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Kool Dude
01-17-07, 23:11
"So who was the girl with the red dress?" Asks out newbie friend. A bloody good question in my view. But 1K is a serious lot of money which will not help the market ballance. Steady on there!

Sound like the Regent might be worth a further recce though, thanks!Funfor Females, I think our newbie friend -Bristol Boy- is referring to the Regal Plaza and not the Regent Palace. The Regal Plaza is across the road from York Inter. The Regent is across BurJuman Shopping Mall. You may end up going to the wrong Hotel.

Kool Dude

01-17-07, 23:35
Just got back from DBX, awesome time and great pleasures.
To the point direction from Fifty Fifty to decent clubs and bars.
I will write in detail of my findings but unfortunately no pics as still a bit shy on this issue.

Briefly I tried 3 different nationalities--


The Chinese girls def. come on top and for 500 Dhs as well.

Bristol Boy
01-17-07, 23:47
Thanks Kool Dude for pointing out my mistake so Regal plaza across the junction from the York is the place

This is where the girl with the red tartan dress will be sat o so lovely but at a price :( , so come on local guys check it out and tell me what you think .

So why is it the quality overall has gone down in the main venues around town in the last 12 months , or are the 8/9 girls beening taken to other clubs away from the mass market ?? .

Still had a fab time overall and enjoy the fun of lapping the bars window shopping , 1 girl thought i was the 24hr race i had lapped so many times lol .

01-18-07, 02:44
From yesterday's Gulf News:

Published: 16/01/2007 12:00 AM (UAE)

Bodybuilder to spend four years in jail
Dubai: A court has confirmed that a bodybuilder who was caught with 2.75 grams of hashish in his possession will have to spend four years in prison.

The Dubai Court of Appeal confirmed the initial guilty verdict and said the 31-year-old Egyptian visitor, identified as R.N., would be deported after serving his jail term. The drugs were caught in his possession at Dubai International Airport.

He earlier told the Court of First Instance he did not know the drugs were in his bag and he was not planning to use them in Dubai.

He told the court he bought his air ticket in Bahrain and was not planning to stay in Dubai more than 24 hours. His laywer earlier asked the court to admit R.N., who suffers from hepatitis C, to hospital for a check-up.

OK, if you have money, thus wasta, you can beat the drug charge (ala that American rapper last year). But if you're one of the common people...

01-18-07, 10:40
as an extension to my report #2272, i would like to elaborate on the reported life of a cis wg in dubai. my cis co-habitant worked at the cyclone for a little over one year. she meticulously saved all the entry tickets in a shoe box. i counted 212. she claimed to have worked every day during that time except for about 2 days per month when her period was the heaviest. many times she had repeat customers and this saved her the hefty cyclone entry fee. she estimates her total encounters (i.e. number of customers) per year to be between 380 to 400, and her compensation to be in excess of aed 250,000 (usd 68,000) – not too bad since her compensation in her home town was usd 200 per month. she claims that all wg’s use an absorbent sponge inserted in their vagina during their period so that they can continue with their business activities. another trick that wg’s use is to hide condoms in their padded bras. this is useful when confronted and searched by the le.


per night – usually one, but a maximum of three st. length of time to finalize an employment contract – shortest about 5 minutes (when she wears a white halter top); maximum about 4 hours during the summer time when tourists are at their minimum. she summarized the types of clients as follows: many europeans, australians and south africans (“the british and germans sometimes have odd requests – like [CodeWord118] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord118) and bondage – she claims that [CodeWord118] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord118) are no problem if you drink sufficient water before fucking, and as for bondage - she says “i’ll tie anyone up, but no one is going to tie me up”); us iraq contract workers (“most are just frightened kids”); indians (overpay - particularly high level diplomatic delegations); lebanese, palestinians, egyptians (“negotiate like hell and then underpay”); japanese and koreans (“just like to fuck and forget”). she once told me she would even fuck an elephant for money. i printed out a picture of an elephant penis downloaded from wikipedia and showed it to her. her reaction was that she really did not mean it. my friend admits being nervous with each new customer, and prefers repeat customers, and most of all a steady relationship. she has been to virtually every 4 and 5 star hotel in dubai – her favorite – fairmont.

some reported interesting experiences:

• a threesome with a prc who put a condom on two fingers and inserted same up customers backside as he was fucking the cis. the customer became so startled he lost his erection and was unable to continue with the session. the prc and cis then returned to the cyclone to find another customer.

• a group session between four cis wg’s and a “very rich” russian in a villa in jumeriah. the wg’s were requested to strip and dance around while the customer received a bj and fucked each in turn (lucky bastard). she received aed 3,000 for that session.

• a 10 person high level indian diplomatic delegation recruited 10 top looking cis wg’s from the cyclone to attend a party at the grand hyatt. each wg received aed 4,000, was selected, and eventually retired to the individuals’ room.

• one of the better known sheikhs recruited 5 cis wg’s for a weekend of fun in a secluded villa. the wg’s were each paid aed 10,000 and stayed for two days and two nights. in return for the compensation the wg’s were required to give bj’s and fuck with anyone requesting their attention. during the weekend they were not allowed to smoke or use their mobile phones.

• my friend reported that she left her gold jewelry on the bedside table when leaving a customer at the jumeirah beach hotel. she could not remember the room number so she waited in the hotel lobby in the hope that the customer would show up for breakfast – which did not happen. the next night the customer waited for her outside the cyclone in order to return the jewelry. i thought this was incredible. i asked if she had rewarded him with a free fuck for returning the jewelry. she said she had offered but he had not accepted (the fool).


my friend managed to get herpes on her lip – she claims it is from giving too many bbbj’s. following this she refused to give bbbj’s. she did not get any other diseases.

wg friends:

the wg’s that my friend knows are not enthusiastic about their profession. they regard it as a means to an end. it is invariably significantly more financially rewarding than living in the cis. most of the wg’s seem to end up in some sort of stable relationship with residents in the area. some get married, some have children, and some return to work if their existing relationship sours. others have migrated out of the profession and are now employed with cosmetic companies; as sales representatives with companies such as paris gallery; the airlines; or with the numerous real estate agencies proliferating in the area. they admit that they return to work for the occasional weekend if they are short of cash.


my companion is very loving but very jealous. she chides me and will not talk with me for hours if i so much look at another girl. this is a situation i do not fully understand but have learnt to live with. heaven help me if she catches me mongering while she is away in her home country for the month of january.

editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

01-18-07, 13:33
Saturday is Islamic New Year.

Question: will the bars close, and, if so, what night? If anyone's out and about tonight, ask, and post. I would, but the new Miss T due here at 5pm for an evening "in".

Observations from a 4 year UAE resident – is Dubai maturing?Great first FR; why did it take you 4 years to post? :) If only more followed your example. Appreciate the info.

I do plan on a "seeing for myself" visit soon (the only TRUE test FOR ME), and while the numbers may be down, I'd venture to say, they are not 0. Yesterday, for another data point, sms'd Miss Barometer - the Cyclone A-lister I've known for years. Her assessment: no problem.

A stunning blonde with a bob cut and tartan dress on and her friend with Dark black hair and she know she is the business, and at a 1000 dhs ago I hope she is?Only 1 way to find out... ask her yourself. Sometimes a girl will be working 1 minute, not working the next, strictly dependent on who she's talking TO. (Price also dependent on the "TO" factor.)

So has anyone got an feedback if I missed out on a classic or a dud just had a feeling it could be more trouble than its worth .My feedback is you missed out on seeing how she acts WITH YOU, the ole YMMV... I think you win EITHER way: either she's a classic or now you know.

For me, it's like someone telling me the best burger is at... Best is subjective. Just let me know which places serve burgers, and lots of them, I'll go myself for taste testing.

This is where the girl with the red tartan dress will be sat o so lovely but at a price :( , so come on local guys check it out and tell me what you think .Why don't you PULL her and find out yourself? It's not a welfare state.

Which is more difficult: pulling her and NOW KNOWING, or wondering "what would she have been like" for the rest of your stay?

Myself, I like to know.

So why is it the quality overall has gone down in the main venues around town in the last 12 months , or are the 8/9 girls beening taken to other clubs away from the mass market ?? .Not my experience - I find "attractive" girls wherever I go.

Still had a fab time overall and enjoy the fun of lapping the bars window shopping...So are you admitting you're a lookie-lou?

Not a slam, consider it "encouragement" to go out and experience YOURSELF. No matter what someone ELSE tells you, it will always be secondhand information, not exactly reliable. Better firsthand, when she's with you.

(If you are just a lookie-lou, then it is a slam.)

01-19-07, 02:20
Louie - unconvincing reports (but you convinced a few. Well done). Too much time on your hands - you need to get out more.

Meanwhile, real life is still good in Dubai. Finnegan's and Amnesia were kicking tonight!

Lim Chan
01-19-07, 07:23
Greetings from Malaysia.

I am coming to Dubai at the end of this month.

Appreciate your kind advice if MayFair Hotel is girl friendly?

Have gone thru past postings and did’nt see MayFair hotel.

Also am keen to go to MP in Dubai. Anyone has recommended places?

01-19-07, 08:29
Hey Guys,

Any news on the fate of F and if she has been deported or is in the local jail?

I was recently in London and had the pleasure of going to a Lady marmalade Party. It is a must vsiit if your are going to London. For GBP 120 you get two hours and four girls and can pretty much get to go as many times as you are able to get. I was able to get three rounds with two absolutelt gorgeous girls and one not so gorgeous one but overall it was a very different and fun experience.

01-19-07, 09:51
Info from another site reports that today (Friday) all bars will be closed from sunset, being Islamic New Year tomorrow.

01-19-07, 10:06
louie - unconvincing reports (but you convinced a few. well done). too much time on your hands - you need to get out more.piper, if you were being facetious, it went over my head. if not, where i come from, if you're going to call a man a liar, you should state specifics, rather than a simple generality.

i found nothing in the report to raise the red flag of incredulity. certainly some of the prices were outside my ceiling, but not everyone is a working man. i know of 1 cis who struck someone's fancy and was put up in an apt so as to be available anytime, especially for fun below decks on the yacht (or so i was told; there were no pictures to prove the statement).

report on a cis wganother interesting report. i certainly can vouch for some of the "common" items, the condoms in bra (well known trick to hide from the casual police stop/purse check), the vaginal sponge (personal experience, "don't worry, darlllinnnng, do you have any cotton?"). and many a time i've done us both a favor by not meeting her at cyclone, but picking her up from her place (that's a 50 dhs extra for her right there).

for some members who might be math "challenged", some simple arithmetic:
800/night (not unreasonable for a cyclone girl) * 25 nights/month (maybe optomistic, but the 800 would be a minimum) * 12 months ='s well, according to my calculator: 240000 dhs, which is about $65k dollars. ok, that's before taxes :)

i have heard similiar numbers from the cyclone a-lister i know (it's low season when she doesn't have at least 2 customers a night, and those st's are not the 300 dhs variety...). like i've posted, if she's still there at 11:00, i know it's a buyer's market.

she too had me laughing when she was relating the punter who had not made the menu known beforehand, and back in the hotel room, requested [CodeWord117] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord117). "if he had told me, i would not have gone to the toilet before leaving the bar. i had to go and didn't want to wait until we got to the hotel. so drink water, water, water..." (nice when they strive for that customer satisfaction...)

likewise, as posted a long time ago, another wg from cyclone, as we were driving down szr, her comments had me smiling: "that hotel, nice; that hotel, no good; i like that hotel...". she had not been to every one, but fairly close. she just didn't have any idea as to the significance of her comments. and she was not impressed with the burj al arab (japanese punters) - too gaudy for her.

the next night the customer waited for her outside the cyclone in order to return the jewelry. i thought this was incredible. i asked if she had rewarded him with a free fuck for returning the jewelry. she said she had offered but he had not accepted (the fool).a quaint concept these days: personal honor. not so dramatic with me, but i had pulled a steet girl (back in those days), and she had left her watch at my place. cheap one. but i kept it in the car, and a couple of weeks later, driving in the neighborhood, spotted her, and gave her back the watch. she was stunned (but not stunned enough to offer a freebie, but then again, it was a cheap watch). point being: it wasn't mine.

the wg’s that my friend knows are not enthusiastic about their profession. they regard it as a means to an end.what!?! you mean it's just a facade? she doesn't really love me, having the time of her life, really so eager to do anything i want? oh, say it ain't so, joe.

as i just posted in the general thread, be careful what you ask her; her answers can be a bit of a downer, allowing you to see behind the facade.

my companion is very loving but very jealous. she chides me and will not talk with me for hours if i so much look at another girl. this is a situation i do not fully understand but have learnt to live with. very common - she knows the risks of being usurped, and i won't say "lives in fear", but is certainly always aware of that possibility, of being thrown back into the ranks...

bars closed todaythanks, rb2. that is useful.

My Kapitan
01-19-07, 12:27
Originally Posted by Piper1
Louie - unconvincing reports (but you convinced a few. Well done). Too much time on your hands - you need to get out more.
Piper, if you were being facetious, it went over my head. If not, where I come from, if you're going to call a man a liar, you should state specifics, rather than a simple generality.

Ah all these people with too much time on their hands counting tickets and dissecting every line, anyway when I first read this I concurred with Piper but on rereading it does strike a cord on some levels. So dissecting we go.

My CIS co-habitant worked at the Cyclone for a little over one year.

Interesting reference to the girl you live with – rather a cold expression for the person you wish to share your life with.

She estimates her total encounters (i.e. number of customers) per year to be between 380 to 400, and her compensation to be in excess of AED 250,000 (USD 68,000) – not too bad since her compensation in her home town was USD 200 per month.

Most girls take a maximum of 2 St or 1 St and 1 LT per night. So guys be aware you are may be getting sloppy seconds after 11 pm. The majority I know like to stick with one punter a night LT.

My companion is very loving but very jealous. She chides me and will not talk with me for hours if I so much look at another girl. This is a situation I do not fully understand but have learnt to live with. Heaven help me if she catches me mongering while she is away in her home country for the month of January.

The girl knows what we mongers are like, she has seen the multitude of married men cheating on their wives and she has seen some fall permanently for the younger woman who makes herself available. Now she is in the position of having the permanent relationship and has to leave you in a city where you can get casual P4P sex easily.
Her biggest fear is losing you. It is easy for you once she is gone to say don’t come back and she knows the consequences..

It’s a different viewpoint/perspective, a monger will think well you have shagged thousands why do you object when I go and get some?

Remember if she loses her man she either has to go back to poverty in the former CIS or get on her back again. Neither option appeals and once they lose a few years in a relationship it’s harder to go back.. If she catches you she will be angry but unlikely to leave you.

The WG’s that my friend knows are not enthusiastic about their profession. They regard it as a means to an end. It is invariably significantly more financially rewarding than living in the CIS. Most of the WG’s seem to end up in some sort of stable relationship with residents in the area. Some get married, some have children, and some return to work if their existing relationship sours. Others have migrated out of the profession and are now employed with cosmetic companies; as sales representatives with companies such as Paris Gallery; the airlines; or with the numerous real estate agencies proliferating in the area. They admit that they return to work for the occasional weekend if they are short of cash.

Uh yeah… I don’t think I have met a single girl who doesn’t want to get free of the life. It’s also enormously difficult for the girls to get normal employment in Dubai especially with the airlines. Real estate on commission is another matter.

My friend managed to get herpes on her lip – she claims it is from giving too many BBBJ’s. Following this she refused to give BBBJ’s.

Stable doors and cold sores?

Some reported interesting experiences:

I always endeavour to give the girl an interesting experience!

The better ones I have heard of from various girls are a monger wanting to be fucked in the ass with a strap on – but no other form of contact. 700dhms for a 10 min finish apparently.

A girl who had worked in a sex club (outside the UAE) and admitted to 10 x ST a day for 12 months working 7pm to 8am.

A member of the Indian parliament in the burg – 8000 dhms ST.

A head of state – 5000USD in the currency of the state (Mid East) LT.

A guy who took a girl back to watch him fuck his wife (now that’s just perverted) he didn’t touch her 800dhms.

A bukkake night with 20 guys.

A very high level M E personality at the Dusit – 5000dhms for ST. This was followed by a delivery of a diamond cluster ring – so she must have worked hard!

As for honesty – in four years I have only been ripped off twice :- once when I was very drunk and left my wallet containing 5K out on view and once in AD with a girl who simply lied about the service to be given and I was daft enough to pay upfront.

YMMV as does theirs!


01-19-07, 12:29
Piper, if you were being facetious, it went over my head. If not, where I come from, if you're going to call a man a liar, you should state specifics, rather than a simple generality.Maybe it went over your head. I've heard some of these stories many times (or variations thereof) and I've experienced a few them. :)

01-19-07, 12:51
I've heard some of these stories many times (or variations thereof) and I've experienced a few them.Repetitious reports not welcome? Wow! That might come as news to some people... For myself, I have mastered the ancient technique of skipping over reports that I find uninteresting (but more power to the punter who wants to take the time to write).

Louie0520, guess next time, to achieve "favorable" member status, you need to provide some Penthouse letter details and photos... Or else "oohs and aaahs" about other reports. No "academics" here.

And as to having too much time on my hands, yes indeed. Miss Thursday departed 1:30 this afternoon, Miss HSSH not due until 9 this evening. Would clean house but Miss T has already taken care of that (why is it that women do not understand the male's "sort on floor" is a valid storage system: she "rearranged" my disordered order into one orderly disordered pile, arranged by size). So it's peruse the Gulf News, 7-Days, this, and other forums, making comments as I see fit. Just the usual Friday.

01-19-07, 13:06
Hello Fellow Dubai visitors,

I am forced to stay this time in the Towers Rotana due to Big Conference in Dubai , I normally stay in the Grand Hyatt Regency ( great Disco with nice ladies ), can any one tell me if there is some interesting news about the Towers Rotana Hotel related to getting some nice ladies in bed.



01-19-07, 13:15
Repetitious reports not welcome? Wow! That might come as news to some people... For myself, I have mastered the ancient technique of skipping over reports that I find uninteresting. I thought Lou's post was interesting. The point went over your head again. MK stated it pretty well, I thought.

Louie0520, guess next time, to achieve "favorable" member status, you need to provide some Penthouse letter details and photos.... Lou - I agree with Bravo - where's the pics and the juicy bits? ;)

01-19-07, 14:36
Lou - I agree with Bravo - where's the pics and the juicy bits? ;)It is in the same place as your BKK reports ;)

I can confirm the vast majority of what Lou had to report about his GF.

Very similar experiences from at least three other sources have been reported to me.

I found no fault with your report Lou (after all, it was YOUR report, and VERY welcome!)

As Bravo pointed out, your only shortcoming was enjoying yourself, and reporting without the required assistance of certain members. ;)

How dare you?

01-19-07, 14:41
I can confirm the vast majority of what Lou had to report about his GF. Very similar experiences from at least three other sources have been reported to me.Well stated - exactly my point. And our sources think that Lou's GF is very attractive.

Tony #1
01-19-07, 16:23
Excellent report louie, one of the best i have read

01-19-07, 16:24
Hi friends,

I will visit Dubai next month.

I want to learn a night club where I can meet with high quality girls.


01-19-07, 17:01
Well stated - exactly my point. And our sources think that Lou's GF is very attractive. Could this be the same girl? We could have all been tapping Lou´s GF! Sorry Lou! Is THIS your blonde, Piper? ;)

All kidding aside, thanks for the report Lou.

Bravo, we should get Ms. Cyclone-Barometer to give the high end PRC POV. I will be more than happy to book her for a couple hours next visit (for the team) I may even find 15 minutes for an interview. ;)

01-19-07, 18:05
Sorry to have created such a debate over my posting #2278.

Here are the pictures by various senior members.

01-19-07, 18:47
Sorry to have created such a debate over my posting #2278.Lou - the only thing worse than being talked about is NOT being talked about. (Piper Wilde)

Here are the pictures by various senior members. Yep, I know her.

01-19-07, 21:09
Hi friends,

I will visit Dubai next month.

I want to learn a night club where I can meet with high quality girls.

Jannnnnnn, Presuming you are not just trying to wind people up (calm down 11B) I can suggest you try the Dubai Fantasia hotel right next to the Israeli embassy.
Excellent club (ask for Ahmed (Big Shisha)) but not cheap.

Good luck!

Wicked Roger
01-20-07, 09:19
Ah all these people with too much time on their hands counting tickets and dissecting every line,

I always endeavour to give the girl an interesting experience! MK

Good to see you are back on ISG, must be bloody cold and boring where you are for you to dissect a FR. But a good dissection I must say

I always endeavour to give the girl an interesting experience! [QUOTE=My Kapitan]

Don’t we all – I have my accessory ‘kit’ in the apartment always ready and willing . And between us we have given a few ladies an interesting time in the past ;)

[QUOTE=My Kapitan]

The better ones I have heard of from various girls are a monger wanting to be fucked in the ass with a strap on – but no other form of contact. 700dhms for a 10 min finish apparently.

A guy who took a girl back to watch him fuck his wife (now that’s just perverted) he didn’t touch her 800dhms.

A bukkake night with 20 guys.

Think I may know the guy who likes the strap – well I do work in an interesting country….Same for the guy and his wife (but there are plenty of those in the UAE).

Bukkake – may know him (organiser) as well although quite a bit of this as well I am told

and once in AD with a girl who simply lied about the service to be given and I was daft enough to pay upfront.

And she is still plying her trade as I write. But you had an excuse apart from the booze, she was very nice, you bloody horny and the little kapitan was doing all the thinking…;)

See you soon MK. And now look who is dissecting and has little to do ..Miss N is getting beautified so I have an hour or so before the next round 


Captain America
01-20-07, 13:43
Arrived yesterday and I guess I did not really understand how the whole hobby stops when the bars are closed. Went to TGIT for lunch today and we were the only ones there! well. hopefully things will start looking up tonight.
WR, to save us visitors from boredom you could've arranged a party with Miss N. as the guest of honor (as you alluded to in your philippines post).

Fifty Fifty
01-20-07, 15:00
Sorry to have created such a debate over my posting #2278.

Here are the pictures by various senior members.Definitely seen her somewhere before, maybe when she was visiting a certain Barber in Dubai :-)


01-20-07, 15:05
...can any one tell me if there is some interesting news about the Towers Rotana Hotel related to getting some nice ladies in bed. First thing, do NOT read the hotel thread. There is certainly NO pertinent info there. And don't search that thread for "Towers". Finally, don't read the Reports of Distinction posts, no useful info there either.Best to just blaze a trail on your own. After all, it's so much more fun to travel the road less travelled. Just make sure to post that 3rd post, an FR of your experiences.

I want to learn a night club where I can meet with high quality girls.I want a winning lottery number, but I just have to keep looking. Certainly no info about clubs on these threads. It's all dry and academic discussions about the dubai stock market, it's ups and downs. BTW, my favorite stocks did quite a bit of that this weekend.
Arrived yesterday and I guess I did not really understand how the whole hobby stops when the bars are closed. Went to TGIT for lunch today and we were the only ones there! well. hopefully things will start looking up tonight.Bad news for some is good news for others. Called one of my successful favs yesterday afternoon. First thing she said was, "I have time." Luckily enough, so did I :)

But things should be back to normal tonight, girls either relaxed from a holiday, or hungry to get that cash flow moving again.

Sorry to have created such a debate over my posting #2278.Don't be sorry, nice to see some new names with some INTERESTING FR's.

Bravo, we should get Ms. Cyclone-Barometer to give the high end PRC POV. I will be more than happy to book her for a couple hours next visit (for the team) I may even find 15 minutes for an interview. ;)That's what I like about you, that spirit of self-sacrifice.

01-20-07, 16:59
Don't be sorry, nice to see some new names with some INTERESTING FR's. I agree - enough of the blah blah blah posts already! (just kiddin ol' pal) :D

Wicked Roger
01-20-07, 18:12
WR, to save us visitors from boredom you could've arranged a party with Miss N. as the guest of honor (as you alluded to in your philippines post).

Good to hear from you

Had I known Miss N could have rearranged her diary and copme up from Abu Dhabi. She is looking for a gangbang......

PM me if you are coming down the road to the capital


Krypto Knight
01-20-07, 18:44
Just to back up some of the earlier comments on Cyclone.

My regular PRC provider just got back from a month in her home country. She left because she is a regular at Cyclone and she was worried about all the police attention there.

She said things are still bad and her friends still won't take customers from there, they just go there to give customers their phone numbers to meet outside the club.

She said if they leave by themselves, and their paperwork is in order, they are not bothered. If they leave with a man and are stopped it could be all over. So they are simply giveing their numbers out instead.

Sorry I haven't posted more. I moved here in October but I wanted to wait until I got a proxy server to post. I will try to add information now when I have it. I've made 5 trips to Thailand so I have been around the block a few times.

01-21-07, 06:06
Any afternoon options in Dubai?
I remember having read a while ago that places like TGIT had some girls you could take out...any other places?

Also, was reading through about the "darker" gals - ethiopian etc. Looks like Seaview is the only option...correct?


01-21-07, 08:16
I remember having read a while ago that places like TGIT had some girls you could take out...any other places?

Also, was reading through about the "darker" gals - ethiopian etc. Looks like Seaview is the only option...correct?I'd suggest reading some more... or, wait for it, wait for it, wait.... UTFSE.

Joe Banana
01-21-07, 10:19
Chaca, there is also the Admiral Plaza just along the road from the Astoria. The bar there is open in the 4-6pm gap when TGIT closes.

My Kapitan
01-21-07, 10:47

Any afternoon options in Dubai?

I remember having read a while ago that places like TGIT had some girls you could take out. Any other places?

Also, was reading through about the "darker" gals - ethiopian etc. Looks like Seaview is the only option. Correct?

ThanksTry the Panorama Hotel - Jockies bar after 3pm.

Not correct - blacks are everywhere possible exception being the Regal.


01-21-07, 11:09

I have a question for some of the more veterna members of the forum.

A girl Iused to meet seems to have been arrested. I keep getting messages from her driver (he has her phone number) and some other girls asking for Dirhams 2500 to get her out of police custody. They claim that once the money is there (I would have to wire it) she would be free to go.

As a matter of fact I know she intended to leave Dubai last month, and her plan was to get herself deported, so I am a little bit wary of the whole thing as it looks as a scam to me.

Any (informed) views?


Puz Hunter
01-21-07, 16:13
What is PI folk, came across it somewhere in the photo section. Thanks.

Puz Hunter

01-21-07, 22:47
As a matter of fact I know she intended to leave Dubai last month, and her plan was to get herself deported, so I am a little bit wary of the whole thing as it looks as a scam to me.How well do you know this girl?

Deportation only happens when the girl can pay for her ticket.

She CAN call or sms you (this will require her pay a small amount for phone use) if her driver or friends give her a little money.

I would be dubious about sending cash to a "driver" without talking to the lady first.

01-22-07, 00:23
Cons - five recent Dubai reports, and somehow I missed all of them. I must have been dozing for once. ;)

Sporadic is right (as usual). The girl cannot get herself deported. She would have to stay in jail until someone pays her ticket. It could be a sham, but there's really no way of you knowing unless you are in Dubai and visit her.

Puz - PI is shorthand for Phillipines

01-22-07, 18:11
I keep getting messages from her driver (he has her phone number) and some other girls asking for Dirhams 2500 to get her out of police custody. They claim that once the money is there (I would have to wire it) she would be free to go.Agree with Sporadic; all depends on how well you know her. And certainly you are not the ONLY one being called/sms'd.

You don't say where she's from. PRC's have this taken care of; the CIA has MANY functions. For CIS... a bit more problematic, given their tendency to be illegal. Money COULD be for an airline ticket. Or someone's retirement fund at your expense.

Besides, why can't the other girls front her the money, get her out of jail, and she could pay them back? What, THEY don't trust her? You COULD offer to send an airline ticket in her name, paid for by your credit card (i.e., if cashed in, would be a refund to YOUR card). But until proven otherwise, I'd think scam.

01-22-07, 19:22
First thanks to all you for your inputs.

You have nicely summarised all the questions I have myself. It is a relatively small amount (3-4 nights of work) so it should not be hard to come with the money. I also wonder why should I be paying for this, (un)fortunately this is business and I would need to understand the upside.

I do not think she would be able to stay in Dubai once she gets out of prison because she overstayed for almost one year.

In the end I decided not to pay, and surprise surprise I have got no more calls/sms.
I will keep you posted if I find anything more involving LE activity.

PS She is Kirgiz, if that makes any difference.

01-23-07, 06:08
OK, I managed to talk to the girl.

She has been in fact being arrested, and not even when going out of a club, but when being dropped from her taxi. It seems LE is a real issue nowadays.

Sporadic, Piper, you are right onthis one 100%. She needs the money to get herself a ticket. Funnily the original request from the driver was 2500, when I spoke to her she needed 3000 + winter clothes.

He originally claimed that after paying the girl would stay with me.

It seems nobody else is supporting her on this one, and I really question why should I do that. It is a tough call, not a lot of money certainly but I am not willing to be the last resort lender for these situations. There are too many of them in Dubai I am afraid.

I was also quiite put off by the changes in the history. What I can not understand is the logic of the process... if the girls are inside it is clear they can not get any money to pay for their tickets. So they are offered free B&B for unlimited time? That sounds too generous to me.

Thanks to all of you for your inputs on this one. The main message seems to be a hyper active LE situation. Hopefully it will pass.


Tony #1
01-23-07, 18:28
Dont take this the wrong way. You'd be a mug if you paid. Your not her dad or even her grandad, , shes trying to con you. Maybe thats why they call you con.

But this LE action is getting crazy. fellows whats going on never heard or seen it this bad. Any other clubs except cyclone getting stung?

01-23-07, 18:50
Funnily the original request from the driver was 2500, when I spoke to her she needed 3000 + winter clothes.This is because she will be going back to a cold place, and her "friends" have already shared out any clothes she had in her digs.

He originally claimed that after paying the girl would stay with me. Total BS, as soon as she has money for a ticket, they will ship her ass out of the country, with a one year ban on returning.

It seems nobody else is supporting her on this one, and I really question why should I do that. It is a tough call, not a lot of money certainly but I am not willing to be the last resort lender for these situations. There are too many of them in Dubai I am afraid. If this is not a "special friend" (1 year minimum sort-of GF) she is just fishing to get herself out of jail.

I was also quiite put off by the changes in the history. What I can not understand is the logic of the process... if the girls are inside it is clear they can not get any money to pay for their tickets. So they are offered free B&B for unlimited time? That sounds too generous to me. The story will change depending upon who tells it, and YES, they will let her sit in jail until someone pays for her ticket (and you CAN give her the money through the immigration jail.) According to my sources, the immigration jail is hardly a B&B. There is physical abuse taking place.

Sounds crazy but if they sent everyone home for free, they would all be using it as a "return home" service.

In the end, up to you. How special was the girl to you? Have no illusions, it is not a loan, it is a gift!

01-23-07, 20:24
Stopped by Rattlesnake tonight, just before 11pm to give a departing PRC some photos.

Imagine my surprise when I saw a table outside, right at the entrance, with a large chalkboard. On the chalkboard:
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 35 dhs entrance fee, 1 drink coupon included

Thursday, Friday, Saturday: 35 dhs entrance fee, NO drink coupon included.

As I was just dropping off, I did not make a test run of the blockade.

01-24-07, 06:36
It has been reported that Majestic (Music Room) won't allow WGs in. I was there last night and there were several groups of PIs who were certainly not civilians. Maybe a change in policy?

Krypto Knight
01-24-07, 08:26
Since coming to Dubai I've tried a few massage parlors. I know questions have come up so I will add some comments about my experiences.

The "looks" of the providers is generally poor, but if you can over look that, the service can be quite good. Often one of the line up looks "not bad".

Go in with the intention of turning around and leaving if you don't like what you see. There are a number of massage parlors very close to each other in Bur Dubai so there's no reason to settle for something you don't find appetising.

Once you have seen the line up and made the choice you will be left alone in the room with the girl. She will ask for 100 AED upfront for the room.

Before I even give the 100AED after I am in the room alone with the girl, I explain what I will be looking for...BBBJ and FS. If you don't like the response you still at this point have the option of walking with all your money intact.

Once she has delievered the money to the boss, there really is no reason for the massage if you don't want to waste time on it. Once she is back in the room I explain I don't want the massage just the other services. This way you get one full hour of exactly what you are looking for.

While she wasn't the best looking provider I've experienced in Dubai, one of my massage girls was the best service. As long a BBBJ as I wanted, extended and enthusiastic rimming (I knew this was coming because of the way she cleaned me in the shower) followed by FS for the rest of the hour. She was enthusiastic, never told me to "hurry" or "cum". Almost te entire hour was spent on the sex and we didn't stop until a legite hour was over.

I recommend the experience if you are just looking for an efficient way to get what you are looking for.

The quality of the rooms and girls vary. Just remember to walk in knowing you are the boss and can leave at any time as long as you haven't turned over your money.

Both times I paid an extra 200AED for the full service. I tipped the rimmer.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Captain America
01-24-07, 13:36
Finally managed to get to cyclone. Is it just me or is the quality much lower than last year? Saw only one CIS stunner and quite a few that I would turn down as a freebie in the local hotel bar. Since I was with some colleagues and this was just *fun*, managed to grab some numbers when nobody was looking. Most of the PRC were down to 800 (except this apir of very blond PRC ladies that were asking for 1500) by midnight, but one attractive pair agreed to 1000 for both. called them up from the hotel and thbey were over practically when I hung up the phone. Both 8's and very enthusiastic. CBJ only was about the only drawback, otherwise a great time until breakfast. Quite the bargain at 1k for both. Digits available to senior mebers.

01-24-07, 20:21
Have been away from dashing Dubai for over a month now, yet no reports of the Regal.

Whats happened? It will still be open next month when im back, wont it? ;-)

01-26-07, 21:03
Rattlesnake has a new policy of entry fees for everyone.

After a night of partying and a few drinks, a few friends and I, including couples, popped into Rattlesnake, under the guise of finding a pool table. The doormen insisted on charging us the 35dh entry per person. I tried everything, but they wouldn't let us in without paying. A single guy who was with us managed to sneak in while I kept the doormen busy. A few minutes later, he came out and said, "Hey don't pay, just come in", and we did. I'm still not sure how we did it.

Rattler was a happening place last night. I teased Miss Wildcat by having a cuddle with a beautiful African girl. Miss Wildcat knows I have a thing (ahem) for African girls, but she was in a good mood, so no problems. Actually, the girl was a good sport; she went over and shook hands with Wildcat with a big smile. Wish I'd taken her number. She was a stunner.

01-27-07, 20:04
Any advice from anyone?Just when I think I can't be amazed... 3 posts, ALL the SAME post, the last quoting himself. Perhaps if we're lucky, he can also answer himself because he sure has ignored the answers he has received (hotel thread).

Guess it just proves the old adage: if you don't get the answer YOU want, just KEEP asking.

Talk about clutter....

01-27-07, 20:21
As Sporadic pointed out, Mazo99 is clearly our old pal Zaz99 who has repeated the same question many times. He's not very creative, in his questions nor his name-change.

01-28-07, 00:26
Hi guys,

Any advice from anyone?

Sure thing, pal.

The best place I know of for Paki/Indian girls is the Dubai Fantasia Hotel.
Tons of PIA and Air India stews making some money on the side, and a minor Bollywood starlet or two can also be found (lovely but expensive, at least 400 dhs ST.)

Right on SZ Road, next to the Israeli embassy. ask any taxi driver.

You also might consider RTFF, or going to India or Pakistan. I have had reports of tons of Indian girls in India, and likewise, lots of Pakistani girls in Pakistan.


01-29-07, 13:08
As Professor Kingsfield would say, "Wait a minute; perhaps I've been too hasty."

To those members asking: Where to find the hottest girls? Where should I go? Any daytime action? Where are Indian/Pakistani/whatever girls? What hotel is gf? Which street(s) do the streetwalkers use? Where do those 50 dhs hookers hang out? Where do them 'kissin' *****s live?

Or, if you Don't have time to read the ROD's/threads Don't want to use the search function Have not received an answer within the time you think you should have received an answer Are not satisfied with the answer you have received Want a 3rd opinion for answers you have received

Then help is at hand. Here is the solution, right out of the Gulf News Tabloid, back page (bold MY highlighting):

"Your one source of information.

Ask any question about any topic and get a guaranteed reply from GURU!

Shopping Chat Contact Lists News Sports Parties

Ask Guru. sms 6123"

01-29-07, 13:26
Was at the supermarket today, Monday, 3pm, picking up some groceries. This is out in the suburbs; NO one is assumed to be a wg - rather, a trophy wife or daughter. A wg can walk through the neighborhood, or in the store, and NOT be bothered.

Not to say wg's don't show up there, accompanied; I've certainly seen them (discreet nod, both directions, as we pass each other). But today was a bit of a surprise: a Cyclone A-LISTER, doing a bit of food shopping with her friend. Now, he fit the executive profile (RoadWarrior, was that you?), but, for me, anyway, a bit unusual to see 1 of the top a-listers in such a domestic pose. Perhaps things are slow enough that at least some are willing to go for the LT gigs.


Surely somebody has some observation on the story in today's Emirates Today:

and click Page 3.

Hundreds of guests at a hotel in Bur Dubai may have to look elsewhere to stay today after the Dubai Rent Committee ordered the hotel’s management to evict all occupants and hand over the property to the landlord.
The rent committee’s ruling came after the landlord refused to renew a five-year lease contract for the York International Hotel that expired in July 2006.

According to Marios Economides, the existing tenant who runs the hotel, the landlord is forcing him to leave as he has leased out the property to new tenants at rents that are 120 per cent higher than the current rate.

“I have invested over Dh20 million in the last five years to develop the property into a three star hotel. Today I am being thrown out of the place,” Economides told Emirates Today.

“After the landlord sent me the eviction notice, I had expressed my willingness to pay a higher rent to extend the lease for another five years. I was prepared to pay more in accordance with last year’s property law that capped annual rent hikes to a maximum of 15 per cent in Dubai,” he added.

The Greek businessman said the initial rent at which he took up the property five years ago was Dh3.7m, and it had increased to Dh4.5m last year.

Economides said the dispute was taken to the rent committee, which finally, ordered him to vacate the premises and hand it over to the landlord today. The onemonth evacuation notice ended on Saturday.

“But my counter claim, demanding the owner pay Dh4.5m in damages for disrupting the operation of the hotel and causing business loss by flouting municipality regulations, is still pending with the committee,” he said.

Economides said that the landlord had yet to make the final settlement, which should include the reimbursement of deposits for water and electricity, visa deposit charges at the Ministry of Labour for over 150 employees, transfer payments for linens, consumables and other such goods.

Emirates Today tried to contact the landlord, but he was not available for comment.

As per a decree issued by the Government of Dubai, there is a seven per cent annual rent cap on both commercial and residential properties applicable during rent renewal. But the landlord reserves the right to not renew contracts with existing tenants.

And just when the York was picking up again... Hopefully, it stays open... Otherwise... where? Imperial, Rattlesnake, Seaview, TGIT... might get mighty crowded.

01-29-07, 21:12
Managed to do a small two day stopover, having just recently left UAE the other week. Having had SMS and calling my 18yr old PRC cutie who i found working in DM (non WG), the choice was meeting up with her or seaview.

From my last experiance with her although greek was attempted it was limited as she was a greek virgin and BJ skills where not that good either.

In the end met up with her and she met me at the airport. Well what a change. She had begged me to give her my favourate bluey, which i thought would be wasted on her, how wrong i was. She was a quick learner and happy to try her new found skills on me.

BBBJ and although not intended CIM, just could not hold it in... DATY followed again with multi position, this girl can move being a yoga lover. This time round greek although difficult to enter handled it well for some really good greek action, finishing with a enthusiastic ASM.

Met up with her friends for one evening, although trawling DM of other action will now not be possible, to many watchfull eyes, and had met a cool indian with potential.

01-30-07, 11:44
Where is the Dubai Fantasia hotel. Has its name changed. I can't get any info on this hotel.

01-30-07, 17:36
Arrived Friday night from BKK for 3 nights. Piper and I were going to try to connect, but unfortunately, it didn’t happen, I wish it had , as I really like wildcat, she is hot. i must come back when he is in BKK ;)
Anyway, I had been courting this little Philippina number for about a month, whom I had met online. 28, 157cm, 45 kg, exactly how I like them. She had already told me she was spending the night on Friday. She arrived Friday evening, with enough clothes for a week! 30 minutes later, we are in the shower together, cleaning every naughty bit we can find. BBBJCIM, rimming, dirty talk, this little sweetheart did it all. She spent 3 nights with me, I took her to the hotel restaurant the first night, cost 150 Dh, second night, Chinese, cost 60 Dh, third night, Philippines food, cost 40 Dh.
Who says it is expensive to get laid in DXB ?
Sitting in the TG lounge at DXB waiting for a flight to BKK. How sweet it is...

01-30-07, 19:07
Arrived Friday night from BKK for 3 nights. Piper and I were going to try to connect, but unfortunately, it didn’t happen, I wish it had , as I really like wildcat, she is hot. i must come back when he is in BKK ;)
Anyway, I had been courting this little Philippina number for about a month, whom I had met online. 28, 157cm, 45 kg, exactly how I like them. She had already told me she was spending the night on Friday. She arrived Friday evening, with enough clothes for a week! 30 minutes later, we are in the shower together, cleaning every naughty bit we can find. BBBJCIM, rimming, dirty talk, this little sweetheart did it all. She spent 3 nights with me, I took her to the hotel restaurant the first night, cost 150 Dh, second night, Chinese, cost 60 Dh, third night, Philippines food, cost 40 Dh.
Who says it is expensive to get laid in DXB ?Alrighty, now that you've left town, you won't need her phone number anymore, will you? Ahem ahem. :D

01-30-07, 19:20
Sorry piper, she likes her men, ahem, how do I put this delicately?
handsum, young, viril, strong, sexy, smart......
(wait, WTF was she doing with me? )

Tercar 66
02-01-07, 10:56
Guys I have problem with my proxy T-----K and I used J-- to log in, which is very slow. If any of this UAE forum member has a better proxy pls PM me.

02-01-07, 22:47
Hit Rattlesnake tonight for the first time

After turning down a 1000 AED PRC and chatting to some disinterested CIS, i found Fang, a 25 year old PRC. Opening offer from her was 1000, I said 500, she said 999 (LOL), then went down to 800. I finally got her down to 600 LT, but on the way out she got her hand stamped for re-entry so i knew there might be some problems later on.

When we arrived back at my place she insisted on payment up front, which i grudgingly paid.

Well in the end i gave her a good seeing too and got a CBJ, and then she said she wanted to go back (what a surprise). I said ok , but she would have to give me 300 back and give me one more shot. We finally settled on that she would give me 250 back and one more shot. After the second round of action she went back to RS via taxi.

All in all a pretty cheap evening (350AED) and she stayed about 1.5 hours

I am new to the DXB scene, but I am sure I can get some better deals in the future once i have explored a little more :)

Have fun and play safe!

02-02-07, 01:31
Guys I have problem with my proxy T-----K and I used J-- to log in, which is very slow. If any of this UAE forum member has a better proxy pls PM me.JAP is still ok, but getting complicated. If you use JAP, always select Dresden. Still free and easy (like my women ;)).

T*****K usually works, but has been unreliable the last week or so.

11Bravo is the tech expert here, so maybe he can give better advice.

Wicked Roger
02-02-07, 04:47
Guys I have problem with my proxy T-----K and I used J-- to log in, which is very slow. If any of this UAE forum member has a better proxy pls PM me.

Have PM with alternates as well. Seem to find that some of the ideas noted dont work in some places...

Like my women too Piper....


Krypto Knight
02-02-07, 13:58
And just when the York was picking up again. Hopefully, it stays open. Otherwise. Where? Imperial, Rattlesnake, Seaview, TGIT. Might get mighty crowded. I was there last night and I can report it was as busy as I have ever seen it. The place was absolutely packed and I was there late (2AM).

The talent was typical, hard to find high quality, but there were a few worth looking at including the one I took home. Unfortuantely the service was just average...She was tired. Ethiopian chick.

I heard a hilareous conversation from the room next door as a couple of USA brothers tried to explain to the girl they were dealing with that $100 US dollars was the same as 300 AED. The went over and over it and she wasn't getting it.

They finally threatened to head back to the club and she gave in.

I was on my way out so I didn't get to hear the action but they were going to go 2 on 1.

02-02-07, 15:52
Guys I have problem with my proxy T-----K and I used J-- to log in, which is very slow. If any of this UAE forum member has a better proxy pls PM me.

You've got problems. The thought police had deemed internationalsexguide.com an unacceptable website at work and barred it.

Bollocks! Looks like I will actually have to do some work now.

Yellow Card.

02-02-07, 15:53
Hey, but I made senior member!

Woo hoo the drinks are on me.

02-03-07, 01:02
I was out for a few games of pool with friends and Wildcat at Finnegan's irish pub in Palm Hotel (next to Hard Rock). Numbers of WGs are increasing gradually - just a handful of Chinese, CIS and African. They keep low-key, sitting in the dark area next to the entrance, while couples, singles and families have dinner, play pool and/or dance nearby. There was a not-too-bad plump-lipped African girl who would have been arrested if she wore the same outfit on the street. I've never seen fishnets like that before.

Later, we all (not including the African girl) headed to Ciro's Pomodora (Le Meridien Mina Seyahi, near MediaCity on Beach Road) for Pizza and a drink. Again, mostly groups of friends partying and dancing, but a few gorgeous Arab and CIS WGs sitting at the bar quietly. My work/mongering pal recognized one he'd taken home from Premiere nightclub - a tasty blonde for 800DH.

Fifty Fifty
02-03-07, 17:02
Have been away from dashing Dubai for over a month now, yet no reports of the Regal.

Whats happened? It will still be open next month when im back, wont it? ;-)Yes it should be open, but IMHO I have no idea why.

The place is not what it was, recent upturn in local punters along with heavy LE activity against CIS girls in particular has thinned things out somewhat.

To sum it up, a lack of decent CIS (used to be one of the best for em), a crap band and tons of locals = dont bother.

This may also be one of the reasons for the lack of reports on the Regal, has anyone else given up on the place?

See you,


02-03-07, 20:40
(York)The talent was typical, hard to find high quality, but there were a few worth looking at including the one I took home.Thanks for the update. Will have to check it out. Also Cyclone. Haven't been to either one in ages. Was considering there, or York, Friday night (Miss F getting a better offer so making with the excuses), but defeated by the couch. That, plus recovering from Miss T's attentions from Thursday night. Felt a little bit bad in us just staying home as she arrived decked out in a beautiful dress which she said she'd brought from home but never has a chance to wear. But not bad enough to face Thursday's crowds. :) No matter, it came off soon enough; after all, she couldn't cook or clean in it. :) [Couldn't resist the cheap shot, but seriously, the girls over today were complementing me on how clean the place was...]

(Regal)To sum it up, a lack of decent CIS (used to be one of the best for em), a crap band and tons of locals = dont bother.Given the Regal doesn't serve Chinese dishes, never was my scene. While the 'stanis might look similiar, they always seem to fall short in the massage dept. And with an influx of locals... just another reason to shop elsewhere.

I still think just about anywhere you go, you can find a fun girl. Might not be a 10, but wherever I go, I can always find some who I find attractive in some way; after that, it's all attitude. In fact, just today, having slept Friday night, called up a mid-week ST this afternoon. She asked if she should bring along the same 2nd girl as previously, or a "new girl, very beautiful." I was leaning towards the "tried and true", but given she was pushing Miss New, said fine. Turned out, she was very attractive (Miss F's tenure is tenuous...). Been here all of 3 days. Point being, there are always fresh arrivals to feed the grist mill. And they have to find some office...

Bottom line: it's rare when I go out looking for company, I don't find anyone. You just have to go out and look, and, as BC said, look for the fun girl.

Tercar 66
02-04-07, 11:24
Thanks guys for your PM's the 'T' proxy started working again . I have to try the other one . My IT guy who is a computer wiz claims that 'T' is the safest bet and does not leave any trail in the PC.

Nothing much from me as far as mongering is concerned. Coping up with high inflation rate in UAE, I have not tried picking up from nightclubs. I visit my regular joint on Thursday. Besides Russians he has a few Turkish and Nepali babes. Tried the Turkish babe .The regular 100 Dhs ST and another 50 for the babe as she agreed for a second round.

02-04-07, 11:53
Thanks guys for your PM's the 'T' proxy started working again . I have to try the other one . My IT guy who is a computer wiz claims that 'T' is the safest bet and does not leave any trail in the PC.

Nothing much from me as far as mongering is concerned. Coping up with high inflation rate in UAE, I have not tried picking up from nightclubs. I visit my regular joint on Thursday. Besides Russians he has a few Turkish and Nepali babes. Tried the Turkish babe .The regular 100 Dhs ST and another 50 for the babe as she agreed for a second round.Care to elaborate on the name of your regular Thursday joint? Turkish and Nepalese would be a nice change.

02-04-07, 15:59
Is it just me or has it completely died a death in the day time? TGI`s is quiet with hardly an expats anymore and the standard of the WG is horrendous, Jockeys is not much better and the Admiral which has never been much good has closed.

Anybody recommend any other drinking holes that have any decent WG`s in the day time either in Bur Dubai or Deira that I haven't come across??

Waiting for all those positive replies!


02-04-07, 21:22
Anybody recommend any other drinking holes that have any decent WG`s in the day time either in Bur Dubai or Deira that I haven't come across?? Yes, your hotel room. No, NOT being a wise-ass (this time, anyway).
1. Hit the clubs/bars at night.
2. Grab a few phone numbers.
3. Explain while work prevents you from staying out that night, an afternoon's rendevous desired.
4. Make the date then, or wait until the next afternoon, give them a call.
5. Not saying all will do, but a number literally have nothing better to do, and always looking for a chance to pick up some extra cash during slack time. Just understand they will have to leave in time to eat and get ready for the office, unless you are exercising a long term option.
6. Your hotel room should be nicer than a dive bar, and safer from LE checks. Cut out the middleman bar, better for all.
7. Just don't forget to pick up your ARRIVAL's duty free alcohol allowance. Drinking from the mini-bar NOT recommended.
Unfortunately, these days especially, you do have to be aware of traffic peak times, and which direction she/you are going home.

I'll refrain from making the obvious comment about "come across"... :)

Grateful Spread
02-04-07, 22:13
A couple of weeks back, work dictated the need for a day trip to Dubai and subliminally the old John Thomas started twitching. Not being a daytime quickie man myself, I toyed with the idea of staying over. Unable to justify a hotel room, I chose to see if I couldn’t make a better job than the previous attempt, of finding a dusky maiden to accommodate me for the night.

York was again the venue of preference, being simple to get to and probably the easiest place in Dubai to avoid past flings. By about 11pm, there was an abundance of fine-looking faces previously unknown to me. It looks as though standards are definitely on the rise again at York if Ethiopian fillies are your thing - (my taste to a tee) (I seem to be in a minority re York judging by previous FRs). Chaps were ambling around like the un-dead, not really knowing who to turn to: Svelte sensual model to the left or horny super booty to the right – even the PRC’s were looking hot. Like winos trapped in a liquor store, punters glanced nervously around, salivating at all that was on offer.

Not wanting to look like a desperate saddo, going from pillar to post I decided to choose the first decent one I met as long as she passed the personality test. The problem was that every time I met one, I couldn’t help noticing the other beauties strutting by. A calm head and a strategy was called for.

I went to the toilet and for some reason a book called The Dice Man popped into my head – a plan albeit stupid started to materialise: I didn’t have any dice so I let a coin decide my fate. I would toss the coin 3 times: The first time would decide African (heads) or PRC (tails), the second would decide whether I approach (heads) or she approaches me (tails) and the third would decide whether I had to go with the first encounter or the second. A pretty stupid and risky plan – but I had made a decision and only will-power would dictate whether I stuck to it.

All this resulted in my having to choose the second African to approach me. A couple of PRC’s and one very pretty Ugandan later and my destined companion for the night came from behind and wrapped her arms around me as I was ordering a beer from the bar. She was tallish, slender with large bouncy natural boobs between which I impulsively wanted to bury my face. She was of Kenyan and Ethiopian mix and had the best of both worlds: nose and lips slightly more pronounced than your average Ethiopian but an Arabesque face. Her ass was beautifully African and I couldn’t keep my hands off of it. Now the other girls didn’t distract me as the coin had made its decision and there was no more doubt ( not sure whether my resolve would have been so strong if she had not been so hot).

We shared a cab back to her room, where on entering she immediately bent over a drawer to find condoms. On seeing her exquisite bubble butt I pulled her jeans down, with no opposition from her. It was even hornier in the flesh and I stroked and kissed it. Then I pulled her G-string to one side and licked between her cheeks. She had an irresistible musk which deepened as she pushed her ass back to meet the resistance of my face. We got down to some lazy kissing while I slid a very happy J.T up and down her hot moistness. She tried to pull me into her bareback, which just seemed like the best thing in the world to do at that moment. I slapped the J.T a couple of times against her wetness and she went wild.

Suddenly, a knock at the door and her girlfriend needs a bed for the night. Oh shit, not again I thought, remembering my last fiasco in Dubai. Her friend is gorgeous with beautiful eyes, full lips smooth caramel skin. She laughs at seeing us in bed and comes over to shake my hand and apologise for needing to sleep. She changes into her nightie and smiles as she teasingly flashes her ass before going to the toilet. My girl is amused by my embarrassment. “Don’t worry, she doesn’t mind if we do it”.

Her friend returns to the room and sits on our bed to chat in Amharic. She comes across all awkward as she realises that my girl is impatiant to start! She starts to skin me up and her mate makes a quick escape to the bathroom. I surprised myself at letting both girls see the old throbbing JT . I was as hard as George Bush’s heart by this time and slid in easily. With her mate close by, I was concerned that I would come too quickly.

After what seemed like 30 mins but was probably only 5, I see her mate discreetly get into her bed and to my surprise I feel good about keeping the action going.

Eventually I cum with the force of a fire hose and we fall asleep exhausted and happy.

I wake up at ten with a thumping headache and feeling awkward as I forgot to fix a price. My one cuddles up to me and having coaxed JT into stiffness once more, rubs it up and down her pussy – instant headache cure. New condom and a very pleasurable shag to start the day while girlfriend is out cold on the neighbouring bed. Deciding later to make up for my missed morning by working extra hours that evening, I accepted the invitation for breakfast: two lovely brown girls feeding me by hand, scrambled egg and
chillies, wrapped in flat bread with sips of spiced black tea and little kisses in between.

I think dhs500 is a fair price for any WG but here I was unsure. I decided to offer Dhs 600 which was enthusiastically received.

I drove home reflecting on what the outcome might have been if I hadn’t left myself to the mercy of the coin – probably not as deeply satisfying as this.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

02-04-07, 22:50
... I visit my regular joint on Thursday. Besides Russians he has a few Turkish and Nepali babes. Tercar - I'm *interested* (especially in the Nepali girls, you big tease). PM me.

Sorry, I don't know how to do dot-points, italics or bold (and I don't want to). I leave the type-settting to the lads.

Lazy Summer
02-05-07, 08:33
Introduction-Long time mongerer in Abu Dhabi, now back in the city after a 4 year hiatus.

Initial impressions of the city-both quality and quantity seems to have deteriorated. It used to be quite easy to pick up good looking (7 to 8) CIS or Arabic ladies on the corniche for AED 200 ST. Those days now seem a distant memory! The corniche is completely sterile now.

Walked into Ally Pall and walked right out again. It seems to have gone down hill-though didn't think that would have been possible. A few Turkish/PRC hags still seem to do the rounds around the garden near the old Abu Dhabi coop, but wouldn't recommend that area to anyone now. I had once picked up a CIS stunner, no more than 20 years for AED 100.

Finally, made my way to 49ers-it should be renamed The Red Star or something. Spent an hour there, drinking a couple of beers and staring out of the window wondering what the hell was I dong in the city and with my life.

Spotted a Ethiopian who finally woke up Johnson. Went over to her a did the shortest negotiation possible-450 for all night. It was 2 am anyway. Guess, I don't bargain too well. Over to my place in the shortest possible time. Asked her to shower, did the same myself, paid her AED 200 advance and then for some action. Here is how it went.

Me:Now you suck.
She: Ethiopian lady no sucking.
Me: Eh? You said sucking.
She: Ethiopian lady no sucking.

Too tired to argue. Went at it missionary style with condom. Noticed a slightly fetid breath. Had to turn face away. Pussy was tight and as I pumped away, became nicely lubricated. Blew my load after about 10 minutes. Away we both went to the showers again.

Came back, decided Johnson wasn't going to play ball without a little oral. Decided to cut my losses and get some sleep. Told her to pack and go. Paid a total of 450.

Went to sleep. Dreamt I had won the Chump of the Year Award. Woke up in a cold sweat and then realized it was true.

02-05-07, 09:52
I was in Dubai last week, and just thought I would drop by this forum to confirm what most likely everybody knows (usual users of this Dubai forum) around the Taj Palace.

Located up north from the dubai International airport, at about 10-15minutes drive (I can't tell you the exact location, as I'm not familiar with the area), this 5-star hotel is known by every taxi driver. Starting from 6-7PM, you can easily see street action just by walking around the hotel and in the direction of commercial area (and restaurants). From the hotel, you can see a square (still empty of constructions), where the SWs seem to stop, wait and chat as they are usual grouped by 2 or 3. Others, just keep moving around, and if you just sit nearby the train/metro roadwork or just in the corner of the Taj Palace, I'm sure you can easily approach those SWs, which look 100% Chinese (I heard them speaking and am familiar with it). They are middle age, 35-45, my best guess. I found few of them not bad looking at all. I couldn't get more details on price and services as I wasn't alone!

There might be some filipinos as well working in that area. I saw several of them but couldn't confirm if they were bad (I mean the kind we like) or good girls!

By the way, there is a tiny snack restaurant selling shawarma and keebab like 20 meters from the Taj Palace. I would recommend a shawarma sandwich at DRH3. 5. Which please my tastes many times during my journey (since I couldn't get the SWs:.)).

Enjoy the place.

02-05-07, 10:46
I found two cute arabic girls, Seba and Samira, contacted me by email, asking me for having great night together. I have sent them some pics of me, got any from them. seems to be too fantastic to believe in it. What do you think?

They wrote me, they are not professionals, they just look for satisfaction and having sex.

In case, they will join me in my hotel, any recommendations from your site what I shall do in that moment?


Black Boots
02-05-07, 15:09
Hi Everyone,

Just felt to visit a regular AMP, selected a delectable, when on the job with vigorous action heard fart noises from pussy, has anyone encountered this? Just a curiosity the gal was not mid age abouts.

Also just coincidentally encountered similar reports in China thread. Is it a something to do with regional trait?

Cheers and happy mongering,


Wolfie Mike
02-06-07, 00:57
I put an ad on the net a few days ago, asking for a discrete girlfriend "... to have fun times with a married guy". After a few days, no replies, so yesterday I changed my ad: " ... to have fun times with a generous married guy". Now I'm starting to get some replies.


The replies came from an escort, a few girls from overseas who want to come to Dubai, an engaged freebie girl I've shagged before (she doesn't know my new username), and surprisingly, a local Arab girl (she's the fastest - she wants to meet me on Thursday).Just to say Thanks to Piper.

I decided Piper's approach was worth trying here in expensive London. I posted a similar ad in the same web site and also in a London orientated site.

I've been inundated with replies from both sources - and even after eliminating the scams, girls chasing free plane tickets and the like I still have 6 serious contenders.

Met with a US student this evening for drinks - a definite 8 for looks and 10 for personality - got on very well and we are on an overnight next week.

Another overnight later this week with another student too - straight to an overnight with this one after emails and chats on the phone.

And still 4 others to keep warm as well! :)

Cheers, WM

02-06-07, 08:25
I found two cute arabic girls, Seba and Samira, contacted me by email, asking me for having great night together... In case, they will join me in my hotel, any recommendations from your site what I shall do in that moment?I suggest you not resist arrest, bad idea in any country. If you are not arrested, chalk up whatever they steal or scam from you as a "lesson learned."

when on the job with vigorous action heard fart noises from pussy, has anyone encountered this?Your first pussy fart! You must be so proud. Not at all unusual with vigorous sex.

Dreamt I had won the Chump of the Year Award. Woke up in a cold sweat and then realized it was true.Not even close, heck if that is the worst thing to happen to you this week, you are doing well.
If you are really trying for the prize, you may want to consider looking up "Seba and Samira."

Tony #1
02-06-07, 14:33
To any1 that likes clubbing and get laid. Try mix at the grand hyatt. Good few russian,s cis. there are chinese but not sure if there on the game. Butthe cis in there all ask for over 1000, but easily go for 800-1000 . Usual faces from cyclone. sunday at the mix is 1000dhs in. all drinks till 2am are free, inc all spirits and lager.

Also friends, why is there so much le action gouing on and why are they kicking out all the cis ??? tHANKS

Tony #1
02-06-07, 14:34
SORRY THAT WAS 100DHS in, entrance which is well worth it

02-06-07, 19:55
I decided Piper's approach was worth trying here in expensive London. I posted a similar ad in the same web site and also in a London orientated site. I've been inundated with replies from both sources ...

And still 4 others to keep warm as well! :)

Cheers, WMWM - the invoice is in the mail. ;) I'm still trying to do the same - I lost the blonde French girl after I cancelled arrangements one time too many. I have the busty chubby half-Filipina/half Indian girl so close, yet so far. I had to cancel our much-awaited dinner date last night due to work commitments, and she backed out of my offer to meet tonight due to her work commitments. We've had many emails, some phone conversations, and some photo-swapping, but if the real thing doesn't happen in the next week, I'm giving up, and sticking to the convenience and ease of P4P.

Still, would be nice to enjoy that certain "je nes se pas" of having a naughty non-P4P girl on the side.

PS. WM I just looked up your ad on the site I recommended. You smoothy. ;)


Grateful Spread - grateful for the report - good fun. I must check out York again soon - been a long time since I rock and rolled there. And yes, who needs to pay for a hotel room when you get a room and a couple of girls for the same price at the girl's place - well done!

Ding Ding
02-06-07, 21:58
Dear friends,

first of all, many thanks to all of you providing information in this forum. To pay may duty, a summary of my latest experiences in Dubai.

After arrival, I checked the Jokey in Panorama Hotel. Nice bar, but far to intense air con. The Chinese and Africans too aggressively approaching. Once you get rid of one, the next one approaches. The bar is quite well filled already in the afternoon, but has, besides a so so quality of girls not much to offer. Especially the Russians are from my understanding very dis attractive.

So I went to check TGIT in the Astoria hotel (still walking distance ~2km near the creek). When opening the door, I was immediately dragged by three ladies to get in. As I dislike this, I did not enter at all.

So spent some time in the city and went to Seaview hotel. If you enter the hotel main entrance, just go to the door in the left back of the entrance hall and then follow the signs.

The band in seaview really rocks!! Just the band would be reason enough to go there. Again, approached aggressively by several African and Chinese. I finally picked a tall 176cm Chinese from Dalian called YinYin for LT for 600. It tourned out that it was a bad choice. I was more happy when she left my hotel then i was with her. Nothing special, no BJ, so cramped in the morning, that she almost cut my friend into pieces and it was almost impossible to remove the rubber from her pu**y later on. When I rejected to add taxi money, I received angry looks. But the service was really bad and I already overpaid.


A few days later checked the club in Ramada hotel. Some nice Africans, some ugly Russians. Did not find anything for me. So went over to Seaview. This time there were a few PI on the right back of the club. Found one with a very nice smile and great shape called Sheena for LT. Great GF experience. She came on DATY (I could taste her cumming) and really had good time. Just two rounds, but it was very nice. Really like her and gave 100 extra. I also got her mobile#. I recommend to pay her 100-200 above average.


I tried to call her next day, but she did not answer the phone. So I checked Seaview and did not find her. I asked another PI to come with me for 400 LT, but she had to leave to early and I was missing sleep as I had only 2 hours of sleep the day before. So I enjoyed the music and went home alone.

Next afternoon tried to call Sheena. She just woke up and said that she'll be at my hotel in 1 hour. I called her later and she told me, that she is not allowed to LT again by her boss. She was very sad.

So I went to TGIT at 18:00 (opening time) and it filled within a few minutes. They have Becks beer for 17. I finally picked a Chinese girl called MiMi who again said she is from Dalian and in Dubai since 2 months. She really tried to be nice, but somehow it seams that I have difficulties with Chinese. After two hours she said she had to bring her friend room keys, but will return soon. I certainly did not expect her to return, but was OK, as I had to wakeup early. 2.5 hours later she knocked at the door. I was not really happy, but surprised. She knew I was leaving next day, but she insisted as I am such a nice guy, she had to keep word. Maybe she enjoyed my massage ;-) She gave me a covered bj and then I asked her to leave while giving her extra 50 for the taxi. I got her mobile#.

Hotel: I tried Ibis Trade Center. No problems, just one the girl had to show passport for copy to register as my guest. No extra charges.

Something bad about the girls situation in Dubai:

I found out that many are invited by “scouts” in their country of origin to work in Dubai as maids or in hotel service. They have to pay 15000 to the scout and sponsor. When they arrive in Dubai, the "sponsor" takes their passport and tells them: "Sorry, no job for you". So they are asked to work as prostitutes. The sponsor at first hands over the "fresh meat" to an Arabic friend who does very bad things to the girl. They are not allowed to get serious jobs before they finally paid their money plus interest.

This sounds very much like forced prostitution and this which means to me, that I will first check the girls situation before accepting her in Dubai. I do not want to support this. I really feel mad about this. :-(

Around Taj Palace there is plenty of chinese street girls offering massage as well as a group around the Astoria hotel.

That's it for now.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Wolfie Mike
02-06-07, 23:26
WM - the invoice is in the mail. ;)

Still, would be nice to enjoy that certain "je nes se pas" of having a naughty non-P4P girl on the side.

PS. WM I just looked up your ad on the site I recommended. You smoothy. ;)

!Interesting development today too - a New Zealand back packer on the world tour contacted me - in Oxford and looking for a bit of comfort and a good time!! Does seem poor form not to be the good host ;) so will see if I can set this one up too!!

02-07-07, 09:28
They are quite normal if the activity is intense. Some grils get concerned first time it happens.

Hi Everyone,

Just felt to visit a regular AMP, selected a delectable, when on the job with vigorous action heard fart noises from pussy, has anyone encountered this? Just a curiosity the gal was not mid age abouts.

Also just coincidentally encountered similar reports in China thread. Is it a something to do with regional trait?

Cheers and happy mongering,


Tony #1
02-09-07, 13:01
Is this what this website has come to , people talking about vaginal farts. W. T .F.is this world coming too. Lets stick to what this forum is about. U Lan

02-09-07, 14:28
Popped in there after playing pool until nearly 1am at Palm Hotel's Irish Bar. My pal had heard that Rattler had been busted and all the CIS girls kicked out. I needed to test the theory. Still charging 30DH entry. We paid and went in (there was a queue at 1am!) Inside it was packed full. Mostly Africans and Chinese, but a few tasty CIS also. It was a buyer's market, with many more girls than guys and getting close to closing time, so the girls were proactive in their marketing - espescially the Chinese. Several polite "No thanks" took care of that.

I played with a beautiful dark African girl for a while and even considered her offer of a ST back in her room until I found she lived in Baraha - too far away.

Later, I saw what I thought was a beautiful young CIS girl. I chatted with her a while. Actually 25, but looked no older than 20. When I asked where she was from - Ethiopia! Couldn't believe it. She had white skin (turns out she's half-Italian - just like my first regular Ethiopian in Dubai). She didn't have the accent, and her hair was soft and straight - no wig or "straightening treatment" that usually feels like plastic. Very cute, but again, lives in Baraha. Took her number and told her I would call her.

Near closing time, my pal and I were both deciding if we should go home or take a girl (the cute African he had been chatting to had agreed to a threesome, but not to double-penetration). When the lights came up we were standing near the entrance finishing our drinks, and I made eye contct with a stunning tall African girl, but she was in negotiations with a potential customer. She whispered something to him, he looked at me, nodded at her with a shrug, and she smiled and came over to me. She started the sales pitch with me, but I pointed out she was with a guy already. She said "No problems". She was hot, so I took her number, and said she'd better get back to the guy. I motioned "Sorry" to the guy", and he just shrugged with a smile.

The interesting thing was that Rattler was still packed absolutely full of girls at closing time. As my pal and I walked out to the taxi rank, we were overtaken by my cute little half-Italian/Ethiopian and her customer for the night. Lucky guy.

I'll be a temporary bachelor again soon, so I'm looking forward to catching up with a few temporary girlfriends. ;)

02-09-07, 17:59
Went to the Amnesia nightclub a couple of times. Entrance fee is 100 AED and one drink is included. The club is next to the Hard Rock Cafe and opens at 10pm. The action however starts at around 11 to 12 pm. There is quite an incredible selection of CIS and ME girls. Starting prices are between 1.000 and 1.500 LT. Took out 3 girls in total - two from Russia, one from Romania (looked like a very busty Latina - really great tits!). One of the Russian girls really liked A-levels so much that I had her again on the last night.

In a nutshell: Amnesia is a very nice and good quality place in Dubai. I will definitively return to the Amnesia next time there.

02-09-07, 20:01
Well i planned to check out Seaview last night, but on the way i just happened to be walking past York. I thought to myself, one beer in York won't do any harm.

I made it through the normal assault of PRC and got to the bar and ordered my beer. I then got harassed by an African, but i explained to her that i had only come for a quick beer and then i would be on my way.

While the conversation was occurring with the African girl, i noticed a very nice looking CIS girl standing nearby and gave her the eye. As soon as the african was dispatched the CIS girl started chatting with me and asked for a drink which i duly provided. It turned out she was from Uzbekistan, and as i have never taken a girl from that part of the world i thought what the hell.

Her opener was 800 for LT, which i countered with 500. We finally agreed on 600 LT.

We left soon after for my apartment via taxi. She was very chatty and spoke very good english and seemed like a good laugh.

Once at my apartment we had a couple of beers and then she requested payment up front, which i stupidly gave.

We then had two great sessions, including DATY, CBJ, and sex in every conceivable position. She was very skilled and gave me an excellent time. No anal because she told me her ass was too small..LOL

Unfortunately after the second time she decided that she would like to break our agreement and leave for more business. She explained that i had got a good deal for 600 but she had to go as Friday was a very busy night for her.

I explained to her that i was not happy, but i was not going to stop her if she wanted to go. (i was pretty knackered by now anyway) She did say that if i paid more she would stay, but I did not really see the point so i called her a taxi. She explained that maybe if i take on a non-weekend night she would stay LT for 600.

Overall a good night, and good GFE but spoiled by her early departure. Took her number in any case

Lessons Learned this week:

1. Maybe Thursday / Friday nights are not best for LT fun
2. Never pay upfront. Next time this happens to me, i am just going to tell them to get a taxi home!

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Wild Child 1
02-09-07, 22:01
2 weekends ago I found myself in Dubai for the first time on a business trip, and it very quickly became apparent that my hosts were fellow hobbyists.

Having spent a lot of time in Asia (China and HK), I was keen to find out what the scene in Dubai was like, but quickly relaised access to this forum was a NoNo from my Dubai Hotel room.

The night started with a trip to a place called Cyclone, but unfortunately we were not let in as 1 of the hosts did not have any ID on him, so they decided to take me to a place called Regal Plaza, full of girls however I can't say anything took my fancy, so a drink later we headed to a place called the YORK hotel across the road.

Now this was much more my cup of tea, I honestly have never seen so many hot African girls, actually I hadn't ever seen african WGs before, so after some flirting with a few Ethipoians and Ugandans, I decided to approach the Chinese in Mandarin, this ceratinly broke the ice as such, and I ended up back at hotel with a HOT Beijing girl for 500 for the night, she did say she worked during the day at some place called Dragon Mart or Mall in a shoe shop.

Dubai was a complete surprise for me, I had expected Russians but NOT chinese or hot africans.

I shall be back.

On another note, a friend did say next time I should try a place called Premier Club where ever that may be.

Wild Child 1

Wicked Roger
02-10-07, 17:45
I'll be a temporary bachelor again soon, so I'm looking forward to catching up with a few temporary girlfriends. ;)

I knew your retirement was too good to last. You have another lady in AD keen to see you again for round 2.....and I know you like Filipina despite your taste for African booty :)

PM re our last discussion if serious. Also birthday for N.... let me know as she is asking


02-11-07, 00:27
First time since I was a teenager - I just got a blow-job in the car. It was good, but different. In Rattlesnake car-park. Will post in the morning.

Edit in:

As Excess points out above - not a lot more to say, except Rattler was pleasantly quiet last night - about 40 girls and 5 guys - perfect! I was horny, and tempted by my previous regulars Korean Sisi and BJ expert Amazon Girl.

Who says African girls don't give BJs? ;)

No time to travel to their places, so Amazon Girl agreed to a BJ in the car, just for old time's sake. She directed me to a dark car-park corner at the back of the hotel, and away she went. She kept stopping to pop her head up and check for possible onlookers, but from my angle, I could see it was pretty safe. There was something just a bit naughty about it. ;)

02-11-07, 09:38
I knew your retirement was too good to last.

First time since I was a teenager - I just got a blow-job in the car. It was good, but different. In Rattlesnake car-park. Will post in the morning.

Nothing more to say really.

02-11-07, 16:01
...but quickly relaised access to this forum was a NoNo from my Dubai Hotel room.Prior planning can remedy this. Otherwise, a bit of homework before arriving...

The night started with a trip to a place called Cyclone, but unfortunately we were not let in as 1 of the hosts did not have any ID on himBesides it being against the law to not have some form of id with you (yes, I know, RARELY enforced), but... when you don't have it, that's when you'll need it.

Other thing that's burnt me: sandals. A number of places will not allow you to enter if you are wearing sandals (I figure convenient way to keep out locals)...

Dubai was a complete surprise for me, I had expected Russians but NOT chinese or hot africans.DXB attracts quite the range of wg's from any number of poverty stricken countries. Nice FR, lucky you had someone to guide you around. Without guides, a little prior reading here can work wonders.

Once at my apartment we had a couple of beers and then she requested payment up front, which i stupidly gave.

Lessons Learned this week:

1. Maybe Thursday / Friday nights are not best for LT fun
2. Never pay upfront. Next time this happens to me, i am just going to tell them to get a taxi home!Gee, where have I heard this before? Pay AFTER. It's one of the things I always make clear IN the bar, PRIOR to leaving: I will pay after. If she doesn't agree, then you are still at the fishing hole and can either throw her back or take the risk. If requested up front back at the hotel, you can try the "back to the bar" routine, or offer her 1/2 up front, other 1/2 after the "show".

Thursdays are PRIME time (everyone off Friday's), Friday's 2nd most popular. Don't feel bad; I've lost several Miss Thursdays to the prime time lure of better pay. But I'm thinking that regardless of the night of the week, she would have bailed out with the cash in hand. But like you say, who wants to hold her prisoner?
Two nice FR's from some "not usually seen here" members. Nice. And here I thought the bars might have been deserted due to the lack of reports...


Myself? Luckily batted .500 this weekend. Bit of a misunderstanding with Miss T: I expecting her to arrive, she waiting for my call that I was home (it is nice when they know the way...) FINALLY got it sorted out, but LATE dinner.

Friday, called Miss 3rd-Person from last week's 3-some for a solo tryout.

First it was "I'm waiting for my gf to come over at 7; when she leaves, I'll let you know". [Translation: prior commitment; he'll be here at 7, possible ST, hoping for LT.]

At 7:30, she sms'd she was "taking care of her sick sister, but wanted to see me Saturday" [Translation: he did show and agreed to the LT, but tomorrow's date book was open.]

Decided to just stay home alone...

But both of these were originally from numbers I'd gotten from them when out in the bars, for future reference.

Sanjay Hra
02-12-07, 13:42
Visiting Dubai for 3 nights Thursday thru Sunday afternoon and looking for some great quality and safe action. My first visit to Dubai, but am a frequent visitor to Barcelona & H.K. for action. If this goes well, will make this a preferred location and will definitely contribute to this forum.

After thoroughly reading your previous posts I gather the most friendly hotels are Sheraton (both), Le Meridien, Crowne Plaza, Hilton (creek), Ramada, Holiday Inn, JW Marriott

My questions are as follows:

1. I was interested in a hotel which has many quality CIS/ PRC/ etc. hanging out in the complex (lobby/ disco/ neighborhood) - of necessarily top quality. Also the hotel should be near discos so can make a round of the place. It would be perfect if there is a good disco in the hotel.

2. Don't have too much time to visit all the clubs. If i had to choose which would be the best pick up joints? I gather Amnesia, Cyclone, Hyatt, York, Jockeys, Kubu, Rockfellas, TGIT are the best in terms of choice and quality in the order mentioned. Please advise me if i am wrong.

3. Like shorter women upto 165 max, where is the best place to find girls in this category.

4. Safety is a must, would not like to compromise on this.

5. What is the going rate in Dubai. I gather 500 - 700 - 1000 aed for a night is the asking?

I'm sorry for not being to contribute (as yet) to this forum for lack of experience, but pledge to do so in the future so your inputs will be greatly appreciated.

02-12-07, 16:54
Well, this isn't in the pussy fart category, but...

You pull a girl from a bar, or maybe pick her up from her place, or she knows where you live... Back home, things get warm and friendly. The clothes start to come off, and then... what do you see?

Bedbug bites. With a couple of girls of late, it's a few bites. But I've seen at least 1 that that bed must have been TEEMING with bugs - the poor girl was eaten alive. Shame of it is, not much SHE can do - not like she can report the landlord to the civic authorities...


1. What are chances that she's "carrying"? I don't necessarily want to boil her clothes, but... I don't want to live in fear for the next week, everytime I itch...

2. Any suggestion for fighting the little buggers that I can pass along (besides moving, leaving all bedding behind)?

3. Preventive measures? Seems kind of cruel to boot her out for something that's not her fault.

Perhaps another reason I'm glad I have my own place, not having to use hers. If I ever was back at her place, and saw that... it would be exit, stage left.

02-12-07, 17:44
Seems to me the correct course of action would be to pony up some exterminator cash if you want to continue to see her. The landlord won't do it, so if the pussy is that good and you want to keep it coming without the fear of little bugs crawling up your ass, do the right thing and call the bug man. I bet that would score big pussy points too.

Just my thoughts on this subject, sort of had the same situation in Seoul, Korea a couple of years ago. I called in the Wolf.


Well, this isn't in the pussy fart category, but...

You pull a girl from a bar, or maybe pick her up from her place, or she knows where you live... Back home, things get warm and friendly. The clothes start to come off, and then... what do you see?

Bedbug bites. With a couple of girls of late, it's a few bites. But I've seen at least 1 that that bed must have been TEEMING with bugs - the poor girl was eaten alive. Shame of it is, not much SHE can do - not like she can report the landlord to the civic authorities...


1. What are chances that she's "carrying"? I don't necessarily want to boil her clothes, but... I don't want to live in fear for the next week, everytime I itch...

2. Any suggestion for fighting the little buggers that I can pass along (besides moving, leaving all bedding behind)?

3. Preventive measures? Seems kind of cruel to boot her out for something that's not her fault.

Perhaps another reason I'm glad I have my own place, not having to use hers. If I ever was back at her place, and saw that... it would be exit, stage left.

02-13-07, 09:42
Bedbugs: More than you ever wanted to know about them.


1.Sheraton 4 Points is hard to beat for friendliness and location. Only a very short stroll to Three or four major p4p venues.

2.If you are short on time, this would suit you as you will not even need a taxi to hit 4 clubs.

3. All sizes in all venues, I do not know of any "petite" specialist clubs.

4. I have never felt threatened anywhere in DXB, I judge the scene to be very safe, the main thing is being discreet. Girls tend not to cause any problems. I would avoid any obviously drunk girls though (mostly a CIS problem.)

5. Pricing is all over the board, LT can be had from 300-1500 Dhs. I suggest you can find some really nice company for 700LT max. YMMV.

I hope you keep your pledge and file a report. Where are your BCN and H.K. reports?

02-13-07, 13:10
...and looking for some great quality and safe action.I've often said quality is an individual criteria. For safety, use a condom. Couldn't resist, but see below.

1. I was interested in a hotel which has many quality CIS/ PRC/ etc. hanging out in the complex (lobby/ disco/ neighborhood) - of necessarily top quality. Also the hotel should be near discos so can make a round of the place. It would be perfect if there is a good disco in the hotel.It's not a perfect world: while the Hyatt (Diera Corniche, aka 'old Hyatt') has the Premiere disco and a number of wg's, the hotel itself is not gf. Think that can be said about a number of the P4P bars in hotels: while the bars have wg's, the hotel is not that gf (exceptions could be Seaview and Jockey's, but I would not say "TOP" quality in either). Cyclone and Amnesia "independent" clubs.

I'd venture that most any upper class hotel has a few wg's around, though they may keep a low profile. On the other hand, I don't tend to hang out in hotel lobbies to really say for certain; in this case, visitors will know better. :)

Dubai is not ALL that big, one side to the other in 20 minutes (NO traffic). When there's traffic... HOURS. One nice thing: P4P hours tend to be outside of traffic hours. Taxis not expensive, 20/25 dhs.

Sheraton 4 points close to York (York Hotel) [but see my report], Imperial (Imperial Hotel), Jockeys (Panarama Hotel), Rockafellas (Regal Hotel), with TGIT (Astoria Hotel) and Seaview (Seaview Hotel) within walking distance (on a pleasantly cool night, anyway). However, again, I'd not consider any except perhaps Rockafellas "quality", and even Rockafellas has had negative reviews of late (I don't go there so can only read 50/50's reports). Still, Dubai being small geographically, all P4P venues a short taxi ride away.

Thinking about it, perhaps Le Meridien and its Jules bar MIGHT be as close to YOUR criteria of "perfect" as you'll get. It is on the Diera side (airport), while most of the oft named venues are on the Bur Dubai side. There is a map (check Reports of Distinction references) of locations.

2. Don't have too much time to visit all the clubs. If i had to choose which would be the best pick up joints? I gather Amnesia, Cyclone, Hyatt, York, Jockeys, Kubu, Rockfellas, TGIT are the best in terms of choice and quality in the order mentioned. Please advise me if i am wrong.Again, define 'quality'. Mine is "above 165 cms"... :)

Top of the Heap: I'd say Cyclone would be on my to-see list, even with its entrance fee (but maybe that's just fond memories' bias). Hyatt (been there once), again with the entrance fee. Amnesia (never been personally) with its hefty entrance fee. Should be noted that the wg's like places with the high entrance fees - really helps to screen out the lookie-lous. Have never been to Kubu, but over the years, remember reading some "nice sight" reviews. Rockafellas... maybe you'll catch it on a good night.

Mid-Level: York, Imperial.

Bottom: TGIT (its claim to fame is afternoon availability, 1:30 - 4pm). Jockey's also seems to have some afternoon action, perhaps 3pm on. Jockey's occasionally gets some quality early evening, before they depart to better "hunting grounds".

Cyclone, Hyatt, York large bars [floor space]; Rockafellas a step down, Imperial another step, Jockey's and TGIT SMALL.

Lastly, I'll repeat: looking for the "hottest" bar is a futile exercise. My usual suggestion is pick one of the better known venues and check it out, giving it a chance (rather than run from bar to bar). Next night, pick another.

3. Like shorter women upto 165 max, where is the best place to find girls in this category.I really don't carry around a tape measure - any venue will have a mix of heights and sizes. Some will have all of the major "food" groups (CIS, PRC, African), others will be more specific (but still mixed).

4. Safety is a must, would not like to compromise on this.One thing dxb has going for it is safety. Not saying 100%, and I wouldn't leave cash/valuables lying around, but all-in-all, one of the safest cities in the world. There might be some no-go areas, but I can't think of any (yea, OK, some of the labor camps, but you won't be going THERE). Going back to her apartment is also safe, though her place might be a bit spartan (and perhaps more prone to verbal harassment from locals on THAT walk of shame). But I've never worried about my personal safety here.

Biggest risk here is the "LT becomes ST" rip. Pay after if possible; otherwise, 50% upfront; otherwise, either accept the risk or keep looking. As I've posted, one of the things I get defined BEFORE leaving the bar.

5. What is the going rate in Dubai. I gather 500 - 700 - 1000 aed for a night is the asking?I'd say that's a good, and reasonable, range, though going to the top venues will push that envelope. I'm not out to wring the last dirham from her price, just looking for a fun time in MY price range (usually 500 dhs max). If she comes in at or below that, done deal. Then again, I don't get too many takers from the Cyclone, at least of late. :)


For newbies: why did a 1 poster get detailed answers while others only get slammed? Simple - obviously he did some reading BEFORE posting, and asked SPECIFIC, rather than general, questions.

02-13-07, 13:19
As reported, Miss 3 had to take care of a "sick sister" Friday - strike 1.

Saturday, I debated on pulling her for a late afternoon or early evening tryst, trying to decide which was preferred. Due to my indecision, before I knew it, both times were past, and the only option she was offering was post-10pm, too late for me (it's not that there are so FEW choices, but so MANY) - strike 2.

By Monday, IF to pull was no longer an option. Slid out of work early, beating the Sharjah tidal surge literally by 15 minutes. 20 minutes to downtown. Had called Miss 3 before leaving - she had time.

Not exactly a GFE: after the final round, I'd gone in to grab a quick shower; returning, she was sitting on the bed, already dressed, good to go. Fine, I too had things to do, and besides, she did have to get ready for the office. But for 2 hours, not rushed, good service, fun time, the fake moans not over the top, 300 dhs + taxi fare home = no complaints. A good test drive, favorable enough to earn a next time LT.

Had some dinner, then it was time to drive back downtown, this time meeting BarCrawler at York.

York, Monday, 9:30 - 11:00
I had figured the Sharjah tidal surge would have ebbed a bit by 8:45 - time for me to think again. That afternoon's 20 minute trip was now 45. The parking lot behind the Imperial (5dhs after 9pm) great value. Made my way to York. Since when has the Shoemart parking lot ceased to exist (that's how long I haven't been out...)?

9:30, inside, greeted by a warm and friendly smile... no, not BC, but one of the sweetest girls I've known here. One of the FEW girls I'll buy a drink for, especially given she'll NEVER ask. I never thought she'd survive the grist mill for more than a few months, but years later, she's still here, as sweet and dignified as ever.

Given the sparseness of the crowd (lack thereof), easy to spot BC at the next table, several shoulder-high PRC's at his side. For the next 90 minutes, we commented on the passing parade, neither of us in the mood for pulling. A few familiar faces, but mostly unknown to me. Equally split between Africans and PRC's, with a smattering of CIS thrown in (actually, 1 or 2 "of interest"). Fairly constant stream of PRC job interviews throughout the evening, even though BC and I kept turning them down. The africans moved close, but never landed (perhaps because of a PRC always occupying the landing slot).

For me, the PRC's were "cookie cutter", no one really standing out. Did see MR1; she came over to say hi, though we both knew that we would not be leaving together. Her outfit certainly showed off her fine form, and at least for the time I was there, she was 'best of the bunch', looks anyway.

Did see one PRC that was of enough interest that I did want to get her phone number; however she disappeared, which was something in the sparse environment. BC pointed her out 30 minutes later, and, a couple of smiles later, we were talking (no, not BC, but the PRC). Picked up a phone number to add to the clutter in my address book (something to show for my time there).

By 11, York had filled up a bit, but that was relative; numerous areas of floor space devoid of people; plenty of room to move and sightsee. Recorded music (DJ?) playing, no band in sight (not a loss for me). Not too many couples disappearing out the door.

Not charged an entrance fee (non-whites were charged), and drinks reasonable, at least non-alcoholic: 15 dhs before 10pm, 20 dhs after. Waitresses SLIGHTLY overly attentive when your glass got down close to the bottom, but not overly so.

Even though it was early, I was tired (from a NUMBER of things), so headed directly home rather than sticking my head in Imperial.

The good: Monday night (granted, NOT prime time) reminded me of how nice it can be availing yourself of the home entertainment (get those phone numbers) and NOT going out.

The bad: Last night was certainly NOT an indicator of any York resurrection, it still being a shell of its years-past self. Between the traffic, construction, and general downtown unpleasantness, Rattlesnake, even with it's 30 dhs charge (at least on a weeknight with a drink thrown in) becoming more palatable. YMMV, and it was MID-week.

Next week's check: Cyclone.

Red Bunny
02-13-07, 17:20

I read and read and read the reports, but there is too much choice and I have no time at all.

I am staying at Shangri-la hotel (not my choice).

Anything good near/at the hotel?

I prefer CIS girls mainly.

Thank you

Hjn 0192
02-13-07, 17:23
I have a visit to DBX planned next month, I have read many of the reports, thanks they are really helpful, i am not a "proffessional" mongerer more of a talented amateur ( without the talent) and now over forty so tend to need extra stimulants, Kamagra etc to keep going.

Can anyone advise on dbx customs policies or availability locally, I dont want to sample the local hospitality in a 6ft cell biting a pillow. are customs interested in someone with 5/6 tablets/satchets.

02-13-07, 20:48
Hi Guys,

Not often I get to contribute here, but having just spent the best part of a week in DXB I thought I would share my experiences. First couple of days, I stayed at the Marco Polo on Al Muteena, no action, but I have to say the cabaret in the bar is great (or at least some) the 3 girl singers are crap bur look great, the belly dancer is great BUT the pair of Lithuanian blondes or dance are fantastic. Very near the mark with costumes and very very near the mark with their dancing, great the way they grind thir bodies together.

I then moved to the Broadway Hotel in Rigga St. AED500 a night with very attentative staff. After checkin and a shower I went downstairs to the coffee shop where there must have been 50+WG all middle eastern flavours, with a few CIS and Turks for good measure. I just love the way they all come into the hotel dressed in black robes, but underneath, short skirts, tight tops.... I chatted with a CIS long legged blonde who quoted AED250 for 1 shot, so off we went to my room. Me first in the lift, she second after registering at the back stairs.

Over the next few days, tasted Turk, Lebanese, Syrian, Armenian and Iranian, the most I paid was AED500 for about 6 hours.

The great thing about this hotel is that breakfast is served in the coffee shop as well, and even at 8am whilst enjoying coffee and croisants you can still negotiate a ST with someone on ' day shift'.

I'll do my best to contribute more on my travels from now on,


EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Wolfie Mike
02-13-07, 23:32

Still, would be nice to enjoy that certain "je nes se pas" of having a naughty non-P4P girl on the side.

PS. WM I just looked up your ad on the site I recommended. You smoothy. ;)


Dont give up that chase! My 2 overnight liaisons proved to be successful - a 23 yr old Swiss student and then a 19yr old US student. Keeping both going is probably going to be too difficult so will have to make a choice!

Double Shooter
02-13-07, 23:47
Popped by the Rattlesnake at 11:20pm. Very quiet on the veranda. They wanted dh35 for entry: when did that start? Is it worth it? Did a u-turn on principle and made my way to the Seaview. Nothing special there so I went for character: tall Chinese with glasses. Nice girl, good figure. I wanted short time but not as short as I got: about 30mins because someone else wanted to use the room. Serves me right for going to her place. Damage was dh300. Returned to Seaview. Still nothing special. The Filis had arrived: max height 4'10" with heels. I recall one guy was looking for small girls - here's where you can get them.

02-14-07, 00:18
Can anyone advise on dbx customs policies or availability locally, I dont want to sample the local hospitality in a 6ft cell biting a pillow. are customs interested in someone with 5/6 tablets/satchets.
Hate to sound nasty about this, but it really depends upon you. A "European" (read white) guy, in his 40´s is not on the DXB "profile" for any customs hassle.

I have brought my regular meds in for 10 years without any bother, and indeed bring a couple sleeping pills (for the flights.)

If they were to "bust" me (Why?) it would be technically illegal without a prescription, and possibly illegal even then.

I have been reliably informed you can get ED meds over the counter at any DXB pharmacy.

I would not worry about it in "personal use" quantities.

I love your "biting a pillow" comment. ;)

02-14-07, 00:24
I'll do my best to contribute more on my travels from now on,

Well done, and with the huge number of folks asking for ME girls, you have really delivered!

Hey Bravo, WTF? Three good posts from three new (low poster) guys! They are going to put you and the "RTFF" out of business.

My Kapitan
02-14-07, 12:43
I have a visit to DBX planned next month, I have read many of the reports, thanks they are really helpful, i am not a "proffessional" mongerer more of a talented amateur ( without the talent) and now over forty so tend to need extra stimulants, Kamagra etc to keep going.

Can anyone advise on dbx customs policies or availability locally, I dont want to sample the local hospitality in a 6ft cell biting a pillow. are customs interested in someone with 5/6 tablets/satchets.
Hate to sound nasty about this, but it really depends upon you. A "European" (read white) guy, in his 40´s is not on the DXB "profile" for any customs hassle.

I have brought my regular meds in for 10 years without any bother, and indeed bring a couple sleeping pills (for the flights.)

If they were to "bust" me (Why?) it would be technically illegal without a prescription, and possibly illegal even then.

I have been reliably informed you can get ED meds over the counter at any DXB pharmacy.

I would not worry about it in "personal use" quantities.

I love your "biting a pillow" comment. ;)

Stimulants and antibiotics are available in all Dxb pharmacies without prescription at resonable cost. ie Snafi (tadalafil) 160dhms for 4 shots. Viagra widely available.

Cant agree with Sporadic - sorry- even if you dont fit the target profile you might just be unlucky and get stopped. We had one of our guys lifted last year for having prescibed antibiotics on him but no prescription. Had to contact doctor at home to get confirmation before he was released.
No one deserves that hassle.

02-14-07, 15:47

Dont give up that chase! My 2 overnight liaisons proved to be successful - a 23 yr old Swiss student and then a 19yr old US student. Keeping both going is probably going to be too difficult so will have to make a choice!Lucky man! I haven't given up yet - just managing time for a daily email exchange and phone call to keep her on the backburner until I return from the land of mongering fun (Saudi Arabia) next week.

02-14-07, 15:53
I'll do my best to contribute more on my travels from now onWould NOT upset me a bit if you did a "cut and paste" of your hotel experiences to the dubai hotel thread. If posted there, makes it easy to use the "search this thread" tool and gets included in the annual hotel list update.

Agree with Sporadic's attaboy: not too often do we hear about THAT food group. Now we'll see how long before someone posts asking about "where to find..."

Hey Bravo, WTF? Three good posts from three new (low poster) guys! They are going to put you and the "RTFF" out of business. I should be so fortunate! Certainly agree very refreshing to read new eyes viewpoints and experiences.

I read and read and read the reports, but there is too much choice and I have no time at all.One way to avoid the RTFF reply... But why bother asking if you have no time to enjoy?


To the "too busy's", the "don't want to leave the hotels": While it is VERY possible to have entertainment arrive on your doorstep, you do have to pay your dues: hit the clubs for an hour or two, collect a few phone numbers, and pull one. Then, subsequent nights, just start dialing...

It's so easy here, but it's not a welfare state...

02-14-07, 18:08
Cant agree with Sporadic - sorry- even if you dont fit the target profile you might just be unlucky and get stopped. We had one of our guys lifted last year for having prescibed antibiotics on him but no prescription. Had to contact doctor at home to get confirmation before he was released.
No one deserves that hassle.
How or why was he "lifted"? I am a bit surprised about antibiotics, now narcotics of any kind are a different thing.

This is a (not comprehensive) list of controlled drugs that could catch you out...

Hjn 0192
02-14-07, 18:18
thanks to sporadic and my kapitan for there views on dbx customs, i read a previous report about a pakistani caught with viagra, being detained for 4 years, even though he had a prescription, i assumed he had hundreds of pills and a return ticket to karachi the next day!

wouldn't it be ironic if some of his confirep001ed wares had filtered back into the dbx prison system and in particular his 250lb cell mate.

on this occasion i'll take my kapitans advice

although i have read lots of reports on the various clubs and hotels is there a any advice on which days are better at each venue or is it a hit or miss.

i arrive for 4 days late on a wed, at my hotel at 1.00 am so probably won't get to a club until about 1.05. i'm staying at the fairmont ( bloody expensive but reception assures us no problems with guests) so would the rattlesnake be ok at that time ? and is the cyclone too busy on a thursday etc .

02-14-07, 18:44
... rock-on the British woman who was jailed for a few months when airport security tested her blood and found codeine (a flu medicine, legal in most countries but not here). The real story was that she was acting "strange" in the airport. As I've said before about Dubai, if they want to get you, they will. Keep a low profile, behave yourself (like me :D), and you'll have no problems.

PS - A British guy (married with kids) has just been jailed for 6 months for patting a UAE airport guy on the ass while telling him he reminds him of his boyfriend. Silly man. Now he'll be patting hairy asses for 6 months. Ouch.

My Kapitan
02-14-07, 20:10
How or why was he "lifted"? I am a bit surprised about antibiotics, now narcotics of any kind are a different thing.

This is a (not comprehensive) list of controlled drugs that could catch you out...

Why sorry - well because I respect most of the opinions you post but I disagree with a laid back attitude to UAE customs. I even stopped the lvely O - my GF- bringing her rabbit (vibrator) in this time following the recent arrest of a UK wifey at the airport for the same.

Our guy was subject to a routine search - antibiotics found in his toilet bag - the drugs could be bought across the counter in the UAE but they still jailed him for just under 24hrs. The doctor confirmed the prescription by fax and he was released somewhat worse for wear - but wiser!
Incidently while inside he was denied access to his medicines. The company we both worked for at the time was a major in Dxb and pulled a lot of strings to get him out.

Be careful.

02-15-07, 06:13
The real story was that she was acting "strange" in the airport.
In the paper, it said she was actually stopped for "passport irregularities."

As I've said before about Dubai, if they want to get you, they will. Keep a low profile, behave yourself (like me :D), and you'll have no problems.Agreed, (though not quite like you!) and according to the UAE MOH, your prescription has to be attested both by local authorities where the doctor is, by the national folks and by the UAE health authorities. The suggestion that a prescription is sufficient is false.

Bottom line, If they want to bust you, they will. Do your own risk assesment.

I am just glad there are no laws against drinking without a personal liquor license, or cavorting with WG´s! ;)

Seriously, unless you are registered, non-Mulsim hotel guest of the licensed establishment, you are required by law to have a liquor license. Enjoy that beer at the club!

Why sorry - well because I respect most of the opinions you post but I disagree with a laid back attitude to UAE customs.Not agreeing with me is probably the smartest thing you will do this week! I am a well known bonehead sometimes.

I even stopped the lvely O - my GF- bringing her rabbit (vibrator) in this time following the recent arrest of a UK wifey at the airport for the same.Agreed here, I would avoid anything that would "pop" out on an x-ray machine.

Sanjay Hra
02-15-07, 09:50
Really appreciate the inputs. Thanks for taking the time to reply in detail.

Trip postponed to next week, still not confirmed, visa still to arrive.

If you guys wanna catch up for some joint hunting, message me with an email account. (I cannot - not a premium member cant PM). I will write back. Thats if you're interested.

Jimmy K II
02-15-07, 13:13
Hi guys,

here's my short report about my last 2 day trip to DXB.
As i have not much time, i'll post it in a very short way.

I checked out: Jules Bar at Meridien Village and Anmesia.

At Jules Bar i was surprised about the pure quantity of girls (female-male ratio 2:1) . Also quality was not really bad (in opposite the shitty band). Quite a nice mixture of CIS, PRC and some Africans. Was immediately grabbed by some PRC, but was not in mood to "eat asian style". I was looking more or less for a nice CIS. The result was at th end, i went home with a very nice lady from Somalia, let's call her Miss B. Very slim shaped an weighing max. 45 Kg. Nice face like most somalian women. She was asking for 700 LT and agreed on 600. As i made a newbie fault and didn't check the menue before, my worries have been confirmed in my room. She doesn't give blow jobs and doesn't like DATY also due to her religion. I knew that Somali/Ethiopian's have religious reasons to decline, but i didn't think about, as i was too much remote controlled by little Jimmy.
The normal act with several positions like mish, doggy and her giving a wild ride on top was ok, but nothing very special. The good thing was the massage she gave me. So i'd rate her average.

Next night i went to check out Amnesia (first time there) next to the Hard Rock Cafe. Paid 100 Dhs entrance fee and entered a pretty cool club with lots of chicas all along the bars. There were some really stunning ones among them. To keep a long story short, i went home with an armenian girl, let's call her Miss L. Also very nice body, but really small tits that showed up only at the room. Before she wore a push up and blended me. She was promising at Anmesia very good service and everything and blablabla. I was too drunk or in any other way not really clear in mind that i agreed her 1500 Dhs for LT.
Up we went back to the hotel and started. She was dancing and stripping, which was ok, then she gave me a short blow job, but didn't accept CIM or COF. So i turned her in position and started to lick and eat her pussy, what made her scream loud out. I had to calm her down a little bit, not to wake up all the floor. She wanted to be fucked hard now, what i did. She was thinking, i'd finish in 5 minutes, but i had exactly the right dose of alcohol and could go for at least one hour. She then started to complain here and there and i couldn't finish, but had a very heavy erection. Wanted to fuck her ass, but she refused and so she started to discuss.
I explained her, that we are here now for LONG TERM sex, which also means fucking (!) and so the situation became more and more worse.
In the result, i sent her home (if i'd not be a gentleman, i would have kicked her out).
The best thing was, that she asked for some extra taxi money, where i had to lough out loud.
So i had my bad experience in DXB this time.

My result is - Jules bar ot bad for the beginning
- Anmesia very expensive and lots of arrogant sluts inside
- try next time the known venues like York, Rumors etc...

So long, have fun!

Wicked Roger
02-15-07, 17:10
I even stopped the lvely O - my GF- bringing her rabbit (vibrator) in this time following the recent arrest of a UK wifey at the airport for the same.


You need to borrow the rabbits I have or anything else...just let me know, Hope we can catch up next time. Might change my attitude to bringing such accessories through but have not seen the report of the wifey being arrested. But I do need a few more accessories...;)


Mickey Rooney
02-15-07, 17:25
I'll be a temporary bachelor again soon, so I'm looking forward to catching up with a few temporary girlfriends. ;)

Well then Mr. P1, what are we waiting for..... let the games begin.

Yep, i am out of temprorary retirment, looking to party sooooon with fellow trusted friends...

Now how about the belated birthday present for miss N? I think you will agree she has been paitent, but enough is enough.... we need to deliver fellow Mongateers!!

All4One&1fuckall !!

Sanjay Hra
02-15-07, 17:40

Can't find the forum for spain. If you guys want will compose a list of do's & dont's for these cities and mail you when youre going there.


02-15-07, 18:57
I explained her, that we are here now for LONG TERM sex, which also means fucking (!) and so the situation became more and more worse.
In the result, i sent her home (if i'd not be a gentleman, i would have kicked her out).
The best thing was, that she asked for some extra taxi money, where i had to lough out loud.
So i had my bad experience in DXB this time.
Yep, it can happen, sorry it happened to you.

Kudos on the "high road" response to what sounds like a dud. Besides being a gentleman, it was also the smart thing to do. DXB is NOT the place to get in a shouting match with a WG.

Double Shooter
02-16-07, 10:34
Is it just me or are the ladies becoming very skilled at negotiating? Had an afternoon visit to an MP where the masseuse spent the 1st 15 minutes of the 60-min session trying to explain why dh500 is a reasonable price (she started at 1k).

Later at the Rattlesnake I was trying to fend off a delectable young thing, when she said it is her birthday and she would go with me for free! Nice try darling.

Perhaps one of our fellow punters is giving lessons? More likely it's the pressure of rising costs that is making everyone more mercenary.

On the plus side, it is my experience that the technical BJ standard is increasing. Would be interesting to verify that scientifically.

Double Shooter
02-16-07, 10:46
I occasionally enjoy a regular massage, now that you can get females to perform them. The question of whether extra services might be offered adds an extra frisson to the experience.

I tried the "4-hands" massage at the House of Chi. Absolutely delightful and absolutely above board. Sadly none of the 4 hands went astray at any point.

Any reccos from the members?

Red Bunny
02-16-07, 16:33
One way to avoid the RTFF reply... But why bother asking if you have no time to enjoy?


To the "too busy's", the "don't want to leave the hotels": While it is VERY possible to have entertainment arrive on your doorstep, you do have to pay your dues: hit the clubs for an hour or two, collect a few phone numbers, and pull one. Then, subsequent nights, just start dialing...

It's so easy here, but it's not a welfare state...I hope I had more time. I am there for exactly 20 hours (of which I need too sleep and work)

Anyway, thanks.

I hope I have much more time next time

Red Bunny
02-16-07, 16:39
One way to avoid the RTFF reply... But why bother asking if you have no time to enjoy?


To the "too busy's", the "don't want to leave the hotels": While it is VERY possible to have entertainment arrive on your doorstep, you do have to pay your dues: hit the clubs for an hour or two, collect a few phone numbers, and pull one. Then, subsequent nights, just start dialing...

It's so easy here, but it's not a welfare state...I hope I had more time. I am there for exactly 20 hours (of which I need too sleep and work)

Anyway, thanks.

I hope I have much more time next time.

Mike De H
02-16-07, 21:12
This is a (not comprehensive) list of controlled drugs that could catch you out...

Yes, Tadafil, Viagra, levitra, ciallis not on that list. Nor is penicillin. All things supposely banned.

I am surprised they allow asprin, paracetamol and ibuprofen.

Citalopram (a harmless non-mood altering non halucenogenic antidepressant) is actually banned. Which means since the drug stays in your system for months afterwards, according to these posts could get you jail, even if you stop before you enter the country, then get a doctor to prescribe them to you when you arrive.

Virtually barbaric if you ask me.

02-16-07, 23:13
I am there for exactly 20 hours (of which I need too sleep and work)You can sleep on the plane...


Normally you'd think if I was writing an FR at 1:45AM, it'd be a negative report. But sometimes things just work out better than you could have planned.

I'd told Miss 3 I'd see her Friday, LT. Feeling a bit drained from Miss T's visit Thursday, but still... a promise is a promise, and Miss 3, while not the GFE, is fun.

Called her up, I'd meet her 8:30, her place. I did notice her voice was a bit more husky than normal. Sure enough, on pickup, she was coughing away, and she doesn't smoke (cigarettes, anyway :) ). Her line of work, no sick days with pay, so... I had some empathy.

Back to my place, I watched some tv, she... slept. Hmmm, this was NOT turning out like I planned, especially given the movies I was watching, while I liked, I'd seen them before and was watching them again as I thought she might like. Her stock was declining...

Off goes the tv, to the bedroom, she wakes up... very nice. I will say she has to work on the massage, but other skills quite nice. Stock back up.

It turned out that due to some late developments and early morning responsibilities and errands I had to run, it would actually work out better if she did not spend the night. If I wanted a morning wakeup, it would be an EARLY wakeup, and given Thursday night's workout, plus tonight's... sleep had the preference. I explained that I had to get up early, so I could either run her home, or she could stay the night, but it'd be an early morning wakeup.

Call me the fool, but given it was MY decision to curtail the evening, I was all ready to give her my normal LT fee of 500. It was for MY convience that she was leaving early. Having planned this, I did have that 500 bill in the wallet. But before I could hand it over, she said that she had to get up at 3am anyway - 4am visa run. Normally, I would have been HIGHLY IRKED to find out only AFTER we'd gotten home that a date had to leave early (mentioned beforehand, then it's MY decision on what to do). After all, if I pull LT, I expect LT. That the salary would be cut goes without saying, but also there's a loss of goodwill.

But in this case - fine, to both parties' benefit that the date was ST. Raced to the atm to get some hundred's; I felt perfectly fine handing over 300 plus a 50 tip (that 2nd shot tonight did take some effort on her part, but she's a real pro, never giving up...). She made some money; I saved some money. Worked out for both of us.

Grateful Spread
02-16-07, 23:21
I then moved to the Broadway Hotel in Rigga St. AED500 a night with very attentative staff. After checkin and a shower I went downstairs to the coffee shop where there must have been 50+WG all middle eastern flavours, with a few CIS and Turks for good measure. I just love the way they all come into the hotel dressed in black robes, but underneath, short skirts, tight tops.... I chatted with a CIS long legged blonde who quoted AED250 for 1 shot, so off we went to my room. Me first in the lift, she second after registering at the back stairs.

Over the next few days, tasted Turk, Lebanese, Syrian, Armenian and Iranian, the most I paid was AED500 for about 6 hours.

EDITOR'S NOTE: [red]I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.Nice FR! It's good to hear about new venues and experiences. Even included the prices. Look forward to the next one.

02-17-07, 13:53
I occasionally enjoy a regular massage, now that you can get females to perform them. The question of whether extra services might be offered adds an extra frisson to the experience.

I tried the "4-hands" massage at the House of Chi. Absolutely delightful and absolutely above board. Sadly none of the 4 hands went astray at any point.

Any reccos from the members?Places like House of Chi and Chinese Emirates Clinic (Al Ain centre - opp Shoe Mart in Bur Dubai) offer very good massage service period. No extra services whatsoever. If you are looking for extra services check out Gulf News Classified Section under Norther Emirates. Many phone numbers there but not really legit and hence venture at your own risk. Quality of the Massage is quite low compared to House of Chi etc. Rate 100 dhs for the Massage 100 dhs tips for the Girl for her hands and body to go astray.



Krypto Knight
02-17-07, 19:42
Lucky man! I haven't given up yet - just managing time for a daily email exchange and phone call to keep her on the backburner until I return from the land of mongering fun (Saudi Arabia) next week.May I ask where you guys are posting your "ads", as in what site, if that's postale information.

Interesting experiment.


Krypto Knight
02-17-07, 19:53
Is it just me or are the ladies becoming very skilled at negotiating? Had an afternoon visit to an MP where the masseuse spent the 1st 15 minutes of the 60-min session trying to explain why dh500 is a reasonable price (she started at 1k). Double Shooter, at the next massage parlor, try this.

After you pick the girl, before you give her the 100 AED for the room, negotiate your price.

Before I give the 100, I tell them I will give them 200 addtional for full service that should include BBBJ and FS. If they start to "negotiatiate" I head for the door. Now they don't have 100 for the room so you are in the position of negotiating power.

There's plenty of other establishments to move onto so even if she calls your bluff you can move on to a better deal.

Mickey Rooney
02-18-07, 11:54
Well, come and join me in Riyadh - a monger's paradise.....Will try to get a night off for fun (and there is fun to be had). ...

Welcome to my home hunting ground for the last year..... Even the well seasoned Mongateer, has single handedly failed to monger there..... I do hope you are able to find fun of the x-x types not the x-y types...

If so please do let me know how I could get on the scene....

all fuck one and one fuck all!


Funfor Females
02-18-07, 13:37
Hell it is good to be back. I've only been travelling for a month but it feels like an eternity.

However, there was good news awaiting.

I wrote last year of a small group of A+ PRC stunners (Very classy) who were vaguely semi-pro and leaning towards enthusiastic amatuer status. (With the emphasis on enthusiasm! )

Well, upon my return from warm, dry, miserable and inhospitable climes, where nobody has a sense of humour, I called for a livener at Longs on the way back from the airport.

To my indescribable delight I spotted one of the PALS (PRC. 'A'. List. Stunners). Wonderful news.

I had a word with Miss Z, who seemed as pleased to see me as I was to see her. It transpires that she and her fellow enthusiasts have taken to freqenting Longs and the Harvester (Crown Plaza) in an attempt to dissasociate themselves from the WG hoards.

Miss 'Z' was wearing a super short little red number which revaled seamed stockings when she exhaled. Talk about distracting, my Guiness came close to spontanious effervescence overflowing its glass.

The lady in red did her usual extravagent dance routine (Showing off) for a while and spread her conversation around 3 or 4 keen observers finally settling on a visiting mercheant seaman (Brit) to be her beau for the night.

Having had a jolly good kip and recovered from my travels I headed for the Harvester the following night to find that it ws Karioki night which did not inspire me with enthusiasm.

However, every cloud has a sliver lining, and bugger me if Miss Z and her mate didn't turn up 15 minutes later and head for the stage wearing the flirtiest little mini skirts I have seen in a long time.

We were treated to 3 vocal renditions of very reasonable quality before the pair split up and worked the room like diplomatic veterans. Shaking hands, smiling, pocketing business cards and exchnging mobile numbers. It was a delight to behold!

But everything has its limits and voyeurism wears thin very quickly, I find.

So it was a couple of Red Bulls for the lady, 0. 25 Imperial Galloons of the black stuff for me, and away hame (as the jocks say) for the dirty deed.

Absolutely tremendous. And strongly recommended. But please tread carefully and remember that these girls are Semi pro at best and all have respectable day jobs. A bit of subtlty and charm will do you no harm.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Grateful Spread
02-18-07, 14:37
In spite of being a very busy beaver in kicking off 2007, I was missing too much my favourite pastime to let work get in the way - but for various reasons I’m trying to cool things down a bit in AUH.

And so yesterday I made a special trip to Dubai to follow W.R.’s advice to check out Seaview. It felt deliciously seedy as I took the Seaview’s side door in the lobby to the skanky looking joint round the back. Two humourless brutes were in charge of manning the door with a Dhs 50 entrance fee and 2 drinks included. My initially high expectations were only marginally dampened by the fog of smoke that stung the eyes and had me running to the relatively smoke-free far end of the tiny club. Lots of PRCs and a couple of Africans were dancing to the decent Filipino 8 piece Rock n Roll ensemble. Perhaps it was too early but no flippers were apparent as of 10:30. The clientele was mostly western and a gang of Filipino lads who were celebrating with large jugs of beer.

A cute petite PRC advanced. Normally prefer my women to be duskier but she had a lovely pair of jubblies and looked as though she knew how to pleasure a punter. Come to think of it she resembled descriptions that I had read in an earlier FR on Seaview. Mainly because of language difficulties we drifted apart. I approached an equally cute African who looked as though she would suck me dry and spit out the remains. She lived in Baraha and very confidently declared that we would be going back to her room that night. I wasn’t going to disagree but I am a bit cautious of Baraha as it has been the scene of the majority of my previous DXB adventures and certain girls who lay claim to my fidelity (for some weird reason). She was from Togo and was keen to show me a copy of her ID to prove it. Another first for the record! The quest for flippers would again have to wait!

Back at hers, she had asked me to pay up front but I reasoned that I was trustworthy and that payment would be commensurate with performance (I didn’t confess that the scale started at Dhs500 and slid downwards). Reluctantly she agreed. I would urge all punters to resist demands for full payment up front. I know that the fear of spoiling the flow through confrontation may encourage us to give in to their demands but if it’s handled with tact and sincerity then she will be far more incentivised to do that much more to satisfy - And as many of us can testify to, the alternative is so often (with a few rare exceptions) a lacklustre performance.

She wouldn’t do BJ or anal but loved long tonguey snogs and she purred when I licked her pussy and inched down for Beso Negro. She had that fabulous African musky smell and taste, which is just the best aphrodisiac. The first shag was wild and sweaty and she literally cried with lust. Shags two, three and four were progressively longer and less frenetic but still blissful. Not much sleep but on a bang for buck basis, very good VFM.

At about 9am she made me a cup of hot, sweet, malted drink: very welcome boost to energy/hydration levels and which I used as my cue to leave. I gave her Dhs500 and a Dhs25 mobile top-up card, which seemed to make her happy - and a good deal for me given that I managed to stay in Dubai again without the expense of a hotel room.

On my exit, paranoia convinced me that the curtains were twitching in a dozen rooms as I sped down the street and slipped quickly past the Marhaba Hotel to hail a cab.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Funfor Females
02-18-07, 15:42
just an additional note regarding the semi pro prcs from harvester and longs bar.

the stunner i described in the post is remarkably camera shy, for obvious reasons, like she has a good job and is really only an enthusiastic pro/am.

however, have a peek at my post in the photo gallery to get a modest taste of the class and quality.

have fun but be kind and sensitive.

02-19-07, 11:59
Just an additional note regarding the semi pro PRCs from Harvester and Longs Bar. The stunner I described in the post is remarkably camera shy, for obvious reasons, like she has a good job and is really only an enthusiastic Pro/Am.
FFF - nice report and pics. Harvesters is a good place for occasional action. Some of the Rattlesnake girls go there if Rattler is too crowded and they feel like a quieter venue. It has a relaxed and quiet outdoor area, sky-high with great views over Sheikh Zayed Rd, and you can actually have a conversation. Prices for WGs around same as Rattler/York etc, but you obviously know that already.

I'm a little cautious about the "I'm not a WG but give me money for sex" story, as it's often a white-lie, designed to extract a premium from the punter.

Grateful Spread - well done again. Inexpensive home-style accommodation for the night, with a hot cutie and a hot malted drink thrown in for good measure. Next you'll also be expecting breakfast in bed as part of the deal!

Vesta - I agree with Grateful S. - excellent report on a rarely reported Deira-side place. The few reports on Broadway have always been very positive - many exotic girls dressed in erotic black abayas ;), right at your doorstep, along with reasonable prices and hot experiences. I'll give it a try one night soon.

Grateful Spread
02-19-07, 19:14
please tread carefully and remember that these girls are Semi pro at best and all have respectable day jobs. A bit of subtlty and charm will do you no harm.F4F, loved your FR. A good read and nice pics to fill in the gaps!

Actually it got the tired old grey cells working because I was intrigued by the notion of semi-pro girls and the need to “tread carefully”. Not uniquely because of your FR but also because I have come across WGs that prefer not to be considered as prostitutes. Although I know the Harvesters and have enjoyed many an evening watching football and getting merry, I have never tried to pull civilians or pro’s there as being on ‘lads nights out’, it never really occurred to me to do so at the time.

I am wondering whether the more neutral backdrop of these pubs and the allusion that the girls project that they are not prostitutes somehow distorts our own perception of them.

For example:
This week, I went with a WG from Seaview. She insisted that she worked as a hairdresser in a salon, which I have no reason to disbelieve. She is taking her driving test and intends to buy a car. To all intents and purposes, a respectable girl in a perfectly respectable job. My perception of her however, is that of a fully fledged WG. If I had had a similar experience with her in the Harvesters or Longs, would I have had the same perception or would I have labelled her a moonlighting hairdresser or semi-pro?

In Abu Dhabi, I went with a girl I met in a café of all places. She was looking for a proper job and needed money to live. If it had been limited to just that one time with me then it would have been inaccurate to categorise her as a WG. After all one swallow doesn’t make a summer* - the reality is that she finally found work in a pharmacy but still occasionally does a trick to make ends meet yet she swears that she is not a pro.

Out of all the WGs I have been with, I would count very few who are died-in-the-wool pros, i.e. detached from any human emotion, just businesswomen delivering a service for as much as she can, as often as she can. Many of them do it as a means to an end – an escape from impoverishment – and quite a few do it to supplement their meagre wages in the civilian job place. As such, shouldn’t we tread carefully with all WG’s as they are just as valid as the next human being trying to get by?

Should 'semi-pros' be approached any differently to any other WG? A rose by any other name smells just as sweet*. Isn’t a girl accepting money for sex on a continual basis a pro - not a semi pro, regardless of what she does during the day? Do we have to be more sensitive about how we go about introducing the subject of expectation or payment thereof – just because she has a daytime job? Have I missed the point?

Answers on a postcard please OR provide the smuttiest pun on these idioms*.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Krypto Knight
02-19-07, 19:30
Krypto - not so much an interesting experiment - more like a proven methodology. :D Cannot PM you the websites, because you don't have PM.Fair enough Piper. It's probably time I join as a full member. I'll do so in the next couple days and PM you with the question again.


Krypto Knight

Grateful Spread
02-19-07, 23:03
Next you'll also be expecting breakfast in bed as part of the deal!
Cheers Piper, Receipts itemised as accommodation and a trouser press would also be a bonus!

I guess you’re back from Riyadh now. My boss keeps joking that my next assignment will be there – perhaps he’s discovered who GS is on the ISG ;-)

02-20-07, 00:32
....I have come across WGs that prefer not to be considered as prostitutes.

...This week, I went with a WG from Seaview. She insisted that she worked as a hairdresser in a salon, which I have no reason to disbelieve ...would I have labelled her a moonlighting hairdresser or semi-pro?Grateful Spread,

You wrote exactly what I was thinking when I made my brief comment about WG's telling "white lies" about not being WGs.

I've been with many girls who tell me they're not really WGs, as they have a full-time job but occasionally play for some P4P cash. One is the yum Goldie, another was a cute Russian girl from Dubai Grand Hotel. Both actually worked as hairdressers (I know to be true), which doesn't pay much in Dubai.

Did I think of them differently to full-tme WGs? I have to admit it: Yes.

Illogical thinking on my part, because even full-time WGs in Dubai usually have other professions or trades behind them. Many CIS WGs are university graduates, and professional lawyers, architects, teachers, etc. Most are only in Dubai for a year or three (on and off), to get some relatively big money together for themselves and family.

I've shared some crazy times with WGs, but after they become regulars and start to confide their lives to me (family, profession, etc), I just cannot bring myself to do the same things with them. Psychologically, if I think of a working girl as a working girl, I usually take our sessions to the limit and beyond (if you know what I mean). If I think of her as regular girl, I tend to hold back a bit.

Maybe that's why I avoid taking regulars nowadays. Plus, believe it or not, being a family man, I give my emotional investments to my family, and share my sport-fucking with WGs.

Wicked Roger
02-20-07, 06:36
I have come across WGs that prefer not to be considered as prostitutes.

For example:
This week, I went with a WG from Seaview. She insisted that she worked as a hairdresser in a salon, which I have no reason to disbelieve. would I have had the same perception or would I have labelled her a moonlighting hairdresser or semi-pro?

In Abu Dhabi, I went with a girl I met in a café of all places. She was looking for a proper job and needed money to live. If it had been limited to just that one time with me then it would have been inaccurate to categorise her as a WG. After all one swallow doesn’t make a summer* - the reality is that she finally found work in a pharmacy but still occasionally does a trick to make ends meet yet she swears that she is not a pro.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

There are plenty of young girls who are semi -pro at best. The visa run is due, they need cash for Kish so they find a punter, preferably a Westerner who they think has more cash and will respect them.

I get calls from some, ex WGs who now have jobs in offices etc who turn a trick or 2 for their more favoured ex customers or sometimes ask "can you help my friend who needs the cash".

In Seaview (and FF will know better than me) some are girls who work in the shops but at Dhms 1000 per month or less and with the cost of living ever increasing they turn a trick to make money for the family back home. Simple economics and if they find a nice guy at the same time even better for them.


Grateful Spread
02-20-07, 08:54
WR, Piper thanks for your replies - I think it's an interesting point to debate


There are plenty of young girls who are semi -pro at best. The visa run is due, they need cash for Kish so they find a punter, preferably a Westerner who they think has more cash and will respect them. Agreed - but then if its only for the visa run then these girls are not even semi-pro. Isn't this is just a one-off?

I get calls from some, ex WGs who now have jobs in offices etc who turn a trick or 2 for their more favoured ex customers or sometimes ask "can you help my friend who needs the cash". I would agree with you here that in this case these ex WGs would indeed fall into the semi pro catagory - in that it is an occasional agreement and that they do not frequent bars for this purpose.

In Seaview (and FF will know better than me) some are girls who work in the shops but at Dhms 1000 per month or less and with the cost of living ever increasing they turn a trick to make money for the family back home. Simple economics and if they find a nice guy at the same time even better for them.I think this reinforces my original point - the majority of WGs are on the game to provide a modicum of financial stability. A pro is what she is because of what she does, regardless of the reasons why.

Funfor Females
02-20-07, 12:56
Just a brief thought on the debate about the Semi Pro / WG distinction.

AS I appear to started this thing with my Harvester & Longs FR I suppose I ought to chip in my three Ha'porth.

Perhaps there are 3 elements to this;

A. Intention.
B. Proportion
C. Frequency

A. INTENTION. What does a girl have in mind when she decides to out for the evening. Does she intend to go out and make a buck as a commercial priority? Or perhaps she intends to go out and have a good time, with the ancillary possiblity of shagging somebody and being richer for the experience. In the latter case, she will have had a good time anyway and as the money for sex was never a planning priority it mattereth little if it doesn't occur.

B. PROPORTION. The proportion of income derived from whoring must say something about whether the practicioner is WG or Semi Pro. Somebody who turns the occassional trick, when the mood takes her, and does not depend on the income for subsistance clearly has the option to decline an invitation to nooky.

C. FREQUENCY. Given the foregoing at A & be it follows that a girl who does not intend to maximise her whoring income by working at every opportunity, and does not depend on the income, will choose to turn tricks for other reasons. The reasons may include; occassional cash flow dramas, the need to send filthy lucre to family in the home country at Christmas or new year, a periodic peak in the horniness factor, fun, the influence of others or the availability of spare time. In any of these scenarios there is no critical frquency, unlike the full time WG for whom frequency is vital given a stable charging scale. The more she does the more she makes.

So, in summary, when a woman intends to maximise the commercial value of her sexuality, derives all or the majority of her income from whoring and does it on a daily basis, then she is without question a WG.

Where a little lovely chooses to say 'Yes' only when she wants to and the shagging is not generally part of the plan, and she derives only a part of her income from her fingers and fanny, and where she does not do it on a frequent and regular basis, then she is probably Semi Pro.

Of course the pther important point here is to recognise that there are 3 groups. The WGs, the Semi Pros and the enthusiastic amateurs. An amateur is going to shag ONLY because she wants to, with no commercial perspective whatsoever.

Where a girl fits within neither the WG or amateur definition she is probably a semi-pro.

I am talking shite here. If I am please say so. But I don't't think I am.

But there again, so long as she says 'Yes' and the deal is within acceptable limits who gives a fuck about her motivation? Or maybe we should? I don't know.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

02-20-07, 17:02
I would urge all punters to resist demands for full payment up front. I know that the fear of spoiling the flow through confrontation may encourage us to give in to their demands but if it’s handled with tact and sincerity then she will be far more incentivised to do that much more to satisfy - And as many of us can testify to, the alternative is so often (with a few rare exceptions) a lacklustre performance.Hmmm. Where have I heard "Pay After" before? :)

Timing of payment is something I clarify IN the bar, BEFORE leaving (though I get lulled into complacency because I am "known"; then, once I don't mention, get bitten, so back to mentioning). While some might consider it cutting down on the spontaneity, I find that once the "money" aspect is out of the way, it stays out of the way, allowing for a smooth ride, pun intended. Besides, if known up-front, I can make my go/no-go decisions with full facts while other options are readily available.

Lackluster performance? Ran into a string of that several months back, but for the most part, I've had rather good experiences. Then again, I tend to make sure the desires of BOTH parties are clarified in the bar, so there are no negative surprises back home for either of us.

02-20-07, 17:22
Well guys I spent a few days in Dubai a couple of weeks back and will be heading back next weekend.


Went to the old stand-by Cyclone. Choices were a plenty the usual seperation between CIS and PRC. Hooked up with a really cute PRC with a great rack. Took her back to the room and had a great time together. She was a "8" in my book. Negotiated 600 LT and she stayed until early the next morning. All in all a great time.


Wanted to hit a few places as the previous experience was only with Cyclone. Started about 10pm. Headed to the Moscow Hotel and checked out the "Red Square. " I had heard that you could find some Persian action in there. Man. YUCK! There were some WG's in attendance but the quality was really poor. The band was not bad and the drinks were fairly reasonable but I really could not hang out very long as the quality was so low.

Headed from there over to "Rockafellas. " Better Party atmosphere with a smattering of PRC, CIS, and some Africans. The ratio of w/m was pretty good. But really could not find anything that tickled my fancy. Hung out for about 40 mins or so then headed over to York.

York. My god I felt so violated after walking in this place. HAHAHAHAHAHA. The usual African majority with some PRC also in attendance. Saw some really sexy African girls but based on prior reading here I was skeptical about their potential performance level. Hung out with a really sexy African and her less than sexy friend who wanted me to take them both. Would not have minded a three way with the sexy one but her friend did nothing for me at all. Made the old. "Gotta hit the bathroom" run out the door.

Headed over to the Seaview. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Must have been to early as it was pretty dead. Unless I hit the wrong bar. Opps.

From there went back to Cyclone. I know. Old habits die hard. Cruised the track for a while and really did not find anything on the first few attempts that struck me. Walked. Walked. And walked. Finally I look down and it is like 230am. Uh oh. Time to ramp up the search a bit. Having already tasted PRC I was not really interested in them but time was getting short. Then at 3 the lights come on. OH NO! Get ushered outside like a herd of cattle and the hunt continues. Once outside the usual African grope fest starts! Very nasty gals that there was no way I was taking. Finally after about 45 mins walking around outside I grabbed a CIS and negotiated 800 LT. Not my first choice but hey I was in a time crunch. On a side note. Outside there were no problems. Police were there but really just directing traffic and not hassling anyone. Back to the room and man we had a great time. By this time it was like 6am. Boom. Feel asleep. I wake up at like 11am to this AWFUL noise. What was it? The girl was Snoring LOUD! I tried to be nice and just bear with it but after and hour or so I was ready to be done! I woke her up and told her I had a meeting to go to. Funny thing was she kinda got upset. Oh well. She bolted and I moved on.


After the late night Thursday I took it easy. Checked out the Renissance hotel sports bar (see Hotel thread). Not bad but nothing that struck me.

Headed out the next day.

Will be back in town Sunday night and Monday night this coming week. Anyones else to be around? Might be a bit more fun to hook up and hit the spots with a fellow monger. Shoot me a PM if so.

Still looking for that elusive Persian (Iranian) beauty. Don't mind paying a bit more. Hopefully I can find it this time. Any suggestions other than the recent reports on whre I can get one of these elusive beuaties?

Thanks guys. Will report again sometime next week.

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02-20-07, 19:46
More on Semi Pro PRC ... Have fun but be kind and sensitive. My initial reaction was why are you qualifying "be kind and sensitive" to semi-pros (only)? I'd say any human being responds positively to those actions.

But I found the other comments interesting.

Not uniquely because of your FR but also because I have come across WGs that prefer not to be considered as prostitutes.The "no day-job's" know what they are doing, but everyone I've met never REALLY considered herself a career prostitute - just, as GS said, as a TEMPORARY "means to an end". As Piper said, all used to have a legit job back home until factory closure, layoff, economic collapse, divorce encouraged them to look elsewhere...

This week, I went with a WG from Seaview. She insisted that she worked as a hairdresser in a salon, which I have no reason to disbelieve. ... To all intents and purposes, a respectable girl in a perfectly respectable job. My perception of her however, is that of a fully fledged WG. If I had had a similar experience with her in the Harvesters or Longs, would I have had the same perception or would I have labelled her a moonlighting hairdresser or semi-pro?Prostitute: A person who engages in sexual intercourse for money. So what difference does the frequency bring to the assessment? Pro or semi-pro - is there something that I'm missing that makes one better (or less stigmatized) than the other? Being slightly facetious, but the Pro does NOT have to leave EARLY in order to get ready for the legit day-job (I have pulled some moonlighters, and unless it was a Thursday night, they DID have to leave early...)

Out of all the WGs I have been with, I would count very few who are died-in-the-wool pros, i.e. detached from any human emotion, just businesswomen delivering a service for as much as she can, as often as she can. Many of them do it as a means to an end – an escape from impoverishment – and quite a few do it to supplement their meagre wages in the civilian job place. As such, shouldn't we tread carefully with all WG’s as they are just as valid as the next human being trying to get by?Likewise, I don't think I've met any hardcore pros here. As stated, they're here to support a family back home, save up some cash for a career change on the return home. MY experience is most of the ones I've met (Dubai based, no experience with Abu Dhabi) are full time wg's - only day job might be an appearance at an afternoon's TGIT, or I do know some that are taking some (English) language classes.

Most important, I TOTALLY agree with your last line. Like I said in the first response to F4F: I don't differentiate between a WG and a human being, regardless of her frequency state.

The stunner I described in the post is remarkably camera shy, for obvious reasons, like she has a good job and is really only an enthusiastic Pro/Am.
I am wondering whether the more neutral backdrop of these pubs and the allusion that the girls project that they are not prostitutes somehow distorts our own perception of them.In some ways, a moonlighter has more at risk if found out. Certainly given the idiocy that abounds here, a lot of harassment at work could be expected from some customer/co-worker that happens to stumble across her moonlighting career, either by personal observation or seeing a careless photo. I'd venture to say that she is counting on the "neutral backdrop" of said pubs to provide plausible denial-ability in case she runs into "somebody".

I've shared some crazy times with WGs, but after they become regulars and start to confide their lives to me (family, profession, etc), I just cannot bring myself to do the same things with them. Psychologically, if I think of a working girl as a working girl, I usually take our sessions to the limit and beyond (if you know what I mean). If I think of her as regular girl, I tend to hold back a bit. No, I don't know what you mean. When you don't know her, she's just a piece of meat until, after time, maybe she evolves to become human? Tell me, how many times do you have to pull her before she becomes a person? To each his own, but for me, rather a poor commentary on yourself.

Myself, I have my own delusions in the P4P world, but they're along the lines of that classic film, Risky Business. You know, when Tom Cruise is doing his marketing to his friends, "You can take her out to dinner, $50, this and that, $25 here and there; total, $100, and MAYBE you get lucky. This way, take the same amount of money for a sure thing." I've never looked down on them, considered them "less", nor done anything just because "what the hell, she's just a wg". To each his own.


On a lighter note:

Feel asleep. I wake up at like 11am to this AWFUL noise. What was it? The girl was Snoring LOUD! Brought back fond (well some) memories... Pulled one girl where I could not sleep AT ALL she snored so loud. Moved her to the guest bedroom - I could STILL hear her. Incredible.

02-20-07, 20:04
No, I don't know what you mean. When you don't know her, she's just a piece of meat until, after time, maybe she evolves to become human? Tell me, how many times do you have to pull her before she becomes a person? To each his own, but for me, rather a poor commentary on yourself.
I was waiting for you to pick up on my comment - what took you so long?

I agree with you: you don't know what I mean. (But between you and me, I think deep down you do). I treat all WGs as humans from the beginning. I don't think I need to explain myself. Read my reports. The girls always have a good time - lots of laughs, feeling relaxed, and generally a fun time all round. Oh, the sex is good too. ;)

Cool Tiger
02-20-07, 20:30
Call Tiger Lilly... if you have a Home or Hotel room for me to visit. OUTCALLS ONLY!!

You must be Fit and Healthy - otherwise it is your own risk!!



New for this part of the world.... direct marketing in the classified ads...... or is it marketing by friend/pimp, lol?

02-21-07, 06:47
Headed from there over to "Rockafellas. " Better Party atmosphere with a smattering of PRC, CIS, and some Africans. The ratio of w/m was pretty good.

Headed over to the Seaview. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Must have been to early as it was pretty dead. Unless I hit the wrong bar. Opps.
Interesting - PRC and Africans at Rockefellers, it used to be all CIS. Are you sure the PRC were not oriental 'Stanis? I suspect you found the bar in the lobby of the Seaview. The club is around the back.

On the subject of WG / part time WG / non WG.

The following quote seems relevant (for the pedantic it was probably George Bernard Shaw, not Churchill)

Churchill: Madam, would you sleep with me for five million pounds?
Socialite: My goodness, Mr. Churchill... Well, I suppose... we would have to discuss terms, of course...
Churchill: Would you sleep with me for five pounds?
Socialite: Mr. Churchill, what kind of woman do you think I am?!
Churchill: Madam, we've already established that. Now we are haggling about the price.

02-21-07, 07:03
Not surprising there were only 4 PRC’s.One stopped by and tried to interest me, then another. The second girl was understandably subdued. I had wished her happy new year, and she said "not happy". I felt sorry for them.

There were some younger, leggy and attractive CIS I have not seen before, but then again I don’t get to Jockey’s much these days, a couple of attractive ‘Stanis and the usual old CIS broilers. A CIS made quite an entrance in a short skirt and thigh high, patent leather, stiletto heeled boots, trouble was, she was a Deidre Barlow look alike, I kid you not!

I got approached by the African Miss "I see you are admiring me" from the Seaview. She really thinks she is something special.

02-21-07, 08:08
Also relevant

Mr Churchill at a dinner/banquet,

Madame to Churchill - Mr Churchill you are drunk,

Churchill to Madame- Madame you are ugly, but I will be sober in the morning.

02-21-07, 08:13
Also relevant

Mr Churchill at a dinner/banquet,

Socialite to Churchill - Mr Churchill you are drunk,

Churchill to Socialite- Madame you are ugly, but I will be sober in the morning.

Funfor Females
02-21-07, 09:36
My initial reaction was why are you qualifying "be kind and sensitive" to semi-pros (only)? I'd say any human being responds positively to those actions.11Bravo,

Entirely agree, good point well made. My recommendation for kindness and sensitivity was intended as strategic advice based in self interest.

As these girls can be picky and discriminatory, but are well worth the effort, it pays to be nice if you want to get your leg over.

I did not intend to be socially devisive or imply that full time WGs are a lower form of life.

Pure self interest, and practical advice.

My Kapitan
02-21-07, 15:27
Of course the pther important point here is to recognise that there are 3 groups. The WGs, the Semi Pros and the enthusiastic amateurs. An amateur is going to shag ONLY because she wants to, with no commercial perspective whatsoever.

Where a girl fits within neither the WG or amateur definition she is probably a semi-pro.

I am talking shite here. If I am please say so. But I don't't think I am.

But there again, so long as she says 'Yes' and the deal is within acceptable limits who gives a fuck about her motivation? Or maybe we should? I don't know.Dear oh dear does it make any difference? You are paying for an agreed outcome. Who cares?

Ever bought the wife or girlfriend a present? All women want is security in a world that even now is still heavily stacked in mens favour. Most of the girls in dxb are supporting famililies at home whether by ilegitimate or legal means.

I treat them all with respect and expect the same in return, they are simply humans doing the best they can to survive. They haven't had the advantages you have had by birth/nationality. Many of the girls are highly educated but simply cannot get the work their qualifications should bring due to the simple fact that they come from the wrong part of the world.

Moving on - spent two of the last three weeks in dxb and have simply been amazed at the changes - all the CIS have evacuated the Regal (well the lookers anyway). Another example of persecution due to race ie the LE have targeted CIS and allowed the PRC and African to take over - sad.

I'll be happy to move to Spain in the summer, and keep my happy memories of a once fun city.

02-21-07, 16:55
- all the CIS have evacuated the Regal (well the lookers anyway). Another example of persecution due to race ie the LE have targeted CIS and allowed the PRC and African to take over The LE targeting is across the board, but in a cyclical manner. There was a time last year when the Rocafellas seemed totally immune and all the heat was on PRC’s at the York and Astoria, Lately the Cyclone and by the sound of it Rocafellas and the CIS are the targets. There is probably some logic somewhere but it escapes me. If they really wanted to end the bar scene it would be easy to do so (but it would drive things more underground).

Wicked Roger
02-21-07, 18:52
I treat them all with respect and expect the same in return, they are simply humans doing the best they can to survive. They haven't had the advantages you have had by birth/nationality. Many of the girls are highly educated but simply cannot get the work their qualifications should bring due to the simple fact that they come from the wrong part of the world.

I'll be happy to move to Spain in the summer.....and keep my happy memories of a once fun city.MK,

You and I have always agreed on this point, respect pays dividends in the end, brownie points are so important especially if the WG moves on and passes you to her friends :)

Shame you are finally leaving these shores, will miss your humour and teh GBs we have had plus the DPs.

See you soon.


Tony #1
02-22-07, 12:50
Hello fellas,

I'm pissed off with whats happening with the CIS because they're my favourites. With all this le activirty going on. Where's the best place to pick up the CIS. Still Cyclone premiere? Any help would be appreciated.

Also looks like the girls are branching out to less obvious places like Longs, Sheraton / Hilton Creek.

I mentioned a while ago Mic Club at the Grand Hyatt had some nice CIS girls, all 800 - 1200. The girls I spoke to told me theyre all ex-Cyclone girls, but never go there any more.


02-22-07, 14:38
Hi Badboy9613,

Try the Amnesia next to Hard Rock Cafe.

You will love it.



02-23-07, 01:55
Hi Badboy9613,

Try the Amnesia next to Hard Rock Cafe.

You will love it.


RagojiThank you. I will be there Sunday night AND Monday night if necessary. :)

02-23-07, 02:10
Hi all,

Last week was in Dubai and really enjoyed it. Called my regular ukranian and she came and spent 4 hours. Crown plaza is ok specially if you know the secret way from trader's vic to the hotel not passing by the lobby; )

Later checked on amnesia not that great actually. Saw couple of nice looking but bad attitude which I don't like. Interesting one was one who had her sister, only 2 weeks in dubai and doesn't know english and she quoted 1000!

Another day checked on Cyclone. Same old story. All snobbish quoting 1500 and no real talent in my openion. Finally checked a redhead with nice attitude and bingo. Agreed to spend the night for 700D.

Again insisted on 2 taxis. LE fear and back in my room I explained to her she won't leave until 6 am; ) and we had 5 hours of steamy sex on valentine's day. It was best valentine ever. I finished 9 times and she finished 11; ) too bad I ran out of condoms LOL.

Anyway coming next week and hope to find a real talent. But was really concerned with what I read about regal and othe rlocations as I'm mainly interested in CIS. May think of trying broadway as there were some nice reports but not sure what timings are best for that.

Have fun.

Luper Calia
02-23-07, 22:03
Still looking for that elusive Persian (Iranian) beauty. Don't mind paying a bit more. Hopefully I can find it this time. Any suggestions other than the recent reports on whre I can get one of these elusive beauties?

I had some luck with Iranian Girls in December. Both times, I met them in the early afternoon at Broadway Hotel. The ground floor bar here is well used during the afternoon by CIS and others. First time, I noticed two girls sitting together. The most forward, called Leyla was not my type buth the other, Aida was younger and very attractive. She said that she was Iranian / Lebanese. We agreed AED500 for an afternoon session. She did not have a place and borrowed Leyla's keys. Had a good time, DATY and sex, no BJ, which does not bother me and I did not press on this. Leyla came home towards the end and wanted to join in, but she was not for me.

A few days later, same time same place, Leyla is there again. This time with another young girl, Sarah. Even better looking and Iranian / Armenian. Whilst she was in western dress in the bar, she miraculously adjusted this to local dress (a bit of a turn on) in the taxi so that she arrived respectably. Once again at Leyla's place. Similar story to last time, sweet tasting DATY and sex. This girl had a wonderful smell to her which I can't describe but would recognise again in an instant Again, no BJ, but I can't even remember if I asked.

Both girls told me that they like to go to the Hard Rock cafe in the evenings, so this moght be another place to try. I've never been so others might advise.

02-24-07, 05:48
Jules Bar – Meridian Airport Hotel.
Friday – 9:00 to 11:00

It was my first time at this bar on the “wrong side of the creek” (for me). I was in the area with a date and we decided to drop in. Before ten it was sparse, mostly couples, a few single men. A very competent Filipino band playing R&B started at nine, with a change of line up at ten not exactly my style of music but they play it well enough.

About 10 O’clock a few WG’s arrived, a handful of PRC, some nice lookers too, I got shit from my date for looking at one particular girl too much! There were also a bunch of CIS, I did not get a good look but there were a couple of lookers, at least from a distance.

Having said that I would say clientele was 75% civilian. There were lots of Filipinos, couples, guys, a couple of seeming unattached Filipinas, all having a laugh with the band with a lot of banter in Tagalog. One of the singers makes “Mr Prancy” at the Rattlesnake look positively butch!

In conclusion, worth a look if you are in the area, not a lot of girls to choose from but there were some lookers – YMMV as always. As it’s not too overtly P4P it is a reasonable place for a date with a nice atmosphere.

Funfor Females
02-24-07, 09:25
Hi all,

It was best valentine ever. I finished 9 times and she finished 11; ) too bad I ran out of condoms LOL.Ramsis,

I am not surprised you ran out of fucking condoms.

Nine? Nine times? Do you mean '9'? Are you alluding to that which lies between eight and ten?

Are you absolutely sure on the details here? Was it five hours or five weeks she stayed with you.

Are you serious? Oh bloody hell, now I understand where I have been going wrong.

And as for her cumming 11 times, how on earth do you know? I don't mean how do you know she reached orgasm (Although that might be a valid question) I mean who the fuck was keeping the score?

On the basis that the average orgasm is reckoned to be 8 seconds in paradise the pair of you have notched up 160 seconds worth of bodily bliss.

Bloody hell!

Can this be real? I jolly well hope not, because if word gets out the rest of us are going to be in deep trouble with the fairer sex. And you are going to need a body guard to keep you from physical exhaustion at the hands of haridans.

On the bright side however, the WG community might get wind of your achievements and commercially restructure. They might move to a pay per cum basis. Fine by me. Anything that brings the costs down.

02-24-07, 13:38
3 months ago I met Julia at Cyclone ... went back to my hotel at 12 and she left at 6 am. We really had great time, she will never forget. I made her cumm like 14 times and I used 12 condoms.

... we had 5 hours of steamy sex on valentine's day. I finished 9 times and she finished 11; ) too bad I ran out of condoms
Ramsis, this time you finished only 9 times in 5 hours, and she finished only 11 times. You're slowing down, old chap!

02-24-07, 14:43
Thursday Night:

First went to York, but I did not see anything I like so I moved on to Rattlesnake. Spotted a very nice PRC lady, maybe late 20s and around a 7 in my book. I was a bit drunk at the time so then she seemed like a 9.

Agreed on a price of 600 AED LT, and we got a taxi back to my place. She asked for money up front but I politely but firmly said no and she was ok with that. (see my last post for what happens when you pay before) She gave me a really nice massage followed by a DATY, BBBJ and FS. She provided a true GFE with lots of kissing and chatting etc. In the morning a received a nice HJ before dropping her back at her apartment. Overall rating 8/10

Friday Night:

Sitting in my apartment at around 10pm and was getting bored, so I thought why not hit Rattlesnake for a couple of beers, but no lady. Arrived at around 10: 30 and it was already getting busy. At the door there was a family with kids trying to get in, but the doormen advised them that maybe it was not the best place for a family outing!

Saw the girl from the previous night and had a chat with her, but explained only come for beer. Kept getting the normal offers around the bar area, so I retreated upstairs to the pool area. Once up stairs I was approached by another PRC which I had chatted to a couple of weeks ago. She told me she wanted to try me tonight. At first I said no, but I soon relented especially as she put her hand down my trousers in the bar and I gave in to my urges. We agreed on the price of 500 AED LT and took a taxi back

See then gave me some of the best service I have received in Dubai. I gave her a long DATY session, and then I got a BBBJ followed by FS, and then another BBBJ to completion with CIM. We then fell asleep. In the morning I got another BBBJ to completion with CIM which was a good bonus. Got her number, paid her the 500 AED and gave her a lift back to her apartment. Overall rating 9/10 and I will call her again 100%.

02-24-07, 23:39
Ramsis, this time you finished only 9 times in 5 hours, and she finished only 11 times. You're slowing down, old chap!LOL well no one can compete with you, but remember I ran out of condoms LOL and she is totally hygenic freak so no CIM or cum on her belly or tists. Anyway will make it up probably soon.

Any news about Le Meridien sondos suites? I know Le Meridien is normally ok and dar elsondos is ok but the hotel sondos suits don't know: (specially that I already arranged with olga, the Russian delight I met last time.

Also what about broadway. Is it ok to take the girl back to my hotel or they only work in there? Exclusive?

Anyway have fun. And who knows maybe will run into each other.


02-25-07, 20:42
I was in Dubai last month. Apologies for the long delay in posting. I decided to go ALL OUT and splurge. So I hit Cyclone. I was having a hard time deciding. Everytime I found a girl I wanted, another guy moved in and snatched her away. Finally found a girl. Starting price: 1500. She would NOT budge. This girl was DROP DEAD GORGEOUS. I'm talking catwalk model. Looked like Uma Thurman. I decided to go for it. She even had her own car, but refused to give me a lift. So I had to take a taxi and she followed the cab to the hotel (Four Points Sheraton, which contrary to some reports, is still 100% GF).

She was an absolute animal in bed. After the first two rounds, I was dead tired and falling asleep. It was about 3am at this point. But she kept nudging me asking "You no want me again?" I tried but failed for a third try and told her we would go at it in the morning again.

I wake up about 7am and...SHE WAS GONE!

My mistake? I paid her when she got to the hotel. I explained I would not pay until the morning but she swore up and down she would stay until at least 7am and have breakfast with me.

I was suckered, and I deserved it. That's what I get for paying beforehand, and for getting to drunk at Cyclone.

Still, I gotta say, she was SO FINE, that she was worth every Dirham!

Tony #1
02-25-07, 20:58
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted in accordance with the ISG Forum's Zero Tolerance policy regarding reports containing any personal attacks or derogatory comments directed towards another forum member.

Please be advised that Forum Members who succeed in having three or more of their reports deleted for personal attacks against other forum members will be banned under the Forum's Serial Antagonist Policy.

1 down, 2 to go

Will somebody please report this guy's next personal attack via the "Report this Post to a Moderator" link, and be sure to note that it will be his 2nd violation.



Luper Calia
02-25-07, 22:27
Also what about broadway. Is it ok to take the girl back to my hotel or they only work in there? Exclusive?Ramsis, sorry if I did not make this clear. In my case, they both took me to the same apartment in Bur Dubai. Otherwise, they would have been very happy to have gone to an hotel. Broadway is just a pick up place like many others.

02-25-07, 23:17
I got stuck at some work back in the hotel. So no time for broadway. Anyway went at 10: 30 to Regal the place was really empty not like before and not so many stunners. Saw few I liked but very bad attitude and for me it's essential to click. Anyway only 2 made an impression, one barbie like in sexy dress and fishnet. But very cold with me so passed. And another one really nice called Roxana from Russia but she wants 1500! And for 2 hours in the afternoon special price 750! But I think she is worth it but still too much. Got her number for the record.

Left at 1, headed to york and the usual PRC african mix. But noticed the new stuff, the CIS madam shit. Where there are bunch of new faces and madams run them and you pay at the bar! And they don't give mobile number as you pick her from the bar. Met 2 that I liked and quoted 500 for the night.

But most of the girls I met won't do it more than twice max 3 times which I don't like. Lucky for me I have the last time 2 contacts and will have each in the coming nights and they are drop dead gorgious. One blonde ukranian from premiere and other redhead russian from cyclone.

Wish me luck; ) and yes. Bought 2 packs this time; )

02-26-07, 01:32
... Finally found a girl. Starting price: 1500. She would NOT budge. This girl was DROP DEAD GORGEOUS. I'm talking catwalk model. Looked like Uma Thurman. ...
She was an absolute animal in bed. After the first two rounds, I was dead tired and falling asleep. It was about 3am at this point. But she kept nudging me asking "You no want me again?" I tried but failed for a third try and told her we would go at it in the morning again.

I wake up about 7am and...SHE WAS GONE!

My mistake? I paid her when she got to the hotel. I explained I would not pay until the morning but she swore up and down she would stay until at least 7am and have breakfast with me.

I was suckered, and I deserved it. That's what I get for paying beforehand, and for getting to drunk at Cyclone.

Still, I gotta say, she was SO FINE, that she was worth every Dirham!Big Bob - fun report. I'd estimate she left about 3:30am, after nudging you a couple more times to make sure you were fast asleep and happily snoring away. ;) At least you had a good splurge with a wild stunner! Sex in the morning is over-rated anyway, IMHO. I like a good long romp or two at night (nature's sleeping pill), but in the morning, it's a quick wham-bang-thank-you-Piper, then off to work for the day.

Wicked Roger
02-26-07, 06:35
Sex in the morning is over-rated anyway, IMHO. I like a good long romp or two at night (nature's sleeping pill), but in the morning, it's a quick wham-bang-thank-you-Piper, then off to work for the day.

That maybe your view but you know your friend's differ - remember we have have seen your morning 'perfomance' before ;)

See you soon (are you allowed out to play this week - will PM you)


My Kapitan
02-26-07, 07:25
Tony No1 what brought this on? WR is definitely not as described by you and neither is P1 both of whom I know personally unlike you. Both can be described as gentlemen - not bastards - unlike you.

If you don’t like his pics don’t open them - simple. As for the absence of condoms well that’s his choice (I don’t approve but I will defend his right to free choice). Whats all the crap about plastic millionaires? Neither WR or Piper make any pretentious comments about income or lifestyle - I don't see your point.

Your FR (if it can be called such) is an unwarranted attack and I have reported it to Jackson. It will be deleted (like your post 2455) and I hope you are banned from the forum.
Looking through your posts they are mainly questions although to be fair you have occasionally given out some worthwhile info, however all have a consistently arrogant theme combined with appalling spelling.

I sincerely hope not to meet you on the Costa's when I relocate in June and by the way I have not seen a single post from you on the Spanish forum.

Your departure from this forum will cause no diminishment.


Jimmy K II
02-26-07, 13:13
and we had 5 hours of steamy sex on valentine's day. It was best valentine ever. I finished 9 times and she finished 11; ) too bad I ran out of condoms LOL.

Have fun.

@ Ramsis: can you pleae tell me, which kind of ED-Pills you take :-)
Sorry for this question, but 9 shots in 5h is in my eyes a very enduring performance!

Nevertheless wish you most of fun !


02-26-07, 18:33
Does any one have any info on the scene in Sharjah?

I heard that there are south asian girls available, but what about CIS, North Indian and Pakistani? Are any of them available. Or does one have to travel down to Dubai?

Also are Pakistani girls still available in naif road in deria, was in naif road, a few times last month, and did not see any free lance Pakistani/Indian girls on streets.

Thesnake My Kap
02-26-07, 19:34
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted in accordance with the ISG Forum's Zero Tolerance policy regarding reports containing any personal attacks or derogatory comments directed towards another forum member.

Please be advised that Forum Members who succeed in having three or more of their reports deleted for personal attacks against other forum members will be banned under the Forum's Serial Antagonist Policy.

1 down, 2 to go

Will somebody please report this guy's next personal attack via the "Report this Post to a Moderator" link, and be sure to note that it will be his 2nd violation.



02-27-07, 00:07
Hi all

First of all this thread is one of the richest in ISG and better focus on keeping it so other than just throw meaningless words which will add nothing. So let the motto be if you have something good to add then add it, if not then.

Back to basics. Can't believe the traffic! First waited 1 full hour for a taxi to leave dubai media city and another 50 min to go to city center. Really cannot believe it.

Had a long day but made it up by meeting miss O, the russian redhead I met from cyclon last time. Called her and she came over to my hotel at 9 as agreed. Funny she was knocking on my door as I was waiting for her infront of the hotel. LOL. Had a fantastic night. SUPER. She just left at 2: 45 am and this time will not tell how many packs I used! : p

All in all great experiance and she is really into it with me which I find very important. Most russians if they are for the money which they are 4 sure. Want it as a job like having a RLD experiance or just wanting you to finish so they sleep or leave < not the ones I was with> but the ones I saw lately. And also no more than 2-3 shots. I like miss O type. Over and over and over. Yes she is 4 the money but once settled. Forget and enjoy and aiming to please:) I gave her 700 like last time and 50 extra for the taxi. I thought of roxana yesterday who wanted 750 for 2 hours plus taxi! Silly! Besides I rememer Miss O is working in a company so she has to wake up early never the less she stayed and didn't push to leave.

Maybe will see her again tomorrow and maybe also bring her younger cousin; ) we'll see

Cheers and have fun. Btw. Seen the oscars?

02-27-07, 05:40
Way to go TheSnake.

Three posts and absolutely nothing to contribute. Out of the three, you've had one deleted for being argumentative, one which is a 'pat-on-the-back' in the photo section and your latest vitriol. Nice move.

I think you may find this forum less cliquey (note spelling) if you actually made a contribution. You know, like: which hotels have you visited, which bars have you seen, what sort of women were in them, what were they like, how much did they charge and did you have a good or bad time?

This would earn you more respect than just sniping from the sidelines. But then, with your attitude towards the forum, are you particularly interested? Why do you bother even writing?

Have a nice life.

Thesnake My Kap
02-27-07, 05:57
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the content of the report was largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

Wicked Roger
02-27-07, 06:29
Way to go TheSnake.

Three posts and absolutely nothing to contribute. Out of the three, you've had one deleted for being argumentative, one which is a 'pat-on-the-back' in the photo section and your latest vitriol. Nice move.

I think you may find this forum less cliquey (note spelling) if you actually made a contribution. You know, like: which hotels have you visited, which bars have you seen, what sort of women were in them, what were they like, how much did they charge and did you have a good or bad time?

This would earn you more respect than just sniping from the sidelines. But then, with your attitude towards the forum, are you particularly interested? Why do you bother even writing?

Have a nice life.Well said EC

Wonder if there is any relationship between TheSnake, Tony #1 and Mazzo99. All acting somewhat prattish on the board, maybe split personalities between the TS/Tony and Mazzo?

Two being somewhat argumentative for no reason apart from they appear to get their rocks off on it (as presumably they can't get their rocks of anywhere else ;)) and Mazzo's constant cry (and under a different ID I am guessing) for info on ladies. Sad really

Also Tony #1 and TS can't spell or construct a decent sentence either. When T1 used the 'C' word I thought he was going to call Piper and me Cute - and we all know Jackson's views on homosexual talk on the board. Perhaps that is a clue.......


02-27-07, 09:37
When T1 used the 'C' word I thought he was going to call Piper and me Cute .
WRHey, I AM cute! :)

As for TheSnake, his previous handle was 'The Artist' (a minor pest). Prior to that his handle was 'On The Go', a long-term serial pest who was eventually banned for long-term abuse. He's purely a one-handed keyboard warrior, with no field reports from any of his many handles.

02-27-07, 10:01
I live in Kyiv but read reports here and in Prague!

Hope this link will get everyone back to:

What we are supposed to be doing!

Keep our focus.


LS Guy

02-27-07, 13:30
after 3 long years and spending what seems like a very very long dry spell, i finally managed to squeeze in a couple of days trip to dubai...yippeee! the land of unlimited flowing cis pussy. my hotel booking tale is given in the hotel section so i won't crib here about the hassle i went through and how my plans for spending some quality time in an exotic hotel went down the drain.

so continuing my story of the first night (from where i left off in the hotel section)... now in the night club i was pretty damn aware of the fact that:

1. i have not discussed the menu with this african hottie
2. i have not discussed the price tag
3. i have not discussed time of departure

but it was like what the hell, at least something is better than nothing and if she makes it up to the room, i'll at least get laid. after so long i was pretty excited in anticipation of seeing those perfect large juggs that i broke the golden rules. honestly, i just thought that at 230 am plus i should not ruin my chances of getting laid by getting into issues and at a hotel which might not allow me to bring in a girl from outside. i was at that time just happy to get a one time lay, i knew that her being african meant that 90% i would not get a blow job and the price...well even when she is up, she cannot make me pay more than i want to...so i took the risk. and not to mention the fact that i felt piper would be really proud of me of picking up an african gem…so i had to have her.

well she came up and hmmm even in bright she wasn't bad. very nice physique, thin waist with huge definitely d cup tits, and considerably fair (maybe that's why i liked her, she did not look african at all). the first thing i asked her was the price to which she promptly replied 500 aed. ok that was decent. for how long was my next question to which she smiled and one time ofcourse. now 500 aed for one time and that too at this hour and from an african was too much so i quickly improvised. i was prepared for the price so i negotiated number of times and got her agreed on 2 times.

then the condom thingy happened (i had asked her for bringing her own condoms downstairs at the club to which she had agreed and apparently in the room she confessed she had forgotten them and thus the call to the reception). during my freaking out period she had told me her name and where she was from but as i was too tensed about that call to the reception i do not remember her name just barely recall the fact that she was ethopia to which i had told her that she told me that she was from the south or north hell i really don't remember.

well after the condoms were delivered we kissed around a little (on the cheeks...she wouldn't do dfk) and she started to lick me all over. wouldn't take a shower, so i refrained my self from licking her body parts. she slowly undressed me, while giving me a cat bath. now this woman wasn't bad where using her tongue was concerned. she spent a good 5 mins plus on my nipples. i couldn't hold of much longer, i had to get to those tits of hers and i started stripping her. and man were those knockers great. perfect tits, all natural, firm and not drooping, erect large nipples and best of all devoid from any marks. she actually had good clean skin. well i don't know how long i spent on those tits, i eventually found myself on top of her on the bed.

i normally (with bigger tits) suck both nipples simultaneously and it does surprise the ladies and they just love it. this one however before i could pull of the move asked me to suck them together...surprise surprise. i obliged and i could feel that this woman is rocketing high. i turned her around and started kissing her very well rounded ass. it was actually beautiful. now normally this is where i start my daty process (working from rimming) but since she had not had a shower and i knew i most probably won't be getting a blow job, i stopped my self from further action and i limited myself to the cheeks only.

she somehow got the hind and pushed my on my back and slipped on the condom and started riding me. wow she was tight, her hands on my chest, her pussy sliding up and down on lil bro and her buttocks just stopping cms short of touching my body, i cupped her breasts and sucked hard.

after a couple of minutes i decided to go missionary and apply my patented moves. although i love cowgirl and reverse cow girl, i can never finish off in this position - a girl can ride me for hours and i won't come. missionary is where i get very creative and have invented dozens of positions within (something i am very proud of) and ofcourse doggie is something i really really love and it doesn't take me long to cum in that position, so i keep it for the end.

so time to impress the hell out of this african babe with my missionary skills, so off she went on her back. i went in what i call the pre monkey (girl's legs pushed back over my shoulders, with my legs straight and the thrust coming straight from my butt). she started letting out these massive groans. ah she is enjoying, after a couple of thrusts, i applied the monkey (same position of legs but pushed back so her knees are touching her tits and i fold my legs underneath her ass...her entire ass and back are rolled up, so that the pussy is actually pointed towards the roof) and i started pumping her. i could feel her g-spot with every thrust and she started wincing in pain. oh you too strong, too strong...okay now is that pleasure or pain...couldn't make out a clue. well i proceeded anyways, went into monkey spring which is keeping knees still on tits, but bringing the feet of the girl under your arm pits, so you are crouched like a monkey, your calf and ass's natural movement is bringing the downward thrust and her feet are providing a natural outward thrust, so the whole position actually works like an auto spring. in this position, the pussy is widened all the way down, so you have no resistance all the way down to the g-spot. infact it is like isolating the pleasure of feeling your penis touch the g-spot. i could actually feel that this was too much for as she started shouting mummy mummy oh you too strong, never did this position before, never before.

well normally, when i have a romantic opening to session, i ease down if this thing happens and slowly bring the pace back up again, but if the session is opened like an animal (which it did this time), then my animal instincts take over and i go wild. and so i did...i applied the most penetrating position from the bag of my tricks and that was monkey scissor (here i have the same monkey position but get the girl's legs to cross over each other, so that her left knee so now on her right tit and vice versa and the legs are sandwiched between my belly and her's) weight through the hands is applied on the knees which automatically pushes the pussy onto the penis. the pussy in this position gets really wide at the opening and really tight from the inside...sounds complicated or painful...well you have to try it to really enjoy it)...well she was moaning at the top of her lungs, which just seemed to turn me on further, so i pulled out of monkey and while maintaining the scissor split i stretched my legs and started ramming that g-spot with the complete thrust of my butts. her legs now completely sandwiched between my stomach and hers...wow it was ecstasy, her toes rubbing and digging in my stomach (she actually had very nice clean feet and toes). she now was begging me you too strong, i never do this before and so on.

so i finally decided to end the session and went for the doggie. did her for a while and then went into my finishing position which is flat doggie. i love the babe to be flat on her stomach so her butts protrude upwards, my upper pelvis rubbing against that bouncy flesh of the butt and my penis rubbing hard inside her. she apparently wasn't such a big fan of this either as she was still giving out those painful screams as i finished off.

after i finished and lay on my back...she just fell flat on hers and held her stomach. you too strong, you make me tired, my this hurts (holding her stomach) inside.

well i had had a very vigorating experience and in no mood to go another round i let her go as she requested because i had made her tired inside. great fuck okay to start the trip of with but lacked the gfe i wanted, it was routinized, very impersonal.

from her entering my room to her departure it did not take more than 40 mins and this included the 10 mins we waited for the condoms to come. i actually like longer sessions, where maybe the actual sex could be long or small but the pre session should definitely be long and this was exactly the opposite. no pre session, no gfe, so no chemistry...at the end it was just me giving pleasure to my lil bro by what seemed like a piece of meat without any regard for the woman under me. but then again isn't that what was the bargain. one time, no gfe, no bj, no shower, strip, suck my tits and now fuck me...so fuck is exactly what i did!

i did ask her for a blow job before the fuck to which she had replied that no no no i am christian...okay now who the hell gives a blow job???? the muslims say that we don't because we are muslims, the christians say we don't cause we are christians, the hindus say we don't because we are hindus...who the hell gives blow jobs???? well ofourse i get a lot of bjs from all sorts of girls but this was the thought which came to my mind when she replied with that excuse.

overall lesson learn't:

when looking for gfe with a new person do not go short time or atleast the one shot/two shot philosophy as the girl will only be interested in getting you off. when you book a time lets say an hour or two or three for your st, the girl knows that whether you cum or not, she will have to stay that time. so more chances of playing around and a gfe.

an interesting comment:
now why the hell did i give the pain factor to the african. i am not going to claim that lil bro is very huge, i am just average i guess and ofcourse with the myth's we have grown up with that african men have huge tools...shouldn't she be used to bigger and broader tools. or was it the position...but come on rolling a girls legs up is a quite common position and she even screamed in pain in it. my conclusion is that either her leg and stomach muscles were not too flexible and she must have been doing it in standard positions cowgirl, mish and straight doggie or she was basically gearing up to leave on the grounds of tired after the first round.

but one thing i do believe her on and that is that she definitely hadn't done those positions before.

well the next day i shifted out. report to follow tomorrow (and chill it won't be as much of a docasutra as this one).

keep playing,


editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Sordid Ways
02-28-07, 15:49
While I was there enjoying my Heinken, a petite brunette got my attention and had a nice conversation on our mutual disdain for touchy/grabby PRC girls, and her dislike of "cheap" Arab men. I also got the low-down on last week's raid at TGIT. It turns out that too many of the Chinese girls were hanging around the outside entrance and the inside hallway next to the Astoria check-in desk, causing a scene and bringing unwanted attention. She said the restaurant was closed early one day but it did not close down completely, but when it reopened the next day, police were checking papers. She said there was a raid at Cyclone a few weeks ago as well.

Anyway this girl's name was Layla. "Like the Eric Clapton song," she said helpfully. I had such a nice conversation with her that I decided to take her, even though she's not my usual cup of tea. She was Turkish, older about 30 years old, long brown hair and petite, quite cute, 7/10. She charged 300 for short-time. The moment we got inside the hotel, she turned into a wild woman and demanded I go down on her. I spent about 30 minutes licking her bald cooter until she she orgasmed, all the while yelling, "Yes, my love! Yes my love!" Finished with cowgirl. Sadly she wold not let me take photos but I do have her number. Highly recommended, especially if you are a DATY fan.I am quoting Bib Bob II's report of 11-22-06.

I just returned from a long trip that included a week in Dubai. It was not my first trip to the ME, but was my first trip to UAE. While I am still a big fan of Germany and Asia, there is something really gonzo and off-the-hook about Dubai that makes it appealing. Like Amsterdam's RLD (which I have visited several times) and Bangkok's (which I have yet to visit), Dubai is worthy of being on the "Must Do At Least Once" list. I'd entertain a discussion of just how long the Must Do list is and which cities should be on it.

Dubai has a hint of the splashiness of Las Vegas (just give them some time), but with a more impressive city skyline and a very wide variety of nationalities of ladies, more diverse than anywhere I've been. I can't think of another place where you can so easily sample the delights of every continent of the world. Yet, I sampled just one and spent the rest of my time in Dubai devouring her.

I searched on "Layla" in this forum and found Bob's report. It didn't take me long to be sure it was the same Layla as "my Layla. " My Layla. It's been five days, since she left me at the airport in Dubai, after which I headed for another stop on the ME segment of my tour. During three full nights, three mornings. And the better part of one day, I nearly fell in love with this lovely woman.

She found me in at the York. It was probably about 21: 00 when I got there, and moderately busy. I had barely made it to the bar, when she grabbed me by the arm, and pulling me close, said, "You're big. Nice! " Ya habbibi, yalla, I thought. I guess I would concur with Bob rating her a "quite cute, 7/10. " She was average height, 5'6", Turkish, raven-haired, olive skinned, small chest, but she had very beautiful, green eyes and a nice ass with womanly hips, but with a nice small waist. She's only 33 but will tell you that being in these clubs with all the smoke has aged her. The whole package was nice, though. I offered to buy her a drink, and she ordered a Red Bull.

As we chatted, she kept her arm around me, rubbing my back, which was nice. At first I was feeling like I was being reeled in (which of course I was), before I had a chance to survey all of the available talent. Also, like Big Bob, I have a serious thing for the CIS girls, particularly Russians. I once had a Belorussian girlfriend that blew my mind. As I looked around, I saw a lot of younger, CIS girls, some Chinese, and some Africans. Because I RTFF, before I go anywhere, it was about par for what I expected at York.- Mostly okay quality with a few gems thrown in, though not all the time. The upside of York is availability of options, relaxed security, and reasonable prices. Later, Layla told me that she prefers York, because it is not under a lot of scrutiny, and because the hotel's security takes care to keep the action from spilling outside, while giving her good nonverbal cues, if should something be wrong, so she can abort. In November, Big Bob reported finding her at another club.

The more I talked with Layla, the more I liked her. Her English was not great but OK. As I got to know her, I found her to be a very intelligent woman with a very big heart. She was also dynamite in bed. I told her, I'd like to take her somewhere else, and she said she'd like to go. As an opener, I offered her 300 Dirhams for all-night, knowing it was a lowball. I tried to be playful, and maybe act a little naive, so that she would not be offended, but also not to give her any idea of what I considered too expensive. She countered with 600, which I thought was a bargain, so I jumped on it.

As we left the club, I told her that had she been one of those tough Russian girls, I would have negotiated much harder. She was a sweetie, but there was something about the way she snagged me so quickly that made me feel obligated to go through at least some of this negotiation ritual, but not so much that it takes the "romance" away, completely. LOL. I read the reports and even made friends with a Dubai resident who regularly pays 1, 500-2, 500 Dirhams a night for girls, who are extremely beautiful. But you know what? With bar girls the dud rate is the same at all price levels, and the higher end ones are typically pretty experienced negotiators. I believe there may be great values at the high end, but the monger must be experienced himself to get the full value from the experience. It would also help to be very well-rested, properly hydrated.- and I guess some Cialis wouldn't hurt.

I could give you play-by-play of the many times we fucked. We both came a lot of times. It was all great. DATY is a must with Layla. Positions she prefers are mish and cowgirl. She is very responsive to just about everything you will do, especially if you do it with feeling. She gets very revved up and likes DFK. She was also very verbally expressive with me, during lovemaking. Of note was her cowgirl technique, which included rocking from side to side on her knees, as she pumped my cock, and alternately, placing her feet flat on the bed and pumping up and down vigorously. She used that technique on me to great effect, especially when I might have just recently come or if I was gettng tired. At one time, I misunderstood her when she told me that she had been doing the club thing in Dubai for about three months, when actually, she was three months into her current visit. I told her, "There's no way you got this good in three months! " We had so many laughs, together.

Since we were getting along so well, and maybe because I offered a break from her routine, the amount of time I spent with her for the money was really long. I knew that I was giving up all of the other girls I could be trying during my week in Dubai. I had even been working some good amatuer leads, but made the conscious decision to keep pursuing Layla. I'm experienced enough to know a good thing. I honestly believe that Layla might have forgone her fee on our second night. I only payed 300, which is really absurdly, low when you think about it. I joked that by the next week, she would be paying me. She responded that I would be too expensive, and I came back, saying that I could possibly arrange a discount for her. Between each night that we were together, I had evenings during which I had business entertainment commitments. I rang a number of times and usually she was at Club York, when she answered. No illusions for either of us. I have family commitments and she has a work commitment. But between those commitments, we had something really special. She really wants out of the business and tells me that in three more months, she's done for good and will return to Istanbul, where she has a daughter. Knowing what that seperation must be like, I hope that's the course she pursues. I told her that the next time I see her, I want it to be in Istanbul.

For our last night together, before I flew out of Dubai, I brought her to the hotel to which I had moved, which was the very luxurious Jebel Ali Golf Resort, which is a pretty good distance from Bur Dubai, towards Abu Dhabi. She was a little concertned about the gate and hotel security, but I assured her that I had made friends with the staff. I left a more generous amount of money on the table for her, but she ignored it, until the next morning when I put it in her hands.

In P4P, I like a good value. Whether P4P or otherwise, women can drain a man broke, if he is not careful. Then there's the position of the hobbyist community that says that we should all do our part to keep prices reasonable. Here was a situation where I payed modest fees, but still received such great service from a person I really liked and who liked me back. And all it made me do was want to give her more. I had bought her a t-shirt from the Hard Rock Cafe, a cute little pink thing that I thought would look good on her. I also bought her a modestly-priced piece of jewelry, when we were at the mall. These were nothing, really, but we were giving from our hearts in a number of different ways. I have no idea if she had a good week, business-wise, but I know that we both had a great time together. She's someone I'll never forget. It's spooky how well they lyrics fit:


EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-01-07, 11:46
Having utilised the booze quota from DDF in my hotel room with friends, and being my last night in Dubai started on the lookout at 12:30 alone.

Moved on to Astoria, saw some afrikaans on the road on the entrance road of the hotel, I wanted to the voyage to be more interesting.

I entered from the Back side entrance of the hotel and went in stright to the bar (without paying the entrance cover, strange no one asked), got myself a vodka and sat in. It was 1 am and still a good number of multi-national crowd PRC's russians, few turkish and egyptians around.

Almost got mobbed in but I got more interested in the music. After checking as few, a PRC came in politely and started chatting the usual, no bbbj but everything else, which was ok for me. She didnt ask for drinks but I guess she was more eager to move out. Her name was Zhen, not skinny like the usual PRC's, her body was 7/10 she was nor bulky neither undernourished, but perfect. So obviously the perfection was visible from the face to the toe. Thankfully she knew english. She asked 300 hundred at her place for the full night, but I insisted at my hotel in Admiral PLaza. She knew her job well and hand were at the right places while I was having my drinks.

We checked out and drove straight to the hotel, but the hotel guys denied entry saying they just stopped allowing lady guests, so no option, we headed to her room which was closeby apartment near imperial suites.

Room was 8/10, but sad the same room had 3 beds separated with curtains. But it was empty. Zhen was amazing , we had a bath together and I felt as if she knew what customer service was, but it later turned out to be a GFE all thru the night.

We had fun all along, then her other girlfriends came in similarly and we could hear all 3 of us humping in the same room together. You can say it was a group action separated in curtains. We 3 guys were actually running a commentary's while the action was on.

Zhen went in twice for the action and loved her booty. We went to sleep and later in the morning had a quickie before I departed. I tipped her 100 Dhs apart from the 300 and it was worth it.

Zhen is the one with the broad jaw and nice hips and she is supposed to be there till the 15th of march.



EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-02-07, 07:20
Hey Guys,

Just got back from a trip to Dubai and Thailand.Was in Dubai from the 13th to the 15th of February.Overall a great trip. I landed at the airport at around 3 pm and headed straight to TGIF to check out the action. Unfortunately for me the place was dead no body there as it was almost 4:30 Anyhow headed dowo the Deira city center to do some shopping when I noticed two big titty Russian girls.Something was weird and they were giving me the eye. Anyhow apporached them and one of them said she was available at her place for 150 dirhams. I was staying out at the Le MEridien so I decided to go to her place.Name was Sveta and she confirmed that she frequents Cyclone at nights and as a matter of fact I saw her later on that same night at Cyclone. Anyhow the girl was great, with a covered blow job and fuck.I did not complain much ,she was a bit mechanical. Anyhow back to the hotel and straight to the York after a shower whereby I picked up a girl and i know I paid too much (500 for the night) and her name was Yana.Russian girl got into my cab and insisted we go to her place. I toldher no and she went to my hotel.Tiny in nature she stayed the wholen ight and after a few drinks from the mini bar she pretty much did everything including swallowing which I did not ask her to do. I will report on the next day in a different report as this is getting too long winding. I will also post my report on Bangkok soon.

Krypto Knight
03-02-07, 12:06
Last Friday I went to the Seaview to check out the scene.

While laying low, watching the band and observing the action I noticed as young looking, very cute Phillapino spinner standing against the wall.

I moved next to her and started a conversation. She was very shy and nervous.

She said she was 20 (I believe it) and had been in Dubai a week (I also believe this.)

After almost half an hour I made the offer, are you looking for a boyfriend for the night?

She says OK 300 AED for 3 hours. I said sold.

She tells me to wait and goes to talk with someone.

She comes back and says 500 AED.

I say have a good night, good luck.

She says 300 AED for 2 hours.

I say fine.

Then she says OK give me the money.

WHAT, in the bar? No way.

She tells me I have to pay there and I tell here to forget it, I'm not stupid have a good night and I walked away.

I watched her and saw her go over and talk to another woman so moved in and spoke directly to her friend.

"I want to take your friend home"

Her friend "OK no problem"

Me "But there is a problem, she wants the money here".

Friend "That's how we do it, we have a system".

Me "I don't pay at the bar, I'm not an idiot"

Friend "Then no deal"

I was so angry (dumb of me really looking back) that I walked right out the door of the club and got in a cab. I was so put off I just called it a night. (Easy to do when you live here)

Anyway too bad because she was young, cute and new, a good combination in my book but I have rules and one rule is no paying in the bar. That's actually the first time I've ever been asked to and they weren't budging.

Have others had this experience in Seaview?

Paddy Mc Ginty
03-02-07, 16:15
For wicked Roger and Captain have a look at my foto of kiev lady P posted maybe 2 weeks ago on Dubai photo thread, says she knows your names from Seaview and that you took her together. Hve either of you anything to with Lebabon? Her name is Natalia. If you have foto please post

03-02-07, 16:39

Yes it happened to me as well.
Apparently this Philipino group you can find at Seaview has its rules.
They are discreet and do not make any active marketing, you have to make the first move. They pretend they do it part-time.
Last time over there, I started talking to a young cutie and we agreed on the price. Before leaving she asked for advance payment and I walked away.
Then outside at closure, I met her again and asked if she had changed her mind. She said I cannot.
OK, let us take the risk and paid 500 for the night given to the older friend.

All was OK (BBBJ, very tight, two shots), but she had to leave before 8, pretending she had to go out of country (Kish Island) for the Visa renewal.
That was of course an excuse, but it seems they are not allowed to get back late. I took her another time, anyway.

Now she keeps sending me sms, like I miss you etc, and finally that she needs money for her grandfather which needs an operation... Old stories, be careful.


Wicked Roger
03-02-07, 21:59

but she had to leave before 8, pretending she had to go out of country (Kish Island) for the Visa renewal.

It maybe true about Kish (flights go many times a day) but certainly these girls get fined Dhms 100 per hour they are late - unless you know the mamasan and negotiate.

Fifty Fifty and I have discussed doing the latter. In AD I have done this with wonderful results. But same rules about the fines apply here in AD as well.


My Kapitan
03-03-07, 08:38
For wicked Roger and Captain have a look at my foto of kiev lady P posted maybe 2 weeks ago on Dubai photo thread, says she knows your names from Seaview and that you took her together. Hve either of you anything to with Lebabon? Her name is Natalia. If you have foto please post

I know her but not in the biblical sense! No have not taken with WR either, the orgy girls were a Miss S and the sadly missed Miss K who is now Go Go dancing in Moscow.

I knew this one to talk to occasionally when she was regular in the Regal, not the Seaview where I am hardly known mainly because CIS are always my preference.

Anyway as can be seen in the picture that pussy is far too hairly for me - she would definately have to see the Barber of Dubai (aka 50/50) first!

Wicked Roger
03-03-07, 09:42
I know her but not in the biblical sense! No have not taken with WR either, the orgy girls were a Miss S and the sadly missed Miss K who is now Go Go dancing in Moscow.

I knew this one to talk to occasionally when she was regular in the Regal, not the Seaview where I am hardly known mainly because CIS are always my preference.

Anyway as can be seen in the picture that pussy is far too hairly for me - she would definately have to see the Barber of Dubai (aka 50/50) first!
Agreed MK

My preference is Filipina and shaved.......but is it worrying or a compliment that this Kiev lady knows us MK?? Best be careful of the glassware and crockery in your place my friend ;)


Mad Hatter
03-03-07, 10:18
Hi Guys.

Been back in Dubai for over 2 months and decided to get back into the scene.

Well headed down to cyclone. One thing I noticed were the inflated prices. And that the non PRC girls refuse to go to your home now. Thats it. No more home outcalls. They all seem to only want to go to a hotel.

The PRC were more open to going home with you.

But looks like the new modus operandi is exchange numbers and they follow 10 minutes later in a cab. Something about LE crackdowns.

Got a number from a ukrainian who was absolutely stunning. She was beautiful. Dressed very classy (not that typical rhinestone covered shit - more like stuff from DKNY etc). She was short (about 5'2), petite (tiny lil a cups) and long beautiful black hair. Calls herself Victoria.


Well, she agreed to come over to my place the next day as long as I paid her when she arrived.

We agreed on 1500 for the night.

She came by and started by dancing with me in the living room.

Then gave me a striptease and lap dances etc for about half an hour.

When we did move into the bedroom, the sex was awesome. Wild and fast.

She refused to be kissed. And refused blowjobs. Which was a serious bummer.

But the sex more than made up for it.

Finally finished standing up. And as we lay in bed she puts her clothes on and decides to head out. I have already paid her so nothing I can do to stop her either. Friggin annoying.

Total session lasted 3 hours.

Damage Dhs 1500.

Sex was amazing.

But I wouldnt ever take her again.

Second was in Abu Dhabi. British lady who does this part time (fitness instructor full time). She does in calls.

A little older - about 38. And a bit rough around the edges. She was about a 5 in face but an absolute killer body.

Total GFE. Kissing, BBBJ etc etc. An hour of amazing sex.

Total Damage: Dhs 1000.

Will visit her again when I am in Abu Dhabi next

Mad Hatter
03-03-07, 10:20
Does anyone know what has happened to F?

Last I saw her was in december. But she seems to have disappeared.

She was my all time favourite.

Philly D
03-03-07, 12:12
I'll be staying in Sharjah at the end of the month for work. How doable (realistic) is it to pick up from Cyclone and go back to my hotel in Sharjah? Is it too far? Would the girls be hesitate to go?

My Kapitan
03-04-07, 06:08
I'll be staying in Sharjah at the end of the month for work. How doable (realistic) is it to pick up from Cyclone and go back to my hotel in Sharjah? Is it too far? Would the girls be hesitate to go?

No chance. The distance isn't the issue, LE and Sharjah hotel security is.

I would venture that there is almost no chance of agreement to go to Sharjah, the girls always ask which hotel and lately will not even leave the Cyclone with you but get a separate taxi (see recent reports).

Best to stay at a GF hotel in Dubai for the night.

Paddy Mc Ginty
03-04-07, 06:57
Thanks guys. She was regular in Regal also. Now for abit of help, I will be returing to work in Dxb after a few years abscence in next few weeks.

How does one access this site in Dxb as before when I vist I can not acess the site as it is blocked in UAE.

Grateful Spread
03-04-07, 15:04
Zhen went in twice for the action and loved her booty. We went to sleep and later in the morning had a quickie before I departed. I tipped her 100 Dhs apart from the 300 and it was worth it.Indy, Nice post!

Nice footwork too - a stunning all-nighter for dhs300. Amazing! Even with the tip.

Nothing wrong with using her room either. I am a keen proponent of this - although you take the luck of the draw sometimes.

Sounds like you enjoyed the group action, albeit partitioned with curtains:-)

Hope your next post is as informative.

Guy M
03-04-07, 17:01
Dear Mongers,

Sorry this is no sex related issue, just need some good input.

A buddy of mine has been offer to be based here in Dubai and he's wondering with a USD7,000 monthly pay with the car, fuel, apartment all paid by company, is this sufficient?

If not, kindly adv for expat's pay as Sales Manager for building materials company earns a month in Dubai?

As for me, I'm only offer to go Hyderabad :-(


Grateful Spread
03-04-07, 17:38
A buddy of mine has been offer to be based here in Dubai and he's wondering with a USD7,000 monthly pay with the car, fuel, apartment all paid by company, is this sufficient?Guy, The biggest expense in the UAE, esp Dubai and Abu DHabi, is accomodation. If your friend is having this and his transportation allowance paid for by the company - on top of his salary then he will live quite comfortably. Schooling can be expensive (and challenging to find places for) if he has kids - but many companies include this expense in the ex-pat package. If your friend's company doesn't then his salary would most probably need to be raised accordingly.

If he doesn't have kids then he should be well-off enough to indulge in the famous Dubai night life from time to time.

Depending on your country's domestic tax policy, he will also be able to earn his USD7,000 tax-free.

Sir Poonabit
03-05-07, 01:09
A buddy of mine has been offer to be based here in Dubai and he's wondering with a USD7,000 monthly pay with the car, fuel, apartment all paid by company, is this sufficient?I can't say if that is the market value in Dubai, but it sounds like a sweet deal considering there are no personal taxes to be paid and pretty much all his expenses are covered.

And at 500dhs a night he can have a 'friend' visit him every night for the month and have some cash left over at the end of it.

Fifty Fifty
03-05-07, 19:34
Have others had this experience in Seaview?


As a regular and knowing just about all the PI in Seaview I have never experienced this one. Talking to the girls last night, they say it is because of certain individuals recent practice of agreeing to pay the said price (which in my case is 400/500 All night) then either reducing the offer or not paying at all.
Now the girls demand payment upfront for guys they do not know. I was able to get round this with a newbie last night by personally vouching for his credibility, and getting him to promise me not to F*ck things up!!

Usual story guys, treat em well and get the service as agreed, or try and fiddle them and they will devise a means of protection, which is more secure than your average condom.



03-06-07, 13:12
A buddy of mine has been offer to be based here in Dubai and he's wondering with a USD7,000 monthly pay with the car, fuel, apartment all paid by company, is this sufficient?As Grateful Spread said, depending on his HOME country's tax policy on foreign earned income, his salary might be tax free. Be advised that all those "perks" (accommodation, transportation, etc.) might also be included in that foreign earned income, which could push him over the top on any limits to that income's tax exempt status in the HOME country (read US citizen). There are no UAE income taxes as such.

The other caveats I'd have is WHERE is that company paid apartment, and who gets to chose its location and acceptability. One thing if it's in Sharajh and he's working Jebal Ali... Transportation might be paid, but who wants to sit in horrendous traffic for 4 hours a day. Or a studio in Karama (no offense to anyone) in an old building as compared to a condo or stand-alone house in Jumeriah... I don't want to have a bunch of nosy Jumeriah Janes as neighbors, but I also don't want neighbors who don't share the same ideas of personal hygiene, noise, and respect for common areas as myself.

Utilities? Furnishings? (Well, there is an Ikea at Festival City...) Agent fees for finding an apartment?

The other gripe here, at least in today's Gulf News, is the dirham is pegged to the US dollar. Depending on WHERE you are remitting any surplus salary, that can be good or bad.

... they say it is because of certain individuals recent practice of agreeing to pay the said price (which in my case is 400/500 All night) then either reducing the offer or not paying at all. Now the girls demand payment upfront for guys they do not know. I was able to get round this with a newbie last night by personally vouching for his credibility, and getting him to promise me not to F*ck things up!!Yep, always a few who really do their best to try and ruin "pay after". That reduced pay/no pay hurts us ALL. For me, the only acceptable situation is if she turns LT into ST... Otherwise, she might be a starfish, or some items on the menu might not be delivered, but you pay the AGREED price, and just never pull again.

He had to promise you not to screw things up? Sounds like you travel in some dubious circles... :)

Less Cash
03-06-07, 14:13
Guys need your input

Is Rush inn Bur Dubai girl friendly I've reffered to a previos hotel rating and is giving a mixed message of friendly and not girl friendly (GREEN and RED) please help me out as I'm hoping to come to Dubai and would like to make a booking


Guy M
03-06-07, 15:39
11Bravo, 50/50, Sir Poonabit,

The input is what I've expected. Just to add on, the apartment (location unknown), utilities, car & fuel will all be paid by the company. He's not married hence would not need to schooling etc for the kids.

He's expected to in Dubai in April onwards.

Cheers Mates!

Fifty Fifty
03-06-07, 16:06
He had to promise you not to screw things up? Sounds like you travel in some dubious circles... :)

I would suggest that simply by the nature of the beast and the bars we frequent, we are all moving in circles of a somewhat dubious nature, you included!

The point was that the guy was a newbie, not a long term acquaintance either, just somebody who had asked me to show him the PI light, which I freely did.
The girls were somewhat suspicious, probably having been 'burned' before and hinted at Pay Up Front as previously discussed with them when I was trying to find out the reasons why.

This is something I strenuously disagree with for the obvious reasons. (MK's experience in AD last year being one of them)

For whatever reason I offered to vouch for my newbie friend and allowed him the satisfaction of Pay After.

The girl in question was known to me, but full details of my friend's tastes were not. However I made it clear to him that he should agree the menu and pay the agreed fee accordingly, not mess about afterwards and decide that as he hadn't got everything 100% he would cut the payment etc.

As my benevolence knows no bounds, I even offered to reimburse him for any deficiencies in the girls ability to satisfy his requirements, providing the menu agreed was a reasonable one of course!

Fortunately, knowing her quite well, this was probably a good bet as she is pretty well 'top banana' as PIs go.

Next day, SMS from newbie friend confirms satisfaction on both sides of the deal.

Now I can greet her with the same smile, hear that she is ok and that my friend treated her well. It is difficult when the opposite happens and one greets a girl only to hear tales of woe regarding a person you introduced her to in the first place.

Not so dubious, just very reasonable for all concerned methinks.



P.S. Paragraphed ready for easy dissection LOL.

Philly D
03-06-07, 19:43
No chance. The distance isn't the issue, LE and Sharjah hotel security is.

I would venture that there is almost no chance of agreement to go to Sharjah, the girls always ask which hotel and lately will not even leave the Cyclone with you but get a separate taxi (see recent reports).

Best to stay at a GF hotel in Dubai for the night.Thanks. That's what I was afraid of. Sadly, this trip will be all Sharjah. Is there any action there or best to just forget about it for this trip?

Wicked Roger
03-07-07, 01:43
P.S. Paragraphed ready for easy dissection LOL.
Let me be the first to do FF, you know how much I love dissecting your FRs……:)

I would suggest that simply by the nature of the beast and the bars we frequent, we are all moving in circles of a somewhat dubious nature, you included!

Maybe you move in dubious circles but WR likes to think he swaggers and mongers with the best LOL!! ;)

This is something I strenuously disagree with for the obvious reasons. (MK's experience in AD last year being one of them)

I agree with you FF. MK was mightily pissed off when she did the runner and if the lady ever said to me up front payment I would ask to speak to mamasan if possible(likely the PI lady had her mamasan there) or find another lady. [/QUOTE]

As my benevolence knows no bounds, I even offered to reimburse him for any deficiencies in the girls ability to satisfy his requirements, providing the menu agreed was a reasonable one of course!

FF – can this benevolence apply to me as well? You know I am man of simple pleasures and tastes, very reasonable IMHO, simple menu basically - so you know I am good for it LOL!! Just hope the lady knows who Caligula was ;)

Now I can greet her with the same smile, hear that she is ok and that my friend treated her well. It is difficult when the opposite happens and one greets a girl only to hear tales of woe regarding a person you introduced her to in the first place.

Agreed FF. When newbies see Miss N in Abu Dhabi, and when she later SMS and says he was a nice man, treated her respectfully etc, it means my brownie points have increased which is good news for me in a number of ways. So far no ISG monger that has partied with her has let me down (thanks guys).

Paragraphed ready for easy dissection LOL.

So did I do a good job, best wait for the master’s views methinks. See you soon (will call before I come up) need something to help me sleep on the plane…….;)

03-07-07, 12:14
Thanks. That's what I was afraid of. Sadly, this trip will be all Sharjah. Is there any action there or best to just forget about it for this trip?Try Dubai Grand Hotel, in Al Qusais. 10 mins drive from Sharjah. Many WGs who live in Sharjah go there. Search here for earlier reports.

Tin Tin
03-07-07, 14:56
Was going through expatriates.com where there is a hell lot happening in the services section.

One observation was that the quotes are all starting from AED 1500+ to 2000 and up. I can understand the logic of a ladyboy or a top end European / Arab asking for the same but

Was thinking " are the girls crazy or the punters crazy enough to cough up such astronomical figures for a night?" I can understand the logic of a ladyboy or a top end European / Arab asking for the same but especially even the chinese brigade have also quoted along the same range.

would love to hear the opinions of senoiors in this forum about this trend.



03-07-07, 16:08
continued from my last report:

well after a vigorous st session last night, woke up late (once you miss the last breakfast call. it is late), decided i had to get my supplies. you know the usual stuff like condoms, lubricators (you never know when you meet a greek lover), foam bath and ofcourse spare toileteries etc. also needed to have lunch so headed of to deira's favorite shopping mall, had lunch (more like a food orgy) at my fav fast food outlet, picked up the stuff i needed and reached back to my hotel at 2 pm. nothing to do and with my sexual appetite still unfullfilled decided to figure out my bearings with respect to the area i was in and also with recent hype on broadway decided to see if i could make it there just to check out the day time action for later use. so i walked out, the conceirge clerk wasn't there for me to confirm the hotel's gfness for girls brought from outside so i walked out.

could have taken a cab straight away for broadway but decided to walk and explore the nearby streets (you never know maybe the al-rigga street is right round the corner), checked out the prc daytime bar in the hotel next door (mentioned in the hotel review section) and walked on clueless on ajoining roads for the next 15 minutes. no sign of how far or near broadway was, so decided take a cab. now the cabbie did not the hotel. thank god i had the intelligence to check out the hotel website before flying off to dubai (i always do that) so i knew the name of the street and i knew that it was walking distance to ghurair city. well through trial and error i finally reached this paradise of a hotel tucked away in a small street near ghurair in the next 15 minutes. i walked in again clueless as to what i would find in there.

broadway 2: 45pm. 3: 15pm

i walked in to the main entrance and as if an unknown force had pulled me towards the left to where the entrance of a coffee shop/bar (actually now that i think of it the unknown force were a couple of giggling cis in skimpy clothes walking out of the bar). i walked in and man it was another little world out there. a dozen or so cis looking women sitting on various tables and 2-3 men on different tables. i went and sat down in one corner and immediatly ordered a coffee.

as i observed, there were only two men sitting alone including myself, two girls were happily chatting to two other men on one table, 4 women sitting together and the rest were sitting in pairs. out of the 12 or so women, 2 clearly because of their age looked like the madams, there were atleast 4 stunners. occasionally, one or two would get up and head out and then be back in 5 minutes or so. i also spotted that there was another way out of the coffee bar which looked like an alley to the side of the hotel through the window. women also went out and came in again from there. i wondered what that place was and then suddenly a batch of new cis also came in through that door. man it must be the side entrance to joint and maybe this is the door one has to use to bring in outside girls to the hotel as the main lobby was tiny.

one of the things i immedietly noticed were the luscious stares and flirty smiles that i got from almost every woman in the joint. now this i had not experienced before, cis women marketing. i immediatly fell for this place and got up, walked out to the reception and inquired for room availabilty. yippee they had a room, and the rate was 800 aed (much more affordable as compared to the other hotels i was qouted for this time period). wow this was too good to be true. i immediatly booked a room paid upfront for the entire stay (despite my passport being at the original crappy hotel) and promised to return quickly i went back to settle the bar bill. as i sat down to finish off my coffee, my eye caught this stunning woman sitting with another at the other end of the room, we made eye contact, she smiled and took her hand inside her shirt as if playing with her nipple. i almost fell down my chair. whoa, this was amazing, compare this to the icy babes of cyclone. i got up as if in a trance and the next moment i was sitting next to her.

i got her name (lets call her ms. s) and number out, she wanted aed 700 for 2 hours and boy she looked worth it. now i had no intention of picking her up there and then as i was in the middle of a hotel change plus i was comitted with a friend from the evening till late night, so i didn't negotiate/close the deal but i wanted to get the details out for the night. however, she claimed she only worked mornings and afternoons (hmmm maybe change of venue at night), acting wise i inquired the menu, to which she flirtingly replied "i will give you lots of fun". okay vague answer but the way it was given explained a lot. upon my explaining the hotel situation she claimed that sandras is girl friendly, i then clarified that i am checking in this hotel to which she said okay but also offered her own place if i closed the deal with her. i promised to take her during my stay (with ofcourse a sorry face "but i wanted to take you tonight". okay maybe tomorrow afternoon). i went back to my table, quickly gulped down my coffee paid and literally ran back to my hotel. in short ms. was a stunner, very nice body, seemed to have great skin, a brilliant smile, black hair and really very good english and ofcourse an attitude which was worth taking home.

broad way 4: 15pm

checked out from sandras and checked in at broadway. the room was very very nice when compared to what i was staying in at sandras (review given in hotel section). now although i did not want to pick up a girl as i had to head out to bur and onwards by 6pm, i still decided to spend every possible minute having coffee downstairs. hey i get to warm up eyes, keep little bro in pants happy in anticipation, get some good fr material for the forum and ofcourse mark the women i wanted to have during my stay and last of all study the women that i've marked in terms of attitude and how much i want them (this makes the best p4p experience. just like the women we stare and be around during our normal lives and want to end up in bed with them badly. is it my fantasy or is the same with everybody). well broadway does provide the perfect opportunity to fullfill this fantasy and boy because of this did i get an overload of coffees and teas in the coming few days. lol!

well i managed to get a table, i could see that the number of people had increased both in terms of mongers and women. men were mostly arabs and were still low in number but women were now above 20.

all cis looking, still 2 madams and rest girls. stunners or doables were now over 6-7 and hey there were atleast 3 a listers. ms. s was not there. one a lister was sitting at the front table with three other women. one of them looked like her madam sitting in an abaya, one was okay with multi streaks in her hair and the third was hideous fat and ugly. now this a lister was very very and i mean very innocent looking (except a big tatoo on her shoulder. i found it very sexy), man dark brown hair, young face, nice full breasts, thin waist and a well rounded ass (this i saw during her marketing parade) olive skinned, she looked indian or pakistani wearing western clothes more than cis. man she was marked. didn't get much eye contact so i decided to let my explore the rest of the room.

there was an absolute stunner of an a lister sitting right opposite me eating a salad. she was blond (dyed), hair tied up towards the top, incredible huge and huge pair of tits wearing a boob strap, naked flat belly, and a tiny micro mini skirt. and what a pair of white milky legs she had. trust me guys, an earthquake couldn't have made me get up at that point in time unless anyone was interested in seeing the leaning tower of pisa i had errected in my pants. she again had a gorgeous face (looked late 20s), large eyes and what i call perfect bj lips. covered in make up (but elegant) she was beautiful. i could tell that she was tall. she was busy eating without being bothered to what's happening around her (attitude problem? or maybe tired after an st session upstairs). another very sexy woman joined her who seemed like her friend, pretty face dark brown hair, bigger boobs, would have qualified for a but i spotted her belly which was large as per my standards. she was again dressed in mini skirt and top which i have only seen in porn (backless with only a loose cloth hanging in the front). but come to think of it as a pair these would not be bad. well the a lister (i'll call her big jugs for reference) was also marked by me with her friend joining in for a possible threesome (subject to other options and the price). hmm not bad at all, i have cumalatively spent half an plus in this place (first visit counted) and already i have sure shot two women who i want to sleep with.

the third a lister, was in my opinion perfect. she was blond, had a very perfect young face. the right size of nose, eyes, lips, smile etc. long neck, very perky pointed tits. ultra long legs and very very sexy again she was dressed in a very short skirt i could see all the way up from her ankles to the bottom curves of her ass. it was mind blowing. and one hardly comes across ultra elegant regular women let alone finding one in the working class. she was that ultra elegant, i could actually envision her getting off from the passenger seat of a ferrari or socializing at a high end creme-dela-creme of a party. you tell the refinement with every step she took. wow this was class. her attitude seemed okay as well, because the way she was smiling at everyone, infact the way she was playing hostess to the coffee bar, sitting at almost every table. she seemed perfect in every sense. however, in my eyes she had a major problem. her face was a ditto copy of this drag celebrity i have in my home country. man what a turn off and what a let down. now i do not want you to judge the beauty of this woman because of my personal referances. because in isolation she was beautiful (so for reference lets call her drag face). so she did not get marked by me.

a few observations i made:

- some girls who came in front of me or who left in front of me did so in black abayas.. most were carrying large hand bags (i could see them hanging to the back of the chairs) and some even had shopping bags as well. these were used to carry abayas for entry/exit (i later found out that the bags also carry spared clothes for next day/evening, change of shoes, basic toiletries such as tooth brush and makeup)

- when they go up for short time they only carry the hand bag and leave the shopping bag behind and if they are calling it a day/night or have an lt the shopping bag goes as well.

- they market by walking around going in and out (to see if you follow), if you give even a hint to them in terms of constant eye contact, smile or a wave they come over and sit down with u. you can also approach them by simply sitting down next to them or calling them over. if you are sitting alone for a couple of minutes you'll start receiving the smiles and if you are the only man in the shop which i was for the next three mornings, they'll start talking to you openly over the tables.

- even when they are sitting with other men, do not hesitate to wave, smile or even approach them because once the deal is made no one sticks around obviously because quicker st means more quantity options in terms of time for the wg and lt means getting more out of the time for the monger. most of the times either the women sitting with men are passing time, enjoying their company or simply negotiating and you can tell negotiating because the men are waving their hands about and constantly discussing something with their friends and the girl is constantly looking helplessly towards her madam or friend who then joins them. inshort you can tell a negotiation.

- when they get up and leave the bar without the bag. means they have simply gone out towards the restrooms, so you can catch them next to the lifts or wait as they will be back in a few minutes. when they head outside the other door which looks like an alley and a seperate entrance. relax it is just an outside sheesha and sitting place and the access to the main door is shut. so your girl will return.

- do not try to stand in the middle of the staff's working and walking space between both doors (infront of the bar casheir) or the door leading to the outdoor seating and wait for the girl or negotiate with the girl as the staff does not like it as you are most probably getting in the way. even when the tables are full (which they are at night) try to adjust yourself in a corner or keep moving (very cyclonish. but cyclone has place to move).

well it was almost getting to be 6 o clock, i had to leave for my bur and beyond engagement and i even had to change upstairs, so as i was leaving, another stunner walked in. now in my books she was an a lister (and i know i am being totally biased here) because this woman was a ditto copy of a very sexy friend i have back home. perfect for my sleep with that friend fantasy took over and she got marked. the attitude looked very nice, a bouncy walk, dressed in a short shirt, caprice jeans with sneakers (i found the look to be very sexy. very next door girl dressing and thus the face fit the dressing fit the friend fantasy). she had nice tits, thin waist, slightly wide at the ass, shoulder length black hair, very cute face (late 20s). as a complete package looked perfect. but commitment is a commitment i left the bar at exactly 6pm.

i (after having a bath and changing) stepped out to get my taxi. just to make sure about my plans for the night, i chatted with the bell boy who was getting me the taxi as to the best night time pick up venue within the hotel (actually he inquired first as to why i didn't take a girl. no actually i had first complimented on the excellent crowd he has in his coffee bar when he was taking my luggage to the room). he promptly told me that the arabian and the russain clubs are so so, the best place to pick up a girl anytime was the coffee shop infact it was the only place.

so looking forward to the night i headed off in chilly evening of dubai towards bur sitting next to big ass mustached taxi driver.

details of the night and remaining trip to follow in next reports.

keep playing


editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-07-07, 16:37
Is Rush inn Bur Dubai girl friendlyNo real answer unless you try yourself.

It is difficult when the opposite happens and one greets a girl only to hear tales of woe regarding a person you introduced her to in the first place.And that's why I never provide introductions unless I KNOW the person... And just laugh at the PM's requesting contact numbers... What am I going to tell HER? "I've never met the guy, know nothing about him, don't know where he's from; the only thing we have in common is we like women, willing to pay for sex, and read some common web pages..."

Sadly, this trip will be all Sharjah. Is there any action there or best to just forget about it for this trip?I'd forget Sharjah. But it's a quick (well, outside of rush hourS) taxi ride to Diera/Bur Dubai. Taxi's not expensive. Just ask the girl if she has her own place (a number do), or knows of one you can use. Likewise, checking the afternoon action at TGIT (or Jockey's): a number of girls live close, whether its their actual apartment or just a ST place (be prepared to pay a "service" charge for the room) if it's the latter.

You HAVE heard the old cliche: where there's a will, there's a way.

My Kapitan
03-08-07, 08:46
Was going through expatriates.com where there is a hell lot happening in the services section.



Expats site is good for some swinging contacts in the couples encounters section, but be careful as usual with swing sites a lot of single guys there pretending to be part of a couple and others hiding behind western style names.

As for P4P you would be crazy to pay those prices when you just have get off your butt and go to a club plus you can see what you are getting for your money! Alternatively use the Gulf news classified section.

03-08-07, 10:16
There was a 3 week period of time between the day my CIS girlfriend returned to her country for a few months, and the day my wife traveled half way round the world to join me for a vacation. Since I am not enthused about spending time in sexual abstinence, I frequented York, Rockafellas, Cyclone and Rattlesnake to recruit the services of young ladies to satisfy my basic sexual needs. In the process, a few long blond and black hairs accumulated in hard to clean corners of my living quarters. Once these were discovered by my wife, I was faced with a barrage of questions. I was eventually obliged to admit my guilt. This was followed a heated discussion on marriage vows, fidelity and deceit. I was then forced to elaborate on my dalliances and sexual exploits. My wife felt intrigued by this series of misadventures, and I agreed to allow her to check out several nighttime venues.

First was York. We arrived at about 10:30 PM. I was immediately accosted by a number of very friendly ladies from the Orient, including two that I had been acquainted with in a very enjoyable threesome. They demanded a kiss on each cheek. During this time my wife refused to let go of my arm, and I kept praying she would not bang these delightful ladies on the head with her purse. A beer or so later and she had settled down, had been propositioned by several mongers, and was beginning to enjoy the experience. She even suggested that I take the telephone number of a delightful petite CIS for future reference (I did not as I feared the repercussions).

A few days later we visited the Cyclone. My wife applied her make up, dressed to look fashionably seductive, and we arrived at the club at 11:30 PM. We had a beer and sat on the stools by one of the tall tables. I decided to check out the talent and made the rounds. I couldn’t believe the latest asking prices. AED 1,500 to 2,000 seemed to be the norm for CIS, with AED 1,000 to 1,500 for PRC. There seemed to be a definite preference to visit hotels only. Are Cyclone girls becoming elitist and pricing themselves out of the market? My wife even commented that the Cyclone girls seem very aloof and unfriendly in comparison with the York girls. When I returned to my wife, she was deep in conversation with a “potential” customer. I believe she was requesting too high a compensation package, because the monger in question eventually retired to chase alternative delights.

After a few hours we returned to our residence. Although my wife felt sympathy for a number of the WG’s, she was totally turned on by the episode. I then experienced a sleepless night as my wife turned into a sexual predator and would not leave me alone. The next day I was happy and satisfied, although totally exhausted.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-08-07, 11:27
As for P4P you would be crazy to pay those prices when you just have get off your butt and go to a club Exactly! Last night at Rattlesnake - ST quotes around 400, LT around 600-700. Not many CIS, just enough African honeys, too many Chinese. Met up with old fave Young Maria Callas. Hot hot hot. She mentioned many CIS WGs have headed to Bahrain and Qatar recently for better money.

03-08-07, 11:32
A buddy of mine has been offer to be based here in Dubai and he's wondering with a USD7,000 monthly pay with the car, fuel, apartment all paid by company, is this sufficient?

If not, kindly adv for expat's pay as Sales Manager for building materials company earns a month in Dubai?


it sounds a little bit to good and I would suggest three points:

- It is extremly common within sales to have a fix and varable (bonus) portion in the salary, make sure you buddy has clear understanding what is fix, what are the targets he should reach, and the consequential bonus, Is the money paid in US$ or AED at offical exchange rate, this may have an impact to when sending it abroad.

- In respect to accommodation make sure he agrees about the kind of accommodation and quality (area),

- It is likely DXB/UAE will see a VAT in the foreseable future, make sure contract incorporates this, i. e. fixed adjustment etc.

If the before is fixed and it is a reputable company it seems to be a great deal and congratulation to your buddy,


Fifty Fifty
03-09-07, 08:27
I couldn’t believe the latest asking prices. AED 1,500 to 2,000 seemed to be the norm for CIS, with AED 1,000 to 1,500 for PRC. There seemed to be a definite preference to visit hotels only. Are Cyclone girls becoming elitist and pricing themselves out of the market? My wife even commented that the Cyclone girls seem very aloof and unfriendly in comparison with the York girls.

Yes I agree, the Cyclone is rapidly becoming a waste of money,but then there are and always will be guys who like to waste their money.

'Aloof and unfriendly' - yes, IMHO that is par for the course where attractive CIS are involved, they always have been that way.

As for the 'very ordinary girls' at the Rattler also wanting 400 ST and 700 LT, still IMHO far too high.

As a AED 500 LT regular, I refuse to consider going any higher, unless it is for something quite spectacular. Then again I already have something like that and she is good at AED 500 - 1000 for LT, where LT means Thursday to Sunday. Now that is a reasonable rate and one that I should be very happy with, before anyone comments, yes I am happy LOL.

Whats with the Cyclone prices of AED 1000 - 1500 LT for PRC, when quite a few of the same girls can be found in the Seaview and elsewhere for AED 500 LT max?

Took a colleague to the Seaview (his 1st time) last night where he picked up a very attractive, well built PRC (a little older than my standard 50:50), she opened at 500 and after 10 seconds of negotiations agreed to 400 LT. As I write this she is still with him, some 12 hours later - value for money chaps, and there are plenty more available.

I get a bit fed up with reading reports of guys saying they had a wonderful time and all for only AED 1500 LT - so they should have, that is damned expensive, even at current rates.

As long as there are guys willing to pay the higher rates, there will be girls wanting to charge them.

Here in DXB we have it pretty good and reasonably cheap where the WG price is concerned (e.g. London = 300 pounds or AED 2200 for an afternoon BJ with extras negotiable on top)

Lets exercise some control and keep it that way guys.

Anyone wants to accompany me on a AED 400/500 LT hunt one night, PMs are welcomed.



Funfor Females
03-09-07, 11:43
Well done, a splendid tale well told!

You don't perhaps think that the inflated negotiating position taken by your better half might be a symptom of the economic pheomenon you describe?

Keep up the good work. Oh, and as a matter of curiosity, how much was your missus asking?


Beijing Lover
03-09-07, 11:50
Hi guys...

I'm looking for a old friend from Hong Kong.
He moved there about one year ago.
His name is Steve Baron.
If you happen to know about his whereabouts just send me a PM.

Beijing Lover

Muff Man
03-09-07, 13:12
As promised here's me experience of 3 nights in Dubai (28th Feb. 2nd Mrach 2007):.

First night went over to York hotel as there was no action in the hotel I was staying (Admiral Plaza). There is an entrance fee to the 'York Club' but I managed to sneak in behind the security goon who was kept busy by some unruly punters. As reported before there are clear bondaries for the different ethnic types. African's to the left, Chinese to the right and CIS in the middle. The chinese are all lined up as if standing in a parade. Didn't catch anything I fancied so went over the other side to the African's. There were a few hot looking ethiopians but they were asking ridiculous rates. 1000 upwards and the good looking ones wouldn't budge. I talked to a few average looking CIS girls who could be haggled down to 700 for the night. I did fancy one which wanted 1200 initially but go her down to 900 for the night. She was about a 7. 5, young with nice slim body but unfortunately not the size of rack I was looking for. I decided not to go with her and ended up going back to the hotel empty handed. I thought I'll try my luck at cyclone the next night (Thurs).

Cyclone:. Entrance fee is 85dhs. Place was heaving when I arrived just after midnight. Ratio was about 2: 1 (men: women). PRC's on the left all lined up in the parade. There must have been over 50 of them. One hot looking PRC girl I spotted didn't wanna go back to the hotel with me in Deira (St. George). Said it was too far and she'd rather take me to her place. Her asking price was 1500dhs for the night. She was dreaming. I didn't haggle because I wasn't that interested in her after all. I was on the lookout for a persian girl but hadn't spotted any so far. There were also plenty of CIS and african girls to choose from who's asking prices were 1000/night. Some you could negotiate down to 700/night but then you would be compromising on the quality. I was just about to give up when I spotted this arabic looking babe sitting in the corner by herself. I went over to her and she greeted me with a big smile. She seemd quite attractive and had what looked like a nice curvy body. Her name was Fatima and she was from Iran. She spoke good english. Her whole approach was friendly and we made small talk before I asked about the 'real questions. She said she charged 1500 dhs /night, 2000 if back door was included. I said it was too high and said 1000/night. She immediatley agreed. I then realised that I could have offered her a lot less and could have negotiated a better deal but anyway my mistake. She had her own car and told me to leave the club seperately and walk slowly on on the road and wait for her. She duly arrived and we made our way to the hotel. No questions were asked at the hotel. Once in the room we started with a lot of hugging and deep french kissing. She took all her clothes off and unzipped my trousers and proceeded to give me an excellent BBBJ. I then made her lie on the bed for some DATY. She smelled and tasted very sweet. I then made her lie on the front so that I could rim her. She was really clean and tasted very nice. I spent a good 20 minutes alternating between her pussy and her arse. I then took her in the 69 position where she give me some rimming and anal fingering with a condom on her finger. This was something new I had never experienced and was a pleasant surprise. On with condom and took her doggy style. Her arse looked so heavenly and was ready-made for some anal action. Although anal wasn't inlcuded in the price she said I could enter her thorugh the back door since I told her I really liked her arse and would love to bang it. I entered her back door with little difficulty and banged away at her with deep strong thrusts alternating between her pussy and arse. This went on for a good 15 minutes before we changed positions several times, her on top, then me on top then onto doggy again. I entered her pussy and then her back door again this time increasing the pace. The whole bed was rattling and she was moaning all the way through until when I could hold on no longer, finally shot my load in her arse. We chatted for about 30 minutes lying naked on the bed before I was ready again for round 2. I knew I wouldn't be able to penetrate her again so I just asked for some BBBJ. This time round it took me a good 30 minutes before I could come. I was shattered after this and although we agreed on a full night she said she had to go. It was around 3: 00 am and I was so dog tired I wouldn't be able to do anything anyway so I agreed she could leave. She also give me backdoor for no extra charge so I didn't complain too much. I took her mobile number and we kissed good night and off she went All in all a fantastic experience. If anyone wants to contact her just PM me and I will give you her number. Face 7/10, body 7/10 attitude 9/10.

Next night: Premiere (Hyatt regency)

I was staying at this hotel for the last night of my trip and ventured into the Premiere night club which is located in the hotel complex. Same mix of PRC, CIS and african ladies. Made small talk with a few of the ladies before I spotted a cute CIS girl who spoke very little english. She was blonde about 23 with a medium sized rack. Unfortunately I can't remember her name. Her charges were 1000/night and 500 for ST. Got her down to 400 ST. Made ourselves to my room after she supplied a passport copy to the guy at the lifts. There is a 100dhs charge for bringing a 'guest' to your room. She made for the bathroom and then came out in a bath towel. I held her in my arms and started kissing (deep french). She then laid me down on the bed and give a decent BBBJ. Got her in 69 and licked both her holes out. She again was extremely clean and tasted ever so sweet. I could have spent all night just doing that. On with the rubber and tried several positions before I made her finish me with a BBBJ and a hand job whilst I fingered her holes. All in all a very good ST with a good looking lady. Face 8/10, body 7/10 attitude 9/10. Only downside was she spoke very little english so couldn't get to know her properly.

Hope I haven't bored you with my slightly long account. Enjoy.

The Muff Man

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-09-07, 14:12
I can understand the logic of a ladyboy or a top end European / Arab asking for the same but especially even the chinese brigade have also quoted along the same range.Wow, those uppity PRC's never cease to amaze...

But anybody looking at ladyboy prices... just a poofter who doesn't have the courage to admit it to himself...

First was York. We arrived at about 10:30 PM. I was immediately accosted by a number of very friendly ladies from the Orient, including two that I had been acquainted with in a very enjoyable threesome. They demanded a kiss on each cheek. During this time my wife refused to let go of my arm, and I kept praying she would not bang these delightful ladies on the head with her purse.Very unusual... customary that if you are with anyone, girls will NOT approach you, giving you a DISCREET smile and a nod from a distance. More so if the one you're with is a stranger... exactly for the consequences you specify. They know that if trouble occurs, regardless of initiator, they face banishment from the office, especially the PRC's.

And now for some useful info: read in TimeOut that March 30th will be dry - some religious holiday. Forewarned is forearmed.

03-12-07, 12:12
Being curious about a number of places mentioned in this forum I decided to explore the triangle of fun: York-Panorama/Jockeys-Ramda/Rumours.

I performed this exercise twice, the first one on Friday night I reached Yorka around 0100, the second one on Sunday night, starting around 2300. Here is a summary of my findings:

-York, it has the largest number of women, mostly chinese and African. Very few CIS. No significant differences between my two rounds I did not find anything I fancied. I just avoided the.

-Jockeys, a much smaller choice, in numbers, quality wise similar to York (I. E. , not so good). I met a nice CIS girl dancing with a miniskirt, but the escort T42 demanded payment in advance (800 dhm for "all night") I refused and she did not bulge. Being a natural negotiator I counteroffered to pay half in advance. This was the signal for the attack of the infantry, the dancing girl started hitting me in my chest saying "Niet, niet". That was the time to move on to my next stop (not before being threatened by the T42 with "a two ladies session". Next night there was another cis girl next to them, based on previous experience I did not even try to make any contact.

-Rumours, chinese (including a former acquitance of me) and african. First night a CIS girl was dancing wild, I approached her and she asked fro 1, 500 dhm. My social sense of responsibility forced me to come back with 800, her reply was that they guy next to her (admitedly he did not look like a very bright fellow)was offering 2, 000. Being a gentleman I congratulated her and moved on. Second night was even worst.

In both ocasions I retreated to known waters, Regal in my case, first night I picked up a nice looking 36yo Ukranina girl called Olga. By the time she felled on my bathroom for the second time I realized she was too drunk. A real pity as she started with a very energetic and impressive reverse cow girl. But then she got tired and tld me to finish myself. Eventually I kicked her out of my flat at 0500 after she even tried to steal my condoms.

Second night was better, Ianna, agreed to come with me for 700, she demanded advanced payment in my flat. Irefused and she kept asking. Eventually I agreed to put the money on the table and she agreed to take it in the morning. Great attitude (8/10) on a petite body (8/10) with very nice (and large for her frame breasts). If you are looking for a beautiful woman (face 6/10) she is not, but very funny, and she really enjoys. Playing with a dildo she went crazy (never tried it, she was a little bit afraid). A little bit too noisy, my neighbors will hate me. She was very cautious while leaving the place but I prefer not to give details on the procedure as I am not sure LE is lurking around.

So in summary, if you want to find African girls, almost any place will do.

Unfortunately they are not my cup of tea as they have been (in my experience) unreliable, especially regarding oral.

Chinese are also plenty, with the greater choice and quality (as a matter of numbers) going to York.

Rumours is a waste of time, and CIS girls are clearly spoiled.

Too bad.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Mickey Rooney
03-12-07, 16:09
[QUOTE=Louie0520]...... In the process, a few long blond and black hairs accumulated in hard to clean corners of my living quarters. ...[/.QUOTE]Been there done that and faced the music, so not have set up the mongateers DNA house proofing service. Could I interest you in a yearly contract?

You have my sympathies.

Tony #1
03-12-07, 20:26
I agree such a shame that the cis brigade have got spoilt and big headed, be because with out a doubt they were the best ever, over the past 2 years just don't know wots happened. But saying that there is always gems to be found.

Peace in the Middle East.

03-12-07, 21:42
Second night was better...One would hope, after that 1st night :)

If you're in that area, you might try Imperial - pretty grim later on (poor M/F ratio, and not my mix of males), but early on, can find the occasional diamond in the rough.

03-13-07, 12:13
If you're in that area, you might try Imperial - pretty grim later on (poor M/F ratio, and not my mix of males), but early on, can find the occasional diamond in the rough.Bravo, you sly devil. I never would have guessed that about you! (wink wink, nudge nudge ...)

Now I understand what you were trying to say:
... anybody looking at ladyboy prices... just a poofter who doesn't have the courage to admit it to himself...

*Disclaimer: The above post is satire and does not necessarily represent the views of the author or publisher. No claims for libel will be entertained.

03-13-07, 20:33
I agree such a shame that the cis brigade have got spoilt and big headed, be because with out a doubt they were the best ever, over the past 2 years just don't know wots happened. But saying that there is always gems to be found.

Peace in the Middle East.You could attribute that to "Money no object" Arabs and foreign diplomatic delegations who arrange parties paying them vast amounts.

Although my preference is for the Stanis, the CIS in general are still the best experiences.

From what i have found once you become a repeat customer you get the old magical performance from them. Paradox being sometimes the 1st experience is so poor - there is no repeat!

My advise is to stay clear from Cyclone to avoid the bad attitude as that is just a tourism market and go for other venues, Regal always being my favourite and Xanadu which has many surprises!


Tony #1
03-14-07, 15:08
I quite like Cyclone, mainly because there are so many birds there and a massive choice. And like I said gems are to be found. Will have to try XANADU never been there before. Back in dxb next week.

Any1 thats has noticed the attitude in cyclone, try premiere at the grand hyatt simialr girls to the cycline and less attitude. I don't know what it is for some girls it is as if once they are part of the cyclone brigade they have become part of some elite tribe.

03-15-07, 10:48
Finnegans is good on a week-night. (It's in Palm Hotel, next to Hard Rock).

I was there after work for an early night (630-10:30pm), playing pool with a work/mongering pal, and Miss Bodyguard joining us around 8pm for a delightful Bloody Mary.

Around 7pm it was sight to behold - about 4 guys in their 50's and 60's, on various tables, each enjoying their "romantic dinner date" with one or two Chinese girls they had each brought in with them.

One girl was the now-famous Miss BBBB from Rattlesnake, who 11Bravo has enjoyed recently. (I forget what 'BBBB' stands for, but she has the second-biggest rack in the history of the universe, so I'm sure "Big" and "Boobs" account for two of the B's).
She was part of a double-act with another Chinese girl, making pleasant conversation with a distinguished old chap over some greasy British Pub food.
Apart from that, still a few CIS and Africans. Very low key, very do-able.

My evil plan is to visit York this Friday night - first time in over a year. No Bodyguard with me, no early morning wake-up on Saturday morning. Trouble brewing.

03-15-07, 12:20
I have been reading about the mongering adventures of some of the senior guys in here with much interest. I do learn something everytime I read ISG. I would like to share one of my experiences.

I use skype quite a bit for my business as I have offices and clients in various parts of the world. Of course I use skype for chatting up women from various parts of the world where I have my offices. On one occasion I began to chat up a cutie from the Philippines who happened to be working for an oil & gas co. in AD. After some time chatting, I informed her that I would be in Dubai soon. She agreed to meet me there.

I was staying at the Park Hyatt. Called her from the limo to inform her that I had landed. As the flight had been delayed, she had almost given up on me. Anyway, she turned up at the hotel, with the Nepali bellboy who escorted her, grinning from ear to ear.

I had bought a bottle of red wine at the Duty Free. For those of you who have not been to the Park Hyatt, it has a very open concept. If you sit in the bedroom you see right into the bathroom. Absolutely no cover except for the can!

Now, if she weren't ready to get laid, she would not have come into a stranger's room. So I decided to push the envelope even further. I went into the shower with her gawking at my ass. Came out in a towel and proceeded to toast our good luck. Pretty soon, the wine and the mood had gotten the better of Cris. She had boasted on skype that she was a good french kisser. So, I dared her to show me her skills. From the kissing to the petting and very soon we were in bed. She resisted, the natural thing, so that I won't think of her as a ****. Hey, works for me. She had a great bod, and a clean shaven pussy that I ate for at least an hour. She was begging me to fuck her. And I gladly obliged. The wine kept me from cumming too soon, and was able to fuck her for at least another 45 mins., until she was too exhausted to cum! Then I spurted the creme de vie all over her taut little body. She wanted to sleep in as the following day was Friday. But I was totally knackered from the flight and the heavy sex, I gave her an excuse about an early morning meeting and a very bad headache and sent her off. Total cost = 0.

I believe there are plenty of free scores to be had in Dubai with either single working women or married MILFs whose hubbies are at work (or mongering).

03-15-07, 18:27
I have been through Dubai a number of times and enjoyed the entertainment on offer. On finding this forum I have followed the scene at verious places and can see that they change over time. I was last there back in November and checked out a few places:

Imperial - seemed to be on the up afetr a few years of decline and poor felmale to male ratio. I was there early and had it been a bit later could well have been tempted.

Regal - very quiet, so split as time was short

York - always entertaining especially if you are with someone who has never experienced this side of Dubai's nightlife. Ended up with a very pretty Madagascan girl.

Second night. Not much time so went straight to the Rattlesnake. A couple of Korean friends who were very tempting but did not want to rush. Had a few beers and ended up with a short, sweet Chinese girl dressed nicely (unlike so many others) and spoke decent English. My hotel as she said she was staying with friends. Great body and pretty big firm boobs for a small girl.

I travel there again next week and will probably try Seaview in light of the reports. Never been before and always good to try something new. My previous preference was African as I like the figure and big bust but like many on this forum have suffered a variable quality. Big boobed Chinese seems to be the answer. Any recommendations gratefully received.

Member #1071
03-16-07, 07:08
I must say the scene in Dubai changed drastically over the past three years.
Less CIS, more African, PRC seems to be stable in number, Turks and Iranian are becoming more and more available. Prices have increased by two to three times. Still you are able to negotiate good deals especially with independent girls. If you become a regular to her you can get better rates for more time.
Yesterday visited a friend at Moscow hotel, quite a few CIS girls, nice ones, in the lobby. I have seen men going to their rooms with those girls , no hassle or questions from reception.
Still Dubai is one of the best places for mongering, prices are acceptable compared to Europe for example.

Wolfie Mike
03-16-07, 07:52
Some of you may well have read the news about Halliburton moving its HQ to Dubai - and the political row it is causing in the US.

Just a warning from my some of contacts that it will also push up prices for Girls at the higher end of the market!!

03-16-07, 10:06
I was in Dubai last week and checked into Broadway hotel which I had read about somewhere on this forum and knew it was girl friendly.There is bar/restaurant on the left side of the check-in counter and at midnight, the time I checked in, this place is buzzing with activity of all sorts. Many CIS girls but also met Lebanese and Morocan women. I saw lots of arabs, in their usual attire and were negotiating rates and drinking in the bar.Entrance was 50 Dhms. and one free alcoholic drink is given.

I picked a young lasse but a bit plump CIS woman aged 22 yrs.(saw her passeport) and was on visitors visa. Paid her 400 Dhms for 3 hours and managed only twice. She was new to this and went back to the bar at 4:30 AM and stood around. I decided to go for a short walk and came back in an hour's time and met a pretty lebanese inside the revolving entrance and negotiated a rate of 200 Dhms. for one hour and had a wonderful time she was very co operative and allowed every which way.She over stayed and asked for more money and left with an extra 50 Dhms.

At breakfast the same bar/ restaurant is used and the place was still full of women to be had. They distrub you by sitting right in front while having break fast. My onward flight was at 3:30 in the afternoon so at around 10 am went to the restaurant and picked an Uzbek women for one time for 200 Dhms.

Broadway is certainly the place to be but I think the quality of the women is not as good as at Cyclone after seeing some of them again in the morning.

Funfor Females
03-16-07, 10:24
Taylor 2.

Your ISG private messasge system is switched off.

You are clearly looking for shaggable PRCs with decent tits and you asked for recommendations.

It is pretty tricky to provide recommendations when a bloke has got his e-mail switched off.

Have a look at my post in UAE photogallary #1347 dated 18 February.

If you want pointing in the right direction with regard to these Chinese stunners then read my previous posts and send me an ISG e-mail. I wll happily reply with contact details.


03-16-07, 16:07
sorry for the long delay between reports but work load is pretty heavy (the sma kind of work. save my ass) but anyways here goes.

well most of my wednesday night was spent out with a friend and i got to return to the hotel (broadway) at about 1 am thursday morning. well quickly went up to the room, attended to a well deserved and much awaited nature call, freshened up and down i went by 1: 20 am to select my entertainment for the night. apparently this time around they had a guy at the coffee bar entrance who was charging 50aed for the entrance. crap i had to pay despite my pleas that i was staying in the hotel.

once i got in. whoa man it was packed not a place to sit down. pretty dark and full of smoke with loud indian music blaring on the stereo. the layout was the same from the evening but it was packed. number of girls had gone up but at the same there were tons of men all sitting in groups. infact i could not see a single table which was women only. the marketing parade was still on. girls walking in and out of the alley door, too dazed by the impact of the crowded interior, i decided to check out the alley in order to explore and also to stabalize myself (i was unable to judge the quality and quantity as i stood on the crowded floor). i stepped out and this is when i realized that the alley was actually a little outdoor seating place where people where having sheesha. girls were either into their marketing parade to the men sitting there or were busy talking on their cellphones or simply sitting and chatting (negotiating) with men. stood there for like 2 minutes and decided to head back in. stood at the door and took a long look. hmmm, most of the girls from the evening were gone and were mostly replaced by these older looking fat women.

now let me give you a warning here. during my stay at broadway i found a lot of very screwable stunners but then i saw a lot of tremendously bulky fat women also. some of whom i could sense must have been stunners in their day and would have been gracing cyclone at some time or the other and now are working this place because of this huge belly flapping out of their tops and even bottoms.

but yes i could still pick out a few stunners and utlra sexy women from the huge pack of d listers. yes dragface was there playing host as usual, and she looked the same elegant herself, the blond (dyed) atheletic slim girl was there with her multistreaked slim short friend. okay so things are not bad. saw an opportunity of sitting down at the far end (the same seat i had spent the afternoon and evening in) as one table was empty. i literally ran and sat down. ordered a tea and started deciding what to do.

now since some of the women from the afternoon were here, maybe the others will turn up as well (since the girls were hanging out all day here, i assumed that most live nearby) maybe from home or sts within the hotel. so i sat and as i sipped my tea enjoyed the female environment around me.

i saw quite a few good looking women either stepping out or parading or sitting down with various men at different tables. i was absolutely confused as to how to approach them. by this time the floor had become such a big maze of chairs and tables that it was practically impossible to reach the door the instant you see a good looking girl walk in or out. and by the time you would have reached her she would either have joined a table or gone out into god knows where. plus you run the risk of losing your chair (average empty chair time was 4 seconds). the second option was to wave to a girl but to do that you had to make the eye contact or atleast face contact. with so many people and the dark and cigerate smoke it was only by a stroke of luck that you could make eye contact (i was really sitting on the deeper side of the shop) and i just did not want to spoil someone elses deal by luring in a girl who is already at someone elses table. so decided to wait for more to walk in and fate for making our eyes collide.

it was over 1: 45 am by now and then fate sort of helped me out. the girl i had spotted in the evening as i was walking out (the biased a lister who was wearing caprice and resembled a friend i'd like to do back home) walked in and as she entered as if by magic our eyes collided, i passed out a smile and just kept on staring at her. she made her way through a jungle of tables and came and sat down beside me.

so after the usual hi hello,, i asked her name. it was a. i quickly judged that she was very bad at english so she must be knew and rightly so as she claimed that she had been in dubai for only one month. i asked her for the entire night. all night she replied and i said yes till morning, she said okay. now before i went for the negotiation i wanted to confirm the menu. so i asked her about the services as what will you do with me in bed till morning. to which she got confused (language barrier), so i asked her do you suck again a 'what' look. to which i looked around to see if no one is watching but everyone was busy in their own hunting and i took my finger to the mouth and gave the sign of a blowjob to which she said yes. i then inquired about bbbj to which she said something in russain which i couldn't understand but i distinctively heard the word gundom. deciding not to pursue the menu anymore because of the language issue i did not want to be understood that i wanted sex without a gundom. so i asked the 'how much' question. she took out her mobile phone and showed my the digits 1500 on the screen. now thanks for the forum i was prepared to receive a figure like that. so i casually with a teasing smile with a look straight in her eye said that that's too much. she then typed straightaway a figure and put the phone on me of 1000.

now 1000 was my budget for the night and i really liked this girl, despite the language issue and i could sense that she responded well to eye contact (i believe that is the name of the game when it comes to gfe and love making) adn furthermore, from what i could make out she was saying that this was as low as she would go. what the heck i could have negotiated further but i wanted this girl and i had the money. okay i'll go for it (it was a scary moment because this was the highest i had ever paid out for an lt in dubai. infact anywhere in the world).

i said lets go, she said don't you want to stay, i said why? okay we'll stick around as long as i finish my tea. she then asked for the money upfront, i said no. and there we had a major disagreement. she wanted it right there and i said nopes. i then tried to explain her what happened to me last night with the african and the upfront payment and the inevitable early departure. i didn't know if she was getting it or not but then i guess she wasn't because she got up. i thought oh! boy i blew it but then i saw her bag still hanging on the chair. she came back 30 secs later with a friend who could speak much better english. now her friend wasn't that bad either nice cute face very homely/gf kind if you know what i mean. but a few pounds around waist were the put off. now she was not fat but that slight excess fat around the waist puts the entire figure out of propotion. anyways she inquired as to what's the issue and i said nothing i want to take your friend for the whole night. she said okay 1500 and i said what! she has just closed the deal in 1000. and then some russian arguement broke out between both of them which lasted for good 5 minutes. after which she turned to me. okay 1000 she likes u. but give money first and i said. well honey that is where the issue is and i had to give her the whole cheating story of a night before but i wasn't able to convince her. but she promised that if i pay now, ms a would not leave me till morning.

finally i gave in, as the friend gave me her word that no cheating will happen. i paid out the money and then it struck to me. "to what time in the morning? ". till 8 o clock i said no till 10 or 11 atleast. again a stale mate. oh what the hell, i won't sleep till fucking 8. i want my morning screw.

so after i finished my tea which was in the next 2 minutes, i paid the bill and walked up to my room with ms. tagging behind me. infront of the lifts she went towards the rest room (i didn't know till then that wgs had to use the stair and lift from 1st fl formula) and told me that she will up in 5 mins.

i went up, poured a quarter bottle of bubble bath in the tub and started making my bubble bath. around 10 minutes later a knock came on my door and lo'behold she was there. she walked in gave me a hug. interesting she was now carrying a shopping bag with her and although her dressing was the same as the evening, she was now wearing high heels instead of those sneakers. as i hugged her, i squeezed her butts. hmm nice and firm. she smiled and walked in.

i asked if she would like some vodka (i had gotten a bottle from the duty free) and she said no and asked for whisky instead. holy shit. there goes the mini bar. i had to serve her that 55aed shot bottle of chivaz with coke. as she sat down and sipped, we went into the chit chat mode. i found she was from azerbaijan, the friend downstairs was her sister. i then told her that she was prettier to which she blushed. man i am telling you she actually blushed. somehow the language barrier was not creating any problems so far.

she switched on to the music channel (thank god they had some decent songs playing this time) and she liked the music and wanted to dance to it and so kept the whisky glass on the side and started swaying in the little space between the bed and the tv. i want to join too i said and stood up behind her with put my arms around her stomach and pushed my pelvis in her ass. she responded and started moving her ass in a grinding manner from side to side. i slowly started stroking her body, her belly her thighs, her arms and even took her arm all the way up aka dirty dancing style and stroked her underarm. she then turned around and we started dancing hugging each other enjoying each others caress. wow great gfe so far. i started slowly playing with her hair and started kissing her cleavige, her neck, moved on her face (without kissing her lips) and then reached for ear and this just turned her on. now by this time we were on the third song, she took my shirt off and then worked on my pants. i meanwhile started gently rubbing my hands on her covered breasts. this turned her on and she took her shirt off.

wow, i could see that she was adequetly endowed and the tummy was flat, her upper body was hairless and she had a very yummy belly button. i felt her tummy and before she could un zip her bra (i like a systematic strip) i worked on her caprice. she got the hint and helped me slowly slip of the caprice. man she was great down there as well. a nice g-string and very sexy. she pulled my pants down and squeezed little bro in the boxers. i turned her around, adjusted little bro between her buttocks and we started dancing again. this time i had my lips and tongue constantly around her neck, shoulders and ear. the soft moans as we swayed gently to the music were very sexy and these moans would get louder as i rubbed her inner thighs with my finger tips teasingly as to not touch her pussy, yet make my presence felt in that area.

not being able to take more, she pushed me on to the bed and turned around for to take off her bra. i unhooked it and turned her around and removed the bra. now here i tried something different (boy did it work). i did not look at her naked breast (which i could see from the side of my eye was lovely perfectly round with very nice chewable pink nipples), i just looked up at her (she was standing, leaning against me and i was sitting at the edge of the bed) and started staring dreamingly in her eyes. this really turned her on. and i don't know how long we were simply frozen in that state. i really felt intimate with her as if a very strong connection being made. guys i am sorry i am ranting on and on about this but it was this really strong gf connection that i felt in those moment. the eye contact thing worked. i mean these girls are used to men taking their clothes off and then staring at their private parts and immediatly start licking/rubbing/squeezing them. i didn't even look at them. i just held her, slowly carressing around her tits not touching them directly kissing between them, on the side without letting my mouth near the nipples and all the while staring her right in the eye.

she kept on slowly pushing her breast and nipple towards my lips, i would just let my lips brush over her errect nipples but i would suck on the side just off the areola (i hope i've spelt it correctly). i slowly slid off her g string and again teased her pussy and asshole by letting the touch go all the way and then divert at the last minute to the last area. not being able to hold, she this time pushed me back and started kissing me dfk style madly. i cannot tell you the passion there was in those kiss from her side. it was the tightest embrace i had ever felt. after a lot and a lot of wet, saliva dripping kissing she moved back and took off my boxers. she rubbed the tip of her finger on the top of my cock and wiped clean all the pre-cum off the hole at the top and took her finger in her mouth and licked her finger clean.

interesting thing is that now she was the one who had constant eye contact with me and she had this wild, hungry yet passionate look. she then repeated the teasing exercise on me, she played with my cock with her hands bent down and licked the inner thighs, my knees, my pelvis. she loved it and she loved the fact that my pelvis was shaved clean and soft. she although had these one cm tall pubic hair. she pointed this out herself and said that she hates shaving and goes to the parlour for a clean-up. she then lapped up my soft clean pelvis like a cat, moved to the side of the penis, the testicles and then she discovered my shaved asshole. she just licked and licked (no rimming). i kept on encouraging here with gentle strokes in her hair and moans. she then moved up, sat on me, carefully so that my penis was between her and my belly. she starting rubbing my penis against her pelvis and belly while sliding back and forth. she also kept on bending down and with the full length of her tongue flat out, she would lick my chest, nipples and chin. i let out tongue as well, so she would also bend down lick my tongue. after i guess how long and getting this urgent need to release my load. i requested for a bubble sexy bath.

she said okay as we went into another kissing session as we rolled all over the bed. we eventually got up, she took of her necklace (which had looked very sexy hanging down with her tits as gravity had worked on those tits making them fall over me as she was bending down again and again to lick my body and face. she also took off her anklet (which i forgot to mention. was looking extremely sexy and i had mentioned it to her right in the beginning that how sexy she looked with it. infact as i recall, sexy was the word i kept on using with her to compliment her). we literally walked in each others arms to the bathroom (i am telling it was actually hard for both of us to let go of each other). on my way i got to see the time and it was 3 am. fuck we had spent an hour in just playing around (she had come up at 2) and i was enjoying every minute of it. i got into the foamy tub, she went out to get her half filled glass of whisky, i lit a cigerette. she came back and got it. as she got in, i got my first view of her vaginal lips. wow they were outclass. pink, slightly lifted, and unlike the pelvis, completely devoid of pubic hair.

okay now why was the bubble bath so critical as to break up such a passionate session. cleansing of the private parts. i find it very rude and anti gfe to ask a girl to go wash her vagina and asshole as i want to do some daty and rimming. during a bath you get to play and while you warm up the person poke your soapy fingers inside her pussy and asshole to make sure that they are squeeky clean for daty, rimming and tongue fucking later on. it also turns on the women. plus you get to clean your own tool as well and clear away any bad sweaty odors you might have (due to an eveing out) and thus ensure you come out smelling clean and fresh, so that the girl also with full pleasure give you an extended bbbj and rimming.

we played for no one knows how long in the tub sliding over each other, facing each other, playing with each other's feet, getting feet fuck from her, in return she got a toe suck from me. she then lied down on me with her head next to mine and my penis sandwiched between her buttocks. i took full advantaged of this and touched her pussy for the first time, slowly playing with them and then gradually inserting my fingers in (to clean it ofcourse), one finger and the two fingers. she loved it and started to slide over my penis. i then turned her around, my penis now sandwichded between both bellys. we went into dfk session as i slowly soaped her between her ass cheeks and carefully started pushing my finger in her asshole. she sort a liked it as she started moaning, i could only push in an inch when she changed the position and went into a cowgirl sorta position and started sliding on my penis (relax, penis was flat on my belly). this was getting too hot for me handle eventually (and also scared that with all the soapy lubrication the penis might actually slip inside her pussy), i told her that i wanted to fuck her bad. so lets go the bed.

trust me fellows, the heat was so strong between us that it was getting damn damn difficult to make sane decisions. i swear i had forgotten that i was with a wg and not a girl friend. we were so weak that we could have made love right there and then bareback. (i know it could have been the last mistake i would have made. but thank god i didn't. well live and learn and realize what could be your weakest hour. i am glad i survived).

anyways, wrapped in towels we came out and went straight under the covers. after a heavy dfk session i finally gave justice to those awesome tits and nipples. after working to my content (and hers. i guess) i moved down to her belly button sucked it and just before hitting her vagina, i turned her around and started lapping up her buttock cheeks. i then pushed my tongue between the crack and let my tongue work its' way to asshole. this drove her wild. she lifted her buttocks up, i split them open and started rimming her. man she had a great asshole, clean, fresh, soft and pink. i just loved the moans i was hearing with every stroke of my tongue and started doing something i had not done before. tongue fucking the asshole. i loved it. eventually i took my tongue to her pussy and had one of the most intense daty every. my nose buried inside her ass, i licked and tongue fucked her again and again. looking at the opportunity that i had lubricated her ass, i tried to push the envelope again and started putting my finger up her ass. i did not get any resistance, so i pushed in an inch or so but somehow, the position was awkward, where i had to push my finger in her ass, lick her pussy as well and at the same time balance my remaining hand and knee and also compensate for the thrusting force i was getting from her body with every moan.

so i flipped her over, on her back and stuck with daty with her legs split apart, i would occasionally finger fuck her pussy while fliking her clit and the remaining time i reach my arms up to her breasts and squeeze them. wanting my bbbj also, i went into a top 69 position, where my penis was hanging over her mouth, and mine positioned on hers. i pulled her legs back so that my arm pits had locked her legs from her thigh and above. her legs and butts completely pulled apart, i had ample head room on the pussy. i happly lapped away. at first she just played with my cock with her hands and when my daty got more intense. whoops she took the entire thing in my mouth and man, i had to stop the daty. this woman was sucking me like wow. deep throat and all. she was actually pulling my cock off my body with her mouth. i continued. with occasionally admiring the whole thing in the mirrors on the cupboard to the side of the bed (in my hotel room review). it was extremely sexy. her legs pulled back, face sucking in on to my cock. her butt cheeks pulled up in the air, and that lovely anklet around her ankle (i had made her wear it after the bath). well we rolled over with me on the bed and her on the top. the daty continued, the bbbj continued. the finger still inside her ass, i tried to push beyond an inch and down came her hand to pull my finger out. ah well, the fingers went inside her pussy, as soon as she got back to full attention to my cock, back one of the fingers went inside her ass. this time i did not push it all the way to beyond an inch so she didn't mind. i kept alternating between her ass and pussy till she started shouting fuck me oooh fuck me.

she got off and before i could open the drawer and hand her my durex she had already taken out this carex condom. which was like dark purple in color. really funny to see my penis in it. all dark and purple as if somebody had beaten it with baseball bat. the condom was sort a tight. well as soon as the condom was in place, she sat on me, feet flat on the bed, knees bent on the sides of my chest and slowly she put me inside. fuckkkkkk she was tight, incredibly tight. as soon as i was completely in. she started the sit up motion and was she good. i mean i was lying there as if helpless and she was the one fucking me. she slammed hard everytime and as if she wants to burst inside my body. i have never in my life had a cowgirl so intense and so passionate. it was as if she was trying to hit her g-spot in cowgirl and i think i was. the whole thing, her breasts over me (i sucked them), her moans, the way she was fucking me. the eye contact, the dfk and ofcourse the reflection in the mirror was awesome. scared that i might actually come for the first time in cowgirl (i never do), i made her roll her to missionary.

now for the sake of all of you who are following my reports i will spare the details of the love making session from here on as to most of the postions applied were pretty much the same as to ones applied to the african a night before. but the only difference was that this girl took me in all of my signature moves with an attitude of not only enjoying them but wanting more and i mean everything, be it the monkey, the monkey spring, the scissor, the scissor spring and the flat spring. she just took me and took me. guys i do not know but she made me hit her g-spot so many times it wasn't even funny. here i was trying to impress her with my moves and take her by surprize and it turned out to be opposite, she took me by surprize and adapted so quickly to each position and with such passion and the gaze of give me more, i love it. that it was awesome.

my muscles were getting tired so i decided to go for the finish and i requested for doggie. and then we had the most amazing doggie. i was hoping to go for an instant finish but she made me last for quite a while and she had observed that i enjoyed looking at her in the mirror while i fucked her so she made sure that doggie happened towards the mirror. in doggie she let out her voice at max volume. she was moaning at the top of her lungs. now normally i get quite scared with so much noise with respect to the neighbours, but i was having so much fun in this position and her moans were turning me on and on and on that i wanted more of it, i wanted her to shout more, so my thrusts got more and more quicker and harder and with every thrust her moan got louder. eventually i came. wow. we were both exhausted. i looked at the watch, it was 4: 30 am. fuck i did not know i could make a session with the works (bath and all) last for freaking 2 and a half hours. and then what i absolutely love and which truly makes it a gfe happened. she instead of heading out to the bathroom, just fell in my arms, we dfked and just lay down there for sometime. just two real lovers lying together. i then realized that half the bed was fucking wet. she smiled and said i come, i come manytime. i said wow, never had this experience before.

well we showered again and set up to sleep, while watching tv. she was hungry so popped open a bag of crisps. we switched the light off, she curled up in my arms and we just watched tv. i was too pooped and i really thought that i won't be able to go up again atleast not tonight. but i guess what 20-25 minutes later, i could feel little bro now throbbing against her thighs and bottom. so i slowly started stroking her breasts. she got the hint and looked at me with a very sleepy face but a loving and told me that she was tired. i just smiled back and grabbed her pussy and started rubbing it gently. i then inserted one finger in and then two and started the finger fuck. in a minute or two the moans were back and her body shivering next to mine was a cue for me to reach out this time for my durex and cover-up. so i did and somehow, lying on our sides, with her back to me (sort a like a sideways doggie), i found it so sexy that i tried to insert my cock in that position. now this i had seen purely in porn before and i thought i won't be able to fully thrust in. but when she realized what i was trying to do, i don't know how she adjusted her butt, that i got complete full access from the rear (side) to her pussy. and it rocked. i never knew it would be so much fun. it was actually a position which could be called part of the love making rather than sex.

so we made love in the dark with only the light of the tv on, with soft moans and my delightfull grunts, i don't know when i shifted to doggie and when i came. but it was magical.

i slept that night at almost 6 am with a huge smile naked with her naked body wrapped on to mine.

i woke up and checked the clock, it was 11 am. fuck. and she was still there sound asleep what happened to her 8 o clock departure. quietly got up and went to the loo and attended to what every man does in the morning. freshened up and lied down beside her. she woke up with a smile, gave me a smile and asked me the time. i told her 11: 30. she goes what with a shock. but the shock lasted for a second. as she then moved back into my arms without a care in the world. she apparently looked very tired but i still started kissing her slowly and i asked her if she liked it. she said she loved it but was very tired. now i wanted my morning dose. so out of the bag of tricks came out my award winning massage (yup guys i have actually taken classes in this art). i started massaging her gentily and in 15 minutes she wanted me inside her. and we had another whopping g-spot bashing session in all the positions possible. she just loved it all. i could see as she was getting dressed that she was really tired and exhausted. i don't blame her cause we pumped the entire night away, slept for only a few hours and then spent the last good hour pumping again (and this does not even count the sts she must have had yesterday). but she seemed happy. while leaving she just fell in my arms again and we just kissed and kissed. back on the door we had yet another kissing session. man it was like both of us didn't want to leave each other. so finally i opened the door for her as i was late for a lunch appointment with a friend at a mall (it was 1 pm now). i asked her why didn't she call back to her sister (she kept calling during our love making session and ms. never picked up the phone. another big attitude plus for ms. a. she never attended the phone when she was busy with me). she sadly replied "no credit". so as a reward for such great service, experience and the fact that she over stayed and gave me morning attention i went down with her and both her a 40aed phone card and nearly got dfked in the middle of the street.

with a smile i headed out in the taxi for my lunch appointment. more to follow in my next report

keep learning


editor's note: i certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the reports of distinction thread. please click here (http://www.internationalsexguide. info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php? ) for more information.

03-17-07, 02:11
I quite like Cyclone, mainly because there are so many birds there and a massive choice. And like I said gems are to be found. Will have to try XANADU never been there before. Back in dxb next week.

Any1 thats has noticed the attitude in cyclone, try premiere at the grand hyatt simialr girls to the cycline and less attitude. I don't know what it is for some girls it is as if once they are part of the cyclone brigade they have become part of some elite tribe.Hey Tony,

Try out Xanadu, but go after midnight, otherwise can be hit/miss.

Let us know what the situation currently is. Alternatively Broadway has been getting great reviews. So why not also try there? I will be back in a month so intend to visit there!


Mauri Man
03-17-07, 03:55
I find these post really helpful. Would be in Dubai soon and would be nice to meet some members there who can guide me. If you can please PM me. Also looking for some nice place for massage etc let me know thanks.

Fifty Fifty
03-17-07, 17:04
Hi folks,

Just a quick report, seeing as I have been somewhat quiet of late. Being otherwise engaged with a long term PRC for past six weks or so is the cause.
Have had the odd night out without her, meeting up with a few members and enjoying the sights.
Last Sunday night whilst I was with my PRC and Lox4fun, I spotted a large chested PI in the Imperial, simply had to have her number. Made sure my babe wasnt watching as I followed Miss Big Balloons to the loo, popped her the old fone number and went back to main room.
Next day Miss Balloons is on the fone, wants to meet asap. She told me her boss very strict etc, but she wanted to meet me in secret, ho ho.
Slipped off to Rydges to meet up at 6.30 pm that night, took her off to Karama and showed her the Filipino places there, even had a nice meal in a cheapie Filipino restaurant.
We discussed the Boss problem and it turned out that I knew her boss well, she is a regular PI in the Imp, one fone call and problem solved along with all night price of 500 agreed.
Arranged to meet fellow ISG member in Seaview at 10 pm so tok the PI babe back to her place nr Rydges to get changed etc.
She wore the most stuning little top that covered nothing of her 34D's but had the sense to wear a covering jacket.
In the Seaview with the jacket off, the attention she got was just ridiculous, but it made me feel pretty good I can assure you. Even my mate said that tits like that just shouldnt be allowed. When she got up to dance just about every guy was loking, urging her on in the hope that she would 'pop out' and she did, although fairly discreetly putting the nipples back in as if she had plenty of practice at it.

Took her back to my place for the usual tea and biscuits etc, pretty good at all aspects and awarded 8/10 - Dunno how I scored??

Funny thing was, next night in the Seaview I was asked to see the manager, he wanted to talk to me about bringing girls into the bar, oops I thought, what have I done now?
He laughed and asked me about the big chested PI, could he have her number cos he had never seen a pair of tits so big on such a small girl.
I contacted her and she consented to me giving him her number, so its smiles all round every time I go there now.

Just for the record, there were 22 PI (of all shapes and one size - small) in the Seaview on Wednesday night and even more on thursday although it was a bit too busy to count them all.
The PI regulars made me laugh by commenting on the girl I brought in earlier in the week with the big boobs, saying how good she had looked.

Just makes you feel good when the Management and the other WG's all approve, maybe I should see her again soon.

I back to the PRC babe at the moment, but still getting plenty of PI action too.

Just noted a few new PRC in the Imperial last week, also quite a few new faces in Seaview. Load of old ones in Jockeys and York though.

Cya, FF

03-18-07, 11:04
A couple of pals and I went to York and Regal Friday night (11pm to 2am), played a few games of pool and checked out the scenery. All three of us had bodyguards waiting at home, so no chance of pulling a girl. Maybe that's why none of the girls looked anything special. If I had the opportunity, there were a few tempting African honeys.

In York, the breakdown was about 50% African, 40% Chinese and 10% CIS. There were a couple of unusual looking CIS, including one who looked about 10 years old in the darkness due to her very tiny size. In the light she looked 40 years old. How bizarre how bizarre. But there were a few very young new recruits also, including a plump but sexy young blonde.

In Regal it was all CIS, but gone are the crowds of stunners from a year ago. Two beautiful blondes said hi to me, remembering me from previous nights in the boudoir, but one was busy with a customer and left soon after, the other persisted until I let her know I wasn't taking a girl home.

Both places were low-key and only half-full - a far cry from their previous happening selves. I still prefer Rattlesnake for variety and proximity.

PS - York had two groups of Filipinas (sitting quietly at the right-hand bar as you enter, near the stage. They were nothing to write home about).

03-18-07, 12:30
No lurid descriptions in this post, but may be of interest if you want to look at life from a different POV.

I decided to take my Russian friend to the ballet last night, given that she used to be a music teacher (and soprano singer until started smoking) I thought this would be good fun.

In fact she enjoyed the performance and this will certainly translate into an increased GFE in the future.

The interesting thing is that when I questioned her why she did not go on her own she was quite unsure, it certainly was not about the money (of course it is nicer if somebody invites you), but has to do with a certain lack of confidence. I have noticed that some of these girls while feeling quite safe in their natural habit feel quite shy when mixing with mainstream people.

After performance she asked me to take her to Hard Rock Cafe as she was curious about the place (as a potential hunting ground) but did not want to go alone... I mentioned to her that maybe she would be talking about Amnesia but in any case we head to a noisy and crowded Hard Rock Cafe (St Patrick's day) where we had some dinner. Interestingly, a number of guys checked her when we walked in but it was clearly not a spot for her trade (too many kids and families)

After dinner we headed towards Amnesia. There the real fun began.

First the guy at the door asked her for an ID, also to an Indian guy, but surprisingly when I said that I had no ID with me he had no problem with that... he was rude as hell and normally I would have walked out. She may be a P4P girl but if she is with me nobody should be making these judgements as my money is a good as any (and it was bloody expensive, 100DHM).

Then upstairs, crowded, mostly because you can only be in a small part of the bar. We ordered some wine and we started to move trying to find a spot, a couple of guys tried to grab her, oblivious it seems to my presence.

We parked ourselves on a small round table and I asked her if she would like me to check the prices, she said yes. And there I went... and again I became transparent. This time for the girls... not a single signal of feeling my presence (or at least my wallet's presence). I felt so disappointed that I refused to engage any of the girls. This reminded me of one of my colleagues who bitterly complained to me one Sunday "I went this weekend to amnesia and the girls refused to talk to me. Not even hookers want me".

Then I return just to be told that we need to move as the table needs an additional 200dhm payment. We moved on and after another 15-20 minutes of exploration we departed.

I asked her her opinion:

-She liked the place as she claimed that there were not many girls.

-She expects higher prices (around 2,000) based on the fact that the place is close to Marina (plenty of expats) and the fact that the girls need to make a 50 dhm investment to come here from Dubai (I am not sure I can agree with her logic).

-She was not upset about the rudeness, she takes it as part of her natural environment.

-She will come here for work, but for the first times at least she will come with a friend (girl) that she trusts

My views:

-Plenty of pretty girls (mostly CIS but I think there wre some Turkish or ME) but horrible attitude.

-Most of the guys there were not active shoppers in my view, eventhough a saw a few closed deals.

-Prices are probably high, but I suggest this mostly based on the unfriendliness of the girls and the fact that some people tend to pay more the more obnoxious the girl behaves (can I find a way to make money out of those people?).

-I find amazing that a woman who is willing to stick her tongue into any of my body orifices feels shy to go on her own to a cultural performance, or a restaurant or a new club. I can not understand women and at my age I think I would need some form of radical surgery to develop that ability.

I will return to Amnesia to bring some additional light into the unkowns that my first expedition could not address (i.e. prices) but my expectations are quite low.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-18-07, 17:10
I will be staying in al Bustan near the airport for 4 nights. Would like to find out if there is any action near by. As thisis my 1sttime in Dubai.

03-18-07, 19:35

Interesting comments. I think we sometimes lose sight of the "stranger in a strange land" syndrome suffered by WG´s in DXB. They can react in one of two ways, one includes fear, the other bravado (when escorted.) Depends on the girl.

I doubt anyone would enjoy being seen as a negotiable product (unless that was the purpose of the outing) but they do get somewhat used to the idea in DXB, it is nothing new, many women in DXB have to live with the presumptive attitudes of many people in DXB.

What is universal IMHO is the little "circle" of friends and surroundings where they do feel comfortable. I have had several ladies who fell in love with my normal hotel since everyone knew me, and then them, and were always polite. Not that I am some big wheel, but spend enough time in any place, and you will get the comfort of the familiar. In contrast, I have never felt really comfortable inside "her" little circle of pals. Go figure!

Personal observation: Tip of the hat to you, you obviously have a really excellent attitude towards your friend, and I am certain she really appreciates it. I have made real friends this way.

As for really understanding women, let me know if you ever crack it. ;)

Sir Poonabit
03-18-07, 19:42
I will be staying in al Bustan near the airport for 4 nights. Would like to find out if there is any action near by. As thisis my 1sttime in Dubai.Jules Bar right next door at the Meridien. A 2 minute walk. Things start happening at ~10pm at night.

03-19-07, 05:27
The definition of debauchery is excessive indulgence in sensual pleasures. My wife left for a trip to Europe, and my girlfriend was not scheduled to return from the CIS for at least a week. It is exactly this type of situation that gave rise to the expression “when the pussies are away, the man will play”.

Monday night – a little indulgence – off to the Rattlesnake at 11:30 PM. Miss Kyrgyzstan was there looking as desirable as she had been the first time I picked her for a night of entertainment. I did the rounds but nothing caught my fancy. I returned to Miss Kyrgyzstan. She said “you have got to take me tonight; tomorrow I go to Kish to renew my visa. It’s going to cost AED 4,000 for a 3 month visa and I need to pay my sponsor”. We had a great night, and her performance had improved dramatically in the two months since I had last been with her. She gave me a BBBJ that just about sent me to heaven. The first time we were together she had given me a CBJ that left me cold. It just goes to show what two months of intensive on-the-job training can do. Total cost AED 700 plus AED 35 to get into the Rattlesnake (one drink included).

Tuesday night and I felt the urge to play again. The York was my first and last port of call. I met Miss Uzbekistan – tall and slim, with reddish tinted hair. She started at AED 1000 but we eventually agreed on AED 800 for the night. She claimed that she had recently attended a party at the Burj Al Arab with two Kuwaitis and two Americans. She stated that she had received USD 2000 for the night and had entertained three of the men at the party. Damn, how I hate these guys that upset the prevailing rates and the existing mongering price structure. We had a great session, including one long gentle fuck where she lay flat on her back on my dining table.

Wednesday night, after a tiring all day trip to Abu Dhabi, I decided to sleep. At 11:00 PM every part of my anatomy woke up. I returned to the Rattlesnake and paid my AED 35.00 entrance (drink not included on a Wednesday). After much deliberation, decided on Miss PRC. She claimed that she was an ex-Cyclone girl who had become tired of the discrimination – separation of PRC and CIS - and high entrance fees. I negotiated an all night fee of AED 700 plus taxi home. Nice firm body, but nothing special. The second time she finished me with a K-Y jelly lubricated hand job – different. Total cost AED 750.

Thursday night and I am beginning to droop – not enough sleep and too much work. But my brain keeps saying “don’t give up, life is too short”. All of a sudden Miss Kyrgyzstan, my Monday date, sent an SMS saying she had returned from Kish and did I want to take her tonight. An hour later I was in the middle of a “to die for” BBBJ. The result was a beautiful night for a modest investment. Total cost AED 700.

Friday night and I felt like trying something new. I returned to the Rattlesnake and found an attractive dark haired lady from Transnistria. For the uninformed, Transnistria is an independent republic between Moldova and Ukraine (and do you think I knew this before I met my companion for the night?). She had been in Dubai for 5 years, and she really excelled in massage and BBBJ’s. It just goes to prove that experience really counts. Total damage AED 1,000 plus AED 35 entrance fee to the Rattlesnake.

Saturday night and I gave a call to another Uzbek lady I had met at the York earlier in the week. She arrived at 10:00 PM, stripped down to her bra and thong in my living room. All I could do was drool. She had the most incredible body and my hands could not stop wandering. I dragged her to my bedroom locked in a lust filled embrace, threw her on the bed and had incredible sex. This continued all night. I could not keep my hands off her body – she somehow brought out the animal in me. The next morning I donated AED 1,000 to her well being and dragged my sorry body off to my first meeting at 9:00 AM.

Sunday night. This will likely be my last free night for a few months. I decided to rest and recuperate in preparation for the arrival of my CIS GF on Monday night. Then a SMS from Miss Kyrgyzstan – “how was your day, you want see me tonight”. Well, “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry” (a poem by Robert Burns). I returned the SMS – “see you in an hour”. It was then I decided I was a weak willed sex addict that needed serious long term rehabilitation. All I can add is that Miss Kyrguzstan’s BBBJ’s are out of this world.

In summary:
A week of debauchery - priceless. There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else there’s mas*er*ard.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-19-07, 07:07
I will be staying in al Bustan near the airport for 4 nights. Would like to find out if there is any action near by. As thisis my 1sttime in Dubai.First night, walk next door to Le Meridien Airport Hotel, into Jules bar. Second night, walk across the road to Airport Hotel (two bars there with some action). Third night, take a 15-30 minute cab ride to Bur Dubai and check out York and Regal for the heck of it. Final night, 5 min cab ride to Cyclone.

The invoice is in the mail.

PS - there's a smattering of low-key working girls in Club Oxygen, in Al Bustan Hotel. Classily dressed, but usually at the bar alone or in pairs. The straw in the beer is a signal.

03-19-07, 07:15
Sporadic, thanks for your kind remarks.

I would like to clarify that she knows how to behave like a real lady while on the street. I think I would only take one or two of the women I have met in the trade and in fact I would advise people to be careful when taking these girls out (check some of my previous posts :).

Unfortunately most of them would have felt totally out of place in the Mudinat theatre, for her it was a real experience. First row tickets and all the bullshit (drinks and canapes and private lounge), for me being with somebody who appreciated the performance. Ideally I would have prefered a "normal girl", this being Dubai I used what I found.


Interesting comments. I think we sometimes lose sight of the "stranger in a strange land" syndrome suffered by WG´s in DXB. They can react in one of two ways, one includes fear, the other bravado (when escorted.) Depends on the girl.

I doubt anyone would enjoy being seen as a negotiable product (unless that was the purpose of the outing) but they do get somewhat used to the idea in DXB, it is nothing new, many women in DXB have to live with the presumptive attitudes of many people in DXB.

What is universal IMHO is the little "circle" of friends and surroundings where they do feel comfortable. I have had several ladies who fell in love with my normal hotel since everyone knew me, and then them, and were always polite. Not that I am some big wheel, but spend enough time in any place, and you will get the comfort of the familiar. In contrast, I have never felt really comfortable inside "her" little circle of pals. Go figure!

Personal observation: Tip of the hat to you, you obviously have a really excellent attitude towards your friend, and I am certain she really appreciates it. I have made real friends this way.

As for really understanding women, let me know if you ever crack it. ;)