View Full Version : FKK Sudbad

01-01-07, 01:00
Mattias-Bruggen Str 12 50827 KÖLN
Phone: 0221-595 35 04
Homepage: www.sudbad.de
Open : Daily 1pm- 1am Fri-Sat 1pm-3am
Entrance : 50€
Price : 50€/30min

06-03-07, 09:43
This was posted by ludgerr on the RF.

Translation to follow when I have time.

wie der zufall so spielt, war ich just heute spontan vor Ort.
Da ich erst nach 02:00 Uhr dort aufgeschlagen bin, kann es sich bei meinen
Eindrücken selbstredend nur um eine Momentaufnahme handeln.
Das Sudbad hat nichts von seinem legendären Charme und Flair eingebüßt.
Die Atmosphäre hat mich schon immer angesprochen. M.E. ein idealer Ort für ausschweifende private Sexpartys oder einen gehobenen Swingerclub.
Das Management ist nach zwischenzeitlichem Betreiberwechsel wieder das alte. Der Eintritt beträgt € 50, für die halbe Stunde werden €80 aufgerufen, und die ganze Stunde schlägt mit € 160 zu Buche.
Bei meiner Ankunft waren 5 Frauen zugegen, von denen ich 3 von früher kannte und die nichts unversucht gelassen haben mir das Gefühl zu vermitteln, der Hahn im Korb zu sein. Wem wäre es wohl unangenehm sich von 5 Vertreterinnen der holden Weiblichkeit den Zauberstab anblasen zu lassen Eigentlich hatte ich vor zwei der fünf vor die Flinte zu nehmen, doch nach wenigen Augenblicken auf dem Zimmer mit Milena(was für ein Schuß, ein Traum von Frau ca. 172, blonde Haare, anmutig und grazil, sehr feminin und definiert, die Proportionen stimmen sehr gut, herrliche Tittis, fest und stramm, mit sehr erregbaren Brustwarzen, die schon als sie für mich tanzte und mir ausgiebig ihren famosen Prachtarsch präsentierte, keck hervorlugten. Was soll ich sagen war ein Hammererlebnis, was für eine geile ***, ein richtiges Naturtalent, das Sex im Blut hat. Lasiziv, sinnlich und versaut zugleich. Und was hat sie bloß für eine geile, flinke, nasse und lange Zunge, die sie virtuos einzusetzen vermag. Eine begnadete Bläserin. Selten, dass Frauen verdammt viel Gefühl in den Händen haben und zugleich dazu beitragen, dass der Dirty Talk für beide Seiten das Lustempfinden und die pure geilheit steigert. Der Blick in den an der Decke angebrachten Spiegel ist wie ich wieder feststellen durfte richtig prickelnd wenn die Einblicke, die man erhält derart reizvoll sind.
Ludgerr für seinen Teil war nur noch ein Stück geiles Fleisch, was hat dieses Luder bloß mit ihm gemacht, und hat sich wie ein griechischer Gott die Seele aus dem Leib gefickt.
Als er um halb fünf hinauskomplimentiert wurde, schien die Welt unterzugehen.

Heute morgen ist Ludgerr dann als Folge mit einer veritablen Morgenlatte aufgewacht, wie man sie aus TeeenagerSturmundDrangZeiten kennt. Ob dies auch auf vorhergehende Verlustierungen -noblesse oblige- zurückzuführen sein mag, darf getrost bezweifelt werden.
Fazit: to follow

04-12-08, 20:36
From inside information I received last week, the owners (same as Bernd's) are planning on changing Sudbad to a Bernd's style club- will be open 12- 12, will be all FKK, and have similar pricing (CIM inclusive). Part of the plan is to have Sudbad women receive training in Bernd's and I was lucky enough to encounter one such trainee last week. Some Bernd's SP may aso be doing onsite training in Sudbad.
Will be interesting to follow how this develops. Sudbad is certainly better located, and the physical facility is better than Bernd's. Still, the Hof is THE HOF.

04-12-08, 20:57
From inside information I received last week, the owners (same as Bernd's) are planning on changing Sudbad to a Bernd's style club- will be open 12- 12, will be all FKK, and have similar pricing (CIM inclusive). Part of the plan is to have Sudbad women receive training in Bernd's and I was lucky enough to encounter one such trainee last week. Some Bernd's SP may aso be doing onsite training in Sudbad.
Will be interesting to follow how this develops. Sudbad is certainly better located, and the physical facility is better than Bernd's. Still, the Hof is THE HOF.Thanks for the info,if you get to know of an opening date lets us know.

Thanks again.

04-12-08, 21:08
From inside information I received last week, the owners (same as Bernd's) are planning on changing Sudbad to a Bernd's style club- will be open 12- 12, will be all FKK, and have similar pricing (CIM inclusive). Part of the plan is to have Sudbad women receive training in Bernd's and I was lucky enough to encounter one such trainee last week. Some Bernd's SP may aso be doing onsite training in Sudbad.
Will be interesting to follow how this develops. Sudbad is certainly better located, and the physical facility is better than Bernd's. Still, the Hof is THE HOF.

Funny you should mention this. A couple of weeks ago I was in Mattias-Bruggen Str visiting a company and passed by a building which a sauna sign outside. I thought, no it can't an FKK club or Partytreff in this industrial looking area! But I was wrong as you confirmed this club's address.

For those like me that use public transport, the club is close to the city center and the nearest train stop is Wolffsohnstrabe, about 12 minutes from Cologne central:-)) Might well pop by there in the Summer, but as you say the Hof is The Hof!

04-13-08, 12:43
From inside information I received last week, the owners (same as Bernd's) are planning on changing Sudbad to a Bernd's style club- will be open 12- 12, will be all FKK, and have similar pricing (CIM inclusive). Part of the plan is to have Sudbad women receive training in Bernd's and I was lucky enough to encounter one such trainee last week. Some Bernd's SP may aso be doing onsite training in Sudbad.
Will be interesting to follow how this develops. Sudbad is certainly better located, and the physical facility is better than Bernd's. Still, the Hof is THE HOF.
I would be interested in finding out how this develops. This is a welcome development.

Until quite recently there was an arrangement between Bernds and Sudbad where one could pay to enter one and on the same day visit the other one without having to pay the entry fee again.

However, there were never any good reports coming out of Sudbad and it still looked to be the expense account, rip off place it used to be.

The issue is that, as you say, the Hof is the Hof.

The Hof had a sister club in Sankt Augustine-Meindorf until about seven or eight years ago and that club was somehow even better than the Hof. Those were the days.

Try to imagine an even looser, more relaxed environment than the Hof, if you can.

They did have a similar joint entrance fee arrangement as with Sudbad and it was just down the road from the Hof.

Katja and Connie (the Thekenfrau at the Hof) are about the last SAM personnel still active.

04-13-08, 14:17
However, there were never any good reports coming out of Sudbad and it still looked to be the expense account, rip off place it used to be.

Right now the entrance fee looks to be 50 euro's and 80 for a half hour with the girls. Wonder if the club takes a cut of the 80...if not, then the girls are going to be on the losing end with cim being included. And any idea what Sudbad girls charge for cim now?

From what Jackyo told me, the free entry to Sudbad was only if you went with a girl at the club...otherwise you paid an entry fee upon leaving. If they want guys to check out the club, they might have to drop this requirement.

04-13-08, 21:40
If it means that they could refurbish the Hof at some time (it is certainly overdue), while keeping the customers happy at Sudbad, this could be a win-win situation for everyone. Two Hof-style clubs with modern facilities... They'd get my custom back.

04-13-08, 21:49
I see from the impressum that Heinz is listed as the club owner. He is an extremely nice guy and if anyone goes there and gets to meet him just listening to his life story will take your mind off the fact that you can't take the 'bad' out of Sudbad. I wish him luck, but at 80 a throw, who's he kidding.

04-14-08, 00:24
Breadman, Marlow, Jackyo et al,
When it changes its system, it's supposed to adopt Bernd's style pricing. Let's wait and see if it happens...

04-14-08, 14:49
@Toscana - don't hold your breath. It took them this long to decide that seventies original, never mind retro, was way way out of date. That toilet on the ground floor (first to you yanks) aaagh! Sudbad was practically a museum piece. One half expected to see Toulouse sketching in the corner.

04-14-08, 20:46
If it means that they could refurbish the Hof at some time (it is certainly overdue), while keeping the customers happy at Sudbad, this could be a win-win situation for everyone. Two Hof-style clubs with modern facilities... They'd get my custom back.

I always thought moving the club to a location where one can expand would be the way to go. They wouldn't have to move far, just find a place with more room and preferably a large private outdoor area. Imagine the couch action taking place around a small outdoor setup like Finca.

07-21-08, 02:16

Montag bis Sonntag - 15:00 Uhr bis 3:00 Uhr
Mathias-Brüggen-Str. 12 50827 Köln (Bickendorf) Tel.: 02 21 595 35 04

Kind regards,

07-22-08, 12:55
Yes, indeed, this club is being rebranded and will reopen on the first of August as Salon Rouge.


The only thing about this choice of name is that it is very close to La Rouge, PT Dolce Vita's sister club in Osnabrueck-Wallenhorst which never really took off and had to be reconfigured. It was too close to FKK Zeus which is the dominant FKK in that neck of the woods.

Entry fee is 50 Euros. There is nothing on the website which deals with how much sessions cost. Hopefully they don't charge anything like the rip off rates they used to charge.

It also remains to be seen if the Bernds service ethic carries over to this club.

The decor is over-the-top Puff-style with extreme 19th century mood lighting and leather chairs. Kind of reminds me of a Red Carpet club but more upscale.

07-22-08, 21:08
Yes, indeed, this club is being rebranded and will reopen on the first of August as Salon Rouge.

About one week away, interesting to see what the reports are like. Did this club ever have an outdoor area though? Would a remodel add one if they didnt?

07-23-08, 10:35
Here is clarification on the pricing at this club:

50 Euro entry fee. 50 Euros per session. Extensions also cost 50 Euros. Extras cost 25 Euros.

Food and non-alcoholic drinks are included. One can order food from outside.

The women have freie Wahl in the clothing area, d.h. they can go nude or wear dessous. The Chef has a preference for dessous though.

Alcoholic drinks do cost extra: 3 Euros for a Beer, z. B. A bottle of Sekt will cost you 110 Euros.

The women won't receive a commission for pushing drinks, by the way.

This is a refreshing change from the previous Sudbad which was known for its almost predatory attitude towards visiting out-of-town businessmen.

Reminds me of a conversation I had with Marion at PT Dorsten when I was there last. As I have written, she is in her mid forties but started out when she was eighteen at a bar on the Bahnhofstrasse in Muenster. The women back then made their money by pushing drinks - which she did. She drank heavily and in a couple of years had liver problems. Alcohol and her chosen "profession" had, back then, an unavoidable connection.

Nowadays she stays away from the stuff.

07-31-08, 09:43
Let's hope so, anyway, with the new name, but honestly folks calling it 'salon Rouge' does not fill me with any great hopes. I'd go in and start looking for Toulouse in the corner asking one of the girls if they would like to come by sometime and see his sketches. If I spot a frilly little thigh band - I'm out of there, ma cherie. Unless it's attached to a Carla Bruni lookalike who wants to tell me how she doesn't believe in monogamy (true, read all about it) wild horses wouldn't drag me out.
@ Breadman, the place is in the middle of an industrial estate and surrounded on all sides by concrete and iron railings. Opposite is haus 13 (ugh!) a real dive (maybe closed now). Sun yourself in the car park if you wish.

Love Palace
07-31-08, 14:56
Yes, indeed, this club is being rebranded and will reopen on the first of August as Salon Rouge.I will try this club, but should like all of you avoid the Cologne area 23rd-28th.September during the worlds largest photo-image fair in Cologne : Photokina.Hotelprices are twice the normal rate and clubs in taxi distance is heavilly visited.


07-31-08, 16:26
Let's hope so, anyway, with the new name, but honestly folks calling it 'salon Rouge' does not fill me with any great hopes. I'd go in and start looking for Toulouse in the corner asking one of the girls if they would like to come by sometime and see his sketches. If I spot a frilly little thigh band - I'm out of there, ma cherie. Unless it's attached to a Carla Bruni lookalike who wants to tell me how she doesn't believe in monogamy (true, read all about it) wild horses wouldn't drag me out.
@ Breadman, the place is in the middle of an industrial estate and surrounded on all sides by concrete and iron railings. Opposite is haus 13 (ugh!) a real dive (maybe closed now). Sun yourself in the car park if you wish.
All we can do is hope for the best!

Based on their photos, their decor is over the top. I don't know if its preferred over the spartan 1970s decor at Bernds but it certainly screams "Puff!".

Has anyone come across a Carla Bruni look alike at these clubs yet? I'd be interested in looking her up.

08-01-08, 09:11
@ Jackyo - I'd hope it was the dame herself, and work down from there.
Photokina has a wide selection of very fine totty, some of which likes to cruise at night, especially those Cologne hotel bars whose layout seem to encourage an air of sleaze. For example the Maritime in Heumarkt and across the river the Marriott. A great chance for a spot of role reversal.

08-03-08, 10:06
Well, the opening day was visited by the guys from Rheinforum - and they hated it. Old fashioned, dreadful food and not a decent dame in sight. The 'Puff' that tops all Puffs. Beats me with World and others, some folks who want to open an FKK club haven't learned what works these days. Or there must still be a clientele out there that likes their sex clubs the way their grandfather liked them - in other words middle aged germans, married, more money than experience, taking their business partners for an evening out. Actually, come to think of it quite a few like around!

08-23-08, 02:44
I have it good authority (our Gallic counterparts) that the very large titted Liliane (or Lilijana) now works behind the counter at Salon Rouge.

Don't know if that means she doesn't work the other side of the counter from time to time.

I've followed this chick's career for a while. She was at Blue Note, at La Bedo, at Wildenrath and then at Babylon the last time I caught up with her.

She has a magnificent pair. The best in the business.

Tom Schilders
12-27-09, 19:32
Hi Guys,
I was in Sudbad, or Salon Rouge as it is officially called nowadays, a few weeks ago. The previous time I was there was about 4 years ago, and other than that the upstairs bar has become smaller (they closed the section where one could have really great open sex) nothing has changed much.

It is still the same setup, between 6 - 10 women walking around almost naked. None of them are 10-ers, but I feel that what they lack in looks, they make up for in enthousiasm.

My first round was with a Thai chick. She wasn's so much into the open sex action, so we proceeded rather quickly up to the room. I opted for 1 hour massage with full sex happy ending. I did not regret any of it, however it was not typical FKK action that she gave.

After my session with her I must have spent 1,5 hours in the whirlpool, with great sight of the bar area. What I really like about this place is that the chicks are trully naked. Some of the places like GT, LR, DV nowadays the women walk around in bikini's or similar type of clothing, whereas I like more the traditional FKK scene.

In any case, at around 11 a Eastern European gal came in (Romanian or Bulgarian, I don't recall). She did look Turkish but she wasn't. Because my experience 4 years ago with a Turkish chick in Sudbad was great, and although this chick was not Turkish be she looked Turkish, I became more close to her (believe me by the way, Turkish women are very nice, and the few pro's and non-pro's from Turkey that I fucked where a great experience!).

The Romanian/Bulgarian girl told me she always arrives +- at 23:00 to stay untill close of the place. When she noticed I was interested in her, she asked if I wanted to sit on the couch in the room next to to bar area, where also the whirpool is situated. We proceeded to there, and we started to do our typical FKK action on the couch. After 15 - 20 minutes of good oral action, it was time for more. At first I wanted to go to a room, but she told me we would stay on the couch.

No regrets, we had a great fuck in the open room, and sometimes people walked in but actually it is great to have sex on the open. It took another 15 minutes for me to shoot my load. After that a little more kissing and fundling on the couch after which I decided it was time to go (it was past midnight, and little boys should be sleeping by then :-) ).

If you are looking for pure naked action, and do not care too much about the variety and quantity of women, Sudbad/Salon Rouge is a good place to be. If you are more into noise, 50 - 60 women, free drinks etc etc, than probably Samya / GT / LV / DV are more your thing.

I will return!

Rob Raunch
12-28-09, 00:32
The Romanian/Bulgarian girl told me she always arrives +- at 23:00 to stay untill close of the place. When she noticed I was interested in her, she asked if I wanted to sit on the couch in the room next to to bar area, where also the whirpool is situated. We proceeded to there, and we started to do our typical FKK action on the couch. Probably....

Alexandra, Bulgarian girl which works the Hof by day, S-Bad by night.

She's cute, VERY flexible and a REAL good kisser.

She aims to PLEASE and not shy! -hehehe


09-12-10, 22:30
I do not think she is in Hof nether in Sudbad anymore... so history


Alexandra, Bulgarian girl which works the Hof by day, S-Bad by night.

She's cute, VERY flexible and a REAL good kisser.

She aims to PLEASE and not shy! -hehehe


08-09-11, 14:25
Went here couple of months ago. This place was my first fkk sexperience in Frankfurt.

What can I say. Went there on a Saturday entrance was cheap compared to all the fkk in frankfurt area.

Selection was limited and that was a Saturday night. 95 percent Romanian colony inside.

A good altervative to going to RLD- where I always get ripped.

11-20-12, 07:41
Is this place even open anymore? The website appears to be under construction or non-functional and their are very few recent reports on this locale.

06-16-24, 16:26
I think this has now rebranded as FKK Amari. I read elsewhere that 3 American porn actors (male) were there yesterday as guests.

06-16-24, 16:50
Sudfass was my original introduction to German FKK's back in approximtely 1988 or so! I had a client who took me out for "typical" German entertainment!

Was great! I still have a towel with Sudfass embroidered on it.

It had since burned down once and then got reinvented / reincarnated s SudBad in another location.

I loved this place.

Same with Oase soon afer. But it bacame too pushy and service and quuality of the girls kept declining. How hard it is to run a good brothel? OR are these jsut money laundering enterprises now?