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12-05-06, 05:19
...She is quite shocked because this seems to be the first time she has ever been caught. My free hand goes to her throat & I yell "you think I am stupid!?" in Chinese.

She yells no & a ***** behind her tries to vouch for her. I yell at the outsider to mind her own business & she tries to slink away. I yell at the thief "you must think I am stupid right?" She tries to backtrack & says no. Somehow no one is around. I yell "you know thieves that target foreigners will be fucked way beyond Chinese thieves right?!" However it seems that she has forgotten all that. She is crying way beyond i have ever seen tears. I yell at her that i am bringing her to the police. She loses it! She is kickng & screaming but not near enough as before. I bring her in front of the police officer & the officer says "do you have a witness?" the only witness is the other hooker from before & she suddenly forgot how to speak english. She is smart enough to realize that she is in way too deep to screw around with the cops & somehow everyone gets off. Within seconds they disappear but i learn a valuable lesson.

Never let a hooker feel you up! It may feel good but make no mistake they are feeling you up for a future score. Grab them when given the chance & keep th pressure on.

I think this is a very important story for everyone who mongers in bars in China. Though this one is not indicative of most of what goes on, if you monger in bars here (or even just GO to bars here) you are bound to meet some trouble from time to time - whether it be getting robbed, otherwise ripped off, or in some kind of confrontation.

I've found myself similarly angry at times. My advice is, strongly, to chill and remember where you are. Escalating things, though perhaps it may feel justifiable, is never going to benefit you. A) cops won't care, or just assume YOU are in the wrong, B) Someone might get hurt (you or someone else, which could be just as bad because YOU might get arrested for that), and/or C) You are never going to benefit from it ... in fact, in the story here Haokan already got his money back, so the best thing to do then is just say a word or two to the girl and then walk away.

Seriously, Haokan's was a great post (even though a good example of what NOT to do) and a great lesson for people who have not experienced this or who have experienced it but just need to vent (like me). You gotta remember there is a way of life here which was around a long time before any of us were, and will be around a long time after we are gone. With a lot of goods comes some bads. The bads can really suck, but it's wise not to make them worse.

Expect nothing from the cops, a totally "don't care" attitude from everyone else, and walk away from everything you can (including sometimes when you actually do lose some money) and you're life is going to be a whole lot simpler (and probably happier) in China.


12-05-06, 12:04
Upon reflection I realize how lucky I am nothing bad happened. I should have just let it go and chalked it up to a lesson learned. I was quite drunk (also when I wrote the report) and alone and I could have easily been hurt. I reacted badly and it could have been so much worse for what turned out to be a few hundred RMB. I think Bonzo1 is right, just chill.

Shanghai Jack
12-05-06, 14:25
I was at shanghai hotel 2F last night, and I was told by this girl who worked at Ji Yuan not long ago. She said that many girls left the establishment recently because of the police raids. 5 Johns was arrested at one time. I dont really know if this is true, but she seems sincere to me. Can anyone confirm this?Also, what precisely will happen if you are arrested for mongering in Shanghai? I have not heard about any raids at Ji Yuan. As this place is so big and obvious, I cannot imagine that there are serious raids and it still stays open afterwards. I mean Shanghai Hotel and others can still pretend to be a normal Sauna somehow - but Ji Yuan? Anyway, I will check with my local friends.

Regarding what happens after raids, there is an interesting post in the 'Reports of Distinction' section.

Have fun, SJ

Blue Diamone
12-05-06, 15:31
Hope somebody out there can help me out. First I have RTFF but cannot find anything on the Minhang area.

I will be in the Minhang Economic & Technology Development Zone in the middle of December.

Are there any P4P around this area. The company will put me up in a Hotel in Minhang.

Any suggestion is most welcome.

Thank in advance

Daredevil II
12-05-06, 21:00
This chain is not a big secret and most locals, taiwanese and chinese speaking foreigners know of this place. I've been entertaining in this chain for 2+ years now since when it was just one store off Huai Hai Lu and Song Shan Lu (store no.1 and it is now closed). Both you mentioned plus another one off Kai Xuan Lu are all owned by the same Taiwanese owner. No membership is required but membership do get you deep discounts in drinks. The one in Caobao Lu (called shop no. 5) is the worst of the lot but biggest. Gubei road (shop no. 2) is the smallest with the wildest girls but hardest to book. Kai Xuan Lu (store no. 3) is bigger and have more girls and a white grand piano in the center. With this chain please go before 8:30pm to make sure you get good girls. They get snapped up fast. The system is different where there is only one pool of girls from which all managers(papasan/mamasan) gets the girls from. They share, and do not have their own pool of girls.

The uniforms vary from location and they do switch them around from time to time. What you get different is a lapdance of 2 songs. It is almost a fixed set and it gets old after a while. Have fun. I have been to several places that are starting to step up to this kind of level of entertainment, at least 3-4 other establishments that I know of. It is getting more fun for folks in shanghai.

Tipping guide:

400 to each of the xiao jie.
200 to waitress
100 to the waiter (shao ye)
300 to papasan/mamasan

Recently, I've been to 2 different KTV (but same owners I believe) that has been quite different. The girls are wearing pink uniforms, with no bras and a G-string. You can feel them all you want. I was pretty lucky with one of the girl as she likes me and was putting her hands down my pants and I was feeling her up as well. She got quite wet. Also, when you are about to leave they will also do a strip dance for you with their clothes off. One KTV is on Gubei Lu and the other on Caobao lu. I don't want to give the exact location because I don't want the place to be closed down, but if you PM I will give you the location. I'm not positive but I think you also need to be a member. I will try to get more details. It was quite a different experience.

Joe Black
12-05-06, 23:27
Hey everyone, as you can see i'm a newbie here. Firstly i juz wan to greet and say thank you to everyone that contributes in this forum especially for the senior member that really helps me to get live through in this city. And please pardon my english cuz i'm not so good in English.

So aniway for my first post, i juz want to share some information about Yu Ping Hotel Sauna.

I just got back from there and the manager told me that in 25 December - 1 January they will have a discount for the Double Fly service (2 girls) for 880rmb.
And also i would like to reccommend 2 best girl i've tried so far in Yu Ping.
#869 - excellent service, FK, AR, BBBJ, and very GFE. Face 6.5/10 Body 7.5/10 FS 9/10
#830 - Face 8.5/10 Body 7/10 FS 6/10 (the girl's face really cute and still very young 21 yrs if i'm not wrong)

Hope this report can help you guys and once again thank u for ur really helpful information in this forum.

Cheers, JB

12-06-06, 05:59
Does anybody know if the Shangri La hotel is GF friendly?

I stayed in the Grand Hyatt in Shanghai last May and it was definately GF friendly, even at 2 or 3 in the morning. Had to pass by the main desk and several attendants each time. They knew, yet let us through with no problems.. no signing in as guest, etc.

Anybody have experience with Shangri La? any signing in or turning away girl guests? (Shangri La looks like a slightly better location with more action nearby...)


12-06-06, 06:04
Hi Daredevil:

Thanks. You are exactly correct! I've been chatting to my friends to get more info and just haven't had the time to post. But, everything you said is right. I haven't been to the one on Kai Xuan Lu yet but hopefully will get a chance to go. Thanks.

This chain is not a big secret and most locals, taiwanese and chinese speaking foreigners know of this place. I've been entertaining in this chain for 2+ years now since when it was just one store off Huai Hai Lu and Song Shan Lu (store no.1 and it is now closed). Both you mentioned plus another one off Kai Xuan Lu are all owned by the same Taiwanese owner. No membership is required but membership do get you deep discounts in drinks. The one in Caobao Lu (called shop no. 5) is the worst of the lot but biggest. Gubei road (shop no. 2) is the smallest with the wildest girls but hardest to book. Kai Xuan Lu (store no. 3) is bigger and have more girls and a white grand piano in the center. With this chain please go before 8:30pm to make sure you get good girls. They get snapped up fast. The system is different where there is only one pool of girls from which all managers(papasan/mamasan) gets the girls from. They share, and do not have their own pool of girls.

The uniforms vary from location and they do switch them around from time to time. What you get different is a lapdance of 2 songs. It is almost a fixed set and it gets old after a while. Have fun. I have been to several places that are starting to step up to this kind of level of entertainment, at least 3-4 other establishments that I know of. It is getting more fun for folks in shanghai.

Tipping guide:

400 to each of the xiao jie.
200 to waitress
100 to the waiter (shao ye)
300 to papasan/mamasan

12-06-06, 11:25
I've been going to the neighborhood the last few days and it seems that all the BBS are all closed. I would say it's been about 4 days already. Anyone knows what is going on? Thanks in advance.

12-06-06, 11:26
Hope somebody out there can help me out. First I have RTFF but cannot find anything on the Minhang area.

I will be in the Minhang Economic & Technology Development Zone in the middle of December.

Are there any P4P around this area. The company will put me up in a Hotel in Minhang.

Any suggestion is most welcome.

Thank in advance

Hey Bluey,

That is a pretty out of the way place, but I believe one of the closest areas for you to monger would be the village. See ROD (reps of distinction) and do a search for 'village' you will get tons of hits. It is the best place in Shanghai to monger for BBS, if that's your thing.

If you find anything out there in Minhang, please let us know! You might stumble on a gold mine, being so far out, there is a good chance of BBS clusters with farm freshness and low, low prices.

Happy hunting.

Crazy Wolf
12-06-06, 16:11
Hi folks,

As a newbie, next week I will stay in shanghai Jinjiang hotel for 2 nights. Probable I won't have much time for evaluation.

Maybe one of you can provide me some information for getting FS near jinjiang hotel?

Maybe experience with the hotel? (problems with bring in girls; inside massage or bar? )

Or someone provide me phone no. From girls (good looking) witch will come inside hotel? (maybe with photo) price?

Or massage with FS nearby

Thanks in advance,


12-06-06, 21:38
Crazy Wolf,


Crazy Wolf
12-07-06, 08:11
Crazy Wolf,

RTFFI did ist for sure, but found no info about Jinjiang Hotel ;-(

12-07-06, 08:23
The Jinjiang Hotel (new and old) is located in the Center of the French Concession, between Maoming Road and Ruijin Road, and Changle Road. It is not far away from the girlie bars on Maoming Road/Fuxing Road, Xintiandi and also not far away from the Tongren Road area.

Not many activities in the direct neighborhood of the Hotel, if you walk Changle Road eastbound, you will come to an BBS, approx. 500 meters away from the Hotel (New Jinjiang Hotel). This one is offering FS, at least, it did 6 months ago, when I visited it the last time.


12-07-06, 08:27
.... great contribution here, really, and that from a guy, who should have read the F...... Forum, at least for the Dubai Section.


12-07-06, 11:38
I've been going to the neighborhood the last few days and it seems that all the BBS are all closed. I would say it's been about 4 days already. Anyone knows what is going on? Thanks in advance.While I was in Shanghai the first time, AG brought me there. He had also inroduced me to one of his freebie in the Korean BBS whom he had mentioned about in one of his post. That was a good strip of BBS which I enjoyed BBS hopping and it would be sad if they were closed down.

I believe that is a question we should ask AG, he live there as I know!

BTW: Have not heard from AG for a long time? What happened to him? AG will you speak up? Or will any member of the gang let us know whether had he been caught in a raid in those BBS on Chengda Road? Blacklisted? I believe you are a good buddy of AG, he mentioned about you to me a lot of times.


Walter P
12-07-06, 16:07
Hi folks,

As a newbie, next week I will stay in shanghai Jinjiang hotel for 2 nights. Probable I won't have much time for evaluation.


Across the street from the Jinjiang is the Okura Garden Hotel. There are always 4-5 touts working the sidewalk there. Avoid these people at all costs - they'll suggest a girl for drinks, dancing, massage, etc. and nothing good will come from it.

Dragon D
12-08-06, 04:38
BD: A reminder that the village has been raided by cops when they open early, so they are now usually open after 10 PM now.

CW: Don't worry, a couple of bath houses and the bar strip on tong ren road aren't far away.

Any problems, feel free to PM me beacuse you both cannot receive PM.

Consider a membership to support the forum and get more members to PM you guys information.



12-08-06, 06:19
While I was in Shanghai the first time, AG brought me there. He had also inroduced me to one of his freebie in the Korean BBS whom he had mentioned about in one of his post. That was a good strip of BBS which I enjoyed BBS hopping and it would be sad if they were closed down.

I believe that is a question we should ask AG, he live there as I know!

BTW: Have not heard from AG for a long time? What happened to him? AG will you speak up? Or will any member of the gang let us know whether had he been caught in a raid in those BBS on Chengda Road? Blacklisted? I believe you are a good buddy of AG, he mentioned about you to me a lot of times.


Hey mate, sorry I never met you, the way AG talks about you you sound like a really top bloke.

If there's ever anything I can do, seriously, don't hesitate to ask.

As for AG, well, we all know he is the Lao Da of Shanghai, the grande kingpin of the infamous Shanghai gang, and a generally stand up defender of female rights type-of-guy.

But yes, alas, I believe the L.E. have indeed nabbed AG while he was in the process of visiting one of his thousands of freebies along Changle lu (it's dangerous out there - beware guys!).

According to last reports from his friend in the PD, he has electrodes attached to his testicals and is being tortured until he owns up to the whereabouts of the rest of the Shanghai Gang.

Please everyone who has ever read AG's posts and been assisted in finding a nice, dark, warm and moist place to sleep for the evening - a moments silence.

For I know AG shall never reveal the true identities of the notorious Shanghai Gang!!!

Hail, Hail!!! :)

And the BIG D, nice to see you are still haunting the hallowed halls of the village my big, cuddly friend!

Shagga 23
12-08-06, 10:37

My first post, have been reading a long time though. One question I would really like to find a place with older chinese women (40-55) anyone know of anywhere? I am willing to pay good money.

I have also read the forum and found nothing.


12-08-06, 10:47

Does anyone know where to find any BDSM or Fetish Mistresses or services?

12-08-06, 11:05

Does anyone know if there are any BDSM or fetish Mistresses around in Shanghai?

12-08-06, 17:39

Does anyone know if there are any BDSM or fetish Mistresses around in Shanghai?

no problem.... if i catch you having sex with my gf in shanghai... i will let you finish and then beat the crap out of you for your bondage fetish. tell me when and i will beat the shit out of you. my pleasure.

btw... she has a killer body....and me to match.

12-09-06, 04:10
Quite some time without any report, so here's a summary of my latest Shanghai hotel "encounters" :

No detail on the process, as the routine seems to be standard one, and that it has been already often explained, including in one of my posts ;-).

Number 28 - Midy : as already written, she speaks good english, nice body, not a killer one though.

Besides this one, English skills is nearly non-existing.

Number 29 : recently changed, I preferred the "old" number 29, who had a real GFE attitude. Anyway, the "new" number 29 has great boobs, a very nice and relatively tall body.

Number 07 : Short and a bit chubby, with the best pair of boobs in that place so far, good at ropes'play, likes DATY when on the ropes.

Number 60 : Tall and medium size but very nice boobs, excellent at ropes, keeps upside down longer than others.

12-09-06, 05:01
Try the SW on Henan road near theQipu clothing Market. They came out about 11 at night. ages is about 35-50 years old, I never sample them but seem them walking there quite often.

QUOTE=Shagga 23]Hi,

My first post, have been reading a long time though. One question I would really like to find a place with older chinese women (40-55) anyone know of anywhere? I am willing to pay good money.

I have also read the forum and found nothing.


12-09-06, 05:59
The reputable Shanghai Hotel Sauna is got a branch store now. The new store is located in Xu Gia Hui, on Cao Xi Bei Lu(the cross road is Lin Ling Lu).

Exact address is 737 Cao Xi Bei Lu. Havent been to this place yet, but will report back once I do!

12-09-06, 06:59
Be warned about scams in KTVs ruled by mafia, specially near Bond-area (the expensive tourist area). It is hard to get away from it if you get inside.

In the KTV (Jiujian Road 137 or 111, just close to Shanghai Qiangseng Property Administration Co.), maybe phone no 632 114 47, they charged foreigners like this:

You enter the club, maybe helped by a "helpful" taxi-driver. In the small room inside, you negotitate the price for girl and lady-drink and thus a total price. The hostess ask you all friendly questions, name, hotel, show me your hotel card so she know for sure, show creditcard and money, she practically is very nice to get all info about you to use against you very soon.

But then the hostess og other people just pop-in to your room and get served a hell lot of drinks which "runs in the door" from nowhere.
Even if if you say you did not order and will not pay, the continue. Then they present you the bill of totally 4000 RMB (near 400 USD).

The manager says this is a minimum charge, although not mentioned anywhere. Then they show you all his bodyguards, and threaten you to pay.

If you say no, then probably attack you. Just forget any logical arguing, this is crazy people really.

My friend tricked that bloody mafia, since he had only limited money and NO CREDITCARD or NAME ID or PASSPORT. He even got back his money to take taxi to hotel "to get money", but he was close followed by assistant manager at KTV.

Back at the three star hotel he of course asked for help, but the receptionist looked at the KTV guy and would not call the police, and the hotelguards pretended like not understanding the problem. He had to call the police no. 110 himself, asked for translator, and they really showed up half hour later, but not able to speak a single english word and refused talk to my friend. The man from KTV had flown long time ago with not a single RMB even for taxi back to his KTV :)

Story doesnt end here. My friend went back to the KTV (!), met other tourist outside which really had paid the 400 USD bill. The KTV was closed, maybe since earned enough money this evening, but still some staff inside.

But then the funny part happened. A friend, lawyer, showed up, called the police which had to come. The lawyer showed his licence and practically threatened the police to act. Then the police forced the staff to open the closed doors. The manager was called up back home and had to get down there. And the KTV had to pay back any money and even more to the tourist. Guess if the manager was mad at my friend, who got more than twice the money he had paid, even justified for alle these taxis. Funny, I like this :))

But dangerous, my friend had to run the hotel that night, probably since mafia also had contacts there.

So, whats the learning?
Mafia strong in parts of Shanghai, they control some taxis, some hotels and some police. If you entering their area, then no normal logic work.
Don't show big money or creditcard.
Be alerted when some people want to help you to a nice place.
Be alerted when nice girls pump you for personal info.
Have friends like a lawyer able to help you when necessary.
Stay calm, talk calm and steady. Not drunk is maybe a must.

Take care, fellow mongers.

Member #2041
12-09-06, 07:51
FYI, there is an extremely convenient BBS to located right next to the Broadway Mansions and Astor House (a.k.a Pujiang) hotels - it's on the side street between them, on the Broadway Mansions side. Body massage was quoted to me at 160 RMB, but one lady who is cute and very enthusiastic also offers FS. She quoted me 500 RMB but accepted 300, and was more than a little bit into providing the service. I repeated with her again today, and she was as enthusiastic as the first time. I had originally tried to get one of the other (extremely hot, somewhat younger) ladies my 2nd time around, but I was told that she only did body massage. In any case, the one who does FS is around a 7 in looks (7 face, 6 body - slightly soft, I'd say around 30 y.o.), and well worth it. Especially if you are staying at Astor House or Broadway Mansions, since it's about a 30 meter walk to the place, from either hotel's front door, you can't touch it for convenience.

One Eyed Monger
12-09-06, 12:06
As I pop my ISG cherry with this post I would like to extend a hearty newbie greeting to all the Shanghai forum regulars. I have been reading through the forum and have found a lot of very useful information and hope to start exploring and providing some distinctive reports of my own experiences as well.

I realize a better use of my first post would have been to put up a great report and make a decent first impression, but I got impatient and wanted to at least say hello before I start (eagerly) contributing.

Thanks again for the senior members who have contributed so much to the forum and made it that much easier for us new folks to find their way around. [/sucking up]


The Vulture
12-09-06, 14:15

all members of isg and especially to the senior members in whom i might have offended directly or indirectly in my past posts on the isg.

this is my apologies to all of you.

in the past 6 months i was living in hell, as i was caught with my pants down while out at the village fucking an **** girl. the local police had trial me without giving me any chance of calling my lawyers, thrown me in jail, humiliate and mentally tortured me during my jail terms. i agreed that i was so wrong in wanting to fuck **** virgins and especially intentionally did it without any condoms. i had lost my job and now i am back in the states jobless. i am so shameful of myself. i now can no longer return to china.

during my 5 months jail term; i was taught the right way to treat a female, i was taught what is right and what is wrong. i did see that whatever i had did in the past was terribly wrong.

for those whom i had directly attacked on the board please accept my deepest heart felt apologies, especially to asian gambler whom i had personally insulted him with my childish words.

thank you for your attention and your forgiveness.
the vulture

Old Wreck
12-09-06, 17:32
Yes BDSM and SM providers are available in SH. I have a very close friend who does this. I have never availed myself of her service but from our discussions I believe it to be top drawer. She is in her 20s, sexually sophisticated, has excellent English skills, and is a lovely person. This is a scarce specialty service of course and her fees are accordingly commensurate. You can PM me if you want more info.

12-09-06, 20:14

How does the time limit go? Is it an hour, as many shots as you can manage? Does it start when you get into the room, water massage, or on the bed?


Shanghai Jack was 100% to the point in the directions he gave me to get to this place. A big thank you is in order there.

At the crossing of 'Jiao Zhou' Lu and 'Chang Ping' Lu, a big "Ji Yuan Salon" red and blue neon sign is easy to spot, a no-brainer in the evening, and, just as Shanghai Jack mentioned, there's a desk staffed by two to three Security Guys right below the sign. Both Avenues being not so wide, the sign can be spotted from any point in the crossing.

In you go, up three flights of stairs, and into the Reception area. Routine is the same as elsewhere: Change into Pajamas, go to common room for relaxation and drinks, and then get accompanied to a room, where there's a lineup of some 15 girls. I would rate their selection better than at my usual mongering spot, the Shanghai Hotel.

Pick your fancy, and then get accompanied to a small room, a shower and wet-massage bed to one side of a glass partition, a towel-covered bed to the other. Facilities seemed rather new and painstakingly clean.

You sit at the shower, the girl washes you thoroughly with a one-use sponge, puts a sheet of thin plastic on the wet massage bed, has you lay on it, and you're in for a soapy 15 min body-body massage. Delightful.

Then onto the bed, and the usual hot-cold BBBJ, AR, etc. For those of you fancying the red ropes, there's none of that.

Went there 2 times, firs time with No 51, a svelte girl from Hunan, that was average, and second time with No 56, another svelte Zhezhiang belle, who was a massaging, licking and love-making machine. One to be remembered, certainly.

Only downturn is loooong lead times. First time, it was some 20 min at the reception, second time some 45 min in the Salon. Bottleneck seems to be the number of rooms (the place is HUGE, but extremely busy, although once inside, you don't get that impression), not the number of girls.

Total damage, both times, was 760. I saw a notice in Chinese stating that the price was discounted from RMB 888 to RMB 760. A sales pitch, no doubt, but the good thing being that at least they do not rip you off if you're a foreigner.

A definite "keep" in my portfolio.

Have fun.

12-10-06, 00:19
The reputable Shanghai Hotel Sauna is got a branch store now. The new store is located in Xu Gia Hui, on Cao Xi Bei Lu(the cross road is Lin Ling Lu).

Exact address is 737 Cao Xi Bei Lu. Havent been to this place yet, but will report back once I do!

Let us know more details. I happen to regularly stay at a small hotel on Ling Ling Lu (off Wan Pin Nan Lu), called Pan Harvest and it's probably 5-10 minute walk to Cao Xi Bei Lu.

12-10-06, 04:10
I've been going to the neighborhood the last few days and it seems that all the BBS are all closed. I would say it's been about 4 days already. Anyone knows what is going on? Thanks in advance.

Same applies in Eshan Lu, Pudong, Last Thursday at 8.00 pm every BBS was shuttered.


12-10-06, 10:19
Yes BDSM and SM providers are available in SH. I have a very close friend who does this. I have never availed myself of her service but from our discussions I believe it to be top drawer. She is in her 20s, sexually sophisticated, has excellent English skills, and is a lovely person. This is a scarce specialty service of course and her fees are accordingly commensurate. You can PM me if you want more info.Hi,

Sorry I can't PM you, but I'll leave my email here if you could get back to me on that one.

Its [Email address deleted by Admin]

If you could pass my all the details, that would be much appreciated.

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove email addresses in the text. Please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!

12-10-06, 23:06
Ciao Guys,

In 15 days I will be for a week in Shanghai (My 1st time in China) and I reserve a Room on Yangtze Hotel, so do you have any report about this hotel?

I will be there to celebrate the night of 31 Dec but I know this is not a Chinese celebration so any suggest where I can go to find a Nice Party?

And to have fun (with gilrs) wich is the best place?

Really thx.

The Rooster
12-11-06, 01:00
EDITOR'S NOTE: Due to a forum software problem, this report was not visible on the day it was originally posted last week. Nevertheless, it's clearly a valuable report, so I have reposted it today to give it the prominence it deserves.

I'm looking for an upscale Shanghai Hotel that is guest-friendly. The last time I was there, it seemed as if the staff patrolled the elevator lobby very well and would not let females go up with guests. Any advice on hotels or how to spirit female guests to your room would be appreciated.

ThanksThe Everbright Hotel is a good choice. The last few times I've stayed there (it's part of a huge conference/business center) and my Shanghai lady had ZERO problem coming up to the room, any time from 7 PM to 11 PM.

Decent prices, clean, OK condition, and a good location (not far from Hong Qiao airport or Wuzhong Lu). It's at 66 Cao Bao Lu, about a 40 minute taxi from Pudong and 15 minute from Hong Qiao.

Breakfast buffet is really pretty good - a wide assortment of all kinds of things, and great fruit selection. Definitely worth participating in.

Lastly, I know it's a small detail, but the laundry is VERY fast, relatively affordable (for an upscale hotel), and very good - my dress shirts came back immaculate and perfectly pressed - 3 shirts for $6, done in 3 hours.

Rooms from RMB 268 and up; I usually book through one of the Chinese resellers (I like www.asiatravel.com as they seem to be 10-15% lower than Expedia, hotels.com, or even the hotel's own website). You get the standard amenities including a safe, and while you're supposed to pay for Internet, I was always able to find free WiFi - the reason being that two of the four towers are offices! So free piggybacking on WiFi is definitely an option.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Cebu Local
12-11-06, 01:27
I am interest to contact your mistress friend but how?

I want to send private message to you but I am not a member how can do?
I am [Email address deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited to remove email addresses in the text. Please do not post email addresses in the Forum. Instead, please invite other Forum Members to contact you directly via the Forum's Private Messaging system. Thanks!Certainly you Gentlemen can afford 19.95$ That way you can PM each other

Dog Day
12-11-06, 01:49
to all members of isg and especially to the senior members in whom i might have offended directly or indirectly in my past posts on the isg.

this is my apologies to all of you.

in the past 6 months i was living in hell, as i was caught with my pants down while out at the village fucking an **** girl. the local police had trial me without giving me any chance of calling my lawyers, thrown me in jail, humiliate and mentally tortured me during my jail terms. i agreed that i was so wrong in wanting to fuck **** virgins and especially intentionally did it without any condoms. i had lost my job and now i am back in the states jobless. i am so shameful of myself. i now can no longer return to china.

during my 5 months jail term; i was taught the right way to treat a female, i was taught what is right and what is wrong. i did see that whatever i had did in the past was terribly wrong.

for those whom i had directly attacked on the board please accept my deepest heart felt apologies, especially to asian gambler whom i had personally insulted him with my childish words.

thank you for your attention and your forgiveness.

the vulturei guess, its a lesson learned.

just curious in getting more details since this is a "first"

- where did they catch you?
- how old was the girl?
- what heppned with the girl? the shop?
- how much did you pay?
- how do you think they caught you? was it a set-up?
- where did they detain you for 5 months?
- how did they treat you in detention?

appreciate as sometimes i take home girls from the village and your experience is giving me the chills.

12-11-06, 02:28
My goodness!
Mate, as much as I disgusted you for some earlier comments, I do feel pity for what happened to you. This must have been a real nightmare.


Old Wreck
12-11-06, 03:56
Sorry, I had forgotten to renew my membership, it expired two weeks ago. Should be taken care of now, and I can receive PM's again.

Dragon D
12-11-06, 06:47

this post by vulture sounds fishy. i am almost a resident of the village on a full time basis and haven't heard this one yet. if any lao wai got busted would have heard. to prove your story, please tell us where you were jailed and how you got busted and where in the village.

if his post is true then he got busted for **** and the cherry. condom or not is no matter. still though, i haven't heard of many cops in that area that want to be bothered to fill out all the papers it takes to bust a lao wai. normally a slap on the wrist or a few thousand fine at most. so to be jailed and all you must have done something a lot worse then your telling us.

not vouching that the village is 100% safe because there are raids from time to time but take out is no problem at all. as long as it is not the city police, the local owners hear about the raid and are told to close doors to save the cops from having to do actual work.

12-11-06, 08:45
to all members of isg and especially to the senior members in whom i might have offended directly or indirectly in my past posts on the isg.

this is my apologies to all of you.

in the past 6 months i was living in hell, as i was caught with my pants down while out at the village fucking an **** girl. the local police had trial me without giving me any chance of calling my lawyers, thrown me in jail, humiliate and mentally tortured me during my jail terms. i agreed that i was so wrong in wanting to fuck **** virgins and especially intentionally did it without any condoms. i had lost my job and now i am back in the states jobless. i am so shameful of myself. i now can no longer return to china.

during my 5 months jail term; i was taught the right way to treat a female, i was taught what is right and what is wrong. i did see that whatever i had did in the past was terribly wrong.

for those whom i had directly attacked on the board please accept my deepest heart felt apologies, especially to asian gambler whom i had personally insulted him with my childish words.

thank you for your attention and your forgiveness.
the vulturethe vulture's letter of apologies is really weird. there is an almost seven-months lapse between his last two posts, which sort of coincide with the length of his alleged incarceration. on the other hand, his earlier posts really portrait an obsessed weirdo with poor education. and what he said in his last post, such as "so shameful of myself", "i now can no longer return to china", "whatever i had did" and "whom i had personally insulted him", are typical of grammar mistakes that non-english speakers make. is that the kind of people a us firm would assign to work in china these days?

the whole thing looks like a bait, or setting a fake example by the chinese police.

Albert Punter
12-11-06, 13:35
As far as Hotel is concerned just read




As far as finding fun with girls, make some reading work in the rest of this thread and in RoD thread, and ask more specific questions.


Ciao Guys,

In 15 days I will be for a week in Shanghai (My 1st time in China) and I reserve a Room on Yangtze Hotel, so do you have any report about this hotel?

I will be there to celebrate the night of 31 Dec but I know this is not a Chinese celebration so any suggest where I can go to find a Nice Party?

And to have fun (with gilrs) wich is the best place?

Really thx.

Fly Surfing
12-11-06, 16:46
Hello everybody,

I am new boy of 23 in shanghai and I would like to try a young cute chinese girl in Shanghai. I've read a lot of very good posts in this topic but I can't make my choice ;)

Can you tell me where I can go to have a safe Full Blow Job with maybe full sex for max 300 rmb in pleasant conditions?

Thanks a lot for your answer.



12-11-06, 16:47
I've been going to the neighborhood the last few days and it seems that all the BBS are all closed. I would say it's been about 4 days already. Anyone knows what is going on? Thanks in advance.I've also been noticing this of late.

I was talking to one of my regulars about 2 months ago, and she said the boss was closing the shop up - seems like a pretty wide crackdown across the Jing An area, though some are still open.

I guess some bosses are still paying up.

12-11-06, 17:52
Vulture's post is just fantasy and fiction. Maybe he forgot to take his medication.

Asd Qwert
12-11-06, 18:00

How does the time limit go? Is it an hour, as many shots as you can manage? Does it start when you get into the room, water massage, or on the bed?I went there a few months back. The fun started as soon as you got to the room. She did seen to have a schedule that she was use to, but I got the feeling that I could change that any whey I wanted. I only went for one shot, but I’m not as young as I once was.

As I remember there was a call that was signaling a time limit. I was done by then anyway.

I would strongly recommend this place to someone who is new to this whole thing. I was fairly new to these saunas and a piece of advice from a previous post helped me. It said that you go in and act like you know what you are doing and go with the flow. They will show you where to go.

The only thing that I would change is when I was showed back to the waiting room, I guess to cool down, I would have asked to leave. I sat there for about 15 minutes watching Chinese TV before I realized this.

12-11-06, 20:06

Thank you for the report on the Everbright Hotel.


12-12-06, 00:58
As far as Hotel is concerned just read




As far as finding fun with girls, make some reading work in the rest of this thread and in RoD thread, and ask more specific questions.

EnjoyThx for the answer and the link you give me.

Any nice place to celebrate the last night of the yr?

12-12-06, 01:12
Now, it shall be my turn:

Fly Surfing, RTFF!


12-12-06, 08:08
I heard from another forum that Yu Ping Hotel Sauna is closing? I just wanted to report it here and confirm if it is true? So has anyone went there recently and know for real?

Albert Punter
12-12-06, 13:13
As you read the forum I believe you know already where to go to find the type of fun you desire.
So, dare and make a choice.

P.S. Don't forget to report after.

Hello everybody,

I am new boy of 23 in shanghai and I would like to try a young cute chinese girl in Shanghai. I've read a lot of very good posts in this topic but I can't make my choice ;)

Can you tell me where I can go to have a safe Full Blow Job with maybe full sex for max 300 rmb in pleasant conditions?

Thanks a lot for your answer.



Albert Punter
12-12-06, 13:17
Maybe you can check on www.smartshanghai.com to select a place which suits you for end of the year parties.

Happy New Year

Thx for the answer and the link you give me.

Any nice place to celebrate the last night of the yr?

12-12-06, 14:45
I had a few hours to kill and hung out in the Hilton lounge yesterday afternoon. One of the managers came by and we ended up shooting the breeze for quite awhile. Amidst all the casual talk, I asked him whether the Hilton had any problems with guests bringing in "friends". He said that although the Hilton is rather strict about making companions register, this is only for their internal policy and for the protection of themselves and the guests in case something happens.

The example he gave was a guest awhile back who passed out (or was drugged) and the two girls he had brought up cleared everything out (including apparently, everything that wasn't nailed down). The numbskull made a big issue about it and even tried to charge the hotel with not protecting him.

So, the deal now is that you register, but no hassles, no "morality" issues. Doesn't seem like a big deal.

The secret I'm not going to share is how to get free member points... :)

12-12-06, 14:55
I often stay in the Hilton and have gone several times to the Shanghai Hotel Sauna. But, this time I found out about a new place that just opened down the street and decided to check it out. I was quite happy with the service and can definitely recommend it.

It's on the corner of Urumuqi Lu and Nanjing Xi Lu, within walking distance of the Hilton (or Shanghai Hotel). Address Urumuqi Bei Lu #209. Outside says K-OK (normal KTV downstairs). There are a couple greeters just outside the door and they will point you to take the elevator up to the 5th floor. 130-6173-8391

The manager, Xiao? (Pang2) explained everything to me. I explained that I lived nearby so he wouldn't think he could rip me off, and to establish myself as a repeat customer. Apparently 700 RMB was the "laoban de pengyou" (owner's friend's) price, and I didn't negotiate too hard. He promised that there were 10+ girls to choose from and that the experience would be much better than Shanghai Sauna.

I agreed, changed into the requisite pajamas, and was led into a small waiting room where literally, there was a one-way mirror and a lineup of girls was brought into the adjacent room. Pretty clever actually. If you are shy about choosing, you can do so without feeling like you are turning away the rest. Or, he explained, if you have come before and don't want someone, you don't have to embarrass her by not picking her. I was a bit disappointed that there were only 6 available at the moment (when I asked the manager, he did not promise that there would necessarily be more in the future). The lineup was mostly 6-8s. But, there was one cutie in the bunch with a nice rack and I finally picked her.

She came out of the booth (for a moment, I crazily felt like I was in some sort of dating TV show) to meet me. She was a petite, 24-yr old Dongbei girl, rather light skinned, and very friendly. The manager told her to take good care of me.

The room we were taken to was a very nice room. Bed on one side, glass partition with shower room and shower bed on the other side. We started with the shower, making small talk the whole time. She had a terrific rack. Just the right size. About a small see, she said, but quickly found that they were enhanced (she had just gotten them done 2 months ago not for business reasons but because she just wanted a bigger bust). Definitely all about service. Especially a GFE. You sit on a comfortable shower stool and she washes you before moving you onto the cushioned pleather-covered bed and essentially washes you with her soapy body. Quite nice.

I took advantage of her enhanced rack, her leaning over me, while I slid in and out of her cleavage, laying on my back. After awhile, I flipped her over, and asked her if I could pop on her mouth. Wasn't especially subtle about it, but it's not really my style to shoot first, ask questions later, especially 20 min into the session. She got into it, first holding her tits together as I titfucked her, then licking her lips as I took things into my own hands. I warned her to close her eyes, then came all over her face. Not even a grimace. Even started laughing when I made a joke about how she looked.

Washed up and then went into the other room. Catbath (which was my first and a little disconcerting. I kept thinking about what it must be like for her if the client had lots of body hair or some kind of skin condition. Thoughts like that definitely killed the mood, but the nice sensation of her sucking my back pepped things up. I stopped her from doing the rimming thing (short of some German porn stars, I really can't imagine that being exciting for anyone on the giving end). I flipped over and she went to town on me. There are mirrors on the ceiling and they gave a good show. This girl is very skilled at oral. Although no red rope for fans of that, she was definitely able to deepthroat and did that well. After awhile of this, time for the main event, and we did a few positions before firing salvo #2.

We relaxed a bit more, hung out on the bed, talked about her job, schedule (she did not go on and on about how little she gets paid, etc). Then, she took it up as her personal challenge to make me do #3. Took awhile, and she ended up using her hand (like a horse getting put to stud). I felt a little used; )

Ended with another shower and then a good short little massage before time was up. Total time was almost 75 min (I think the actual time allowed is 70 min, longer than the hr of most saunas), and she never rushed me. Got her number and actually probably will go back there instead of calling her up on the side in appreciation for the management's attitude.

Went back and was offered food and rest by very attentive staff, but had to get back to get ready for the next day. I asked for the manager, told him I was a happy customer, and he walked me out.

I would definitely recommend this if you haven't done the in-room shower thing, and especially if you, like me, don't go to a sauna to hang out with a bunch of guys in a communal cesspool or to sit in barcaloungers in a haze of smoke to watch movies, play with your cell phone, and have girls clean your ears. The one-way mirror thing was also novel and low-pressure. Only bad thing is that they should up there girl selection. Oh, also Tibetan girls there, if you're into that.

PM me if you want details on more specific directions and manager's name.

I'll try and add a photo of the street corner and the location.

Fly Surfing
12-12-06, 15:16
I have read the FF but the problem is I would like to know best place to be for a first time not too expensive.

So you will be kind if you can give me an good adress please.

Thanks again and take care.


Gualtier Malde
12-12-06, 20:52
Vulture's post is just fantasy and fiction. Maybe he forgot to take his medication.

I would take it further, and believe "The Vulture" is another member of the forum masquerading, for whatever purpose, to be this character. I also think I know who, but prefer not to name the person in public (well, I will say for certain it isn't ME!).


Gualtier Malde
12-12-06, 21:07
I just wanted to mention the unmentionable. I visited the famous, now remodeled, "Can't name it on the forum" pub. I like the new place a LOT! If you want an experience that is quite upscale from the BBS scene, with a relaxed booth style seating area where you can cuddle and talk with your girl (no serious buy-me-drink pressure), and then have complete fun later, this is your place. It is a great place to meet an ISG friend, and pass some time, then slip into the back to enjoy something fun with the girl that is cuddling with you.

It isn't called a pub for nothing. They have a full bar, so you really can spend some quality time with friends and with the girl of your choosing, sipping your favorite drink before, during, and after some reasonably priced pleasure. Expect to pay around 400RMB for a very complete and unrushed experience in the back. This is more expensive than a BBS, and less expensive than a sauna. The quality of the experience to me is also somewhat between the two. Not quite as luxurious as the sauna, and not nearly as down and dirty as the BBS.

Take out available.

Search the forum hard, I've provided hints, but local policy dictates that full name and address info not be shared in public (at the request of the owner of the place). The diligent monger will find the information with a thorough forum search.


Gualtier Malde
12-12-06, 21:10
I often stay in the Hilton and have gone several times to the Shanghai Hotel Sauna. But, this time I found out about a new place that just opened down the street and decided to check it out. I was quite happy with the service and can definitely recommend it.

It's on the corner of Urumuqi Lu and Nanjing Xi Lu, within walking distance of the Hilton (or Shanghai Hotel). Address Urumuqi Bei Lu #209. Outside says K-OK (normal KTV downstairs). There are a couple greeters just outside the door and they will point you to take the elevator up to the 5th floor. 130-6173-8391


Damn fine post, and great find Travelers25! I pass that building a lot, and was always curious about the KTV. I guess now there is something even more interesting to check out!



Albert Punter
12-12-06, 21:21
This is the place I would recommend to you.

I just wanted to mention the unmentionable. I visited the famous, now remodeled, "Can't name it on the forum" pub. I like the new place a LOT! If you want an experience that is quite upscale from the BBS scene, with a relaxed booth style seating area where you can cuddle and talk with your girl (no serious buy-me-drink pressure), and then have complete fun later, this is your place. It is a great place to meet an ISG friend, and pass some time, then slip into the back to enjoy something fun with the girl that is cuddling with you.

It isn't called a pub for nothing. They have a full bar, so you really can spend some quality time with friends and with the girl of your choosing, sipping your favorite drink before, during, and after some reasonably priced pleasure. Expect to pay around 400RMB for a very complete and unrushed experience in the back. This is more expensive than a BBS, and less expensive than a sauna. The quality of the experience to me is also somewhat between the two. Not quite as luxurious as the sauna, and not nearly as down and dirty as the BBS.

Take out available.

Search the forum hard, I've provided hints, but local policy dictates that full name and address info not be shared in public (at the request of the owner of the place). The diligent monger will find the information with a thorough forum search.


12-12-06, 21:40
the vulture's letter of apologies is really weird. there is an almost seven-months lapse between his last two posts, which sort of coincide with the length of his alleged incarceration. on the other hand, his earlier posts really portrait an obsessed weirdo with poor education. and what he said in his last post, such as "so shameful of myself", "i now can no longer return to china", "whatever i had did" and "whom i had personally insulted him", are typical of grammar mistakes that non-english speakers make. is that the kind of people a us firm would assign to work in china these days?

the whole thing looks like a bait, or setting a fake example by the chinese police.so if he was arrested for **** in china, that would mean under 14. and since he said virgins, he was doing it on a normal thing. i will have to say, if all happened to him, im happy.

now i have to admit, i do draw the line and if your an american and the united states find out it is true, he would be in jail the minute he stepped off the flight, its that simple so i really question if this guy is from united states.

so lets be honest, keep your stories with more truth to them.

Noble Gent
12-13-06, 02:28

I heard last night that there is a new police chief in town, thats why the BBS are in hiding for now. Be careful!!!


I've also been noticing this of late.

I was talking to one of my regulars about 2 months ago, and she said the boss was closing the shop up - seems like a pretty wide crackdown across the Jing An area, though some are still open.

I guess some bosses are still paying up.

Gualtier Malde
12-13-06, 04:15

I heard last night that there is a new police chief in town, thats why the BBS are in hiding for now. Be careful!!!


Good to see you still have your hand in, Gent. Hey, whatever happened to the boss you banged? Still banging her?


Fly Surfing
12-13-06, 15:58

Thanks Gualtier Malde and Albert for your answer, but can you give me more information about this place? I've tried to find it on the forum. It s very hard. I found nothing.

Thanks for your help.


12-13-06, 17:57

Check my past posts (under my profile) -- you may find what you're looking for.


Thanks Gualtier Malde and Albert for your answer, but can you give me more information about this place? I've tried to find it on the forum. It s very hard. I found nothing.

Thanks for your help.


Albert Punter
12-14-06, 13:23
1771 Xinzha Lu


Thanks Gualtier Malde and Albert for your answer, but can you give me more information about this place? I've tried to find it on the forum. It s very hard. I found nothing.

Thanks for your help.


Grassy Knoll
12-15-06, 11:24

Thanks for a great recommendation. I stayed at the Hilton and visited the sauna on Urumuqi Lu. The staff at this establishement were extremely service oriented. I spent about an hour and a half and they made me feel like a king. The lady I chose was #26 (same as her age). She was outstanding.

I can speak enough Mandarin so I had little trouble communicating. Even if you can't speak Chinese, these folks will do their best to make you feel at home. For 700RMB this place can't be beat.

12-16-06, 01:48
Well I am reding all your post on Shangahi and I a few days I will be there too with a Friend.

Tell me if I am right: You always speak abou SAUNA but it is not a Noramal Sauna with 80°c it is a Bordell. So this is the best way to have sex for a rasonable price in Shanghai? Did people on "sauna" speak some English? My chinese consist in 2 words: NiHao Dusho.

So could your pls tell me where I ca find a good city map in english&Chinese? I heard that Chinese Taxi don't speak english and maybe can't read so if I wanna to move to a place I need to wrote the adress in Chinese it is true?

Have a nice day to all.

12-16-06, 18:10
When I was recently in Shanghai, I had an interesting experience and discovered some new place.

First, I wanted to go to Ji Yuan Salon. It was pretty easy to find, based on the descriptions here in the forum. When I arrived there, I was asked to wait for a moment. At the same time, two Chinese men arrived as well. While I was asked to wait, they were accompanied to the back rooms.

However, after a few minutes, the two Chinese came back and lamented that they do not want to wait for 40 minutes as requested. Then one of the two, he spoke perfect English, asked me whether I wanted to wait here or whether I wanted to join them. They would go to another place. After a short moment of reflection, I decided to take the risk and joined them.

They drove to another place, which I did not know before. It is in a hotel called "Motel 168", on the 3rd floor, and the place is called Jin Ding.

The place is nicely made, all in dark, but looks very clean. It also has the lockers, a sauna and showers, etc. Quite similar to the Waves, even though different in style.

I took a round of sauna and then was led to another room, where a number of girls were in a fish bowl. Here I also saw my new two Chinese friends again. They both had each a really pretty girl with them and were about to disappear.

I selected from the bowl a quite pretty one (perhaps a 7). She was rather short, but to my taste the prettiest. The others were o.k., but not necessarily to my taste, even though there were some quite tall ones.

In the room, my girl (she said her name was Miao Lina) was pretty active, but also lamented about my big xiao didi. I tried to explain that this is no problem at all. Then, she suggested to have a second girl to join us. A threesome? Why not! So, she called her friend. The friend (Yang Yang) had huge tits, but apparently tuned-up ones, as I could feel later on.

The two gave me a nice "licking massage" with their tongues, a tit massage, and a BBBJ. Very nice, even though they chatted a bit too much among themselves.

Then, we changed to the real thing. First, I gave a DATY to the friend and did her in missionary, then in doggy, then in missionary again. However, before coming, I wanted to change to the girl I originally had selected.

So, they changed the condoms, and I did the first one. She was still afraid, but when I penetrated very slowly and did her also very slowly, she felt very comfortable and even started to pull me more strongly inside. Her pussy was strong, and she could make stimulating contractions. Therefore, after another good while, I came with a nice shot.

I stayed a moment with her, before getting out. Afterwards, the two gave me some more anmo, until the time was over.

Conclusion: An interesting new place, apparently not described here yet. Quite nice girls, even though I might have been a bit late, and my Chinese friends had taken the prettiest ones. Total damage: 1200 Rmb for the two. You need to speak some Chinese, otherwise it is very difficult, even though some of the girls might speak some English. I might go there again, to have some change. But before going again, I want to test Ji Yuan Salon first.

Address of Jin Ding: 1185 Wuning Nan Lu, at crossing with Wuding Lu (near to Shenzhou hotel)
Address of Ji Yuan: 609 Jiaozhou Lu, at crossing with Chanping Lu

Wonderer - and happy hunting in Shanghai

Attachments: name card of Ji Yuan, name card of Jin Ding (the new place), and location map

12-16-06, 19:14

Good report. I recently came across a Yang Yang, matching your description -- at least the nice, but enhanced rack -- but she works at the new place on Urumqi Road.

Was she pretty short -- around 160cm, pretty light skinned, from Dongbei, slightly older (26), and have a high-pitched, breathy (almost squeaky) voice?

I'm just curious, because as far as I could tell, the girls there don't work different places simultaneously, and she was just at a different sauna a week ago.

Then, she suggested to have a second girl to join us. A threesome? Why not! So, she called her friend. The friend (Yang Yang) had huge tits, but apparently tuned-up ones, as I could feel later on.

The two gave me a nice "licking massage" with their tongues, a tit massage, and a BBBJ. Very nice, even though they chatted a bit too much among themselves.

Gualtier Malde
12-17-06, 01:32
Well I am reding all your post on Shangahi and I a few days I will be there too with a Friend.

Tell me if I am right: You always speak abou SAUNA but it is not a Noramal Sauna with 80°c it is a Bordell. So this is the best way to have sex for a rasonable price in Shanghai? Did people on "sauna" speak some English? My chinese consist in 2 words: NiHao Dusho.

So could your pls tell me where I ca find a good city map in english&Chinese? I heard that Chinese Taxi don't speak english and maybe can't read so if I wanna to move to a place I need to wrote the adress in Chinese it is true?

Have a nice day to all.

Saunas in Shanghai are indeed saunas, but with a very nice added benefit in addition to tubs, steam rooms, and legitimate massage. I humbly recommend reading this post: http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=437583&postcount=4772 to fully understand how to find what you would like in Shanghai. You can access a decent online interactive map at http://www.smartshanghai.com/maps/smsh_map.php

Cabbies don't speak english. Get your hotel consierge to write down the destination for you (even if it is a brothel, they don't care). Be sure to bring a hotel card with you so you can get back!

Good luck!


Gualtier Malde
12-17-06, 01:46
When I was recently in Shanghai, I had an interesting experience and discovered some new place.


Great post Wonderer. The maps are especially useful. It is funny, the place you found is right across the street from where one of my freebies lives. (Note to those in the know: NOT my current GF, who has moved beyond the status of freebie, into that very dangerous territory only Cebu Local has previously explored, and is the reason my mongering activities are being (happily) curtailed...)


12-17-06, 09:59
Saunas in Shanghai are indeed saunas, but with a very nice added benefit in addition to tubs, steam rooms, and legitimate massage. I humbly recommend reading this post: http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showpost.php?p=437583&postcount=4772 to fully understand how to find what you would like in Shanghai. You can access a decent online interactive map at http://www.smartshanghai.com/maps/smsh_map.php

Cabbies don't speak english. Get your hotel consierge to write down the destination for you (even if it is a brothel, they don't care). Be sure to bring a hotel card with you so you can get back!

Good luck!

GMThx a Lot!

12-17-06, 15:51
So could your pls tell me where I ca find a good city map in english&Chinese? I.

Maps (deetoo) are sold at airports, train stations and the little shops that sell newspapers.

Bus maps (gonggong chee cher deetoo) are also available, but they are only in chinese and very difficult to understand. If you follow the numbers carefully, it is possible to see where the buses go.

Cebu Local
12-17-06, 16:21
Great post Wonderer. The maps are especially useful. It is funny, the place you found is right across the street from where one of my freebies lives. (Note to those in the know: NOT my current GF, who has moved beyond the status of freebie, into that very dangerous territory only Cebu Local has previously explored, and is the reason my mongering activities are being (happily) curtailed...)

GMI certainly know what you mean,There have been Trade offs,It is dangerous for me to monger in Guangdong considering My Father in Law is part of the Provincial Goverment there.However I have gotten many business opportunities because of the "introductions".But with her Familyand her Dad transferrering to Guangdong from Shanghai because of Politics,It is harder to justify a trip to Shanghai.Southern China girls simply do not compare to Shanghai Girls Sigh.......

Ace Gallant
12-17-06, 17:29
Southern China girls simply do not compare to Shanghai Girls Sigh.......


I don't quite agree with you on this one. Although I must agree that Shanghainese girls are taller and the ratio of pretty ones are higher, I found that non-shanghainese girls are more passionate. They are much more caring whilst compared to all my Shanghainese freebies or paybies, they are all money minded. I bet if I am not a guy with a little more money spare, I would not even be able to get more than 25% of the Shanghainese freebies I had.

Although I understand that you married a Shanghainese, I bet your wife does had taken into consideration for the money factor when she was your GF.

Those a number of South China freebies, and I must say, the ratio of them checking on my wallet before letting me in is much much lower.


Cebu Local
12-18-06, 01:01

I don't quite agree with you on this one. Although I must agree that Shanghainese girls are taller and the ratio of pretty ones are higher, I found that non-shanghainese girls are more passionate. They are much more caring whilst compared to all my Shanghainese freebies or paybies, they are all money minded. I bet if I am not a guy with a little more money spare, I would not even be able to get more than 25% of the Shanghainese freebies I had.

Although I understand that you married a Shanghainese, I bet your wife does had taken into consideration for the money factor when she was your GF.

Those a number of South China freebies, and I must say, the ratio of them checking on my wallet before letting me in is much much lower.

You are very correct,Compared to South China Girls,They are very matieralistic and pragmatic.I remember When We first met,Her questions were more on What is your work,What do you do and Do you own your own business home etc.Only when She confirmed that I was Rich,Did She show real interest.It was clear I would not have landed her if I was an ordinary Joe.But they (Shanghainese) are still prettier Sigh again.....

12-18-06, 12:50
Bad news for those who want to try out the famed Waves Sauna at 1281 Zhongshan West Road, a favourite of Wonderer, among other brothers. Soapland paradise it is no more. According to my girl, the bathroom within the massage suites had been sealed off by the authorities about two months ago, and she had no idea whether it could be reopened in the near future.

I was in Shanghai for a couple of days last week, and after finishing my meetings one afternoon I decided I needed some fun, and recalled that the Waves was highly rated by a few brothers. In particular, I quite fancy having this soapy bath with a girl, and so I went.

The place was quite easy to find. It was very well decorated and well maintained, certainly qualify as a five-star establishment. In the locker room I went through the standard procedure of undressing and locking up my belongings. I asked the attendants if I could skip the shower downstairs and instead get washed upstairs in my room, but was told that no washing was available upstairs. I wanted to bring my wallet and computer along, but was seriously discouraged by the locker room attendants, who only allowed me to take my phone along.

I had my shower, put on a pajama, and was led to a small lounge on the second floor. A waiter took my order for green tea, and soon a manager came and asked if I wanted to relax for a while or go straight to massage. I told him I’d rather go to my room right away, and he said he would make some arrangements. A few minutes later he came back to take me up to the fourth floor, where the “fish tank” was located. It was not a very big room, and was separated from the corridor by a huge glass panel. Some15-20 scantily clad girls were inside, about half seated and the rest standing as there were not enough chairs. The girls were generally 6-7 on a scale of 10, only a couple of them could be rated 8. Not a very exciting selection, but in the end I picked a tall and slim girl with a nice smile. Her tits, however, turned out to be smaller than they appeared.

My girl came out of the fish tank and led me to my massage room down on the third floor. There were probably some 50-60 rooms in total, located on both the third and fourth floors. The room was kind of small, with a electrical “love bed” in the middle about two feet away from the walls. The en suite bathroom was blocked and I simply could not see anything through the two glass panels separating the bathroom. The love bed was about the size of a standard double bed that had a number of steel posts and beams running over it, with three harnesses hung from the beams. It was completely red in color, including the plastic mattress.

My girl put a towel over the mattress, and we undressed. The service procedure is pretty much standard: cat bath all over my body, followed by ass rimming and then bareback blowjob. The third step was acrobatics: she hanged a piece of very long red cloth from the overhead steel frame, climbed up, wrapped her legs around the cloth, and then let herself hang upside down. This allowed her to suck my cock from the hanging position, and as she sucked she also turned her body to twist the red cloth. She then let go of the twist so that she would spin around rapidly, her mouth still sucking my cock. It was interesting but I wouldn’t call it heavenly, may be because she didn’t have a complete and tight grip over my cock. Anyway, it was obviously a very exhausting act for her, and after several turns I told her to stop. She came down, and proceeded to do the toe fuck – putting a condom over my toe and then sat down on it. I really don’t see what’s so fun about it.

Then it was time for Acrobatics II. She lowered the three harnesses from the overhead steel frame and climbed up again. The two smaller harnesses were for her legs, and the larger one in the middle was for her to sit on. She then opened her legs – and I entered her standing. We fucked for a while but it was not the best possible position – mainly because the mattress was moving (even though it was in the locked position) around and squeaking all the time. After a while I told her to get down and do it missionary on the mattress. Still the squeaking noise persisted, and I had to get off the bed. I finished her off by standing on one side of the bed in order to minimize the noise.

After the deed was done, she cleaned me up and kept me company until time was up. Then we called the receptionist and told her the session was over, and I had to confirm to the receptionist that I was satisfied with the job. All in all, the damage was like 660 yuan after discounts, which was quite decent value.

12-18-06, 14:14
Hi WooVictor,

I am a bit lost, when reading your - actually very good and interesting report. You write the Waves has been sealed off two months ago by the authorities, and at the same time you describe what pleasures you experienced there just last week.

Does it meant that only the shower rooms and the "wet bed" adjacent to the normal massage and acrobatics rooms are sealed? What would be the authorities interest to do so? If they seal something, I would expect them to seal the whole place?

Actually, when I was there some two weeks ago, I experienced pretty much the same as you did...

Thanks for any clarification.

Wonderer - still looking forward to my next visit to the Waves...

12-18-06, 14:24
Hi Travelers25

The Yang Yang I met was rather tall, rather more than 160, and her voice was normal, no high pitch. She had, however, rather light skin. Her face was a bit round. I would guess her definitely below 26.

So, I rather assume we are not talking about the same person. Also According to my experience, they do not work in different places in the same period of time.


12-19-06, 06:56
Hi, Wonderer,

What I meant was that the bathroom was sealed off and so no soapy bath was available. Rest remained normal -- for me that's a big disappointment as I'd really like to try it there. I don't know why they were sealed off by the authorities -- perhaps it was considered to be too outrageous? Any other brothers heard anything on this? What about other soapyland?


12-19-06, 08:35
Hi WooVictor,

Search for Ji Yuan. Should be what your looking for.

Hi, Wonderer,

What I meant was that the bathroom was sealed off and so no soapy bath was available. Rest remained normal -- for me that's a big disappointment as I'd really like to try it there. I don't know why they were sealed off by the authorities -- perhaps it was considered to be too outrageous? Any other brothers heard anything on this? What about other soapyland?


The Rooster
12-19-06, 18:26
Southern China girls simply do not compare to Shanghai Girls Sigh.......As I jsut got back from 12 days with my Shanghai lady, I would whole-heartedly concur! In addition to accompanying me on a short 3 day trip inside China (some of her suppliers were in the same city, so we traveled together), she was extremely passionate (we constantly held hands outside, even kissed in public a few times, and in the bedroom, well not a lot of clothes were ever worn), pragmatic (completely understands about my working situation bringing me to Shanghai every few months at most), smart and driven (started her own trading company and is now self-supporting), but still cares for her man (like my morning scrub-downs in the shower at her insistence, even if it a few times it was strictly non-sexual).

Spent the last few days at her apartment rather than a hotel because - at her insistence - it is cheaper, and I should save my money for my own business. Wouldn't even let me do the laundry or pay for it to get done, she insisted on washing my clothes for me.

I even had to fight her to pay for for the taxi to Pudong when I left; her parents live just a few miles from the airport, and so she accompanied me that far and wanted to pay for the cab ride that far.

Not to mention sexy as all get-out:) 170 cm, 60 kg, a real B cup, nice hips with a real - for a Chinese - rear, wide, large eyes, button nose.

Saturday night at Luna we even got quite a few looks, me in my black suit, her in the maroon skirt and white lace top. Of course, me being a offensive lineman sized guy with a red beard does draw attention!

Only bad thing this trip - the hotels. For some reason, each time we'd check in together - and my reservations were for 2 adults and 1 king bed - we'd get a room with two singles. The front desk would say "nothing available", but she'd have none of it, even threatening we would walk out if they did not comply. I don't know if it was the hotel just assuming we were strictly business partners sharing a room to lower costs and I goofed the reservations, or they don't like foreigners sharing rooms with their Chinese girlfriends, but she was a tiger when it came down to it, explaining we were a couple and needed the single bed, and anything else was unacceptable.

All I gotta say is I like what I've found so far - a mid 30s divorcee with a solid head on her beautiful shoulders, pragmatic, honest, straightforward, independent, but still very lady-like. Young enough (heck, she looks 25 to me) to still turn heads, but old enough to really know what she wants and be pragmatic about reality.

Yankee 617
12-19-06, 23:21
So could your pls tell me where I ca find a good city map in english&Chinese?
The tourist info center on Nanjing Road offers an excellent map for free.

12-20-06, 23:37
The tourist info center on Nanjing Road offers an excellent map for free.Thx I will go there after Fixing some adress where I sould go.

Is it safe if I take my computer in the hotel or better to move without computer?

12-24-06, 07:07
i have been reading on the forum for a little while now and i’ve got a lot of helpful information here. its now my turn to at least contribute something.

after all the crazy mongering in this shanghai jungle, i realized that i start to lose count on how many girls i’ve went thru(either from sauna, bath house, and bbs). i said to myself its okay to party hard, but i should party responsibly. although i use a condom consistently with intercourses, none of the oral sex i’ve been getting/giving are protected. therefore; i decided to get a complete check up just to make sure everything is okay. following botboy informative post(post #6987) on std clinics, i gave the shanghai skin and sexual disease hospital a try.

i am not sure what screening package botboy got when he was there, but i was charged 700 for the full list of test. i came from canada, where the medical service is among one of the best in the world. when i get my regular check up there, the doctors and nurses will perform:

1) visual examination and swab tests
a gonorrhea test is done by swabbing the urethra. this involves inserting a thin swab a short distance into the urethra and gently rotating it to collect any organisms or inflammatory cells. when you are booking an appointment, the receptionist will repeatedly remind you not to [CodeWord111] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord111) for 2 hours prior to an std exam. here in shanghai, they didn’t even care if you [CodeWord111] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord111) or not. in stead of taking only 1 swab, they took 3!!! bloody 3!!! i was traumatized after the three swabs.

2) collect [CodeWord109] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord109) sample
a [CodeWord109] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord109) sample is collected after the swabs, its used to test for chlamydia. here in shanghai, they don’t even bother with [CodeWord109] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord109) sample. so i have no idea how the heck they gonna test whether i have chlamydia or not.

3) blood tests
some infections are tested through blood tests. these include but not limited to hiv/syphilis. normally they take 2 fat tubes of my blood; here in shanghai they only take one tube. i don’t know the exact amount of blood they took but its visibly a lot lesser. i am guessing that they don’t really perform a full battery of test and therefore they only need one tube of blood sample.

4)test results
some results may be ready before you leave, others will be available in one week with the exception of hiv(7-8 working days). here in shanghai, for some miraculous reason they must have the cutting edge technology, all results will be ready the next day (other than hiv, which takes 3 days). i know in the states there are many testing options like orasure, quick effective way of hiv testing, where the test results will be ready in the matter of minutes. take my word on it, whatever i had was not orasure.

conclusion: i am no medical expert and am not in any position to evaluate the quality of the medical services in china. i just have to say that i got little confidence with the test results i have got. how can i trust the test result when they even got my blood type wrong? i would recommend other mongers to get their test done (if they are concerned) back at home.

editor's suggestion: this is interesting, but you might consider re-posting it under the safe sex topic in the special interests section of the forum where it will benefit the forum members who are specifically looking for this type of information. thanks!

Thierry Richard
12-24-06, 17:55
Hi everybody,

I will be soon moving to yanping lu, I ve been for a walk there and it seems that all bbs have close on Wuding Lu and Yanping Lu.

Doas anybody have ever gone to Shijiabao sauna, I would like a report on this one as I don't speak any chinese it will be great help, thanks.

Happy times in Shanghai for all of you.

Noble Gent
12-25-06, 02:18
First of all, Merry Christmas to everyone, Happy 2007!!!

I guess you are moving into San He Garden, I used to live there. A lot of BBS are closed right now due to a new police chief in town. There are still some BBS on Yu Yao Lu, simply turn left on YanPing Lu and walk all the way down, you'll see it. There are some actions as well pass Yu Yao Lu.

The Sauna across you mentioned I personally feel its not worth going to. However, for a legit massage, there is a massage place right at the entrance of San He Garden next to the coffee shop. 185 RMB for 2 hours.


Hi everybody,

I will be soon moving to yanping lu, I ve been for a walk there and it seems that all bbs have close on Wuding Lu and Yanping Lu.

Doas anybody have ever gone to Shijiabao sauna, I would like a report on this one as I don't speak any chinese it will be great help, thanks.

Happy times in Shanghai for all of you.

Dman So
12-25-06, 18:47
Hey there Noble Gent,

The below quote was from way way back 2005 dec I believe... I am more of a massage fella... and was wondering if I can take you up on the offer of "further info". Can you tell me where abouts is this apartment area? And what is the cost? Any FS available? How would you rate the girl? How was the massage?

Sorry for the 1001 questions.

I did a search (as thorough as I can figure out) on locations in Shanghai, but this particular quote seems most intriguing to me. Hope you don't mind me bringing up old news.

Congrats on the seniority level btw.

Went to one of those Chinese chat rooms, and found a massage service, .... However, there was a company that offers in call service, I personally prefer in call, it’s just more convenient for me. When I showed up, I was really surprised how nice the place was. Well furnished, kept nice and clean. .... After the shower, walked out naked, the girl will lead you to a bedroom; in the bedroom, nothing fancy, just a mattress on the floor with disposable bed sheet was already laid out, ready for play.

Laid face down, the lady gave a really nice real massage for about 45 minutes, and then they start to work on your rear end for 10-15 minutes, nice and soft, she pays special attention to the rim area, damn that felt nice. Turn around; repeats the same on your chest. The last 10 – 15 minutes she does what they called a kidney massage, basically is a massage that concentrates on your lower belly and groin area, with a final release by hand. The draw back was the girl does not take their clothes off.

If you need further info, please contact me.

12-25-06, 19:57
First a happy holiday to everyone. Was in Shanghai last month. Had a chance to sample some of the merchandise. Tried Shanghai hotel and found the service was very good. Price was as advertised at 650 rmb in the afternoon.Girls , a mixed bag, from a 5 to 9. Enjoyed myself. Later tried the JuYuan salon. Taxi driver must have been new as he couldn't find the street. Finally located the salon. If I remember it was 760 rmb. Many to choose from as I went early in the afternoon. Girl was rated a 8 in looks and service was a 6 or 7. Definately will return to both with a spring visit to Shanghai. Can recommend both but there are others I am interested in trying.
Out on town one night and Tongren Lu was quiet. Tried Maoming and things picked up. Many girls in Manhattan.


12-26-06, 08:56
Can anyone recommend a place with a nice PROPER oil massage with a happy ending? I just can't seem to find them. Are there actually places like provide massage and ambience like a Dragonfly, and yet give you the necessary conclusion to your day?

Monkey King
12-27-06, 06:37
Dragonfly is an asshole rip off venue for fat old foreign hags. The boss their is a real ***** too. Go to Territary Leisure Time massage on Shanxi Nan Lu and Zhaojiabang Lu. Ask for full body and go to the 3rd floor. I believe it is 288 or something. None of that phony Southern California zen garden shit but it's clean and proper.

Can anyone recommend a place with a nice PROPER oil massage with a happy ending? I just can't seem to find them. Are there actually places like provide massage and ambience like a Dragonfly, and yet give you the necessary conclusion to your day?

Gualtier Malde
12-28-06, 03:22
Dragonfly is an asshole rip off venue for fat old foreign hags. The boss their is a real ***** too.

C'mon, Monkey King, tell us how you *really* feel! :-)


Siberian Wolf
12-28-06, 13:07
Hey hello every body ! Im new for this forum but not new for China.

I need to know if somebody can give me some info about Lucy/Lily outcall massage in Shanghai , she is a very pretty girl , young , 20 -21 yrs , she has a scarf on the stomach skin.


Siberian Wolf
12-28-06, 14:02
Hi everybody ! Im new of this forum but not new of China.

Is there somebody that can give me some info about a nice and cute young Shanghainese girl 20-21 yrs , she make massage only outcall , she has a scarf on the stomach. I would like contact her again.


Ace Gallant
12-31-06, 03:00
Happy Holidays and more great mongering in the year 2007 to everyone.


12-31-06, 03:41
Happy Holidays and more great mongering in the year 2007 to everyone.


Ace, same to you and the Shanghai gang. It looks like I will be back for a visit in March, looking forward to seeing you and the rest of the guys and checking out some of the old haunts and maybe a few new ones.