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10-26-06, 15:13
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10-26-06, 15:14
i came to asia first time in 1997, for a major it project in singapore. i lived then in singapore like a monk for at least 8 months, before i met pim, a 28 year old experienced p4p girl from udon, isaan.

pim was “working” in orchard tower (top ten) and in brannigans (now brix), a great pub in the basement of the singapore hyatt hotel. she was tall, slim, had a beautiful dark firm body with everything it needed to keep a man happy. she was in the best age a woman can be, and her desire was more or less permanent. she could not get enough, and she was always ready – for everything.

after paying her on nightly basis for some days i took her into my apartment in singapore and stopped her “working”. i paid for her “expenses” as well as for the “expenses” for her mother, father, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, grandmothers, grandfathers etc. etc. . as a completely inexperienced monger i firstly had not idea about the real costs of living in an isaan village, and i secondly simply wanted to keep her happy and staying with me.

my apartment was perfectly organized from the day she moved in, and when i came home in the nights i got my thai dinner, and of course immediate “desert”. i remember hours of massage, long bathes, and and and . but – singapore issues visas for a maximum of 30 days for “working” girls, so she had to leave for thailand after a few weeks.

she went back home, and returned to singapore after a few days to stay with me. things went well, and i thought about reducing the monthly support fee for her and her family with starting up a business in thailand which was meant to create the income for pim’s family. after a while she came up with an idea – fish lakes.

she had found an area with 4 fish lakes close to udon, which were for sale. not too expensive – it was the time of the asian financial crisis! three of those fish lakes would grow fish every month, one would rest. the fish needed approx. 3 month to be ready for being sold on the market. the calculated profit would be sufficient to generate enough income for all the family (and as i know now all the village).

we discussed it, and i told pim, that the conditio sine qua non is that she takes care of that business, and she does not return to work, whether she stayed with me or not – this fish lakes were her future. and the future of her family. pim agreed - of course!

i decided to give it a try and bought the fish lakes. that sounds good, doesn’t it? but wrong, i did not buy it – pim bought it on her name, of course. but i did not care so much.

it started very well, pim took care of the fish lakes, and i was alone in singapore again. she came sometimes for a few days (only after i paid for the flights) and had to go back very soon to support her business. and – how could i argue against that, it was what i wanted! my plan! a very very clever plan, as i realized soon…

the first month of harvest was a festival – pim came to singapore and raped me 24 hours a day, as a happy successful business woman she was now. i expected that things would stay well, and business would flourish. until – the flood came. water flooded all over the fish lakes, and this damned uneducated fish had nothing faster to do than escaping, swimming away!

ok, the family had no income, i had to take care. and – of course, we needed to buy new fish (or fish semen whatever it was that time).

some months later the bad guys from udon were hungry, and they came to steal all the fish.

ok, the family had no income, i had to take care … and we bought some dogs (!). nobody would steal my fish again!

as everybody would expect now things with pim turned around a bit, after she was not so many times in singapore any more. other mothers have beautiful daughters, too :) … . and pim really loved it to stay in a village outside udon, it was really an interesting life for her after being so many times in singapore before. she asked me buying a car, that she could drive to the city (udon) sometimes, which i denied. a tuk-tuk? a motorbike – please!!!

she then decided to come more and more to singapore, and let her family take care of the fish lakes. but – i had already other plans in singapore, and there were some "coordination problems". – to cut a long story short we separated after some more visits, i needed my freedom that time. ---

now you want to know what happened to the fish lakes?

they are still there! but - of course – it was too much work for pim, her mother, her father, her sisters, her brothers, her aunts, her uncles, her grandmothers, her grandfathers and all the others … pim sold them and went back – to work (!).

now i asked you, my friends: which one of you guys has already bought some fish lakes in his life :d:d:d ? i have!

giotto (completely outed)

10-26-06, 16:26
Ok ok you took the biscuit on this one so we can now deduce you were working with SAP or sap as there is no other logical explanation for this story.

What is needed next is how to take the Giotto of yester year to the current version - what happened in between ?

You go to the airport you see all these books purportedly on Bangkok and Thai Bar girls and redemption and here in our own midst is the Ernest Hemingway of the Night.

From a rolling around the aisles Singlish speaker - now how did that happen - alas it was not in Thailand so shall have to wait for another day !!

10-26-06, 16:35
Thank you, Giotto for that lovely story !

And now, I understand for the first time where the expression "smells like fish" comes from !!!


10-26-06, 19:10
A wise old man once said to me: "Son, there's only two things in life that smell like fish, and one of them's fish."

Great story Giotto! I'll tell you mine one day. But it aint for postin' while I live in Dubai. ;)

10-26-06, 19:49
...What is needed next is how to take the Giotto of yester year to the current version - what happened in between ?

I can tell you - it was a long way of suffering and enjoyment from that newbie in Singapore to Giotto in Bangkok.

I can tell some more stories...to completely make a fool out of myself...

Outing is in! :D:D:D


Ozzy Indo
10-27-06, 04:12
I After a while she came up with an idea – fish lakes.
Giotto (completely outed)Dear Herr Doktor G,

Did that story not sound "fishy" from the start?

:D :D :D :D

I could not resist.

Ozzy Indo

Merlin Magician
10-27-06, 04:33
Reminds me of the years back when my ex father in law was alive. He was a consummate con artist. A bigger lair never lived. He set up a big con once to enact a large catfish farm operation in Texas. He planned to dredge a long set of irrigation ditches and fill them with fingerling catfish and he was going to get the feed free from the local pig farmers. He was going to feed the fish PIG SHIT instead of clean commercial fish feed.

Now, damn catfish stink bad enough with out that crap. Once he dropped the pig shit idea on the investors, they all pulled out. Not before he was able to skim enough cash to buy a new Caddy and go hide for awhile.

10-27-06, 09:00
OK, enough fish now for the beginning...:) .

I want to read somebody else' story now. Any volunteers :D:D:D ?


SE Asia Joe
10-27-06, 09:46
How do you do it??!! Coming up with all these stories and tales and jokes and .... and all serving to publicize your lodge. Gotta take my hat off to you!!
OK - on your ...

OK, enough fish now for the beginning... .
I want to read somebody else' story now. Any volunteers ?.....

What are you offering?? Howzabout some kind of prize - or better still .... an array of prizes.... a couple nights at the lodge.... companionship.... drinks.... a party... Heck, it would drive more "traffic" onto your forum.... good idea?? Enough to get a little itty-bitty prize?
""Ask not what my ISG can do for me, ask what can I do for my ISG""
SE Asia Joe

10-27-06, 10:13
... Gotta take my hat off to you!!
What are you offering??
""Ask not what my ISG can do for me, ask what can I do for my ISG""
SE Asia Joe,

Thanks. LOL. Thailand is full of stories.

I think I am contributing a lot to the ISG - not enough :) ???

What's about you, JFK, don't ask what the ISG or Livingstone's Lodge can do for you, ask what you can do for the ISG and Livingstone's Lodge! :D:D:D


10-27-06, 11:23
Now I asked you, my friends: Which one of you guys has already bought some fish lakes in his life :D:D:D ? I have!
Giotto (completely outed)

In the spirit of the moment, I shall confess that while I never bought some fish lakes, I did buy some boobs among other things.

This will be the story of my second major Thai gf. I rank them by major and minor. There have only been 3 majors and many, many minors. For sake of simplicity we will refer to her as K2. Major Thai gf #1 was also a K name so she would be K1.

Anyway I met K2 sitting in Spasso's one night, actually early evening. She had been out shopping and stopped off there with her friend for a drink. I actually had a date with another Thai girl that night but she was late. So I started talking to K2 and realized right away that K2 was the real thing and the late date should be consigned to history.

So before the night was too old K2 and I were up the room and she never left again for the next 8 days I was there. Funny how you remember little things like the first time with her was 8 days. At the time I was doing a big project in Bangkok and was back and forth for a week or two every month or so.

Now K2 was not a "working" girl by the strictest definition. She did work the bars but would never, ever ask for money. As she said she only went with men she liked and would never demand money in return for her favors. If the gentleman decided to be generous with taxi fare, that would be so nice.

She really believed this kept her one step up from being a true working girl. I know some will say this is ridiculous but I have run across a few Thai girls who think the same way. Call it fooling yourself.

She had been hooked up in a sponsor type relationship with several guys before me. Her german boyfriend had taken her to live for periods of time in Germany. Her French boyfriend had actually taken her with him to Colombia in South America for a few months. And the American boyfriend had just lived with her in Bangkok.

Anyway, she was exotic as hey come. A bit older than the normal Thai girl you find. She was 30 when I met her. She had the obligatory child that Mama and Papa who lived in Bangkok watched for her. But she had one of the tightest and nicest bodies I have ever found anywhere. Her looks were very different and not at all Thai. In the US I would have thought she was a Puerto Rican or something like that.

She could speak good English, good German, and passable French. This girl could work them all. The funny thing is because she did not look Thais, most thais assumed she was a some sort of mongrel American when she was with me. It was funny to watch how other Thais would never try to speak Thai to her.

Sex with her is still the best I ever had. We made love 3 or 4 times a day without fail. This girl was absolutely the best, most passionate and all mine. There was nothing she would not do for me, except maybe the threesome thing. I hinted at that but she wasn't going for it.

We were together nonstop for 6 months and she never asked me for any money. And then one day she tells me her money is running out and was I going to take care of her. Now I had never sponsored a girl before this. K1 who shall be another story never took money from me for 9 months. I guess I was spoiled.

Well, I could not turn her down or let her go. And yes, she said , if I did not take care of her, she would have to go find someone who could. And thus began my slow slide down the slope of a manipulating Thai girl.

It was very good at first. She lived at home with Mama and Papa and sisters. I got to know the family and was part of her and her son's life. It was great.

But over time the demands began. She wanted to move out of home and get her own apartment. Silly me agreed, and then we were buying furniture, washing machine, TV, etc.

I trusted this girl implicitly. K1 had taught me all of the tricks of knowing when the TGF was with another guy. But K2 was always there. I could call her at her parents house just about anytime day or night when I was not there and she would be there waiting for me. I really trusted her, silly me.

So it went on for almost 3 years. Her one bad habit was drinking and getting insanely jealous. All I had to do was just look at another girl and she flew into a rage. Sometimes that was kind of flattering, but other times it just pissed me off.

Somewhere in there she decided she needed to increase her boobs. I fought the idea for maybe six months. But we all know Thai girls know how to get their way in the end. So finally I broke down and gave her the money to get them done.

And damn they were nice. I had to admit it made a difference. Little did I know how big a difference.

We were having some fights on and off but things were still hot between us. I thought we would get over the little stuff and I would move to Thailand and she would be the one.

And then I show up at the airport on one trip and she isn't there. She always met me at the airport. But nope I called and called and looked and looked. She wasn't there.

For three days, no call, no show. Mama and Papa don't know where she was either. Her friends didn't know. I didn't know. Finally some story about being in Pattaya with girlfriends and having a motor bike accident.

Me, I am skeptical but worried. But I can't stay in Bangkok and have to go. So I call and call to find out how she is doing.

Finally I get through and before I know, some bastard English guy is on the phone telling me if I ever try to contact her again, he will hunt me down and kill me. Seriously those were his exact words with lots of obscenities thrown in.

Now, being an ex-US Army Ranger, that kind of shit makes no impression on me. But my primary concern is her. If she wants to be with that bastard so be it. But I was worried about her.

Later I find out that this guy beat her and Mama has to go and get her. I get K1, with whom I am still good friends, call K2 to find out if she is ok or not. The bastard gets on the phone with K1 and threatens her too. Damn this guy is a real bastard. Again I also get a threatening phone call from the bastard.

So I gave up and called it a loss. Two very nice boobs gone to some bastard. It has been almost 3 years and I wonder how my boob job is holding up. It may not have been a fish pond, but in the end it was just as messy and smelly.

After all of that I swore I would never sponsor again, but then Thai GF #3 came along and that is another story for another day.

10-27-06, 13:03
...So I gave up and called it a loss. Two very nice boobs gone to some bastard. It has been almost 3 years and I wonder how my boob job is holding up. It may not have been a fish pond, but in the end it was just as messy and smelly.Thor93,

Thanks, great story. I know this situations with jealous guys out of control - one day I might write about a story which is so unbelievable ... but I am not ready for that yet.

What can we learn:

Boobs - that's a mistake. You can ask a Thai woman to give fish lakes back (and you won't get it back, of course not), but you can never ask a Thai woman to give her boobs back to you :)!


Freeman 418
10-27-06, 14:52
This is an unreal thread. Thanks for starting and sharing.

I haven't supported a "Bar girl", but have had dealings with a regular TG. There seems to be not much difference in thinking though. I don't have anything as interesting as boob jobs or fish lakes (yet).

I met T. A few years ago, actually first through the net and later in real on my first trip to Thailand. She was originally from Issan, but working in a government job making peanuts in Udon Thani.

Every time I would go to Thailand, she would pick me up, put me up in her rat-hole, and provide all manner of services, take me around etc. Etc.

After helping her out with a few small items, I motivated her to get a better paid sales job in BKK. , she eventually got over the "free government medical" gimmick, and then did apply and was successful in getting a much better paid sales rep. Job in BKK. The only problem was that she needed a car.

Yes, she then had no probs. In asking I help her out with the car as well. Which I did in part, hoping it was going to her betterment somehow. She did buy the car, though the promise of ever repaying the money is just fantasy. It's not a big deal for me though.

A recent request was if I could help her out with doing an MBA, which I said I would IF she could also get help from some of her close friends who were well off (one is a dentist who married an aussie, another owns a shop etc.)-- and who she was always putting on a pedestal and inflating, . As I expected, NONE of her "close, rich and well off" friends would even lend her a dollar, and so it was either all up to me or nothing. This time however, I wouldn't be in on it, so had to refuse. She was OK about it however, and is still very welcoming if I let her know I'm coming over.

10-27-06, 15:24
Boobs - that's a mistake. You can ask a Thai woman to give fish lakes back (and you won't get it back, of course not), but you can never ask a Thai woman to give her boobs back to you :)!


Yes, and the boobs were such a personal, intimate gift and that bastard is kissing them, sucking them, touching them, and more. To this day it drives me crazy. I am often tempted to really try to find her again. I could call her family, but something keeps me from reopening that old wound.

What I still don't understand is why that bastard was so nasty. I was no threat to him. And when my K1 called for me just to find out if K2 was ok, he got extremely nasty with her. I just don't understand guys like that or why women stay with guys that treat them so badly.

Of course now, the really neat trick in this story was to get the ex-first gf to check up on the second one.

I will eventually have to write the story about K1. She was the ultimate one that got away. I am sure we all one or two of those stories tucked away in our past.

10-27-06, 16:44
Now I asked you, my friends: Which one of you guys has already bought some fish lakes in his life :D:D:D ? I have!
Giotto (completely outed)

My fish lakes were in the form of a 1995 Mitsubishi Galant that I bought for an 18 year old stripper in Dallas, Texas.

Actually, the deal was that I was the financier she would make the monthly payments to. Needless to say, the payments quit coming in after about three months. I wasn't surprised either. That is why I made a copy of the key for the loan files.

I gave her three months to start making payments again, but it never happened. I repossessed the car at three in the morning and ended up renting it to someone for three years at $300 a month or $10,800.

I paid about $4,500 for the car so I more than doubled my money after it was all said and done.

The moral of this story is that it pays (and sometimes quite well), to be a nice guy. :)

poster . . .

10-27-06, 17:06
...Yes, she then had no probs. In asking I help her out with the car as well. Which I did in part, hoping it was going to her betterment somehow. She did buy the car, though the promise of ever repaying the money is just fantasy. It's not a big deal for me though.
Freeman 418,

Thanks for your story. Did I read the word "repay"?

No, this car is an investment in your future sex life. Blow jobs in the car, you cannot have that without a car!

Think positive :) !


10-27-06, 17:16
My fish lakes were in the form of a 1995 Mitsubishi Galant that I bought for an 18 year old stripper in Dallas, Texas.
I paid about $4,500 for the car so I more than doubled my money after it was all said and done.

You are just married - you must forget all those stories. And - was that 18 year old stripper in Dallas a Thai Bar Girl :D ???

Please CONFESS THE REAL STORIES, THE SERIOUS STORIES, THE EXPENSIVE STORIES - afterwards there is no pressure on your soul any more. Then it is much easier to be married :) !

Come on, give us a real Thai story, please!!!


10-27-06, 17:53
Hi, Everybody,

Obviously we hit the Jackpot with this thread. I get PMs and PMs and PMs...

I am happy that we found something interesting to post here on the forum. Please, guys who send me the PMs, do not hesitate to post your story here - just go ahead and write it down! Nobody will laugh about it (everybody will laugh about it :)), we all have the same experiences somewhere hidden in the past.

Outing is in :D:D:D !


Yi Ren
10-27-06, 18:31
Hi, Everybody, <...> I am happy that we found something interesting to post here on the forum. Please, guys who send me the PMs, do not hesitate to post your story here - just go ahead and write it down! Nobody will laugh about it (everybody will laugh about it :)), we all have the same experiences somewhere hidden in the past.

Outing is in :D:D:D !

Wow, great stories. Mine pale in comparison, with nothing more than the odd hand phone or two or a few thousand pesos wired - all to 'regular' girls (although obviously, the peso benefactor was in PI).

However, I still see one of the hand phone recipients at one of my favorite local restaurants here. I may still try that one again, but the time isn't right yet.


10-27-06, 18:53
Wow, great stories. Mine pale in comparison, with nothing more than the odd hand phone or two or a few thousand pesos wired - all to 'regular' girls (although obviously, the peso benefactor was in PI).Yi Ren,

What? What?? What???

An old mobile??? That is all? You CHEAP CHARLY!!! In Germany we would say: You cannot win a pot of flowers with that...

Lucky arse ... :) , or may be not?


Yi Ren
10-27-06, 19:04
Yi Ren,
An old mobile??? That is all? You CHEAP CHARLY!!! In Germany we would say: You cannot win a pot of flowers with that...

Lucky arse ... :) , or may be not?

Hey, in my defense, I'll have you know they were all new - the last one was a store-boughten spanking new Nokia with "MP-sam". Still, at 10,000 baht, I'll admit it was a pretty cheap lesson. And it may yet payoff. :)

Now, if I can just figure a way to keep my company from sending my sorry ass off to UK....


Yi Ren
10-27-06, 19:36
Yes, and the boobs were such a personal, intimate gift and that bastard is kissing them, sucking them, touching them, and more. To this day it drives me crazy. I am often tempted to really try to find her again. I could call her family, but something keeps me from reopening that old wound.<...>

So the curious want to know: how much did it cost to get those titillating titties?


10-27-06, 20:27
...So the curious want to know: how much did it cost to get those titillating titties?...Sorry, Yi Ren,

this information is reserved for the non-Cheap-Charlies ... who lost a bit more than a used mobile to Thai women. But - they enjoyed losing :D !

BTW: Sometimes I am not sure any more, whether we losers are not the real winners in this game! I had SO MUCH FUN IN MY LIFE UP TO NOW, you will not believe it!!!

Wow, that's a statement. Guys, hit me! Hit me with your rhythm sticks :):):) !


10-28-06, 00:27

So the curious want to know: how much did it cost to get those titillating titties?


A lot more than the bar fines you never pay.

I think it was in the 20-30 thousand baht range, but it could have been more. I tried to forget about the cost.

It was a top surgeon that did the job. It really was impossible to tell they were fake. She lost no feeling or anything with them. I have to admit they were spectacular. Felt really great. Maybe sometime I will show the before and after photos. That is all I have left.

What is funny is that K1 also subsequently got a boob job, but those I did not pay for nor did I ever get to inspect them up close.

It would be really interesting to know just how many of our Thai girlfriends are walking around out there with boob jobs.

10-28-06, 00:42
A lot more than the bar fines you never pay.Yi Ren! What's that all about?

The "I supported a bargirl" stories here are so good, I'm tempted to tell my story (does anyone have a few hours to listen?). It turned out very well in the end. But it's not a Thailand story, so it doesn't belong here. I could write a book about it. Maybe I will one day.

10-28-06, 06:28
...The "I supported a bargirl" stories here are so good, I'm tempted to tell my story (does anyone have a few hours to listen?). It turned out very well in the end. But it's not a Thailand story, so it doesn't belong here. I could write a book about it. Maybe I will one day.Pipeman,

Come on ... now we want to know :) !


10-28-06, 15:34
Hey, Guys,

Where are the next stories? I am waiting !!!

OK, after 10 different story I will add another one! I have many :) !


10-28-06, 15:36
Hey, Guys,

Where are the next stories? I am waiting !!!

OK, after 10 different story I will add another one! I have many :) !

Sorry Dr. G, have no stories that would even come close to yours. I am a newbie, you see.

Merlin Magician
10-28-06, 16:22
A wise old man once said to me: "Son, there's only two things in life that smell like fish, and one of them's fish."

Great story Giotto! I'll tell you mine one day. But it aint for postin' while I live in Dubai. ;)

My old Grandpa Watson was a randy old fart. He loved the young girls. He firmly believed that young girls were the key to surviving his old age and for keeping his prostate healthy. I believe he is right.

Here is his best quote to me:

"Son the differnce 'tween a hunnert dollah piece o' Pussy and a twenny dollah piece o' Pussy is eighty bucks!"

Wise old grandpa.

10-29-06, 08:33
Sorry Dr. G, have no stories that would even come close to yours. I am a newbie, you see.Sir,

You - a newbie??? I think I cannot believe that. Give us your story, please!


11-01-06, 21:05

it is fun if we play a game together.

It is no fun, if some are contributing, and all others are consuming. Get your arses down on a chair in front of your computer and write your story. You got something to enjoy already - and now it's your term to give something back.

This thread is not a one way road.


11-01-06, 22:19

I have just spent a few weeks in Pattaya and during the last 5 days I met a woman that I wanted to spent my time with.Great attitude, not a complaint ever, no clacky high heels,never pushed for lady drinks, not the greatest of bodies and strech marks to kingdom come, but fun to be with, hot in the sack, would not let me feed her and even bought clothes for her kid at Big C on her account - funny that it should happen right at the end of my trip.

So out of the 5 days one was a red day and another she had to see her family to disburse money as she put it. Apparently her mother, wait for it, owes 25000.- baht. Upon further questioning on my part she could not for the life of her tell me for what the money was owed for. She is the sole earner.

Up until I left there was no mention money apart from the LT fees that I paid her. Now I kind of had a soft spot for her the 1st phone call that I made she started asking for money and then her friend gets on and sort of hammers the point home.Totally put me off. I was foolishly thinking that perhaps she would be different.

I do have this to say though, if I was in Thailand on a more permanent basis I would most probably 'take care lady' but seeing as I am not I don't see the point of sending cash to someone that for all I know is sleeping with and getting money from 10 other guys. I have yet to fall for the trap, if one can call it that.

On the other hand I was talking to my travel agent (who happens to be Israeli) and I mentioned that at least these girls are up front about the fact they they want money and does'nt every woman ? Suffice to say that an Israeli or an American for example, would squeeze you dry and expect you to pay for eveything anyway, "you are right" she says to me. Excuse my french but in the end p*ssy has a price on it, some of it more expensive some of it less and it would seem to me that more and more women are exploiting the fact whether we like it or not. The fact that Thai women are definitely more compliant, have decent attitudes, generally and do take care of their man better than their western counterparts makes them easier to fall for.

There are women scammers the world over, not that I am justifying what some of the Thai ladies do and I have yet to send money to anyone.In short my snob ex-American/Israeli witch cost me $10,000.- in less than a year, food,hotels, gas, presents and overseas trips. And I was like a lamb that went willingly to the slaughter.

Is what Thai women do so bad in the big picture ? Is it just that we lose all sensibility when with Thai women, like drinking a heady aphrodisiac, because we would definitely not get the same at home.

I hope I have not bored the sh*t outta you.


11-01-06, 22:42
Buzz - I know the feeling.

I received another email from Island Girl. I had offered to help her out with hospital bills several weeks ago, but she ended up not replying, and later I saw her in BKK, looking okay (small bruise).

In her latest email, she says that "a friend" had helped out with the hospital bills, but now she is asking my help with her dental bills (again taxi-accident related). She says she hasn't worked for two weeks, cannot eat and has lost a lot of weight ("so now I look sexy for you ha ha"). She is asking for 7000TB to get her teeth fixed (rather than extracted, which will be cheaper, but "will make me look like old woman")

7000 is not a big amount - about the cost of a few drinks and a long night with a Dubai girl. Or about the cost of a meal and a few drinks at the restaurant where 1Ball and the rest of us were entertained the other night. Luckily the bill was paid by a very rich Iraqi guy who was with us, trying to impress Ditzy Blonde. (When I realized he was paying, I switched my drink orders to doubles :D).

But I digress.

Like Buzz, I'm not in BKK often enough to "capitalize" on the money. It would be a donation, not an investment. Oh what to do, what to do? Any advice, readers?

11-01-06, 23:12

yeah! pay the girl, that way we all won`t feel so lonely. suckers all!


11-01-06, 23:14
Piper I can tell you one thing and that I will get myself back to LOS again sooner than later. I would rather chase Thai ladies then anything else except of course perhaps CIS'ers and for the real thing I need to R+R down to Dubai.

Perhaps Thai ladies feel bad about telling us the truth about wanting money so they have to play up to our feelings and make up stories.I did meet one last year that had scars from a bike accident to prove it and angered another by asking how many water buffalo she has. There are many guys that do fall for this stuff.

My accountant sends over at least $500.- a month to his Thai lady and has also built her a house. I have often asked him if he knows what his Thai lady is doing half the time and he assures me that she does not "sleep around " with anyone else except him.

There are many farang with Thai wives which proves that not all are horror stories.

I can only say to you is do what feels good. If it makes you feel good to send her bucks, then do it if not then not. I personally would not do it unless, as I have said, am with the lady in LOS.

Old Thai Hand
11-02-06, 01:25

It won't end with the 7000. Once the floodgates are open, expect to be asked for more and more as time wears on. If a Thai girl (and I mean all Thai girls, not just BGs) knows you'll give her money once, she'll try to tap you again and again. It doesn'y matter if she's HiSo, LoSo, MidSo, NoSo or HoSo. She'll do it. They are born with this. It is part of their genes.

The only difference is that BGs are more savvy at doing it and because of their relative poverty have more excuses to give, whether genuine or not for the need for help.

But, if you are going to do it, then just set yourself some limits and make sure she knows there are limits as well.

Terry Terrier
11-02-06, 02:28
now she is asking my help with her dental bills (again taxi-accident related)

Were her teeth bruised when you saw her a few weeks ago? Or is this a new taxi accident?

11-02-06, 03:49
Well its the usual storie was in BKK mid December last year. Second night met "lot lizard" at Nana so many of you mention. I know I was warned about this but oh well! Spent most every evening with her after say 1 o'clock each night with many other adventures during the day and early evening. Letting her know of all! Never expected her to "Stop Working" and would'nt dare. Its her bussiness and I can respect even the WG to do her job! Every evening I would do Soi Cowboys Tilac and party/gamble with girls there till the wee hours. Then call my Tilac and meet or maybe have to wait for her to finish work. No problem! Many nights just eat and sleep. Saw her every night for 30 days. Not much of a farewell just exchanged e-mail/phone numbers and so long!

Then it starts! Did'nt call till Feb. First just could use help with Her rent 2000 baht. Thought not much OK! Then Brothers motorbike broken 4000 baht We'll even though I've read all to read on subject Im not hurting I could help! Just a couple of examples. Believe me there are many more very typical of whats been read here for years! Although no "Water Buffalo" shes a BKK girl.

It just never stopped and when I balked, She would find a friend who could speak english better and pester me with "Dont you love Tilac" No I dont I'm only helping because she was very kind to me as was I to her! Finally I put a stop to this. It was easy just said I'm not your "WALKING ATM" So dont ask again! I worked just fine and I still get phone calls today. Treating her nice is a good thing to do for me coming from my back ground with relationships here in the US! She doe'snt ever expect much but I tend to send something every month and she never asks for it!

I did'nt every spend more than 1000 baht a evening when we were doing more than sleeping when I was there and she was so nice to hang with! Movies/dinners out some sight seeing, She lived there all her life and many places were new to her! Grew up in the Klongs which she would'nt take me too!

So call me a fool and sucker but I can afford this without concerns and have spent 2-4 weeks in BKK for 5 years each Xmas and have had many "relationships" none would even come close to the comfortable feeling had by me with this WG. Majestic Suites counter girls questioned my taste! But she just fit well with a 20 year single man! Even if its just a illusion. I need it while I still want too! If you know what I mean!

You and your Friends at Livingstones are the reason I tune in Everyday! To see whats going to be said next! Must get the courage to try something new like "SOI 33"
Im sorry to put you through this "Im not such a good writer"

Will be in BKK Nov 25, Will visit the lodge then.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

11-02-06, 04:34
...Once the floodgates are open, expect to be asked for more and more as time wears on. If a Thai girl (and I mean all Thai girls, not just BGs) knows you'll give her money once, she'll try to tap you again and again. It doesn'y matter if she's HiSo, LoSo, MidSo, NoSo or HoSo. She'll do it. They are born with this. It is part of their genes. ...Old Thai Hand,

Run! To a doctor! You must have high fever :) ... or do we finally completely agree about the general attitude of Thai women reg. money :D ?


11-02-06, 06:29
...There are women scammers the world over, not that I am justifying what some of the Thai ladies do and I have yet to send money to anyone.In short my snob ex-American/Israeli witch cost me $10,000.- in less than a year, food,hotels, gas, presents and overseas trips. And I was like a lamb that went willingly to the slaughter.

Is what Thai women do so bad in the big picture ? Is it just that we lose all sensibility when with Thai women, like drinking a heady aphrodisiac, because we would definitely not get the same at home.

Thanks, it is one of the small standard stories many guys experience when they come to Thailand.

I agree that you can find a similar behavior of women all over the world, but it seams to me that Thai women have somehow optimized that procedure :) .

In general I agree with you - it is the way they ask for money. If it seams honest to me, and they don't tell me stories about sick parents, motorbike accidents and water buffolos I do what makes me feel good. It's just a bit money.

If I have my doubts on their story, if I feel that I get ripped off - I am out of the game.


11-02-06, 08:14

I would also stick my neck out to say that if with the right Thai lady I am sure that you get more bang ( excuse the pun) for your buck.

You are right by saying that the Thai lady's ploy of getting money out of us has become an optimised operation but I have given less money to Thai ladies and received more, than from some the western witches I have the bad fortune of coming across. It seems to be quite new for a Thai lady to have access to decent money (thanks to us farang) that once upon a time she could only dream about. I am sure that even if the Thai lady did not come up with all their adventurous stories, we, the farang, would still rush to give them our money.

I would rather wait for my LOS trips then waste money time and effort on the fruitless investment in non-asian women that just don't do it for me anymore.

And the next time I do hope do spend some time at what seems to be a famous Livingstone Lodge.

Old Thai Hand
11-02-06, 08:26
Old Thai Hand,

Run! To a doctor! You must have high fever :) ... or do we finally completely agree about the general attitude of Thai women reg. money :D ?


I always agreed. I just wanted to maintain my status as the contrary curmudgeon. But, I've decided to blow my own cover. BTW, though, I only give my GF 5,000/month (she only asked me for 3000) and she's happy with that. Of course, it will eventually go up. But, it's still cheaper and a better experience in every way, than pouring money into P4P. I consider it an investment. What you get from this, that you don't get in P4P because the money is already expected is what I like to call, "gratitude sex". If I didn't give anything, I'd still get sex. But, of course giving a bit of money goes a long way in ensuring my "jai dee" status.
I've only been taken advantage of once in 10 years and ironically it wasn't a conniving bargirl with a sob-story, but a former student of mine with whom I was close friends for 4 years before I ever gave her a baht. We got involved after all that time of knowing each other, and before it was over, I'd given her 225,000 in 9 months. She then left Thailand to work for Carnival Cruise Lines in Florida, and swore she'd pay me back. But, she basically disappeared and I never heard from her again. There is a posibility she died in the Tsunami because she was in Khao Lak with her parents when it hit there. That may explain why I never heard from her again. But, I don't know if I believe that.

Anyway, I'm pretty cautious now as to what I will commit to financially with any TG.

11-02-06, 08:58
A timely reminder. Made me laugh. :D

11-02-06, 10:13
Eventually even with non P4P Thai girls, the question comes down to whether you are going to take care of them or not. I suppose if you find a truly wealthy Thai girl, the question may never arise. But for the vast majority, most of us on this forum have far more resources than the average Thai girl we meet. They have the bodies and the youth, we have the money.

I have had conversations about this with my Thai gf (with whom I am now in reconciliation mode after my latest adventures). She reminds me the Thai way (her words, not mine) is that the man takes care of the woman. The amount of money is not as important as the principle. The man shows his love by taking care of the woman. Pure and simple.

P4P girls just make it happen faster and more directly. Plus they usually don't make you feel guilty about fooling around elsewhere. And I guess that is one thing we pay for.

11-02-06, 12:00
They have the bodies and the youth, we have the money.

Very very true,Thor93.

The eternal and inevitable question is which (bodies, youth, money) will run out first.

Merlin Magician
11-02-06, 15:29
"Originally Posted by Old Thai Hand
...Once the floodgates are open, expect to be asked for more and more as time wears on. If a Thai girl (and I mean all Thai girls, not just BGs) knows you'll give her money once, she'll try to tap you again and again. It doesn'y matter if she's HiSo, LoSo, MidSo, NoSo or HoSo. She'll do it. They are born with this. It is part of their genes. ..."

It's not just Thai girls. It's all girls of all nationalities.

More justification for our chosen sport of endless, meaningless, debauchery.

11-02-06, 17:49
This thread is a great idea and the theme is universal, not just about Thailand!

My story: I started mongering in Sept 05, twice a week with Latinas at the 7 legal brothels in St. Maarten. (http://internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?t=1844) I have given many girls my disposable cell # and disposable email address, but only one has asked me for anything serious so far.

I think I led her on. Generally the girls are from Dominican Republic or Colombia and far from home, don't speak the local language, don't know many people in St Maarten. In other words, they have little power, and they usually go home in 3 months.

But I like to do nice things for the girls. I try to limit myself to thoughtful gestures/gifts with no monetary value (copies of music cds, printouts of news from home, cute little teddy bears, etc.). But I sometimes can't help myself and buy them boomboxes, watches, etc. THis is not a new trend - with a girl friend that I lived with once, I put up the money for a house and put it in her name (but I got a mortgage and she always made the payments and when she sold it 5 years later, I got my money back).

With this girl, she said she REALLY wanted a video camera. So I got her one, a most extravagant gift for a working girl. Later, when she was desperate because there were no tourists in St Maarten and therefore not much money or customers, she told me about her terrible situation at home in Santo Domingo. It was probably all true - I could see that most of the girls were getting frantic from lack of income and continuing expenses!

She talked about getting $2000 to build her own shack so she could move out from her mother/brothers/etc. After another 10 days of being unable to send any money home, she said terrible things would happen if she did not send $500 home soon.

It wasn't really my problem, but I had created expectations with the video camera gift. I gave her the $500 and I don't plan to see her again, even though she is still in St Maarten until Christmas. I have made lots of charitable donations of that amount, and that is how I thought of this one. But I just can't see continuing to visit her and put up with her problems, when there are dozens of other girls who deal with their own problems! I will try to avoid the "big gift" mistake in the future...


11-02-06, 19:21
So call me a fool and sucker but I can afford this without concerns and have spent 2-4 weeks in BKK for 5 years each Xmas and have had many "relationships" none would even come close to the comfortable feeling had by me with this WG. Majestic Suites counter girls questioned my taste! But she just fit well with a 20 year single man! Even if its just a illusion. I need it while I still want too! If you know what I mean!

You and your Friends at Livingstones are the reason I tune in Everyday! To see whats going to be said next! Must get the courage to try something new like "SOI 33"
Im sorry to put you through this "Im not such a good writer"

Will be in BKK Nov 25, Will visit the lodge then.

Thanks for your report. Nobody will call you a fool or a sucker. BTW: most likely I would have done the same thing you did. And - you also did the right thing stopping the payments ...

I like your expression "illusion". And if this illusion sometimes costs a bit, and we can afford it - who cares.

And thanks for reading our forum.

See you then in Livingstone's Lodge soon!


Old Thai Hand
11-03-06, 01:56

I deleted my post. Don't want to upset you.


11-03-06, 07:42
I deleted my post. Don't want to upset you.

GrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrOld Thai Hand,

Apologies. My first try to moderate a thread failed. Obviously the wrong ones get the message and others not.

For that the following statement:

This is a thread about a sensitive issue, and I am impressed about the guys who have the courage to tell us their stories here. I already mentioned in the Announcement thread that I will not tolerate any attacks on guys writing in this thread, any offensive reports will be deleted.

I decided to do exactly this now and deleted the offending sequence of reports.


11-03-06, 07:51
I always agreed. I just wanted to maintain my status as the contrary curmudgeon. But, I've decided to blow my own cover. BTW, though, I only give my GF 5,000/month (she only asked me for 3000) and she's happy with that. Of course, it will eventually go up. But, it's still cheaper and a better experience in every way, than pouring money into P4P. I consider it an investment. What you get from this, that you don't get in P4P because the money is already expected is what I like to call, "gratitude sex". If I didn't give anything, I'd still get sex. But, of course giving a bit of money goes a long way in ensuring my "jai dee" status.
...Old Thai Hand,

Thanks for your story.

I have exactly the same experiences with Thai women in this kind of relationships. It is many times not about the big money, it is about being supported for their daily needs - and it is seen as a kind of taking over responsibility, even if it is only small money. Usually I got much more back from the girls in those cases.


11-03-06, 20:18
Old Thai Hand,

Thanks for your story.

I have exactly the same experiences with Thai women in this kind of relationships. It is many times not about the big money, it is about being supported for their daily needs - and it is seen as a kind of taking over responsibility, even if it is only small money. Usually I got much more back from the girls in those cases.


Yes Giotto you're right many of the girls are happy for the small contribution you do for them.
I have been with my Mrs for 3 years now and if I count what I spent on her during this time,it's far less then I would have spent on a western woman in 1 year..

It's amaising what you get back from the girl considering what it will cost you.

I really enjoy reading the stories about the various supports you guys have done,and might still do.maybe I sit down one day and put together my own escapades.....

11-03-06, 20:40
...I really enjoy reading the stories about the various supports you guys have done,and might still do.maybe I sit down one day and put together my own escapades.....Killroy,

come on, do it - now.


11-03-06, 22:15
I decided to out myself completely.

The story:



11-03-06, 23:29
I decided to out myself completely.

The story:



Sad story but ohh soo tru...

During all my years traveling and working in Asia,I still can't undertand how you guys (not all of you) can take the risk of having unprotected sex with the bar/escort/LT/ST girls ...

Well in 95 I was working in Malysia,and we where a bunch of guys that use to drive up to Thailand for some crazy weekend sex,some of the guys where braging about that they had sex with the girls without condoms and called the rest of us chickens and soo on..
Well anyway,bumped in to one of the guys about 3 years ago,and guess what...1 of the guys that was soo proud about having sex without a condom have AIDS now,and another one have HIV...
Remember this was 95,and we mostly went to Satun and Hat Yai,who wasn't known for the sex tourist trips...(don't know how it is today)

I can just imagin how much bigger the risk is in Bkk,Pattaya,Phuket and all the other places...

Another thing can you guys understand the shame the girl will have before her family,I'm sure most of them don't dear to tell there family abouth their disease in fear of losing the face infront of the family..and surely the family will lose the face infront of the whole village..

Please guys for your sake,and especially for the girls use condoms!!

11-05-06, 17:07
I emailed Island Girl saying I might be able to help her with her dental expenses, but to let me know the amount first (her emails were confusing - one day 5000, next day 7000). Here's her reply:


Hello good heart!

thank you very much for write with me already. yesterday i go to hospital for check how much money need and doctor tell me for maybe 5500 bth for one teeth and for two 10000 bth but after need to check again if evrything good so do you think you can help me about 15000 bth or to much ?

if you ok western union in Bangkok near Sukumvhit quick for me my name XXXXXXX XXXXXXX but after my friend tell me i need your name and your adres for the bank can checking who send money!

i hope i look not so old and sexy again soon for when yoiu come back
and i will keep mytime for you!

big big kiss love and thank you very much for help me


11-05-06, 17:37
Hello good heart!

thank you very much for write with me already. yesterday i go to hospital for check how much money need and doctor tell me for maybe 5500 bth for one teeth and for two 10000 bth but after need to check again if evrything good so do you think you can help me about 15000 bth or to much ?


I thought the art of a good BBBJCIM was to minimize contact with the dental work - don't we like them toothless....RLMAO

11-05-06, 17:54
I thought the art of a good BBBJCIM was to minimize contact with the dental work - don't we like them toothless....RLMAOT1234 - it was her "flourescent smile" that initially attracted me, and her plump soft lips and wet probing tongue that sealed the deal. Her BJ's were hot! Where's my local Western Union?! (Ah forget Western Union - I think I'll hand-deliver the cash myself next week ;)).

PS - I like a toothy BJ. Best BJs I ever got was from a buck-toothed skinny gal in Dubai. Ouchy nice!

PPS - I had sex with your girlfriend Pim. ROTF! (come to think of it, we WERE rolling on the floor at one stage. :D)

11-05-06, 19:54
I emailed Island Girl saying I might be able to help her with her dental expenses, but to let me know the amount first (her emails were confusing - one day 5000, next day 7000). Here's her reply: ...
Mr. Good Heart,

The Vice President and I met her a few days ago, and after a bit of smalltalk she smiled at us, and as usual it was like a blinding flash of light, remarkable healthy teeth...

Is this dental treatment for her of for - her mother :) ???


11-05-06, 20:04
PPS - I had sex with your girlfriend Pim. ROTF! (come to think of it, we WERE rolling on the floor at one stage. :D)

BESTARD - and you never pm her number either!


PS - pretty soon you'll get email from Pim for meds too!

11-10-06, 10:57

We need some new stories here - I know there are some.


11-30-06, 20:15
Sitting here in the office. It is 2:10 am in the morning, and I think about whether I should write this story or not.

To live in Thailand is difficult sometimes. Of course all the others here deal better with the issues than I do. I don't know why, but I always like some girls, even after those years of living here, and I try to help them. And then - from time to time - life kicks my balls.

It has kicked my balls again. And - after experiencing that 3 years ago last time - I thought I am healed, this cannot happen to me, there is nobody in Thailand any more who can touch my heart.


I realize that I am still a beginner. So many people in this forum deal much better with the ladies than I do. A simple rule would be: Never trust them, never believe them, never try anything. But - I always try to trust again, always try to believe again, and always try to try again.

There must be somebody trustworthy in this country. Or - may be not?

I think I cannot tell the story in the moment. Too many tears.

May be - one day.

Shanghai. I always wanted to live there. The city is booming, many things to do, but I don't like to live with Chinese people after 3 years of Singapore.



Tiger 888
11-30-06, 21:36
Sitting here in the office. It is 2:10 am in the morning, and I think about whether I should write this story or not.

To live in Thailand is difficult sometimes. Of course all the others here deal better with the issues than I do. I don't know why, but I always like some girls, even after those years of living here, and I try to help them. And then - from time to time - life kicks my balls.

It has kicked my balls again. And - after experiencing that 3 years ago last time - I thought I am healed, this cannot happen to me, there is nobody in Thailand any more who can touch my heart.


I realize that I am still a beginner. So many people in this forum deal much better with the ladies than I do. A simple rule would be: Never trust them, never believe them, never try anything. But - I always try to trust again, always try to believe again, and always try to try again.

There must be somebody trustworthy in this country. Or - may be not?

I think I cannot tell the story in the moment. Too many tears.

May be - one day.

Shanghai. I always wanted to live there. The city is booming, many things to do, but I don't like to live with Chinese people after 3 years of Singapore.



if you need some distraction, read this:


Very entertaining, But all in German!!!


I found the English translation


read this one about evolution and the climax:

11-30-06, 22:08
if you need some distraction, read this:


Very entertaining, But all in German!!!Tiger 1,


If you are used to scratch the life on its surface - then this helps.


Tiger 888
11-30-06, 22:10
Tiger 1,


If you are used to scratch the life on its surface - then this helps.

GiottoWell, if you think Shanghai is an escape, go for it and be even more disappointed. No way to escape from youself.

11-30-06, 22:13
Well, if you think Shanghai is an escape, go for it and be even more disappointed. No way to escape from youself.I know.


Fun Times69
12-03-06, 05:32
Sitting here in the office. It is 2:10 am in the morning, and I think about whether I should write this story or not.

To live in Thailand is difficult sometimes. Of course all the others here deal better with the issues than I do. I don't know why, but I always like some girls, even after those years of living here, and I try to help them. And then - from time to time - life kicks my balls.

It has kicked my balls again. And - after experiencing that 3 years ago last time - I thought I am healed, this cannot happen to me, there is nobody in Thailand any more who can touch my heart.


I realize that I am still a beginner. So many people in this forum deal much better with the ladies than I do. A simple rule would be: Never trust them, never believe them, never try anything. But - I always try to trust again, always try to believe again, and always try to try again.

There must be somebody trustworthy in this country. Or - may be not?

I think I cannot tell the story in the moment. Too many tears.

May be - one day.

Shanghai. I always wanted to live there. The city is booming, many things to do, but I don't like to live with Chinese people after 3 years of Singapore.



I got radically burnt last year by an indo chick - hook, line, and sinker. OMG, took me a couple of months to get over her. No money involved but still very very painful.

Maybe this is a little out of line in this forum but I'm sure everyone knows that after a while, even someone you never thought you were going to care for might end up meaning something to you. Is that such a bad thing?

Just because there are maybe thousands of manipulative BESTARDS out there it doesn't mean we have to give up on being human in either our business life or personal life. Some forget that in order to have no risk of ever being taken in by the manipulators they need to become something almost as bad. We can all do everything we can to avoid stuff happening but to never trust someone again? Not for me.

(Obviously I'm rich pickings for some TG somewhere ready to take me for all I've got!!!)

BTW, Giotto, you can't leave - where would I stay next time if you did! Also, I'm sitting here in the UK watching the rain pour down, the wind whistle through the trees and freezing my balls off - I know where I'd rather be right now. Even if Thailand is a mine field trying to negotiate that is far better than hiding from a European winter.

12-04-06, 05:16
Shanghai. I always wanted to live there. The city is booming, many things to do, but I don't like to live with Chinese people after 3 years of Singapore.


Singapore is not Shanghai, nor do Singaporeans represent the Chinese of China....the rest needs to be explained in person next visit.

SE Asia Joe
12-04-06, 10:10
Shanghai. I always wanted to live there. The city is booming, many things to do, but I don't like to live with Chinese people after 3 years of Singapore.



Does this mean that Chinese are NOT welcome at your lodge?
SE Asia Joe

12-04-06, 10:45
Does this mean that Chinese are NOT welcome at your lodge?
SE Asia JoeSE Asia Joe,

LOL, no, we have many Chinese customers. It is about living in a Chinese environment, things are different then. In Singapore they are busy with their families after work, and you usually don't find many Chinese friends there.

OK, now I have a new reputation as racist.


12-16-06, 09:12
A few days ago I suddenly received a SMS on my Singapore mobile, sender number unknown:

“Hi I know you still angry about me but I very wanted to see you. I am in Thailand now this is my phone number xxxxxxxx Roong”.

Roong? Who the hell was that?

Next SMS: “We used to have fun together. Were are you now?”

After some more back and forth SMS the memories returned. ROONG!!! That Roong I had met 5 years ago during a project in Laem Chabang, when I stayed for approx. 6 weeks in Pattaya Nord. That Roong who could not let me sleep a few minutes during the nights. That Roong who was jealously watching all my steps in Pattaya during those 6 weeks. That Roong who then moved to Switzerland for 2 years, to work in a Thai restaurant with her married sister … that’s the official story.

With this Roong I exchanged a series of SMS approx. 4 years ago, when I was going back to Germany for some business in the Southern part, and I thought this might be a good idea to relax a bit with my old friend Roong in Switzerland – on the way back to my hometown. And she was so happy when I contacted here, and told me she was waiting, and she could arrange a hotel room…

A few days later then the SMS about her problems. Her brother had a motorbike accident. – Hmm…even that time I knew this story already. So I started a discussion that this was not really necessary to tell me, she should just send me the amount how much money she wanted if I stayed with her for 2 nights in Switzerland.

But she insisted that she was not working any more, the money was for her brother, not for herself – please help! OK, I thought, if this is the way you want it – how much?

THB 10,000.00 for hospital costs.

Not too much, in my opinion, for two nights in Switzerland – just send the bank account number to me where I shall transfer the money. And – I transferred the money. Stupid – why before seeing her … but it is always my strategy to make a girl feel good before spending some time together. Questionable strategy, in this case.

Some days later I was on my way to Germany, and tried to confirm the dates with Roong. Surprisingly – I did not get any answer on my SMS. Of course not.

Any questions :) ?

As I know now she had a swiss boyfriend already that time, and she never intended to meet me. That’s why she wrote now:

“Hi I know you still angry about me but I very wanted to see you. I am in Thailand now this is my phone number xxxxxxxx Roong”.

I asked her when I would get my money back. She told me that she would pay back everything, but she had to work first … so – she is back in business. And not a single THB will ever come back to me.

Such is life.


M P Lurker
01-02-07, 11:29
Most Thai girls that have your phone number will ask you for a loan eventually. If you are willing to give it as a gift, go ahead. Otherwise not.
There are exceptions, but not many amongst the hard up girls.
They nearly all have money problems sooner or later. Best not to give out phone numbers other than for your mongering SIM used only while in Thailand and while in mongering mode. Now to my looong story.

Recently in Bangkok I was horny and was just before midday, so went to the Morning Night bar in Sukhumwit Soi Nana Tai (South).
This time hotty Pim was in. So went off with her for a quicky upstairs she was hot for it after not having worked for afew days.
Anyhow, the gay boy from behind the bar comes up to me and asks "Do you know Pen?". I glance over and agree "Sure I know Pen".

Went over to see Pen and she introduced me to her daughter in law (ex wife of her son). Pen indicates she wants to buy me a drink. So I order gin and tonic. Pen explains that she has just come to Bangkok to find work, hopefully as a bar tender, after her restaraunt family business in Prajeen Buri has closed. She explains that she doesn't do P4P work any more and also that she doesn't work at Morning Night. Just visiting her friend, the gay bar tender. She says she wants to thank me so much for helping her with some money years ago and has never forgotten. I have long since forgotten the gift and how much money it was and even how long ago it was.

Anyway she clearly hasn'y got much money so after that she pays her bill and I buy all the drinks there after for Pen, the daughter in law Jiap, and the gay bar tender.

I first met Pen in the Lollypop bar of Nana Plaza perhaps 15 years ago. At that time she was in her early twenties, had a body like Halle Berry (not quite as dark as Halle) with very large natural breasts, a large curls perm and looked quite spectacular. Spoke very good English since at that time my Thai was weak. I naively wanted her for my girlfriend, she only went with me for the night I think twice. Turns out she already had an Aussie boyfriend Ron who I later met. Turned out he was a foul mouthed aggressive drunkard (and ugly) who hit her on occasions (but that was probably later).
I was sad and mistified how she could stay with that guy in preference to me. Sex with her wasn't that fabulous an she didn't let me go down on her. I guessed that the mysteries of orgasm was something she hadn't experienced yet. I do have very fond memories of taking a very long bath with her on the 2nd night however.
One night I took Pen and 3 of her girlfriends from Lollipop bar to see a "Talok" (Thai comedy) dinner show.
My Thai was weak then so I only understood about 2 of the jokes, but I enjoyed the tumbling gymnastics troup who also performed. The taxi ride back was an experience of the deafing noise of 4 drunk wayward girls.

Next time I met Pen (months later I guess), she had changed boyfriends and I ended meeting her new boyfriend, a blonde German or Swiss I think and didn't like him of course.

A few years later on entering the Nana Plaza, a voice called out to me "Mick!". She was sitting in the Hot Dog bar again visiting a friend who worked there. She was now a just a little chubby.
I meet up with Pen again in Soi 0 pool bar later.
I explain that I now have a girlfriend, but that she is back in Australia. However I omit that I am having a little fling with a girl who is staying with me at the Nana Hotel. The pool evening is going well with copious drinking. Pen is flirting with lots of guys, now her inhibitions are dropping off, but toward the end she whispers for me to tell her my room number as she will sneek over to my room when the bar closes and I have gone first (she doesn't want others to know that she would be in my arms tonight). Yow, this comes as a suprise and I have a big problem. There is already a girl sleeping in my room, and while I would rather be with Pen for the night, the other girl is probably expecting me back soon. I quickly consider hiring a 2nd room at the Nana Hotel, but decide that it is too risky, and of course I don't know the room number in advance. Something is sure to go wrong. In the end I come up with lame story that my girlfriend in Australia's brother is sharing the hotel room with so I can't very well get up to anything.
The owner of the bar says the Thai expression "Toh Tae!" (not sure of precise meaning but must be something like unlucky or ill-fated) is apt to cover my predicament (even though she doesn't understand the true details).

Few years later again, I meet one of the ex-lollipop girls in Morning Night bar. She says that she is going to meet with Pen tonight in a Soi 0 pool bar, and would I like to come. She gives me Pen's new phone number also.
So I meet up with Pen outside the Landmark in the afternoon and her sister Par. Par is a genuine sister it seems but doesn't look like Pen in the face (more chinese looking) Pen has put on even more weight and explains that she has lived in Sweden for 2 years but relationship didn't work out and she has returned to Thailand.
Invites me to the pool bar in Soi 0 in the evening.
At the Soi 0 pool bar, Pen shows me photos of her in Sweden in which she looks very white skinned, but is now quite dark skinned again. I play pool with Pen and Par. I buy Pen a large soft toy and Par looks jealous. Par also has big tits and a nicer body than Pen these days, and since Pen is just a friend for many years, I enventually convince Par to go with me for the night at Dynasty Inn.
Bad egg, I am (sorry about the Yoda speak). Its close to the fantasy of having 2 sisters together or mother and daughter, but had to make do with 2 sisters many years separating the occasions. After 2 nights with Par, I decide she is not really that perfect for me despite the very nice tits.

Finally we return to the recent meeting at Morning Night. Pen has lost weight and looking good once more (for her age). As a few drinks go by, Pen is getting innebriated. In the discussions I indicate that I might head off to Chiangmai and Chiangrai after getting my teeth fixed. Pen says she would like to come too and spend a few days with me. She says that she doesn't have sex unless she really has feeling for someone these days, so since we are just good friends over many years, she won't stop me from picking up some girl for the night and will even help choose one. As she is no longer sober she is cuddling up a lot now rubbing her generous soft tits on me and even letting her crotch brush my leg at times. It now comes out that she does have sex with girls on occasions (because they are gentler and know how to lick pussy better is one reason). I protest, saying I am also expert at pussy licking and my tongue is never tired easily. "How come Pen, you never allowed your pussy to be licked when you were younger?". She admits she has changed a lot, so I am thinking she might be good in bed these days so I am starting to envisage a 3-some with Pen, myself and another girl. I know well that after a few drinks, all her inhibitions would disappear in Chiangmai. I should do her right now taht she seems hot for it, but its too soon after the session with the bar-girl so I collect her phone number.

Of course I know that nothing is going to happen. I can't go away from girlfriend for 2-3 days and risks for getting caught are too great.
In fact I am even squirming sitting at the bar thinking that any passer by that knows me could see Pen and big tits all over me.

Having realised that too many chance meetings with Pen have happened and there are others I have met accidentally in the street in Sukhumwit, including a Canadian I first met in Australia, that one day an aquantaince of my girlfriend will see me playing up, a specially high chance would be her ladyboy younger brother, but she has lots of other friends that have seen me or my photos.

So I have decided not to visit Nana Plaza or its surrounds or Patpong again. Soi Cowboy girls will also be eliminated. I cannot afford to be seen walking with a girl anywhere. Sadly, future mongering will have to be very discreet and infrequent.
My potential wild liasons with Pen will have to stay in the realm of fantasy, even though they could be made real easily.
I still have her contact number filed away but I cannot use it. I must just fade away once more.
I can't really even have close friends of the female variety like this as they just don't behave in a way acceptable to my girlfriend.

Please understand that while I have mongered, its just driven by moderate sex addiction. I have a very special feeling for my girlfriend that goes beyond sex. I would never wish her hurt her feelings, or give her up. She is to be the last one. So I cannot afford to stuff up this relationship. I don't want to be without her.

Dutch Boy
01-05-07, 04:07
iam thinking... lets try and flip the script on these girls, i mean isent it thai custom for a girl to support her guy... with all the deadbeat thai boyfriends they have hanging around, lets ask them for $$ for our brother who has motorbike accident back home.. ask them to pay for things whatever, at least that way you can kinda flip it... and if they refused to give you money.. why the hell should you give her any ;-))

hope this helps... enjoy the flip guys :-))

M P Lurker
01-05-07, 07:17
iam thinking... lets try and flip the script on these girls, i mean isent it thai custom for a girl to support her guy... with all the deadbeat thai boyfriends they have hanging around, lets ask them for $$ for our brother who has motorbike accident back home.. ask them to pay for things whatever, at least that way you can kinda flip it... and if they refused to give you money.. why the hell should you give her any ;-))

hope this helps... enjoy the flip guys :-))
Thai men have a bad reputation for stealing from their girlfriends or sisters.
Non Thais also, but less so.

I once met a girl in an outside bar at the Nana plaza. I explained that I was Aussie. Eventually she mentioned an Aussie guy she knew from the same city. Turned out I knew him and was a casual friend of mine. We both went to same Thai Language class back home for a bit. Then heard his down an out bad luck story of how this guy went to Cambodia and had all his money credit cards and passport stolen, however managed to get back to Bangkok. As he was a close friend of this girl, he asked if he could "borrow" a few thousand baht to cover him till he got a replacement ticket and flew back to Australia. The girl was so good hearted that she sold/pawned her gold chain and gave hime the money.

I was later able to check this story and turned out to be true. I then repaid my friends debt, hoping that she would do the same for some other Farang in the future.

A few years back, I have also borrowed money ($10,000 - not Baht) from a Thai girlfriend for a period during a temporary cash flow problem when my brother was out of work, but of course in my Country "borrow" means it does get paid back.

Normally girls look after their guys in ways other than money. e.g. Some like to wash you in the bath or shower so don't have to do it yourself. They might wash and iron your clothes for you. I had my ex well trained. As soon as we got back to our room from going out somewhere, she would get all her clothes off promptly. Her bottom was superb (smallish tits) and got me hot for it quickly. Then the sex action could start very easily. She was very into me going down and servicing her first. Then I would get my action following that. I introduced her to a vibrator as well, for when I was away, but she would never talk about how often she used it or how good it was.

I am still yet to get a girl trained sufficiently to start the blow job as soon as she wakes up.

01-05-07, 09:31
I am still yet to get a girl trained sufficiently to start the blow job as soon as she wakes up.
Mick, that reminds me of the famous quote:
"How do I get to Carnegie Hall"................practice, pratice, practice."

01-05-07, 12:18
Dear Giotto,

You have built a lovely hotel at a very beautiful location. It was a fabulous experience at your hotel and loved every minute of the stay. The rooms are tastefully done and the facilities can put any 5 star hotel to shame.

It was pity that we cud not connect. Nevertheless next time I guess wud take an appointment from you to have a drink at the bar,

Best regards,


Sitting here in the office. It is 2:10 am in the morning, and I think about whether I should write this story or not.

To live in Thailand is difficult sometimes. Of course all the others here deal better with the issues than I do. I don't know why, but I always like some girls, even after those years of living here, and I try to help them. And then - from time to time - life kicks my balls.

It has kicked my balls again. And - after experiencing that 3 years ago last time - I thought I am healed, this cannot happen to me, there is nobody in Thailand any more who can touch my heart.


I realize that I am still a beginner. So many people in this forum deal much better with the ladies than I do. A simple rule would be: Never trust them, never believe them, never try anything. But - I always try to trust again, always try to believe again, and always try to try again.

There must be somebody trustworthy in this country. Or - may be not?

I think I cannot tell the story in the moment. Too many tears.

May be - one day.

Shanghai. I always wanted to live there. The city is booming, many things to do, but I don't like to live with Chinese people after 3 years of Singapore.



01-07-07, 10:05
Sitting here in the office. It is 2:10 am in the morning, and I think about whether I should write this story or not ...
I think I cannot tell the story in the moment. Too many tears.

May be - one day.

Shanghai. I always wanted to live there. The city is booming, many things to do, but I don't like to live with Chinese people after 3 years of Singapore.


GiottoGiotto - I just saw this post. So what happened??? Selfishly, I need some holiday reading. ;) (I bought a copy of "Thai Touch" at BKK airport, but skimmed through it in a couple of hours). Pretty naive content IMHO.

01-07-07, 15:17
Dear Giotto,

You have built a lovely hotel at a very beautiful location. It was a fabulous experience at your hotel and loved every minute of the stay. The rooms are tastefully done and the facilities can put any 5 star hotel to shame.

It was pity that we cud not connect. Nevertheless next time I guess wud take an appointment from you to have a drink at the bar,

Best regards,


Thanks for your report.

Please make sure that we meet next time when you stay in the Lodge. One single PM, or ask at the Front Desk...


01-10-07, 10:36
Sitting here in the office. It is 2:10 am in the morning, and I think about whether I should write this story or not.

To live in Thailand is difficult sometimes. Of course all the others here deal better with the issues than I do. I don't know why, but I always like some girls, even after those years of living here, and I try to help them. And then - from time to time - life kicks my balls.

Hey G,

Life kicks my balls here a lot as well. You are not alone!

It has kicked my balls again. And - after experiencing that 3 years ago last time - I thought I am healed, this cannot happen to me, there is nobody in Thailand any more who can touch my heart.


2006 was the year I knew I lost my heart. I don't mean the feeling of a broken heart. I mean the feeling of having no heart at all! I hope I am wrong. :)

I realize that I am still a beginner. So many people in this forum deal much better with the ladies than I do. A simple rule would be: Never trust them, never believe them, never try anything. But - I always try to trust again, always try to believe again, and always try to try again.

If you're a beginner than I'm a rookie! However, I understand exactly what you are feeling. At least I think I do.

There must be somebody trustworthy in this country. Or - may be not?

I wonder about this many times and the answer did come. I can trust each and every girlfriend on certain things, but can not trust any of them with other things.

I believe the key is to trust the girls where they can be trusted and not think about the things where they can not be trusted. And one thing more concerning the latter point.

After you know what you cannot trust a girl with you should immediately (and I do mean immediately), assign it to reality and never ever try to check on the girl so as to discover her wrongs again. She'll appreciate it and you will save yourself from much anguish. I learned this the hard way. Believe me!

Keep your chin up and stop swimming in your sorrows because swimming in a place like that is a good way to drown.

your (mostly absent) friend,

poster . . .

01-12-07, 08:28
Life kicks my balls here a lot as well. You are not alone!

Good to hear from you - what the hell are you doing? You haven't been here for weeks now, is your life OK? Somehow I have a mixed feeling when I read your comments...

Regarding the story, Piper1 also asked what happened. Let me give you a bit more information, but just a little bit.

I really have a good life here in Bangkok, with Mrs. Giotto, and there is nothing to complain about. She is taking good care of me, in all areas of life. But somehow it always happens to me to find this very special girls which mixes up my life.

Usually I don't believe that they exist, and I am playing the time card. I just meet them and wait until I find out that they are not as perfect as I originally thought. And usually I always find a reason to move away.

Now there is somebody who did not give me any reason to complain, for months already. And again I started to trust her, and to help her fixing her problems. Things worked very fine thereafter, and I thought that I had done the right thing.

And then there was this night in which I got some information, that she obviously hadn't told me the complete truth about her problems. That night I wrote the report. That night I was shocked that again it had happened to me. That night I was completely drunk and frustrated, angry about myself and Thailand. I am quite sure that most of the men living here in Thailand know this nights.

It luckily turned out to be a misunderstanding. I was able to clarify the issue in a long discussion a few days later. And up to now nothing similar has happened, and things are running very smoothly now.

I will tell the complete story one day, but the issue is too sensitive in the moment. I am trying to implement a for western values very unusual relationship structure right now, something which is still existing here in Thailand: The official implementation of a second wife accepted by the first wife. It is very diffucult to do, and a lot of emotions are coming up from all involved parties. So I don't need any comments from visitors of the Lodge about this in the moment, and that's why a stopped writing about this - for the time being. If in this moment one of the ladies looses face because of an inapproriate comment the game is over within seconds.

But one day, when the time has come, things have calmed down and everything is back to normal - I will let you know how it worked out, and how things were developing.


01-12-07, 10:55

Thanks for your recent comments, but if I were you I would delete a lot out of your last reply. You already gave out too much information for someone in a position such as yours. A position that often tempts me to envy you. You've got a great setup with your operation and your family life in Thailand. So please take my advice and clean up your last post because I don't want to see any more posts of suffering from you on this board! :)

As for me . . .

Married life has been an eye opener for me and I've learned a lot about the issue of face in Thailand. Unfortunately for me, I gained this new knowledge when I went a bit crazy and caused my wife (and a few others), a major loss of face. At the time I thought my actions were not entirely wrong because I felt as though I had suffered a major loss of face, but in retrospect I realize that my actions and the logic behind those actions were wrong.

I won't give the specifics out to this board yet because: 1) it is quite a long story and 2) giving this information to the board may also cause additional loss of face for my wife, but in reality I would be the most likely one to lose face. Ha Ha Ha Ha! I really did some pretty outlandish things in the last couple of months.

The things I did over the last few months came about because of the following issues: 1) trust, 2) second wives/former wives, and 3) second husbands/former husbands. The third issue might sound surprising because this is Thailand and you don't usually hear about Poo-A-Nois in Thailand. I've never heard of or read anything concerning this issue in the past. But vouchsafe! I can attest to being quite experience in this issue in the present moment. :)

One day I might commit the details of these last few months to the ISG board, but at this time I will keep them to myself.

However, just to put the general populace at ease, nothing bad has happened to me. I haven't been burned my some meanie weenie Thai girl. I have no reason to look over my shoulder for oncoming motorcycle taxis. My wife and I are still together and believe it or not, I think the events of the past two months have brought us closer together instead of splitting us apart.

And now for the anti-climatic event of this post I will simply state the following: The novel "Private Dancer" ain't s-h-i-t in comparison to my story. At least not in my opinion!

Ha Ha Ha Ha

Ha Ha Ha Ha

Ha Ha Ha Ha

What can I say? I am a posterlion and a posterlion does what a posterlion does. Not because he has a plan or anything like that, but simply because a posterlion does what a posterlion does.

Ha Ha Ha Ha

Ha Ha Ha Ha

Ha Ha Ha Ha

Until we meet again, farewell!

poster . . .

01-16-07, 20:33

Thanks. And thank you for dropping by the same day when you wrote the report - that is what a friend does.

Yes, I will not write anymore about this story. But I also will not modify the report. Let us wait how things will develop.

As for you - you do well, my friend. Life is not that easy, as you know. And things need time... You will make it.

I hope I have some more time to talk next time when you visit the Lodge. I am quite "busy" in the moment!



02-13-07, 07:48
Years ago I met a nice little Thai woman in Singapore, Ipanema, OT. She was one of those girls which are hiding in corners, to avoid being found from customers. So shy, so innocent, so insecure in the strange environment of this big city…

I invited her for a drink, and listened to her story. One of the usual Thai stories, mother at home, not too healthy, no job, 2 sisters, she is the oldest of all three daughters. Her younger sisters going to school – and NO MONEY. All of them living in a small village outside of Bangkok. Her English was limited, so it was likely that she was not participating in this business too long.

It was her second visit in Singapore, the first she had spent completely with a nice Australian man, in his apartment, and he had given her S$ 2,000.00 before her visa was finished after 2 weeks. And – he had paid for the “agency” who brought her there – insider of the Singapore will know about this business. Girls have to pay to be brought to and introduced into the business in Singapore.

I do have a good heart. And she was a sweet and nice young lady. She stayed with me during that business trip, for a 2 or 3 days, and I gave her my Thai mobile number. After we both returned to Thailand she contacted me sometimes, when she was in Bangkok. I supported her a bit, when her financial trouble was getting really serious, and the family could not pay for the rent any more. Was it true? How can I know…

I liked her traditional Thai education and behaviour, she was not too westernized, as many girls are if they are working in the business and going out with farang every day. She was beautiful, had a perfect skinny body, but completely inexperienced. So she simply enjoyed the nights with me as she would have done with a boyfriend in Thailand.

One day she informed me that she had a boyfriend now, and she would not see me any more. It was her first customer from Singapore, who had moved to Thailand, Rayong, to work there somewhere in a car manufacturing company. She went to live with him in Rayong – and I heard nothing any more.

So far so good.

A few days ago I suddenly got an SMS.

P: “Hi, are you still in Bangkok?”

Surprise! I needed some time to remember her and the story.

G: “Yes. How are you?”

P: “I am coming back to Bangkok. Do you want to see me?”

Hmmm…what does she want?

G: “How is your boyfriend?”

P: “Finished. I am going to work again. When do you go to Singapore next time?”

Ahhh…she needed somebody to buy a ticket for her, and bring her through the immigration, without showing money, and may be she then gets a 30 days visa in Singapore.

G: “That does not sound so good. I don’t go Singapore soon!”

OK, if not that the strategy must be changed.

P: “Can I see you in Bangkok?”

Understand, let’s get things straight!

G: “For sex, or for talking?”

P: “Sex, had no sex long time!”

G: “You need money?”

P: “Yes.”

G: “How much?”

P: “THB 10,000.00 , but up to you!”

Ahhh – yeah. Here we go. Some serious money – but up to me.

I did not answer for 2 days. Yesterday:

P: “I am in Bangkok now. Do you want to see me?”

I decided to better finish the story.

G: “I thought I already gave you enough money some time ago…”

The next surprise followed:

P: “OK. When do you have time to see me?”

Decisions, decisions. What a hard life. Do I have time?


Fox Two
02-13-07, 18:02

My friend, it appears that your girl P. is no longer that sweet young girl you once knew and is all grown up now! I would say have fun with her but always remember what is truly important to you and to take the necessary precautions.



Fox Two
02-13-07, 20:30

On a related note, one of the girls I keep in contact with from your stable recently started asking me for money because she is sick and the doctor says she needs an operation.

I suppose I could be blunt and just say no, but I wonder if any of the uber bestards out there have an appropriate response that doesn't make me seem uncaring, but also conveys that I'm not a chump interested in becoming her walking atm machine.



Naked Gunz
02-13-07, 23:42
I travel mucho, but I'm learning by experience and this forum that I need to not be a nice guy with these hoes..LT is f#ucking turning into lifetime!

It's nice to have a familiar face to return to in LOS, Angeles, ect..,
but not to the extent of support. I have 1 kid already!
They make more azz everyday in these countries.
Turn off your email and western union guys!

02-14-07, 05:51
My friend, it appears that your girl P. is no longer that sweet young girl you once knew and is all grown up now! I would say have fun with her but always remember what is truly important to you and to take the necessary precautions.
Fox Two,

I think your analysis is 100 % correct, and that's why of course will NOT go to see her. No question about that.


02-14-07, 15:48

It is hard to look in a mirror when it comes to being true to your P.

02-15-07, 05:46

It is hard to look in a mirror when it comes to being true to your P.Nutnsuch,

No, it actually is not hard to look into a mirror. Why should it be hard? Come on, man, explain your POV.


Too Jaded
02-15-07, 06:47

On a related note, one of the girls I keep in contact with from your stable recently started asking me for money because she is sick and the doctor says she needs an operation.


Let me guess, could this be a young sophisticated lady who's name starts with the letter M and has recently undergone nipple surgery?

There was something wrong with her when I was with her, and she emailed me and told me she had to go to the hospital recently, but she never asked for money from me. Maybe I am further down the list, if she is the same one you mentioned.


02-15-07, 10:01
On a related note, one of the girls I keep in contact with from your stable recently started asking me for money because she is sick and the doctor says she needs an operation.
Fox Two, and all others in the same situation:

If a girl from Livingstone's ask you to send money for whatever reason, and the money is needed for some "special reasons" - DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT ME, I will then check out what the background of the story is.

It is really easy to check this things out for me here in Livingstone's, and I will not tell you any nonsense. You can then STILL make the decision whether you want to send that money or not.

I simply don't want my guests to get ripped off from our girls. But what everybody should know - there is NO WAY for me to stop the girls trying/asking...


Fox Two
02-15-07, 19:32
Let me guess, could this be a young sophisticated lady who's name starts with the letter M and has recently undergone nipple surgery?



This is a different young lady whose name starts with an O. I will have to confer with G regarding the validity of her claims.

Thanks though.


02-18-07, 17:29
There was something wrong with her when I was with her, and she emailed me and told me she had to go to the hospital recently, but she never asked for money from me. Maybe I am further down the list, if she is the same one you mentioned.
Too Jaded,

LOL...are you jealous, that you were not asked?

You can volunteer...need my bank account?


PS: Where the hell are you right now?

02-22-07, 07:55
It's nice to have a familiar face to return to in LOS, Angeles, ect..,
but not to the extent of support. I have 1 kid already!
...Naked Gunz,

Are you sure? I think you wanted to say that you have 1 kid already you know about :) ...


06-16-07, 12:05
As a request from a dear friend and to share my disrobing with those who will find this tale amazing for its naivete.

Once upon a time there was this little country hick who set off across the world and stumbled across the ISG. In order to share his tales with the rest of the world he took to posting tales - mostly of woe - as he is incompetent and barely speaks anything that might remotely pass as English he created a email account. For many years and many reports this activity passed un-noticed and infrequently ignored on the forum until he went to Livingstones.

He thought he had found heaven - albeit that his first trip coincided with a nasty case of "strep throat" from Manila - another story another day. Now this did not put off our intrepid hick who continued on his merry path - he even enjoyed the company of the Duck - nights out with Giotto and even had the pleasure of meeting 1Ball. All of which confirmed that his inability had got so bad that he had become "Singlish".

Now in a moment of madness he invited his father to the region to enjoy some relaxation and so they traipsed across the region. More moments of amusement - of a girl named Kaka in KL - this would have been funny but for Kaka destroying his beloved Reds in the CL to the amusement of Daddy who supports the other reds (lower case for deliberate reasons).

Then to Singapore where he had become entranced with a syt from Thailand - hence the reason why you are suffering from reading this tale. Now thinking he was smart he even paid her in advance and descended into Orchard to reclaim his flower. Alas she was a dedicated Arsenal fan and on the night in question was found screaming at the big screen at Modestos as Chelsea won after the handbags at 11 episode which was called the Carling Cup. Oh well he thought I still have that pneumatic body to enjoy and consoling her will be a pleasure.

But alas our friend had not banked on the skill and arts of the Thais - upon entering bed - having swallowed what we shall call the "J Bomb" to enhance the performance and ready to road test this little Malaysian booster - he starting to roam - as the hands began to reach for the lights he noticed the presence of a strange and dangerous object in her sweet red underwear. Alas it was the wrong time and worse it had only just started.

Notwithstanding this red light - he was left with a rather large - ok no one is ever going to write that he is small in that department - problem that was unbearable. The booster kicked into overdrive and all the rocking and rolling around in the night - alone we sadly have to add - the bolt was shot and more embarassment followed.

Now we could end the story here but there is a twist. In all of this time our friend had been chasing a SYT freelancer and finally despite the failure on the previous day he managed - yes amazing as it may seem to bed this sweet young thing.

Ah a happy ending to our tale but no it gets worse. This SYT was rather smart and the next day a call was received. " Did you enjoy your Thai girlfriend in Orchard Towers" - again we have to plug Thailand or else there would be nowhere else to put this tale of woe !!!

"What are you talking about" - "I did a google search on your ****** account and found out about your games - I dont like to be compared to them"

So now we had to resort to Jackson and his wisdom in protecting those of us who dont use the grey matter and in our haste to create an account use an email address that should not be used !

Like Captain Jack Sparrow I have been cast adrift no longer recognised by friend and foe alike - apart from my Singlish and the secret joys of the pm.

So for those who think that they cannot be found - remember our paramours are not as daft as they look and that Jackson protects us like his brood to prevent our names being uncloaked unless of course you are "as daft as a brush" and do it yourself ! And hence my self-imposed exile from the world of writing tales until I was coaxed by a dear friend of mine into revealing how to be "outed"

There you have it a tale that somehow manages to link Livingstones-Thailand-Singapore-Singlish and folly and not forgetting "outing". Hope this little tale fits the bill of this thread and causes you to shake your head in amazement not only that someone could be so backward but that they should even write about it !

This is what comes from being unable to speak your own language any more !

Giotto - my thanks for allowing to share my "outing" and regret to inform that my exile will end next month !

06-17-07, 07:15
Giotto - my thanks for allowing to share my "outing" and regret to inform that my exile will end next month !Tamurlane26,

My dear Singlish speaking friend: OUCH!!!! What a story!

There is nothing what I could comment on.

But may be this helps: Last night, very late, a guy came in with a young "lady", went to his room. I already thought he would be "surprised" in a few minutes, if he wasn't really into that... 10 min. later both came back down, and the "lady" left. A short question to me: Where can I find somebody now? Nana parking lot, and the lower Sukhumvit were the only options.

Stories like this happen to all of us - in the beginning of our mongering career.


PS: Was it fathers day yesterday :) ?

06-17-07, 17:09

Such is your generosity you allowed me the benefit of the :-

"Stories like this happen to all of us - in the beginning of our mongering career."

Alas it was only in February ! We are fortunate that Jackson does not revoke senior memberships on the grounds of incompetence in the field ! In my case this is an extremely fortunate situation to find oneself in.

I shall now go away and practice my english for at least a few weeks prior to my visit in order to convince you of my irrationality !!

11-15-07, 16:50
Am most fortunate that George Lucas set the trend for allowing movie series to be created in any sequence you choose as long as you can tie the thread together in the end.

Please be aware noble readers that another saga has just been written in the sky and the only challenge will be who shall provide the first line. Needless to say if Giotto writes first I shall have to print a lengthy rebuttal !

All in all we can only say that but for the grace of another customer I would have been in Nana Car Park. But .....

Please allow me some time to create a piece worthy of your tolerance and amusement - so watch this space.