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The Tall Man
10-29-20, 17:49
Be careful with phone exchanges, Facebook messenger, what's up etc. These Tijuana girls are smart. You will have persistent messages asking for money. The reasons are different: they want to shut off my water in Tijuana, a fire in my house, an emergency visit to the hospital, I have no money to shop at the food store, etc.Truer words have never been spoken, hehehehe.

The Tall Man.

10-29-20, 20:50
Anyone been since they properly opened back up the club?

I had never been to HK in the hayday so have no idea what it was like; I am only accustomed to the 7th floor "club" they had going for a while. Any descriptions and layout / suggestions would be appreciated. Also, is it like other strip clubs where I can bring a girl to a vip booth for a blowjob there, or is going arriba the only option?

Cocr Brotheler
10-30-20, 06:28
As mongers, we have the leverage, I agree. And you are right, Mexinomics seem to defy normal economic theories. But I think what's lost in this is the psychology.

I know many have disagreed with me but the vast majority of chicas are not going arriba non-stop all night long. In fact, many chicas go home without an arriba. We see reports almost every day about chicas doing no business. So, if you start with that premise, the psychology of the chica is that I need to maximize that one opportunity I might get today. Then, add to that chicas now know that at some point, this is likely to shut down again, that just heightens that way of thinking. They are facing a loss of income for another 6 months.

I say that not because I agree with that. As mongers, we think 'if they lower their price to 80,2 arribas = 160, instead of 1 arriba = 100. ' But the vast majority of the chicas don't assume they'll hook 2 fish in a night. And that's how it works against us. The hotter chicas benefit by the less attractive chicas holding firm at 100. HK certainly benefits because less arriba = more fichas.

In the end, Clam is right. We hold the leverage. Zero arribas equals zero dollars. Lowering prices takes a leap of faith for the chicas.

I just accept what it is. I do not lose my mind over 80 vs 100. I know I will get blasted for that. But I am also picky. I won't invest more than a dollar with a chica I don't connect with. I figure when I find the one that really works for me, I will not accept the first offer but I'm also won't kill the vibe while I count pennies. Does my approach inflate prices? I don't think so because I have walked out of HK without an arriba many times. Thinking about it now, I probably go to Cascadas less than half the time.I got a good hot HK chica tonight for 60 USD! She asked 80 when I was thinking it would be 100-140 but negotiated to 60 she quickly accepted!

Very very interesting thing is the SGs tonight at least and maybe for me for some reason pricing themselves out the market. I know you are reading this thinking it should be the opposite AND maybe I had bad luck with the SGs and good luck with the HK. Who knows but I will provide details:

Started the search about 5;30PM canvassing the alley. The first chica I found opposite side of Cascadas back entrance wanted 600 media hora. Is ok but I shop around. Go back to Cascadas side just a little west of HK entrance and liked this tall hot not so perfect complexion MEX-Asian chica in sexy blue dress. I approached her and nice holas back and forth introduced myself then not too fast went to caress her lower back just above the cula and she arches her back away and gave me a dirty look. So I know that one not gonna work out. Went back to south side of alley and one chica wanted 80/120 USD for media/full hour. Hell no way for a SG! another SG wanted 80 USD + 20 USD takeaway fee. Oh hell no. So ended up back on north side and thought I had a nice thing with Daniela from Puebla in front of El Porton for 42 USD exact for her media hora of non-existent service, all clothings off and paying the Porton takeout fee back to my Cascadas. She pretty and polite but basically complete clock watcher to the minute, tried to upcharge for CBG when I lost my wood completely with her and her absolutely no sex skills whatsoever. Plus she NO allowed any touching of the lady part! Complete buzz kill. In the biz 6 months and only part time on and off. So whatever I chump the loss and move forward.

So on to HK chica! Wasn't thinking I would have good time but...

After resting in my room went down and walked around HK sitting in upstairs section only giving chicas I would session with $1s and approaching some I interested in also giving $1s. Went to one I had seen when I first went in there before 5:30p street session and gave her a $1. She young, thin and hot and not too interested so I went back upstairs and saw this taller beautiful lighter skinned Euro looking Sinaloan (Celina) sitting by herself and asked if I could sit with her. I liked the chemistry embraced side by side and her giving me nice ride dance when I purchased her a ficha. I think she asked me a couple times for an arriba but I couldn't understand so when I told her I had room there we went up! A timed limited media hora but no clock watching and she knew how to get and keep me hard. Thought this would happen from her rubbing my pene down in the club and it was the same in my room! I did mish, doggie plenty of hand down on and inside the last part and felt really good especially after beyond poor SG I had. Had to finish my own however since blew a lot of wad on my own with non-service SG just an hour and half before. But the HK made me really happy cause got hot and horny looks and she knew how to phuck!

Tomorrow I get there earlier and based on past experience may get a really good SG.

10-30-20, 06:30
I got a good hot HK chica tonight for 60 USD!

Very very interesting thing is the SGs tonight at least and maybe for me for some reason pricing themselves out the market. I know you are reading this thinking it should be the opposite AND maybe I had bad luck with the SGs and good luck with the HK. Who knows but I will provide details:Awesome! I'll be there later today (about 4 PM) to start the weekend!

10-30-20, 09:30
I got a good hot HK chica tonight for 60 USD! She asked 80 when I was thinking it would be 100-140 but negotiated to 60 she quickly accepted!

Very very interesting thing is the SGs tonight at least and maybe for me for some reason pricing themselves out the market. I know you are reading this thinking it should be the opposite AND maybe I had bad luck with the SGs and good luck with the HK. Who knows but I will provide details:

Started the search about 5;30PM canvassing the alley. The first chica I found opposite side of Cascadas back entrance wanted 600 media hora. Is ok but I shop around. Go back to Cascadas side just a little west of HK entrance and liked this tall hot not so perfect complexion MEX-Asian chica in sexy blue dress. I approached her and nice holas back and forth introduced myself then not too fast went to caress her lower back just above the cula and she arches her back away and gave me a dirty look. So I know that one not gonna work out. Went back to south side of alley and one chica wanted 80/120 USD for media/full hour. Hell no way for a SG! another SG wanted 80 USD + 20 USD takeaway fee. Oh hell no. So ended up back on north side and thought I had a nice thing with Daniela from Puebla in front of El Porton for 42 USD exact for her media hora of non-existent service, all clothings off and paying the Porton takeout fee back to my Cascadas. She pretty and polite but basically complete clock watcher to the minute, tried to upcharge for CBG when I lost my wood completely with her and her absolutely no sex skills whatsoever. Plus she NO allowed any touching of the lady part! Complete buzz kill. In the biz 6 months and only part time on and off. So whatever I chump the loss and move forward..Why are you negotiating and accepting rates in USD? Try a different approach with the SGs. Your hunting ground is very limited. You have boxed yourself into a very small search area. The alley and Coahuila chicas have the higher prices and not necessarily good talent. Stop allowing the negotiation in USD. Expand your hunting grounds. Control the price point. Show confidence. Be certain. Enjoy the fruits of your labor.

10-30-20, 17:45
I got a good hot HK chica tonight for 60 USD! She asked 80 when I was thinking it would be 100-140 but negotiated to 60 she quickly accepted!

Very very interesting thing is the SGs tonight at least and maybe for me for some reason pricing themselves out the market. I know you are reading this thinking it should be the opposite AND maybe I had bad luck with the SGs and good luck with the HK. Who knows but I will provide details:

Started the search about 5;30PM canvassing the alley. The first chica I found opposite side of Cascadas back entrance wanted 600 media hora. Is ok but I shop around. Go back to Cascadas side just a little west of HK entrance and liked this tall hot not so perfect complexion MEX-Asian chica in sexy blue dress. I approached her and nice holas back and forth introduced myself then not too fast went to caress her lower back just above the cula and she arches her back away and gave me a dirty look. So I know that one not gonna work out. Went back to south side of alley and one chica wanted 80/120 USD for media/full hour. Hell no way for a SG! another SG wanted 80 USD + 20 USD takeaway fee. Oh hell no. So ended up back on north side and thought I had a nice thing with Daniela from Puebla in front of El Porton for 42 USD exact for her media hora of non-existent service, all clothings off and paying the Porton takeout fee back to my Cascadas. She pretty and polite but basically complete clock watcher to the minute, tried to upcharge for CBG when I lost my wood completely with her and her absolutely no sex skills whatsoever. Plus she NO allowed any touching of the lady part! Complete buzz kill. In the biz 6 months and only part time on and off. So whatever I chump the loss and move forward..I don't know why but street girls love to upcharge if you negotiate in dollars. Always negotiate in pesos, it saves you money and I have yet to meet one who has the audacity to ask for 1600 pesos!

Cocr Brotheler
10-30-20, 19:37
I don't know why but street girls love to upcharge if you negotiate in dollars. Always negotiate in pesos, it saves you money and I have yet to meet one who has the audacity to ask for 1600 pesos!I did negotiate in Pesos. Today will try some more.

Cocr Brotheler
10-30-20, 19:40
Why are you negotiating and accepting rates in USD? Try a different approach with the SGs. Your hunting ground is very limited. You have boxed yourself into a very small search area. The alley and Coahuila chicas have the higher prices and not necessarily good talent. Stop allowing the negotiation in USD. Expand your hunting grounds. Control the price point. Show confidence. Be certain. Enjoy the fruits of your labor.That makes sense. I am wary of going too far outside for safety and trannies but today I get there earlier and have more daylight to work with.

Captain Solo
10-30-20, 20:20

Too bad you weren't here before CoVid when the club was going full tilt. The 7th floor clandestine club was just a cramped meat market with no music, strip show, entertainment and no fun.

As you enter the main door on Calle Coahuila, HK has about 6,000 square feet on 3 floors with 2 strip stages in the center, 2 main bars on either side, booths, tables and stools around the stages. Guys and girls would gather around the 2 stages where shows go on 24/7. Pista Norte is the main show where strip shows and special events are held; Pista Sud frequently has lesbian shows. Sound quality is one of the best in any club; lighting is soft and diffused, just right to see faces clearly. Ambience is happy, nice, fun for interaction between guys and girls. 2nd and 3 ed floors have booths with less busy traffic where guys like to take girls for intimate encounters.

On the North side next to the main entrance is Miami room, about 1000 sq ft in 2 floors, with a strip stage, its own music and half a dozen lap dance booths. Some guys prefer this less busy room to drink and talk with girls while watching the strip show. My wingmen and I used to take booths on the vacant 2nd floor and order dinner. Girls from the main club would walk in and out proposing deals with guys. I have a few hot girls sit on my lap, help themselves to more than half of my steaks while my hands were roaming freely hehe. It's a nice, clean, private place to have dinner.

The cramped private lap dance booths in Miami have never been popular costing $22 every 3 songs, VIPs get half off first session. Guys reported getting BJ and FS in those booths, but they are very cramped and can be expensive sessions. I had a few very hot encounters with some of the hottest girls in those booths. Girls seemed turned on in those cramped, kinky booths and were far more willing to express their femininity and sexuality. Lap dances are like make out sessions and foreplay for both guys and girls. Girls gave me a few extremely hot sessions in the hotel after the lap dances.

Beyond Miami room, HK just added the West wing after 4 years of construction, a cavernous, barn-like structure with high ceiling, 2 floors, a large bar in the center surrounded by small tables and a few booths. HK has a few girls dancing on the bar but it's not as glammy and sexy as the main stages. The annex feels bare and plain like a barn, ventilation poor, lighting flat, unattractive; few people hang out in this new annex.

You are free to roam the club to flirt with girls. If you cannot find a place for your needs in the cramped club, like a quiet place to drink with girls, lap dances, dinner ect ask the meseros. They know all nooks and crannies in the club and would be happy to take you to the appropriate places.

HK is back running again with more girls, more space and less guys. You should check it out and make your own sexy fun.

Captain Solo
10-30-20, 20:51
Cocr Navy man.

You will never be an official citizen of La Zona Norte Republic until you romance the girls with pesos!

10-30-20, 21:10
HK is back running again with more girls, more space and less guys. You should check it out and make your own sexy fun.Thanks for the solid review; I'm planning on coming back for a week on the 16th; If anyone else is going around then feel free to reach out and we can sync up for a drink.

10-31-20, 06:49
Here now at HK. They're tightly controlling movement to the back of the club. Sometimes they'll say go thru LC but not always then, either.

Also, strangely, they're doing "signature analysis" to match signature on DL or passport when you sign any receipts.

Packed in here tho!

Captain Solo
10-31-20, 19:55
Let's have a few drinks. PM me.

10-31-20, 22:52
I hope to be in Tijuana and hk in 6 days. Of course I'll have stories on who trued to rob me, rip me off, etc. I'm afraid to go in usa bar and drink, if I'm getting covid it's gonna be in HK surrounded by woman. I walked into chiles other day and was packed with seniors, trump voters with no masks, I left quickly, I'm not getting covid from some boring American bar. And I need a couple aribas too.

11-01-20, 01:44
I hope to be in Tijuana and hk in 6 days. Of course I'll have stories on who trued to rob me, rip me off, etc. I'm afraid to go in usa bar and drink, if I'm getting covid it's gonna be in HK surrounded by woman. I walked into chiles other day and was packed with seniors, trump voters with no masks, I left quickly, I'm not getting covid from some boring American bar. And I need a couple aribas too.You've written many posts and the common threads are bad luck, being victimized and general pessimism. This post takes the cake in that you're saying you'll have stories of people trying to rob you or rip you off during your upcoming trip. You must be the most unlucky man alive to have such an outlook.

Captain Solo
11-01-20, 16:42
Went in HK about 3 PM Saturday. The club was already crowded. There are now 2 passages to Chavelas. HK had a wide open floor plan with Chavelas and the West Annex. People were everywhere, some in Halloween costumes, felt like a carnival.

Quite a few street girls went to work inside HK. I spotted about 6. Krystal, Corema were back, but Paola was still working on the street. A series of strippers were plain, chubby, unattractive, but there were a few new, fresh, very attractive girls, like Frieda, dancing on Kowloon bar. She wanted $100 firm for a session and did no business all night.

My wingman gave a $100 bill to a mesero to make change. The guy came back, said the club would not accept $100 bill. I told my wingman the bartender knew me and would do it. Jose agreed to break the $100 bill, but before he could go to the cash register, a bar girl standing nearby wanted to exchange her stack of $1 bills. I had Jose count the stack of singles with his machine; he came back, handed me a big stack of bills, said it was $100. I have never had such a big stack of money in my pocket in my entire life. She put a single $100 bill in her handbag, smiling. Looked like she made over $100 tips for the afternoon, going around the club hitting up guys for tips and did not want to carry a big stack. HK is a very good business for these girls.

We found a table on the balcony, drinking, watching live UFC fights, decided to order dinner with Azul's 2-4-1 coupon. Rib eye steaks with baked potato, grilled veggies costed $11 each. After the 200-peso free snack credit, the 2 steaks costed us $14 plus tip, a very good deal for dinner. I invited Frieda to share the food but she declined, only drank a juice. My wingman had a bigger girl who was eating up his steak. Looked like Frieda wanted to maintain her spinner figure. I was feeling her all over. Her skin was soft and smooth, her boobs were smaller but all natural, her crotch was tight and damp. She looked and felt very sexy. She finished her juice. I told her I will look for her after diner. She got up to go and was immediately picked up by an old guy in a witch costume. Looked like he had been watching and waiting for her all along.

Had a fun night with a big dinner but could not find Frieda again. Damn.

11-01-20, 20:42
Went in HK about 3 PM Saturday. The club was already crowded. There are now 2 passages to Chavelas. HK had a wide open floor plan with Chavelas and the West Annex. People were everywhere, some in Halloween costumes, felt like a carnival.

Quite a few street girls went to work inside HK. I spotted about 6. Krystal, Corema were back, but Paola was still working on the street. A series of strippers were plain, chubby, unattractive, but there were a few new, fresh, very attractive girls, like Frieda, dancing on Kowloon bar. She wanted $100 firm for a session and did no business all night.

My wingman gave a $100 bill to a mesero to make change. The guy came back, said the club would not accept $100 bill. I told my wingman the bartender knew me and would do it. Jose agreed to break the $100 bill, but before he could go to the cash register, a bar girl standing nearby wanted to exchange her stack of $1 bills. I had Jose count the stack of singles with his machine; he came back, handed me a big stack of bills, said it was $100. I have never had such a big stack of money in my pocket in my entire life. She put a single $100 bill in her handbag, smiling. Looked like she made over $100 tips for the afternoon, going around the club hitting up guys for tips and did not want to carry a big stack. HK is a very good business for these girls.

We found a table on the balcony, drinking, watching live UFC fights, decided to order dinner with Azul's 2-4-1 coupon. Rib eye steaks with baked potato, grilled veggies costed $11 each. After the 200-peso free snack credit, the 2 steaks costed us $14 plus tip, a very good deal for dinner. I invited Frieda to share the food but she declined, only drank a juice. My wingman had a bigger girl who was eating up his steak. Looked like Frieda wanted to maintain her spinner figure. I was feeling her all over. Her skin was soft and smooth, her boobs were smaller but all natural, her crotch was tight and damp. She looked and felt very sexy. She finished her juice. I told her I will look for her after diner. She got up to go and was immediately picked up by an old guy in a witch costume. Looked like he had been watching and waiting for her all along.

Had a fun night with a big dinner but could not find Frieda again. Damn.I've always mainted that the hk "1 dollar baby. 1 dollar" girls do very well for themselves. They can bang 1 guy a day, to pay taxi, tlips to dj, tips to security, make 25 in ficha credits, and 100 in tips. If a girl asks, for tip, to 25 guys an hour, and the avg tip is 1.50 she only needs 8 to say yes to make 100 in 10 hours. Plenty guys tip more than 1 dollar. I watch. Heck I'm very stingy and even I give 1 dollar a 3rd of the time.

11-01-20, 21:13
You've written many posts and the common threads are bad luck, being victimized and general pessimism. This post takes the cake in that you're saying you'll have stories of people trying to rob you or rip you off during your upcoming trip. You must be the most unlucky man alive to have such an outlook.It's best to not pay any attention to this loser. The less interest you show him and his so-called "stories" - the faster he will go away.

11-01-20, 21:44
You've written many posts and the common threads are bad luck, being victimized and general pessimism. This post takes the cake in that you're saying you'll have stories of people trying to rob you or rip you off during your upcoming trip. You must be the most unlucky man alive to have such an outlook.Yeah, I've definitely noticed that. That a large percentage of his posts have a very negative / pessimistic tinge on them. If his negative world view reflects his actual experiences then fair enough but yeah, he must be something close to the unluckiest man alive LOL.

KC Questor
11-01-20, 23:57
Yeah, I've definitely noticed that. That a large percentage of his posts have a very negative / pessimistic tinge on them. If his negative world view reflects his actual experiences then fair enough but yeah, he must be something close to the unluckiest man alive LOL.I figure he is trying to scare away other guys so he has the place all to himself, LOL.

11-02-20, 01:59
It's best to not pay any attention to this loser. The less interest you show him and his so-called "stories" - the faster he will go away.Well I don't think he's being malicious or necessarily needs to "go away" LOL. Some of his posts are insightful and very informative IMO. Think his posts likely reflect his honest view on things, which is fine, though it's also fair to point out that people generally don't like Debbie Downer content.

11-02-20, 08:32
Yeah, I've definitely noticed that. That a large percentage of his posts have a very negative / pessimistic tinge on them. If his negative world view reflects his actual experiences then fair enough but yeah, he must be something close to the unluckiest man alive LOL.Yeah, he's the Joe Btfsplk of ISG. Google it if you're under 50. :D

11-02-20, 17:48
Back home. I had an okay time at HK. Was a little disappointed they closed at midnight on the weekends and moved to the speakeasy on the 7th floor. Kinda convenient as I had a room on the 8th, however. One of the meseros lied to me Friday night saying the club proper will be open 24 hours on Saturday with no speakeasy. Had fun tho. Got a great handjob on the 7th floor from a white Latina. Does anyone know when Tijuana is supposed to have "normal" club hours everywhere? Oh and those hotdogs right outside the entrance are badass!

11-02-20, 22:40
Back home. I had an okay time at HK. Was a little disappointed they closed at midnight on the weekends and moved to the speakeasy on the 7th floor. Kinda convenient as I had a room on the 8th, however. One of the meseros lied to me Friday night saying the club proper will be open 24 hours on Saturday with no speakeasy. Had fun tho. Got a great handjob on the 7th floor from a white Latina. Does anyone know when Tijuana is supposed to have "normal" club hours everywhere? Oh and those hotdogs right outside the entrance are badass!The pandemic right now is as bad as it's ever been and Mexico has actually been a bit more vigilant about spreading the disease than the USA. Would think the clubs won't be allowed to open 24/7 until a few months into next year at the earliest, though I was also convinced Mexico would shut down the Tijuana clubs for Halloween weekend (and that obviously never happened).

Never had the hot dogs but the taco stand right on that corner is legit up there with the best tacos I've ever had in my life.

11-02-20, 23:17
The pandemic right now is as bad as it's ever been and Mexico has actually been a bit more vigilant about spreading the disease than the USA. Would think the clubs won't be allowed to open 24/7 until a few months into next year at the earliest, though I was also convinced Mexico would shut down the Tijuana clubs for Halloween weekend (and that obviously never happened).

Never had the hot dogs but the taco stand right on that corner is legit up there with the best tacos I've ever had in my life.Yep, the food is incredible in Tijuana, so under rated. I new they would open for Halloween. Halloween is a big deal in Mexico, I have know idea why. Sounds like more shutdowns and restrictions are coming in Mexico. It sucks, but I have learned how to work around them.

11-03-20, 19:23
Yep, the food is incredible in Tijuana, so under rated. I new they would open for Halloween. Halloween is a big deal in Mexico, I have know idea why. Sounds like more shutdowns and restrictions are coming in Mexico. It sucks, but I have learned how to work around them.It's because Halloween lines up to their own holiday. DIA de LOS Muertos. Day of the dead. When they celebrate and remember their ancestors. Watch Coco (Pixar) movie if you want to see an entertaining version of what it is.

11-06-20, 04:03
Made it to HK, Thursday night. Only 30% of normal Thursday crowd but it is early. A lot of beautiful woman here, girls going out the door every few seconds. One, a true 9, with a great personality drank her drink slow but wanted a 100. I passed too many street girls to do that. If she had kissed me during the drink I would have paid it though.

11-06-20, 09:43
Returning to the USA: Are there any 'Fast Lanes' for people with Global Entry or Pre Check status? In Laredo, I can go straight to the front and CBP will wave me in immediately Thanks.


My wingmen have been walking across PedEast at 10 Pm on Wednesday and Saturday, there were no lines, no wait. They crossed in about 5 minutes, before I could drive across in the Sentri car lane.

Yesterday Saturday at 7 PM, the pedestrian line was long, stretching back to the overhead bridge, but was moving quickly and steadily. Usually PedEast no line and no waiting at night. Avoid going back on weekday between 5 -9 AM and weekend between 3- 6 PM.

Captain Solo
11-06-20, 12:37

PedEast has fast lanes for people with Global entry or SENTRI cards, usually with no line, no waiting.

You can bypass any waiting line, walk ahead, hold out your GE / SENTRI card so people don't get mad. Go to the metal gate, tell CBP agents you have SENTRI, they will let you in the building ahead of others. From there look for SENTRI line and the booths.

11-06-20, 15:45
Returning to the USA: Are there any 'Fast Lanes' for people with Global Entry or Pre Check status? In Laredo, I can go straight to the front and CBP will wave me in immediately Thanks.

Funman13.It's not well defined but you can walk past everyone and show your Global Entry card at the first checkpoint, then go through the right door into the building and you'll see the Sentri line.

11-06-20, 19:52
Currently have Covid. Beat my ass for 6 days. On the upswing. Hong Kong field day as soon as I'm released, living up the immunity.

In general the club is the same? I can go around girl to girl tipping a $1 for a grind and some grabs? Or is movement more restrictive?

Captain Solo
11-06-20, 20:49

Beat your ass for 6 days? What were the symptoms? Severe?

HK makes you measure skin temp and sanitize your hands at the door, but don't know how well that would prevent transmission. Infected people can transmit before and after showing symptoms. Guys who open their mouths to drink, talk, laugh can spray their spit 6 to 10 feet all around them. Bars and clubs are the worst places to spread virus.

The club is actually much better now, no cover on weekend, with an open floor plan connecting the main club with Chavelas and the new huge West Wing Whohouse with lots more room. You can walk around checking out the pretty chicas, give them propinas for the grope and squeeze, or they will come to you grinding their sexy asses on your crotch hehe. The grope is the best test to gauge how intimate the chicas will be with you in bed.

11-06-20, 22:28
Currently have Covid. Beat my ass for 6 days. On the upswing. Hong Kong field day as soon as I'm released, living up the immunity.

In general the club is the same? I can go around girl to girl tipping a $1 for a grind and some grabs? Or is movement more restrictive?Caught Covid my first time back on 10/23. I'm glad you are getting better. For me it hurts when I take a deep breath and I can't smell anything for the past 10 days. But yeah, in general the club is the same. The majority of girls seem a lot less attentive but that $1 tip will get them smiling.

11-07-20, 04:51

Beat your ass for 6 days? What were the symptoms? Severe?

HK makes you measure skin temp and sanitize your hands at the door, but don't know how well that would prevent transmission. Infected people can transmit before and after showing symptoms. Guys who open their mouths to drink, talk, laugh can spray their spit 6 to 10 feet all around them. Bars and clubs are the worst places to spread virus.

The club is actually much better now, no cover on weekend, with an open floor plan connecting the main club with Chavelas and the new huge West Wing Whohouse with lots more room. You can walk around checking out the pretty chicas, give them propinas for the grope and squeeze, or they will come to you grinding their sexy asses on your crotch hehe. The grope is the best test to gauge how intimate the chicas will be with you in bed.Thanks Captain. Can't wait to get back. Glad to hear the bar is better! I will enjoy my few month of immunity. I'm more a fan of the hunt than the act, I have a pretty hot GF. Looking to see how much public action I can get this time.

My symptoms were high fever. Severe coughs. Extreme chills, no energy, sleeping all day for 2 days. Sever muscle aches. Worst I have ever felt. It's no joke. Ironically my friend who gave it to me, no symptoms.

11-07-20, 06:58
Friday 10 pm Hong Kong packed, checked out the new section its full as well. Amazing Chavelas also double what normal sat night would be.

11-07-20, 10:49
Captain Solo & Skwscrod: Thanks for the info on Global Entry & SENTRI. I am from Houston and will be in the LA & SD areas on the week after Thanksgiving. I will try to get away from the family and sneak into Tijuana for a couple days. The last time I was there was 2012 but other international options are out. So.


Captain Solo
11-07-20, 18:05

You will have no problem having hundreds pretty HK girls fall in love with you hehe.

Wear nice clothes, nice shoes, nice smile, order a bottle and drink with your buddies in the middle of the club. Hundreds hot girls will flock to you to party.

Captain Solo
11-07-20, 18:31
Tijuana has improved a lot since 2012.

With its expansion, HK has attracted a lot more fresh hot young girls hoping to make big bucks quickly. New girls show up every week. I had the companies of some of the most beautiful, nice, clean, gentle teachers, students, office workers, lawyers, engineers ect, flew to Tijuana to work a few days or weeks. A few students from Ensenada, Mexicali, Tecate ride the bus to Tijuana to work weekends. If they don't book a few guys, they may lose money over transportation, room and board.

Walk around the club, hand out propinas, check their sexy assets, listen to their stories and be nice to them. Most young girls speak passable English. There are touching stories among young girls trying hard just to survive.

11-07-20, 21:36
Went Friday night. Was busy as a pre pandemic weekend night.

Pro-tip. Don't wait in line to enter. Enter Las Chavalas and enter though their connecting door.

Shaving cream / lesbian show has moved to the new west room. Half of old upper floors were closed. (Old lesbian show and sports room).

New side is worth walking through but it appears most people still want to be on old side. 2nd floor of new side was empty.

If you are afraid of contracting Covid, I would wait to go back. While they try to put a bucket on some of the bar stools, place is still pretty packed.

I asked a chica if she's afraid of contracting Covid, she said most of them contracting it back in February. So maybe HK is a herd immunity zone.

Masks are required to enter. But you can take it off once inside.

Captain Solo
11-08-20, 06:15

Per the CDC:

"The first USA Cases of nontravel–related COVID-19 were confirmed on February 26 and 28, 2020, suggesting that community transmission was occurring by late February. "

But this girl claims most HK girls already contracted it in Feb? How likely could that happen? I hope you did not believe her. She lied, told you not to worry about CoVid-19, come back frequently and spend more money on her and her friends.

A couple bros were infected, a few had only minor symptoms over a couple days, others had high fever, hard cough, breathing pain, muscle ache ect for a week. With the crowd partying hard, Tijuana bars are ripe for massive transmission. I tried to stay in less busy areas, but the girls looked so attractive that I would have kissed their mouths if offered. For the last 3 months, I probably went to Tijuana about 15 times, had sex and DFK a few girls. I made sure the girls showed no symptoms, but nobody can be sure who will and will not transmit.

I tested negative August, feel fine now, have no symptoms. But I would be even more careful in Tijuana in the future.

11-08-20, 18:14
Pro-tip. Don't wait in line to enter. Enter Las Chavalas and enter though their connecting door.A good tip here; Is there not also a door inside of the Cascadas that can be used next to the VIP stand?

Captain Solo
11-08-20, 19:38
For HK and Chavelas' designer CoVid-19.

11-08-20, 22:58

Per the CDC:

"The first USA Cases of nontravelrelated COVID-19 were confirmed on February 26 and 28, 2020, suggesting that community transmission was occurring by late February. "

But this girl claims most HK girls already contracted it in Feb? How likely could that happen? I hope you did not believe her. She lied, told you not to worry about CoVid-19, come back frequently and spend more money on her and her friends.

A couple bros were infected, a few had only minor symptoms over a couple days, others had high fever, hard cough, breathing pain, muscle ache ect for a week. With the crowd partying hard, Tijuana bars are ripe for massive transmission. I tried to stay in less busy areas, but the girls looked so attractive that I would have kissed their mouths if offered. For the last 3 months, I probably went to Tijuana about 15 times, had sex and DFK a few girls. I made sure the girls showed no symptoms, but nobody can be sure who will and will not transmit.

I tested negative August, feel fine now, have no symptoms. But I would be even more careful in Tijuana in the future.I believe there is some truth to what that girl said about most of the girls already having COVID, See the virus was in China in late November at the latest, We finally got them to admit it. 8000 Chinese flew into California daily until 1/30/20 from China including Wuhan. It would be impossible for not a single one of them not to have it, In December and January a lot of people were having flu like symptoms at work although all of us had our flu shots which were administered at work, One guy with Diabetes had to be put on a Ventilator, another's wife almost died with no real diagnosis. In December I came down with a chest cold and slight fever for 2 weeks, but what really caught my attention was my sinuses, I could not smell or breath out of my nose for 2 weeks despite medication. I never had symptoms like that before. California tested dead people with autopsies in January which had positive results. I believe the virus has been here since late November and people that died had pre existing conditions and no one questioned it. With the close proximity these girls were in with multiple men I think there could be some herd immunity going on.

11-09-20, 00:23
I hope that means most of the girls had it and are now not infected. ??

I believe there is some truth to what that girl said about most of the girls already having COVID, See the virus was in China in late November at the latest, We finally got them to admit it. 8000 Chinese flew into California daily until 1/30/20 from China including Wuhan. It would be impossible for not a single one of them not to have it, In December and January a lot of people were having flu like symptoms at work although all of us had our flu shots which were administered at work, One guy with Diabetes had to be put on a Ventilator, another's wife almost died with no real diagnosis. In December I came down with a chest cold and slight fever for 2 weeks, but what really caught my attention was my sinuses, I could not smell or breath out of my nose for 2 weeks despite medication. I never had symptoms like that before. California tested dead people with autopsies in January which had positive results. I believe the virus has been here since late November and people that died had pre existing conditions and no one questioned it. With the close proximity these girls were in with multiple men I think there could be some herd immunity going on.

11-09-20, 00:46
I hope that means most of the girls had it and are now not infected. ??Personally I believe that is the case, but there are some reports of antibodies disappearing after 4-6 months, I really think you are immune though for the most part, the reports I have seen state that the second time around you have minimal symptoms and that it is rare. Also the CDC reported that 94% of the people that die have 2-3 severe underlying condition, and the average age is 78 years old. Coincidently the average life expectancy in the US is 78 years old as well. I personally don't worry about it, I spar regularly and go to multiple gyms. I also worked right through all lockdowns. If I wasn't immune I should have got it by now.

11-09-20, 02:56
Hong Kong VIP card now good for 20% off at azul restaurant. A lot woman in here buying their own beer LOL you'd think they drank enough at work. Maybe there's no alcohol in those beers. No half off lap dance anymore with VIP card from what I can tell. Maybe lap dance not even open.

11-09-20, 06:46
Caught Covid my first time back on 10/23. I'm glad you are getting better. For me it hurts when I take a deep breath and I can't smell anything for the past 10 days. But yeah, in general the club is the same. The majority of girls seem a lot less attentive but that $1 tip will get them smiling.Was there a second time??

11-09-20, 09:39
Hong Kong VIP card now good for 20% off at azul restaurant. A lot woman in here buying their own beer LOL you'd think they drank enough at work. Maybe there's no alcohol in those beers. No half off lap dance anymore with VIP card from what I can tell. Maybe lap dance not even open.There's still half off lap dance with VIP card. Just ask the front desk. They're doing it in Miami room.

11-09-20, 16:15
Hong Kong VIP card now good for 20% off at azul restaurant. A lot woman in here buying their own beer LOL you'd think they drank enough at work. Maybe there's no alcohol in those beers. No half off lap dance anymore with VIP card from what I can tell. Maybe lap dance not even open.LOL. Those fichas literally have like 2% alcohol in them.

11-09-20, 16:50
Was there a second time??Excuse my lack of punctuation. "I caught COVID, my first time back. "

Captain Solo
11-09-20, 20:17
Saturday a cold front moved across So Cal dumping a lot of heavy rain shower, no Tijuana. Sunday the sun was out but air was still cold. Drove down to Tijuana for lunch and recreation, arrived about 3 PM. Cold air and occasional rain prevailed over the area.

Stopped by a tienda to buy beers then went to Mariscos Paisanos at the school girls corner. His raw oyster was medium size, 50 cents a piece, but tasted very good washed down with beer. He said if policia caught us they would confiscate all his seafood inventory which may be worth around $20, and we would have to pay for it.

It was rainy and cold. Not too many street girls were working, like half off. Went in Chavelas. 2 girls were in a soapy lesbian show, eating each other out and pumping each other with huge dildos. The first time I saw a dozen nice, slim girls sitting in the club. A smiling young girl quoted me $100, I countered with $60, she then offered $80 and would not budge.

Went over to Hong Kong, still in hungry mode with 2 sec guys at each door and the West wing roped off. Talents at 5 PM were very weak. My wingman grope a hot dancer on Kowloon bar and her crotch got very wet. She offered my wingman $100, then quickly dropped down to $80, then $60. Looked like a lot of girls were hungry and anxious to do business. Not sure why he did not pull the trigger. I wanted to find a specific girl but she was drinking with a guy all night, talking loud and acting wild, very unlike her, must be drunk.

We sat drinking near Pista Norte. After 8, lots of hot, fresh, young girls showed up to work. We invited a couple hot girls to sit and drink. My wingman cannot speak one word of Spanish but loves to cuddle with girls, kissing, squeezing their boobs, groping their crotches.

I found a girl from Cancun who spoke good English. The wingman was ecstatic, bought her many fichas while his hand were roaming everywhere on her body. She was working in Cancun's clubs with Nortenos tourists but business has been dismal all year under CoVid, so she flew to Tijuana to work. Got her tel. She promised to line up many of her friends in Cancun when we go on vacation.

Wingman grabbed another girl, a HK regular I have seen in years. After a couple drinks with lots of groping, she wanted to go upstairs. I had to do the translation. She started out with $100 then dropped down to $80. I explained to her that the guy was out of money and could do only $60, which she quickly accepted. He asked me for a loan so I took out my wallet and handed him a few bills discreetly under the table, but she saw it. Nothing escapes bar girls' hawk eyes. I did not lie to her. She gave him a very hot session and did everything humanly possible for him, but he could not pop. The beers must have dulled his sensation. He came back down, resuming drinking, kissing, groping with a few more girls. Looked like he was starved for love and affection, not just sex.

I invited a couple nice girls to drink. They were all new to the business, nice, slim, pretty, gentle, wearing tasteful clothes, did not talk or act like hardened bar girls. The girls all spoke adequate English, one from GDL spoke English nice, slow, with no accent, like a proper girl from a good family. She said she has an American BF and had moved in with him in the US, but he lost his job after CoVid, so they moved back to Tijuana for the low costs of living; she went back to work in HK to make ends meet. Her BF was sitting in HK drinking, eyeing her all night. She was nice, slim, gentle, natural boobs, beautiful overall with light skin and pretty face, with a string of characters tattooed on her spinal column. Damn sad story.

I collected tel numbers from a couple hottest girls from a few major cities. They said they have lots of friends and can hook us up when we go on vacation. If they are not there, they can always send us their friends. We have a nefarious plan to fly out of Tijuana for a sexy vacation in a couple cities in Mexico, the only way to vacation outside the US. Will see how that works out with the girls' contacts.

If the bros have tels for hot girls in CDMX and Monterrey, please swap with us.

11-09-20, 21:39
Anyone else headed down next week? I will be there Mon 16th. Sun 22nd. PM if you are and we can sync up on WhatsApp for a drink at Azul.

Captain Solo
11-09-20, 22:52
CoVid -19 was brought into the US through airports in the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, San Francisco, Seattle ect. And spread South and inside the continent.

By the end of Feb 2020, California and Washington were barely alerted to a new virus and had less than 0.1% population infected, but this girl said HK girls had close to 100% infection at the same time frame? The probability for HK girls to get all infected that quickly at that time, or even now, must have been close to zero.

Bar girls would just say any ridiculous lies as long as they can pull money from your pocket.

Captain Solo
11-09-20, 23:07

You will be in Tijuana for the whole week and have the opportunity to set the Guinness World record for bagging the most hot girls in one week hehe.

I will likely be in Tijuana that weekend. PM me your tel so we can meet for a few drinks in HK, not Azul, where we can eyes lots of hot, sweet, innocent girls while drinking. Girls are in Azul to take a break and to eat. They don't like to flirt on their breaks.

11-10-20, 00:11
What's up guys. Making my first trip to Tijuana Wednesday and I'm probably only going to stay a night. I'm probably going to get a room at Hong Kong for the night. Do the women offer BBJ or is it all CBBJ. What about happy hour can I score a double BBJ LOL. And what's the going rate I don't want to fuck the economy up. Also I'm a man that loves ass so is Hong Kong the best place for big asses I don't care if it's real or fake. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

11-10-20, 06:09
Hong Kong report Monday night. 2 to 3 x the normal woman working for a Monday. Only 25% the normal guys. 1 girl put her number in my phone. That never happens at HK. She said 100 but I never negotiate because I'm never going upstairs anyway unless I meet a girls whose all over me beforehand. But probably bargains can be had and Chavelas also had a lot woman, and also Chavelas woman arw same as HK no more fat ones unfortunately. LOL.

11-10-20, 07:00
Saturday a cold front moved across So Cal dumping a lot of heavy rain shower, no Tijuana. Sunday the sun was out but air was still cold. Drove down to Tijuana for lunch and recreation, arrived about 3 PM. Cold air and occasional rain prevailed over the area.

Stopped by a tienda to buy beers then went to Mariscos Paisanos at the school girls corner. His raw oyster was medium size, 50 cents a piece, but tasted very good washed down with beer. He said if policia caught us they would confiscate all his seafood inventory which may be worth around $20, and we would have to pay for it.

It was rainy and cold. Not too many street girls were working, like half off. Went in Chavelas. 2 girls were in a soapy lesbian show, eating each other out and pumping each other with huge dildos. The first time I saw a dozen nice, slim girls sitting in the club. A smiling young girl quoted me $100, I countered with $60, she then offered $80 and would not budge.

Went over to Hong Kong, still in hungry mode with 2 sec guys at each door and the West wing roped off. Talents at 5 PM were very weak. My wingman grope a hot dancer on Kowloon bar and her crotch got very wet. She offered my wingman $100, then quickly dropped down to $80, then $60. Looked like a lot of girls were hungry and anxious to do business. Not sure why he did not pull the trigger. I wanted to find a specific girl but she was drinking with a guy all night, talking loud and acting wild, very unlike her, must be drunk.

We sat drinking near Pista Norte. After 8, lots of hot, fresh, young girls showed up to work. We invited a couple hot girls to sit and drink. My wingman cannot speak one word of Spanish but loves to cuddle with girls, kissing, squeezing their boobs, groping their crotches.

I found a girl from Cancun who spoke good English. The wingman was ecstatic, bought her many fichas while his hand were roaming everywhere on her body. She was working in Cancun's clubs with Nortenos tourists but business has been dismal all year under CoVid, so she flew to Tijuana to work. Got her tel. She promised to line up many of her friends in Cancun when we go on vacation.

Wingman grabbed another girl, a HK regular I have seen in years. After a couple drinks with lots of groping, she wanted to go upstairs. I had to do the translation. She started out with $100 then dropped down to $80. I explained to her that the guy was out of money and could do only $60, which she quickly accepted. He asked me for a loan so I took out my wallet and handed him a few bills discreetly under the table, but she saw it. Nothing escapes bar girls' hawk eyes. I did not lie to her. She gave him a very hot session and did everything humanly possible for him, but he could not pop. The beers must have dulled his sensation. He came back down, resuming drinking, kissing, groping with a few more girls. Looked like he was starved for love and affection, not just sex.

I invited a couple nice girls to drink. They were all new to the business, nice, slim, pretty, gentle, wearing tasteful clothes, did not talk or act like hardened bar girls. The girls all spoke adequate English, one from GDL spoke English nice, slow, with no accent, like a proper girl from a good family. She said she has an American BF and had moved in with him in the US, but he lost his job after CoVid, so they moved back to Tijuana for the low costs of living; she went back to work in HK to make ends meet. Her BF was sitting in HK drinking, eyeing her all night. She was nice, slim, gentle, natural boobs, beautiful overall with light skin and pretty face, with a string of characters tattooed on her spinal column. Damn sad story.

I collected tel numbers from a couple hottest girls from a few major cities. They said they have lots of friends and can hook us up when we go on vacation. If they are not there, they can always send us their friends. We have a nefarious plan to fly out of Tijuana for a sexy vacation in a couple cities in Mexico, the only way to vacation outside the US. Will see how that works out with the girls' contacts.

If the bros have tels for hot girls in CDMX and Monterrey, please swap with us.The girl with the American BF, was the tattoo up her spine in Chinese?

I think I know this girl, she's cool.

11-10-20, 07:54
Had a negative HK experience. Bought 4 drinks for a girl knowing her price was too high for sex, and her knowing the same. But she wanted the ficha credits or she thought ID pay $90. I was never ever gona pay any girl in HK %90. If I had money like that I'd have a attractive GF. After I leave her, she returns with her GF and both flirt for 20 seconds before she tells waiter 2 more fichas. Nobody asked me, the waiter or her. I instantly tell him when he already popped the bottle, no bueno. Between her, her GF, and him, nobody speaks English and the music is too loud anyway. A dude sees what transpires and starts trying to pay for the drinks, but starts lecturing me, that the girls don't work for free. I just dropped 45 on her 4 drinks with propina. I don't like dudes talking to me inch from my face, a waiter or customer. If I'm gona get covid its gona be from a female. Anyway I just walked away went home. Some guys have said the ficha drinks are free from Tecate so him popping 2 beers of 2% alcohol, 6 ounces, wasn't gona make me feel guilty after I just bought her 4 drinks. But I probably will stay out of HK for month. 2 hours earlier, I met a gorgeous 20 year old at a whole in wall bar around corner. But she didn't do enough during her drink to lead. To more.

11-10-20, 08:45
What's up guys. Making my first trip to Tijuana Wednesday and I'm probably only going to stay a night. I'm probably going to get a room at Hong Kong for the night. Do the women offer BBJ or is it all CBBJ. What about happy hour can I score a double BBJ LOL. And what's the going rate I don't want to fuck the economy up. Also I'm a man that loves ass so is Hong Kong the best place for big asses I don't care if it's real or fake. Any advice is greatly appreciated.In Hong Kong, maybe half the girls in the club have a big asses. BBJ rather difficult CBBJ in general. The price is generally $ 80, now I read that the price can be as high as $ 100. This is for sex, the room upstairs for half an hour is $ 15 or $ 17 plus $ 1 is collected by the dude when leaving with the girl from HK to the room upstairs and don't ask me why. - Also a $ 1 tip for a janitor to clean the room after you finish with the girl. Beer $ 4 and $ 5 and a little tip. Short groping of girls in the club - $ 1. (These were the general prices before covid19 in February.).

11-10-20, 14:47
Had a negative HK experience. Bought 4 drinks for a girl knowing her price was too high for sex, and her knowing the same. But she wanted the ficha credits or she thought ID pay $90. I was never ever gona pay any girl in HK %90. If I had money like that I'd have a attractive GF. After I leave her, she returns with her GF and both flirt for 20 seconds before she tells waiter 2 more fichas. Nobody asked me, the waiter or her. I instantly tell him when he already popped the bottle, no bueno. Between her, her GF, and him, nobody speaks English and the music is too loud anyway. A dude sees what transpires and starts trying to pay for the drinks, but starts lecturing me, that the girls don't work for free. I just dropped 45 on her 4 drinks with propina. I don't like dudes talking to me inch from my face, a waiter or customer. If I'm gona get covid its gona be from a female. Anyway I just walked away went home. Some guys have said the ficha drinks are free from Tecate so him popping 2 beers of 2% alcohol, 6 ounces, wasn't gona make me feel guilty after I just bought her 4 drinks. But I probably will stay out of HK for month. 2 hours earlier, I met a gorgeous 20 year old at a whole in wall bar around corner. But she didn't do enough during her drink to lead. To more.You know how it works, how do these situations always happen to you, this never happens to me. If you go to HK without money it will not be a good experience. You might want to focus on getting a part time job, so you can actually enjoy yourself and stop complaining.

Captain Solo
11-10-20, 18:59

I only wanted to portray the general bad time we are all living in, both in the US and Mexico, under CoVid pandemic. I don't want to go into more details and potentially make the poor girls feel bad.

You already know more than enough.

11-10-20, 20:00
You know how it works, how do these situations always happen to you, this never happens to me. If you go to HK without money it will not be a good experience. You might want to focus on getting a part time job, so you can actually enjoy yourself and stop complaining.A waiter is always supposed to ask the guy if he wants to buy a girl a drink. The good ones ask twice to avoid miscommunication. He's not supposed to take orders from the girl, and he shouldn't be flipping out when I tell him no good, as if he opened a bottle of champagne. I'm supposed to be buying every girl a drink who orders one for herself from a waiter when I'm not even sitting with her, just standing there. Uh no that's not how it goes. That's remnants of the unofficial 7th floor HK, which doesn't have any rules or professional management, leaking into the main HK bar, which is very organized.

11-10-20, 21:08
It happens. A known rob at Adalitas tried to sweet talk me into a drink and I politely declined. She got mad and ordered herself a drink and sat on my lap. The mesaro rushes over with the drink and I tell them to get lost because I never asked for anything. Desperate times call for desperate measures sometimes.

11-10-20, 21:43
You know how it works, how do these situations always happen to you, this never happens to me.All the waiters that I have dealt with in this situation made sure to confirm the order with me, and not just take a ficha order only from the bar girl.

That's how I understand it works, and how it's been done with me.

11-10-20, 22:26
A waiter is always supposed to ask the guy if he wants to buy a girl a drink. The good ones ask twice to avoid miscommunication. He's not supposed to take orders from the girl, and he shouldn't be flipping out when I tell him no good, as if he opened a bottle of champagne.I agree 100%. But what is "supposed" to happen and what happens in reality are two different things.

Uh no that's not how it goes. That's remnants of the unofficial 7th floor HK, which doesn't have any rules or professional management, leaking into the main HK bar, which is very organized.It is how it goes, unfortunately. A waiter bringing an unapproved ficha happened all the time in the old HK, it is not some sort of carryover misdeed that originated in the penthouses. I've had numerous meseros bring me unapproved fichas in HK. I just completely ignore them. Then after a couple of minutes, the puta will politely inform me that a mesero is trying to get my attention, as if I hadn't realized. I'll just shrug my shoulders and say something like "no me importa mesero" (I don't care about the mesero.) If it's a puta that I was going to buy a ficha for anyway, I'll order a ficha from a different mesero just out of spite. It's one of the special rare joys I get in HK watching the face of the mesero who's been hovering over me with a ficha for 5 minutes looking on as another mesero gets paid and tipped for "his" ficha. I remember once in 2016 I was standing right by the main stage and I bought a puta a ficha. She was an old friend that I was no longer interested in. So my plan was just to buy her one. She finished it and mesero #74 Ricardo, a little midget troll-looking motherfucker, comes by and asks if I want to buy another. I clearly shook my head no and then he looks at the puta and she nods her head yes. I knew what was coming so I left the area. A couple of minutes later I feel that little troll keep tapping me on my back. I tell him no and he keeps on tapping my back saying "$8. " I finally turn around and explode at him, I get right in his face and scream "get the fuck out of here I didn't order anything. " he then goes crying and runs off to get a security guy. The security guy gets close enough to see who I am and he just turns right back around. To this day that POS Ricardo won't come within 10 feet of me.

11-11-20, 01:32
Had a negative HK experience. Bought 4 drinks for a girl knowing her price was too high for sex, and her knowing the same. But she wanted the ficha credits or she thought ID pay $90. I was never ever gona pay any girl in HK %90. If I had money like that I'd have a attractive GF. After I leave her, she returns with her GF and both flirt for 20 seconds before she tells waiter 2 more fichas. Nobody asked me, the waiter or her. I instantly tell him when he already popped the bottle, no bueno. Between her, her GF, and him, nobody speaks English and the music is too loud anyway. A dude sees what transpires and starts trying to pay for the drinks, but starts lecturing me, that the girls don't work for free. I just dropped 45 on her 4 drinks with propina. I don't like dudes talking to me inch from my face, a waiter or customer. If I'm gona get covid its gona be from a female. Anyway I just walked away went home. Some guys have said the ficha drinks are free from Tecate so him popping 2 beers of 2% alcohol, 6 ounces, wasn't gona make me feel guilty after I just bought her 4 drinks. But I probably will stay out of HK for month. 2 hours earlier, I met a gorgeous 20 year old at a whole in wall bar around corner. But she didn't do enough during her drink to lead. To more.I only buy fichas to spend time with a chica while I try to figure out what kind of ride she will give me arriba. As we all know they are a complete rip off. At $10 a piece, yes a dollar for the pain in the ass mesero, I never buy a girl more than 2 and only then when I am sure I want to fuck her and I am just having a sexy fun time in the bar with her. I have tasted a few of the "drinks" they bring them and they had no alcohol in them. Seems to me that if you spent $45 on fichas for one chica you had already paid over half the price of a session. At $60 even closer. Limiting the amount of money wasted on fichas means more money for arribas.

11-11-20, 06:55
A waiter is always supposed to ask the guy if he wants to buy a girl a drink. The good ones ask twice to avoid miscommunication. He's not supposed to take orders from the girl, and he shouldn't be flipping out when I tell him no good, as if he opened a bottle of champagne. I'm supposed to be buying every girl a drink who orders one for herself from a waiter when I'm not even sitting with her, just standing there. Uh no that's not how it goes. That's remnants of the unofficial 7th floor HK, which doesn't have any rules or professional management, leaking into the main HK bar, which is very organized.Gee, Mr. Btfsplk. Why does this nonsense happen only to you? I have had meseros in HK try to palm half-finished ficha beers, but I've never had one take an order from a girl. 100% of the time the waiter asks ME if I want to buy a drink. THAT is how it goes.

11-12-20, 02:45
Not quite sure what the best option might be, if any, to avoid spending too much money on fischas. You'll see below that I'm really trying to consider all possible options.

1. Just walk around doing quick tips & gropes and pick someone for Arriba really quickly. Doing this, of course, you won't be able to spend much time actually inside the club.

2. Just say No to buying any discuss at all, but the chicas will get up & leave in a minute or two, and soon no more chicas will sit with you & you'll be sitting alone or at stage tipping til you decide your next move.

3. Simply not go into the big clubs / bars, but then you are limited to street girls or escorts. Street girls are usually not GFE & rushed. Escorts the tend to be more expensive & I don't think many go into zona Norte.

4. Buy a bucket of beer & insist to the chica & masero that she drinks beers from the bucket & not fischas. They probably don't want to allow this, but if this has worked for anyone please share. Also clarify if the beer bucket was part of getting a VIP room or purchased solo.

5. Purchase 1 fischa & then covertly pour beer into the mini fischa bottle with tipping the chica. Not sure Mexican chica logic would be able to follow this & the maseros seem to be always lingering nearby.

6. Ask the chica to drink the fischa very slowly with perhaps an extra trip & strong Arriba chance for her & tell masero to go away & that she is still not finished with 1st fischa.

Not trying to be a cheap Charlie, but I think most know fischas can be budget killers, and one has to also be concise of how much cash to carry as they could get robbed & their are not the best options available in Tijuana to get more cash.

Is there 1 option that anyone likes best?

11-12-20, 03:08
Not quite sure what the best option might be, if any, to avoid spending too much money on fischas. You'll see below that I'm really trying to consider all possible options.

1. Just walk around doing quick tips & gropes and pick someone for Arriba really quickly. Doing this, of course, you won't be able to spend much time actually inside the club.

2. Just say No to buying any discuss at all, but the chicas will get up & leave in a minute or two, and soon no more chicas will sit with you & you'll be sitting alone or at stage tipping til you decide your next move.

3. Simply not go into the big clubs / bars, but then you are limited to street girls or escorts. Street girls are usually not GFE & rushed. Escorts the tend to be more expensive & I don't think many go into zona Norte.

4. Buy a bucket of beer & insist to the chica & masero that she drinks beers from the bucket & not fischas. They probably don't want to allow this, but if this has worked for anyone please share. Also clarify if the beer bucket was part of getting a VIP room or purchased solo.

5. Purchase 1 fischa & then covertly pour beer into the mini fischa bottle with tipping the chica. Not sure Mexican chica logic would be able to follow this & the maseros seem to be always lingering nearby.

6. Ask the chica to drink the fischa very slowly with perhaps an extra trip & strong Arriba chance for her & tell masero to go away & that she is still not finished with 1st fischa.

Not trying to be a cheap Charlie, but I think most know fischas can be budget killers, and one has to also be concise of how much cash to carry as they could get robbed & their are not the best options available in Tijuana to get more cash.

Is there 1 option that anyone likes best?I don't drink; I wander inside the club few minutes; I look around if there is anything worth of interest. I tip the girls 1 $ at a time, never the meseros as they are a pain. And if I see a girl I like, I take her to the room uspstairs. No need to linger and get the covid.

11-12-20, 03:13
Not quite sure what the best option might be, if any, to avoid spending too much money on fischas. You'll see below that I'm really trying to consider all possible options.

1. Just walk around doing quick tips & gropes and pick someone for Arriba really quickly. Doing this, of course, you won't be able to spend much time actually inside the club.

2. Just say No to buying any discuss at all, but the chicas will get up & leave in a minute or two, and soon no more chicas will sit with you & you'll be sitting alone or at stage tipping til you decide your next move.

3. Simply not go into the big clubs / bars, but then you are limited to street girls or escorts. Street girls are usually not GFE & rushed. Escorts the tend to be more expensive & I don't think many go into zona Norte.

4. Buy a bucket of beer & insist to the chica & masero that she drinks beers from the bucket & not fischas. They probably don't want to allow this, but if this has worked for anyone please share. Also clarify if the beer bucket was part of getting a VIP room or purchased solo.

5. Purchase 1 fischa & then covertly pour beer into the mini fischa bottle with tipping the chica. Not sure Mexican chica logic would be able to follow this & the maseros seem to be always lingering nearby.Wow man you are way overthinking it. It's your money so you control where it goes. If you're vibing with a chica, buy her a drink. If not, kick her to the curb. You should get a good read after one drink. Sure you may buy one for each of several chicas before you find what you're looking for but you pay to play. It's a wise investment compared to just taking a dead fish upstairs. Having said all that, things can go perfect downstairs and go off the rails upstairs. It's not an exact science.

11-12-20, 03:14
I don't drink; I wander inside the club few minutes; I look around if there is anything worth of interest. I tip the girls 1 $ at a time, never the meseros as they are a pain. And if I see a girl I like, I take her to the room uspstairs. No need to linger and get the covid.I do the same, or ask the to go to Azul for a drink, makes for a great experience.

11-12-20, 03:18
In Hong Kong, maybe half the girls in the club have a big asses. BBJ rather difficult CBBJ in general. The price is generally $ 80, now I read that the price can be as high as $ 100. This is for sex, the room upstairs for half an hour is $ 15 or $ 17 plus $ 1 is collected by the dude when leaving with the girl from HK to the room upstairs and don't ask me why. - Also a $ 1 tip for a janitor to clean the room after you finish with the girl. Beer $ 4 and $ 5 and a little tip. Short groping of girls in the club - $ 1. (These were the general prices before covid19 in February.).You are not a good bargainer; average is $70 not 80 and many girls will settle for 60 in HK. Especially on week days. You can always tip them good after but not before.

11-12-20, 03:45
I have found that very few girls in HK are willing to do BJ only. Most of the girls stick to the $100 min for anything.

You are not a good bargainer; average is $70 not 80 and many girls will settle for 60 in HK. Especially on week days. You can always tip them good after but not before.

11-12-20, 06:37
Not quite sure what the best option might be, if any, to avoid spending too much money on fischas. You'll see below that I'm really trying to consider all possible options.

1. Just walk around doing quick tips & gropes and pick someone for Arriba really quickly. Doing this, of course, you won't be able to spend much time actually inside the club.

2. Just say No to buying any discuss at all, but the chicas will get up & leave in a minute or two, and soon no more chicas will sit with you & you'll be sitting alone or at stage tipping til you decide your next move.

3. Simply not go into the big clubs / bars, but then you are limited to street girls or escorts. Street girls are usually not GFE & rushed. Escorts the tend to be more expensive & I don't think many go into zona Norte.

4. Buy a bucket of beer & insist to the chica & masero that she drinks beers from the bucket & not fischas. They probably don't want to allow this, but if this has worked for anyone please share. Also clarify if the beer bucket was part of getting a VIP room or purchased solo.

5. Purchase 1 fischa & then covertly pour beer into the mini fischa bottle with tipping the chica. Not sure Mexican chica logic would be able to follow this & the maseros seem to be always lingering nearby.

6. Ask the chica to drink the fischa very slowly with perhaps an extra trip & strong Arriba chance for her & tell masero to go away & that she is still not finished with 1st fischa.

Not trying to be a cheap Charlie, but I think most know fischas can be budget killers, and one has to also be concise of how much cash to carry as they could get robbed & their are not the best options available in Tijuana to get more cash.

Is there 1 option that anyone likes best?Unless you're willing to learn Spanish and venture to the smaller, more "local" venues, then you're going to have to swim in the gringo-centric clip joint waters. Your choices are limited. So, suck it up.

Obviously you can't hang out, schmooze with the chicas, and not buy drinks.

Escorts are actually a less expensive option. Their prices are hourly, not "almost 30 minutes," and there are no ficha drinks to buy. So, that is a viable option.

The clubs don't allow the girls to drink from your drinks. Yes, sometimes they might do that on occasion, but it's not allowed.

Pouring your drink into the girl's drink, again, isn't allowed. You might get by with it occasionally, but you can't get by with that forever.

You can tell her to drink slowly. But you shouldn't have to. If she pounds the first, kick her out. A decent girl should be make a drink last in the 20 minute neighborhood. If they really like you then it may be longer, sometimes quite a bit longer. But my rule of thumb is 15 - 20 minutes.

If you're going to troll the club scene, you better be ready to part with some money. Don't be like the jerks I see constantly, who want to drive a BMW or a Mercedes, but are too cheap, or too poor, to maintain it. You have to pay to play, whether it's cars or HK putas.

BTW, there are plenty of safe options to get cash in TJ, but few are in the Zona Norte.

11-12-20, 09:11
4. Buy a bucket of beer & insist to the chica & masero that she drinks beers from the bucket & not fischas. They probably don't want to allow this, but if this has worked for anyone please share. Also clarify if the beer bucket was part of getting a VIP room or purchased solo.

5. Purchase 1 fischa & then covertly pour beer into the mini fischa bottle with tipping the chica. Not sure Mexican chica logic would be able to follow this & the maseros seem to be always lingering nearby.Forget about #4. This is not going to happen. #5 I wouldn't get excited about either. The puta is sitting with you largely because she's earning a little bit of money. If you start refilling her ficha, then her income stream comes to a halt. She will likely object. Her opinion of you will surely drop. And if staff sees you do it, you will likely receive a warning and repeat offenders will likely be kicked out or banned.

There's two ways you can reduce ficha consumption.

#1. Play with and hold her hands constantly while sitting. If her hands are occupied, she can't grab her ficha to drink it.

#2. Place an amount of cash on the table. You choose the amount, whether it is $30, $50, $100, or whatever amount you choose. Then pick a reasonable amount of time you wish the chica to sit with you. For example, place $100 on the table. If the average ficha lasts 12 minutes, then typically $100 lasts a 2 hours. Tell her an amount of time longer than 2 hour. Tell her 3 hours. Tell her the $100 on the table is hers to keep after 3 hours, but every ficha she drinks will be paid for from the $100. Watch how fast her ficha consumption slows to a crawl. You win, because you got 50% more table time you would receive for your $100, the puta wins because she will earn much more than the measly $1. 75 she earns per ficha. The only losers are the mesero and HK management. This trick is really for those mongers who enjoy sitting for extended periods with putas. If you just buy 1 or 2 fichas, then reference trick #1.

11-12-20, 18:03
The girl with the American BF, was the tattoo up her spine in Chinese?

I think I know this girl, she's cool.That's. Depressing.

She she sit and watch him work all day too?

11-12-20, 21:01
Forget about #4. This is not going to happen. #5 I wouldn't get excited about either. The puta is sitting with you largely because she's earning a little bit of money. If you start refilling her ficha, then her income stream comes to a halt. She will likely object. Her opinion of you will surely drop. And if staff sees you do it, you will likely receive a warning and repeat offenders will likely be kicked out or banned.

There's two ways you can reduce ficha consumption.

#1. Play with and hold her hands constantly while sitting. If her hands are occupied, she can't grab her ficha to drink it.

#2. Place an amount of cash on the table. You choose the amount, whether it is $30, $50, $100, or whatever amount you choose. Then pick a reasonable amount of time you wish the chica to sit with you. For example, place $100 on the table. If the average ficha lasts 12 minutes, then typically $100 lasts a 2 hours. Tell her an amount of time longer than 2 hour. Tell her 3 hours. Tell her the $100 on the table is hers to keep after 3 hours, but every ficha she drinks will be paid for from the $100. Watch how fast her ficha consumption slows to a crawl. You win, because you got 50% more table time you would receive for your $100, the puta wins because she will earn much more than the measly $1. 75 she earns per ficha. The only losers are the mesero and HK management. This trick is really for those mongers who enjoy sitting for extended periods with putas. If you just buy 1 or 2 fichas, then reference trick #1.Somethings I have tried.

1) Have a dedicated mesero, this helps a lot. Agreed this takes some initial investment. My mesero knows the type of girl I like, goes out to get one for me. I give him 10-15 bucks (I stay long hrs in the club) to not to bother me, my offer to him was, he can keep the money that I am paying for the bar or I can pay for the bar and he makes less. Same goes with the girl, even though I know what their cut from drinks are ($2-3), it a nice opening line asking them how much they make from the drink (make a comment its low) and them proposing I can pay them directly to limit the drink consumption.

2) Buy some food instead of drink and ask the girl to eat it (works for short stay in the bar), my observation it takes longer time to eat, than drink for the same $$ spent.

Most imp: these all only work, if the club is slow and the girl is not out there to hustle because she can make more money with trips to the hotel instead spend time with you. I find not all girls like to do the arriba equally. Oh ya be presentable I guess.

11-12-20, 23:26
Thanks to some of those who offered some tips on reducing fischa costs. Some others though seemed to take it the wrong way or too seriously. Since these fischa drinks are small mostly non alcohol drinks that the chicas only get a small cut out of the total. I think there are better money paths for each.

I don't like to really carry more than $1,000 cash on me at any point in time. I've had problems both times I used an ATM in Tijuana. Once I was shorted on cash and once I had fraudulent transactions occur days later.

So I might plan out about $250 a day. Some days I might do 1 Arriba others 2, and I also have to plan out money for food, and the Mexican hotels like cash it seems.

So I'm trying to hold the per day Arriba costs to maybe $50/60, but that's only 5/6 fischa drinks, and often the chicas will get a second or even third drink before you have enough time to make up your mind.

The fischa program is the one major drawback to Tijuana in my opinion. Bottom line, I need time in the clubs to scout out the best option, and time with each chica to "read her" with the fischas resell pass jeopardizing that.

11-12-20, 23:41
So how this trip came about was random as fuck but I'm glad I did it. Was off from the office on a Tuesday and Wednesday and decided fuck it I'm a see what Tijuana like. Flew in from Detroit to LA to sight see them drove to San Diego to the border. Parked at a parking lot by the bridge for 9 bucks for 12 hours. Crossing to Mexico was easy but they got me out of 30 bucks for a pass bullshit cause I didn't have the email for my "dentist appointment" oh well came to far to let $30 stop me. Cross into Mexico and take a taxi to Hong Kong and check into my hotel. Had the master jacuzzi room for $100 bucks and it was definitely worth it. Drop my stuff off head to the club and holy shit what a site. Probably about 70 women at least on a freaking Wednesday. See one who fits my type (big ass) and take her up and do the do for $70. Gave her a tip and she was happy and kept trying to kiss me in the mouth (not my style) I leave and decide to check out Adelia bar and it was kind of dead but holy shit did I see a good one who immediately pounced on me. Took her to there room which was pretty crappy but hey who cares I'm only using it for about 15 minutes. They charge me 15 and I give her $80. After that I was pretty tired so went to Azul and got some amazing food and a drink for like 15 bucks. Retreat to the room and planned on going to Chicago and tropical but I was tired and the jacuzzi had me ready to pass out LOL. Wake up early and go to the 7 tj floor because the club was closed but it was slim pickings there. Head to the border and it's a pain in the ass crossing back home. About an hour wait compared to going to Mexico. I'm definitely already planning my next trip. I'll probably come on a weekend day and stay for the whole weekend.

11-13-20, 00:10
Thanks to some of those who offered some tips on reducing fischa costs. Some others though seemed to take it the wrong way or too seriously. Since these fischa drinks are small mostly non alcohol drinks that the chicas only get a small cut out of the total. I think there are better money paths for each.

I don't like to really carry more than $1,000 cash on me at any point in time. I've had problems both times I used an ATM in Tijuana. Once I was shorted on cash and once I had fraudulent transactions occur days later.

So I might plan out about $250 a day. Some days I might do 1 Arriba others 2, and I also have to plan out money for food, and the Mexican hotels like cash it seems.

So I'm trying to hold the per day Arriba costs to maybe $50/60, but that's only 5/6 fischa drinks, and often the chicas will get a second or even third drink before you have enough time to make up your mind.

The fischa program is the one major drawback to Tijuana in my opinion. Bottom line, I need time in the clubs to scout out the best option, and time with each chica to "read her" with the fischas resell pass jeopardizing that.There may be "better money paths" for you, but the bar is in business to sell extremely overpriced drinks to gringos. They get nothing from the girl's upstairs activities. So, to them, your buying a ficha drink is the best money path. I'm not sure what other parts of the world you're familiar with, but hostess bars the world over have some sort of overpriced drink requirement. It sucks, to be sure, but it's nothing new and it's part of the game.

Where did you use an ATM? Was it in the sewer of the ZN, or at a bank in a less crime-infested part of town? I've used ATMs all over Tijuana with zero issues. All of the problems I hear about are with Zona Norte ATMs, which is no big surprise.

I have stayed in almost every major and mid-range hotel in Tijuana, except for Lucerna and the Marriott. All have accepted credit cards with zero issues. Shitels like Coahuila and Cascadas, well. Maybe they're different.

What do you mean the chicas will get a second or third drink before you make up your mind? Who's paying? Who's ordering? You need to set the limits. If you can't make up your mind after two drinks, then it's time to move on.

I don't mean to come across the wrong way, but I can think of no country where hostess bars will let patrons tie up a girl's time for hours for free. They expect you to pay for her time by buying overpriced drinks. If you're the kind of guy who needs lots of time to make up your mind, then you'll need to accept that and budget accordingly. HK sure isn't in business to make it any easier or cheaper for anybody.

11-13-20, 02:16

I am shocked to see some people are going to HK during these times. You guys are crazy. "but it only kills old people" no it doesn't.

Anyway, my question to you today is, what's a good excuse why I won't be in town for a day, other than "I am going to San Diego"? (I have used that excuse too much and now they won't believe me).

KC Questor
11-13-20, 02:23
I only buy fichas to spend time with a chica while I try to figure out what kind of ride she will give me arriba. As we all know they are a complete rip off. At $10 a piece, yes a dollar for the pain in the ass mesero, I never buy a girl more than 2 and only then when I am sure I want to fuck her and I am just having a sexy fun time in the bar with her. I have tasted a few of the "drinks" they bring them and they had no alcohol in them. Seems to me that if you spent $45 on fichas for one chica you had already paid over half the price of a session. At $60 even closer. Limiting the amount of money wasted on fichas means more money for arribas.This assumes that time spent with the girl but not fucking her is time wasted. It doesn't take into account that for the $10 ficha I get time with her sitting on my lap, dancing for me, time to grope her a bit and for her to grope me. The mileage that I get for a $10 beer is way better than what I get with a $20-30 lap dance in the states. I've spent $60 on a girl in Hong Kong and not gone upstairs, but had far more fun than when I've spent $200 at a strip club in the US.

It's not all about screening for arribas.

11-13-20, 02:55

I am shocked to see some people are going to HK during these times. You guys are crazy. "but it only kills old people" no it doesn't.

Anyway, my question to you today is, what's a good excuse why I won't be in town for a day, other than "I am going to San Diego"? (I have used that excuse too much and now they won't believe me).I have to say I agree. Coronavirus has a low death rate, but some of the lasting non-death conditions are pretty bad, and it seems like a crapshoot as to who gets it. I like fresh poon as much as the next guy, but I'm just biding my time.

11-13-20, 04:10
If you buy enough fichas, your gona run into the super aggressive girl, who orders her own drinks, either 1st one, or others. Honestly its happened many many times. The thing is, I was gona buy the 1st, 2nd or 3rd drink anyway. The problem is when you put your foot down, and you happen to have a masero whose also super aggressive. The last two issues I had in HK, the waiters would not back down. I should of went to the manager to instruct them how to do their job but I don't want to be looking over my shoulder on the street. So I just walk away. Of course another time a HK chick smacked or punched me in the face in front of everyone for cutting her off after 1 drink. It was so crowded I could not find her to report her to management. As far as the sex goes, to some degree the bar needs a lot of sex, they get people paying for the hotel, and they get guys coming back. If the sex goes up to 120 after covid they won't sell as many beers or fichas as some guys will stay home.

11-13-20, 05:52
If you like chatting with the chicas but not buying fichas, which should included most of you, then sit at the main bars. Those are the best places to sit at in HK and CC. The putas sitting next to you will often flirt, and if you decline to buy them fichas, the meseros don't whisk them away.

11-13-20, 17:12
This assumes that time spent with the girl but not fucking her is time wasted. It doesn't take into account that for the $10 ficha I get time with her sitting on my lap, dancing for me, time to grope her a bit and for her to grope me. The mileage that I get for a $10 beer is way better than what I get with a $20-30 lap dance in the states. I've spent $60 on a girl in Hong Kong and not gone upstairs, but had far more fun than when I've spent $200 at a strip club in the US.

It's not all about screening for arribas.I agree completely. I love hanging in the club with a chica grabbing my dick. Its a much better deal than any strip club in SD. That's why I never get out of HK without buying at least 4 or 5 fichas. I do a lot of screening but I'm not always just screening for arribas when I buy fichas, especially after having just gone up to the room which I always rent for the day / evening but leave Tijuana around midnight.

11-13-20, 17:31
Not quite sure what the best option might be, if any, to avoid spending too much money on fischas. You'll see below that I'm really trying to consider all possible options.

1. Just walk around doing quick tips & gropes and pick someone for Arriba really quickly. Doing this, of course, you won't be able to spend much time actually inside the club.

2. Just say No to buying any discuss at all, but the chicas will get up & leave in a minute or two, and soon no more chicas will sit with you & you'll be sitting alone or at stage tipping till you decide your next move.

3. Simply not go into the big clubs / bars, but then you are limited to street girls or escorts. Street girls are usually not GFE & rushed. Escorts the tend to be more expensive & I don't think many go into zona Norte.

4. Buy a bucket of beer & insist to the chica & masero that she drinks beers from the bucket & not fischas. They probably don't want to allow this, but if this has worked for anyone please share. Also clarify if the beer bucket was part of getting a VIP room or purchased solo.

5. Purchase 1 fischa & then covertly pour beer into the mini fischa bottle with tipping the chica. Not sure Mexican chica logic would be able to follow this & the maseros seem to be always lingering nearby.I have been to HK 3 times. Each time, I've followed #1. I never sit. I buy a water when I get there and carry that around the entire time drinking occasionally. I'll mill around and tip / grope until I find someone that I want. I'll chat for a bit and then either go upstairs or move along or occasionally do a lap dance. I've spent 5-6 hours each time in HK. There are place to stand where you can take it all in and survey the rooms.

During my last visit, I took a lady upstairs and had a great time with her. She spoke little English but we were able to communicate. When we got back, I asked if she wanted a drink. We sat and I bought her one. We talked and she drank it very slowly. The maseros kept stopping by pushing the food. That was annoying as fuck but otherwise it was a nice experience.

Still, I'll stick to my game plan and avoid the drinks. I'm there to fuck several ladies who are way out of my league. I'm not there to waste money on watered down dancer drinks and unnecessary tips to dudes.

11-13-20, 18:36
When a waiter gets too aggressive, I don't tip. Since I try to not be a dick, I warn them when they reach for my drink or a chica's drink. Don't tip, and your aggressive waiter either stops being a dick. Or he finds another pussie to pick on.

11-13-20, 19:06
hostess bars the world over have some sort of overpriced drink requirement. It sucks, to be sure, but it's nothing new and it's part of the game.Correct, but very few environments (The bar itself) like this around the world that I've been to, are so anti-customer as Tijuana.

Honestly, it's not hard to realize that 1 in 4 or 5 of your drinks in a Pattaya bar on Soi6 were gratis for being part of the party in the bar while you were there. Nobody pushing lady drinks, no dudes hanging over your maybe-empty beer, and ya. You get the occasional pushy bargirl. But a polite word to the manager in a way that saves face for her, and all is resolved. They learn quick.

It's a different attitude towards the customer, that's all.

The drinks are never watered down, the manager makes sure YOU are having a good time. And the bar does have a bar fine whether you take her upstairs, or off-site long time or short time. Its not much, but it, IMHO, helps keep the drink prices low. Maybe. $13 US to take her upstairs. And $40 US for her liberal hour of time if you have the talent and imagination to make use of it.

I have VERY few Tijuana trips under my belt, and I hope to make a solid shot of another trip in early Dec learning from the best how to utilize Tijuana properly. But right now, I place Tijuana on a sale closer to Vegas than say, Soi6 Thailand. Which is a lot like what BKK used to be. 10 yrs ago. But to use Tijuana properly, IMHO, is a fair amount of reading, and then putting it into practice. Can't wait to try more.

11-13-20, 19:17
acuzzi room for $100 bucks and it was definitely worth it. How was the water pressure?

Last time I was there (was a long time now) it sucked hard. A shower was barely possible.

11-13-20, 19:37
I haven't been to HK in a minute. I accidentally stumbled upon her and a few other HK chicas on Instagram. If I go back to HK soon this Alejandra girl will be the sole reason. Does anyone know when she's normally there? Is she good upstairs? Any info will be great please and thanks.

11-14-20, 03:36
Correct, but very few environments (The bar itself) like this around the world that I've been to, are so anti-customer as Tijuana.

Honestly, it's not hard to realize that 1 in 4 or 5 of your drinks in a Pattaya bar on Soi6 were gratis for being part of the party in the bar while you were there. Nobody pushing lady drinks, no dudes hanging over your maybe-empty beer, and ya. You get the occasional pushy bargirl. But a polite word to the manager in a way that saves face for her, and all is resolved. They learn quick.

It's a different attitude towards the customer, that's all.

The drinks are never watered down, the manager makes sure YOU are having a good time. And the bar does have a bar fine whether you take her upstairs, or off-site long time or short time. Its not much, but it, IMHO, helps keep the drink prices low. Maybe. $13 US to take her upstairs. And $40 US for her liberal hour of time if you have the talent and imagination to make use of it.

I have VERY few Tijuana trips under my belt, and I hope to make a solid shot of another trip in early Dec learning from the best how to utilize Tijuana properly. But right now, I place Tijuana on a sale closer to Vegas than say, Soi6 Thailand. Which is a lot like what BKK used to be. 10 yrs ago. But to use Tijuana properly, IMHO, is a fair amount of reading, and then putting it into practice. Can't wait to try more.There's no special trick to turn tijauna into Thailand. Use pesos for street girls, and avoid bar girls if you need to stretch your money. But the experience will be cold, unsensual, and unless its your adelitas or hk hotel, it will be dirty bed, and nobody showers after. Often their won't be a shower or towels or warm water. If you find a bar girl and have chemistry, it will be BBBJ in most cases, and kissing, but to find this girl you have to buy, on average 4 girls a drink to weed out the duds. Of course the guys under 40 and taller will find that chemistry in 1 or 2 girls. If you pick a bar girl without buying drinks, probably the sex will be robotic, cold, unless you look like an 8,9. Or 10, or she's one of the 10% girls who absolutely love hot sweaty intimate sex with anyone and everyone. Thailand sounds great but I wouldn't last a week in a foreign country.

11-14-20, 15:55
How was the water pressure?

Last time I was there (was a long time now) it sucked hard. A shower was barely possible.It was good I had no complaints. Both the shower and he jacuzzi had strong water pressure of hot and cold water.

11-14-20, 19:33
Thanks to some of those who offered some tips on reducing fischa costs. Some others though seemed to take it the wrong way or too seriously. Since these fischa drinks are small mostly non alcohol drinks that the chicas only get a small cut out of the total. I think there are better money paths for each.

I don't like to really carry more than $1,000 cash on me at any point in time. I've had problems both times I used an ATM in Tijuana. Once I was shorted on cash and once I had fraudulent transactions occur days later.

So I might plan out about $250 a day. Some days I might do 1 Arriba others 2, and I also have to plan out money for food, and the Mexican hotels like cash it seems.

So I'm trying to hold the per day Arriba costs to maybe $50/60, but that's only 5/6 fischa drinks, and often the chicas will get a second or even third drink before you have enough time to make up your mind.

The fischa program is the one major drawback to Tijuana in my opinion. Bottom line, I need time in the clubs to scout out the best option, and time with each chica to "read her" with the fischas resell pass jeopardizing that.Nobody cares what you want your budget to be. That's like going into the Gucci store and telling them that you don't like their prices LOL. If you can't handle the expenses of going to strip clubs and brothels then stay home and do Netflix or something. The system is fine. The drinks are cheap, the girls are cheap, the bros have a blast, thousands of girls keep coming to work. Where else on the planet can you go up to a beautiful girl uninvited, grab her tits, and she smiles about it for a buck. If you want the prices and service to improve then stop going to HK. But that's never going to happen because nobody's discovered a place that's any better.

11-14-20, 19:44
There's no special trick to turn tijauna into Thailand. Use pesos for street girls, and avoid bar girls if you need to stretch your money. But the experience will be cold, unsensual, and unless its your adelitas or hk hotel.I agree pesos with street girls goes farther.

But I disagree that street girls cannot give you a sensual experience.

If you stay in cascadas (nice room) and book minimum of 1 HR with a street girl. You can have a nice unrushed time in your time.

I play salsa music and start the first 15 minutes with the closest and most sensual possible dancing. Fondling everything. Usually with both of us naked. Incredible experience.

My sessions with street girls are 1 to 2 hrs. Except the first tome when I may limit to 30 minutes.

And the best street girls also sometimes switch to HK club. So the caliber of top street girls = average HK club girl.

My point is if you buy the time and stay in Cascadas. Can you have an awesome unrushed experience with street girls too in a very nice room.

11-14-20, 19:48
For those of you who visited HK recently. How many girls are simultaneously dancing across the various stages?

Sometimes, I enjoy spending hours in the club watching the many girls all around dancing.

Example: before Covid on weekend evenings there were 4 to 6 girls dancing on the bar table and another 3 to 5 girls dancing in the mini stage in front of main stage. Plus a gal at main stage.

So you could be seeing 10 girls dancing at the same time.

Has that changed now?

11-14-20, 22:34
Yo it's my first time back in since 2018 crossing the boarder was a breeze don't know what all the fuss was about. Now on to the girls they are hotter than I remember see plenty of talent there. Downside what is up with condom blowjobs every chick I asked insisted on them which sucks. Other than that it's looking pretty good down here.

11-14-20, 23:15
CoVid -19 was brought into the US through airports in the Pacific and Atlantic coasts, San Francisco, Seattle ect. And spread South and inside the continent.

By the end of Feb 2020, California and Washington were barely alerted to a new virus and had less than 0.1% population infected, but this girl said HK girls had close to 100% infection at the same time frame? The probability for HK girls to get all infected that quickly at that time, or even now, must have been close to zero.

Bar girls would just say any ridiculous lies as long as they can pull money from your pocket.What you stated is what was reported by the media, however I believe myself and many people at work contracted the virus in December and January, one guy with diabetes had to be put on a ventilator and one guys wife who was already in poor health and in her 70's almost died. All of us got our flu shot at work in October and basically caught a flu like virus that affected our sense of smell. 8000 Chinese flew into California each day from China including Wuhan until 1/30/20. China finally admitted the virus was spreading there in November. It would have been an impossibility for not one of those tourist not to have COVID. Now that girl saying 100% of them had been already infected is clearly a stretch, maybe 1/4 of them were. But if you notice very few are catching it down there now despite close contact. I do believe there is some truth in what she said.

11-14-20, 23:15
It was good I had no complaints. Both the shower and he jacuzzi had strong water pressure of hot and cold water.Thanks.

I had a Dec 5-12 trip in planning, but my knee surgeon wants to see me on the 7th. So after that.

11-15-20, 02:54
Not trying to start a big debate or anything, but just want to share my story about my trip to Tijuana earlier this year.

I went to Tijuana from Monday, January 13 to Thursday, January 16. Soon after I got back home I had the worst sore throat ever. Had to stop twice for drinks Friday night. Jan 17th -- to visit one on my favorite strippers on a 40 minute drive.

Other than the really bad sore throat, it was like a normal bad cold. Never lost sense of taste or smell, or had any breathing issues other than my sinuses were very congested. Was able to work on Monday and the rest of the week.

There was a group of Asian guys I ran into several times, including my ride back to the border. I don't know if I had it or not, but its at least possible.

11-15-20, 02:58
Nobody cares what you want your budget to be. That's like going into the Gucci store and telling them that you don't like their prices LOL. If you can't handle the expenses of going to strip clubs and brothels then stay home and do Netflix or something. The system is fine. The drinks are cheap, the girls are cheap, the bros have a blast, thousands of girls keep coming to work. Where else on the planet can you go up to a beautiful girl uninvited, grab her tits, and she smiles about it for a buck. If you want the prices and service to improve then stop going to HK. But that's never going to happen because nobody's discovered a place that's any better.So true, HK is unbelievable, you have to try to have a bad time there, or go with no money and complain about your experience. One thing If was a waiter and a guy was sitting in my section and not spending money, I would be pissed off too. Just go sit at the bar or walk around, there is no reason to sit at a table if you are not spending money, then complain.

11-15-20, 03:39
Not trying to start a big debate or anything, but just want to share my story about my trip to Tijuana earlier this year.

I went to Tijuana from Monday, January 13 to Thursday, January 16. Soon after I got back home I had the worst sore throat ever. Had to stop twice for drinks Friday night. Jan 17th -- to visit one on my favorite strippers on a 40 minute drive.

Other than the really bad sore throat, it was like a normal bad cold. Never lost sense of taste or smell, or had any breathing issues other than my sinuses were very congested. Was able to work on Monday and the rest of the week.

There was a group of Asian guys I ran into several times, including my ride back to the border. I don't know if I had it or not, but its at least possible.Or it could have been something else. Like a normal bad cold.

Those still exist.

11-15-20, 22:36
True that.

Man, when I was my 20's I had all the time in the world but had to budget.

Now I'm in my 40's and make way more than I can possibly spend. So when I do holidays I care only about maximizing my limited time, at any cost.

Why we can't have both time and money is one of the great frustrations of the world.

Nobody cares what you want your budget to be. That's like going into the Gucci store and telling them that you don't like their prices LOL. If you can't handle the expenses of going to strip clubs and brothels then stay home and do Netflix or something. The system is fine. The drinks are cheap, the girls are cheap, the bros have a blast, thousands of girls keep coming to work. Where else on the planet can you go up to a beautiful girl uninvited, grab her tits, and she smiles about it for a buck. If you want the prices and service to improve then stop going to HK. But that's never going to happen because nobody's discovered a place that's any better.

11-16-20, 07:04
Yo it's my first time back in since 2018 crossing the boarder was a breeze don't know what all the fuss was about. Now on to the girls they are hotter than I remember see plenty of talent there. Downside what is up with condom blowjobs every chick I asked insisted on them which sucks. Other than that it's looking pretty good down here.Is this just a covid thing?

I have been thinking of including Hong Kong on my next mongering trip. My last trip was to Europe where I got to try out German FKK clubs, where BBBJ are the norm. It would be pretty hard to go back to covered blowjobs once.

11-16-20, 19:18
True that.

Man, when I was my 20's I had all the time in the world but had to budget.

Now I'm in my 40's and make way more than I can possibly spend. So when I do holidays I care only about maximizing my limited time, at any cost.

Why we can't have both time and money is one of the great frustrations of the world.Wait till you hit 60. You will have money and time, but there is a chance your dick stops working.

Captain Solo
11-16-20, 20:08
ScottHall made a strong statement about HK girls' tolerance.

Guys can walk up to any girls, tip her with $, grope and squeeze her assets and she would smile sweetly, ready and willing to engage. That kind of permissiveness seems to happen only in HK and La Zona's bars. I don't remember seeing guys kiss, grope and squeeze girls out in the open in pussy bars anywhere else in the world. I even had make out sessions with a few girls, complete with hands in their wet crotches in the middle of the club hehe.

Guys in Bangkok's and Pattaya's pussy bars would sit and just talk to girls over drinks respectfully like very formal affairs hehe. Usually mamasans would hover over the guys, pushing drinks for the girls, so the pressure to buy drinks for girls are everywhere, not just in La Zona. It's how pussy bars make profit and is even more critical for La Zona bars to survive as they are not allowed by laws to charge bar fines or take a cut of the girls' proceeds. Instead of bar fines, Chicago and Adelita are now pushing guys to buy a bucket to go arriba. That can be expensive and guys will go to other bars or the streets. Both bars are seeing declines in business. A hot Adelita girl had a big fight with her managers over this bullshit bucket requirement. They know high prices would damage their business and are pissed off, quit or move to other bars. Don't know if or when HK, Chavelas and Tropical will push this bucket for arriba bullshit on us.

Guys would complain about HK's high prices, but lots of hot girls would do $60 sessions and prices of drinks are fairly low compared to other destinations. When HK was shut down under CoVid for a few months this year, lots of guys missed HK's girls with the fun, excitement hanging out, partying, flirting with them. HK is wildly popular and successful with its tolerance to clients and girls with fairly low prices; hundreds of the hottest girls and thousands clients keep coming back working or partying in HK for good reasons.

KC Questor
11-16-20, 20:14
Is this just a covid thing?No, it's a bar and street girl thing. Street girls are the strictest. They have to have health cards and a positive test can ruin their only source of income. It takes a LOT to get a street girl to even consider anything bare. Bar girls are still cautious, but it's easier to find some that will do BBBJ, and even some BBFS. Escorts are even more permissive, with BBBJ being standard. And when you get to independent girls through Telegram, Seeking, Craigslist, and dating sites, you find lots more bare up to and including BBFS.

11-17-20, 04:52
....I don't remember seeing guys kiss, grope and squeeze girls out in the open in pussy bars anywhere else in the world...
Sorry, Captain but this is simply not true. The groping and sqeezing of girls out in the open happens all over the world, not just in Tijuana. It all boils down to money. The more you can afford to pay, the more services you can get. As simple as that.

11-17-20, 05:15
ScottHall made a strong statement about HK girls' tolerance.

Guys can walk up to any girls, tip her with $, grope and squeeze her assets and she would smile sweetly, ready and willing to engage. That kind of permissiveness seems to happen only in HK and La Zona's bars. I don't remember seeing guys kiss, grope and squeeze girls out in the open in pussy bars anywhere else in the world. I even had make out sessions with a few girls, complete with hands in their wet crotches in the middle of the club hehe..I've met handful HK girls, enjoying my drink with her, even putting their number in my phone and they would not budge from 100. One I offered 70 but I had spent 30 on her drinks already. They wouldn't budge. So it's not that cheap anymore. Hotel is 20, let's not count her drinks or your own drinks. A fair assessment of travel costs to hk and back to Los Angeles where half guys seem to be from on weekends, that's like 60 cost. All of a sudden that's 200 bucks for 15 minutes of sex. You can do that in 100 different Asian working girl houses in nyc although I don't know what the California pay scene is. To me, the clubs do get a cut of the girls sex fee as well in the overpriced hotels. Chicago charging 30 bucks a room, to me, is basically getting 15 from every arriba. Hong Kong entire hotel is only from horny guys. They are making a lot of money from all the sex just on the hotel never mind the food and beer.

11-17-20, 05:26
Sorry, Captain but this is simply not true. The groping and sqeezing of girls out in the open happens all over the world, not just in Tijuana. It all boils down to money. The more you can afford to pay, the more services you can get. As simple as that.[Deleted by Admin] I know for a fact you can bar fine putas at HK and TB. My wingman barfined the blonde with two belly buttons from TB. I forget the amount but it wasn't that much, around $75 usd or so. I'd be surprised if any Zona bar doesn't offer bar fines.

Captain Solo
11-17-20, 08:14

May be I have not been in all dive bars you've been in.

Would be interested to know where you found overt squeezing, groping, probing of bar girls.


11-17-20, 10:15
Sorry, Captain but this is simply not true. The groping and sqeezing of girls out in the open happens all over the world, not just in Tijuana. It all boils down to money. The more you can afford to pay, the more services you can get. As simple as that.I agree. There are plenty of places around the world and I have experienced it myself. It would be very naive to think that Tijuana is the only place on the planet that is unique to that. LOL.

11-17-20, 10:20
Wait till you hit 60. You will have money and time, but there is a chance your dick stops working.After 60 it's ok. You will be regular at "Farmacia Piri" buying Figral 100 MG (that's Mexican viagra)! .

11-17-20, 17:07
I agree. There are plenty of places around the world and I have experienced it myself. It would be very naive to think that Tijuana is the only place on the planet that is unique to that. LOL.What are some of these places? I want to go there after the covid dies down.

11-17-20, 19:39
What are some of these places? I want to go there after the covid dies down.Colombia is a fav of mine. Europe is also a good choice but COVID has things messed up and restricted. Also Asia but is locked tight. Right now with the current world situation many of these places are restricted and off limits. Who know what the new normal will be afterwards. Next year I will be going to Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo for the first time. There is good intel about Brazil from multiple sources and sites.

11-17-20, 21:03
I went on Sunday night and the regular bar was open along w LC. Saw a few beautiful chicas from MXC and had a great time.

I met a civi girl I knew on Monday night and she said she wanted to go to HK. Drove her there and the front door is locked. Security said to go up to Cascada and ask about the status. Walked up with her and took the elevator to the 6th floor and all of HK was packed into about 15 VIP rooms with all the chicas standing in the hallway and spilling into the rooms. Not sure if this is standard until the city lifts the ban but that's where we are now.

One thing to note was that the girls were hotter when the bar was open. I guess when they "closed" the bar, the 10's just said it's not worth it.

11-17-20, 22:35
Colombia is a fav of mine. Europe is also a good choice but COVID has things messed up and restricted. Also Asia but is locked tight. Right now with the current world situation many of these places are restricted and off limits. Who know what the new normal will be afterwards. Next year I will be going to Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo for the first time. There is good intel about Brazil from multiple sources and sites.I've been to Cartagena once. Didn't go into any strip clubs though. Had an insane time with 2 hot young chicas, but not at the same time. Took them to lunches, dinners and the beaches. Wifed up with one for 3 days and nights and it was like a honeymoon. Where in Europe do you recommend for HK type fun in a club?

Captain Solo
11-17-20, 22:36

It's sad to hear HK is shutdown again. Thanks for the heads up. I was going to go down again tomorrow.

The speakeasy on Cascada's 7th floor is cramped, dark, no fun. Girls are afraid of CoVid infection, so it's understandable that the hottest ones just stay home.

There goes our sexy, fun, exciting cheap thrills!

11-17-20, 23:35
Chicago charging 30 bucks a room, to me, is basically getting 15 from every arriba.Uhhh. No. Chicago charging 30 bucks a room, to me, is basically getting 30 from every arriba. $15 doesn't just disappear into thin air.

11-18-20, 00:31
I've been to Cartagena once. Didn't go into any strip clubs though. Had an insane time with 2 hot young chicas, but not at the same time. Took them to lunches, dinners and the beaches. Wifed up with one for 3 days and nights and it was like a honeymoon. Where in Europe do you recommend for HK type fun in a club?In Cartagena there are 2 spots near the Clock Tower. LV and Space. I take it that when you went to the beach you where in Bocagrande and Hollywood beach. I like staying near that area, preferably in El Laguito in a highrise condo with ocean views. In Europe check out the FKK's. Remember that this discussion is about bars where you can kiss, grope and squeeze girls and not places that are necessarily exactly like HK. Kissing, groping and squeezing girls is not unique to HK or Tijuana.

11-18-20, 02:19
What are some of these places? I want to go there after the covid dies down.Because it can't go there? Not sure you're thinking is straight on this.

It's a virus. It goes where people do (where people want to go were covid isn't?

11-18-20, 04:13
Uhhh. No. Chicago charging 30 bucks a room, to me, is basically getting 30 from every arriba. $15 doesn't just disappear into thin air.So you expect the hotel to operate for free? That's unrealistic. My point, is the hotel should only be 15, so its now 30, so basically the hotel is getting a nice chunk of each sexual encounter. For instance, if hk decides it would rather more hotel money, more sex money, it would charge $45 for that 25 minute room rental, and its beer sales would drop by 60%, its ficha sales would drop by half, and it wouldn't have needed to expand the hk club like it did. Fortunately HK took the other approach.

11-18-20, 04:17
Why is HK shut down? Politics? Are other clubs shut? Chicago on Saturday around 8 pm was kicking everyone off the bar seats and taping it with police tape. I find it interesting, but the clubs being shut down is better for guys who won't pay 90, 100 for sex. Once the bars shut down the street girls pour in, tenfold easily.

11-18-20, 06:12

It's sad to hear HK is shutdown again. Thanks for the heads up. I was going to go down again tomorrow.

The speakeasy on Cascada's 7th floor is cramped, dark, no fun. Girls are afraid of CoVid infection, so it's understandable that the hottest ones just stay home.

There goes our sexy, fun, exciting cheap thrills!Crap I was going next Wednesday too looks like I am ordering in. Is Club Korea still around?

11-18-20, 06:14
I went on Sunday night and the regular bar was open along w LC. Saw a few beautiful chicas from MXC and had a great time.

I met a civi girl I knew on Monday night and she said she wanted to go to HK. Drove her there and the front door is locked. Security said to go up to Cascada and ask about the status. Walked up with her and took the elevator to the 6th floor and all of HK was packed into about 15 VIP rooms with all the chicas standing in the hallway and spilling into the rooms. Not sure if this is standard until the city lifts the ban but that's where we are now.

One thing to note was that the girls were hotter when the bar was open. I guess when they "closed" the bar, the 10's just said it's not worth it.Thanks for the update.

Captain Solo
11-18-20, 14:15
A dozen or so HK girls will go back to the alley to sell sex for 25% their HK prices. Cascada's ST price will be $5 for street girls instead of $20 plus tip for HK girls.

When HK reopened in full, there were signs it was hurting financially. It only brought in minimum number of security guys and support staffs. Workers and girls all looked hungry and distressed.

CoVid-19 may be wiping off the face of the earth Mexico's putas bars, also schools, theaters, bars, restaurants, airlines, cruise liners, hotels, amusement parks etc. We will be soon driven back to the Stone Age unless the pharmas can really produce good vaccines.

11-18-20, 17:01
So you expect the hotel to operate for free? That's unrealistic. My point, is the hotel should only be 15, so its now 30, so basically the hotel is getting a nice chunk of each sexual encounter. For instance, if hk decides it would rather more hotel money, more sex money, it would charge $45 for that 25 minute room rental, and its beer sales would drop by 60%, its ficha sales would drop by half, and it wouldn't have needed to expand the hk club like it did. Fortunately HK took the other approach.It costs pennies to operate the short term rooms. I'm not convinced that the cum boys get a wage. They may just work for tips. Even if they do get a wage, it would be like $1/ HR. So you add in the cost of washing and drying the sheets which is like, what, $. 20? Oh, I almost forgot the half penny of electricity that is used in those 30 minutes. How else do they maintain the rooms daily? They don't. So if they charge $30 for a room, then they get $29.79 of it. You think Rizo / Coahuila / Cascadas don't turn a profit on the short term rooms? Because that's exactly what you're saying. You're saying it costs $15 to service a short term room which is ridiculous. Coahuila and Rizo, they charge what around $15 for a ST room and HK $18? According to your logic they rent rooms at or near cost turn close to zero profit.

Chicago on Saturday around 8 pm was kicking everyone off the bar seats and taping it with police tape.I got to Chicago Saturday night at 9:30 and there was no tape on the bar seats.

Captain Solo
11-18-20, 17:57

I feel bad for a couple guys flying in from out of state only to find HK and other bars closed.

You can book escorts or go to HK's speakeasy on Cascada's 7th floor. There would still be 50-60 girls working each night. When business is slow, the girls need their "medications" and are quick to take lower prices.

You are right Chavelas' speakeasy is in hotel Korea; their beers $2, fichas $7. I like to sit under bar Korea's tent where air circulation is better, but last time its girls' looks were way below average. HK made its girls hang out in Korea 2 hours to spruce up the scene before going to Cascada.

There are still ways to have sexy good times in Tijuana, just more restrictive.

11-18-20, 18:35
A dozen or so HK girls will go back to the alley to sell sex for 25% their HK prices. Cascada's ST price will be $5 for street girls instead of $20 plus tip for HK girls.

When HK reopened in full, there were signs it was hurting financially. It only brought in minimum number of security guys and support staffs. Workers and girls all looked hungry and distressed.

CoVid-19 may be wiping off the face of the earth Mexico's putas bars, also schools, theaters, bars, restaurants, airlines, cruise liners, hotels, amusement parks etc. We will be soon driven back to the Stone Age unless the pharmas can really produce good vaccines.When you guys say HK is shutdown do you mean the fact it closes at 1200 to be closed because I'm at the airport now leaving 18 November after being there every night since 13 November and it was packed on the weekend and a nice crowd everyday after that. The part about being forced to buy bucket of beer not sure about that either took a couple chicks from HK and wasn't charge but I had a room there and maybe that was why. However I also took a Chicago club chick up and didn't have a room there paid he I believe 17 dollars no forced bucket of beers perhaps their asking you do want to buy a bucket and guys are saying yes or maybe these dudes are making it up all together who knows. I covered in an earlier report that crossing the boarder and saying your going to dental worked like a charm for me spent a total of 3 min crossing over. Again fun time with the exception of the condom blowjobs which turn me into a spectator rather than actively looking toward the end of my stay. Will all that said its such a cheap trip I'm thinking of flying back out using skymiles and coming on a Mon-Thursday trip or I'll just wait for my Brazil trip in about 4 weeks. Anyway there know worries clubs are open and its fun to be had come on down fellas.

11-18-20, 19:37
A dozen or so HK girls will go back to the alley to sell sex for 25% their HK prices. Cascada's ST price will be $5 for street girls instead of $20 plus tip for HK girls.

When HK reopened in full, there were signs it was hurting financially. It only brought in minimum number of security guys and support staffs. Workers and girls all looked hungry and distressed.

CoVid-19 may be wiping off the face of the earth Mexico's putas bars, also schools, theaters, bars, restaurants, airlines, cruise liners, hotels, amusement parks etc. We will be soon driven back to the Stone Age unless the pharmas can really produce good vaccines.I spoke to Soli via PM, but I'm currently at HK (literally right now in my room at Cascadas) - HK is wide open all three floors. About 200 girls last night with almost 50 Meseros. So be ready for them to ask the girl if they want a drink before she even sits down with you. Push them off for 5 minutes to see if you click. If she walks, it will be bad service anyway so you save yourself a ficha fee. Girls are asking between $80 and $120 for the hotter and younger ones. Had a better session yesterday with a street girl for 500 pesos than I did with two club girls last night, so your mileage may vary.

Also, Chicago is open as well. First girl I was with asked if she could smoke crack before we got started. I'm glad I let her be / see I abused that pussy for a solid 30 minutes and she took it like a champ.

11-18-20, 19:59
A dozen or so HK girls will go back to the alley to sell sex for 25% their HK prices. Cascada's ST price will be $5 for street girls instead of $20 plus tip for HK girls.

When HK reopened in full, there were signs it was hurting financially. It only brought in minimum number of security guys and support staffs. Workers and girls all looked hungry and distressed.

CoVid-19 may be wiping off the face of the earth Mexico's putas bars, also schools, theaters, bars, restaurants, airlines, cruise liners, hotels, amusement parks etc. We will be soon driven back to the Stone Age unless the pharmas can really produce good vaccines.This can't be happening now, I am about to move there in 2 years, hope things change big time by then.

11-18-20, 20:09
A dozen or so HK girls will go back to the alley to sell sex for 25% their HK prices. Cascada's ST price will be $5 for street girls instead of $20 plus tip for HK girls.I stopped by HK a few days ago and saw Daylin working in there. I had only known her as a street girl. I guess I'm lucky I hooked up with her a few times as a sg for 30 bucks a pop instead of paying 100 plus to hook up with her in HK. 😁.

11-18-20, 20:38
CoVid-19 may be wiping off the face of the earth Mexico's putas bars.Don't joke about stuff like this. It's bad ju ju.

Captain Solo
11-18-20, 20:56

Daylin, Darlene, Corema is the same sweetheart for you. Her real name is Corema; her HK 's name Darlene. She looks pretty, hot, plump like a real HS student in her short plaid skirt, but I found her stiff, plain, unresponsive, never showed any expressions of sexual pleasures, just laid there like a star fish, breathing heavily with each thrust. Here are her pics. Should make you pant and drool like a dog in heat hehe.

She was working in HK but moved to the street when HK was shut down in June. She will likely be back out on the street this week along with a dozen other HK girls, some very beautiful, nice, sweet, gentle. It's sad they have to work on the street, in hot, harsh sun light or freezing cold wind. Damn.

You can take them to hotel Cascada, suckie, fuckie sin ropa, 500 pesos for half hour or 1,000 pesos for extended one hour session. That's the going rates. Most girls in alley would do it. Play some music on your phone and they can dance and strip. I doubt if they would party, drink shots of tequila or take hits of mota as they would not be able to go back to the street and stand on their feet. Poor girls. Bar girls and escorts could party all night with you but charge far more money.

I like sitting under the tent in Chavelas' speakeasy at hotel Korea, $2 beers, $12ST rooms, and HK girls are required to go there a few hours before they go to Cascada, so you can find a few hot girls for 1,000 to 1,200 peso ST.

If the bars are closed longer, a lot more HK girls will go to the street or to escort sites.

11-18-20, 21:29
A dozen or so HK girls will go back to the alley to sell sex for 25% their HK prices. Cascada's ST price will be $5 for street girls instead of $20 plus tip for HK girls.

When HK reopened in full, there were signs it was hurting financially. It only brought in minimum number of security guys and support staffs. Workers and girls all looked hungry and distressed.

CoVid-19 may be wiping off the face of the earth Mexico's putas bars, also schools, theaters, bars, restaurants, airlines, cruise liners, hotels, amusement parks etc. We will be soon driven back to the Stone Age unless the pharmas can really produce good vaccines.Now there are 2 vaccines ready: Pfizer (USA) / Biontech (Germany) and Moderna (USA). Both over 90% effective (which is very good). They require 2 shots. They start vaccinating already in December. I heard the Johnson & Johnson (USA) vaccine is almost ready and only requires one shot. In the spring of 2021, the situation will start to return to normal and summer 2021 should be ok. It is unbelievable that such an epidemic swept the whole world so quickly.

11-18-20, 21:33
Now there are 2 vaccines ready: Pfizer (USA) / Biontech (Germany) and Moderna (USA). Both over 90% effective (which is very good). They require 2 shots. They start vaccinating already in December. I heard the Johnson & Johnson (USA) vaccine is almost ready and only requires one shot. In the spring of 2021, the situation will start to return to normal and summer 2021 should be ok. It is unbelievable that such an epidemic swept the whole world so quickly."You heard. ".

I'm sure that was a typo, and you meant 2202.

11-18-20, 21:35
A dozen or so HK girls will go back to the alley to sell sex for 25% their HK prices. Cascada's ST price will be $5 for street girls instead of $20 plus tip for HK girls.

When HK reopened in full, there were signs it was hurting financially. It only brought in minimum number of security guys and support staffs. Workers and girls all looked hungry and distressed.

CoVid-19 may be wiping off the face of the earth Mexico's putas bars, also schools, theaters, bars, restaurants, airlines, cruise liners, hotels, amusement parks etc. We will be soon driven back to the Stone Age unless the pharmas can really produce good vaccines.Yet somehow we're here after the 1918 flu.

Things will be different, but then again. The same.

11-18-20, 23:42
In Cartagena there are 2 spots near the Clock Tower. LV and Space. I take it that when you went to the beach you where in Bocagrande and Hollywood beach. I like staying near that area, preferably in El Laguito in a highrise condo with ocean views. In Europe check out the FKK's. Remember that this discussion is about bars where you can kiss, grope and squeeze girls and not places that are necessarily exactly like HK. Kissing, groping and squeezing girls is not unique to HK or Tijuana.Actually I took the girls to Playa Tranquila, its down from Playa Blanca. You cab it to Playa Blanca and then take a ponga down the beach. Its very nice but overpriced. I stayed in a newer luxury oceanfront tower just up from Hollywood Beach. Swam in the ocean out front every day. Security guys were totally cool and helpful with registering the chicas for my protection even giving me the thumbs up behind their backs.

11-19-20, 00:35
True that.

Man, when I was my 20's I had all the time in the world but had to budget.

Now I'm in my 40's and make way more than I can possibly spend. So when I do holidays I care only about maximizing my limited time, at any cost.

Why we can't have both time and money is one of the great frustrations of the world.Elvis's grandson had both and he is dead. Be careful what you wish for.

11-19-20, 02:32
Actually I took the girls to Playa Tranquila, its down from Playa Blanca. You cab it to Playa Blanca and then take a ponga down the beach. Its very nice but overpriced. I stayed in a newer luxury oceanfront tower just up from Hollywood Beach. Swam in the ocean out front every day. Security guys were totally cool and helpful with registering the chicas for my protection even giving me the thumbs up behind their backs.It's so cool when guys are on the same page. The door guys at the Fray Marcos hotel in Nogales will flash a sneaky thumbs up when they open the door for me and the escort of the day / night.

11-19-20, 02:40
If the bars are closed longer, a lot more HK girls will go to the street or to escort sites.Will a flood of girls to 'sites' become a service level trapshoot, or sticking with the known services still be able to effectively weed that variable out?

And, is this a Government order to lock up?

11-19-20, 02:40
I spoke to Soli via PM, but I'm currently at HK (literally right now in my room at Cascadas) - HK is wide open all three floors. About 200 girls last night with almost 50 Meseros. So be ready for them to ask the girl if they want a drink before she even sits down with you. Push them off for 5 minutes to see if you click. If she walks, it will be bad service anyway so you save yourself a ficha fee. Girls are asking between $80 and $120 for the hotter and younger ones. Had a better session yesterday with a street girl for 500 pesos than I did with two club girls last night, so your mileage may vary.

Also, Chicago is open as well. First girl I was with asked if she could smoke crack before we got started. I'm glad I let her be / see I abused that pussy for a solid 30 minutes and she took it like a champ.How do you abuse a pussy. Is my dick just too small to understand this phrase. I'm 5.5 inches. I like to round up to 6 for good measure and proper mental health, but when I have sex I don't see any abuse going on. How do you know.

Captain Solo
11-19-20, 05:14
Better to stick with known-good agencies like Musas.

My wingman was in La Zona wed night 8 PM. He said all bars were fully open.

The earlier report of HK 's closure may be an error.

Any way you still have lots of options in La Zona.

Captain Solo
11-19-20, 05:30

My wingman was in la Zona tonight. He confirmed all bars were open. So the report by a bro that HK was closed on Monday was inaccurate.

The bros can have hot, sexy times in La Zona.

Which street girl gave you a better session than HK girls?

11-19-20, 06:38

I feel bad for a couple guys flying in from out of state only to find HK and other bars closed.

You can book escorts or go to HK's speakeasy on Cascada's 7th floor. There would still be 50-60 girls working each night. When business is slow, the girls need their "medications" and are quick to take lower prices.

You are right Chavelas' speakeasy is in hotel Korea; their beers $2, fichas $7. I like to sit under bar Korea's tent where air circulation is better, but last time its girls' looks were way below average. HK made its girls hang out in Korea 2 hours to spruce up the scene before going to Cascada.

There are still ways to have sexy good times in Tijuana, just more restrictive.Sounds good enough for me, I got a female friend coming I want to buy her lap dance. Maybe we catch up there this Thanksgiving weekend. Thanks.

11-19-20, 17:13
Better to stick with known-good agencies like Musas.

My wingman was in La Zona wed night 8 PM. He said all bars were fully open.

The earlier report of HK 's closure may be an error.

Any way you still have lots of options in La Zona.I wonder if the Bars close down their slowest days, which has traditionally been Monday-Tuesdays.

11-19-20, 17:13
How do you abuse a pussy. Is my dick just too small to understand this phrase. I'm 5.5 inches. I like to round up to 6 for good measure and proper mental health, but when I have sex I don't see any abuse going on. How do you know.It's just something the kids say.

Captain Solo
11-19-20, 18:13

I think Drew went to HK after midnight when it had to close after curfew as usual, and had everyone move to Cascada's s 7th floor.

My wingman and a few bros texted me, confirming all bars are open. YIPPEE!

A few pervs can live without food, but cannot live without putas bars!

Captain Solo
11-19-20, 22:19

No, it's not the same.

Per Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection, pandemics will kill off nice, pretty, fragile, gentle, classy girls, leaving big, thick, ugly, rude, offensive girls to live.

11-19-20, 22:51

I think Drew went to HK after midnight when it had to close after curfew as usual, and had everyone move to Cascada's s 7th floor.

My wingman and a few bros texted me, confirming all bars are open. YIPPEE!

A few pervs can live without food, but cannot live without putas bars!Looks like going to be a fun Thanksgiving!

11-20-20, 16:12
YYZTravel.One of the rare girls down here with some pubic hair, it was sexy as fuck. Around 20, nice groomed landing strip, natural C cups, amazing tight pussy and nice teeth, not the traditional Mexican snaggle smile. She ended up showering in my room since she rode me cowgirl so hard. Blowjob - Sex - Blowjob - Sex to finish. It was great. Wish I knew her name, but I will find out again today if she is out, I looked for her yesterday but only found her after I was with my novia down here so I couldn't get a round 2.

Captain Solo
11-20-20, 19:41

If she likes you, she will give you her passion and is worth repeating.

I had a few mind-blowing sessions with very beautiful street girls with prettiest faces and all natural assets. They would kiss and caress me tenderly and get very physical, squeezing, clawing, gasping, panting, biting lips, rolling eyes in extreme pleasures. Their climaxes were like explosions, blew them up; they acted like they were dying and going to heaven hehe.

Ex HK's Paola is still working on the street near Cascada's back door, a sweet and sexy spinner, 5'1, pretty face, fake see cups, long, straight, black shiny hair, usually wears jeans, tan skin with a red rose tattoo on her right thigh. She will give you lots of tender love and hot lust hehe.

11-20-20, 23:21
Been going to Tijuana for a couple of years, 3-4 times per, but haven't been in about a year. Was supposed to go this October, the week Tijuana and HK officially reopened, but canceled unfortunately. I also just discovered this forum and have been reading a bunch and was hoping someone could answer a few questions I still have. I keep seeing that HK has remodeled / expanded and basically taken over the place that was next door. Could someone explain, briefly what has happened, and how in impacts getting into HK and stuff. Also, I keep hearing about the 7th floor at Cascada. I've stayed there before, not this trip, and was wondering how that works as well, if things go south and things have to close down officially again while I am there. Thanks for all the help.

11-20-20, 23:50
Been going to Tijuana for a couple of years, 3-4 times per, but haven't been in about a year. Was supposed to go this October, the week Tijuana and HK officially reopened, but canceled unfortunately. I also just discovered this forum and have been reading a bunch and was hoping someone could answer a few questions I still have. I keep seeing that HK has remodeled / expanded and basically taken over the place that was next door. Could someone explain, briefly what has happened, and how in impacts getting into HK and stuff. Also, I keep hearing about the 7th floor at Cascada. I've stayed there before, not this trip, and was wondering how that works as well, if things go south and things have to close down officially again while I am there. Thanks for all the help.HK has basically tripled its size. They built a brand new giant 2 story west wing which is accessed through a new portal in Miami Room. It's about the same size as the pre-covid HK. Then they somewhat annexed Las Chavelas next door. Chavelas nameplate and theme still exists, and it looks like business as usual except now they charge HK prices and there are two portals that connect with HK. If anything, it is now easier to enter HK because you can now enter through Chavelas, which seldom has a line.

The 7th floor penthouses have been converted into makeshift lounges. It operates the same way HK does. There are jacuzzi's for dildo shows, a couple poles for dancing and meseros all around. When the clubs were forced to close, the action moved into the penthouses, I guess it was allowed to open through some sort of legal loophole. Now the clubs are open, but are forced to close at midnight. Then the action moves upstairs to the hotel. Same as Tropical, Adelitas and Chicago. I guess they are forced to move because of the covid crisis, but honestly you probably have a higher probability of contracting covid in the hotels than the clubs.

11-21-20, 02:02
On my first trip to Tijuana in the summer of 2019, I had run out of dollars on my last day and paid for drinks in pesos at HK bar. More specifically, with 200 peso notes since that's what the ATMs spit out.

I had bought a couple fischas where I let the masero keep the change and also 3 drinks for myself. The drinks were 57 pesos each, and I ended up getting all my change back in coins. Odd, right? But then I was a newbie not at all familiar with Mexican currency.

These Mexican peso coins went into a Suitcase pocket that the suitcase was soon after retired and put into storage above the garage.

I should of had 429 in total pesos in coins in that suitcase. I actually only had 129 pesos in coins.

That's right, the F*ing masero shorted me 100 pesos on each drink.

11-21-20, 02:11
I had bought a couple fischas where I let the masero keep the change and also 3 drinks for myself. The drinks were 57 pesos each, and I ended up getting all my change back in coins. Odd, right? But then I was a newbie not at all familiar with Mexican currency.Fichas are not 57 pesos! With the 20-1 rate, fichas are at least 180 pesos each (9 dollars). If you are not comfortable using pesos, I recommend you use US dollars.

11-21-20, 06:03
Hong Kong was definitely quiet. Friday compared to 2 weeks ago. Same with regular bars on revolution. Hk still full of woman but before 9 pm seemed emptier than last 2 weeks. The girls I asked half quoted 100 half 80. At 80, I would go but I need to plan for it money wise room wise beer wise. Even the 3 girls I bought drinks for none were intimate as they begged for sex. Playboy club had some better ficha chicas but don't know how they do upstairs. Saturday 9 or 10 pm curfew in san Diego starts not sure if border will give grief on that.

Captain Solo
11-21-20, 19:46
Got in HK Friday night about 7 PM. There were lots of people in the main floor and in the West Wing, but had decent room to move around, Over 100 girls were standing or sitting in the club. Lots of the hottest girls came back to work. Found many familiar faces, including a dozen ex street girls. Ximena, the tall plastic doll, was dancing on Kowloon bar with her short plaid skirt, showing her long, strong legs. Pretty Frieda was also dancing, nice, clean, sweet -looking girl. Sasha was sitting at the bar a long time doing no business. Most girls were hanging out, not bought fichas, not going arriba as much as preCoVid, and seemed desperate.

Strippers were chubby, not attractive, except Ashlyn, goth girl with pretty face, dark lips stick, lots of tattoos over her sexy body. She never smiles; looks like she was high most time, but she looks very attractive sexually. Girl from GDL with a string of tattoos on her spinal column was stripping on Pista Sud. Out of her dress she looked a bit flabby. She looked a lot better in a nice dress. Did not see her BF sitting nearby watching her work.

Ran into Aeri at the front door. She just came to work, tall, slim, light skin, blonde hair, pretty smiling face, beautiful body in a bikini. She immediately approached me with her sweet smiling face, asked to go arriba, wanted $100. I found a lot of young girls speaking good English recently. I told her I could do 1,000 pesos. She was smiling sweetly, telling me she was young and new in HK, so she had to have $100. I really liked her fresh good looks and her sweet demeanors the way she spoke English smoothly with out accent. After a little haggling, she agreed to go for 1,600 pesos. Cacsada's reception was not as busy as any Friday before Covid. We took the elevator to the 6th floor. Don't know why Cascada was not using the ST rooms on 2nd floor. I was caressing and kissing her very beautiful body. She was still smiling sweetly, but would not kiss, would not let me suck on her natural and extremely beautiful be globes with tiny pink tits, no fingering her pussy. I was kissing her sexy body all over, enjoying the faint fragrance of her smooth skin. She did a cursory CBJ and wanted to fuck. We did it in many positions. She was quiet, just enjoying the sex. I wished she was more actively engaged, got much closer physically and showed more passion. At the end as she was putting her bikini back on, I was still lusting after her beautiful body and her pretty face. My intimacy need was not fulfilled, as happened many times with HK girls. She would not let me take pictures. She was probably one of the most beautiful girls I found in HK.

As I was putting my clothes on, I got a phone call from an unknown number, a girl saying in English she was with my wingman in Chavelas. I went down to look for them and will continue in the Chavelas thread.

11-22-20, 00:03
"I wished she was more actively engaged".

Don't you usually say "negotiate" what you want?

11-22-20, 04:34

I think Drew went to HK after midnight when it had to close after curfew as usual, and had everyone move to Cascada's s 7th floor.

My wingman and a few bros texted me, confirming all bars are open. YIPPEE!

A few pervs can live without food, but cannot live without putas bars!Hey fellas,

I jumped the gun. There were different times that I went. Sunday was around 7-9 pm. Monday was right at 11:45 pm so they must have rushed them up early. I stayed with my civi girls in the 7th floor until about 3 am and it sucked big time even though they enjoyed it. Get there early boys!

11-22-20, 04:59
I just read Captains post between all the bars Friday. I do think the girls saw the decreased men and were a little more open to negotiating price. Although 1 turned down my last 70 after I bought her drinks. Driving to LA from Tijuana at night, I could never do it. I get to my car at trolley stop and take 2 hour nap. Hk had a duo offering sex Friday, I wouldn't give her 1 dollar since I didn't touch her. I feel like if I don't touch a girl other then maybe her arm for a second, I'm not obligated to pay a dollar. If other girls see me pay everyone a dollar they will all come within 10 minutes. Anyway this chick got so angry cursing me as cheap. Stay away from duo chicks from my expiefence they are most bitchy, rude, like angry men in woman's body. Another tip, simply don't touch anyone if you don't want to pay dollar. Let them touch you give yourself 2 seconds, to decide do I want to touch her. Some of these girls want 1 dollar without anyone touching and not even conversation. Important to remember a lot these girls, drunk, or on drugs, or just brutes. If you piss them off, don't turn away incase you get popped. Also, in terms of girls who are, no touch, no lick tits during sex, watch out for the nipple tapers. I had 1 for lap dance I could not touch her boobs. She made me finger her, boobs off limits. I've bought drinks for 10 girls this month really none sold themselves properly to interest me for sex.

Captain Solo
11-22-20, 08:12

You can negotiate everything in the bar, but in the room bar girls could refuse to engage, doing star fish, deny access and services, jack prices. Even girls I have known for years would act up at times.

It depends on their mood, health, spousal circumstances at the time. The the girl likes you and feels sexy, happy, she will you lots of hot passion and a sexy session. If she doesn't like you or is mad at someone, she would just go through the motion and do the least with you.

11-22-20, 18:47

You can negotiate everything in the bar, but in the room bar girls could refuse to engage, doing star fish, deny access and services, jack prices. Even girls I have known for years would act up at times.

It depends on their mood, health, spousal circumstances at the time. The the girl likes you and feels sexy, happy, she will you lots of hot passion and a sexy session. If she doesn't like you or is mad at someone, she would just go through the motion and do the least with you.100% agreed. Before covid, I frequented Chicago and had a few regulars that I saw. I still have frequent dreams about one of the girls there. I had sex with her probably a dozen times over a 3 month span before she quit and moved back home. About 8 of those times were A++++ experiences, but a couple were boring / starfish with no energy. I realized that as the night wore on, she would be more and more intoxicated and the sex would suck. So I started only visiting her right at 9 pm or 10 pm, because the few times I saw her at 3 am, the sex sucked.

11-22-20, 19:02
Which hotels have reliable internet rooms for $50 or less a day?

11-22-20, 19:07
Which hotels have reliable internet rooms for $50 or less a day?None of them. I've literally stayed at every single hotel in Tijuana, they all suck. Either the speeds are slow or the latency is bad or it will frequently disconnect. You're better off finding a local coffee shop and using the WiFi there.

11-22-20, 20:43
Saturday night. Got in around 7 pm. All the chicas now are required to wear a mask which makes it harder to choose since you can't see mouth, teeth, lips etc. You basically have to decide based on eyes and body type.

Towards the end of the night past 10 pm you see more chicks bulling mask down to chins. Did it a quick walk through at AB and Chicago and the mask rule for chicas were not in place there.

Sessioned with 2 separate chicas from Guadalajara. Both spinners, nice butts, fairly flat. First said she was 20, new to the game. Wanted me to enter very slowly. Acted like she was a virgin. Low miles and super tight. Or I'm just big. Haha.

2nd said she was 21 also just started in the last week or two supposedly, but this one was more affectionate, better skills in bed and asked me to join her in the shower after.

Fun times!

Captain Solo
11-22-20, 20:44

You made a very good point. I know personally that after long nights with lots of drinking, alcohol numbs the brain, desensitizes nerves, makes it difficult for me to gain erection and achieve ejaculation. While I am not a medical researcher, I can safely assume alcohol causes the same numbing effects on females' physiology.

It's a good idea to have sex with girls early in the night while they are still fresh, alert and sensitive. A little drinking is good to make them feel happy and sexy, but excessive drinking or stoning will turn them into the proverbial star fish hehe. One more good argument to start drinking, flirting, screwing and going home early.

This Shannon in Chavelas was very sensitive and responsive. I was fingering her clit and her G spot; she asked me to go gentle. Despite 3 prior sessions, I was turned on red hot by her beautiful body and her responsiveness, sucking on her clit and licking her kitty and felt very sexy. She got on me to do CG, slamming her kitty on my dick and started moaning quickly. I pinned her down and was pumping her furiously. We got very physical and she was moaning, squealing, screaming as she got multiple climaxes at the end.

Session with her was a lot sexier than with beautiful but unresponsive girls.

Captain Solo
11-22-20, 21:12

At 11:30 HK and Chavelas closed all doors and herded guys and girls up the interior stairway at the North wall to Cascada's reception. A few people left the party down Cascada's front door, but most continued to go up to the speakeasy suite 7th floor.

The speakeasy suite is way too crammed and dark with no music and strip show, not fun and sexy at all. I could not see girls' faces clearly unless I get close and stare down their faces, so I would not know who were there. I could barely make out the shapes of girls body, very hard to get excited. I don't like to hang out in small, cramped rooms and get a big dose of coVid-19.

So get in early, drink, eat, party, flirt, bag a couple hot girls then go home sweet home.

11-23-20, 02:14
I think I am the only one on this board that enjoys the 7th floor setup. I've had some great times there and in Rizo's setup. I have found it to be a little more intimate when you find the right girl (or two LOL). I agree with the Captain, it is dark and finding the right one might be more of a challenge than the full bar. But it just feels more relaxed up there. But, that's probably because I seek a more intimate encounter with the right person. Setting up my next trip right now.

11-23-20, 09:11
I feel like if I don't touch a girl other then maybe her arm for a second, I'm not obligated to pay a dollar. Anyway this chick got so angry cursing me as cheap. .... Some of these girls want 1 dollar without anyone touching and not even conversation.

Also, in terms of girls who are, no touch, no lick tits during sex, watch out for the nipple tapers. I had 1 for lap dance I could not touch her boobs. She made me finger her, boobs off limits..Thanks for sharing your thoughts on these common experiences Dogers.

I agree 100% - I don't like the girls who come by and ask for a dollar without spending any time with you. They just go person to person just expecting a $1 for nothing. That is bullshit.

I too have experienced too may girls who don't allow kissing / sucking tits. A bummer. But if everything else in the session is great I am willing to overlook.

My absolute favorite gal, Karumi, won't let me suck her boobs either. In fact her boobs are rather small. But if there are some great attributes in a sex session with a gal I am willing to overlook the negatives. I have different gals for enjoying different things.

11-23-20, 09:32
Sorry this is not related to our hobby. I will be in Southern California on the week after Thanksgiving. I am thinking of going on Monday and Tuesday to take advantage of Cascada's discount as well as less crowds. I would like to get some Zolpidem tartrate (Ambien) which is a sleeping pill. The pharmacies in Nuevo Laredo require a prescription which cost more than the drug itself. Does anyone know if Tijuana's pharmacies require it too? If so, how do I get it? You can PM me. Thanks.


Captain Solo
11-23-20, 10:57

Most Tijuana Farmacias require scripts which may cost $10-20 each and a long wait.

But you can buy whatever at Farmacia International on Calle 2 at corner Constitucion, across from McDonalds.

11-24-20, 02:02
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on these common experiences Dogers.

I agree 100% - I don't like the girls who come by and ask for a dollar without spending any time with you. They just go person to person just expecting a $1 for nothing. That is bullshit.

I too have experienced too may girls who don't allow kissing / sucking tits. A bummer. But if everything else in the session is great I am willing to overlook.

My absolute favorite gal, Karumi, won't let me suck her boobs either. In fact her boobs are rather small. But if there are some great attributes in a sex session with a gal I am willing to overlook the negatives. I have different gals for enjoying different things.I'm cool with no tot sucking rule, I figure they either have a baby to feed or they are sore from a boob job. I prefer tossing salad anyway.

11-24-20, 06:39
The girl with the American BF, was the tattoo up her spine in Chinese?

I think I know this girl, she's cool.Is this her? Rather unique tattoo.

11-24-20, 07:49
Thanks All. Appreciate the pharmacy advice.


11-24-20, 08:10
I'm looking for some input from the pro's on the thread who've been to Tijuana more times than they can count. I'm currently in Mexico and looking to head up to Tijuana for a week to monger. My dilemma is that I have a nicer vehicle that I'm unsure of what to do with when I head up to Tijuana. I see the HK VIP card supposedly has secured parking, but I'm wondering how much I can trust that?

If you guys have any recommendations for high-security / reputable locations I'd love to hear it.

I know I could cross the border to CA, and come back, but the wait times are making me consider different Tijuana parking options.


11-24-20, 19:05
Is this her? Rather unique tattoo.I don't even see a tattoo on that chica?

11-24-20, 19:09
I'm looking for some input from the pro's on the thread who've been to Tijuana more times than they can count. I'm currently in Mexico and looking to head up to Tijuana for a week to monger. My dilemma is that I have a nicer vehicle that I'm unsure of what to do with when I head up to Tijuana. I see the HK VIP card supposedly has secured parking, but I'm wondering how much I can trust that?

If you guys have any recommendations for high-security / reputable locations I'd love to hear it.

I know I could cross the border to CA, and come back, but the wait times are making me consider different Tijuana parking options.

Thanks!I always park my car in the states and walkover, the 1-2 HR possible wait is worth the peace of mind, but on a weekend I've seen guys pull up in nice cars tesla, bmw i8, etc. , to hk valet parking.

Personally, I'm not comfortable with it, especially for 7 days. Cheapest option for parking would be next to the Holiday Lodge Motel, there's a spot that charges $7/ day. The Holiday Lodge Motel is also $10/ day, but it's a very tight parking lot.

Captain Solo
11-24-20, 19:11

I gave my car to HK's valets last few years. They would park it at Pepe's. Nothing was stolen but the car got a few dings on doors and fenders, not recommended if your car is high value.

A good covered and secured parking place is Libra, owned by HK, on Constitucion at the East end of the alley. It costs about $5 for 12 hours and $8 all day. It has 2 stories of nice, clean parking. Park your car close to the wall and it should be safe.

An option is hotel Posada de Santiago next to Chicago Club. Single rooms cost $22 a day including covered and secured parking, a good deal.

11-24-20, 19:30
If you wish to avoid bitterness and ruined vacations, do not bring things worth stealing to Mexico. Bring used second hand stuff you buy from the Salvation Army or beater cars or trucks. I bought a used folding bike from Goodwill just for riding in Mexico for $60; I would not bring my $2 k bike to Mexico. When my Honda motorcycle was ripped off by Tapas Moto repair shop, I was unhappy but since I paid $50 for it due to it needing major repairs. If you follow the rule of bringing stuff worth about $50 to $70 and beater cars, you will not have your vacations in Mexico ruined when, not if, they are stolen.

P.S. if your car or motorcycle needs repairs, do not leave the keys with the Tijuana repair shop and do not leave it unattended. Learn from my mistake.

I'm looking for some input from the pro's on the thread who've been to Tijuana more times than they can count. I'm currently in Mexico and looking to head up to Tijuana for a week to monger. My dilemma is that I have a nicer vehicle that I'm unsure of what to do with when I head up to Tijuana. I see the HK VIP card supposedly has secured parking, but I'm wondering how much I can trust that?

If you guys have any recommendations for high-security / reputable locations I'd love to hear it.

I know I could cross the border to CA, and come back, but the wait times are making me consider different Tijuana parking options.


Captain Solo
11-24-20, 20:26
For the bros who have to drive a long distance to Tijuana, and can only go during day time, all bars are fully open as of last week, and the street scene is lively with lots of hot girls. A few hours day trips are totally worth it IMHO.

I was in La Zona yesterday, Monday, starting at 4 PM. Hong Kong had about 50 girls, Chavelas had 20, even during the day time on the slowest day of the week. Hong Kong girls were not wearing masks, but most Chavelas girls were.

Some of the hottest HK girls were working; the petite spinner Adrianna with wavy blonde hair, light skin, pretty like a petite Marilyn Monroe double. She wanted $100 and promised a lot of hot stuffs. I told her I had only 1,000 pesos but she did not bite. She was sitting around bar Kowloon all afternoon, not bought fichas or picked up for arribas. She kept glancing at me to see if I changed my mind. She would probably go with 1,500 pesos.

The pretty Yohanna was back after over a year. She's a very sexy and classy stripper, won the VIP First Place a few years back, pretty face, beautiful lanky body with natural global be cup, long legs, but she kept adding tats to her body everywhere, large red roses on her left hand, arm and shoulder, even a line of text on her hip saying "This body belongs to you. " I was sitting at the bar drinking with her. She likes me and was always mellow with me but lots of guys said she was cold, difficult, biitchy, starfish in bed, don't touch this, don't suck that ect and jacking prices on everything. Guys claim she's a lesbian with a chubby GF and she's clueless about what to do with guys in and out of bed, but she's always sweet and charming with me, so YMMV.

Found Rose AKA Asumi from Guadalajara working, looking sweet with her pretty face, long blonde hair in twin pony tails, and her peach dress. One of my wingmen is infatuated with this girl. It's hard to understand why he felt in love with her so quickly, but he did. She put on a very nice and sexy strip show, one of the best strippers in HK. She was sitting with 2 older Mexican guys at the strip stage after and was trying hard but they kept pawing her and did not buy her fichas. She seemed working hard due to her family circumstances. I feel for her, came to talk to her and she immediately remembered me, asking about my wingman. Got her tel so the bro can stay in touch.

Tiny Cesia was working. She's tiny, looked young with her pretty face and braces in her mouth, like a baby hehe. One pf my wingman is infatuated with her. She also wanted $100 and would not negotiate. A few other hot girls were working but I cannot recall their names. Almost all were just hanging around all afternoon, not drinking fichas or going arriba, but they have a cartel and would not deal in prices.

Chevelas had about 20 new girls, mostly young, slim, good-looking. Gone are the old, heavy women of last year. They all wanted $100, damn! Last Friday night I sat making out with Shannon in the club, DFKing, sucking her tongue, groping her wet and sloppy snatch under her panties for an hour, eventually took her upstairs for 1,000 pesos. She was very horny, moaning, gasping, panting, screaming pretty loud at the end with multiple orgasms. Had a very sexy session with her and would repeat. My wingman also had a good session with his Chavelas girl with BBBJ, DATY ect, Looks like BBFS is possible with both girls if insisted.

I think day trips would be totally worthwhile with all bars open and good selections of hot girls even in day time. Even if the bros can spend only 3,4 hours in the clubs, they would have enough time and good selections to bag 3 or 4 girls, like I usually do hehe.

11-24-20, 21:10
I'm looking for some input from the pro's on the thread who've been to Tijuana more times than they can count. I'm currently in Mexico and looking to head up to Tijuana for a week to monger. My dilemma is that I have a nicer vehicle that I'm unsure of what to do with when I head up to Tijuana. I see the HK VIP card supposedly has secured parking, but I'm wondering how much I can trust that?

If you guys have any recommendations for high-security / reputable locations I'd love to hear it.

I know I could cross the border to CA, and come back, but the wait times are making me consider different Tijuana parking options.

Thanks!Apparently you're within driving distance of Tijuana. Are you somewhere in Baja?

It will surprise a lot of people here, but there are tons of nice vehicles running around the streets of Tijuana. Unless you're rolling in your Bentley, or R8, or a screaming yellow 'Vette, you won't be noticed. Having said that, I'd park at Ticuan and walk / Uber to the Zona. It's not far, it's secure with 24 hour guards. I refuse to drive in the ZN at night.

11-24-20, 21:12
I always park my car in the states and walkover, the 1-2 HR possible wait is worth the peace of mind, but on a weekend I've seen guys pull up in nice cars tesla, bmw i8, etc. , to hk valet parking.

Personally, I'm not comfortable with it, especially for 7 days. Cheapest option for parking would be next to the Holiday Lodge Motel, there's a spot that charges $7/ day. The Holiday Lodge Motel is also $10/ day, but it's a very tight parking lot.

If you wish to avoid bitterness and ruined vacations, do not bring things worth stealing to Mexico. Bring used second hand stuff you buy from the Salvation Army or beater cars or trucks. I bought a used folding bike from Goodwill just for riding in Mexico for $60; I would not bring my $2 k bike to Mexico. When my Honda motorcycle was ripped off by Tapas Moto repair shop, I was unhappy but since I paid $50 for it due to it needing major repairs. If you follow the rule of bringing stuff worth about $50 to $70 and beater cars, you will not have your vacations in Mexico ruined when, not if, they are stolen.

P.S. if your car or motorcycle needs repairs, do not leave the keys with the Tijuana repair shop and do not leave it unattended. Learn from my mistake.OP is already in Mexico. He said he doesn't want to cross into SY just to park, considering the wait times to cross into the States.

11-24-20, 21:19
I'm looking for some input from the pro's on the thread who've been to Tijuana more times than they can count. I'm currently in Mexico and looking to head up to Tijuana for a week to monger. My dilemma is that I have a nicer vehicle that I'm unsure of what to do with when I head up to Tijuana. I see the HK VIP card supposedly has secured parking, but I'm wondering how much I can trust that?

If you guys have any recommendations for high-security / reputable locations I'd love to hear it.

I know I could cross the border to CA, and come back, but the wait times are making me consider different Tijuana parking options.

Thanks!I have left my vehicles in the Hotel Ticuan parking structure. It's secure and I think its 100 pesos per day. You just tell the attendant you are here for parking only then find a spot. Try and find an end spot to minimize potential door dings and take your keys with you. I always clarify with the attendant my length of stay and the rates before I leave.


Captain Solo
11-24-20, 21:25

Don't know where you got those pics, probably from escort sites, but that woman has beefy arms, does not look like her.

She's slimmer, goes by the name Dania. She was stripping on Pista Sud, average figure, long legs, small natural boobs, slightly droopy.

I don't even see a tattoo on that chica?

11-24-20, 23:14
I'm looking for some input from the pro's on the thread who've been to Tijuana more times than they can count. I'm currently in Mexico and looking to head up to Tijuana for a week to monger. My dilemma is that I have a nicer vehicle that I'm unsure of what to do with when I head up to Tijuana. I see the HK VIP card supposedly has secured parking, but I'm wondering how much I can trust that?

If you guys have any recommendations for high-security / reputable locations I'd love to hear it.

I know I could cross the border to CA, and come back, but the wait times are making me consider different Tijuana parking options.

Thanks!Are you more afraid of your car being stolen? Or it being broken into? This is what I would do. I would park it at HK lot (Pepe's.) When you pull up, slip the valet $10 and insist you ride with him and choose the spot in which to park you vehicle. Arrive at Pepe's, which is like 1/4 block away, and choose a nice corner isolated spot. If you arrive right after check out time, there should be plenty of empty spaces to choose from. Only thing is you'll probably have to leave your keys with the valet. Pepe's is small, about the size of a McDonald's lot. And it is well lit and attended. It would be extremely difficult for a ratero to cause harm to vehicles without being spotted. I've never heard of anything bad happening at Pepe's. Plus it's free so you'll save a decent amount of cash. And if you're staying at Cascadas, you always have the option of taking a 1 minute walk to check up on your car, which in my belief will cause you the most reassurance and least stress during your stay.

As far as Holiday Lodge, I wouldn't park there. If you're in the USA And don't want to cross a car into Mexico, it is a good, low-priced option. It is an okay lot and reasonably secure, but is much larger and darker than Pepe's. Cars are densely parked and it is hard for the attendant to monitor the entire lot since it's somewhat large. The chances of something bad happening is higher at Holiday Lodge than HK lot.

Ticuan has a large, multi-level garage which is safe and secure. But you'll have to pay. And walk 25 minutes, up 3-5 flights of stairs, just to check up on your car for 5 seconds, then walk 25 minutes back.

Captain Solo
11-25-20, 00:03
Yselle is beautiful with her lanky figure, pretty face, nice, sexy global natural be boobs with small areolas and tiny pink tits, long legs.

She's one of the best strippers and is many guys' favorite.

Here are a few of her pics from the last 2 years.

Captain Solo
11-25-20, 01:24
Most HK girls will not do DFK, BBBJ, DATY, boobs squeezing, tits sucking, clit clawing. They think they are way too high class for that. It's a sad trend, but right next door Chavelas' girls are doing all of that with great joy. I had a very sexy and energetic session with Shannon. Her tits and her clit are too sensitive so she asked me to be gentle. Sucking licking her tits, clawing her clit and her G spot drove her into a frenzy, her kitty got sloppy wet. She was grunting, moaning, at the end screaming. She and her wing girl Elizabeth would probably do BBFS if asked. Will try her BBFS this week.

Street girl Mila at hotel Caretta is pretty and loves to have her tits sucked, her clit clawed. She kept pushing alternate tits into my mouth while bucking her butt, her face contorted in extreme pleasures. I was pumping her pussy pretty hard. She was moaning, raising her head to look at my dick slamming into her kitty. That girl loves sex and shows a lot of enjoyment.

Another very sweet and pretty street girl West of HK's back door loves tits sucking and clit clawing, but she has not been back for a couple months.

I feel like if I don't touch a girl other then maybe her arm for a second, I'm not obligated to pay a dollar. Anyway this chick got so angry cursing me as cheap. . Some of these girls want 1 dollar without anyone touching and not even conversation.

Also, in terms of girls who are, no touch, no lick tits during sex, watch out for the nipple tapers. I had 1 for lap dance I could not touch her boobs. She made me finger her, boobs off limits.

11-25-20, 03:51
I don't even see a tattoo on that chica?Grab yer glasses, look for the long black tattoo up her spine that's been fuzzed out.

11-25-20, 03:54
I have left my vehicles in the Hotel Ticuan parking structure. It's secure and I think its 100 pesos per day. You just tell the attendant you are here for parking only then find a spot. Try and find an end spot to minimize potential door dings and take your keys with you. I always clarify with the attendant my length of stay and the rates before I leave.

Clutch.I wouldn't mind driving, but spins my head that I'd worry too much. My one nice thing, is my car.

Captain Solo
11-25-20, 05:54
After Tijuana was shut down in March, a nice, sweet pretty student, ex HK bar girl turned independent escort, Whatsapp me in August, trying to put her puppy up for adoption, as she had no money and could no longer afford food for it. I know she was struggling to survive like hundred millions other people in the world under CoVid-19 pandemic.

Today, 3 months later, she whatsapp me again, said situation is bad, she has no work, no money and no food in the house. She needed an advance to put food on the table. She's a fair and honest girl, never asked me for money before, so her situation must be desperate. I checked with my wingmen, she did not ask them for advance. So she is honest about her needs.

I PAYPAL her some money to her email address. Any bros want to get to know a very hot, classy girl and can send her advances, let me know. She's a very nice, sweet, pretty girl.

Captain Solo
11-25-20, 21:10
Sent her fund via Paypal about 10 PM. She said Paypal would take 3 days before she can receive the money. Also Paypal exchange rate is very low: 19.12 pesos to $ + $3 fee, compared to 19.91:1 by Western Union. Paypal is a rip off.

I was afraid she may go hungry all night so I went into Western Union web site and sent her some money so she can have it quickly. I put in her legal name, address, phone number, sent it from a debit card. It costs $3 and she can pick up the cash instantly from any Western Union agent. Quick, easy and convenient. Will never use PAYPAL again.

She's always honest with me and give me hot session every time. She's a very beautiful, nice, sweet, gentle girl. Will probably do an all nighter with her this weekend. Once you meet a few girls and develop friendships, you will have a lot of hot friends and every trip is sexy, exciting, memorable.

11-25-20, 22:14
Sent her fund via Paypal about 10 PM. She said Paypal would take 3 days before she can receive the money. Also Paypal exchange rate is very low: 19.12 pesos to $ + $3 fee, compared to 19.91:1 by Western Union. Paypal is a rip off.

I was afraid she may go hungry all night so I went into Western Union web site and sent her some money so she can have it quickly. I put in her legal name, address, phone number, sent it from a debit card. It costs $3 and she can pick up the cash instantly from any Western Union agent. Quick, easy and convenient. Will never use PAYPAL again.

She's always honest with me and give me hot session every time. She's a very beautiful, nice, sweet, gentle girl. Will probably do an all nighter with her this weekend. Once you meet a few girls and develop friendships, you will have a lot of hot friends and every trip is sexy, exciting, memorable.I hear that Moneygram is great too. $4 to wire it to any OXXO store which is everywhere in Mexico. Free if you send from your bank account into her bank account. Many of the girls are extremely poor. And the money you send literally means food on the table.

11-25-20, 23:45
I hear that Moneygram is great too. $4 to wire it to any OXXO store which is everywhere in Mexico. Free if you send from your bank account into her bank account. Many of the girls are extremely poor. And the money you send literally means food on the table.It's a crap shoot. I have sent money to three different "friends". But I knew each of them very well. The need was legitimate and it was the right thing to do. But for newbies, be cautious. The last number I got from a bar girl, she asked me to send her $250 to get her hair and nails done. LMAO I got a good chuckle out of that one but on the flip side, she probably would not have asked if someone hadn't done that for her. My advice is to get to know them well, and even then keep a healthy dose of skepticism.

11-26-20, 00:08
Are you more afraid of your car being stolen? Or it being broken into? This is what I would do. I would park it at HK lot (Pepe's.) When you pull up, slip the valet $10 and insist you ride with him and choose the spot in which to park you vehicle. Arrive at Pepe's, which is like 1/4 block away, and choose a nice corner isolated spot. If you arrive right after check out time, there should be plenty of empty spaces to choose from. Only thing is you'll probably have to leave your keys with the valet. Pepe's is small, about the size of a McDonald's lot. And it is well lit and attended. It would be extremely difficult for a ratero to cause harm to vehicles without being spotted. I've never heard of anything bad happening at Pepe's. Plus it's free so you'll save a decent amount of cash. And if you're staying at Cascadas, you always have the option of taking a 1 minute walk to check up on your car, which in my belief will cause you the most reassurance and least stress during your stay.

As far as Holiday Lodge, I wouldn't park there. If you're in the USA And don't want to cross a car into Mexico, it is a good, low-priced option. It is an okay lot and reasonably secure, but is much larger and darker than Pepe's. Cars are densely parked and it is hard for the attendant to monitor the entire lot since it's somewhat large. The chances of something bad happening is higher at Holiday Lodge than HK lot.

Ticuan has a large, multi-level garage which is safe and secure. But you'll have to pay. And walk 25 minutes, up 3-5 flights of stairs, just to check up on your car for 5 seconds, then walk 25 minutes back.Thank you a ton for all of the input, I really appreciate it fellas!

Just to clarify, I'm in Mexico and just trying to avoid the border crossing if a reasonable alternative can be found. I'm primarily worried about break ins and theft. Handing over keys just sounds like a recipe for disaster. The vehicle stands out like someone mentioned, a yellow Vette or R8.

I know it's a long shot, but if anyone plans to be in Tijuana from Dec 2-9 (dates are flexible), shoot me a message. It'd be nice to have a wingman in Tijuana.

Captain Solo
11-26-20, 00:46
Good idea.

She said working in HK but not making any money, so has no money for food. She sent me a pic of her in HK's dress room wearing a pink cat hair. I get a hard on looking at that tall, lean, shapely body and her sexy, kissable lips, and how I would pump that wet and snug kitty.

Many top-tiered HK and Chavelas girls are back to work this week. They are just hanging out not making money and are hungry, but still insisting on $100 session. I know many hot girls that will do hot BB sessions for half that amount. Just have to be nice and cultivate relationships with girls.

11-26-20, 02:30
Thank you a ton for all of the input, I really appreciate it fellas!

Just to clarify, I'm in Mexico and just trying to avoid the border crossing if a reasonable alternative can be found. I'm primarily worried about break ins and theft. Handing over keys just sounds like a recipe for disaster. The vehicle stands out like someone mentioned, a yellow Vette or R8.

I know it's a long shot, but if anyone plans to be in Tijuana from Dec 2-9 (dates are flexible), shoot me a message. It'd be nice to have a wingman in Tijuana.I will be in town Dec -14.

11-26-20, 06:18
I use Xoom (owned by PayPal) to send money, when the situation calls for it. They allow you to send it to Oxxo or a bunch of other retail stores depending on the country you choose. The fees are much more reasonable than PayPal or alternatives. I have sent money to 3 girls since the pandemic started, because I've known them for several years from Tijuana and they didn't just suddenly appear and beg me for money. We talk regularly and after 3-4 months of them not working in the pandemic, they would ask if I could help and I legitimately felt sorry for them so I did. As you all know, 99% of the girls working in the zona have a child (sometimes 2 or 3), so they have pressure on them to support their family. Very rarely, you'll meet a girl that doesn't have kids. I met one of those in Chicago. We talked on WhatsApp for about a week back in 2018, and then she ghosted me. A month or two ago, she finds me on Facebook and other social media and adds me, tells me how much she misses me etc and that I should take her to Cabo or Cancun because she's tired of the quarantine and sitting at home. I came up with an excuse and said I couldn't, and then she proceeded to ask me for my credit card number so that she could buy an iPhone 11 for herself, for her birthday. I promptly blocked.

11-26-20, 15:07
she proceeded to ask me for my credit card number so that she could buy an iPhone 11 for herself, for her birthday.Only thing I find hard to believe is that she asked for an 11. I would have thought she would have demanded an iPhone 12 Pro Max. But, I would strongly advise mongers to never, ever send any money to any puta. The puta is lying or at least greatly exaggerating her desperation for money. You guys wouldn't believe how many times I've gone on MoneyGram runs with putas. Many, many runs collecting from several different Calimax, Banco Azteca, Walmart, etc. A single Calimax rarely has enough cash on hand to pay out more than $300-$400 dls so we have to visit multiple locations. Even Walmart will often refuse to pay because they don't have enough cash on hand. We never go to Western Union because every puta I know and most of their mothers have been blacklisted. Then after collecting all that cash she'll take me out to eat then buy some $200 dls hair extensions, clothes, tennis (sneakers), makeup and colored contacts. Trust me, these chicas are not anywhere near as desperate as they claim. I do know of a couple of instances where putas really did pawn their iPhones, but the vast majority of time they are just acting desperate to con mongers into paying for little luxuries.

The Tall Man
11-26-20, 15:57
Good idea.

She said working in HK but not making any money, so has no money for food. She sent me a pic of her in HK's dress room wearing a pink cat hair. I get a hard on looking at that tall, lean, shapely body and her sexy, kissable lips, and how I would pump that wet and snug kitty.

Many top-tiered HK and Chavelas girls are back to work this week. They are just hanging out not making money and are hungry, but still insisting on $100 session. I know many hot girls that will do hot BB sessions for half that amount. Just have to be nice and cultivate relationships with girls.The Captain and The Tall Man have the same taste in chicas be they Mexican or Colombian. Brothers from another mother hehehehe.

Your girl is a cutie and reminds me of the 19 yo I took with me to Cartagena 2 weeks back, traveled the coast of Colombia and stayed on the beach in numerous spots. She is a true paisa from Medellin and can dance and twerks like a stripper, and she is nothing special as they are dime a dozen here. I don't even know if I care to see her again, why? Just too many others needing some loving.

Love it!

The Tall Man.

Captain Solo
11-26-20, 16:49
PAYPAL really screws people with their low exchange rate, about 7% below bank rate. Jackie and Thunder have good ideas sending money to OXXO, which is everywhere in every neighborhood. Moneygram and Western Union have agents in most convenient and grocery stores.

The address this sweet girl sent me is a ramshackle house with a tin roof and no number on a dirt road with a dirt yard way South of Tijuana. Looks like she's in extreme poverty and was honest she had no money and no food in the house.

A bro from out of state read my post and immediately contacted me for her ID to send her some money. He flew to SoCal, drove down to Tijuana with me only once a few years back and was impressed with HK girls' quality, bagged 3 girls in 3 hours hehe. He lives in a snow belt state and has substantial assets. He never posts in ISG and does not know this poor girl personally. You would never know he exists, but he does monitor ISG closely and care about the extreme hardships the poor little girls have to face.

11-26-20, 18:31
Good idea.

She said working in HK but not making any money, so has no money for food. She sent me a pic of her in HK's dress room wearing a pink cat hair. I get a hard on looking at that tall, lean, shapely body and her sexy, kissable lips, and how I would pump that wet and snug kitty.

Many top-tiered HK and Chavelas girls are back to work this week. They are just hanging out not making money and are hungry, but still insisting on $100 session. I know many hot girls that will do hot BB sessions for half that amount. Just have to be nice and cultivate relationships with girls.I think I might have hooked up with this girl on Halloween in HK, but not sure.

Captain Solo
11-26-20, 18:49
Tallman is right, we have the same taste in girls. His looks sweet and innocent.

Latinas in Mexico, Central and South America countries tend to be honest, nice, sweet, gentle, caring, loving, far less mercenary than girls in other parts of the world, not to mention their beautiful, loving and sexy physical attributes.

Can't wait for CoVid pandemic to blow over so I can fly down to Colombia to check out and assist Tallman's sweeties hehe.

Captain Solo
11-26-20, 18:52

I was in HK Halloween but did not find her there.

She's a tall, slim girl, hard to miss with her pink cat hair.

11-26-20, 19:54
Only thing I find hard to believe is that she asked for an 11. I would have thought she would have demanded an iPhone 12 Pro Max. The iPhone 12 had not been announced yet, when this request happened. I completely agree with you about the chicas exaggerating their desperation for money. This specific one that I'm referring to told me that she was supporting her mom and dad who weren't working because of the pandemic, and that she didn't have any more money to put food on the table at home. I took a quick peek at her Instagram and saw that she had taken a recent trip to Vallarta and stayed at a nice resort with her sister or prima, and she had plenty of selfies with what looked like an iPhone X. If she was struggling, the iPhone would be an obvious item to pawn off.

11-26-20, 19:58
the 19 yo I took with me to Cartagena 2 weeks back, traveled the coast of Colombia and stayed on the beach in numerous spots. She is a true paisa from MedellinDid you find her during covid? If so, how? I have flexibility with my job and can work from any country, so I would love to go to South America and travel around with one chica for a week or two. How much did you pay her and for how many days? Thanks.

11-26-20, 21:59
Did you find her during covid? If so, how? I have flexibility with my job and can work from any country, so I would love to go to South America and travel around with one chica for a week or two. How much did you pay her and for how many days? Thanks.Very few woman will be the type to be around for more than 16 hours. All will have have current and ex and future men contacting them, arguing with them, I stopped enjoying dating to a large degree when the smart phones came out and every girl has her head in the phone all the time. Tuesday I cut a cute tinder date on revolution off, she started asking me which hotel inwas gona stay in, but her head in phone so constantly, I told her I decided I'm not getting hotel and walked off to Hong Kong don't know if she figured it out or not.

11-26-20, 23:39
So seeing as how HK was closed for about 6 months and now with half of the US closing down (including California), how has HK been these days? I've sifted back a bit through this HK channel, but half of it is random gossip or politics haha. Did the talent in there just go out the window? I was planning on making my first trip down to HK next week (since the pandemic) and was hoping to score some hotties. I figured maybe with the recent announcement of no-outdoor eating and the curfew in California that maybe their foot traffic would decrease dramatically and that the quality of talent in HK would suffer. I was thinking of flying into San Diego to enjoy some daytime activities, but that also seems to be a mute point. If HK isn't offering any good puta, I think I'll probably wait it out until 2021 to return.

11-28-20, 10:36

I am new here. I am Korean. I am planning my "vacation" to hk next weekend. From my last year's hk experience the standard is $100 for 15 -20 minutes. I am only interesting in the hottest black hair mamacitas. And Top girls want to earn as much money as possible. However, I usually don't buy them beers in the bar, because I don't speak Spanish. And they always ask money first. I knew some girls are pushy. I just want to have GF experience from the hottest hk *****. LOL any advices. On the other hand apparently you don't get best comfortable experience in a 20 minutes hour room. So I usually book a single room over priced) cascadas hotel for 2-3 night and I sleep at plaza hotel that close to the border which costs me lots of money. Should I get a VIP card. Do they need my ID or signature I personally don't want to show my real name in the third world country. Last thing, is it possible to film videos at room. I saw some videos are post at pornhub. My little bro is a shy virgin, but he told me that he would love to record his first time eh. I saw some report says there is a hidden camera in rooms, stuffs would caught you if you tried to take videos. Is that true? If girls is cool about videos?

Best, Don.

11-28-20, 16:54
Stopped by Friday. Kept my mask on at all times. Noticed 2/3 of the girls wearing masks. I wish the girls wore sexy mask with pierced tongues pictures. But no such luck. Some girls took eye shields, flipped them upside down and wore them on their chins. Completely ineffective of course, but I guess it meets some Tijuana mandate for employees to wear masks indoors. Some of my my favorites cannot make it because they have the flu. One in the club was definitely either high or has the flu as she insisted I sit with her. I gently declined and got the fuck out of there. And spent the rest of the days outdoor. I wish that some of the restaurants and cafes across the street from HK would put out outdoor tables and chairs so that I can practice being Parisian and watch HK girls going to work while sipping my espresso. In fact I wish all of the girls in the alley had a decent place to sit and flirt with us rather than stand against their cold walls like lining up in front of a firing squad. There I go again. Sometimes I have a bleeding heart. Sometimes.

11-29-20, 03:20

I am new here. I am Korean. I am planning my "vacation" to hk next weekend. From my last year's hk experience the standard is $100 for 15 -20 minutes. I am only interesting in the hottest black hair mamacitas. And Top girls want to earn as much money as possible. However, I usually don't buy them beers in the bar, because I don't speak Spanish. And they always ask money first. I knew some girls are pushy. I just want to have GF experience from the hottest hk *****. LOL any advices. On the other hand apparently you don't get best comfortable experience in a 20 minutes hour room. So I usually book a single room over priced) cascadas hotel for 2-3 night and I sleep at plaza hotel that close to the border which costs me lots of money. Should I get a VIP card. Do they need my ID or signature I personally don't want to show my real name in the third world country. Last thing, is it possible to film videos at room. I saw some videos are post at pornhub. My little bro is a shy virgin, but he told me that he would love to record his first time eh. I saw some report says there is a hidden camera in rooms, stuffs would caught you if you tried to take videos. Is that true? If girls is cool about videos?

Best, Don.Your expectations are a bit high. There's almost no chance that girls will allow you to film them and why would they? And getting GFE from the hottest girls in the club is like chasing a ghost. It's not likely in a 20 minute session. There's still tons of hot, cute, beautiful girls that could give you GFE. It's just not a lay up in this day and age.

Captain Solo
11-29-20, 05:55
She nice, sweet, beautiful, working through Thanksgiving weekend.

Captain Solo
11-29-20, 05:57
One of the prettiest girl, working though Thanksgiving weekend.

11-29-20, 07:12
, I usually don't buy them beers in the bar, because I don't speak Spanish. .... So I usually book a single room over priced) cascadas hotel for 2-3 night and I sleep at plaza hotel that close to the border which costs me lots of money. .... Last thing, is it possible to film videos at room. I saw some videos are post at pornhub. My little bro is a shy virgin, but he told me that he would love to record his first time eh. I saw some report says there is a hidden camera in rooms, stuffs would caught you if you tried to take videos.

The girls there are all used to being with guys who know English and not Spanish. That should not prevent you buying a drink and enjoying a dance with the girl in the club. I recommend that before you take a girl upstairs. There are all types of translation apps these days on phones. Try out a few translator apps before your trip and pick one that you are most comfortable with.

Also, why would you sleep at hotel plaza if you are already paying for Cascadas. Cascadas is a great hotel to sleep at.

Finally, photos and videos in the room are between you and the girl.

Ask the girl first. Some girls will allow it and some will not. Offer money too.

11-29-20, 07:22
HK seems quieter than 3 weeks ago. In both woman and men. Bought 1 ficha for an, 8 looking girl, who was a dud. Some girls think her job during ficha is to beg for sex. What the smart ones do is flirt with you to make you empty your wallet for sex. Did get slight slap again for denying a 1 dollar beggar that I didn't touch. I must definitely have that slappable look since it doesn't happen to others. I was watching all the girls doubt see any flirting during their drinks.

Captain Solo
11-29-20, 07:34
She's one of the prettiest, looks hot in Arabic costumes and she likes to do belly dances.

She is a native of Tijuana, has visa to the US, and can travel.

Captain Solo
11-29-20, 07:50
HK usually has a fun party on New Year's eve. It has not been announced yet due to the uncertainty caused by Covid-19, but HK will have something.

Lots of hot girls have returned to work this week and they are inclined to make deals. I bagged HK's 3 hottest girls this weekend, posted their pics, hope they show up.

A couple bros want to hang out and party Thursday to Sunday that week. Would be very sexy and lots of fun. Any bros coming to town that week do look us up and party with us.

Captain Solo
11-29-20, 08:06
I stayed overnight in Cascada's 6th floor Thursday night.

From midnight to 10 AM, the speakeasy's music on the 7th floor was booming nonstop. People were going in and out making a lot of noise. I am a deep sleeper but was woken many times throughout the night; my brain was not rested.

May be I should room with the chicas on 4th floor to get some peace and quiet, also a little hot sex with luck!

11-29-20, 08:17

From my last year's hk experience the standard is $100 for 15 -20 minutes. I am only interesting in the hottest black hair mamacitas. And Top girls want to earn as much money as possible. However, I usually don't buy them beers in the bar, because I don't speak Spanish. And they always ask money first. I knew some girls are pushy. I just want to have GF experience from the hottest hk *****. LOL any advices. On the other hand apparently you don't get best comfortable experience in a 20 minutes hour room. So I usually book a single room over priced) cascadas hotel for 2-3 night and I sleep at plaza hotel that close to the border which costs me lots of money. Should I get a VIP card. Do they need my ID or signature I personally don't want to show my real name in the third world country. Last thing, is it possible to film videos at room. I saw some videos are post at pornhub. My little bro is a shy virgin, but he told me that he would love to record his first time eh. I saw some report says there is a hidden camera in rooms, stuffs would caught you if you tried to take videos. Is that true? If girls is cool about videos?

Best, Don.I find the hottest girls are the hardest to have GF experience with. They know they're the hottest and it makes them stuck up and hard to really connect with. They just want the quick money and will give you terrible service. My style is to pass them by unless they have a really inviting smile and energy and this strategy has paid dividends. I would much rather have a full GF experience with a 7 or 8. Bottom line is no girl is going to give you GF experience without putting in the time and effort to buy her a couple drinks and get to know her and get a good vibe going. They're not going to give you GF experience just because your a random dude willing to pay them $100. You have to have some game to get to that level. Make them laugh, be fun to be around, and have impeccable hygiene. And If you don't want to learn the minimum amount of Spanish to have the level of success needed for GF experience, you're only screwing yourself over. I would suggest putting in the effort.

11-29-20, 09:50
I wish that some of the restaurants and cafes across the street from HK would put out outdoor tables and chairs so that I can practice being Parisian and watch HK girls going to work while sipping my espresso. In fact I wish all of the girls in the alley had a decent place to sit and flirt with us rather than stand against their cold walls like lining up ...Hi Jackie888,

There is outdoor seating to eat good food and watch people from restaurant Azul. It is on 2nd floor of hotel Cascadas. Azul is the same restaurant that delivers food to HK club.

Also, there are benches outsize Ibiza club / hotel at the corner the alley and ave revolution- so girls and passers by can sit and hang out there for a while.

11-29-20, 18:17
why would you sleep at hotel plaza if you are already paying for Cascadas

There is utility in this. If you can afford it.

A good nights sleep is priceless, and a solid nights sleep at the Ticuan can't be replaced, and for some chica options, has benefits.

However, a close and market useful room at Cascadas is also very handy.

My nightmare is a week of nights like the one CS just posted about. I could get through one, but not two.

11-29-20, 18:23
HK seems quieter than 3 weeks ago. In both woman and men. Bought 1 ficha for an, 8 looking girl, who was a dud. Some girls think her job during ficha is to beg for sex. What the smart ones do is flirt with you to make you empty your wallet for sex. Did get slight slap again for denying a 1 dollar beggar that I didn't touch. I must definitely have that slappable look since it doesn't happen to others.That may be so.

While I have definitely groped some nice bodies for just a buck or two inside of HK.

I have declined hundreds of lower tier HK beggar chicas a dollar, whom I had not touched, without incident.

There are both nice and rude ways to say no.

11-29-20, 19:02
I find the hottest girls are the hardest to have GF experience with. They know they're the hottest and it makes them stuck up and hard to really connect with. They just want the quick money and will give you terrible service. My style is to pass them by unless they have a really inviting smile and energy and this strategy has paid dividends. I would much rather have a full GF experience with a 7 or 8. Bottom line is no girl is going to give you GF experience without putting in the time and effort to buy her a couple drinks and get to know her and get a good vibe going. They're not going to give you GF experience just because your a random dude willing to pay them $100. I agree 100%.

Best example is Wendy. Who usually works on the street in front of the club but also works inside the club on / off. She is the hottest street girl but is strictly fixed service. She gives good 'standard service' but no GFE. And she doesn't even smile when in the streets.

When a gal smiles and shows that energy you have better chance at GFE.

Over time I learned GFE with street girls is best achieved after the first session or at end of first session. Useless to negotiate that up-front because initially you are just random dude. Once they like you in the room that's when things can change.

11-29-20, 19:04
There is utility in this. If you can afford it.

A good nights sleep is priceless, and a solid nights sleep at the Ticuan can't be replaced, and for some chica options, has benefits.

However, a close and market useful room at Cascadas is also very handy.

My nightmare is a week of nights like the one CS just posted about. I could get through one, but not two.It depends on the person I suppose, but I've always been able to sleep like a baby at Cascadas (though I'm the type of person that's always been able to sleep though low / moderate noise without issue, especially when I'm really tired).

11-29-20, 19:44
There's almost no chance that girls will allow you to film them and why would they?I have a wingman who comes down from the Bay Area every few months. He's somewhat wealthy and all he does is session with HK chicas with an occasional SG mixed in. Averages 4-6 chicas a day. And the vast majority of his HK chicas agree to being filmed for an extra fee, varying from $20-$50 dls extra. He would bring an eye mask for the chicas who were hesitant. But now with covid, they likely have a facemask on hand. If you agree to allow them to wear a mask, the chances of them accepting are higher than you think.

Captain Solo
11-29-20, 20:11
Like a few bros in the Band of Brothers, I slept through jets screaming, bombs whistling, artillery rounds exploding, mortar rounds oomping, machine guns rattling, snipers' fire crackling.

But I could not sleep tight on Cascada's 6th floor with the speakeasy's music thumping, curious what the click clacking HK girls look like, what they were doing making sucking noise, gasping, ooh aahing right outside my door hehe.

11-29-20, 20:28
It depends on the person I suppose, but I've always been able to sleep like a baby at Cascadas (though I'm the type of person that's always been able to sleep though low / moderate noise without issue, especially when I'm really tired).Cascades has nice soft beds and the rooms are kept at pleasant temperatures. No reason just about anybody can't get a good nights sleep there except for the noise.

There are lots of odd noises to keep you up, bar music is bad is some rooms, yelling and clanking shoes in the hallways, and who doesn't like hearing a drunken argument from folks at different ends of the hallway at 2 AM?

The fix might be as simple as $2 ear plugs from ebay or amazon. Goes well with yakkity yak sex partners too.

11-30-20, 05:09
When in HK hotel, check if the room has interior bolt lock. I'm in hotels al ot have had numerous people breaking into my room, trying to break the bolt lock, many times staff, who are low iq people and can't fathom the hotel messed up which rooms are occupied. In hk, I had the bolt lock on when policia tried breaking in 2 years ago. Recently the room didn't have the lock, and I was so drunk, I believe staff came into room many times, because they are stupid and not trained on customer service like a Marriott. They banged on my door every half hour to see if anyone was in the room from 6 am to 8 am. Every time I opened the door and said what do you want? Oh nothing was their response. But I drank so much I'm assuming they opened the door before I heard them the 1st time.

11-30-20, 06:09
This weekend is my return. I am planning some fetish stuff. I am into Russian, cum in pants and belly rings. Hope to find ways to exploit all of this. But, if you kindly give me some advice. I don't plan on getting a room. In the past I've got girls to make me CIP in the lap dance room. Sometimes even during a ficus, problem is, I then leave. Anyone know a spot to change a few times?

Also, am I correct Russian is a tit job? Also finishing in and on a belly ring, to weird for these girls? Thanks in advance and will leave a detailed 2 day report next week.

11-30-20, 17:57
This weekend is my return. I am planning some fetish stuff. I am into Russian, cum in pants and belly rings. Hope to find ways to exploit all of this. But, if you kindly give me some advice. I don't plan on getting a room. In the past I've got girls to make me CIP in the lap dance room. Sometimes even during a ficus, problem is, I then leave. Anyone know a spot to change a few times?

Also, am I correct Russian is a tit job? Also finishing in and on a belly ring, to weird for these girls? Thanks in advance and will leave a detailed 2 day report next week.I've always understood "Russian" to mean a titty fuck.

From my experience, chicas mostly don't like my jizz to get in their hair or on their clothes. Many don't allow CIP.

For your clothes changing needs, think public restroom. You could use a toilet stall in a big bar's restroom, or seek out a smaller restroom in a shop, store or off of a real hotel's front lobby. HDS and Posada de Santiago have restrooms next to their hotel front desk / lobby for cops and visitors.

Captain Solo
11-30-20, 19:30
Just got in HK Thanksgiving day, Thursday afternoon. Found her dancing on Kowloon bar. I just love her smile, had to have her. She quickly agreed to my offer.

She's very beautiful overall, pretty face, sexy, kissable lips, nice, slim, tall body, nice global perky boobs, long model legs, smooth, soft light skin, no blemishes, no tattoos.

In bed she was very nice, fun, gentle, loving, classy, like a sweet girl friend. I like her so much. Will have to sit with her for a few drinks and take her to bed again.

BTW my dumb wingman, Kenny, took my Tequila Cazadore bottle and offered it to his HK girl. This Teq is way too harsh and bitter, I could not bring myself to drink, but the girls Just loved it. She took 2 shots, poured it all over her body from tits to kitty and made him suck and lick them down. Sexy huh? She got really horny, fucked him bare back ferociously in a long session. Mexican girls love Tequilas. Getting them drunk works in your favor.

I went looking for the Don Julio 70, which is a lot smoother with better fragrant, but could not find it in store.

11-30-20, 19:48
I bought my female friend to Tijuana this past Thanksgiving weekend so she can watch and film me fucking! I asked her as a joke not believing she would say yes and she texted me she wanted to go over Thanksgiving and so we did. We got there Wednesday and went straight to Hong Kong where one of the chicas sat with us and spoke good English and had some laughs, she tried to dance for my friend but didn't want it but she did slap her ass and felt titties a few times nonetheless. She wanted me to fuck her but I didn't like the selection so we walked around looking around. After some time, I asked two separate women if we can go upstairs and my friend watch only to get rejected. From there my friend decided to wait at the bar by herself while I proposition another chica. I found a good one, I knew I would pay the $100 because of my friend so be it I did. They did charge me $42 for the room, I assume because it was my friend and me? I didn't want to complain just wanted to do the deed so we went. My friend decided to record parts of the session not showing the girl's face, everything was red light and grainy video but interesting nonetheless. I talk a lot during sex so my friend told me to shut up and keep fucking haha, she also did that another night when I ordered into the hotel room.

We had our own fun as well massages, good food, sightseeing and other things. But when we went through the alley she started to record and the girls were getting mad and I told her to put the phone away, she didn't listen stupid ***** kept recording! Then we walked up to the arch and she was taking pics of the arch on the street and a security guy came up to her he couldn't speak English and was asking people if they knew English. I thought he came from the ally but he was from the bars on the street with arches. She started wigging out on him and saying leave me alone and then she said call the cops, now I wouldn't normally walk away from a friend in trouble but when they say call the police and we are in the red-light district in Tijuana and I am a bald pale gringo I ain't hanging around. I said I am not with her and walked away (Say what you will I don't give a fuck I have a good job kids and a great life I ain't ruining it for a crazy *****) I aint going to a Tijuana jail Period! Anyway, she was pissed but I made up for it and then we went to the club that night and met up with Capt Solo and his wingman in HK, had a great time with them good guys. He answered all her questions, and he made a new friend. He was a bit handsy but not sure she minded much haha. I was interested in the new talent and hot girls in HK I was giving them $1, went a little crazy but I don't do that often, and I even bought one a Ficha that was a first for me.

Overall It was a great experience having a chick watch me fuck another chick and record and comment, unfortunately, didn't join but who cares I am already fucking a hot chick haha maybe next time she will join in the action haha.

Captain Solo
11-30-20, 23:49
She's very beautiful overall, pretty face, sexy, kissable lips, nice, smooth, soft light skin, no blemishes, no tattoos.

She was very nice, fun, gentle, loving, classy, like a sweet girl friend. I like her so much. Will have to sit with her for a few drinks and take her to bed again.

12-01-20, 03:26
Overall It was a great experience having a chick watch me fuck another chick and record and comment, unfortunately, didn't join but who cares I am already fucking a hot chick haha maybe next time she will join in the action haha.Being watched always turn me on, would you upload the videos on Pornhub.

Captain Solo
12-01-20, 06:06

It was fun partying with you and your friend on Thanksgiving. I wish HK did not shut down at midnight, we could have more fun drinking, partying until early morning. We went up to the Speakeasy after midnight. Lots of girls but tt was not much fun, very cramped, poor ventilation, dark and bad lighting, bad sound quality, no strip show, girls just stood around quietly in the hallway like zombies, no flirting, no kissing, no groping, no fun, no excitement.

Your female friend took videos to make money in TIKTOK, not the most noble motivation. Soon your hairy ass will be shown and rated all over China hehe. Street girls are shy creatures, have dignity and feel shame of having to sell sex on the streets. Your friend should not have videoed them overtly when they objected. Fighting security and policias are bad moves. Could have inconvenient you and costed money. Your friend was fightsy and very physical. She could have been quickly arrested and thrown in jail waiting a few days for the judge.

Azul's dinners are getting smaller than before XCoVid. You guys did not eat a lot, may be too sexually excited in front of HK's strip stage and hundreds of hot HK girls hehe. I got 2 pieces of BBQ ribs, tender and juicy, 1 piece rib eyes, also tender and juicy, gave a piece to your friend to try. The fried calamari was crunchy and creamy dipped in tartar sauce. The shrimp ceviche was chopped up in the salsa, could not find a solid piece. Your friend was trying to give the girls a French fry but there was no taker. The polite way is to invite interested girls to sit down and offer them substantial bites like rib eye chunks wrapped in tortilla and salsa. If they are sweet, pretty and you like their companies, then buy them fichas.

It was not a grand feast, but washed down with beers while ogling strippers and hot girls, it' was fun to spend the holidays with friends. The alternative is to take UBER to Mr. Pampas for AYCE Brazilian grill then come back to the club.

I was trying to practice Mexico's finest tradition, giving your friend a propina into her boobs, but could not find the boobs hehe. A few minutes later some unknown and mysterious thing moved my hand from her thigh to her crotch. She fought hard each time, digging her nails into my hand OUCH! 100% HK girls are sweeter and sexier than your friend hehe.

It was fun partying with you. Next time bring more hot women. Hope to see you again soon!

12-01-20, 09:59
When in HK hotel, check if the room has interior bolt lock. I'm in hotels al ot have had numerous people breaking into my room, trying to break the bolt lock, many times staff, who are low iq people and can't fathom the hotel messed up which rooms are occupied. In hk, I had the bolt lock on when policia tried breaking in 2 years ago. Recently the room didn't have the lock, and I was so drunk, I believe staff came into room many times, because they are stupid and not trained on customer service like a Marriott. They banged on my door every half hour to see if anyone was in the room from 6 am to 8 am. Every time I opened the door and said what do you want? Oh nothing was their response. But I drank so much I'm assuming they opened the door before I heard them the 1st time.Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behavior that impairs daily functioning, and can be disabling.

12-01-20, 16:18
I bought my female friend to Tijuana this past Thanksgiving weekend so she can watch and film me fucking! I asked her as a joke not believing she would say yes and she texted me she wanted to go over Thanksgiving and so we did. We got there Wednesday and went straight to Hong Kong where one of the chicas sat with us and spoke good English and had some laughs, she tried to dance for my friend but didn't want it but she did slap her ass and felt titties a few times nonetheless. She wanted me to fuck her but I didn't like the selection so we walked around looking around. After some time, I asked two separate women if we can go upstairs and my friend watch only to get rejected. From there my friend decided to wait at the bar by herself while I proposition another chica. I found a good one, I knew I would pay the $100 because of my friend so be it I did. They did charge me $42 for the room, I assume because it was my friend and me? I didn't want to complain just wanted to do the deed so we went. My friend decided to record parts of the session not showing the girl's face, everything was red light and grainy video but interesting nonetheless. I talk a lot during sex so my friend told me to shut up and keep fucking haha, she also did that another night when I ordered into the hotel room..You were smart to distance yourself from your psycho friend. The last time some guy tried to film the girls in the alley from his car, the girls all started to throw their drinks / coffee at his car and he floored it to get out of the alley alive. There was also an incident a couple of years ago when some guy got very physical with the cops while resisting arrest. They found his beaten body days later. The point is one cannot know who one is really dealing with. The Zona Norte is the most dangerous place in Tijuana. Ditch her. She is putting you at risk.

KC Questor
12-01-20, 22:56
When in HK hotel, check if the room has interior bolt lock.

The fix might be as simple as $2 ear plugs from ebay or amazon. Goes well with yakkity yak sex partners too.Three things I take on every trip:

Disposable foam earplugs - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0891ZFZ5D/
A sleep mask for rooms with shit curtains - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D3M5TTZ/
A portable door lock - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0838JRQNY

I sleep so well I'm sometimes worried I'd sleep through an emergency, LOL.

12-02-20, 02:42
You were smart to distance yourself from your psycho friend. The last time some guy tried to film the girls in the alley from his car, the girls all started to throw their drinks / coffee at his car and he floored it to get out of the alley alive. There was also an incident a couple of years ago when some guy got very physical with the cops while resisting arrest. They found his beaten body days later. The point is one cannot know who one is really dealing with. The Zona Norte is the most dangerous place in Tijuana. Ditch her. She is putting you at risk.Yea I didn't like it out of principle. I'm surprised she didn't catch a beatdown.

12-02-20, 02:44

It was fun partying with you and your friend on Thanksgiving. I wish HK did not shut down at midnight, we could have more fun drinking, partying until early morning. We went up to the Speakeasy after midnight. Lots of girls but tt was not much fun, very cramped, poor ventilation, dark and bad lighting, bad sound quality, no strip show, girls just stood around quietly in the hallway like zombies, no flirting, no kissing, no groping, no fun, no excitement.

Your female friend took videos to make money in TIKTOK, not the most noble motivation. Soon your hairy ass will be shown and rated all over China hehe. Street girls are shy creatures, have dignity and feel shame of having to sell sex on the streets. Your friend should not have videoed them overtly when they objected. Fighting security and policias are bad moves. Could have inconvenient you and costed money. Your friend was fightsy and very physical. She could have been quickly arrested and thrown in jail waiting a few days for the judge.

Azul's dinners are getting smaller than before XCoVid. You guys did not eat a lot, may be too sexually excited in front of HK's strip stage and hundreds of hot HK girls hehe. I got 2 pieces of BBQ ribs, tender and juicy, 1 piece rib eyes, also tender and juicy, gave a piece to your friend to try. The fried calamari was crunchy and creamy dipped in tartar sauce. The shrimp ceviche was chopped up in the salsa, could not find a solid piece. Your friend was trying to give the girls a French fry but there was no taker. The polite way is to invite interested girls to sit down and offer them substantial bites like rib eye chunks wrapped in tortilla and salsa. If they are sweet, pretty and you like their companies, then buy them fichas.Yea she is a party pooper haha I have two other Girl Friends showed interest in coming, not sure I can actually get them to go but I will try. I told you she was mean haha.

I'll be there December 12th - 16th, hope to see you there man I'll buy first round.

12-02-20, 07:51
She took 2 shots, poured it all over her body from tits to kitty and made him suck and lick them down.Thats my kind of drinking.

Hope to see her CS. And you too next week!

Captain Solo
12-02-20, 17:45
She was wild in HK, knocked down a couple Tequila shots.

In the room, she knocked down 2 more shots, then poured tequila on her body for sucking.

12-02-20, 22:33
She was wild in HK, knocked down a couple Tequila shots.

In the room, she knocked down 2 more shots, then poured tequila on her body for sucking.IS that JAzmin de MTY?

Captain Solo
12-03-20, 05:24

She said Jazmin but not where from.

12-03-20, 07:00
She's one of the prettiest, looks hot in Arabic costumes and she likes to do belly dances.

She is a native of Tijuana, has visa to the US, and can travel.Wow. She is so pretty.

12-03-20, 21:02

She said Jazmin but not where from.Thats not a working IG ID. Is it??

Captain Solo
12-03-20, 22:37
I don't have her IG.

You should be able to find her in HK.

Captain Solo
12-04-20, 02:02
Many bros PM me liking her sexy looks.

She has a classic pretty face and a sexy body. Here are her other pics.

She's one of the prettiest, looks hot in Arabic costumes and she likes to do belly dances.

She is a native of Tijuana, has visa to the US, and can travel.

12-05-20, 05:36
Hong Kong Friday fairly empty of men maybe more woman than men. I bought 2 drinks for a girl who I've talked to for 3 weeks but she never budget from 100. She always seems shocked I don't like that HK poor sex crap. Anyway I just needed to get out if she had made out with me and dropped to 80 I would of went upstairs. Ended up at gay bar the waitresses are always all over me at the gay bars.

12-05-20, 08:49
I'll update a full report later in the week, but let me tell you up the little pedkerhead waiter #89.

I was there Thursday and Friday. Thursday saw a smoking hot blonde, straight hair, big eyes, amazing 9/10. She disappeared. Found her Friday. She started grinding on me in the new hanger, against a wall. About 2-3 minute in I've given her 10-15 ones, with each one she just get sexier, grinding, kissing. I'm about to say let's go upstairs when the little as clown #89 walks up and asks if I want to buy a lap dance. I say no. Then he tells her something in Spanish. About 30 seconds later he comes back and ask about a lap dance, I tell him to fuck of then he demands the girl to leave if I don't buy a lap dance. I said I was taking her upstairs and he said "no too much touching. " And makes her walk away. I tell him he's a good for nothing douche bag and I go to the front to talk talk to a manager as I was about $20 into this girl. He follows me and tells the guy some bullshit story, that I wasn't buying lap dances just grabbing all of the girls (maybe some, but I was paying and they aren't complaining). Of course, they took his side so I said fuck all of you and went to Chicago. It was complete bullshit and the first time I event experienced anything like that at HK.

I won't be back for awhile! So if anyone sees give him a big ole "fuck you" for me.