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02-14-23, 16:45
By the sounds of it she spent about 36 hours with you, you should have countered with 6 to 8 K and I think she would have been fine. 10 K would have been a good outcome for her.

Unless you are marrying her (which is going to cost you a lot more than 20 K! I am not sure why / how you think she is spending time with you on a pro bono basis. I am an accountant, if a friend wants tax advice, I'll give him mates rates, but it won't be free.

I had a thing going with a Russian in Dubai over several years many years ago, she had a full time job and escorted on the side. The first time I met her was Premiere. Few times she travelled to other countries to spend time with me as well, I always covered all her costs and her 'pocket money' was always at least her daily rate x number of days plus some shopping. If I had wanted to make the relationship more permanent, that option was there, however that would have required a different type of commitment from me which was never going to happen. So I was never under any illusions on the nature of the relationship. The bonus for both of us was that I had a fit Russian to hang around with and guaranteed fun, for her I was a known and somewhat generous quantity and some optionality that I fall for her on a more permanent basis and move her with me.

With all due respect I don't think the lady was 'scamming' you, she had a reasonable expectation to be compensated for her time, she put in a high bid and really you should have countered with a more reasonable offer!

However, when it looks like a scam, and when it behaves like a scam, then it's probably a scam. So maybe I was a target after all? She claims, in Dubai, dating always involves money.

Girl: Please don't ask or try to find our. I won't reveal her name. She is never mentioned on this board.

Cost: airline ticket + hotel + safari + lunch.

Worth it? Actually yes. Loved the sex. It was nuts. Worth the money. Just hated the immediate breakup. Really liked her. I think she's amazing (which is stupid of me.).

WIR? I guess not.

Want More
02-14-23, 18:53
Hey fellow Mongers,

Can you help with the best clubs currently for mongering out there. I would frequent premiere before but after reading the forum, it looks like the quality has come down. I would be interested in mostly 8+ CIS, Eastern Europe WGs along with approximate damage. Unable to find latest updates on this. Thanks.Hi.

I do have a full concierge package. Would you care to subscribe?

02-14-23, 20:19
You are missing the main point by KittyLover, that Dubai as a mongering destination is missing Japanese WGs. I have never been to Dubai, so I am not sure if this is true. But my point is that it is easy to find Japanese WGs in other mongering places in the world. (Canada is an example I provided, also London, New York, LA has great availability of Japanese WGs).

Your other point of availability of Japanese WGs in Japan also not true. I am Indian and have lived in Tokyo for 10 months (around 7 years back) and have enjoyed many Japanese WGs there. Your point of "discrimination against foreigners" is not not very true, as I never felt any discrimination from Japanese WGs. (Japanese girls are very fond of white skin and in US you will see most Japanese girls prefer white boyfriends over Japanese boys). The real reason that foreigners don't get the same level of service as locals is the lack of English speaking WGs in Japan. Many WGs don't speak English at all or speak very limited and broken English, which brings inferiority complex to them and they prefer not to serve foreigners. When I was in Japan, I spoke conversational Japanese, so it was easy for me to connect with local WGs and get good service as compared to other Indian guys who did not speak Japanese.

Of course Japan is way more expensive to live and monger, so it can never be a preferred mongering destination as Thailand. Also since foreigners don't speak Japanese, you will not see many people enjoying Japanese WGs in Japan. (Same applies to South Korea, I have been there many times but never got good service from WGs, where my friend can't get enough of Seoul WGs, because of korean language barrier for me).

Sorry, but I disagree that Japan is a good place for foreigners to monger. I didn't say there weren't any working girls there. I said it wasn't very welcoming to foreigners who often can't get the best pussy there due to discrimination against foreigners. Prostitution is not the same everywhere! If it's so great for foreigners in Japan then why isn't that known? Like Dubai, Thailand, Germany, Brazil, Indonesia and on and on with other top destinations around the world? If it was true then it would be all over the internet bro, but it isn't. It clearly doesn't carry that same kind recognition as a top mongering destination and we all know it, and there's reasons for that. Like it being outrageously expensive for another! And then to back up what you're saying you use a couple of examples out of Canada LMAO! We're talking about prostitution in Japan, and you're not convincing anyone of what you claim by pointing out two measly tutes who don't even work in Japan LOL! At the end of the day I don't give a flip since I don't even like Asian women anyway LOLOLOL!

Joe Karnavic
02-14-23, 21:20
An experience I rarely see discussed here, so I can finally contribute something new! .

Cost: airline ticket + hotel + safari + lunch.

Worth it? Actually yes. Loved the sex. It was nuts. Worth the money. Just hated the immediate breakup. Really liked her. I think she's amazing (which is stupid of me.).

WIR? I guess not.Sympathize with you mate. But you are not the only one. From the old times there were people before you and after you who will fall in love with AMP girl or WG and get hurt. I have been there too, seen it but eventually lucky to dodge the bullet as PT says.

If she is an AMP girl who is beautiful and give you one of the best sex be assured that it is never an unconditional affair. After the first stint when she gave everything to you she must have thought what is in there for her. Are you going to be her boyfriend who will take care of all her emotional and financial needs. If she is Thai or from similar Asian countries the support of families and children is their prime objectives. We are just Cogs in the wheel. Like stock market she has taken a Stop-Loss view. It was 20 K or nothing. That is what she thought this relation is worth for her. So do not take it to heart. We all live in the world where every relationship is transactional when it comes to women in your life.

Love happens. I had an AMP girl for many years. On her off day it was romantic dinner, drinks at Burj al Arab, night in luxury hotel, breakfast in bed. It was whirlwind affair. But I never lost sight of her financial needs, gave her fix allowance every month without she asking, It lasted as long as I wanted. There was no heartbreak when she went away. She did not break relationship because I took care of her and she is thankful for ever. It was best time of my life.

So move on. There are more fish in the sea and you will fall in love again. It is nice feeling to fall in love.


02-14-23, 21:26
I ended up taking a Syrian from Broadway last night for session 2 after my Brazilian regular. I had this Syrian's number so just messaged her up to come to my hotel after seeing nothing at Premier. She has a nice face, good breasts and a BIG booty, what she has is what you call a BOOTY. She gave a really good BJ, much to my surprise, I already had the Brazilian earlier choking and spitting on it with all her saliva and then this Syrian did the exact same thing, so that was good to have two proper full throttle BJ's in one night.

I had to hold myself from banging this Syrian without a condom too, when we were doing foreplay on the couch she came on top rubbing her pussy on my dick and boy oh boy it felt so damn good and soft. I'm someone that's NEVER banged a WG without a condom, never in 20 years, even when I've had many chances to do it, it's not just the safety issue as I'm fairly certain if I did bang them without one I'd have a few bastards lying around by now which is something I don't want, and eventually if you bang one WG without it you will get used to it and always want it without a condom and you will eventually catch something. In 20 years of mongering, even banging a shemale too in London (a very high risk group), I've never caught one thing so it's been working good for me up to now so no need to change it and get riskier.

02-14-23, 22:07
Have someone shares some numbers as I will be dubai this weekend.

The Cane
02-15-23, 02:49
You are missing the main point by KittyLover, that Dubai as a mongering destination is missing Japanese WGs. I have never been to Dubai, so I am not sure if this is true. But my point is that it is easy to find Japanese WGs in other mongering places in the world. (Canada is an example I provided, also London, New York, LA has great availability of Japanese WGs).

Your other point of availability of Japanese WGs in Japan also not true. I am Indian and have lived in Tokyo for 10 months (around 7 years back) and have enjoyed many Japanese WGs there. Your point of "discrimination against foreigners" is not not very true, as I never felt any discrimination from Japanese WGs. (Japanese girls are very fond of white skin and in US you will see most Japanese girls prefer white boyfriends over Japanese boys). The real reason that foreigners don't get the same level of service as locals is the lack of English speaking WGs in Japan. Many WGs don't speak English at all or speak very limited and broken English, which brings inferiority complex to them and they prefer not to serve foreigners. When I was in Japan, I spoke conversational Japanese, so it was easy for me to connect with local WGs and get good service as compared to other Indian guys who did not speak Japanese.

Of course Japan is way more expensive to live and monger, so it can never be a preferred mongering destination as Thailand. Also since foreigners don't speak Japanese, you will not see many people enjoying Japanese WGs in Japan. (Same applies to South Korea, I have been there many times but never got good service from WGs, where my friend can't get enough of Seoul WGs, because of korean language barrier for me).I'm missing the man's main point? You're the one going on about Canada, London, New York, and LA. Any place but Dubai LOL! Now, I have been to Dubai and what the UAE pros here say is true. If somebody there says they're Japanese they're virtually 100% lying and are most likely Chinese. And in your zeal to convince that Japanese women are just as available to foreigners in Japan as they are to Japanese men and don't discriminate, you turn right around and contradict yourself by saying that they do discriminate based on language! And in this you highlight a real difference between Japanese women and those from other cultures. Do you know how many times a chick in Brazil or somewhere in Europe or the Middle East or Asia was ready to fuck my brains out with both of us standing there with smartphone translators in our hands? LOLOLOL!

There are plenty of places in the world where the girls don't give a damn about understanding the same language. No, what they care about is the "language" of cash money. So you lived in Japan for 10 months a long time ago and now you know more about it than even a Japanese man like Mr. Ho on this site and other expats with far more experience in Japan than you have, and who say relative to other places Japan sucks for foreign mongers there? If so, then you know one hell of a lot more than anyone else and, instead of going back and forth with me, should seek to leverage that knowledge to your pecuniary benefit as plenty of others most assuredly will want to know what you know bro! But like I said, I don't give a flip! Not attracted to most Asian women anyway so who cares? I don't. Tap that teppanyaki tookus and be happy then yo! LMAO!

02-15-23, 05:14

I do have a full concierge package. Would you care to subscribe?Sure, share details.

Clam Hunter
02-15-23, 07:42
By the sounds of it she spent about 36 hours with you, you should have countered with 6 to 8 K and I think she would have been fine. 10 K would have been a good outcome for her.

Unless you are marrying her (which is going to cost you a lot more than 20 K! I am not sure why / how you think she is spending time with you on a pro bono basis.... With all due respect I don't think the lady was 'scamming' you, she had a reasonable expectation to be compensated for her time, she put in a high bid and really you should have countered with a more reasonable offer!I totally agree with Aimara and Joe K here. Take comfort from the fact that were not scammed. I think you perhaps just misread the runes.

These girls are all here / only here to make money to support their families. You mentioned CNY so I am guessing your girl is from South East Asia (SEA). SEA girls would never dream of doing this shitty work but for the need to support families. Also, in SEA, love and support (financial and emotional) are inextricably linked. A western girl is horrified to see an older guy with a young SEA girl and judges that the girl despises him and only wants his money. This narrow view is often bourne out of self preservation as an aging western lady cannot hope to compete in the looks and care department with a young SEA girl. The SEA girl on the other hand is not primarily interested in an Adonis. In fact this is way down her list of priorities. Love in the eyes of SEA women is bestowed on the guys who support them and understand their need to support their wider families. In my experience this is in part transactional but in return for opening your wallet you will invariably get devotion and care in return whether you are 30 or 60 years old, or whether you are fat or fit. It does not matter.

Their is some truth in the old maxim that "you can take the girl out of the bar but you can't take the bar out of the girl". But, this applies much more to young girls wanting a party lifestyle rather then the older girls living pretty bleak lives in the regions many AMPS.

I think your girl will have been deeply troubled as to why you didn't open your wallet and help her (as best you could- say one or two thousand max) financially. She set a test to see if your relationship could continue. Without your financial support / understanding it cannot continue.

Do not be disheartened. If you like her that much, perhaps re-approach her with new enlightened strategy! Good luck!!

02-15-23, 08:58
If I can make a little observation about this forum. Online, people tend to be harsh and very unforgiving. Its anonymous and people tend to hide behind it. In my last post about dating a massage girl I did reveal being somewhat stupid and making some mistakes. If this was reddit or twitter, there would have been a lot of blaming and namecalling. Its very easy to call somebody an idiot online since there are no consequences.

However, on this forum, I find the mood and vibe very good and not judgemental. Some replies from people like Joe Karnavic, Plush Tiger and Bloodred are very supportive even when disagreeing.

Who would have though that a sex based forum is actually more liberal, progressive and kind compared to the average internet.

Anyway, just an observation.

Back to sex news!

02-15-23, 09:05
I ended up taking a Syrian from Broadway last night for session 2 after my Brazilian regular. I had this Syrian's number so just messaged her up to come to my hotel after seeing nothing at Premier. She has a nice face, good breasts and a BIG booty, what she has is what you call a BOOTY. She gave a really good BJ, much to my surprise, I already had the Brazilian earlier choking and spitting on it with all her saliva and then this Syrian did the exact same thing, so that was good to have two proper full throttle BJ's in one night.

...In 20 years of mongering, even banging a shemale too in London (a very high risk group), I've never caught one thing so it's been working good for me up to now so no need to change it and get riskier.We've all been there, a slippery slope indeed, but all parties can do a test beforehand at ZMD. Quick question, could you elaborate on how you got the Brazilian? Not looking for contacts, just a bit of context to save your inbox LOL.

02-15-23, 09:50

I do have a full concierge package. Would you care to subscribe?Sure would love to.

02-15-23, 16:42
Not a report as such but have recently moved to UAE.

Was in dubai for the weekend with family, stayed at the Fairmont. Saw 'Cin Cin' in the lift and recollected the name being mentioned in this forum a fair few times.

Was curious, so decided to step in on Saturday night midnight, not too busy, I'd say around 10-12 girls (don't know if its usual), DJ was playing couple of ladies sat near the entrance and a few girls sat at the bar. Smiles and nods all around. Mostly central asians. Man if you love Big boobs, Dubai is the place, saw a couple of girls with most amazing DDs.

Didn't intend to partake so left after a drink, and as I left the girl sitting near the entrance shouted out and took my hand, asking me to take her On another day I would have possibly taken 3-4 of them.

There was a very pretty 20 something girl sat with a couple of guys (best of the lot), And as we were leaving the hotel to head out, another stunning (the best one) mixed race girl sat in the lobby waiting to be picked up I think.

And I don't know if its usual, there were plenty of streetwalkers in SZD as we walked. Quite a few groups of fairly decent sized Iranians standing around and another couple of very pretty 20 somethings (I'd have defintely taken them if I were alone).

So definitely lots of options for punting I guess but my question to the more knowledgeable about Dubai is.

Is it like this all around Dubai? Can be quite awkward if you with family or on business.

Want More
02-15-23, 18:38
Sure would love to.Thats fantastic. Please read the Services offered in my previous posts. Lots of options also. So let me know how you would like to settle and I will work on that right away.

Want More
02-15-23, 18:46
Sure, share details.Read my previous post which describes it in great detail. Popamraj can also help.

02-16-23, 01:19
We've all been there, a slippery slope indeed, but all parties can do a test beforehand at ZMD. Quick question, could you elaborate on how you got the Brazilian? Not looking for contacts, just a bit of context to save your inbox LOL.The Brazilian used to work at Premier back in the good old days, found her there like around 2017, and it wasn't just her, there was a whole squad of them at Premier like around 5 of them. Imagine my surprise when I found out, it was her friend that I took the first time, I was in premier and heard her speaking Portuguese and I was like this can't be true it's a Brazilian working at a club in Dubai! Ever since then she's become a regular of mine. She doesn't work the clubs anymore and has a normal day job. That's why I always tell people have regulars, it's great, another one of my regulars also doesn't work the clubs anymore and is a full on real estate agent but I still hook up with her when in Dubai.

02-16-23, 09:24
I ended up taking a Syrian from Broadway last night for session 2 after my Brazilian regular. I had this Syrian's number so just messaged her up to come to my hotel after seeing nothing at Premier. She has a nice face, good breasts and a BIG booty, what she has is what you call a BOOTY. She gave a really good BJ, much to my surprise, I already had the Brazilian earlier choking and spitting on it with all her saliva and then this Syrian did the exact same thing, so that was good to have two proper full throttle BJ's in one night.

I had to hold myself from banging this Syrian without a condom too, when we were doing foreplay on the couch she came on top rubbing her pussy on my dick and boy oh boy it felt so damn good and soft. I'm someone that's NEVER banged a WG without a condom, never in 20 years, even when I've had many chances to do it, it's not just the safety issue as I'm fairly certain if I did bang them without one I'd have a few bastards lying around by now which is something I don't want, and eventually if you bang one WG without it you will get used to it and always want it without a condom and you will eventually catch something. In 20 years of mongering, even banging a shemale too in London (a very high risk group), I've never caught one thing so it's been working good for me up to now so no need to change it and get riskier.Great report, thank you.

Can I ask about the damage and time for both, please?

02-16-23, 13:17
Read my previous post which describes it in great detail. Popamraj can also help.Hahaha dude, Let me know when you actually find someone availing that service.

The Cane
02-16-23, 19:15
I'm missing the man's main point? You're the one going on about Canada, London, New York, and LA. Any place but Dubai LOL! Now, I have been to Dubai and what the UAE pros here say is true. If somebody there says they're Japanese they're virtually 100% lying and are most likely Chinese. And in your zeal to convince that Japanese women are just as available to foreigners in Japan as they are to Japanese men and don't discriminate, you turn right around and contradict yourself by saying that they do discriminate based on language! And in this you highlight a real difference between Japanese women and those from other cultures. Do you know how many times a chick in Brazil or somewhere in Europe or the Middle East or Asia was ready to fuck my brains out with both of us standing there with smartphone translators in our hands? LOLOLOL!

There are plenty of places in the world where the girls don't give a damn about understanding the same language. No, what they care about is the "language" of cash money. So you lived in Japan for 10 months a long time ago and now you know more about it than even a Japanese man like Mr. Ho on this site and other expats with far more experience in Japan than you have, and who say relative to other places Japan sucks for foreign mongers there? If so, then you know one hell of a lot more than anyone else and, instead of going back and forth with me, should seek to leverage that knowledge to your pecuniary benefit as plenty of others most assuredly will want to know what you know bro! But like I said, I don't give a flip! Not attracted to most Asian women anyway so who cares? I don't. Tap that teppanyaki tookus and be happy then yo! LMAO!If this video doesn't say it all then I don't know what does. The man says he doesn't want a bunch of dirty, diseased foreigners going over there trying to perform "bukkake" on his women hahaha! Too funny LOLOLOL!


Joe Karnavic
02-16-23, 21:41
Not a report as such but have recently moved to UAE.

And I don't know if its usual, there were plenty of streetwalkers in SZD as we walked. Quite a few groups of fairly decent sized Iranians standing around and another couple of very pretty 20 somethings (I'd have defintely taken them if I were alone).

So definitely lots of options for punting I guess but my question to the more knowledgeable about Dubai is.

Is it like this all around Dubai? Can be quite awkward if you with family or on business.You are taking wrong location as sample size to describe Dubai. You stayed in Fairmont and that Strech of SZR is where you will find SW plying their trade is only such area where it happens. You are looking at the activities through your mongering goggles hence you notice the girls. If you do not look for it then they look like friends hanging around on that street. From Vocco hotel to Ayush cafe there is movement of these girls. Other areas in Dubai you will not see this scene except few places. Dubai is not Thailand where the girls and activities are openly displayed. Dubai is decent place where families and single girls can move safely even late in the night. One of the best city with no crime, mugging, political unrest, strikes, knife crimes, shootings etc

02-17-23, 04:31
Great report, thank you.

Can I ask about the damage and time for both, please?So for my regular Brazilian it's always expensive at 2 k. And she stays for like 3 hours. As for the Syrian I told her I just wanted her for 2 hours and I had 1 k in mind and she quoted me that price. She did end up staying more than the 2 hours but those are the typical Broadway prices 1 k for 2-3 hours and around 1. 2 k for a full night. Now the 2 k is expensive for the Brazilian but I only spend that much on her because she's damn gorgeous and I allow myself to be spoiled for that. In general these days I will never spend 2 k on any new WG's in Dubai anymore, I only do it with this Brazilian regular. Like that Syrian for example I wasn't going to go above 1 k if she asked for more.

Blood Red
02-17-23, 06:01
As for the Syrian I told her I just wanted her for 2 hours and I had 1 k in mind and she quoted me that price. She did end up staying more than the 2 hours but those are the typical Broadway prices 1 k for 2-3 hours and around 1. 2 k for a full night. Like that Syrian for example I wasn't going to go above 1 k if she asked for more.Broadway rates are 500 for 1 shot / hour and 700 for 2 to 3 hours. It is a shitty seedy place but can have some nice looking girls. I guess you didn't negotiate. Anyway, that's good that you got the Syrian to come to your room. Usually they give you the stupid line that you must take a room at Broadway which is annoying and a no no for me. However, I did manage to get a super hot one to my room about a year ago but mostly with the Syrians they say take a room at Broadway so I don't really bother going there anymore.

Plush Tiger
02-17-23, 07:05
Usually they give you the stupid line that you must take a room at Broadway which is annoying and a no no for me. However, I did manage to get a super hot one to my room about a year ago but mostly with the Syrians they say take a room at Broadway so I don't really bother going there anymore.I wonder if there is not some arrangement between the Syrian WG and the managers. Maybe they get a cut or some kind of instinct that what is good for their home base is good for them. I have also noticed similar dynamics in SPAs where the girls are really loyal to the mamasan. For instance I prefer to compensate the girl directly for service upgrade (such as an extra ball, or A-level) so that I build a direct relationship she she would get more, however I found out that many refused, telling me the mamasan has been good to them, although she obviously treated them like shit (she pressured them to go bare back in spite of the fact they did not want to).

02-17-23, 07:06
After a late night dinner at a friend's place in Bur Dubai I decided to swing by Red Square. Unfortunately, the same 6-7's, in fact even quite a few 4-5's which is really disappointing. Hung out by the bar for a bit to survey the scene and then took a stroll around the place. Bumped into Almira and Natalia together. Only cuties I saw so far. Bought them a beer each but wasn't in the mood, though they clearly were in for a 3-some. Kept on walking and as I'm walking by the raised area at the back, from the corner of my eye I see someone smiling at me, dressed in a very classy black dress. Milena, my Ukrainian regular from about 5 years ago!! She had stopped coming to clubs as she was being looked after by Canadian guy who paid for an apartment, EID, car and spending money. I tell you she's worth it. She is tall and beautiful with a sweet smile and an even sweeter nature. Just my type! Of course I've had her number for a long time and we did have a few encounters directly at my place in the past few years, but I didn't want to mess up her set up and so I kinda lost touch for the past couple of years.

I reached out and grabbed her arm and got her to come and stand with me at the railing and we talked for a while and caught up, my arm around her waist and her smile lighting up the gloomy RS. Which reminded me of the first time I met her which was at RS five years ago. I had spent a couple of fruitless hours eyeballing the scene and was leaving. In fact standing outside the hotel on the pavement, having a quiet smoke before finding a taxi. I was facing the glass doors of the hotel (the guys who know Moscow Hotel will know what I mean) and someone walked out which means they opened. And through the opening I saw this gorgeous girl in an orange dress who smiled at me as she walked across the lobby and went back into RS. I stubbed my cigarette and ran back in and she was standing right near the entrance next to the railings. Walked up to her and stuck up a conversation. And found myself a gorgeous, sweet natured regular. Absolute unicorn!

Anyway, apparently the Canadian isn't supporting her anymore and she's back in the game. We have a couple of drinks. Almira and Natalia have seen me with her and come and hang out around us to distract me but no chance. Half an hour later without even asking / answering the question, we are in a taxi heading to my apartment. Had a fantastic night with her! I'm still smiling as I write this.

02-17-23, 13:56

Do you have links other than MR to meet Russian girlfriends?

02-17-23, 16:09
So for my regular Brazilian it's always expensive at 2 k. And she stays for like 3 hours. As for the Syrian I told her I just wanted her for 2 hours and I had 1 k in mind and she quoted me that price. She did end up staying more than the 2 hours but those are the typical Broadway prices 1 k for 2-3 hours and around 1. 2 k for a full night. Now the 2 k is expensive for the Brazilian but I only spend that much on her because she's damn gorgeous and I allow myself to be spoiled for that. In general these days I will never spend 2 k on any new WG's in Dubai anymore, I only do it with this Brazilian regular. Like that Syrian for example I wasn't going to go above 1 k if she asked for more.I agree with you 100%.

Sometimes we should have enjoyment and fun and treat ourselves regardless of the cost.

Blood Red
02-17-23, 17:40
I wonder if there is not some arrangement between the Syrian WG and the managers. Maybe they get a cut or some kind of instinct that what is good for their home base is good for them. I have also noticed similar dynamics in SPAs where the girls are really loyal to the mamasan. For instance I prefer to compensate the girl directly for service upgrade (such as an extra ball, or A-level) so that I build a direct relationship she she would get more, however I found out that many refused, telling me the mamasan has been good to them, although she obviously treated them like shit (she pressured them to go bare back in spite of the fact they did not want to).They Syrians at Broadway (and Vendome, Al Sarab) usually have managers. They also usually speak very little english and have little sense as to how things work. For example, the super hot Syrian that came to my apartment with me insisted that she show her passport to reception, despite me telling her there is no need, but she wanted to do it, go figure. One reason for the take a room at the hotel they work at could be that the manager thinks it will be quicker business, or getting a cut from the hotel for taking a room. Most girls from the Deira spots when I tell them I live in business bay frown and say 'too far' LOL. One Syrian from Vendome that I really wanted to bang was hell bent on me taking a room at either Vendome or at nearby Al Sarab, and she wouldn't budge despite like 4 or 5 attempts by me to convince her nothing will happen if she goes to my room, but no, so nothing happened.

Blood Red
02-17-23, 17:41

Do you have links other than MR to meet Russian girlfriends?Yes, I have a million such links but can't post them on the forum as the girls are sensitive, so you must PM me to get the links and digits. Waiting for your PM.

02-17-23, 18:25
Yes, I have a million such links but can't post them on the forum as the girls are sensitive, so you must PM me to get the links and digits. Waiting for your PM.Thank but too complex to subscribe. [Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited or deleted because it was an attempt by the author to encourage members to CONTACT HIM on ANOTHER WEBSITE. In the future, please refrain from posting requests for forum members to contact you on another website. Thanks!

02-18-23, 07:30
Yes, I have a million such links but can't post them on the forum as the girls are sensitive, so you must PM me to get the links and digits. Waiting for your PM.Is it possible you write here the name? Not the link?


02-18-23, 22:52
Is it possible you write here the name? Not the link?

Thank.I believe it's not allowed to share this information on the forum. It's only possible via PM. Blood Red has previously shared some of his gems with me, via PM. I'm still enjoying them. Thanks Blood Red!

02-19-23, 10:09
For those of you, like me, that continue to lament Ratsky's switch from a Filipina to a hard-nosed Viet joint, the hunt continues to find a Filipina meat market. I have a couple of weeks in Dubai,

Cheers, SW.Still on the lookout for some quality fils.

Happened to drop by Ratsky last week and the quality was so poor, of course it was filled with Viets.

Even a 5-6 was asking for 800 - 1 k at 245 am.

Not worth the effort or value.

Tried the MR route this week.

When asked for verification selfie all 8 - 10 were run by managers having the same dialogue script -.

"You want massage and sex now?

The others are just overpriced GPS.

Still looking out for new Fili spots and appreciate some pointers.

Meanwhile are Angels have rebranded to Diva stars if I'm not mistaken.



02-19-23, 18:01

First thank you for all your effort here writing reports. As many. Was reading, but not posting. Well, promise to get better.

Well, preparing my trip to Dubai and was reading this forum.

Well, I am surprised no-one mentions SA, as it seems there is a lot of WG offers.

I wonder if someone has experience and how true are the pictures?

02-19-23, 18:38
Look up a separate page called Sugar Life. The Dubai SA scene is great with a lot of incredible pu $$why from different nationalities. Depending on which part of the world you are visiting from, it could seem more expensive, but quality and variety wise, Dubai trumps most places. Also, in this season, there are lot of women visiting on vacation who are looking for quick PPM arrangements, so you are visiting at the right time.

Well, I am surprised no-one mentions SA, as it seems there is a lot of WG offers.

I wonder if someone has experience and how true are the pictures?

02-19-23, 21:52
Thank you CitiLover.

And sorry didn't discover how to reply yet.

Indeed. I really liked someone's description earlier of Dubai bei g UN of sex.

Unfortunately, SugarLife contains least useful info of all sections.

There are number of offers on SA with rates similar to ones in the clubs. So guess they are same teams.

I am curious if I can trust pictures. Especially asian providers.

And plan includes to hit clubs too, so if somene wants to join first days of March.

02-20-23, 03:54
Pictures can be trusted in 60-70% of the cases. The Asian profiles on SA are a bit more dubious than the European ones and there are quite a few with similar wordings. Also, profiles with very curvy, busty Asian women are highly likely to be fake, that's my experience so far, whether SA or MR. Whether there is an overlap or not is hard to say. My view is that the women with less written on their profiles and who are quick to agree to PPMs will overlap with the club scene. The genuine sugar babies would have taken a bit more effort to write up their profiles on SA, and typically have more normal, less make up pictures. Plus you would see keywords like "long term", "romance", "marriage minded" etc, which would indicate they are not escorts.

Thank you CitiLover.

There are number of offers on SA with rates similar to ones in the clubs. So guess they are same teams.

I am curious if I can trust pictures. Especially asian providers.

And plan includes to hit clubs too, so if somene wants to join first days of March.

02-20-23, 13:01
Finally visited Dubai after almost 9 months. Very short trip through. After reading some reviews and input from some senior members I decided to book the Capitol hotel close to action. However, as pointed out by some members, this was not a good choice as the hotel was outdated (not much power outlets, safe was not working), the rooms smelled smoke even I booked smoke free rooms and quite noisy until late. On the positive side, full of action at several clubs, roof top, Czar, the pub in the ground floors. I was offered services by several girls who I met in the elevator. I would consider any of the hotels close by if they are guest friendly as I saw a Mercure, Crown Plaza etc nearby.

I arrived Dubai late and got to hotel around 00:30 and went out to have a look around around 1 AM. 8-10 girls at the roof top, 5-6 at the bar at the lobby and decided to check out the Czar. Friendly host and friendly bouncers. The entry was 200 AED including 2 drinks. The hostess took me inside to pay and my card didn't work. I wanted to go up to the room and get cash. The club was packed 50/50 girls guys but I did not like the types. Mostly Russian and central Asians, either very tall or chubby although there were some nice ones. Changed my mid and took a taxi to Jules, there 7-8 guys 15 girls there. 4 Africans, 2 central Asians and remaining Asians. Couple of them were nice. I sat down and had a beer and couple of the girls smiled, one busty Asian and Uzbech. Started chatting with a petite good looking Asian. Her name was Anh and from Vietnam, spoke perfect English and was easy to talk to, not pushy. Nice looking with elegant black dress and a red jacket. She has been in Dubai for 7 months and before covid she worked at Manhatten in Shanghai. She asked for 1500, the time was around 2. 30 and offered her 1000. She said she has to pay 250 for the club. Agreed 1000 +250 and went to room. No questions asked at reception. She spent the time until 1130 AM with me, 3 rounds of passionate sex, offered everything without alevels. One of the best experiences I had with Asians. She gave her number as she will be traveling to Europe this summer for holidays. Highly recommend.

Next day I decided to try a SPA. I found a girl who was interesting on MR called Thanida, she gave me he SPA name couple of days ahead. Called the SPA but she moved to another spa. Contacted her and she gave the new spa name in Al Bashra. It was a 30 min can ride from the hotel. Booked 90 minutes for AED200 add 600 for the girl including anal. Arrived there and paid the receptionist. Thanida took me to the room. The room had a bed and shower. Clean and neat. She gave msassage, for 45 min and then action. He was real GFE, no anal as I was too big. We clicked and she invited me to her apartment for the night but I could not as I was flying out 1 AM. The ad is below. She looks better than the photos, chubby with big boobs but I liked her. It looked like there are lot of spas around in this area.


I also tried the spa next to Capitol hotel, 45 min foot massage for AED120. I do not know whether they offer anything else.

Thanks for the tips and help and looking forward to visit Dubai again.

02-21-23, 08:22
Thank you CitiLover.

And sorry didn't discover how to reply yet.

Indeed. I really liked someone's description earlier of Dubai bei g UN of sex.

Unfortunately, SugarLife contains least useful info of all sections.

There are number of offers on SA with rates similar to ones in the clubs. So guess they are same teams.

I am curious if I can trust pictures. Especially asian providers.

And plan includes to hit clubs too, so if somene wants to join first days of March.What means SA please?

02-21-23, 15:43
Hello everyone. This is my first post under this alias, but I was a senior member under a former alias. In preparation for my first trip to the uae, I did my homework in this forum. Thanks everyone for sharing so much good info. A little bit of background: I prefer woman with tight waists, natural everything, non-smokers, under 30, girl-next-door types. I like all ethnic groups and skin colors as long as they fit my body type. East asians and south east asians often work for me, but so can slender russians and africans. I really enjoy the well-written posts by red blood, even though my taste in ladies is exactly the opposite of his. Red blood, do you ever run into syrians or iranians that meet my criteria?

Bros, great posts, but in the future, when describing a lady, please try to provide approximate age as well as a description of body type and nationality.

Was in uae for first time last week. In future I expect to return on a bi-monthly basis for work. On Friday night went to Ratsky. Was there from 22:00 to midnight. Highly unrecommended. I like asian ladies, and have been with many sea girls from thailand and vietnam. The ratsky ladies are almost all viets and way over the hill, ranging from about 35 to 50. Some slender, many overweight. If you ask there age, they will say 10 years less then they actually are. IMHO opinion, not a single one was doable even for free. To make matters worse, the music was unbearably loud and distorted. After two hours, called it a night and went back to my hotel.

On Saturday night I went to red square in the moscow hotel. Arrived around 22:00. 250 to get in. 250 is a lot, but it does keep the male to female ratio down. There were about 70 women and 70 men in there. At first I was disappointed since most of the lades were 5-6, often overweight and some over 35. But after settling in, I was able to identify five attractive ladies in the 7-8 range. One thing I noticed is that if you have your sights on one, you best pull the trigger before someone else does. Some of the ladies were on their own, others with managers. Those with managers were difficult to chat with since the manager wanted a decision on the spot. Quoted 1000 for one hour from a hot ukranian lady, and 2000 for 3 hours from a russian 8, the hottest women in the place. In the end I went with another russian, a 7 in her late 20's. She was a great conversationalist, and it was getting late, so I simply met her asking price of 1500 for 3-4 hours without trying to negotiate. She had only been in uae for a few weeks, and she was just starting this line of work. Although the sex was standard, it was a great GFE experience, similar to the first night slept with my college girlfriend. We did two rounds with massage in the middle. I would have booked her again the following night, but unfortunately had a flight early the next morning. Perhaps better this way because this russian was adorable and addictive.

Some random questions for all you experts: (1) at the hotel they recorded the lady's passport number and my room number. Do the hotels forward this information to some central uae database, or is it kept at the hotel? (2) seems that many of the ladies working in the uae have fake breasts, which is a turn-off for me. Which massage parlors or bars can I find slender young ladies with natural breasts? Or should I try SA, something I have never tried to find quality natural women?

02-21-23, 16:45
What means SA please?Seeking Arrangement.

02-21-23, 20:42
Still on the lookout for some quality fils..The best Filis are sourced off social media. Takes some work and is not free (is it ever) but if you snag one and have your own space, it is worth it. Most will do everything you ask (including check your phone for messages).

There are some super Fili experts like WickedRoger but he has been quiet lately.

02-22-23, 07:16
Some random questions for all you experts: (1) at the hotel they recorded the lady's passport number and my room number. Do the hotels forward this information to some central uae database, or is it kept at the hotel? (2) seems that many of the ladies working in the uae have fake breasts, which is a turn-off for me. Which massage parlors or bars can I find slender young ladies with natural breasts? Or should I try SA, something I have never tried to find quality natural women?1) No, they don't. It is don for hotel security reason. I actually encourage you to register the girls for your own safety.

2) It depends on your luck. I noticed WG who have been in this line of work for a few years, usually have fake breast or some other work done. Is not easy to find the younger girls because usually they are under a manager. I do hunt through online, sometime I hit the jackpot but sometime it is complete disappointment.

02-23-23, 16:01
1) No, they don't. It is don for hotel security reason. I actually encourage you to register the girls for your own safety.Not quite. It's required by the authorities for hotels to have ID information recorded for any / all guests staying in a hotel. It's only checked if there is a criminal event requiring investigation. Nothing to worry about identity exposure etc.

02-23-23, 16:44
1) No, they don't. It is don for hotel security reason. I actually encourage you to register the girls for your own safety.

2) It depends on your luck. I noticed WG who have been in this line of work for a few years, usually have fake breast or some other work done. Is not easy to find the younger girls because usually they are under a manager. I do hunt through online, sometime I hit the jackpot but sometime it is complete disappointment.Thank you, this is all very helpful. For the online hunting, do you primarily use Tinder or some other service?

Joe Karnavic
02-23-23, 20:08
Not quite. It's required by the authorities for hotels to have ID information recorded for any / all guests staying in a hotel. It's only checked if there is a criminal event requiring investigation. Nothing to worry about identity exposure etc.That is true. Hotels are required to keep all records with them. As per my knowledge they do not send it to any authorities. So you or your girl are not exposed. But in case a serious crime is committed in the hotel then all records of those days are made available to investigating agency. It can be a curious case like " Murder on the Orient Express" where everyone is suspect!

02-24-23, 08:31
Hello fellow mongerers.

Going to be heading up north over the weekend. I did RTFF but the posts are rather old. Any suggestions for active WG nightclubs in these two cities?

Happy mongering!

02-24-23, 10:10
It's health and safety as much as anything else; in case of incidents they need to know if everyone is out of the building or not.

That is true. Hotels are required to keep all records with them. As per my knowledge they do not send it to any authorities. So you or your girl are not exposed. But in case a serious crime is committed in the hotel then all records of those days are made available to investigating agency. It can be a curious case like " Murder on the Orient Express" where everyone is suspect!

02-24-23, 10:37
FR has been delayed due to time constraints. Visited Dubai last month for the first time. After reading reviews on dubai hotels forum, decided to stay at Moscow Hotel.

Visited coochini on the first day. Entry was 100. Got a table and complimentary fruit platter. It seems they serve only one fruit platter per table irrespective of no. Of guests on that table. Around 50 women and equal no. Of men were inside. Apparently, the club has more CIS women than Iranians. One very attractive (9) iranian was dancing and having shots after shots with her 2 friends on my adjacent table. After enjoying music and her dance for half an hour, decided to approach her. Suddenly one guy came out of nowhere and took her to his table. Wtf. After half an hour, approached her friend, a 7 in her late 20's and negotiated for 500 short time. As we came out, the 7 feet tall guy outside the club asked the girl for 100. Downstairs, another 7 feet tall guy asked me to deposit 100 at the reception for bringing girl. After paying, entered the room. She straightaway unzipped me and started with BBBJ, deep throating in between. Seeing her enthusiasm, asked for rimming to which she happily agreed. Then sex in as many positions as I could manage for next 20 minutes. Asked for COF, she agreed. As I haven't had sex for many days, ended with a big load on her face. Slided some cum into her mouth with my penis and surprisingly she didn't spit. Contrary to what I've read on the forum and experienced earlier with Iranians (having only 2 previous encounters with Iranians), she was not averse to anything except anal. A night that I will remember for a very long time. Dubai is perhaps the best place in the world to meet Iranian WGs.

Next day, decided to try RS. Entry was 150 without drink and 250 with drink. Paid 150 and entered inside. The club was crowded and sitting was not allowed as tables are to be booked separately. Mostly CIS girls with a few EE. Approached one good looking slim tall blonde in her early twenties. Agreed for 600 short time. Entered the room after paying 100 at the reception. Blue eyed stunner started with a CBJ which ended in 10 seconds. Said no to DFK, DATY and cowgirl. After 10 minutes of mechanical missionary and doggy, the dead fish said that time is getting over. As I was not enjoying it couldn't cum so jerked off while eating her ass and let her go. 850 wasted.

After two days without any action, decided to meet one MR girl Lulu for anal sex as haven't had anal in a long time. FR posted on MR forum. Good anal fuck for 400.

After a day's gap, booked an EE strawberry blonde from CAT agency. 1200 for 1 hour. She was waiting in her birthday suit. Looked attractive with a big meaty ass. Started with BBBJ which was okayish, then doggy and missionary. She was not much into the act but still I finished within 10 minutes during first shot. I cleaned and we started to talk. As I had too many drinks before, lost track of time and wasted 20 minutes in talking with her when I could have played with her melons and ass. After exactly 40 minutes she said only 10 minutes are remaining and last 10 minutes are for cleaning bathing etc. Wtf. Started second round but was not able to finish inside. So licked her pussy and jerked off. Although she turned out to be a clock watcher but basic level of service like BBBJ, unreciprocated DFK, DATY were available, as advertised. CIM was extra 300. Taking pic of her face also extra. LOL she might have worked in an FKK earlier. Overall an average experience. 30 minutes /1 shot for 800 might be better deal imo. I am attaching her pic as received from agency. For real age of the girl, one can safely add 5 years to the age advertised by the agency.

For me, easy availability of beautiful Iranian ladies was the best thing about Dubai. WGs of all other nationalities / ethnicities can be found at various places in lesser prices. Next time will make a short stopover in Dubai while traveling to some other country to try my luck with a few Iranians in Coochini.

Clam Hunter
02-24-23, 13:57
Taking a page from Nick's report below, I have had this long fantasy of getting a Filipino, however, even though I've been in the city for around a decade it never materialized.

In my workplace I had score of cute filipinas working under me. They were all super nice to me, however, due to professional and ethical reasons I never let any of them know that I had a secret crush on one of them. I know most of them are single mothers and will go to any lengths to secure their employment, but I am not that kind of a person, so it has been this way only.

I had been reading a number of reports here wherein you guys talk about a number of nationalities of girls, but very rarely does anyone mention a fili. Once, there was a report by Snow1998 about a fili he picked up from Ratsky so I messaged him and he advised me to go there.

Outside in the room, then she asked me more questions about my crush, showed me her own tiktok account, saw her tiktok account, showed me her photos, her kids, and family. All the while laying naked on top of me. She told me that she works as a receptionist in a hotel gym and only comes to the bar on Fri and Sat, and that she is clearly not a pro.

After like 3 hrs or so, we dressed up exchanged numbers and we left. To our own ways.

While sitting in my car, I just felt happy being with her. May be its because she was just like the fantasy I had in my mind. It did cost me a little extra but then it was the first time ever that I booked a room like this to take girl from the bar.

So that's all. That was my night well spent where I just had a half a pint of beer but was intoxicated beyond my wits.

Cheers!This is such a great report and closely mirrors my own unrequited obsessions about a number of hot little filis who have worked for me over the last decade or two. You said that you shared numbers and I'm interested to know whether you met up with her again?

I banged a couple of filis (together) that I picked up in Ratsky about 1 year ago. I had wrongly assumed that they were friends as they were sat together on one of the tall tables when I walked in. It turned out they had never even spoken before. Who would have thought that 1 hour later Liza was 'getting to know' Jocelyn by slipping two fingers inside her pussy. Great times. Stayed at the hotel on site. I recall the cost being 500 each and Jocelyn stayed the full night.

I recently ventured down the route of chatting online to a couple of very cute filis but drew back as I began to realise that they were looking for far more than some quick cash. I. e. Relationships.

What I am really looking for is a young, hot fili who just wants to fuck and earn a few extra bucks p / t. More fun if they are not a pro. As others have commented. Not so easy to find. As these girls don't tend to hang around pick up bars too much and most of the MR filis are fake or full time pros. What to do?? I had considered trying out the filipino bar scene. Haven't done that for a while. I will report if I have any successes.

Blood Red
02-24-23, 17:22
FR has been delayed due to time constraints. Visited Dubai last month for the first time. After reading reviews on dubai hotels forum, decided to stay at Moscow Hotel.

Visited coochini on the first day. Entry was 100. Got a table and complimentary fruit platter. It seems they serve only one fruit platter per table irrespective of no. Of guests on that table. Around 50 women and equal no. Of men were inside. Apparently, the club has more CIS women than Iranians. After half an hour, approached her friend, a 7 in her late 20's and negotiated for 500 short time. As we came out, the 7 feet tall guy outside the club asked the girl for 100. Downstairs, another 7 feet tall guy asked me to deposit 100 at the reception for bringing girl. After paying, entered the room. She straightaway unzipped me and started with BBBJ, deep throating in between. Seeing her enthusiasm, asked for rimming to which she happily agreed. Then sex in as many positions as I could manage for next 20 minutes. Asked for COF, she agreed. As I haven't had sex for many days, ended with a big load on her face. Slided some cum into her mouth with my penis and surprisingly she didn't spit. Contrary to what I've read on the forum and experienced earlier with Iranians (having only 2 previous encounters with Iranians), she was not averse to anything except anal. A night that I will remember for a very long time. Dubai is perhaps the best place in the world to meet Iranian WGs.\.Very good report. Yes, Dubai is the best place to meet Irani WG's. It's actually out of control and seems like all women in Iran have left and come to Dubai LOL. I was in Ayoush a week ago and it used to be a good mixture of different nationalities, but now Iranian WG's are the dominant ones there as well. With regards to Coochini, 95% of the girls are Irani. The CIS girls are mostly Tajikis, easy to distinguish them from the Irani's as they usually do not dance and just drink away without making a play for punters. To avoid the 100 charge while taking out the girl, wait until 2 am and then you won't have to pay that. To avoid paying the 100 for the girl to the room, book for 2. If they still want to charge you, stand your ground as they are just being ccunts.

Want More
02-24-23, 18:37
That is true. Hotels are required to keep all records with them. As per my knowledge they do not send it to any authorities. So you or your girl are not exposed. But in case a serious crime is committed in the hotel then all records of those days are made available to investigating agency. Every single hotel and airbnb details is available to the police. Those boxes on which they scan the EID or passport are standardised and issued by govt to the hotel. Every hotel will have them. For airbnb don't know the exact procedure but there is one.

In most cases police doesn't do anything with it. Like most things in Dubai, everything is fine until the moment it is not. Avoid getting into police interactions when witb a girl at any costs. It will get you into a whole world of trouble. Police doesn't do anything unless there is something going a mess. Anythjng which can lead to them getting involved just walk away-, girl stole from your, hit you, took the money and didn't fuck. Just walk away from it all. Not worth it.

02-24-23, 20:11
I always prepare my next trip in April. Do you know if there are some WG in the Marina'bars? Do you have any favorite places?


02-25-23, 06:32
Thank you, this is all very helpful. For the online hunting, do you primarily use Tinder or some other service?Well it depends on what you are hunting. Asian, Arab or EE.

SA and tender are one of those.

I like taking a journey in snap map and from their recommended accounts and sometime you might find a great one.

But there are so many fake accounts on those apps so you need to be careful.

If it looks to good to be true then it simply not.

02-25-23, 06:35
Every single hotel and airbnb details is available to the police. Those boxes on which they scan the EID or passport are standardised and issued by govt to the hotel. Every hotel will have them. For airbnb don't know the exact procedure but there is one.Is the scanned information kept at the hotel, or is it also forwarded to some centralized UAE database? If kept at the hotel, any idea for long the hotel keeps it.

It may not be an issue now, but someday in the future they may want to track your every movement even if you never had any issues with law enforcement.

02-25-23, 09:43
I always prepare my next trip in April. Do you know if there are some WG in the Marina'bars? Do you have any favorite places?

Thank.11 posts 10 questions! Must be a new record.

02-25-23, 09:50
I am usually transiting thru or in Dubai for work with coworkers so am forced to optimize my time.

Enjoyed 2 encounters this time around. Both times I stayed in Aloft Al Mina due to proximity to Ratsky and Czars.

On Saturday night I went to Ratsky at 11 PM. My first time there. Every girl I talked to was Viet. They all seemed older. Most in 30's or higher. Also most had fake boobs which is typically a turnoff for me. Ultimately took back 27 year old Kim. She was slim, sexy, perfect size be / see boobs, nice face and happy attitude. 800 aed all night deal. In the room as soon as she took off her clothes I realized she had fake boobs (and I thought was good at spotting. LOL). Nevertheless that doctor did a great job and I actually had fun. She was a great kisser, enjoyed DATY and fingering. I made her cum first, then she did BBBJ, BLS and CFS but I lost my load rather quickly. Then I took her to the rooftop restaurant for food and drinks. Returned and tried to go for one more round but she declined saying its time to sleep and we'll do the second round after waking up. That was a turn off. Being jetlagged I didn't really sleep but she slept peacefully. After about 2 hours we did the deed a second time and I sent her on her way with 100 aed tip / taxi. Overall a cute girl and GFE but I should have negotiated my desire for 3 shots before I took her out. She said she is at Ratsky every night. She loves LV brand so likely will be wearing it or at least have a purse with that brand. Of course fake.

Next Friday I decided to go to my favorite club in Dubai. Czar at 11 PM. Looked for the 21 year old I picked here last time but found out from her friend that she is back in Kazakhstan. Talked to a few different girls. There were some pretty girls but what is it with their teeth? That was a turn off with so many of them. Ultimately around 12:30 AM found sexy 24 year old Irma from Russia. Her manager Mila was nice. We agreed to 1000 aed for 2-3 hours everything covered plus kissing. This was the standard rate from most managers 1000 for 2 hours and 1500 for night. This girl was fantastic guys. One of the best I have had. Very sensual. Enjoyed DATY and came hard. Multiple positions. Sexy natural boobs. Unfortunately the jetlag was kicking in and I got tired so for round two I had her do HJ which she seemed to be disappointed about after the great round 1. I apologized to her being an old man. Sent her home with 100 aed tip / taxi money which she did not ask for.

Thanks to all the info on this forum I have had a few fun nights making the most of whatever little time I can spare when I am in Dubai. Much appreciated why'all!

Double Shooter
02-25-23, 16:16
The Shooter paid a visit to the famous Filipino bar near the airport.

He engaged in social intercourse with several pleasant young ladies, before settling on a highly energetic Viet with brown skin, Eurasian features and a solid bod, no silly cones.

Her name was unusual, Buianna. She didn't speak much English but made up for it with sensual body language. Her energy level was off the charts. He suspected she could be an Energizer Bunny in the sack.

The Shooter was too stingy to pay Friday night 4-digit rates, so took her number for a mid-week fling.

Contacted her later and agreed dh400 for a 1 hour incall in Bur Dubai.

Off came the clothes and it was evident that she is older than she seemed in the bar. Probably 40's not early 30's. Her body is good but not as tight as expected.

She commenced the "sexy time" in fast and furious fashion. Aggressive HJ and brief BJ. Then she rolled him on top of her and put his cock in rawdog, bucking and twisting. The Shooter is used to slow motion not fast forward, but auto pilot and a million+ years of evolution kicked in and he thrust away. "Come inside" she whispered in his ear, which he duly did after about 10 minutes.

She chivvied him into the shower and out of the room after about 40 minutes. He paid another dh50 for the room.

He emerged into the street wondering WTF happened.

A memorable experience but likely not to be repeated. A quick visit to Zack's revealed no unpleasant side-effects.

02-25-23, 17:35
Is the scanned information kept at the hotel, or is it also forwarded to some centralized UAE database? If kept at the hotel, any idea for long the hotel keeps it.

It may not be an issue now, but someday in the future they may want to track your every movement even if you never had any issues with law enforcement.As in many countries in the world the info go or are available to police. UAE is a very attentive country with regards to crime. No wonder they can use your residential history as a visitor or they want to. It adds to a thorough use of street cameras. On the other hand also immigration at the border records your passport and they can resurface the info at any police station ny a click of a burton.

I think your countr6 does pretty much the same, LOL.

02-25-23, 19:10
11 posts 10 questions! Must be a new record.Don't be sad, it's going to be fine.

Want More
02-26-23, 00:52
I always prepare my next trip in April. Do you know if there are some WG in the Marina'bars? Do you have any favorite places?

Thank.Can I interest you in my VIP concierge package?

Want More
02-26-23, 00:57
Is the scanned information kept at the hotel, or is it also forwarded to some centralized UAE database? If kept at the hotel, any idea for long the hotel keeps it.

It may not be an issue now, but someday in the future they may want to track your every movement even if you never had any issues with law enforcement.For hotels, it goes to the tourism database. No idea how long its kept. But generally for electronic info it is safe to assume it is there forever. I don't see any reasons why they would pull it up unless you are in a mess. That brings me to my previous point, do not get police involved under any circumstances. They know eveeythigh what goes on. So have your fun quietly and discreetly. This is not a place where you will get away with crossing the law.

02-26-23, 08:05
Don't be sad, it's going to be fine.Use to be that people who just asked questions were just ignored.

It worked well. As if there posts didn't even exist. They must have wondered if there post was even visible to others). Always thought that was funny. It certainly saved us reading complaints and then the reply complaints.

Sometimes in jest people would reply with funny false information. I remember one punter suggesting they go to Fantasy Hotel, as being the best place to visit in Dubai. Hundred of girls and only you.
Some would even reply asking where Fantasy Hotel is? and they gave them fantasy directions.

Saw a stunning Indian Girl walking down Al Rolla in the afternoon. It was love at first sight ) thus i'm going to check out the Indian Clubs on Al Rolla. 'Stayin Alive' Club for starters. Stayed a night at Raintree Rolla Hotel just opposite Stayin Alive. Cheap Hotel but good big rooms. It has a little foyer bar with girls within. Girls approached me in the lift. And later i got phone calls asking if i wanted in-room massage. Not sure what the Hotel rules are as i was just with In-House. Its a pity there's really no Daytime Clubs anymore like Jockeys use to be. Use to get all sorts there and great relaxed fun. I always like the Early Bird.
Ta Nickc

Cheers Nickc

02-26-23, 08:16
Use to be that people who just asked questions were just ignored.
It worked well.
As if there posts didn't even exist.
They must have wondered if there post was even visible to others).
I always thought that was quite funny.
It certainly saved us reading complaints and then the reply complaints.
Sometimes in jest people would reply with funny false information.
I remember one punter suggesting they go to Fantasy Hotel, as being the best place to visit in Dubai.
Hundred of girls and only you.
Some would even reply asking where Fantasy Hotel is?Thank Nick for your answer. It's a bit funny. I expected too much from the forum. I understood that it is difficult to participate when you have not visited the country yet. So I will kindly read the reports and prepare my trip like this.

Double Shooter
02-26-23, 09:47
The Shooter paid a visit to the famous Filipino bar near the airport.

He engaged in social intercourse with several pleasant young ladies, before settling on a highly energetic Viet with brown skin, Eurasian features and a solid bod, no silly cones.

Her name was unusual, Buianna. She didn't speak much English but made up for it with sensual body language. Her energy level was off the charts. He suspected she could be an Energizer Bunny in the sack.

The Shooter was too stingy to pay Friday night 4-digit rates, so took her number for a mid-week fling.

Contacted her later and agreed dh400 for a 1 hour incall in Bur Dubai.

Off came the clothes and it was evident that she is older than she seemed in the bar. Probably 40's not early 30's. Her body is good but not as tight as expected.

She commenced the "sexy time" in fast and furious fashion. Aggressive HJ and brief BJ. Then she rolled him on top of her and put his cock in rawdog, bucking and twisting. The Shooter is used to slow motion not fast forward, but auto pilot and a million+ years of evolution kicked in and he thrust away. "Come inside" she whispered in his ear, which he duly did after about 10 minutes.

She chivvied him into the shower and out of the room after about 40 minutes. He paid another dh50 for the room.

He emerged into the street wondering WTF happened.

A memorable experience but likely not to be repeated. A quick visit to Zack's revealed no unpleasant side-effects.

02-26-23, 14:58
Every single hotel and airbnb details is available to the police. Those boxes on which they scan the EID or passport are standardised and issued by govt to the hotel. Every hotel will have them. For airbnb don't know the exact procedure but there is one.

In most cases police doesn't do anything with it. Like most things in Dubai, everything is fine until the moment it is not. Avoid getting into police interactions when witb a girl at any costs. It will get you into a whole world of trouble. Police doesn't do anything unless there is something going a mess. Anythjng which can lead to them getting involved just walk away-, girl stole from your, hit you, took the money and didn't fuck. Just walk away from it all. Not worth it.I agree. It's also important to note that the hotel staff doesn't want any police involved either (police showing up at their property would make them look really bad, make other guests nervous and ask what happened).

So never contact hotel staff or police. Mongering is a personal and private arrangement between two consenting adults, negotiated beforehand.

02-26-23, 16:41
Sometimes in jest people would reply with funny false information. I remember one punter suggesting they go to Fantasy Hotel, as being the best place to visit in Dubai. Hundred of girls and only you.

Cheers NickcI think I fell for one of those "Fantasia Hotel" suggestions from Snow1998 while RTFF in my early days 🤣.

Luckily the trip didn't involve me driving around the city asking people for the hotel. Just a quick search and I gave up.

02-26-23, 22:33
Taking a page from Nick's report below, I have had this long fantasy of getting a Filipino, however, even though I've been in the city for around a decade it never materialized.

Cheers!Bruv, hit social media and you will have a Filli within 30 days. If you're married then they are a pain to keep away form the fam but if you're single or have a safe place to party, then its all systems go.

Just be prepared for tons of interest in your life / phone / future and loads of possesiveness.

02-27-23, 01:34
Recently spent 2 weeks in Dubai which is increasingly becoming one of my favourite mongering destinations.

I am a longstanding posted in the Costa Del Sol (Spain) Club Reports Only thread, and in many FKK forums (Germany) and occasionally in Thailand forums. I posted a lengthy report on Dubai end of last year but have refrained this year despite several trips. Hence, in the spirit of returning the favour of many excellent reports in this thread (in sharp contrast to the CDS Spanish threads were there are alas some over-inflated egos / know-it-alls) here goes from most recent trip:

Barrios. Again, for me starts too late. Excellent Karaoke bar next door though means both a way to spend some time whilst waiting for it to get busy (not least as the on stage entertainment is poor and loud) and when a girl has been selected its a nice way to start breaking the ice before heading to a hotel.

Czar. Have been 4 times in total now and yet to take a girl out. I'm afraid its just not my bag. All a bit mechanical.

Ratsky. Hotel Fortuna. The low end of the market but some fabulous pics and a great vibe. Big queues for the red clothed pool table, but love the two stages of entertainment and after some negotiation most of the girls will go ST for 600. Some decent selections, a lot of Viets.

Club Blu. Visited 3 times recently. Fast becoming one of my favourites. In the V hotel. Very lavish, swish entrance. Lift to club floor. Paid entry. It's truly a nightclub. Sure there are lots of (mainly Iranian) stunning girls, but the entertainment is excellent. Not a mad fan of the large oval bar with the centre catwalk but a good place to mingle with the ladies. Prices here are expensive with 2000ST and 5000 LT being quoted by most girls as first entree before being negotiated down. Some girls will simply not go for less than the 2000ST. And no wonder, as many are truly 9's and the odd 10. Last visit, Erika. Blonde Swedish girl. Doubted this at first until we got chatting and agreed her minimum 3000ST. Oh guys I know that's crazy (x5 the price in Ratsky!) but this was off the scale 10/10 face / body optifuk. Got to my hotel (Radisson Waterside / green) which wasn't far and sure enough she pulls her Swedish passport for reception. Excellent 10/10 service to compliment the face and body and would 100% repeat. Only disappointment was the refusal of my request for her cell number - "you know where to find me baby" was the response. My other visits have ended in me taking dark / slim Iranians. Have got them ALL down to 1500 AED after some persuasion and a couple of (expensive) drinks. Have been tempted by Gina. Iranian but with a LOT of tattoos all over but didn't succumb.

Radisson Creekside. Bubbles bar first floor. Some decent options but not enough to choose from. Great vibe / pool table but beware the skinny but very pretty Neith. Egyptian - she will offer to play you at pool. The deal is that if you win you take her ST for 2000. If you lose she'll go for 1000. Truth is (a) she is a fabulous pool player and pulls out her pool glove to play once you've agreed a deal and (b) many of the girls will go for 1000 anyway. I countered her offer with 2000 or nothing but realised how stupid that was. A girl going to the room for nothing is not going to perform and will want to be out of there in 5-10 minutes. Happily she rejected, we did a win / lose deal of best of 5 frames 1500 if I lost and 750 if I won. Whilst I paid for the drinks (normal prices not expensive) and happily I scraped home 3-2. The service merited the 250 tip. I like the vibe here but its a "night off" type of place.

York Bar. Yes I know it is considered bottom basement but you know what. I always find the odd gem here. Some great regulars play high level pool in the area to the left of the bar and there are some talented working ladies who play. Not of Neith's standard! Whilst undoubtedly there are a lot of girls here who are sub 7/10 and overweight there are also some rare gems. My favourite night was taking an Eritrean and a girl from South Africa (Pretoria) as a threesome. They offered 1500 each, I countered with 1000 each and to my surprise they agreed provided I bought a bottle of raspberry vodka to take out of the club which was a reasonable 200. I suspect they made something on commission. What I didn't expect was that they would drink half of it in the taxi to the hotel (Hyatt Centric. Green) but it only served to create a party atmosphere and they were good fun.

Lot of options at York but you need to be patient for a really decent one to arrive. But they do.

Moscow / Colochini. Didn't find the line up in recent weeks quite what it was previously. For some reason I don't like the rectangular shape as it forces everyone to move in one direction. But unquestionably there are still very good options.

Jules. Quoted in another recent report as Filipino bar and yes there are some. But in my experience of the bar (and I go here more than any other Dubai hook up bar) it's more Viets than Filipinos. I love the band. Always great fun and great entertainment. Dubliner next door serves up great food and good standard pool tables with frequent AED sheiks playing and having a great time. Mimi is the beautiful Viet with the long dark hair and great body (always sits on left wall on entry) - unwilling to negotiate from 1500 for ST but doesn't need to has her body and face mean she is rarely not busy. I have not visited Jules without selecting a girl. There are always good options. There is a very slim Ghanaian girl there. Adom - tiny body / waste. Fabulous service for an incredibly 800 AED / ST. Cheapest I've been quoted in Jules. A few Turkish girls in the mix. Great bar, great options on food / drinks / sports / girls. Probably still my favourite haunt in Dubai.

Didn't hit Hyatt Premiere. Probably as the above options kept me more than busy!

Happy mongering in the fabulous destination which is Dubai.

02-27-23, 04:42
Nice report, this will help in my trip to DXB this summer.

Recently spent 2 weeks in Dubai which is increasingly becoming one of my favourite mongering destinations.

I am a longstanding posted in the Costa Del Sol (Spain) Club Reports Only thread, and in many FKK forums (Germany) and occasionally in Thailand forums. I posted a lengthy report on Dubai end of last year but have refrained this year despite several trips. Hence, in the spirit of returning the favour of many excellent reports in this thread (in sharp contrast to the CDS Spanish threads were there are alas some over-inflated egos / know-it-alls) here goes from most recent trip:

Barrios. Again, for me starts too late. Excellent Karaoke bar next door though means both a way to spend some time whilst waiting for it to get busy (not least as the on stage entertainment is poor and loud) and when a girl has been selected its a nice way to start breaking the ice before heading to a hotel.

Czar. Have been 4 times in total now and yet to take a girl out. I'm afraid its just not my bag. All a bit mechanical.

Ratsky. Hotel Fortuna. The low end of the market but some fabulous pics and a great vibe. Big queues for the red clothed pool table, but love the two stages of entertainment and after some negotiation most of the girls will go ST for 600. Some decent selections, a lot of Viets.

Club Blu. Visited 3 times recently. Fast becoming one of my favourites. In the V hotel. Very lavish, swish entrance. Lift to club floor. Paid entry. It's truly a nightclub. Sure there are lots of (mainly Iranian) stunning girls, but the entertainment is excellent. Not a mad fan of the large oval bar with the centre catwalk but a good place to mingle with the ladies. Prices here are expensive with 2000ST and 5000 LT being quoted by most girls as first entree before being negotiated down. Some girls will simply not go for less than the 2000ST. And no wonder, as many are truly 9's and the odd 10. Last visit, Erika. Blonde Swedish girl. Doubted this at first until we got chatting and agreed her minimum 3000ST. Oh guys I know that's crazy (x5 the price in Ratsky!) but this was off the scale 10/10 face / body optifuk. Got to my hotel (Radisson Waterside / green) which wasn't far and sure enough she pulls her Swedish passport for reception. Excellent 10/10 service to compliment the face and body and would 100% repeat. Only disappointment was the refusal of my request for her cell number - "you know where to find me baby" was the response. My other visits have ended in me taking dark / slim Iranians. Have got them ALL down to 1500 AED after some persuasion and a couple of (expensive) drinks. Have been tempted by Gina. Iranian but with a LOT of tattoos all over but didn't succumb.

Radisson Creekside. Bubbles bar first floor. Some decent options but not enough to choose from. Great vibe / pool table but beware the skinny but very pretty Neith. Egyptian - she will offer to play you at pool. The deal is that if you win you take her ST for 2000. If you lose she'll go for 1000. Truth is (a) she is a fabulous pool player and pulls out her pool glove to play once you've agreed a deal and (b) many of the girls will go for 1000 anyway. I countered her offer with 2000 or nothing but realised how stupid that was. A girl going to the room for nothing is not going to perform and will want to be out of there in 5-10 minutes. Happily she rejected, we did a win / lose deal of best of 5 frames 1500 if I lost and 750 if I won. Whilst I paid for the drinks (normal prices not expensive) and happily I scraped home 3-2. The service merited the 250 tip. I like the vibe here but its a "night off" type of place.

York Bar. Yes I know it is considered bottom basement but you know what. I always find the odd gem here. Some great regulars play high level pool in the area to the left of the bar and there are some talented working ladies who play. Not of Neith's standard! Whilst undoubtedly there are a lot of girls here who are sub 7/10 and overweight there are also some rare gems. My favourite night was taking an Eritrean and a girl from South Africa (Pretoria) as a threesome. They offered 1500 each, I countered with 1000 each and to my surprise they agreed provided I bought a bottle of raspberry vodka to take out of the club which was a reasonable 200. I suspect they made something on commission. What I didn't expect was that they would drink half of it in the taxi to the hotel (Hyatt Centric. Green) but it only served to create a party atmosphere and they were good fun.

Lot of options at York but you need to be patient for a really decent one to arrive. But they do.

Moscow / Colochini. Didn't find the line up in recent weeks quite what it was previously. For some reason I don't like the rectangular shape as it forces everyone to move in one direction. But unquestionably there are still very good options.

Jules. Quoted in another recent report as Filipino bar and yes there are some. But in my experience of the bar (and I go here more than any other Dubai hook up bar) it's more Viets than Filipinos. I love the band. Always great fun and great entertainment. Dubliner next door serves up great food and good standard pool tables with frequent AED sheiks playing and having a great time. Mimi is the beautiful Viet with the long dark hair and great body (always sits on left wall on entry) - unwilling to negotiate from 1500 for ST but doesn't need to has her body and face mean she is rarely not busy. I have not visited Jules without selecting a girl. There are always good options. There is a very slim Ghanaian girl there. Adom - tiny body / waste. Fabulous service for an incredibly 800 AED / ST. Cheapest I've been quoted in Jules. A few Turkish girls in the mix. Great bar, great options on food / drinks / sports / girls. Probably still my favourite haunt in Dubai.

Didn't hit Hyatt Premiere. Probably as the above options kept me more than busy!

Happy mongering in the fabulous destination which is Dubai.

02-27-23, 12:43
Bruv, hit social media and you will have a Filli within 30 days. If you're married then they are a pain to keep away form the fam but if you're single or have a safe place to party, then its all systems go.

Just be prepared for tons of interest in your life / phone / future and loads of possesiveness.

I don't want anything longterm with them. No point of giving anyone false hopes.


02-27-23, 16:15
Bruv, hit social media and you will have a Filli within 30 days. If you're married then they are a pain to keep away form the fam but if you're single or have a safe place to party, then its all systems go.

Just be prepared for tons of interest in your life / phone / future and loads of possesiveness.Second that. Have had three since being Dubai ranging from part time freelance to civilian. The problem is not finding them but the attachment they form.

02-28-23, 04:07
Nice report, this will help in my trip to DXB this summer.Quotes must be snipped when replying, the long report you quoted for just a one liner is right before yours. Clutters the forum when you don't snip.

02-28-23, 10:58
So rather then a AMP run, I decided this time I was going to have them come to me or have a few people come over to my room. I booked the Doubletree in Karama as it was easy access for both sides of Dubai.

So first up a thanks to Bloodred for hooking me up with the Uzbec, she was a little rounder then my normal spinner type but still a good shape, we agreed 900 for the 2 shots. Stayed for 2 hours and was very relaxed about it all, didn't need any lube and gave me a nice massage which beat most of my AMP ladys. She is very cute and I have to say she's a bit of a gem. She is only here for 10 more days so if your serious then don't loose her. She is certainly one to meet.

This was Saturday evening until around 11, after this I was debating what I wanted to do next, I had a viet girl who I had not met for a while, had a killer body and was a part timer, more the type I like. I messaged her and she was not in dubai. I decided plan see, my irani girl does limited hotel meets after work, we agreed 2000 and she would stay the night. I met her in the lobby and she was looking perfect for the night. We went up and showered togeather and just laugthed in the tub, ended up having round one in the tub, definatly not something I have done before, went on to get into bed andd it was more a GFE service dressing each other, we went for round two in bed this time me eating her out and then she riding herself off. After this we watched some tv and snuggled and didn't even realise went to sleep. Morning breakfast and on to our seperate ways.

Sunday I was debating who to meet and after some much debating, I decided I was going to go with a Romanian / Spanish I knew Paula whos in her late 30's but passes off as a late 20's. I've known her for a while and so it was another meeting of causual friends, this was Sunday afternoon and she took 1200 for a relaxed 2 hours again. Like the Uzbec she was very wet, probably as they enjoy the job and don't have 10 customers a day. We had lunch first and then I eat her out again, she qas quite querky and encourging. I guess that's the differance between asian and europeans who are open to sex.

Finally I had a little left in the tank and decided I was going to try the Baku contact, she was okay on price and had the right look again another spinner and local, initially all was good on booking and then radio silance for 30 minutes, by this point I decided I am hungry so I was going to order a deliveroo. She messaged just after the delivery guy had come and was apologetic that she lost the charge on her phone and was out. I explained I am now eating and will grab her later. After food I decided its probably the best time to grab some rest as I had a 4 am flight so yes, not as fun as Saturday but still appertising.

Got to the airport lounge and looked out towards Dubai as we were on the gate close to Deira side and I just remember thinking what a weekend!

03-01-23, 01:05
I don't want anything longterm with them. No point of giving anyone false hopes.

Cheers!!Fair enough. A lot are happy to have someone spend some time and money on them in return for sex and are under no illusions about the nature of the relationship. But as the other poster said, they will still get sticky and it can be diffcult.

03-01-23, 05:04
I don't want anything longterm with them. No point of giving anyone false hopes.

Cheers!!From the first comms be direct and upfront. Be tactful though, 'just need a companion' is probably a more accepted line.

03-01-23, 10:50
Bruv, hit social media and you will have a Filli within 30 days. If you're married then they are a pain to keep away form the fam but if you're single or have a safe place to party, then its all systems go.

Just be prepared for tons of interest in your life / phone / future and loads of possesiveness.Thanks for the tip. Which is social media is the best? Tinder? Instagram? Facebook? Other?

03-01-23, 21:54
Saw a stunning Indian Girl walking down Al Rolla in the afternoon. It was love at first sight ) thus i'm going to check out the Indian Clubs on Al Rolla. 'Stayin Alive' Club for starters. Stayed a night at Raintree Rolla Hotel just opposite Stayin Alive. Cheap Hotel but good big rooms. It has a little foyer bar with girls within. Girls approached me in the lift. And later i got phone calls asking if i wanted in-room massage. Not sure what the Hotel rules are as i was just with In-House. Its a pity there's really no Daytime Clubs anymore like Jockeys use to be. Use to get all sorts there and great relaxed fun. I always like the Early Bird.
Ta Nickc

Cheers NickcIs Stayin Alive still open? Thought it had closed during Covid? While always downmarket, was a time (like 20 years ago) when it actually had a good atmosphere and you could find a diamond in the rough, but it had gone into a real downward death spiral and I hadn't been there for years. Be interested to hear what it's like now if actually open.

The only 1/2 early bar I'm aware of is Mint, but it's not really an afternoon place, more early evening. Anyone got any idea where the girls go in the afternoon now? Must be somewhere.


03-02-23, 06:31
Is Stayin Alive still open? Thought it had closed during Covid? While always downmarket, was a time (like 20 years ago) when it actually had a good atmosphere and you could find a diamond in the rough, but it had gone into a real downward death spiral and I hadn't been there for years. Be interested to hear what it's like now if actually open.

The only 1/2 early bar I'm aware of is Mint, but it's not really an afternoon place, more early evening. Anyone got any idea where the girls go in the afternoon now? Must be somewhere.

Speedo.Hi Speedo).

Thanks for info on Mint, early evening sounds pretty good to me.

Sometimes I go to Moscow round 7 pm and have seen girls in the Piano bar and outside cafe area. Like wise Capitol Hotel has their rooftop club and pool that can start early but that can be hit and miss at that hour. I always liked how at Jockeys Bar, Paranormal Hotel you could meet some good girls at 2 pm. 'Afternoon Delights' as we called them.

Yep Stayin Alive still appears open, sign outside and I often see the girls arriving and leaving as I stroll most evenings down Al Rolla. I shall visit again soon. https://www.facebook.com/stayinalivenightclub If you scroll down their Vids they get interesting.

Like most Clubs they've had ups and downs, like Premier is currently experiencing. Sometimes they swing back up again, hopefully Premier will to). Some years back I found a diamond in the rough at Staying Alive. In a Country of over 600 Million females some diamonds are to be found).

Ta Nickc.

03-02-23, 09:28
Hi folks,

I know this does not seem to be the right thing to post here as to never mix mongering and dating, but recently I visited a masseuse at an MP and I am throughly smitten by her looks and the way she spoke to me during our encounter. It was a complete GFE and like talking to a long time friend. I exchanged digits with this girl on leaving the MP and tried texting her as the days passed but I see there is definitely a lack of interest from her side after I was out the door. When she does reply, I get responses like "I'm busy" 'the net on my phone is not working properly" bla bla bla. I know she works very long hours, 7 days a week with no days off except for the occasional leave now and then as per the management policy of her establishment. When I asked if I could have her IG account. She told me she does not have one which I feel is a fib.

Any idea how to get over this WG? I even feel the urge to visit her at the MP and offering her money without taking any extras in the hope of her seeing me as something different as most WG's think men see them in the light of sex objects She is very attractive and instead of dick taking over the mind of mongers at times. In this case the heart as taken over in my case.

Hopefully time heals everything, but some words of encouragement and advice from experienced fellow mongers like you all would give me some sense of direction.


03-02-23, 15:20
My whole life is in mess as I after 15 years of mongering fell for a girl from Iran.

Have spent lot of money, gift, when I see something I just want to buy for her.

She don't care, just say thank you baby and move on.

Am shattered. Before that I never tried same girl twice.

Just stop now if you can. I too should hit it's hard, it's been one year.

Hi folks,

I know this does not seem to be the right thing to post here as to never mix mongering and dating, but recently I visited a masseuse at an MP and I am throughly smitten by her looks and the way she spoke to me during our encounter. It was a complete GFE and like talking to a long time friend. I exchanged digits with this girl on leaving the MP and tried texting her as the days passed but I see there is definitely a lack of interest from her side after I was out the door. When she does reply, I get responses like "I'm busy" 'the net on my phone is not working properly" bla bla bla. I know she works very long hours, 7 days a week with no days off except for the occasional leave now and then as per the management policy of her establishment. When I asked if I could have her IG account. She told me she does not have one which I feel is a fib.

Any idea how to get over this WG? I even feel the urge to visit her at the MP and offering her money without taking any extras in the hope of her seeing me as something different as most WG's think men see them in the light of sex objects She is very attractive and instead of dick taking over the mind of mongers at times. In this case the heart as taken over in my case.

03-02-23, 18:12
Hi folks,

I know this does not seem to be the right thing to post here as to never mix mongering and dating, but recently I visited a masseuse at an MP and I am throughly smitten by her looks and the way she spoke to me during our encounter. I honestly took this to be a trolling attempt and wasn't going to bit. The OP as per one of his posts lived in India up until a month ago. How can you move to another country, and fall for someone from an AMP in such a short period of time, it took me longer to unpack. Not to mention that the same cry for help was posted a few days ago in another forum.

But I'll take a leaf from BobHowardUS book and treat your post as genuine (I know am an old cynic). What you need to do is sever the connection completely. Delete her number, don't set a foot in that establishment, and even take a break from mongering. Even when you return to the hobby, learn your personality flaws (we all have different ones) and consciously take steps to be in control of your weaker points (the strong points take care of themselves).

03-02-23, 20:16
Hi folks,

Any idea how to get over this WG? I even feel the urge to visit her at the MP and offering her money without taking any extras in the hope of her seeing me as something different as most WG's think men see them in the light of sex objects She is very attractive and instead of dick taking over the mind of mongers at times. In this case the heart as taken over in my case.

This is a very common psychological phenomenon commonly called Infatuation. You are not in "Love" with the girl as such, just attracted and attached to one aspect of her personality and behavior. This attraction, while seems very strong is all in your mind.

I had personally gone through it sometime back. The one thing I did, looked at it from a third-person perspective. Like looking at myself behaving like this. And then wondering how should I help this guy. What I did was, put on some videos on YouTube explaining the term Infatuation. It might sound stupid, but trust me, hearing it from a professional voice makes a lot of difference.

They explain very clearly that we get attached to one aspect of the person and imagine that the person will behave like that always, but in reality, that person might have some habits which you might find appalling. And that's the fact of life.

Secondly, you have to physically distance yourself from that person, and delete the phone number. Don't look at any pics (WhatsApp status or Instagram) and try to make any contact.

It will be tough initially, but as you find some other "activity" to keep you busy, you will get over it.

Don't waste your money on some girl who doesn't want to be with you. Save it for the one who does.


03-02-23, 20:39
Any idea how to get over this WG? I even feel the urge to visit her at the MP and offering her money without taking any extras in the hope of her seeing me as something different as most WG's think men see them in the light of sex objects She is very attractive and instead of dick taking over the mind of mongers at times. In this case the heart as taken over in my case.

Hopefully time heals everything, but some words of encouragement and advice from experienced fellow mongers like you all would give me some sense of direction.Don't confuse loneliness with love. And no, money would not change anything because she probably ignore you if some pays more which happens all the time.

03-03-23, 05:31
Hopefully time heals everything, but some words of encouragement and advice from experienced fellow mongers like you all would give me some sense of direction.

Thanks!Doesn't sound like she's interested so it shouldn't make "moving on" difficult because there's nothing to really move on from. Also these girls don't care about the gifts or more money you give them it's not going to make them like you more. If a girl ever really likes you they will like you for you and not all that other stuff. I've literally been with wgs and they tell me about the guys who love them and buy them all these gifts LOL but it makes no difference to them. I've been in the bed with them as their smitten lover sends messages and voice notes. It's kinda sad and funny.

Blood Red
03-03-23, 07:26
Doesn't sound like she's interested so it shouldn't make "moving on" difficult because there's nothing to really move on from. Also these girls don't care about the gifts or more money you give them it's not going to make them like you more. If a girl ever really likes you they will like you for you and not all that other stuff. I've literally been with wgs and they tell me about the guys who love them and buy them all these gifts LOL but it makes no difference to them. I've been in the bed with them as their smitten lover sends messages and voice notes. It's kinda sad and funny.Totally agree with everything you said. Now I have bought a couple of girls a gift or two here and there over say 5 years, but it was just a few cases, and that too after I had known the girl for a long time and she had given me mind blowing sex. But yes, for most of them, the gifts make no difference so it's better to steer clear of that. Pay them, fuck them, move on. And you can also judge a girl by how she treats someone who is showering gifts and other stuff on her. One Turkmen lady told me about some regular customer she has and how he pays for a lot of her shit, and yet she was talking bad about him during a convo I had with her. When I reminded her about how he's taking care of her, her reply was "oh he's just for finances".

Want More
03-03-23, 21:57
Hi folks,

I know this does not seem to be the right thing to post here as to never mix mongering and dating, but recently I visited a masseuse at an MP and I am throughly smitten by her looks and the way she spoke to me during our encounter. It was a complete GFE and like talking to a long time friend. I exchanged digits with this girl on leaving the MP and tried texting her as the days passed but I see there is definitely a lack of interest from her side after I was out the door. When she does reply, I get responses like "I'm busy" 'the net on my phone is not working properly" bla bl

Thanks!From the sound of it there is nothing there for you. She looks at you as a job and she serviced you well. She made you feel good and sucked your dick well or whatever she did.

This is normal when you fuck a girl.

Everytime I have great sex and she sucks me off, I feel I am love and then in 2 minutes that's over. But it comes back again when you have a good time again. In your case it's lasting a bit longer but it will pass.

She has already forgotten all about you. You can go and spend as much as you want on her and it won't make any difference. She is happy suckling and fucking other clients. If you give her details to 5 members here, can bet you she will service them all and they will be as happy with her as you are.

03-03-23, 22:27
Most seniors know this joint, its been there for many years run by the same old Chinese lady. They had a new bird started today. Her name starts with E.

Easy access via basement, no ID.

Very very GFE. Once in, had a good FK, went to take a pee, and she came and literally hold my wee. It was kinda awkward, but thinking about it now, its feeling so good.

Down to busienss. Very nice BJ, I never had this kinds sensual BJ ever. Very nice playing with the tip. She is a pro, and can take it deep. Man made be, and really tight P.

Started with CWG and finished in DG, opening the curtains viewing the entire city. It was fun.

Then had a good massage and she got me up for round 2. Did spooning, and CIM.

She said her sister is coming on Monday, just 19, she was here before for a month. She is up for a 3's with her sister. Def something unique and would want to try for sure. Can share contacts with Seniors. Treat her well and she is a Gem.

03-04-23, 02:48
Hi folks,

I know this does not seem to be the right thing to post here as to never mix mongering and dating, but recently I visited a masseuse at an MP and I am throughly smitten by her looks and the way she spoke to me during our encounter. It was a complete GFE and like talking to a long time friend. I exchanged digits with this girl on leaving the MP and tried texting her as the days passed but I see there is definitely a lack of interest from her side after I was out the door. When she does reply, I get responses like "I'm busy" 'the net on my phone is not working properly" bla bla bla. I know she works very long hours, 7 days a week with no days off except for the occasional leave now and then as per the management policy of her establishment. When I asked if I could have her IG account. She told me she does not have one which I feel is a fib.

Any idea how to get over this WG? I even feel the urge to visit her at the MP and offering her money without taking any extras in the hope of her seeing me as something different as most WG's think men see them in the light of sex objects She is very attractive and instead of dick taking over the mind of mongers at times. In this case the heart as taken over in my case.

Hopefully time heals everything, but some words of encouragement and advice from experienced fellow mongers like you all would give me some sense of direction.

Thanks!Thank you all for the lovely messages and support offered here. Each one of you taking the time to reply. Yes, you folks are right, no point being emotionally attached to a WG as we pay them to leave. Also I feel given the influx of men these guys girls see day in and day out of their work, they tend to become cold, dead and stone hearted inside. A sort of low key hatred for men.

One monger here on the forum also commented that the solution was next time to negotiate a better price with her and F**k her a couple of times more and I'll get over it. LOL!

Happy mongering.

03-04-23, 06:09
Most seniors know this joint, its been there for many years run by the same old Chinese lady. They had a new bird started today. Her name starts with E.
.Would love to hear more clues to find this place?

03-05-23, 06:47
Landed in the afternoon and checked in to the hotel on SZR. Before the club action in the night I dreamed I went to the spa in DIP1 S01 with the name that is the color of the sky and a floating flower. Average establishment and a small line up. Selected Ms. L and the massage was very good and on the flip was asked the question. Settled on 2 reds and it was very well spent.

Dreamed of going to Czar in the night. Standing Bar fee of 2 reds with 2 drinks. My eye caught an Iranian WG and after a quick chat settled on ST with 2 shots for 7 reds. Came back to the hotel and got comfortable. Asked money upfront and I obliged but luckily it was okay, and I have read that with some Iranian WG's that is a bad option when taking LT sessions.

Did CBJ, CG, mish and doggy, after a 30 minutes rest and chatting started 2nd round. No DATY but Overall a good experience. She introduced her friend too and I hope to provide that FR tomorrow.

03-05-23, 22:55
Visiting Dubai for a couple days tomorrow and wondering what's the best spot for Indian / South Asian women? Doesn't seem to be Moscow or Czar from my quick read.

Also. Would most popular / large apartment suite hotels be green?

TY. Will post my experiences.

Plush Tiger
03-06-23, 06:59
Visiting Dubai for a couple days tomorrow and wondering what's the best spot for Indian / South Asian women? Doesn't seem to be Moscow or Czar from my quick read.
Also. Would most popular / large apartment suite hotels be green?
TY. Will post my experiences.I am not a pro of the bar scene and I am even less specialized in I / SA women but from what I remember Mirchi has its share of semi pros (especially Pakistani from what I remember) and this was precovid. You can check as well the AMP section although reports on this kind of birds are far and few between. Regarding hotel apartments, better check the dedicated thread about hotels. An easy way is just to call ahead of time and ask their guest policy.

Blood Red
03-06-23, 08:15
Visiting Dubai for a couple days tomorrow and wondering what's the best spot for Indian / South Asian women? Doesn't seem to be Moscow or Czar from my quick read.

Also. Would most popular / large apartment suite hotels be green?

TY. Will post my experiences.Please PM me to get all the digits / locations for Indian and S. Asian women who will just come to your hotel room and devour you. Waiting for your PM.

03-06-23, 08:40
Thank you all for the lovely messages and support offered here.

Happy mongering.I am a bit late to offer advice, but if you want to know if its you or money then message her from a different phone number as a potential new customer. You will most likely see her give a new customer the same treatment you received. Or as others suggest cut yourself free and move on. It's too easy to build a potential fantasy life in your mind and become infatuated only to find reality some what different. I am sure everyone on here is guilty of it to a degree because I know I have in the past.

Time heals all as they say.

Stay safe and happy mongering.

03-06-23, 12:25
Please PM me to get all the digits / locations for Indian and S. Asian women who will just come to your hotel room and devour you. Waiting for your PM.Appreciate the offer. But I don't have a premium membership and bitcoin purchase seems like a long and painful process that I'm too lazy for! 😅.

I'm in Barsha so any suggestions will be welcome especially from a senior member 🙂.

03-07-23, 05:44
Dreamed of going to the spa in the business bay in the afternoon. Name has the children's rhyming song and the star. The WR was good but the massage was below average. Popped the question after 5 minutes and tried in different positions. I would prefer the berry place instead of the BB spa.

In the evening went to club mint around 9. Good number of WG and met an Uzbek. Settled on 5 reds for ST. Had a very Good and relaxing experience.

03-07-23, 15:28
Dude. My dream kink. Still did not find a willing lady to take the initiative on her own let alone ever thought someone might write a line about it on a forum.

Fucking A, congrats and fuck you for being so lucky.

went to take a pee, and she came and literally hold my wee. It was kinda awkward, but thinking about it now, its feeling so good.

03-07-23, 15:31
Enjoy the feeling of having a crush.

You're self-aware enough to see she's losing interest and you're just another customer.

Keep exploring new places, you'll get over it. Also, sometimes repeating helps, you start seeing the cracks in service and lady gets too comfortable and takes liberties and so on.

That said, I know stories of people getting into serious relationships with a lady met in a parlor, and a lady I myself randomly found in a dubai parlor I still bang from time to time in Bangkok where's she's from and I know live.

Hi folks,

I know this does not seem to be the right thing to post here as to never mix mongering and dating, but recently I visited a masseuse at an MP and I am throughly smitten by her looks and the way she spoke to me during our encounter. It was a complete GFE and like talking to a long time friend. I exchanged digits with this girl on leaving the MP and tried texting her as the days passed but I see there is definitely a lack of interest from her side after I was out the door. When she does reply, I get responses like "I'm busy" 'the net on my phone is not working properly" bla bla bla. I know she works very long hours, 7 days a week with no days off except for the occasional leave now and then as per the management policy of her establishment. When I asked if I could have her IG account. She told me she does not have one which I feel is a fib.

Any idea how to get over this WG? I even feel the urge to visit her at the MP and offering her money without taking any extras in the hope of her seeing me as something different as most WG's think men see them in the light of sex objects She is very attractive and instead of dick taking over the mind of mongers at times. In this case the heart as taken over in my case.

Hopefully time heals everything, but some words of encouragement and advice from experienced fellow mongers like you all would give me some sense of direction.


Want More
03-07-23, 17:37
Visiting Dubai for a couple days tomorrow and wondering what's the best spot for Indian / South Asian women? Doesn't seem to be Moscow or Czar from my quick read.

Also. Would most popular / large apartment suite hotels be green?

TY. Will post my experiences.I have a full VIP concierge package, see my previous posts for details. You will find it very helpful.

03-07-23, 18:04
Please PM me to get all the digits / locations for Indian and S. Asian women who will just come to your hotel room and devour you. Waiting for your PM.Hi,

I am trying to PM you, looks like your inbox is full. Can you please clear it. Thanks.

03-07-23, 19:52
I have a full VIP concierge package, see my previous posts for details. You will find it very helpful.Will your amazing concierge packages increase in price with the anticipated corporate tax introduction in June this year? Or this is already factored in?

For anyone who hasn't trued, these are outstanding services that you will not want to miss out.

03-08-23, 06:00
I have a full VIP concierge package, see my previous posts for details. You will find it very helpful.WM, he is too lazy to go through getting a subscription. You may have to offer your very special VVIP package for that, the one reserved for these lazy people.

03-08-23, 13:04
From popular belief it's said that most Indian / paki women are terrible service provider along with very average looks from the available talent in dcb. I can vouch for the quality of Indian escorts in dxb for Indian or paki women is quite blah!!

But with a little bit of my research I've managed to attain numbers of some really top notch women of this ethnicity and oh my some great South East Asian women too. Would be tapping into these pussy's on my trip in last week of this month.

Just felt like writting on this page as I've been MIA for a while now. Happy to share digits to seniors via pm incase they wish to try them out.

Want More
03-08-23, 19:42
Will your amazing concierge packages increase in price with the anticipated corporate tax introduction in June this year? Or this is already factored in?

For anyone who hasn't trued, these are outstanding services that you will not want to miss out.Thank you for recommendation for this fledgling business. We are a professionally run orangisation with a glorious history going back so many month.

Any taxes and levies will have to be separately charge.

Want More
03-08-23, 19:46
WM, he is too lazy to go through getting a subscription. You may have to offer your very special VVIP package for that, the one reserved for these lazy people.Gosh not the VVIP package! That is very very exclusive, it is not for everyone. You really need to be qualified to even be considered for that.

03-09-23, 03:00
Hi folks,

I know this does not seem to be the right thing to post here as to never mix mongering and dating, but recently I visited a masseuse at an MP and I am throughly smitten by her looks and the way she spoke to me during our encounter. It was a complete GFE and like talking to a long time friend. I exchanged digits with this girl on leaving the MP and tried texting her as the days passed but I see there is definitely a lack of interest from her side after I was out the door. When she does reply, I get responses like "I'm busy" 'the net on my phone is not working properly" bla bla bla. I know she works very long hours, 7 days a week with no days off except for the occasional leave now and then as per the management policy of her establishment. When I asked if I could have her IG account. She told me she does not have one which I feel is a fib.

Any idea how to get over this WG? I even feel the urge to visit her at the MP and offering her money without taking any extras in the hope of her seeing me as something different as most WG's think men see them in the light of sex objects She is very attractive and instead of dick taking over the mind of mongers at times. In this case the heart as taken over in my case.

Hopefully time heals everything, but some words of encouragement and advice from experienced fellow mongers like you all would give me some sense of direction.

Thanks!Hey KL, I hope my own experience could help you and at least give it a thought. At my early days I was quite esaily mentally connected to the WGs, espeically those GEF type, some of them are really talented and experienced in giving your the illusion that you are dating! I got 3 of this in the first couples year, first one asked for a sum of money from me and disappeared; second one bacially asked me date her in the club for many times (like a walking ATM) and ended really badly later; the third one, I finally realized how stupid it was and stopped contacting.

At least your girl, she intends to keep your relationship just within your paid hours and that's actually very professional (good for you both! Unless you are loaded enough to support her for years, then it; s time to wake up: such thing will never happen in the business.

03-09-23, 03:47
Landed in the afternoon and checked in to the hotel on SZR. Before the club action in the night I dreamed I went to the spa in DIP1 S01 with the name that is the color of the sky and a floating flower. Average establishment and a small line up. Selected Ms. L and the massage was very good and on the flip was asked the question. Settled on 2 reds and it was very well spent.

Dreamed of going to Czar in the night. Standing Bar fee of 2 reds with 2 drinks. My eye caught an Iranian WG and after a quick chat settled on ST with 2 shots for 7 reds. Came back to the hotel and got comfortable. Asked money upfront and I obliged but luckily it was okay, and I have read that with some Iranian WG's that is a bad option when taking LT sessions.

Did CBJ, CG, mish and doggy, after a 30 minutes rest and chatting started 2nd round. No DATY but Overall a good experience. She introduced her friend too and I hope to provide that FR tomorrow.NameSam, when you say hotel on SZR, I am assuming it is Fairmont. This is where I stayed last time.

Thanks for sharing and thanks to everyone who has been sharing their experience. This forum really helped me on my first trip almost a year ago and I have been reading message after message prepping for my 2nd trip in a week. Appreciate all the help. I feel like a freshly trained rookie warrior ready for the battle Will share my experiences as well.

03-09-23, 19:40
Visited Czar on Tuesday night. And was fairly impressed by the quality on offer. But it is also one of my first mongering experiences. I went with zero expectations or plans to bring anyone back (emotional baggage et al) but still wanted to check out some eye candy.

Entry was 100 with 2 drinks. Got myself a smirnoff + soda & a jager bomb! Spoke to a few women. From Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Armenia. But blame it on my brown skin or whatever, somehow except for the Armenian no-one even gave me a quote! Maybe because they found out I was staying a bit farther away (Barsha heights). Bought the Armenian a drink because she seemed fun & talkative and spoke to her for 5-10 minutes (standard 1 k / 2 hrs) and then called it quits. Solo cab ride to the hotel was mostly spent listening to sad emo rap, wondering what might have been.

03-09-23, 20:12
Hey guys, I was told by a cool member here that Dubai has lots of Russian women here.

If I'm looking for specifically Russian women is this a good place to come? Thanks!

03-10-23, 04:40
Hey guys, I was told by a cool member here that Dubai has lots of Russian women here.

If I'm looking for specifically Russian women is this a good place to come? Thanks!You asked this same question 4 times, in Russian forum, Thailand and here. Don't pollute this forum, go ask the cool member who told you. Dubai is not the place for what you are looking.

Mad Hatter
03-10-23, 06:51
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

03-10-23, 07:32
Nope, no Russians here.

If you read through any page on the Dubai reports, you will find that there are no Russians here at all.

In fact there is no mongering at all. This is a forum for amateur fiction. You are on the wrong internet.Actually, if you hit CTRL+F (that's search in case you didn't know) and type in 'Russian' not a single post even mentions Russians for the last 3-5+ pages. So no, it isn't obvious. That's why I asked.

Goofy post. Sorry, but not helpful at all.

Still looking for intel on this.

03-10-23, 17:53
This time decided to stay at Moscow for a week. Thanks to the forum for all the stories about it. Only thing that didn't suit me was the breakfast. Man, the place is awesome, definitely going to end up bankrupt (newbies). Tried red on the ground floor for couple of days and having 0 experience picking up girls, just treated my eyes.

Next days, started visiting Poochini club which was much relaxed but loaded with Iranians / Syria / Uzbeks. Mostly elders. Scouted it for couple of days, marking girls of interest.

5th day, signaled a slim fit girl. She was Uzbek, but was loaded with shitty attitude or just that she has interest in only certain types. 6th day and final, spoke to the 2nd one, a Syrian with her friend. Asked her if she will come alone as I didn't like her friend much. She said okay and said 1000, I didn't say anything, was already soaked in her face and boobs and body. Sat together feeling each other for 30 minutes and left to room.

5 minutes honey she said and came up fresh and jumped on bed. It was an hour of fun time, no DATY ws the only sad thing but she made it up with her attitude and service. Her name is exactly Tamil word for finger. Soft and sensitive, had to take it slow which is how I liked it too. After 10 minutes of DFK, 10 minutes of boob sucking, she asked to finger her softly and she came. She started sucking me off. And started doing her on missionary. She literally screaming if I got faster, which was fun like teasing her. Then she took control and started riding. She got tired and again to DFK and HJ. She started kissing all over and I came a shit load on her body, we were sandwiched.

We cleaned up and she came back lying naked on bed. Was wondering why she isn't leaving. She smiled and said lets sleep for some time. Damn, cuddled up that soft body and boobs. She told her friend to leave and we slept for a good couple of hours and then she left. Will never forget her.

03-11-23, 00:33
Just got back to Dubai after a few busy months, decided to visit a few places tonight with the hopes to find a stunner and have a good night out.

1 - RS.

Got here at around 12:30 am and I expected it to be full with hardly any space to move around a ratio of 50:50 girls to guy. But this timeit was more guys than girls which is a first for me at the place. Having frequently visited this place for the past couple of years this had never happened. None of the independent stunners that used to be at the bar were present, bunch of new faces 6's and 7's, the rest bunched up with their managers. Atleast this place still had their hot dancers but as usual theyre off limits. Left at around 1:30 am.

2 - Czar.

Got here by 1:45 am and was surprised to see this place to be pretty meh too. I used to frequently visit this place too but it aint what it was. Bumped into an old regular of mine that I don't fancy anymore, asked her wtf happened and she replied with Friday isn't a good day to come to the club anymore cause the guys only drink and don't take girls. Stuck around for half an hour and dipped. Saw a few familiar faces from a while ago but nothing I fancied. This place used to be the spot to catch 8's, 9's and sometimes even an absolute 10 (everyones got their opinion) but I guess not anymore.

3 - Nargui.

Got here by 2:30, walked in and this place was DEAD. 1/4 of the tables had a few people sat at them, great music but just dead. Went to the bar and the drinks are still a 100. Asked the waiter, the valet guy, and even the bouncer as to wtf happened. I used to come here a bunch a few months ago and it would be packed even during the week. I remember it shutting down randomly for a while for renovations. They all said since it shut down it hasnt been the same since, this is an after party place and usually gets going by 2:45/3:00 am but that wasnt the case tonight.

Closing in on my bday and after a busy few months and finally getting back to Dubai I reckoned it was about time to get back to my old bad habits but man this shit was disappointing. Idk what I've missed in the past 3-5 months but it aint the same no more.

Good luck to any new and old mongerers, pm me if you have better luck than yours truly.

Blood Red
03-11-23, 04:00
Actually, if you hit CTRL+F (that's search in case you didn't know) and type in 'Russian' not a single post even mentions Russians for the last 3-5+ pages. So no, it isn't obvious. That's why I asked.

Goofy post. Sorry, but not helpful at all.

Still looking for intel on this.There is something called reading the fucking forum. In case you didn't know. You should try it.

Blood Red
03-11-23, 04:05
Just got back to Dubai after a few busy months

Good luck to any new and old mongerers, pm me if you have better luck than yours truly.I haven't been to a club in about a month now and just got back to Dubai, will check a few places tonight. One possible reason for the slow action could be the upcoming holy month which starts in about 12 days. Girls usually travel at that time. I know several girls that have already left or will leave in the next few days and will be back just before Eid.

03-11-23, 05:13
The only place I have seen lot of Russian women is Terminal 3, Gates A8-A15 from where the Emirates fly to Russian cities.

Just transiting through DXB will get you a lot of Russian women.

Hey guys, I was told by a cool member here that Dubai has lots of Russian women here.

If I'm looking for specifically Russian women is this a good place to come? Thanks!

03-11-23, 05:15

Got messages from a couple of regular ones I have met (African, Asian too) that they are out in March to their home towns.

Action should get back to normal after April 15.

I haven't been to a club in about a month now and just got back to Dubai, will check a few places tonight. One possible reason for the slow action could be the upcoming holy month which starts in about 12 days. Girls usually travel at that time. I know several girls that have already left or will leave in the next few days and will be back just before Eid.

03-11-23, 22:07
Some really good advise, block or ignore. Personally I got close to a SP and liked her for her human side, she would tell me everything from how much she made to what she was doing. I think the infactuation was on both sides however neither saw it as love. Something happened, I probably screwed up a little and now she kind of ignores me. At first I was a little annoyed but now I am getting over it and choosing now to try talk to her or her every so often random Hi texts. She's naturally lonely so like most SP needs someone to talk to, she's moved to other mongers and another working girl but atleast I am not wasting any more money. I feel like a fool for buying her a trip, expensive bags and to top it off we didn't have much sex. So lesson learnt don't be the good guy or get close.

This is a very common psychological phenomenon commonly called Infatuation. You are not in "Love" with the girl as such, just attracted and attached to one aspect of her personality and behavior. This attraction, while seems very strong is all in your mind.

I had personally gone through it sometime back. The one thing I did, looked at it from a third-person perspective. Like looking at myself behaving like this. And then wondering how should I help this guy. What I did was, put on some videos on YouTube explaining the term Infatuation. It might sound stupid, but trust me, hearing it from a professional voice makes a lot of difference.

They explain very clearly that we get attached to one aspect of the person and imagine that the person will behave like that always, but in reality, that person might have some habits which you might find appalling. And that's the fact of life.

Secondly, you have to physically distance yourself from that person, and delete the phone number. Don't look at any pics (WhatsApp status or Instagram) and try to make any contact.

It will be tough initially, but as you find some other "activity" to keep you busy, you will get over it.

Don't waste your money on some girl who doesn't want to be with you. Save it for the one who does.


Blood Red
03-12-23, 09:44
she's moved to other mongers and another working girl but atleast I am not wasting any more money. I feel like a fool for buying her a trip, expensive bags and to top it off we didn't have much sex. So lesson learnt don't be the good guy or get close.Now that does make you a fool, spending money on expensive gifts plus trips and not getting enough pussy from her LOL. Sorry. Now I have made the same stupid mistake in the past with a couple of WG's, but damn they were giving me hours and hours of sweaty no holds barred sex and I was video taping the sessions (with their consent of course), that I sometimes still jerk off to LOL. But yes, lessons learned are good to keep so you don't repeat the mistakes.

03-12-23, 11:59
Now that does make you a fool, spending money on expensive gifts plus trips and not getting enough pussy from her LOL. Sorry. Now I have made the same stupid mistake in the past with a couple of WG's, but damn they were giving me hours and hours of sweaty no holds barred sex and I was video taping the sessions (with their consent of course), that I sometimes still jerk off to LOL. But yes, lessons learned are good to keep so you don't repeat the mistakes.I know, that's the only reason I decided to share here as I deserve the roasting and will help others avoid the same. Maybe you can share some of your sessions LOL you got one better then me! I think at first it was just talking and very soon it changed, no idea what but yep. I recall when she classess herself as a luxury person despite not owning many branded items.

03-12-23, 16:30
Would like some recommendations to take my girl to a bar to just check out other girls. Maybe even pick one up and bring home with us. We are staying in the marina area and I flew her in from Brazil so she knows what's up.

03-12-23, 17:37
Any help is welcome wrt pickup points, Geylang like areas.

Preferably ME, SE Asian and CIS women. PM active.

Also does Leva hotel spa offer extras?

Joe Karnavic
03-12-23, 20:56
Would like some recommendations to take my girl to a bar to just check out other girls. Maybe even pick one up and bring home with us. We are staying in the marina area and I flew her in from Brazil so she knows what's up.There are many options in Dubai where you can take your Brazilian girl and pick one for threesome. There was a report on Czar and Moscow club where someone has gone there with his wife and picked up a girl for threesome. Recently yours truly has gone to club Blu in V hotel with my GF and picked up a girl for threesome. Similarly there are many bars and clubs where you can find girls who will happily come. But the strange thing is It is not easy to find bi girls in the clubs. You need to patiently talk to the girls. Let your girl take the lead and start talking to girls. She will do this job better. I am saying this from my own experience LOL

In Marina try Buddha bar. Penthouse in Five Palm hotel also good option.

03-12-23, 21:45
I have lived almost 20 year of my life in Dubai. But left for good about 6 years ago. I keep visiting for work, but lately all my encounters have become mechanical.

Would really appreciate if someone could share details for direct VFM GFE kinda girl. Open to all nationalities.

Thanks in anticipation.

Mad Hatter
03-13-23, 10:56
Actually, if you hit CTRL+F (that's search in case you didn't know) and type in 'Russian' not a single post even mentions Russians for the last 3-5+ pages. So no, it isn't obvious. That's why I asked.

Goofy post. Sorry, but not helpful at all.

Still looking for intel on this.Instead of using the find on page function, you could use the search function built in to the forum.

Here endeth the lessson.

Mad Hatter
03-13-23, 11:10
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

03-13-23, 11:18
There are many options in Dubai where you can take your Brazilian girl and pick one for threesome. There was a report on Czar and Moscow club where someone has gone there with his wife and picked up a girl for threesome. Recently yours truly has gone to club Blu in V hotel with my GF and picked up a girl for threesome. Similarly there are many bars and clubs where you can find girls who will happily come. But the strange thing is It is not easy to find bi girls in the clubs. You need to patiently talk to the girls. Let your girl take the lead and start talking to girls. She will do this job better. I am saying this from my own experience LOL

In Marina try Buddha bar. Penthouse in Five Palm hotel also good option.Thanks. I am staying in the same hotel with Buddha Bar so will give it a shot tonight and tomorrow and see what happens.

Want More
03-14-23, 16:43
I have lived almost 20 year of my life in Dubai. But left for good about 6 years ago. I keep visiting for work, but lately all my encounters have become mechanical.

Would really appreciate if someone could share details for direct VFM GFE kinda girl. Open to all nationalities.

Thanks in anticipation.1.

You could great benefit from my VIP concierge service. Pl check my detailed previous posts on how this works!

Want More
03-14-23, 16:45
Any help is welcome wrt pickup points, Geylang like areas.

Preferably ME, SE Asian and CIS women. PM active.

Also does Leva hotel spa offer extras?Having lived in Singapore and now in Dubai. Geylang type scene is not common in Dubai. Your best options are clubs or MR. Cubs work very similar to the one at Hyatt on Orchard Road in Singapore. MR is std pick, pay and play website.

Want More
03-14-23, 16:53
I know, that's the only reason I decided to share here as I deserve the roasting and will help others avoid the same. s.I would not beat myself about this too much. It's happened to everyone. Everytime I finish in the warm mouth or pussy of a girl I am putty in her hands. Mostly I recover in a 10-15 minutes your just went on a bit longer.

It's all part of the game. Think of this as fees paid to learn a lesson. You will be harder and better for it.

If you want to feel OK, read the longish posts I had about going to this Indian club witb a friend. We spend lots and lots money of bullshit plastic tiara and garlands. He even fell in love with a girl on stage, no one fucked but she got lots of stuff out of him and all he got was to jerk off on his own.

My advice always remains, when you are totally into a girl and have to have her. First jerk off and then look at the whole situation with empty balls. You get the answers right away. He he he.

Blood Red
03-14-23, 17:42
My advice always remains, when you are totally into a girl and have to have her. First jerk off and then look at the whole situation with empty balls. You get the answers right away. He he he.That is sagacious advice and works for me as well. There is this absolute biitch Uzbek that I wasted a lot of money on, but she provided dynamite sex and I videotaped many of our sessions with her consent. She now works in Qatar and wants me to come see her, has been asking for months and months now. But I don't want to deal with her bullshit anymore. Sometimes I really miss fucking her and have had the thought of visiting Qatar. But then I jerk off to videos of me fucking her and once I'm done, I think with a clear head and any thoughts of visiting her are gone LOL.

Plush Tiger
03-14-23, 21:50
My advice always remains, when you are totally into a girl and have to have her. First jerk off and then look at the whole situation with empty balls. You get the answers right away. He he he.Concurring with Blood Red on this one: these words are gold advice. You can also outsource the HJ to one of the HJ queens, so you can look at the situation with empty balls, and rested body.

Blood Red
03-15-23, 17:31
I got into Dubai on Thursday morning but was too tired to go out until Sunday night, so here are the places I checked out:

Coochini Moscow Hotel. The usual suspects, nothing has changed. Irani is the dominant nationality as always. What was interesting is that I spotted a fairly good looking exotic girl that definitely didn't look Irani, but turns out she is from Madagascar. I would have never guessed. I got her number but never messaged her, not sure how she'd be in bed, but nice body and spoke good english. Worth checking out another time perhaps. The usual 100 AED entry with table and fruit platter.

Broadway and Vendome palace Hotel. All Syrians, I did not like anything but to be honest, I didn't stay long.

I then got a message from one of the Uzbek MILF's who sometimes recommends girls to me. She said she has something for me "just as I like" and to rush over to Barrio. I thought why not, can't go wrong usually with Stani pussy. At the club, she introduced me to a fairly good looking Tajiki girl. She was right that the body and looks were as per my liking but her ass was a bit too big, although she had natural good sized tits. Not sure if the ass was natural or an ass job gone wrong. It was an ass kind of like what you see at some of the Irani girls at Coochini. Anyway, the Uzbek MILF had already communicated to the Tajiki "my requirements in bed" LOL. So she played the role of a wingman so to speak, I liked it. My requirements are nothing out of the ordinary, just relaxed sex with kissing and a nice BBBJ. She sure was down for that and was super friendly and playful in the club.

Back at my apartment, she wanted to shower and we both did. After that, she said "she wanted to eat me", and eat she did LOL. Good experience overall. Amazing BBBJ with lots of spitting, and DFK. Her pussy was reasonably tight, the ass a bit too big for my liking but she did a good job at satisfying me, so I had a nice time.

Barrio had a nice selection of Stani pussy, just the way I like it. This is all subjective of course. If you're into Arab looking Stani chicks with big boogs and asses, this is the place for you. As always, discuss services in advance. Getting a girl that later on wants to slip on a condom for a BJ is a big no no for me at least.

BTW, a lot of girls have left or will leave in the next 1 to 2 days. The Tajiki mentioned flies out either today or tomorrow. Another regular flew out today. Things will probably be dry during the holy month.


03-15-23, 18:56
It's amazing to get what ones like.

I was trying to PM you to get manager number to see what will be available as left over when I arrive next Wednesday. I could not PM as it did not show up. Any other to get help from you, please suggest.


I got into Dubai on Thursday morning but was too tired to go out until Sunday night, so here are the places I checked out.
Anyway, the Uzbek MILF had already communicated to the Tajiki "my requirement

BTW, a lot of girls have left or will leave in the next 1 to 2 days. The Tajiki mentioned flies out either today or tomorrow. Another regular flew out today. Things will probably be dry during the holy month.

03-15-23, 19:02
My requirements are nothing out of the ordinary, !Thanks for sharing your experience. It reminded me of a joke. First let's chose a nationality, let's say a guy from Bahrain. He won't to the club and went to a table with 3 freelancers. He asked how much? The first one said 600 for ST. He said ok but we do it the Bahraini way, she said no. He asked the second one she said same thing but also refused to go with him when he mentioned the Bahraini way. The third one said ok. The went to his place and did the session. Then the lady said you did not do anything different, what is the Bahraini way? He said I pay you later.

03-17-23, 00:25
Thanks for sharing your experience. It reminded me of a joke. First let's chose a nationality, let's say a guy from Bahrain. He won't to the club and went to a table with 3 freelancers. He asked how much? The first one said 600 for ST. He said ok but we do it the Bahraini way, she said no. He asked the second one she said same thing but also refused to go with him when he mentioned the Bahraini way. The third one said ok. The went to his place and did the session. Then the lady said you did not do anything different, what is the Bahraini way? He said I pay you later.Haha it that suppose to be a joke? I didn't realize it until the end.

03-17-23, 20:07
Hi guys,

As some of you know, I'm flying in and out of Dubai regularly, always staying in Bur Dubai and visiting the places I've been visiting long time.

Now I'm suddenly around Mall of the Emirates for the next coupe of days. Moscow and Czar are too far. Can anyone recommend me any places close by? Preferebly Ukrainian / Russians, and if possible similar price leve las Czar / Moscow. I can't afford 3 k-girls.

Help is appreciated (and y'all know I'm not a manager).

Blood Red
03-18-23, 04:19
Hi guys,

As some of you know, I'm flying in and out of Dubai regularly, always staying in Bur Dubai and visiting the places I've been visiting long time.

Now I'm suddenly around Mall of the Emirates for the next coupe of days. Moscow and Czar are too far. Can anyone recommend me any places close by? Preferebly Ukrainian / Russians, and if possible similar price leve las Czar / Moscow. I can't afford 3 k-girls.

Help is appreciated (and y'all know I'm not a manager).Try Chameleon Club in Byblos hotel or Amadeus in Byblos Marina. Media Rotana used to have a good club too back in the day, probably still does. But my preference for punting has always been the Deira, Bur Dubai or the nearby SZR areas.

Want More
03-18-23, 17:29
Hi guys,

As some of you know, I'm flying in and out of Dubai regularly, always staying in Bur Dubai and visiting the places I've been visiting long time.

Now I'm suddenly around Mall of the Emirates for the next coupe of days. Moscow and Czar are too far. Can anyone recommend me any places close by? Preferebly Ukrainian / Russians, and if possible similar price leve las Czar / Moscow. I can't afford 3 k-girls.

Help is appreciated (and y'all know I'm not a manager).Rami Rose has a night club with a good choice.

03-19-23, 06:01
Now I'm suddenly around Mall of the Emirates for the next coupe of days. Moscow and Czar are too far. Can anyone recommend me any places close by? Preferebly Ukrainian / Russians, and if possible similar price leve las Czar / Moscow. I can't afford 3 k-girls.
I think "too far" in Dubai is relative. Almost every location will require transportation. I have stayed at Doubletree Hilton and still required a rental car / taxi to get to the meat markets. It's just a place that's really spaced out and requires planning for commute times.

03-24-23, 03:19
After a late night dinner at a friend's place in Bur Dubai I decided to swing by Red Square. Unfortunately, the same 6-7's, in fact even quite a few 4-5's which is really disappointing. Hung out by the bar for a bit to survey the scene and then took a stroll around the place. Bumped into Almira and Natalia together. Only cuties I saw so far. Bought them a beer each but wasn't in the mood, though they clearly were in for a 3-some. Kept on walking and as I'm walking by the raised area at the back, from the corner of my eye I see someone smiling at me, dressed in a very classy black dress. Milena, my Ukrainian regular from about 5 years ago!! She had stopped coming to clubs as she was being looked after by Canadian guy who paid for an apartment, EID, car and spending money. I tell you she's worth it. She is tall and beautiful with a sweet smile and an even sweeter nature. Just my type! Of course I've had her number for a long time and we did have a few encounters directly at my place in the past few years, but I didn't want to mess up her set up and so I kinda lost touch for the past couple of years.

I reached out and grabbed her arm and got her to come and stand with me at the railing and we talked for a while and caught up, my arm around her waist and her smile lighting up the gloomy RS. Which reminded me of the first time I met her which was at RS five years ago. I had spent a couple of fruitless hours eyeballing the scene and was leaving. In fact standing outside the hotel on the pavement, having a quiet smoke before finding a taxi. I was facing the glass doors of the hotel (the guys who know Moscow Hotel will know what I mean) and someone walked out which means they opened. And through the opening I saw this gorgeous girl in an orange dress who smiled at me as she walked across the lobby and went back into RS. I stubbed my cigarette and ran back in and she was standing right near the entrance next to the railings. Walked up to her and stuck up a conversation. And found myself a gorgeous, sweet natured regular. Absolute unicorn!

Anyway, apparently the Canadian isn't supporting her anymore and she's back in the game. We have a couple of drinks. Almira and Natalia have seen me with her and come and hang out around us to distract me but no chance. Half an hour later without even asking / answering the question, we are in a taxi heading to my apartment. Had a fantastic night with her! I'm still smiling as I write this.Moscow has beautiful memories and amazing stories every dubai monger and ISG member has to write. It's been long I've been there as SA keeps me super busy and then this new party place in dubai is crazy. Super high end girls and the way I like mongering in the day no need to get drunk and late night things. Moscow is due and would visit soon to check out the new girls. Is it open in Ramadan as in the past was fun to visit in Ramadan.

But these days it's all about.

Fuck early.

Sleep early.

No Alcohal.

Relaxed Life.



Viva la Dubai.

03-24-23, 03:41
So I have been looking to try new places rather than the same well known places talked about here. It was hit and miss, but I'd say more hit and good VFM.

Nasrin cafe (Muteena street): went on a weekday so not much crowded. It has mostly Irani and Uzbeks and Tajiki ladies. Spotted a MILF type young Uzbek who while not that attractive or great body, she still had that slutty MILFY look and body that I'm a sucker for. Agreed on 300 for 1 hour and back to my place and she was dynamite in bed. Downside was that her pussy was not tight at all, but she made up for it with her enthusiasm and just wanted to get fucked and fucked. WIR? I did already but the loose pussy is a big bummer.

Sun and Sands Plaza Hotel (Naif area) Irani disco: an old Uzbek contact of mine from BKK now goes there and I no longer am interested in her and she knows that. She says I prefer "Jadeed Koos" now. Still she asked me to come and told me that she would show me the ladies they have, etc. The place and area is a dump and the selection was crap too. However, one Tajiki MILF sitting alone and in an abaya caught my eye. She had a pretty face, but with the abaya, could not make out her body all that well. And oddly enough, she was the only lady not dancing on stage, so once again, could not make out her body, just that she had big tits. Anyway, settled on 600 for full night and back to my apartment. She was a nice person but her body wasn't all that great and out of shape and once again, the pussy wasn't tight. Decent performance in bed and she wanted to stay the full night but I told her to leave as I wanted to sleep alone. Would not repeat. Should have stuck to the 1 hour 1 shot 300 deal there, so need to get better and negotiation.

Marcopolo Hotel, Arabic Disco M floor: this is near to Nasrin cafe on Muteena. They have Arabs and Uzbeks. This sexy Uzbek MILF with huge tits caught my eye. Good body, slutty look and dancing away. The impression I got was that she would turn out to be really sexy and worth taking. Took her for 1 hour 1 shot for 500. And WOW, absolute dynamite in bed. Intense kissing and sucking, tight pussy and she also just wanted to get fucked. She had a lot to drink which made it even better. Amazing 1 hour of sex for just 500. Definitely worth repeating.

Hyatt Place Rigga: Spotted another sexy Uzbek with killer legs, nice face and tits sitting alone. Turns out she's the room mate of the Marcopolo MILF. Settled again for 500 for 1 hour 1 shot and back to my apartment. She claims she used to work as an accountant at a bank in Dubai and was sort of the girl next door type. While beautiful and good to talk to with a nice body, she wasn't sexy in bed. Refused DATY and also said no BJ. So that was a huge disappointment. She had a tight pussy but what a disappointment that she wouldn't let me fully enjoy her. Maybe with repeats she would but I won't be repeating her. Women like that don't know how to make business as far as I'm concerned, so she sold herself short.

Hyatt Place Naif area: Spotted an Irani / Azeri sexy girl dancing away. Took her back to room with the same 500 for 1 hour 1 shot deal, and holy shit, another dynamite experience in bed. Amazing GFE with DFK, 69, intense fucking. It was so good that extended to 'full night' for 1000, which I haven't done for a while, and she really did stay full night. She gave good morning sex, had breakfast together and left at 2 in the afternoon. Another keeper and amazing VFM.

So do try out new places and you will come across gems. Dress well, smell good, take care of your physical shape and treating the ladies with respect goes a long way.

Lastly, Managers, please do NOT PM me for digits for any lady. I have shared the venues, go out and explore. I already have had trouble recently by sharing digits of ladies and they can react in unpredictable ways which have resulted in issues between us and in some cases the girl blocking me, go figure.

Cheers.Awesome report mate it's time to try these new places, I'm a sucker for Uzbek or Central Asia chics / Milfs.

The best sex is provided by them.

Thanks again.


03-25-23, 01:24
I'll expose some personal views and opinions after having explored the city during extended stopovers and week-long visits for the last 24 years. I want to stress that this is the perception of a frequent visitor. Residents may have a different perception.

There are quite a few (in)famous venues providing p4p opportunities which were/are vehiculated on this thread. It used to be bliss in terms of choice, competitiveness and buyer's market. Apart from that, there were the posh hotel bars and clubs. In the last 20 years this scenery went downhill. Many spots ask for ridiculously inflated entry fees and all you're going to encounter are rough birds (Rockafellas, Kubu, Premire, Red Square, to name just a few). The posh 5* hotel facilities seem to me nowadays to have been "cleaned" of providers of lewd delights. There are some exceptions, of course, Fairmont for example, however I was appalled to see there just a bunch of low rate bitchy faces. Neos at The Address Downtown or Buddha-Bar at the Grosvernor House used to be be literally overcrowded with p4 p-providers. Now they are literally empty. The stunning A-listers seem to have shifted to escort companies offering their services on the respective websites. The going rate is 1.5-2k Dhs/hr. This appears to me as a current deliberate policy of the ruling gang. Probably due to image concerns.

Unless you're a sexually starved expat I don't see any reason to spend your valuable time and money in search for "honey" in Dubai. These times are in my own view gone. And I have nice memories. Again, a resident may have a different perception.

Blood Red
03-25-23, 05:38
I'll expose some personal views and opinions after having explored the city during extended stopovers and week-long visits for the last 24 years. I want to stress that this is the perception of a frequent visitor. Residents may have a different perception.

There are quite a few (in)famous venues providing p4p opportunities which were/are vehiculated on this thread. It used to be bliss in terms of choice, competitiveness and buyer's market. Apart from that, there were the posh hotel bars and clubs. In the last 20 years this scenery went downhill. Many spots ask for ridiculously inflated entry fees and all you're going to encounter are rough birds (Rockafellas, Kubu, Premire, Red Square, to name just a few). The posh 5* hotel facilities seem to me nowadays to have been "cleaned" of providers of lewd delights. There are some exceptions, of course, Fairmont for example, however I was appalled to see there just a bunch of low rate bitchy faces. Neos at The Address Downtown or Buddha-Bar at the Grosvernor House used to be be literally overcrowded with p4 p-providers. Now they are literally empty. The stunning A-listers seem to have shifted to escort companies offering their services on the respective websites. The going rate is 1.5-2k Dhs/hr. This appears to me as a current deliberate policy of the ruling gang. Probably due to image concerns.

Unless you're a sexually starved expat I don't see any reason to spend your valuable time and money in search for "honey" in Dubai. These times are in my own view gone. And I have nice memories. Again, a resident may have a different perception.Is it that time of the year again where you show up for your customary "Dubai sucks and is not what it used to be" post?

Blood Red
03-25-23, 05:45
Moscow has beautiful memories and amazing stories every dubai monger and ISG member has to write. It's been long I've been there as SA keeps me super busy and then this new party place in dubai is crazy. Super high end girls and the way I like mongering in the day no need to get drunk and late night things. Moscow is due and would visit soon to check out the new girls. Is it open in Ramadan as in the past was fun to visit in Ramadan.
Hi Alex,

Moscow hotel is open and so are 2 of their joints, Red Square and Coochini. I did a few rounds at the usual places a few days ago and most were dead except for these two. I need to check out Capitol. But RS and Coochini still had a decent number of girls. Of course low compared to usual but that is to be expected during the holy month.

03-25-23, 08:28
Hello Gentlemen,

I'm visiting Dubai in mid April for a short visit, I may find couple of hours for a quick encounter. Need some guidance from the experienced people in the form. I will not have a place- so have to go to their place or a hotel. I've been advised to try Club 55 or Moscow by my friends. What are your thought on these. Can we book a room at these places for a short time or will the girls take to their know places?. Do you suggest any other place? My budget is around 1 K but can extend for a threesome and I'm looking for naturally busty girls. Preferably European.

Considering this is a Ramadan time. Will there be any restrictions. Please advise.



03-25-23, 18:14
More reports I read like this, makes me wonder if I should cancel my summer trip to Dubai.

I had high hopes for my trip, (even though money is not a problem for me, I don't wish to spend more than I can get in other places).

Maybe I go to Istanbul again in the summer instead of Dubai, where I know I can get much better options for reasonable cost.

I'll expose some personal views and opinions after having explored the city during extended stopovers and week-long visits for the last 24 years. I want to stress that this is the perception of a frequent visitor. Residents may have a different perception.

There are quite a few (in)famous venues providing p4p opportunities which were/are vehiculated on this thread. It used to be bliss in terms of choice, competitiveness and buyer's market. Apart from that, there were the posh hotel bars and clubs. In the last 20 years this scenery went downhill. Many spots ask for ridiculously inflated entry fees and all you're going to encounter are rough birds (Rockafellas, Kubu, Premire, Red Square, to name just a few). The posh 5* hotel facilities seem to me nowadays to have been "cleaned" of providers of lewd delights. There are some exceptions, of course, Fairmont for example, however I was appalled to see there just a bunch of low rate bitchy faces. Neos at The Address Downtown or Buddha-Bar at the Grosvernor House used to be be literally overcrowded with p4 p-providers. Now they are literally empty. The stunning A-listers seem to have shifted to escort companies offering their services on the respective websites. The going rate is 1.5-2k Dhs/hr. This appears to me as a current deliberate policy of the ruling gang. Probably due to image concerns.

Unless you're a sexually starved expat I don't see any reason to spend your valuable time and money in search for "honey" in Dubai. These times are in my own view gone. And I have nice memories. Again, a resident may have a different perception.

03-25-23, 23:07
Is it that time of the year again where you show up for your customary "Dubai sucks and is not what it used to be" post?It's every time of the year I may post and I may do so whenever I please. I've never asserted that "Dubai sucks". It has its attractions, charm and opportunities as well as negative aspects. All about this thread is to exchange experiences and personal views in terms of p4p-action. In case that you don't agree, feel free to not respond if you have nothing to offer.

Big Daddy 1906
03-26-23, 08:57
Sorry for the delay in this report. Sometimes life takes your eye off the ball.

Flew into Dubai for a quick four night stay in February. Landed early, got my Etisalat chip and soon I was on my way to my usual base of operations, the Burjuman Aarjan. Sure it may be a bit dated, but the prices are always decent, the rooms, especially the kitchenette with refrigerator, are nice and you can't beat the location since it's attached to the Burjuman Mall. Upon my arrival I get my 1st piece of bad news, the hotel is shutting down for good at the end of the month and all of the staff will be out of work. No one had any idea what would happen to the place after it closes for good. It would make sense to just convert it into condos. Of course, the vets here know that when it comes to real estate in Dubai, common sense appears to be a very rare commodity.

After dumping the bags and freshening up I head over to the nearby AMP where the retired legend we all know holds court. She knew I was coming, and I was looking forward to her special "services". I get there and she hits me with the second piece of bad news of the trip. The Red Menace decided to show up that day so there would be no joy. I turned around to leave but she insisted I stay and offered one of her girls. I knew that no one was going to replicate the talent and skill that she possesses but to help her save face, I stayed. She picked out a cutie and set the full price for me so there wouldn't have to be any negotiating. (Price was standard) We go in the back and she gives a decent massage and her "performance" wasn't bad either. While talking, we discussed the legend and she mentioned that when COVID hit, she was one of the few Chinese that didn't leave and is one of the few that are still here. Other than the legend all the staff of the AMP are Viet. It appears to be the same elsewhere as well.

Massage over, I head out, run errands and chill till the evening. Later that night I made the decision to go to Ratsky's. After paying the cover with my drink ticket, I grab a seat and decide to soak in the atmosphere. It was rather full and mixed selection of Pinays, Viets and others. The hardcore ones came by to make their pitches as soon as I sat down and had to be shooed away. There were mostly between 5-7's with an occasional 8 thrown in. Yet I found myself constantly looking at this Pakistani lady. She was maybe a 6. 5 but she had that MILF / GILF vibe that intrigued me. When I finally caught her eye she was already in a pack of dudes so I chalked it up to another one lost and I kept my radar on. Saw some interesting targets and opened negotiations with a few. All of them fell apart for one reason or another and I was almost ready to call it a night when I turn around and the MILF / GILF was standing right next to me. She sits, I buy her a drink, we settle the particulars (800 for all night or 2 shots) and we head back to my place. She took direction VERY well and after two shots over a few hours, I sent her on her merry way and I fell asleep content.

Next day I decided that there was an itch that I HAD to scratch that I couldn't from my prior trip and that was Syrian. Errands had me busy for the better part of the day and early evening so I didn't get a chance to get to Broadway till around 1900. The place was fairly empty and dark. With only a few folks in the bar. As soon as I sat down, this 7. 5 came over and immediately tried for the hard sell, which I hate!! I politely push her off as there was this tall voluptuous brunette sitting in the bar that caught my eye. She had two things that always catches my eye, big tits and a big ass! I'm sitting at the table watching the match and she finally decides to walk on over. As soon as I got a better look at her, my evaluation of her took a precipitous drop!! The body was still on point but her face looked like it was hit with a truck. Nice lady and all but that face made my little friend run and hide an no coaxing would get it to come back out!! Not to mention that she was from Armenia and I definitely wanted Syrian. After some small chit-chat I send her on her way. Though I normally don't do it, I called over the hard seller again. This time things went a lot better and more relaxed. We strike a deal for 300 but the catch was we had to get a room at Broadway. Throw in another 300!! We get to the room and she was AWESOME!! Everything was on the menu and she delivered!! We finish up and I get her number for later.

I rest up for later that evening and decide to go to CZAR, since everyone had been talking about it on the boards. I get there around 2300. After paying the overpriced entry fee with the drinks included, I step inside. To be fair the women there were mostly 8's with more than a few 9's and the odd 10 thrown in for good measure. Even the dancers on stage were pretty damn hot. The atmosphere, on the other hand was dead. There was little to no life or energy and all the women seemed to be in predator mode. I bail and head back to Ratsky's where the crowd is in full flow. I post up at a table and I see the MILF / GILF from last night. I say Hello, and let her know that I'm not interested in a repeat. She understands and moves on. I catch the eye of a nice little plump Pinay. I call her over to sit. We get drinks, start to talk and realize that we have a good vibe going. She seems to give off those "amateur" vibes, which makes it really cute. We make the proper arrangements and off we go. If she wasn't an amateur (she says that she works in a shop in one of the malls.) she could have fooled me. On the way back to the room she was crossing herself and saying a silent prayer. She caught me noticing her and she said that she's nervous because she doesn't normally do stuff like this. We get back to the room and she was very sweet, a real GFE. She sang into the microphone very well and was into it when it came time for the main course. Since it was late we only agreed on one shot. I would have to say that she was probably the nicest out of all the ones I met this trip.

Next night was a waste of time and money. I decided to go to Premiere for the first time in a long time. Those of you who know me that one of the best I ever had, not just in terms of looks but also skill and personality, my beloved Turkish Delight, was found in Premiere. Every trip, she was my go to at least 1 x per trip and ALWAYS for my last night. But I digress. I go back to Premiere hoping that lightning will strike again. I have to admit that the talent was top notch that night mostly 8's and 9's. The usual mix of nationalities with some very attractive Viets thrown in. The vibe was just mediocre. Wish I could say the same about prices. No one was budging off of 2 k for the night. Even as the night went on, everyone stood firm. With that and lightning NOT striking again, I headed back out to Ratsky's. I post up as usual and soon I'm making the acquaintance of a rather buxom Pinay. We drink, we chat, we feel each other's vibe, as well as other things. This is where the third and final mishap of the trip happens. I tell her my hotel and she said that she had to freshen up and that she would meet me in the lobby. I thought that she meant the lobby of my hotel (I admit the wine MIGHT have interfered with my thought process) so I got in a cab and headed back. Clearly, she meant the lobby of Ratsky's and the night was lost. Drat!

The next day was my last full day in town so I took it easy and made plans for the evening. I had decided that I would call up the Syrian from a few nights ago to see if she was game. She clearly was. The arrangement was for her to come over at around 2230 for 3 shots or all night, for a fixed price. She came over right on schedule and after something to eat we were off to the races. She had told me that she had a surprise for me. Both the front AND back nine were in play this time. A nice surprise indeed. She got the first 2 shots off in relatively quick succession. One on the front nine and one on the back nine about 45 minutes later. I was pretty much dead to the world at the point and was almost ready to let her go after the two shots but she refused. She said we made an agreement for 3 and 3 is what you shall have. She went down on me and her throat HAD to have been touched by God. She was down there for at least a good 20-25 minutes and she brought my little friend back to life like Lazarus. That last shot had my crawling up the walls, blowing nothing but dust but DAMN she knew what she was doing. I felt morally obligated to give her a tip as I crawled towards my wallet. Deed done, I send her on her way and manage to crawl back to bed to pass out before my flight.

NOTE ONE: A lot of the place we've come to know and love have not only jacked up their prices but the talent level has somewhat diminished. Be it pricing, vibes or looks. Looks like Ratsky's will be my club of choice unless I'm in the mood for something specific, such as Iranian, Russian, etc. The prices and atmosphere are just right.

NOTE TWO: I found that it was hard as hell to get a taxi off of the street. Everyone I stopped asked if I ordered one. I'the say no and they'the zoom off!! What app do these guys use so I can better plan for the next trip?

NOTE THREE: With the beloved Burjuman Aarjan being consigned to the dust heap of history, the apart-hotel appears to be going the way of the dinosaur. Next time I'm in town I'll have to move the base of operations to Pullman Deira City Centre Apartments, On BloodReds recommendation.

Blood Red
03-26-23, 10:44
NOTE TWO: I found that it was hard as hell to get a taxi off of the street. Everyone I stopped asked if I ordered one. I'the say no and they'the zoom off!! What app do these guys use so I can better plan for the next trip?

Excellent report! For ordering taxis, download the Careem application, and then choose 'Hala Taxi'. Uber is good too and you'll most likely end up with a Lexus but the cost will be 10 to 15 AED more than the usual cab. Not a bad deal, especially when I don't want to risk a smelly cab.

Blood Red
03-26-23, 17:46
Hi Alex,

Moscow hotel is open and so are 2 of their joints, Red Square and Coochini. I did a few rounds at the usual places a few days ago and most were dead except for these two. I need to check out Capitol. But RS and Coochini still had a decent number of girls. Of course low compared to usual but that is to be expected during the holy month.Checked out Coochini last night. Yes, it's less crowded and had less girls, but still there were around at least 15 girls I'd say. I saw a lot of the same regular Iranis there. What I found interesting was there was a singer on stage singing and playing his instrument, and the tranny Irani was also dancing on stage. I was expecting it to be a bit quieter during Ramadan. So other than less girls, it was business as usual, and pretty much loud as it usually is. Oh and they decreased the entry fee from 100 to 50.

03-27-23, 16:03
I'll expose some personal views and opinions after having explored the city during extended stopovers and week-long visits for the last 24 years. I want to stress that this is the perception of a frequent visitor. Residents may have a different perception.

Unless you're a sexually starved expat I don't see any reason to spend your valuable time and money in search for "honey" in Dubai. These times are in my own view gone. And I have nice memories. Again, a resident may have a different perception.Our friend Adimondo has a valid point in his above thread but the basic point is travelers, mongers and business men don't understand that Dubai is growing at such an impressive speed even we residents cannot cope up and don't know what all is going on in this paradise. Everyone is confined to there comfort zone of max 5 places which can be AMP, Club, Restaurant, Bars or any thing which makes them horny and get there the I see k up.

If you compare Dubai in the last 10 years with itself not with any other city my friend.

Everything has grown in multiples and it's a fact.







Just you need to find the right combination as per your pocket and the I see k.

You have p u s s y in 100 Aed.

And you have it in 10000 Aed.

Then I have decent looking male friends who say they have never paid for pussy in Dubai never in there last 10 years of living here.

It's all available my friend and easy like shopping in Carrefour you go check the product confirm the price and use it.

After traveling to 100 cities in different countries I don't see any other city coming even close to 10th place if you compare pussy hunting.

Rest to each it's own but it's impossible if you cannot find pussy in Dubai there are only 2 Reasons.

Empty Pocket.


Ugly to the max.

If I guy like me who is 45 and not handsome at all can find free pussy in Dubai anyone can my friend just we need to look around.

Dubai is heaven and I can vouch for it.




03-27-23, 16:07
After some research on options in the northern end of town I settled on a spa that I have previously reported on which may be called the water tower in Nahda. I whatsapp'd for available options and of the two selected what seemed to be the most likely pse option and sent my request to the spa. No response so a little concerned but I was already in the car and beyond the point of no return for alternatives given time and traffic.

Arrived, paid the receptionist and was told my masseuse had just gone downstairs and I could change as she would be 5 minutes. 10 minutes later on the bed in blue shorts the receptionist comes and tells me the therapist was waiting for a taxi and would be another 10 minutes. Ah. Was the other lady available? No, busy. So I got a refund and dressed. Frustrated but bemused and marking it down as an experience.

As I left I recalled from earlier research there was a spa on a lower floor so I had a look and sure enough so I went in. I was quoted 150 which is expensive for the location so I went to leave and the price was dropped to 100 and a lineup of two was presented. One way too overweight and fortunately the second reasonable.

Agreed the deal and taken to the room, very dark. Stripped down and massage started. Actually quite a nice Thai girl only in the country for a week having worked in Korea previously. After a brief massage asked if she should start the service now as she doesn't get a salary, only tips. Agreed 200 for B2 B, prob overpaid. What followed was a nice, what you may call, girlfriend experience, if the girlfriend was well intentioned but inexperienced. On completion was provided with wet wipes but was not offered shower.

All in all I enjoyed it but not sure if that was because I was just happy to get a reasonable outcome from what was looking like a complete fail. Not sure I would return because the spa itself was not great, the shower situation uncertain and the service good but not exceptional.

03-27-23, 16:31
Sorry for the delay in this report. Sometimes life takes your eye off the ball.

NOTE THREE: With the beloved Burjuman Aarjan being consigned to the dust heap of history, the apart-hotel appears to be going the way of the dinosaur. Next time I'm in town I'll have to move the base of operations to Pullman Deira City Centre Apartments, On BloodReds recommendation.If you like the vibe of the Burjuman by Arjaan and the area then Double by Hilton M Square is the perfect place for you.

It is in the same area of Burjuman Arjaan so all the qualities of that area.

Brand new so everything is new and fresh.

Plus It's Green go to the reception with your girl and check in her ID as simple and easy.


Double Plus it's discreetly green, which means you don't even need to check in the passport of a lady for people like us who are residents of Dubai and live in this hotel on long term basis.

I have written about it in one of the past posts the benefits of enjoying discreet green status of DTbHM Square.

Then has a rooftop pool at 19th floor only for adults if your Girl wants to stay over and spend the day it's a crazy experience.

Also there is a massage place on the 19th floor which is separate and not part of the hotel.

Then we have a salon on the G floor for your hair cut and to spoil your girl.



Hair cut shampoo color and nails for your lady and you also.

And if you get upgraded to the Panoramic Suite the pleasure to fuck your girl against all top to bottom glass windows is out of the blue in sunrise or the middle of night in stars.

Rest you need to go and check it my friend.



03-27-23, 16:39
Checked out Coochini last night. Yes, it's less crowded and had less girls, but still there were around at least 15 girls I'd say. I saw a lot of the same regular Iranis there. What I found interesting was there was a singer on stage singing and playing his instrument, and the tranny Irani was also dancing on stage. I was expecting it to be a bit quieter during Ramadan. So other than less girls, it was business as usual, and pretty much loud as it usually is. Oh and they decreased the entry fee from 100 to 50.Thank you BR for the amazing update, at one time I used to enjoy Moscow in Ramadan as the bottle deals which we used to get in that time would work till November.

Plus there were fewer women and a pleasant vibe, play pool and sex was amazing as you would have only the newer girls who didn't knew about Dubai all the used ones knew dubai Ramadan and would rush to there home.

Mamasaans were easy had so many meals at mamasaans home and fucked women at there houses was an amazing vibe.

Uzbek are a different vibe I think or my personal experience it can be.

Need to check out the other new places you mentioned my friend.


Joe Karnavic
03-27-23, 20:34
More reports I read like this, makes me wonder if I should cancel my summer trip to Dubai.

I had high hopes for my trip, (even though money is not a problem for me, I don't wish to spend more than I can get in other places).

Maybe I go to Istanbul again in the summer instead of Dubai, where I know I can get much better options for reasonable cost.Everyone can have their opinion and point of view if Dubai is better destination for mongering. A traveller has limited time and Dubai has so many mongering options. Instead of me justifying why Dubai is one of the best destination of mongering I will quote a para from seasoned senior monger 'Be Wilder' in Zurich forum last year.


To be honest, there's no real need for me to tour a place like Switzerland as I can have an hour with a Russian or Ukrainian stunner in Dubai for the equivalent of US $272. Here are links to two recent examples https://massagerepublic.com/female-e...uper-model-gfe and https://massagerepublic.com/female-e...al-independent and I was expecting Aphrodisia to be stacked with 25 girls of similar calibre. Moreover, my favourite agency in Dubai only charges US $163 for an hour or US $108 for 30 minutes for perfectly good looking milfs in their early 30's. Right now, I would say Dubai is the mongering capital of the world. There must be thousands of hookers here from all over the world and to suit all tastes and most budgets.


I rest my case!!

03-27-23, 22:48
Everyone can have their opinion and point of view if Dubai is better destination for mongering. A traveller has limited time and Dubai has so many mongering options. Instead of me justifying why Dubai is one of the best destination of mongering I will quote a para from seasoned senior monger 'Be Wilder' in Zurich forum last year.


To be honest, there's no real need for me to tour a place like Switzerland as I can have an hour with a Russian or Ukrainian stunner in Dubai for the equivalent of US $272. Here are links to two recent examples https://massagerepublic.com/female-e...uper-model-gfe and https://massagerepublic.com/female-e...al-independent and I was expecting Aphrodisia to be stacked with 25 girls of similar calibre. Moreover, my favourite agency in Dubai only charges US $163 for an hour or US $108 for 30 minutes for perfectly good looking milfs in their early 30's. Right now, I would say Dubai is the mongering capital of the world. There must be thousands of hookers here from all over the world and to suit all tastes and most budgets.


I rest my case!!What is your favorite agency Joe?

Joe Karnavic
03-28-23, 05:44
What is your favorite agency Joe?I do not use agencies. We go to places like Czar or Moscow to pickup Ukranian or Russian girls. Massage republic is safer. RTFF and read reviews to avoid bait and switch. Euro girl escorts and Russian angels are other options. But beware, all Agencies are not 100% safe. There will be always a gang lurking behind the door.

When there is such an active club scene why are you searching for agencies? Club scene is much simpler than you think. Stay in Capitol hotel and take girl from Czar. Same goes with Moscow.

03-28-23, 06:28
I do not use agencies. We go to places like Czar or Moscow to pickup Ukranian or Russian girls. Massage republic is safer. RTFF and read reviews to avoid bait and switch. Euro girl escorts and Russian angels are other options. But beware, all Agencies are not 100% safe. There will be always a gang lurking behind the door.

When there is such an active club scene why are you searching for agencies? Club scene is much simpler than you think. Stay in Capitol hotel and take girl from Czar. Same goes with Moscow.Thank you Joe for your advice. I will stay in Blue Radisson in Marina (end of the April month). I read many of your reviews I will try Buddha and Penthouse. Have you got other option near Marina? And what do thou think about Chameleon Club near Marina?

Thank you again.

03-28-23, 09:13
Sorry for the delay in this report. Sometimes life takes your eye off the ball.

Flew into Dubai for a quick four night stay in February. Landed early, got my Etisalat chip and soon I was on my way to my usual base of operations, the Burjuman Aarjan. he beloved Burjuman Aarjan being consigned to the dust heap of history, the apart-hotel appears to be going the way of the dinosaur. Next time I'm in town I'll have to move the base of operations to Pullman Deira City Centre Apartments, On BloodReds recommendation.Thanks for the fabulous report!

03-28-23, 09:20
Dubai is heaven and I can vouch for it.



Peace.Amen! It certainly is mongering heaven. There really is no other place where it is so easy and safe to monger. As long as you don't do anything stupid of course.

Though, frustratingly, I've recently seen a significant drop in quality. Even before Ramadan, the usual places. Moscow, Czar, Ratsky etc. - seem to be flooded with 5's -6's, an occasional 7 at best. Maybe I'm just not tapped into the new places where the 8's-9's are hanging out?? And maybe, I'm not willing to pay the ridiculous GP pricing for them??

Big Daddy 1906
03-28-23, 12:03
If you like the vibe of the Burjuman by Arjaan and the area then Double by Hilton M Square is the perfect place for you.
.I looked at the Hilton before and it DOES tick off MOST of my boxes. Sadly, the one it does not tick off is a deal breaker, that being ATMs. The thing I liked about Burjuman was that at the mall you had a variety of banks to use and it was a short walk, inside. The only ATMs at the Hilton are from HSBC and for some strange reason, NONE of my cards work at HSBC ATMs. I'm not going to hike to get to an ATM. Otherwise, you're right, the Hilton would be perfect.

03-28-23, 12:14
I looked at the Hilton before and it DOES tick off MOST of my boxes. Sadly, the one it does not tick off is a deal breaker, that being ATMs. The thing I liked about Burjuman was that at the mall you had a variety of banks to use and it was a short walk, inside. The only ATMs at the Hilton are from HSBC and for some strange reason, NONE of my cards work at HSBC ATMs. I'm not going to hike to get to an ATM. Otherwise, you're right, the Hilton would be perfect.Hilton has 2 ATM next to it.

In Spinneys there is an Emirates NBD at the back door next to the Wine shop.

And a new branch of Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB) opened inside the Hotel.

No wonder a new branch of HSBC has also opened in the hotel next to DIB.

So 2 Bank branches with multiple ATM and then ENBD next door.

Rest you know better my friend.


03-28-23, 12:16
Having lived in Singapore and now in Dubai. Geylang type scene is not common in Dubai. Your best options are clubs or MR. Cubs work very similar to the one at Hyatt on Orchard Road in Singapore. MR is std pick, pay and play website.Thanks for your reply and help buddie.

Altho my fav club is the one at holiday inn the atrium.

03-28-23, 12:25
Any reviews on the pinay working with on zayed road.

Plush Tiger
03-28-23, 12:26
More reports I read like this, makes me wonder if I should cancel my summer trip to Dubai.
I had high hopes for my trip, (even though money is not a problem for me, I don't wish to spend more than I can get in other places).
Maybe I go to Istanbul again in the summer instead of Dubai, where I know I can get much better options for reasonable cost.If you want a specific kind of WG, then Dubai is not the best option. If you want Arabic pussy, spend a week in Moroccan or Egypt. If Asians are your thing, visit Thailand, Vietnam or India, for EE go to Prague, Budapest or Germany. As a matter of fact, Dubai owes its success cause it developed as an open trading hub where goods and business men from all around the world meet to do business. Same goes for pussy, you'll find every thing here from other countries, with some markup. Dubai is all about variety under the same roof. You can have a nice Thai massage with extra in the morning, visit an EE in her apartment in the afternoon and finish with a Syrian picked up in a club. Few other places offer such a wide range of options in a relatively good environment.

Blood Red
03-28-23, 13:04
When there is such an active club scene why are you searching for agencies? Club scene is much simpler than you think. Stay in Capitol hotel and take girl from Czar. Same goes with Moscow.I totally agree with this. Unless you have a reason where you can't visit clubs (are married, can't stay out late, only have an hour or so for punting, etc), there is absolutely no need to consider MR in Dubai. Man, even just walking around in Deira (Rigga, Murqabbat area) you come across girls just walking by, ready to be picked up. So the options in Dubai are endless. Now while I have found some gems on MR (mostly Uzbeks from a now defunct agency), the risk factor is too high and not worth it. With MR, you'll be subjected to: girls being 10 years older than their actual age, bait and switch, a potential African gang, a chick that has gained way more weight than shown in her pic, using older pics, etc etc. Go to clubs and bars, see the lady in person, and then proceed. This is just my opinion.

03-28-23, 13:41
I totally agree with this. Unless you have a reason where you can't visit clubs (are married, can't stay out late, only have an hour or so for punting, etc), there is absolutely no need to consider MR in Dubai. Man, even just walking around in Deira (Rigga, Murqabbat area) you come across girls just walking by, ready to be picked up. So the options in Dubai are endless. Now while I have found some gems on MR (mostly Uzbeks from a now defunct agency), the risk factor is too high and not worth it. With MR, you'll be subjected to: girls being 10 years older than their actual age, bait and switch, a potential African gang, a chick that has gained way more weight than shown in her pic, using older pics, etc etc. Go to clubs and bars, see the lady in person, and then proceed. This is just my opinion.Since joining this forum I've heard a lot about the clubs and bars, and even tempted to check out an AMP's but I'm very green to this and still trying to decipher the names of the clubs in a few posts. But I plan to venture out to one or two over the weekend, see what I'm dealing with. I especially loved the posts about Fili's, have always had a soft spot (and more than one hard spot) for a good looking Fili's. Loving this forum, thank you all!!

03-29-23, 14:02
I think "too far" in Dubai is relative. Almost every location will require transportation. I have stayed at Doubletree Hilton and still required a rental car / taxi to get to the meat markets. It's just a place that's really spaced out and requires planning for commute times.Thank you all for your help, while staying close to Mall of the Emirates. Eventually, I didn't do any venturing, so nothing to report. Hope to be back soon (end of ramadan maybe) and for sure will stay in bur dubai again, much better (for me).

And yes, 'too far' is relative. So for me, it was too far from MotE to Deira / Bur.

03-29-23, 14:39
What is your suggestion for alternative places for transit mongers?

I'll expose some personal views and opinions after having explored the city during extended stopovers and week-long visits for the last 24 years. I want to stress that this is the perception of a frequent visitor. Residents may have a different perception.
Unless you're a sexually starved expat I don't see any reason to spend your valuable time and money in search for "honey" in Dubai. These times are in my own view gone. And I have nice memories. Again, a resident may have a different perception.

03-29-23, 17:44
I'll expose some personal views and opinions after having explored the city during extended stopovers and week-long visits for the last 24 years. I want to stress that this is the perception of a frequent visitor. Residents may have a different perception.

There are quite a few (in)famous venues providing p4p opportunities which were/are vehiculated on this thread. It used to be bliss in terms of choice, competitiveness and buyer's market. Apart from that, there were the posh hotel bars and clubs. In the last 20 years this scenery went downhill. Many spots ask for ridiculously inflated entry fees and all you're going to encounter are rough birds (Rockafellas, Kubu, Premire, Red Square, to name just a few). The posh 5* hotel facilities seem to me nowadays to have been "cleaned" of providers of lewd delights. There are some exceptions, of course, Fairmont for example, however I was appalled to see there just a bunch of low rate bitchy faces. Neos at The Address Downtown or Buddha-Bar at the Grosvernor House used to be be literally overcrowded with p4 p-providers. Now they are literally empty. The stunning A-listers seem to have shifted to escort companies offering their services on the respective websites. The going rate is 1.5-2k Dhs/hr. This appears to me as a current deliberate policy of the ruling gang. Probably due to image concerns.

Unless you're a sexually starved expat I don't see any reason to spend your valuable time and money in search for "honey" in Dubai. These times are in my own view gone. And I have nice memories. Again, a resident may have a different perception.Agree with this and I'm a resident. A resident of Abu Dhabi. From 2015 all the way up until Corona lockdown I was practically in Dubai almost every weekend. My go to place was Premier, 2015-2018 were amazing. These days when I do visit Dubai I don't really pick up new WGs from the clubs as the majority of them are 5 and 6's. I mainly meet up with regulars whom I've known for years and girls who don't even work the clubs anymore and have normal day jobs now.

03-30-23, 13:39
Agree with this and I'm a resident. A resident of Abu Dhabi. From 2015 all the way up until Corona lockdown I was practically in Dubai almost every weekend. My go to place was Premier, 2015-2018 were amazing. These days when I do visit Dubai I don't really pick up new WGs from the clubs as the majority of them are 5 and 6's. I mainly meet up with regulars whom I've known for years and girls who don't even work the clubs anymore and have normal day jobs now.Quality has gone done just about everywhere in the world. It's due to lower birth rates in many countries, rising economies, women eating high-carb food and getting fat, and so on. Can anyone name a place in the world where it was good ten years ago and remains as good now (but with higher prices)?

We just have to accept what it is. I was at Red Square not too long back, and although most of the women were 4-6, there were about ten 7-8's and one 9 in there. Fun can still be had, but we have to work harder to find it and we have to pay much more.

To be at least a 6 in my book, the woman has to be slender and under 35. To be an 8, slender under 30, natural body, pretty face.

04-02-23, 05:32
I totally agree with this. Unless you have a reason where you can't visit clubs (are married, can't stay out late, only have an hour or so for punting, etc), there is absolutely no need to consider MR in Dubai. Man, even just walking around in Deira (Rigga, Murqabbat area) you come across girls just walking by, ready to be picked up. So the options in Dubai are endless. Now while I have found some gems on MR (mostly Uzbeks from a now defunct agency), the risk factor is too high and not worth it. With MR, you'll be subjected to: girls being 10 years older than their actual age, bait and switch, a potential African gang, a chick that has gained way more weight than shown in her pic, using older pics, etc etc. Go to clubs and bars, see the lady in person, and then proceed. This is just my opinion.Thinking of taking a suite at Capital for 3-4 days. Is it worth it during Ramadan?

Blood Red
04-02-23, 12:57
Thinking of taking a suite at Capital for 3-4 days. Is it worth it during Ramadan?Mongering in Dubai during the holy month isn't worth it but if you absolutely must come for whatever reason, staying at Capitol or Moscow hotels is your best bet.

04-02-23, 14:47
Quality has gone done just about everywhere in the world. It's due to lower birth rates in many countries, rising economies, women eating high-carb food and getting fat, and so on. Can anyone name a place in the world where it was good ten years ago and remains as good now (but with higher prices)?

We just have to accept what it is. I was at Red Square not too long back, and although most of the women were 4-6, there were about ten 7-8's and one 9 in there. Fun can still be had, but we have to work harder to find it and we have to pay much more.

To be at least a 6 in my book, the woman has to be slender and under 35. To be an 8, slender under 30, natural body, pretty face.The only place I can think of is Spain, where prices, selection and services have remained reasonably well balanced. I recall paying 70 Euro in Barcelona and Madrid for 1 HR of good times back in 2014/15, and this weekend had another great experience for similar prices (80 Euro) with a girl I rated a solid 8 - I consider Dubai as one of the world's best destinations due to the wide availability of services, quality and if you're getting FS in the Northern Hemisphere for under $100 USD then I think you're doing pretty well. Thailand / Colombia etc. All much cheaper of course.

Clam Hunter
04-03-23, 14:02
Saturday I watched the boxing until late, very late. Too late for a spa visit and too late to be bothered getting changed and go to a club. Thinking about what options could be explored I remembered someone on here writing about streetwalkers in various parts of town. Couldn't be bothered exploring the depths of Deira so drove down into Bur Dubai. It was Club closing time so I swung down the slip road in front of the Majestic. Lots of working girls around. Quickly spotted a couple of likely looking African girls. Wound down the window and had a quick chat.

Both girls up for some late night fun for 2 Reds each. I wanted to take them to my place and they agreed but then I (stupidly) relented as their room was 5 minutes away and not shared. Their building was tucked away behind the Panorama Hotel and in serious need of some TLC. Room was clean building was not. These girls got naked almost immediately and set to work.

Emily was from Kenya and 25 yrs Sopora also 25 yrs and from Kenya. Both tight bodies and keen to please. Sopora had absolutely perfect natural boobs pert and perky. Couldn't get them to play with each other which was a shame. Generally having fun exploring their bodies and fucking both of them but fairly certain I wasn't going to finish. Too much faffing about cleaning everything as I moved from girl to girl. Things cooling down a little (but still having fun) and there is a knock at the door. They said it was their friend coming back. I am slightly concerned thinking of stories about being mobbed by a gang of Africans. But no need to worry. Door opens and a way more gorgeous young girl appears. Tiny, athletic figure. This is "Success", yes that was her name. Nigerian 21 year old.

Success has had a poor evening. No customers. She wants to know if I am looking for a third girl. Hmm, no I am thinking it is time to get out of this place and back to some safer / sanity. Anyway, Success offers to come back to my place and stay until lunchtime for the same 2 Reds I paid her friends. Hmm this sounds a good VFM offer and hey, she is young and fit.

Out to the car and it's getting light. Drive the 30 minutes back home chatting to this smart young lady. Hearing stories about the police clearing up the streets in the Marina of African working girls etc. Etc. Drop into a garage to get some snacks and head home for a lengthy sunrise fucking session.

The girl is great action. Boobs, disappointingly saggy but a tight body. Keen to please and she sucks and fucks away for ages until I really have had enough. The highlight was me hard finger fucking her (2 fingers only as she was tight) with my hard cock deep in the back of her throat making her gurgle and gag. A quick nap and I think it's time to take her to the metro. She shows me her passport to prove that her name is indeed "Success". Also, shows she is indeed 21 yrs old. I drop her and we say our goodbyes.

Emily: 25 yrs. Kenya. Attitude 8/10. Body 5/10. Sex 5/10.

Sopora: 25 yrs. Kenya. Attitude 8/10. Body 5/10. Sex 6/10.

Success: 21 yrs. Nigeria. Attitude 10/10. Body 7/10. Sex 7/10.

Fun? - Yes. Sketchy? - Very. Scratch Itched? - Yes. Location? You wouldn't wish this location on anyone. WIR? Nah once was enough. Back to saner things.

04-04-23, 05:27
February 6th.

Reached Dubai around 1 PM. At immigration, they give you a free DU sim card, comes with 1 GB data and some call / txt credit, I don't know how much. The data is nice specially when outside hotel and you can contact girls / MR when you're out and about.

My hotel this time was Capitol Hotel as recommended by Forum Seniors, booked an executive room. The size of the room is fairly large, no complaints except the rooms were a bit old to my liking considering the price point. Fridge is small and pre-filled with their minibar drinks and I can't put my own in it. I had to ask them to remove all that so the girls don't run wild with grabbing random overpriced items. Overall it was a good hotel with spacious lobby. It's not over the top like some other hotels in Dubai but it's an up from my last hotel which was Moscow. After checking in at the Hotel, I took a cab (easily available at hotel entrance) and went for a session with a lady contacted via MR, I will file that report later in the MR forum. After the session, came back to hotel and did some rest as it was going to be a long night ahead.

Around 11 PM at night, I came down to the hotel lobby which was now buzzing. The hotel has two sets of lifts, one on the right and another on the left and both leads to an open air shisha bar on the top floor by pool side. The vibe at that bar is excellent specially during later hours of night which I will share in the next report. Plus the hotel has a small sports bar on right side as soon as you enter the lobby. Plus, just outside hotel entrance, it has two clubs, the infamous CZAR on the right and Studio Al Khaleej on the left.

So I headed to CZAR as I had read some positive reviews of this club earlier in the forum. The club is bigger compared to Moscow. I was accompanied by a friend and we booked a table for 700 AED for two. AED 700 is redeemable against F&be and I found the quality of food good at the club. The club was like 40% full with girls sitting in tables escorted by Mamasans and some independent girls roaming around to be picked up. Out of maybe 20-25 girls, a few were an 8 in my book (pleasant face, slim body, nice booty, reasonably tastefully dressed). The girls were real pros: they meet your eyes straight on and motion you, more or less discreetly, to join them or for you to ask them to join you.

I took an interest in a pretty girl (an 8 in my book) who quickly looked away whenever our eyes met. I passed by her table and whispered "join me" and then headed back at my table. Sure enough, she was next to me a few minutes later. She introduced herself as Anastasia, 23 yrs old, an office worker at Dubai, new in town, originally from somewhere in Russia. By around 2 pm the club was almost full and vibe was excellent with loud music and I was having drinks and food with Anastasia after which we started to dance around. I asked her whether she wanted to accompany me to my hotel for a few hours. She hesitated (maybe for better effect) and then said "let's go". We negotiated the terms before heading off- AED 1,000 for 2 hours with BBBJ included but no A level.

Back at the hotel, we relaxed over a few glasses of wine (she struck me as being remarkably articulate as well as good looking). She is a good talker. She slowly removed her cloths while I was doing the same. She got on the bed with her sexy bra and undy and posing sexy. Her curvy body get really exposed when she is only with a bra and underwear. She had a flat belly as well. Skin color also very appealing. So, the regular foreplay started. She asked if I have condoms, I said not only one I have two. She said you do as much as you want and she is not in a hurry. Isn't is something good to hear?

This beauty on top of me, sucking my nipple while I was playing with her boobs, Willy was all up for the game. She kissed her way down my tummy and then disappointingly asked for a condom for the BJ. I expressed my surprise as we had agreed BBBJ but she remained firm. Nevertheless, the BJ was quite good while I explored her with a few fingers front, and a bit later and hesitantly at first around the O as well (supposedly one of her dislikes) which she seemed to like, afterall. Somehow, all of a sudden, I noticed the condom was gone but she continued with wild abandon and salivated all over my balls and dick, giving me fantastic DT while maintaining full eye contact throughout. I was barely able to muster enough self control to plead for a time out to prevent a premature finish.

After another sip of wine and 15 minutes of chit chat we went at it again: I entered her in the spoon position; we built up rhythm, changed to doggie after a few minutes and then to cow girl, and then just before the creaking bed seemed to collapse under us, we both exploded. She polity offered to remove the cover and clean me. There after more chit chat and cuddling and we found couple of topics to talk about. 10 minutes in to chit chat she asked me if I want to do another session although we had only agreed for 2. However, I was all drained up by then and I said no and off she went to change and was ready to leave while I slept as a happy man.

04-05-23, 08:35
Fun? - Yes. Sketchy? - Very. Scratch Itched? - Yes. Location? You wouldn't wish this location on anyone. WIR? Nah once was enough. Back to saner things.Staying true to the name, and diving deep for that sweet sweet clam 😂.

Well done mate, nice report.

Blood Red
04-05-23, 08:51
. She kissed her way down my tummy and then disappointingly asked for a condom for the BJ. I expressed my surprise as we had agreed BBBJ but she remained firm. Nevertheless, the BJ was quite good while I explored her with a few fingers front, and a bit later and hesitantly at first around the O as well (supposedly one of her dislikes) which she seemed to like, afterall. Somehow, all of a sudden, I noticed the condom was gone but she continued with wild abandon and salivated all over my balls and dick, giving me fantastic DT while maintaining full eye contact throughout. I was barely able to muster enough self control to plead for a time out to prevent a premature finish.
I hate this dishonesty but good to know that your session ended up well. Great report.

04-05-23, 09:21
8th February.

Around 11 pm I decided to head out to Premier. The club is located on the right right of Hyatt Regency Hotel and can be approached either from the hotel lobby itself or also from outside. Taxi ride was approximately 15 minutes from Capitol Hotel.

This is definitely not a downmarket club and the girls are a pleasant surprise here: good quality, hot, some quite beautiful, all have *great* bodies. Incredible asses and not ridiculously tarty looking, some have style and intelligence. The girls are mostly Irani, Vietnamese, Russian, but a few Caucasian and some Africans. Club entry charges were AED 200 without drink or AED 1,500 for a table for two. This time I chose AED 200 without drink.

On entering the club I walked around, and it was like 40% full around 12 pm. Loud music was being played The ratio of dudes: girls was quite favorable this night, not sure that this is the case. I am guessing it was like 1:2 or 1:3 guys to girls. Dudes from all over the world, mostly Asians, some blacks, some Indians and Middle Easterners. Many of the girls were very forward and were directly guys, LOL, regardless of their age, size, looks.

I circled the place at least three times as it was mostly empty at the start but slowly picked up and got around 75% packed by 1-2 AM, but still it was not very hard to get around. On my fourth round near to the door, I saw a mid-to-late 20's pale-skinned, stunner. Thin, nice boobs, and long-silky hair Irani. She had on a tight-fitting horizontally striped black / white dress, showing off her slim figure and sexy body.

I approached her by asking where she was from, and she said she was from Tehran. She as a strong accent, but English was decent. I asked if she wanted to leave and she said yes. In retrospect, I think she was just coming back from a previous ST, as it was about 2. I asked her how much, and she said AED 1,500 For an hour!? Haha, negotiated and agreed for AED 1,500 for 2 hours.

So we took a taxi back to my hotel (Capitol Hotel). We chatted a bit, she is not entirely warming up, and in fact asked to see my ID. I covered my name and let her look, just to make her a bit more relaxed. Inside my room she turned out to be quite disinterested. First she played with SMS for 5 minutes, basically refusing all carresses. Secondly she demanded that I shower and reluctantly agreed to join me in the shower. While showering she refused all kissing, event to the point of raising her voice: "DON'T do that!

After the shower she spent 5 minutes going trough every article in my bathroom, and pocketing a few hotel creams and lotions. When it was finally time for bed she did, to her credit, begin to kiss for real. I was getting excited. Until I accidentally touched her asshole. She jumped out of bed and yelled: I NEVER DO ANAL! I got out of bed and reminded her of our discussion where she had agreed on BBBJ and anal sex. She snarled: "Yes, and I do blowjob. Where's problem?

Although, she was good-looking, the girl wasn't so enthusiastic about the sex part. Few times she told me that it was too hot for her inside the room, that she feels the pain when I took her pussy and she made grimaces when she did BBBJ. Obviously, some of speed-me-up tactics. Then, I took the control and moved her around to satisfy my wishes and got over with the deed.

Due to her attitude sent her packing after the first shot and didn't felt the need for round 2 with such an disinterested lady!

Blood Red
04-05-23, 17:11
I approached her by asking where she was from, and she said she was from Tehran. I asked her how much, and she said AED 1,500 For an hour!? Haha, negotiated and agreed for AED 1,500 for 2 hours.

Due to her attitude sent her packing after the first shot and didn't felt the need for round 2 with such an disinterested lady!Great report. This is precisely why I avoid Irani girls. They are super hot but more often than not, the service is poor. Next time negotiate for a quick 1 shot to asses the lady's service for around 500 to 600 max, and if good, you can extend or repeat.

04-06-23, 09:33
Great report. This is precisely why I avoid Irani girls. They are super hot but more often than not, the service is poor. Next time negotiate for a quick 1 shot to asses the lady's service for around 500 to 600 max, and if good, you can extend or repeat.Exactly, this is my experience as well. Will keep it in mind in the future.

04-06-23, 09:37
February 9th.

After finishing with work, I had a quick dinner and ventured out to RATKSY at about 1030 pm. The hotel was Fortune Karama Hotel (to me it seemed to be a run down neighborhood). The club is located just on the entrance on the left side. Entrance if I remember correctly was AED 75. The club itself was spacious but almost only 20% full by the time I entered- around 11 PM. They serve popcorns and one drink upon entrance which is included in the entrance fee so I think a good value for money specially because you can sit and enjoy the drink and the vibe.

Once you push through the 2nd door next to club entrance, you will see a sitting area on the left and a stage on extreme left (right in front of the sitting area) and walking path on the right leading to another area with pool tables. Anyhow at that time, not much was happening here. The music was nice with a live band performing. There was a hallway on the right. This where the action was. Nice space, good looking pool table at the back. And the highlight I think is the band. They have a live quartet playing blues and classic rock. My kind of stuff.

I looked around but did not see anything that fancied me. When the band took a break, I went around for a couple of frames of pool with one of the other guys at the bar. Lost a frame and won a frame, thanked the guy and turned to the washroom. That is when I spotted the only good looking girl in the bar. She was quietly standing at the back partially hidden from view. I smiled and asked her if she wanted to join me for a drink. She agreed, so I told her where I was seated and asked her to get me a whisky with ice and a beer for herself. Interestingly, she cuts to the chase and AED 800 short term (Anyway, despite some coaxing she would go no lower than 750 so I bit her adieu and jumped in a cab with intentions of going to Broadway. But deciding on Jules instead.

Once there, moseyed around, some good talent. One girl dressed rather casually in jeans and normal top caught my eye, and was giving me the eye, but I continued to circulate blah blah. Anyway, found aforementioned girl sitting by the toilet and so started talking. Cute girl, tall (for a Filipina) and not rake thin. Well, she was actually very open and honest about everything. Turns out she was short of cash. Agreed price of AED 750 for ST and back to hotel for some lovely times.

We started chit chatting and then she asked to order some wine. Slowly and steadily as wine flowed into our systems, we started getting more and more friendlier with each other. I later realized we had been chatting for quite some time now. As soon as I started exploring her, she asked to use the washroom quickly. When she returned she was in sexy pair of lingerie after which I went on to shower during which she also entered.

One thing led to another and we started making out in the shower and then she gave a fucking good blowjob in the shower. I grabbed a condom we moved to the room, jumped on to the couch and started fucking. We fucked in various positions imaginable- man the girl was absolutely wild. Finally I turned her over and fucked her in Doggy for last couple of minutes before cumming. One of the things that I did enjoy was giving her a pounding whilst she was down on all fours and she did seem to enjoy it.

Unlike some other girls I have met, she wanted a like a release in her mouth and was up to it up through the backdoor also. She ended up leaving around in the morning.

04-06-23, 15:03
Hi guys,

I often read over what people write here. I have never written anything due to my written English skills. I have practiced a bit and use google translate when I want to write. I'm 32 years old South Asian origin and lives in Europe.

I have traveled many times to Dubai from Europe for 10 years. Have tried MR and the ladies at the nightclubs and pick girls from streets.

Skip to the good bits folks.

Day 1.

I had booked a room at a Moscow hotel, I decided to visit red square, wow how expensive the entrance is.

I really like this nightclub, but now they have restricted the freedom of movement for those of us who don't have a table. Can't take the go up to the other bar on the left when you enter the club. I stood by the long bar and observed what can catch some nice girls. Many of the ladies are from 5-7 and very few 8 to 10. But I saw someone who could be of my interest.

A lady came up to me and grabbed me by the skin, cute and very big ass and about 28 years old, chatted with me a bit, but I said I wasn't interested so she left the club, I think she was about to leave. I sought eye contact with a lovely lady, she was brunette, about 165 tall and the age was about 27-30 while I was about to walk away she was picked by a guy and they unfortunately left.

After a while I went to the Delmond hotel and went to the Iranian restaurant / nightclub. Wow the Iranian ladies are so cute and pretty. But unfortunately many of them are enlarged different body parts, haha.

I made eye contact with an Iranian lady, took a seat at her table. Very cute, could speak English ok. Wanted 10 reds for the whole night, we made our way back to my hotel. Unfortunately the hotel charged 100 dirhams to register the lady. But she was registered so we went on to the room.

After we showered we chatted a bit, very nice and down-to-earth lady. We started kissing for a while, wow the tits were so big and the lady was about 174 tall and a lovely face with lovely red hair, it was good. She also do owo and DATY, I've heard that Iranian ladies don't do that. In bed she was good and I was not disappointed. We had ourselves in several positions and she liked that.

After that we fell asleep, she stayed with me until about 10 in the morning.

Day 2.

I went to ratsky. Good price for the entrance. Big club and lots of ladies, I saw 2-3 ladies that I liked, unfortunately 2 of them were taken, the one I chatted with didn't seem interested, maybe she had an appointment with someone else. After that went on to classic York club.

This is a club I liked many years back, but unfortunately the quality has dropped considerably in recent years even though I have found good ladies. In 2014 and 2015, the club was at its best, there were a lot of ladies outside the hotel at that time. But now there is very little.

Before, you were also approached by the ladies several times, but now we have to go up to them, and if I do, I have experienced that they are not interested or are a bit rude, haha. A Pakistani lady approached me at the York club, but since I'm South Asian and I am not into Pakistani. But here I tried to find hidden gem, but unfortunately didn't see any. If there's a lady I want it's one from Eritrea. But the service has been good and excellent, in recent years the quality have dropped a lot. Unfortunately, I went home empty-handed.


I have heard a lot of good things about CZAR and I went to the club. The entrance cost me 250 dhs, but have read that it costs 200 dhs, but I did not protest about it. The club is large, but unfortunately you have to book a table. Saw some ladies that I liked, here too most were taken and they were at the men's tables, tried to make eye contact with some ladies from Iran, they passed me, I looked at them and smiled but never managed to say Hello, and they went their way, but that day it was a bit difficult to find a lady that I like, and there were also more men than ladies at CZAR. I have read here that many ladies stand outside the hotel at closing times. Here I spent some time, observed a bit. As someone who likes Arab ladies, I saw that there were many Arab ladies outside the CZAR area. I saw 5-7 ladies that I liked. I went straight to a lady from Syria, she was a bit drunk, haha. But she wanted 5 reds for one hour and 7 reds for 2 hours, I was able to negotiate down to 6 reds and 2 hours. Capitol hotel wanted 6 reds for one night, I went with hu to Moscow hotel and paid 3 oo dhs.

Have heard that Arab ladies are either hit or miss, but she was good. But the English was at level zero, but we used google translate. Haha and LOL. She was thin, but had a good ass and small tits and she was a 6. 5. WE started by kissing for a long time, she was also joking around a bit. She did BJ and DATY without a condom, and how she treated the balls, never come across like that and I liked it. I had also been drinking a little and she was also drunk, we start by having sex, after a few seconds into it I realized that I am not wearing a condom. So as we're getting started, I don't say anything. We did it in several positions, after the act she sat with me for an hour before going home. I was in shock how crazy she was after reading that the Arabs can be difficult to do various things with. No, this was a very good night for me.

The Cane
04-06-23, 17:33
Can anyone name a place in the world where it was good ten years ago and remains as good now (but with higher prices)?For me it would be Brazil. Still as good as 10 years ago (admittedly some termas and clubs have closed) but with lower prices than in the UAE. Hot girls per my taste. Less money. Better service. And I specifically disagree with the suggestion that Spain fits the mold. In fact, I have removed Spain from my list due to a lack of value for the money. Girls there want to charge what they're charging at a German FKK without delivering on things like BBBJs, CIM, and anal. No can do!

Joe Karnavic
04-06-23, 21:04
Hi guys,

I often read over what people write here. I have never written anything due to my written English skills. I have practiced a bit and use google translate when I want to write. I'm 32 years old South Asian origin and lives in Europe.
I liked it. I had also been drinking a little and she was also drunk, we start by having sex, after a few seconds into it I realized that I am not wearing a condom. So as we're getting started, I don't say anything. We did it in several positions, after the act she sat with me for an hour before going home. I was in shock how crazy she was after reading that the Arabs can be difficult to do various things with. No, this was a very good night for me.Great first report. You covered lot of ground in Dubai. The only thing which is odd is She did not insist on condom. Anyway it is personal choice and risk assessment on your behalf. I think it is not unusual with Arab and Iranian girls. But it seems sex without condom is prevalent at many places. To my horror a South Indian girl in typical herbal spa was offering sex without condom. I just got up and left. I will not report on this spa. I was just curious about the type of girls available and want to find gem if any for the team.

04-08-23, 14:24
Finally arrived in Dubai and have shortlisted a few places I will be visiting during my stay. Hoping to find what I like and based on reading everyones experiences here I imagine I will find exactly that!

I am a big fan of a huge huge chest so I will be hunting for that but definitely won't turn an eye to any gems I find either.

Will be posting my report next week, wish me luck!

04-08-23, 20:02
Went to Czar, Red Square and premiere. I thought Czar was most happening. Picked up a petite Belarusian, Angel / Angelina, for AED 1000 for ST. Had an excellent time with her, Czar never disappoints. Moscow, picked up a tanned brooding Russian brunette named Nastia / Anastasia, horrible experience-avoid. My Moscow experiences are mostly bad. Went to Premiere at around 2 AM Friday. As someone else described, a few blacks, couple of Vietnamese and some white skinned ladies. Didn't pickup, just wanted to check out the scene, I think worth a visit for 150 AED with one free drink. Note to myself, pick up girls who speak English at some level. Many times I managed to turn a bad session into an acceptable one, but I think old age is finally catching up.

04-09-23, 02:40
I just arrived two days ago, before coming I was hunting through snapchat map.

First experience was a moroccan lady about 30 , we agreed on 1500 for 2 hrs.

I invited her to my hotel, when she arrived I was disappointed because she looks different with snapchat filters, beauty is 7 out of 10 ,?anyway her boobs stole my attention which leads me to move on with her, reception asked for her ID, then up to my room.

When I undressed her I was disappointed again since her boobs are saggy and the trick was due to push up bra.

On bed she is very open, kissing, BJ is also great, I asked about A level she asked for 500 extra, I suggested 200 she refused, finally we agreed on 300.

Total is 1800 including A level.


Beauty is 6/10 , first I gave her 7 , but after bra off I dropped it to 6.

I am fan of big boobs, but her are very saggy which was turn off for me.

Action 8/10 she is open to kissing and active.

I just knew this form accidentally.

It seems to have tons of information, I will try to go through the recent pages.

Thank you guys for sharing.

04-09-23, 02:41
I just arrived two days ago, before coming I was hunting through snapchat map.

First experience was a moroccan lady about 30 , we agreed on 1500 for 2 hrs.

I invited her to my hotel, when she arrived I was disappointed because she looks different with snapchat filters, beauty is 7 out of 10 ,?anyway her boobs stole my attention which leads me to move on with her, reception asked for her ID, then up to my room.

When I undressed her I was disappointed again since her boobs are saggy and the trick was due to push up bra.

On bed she is very open, kissing, BJ is also great, I asked about A level she asked for 500 extra, I suggested 200 she refused, finally we agreed on 300.

Total is 1800 including A level.


Beauty is 6/10 , first I gave her 7 , but after bra off I dropped it to 6.

I am fan of big boobs, but her are very saggy which was turn off for me.

Action 8/10 she is open to kissing and active.

I just knew this form accidentally.

It seems to have tons of information, I will try to go through the recent pages.

Thank you guys for sharing.

04-09-23, 07:53
Went to Czar, Red Square and premiere. I thought Czar was most happening. Picked up a petite Belarusian, Angel / Angelina, for AED 1000 for ST. Had an excellent time with her, Czar never disappoints. Moscow, picked up a tanned brooding Russian brunette named Nastia / Anastasia, horrible experience-avoid. My Moscow experiences are mostly bad. Went to Premiere at around 2 AM Friday. As someone else described, a few blacks, couple of Vietnamese and some white skinned ladies. Didn't pickup, just wanted to check out the scene, I think worth a visit for 150 AED with one free drink. Note to myself, pick up girls who speak English at some level. Many times I managed to turn a bad session into an acceptable one, but I think old age is finally catching up.How many girls were there in the club? What was dude: girls ratio? Is it worth visiting during Ramadan.

04-09-23, 16:06
I just arrived two days ago, before coming I was hunting through snapchat map.

First experience was a moroccan lady about 30 , we agreed on 1500 for 2 hrs.

I invited her to my hotel, when she arrived I was disappointed because she looks different with snapchat filters, beauty is 7 out of 10 ,?anyway her boobs stole my attention which leads me to move on with her, reception asked for her ID, then up to my room.

When I undressed her I was disappointed again since her boobs are saggy and the trick was due to push up bra.

On bed she is very open, kissing, BJ is also great, I asked about A level she asked for 500 extra, I suggested 200 she refused, finally we agreed on 300.

Total is 1800 including A level..Where abouts do you look for in the snapchat map? I tried and found nothing except the fake repetitive pictures with the WhatsApp numbers.

As I am also a fan of big boobs, I'm wondering if you or anyone else in this forums can direct me to a person or place where I can find it, and by big I'm talking massive.

As for what I have done so far, I visited a massage spa with EE women in Deira, and as expected about 15 minutes in I got asked if I wanted any extra services, from which she went ahead and listed the prices and options. I took the body to body massage after negotiating for a smaller price and it was a good experience.

Still on the search for WGs with massive chests though.

Plush Tiger
04-09-23, 21:56
I just arrived two days ago, before coming I was hunting through snapchat map.
It seems to have tons of information, I will try to go through the recent pages.
Thank you guys for sharing.Good to see someone starting with an FR, Moroccans are very volatile good that you enjoyed the action. With most WG WYSINWYG (note the and for Not) as as you'll find out lots are con artist (read make up a filter experts). Keep scanning the forum, eventually you'll collect enough info on Moroccans and other Arabs (nowadays it seems that Syrians are the main commodity in places like Broadway). There are Moroccans in Spa as well and the going rate is 6-7 reds sometimes less and often more but as you hone your negotiation and your field knowledge skills you'll be able to sample a wider pool of Moroccan pussy, albeit you'll have less time for the deed itself as they are more often than clock watchers. But eventually you'll score some home runs.

Have fun.

04-09-23, 23:07
Second experience was ukranian about 26 why. O, also through snapchat map.

She asked for 1500 for full night, with negotiation we agreed on 1200 , so invited her to my hotel, she arrived at 20:30 , registered her ID, up to the room, she is 7 as of looking, and again unfortunately with snap filters she looks 9 out of 10.

Anyway she has nice tall hair, boobs are the cup.

She did a great uncoverd blowjob ending on her boobs, second round was for the pussy, it is tight, she is active and open to multiple positions, we relaxed and talked for an hour, and here the sudden things showed up, I received a call from the reception at 00:30 telling me that visitors are not allow to stay after 00:00 and my visitor should leave, it was very strange, anyway I ignored them, but at 01:15 the knocked my door asking for the same thing, it very strange since it is a 5 stars hotel (dusit thani) .

Any way she left after that, and I am planing to checkout tomorrow and find another hotel.

Note: by mistake I posted the first FR twice and I apologize I don't know how to delete it, I am asking the moderator kindly to delete it.

04-10-23, 02:44
Good to see someone starting with an FR, Moroccans are very volatile good that you enjoyed the action. With most WG WYSINWYG (note the and for Not) as as you'll find out lots are con artist (read make up a filter experts). Keep scanning the forum, eventually you'll collect enough info on Moroccans and other Arabs (nowadays it seems that Syrians are the main commodity in places like Broadway). There are Moroccans in Spa as well and the going rate is 6-7 reds sometimes less and often more but as you hone your negotiation and your field knowledge skills you'll be able to sample a wider pool of Moroccan pussy, albeit you'll have less time for the deed itself as they are more often than clock watchers. But eventually you'll score some home runs.I totally agree with you the experience wasn't worth the money I spent 1800 , but as I just landed to the Arabic land I was excited to try the Arabic pussy, I don't think I will be trying Syrian, I am afraid it is not worthing my time and money. My next plan is to true to Russian or Asian. Will see how it works and I will keep you updated with FR. Although I am open to any suggestions.

04-10-23, 02:58
Where abouts do you look for in the snapchat map? I tried and found nothing except the fake repetitive pictures with the WhatsApp numbers.

As I am also a fan of big boobs, I'm wondering if you or anyone else in this forums can direct me to a person or place where I can find it, and by big I'm talking massive.

As for what I have done so far, I visited a massage spa with EE women in Deira, and as expected about 15 minutes in I got asked if I wanted any extra services, from which she went ahead and listed the prices and options. I took the body to body massage after negotiating for a smaller price and it was a good experience.

Still on the search for WGs with massive chests though.Go through the common places that our colleges have mentioned here on snap map and you will spot some ladies, also some will post on snap map of Dubai mall, but until now those whom I met through snap, doesn't kill the fire, and I think Dubai has more than that to offer, will see in the coming days.


Joe Karnavic
04-10-23, 05:32
Go through the common places that our colleges have mentioned here on snap map and you will spot some ladies, also some will post on snap map of Dubai mall, but until now those whom I met through snap, doesn't kill the fire, and I think Dubai has more than that to offer, will see in the coming days.

Enjoy.Again I am suggesting all of you who are trying to find girls on Snapchat or Tinder or other such social website. When we have such active club scene where you see girls in close space why use websites. If you are shy to go to club the only tried and tested website is MR and that too based on reviews by seniors. Follow their suggestion instead of reinventing the wheel. London, Barcelona for example is all about escort websites like DIVA or Vecinatas. Dubai is all about clubs where you can meet girls from more than 30 nationalities. You will get what you see and you will see them without filter.

Plush Tiger
04-10-23, 09:45
You will get what you see and you will see them without filter.That's true but you need to factor in the fact that going to a club, you'll be a bit inebriated so you might have a better perspective on things that what they actually are, not to mention the fact that certain clubs have barely any light. Add to that the fact that most WG profusely use make up, pushup bras, belly flattening underwear, hair, eye lashes, nail extension, surgery etc. And we'll understand that we always have to tread carefully. It happened to me a few times to see the see a girl inside the club and then later with better lighting and I had the impression that I had dodged a bullet LOL.

04-10-23, 10:14
Again I am suggesting all of you who are trying to find girls on Snapchat or Tinder or other such social website. When we have such active club scene where you see girls in close space why use websites. If you are shy to go to club the only tried and tested website is MR and that too based on reviews by seniors. Follow their suggestion instead of reinventing the wheel. London, Barcelona for example is all about escort websites like DIVA or Vecinatas. Dubai is all about clubs where you can meet girls from more than 30 nationalities. You will get what you see and you will see them without filter.In addition to what Joe has said, I recommend reading through Scam thread. These online dating apps have led some unsuspecting mongers to scams as well. If you go for an in all be very careful, again echoing what Joe has said so eloquently why reinvent the wheel!

04-10-23, 18:41
In addition to what Joe has said, I recommend reading through Scam thread. These online dating apps have led some unsuspecting mongers to scams as well. If you go for an in all be very careful, again echoing what Joe has said so eloquently why reinvent the wheel!Thanks Snow for the advice, actually I downloaded an App called SayHi, but it is very obvious this App is full of scams, I agree with our colleagues that's it is better to go pick up girls from clubs, but it takes time and I have work early in the morning, I will absolutely give it a try the next weekend, I don't know how does clubs looks in Radman, I'll check and keep you updated. Those of you who visited clubs recently kindly let us know.

04-11-23, 00:48
... here the sudden things showed up, I received a call from the reception at 00:30 telling me that visitors are not allow to stay after 00:00 and my visitor should leave, it was very strange, anyway I ignored them, but at 01:15 the knocked my door asking for the same thing, it very strange since it is a 5 stars hotel (dusit thani) .

Any way she left after that, and I am planing to checkout tomorrow and find another hotel.
Did you book your room for 1 or for 2?

That might do the trick.

Blood Red
04-11-23, 03:45
That's true but you need to factor in the fact that going to a club, you'll be a bit inebriated so you might have a better perspective on things that what they actually are, not to mention the fact that certain clubs have barely any light. Add to that the fact that most WG profusely use make up, pushup bras, belly flattening underwear, hair, eye lashes, nail extension, surgery etc. And we'll understand that we always have to tread carefully. It happened to me a few times to see the see a girl inside the club and then later with better lighting and I had the impression that I had dodged a bullet LOL.Agree with all this. I will add that if I like a girl's face at the club, but can't make out her body (especially legs to accurately tell if she's fat down there) because she is wearing a long loose dress, I will avoid taking her or proceed with caution. Once I took a Tajiki MILF who was wearing an abaya, and it was a mistake cause she had saggy boobs and out of shape legs. But overall, it is definitely better to take the lady from a club as opposed to MR. Much less risk and other benefits.

04-11-23, 10:46
Did you book your room for 1 or for 2?

That might do the trick.BionicMan hit the nail on head. I always book for 2 even if I don't plan on bringing a visitor. The only extra charge is 15 (I think) for each occupant.

04-11-23, 22:32
I stayed in Dubai a few weeks ago. Intercon Festival City is not a centric hotel, but it is one of the best hotels I stayed in, and all visitors have free access to level 26, so I made it my outcall HQ. My visitors were asked to take the free elevator to this level, where we met, then headed to my room. Highly recommended.

04-13-23, 01:48
Did you book your room for 1 or for 2?

That might do the trick.I made sure my reservation is for 2 people, even after I made the reservation through booking I sent message to the hotel asking about visitors, and they reply to me that it is allowed after registering the ID, but they didn't mention anything about the time which is a tricky point with this hotel.

04-13-23, 12:37
I made sure my reservation is for 2 people, even after I made the reservation through booking I sent message to the hotel asking about visitors, and they reply to me that it is allowed after registering the ID, but they didn't mention anything about the time which is a tricky point with this hotel.This is rather strange, personally I haven't stayed at Dusit Thani but none of the hotels I've ever stayed in ranging from 3 -5 star have ever made such a ruling! Wonder if the front desk was just being nasty.

Big Daddy 1906
04-13-23, 15:10
I stayed in Dubai a few weeks ago. Intercon Festival City is not a centric hotel, but it is one of the best hotels I stayed in, and all visitors have free access to level 26, so I made it my outcall HQ. My visitors were asked to take the free elevator to this level, where we met, then headed to my room. Highly recommended.I have to co-sign 100%. Back when I was a contractor, the InterCon Festival City was my go to. Very green, just register them at the front desk. If you have IHG status the whole world there is your oyster.

04-15-23, 08:15
I'm going to be back in dubai in July and I'm thinking to book a viet for a whole day (24 hours). Her normal rate is 700 for an hour. This 24 hours booking would involve only 2 or 3 shots.

What's a fair price for 24 hours or 48 hours considering this will be in July (off season), and a weekday. I don't think she's mega popular, but I'm sure she does alright in Dubai. I'm thinking anyware between 25 and 30 reds for 24 hours. Is this correct?

04-15-23, 08:28
I had asked this for a few MR girls (Thai / Viet) and a Paki contact I had last year (Sept / Oct). The minimum quote I got (before nego) was 35 reds. Different time of the year, but for July I would start at 20 reds and see where it goes.

I'm going to be back in dubai in July and I'm thinking to book a viet for a whole day (24 hours). Her normal rate is 700 for an hour. This 24 hours booking would involve only 2 or 3 shots.

What's a fair price for 24 hours or 48 hours considering this will be in July (off season), and a weekday. I don't think she's mega popular, but I'm sure she does alright in Dubai. I'm thinking anyware between 25 and 30 reds for 24 hours. Is this correct?

04-15-23, 08:29
I don't think she's mega popular, but I'm sure she does alright in Dubai.Do you have a particular girl in mind?

04-16-23, 01:54
I'm going to be back in dubai in July and I'm thinking to book a viet for a whole day (24 hours). Her normal rate is 700 for an hour. This 24 hours booking would involve only 2 or 3 shots.

What's a fair price for 24 hours or 48 hours considering this will be in July (off season), and a weekday. I don't think she's mega popular, but I'm sure she does alright in Dubai. I'm thinking anyware between 25 and 30 reds for 24 hours. Is this correct?You can start with her fullnight rate and go up to 10 reds extra. I think this is will be reasonable and my advice don't give number of shots and just say unlimited.

Also, I hope you tried this girl before and had good chemistry with her otherwise, it might not be the best night.

I would also suggest get her a gift (nothing expensive) and maybe flowers. Those small things matter to most of the girls.

04-16-23, 08:47
Do you have a particular girl in mind?Originally I was thinking somebody from MR, but I'm also seeing this girl from a massage place quite regularly when I'm in dubai. I'll try to convince her to take a day off and do some fun things. I have done this before (without pay) but this time I want to pay her (different girl this time) to keep things simple. Just returned from a week trip, and next trip will be June or July. I like to plan ahead. Price wise I have no idea what to offer.

04-16-23, 12:08
I received a call from the reception at 00:30 telling me that visitors are not allow to stay after 00:00 and my visitor should leave, it was very strange, anyway I ignored them, but at 01:15 the knocked my door asking for the same thing, it very strange since it is a 5 stars hotel (dusit thani) .Wow, this is shocking to me. I've mongered in many hotels and never heard about this. The only time something similar happened was when I called over a WG at night and reception didn't want to let her up so I had to call reception directly and they finally did let her up. But I've had plenty of overnight guests and no one ever knocked on my door or called my phone to interrupt me. I was staying at the double tree Hilton m square.

04-20-23, 10:48
Greetings, in Dubai for a few nights. Went to Moscow yesterday, 2:00 am not much in terms of talent. However, like Bloodred are into the arab / persian looking Uzbeks. Found a great gal 7. 5, she was independant which was new, most have a manager. She was 21, Uzbek from Tashkent. Nice face, be tits, natural. Great pussy, tight, didn't use lube. Had great GFE action. Ok BBBJ, fucked in doggy she came, on top, and missionary.

For first night over paid I think 10 reds. For an HR.

Nice girl, got her digits.

WIR, probably but there are others to explore.

BloodRed, I'm on the hunt for another great Uzbek or Iranian, trying to find a girl that gives good BBBJ, partially shaved. Wish more girls would at least have a landing strip. Any suggestions for today, early evening?

Blood Red
04-20-23, 19:17
BloodRed, I'm on the hunt for another great Uzbek or Iranian, trying to find a girl that gives good BBBJ, partially shaved. Wish more girls would at least have a landing strip. Any suggestions for today, early evening?Hi,

I would suggest you check out El Barrio club in Hyatt Palace Rigga for a variety of Uzbek talent. The Persian / Arab looking Uzbeks are in abundance there. The same goes for Tajiks. I have a hard time sometimes distinguishing between the two. Both usually give good service and are super clean. Start off by offering 500 for 1 shot and extend or repeat if you like her. You may also check out Regal Club in Regent Palace Hotel in Bur Dubai for Uzbeks and Tajiks. Mint at Manhattan hotel also has Uzbeks but the quality is low. Good luck and report back.

Nice Guy 99
04-21-23, 06:15
She asked for 1500 for full night, with negotiation we agreed on 1200 , so invited her to my hotel, she arrived at 20:30 , registered her ID, up to the room.

I received a call from the reception at 00:30 telling me that visitors are not allow to stay after 00:00 and my visitor should leave, it was very strange, anyway I ignored them, but at 01:15 the knocked my door asking for the same thing, it very strange since it is a 5 stars hotel (dusit thani) .

Any way she left after that, and I am planing to checkout tomorrow and find another hotel.
When you made the reservation at the Dusit Thani, did you make it for two people?? May not even be extra charge. Thant's the key.

04-21-23, 07:21

I would suggest you check out El Barrio club in Hyatt Palace Rigga for a variety of Uzbek talent. The Persian / Arab looking Uzbeks are in abundance there. The same goes for Tajiks. I have a hard time sometimes distinguishing between the two. Both usually give good service and are super clean. Start off by offering 500 for 1 shot and extend or repeat if you like her. You may also check out Regal Club in Regent Palace Hotel in Bur Dubai for Uzbeks and Tajiks. Mint at Manhattan hotel also has Uzbeks but the quality is low. Good luck and report back.I will be coming over to DxB mid next month. Will surely check out El Barrio.

04-21-23, 09:33

I would suggest you check out El Barrio club in Hyatt Palace Rigga for a variety of Uzbek talent. The Persian / Arab looking Uzbeks are in abundance there. The same goes for Tajiks. I have a hard time sometimes distinguishing between the two. Both usually give good service and are super clean. Start off by offering 500 for 1 shot and extend or repeat if you like her. You may also check out Regal Club in Regent Palace Hotel in Bur Dubai for Uzbeks and Tajiks. Mint at Manhattan hotel also has Uzbeks but the quality is low. Good luck and report back.Thanks for the suggestions BloodRed. I plan on visiting those places next visit, I ran out of time on this visit. Went to Jules (1st day of Eid Thursday night) early 10:30 wasn't packed at all. Did a quick scan, this dark haired MILF looking beauty with nice tits caught my eye. Turns out she is from Turkmenistan. Thought why not? Not Uzbek or Tajik. Walk to the hotel was close, which was great. She took a quick shower super clean girl. She was great, total GFE experience. Started with BBBJ, was pretty good, she was into it. Great body for a MILF, in her 30's, nice firm tits see. She was really enjoying the session, very passionate girl on top, almost made me cum, but I wanted to take her for the full ride, so did Doggy, and finished in Mish, where she also came. Didn't have more in the tank for round 2. Was content and called it an early night.

Looks 7. 5.

Body 7. 5.

Performance 8.

Paid 10 reds, over priced, ya probably but she made me happy zero drama.

WIR, she is good got her digits, but there are plenty more fish in the sea.

04-21-23, 21:01
Hello gents,

Looking for petite Viets for incall, if anyone got digits, appreciate if it can be shared, you can check my post history and have shared my contacts with several esteemed seasoned campaigners over the last few months.

Thank you.

04-21-23, 22:21
Hello gents,

Looking for petite Viets for incall, if anyone got digits, appreciate if it can be shared, you can check my post history and have shared my contacts with several esteemed seasoned campaigners over the last few months.

Thank you.Well gents, instead of leaving my luck on the chance, I just arrived at Ratsky and all I can say is that it's lit. Will provide update on progress.

04-23-23, 12:08
Well gents, instead of leaving my luck on the chance, I just arrived at Ratsky and all I can say is that it's lit. Will provide update on progress.Good Job. You can find plenty over there. I once picked one Fili girl from there and took her to a room in the same hotel.

Other than that, you can try the MR Thread.


04-24-23, 01:26
Friends, just trying new places as am told there are so many clubs and we here talk about same ones. So let's try.

1) B52 'Fortune Grand Hotel ' in Muteena (Deira).

It's mixed nationality.

Blood Red
04-24-23, 06:28
Friends, just trying new places as am told there are so many clubs and we here talk about same ones. So let's try.

1) B52 'Fortune Grand Hotel ' in Muteena (Deira).

It's mixed nationality.Hi BobHowardUs,

Waiting for your FR's after you try the new place you wrote about in your post as well as the below suggestions. No more questions, need to see detailed FR's from you.

Al Sarab Deira.

Grand Central Hotel Deira.

Golden Tulip Deira.

Aravi Deira.

Vendome Palace Hotel Deira.

04-24-23, 10:16
Thank you Blood Red, you are the big person and always help us. Thank you. Am here only for 3 nights.

Don't want to waste trying club that's empty. Today plan is Blue.

Tomorrow will try one you suggest (which one you say? Am more into Iran / Arab type).

Hi BobHowardUs,

Waiting for your FR's after you try the new place you wrote about in your post as well as the below suggestions. No more questions, need to see detailed FR's from you.

Al Sarab Deira.

Grand Central Hotel Deira.

Golden Tulip Deira.

Aravi Deira.

Vendome Palace Hotel Deira.

04-24-23, 12:28
If you are carrying an UK issued HSBC card then you need to call them before you can use it abroad for ATM's, I have had the same issue. You can also activate via their App, however you need to be logged in whilst in the UK.

I looked at the Hilton before and it DOES tick off MOST of my boxes. Sadly, the one it does not tick off is a deal breaker, that being ATMs. The thing I liked about Burjuman was that at the mall you had a variety of banks to use and it was a short walk, inside. The only ATMs at the Hilton are from HSBC and for some strange reason, NONE of my cards work at HSBC ATMs. I'm not going to hike to get to an ATM. Otherwise, you're right, the Hilton would be perfect.

04-26-23, 08:33

It's been almost a year since my last visit to dubai and had reported the same during that time. Since the legend Burjumaan has fallen planning to stay at Double Tree M square or Golden sands as my general preference has been to stay in Bur dubai. Last time had managed to visit Regal once and liked it as our general preference is Uzbek girls. Regal had a decent selection last time around more towards our liking as compared to Czar and Moscow. Personal opinion is that I find Russians to be normally cold.

As suggested by blood red plan to pay a visit to barrios this time around and will let you guys know how was the experience at the various clubs that we visited. Have a few learning's from last trip with regards to a couple of bad experiences and plan to improve upon the same. Will be visiting dubai in a couple of weeks and hotel rates are very reasonable given that ramadan has just finished. Hopefully will find some nice new girls to have fun with this time around.

Any suggestions on clubs to visit will be appreciated. Have read the forum and let's see how many places do we manage to cover in 5 nights.


04-26-23, 11:18
Hey Bob,

I will be in dubai post a couple of weeks. Would be interesting to hear from you about Club blu. We plan to visit the same and any colour might help us take a better decision about the same.


Thank you Blood Red, you are the big person and always help us. Thank you. Am here only for 3 nights.

Don't want to waste trying club that's empty. Today plan is Blue.

Tomorrow will try one you suggest (which one you say? Am more into Iran / Arab type).

04-26-23, 14:08
I am based in Marina. I saw nice girls, perhaps some WG around Pier 7 in Marina. Do yo know if there are some WG in lounge Atelier M or La Scène?

04-26-23, 18:57
I am based in Marina. I saw nice girls, perhaps some WG around Pier 7 in Marina. Do yo know if there are some WG in lounge Atelier M or La Scne?Absolutely! Although not as notorious as the Diera establishments. There are a load of Russians & Ukrainians that live in Dubai Marina, and you are more likely to come across your semi-pro type of girl.

These are my favorites, the ones that 'work' only once or twice a week, and have regular jobs!

04-26-23, 22:20
. Last time had managed to visit Regal once and liked it as our general preference is Uzbek girls. Regal had a decent selection last time around more towards our liking as compared to Czar and Moscow. .What Regal are you referring to? Can you be more precise?

04-27-23, 06:31
What Regal are you referring to? Can you be more precise?Hey I was referring to Regal club at regent palace hotel. It's on the opposite side of Burjumaan mall. My friend picked up an uzbek girl from there last year for 800 AED for all night. The same girl was quoting 1200 at Moscow. We felt that there were 4-5 last year as per our liking. Let's see how it pans out this year.

Arjuna Alpha
04-27-23, 07:50
Was at El Barrio on Wednesday night from about 11.30 p to 1 am. Not many girls. May be I picked the wrong day. There were a few dances on stage one really cute one. The management and bounces were nice and friendly. Didn't like the lighting. Too dark to see the girls.

There were a few Syrian girls, one really cute one. She wanted D1500 for LT. Was tempted but decided that I wasn't getting a good vibe. Passed. There was an Iranian, looked cute but I just have been burned too many times, so passed. There were a handful of Uzbek's. None of them did anything for me, passed. May be I need to understand how to get the right Uzbek girl. Ended up with a Tajik for D1000 LT. She was super friendly and ok with the service. Wouldn't repeat.

That's it. Need to figure out where to go tonight. Club Blu? May be.

04-27-23, 13:50
Hey I was referring to Regal club at regent palace hotel. It's on the opposite side of Burjumaan mall. My friend picked up an uzbek girl from there last year for 800 AED for all night. The same girl was quoting 1200 at Moscow. We felt that there were 4-5 last year as per our liking. Let's see how it pans out this year.Thanks. This placed was named Rock Bottom before. I'll check it in a few weeks from now. They used to serve quite OK food.

The hotel itself, is it green? It used to be quite red as far as I remember.

04-27-23, 13:55
If you are carrying an UK issued HSBC card then you need to call them before you can use it abroad for ATM's, I have had the same issue. You can also activate via their App, however you need to be logged in whilst in the UK.Yeah, I think this goes for all (European) issued bank cards. To minimize the impact of being skimmed (that is, back in the days when the magstripe was still used instead of the EMV-chip), these bank cards are defaulty configured not to be used to withdraw money outside of EU, unless you active this. It happened your card got skimmed in Europe, and a few minutes later a copy of your card was used all over the world (at almost the same time) to withdraw cash.

Arjuna Alpha
04-28-23, 06:40
Quick wrap. Started the afternoon at the Arrum Spa at the Leva Hotel. Run by a lovely Russian lady and the therapists seem lovely based on the pictures she showed me. She suggested a lady from Ukraine, and off I went For D525 for 75 minutes. Very nice massage, and the extras were simple, hand job, topless hand job for D1000 and a fully nude hand job for D1500. Couldn't get anything else.

Also check out the Spa at the Sofitel. Didn't try but got the feeling that it was a proper massage place no extras. Wasn't interested in trying.

The evening was a quick trip to Ratsky. Lots of Asian / filly girls and some Viets. Mostly 6's one or two 7's. Didn't see any of the the knockout Asian girls -still chasing one. Was surprised to see several India or Pakistani girls at Ratsky. Ratsky wasn't my cup of tea. So thought I'the try The George Hotel. The Arabic night club was going, but no girls. Ended up in the lobby where I ran in to an Iranian girl. She was very friendly and suggested I accompany her to the Premier Disco. After some discussion and negotiation, ended up coming back to the hotel with her. D1500 and she left at 10 am. Was excellent company and very service oriented. Did her part with a smile.

04-28-23, 07:12
Was at El Barrio on Wednesday night from about 11.30 p to 1 am. Not many girls. May be I picked the wrong day. .I think you and I missed each other by a few minutes. I got there at 1130 as well. It was dead and I bailed very quickly. Went back home empty handed! Are you around over the weekend. Am planning on going back to check out Premier which used to be my only go-to place till 2 years ago. PM if you want to try a joint exploring expedition.

04-28-23, 07:17
Or have the girls become younger, less appealing more plasticky? This week decided to check out the various clubs / bars. Went to Moscow, not one more than 6/7 and even those didn't have the smile or come hither look that really makes you want to make the effort to go talk to them. And I swear, 90% of them look like they've just got out of school. Not my cup of tea! Tried El Barrio as well. Jules was the usually crowd of too much make-up, not enough charm. Am I missing something? Wrong day? Wrong club? Wrong time of the night?

04-28-23, 09:48
I am based in Marina. I saw nice girls, perhaps some WG around Pier 7 in Marina. Do yo know if there are some WG in lounge Atelier M or La Scne?Yes due to work I had some dinner meetings at al wahab restaurant at pier 7 though not many WG at the restaurant but you will find them during Friday and Saturday evenings but the cost they quote is ridiculous.

04-28-23, 09:56
Vendome Palace Hotel Deira.This place gets crazy at night after 2. 30 am lot of WG working in nearby hotels pass by and if you speak any arabic you can gets good girls for less prices as they didn't get picked up at their respective clubs so they get desperate.

But it feels weird as there is alot of eve teasing by guys.

Many desperate pimps and drunk ladies I saw a super hot girl my type big boobs and ass in the club but she got so drunk that was not able to get hang of herself. There is a lot going on at that place.

04-28-23, 10:27
Quick wrap. Started the afternoon at the Arrum Spa at the Leva Hotel. Run by a lovely Russian lady and the therapists seem lovely based on the pictures she showed me. She suggested a lady from Ukraine, and off I went For D525 for 75 minutes. Very nice massage, and the extras were simple, hand job, topless hand job for D1000 and a fully nude hand job for D1500. Couldn't get anything else.

Also check out the Spa at the Sofitel. Didn't try but got the feeling that it was a proper massage place no extras. Wasn't interested in trying.

The evening was a quick trip to Ratsky. Lots of Asian / filly girls and some Viets. Mostly 6's one or two 7's. Didn't see any of the the knockout Asian girls -still chasing one. Was surprised to see several India or Pakistani girls at Ratsky. Ratsky wasn't my cup of tea. So thought I'the try The George Hotel. The Arabic night club was going, but no girls. Ended up in the lobby where I ran in to an Iranian girl. She was very friendly and suggested I accompany her to the Premier Disco. After some discussion and negotiation, ended up coming back to the hotel with her. D1500 and she left at 10 am. Was excellent company and very service oriented. Did her part with a smile.Very interesting report. How ever a 1500 for after massage is a bit much don't ya think. Unless your loaded and if so share some of that happiness.

04-28-23, 11:45
.... Went to Moscow, ..., 90% of them look like they've just got out of school. Sounds great to me actually Will check it out in a few weeks time. I'm into 20-25 yo, slim, GND type. Thanks for reporting.

04-28-23, 12:21
Is there anywhere in Dubai where I can find top tier latinas? Thanks.

04-28-23, 13:25
This place gets crazy at night after 2. 30 am lot of WG working in nearby hotels pass by and if you speak any arabic you can gets good girls for less prices as they didn't get picked up at their respective clubs so they get desperate.

But it feels weird as there is alot of eve teasing by guys.

Many desperate pimps and drunk ladies I saw a super hot girl my type big boobs and ass in the club but she got so drunk that was not able to get hang of herself. There is a lot going on at that place.Is it the club on the ground floor? (city club) I think. Because the Lebanese club on the upper floor wasn't good when I went there in January.

04-29-23, 01:22
Is there anywhere in Dubai where I can find top tier latinas? Thanks.I've seen a few in the beach of Palm V and in DIFC. You can also find some of them on SA and MR, but reliability is not guaranteed.

Joe Karnavic
04-29-23, 01:33
Quick wrap. Started the afternoon at the Arrum Spa at the Leva Hotel. Run by a lovely Russian lady and the therapists seem lovely based on the pictures she showed me. She suggested a lady from Ukraine, and off I went For D525 for 75 minutes. Very nice massage, and the extras were simple, hand job, topless hand job for D1000 and a fully nude hand job for D1500. Couldn't get anything else.There is European spa at Excelsior on Kuwait street in Mankhool. They offer topless handjob at 500 when I went there last year. Girls are Ukranians and other EE countries. Sexy and beautiful. Total damage was 500+500. I know seniors will tell me I can get a Russian / Ukranian girl in my hotel room for one hour for that price. I just wanted a good massage by sexy ukranian and curious to know about such spas.

04-29-23, 01:45
There is European spa at Excelsior on Kuwait street in Mankhool. They offer topless handjob at 500 when I went there last year. Girls are Ukranians and other EE countries. Sexy and beautiful. Total damage was 500+500. I know seniors will tell me I can get a Russian / Ukranian girl in my hotel room for one hour for that price. I just wanted a good massage by sexy ukranian and curious to know about such spas.1000 for a topless handjob from a sexy Russian / Ukrainian is pretty decent IF the massage was good. Escorts can't massage even if their life depended on it and in reality, those fake thai / viet masseuse also. Compared to real pros (thai massage in Kiev was fantastic), they all do the bare minimum.

Also I don't know where you would get a Russian escort for 1 h for 1000 AED. For most agencies, this is incall price so you'd have to go there or they would charge more for incall. And in clubs, you have to add the entrance price and getting there by taxi which can quickly add up. Unless you have the number of a manager and she sends the girl to you but they would still ask for 50-100 for taxi.

04-29-23, 02:20
Nice club.

Club Blu is higher end club and it's much nicer than Moscow, Czar in terms of ambiance. It's a real club very difference.

The entry was 250/- I choose to road around and stand at the bar (it's on right hand side).

Mixed crowd. Well dressed people but have both working ladies and also normal family. So need to be careful.

Not too many ladies for selection as don't know who working. Spoke to couple near the bar who made eye contact. Russian asking 2,500, Iran 2,000/.

Took one Iran long time for 1,500/- usual service.


It's a nice place with good music etc. Have pickup choice but better to go there for clubbing.

Will try others first. But not bad place.

Will go again.

04-29-23, 02:26
Tried club Mint, went early at 8:30 pm. Entry was free just paid for drink and even got a table.

Lot of Kaz ladies. It's relaxing ambiance, no pressure. Took one Kaz all night only 800/.

Great service and attitude. It's really nice. If you into Kaz, guess this is it.

Arjuna Alpha
04-29-23, 02:26
Joe K. That's for the Spa details. Might check it out.

Friday night finally made it to Club Blu at the V-Hotel at around 11.30 p. No issues getting in. Cost D200 to stand at the bar. Apparently a Nigerian artist was playing to night. So lots of African girls, festival of black women. Some a bit stocky. Not my type. Some cute. A very cute Ethiopian women wanted D3000 and was willing to come down to D2000. The chemistry wasn't right. There was another really cute babe from Sudan. Very pretty and not working. .

Took the elevator up with a group of Iraqi girls. One was cute. Not sure if they were available. Lots of well dressed women from the usual nationalities. Eastern European / Russians. An Algerian women wanted D3000. Inflation.

The hostesses are quality. 10's. Where do they find these girls!!

One thing. Traffic is horrible on the vicinity of the V Hotel.

Bounces in the club are not nice. Left at about 1. 30 a and people are still streaming in. Think I picked the wrong day with this band playing. Mostly non working girls in the club. Too bad. But the eye candy was superb.

Thought I'the check out the capitol hotel as it was 2 am and the clubs were supposed to close. Not this time. They are open to 4 a.

Walked in to the Czar. OK. Probably too late for the cute girls. Few Russians, Ukrainian and Uzbeks. The club next door had a few interesting Syrians and I think Iraqi's. The circus started at 4 a when the clubs closed. Few drunk guys and girls. The lounge at the roof top was a bit disappointing. Few girls, nothing worth mentioning.

That was the entertainment for the evening.