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03-26-05, 11:20
One more.


Member #3837
03-26-05, 11:30

Very artistic, I wonder how you ask them to post like that especially U students.

Would you mind to tecah us a few tricks to ask them to take a photo like that??

Thank you and excellent photo.


03-26-05, 18:21

Why don't you compress your photo's? You would be able to attach your photo's all on one page.

It is a real pleasure looking at your candy collection.

Keep up the good work.

03-27-05, 04:42
Your advice on bareback is quite sound-as with your other posting-but there is really nothing like sinking it in to a nice, warm, moist pussy with no wrapper.

When presented with the opportunity to do so, and the lights are low, and the mood is high, it is hard to say no.

You only live once, my friend.

Hello All,
Sorry, I know thread is for posting for photos but I just want to reiterate to PRACTICE SAFE SEX. I'm also replying to a previous posting in this thread. There was a German guy that visted Thailand a few years ago and got AIDS because he went bareback. Well, he started to pay extra to have unprotected sex knowing he had AIDS. It is estimate he had sex with over 500 girls. Several of them currently has AIDS or some kind of STD. These poor farm girls will not stop if they know they got a STD. They will continue since they need the money to support a family and the lack of knowledge of STD. I think the guy is currently in jail, not sure.

Those new to WSGForum should read and see CRONIN's posting and grossed out picture last year. This should scare you. It's some kind of STD. There are also several posting from other mongers catching STD. Please be responsible and considerate to other mongers. I could see it now, some girl asking for child support or you getting STD.

CRONIN's posting




03-27-05, 06:13
Mr. T: RTFB.

Mr. W: That girl had genital herpes. She responded really well to acyclovir, but I couldn't get her to take it on schedule. She would also never consider buying it for herself, basically taking no responsibility for herself at all, common among these girls.


03-27-05, 06:24
Among this catagory of girls, the naive country girl type, pregnancy is their chief concern with bareback. Yes, they all know about aidze bing, but they just assume they don't have it and I don't have it.

I've often marvelled at the complete lack of birth control pills among Chinese women in general. But if the hooker girls had and used the pill, it would really save a lot of grief for them. It's like it doesn't exist here. If the central government successfully enculturated the pill, a lot of one-child policy problems would disappear overnight. IMHO.


03-27-05, 06:39
Having done more than my share of bb, by rights I should be HIV+. But I have somehow avoided it so far. Figuring 5% of 200 or so girls since I've been in China, I have barebacked maybe 5 or 10 HIV+ girls. Pretty scary thought. And I'm not the only one, this much is certain.


03-27-05, 07:04
It may be difficult for some of us to understand how close to the edge these street girls live. Its down to basic survival for a lot of them.

If they're not attractive, they don't get much business, at maybe 30-40 yuan per service. They can sleep in the fuck rooms, or in near by slightly better fuck rooms. They eat en masse with the other girls, probably for 2 yuan per meal.

Most of the cash, and I mean almost all of their earnings, they will send to their family. For her, the dangers of the sex trade are trivial to this kind of struggle for survival.


Coma Boy
03-27-05, 07:16
For her, the dangers of the sex trade are trivial to this kind of struggle for survival.
I guess it is a choice of dying of AIDS in a couple of years, or dying of starvation next week.

03-27-05, 07:48
Member: Exactly.

In fact, here is such a girl. Very plain jane girl, great body, excellent service. Doesn't probably get a lot of business, I was high-pressured into taking her while waiting for my friends. I figured fucking her was better than sitting in the chair drinking water. It was. Basically, she will do what ever you please, for that fee.


03-27-05, 10:08
Having done more than my share of bb, by rights I should be HIV+. But I have somehow avoided it so far. Figuring 5% of 200 or so girls since I've been in China, I have barebacked maybe 5 or 10 HIV+ girls. Pretty scary thought. And I'm not the only one, this much is certain.


Actually, you have to be pretty unlucky to get HIV. The odds of a male contracting HIV via a single incidence of normal sex with an HIV positive girl is about 1/500 according to the The Journal of the American Medical Association. If you only go for oral, the odds drop more. Using a condom drops the odds 10X. So the odds of contracting HIV via normal sex with a condom would be about 1/5000 for a single episode.

EDIT: You should of course, wear a condom at all times. There are a lot of other nasties out there besides HIV that are a lot easier to catch and a lot more prevalent.

EDIT2: BTW, the single greatest way to reduce the odds of contracting HIV is to be picky about your partner. Avoiding high risk people and high risk behavior reduces your risk by a factor of about 5000 (that's 500X greater than a condom). By that I mean avoiding receptive anal sex, sharing IV drug needles, sex with gay men, sex with IV drug users, sex with commercial sex workers, and hemophiliacs.

Legal Lad
03-27-05, 13:45

Wow. I would rather have that plain jane in a second! Wow. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

But, thanks Cronin for all the pictures. You really are masterful and really keep this forum alive and kicking.

Here are a few of the girls I had in Dongguan. Sorry fellas, couldnt get them naked :(

Bill Lee
03-27-05, 15:31
Legal Lad

That girl in the white was hot hot hot....

I would have pay for an all niter with her.

Enough talk, here's some pics of mine....



Wow. I would rather have that plain jane in a second! Wow. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

But, thanks Cronin for all the pictures. You really are masterful and really keep this forum alive and kicking.

Here are a few of the girls I had in Dongguan. Sorry fellas, couldnt get them naked :(

Bill Lee
03-27-05, 16:02
Here's another set.

Mmmm Good.


Bill Lee
03-27-05, 16:19
Here's another set. She was so UN camera shy. Don't you just love those type of girls?


Bill Lee
03-27-05, 16:30
Here's her final shot.

I guess you can say that these two girls have been BILLed.
(yuck yuck yuck)


03-27-05, 17:02
WOW! Thanks.

03-27-05, 20:04
Bill Lee,

Great shots, but I just have to say it:


(couldn't help myself). Thanx for the pics!

Crazy Jim Wood
03-27-05, 22:32
I'll try to keep that in mind next time I'm f*cking a 'ho.

(T)he single greatest way to reduce the odds of contracting HIV is to be picky about your partner. Avoiding... sex with commercial sex workers..

03-27-05, 23:32
Hey, I only checked in here. coz CJW, my hero, posted here. (Nice map of Gotanda in the Tokyo section, James).
This talk of the chances of getting HIV from a hooker etc is pure bs. Those surveys are worthless and are written by academic dickheads who know very little about anything. Ask the experts: the streetwalkers, who will tell you most guys want to go bareback. It is often "funny" when they explain how they decide who to go bareback with and who to buckle up with. (Of course, given that they have problems telling the truth, who is to say if they ever buckle up at all?) Lots of Bkk hookers shave their pussies coz so many uys like to eat them out. Talk about sloppy seconds.
One of the most useful photos ever posted on this site was of a herpes infected pussy Cronin posted. I wonder how many guys fucked that, or similar, pussies in the dark.

Dog Day
03-28-05, 03:47
I hate China. Can't focus in work.

See why

03-28-05, 05:03
Bill Lee,
Both girls are quite hot. Baby seems quite charming to boot, quite a smile. Where and how much was she?

03-28-05, 07:31
Those surveys are worthless and are written by academic dickheads who know very little about anything. Ask the experts: the streetwalkers...

I really hope you're kidding about that. In China, 90% of those with HIV don't even know they have it, including the so called "experts." As for the surveys written by "academic dickheads," I think I'd trust those before what a hooker tells me.

03-28-05, 07:39
I'll try to keep that in mind next time I'm f*cking a 'ho.

Dude, I'm just calling it like it is.

Dick Nasty
03-28-05, 09:13
Bill she is very cute. Do you have more pictures? She is lovely. :)


03-28-05, 09:48
Thanks Bill. You always pick my favorite girl. She is so fine.

You know you can post those movies here, too. Chop off a little 400k segment and Zip it. I saw a guy in the Phillipine section do it, been meaning to get around to trying it.


03-28-05, 10:34
Someone pm'd me about the 30-40 yuan mentioned earlier. I know areas here in GZ where locals FS price is 80RMB. If the girl takes half or even less, depending on her arrangement with the mama, that's 30-40.


03-28-05, 11:00
And one more of this Chongqing poptart, showing off her greatest asset. From the Sprial Staircase shop in SH, a great place.


03-28-05, 14:13
Great Service

Bill Lee
03-29-05, 04:12
For those that had asked for the information on Baby and Hottie. Baby was from Macau's Lisboa and Hottie was a KTV girl from GZ, the KTV on the other side of China Hotel.

Sorry I don't have their digits.


Member #1604
03-29-05, 04:30
Bill Lee, you are the greatest king in the playing world. Could you kindly upload some movies here? Anyhow thanks a lot for your excellent contribution.

Bill Lee
03-29-05, 04:59
What movie format you think is best for all around?

Quicktime, MPEG1, MPEG3 blah blah blah....?


Thanks Bill. You always pick my favorite girl. She is so fine.

You know you can post those movies here, too. Chop off a little 400k segment and Zip it. I saw a guy in the Phillipine section do it, been meaning to get around to trying it.


03-29-05, 12:42

Not sure its a good idea to use Quicktime, might kick out a .mov file and thats less universal than mpg. I don't really know the difference between mpeg1 and mpeg3, but I'm betting it won't matter for the kind of lousy resolution you'll have to settle for.

Oh this will be good! Ang Lee got nothin' on the big dawg Bill Lee.


03-29-05, 12:58
Zhang Yi Bill.


03-29-05, 13:13
OK, so the perfect monger week vacation in China:

Starting with GZ going to Macau, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing, and catch Chendu and Chongqing on the way backdown to GZ.

But that would be only one day in each city, got to have a minimum of two. So really its a 2 week trip if you include a little tour of GZ.


03-29-05, 13:43
Add another week for an "out world" tour, my list would be BKK, KL, Jakarta, LA City.


Bill Lee
03-29-05, 14:11
Is he known for action movies?


(note to myself, must shoot more action sequences).



Not sure its a good idea to use Quicktime, might kick out a .mov file and thats less universal than mpg. I don't really know the difference between mpeg1 and mpeg3, but I'm betting it won't matter for the kind of lousy resolution you'll have to settle for.

Oh this will be good! Ang Lee got nothin' on the big dawg Bill Lee.


Member #4038
03-30-05, 03:57
Horny Girl,

I have been sending you PMs and got NOTHING back. Seriously I will be travelling to YANGZHOU with my fellow from Shanghai - Nanjing -Yangzhou. Can you get me your contact # so we can get this set up.

Xiao Ma
03-30-05, 04:21
Dear Horny Girl,

I like your pictures, it is so nice...but funny thing is I have some of them long time ago

My advice to you, please don’t embarrass yourself and miss lead us….we are not fools.

03-30-05, 05:49
Long CU,
It was/is tradition of this board to share information, certainly also phone numbers. You might agree that such information should be treated with some respect and therefore only be shared between those, who do contribute regularly or at least show some decency.
I do not understand your proposal to introduce a commercial system here. Maybe you should start your own paysite??? Good luck!

Horny Wacko Girl,
Having fun?


Bob Builder
03-30-05, 07:13
Nice pic of Vivian Hsu (Taiwanese pop star)? How much for overnight?

03-30-05, 07:50
Last of the spiral staircase shop on the strip in SH (not that I know where that is). Very beautiful girls in this shop (except for this girl), highly recommended, probably my favorite shop of all that we visited.


Tonsil Basher
03-30-05, 09:12
One of the photos you posted as a student happens to be of Vivian Hsu!

Sexy horny beautiful Yangzhou girls in China.

Yangzhou city in Jiangsu Province is famous for its beautiful girls in China and I am an English teacher.

I can speak very good English,I can show u around our city give you sex tour!

03-30-05, 10:08
Hot damn! Finally met someone who can introduce me to Vivian Hsu! Omigod! Got her ICQ number and everything!


03-30-05, 11:24
He is entertaining though, mildly. I liked the one about the US taking over China...yeah, they have no corruption over there, they'll straighen us right out. A Chinese pimp complaining about the corrupt system in China...am I the only one to see the delicious irony in that?

More of Shanghai's finery. This girl gave wonderful service and is pretty damn cute, but I could not click her over to a nude session despite my best efforts. I'll keep this shit to a minimum, its frustrating.


03-30-05, 12:25
Once again, missed out on the two 9s here at the Clean Shop and ended up with this little cutie. Great service again, no nudes again.


Albert Punter
03-30-05, 12:44
Sorry but it seems that instead of making our life easier your system will complicate it.

I like current system.
Of course after some time you PM other members you get to know those you can trust (or better worded, those who have same taste).

03-30-05, 14:11
Horny Girl,

Jackson has set forth certain guidelines to follow when posting pics. I suggest that you read them. One of these is that you must have had sex with the girl in the pic. Have you really done Vivian Hsu?

Just my POV.


03-30-05, 14:50
More of Shanghai's finery. This girl gave wonderful service and is pretty damn cute, but I could not click her over to a nude session despite my best efforts. I'll keep this shit to a minimum, its frustrating.


Thank you for all your pictures. Don't apologize for the non-nudes!

Those of us with "yellow fever" want to see them all (as long as they are cute).

Thanks to you and OAH, I will be spending about 3 weeks in Chongqing in May.

Hope to have some to give back to the board,


lcan 74
03-30-05, 18:45
Dear Horny Girl,

I like your pictures, it is so nice...but funny thing is I have some of them long time ago

My advice to you, please don’t embarrass yourself and miss lead us….we are not fools.You are right. Xiaoma. All these pics from Horny Girl are from the Website. Not the real chinese girls.

Bill Lee
03-30-05, 20:24
my wanker could not penetrate the magazine photo. Does that still count?


Horny Girl,

Jackson has set forth certain guidelines to follow when posting pics. I suggest that you read them. One of these is that you must have had sex with the girl in the pic. Have you really done Vivian Hsu?

Just my POV.


03-30-05, 22:07
The paper cuts can be a *****.


Horny Girl
03-31-05, 04:06
One of my shy students.

If you wanna, pls contact me.

Prince Leo
03-31-05, 07:39
I think I should just enlarge Vivian Hsu's face and tape it to a sex doll, since the megazines won't cooperate. I need to watch out for the papercut when I am getting an oral from Vivian.

Bill Lee
04-01-05, 00:53
Somebody. Please contact HG and report back? This post would be the best if you can do Vivian.

We want photos, even if you have to paste Vivian's face on a doll.

"If you wanna...." (Wonder if HG is from Brooklyn?)


One of my shy students.

If you wanna, pls contact me.

04-01-05, 05:48
There are some cuties that hang out at the Crowne Plaza but overpriced. I was tired from a long day though and this one was convenient. Very playful.

Member #4038
04-01-05, 06:03
Bill, you go to be more patient. Contact under way.

Will PM should the service is pressional and she is accomodating. I forgot to report that I will be in a trip there next week.

04-01-05, 06:21
Across the road from CP, the whole block teems with hos. 100-150 kuai tops, 200 take away.

04-01-05, 07:28
I met these two girls in a hotel of Ningbo.

Crazy Jim Wood
04-01-05, 13:59
Add another week for an "out world" tour, my list would be BKK, KL, Jakarta, LA City.

Nice bareback! You da man.

04-01-05, 15:56
Once again, missed out on the two 9s here at the Clean Shop and ended up with this little cutie. Great service again, no nudes again.

CroninHi Cronin,

I once met her at Malones. She doesn't speak a word of English right? Pm me if you like.

04-01-05, 18:56
Across the road from CP, the whole block teems with hos. 100-150 kuai tops, 200 take away.

Member 2702:
Are you talking about the Crowne Plaza in OCT (Hua Qiao Cheng), SZ? I have stayed at this hotel for an accumulated total of several months, and I have NEVER seen any block across from the hotel that has any girls to speak of, let alone "teaming with girls". There are some Pros that work the V-bar, but they are usually not as hot as the potential freebies there.

That being said, I have not been staying there frequently for the past few months, and things could change. But I doubt it, as OCT (Overseas Chinese Town) is a pretty "clean" neighbourhood by SZ standards.

Please elaborate with more details. I would love to know about this area if it exists. And guys, let's be careful with the acronyms. "CP" could stand for a lots of things.

Again, my apologies for no pic in this post. Cronin, you can kick my ass over a beer sometime.


04-02-05, 03:15
Its on Renmin Road. Yes, an entire block teEming with hos. Tag-teAm for 400-450 take away (2), what a steal!

04-02-05, 15:52

You in town?

Triple Storie
04-02-05, 21:10
Looks like you had a fun time; wish I was with you!

Bad Boy Billy
04-03-05, 01:13
Don't you just love the way these stunning little Mongolian beauties present themselves for "WORK" on a daily basis!

Bad Boy Billy
04-03-05, 01:27
21yo Mongolian gem from Maggies Mar 21. 1 of a pair at RMB500 each all night.

Look at those perfect all natural eye popping bazookas she has - they were just bouncing and prancing in front of me for hours.

Bad Boy Billy
04-03-05, 01:31
Sometimes a guy just has to lay back and enjoy what comes your way.

Bad Boy Billy
04-03-05, 01:51
So what is it that makes the pussy so delectable? God I just love to look at it, to lick it, to poke it, to prod it, to cuddle it, to massage it. But most of all, to fuck it! A small selection of the local produce I sampled in Beijing and Shanghai Mar 21 to 28

Bad Boy Billy
04-03-05, 01:59
God I love this little darling, more spunk that you could imagine. Yes you can take my pic while I pleasure you, but still I get my input as well.

Am seriously thinking of importing a 20ft container load of these gorgeous creatures to Australia - might even go for a 40ft high top to reduce per unit freight cost.

Ez Vat
04-03-05, 03:52
One of the photos you posted as a student happens to be of Vivian Hsu!Hi all,

Dawgsss!! The 'Student' posted by Horny Girl is not vivian hsu!! Just search for her on the web and you'll find a ton of sites dedicated to this lush taiwanese beauty. It'll cost you a bomb to do her, anyways! She probably won't take any amount unless it's over 6-digits. The chick in the pic is just some ho.


Prince Leo
04-03-05, 04:20
Horny Girl,

Are you smoking some kind of glue or something? Or you are horns [Deleted by Admin]. I think you are the one that is getting defeated by your [Deleted by Admin]. Please don't us as three-year-olds.

EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending removal of Personal Attacks in the text. To avoid delays in future reports, please do not post Personal Attacks in the Forum. Thanks!

Member #1604
04-03-05, 05:47
So called "Horny girl", If you really "wish " your own country to be "defeated by USA someday" you cannot be a Chinese. You are just a stupid cow or a laowai pimp trying an old scam. Leave us alone.I perfectly agree with Erik. So called "Horny Girl", if you are just a lousy pimp , I only want to say "Scram , you're not wanted."

04-03-05, 05:58
So called "Horny girl", If you really "wish " your own country to be "defeated by USA someday" you cannot be a Chinese. You are just a stupid cow or a laowai pimp trying an old scam. Leave us alone.


Well said.

BTW, when are you going back for more of the ethnic varieties in those border towns?


04-03-05, 06:01
Not enough photos. But here is one from a young Auckland NZ street walker.

Very yummy!

04-03-05, 16:09

At least this is one of your better looking girls, and that's saying something.

Keep them out of the China section.

Swiss Brian
04-04-05, 17:58
Not enough photos. But here is one from a young Auckland NZ street walker.

Very yummy!Hi HarryR,

Very special this girl. Really not my style.


Swiss Brian
04-04-05, 18:06
Hi buddies,

Here one more pics of my china cutie last year.


04-07-05, 10:51
Here she is again.

If anyone wants her great delivery service PM me for her phone number.

blanknamecrusierIs she still working? Thanks in advance.

04-08-05, 01:54
She might, but Blanknamecruiser is not, at least not actively on this board any longer.


Raul D
04-08-05, 05:48
Well guys, here's our latest cutie from China. Enjoy!

04-08-05, 13:13
Hahaha, why not go for a 45ft which is definitely a high cube? Looks like you will need a reefer consider the sailing time and transhipment involved.

God I love this little darling, more spunk that you could imagine. Yes you can take my pic while I pleasure you, but still I get my input as well.

Am seriously thinking of importing a 20ft container load of these gorgeous creatures to Australia - might even go for a 40ft high top to reduce per unit freight cost.

04-11-05, 06:34
One of my best LT session.

Xiao Qing, 19 yrs. old from AnHui. Very sweet & GFE.

DFK, BBBJ . 450RMB in total.

04-11-05, 06:41
My sweet little Xiao Qing.

04-11-05, 11:28
Ting Ting from Hunan. Working the Sha Tai Lu area of GZ. See report that section.


04-11-05, 13:21
She does not look at all happy.

04-11-05, 13:58
More lovely Ting Ting.


04-11-05, 16:27
Actually, the tears were from laughing so hard earlier. She was practicing that patented pout, one of the best. She did warm up slowly to the photos, but a little gentle persuation, a lot of complements, some cash, and suddenly she transformed into a supermodel. Typical.


Knight 1001
04-11-05, 16:46
This is my first pic post actually. Got this little bird today after calling her (took over an hour to get to my hotel). I had gotten her number last november (yes I know, I don't let go easy !) and could tryy her only today. Not so bad, quite friendly till ...you talk money: always wants more, so kind of left unhappy with her 350 yuans (though that's what she'd quoted to me before. PM me if any interest for her number.
Well guys, sorry but you wont't get the pic cause it seems I don't have the appropriate authority to post pics (???) didn't know that...what do I do to share with you gents ? anyways, she's young, a little bit chubby but nothing repulsive, and rather cute (I do not lik fat girls if it means anything).


04-11-05, 19:12
Another from pimpland. Ahdeng is from Chongqing. Oral service second to none in GZ (IMHO).


Swiss Brian
04-12-05, 07:01
Hi Folks,

Whadda hairy surprise :D


Another from pimpland. Ahdeng is from Chongqing. Oral service second to none in GZ (IMHO).


Mofo Monger
04-12-05, 08:29
Damn Chinese girls are hairy. Don't know about you but that's a major turn off for me.

Think I'll stick to Thai girls.

No offense.

04-12-05, 19:02
More of Ting Ting from Pimpland in GZ.

Mofo: Chinese girls all have hairy pussies. It's a physiological adaptation to playing table tennis. The bare pussy girls all died of chafe infections. Thai girls bare pussies are a physiological adaptation to having their pussies grabbed in gogo bars.


04-12-05, 19:51
Few more of this Fulanese Firecracker. Not from Changsha, but the city she said I didn't recognize. Full of personality, young and unspoiled...not yet anyway. Service? Well, she's not pro status, but genuine GFE.


Fly Guy II
04-13-05, 03:15
Nice set. Need to get out that way. Looks like lots of photo opportunities.

A Fun Man
04-13-05, 14:18
My sweet little Xiao Qing.Thank you for sharing. She the type of girl I like, nice, clean, beautiful, and sexy. Do you have more pictures from her to share?

04-14-05, 19:28
Another set of Ahdeng, GZ pimpland girl from Chongqing.

Sometimes super service comes in unlikely packages. This sweetie would not even raise her eyes in the pimp lineup, but in the room was totally focused on providing pleasure. And she was very skilled in the art, like all CQ girls I've met. She wasn't watching the clock or the money, she was watching little brother. I was so moved by her selflessness that I focused on returning the favor and it ended up being one of the best I've had in this GZ area.

Quite the little fur ball, she had hairy legs, underarms, and even a hint of a moustache. A lot of westerners hate this, but I've always thought it was kind of "wild girl" sexy ever since I fucked my first French girl. Do I prefer it? No, mainly because I'm a DATY devotee. S'all good, dawgs.


04-15-05, 12:55
I have coroused the China photo section rather thoroughly and Cronin should get an award for photography. The guys an artist.

After dabbling with Chinese girls myself i think a razor revolution is in order. In the interum you could make a killing in Hairy Magazine.

Ok so the gyno shots are not really my thing but Cronin does it all.

Hail Hail

04-16-05, 16:10
Whilst I agree that it must take some skill to get girls to have such initimate pictures taken of them... but look at them! I have never seen such a bunch of fugly *****s in my life. And the rooms!! Cockcroach Plaza Hotel? And Cronin, get a body shave ape-man. Ha.

Member #2001
04-16-05, 17:12
your opinion is yur own. Not everyone here agrees with your statement. If you have nothing constructive to offer, then better to not write anything at all. If hairy chinese women offend you, then better not to come here and look at them

Personally I love those pictures and real hairy chinese women are really kool. Id like to see more pictures of girls like that.

Thats one thing about the chinese photo section. Most of the girls here are natural.

Buko Max
04-16-05, 17:12
What really gets me is that people like you can judge others even though they have never contributed a single photo. Didn't anybody ever tell you that if you don't have anythind nice to say, don't say anything at all. We are all entitled to our opinions but next time please keep them to yourself.

Silver Shadow
04-16-05, 19:18
Keep'em coming, man. You've got talent, not only as a monger but as a photographer.

Let your critics show THEIR choices, but thanks for sharing your adventures with us all.

Randy Farang
04-16-05, 22:15
Just a vote of encouragement for your efforts. For those of us who can't make it back to the Middle Kingdom on a regular basis your shots are, quite literally, a shot in the arm. My ONLY objection is that I'm not able to be with you on your travels.

Keep up the good work.


04-16-05, 23:24
Faulk, "whilst" it may have seemed funny at the time of writing, your post is rude. For some, bald is bad and hairy is good.

As for the bad bedrooms, taking barbershop girls back to your own accommodations is not always convenient.

Cronin has posted lots of fun pictures, whilst you and I haven't posted any.

Most of the girls he photographed were ok looking and some of them were very pretty. Keep up the good work Cronin.

I bet Faulk has fucked some ugly girls. I know I have. And let's face it, any guy can fuck a pretty girl, "whilst" it takes a real man to fuck an ugly one.

Seeing what the other guy has fucked, hot or not, is was makes the photo section so much fun. Keep up the good work guys!

Your turn to post some Faulk!

Ontario Boy
04-17-05, 02:01
I agree with Santa 100%. Faulk's letter is rude and his personal attack on Cronin is unacceptable and not in keeping with the spirit of this board. Whether or not Cronin's girls are beautiful or not is a personal choice. In my point of view, any girl who is naked and about to serve me is "beautiful". As an old sailor friend of mine used to say " When you are stoking the fireplace who cares what the mantle looks like ". As to the location, hey it's China and not that bad - after all you are just there for the sex. If we all went by Faulk's standards we would only do our thing at the Ritz, our girls would be all super-model types and, unless we were rich, get a lot less pussy.

Cronin is posting pictures on his experiences in China and I for one is happy that he does so. Keep it up Cronina (pun intended).

Bad Boy Billy
04-17-05, 02:23
to all guys reading wsg - if you ever see uninteligent, unconstructive and totally insulting posts as you did from mr faulk below - then this is the one occasion that allows you to respond within this thread without posting pics as some of us have here in the photo section.

faulk your comments just demonstrate what a "fucking mental midget" you are - and best you keep your "unintelligent, arrogant and imbisilic" thoughts to yourself.

now lets take a look at mr faulk himself - see his post #2710 in beijing thread dated 04-13-05 at 17:47. you will note he is such a fucking wimp that he cannot even venture out of his hotel room and find a girl for himself - rather he calls the lady pimp lily - quote - "called my usual cell phone number and asked 'lily' to send up something pretty and young" - gee what a man.

next he is too much of a coward to even physically inspect the lady in person: quote - "the girl showed up 15mins later and i peeked at her through the door hole (this is something i think is one of the best things about ordering a room service, seeing them before they see you).". jeez wouldn't you just hate the thought of being in the trenches with this guy.

i rest my case!!!

cronin - you are a fucking legend. your reports and pictures have brought a smile to thousands of faces - please please please keep posting them my man - you are a fucking legend.

Member #1795
04-17-05, 04:18
I have been a lurker for ages and this is my first posting.

I just want to say that beauty is subjective. Not all beautiful women are photogenic.

This set of pictures are from way back in Guangzhou.

Sweet gal.

04-17-05, 14:31
Guys, photo section is for enjoyment rather than criticism. Variety matters. Discussion welcomes conplaints' not.

Here's my latest freebie. 4th year student ready for grad school.

sorry guys, this is what I got as I was trying to attach my file: Forbidden You don't have permission to access /forum/newattachment.php on this server.

Apache/2.0.46 (Red Hat) Server at www.*************.info Port 80

04-17-05, 16:18
I think that I was a bit pissed when I typed that... also it was a poor attempt at humour. I think I just found one of the images that I clicked on pretty distatesful. I will make it my mission to post a pic in Chongqing next week if someone tells me how to do that. Can you just cut and paste?

04-18-05, 01:08

Try disabling your local firewall - this worked for me. Lots of discussion on other threads.


04-18-05, 08:21
We all make mistakes, say bad things or behave badly. That's part of the human learning process.

Faulk gave a sincere apology, he knows it was his fault. We are all friends here and nobody is perfect. Time to move on.

Sorry, I never carry a camera. But I, and the silent majority out there, like looking at your pictures, so please continue posting.

I want to see some more of that hairy pussy! Damn, that girl had a lot of hair around that pus. Maybe I should put a razor in her stocking?!

04-18-05, 21:46
Hey, that was nice. Even though I don't pay much attention to the off the wall critics, it made me feel really good to see so many jump to my defense. You guys are the best!

I'm exposed out here, in more ways than one, so I tend to attract the flames, but less so these days. I also concentrate on the little bottom-feeder BBS girls, because they are cheaper by the dozen and also more interesting to me. I make no apologies for those girls at all, I'll take them over a KTV Starfish any day of the week. Rest assured, the flames will have no effect on my postings. I'm having too much fun!

The only thing that really concerns me when I see that stuff is that it has a real tendency to keep others from posting photos and taking the chance they might get shot at too. So in that vein, allow me to praise the fine work of #1795, a new guy with a great eye. Those have to be the best mobile photos I have ever seen...really really nice.

Don't sweat it, Faulk. I will help you post, but short on time at the moment. Be sure to take the photos and we'll work out the details later.

A couple of pre-shoot words of advice: be very smooth, relaxed and natural when you take out the camera, like you do this every day, they will pick up on your comfort level, don't make a big production out of it. They will almost always resist the photos initially, be persistant but kind and you can melt them down. Also, I almost always pay the girls for the photos, even if they don't ask, but cash will turn many around if they absolutely refuse. One more thing, try to get at least 30 shots for each session, a minimum of 2 for each pose, because only a few of those will be good enough to post. Good luck!

Now on to more important bidness: here's sweet little Hongsha from Hubei Province, a Pimpland Princess from GZ.


04-19-05, 00:35
Great shots, Cronin.

Again-we are not worthy!


04-19-05, 02:43
Like I´ve repeated several times on this site I´ve never had any problem viewing pictures but I sure have a difficult time loading them so here is a repost from Doctor skank hope that helps you all in the China board.

Another browser



I installed a second browser, Opera 7.54, and am now using it to post pics without problems. You can download Opera from the internet. It is a cool browser, since it is not a target for viruses etc. and is very stable.

Set Opera to identify itself as Opera and not as IE6.

If anybody has any other solution to this problem post on the the http://www.*************.info/forum/showthread.php?p=352250#post352205 so we all can figure the solution to posting pictures

Peace out.

04-19-05, 12:13

Try disabling your local firewall - this worked for me. Lots of discussion on other threads.

oky I'll try again.

Cheese Dog
04-19-05, 20:04
You really have to visit Chongqing if you get the chance. KTV in basement of Hilton Hotel - damn expensive but well worth it!

04-19-05, 22:57
Another set of Hongsha, 20, a GZ Pimpland Princess. Beautiful girl and equally beautiful personality. Our session went about 2 hours, after which I tried to give her a 100 RMB tip for the great photos and she was really surprised and asked me if I hadn't already paid. I told her that was for her and she put the money down and later asked me again if it was really hers. She came from Hubei two years ago and still has not been corrupted by the street. Amazing.


Swiss Brian
04-20-05, 10:08
Hi Cronin,

Really cute sweety. I like this pictures. Have more?



Alex Rock
04-20-05, 15:38
[Telephone Number deleted by Admin] Lily

Tell me what you think!

EDITOR's NOTE: Posting of this report was delayed pending removal of telephone numbers in the text. To avoid delays in future reports, please do not post telephone numbers in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly to via the Forum's Private Messaging system to exchange this information. Thanks!

Mock A Bee
04-20-05, 17:00

You da man! Just how do you talk these sweet Xiao jies into letting you take photos of them? Especially their most private nether regions?

Could you give us a tutorial on how to sweet talk Xiao jies into letting us take their photos?

Technical pointers would help as well.

I just got a digital camera (finally! I must be the last person to buy one) and tried to get some photos, but I am a complete newbie at this. No luck.

I am sure your assistance would be appreciated by may of us. As well, if we can learn from the master, more awesome pictures will be posted by others. I certainly will.



lcan 74
04-20-05, 17:28

Very nice pics. keep posting. They all look like in girls place and not in your hotel room. Right? How you talk to them go to their places?

04-20-05, 22:46

I got...uh, loads of her, hee hee, which you will see (if I have enough courage to post those really nasty shots). Burned up a whole flash card and had to start deleting some clothed shots to get more nudes. Ended up with about 60 shots, so I'll post a few more. Wish I could have gotten 60 pops too, she was special.

Couldn't shoot her and fuck her at the same time. You end up not doing either one very well, and she's the kind of girl who demands your full attention at both. I was on the horns of a dilemma. But it's a damn nice problem to have.

If you pay the pimp up front, they will vacate the premises. So unless the girl is in a hurry, I can relax and take as much time as I need to give both assignments their optimal performance.

BTW, I've never been turned down for photos here by any of the many girls I've visited. One more reason why this is my favorite GZ hangout.

Glad you like them.


Peter Eastwest
04-21-05, 13:11
Hey Guys

These pictures are awesome. Especially hongsha15.jpg Have you seen that gal's long nails. What a picture.



I got...uh, loads of her, hee hee, which you will see (if I have enough courage to post those really nasty shots). Burned up a whole flash card and had to start deleting some clothed shots to get more nudes. Ended up with about 60 shots, so I'll post a few more. Wish I could have gotten 60 pops too, she was special.

Couldn't shoot her and fuck her at the same time. You end up not doing either one very well, and she's the kind of girl who demands your full attention at both. I was on the horns of a dilemma. But it's a damn nice problem to have.

If you pay the pimp up front, they will vacate the premises. So unless the girl is in a hurry, I can relax and take as much time as I need to give both assignments their optimal performance.

BTW, I've never been turned down for photos here by any of the many girls I've visited. One more reason why this is my favorite GZ hangout.

Glad you like them.


Open to Explore
04-22-05, 09:34
After the recent Dongguan Trade Fair it appears as though DG is back !.

I know situation in GZ is not as it should be , but stick to DG.

Pictures attached are from KTV in DG , damage 500 O/N !.

04-22-05, 10:42
Hi everyone,

I'm another loyal fan of the works of Cronin. Definitely the best I've seen on this sight. Sorry to be a bother, but what is the GZ?

Also, next time I'm there, let's go for a beer!

lcan 74
04-23-05, 00:32
Hi everyone,

I'm another loyal fan of the works of Cronin. Definitely the best I've seen on this sight. Sorry to be a bother, but what is the GZ?

Also, next time I'm there, let's go for a beer!Hi, Bro,

GZ = Guangzhou

04-23-05, 11:40
Last set of Hongsha.

Seems to be some recent changes in the WSG server. I was able to post these with my old Safari browser instead of Netscape. Haven't been able to do that for weeks.


04-23-05, 12:20
Hey Buddy, awesome stuff as usual.


04-24-05, 04:22

Back to your old ways living dangerously again? No more lectures from me. You already know my opinion. I just hope you do not come to regret it, my friend.


04-24-05, 08:16
Cronin, if you are still going bareback, you are not one of my hero's.

You are putting those poor uneducated girls at high risk to satisfy your own selfish desires. You are also being a bad example to the other guys who admire your photos.

That pisses Santa off!

Its My Life
04-24-05, 08:27

Back to your old ways living dangerously again? No more lectures from me. You already know my opinion. I just hope you do not come to regret it, my friend.

OAHI second OldAsiaHand saying that you just need to a bit a bit more careful and keep yourself safe. You are such a great contributor of this forum that we hate to see you get hurt. Then again, its your life. You have the right to live every which way you like.

Good Luck!

Its My Life

Crazy Swede
04-24-05, 10:07
Great pix Cronin, bareback or not , been there my self a couple of time :D


Cheese Dog
04-24-05, 15:52
Typical gal from the KTV at the Hilton in Chongqing

04-24-05, 17:31
I got my CQ pic, how can I download it?


04-24-05, 18:48

Actually, the word is "upload" if you are sending data to a larger computer from your small computer, but whatever...

Here's my routine:

1) Download from my camera to my computer using the software supplied by the camera. I assume you have that, it would have come on a CD in the camera box. If not, go to the web site of the camera manufacturer and you should be able to download it for free.

2) I always edit the photos in Photoshop, but you don't have to. If you take a little time to do standard stuff like sharpen the image, adjust the brightness and contrast, crop to a better compostion and tweek the color tone and saturation, you'll end up with a much nicer result. If you don't have Photoshop, the same CD mentioned above will probably have some sort of photo editing software. If not, don't bother. Even this simple stuff can be overwhelming for somebody just starting out.

3) Next step in editing is to resize the image. In PS, this is a snap, but many free programs will do this. What you need to do is make sure the image is no bigger than 640x480 pixels. If it's 641 pixels or 481 pixels in any dimension, WSG will reject it. If you don't have PS, and I assume most people don't, there is a free resize program which Jackson has posted the link for many times. Sorry, I don't have that link at my fingertips, maybe someone will post it again.

4) Next you will save the resized image. When saving as a jpg file, you should have a choice of which jpg compression to use. Less compression means the resulting image will be better resolution (more detail) but the files will be larger. Of course, I always choose the highest quality, which is why my files are so large. Your goal is to make a file which is no bigger than 390K. If the file is 391k, WSG will reject it. If that should happen to you, just resave the file at higher compression (lower quality). Most people here post in the 50 - 100k range, and that's just fine on a 72dpi monitor. If you want to read an extended discussion on this, check my recent post named "File Size" in the China Photo Section.

5) Uploading to WSG is a piece of cake (barring server problems). When you post to the section and get the "submit report" window, click the button under "attach files" (manage attachments). You'll get another little pop-up window with 5 fields to attach files. The browse button will bring up your own computer files where you can select the image you just saved. After that file name is in the attachment field hit upload. After the file is uploaded to WSG, close the window, write the text and submit the report.

It's really a lot easier than you might think. After you do it once, it's totally routine. If OAH can do it, anybody can! Posting photos is easy, getting girls to pose is usually not so easy. That has more to do with psychology and the phase of the moon than anything else. I'll try to get back to this topic later.

I am soooo looking forward to seeing the CQ girls. Good luck!


Bill Lee
04-24-05, 23:10
3) Next step in editing is to resize the image. In PS, this is a snap, but many free programs will do this. What you need to do is make sure the image is no bigger than 640x480 pixels. If it's 641 pixels or 481 pixels in any dimension, WSG will reject it. If you don't have PS, and I assume most people don't, there is a free resize program which Jackson has posted the link for many times. Sorry, I don't have that link at my fingertips, maybe someone will post it again.


You can resize your images using almost any graphics program such as Photoshop, Paintshop or Microsoft's Publisher.

If you do not have a graphics program on your computer you can download a FREE program called Mihov Image Resizer from www.imageresizer.com.

This FREE program is easy to use, and will quickly reduce, rename and save the photos you select to the size necessary for the Forum, all while leaving your existing image file completely untouched. Let's keep those photographs coming!


Actually, the word is "upload" if you are sending data to a larger computer from your small computer, but whatever...

Here's my routine:

1) Download from my camera to my computer using the software supplied by the camera. I assume you have that, it would have come on a CD in the camera box. If not, go to the web site of the camera manufacturer and you should be able to download it for free.

2) I always edit the photos in Photoshop, but you don't have to. If you take a little time to do standard stuff like sharpen the image, adjust the brightness and contrast, crop to a better compostion and tweek the color tone and saturation, you'll end up with a much nicer result. If you don't have Photoshop, the same CD mentioned above will probably have some sort of photo editing software. If not, don't bother. Even this simple stuff can be overwhelming for somebody just starting out.

3) Next step in editing is to resize the image. In PS, this is a snap, but many free programs will do this. What you need to do is make sure the image is no bigger than 640x480 pixels. If it's 641 pixels or 481 pixels in any dimension, WSG will reject it. If you don't have PS, and I assume most people don't, there is a free resize program which Jackson has posted the link for many times. Sorry, I don't have that link at my fingertips, maybe someone will post it again.

4) Next you will save the resized image. When saving as a jpg file, you should have a choice of which jpg compression to use. Less compression means the resulting image will be better resolution (more detail) but the files will be larger. Of course, I always choose the highest quality, which is why my files are so large. Your goal is to make a file which is no bigger than 390K. If the file is 391k, WSG will reject it. If that should happen to you, just resave the file at higher compression (lower quality). Most people here post in the 50 - 100k range, and that's just fine on a 72dpi monitor. If you want to read an extended discussion on this, check my recent post named "File Size" in the China Photo Section.

5) Uploading to WSG is a piece of cake (barring server problems). When you post to the section and get the "submit report" window, click the button under "attach files" (manage attachments). You'll get another little pop-up window with 5 fields to attach files. The browse button will bring up your own computer files where you can select the image you just saved. After that file name is in the attachment field hit upload. After the file is uploaded to WSG, close the window, write the text and submit the report.

It's really a lot easier than you might think. After you do it once, it's totally routine. If OAH can do it, anybody can! Posting photos is easy, getting girls to pose is usually not so easy. That has more to do with psychology and the phase of the moon than anything else. I'll try to get back to this topic later.

I am soooo looking forward to seeing the CQ girls. Good luck!


Mock A Bee
04-25-05, 04:03
This is not intended to gang up on anyone who chooses to go bareback.

Sure, I have gone bareback on occasion in an impromptu session with the hair salon girl and yes, it feels WAY better without a condom. That is a no brainer. It felt great, but was also very stupid.

Using a condom every time absolutely helps prevent the spread of STD's and pregnancy.

Most of these girls don't have a clue on the biology of getting pregnant and none can afford to have a kid on their own - why do you think they are in this profession in the first place? Though perhaps most just simply get an abortion.

If you catch an STD and you are married, you can get into WAY MORE trouble than you bargained for. Besides, if you do catch something, who wants to sheepishly tell their physician that you had unprotected sex and you suspect you have an STD? That sure as hell is not fun. Try telling your wife.

Why take an unknown risk that is easily prevented?

IMHO I personally suggest everyone use a condom - it is best for all involved in our little sport.


Hung Man 1808
04-25-05, 04:13
You are putting those poor uneducated girls at high risk to satisfy your own selfish desires. You are also being a bad example to the other guys who admire your photos.
Yeah, like the Chinese guys (or most of the asian guys) are wrapping it up in these places. I don't think they ever stopped (the white guys are supposed to have AIDS, or so the Japanese have kept saying for years) but by now you would think there would be genocide throughout asia if this practise was so deadly.

Perhaps the lesser prevalence of gay activity, and IV drug use, is Asia's saving grace. Read the research is all I'll say.

In short, it is a little strange how so many guys here continually mention going after anal, yet when someone has sex as it is naturally meant to occur, the chorus of "pervert!" and "disgusting" always jumps up. You go Cronin, enjoy your life.

If anything, the hordes of guys who won't even touch a girl without plastic involved, has made the "natural" activity safer.

Head to the safe sex or AIDs forum guys for reply, and leave room for Cronin to post more pictures - ditto for crazy swede in the Thailand section.

Open to Explore
04-25-05, 06:22
You can also download freeware for resizing at:


This is simple too and quite effective.

04-25-05, 06:48
This girl is from a northern chinese city and is for a temporary work in Shanghai. I met her twice this month. nice body and tight pussy.

Open to Explore
04-25-05, 07:18
After receiving a few PM, please find enlosed some additional pictures.

04-25-05, 18:34
Cronin, she's a cutie. I like how your thinking man in terms of picking them off the streets. Keep pounding!

lcan 74
04-26-05, 00:29
A very sweet cuttie from Chongqing.

04-26-05, 01:26
If I read (see) your last picture correctly, you had it in her ass, not her pussy. No wonder it was sooooo tight (just kidding). Keep your powder dry and good hunting.

04-26-05, 08:41
I don't want to be the morality preacher here, but STDs and pregnancy are serious issues. I know this is the photo gallery, but the subject came up.

These girls are pretty, but very poorly educated. Most of us guys know better.

Hung man. The fact that many ignorant asian guys selfishly and foolishly have unprotected sex does not excuse us from our moral responsibility. We may take risks with our own lives, but it is immoral to do so with the lives of others. This is a moral issue.

If we fuck these girls without condoms we put them at risk!!!!

We should put our rubbers on or leave those girls alone!

As for "read the research", I studied microbiology and virology at Ohio State University.

Mock A Bee. Thank you for your support.

04-26-05, 13:32
Another pair of Shanghai sisters. Here you'll find one of the girls.

04-26-05, 20:53
I had to search back through two years of photos to find these. None of them have been posted before.

One of the most interesting things about being a long time monger is the long perspective gained about what's really going on out there. I know many other experienced mongers who also do a lot of barebacking. None of them will post photos or discuss barebacking here because they don't want to get their ass crocheted by the Protectors of Monger Health and Morality. This is pathetic.

I guarantee you that this apoplectic ranting whenever you guys see a bare penis is having zero effect on the barebacking activity.

The only effect is to obscure the real truth, and that's what we're all here for isn't it? The real deal? It becomes a big secret hidden behind this fantasy facade created by many of you. The sexual act whose name is never spoken. That kind of hypocrisy makes me gag, and I'm not going to participate in it or propagate it any longer.

Please understand exactly what my point is here. I am NOT defending this activity. I would never advocate barebacking hookers to ANYBODY. My point is that this goes on a hell of a lot more than it gets discussed here. This is not about me or the reasons I do this, good or evil. This is about an important issue which gets shouted down every time it comes up, by apparently well-intentioned individuals.

I'm HIV negative as of a couple months ago. That's weird. I should be dead. But in fact, I've never even had a case of STD that I was sure of, certainly never been treated for any at a clinic. Where are all the reports of all the other HIV+ mongers? What is the HIV rate among mongers who bareback? Who the hell knows? Either we've all been unimaginably lucky or something is going on that flies in the face of Political Correctness.

That's the real evil. Living inside a bubble created by what you think the world should be, instead of what it really is. Go ahead, go live in that charade. But I'm not going with you. Not anymore. If I barebacked a girl and have an interesting photo of it, you will see it from here on out. Deal with it.


04-26-05, 22:04

Thank you for generously sharing your pictorial conquests. I share your point of views on BB activity. I know there are always those who enjoyed it with their left hand and criticized it with their right hand. I would not even bother to give them the time of day. The hypocrasies(sp??) surrounding this subject is so thick like a 1000 years old fog. But I wish you safety, healthy and contentment in your continue quest for asian pussies, cause asian pussies are the best there is on this green earth.

Shanghai Noon #2
04-27-05, 01:00
Cronin, very eloquently stated. The photos look great too! :-) (Especially mm3!) My hats off to you (no pun intended). You are the photo King. Again I am not advocating bareback. In the real mongering world it does happen however, and we need to deal with it.

The danger is there, I do know of many girls out there that does have the nasties (HIV, Herpes, Fungal Infections) There was even an article in Yahoo China that said a 46 year old prostitute was convicted of knowingly transmit Syphilis to her customers (she received a 5 months sentence). Never mind that we don't fall into the clientele demographics of a 46 year old Chinese prostitute :-) The moral is, if you can get Syphilis you can get some other nasties too from a fresh young looking 21 year old honey.

Since this is the photo section I felt it was correct to upload some pictures. This girl was a pro I picked up in a BBS and I was so glad I was covered since afterwards I saw some very nasty looking rash near her bra:-) Yikes!

04-27-05, 02:01
Nice, really nice. Any chance you share contact data with me?
I actually do like the "Mireille Matthieu" haircut of this sister.


04-27-05, 05:50
I guarantee you that this apoplectic ranting whenever you guys see a bare penis is having zero effect on the barebacking activity.

I'm HIV negative as of a couple months ago. That's weird. I should be dead. But in fact, I've never even had a case of STD that I was sure of, certainly never been treated for any at a clinic. Where are all the reports of all the other HIV+ mongers? What is the HIV rate among mongers who bareback? Who the hell knows? Either we've all been unimaginably lucky or something is going on that flies in the face of Political Correctness.

CroninI know what I say here will have almost no effect and I'm not out to change the world. I do want to be seen as proselytizing. I'm an atheist, a free thinker, not a religious fundamentalist with an anti-sex agenda.

My argument is this. Most us are educated guys, we understand the risks
and consequences of unprotected sex. Most of these young girls do not understand and they are at very high risk. Many mongers are bisexual or intravenous drug users, many of them have and spread aids. Also, the girls are the ones who must deal with the unwanted pregnancies.

When an ignorant girl allows mongers to go bareback, especially anal, she puts herself at risk to HIV etc. If she knew her risks she probably wouldn't allow it. When we sweet talk her into going bareback, and provide a financial incentive, we are "inadvertantly" teaching her not to be concerned about possible risks and concequences.

The risks are far greater for her than for us, but she doesn't understand that.

The fact that Cronin has never had a problem with his didi is not my concern. He's an educated guy, he can make an educated decision for himself. But the girls cannot! That's where the moral issue comes in.

04-27-05, 06:54
I just did once with the girl for 250 yuan.

She ask my number, should I give?

04-27-05, 07:23
More pictures about this nice and sexy girl.

04-27-05, 09:19
I do *NOT* want to be seen as proselytizing.

However, here goes, again.

My concern is not about the medical safety of the mongers, but about the safety of the uneducated girls.

Maybe you think, "I don't have a medical problem, so it is ok for her to go bareback with me". Maybe you offer her extra money. Then you are inadvertently teaching her to go bareback and increasing her chances of getting STDs or an unwanted pregnancy.

When you say to other new mongers, "well I always go bareback and never had a problem!" or, "many asian guys go bareback so why not us?", then you are inadvertently teaching those new mongers to copy you.

You may say, "I fucked hundreds of girls bareback and never caught anything", but how many of those girls did have problems because of mongers not wearing condoms.

Don't think about yourself, think about the girls situation.

I always tell the girls not to let the other guys go bareback, but I know my advice falls on deaf ears. The next guy will give her sweet bullshit, and flatter her with photographs, money and candy.

El Frances
04-27-05, 10:11

I agree with you. I am sure Cronin is a nice guy, but it seems that life always put some form of unsolicited responsibility on our shoulders. Can it be avoided?

Seva Lurker
04-27-05, 14:36
Again, I hate to post in areas that I don't visit personally. Yet this is a topic I have posted on here once before, so I have my precedent and the topic is very important.

Does going bareback feel better? Without a doubt.

Is going bareback increasing one's risk of catching something they don't want? Again without a doubt. Some of which can kill you.

We are all wishing those who go bareback good health and good luck. I agree.

My point is that those who chose to go bareback and wind up with an STD are now spreading it to others. So it is not just their health and welfare that is being impacted, it is the health of everyone who follows.

I was talking to a friend about the late Shel Silverstien, author, artist, songwriter, etc. He had an amazing sense of humor (he wrote the lyrics to Johnny Cash's hit "A Boy Named Sue"). In the mid 60's Shel was a regular contributor to Playboy and he wrote and illustrated an article about the hippy movement in San Francisco. One short strip of the illustrations is appropriate here.

Two 'hippy' guys meet on the street. One says to the other, "Hey man you look bummed out."

The second replies "Yeah man, I just came from the free clinic and I've got the clap."

First hippy: "That's a bummer man"

Second hippy "Yeah man, that means if I have the clap then Shirley has the clap and if Shirley has the clap, then John has it, and if John has it the Barb has it and if Barb has then Charlie has it and if Charlie has it then Joan has it and if Joan has it, then I've got it."

Remember, these girls are professionals. They have sex with who knows how many other men each day, a good per centage who don't like condoms either. So if you are one who has to go bareback, don't just think, or is that not think, of yourselves, think of the other mongers.

During the unpleasantness in South East Asia in the late 60's and early 70's, I spent some time in Thailand. One of the guys I worked with became a walking epidemic. He refused to use a condom, he got the clap, refused to quit drinking until it was cured, refused to quit picking up new girls and having sex with them without a condom. It got to the point where someone would go to town with him and report the (registration) number of the girl(s) he left with and spread the word to the rest of us so we knew who to avoid. Stilll while the guy was active, the STD rate in the area went through the roof.

Still it is an individual call, but to me it is much like playing Russian Roulette with a gift that keeps on giving, even after you are gone.

So I've said my piece, now maybe I can go back to looking at the pictures, (this is the picture section isn't it?) and envying you guys who are in such a land of plenty. I'd have to buy stock in the Trojan Rubber Company if I was there.

04-27-05, 18:57
I say don't think so much about the other mongers, most of them are educated guys who understand the risks.

Think about these girls! We must teach them not to go bareback. They are at the greatest risk.

Mongers and atheists also have ethics. Therefore, it is your moral obligation!!!

This is not an attempt to flame you guys who go bareback.

Sorry to go on like this. Santa's job is to teach you good boys and girls to be nice to each other.

Now I'll try to not interrupt the photo section. I've been watching these photos for two years and this has been the first time I have done so.

Coma Boy
04-27-05, 20:06
Is it my imagination or is that a miniature black prosthetic penis you are wearing?

Bill Lee
04-27-05, 22:14
What's everybody's view on bareback BJs and STD?

I such a weaking for it but always wear a rubber when it's time for full service.


Silver Shadow
04-27-05, 22:42

Have you considered possibly another thread for people who want to "comment" on the photo submissions, rather than clutter the site with their observations?

It's really a ho-hum to read their reactions.

04-28-05, 10:01
More action pictures for the Shanghai Sisters.

04-28-05, 10:51
Pics are pics, why not have a moral debate elsewhere in allocated sections. If people are silly enough to have unprotected sex with *****s, then that's their own decision. Same goes for the *****s. Step away from the soap box! Sex education, that direction. ;) (cheeky newbies!)

Frank Booth
04-28-05, 15:30
What's everybody's view on bareback BJs and STD?


There's a lot of valuable discourse on that matter in the Special Interests/Safe Sex thread.

Bill Lee
04-28-05, 17:14
Booth and Shadow both have a point about this photo thread.

I'm moving my question over to the China Women - Opinion and Advice thread.

People please give me your updated opinion on this issue at the new thread.


Bull Dozer
04-28-05, 23:56
Hello Folks,
I am celebrating my new Status of becoming a Senior member by contributing from my last trip to Houjie Dongguan just last week. I was there for almost 28 days & sampled 22 different Chinese dishes, did not even think of taking the pictures till towards the end of my trip. This Bbs girl I have been seeing her for the past 6 months, because I visit China about every 5 weeks, I just call her over whenever I have time & we always have a great session. Sometimes she will spend the night, or stay till about 2:00AM for about 200-250RMB, I usually get 2-3 pops in the 2-3 hour period. I hope you all enjoy the pictures, as much as I enjoy her.


Bull Dozer
04-29-05, 00:15
I was fortunate to pick this Pretty Girl from the BBS on last Friday night. One of the prettiest girls I have seen at a BBS shop. It was her first night just arrived from Hunan, she was a little shy when I walked in, she even tried to hide her face with her hair, but I was curious so I wasn't going to pass her up, I asked the Mammassan to have her stand up, there were atleast 20 other girls there, but she stood out amongst the whole bunch. When I saw her face I just wanted her, we got back to my apartment, she was shy about taking her cloths off, one RED BULL, & she was ready. After that she was jumping all over me. After a good shower, we hit the SACK. She drove me wild. I have never had a Chinese girl that has had so much MUSCLE control over her pussy. At one point she squeezed her pussy so hard that I thought my dick was going to snap. I liked her so much that I had her stay the entire next day & night, so I got to spend two nights & one day for 800RMB. I asked her if she wanted more, she refused to take more money.
The next day her Mom had come to Guangzhou so she was going back with her Mom, I would have liked for her to stay a few more nights, but my luck ran out. I had a lot of fun with her.


04-29-05, 04:03
Sorry I dont want to distrub, but I just wanna say that when we do full service, why wont we use the rubber? Cause can have better feel? But do you want to risk your life just for a few hour good feeling? For me I wont dare to do it without rubber, not because I scared of my life, but for others. So pls use rubber. It won't make you regrad in the future, trust me.


Member #3377
04-29-05, 05:14
Law in China:

Just a reminder if you have STD and have sex without condom than you have committed criminal offense and can be put in jail for a long time.

Guy I
04-29-05, 10:13
From left to right:

Odnoo, Tungaa, Eeggii

See my report in the Beijing section. Sorry - no nudies.


04-29-05, 10:26
She will leave Shanghai during May 1st vacation.

04-29-05, 17:44
To the expert out there, is it true that pure chinese girls excels in many areas than the South East Asian or European girls? In terms of overall price value and sexability and friendliness?

Lately, I have been inbed with this lovely Shanghai girl, 21 years old, still inexperienced but willing to try Bare BJ, Anal and the likes. She has a very nice bottom, which I think 70% of all Chinese girls have flat-ass and mine is more well-roundish shaped and a silky smooth skin, unshaved ...very clean example of a brand newcomer.

I'm wondering if I have paid too much for her accompaniment. Any suggestions or valuation will be much appreciated. Thanks

Bull Dozer
04-30-05, 02:18
When I am China, Why do the Chinese girls, the moment they see me react,you are too thick & big compared to chinese men. I always thought Pussy is Universal, one size fits all. After screwing more than 2000 pussies around the world, chinese girls are the only ones who complain about a large penis. Most of them after screwing a short time, start complaining TONG,TONG. Pussy is suppose to be elastic, it stretches & compresses, so whats the big deal. Brazilian woman don't complain, infact if you have a small dick they laugh at you, I know it happened to a friend of mine who went to a Therma, in Rio. The girl after the session came out & told her friends,that I didn't even feel it & we all had a good laugh including my friend.
You all have a good day.


04-30-05, 10:32
End part of Shanghai sisters. I will post photos of other sisters after May 1st holiday.

04-30-05, 16:53
Xiaoqin, 18, from Hubei Province, working Sha Tai Lu in GZ.


04-30-05, 17:48
China Photo Gallery stats:

April Views:
(4,124 Views per day)

April Posts:
(0.10% of the total Views)

April Photo Attached Posts:
(33% of the total April Posts)

So, out of 1,000 people who view the Photo Gallery, 999 have the good sense to keep their mouth shut.

2/3 of all the posters in the Photo Gallery think we want to read their brilliant comments instead of look at photos of nude Chinese girls. What a fabulous fucking ego you guys must have.

If post to the Photo Gallery, POST A PHOTO.

If you want to discuss the size of your dick, or the size of you're aunt Maude's hemorroids, POST A PHOTO. (Not of your aunt Maude's hemorroids, hopefully). Nobody gives a rat's ass what your opinion is in this section.

If you don't have a photo, DON'T POST in the Photo Gallery.

What an incredibly complex rule! It's no wonder you're confused.


04-30-05, 18:04

You need to chill. First of all, there's no "rule" saying all posts in this section must contain photos. I checked.


Apparently though, one of the rules is no photos of actual sex.

Please do not submit photographs that are...
1. Pornographic, as in showing sexual intercourse.

Besides, what's wrong with commentary. Most of the commentary I see is other guys kissing your ass.

Bull Dozer
04-30-05, 20:04
Are your comments directed towards me, about Dick size if so, if you have the guts put a name to who you want to attack, if so let me know then I can take care of you, you sick dick. Don't start this, because as distasteful your pictures may be, which I have never commented on, some of us still follow the rules of the board, & do keep some privacy for the women we P4P, because these girls still deserve some respect.


April Views:
(4,124 Views per day)

April Posts:
(0.10% of the total Views)

April Photo Attached Posts:
(33% of the total April Posts)

So, out of 1,000 people who view the Photo Gallery, 999 have the good sense to keep their mouth shut.

2/3 of all the posters in the Photo Gallery think we want to read their brilliant comments instead of look at photos of nude Chinese girls. What a fabulous fucking ego you guys must have.

If post to the Photo Gallery, POST A PHOTO.

If you want to discuss the size of your dick, or the size of you're aunt Maude's hemorroids, POST A PHOTO. (Not of your aunt Maude's hemorroids, hopefully). Nobody gives a rat's ass what your opinion is in this section.

If you don't have a photo, DON'T POST in the Photo Gallery.

What an incredibly complex rule! It's no wonder you're confused.


04-30-05, 23:07
Cronin. I don't understand your rude and angry attack against those who post commentary without photos. If you don't like reading commentaries, just scroll past them.

We also like to look at the pictures of girls. We don't want to see pictures of guys. So why do you include pictures of yourself? Maybe you are the one with the "fabulous fucking ego".

Also, you don't own the photo gallery. OK?

Sh Captain
05-01-05, 05:36
Cronin may have been yelling a bit, but he is right. Jackson has added a lot of sections such as editorials, endorsements, Living in China and such topics for non photo related conversation. The intention of the photo gallery is for photos.
He isnt alone in this opinion. I just had a converstaion yesterday with 2 other senior members of the board independantly commenting that people are posting too much off topic in the photo gallery.

Now to keep up with the proper use of this section here is my pic.

Frequent Flier
05-01-05, 05:51
Same reason they tell me the same and tell me that i am so handsome.

because we pay them too.

i'm neither. lol


When I am China, Why do the Chinese girls, the moment they see me react,you are too thick & big compared to chinese men. I always thought Pussy is Universal, one size fits all. After screwing more than 2000 pussies around the world, chinese girls are the only ones who complain about a large penis. Most of them after screwing a short time, start complaining TONG,TONG. Pussy is suppose to be elastic, it stretches & compresses, so whats the big deal. Brazilian woman don't complain, infact if you have a small dick they laugh at you, I know it happened to a friend of mine who went to a Therma, in Rio. The girl after the session came out & told her friends,that I didn't even feel it & we all had a good laugh including my friend.
You all have a good day.


05-01-05, 06:48
Cronin may have been yelling a bit, but he is right. Jackson has added a lot of sections such as editorials, endorsements, Living in China and such topics for non photo related conversation. The intention of the photo gallery is for photos.
He isnt alone in this opinion. I just had a converstaion yesterday with 2 other senior members of the board independantly commenting that people are posting too much off topic in the photo gallery.

Now to keep up with the proper use of this section here is my pic.

First of all, nobody, with the exception of Jackson, has the right to tell someone else what they can and cannot do as long as it doesn't violate any of the rules. There is no "rule" concerning off topic discussion. OT discussions happen all the time and oftentimes, they're more interesting. What are we gonna talk about all the time? Fucking girls? To be perfectly honest, I'm getting a little tired of posts like, "...then I fucked her from behind and I creamed all over her ass..." If that's what I want to see, I'll go and get a Penthouse Forum. If all I wanted to see was naked Asian chicks, I'd go to an Asian porn site or download from NNTP. Chicks are better looking and the photography is better. What makes a forum interesting is that discussion happens. It's an interactive medium.

I'm also getting a little tired of Senior Members telling others what to do. They don't have any right to do so. The only thing that seperates Senior Members and Regular Members is the number of posts and whether Jackson got around to promoting you. I've been a Senior Member since like my 4th post. BFD. The only advantage of being a Senior Member is getting your post to show up immediately. Just because a person is a Senior Member doesn't mean he knows jack. He's just been around this board a little longer. Too many of the Seniors are taking a "I know better than you so STFU" attitude, and you know what, it's rude and there's no call for it. If you don't like a particular post, ignore it, but don't insult the poster. There's just no need for it. We're all hobbyists and at one time, we were all newbies. Just because a newbie shows up and doesn't show what may be deemed "proper WSG etiquette," that doesn't give a Senior the right to chew his ass.

One last thing. There might be a couple of members who think (erroneously) I'm targeting them so I'll straighten that out right now. OAH, you've helped more newbies than I can count, so you have earned the right to say anything you want. Furthermore, you've shared more info on Shenzhen and Guangzhou than all the other members put together. I respect OAH not because he's a Senior Member, but because he's an all around good guy. A lot of other guys though, they just go shooting off at the mouth and I have no respect for that.

Kinda Nasty
05-01-05, 08:01
Hey Cronin!

Love all your photos. Like others have said, you're at the top on WSG for quality pictures. I know you posted about using Photo Shop to edit: crop, adjust contrast, etc, and that you only post your best, but what about your camera? What kind do you use (make, model)? Do you use a built-in flash or a hotshoe? Are you using any special settings for indoors (bigger aperture, longer exposure time, higher ISO, etc.) to get all these stunningly sharp pics?

I know indoor non-SLR digital photography has always been kind of iffy, but I hope you're not lugging around a big camera and a bag of lenses. Any suggestions you could give to approach the results you're getting would be much appreciated.


Sh Captain
05-02-05, 05:05
Dont worry guys, my cock is only 2 inches long so you can feel better about yourself and dont have to convince me that you have a big one!

Here are some pics of Ming Ming from the Ming Hang Factory. She is a real champ. She is the younger of the sichuan sisters.

Just about everyone I know who has tried her walks out with their head spinning. 2 local chinese guys that went there with me or my friends walked out and asked how they can get her to be their girl friend.

Sh Captain
05-02-05, 05:15
More pics of Ming Ming

Swiss Brian
05-03-05, 06:59
Hi Fellows,

@Sh Captain,

Great pictures! Ming ming is a real hottie. Where can I meet her?

Do you have more of such great pictures to share? very good quality and great positions.


Member #1604
05-03-05, 11:53
Should we open a movie section here? Why not for more fun? Comments and actions please.

Member #2001
05-03-05, 18:50
sounds like a good idea, but you can not have a movie section with htis software. However you can upload rar or zip files to a certian amount. I am not sure what the limit is, but it is small. I think something like 1.5 megabites or something. If you have a webpage you can put the link up there and people will be able to download as much or as large as the files can be, considering you have the space and bandwith on your server.

Sounds like a good idea though

Sh Captain
05-03-05, 20:22
Swiss Brian,

Ming Ming can be found at the factory in Ming Hang. Ususally the Carrefour shop.

Sh Captain

Sh Captain
05-04-05, 07:26
Here is a pic of a new sichuan girl I just did for 150 on the strip in Ming Hang.

Smoke, I dont really know about the reason for the make up except they are in the "look good" business. She looks decent without it, but looks exceptional with. Her older sister has more natural beauty without it, but also loks incredible with it.

05-04-05, 13:45

Regarding this issue of whether or not posts are allowed without pics on this thread, Moody has made a good point. It's Jackson's site, he makes the rules. Since no mention of this posting guideline could be found, I put the following post up on the Letters to the Editor thread requestions clarification:

Photo Gallery Posts



We have been having a bit of a debate on the China Photo Gallery thread. What is the site policy regarding the posting of commentary only with no pics in the Photo Gallery? There is currently nothing about this mentioned in your posting guidelines.



Since Moody has also given me the right to "say whatever I like", I will. I want to cite one example where commentary was invaluable on this thread. Cronin posted a pic of a herpes infected girl he had encountered. Most of us had no idea what it was, but learned a lot from the commentary that followed. It opened my eyes at least to take a closer look. It also helped the girl since I believe someone recommended or confirmed a treatment which Cronin passed on to the girl.

Anyway, let's see what Jackson says.


05-04-05, 19:22
Not knowing you in person I would like to thank you for your photos. I enjoyed them a lot and it actually let me try the Minhang factory two days ago. No matter what the rules say, no matter what others say I just appreciated your photos a lot. As far as I know others also enjoyed them.
In fact I wished I could add some bareback photos, but unfortuntely I do not have any. However I will post a photo of a KTV-girl that I did bareback several times.

So shall we start another discussion, guys? :D

lcan 74
05-04-05, 23:53

She sure is very pretty one. I hope I can lift her face block and see her face. Please post more of her.


FH Wong
05-05-05, 00:57
Ming Ming & her many sisters. I noticed the heavy facial makeup on Ming Ming. I had a Korean GF who would apply the similar lightened facial powder covering her whole face. My question is, Is this display a take off of the Japanese geisha? or just a total unified asian hooker look? MYOP it is not necessary unless they are hiding poor skin. Any ideas? -The reason why is because Chinese regard pale skinned women as beauties.

Tanned ladies are less desirable. One reason maybe that people with labour jobs which work outside would become tanned.

Hence Chinese women actually buy face whitener to try and get their face as white as possible.

B Bardill
05-05-05, 02:12
Ming Ming & her many sisters. I noticed the heavy facial makeup on Ming Ming. I had a Korean GF who would apply the similar lightened facial powder covering her whole face. My question is, Is this display a take off of the Japanese geisha? or just a total unified asian hooker look? MYOP it is not necessary unless they are hiding poor skin. Any ideas? -The way my wife explained it is that asian girls (especially southeast asia) prefer to be lighter in skin color so it shows they are higher class girls. If you are dark you are considered poor as you probably work outside in the fields or another type of job.

Bull Dozer
05-05-05, 02:30
There has been a lot fo controvercy going on about only Photos should be in the photo section, I think like some had one mentioned earlier, it doesn't hurt to have a little write up, if you are not interested in reading & just want to look at the photos, skip over it, there are no hard & fast rules here, it is for eveyones enjoyment. LETS MAKE LOVE NOT WAR. Hopefully everyone will have a good time & no ones Blood Pressure will rise.

Go Joe

05-05-05, 07:17
@ ICAN_74 : I can even more than 74 :D

Good to hear that you liked the girl. She is actually a very outgoing personality and I met her as I said in a KTV. Since that I need to keep safe her privacy I am unfortuntely unable to post pics uncensored. However this girl prooved that we can be lucky to meet some excellent service in a KTV although that I generally do not have the best experiences in KTVs. Enjoy some more pics.....

(unfortuntely I needed to compress the pics a lot since that my internet access is a little slow)

05-05-05, 07:42
That's why I think it's best to just post them in the area of interest the monger is reviewing.

Just my opinion.

Silly Puppy
05-07-05, 01:47
to test my new status ... and to whoever like hairy pussy. :)

Silly Puppy
05-07-05, 01:51
very hairy ....

Silly Puppy
05-07-05, 02:04
so much different .... :)

Kinda Nasty
05-07-05, 09:32
so much different .... :)Did you find what parts of China the hairy girl and not so hairy one came from?

05-08-05, 09:07
Beautiful girls are 2-a-penny in China. It is the ugly ones that take real bottle.

Swiss Brian
05-08-05, 15:00
Beautiful girls are 2-a-penny in China. It is the ugly ones that take real bottle.He he, real ugly yes I would wear 2 condoms then.

See ya

Dog Day
05-09-05, 09:26
No nudies. Fces of some Villlage girls.

18-20 year old from Sichuan. 150 FS.

Knight 1001
05-09-05, 15:29
Here is the girl I refered to in my post of Fuzhou massage at the Golden Resource International Hotel.


Knight 1001
05-09-05, 15:33
Here are some pics of 2 young cuties, Pong and Wangna, working around the LH shopping centre, not far from the Hard rock cafe in Beijing.


Knight 1001
05-09-05, 15:41
Well, these pics are long overdue on this forum: I actually could not upload till today, so here it is. This one goes back to Oct 2004. I have not seen her again since, pity. She was good and friendly. But you might see her, who knows, and she was cheap, around 300.


Asian Rain
05-09-05, 16:29
Lovely girl from papasan near Sheraton. See my report in Shanghai section for more detail.

Great service and - lovely skin, beautiful thick lips, great smile, tight ass and a wet pink puss. Yummy. All the nutrition a growing boy needs.

Asian Rain
05-09-05, 16:41
Lovely girl from papasan near Sheraton. See my report in Shanghai section for more detail.

Asian Rain
05-09-05, 16:53
More of this service provider.

Asian Rain
05-09-05, 17:07
Slim service provider from the papasan in front of the Sheraton. Check out my post in the Shanghai section for more detail.

Very competent blow job, but all mood was spoiled as she kept getting calls from her karaoke boss to hurry it up. Worst experience - so avoid this girl if she is offered to you. After she took a call while I was balling her, I ripped off my cap, jerked off on her tit and told her to get the hell out. I'm a sweet guy, but that is precisely the kind of behavior that puts me in a foul mood.

Silly Puppy
05-10-05, 02:15
Not too much not too little. This girl is hot and I fucked her for a good 1 1/2 hours without need of massage/rim job.

Silly Puppy
05-10-05, 02:21
I took her pic and dumped her after fucked her until she pushed me away, only 45 minutes and she got too dry to a point it was hurting her.

Bill Lee
05-10-05, 02:34

This girl look so hot. Wish you included some face shots.
You lucky dog.


Here is the girl I refered to in my post of Fuzhou massage at the Golden Resource International Hotel.


Knight 1001
05-10-05, 16:28
Hi Bill,

I would have posted face pics but she refused to let me take any so I had to respect her privacy. And yes you're right, once she got warmed up she was really Hot, to the point of, well, I'll not get into that. You may want to make a detour through Fuzhou?
Take care.

Asian Rain
05-10-05, 16:44
Like most Chinese girls, she was complaining about the f**k action after five minutes. I have a short fuse for whinging, so I put her on her knees, told her to open WIDE and gave sprayed her face like crazy. She took it like a champ.

Asian Rain
05-10-05, 16:56
This girl had a very slim slit. Now I see why she just likes to give blow jobs. FS was well worth negotiating for in advance. I loved driving my cock in there.

Asian Rain
05-10-05, 17:08
This is the SW I picked up one cold evening in front of the Sheraton. I had met her before and she had offered blow job and massage only (declined). The cold made her much more receptive to FS and video.

I have to admit, she is a blow job champ. She told me how her boyfriend only has her do BJ. I now understand why.

05-11-05, 01:19
Huh, Mate, you do need another shave! ....:-)

Good pics, thanks!


05-11-05, 01:29
Asian Rain,

Your pictures are great! Are they stills off a vid? If so, what camcorder are you using - the resolution looks to be not too bad.

Keep up the good work!


Swiss Brian
05-11-05, 07:06
Great pictures, out of the "real" live ;)

Zai jian

Asian Rain
05-11-05, 09:26
Many thanks for the positive comments. Will arrive in Shanghai tonight, so the video camera will hopefully be humming some more.

Yendor -> Yes, the pics are stills taken from a video. I have a 3 year old mid range Sony DV camera with a Sony 2x10watt video light. Lighting is the key to getting better end product quality from a shoot. I am writing a small guide which will share some of my experience as video mongering is one of my favorite hobbies. More to come!

Sugar Baba
05-11-05, 10:42
Asian Rain,

Great come shots. I am just starting out with this new photo hobby. Find it difficult to get good shots working as both actor and camerman. Not sure if you have a helper or you just use a tripod and timer for some of your shots.

Keep the come shots coming.

Sugar Baba

Attachment showing my futile efforts at taking photo while engaged in 69.

05-11-05, 13:20
that some people choose to try and deceive by posting "pics" with angles that were obviously taken by others.

Some of these recent ones, taken in the middle of the act, they just aren't possible. Even with a video camera going, too many angles are used.

I don't mean this to be a flame against a particuliar person, but please, do you think the experienced mongers don't know what works in a one-on-one with film and photography? And you don't even have to be that experienced to see the difference.

For instance, the monger who claims to have picked someone up for a quickie, but has a clear, clean shot from behind himself, at 0 degrees, going inisde the lady? Such great resolution and focus. Bah!

Sorry, that's my opinion. It discourages me from posting photos of what actually went down when people do this.

I could be wrong. I don't think so.

05-11-05, 21:42
Beautiful girl Asia Rain, Wouldn't mind seeing more of her. That must have been a nice tight ride while it lasted ;-) How tall is she? From the look of it she's going to have one hell of a time with natural child birth!


Member #1005
05-11-05, 22:54
Quote by Hello2003 “people choose to try and deceive by posting "pics" with angles that were obviously taken by others.”

To be honest I have no problems if someone posts a photo or photos which they claimed to have taken using a cheap camera or by others; naturally there are issues with copyrighted material (check the forum’s regulations). There are a set of photos in one of the forums where someone claimed he had taken these of a girl he had just picked up with his old camera, when it was quite obvious this was a model because, I have been taking photos for some time now and have never managed to take a photo of this quality. This set of photos had used filters to make the skin tone richer (no pale white booty) and there were no panty lines on the girl, where she had just taken off her panties, a problem I always have. And for a basic camera I wondered how he’d managed to get the lighting so perfect from two angles, no shadows with basic equipment.

Hello2003, I have no problems whatsoever if someone wants to posts a photo of a pretty sexy girl which they have claimed to have taken, but if you want something to gripe about you can start with these clowns who post blatantly bogus information on the forum, where they claim:, “That they met a sexy beauty queen, a solid 9. took loads of photos, fucked her left, right and centre in all positions, gave her multiple orgasms all night long, oh and in the morning tossed her a few dollars, (this is when the girl doesn't pay them) when they kicked her out in the morning”, then turn around and say: "but I can’t post the photos because this girl asked me not too.", Because we all know that most girls we pick up are obviously fully signed up member of the WSGI, and when they are not busy looking for customers or servicing us, are searching for their image on the forum; there are many of these clowns I can assure you.

Keep up the photos guys!!


05-11-05, 23:16

With a video camera that has an LCD viewfinder that flips open at various angles is possible to shot every possible angle by framing the shot first then record. It looks like Asian Rain did just that. I have done it in the past many times.


Asian Rain
05-12-05, 04:54
Wow. I have seen guys criticized for posting bad pics, but I have not seen to many whinging that the pics were too good. Having done what is considered the impossible, I am a happy monger. I would have appreciated the courtesy of a PM, however, before having had my integrity called into question in a public forum. I post genuine self-produced material - full stop.

As JuiceSpike has observed, there are lots of tricks to getting certain angles and shots. I will be posting shortly what I hope will be a helpful compilation of my video mongering experiences. This will help everybody who is looking to get better results with photography or video. While it is difficult to get shots, it is certainly not impossible - even if you are doing it alone and with fairly average video equipment.

Will take up Sojourner's request for more pics once I am back from Shanghai. And back to the pics!

Albert Punter
05-12-05, 12:52
I do not understand nor agree with your analysis.
Photos I see here look realistic photos of mongers in action.
Sometimes I was able to take similar photos from different angles.

In some cases the monger had a photographer at his side ?
What's wrong with it.
Have you ever enjoyed same girl with a friend ?

Members posting pictures evidently not taken by them should be blamed.
Last year I remember have seen a picture with website reference still on it.

Otherwise, post what you can.
Do not be shy or afraid that we do not appreciate your pictures.
We are not participating to a contest but just sharing info (on how girls appear, on what they are available to do, etc.)

05-12-05, 16:07
You are either a photographer or a fucker. You can't be both at the same time.

05-12-05, 21:39
Or you could be a good fucking photographer, which some of these guys obviously are.


05-12-05, 22:48
What ever happen to setting the timer or hitting the remote, sticking your dick in and saying cheese? Just a thought that maybe for each shot they posed more so than actually doing what the pics suggest. I know when i do pics, i hold the position take the shot and continue. Just a thought only, im not in agreement or disagreement with anyone.


Mock A Bee
05-13-05, 03:58

WTF?! can we please get back to posting pictures in this thread?

Use the PM function is you guys want to have a cat fight. We don't need to read it on the public forum.


05-13-05, 04:21
Guys, why can't you just enjoy those great contributions by e.g. Asia Rain or Cronin? Why do you have to throw mud?


05-13-05, 07:03

Perhaps these guys lives are so pathetic that they don't have anything better to do then take out their frustrations on people that make positive and informative contributions.

Swiss Brian
05-13-05, 07:14
Hi fellows,

that some people choose to try and deceive by posting "pics" with angles that were obviously taken by others.
I could be wrong. I don't think so.How about using a tripod? Huh? As I often do, even if someone "helps", whats wrong with. Enjoy those pics, and do pix also.

I had a 3-some session and we support each other for taking pix. It was a vers hot night.


05-13-05, 08:30
Here here I agree with Levtain.

Dog Day
05-13-05, 08:32
Is this the Photo Gallery?

Have a nice week-end guys, I surely will with these!

05-13-05, 09:34
photos guys, photos...

05-13-05, 11:29
None of you chaps mentioned it but did any of you spot the plastic japanese doll that was posted a few pages back. (on back legs up). ROFLMAO.

Asian Rain
05-13-05, 16:33
Being a blow job expert, I suspected this girl was good at COF/CIM. Got her kneeling in front of me, told her to open wide and stick out her tongue, tilted back her head and unloaded. I did feel guilty for squirting her in the eye.

Asian Rain
05-13-05, 16:44
Her box was tight. She had a small frame - about 155cm.

Asian Rain
05-13-05, 16:56
Just back from Shanghai and happy to see that we have returned to our regularly scheduled programming. Two new providers added to the collection - pics to follow in the near future.

Happy to share more of the talented cock-sucker Shanghai Sheraton SW. She had a nifty technique where she held her lips tight and kind of massaged my cock rather than sucking it. Pic#4 shows her normal BJ action. Pic#5 shows her massage technique - she would just grip with her tight lips and slowly pull up and down. She kneaded my balls gently with her left hand while she worked as well. Talented multi-takser.

Asian Rain
05-13-05, 17:00
Yeah, this is a pics section.

Bill Lee
05-13-05, 23:06
Hey. Good pics.

Just curious. Are they stills from a video with extra video lighting?


05-14-05, 01:25
AR - another great pict series. Keep up the good work!


Asian Rain
05-14-05, 10:44
Hey. Good pics.

Just curious. Are they stills from a video with extra video lighting?


Many thanks for the thumbs up. Yes, the pics are captures from an AVI encoding of my original DV video. I capture my set of stills before I render the AVI into MPEG format for archiving. When I am doing the capture, I use an externally-mounted 2x10watt video light. Pic attached to show my gear.

For those of you interested in going deeper into the subject of video mongering, I have published an amateur's guide in the Special Interests/Photography/Photo & Video Techniques section of the forum.

Enjoy! Asian Rain+

Kinda Nasty
05-18-05, 03:00
I love getting my balls licked and sucked. And of course, like it when she licks and sucks my shaft.I think you love showing people pictures of your dick. Do you also like to look at pictures of dicks?

Crazy Swede
05-18-05, 15:26
I think Men have been comparing dick´s for hundreds of years , don´t you think "Kind of Nasty"?? :D
Even if i dont like to stare at some one else dick it´s a part of the "fuck senario" and it belongs there , picture of girls just speading there knee´s aint that intresting at least not for me !


I think you love showing people pictures of your dick. Do you also like to look at pictures of dicks?

Kinda Nasty
05-18-05, 19:21
Even if i dont like to stare at some one else dick it´s a part of the "fuck senario" and it belongs there , picture of girls just speading there knee´s aint that intresting at least not for me ! cs//Just saying there's a large number of pics on this site of nothing more than a full view of an erect penis shown near or in a girl's mouth. So many, in fact, you start thinking some guys here must like playing 'check out my dick' or 'I'll show you mine if you show me yours' with other posters.