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09-24-17, 03:25
Oase, however, was smokey, claustrophobic (inside anyway) crowded and (really filthy. Rooms had beds with disgusting stains on them, half drunk bottles of beer and used kleenex all over place. The VIP area was a total sausage party. I went based on recommendations from this board but I doubt I'll be back.Oase can be pretty rough in the colder months, I agree. All those little ventilation-less rooms wind up smelling like cheap perfume, cigarette smoke, sweat and sex.

Kosher Kowboy
09-24-17, 07:44
Guten tag to my fellow fortunate European punters and mongers as well as perverted travelling Americans and overpaying Asians and others who may be passing thru, I hope it is a fine sunny morning and the weather in Hessen will hopefully be warm enough to allow you fine gentleman the opportunity to enjoy the outdoor garden and pool today. Sharks should be opening shortly, the chef is probably preparing your breakfast now and I hope you have a fine day if you may be one of the lucky ones to be able to go as I was my last day in the Deutschland. Please let me know what was for lunch today if one of you can be so kind. When I wake up in the morning several of you will have already had your daily dose of WG's and be stuffing your faces hopefully outside surrounded by hot pussy standing and sitting wrapped in pretty pink towels. Unless I have an evil twin stealing towels, FKK Sharks owned just as many towels when I left as when I walked in but I would absolutely love one of those pink ones to add to my collection as the white one has gone on several ' field trips' with me already, a pink one would open many more avenues for this dirty mind to pursue.

I chose Sharks as my last place to visit on September's Frankfurt / Madrid trip as my balls were empty, had nothing left in them and I knew there was no way after blowing lord knows how many loads in Mainhatten (that place has absolutely gone to shit) , various Madrid brothels and Dietz (my favorite joint in the world now, it's Disney World for a pervert) that I was best off investing the 50 Euros for the day in Darmstadt as at minimum I could enjoy the fine amenities and the food and perhaps come nighttime might build up a few million swimmers to fire out of my tired schlong lord willing. I found one girl at Dietz I fucked I think at least five times ( she will for now simply be known as XXX although two of you know her identity, we'll cap it at that for now) and not even she could get me to bust the last session the evening prior. She did her best and put in 110% effort just couldn't make it happen, the tank was dry. I figured if she couldn't get me to blast one out and deep in to her gaping and loose pussy (another fetish of mine) there was no reason to sit at Dietz on my last day and at Sharks I had a fighting chance of using the daytime to recharge the batteries to see if there might just be a little juice left in my travel buddy. I woke up at my usual 8 AM or so went down for the hotel breakfast and loaded up on tons of egg whites, salmon slices, cheese, yogurt to get the proteins in me and ate a ton of melons and cucumbers to ensure hydration and the flow of blood in to the hydraulic system. I finished my food, went to the room and than packed up to head to Sharks on discount day with all my needed tools in the forms of pills, gel and troches to use as needed. I walked to the station, hopped on the S3 to Darmstadt, got in a cab and paid my 50 E and was handed some very warm fresh towels. The lady at the entrance even smiled for once when my turn to pay arrived, I requested one of the larger lockers with only one key with tons of space as the prior week before Madrid she fucked me with one of those two key shit ones in the back and was a total kunt when I attempted to exchange said she had already scanned my key in and it would be 15 E more to switch given the time. On a side note as I mentioned Mainhatten I ended up seeing a good 6 guys at Sharks that day that I normally see at Mainhatten and half of them were there for the discount the other half have bailed on that place, as have I. ' The Hell with those Angels'.

I organized my locker and took a nice long hot shower, must have hit the button to turn the water back on at least 6 or 7 times as I needed to make sure all remnants of Club Dietzenbach and XXX's kunt was scrubbed and removed and all areas fresh for the wonderful, kind and sweet Romanians who eagerly awaited my Euros. I freshened up with some mouthwash and hit the floor. They seemed nice that day but I had to cast them away kindly and I spent the first hour enjoying the hot tubs and steam room downstairs. That steam room is great, perhaps one of the top 3 I have ever been in. After some good relaxation I hit the lockers and sucked down a 100 MG pack of Kamagra oral jelly as I was starting to feel relaxed and confident I had at least one pop in me. I sat at the bar, walked around a little moving couch to couch scouting out the potentials and drank a ton of water to get that jelly moving faster. About 30 minutes later the fast acting ingredients kicked in and I went on the hunt. I finally found one that seemed to smile, demonstrated flirtatious behavior and showed indications that she was interview worthy. She had long colored black straight hair, a smoker (aren't they all), mid 20's or so, medium height, slender figure with smaller tits and fluent in English. She claimed to be Hungarian. I sat down next to her and said Hello, and asked her what her name was. She proceeded to pass her interview. I took the young ' Hungarian' to the room or shall I say she took me to the room.

I got a blowjob from her that was very enjoyable and got rock hard thanks to that gel, she took her time, made good eye contact, swirled her tongue around it like candy, sucked it deep and applied various oral techniques than it was time to fuck. She got on top of me and rode for about 5 minutes and that god darn freaking rubber destroyed Kosher Junior; he went down but not for the count. She ripped off the rubber and jerked me off with some lube for a minute and rock hard once again and I squirted maybe a minute later. I shall now bring my own condoms in the future as I found out the girls will let you use your own, at least the ones I asked, maybe a YMMV thing but time will tell. I hate the fucking ones they use. She grabbed the sheets off the bed, opened the door, tossed them in the hamper and we proceeded to the money box where she was handed 50 E, she did not ask for a tip (she knew the answer would be no as during the interview she was told I don't tip that my tips are to repeat, like dogs you have to train these women at times.) I than got my silly double cheeked kiss and ' Dominica' walked thru the door in to the ladies area and I went to the water machine in the mess hell, sucked down a few glasses, had some pudding and went to freshen up. Dominica thinks I am in Germany on business for a month as I tossed that out to hopefully give her some incentive to behave better but I am also not stupid as I am far from the last American John to pull that lie out, we lie too, and they know our lies and bullshit lines just as we know theirs. It's such a fun game to play.

About an hour later lunch was served and the first one in line at the window waiting was that fat Chinese girl who walks around all day aggressively asking ' Thai Massage, sex' to any john who will even stop to listen to her. She loaded her tray up with a plate with shrimp piled higher than Mount Everest, about 10 spring rolls and had her rice served in a separate square shaped bowls they use. Lunch was Asian again, I chowed down on spring rolls, the curry chicken, some duck and lo mein or as the guy called them noodles. I than went upstairs for some peace and quiet to let my food digest. I fell asleep for a good hour I think and as I woke up heard ' Thai Massage' of all things. Jesus Christ, someone please fuck this woman, I finally wake up recharged and energetic and Mrs. Piggy is standing over me. I said ' no' rolled over and played dead like an opossum until I sensed she was gone than got up and moved to that rounded couch where one can look downstairs at the beauty seated around the bar and on the many couches. I heard the bell of the sauna guy ringing and proceeded to the sauna for the 4:00 session. Those treatments are great and repeated several times later. At about 7:00 I was feeling nothing cooking downstairs in the sperma factory and was set on one more and told myself if all fails and can't perform at all it's only 50 E, I came all this way from the USA may as well try as 50 E won't make or break me. I proceeded to my locker, got my Kamagra jelly pack out and I sucked down the grape flavored one and went on the floor. At this time the place was packed with guys, and Asians wandering around in force as well. The rooms were all full as I saw many ' couples' proceeding upstairs only to walk straight down in search of a place to fuck. The girls were even using the domes upstairs and the beds back in that section next to the back stage. A good hour went by, the Kamagra kicked in and along with the residual effects of the first pack I felt myself ready to go hunting again. I didn't want any of them, everyone of them gave me a bad vibe one even outright complained to me in Spanish the club let's too many women in. She would have been perfect but the last prozzie I will fuck is one in a bad mood, had her behavior been one of smiles and pleasantries she would have had 50 E but her bad mood got her chopped, not risking a punt on Mrs. Sour Grapes. I never fuck a hooker who isn't making money as they are usually more often than not angry and will not pull thru. Happy hookers are the best and the happy ones are churning johns in and out. Just calling it the way that works for me, we all have our styles.

Some more time went by and I was seated on a couch near the bar and I was just ready to say 'fuck it'; empty my box, get dressed and call it another trip in the books and look forward to the next one and as I started to get up adjusted the towel around my expanding waistline thanks to an overdose of tapas in Madrid and as I tossed the second towel over my shoulders I made eye contact with a girl who just happened to turn her head around and look towards the bar and eyes met eyes. I knew she was it, she knew she had 50+ E, time to play ball. I had found her. Those were the eyes I had been looking for to get a nightcap going, she knew I wanted her, she wanted my money, I knew I would be fucking her at some point and she knew she had me locked in for a minimum 50 E without a word spoken. My gut told me she was going to try to hustle me in to an hour or CIM, I knew I had to try to get the upper hand and knew she was going be walking over and I needed to get away. Part of my interview process is often observation and if I let her attack me I would lose that chance. I smiled, pretended not to give a shit and went to another couch. Well, that didn't work. She was in my lap within 10 seconds. She's a shark for sure. Very aggressive, most will say Hello, or sit down next to me but this one has some experience knows how to hustle well none of them ever jump in my lap and certainly not a ' rookie hooker. ' And thus began her interview. She was Romanian, 5'4 and maybe 105-110 pounds, her light brown hair down to the bottom of the neck or so. She is a very soft spoken girl and fluent in obviously Romanian, German, English, Italian and Spanish. She's obviously very educated, a smart cookie as they say and her English was conjugated to perfection and words used were quite advanced. This is when it gets entertaining for me and I knew a fun session was on the way but would first play the game and let her think she is playing me, not my first or last rodeo and no way in hell this was her first rodeo, far from. I must say I am in it for sex but at times part of the game is dealing with BS and I actually enjoy hearing and listening to hooker lies and just pretending like I believe them and enjoy what they have to tell me and smile and listen and play the game. It's not like I have anything better to do with my time. Smoke grass, fuck hookers, eat, sleep, watch the stock and bond markets (I even watch the DAX and the FTSE and the CAC in the early AM here!) run several fantasy football leagues, a basketball league, a baseball league and travel.

We all know hookers lie all around the world, in America it is usually a dead dog excuse, a flat tire, grandma died for the millionth time in 3 years and so on. In Europe they are different I am sure but what she told me doesn't cut 'mustard. ' She asked my name and where I was from the usual questions. She than asked me how many times I had been to Sharks and the correct 5 became 15 and when she asked how many trips to an FKK Club I had made went from about 40 or 45 to ' I don't know, well over a 100 at least I don't count them anymore. ' I asked her how long she had worked at Sharks and the answer was ' two days. ' I than asked her what club she worked prior only to be told ' none'. So I asked her ' this is your second day doing this' to which she replied ' yes. ' She told me she had just arrived in Germany. And I am Santa Clause. I knew she was full of it, no way her behavior up to this point matches that of a girl on her second day sucking and fucking. Anyway, ' perhaps ' she is new to FKK's and Sharks but she's been selling that pussy quite a while somewhere in Europe if not Germany. I wasn't born yesterday. I asked her what she did prior. The answer was ' McDonald's ' . At this point I am laughing to myself, two days ago she is in Romania flipping burgers and ringing up Big Mac Specials on a cash register and two days later she is fluent in German (perhaps she did learn German prior, who knows) and by all demonstrations of her behavior an experienced prostitute. To me all of the above is entertainment and part of my entry fees. She told me she also was trained in massage therapy. That part I believed making the McDonald's job two days prior much more unbelievable. Perhaps she did work at McDonald's at some point but it must have been in the past some time not two days. I actually needed a massage had actually considered one earlier. Some of the locals told me a Bulgarian think goes by Stephan maybe is one of the best and I would need to sign up quickly as he is booked up especially on Wednesdays. This tute had now provided me some fun entertainment so it was now time to tap that pussy and get a massage as well and for me it's also free Spanish practice, a '3 for 1 deal. '.

Off to the room we went. One would think a new girl working at Sharks would head up the main stairs to a room only to walk down once she finds them full of activity but this one with only two days under her belt didn't bother with those stairs, she took me by the hand up the other stairs to the hot tub area. I had no clue there is a huge room up there behind the tubs and as we got close to the room she stopped to hold my hand, there's a little area of rocks with two stepping stones that one could easily trip on if they didn't know they were there, like someone who has been working there two days. She than told me it was her favorite room there, I guess she has been banged in every room in Sharks in two days time and decided the one empty room during rush hour was available and also her favorite.

It actually is a cool room, the music you hear faintly but it is decorated quite well. I get massages often and the minute she started I knew she had told the truth about being a therapist but I also knew from the style and speed she was running the clock. She wasn't tossing the ball down field, she was hammering the running back up the middle on first and second down and throwing on third down to wear down the defense and run that clock. She knew how to play ball, no doubt. I was fine with this, I'd let her work her way in to the red zone, deny the end zone as you will usually come up a winner if you give up field goals and not touchdowns. I was truly enjoying the massage and she did lots of blowing warm air in the ears, nibbling on the earlobe etc. I also had a gut feeling she would ask for an extension to an hour so I was already ready with the 75 E for 45 minutes counter offer. Well sure enough, once she got done with the neck, shoulders, upper and lower back she asked about the hour and I told her 75 E let's do 45 min. She didn't ask for the hour again or push for it, just agreed. She managed to get me for 25 more Euros but I also got what I wanted. I flipped over and she rubbed me down with warming oils, slid her body up and down me stroked my cock to stiffness all the things that are found in the McDonald's employee manual for trainees prior to working the line and cashier. The blowjob was next and I would bet every dollar I have to my name, as well as my house, the 970 Euros in my passport that she gives the best blowjob of any cashier or burger flipper that has ever worked a cashier or the hot line at any fucking McDonald's back to the days of Ray Croc and you can add Burger King, Hardees, Carl's Jr. , Wendy's, Dairy Queen, Sonic, Checkers, In and Out Burger and Whataburger to that list too. That BJ was off the charts to the point I didn't want it to end and considered a potential upgrade but she wanted to fuck and I entered her in doggie but those gone darn rubbers fuck everything up! Send me back to Dietzenbach, I want to go home!! I miss 'XXX!' At that point I wished I was up the road at my favorite place blowing my load deep in to the semen dumpster between the legs of XXX. She is actually Bulgarian not German, little communication errors, it was via a translator on her Smartphone (I wonder if a Muslim got it for her and taps it to it to see her activity) that allowed us to communicate.

Well you can't have it all, I let the Romanian burger flipper jerk it out of me after all we all know the best handjobs are tough in the back of McDonald's so I knew she would make that thing blast. She gave me one hell of a HJ to finish me off and did a little edging in there she truly is a pro by all definitions of the word. She made Junior blast one last time and that load shot out of my dick and have no clue where it landed, I'm guessing it made landfall somewhere in Oak Brook, Illinois. She was a lot of fun, from the moment of eye contact to payment and everything in between, I got my money's worth and the last blast for September's trip was a great one. But she wasn't done yet, she still had one pitch left.

We went down to the box so I could get her the 75 E but I only had a 50 note and the ' just in case' spare 50 in my cigarette pack. I like to smoke in Germany and talk to the hookers and enjoy a puff. She looked at that extra 50 like a hungry dog but she also watched me walk it to the front desk to change it but the cashier couldn't get me proper change to make 75 E even so she got 80 E. ' Andra or Anra' ' than kissed me good bye, I hit the showers, got dressed, tossed all my towels in the hamper and walked out. I than bargained with a cabbie for door to door Frankfurt service, wasn't going to pay 50 (he started at 65) my offer was 40 and told the guy thanks but I'll ask the next guy he came back with 45 and stuck out his hand to shake mine. I shook his hand, hopped in and off to Frankfurt I went with my precious life in the hands of a Muslim driving a beautiful Mercedes. My mother God bless her was probably cursing my father at this point for dissolving her trust seeing me spend my money in such foolish and dangerous ways and writing this rubbish on the internet when she tried her hardest to get me to write normal writings. Mama Kosher wrote children's books, I write this shit. Well as they say, ' Shit Happens. ' We than drove by what appears to be the German version of Home Depot and than an Aldi, which only reminded me of XXX up the road. Soon we were on the autobahn and moments later passing Messe Frankfurt and some giant beer brewery with 4-5 giant beer tubs and I had him drop me in the RLD so I could eat my final meal at that great Turkish joint.

Now I am back here in hell, toying around on the British Airways site as my birthday arrives in December and I plan to be 5,000 miles away from home in a city situated about 20 km NE of Darmstadt and 20 km SE of Frankfurt on / or around that day. I will see XXX hopefully if she is there (early December is great tute hunting time as they have to load up on money as by the 15 of the month they need be home or buying gifts) . I think I will pay for a few strange guys to gangbang her first while I watch, get her nice and stretched open and loose and rip that pussy to fucking shreds for the birthday boy; they don't put sheets on the bed for nothing!! I will also have to hire a fluffer, one of the fat pigs will suffice for that role. They will be allowed a tube of lube and all rolls of paper towels will be tossed out the windows. But before I count my chickens before they hatch I will first have to figure out the policy at Dietz about how many men one girl can go to the room with and hopefully it is up to the girl and without a doubt XXX can handle whatever is tossed her way as I counted 17 rooms one day she did. I also wasn't there for 3 hours that day so I am sure she surpassed 20. I like at Dietz how the girls do all the housework and come and go while the guys take showers so I have no doubt she will end my evening straddling over me in that cesspool they call a shower emptying her bladder all over me before I hit the shower myself. In order to ensure said activity she will get a small glass of water to chug down between men. I did see a sign that said no urination in the shower but rules are meant to be broken in my world.

Have a good day.

09-24-17, 09:13
Guten tag to my fellow fortunate European punters and mongers as well as perverted travelling Americans and overpaying Asians and others who may be passing thru, I hope it is a fine sunny morning and the weather in Hessen will hopefully be warm enough to allow you fine gentleman the opportunity to enjoy the outdoor garden and pool today. Sharks should be opening shortly, the chef is probably preparing your breakfast now and I hope you have a fine day if you may be one of the lucky ones to be able to go as I was my last day in the Deutschland. Please let me know what was for lunch today if one of you can be so kind. When I wake up in the morning several of you will have already had your daily dose of WG's and be stuffing your faces hopefully outside surrounded by hot pussy standing and sitting wrapped in pretty pink towels. Unless I have an evil twin stealing towels, FKK Sharks owned just as many towels when I left as when I walked in but I would absolutely love one of those pink ones to add to my collection as the white one has gone on several ' field trips' with me already, a pink one would open many more avenues for this dirty mind to pursue.

I chose Sharks as my last place to visit on September's Frankfurt / Madrid trip as my balls were empty, had nothing left in them and I knew there was no way after blowing lord knows how many loads in Mainhatten (that place has absolutely gone to shit) , various Madrid brothels and Dietz (my favorite joint in the world now, it's Disney World for a pervert) that I was best off investing the 50 Euros for the day in Darmstadt as at minimum I could enjoy the fine amenities and the food and perhaps come nighttime might build up a few million swimmers to fire out of my tired schlong lord willing..What to see about a guy who is not able to come, who needs to take some pills and on top of that consider that the woman need to be trained like dogs, if you respect yourself you respect the others. Along way to go for some guys to understand why the girls are working in the clubs and what is the difference between sex (like animals or dogs.) and erotic.

Universo Fkk
09-24-17, 10:48
Hello universo FKK,

Was in sharks yesterday, Friday around noon and again after midnight, and the blond czech MILF Hannah was not visible!Maybe any news about this wonderful MILF with big silicon boobs? Does anyone see her in these last days?

Thank you so much in advance.

09-24-17, 12:48
Kosher. Great fun report.

I volunteer to join your birthday bash team.:D

Smoke Light
09-24-17, 16:50
Mr Kosher, thank you for beautifully versed report. I don't talk about the hobby with absolutely nobody back in the US, so this was a breath of filthy-good air. McDonald's training could benefit from it, too. I am counting weeks and days till my next trip to the wonderland in November.


09-24-17, 19:31
Mr Kosher, thank you for beautifully versed report. I don't talk about the hobby with absolutely nobody back in the US, so this was a breath of filthy-good air. McDonald's training could benefit from it, too. I am counting weeks and days till my next trip to the wonderland in November.

Cheers.If I understand well your dream guy is one who needs to take pills to come and who is treating girls like a dog, sorry but it is not exactly what I am thinking about a nice day in a FKK, I need to accept that the world is changing for better?

09-24-17, 21:15
Oase, however, was smokey, claustrophobic (inside anyway) crowded and (really filthy. Rooms had beds with disgusting stains on them, half drunk bottles of beer and used kleenex all over place. The VIP area was a total sausage party. I went based on recommendations from this board but I doubt I'll be back.I haven't been in Oase for more than two years. As I can see from this report nothing been changed. Thanks for update. No needs to go there and check for any improvements.

09-24-17, 21:25
I haven't been in Oase for more than two years. As I can see from this report nothing been changed. Thanks for update. No needs to go there and check for any improvements.Foods and the garden are the best at Oase. A club to go to rest, to take a day off fucking, restaurant and hotel for 50 before 4 pm.

09-24-17, 22:13
I was in Sharks Friday, 22. Sept. 2017 and she was there.

09-25-17, 08:17
I haven't been in Oase for more than two years. As I can see from this report nothing been changed. Thanks for update. No needs to go there and check for any improvements.Recommend you to go and to make your own opinion, Oase is still one of the best FKK in Germany.

09-25-17, 21:23
Each to their own. A lot has changed at Oase. Probably more than at any other FKK club for the past 3-4 years. Mauro seems to be a guy who likes to change things around a lot. Most for the better and a few missteps in the past especially back when we had to pay for the food with those coupons (LOL). Rooms are intimate and good if you like to look at the girls from all angles while having sex seeing there are mirrors on all sides and even in the ceiling. Some might just prefer that.

Member #4585
09-25-17, 22:03
One girl well known on German boards for her oral skill wouldn't even budge on a 50 E ' up offer' from me, pointed at the condom sign in the room as well as the door. They live in fear (probably the upper management scaring them) of a raid at anytime and they are afraid the doors will be opened. Multiple women are afraid of the doors being opened on them. This has been echoed on every trip since July 1. Yes, you are right.

The doors on the rooms at Sharks are unlocked. In the case of the caves up stairs they are just thin curtains.

I was getting a blowjob without a condom with my girl on her knees as I stood and some random old fat German walks in through the unlocked door to one of the door close-able rooms, like with no care in the world to take a look. My care just says "Busy" like there was no offence taken and taking the honest mistake it was and the random old fat German leaves without even an apology. It is so easy to do for someone to be caught out.

Only a few since July 1st have given me the BBBJ in the 50 E session, many do it in the 100 E session as one said if they will risk their job they want more money.More and more there are girls asking for minimum for 100 euro for kissing to be included. I will take some time to write some experiences of Sharks girls that insist their pricing (for me, maybe not everyone) is 100 euro before these kissing items become inclusive and hinting even natural blowjob too in some case.

Thus far I believe natural blowjob is standard for the 50.

Member #4585
09-25-17, 22:05
I was in Sharks Friday, 22. Sept. 2017 and she was there.Indeed, Hannah the Czech blonde was working during the IAA Messe period including right up to the end of the conference.

Universo Fkk
09-25-17, 22:33
Indeed, Hannah the Czech blonde was working during the IAA Messe period including right up to the end of the conference.I'm thinking Sunday is her free day that is the reason for which I never meet her.

Member #4585
09-25-17, 22:39
For the last two years there has been divided opinion on Janine de's service being a catastrophe acting like she is a star fish and being clueless or showing total disinterest as to what a man needs to get them to finish. Some guys swear by Janine as well.

Then Janine got involved into her regular young German man booking her for Janine's entire working shift so she did not need to hunt for customers as one needed the by your leave permission of the regular young German man before Janine could go off with another man when she is reserved.

The surprising experience is that a recent room with Janine showed she had improved. Maybe she was drunk from all the Vodka that she had been plied with by her German man. In any event, Janine de kissed with tongue intimately enough given her previous service level for not even allowing kissing for some clients being chaste lip to lip touches. She sucked good and she even allowed breast relief. All for the holy 50 euro.

Something to think about if you like Janine's perfect looking slim see cup breasted body showcased by long straight brown hair.

Member #4585
09-25-17, 22:58
Blonde, pale skinned and tattoo less Amalia the younger sister of Elif has required of me that for kissing you need to book for one hour and pay a minimum of 100 euro for the time under the one hour.

So, okay, worth a shot. I do find Amalia a lot more professional and business like their her sibling Elif, but she has a nice look and has fit body that even some Northerners cannot resist.

The room was really 20 minutes and over and done. Amalia was ready and wanting to go to collect her 100 euros payment as agreed.

Amalia does tend to go after a certain clientele type which is less inclined to argue or is well cashed up not to worry for an extra 50 euro paid here or there whereas Elif is more confident to expand her customer based to be more ethnically diverse. Amalia's behavior may not work so much on the regular German crowd.

09-25-17, 23:00
Thus far I believe natural blowjob is standard for the 50.I'm not aware about the attitude on this board towards certain service features being standard in the near past. As law changed in Germany the German boards don't emphasize the way of blowjob in order to avoid unnecessary hints which could be also of interest for authorities. Thus an open-minded reporting and discusion on this topic is rather special.

Member #4585
09-25-17, 23:06
Unless I have an evil twin stealing towels, FKK Sharks owned just as many towels when I left as when I walked in but I would absolutely love one of those pink ones to add to my collection as the white one has gone on several ' field trips' with me already, a pink one would open many more avenues for this dirty mind to pursue.Ever since you admitted to the theft of towels from Sharks the copy cats since to have followed. I have now heard of other regulars having read your report also doing the same, stuffing towels into their personal item bags on the way out.

When challenged as to why one wants a FKK Sharks labelled gold labelled white towel, the simple answer is that they just wanted one.

There is no avenue to buy the branded product at Reception like you can buy branded products like robes at World or the more diverse branded products at Mainhattan and Palace that include cups, mouse pads and pens.

One may have to make do with FKK Sharks branded cigarette lighters. But a big white fluffy Sharks towel really brings the memories of the trip back to one feeling that rough towel against your cock when its wrapped around your waist like a kilt.

Now we are opening the gate to nicking the girls pretty pink towels.

Actually as a fetish thing in one session I came on the girls pink towel and she had to wear it with my come residue on it to to get paid and go back to her locker. Souvenir?

Member #4585
09-25-17, 23:08
I'm not aware about the attitude on this board towards certain service features being standard in the near past. As law changed in Germany the German boards don't emphasize the way of blowjob in order to avoid unnecessary hints which could be also of interest for authorities. Thus an open-minded reporting and discusion on this topic is rather special.Shall we start this discussion again? Read back at some of the older reports from June and July when you find the time and then ask again.

Member #4585
09-25-17, 23:16
Mersi's pricing has changed on me since I last saw her. Before it was 100 euro minimum for a session to include kissing. If you make her come whether by fucking or DATY then the kissing gets better. Subsequently, the revised pricing, maybe not applicable to the local young Turkish guys, is a session to include kissing and DATY is priced 50 euros higher.

The elusive kissing is getting scarcer.

Member #4585
09-25-17, 23:18
Lavinia was another disastrous session. I do not know what went wrong. It is like the world has gone upside down now. Never repeat.

Member #4585
09-25-17, 23:22
There is a group of girls that sit at the bar that include Madalina and some other recent arrivals. I am not going to name names this short report, but similarly these girls were each asking for 100 euro minimum for a session to include kissing. These girls come from what some would call a service club. So these service club girls are learning.

I guess one has to rely on their ever shortening pool of regular girls that still kiss for 50 euro. The feedback is that for the regular customers, particularly, the German men, the kissing and other standard services are included in the 50 euro.

Kosher Kowboy
09-25-17, 23:30
Now we are opening the gate to nicking the girls pretty pink towels.

Actually as a fetish thing in one session I came on the girls pink towel and she had to wear it with my come residue on it to to get paid and go back to her locker. Souvenir?A pink towel is just a desire at this point, I refrained from helping myself to one. I chose to be a good United States citizen and respect the country I was in and on page six section six of the United States Passport if one opens theirs' it discusses ' avoid violating foreign laws' on the Important Information page. Given the fact our president grabs 'em by the pussy I think I can get away with violating the new law on blowjobs there

I think honestly FKK Towel stealing has been going on much longer than my arrival in Darmstadt. Probably before Merkel's first term too, we're pleased with the election results by the way.

However, the pink used towel you describe above sounds perfect as it has a history, I will happily accept such a towel and transport it home wrapped in the hotel's complimentary dirty laundry bag.

We need to move on from the towel as we have larger things to discuss, such as sheets. I think Dietzenbach needs to allow even for a modest fee of 5 Euros the option for a fine gentleman to be able to take home the sheet used in the session after they dump a massive creampie in to one of their female guests. In the event they do, I need to buy a larger suitcase for next trip.

Member #4585
09-25-17, 23:42
It seems that nearly every Hessen club has assisted sauna by its own Sauna Master.

Palace has a young good looking tall German boy running the sauna. The girls ogle him as we walks around in a scanty towel wrapped around his waist like a kilt. The salt scrubs make your skin so smooth a silky feeling as the salt being a base as opposed to an acid as that smooth oily finish to them.

Oase has a Turkish man who is very friendly and does the assisted sauna every hour.

World I do not have recent intel whether assisted sauna is available, but I know that some Germans bring their own sauna salts to use in the World sauna to cook themselves to the point that the sauna is like an oven burning the bodies inside.

Sharks has the rotund Dieter who as well as other days does hourly dry saunas and wet sauna sessions that include skin peeling with cremes and salts.

These are well done on Fridays and Saturdays as well as Thursdays. The local older German guys really get into it. The entire session is run in German so you need to be up with the lingo to get the gist of what is going on.

The locals that are ignorant of the sauna rules, since it is generally only locals in the sauna ceremony sessions, get told off by Dieter in quick fire German for bringing their shoes into the sauna or not putting a towel under their sweating feet as well under their sweaty asses or bringing drinks into the sauna. There are signs not to bring your shoes or drinks in the sauna, albeit admittedly written in German but also has pictures as well for those not versed in German. Dieter brings order to the sauna for the sauna ceremony to be had.

The salts and cremes used are really interesting and gives ideas what one can do at home in a steamy bathroom from a bath or shower to re-create the effect.

Something to think on.

The DM brand pharmacy sells sauna salts that you can buy and bring to the sauna to do a sauna ceremony when Dieter is not there. Do ask the other Germans in the sauna if its okay that you do this as some like to sit in the sauna for as long as possible when the temperature is low as opposed to bringing the temperature to a boil to get the blast effect that s sauna steam creates. Just some good manners.

Member #4585
09-25-17, 23:53
Probably before Merkel's first term too, we're pleased with the election results by the way.

However, the pink used towel you describe above sounds perfect as it has a history, I will happily accept such a towel and transport it home wrapped in the hotel's complimentary dirty laundry bag.

We need to move on from the towel as we have larger things to discuss, such as sheets. I think Dietzenbach needs to allow even for a modest fee of 5 Euros the option for a fine gentleman to be able to take home the sheet used in the session after they dump a massive creampie in to one of their female guests. In the event they do, I need to buy a larger suitcase for next trip.We are also pleased with Merkel's re-election. A stable and strong Germany that does not lean too far to the dark side upstarts is what we want too.

Pink towels as a souvenir is growing on me too but there has to be something memorable done with the pink towel with your favorite girl or else its just another towel.

I am afraid I am not interested in the sheets with random guy cream pie stains from Dietzenbach as described by your December 2017 gang bang birthday concept. You will need to explain that more for me to grow into the idea. There is always your XXX to christen the sheet.

Member #4585
09-26-17, 00:03
What are other men's experiences with Scarlet the straight dark haired girl that is resident on the sofa at the bottom of the stairwell to the upstairs rooms (not the mezzanine floor rooms). Her friend is black haired Annabelle who looks Gothic with black lipstick and black nails and black eye liner.

What I found is that Scarlet, is like Megan ro who is now working at Switzerland's Globe, in being a talker in the room. She is almost like she is dragging out the session, interrupting sex acts to ask some random question about your life. Quite off putting.

She is quite a good looker in the attractive girl next door way, but alas I never had any neighborhood girls that looked like Scarlet up for grabs.

Services were good though and included some nice stuff you do not always get.

Member #4585
09-26-17, 00:06
Anja the Albanian girl as we all know is back working at Sharks. Anja did a stint at Mainhattan and also Oase, maybe some other places too before coming to Sharks. She explained the Albanian, Greek and Romanian connections so this is why she can inter-change her origins at whim depending on her is asking.

Anja does not quite have the same cachet that she had when she had her first stint at Sharks. Not as busy as she was before from what I can see. Anja's fabulous full shaped breasts have come down so she is not as striking as she was before catching the eye of men with their high and full shape.

Watch out for the extra 25 euro for kissing and 25 euro for pussy licking.

Member #4585
09-26-17, 00:12
I have to agree with McAdonis that Brenda acts quite dumb or really needs to wear glasses when at work.

Each time I go to Sharks she reaches out to me and asks me if its my first time, where am I from, shall we go to the room together. She seems to forget that I decline her each time and has spoken to me before.

Brenda does catch my eye with her slim body and huge natural tits that really look they weigh her down. But I can feel the service apart from the BJ and kissing will be a disaster with the way she acts.

I know guys go with Brenda for her looks and that is all you need sometimes.

Maybe we can pool some cash together to send Brenda off to see an optometrist and purchase her some glasses.

09-26-17, 00:12
Watch out for the extra 25 euro for kissing and 25 euro for pussy licking.I haven't run into that.

Member #4585
09-26-17, 00:13
Kosher. Great fun report.

I volunteer to join your birthday bash team.:D
Yes, great report from Mr Kowboy.

I want to go too to the birthday bash.

Sounds like it will be divine visit.

Can dates be advised?

Member #4585
09-26-17, 00:16
I haven't run into that.Good to know and good for you and good that you can share.

Just relaying my experiences of Anja.

Kosher Kowboy
09-26-17, 00:17
Pink towels as a souvenir is growing on me too but there has to be something memorable done with the pink towel with your favorite girl or else its just another towel.

I am afraid I am not interested in the sheets with random guy cream pie stains from Dietzenbach as described by your December 2017 gang bang birthday concept. You will need to explain that more for me to grow into the idea. There is always your XXX to christen the sheet.Upon further review and complete boredom at this moment, I would actually pay 50 E to that huge fat Chinese lady always wrapped in her towel hiding her fat for a BBBJ and fuck but only if I could keep her pink towel and not be turned in to the Darmstadt police although their holding cells appear nicer than ours. I see on an images search the German police actually provide a mattress, sounds like a much better night sleep than the ones we provide for our criminals that shoplift towels.

Dietz actually puts fresh sheets on for each session often they are fresh out of the dryer once it gets busy in there so one would get a fresh sheet however if the the girl has any residual cum in her from the guy (s) prior to her the guys souvenir sheet might get some remnants from leakage. So you may be right about a possible stain not from one's self.

Member #4585
09-26-17, 00:29
Upon further review and complete boredom at this moment, I would actually pay 50 E to that huge fat Chinese lady always wrapped in her towel hiding her fat for a BBBJ and fuck but only if I could keep her pink towel and not be turned in to the Darmstadt police although their holding cells appear nicer than ours. I see on an images search the German police actually provide a mattress, sounds like a much better night sleep than the ones we provide for our criminals that shoplift towels.

Dietz actually puts fresh sheets on for each session often they are fresh out of the dryer once it gets busy in there so one would get a fresh sheet however if the the girl has any residual cum in her from the guy (s) prior to her the guys souvenir sheet might get some remnants from leakage. So you may be right about a possible stain not from one's self.That Chinese lady works long hours. She tends to stay on the Mezzanine floor or near the couches in the sauna area. I have seen her in the wet sauna taking her make off. Lucky the wet sauna was steamy with clouds or else I think I would have been sick.

Dietzenbach is an acquired taste and is not for everyone. Good that you like it there and keep the place going.

Member #4585
09-26-17, 00:31
Is anyone willing to share their experience of Darcy the slight auburn haired girl in the gang of Diana and Vivian and Melanie (Bettty) sitting at the couches under the fish tank (one of the fish tank gang)?

She is quiet and has a look that I like but she was not appealing at the time she asked as I had other fish to fry so to speak.

09-26-17, 03:24
Is anyone willing to share their experience of Darcy the slight auburn haired girl in the gang of Diana and Vivian and Melanie (Bettty) sitting at the couches under the fish tank (one of the fish tank gang)?

She is quiet and has a look that I like but she was not appealing at the time she asked as I had other fish to fry so to speak.I took her for 1 HR last Sunday. She worked in Amsterdam in escort as she said. Only three weeks at Sharks. She still needs to gain some experience, however session was rather positive. She kisses, but not sure about 1/2 HR session. No FIV. DATY responsive and received well. I ended up with CIM, but she did not try to upsell it. It was my choice. Holds any positions without trying to restrict penetration. BBBJ was so-so. Not bad at all but standard without DT or BLS. I might repeat with her because she kind of honest and diligent. I like that attitude.

09-26-17, 03:35
Watch out for the extra 25 euro for kissing and 25 euro for pussy licking.What? Last Saturday I had one hour session with her with long passionate DFK and responsive DATY. Surprisingly it was my first session with her. I don't know why I did not catch her earlier.

She never mentioned that DFK and DATY is extra. I tipped her well because the session was fabulous. Repeat factor 100%. She is definitely star here.

09-26-17, 03:39
Each time I go to Sharks she reaches out to me and asks me if its my first time, where am I from, shall we go to the room together. She seems to forget that I decline her each time and has spoken to me before.She remembers my face at least. I sessioned with her ages ago. Don't remember details but clearly remember the tag "Do not repeat". Usually she stops my when I am walking by and reminds that it was very long time since our last room (only room to be exact).

Member #4585
09-26-17, 06:19

Thank you for the report on Auburn haired Darcy in Vivian's gang.

It seems Darcy is an honest session that works for those that admire her look which is to be fair a pretty girl that most guys would be happy to have on your arm when going out together.

Nothing special but then nothing bad. She allows CIM which is also good to know.

I took her for 1 HR last Sunday. She worked in Amsterdam in escort as she said. Only three weeks at Sharks. She still needs to gain some experience, however session was rather positive. She kisses, but not sure about 1/2 HR session. No FIV. DATY responsive and received well. I ended up with CIM, but she did not try to upsell it. It was my choice. Holds any positions without trying to restrict penetration. BBBJ was so-so. Not bad at all but standard without DT or BLS. I might repeat with her because she kind of honest and diligent. I like that attitude.

Member #4585
09-26-17, 06:27
Maybe it was just me that Anja thought she could squeeze for more cash. She may have observed that some customers do longer sessions.

So the information and picture that I am getting was definitely that Anja was up selling on the kissing and DATY which is what Mersi hu was doing. These girls select who that take business from choosing who they wish to retain and those that they do not and thereby perform and run tactics to extract as much as they can from the session.

In any event when Anja came back to ask me for another session when she realised how regular that I was, Anja received a curt no from me in response.

Short sighted of her from my perspective.

Jymondor, you should feel good that Anja saw in you repeat business represented in the service level you got from Anja. Well done.

I have now my confirmation that Anja tried to upsell me. I declined the extras that Anja offered. Up to her and her business model.

What? Last Saturday I had one hour session with her with long passionate DFK and responsive DATY. Surprisingly it was my first session with her. I don't know why I did not catch her earlier.

She never mentioned that DFK and DATY is extra. I tipped her well because the session was fabulous. Repeat factor 100%. She is definitely star here.

Member #4585
09-26-17, 06:31

Maybe because you have a distinctive face that Brenda remembers you.

For me it becomes annoying that whenever I pass Brenda by she thinks we have a thing and that I will go to the room with her.

At least you have been to the room with Brenda. I have not had Brenda suck me or fuck me before.

Brenda really needs to get some glasses.

She remembers my face at least. I sessioned with her ages ago. Don't remember details but clearly remember the tag "Do not repeat". Usually she stops my when I am walking by and reminds that it was very long time since our last room (only room to be exact).

09-26-17, 06:41
I don't know what you guys have. After my room with brandy I made it Kristall clear, that I'll never repeat, and she has never bothered me again.

Rogue Nation
09-26-17, 06:53
Palace has a young good looking tall German boy running the sauna.

Oase has a Turkish man who is very friendly and does the assisted sauna every hour.

World I do not have recent intel whether assisted sauna is available, but I know that some Germans bring their own sauna salts to use in the World sauna to cook themselves to the point that the sauna is like an oven burning the bodies inside.Your info is either outdated or just simply wrong.

Palace has a groups of various guys for the Sauna, it's outsourced and Aufguss is every full hour, daily from 2 pm - 9 pm. Very professional ceremony.

Oase had an Arabian guy (never a Turkish) who was fired a few weeks ago, one of the Romanian guys is doing his best now. Never was a very good ceremony at Oase. Aufguss from 6 pm daily.

World does have a German guy doing Aufguss on Thursdays from 4 pm. He's good, very professional, special fruits and drinks offered.

09-26-17, 08:39
She remembers my face at least. I sessioned with her ages ago. Don't remember details but clearly remember the tag "Do not repeat". Usually she stops my when I am walking by and reminds that it was very long time since our last room (only room to be exact).Never had room with Brenda / Lea / Brandy / Leya, even amazing natural tits on slim body, but I can t kiss such average face, so, no attraction for me. Face attract me first, as a kisser lover. But Brenda remember me each time I arrive at Sharks, saying: I know you, you don't want me.

Anja also remembered me when she saw me, still lovely before German arrived, then she stayed away, but I didn t plan to repeat. Not so model type than before Bumsalp, but maybe she improved GFE there, rather than playful biting before, she played this when she felt comfortable, but not my taste for woman sensuality.

Blond long hair Selina even say each time she see me, we have to repeat, when we never had room, too average face for my taste.

At least, most of Romanians, even never went with them, remember me as dangerous internet writer, being bullshit by a German guy playing to be Romanian girls boss at Sharks, but when he is not there, they behave in very different way, looking for business.

Anyway, no dreamed GFE top model found on my last visits at Sharks, to run to repeat, I prefer my GFE land without any upselling and a real woman type, rather than GND land with maybe 100 girls, but so difficult for me to find attractive ones, even on a Saturday during IAA.

09-26-17, 13:35
Guten tag to my fellow fortunate European punters and mongers as well as perverted travelling Americans and overpaying Asians and others who may be passing thru, I hope it is a fine sunny morning and the weather in Hessen will hopefully be warm enough to allow you fine gentleman the opportunity to enjoy the outdoor garden and pool today. Sharks should be opening shortly, the chef is probably preparing your breakfast now and I hope you have a fine day if you may be one of the lucky ones to be able to go as I was my last day in the Deutschland. Please let me know what was for lunch today if one of you can be so kind. When I wake up in the morning several of you will have already had your daily dose of WG's and be stuffing your faces hopefully outside surrounded by hot pussy standing and sitting wrapped in pretty pink towels. Unless I have an evil twin stealing towels, FKK Sharks owned just as many towels when I left as when I walked in but I would absolutely love one of those pink ones to add to my collection as the white one has gone on several ' field trips' with me already, a pink one would open many more avenues for this dirty mind to pursue.

I chose Sharks as my last place to visit on September's Frankfurt / Madrid trip as my balls were empty, had nothing left in them and I knew there was no way after blowing lord knows how many loads in Mainhatten (that place has absolutely gone to shit) , various Madrid brothels and Dietz (my favorite joint in the world now, it's Disney World for a pervert) that I was best off investing the 50 Euros for the day in Darmstadt as at minimum I could enjoy the fine amenities and the food and perhaps come nighttime might build up a few million swimmers to fire out of my tired schlong lord willing..Your report is quite fun to read. I am looking forward eagerly to be in this fucking land of FKKs in October. Will surely look for XXX in Dietz!

Member #4585
09-26-17, 13:51
I don't know what you guys have. After my room with brandy I made it Kristall clear, that I'll never repeat, and she has never bothered me again.Punchbowl,

You are a lucky man to not be plagued by Brandy or Brenda. Count your lucky stars.

I have some more reports to come. Just need time to get them out.

Nick The G
09-26-17, 14:25
There is no avenue to buy the branded product at Reception like you can buy branded products like robes at World or the more diverse branded products at Mainhattan and Palace ....Did you ask at the reception desk? I bet you didn't!

Member #4585
09-26-17, 14:28
Did you ask at the reception desk? I bet you didn't!No. I did not. So what is the answer then?

Horny Harry
09-26-17, 15:43
We are also pleased with Merkel's re-election. A stable and strong Germany that does not lean too far to the dark side upstarts is what we want too.
Well, since the last prostitution law and rapefugee crisis worked out so favourably, let's hope for 4 more years of Mutti Merkel. 🙄.

p.s. "stable and strong?" I thought we already tried that twice before in history, which wasn't an overwhelming success to put if mildly.

Big Boss Man
09-26-17, 16:42
I spent two separate one-hour sessions with Ro friends Valery and Natalya. Both claim to have worked at Sharks for three years yet there is no mention of them in a least fifteen pages of this thread and I received no hits when I did a thread search. I may be spelling their names wrong. Both girls did what I wanted in the room although that cost an additional 50 euros. I did different routines with each girl. It seemed that they were open to almost anything at the right price. Natalya told me she could tell I was not German because she waved at me and I did not respond back. "No German man would do that. " she said. They both asked for a tip and I said no.

There are lots of lookers at Sharks. In that way it is better than the in-call apartments that I have reported on previously during this trip. For me, the sex experience is about the same. I have had good and bad at both apartments and FKKs. Definitely more choice at a FKK.

I am really surprised that these two girls have never been reviewed. Both of these girls are the spinner type and friendly in the room.

For people who do not have cars, a day ticket for the Frankfurt area that includes Darmstadt costs 16.80 euro. That includes S and Regional trains but not the intercity trains. Nobody looked at my ticket. It cost about 28 euro round trip taxi from Darmstadt HBF to Sharks.

09-26-17, 16:51
I spoke about Natalia, she's a crook.

Member #4585
09-26-17, 16:53
I spoke about Natalia, she's a crook.Like someone else described Lily as a thief?

09-26-17, 17:01
Never have a chance to meet Mandy or other infamous girls during my last few trips.

Any suggestions? Advises?

09-26-17, 17:11
I spoke about Natalia, she's a crook.Slim brunette that formerly worked in World? I sessioned with her in World and was disappointed. She approached me in World and later in Shark but I always refused. Once she told me that she suspect that I disliked her and don't want her anymore, which was true. Then she said that she much improved since then and asked for another chance. I obliged. That session was much better but still far away from top performers. In a few months I took her third time and that session was a total disaster. Now she never approaches me anymore. She is strange.

09-26-17, 17:16
I don't know what you guys have. After my room with brandy I made it Kristall clear, that I'll never repeat, and she has never bothered me again.Actually I thought I made it clear that I'll never repeat with her. Maybe her lapse of memory happened exactly for that particular moment?

Member #4585
09-26-17, 17:19
What do you mean by "we" in your comment below?

I am glad you agree that having expats in the German economy has and will boost economic growth. Well done.

Well, since the last prostitution law and rapefugee crisis worked out so favourably, let's hope for 4 more years of Mutti Merkel. 🙄.

p.s. "stable and strong?" I thought we already tried that twice before in history, which wasn't an overwhelming success to put if mildly.

09-26-17, 18:00
Like someone else described Lily as a thief?I don't know about Lily but girls like Natalia are the reason why I won't probably come around Frankfurt anymore. I don't want to negotiate every bit of a session with a girl who will do her best to get more money from me without doing her job.

Member #4585
09-26-17, 18:06
I don't know about Lily but girls like Natalia are the reason why I won't probably come around Frankfurt anymore. I don't want to negotiate every bit of a session with a girl who will do her best to get more money from me without doing her job.Fair enough.

I would tend to agree with you. Hessen clubs need careful management of the resources and girls.

Member #4585
09-26-17, 18:08
Actually I thought I made it clear that I'll never repeat with her. Maybe her lapse of memory happened exactly for that particular moment?I thought I was clear too I am not interested in her skinny ass.

But alas, even on consecutive visits this Brandy will continue to ask and pine for a session.

Maybe one is simply irresistible?

Carpe Viam
09-26-17, 18:24
Absolutely agree.

She's so tactical.

Maybe it was just me that Anja thought she could squeeze for more cash. She may have observed that some customers do longer sessions.

So the information and picture that I am getting was definitely that Anja was up selling on the kissing and DATY which is what Mersi hu was doing. These girls select who that take business from choosing who they wish to retain and those that they do not and thereby perform and run tactics to extract as much as they can from the session.

In any event when Anja came back to ask me for another session when she realised how regular that I was, Anja received a curt no from me in response..

09-26-17, 18:56
I spent two separate one-hour sessions with Ro friends Valery and Natalya. Both claim to have worked at Sharks for three years yet there is no mention of them in a least fifteen pages of this thread and I received no hits when I did a thread search. I may be spelling their names wrong. Both girls did what I wanted in the room although that cost an additional 50 euros. I did different routines with each girl. It seemed that they were open to almost anything at the right price. Natalya told me she could tell I was not German because she waved at me and I did not respond back. "No German man would do that. " she said. They both asked for a tip and I said no.

There are lots of lookers at Sharks. In that way it is better than the in-call apartments that I have reported on previously during this trip. For me, the sex experience is about the same. I have had good and bad at both apartments and FKKs. Definitely more choice at a FKK.

I am really surprised that these two girls have never been reviewed. Both of these girls are the spinner type and friendly in the room.

For people who do not have cars, a day ticket for the Frankfurt area that includes Darmstadt costs 16.80 euro. That includes S and Regional trains but not the intercity trains. Nobody looked at my ticket. It cost about 28 euro round trip taxi from Darmstadt HBF to Sharks.Don't follow too much the forums make your own opinion is far better.

Nick The G
09-26-17, 21:14
No. I did not. So what is the answer then?My answer is that you please ask at the reception first before you spread false news.

Member #4585
09-26-17, 22:08
My answer is that you please ask at the reception first before you spread false news.You are just being provocative looking for a response with what you write.

What false news?

09-26-17, 22:24
I don't know about Lily but girls like Natalia are the reason why I won't probably come around Frankfurt anymore. I don't want to negotiate every bit of a session with a girl who will do her best to get more money from me without doing her job.Couple guys warned me against going with Lily.

Strawberry blonde with black neck band like Madelina wears, and saw mainly at the couches by the money lockers.

09-26-17, 22:50
I don't know about Lily but girls like Natalia are the reason why I won't probably come around Frankfurt anymore. I don't want to negotiate every bit of a session with a girl who will do her best to get more money from me without doing her job.No upselling for my visits at Sharks, but I think because I go to woman types, when schoolgirls types seem to behave like at Oase or Palace, to upsell tourists in a place which become too touristic with many Asians, when LR, Bab are clubs for regulars, so, girls can't behave in that way because they would be badly known too fast from all clients.

KC Questor
09-27-17, 00:00
I don't know about Lily but girls like Natalia are the reason why I won't probably come around Frankfurt anymore. I don't want to negotiate every bit of a session with a girl who will do her best to get more money from me without doing her job.This is my biggest issue with any kind of a place without very set menu and prices. If I wanted to haggle over every little thing I'd go to a Moroccan bazaar. I prefer the places where everyone knows what's offered and for what price and if a girl goes above and beyond I'll tip her. But if she asks for an extra 10 euro because her tongue was 1 cm past her lips and that's a DFK, then I'll just get annoyed.

Member #4585
09-27-17, 04:13
Never have a chance to meet Mandy or other infamous girls during my last few trips.

Any suggestions? Advises?Mandy works Fridays and Sundays but not all Sundays. Guys make appointments beforehand since Mandy is usually waiting for particular guys and fends off the random guy since she has the appointment. Then there are some days she does not have so many appointments. Try a Monday or a Wednesday for the days she has lesser number of prebooked appointments. She is a petite, cute looking blonde, blue eyed if I recall correctly German girl. Her body is curvy, breasts natural be cup and firm to the touch and oh so warm in the room. She has an extensive service and for the basic price.

Who are the other infamous girls that you are in interested in?

Member #4585
09-27-17, 04:16
Absolutely agree.

She's so tactical.If Anja was being tactical then she made the wrong assessment after having a lenghty chat with her amongst other friends. It is Anja's loss from my perspective.

My observation is she is not as busy as she was the first stint she had at Sharks since the allure is less with her tits being less of the amazing tone that they had before.

Member #4585
09-27-17, 04:18
Your info is either outdated or just simply wrong.Thank you for the update. I am sorry that I am not in the FKK clubs every day like some other guys I know or know of.

09-27-17, 06:56
Never have a chance to meet Mandy or other infamous girls during my last few trips.

Perhaps we should try to explain the difference between being famous vs infamous?

The "in" in front of "famous" makes it NEGATIVE.


Mandy is "famous" for her generally good service and session attitude. (At least that has been my experience.).

On the other hand, Trump is "infamous" for, well, just about everything he does, says and thinks.

09-27-17, 07:00
Never have a chance to meet Mandy or other infamous girls during my last few trips.

Any suggestions? Advises?Very easy to meet her she is always sitting on the left side of the bar, and walking around to get as much business as possible, she is always arriving at opening hours and leaving early in the afternoon.

Rogue Nation
09-27-17, 07:20
Thank you for the update. I am sorry that I am not in the FKK clubs every day like some other guys I know or know of.No need to apologize, but why post about something you don't have any information on. Do your reports on girls have the same "quality" to them?

09-27-17, 08:14
Perhaps we should try to explain the difference between being famous vs infamous?

The "in" in front of "famous" makes it NEGATIVE.


Mandy is "famous" for her generally good service and session attitude. (At least that has been my experience.).

On the other hand, Trump is "infamous" for, well, just about everything he does, says and thinks.Mandy and Sandra deserve to be: only famous, for their behavior to please us, without upselling, at least for my experiences with each of them.

09-27-17, 19:00
I have to agree with McAdonis that Brenda acts quite dumb or really needs to wear glasses when at work.

Each time I go to Sharks she reaches out to me and asks me if its my first time, where am I from, shall we go to the room together. She seems to forget that I decline her each time and has spoken to me before.

Brenda does catch my eye with her slim body and huge natural tits that really look they weigh her down. But I can feel the service apart from the BJ and kissing will be a disaster with the way she acts.

I know guys go with Brenda for her looks and that is all you need sometimes.

Maybe we can pool some cash together to send Brenda off to see an optometrist and purchase her some glasses.Brenda,

When she was very new as Leya was a really superb DFK kisser. Good DFK is a big thing for me. She was a little bit dick scared but the combination of Great kissing and heavy real tits worked for me. Her face is not stunning but reminded me of a girl I once liked.

She seemed to always remember me as would ask why I was so arrogant if I did not go and say Hello, and turn on my charm. LOL Actually I have little charm.

As time went by, Leya became more and more restrictive and more scared of cock. Well I sessioned maybe 3 to 4 times. Yet she became less shy in the lounge. By the time she became Brenda, she was useless to me. She was never really called Brandy I believe since when I called her that, I was quickly corrected to Brenda.

When new, she did not realise she had to be so restrictive. Probably had stern training by some BF since then. So not worthwhile.

09-27-17, 20:43
Siri, nice chatting with you last time when you were at Sharks. Thanks to your detailed description, I was able to finally spot Mandy. After years at Sharks, this was the first time I have seen her. She said she is at the club today, tomorrow, and Friday (in case someone is trying to catch her).

Member #4585
09-27-17, 21:12
No need to apologize, but why post about something you don't have any information on. Do your reports on girls have the same "quality" to them?Is it because your reports are economical with the truth?

09-27-17, 21:51
Siri, nice chatting with you last time when you were at Sharks. Thanks to your detailed description, I was able to finally spot Mandy. After years at Sharks, this was the first time I have seen her. She said she is at the club today, tomorrow, and Friday (in case someone is trying to catch her).Mandy is at Sharks only since 2016.

As I told you, I prefer so much my LR real women for behavior and skill, even I know it will become very complicated for me to manage among my girls in small LR, so, tomorrow evening, I will return to Katalina at Globe, before my last climbing with 2 sides of Mont Ventoux, about 40 kms length and more than 3200 m high, forest from Bedoin will be great, before remembering about Tom Simpson.

Did you enjoy Mandy? She really tries to please her man, and no upselling.

09-27-17, 22:09
Any update on Helen, blonde, not the brunette that supposedly was on her way to MidEast would be appreciated. If she is still around, and if so, any plans she's heading out in the future.


Member #4585
09-27-17, 23:26
By the way watch out for the fat Chinese lady walking around she is an old pig and will literally grab your arm, annoy you in the hot tub ( she about yanked some Latvian guy out of there I was talking to and she will tell you ' great Thai massage sex blowjob 50E ' ...over and over till you tell her to get lost. She seemed to be going after white tourists; obviously no Asian wants her and the German guys she probably already knows won't take her... or maybe they do...Someone keeps her around...You are not wrong. Someone is keeping this woman in entrance fee money which is not cheap unless she is borrowing to fund the entrance fee money.

Even the renown high earners complain that on the slower days they make two rooms of 50 euro each which barely covers the entrance fee and daily tax let alone their taxi fare. Oh yeah the renown high earners do not mention the days they are reserved all day by customers walking out the door with over a 1000 euros in their hands net after costs and still ask you to buy them alcohol and cigarettes.

So if its like that for the high earners then someone is keeping her around.

Is anyone going to own up like they did for Silvania? I mean one saw young muscle bound dudes taking Silvania to the room and paying her.

Member #4585
09-27-17, 23:37
I have reported on Elif before and I will report on her again. She speaks excellently, holding a conversation to entertain her customer before the room. If I recall correct, she is 23 years old. She is very tanned, be cup breasts and of average height for a girl, dark blonde long hair in a pony tail usually. Service includes ball licking and BJ with no hand action. She kisses but since the sessions are always an hour in length and I vaguely recall the kissing only in one hour from long ago, Elif is in the same camp as her younger sister in wanting the 100 euro minimum for lip to lip action to occur. Ass is curvy compared to Amalia, her sister.

Elif is less mercenary than Amalia in seeking out rooms and is probably less restrictive on the time of once you come out you go, so in this respect, more points are awarded to Elif over Amalia.

Recent observations do not see them selling the two sisters scenario and actually they do not always work the same days on occasion.

Amalia is more pale blonde, also with long very blonde hair, firm body and younger than Elif.

They can start early their work day and work ong.

Member #4585
09-27-17, 23:45
Stefania sits at the L shaped corner couch that faces the bar under the mezzanine floor. She is quite petite such that she looks like she is 12 years old. Long black hair worn in a pony tail adds to the young girl look. She vamps it up with lingerie like a garter belt or stockings to make her look older. She attracts a lot of attention from the Germans due to her young looks.

Maybe she works for some but for me she did not do it for me. It felt bad in a way since she looks so young. As Sirioja; s mantra that he likes to chant along the lines of Stefania not yet a woman.

She has some sharky behaviors akin to those already discussed beforehand. Looks good, but only if you like them looking like a child. Admire from afar for me.

Member #4585
09-27-17, 23:53
There is a Russian woman called Alexandra. She has long blonde hair, fake sillies tits, MILF in type. As a look of a sexy experienced mother that will show you a good time. Think Stifler's mom in American Pie movies in what you would do to you in the room (not that she looks like Stifler's mom). Rock your world.

Member #4585
09-28-17, 00:00
If you spend 100 with Diana you still don't get anything special, apart from the looks. I like her but her sex service level meant I've never repeated.For 100 with Diana you will receive some kisses but you have to initiate these as opposed to her initiating the kissing. Even then Diana breaks off the kisses. Diana really looks good, long, slim body, bouncy, perfect shaped be cup breasts, well tanned and long blonde extension hair that she does not like you to touch. You get less remark from Diana for groping her breasts (not the nipples though), while doing the interview on the couch than if you touched her hair surprisingly.

Diana wears white shoes, as opposed to a similar looking girl Ada who wears grey stripper shoes.

Diana, nonetheless, is a greater looker and catches the eye, or better is easy on the eye as she walks around looking for a customer.

Member #4585
09-28-17, 00:11
Anybody heard if it's possible to get good services from Enya? I was really interested in her, but I get a feeling I'd come out disappointed.Enya is the blonde that always sits at the top of the bar at the 1 to 2 O'clock position. Average build girl, but her ass always seems to be bigger than her chest so has a bit of a lopsided look to her. Quite sedate and does not chase for clients around the club, preferring to sit on her stool to catch whatever passing trade comes her way like shellfish do to feed in tidal zones.

She likes a drink, especially, if you are paying.

In an extended room she will kiss as much and for as long as you want. Now I mean a relatively extended room. Take it easy, no need to rush. She provides the services if the money is on the table, just like for most of the girls in the club. On this basis she becomes repeat material or what some describe here as a jackpot customer. But hey, there have to be these jackpot customers or else there would be less girls that could be supported for the amount of clientele wanting to pay just 50 euro for everything in a half hour that is actually closer to a 1 hour session when the envelope is pushed at either end of the session start and finish.

Have a chat to Enya about the deal that you want to strike.

Kosher Kowboy
09-28-17, 00:35
Is anyone going to own up like they did for Silvania? I mean one saw young muscle bound dudes taking Silvania to the room and paying her.Your absolutely right, she covers her overhead so someone fucks her. I think someone reading maybe not posting, one of the thousands of read only members (or non members) of the ISG has fucked the Chinese lady at some point.

I've fucked a lot worse. I think harder than getting it up to fuck her (and staying up) is the aftermath that would include immense embarrassment especially if you had to walk with her down the grand stairwell and having everyone know you could have fucked anyone you chose her; the giant life sized blow up crab rangoon. I think I would have to take the 50 E on me, sneak in to a room that has limited to no visibility than sneak out paying her on the spot hoping no one saw but those girls all have eyes that rotate 360 degrees. I guess if warm outside you could sneak in those wood cabins or maybe upstairs in the McDonald's Darmsdadt Headquarters with a lying Romanian in it using it as her favorite room (sucks great though, man that was a good blowjob). I think that would be an all time Sharks low, being labeled and known as the guy who fucked her, but maybe that isn't the low of all lows.

What's worse, fucking her or eating pussy at Dietzenbach at closing time.

As to the robes, I did inquire at the front desk first asking the short little girl who directed me to Broom Hilda sitting at the computer scanning guys in. I asked her about a blue one and she told me she would have to ask the price but she did not say that they were not for sale so 'for sale or not for sale ' still to be determined. Someone else besides those two calls the shot on the sale (or no sale of a robe).

09-28-17, 03:02
Enya is the blonde that always sits at the top of the bar at the 1 to 2 O'clock position. Average build girl, but her ass always seems to be bigger than her chest so has a bit of a lopsided look to her. Quite sedate and does not chase for clients around the club, preferring to sit on her stool to catch whatever passing trade comes her way like shellfish do to feed in tidal zones.

She likes a drink, especially, if you are paying.

In an extended room she will kiss as much and for as long as you want. Now I mean a relatively extended room. Take it easy, no need to rush. She provides the services if the money is on the table, just like for most of the girls in the club. On this basis she becomes repeat material or what some describe here as a jackpot customer. But hey, there have to be these jackpot customers or else there would be less girls that could be supported for the amount of clientele wanting to pay just 50 euro for everything in a half hour that is actually closer to a 1 hour session when the envelope is pushed at either end of the session start and finish.

Have a chat to Enya about the deal that you want to strike.I did not get DFK from her. She made very clear that she does not kiss. No upsell attempts like kissing at 1 HR session only or +50 E. Just LFK, which is next to none to me. I am not sure how many hours should I commit to make her kissing. But at any case scenario she is not worth multi-hour session.

I heard a lot about good service that she provides and agreed for the room without DFK. Service was really good. She kept me entertained for whole HR even without DFK. However I will not repeat because there are girls providing same level of service or even better including DFK within 1 HR room. Besides in my opinion she is very average looking both facewise and bodywise.

BTW she did not recognize me at my next visit and after.

09-28-17, 03:24
Stefania sits at the L shaped corner couch that faces the bar under the mezzanine floor. She is quite petite such that she looks like she is 12 years old. Long black hair worn in a pony tail adds to the young girl look. She vamps it up with lingerie like a garter belt or stockings to make her look older. She attracts a lot of attention from the Germans due to her young looks.

Maybe she works for some but for me she did not do it for me. It felt bad in a way since she looks so young. As Sirioja; s mantra that he likes to chant along the lines of Stefania not yet a woman.

She has some sharky behaviors akin to those already discussed beforehand. Looks good, but only if you like them looking like a child. Admire from afar for me.It was a great session indeed. She sold me DFK, GREEK, FIV and FIA as a bundle for 300/HR but we stay almost 1. 5 hrs. Last 20 min just smoking and chatting. It was quite pricey but I bought it because anal with that tiny cutie promised to be kind of fresh experience.

She told me that her sisters works here as well and proposed duo for next time. Actually I wouldn't mind to repeat with her sometimes. As I can see usually she is pretty well booked.

09-28-17, 03:39
I mean that very positive Romanian with fake flowers around her head. She is one of my all-time favorites. But I did not see her during my venue including last weekend. Any info on her? Is she planning to return to Sharks anytime soon?

Member #4585
09-28-17, 04:59
I mean that very positive Romanian with fake flowers around her head. She is one of my all-time favorites. But I did not see her during my venue including last weekend. Any info on her? Is she planning to return to Sharks anytime soon?Just to reiterate your findings, Gloria is a great performer in the room with her deep throat service.

And, no she has not been around in the last week at least from my observation.

09-28-17, 07:09
According to the French board, mandy should try golden time next week.

Member #4585
09-28-17, 07:51

Sounds like you had an awesome session with Stefania. Well done.

Banging a slim cute girl in her A hole is such a dream.

It was a great session indeed. She sold me DFK, GREEK, FIV and FIA as a bundle for 300/HR but we stay almost 1. 5 hrs. Last 20 min just smoking and chatting. It was quite pricey but I bought it because anal with that tiny cutie promised to be kind of fresh experience.

She told me that her sisters works here as well and proposed duo for next time. Actually I wouldn't mind to repeat with her sometimes. As I can see usually she is pretty well booked.

09-28-17, 07:52
Your absolutely right, she covers her overhead so someone fucks her. I think someone reading maybe not posting, one of the thousands of read only members (or non members) of the ISG has fucked the Chinese lady at some point.

I've fucked a lot worse. I think harder than getting it up to fuck her (and staying up) is the aftermath that would include immense embarrassment especially if you had to walk with her down the grand stairwell and having everyone know you could have fucked anyone you chose her; the giant life sized blow up crab rangoon. I think I would have to take the 50 E on me, sneak in to a room that has limited to no visibility than sneak out paying her on the spot hoping no one saw but those girls all have eyes that rotate 360 degrees. I guess if warm outside you could sneak in those wood cabins or maybe upstairs in the McDonald's Darmsdadt Headquarters with a lying Romanian in it using it as her favorite room (sucks great though, man that was a good blowjob). I think that would be an all time Sharks low, being labeled and known as the guy who fucked her, but maybe that isn't the low of all lows.

What's worse, fucking her or eating pussy at Dietzenbach at closing time.

As to the robes, I did inquire at the front desk first asking the short little girl who directed me to Broom Hilda sitting at the computer scanning guys in. I asked her about a blue one and she told me she would have to ask the price but she did not say that they were not for sale so 'for sale or not for sale ' still to be determined. Someone else besides those two calls the shot on the sale (or no sale of a robe).To eat pussy at Dietz you really need to be hungry, or just be released from jail, this place and the girls are were a real nightmare for me at least, even you give me 500 euros will not fuck any of the girl there, saw Elena in the day light when she opened the door for me and. What surprised me the most in this place is that the girls are looking as sad as the mongers. 30 euro for me is a lot too expensive compared to great places like Shark, Oase, ect. LU is terrible and around 10 girls when in Shark there are 150 and more.

09-28-17, 07:53
According to the French board, mandy should try golden time next week.Some girls get good advises from some clients. Even more far from home, but like Kate who is busy at GT, Mandy should get good business at GT, where not so many girls at the moment. When Belgium and NL will discover her level in room, they will be in love, like with Kate, for long time rooms.

09-28-17, 08:51
Is Anjelica (Lithuania, the woman size 42 with significant ass) or her compatriot Marina (the blond size 34) back in Sharks?

Goth Fkk
09-28-17, 09:39
Is Anjelica (Lithuania, the woman size 42 with significant ass) or her compatriot Marina (the blond size 34) back in Sharks?Angelica is Latvian. I went to the room 2 weeks ago. She told me she'll be leaving Frankfurt on Wed 13,September and be back after 3 weeks. As far as I known she is the best provider at Sharks. She's only my favorite so far after we lost Dina and Nicolleta. Not many attractive Girls found out. Sharks ain't be my bi**h any more!

09-28-17, 10:31
According to the French board, mandy should try golden time next week.She tried it already, on Tuesday, and she drove back to FRA the same day. Lets just say that she will be at Sharks for a while.

09-28-17, 10:34
Is Anjelica (Lithuania, the woman size 42 with significant ass) or her compatriot Marina (the blond size 34) back in Sharks?Blond Marina who is Latvian, is at Sharks, at German table or close at the bar. Great rooms with her in 2014, with multi orgasms. A real sweet woman with a lovely smile. They should be sisters with Ina Oase.

09-28-17, 12:43
Why, not enough rich german dudes?

Member #4581
09-28-17, 13:10
No need to apologize, but why post about something you don't have any information on. Do your reports on girls have the same "quality" to them?Bitumen has been posting here for a while and is a frequent visitor to the clubs. I have found his reports quite helpful, and I bet many others have, as well. You are a relatively new commenter here with very brief posting history. Maybe you are an old monger hand but never posted, or perhaps you are a prior poster in a new avatar, I don't know -- but there is no reason to attack and denigrate another poster who is trying to post useful info as he sees fit. Much better to post your own extensive reports or any other useful data that you can, and let others decide as to their "quality".

09-28-17, 16:39
Mandy and Sandra deserve to be: only famous, for their behavior to please us, without upselling, at least for my experiences with each of them.Bear with me. A second language needs to get improved. LOL.

09-28-17, 18:13
She tried it already, on Tuesday, and she drove back to FRA the same day. Lets just say that she will be at Sharks for a while.Mandy is not living in Frankfurt, her car has a plate from another city, for obvious privacy reasons I will not give more comments, just she is young german girl, extremely sweet, professional, very successful in what she does. I think in 1 day at Shark she can earn more than working 1 month in a normal job.

09-28-17, 19:04
Bitumen has been posting here for a while and is a frequent visitor to the clubs. I have found his reports quite helpful, and I bet many others have, as well. You are a relatively new commenter here with very brief posting history. Maybe you are an old monger hand but never posted, or perhaps you are a prior poster in a new avatar, I don't know -- but there is no reason to attack and denigrate another poster who is trying to post useful info as he sees fit. Much better to post your own extensive reports or any other useful data that you can, and let others decide as to their "quality".I don't post much but I don't attack anyone or denigrate. But this person you reply to, he never shares anything and he never did before either when he had another nick name here.

[Deleted by Admin]

Citizen Kane
09-28-17, 19:57
According to the French board, mandy should try golden time next week.She mentioned early this month that she was thinking of heading up there.

09-28-17, 21:59
She mentioned early this month that she was thinking of heading up there.I never believe what a girl is saying in a club, GT is quite far from her hometown and her business will not be better there she is always booked at Shark.

09-28-17, 22:33
Bear with me.Black or brown?

09-28-17, 22:34
She mentioned early this month that she was thinking of heading up there.Thursday afternoon of 9/28 - welcome back Mandy wearing red fish net stockings. She seems to prefer being a sharky instaed of a golden girl.

09-28-17, 22:41
Thursday afternoon of 9/28 - welcome back Mandy wearing red fish net stockings. She seems to prefer being a sharky instaed of a golden girl.Ironically I have a feeling she gets to be more of a golden girl at Sharks than at Goldentime where she has less fans.

09-28-17, 22:52
Arriving at 12.45 pm. Somebody here? The key board still fully equipped and I even get my prefered locker. At 3 pm around 40 girls and an approximately corresponding number of male guests. After 6 pm I get the impression that more girls than guys are in. Selina, with whom two weeks ago I got two fabulous 30 minutes sessions, was complaining that men are missing these days after the automobile fair. Liana, my German discovery with whom I shared four weeks ago one hour in the room told me that even on Wednesday the flow of guests was quite calm.

At 2 pm I met Grace checking in and two hours later we were talking about this and what on the couch. I like this African woman of 34 years. This time we spend a splendid 60 minutes full of passion and devotion. Grace and me. That 's a perfect match. By the way, she will have another break up from next Tuesday.

09-29-17, 00:10
Tedesco, it is shame I didn't meet you there. But my bad, I didn't announce it.

Oase was my favorite club when I want to spend a whole day for its aminities, but this trip I avoided due to the bad reports on the hygiene and services.
Decided to go to shark and I was not disappointed.

Arrived around 3 pm and got myself a tour as last time I was there was years ago.
Checked out the line up and it was impressive.
This trip I visited GT (no report as there was nothing to report), Samya and FKK world which I reported.
FKK Sharks got by far the best line up for my taste, I like variety and extremes. Tall, curvey, tits, colors and of course services.
I am horrible with name so excuse me, but I managed to note down some names on my mobile till the helper lady shouted at me VERBOTEN or something like this.

Zimmer 1.
So after the tour, I chilled to be approached by multiple ladies but declined all till a fake blonde sweet RO with droopy see cups approached and I love tits, special on a small chassis.
We discussed the services and I noted my preferences of DFK, DATY and you know what for the standard 50 E.
After signing the contract we went on to execute and pipes were cleared, no disappointment. Sorry I can't remember her name.
Time to shower, rehyderate.

Booked for an appointment with the old thai lady for 60 min, I would rate it at 7 max.
It was a disappointment though as I didn't opt for the cute young thai gem as I thought the massage will be better from the old lady, but it wasn't up to the expectations.
Lounged around and then joined the Sauna gang on the ring of the bell and WOW This was the best sauna experience in FKK I ever had.
Went to the outside after then back in for the shower.
Time to hydrate and nutrition and the food variety was great.
Ordered Weisen heffe beer 6 E and lounged around.

Zimmer 2.
Approached by many but with my love to try extremes went for the tallest and may be oldest lady with huge the cups I assume Nina DE.
She looked like a friends mom who I always had the hots for.
I noticed her going around and she come back with some power from the dressing rooms!!
Anyway, it is just 50 E so went ahead, after the interview and confirming if what I want is available went to the room.
DFK was not delivered but just few pecks on the lips. But kept going with the session and I have to say she preformed with enthusiasm in everything but the DFK.
I wouldn't repeat, but it is the MILF / GILF itch I scratched.

Showered, some more ciggys and drinks. Off to the upper deck to nap.
Got woken up by this B* with overally done eye liner extending her eyes to the outside of her eyebrows, silly voice, a bit dark, with dark hair and B**** resting face. Woke me up holding my dick and very pushy. Of course declined firmly.
I think I remember her from Oase or so. Can't remember.
Tried to continue my nap but wasn't successful, so down for some more drinks and time for the outside Sauna.
Man, this was torture, but I enjoyed it. Followed by a cold water shower outside and then a swim in the outside pool. I thought I was going to faint.
This was amazing.
Showered, and now trying to see if anything will enable me to load for the third shot.
After some approaches from the girls an my decline I saw this ABSOLUTE beauty walking in.
A girl was point out to her the whereabouts of things in the club. So this is a newbie here.
I thought to notice her for a while before rushing into it. She sat on the couches opposite the far end of the bar.
Approached by a punter who chatted her up for around an hour. I was burning inside as I need to leave, yet I thought I will wait.
Once he left the couch I approached and boy. She is a beauty. But waiting for him to come back.
After waiting for him to come back then they went to the room and she went to freshen up and took some time.
I gave up and as I was leaving the couches near the money lockers, she pops up and say HEYYY.
She grabs a drink and we lounged at her spot for a chit chat.

Zimmer 3.
Genie DE 19yo (looks exotic Afican/Asian), from hamburg. I guess she competes with GILF NINA for the tallest girl in the club.
Dark skinned beauty with asian eyes and african lips. Super exotic.
Confirmed it is her first day in the club, but before she worked in Babylon.
After confirming what I want and she offers all at the standard price we proceeded to the room.
DFK delivered, followed by BJ as expected then 69 and multiple positions but despite loaded couldn't shoot.
Rubber off and HJ oogeling her beauty delivered the shot.
Man WOW. If I got one more day I would have went to Sharks just for her.

Time to sweep through the Autobahn left lane to my hotel and write this report.

Notable incidents:
1) Lounging at the couches by the entrance, an arrogant asshole shushed a girl who approached him. He was so arrogant and impolite.
Then he tried to approach a Redish orange hair petite beauty with A / be cups sitting on the opposite couch, but just because of his attitude with the other girl she gave him the attitude and told him she was not interested. After he left I saluted her and she said that I may have not many customers today but I will not go with an asshole still. Impressed.
2) I spotted a look alike to a celebrity in my country and wanted to session her, but never managed to grab her attention and I don't like to approach girls just to save myself embarrassment if she doesn't like me. I am a bit overweight with middle eastern / turkish look so I understand if a girl don't want to be with me.
She had wings tattoo on her back, exaggerated makeup, enhanced boobs and lips. She wore glittery hooker heels.
As she was doing her round, she used a towel around her waist, but one time she was not I noticed a black garter belt without pantyhose.
She went up to fish for customers, so I positioned myself on the couches on the left as she goes down the stairs. Made eye contact she from far "Komme mit mich" I replied "Erste sprichen" she shouted again pointing at herself and me "KOMME ZIMMER" I waved for her to approach and replied "Komm sprechen" she waved me off in a very bad attitude and left.
Interested to know if any regulars know her.
3) Missed a dance show by a firey tall red hair girl, any feedback on her name and service? Remind me of the goddess of fire in Game of thrones.
4) Black haired, C cups, plump ass, tight waist, Tall, wearing black stockings with sliver shoes and garter belt. Wanted to session with her but opted for Genie as well. Any reports?
She sits on the top of the bar at the closest chair to the entrance.

The girls I managed to get their names.
Anya Albania, sweet girl.
Suzana claims to be Macedonian but I noticed Arabic tattoo on her ankle so I guess she is Moroccan.
Nora I guess Moroccan as well.
Elen RO sweet baby face girl was planning to room her but the Genie came out of the bottle.
The African beauty reported by tadesco, but too small boobs for my liking but oh, this skin looks amazing.

Bottom line, with the variety of girls and extremes available, service level and amenities, shark became my new favorite place to replace oase.

Sorry if this was too long.

09-29-17, 02:02
VERBOTEN means forbidden. You may NOT have your smartphone with you in these (FKK) clubs, because you can make pictures of the nude girls. Privacy, you see.

Thanks for your good report.

09-29-17, 05:20
VERBOTEN means forbidden. You may NOT have your smartphone with you in these (FKK) clubs, because you can make pictures of the nude girls. Privacy, you see.
This is only true at all nude clubs, which Sharks isn't one of. I see plenty of people using their phones at the non-nude clubs, so this is a bit odd.

09-29-17, 07:14
VERBOTEN means forbidden. You may NOT have your smartphone with you in these (FKK) clubs, because you can make pictures of the nude girls. Privacy, you see. Thanks for your good report.Yes, great to share your experiences with us. The mobile phone can be used in a discretionary way. Looking for news with the phone in direction inside your locker or floor in locker room is ok. You can also go outside into one of these wooden huts to use them.

09-29-17, 08:46
VERBOTEN means forbidden. You may NOT have your smartphone with you in these (FKK) clubs, because you can make pictures of the nude girls. Privacy, you see.

Thanks for your good report.In several NRW clubs it is common to use phones and tablets in the main areas. They even provide WiFi to guests.

09-29-17, 09:04
In NRW Fkks we can use the mobile discreetly and in the quite rooms. Even Oase.

I was using it very discreetly, mobile facing down, not to hide but as I believe this is the right way to use it so no idiot take photos of girls or other punters.

The lady removing the ashtray noticed and I was not hiding it, just discreetly, she said verboten and politely asked me to keep it in the locker so I asked if the money locker ok and she said Naturlish.

That remind me of two young punters in Oase who were face timing there friend and loudly in the outside area showing the place and this was weird for me.

09-29-17, 09:05
I will go today with a customer. Of mine to sharks and introduce him to Mandy, since for me as a sharks regular no problem at all.

09-29-17, 09:18
In several NRW clubs it is common to use phones and tablets in the main areas. They even provide WiFi to guests.For example in Parksauna Residenz. This club is visited mainly by regular guests and therefore the trust between people knowing each other is completely different compared to other places. But it's the club making the rules. In Parksauna or Living Room you've to wear a bathrobe in order to get access to the kitchen area. I also appreciate the possibility to wash my hands after having been on the toilet before moving straight forward towards the self-service of dishes (as yesterday seen in Sharks). Well, another subject, but opinions on this and that are different.

Maybe the use of smartphones and other devices meanwhile seems normal in daily life. But a certain misuse is always possible. Especially in the huger clubs attracting one time guests being completely flashed by the beautiful girls moving around and therefore sometimes misled to add some photos for memory. Photos on which, by the way, also other guests could be shown.

A certain degree of privacy is worth to be respected.

09-29-17, 09:23
In several NRW clubs it is common to use phones and tablets in the main areas. They even provide WiFi to guests.At GT, LR, Aca, Samya in entry. Also at Oase.

Problem about using phone is less about girls, because You can use when You are in room with girls, than with some guys who think we will waste time to care about them. They should look at them in mirror to understand: No risk, phones can t take monsters photos.

09-29-17, 09:28
Also GT and LR even in the main areas. No need to be discreet there.

Obviously if you start pointing the device at the girls and taking pictures you would be lucky to escape without the attention of some large men, and even worse, annoyed girls calling you a pervert

09-29-17, 10:02
There are also guys putting the bathrobe on before taking their underwear off. For respect of their own discretion. But until end of June this year discretionary interested in public blowjob or whatever else. Security guys won't have a continuous look on their screens. And today the devices are smart, no more noise making a picture. Is the guy reading now an article in an online newspaper, checking his messages or last reports on ISG, making pictures?

The more people are in, the less possible it is to manage privacy in such places. I renind the slogan of Palace: what happens in Palace stays in Palace.

Member #4581
09-29-17, 10:09
Also GT and LR even in the main areas. No need to be discreet there.

Obviously if you start pointing the device at the girls and taking pictures you would be lucky to escape without the attention of some large men, and even worse, annoyed girls calling you a pervertFor me speaking personally, the (unwanted) attention of some large men is likely to be worse than being called a perv by girls, LOL. Especially since I think of myself as a perv anyway.

Seriously, one of these days, wearables like iWatch or Gear etc will have a camera function included (there are already some in the market like Arrow, but not from the leading smartphone makers yet) -- and that would make it almost impossible to monitor who is recording what. It is also likely to lead to some serious headaches or worse for guys and gals, both. Most of us do have a separate persona for club and outside, and as Costanza said "worlds collide when they come into contact".

09-29-17, 12:28
Ironically I have a feeling she gets to be more of a golden girl at Sharks than at Goldentime where she has less fans.Of course, if she went to discover GT business on a Tuesday, like Megan went like a little flower to Globe on beginning of February, and was refused on first time. Both are lovely, but like most of WGs, they won t discover hot water.

More far from her home, but GT business can be really big money for GT stars, like Kate who is one of the rare quite clever I met. High cleverness, even Romanian, don t work to be fucked for 50.

09-29-17, 13:51
I will go today with a customer. Of mine to sharks and introduce him to Mandy, since for me as a sharks regular no problem at all.Mandy smiling welcome everybody when she sits close to restaurant, or turns around. Same smiling welcome and will to please us in room. Same for Sandra.

Goth Fkk
09-29-17, 17:29
For example in Parksauna Residenz. This club is visited mainly by regular guests and therefore the trust between people knowing each other is completely different compared to other places. But it's the club making the rules. In Parksauna or Living Room you've to wear a bathrobe in order to get access to the kitchen area. I also appreciate the possibility to wash my hands after having been on the toilet before moving straight forward towards the self-service of dishes (as yesterday seen in Sharks). Well, another subject, but opinions on this and that are different.

Maybe the use of smartphones and other devices meanwhile seems normal in daily life. But a certain misuse is always possible. Especially in the huger clubs attracting one time guests being completely flashed by the beautiful girls moving around and therefore sometimes misled to add some photos for memory. Photos on which, by the way, also other guests could be shown.

A certain degree of privacy is worth to be respected.How nice. ParksaunaResidenz always attracts me, I've never been though. I hope such a nice LU as much as it is worth to be respected.

09-29-17, 20:00
For me speaking personally, the (unwanted) attention of some large men is likely to be worse than being called a perv by girls, LOL. Especially since I think of myself as a perv anyway.

Seriously, one of these days, wearables like iWatch or Gear etc will have a camera function included (there are already some in the market like Arrow, but not from the leading smartphone makers yet) -- and that would make it almost impossible to monitor who is recording what. It is also likely to lead to some serious headaches or worse for guys and gals, both. Most of us do have a separate persona for club and outside, and as Costanza said "worlds collide when they come into contact".I don't agree, everyone should be able to explain to the people he likes / loves his behavior, why he needs to visit prostitutes and also to find a kind of agreement between adults just to avoid depressions. Psychiatric disorders, addictions etc. In conclusion I don't have a separate life and I fully assume myself when I visit prostitutes.

Mandy is still around today in Shark so she seems not moving to GT. Also today poor food quality, LU nothing special, more and more girls under pressure and questioning themselves if they want to register or not.

09-29-17, 20:08
For me speaking personally, the (unwanted) attention of some large men is likely to be worse than being called a perv by girls, LOL. Especially since I think of myself as a perv anyway.

Seriously, one of these days, wearables like iWatch or Gear etc will have a camera function included (there are already some in the market like Arrow, but not from the leading smartphone makers yet) -- and that would make it almost impossible to monitor who is recording what. It is also likely to lead to some serious headaches or worse for guys and gals, both. Most of us do have a separate persona for club and outside, and as Costanza said "worlds collide when they come into contact".Today many guys are taking shower with underwear, as you can imagine they are not coming from Sweden or Norway. The just need to understand the meaning of FKK. But they are driving big cars mostly german brands which are making a lot of noise:

09-30-17, 03:36
From an optical point of view, don't expect too much of the psr line up.

Member #4585
09-30-17, 08:05
I can recommend Serena as a decent service provider, however, the proviso is to go for one hour. Cute look, tanned, dark blonde hair, be cup tits, really arches her back into a slide shape in doggy style sex. Kisses good.

Member #4585
09-30-17, 08:10
Why, not enough rich german dudes?No, sorry it was not because there was not enough rich dude. Audition reasons.

Goth Fkk
09-30-17, 09:03
From an optical point of view, don't expect too much of the psr line up.Thanks. It's not an easy to find your favorite club. Much appreciated!

Member #4581
09-30-17, 10:40
Mandy said she had worked in the past at Artemis, Switzerland, Stuttgart, if I remember correctly Sakura, and ofc the ill fated GT in addition to Sharks. But she has more friends here, has a well established client base, and a sterling reputation. Those attributes are local and don't travel with the girl.

If all visitors to the clubs were ISGers then Mandy would be golden at any club, but the fact that she had less than stellar time at GT is an indication that our influence is limited and most clients are indeed local. It takes time to get established. It doesn't mean girls can't successfully make the switch, but they have to be realistic and be patient. Like in any other profession.

She said GT was too small, just 6 rooms inside and 20 outside, too crowded, etc etc. My guess is, she will not decamp for GT anytime soon.

Banana Boi
09-30-17, 10:57
How nice. ParksaunaResidenz always attracts me, I've never been though. I hope such a nice LU as much as it is worth to be respected.Most PSR girls are older and some are VERY old. However, on the rare occasion a young gem pops her head in for a brief period. The club itself is decent and the food is easily in top 3 for a FKK. For 50 euro I pop in many times between Dusseldorf and Frankfurt, mainly just to eat a couple of steaks and hope to find a gem. About half the girls are not Romanian. Problem is there is no other FKK near PSR with Samya and Mondial the nearest but still far away. I think most guys are regular.

09-30-17, 11:03
Mandy said she had worked in the past at Artemis, Switzerland, Stuttgart, if I remember correctly Sakura, and ofc the ill fated GT in addition to Sharks. But she has more friends here, has a well established client base, and a sterling reputation. Those attributes are local and don't travel with the girl.

If all visitors to the clubs were ISGers then Mandy would be golden at any club, but the fact that she had less than stellar time at GT is an indication that our influence is limited and most clients are indeed local. It takes time to get established. It doesn't mean girls can't successfully make the switch, but they have to be realistic and be patient. Like in any other profession.

She said GT was too small, just 6 rooms inside and 20 outside, too crowded, etc etc. My guess is, she will not decamp for GT anytime soon.Kate Aca also thought it would be difficult to work at GT, when she just arrived, but now she is happy for her money business, with less fuckings. Many easy old or fat with big money at GT.

More money at GT than at Sharks or Oase or World. Maybe Palace could compete, I don t know.

Aylin. At tries GT with her and my friend Liz. De.

Average level for Sharks clients, reason why best girls left, and only average casting now. Top girls are not interested by everything for only 50 € clients, why Katalina and Megan left, to make more money.

Jessika silicon and Aurelia are also still succeeding at Globe, Jessika now Miky is happy about her new business.

09-30-17, 11:54
Brenda / Leya should be back in Romania right about now. So for the lucky few, no more hassle and bumping into her until January next year.

Went to Sharks last weekend towards the tail end of the IAA Messe week. Line up was pretty good. Marginally above Palace. Fucked Romanians Brenda (again) and Crystal (first time) for the optics. Had hoped to see Helli and Suzie but they were nowhere to be seen. Anyone know if they are still around? If so, might return next week or the week after.

For those interested, ex-Oase/Globe petite Andra/Andree/Andrea/Nicole is now at Sharks.


Horny Harry
09-30-17, 11:58
She said GT was too small, just 6 rooms inside and 20 outside, too crowded, etc etc. My guess is, she will not decamp for GT anytime soon.That's GT's weak point IMHO: it's too small for the amount of male guests. A few 'stars' make all the rooms but there are long waiting times (20-30 minutes during the weekend) for a roomkey.

Even top girls with good service are losing a lot of revenue this way.

09-30-17, 12:07
Brenda / Leya should be back in Romania right about now. So for the lucky few, no more hassle and bumping into her until January next year.

Went to Sharks last weekend towards the tail end of the IAA Messe week. Fucked Romanians Brenda (again) and Crystal (first time) for the optics. Had hoped to see Helli and Suzie but they were nowhere to be seen. Anyone know if they are still around? If so, might return next week or the week after.

Thanks. Howie.Was said Helli left on 17 or 18 , maybe to put off silicon she didn't need, maybe she will come back with past pointing nipples.

Brenda left, there is a white skin blond with big natural tits, can't remember her name, never tried, lack of class for face and make up. Also a short hair, short height, with left tits which seem bigger than right one, cute.

09-30-17, 13:09
How nice. ParksaunaResidenz always attracts me, I've never been though. I hope such a nice LU as much as it is worth to be respected.PSR is big house where you just have to wait to die, at least from boredom, even Lena. Lat was great on August 2013.

Best points are inside swimming pool and foods with chocolate pancake.

For old Germans club.

Goth Fkk
09-30-17, 15:01
Most PSR girls are older and some are VERY old. However, on the rare occasion a young gem pops her head in for a brief period. The club itself is decent and the food is easily in top 3 for a FKK. For 50 euro I pop in many times between Dusseldorf and Frankfurt, mainly just to eat a couple of steaks and hope to find a gem. About half the girls are not Romanian. Problem is there is no other FKK near PSR with Samya and Mondial the nearest but still far away. I think most guys are regular.Thanks to your responding, I can imagine what a club it is! Probably, club's atmosphere is close to World with Old MILF, instead of young Romanian? However, It's surprising that half are non Romanian. In other words, PSR might be a one of the most club for diversity at girl's nationality in Germany. Considering the fact most girls are Romanian even at Sharks, Oase, LR. It's really interesting!

But worst acesse for public transport is really pain.

09-30-17, 15:08
like Kate who is one of the rare quite clever I met. High cleverness, even Romanian, don t work to be fucked for 50.Or you can turn it around and say she is an annoying upseller? Then again I wouldn't know as she is not my type. Nice personality though. But I have to admit that's just a bonus and only important if I'd want to marry them. LOL.

KC Questor
09-30-17, 17:26
Problem is there is no other FKK near PSR with Samya and Mondial the nearest but still far away. I think most guys are regular.Samya is about 30 minutes by car. Bernd's is similar. Finca is maybe 40 minutes. Europeans have a different sense of what is near and far compared to Americans!

09-30-17, 20:40
Samya is about 30 minutes by car. Bernd's is similar. Finca is maybe 40 minutes. Europeans have a different sense of what is near and far compared to Americans!Here it is about Shark not about Samya, Bernd s etc. German guys are laughing about us when we are spending time on those kind of clubs, forget them, nostalgia leads nowhere there were good several years back but now no more.

Member #4585
10-01-17, 00:23
3) Missed a dance show by a firey tall red hair girl, any feedback on her name and service? Remind me of the goddess of fire in Game of thrones.That would be Mirella ro.

She has a fit and full body. Her breasts are an ample see cup and she look good on the pole. She does a decent room and is beloved of some men.

She does has the look of the Red Witch from Game of Thrones.

Enjoy her next time you stay.

Member #4585
10-01-17, 00:27
Any update on Helen, blonde, not the brunette that supposedly was on her way to MidEast would be appreciated. If she is still around, and if so, any plans she's heading out in the future.

Thanks.Helen is still working at Sharks with her pal Lily the petite and slim red head as her friend.

She is intent on her modelling work and hence does a lot of gym to keep her at her ideal size for her body type.

She has not been as busy as she would like. Has been around for say 6 weeks at Sharks.

10-01-17, 11:27
I visited FKK Sharks on 30 Sep 2017. They renovate the facilities outside. Weather was nice so I relaxed outside a lot. I arrived around noon and there are already several men and women in the floor. I went to the room with 4 Romanian girls. I talked a few non Romanians, but I guess 80-90% of girls are Romanians.

1: Ioana 1/10.

Romanian; Early 20's; fake blond; with fake diamond pierce below right eyes; Bad girl! EUR 50.

This girl is better to avoid. I was very horny and there are not many girls, so I picked Ioana. She was friendly at the bar counter and promised a small kisses. When we enter the room, she suddenly changed. She tried to up-sell, but I refused. We did small bird kisses and then she complained everything such as changing position, banging too hard, did not let me my dick in deep, etc. At end, the atmosphere was horrible and I stopped with this session without finishing. I said "thank you" and paid EUR 50.

2: Clara 8/10.

Romanian; Early 20's; black hair; a bit chubby, but good body; GFE; DFK; BBBJ; EUR 50.

I waited a bit until we have more girls as my horniness is gone after the Ioana session. I like DFK more than anything, so I chatted some girls asked if they do DFK as SOP for EUR 50. Clara is the 1st one said "yes" on that day, so I decided to go a room with her. Clare and her friends started working at the FKK Sharks 2 days ago and before they are in FKK Palace. She gave me total GFE and DFK. We started DFK and moved to 69 BBBJ and sex. We changed positions a few time and finished. Even after the session, she hold my hand and put her head on my chest as a part of GFE. I paid EUR 50 plus a tip. Clara is a sweet girl you should try before she get too many business experiences. Her friends seem nice and funky, but does not do DFK as SOP for EUR 50.

3: Céline 9/10.

Romanian; 29 years old; long blond hair; white, slender with medium tits; super GFE; DFK; BBBJ; EUR 50.

I relaxed a couple of hours and several girls approached me, but I was not so keen. I did not see any super cute girl on that day. Seeéline passed by with her friend, but came back immediately to me. She promised that she was good kisser for EUR 50. She said she is 29, but looks a few years older, but still beautiful and have nice smooth skin, so I went to the room with her. As she promised, she was super friendly and did what ever promised. She kissed me like there is no tomorrow. The rest is my SOP: 69 BBBJ and sex. She kissed me with missionary when I finished. I paid EUR 50 plus a tip. I highly recommend her as well if you are looking for a great service. Service-wise, she could be the best one for my entire punting life.

4: Susie 9/10.

Romanian; 29 years old; long black hair; tall, white, sender and great body shape; GFE; EUR 50.

Clara and seeéline gave me unforgettable GFE and DFK, so I looked for more looks for the last session. But, I could not find a real stunning girl, so I enjoyed sauna, jaggy, and foods. I am not a regular, so I cannot expect too much on DFK for EUR 50, but I met a few girls who offered DFK. But, again, I was more for beauty this time.

I saw Susie at the counter. She has a type of a body I really like, I. E. Great shape, tall, white, and smooth skin. She wear a pair of glasses and has a little tattoo at lower back. She seems so serious and not smiling when I approached. It was a red flag, usually, but I like her body, so I approached again a bit later. After we chatted, she started smiling and actually she is a nice girl. So, we decided to go to the room. She did neither do DFK nor BBBJ, but I had enough of them already, so it is OK. She was very nice during our session and when she smiles she as very cute and looks like "Stoya", one of my favourite pornsters. I had to bang hard as this was my 4th session without any drug and I am not so young. She did not complain and I felt that she enjoyed it. She appraised that "we had a good sex". I paid EUR 50 plus a tip.

Lineup may not be the best, but it was by far the most enjoyable day at FKK Sharks for me. Avoid Ioana for any cost! The rest of 3 girls are amazing.

10-01-17, 11:56
Or you can turn it around and say she is an annoying upseller? Then again I wouldn't know as she is not my type. Nice personality though. But I have to admit that's just a bonus and only important if I'd want to marry them. LOL.Since 2 years, never faintest upselling from Kate. Like all my very regulars, she never ask for extra or tip with me. My tip with my regulars, is to repeat as long it works and they are free for me. With very high level regulars, we are often about 1 h40/1 h45 for 150 and no extra asked, one got about 2000 from me per month, before she changed her behavior for business and lost many many rooms with me.

My Wellcum discovered Eve got 900 from Thursday late night to Sunday early afternoon, before Zoncolan where I don t spend money, real pleasure for free.

10-01-17, 13:13
Brenda / Leya should be back in Romania right about now. So for the lucky few, no more hassle and bumping into her until January next year.

Went to Sharks last weekend towards the tail end of the IAA Messe week. Line up was pretty good. Marginally above Palace. Fucked Romanians Brenda (again) and Crystal (first time) for the optics. Had hoped to see Helli and Suzie but they were nowhere to be seen. Anyone know if they are still around? If so, might return next week or the week after.

For those interested, ex-Oase/Globe petite Andra/Andree/Andrea/Nicole is now at Sharks.

Howie.I had a session with Suzie with black long hair with glasses, yesterday. She was very good!

10-01-17, 16:06
PSR is big house where you just have to wait to die, at least from boredom, even Lena. Lat was great on August 2013.

Best points are inside swimming pool and foods with chocolate pancake.

For old Germans club.PSR is very nice establishment with very boring atmosphere. Few years I've been there few times hoping that lineup will be improved. No luck. One more thing: winter time check road condition. Driving there could be a nightmare.

10-01-17, 16:09
Average level for Sharks clients, reason why best girls left, and only average casting now. Top girls are not interested by everything for only 50 clients, why Katalina and Megan left, to make more money.
Jessika silicon and Aurelia are also still succeeding at Globe, Jessika now Miky is happy about her new business.Last weekend Jessica was seen at Sharks. She gained few pounds and looks rather scaring. Still hangs with Carolina. Actually I've seen Louisa is back either. It looks like she is no more friend with Jessica.

Catalina (Katalina) is back as well. I spoke to her but didn't take her to the room because many other options.

10-01-17, 17:37
That's GT's weak point IMHO: it's too small for the amount of male guests. A few 'stars' make all the rooms but there are long waiting times (20-30 minutes during the weekend) for a roomkey.

Even top girls with good service are losing a lot of revenue this way.But at GT, nearly no slow day for business for stars. Locals and NL go at work at GT, when Sharks is quite slow on Monday and Thursday, and very slow on Tuesday.

Except Evita with her business, who can make 1000 per day at Sharks? Like GT stars, or a LR appointments business specialist.

10-01-17, 18:40
Helen is still working at Sharks with her pal Lily the petite and slim red head as her friend.

She is intent on her modelling work and hence does a lot of gym to keep her at her ideal size for her body type.

She has not been as busy as she would like. Has been around for say 6 weeks at Sharks.Helen looked stunning yesterday with model body and long blonde hair. Very nice girl.

10-01-17, 19:27
Samya is about 30 minutes by car. Bernd's is similar. Finca is maybe 40 minutes. Europeans have a different sense of what is near and far compared to Americans!Are you sure BB is European?

German autobahns can be so slow with works everywhere.

PSR is up a hill with cows and horses. Should be beautiful under snow.

10-01-17, 20:24
Last weekend Jessica was seen at Sharks. She gained few pounds and looks rather scaring. Still hangs with Carolina. Actually I've seen Louisa is back either. It looks like she is no more friend with Jessica.

Catalina (Katalina) is back as well. I spoke to her but didn't take her to the room because many other options.I meant Jessika silicon at World, becoming Mady at Sharks, it was funny Germans thought Madi World moved to Sharks. When You knew a bit about her, even with X5 , Darmstadt was more far for her than for me to drive to the moon. This famous Jessika is now Miky at Globe, still friendly even she knew I would never go with her at World, she knew for me. She seems happy about her Globe business.

For Katalina who was superstar at World in 2011/2012 , who also worked at Sharks, she is Kate at Globe, still a superstar, but at expensive Globe. My mistake to return to her after 10 months, even she came to me saying: See You later. No later, I don t wait for more than 2 hours, even I waited for her for 6 hours, at Sharks, for our first time. No more attraction, no more aura for my eyes, but I worked hard to find really passionate and DT master, natural Gianina from Hamburg. She asked if I wanted to come back on next day, but not enough class to repeat for 280, even I enjoyed how she was sensitive for 1 hour. As she said, she just came back from 3 weeks holidays without sex, so, a little fire, and she really wanted to give me pleasure.

Small blond, sweet Sofia, at LR on 2015/2016, is also at Globe.

Megan start a new tour today. Also my for 4 years friend, Isabella / Larissa, but Misha, Megan friend, is now the prettiest for my eyes.

10-01-17, 20:25
I have read that Anja is back at Sharks and that her body has deteriorated. Can someone confirm? She used to have such a nice body one year ago. What does she look like today?


10-01-17, 20:28
Catalina (Katalina) is back as well. I spoke to her but didn't take her to the room because many other options. Thanks so much for your comments.

A question: Which Katalina do you mean? There has been more than one girl under that name at Sharks. Perhaps you could furnish a few descriptive remarks?


10-01-17, 20:31
Which Katalina doe you mean? There has been more than one girl under that name at Sharks. Perhaps you could furnish a few descriptive remarks, please?

Thanks.I mean Catalina who formerly was known as Sabina at Oase.

10-01-17, 20:35
I mean Catalina who formerly was known as Sabina at Oase.Ok, thanks. Just making sure it's the same girl.

10-02-17, 00:02
I have read that Anja is back at Sharks and that her body has deteriorated. Can someone confirm? She used to have such a nice body one year ago. What does she look like today?

Thanks.A bit less slim, but really not fat. Still friendly. Maybe she learned to sweetly kiss at Bumsalp, rather than biting, when she said she liked you.

Big Boss Man
10-02-17, 01:15
I meant Jessika silicon at World, becoming Mady at Sharks, it was funny Germans thought Madi World moved to Sharks. When You knew a bit about her, even with X5 , Darmstadt was more far for her than for me to drive to the moon. This famous Jessika is now Miky at Globe, still friendly even she knew I would never go with her at World, she knew for me. She seems happy about her Globe business.
FYI. Currently there is a Maddy short for Madeline at Sharks but obviously not the one you're writing about. I went with her on Thursday September 28. No silicone. She told me that she was Natalia's sister and that it was her first time working at a FKK. Before she worked in Nice for an escort service. I thought she provided a high standard of service. I spent one hour with her for 100 euro. Definitely a buyer's market on a Thursday afternoon at Sharks.

10-02-17, 08:10
FYI. Currently there is a Maddy short for Madeline .....Not to confuse with Madalina, who is part of Sharks' line-up since three years and sitting in the middle of the long-side of the bar (coming from entrance).

10-02-17, 08:38
FYI. Currently there is a Maddy short for Madeline at Sharks but obviously not the one you're writing about. I went with her on Thursday September 28. No silicone. She told me that she was Natalia's sister and that it was her first time working at a FKK. Before she worked in Nice for an escort service. I thought she provided a high standard of service. I spent one hour with her for 100 euro. Definitely a buyer's market on a Thursday afternoon at Sharks.So many Madi / Madalina / Madelene, so many Kate / Katalina / Katea, so many Emma, in FKK land.

FKK land is like a toys store, when you lost a girl, there are new ones to discover. Game is to make them follow your level. Enjoyable game to make them improve for You and will to please you back. That s my FKK Playfield. Just suck and fuck is too boring for me, just filling condoms is not my pleasure.

Claude Challe
10-02-17, 12:54
FYI. Currently there is a Maddy short for Madeline at Sharks but obviously not the one you're writing about. I went with her on Thursday September 28. No silicone. She told me that she was Natalia's sister and that it was her first time working at a FKK. Before she worked in Nice for an escort service. I thought she provided a high standard of service. I spent one hour with her for 100 euro. Definitely a buyer's market on a Thursday afternoon at Sharks.Yeah, she has one teeth missing.

Big Boss Man
10-02-17, 16:00
So many Madi / Madalina / Madelene, so many Kate / Katalina / Katea, so many Emma, in FKK land.

FKK land is like a toys store, when you lost a girl, there are new ones to discover. Game is to make them follow your level. Enjoyable game to make them improve for You and will to please you back. That s my FKK Playfield. Just suck and fuck is too boring for me, just filling condoms is not my pleasure.Well I live in the States so I was just touring (7 cities in 25 days) so it was mostly suck and fuck for me. For you locals who are grading performance and developing regulars, I have to say of all the places that I have been, you get a consistently high level of service in the German FKKs even if it is just standard sex. Or in in other words, the average level of service is quite high. I only had three bad experiences in Germany. Two were with Spanish girls in apartments and then I had a bad night at FKK Oceans. Unfortunately I get paid in dollars and the dollar is near a two-year low so the cost was high. Adding transportation costs, entrance fees and service charges I was averaging $200 for a one-hour sessions during my one week in Frankfurt.

10-02-17, 18:50
Well I live in the States so I was just touring (7 cities in 25 days) so it was mostly suck and fuck for me. For you locals who are grading performance and developing regulars, I have to say of all the places that I have been, you get a consistently high level of service in the German FKKs even if it is just standard sex. Or in in other words, the average level of service is quite high. I only had three bad experiences in Germany. Two were with Spanish girls in apartments and then I had a bad night at FKK Oceans. Unfortunately I get paid in dollars and the dollar is near a two-year low so the cost was high. Adding transportation costs, entrance fees and service charges I was averaging $200 for a one-hour sessions during my one week in Frankfurt.Very risky to visit apartment in Germany, FKK is far easier you know before what you are paying for.

Simon Baker
10-02-17, 19:21
I visited sharks (30th September) exactly a year later. The quality of stunners seems to have gone down drastically. Last year I had a difficult time just selecting the girls. This year it seems to be a completely different experience. Almost all of them were average looking. I also felt that most of them just were hanging in their girlie groups most of the time and not trying to get any customers. By the way the most attractive female according to me on this day was the bar girl (black top and grey skirt). Looking at the number of people hitting on her, looks like I wasn't the only one who felt that. I had earlier planned on visiting sharks again on the 8th Oct but might select a new place. Any of you recommend any other place better than Sharks?



10-02-17, 20:47
Mandy said she had worked in the past at Artemis, Switzerland, Stuttgart, if I remember correctly Sakura, and ofc the ill fated GT in addition to Sharks. But she has more friends here, has a well established client base, and a sterling reputation. Those attributes are local and don't travel with the girl.

If all visitors to the clubs were ISGers then Mandy would be golden at any club, but the fact that she had less than stellar time at GT is an indication that our influence is limited and most clients are indeed local. It takes time to get established. It doesn't mean girls can't successfully make the switch, but they have to be realistic and be patient. Like in any other profession.

She said GT was too small, just 6 rooms inside and 20 outside, too crowded, etc etc. My guess is, she will not decamp for GT anytime soon.Mandy was one of the few I sessioned with the last time I was at Sharks. Positive experience, as always, but having repeated several times, I think she does have a program. It's just that it's a more complicated program than most so it's hard to notice. Or maybe it was an off-day. Still quite good though.

10-02-17, 21:15
A bit less slim, but really not fat. Still friendly. Maybe she learned to sweetly kiss at Bumsalp, rather than biting, when she said she liked you.I meant: For those who liked Anja. Alb before, no reason anything change. Main difference is new tattoo on belly. Not a sweet GFE for my tastes, but friendly, playful, and a woman look among many schoolgirls now at Sharks. She was a good surprise for my experience. Maybe she improved in Switzerland her GFE level.

I was surprised how German Gianina could be so passionate, on Friday at Globe, even she said just back from 3 weeks holidays without sex, only with salt. If she was classier sophisticated look, I would marry such hot girl taking really all in her mouth, great DT.

10-02-17, 21:32
I visited FKK Sharks on 30 Sep 2017. They renovate the facilities outside. Weather was nice so I relaxed outside a lot. I arrived around noon and there are already several men and women in the floor. I went to the room with 4 Romanian girls. I talked a few non Romanians, but I guess 80-90% of girls are Romanians.

1: Ioana 1/10.

Romanian; Early 20's; fake blond; with fake diamond pierce below right eyes; Bad girl! EUR 50.

This girl is better to avoid. I was very horny and there are not many girls, so I picked Ioana. She was friendly at the bar counter and promised a small kisses. When we enter the room, she suddenly changed. She tried to up-sell, but I refused. We did small bird kisses and then she complained everything such as changing position, banging too hard, did not let me my dick in deep, etc. At end, the atmosphere was horrible and I stopped with this session without finishing. I said "thank you" and paid EUR 50.

2: Clara 8/10...Do you want to make problems about new law to your amazing girls?

Good services girls will keep on, only if their clients are clever enough for writings.

10-02-17, 21:43
Mandy was one of the few I sessioned with the last time I was at Sharks. Positive experience, as always, but having repeated several times, I think she does have a program. It's just that it's a more complicated program than most so it's hard to notice. Or maybe it was an off-day. Still quite good though.There is no doubt she has a program. Noticing that put me off quite a bit once as it made it seem quite robotic. But its fine if you are in the mood for it.

Considering how many of these girls who has programs, one has to wonder about the competition from sex robots in the future. 20 years from now.

10-02-17, 22:49
Mandy was one of the few I sessioned with the last time I was at Sharks. Positive experience, as always, but having repeated several times, I think she does have a program. It's just that it's a more complicated program than most so it's hard to notice. Or maybe it was an off-day. Still quite good though.When like me, you meet a girl for 5 1 hour rooms, or 3 or 4 rooms for 5 or 6 hours, on same week end and nearly every week end, or a more than 4 hours room with 4 rounds, better to be able to change program, not to be bored. I don t mean playing cards, or speaking about other guys, or paying to massage the girl, but only sex and about new sexual games. So many erotic and sexual games. WGs who are fucked more than 10 times per day, know nothing about erotic foreplay and caresses. Romanian pimps or ex husbands don t seem to give them much, just to empty balls.

With her sexual level, Mandy is able to follow games, for sure, but have to be 2, to play sex. Some girls are really clever sexual students who understand everything very fast, some are playful.

Funny how some girls try to resist, not to cum, because after they are too sensitive or tired, but when you get them on the edge, then they press on your head to finish them, they are not able to resist with belly, to stay just on the edge, which is so good, like when your dick is full of blood, very red, very hard, but you work with your belly muscles, to control and lengthen pleasure. You can enjoy for 30 mn, on this edge, and usually the girl wants to finish you.

I found my great student, Romanian of course, 24 yo, who has been married, she didn't know anything about sexual games, only a small pussy, but a real sensual woman, so I built her for my games. Really enjoyable rooms with such a new woman for sex, even complicated out of our rooms. Today, drinking her real milk out of her very fresh vagina today, but as she is not used, not ready to taste in my mouth, not yet, just question of time, if we have enough time.

Big Boss Man
10-03-17, 00:03
I have reported on Elif before and I will report on her again. She speaks excellently, holding a conversation to entertain her customer before the room. If I recall correct, she is 23 years old. She is very tanned, be cup breasts and of average height for a girl, dark blonde long hair in a pony tail usually. Service includes ball licking and BJ with no hand action. She kisses but since the sessions are always an hour in length and I vaguely recall the kissing only in one hour from long ago, Elif is in the same camp as her younger sister in wanting the 100 euro minimum for lip to lip action to occur. Ass is curvy compared to Amalia, her sister.

Elif is less mercenary than Amalia in seeking out rooms and is probably less restrictive on the time of once you come out you go, so in this respect, more points are awarded to Elif over Amalia.

Recent observations do not see them selling the two sisters scenario and actually they do not always work the same days on occasion.

Amalia is more pale blonde, also with long very blonde hair, firm body and younger than Elif.
My last session in Germany was with Amalia. She was fooling around on the stripper's pole and she attracted my attention. I received all the services that Bitumen describes for 1-hour room. One difference is that we had quite a long conversation after the sex. I was surprised at her taking the time as I told her I was flying back to USA the next day. In fact, I ended the conversation by asking her "Don't you need to get back to work?' She replied, "There is no business out there anyway. I was lucky to go to a room with you. " I found her to be charming. She said many of her customers are Asian because Asians are attracted to her pale skin. I am aware of the white skin effect on Asians because I have a Chinese girlfriend and she never likes to go out into the sun. So maybe if you catch Amalia at the right time like a slow Thursday afternoon, she is less of hustler than we make her out to be.

10-03-17, 00:17
She said many of her customers are Asian because Asians are attracted to her pale skin. I am aware of the white skin effect on Asians because I have a Chinese girlfriend and she never likes to go out into the sun. As I could see she is actively hunting for Asians. So I would say that she is attracted by Asians because of easy prey. In terms of service she is below her sister Elif but her killer body makes me repeating with her. I still cannot understand why the sisters do not stick together anymore. I wouldn't mind to repeat their duo.

Member #4585
10-03-17, 01:42
Mandy was one of the few I sessioned with the last time I was at Sharks. Positive experience, as always, but having repeated several times, I think she does have a program. It's just that it's a more complicated program than most so it's hard to notice. Or maybe it was an off-day. Still quite good though.Indeed, after many sessions with Mandy for over 1 year, there is indeed a pattern and style to run a 1 hour room which to give her credit is active and fulfilling, but there is a pattern.

Her service level is very high in that programme nonetheless. Recommended and enticing.

10-03-17, 07:49
Indeed, after many sessions with Mandy for over 1 year, there is indeed a pattern and style to run a 1 hour room which to give her credit is active and fulfilling, but there is a pattern.

Her service level is very high in that programme nonetheless. Recommended and enticing.She is acting too pro for me, but Mandy is a great girl for those who don t care too much about GFE.

10-03-17, 18:31
I meant: For those who liked Anja. Alb before, no reason anything change. Main difference is new tattoo on belly. Not a sweet GFE for my tastes, but friendly, playful, and a woman look among many schoolgirls now at Sharks. She was a good surprise for my experience. Maybe she improved in Switzerland her GFE level.

I was surprised how German Gianina could be so passionate, on Friday at Globe, even she said just back from 3 weeks holidays without sex, only with salt. If she was classier sophisticated look, I would marry such hot girl taking really all in her mouth, great DT.Tits are still firm and amazing as before?

Member #4581
10-03-17, 21:49
Mandy was one of the few I sessioned with the last time I was at Sharks. Positive experience, as always, but having repeated several times, I think she does have a program. It's just that it's a more complicated program than most so it's hard to notice. Or maybe it was an off-day. Still quite good though.What is a program?

Doesn't she follow your wishes? She does, with me. When I say blow or suck or fuck or whatever I ask, she follows those instructions to the letter.

Not just her, most girls do. It's just a matter of how well they do it.

May be I am missing what you mean by "program".

10-03-17, 22:31
Well I live in the States so I was just touring (7 cities in 25 days) so it was mostly suck and fuck for me. For you locals who are grading performance and developing regulars, I have to say of all the places that I have been, you get a consistently high level of service in the German FKKs even if it is just standard sex. Or in in other words, the average level of service is quite high. I only had three bad experiences in Germany. Two were with Spanish girls in apartments and then I had a bad night at FKK Oceans. Unfortunately I get paid in dollars and the dollar is near a two-year low so the cost was high. Adding transportation costs, entrance fees and service charges I was averaging $200 for a one-hour sessions during my one week in Frankfurt.I'm not German, I'm not local, I drove 3500 kms on last week end to visit GT, Globe which was my mistake, Alpe d'Huez under rain, Mont Ventoux with 1200 kms at night to return to LR. I agree, can meet in FKK land very pretty and high GFE level girls who could be top escorts, paying them 100/ h in Germany, compare to 280/ h at Globe and 250/ h for Russian escorts. Such cheap rates for us, are thank to Romanian girls, and they are my best GF. For sexual level, I behave to give girls the will to follow me for sex, even on first room.

10-03-17, 23:07
I have been with Mandy a number of times in 1 or 2 hour sessions. No program at all. Rather she is very good at discerning exactly what I need at all times. I do not even have to tell her. I think that is why she is so popular. It was only in my very first 30 minute try-out with her in Summer last year that she did a standard program.

10-04-17, 05:27
Tits are still firm and amazing as before?Anja still have 2 natural tits, compare to silicon for Helli, blond Patricia, Roxana seen at Wellcum and not so busy when she was just starting there. Flesh life is so much more enjoyable to touch and taste, rather than hard plastic. She is also still smiling. She is the same with 1 year older. Was she not more than 2 pear shape tits for You? When I was very close to her on bed, I was surprised to discover she has beautiful eyes. 2 perfect tits would not be enough to make a girl desirable for me. With GFE behavior, she should be a star at Sharks, among many average faces.

10-04-17, 07:44
As I could see she is actively hunting for Asians. So I would say that she is attracted by Asians because of easy prey. In terms of service she is below her sister Elif but her killer body makes me repeating with her. I still cannot understand why the sisters do not stick together anymore. I wouldn't mind to repeat their duo.Does anyone really believe they are sisters?

10-04-17, 18:15
Do you want to make problems about new law to your amazing girls?

Good services girls will keep on, only if their clients are clever enough for writings.Sorry, I was not meant to do that. Just now I realised what you mean. I will be careful next time I report. Thanks!

10-04-17, 19:43
Does anyone really believe they are sisters?Just look at their faces and compare. They are very alike.

10-04-17, 21:18
Does anyone really believe they are sisters?On first time I saw them, and they were not together, I recognized Amalia and Elif, because they look like sisters.

Maybe they are 2 Eve from Ceaucescu experiences. Fortunately for them, they were not born to know what was Timisoara at this time, but it was 30 years ago.

10-04-17, 22:05
Going to FKK Sharks this weekend, anyone who has been there recently and know if there are a lot of girls at the moment? Only been there once before this spring.

10-04-17, 22:05
Just look at their faces and compare. They are very alike.Anyone who has been to Sharks recently? Is there a lot of girls? Good quality etc? Going this weekend.

10-04-17, 23:13
On first time I saw them, and they were not together, I recognized Amalia and Elif, because they look like sisters.

Maybe they are 2 Eve from Ceaucescu experiences. Fortunately for them, they were not born to know what was Timisoara at this time, but it was 30 years ago.And they have the same pyjama, LOL.

10-04-17, 23:32
Elif is definately the more mature older sis with big bootay (if that is your thang). Amalia is the cutie with light tone with tight slim bod with baby smooth skin. LOL.

I thought Elif's service is limited compared to Amalia based on what guys have told me.

They do look a bit similar that I believe they are sisters.

10-05-17, 01:03
Anyone who has been to Sharks recently? Is there a lot of girls? Good quality etc? Going this weekend.On a Saturday, I arrived at 11 am and left at 5 am, 18 hours spent, and I didn't succeed to fuck all girls working on this Saturday, even I run fast to catch them for bonobo sex.

At least in my small beloved LR with maximum 50 girls on a Saturday, or even at Globe, I succeed to fuck all girls at least once, and my regulars twice.

Too many GND with average face to fuck at Sharks for only 1 bonobo.

10-05-17, 08:52
Going to FKK Sharks this weekend, anyone who has been there recently and know if there are a lot of girls at the moment? Only been there once before this spring.You already took your decision to visit Sharks this weekend, thus I suppose you scrolled through the pages here within the last couple of weeks sponging up the information and writing down names of possible targets.

I think there is no need to get a confirmation by board members why going to Sharks but a lot of conviction why going to Palace or Mainhattan.

10-05-17, 10:27
Does anyone really believe they are sisters?Amalia and Elif look more like sisters than Dina and Nicoletta, when so many did believe Dina about her business sister, who divorced later.

Member #4581
10-06-17, 03:58
Spent 4 days at Sharks recently.

Sessioned with the following girls (number of sessions in parenthesis).

Mandy (2).

Sandra (2).

Magda (3).


Steffi (2).






And talked to / saw & recognized the following.





























Ada from Oase.






Catalina ex Sabina Oase.







Sandra. It has been more than a year since I last sessioned with Sandra, and I had almost forgotten how good she can be. She lost weight, and is looking quite skinny and lovely. Man, is she tough to get hold of?! Even Mandy was available here and there, but not Sandra. She is more sure of herself now, quite confident with all the success she has had, and on occasion even a bit curt. But sex with her is as heavenly as ever. I snagged her for just an hour on Thursday night, and she was a bit tired and so was I. Got lucky on Saturday afternoon for a really extended session. Her English is obviously very good, and hence there is more chatting in the room than with Mandy but she is not a time waster in any sense and I do like talking with her. We would chat for a few min, and she would go back and please me as I wanted, and after 15 to 20 min of that, I would ask her to take a break and cuddle next to me, and then we go at it again. She gives the best blow job bar none, and for me only Milana was as good in that department, ever. She takes you fully into her throat and slowly swirls around with her tongue and a lot of saliva while gently playing with your balls -- shit, heaven can't get much better, can it? Time and again, I thought I would wrap up the session by fucking her furiously but I knew I would nott last long and I did not want this to end, so I would say "more blow job please", she would smile sweetly and another 20 minutes of that bliss ensues. If there is a hall of fame for Sharks' stars, I don't know how Sandra will not one of the first names on the ballot. She has my vote for sure.

Mandy -- what can I say about Mandy that has n't been said already?! I got her twice on this trip, and I am grateful. Mandy is the only girl who I have tipped every single time after a room, and that's because she deserves it and it just does not feel right not to tip after such a glorious session. Impossibly, each session appears better than the last one. The only criticism of Mandy I have, if it can be called a criticism, is that she does and't take my friend deep into her throat. Her skills are impeccable, and she is absolutely willing to please, and I am not sure what causes her reluctance on that issue, but otherwise she is totally flawless. I like her tits: natural, just the right size, and delicious on my tongue. Her service is a combination of PSE+GFE amped to the max. Old men with heart conditions are well advised to steer clear of Mandy as too much pleasure can be sometimes tough to bear. I wish I could have take both Mandy and Sandra for a threesome romp, but getting hold of one of them is tough enough let alone both together. If anyone is lucky enough to pull it off, and they told me they have done it a few times, my felicitations you are a lucky man.

Serena -a pretty blonde, skinny, around 160 cm, exactly my optical spec. Nice smile too. I was newly arrived in the club eagerly awaiting the first session of this trip, and there was this girl pouncing on me and pressing her tits against my chest. I said to myself, Ok let's give this a try and if it doesn't work out we can cut this short at the half hour mark. In the room, she asks for an hour right away (and when I am starting to mouth my usual platitude about seeing how the session unfolds and making the call then), she sweetly presses her lips against mine and says "don't worry you will have a great session, let's do one hour and you will be happy". With the mistaken belief that I do my best work when the little head takes over, I agree to her demand for an hour, and that was that. (If I kicked hard the thing that gets me in more trouble than anything else in life, I would not be able to stand for a week). First she slips on the condom when I wanted a blow job, and even that BJ was a half assed effort for no more than a few minutes. Then we did fuck in 3 to 4 positions, and that was definitely an enjoyable physical exertion especially the doggie and peeking at her tiny ass while drilling her from behind.

Magda. I sessioned with Magda every day she was in the club. She is petite, pretty, smiling, and happy to see me, or at least fakes it enough. She has beautiful bonny blue eyes, a slim body, small and firm tits, and a nice taut 20 year old body. No ravages of time on this frame yet. She kisses me deep, and doesn't mind if I spend a whole hour kissing her. Her BJ is adequate if not spectacular, and she fucks me in any position I want, and doesn't complain. Magda is my tight end -- whenever I need to pick up a tough 4 yards on the third down, she is there for me. And yet, I am not enamored with her. She doesn't set my pulse going, and if she told me that she gives someone else better service than she gives me it would not bother me in the least. She is a total sweetheart and I am not sure why I am not more gaga over her.

Steffi. My standard spot in the club is by the waterfall, with the cool water splash on my back somehow keeping my dick in control through some inexplicable osmosis. Anyway, from this spot I have the advantage of constantly looking at Steffi's delectable derrire which she keeps wiggling around every once and a while. I had sessioned with her a long time ago, didn't find the experience mind blowing and have settled down to her visuals as a prefersbale option. She does have the most perfect body neck down, probably the best in the club. Damn, that butt crack. After watching it non stop for 3 days, the curve is etched in my mind so clearly, if ever I had to describe to a sketch artist the cops would pick her up in 5 minutes based on my description. Anyway, at some point, watching was no longer enough and I needed more. So we tried it over two sessions. She is very nice and sweet, and has an adequate BJ. Still, I could not finish in either session. Somehow, there is very little passion in my sessions with her. Sex seems clinical and too clean. No regrets however, the optics alone would justify a room with her anytime.

Athena -- small girls with tiny tits and pussies drive me up the wall. They are my finishers. If I need relief badly, I just need to find one of them and they do the job reliably. It has been that way with Aurelia, with Estefania, and now Athena. She is new here. Her body type is almost a carbon copy of Estefania who I didn't see in this trip. I think she is less attractive than Estefania but didn't matter. I found her towards the end of the night on one of those days, and I hadn't had a climax in a few hours and settled on my closer, my Mariano Rivera. And she didn't fail. Sadly, I was in a similar situation in the wee hours of Sunday morning, and badly needed my Athena but she was not there, and I found that Steffi is not Athena when it comes to this aspect of my need.

Scarlet -- I noticed this girl on Monday late night. Wow, from behind I was blown away by her look. Just my spec down to the t. Slim body, small A / be firm tits, firm behind, dark hair, absolutely gorgeous. Her face is not bad either. She changed her hair style to a curly type on a different night, which I didn't fancy too much, and preferred the straight hair cascading down. Nice smile too. Took for an hour. Was a nice and pleasurable session, quite happy and finished with a Big Bang. She was available on Friday as well, but for some stupid reason I didn't take her. Big mistake. Everyone is entitled to be stupid once in a while but some people abuse that privilege!

Amalia -- she has been discussed here in depth. I guess she has been around for a while with her sister, but I noticed them only on this trip. Finally took the younger one on Saturday night. She seems a bit cool and reserved at first blush, but the session was absolutely A OK and quite enjoyable. I was a bit tired after 4 days of clubbing, but she provided excellent service and squeezed an extraction out of me. We ducked in the room under the fish tank, and while we perspired like a couple of piglets in heat, I actually enjoyed the lubrication of our sweaty bodies rubbing all over while we fucked to a climax. Her skin is a bit too pale but otherwise very tight body, blonde hair, OK face and looks gorgeous from far and pretty good even up close and personal. I don't think she will ever come close to being a Regina replacement but she is quite good in her own right and would be happy to take her at least for a session in each trip. Her sister was available as well, and while I balked at a threesome that late in the night, I would have loved to bang Elif separately and check the box about sister sex.

Michaela -- she is new. 20, Romanian, and I think new to the business. Has an intense serious face. Sits on the couch by the wall between the pole and lockers. Doesn't seem to have any friends. Sits alone, eats alone. A bit shy and introverted. Doesn't smoke but doesn't kiss. Blow job was alright, and sex was good but not super great. Small tits, bigger than A sized, may be B cup. Tight body, not fat and approximately 160 cm. My usual spec. I found her face attractive. If I had more energy, I would have taken for more banging later on but that didn't happen.

Dominica -- has a long dark hair, small A cup tits, smiling face, a slight tummy but otherwise tight body. Nice round butt. Sits by the pole on the other side of the bar. Goes around with another girl some times, seeking threesomes. I had been eyeing her for some time, could not quite pull the trigger, and finally succumbed on Saturday and spent a 30 min session. No great shakes, was alright, and after a perfunctory BJ fucked in a couple of positions but no finish. Didn't expect to, anyway.

Other tidbits and useless idle gossip:

They seem to have upgraded the upstairs rooms with some sort of a sun roof. Now, they appear brightly lit. Not all, but the inside ones I think. Anyway, I like it as I like to see my girls up close and personal. Might be a different story from their pov however Sandra told me she hates the extra light and what she is able to see; said she has a regular 80 year old customer who she didn't mind in the past, but wept after she went with him in the sunroof room.

It was a glorious fall afternoon on Friday, and perfect for a nice sun bathing session. Saturday was rainy and gloomy most of the time. Monday was really slow. Even Mandy was available relatively easy. I would say that while a few popular ones like Evita didn't work on Monday (she was still in the club a couple of times in her nightly clothes), nearly 80% of the girls that worked on the weekend were still in the club on Monday.

Nice to have met Bitumen. Was not a prearranged meeting, he just somehow figured me out and introduced himself. The dude is a stud and a serious player. I am in awe of how much he knows. I feel silly writing these reports, when I know there are so many regulars here like him on ISG that know tons more than I do. Hopefully, these reports of mine provide some entertainment value if not true new info.

Also nice to have met my friend Mr A after almost 2 years. He has a special show where his girl goes up on stage and dances for him and him alone and he showers her with tenners, twenties and fifties. I know for a fact that he could book a girl, any FKK girl, for a whole day with the money he throws on the stage in that dance. When he does these shows, the whole club literally comes to a standstill and all the other girls turn into green eyed monsters. The prior night he did his act at Oase, and was looking to repeat the show at Sharks and had picked out his gal, but she was engaged with some client and didn't come out when he wanted to do the show and then the moment passed. Can you believe it, the guy would have rewarded her so handsomely and the stupid lass was otherwise occupied (he doesn't tell her ahead, it is a pleasant surprise when it happens). If girls were smart, they should be nice to him and attach themselves to him with Krazy Glue, and sooner than later they will get rewarded far more than they deserve.

There are lots of new girls. By and large, the new girls are relatively slim with firm bodies. Not too many stunning and pretty faces however. Some old timers are still around, but one can only hope that their customers are kinder to them than age has been to their figures. The likes of Larissa, Jessica, etc would be in this camp. Some of these girls probably think a balanced meal is having a cupcake in each hand. Even Ellen, a slim petite girl that started approx 12 to 15 months ago, is already looking like a mini MILF. I had sessioned with her twice last year, but now would not dream of spending a session on her now. She clearly has been taking a lot of late night romantic walks to her fridge (or the Sharks kitchen).

Young Turk, Janine and Regina were all missing. OK, I only mention Young Turk because I am required to make an obligatory mention and also with so many new girls I lost my moorings and seeing him around would be like seeing an old piece of furniture for my comfort level. After I read Bitumen's report about how passionate Janine has become of late, I boned up on my Sicilian Defense Najdorf variation to battle all her tricky defense moves, but then she pulled a Fisher and was a no show. As for Regina, missing her was the biggest regret of all. I would have gladly traded 80% of the sessions I did do for just a handful with her. Normally, when I am back from the FKK land in my dreary home, I am in a funk for days on. Not this time. I almost don't miss the clubs all that much much, and the absence of little Regina had a lot to do with it.

Evita lost weight and is back to her stunning body, and with that came off the towel and she is happily once again parading around butt naked. This woman is a phenomenon of nature, and the affinity with which Asian men are drawn to her has to be seen to be believed. The phrase Asian hunter does not do her justice. She is not really on the prowl as a tigress is on some African Savanna. The prey comes to her, from far and wide, and from various lands Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Malay. No matter. She could be perched between two gal pals in a quiet corner and the Asian dudes casually rambling around stop in their tracks, say Hi, and two minutes later rolling in the dirty sheets with her. It is a bit like the grizzly sitting in the Yukon river, with one salmon after another jumping into her waiting mouth. And while I have no idea how happy are the salmon *after they were eaten and digested* by the bear, their human Asian counterparts can't control their shit eating grin coming out of the room. Case in point: this Asian dude caught my eye, because he had a very slim build, very long hair cascading down his back; from the behind in a robe, he could be mistaken for a young female. Anyway, he ticked off all the boxes which makes his ilk (Newbie, Asian, not too big) the most desirable of monger catches in FKK land, and hence he was suitably courted by a bevy of the very best Romanian girls that this FKK could offer, but he was not biting. Then a while later, I was sitting by the pole with Evita on a couch across; the Asian dude is walking around, stops and inside 30 sec they move over to a different couch for some private tete a tete, and then hit the room. I was in the men's room approx 15 min later, and the dude is already back and showered up and chatting with some local guy. He tells his friend he was w / Evita and then admits that he is falling in love, to which his friend replies "be careful man, she is a Japanese specialist". Now, we all heard of love at first sight, but here I was seeing evidence of love in a first ten minute fuck. Anyway, listening to the lamentations of my locker neighbor lover boy, I was struck with a thought: our state department could do worse than recruiting Evita for a bit of diplomacy. Dadgum it, we all know that the latest rendition of Elton John's Rocket man by our tweeter orange idiot in chief is not quite cutting it, and we are down to a 60 year old Dennis Rodman in a bad Madonna toupee as our best hope. If Evita can show as much influence and power over Little Kim as she does on the Sharks' Asians, and if that means LA and San Fran are spared from going up in a Nork nuke mushroom, I can imagine that good folks of CA would gladly agree to having their marginal tax top rate going from 60% to 63% and buying a munificent gift to our lovely wench.

Kosher -- while I have sympathy for your stance re: PPS girls, I have a different take. In a way, I like to be with such girls. I attend just Sharks and Oase because that's where I can find young lithe attractive girls with model bodies and pretty faces and even in these clubs, I choose the most optically desirable girls with service as a secondary consideration. Was it Marx who said he didn't want to be in any club that would have him as a member? Paraphrasing it, I would say I don't want to fuck any girl in FKK who would be happy to fuck me outside the club for no money. The pretty ones wouldn't give me the time of the day outside the club, but who cares -- here and now, for 50 I am still am able to shove my dick inside them and enjoy it every moment.

10-06-17, 06:05
Thanks for setting a new standard for reporting on your club experiences. Really excellent.

On another thread, somebody was moaning about the lack of fresh and important information. He should read your most recent contribution.

P.S.: Love the list (actually two lists) at the top of the post!

Thanks again. One wonders if a similar post is coming in the BHH thread?

10-06-17, 07:03
Sharks does have slightly better lineup than Oase right now. At least this Wednesday was better than Thursday at Oase.

My 2 sessions at sharks was also with 2 impeccable girls I really don't have anything to complain about with either of them. Thai Sue and romanian blonde Silvia (I think that was her name). So that was jackpot in service.

Nicole (Andre) from Oase was at Sharks now, while Estephania from Sharks was at Oase.

Also first time I've seen Mandy at Sharks until closing time. Seemed like she probably wanted to skip the long drive home.

Nick The G
10-06-17, 11:08
Young Turk, Janine and Regina were all missing.I haven't seen Janine and her adorers formation on that famous couch since many weeks.

Evita lost weight and is back to her stunning body, and with that came off the towel and she is happily once again parading around butt naked. This woman is a phenomenon of nature, and the affinity with which Asian men are drawn to her has to be seen to be believed. The phrase Asian hunter does not do her justice. She is not really on the prowl as a tigress is on some African Savanna. The prey comes to her, from far and wide, and from various lands Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Malay. No matter. She could be perched between two gal pals in a quiet corner and the Asian dudes casually rambling around stop in their tracks, say Hi, and two minutes later rolling in the dirty sheets with her.Good observation. Maybe she is hyped in Japanese sex fora too. And she is always sitting on the table dance platform or on the opposite couch. So, with her pale skin and dark hair, easy to spot.

10-06-17, 13:04
Nicole (Andre) from Oase was at Sharks now
Her Shark's club name is Athena.

Good observation. Maybe she is hyped in Japanese sex fora too. And she is always sitting on the table dance platform or on the opposite couch. So, with her pale skin and dark hair, easy to spot.I still need to figure out who this Evita is. Not sure if I'm missing out on a winner or not.

By the way anyone seen Suzie around (ex-World Andrea aka the Kate Beckinsale lookalike) and what days that she works? Hope she is still there. Heading back to Sharks early next week.


Horny Harry
10-06-17, 13:16
Her Shark's club name is Athena.

I still need to figure out who this Evita is. Not sure if I'm missing out on a winner or not.

By the way anyone seen Suzie around (ex-World Andrea aka the Kate Beckinsale lookalike) and what days that she works? Hope she is still there. Heading back to Sharks early next week.

Howie.Wasn't she previously know at Sharks as "Sarah?" I haven't seen "Sarah" in years, and the last time I was with her she told me that she was going to to to Paradise in Stuttgart.

10-06-17, 15:01
Her Shark's club name is Athena.

I still need to figure out who this Evita is. Not sure if I'm missing out on a winner or not.Heh, reading Jnpr's report I guess it tells a lot about which club he frequents out of sharks and Oase then. She's been around at Oase for almost 2 years.

Evita is a brunette with shoulder length hair. Sits near the stripping pole mostly. Or hunts Asians. Tall when wearing stilts (20 cm heels), so with stilts on she is taller than all the asians she is hunting. But probably just 1.60-1.62 ish tall without.

Nick The G
10-06-17, 15:27
I still need to figure out who this Evita is. Not sure if I'm missing out on a winner or not.Just watch the area of the poledance and look for the woman with dark hair and pale skin sitting there smoking, who attracts most of the asian guys. That shouldn't be that hard to accomplish! If you are there between 2 pm and 4 pm, there should be a good chance to talk to her.

By the way anyone seen Suzie around (ex-World Andrea aka the Kate Beckinsale lookalike) and what days that she works? Hope she is still there. Heading back to Sharks early next week.Suzie / Andrea was there last Wednesday!

10-06-17, 15:49
Wasn't she previously know at Sharks as "Sarah?" I haven't seen "Sarah" in years, and the last time I was with her she told me that she was going to to to Paradise in Stuttgart.Exact. Suzie's nickname some years ago was Sarah. She should be at Sharks everyday, except Monday.

10-06-17, 16:53
Spent 4 days at Sharks recently.

Sessioned with the following girls (number of sessions in parenthesis).

Mandy (2).

Sandra (2).

Magda (3).


Steffi (2).






And talked to / saw & recognized the following.

Nelli..LOL! I spend a lot of time in CA so I'm right there with you. In fact, I'm going back in the next couple of weeks. Funny thing is I've been doing this for almost 2 years and I still have yet to meet Evita. Maybe during my next trip, I'll willingly become the prey and move around to find her to see what all the hype is about.

10-06-17, 18:21
Evita lost weight and is back to her stunning body, and with that came off the towel and she is happily once again parading around butt naked. This woman is a phenomenon of nature, and the affinity with which Asian men are drawn to her has to be seen to be believed. The phrase Asian hunter does not do her justice. She is not really on the prowl as a tigress is on some African Savanna. The prey comes to her, from far and wide, and from various lands Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Malay. No matter. She could be perched between two gal pals in a quiet corner and the Asian dudes casually rambling around stop in their tracks, say Hi, and two minutes later rolling in the dirty sheets with her. It is a bit like the grizzly sitting in the Yukon river, with one salmon after another jumping into her waiting mouth. And while I have no idea how happy are the salmon *after they were eaten and digested* by the bear, their human Asian counterparts can't control their shit eating grin coming out of the room. Case in point: this Asian dude caught my eye, because he had a very slim build, very long hair cascading down his back; from the behind in a robe, he could be mistaken for a young female. Anyway, he ticked off all the boxes which makes his ilk (Newbie, Asian, not too big) the most desirable of monger catches in FKK land, and hence he was suitably courted by a bevy of the very best Romanian girls that this FKK could offer, but he was not biting. Then a while later, I was sitting by the pole with Evita on a couch across; the Asian dude is walking around, stops and inside 30 sec they move over to a different couch for some private tete a tete, and then hit the room. I was in the men's room approx 15 min later, and the dude is already back and showered up and chatting with some local guy. He tells his friend he was w / Evita and then admits that he is falling in love, to which his friend replies "be careful man, she is a Japanese specialist". Now, we all heard of love at first sight, but here I was seeing evidence of love in a first ten minute fuck. Anyway, listening to the lamentations of my locker neighbor lover boy, I was struck with a thought: our state department could do worse than recruiting Evita for a bit of diplomacy. Dadgum it, we all know that the latest rendition of Elton John's Rocket man by our tweeter orange idiot in chief is not quite cutting it, and we are down to a 60 year old Dennis Rodman in a bad Madonna toupee as our best hope. If Evita can show as much influence and power over Little Kim as she does on the Sharks' Asians, and if that means LA and San Fran are spared from going up in a Nork nuke mushroom, I can imagine that good folks of CA would gladly agree to having their marginal tax top rate going from 60% to 63% .I was with Evita a few months back. But it was her was doing the hunting. I was there in the evening and already regretted coming to sharks instead of case which has the most attractive girls imo. I was in sharks from 4 to closing. Decide to keep giving chances. So this girl with dark here walked to the sofa a few feet away talking to her other friends who were also to get me to bite. But their body type, and looks are not pretty enough. Then she waved at me and we locked eyes and she came to sit with me. So we chatted for a few 5 minutes or so and she ask me first time in club. Etc and I told her about my regret of coming to sharks instead of case. So we went to the room for one hour. At the end of the session while still in room, I realise I did not know what was her name at all. And she too did not ask me my name. It was till the end of the session I know her name is Evita LOL. So yea. She had to do the hunting. I'm not so weak LOL. But I will not go sharks as I don't find them attractive enough. I am Asian BTW. Even Janine was just OK looking with that huge assets.

10-06-17, 19:23
I've been to Sharks 7 times and I love the line up there but, I've read reports about Dominican women at different FKK's I've even seen Dominican women in the Brothels in Frankfurt but never in Sharks. Do Dominican girls work in Sharks? I like curvy women is Oase or Sharks better for black and Spanish girls? Or will I find more black and Spanish girls in the brothels in Frankfurt?

10-06-17, 19:32

We got a lot of updated information from your post. Excellent!

Most of girls you sessioned were in my favorite list before. We have similar taste to choose girls.

I haven't seen Sandra for almost a year. I am glad she still works at Sharks.

Did you see Tessa, a German girl, in you recent visits? I don't find anyone talking about her. To be honest, she is the No. 1 girl in my list for my November Sharks visits. She could be a Nicoletta Hu replacement for me.

Spent 4 days at Sharks recently.

Sessioned with the following girls (number of sessions in parenthesis).

Mandy (2).

Member #4581
10-06-17, 22:51
Heh, reading Jnpr's report I guess it tells a lot about which club he frequents out of sharks and Oase then. She's been around at Oase for almost 2 years.

.You got me. I like to pretend I split my time 3/2 or even 4/1 between Sharks / Oase, but in my last 4 trips I skipped Oase entirely on two occasions. I still have a great time when I visit Oase, but I have become lazy and just spend 4 days straight in Darmstadt, even when I rent a car.

Yes, Athena did say she was at Oase with the name Nicole. I was surprised as well, as I didn't remember seeing her there. Must not have been there on the days I visited.

10-07-17, 01:06
She had a break for maybe 6-9 months. The returned as Nicole this spring.

Kosher Kowboy
10-07-17, 02:45
Kosher -- while I have sympathy for your stance re: PPS girls, I have a different take. In a way, I like to be with such girls. I attend just Sharks and Oase because that's where I can find young lithe attractive girls with model bodies and pretty faces and even in these clubs, I choose the most optically desirable girls with service as a secondary consideration. Was it Marx who said he didn't want to be in any club that would have him as a member? Paraphrasing it, I would say I don't want to fuck any girl in FKK who would be happy to fuck me outside the club for no money. The pretty ones wouldn't give me the time of the day outside the club, but who cares -- here and now, for 50 I am still am able to shove my dick inside them and enjoy it every moment.Philosophy and Prostitution, what a great combo to dwell on. My stance is that one should only have sympathy for those less fortunate than themselves or for those who have suffered a loss in their personal lives such as a family member, a job etc. Since I do not fit either category you have no reason to feel sympathy for my choices simply because I have a different take nor should I have disrespect for your take. We do have somewhat different takes and I am happy for you as a fellow monger that you have found eternal happiness in the comforts of the ladies at FKK Oase and FKK Sharks. I agree with you, the ladies at Sharks IMO are optically the best ladies that I have seen in Germany. I too enjoy the ladies at Sharks (otherwise I would not go) who sell me a fantasy and use me for my money as after all we all get to shove our dicks in them, we are all winners. Some guys like optics, some guys like service and at the end of the day we all decide to map out our own route to happiness. I think you have misjudged my tastes as one who likes service only and not optics when in fact I enjoy both.

Marx and his reading have always been very interesting to read and study but I prefer the philosophies of John Stuart Mill and the Principle of Utilitarianism which states that one's happiness stems from doing what he finds pleasurable and that is how I live my life. For me variety is pleasure, that being said I like to combine the optics and the service and at times if I can match the two up great, other times I go for one or the other and often end up somewhere in between the two but at times I do end up with the most beautiful woman available and other times I will choose a service regardless of looks. For me an example of a fun October day would be to pay 50 E and go to Sharks on discount day, eat fine food and enjoy Dieter's sauna treatments and once fully relaxed find a beautiful woman, someone like a Mandy for example and shove my dick inside her pussy and pay her 50 E for services rendered. 100 E. 200 E. I don't care. I will go to a makeup artist and enter Sharks looking like a Japanese businessman if I must to get her attention and make it happen. I'd also have to not shave for 5 years in the crotch and surgically have several centimeters taken off my penis to pull such a move off but I will do what I have to. To cap off the day I would much enjoy after being with such a beautiful woman to drive to Dietzenbach where I could shove my dick in a dirty used hole that has been fucked thousands and thousands of times up in the NRW and fork over 40 E to an average looking girl who too used me for my money as all tarts do. Different strokes for different folks, respectfully.

Salt only, pepper only, maybe a little of both, maybe a little heavy on the salt one day and pepper the next; I think you get the point. Now I must say your review was one of the best I have seen over the years and thank you for providing such valuable information and even more thanks for including me in your review, it is quite an honor. You have shared some very valuable information and I am sure fellow mongers both German and foreign will benefit from your knowledge of the ladies at Sharks.

William Henley, a famous Brit once ended a poem of his, ' Invictus' with the following:

" I am the master of my fate:

I am the captain of my soul ".

You captain your ship, I will captain my ship. Whatever port you end up in I will be happy for you and if you wish to trash whatever port I may end up in so be it, if we end up in the same port I will not be surprised as at the end of the day we are simply two guys out for a fun time, to spend our money on women that make us happy and commonalities probably outweigh differences but I am a firm believer that no captain should ever feel his ship is on a better course than another captain's ship as after all we are all sailing in the same lonely sea of life looking for an outlet to have fun, feel wanted and appreciated and to enjoy good sex and it does appear both you and I have accomplished such goals in our own ways and isn't that all that truly matters?

Thanks for your review and happy times at Sharks / Oase and in the event you ever want to meet at Dietzenbach I know a very dirty little who*re who I would absolutely love to introduce you to, her sea is vast and wide and rest assured no matter how wide your ship is or no matter how tall the mast stands when raised you too will be lost in her sea and will have to battle all the crashing waves created and left by other captains.

I know, not your cup of tea, I respect that. By the way, thank you for your board contributions in many of your posts, they have been good reads and appreciated.

Best regards,

Kaptain Kosher.

Member #4581
10-07-17, 04:38
UncleOx — don't think I saw Tessa during my visit. Bitumen or others can confirm. Good luck with your visit.

KK — good points. Very well put. You are right to say it makes no sense to put down the subjective tastes of other men when it comes to sex. Anyway, the Marx I had in mind was Groucho, not Karl. Quite lowbrow, I am afraid.

Kosher Kowboy
10-07-17, 05:10
KK good points. Very well put. You are right to say it makes no sense to put down the subjective tastes of other men when it comes to sex. You might change your mind in 10 minutes when I hit ' Upload Report' in the you know where section. I think I am losing it and we might have to switch from philosophers to psychiatrists; for me, not you.

10-07-17, 06:37
Jnpr and KK,

Most animals lives are divided into a few stages: 1: you grow up. 2: you try to have sex in order to reproduce. Why would we be any different.

I think these referrals to philosophers is more that we tend to agree in retrospect with the ones the most in line with our own drives. Like a researcher approaching his research in order to fit a certain goal.

We probably all want both good looks, a specific age in our women and good service at the same time. Or a combination of yhe three. The good looks is to have the offspring genes being healthy. The age would preferably be near a certain stage for the female fertility to be the highest. And the service is important in order for as much cum as possible to be released into the cervix. In parts of our brain, the idea that we are using a ding is probably not there. So to me this anthropological angle of looking at it is much more on the spot than some lyrical philosopher. But songs and poets can be romantic too. And the romantic side should probably not be overlooked as well. Some girls always tell me on every trip I make: 'why are all the men so crazy today?' Then she continues by telling how many guys start talking about relationships and so forth. Many girls in his business probably haven't realised this poetic side of their job. While those who understands it sometimes abuses it by way of scams. So be careful. This game we are playing can be both rough and costly. It may just be a dream. But after all, so might also be our very existence here on earth. In that sense the philosopher in us may be the final victor after all.

10-07-17, 07:05
Jnpr30, great report, as usual. Are you sure that it was you? 15 sessions in 4 days / visits? Too bad I miss you while you were there. I was in Europe for 3 weeks and just got back. Some updates from Sharks:

Roxana - she was actually at Palace during the Messe.

Carolina - Roxana's friend left for vacation last week of Sep.

Evelina - also left last weekend. Just saw her new pic, hopefully it was just a makeup and not her "new" lips.

Helli - she left mid September, I was her last customer! Still had a great time with her, as usual. One of my all-time favorite girls.

Amalia I think I went with her the most on this trip. Such a nice girl. On my last day, I was sitting on the couch chatting to Mila before going to the room with her. Amalia just got out of the room with Evita. When they returned they sat on the pole stage, right across from me. Never once was I felt any pressure or guilt from Amalia by being with somebody else (unlike someone I don't want to name names). I actually took her as my last session for the trip and it was great as usual. She always come say Hi, everytime she sees me, even though she knows that I may not take her that day. Highly recommended.

Anita my other current favorite at Sharks. She may not give great service to everyone but if she really likes you, you are in for a treat.

Steffi I have rekindled with her last trip after my "incident" with Evita. I should thank Evita because I have been missing out on Steffi. Such a great and passionate kisser, if she likes you.

Mila - was able to catch her this trip. She looks great to me. My Ayra (from G. O. T.).

Kasha from Czech, surprise to run into her. I have known her for 5 yrs from other club. Nice and friendly girl. She is not as fit as when she started out but she gives the best head!

Evita She was not so busy in the early afternoon, specially on weekdays. It's funny to see her go with Caucasian men when there were not too many Asians and with 30 minutes rooms. She even went and sat on some white guy lap while he was playing a machine inside the restaurant.

Ester looks like she lost some weight since I last saw her. Though I have not been with her for a while, the sessions with her are always passionate.

Bianca it must be really slow at Sharks that Bianca is now nice to me. She even came to say Hi and gave me a kiss.

10-07-17, 16:56
Jnpr30 and KK. Sorry to follow up your tangents but Karl Marx would have loved FKK given his appreciation of women and the high life. What he didn't like was writing up his analyses and theories :) Karl was as low brow as us LOL.

Member #4581
10-07-17, 17:07
Jnpr30 and KK. Sorry to follow up your tangents but Karl Marx would have loved FKK given his appreciation of women and the high life. What he didn't like was writing up his analyses and theories :) Karl was as low brow as us LOL.Being a technical guy, my knowledge of social sciences is less than superficial. I need to Google whether his first name was Karl or Kirk before I type here, LOL. I thought he generally lived a miserable life? Anyway, who wouldn't love FKK? Even the Ottoman Sultan could not fuck 6 women in a night from his imperial harem, there was a protocol and there were rules, as I understood.

10-07-17, 17:18

Long time lurker. This is my last Sunday experience in Sharks. I'm not good at writing but here we go.

Got to darmsdat by train and then took a cab to get there ( 11 euro) around 4 pm. I was in a rush so did not try to explore bus+walk approach. Paid to get in.

Since this is my first visit to Sharks, I chilled for a while just for observing. There were enough women mostly 6 8's. I was approached by several, but wanted.

To sample more so told them I will need some time. One girl caught my attention and asked me for a session. She said she was from Moldova. She is tall and.

Busty but was trying to upsell the DATY for more money. When I asked her shouldn't it be included in the standard service? She quickly said we will talk.

Later, then ran away. I don't think I will talk to her later.

Anyway, I saw a beautiful MILF sitting at the corner close to the pond. She is blonde with tattoo on her left arm. I made my move and talked to her.

She told me she is Alex and from Austria. She is really my type, but did not seem to engage the conversation (she probably does not like Asian).

Anyhow, we had a session as I decided to risk 50 euro to give it a shot. I wouldn't say I regret, but she is very cold and mechanical.

She only allows light kissing. I started off with a few minutes DATY, finished off in doggie.

I lost some interest because of her coldness so I did not try other positions.

The secod girl was L'Oreal, a tall polish girl from Frakfurt. She was nice and very conversational. We quickly went upstairs and had a great session.

I used my routine (DATY= Missionary= finish off in doggie). She had a lot of moaning and eye contact. It was such a great session.

The 3rd one was a 40's something Russian from Latvia. She is very busty probably has the biggest ass among all women there that night (I'm an ass man so had.

To try it). I forgot her name but she said she's been working at Sharks for six years and had a lot of repeating customers. We were flirting a bit at the bar.

And she told me that she gets very talent tongue for some places. My response to that was "me too if you know what I mean." We quickly hooked up and found a room.

She was right and she did have a talent tongue. But before that, I spent 10 min DATY. The same DATY= Missionary= finish off in doggie routing.

It was too late to have a 4th. So I had to left for Frankfurt. On a side note, the lady working at the bar in Sharks was a bit rude. I asked for a glass of water, and she told me to wait for a second. I waited patiently for a couple minutes, and she served guys even after me. Then I asked again, and she seemed bothered and gave me an attitude.

Another thing noticed. What is up with the cellphone! I saw a dude was using his cellphone at the bar. He dropped the phone, then picked up and fool around. Never saw it in other places. Privacy should be top priority there.

All in all, it was a great MILF night for me. All women I sampled let me DATY.

I should have tried some girls but next time maybe.

I have been to Artemis in Berlin and Samya in Cologne. I have to say that Sharks has the largest space, the girls were probably at the same level as Artemis.

Artemis seem to have more German girls. I had one nigh there and fucked two German blondes. One was 186 cm very busty, and another dirty blonde with perfect.

Bubbly ass. Samya had the smallest space and almost all Romanian girls. Sharks seems to have various options.


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10-07-17, 18:33
You got me. I like to pretend I split my time 3/2 or even 4/1 between Sharks / Oase, but in my last 4 trips I skipped Oase entirely on two occasions. I still have a great time when I visit Oase, but I have become lazy and just spend 4 days straight in Darmstadt, even when I rent a car.

Yes, Athena did say she was at Oase with the name Nicole. I was surprised as well, as I didn't remember seeing her there. Must not have been there on the days I visited.Since 6 months there is no better club than Sharks, LU is just very wide and the premises are top including sauna, food, drinks all the rest is just cheating. Oase is also great but can t compete with Shark, all the other clubs are not at the same level and too expensive if I compare to Shark.

10-07-17, 18:42
Anyway, who wouldn't love FKK? Even the Ottoman Sultan could not fuck 6 women in a night from his imperial harem, there was a protocol and there were rules, as I understood.The Ottomans were slow asses anyway. However old Egypt had harems with perhaps as much as 200 girls and bath amenities in the same complexes. Perhaps food also. So basically the first FKK's were formed along the Egyptian Nile river a few thousand years ago.

10-07-17, 18:52
Jnpr30 and KK. Sorry to follow up your tangents but Karl Marx would have loved FKK given his appreciation of women and the high life. What he didn't like was writing up his analyses and theories :) Karl was as low brow as us LOL.Yeah, I wonder what Karl Marx would have made of certain guys who completely monopolize or book out for extended hours certain very popular girls? I mean, wasn't he a communist or somethin'?

10-07-17, 19:46
I still need to figure out who this Evita is. Not sure if I'm missing out on a winner or not.

Howie.Quite average face for me, white skin, slim body, a bit lack of curves, not blond, but a superstar for Asians, on Asian forums. When Cosmina or even Megan who then lost to be attractive for me, changed hair to blond to get Asian business, Evita seems clever enough to get busy Asian business, keeping same look. So many guys need to tell me about her, because she seems to think I don t like her, when she knows how I behave with Megan. To be fair, I never heard anybody telling me she is not good, and these guys are not Asian, and I know some of them, so she may be good if you like her.

One of the very few stars who didn't leave Sharks.

Horny Harry
10-07-17, 20:06
Jnpr30 and KK. Sorry to follow up your tangents but Karl Marx would have loved FKK given his appreciation of women and the high life. What he didn't like was writing up his analyses and theories :) Karl was as low brow as us LOL.Gee Optimist, it sounds like you knew Karl Marx personally?

Here's a quote from Karl Marx:

The bourgeois sees in his wife a mere instrument of production. He hears that the instruments of production are to be exploited in common, and, naturally, can come to no other conclusion than that the lot of being common to all will likewise fall to the women. He has not even a suspicion that the real point is to do away with the status of women as mere instruments of production. For the rest, nothing is more ridiculous than the virtuous indignation of our bourgeois at the community of women which, they pretend, is to be openly and officially established by the Communists. The Communists have no need to introduce the community of women; it has existed almost from time immemorial. Our bourgeois, not content with having the wives and daughters of their proletarians at their disposal, not to speak of common prostitutes, take the greatest pleasure in seducing each other's wives. Bourgeois marriage is in reality a system of wives in common and thus, at the most, what the Communists might possibly be reproached with, is that they desire to introduce, in substitution for a hypocritically concealed, an openly legalised community of women. For the rest, it is self-evident that the abolition of the present system of production must bring with it the abolition of the community of women springing from that system, i.e., of prostitution both public and private. Name ONE former (USSR, DDR) or present (China, North Korea, Vietnam, Cuba) communist country where prostitution was or is legal. Did you ever read "Wir Kinder vom Bahnhof Zoo" from Christiane F. describing the West Berlin decadence of prostitution, and could you please tell us if there is a communist (DDR) equivalent of this book?

Sex is a commodity and FKK clubs are fuck factories where women; *) fuck for the same E50 as they did 10 years ago (Hello, ever heard of inflation? *) have no steady income, *) are not organised or unionised, *) are brought to work by their 'boyfriends' in expensive cars. Hardly the communist egalitarian Utopia now is it?

Prostitution viewable so openly is about as decadent and as Western as it gets dude, only Bangkok or some stinking brothel in Calcutta are perhaps more seedy.

Your hypocrisy is typical for a socialist.

10-07-17, 22:28
Quite average face for me, white skin, slim body, a bit lack of curves, not blond, but a superstar for Asians, on Asian forums. When Cosmina or even Megan who then lost to be attractive for me, changed hair to blond to get Asian business, Evita seems clever enough to get busy Asian business, keeping same look. So many guys need to tell me about her, because she seems to think I don t like her, when she knows how I behave with Megan. To be fair, I never heard anybody telling me she is not good, and these guys are not Asian, and I know some of them, so she may be good if you like her.

One of the very few stars who didn't leave Sharks.The girl with the above average body, and the below average face! Oh wait that describes 99% of WGs in Deutschland.

Member #4585
10-07-17, 23:45
Do any of the FKK clubs in the Frankfurt-Mannheim-Saarbrucken area have pale (natural) redheads?For Sharks redheads these would be my picks:

Lilly is a petite, slim, small breasted, pale skinned Romanian girl with red hair. She seems to fit your schema.

Esther, tall, pretty face is more blonde these days but I understand is naturally reddish blonde. She gives good service too surprisingly enough and comes recommended. She kisses well, does an excellent blowjob and will paid attention with her tongue to the unemployed lads underneath the shaft. She takes direction as to what you like and actually spends some time on the couch with her man and is happy to sit with her legs spread exposing her pussy and her long slim body draped all over you.

Special mention for Vivian who is in the Fish Tank gang of girls. She has red hair, pale skinned, slim, small breasted, intelligent so she can hold a conversation. She is assertive type so if you like a bit of domineering in your woman then Vivian is for you. Vivian, in my experience, also has a habit of recommending her friends if you do not go with her. Vivian's service is adequate at the 50 euro mark, forgettable is one description, but if she likes you and you spend more than 50 euros then Vivian can have an impact on you that you will wish to repeat. I know one of my friends only ever goes with Vivian when he is in the club since she has him under her spell.

Not sure if Auburn hair fits the description, but there is a Darcy who has a full head of flowing auburn hair and she looks good too with a pleasant demeanor. She use to escort in the Netherlands so she has to be able to hold herself as a courtesan. Darcy is always polite and keeps to herself, have not seen her hunting like some of the other girls walking around the club. Darcy is also in the group that sit on the couches underneath the Fish Tank hence the name for that group is Fish Tank gang. They all come from the same village in Romania.

There are probably more but I cannot think of them right now.

Take a look and report back.

Member #4585
10-07-17, 23:49
The Ottomans were slow asses anyway. However old Egypt had harems with perhaps as much as 200 girls and bath amenities in the same complexes. Perhaps food also. So basically the first FKK's were formed along the Egyptian Nile river a few thousand years ago.Did these Egyptian FKKs include bathing in Ass' milk?

"It is said that Cleopatra, Queen of Ancient Egypt, took baths in donkey milk to preserve the beauty and youth of her skin. Legend has it that no less than 700 donkeys were needed to provide the quantity of milk necessary for her daily bath. ".


The ancients sometimes had it better than modern times.

Member #4585
10-08-17, 13:19
I still need to figure out who this Evita is. Not sure if I'm missing out on a winner or not.

Howie.Hi Howie,

Just something so it is not a stress that you have missed out since the fear of missing out can be over whelming at times.

Given all the times you go to Sharks and the frequency that Evita is present which is very regular and her prominent position in the club so she is able to be seen, it is a possibility that Evita does not fit your visual schema for you to desire her in the first case.

As we all know, not all the stars are suited for everyone. We know.

Just something to take the pressure off.

Member #4581
10-08-17, 15:39
Jnpr30. Are you sure that it was you? 15 sessions in 4 days / visits?

No, of course not. Never set foot in any FKKs, in fact. I just look up the last ten pages in the thread to gather some girls' names, rip off old Penthouse letters, and voila there is a good looking report.

I thought that's how most posters do it here, no?! LOL.

Just kidding, and great report from you BadIn. Lucky man you are, so many sessions.

10-08-17, 18:02
The girl with the above average body, and the below average face! Oh wait that describes 99% of WGs in Deutschland.When Sharks is average faces land for my eyes on my last visits since many months, I didn t write her face is below average at Sharks, but average for my subjective tastes, same level than Mandy or Steffi now, for me, I preferred Megan or Dina when she had clean eyes, faces, more light in face. Some beautiful bodies at Sharks, like blond Rebeka, but no pleasure to kiss a average face, and no pleasure for sex without kissing. I enjoy sex like at home with a GF.

Fortunately, I find pretty faces and beautiful bodies for my tastes in FKK land, at the moment LR and GT are good for me, with 6 girls to enjoy, just enough for me. Also superb face Bambi. De at Harmony South Hamburg, and Misha. Ro at Globe.

Climbing finished today in dangerous, very strong Mistral wind in Mont Ventoux South face, so now I will have more time to enjoy my pretty girls who have GFE behavior, before starting ski as soon snow fall.

10-08-17, 19:39
...... fuck factories where women; *) fuck for the same E50 as they did 10 years ago (Hello, ever heard of inflation? *) have no steady income .... are brought to work by their 'boyfriends' in expensive cars l.....Is inflation stopped when paying an amount of 60 and boyfriends will participate the same way as they do now? Steady income. No need. Why? Best example is Steffi in Sharks waiting for the perfect Asian guys falling in love with her in order to make in less than half an hour maybe the triple amount compared to the older guy estimated by her as less sexy and perhaps more demanding in service giving him therefore the answer ".... later ...".

They are business women and if they want to raise excelkent amounts of money they are free to work on Switzerland as I was already told by lots of them.

10-08-17, 20:15
Is inflation stopped when paying an amount of 60 . Best example is Steffi in Sharks waiting for the perfect Asian guys falling in love with her in order to make in less than half an hour maybe the triple amount compared to the older guy estimated by her as less sexy and perhaps more demanding in service giving him therefore the answer ".... later ...".

They are business women and if they want to raise excelkent amounts of money they are free to work on Switzerland as I was already told by lots of them.Higher rates in Switzerland, but also higher demanding level and clubs are more strict. Girls who are not able to kiss won t get much business in Switzerland. Ada didn't stay at History, Anja also didn't stay. Girls who get good business in Switzerland, don't return to Germany which can't compete for money.

Even she was friendly and honest, Steffi doesn't have Switzerland level. Switzerland level is Mandy, Sandra, Aylin, Marina. No upselling in Switzerland.

10-08-17, 22:05
For Sharks redheads these would be my picks:

Lilly is a petite, slim, small breasted, pale skinned Romanian girl with red hair. She seems to fit your schema.

Lilly was very attractive when I met her, but I heard here on ISG that she is one of the worst in the room. I have not been with her myself, but has anyone had a good experience with her?

Horny Harry
10-09-17, 10:23
Is inflation stopped when paying an amount of 60 and boyfriends will participate the same way as they do now? Steady income. No need. Why? Best example is Steffi in Sharks waiting for the perfect Asian guys falling in love with her in order to make in less than half an hour maybe the triple amount compared to the older guy estimated by her as less sexy and perhaps more demanding in service giving him therefore the answer ".... later ...".

They are business women and if they want to raise excelkent amounts of money they are free to work on Switzerland as I was already told by lots of them.Yes I know all that, but it's hardly the Marxist ideal that Optimist was eluding to.

You should have also quoted my last sentence of that paragraph as to not distort the context I was placing those previous comments in:

Sex is a commodity and FKK clubs are fuck factories where women; *) fuck for the same E50 as they did 10 years ago (Hello, ever heard of inflation? *) have no steady income, *) are not organised or unionised, *) are brought to work by their 'boyfriends' in expensive cars. Hardly the communist egalitarian Utopia now is it?

10-09-17, 10:47
HornyHarry. My light hearted reference to Karl Marx was in no way political.

How do you conclude that me being aware that Marx in his private life liked women and drink makes me want to support his views on prostitution, or anything else?

You say I am a hypocrite? How am I hypocritical for merely saying Marx liked wine and women?You say my hypocrisy is typical of a socialist. How am I a socialist for merely saying Marx liked wine and women?

If you criticise me for something I actually said then I would have no problem. Your impolite attack bears no relationship to anything to do with me. I wonder what I have done to cause such anger from you

If I were to reply in kind I would have to say " Your intolerance and hatred is typical for a fascist". I would never be so stupid as to put false labels on you and then attribute false flaws to the label I had made up for you. (Btw, I know you are very definitely not a fascist, it is just an example)

John Traveller
10-09-17, 20:25
I visited Sharks for the first time last Saturday. I was not impressed.

Well, the size of the place is impressive. Many girls, so that's good. But only a small pecentage of them are really attractive, so that's bad. But since there are so many girls in total there are many pretty ones anyway, so that's good. But since there are also many customers these pretty girls always seem to be occupied, so that's bad. And that's my main objection against Shark. It's like that everywhere you might say, but at other fkks I have visited it wasn't that much so.

Anyway, I managed to get hold of a few interesting girls: First Angelina (Egypt). First time I have been with an Egyptian girl, so a novelty effect it was. She was pretty good, but nothing special. Only the spicy perfume. I licked her tits a bit, but she had that perfumed body-lotion there so I gave it up (I had this Christmas smell in my mouth afterwords). She also had this habit of saying "sexy" all the time. Half hour. After a rest I went with Carla (Ro), a nice girl, she also gave good service. Half hour.

The 65 euro entry gives you access to this large place. The size, both inside and outside is the biggest plus, also several small pools / jacuzzis. A sauna and a steam bath as in all fkks. But no kino. Smoking is allowed everywhere. The food is ok but boring. Only non-alcoholic drinks are included, so a beer is 6 euro additional. When I arrived I was given a way to small robe, I asked for another, and was given one that was a little bit bigger! Some interesting details: a moutwash dispenser at the shower, small safety boxes in the bar area (I didn't notice before I was leaving).

I didn't experience any upselling. And the pressure wasn't too bad, most of the girls accepted a no without getting too upset.

To sum up: this club is interesting due to its size, but too much an impersonal tourist-machine for my taste. This is compared to the clubs I know in NRW. A question: is the beer extra in all Hessen clubs?

Next week I will visit Oase, Mainhattan and maybe Dietzenbach.

10-09-17, 20:47
Smoking is allowed everywhere. A question: is the beer extra in all Hessen clubs?
Next week I will visit Oase, Mainhattan and maybe Dietzenbach.Smoking is not allowed in the small dark restaurant, next to the kitchen.

At Mainhattan you get free beer unlimited, at Oase you have to pay for it.

In Dietzenbach unlimited free Champagne "Dom Perignon". LOL.

10-09-17, 21:12
I visited Sharks for the first time last Saturday. I was not impressed.

Well, the size of the place is impressive. Many girls, so that's good. But only a small pecentage of them are really attractive, so that's bad. But since there are so many girls in total there are many pretty ones anyway, so that's good. But since there are also many customers these pretty girls always seem to be occupied, so that's bad. And that's my main objection against Shark. It's like that everywhere you might say, but at other fkks I have visited it wasn't that much so.

Anyway, I managed to get hold of a few interesting girls: First Angelina (Egypt). First time I have been with an Egyptian girl, so a novelty effect it was. She was pretty good, but nothing special. Only the spicy perfume. I licked her tits a bit, but she had that perfumed body-lotion there so I gave it up (I had this Christmas smell in my mouth afterwords). She also had this habit of saying "sexy" all the time. Half hour. After a rest I went with Carla (Ro), a nice girl, she also gave good service. Half hour.

The 65 euro entry gives you access to this large place. The size, both inside and outside is the biggest plus, also several small pools / jacuzzis..Free beer at World and maybe small brother Mainhattan, but not in bottle like at GT, LR, or PHG.

Do you really believe you fucked the real Cleopatra? She could tell you Alexandria is in Bucharest suburb. Italy, Spain, Russia, Czech Republic, Republic of Moldavia, Hungary, are Romania. I wait for one who will say she is french, even some speak good french. As I answered to Karin who was a real beauty, when Sharks was on top for casting, I prefer Romanian girls than Spanish, she has to be proud to be Romanian, so many lovely Romanian girls in FKK land. Even in expensive Switzerland, busy superstars are Romanian at Globe.

Sharks, like Oase, or GT are fuck factories. I think upselling depend on our face, behavior and manners.

Citizen Kane
10-09-17, 21:27
First Angelina (Egypt). First time I have been with an Egyptian girl, so a novelty effect it wasI hate to break it to you but she's about as Egyptian as Nicolae Ceausescu.

10-09-17, 21:44
A question: is the beer extra in all Hessen clubs?It's free at World. 10 E at Oase.

10-09-17, 22:26
Smoking is not allowed in the small dark restaurant, next to the kitchen.

In Dietzenbach unlimited free Champagne "Dom Perignon". LOL.Top models deserve to have a champagne bath, to be very clean for AO sex, for only 30 €. French champagne is offered, or I will stop by Epernay on my way to Dietz.

10-09-17, 23:04
World: Free.
Mainhattan: Free.
Sharks: 6 E.
Palace: 6 E (?)
Oase: 10 E.
Dietz: No beer (?)

- Some parties may include free beer.
- Free beer not always included on discounted entrance fees.

Member #4581
10-09-17, 23:10
Some people sneak a couple of alcoholic drinks into their locker. Drinking it w / o the club attendants observing their activity has got to be a headache. They probably would be thrown out if caught. Still, I assume it is better than stealing a towel, LOL.

When I rented a car, I myself put a wine bottle in my car and finished it when I went back to my car to make phone calls etc. I made sure I was parked away from the entrance when I did this. Don't know what rules I broke.

10-10-17, 07:14
First Angelina (Egypt). First time I have been with an Egyptian girl, so a novelty effect it was. Off all the girls I have met in the club she is one of the few girls that I don't like. I have known her since her Palace and Oase days and she was very rude then when you rejected her. Not that you are a newbie but she can smell blood from miles away. I was with my friends a few weeks ago. She approached them, of course while I was away, and managed to snag on one of them for the 30+minutes room with 100 E. I was livid when I found out who he went with when he said a girl from Egypt. The guy was happy with her service but still.

She approached me from behind the last time and said Hi when I was sitting up on the sofa upstairs overlooking the club. Once I turned around, she recognized me, and just said "oh, sorry" and walked away.

10-10-17, 08:45
Angelina will only suit those who like an assertive approach and assertive sex. She can be great fun if you respond and a self-respecting way. But definitely not for everybody.

She will readily admit to being Romanian.

10-10-17, 10:31
Off all the girls I have met in the club she is one of the few girls that I don't like. I have known her since her Palace and Oase days and she was very rude then when you rejected her. Not that you are a newbie but she can smell blood from miles away. I was with my friends a few weeks ago. She approached them, of course while I was away, and managed to snag on one of them for the 30+minutes room with 100 E. I was livid when I found out who he went with when he said a girl from Egypt. The guy was happy with her service but still.

She approached me from behind the last time and said Hi when I was sitting up on the sofa upstairs overlooking the club. Once I turned around, she recognized me, and just said "oh, sorry" and walked away.First of all, absolutely true. Second, normally hot girl get away with this, but this one is uglier than the night itself. I guess whatever floats your boat. To top that, she looks dirty with all these layers of layers of straight out paint on her face.

10-10-17, 10:47
I wait for one who will say she is french, even some speak good french. There is a girl at Oase now claiming to be half French / half Romanian but grew up in France most her life. So she considers herself to be french. These half / half thingies always start becoming more and more Romanian the more you dig though. But to my limited knowledge, her french sounded good. Can't recall her Oase name however.

10-10-17, 12:08
Helli - she left mid September, I was her last customer! Still had a great time with her, as usual. One of my all-time favorite girls.Hey BadinSweet,

Did she say if or when she would return? What did you think about her bolt-ONS?


Horny Harry
10-10-17, 13:05
Anyway, I managed to get hold of a few interesting girls: First Angelina (Egypt). First time I have been with an Egyptian girl, so a novelty effect it was.

I hate to break it to you but she's about as Egyptian as Nicolae Ceausescu.Hahaha, oh god yes, the 'Egyptian' Angelina.

...she was very rude then when you rejected her.Yes, also with me, especially after I wanted to prank her and introduce her to her 'compatriot' Khalid (the masseur guy) who actually is from Egypt and he happened to be walking by. She avoids me like the plague now, perfect. 😂.

P.S. She has pretty bad facial skin which I find extremely unappealing.

p.p.s. @John Traveller: 99% of all caucasian women in prostitution are either German (relatively few) or Eastern European. When they say they're from Italy, Spain, South America, Greece, Moldavia, the UK or whatever, you can bet your ass that they're from Romania. 😂

10-10-17, 14:07
Mandy is today, tomorrow, Friday and the following Monday for sure in sharks. So guys get ready for the heat. !

10-10-17, 15:11
Hahaha, oh god yes, the 'Egyptian' Angelina.

Yes, also with me, especially after I wanted to prank her and introduce her to her 'compatriot' Khalid (the masseur guy) who actually is from Egypt and he happened to be walking by. She avoids me like the plague now, perfect. 😂.

P.S. She has pretty bad facial skin which I find unappealingYes, there are some physical things about her which can be offputting. She was really forthright in response to me when I rejected her. Her critique of my rejection was very perceptive so the next day I asked her to go to a room and she admitted she was astonished. As you say, the good thing is that if you reject her she doesn't bother you again.

I had a total of four sessions with her and found that she was really quite wild in the room, and interesting to talk to, but not for a romantic approach.

10-10-17, 17:13
First of all, I would like to thank all senior and regular members for sharing the wealth of information about Sharks on this blog. I periodically read the reports that has encouraged me to visit Sharks in coming month.

I am traveling to sharks on November 23rd until November 25, so if any of the members are there, please stop by and say Hello to me. I am indian male, about 5'8' in height.

I have few questions and would appreciate if any of the members can help me out with suggestions.

Where should I covert the money to Euro? At the airport or local bank?

What area should I book the hotel? At Frankfurt main, Airport or at Darmstad?

Since, I will be visiting Sharks from 4.00 PM until 10.00 PM and I will do some sight seeing or shopping during the day time. Do I need to rent a car or just take taxis and public transportation?

If I am going to stay at Darmstad hotel, what mode of transportation I should take from FRA. Should I take train from airport to Darmstad or from FRA main to Darmstad?

Do I need to bring condoms or they are supplied at FKK.

Once I am checked in at Sharks and spent few hours inside, can I go outside and come back during the later time on the same day pass?.

I have made a list of YES and NO girls. Natalia is on the top of NO and Mandi on YES.

10-10-17, 23:39
the good thing is that if you reject her she doesn't bother you again.Sorry to have to disagree with you for once. Rejected her a few times at Palace about 8 years ago but she kept bothering and insulting me. Same again at Palace 6 years ago. She then moved to Oase, recognised me there and pestered me at every visit. And ditto at Sharks in the last 2 years. Maybe she stopped pestering you because you finally took her!

Sylvana at least learnt to avoid me after I scowled at her everytime she approached me.

10-11-17, 00:11
TankTank123 maybe it's because she wants you so badly.

HappyShiva I see you are going during Thanksgiving break. I maybe in the area, not sure yet. Since you will be at Sharks only and from 4-10 pm, I don't think you need the car. You can easily take the train from FRA HBF to Darmstadt or vice versa. So, basically you can just stay anywhere. Driving is easy in Germany, and cheap, so I normally rent a car. Yes, you can go in and out of the club.

Hey BadinSweet,

Did she say if or when she would return? What did you think about her bolt-ONS?

Howie.I don't remember exactly but I think she is taking a few weeks break. I doubt she will be back anytime soon. I thought her boobs were already perfect but I don't mind silicon in general. So, it didn't bother me.

10-11-17, 00:20
First of all, I would like to thank all senior and regular members for sharing the wealth of information about Sharks on this blog. I periodically read the reports that has encouraged me to visit Sharks in coming month.

I am traveling to sharks on November 23rd until November 25, so if any of the members are there, please stop by and say Hello to me. I am indian male, about 5'8' in height.

I have few questions and would appreciate if any of the members can help me out with suggestions.

Where should I covert the money to Euro? At the airport or local bank?.Hey buddy,

I will try to answer as many of your questions as I can, its great your asking the right questions and doing research in advance good stuff.

Where should I covert the money to Euro? At the airport or local bank? P.

Depending on where your coming from its best to change local cash to € before coming to Frankfurt, just my personal preference as I find Airports and destination country rates a rip off.

I'm London based with my debit cards I get free ATM withdrawals and current market rates which sometimes works out better than bureau the change, but from my numerous visit I know roughly how much to take with me so I never run out of cash any remaining cash I leave for next trip. Some folks load / transfer cash to currency cards like Travelex, FairFX etc.

What area should I book the hotel? At Frankfurt main, Airport or at Darmstad?

I've stayed at Ibis Budget Darmstad (cheap and walking distance to club) and Excelsior Frankfurt (cheap / close to station Frankfurt HBF).

Its normal to spend less on hotel as you will be at FKK all the time so cheap, safe and cheerful is good.

Since, I will be visiting Sharks from 4.00 PM until 10.00 PM and I will do some sight seeing or shopping during the day time. Do I need to rent a car or just take taxis and public transportation?

Car rental is a good option, its cheaper as you don't have to pay taxi drivers lots of money back to Frankfurt if you miss your train, don't forget time flies when your having fun.

Again its different for folks I've paid €90 for cab from Oases FKK to my Darmstad hotel and €45 from Oases FKK to Frankfurt before on previous trip's. I did the maths and its worked out cheaper to travel as I stay until 2 or 3 am some folks leave early so maybe cheaper that way, but car rental works out cheaper for me.

If I am going to stay at Darmstad hotel, what mode of transportation I should take from FRA. Should I take train from airport to Darmstad or from FRA main to Darmstad?

Trains are easy in Germany, at the Airport if using train go to the Tourist advise centre. They will sell you tickets and plan your trip with print- out too so win / win.

Do I need to bring condoms or they are supplied at FKK.

The girls will supply condoms, lubes + massage oil for free LOL.

Once I am checked in at Sharks and spent few hours inside, can I go outside and come back during the later time on the same day pass?.

You can leave the club and come back as many times as you want / just inform the reception before leaving. I'm sure you will love it in there I've never left clubs before / Sharks have ATM too so good bonus.

I will leave the other members to add more to my advise.

10-11-17, 02:19
First of all, I would like to thank all senior and regular members for sharing the wealth of information about Sharks on this blog. I periodically read the reports that has encouraged me to visit Sharks in coming month.

I am traveling to sharks on November 23rd until November 25, so if any of the members are there, please stop by and say Hello to me. I am indian male, about 5'8' in height.

I have few questions and would appreciate if any of the members can help me out with suggestions.

Where should I covert the money to Euro? At the airport or local bank?."Where should I covert the money to Euro?" Any ATM will do, there are many at the airport there is also an ATM inside an REWE just blocks from Sharks, Leydhecker Strasse 16, 64293 Darmstadt, Germany. It's in the front of the store.

Hotel. There are many hotels walking distance from Sharks. While I don't consider Sharks as that long a walks from the Darmstadt Hauptbahnhof others may disagree, I don't mind a mile or so walk, your call. Can always catch a cab or tram from Darmstadt Hauptbahnhof.

"Do I need to bring condoms" I like a certain brand so I bring mine, if you do not you get the default generic no feel brand.

Public transport is exceptional in Germany been there several times, traveled between Frankfurt, Prague & Munich with ease using public transport.

10-11-17, 03:25
Sorry to have to disagree with you for once. Rejected her a few times at Palace about 8 years ago but she kept bothering and insulting me. Same again at Palace 6 years ago. She then moved to Oase, recognised me there and pestered me at every visit. And ditto at Sharks in the last 2 years. Maybe she stopped pestering you because you finally took her!

Sylvana at least learnt to avoid me after I scowled at her everytime she approached me.Cleopatra born in Alexandria must be in love since 8 years waiting you fuck her and your money. Next time, tell her you will kill her small vagina and small ass. Sylvana didn't insist, when she tried to propose anal performance. Blond Melissa who is in Oase day team since years, never proposed me again, after crying I was killing her ass after 10 seconds, not in deep doggy, but she was just on me, easier way for her, but with her little girl ass sold for 100, when she was not able. Maybe only able for Asian size. What is able your Cleopatra? More than hunting? I never noticed her for her beauty.

10-11-17, 08:16
First of all, I would like to thank all senior and regular members for sharing the wealth of information about Sharks on this blog. I periodically read the reports that has encouraged me to visit Sharks in coming month.

I am traveling to sharks on November 23rd until November 25, so if any of the members are there, please stop by and say Hello to me. I am indian male, about 5'8' in height.

I have few questions and would appreciate if any of the members can help me out with suggestions.

Where should I covert the money to Euro? At the airport or local bank?

What area should I book the hotel? At Frankfurt main, Airport or at Darmstad?

Since, I will be visiting Sharks from 4.00 PM until 10.00 PM and I will do some sight seeing or shopping during the day time. Do I need to rent a car or just take taxis and public transportation?.You can take local transport. Euro from bank or Thomas cook airport is costly. You are free to go and come. Girls provide condom no problem Mandy is yes from me also if some other must do girls please let me know dear seniors I am also there from 21 if any monger there.