why so many girls standing by the stairs where they can lean on the handheld. Same logic apply to girl who might sit on the second floor or sit on the back quietly. It is not because they are lazy, but because they simply need to sit down...

11-06-19, 11:22
That is because the leading chef at pampas left and opened his own restaurant which is churrascaria, good news for you, now they have opened a secondary new location right in front of CECUT, you know that big round thing over the border? Well it's right in front of it, closer to the border.

Tuesday after a full night of lots of delicious meats at the AYCE Churrascaria do Brasil, 5 hot girls in Cascada's beds between 2 of us, wingman and I checked out about 2:30 AM. We left some changes on the drawer for the clean up crew.

Reception had guys check the room as usual. After a while reception said we took 2 beers from the fridge and charged us $18, same ficha price for girls in HK. I asked wingman if he took any beers; he said no. I brought a bottle of tequila and he brought his unopened orange juice to the room to party with the girls, so we had no need to take beers from the fridge. I had noticed the fridge looked pretty empty when checked in, but thought the hotel people knew what they were doing during a hectic labor day weekend. Lucky I know reception guys like Arturo and Javier very well. After some more checking, Arturo refunded me full $30 fridge deposit..

11-06-19, 17:33
It's just a job, and guys need to realize that.

There's some that get lucky and the gal genuinely likes the dude and ends up having an excellent experience, in the end chicas may be at the end of their shift, so they get tired, as well as their coochies, so yep, if you become a regular with a chick and know her schedules you could be the very first guy she's taking inside of her that evening, if you really want to make your $100's worth and "beat the system" do things differently to get a better result, instead of just whining like little ladies over 20 additional dollars.

Keep in mind, this is rated the #1 and best strip joint in all central and south America, so by rule they cannot jack up their own price, be classy and respect the club's reputation.

I've sat next to cheeky Chinese dudes waving thousands of dollars in front of girls and still try to skimp the price to $80, for real, are you efing kidding me? It's ridiculous and disrespectful.

I live in Mexico. Born and raised, and even I have no complaints, instead of that I pursue quality, by knowing when it's a good time to arrive for example, key and vital, if they already had their lunch, if they had so many drinks, etc.

That's all I have to say for now.What's your masero # so I can order my beers from you next time I'm in HK.

11-06-19, 18:35
The girls do more than 3 a night at Hong Kong. They work long shifts, and are constantly going up with men. I'd bet many do 12 in a 12 hour shift. Most probably do six to 8. At least the ones who charge 80.

11-06-19, 22:41
I meet this beautiful young girl at HK 1 year ago, each of my visits I went direct to her, after a few encounters she invited me to visit her at her local town, which I did, many times, she introduced me to her children and family, I started to transfer money to her each time she had "some difficulty" even made deposits direct to her mom. Some king of a sugar daddy, but I must say I'm not an old guy at all (actually I have a pretty good luck with girls) . We became some kind of friends with benefits, sometimes I see her in the club some times we go out in tij or her local town. Couple months ago I took her and her entire family (children, mother and brother) to a trip to the Mexican Mayan Caribbean, we spent 2 fabulous week there (of course I paid all, airfares, hotel, food and entertainment) , we are planning another trip to Europe early this coming year. Now she told me that she wants to quit working in HK and that she wants to be my GF. I think I kind of I love with her and her children,. And of course she's the one who came up with the idea of being a couple but for some reason, I don't feel her completely honest, we get along well but sometimes it gives me the impression that she only looks for me when she needs money. So I'm a little confused here. Sometimes I think, maybe she acts so because she understands I'm a little crazy about her and she has a sure thing with me, so she doesn't really needs to put effort in convincing me. But maybe she just doesn't feel the same way and she only sees me as her way out form the HK life. What you guys would do?

11-06-19, 23:05
LOL my man, and I guess this is over your head because these establishments pay tons, and tons of money to authorities to avoid them from coming over, harassing clients and / or closing down the place...I have lots of friends from Cali who come for a great time, and guess what? They end up going back with a bright smile on their faces.LOL. You don't have the slightest clue on how things work in HK or Tijuana in general. You're obviously a newbie on these Tijuana puta boards because you don't realize I'm by far the #1 contributor of inside information about HK. Do you know the managers of HK? I bet not. Do you know the owner? I bet not. Do you know the cartel boss "P. A. " out of Aguascalientes that the HK family is closely associated with? I bet not. I have more knowledge of HK in a toenail clipping than you'll ever know. My friends own half the city.

And thanks for proving my point. Your American friends in Cali don't have a clue on Tijuana economics, come down, pay high prices then return to Cali with a smile. That proves my point. They don't know any better.

And where exactly do you get this from?

Born and raised here in Tijuana my dude, and I get the same price as anyone.

On average girls get to do fuck 3 costumers a night (if they do good), and yes my seor, their vaginas get sore and rashes too, by this I mean if they started charging less, they would have to fuck more to earn as much as they normally do. And may end up resulting not being able to work for the next day, which is a loss, to say the least.

So I don't know about you, so if I was one of them I'd just fuck 3 guys and call it a good night. Instead of fucking 4 and working more. Simple mathematics.Again, LOL. Not that simple. They don't average 3 guys a night. Only the hottest ones do. The average puta fucks 1, 1. 5 guys a night. Only the extremely simple-minded can think that it's just a matter of choosing to fuck 3 guys or 4 guys for the same money. Of course they will choose 3 guys. But that's not always the choice. Many times it's a matter of fucking 0 guys for $100 each which equals $0, or going home with $160 by fucking 2 guys for $80 each and having money to feed their kids.

And how do you know that you get the same prices as everyone else? Do you listen in on every negotiation? And it's not uncommon for locals to get lower quotes. Depends on the girl and the situation. To say that every girl quotes every monger the same price, that is ridiculously shortsighted.

Keep in mind, this is rated the #1 and best strip joint in all central and south America, so by rule they cannot jack up their own price, be classy and respect the club's reputation.

I've sat next to cheeky Chinese dudes waving thousands of dollars in front of girls and still try to skimp the price to $80, for real, are you efing kidding me? It's ridiculous and disrespectful.Offering $80 is in no way "ridiculous and disrespectful. " $80 is reasonably close to market rates. And also way too high if you consider Mexico's economy, which apparently you are not willing to do.

"By rule they cannot jack up their own price?" I can't stop laughing! You claim you know a lot about how HK operates but you think putas are somehow prohibited from raising their prices? Have you even ever been to HK? Management wants the putas to raise their prices. When putas go arriba, HK makes nothing if the monger has an overnight room. HK only makes a little if a short-term room is rented. Management wants arriba prices high so putas spend more time on the floor selling drinks.

And "be classy and respect the clubs reputation?" You should consider a career in comedy. What exactly is HK reputation? High class, excellent customer service? LOL. Let me tell you something. HK's reputation is having the most putas and high in rip-offs and scams. You think anyone in HK cares about being "classy?" ROFLMAO! You never heard of any mesero scams and rip-offs? You've never heard of putas demanding more money than agreed upon? You've never heard of putas denying services that were paid and agreed upon? You've never heard of putas stealing each other's and monger's valuables? "Classy? It's a third world *****house riddled with scams and we have a poster claiming that HK's aim is to be "classy. " LOL!

11-06-19, 23:34
And where exactly do you get this from?

Born and raised here in Tijuana my dude, and I get the same price as anyone.

On average girls get to do fuck 3 costumers a night (if they do good), and yes my seor, their vaginas get sore and rashes too, by this I mean if they started charging less, they would have to fuck more to earn as much as they normally do. And may end up resulting not being able to work for the next day, which is a loss, to say the least.

So I don't know about you, so if I was one of them I'd just fuck 3 guys and call it a good night. Instead of fucking 4 and working more. Simple mathematics.You got to be more specific. You got to define everyone, you mean the same as a local right or the same as an american? Other locals from Tijuana have said they pay half of their american counterparts. Maybe your getting ripped off too. I feel like you took a detour from my point as well. I pointed to the fact that the average quote price has increased in the double digits in less than a year. For example, monger prices in Amsterdam have not increased from 50 since my previous visit 3 years ago. Yes, HK has pretty much a monopoly since they really have no competition in the zona and in the states. They can Jack up the prices as high as they want unless consumers push back. If your complacent then they will just abuse the exchange. Also. I've pretty much confirmed from talking with other mongers, that the chicas and management have a Asian tax where they try to scam Asians more often since my fellows tend to just throw away money. Idk I do business for a living and it's just a attitude I have that you need to respect your money. You earned it.

Sure, if a girl can take up 3 guys in that night at 100 then they made 300 bucks for that night at least. Although, I don't think business is that good. If your a manager at HK and have real stats then I'm open to being wrong. Whenever I'm at HK I pay attention to the amount of business going on because I'm honestly curious too about how much a chica is taking in. From my POV. Unless the chica is really hot I don't see that often. 210 bucks from 3 $70 patron's is better than 0 or 100 bucks that night.

11-07-19, 00:26
I meet this beautiful young girl at HK 1 year ago, each of my visits I went direct to her, after a few encounters she invited me to visit her at her local town, which I did, many times, she introduced me to her children and family, I started to transfer money to her each time she had "some difficulty" even made deposits direct to her mom. Some king of a sugar daddy, but I must say I'm not an old guy at all (actually I have a pretty good luck with girls) . We became some kind of friends with benefits, sometimes I see her in the club some times we go out in tij or her local town. Couple months ago I took her and her entire family (children, mother and brother) to a trip to the Mexican Mayan Caribbean, we spent 2 fabulous week there (of course I paid all, airfares, hotel, food and entertainment) , we are planning another trip to Europe early this coming year. Now she told me that she wants to quit working in HK and that she wants to be my GF. I think I kind of I love with her and her children,. And of course she's the one who came up with the idea of being a couple but for some reason, I don't feel her completely honest, we get along well but sometimes it gives me the impression that she only looks for me when she needs money. So I'm a little confused here. Sometimes I think, maybe she acts so because she understands I'm a little crazy about her and she has a sure thing with me, so she doesn't really needs to put effort in convincing me. But maybe she just doesn't feel the same way and she only sees me as her way out form the HK life. What you guys would do?Cut your financial losses now. You're a sugar daddy and nothing else. If you agree to be her "man" she will start expecting double to triple the money you're spending now. It doesn't matter what any of us tells you though. In the end you're going to do whatever you want and learn the hard way. Seen it too many times.

11-07-19, 00:46
From my personal and very recent experience, only the newest girls stay firm at $100. Most girls including the hottest ones immediately drop their price to $80 when I burst out laughing at $100. About half have asked me to name my price when I tell them $80 are for tourists, and I am a weekly regular. Therefore in my opinion, actual HK pricing is 80% of the girls will go upstairs for $60-80 (1200-1800 p). The remaining 20% new girls will demand $100. This is effective Sunday. Thursdays only. I avoid the weekend sausage fest.

Guy, you need to practice on negotiation skills. It is a skill like any other that will deteriorate without practice.

11-07-19, 01:35
I meet this beautiful young girl at HK 1 year ago, each of my visits I went direct to her, after a few encounters she invited me to visit her at her local town, which I did, many times, she introduced me to her children and family, I started to transfer money to her each time she had "some difficulty" even made deposits direct to her mom. Some king of a sugar daddy, but I must say I'm not an old guy at all (actually I have a pretty good luck with girls) . We became some kind of friends with benefits, sometimes I see her in the club some times we go out in tij or her local town. Couple months ago I took her and her entire family (children, mother and brother) to a trip to the Mexican Mayan Caribbean, we spent 2 fabulous week there (of course I paid all, airfares, hotel, food and entertainment) , we are planning another trip to Europe early this coming year. Now she told me that she wants to quit working in HK and that she wants to be my GF. I think I kind of I love with her and her children,. And of course she's the one who came up with the idea of being a couple but for some reason, I don't feel her completely honest, we get along well but sometimes it gives me the impression that she only looks for me when she needs money. So I'm a little confused here. Sometimes I think, maybe she acts so because she understands I'm a little crazy about her and she has a sure thing with me, so she doesn't really needs to put effort in convincing me. But maybe she just doesn't feel the same way and she only sees me as her way out form the HK life. What you guys would do?LOL. Looking at your name handle cracks me up a bit.

Anyway, let her know straight up you love her and see how she feels about you ASAP before you're too deep in the rabbit hole.

If she feels the same way take her away from the bar life and support her. Your relationship is not going to work unless she's off from HK completely.

Good luck!

11-07-19, 04:44
The girls do more than 3 a night at Hong Kong. They work long shifts, and are constantly going up with men. I'd bet many do 12 in a 12 hour shift. Most probably do six to 8. At least the ones who charge 80.LMAO 12 in 12 hours? Seriously, your speculation does no one any favors. I can promise you, the average chica would be thrilled with 3 a night. They typically work 8 hours a night, 9 on the weekend, though there are other agreements. But 12 a night is just insane. If it happens, ever, that's certainly not even close to the norm.

11-07-19, 05:33
I meet this beautiful young girl at HK 1 year ago, each of my visits I went direct to her, after a few encounters she invited me to visit her at her local town, which I did, many times, she introduced me to her children and family, I started to transfer money to her each time she had "some difficulty" even made deposits direct to her mom. Some king of a sugar daddy, but I must say I'm not an old guy at all (actually I have a pretty good luck with girls) . We became some kind of friends with benefits, sometimes I see her in the club some times we go out in tij or her local town. Couple months ago I took her and her entire family (children, mother and brother) to a trip to the Mexican Mayan Caribbean, we spent 2 fabulous week there (of course I paid all, airfares, hotel, food and entertainment) , we are planning another trip to Europe early this coming year. Now she told me that she wants to quit working in HK and that she wants to be my GF. I think I kind of I love with her and her children,. And of course she's the one who came up with the idea of being a couple but for some reason, I don't feel her completely honest, we get along well but sometimes it gives me the impression that she only looks for me when she needs money. So I'm a little confused here. Sometimes I think, maybe she acts so because she understands I'm a little crazy about her and she has a sure thing with me, so she doesn't really needs to put effort in convincing me. But maybe she just doesn't feel the same way and she only sees me as her way out form the HK life. What you guys would do?You might need to elaborate a little bite more about your personal situation so that your fellow monger can opine in. However, The best advise you can get is to be realistic. You might have feeling with her, but feeling will eventually fade. If you find her having no reason to be with you except your money. Remember, if you end up marrying this chick, you are marrying her whole family including her kids and parent. Probably not worth the risk.

11-07-19, 05:36
The girls do more than 3 a night at Hong Kong. They work long shifts, and are constantly going up with men. I'd bet many do 12 in a 12 hour shift. Most probably do six to 8. At least the ones who charge 80.I can second this. I spent a few hours in the club another night people watching and observed that the hot ones only spend 10 or 29 minutes in the club between going upstairs with man.

11-07-19, 06:02
Just to note. I do thank everyone for sharing their insights as it has helped a ton of us who are new to HK world. I can only speak from my. Say 20 times I have been down there in the last couple years and recently more often.

The girls on Sunday afternoons say $80 more than they do $100 when I ask them. Yes there are some spinners who are incredibly beautiful and ask for the $100. I bet on Friday / Saturday / Sunday nights the girls can ask for $100 easier than they can on a Sunday mid-day or morning etc. Or week day etc. Supply & Demand stuff. Often I do tip the girls another $20 if they asked $80 if she was good to be with etc. Or maybe they let me take their picture which is very kind of them considering. Also I don't offer $80. I ask them how much to fuck etc. And more often than not it's $80 during the afternoons when I go.

I try to promote HK as often as I can in US to others to check out. I tell them it's safe, great service and management. Just because that's what I have experienced myself.

Every time I order a drink I ask for the change in $1 bills. I have never been shorted once.

We in the US and also in Tijuana. Are Very fortunate to have HK so close and the management running it how they have.

Never have any of the girls I took to hotel tried to scam me. Most don't ask for money until we are done.

Sometimes I get a girl from the alley to screw. But then go dump a good amount of cash at HK for more fun with out taking another girl to hotel etc. Always want to support Hk as we shouldn't take this place for granted IMO.


LOL. You don't have the slightest clue on how things work in HK or Tijuana in general. You're obviously a newbie on these Tijuana puta boards because you don't realize I'm by far the #1 contributor of inside information about HK. Do you know the managers of HK? I bet not. Do you know the owner? I bet not. Do you know the cartel boss "P. A. " out of Aguascalientes that the HK family is closely associated with? I bet not. I have more knowledge of HK in a toenail clipping than you'll ever know. My friends own half the city.

And thanks for proving my point. Your American friends in Cali don't have a clue on Tijuana economics, come down, pay high prices then return to Cali with a smile. That proves my point. They don't know any better.

Again, LOL. Not that simple. They don't average 3 guys a night. Only the hottest ones do. The average puta fucks 1, 1. 5 guys a night. Only the extremely simple-minded can think that it's just a matter of choosing to fuck 3 guys or 4 guys for the same money. Of course they will choose 3 guys..

11-07-19, 06:32
The girls do more than 3 a night at Hong Kong. They work long shifts, and are constantly going up with men. I'd bet many do 12 in a 12 hour shift. Most probably do six to 8. At least the ones who charge 80.You're way off. The hottest 5% go up 3-5 times a shift. The average puta goes up once, maybe twice a shift. The uglier ones go up 2-3 times a week. HK shifts are 8 hours Sunday-Wed and 9 hours on Thurs-Sat. Not many work a 12 hour shift unless they're desperate for money. And they're desperate because they're not being taken up, not because they're going up 6-8 times a day making $600+.

11-07-19, 17:34
I meet this beautiful young girl at HK 1 year ago, each of my visits I went direct to her, after a few encounters she invited me to visit her at her local town, which I did, many times, she introduced me to her children and family, I started to transfer money to her each time she had "some difficulty" even made deposits direct to her mom. Some king of a sugar daddy, but I must say I'm not an old guy at all (actually I have a pretty good luck with girls) . We became some kind of friends with benefits, sometimes I see her in the club some times we go out in tij or her local town. Couple months ago I took her and her entire family (children, mother and brother) to a trip to the Mexican Mayan Caribbean, we spent 2 fabulous week there (of course I paid all, airfares, hotel, food and entertainment) , we are planning another trip to Europe early this coming year. Now she told me that she wants to quit working in HK and that she wants to be my GF. I think I kind of I love with her and her children,. And of course she's the one who came up with the idea of being a couple but for some reason, I don't feel her completely honest, we get along well but sometimes it gives me the impression that she only looks for me when she needs money. So I'm a little confused here. Sometimes I think, maybe she acts so because she understands I'm a little crazy about her and she has a sure thing with me, so she doesn't really needs to put effort in convincing me. But maybe she just doesn't feel the same way and she only sees me as her way out form the HK life. What you guys would do?You should turn the other direction and run. Most of us know how this will end and from one bro to another it will not be positive for you.

11-07-19, 19:53
I meet this beautiful young girl at HK 1 year ago, each of my visits I went direct to her, after a few encounters she invited me to visit her at her local town, which I did, many times, she introduced me to her children and family, I started to transfer money to her each time she had "some difficulty" even made deposits direct to her mom. Some king of a sugar daddy, but I must say I'm not an old guy at all (actually I have a pretty good luck with girls) . We became some kind of friends with benefits, sometimes I see her in the club some times we go out in tij or her local town. Couple months ago I took her and her entire family (children, mother and brother) to a trip to the Mexican Mayan Caribbean, we spent 2 fabulous week there (of course I paid all, airfares, hotel, food and entertainment) , we are planning another trip to Europe early this coming year. Now she told me that she wants to quit working in HK and that she wants to be my GF. I think I kind of I love with her and her children,. And of course she's the one who came up with the idea of being a couple but for some reason, I don't feel her completely honest, we get along well but sometimes it gives me the impression that she only looks for me when she needs money. So I'm a little confused here. Sometimes I think, maybe she acts so because she understands I'm a little crazy about her and she has a sure thing with me, so she doesn't really needs to put effort in convincing me. But maybe she just doesn't feel the same way and she only sees me as her way out form the HK life. What you guys would do?I don't know if this is a joke but if you're giving her money then it's not love or a relationship. Tell her you're broke and see if she still wants to be your girlfriend. A real relationship is when you don't have to spend a dime on her. She'll want to be with you because she actually likes you, not your money.

11-07-19, 22:19
You read it all wrong, speak for yourself when it comes to being shortsighted.

Although I have no particular need to prove you wrong. Yes, I am pretty new to the boards, but not a stranger to my own city, yes, I know the owner, yes I know more than one manager, I used to have waiters close to where I live, but that's far beside the point.

I see you so called "contribution" is solely based on bitching about a few bucks, but yeah to each his own, like I said I've lived here all my life, even lived at the zona at some point in life.

To me, and to everybody else who's not a Tijuana native, you are just a another guy, like thousands others contributing to the local economy, which is great don't get me wrong, but being a "board expert" amounts to the same as donkey shit.

And yes, most of the girls I pick at HK are hot, I guess that's the only ones most guys consider even talking to, and I am 100% positive on this, their average is 3-5 a night.

Also, yes, costumers do care about a classy joint, if not you would be hanging at the other dead beat clubs, which of course sell beers for 15 pesos, they also have chicks who will do "cuartos" or rooms in English, (that's the actual words they use for doing service), so you can keep calling them "arribas", this way HK girls upfront you are not from around these parts. It's quite simple if anyone didn't care about class, they wouldn't be asking for costumer care, which most of you frequently complain about.

I'm pretty sure if you knew the owner and management, they have a pretty solid reputation at being #1 in Latin america, and yes, they care about it. By the way, did you heard about that girl that was doing services for $20? And how she was set as an example when she got fired?

And no, I do not have to consider Mexico's economy, not whatsoever, each one of us has decided to step in a world were girls have their own saying about who they decide to do service, and at what price, clearly you should know by now the difference between a SG and a BG. The more I hear you guys cry about measly $20, the more I understand why you guys keep getting a shitty laid, this ain't no sobrerruedas, respect the worker and be clear in a respectful manner as to what you require as a costumer and people will start turning heads, might you stop thinking in such self absorbed manner and it will get you places, I guess no one goes to your workplaces and tell you they're not paying the price you're asking because you don't deserve it, it's simple, give sympathy, you get sympathy. It's worked charms for me.

You claim, and act this is a 3rd world working girl house. Then don't complain about you are getting, some make the most of it, I'm one of them.

From my end I will continue paying $100 to these beautiful ladies,#1 because even as a Mexican I can afford it, #2 I'm not cheap, #3 I don't have to beg or even ask for GFE, #4 I worked for costumer care in my family business, now administer part of the company, so I know better than to pester workers as a client, specially in restaurants. Let alone a person who is handling my dick.

LOL. You don't have the slightest clue on how things work in HK or Tijuana in general. You're obviously a newbie on these Tijuana puta boards because you don't realize I'm by far the #1 contributor of inside information about HK. Do you know the managers of HK? I bet not. Do you know the owner? I bet not. Do you know the cartel boss "P. A. " out of Aguascalientes that the HK family is closely associated with? I bet not. I have more knowledge of HK in a toenail clipping than you'll ever know. My friends own half the city.

And thanks for proving my point. Your American friends in Cali don't have a clue on Tijuana economics, come down, pay high prices then return to Cali with a smile. That proves my point. They don't know any better..

11-07-19, 22:31
I can second this. I spent a few hours in the club another night people watching and observed that the hot ones only spend 10 or 29 minutes in the club between going upstairs with man.You can't and you didn't. There's no way you can sit in HK and closely monitor and keep track of what every girl is doing inside HK. There is no one spot you can sit in HK where you can observe what is going on in the main area, alley area, upstairs, front door, alley door, third floor, etc. If what you are saying is true, there would be a log jam of putas with mongers waiting several minutes in line at the exits. Stating that some putas only have 10 minute breaks between their arriba sessions is possibly the most ridiculous thing that's ever been stated on this forum, and I don't say that lightly. That would be around 15 arribas on a weekend. And you say that this occurs regularly. I'd say no chica has ever gone arriba more than 10 times in one normal shift in the entire history of HK.

11-07-19, 22:44
You got a really good point, but most girls won't do service for under 80 bucks.

I don't work for the establishment, I actually found out about this forum because of another client, just as me. Locals receive the same price as everyone, thought he treatment tends to be a bit different, I guess it's because of the language barrier primarily. One of the things I found out was that if I speak a little bit English (I have a really good accent), most girls would think I was American and I had every intention of paying top dollar, but as I am not cheap, I am not in the best interest to be a big spender either, if I get a full $100 price, I would generally ask what I am getting in return, if I don't feel convinced I may move on, and / or start talking Spanish, it's a very basic thing, speak their own language, and I don't mean this verbatim, more in the figurative speech, if you put money aside, which I don't think 20 dollar should be a barrier for anyone to have a fucking awesome laid at HK, you can always combine pleasure and business, isn't that what we're here for?

I guess, what I am saying is $20 dollar really stopping most of you from getting the quality service you are self righteously claiming for?

Want to beat the system? You can. Just not exactly the way most of you like.

Sure, if a girl can take up 3 guys in that night at 100 then they made 300 bucks for that night at least. Although, I don't think business is that good. If your a manager at HK and have real stats then I'm open to being wrong. Whenever I'm at HK I pay attention to the amount of business going on because I'm honestly curious too about how much a chica is taking in. From my POV. Unless the chica is really hot I don't see that often. 210 bucks from 3 $70 patron's is better than 0 or 100 bucks that night.

11-07-19, 23:31
I started to transfer money to her each time she had "some difficulty" even made deposits direct to her mom. I don't feel her completely honest..it gives me the impression that she only looks for me when she needs money.Look at the parts of your post I quoted above. That says it all. I'd bet she never really had any type of real "difficulty" when asking for money. She just fabricated some extenuating circumstances in order to extract some extra cash from you to blow on shopping and going out. That being said, you're going to go with your heart and not your brain so you will not listen to any advice on here. Okay. But do this. If you do retire her, insist that she change her phone number and erase / block all her monger friends from her Facebook account. It would be interesting to see hear about her reaction.

...see how she feels about you ASAP before you're too deep in the rabbit hole.Unfortunately, that's easier said than done. In a smitten monger's mind, a lying puta is more than capable of convincing him that she truly loves him and not his wallet.

I try to promote HK as often as I can in US to others to check out. I tell them it's safe, great service and management. Just because that's what I have experienced myself.

Every time I order a drink I ask for the change in $1 bills. I have never been shorted once.

Goyo.Goyo, I agree with most of what you say in your post. But there's one area where you are dead wrong. HK doesn't give a shit about offering "great service. " Management allows meseros to constantly rip-off their customers as long as it results in higher profits. Okay so you've been there a few times and paid for drinks with dollars and never been ripped off. So you think that HK doesn't rip off customers, because if they did then that wouldn't be "great service," would it? Of course not. So consider these regular scams that management permits meseros perpetrate on their customers:

1. Short-change scam.

2. Not coming back with your change scam.

3. Adding item you didn't order scam.

4. Premature ficha clearing scam.

5. Puta-Mesero tandem ficha scam.

6. Exchange rate scam.

7. Bucket of fichas to go arriba scam.

Take note. When you pay in dollars, you are unlikely to be short-changed because HK's prices are based on dollars. The math is too easy. You buy two beers for $8, pay with a $20 and your change is $12. First grade math even a stumbling drunk can perform. You want to know how the real HK works? Sit with a puta and order a beer and a ficha. And pay in pesos. Your chances of getting short-changed just increased exponentially. You see, meseros are pretty dumb in most respects except when it comes to scamming, where they are quite proficient. So pay for the beer and ficha in pesos. The dollar cost is $13. Peso cost is $234. Pay with pesos and you'll get short changed. It's almost a guarantee. You see, meseros know that converting $13 dls to pesos in your head can be somewhat challenging. Then when they return with your change, you will see that there will be a lot of coins. The meseros are relying on the monger not knowing exactly how much the change should be, and also not count out all the coins while sitting with the puta because they might make themselves look cheap. So in most instances the monger just grabs the coins without counting them and then leaves some coins as a tip. Mongers don't realize that they've been shorted $8-$15 pesos which is the norm. This is the kind of stuff you learn once your monger status transforms from novice to master.

11-08-19, 01:45
You can't and you didn't. There's no way you can sit in HK and closely monitor and keep track of what every girl is doing inside HK. There is no one spot you can sit in HK where you can observe what is going on in the main area, alley area, upstairs, front door, alley door, third floor, etc. If what you are saying is true, there would be a log jam of putas with mongers waiting several minutes in line at the exits. Stating that some putas only have 10 minute breaks between their arriba sessions is possibly the most ridiculous thing that's ever been stated on this forum, and I don't say that lightly. That would be around 15 arribas on a weekend. And you say that this occurs regularly. I'd say no chica has ever gone arriba more than 10 times in one normal shift in the entire history of HK.How about Paula? She's a pro closer. No fichas. Just stands near the main stage and entices and snares noobs, never on her phone. She does a ton of arribas.

Honed her craft at AB. Heard her kid has fetal alcohol syndrome, so she's there on a mission. Watch her, she's impressive. Up and down, nonstop.

11-08-19, 06:23
You do know your shit Slammer. I keep learning more and more about the place. I was talking to a guy who works there last Sunday and he also said the same about the shift hours. He also said some girls go upstairs a couple times and made good money, they don't want to stay their whole shift and want to get out of there. But HK requires them to work their 9 hour shift. He said the girls have tried to bribe him with sex. But that could backfire so he's smart and doesn't take the bribe.

Will have to do a little testing of the money to see if they scam a bit as well. I was little frustrated that a girl who said she would get nude in the lap dance room, but did not and the waiter says I can get you girl who will. He got a girl. But. She also didn't want to take off her panties and I think he just wanted to sell the $21 lap dance.


You're way off. The hottest 5% go up 3-5 times a shift. The average puta goes up once, maybe twice a shift. The uglier ones go up 2-3 times a week. HK shifts are 8 hours Sunday-Wed and 9 hours on Thurs-Sat. Not many work a 12 hour shift unless they're desperate for money. And they're desperate because they're not being taken up, not because they're going up 6-8 times a day making $600+.

11-08-19, 13:54
LMAO 12 in 12 hours? Seriously, your speculation does no one any favors. I can promise you, the average chica would be thrilled with 3 a night. They typically work 8 hours a night, 9 on the weekend, though there are other agreements. But 12 a night is just insane. If it happens, ever, that's certainly not even close to the norm.Here's what I know. I see the same girls in elevator in Hong Kong multiple times a night. And, if you stand by front exit, there's a girl leaving every minute at night, leaving to go have sex. Even unattractive ones.

11-08-19, 16:02
I got myself a jacuzzi room this time. A good one, the one you see on the Cascadas webpage. Went to HK. Sparked up a conversation with a MILF. Invited her to dinner. She asked if her friend can come. Sure, I took both to dinner. Great conversation. I thought we were bonding as friends. She tells me she wants to be my real GF. So we agreed to a threesome. Went upstairs and my two new friends turned into putas. She resist fucking me. No kissing. Cannot touch her pussie. Cannot kiss her pussie. I had to talk her into riding me. Within 10 seconds she starts to repeat "come baby, you some yet baby?" Rode me for about 3 minutes. Climbed off and refused to do anymore fucking. The other one never even fucked. WTF, this is the fucking worst laids ever in the history of HK. They were really fucking up my night with poor service. At that point I would have paid to get them thrown out of my room. Fucking putas.

My problem with HK isn't the pricing. It is the rip off mentality. The scam mentality that many of the Meseros have infested the chicas as well. I left Adelitas years ago because of the early knock scam. I now leave HK because of the puta scam. Good luck to everyone who mistakenly believe in HK quality. It is really a rip off joint.

Lesson learned. Party at HK. Go elsewhere to fuck. You've been warned.

11-08-19, 20:07
Here's what I know. I see the same girls in elevator in Hong Kong multiple times a night. And, if you stand by front exit, there's a girl leaving every minute at night, leaving to go have sex. Even unattractive ones.Just not true. Good looking girls are lucky to get 2-4, the other ones, 1-2, if they are lucky. Weekends slightly higher and during the week less.

11-08-19, 21:32
I got myself a jacuzzi room this time. A good one, the one you see on the Cascadas webpage. Went to HK. Sparked up a conversation with a MILF. Invited her to dinner. She asked if her friend can come. Sure, I took both to dinner. Great conversation. I thought we were bonding as friends. She tells me she wants to be my real GF. So we agreed to a threesome. Went upstairs and my two new friends turned into putas. She resist fucking me. No kissing. Cannot touch her pussie. Cannot kiss her pussie. I had to talk her into riding me. Within 10 seconds she starts to repeat "come baby, you some yet baby?" Rode me for about 3 minutes. Climbed off and refused to do anymore fucking. The other one never even fucked. WTF, this is the fucking worst laids ever in the history of HK. They were really fucking up my night with poor service. At that point I would have paid to get them thrown out of my room. Fucking putas.

My problem with HK isn't the pricing. It is the rip off mentality. The scam mentality that many of the Meseros have infested the chicas as well. I left Adelitas years ago because of the early knock scam. I now leave HK because of the puta scam. Good luck to everyone who mistakenly believe in HK quality. It is really a rip off joint.

Lesson learned. Party at HK. Go elsewhere to fuck. You've been warned.That sucks! But I would add the golden rule of mongering: YMMV. We need to share names of these girls. Knock on wood, I've never had a bad session there. But that just means I'm overdue. I'd tell you to chalk it up as part of the game but I'm sure I'd feel the same as you if and when it happens to me.

11-09-19, 00:51
That sucks! But I would add the golden rule of mongering: YMMV. We need to share names of these girls. Knock on wood, I've never had a bad session there. But that just means I'm overdue. I'd tell you to chalk it up as part of the game but I'm sure I'd feel the same as you if and when it happens to me.I feel the same. It happens so rarely, it is just not a big deal. When does I have usually have ignored some of the warning signs.

KC Questor
11-09-19, 01:14
Take note. When you pay in dollars, you are unlikely to be short-changed because HK's prices are based on dollars....
Pay with pesos and you'll get short changed. It's almost a guarantee. Sounds like yet another reason to not bother with pesos. Other than Oxxo, tacos, and street girls, use only dollars in the zona.

11-09-19, 01:51
How about Paula? She's a pro closer...She does a ton of arribas...Watch her, she's impressive. Up and down, nonstop.I'm not aware of any chica named Paula. But I admit I don't know many names, I know more faces. I probably know her face because I too prefer to hang out right at the end of the main bar by the stage. But I doubt she averages more than 3-4 arribas a night.

Here's what I know. I see the same girls in elevator in Hong Kong multiple times a night. And, if you stand by front exit, there's a girl leaving every minute at night, leaving to go have sex. Even unattractive ones.Okay, so "every minute" you see a puta go upstairs. There's 60 minutes in an hour, so 540 arribas in a 9 hour weekend shift. Multiply that by 2 since there is a rear exit as well, although I think that more putas exit at the front. So 1080 arribas during a 9 hour weekend shift. If 500 putas are working, that averages 2. 16 arribas per puta. A far cry from the 15 arribas per shift Suzhilang claims.

My problem with HK isn't the pricing. It is the rip off mentality. The scam mentality that many of the Meseros have infested the chicas as well. I left Adelitas years ago because of the early knock scam. I now leave HK because of the puta scam. Good luck to everyone who mistakenly believe in HK quality. It is really a rip off joint.

Lesson learned. Party at HK. Go elsewhere to fuck. You've been warned.Jackie, come on dude. You're a battle hardened vet. Putas that act all lovely-dovey downstairs then pull a 180 upstairs should come as no surprise to you.

11-09-19, 01:52
I got myself a jacuzzi room this time. A good one, the one you see on the Cascadas webpage. Went to HK. Sparked up a conversation with a MILF. Invited her to dinner. She asked if her friend can come. Sure, I took both to dinner. Great conversation. I thought we were bonding as friends. She tells me she wants to be my real GF. So we agreed to a threesome. Went upstairs and my two new friends turned into putas. She resist fucking me. No kissing. Cannot touch her pussie. Cannot kiss her pussie. I had to talk her into riding me. Within 10 seconds she starts to repeat "come baby, you some yet baby?" Rode me for about 3 minutes. Climbed off and refused to do anymore fucking. The other one never even fucked. WTF, this is the fucking worst laids ever in the history of HK. They were really fucking up my night with poor service. At that point I would have paid to get them thrown out of my room. Fucking putas.

My problem with HK isn't the pricing. It is the rip off mentality. The scam mentality that many of the Meseros have infested the chicas as well. I left Adelitas years ago because of the early knock scam. I now leave HK because of the puta scam. Good luck to everyone who mistakenly believe in HK quality. It is really a rip off joint.

Lesson learned. Party at HK. Go elsewhere to fuck. You've been warned.Sensing this mentality from the ladies together with comments on this forum, plus having had compromised sessions makes me hesitant to drop Benjis here. I'm here now, and the eye candy is awesome. But I'll only go with a few girls I've already had a great experience with. Apprehensive of being disappointed.

11-09-19, 01:55
Just not true. Good looking girls are lucky to get 2-4, the other ones, 1-2, if they are lucky. Weekends slightly higher and during the week less.I guess we will disagree. I just know the flow of woman out the front and back door is non stop after 4 pm. I do know the street girls get a lot of action. I have a girl I've known few years. I always ask her how many so far. She doesn't start till 4 pm and I usually ask her around 8 9 at night. It's always about 5, 6, 7. That's in 4 to 5 hours.

11-09-19, 06:34
That sounds a bit like a hasty generalization. One or two girls to not "represent" HK as a whole.

I can only speak from my own experience of say 20 girls. And one I can think of was just difficult to deal with. She was very controlling. Buyer beware. The $100 girls are not always the best etc.

95% of the girls I have been with have been good. And of that 20% I would say were wonderful. Never felt ripped off. Many went out of their way to give me my money's worth! And yes. I do go out and get a girl from the alley once in a while but. Still love HK. And the place would not be packed every week if others didn't feel the same way. They are doing a LOT of things really well and kudo's to understanding how to create and sustain a place like this considering there is a TON of competition in Zona Norte.

I got myself a jacuzzi room this time. A good one, the one you see on the Cascadas webpage. Went to HK. Sparked up a conversation with a MILF. Invited her to dinner. She asked if her friend can come. Sure, I took both to dinner. Great conversation. I thought we were bonding as friends. She tells me she wants to be my real GF. So we agreed to a threesome. Went upstairs and my two new friends turned into putas. She resist fucking me. No kissing. Cannot touch her pussie. Cannot kiss her pussie. I had to talk her into riding me. Within 10 seconds she starts to repeat "come baby, you some yet baby?" Rode me for about 3 minutes. Climbed off and refused to do anymore fucking. The other one never even fucked. WTF, this is the fucking worst laids ever in the history of HK. They were really fucking up my night with poor service. At that point I would have paid to get them thrown out of my room. Fucking putas..

11-09-19, 07:14
You want to know how the real HK works? Sit with a puta and order a beer and a ficha. And pay in pesos. Your chances of getting short-changed just increased exponentially. You see, meseros are pretty dumb in most respects except when it comes to scamming, where they are quite proficient. So pay for the beer and ficha in pesos. The dollar cost is $13. Peso cost is $234. Pay with pesos and you'll get short changed. It's almost a guarantee.
Sounds like yet another reason to not bother with pesos.234 pesos for a beer and a ficha.

Sounds like yet another reason to not bother with Hong Kong Bar!

11-10-19, 00:53
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Tarius Shinobi
11-10-19, 01:13
234 pesos for a beer and a ficha.

Sounds like yet another reason to not bother with Hong Kong Bar!Oh Hell No!

11-10-19, 01:18
I guess, what I am saying is $20 dollar really stopping most of you from getting the quality service you are self righteously claiming for?

Want to beat the system? You can. Just not exactly the way most of you like.Yes, 20 dollars does make a difference when you consider the typical amount of time you get during each session.

Captain Solo
11-10-19, 06:39
Friday night got in HK with a wingman about 8:30 PM. The place was a zoo, noisy and frantic, packed with over a hundred beautiful girls in sexy lingeries, standing or lounging on all 3 floors. Lots of top talents were in the club. The strip and foam shows were going nonstop.

Sat at Kowloon bar, drank a couple beers, watching the strip show. Guys were raining propinas on stage for a few girls, but only for heavier, tattooed girls, not the tall, lithe, skinny, pretty, tatless girls in my taste. So you can see the majority's taste and preference in HK, which are good for guys like me.

Said Hi and traded spicy info with a few regular bros. Tracy was dancing on Kowloon bar. She's about 5'2, 95 lbs, perfect lithe body with all sexy curves, light skin, natural boobs with perky nipples, flat ab, long legs, young, fresh, sweet smiling pretty face, hotter than any Hollywood starlet. She's one of the hottest girls in HK, on top of my to do list hehe.

By 11 PM the wingman wanted to order dinner. The club was packed with every table taken. I told Santiago, the young guy with Mohawk hair, that we needed a table to order dinner. He told us only Miami's balcony was available. It was nice, clean and cool in Miami with 15 out of 40 tables open, 2 small toilets, its own strip show with guys who rained propinas. Santiago took order for 2 steaks. I was glad to have a nice, clean, quiet place to eat, looking down at the strip show on the main floor, so I gave Santiago a big tip. He's a nice, honest, helpful guy who knows how to work Azuls' dinner deals.

Holly, a tall, voluptuous, light-skinned blonde came by hitting on my wingman. He bought her a ficha and she started grinding on his lap. Just then Santiago delivered the 2 steaks. We invited Holly to share the food. She really dug in and quickly devoured over half of my wingman plate, leaving him hungry. She then proposed to go upstairs, but her price was a firm $200. The wingman countered with $100, but she turned him down and went off in a huff. WTF?

This is another firm $200 girl in HK this month. She was hot but not that hot. I disliked the large ghetto tat on her right hip, would not take her up at any price That's her blocking my pic. The bros can see where the trend is going in HK. We are now federally fucked by #METOO, US' anti sex legislations and HK's Golden Pussies Syndrome. Pretty soon you will be begging at the feet of the $500 HK girls. The bros should reject the high-price girls to hold down pussy inflation for everyone.

Had a good night partying with hot girls and the bros, making new friends in the club, time and money well spent. Will come back for sweet Tracy in a few days.

KC Questor
11-10-19, 07:08
That sounds a bit like a hasty generalization. One or two girls to not "represent" HK as a whole.I'm sure this is it. The girls that he is asking may say they go up 5, 6, 7 times a night. They may even be telling the truth. Maybe they are really hot, or well-known, or speak good English and can pull a guy easily. But for every girl like that there are a dozen who hang onto the railing for hours without seeing more than a dollar for a quick grope. Or the girls who sit in a gaggle in the corner booth, glued to their phones, who only move when some mesero shoos them away because he needs the table. So many of these girls go for hours without even talking to a client, there's no way they are going up multiple times.

A girl who tells you she goes up 5+ times in a night is saying "You should take me up now, or else someone else will. " It's a marketing tactic. Although it can backfire, because some guys really don't want to fuck a girl that has been fucked that many times that day. There's also the other kind of lie, where they tell you they haven't had a client all week, in the hopes that you'll feel sorry for them. But it can also make you think she is desperate and willing to go for a low price. It is all a gamble which lie they want to tell.

11-10-19, 08:09
You got a really good point, but most girls won't do service for under 80 bucks.

I don't work for the establishment, I actually found out about this forum because of another client, just as me. Locals receive the same price as everyone, thought he treatment tends to be a bit different, I guess it's because of the language barrier primarily. One of the things I found out was that if I speak a little bit English (I have a really good accent), most girls would think I was American and I had every intention of paying top dollar, but as I am not cheap, I am not in the best interest to be a big spender either, if I get a full $100 price, I would generally ask what I am getting in return, if I don't feel convinced I may move on, and / or start talking Spanish, it's a very basic thing, speak their own language, and I don't mean this verbatim, more in the figurative speech, if you put money aside, which I don't think 20 dollar should be a barrier for anyone to have a fucking awesome laid at HK, you can always combine pleasure and business, isn't that what we're here for?

I guess, what I am saying is $20 dollar really stopping most of you from getting the quality service you are self righteously claiming for?

Want to beat the system? You can. Just not exactly the way most of you like.LOL this guy. The problem isn't just an extra 20. Most of us remember when the standard price was 60. So it's not just an extra 20. It's 40, sometimes 60 for the ones that are getting too greedy and are now quoting 120. I would never pay 100 in HK no matter how hot the girl is because there's plenty of other hot ones who provide a great service at 70-80. At the end of the day these are hookers in a third world country. You feel happy about giving these girls 100 a pop, OK keep doing it because they're not going to get it from me. If a girl asks me for anything above 80 I'm going to laugh in their face as I've always done. Keep being happy paying your 100 USD. We'll see how happy you are when your 100 isn't good enough anymore.

11-10-19, 12:42
I'm sure this is it. The girls that he is asking may say they go up 5, 6, 7 times a night. They may even be telling the truth. Maybe they are really hot, or well-known, or speak good English and can pull a guy easily. But for every girl like that there are a dozen who hang onto the railing for hours without seeing more than a dollar for a quick grope. Or the girls who sit in a gaggle in the corner booth, glued to their phones, who only move when some mesero shoos them away because he needs the table. So many of these girls go for hours without even talking to a client, there's no way they are going up multiple times.

A girl who tells you she goes up 5+ times in a night is saying "You should take me up now, or else someone else will. " It's a marketing tactic. Although it can backfire, because some guys really don't want to fuck a girl that has been fucked that many times that day. There's also the other kind of lie, where they tell you they haven't had a client all week, in the hopes that you'll feel sorry for them. But it can also make you think she is desperate and willing to go for a low price. It is all a gamble which lie they want to tell.Agree 100%. Also take into consideration that a chica's self-worth, bragging rights and status amongst her peers is largely based on how many times she's taken up. Therefore a puta is apt to overstate her arriba frequency in order to lift her status and perhaps even to induce jealousy.

11-10-19, 17:10
I had a friend that made $500 on her very first night in HK in the first 6 hours of her shift. I had slept with her in the past in another club. I asked her how many times that $500 night has repeated and she said zero. She said she averages 1-2 per night if she is lucky, which is usually on the weekends. Hence she mostly makes money off of drinks. She complains that there are too many girls. Those are the facts. You guys can come to your own conclusions. Personally I think its a streaky business. But averages out to what my friend said.

11-10-19, 18:32
This is another firm $200 girl in HK this month. She was hot but not that hot. I disliked the large ghetto tat on her right hip, would not take her up at any price That's her blocking my pic. The bros can see where the trend is going in HK. We are now federally fucked by #METOO, US' anti sex legislations and HK's Golden Pussies Syndrome. Pretty soon you will be begging at the feet of the $500 HK girls. The bros should reject the high-price girls to hold down pussy inflation for everyone.Thanks for the heads up!

I was planning for a Tijuana trip mainly to visit HK. But I think I need to reconsider.

Bros unite. STOP GPS syndrome.

11-10-19, 18:43
Oh Hell No!Beer = 4.

Ficha = 9.

Total = 13.

11-10-19, 20:27
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

11-11-19, 01:39
Its obvious that HK is facing a new STD epidemic. The Golden Pussie Syndrome.

Gentlemen. Party at HK, when you're good and horny, fuck elsewhere.

11-11-19, 05:13
Not surprised to see $200 demands. Maybe we should be surprised it didn't happen 10 15 years ago. With everyone on internet all day long everyone now knows about this place. The girls figured out that at least a 3rd of the men can drop 500 a night on sex with no problemo. They also make more money escorting in Cancun, Europe. I've met several new to Tijuana girls who say "I was getting a 1000 a night from an overnight guy in Europe or Cancun and now I'm supposed to have sex for 60 70 bucks? I'm not happy". Anyway, if guys want affordable sex. Stop throwing money around so rapidly. Cut down on fiches, don't tip girls on drinks, I sure don't. Once the club stops selling so many drinks it will tell girls to stop the 30% inflation. And tell half the dollar beggars no. Just so they get motivated to have sex.

11-11-19, 07:17
Chica pricing in my observation often depends on you. Are you the most interesting man in the world type, dressed like a Mexican AMLO, and speaking Spanish on interesting news to the chicas or more of a Harvey Weinstein type dressed in flip flops and shorts going for the Ugly American look? Most Interesting Man types pay less, Harvey types pay a lot more for the chicas to tolerate them. Try to look like what the chicas want, learn Spanish and Stay thirsty, my friends!

Its obvious that HK is facing a new STD epidemic. The Golden Pussie Syndrome.

Gentlemen. Party at HK, when you're good and horny, fuck elsewhere.

11-11-19, 07:25
This is another firm $200 girl in HK this month. She was hot but not that hot. I disliked the large ghetto tat on her right hip, would not take her up at any price That's her blocking my pic. The bros can see where the trend is going in HK. We are now federally fucked by #METOO, US' anti sex legislations and HK's Golden Pussies Syndrome. Pretty soon you will be begging at the feet of the $500 HK girls. The bros should reject the high-price girls to hold down pussy inflation for everyone.I didn't get to mention this earlier, but thanks for the tips earlier in the thread. You're a gentleman and a scholar!

Now regarding the $200 request, that's crazy. You can get a pretty decent 30 minute session for that amount here in Los Angeles or the greater area and not have to deal with the drive down to the boarder. Hopefully you and bro's giggled for a bit and let her be on her way. LOL.

Captain Solo
11-11-19, 19:39
To Tididyekim.

HK is not just a fuck bar. It's a fun and sexy party house with the advantages of an ultimate bordelo, having over 100 hot young girls every night you can party, flirt, make out, have fun with, then select the most attractive girls for multiple sessions in bed. Some of my new wingmen were so happy and had so much fun with hot HK girl and addicted to that fun, sexy environment that they abandoned HX, escorts, massage parlors, apartment girls, street scenes etc and designed their lives around the trips to HK hehe.

But you are right that there are alternatives in Socal, which may be not as much fun and as many girls, but worth developing. El Classificados has hundreds of Latinas working out of motels and apartments for $50-60, but almost all their pics are stolen from the internet. In real life most are much older and uglier than the pics. You have to spend lots of time going to their places, sorting them out, and still risk assaults, robberies or LE stings:


I keep hearing there are many replacement sites for BACKPAGE and CRAIGSLIST where you can find girls. There are also lots of posts regarding BB providers, but they are mostly old and ugly.

We need to develop and share resources for local availability.

11-12-19, 17:02
Chica pricing in my observation often depends on you. Are you the most interesting man in the world type, dressed like a Mexican AMLO, and speaking Spanish on interesting news to the chicas or more of a Harvey Weinstein type dressed in flip flops and shorts going for the Ugly American look? Most Interesting Man types pay less, Harvey types pay a lot more for the chicas to tolerate them. Try to look like what the chicas want, learn Spanish and Stay thirsty, my friends!Yeah I think it helps to look a little good. Ten degrees in Chicago today going back to Tijuana tomorrow I been gone a while need some Adelitas action and HK free beers.

Captain Solo
11-12-19, 21:19
Sunday went to Tijuana with 2 new guys, arrived in La Zona about 1:30 PM. Went to El Choforo Mariscos for special #1, a large Quesadilla with shrimp, octopus and cheese in a thin hand –made corn tortilla, a cup of consomme and a soda, a delicious meal for only 65 pesos.

Went to HK to chill, took a table at the center of the main floor, watching football on the large screen TV. There were only about 40 girls in the day shift, none too hot. I was drinking with the bros, waiting for my fav Tracy to show, watching the strip show. Sasha came in early, doing her slow, smooth, sensuous strip routine. I got a hard on watching her tall, lithe all natural body in the buff.

2 big guys at the table were drinking non stop. The regular sharks kept coming over seducing them, making their sales pitches. Eventually they both succumbed to their sexy charms and took a couple girls to the hotel. Incredibly, the wingman's fav, Rose, also showed up early, squeezing him, kissing him in the mouth. She's skinny with light skin, lots of tats on her right hip, usually has her hair with 2 pig tails. The 2 quickly eloped to the hotel.

I was watching football, waiting for Tracy, but Pia was standing right in front, smiling her sweet smile, flirting with me nonstop. She looked young and pretty with a sweet smile, tall, lanky, natural body, long leg, nice perky boobs, no tats, just my type. After a while I could not resist, came over, gave her a propina into her boobs to check quality; both were spongy, natural with tiny tits. She said Pia from Monterrey, wanted $100 for a session. I talked her down to a local discount and took her to the hotel, squeezing her fabulous ass on the way. I really got turned on by her beautiful body and her feminine posture.

I laid her down in bed, kissing and licking her body from her groin up. She smelled nice had beautiful skin. She let me suck on her tits and eating her coochie, but refused mouth kissing and would not let me finger her clit. A lot of pleasures were missing without mouth kissing. She gave me a CBJ with lots of suction to get me hard, then got on top for so-so cow girl, breathing heavily and sighing softly. I switched to doggie, raming her hard from behind. She started sighing louder, seemed to enjoy sex. I got turned on, pinned her down in mish, spread her legs, plowed into her hard and fast. She was moaning, sighing softly, her coochie got wet and mushy. I popped after a lot of hard pumping and collapsed on top of her. We squeezed each other hard with my dick inside her to prolong the pleasure.

She dressed then disappeared from the club for the next couple hours. You can guess what she did in her room alone for a few hours after sex. She was a beautiful girl but fairly passive and lacked the hot expressions and loving gestures of horny girls. I can argue that there are at least a few girls in the alley no less attractive and engaging in bed.

Have to come back for Tracy next week. This is the main reason guys keep coming back to HK, to look for that special girl.

11-12-19, 22:05
You guys have to understand that Hong Kong is a world wide brand now. You say HK and guys know what that means. It's not some gem tucked away in the taboo border town anymore. I once overheard some guys saying that they flew in from Europe just to go to HK. That's crazy. It's become the super bowl of clubs for our kind. The prices aren't going down anytime soon. But a boycott wouldn't hurt if you're so fed up.

11-13-19, 02:12
You guys have to understand that Hong Kong is a world wide brand now. You say HK and guys know what that means. It's not some gem tucked away in the taboo border town anymore. I once overheard some guys saying that they flew in from Europe just to go to HK. That's crazy. It's become the super bowl of clubs for our kind. The prices aren't going down anytime soon. But a boycott wouldn't hurt if you're so fed up.Well said. If you do not like it just do not go, very simple. I do not like neither Colombia or Kiev, so I do not go. I love Mexico and Russia, visit both places regularly.

You can go to other destinations, but you will have to buy an expensive airline ticket, there are lodging expenses, (Trust me Tijuana is way cheaper then you guys think), and the chances go way up for Newbies of being ripped off or worse, do not kid yourself, it is just not that easy or cheap. Guys make some of these destinations sound amazing, but remember these guys and myself have spent Thousands of dollar on trial error. Also, a lot of guys flat out line and exaggerate, for what ever reason.

11-13-19, 04:01
Sunday went to Tijuana with 2 new guys, arrived in La Zona about 1:30 PM. Went to El Choforo Mariscos for special #1, a large Quesadilla with shrimp, octopus and cheese in a thin hand made corn tortilla, a cup of consomme and a soda, a delicious meal for only 65 pesos.

Went to HK to chill, took a table at the center of the main floor, watching football on the large screen TV. There were only about 40 girls in the day shift, none too hot. I was drinking with the bros, waiting for my fav Tracy to show, watching the strip show. Sasha came in early, doing her slow, smooth, sensuous strip routine. I got a hard on watching her tall, lithe all natural body in the buff.

2 big guys at the table were drinking non stop. The regular sharks kept coming over seducing them, making their sales pitches. Eventually they both succumbed to their sexy charms and took a couple girls to the hotel. Incredibly, the wingman's fav, Rose, also showed up early, squeezing him, kissing him in the mouth. She's skinny with light skin, lots of tats on her right hip, usually has her hair with 2 pig tails. The 2 quickly eloped to the hotel..Here we go with another $100 quote that won't kiss a guy or even let you finger her. Guys are flying into San Diego from Europe for this? I made same mistake few times at hk. Never again. I don't go upstairs unless a girl is already kissing me heavily in the bar and already letting me suck her tits in front of everyone. Which happens often if you have the right girl. If a girl doesn't like to kiss she should be working in the street. Bad job hype hk not on top of their woman.

11-13-19, 08:44
I had a friend that made $500 on her very first night in HK in the first 6 hours of her shift. I had slept with her in the past in another club. I asked her how many times that $500 night has repeated and she said zero. She said she averages 1-2 per night if she is lucky, which is usually on the weekends. Hence she mostly makes money off of drinks. She complains that there are too many girls. Those are the facts. You guys can come to your own conclusions. Personally I think its a streaky business. But averages out to what my friend said.I agree with you. I was at HK last weekend and I took a few very beautiful girls upstairs. After we were done, we were chatting about things and I asked them how many times on average do they come upstairs. They all told me sometimes three, if they are lucky and maybe four on Fri / Sat. They also told me they make most of their money from tips, dances and drinks, but not much on the drinks. One actually told a waiter 'no' to a drink. As he left, she told me she would rather I spend the money on her for tips than a drink, since there is no split. But there are too many women there for them to compete with so the averages are low. I did see one hot girl dance on the pole most of the night getting a lot of tips. One guy bought her a drink but I don't think she went upstairs in the two nights I was there. But she had a pile of $1 bills!

11-13-19, 14:14
Went to HK last month for 3 days straight, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Didn't see any 9's and 10's like a lot of people said. Best I saw was an 8. 5 but she wouldn't do DFK and DATY so didn't try her. A lot of girls with nice bodies though but face not so much. Had two girls that were really cool and you could tell during the time you buy them a drink and talk with them they would give good experiences. One was a squirter and squirted 3 times on me. Both were down with BBFS.

Had bottle service and got some tequila that was like $200, they had some bottles that were $100. Watched Thursday night football there which was cool. They had shows up stairs where girls were eating each other out and using dildos on each other.

Thought it was cool for my first time, would go again if I am visiting San Diego. The only thing I would do differently next time is to get a room instead of renting because 30 minutes isn’t enough time to have good sex, felt I was trying to rush.
No issues besides a drunk looking tomboy ***** bothering us for money and telling us to get the hell out of Mexico LOL.

Also walked through Adelitas a couple times and didnt see anything. Thought I saw a good one from far away but when I went to talk to her the light shined on her face and told her I gotta go.

Street girls were ugly also.

11-13-19, 16:01
Also walked through Adelitas a couple times and didnt see anything. Thought I saw a good one from far away but when I went to talk to her the light shined on her face and told her I gotta go.

Street girls were ugly also.Cute from far. But far from cute.

11-13-19, 18:52
Well said. If you do not like it just do not go, very simple. I do not like neither Colombia or Kiev, so I do not go. I love Mexico and Russia, visit both places regularly.

You can go to other destinations, but you will have to buy an expensive airline ticket, there are lodging expenses, (Trust me Tijuana is way cheaper then you guys think), and the chances go way up for Newbies of being ripped off or worse, do not kid yourself, it is just not that easy or cheap. Guys make some of these destinations sound amazing, but remember these guys and myself have spent Thousands of dollar on trial error. Also, a lot of guys flat out line and exaggerate, for what ever reason.Exaggeration, intellectual dishonesty or whatever people want to call it is unfortunately par for the course.

Captain Solo
11-15-19, 11:51
To DramaFree.

I have been to most hot mongering spots in the world and have not found a club with consistently good selection of hot girls, sexy, entertaining, exciting, convenient, with comparatively low costs like HK.

Hong Kong has gotten way too famous all over the world. Every monger in the world has heard of and wants to pop his HK cherry hehe. Every day and night hundreds guys would wait in line to get in, drink, snack, party, flirt with and grope hot girls, free cover most nights except a low $7 for a beer on Thurs, Fri and Sat nights. Groups of guys would arrive at night from out of state or overseas. Many from Asia and Europe. A bro flew in from Canada, stayed 5 nights in the Penthouse suite for $2500 a night, bought 13 bottles of Tequila to share with the girls and took 30 girls upstairs. He really blew a lot of money for the girls on that sexy vacation, but not popping with every girl of course.

In comparison, the other hot mongering spots in the world don't really have good selection, fun, excitement, convenience and low cost factors, despite popular raving.

HK has hit on an uniquely excellent business model, recruiting hot girls from all over Mexico, creating a fun, sexy, entertaining, exciting party place. Other Tijuana bars have not been able to learn and duplicate HK's success for the last 10 years. All my wingmen would always get out of other bars within 5 minutes and want to go back to HK. You can encourage and hope other bars in Tijuana would learn from HK and expand the supply side, or you can reduce demand by convincing other bros to rejects girls with high prices, or by going to other bars and the streets for girls.

Well said. If you do not like it just do not go, very simple. I do not like neither Colombia or Kiev, so I do not go. I love Mexico and Russia, visit both places regularly.

You can go to other destinations, but you will have to buy an expensive airline ticket, there are lodging expenses, (Trust me Tijuana is way cheaper then you guys think), and the chances go way up for Newbies of being ripped off or worse, do not kid yourself, it is just not that easy or cheap. Guys make some of these destinations sound amazing, but remember these guys and myself have spent Thousands of dollar on trial error. Also, a lot of guys flat out line and exaggerate, for what ever reason.

11-15-19, 22:36
HK is a good bar, well above average, but I'm not sure it's the greatest puta bar on Earth like somebody claims. Lots of scams inside, poor customer service and chica quality is only slightly above average. HK is not full of 9's and 10's. Matter of fact, no 9 or 10 has ever stepped foot in HK in it's entire history. 90% of the chicas are 4-6, 8% 7-7.5 and 2% 8-8.5. It does have volume though, especially on weekends where there are upwards of 500 putas working. Beware of anybody who tries to promote HK with clear exaggerations, such as claiming that mongers fly in from all over the world and wait in line to snack with chicas. Hardly anybody outside USA flies into Tijuana / SD for the primary purpose of mongering in HK. A handful of Canadians but other than that hardly anyone from Europe or Asia who flew in for the express purpose of mongering. And hardly anybody buys snacks in HK. And the most expensive room in Cascadas is the Penthouse Villa, which rents for $600/$760 with VIP card on weekdays / weekends. Anybody who claims mongers pay more than that is just delusional so you just got to dismiss everything they say.

11-16-19, 00:05
Beware of anybody who tries to promote HK with clear exaggerations, such as claiming that mongers fly in from all over the world and wait in line to snack with chicas. Hardly anybody outside USA flies into Tijuana / SD for the primary purpose of mongering in HK. A handful of Canadians but other than that hardly anyone from Europe or Asia who flew in for the express purpose of mongering. And hardly anybody buys snacks in HK. And the most expensive room in Cascadas is the Penthouse Villa, which rents for $600/$760 with VIP card on weekdays / weekends. Anybody who claims mongers pay more than that is just delusional so you just got to dismiss everything they say.The penthouse suites rent for even less than the $600/760 you write here.


According to Cascades' website Penthouse #1 rents for $320/$410 on weekdays / weekends and Penthouse #2 can be had for $540/$630, without any need for a VIP card.

Anybody who claims mongers pay $600/760 is delusional, so you just need to dismiss everything they say, despite their self-declared expertise.

11-16-19, 00:52
I posted before scrolling all the way down through all of Cascades' room options. Captain might have been understating costs as that "Ballers Room" at the end of their listings goes for $5,000/$5,295.

The Penthouse Villa probably hits Clammy's number with a 20% VIP discount.

10 different classes of rooms now over the $110/$155 Master Suite Rooms. Going from a low of $320/$410 for the Penthouse Suite #1 to renting the entire 9th floor to go balling.

11-16-19, 01:04
I should have scrolled down that Cascades "rooms" page to see all the offerings. That "Ballers Room" option of renting all the Suites on the 9th floor goes for $5,000/$5,295.

That Ballers Room option comes from combining a handful of Suites for a total of 11 beds, which might or might not include the 4 beds in the Penthouse Villa, which goes for what Clammy quoted with a 20% discount.

11-16-19, 02:15
There are definitely 7-8's at HK, especially after 8 pm. They are all over the club. During the day the selection is limited, but still good. There is the Occasional 9, agree with statement about no 10's.

Yes, people are flying in to go to Hk. I am one of them and there are several clients like me. Short term HK is probably the best, for longer stays there are better destinations.

11-16-19, 05:16
Well said. If you do not like it just do not go, very simple. I do not like neither Colombia or Kiev, so I do not go. I love Mexico and Russia, visit both places regularly.

You can go to other destinations, but you will have to buy an expensive airline ticket, there are lodging expenses, (Trust me Tijuana is way cheaper then you guys think), and the chances go way up for Newbies of being ripped off or worse, do not kid yourself, it is just not that easy or cheap. Guys make some of these destinations sound amazing, but remember these guys and myself have spent Thousands of dollar on trial error. Also, a lot of guys flat out line and exaggerate, for what ever reason.Hey DramaFree11,

I want to thank you for all the information you have shared on the board. I am highly considering visiting Russia in the future. I must ask though and I have been itching to ask you this for a long time: Why do you prefer HK club in Tijuana, Mexico as opposed to FKK clubs in Frankfurt, Germany? I have received BBBJ and DFK while being allowed to go DATY as well in FKK Germany. I have a very very difficult time doing even one or any of these in HK. Please share you experiences and thoughts. I really want to know what you think about this. Thanks.

11-16-19, 06:28
I do love HK for many reasons and one of them is ever time I see something I never expected.

Was there a few months ago and a bunch of 50+ year old Japanese women were walking through the bar. Rubber necking and checking out the place in amazement! Only USA has the be. S. Shame factor in going to a brothel etc. Japan has no shame and embraces sexuality for all the good it is. (Yes. Sure they have their messed up sex related stuff going on as well). But it was so cool to see these ladies in the bar appreciating the ambiance.


11-16-19, 06:31
Will be heading over this Sunday about 2 pm if anyone wants to connect up let me know and can meet under the flags at Pedwest US exit side at 2 pm and head over.


11-16-19, 08:49
You exaggerate it too much. I used to live in SD & frequent Tijuana. Maybe I have run into you in Tijuana before (not so sure, but I think I saw your nick name on TJamigo). HK is a nice bar, but it's not that famous outside of the US. Besides people in California, or nearby states, no one would fly to SD or Tijuana just to go to HK. People went to Tijuana & put up with its seediness because it was nearby, convenient & cheap. HK has a lot of puta, but out of them, maybe 3, 4 were doable for me each time I visited (100+). There are so many much better spots out there:

- German FKK has a lot younger & prettier girls, a lot more relax, and cheaper price.

- Colombia has a lot of hot girls, at slightly cheaper price to HK.

- Thailand, we all know it.

- "Secret" cowboy towns where it's a lot safer compare to Tijuana, and you can have hot young girls for $25ST or $50 whole night.

To DramaFree.

I have been to most hot mongering spots in the world and have not found a club with consistently good selection of hot girls, sexy, entertaining, exciting, convenient, with comparatively low costs like HK.

Hong Kong has gotten way too famous all over the world. Every monger in the world has heard of and wants to pop his HK cherry hehe. Every day and night hundreds guys would wait in line to get in, drink, snack, party, flirt with and grope hot girls, free cover most nights except a low $7 for a beer on Thurs, Fri and Sat nights. Groups of guys would arrive at night from out of state or overseas. Many from Asia and Europe. A bro flew in from Canada, stayed 5 nights in the Penthouse suite for $2500 a night, bought 13 bottles of Tequila to share with the girls and took 30 girls upstairs. He really blew a lot of money for the girls on that sexy vacation, but not popping with every girl of course.

In comparison, the other hot mongering spots in the world don't really have good selection, fun, excitement, convenience and low cost factors, despite popular raving..

11-16-19, 08:55
HK is a good bar, well above average, but I'm not sure it's the greatest puta bar on Earth like somebody claims. Lots of scams inside, poor customer service and chica quality is only slightly above average. HK is not full of 9's and 10's. Matter of fact, no 9 or 10 has ever stepped foot in HK in it's entire history. 90% of the chicas are 4-6, 8% 7-7.5 and 2% 8-8.5. It does have volume though, especially on weekends where there are upwards of 500 putas working. Beware of anybody who tries to promote HK with clear exaggerations, such as claiming that mongers fly in from all over the world and wait in line to snack with chicas. Hardly anybody outside USA flies into Tijuana / SD for the primary purpose of mongering in HK. A handful of Canadians but other than that hardly anyone from Europe or Asia who flew in for the express purpose of mongering. And hardly anybody buys snacks in HK. And the most expensive room in Cascadas is the Penthouse Villa, which rents for $600/$760 with VIP card on weekdays / weekends. Anybody who claims mongers pay more than that is just delusional so you just got to dismiss everything they say.What do the girls cost though, as to most its the most important aside from the girl being hot.

11-16-19, 11:24

Anybody try the actual most expensive "room" in Cascadas? $5 K / night. Room enough for you and your posse.

11-16-19, 16:53
What do the girls cost though, as to most its the most important aside from the girl being hot.Around $80ST a few years ago. Versus 50 euro in FKK, and FKK girls are a lot cleaner.

11-16-19, 18:24

Anybody try the actual most expensive "room" in Cascadas? $5 K / night. Room enough for you and your posse.Room enough for you and your jury.

(Epstein's failed "Plan A".).

11-16-19, 21:58
Around $80ST a few years ago. Versus 50 euro in FKK, and FKK girls are a lot cleaner.The big thing about HK is that it runs on a system. You are the newbie (unless you've been here before and get the system). The "system" is designed to make money. The system makes money from you when you buy a drink, more so for girl than yourself, and when you rent a room (or have otherwise booked one). You pay the girl if she comes to your room - $100 (plus or minus). Big picture is that an enjoyable night at HK, booze and girls is, $300-500. The girls and even you won't really care about the room, so not a lot of point in paying a lot. Cheaper rooms are fine - basic but good for what you are going to be doing in them! Learn the system. Down to what size bank notes you should have on you when you go into the main room and you'll be good. Yeah, there aren't many 10's but in general a higher standard or girls than elsewhere in Tijuana. You only need 1 right? 1 At least 1 a time at. You should be able to find something you like, more than 1 something. Look around. Its fun! Go up on the stairs so you get a good view. The system works fine and is reasonably straight. But don't walk in without knowing the system and having a plan, otherwise you are at the mercy of those who know the system. it is a mechanical system - even the girl will be pretty mechanical - looking to get laid quick and get back to the bar. You can still have fun here - hard not to - so enjoy. Have hunting!

11-16-19, 22:21
Part of the reason I like the rooms at Cascada's is the red lights. They make everything look better. Not sure why that is but it's true! Other hotels should do the same. Just a little difference but it does make a difference.


Captain Solo
11-16-19, 23:34
To Vietsampler.

- "Secret" cowboy towns where it's a lot safer compare to Tijuana, and you can have hot young girls for $25ST or $50 whole night.

Where are these secret Cowboy towns? How do they work?

You get better sex and better experiences in places where you go often and know how to find the best talents and the best deals. Most mongering locations in the world have venues and girls spread out widely, requiring lots of local travel, wasting time and risking security. HK and La Zona have some 100's seriously hot talents in one roof and within 1 small block every night, very convenient and low costs.

The US has a dead sex scene; only hardened tattooed ghetto hoes dare to work. Seeking Arrangement has mostly old, ugly women selling expensive sex.

German FKK's have hot Euro girls but the travel distances and high costs make it difficult.

Termas in Rio had a few perfect-looking girls. A few years back Help Disco had 100-200 girls every night, some very hot.

Medellin, Colombia has hot young girls but venues are widely spread and requires time to find hot girls and make connections.

Thailand venues are also spread out. I was in Bangkok a few months ago and had very hard time finding any sweet young pretty girls in bars, massage joints and escorts sites. They were so old and ugly I would not even fuck them with my eyes closed. You also run into a high percentage of transgenders.

If you like Asian girls Geylang in Singapore has hundreds hot, young girls from Thailand, China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia ect, very convenient, safe and low cost.

I like Manila with sweet young pinays, all bare back actions for the whole week.

Vietnam has a few dedicated mongering spots, Do Son, Hai Phong, thousands girls sell sex for very little money. Internet girls in Hanoi and HCMC are very nice, clean, young, fresh, sexy, beautiful, far better than Thailand and The Plhil. I helped a number of expats access this local supply of hot girls.

But Tijuana is convenient for Socal guys who can go a few times a week, popping 2 or 3 hot girls a night in between partying and having fun with girls all night without the hassle of long travel. I was in HK last night, Friday. About a dozen out of over 100 girls working exceeded my arousal threshold, making me want to have sex.

11-17-19, 01:30
You exaggerate it too much. I used to live in SD & frequent Tijuana. Maybe I have run into you in Tijuana before (not so sure, but I think I saw your nick name on TJamigo). HK is a nice bar, but it's not that famous outside of the US. Besides people in California, or nearby states, no one would fly to SD or Tijuana just to go to HK. People went to Tijuana & put up with its seediness because it was nearby, convenient & cheap. HK has a lot of puta, but out of them, maybe 3, 4 were doable for me each time I visited (100+). There are so many much better spots out there:

- German FKK has a lot younger & prettier girls, a lot more relax, and cheaper price.

- Colombia has a lot of hot girls, at slightly cheaper price to HK.

- Thailand, we all know it.

- "Secret" cowboy towns where it's a lot safer compare to Tijuana, and you can have hot young girls for $25ST or $50 whole night.Sorry, Mexico is way better then Colombia not even close. Colombia Maybe a little cheaper, depending on your standards. Girls, food, weather, and service much better in Mexico. If you are into fat asses, crappy food and like to smoke pot then you might like Colombia.

Germany is not cheaper especially if you add in airfare, yes there are some smoking hot girls, but you are better off skipping Germany and going to Russia or Prague.

Asia is not for me I will not comment.

1. Russia.

2. Europe.

3. Mexico.

This is where I would recommend. Skip Rio / Ukraine, both way over rated, also Ukraine is full of scams / fake profiles.

11-17-19, 01:44
Hey DramaFree11,

I want to thank you for all the information you have shared on the board. I am highly considering visiting Russia in the future. I must ask though and I have been itching to ask you this for a long time: Why do you prefer HK club in Tijuana, Mexico as opposed to FKK clubs in Frankfurt, Germany? I have received BBBJ and DFK while being allowed to go DATY as well in FKK Germany. I have a very very difficult time doing even one or any of these in HK. Please share you experiences and thoughts. I really want to know what you think about this. Thanks.I was in HK last weekend and saw three women. The first one was a high volume girl from Guadalajara and had me wash my hands first, then sprayed me down with hand sanitizer over my body. The second one was a short, bubbly girl from Cancun who gave me hot passionate DFK before going up, during foreplay and during sex. Afterwards we lay on the bed and cuddled and took a short nap. Then woke up and kissed some more before showering and going back downstairs. The last one was also from Cancun and saw me as she was dancing on the pole. She came down and asked me if I would buy her something to drink. As we sat, she leaned over and started kissing me, including DFK. She reached down and touched me and let me touch her breasts and rub her pussy. She asked me if I wanted to do some naughty things with her and when I said yes, we went to my room. When we got there, we stripped and we embraced and did more DFK. She then turned around and let me hug her from behind as she reached back and massage me. She then turned around and asked if I wanted DATY and she laid on the bed and spread her legs for me. Afterwards, we rolled around and she gave me a CBJ and let me put my finger in her. She even roll sideways and opened her legs so I could have been access. Then she climbed on top for a few minutes before moving to the Bassett Hound position (a form of doggy) so I could do some deep penetration. Yes, she came several times, once on DATY, once when she straddled me and the last on the hound position.

The first one had a timer, the two from Cancun both went over and was more enjoyable. In fact the second one spend almost two hours with me including the nap. I got their contact info and will see them both in December.

11-17-19, 01:51
Hey DramaFree11,

I want to thank you for all the information you have shared on the board. I am highly considering visiting Russia in the future. I must ask though and I have been itching to ask you this for a long time: Why do you prefer HK club in Tijuana, Mexico as opposed to FKK clubs in Frankfurt, Germany? I have received BBBJ and DFK while being allowed to go DATY as well in FKK Germany. I have a very very difficult time doing even one or any of these in HK. Please share you experiences and thoughts. I really want to know what you think about this. Thanks.Compare HK club to FKK is like compare 3rd world country to 1st world country. They are simply not on the same level.

People living in California or close by states do fly to San Diego, then cross over to Tijuana. For them, Tijuana is the only cheap & convenient options for short or weekend trips. That said, people living elsewhere probably don't even know about HK club. For example, if they live in Florida, it's cheaper & more convenient for them to go to Colombia, and have hotter girls.


Anybody try the actual most expensive "room" in Cascadas? $5 K / night. Room enough for you and your posse.It's the whole floor with 9 bedrooms. It's for bachelor parties and such. A group of guys pool money together for "room". If 1 guy can afford $5 K / night hotel just by himself, he wouldn't go to HK or enjoy HK's putas. You can get porn star at about $1 K - 3 K.

11-17-19, 07:56
Made my return to hk. Was away 3 months. Spent maybe one hour in two trips. Only 2 girls talked to me. The one I asked price quoted 80, but she was about 33 and not in top half of looks. Few girls were sitting next to me and didn't ask me for ariba or drinks. I do think many girls are in HK putting I their necessary time, bu completely zoned out of "work", and it would take a lot to get them interested. I had a 21 year old next to me for half hour that wouldn't look at any guys. Anyway it's all good. Still happy to spend few dollars in hk. But other bars were much much better. Thousand times better. Spent 100 on the night, no sexo, but spent 5 hours at the bars and 6 beers. Free sexo tomorrow in the states. Well after gas food hotel Tijuana pay for sex would be cheaper LOL.

11-17-19, 15:57
You exaggerate it too much. I used to live in SD & frequent Tijuana. Maybe I have run into you in Tijuana before (not so sure, but I think I saw your nick name on TJamigo). HK is a nice bar, but it's not that famous outside of the US. Besides people in California, or nearby states, no one would fly to SD or Tijuana just to go to HK. People went to Tijuana & put up with its seediness because it was nearby, convenient & cheap. HK has a lot of puta, but out of them, maybe 3, 4 were doable for me each time I visited (100+). There are so many much better spots out there:

- German FKK has a lot younger & prettier girls, a lot more relax, and cheaper price.

- Colombia has a lot of hot girls, at slightly cheaper price to HK.

- Thailand, we all know it.

- "Secret" cowboy towns where it's a lot safer compare to Tijuana, and you can have hot young girls for $25ST or $50 whole night.I'm not sure how you can generalize an entire planet and know who's flying where. I see Asians and Europeans in HK regularly. Somehow I doubt they flew in to try the tacos. And it's well documented that a lot of posters on here are from the east coast or all over the country. Over in the musas board, guys fly in from the east coast just to make arrangements with the musas girls. Tijuana is absolutely a world wide destination place now. HK is driving that train.

11-17-19, 17:03
To Vietsampler.

- "Secret" cowboy towns where it's a lot safer compare to Tijuana, and you can have hot young girls for $25ST or $50 whole night.

Where are these secret Cowboy towns? How do they work?

You get better sex and better experiences in places where you go often and know how to find the best talents and the best deals. Most mongering locations in the world have venues and girls spread out widely, requiring lots of local travel, wasting time and risking security. HK and La Zona have some 100's seriously hot talents in one roof and within 1 small block every night, very convenient and low costs.

The US has a dead sex scene; only hardened tattooed ghetto hoes dare to work. Seeking Arrangement has mostly old, ugly women selling expensive sex.

German FKK's have hot Euro girls but the travel distances and high costs make it difficult.

Termas in Rio had a few perfect-looking girls. A few years back Help Disco had 100-200 girls every night, some very hot..Well said, great information. Let me add one thing about Colombia. I will not deny there are some hot girls there, but it will take some money, there just not that accessible. There are skinny girls all over the place in Mexico now. Girls are real starting to take care of themselves.

11-17-19, 20:27
I was in HK last weekend and saw three women. The first one was a high volume girl from Guadalajara and had me wash my hands first, then sprayed me down with hand sanitizer over my body.Getting sprayed with sanitizer at this point is a deal-breaker. I most likely would walk out if that were to happen. I've lived through it before. I absolutely hate it.

11-17-19, 20:49
I personally don't like HK and Tijuana. I've been there twice, first time was good, second time not so much. The place is too damn scam infested. I also don't like the loud and chaotic club environment. I don't give a shit about any of that stuff. The music, the beers, the lights. It's all dumb bullshit waste of time to me. So to me, HK and Tijuana is just stupid. I much prefer booking an appointment with a hot professional escort in my apartment and having a blast for an hour. You're guaranteed a better session this way. Compared to HK where it's too chaotic. Too many bitches running around that all want to scam you. Also, the good thing about going to escort agencies is you can complain to the agency if the girl sucks. You can tell them that their girl was very poor and you are upset with the service. You can't do that in HK, it's a free for all, so you have a lot of girls scamming and running rampant.

HK will always entice new people. People get so excited by it and visit, only to get scammed over and over. HK is doing a great job, setting itself as a worldwide scam location. Really the place is doing well. But in reality, it does not affect me nor does it affect the smart mongers in this world. Because we know that if we want to actually get consistent value for our money, we have to go elsewhere.

HK isn't the place for mongers. If you were smart you would realize that and stop going there. And focus on mongering somewhere else, where you can actually have a consistently good time and not feel threatened by scamming working girls and waiters on a daily basis.

11-17-19, 22:54
If I get A room at hotel Rzo will HK girls go there? Or should I just get a room in Cascadas?

11-18-19, 01:35
Well said, great information. Let me add one thing about Colombia. I will not deny there are some hot girls there, but it will take some money, there just not that accessible. There are skinny girls all over the place in Mexico now. Girls are real starting to take care of themselves.I can compare La Isla club to HK club and La Isla is better in every category. La Isla is the most expensive strip club in Medellin and you are treated the way you think you should be treated in an expensive place, and it is still cheaper than HK.

11-18-19, 03:33
I personally don't like HK and Tijuana. I've been there twice, first time was good, second time not so much. The place is too damn scam infested. I also don't like the loud and chaotic club environment. I don't give a shit about any of that stuff. The music, the beers, the lights. It's all dumb bullshit waste of time to me. So to me, HK and Tijuana is just stupid. I much prefer booking an appointment with a hot professional escort in my apartment and having a blast for an hour. You're guaranteed a better session this way. Compared to HK where it's too chaotic. Too many bitches running around that all want to scam you. Also, the good thing about going to escort agencies is you can complain to the agency if the girl sucks. You can tell them that their girl was very poor and you are upset with the service. You can't do that in HK, it's a free for all, so you have a lot of girls scamming and running rampant..This was very well written and I agree with many points here, definitely the scammy shit that goes on. I myself don't care for the loudness, blaring music, smoke and crowd, but some people like it I suppose. For the people who become regulars there and are frugal with their spending on drinks, as professional as the waiters are supposed to be, they can eventually turn into negative, bitter gossiping creatures, often resorting to shit-talking and rumor spreading about multiple clients because they are not on the receiving end of constant tips. This type of behavior turns me off even more. I agree with your point on escorts BTW. Escorts have a lot of advantages in the sense that you tend to get some high quality BB + DFK service and for at least half the price aka double the time in your hotel room.

My only argument is that HK isn't a regular spot for only stupid mongers. Yes, I agree many of the regulars there are dumb as doorknobs and have developed zero sense of variety when it comes to traveling to other parts of the globe. Many of them also ruin pricing for other mongers because they are completely selfish and don't stop to think how throwing $100 USD at a girl for a 20-minute session is not going to effect anything. Stupid stupid stupid. But, I believe that for the regulars that are not dumb, it is a great place to turn into a negotiator and spit some game at the girls. After all, this place will be full of regulars because it is the most convenient spot for the southern California population of guys to go to. Booking trips to Colombia, Canada or Europe are not always convenient for everyone. I wish it was, but it just isn't. Time is a huge factor and we are losing up to an entire day sometimes to fly to some of these locations. A round trip could be equal to 2 days lost just in traveling time. That's just counting the flight. What about taxi from and to airport + packing and unpacking while having to carry around heavy luggage? Shit.

With some of the hottest girls in HK I have been able to talk them down to very low prices and have gotten their numbers to see them outside the club. If you get good enough at this, it will serve you anywhere you go on this planet, not only the most popular brothel in all of Mexico. If you have great game should you be frequenting a brothel? I'd still say yes, because you never know who you will find inside the place.

The convenience factor is huge, and to be able to pop inside of the place that is located a couple miles from San Diego and already see and choose through all the ass and tits right in front of your very eyes is very important. And what about the case when we have an entourage that we came with? To go out of the zona just to sit in a hotel room alone waiting for an escort is not always ideal neither to yourself or to all your bros.

And to just direct people to escorts? I wish escorts solved all the problems that a monger has, but it doesn't. I have mixed experiences with escort agencies and independents as well: from tardiness of the girls to no-shows, being blocked by an agency for seemingly no reason, having an agency claim I owed them money, the girl showing up not looking anywhere near as good as the picture, having an escort changing the agreed 2 hour date to 1 hour (once in the middle of the fucking date) , to being paranoid that I was going to get shot once by some drug dealer narco BF in the hotel room with no help and no one around to see WTF happened before I was attacked, to having agencies telling me that a girl was available just to tell me shortly after she wasn't available and etc. The list doesn't end there but I'm not spending more time writing.

Life isn't so black and white IMO. Not all HK regulars are stupid and not all problems for HK regulars and HK haters can be solved by escort agencies. Just my 2 cents.

11-18-19, 05:08
It's the whole floor with 9 bedrooms. It's for bachelor parties and such. A group of guys pool money together for "room". If 1 guy can afford $5 K / night hotel just by himself, he wouldn't go to HK or enjoy HK's putas. You can get porn star at about $1 K - 3 K.Wouldn't want "a pornstar" for $75, let alone $1 K-$3 K. Fresh amateur girls are a far more exciting to me than some overworked desensitized pro. That's what males HK fun. Always new girls who are there for a few weeks or months. To each their own.

Sargent 50
11-18-19, 19:00
I can compare La Isla club to HK club and La Isla is better in every category. La Isla is the most expensive strip club in Medellin and you are treated the way you think you should be treated in an expensive place, and it is still cheaper than HK.Nah. HK better music, more girls, soapy show, every girl that comes off stage isn't begging you for a tip even.

Offers food.

11-18-19, 21:40
Wouldn't want "a pornstar" for $75, let alone $1 K-$3 K. Fresh amateur girls are a far more exciting to me than some overworked desensitized pro. That's what males HK fun. Always new girls who are there for a few weeks or months. To each their own.I like them all from girl next door to pornstar. Like cereal, I like a variety and it's not like you're getting married. There is a time and place for every flavor as long as there are no strings attached.

Mr Russell
11-19-19, 07:48
Making the chica shower before session is a "must" criteria for me.

Getting sprayed with sanitizer at this point is a deal-breaker. I most likely would walk out if that were to happen. I've lived through it before. I absolutely hate it.

11-19-19, 07:53
Made my return to hk. Was away 3 months. Spent maybe one hour in two trips. Only 2 girls talked to me. The one I asked price quoted 80, but she was about 33 and not in top half of looks. Few girls were sitting next to me and didn't ask me for ariba or drinks. I do think many girls are in HK putting I their necessary time, bu completely zoned out of "work", and it would take a lot to get them interested. I had a 21 year old next to me for half hour that wouldn't look at any guys. Anyway it's all good. Still happy to spend few dollars in hk. But other bars were much much better. Thousand times better. Spent 100 on the night, no sexo, but spent 5 hours at the bars and 6 beers. Free sexo tomorrow in the states. Well after gas food hotel Tijuana pay for sex would be cheaper LOL.You went to Tijuana and couldn't get laid? Are you serious? As my old dive master in Pattaya once said of that city, "Anybody who can't get laid here doesn't deserve a penis. " :D The same can be said of the ZN.

Two girls talked to you? Did you go up to some and talk to them first? Why wait around for someone to approach you?

Girls sat next to you but didn't initiate the conversation? What's so odd about that? A lot of guys want to be left alone and the girls sometimes respect that.

Now seriously, if you're that bashful then you really need to just go up and start talking to one. They are much easier to talk to than some chica on the street. Eventually you'll get the hang of it but you obviously need practice. Expecting the girls to do everything for you is a bit unrealistic in Mexico.

Captain Solo
11-19-19, 08:26
To Goyo.

Cascada's red mood light makes the girls look and feel so sexy hehe.

Most HK girls would let me turn on the bright white lights so I can enjoy their beautiful, flawless bodies, see them squirm in pleasure and watch the sexy expressions on their faces. A few insist on only the red mood light.

Here's a few more pics of Pia's fresh body in the red light, after she had gotten he Os hehe.

11-19-19, 10:44
You went to Tijuana and couldn't get laid? Are you serious? As my old dive master in Pattaya once said of that city, "Anybody who can't get laid here doesn't deserve a penis. " :D The same can be said of the ZN.

Two girls talked to you? Did you go up to some and talk to them first? Why wait around for someone to approach you?

Girls sat next to you but didn't initiate the conversation? What's so odd about that? A lot of guys want to be left alone and the girls sometimes respect that.

Now seriously, if you're that bashful then you really need to just go up and start talking to one. They are much easier to talk to than some chica on the street. Eventually you'll get the hang of it but you obviously need practice. Expecting the girls to do everything for you is a bit unrealistic in Mexico.Saturday I was only going to have sex if a woman turned me on because I had a normal date Sunday waiting. Anyway Saturday without sex was still fun. Monday was real quiet. Quality of woman was down, amount of guys was down. I've been on mondays before and it was usually crowded. Almost no street girls. 90% less than on a Saturday. Hk quotes, two for 100, they were around 26. Maybe 8. One 8. 5 quoted me 80 at midnight. If she had flirted I would of said yes. But I could tell it was going to be mechanical sex. Even my lap dance was bad from another girl but I wanted to try something. Chavelas girl as asked for 100. Chicago was quiet. Adelitas, met Chica for 80 but didn't go upstairs as her drink was not spent turning me on. She did tell me she made 60 week working in factory before making 250 for 3 sex episodes a day in adelitas, and gets to keep all the money. She was honest about everything so I think it's the truth. And she said 250 for srx a day plus drinks and tips is not good LOL. She wants more LOL.

11-19-19, 16:13
I personally don't like HK and Tijuana. I've been there twice, first time was good, second time not so much. The place is too damn scam infested. I also don't like the loud and chaotic club environment. I don't give a shit about any of that stuff. The music, the beers, the lights. It's all dumb bullshit waste of time to me. So to me, HK and Tijuana is just stupid. I much prefer booking an appointment with a hot professional escort in my apartment and having a blast for an hour. You're guaranteed a better session this way. Compared to HK where it's too chaotic. Too many bitches running around that all want to scam you. Also, the good thing about going to escort agencies is you can complain to the agency if the girl sucks. You can tell them that their girl was very poor and you are upset with the service. You can't do that in HK, it's a free for all, so you have a lot of girls scamming and running rampant.

HK will always entice new people. People get so excited by it and visit, only to get scammed over and over. HK is doing a great job, setting itself as a worldwide scam location. Really the place is doing well. But in reality, it does not affect me nor does it affect the smart mongers in this world. Because we know that if we want to actually get consistent value for our money, we have to go elsewhere.

HK isn't the place for mongers. If you were smart you would realize that and stop going there. And focus on mongering somewhere else, where you can actually have a consistently good time and not feel threatened by scamming working girls and waiters on a daily basis.I totally get that you're irritated by the scams, who isn't. But have you ever been to a strip club in America? The scams there are 100 times worse because you don't even have a chance of getting laid. And you're spending twice the money for nothing, what 2nd base? Some strip clubs in America have a $20-50 cover charge without a beer. Yet $7 with a beer at HK is a big deal? Try an actual nightclub in LA or Vegas. They'll put your wallet in a choke hold and you're not even guaranteed any action.

11-19-19, 19:55
How difficult is it to take a girl back to my hotel at Cascadas for the whole night?

I'll will be going to Tijuana Hong Kong here ssoon for the first time, and I plan on getting a jacuzzi hotel there for the weekend. My plan would be just have a girl all night to my hotel room.

I hate being rushed, that is why I would really love to go for this option. Is there any way to make this happen.

How much should this probably cost me?

Are girls usually up for this?

Any other considerations or expenses that I need to plan for?

11-19-19, 20:00
Nah. HK better music, more girls, soapy show, every girl that comes off stage isn't begging you for a tip even.

Offers food.I agree with you. I thought about these after I posted. The standard tip is less than $0. 6 so I am fine with that.

11-19-19, 21:02
I agree with you. I thought about these after I posted. The standard tip is less than $0. 6 so I am fine with that.Yes, and get an attitude if you do not tip.

11-20-19, 01:17
Yes, and get an attitude if you do not tip.If you don't get a table then you don't have to tip. You can ask for a lap dance when you tip the same 2 mils.

11-20-19, 01:33
I totally get that you're irritated by the scams, who isn't. But have you ever been to a strip club in America? The scams there are 100 times worse because you don't even have a chance of getting laid. And you're spending twice the money for nothing, what 2nd base? Some strip clubs in America have a $20-50 cover charge without a beer. Yet $7 with a beer at HK is a big deal? Try an actual nightclub in LA or Vegas. They'll put your wallet in a choke hold and you're not even guaranteed any action.

Yep, well said. This is the part I do not understand about guys bitching about prices at HK, it is just not that expensive. Sore there are occasional scams, but that is just the price of this lifestyle. It just does not happen that frequently, I just do not understand the complaints.

Read the posts of guys in other destinations, trust me there are scams everywhere and they sometimes involve big money, not $100.

11-20-19, 01:59
How difficult is it to take a girl back to my hotel at Cascadas for the whole night?

I'll will be going to Tijuana Hong Kong here ssoon for the first time, and I plan on getting a jacuzzi hotel there for the weekend. My plan would be just have a girl all night to my hotel room.

I hate being rushed, that is why I would really love to go for this option. Is there any way to make this happen.

How much should this probably cost me?

Are girls usually up for this?

Any other considerations or expenses that I need to plan for?At other bars it's more likely. But you have to wait till work is over. 3, 4, 6 am. Unless you catch a girl who started 8 am. And then, many who say they will visit you after work, will ghost you. And then, once in the room, remember they had sex and drank all day. They won't be staying up all night partying and banging you. So in general, unless your young guy with looks and money, and live in Tijuana, she won't make it like a Thailand experience.

11-20-19, 02:18
How difficult is it to take a girl back to my hotel at Cascadas for the whole night?

I'll will be going to Tijuana Hong Kong here ssoon for the first time, and I plan on getting a jacuzzi hotel there for the weekend. My plan would be just have a girl all night to my hotel room.

I hate being rushed, that is why I would really love to go for this option. Is there any way to make this happen.

How much should this probably cost me?

Are girls usually up for this?

Any other considerations or expenses that I need to plan for?If all night is your game, you're probably better off with an escort IMHO. I've extended with a couple of ladies from HK when I had a room already booked, but most of them want to get the deed done, clean up, and get back in the game to get more fichas and propinas and possibly hook another arriba.

Book a room at Ticuan and check out the escort thread.

11-20-19, 02:21
I totally get that you're irritated by the scams, who isn't. But have you ever been to a strip club in America? The scams there are 100 times worse because you don't even have a chance of getting laid. And you're spending twice the money for nothing, what 2nd base? Some strip clubs in America have a $20-50 cover charge without a beer. Yet $7 with a beer at HK is a big deal? Try an actual nightclub in LA or Vegas. They'll put your wallet in a choke hold and you're not even guaranteed any action.If you're even in Baltimore MD, head to "the block" (and check the be'more thread on USAsexguide) - there's plenty of fun to be had. Atlanta also has a few nice spots, and if you're savvy in Seattle you can get decent mileage. But generally, I 100% agree with you on the opinion that in America the SC scene is simply a way to part men with their money with overpriced drinks and promises not fulfilled. Clubs in LA and Vegas are the absolute worst when it comes to bilking you for every last dollar. I should know, I've left them many times with an empty wallet and a hard.

11-20-19, 04:45
How difficult is it to take a girl back to my hotel at Cascadas for the whole night?

I'll will be going to Tijuana Hong Kong here ssoon for the first time, and I plan on getting a jacuzzi hotel there for the weekend. My plan would be just have a girl all night to my hotel room.

I hate being rushed, that is why I would really love to go for this option. Is there any way to make this happen.

How much should this probably cost me?

Are girls usually up for this?

Any other considerations or expenses that I need to plan for?Completely doable once the lady's confidence is gained, off venue, her off hours. There may be a deal necessary with the house to pork her extended during her on hours.

11-20-19, 05:06
How difficult is it to take a girl back to my hotel at Cascadas for the whole night?

I'll will be going to Tijuana Hong Kong here ssoon for the first time, and I plan on getting a jacuzzi hotel there for the weekend. My plan would be just have a girl all night to my hotel room.

I hate being rushed, that is why I would really love to go for this option. Is there any way to make this happen.

How much should this probably cost me?

Are girls usually up for this?

Any other considerations or expenses that I need to plan for?Easy, just tell her you're looking to get married and you'll give her the 90-day fiancee visa. Good luck.

11-20-19, 05:24
Interesting to hear. I am a few pounds overweight so the red light makes me look a little less tubby which sounds crazy I know as your paying her but still.

You are so right about the flawless bodies. It's crazy really. Some of the girls probably represent 5% of the population if that.

For those who let me take a picture of them the red light looks very sexy but you do loose detail so I want to take a couple shots with the white lights on.

To Goyo.

Cascada's red mood light makes the girls look and feel so sexy hehe.

Most HK girls would let me turn on the bright white lights so I can enjoy their beautiful, flawless bodies, see them squirm in pleasure and watch the sexy expressions on their faces. A few insist on only the red mood light.

Here's a few more pics of Pia's fresh body in the red light, after she had gotten he Os hehe.

11-20-19, 05:36
I hear ya Scott. . we each have our thing and it is just that club environment that I love about the place. It is chaotic, the dynamics of half the guys just kicking it back. The other third with a lady doing crazy stuff on the guys lap, other guys trying to make small talk, the young guys in there for what looks like their first time in amazement, the guys with their girlfriends who are in there for the first time giggling as the foam show.

Sexuality is big. And the flirting, communication of the body language of the ladies as they bat their eyes at the guys. It's really a dream environment for anyone who enjoys human behavior from a biology standpoint etc.

Also the male camaraderie is quite palatable. Guys seem to go out of their way to be nice to each other. (ok. Except for the dude who stole my jacket that one time) .

The best part is it's all in Tijuana. Yes. Do an escort for the day and then chill in the HK or other bars etc.

I banged a beauty from HK but didn't pop my cork so 30 minutes later I got a street girl for $25 upstairs at Cascadas.

Normally fantasy and reality don't really cross in life. But in Tijuana. It really does. Your crazy ass fantasy can be reality.


I totally get that you're irritated by the scams, who isn't. But have you ever been to a strip club in America? The scams there are 100 times worse because you don't even have a chance of getting laid. And you're spending twice the money for nothing, what 2nd base? Some strip clubs in America have a $20-50 cover charge without a beer. Yet $7 with a beer at HK is a big deal? Try an actual nightclub in LA or Vegas. They'll put your wallet in a choke hold and you're not even guaranteed any action.

11-20-19, 08:05
If I get A room at hotel Rzo will HK girls go there? Or should I just get a room in Cascadas?
If I get A room at hotel Rzo will HK girls go there? Or should I just get a room in Cascadas?Both Hong Kong Bar and Las Chevalas (bar) are located under (hotel) Cascades. Bar Tropical is located underneath (hotel) Rizo de Oro. Both of these hotels and all three bars are owned by different members of the same family group. So all the bar chicas from those three bars are free to go up into either hotel. If a chica says she won't cross the street (Coahuila Ave.) to go to the other family owned hotel, she is making that decision on her own. Management lets both family hotels get utilized by all bar girls, street girls and street walkers.

A different family group owns Adelitas Bar and the 50 to 60 room Hotel Coahuila located on two floors above the infamous bar. That same building structure on the backside (the alley side) house Bar Valentina and the hotel above it. Again, all in one family group.

These two family groups are rivals of each other. Each individual Bar Girl or Street Girl is pretty much encouraged to go use the hotels within the family group they work with, but are prevented from using hotels owned by rival families. That's why you can take a Bar Girl out of HK, and take her up into either Cascares or Rizo de Oro. But you cannot walk that same Bar Girl out of HK and take her up into Hotel Coahuila, which is owned by a rival family.

11-21-19, 19:18
The lingerie party sucked ass and ruined the experience. Should be called let's hav everyone stand around and stare at the main stage for two hours. Each paraded across two or three times. They stood there for 30 minutes before picking a winner as the guy rambles on in Spanish where 90% of the room can't understand him. Remember, the WHOLE time every girl was watching and ALL of the hottest girls were on stage, effectively taking them out of the mix for three hours. Plus they added an extra walk way which cut traffic in half and made a bottleneck on one side of the room, people squashes together made it impossible to go find new girls.

They had weird clowns and tranny clowns. Fire dancers. Guys on stilts. Just wasn't good.

Which one of you is the guy, light hair, 50's maybe. Wore a "make Venezuela great again" shirt. Every girl in the building knows. I see there every time I'm in the building. Sometimes looks like he wears a biking hat or sports shirts.

11-21-19, 22:48
The lingerie party sucked ass and ruined the experience. Should be called let's hav everyone stand around and stare at the main stage for two hours. Each paraded across two or three times. They stood there for 30 minutes before picking a winner as the guy rambles on in Spanish where 90% of the room can't understand him. Remember, the WHOLE time every girl was watching and ALL of the hottest girls were on stage, effectively taking them out of the mix for three hours. Plus they added an extra walk way which cut traffic in half and made a bottleneck on one side of the room, people squashes together made it impossible to go find new girls.

They had weird clowns and tranny clowns. Fire dancers. Guys on stilts. Just wasn't good.

Which one of you is the guy, light hair, 50's maybe. Wore a "make Venezuela great again" shirt. Every girl in the building knows. I see there every time I'm in the building. Sometimes looks like he wears a biking hat or sports shirts.I saw that guy too. I'll give these clubs credit for making these themed events. But no they don't do nothing for me. I'm more likely to be turned on seeing them in street clothes. I didn't bang anyone again, HK girls don't have the time to flirt to my standards, and I don't have the money to likely waste on poor sex.

11-21-19, 23:11
The lingerie party sucked ass and ruined the experience. Should be called let's hav everyone stand around and stare at the main stage for two hours. Each paraded across two or three times. They stood there for 30 minutes before picking a winner as the guy rambles on in Spanish where 90% of the room can't understand him. Remember, the WHOLE time every girl was watching and ALL of the hottest girls were on stage, effectively taking them out of the mix for three hours. Plus they added an extra walk way which cut traffic in half and made a bottleneck on one side of the room, people squashes together made it impossible to go find new girls.

They had weird clowns and tranny clowns. Fire dancers. Guys on stilts. Just wasn't good.

Which one of you is the guy, light hair, 50's maybe. Wore a "make Venezuela great again" shirt. Every girl in the building knows. I see there every time I'm in the building. Sometimes looks like he wears a biking hat or sports shirts.Thanks for the update, I was there just Tuesday night and left Wednesday morning, the day of the event. I was curious how it turned out, good thing I didn't stay.

Haha, I've only been down 8 trips now since April, and everytime I'm there, there is no lie at least a handful of guys I recognize from every time I'm there.

11-22-19, 02:56
Looks like I may have to eat some of my words. Got into HK earlier in the week to try to negotiate some good prices for arribas. There were a total of two girls I would consider 8+ and one of them I had taken not long ago and I wasn't very interested in repeating. One girl I negotiated with for 60 ish USD before put a complete stop to it and wouldn't budge from $80. Her session was the same old CBJ, but with kissing. She didn't care that it was slow and that she had been walking around and dancing with no clients. Regardless of whether a monger makes a thousand bucks a month or a million, I strongly recommend negotiation to everyone. Yes, I know some of the rich frequent mongers at HK throw 100 bucks a short session like it's cheap candy. One major point of negotiating is to see how flexible the girl is and also if she takes a liking to you, not just to save money. Some guys have talked about how they feel uncomfortable about negotiating with a girl which just feels like putting them on a pedestal. HK is pure fun and socializing now. As most of us know and this will be repeated another hundred times on this board the next year, quality sex here for the most part hasn't existed for much more than 5 years. People who have been clients there longer can give a more accurate number.

11-22-19, 18:19
Which one of you is the guy, light hair, 50's maybe. Wore a "make Venezuela great again" shirt. Every girl in the building knows. I see there every time I'm in the building. Sometimes looks like he wears a biking hat or sports shirts.I've seen him in HK a lot too. He's a trip!

11-22-19, 20:53
Looks like I may have to eat some of my words. Got into HK earlier in the week to try to negotiate some good prices for arribas. There were a total of two girls I would consider 8+ and one of them I had taken not long ago and I wasn't very interested in repeating. One girl I negotiated with for 60 ish USD before put a complete stop to it and wouldn't budge from $80. Her session was the same old CBJ, but with kissing. She didn't care that it was slow and that she had been walking around and dancing with no clients. Regardless of whether a monger makes a thousand bucks a month or a million, I strongly recommend negotiation to everyone. Yes, I know some of the rich frequent mongers at HK throw 100 bucks a short session like it's cheap candy. One major point of negotiating is to see how flexible the girl is and also if she takes a liking to you, not just to save money. Some guys have talked about how they feel uncomfortable about negotiating with a girl which just feels like putting them on a pedestal. HK is pure fun and socializing now. As most of us know and this will be repeated another hundred times on this board the next year, quality sex here for the most part hasn't existed for much more than 5 years. People who have been clients there longer can give a more accurate number.Finding a GFE in zona norte can be bad because than you feel RIPped off when with the 80% others who don't offer that. My physical therapist place, all woman, they all get more intimate with me than most of these zona norte woman. They touch me more, they don't worry about my germs LOL, they grab my ass on the back massage. I do think many men dislike kissing woman anyway, so they actually find this a benefit compared to dating. Maybe their wife never gives head so a CBJ sounds like heaven. Give me a 30 pound overweight girl who knows real sex. I don't need a beauty queen. Can you imagine the condom breaking and you finished in a hk beauty queen. You would have to empty your wallet. That happened to me with a chubby chevellas girl and she laughed with me about how we were both drinking enough we didn't notice.

11-22-19, 21:19
Looks like I may have to eat some of my words. Got into HK earlier in the week to try to negotiate some good prices for arribas. There were a total of two girls I would consider 8+ and one of them I had taken not long ago and I wasn't very interested in repeating. One girl I negotiated with for 60 ish USD before put a complete stop to it and wouldn't budge from $80. Her session was the same old CBJ, but with kissing. She didn't care that it was slow and that she had been walking around and dancing with no clients. Regardless of whether a monger makes a thousand bucks a month or a million, I strongly recommend negotiation to everyone. Yes, I know some of the rich frequent mongers at HK throw 100 bucks a short session like it's cheap candy. One major point of negotiating is to see how flexible the girl is and also if she takes a liking to you, not just to save money. Some guys have talked about how they feel uncomfortable about negotiating with a girl which just feels like putting them on a pedestal. HK is pure fun and socializing now. As most of us know and this will be repeated another hundred times on this board the next year, quality sex here for the most part hasn't existed for much more than 5 years. People who have been clients there longer can give a more accurate number.HK is the old Adelitas. Back in the day, Adelitas was king. And they got greedy, allowing their meseros to harass and scam customers. Adelitas girls joined the scam and introduced the robotic service. Bellboys joined the scam and introduced the early knock. As a result customers flocked to other clubs and helped build HK.

What you're seeing is HK peaking and turning into the Adelitas of past years. The absentee manager. The scamming meseros. And now scamming chicas walking out early and demanding to be over paid. You have a choice. You can take it in the ass. Or you can take your money to Chicago, Adelitas, Tropicals, Chavellas, Valentina or other competitions.

11-23-19, 00:12
Can you imagine the condom breaking and you finished in a hk beauty queen. You would have to empty your wallet. That happened to me with a chubby chevellas girl and she laughed with me about how we were both drinking enough we didn't notice.This happened to me with an HK girl two trips ago, it was actually a repeat with my first ever Tijuana girl LOL. She seemed a little upset, but wasn't much of a big deal, paid her 80.

Sargent 50
11-23-19, 13:39
Anyone know if they'll be showing the fight tonight?

Captain Solo
11-24-19, 07:14
To Organ.

Paola is an exotic spinner, pretty with an almost perfect body. When she was working in the alley near hotel Cascada, she gave me all sorts of liberties.

I would suck on her tits while rubbing her clit, inserted my middle finger deep inside her coochie, scratching her G spot. She would go into a daze and squirmed in pleasure. One time she was in ecstacy with her eyes closed shut and her mouth gape open, I kissed her in the mouth and sucked on her tongue. She got pissing mad, jumped up from the bed, yelling at me, pulling her jeans on to leave. I came over hugging her in the back, squeezing her conical boobs, groping her coochie. She calmed down and we went back to bed screwing hehe.

Paola left the alley and has been working in HK on and off for the past 2 years. She's popular with guys who like exotic, spicy spinners. Now if I take her to Cascada for expensive sessions, her vagina and G spot are off limit to my fingers. She said some guys injured and infected her with dirty finger nails. WTF?

Tijuana prices for sex keep going up, the sexy and loving quota keep going down. WTF?

Captain Solo
11-24-19, 08:32
To Sargent.

Quite a few HK girls go to work hungry. I like to treat them to some snacks while drinking. They can eat big.

Here are the 2 rib eyes we ordered with Azul's 2-4-1 coupon. Each is probably about 16 ozs with baked potato, guacamole, grilled asparagus. Tell the mesero to cook them medio, cut up the steak and bring salt and pepper. The steak is very good, tender, juicy, better than the casual steak houses in the US. Such a good deal, I cannot complain. You can party like a king with a hot girl on your lap.

Holly was sitting on my wingman's lap, helped herself to more than half of the steak, leaving my wingman hungry hehe.

Captain Solo
11-24-19, 16:35
To Sargent.

Quite a few HK girls go to work hungry. I like to treat them to some snacks while drinking. They can eat big.

Here are the 2 rib eyes we ordered with Azul's 2-4-1 coupon. Each is probably about 16 ozs with baked potato, guacamole, grilled asparagus. Tell the mesero to cook them medio, cut up the steak and bring salt and pepper. The steak is very good, tender, juicy, better than the casual steak houses in the US. Such a good deal, I cannot complain. You can party like a king with a hot girl on your lap.

Holly was sitting on my wingman's lap, helped herself to more than half of the steak, leaving my wingman hungry hehe.

11-24-19, 19:36
What you're seeing is HK peaking and turning into the Adelitas of past years. The absentee manager. The scamming meseros. And now scamming chicas walking out early and demanding to be over paid. You have a choice. You can take it in the ass. Or you can take your money to Chicago, Adelitas, Tropicals, Chavellas, Valentina or other competitions.
Finding a GFE in zona norte can be bad because than you feel RIPped off when with the 80% others who don't offer that. My physical therapist place, all woman, they all get more intimate with me than most of these zona norte woman. They touch me more, they don't worry about my germs LOL, they grab my ass on the back massage.

Tijuana prices for sex keep going up, the sexy and loving quota keep going down. WTF?
As most of us know and this will be repeated another hundred times on this board the next year, quality sex here for the most part hasn't existed for much more than 5 years. People who have been clients there longer can give a more accurate number.

I didn't bang anyone again, HK girls don't have the time to flirt to my standards, and I don't have the money to likely waste on poor sex.Just off this one page after browsing through the posts today. I think we are all doing a great job and are going to save a lot of people a lot of money!

11-25-19, 06:23
To Sargent.

Quite a few HK girls go to work hungry. I like to treat them to some snacks while drinking. They can eat big.

Here are the 2 rib eyes we ordered with Azul's 2-4-1 coupon. Each is probably about 16 ozs with baked potato, guacamole, grilled asparagus. Tell the mesero to cook them medio, cut up the steak and bring salt and pepper. The steak is very good, tender, juicy, better than the casual steak houses in the US. Such a good deal, I cannot complain. You can party like a king with a hot girl on your lap.

Holly was sitting on my wingman's lap, helped herself to more than half of the steak, leaving my wingman hungry hehe.Captain.

How long does it take for them to bring you the food?


11-25-19, 08:29
The lingerie party sucked ass and ruined the experience. Should be called let's hav everyone stand around and stare at the main stage for two hours. Each paraded across two or three times. They stood there for 30 minutes before picking a winner as the guy rambles on in Spanish where 90% of the room can't understand him. Remember, the WHOLE time every girl was watching and ALL of the hottest girls were on stage, effectively taking them out of the mix for three hours. Plus they added an extra walk way which cut traffic in half and made a bottleneck on one side of the room, people squashes together made it impossible to go find new girls.

They had weird clowns and tranny clowns. Fire dancers. Guys on stilts. Just wasn't good.

Which one of you is the guy, light hair, 50's maybe. Wore a "make Venezuela great again" shirt. Every girl in the building knows. I see there every time I'm in the building. Sometimes looks like he wears a biking hat or sports shirts."as the guy rambles on in Spanish where 90% of the room can't understand him". Hahaha! I am not Sherlock Holmes but this guy speaks Spanish because he is in Tijuana....... Mexico and in Mexico the official language is........ Spanish. BTW, how do you know 90% of guys in the club don't understand Spanish? You asked everyone in the club? ......."Which one of you is the guy, light hair, 50's maybe. Wore a "make Venezuela great again" shirt. Every girl in the building knows. I see there every time I'm in the building. Sometimes looks like he wears a biking hat or sports shirts".........Discretion, discretion. Please do not describe the appearance of customers visiting the club in a public forum like this. Because he can be recognized by a jealous wife, jealous girlfriend, private investigator, divorce lawyer, employer etc. What happens in Zona Norte stays in Zona Norte.

Captain Solo
11-25-19, 10:59
To Spartan,

About 15 to 20 minutes.

Captain Solo
11-25-19, 21:46
To Jackie,

Your rates are in the vicinity with mine.

Depending on guys' attractiveness, manners and how often they hangout in HK, most top girls would accept offers between 1,000 to 1,500 pesos, even on weekends. You just have to talk nice to them. Most are very nice, sweet, fun girls, probably some finest courtesans in the world, similar to the geishas in Japan, far better and less mercenary than bar girls in the ports of Hong Kong, Honolulu, Singapore etc. Guys should treat them with love and respect according decent humans.

A bro has the right idea. Negotiate with the girls to lower prices but more importantly to figure out their personalities and predict how they would act in bed. If they start frowning, pouting or acting cold, skip them a go to the next girls of your choice. If they smile, consider your offer and make counter offer, they would be warm, nice, sweet loving in bed.

Guys should hone their negotiating skills at every interaction, with wife, GFs, children, bosses, friends, employees. Guys who negotiate poorly lose. Guys who don't negotiate for what they want will soon end up homeless hehe.

Captain Solo
11-26-19, 01:14
You guys keep knocking HK, but you should know how expensive and risky it is to date and marry US women.

US women demand a lot from you, including all your time, money. Earnings and savings, freedom of thoughts, association with friends. When they get mad at you, they can pull lots of asshole legal shit that can make your life miserable and expensive. An upscale local MD divorced her husband, got so mad that one night she poured gasoline around his house and lit it on fire. Another jealous local woman lured her estranged husband into having sex, once in bed sliced off his dick cleanly with a box butter. These are only a few nut cases I know. There are a lot worse.

Consider all things, it safer, cheap, happier and sexier to pay hot HK putas to party and have sex with them a few times a week, than risking your safety, security, wealth and freedom with stupid, ugly, raving girls 24/7 for the rest of your life.

Better yet, move to Tijuana and rent an apartment next to HK.

11-26-19, 02:30
You guys keep knocking HK, but you should know how expensive and risky it is to date and marry US women.

US women demand a lot from you, including all your time, money. Earnings and savings, freedom of thoughts, association with friends. When they get mad at you, they can pull lots of asshole legal shit that can make your life miserable and expensive. An upscale local MD divorced her husband, got so mad that one night she poured gasoline around his house and lit it on fire. Another jealous local woman lured her estranged husband into having sex, once in bed sliced off his dick cleanly with a box butter. These are only a few nut cases I know. There are a lot worse.

Consider all things, it safer, cheap, happier and sexier to pay hot HK putas to party and have sex with them a few times a week, than risking your safety, security, wealth and freedom with stupid, ugly, raving girls 24/7 for the rest of your life.

Better yet, move to Tijuana and rent an apartment next to HK.Correct, even better half the time in Moscow.

Captain Solo
11-28-19, 00:09
To Tiddidyekim.

HK has become a world's renown sexy partying place. People are bringing families (and friends in to party.

1. I was in HK last Friday night. A Mexican American guy from Garden Grove brought his dad and his grandpa to party. His grand pa looked rundown, in his 70's at least. He said had 2 wives and 11 children, no longer interested in women and coochies. They were hanging out on the second floor groping every puta walking past, having a good time.

2. Top talents seem to show up around 5 PM. The best time to have the most fun and the best access to the top girls would be between 6 PM to 2 AM.

2. I have been leaving my sports car with HK's valet parking for years with various electronics in it. Never lost anything. However Pepe's parking is secured but tight. Nobody can break into your car but someone may dent it unintentionally. My car had a small ding on the right fender. Don't know when or where that happened, but it's very rare after 10 years parking with them.

3. I have left lap tops and cameras in Cascada a few times. Nothing was stolen. I have been staying in various hotel in Tijuana for 20 years. Nothing has been stolen from me.

It's a good idea to show the young guys how to deal with girls and women by practicing with HK girls how to achieve win-win situations with satisfaction for both parties. It will give them good skills and confidence to deal, work and have relationships with women in their real life in the US.

I have been taking new guys to Tijuana for years. It's a lot of fun to party with them, see them have good times and learn how to work personal also business relationships.

11-28-19, 01:22
You guys keep knocking HK, but you should know how expensive and risky it is to date and marry US women.

US women demand a lot from you, including all your time, money. Earnings and savings, freedom of thoughts, association with friends. When they get mad at you, they can pull lots of asshole legal shit that can make your life miserable and expensive. An upscale local MD divorced her husband, got so mad that one night she poured gasoline around his house and lit it on fire. Another jealous local woman lured her estranged husband into having sex, once in bed sliced off his dick cleanly with a box butter. These are only a few nut cases I know. There are a lot worse.

Consider all things, it safer, cheap, happier and sexier to pay hot HK putas to party and have sex with them a few times a week, than risking your safety, security, wealth and freedom with stupid, ugly, raving girls 24/7 for the rest of your life.

Better yet, move to Tijuana and rent an apartment next to HK.To paraphrase. I'm not paying you for the sex, I'm paying you to go home: the.

12-01-19, 11:46
HK flooded with hot woman Saturday at midnight. Another world compared to Monday or Tuesday. A lot 80 dollar offers but I only had money for drinks. I don't think the girls have time for GFE but since I didn't pay them I can't say for certain. My maestro, returned my tip, due to being just 50 cents. It was for a beer, and my wealthy friend in Tijuana, who gives 20 a day in free handouts to beggars, doesn't tip a dollar a beer. And this guy was standing in front of the bar. So to me, he must make 15 hour in tips easily. Plus last week mesero scammed me a dollar. . but apparently only a dollar is an acceptable tip. So now I will tip an dollar for 25 seconds of work.

12-01-19, 18:01
Went to HK last month for 3 days straight, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Didn't see any 9's and 10's like a lot of people said. Best I saw was an 8. 5 but she wouldn't do DFK and DATY so didn't try her. A lot of girls with nice bodies though but face not so much. Had two girls that were really cool and you could tell during the time you buy them a drink and talk with them they would give good experiences. One was a squirter and squirted 3 times on me. Both were down with BBFS.

Had bottle service and got some tequila that was like $200, they had some bottles that were $100. Watched Thursday night football there which was cool. They had shows up stairs where girls were eating each other out and using dildos on each other.

Thought it was cool for my first time, would go again if I am visiting San Diego. The only thing I would do differently next time is to get a room instead of renting because 30 minutes isnt enough time to have good sex, felt I was trying to rush.
No issues besides a drunk looking tomboy ***** bothering us for money and telling us to get the hell out of Mexico LOL.

Also walked through Adelitas a couple times and didnt see anything. Thought I saw a good one from far away but when I went to talk to her the light shined on her face and told her I gotta go.

Street girls were ugly also.If you spend time talking to the girls at HK, BBFS can be available, you just need to talk and get a feel from the girl.

Captain Solo
12-01-19, 23:23
To Dodger.

Yep. HK; s weekend talents are far more and much better than week days with lots of new girls just bused in from Chiapas with stars in their eyes hehe.

Meseros make lots of money every night with their $1 tip for 30 secs worth of work. They rent their jobs and make their living with tips, so tips are expected for their effort, but they should never return a 50 c tip. Remember his name / number and avoid him in the future. I would rather tip the girls as they are more attractive than the retarded meseoros and make a lot less money unless they snag a screw session in the hotel.

If you skip meseros and buy drinks straight from the bar tenders, you don't have to tip them since they are on salaries.

12-02-19, 02:47
What's up fellas, so decided to do some research this past Saturday at the HK. Notice a lot of peeps complaining about increased prices. So I tried to set a budget for hotels drinks etc. So I pulled 5 K pesos out of HSBC ATM Sorianna. Got 19.53 exchange rate from Chuck Schwab account for roughly $260.00 including ATM fee. Booked a single room at Cascadas requested fifth floor or above due to noise on lower floors. Room was 820 pesos which is roughly $43.00 discounted rate with VIP card. Purchased two beers Bohemia 90 pesos in HK which is 4. 60 USD. No fichas purchased made 7 offers all starting at 1,300 pesos which is about $70.00. 4 went straight away looks scale was between 6. 5 to 8. No top tier girls approached because I wanted to get a more realistic sample of what the majority of girls will eventually be going up. The other 3 counter offered with the standard 1,500. Decided to go up for one of the 1,300 pesos. Good session nice CBJ all positions covered good overall experience. Hit the alley Constitution offers start at 260 pesos decent lookers. Along el Portand side start around 300 in front of Cascadas they start around 500 for full service. Got a big booty out front of el Portand for 300 hand job to start popped in K9 damage was 400 pesos including room so 20.00. Later on got two girls in front of HK back door. 500.00 total services looks 7-8. Good CBJ multiple positions decent passion. $28.00 total. So on girls I spent about $146.00 for 4 pops. So it averages about $36.00 per nut. Also Free beer entry and parking. HK VIP card is worth to cut down on room costs. It runs 19 bucks to take an HK girl up for 30 better to get VIP card for $43.00 and the girl usually will stay about 45-50. Hope this helps some out.

12-04-19, 09:30
Stayed in Hong Kong's hotel Monday. Very noisy, a lot Spanish men talking, I assume its staff, a lot womans. I sleep In hostels 12 to a room in bunk beds but this was worse. If you don't get drunk and exhausted though to stay asleep. Of course construction starts 8 am. And guy wanted tip for toilet paper. I pushed him out of room gently try iij ng to laugh to not piss him off. Toilet paper should be included.

12-04-19, 16:51
What's up fellas, so decided to do some research this past Saturday at the HK. Notice a lot of peeps complaining about increased prices. So I tried to set a budget for hotels drinks etc. So I pulled 5 K pesos out of HSBC ATM Sorianna. Got 19.53 exchange rate from Chuck Schwab account for roughly $260.00 including ATM fee. Booked a single room at Cascadas requested fifth floor or above due to noise on lower floors. Room was 820 pesos which is roughly $43.00 discounted rate with VIP card. Purchased two beers Bohemia 90 pesos in HK which is 4. 60 USD. No fichas purchased made 7 offers all starting at 1,300 pesos which is about $70.00. 4 went straight away looks scale was between 6. 5 to 8. No top tier girls approached because I wanted to get a more realistic sample of what the majority of girls will eventually be going up. The other 3 counter offered with the standard 1,500. Decided to go up for one of the 1,300 pesos. Good session nice CBJ all positions covered good overall experience. Hit the alley Constitution offers start at 260 pesos decent lookers. Along el Portand side start around 300 in front of Cascadas they start around 500 for full service. Got a big booty out front of el Portand for 300 hand job to start popped in K9 damage was 400 pesos including room so 20.00. Later on got two girls in front of HK back door. 500.00 total services looks 7-8. Good CBJ multiple positions decent passion. $28.00 total. So on girls I spent about $146.00 for 4 pops. So it averages about $36.00 per nut. Also Free beer entry and parking. HK VIP card is worth to cut down on room costs. It runs 19 bucks to take an HK girl up for 30 better to get VIP card for $43.00 and the girl usually will stay about 45-50. Hope this helps some out.I'm a relatively younger guy and still have no idea how people can pop 4 x in a night. Wtf.

12-04-19, 17:41
HK limo is not worth the hassle. And it won't be "free" - the driver is going to expect a tip. Take a taxi or an Uber for $3-$5 bucks.Was anyone ripping the limo one dollar or nothing? I had noticed they weren't happy with dollar tip. It seemed they'd prefer I didbt use their sevice if I was only tipping one dollar. Which means they expect 3 dollars minimum. Uber is 2.50 and its. Better to be seen in uber around town then a hk limo. Also Mexicans don't tip cans I've read. So. Wint be using the hk limo they can dit out their doing nothing even more than they are.

12-05-19, 04:33
To Dodger.

Yep. HK; s weekend talents are far more and much better than week days with lots of new girls just bused in from Chiapas with stars in their eyes hehe.

Meseros make lots of money every night with their $1 tip for 30 secs worth of work. They rent their jobs and make their living with tips, so tips are expected for their effort, but they should never return a 50 c tip. Remember his name / number and avoid him in the future. I would rather tip the girls as they are more attractive than the retarded meseoros and make a lot less money unless they snag a screw session in the hotel.

If you skip meseros and buy drinks straight from the bar tenders, you don't have to tip them since they are on salaries.You are correct about the talent on the weekends is way better. It takes a little more work and a little more expensive, but much better then Monday or Tuesday. I also go straight to the bartenders upstairs, but I do tip.

I do find myself spending more time at Azul and the New Sports Bars. Much cheaper to drink with girls. Food is decent and prices are fair. It is just not expensive compared to other destinations. In fact if you are smart very reasonable or cheaper, trust me.

12-05-19, 04:33
Was anyone ripping the limo one dollar or nothing? I had noticed they weren't happy with dollar tip. It seemed they'd prefer I didbt use their sevice if I was only tipping one dollar. Which means they expect 3 dollars minimum. Uber is 2.50 and its. Better to be seen in uber around town then a hk limo. Also Mexicans don't tip cans I've read. So. Wint be using the hk limo they can dit out their doing nothing even more than they are.I had one from the old border gripe about my $1.

I apologized, took back my $1, thanked him and did not tip at all.

12-05-19, 05:37
Was anyone ripping the limo one dollar or nothing? I had noticed they weren't happy with dollar tip. It seemed they'd prefer I didbt use their sevice if I was only tipping one dollar. Which means they expect 3 dollars minimum. Uber is 2.50 and its. Better to be seen in uber around town then a hk limo. Also Mexicans don't tip cans I've read. So. Wint be using the hk limo they can dit out their doing nothing even more than they are.I give a $1 tip to zona shuttle driver. No way would I give any more than that. Never heard any grumbling, it's not like they're paying for the gas. I'd rather not be in the limo with HK plastered on it, frankly. Would prefer an unmarked under-the-radar car.

KC Questor
12-05-19, 06:45
Was anyone ripping the limo one dollar or nothing? I had noticed they weren't happy with dollar tip. It seemed they'd prefer I didbt use their sevice if I was only tipping one dollar. Which means they expect 3 dollars minimum. Uber is 2.50 and its. Better to be seen in uber around town then a hk limo. Also Mexicans don't tip cans I've read. So. Wint be using the hk limo they can dit out their doing nothing even more than they are.I've heard that they want more than a dollar if you are alone. If you are with a bunch of other guys (whether or not you are a group), if every guy tips a dollar its fine.

I've only ever used the limo to go from Hong Kong to the border, and I've only ever done it solo. I figure a cab is $5 or I'd have to wait for an Uber at $3, so I tip the limo guy $3 and I am ahead either way.

12-05-19, 07:53
Stayed in Hong Kong's hotel Monday. Very noisy, a lot Spanish men talking, I assume its staff, a lot womans. I sleep In hostels 12 to a room in bunk beds but this was worse. If you don't get drunk and exhausted though to stay asleep. Of course construction starts 8 am. And guy wanted tip for toilet paper. I pushed him out of room gently try iij ng to laugh to not piss him off. Toilet paper should be included.I usually grab some from an unattended cart. I sometimes grab a few extra towels too. Also, toilet paper is available at the top of the stairs on the 3rd floor, just grab a roll as you walk by.

12-05-19, 08:13
Yeah basically without going into details they brushed me off. I know some guys have coupons for the limo, some guys use the card they give you when staying at the hotel. I paid 50 for the vip. In my mind, I had paid for free ride to border with the vip. The limo guys don't have stress of cab driver, don't pay for gas repairs insurance etc. And again, mexicans don't tip cans. Basically limo is a lose lose scenario. Be seen in a brothel vehicle, and pay more than uber? Wtf. No thanks. They don't want my money they just want the silly Tijuana tourists throwing money around like its water. Like every other hk person. Tips are not at standard tijuana rates. Or american rates. Its at a "I'm so happy I got laid I'll throw alot money around to everyone since I only come once a year for two days rate". Anyway I will cut down on all services. Even azul didn't say thank you on my 22% tip. No more azul or limo or hotel. Just in and out Hong Kong. Less Is more if your easily annoyed like I am.

Captain Solo
12-05-19, 08:28
A few poor wingmen have great difficulties sneaking out for Tijuana, always asking for blow-by-blow account what happened on my trip:

Tuesday night arrived in HK about 7:30 PM. Went to Cascada for a VIP discount room $12 all night, a very good deal. Ran into a dark and scrawny guy who just arrived from Chennai, India, staying 3 nights. He was so excited to get started with chicas in HK. Girls were going to the hotel with guys in a steady clip, about 70% did not look so hot, but they managed to snag guys for sex. ST room is now $18 plus $1 for a condom. The HK and Cascada cartel is getting expensive.

The club was not crowded like weekends. There were lots of hot girls, some new I had never seen, some old timers, like Rose, Tesla, spinner Alaska with a pink bow in her hair, Lidia / Marilyn, Sasha, Emma, Amber, Corema, Krystal ect, no shortage of talents.

I was sitting at the pussy corner near the main stage, drinking a beer, eyeing girls, looking for the perfect playmate of the night. I prefer to try new girls for varieties, rather than repeating with known girls. Was hoping Tracy would show, but no such luck. She's one of the hottest girls in HK, like a movie star, except a few tats on her left side.

Gracia approached me with a smile and a hug. I had my arms around her waist, pulled her closer for a face-to-face talk. She's tall, very pretty with an almost perfect lanky body, smooth light skin, no tats, perfect globes for boobs, long legs, a perfect package. I had seen her before and wanted to bag her a few times. She wanted $100 for arriba. I told her I only had 1,000 pesos. She was shaking her head. Then I pleaded poverty and told her I was a Mexicano. She was smiling, telling me how much different I looked to Mexicanos. Then she agreed to go for 1,000 pesos. Walked her out, squeezing her butt on the way to the hotel. It felt firmer than usual.

She spoke good English. In the room I offered her a Tequila shot or a beer, but she declined both, saying she did not drink. I had my clothes off and took a leak in the banos, but she was still sitting on the bed with her clothes on. She wanted money first, very serious about it, which I declined, suspecting she was going to pull a surprise. Finally I gave in, 1,000 pesos is not a big risk. The surprise were her slightly droopy boobs and her slightly saggy butt that seemed to have implants. She gave me HK's standard session with CBJ, CG, doggie, then mish. She was very attractive in the bar, but had no passion in bed, an average session.

Recovering at the bar, had fun with a couple Mexican guys and 2 Indian guys just flew in from Chennai. By 10, went out to the street for food. It was a cold and rainy night, but lots of street girls were working, including some of the hottest, Camilla, Melissa, Jessica etc. Ran into spinner Yvonne at hotel Garcia. She was shivering and giggling in the cold air. Wanted her to go to Cascada but she refused. Took her up to hotel Garcia for 100-peso room. She took off 3 layers of warm clothes to show her tiny spinner body. The room was comfortable, not cold. She was giggling, giving me a long and vigorous CBJ to help me raise the flag for the second session, while asking me questions and talking, most of which I did not understand, but she felt nice, close, warm, loving.

We were doing various positions. I was having problems maintaining a hard erection; my dick slipped out a couple times, which she jumped started and inserted it back in to continue the session. I was squeezing her tiny body hard, pumping her tiny pussy, kissing her pretty face. She went into a daze, her eyes were closed, she was panting; her warm, fresh breath blown into my face. Had to do a lot of hard work to pop, got exhausted at the end. Overall session with Yvonne was closer, sexier, more intimate and satisfying than with Gracia, the HK girl.

The wingman came back around 11 after his long session, claiming to be hungry and wanted to order food. All tables on the main floor and second floor were taken. We went into Miami for a table on the second floor, which was completely empty. Miami is nice, unhurried, relaxed, has its own strip show, playing different music that was not so boomy, a nice, secluded place to hang out for the bros who dislike the frenzy and the loud music in the main floor. We ordered 2 rib eyes with Azul's 2 for 1 dinner coupon. The mesero came back saying the rib eyes cost $4 extra over the normal snacks. I paid the guy in pesos and memorized his number just in case he went AWOL.

While drinking and watching the strip show below, a tall, lanky, very attractive girl came over and sat on my lap, sticking her tongue in my mouth, giving me a good grinding. We were doing some serious DFKs. I was groping her hot body all over. I really liked this girl, but had to regretfully explain to her we were waiting for dinner, gave her a couple $ tips and let her go. That girl would likely give very hot sessions in bed. I got her tel and will look for her again.

3 girls walked past us into the tiny banos in the corner. They locked the door behind them, so I knew what they would be doing. Soon we could smell Mary Jane's perfume leaking out of the door hehe. I knocked on the door a few times. Finally they opened up and let me in. They were smoking a joint and having a good time. I told them I was policia; that brought out a big laugh. They pulled me inside and offered me a couple hits. I was hugging, DF kissing, groping all 3 girls. My wingman also crammed into the banos. The 3 girls were a lot of fun but I had to explain to them about the coming dinner, and got their tels for later. The girls seemed a lot less inhibited, more fun and would do lots more sexy things in the secluded Miami than on the main floor.

The rib eyes very good, sweet, tasty, tender. Azul is now doing a much better job grilling the steak. This steak dinner is a very good deal, recommended.

Went back to the bar. My wingman was going up to the room to pack up and check out. I found Elena with her perfect body and pretty face dancing on the bar. Her beautiful body with perfect light skin and soft feminine curves gave me a quick hardon. I gave her a tip and pulled her down from the bar to talk business. Surprisingly she agreed to 1,000 pesos. On the way out of the bar, I stopped her twice to confirm the 1,000 peso offer, to which she nodded her head approvingly. In the room she wanted money first. I balked but finally gave in, giving her 2 x 500 peso bills. She acted disappointed, claiming it had to be 1,500 pesos. I reminded her that she agreed to 1,000 pesos 3 times in the bar, but she did not budge. I took the money back from her hand, saying no deal. She walked out of the room but did not show anger. Later I regretted the move. She was beautiful enough that I should have bagged her for 1,500 pesos. Damn.

I texted the 3 mota girls after dinner but did not get their response until way too late, right before we were ready to go home. Will try to find them next week. Had lots of sexy fun with hot girls in Miami's semi private space, away from the crowded, noisy, frenzy zoo and prying eyes on the main floor.

Left HK, driving back to the border about 1 AM. There was a policia check point on Benito Juarez, but looked like they were looking for some specific bad guys. They waved us right through. There was no waiting in the SENTRI lane. The freeway was wet, but there was no rain and no traffic.

12-05-19, 08:53
I'm a relatively younger guy and still have no idea how people can pop 4 x in a night. Wtf.Four times is not easy. Maybe 3 chicas without climax and you finish with the last chica with climax. I prefer one chica / one evening. Quality not quantity.

12-05-19, 09:58
Four times is not easy. Maybe 3 chicas without climax and you finish with the last chica with climax. I prefer one chica / one evening. Quality not quantity.Sometimes I like to just bang a few Chicas during "try outs" and not climax because I do them in fairly quick succession. This allows me to sample more and gather valuable intel. I usually have the grand finale with 2 or 3 chicas after sampling a variety of goods.

12-05-19, 14:47
I've heard that they want more than a dollar if you are alone. If you are with a bunch of other guys (whether or not you are a group), if every guy tips a dollar its fine.

I've only ever used the limo to go from Hong Kong to the border, and I've only ever done it solo. I figure a cab is $5 or I'd have to wait for an Uber at $3, so I tip the limo guy $3 and I am ahead either way.I don't know how to take the limo to HK. So I usually take the taxi. Are the limo waiting near the boarder or do I have to call. Anyways, I always take the limo from HK to the boarder. If it is a solo ride, I tip them $5 the same amount I would have paid for a taxi, OR $3 if non-solo. Limo ride is more comfortable and safer (I don't think the cops or competitors dare to mess with the HK ownership group).

12-05-19, 14:54
Four times is not easy. Maybe 3 chicas without climax and you finish with the last chica with climax. I prefer one chica / one evening. Quality not quantity.I'm the type of guy that over indulge at a buffet. To get my moneys worth.

So, having said that, after the expense of flight, hotel and vacation days, I usually take up 7 chicas per night, I may not be able to finish with all of them, but I got my moneys worth.

12-05-19, 17:04
Hey all,

First off, thanks much to everyone who puts info on here. Wouldn't be going without it.

Newb on here but somewhat of a vet monger in states. Going solo for my first time. Land in SD sun afternoon then trolley straight to San Ysidro. Plan on crossing and getting uber to HK.

Booked master suite through Wednesday morn at Cascadas.

I know posts are supposed to be with info so I apologize for asking questions here. Also mailed registration in so I can't receive pm's yet. But I do promise to post my experiences after trip! Appreciate any info.

Ques 1) plan on getting an escort from an agency that sends to Cascadas. Do I have to clear her with front desk or security as she is not an HK gal?

Ques2) safe to leave passport, etc in hotel room?

Ques 3) ped west vs ped east? Pros / cons?

Ques 4) any vets want to show a newb a couple tips / tricks in person? Haha. I'm a skinny, pasty ginger and I always wear a hat so I'll probably stick out. Plan on going straight to HK for vip card and try and get my newb body language to a minimum before I check in. Couple drinks or dinner on me.

Ques 5) OK to bring some weed vapes to Mex? Won't be bringing them back to us. Gummies ok to bring?

Ques 6) Where is best place to exchange for pesos? Don't like using my debit card but will if best thing to do.

Thanks in advance.

12-05-19, 21:15
Its up to you but why waste your time with a escort, probably will cost you more than the many to choose from downstairs, but if yes, you will most likely have to register her at Cascades, but easy.

There are safes in the rooms which I have used before, just pick your code types. I leave most stuff in there, cash, most of wallet, etc. Bring cash and phone and room key with me.

I have always gone old route over border, so I don't know, less of a walk vs new one I think.

Don't bring anything over or back, you go through a detector both ways, and dogs, policia, etc. And just drink in Tijuana, don't mess with other stuff.

Just get bunch of cash before you cross border, HK accepts cash as do girls.

Uber from SAN airport to Border crossing old. Like 25 bucks. Way quicker, trolley will take at least an hour.

My routine: cross border, taxi to HK 6 bucks, Cascades hotel above, check in, shower, take V, clothes, hit HK. Quick with first girl 70, go down drink a few, hang with more, again upstairs.

Don't have to worry about your appearnace buddy, they just love the color green, enjoy nothing to worry about.

Captain Solo
12-05-19, 23:31
To CrashAru.

Welcome to the Tijuana club. All my friends from out of state and out of country were impressed with HK and had hot, sexy times with the hot girls in Tijuana.

You may want to take an UBER Share from SD int to the border. It costs a few bucks more but will save you lots of time and sweat compared to the trolley.

1. Most escorts won't go to any hotel in La Zona Norte like Cascada. There are exceptions but you would have to shop and wait for them. I never liked the escorts scene, as the women tend to be older, fat, homely and flaky. HK has over a hundred girls every night whom you can grope, squeeze, kiss, flirt with before making your selection, a more surefire way of picking good bed partners. I know Kitty / Cici quit HK and is now working as an independent escort. She just gave my room number to Cascada's reception and walked straight to my room.

2. You can lock your passport and valuables in the small safe in the room.

3. The trolley docks right at Ped East. Have to walk about 1 mile West for Ped West.

4. I may be in Tijuana with a bro Sunday after 2 PM. Look for El Capitan near bar Kowloon in a green flight jacket and a black cap, or ask HK front desk or security guys to find me.

5. It's too risky to bring weed vape. Anything you need, just ask the girls or the meseros. They will supply.

6. There are many cambios near the bar block. There are also many ATMs, but avoid the Multiva machines as they have skimmed my debit card in the past. The ATMs inside HK and Cascada dispense pesos. I have not had problems with them.

Have fun and share your experiences / lessons with the bros.

12-06-19, 00:21
Its up to you but why waste your time with a escort, probably will cost you more than the many to choose from downstairs, but if yes, you will most likely have to register her at Cascades, but easy.

There are safes in the rooms which I have used before, just pick your code types. I leave most stuff in there, cash, most of wallet, etc. Bring cash and phone and room key with me.

I have always gone old route over border, so I don't know, less of a walk vs new one I think.

Don't bring anything over or back, you go through a detector both ways, and dogs, policia, etc. And just drink in Tijuana, don't mess with other stuff.

Just get bunch of cash before you cross border, HK accepts cash as do girls.

Uber from SAN airport to Border crossing old. Like 25 bucks. Way quicker, trolley will take at least an hour.

My routine: cross border, taxi to HK 6 bucks, Cascades hotel above, check in, shower, take V, clothes, hit HK. Quick with first girl 70, go down drink a few, hang with more, again upstairs.

Don't have to worry about your appearnace buddy, they just love the color green, enjoy nothing to worry about.Questions about escorts should be on escort board but it depends what kind of experience you want. HK is cool bcuz you looking exactly at you what you will get but it's wham bam thank you ma'am for the most part. Escort might not be exactly what you see in eye pic but most are GFE. Also most agency don't send girls to zona rosa.

KC Questor
12-06-19, 02:53
Ques 1) plan on getting an escort from an agency that sends to Cascadas. Do I have to clear her with front desk or security as she is not an HK gal?Most agencies will not send to Cascadas. Be sure to confirm first. The desk at Cascadas may want to see her health card, or may just get her name. It's a crap shoot depending on how busy they are and who is there.

Ques2) safe to leave passport, etc in hotel room?The room has a safe. Use it.

Ques 3) ped west vs ped east? Pros / cons?If you are taking the trolley, Ped East is closer and easier. If you are taking a cab or uber to the border, use PedWest (known in Mexico as "Chaparral", for when you are returning). Ped East is "linea viejo".

As far as the trolley vs uber from San Diego, I always use the trolley. It's only $7 vs $30-40 on uber. Yes, it takes longer, but my flight always lands in San Diego at 9:30 am. So the difference is getting to Tijuana by 11:00 (trolley) or 10:30 (uber). In both cases I have to kill time before I can check in to my hotel, so it doesn't matter much. Plus taking the trolley means I can stop downtown for a coffee and breakfast, and hit up a CVS to pick up supplies I couldn't bring on the plane. If you want to spend $25 to save 30 minutes, then uber is the way to go. If you are ubering, might as well go to Ped West rather than Ped East. Ped West is closer to the zona, and has the HK shuttle right there.

Ques 5) OK to bring some weed vapes to Mex? Won't be bringing them back to us. Gummies ok to bring?It's riskier bringing them into Mexico that into the US. They are legal in the US. I wouldn't be caught dead bringing weed into Mexico. That said, the chances of being caught are very slim. They x-ray your bags, but the searches are pretty simple. I see lots of guys with vape pens. I imagine that edibles would be difficult for them to find. That said, being arrested in a foreign country is no joke. I save the weed for home.

Ques 6) Where is best place to exchange for pesos? Don't like using my debit card but will if best thing to do.Unless you are exchanging thousands of dollars, the difference in exchange rates is inconsequential. I always just use the cambios at the border. I could save a buck or two out of every $500 by walking a couple of blocks, but why bother? If you want to use your debit card, find a bank or a reliable business (like Sanborn's department store) away from the zona. Many of the zona ATMs have been reported to have skimmers or other fraud devices. Those that are safe, like in Hong Kong, have high fees ($20+ dollars sometimes!). And do you want the people in the zona watching you take money out of the bank?

That said, unless you really are going to be negotiating hard with the girls (especially street girls), or spending time outside the zona, just do everything with dollars. It is easier. The bars prices are in dollars. The bar girls ask for dollars. The only thing you'll do with pesos is screw yourself over unless you are really good at conversion. Right now, with rates at about 18.5:1, if you try to use pesos you'll be tempted to think 20:1. So if a girl says $80 and you ask for pesos she'll say 1600. But 1600 pesos is really $86 and you just screwed yourself using pesos. If you get the girl to agree to 1500 pesos, congrats, you dropped her to $81. Just pay in dollars and you never have to worry about screwing yourself by messing up the math. If you do street girls, however, definitely pay in pesos.

If no street girls, just convert a few bucks (like $20 per day) to pesos for use at the convenience store or taco stands. They all take dollars as well, but paying with pesos is more convenient.

Feel free to PM me with any questions you may have.

Captain Solo
12-06-19, 06:55
Marijuana is legal in California, but still illegal by federal laws. When you are in the border zone, which theoretically extends 100 miles from the border, you are under federal jurisdiction and can still be searched and busted for marijuana. But typically CBP agents only exert their authority when you cross the border to and from the US.

There was talk about legal personal use for a bunch of drugs in Mexico, but at El Chapparral border entry to Mexico for cars, there are a couple large bill boards saying marijuana is illegal in Mexico. If it was legal HK girls would not have to sneak into a tiny banos to smoke their joints.

The girls and meseros can supply whatever you need. There is a bar on Constitucion corner Calle 1 that caters to weed smokers. Too risky to carry any contraband across the border.

12-06-19, 23:57
If it was legal HK girls would not have to sneak into a tiny banos to smoke their joints.

Two trips ago, my buddy and I were running up to our masters on the 7th floor and at the end of the hallway two workin chicas in robes were smoking a joint haha, they let me hit it.

12-07-19, 02:17
Killer info from all. Much thanks and I'm sure others appreciate. Will be leaving weed stuff at home. Also using safe. Alrhough I got a money belt for walking around cash.

To all about the escort to Cascadas I emailed the agency and asked. They said some do and some don't. BMO understood about the escort board and will post about experience (s) there. Just thought it may apply because it is Cascadas.

About why get an escort I plan on trying the whole damn buffet. (BG, ESC, SG, HK, ADL, Chicago, etc.) When in Rome right?

Captain I'll be looking for you.

KC suggestions for breakfast? My flight gets in at 930 as well.

Again great info from everybody.

Give me til next weekend for posts.

John Gault
12-07-19, 13:40
Hey all,

Ques 5) OK to bring some weed vapes to Mex? Won't be bringing them back to us. Gummies ok to bring?

Thanks in advance.If you must have some THC in your system then while crossing the border into Mexico, taking Edibles is the best bet.

12-07-19, 16:28
Killer info from all. Much thanks and I'm sure others appreciate. Will be leaving weed stuff at home. Also using safe. Alrhough I got a money belt for walking around cash.

To all about the escort to Cascadas I emailed the agency and asked. They said some do and some don't. BMO understood about the escort board and will post about experience (s) there. Just thought it may apply because it is Cascadas.

About why get an escort I plan on trying the whole damn buffet. (BG, ESC, SG, HK, ADL, Chicago, etc.) When in Rome right?

Captain I'll be looking for you.

KC suggestions for breakfast? My flight gets in at 930 as well.

Again great info from everybody.

Give me til next weekend for posts.There is not one time that I haven't brought weed to Tijuana. All I do is keep in a smell proof container or bag, keep it in my pocket, then cross the border as usual. HK seems to be tolerable with weed considering I've smoked numerous times in my room with chicas. I even bring a vape to smoke inside of the club. Go ahead and bring weed. Just don't be obvious with it.

12-07-19, 16:42
So I've been to HK many times without experiencing a 3 sum. Think it's about time to explore that. Was wondering if you guys would like to share your 3 sum stories as well as offer any advice as to how to set that up or any advice on the topic really.


KC Questor
12-07-19, 19:20
KC suggestions for breakfast? My flight gets in at 930 as well.The bus from the airport drops you off on Broadway in downtown San Diego, right on the edge of the Gaslamp District, so there are a hundred places to eat. But I'm usually down just for Panera, so I can sit and use the wifi and take my time. If you walk a couple of blocks south of Broadway on 5th or 6th Ave you'll find lots of great restaurants. Brian's is a great diner-style place that serves traditional American breakfast foods 24-hours a day. Breakfast Republic is American but more modern (and expensive). Cafe 21 is a Middle Eastern fusion place that has really delicious and innovative breakfasts. Or there's just your basic Dunkin' Donuts.

KC Questor
12-07-19, 19:28
There is a bar on Constitucion corner Calle 1 that caters to weed smokers.If you mean Bar Zacazonapan, didn't that close recently?

12-07-19, 20:31
If you mean Bar Zacazonapan, didn't that close recently?Yeah, it's been gone for weeks at least. Demolished, new construction, there's a barbershop there now.

12-07-19, 20:50
If you mean Bar Zacazonapan, didn't that close recently?Can Confirm. It was closed when I went this week.

12-07-19, 22:40
There is not one time that I haven't brought weed to Tijuana. All I do is keep in a smell proof container or bag, keep it in my pocket, then cross the border as usual. HK seems to be tolerable with weed considering I've smoked numerous times in my room with chicas. I even bring a vape to smoke inside of the club. Go ahead and bring weed. Just don't be obvious with it.No issues smoking pot in the rooms at HK. As posted many times you guys are playing with fire crossing the border with weed and walking around Tijuana with weed. The Cops will probably never take you to jail, but they will make your life miserable. Same issues if they catch you at the border.

12-08-19, 07:42
Hey all,

First off, thanks much to everyone who puts info on here. Wouldn't be going without it.

Newb on here but somewhat of a vet monger in states. Going solo for my first time. Land in SD sun afternoon then trolley straight to San Ysidro. Plan on crossing and getting uber to HK.

Booked master suite through Wednesday morn at Cascadas.

I know posts are supposed to be with info so I apologize for asking questions here. Also mailed registration in so I can't receive pm's yet. But I do promise to post my experiences after trip! Appreciate any info.

Ques 1) plan on getting an escort from an agency that sends to Cascadas. Do I have to clear her with front desk or security as she is not an HK gal?.So now I know why the master suite isn't available for me next week. .

You get in before me, but I'll be there late Monday through Thursday. Can grab some tacos and cervezas if you'd like. You'll have a day of experience by then but I can share a few things I've learned over the years and many trips to HK.

12-08-19, 09:08
No issues smoking pot in the rooms at HK. As posted many times you guys are playing with fire crossing the border with weed and walking around Tijuana with weed. The Cops will probably never take you to jail, but they will make your life miserable. Same issues if they catch you at the border.I returned several times around midnight at pedeast crossing and was a hidden CBP officer with sniffing dog at the very end of the walkway that is after crossing the first CBP post. From this point you can't go back to Mexico and if the dog smells the weed, you can be in deep doo doo. BTW the dog likes my aftershave Aquavelva because he licked my leg.

12-08-19, 23:19
Hong Kong packed Saturday. So hot, constantly on move to get away from cigarette smokers. VIP line was 15 minutes. A 2nd desk is needed. Guys were going upstairs every 20 seconds. I'm sure half were paying 100. Had one 150 offer. Kept saying no till it was 80. She wouldn't leave till I said you pay me 2 dollars for arriba.

12-09-19, 02:38
So now I know why the master suite isn't available for me next week. .

You get in before me, but I'll be there late Monday through Thursday. Can grab some tacos and cervezas if you'd like. You'll have a day of experience by then but I can share a few things I've learned over the years and many trips to HK.I have a master suite reservation for next Tuesday the 17th. I'll be there, but only overnight trip.

12-09-19, 03:42
First I read as much as possible while contemplating my first trip to Tijuana in many years.

I'd never before even been to Zona Norte and there is only so much you can think you understand from watching YouTube and other various videos of the local scene.

When first considering an actual foray into Mexico I thought it wise to reduce my loss potential by sorting through stuff I couldn't actually need in MX and leaving that in the trunk of my rental vehicle.

I then divided my cash on hand and stashed some of it in hidden pockets (which would surely have been discovered by bad guys who were out to get me).

(side note: Don't wait until you've scouted out the USA Side of the border for all of the important landmarks before only then wanting to drive far enough away so as to be spotted by no one when prepping your belongings for such a seeming risk, or you'll end up driving forever, as I did, when wanting a spot where I could be inconspicuous as I prepped {sorting wallet, sorting items in coat pockets, etc.

Upon entering Mexico I didn't even know whether I wanted to get a room for the night at a Zona Norte hotel (for about $60) vs. A potential 30-minute stay with a lady for $19, but I'd read somewhere that carrying luggage into MX is (the wrong) sign to both potential crooks and crooked police as well.

So there are two pedestrian crossings from California into Tijuana, and they are Ped East and Ped West, which is the newer of the pair.

Ped east is the one adjacent to the Trolley stop which is so easy to reach from San Diego.

Park in the lot behind the Jack-in-The-Box which is adjacent to the Trolley Stop.

$12 USA gets you 12 hours of parking, and you pay your first $12 upon arrival and then get a time-stamped ticket which will require added funds upon your exit IF you stay longer than whatever the correct amount of time is.

So, you've got your paperwork in order, and you're on to Mexico.

Cross the street from the trolley stop, and lots of people will be around, many toting packages upon packages all procured from USA Stores before they return to Mexico.

Look for a "blue building" (perhaps more easily identifiable as such during daylight hours), and keep walking with many others toward and through a secure one-way turnstile, the other side of which has you in Mexico.

Before long on what is likely a safe path (between the point-of-no-return behind you, and the Mexican border officials ahead of you (no where for would-be thieves to really escape) you reach a fork in the road:

One side says "Mexicanos" and the other "Foreigners". At 7:30 pm, well after dark, everyone else was going through the Mexicanos path, and the path for "Foreigners" was still clearly open, but all of the barriers perhaps used earlier for line organization were put aside, and nobody else was there but me. You let the official look at your passport, and m-m-m-m-most likely you will breeze right through. (perhaps his main concern is that you will be eligible to return to the USA Given their more strict scrutiny and standards).

Soon you continue on a one-way, formal path until you re-enter the night air. And almost immediately you will spot an orange and white sign which says "Zona Shuttle", and before it you take very few unmonitored steps in Mexico. In front of a tiny building is a shuttle stop, with a man there attending it. (if it is 90 F degrees and ungodly humid there is a tiny office-like place where you can perhaps be in an air conditioned environment as you await the shuttle) (the office and some amenities there were offered to me, but as it was 55 F and after dark, I thought I'd wait outside for the driver who was summoned immediately by this very friendly and never-worrisome attendant).

I was escorted to the back of an 8-passenger limo, where I was the only passenger for what was a free ride. Though I happily tipped the driver $3.

The trip was a brief one, along uncrowded back streets and without much scenery or concern.

Soon I was let out the door in front of the Hong Kong Club, which is the most popular there.

Two security men formally checked my pockets and scrutinized some of my things, which I happily showed them were of no concern security-wise.

Let me state with emphasis that everyone I needed to deal with (before getting to the girls) spoke very conversive English and that while I speak no serious Spanish beyond a few words, I never had a hint of language barrier with anyone male on the entire journey.

Let me also state with emphasis that if you can't handle the ways of old with thick cigarette smoke at such a venue, then you don't want to experiment with the Hong Kong Club in Tijuana!!

So I walked in. And young women were dancing everywhere. And the place has 3 floors, one of which was unused on this off night. And I guess I would estimate there were perhaps 200 men spread thoroughly around the open areas along with what could have been 125 to 150-ish young women, any of whom could presumably be inspired upstairs for perhaps $80-100 for 30 minutes of full service. (the rental of the room for 30 minutes costs $19).

It took a while to find a seat. So I just kept walking around each floor while investigating the environs as I went. Eventually I happened upon a spot, and soon after a male waiter came and brought me a sealed can of Coca Cola for $4 (no cover charge at HK).

Not so long after that, young women happened along, some planting themselves purposefully in my lap. When this happened, it was common for a male waiter to come along and gently ask if I'd like to buy the lady a drink, for $9. (the $9 helps toward their paying their nightly rent to the club, and each would clearly give her name to the waiter to be written down immediately after).

Every few minutes a girl would say something akin to: "Un dollar tip for me?" (often after gyrating in my lap while pleasantly received). Observing in all directions I saw lots of customers fully fondling these young women without restraint, and I'm certain that I could have gotten plenty of mileage for a succession of $1 tips. In fact, somewhere before or during a 2nd drink purchased for one woman, she was stroking me through my pantleg with major intent, while making suggestive reference to what she may have felt.

A couple of other brief visitors leaned toward my ear and whispered "sucky-sucky-fucky-fucky upstairs", while trying to entice me to take them upstairs for full service.

Soon, the stage three feet from me evolved to have a shaving cream and oil show on it. Including fully nude, double-dildo co-penetration, AND a condom on the end of a specially modified power drill used by one stripper to fully penetrate the other stripper at any given time.

Eventually a customer peeled off all but his skivvies and got on stage, laid down upon the shaving cream and oil, and had the girls putting more shaving cream upon him, before one then rode his face (full contact) as the other rode his torso. It was then that one of the strippers splashed shaving cream beyond the stage, and I got slightly hit, so I gave up my seat and resumed walking around the club.

After a while I returned less near to the shaving cream stage, and sat on a bar stool, while idle dancers stood around in clusters nearby. A spectacle from this new vantage point was a jacuzzi which was typically the next stop after the shaving cream show for the two strippers typically involved in that. Their money was understandably soaked each time, and needed to be assembled and split between them, and they could accomplish this while also cleaning themselves off in the Jacuzzi. The wet money stuck, (and even stacked) to the glass wall of the Jacuzzi area, so it was fun to watch them slap bills on the wall in stacks of 5 or 10.

A couple of stools down from me, a petite dancer was sitting and she happened to see a passing customer with whom she'd likely had some sort of relations in the past, and before long the half-drunk guy was just about ready to expose himself for heightened sharing to a dancer whose own cooperation with everything else helped to bring him to that point.

Another surely American guy was so drunk that he was awkwardly gyrating in the middle of a random floor in front of most anything he could still make out to be female. As if that guy you see at a club all the time.

It didn't seem like long at all when the time arrived that I'd measured several hours of the scene already. With so many women there, just seeing a vast number of the options seems important when trying to guide your mind in any certain direction for a more personal interaction.

As so often happens at any strip club, early on you notice some starlet who really captures your mind. But then she goes away, and you can't even identify her again let alone will her to come around your area of the club anymore. If I interacted with. 20-25 dancers during the night, only one was such a person who spoke no English, while I essentially speak no Spanish.

If I could do my entire evening over again. I would pluck this one dancer who had the most awesome puffy nipples which accounted for fully 1/3 of the altitude of her small, conular breasts. From the stage, for lap dances (at $1 each! At the very least, and probably a trip "upstairs" (translation: "arriba".

Alas, I was staring so much at her remarkable breasts that I didn't retain enough identifying attributes to ever notice her again.

There was a time when I pondered seeking out the earlier 2-drink girl for a trip upstairs, because she later looked plenty bored there, and I'd already ascertained that she was conversive and had the potential to be engaging, at the very least.

It wasn't too much longer that another shaving cream show commenced, with the same two dancers from the previous rendition. And one of those was a fresh-faced, makeup-free girl whose eyes seemed to be able to snag the attention of most anyone, from well across the room. They went through the same routines as before. Complete with the double dildo, first simultaneously sucked and then simultaneously fucked. The one girl's torso so generously participating with her partner as her eyes scanned the room looking for something to lock-onto. She ensnared plenty of up-close viewers into her lair. And much shaving cream seemed to decorate each once she was done with them.

Yet this was a fresh-faced, gentle-seeming lass who didn't really seem the busty, blond and extremely outgoing stereotype more typical for gyrating around in shaving cream and oil in front of an eager audience.

Speaking of blonds. With society being what it has evolved to be, there was a considerable representation there of multiple haircolors and hair styles surely not reflective at all of the pure genetics known to most Latina.

Fake breasts were plentiful as well, along with multiple enhanced rear ends in addition.

Then again there was another shared trip to the Jacuzzi after the two same partners finished their shaving cream and oil show. Again with stacks of received tips first laundered and then hung to somewhat-dry on the glass wall of the Jacuzzi area. By then I couldn't look away while trying to catch the one girl's eyes casing the room as she stacked her cheese.

Suddenly, well. I did look away. And the new item of my intrigue had disappeared from the water, and was now out of sight.

By now my mind had focused on (the idea of) her, and I figured I'd at least investigate her demeanor further before becoming inspired to go upstairs with anyone. Meanwhile there were many pauses in front of me by women seeking $1 tips for a bit of fondling, and I guess I touched more ripe young breasts in one evening than ever before. And I am not one to assertively seek-out such interaction.

I am guessing that had the amazing puffy nipples bared themselves before me again in any capacity that I would have immediately sought them out for close or closer encounters, but that never happened.

Eventually the shaving cream girl reappeared on the horizon, and then went up a (different) staircase (alone). Before returning and heading in the wrong direction. Sacrificing another seat, I embarked upon a reconnaissance mission which was at first fruitless, but later unearthed the sweet lass of my interest, who I then approached with more intent.

We sat together and I bought us drinks as we chatted a bit. Her English was good enough, and we wrapped casual arms around one another as we talked. Eventually I inquired directly about going upstairs, and she gave prices clearly up front, which I thought was a good idea for me. She assured me condoms were there for her to use, and soon off we went.

Oddly, you have to go outside onto the street for a few steps before ascending a staircase to the hotel above.

Cost-wise there were zero surprises, and the half-hour was a surprisingly adequate time for a full encounter entailing DATY, full service, and a brief, comfortable shower during the 30-35 minute window. (comfortable far more due to the smoke downstairs than due to anything about her I wouldn't want to keep on me). This was a gentle and demure soul who was every bit a delightful encounter in private, in some ways seeming so far away from the spirit who would tend to be so exciting in shaving cream. If I went back to find the same crew of girls, my first two trips upstairs would be this same girl, and the one with the puffy nipples. One a raw lusting for body parts, and the other such an enjoyable encounter that it would be silly to guess at another being better.

Because it was nearing 3:00 am I figured I should return to the border vs. Returning to the 24-hour club.

In place of the 8-person limo at that hour there were a string of cabs hovering about, and the well-spoken concierge (out front summoned one for me, and told me it was a free ride to the border and that I need only tip the driver for the service.

(side note: when reading about actually cabbing to Zona Norte from the Mexico side of the border, I read in one spot to "(skip the black and white cabs you see right inside Mexico, because they sometimes coerce more money out of you in some sort of a rip-off scam. And instead await the orange cabs found a bit farther into Mexico on foot, which are more reliable)". On this night my ride back was indeed one of those black and white cabs, but I expect strongly that they are *incentivized* just right, by the club itself, so as to assure prompt delivery to the border of American customers who may come back.).

All in all this was an amazing experience, but the mind must process the concept of being in a room with 125-150 women perhaps all eager to let you have your sexual way with them for what is a decent-enough price for them. And then contemplate how best to sort out who, when, and how often.

If I went there again next week, I think I would arrive sufficiently rested, at a time more conducive to my own eventual hat trick, and I would do a slightly better job of hitting the ground running. Before resting between shots on goal. (with all of the beautiful scenery at the club). All in all I was there 7 hours, and I don't even know that I spent $200 total.

The room was peppered with what frat boys would call "7's" and "8's". Many having abandoned nature and opted to try to look in one or more ways like they believe society wants them to look. There are enough blonds in the crowd to complement the many black-haired Latina who were sure to be so plentiful.

It could be reasonably opined that there were too many girls there on the night I enjoyed. Because they were taking up precious seats, and standing around in large clusters. But if that were organized a bit better, then perhaps it could be even more of a captivating environment.

I did not heed the online advice about going with a friend your first time. I boldly went to Tijuana well after dark, knowing minimal Spanish, and I never had a worrisome encounter anywhere, and I would recommend the idea to anyone at all curious about such an environment, and I suggest a strong probability of your having no problematic encounters there either.

I can NOT speak as to what it would be like to arrive there solo and leave there drunk and solo, but the women are wonderful and the male workers accommodate northerners as well as can be imagined in a fairly well-run organization (perhaps the cartels?

But the reputation of the clubs means everything to the operators of them, so that is their main incentive.

I did not find the occasional intrusions by the male waiters at Club Hong Kong to be a significant problem. Indeed they might bring a girl to recommend to me, and I guess that is OK. An offered grope and a dollar or two to the girl wasn't so much out of my pocket. I always declined the food and the snacks offered there, but I can imagine that for some (who'd been 'upstairs' a few times already) some nourishment could be just the right ticket.

The thick smoke in the place certainly does stick-out as a discomfort after years of the rest of the continent having mostly done away with such environs.

That alone should give cause for accepting the offered shower at the end of a session upstairs.

And speaking of Upstairs. The girl brings you to a counter at which you pay $19 for a room, for 30 minutes. And my experience was a gentle knock maybe even one or two minutes beyond exact "30", at which point we ceased shared activities (comfortably concluded by then) and began to clean up. Both had a shower of not-lengthy duration (but effective) and we saw ourselves out without further interference.

Nobody during the whole evening, on any level, seemed at all out of line, either directly or within my line of sight. The closest to it might have been the **other** girl on the shaving cream-filled stage, who did the excessive splashing, although she surely wasn't 'wrong'.

I just want to report a very comfortable first experience in Zona Norte at the HK club.

I hope someone will get brave and confident about the whole idea.

(I went on Sunday evening one week ago (into MX at about 7:30 and out at about 3:00 am)).

* I apologize in advance to those of you who most appreciate 3 lines of back-and-forth with others here, about details.

My intent in writing all of this is so that someone who is "unsure" of whether he wants to take the dare of visiting Tijuana by himself to go to Zona Norte, might find just the details he'd like to read, in order to be reassured.

(lastly, the guy at the USA Border upon return barely did anything beyond glance at my passport. Didn't ask any probing questions, and I didn't sense any suspicion.

Though if asked the purpose of my trip, I would have comfortably stated that I'd been to a strip club there. He doesn't need to understand much more than that).

12-09-19, 08:43
There is not one time that I haven't brought weed to Tijuana. All I do is keep in a smell proof container or bag, keep it in my pocket, then cross the border as usual. HK seems to be tolerable with weed considering I've smoked numerous times in my room with chicas. I even bring a vape to smoke inside of the club. Go ahead and bring weed. Just don't be obvious with it.You're right! All those signs, in English and Spanish, saying that it's a crime to import marijuana into Mexico don't apply to gringos. In fact, none of Mexico's laws apply to Americans. Smuggle away!

12-09-19, 14:52
First I read as much as possible while contemplating my first trip to Tijuana in many years.

I'd never before even been to Zona Norte and there is only so much you can think you understand from watching YouTube and other various videos of the local scene.

When first considering an actual foray into Mexico I thought it wise to reduce my loss potential by sorting through stuff I couldn't actually need in Mexico and leaving that in the trunk of my rental vehicle.

I then divided my cash on hand and stashed some of it in hidden pockets (which would surely have been discovered by bad guys who were out to get me).

(side note: don't wait until you've scouted out the USA Side of the border for all of the important landmarks before only then wanting to drive far enough away so as to be spotted by no one when prepping your belongings for such a seeming risk, or you'll end up driving forever, as I did, when wanting a spot where I could be inconspicuous as I prepped {sorting wallet, sorting items in coat pockets, etc.

Upon entering Mexico I didn't even know whether I wanted to get a room for the night at a Zona Norte hotel (for about $60) vs. A potential 30-minute stay with a lady for $19, but I'd read somewhere that carrying luggage into MX is (the wrong) sign to both potential crooks and crooked police as well.

So there are two pedestrian crossings from California into Tijuana, and they are Ped East and Ped West, which is the newer of the pair.

Ped east is the one adjacent to the Trolley stop which is so easy to reach from San Diego.

Park in the lot behind the Jack-in-The-Box which is adjacent to the Trolley Stop.

$12 USA gets you 12 hours of parking, and you pay your first $12 upon arrival and then get a time-stamped ticket which will require added funds upon your exit IF you stay longer than whatever the correct amount of time is.

So, you've got your paperwork in order, and you're on to Mexico.

Cross the street from the trolley stop, and lots of people will be around, many toting packages upon packages all procured from USA Stores before they return to Mexico.

Look for a "blue building" (perhaps more easily identifiable as such during daylight hours), and keep walking with many others toward and through a secure one-way turnstile, the other side of which has you in Mexico.

Before long on what is likely a safe path (between the point-of-no-return behind you, and the Mexican border officials ahead of you (no where for would-be thieves to really escape) you reach a fork in the road:

One side says "Mexicanos" and the other "Foreigners". At 7:30 pm, well after dark, everyone else was going through the Mexicanos path, and the path for "Foreigners" was still clearly open, but all of the barriers perhaps used earlier for line organization were put aside, and nobody else was there but me. You let the official look at your passport, and m-m-m-m-most likely you will breeze right through. (perhaps his main concern is that you will be eligible to return to the USA Given their more strict scrutiny and standards).

Soon you continue on a one-way, formal path until you re-enter the night air. And almost immediately you will spot an orange and white sign which says "Zona Shuttle", and before it you take very few unmonitored steps in Mexico. In front of a tiny building is a shuttle stop, with a man there attending it. (if it is 90 F degrees and ungodly humid there is a tiny office-like place where you can perhaps be in an air conditioned environment as you await the shuttle) (the office and some amenities there were offered to me, but as it was 55 F and after dark, I thought I'd wait outside for the driver who was summoned immediately by this very friendly and never-worrisome attendant).

I was escorted to the back of an 8-passenger limo, where I was the only passenger for what was a free ride. Though I happily tipped the driver $3.

The trip was a brief one, along uncrowded back streets and without much scenery or concern.

Soon I was let out the door in front of the Hong Kong Club, which is the most popular there.

Two security men formally checked my pockets and scrutinized some of my things, which I happily showed them were of no concern security-wise.

Let me state with emphasis that everyone I needed to deal with (before getting to the girls) spoke very conversive English and that while I speak no serious Spanish beyond a few words, I never had a hint of language barrier with anyone male on the entire journey.

Let me also state with emphasis that if you can't handle the ways of old with thick cigarette smoke at such a venue, then you don't want to experiment with the Hong Kong Club in Tijuana!!

So I walked in. And women were dancing everywhere. And the place has 3 floors, one of which was unused on this off night. And I guess I would estimate there were perhaps 200 men spread thoroughly around the open areas along with what could have been 125 to 150-ish women, any of whom could presumably be inspired upstairs for perhaps $80-100 for 30 minutes of full service. (the rental of the room for 30 minutes costs $19).

It took a while to find a seat. So I just kept walking around each floor while investigating the environs as I went. Eventually I happened upon a spot, and soon after a male waiter came and brought me a sealed can of Coca Cola for $4 (no cover charge at HK).

Not so long after that, women happened along, some planting themselves purposefully in my lap. When this happened, it was common for a male waiter to come along and gently ask if I'd like to buy the lady a drink, for $9. (the $9 helps toward their paying their nightly rent to the club, and each would clearly give her name to the waiter to be written down immediately after).

Every few minutes a girl would say something akin to: "Un dollar tip for me?" (often after gyrating in my lap while pleasantly received). Observing in all directions I saw lots of customers fully fondling these women without restraint, and I'm certain that I could have gotten plenty of mileage for a succession of $1 tips. In fact, somewhere before or during a 2nd drink purchased for one woman, she was stroking me through my pantleg with major intent, while making suggestive reference to what she may have felt.

A couple of other brief visitors leaned toward my ear and whispered "sucky-sucky-fucky-fucky upstairs", while trying to entice me to take them upstairs for full service.

Soon, the stage three feet from me evolved to have a shaving cream and oil show on it. Including fully nude, double-dildo co-penetration, and a condom on the end of a specially modified power drill used by one stripper to fully penetrate the other stripper at any given time.

Eventually a customer peeled off all but his skivvies and got on stage, laid down upon the shaving cream and oil, and had the girls putting more shaving cream upon him, before one then rode his face (full contact) as the other rode his torso. It was then that one of the strippers splashed shaving cream beyond the stage, and I got slightly hit, so I gave up my seat and resumed walking around the club.

After a while I returned less near to the shaving cream stage, and sat on a bar stool, while idle dancers stood around in clusters nearby. A spectacle from this new vantage point was a jacuzzi which was typically the next stop after the shaving cream show for the two strippers typically involved in that. Their money was understandably soaked each time, and needed to be assembled and split between them, and they could accomplish this while also cleaning themselves off in the Jacuzzi. The wet money stuck, (and even stacked) to the glass wall of the Jacuzzi area, so it was fun to watch them slap bills on the wall in stacks of 5 or 10.

A couple of stools down from me, a petite dancer was sitting and she happened to see a passing customer with whom she'd likely had some sort of relations in the past, and before long the half-drunk guy was just about ready to expose himself for heightened sharing to a dancer whose own cooperation with everything else helped to bring him to that point.

Another surely American guy was so drunk that he was awkwardly gyrating in the middle of a random floor in front of most anything he could still make out to be female. As if that guy you see at a club all the time.

It didn't seem like long at all when the time arrived that I'd measured several hours of the scene already. With so many women there, just seeing a vast number of the options seems important when trying to guide your mind in any certain direction for a more personal interaction.

As so often happens at any strip club, early on you notice some starlet who really captures your mind. But then she goes away, and you can't even identify her again let alone will her to come around your area of the club anymore. If I interacted with. 20-25 dancers during the night, only one was such a person who spoke no English, while I essentially speak no Spanish.

If I could do my entire evening over again. I would pluck this one dancer who had the most awesome puffy nipples which accounted for fully 1/3 of the altitude of her small, conular breasts. From the stage, for lap dances (at $1 each! At the very least, and probably a trip "upstairs" translation: "arriba".

Alas, I was staring so much at her remarkable breasts that I didn't retain enough identifying attributes to ever notice her again.

There was a time when I pondered seeking out the earlier 2-drink girl for a trip upstairs, because she later looked plenty bored there, and I'd already ascertained that she was conversive and had the potential to be engaging, at the very least.

It wasn't too much longer that another shaving cream show commenced, with the same two dancers from the previous rendition. And one of those was a fresh-faced, makeup-free girl whose eyes seemed to be able to snag the attention of most anyone, from well across the room. They went through the same routines as before. Complete with the double dildo, first simultaneously sucked and then simultaneously fucked. The one girl's torso so generously participating with her partner as her eyes scanned the room looking for something to lock-onto. She ensnared plenty of up-close viewers into her lair. And much shaving cream seemed to decorate each once she was done with them.

Yet this was a fresh-faced, gentle-seeming lass who didn't really seem the busty, blond and extremely outgoing stereotype more typical for gyrating around in shaving cream and oil in front of an eager audience.

Speaking of blonds. With society being what it has evolved to be, there was a considerable representation there of multiple haircolors and hair styles surely not reflective at all of the pure genetics known to most Latina.

Fake breasts were plentiful as well, along with multiple enhanced rear ends in addition.

Then again there was another shared trip to the Jacuzzi after the two same partners finished their shaving cream and oil show. Again with stacks of received tips first laundered and then hung to somewhat-dry on the glass wall of the Jacuzzi area. By then I couldn't look away while trying to catch the one girl's eyes casing the room as she stacked her cheese.

Suddenly, well. I did look away. And the new item of my intrigue had disappeared from the water, and was now out of sight.

By now my mind had focused on (the idea of) her, and I figured I'd at least investigate her demeanor further before becoming inspired to go upstairs with anyone. Meanwhile there were many pauses in front of me by women seeking $1 tips for a bit of fondling, and I guess I touched more ripe breasts in one evening than ever before. And I am not one to assertively seek-out such interaction.

I am guessing that had the amazing puffy nipples bared themselves before me again in any capacity that I would have immediately sought them out for close or closer encounters, but that never happened.

Eventually the shaving cream girl reappeared on the horizon, and then went up a (different) staircase (alone). Before returning and heading in the wrong direction. Sacrificing another seat, I embarked upon a reconnaissance mission which was at first fruitless, but later unearthed the sweet lass of my interest, who I then approached with more intent.

We sat together and I bought us drinks as we chatted a bit. Her English was good enough, and we wrapped casual arms around one another as we talked. Eventually I inquired directly about going upstairs, and she gave prices clearly up front, which I thought was a good idea for me. She assured me condoms were there for her to use, and soon off we went.

Oddly, you have to go outside onto the street for a few steps before ascending a staircase to the hotel above.

Cost-wise there were zero surprises, and the half-hour was a surprisingly adequate time for a full encounter entailing DATY, full service, and a brief, comfortable shower during the 30-35 minute window. (comfortable far more due to the smoke downstairs than due to anything about her I wouldn't want to keep on me). This was a gentle and demure soul who was every bit a delightful encounter in private, in some ways seeming so far away from the spirit who would tend to be so exciting in shaving cream. If I went back to find the same crew of girls, my first two trips upstairs would be this same girl, and the one with the puffy nipples. One a raw lusting for body parts, and the other such an enjoyable encounter that it would be silly to guess at another being better.

Because it was nearing 3:00 am I figured I should return to the border vs. Returning to the 24-hour club.

In place of the 8-person limo at that hour there were a string of cabs hovering about, and the well-spoken concierge (out front summoned one for me, and told me it was a free ride to the border and that I need only tip the driver for the service.

(side note: when reading about actually cabbing to Zona Norte from the Mexico side of the border, I read in one spot to "(skip the black and white cabs you see right inside Mexico, because they sometimes coerce more money out of you in some sort of a rip-off scam. And instead await the orange cabs found a bit farther into Mexico on foot, which are more reliable)". On this night my ride back was indeed one of those black and white cabs, but I expect strongly that they are *incentivized* just right, by the club itself, so as to assure prompt delivery to the border of American customers who may come back.).

All in all this was an amazing experience, but the mind must process the concept of being in a room with 125-150 women perhaps all eager to let you have your sexual way with them for what is a decent-enough price for them. And then contemplate how best to sort out who, when, and how often.

If I went there again next week, I think I would arrive sufficiently rested, at a time more conducive to my own eventual hat trick, and I would do a slightly better job of hitting the ground running. Before resting between shots on goal. (with all of the beautiful scenery at the club). All in all I was there 7 hours, and I don't even know that I spent $200 total.

The room was peppered with what frat boys would call "7's" and "8's". Many having abandoned nature and opted to try to look in one or more ways like they believe society wants them to look. There are enough blonds in the crowd to complement the many black-haired Latina who were sure to be so plentiful.

It could be reasonably opined that there were too many girls there on the night I enjoyed. Because they were taking up precious seats, and standing around in large clusters. BUT if that were organized a bit better, then perhaps it could be even more of a captivating environment.

I did not heed the online advice about going with a friend your first time. I boldly went to Tijuana well after dark, knowing minimal Spanish, and I never had a worrisome encounter anywhere, and I would recommend the idea to anyone at all curious about such an environment, and I suggest a strong probability of your having no problematic encounters there either.

I can not speak as to what it would be like to arrive there solo and leave there drunk and solo, but the women are wonderful and the male workers accommodate northerners as well as can be imagined in a fairly well-run organization (perhaps the cartels?

But the reputation of the clubs means everything to the operators of them, so that is their main incentive.

I did not find the occasional intrusions by the male waiters at Club Hong Kong to be a significant problem. Indeed they might bring a girl to recommend to me, and I guess that is OK. An offered grope and a dollar or two to the girl wasn't so much out of my pocket. I always declined the food and the snacks offered there, but I can imagine that for some (who'd been 'upstairs' a few times already) some nourishment could be just the right ticket.

The thick smoke in the place certainly does stick-out as a discomfort after years of the rest of the continent having mostly done away with such environs.

That alone should give cause for accepting the offered shower at the end of a session upstairs.

And speaking of Upstairs. The girl brings you to a counter at which you pay $19 for a room, for 30 minutes. And my experience was a gentle knock maybe even one or two minutes beyond exact "30", at which point we ceased shared activities (comfortably concluded by then) and began to clean up. Both had a shower of not-lengthy duration (but effective) and we saw ourselves out without further interference.

NOBODY during the whole evening, on any level, seemed at all out of line, either directly or within my line of sight. The closest to it might have been the **other** girl on the shaving cream-filled stage, who did the excessive splashing, although she surely wasn't 'wrong'.

I just want to report a very comfortable first experience in Zona Norte at the HK club.

I hope someone will get brave and confident about the whole idea.

(I went on Sunday evening one week ago (into MX at about 7:30 and out at about 3:00 am)).

* I apologize in advance to those of you who most appreciate 3 lines of back-and-forth with others here, about details.

My intent in writing all of this is so that someone who is "unsure" of whether he wants to take the dare of visiting Tijuana by himself to go to Zona Norte, might find just the details he'd like to read, in order to be reassured.

(lastly, the guy at the USA Border upon return barely did anything beyond glance at my passport. Didn't ask any probing questions, and I didn't sense any suspicion.

Though if asked the purpose of my trip, I would have comfortably stated that I'd been to a strip club there. He doesn't need to understand much more than that).

12-09-19, 22:31
* I apologize in advance to those of you who most appreciate 3 lines of back-and-forth with others here, about details.

My intent in writing all of this is so that someone who is "unsure" of whether he wants to take the dare of visiting Tijuana by himself to go to Zona Norte, might find just the details he'd like to read, in order to be reassured.

(lastly, the guy at the USA Border upon return barely did anything beyond glance at my passport. Didn't ask any probing questions, and I didn't sense any suspicion.

Though if asked the purpose of my trip, I would have comfortably stated that I'd been to a strip club there. He doesn't need to understand much more than that).Great write up! It's a great summary for anyone thinking about visiting Tijuana. At the beginning of the write up, I got the impression that you were wary of safety down there. A lot of people I talk to here in San Diego have a bad impression on Tijuana. It's not unwarranted, but I believe it's overblown.

Captain Solo
12-10-19, 00:09

Wow. Finally took the plunge into Putaland after reading this site many years? A very wise decision. This is a very good, detailed report with lots of how tos. Glad you had a good time with the chicas in and out of bed, and figure out how things work in HK and La Zona.

It's true La Zona Norte is pretty safe, convenient and users friendly for mongers. The reported violence involves primarily drug dealers, should not effect mongers and casual visitors. HK and the streets have lots of hot young girls, over hundred every night in HK alone, then thousands escorts listed in many sites. The best parts are, Tijuana chicas are young, fresh, very good-looking, nice, fun, sweet, sexy, loving, far less mercenary and rude like girls in Thailand, the Phil, Hong Kong, and various parts of Europe, South and Central America.

The bros who are not taking the plunge, solo or with wingmen, are missing out of some serious sexy fun. I went out of my way and took many scared noobs to La Zona. They all head great times, some fell in love with the chicas they met in Tijuana.

I just want to report a very comfortable first experience in Zona Norte at the HK club.

I hope someone will get brave and confident about the whole idea.

(I went on Sunday evening one week ago (into MX at about 7:30 and out at about 3:00 am)).

* I apologize in advance to those of you who most appreciate 3 lines of back-and-forth with others here, about details.

My intent in writing all of this is so that someone who is "unsure" of whether he wants to take the dare of visiting Tijuana by himself to go to Zona Norte, might find just the details he'd like to read, in order to be reassured.

12-11-19, 05:55
Went to HK last month for 3 days straight, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Didn't see any 9's and 10's like a lot of people said. Best I saw was an 8. 5 but she wouldn't do DFK and DATY so didn't try her. A lot of girls with nice bodies though but face not so much. Had two girls that were really cool and you could tell during the time you buy them a drink and talk with them they would give good experiences. One was a squirter and squirted 3 times on me. Both were down with BBFS.

Had bottle service and got some tequila that was like $200, they had some bottles that were $100. Watched Thursday night football there which was cool. They had shows up stairs where girls were eating each other out and using dildos on each other.

Thought it was cool for my first time, would go again if I am visiting San Diego. The only thing I would do differently next time is to get a room instead of renting because 30 minutes isnt enough time to have good sex, felt I was trying to rush.
No issues besides a drunk looking tomboy ***** bothering us for money and telling us to get the hell out of Mexico LOL.

Also walked through Adelitas a couple times and didnt see anything. Thought I saw a good one from far away but when I went to talk to her the light shined on her face and told her I gotta go.

Street girls were ugly also.Excellent report, very well written, very vivid, that I almost felt I was there that night.

Agree with the assessment, overall is hard to see 9-10. However there are plenty of options in the 7-8 range.

HK is a great option for people who lives in the US, easier to flight in 1 weekend. Considering all expenses Colombia is probably cheaper but unless you live in South Florida is hard to find cheap flights Friday to Sunday.

Last time I went to HK with a friend we shared a Cascadas room, hands down is the way to go. More comfortable to fuck, you have your own space to leave your things, use the bathroom, etc.

Captain Solo
12-11-19, 19:21
I was sitting on Miami's balcony, watching the strip show, waiting for my big Azul's steak, when Meyit straddled my lap, grinding, squeezing, DFKing me like we were in love hehe.

She's a cute, hot little girl with lots of fun, but I had to let her go as my big dinner was coming. I am pretty sure she could be convinced to go bare back.

We connected on Whatsapp this week. She was puckering up to kiss me in this pic, said the cleaning woman stole all her money, she needed donations to buy her Christmas tree hehe.

Anybody cares to donate to this Christmas tree?

Captain Solo
12-12-19, 18:24
A few of my wingmen took their favorite HK girls to Cancun for a week vacation. HK girls like good food, strong drink, beautiful ocean and lots of hot sex hehe. The bros should propose to take their favorite girls for vacation in Cancun. Most had little chance to travel or vacation even in Mexico, so they just love to go.

A couple Mexican airlines fly from Tijuana to Cancun cheap, like less than $200 RT. Aeromexico will swap planes in Mexico City, but the smaller airlines will fly direct. You can find deals for 5-star all inclusive resorts like Krystal or Gran Bahia for $65 a night, AYC EAT AYC DRINK.

Or you can rent AirBnB along the coast pretty chap, $10 to 20 a night, some units are on or within 1 block of the beach, and search local restaurants for fresh sea food or grill your own steaks on the beach.



12-13-19, 04:52
Nice report. Your version matched my feelings for the place. I missed HK for a few weeks as I visited Costa Rica. Did tourist stuff in small towns for most of the week. The last day I did make it to San Jose and to a famous hotel / casino called Del Rey. Got a couple gals up to the room for $80 each. Great memories and very nice girls who would do just about anything to please you.


First I read as much as possible while contemplating my first trip to Tijuana in many years.

I'd never before even been to Zona Norte and there is only so much you can think you understand from watching YouTube and other various videos of the local scene.

When first considering an actual foray into Mexico I thought it wise to reduce my loss potential by sorting through stuff I couldn't actually need in Mexico and leaving that in the trunk of my rental vehicle.

I then divided my cash on hand and stashed some of it in hidden pockets (which would surely have been discovered by bad guys who were out to get me).

(side note: don't wait until you've scouted out the USA Side of the border for all of the important landmarks before only then wanting to drive far enough away so as to be spotted by no one when prepping your belongings for such a seeming risk, or you'll end up driving forever, as I did, when wanting a spot where I could be inconspicuous as I prepped {sorting wallet, sorting items in coat pockets, etc.

Upon entering Mexico I didn't even know whether I wanted to get a room for the night at a Zona Norte hotel (for about $60) vs. A potential 30-minute stay with a lady for $19, but I'd read somewhere that carrying luggage into MX is (the wrong) sign to both potential crooks and crooked police as well..

12-13-19, 05:19
This club has so many girls & somehow I never did a session. It can be near impossible to track down a girl you may eye from a distance or tipped on stage. Even at 7 am on Monday they had 30+ girls.

Lots of top talent but also a couple dozen 5-6's to clog some things up. Did do a session with a street girl that took me up to Hotel Cascadas.

12-13-19, 09:03
A few of my wingmen took their favorite HK girls to Cancun for a week vacation. HK girls like good food, strong drink, beautiful ocean and lots of hot sex hehe. The bros should propose to take their favorite girls for vacation in Cancun. Most had little chance to travel or vacation even in Mexico, so they just love to go.

A couple Mexican airlines fly from Tijuana to Cancun cheap, like less than $200 RT. Aeromexico will swap planes in Mexico City, but the smaller airlines will fly direct. You can find deals for 5-star all inclusive resorts like Krystal or Gran Bahia for $65 a night, AYC EAT AYC DRINK.

Or you can rent AirBnB along the coast pretty chap, $10 to 20 a night, some units are on or within 1 block of the beach, and search local restaurants for fresh sea food or grill your own steaks on the beach.


https://results.bookit.com/details.php?fd=2019-12-20&td=2019-12-23&rm=1&ap1=2&areaId=318&adid=undefined&isLcc=undefined&hotelTo=Cancun%2C+MX&tl=CUN&tripType=hotel&pt=h&hfd=2019-12-20&htd=2019-12-23&roomId=STDRM&hotelId=GBPT&hotelVendorId=BT&hotelUniqueId=92178&xmlConnectionId=12.Damn man no wonder I couldn't find a couple of my favorites when I went on Wednesday night. I did see smoking hot goth chick Pink though which surprised me because she had said she was going back home for the holidays a couple weeks ago. Must be making too much money to leave yet. I was there a little under 2 hours and saw her going arriba 3-4 times in that time period alone. My man with the Venezuela shirt was there again groping and humping each and every single chick in his path. I always get a kick out of that guy LOL. I'm still shocked he's apparently not from this board.

Captain Solo
12-13-19, 17:07
To Nothing24.

Pink went arriba 4 times in 2 hours? Must be a world record.

Lydia cam back this year after having her baby. She used to be the hottest girl in HK, going arriba back to back all night. But now she's still looks very beautiful but packs some weight and looks more like a madam. She's not popular any more.

Most time I was there, the top talents usually show up between 6 - 8 PM. You will see all of them. By 8 PM the top ones are usually taken for long times, never come back for the rest of the night. So you have to come in early and wait around if you want to find your favoritas.

12-13-19, 20:05
Damn man no wonder I couldn't find a couple of my favorites when I went on Wednesday night. I did see smoking hot goth chick Pink though which surprised me because she had said she was going back home for the holidays a couple weeks ago. Must be making too much money to leave yet. I was there a little under 2 hours and saw her going arriba 3-4 times in that time period alone. My man with the Venezuela shirt was there again groping and humping each and every single chick in his path. I always get a kick out of that guy LOL. I'm still shocked he's apparently not from this board.That was my buddys first girl in Tijuana.

12-13-19, 22:12
To Nothing24.

Pink went arriba 4 times in 2 hours? Must be a world record.

Lydia cam back this year after having her baby. She used to be the hottest girl in HK, going arriba back to back all night. But now she's still looks very beautiful but packs some weight and looks more like a madam. She's not popular any more.

Most time I was there, the top talents usually show up between 6 - 8 PM. You will see all of them. By 8 PM the top ones are usually taken for long times, never come back for the rest of the night. So you have to come in early and wait around if you want to find your favoritas.I can confirm 3 with my own eyes. As soon as I walked in the first time I noticed her sitting down on a couch and in less than 30 seconds a monger grabbed her hand, whispered in her ear and upstairs they went. I was keeping an eye out for her as she was part of my back up plan but the next time I saw her about 40 minutes later, I was upstairs and saw her making her way through the downstairs area and an older man who you would think would never want a girl like her snatched her up and they quickly exited the club. About a half hour later I saw her again chatting with a younger guy, again she headed outside. I never saw her again after that. My buddy said he thinks he saw her again as we were about to leave heading upstairs with some Asian guy.

She just has distinct look that separates her from the rest of the crowd. Plus her body is ridiculous.

12-14-19, 14:45
You're right! All those signs, in English and Spanish, saying that it's a crime to import marijuana into Mexico don't apply to gringos. In fact, none of Mexico's laws apply to Americans. Smuggle away!That's good. We need people like you who follow the signs. Makes it easier for people like me who don't follow signs. Your service is greatly appreciated.

12-14-19, 16:34
It is interesting how the girls and guys move in and out of the club. Kudo's for keeping any track of them as it's not easy!

I love seeing the guys just walking down from the Cascadas or just taking the girl up. It's that little non-verbal communication experience where you know exactly what's going on but a lot of fun!

I have been in HK. Had my eye on a girl. Turned my head for a minute and "bam". She is gone and I can't find her again.

Crazy ass place!


I can confirm 3 with my own eyes. As soon as I walked in the first time I noticed her sitting down on a couch and in less than 30 seconds a monger grabbed her hand, whispered in her ear and upstairs they went. I was keeping an eye out for her as she was part of my back up plan but the next time I saw her about 40 minutes later, I was upstairs and saw her making her way through the downstairs area and an older man who you would think would never want a girl like her snatched her up and they quickly exited the club. About a half hour later I saw her again chatting with a younger guy, again she headed outside. I never saw her again after that. My buddy said he thinks he saw her again as we were about to leave heading upstairs with some Asian guy.

She just has distinct look that separates her from the rest of the crowd. Plus her body is ridiculous.

12-14-19, 16:37
Never been a person who has a "bar" they love as often stereotyped in movies and such. Kind of like the TV show Cheers etc. But this song comes to mind when I think of HK.



12-14-19, 16:43
Wow. If I see Meyit next time in HK. I will be trying to get her arriba.

Wonder where she hangs out?


I was sitting on Miami's balcony, watching the strip show, waiting for my big Azul's steak, when Meyit straddled my lap, grinding, squeezing, DFKing me like we were in love hehe.

She's a cute, hot little girl with lots of fun, but I had to let her go as my big dinner was coming. I am pretty sure she could be convinced to go bare back.

We connected on Whatsapp this week. She was puckering up to kiss me in this pic, said the cleaning woman stole all her money, she needed donations to buy her Christmas tree hehe.

Anybody cares to donate to this Christmas tree?

12-14-19, 16:45
God I wish I was 30 again. 2 is about my limit. 4 sounds like a hell of a party!


To Nothing24.

Pink went arriba 4 times in 2 hours? Must be a world record.

Lydia cam back this year after having her baby. She used to be the hottest girl in HK, going arriba back to back all night. But now she's still looks very beautiful but packs some weight and looks more like a madam. She's not popular any more.

Most time I was there, the top talents usually show up between 6 - 8 PM. You will see all of them. By 8 PM the top ones are usually taken for long times, never come back for the rest of the night. So you have to come in early and wait around if you want to find your favoritas.

12-14-19, 17:10
Once in a while there will be a girl who just came off the stage or just walking thru the bar totally nude. Kind of a cool thing as a contrast to all others who have a little clothes on.

When buying a girl a beer if I ask them to take out their tits. Some are OK with it. Others are like no. And look over at the bouncers as to say they can't when I know they can. I get the game. They want you upstairs for money but girls need to take a little more off when were buying them a beer as well. Just saying.


Captain Solo
12-14-19, 20:46
To Goyo.

She found me in Miami, but she probably roams the club. She wears a pair of black cat ears on her head.

KC Questor
12-15-19, 11:54
When buying a girl a beer if I ask them to take out their tits. Some are OK with it. Others are like no. And look over at the bouncers as to say they can't when I know they can. I get the game. They want you upstairs for money but girls need to take a little more off when were buying them a beer as well.At that point I just assume that their tits are ugly. Might not be a dealbreaker, but I know what to expect.

12-16-19, 06:30
Hey Captain,

How much did the wingmen give the girls for a week vacation? I'm sure they wanted to be compensated for their time. I'm interested in taking a girl to Playa Del Carmen in February, so the information would be helpful. Daily rate or flat rate? I'm going for about 5 days.

A few of my wingmen took their favorite HK girls to Cancun for a week vacation. HK girls like good food, strong drink, beautiful ocean and lots of hot sex hehe. The bros should propose to take their favorite girls for vacation in Cancun. Most had little chance to travel or vacation even in Mexico, so they just love to go.

A couple Mexican airlines fly from Tijuana to Cancun cheap, like less than $200 RT. Aeromexico will swap planes in Mexico City, but the smaller airlines will fly direct. You can find deals for 5-star all inclusive resorts like Krystal or Gran Bahia for $65 a night, AYC EAT AYC DRINK.

Captain Solo
12-16-19, 18:44
To Seattle66.

The 2 guys took 2 hottest HK girls on vacation. Both girls were blonde, tall, skinny, pretty, light skin, about 20, single, no kids. As I recall, they were both too nice to ask for compensation in advance, so there were no agreements before the trip, but the girls naturally expected compensation for their time, services and lost income. The guys assumed they were paying for the trip, so they would have the girls' company for free.

One wingman flew to her hometown in LOS Mochis, Sinaloa, El Chapo stronghold, a couple times to visit her, hanging out in the hotel waiting for her for days. She said she lived with her sister, but she would not show him where she lived and would not have sex with him in the hotel. She withheld sex from day 1 on the vacation. They got into vicious fights in the hotel. He had to threaten to leave her without her return airfare, then they agreed on $100 a pop. He fucked her 6 times in 3 days so she made $600, but she despised him for trying to take advantage of her and cut off contact.

One wing man flew to her home town in Sonora then flew with her to Cancun. They went out dining, partying, getting drunk, having good times, had a few fights. She's a very popular girl in HK, averaging 5 arribas every night she worked, but was also too nice to ask for compensation up front. When she was ready to board the plane, she asked him for money. He had only a small amount of pesos and gave it to her. Of course she was very disappointed. He did not mention having any dollars left on that date or any attempt to compensate her on later dates.

Opinions from my wingmen, who are seasoned in Latin America, are that Mexican girls face very hard times for survival with their few years of marketable beauty and youth. Most are mired in poverty, hopelessness, exploitation and abuses by every one around them. Knowing their deprived circumstances, we would be stupid, ugly assholes to exploit and take advantage of them further. We need to come to fair agreements with them before any transaction, keeping in mind their average daily earning. A lot of girls are single mothers and they count on their earnings to feed their kids.

A few years back, a wingman from out of town had many weekend dates with HK girls, 48 hours from noon Friday to noon Sunday, for $200. He had no shortage of takers, one was a pretty teacher from Sonora. He even flew his own plane to her hometown and stayed with her folks a few day. The relationships were sweet and sexy while they lasted, but the girls were all concerned about feeding themselves and their children in the next couple days, so they had to find ways to squeeze money from guys.

The bros should propose their vacation ideas to their favorite girls. They may find some very good deals for hot, sexy companies on vacation to exotic places. I would suggest the bros propose Ensenada first. The town is nice, clean, authentic, with lots of good food and entertainment venues. If the company does not work out it would cost a lot less in money and time. They can just cut the trip short and drive back to Tijuana to find more suitable companies. If the girls are good companies on the road, then take them on longer trips.

Again, be gentlemen and keep the trust and respect from the girls. Make sure you discuss and reach agreements in details regarding expectations and compensations by both parties.

Captain Solo
12-17-19, 01:10
Moved from the Food thread:

Drove down with a bro, got to Tijuana about noon. Went for lunch at El Choforo Mariscos then walked around the Cathedral area shopping for Christmas presents.

I usually buy arts and paintings in el Mercado Artesania, but most art shops are closed on Sundays, open are only shops selling cheap trinkets made in China. Surprisingly stores on Revo carry most of locally produced arts and crafts. They can find most things if you ask, and you can usually get prices down to less than half of the first quotes hehe.

Got to HK by 2 PM, drinking beers, watching the strip shows. HK was not crowded on Sunday day shift, but there were at least about a dozen hot girls, 8 or above in my picky book, whom I would love to thrash out in bed. A guy exchanged his $100 bill for $1 then walked around raining greens on strippers. Just hope HK did not find the bills freshly printed in his offset printer the night before hehe.

Found Rihanna from Monterrey, pretty natural blonde, perfect light skin, flat ab, long sexy legs, wearing a black bikini with a large bras, hiding in the dark under the stairs. She was new in HK, shy and had no friends. She cruised the club and positioned herself at a few locations to attract guys but there were no takers. She was the most attractive girl in HK to my taste but did no business the entire afternoon. The girls taken upstairs were mostly below average in looks, but they seemed to hook repeat customers and guys tend to repeat with girls who gave them predictable hot sessions.

Sat Rihanna down in a couch on the second floor where there was less traffic and had a drink with her, sweet talking to her in my pidgin Spanish, was surprised to find out she spoke good English with classy gentle manners. She said from Monterrey, only flies down to Tijuana on weekends to make extra money for the Christmas holidays. Made a deal with her to go upstairs. Her business was slow all afternoon so she was amenable to a steep discount. The girl was nice, clean, looked beautiful from head to toe. Her body was supple with the most beautiful sexy curves and shapes; her unblemished light skin soft, smooth like satin. Her boobs were slightly droopy with large areolas, thus the large push-up bras. It was very exciting to kiss her sweet mouth, caressing, licking, biting her soft skin. She got aroused by the soft caresses, purring, breathing heavily. It was very sweet driving into her wet coochie. Was very excited and did not last long. Had a hot session with her, got her tel and plan to see this pretty girl again before the Christmas / new year holidays. There are lots of hot girls working in HK and the streets for the next 10 days for extra cash for the holidays.

Had a good afternoon full of good food, hot sex, exciting entertainment, fun company with the bro. Crossing back on SENTRI lane at 6 PM, only took 5 minutes, but the regular and ready lanes stretched back to the park, 4 to 5 hours wait estimated.

12-17-19, 06:24
Was down last Saturday and hit every worthwhile bar EXCEPT HK. The show at Chicago beats HK, and there's actually room enough to walk around without tripping over 18 meseros.

I hate cover charges with a passion, but without it, HK would be packed even worse.

Captain Solo
12-17-19, 08:47
To Wombat.

2 out of 3 HK girls who get picked up for arribas don't look too hot, about below average in looks, same level as Chicago girls.

Unless you want to hang out, party and have sex with only skinny, pretty HK girls, and can go with average-looking girls, Chicago, Chevelas, Tropical are good alternatives.

HK still draw more people due to its large selection of girls of all sizes, shapes, looks, personalities, also the fun. Sexy, cool party atmosphere and good music, good sound equipment. Sunday afternoon 2 Chinese guys took 6 old, shriveled Chinese women into HK, sitting around the South stage, watching the lesbian show with their eye balls popping out of scokets. They were probably drooling and getting wet in their coochies just thinking about their crotches being rammed by the huge penis at the end of the recirculating saw, and get eaten out by hot Mexican girls.

John Gault
12-17-19, 17:35
Again, be gentlemen and keep the trust and respect from the girls. Make sure you discuss and reach agreements in details regarding expectations and compensations by both parties.A while ago I took a girl from MDE to Santa Marta. In advance we agreed no money for her as she was very happy to see Santa Marta for the first time. The first time we walked on the beach she was very happy. At the end of the trip I gave her 50 K for taxi money. She was not happy at all with that. The good thing was it did not make her not want to see me. She was a Centro stripper who liked DFK.

12-17-19, 18:49
A while ago I took a girl from MDE to Santa Marta. In advance we agreed no money for her as she was very happy to see Santa Marta for the first time. The first time we walked on the beach she was very happy. At the end of the trip I gave her 50 K for taxi money. She was not happy at all with that. The good thing was it did not make her not want to see me. She was a Centro stripper who liked DFK.I insist on paying at all times. It prevents blurring lines. Relationships, even the most simple and surface level, create more complication than I am willing to deal with.

Captain Solo
12-17-19, 20:03
To John Gault.

Even with agreements in advance, most girls, in HK or anywhere in the world, would still be unhappy with your compensation. They always want more. Looks like they are always under a lot of pressure to pay the dealers for the drug habits, rents and food, especially during the year end holidays.

If any girl breaks her verbal agreement with me, or act up with bad attitudes, I would just reject her and bail to teach her a lesson. I had to reject 2 HK girls in the last 2 weeks. One exited quietly, not showing any anger; a very cute one got really pissed at me, pouting in the bar hehe. Both were very beautiful. I regretted not bagging them, but I had to teach them lessons so they stay straight with their transactions. Corema, the cute little blonde school girl in her short plaid middle -school skirt, is still pouting in HK, and not looking at me in the eyes. She looked hot in the club, but was chunky and stiff, very plain and unresponsive in bed, then she insisted $100, not 1,000 pesos hehe. Here are her pics. A few other HK girls did the same thing after the sessions.

In contrary, the girls who don't act up with my agreed payments usually get my affection and repeat business. I also give them big propinas outside of the sessions to show my affection while keeping their rates down.

12-18-19, 00:05
Hey Captain,

How much did the wingmen give the girls for a week vacation? I'm sure they wanted to be compensated for their time. I'm interested in taking a girl to Playa Del Carmen in February, so the information would be helpful. Daily rate or flat rate? I'm going for about 5 days.Don't believe everything you read on the Internet.

12-18-19, 00:11
That's good. We need people like you who follow the signs. Makes it easier for people like me who don't follow signs. Your service is greatly appreciated.You're an adult and you may do as you wish. You'll receive no sympathy from these quarters should you get jacked up by CBP or the Tijuana Federales. But that's your choice.

Smuggling drugs across international borders is rather serious business. Now, maybe you'll just get your wallet emptied and sent home if you're caught entering Tijuana. But in other countries, Singapore for instance, you can get dead.

So, when a newbie comes here looking for advice, telling him it's just fine to smuggle drugs across the border is either recklessly irresponsible or felony stupid.

12-18-19, 00:48
Moved from the Food thread:

Drove down with a bro, got to Tijuana about noon. Went for lunch at El Choforo Mariscos then walked around the Cathedral area shopping for Christmas presents.

I usually buy arts and paintings in el Mercado Artesania, but most art shops are closed on Sundays, open are only shops selling cheap trinkets made in China. Surprisingly stores on Revo carry most of locally produced arts and crafts. They can find most things if you ask, and you can usually get prices down to less than half of the first quotes hehe.

Got to HK by 2 PM, drinking beers, watching the strip shows. HK was not crowded on Sunday day shift, but there were at least about a dozen hot girls, 8 or above in my picky book, whom I would love to thrash out in bed. A guy exchanged his $100 bill for $1 then walked around raining greens on strippers. Just hope HK did not find the bills freshly printed in his offset printer the night before hehe.

Found Rihanna from Monterrey, pretty natural blonde, perfect light skin, flat ab, long sexy legs, wearing a black bikini with a large bras, hiding in the dark under the stairs. She was new in HK, shy and had no friends. She cruised the club and positioned herself at a few locations to attract guys but there were no takers. She was the most attractive girl in HK to my taste but did no business the entire afternoon. The girls taken upstairs were mostly below average in looks, but they seemed to hook repeat customers and guys tend to repeat with girls who gave them predictable hot sessions.Oh, you know someone who uses fake money? That's pretty clever to do that in Tijuana.

12-18-19, 08:19
Thanks Captain! That was informative. I am Hispanic and speak some Spanish. I am always respectful and a gentleman. I also get great service because of it. I also understand the living situation in Mexico and understand they are only trying to survive and get to a better life by getting an education and doing this to pay for it. I intend to be fair in my compensation, she is single with no kids. She is finishing school. I'm planning to take her to Playa Del Carmen because I have a little business there with a condo I bought and it is currently under construction. She is a sweetheart and didn't give me an amount, but I told her I would help her out with school. She is not a regular at HK, she's only been there twice and probably won't return anymore. I've also learned a little bit about the girls working at HK which I will post later.

To Seattle66.

The 2 guys took 2 hottest HK girls on vacation. Both girls were blonde, tall, skinny, pretty, light skin, about 20, single, no kids. As I recall, they were both too nice to ask for compensation in advance, so there were no agreements before the trip, but the girls naturally expected compensation for their time, services and lost income. The guys assumed they were paying for the trip, so they would have the girls' company for free.

One wingman flew to her hometown in LOS Mochis, Sinaloa, El Chapo stronghold, a couple times to visit her, hanging out in the hotel waiting for her for days. She said she lived with her sister, but she would not show him where she lived and would not have sex with him in the hotel. She withheld sex from day 1 on the vacation. They got into vicious fights in the hotel. He had to threaten to leave her without her return airfare, then they agreed on $100 a pop. He fucked her 6 times in 3 days so she made $600, but she despised him for trying to take advantage of her and cut off contact.

One wing man flew to her home town in Sonora then flew with her to Cancun. They went out dining, partying, getting drunk, having good times, had a few fights. She's a very popular girl in HK, averaging 5 arribas every night she worked, but was also too nice to ask for compensation up front. When she was ready to board the plane, she asked him for money. He had only a small amount of pesos and gave it to her. Of course she was very disappointed. He did not mention having any dollars left on that date or any attempt to compensate her on later dates..

Captain Solo
12-18-19, 20:03
Forgot to mention that, before the vacation the girl asked this bro to bring her a load of brand-name cosmetics from the US worth about $700.

He brought her the cosmetics and really thought the $700 present would be more than compensate for her time and services on the 3- day vacation. But the girl was very rough about getting paid more in cash for services on the vacation. She was correct in thinking he was in love with her and would buy her expensive cosmetics. He was wrong to think she was in love with him, appreciative of his costs for the presents and the vacation, and would give him a break in money compensation.

The bro had gotten soft and was still deeply in love with this girl even after vicious fighting on the vacation and her harsh attempts to squeeze money out of him for each pop hehe. $1,300 is very expensive to put up with a rude and angry girl in the vacation, then still remained in love with her. The girls don't think of vacations as nice treats, only opportunities to squeeze money out of love-struck guys. She was not even that beautiful and definitely not worth $20 a pop with her mercenary attitude.

Guys still like to stroke their own egos by attempting to prove they are attractive enough and can play games to gain the girls' true love. Eventually the guys ended up broke, their entire assets sucked out by the girls, with abrupt end of their love games. The girls are too busy playing love games with the next guys hehe.

One wingman flew to her hometown in LOS Mochis, Sinaloa, El Chapo stronghold, a couple times to visit her, hanging out in the hotel waiting for her for days. She said she lived with her sister, but she would not show him where she lived and would not have sex with him in the hotel. She withheld sex from day 1 on the vacation. They got into vicious fights in the hotel. He had to threaten to leave her without her return airfare, then they agreed on $100 a pop. He fucked her 6 times in 3 days so she made $600, but she despised him for trying to take advantage of her and cut off contact.

Captain Solo
12-18-19, 20:09
To Chinaman.

I hope HK did not get stuck with fake money. With all the cash going into the club every night, I am surprised HK does not seem to get stiffed with counterfeit bills. The bar tenders never check the $20 bills, but the $100 will get some good scrutiny. Stores and restaurants in California have lots of fake $20 and $100 bills taped up for display on their counters to show how they were cheated.

Guys who pass counterfeit bills and sell drugs in La Zona will likely get whacked!

12-19-19, 01:50
If you want to meet women to travel with you. Google Travelgirls.com If you are going to be exploited by a pretty face, at least only pay for their tickets and shared hotel rooms, not paying them in addition cash out of pocket daily to compensate them for going on vacation to exotic destinations.

Thanks Captain! That was informative. I am Hispanic and speak some Spanish. I am always respectful and a gentleman. I also get great service because of it. I also understand the living situation in Mexico and understand they are only trying to survive and get to a better life by getting an education and doing this to pay for it. I intend to be fair in my compensation, she is single with no kids. She is finishing school. I'm planning to take her to Playa Del Carmen because I have a little business there with a condo I bought and it is currently under construction. She is a sweetheart and didn't give me an amount, but I told her I would help her out with school. She is not a regular at HK, she's only been there twice and probably won't return anymore. I've also learned a little bit about the girls working at HK which I will post later.

12-19-19, 04:14
Hong Kong looks at every bill. I had a waiter find me an hour later cause my 20 was worn out and tiny piece ripped off. I had extra piece in wallet gave them the 20 in error. So they do check right away. No scams will be accepted haha.

12-19-19, 05:51
Wish me luck guys, I am going to visit Tijuana for the first time. I have read so much info on ISG that my brain is confused. I am going with a wingman and planning to visit HK on first night which is Thursday (is it a good day to go to HK? I have decided to go Thursday since weekend is going to be packed and I don't want to fight to fuck. Friday we are planning to use agency since we are staying in the tourist hotel zone where the Hyatt and Marriott are. I am thinking of Musas (kindly let me know if you have any other suggestions). Also do you suggest any other place on Friday night? Chicago / adelite etc.

Captain Solo
12-19-19, 18:53
Was in HK with a bro Wednesday night, arriving about 8 PM. Tijuana bars were all decorated and brightly lighted for Christmas. The atmosphere around the bar block was festive. A lot of Christmas music was played in HK for strippers. Everybody seemed happy and giddy.

Approaching Christmas and year end, lots of new girls from other states came to HK to work for holidays money. About 100 girls were working, most dressed in tiny red Santa bikinis or costumes with red hats, looking very cute. Most of the hottest girls were working, Jacqueline AKA Yako the Japanese wannabee, Tiffany, Lydia AKA Marilyn, Crystal, Paola, Jessica etc. Along with quite a few sweetest-looking unknown new young girls.

The girls were going arriba at a steady clip. They seemed anxious to make deals for holidays spending. Lydia used to be the hottest girl in HK, but she came back this year after having a baby and padded some extra weight. She was standing all night in the middle of the club not doing any business. Nobody bothered to talk to her, tipped her, bought her drinks or took her to the hotel. Tall and sexy Areli from Puebla approached me, hugging, DF kissing me in the middle of the bar. Struck a deal with her to go upstairs. Will report about her separately.

I was sitting at bar Kowloon drinking, watching hot girls and the strip show, bullshitting with a few guys from out of the country, generally having a fun time. The guys agreed Tijuana and HK are a lot more fun, sexy and entertaining for Christmas and New Year parties than Las Vegas. Will go again this weekend, expecting the top-tiered girls will all show up to work, then will stay home for various Christmas eve parties in the US next week.

Life is good!

Captain Solo
12-19-19, 20:42
Wednesday night Hong Kong had half dozen girls, parading on the main stage in red Santa bikinis, handing out 2020 calendars for free, otherwise would cost $10 at the front desk, a very nice gesture for the holidays by the management. The wingman and I both got a copy.

This year the pics of individual girls were done in large spreads, like Playboy's centerfolds, difficult to scan in. I only scanned the 4 main pages. Did recognize a few girls as regulars in the club.

Hong Kong will be a fun and sexy party place, packed with hot young girls, between now and the New Year.

12-19-19, 22:31
Was in HK last night. Plenty of girls in the place but a few favs are still missing and will continue missing probably through January. They were handing out free 2020 HK calendars to everybody which was a nice bonus.

12-20-19, 07:00
To Wombat.

2 out of 3 HK girls who get picked up for arribas don't look too hot, about below average in looks, same level as Chicago girls.

Unless you want to hang out, party and have sex with only skinny, pretty HK girls, and can go with average-looking girls, Chicago, Chevelas, Tropical are good alternatives. ...Out of curiosity, mi capitan, when was the last time you went to Chicago Club? Maybe the HK girls are better looking, if you're a bolt-on fetishist!

12-20-19, 07:58
Out of curiosity, mi capitan, when was the last time you went to Chicago Club? Maybe the HK girls are better looking, if you're a bolt-on fetishist!A rhetorical question, indeed! :D

Captain Solo
12-20-19, 15:33
To Wombat.

I haven't been in Chicago 3 or 4 weeks, primarily because various wingmen would refuse to go there due to its old, ugly women. They all quickly want to go back to Hong Kong.

Adelita tends to have more girls with fake assets. I was in Adeltita last Wednesday but did not find even one girl worth spending time with. Meanwhile Hong Kong was popping with hot, young girls, many are the sweetest-looking natural beauties. I would estimate at least half HK girls are all natural.

Got to admit, it's way better to handle fake perky boobs than being shocked and having heart attacks dealing with droopy, shriveled boobs dangling way down to their navels hehe.

12-20-19, 18:22
Italia is a Clock watcher and wants money up front and a tip. Money up front doesn't seem like a stretch but probably should negotiate that. Tip upfront. No way was she getting that. I paid 70 for a sub-par session. During the session she ask if was 30 minutes, I said no its like 25, she looked at her watch and said its been thirty minutes and stopped. I just needed a few more minutes to cum. Keep in mind, nobody was knocking. I kicked out of the room in a controlled rage. I should have gone with my instinct and not gone arriba with her. However it was getting late and I was always a few seconds late for all my top pics and she had a nice ass LOL. Two sessions with other girls before that were good. Yselle is good on a positive note.

Captain Solo
12-21-19, 00:39
To Luigi.

Is Italia a skinny spinner used to work in Chavelas? That is very bad conduct. She should be avoided.

I had the same biitching, rushing session with flat-chested Ruth de Monterrey. She looks like a tough boy with her flat chest, bony arms and legs, cold, angry attitudes, star fish in bed, stinky pussy and rushing completion, granting only 1 extra minute. Damn, these putas are rude and rotten. Her pic is attached so the bro can avoid her.

Yselle, the skinny stripper, has long, skinny, hairy arms and legs, looking like Osama Bin Laden in the flesh. She was also very angry and rude, no kissing, no licking, don't touch my boobs, don't touch my pussy, don't put your weight on me ect. She had so many rules and basically only allowed you to poke her pussy hands off in a distance. She's one of the worst WG in HK. How did she give you a good session?

12-21-19, 01:09
To Wombat.

I haven't been in Chicago 3 or 4 weeks, primarily because various wingmen would refuse to go there due to its old, ugly women. They all quickly want to go back to Hong Kong.

Adelita tends to have more girls with fake assets. I was in Adeltita last Wednesday but did not find even one girl worth spending time with. Meanwhile Hong Kong was popping with hot, young girls, many are the sweetest-looking natural beauties. I would estimate at least half HK girls are all natural.

Got to admit, it's way better to handle fake perky boobs than being shocked and having heart attacks dealing with droopy, shriveled boobs dangling way down to their navels hehe.Adelitas has been like this for a couple years now. Ever since I started renting rooms at HK, most trips I do not even go to Adel. I just hang out Azul / Hk. Anyone that says service is better at Adelitas, I real have to question there judgement. There was a time, but not anymore.

If you are into fat / fake asses you might like Adelitas.

12-21-19, 08:29
Hmm, I was her in early December and I didn't have any problems with her. And we spent about 45 minutes in the room.

Italia is a Clock watcher and wants money up front and a tip. Money up front doesn't seem like a stretch but probably should negotiate that. Tip upfront. No way was she getting that. I paid 70 for a sub-par session. During the session she ask if was 30 minutes, I said no its like 25, she looked at her watch and said its been thirty minutes and stopped. I just needed a few more minutes to cum. Keep in mind, nobody was knocking. I kicked out of the room in a controlled rage. I should have gone with my instinct and not gone arriba with her. However it was getting late and I was always a few seconds late for all my top pics and she had a nice ass LOL. Two sessions with other girls before that were good. Yselle is good on a positive note.

Captain Solo
12-21-19, 09:32
Wednesday night I was roaming HK looking for the love of the night when Areli approached me, hugging, DF Kissing before I could say a word. She was tall, may be 5'8 without heels, lanky, looks pretty in the club. I gave her a propina into her bras, squeezing her boobs, grabbing her butt, groping her crotch. She looked and felt pretty good. I asked if she would go arriba with my standard offer and she agreed. We walked to Cascada.

She sat down on the bed hesitating, not taking her clothes off. She was about to ask for money up front. If she did, I would walk out on her. I insisted she remove her clothes. Out of her clothes she looked tall and lanky but not young and hot like in the dark bar; her boobs were droopy, her butt felt soft and mushy, her belly had lots of stretch marks. Damn I was pretty turned off and could not get a hard on. She gave me a BBBJ to kick start the session, but I was only semi erect. She said the only way my dick would go in would be in missionary. I was kissing her mouth while driving into her wet and snug pussy. Her pussy felt amazing with just the right tightness, so not all was lost. I was plunging into her pussy for a while, took a break, then resumed screwing her in a long session. She had her eyes closed, breathing heavily, heaving and grunting like she had not been fucked for a while, probably had multiple Os. My dick is still sore after 2 days.

At the end I gave her the agreed amount. She was sitting on the bed, looking at the bills, pouting in disbelief. I reminded her of her agreement but she was unimpressed. I told her to let me take a few pics so I can introduce her to all the pervs in ISG. That worked! Look like HK girls will agree to any deal in the bar then try to weasel more money out of guys in the room. She asked me to close the door on my way out. I left her in the room. She disappeared, never returned to the club for the rest of the night, probably doing some meth in her room. I would not repeat with her.

Went back to the club drinking beers, watching girls, found a much sweeter-looking young blonde at the front pole, with her pretty, innocent face, beautiful body, perfect light skin, no tats. Gave her a propina. She was smiling, quickly pulled down her panties showing her shaven pussy with a patch of dark hairs above the clit. I should have waited and taken this girl. My wingman came back. He liked that blonde as well and got her tel. Her name is Yahira. Will try to find her this weekend.

There are way too many girls in HK every night. The key is to take time, pick the girl you like and propose to her. Don't let the sharks pick you and take you for a wild ride.

Life is good.

12-21-19, 15:57
To Luigi.

Is Italia a skinny spinner used to work in Chavelas? That is very bad conduct. She should be avoided.

I had the same biitching, rushing session with flat-chested Ruth de Monterrey. She looks like a tough boy with her flat chest, bony arms and legs, cold, angry attitudes, star fish in bed, stinky pussy and rushing completion, granting only 1 extra minute. Damn, these putas are rude and rotten. Her pic is attached so the bro can avoid her.

Yselle, the skinny stripper, has long, skinny, hairy arms and legs, looking like Osama Bin Laden in the flesh. She was also very angry and rude, no kissing, no licking, don't touch my boobs, don't touch my pussy, don't put your weight on me ect. She had so many rules and basically only allowed you to poke her pussy hands off in a distance. She's one of the worst WG in HK. How did she give you a good session?She appears to have some serious "Man Hands" to go with all those other fine attributes! Jajajaja.

12-21-19, 22:53
She appears to have some serious "Man Hands" to go with all those other fine attributes! Jajajaja.If so, that is boner kryptonite and no fly zone for me.

12-22-19, 11:38
Any bro got a report on a girl named Arlene? She is a small little cutie that is curvy in the right places. Saw a few guys offering her and then left so I decided to try my luck and she insisted on 100. I countered 60 and she said no I am very clean. I said OK 60 and if you are good I will give you 20 more and still said no.

12-22-19, 16:24
Any bro got a report on a girl named Arlene? She is a small little cutie that is curvy in the right places. Saw a few guys offering her and then left so I decided to try my luck and she insisted on 100. I countered 60 and she said no I am very clean. I said OK 60 and if you are good I will give you 20 more and still said no.That's a pretty vague description.

Captain Solo
12-22-19, 21:03
Wednesday night I was roaming HK looking for the love of the night when Areli approached me, hugging, DF Kissing before I could say a word. She was tall, may be 5'8 without heels, lanky, looks pretty in the club. I gave her a propina into her bras, squeezing her boobs, grabbing her butt, groping her crotch. She looked and felt pretty good. I asked if she would go arriba with my standard offer and she agreed. We walked to Cascada.

I had an energetic session with her, pumping her hard and fast. Her coochie felt amazing. The harder I pumped the more she was panting, gasping, grunting. Looked like she really enjoyed sex.

Here are her pics. Give give her tel to reputable bros who want to hook up.

Captain Solo
12-22-19, 21:49
Saturday night, drove down with a bro, arrived in HK about 8. The place was hopping, lots of guys milling around, watching girls, drinking, partying. You had to squeeze around people to walk around the club. There were over 100 girls working, quite a few I knew, Emma, Crystal, Paola ect. But the top talents were missing, must have gone home for the holidays. Met a couple very pretty and classy new girls. Had fun with them.

I texted Yahira, the hot young blonde I met last week, waiting for her in the club, but no response. By 9 we decided the talents were not too hot, went out for food then checked out the other bars. Came back about 10. Yahira texted back to look for her. I could not be sure it was Yahira, but she was dancing on the front pole. She looked pretty and fresh with bright smile and braces, but looked heavier and had a large tat on her left arm. I pulled her down from the pole, proposing the hotel. She was firm on $100. I countered with up to 1,500 pesos plus tip, about $80, but she was firm. I decided to look for alternates.

Walked around the club, asking a few other girls. They all insisted on $100 firm. Fuck! I hate to be dictated to by anyone, even Stalin himself, much less little girls. I was pissed off at their inflexibility and haughty attitudes, not even considering my offer. Just then Amy was smiling at me, tall, lean, dark hair, pretty face, full lips, flat ab, long legs, leaning on the rail at the stairs in her black bikini, her body looked beautiful, tall, lean with light smooth skin and all the classically beautiful and sexy curves and shapes. I came over, gave a propina into her bras, checking her boobs, kissing her lips. Her boobs were natural, perky with tiny pink nips. She was smiling sweetly with that warm, loving happiness in her eyes. I asked her to go arriba with my standard HK offer. She said yes. I repeated my offer to make sure she agreed. She nodded her head, smiling. I took her hand and squeezed through the crowd to Cascada's front door.

Amy spoke adequate English. She turned out to be one of the most beautiful HK girls, about 22,5'6 without heels, with the nicest, sweetest, trusting attitude. I liked this sweet girl so much that I gave her a very long foreplay session to give her pleasure, DF kissing her mouth, licking, sucking her tits, sucking on her clit and her labias, inserting my middle finger deep into her coochie to massage her G spot. She was clean shaven, very nice, clean, sexy, smelling good. She liked her clit rubbed hard. The harder I rubbed, the louder she was moaning and squirming in bed. I did lots of sexy things with her that I would not do with other girls. I was pumping her pretty hard. She seemed to enjoy sex a great deal; had her mouth gaped open, groaning with every thrust. Had a long, hot, energetic session with her, cuddling in bed at the end. She was so nice, sweet, compliant, the type who would do hot BB sex after getting to know you.

She was easy going and not in a hurry, putting on make up at the sink. I asked her to be very nice to my friends whom I will introduce to her and she said yes, smiling sweetly. She will be working in HK all next week until after the New Year. I will share her tel with reputable bros. PM me. You can win the war against HK's $100 putas cartel.

Captain Solo
12-23-19, 01:30
The pics in the previous post were errors. I was unable to edit them out.

These are the correct pics of Amy.

Amy spoke adequate English. She turned out to be one of the most beautiful HK girls, about 22,5'6 without heels, with the nicest, sweetest, trusting attitude. I liked this sweet girl so much that I gave her a very long foreplay session to give her pleasure, DF kissing her mouth, licking, sucking her tits, sucking on her clit and her labias, inserting my middle finger deep into her coochie to massage her G spot.

12-23-19, 02:31
I finally had time to compose this summary from my notes from my trip in early December. I talked to a few of the girls. This is what I found out from my conversations and confirmed with several other chicas.

Chica hotel.

The chicas stay at a hotel about two blocks from HK and are transported back and forth by the little put-put cart. The cost for the girls is about $30 per night which includes meals that they can order. If they are sick, a doctor makes hotel calls. So the girls must cover their daily costs to work at HK. I do know one chica that rents an apartment nearby and shares it with a room mate, one of them is usually there at any given time of the month and it is cheaper for her than the chica hotel and much quieter. I think she told me she pays about $1,500 pesos per month for her share.


HK does not pay the girls much for the drinks. The girls make more from asking for the dollar tip, lap dances and going upstairs with the guys. I had one of my favorites only order one drink then told me that she would rather I spend my money on her and only asked for tips, but wanted to satisfy the mesero to leave us alone.


If a chica is staying at the hotel, she is expected to work at HK unless she is sick. If she misses work, she must pay a fee of $45 per night she doesn't work. Kinda forces them to work every day. The only exception is if the chica is sick or goes home early because she's not feeling well.


Ever wonder why all the chicas say they are in their early 20's? HK tells the chicas to answer that way. I met one chica that told me she was 22 and had a son that was 4. After taking her upstairs she gave me her personal information and we linked up on a social media site. She turned out to be 26 and has a 6 yo son and a 10 yo daughter. It didn't bother me, we are good friends now and she bought me a Christmas present she will deliver next time we see each other.


I got the feeling that this was also suggested by HK, though not expressly told to me. But with the club being so packed in December with chicas, I did get some desperate offers of $60-70 from a few hot chicas that apparently weren't making any money. I do know of one that spent most of last week going to the club and not going upstairs at all. And she is very hot. And I know another that cut her loses and returned home early because she knew things were bad at HK with all the chicas working. Her last three days she only had one trip upstairs.

Ever been turned down by a chica to go upstairs? They can be selective about who they go upstairs with. If they don't want to go upstairs, they will use the $100 offer knowing most guys will say no. One chica told me she knows the second a guy talks to her if she wants to go upstairs with him or not. Yes, they can be selective too just like the guys. The chica that told me this has a very comfortable life and makes good money and only comes to HK every two to three months for two weeks at a time. And another chica told me she is selective too. Both provided me with great service, didn't watch the clock and one of them let me have two pops without having to pay extra.

12-23-19, 04:09
How long is the lap dance at Hong Kong suppose to be? Is it always $21 per lap dance session? Would 2 girls just be double the price?

12-23-19, 06:31
Hong Kong is like whole foods. My fav place to go. I walk in, look at all the beautiful woman, the expensive prices, pay 5 bucks for a drink, sit, relax, go next door to actually buy what I need. The men take the woman up to quickly, at rapid pace, I see it cause I stand by the doors usually for cleaner air. Guys would pay 160 if all the girls said 160 tomorrow.

12-23-19, 08:22
Wednesday night I was roaming HK looking for the love of the night when Areli approached me, hugging, DF Kissing before I could say a word. She was tall, may be 5'8 without heels, lanky, looks pretty in the club. I gave her a propina into her bras, squeezing her boobs, grabbing her butt, groping her crotch. She looked and felt pretty good. I asked if she would go arriba with my standard offer and she agreed. We walked to Cascada.

I had an energetic session with her, pumping her hard and fast. Her coochie felt amazing. The harder I pumped the more she was panting, gasping, grunting. Looked like she really enjoyed sex.

Here are her pics. Give give her tel to reputable bros who want to hook up.Awesome reviews. Same pics for Amy and Areli?

12-23-19, 15:06
I finally had time to compose this summary from my notes from my trip in early December. I talked to a few of the girls. This is what I found out from my conversations and confirmed with several other chicas.

Chica hotel.

The chicas stay at a hotel about two blocks from HK and are transported back and forth by the little put-put cart. The cost for the girls is about $30 per night which includes meals that they can order. If they are sick, a doctor makes hotel calls. So the girls must cover their daily costs to work at HK. I do know one chica that rents an apartment nearby and shares it with a room mate, one of them is usually there at any given time of the month and it is cheaper for her than the chica hotel and much quieter. I think she told me she pays about $1,500 pesos per month for her share.


HK does not pay the girls much for the drinks. The girls make more from asking for the dollar tip, lap dances and going upstairs with the guys. I had one of my favorites only order one drink then told me that she would rather I spend my money on her and only asked for tips, but wanted to satisfy the mesero to leave us alone.


If a chica is staying at the hotel, she is expected to work at HK unless she is sick. If she misses work, she must pay a fee of $45 per night she doesn't work. Kinda forces them to work every day. The only exception is if the chica is sick or goes home early because she's not feeling well.

Ages.Well said, factual. And informative. Great Report!

12-24-19, 09:12
Well said, factual. And informative. Great Report!This all sounds correct based on my many trips to Hong Kong over last few years. I was able to figure this out without asking any questions. Based on. Most girls, if we do a ficha, get quite angry that it didn't lead to sex. Fichas, for me, in hk, have led to sex maybe 2 times in 50 girls. So, I was able to infer, that, if a girl knew she had zero chance, to have sex, the ficha is a waste of her time. 15 minutes down drain, she could earned the 2 to 3 dollars begging for one dollar, in one minute, saved 14 minutes talking to men who want sex. Two recent girls, I bought drinks for, beautiful woman, one wouldn't do lap dance, waste of time she said, other told me I wasted her time on drink since I didn't go upstairs. Here I was thinking I was doing them a favor, as I turn down 95% drink requests. Essentially the 8, 9, 10, woman don't want your ficha if you don't go arriba after.

12-24-19, 18:21
Hong Kong is like whole foods. My fav place to go. I walk in, look at all the beautiful woman, the expensive prices, pay 5 bucks for a drink, sit, relax, go next door to actually buy what I need. The men take the woman up to quickly, at rapid pace, I see it cause I stand by the doors usually for cleaner air. Guys would pay 160 if all the girls said 160 tomorrow.I love both Whole Foods and HK. There is nothing that even comes close to HK, in America or Mexico. I still do not understand why guys continue to complain.

Yes, you can have cheaper, but I prefer quality. It is a little more expensive, big deal, just work a little harder.

Captain Solo
12-24-19, 20:51
To Raiman.

HK's lap dance is $21 for 3 songs in a closet inside Miami, VIPs can have half off.

The 3 songs go by quick. What you get depends vastly on the girls. There are no standard routines. Most girls only give you some grinding and touching, not any better than buying fichas in the bar.

I got some good grinding, kissing and deep fingering of wet pussies in the larger corner closet. Some guys claimed to have gotten BBBJ, even straight CG, but the closet is very small with a bench and they would have to buy multiple tickets, paying about the same price for FS or more. You would have much better time taking them to the hotel for half hour full service.

Captain Solo
12-24-19, 20:59
I heard HK and Chicago girls have been pulling 12-hour shifts the week approaching Christmas. One girl in Chicago was doing 10 PM to 10 AM shift. People were still lining up to get into HK after 2 AM and the club was packed, but the crowd thinned out after 4 AM. Very few hard partying guys and girls stay after 6 AM. It's a hard life for bar girls.

Yahira went to work in HK about 8 PM last Saturday. By 8 AM Sunday she got off her shift and started texting me to meet you with her for her $100 session. Looked like she did not do much business and short of cash. She looked a little chubby with her bright smile, braces and a large tat on her left arm. I disliked her mercenary attitude, otherwise I would have taken her up on Saturday.

I texted Yahira, the hot blonde I met last week, waiting for her in the club, but no response. By 9 we decided the talents were not too hot, went out for food then checked out the other bars. Came back about 10. Yahira texted back to look for her. I could not be sure it was Yahira, but she was dancing on the front pole. She looked pretty and fresh with bright smile and braces, but looked heavier and had a large tat on her left arm. I pulled her down from the pole, proposing the hotel. She was firm on $100. I countered with up to 1,500 pesos plus tip, about $80, but she was firm. I decided to look for alternates.

Captain Solo
12-25-19, 21:00
To clarify, HK VIPs get half off the first lap dance only. After that all lap dances are $21.

To Raiman.

12-26-19, 07:00

Will anyone can share instagram accounts for popular Hongkong girls?

Thanks a lot guys.


12-26-19, 12:16
They are building something where the shuttle car used to sit in the garage. Anyone know what it is? I asked the driver and he said they are building it for the chicas. Sound exciting.

I heard lately the girls haven't been getting a lot of business. Maybe they are starting to quote too expensively and getting too greedy. I have been catching up with the threads and I still don't know why guys just tell the grl to pay after. I got scam twice for paying up front and I learned my lesson. I only pay upfront when I know the girl is very affectionate during drinks. Learning it from some captain I think.

Anyways, I have been going for awhile but still don't know where the hell the Miami room is or how to get to it. Still shock that it exist without me knowing.

Captain Solo
12-26-19, 20:02
Either business in HK and La Zona is very slow this year end week, or El Capitan is very sexy, as many hottest girls in HK are texting me trying to meet in or out of the club hehe.

I gave their tels to a few bros. Do the rest of the market a big favor, try to hold down inflation and don't spoil the girls with their demands for high prices, even if you are Jeff Bozos. Insist on no more than $80 or 1,500 pesos for standard sessions and 50% discount for each half hour extension. Or steep discounts for special services like BBBJ or BBFS.

This year end week may be the sexiest time with lots of hot girls looking for companies. This week I will be going down with a couple bros for a couple nights, drinking, partying, good food and fun, sexy companies of hot girls.

12-26-19, 22:59
They are building something where the shuttle car used to sit in the garage. Anyone know what it is? I asked the driver and he said they are building it for the chicas. Sound exciting.

I heard lately the girls haven't been getting a lot of business. Maybe they are starting to quote too expensively and getting too greedy. I have been catching up with the threads and I still don't know why guys just tell the grl to pay after. I got scam twice for paying up front and I learned my lesson. I only pay upfront when I know the girl is very affectionate during drinks. Learning it from some captain I think.

Anyways, I have been going for awhile but still don't know where the hell the Miami room is or how to get to it. Still shock that it exist without me knowing.I hope that's the case, when I first started going to HK a year ago, all the girls started off quoting 80, now it seems no matter the chica, 6 or 10, they are all quoting 100 to start the negotiations.

Pretty sure Miami is on the first floor, next to the restrooms by the main bar I believe.

Heavy Chevy
12-27-19, 00:56
Yo, what's good. I shall be traveling to Mexico / Tijuana for the first time soon and am going to be checking out Hong Kong. I'm a total newb at this so just wanted to know what the room fee is to go upstairs with the chick? Thanks. If you got any other pointers to offer, it'd be much appreciated. (I read the f*cking forum and get the general gist of it.).

12-27-19, 08:40
I hope that's the case, when I first started going to HK a year ago, all the girls started off quoting 80, now it seems no matter the chica, 6 or 10, they are all quoting 100 to start the negotiations.

Pretty sure Miami is on the first floor, next to the restrooms by the main bar I believe.It's a nice fantasy to think the girls are suffering. But just watch how often girls walking out of HK to have sex. It's a very fast pace. 95% of the guys, don't wait to find a girl who makes out with them during the drink, before deciding on sex. It's all about looks, some guys only have 2 to 3 hours to bang 2, 3 woman. Just watch the actions, is what I'm saying. Sure, a few of us here hate to see the 20% inflation yearly, but most don't care. A lot would pay 200 very happily. Some would come less frequently but still pay it. But most guys arent asking the girl before going upstairs "we are gona DFK. And do no condom blow job, and I can suck your tits right babe". These guys don't care, they just want any sex at all with a hot chick. The sex quality, or $$ is no concern. When a girl asks me for sex, I ask them to tell me what I will expect. If I do not hear all the the things I want, I pass, and she needs to DFK during the beer to even have me consider paying.

12-27-19, 12:08
I just got back from a Thursday night and OMG. There were so many ugly girls. I had to find myself trying to secure a good looking chica. That is rare as it usually so many that I can't choose. Worse day ever. A girl even rejected my 80 offer as I usually never have to pay for more than that. I'm still a little pissed off from that stupid grl. She has an anchor tattoo on her chest and very cute. But it's just my pride.

Anyway, The girl I went with was cute. Didn't ask for money up front. She does this weird thing where she keep getting the toilet paper and try to clean the condom. Then spit out saliva after CBJ. Total turn off. Made me bust so fast too with all the excessive wiping. Now I am not sure to to screen anymore as she never ask for money upfront and ficha was great. Going to go again on Saturday As I'm not satisfy.

12-27-19, 18:34
Either business in HK and La Zona is very slow this year end week, or El Capitan is very sexy, as many hottest girls in HK are texting me trying to meet in or out of the club hehe.

I gave their tels to a few bros. Do the rest of the market a big favor, try to hold down inflation and don't spoil the girls with their demands for high prices, even if you are Jeff Bozos. Insist on no more than $80 or 1,500 pesos for standard sessions and 50% discount for each half hour extension. Or steep discounts for special services like BBBJ or BBFS.

This year end week may be the sexiest time with lots of hot girls looking for companies. This week I will be going down with a couple bros for a couple nights, drinking, partying, good food and fun, sexy companies of hot girls.I have two friends currently working there. These are chicas I do trust. I know them personally and have never taken them arriba or even given them a dollar tip. I have bought them a couple drinks. Both have said this month has been extremely slow. On average, they'll earn about $100 a night. Both (who are not really friends at all) have told me they've walked out with less than $15 on more than one night. I do believe them; they were not asking me for a handout. Again, I've never given them a handout. I'm not sure why business is slow. The few visits I made in December felt just as busy as ever. Maybe people really are towing the line on price. One of these chicas is a $100 girl. The other is $80.

12-27-19, 19:45
It's a nice fantasy to think the girls are suffering. But just watch how often girls walking out of HK to have sex. It's a very fast pace. 95% of the guys, don't wait to find a girl who makes out with them during the drink, before deciding on sex. It's all about looks, some guys only have 2 to 3 hours to bang 2, 3 woman. Just watch the actions, is what I'm saying. Sure, a few of us here hate to see the 20% inflation yearly, but most don't care. A lot would pay 200 very happily. Some would come less frequently but still pay it. But most guys arent asking the girl before going upstairs "we are gona DFK. And do no condom blow job, and I can suck your tits right babe". These guys don't care, they just want any sex at all with a hot chick. The sex quality, or $$ is no concern. When a girl asks me for sex, I ask them to tell me what I will expect. If I do not hear all the the things I want, I pass, and she needs to DFK during the beer to even have me consider paying.Very insightful and wise. Most people in the HK meat market are idiots. But we can each choose to be savvy connoisseurs with disciplined pricing and careful selection in order to have a great time.

12-28-19, 01:54
I have two friends currently working there. These are chicas I do trust. I know them personally and have never taken them arriba or even given them a dollar tip. I have bought them a couple drinks. Both have said this month has been extremely slow. On average, they'll earn about $100 a night. Both (who are not really friends at all) have told me they've walked out with less than $15 on more than one night. I do believe them; they were not asking me for a handout. Again, I've never given them a handout. I'm not sure why business is slow. The few visits I made in December felt just as busy as ever. Maybe people really are towing the line on price. One of these chicas is a $100 girl. The other is $80.I tend to agree, with this, I also think this more the norm for a lot of girls at Hk, it just not as easy as some claim. Many of these girls just do not make a lot of money at Hk, FridaySaturday are a different story, during the week, is a just not that busy.

12-28-19, 03:00
I have two friends currently working there. These are chicas I do trust. I know them personally and have never taken them arriba or even given them a dollar tip. I have bought them a couple drinks. Both have said this month has been extremely slow. On average, they'll earn about $100 a night. Both (who are not really friends at all) have told me they've walked out with less than $15 on more than one night. I do believe them; they were not asking me for a handout. Again, I've never given them a handout. I'm not sure why business is slow. The few visits I made in December felt just as busy as ever. Maybe people really are towing the line on price. One of these chicas is a $100 girl. The other is $80.I got tired of haggling down from $100. So once I horny, I either go to the other clubs for $60. Why on earth should I even need to haggle down to $80 and face a bitter and rushed woman when there is so much competition elsewhere happy with $60 if not $50? Someone at HK had the bright idea of using $100 to lure in the girls, which lures in the guys, which HK can dump drinks on. Once the girls figure it out, they leave. Those who stay beyond 3 months sell drinks instead of sex. BTW Ximena is now back out in front of the Gloria Bar. My ex-Chicago hottie favorite is back in Chicago where she has adjusted Chicago prices.

12-28-19, 06:56
I just got back from a Thursday night and OMG. There were so many ugly girls. I had to find myself trying to secure a good looking chica. That is rare as it usually so many that I can't choose. Worse day ever. A girl even rejected my 80 offer as I usually never have to pay for more than that. I'm still a little pissed off from that stupid grl. She has an anchor tattoo on her chest and very cute. But it's just my pride.

Anyway, The girl I went with was cute. Didn't ask for money up front. She does this weird thing where she keep getting the toilet paper and try to clean the condom. Then spit out saliva after CBJ. Total turn off. Made me bust so fast too with all the excessive wiping. Now I am not sure to to screen anymore as she never ask for money upfront and ficha was great. Going to go again on Saturday As I'm not satisfy.Was this girl filipina and pretty short?