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02-14-21, 21:40
This is my last word on it because as I said before, I don't come here for arguments. No you absolutely did not make it known that it was a reference pic, you just plagairzed another pic as if it was your own. Now your justifying stealing another person's content because I saw a $10 hooker on the street that I recognised from another BMs post, that's using another person's picture, my god are you high or something? What a clown. Don't use any more of my content without permission, I'm out.ISG Gestapo at work. Lighten up Francis LOL.

Elvis 2008
02-15-21, 06:24
You've been brainwashed by the liberal media. You're just too stupid to realize that.Yeah, Paulie, the arrogant blowhard, is creating another stupid narrative. The federal judges did not do anything in 60 courts! OMG, that really means something.

If you know anything about federal courts, and obviously an idiot like Paulie does not, judges can use the excuse of a person not having standing to throw out any claim they do not want to hear. I am not sure how any American does not have standing in determining if there was a fair election, but that was one of the excuses given to not hear the cases.

After the 2000 Supreme Court decision and the shit they got for it, I was sure no judge would hear one case and that was before a lick of evidence was produced, and the judges did exactly as I expected them to.

Paulie is on ignore for me. He has nothing useful to say. All this stuff is a diversion anyway. What started all this is his accusing a poster of being bitter with women to make himself feel better because all women just love him so much. He is a beta libtard mangina and a card carrying member of the feminazi party.

02-15-21, 22:04
He is a beta libtard mangina and a card carrying member of the feminazi party.Keep speaking wise one.

02-15-21, 23:46

I had six women lined up in Colombia all telling me of their troubles, and I ached in the loins dying to go see them. Anybody who posted anything that I felt got in the way may have been unfairly attacked. If I did that with you, I apologize.

I understand when governments have to make decisions particularly about controversial matters. My gift, which often is a curse, is that I see things more quickly than others. I will clap at a sports event about a good play before it has happened because of that anticipation. It is not always right, but before I understood my gift, I thought I was weird.

Anyway, I did go to Mexico to cure my Colombia blues certain I would never find somewhere as good. At first I looked at Mexico like hamburger in comparison to filet. But I should have invested more time in Mexico than whine about Colombia. Now I think of Colombia as a filet and Mexico as a porterhouse, a filet with a sirloin attached.As you know I lien the other way. I think Mexico is far better, but all my experience were in MDE. I am sure I would enjoy Bog, much better as we discussed.

That beind said I do understand why a lot of guys love MDE.

Elvis 2008
02-16-21, 04:38
As you know I lien the other way. I think Mexico is far better, but all my experience were in MDE. I am sure I would enjoy Bog, much better as we discussed.

That beind said I do understand why a lot of guys love MDE.DF,

I guess I did not make my point well. Instead of whining about not going to Colombia, Mexico was wide open. I should have invested more time and energy there and less in Colombia. I was just convinced it could never be as good, and I now think it is better.

That is what I meant with my steak comparison.

I never would have given Monterrey another shot unless you told me how you were killing it there and lately I have been looking at other places there too, more off the beaten path.

I will probably go back to Colombia in March but that PCR test is a pain in the ass and a cost, and it will probably add $250 and one extra day to my trip, so while Colombia is overall cheaper, that is an upfront hit that Mexico does not have.

02-21-21, 06:13
Yes, Bello is very dangerous. Please stay far away (wink wink).Good luck bro. Why request time from the membership, asking for help when you already know everything? You want to pay 80 K US cash for an apartment in Bello, a city torn by gang violence / turf wars. And this without a lawyer, because you've made a few trips to Colombia and think some of the working girls who have serviced you are your friend, and thus have your back in these matters. You aren't afraid of protection fees from the local gangs, even though they have their hands in about everything, and you have no idea what they might want to charge you once you are profiled. We are all very impressed. Wink.

And you want to do this all while doing white and pink powder with the girls, and of course you'll laugh off any warnings in that matter as well. So hit it bro. You don't need any feedback from anyone here, nor should anyone waste their time with you.

02-21-21, 19:38
Good luck bro. Why request time from the membership, asking for help when you already know everything? You want to pay 80 K US cash for an apartment in Bello, a city torn by gang violence / turf wars. And this without a lawyer, because you've made a few trips to Colombia and think some of the working girls who have serviced you are your friend, and thus have your back in these matters. You aren't afraid of protection fees from the local gangs, even though they have their hands in about everything, and you have no idea what they might want to charge you once you are profiled. We are all very impressed. Wink.

And you want to do this all while doing white and pink powder with the girls, and of course you'll laugh off any warnings in that matter as well. So hit it bro. You don't need any feedback from anyone here, nor should anyone waste their time with you.I foresee this will be the most expensive thing he has even bought in his life. Fool just does not know it yet. Seriously, taking advice from hookers who probably never passed high school, half his age, and have never bought property of their own. My bet is that very few of this girls have even signed a simply rental agreement. Simply brilliant!

03-06-21, 00:10
So you fucked 40 times over 10 days and used a total of 4 pills of 50 MG each. So one might assume that you rarely used the pills, and assuming you took the entire pill versus cutting it into halves or quarters, your aware the stuff does wear off after few hours. So if this wasn't the case, perhaps took the pills and cut them in half or quarters when you thought you might need them.

So using me as an example, I only need a 25 MG dose, and easily can go without using it early in the morning, so if I were to bang 4 times a day, I would need three 25 MG doses to do another three in the day, or the equivalent of 750 MG or 15 pills for ten days which would be cut in half. I have no idea how old you are, or your physical condition, but I'm a senior citizen, and to do what you did, I would need 15 pills cut in half to do 40 girls over 10 days.

Now all of this begs a question. I know taking the pills get me hard, and I will be able to fuck four times a day, but coming four times a day ain't going to happen, but coming twice a day, spaced out over time is doable for me, and I'm not bragging here, but typically I'm good for blowing two loads a day, but fucking four times a day, it happens when I have sleep overs with Chicas, but hunting down, and going with four different girls a day is a busy schedule, and totally doable hitting the casa's and El Centro.

So here's the question for you, did you come every time, meaning 40 times over 10 days doing 4 girls a day, and if not, what was your batting average, meaning how many times did you finish?

Curious minds want to know?Why are you so interested in his dick? He said he came every time, some even more than once. And also he said he was 41 earlier. Read his replies before you ask any more questions.

03-06-21, 00:33
Why are you so interested in his dick? He said he came every time, some even more than once. And also he said he was 41 earlier. Read his replies before you ask any more questions. 😂.Why are you quoting his whole post just to say this 😂?

03-06-21, 03:24
Why are you so interested in his dick? He said he came every time, some even more than once. And also he said he was 41 earlier. Read his replies before you ask any more questions. 😂.You are correct, I did miss the post you referred to buried among several others.

We always can learn something from others, and more than 44 pops in ten days for a guy that's 41 years old is quite a feat. And yes, I am interested in how I could make my dick perform like his, and my bet there are others as well who would love to be able to blow four loads a day for ten days in a row, and if there are perhaps some pointers or other information available to enable others to perform like this it would be good to know, as we are all here to partake in this sport as much as possible.

03-06-21, 05:59
Why are you so interested in his dick? He said he came every time, some even more than once. And also he said he was 41 earlier. Read his replies before you ask any more questions. 😂.Are you the new moderator?

I can help with anybody looking for poon here. I've mongered here for years and connect you with different girls.
I'm bored during COVID so if anyone is in Vancouver looking for some action, PM me or reply here and I can point you in the right direction.Have you ever flown outside of Vancouver, as I couldn't find any post from any other city? Are you bored enough to wonder how to impregnate poor Colombian girls and won't be responsible for that?

My question is, if these girls get pregnant from BBFS, do they even have the financial resources to get you to paternity test? How will they even find you after you switch hotels / accommodations for the umpteenth time? How will they even know your real name?

Mojo Bandit
03-06-21, 16:47
Why are you so interested in his dick? He said he came every time, some even more than once. And also he said he was 41 earlier. Read his replies before you ask any more questions. 😂.

You are correct, I did miss the post you referred to buried among several others.

We always can learn something from others, and more than 44 pops in ten days for a guy that's 41 years old is quite a feat. And yes, I am interested in how I could make my dick perform like his, and my bet there are others as well who would love to be able to blow four loads a day for ten days in a row, and if there are perhaps some pointers or other information available to enable others to perform like this it would be good to know, as we are all here to partake in this sport as much as possible.Technically Surfer was not talking about the man's dick, he is talking about something doctors call 'refractory period'. The time it takes to recharge the batteries to have sex after blowing a load. The dick is just the blunt instrument while the 'refractory period' as they call it depends on a lot of complex bio chemistry. We all know this from experience but in general when we are like 17 years old we can have sex every 15 minutes or so, then that time starts increasing at various rates for everyone by the time we are in our thirties, some times by the time a guy is in his 50's it can take a whole day to recharge.



Elvis 2008
03-10-21, 03:48
Majority of guys find the large boob Coke bottle shape to be the ideal. This is what most guys are looking for unless specifically stated otherwise. Look at all the women super heroes in comics. Look at the women in the magazines Maxim, Penthouse, Playboy, FHM (England), Debonair (India), Urecco (Japan).

Any calendar, magazine, or beauty contest filled with chubby, tooth pick thin, or small boobs would go bankrupt. Most guys like these other types from time to time but not on a regular basis.LoveitHere,

I will do your post one better. A guy I know had a selection of 20 women's and men's photos. He had them hooked up to a device that measured brain waves. He knew what parts of the brain lit up when there was sexual activity. Peak sexual arousal was with the same 2 women and same 2 men every time.

I could look up a woman's photo and the market she was in and guess what she was charging most of the time with great accuracy.

With JJBee, every post has some objective appearing ideal but really is just a way for him to argue he has the finest. I have posted photos of literal beauty queen winners, and he called them average looking.

You could be fucking the exact same women as him but somehow his women are better looking than yours.

03-10-21, 20:52

I will do your post one better. A guy I know had a selection of 20 women's and men's photos. He had them hooked up to a device that measured brain waves. He knew what parts of the brain lit up when there was sexual activity. Peak sexual arousal was with the same 2 women and same 2 men every time.

I could look up a woman's photo and the market she was in and guess what she was charging most of the time with great accuracy.

With JJBee, every post has some objective appearing ideal but really is just a way for him to argue he has the finest. I have posted photos of literal beauty queen winners, and he called them average looking.

You could be fucking the exact same women as him but somehow his women are better looking than yours.Off your meds again? You've slipped through the rabbit hole again. There are no posts where I've declared the women I see are better looking than everyone else's girls. The only picture you posted which I remember commenting on, showed a girl who you said had 0% body fat, when the picture clearly showed a woman with much more than that. 0% body fat is Kate Moss after fasting for a week. I do recall commenting that not one of your photos showed a girl obviously photographed by you. I don't claim to be bedding beauty queens, but if I did I'd post a picture taken by me in my bed, rather than one showing a woman competing at a local bar.

If you paid attention to my post, rather than trying for another passive aggressive shot (why are all the self proclaimed "alphas" always passive aggressive? You would have noticed that I didn't compare anyone else's women to my women. I explained why not. We all have different preferences, we all value things differently.

I've also stated before there is no basis to determine who has the best experiences, which is something you frequently claim. There's no quantitative measurements for sexual satisfaction. It's a subjective determination.

No let's move on to the guy you know. Care to link the study? Can you at least tell us the device he used and which areas of the brain "lit up" from sexual arousal. This should be interesting. While you're at it, show us the 20 photos.

This sounds suspiciously like an Elvis story. There was a study done a few years back, which gauged a person's trust based upon pictures of various people. There have been a few studies in the last 20 years measuring brain wave activity during sexually arousing activities, such as reading sexual literature or viewing sexual images. However, a quick search shows an EEG was used, which doesn't "light up" areas of the brain. It measures the various types of brain waves in various places.

Having 20 photos, and a device doesn't really show anything. Was the study peer reviewed? What methodology was used to select the photos? What were the selection criteria for participants? How many participants? How diverse were the participants?

Ultimately, it doesn't answer the poster's question. Where do you go in Medellin to find the 10's who will be available to a short time visitor? I'm assuming he doesn't want to send a bunch of money to girls for several months first. I know how to find them, but I don't know how to direct someone with no knowledge of Medellin, very little planning time and no resources in the area.

03-11-21, 21:13
You are correct, I did miss the post you referred to buried among several others.

We always can learn something from others, and more than 44 pops in ten days for a guy that's 41 years old is quite a feat. And yes, I am interested in how I could make my dick perform like his, and my bet there are others as well who would love to be able to blow four loads a day for ten days in a row, and if there are perhaps some pointers or other information available to enable others to perform like this it would be good to know, as we are all here to partake in this sport as much as possible.

I mean look, maybe I got a little more edgy with you because you laughed at my post a few pages back.

Are you the new moderator?

Have you ever flown outside of Vancouver, as I couldn't find any post from any other city? Are you bored enough to wonder how to impregnate poor Colombian girls and won't be responsible for that?

Did I hurt your feelings somewhere?

03-11-21, 22:26
You are correct, I did miss the post you referred to buried among several others.

We always can learn something from others, and more than 44 pops in ten days for a guy that's 41 years old is quite a feat. And yes, I am interested in how I could make my dick perform like his, and my bet there are others as well who would love to be able to blow four loads a day for ten days in a row, and if there are perhaps some pointers or other information available to enable others to perform like this it would be good to know, as we are all here to partake in this sport as much as possible.Amazon: Sunflower Lecithin and Pygium and Pumpkinseed oil. They are like horse pills, but when I take 12-16 of them a day + lots of water I blow loads like a porn star. I will bring a whole bottle of each on my trips and just grab a handful of them before / after every fuck to try to bulk back up.

Elvis 2008
03-12-21, 05:49
My God, you are fucking stupid. In fact, let me get rid of the dumb shit stuff out of the way first.

I remember commenting on, showed a girl who you said had 0% body fat, when the picture clearly showed a woman with much more than that. 0% body fat is Kate Moss after fasting for a week.WTF are you talking about? 0% fat is death dumb ass.

Can you at least tell us the device he used and which areas of the brain "lit up" from sexual arousal. This should be interesting. However, a quick search shows an EEG was used, which doesn't "light up" areas of the brain. It measures the various types of brain waves in various places.Yeah, go to 7:30 second on this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rWVzMdZ15A.

It amazes me how fucking stupid you are when it comes to medical matters. You went into a doctor fearing Covid and it was your heart and then you lecture about Covid. WTF is wrong with you? You are literally a walking Dunning-Kruger effect.

So yeah, you hook up the EEG and the parts of the brain that are most active turn red. So do you need a peer reviewed study to show what the color red is?

Now you can go off on your IQ or the fact your sister is nurse, but any time you EVER bring up health care matters, I am going to bring up the fact that you are such a moron you could not tell the difference between atrial fibrillation and Covid. And if you cannot do that, you have no business doing anything with commentary with regards to health matters.

And I knew you had atrial fibrillation without you even saying what it was just based on what happened to you. Got that? I knew more about what was going on with your body remotely from a hooker board than you did in real life, you stupid fuck.

You would have noticed that I didn't compare anyone else's women to my women. I explained why not. We all have different preferences, we all value things differently.

Ultimately, it doesn't answer the poster's question. Where do you go in Medellin to find the 10's who will be available to a short time visitor? I'm assuming he doesn't want to send a bunch of money to girls for several months first. I know how to find them, but I don't know how to direct someone with no knowledge of Medellin.I thought 10's were subjective. Oh right, they are objective 10's when you find them. That was pretty much my point with you.

And you have to have knowledge of a city to find 10's? So my banging a beauty queen in Cartagena without having set foot in the city prior to meeting her? I am a liar and just "claimed" to have found her.

So how come you believe I was sending women money when the travel ban was on and not that I was banging a beauty queen? Hell, I showed pictures of the beauty queen and not my Western Union receipts.

To me, there is a simple answer, you are a narcissistic, self serving piece of shit.

03-13-21, 04:13
My God, you are fucking stupid. In fact, let me get rid of the dumb shit stuff out of the way first.

WTF are you talking about? 0% fat is death dumb ass.

Yeah, go to 7:30 second on this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rWVzMdZ15A.

It amazes me how fucking stupid you are when it comes to medical matters. You went into a doctor fearing Covid and it was your heart and then you lecture about Covid. WTF is wrong with you? You are literally a walking Dunning-Kruger effect.

So yeah, you hook up the EEG and the parts of the brain that are most active turn red. So do you need a peer reviewed study to show what the color red is?

Now you can go off on your IQ or the fact your sister is nurse, but any time you EVER bring up health care matters, I am going to bring up the fact that you are such a moron you could not tell the difference between atrial fibrillation and Covid. And if you cannot do that, you have no business doing anything with commentary with regards to health matters.I vote this #1 of all time.

03-13-21, 13:53
My God, you are fucking stupid. In fact, let me get rid of the dumb shit stuff out of the way first.

WTF are you talking about? 0% fat is death dumb ass.Perhaps that's the problem. Maybe you were really fucking a corpse and just posted a picture of 2 girls standing on the beach when you said the girl had 0% body fat. I don't really know, but then you're the one who posted it.

Yeah, go to 7:30 second on this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rWVzMdZ15ACool video.

It amazes me how fucking stupid you are when it comes to medical matters. You went into a doctor fearing Covid and it was your heart and then you lecture about Covid. WTF is wrong with you? You are literally a walking Dunning-Kruger effect.

So yeah, you hook up the EEG and the parts of the brain that are most active turn red. So do you need a peer reviewed study to show what the color red is?Well yes, you do need a peer reviewed study. Do you understand the purpose of the peer review process? The peer review process is to determine if the study was conducted correctly and if the conclusions drawn are consistent with the methodology. Perhaps an example would help.

In 1998 Dr. Andrew Wakefield published a study in "The Lancet" showing that the Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine caused autism in 12 children. Peer review showed that Wakefield had falsified data, altered his subjects medical history and, to cut to the chase, made the whole thing up. Eventually Wakefield lost his medical credentials and the study was revoked.

That's why peer review is necessary. So you know a guy who spent $500 on an EEG headset? And the guy took 20 pictures and showed them to different people and always the same 2 photos caused the areas of the brain associated with sexual arousal to turn red? Other than having $500, what are his other qualifications? What are the backgrounds of the subjects? Ethnic, socio-económic, age, sex, sexual orientation. How were the 20 photos chosen? The requirements for an unbiased study go on and on, but they are somewhat more restrictive than "I know a guy. ".

To add to that, the cool EEG headset gives a nice visual effect, something that looks good in a YouTube video. However, it's useless in quantitative analysis. An actual EEG measures and differentiates the separate types of brain activity.

Now you can go off on your IQ or the fact your sister is nurse, but any time you EVER bring up health care matters, I am going to bring up the fact that you are such a moron you could not tell the difference between atrial fibrillation and Covid. And if you cannot do that, you have no business doing anything with commentary with regards to health matters.

And I knew you had atrial fibrillation without you even saying what it was just based on what happened to you. Got that? I knew more about what was going on with your body remotely from a hooker board than you did in real life, you stupid fuck.Let me get this straight. You knew, that these 3 symptoms, fever, shortness of breath and a dry cough, were an indication of atrial fibrillation and not a reason to get a Covid test? Can you please just be clear about that. Just state publicly that a person who is experiencing fever, shortness of breath and a dry cough is more likely to be suffering from atrial fibrillation than from any form of infectious disease, including Covid which affects the respiratory system.

You knew? After I experienced those symptoms, before you read the results I posted, you knew? I'm impressed. Several nurses, 3 doctors, plus all the support personnel didn't know my Covid test was going to come back negative, but you would have known? Absolutely amazing! How do you do that? Seriously, our medical professionals need to know. Think of the lives that could be saved if all they needed to do is read the conclusion online, after the fact, and then state "I knew that. ".

No. You didn't know. You knew nothing except what you read, although I'll give you credit for one of the few times you've read something and came close to getting it right. You didn't know, I didn't know, 3 nurses didn't know. You didn't know that a few months before my company had made it a requirement to get a Covid test if any employee experienced any of the above symptoms. All you knew is that another cause was found for the symptoms and you want to do some selective time travel to claim you knew it all along.

I thought 10's were subjective. Oh right, they are objective 10's when you find them. That was pretty much my point with you.The only point you've ever had with me is that I called you out on your Venezuelan in Peru, whiney ass bullshit. You've had a stick up your butt ever since.

As for calling them 10's, it's easier. If someone is asking about 9's and 10's, I can either use their terminology, or I can go through 50 questions to figure out what they call a 9 or 10, and repeat the classification each time.

And you have to have knowledge of a city to find 10's? So my banging a beauty queen in Cartagena without having set foot in the city prior to meeting her? I am a liar and just "claimed" to have found her.

So how come you believe I was sending women money when the travel ban was on and not that I was banging a beauty queen? Hell, I showed pictures of the beauty queen and not my Western Union receipts.Was she a 10, or was she a beauty queen? I'm confused on the subject. You showed a picture of a girl, with a background similar to what you'll frequently find at bars holding contests during spring break, biker rallys, etc. It didn't look like the set for a national or international beauty pageant. I don't want to be overly particular, but extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and that picture failed to support your claim. Was she attractive? Yes. Would I call her a 10? Not based on that picture.

As for belief, if someone says repeatedly they are sending money to women, I believe them. Why wouldn't I? If someone claims they are having sex with those women, I believe them. Why wouldn't I? However, when someone makes unproven claims about their background, or their looks, I'm skeptical. Again, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

It's like this. If I'm sitting in a bar listening to some drunk and he claims he was in the Navy, I believe him. When he claims he was in the Philippines, I believe him. Lots of people have been in the Navy, lots of sailors have been in the Philippines. When he claims he was a Navy SEAL, I'm skeptical.

And don't feel like I'm singling you out. If someone tells a story that tests the limits of my gullibility, I'm probably going to question it.

Do you need to know a city to find a (subjective) 10? Didn't you find your "beauty queen" on SA? Do you feel that's relevant when someone is asking where to go to find 9's and 10's? If a guys is making a trip in a few weeks, telling him to spend a month, plus hundreds of dollars weeding out girls on SA and sending the promising ones money, doesn't seem helpful. Your method seems to be, find the girl on SA, send her money and then go to see her, or send more money and have her meet you in Mexico. Nothing wrong with that, but it's not workable for everyone.

Instead of just telling everyone to talk to you, because you have an infallible method for finding the best women, I try a different approach. I read their questions and try to give them useful advice, based upon their situation. Is my advice useful? Ask them, not me.

To me, there is a simple answer, you are a narcissistic, self serving piece of shit.You could be right. Or you could be projecting. That's up to the individual reader to decide.

03-13-21, 22:39
I vote this #1 of all time.I vote this poster #1 boot licker / suck up of all time. LOL.

03-14-21, 01:23
I vote this poster #1 boot licker / suck up of all time. LOL.Hey man, don't you have better things to do? Like send bullshit PMs to members warning about the dangers of MDE ie I could be kidnapped for ransom etc LOL.

I guess I will have to hit ignore for you like I did with "jj".

Adios shit for brains!

03-14-21, 15:18
I vote this poster #1 boot licker / suck up of all time. LOL.I'm in agreement.

Elvis 2008
03-14-21, 16:25
The peer review process is to determine if the study was conducted correctly and if the conclusions drawn are consistent with the methodology. Perhaps an example would help.

In 1998 Dr. Andrew Wakefield published a study in "The Lancet" showing that the Measles, Mumps, Rubella vaccine caused autism in 12 children. Peer review showed that Wakefield had falsified data, altered his subjects medical history and, to cut to the chase, made the whole thing up. Eventually Wakefield lost his medical credentials and the study was revoked.

To add to that, the cool EEG headset gives a nice visual effect, something that looks good in a YouTube video. However, it's useless in quantitative analysis. An actual EEG measures and differentiates the separate types of brain activity.

Let me get this straight. You knew, that these 3 symptoms, fever, shortness of breath and a dry cough, were an indication of atrial fibrillation and not a reason to get a Covid test?Just like with Covid, Bird Brain, you wrap yourself up with the establishment and think that you are part of it. The Wakefield article was retracted decades later, and it was not an example of peer reviewing working but a failure.

The EEG comments shows you know nothing about how the EEG works or what it is good for.

And the atrial fibrillation was me calling you out on your warning everyone about the dangers of Covid while you were sick with a heart condition. WTF your A-fib had to do with Covid is and was beyond me. You just wanted to lecture on Covid. Quite frankly, this stuff bores me.

In fact, the worst of it can be summed up in one question. Your attempt at intelligence can be traced as narcissistic projection. It is like you are asking, "you know blue is a color don't you?" as if you have some great secret knowledge when you are just arrogantly stating the obvious.

Science is based on data, and you have none supporting your point of view with regards to the subjectivity of beauty. The EEG was one trial of objective beauty, and Time magazine had a cover study on beauty years ago. There are objective traits to it, and you are ignorant of them.

As to why, I can only speculate. IMO it is because you want to say that your trolls are equal to my beauty queens.

Hell, you even go there when you say the picture of the beauty queen I posted was an extraordinary event when she was the third one I bedded. What that means is that your getting a beauty queen is an extraordinary event.

Instead of figuring out what I am doing, you mischaracterize what I am saying as worthless. The real game I am playing is paying for sex (and sometimes not paying) without making the women feel like working girls. There are a helluva lot more women out there willing to sell themselves if it means escaping shame and notoriety. It is a middle ground between conventional dating and the straight whoring of cash for sex.

And it is not helpful? LOL. Well, certainly it is not to someone like you who thinks he knows it all and is a legend in his own mind. For a lot of other people, it is, and the amount of posts on seeking has gone through the roof since I started posting about it.

But then again for you, bedding a beauty queen is extraordinary. For those of us playing that long game, it is not like that at all. Maybe if you quit looking in the garbage can, you would find better than trash.

03-15-21, 10:32
I vote this poster #1 boot licker / suck up of all time. LOL.It's pretty obvious that you don't know what a "boot licker" is.

Elvis 2008
03-15-21, 21:20
It's pretty obvious that you don't know what a "boot licker" is.Paulie has been on ignore for me because he is an obnoxious trolling bastard that wants to get in JJBee's pants. Every time his favorite fellow Democrat is in trouble, he comes rushing to his defense. He is the biggest suckup going. The most fucking stupid thing Paulie said was that New York, yes New York, did a great job with the virus. In fact, I nicknamed him New York, New York after that. You would think after the Cuomo scandal that Paulie would shut the fuck up about everything with me now, but he like JJBee is a narcissist who cannot admit he is wrong about anything.

You would think after Biden won these two Democratic dipshits would finally cop to the truth. The whole "we care more about the virus than you" shit was just a means to get rid of Trump. The data on Florida and California show without a doubt that most if not all the lockdown measures did nothing. Cuomo and his daily talks about Corona had more to do about him than public safety. All the political moves were about "doing something" more than doing anything that worked.

Biden has it now that you need a negative Covid test to come back to the USA by air but by ground, you do not need anything. Why? Anyone going to tell me that is not politically motivated?

These Democratic goons told me that the Colombian people's lives were more important than my wanting to fuck cheap Colombian working girls. They are such obnoxious assholes. Did the international travel ban in Colombia work? Fuck no! In fact, Bird Brain could not wait to get on a plane to go to Colombia. If he put his money where his mouth was, he would not have gone. Hell, he did go and got sick. Gee, I wonder what was wrong with him. It is funny how he did not want to lecture about Covid then.

Then Bird Brain says that it was talk about my ex that got me up his ass. Really? I think the talk of my putting pussy over other people's lives may have been what terminally offended me. That is classic Democratic dipshit thinking. They call you all these names and then they are like, "Gee, why are you so mad at us? Just admit you are a white supremacist, bigot, homophobe ETC and we will get along fine".

I should also include Mojo Bandit along with these two as well. I just wish the three of them would admit this was the whole "we care more about the virus than you" was a political stunt that worked. Even with all economic carnage from these policies, these three still cling to the belief that they were right and are busy projecting their moral superiority onto the world.

You can be assured that when you hold their feet to the fire on issues like "Stay under the curve", "Restricting travel is good", and "Cuomo shows real leadership", they will still argue in favor of their positions even when the evidence is completely against them.

The funniest thing of all is that the best virus data I have seen has come from the NFL. There was and has been NO transmission on the football field. What they found is that except when people are talking directly to one another in close proximity for over 5 minutes without masks, transmission does not occur outside. 75% of cases of the virus being spread are inside the home, yet there was emphasis on "staying home and staying safe" and wearing masks when outside.

I have been around hundreds of known cases of Covid and escaped it not by following the expert's rules but my own based on what I have seen and read. Keep conversations short, eat alone, avoid people who appear sick, and travel all you want. It is sad that such common sense guidelines have escaped the mainstream but then again, were the mainstream guidelines really in place to save lives or to get Trump out?

03-15-21, 23:35
Paulie has been on ignore for me because he is an obnoxious trolling bastard that wants to get in JJBee's pants.Now Elvis has earned another new title, the Andrew Dice Clay of ISG jajajajaaaaaaaa.

03-16-21, 14:40
Paulie has been on ignore for me because he is an obnoxious trolling bastard that wants to get in JJBee's pants. Every time his favorite fellow Democrat is in trouble, he comes rushing to his defense. He is the biggest suckup going. The most fucking stupid thing Paulie said was that New York, yes New York, did a great job with the virus. In fact, I nicknamed him New York, New York after that. You would think after the Cuomo scandal that Paulie would shut the fuck up about everything with me now, but he like JJBee is a narcissist who cannot admit he is wrong about anything.

You would think after Biden won these two Democratic dipshits would finally cop to the truth. The whole "we care more about the virus than you" shit was just a means to get rid of Trump. The data on Florida and California show without a doubt that most if not all the lockdown measures did nothing. Cuomo and his daily talks about Corona had more to do about him than public safety. All the political moves were about "doing something" more than doing anything that worked.

Biden has it now that you need a negative Covid test to come back to the USA by air but by ground, you do not need anything. Why? Anyone going to tell me that is not politically motivated?Who cares? Donnie the Dumbass is gone.

03-21-21, 14:28
What are the chances of a working girl in Medellin agreeing to bareback full service?Check this guys post history and proceed with caution. You are just going to end up in an endless loop of useless banter.

He was just in the Rio thread, and now he's come here to do damage.

03-21-21, 22:10
Check this guys post history and proceed with caution. You are just going to end up in an endless loop of useless banter.

He was just in the Rio thread, and now he's come here to do damage.Every now and then when I'm glancing over the posts I get stopped in my tracks and shake my head in complete disbelief. What kind of a question is that and how does he expect it to be answered? Surely it's got to be a wind up right?

Whats the chances of any working girl in the word agreeing to BBFS? I wonder if this BM has ever left the house or been with a hooker. Even if you are to waste your time answering such a question where do you even begin, especially since there are numerous detailed reports or mongers that prefer BBFS and even ones that weren't looking for it where the girl just jumped on board.

Just by reading the el centro reports and within 30 seconds you will clearly see that everything has its price.

Stop the world I want to get off.

03-27-21, 15:59
I call it "el metro" and they know what I mean. Of course I am pointing at it tooIf you're going to monger in a Latin American country, at least make an effort to respect the culture. If you can't or won't learn Spanish, download Google Translate onto your iphone. It's even got a speaker so you can punch a button and the friggin phone will say it for you. Don't be another of those pathetic, privileged, dar papaya gringos everyone loathes. Don't be that guy.

03-28-21, 06:04
If you're going to monger in a Latin American country, at least make an effort to respect the culture. If you can't or won't learn Spanish, download Google Translate onto your iphone. It's even got a speaker so you can punch a button and the friggin phone will say it for you. Don't be another of those pathetic, privileged, dar papaya gringos everyone loathes. Don't be that guy.You really should take a step back and reexamine your attitude. You've been trying to dump shit on everyone without knowing anything about them.

As for respecting the culture, when a taxista is trying to rip me off, I'm going to pass. I do the same thing Lucky Nuts does. I point at the taxi meter and say "el metro" and I don't stop pointing until he resets it, and every time they have understood. Even if it's only a few extra dollars, I'm not going to sit there respecting the culture while some guy rips me off.

By the way, although I'm far from fluent, I've made the effort to learn both the language and the culture. I even went to the trouble to learn and play the national sport. When in Colombia I drink Colombian brands and eat Colombian food. I speak to everyone, to the extent of my ability, in their language. I also encourage others to spend some time learning the language.

If someone is throwing garbage out there, by all means feel free to jump all over them, but there's no need to trash everyone who you think isn't doing everything exactly right.

03-28-21, 12:42
2nd this. When I started out as a noob with barely any Spanish, I was ignorant thinking my experience was better than anyone else's mongering routine without Spanish. God, what a fool I was to think this. Learning Spanish these 5 years has been worth it. Freebies, civie hotties traveling with me to other countries, and just overall better treatment from all walks of life when venturing out in any Spanish speaking country. Spanish is not required but without it, missing out big time!Your preaching to the choir!

03-28-21, 15:56
Are so offensive and inappropriate and in left field that it's really sad that you truly think that one way is the best way. Gold chains and groups of black guys are ruining Medellin, I am just wishing you come all the way out and say what's on your mind. If you're mongering and you know what you want, why does the color of a monger or his gold chains offend you? You'll never hear me complaining about the grey headed white chested European grand fatherly looking guys who come to Centro to bang 18 year old chics. Its not my business and I could care the less, but obviously some of our BMs have some serious issues with men of color who they think are American. Carry on, we see you for who you are and once it's posted you can't take it back. But carry on! If you are truly banging chics and meeting your needs, why does the size of one man's money or the group of guys traveling together bother you? One suggestion, the next time you see a group of Black men in centro who you think are from America, I think you should walk up to them and tell them personally how offended you are about them being black and Centro. Then again, we all know how that would turn out. You will see me soon in Medellin and Pollo Negro is out!Psychiatrists´ reports indicate that guys with small dicks demonstrate much bravado which on ISG translates to boasting about how many non-pros they bang and how many dangerous places they visit at night. Such mongers would also feel threatened by guys they believe have big dicks.

03-28-21, 16:56
Are so offensive and inappropriate and in left field that it's really sad that you truly think that one way is the best way. Gold chains and groups of black guys are ruining Medellin, I am just wishing you come all the way out and say what's on your mind. If you're mongering and you know what you want, why does the color of a monger or his gold chains offend you? You'll never hear me complaining about the grey headed white chested European grand fatherly looking guys who come to Centro to bang 18 year old chics. Its not my business and I could care the less, but obviously some of our BMs have some serious issues with men of color who they think are American. Carry on, we see you for who you are and once it's posted you can't take it back. But carry on! If you are truly banging chics and meeting your needs, why does the size of one man's money or the group of guys traveling together bother you? One suggestion, the next time you see a group of Black men in centro who you think are from America, I think you should walk up to them and tell them personally how offended you are about them being black and Centro. Then again, we all know how that would turn out. You will see me soon in Medellin and Pollo Negro is out!Say what you want, but places can be ruined by knuckleheads, regardless of skin color.

There is a reason why most people stopped going to San Jose, Costa Rica (inflated chica prices combined with terrible service).

And this is the reason why most people stopped going to Sosua.

(notice the "make it rain crew" are actually throwing USD and not Dominican Pesos):


03-28-21, 18:22
Psychiatrists reports indicate that guys with small dicks demonstrate much bravado which on ISG translates to boasting about how many non-pros they bang and how many dangerous places they visit at night. Such mongers would also feel threatened by guys they believe have big dicks.Ignore button.

03-28-21, 18:25
Psychiatrists reports indicate that guys with small dicks demonstrate much bravado which on ISG translates to boasting about how many non-pros they bang and how many dangerous places they visit at night. Such mongers would also feel threatened by guys they believe have big dicks.You should see what psychologists say about sociopaths and narcissists who derive sexual pleasure from berating others in online pages like ISG.

03-28-21, 19:41
You should see what psychologists say about sociopaths and narcissists who derive sexual pleasure from berating others in online pages like ISG.Not to mention a poster trolling and berating every thread on the board not to miss a chance for some gratification.

03-28-21, 20:15
Psychiatrists reports indicate that guys with small dicks demonstrate much bravado which on ISG translates to boasting about how many non-pros they bang and how many dangerous places they visit at night. Such mongers would also feel threatened by guys they believe have big dicks.That the truth hurts, many European-like individuals deflect their insecurities of others by telling them they have small dicks, little money, and poorly educated, unfortunately, I fall into none of these categories. If you can tell that the black people who enter centro are African Americans, then you sir, are a fearful European with personally taught ways of hating others based on looks. You could never look at me and tell that I am Latino, you could never look at me and tell that I am fluent in Spanish, you could never look at me and tell that I would be in fear in any environment, but you can look at me and know, that attempting to rob me or harm me may not ever be in your best interest. And being the observant individual that I am, clearly you were born in the mid-50's to late 60's and my last post struck a nerve. In my environment, we are known to say, that a hit dog will holla! You sir were hit with my last post, it was not to offend but to remind us all as adults and humans to not be so judgmental, Pollo Negro is out!

03-29-21, 17:20
That the truth hurts, many European-like individuals deflect their insecurities of others by telling them they have small dicks, little money, and poorly educated, unfortunately, I fall into none of these categories. If you can tell that the black people who enter centro are African Americans, then you sir, are a fearful European with personally taught ways of hating others based on looks. You could never look at me and tell that I am Latino, you could never look at me and tell that I am fluent in Spanish, you could never look at me and tell that I would be in fear in any environment, but you can look at me and know, that attempting to rob me or harm me may not ever be in your best interest. And being the observant individual that I am, clearly you were born in the mid-50's to late 60's and my last post struck a nerve. In my environment, we are known to say, that a hit dog will holla! You sir were hit with my last post, it was not to offend but to remind us all as adults and humans to not be so judgmental, Pollo Negro is out!That was beautifully articulated PN. It's also worth nothing that Turd has never been to Colombia. He can be found across the threads of many different countries here, but only plays cutesy, sucks up, or speaks in very general terms. He has nothing material to offer because he hasn't been to these countries. The same can be said for many others such as Shoobree and Marquis de Sade. These are basement dwelllers with Colombia on their wish list, but it will never progress beyond that.

03-29-21, 23:18
Psychiatrists reports indicate that guys with small dicks demonstrate much bravado which on ISG translates to boasting about how many non-pros they bang and how many dangerous places they visit at night. Such mongers would also feel threatened by guys they believe have big dicks.When I posted this it was stupid shit directed to no one in particular but I did think that guys with small dicks will attack it. Who the cap fits?

03-30-21, 00:06
When I posted this it was stupid shit directed to no one in particular but I did think that guys with small dicks will attack it. Who the cap fits?I'll put on that hat. So why the size of another man's dick is your concern? I'm just joking with you but why are you dick analyzing and criticizing? OK I get it this is the stupid shit section.

03-30-21, 02:42
When I posted this it was stupid shit directed to no one in particular but I did think that guys with small dicks will attack it. Who the cap fits?I'm just curious why, whenever you post something, you would be thinking about the dicks of the guys who are going to read it or reply to it?

I can honestly say I've never thought about the size of another BMs dick, before, during or after posting something. I assume most of the BMs have one, but the size, shape or functionality is not something I'm going to spend my time dreaming about.

03-30-21, 14:27
I'll put on that hat. So why the size of another man's dick is your concern? I'm just joking with you but why are you dick analyzing and criticizing? OK I get it this is the stupid shit section.It is indeed stupid shit and probably a bit insensitive on my part and do apologize for any sensibilities affected.

05-07-21, 05:10
Areas of a city and keeping the residents of Portland prisoners in their own home, not to mention all the people they killed. With IMPUNITY I might add.Please list the slew of Portland murders from last summer while making connections to any BLM activists or Antifa. The latter are anarchists and hardly aligned with Democrats, but that's a different subject. Here's one likely case, and the alleged perp is dead, dealt with by law enforcement attempting to serve a warrant.


While we are talking about lone shooters during the summer 2020 protests don't forget this guy.


Here's a variety of incidents including other cities with theories and outcomes.


Back to Portland, here's your murders for 2020,55 total, a lot of some likely gang stuff, robberies, and mysteries. Well typing "IMPUNITY" in all caps isn't impressive, and you haven't "added" anything until you've proven it. So tell us about this slew of BLM and Antifa murders in Portland last year while confirming that the perps all got away with it. You made the claim so the burden of proof is on you. So far all I see is a Trump fan who got his feelings hurt on the Medellin thread and decided to pull some whataboutism out of his ass.



And there were plenty of arrests in Portland.


But yea you made the claims so bring the proof.

P.S. Speaking of impunity it's sort of hard to expect that for shit kickers in Camp Auschwitz shirts, playing soldier and carrying confederate flags, zip ties in hand breaking into and ransacking the Capital trying to stop an election certification. The same can be said for a mob of mindless dumbfucks following behind thinking they are immune because Rump told them to do it. The last time anything even close to that has happened was by foreign invaders during the War of 1812. This is a massive embarrassment that will never be forgotten. Not to mention that it was fueled by a fake cause (stolen election), unlike some fires and looting on the fringes of legit protests surrounding the police murder of an unarmed black man who continually pled for his life. And ironic, Trump going on crying about looters then at his urging his minions do far worse. Oops. Little boy playing with fire crackers and blew off a couple of his fingers. Now the spineless twot can't even have a Twitter or FB account, even though he got caught trying to sneak back in. It's literally like dealing with an eight year old kid.

05-08-21, 17:59
And I'm sure you weren't taking exception to the supposed 10 girls he banged in one day or the foursome of which he barebacked all and blew loads in them, all of this of course just something all members typically do day in and day out! LOL.Some guys lie, its a pathology, some do it to impress strangers, some do it to delude themselves, ala Goebbels big lie.

Still others are trying to manipulate public opinion ala.


It doesn't take a lot of skill to spot the want to be penthouse letter authors.

Just walk into any bar in the world and you'll find some loser at the bar telling tall tales.

About his fantasy life.

Blue Touch
05-08-21, 18:38
Are you sure that your posts were to provide information? I could be wrong, but it appears that you are writing several posts everyday because of a discontent of "real" life in your home country. Do you have good relationships, fit body, and receive attention from people?

I believe I have provided some valuable insight from my experiences there, and have actually gotten messages from other members that I am ruining the place, as more and more gringos are discovering the place. And there's some truth to it as the influx of gringos up until a month ago was because Colombia has been the only wide open mongering destination on the planet in my opinion. However, due to the current COVID surge, the protests, and the reduced police presence, El Centro right now is the most dangerous it's ever been.

A month ago it was as though the Pandemic didn't exist, there were no protests, and Police everywhere, there were tourists on tours, and more girls available then ever before. But it's been like a perfect storm with the weekend lockdowns, people up in arms over the Govenment tax proposal and other issues, very little police presence and / or enough to quell all the violence, and hence here we are in a state of Mayhem with the protesters and rateros ruling the streets.

A sad state of affairs for all.

05-08-21, 19:15

The white-dressed girl walking. Jailbait or not?

05-08-21, 21:59
Some guys lie, its a pathology, some do it to impress strangers, some do it to delude themselves, ala Goebbels big lie.

Still others are trying to manipulate public opinion ala.


It doesn't take a lot of skill to spot the want to be penthouse letter authors.

Just walk into any bar in the world and you'll find some loser at the bar telling tall tales.

About his fantasy life.FYI. Don't give two fucks if you don't like and or believe my post. I'm here to help guys out. Also, over an 9 hour period in Sante Fe, 10 x is a very doable goal.

05-08-21, 22:01
Are you sure that your posts were to provide information? I could be wrong, but it appears that you are writing several posts everyday because of a discontent of "real" life in your home country. Do you have good relationships, fit body, and receive attention from people?WTF is wrong with you? "Do you have good relationships, fit body, and receive attention from people?" Show your medical credentials if you're going to attempt to dispense psychiatric analysis. It's pretty obvious to even the casual observer that the confluence of the new COVID restrictions and the simultaneous implementation of excessive taxes when so many are out of jobs has created a terrible situation in Medellin, as well as the rest of Colombia. Surfer is simply stating the obvious with the advantage of a "boots on the ground" perspective. Yes, we're having some problems in the US but of a much different problem- in Colombia they can't get the vaccination, in the US a substantial number of morons REFUSE to get it. In Colombia they're protesting the same kind of taxation without representation that led to our revolution; in the US we have that same number of braindead morons trying to gaslight the other 70% into believing the loser won an election. Maybe it's you that is seeking to stir up a little excitement for yourself- why don't you take a leisurely trip to Brazil and report from there?

05-08-21, 22:38
WTF is wrong with you? "Do you have good relationships, fit body, and receive attention from people?" Show your medical credentials if you're going to attempt to dispense psychiatric analysis. It's pretty obvious to even the casual observer that the confluence of the new COVID restrictions and the simultaneous implementation of excessive taxes when so many are out of jobs has created a terrible situation in Medellin, as well as the rest of Colombia. Surfer is simply stating the obvious with the advantage of a "boots on the ground" perspective. Yes, we're having some problems in the US but of a much different problem- in Colombia they can't get the vaccination, in the US a substantial number of morons REFUSE to get it. In Colombia they're protesting the same kind of taxation without representation that led to our revolution; in the US we have that same number of braindead morons trying to gaslight the other 70% into believing the loser won an election. Maybe it's you that is seeking to stir up a little excitement for yourself- why don't you take a leisurely trip to Brazil and report from there?The Colombians are protesting because they are not allowed "political representation"? I thought they were just raising taxes on the middle and lower class? The Colombians can no longer vote out political representatives they do not favor? The Colombian protests have been all over the news and I was just curious as to what exactly is going on? Are they are risk of turning socialist or something?

Calling those who do not want to get the vaccine morons is also just contributing to the overly divisive political culture of the USA. If someone does not want to get the shot, unfortunately that is their right. We still do not know exactly how many people may even refuse the shot, we very well may vaccinate 70-85% of the pop. And reach heard immunity. Vast majority of Republicans know trump lost, media just tries to convince everyone that every Trump voter is a q-non conspiracy wacko. Both parties are peddaling a lot trash these days and its going to be difficult for everyone to start co-operating again so next time we have a Pandemic or national emergency we can trust the media reports and politicians, unlike what happened with the "Russia Conspiracy" and "Trump Impeachment". All that did was waste time and money and showed the extreme media bias in the USA. I think the USA would have had a much more cohesive and effective response to the Pandemic if there was more trust in the Media and less divisive politics. I apologize for the off topic comment.

On another side note, seems like BlueTouch took a dirty shot at Surfer500 for no reason. Surfer gives good boots on the ground intel and I appreciate his reports. Why is this weirdo worried about another man's body, relationships, and the amount of attention he receives? Seems like a strange person. Hopefully he decides to contribute to the forum in more positive and helpful ways.

05-09-21, 01:01
Ah no. Love or hate Duque he was elected fair and square will less shenanigans than we see in the United States. He won with 53.98 of the vote. The Leftie who was his main opponent only got 41.81 the vote. By contrast our senile idiot Biden won with 51.3% of the vote.You are absolutely right, Biden did win contrary to what the Reputinlicans say.

05-09-21, 04:16
Are you sure that your posts were to provide information? I could be wrong, but it appears that you are writing several posts everyday because of a discontent of "real" life in your home country. Do you have good relationships, fit body, and receive attention from people?That was not the meanest or stupidest comment I have read here, but possibly the most uncalled for. Did you really ask him if his body was fiit? Jajajjaja. First and foremost, it's none of your business. Did you think you were helping him go seek therapy or something? Jajajaja Or are you just practicing psychiatry without a license? Get a grip and learn about how to deal with people 101. You never attack the person, you frame the problem with non personal facts and not personal reasons. In this case, there is no problem, so you missed first and second base.

05-09-21, 09:07
On another side note, seems like BlueTouch took a dirty shot at Surfer500 for no reason. Surfer gives good boots on the ground intel and I appreciate his reportsBased on the posts, I think some BMs take the current situation in El Centro to criticize people that have encouraged members to visit El Centro in the past. It is like "You said El Centro was safe (at daytime while many police are present 3 years ago), but it is really very dangerous (now) and your recommendation is terrible".

05-09-21, 12:58
FYI. Don't give two fucks if you don't like and or believe my post. I'm here to help guys out. Also, over an 9 hour period in Sante Fe, 10 x is a very doable goal.The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

05-09-21, 14:12
The Colombians are protesting because they are not allowed "political representation"? I thought they were just raising taxes on the middle and lower class? The Colombians can no longer vote out political representatives they do not favor? The Colombian protests have been all over the news and I was just curious as to what exactly is going on? Are they are risk of turning socialist or something?

Calling those who do not want to get the vaccine morons is also just contributing to the overly divisive political culture of the USA. If someone does not want to get the shot, unfortunately that is their right. We still do not know exactly how many people may even refuse the shot, we very well may vaccinate 70-85% of the pop. And reach heard immunity. Vast majority of Republicans know trump lost, media just tries to convince everyone that every Trump voter is a q-non conspiracy wacko. Both parties are peddaling a lot trash these days and its going to be difficult for everyone to start co-operating again so next time we have a Pandemic or national emergency we can trust the media reports and politicians, unlike what happened with the "Russia Conspiracy" and "Trump Impeachment". All that did was waste time and money and showed the extreme media bias in the USA. I think the USA would have had a much more cohesive and effective response to the Pandemic if there was more trust in the Media and less divisive politics. I apologize for the off topic comment.

On another side note, seems like BlueTouch took a dirty shot at Surfer500 for no reason. Surfer gives good boots on the ground intel and I appreciate his reports. Why is this weirdo worried about another man's body, relationships, and the amount of attention he receives? Seems like a strange person. Hopefully he decides to contribute to the forum in more positive and helpful ways.Why is polio unheard of in the US? TB? Other diseases? Because of vaccines. In a recent poll, 70% of Republicans said they weren't going to get vaccinated. If that's true, then the US will never reach herd immunity. And, yes, they are morons for not getting vaccinated. After all, most Republicans point to the vaccine as Donnie's signature achievement. And now they won't take the vaccine because they think it's unsafe? You mean trump purposely developed a bad vaccine?

In another poll, 70% of Republicans also believe that trump won the election. I suspect that they may have inadvertently polled the same people. So, no, the "vast majority" of Republicans do not know that trump lost.

05-09-21, 17:11
The Colombians are protesting because they are not allowed "political representation"? I thought they were just raising taxes on the middle and lower class? The Colombians can no longer vote out political representatives they do not favor? The Colombian protests have been all over the news and I was just curious as to what exactly is going on? Are they are risk of turning socialist or something?

Calling those who do not want to get the vaccine morons is also just contributing to the overly divisive political culture of the USA. If someone does not want to get the shot, unfortunately that is their right. We still do not know exactly how many people may even refuse the shot, we very well may vaccinate 70-85% of the pop. And reach heard immunity. Vast majority of Republicans know trump lost, media just tries to convince everyone that every Trump voter is a q-non conspiracy wacko. Both parties are peddaling a lot trash these days and its going to be difficult for everyone to start co-operating again so next time we have a Pandemic or national emergency we can trust the media reports and politicians, unlike what happened with the "Russia Conspiracy" and "Trump Impeachment". All that did was waste time and money and showed the extreme media bias in the USA. I think the USA would have had a much more cohesive and effective response to the Pandemic if there was more trust in the Media and less divisive politics. I apologize for the off topic comment.

On another side note, seems like BlueTouch took a dirty shot at Surfer500 for no reason. Surfer gives good boots on the ground intel and I appreciate his reports. Why is this weirdo worried about another man's body, relationships, and the amount of attention he receives? Seems like a strange person. Hopefully he decides to contribute to the forum in more positive and helpful ways.Antivaxxers have the right to refuse vaccines but in that case, they should be charged with second degree murder.

05-09-21, 23:36
Dude covid is super light, if you're not old there's no point to taking the vaccine. I've had worse hangovers. My Mom had covid and she got the 1st vaccine shot last week and the vaccine was worse than when she actually had covid. It's not a political thing, plenty of people already have had it. Nobody cares if Trump says take a vaccine, or Republicans say it. Republicans just tend to be more free thinking entrepreneurs and democrats tend to be hard core following, jobless or criminals all of which have a tendency to take a vaccine because someone told them to.

Why is polio unheard of in the US? TB? Other diseases? Because of vaccines. In a recent poll, 70% of Republicans said they weren't going to get vaccinated. If that's true, then the US will never reach herd immunity. And, yes, they are morons for not getting vaccinated. After all, most Republicans point to the vaccine as Donnie's signature achievement. And now they won't take the vaccine because they think it's unsafe? You mean trump purposely developed a bad vaccine?

In another poll, 70% of Republicans also believe that trump won the election. I suspect that they may have inadvertently polled the same people. So, no, the "vast majority" of Republicans do not know that trump lost.

05-10-21, 00:37
Dude covid is super light, if you're not old there's no point to taking the vaccine. I've had worse hangovers. My Mom had covid and she got the 1st vaccine shot last week and the vaccine was worse than when she actually had covid. It's not a political thing, plenty of people already have had it. Nobody cares if Trump says take a vaccine, or Republicans say it. Republicans just tend to be more free thinking entrepreneurs and democrats tend to be hard core following, jobless or criminals all of which have a tendency to take a vaccine because someone told them to.Free thinking is fine but becomes toxic when blended with extreme IQ deficiencies and viral social media misinformation. Or simply someone so dumb as to believe that "well my mom had Covid and it wasn't bad" makes for good data analysis and means to draw conclusions. But take heart, if you catch a bad case you can always try this.


05-10-21, 02:04
Everyone on the board is not in his late 50's or early 60's, there are some men who just have a high sex drive, stamina, and the ability to bang chics all day, but what do I know, I am just unseasoned ISG member, Pollo Negro is out!Trying to cum to the defense of another fiction writer? LOL.

Birds of a feather! Jajajajaaaaaa.

Save your lies pn, I've heard enough of them.

Are you angry we don't believe your nonsense when you or this fool spew it.

How dare we not believe every word? Are you offended? LOL.

Ok just tell the truth you fuck 100 putas a day and pop every time.

And nobody better ever suggest you're a low rent bullshitter!

05-10-21, 02:12
I know hundreds who have had it, including myself. I've had worse hangovers. Wasn't even in my top 10 for illnesses. So yeah sorry but in Florida almost everyone has had it and we just realized it's all a bunch of bull. But you do you, stay inside, get a vaccine. Whatever you want. I don't get a Flu vaccine and the flu is way way worse than covid for me. Nobody knows what the vaccine will do to you 10 years down the road, hopefully it'll be fine but who knows.

Free thinking is fine but becomes toxic when blended with extreme IQ deficiencies and viral social media misinformation. Or simply someone so dumb as to believe that "well my mom had Covid and it wasn't bad" makes for good data analysis and means to draw conclusions. But take heart, if you catch a bad case you can always try this.


Elvis 2008
05-10-21, 03:38
You are absolutely right, Biden did win contrary to what the Reputinlicans say.Sure, just like Landslide Lyndon won in the Senate in 1948: https://www.worldtribune.com/how-landslide-lyndon-stole-the-senate-race-in-1948/.

And JFK won in 1960: https://www.helleniscope.com/2020/11/05/voter-fraud-is-nothing-new-the-1960-election-of-jfk/.

And then I love this one about Joe Lewis being alive and voting Democrat in 2018, seven years after he died: https://www.bigtrial.net/2020/11/smokin-joe-frazier-among-22-dead-people.html.

But thank God, we have people like you CL who are here to tell us things are fair. How do you know for a fact that the 2020 election was different than 1948,1960, and 2018. You mean after three rigged elections, two failed impeachments, fighting voter ID requirements, and thousands of complaints written about a stolen election in which none of said people were deposed in a court of law, Democrats respect the will of the people? LOL.

History will show us whether or not Biden "won" like LBJ and JFK or whether he won like Obama and Clinton. And my bet is on the former.

05-10-21, 04:59
Trying to cum to the defense of another fiction writer? LOL.

Birds of a feather! Jajajajaaaaaa.

Save your lies pn, I've heard enough of them.

Are you angry we don't believe your nonsense when you or this fool spew it.

How dare we not believe every word? Are you offended? LOL.

Ok just tell the truth you fuck 100 putas a day and pop every time.

And nobody better ever suggest you're a low rent bullshitter!Any time another monger has to name call another monger, that's the proof that you are truly offended by the adventures of others. If a man bangs 10 chics a day, so be it, if a person wants to stay in Centro, so be it. Paying more for rent does not make you a chic magnet or a pole slinger, as a matter of fact, it really speaks just the opposite. If you're older than 50 and your drive is low, just say that, but if you're not with another monger during the deed, why doubt him? Oh, main because you can't bang 10 chics a day. Come on, you don't have to put down another monger to have a presence on this board. Just fly to Medellin, grab some pesos and choose a chic or two, it's just that simple, you do not have to complicate the process or put down the next monger because your money is low just like your sex drive, Pollo Negro is out! LOL.

05-10-21, 05:04
Everyone on the board is not in his late 50's or early 60's, there are some men who just have a high sex drive, stamina, and the ability to bang chics all day, but what do I know, I am just unseasoned ISG member, Pollo Negro is out!It is not whether you have taken many trips here, been here a long time, or post every day. It is more about telling the truth and giving correct information. Months ago you said someone showed you how to make all this money on the internet or home business or something. Then you rented a condo for 6 months or a year and furnished it. Then you were back in the states working making all this money. So many stories and most are complete BS.

05-10-21, 06:22
I know hundreds who have had it No you don't. Stop lying. Before your evidence was that "my momma had it" now you change your story.

the flu is way way worse than covid for me.This isn't about you, a selfish little prick in a monger forum. It's about the people that have been overflowing the hospital systems worldwide. But in any case you'll be shown the same consideration you show others. Karma is a *****.

P.S. The vaccine wasn't rushed but made it through all the trial phases like all other vaccines. This was due to increased funding, greater availability of volunteers, plus a ten year head start on mRNA research. Do some legit research rather than buying everything the guy sitting on the next stool down at Wanda's Bar and Grill tells you. Though that's surely asking too much.


05-10-21, 15:47
Sure, just like Landslide Lyndon won in the Senate in 1948: https://www.worldtribune.com/how-landslide-lyndon-stole-the-senate-race-in-1948/.

And JFK won in 1960: https://www.helleniscope.com/2020/11/05/voter-fraud-is-nothing-new-the-1960-election-of-jfk/.

And then I love this one about Joe Lewis being alive and voting Democrat in 2018, seven years after he died: https://www.bigtrial.net/2020/11/smokin-joe-frazier-among-22-dead-people.html.

But thank God, we have people like you CL who are here to tell us things are fair. How do you know for a fact that the 2020 election was different than 1948,1960, and 2018. You mean after three rigged elections, two failed impeachments, fighting voter ID requirements, and thousands of complaints written about a stolen election in which none of said people were deposed in a court of law, Democrats respect the will of the people? LOL.

History will show us whether or not Biden "won" like LBJ and JFK or whether he won like Obama and Clinton. And my bet is on the former.I was just agreeing with what was said that Biden won. That's what he said didn't he? But he was also making a point about the slim margin. Ok, so how about Trump "winning" in 2016 but loosing the popular vote? Don't put words in my mouth like you named yourself after the real Elvis. You're as phoney and fake as your name. Why didn't you mention how Bush 2 "won". Supreme court's republicans crowned him but wouldn't even sign the papers.

Thank God I said what, where? Reread or have someone who knows how to read do it for you.

05-10-21, 17:23
Sure, just like Landslide Lyndon won in the Senate in 1948: https://www.worldtribune.com/how-landslide-lyndon-stole-the-senate-race-in-1948/.

And JFK won in 1960: https://www.helleniscope.com/2020/11/05/voter-fraud-is-nothing-new-the-1960-election-of-jfk/.

And then I love this one about Joe Lewis being alive and voting Democrat in 2018, seven years after he died: https://www.bigtrial.net/2020/11/smokin-joe-frazier-among-22-dead-people.html.

But thank God, we have people like you CL who are here to tell us things are fair. How do you know for a fact that the 2020 election was different than 1948,1960, and 2018. You mean after three rigged elections, two failed impeachments, fighting voter ID requirements, and thousands of complaints written about a stolen election in which none of said people were deposed in a court of law, Democrats respect the will of the people? LOL.

History will show us whether or not Biden "won" like LBJ and JFK or whether he won like Obama and Clinton. And my bet is on the former.Gee, where to start.

JFK did win a closely contested election in 1960. I believe history will show that Mayor Daly probably exerted his considerable machine influence to pull Illinois into the win column for JFK and thus the presidency. So why is this so terrible? Because a damn Democrat won? Well lets take a small retrospective look. JFK went on to be one of our most loved and respected presidents. What if he had lost?

Then Richard Nixon would have been president. He later DID become president and became one of the most detested and least respected presidents who was forced to resign before being impeached by members of his own party! Sounds to me like the US was lucky JFK ascended.

OF course you are hot to show us that Joe Lewis voted in Philadelphia. Of course he did. Any idea how common the name Joe is?? Any idea how common the last name Lewis is?? I bet there were 1,000's of Joe Lewis votes all across the country and probably dozens in a large city like Philadelphia. BUT Elvis. Your article doesn't even mention Joe Lewis. Did you quote the wrong article? Or are you impaired in the reading department??

Perhaps you meant Joe Frazier? He was mentioned in the article. Let me ask you again. How many Joes are there in Philadelphia? How many Frazier's? Do you really think that name is unique? Here is a fact that was not quoted or mentioned in the article. When a person dies they are removed from the voting roles. Sure they are listed but NO longer registered. So when your article verified date of birth and last address they got the match they wanted for their BS story. But the Joe Frazier that voted was a registered voter not a ghost or corpse. Sorry, perhaps you should read higher quality sources.

05-10-21, 17:59
Nice try dude, almost everyone in Florida has had it. Life expectancy can't go up forever we needed this as it was getting too high. The vaccines are not fda approved, they are emergency use which is not the same. You just suck up whatever you see on TV without any thought. You are the same selfish prick in a monger forum there all high and mighty LOL. If I die tomorrow so be it, I've lived an amazing life and I don't think I should stop children in young adults from living a normal life to stretch my life out further. But considering my job is traveling all over the state of Florida, and I do truly know at least 100 people who have had covid, yet to know anyone who has said it was the sickest they have ever been. The CDC told us to do the exact opposite of what works best to fight covid which is get outside. The "experts" made the situation worse. I've been going to packed bars and clubs for 8 months, nobody wearing masks, and I'm just fine. I got covid at a car dealership, I told the salesperson she didn't need to wear a mask and she thanked me. She just tested negative to get to be able to go back to work. I'm so glad I got it, big weight lifted off my shoulder. I have had worse hangovers. I realize people are dying from covid, but they are also dying from eating too much fast food, cigarettes and plenty of other things we could try to prevent. Death is part of Life.

No you don't. Stop lying. Before your evidence was that "my momma had it" now you change your story.

This isn't about you, a selfish little prick in a monger forum. It's about the people that have been overflowing the hospital systems worldwide. But in any case you'll be shown the same consideration you show others. Karma is a *****.

P.S. The vaccine wasn't rushed but made it through all the trial phases like all other vaccines. This was due to increased funding, greater availability of volunteers, plus a ten year head start on mRNA research. Do some legit research rather than buying everything the guy sitting on the next stool down at Wanda's Bar and Grill tells you. Though that's surely asking too much.


05-10-21, 18:43
Nice try dude, almost everyone in Florida has had it. Life expectancy can't go up forever we needed this as it was getting too high. The vaccines are not fda approved, they are emergency use which is not the same. You just suck up whatever you see on TV without any thought. You are the same selfish prick in a monger forum there all high and mighty LOL. If I die tomorrow so be it, I've lived an amazing life and I don't think I should stop children in young adults from living a normal life to stretch my life out further. But considering my job is traveling all over the state of Florida, and I do truly know at least 100 people who have had covid, yet to know anyone who has said it was the sickest they have ever been. The CDC told us to do the exact opposite of what works best to fight covid which is get outside. The "experts" made the situation worse. I've been going to packed bars and clubs for 8 months, nobody wearing masks, and I'm just fine. I got covid at a car dealership, I told the salesperson she didn't need to wear a mask and she thanked me. She just tested negative to get to be able to go back to work. I'm so glad I got it, big weight lifted off my shoulder. I have had worse hangovers. I realize people are dying from covid, but they are also dying from eating too much fast food, cigarettes and plenty of other things we could try to prevent. Death is part of Life.I got it in July at Hong Kong Club in Tijuana LOL only lost taste and smell for 2 days. Also glad I got it out of the way.

05-10-21, 20:08
Any time another monger has to name call another monger, that's the proof that you are truly offended by the adventures of others. If a man bangs 10 chics a day, so be it, if a person wants to stay in Centro, so be it. Paying more for rent does not make you a chic magnet or a pole slinger, as a matter of fact, it really speaks just the opposite. If you're older than 50 and your drive is low, just say that, but if you're not with another monger during the deed, why doubt him? Oh, main because you can't bang 10 chics a day. Come on, you don't have to put down another monger to have a presence on this board. Just fly to Medellin, grab some pesos and choose a chic or two, it's just that simple, you do not have to complicate the process or put down the next monger because your money is low just like your sex drive, Pollo Negro is out! LOL.99% of what you post is bullshit, you and "BMs" like you degrade the quality of ISG, years before I joined I looked at it briefly and read some bullshit posters like you and when I took my 1st trips they were disasters.

Because of disinformation from idiots like you, if the admin would allow me Ill post their names also, I may have wasted $20000 usd on 2 mongering trips that were really ruined by reading bullshit, now I study a thread before I take a trip, I can say most members here are pretty honest (even if I don't get along with them) except a few, yyz travel you sjobs and maybe 1 or 2 more, I think if we do nothing else here, we expose the bullshitters, bad providers of sex or information will equally ruin anyone's vacation!

05-10-21, 20:45
I'm so glad I got it, big weight lifted off my shoulder.So this guy whines about "experts" yet is ignorant of the reality of re-infections, mutations and variants that are all the more likely and relevant while substantial portions of the population refuse vaccinations and facilitate spreads.

And no you don't know 100's of people who have had Covid, as before your only evidence was the experience of your "momma. " When it was shown how stupid it is to draw conclusions based on that, you start pulling new claims out of your ass. So given your propensity for lying, who knows if you've truly had Covid. Stupid though is well confirmed, and sadly that is something that can't be fixed.


If I die tomorrow so be itThere it is again. "I, I, I" it's all about you. You just can't help yourself. I rest my case.

05-10-21, 20:58
I got it in July at Hong Kong Club in Tijuana LOL only lost taste and smell for 2 days. Also glad I got it out of the way.Ahh a bootlicker / co-signer and another self-obsessed soul, "I, I, I. " Yet due to the potential for re-infections, variants, along with the fact that we do not know how long antibodies will last, the pandemic response is ongoing.

05-10-21, 21:22
Dude covid is super light, if you're not old there's no point to taking the vaccine. This is the stupidest statement of the lot, as if no one has suffered and died, and people with milder cases cannot faciliate spread, and no one under 50 has died or lived but suffered long hauler symptoms. As if all reality must yield to the alleged personal experience of one dumbfuck in a monger forum and his "momma. " Lolol Classic.



Mr Enternational
05-10-21, 21:50
Nice try dude, almost everyone in Florida has had it. I've been going to packed bars and clubs for 8 months, nobody wearing masks, and I'm just fine. I got covid at a car dealership

I got it in July at Hong Kong Club in Tijuana.How do you guys know where you picked it up? When I was down in Florida during superbowl restaurants and bars were packed and I was the only one with a mask on. I was also the only one with a mask on the times I have been in Hong Kong as well. 9 countries including USA and Brazil with a mask on and have not gotten anything yet. I don't plan on getting a vaccination either. Hell, you still can not take your mask off anyway in most places. I am not at all against other people getting it. Most of my family and friends have gotten it. You have to live at your own comfort level.

05-10-21, 22:26
Why is polio unheard of in the US? TB? Other diseases? Because of vaccines. In a recent poll, 70% of Republicans said they weren't going to get vaccinated. If that's true, then the US will never reach herd immunity. And, yes, they are morons for not getting vaccinated. After all, most Republicans point to the vaccine as Donnie's signature achievement. And now they won't take the vaccine because they think it's unsafe? You mean trump purposely developed a bad vaccine?

In another poll, 70% of Republicans also believe that trump won the election. I suspect that they may have inadvertently polled the same people. So, no, the "vast majority" of Republicans do not know that trump lost.And reflective of a nation that makes the lack of education a virtue, especially in the bible belt.

05-10-21, 23:06
Sure, just like Landslide Lyndon won in the Senate in 1948: https://www.worldtribune.com/how-landslide-lyndon-stole-the-senate-race-in-1948/.

And JFK won in 1960: https://www.helleniscope.com/2020/11/05/voter-fraud-is-nothing-new-the-1960-election-of-jfk/.

And then I love this one about Joe Lewis being alive and voting Democrat in 2018, seven years after he died: https://www.bigtrial.net/2020/11/smokin-joe-frazier-among-22-dead-people.html.

But thank God, we have people like you CL who are here to tell us things are fair. How do you know for a fact that the 2020 election was different than 1948,1960, and 2018. You mean after three rigged elections, two failed impeachments, fighting voter ID requirements, and thousands of complaints written about a stolen election in which none of said people were deposed in a court of law, Democrats respect the will of the people? LOL.

History will show us whether or not Biden "won" like LBJ and JFK or whether he won like Obama and Clinton. And my bet is on the former.Thems sure are some fine sources there bubba, couple of kooky blogs pontificating without source citations. And the World Tribune? Yiiipppee bro you outdid yourself. My only question would be, where does Bulgaria fit into all of this?


Mr Enternational
05-10-21, 23:29
The vaccines are not fda approved, they are emergency use which is not the same.Is that why you can not sue over adverse effects or death? The other day my mom was saying that if she dies from the vaccine then just get the money from the company. I said mom the US government said sometime last year that you are taking it at your own risk and can not sue the companies if something happens to you.

05-11-21, 03:02
Any time another monger has to name call another monger, that's the proof that you are truly offended by the adventures of others. If a man bangs 10 chics a day, so be it, if a person wants to stay in Centro, so be it. Paying more for rent does not make you a chic magnet or a pole slinger, as a matter of fact, it really speaks just the opposite. If you're older than 50 and your drive is low, just say that, but if you're not with another monger during the deed, why doubt him? Oh, main because you can't bang 10 chics a day. Come on, you don't have to put down another monger to have a presence on this board. Just fly to Medellin, grab some pesos and choose a chic or two, it's just that simple, you do not have to complicate the process or put down the next monger because your money is low just like your sex drive, Pollo Negro is out! LOL.It is not just about the BS of having sex with 10 girls. Most high end hotels do not let in any hooker types or girls not signed in when checking in. Yet he got 10 hookers into the hotel. BS. Do not care that they all looked innocent and dressed simply or high end and that he is a diamond member or knows the hotel owner. New members take it as the truth and then when they try their night is ruined because they paid a ton of money at Gustos or whatever and now can not get the girls to their room. That is the problem.

05-11-21, 04:10
It is not just about the BS of having sex with 10 girls. Most high end hotels do not let in any hooker types or girls not signed in when checking in. Yet he got 10 hookers into the hotel. BS. Do not care that they all looked innocent and dressed simply or high end and that he is a diamond member or knows the hotel owner. New members take it as the truth and then when they try their night is ruined because they paid a ton of money at Gustos or whatever and now can not get the girls to their room. That is the problem.That's what is known as the learning curve. If a new member skips over all the advice, all the information, readily available on the board and decides one anecdote, in one post, is the way things work, then they learn an important lesson.

Most high end hotels don't let in hookers, but I've seen pics from just about every high end hotel in Medellin, taken by hookers. There's always going to be exceptions.

05-11-21, 05:33
It is not just about the BS of having sex with 10 girls. Most high end hotels do not let in any hooker types or girls not signed in when checking in. Yet he got 10 hookers into the hotel. BS. Do not care that they all looked innocent and dressed simply or high end and that he is a diamond member or knows the hotel owner. New members take it as the truth and then when they try their night is ruined because they paid a ton of money at Gustos or whatever and now can not get the girls to their room. That is the problem.I have yet to find a problem in Medellin that my money couldn't fix. Thats the truth, period, these people will turn a blind eye to Jedi screwing a monkey if the right incentive was given, so save it. I have yet to go anywhere in Medellin and not accomplish what I sat out to do, but then again to the older European guys on that fixed income, I'm still lying. Like I said before, it your drive is down, and you're over 50, they have alternatives that will make you function like you are 18 years old again! Save it buddy, Pollo negro is out!

Elvis 2008
05-11-21, 14:55
Thems sure are some fine sources there bubba, couple of kooky blogs pontificating without source citations. And the World Tribune? Yiiipppee bro you outdid yourself. My only question would be, where does Bulgaria fit into all of this?

https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/world-tribune/Sigh. https://blog.powerscore.com/lsat/bid-274149-flawed-reasoning-in-lsat-logical-reasoning-questions-source-arguments/#text=A%20 common%20 mistake%20 found%20 in, Reasoning%20 questions%20 is%20 Source%20 Argument. &text=An%20 author%20 doesn't%20 do, their%20 attack%20 is%20 essentially%20 irrelevant.

A common mistake found in several Flaw in the Reasoning questions is Source Argument. It is one that should be familiar to most test takers from their daily experiences. A "Source Argument" is also known as an ad hominem attack, meaning "to the person". It commits a singular, consistent mistake by attacking the person / group making a claim (the source) as opposed to attacking the details of the claim itself. The LSAT is concerned solely with argument forms and their validity. An author doesn't do anything to undermine an opponent's position by focusing on the character or motives of the argument's source. By failing to address the argument itself, their attack is essentially irrelevant.

This is why you are such an arrogant blowhard, Paulie, and you are such a twat, you engage in illogical behavior and think you are so smart. Congrats though, you are only one of many arrogant democratic douches here who have to bring politics and your insistence on your warped version of reality to a hooker board.

05-11-21, 15:25
99% of what you post is bullshit, you and "BMs" like you degrade the quality of ISG, years before I joined I looked at it briefly and read some bullshit posters like you and when I took my 1st trips they were disasters.

Because of disinformation from idiots like you, if the admin would allow me Ill post their names also, I may have wasted $20000 usd on 2 mongering trips that were really ruined by reading bullshit, now I study a thread before I take a trip, I can say most members here are pretty honest (even if I don't get along with them) except a few, yyz travel you sjobs and maybe 1 or 2 more, I think if we do nothing else here, we expose the bullshitters, bad providers of sex or information will equally ruin anyone's vacation!You don't have $20 K usd, and if you spent $20 k usd on mongering you are truly the Fool that I think you are! Carry on, Pollo Negro is out!

05-11-21, 18:19
You don't have $20 K usd, and if you spent $20 k usd on mongering you are truly the Fool that I think you are! Carry on, Pollo Negro is out!Well, anyone that engages your dumbass and your incoherent ramblings, is a fool.

Ignore button for you!

05-12-21, 00:13
Well, anyone that engages your dumbass and your incoherent ramblings, is a fool.

Ignore button for you!I would call the guy that I would like to be a dumbass and incoherent, you have not been to Medellin, you don't know anything of Medellin and you enjoy trolling others simply because that disability check and SSI doesn't provide you the opportunity to travel like you dream of daily. Good luck though, maybe you'll get some action in yourself and stop verbally wrestling with other BMs who actually travel and who actually have a presence in Medellin. Pollo Negro is Out!

05-12-21, 02:44
Any time another monger has to name call another monger, that's the proof that you are truly offended by the adventures of others. If a man bangs 10 chics a day, so be it, if a person wants to stay in Centro, so be it. Paying more for rent does not make you a chic magnet or a pole slinger, as a matter of fact, it really speaks just the opposite. If you're older than 50 and your drive is low, just say that, but if you're not with another monger during the deed, why doubt him? Oh, main because you can't bang 10 chics a day. Come on, you don't have to put down another monger to have a presence on this board. Just fly to Medellin, grab some pesos and choose a chic or two, it's just that simple, you do not have to complicate the process or put down the next monger because your money is low just like your sex drive, Pollo Negro is out! LOL.Older dude, retirement age, getting by on social security, pot belly, bald, out-of-shape, bad teeth but dentures help. Didn't get laid enough in high-schood, did not know how to treat women then and still doesn't. Only difference, he discovered how to monger on a budget here and other developing areas of the world, and suddenly now he's an expert solely based on the experiences he has paying for sex. That's okay because this a a Web site about that subject. Put him in a social situation back in the states where he can't pay for play and he would strike-out, strike-out, and strike-out again.

I agree with your sentiment that if a guy goes to the trouble of posting something negative about the way another guy here rolls, most of the time it comes from an insecure need for self-vaildation. What other reason is there? Heck, I have half the frequent fliers here on my Ignore List. Not saying they are all bad dudes but the energy it takes to read their posts is not worth the information gained, overall. So the ony time I get exposed to their tripe is when a super-normal guy like you responds and their original post is included, jajaja.

My dad used to say, "What do you call an asshole when he turns 70?" Answer: An old asshole, jjajaa. There is no substitute for the experience of time, but just because a guy has put in the time and has hundreds or thousand of posts here doesn't exclude that he is just reinforcing ass-hole behaviors. I have learned so much from the good guys here and at the same time my Ingore List continues to expand. Ostee Out.

05-12-21, 06:57
99% of what you post is bullshit, you and "BMs" like you degrade the quality of ISG, years before I joined I looked at it briefly and read some bullshit posters like you and when I took my 1st trips they were disasters.

Because of disinformation from idiots like you, if the admin would allow me Ill post their names also, I may have wasted $20000 usd on 2 mongering trips that were really ruined by reading bullshit, now I study a thread before I take a trip, I can say most members here are pretty honest (even if I don't get along with them) except a few, yyz travel you sjobs and maybe 1 or 2 more, I think if we do nothing else here, we expose the bullshitters, bad providers of sex or information will equally ruin anyone's vacation!I'm all for admitting your mistakes, so others can learn from them, but I probably would have kept that one to myself.

Let's see if I got this right. You followed bullshit advice and ended up blowing $10 k on a mongering trip and then you followed bullshit advice and blew another $10 k on another mongering trip? Did you want to make sure you were following the bullshit advice correctly?

I've discussed it before. I followed the wrong advice on my first mongering trip. I ignored all the advice and decided I knew best. It only took me 12 hours to realize my mistake. And by taking the other advice, I extended my stay by 2 days, paid $200 to change my return flight and still came in $300 under budget.

05-12-21, 16:19
Older dude, retirement age, getting by on social security, pot belly, bald, out-of-shape, bad teeth but dentures help. Didn't get laid enough in high-schood, did not know how to treat women then and still doesn't. Only difference, he discovered how to monger on a budget here and other developing areas of the world, and suddenly now he's an expert solely based on the experiences he has paying for sex. That's okay because this a a Web site about that subject. Put him in a social situation back in the states where he can't pay for play and he would strike-out, strike-out, and strike-out again.

I agree with your sentiment that if a guy goes to the trouble of posting something negative about the way another guy here rolls, most of the time it comes from an insecure need for self-vaildation. What other reason is there? Heck, I have half the frequent fliers here on my Ignore List. Not saying they are all bad dudes but the energy it takes to read their posts is not worth the information gained, overall. So the ony time I get exposed to their tripe is when a super-normal guy like you responds and their original post is included, jajaja.

My dad used to say, "What do you call an asshole when he turns 70?" Answer: An old asshole, jjajaa. There is no substitute for the experience of time, but just because a guy has put in the time and has hundreds or thousand of posts here doesn't exclude that he is just reinforcing ass-hole behaviors. I have learned so much from the good guys here and at the same time my Ingore List continues to expand. Ostee Out.OMG you had the energy to take his dick out of your mouth, to write this! LOL.

Yeah you're another bullshitter on here that writes puta romance novels, did I strike a nerve? Liars don't like.

The truth!! But liars love other liars!! Your worthless drivel wastes more bandwidth on ISG than anyone's.

Please, just don't post any fotos of you two 69 ing!

05-12-21, 16:26
It is not whether you have taken many trips here, been here a long time, or post every day. It is more about telling the truth and giving correct information. Months ago you said someone showed you how to make all this money on the internet or home business or something. Then you rented a condo for 6 months or a year and furnished it. Then you were back in the states working making all this money. So many stories and most are complete BS.I have been a Member on this board since 2005 and have got a lot of good info from others on here.

The Pollo guys stories have never seemed legit to me either. I call BS!

Silver Turtle
05-12-21, 21:32
Well-said, and accurate description.

Older dude, retirement age, getting by on social security, pot belly, bald, out-of-shape, bad teeth but dentures help. Didn't get laid enough in high-schood, did not know how to treat women then and still doesn't. Only difference, he discovered how to monger on a budget here and other developing areas of the world, and suddenly now he's an expert solely based on the experiences he has paying for sex. That's okay because this a a Web site about that subject. Put him in a social situation back in the states where he can't pay for play and he would strike-out, strike-out, and strike-out again.

I agree with your sentiment that if a guy goes to the trouble of posting something negative about the way another guy here rolls, most of the time it comes from an insecure need for self-vaildation. What other reason is there? Heck, I have half the frequent fliers here on my Ignore List. Not saying they are all bad dudes but the energy it takes to read their posts is not worth the information gained, overall. So the ony time I get exposed to their tripe is when a super-normal guy like you responds and their original post is included, jajaja.

My dad used to say, "What do you call an asshole when he turns 70?" Answer: An old asshole, jjajaa. There is no substitute for the experience of time, but just because a guy has put in the time and has hundreds or thousand of posts here doesn't exclude that he is just reinforcing ass-hole behaviors. I have learned so much from the good guys here and at the same time my Ingore List continues to expand. Ostee Out.

05-13-21, 05:00
I have been a Member on this board since 2005 and have got a lot of good info from others on here.

The Pollo guys stories have never seemed legit to me either. I call BS!This guy, Loveit69, has met me, as well as other Mongers who were with me at the time that we met. He can tell you that I am much younger than him and younger than many on this board. He can tell you that I don't have to hide when I am in Centro. Why in the world would I have to fabricate a story to impress older European guys with less cash flow than myself? Make it make sense? I am younger, wealthier, nothing to hide, and you think my stories are BS? If I was older, around all of this young poon poon and everything that I was taught to believe about minorities happen to blow up right in my face, I would have to react the way that the self imposed kings of the world react when they are wrong. I would call Pollo a liar, I would say Pollo was fake, but did ILoveit69 tell you he was hiding in the bushes watching me and other mongers talk in English before he would approach us? Fact is, when you're broke, unworthy and do not meet the social norms, you run and hide the way that this guy did. But carry on, I fully understand what you feel like when you believe one thing and reality is another, this is my line of work and what I really get paid for, that mental health and instability is a beast! Pollo Negro is out!

05-13-21, 06:21
Well-said, and accurate description.Well you agree? Really? This turd is a douchebag, what does that say about you?

I see ISG kinda like a bar, the admin is the bartender, if I was running this place I would throw both of you out, hes not describing me, but he might be describing a good portion of the board with his blanket insults, not unlike PN with his racist comments about European men.

Both have diarrhea of the mouth and the keyboard and should get cut off!!

Black Page
05-13-21, 11:19
Spanish - I have had a lot of folks ask me about best phrases. Sure, there are some phrases you could learn in Columbian slang, but just go and download DuoLingo, and give yourself 30 minutes a day of practice. For you guys in Columbia already, use your phone for a translator,
Lots of useful information provided. Appreciated. I suggest you link it in the RoD.
But you spent such a long time in Medellin, Bogota, Cartagena, and still did not learn that it they are not near Washington DC?? Please...!
First word to learn is Colombia. No need of a translator. When I travel to USA I am not welcome to write HUSTON, TX.

05-13-21, 14:21
Lots of useful information provided. Appreciated. I suggest you link it in the RoD.
But you spent such a long time in Medellin, Bogota, Cartagena, and still did not learn that it they are not near Washington DC?? Please...!
First word to learn is Colombia. No need of a translator. When I travel to USA I am not welcome to write HUSTON, TX.I wish the admin had not deleted part of my post, it would be a perfect reply to this. You are correct, there are some typos in my post. I will make an extra active effort to make sure that I type Colombia from now on.

05-13-21, 15:03
Lots of useful information provided. Appreciated. I suggest you link it in the RoD.
But you spent such a long time in Medellin, Bogota, Cartagena, and still did not learn that it they are not near Washington DC?? Please...!
First word to learn is Colombia. No need of a translator. When I travel to USA I am not welcome to write HUSTON, TX.Huston Texas. Jaja good one. Years back when I first started researching Colombia I spelled it with a you and I was quickly corrected by a senior member on CH. Get the tee shirt.

'Colombia with an-O' jaja.

The Cane
05-13-21, 15:09
Huston Texas. Jaja good one. Years back when I first started researching Colombia I spelled it with a you and I was quickly corrected by a senior member on CH. Get the tee shirt.

'Colombia with an-O' jaja.You know how you know when somebody is from the UK? They say "Huston", "Los Angeleez", and "Alabamer" LOL! By the way, don't know why the auto-correct capitalizes "LOS". Not every use of it is about Thailand and the Land of Smiles.

Black Page
05-13-21, 16:04
Huston Texas. Jaja good one. Years back when I first started researching Colombia I spelled it with a you and I was quickly corrected by a senior member on CH. Get the tee shirt.
'Colombia with an-O' jaja.I shot the photo of the hat at a shop of BOG airport, if I remember well. When I saw that hat, I immediately understood it was necessary to take a pic, as I would have felt the need to post it on ISG for the years to come.

PS: I have also used Google Maps to search where the hell was Parque "Poblano", if I missed it all these years.

05-13-21, 17:25
Hey folks, lots of questions / PMs since my last detailed report (http://www.internationalsexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?583-Medellin-Reports&p=2557406&viewfull=1#post2557406)so I thought I would share them with the group.

Spanish - I have had a lot of folks ask me about best phrases. Sure, there are some phrases you could learn in Columbian slang, but just go and download DuoLingo, and give yourself 30 minutes a day of practice. For you guys in Columbia already, use your phone for a translator, but instead of showing it to the girl attempt to read it EVERY DAMN TIME, and yes, you will have horrid pronunciation at first. Yes, I know, it will be annoying, but they will help you, the girls actually think it's cute when a gringo tries to learn Spanish. Never copy and paste, use the translator, and then retype. Watch some movies you already know with Spanish audio... just get used to using it, and saying basic things to people in Spanish... you will be speaking Spanish in 4-5 weeks if you do this. Hit up amazing and buy some kid's workbooks - seriously, once your get over the learning curve with the genders and the tenses, it's not that difficult.

With all of this knowledge on Colombia I would have thought he could have least spelled the name of the country correctly, just saying.

Anyhow the other day I couldn't find Sexy Fantasias inside Caracas Mall thingy. The description on the world traveller map says "On the second floor, across from the gym on the 2nd floor you will see a gate and a staircase, go up" so this is assuming you are already on the second floor? There was no way up to the second floor, there was a staircase that led to a barbers and another staircase with a shutter and then another with a gate, was that it? Can someone provide some more instruction, thanks. I sent them a what's app asking if they were operating and they said they were so I guess its still up and running but they did not seem to willing to help me find it.

My second choice was closed Club Paris, went by this twice on two separate afternoons, no bell no sign nothing. The door was locked shut. Went to club Amigas de sexy on 45, there also seems to be another listing on 58? Amigas on 45, friendly place but they only showed around 3-4 girls and they didn't look too great, one did but she was a bit miserable. I left, no charge for the presentation. Went back to my usual Dulce see, another awesome session.

Any more recommendations for casas?

Some people were asking about renting fincas outside of Medellin, I did it and it was fun but a lot of the towns are closed, meaning the airbnbs will not accept bookings or your booking could be cancelled due to covid measures or you may not be able to get a hotel.

05-13-21, 18:06
With all of this knowledge on Colombia I would have thought he could have least spelled the name of the country correctly, just saying.You are right, all of my advice should be ignored here due to typos. P.S. - the user's name is World Travel 69, not "world traveller" with two lls. Also, as long as we are at it: well when you ask a question, you should use a " not "thanks." I could keep going calling out spelling and grammar errors, but I proved my point. See how irritating it is when someone is a jerk about spelling and grammar on this site instead of just sharing advice in a kind way about fucking chicas? Guys. Seriously, it was a typo, get over it. The joke is done. All you will get by continuing this is discouraging people who want to actively contribute to this community by seeing how you treat contributors.

05-13-21, 18:31
Did you forget you were in Colombia and not Hyde Park?

This is the new bread of mongers on the scene: walking around Colombia with Beats by Dre headphones on while checking sports scores on their Apple Watch. Smdh.Check the original report and the guy never said he was wearing the headphones. And in fact he just confirmed that he wasn't, that they were in his pocket with his phone. But that's how misinformation spreads. One person misreads a report then others pile on based on the information. Basic reading comprehension skills are a valuable asset indeed. Wink.

05-13-21, 18:39
Well you agree? Really? This turd is a douchebag, what does that say about you?

I see ISG kinda like a bar, the admin is the bartender, if I was running this place I would throw both of you out, hes not describing me, but he might be describing a good portion of the board with his blanket insults, not unlike PN with his racist comments about European men.

Both have diarrhea of the mouth and the keyboard and should get cut off!!Oddly enough, I have lived here in Medellin for about a year and a half and I find the PolloNegro and Osteoknot posts infinitely more useful to new members than yours. Their comments have the unmistakable.

Note of authenticity. Clearly both have spent a lot of time here. I can't say the same for anything you've written.

05-13-21, 19:58
I wasn't wearing the headphones. They were in my pocket and got them when they searched me. I don't mind being called stupid. And I guess I was for having my cell phone and wallet on me, as well for not calling a cab. But I saw these kids walking towards me and they didn't give off any vibe until they went into robber mode. They just got lucky to catch me walking during a break in traffic and took advantage.

As others have said, I only post to give you guys a heads up to keep your head on a swivel because things do seem a little crazier here around here on this trip. My girls are telling me to avoid centro at all costs for example.

But I think if you take cabs anytime you leave well populated areas, you should be fine. Still love this place and will be coming back.They recently killed an American investor.

Check the news.

05-13-21, 20:07
but did ILoveit69 tell you he was hiding in the bushes watching me and other mongers talk in English before he would approach us? Fact is, when you're broke, unworthy and do not meet the social norms, you run and hide the way that this guy did. Priceless.

05-14-21, 00:22
You are right, all of my advice should be ignored here due to typos. P.S. - the user's name is World Travel 69, not "world traveller" with two lls. Also, as long as we are at it: well when you ask a question, you should use a " not "thanks." I could keep going calling out spelling and grammar errors, but I proved my point. See how irritating it is when someone is a jerk about spelling and grammar on this site instead of just sharing advice in a kind way about fucking chicas? Guys. Seriously, it was a typo, get over it. The joke is done. All you will get by continuing this is discouraging people who want to actively contribute to this community by seeing how you treat contributors.I don't think you proved anything. I frequently type up quick points on my mobile while I'm on the move just to get the info out there, but at the very least I am going to get the country right that I am supposedly talking about. You can have the last word if you like. I'm out.

05-14-21, 01:30
if I was running this place I would throw both of you out. PN with his racist comments about European men.
Both have diarrhea of the mouth and the keyboard and should get cut off!!Dear Mr MarquisdeSade, the reality is this, you are a narcissist who has a personality disorder. The admin is like a bartender, or a bar owner, he has set the rules of the establishment. You are the first one to engage in disagreeing with other board members then the first thing you want to do is advise the admin to throw out certain board members. This is why this is called the stupid shit thread. You are offended by the term European looking males, but how do you think men of color feel when you and others have the audacity to type that black males with big gold chains feel? If that statement isn't racist, I wouldn't know how to describe racism.

Your narcissistic personality speaks volumes for every word that you type and place in this forum. Allow me to inform you of what statistics say about people like you. Narcissistic people with personality disorder has a prevalence of around 2% among the general population. Meaning that there are not many people like you, although you do exist. Furthermore the literature goes on to say, "There is also a high prevalence among the mothers of these people! Please Mr MarquisdeSade do not shoot the messenger. Scientist and theorist say, people who are narcissist with personality disorders tend to suffer from complications which include major depressive episodes, psychotic episodes, sexual disorders, as well as self-harm. Those in academia say people who are narcissist with personality disorders, cannot maintain a social relationship because they cannot recognize the boundary between their own Self and that of others. The reasons that people who are narcissist with personality disorders are not able to maintain meaningful relationships with others are: fear of abandonment, intense unstable relationships, disturbed sense of identity, impulsivity, self-destructive or suicidal behaviour, affective instability, chronic feeling of emptiness, intense anger, psychotic and dissociative symptoms.

I usually charge a healthy coin to deliver this kind of consultation, but because you are such a special guy, I decided to provide this consultation free of service. Pollo Negro is out!

05-14-21, 03:49
This guy, Loveit69, has met me, as well as other Mongers who were with me at the time that we met. He can tell you that I am much younger than him and younger than many on this board. He can tell you that I don't have to hide when I am in Centro. Why in the world would I have to fabricate a story to impress older European guys with less cash flow than myself? Make it make sense? I am younger, wealthier, nothing to hide, and you think my stories are BS? If I was older, around all of this young poon poon and everything that I was taught to believe about minorities happen to blow up right in my face, I would have to react the way that the self imposed kings of the world react when they are wrong. I would call Pollo a liar, I would say Pollo was fake, but did ILoveit69 tell you he was hiding in the bushes watching me and other mongers talk in English before he would approach us? Fact is, when you're broke, unworthy and do not meet the social norms, you run and hide the way that this guy did. But carry on, I fully understand what you feel like when you believe one thing and reality is another, this is my line of work and what I really get paid for, that mental health and instability is a beast! Pollo Negro is out!We never met. The last few months I have been here. The last few months you have been in the States (unless you are lying again). So that means we met last year in which I left October 28,2020. I only remember talking to one guy. I was sitting in a chair at Botero when he spoke to me. He saw me again and talked to me at a street BBQ. I told him he was was full of crap because things he said did not match what I saw him do. He was a cracker like me but not as good. I would rate him a Saltine. Myself more a Ritz or Triscuit. But please do not call me cracker. It always makes me hungry and of all things for "Crackers" and they suck here!

The only foreigner I kinda sorta approached was TallMan but he was busy on his phone. Never have I approached any foreigner. I had a foreigner approach me last month saying he was leaving tomorrow for Bucaramanga. But 2 days later he saw me and said Hello. Just met him and he was a liar (decided to stay longer or some other BS) so I walked off.

My hotel was near San Antonio station so you have no idea how good or bad my hotel was so no idea rich or poor. I never tell anyone how much or how little I have saved or make. Why would I do that. Never been big as a fancy dresser but especially here so you can not gauge my money by that. Nobody cares if you are rich or not. Your rich and my rich and little Johny's definition of rich are all different. Odd you always have to brag about yourself in some form or fashion. All I do know is that I am here and you are not which tells me something.

Why on earth would I be scared to talk to foreigners? I was in Cucuta for 2 months, Bogota 1 month, Barranquilla nearly 3 months, and Medellin total of 7 months. About ready to go check out 2-3 other smaller cities. I speak no Spanish but have no need or want to chat with foreigners.

This trip a girl from my last trip who wanted me to go with me but I did not want. She called over a gringo. We chatted a bit. Then he brought others to introduce them to me. The only time I ever talked to foreigners and regret it! Talked to that large group for a month. Learned nothing. Can not remember much that was talked about. My advice was ignored and then many times soon proved correct. I do not talk to any of them now. Here are some examples why. Guy A got into an argument with me within 5 minutes chatting that there were no flights back to USA during the country lock down but there were humanitarian flights every month. Guy be was a cock blocker who always tried to play interpreter when he saw me with a girl. Guy see ran up to the girl who was following me to my hotel and told her he would pay more (failed by the way). Guy the said I complained about everything so I said give me an example and he used a restaurant he showed us. I asked what specifically did I complain about (food, location, atmosphere). He could not answer. Then I told him I had been there 5 times and showed another guy that place. Guy E said one of his bucket list items was to sex a set of twins. I showed him the pictures of what the twins sent me from the guy who shared on this site. They wanted 250,000 each for an hour with condom. I asked for 1.5 hours but she wanted the full 2 hours. Roughly $140 for both girls for 1 hour and it was too much for him. Wow! $140 too much to sex his first pair of twins on his bucket list. Guy F I was told by one of the girls is bad to the girls so many will not go with him. She told me because I laughed how he spent 10-15 minutes trying to get a girl and walked off. I had her in 3 minutes. She told me why because she knows I do not converse with any of those guys. 3 of these guys never change their clothes. Unreal! I could go on forever.

I met a member here in Bogota last year. He text me on Whatsapp and I said when you visit Botero we can walk around. Two weeks later I told him "Liar liar pants on fire" through Whatsapp. He came to Botero once but met another member. I do not care. But it shows how people talk but it is just that TALK.

Months ago guys were arguing about a girl with green hair and then blue hair. I shared that our first meeting was great but our second meeting I walked out on her at the love hotel. But I still recommended her. Saw her a few weeks ago. She went with me. Things were a little off but no problems. She told me that a guy on ISG told her that I had posted her picture on the site (maybe it was you). I explained I do not have her picture and would not do that. Obviously she believed me or she would not have gone with me. Her hair is now shoulder length straight and she has lost a little weight. She looks great.

05-14-21, 18:55
We never met. The last few months I have been here. The last few months you have been in the States (unless you are lying again). So that means we met last year in which I left October 28,2020. I only remember talking to one guy. I was sitting in a chair at Botero when he spoke to me. He saw me again and talked to me at a street BBQ. I told him he was was full of crap because things he said did not match what I saw him do. He was a cracker like me but not as good. I would rate him a Saltine. Myself more a Ritz or Triscuit. But please do not call me cracker. It always makes me hungry and of all things for "Crackers" and they suck here!

The only foreigner I kinda sorta approached was TallMan but he was busy on his phone. Never have I approached any foreigner. I had a foreigner approach me last month saying he was leaving tomorrow for Bucaramanga. But 2 days later he saw me and said Hello. Just met him and he was a liar (decided to stay longer or some other BS) so I walked off.

My hotel was near San Antonio station so you have no idea how good or bad my hotel was so no idea rich or poor. I never tell anyone how much or how little I have saved or make. Why would I do that. Never been big as a fancy dresser but especially here so you can not gauge my money by that. Nobody cares if you are rich or not. Your rich and my rich and little Johny's definition of rich are all different. Odd you always have to brag about yourself in some form or fashion. All I do know is that I am here and you are not which tells me something.

Why on earth would I be scared to talk to foreigners? I was in Cucuta for 2 months, Bogota 1 month, Barranquilla nearly 3 months, and Medellin total of 7 months. About ready to go check out 2-3 other smaller cities. I speak no Spanish but have no need or want to chat with foreigners..A lie doesn't care who tells it, just in case you didn't read my last post, you too, also fall into that category of narcissis with personality disorder. When I can only do bad things but you claim to have never met me, it is funny that I didn't even mention Tall Man, but once again, you seem to get the person I was with right, carry on liar, like I said, that fear of abandonment has you afraid to be yourself, Pollo Negro is out!

05-15-21, 03:45
A lie doesn't care who tells it, just in case you didn't read my last post, you too, also fall into that category of narcissis with personality disorder. When I can only do bad things but you claim to have never met me, it is funny that I didn't even mention Tall Man, but once again, you seem to get the person I was with right, carry on liar, like I said, that fear of abandonment has you afraid to be yourself, Pollo Negro is out!Tall Man. Tell the truth. Have we ever met?

05-15-21, 03:55
We never met. The last few months I have been here. The last few months you have been in the States (unless you are lying again). So that means we met last year in which I left October 28,2020. I only remember talking to one guy. I was sitting in a chair at Botero when he spoke to me. He saw me again and talked to me at a street BBQ. I told him he was was full of crap because things he said did not match what I saw him do. He was a cracker like me but not as good. I would rate him a Saltine. Myself more a Ritz or Triscuit. But please do not call me cracker. It always makes me hungry and of all things for "Crackers" and they suck here!

The only foreigner I kinda sorta approached was TallMan but he was busy on his phone. Never have I approached any foreigner. I had a foreigner approach me last month saying he was leaving tomorrow for Bucaramanga. But 2 days later he saw me and said Hello. Just met him and he was a liar (decided to stay longer or some other BS) so I walked off.

My hotel was near San Antonio station so you have no idea how good or bad my hotel was so no idea rich or poor. I never tell anyone how much or how little I have saved or make. Why would I do that. Never been big as a fancy dresser but especially here so you can not gauge my money by that. Nobody cares if you are rich or not. Your rich and my rich and little Johny's definition of rich are all different. Odd you always have to brag about yourself in some form or fashion. All I do know is that I am here and you are not which tells me something.

Why on earth would I be scared to talk to foreigners? I was in Cucuta for 2 months, Bogota 1 month, Barranquilla nearly 3 months, and Medellin total of 7 months. About ready to go check out 2-3 other smaller cities. I speak no Spanish but have no need or want to chat with foreigners.I have no real interest in this current pissing contest, but you've got me confused. For someone who's only talked to one foreigner, you sure do list a lot of foreigners that you've talked to.

One bit of advice for everyone. You can't prove anything by writing about it. When it's all done it's just words.

05-15-21, 04:14
on 07 08 2020 you said---

I see the out every day regular groups of girls, and surely the weekend only types, and only here once or twice to buy a birthday present or special needs girls. Only been here 4 days and see no head person running the show. So either that person is gone or it was BS. Pollonegro, if this guy running the girls is still there be sure to PM me. Then I will give you my Whatsapp. You text me and I will come running just to see this in action. You do not even have to meet me. Just send a picture of the guy and tell me where he normally can be found. I should be able to tell by the picture.
Then you say---We never met. The last few months I have been here. The last few months you have been in the States (unless you are lying again). So that means we met last year in which I left October 28,2020. I only remember talking to one guy. I was sitting in a chair at Botero when he spoke to me. He saw me again and talked to me at a street BBQ. I told him he was was full of crap because things he said did not match what I saw him do. He was a cracker like me but not as good. I would rate him a Saltine. Myself more a Ritz or Triscuit. But please do not call me cracker. It always makes me hungry and of all things for "Crackers" and they suck here!One thing about me, Is that I have no reason to lie, we were all in Botero plaza together, but clearly your age and your narcissism is getting the best of you. You chimed in on many of my post, but you swear we never met. You saw the dental work that I had done, but you swear we never met. This only validates my theory about you older European looking guys with ED and social security money being angry pompous individuals who live in fantasy land. Let me remind you of what the literature says about you narcissistic individuals, it is estimated that the disorder goes undiagnosed in men. Complications for this personality disorder are depressive episodes, sexual dynamics disorders.

Somatization disorders. The main characteristic of hysteria is excessive emotionality. Individuals like yourself are easily contaminated by the emotional characteristics of their current.

Environment, but do not show empathy towards the people involved. Furthermore, theorist say that affective catharsis is easy to obtain for individuals like you, because you focus on satisfying your own interests by manipulating others. The grand finale of literature implies that individuals like yourself, are intolerant of being ignored. Honestly I can go on for days by informing you of who you are and exposing you for who you really are inside, but out of the kindness of others on this board, will you refrain from being so biased against others simply because they are different from you?

Trust me, I usually collect a rather handsome ransom for the information that I am providing you, but like your friend who tried me before, this diagnostic evaluation for you, is free of charge, good day sir.

Pollo Negro is Out!

05-15-21, 04:19
Pollo Negro is out!You are a narcissist who has a personality disorder" Calling two guys out in just one day.

Don't you think that you have yourself a problem?

05-15-21, 13:15
Older dude, retirement age, getting by on social security, pot belly, bald, out-of-shape, bad teeth but dentures help. Didn't get laid enough in high-schood, did not know how to treat women then and still doesn't. Only difference, he discovered how to monger on a budget here and other developing areas of the world, and suddenly now he's an expert solely based on the experiences he has paying for sex. That's okay because this a a Web site about that subject. Put him in a social situation back in the states where he can't pay for play and he would strike-out, strike-out, and strike-out again.

I agree with your sentiment that if a guy goes to the trouble of posting something negative about the way another guy here rolls, most of the time it comes from an insecure need for self-validation. What other reason is there? Heck, I have half the frequent fliers here on my Ignore List. Not saying they are all bad dudes but the energy it takes to read their posts is not worth the information gained, overall. So the ony time I get exposed to their tripe is when a super-normal guy like you responds and their original post is included, jajaja.

My dad used to say, "What do you call an asshole when he turns 70?" Answer: An old asshole, jjajaa. There is no substitute for the experience of time, but just because a guy has put in the time and has hundreds or thousand of posts here doesn't exclude that he is just reinforcing ass-hole behaviors. I have learned so much from the good guys here and at the same time my Ingore List continues to expand. Ostee Out.Well, I turned 59 a few weeks back, although it'll be awhile before I'm living on Social Security. I've got a belly now that wasn't there a few years ago and it doesn't seem like it's going away anytime soon. My teeth aren't what they once we're, but they're still all mine. While I used to walk 50 miles a week in Medellin, now, I'm sometimes worn out by a walk around the block. And I didn't get laid at all in high school.

Strange thing about the girls in Medellin, not one of them has ever asked for my BMI or my dental records. Based on your impression you would think that is going to be top of their list. Most of them don't even ask my age.

Some guys seem to forget, we're going to Medellin, and all those other places, to pay for sex. Whether you fucked every cheerleader in your high school, or didn't get your first pussy until you turned 30, whether you are socially awkward or the life of the party, at the end of the day, you're paying for the pussy in Medellin.

If it makes you feel better to stand in front of a mirror flexing, that's fine, but the same girls who tell you "tan guapo" are saying the same thing to all us old, fat guys.

05-15-21, 20:37
You are a narcissist who has a personality disorder" Calling two guys out in just one day.

Don't you think that you have yourself a problem?Should I not call it out for what it is, or should I allow them to have a field day saying slick biased statements about persons of color and someone who can hold his own. I call a spade a spade and you might be surprised at my line of work, I not only know a narcissist when I read his posts, I might just be able to make that title a certified statement, through my line of work and the position I hold. Unless you are a therapist, Doctor, Psychiatrist, how would you know if I was a narcissist? Before you attack the person who appears to be winning the argument, understand the argument, the components of the argument and how all that are involved in the argument arrived at the point that we are now. Don't jump into a fight simply because you fit the title of European looking, older male who has ED, then again, I know that you could not help taking a shot at me, because you feel that I am a easy target, think again. Pollo Negro is out!

05-15-21, 20:47
Tall Man. Tell the truth. Have we ever met?Take a look at your post, you can view every post that you ever made on this forum. I was in Medellin from March 1st 2020 until November 5th of 2020, and you still deny that we have me, we were in Medellin at the same time and you still deny that? We were in Botero plaza together my kind sir, but now you want to drag another board member into the argument. Tall Man will see this post and if he chooses to input, he will chime in, but he has no need to, because your statements alone tells anyone who reads this board that you do not remember who you meet. You do not keep a running tab of all of those you encounter, and you will argue about anything that make you feel uncomfortable about blatant statements that you post online and then can be called out for incorrect information. We were in Medellin at the same time, in Park Botero at the same time and you were hiding in the bushes the day that me, tall man and mike met to tour Park Botero. If you say you do not remember it, then it is obvious that you have impaired memory and my statements about older European looking guys with biased statements hold true. Other than that kind sir, Pollo Negro is out!

Fun Luvr
05-15-21, 22:35
... Some guys seem to forget, we're going to Medellin, and all those other places, to pay for sex. Whether you fucked every cheerleader in your high school, or didn't get your first pussy until you turned 30, whether you are socially awkward or the life of the party, at the end of the day, you're paying for the pussy in Medellin.

If it makes you feel better to stand in front of a mirror flexing, that's fine, but the same girls who tell you "tan guapo" are saying the same thing to all us old, fat guys.Damned JjBee62, I will give you a thumps up and a compliment on that post: and that's not easy for me to do.

05-15-21, 23:50
Damned JjBee62, I will give you a thumps up and a compliment on that post: and that's not easy for me to do.If you'd abandon the inane Trumpian politics and pseudo-science you'd probably find it a lot easier. Wink. But yea that one was music to the ears of all obese older guys with bad teeth. Nonetheless many a hooker, all else being the same if the guy isn't a prick that works her to death, would prefer to be with a younger fit guy she's attracted to. Many have told me it makes their work easier. It's also common sense, takes the "hold your nose and go" factor off the table.

Mojo Bandit
05-15-21, 23:55
They recently killed an American investor.

Check the news.Are you by ant chance referring to the Canadian that got gunned down in Sabaneta? Because that was no robbery, that was a straight up shoot-first-and-ask-no-questions-later assassination. Sicarios, rumor is that the hit was ordered because he was investing in something that the competition did not like, you do not try to do business in the backyard of the Oficina de Envigado and expect to safely sit in a parked car and not get shot by some kid on the back of a motorcycle.


https://lfpress.com/news/local-news/ex-londoner-with-alleged-biker-ties-reportedly-shot-dead-in-colombia#text=David%20 Wayne%20 Brown%2 C%2043%2 C%20 died, according%20 to%20 local%20 media%20 reports.

Mr Enternational
05-16-21, 00:28
Are you by ant chance referring to the Canadian that got gunned down in Sabaneta? Because that was no robbery, that was a straight up shoot-first-and-ask-no-questions-later assassination. I thought he was talking about the American guy in Barranquilla. So vague. Like it was raining outside recently. Check the weather report. Who? Where? When? Why?

The Tall Man
05-16-21, 02:20
Take a look at your post, you can view every post that you ever made on this forum. I was in Medellin from March 1st 2020 until November 5th of 2020, and you still deny that we have me, we were in Medellin at the same time and you still deny that? We were in Botero plaza together my kind sir, but now you want to drag another board member into the argument. Tall Man will see this post and if he chooses to input, he will chime in, but he has no need to, because your statements alone tells anyone who reads this board that you do not remember who you meet. You do not keep a running tab of all of those you encounter, and you will argue about anything that make you feel uncomfortable about blatant statements that you post online and then can be called out for incorrect information. We were in Medellin at the same time, in Park Botero at the same time and you were hiding in the bushes the day that me, tall man and mike met to tour Park Botero. If you say you do not remember it, then it is obvious that you have impaired memory and my statements about older European looking guys with biased statements hold true. Other than that kind sir, Pollo Negro is out!PN speaks wise and honest words as this was my recollection of that day. When was this, last summer I recall.

Was this the dude that saw us (The Tall Man, Mike and PN) in the center of botero by where the tourist police used to have their tent? If so yes this clown was like stalking us from 'the bushes' then later that day or the next this clown post shit about me on this forum. What a dip shit.

I never spoke to him, never interacted with him, I noticed him from the corner of my eye but that was it and he posts shit about me on the next day. If this is the same clown WTF is your problem.

I always stay away from drama and problems and this creep reminded me that there are gringos who come to Medellin with mental problems and are just sick in their heads looking to talk smack for no reason.

As always, much love and respect to all!

The Tall Man.

Blue Touch
05-16-21, 03:30
You guys just don't understand. That was a haiku piece by a Zen master mongering in Colombia.

I thought he was talking about the American guy in Barranquilla. So vague. Like it was raining outside recently. Check the weather report. Who? Where? When? Why?

05-16-21, 04:18
I have no real interest in this current pissing contest, but you've got me confused. For someone who's only talked to one foreigner, you sure do list a lot of foreigners that you've talked to.

One bit of advice for everyone. You can't prove anything by writing about it. When it's all done it's just words.I was in Colombia March 2020 - October 2020 when the one guy talked to me. I saw Pollo Negro, Tall Man, and another guy. Never got closed than 3 meters that I know of. Never said anything to any of them or was spoke to. Why on earth would I just meet a guy and look at his teeth?

Then returned February 2021 until now. This trip the girl from 1st trip called over a gringo to translate trying to get me to go with her again. That is when I met some others foreigners and regret all of it and do the lone wolf thing now like I had always done in the past and much happier now. .

Pollo Negro. How can I be narcissist? None of my posts have me claiming I am young, good looking, big, tough, staying at posh hotels, having orgies, having 3 girls everyday, rich, etc. But you have claimed many of these. Many of my posts are negative (but true) to warn newbies of possible problems or dangers. So many of you other guys push the boundaries of reality in that all your girls are porn stars, all regular girls, the girls pay you, the girls never leave, the girls love you, and so on. I have plenty of wonderful girls but do not brag about them. I learned years ago to not share female contacts except rare occasions because so many guys are dicks. Then the girl gets mad at me. But whether we met or not has no relevance on the lies you post. I assure everyone that I am not a nice person or well liked by foreigners. I am brutally honest and quickly call BS as soon as I hear it start and walk away. But I am a different person with the girls. For example, the girl I walked out on in the love hotel months ago went with me again. She knew I was mad at her and why. She knew she had pushed me too far. I knew she was not a bad person so I brought her to my hotel, not a love hotel. I still like her and would recommend her. Sweet and very pretty. Just have to keep her contained a little bit or she may ask for the world.

The girl at my hotel who I had problems with canceling and asking money up front. Saw her take 5 guys today. Pretty sure she had more than that so obviously she is not ugly. We looked at each other in the stair case and in the lobby when she was with 3 of her guys passing by so she knew I knew. Later that night when we passed each other again at the office and she was alone, I text her telling her I think she is cheating on me and squinted my eyes suspiciously goofing around. She laughed and went up stairs to her room. I doubt we will ever hook up. I do not care one way or the other. I just love messing with people. She is not mad at me and I am not mad at her. Just different ways of doing things.

05-16-21, 19:16
Take a look at your post, you can view every post that you ever made on this forum. I was in Medellin from March 1st 2020 until November 5th of 2020, and you still deny that we have me, we were in Medellin at the same time and you still deny that? We were in Botero plaza together my kind sir, but now you want to drag another board member into the argument. Tall Man will see this post and if he chooses to input, he will chime in, but he has no need to, because your statements alone tells anyone who reads this board that you do not remember who you meet. You do not keep a running tab of all of those you encounter, and you will argue about anything that make you feel uncomfortable about blatant statements that you post online and then can be called out for incorrect information. We were in Medellin at the same time, in Park Botero at the same time and you were hiding in the bushes the day that me, tall man and mike met to tour Park Botero. If you say you do not remember it, then it is obvious that you have impaired memory and my statements about older European looking guys with biased statements hold true. Other than that kind sir, Pollo Negro is out!I very rarely if ever get specific about a mongerer, I prefer generalizations and let the guys here assign themselves to the problem, jaja. ANYWHO, from the outside looking in, is it possible you guys have a case of mistaken identity? Sounds like obviously there was a lurker in the bushes maybe it was a guy with a similar User name or some other rationale explanation? Or we could just say file it under Stupid Shit and move on.

Silver Turtle
05-16-21, 21:14
Cheers to the desparate rhetoric. I often hear how chicas talk about gringos viejos.

Well, I turned 59 a few weeks back, although it'll be awhile before I'm living on Social Security. I've got a belly now that wasn't there a few years ago and it doesn't seem like it's going away anytime soon. My teeth aren't what they once we're, but they're still all mine. While I used to walk 50 miles a week in Medellin, now, I'm sometimes worn out by a walk around the block. And I didn't get laid at all in high school.

Strange thing about the girls in Medellin, not one of them has ever asked for my BMI or my dental records. Based on your impression you would think that is going to be top of their list. Most of them don't even ask my age.

Some guys seem to forget, we're going to Medellin, and all those other places, to pay for sex. Whether you fucked every cheerleader in your high school, or didn't get your first pussy until you turned 30, whether you are socially awkward or the life of the party, at the end of the day, you're paying for the pussy in Medellin.

If it makes you feel better to stand in front of a mirror flexing, that's fine, but the same girls who tell you "tan guapo" are saying the same thing to all us old, fat guys.

05-16-21, 22:22
First you stated earlier this week that---We never met. The last few months I have been here. The last few months you have been in the States (unless you are lying again).

I was in Colombia March 2020 - October 2020 when the one guy talked to me. ----But you claim, you never met me----I saw Pollo Negro, Tall Man, and another guy. Never got closed than 3 meters that I know of. Never said anything to any of them or was spoke to. Why on earth would I just meet a guy and look at his teeth?
Pollo Negro. How can I be narcissist? None of my posts have me claiming I am young, good looking, big, tough, staying at posh hotels, having orgies, having 3 girls everyday, rich, etc. But you have claimed many of these.First off kind Sir, you are an adult, you know right from wrong and you are old enough to know that you do not call another man a liar without sufficient evidence. You have little to no respect for others on this board, and I will go as far as to say you have no respect for me. I can not expect anything from you because you behavior has shown you have no respect for yourself. You could have kept quiet about my post, you could have pressed the ignore button about my post, but no, you did what any other old narcissist would do, you decided to blend the events of reality and fantasy together to meet your agenda. You asked the question, how can you be a narcissist? Literature has detailed that narcissist cannot recognize the boundary between their own Self and that of others. The reasons that people who are narcissist with personality disorders are not able to maintain meaningful relationships with others are: fear of abandonment, intense unstable relationships, disturbed sense of identity, impulsivity, self-destructive behavior, affective instability, chronic feeling of emptiness, intense anger, psychotic and dissociative symptoms. So LoveitHere69, you should pick any of these characteristics and this will tell you why you are described and have a diagnosis of narcissism.

There are so many actions you could have taken in a professional manner, but no, you decided to tell me that my posts are lies, you decided to tell everyone on the board how my adventures are all BS. You met me, you know that I am young, well to do, able to handle myself, but no, you and your followers had to make it a point to make sure that you made everyone who reads this forum aware that Pollo Negro is a Liar, when the entire time it is you and your followers who are the bold face liars. This is where all the confusion and stupid shit is originated. The stupid shit starts with BMs like yourself who unnecessarily tell lies to earn attention from the other readers. You are the one that causes confusion with the monger community. From now on before you call another BM a liar, or make a statement that you have never met someone, you should make sure you go through each of your post and review them before you make a bold statement that you have not met someone, because you choose to forget that you met the person.

The most important lesson I would like for you to take from this post is this, I never once mentioned Tall Man's name out of respect of arguing with you and only keeping the argument with you. You should never drag another man into an argument for leverage just because you feel that you are losing the argument. It is tacky, disrespectful, and very feminine like. It shows that you are not assure of yourself and you have difficulties staying on task and telling the truth. Your post and bold statements are nothing less than white privilege. Then you have the audacity to claim that I am racist in my statements about you. Everything that I post about you is factual whether you agree or not. You are an adult, act like one, you know better, now do better. You don't have to spew lies across mongering board with guys you will never meet just to seem credible, because one day you may meet a BM and he may remember you for the personal weirdo that you are! Pollo Negro is Out!

Mojo Bandit
05-16-21, 23:17
I thought he was talking about the American guy in Barranquilla. So vague. Like it was raining outside recently. Check the weather report. Who? Where? When? Why?Did you hear about the American that took a dive out of the Holliday Inn and landed on a taxi? Supposedly happened in Cartagena (I say supposedly because looking at the Holiday Inn in the video and I cant find this spot on Google Maps ) there is a video that someone took of the guys body on the taxi and the damage done to the taxi, here is a snip of the video that shows the damage (I marked over the graphic part out of respect) Seeing how bad it smashed the taxi imagine how high up he must have been, also I would have to wonder if know one saw him jump if there may not be more to the story like he was pushed but surely as a hotel they would know who was coming and going from his room.
The second snip shows the camera panning up the building that he supposedly jumped from, there are no balconies or easily accessible windows that I can tell from this limited perspective so maybe he came from the roof.

05-17-21, 00:26
Cheers to the desparate rhetoric. I often hear how chicas talk about gringos viejos.Perhaps I misunderstand the hobby of mongering. I always thought it was about paying women for sex. I never knew it's about paying women to say good things about you.

I've heard it from many sources about what the women say about (fill in the blank) gringos. I'm just wondering why you guys are so obsessed with what prostitutes say about their other customers. I can honestly say I've never asked a hooker about any other guy. A few may have complained about other guys, but I don't pay any attention to that. I'm paying for sex. That's it. The women show up, do what I am paying for, get paid and leave.

I don't pay extra for them to tell other mongers they enjoyed being with me. How much does that service run you?

05-17-21, 00:52
Cheers to the desparate rhetoric. I often hear how chicas talk about gringos viejos.The phrase my girls most commonly use is that they are going to go get "Humiliated" when some fat slob with bad breath is drooling all over them. I have nothing against fat slobs or any body type getting what is owed them when they pay for services. I described an average, "hybrid" mongerer and in fact did not exclude myself from that group if a person can read what is in front of them without filling in the gaps with their own bias. I don't think I ever had any flexing days but I do pay attention to body hygiene, nose hairs, toe nails, ears, food between my teeth, etc. I try to do the best with what I have to work with, jajaja. If my average mongerer description strikes a chord and someone feels defensive about it enough to respond, well that act speaks for itself. I would expect most guys to ignore it or laugh it off. So then what's the point? For the core, the silent majority here, consider your source when you read posts telling you how it it. That's all.

05-17-21, 01:46
Was this the dude that saw us (The Tall Man, Mike and PN) in the center of botero by where the tourist police used to have their tent? If so yes this clown was like stalking us from 'the bushes' then later that day or the next this clown post shit about me on this forum. What a dip shit.That makes two that say Loveithere69 was hiding in the bushes so the case is getting strong. See attachment. Wink.

05-17-21, 04:03
I saw you guys and you saw me but we never met. We kept passing each other because 50-60% of the area was closed off so everyone was packed into a much smaller space. In one of my posts I corrected a guy about his post saying there were twice as many girls. But in reality the same amount of girls were packed into a much smaller space (optical illusion).

05-17-21, 05:04
Looks like some overt anti white guy vitriol, I'm curious if this was aimed at any other group if it would be allowed?

05-17-21, 07:46
The phrase my girls most commonly use is that they are going to go get "Humiliated" when some fat slob with bad breath is drooling all over them. I have nothing against fat slobs or any body type getting what is owed them when they pay for services. I described an average, "hybrid" mongerer and in fact did not exclude myself from that group if a person can read what is in front of them without filling in the gaps with their own bias. I don't think I ever had any flexing days but I do pay attention to body hygiene, nose hairs, toe nails, ears, food between my teeth, etc. I try to do the best with what I have to work with, jajaja. If my average mongerer description strikes a chord and someone feels defensive about it enough to respond, well that act speaks for itself. I would expect most guys to ignore it or laugh it off. So then what's the point? For the core, the silent majority here, consider your source when you read posts telling you how it it. That's all.Just out of curiosity, how often has that happened? How many times has one of "your girls" said she is going to go get humiliated to you? How do they phrase that in Spanish? And if they're "your girls" why are they leaving you to have some "fat slob with bad breath drooling all over them?" How do they even know, before going to see the guy that he's 1. A fat slob, 2. Has bad breath, and 3. Will be drooling all over them? Either some guys are putting way too much information in their WhatsApp messages or this is another fabrication on your part. How about it? Anyone out there want to own up to messaging hookers and telling them "I'm a fat slob with bad breath and I'm going to be drooling all over you?" No? Looks like Oster is blending up more of his bullshit.

Over the past 4 years I've met a bunch of gringo mongers in Medellin. While they cover a wide range of ages and body types, I don't recall a single one who I would describe as a "fat slob." I do remember one guy having bad breath, one time, but in his defense he wasn't out looking for women at the time. It appears to me that just about every monger pays at least some attention to personal hygiene.

As for the silent majority, they do consider the source when they read about how things are. Perhaps you don't understand this part yet, but most of the guys who read this board, don't build houses for hookers, or buy them motor scooters. They don't buy them new iPhones or other expensive things. They have sex with them, pay them and move on to the next one. Perhaps your mystery friend, the world's foremost authority on mongering, who declared you a Jedi master in mongering, forgot to teach you that part.

Of course I feel defensive enough to respond. You're spewing a bunch of bullshit, disparaging a bunch of people you know nothing about. Nobody deserves that. Right now there's some guy, getting up there in years, losing the battle against a slowing metabolism, dealing with whatever other problems in his life, wanting to take one fling and experience what he's been dreaming about for years. Then along comes some bullshit artist telling him the women are going to be disgusted, insinuating that unless he's young, fit and able to blow through money, he should just stay home.

I don't care who anyone is, age, race religion, fitness or anything else. You deserve to follow your dreams. You don't deserve to have anyone tell you that you're not good enough, young enough or wealthy enough, especially when all you want to do is go have sex with some beautiful women.

Silver Turtle
05-17-21, 15:47
Changing the subject of the characteristics of mongers to another subject, and pretend that the latter has been the core issue in discussion. I don't blame, what else could you do?

I'm just wondering why you guys are so obsessed with what prostitutes say about their other customers. ?

The Tall Man
05-17-21, 15:57
Did you hear about the American that took a dive out of the Holliday Inn and landed on a taxi? Supposedly happened in Cartagena (I say supposedly because looking at the Holiday Inn in the video and I cant find this spot on Google Maps ) there is a video that someone took of the guys body on the taxi and the damage done to the taxi, here is a snip of the video that shows the damage (I marked over the graphic part out of respect) Seeing how bad it smashed the taxi imagine how high up he must have been, also I would have to wonder if know one saw him jump if there may not be more to the story like he was pushed but surely as a hotel they would know who was coming and going from his room.
The second snip shows the camera panning up the building that he supposedly jumped from, there are no balconies or easily accessible windows that I can tell from this limited perspective so maybe he came from the roof.I read this in a news article last week and researched it, I also watched the video clip, the article states that this was a Canadian guy and the video showed that he clearly leapt from the top floor of the Holiday Inn which is located in Cucuta.

Sad as I watched the video a few times and he was clearly suicidal and simply walked off the top floor, clear as day. RIP and maybe he now can truly be at peace.

The Tall Man.

05-17-21, 16:12
Just out of curiosity, how often has that happened? How many times has one of "your girls" said she is going to go get humiliated to you? How do they phrase that in Spanish? And if they're "your girls" why are they leaving you to have some "fat slob with bad breath drooling all over them?" How do they even know, before going to see the guy that he's 1. A fat slob, 2. Has bad breath, and 3. Will be drooling all over them? Either some guys are putting way too much information in their WhatsApp messages or this is another fabrication on your part. How about it? Anyone out there want to own up to messaging hookers and telling them "I'm a fat slob with bad breath and I'm going to be drooling all over you?" No? Looks like Oster is blending up more of his bullshit.

Over the past 4 years I've met a bunch of gringo mongers in Medellin. While they cover a wide range of ages and body types, I don't recall a single one who I would describe as a "fat slob." I do remember one guy having bad breath, one time, but in his defense he wasn't out looking for women at the time. It appears to me that just about every monger pays at least some attention to personal hygiene.

As for the silent majority, they do consider the source when they read about how things are. Perhaps you don't understand this part yet, but most of the guys who read this board, don't build houses for hookers, or buy them motor scooters. They don't buy them new iPhones or other expensive things. They have sex with them, pay them and move on to the next one. Perhaps your mystery friend, the world's foremost authority on mongering, who declared you a Jedi master in mongering, forgot to teach you that part.. #1 ISG post of 2021 Touche'.

05-17-21, 17:05
Reminded me of the story a few weeks ago of a guy who jumped off a high floor of a parking garage in San Diego and landed on top of a young woman walking on the sidewalk killing her instantly. Her boy friend was walking right next to her but was not injured but witnessed this entire event.

This guy in Cucuta obviously leaped off the top of of the Holiday Inn with no regard for anyone who might be below him, just like the other fellow in San Diego. Pretty despicable in both instances.

I read this in a news article last week and researched it, I also watched the video clip, the article states that this was a Canadian guy and the video showed that he clearly leapt from the top floor of the Holiday Inn which is located in Cucuta.

Sad as I watched the video a few times and he was clearly suicidal and simply walked off the top floor, clear as day. RIP and maybe he now can truly be at peace.

The Tall Man.

05-17-21, 17:06
PN speaks wise and honest words as this was my recollection of that day. When was this, last summer I recall.

Was this the dude that saw us (The Tall Man, Mike and PN) in the center of botero by where the tourist police used to have their tent? If so yes this clown was like stalking us from 'the bushes' then later that day or the next this clown post shit about me on this forum. What a dip shit.

I never spoke to him, never interacted with him, I noticed him from the corner of my eye but that was it and he posts shit about me on the next day. If this is the same clown WTF is your problem.

I always stay away from drama and problems and this creep reminded me that there are gringos who come to Medellin with mental problems and are just sick in their heads looking to talk smack for no reason.

As always, much love and respect to all!

The Tall Man.TM I typically like your posts, but this one is a bit off, pn and wise and honest words in the same sentence just don't add up.

He told me he owns "a few medical clinics in USA, MDE and Puerto Rico and that he is an MD, and also that he was in MDE to fix his mouth.

Because all his teeth had rotten and he needed to get them replaced? Well that is one weird ass "backstory".

I think its more likely he has graduated some 3rd rate bullshit preschool than some 3rd world medical school, at least judging by.

The content of his postings.

Be well and stay safe!!


Be careful if you lie with dogs you might get fleas / and you know.

That "guilt by association" issue.

Mojo Bandit
05-17-21, 17:18
Cheers to the desparate rhetoric. I often hear how chicas talk about gringos viejos.

The phrase my girls most commonly use is that they are going to go get "Humiliated" when some fat slob with bad breath is drooling all over them. I have nothing against fat slobs or any body type getting what is owed them when they pay for services. I described an average, "hybrid" mongerer and in fact did not exclude myself from that group if a person can read what is in front of them without filling in the gaps with their own bias. I don't think I ever had any flexing days but I do pay attention to body hygiene, nose hairs, toe nails, ears, food between my teeth, etc. I try to do the best with what I have to work with, jajaja. If my average mongerer description strikes a chord and someone feels defensive about it enough to respond, well that act speaks for itself. I would expect most guys to ignore it or laugh it off. So then what's the point? For the core, the silent majority here, consider your source when you read posts telling you how it it. That's all.I have to hand it to you guys, you have managed to brag about being inept when it comes to women and apparently feel smug about it. You are young and you are paying for pussy and you do mind talking about it. You are even a little smug about it, that is hilarious. I think that is just great. I did not start paying for pussy until I was close to 50. Because before then its free if you have any social skills.

Up into my 40s I made trips to Mexico, Colombia, and Panama. I even had an ongoing online encounter with a gorgeous woman in Caracas Venezuela but that was around the time that Chavez came to power and nationalized oil and I did not think it smart to travel there. Originally Latin Amer Cupid was all there was for Latin countries but yahoo dating and even match dot com reached into Mexico and I had some great trips to Mexico, on my best trip I had a "successful" date ever night counting two chicas I saw twice but I also had a chica that came by my hotel everyday after our initial date on her lunch break to fool around,

The fact is a lot of these women are single in a conservative country where they do not like having a casual encounter with men they know or meet because it makes them feel or look cheap, but they still like sex, so I would convince them that I was a romantic type and make them feel not cheap and that gave them an excuse to give into their impulse. And sex with them was the best, because if the chica is into you than of course the sex has passion and therefor better,

I mean yes it is true that some of these chicas I pay are still pretty transparent about their positive response to the size and girth of my penis, when they first see it and their eyes get wide and they let out a "que rico!" and when they are on top of me and I am inside them and they close their eyes and there hips are making figure eight motions and their eyes are closed I get the idea from their moaning that they can forget the thinning hair and forehead wrinkles and just enjoy a large penis, it is still not the same as seducing them for weeks before,

There is a world of difference between having sex with a woman when there has been weeks of mutual seduction and having sex with a woman that shows up to get paid, I have had both experiences and I feel sad for those who are young and have not. Its not that I never ever paid for pussy when I was young and I have nothing against anyone who is young and does, but when someone gets smug about being young and paying for sex it crosses into the comedy area.

05-17-21, 19:12
Changing the subject of the characteristics of mongers to another subject, and pretend that the latter has been the core issue in discussion. I don't blame, what else could you do?If you prefer, we can discuss monger characteristics. Simply name the BMs you've met and label them. Which one had bad teeth? Which one was fat? Which one was, in your opinion, too old to be mongering? Which one had bad breath? Which one had offensive body odor? Pick out any other negative characterizations you want. Then we can discuss why you think those things matter if the mongers are getting what they pay for.

That's the central issue. It doesn't matter what you think about other mongers. It doesn't matter what I think about other mongers. What matters is, are they satisfied with what they are receiving for what they are spending? I am. I've rarely had a session where I've been dissatisfied and more often than not the girls exceed my expectations.

Back to your original response. Perhaps you could use some pointers on sessioning with prostitutes. If they are often talking to you about how they feel about being with old mongers, it appears you have different interests, or you're unable to provide proper guidance to the chicas. Which is it? Are you unable to get the chicas focused on satisfying your needs, or are you, for some reason, more interested in hearing about their other customers?

I'm not judging, but if your more interested in hearing women talk about the sex they've had with other men, there are easier and cheaper ways to satisfy that particular fetish.

If you have no interest in that area, perhaps you need to take a look at yourself. I never have a problem with chicas coming over and talking about other mongers. They want to talk about me, about where I've been, or what I think of their country. They talk about music and food, the things they like. Occasionally they will ask if I could refer them to any friends, or offer to introduce me to some of their friends.

Silver Turtle
05-17-21, 19:39
What an envious situation. You must be attractive and popular in your home country as well. Congratulations.

I have to hand it to you guys, you have managed to brag about being inept when it comes to women and apparently feel smug about it. You are young and you are paying for pussy and you do mind talking about it. You are even a little smug about it, that is hilarious. I think that is just great. I did not start paying for pussy until I was close to 50. Because before then its free if you have any social skills.

Up into my 40s I made trips to Mexico, Colombia, and Panama. I even had an ongoing online encounter with a gorgeous woman in Caracas Venezuela but that was around the time that Chavez came to power and nationalized oil and I did not think it smart to travel there. Originally Latin Amer Cupid was all there was for Latin countries but yahoo dating and even match dot com reached into Mexico and I had some great trips to Mexico, on my best trip I had a "successful" date ever night counting two chicas I saw twice but I also had a chica that came by my hotel everyday after our initial date on her lunch break to fool around,

The fact is a lot of these women are single in a conservative country where they do not like having a casual encounter with men they know or meet because it makes them feel or look cheap, but they still like sex, so I would convince them that I was a romantic type and make them feel not cheap and that gave them an excuse to give into their impulse. And sex with them was the best, because if the chica is into you than of course the sex has passion and therefor better.

05-17-21, 21:25
I have to hand it to you guys.I'll bow out, yours is the only post on this thread from a User who has not been on my Ignore List for a long time already. Don't know, don't care what they have to say. Once in a while it bleeds over when someone else responds and includes a post from someone on my Ignore List and I might take a glance. The Ignore List is a great feature of this sight. Feel free to return the favor and add me to your Ignore List, it's not like we're sending Christmas cards to each other, jajajaja. They call it Stupid Shit for a reason.

Elvis 2008
05-17-21, 21:35
Cheers to the desparate rhetoric. I often hear how chicas talk about gringos viejos.This is not the best picture of her Silver Turtle, but this girl is from Mexico City. She is 27 years old, 5 feet 8 inches, 120 lbs, and she is a lawyer, was an internationally ranked swimmer, horny as fuck in bed, and a great lover. She was striking, very intimidating looks wise and is one of the three or four best looking women I have been with. Do you know how I got this woman? I did not put up with her shit. Instead of slobbering all over her, when she did not show up and texted me an excuse, I ragged on her. I told her my time was more important to me than money and to quit wasting it. She shows up 3 hours late, and she looks stunning. I actually have a date then with the woman I called my super model, and she looked better than my super model. She actually ragged on what my super model was wearing later. I want to fuck her right then and there, but I had to go see the girl who was on time. We meet the next night and have epic sex.

One month later, we are at a hotel, and she goes down to drink. I am tired and do not go. She then comes back upstairs and starts screaming at me, "You left me there all alone. "

I talk to a female friend who used to work with the mentally ill, and I tell my friend about my gal, and she says, "Elvis, I think she is borderline. " I get pissed at her and tell her I am going to ruin her next relationship with a guy to get her back because as soon as she says it, I know that she is right. That *****, and I love her of course, always is about the women I have seen. Thing is my lawyer has not totally shown her true colors yet. There may be more fun to be had, but I throw in the towel. It is not worth it.

You are going to have to google borderline right ST? So my lawyer gal starts bugging me, saying I do not call or text her enough, and finally say "Look, I really enjoyed our time together but I am seeing someone else, and I cannot see you anymore."

THEN she texts me and says, "You are fat, and the only reason any girl wants to fuck you is money."

When you say, I hear the women talking, what I would ask is when and why are they talking. Because never in a million years would you think a guy like me would dump a woman like her, but that is what happened.

My guess is about 50% of the hottest women have bipolar disorder, borderline, and / or narcissism. Toss in ADHD, and I will have a relationship with a woman with ADHD unlike the other disorders, and you are up to around 90% in my experience.

All these disorders have issues with self-esteem and a higher than average amount of suicide. So when you say girls are talking shit, you have to understand with most of these conditions the people talk the most shit when they have been rejected.

As for why I dumped the girl, the last borderline I dated felt rejected, threw herself out of my car on the highway, and I had to drag back in my car while she was punching me. After that, I swore off borderlines.

As for getting these women and having game, it may surprise you that these women actually care more about my ability to talk them off the ledge than your looks.

The only line left for you is, "Well, the women I see are not crazy like yours. " If that is the case, then you are seeing women that are a lot uglier than I am.

If you care what someone crazy thinks about you, what does that say about you?

05-17-21, 22:32
TM I typically like your posts, but this one is a bit off, pn and wise and honest words in the same sentence just don't add up.

He told me he owns "a few medical clinics in USA, MDE and Puerto Rico and that he is an MD, and also that he was in MDE to fix his mouth.

Because all his teeth had rotten and he needed to get them replaced? Well that is one weird ass "backstory".

I think its more likely he has graduated some 3rd rate bullshit preschool than some 3rd world medical school, at least judging by.

The content of his postings.

Be well and stay safe!!


Be careful if you lie with dogs you might get fleas / and you know.

That "guilt by association" issue.That I chose to take the road of lesser resistance and flew to Colombia to save money having my teeth fixed or is it that you're mad that I may actually be an MD. If you can't afford to come to Medellin what is your excuse other than trolling. A fool an his money shall soon part, and I plan on holding on to mine as long as I can. Just because you are slick with your verbs and nouns, those words will not put a penny in your pocket, but your slick verb using European older keyboard typing narcissistic self already knew that! Pollo Negro is out!

Silver Turtle
05-17-21, 22:59
I just said "I often hear how chicas talk about gringos viejos," and you respond with unrelated and disjointed matters in a disproportionately looong post.

If you prefer, we can discuss monger characteristics. Simply name the BMs you've met and label them. Which one had bad teeth? Which one was fat? Which one was, in your opinion, too old to be mongering? Which one had bad breath? Which one had offensive body odor? Pick out any other negative characterizations you want. Then we can discuss why you think those things matter if the mongers are getting what they pay for.

That's the central issue. It doesn't matter what you think about other mongers. It doesn't matter what I think about other mongers. What matters is, are they satisfied with what they are receiving for what they are spending? I am. I've rarely had a session where I've been dissatisfied and more often than not the girls exceed my expectations.

Back to your original response. Perhaps you could use some pointers on sessioning with prostitutes. If they are often talking to you about how they feel about being with old mongers, it appears you have different interests, or you're unable to provide proper guidance to the chicas. Which is it? Are you unable to get the chicas focused on satisfying your needs, or are you, for some reason, more interested in hearing about their other customers?

I'm not judging, but if your more interested in hearing women talk about the sex they've had with other men, there are easier and cheaper ways to satisfy that particular fetish.

If you have no interest in that area, perhaps you need to take a look at yourself. I never have a problem with chicas coming over and talking about other mongers. They want to talk about me, about where I've been, or what I think of their country. They talk about music and food, the things they like. Occasionally they will ask if I could refer them to any friends, or offer to introduce me to some of their friends.

05-17-21, 23:00
I have to hand it to you guys, you have managed to brag about being inept when it comes to women and apparently feel smug about it. You are young and you are paying for pussy and you do mind talking about it. You are even a little smug about it, that is hilarious. I think that is just great. I did not start paying for pussy until I was close to 50. I salute you on all of these accomplishments. You should also be filthy rich, there is no way that I would have waited until I was 50 to pay for pussy and not be rich. Relationships are very time consuming. In the end, one way or another you will have to pay, whether it be for a room, house, car, or lawyer fees during the divorce. You make it seem like it is a bad thing to be young and pay for pussy? In America, if you get some pussy and someone gets pregnant it could be death sentence if you're not responsible enough to weather that 18 year death sentence. Once again, all men should get vasectomies, use condoms, or deal with it. Guess when I was younger I had to deal with it.

The same way that you can say you are responsible for not having a house full of kids or the ability to wine and dine women up until you were nearly 50 yrs old, I can say just the opposite. I had a house full of children at a young age, but I was responsible and during the 18 yr process of raising my kids, I educated myself and made sure that when the world wind of paying child support was over I would have the ability to generate money like I never did when I was younger. Imagine paying a hefty $2000 USD a month for many years and then boom, its all over. You suddenly have an influx of cash and you can be a fool a start another relationship in a country where most relationship / family laws are in favor of the woman or you can travel the world where you can have the finest of women at a fraction of the cost of seeing them in the US and not have the lurking problem of being sued, divorced or incredibly large child support.

You see some of us have little time for US relationships and would rather travel and compensate women for their time, and some of us are younger than 50. I work in an environment where 90% of my co-workers make a minimum of $350 k a year. I can tell you that 90% of my male co-workers are miserable and trapped in a relationship that would cost them millions to get out of. Why in the world would I want to play ball in the playing field of this kind when the deck is stacked against me? I live 3 hours away from Medellin and can travel to Medellin when I choose, why should I give that up and care that someone who is older than me finds it tacky that we talk about having the ability to pay for sex?

This is where we all must find a common ground and agree to disagree that what works for you, may not work for me. Many men of today are coming to realize, paying for sex in Medellin is far cheaper than paying for a divorce and alimony later. I have never had any problem getting women in the US, what I have had problems with is getting rid of them and not losing anything. Women throw themselves at me here in the US, but I be damned if I take one home and end up having to pay anything to get her out of my place. If I can't wait 3 hours to have sex then I should pay whatever these women in America ask, but because I can wait, I just keep a ticket on standby and when I want to have sex, I just fly into Colombia for a while an enjoy myself and leave when I have had enough fun.

So don't make a blanket statement that young men are paying for sex and bragging about it, make a statement saying, young American men have become wise enough to pay for sex in foreign countries and save themselves the hassle of a divorce or a costly breakup. One thing about current, it will take the path of least resistance, why wouldn't I do the same? Good day sir, Pollo Negro is out!

05-18-21, 00:06
That I chose to take the road of lesser resistance and flew to Colombia to save money having my teeth fixed or is it that you're mad that I may actually be an MD. If you can't afford to come to Medellin what is your excuse other than trolling.Many of a wide range of income brackets take advantage of high quality, low cost dentistry in Central and South America. This especially applies when one wants to vacation there anyway. Having never visited these places it's no surprise that Sade is unaware of this. That's even though he's been "studying" here for a while. Lolol.

05-18-21, 01:11
I just said "I often hear how chicas talk about gringos viejos," and you respond with unrelated and disjointed matters in a disproportionately looong post.No. You said:

Cheers to the desparate rhetoric. I often hear how chicas talk about gringos viejos.There was nothing desperate in my original post. I merely restated what I have posted many times in many forms, stop worrying so much about other people's business. You're entitled to think that people beyond a certain age, BMI, or whatever else, shouldn't monger. However, whether or not they do is no business of yours or anyone else.

Continuing on, if you say you "often hear how chicas talk about gringos viejos", how is a discussion about chicas talking about other mongers unrelated?

Did I strike too close to home? Is your particular fetish paying hookers to tell you about their other customers? It's nothing to be ashamed of, I've heard of much worse. I know of at least one monger who would be happy to let you watch him in action, for the price of a couple beers. He might even let you take some video. Just trying to save you some money.

Mr Enternational
05-18-21, 01:45
I just said "I often hear how chicas talk about gringos viejos,"How does this happen? In 20 years of going to Latin America and even living there some years, I have never heard hookers talking about old foreigners, but another monger hears it often. Are you at a hooker bar and overhear the group next to you talking about old foreigners? Are you just laying there fucking and the chick starts off into a rant saying well let me tell you about old foreigners? What is it? There has to be something you are doing or saying that is triggering this from the various people if it happens so often. Seems weird.

Mojo Bandit
05-18-21, 01:48
. Its not that I never ever paid for pussy when I was young and I have nothing against anyone who is young and does, but when someone gets smug about being young and paying for sex it crosses into the comedy area.

You make it seem like it is a bad thing to be young and pay for pussy?

So don't make a blanket statement that young men are paying for sex and bragging about it, make a statement saying, young American men have become wise enough to pay for sex in foreign countries and save themselves the hassle of a divorce or a costly breakup. One thing about current, it will take the path of least resistance, why wouldn't I do the same? Good day sir, Pollo Negro is out!Pardon me sir if I believe that you misread my post but these other. Ahem. Gentleman were making cracks to the effect that their chicas that they pay felt humiliated to be with old guys, that is a very smug attitude and when they get older which they inevitably will and they are still mongering, what will their attitude be then, if you reread my last part of my post I was not referring to all young guys I was referring to the ones who were being smug, for me there is a difference between bragging and being smug, if they were bragging they would only be talking about themselves but when start disrespecting other people that is being smug, and I have yet to see you be disrespectful.

I am one of the people who pays enough attention to know that you even help out the less fortunate that working in El Centro and I have heard of you handing out water to those who have been in the sun all day, I respect a man who can look out for the community of people where he operates. I respect your posts and I know of eyewitnesses and people you have shown the ropes to know that you post the truth and are not a braggart.

05-18-21, 02:53
Pardon me sir if I believe that you misread my post but these other. Ahem. Gentleman were making cracks to the effect that their chicas that they pay felt humiliated to be with old guys, that is a very smug attitude and when they get older which they inevitably will and they are still mongering, what will their attitude be then, if you reread my last part of my post I was not referring to all young guys I was referring to the ones who were being smug, for me there is a difference between bragging and being smug, if they were bragging they would only be talking about themselves but when start disrespecting other people that is being smug, and I have yet to see you be disrespectful.

I am one of the people who pays enough attention to know that you even help out the less fortunate that working in El Centro and I have heard of you handing out water to those who have been in the sun all day, I respect a man who can look out for the community of people where he operates. I respect your posts and I know of eyewitnesses and people you have shown the ropes to know that you post the truth and are not a braggart.Sorry for the misunderstanding of your post, my bad sir!

Mojo Bandit
05-18-21, 03:51
I read this in a news article last week and researched it, I also watched the video clip, the article states that this was a Canadian guy and the video showed that he clearly leapt from the top floor of the Holiday Inn which is located in Cucuta.

Sad as I watched the video a few times and he was clearly suicidal and simply walked off the top floor, clear as day. RIP and maybe he now can truly be at peace.

The Tall Man.Was there a video of the guy jumping? I only saw the video of the taxi he landed on, he was still on the taxi and they had not yet removed his body, I was thinking that he must have come from the roof just looking at the impact damage that he did.

05-18-21, 04:44
Should I not call it out for what it is, or should I allow them to have a field day saying slick biased statements about persons of color and someone who can hold his own. I call a spade a spade and you might be surprised at my line of work, I not only know a narcissist when I read his posts, I might just be able to make that title a certified statement, through my line of work and the position I hold. Unless you are a therapist, Doctor, Psychiatrist, how would you know if I was a narcissist? Before you attack the person who appears to be winning the argument, understand the argument, the components of the argument and how all that are involved in the argument arrived at the point that we are now. Don't jump into a fight simply because you fit the title of European looking, older male who has ED, then again, I know that you could not help taking a shot at me, because you feel that I am a easy target, think again. Pollo Negro is out!"You are a narcissist who has a personality disorder."

Do you see these quotes "?

I was quoting YOU for YOU have been calling at least two guys "a narcissist who has a personality disorder" in one short day.

Next time why not trying racist homophone fascist?

Dude, you do have a problem indeed, which is the need for attention, and that is because YOU are special and we must acknowledge your rightfulness.

Or is it a crying out loud, calling for help, midlife crisis?

Closing all your posts with "Pollo Negro is out!" Obviously showing little to no self-esteem and a very deep complex of superiority.

"through my line of work and the position I hold. " hahahha you cracked me up! FYI, I don't care a f* about who you think you are.

True, a deluding mytho is always an easy target but that wasn't my point, harassing and calling out members of the forum was what bothered me.

I stop right there, and that is because you are fragile and weak.

I. E. You do not show the intelligence to understand a post.

You can't take the heat when someone calls you a "narcissist" (which actually absolutely no one did) however, your pompous arrogance qualifies you to call members: "narcissists".

Now YOU, keep on telling stories about how important you are to waitresses while flashing your cash, I personally don't value your time.

P.S. I believe that you do know how to cry to the Mod for censure after your next temper tantrum.

05-18-21, 04:56
Are you by ant chance referring to the Canadian that got gunned down in Sabaneta? Because that was no robbery, that was a straight up shoot-first-and-ask-no-questions-later assassination. Sicarios, rumor is that the hit was ordered because he was investing in something that the competition did not like, you do not try to do business in the backyard of the Oficina de Envigado and expect to safely sit in a parked car and not get shot by some kid on the back of a motorcycle.


https://lfpress.com/news/local-news/ex-londoner-with-alleged-biker-ties-reportedly-shot-dead-in-colombia#text=David%20 Wayne%20 Brown%2 C%2043%2 C%20 died, according%20 to%20 local%20 media%20 reports.No, it's a US black guy that moved +6 months ago in Col, met this girl on the web, started a company and bought an apartment.

I do not know if her name is on the title, but he was in biz with her.

Two guys on a bike shot him, mid day, down his apartment.

05-18-21, 05:03
Are you by ant chance referring to the Canadian that got gunned down in Sabaneta? Because that was no robbery, that was a straight up shoot-first-and-ask-no-questions-later assassination. Sicarios, rumor is that the hit was ordered because he was investing in something that the competition did not like, you do not try to do business in the backyard of the Oficina de Envigado and expect to safely sit in a parked car and not get shot by some kid on the back of a motorcycle.


https://lfpress.com/news/local-news/ex-londoner-with-alleged-biker-ties-reportedly-shot-dead-in-colombia#text=David%20 Wayne%20 Brown%2 C%2043%2 C%20 died, according%20 to%20 local%20 media%20 reports.Dmn I went too fast.

I sought that you were referring to the Canadian that jumped off the hotel.

I got my first hand report on YT chat from guys that kinda knew him, I trust they said he was US born. Might be the same guy? Folks on the chat were suspecting the girl for cashing in on the apartment.

05-18-21, 05:21
That I chose to take the road of lesser resistance and flew to Colombia to save money having my teeth fixed or is it that you're mad that I may actually be an MD. If you can't afford to come to Medellin what is your excuse other than trolling. A fool an his money shall soon part, and I plan on holding on to mine as long as I can. Just because you are slick with your verbs and nouns, those words will not put a penny in your pocket, but your slick verb using European older keyboard typing narcissistic self already knew that! Pollo Negro is out!Please change your name to "I am not a narcissistic and not using any European older keyboard."

"Just because you are slick with your verbs and nouns, those words will not put a penny in your pocket."

Hmm. I have heard that folks writing stuff and what not make enough money to fix their teeth back home.

05-18-21, 05:40
TM I typically like your posts, but this one is a bit off, pn and wise and honest words in the same sentence just don't add up.

He told me he owns "a few medical clinics in USA, MDE and Puerto Rico and that he is an MD, and also that he was in MDE to fix his mouth.

Because all his teeth had rotten and he needed to get them replaced? Well that is one weird ass "backstory".

I think its more likely he has graduated some 3rd rate bullshit preschool than some 3rd world medical school, at least judging by.

The content of his postings.

Be well and stay safe!!


Be careful if you lie with dogs you might get fleas / and you know.

That "guilt by association" issue.What you call PN. Has been attacking 5 members in the last 3 pages.

Definitely a psycho copying / pasting his rants from the web. Google his sentences, they come out from dif websites.

Bottom line, he hates Europeans (that is because he can't afford Europe) most ISG members have ED, are narcissists, liars and whatever else comes out of his 50 c attempt at the official forum guru psychologist.

I suggest a gofundme to help him fix his teeth in Col, and he might be able to keep on doing the waterboy with the some change.

The Tall Man
05-18-21, 14:16
Was there a video of the guy jumping? I only saw the video of the taxi he landed on, he was still on the taxi and they had not yet removed his body, I was thinking that he must have come from the roof just looking at the impact damage that he did.Since my 2 visits to Cucuta 2 years ago I have a few friends that live there whom I am in contact with and because of this I am connected to a Facebook page dedicated to Cucuta and saw the video posted by a person who took the video from probably 700 to 900 yards away, far yes but you can clearly see him walk to the ledge of the top floor and like they show on a movie simply step off, it did not show the impact as the video was from afar but probably the upper 5 or 6 floor levels down.

Sad to think what issues can cause a person to commit suicide.


The Tall Man.

Mojo Bandit
05-18-21, 18:57
I thought he was talking about the American guy in Barranquilla. So vague. Like it was raining outside recently. Check the weather report. Who? Where? When? Why?

Dmn I went too fast.

I sought that you were referring to the Canadian that jumped off the hotel.

I got my first hand report on YT chat from guys that kinda knew him, I trust they said he was US born. Might be the same guy? Folks on the chat were suspecting the girl for cashing in on the apartment.

No, it's a US black guy that moved +6 months ago in Col, met this girl on the web, started a company and bought an apartment.

I do not know if her name is on the title, but he was in biz with her.

Two guys on a bike shot him, mid day, down his apartment.I am pretty sure that the incident you are now discussing is the incident that happen in Barranquilla, the guy moved down to be with his girl and bought a house and was going to start a restaurant. Like Mr E said it would help if you threw in specifics like what city it happened in and when, this happened a few weeks ago if it is the Barranquilla incident, about which that I am putting a link below.

I saw the comments where people wonder if the girl set him up and I saw the report that said that the video shows what as the two guys on motorcycle were trying to rob him, he proceeded to resist and put up a fight and then he got shot. I was not there, I have not seen the video but the story of people getting shot when they resist robbery is one we here sometimes, and while I understand why people think the girlfriend has motive (and that would certainly be what we like to refer to as a cautionary tale, I just think if he did fight back when they were attempting to rob him then that is the more likely story.

Anyone who follows crime and reports of robberies out of Colombia knows that these guys ride around looking for people with gold chains, hell a few weeks ago they literally followed some guys coming from the airport in Medellin to a residential building which is about a 30 minute ride. I am not saying this as my opinion but if you read back over posts you will see that many BMs would consider wearing a gold chain in Colombia "Dar papaya". I saw the interview where his girlfriend had said that she had asked him many times not to wear the necklace out but stated that he was "stubborn" and refused to take it off. I looked at the photos that are posted of him on the internet and the gold chain seemed to always be prominent.


05-18-21, 19:29
Please change your name to "I am not a narcissistic and not using any European older keyboard."

"Just because you are slick with your verbs and nouns, those words will not put a penny in your pocket."

Hmm. I have heard that folks writing stuff and what not make enough money to fix their teeth back home.Save it, you've been exposed, troll, narcissistic, broke, loser, and still no trips to Colombia, you have been called out for exactly who you are, the keyboard typing, no flight catching narcissist that you are, go stand in the bushes with your friend. All this typing and no money for flights, in the words of Michael Jackson, beat it! Pollo negro is out!

Mojo Bandit
05-18-21, 19:34
Since my 2 visits to Cucuta 2 years ago I have a few friends that live there whom I am in contact with and because of this I am connected to a Facebook page dedicated to Cucuta and saw the video posted by a person who took the video from probably 700 to 900 yards away, far yes but you can clearly see him walk to the ledge of the top floor and like they show on a movie simply step off, it did not show the impact as the video was from afar but probably the upper 5 or 6 floor levels down.

Sad to think what issues can cause a person to commit suicide.


The Tall Man.I saw the video that someone took of him still on the car and his impact totaled that car, so he most likely died on impact, his body looked twisted, very very sad.

I remember you going to Cucuta, I considered you to be a trailblazer and I followed your reports. I had read that tow thirds of Cucuta's population are Colombians internally displaced by the previous civil war and that 5000 people a day come into the city or at least pass through the city from Venezuela so it seems like it might be an interesting place.

05-18-21, 20:40
she had asked him many times not to wear the necklace out but stated that he was "stubborn" and refused to take it off. I looked at the photos that are posted of him on the internet and the gold chain seemed to always be prominent.

https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/timothy-revell-reed-from-atlanta-murdered-for-his-gold-chain-in-colombia.4528946/Yes, it is reported that he was flashing around, sunglasses on his forehead included.

05-18-21, 20:46
https://www.lipstickalley.com/threads/timothy-revell-reed-from-atlanta-murdered-for-his-gold-chain-in-colombia.4528946/Is this the third farang death in 6 months? In Colombia?

You reported one in his car.

This one by his house.

The "suicide".

P.S.- Unless I have info right there, I don't spend hours digging around what I red a week ago.

Folks are free do their homework, unless a gent like you hand them on a silver tray.

05-18-21, 22:33
"You are a narcissist who has a personality disorder."

Do you see these quotes "?

I was quoting YOU for YOU have been calling at least two guys "a narcissist who has a personality disorder" in one short day.

Next time why not trying racist homophone fascist?

Dude, you do have a problem indeed, which is the need for attention, and that is because YOU are special and we must acknowledge your rightfulness.Clearly you are special and not in an exceptional way. Good luck trying to lure girls to your spot with that Social security check and narcissistic behavior, one thing that is known to us all, Haokool, you cannot fix stupid and you sir, are as stupid as they come. Pollo Negro is out!

05-19-21, 01:03
Save it, you've been exposed, troll, narcissistic, broke, loser, and still no trips to Colombia, you have been called out for exactly who you are, the keyboard typing, no flight catching narcissist that you are, go stand in the bushes with your friend. All this typing and no money for flights, in the words of Michael Jackson, beat it! Pollo negro is out!Very well said.

05-19-21, 03:43
Clearly you are special and not in an exceptional way. Good luck trying to lure girls to your spot with that Social security check and narcissistic behavior, one thing that is known to us all, Haokool, you cannot fix stupid and you sir, are as stupid as they come. Pollo Negro is out!My post was deleted and you give me those stupid points for being argumentative. The guy said he and his buddy had postponed their trip for months because the lock downs. I said they were idiots and should stay home. Why? Because he had never heard of The Mansion. Two guys and several months research and they never read anything about The Mansion. The guy then asks about it rather than doing a search. That is an idiot. But this post is not argumentative? I see where the honesty issue on this site originates from where you claim he is honest in your prior post and then allow this post.

Mojo Bandit
05-19-21, 05:12
Since my 2 visits to Cucuta 2 years ago I have a few friends that live there whom I am in contact with and because of this I am connected to a Facebook page dedicated to Cucuta and saw the video posted by a person who took the video from probably 700 to 900 yards away, far yes but you can clearly see him walk to the ledge of the top floor and like they show on a movie simply step off, it did not show the impact as the video was from afar but probably the upper 5 or 6 floor levels down.

Sad to think what issues can cause a person to commit suicide.


The Tall Man.

Is this the third farang death in 6 months? In Colombia?

You reported one in his car.

This one by his house.

The "suicide".

P.S.- Unless I have info right there, I don't spend hours digging around what I red a week ago.

Folks are free do their homework, unless a gent like you hand them on a silver tray.That is what we know of, I get this stuff mostly from what people catch and share on FB so there could be more but just to clarify, the gringo who got shot in Sabaneta was definitely an assassination and meant to look like an assassination. This was a guy who had past associations with The Outlaws Motorcycle club so unless he found jesus I am guessing that he was involved in something that got him in those crosshairs. I have known people in that lifestyle and while some do go on to use their elicit money to start legit businesses most find as Glen Frey said in his song Smugglers Blues. "the lure of easy money has a very strong appeal".

https://lfpress.com/news/local-news/ex-londoner-with-alleged-biker-ties-reportedly-shot-dead-in-colombia#text=David%20 Wayne%20 Brown%2 C%2043%2 C%20 died, according%20 to%20 local%20 media%20 reports.

There is an actual video that someone caught that shows the guy stepping off the roof of that Hotel in Cucuta so that's pretty solid evidence that was a suicide.

The other shooting by the guys house was the guy in Barranquilla so each of these incidences happened in three different parts of the country.

Mojo Bandit
05-19-21, 20:11
My post was deleted and you give me those stupid points for being argumentative. The guy said he and his buddy had postponed their trip for months because the lock downs. I said they were idiots and should stay home. Why? Because he had never heard of The Mansion. Two guys and several months research and they never read anything about The Mansion. The guy then asks about it rather than doing a search. That is an idiot. But this post is not argumentative? I see where the honesty issue on this site originates from where you claim he is honest in your prior post and then allow this post.I am not the Admin and therefore I do not moderate this thread, therefore I could not give you" those stupid points for being argumentative", Read the headings and you will see "Moderated by. ". Maybe you are confused because I moderate a blog about the travel requirements to Colombia during the pandemic. You need to take your issue up with the actual Admin. There is a button of the Front Page that says "contact us" you could try that

05-23-21, 23:55
What makes you think that Socialism is coming to Colombia. And what on God's green earth makes you think that even if it did that it would stifle the P4 P scene?

I don't think you have any idea. But I would love to know what your reasoning is to support your view. Afterall I didn't exactly shine in my Political Science classes decades ago.I doubt he even knows what socialism is. Especially after he busted out with North Korea LOL.

05-24-21, 00:44
Politics make strange bedfellows as the saying goes. There are Americans, for example, who declare themselves dead set against the idea of social programs yet have no problem collecting monthly social security payments.

I doubt he even knows what socialism is. Especially after he busted out with North Korea LOL.

05-24-21, 04:14
Politics make strange bedfellows as the saying goes. There are Americans, for example, who declare themselves dead set against the idea of social programs yet have no problem collecting monthly social security payments.SS is a program you PAY into during a lifetime, The more you pay in, the larger your monthly benefit. It's not free money given to you just because you can fog up a mirror.

05-24-21, 04:45
SS is a program you PAY into during a lifetime, The more you pay in, the larger your monthly benefit. It's not free money given to you just because you can fog up a mirror.Social Security is socialist as it's a government run retirement system with disability insurance. In fact the very idea was taken from German socialists during Bismarck era Germany. It also includes survivor benefits for spouses that can fog a mirror. And it involves wealth redistribution as those with higher average monthly incomes (5,336 and up) get a much smaller percentage in retirement benefits. And that's only one of many examples, Medicare, public education, student loans among others. The US economy is full of socialism, as are the economies of every developed country.



05-24-21, 04:51
SS is a program you PAY into during a lifetime, The more you pay in, the larger your monthly benefit. It's not free money given to you just because you can fog up a mirror.Exactly right.

Social Security is paid by the employees salary throughout his working career. 7. 5 percent of salary is paid by employee and 7. 5 percent is paid by employer up to around 100 k of salary per yr. The federal government contributes absolutely nothing except the administration of the program which they bankrupted many years ago.

05-24-21, 05:13
Exactly right.

Social Security is paid by the employees salary throughout his working career. 7. 5 percent of salary is paid by employee and 7. 5 percent is paid by employer up to around 100 k of salary per yr. The federal government contributes absolutely nothing except the administration of the program which they bankrupted many years ago.The fact that taxes are collected is irrelevant to whether Social Security is socialism or not. Strongly democratic socialist countries like in Europe collect taxes all the time. Well heck forget about the "liberals," hear it from a Libertarian.


Lucky Nuts
05-24-21, 05:31
Exactly right.

Social Security is paid by the employees salary throughout his working career. 7. 5 percent of salary is paid by employee and 7. 5 percent is paid by employer up to around 100 k of salary per yr. The federal government contributes absolutely nothing except the administration of the program which they bankrupted many years ago.Correct (both you and latinlover) but with a needed clarification. Correct that most of us have paid in more than we'll ever get back assuming a nominal ROI. But it is a social program for those who have worked only a few years enough to qualify for the minimum monthly distribution. I know a professional gambler who quit working a normal job at 37. He's now 82 and has been collecting the minimum monthly benefit for 20 years. So it has a redistribuiton element built in as do all government social programs. Same for someone who was a very low wage earner their entire career. They would have paid in relatively little but still qualify for the minimum monthly benefit which is now about $900 per month.

John Clayton
05-24-21, 05:49
Exactly right.

Social Security is paid by the employees salary throughout his working career. 7. 5 percent of salary is paid by employee and 7. 5 percent is paid by employer up to around 100 k of salary per yr. The federal government contributes absolutely nothing except the administration of the program which they bankrupted many years ago.Okay, the OASDI tax rate is 12.4%, 6.2% for employers, 6.2 for workers. Since 1985 I have earned more than the SS tax limit. From 1993 to 2015, when I retired at age 70, I was self employed and paid both halves of the OASDI. Since I postponed retirement until 70, I get ~$3850 (less the incredible $504.90 IRMAA Medicare Part B payment). I had 50 years of SS taxable income, but compare that with the benefit for someone who had 30 years with the minimum income (although the way it currently is nearly everyone receives more than the regulatory minimum). Anyhow, if you look at the cost / benefit for what the minimum worker receives vs what I get, it is obviously socialism.

And that's exclusive of Medicare. Medicare: Now most people pay $148.50/ month for Part B; whereas, as I wrote, I pay $504.90 for exactly the same thing. Both halves of the Medicare tax are 2.9%, which has no AGI limit. For the 22 years I was self employed I received a large, taxable income, which was all subject to MC tax. I'd have to go back and look at it, but I'm guessing that just in those self emplyed years I contributed >>$350 K total just in MC. Okay, I am a Democrat. I can still afford the IRMAA part B payments. I could afford the MC tax on my AGI. I have too much money. I believe we should have a progressive tax system. But to all you who claim that you "earned" your SS and MC, and that they are not socialism, let me say that I am (still) living proof that you are completely delusional (i.e., full of shit). By any definition, SS and MC are socialism.

The Tall Man
05-24-21, 12:10
Okay, the OASDI tax rate is 12.4%, 6.2% for employers, 6.2 for workers. Since 1985 I have earned more than the SS tax limit. From 1993 to 2015, when I retired at age 70, I was self employed and paid both halves of the OASDI. Since I postponed retirement until 70, I get ~$3850 (less the incredible $504.90 IRMAA Medicare Part B payment). I had 50 years of SS taxable income, but compare that with the benefit for someone who had 30 years with the minimum income (although the way it currently is nearly everyone receives more than the regulatory minimum). Anyhow, if you look at the cost / benefit for what the minimum worker receives vs what I get, it is obviously socialism.

And that's exclusive of Medicare. Medicare: Now most people pay $148.50/ month for Part B; whereas, as I wrote, I pay $504.90 for exactly the same thing. Both halves of the Medicare tax are 2.9%, which has no AGI limit. For the 22 years I was self employed I received a large, taxable income, which was all subject to MC tax. I'd have to go back and look at it, but I'm guessing that just in those self emplyed years I contributed >>$350 K total just in MC. Okay, I am a Democrat. I can still afford the IRMAA part B payments. I could afford the MC tax on my AGI. I have too much money. I believe we should have a progressive tax system. But to all you who claim that you "earned" your SS and MC, and that they are not socialism, let me say that I am (still) living proof that you are completely delusional (i.e., full of shit). By any definition, SS and MC are socialism.Give it a rest and who gives a shit anyway. Some people think they have all the answers, come on people this is a forum to talk about pussy and not politics and debating about none pussy related things hehehe, OK maybe a little talk but there is a section for non-pussy related BS.

Frankly the chicas don't care if your a democrat or republican or independent as they just want to plata.

Much love and respect to all!

The Tall Man.

05-24-21, 14:44
Okay, the OASDI tax rate is 12.4%, 6.2% for employers, 6.2 for workers. Since 1985 I have earned more than the SS tax limit. From 1993 to 2015, when I retired at age 70, I was self employed and paid both halves of the OASDI. Since I postponed retirement until 70, I get ~$3850 (less the incredible $504.90 IRMAA Medicare Part B payment). I had 50 years of SS taxable income, but compare that with the benefit for someone who had 30 years with the minimum income (although the way it currently is nearly everyone receives more than the regulatory minimum). Anyhow, if you look at the cost / benefit for what the minimum worker receives vs what I get, it is obviously socialism.

And that's exclusive of Medicare. Medicare: Now most people pay $148.50/ month for Part B; whereas, as I wrote, I pay $504.90 for exactly the same thing. Both halves of the Medicare tax are 2.9%, which has no AGI limit. For the 22 years I was self employed I received a large, taxable income, which was all subject to MC tax. I'd have to go back and look at it, but I'm guessing that just in those self emplyed years I contributed >>$350 K total just in MC. Okay, I am a Democrat. I can still afford the IRMAA part B payments. I could afford the MC tax on my AGI. I have too much money. I believe we should have a progressive tax system. But to all you who claim that you "earned" your SS and MC, and that they are not socialism, let me say that I am (still) living proof that you are completely delusional (i.e., full of shit). By any definition, SS and MC are socialism.I too paid into SS and for many of those years I hit the maximum amount to pay in by the end of summer. Because of that I am not aware of all the 'social' programs that grew out of the forced saving plan called SS. I think I remember reading back in my school days, a long time ago, The pre cursor to what we have today was the serf system, and the 'poor laws' of England, which was brought here by the early English settlers. And now with the addition of SSA, and the checks that go out to millions of women with children without support from the fathers, all coming out of the SS program paid in by workers. In that vein, you are exactly correct, it's a socialist program started by FDR a democrat, right after the depression. I, personally could have done much much better if I was allowed to invest my SS dollars as I wished. I would have a lot more today then the few thousands I get from them. So it is a program where it takes from the rich and gives to the poor, or a redistribution of wealth! However, I don't mind a few socialist programs to help those who can not help themselves. I'm not sure but I don't think Colombia has any programs like SS, if so it could probably help the families I see who have all the red flags in the windows because they have no food. As part of the human race we have an obligation to help the less fortunate. I am old school, I would prefer to do as I do, volunteer to help the people I know with the red flags in Colombia or write a check every month to St Judes and not be dictated by anyone what I need to do or live in a total Socialist society. My too sense. Peace my brothers.

05-24-21, 14:54
I too paid into SS and for many of those years I hit the maximum amount to pay in by the end of summer. Because of that I am not aware of all the 'social' programs that grew out of the forced saving plan called SS. I think I remember reading back in my school days, a long time ago, The pre cursor to what we have today was the serf system, and the 'poor laws' of England, which was brought here by the early English settlers. And now with the addition of SSA, and the checks that go out to millions of women with children without support from the fathers, all coming out of the SS program paid in by workers. In that vein, you are exactly correct, it's a socialist program started by FDR a democrat, right after the depression. I, personally could have done much much better if I was allowed to invest my SS dollars as I wished. I would have a lot more today then the few thousands I get from them. So it is a program where it takes from the rich and gives to the poor, or a redistribution of wealth! However, I don't mind a few socialist programs to help those who can not help themselves. I'm not sure but I don't think Colombia has any programs like SS, if so it could probably help the families I see who have all the red flags in the windows because they have no food. As part of the human race we have an obligation to help the less fortunate. I am old school, I would prefer to do as I do, volunteer to help the people I know with the red flags in Colombia or write a check every month to St Judes and not be dictated by anyone what I need to do or live in a total Socialist society. My too sense. Peace my brothers.The purpose of social security as FDR admitted himself was to toss some crumbs to the masses to prevent the overthrow of the capitalist system. We've been to countries where the poor go destitute, starving and begging in the streets (not to mention peddling their pussies) and wonder really, isn't it about time we had that in the USA?

05-25-21, 03:46
The free flow of money to every person in the USA, regardless of citizen status can not continue. Trillions upon trillions going out will come back to bite us in the ass. Big time. Inflation is soaring at a record pace in the last 4 months, huge tax increases are at our door step. The job market is an anomaly and temporary. As the discretionary income dwindles the masses will not continue to spend and the jobs will dry up. So. There just might be more available pussy in the street looking for money for food. The gravy train is over for us, Thanks to the ones pulling the puppet strings.I'm sure this will shock you beyond belief. But this is a forum about Medellin and women who are available here to make our visits or stays more enjoyable.

05-25-21, 04:03
Let's put a pin in this prediction and revisit it six months and a year from now. Let me ask what you think the accuracy of your economic predictions from a year ago have been? BTW. Who do you believe is pulling the puppet strings? It's clear to me who is pulling yours: Koch and Heritage Foundations through their paid propaganda arm, Fox News.It's obvious old Joe can't put a cognitive thought together on his own. Do really think he is coming up with these dozens of EX orders on his own. The progressive left is setting his agenda on a daily basis. If you a free thinking, read between the lines, level headed individual and not a brain dead drone who holds the last liberal statements on social media as fact, you would be able to figure it out. Unfortunately, you and the left always resort to name calling and insults and not able to hold a fair and intellectual conversation and entertain an type of respectful debate, so for that reason I see you will never allow any discussion contrary to your thought process. So for that reason you are now on ignore.

05-25-21, 11:55
Not sure if the admins are all on vacation, or if they've decided the Medellin thread is the new geopolitical discussion thread.

It's obvious old Joe can't put a cognitive thought together on his own. Do really think he is coming up with these dozens of EX orders on his own. The progressive left is setting his agenda on a daily basis. If you a free thinking, read between the lines, level headed individual and not a brain dead drone who holds the last liberal statements on social media as fact, you would be able to figure it out. You lead off with name calling and insults and then immediately follow with:

Unfortunately, you and the left always resort to name calling and insults and not able to hold a fair and intellectual conversation and entertain an type of respectful debate, so for that reason I see you will never allow any discussion contrary to your thought process. So for that reason you are now on ignore.And immediately you follow up by claiming the person you just called a brain dead drone can only resort to name calling and insults instead of having a respectful debate.

However, he simply asked a fair question.

Let's put a pin in this prediction and revisit it six months and a year from now. Let me ask what you think the accuracy of your economic predictions from a year ago have been? BTW. Who do you believe is pulling the puppet strings? It's clear to me who is pulling yours: Koch and Heritage Foundations through their paid propaganda arm, Fox News.His closing statement might be considered insulting, however, it is obvious. Nobody has been able to produce all the illegal aliens who are raking in a bunch of free money from government handouts, but it's a fallacy Fox News has been pushing for many years. I employed an illegal alien for nearly 4 years (as a casual laborer) and the only free money he received was in the card his mother sent him every year on his birthday.

I'm just curious. Do you own a chicken suit? Since you spend so much time posting that the sky is falling, you should at least dress the part.

Revisiting an earlier post from you, the inflation rate over the past 4 months is nowhere near historic levels. It's also, according to an email I received from Charles Schwab early this morning transitory.

05-25-21, 15:00
The free flow of money to every person in the USA, regardless of citizen status can not continue. Trillions upon trillions going out will come back to bite us in the ass. The gravy train is over for us, Thanks to the ones pulling the puppet strings.Let's be very clear about this free flow of money and trillions upon trillions going to your apocryphal undeserving folk. This money will have net zero effect on their lives, nor is it intended to in any way benefit them. This money is so they can make their interest payments and thereby keep MasterCard, Visa, the banks and assorted rentiers whole. Get it?

05-26-21, 00:45
It's obvious old Joe can't put a cognitive thought together on his own. Do really think he is coming up with these dozens of EX orders on his own. The progressive left is setting his agenda on a daily basis. If you a free thinking, read between the lines, level headed individual and not a brain dead drone who holds the last liberal statements on social media as fact, you would be able to figure it out. Unfortunately, you and the left always resort to name calling and insults and not able to hold a fair and intellectual conversation and entertain an type of respectful debate, so for that reason I see you will never allow any discussion contrary to your thought process. So for that reason you are now on ignore.Again another right wing post overlooked by the admin.

05-26-21, 00:52
Not sure if the admins are all on vacation, or if they've decided the Medellin thread is the new geopolitical discussion thread.

You lead off with name calling and insults and then immediately follow with:

And immediately you follow up by claiming the person you just called a brain dead drone can only resort to name calling and insults instead of having a respectful debate.

However, he simply asked a fair question.

His closing statement might be considered insulting, however, it is obvious. Nobody has been able to produce all the illegal aliens who are raking in a bunch of free money from government handouts, but it's a fallacy Fox News has been pushing for many years. I employed an illegal alien for nearly 4 years (as a casual laborer) and the only free money he received was in the card his mother sent him every year on his birthday.

I'm just curious. Do you own a chicken suit? Since you spend so much time posting that the sky is falling, you should at least dress the part.

Revisiting an earlier post from you, the inflation rate over the past 4 months is nowhere near historic levels. It's also, according to an email I received from Charles Schwab early this morning transitory.Yes it seems that only right wing posts are allowed nowadays. Where is the censorship?

05-26-21, 04:11
Yes it seems that only right wing posts are allowed nowadays. Where is the censorship?He lets all sides air it out.

05-28-21, 03:25
I see someone is trying to "work the ref" I'm going to guess publicly insulting him is just "bad form".

Blue Touch
05-28-21, 14:08
Yes it seems that only right wing posts are allowed nowadays. Where is the censorship?He is an adamant supporter of white nationalism and various conspiracy theories. And he is always surrounded by similar "friends." If you challenge, or worse- successfully and efficiently disprove, rightwing notions. Your post is removed and you are on his black list.

05-28-21, 23:37
He is an adamant supporter of white nationalism and various conspiracy theories. And he is always surrounded by similar "friends." If you challenge, or worse- successfully and efficiently disprove, rightwing notions. Your post is removed and you are on his black list.Why is your acct still active?

Ready the firing squad!!

I volunteer, better yet can I interest you in a free helicopter tour?

05-29-21, 04:02
He is an adamant supporter of white nationalism and various conspiracy theories. And he is always surrounded by similar "friends." If you challenge, or worse- successfully and efficiently disprove, rightwing notions. Your post is removed and you are on his black list.I have no clue what the politics is of the owners, admins of this site, but they let it flow on the off topic threads, far right, far left and everything in between is published. A brief look at the American Politics thread in the Opinions section proves that. You are simply talking out of your ass, which as you just proved, is also allowed on off topic threads. Lolol.

05-29-21, 14:07
I would call the guy that I would like to be a dumbass and incoherent, you have not been to Medellin, you don't know anything of Medellin and you enjoy trolling others simply because that disability check and SSI doesn't provide you the opportunity to travel like you dream of daily. Good luck though, maybe you'll get some action in yourself and stop verbally wrestling with other BMs who actually travel and who actually have a presence in Medellin. Pollo Negro is Out!LOL this clown got his panties in a bunch because I said I overpaid for a tinder prepago. He's deathly afraid that I'm going to price him out of the market and he'll no longer have his only source for pussy that he can afford with his social security checks. He spends all day bashing other board members, jealousy / hate is very apparent.

We recently had this angry lonely old man shoot and kill 8 of his coworkers in San Jose, CA. His coworkers / neighbors said he was an angry loner, this guy fits the mold jajajaja.

05-31-21, 01:18
I thought you didn't like outliers? Now you're basing your claims on finding one hooker, one place in the world, who varies her rates?

Why is it that whenever I set up another monger with a girl in Medellin she sets her rate before knowing anything about the guy? Why is it that the casas and strip clubs have an established rate? Why do photoprepagos why mileroticos girls quote prices over WhatsApp? Why is it that one girl, charged the same price for 5 different guys over a period of several weeks, guys ranging from under 30 to over 60, from fit to fat?

What's this silliness about doing better than most? They're prostitutes. They sell sex for money. There's no better or worse. You pay, you get laid. As long as you bathe regularly and know how to use a toothbrush, you'll have no difficulty, regardless of what you look like. They don't base whether or not they're taking customers on how attractive they think the guy is. They base it on how much they need the money.

If you had ever been to a mongering destination you would know this. I've hung out with guys in Medellin who are still in their 20's and guys in their 70's. I've met up with guys who could barely climb a flight of stairs and guys who run marathons. I've seen guys who looked like models, and guys with faces even their mother has a tough time loving. They're all getting laid and mostly they're all paying about the same.

There's a simple way to solve this. I'll be in Medellin June 16-25. Just show up and hit me up. I'll call up a girl to meet you. You can prove that she'll charge you much less than her normal price.Mileroticos LOL, I don't do fixed pricing LOL that's for chumps.

Escorts are bullshit, I set the rules of engagement, not some pimp.

Its my money I'm no fool, escorts are bullshit, in every single country in the world.

There are guys that understand this and are willing to learn ways around it.

They are cool.

Then you have dirtbags like.

"I'll pay what I want for pussy and could careless if broke asses whine about it; call it gentrification".

And they don't care if they burn it all down (if they can't have it, they don't want you having it) LOL.

There's a simple way to solve this. I'll be in Medellin June 16-25. Just show up and hit me up. I'll call up a girl to meet you. You can prove that she'll charge you much less than her normal price.

That's not a random sample.

Sounds more like a rigged outcome.

I avoid sharks that like to sodomize beta mongers.

I don't want them for free.

Here's a better example meet me in say bkk.

Nana plaza, we walk into a bar, I don't even sit down, I don't drink so I never buy drinks.

I do a lap in the place, pick out at minimum an above avg girl.

And pay her much less than anyone else does in the whole nana plaza that night.

And tell her before I barfine, there will be no condoms!!

The odds of me getting a no, are almost 0%.

And nana is a condom kinda place.

I'll be 54 soon, Ill pick the cutest one closest to 18 yo. No tattoos, no implants or babies.

I typically don't aim for the stone face "prettiest" puta shark sitting in the corner with her fone stuck in her face.

You know the one in most places, waiting for a chump like dark thought to walk in to pay her 10 x the going rate.

Meanwhile I paid less for a PSE experience and she's going to demand 3 condoms for triple protection before she even touches him.

05-31-21, 01:42
I thought you didn't like outliers? Now you're basing your claims on finding one hooker, one place in the world, who varies her rates?

Why is it that whenever I set up another monger with a girl in Medellin she sets her rate before knowing anything about the guy? Why is it that the casas and strip clubs have an established rate? Why do photoprepagos why mileroticos girls quote prices over WhatsApp? Why is it that one girl, charged the same price for 5 different guys over a period of several weeks, guys ranging from under 30 to over 60, from fit to fat?

What's this silliness about doing better than most? They're prostitutes. They sell sex for money. There's no better or worse. You pay, you get laid. As long as you bathe regularly and know how to use a toothbrush, you'll have no difficulty, regardless of what you look like. They don't base whether or not they're taking customers on how attractive they think the guy is..If you had ever been to a mongering destination you would know this. I've hung out with guys in Medellin who are still in their 20's and guys in their 70's. I've met up with guys who could barely climb a flight of stairs and guys who run marathons. I've seen guys who looked like models, and guys with faces even their mother has a tough time loving. They're all getting laid and mostly they're all paying about the same.

No offense, but they sound like naive rookies, the price of pussy is negotiable in most places, and if you want to show me a place it isn't, then guess what, you literally couldn't pay me to go in there.

I don't pay sucker price.

What is that axiom? All men are created equal, some are just more equal than others LOL.

I'm not trying to be arrogant, but I don't like certain attitudes, I understand some have inferiority complexes.

But maybe some public shaming would help, instead of being complicit in their bullshit by providing / co-signing excuses for their deliberately destruction mongering ways.

This post is quintessential hubris.

I'll pay what I want for pussy and could careless if broke asses whine about it; call it gentrification.

If I owned this site, a post like this would be just cause for permanent banning including the IP address.

But like Kazeu suggests just don't engage them, that's a start.

Not co-signing their bullshit is another.

05-31-21, 22:49
Don't fall for it jjbee! Nana plaza is where all the ladyboy bars are, I knew this guy was sus! Soi cowboy is where the hottest ones work.

A visit to a ladyboy bar is on a lot of tourists to do list when they travel to Bangkok Thailand. Nana Plaza and Patpong have the most ladyboy bars
https://www.barnewsbangkok.com/m.ladyboy-bars.htmlFall for it? He's a blowhard posting from his mommy's basement. He throws out BKK because it's not open for tourism and likely won't be for awhile. It's his way of doing a victory dance, without ever having to ask his mommy's permission to go outside.

Meanwhile, while he's blustering about, telling everyone how great he is, I'll be in Colombia doing what I enjoy.

06-01-21, 03:02
Fall for it? He's a blowhard posting from his mommy's basement. He throws out BKK because it's not open for tourism and likely won't be for awhile. It's his way of doing a victory dance, without ever having to ask his mommy's permission to go outside.

Meanwhile, while he's blustering about, telling everyone how great he is, I'll be in Colombia doing what I enjoy.LOL yea, only a loser would brag about scoring with a hooker like he does.

Black Page
06-01-21, 09:25
As for getting the vaccine after you have had Covid, many doctors advise against that. They say the antibodies your body produces are more powerful than the vaccine.This is a nonsense.

Mojo Bandit
06-01-21, 10:28

As for getting the vaccine after you have had Covid, many doctors advise against that. They say the antibodies your body produces are more powerful than the vaccine.No competent immunologist is saying any thing like this. All the competent doctors are saying the opposite, It is everyone's choice what they should do but they should be acting on the best knowledge available, not from some quack doctor who is spouting off their opinion but from the best doctors in the country.

They are saying that " If you were treated for COVID-19 with monoclonal antibodies or convalescent plasma, wait 90 days before getting a COVID-19 vaccine. ".


All the top medical advisors are saying that even if you had Covid already that there is no guarantee that you developed enough natural antibodies to be immune.





https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/coronavirus/covid-19-vaccine/for-patients.html#text=People%20 who%20 have%20 gotten%20 sick, sick%20 with%20 COVID%2 D19%20 before.

Elvis 2008
06-01-21, 17:34
No competent immunologist is saying any thing like this. All the competent doctors are saying the opposite, It is everyone's choice what they should do but they should be acting on the best knowledge available, not from some quack doctor who is spouting off their opinion but from the best doctors in the country.Any other government sponsored program you want to shill for: social distancing, hand washing, travel bans ETC? All recommendations for "competent" professionals? Colombia listened to all your "competent" advice and where are they right now?

The data on whether to vaccinate people who have had Covid 19 is not in, and the benefits of their getting vaccinated are tiny and the risks of increasing their load of antibodies is huge. Maybe you do not or rather ignore people who have had side effects from the vaccine but I have not.

And by all means, tune out DR Rand Paul. He is not reputable because he is a Republican. Right, you Democratic douche?

Yes, the recommendation is for previously infected people to have the vaccine, but it is not based on data. Studies were not done on people who had prior Covid 19, and it is not known what to do with said people. Yes, Fauci, an ever loving vaccinologist who owns an unknown amount of Moderna shares and whose feet you Democratic douches worship at, has recommended it and those who are paid off via grants by him parrot him.

However, given he and you Democrats, aligned yourself with China to downplay the origins of the Covid virus, your credibility is at an all time low. It was bad enough that you all had to dismiss the lab leak theory but to censor anyone who mentioned it? That was pathetic, and all because Trump said it may have come from a lab. You guys not only mocked him, and you called anyone who mentioned the lab leak theory stupid.

And now it is the same with Dr. Rand Paul. Whatever he says, you and Paulie are against.

And Paulie, Mr. New York, New York, said Cuomo did a bang up job treating people with a virus. Why are you two are still doling out advice after being wrong about everything?

06-02-21, 00:26
I arrived at the playground today, aka ground zero around 10 AM and ran into the Chica I had met yesterday that I told I wanted to have a session with today and we had a "failed negotiation". I asked her what I would be getting for 30 K and when I asked about the unconvered blow job she looked at me funny. So I asked her if it was included and the answer was "will see" and "maybe", so I again asked if it was included and didn't get a positive answer meaning yes or no so I politely said I'm going for a walk and left. I typically get everything I want agreed to beforehand and wasn't going to accept a "maybe, or will see". So I took some laps and after about 15 minutes she sees me, comes up to me, and say's, ok no problem with the BBBJ, at which point I had already moved on. If a girl is reluctant to give BBBJ's and / or hesitant about it, it's usually best to pass on them. So after about another 1/2 hour, one of my BJ queens shows up and I immediately retained her services. I then left El Centro around 1 PM, went to Bellen, and there was a thunderstorm and they shut the pool down so I came back to ground zero around 2 PM at which time it stopped raining. A lot of times I stand against the wall opposite the glass covered walkway in front of the Veracruz Church courtyard and I had some issues there today.

The first one was I had a bunch of coins in my pocket and I was sorting thru them in my hand, and all of a sudden people started coming up to me asking for "monedas", total rookie mistake. Then a very old and grotesque / fat hooker came up to me and instead of politely telling her no thanks, I walked away without saying a word to her, and she had a shit fit, walked out onto the glass part of the walkway, spit on it, then rubbed her shoe in it, yelled at me and called me a fag and departed. I didn't say a single word to her and probably should of politely said I wasn't interested.

After this I took some more laps, interviewed some new girls which I passed on, and then one of my favorite spinners appeared who hasn't been around for a long time and upstairs we went. This one is smaller than my new spinner, and she was totally in heat. I think I over dosed on viagra, I took a quarter pill, and an hour and a half later took another quarter and was so hard it took me like 45 minutes to finish. And she pounded me so hard while on top I had to have her turn it down. I met her a few years ago and she is typically there to bullshit with friends and drink some beers. I told her she was like a dog totally in heat and she said she hadn't been fucked in several weeks but of course I didn't believe her, but what a blowout session.

Just another day at the playground.

06-02-21, 03:46
The little wing nut baby is having another Covid-19 meltdown on the stupid shit thread. Deja Vu. LOL.

You yourself are in here making medical assertions with no "data" or source citations while whining about Cuomo like he has anything to do with the price of rice in China, other than to attack a guy based on his home state. As it stands now the CDC and the consensus of contagious disease specialists who have spoken out recommend vaccination for those who have had Covid. Those are facts. There's also been a study done that indicates that those who have had Covid likely will do well enough with a single shot. That link which alludes to "data" was already posted in the regular thread a few days ago. Do your blood pressure a favor and do some research next time rather than believing everything Rand Paul, Fox, and whatever wingnut blog tells you, along with what you want to embellish along the way. That's asking a lot I know. As to the shots, of course everyone is free to do as they wish, as they've been doing all along anyway.


Any other government sponsored program you want to shill for: social distancing, hand washing, travel bans ETC? All recommendations for "competent" professionals? Colombia listened to all your "competent" advice and where are they right now?

The data on whether to vaccinate people who have had Covid 19 is not in, and the benefits of their getting vaccinated are tiny and the risks of increasing their load of antibodies is huge. Maybe you do not or rather ignore people who have had side effects from the vaccine but I have not.

And by all means, tune out DR Rand Paul. He is not reputable because he is a Republican. Right, you Democratic douche?

Yes, the recommendation is for previously infected people to have the vaccine, but it is not based on data. Studies were not done on people who had prior Covid 19, and it is not known what to do with said people. Yes, Fauci, an ever loving vaccinologist who owns an unknown amount of Moderna shares and whose feet you Democratic douches worship at, has recommended it and those who are paid off via grants by him parrot him.

06-02-21, 04:10
LOL yea, only a loser would brag about scoring with a hooker like he does.But in any case look in the mirror I know its tough, but you need to stop projecting.

Because I'm not the one that gets overcharged by putas (even the 3rd world ones) jajajaja.

06-02-21, 04:15
Any other government sponsored program you want to shill for: social distancing, hand washing, travel bans ETC? All recommendations for "competent" professionals? Colombia listened to all your "competent" advice and where are they right now?

The data on whether to vaccinate people who have had Covid 19 is not in, and the benefits of their getting vaccinated are tiny and the risks of increasing their load of antibodies is huge. Maybe you do not or rather ignore people who have had side effects from the vaccine but I have not.

And by all means, tune out DR Rand Paul. He is not reputable because he is a Republican. Right, you Democratic douche?

Yes, the recommendation is for previously infected people to have the vaccine, but it is not based on data. Studies were not done on people who had prior Covid 19, and it is not known what to do with said people. Yes, Fauci, an ever loving vaccinologist who owns an unknown amount of Moderna shares and whose feet you Democratic douches worship at, has recommended it and those who are paid off via grants by him parrot him.

However, given he and you Democrats, aligned yourself with China to downplay the origins of the Covid virus, your credibility is at an all time low. It was bad enough that you all had to dismiss the lab leak theory but to censor anyone who mentioned it? That was pathetic, and all because Trump said it may have come from a lab. You guys not only mocked him, and you called anyone who mentioned the lab leak theory stupid.

And now it is the same with Dr. Rand Paul. Whatever he says, you and Paulie are against.

And Paulie, Mr. New York, New York, said Cuomo did a bang up job treating people with a virus. Why are you two are still doling out advice after being wrong about everything?https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/31/opinion/media-lab-leak-theory.html

Elvis 2008
06-02-21, 05:16
When I mentioned the blog Zero Hedge, the Democratic douches do as they always do: attack the source. If Fox News says 2 + 2 =4, the Democratic douches would say something to the effect that "Fox News would say something like that. "

What kind of conspiracy theorist type reads an "economical blog" like Zero Hedge?

Well, it turns out no mask, one mask, two mask Anthony Fauci does: https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/fauci-emails-reveal-damage-control-scramble-after-zerohedge-spotlights-man-made-covid-19.

And yes Fauci saying that the Corona virus was man made was "really outlandish". Ha!

And now the Washington Post is walking things back "The Post becomes the latest in a growing list of media outlets and 'fact checkers' that have been forced to walk back their insistence that the lab leak theory was an impossibility. " https://www.zerohedge.com/political/washington-post-becomes-latest-media-outlet-walk-back-debunked-conspiracy-theory-wuhan.

Yep, nothing like another main stream paper of record showing it is full of shit. What is a Democratic douche to do?

Now the USA is having 1/3 the cases that Colombia has, do you think that maybe somebody ought to tell the Colombians that the social distancing, hand sanitizers, wearing masks outside, Covid tests upon entering the country do not work? Now all we need is Paulie saying Duque showed "real leadership" in this crisis and maybe JJBee can repeat his "jobs come back but lives do not. "

Yeah, all this Democratic douche, "scientific" leadership did was kill people and cost people their jobs while covering up the origins of the virus. The lab leak theory was racist doncha know? Gee, who know that fucking around with deadly viruses could kill millions? Not Fauci. No, fucking around with viruses was worth the benefit per Fauci. He testified to this before Congress in 2012, and he started the gain of function research on his own after Obama shut it down. Yep, the mastermind of gain of function with viruses was Fauci and he hides behind racism and his "scientific" co-conspirators.

Now we can hear about how no one predicted this 2 year lag in supply chains. That was "nonessential" work right? Shiiit!

Shaking my fucking head. Can you believe all the stupid shit that was done in the name of fighting Covid? And that Colombia is still doing it?

Cue the Democratic douche line, "Nobody knew. "

Hey Mojo, let me hear it. How "reputable" is Fauci now? Let me guess. You are still quoting the reputable Washington Post.

06-02-21, 13:40
Any other government sponsored program you want to shill for: social distancing, hand washing, travel bans ETC? All recommendations for "competent" professionals? Colombia listened to all your "competent" advice and where are they right now?

The data on whether to vaccinate people who have had Covid 19 is not in, and the benefits of their getting vaccinated are tiny and the risks of increasing their load of antibodies is huge. Maybe you do not or rather ignore people who have had side effects from the vaccine but I have not.

And by all means, tune out DR Rand Paul. He is not reputable because he is a Republican.Right, you Democratic douche?

Yes, the recommendation is for previously infected people to have the vaccine, but it is not based on data. Studies were not done on people who had prior Covid 19, and it is not known what to do with said people. Yes, Fauci, an ever loving vaccinologist who owns an unknown amount of Moderna shares and whose feet you Democratic douches worship at, has recommended it and those who are paid off via grants by him parrot him.

However, given he and you Democrats, aligned yourself with China to downplay the origins of the Covid virus, your credibility is at an all time low. It was bad enough that you all had to dismiss the lab leak theory but to censor anyone who mentioned it? That was pathetic, and all because Trump said it may have come from a lab. You guys not only mocked him, and you called anyone who mentioned the lab leak theory stupid.

And now it is the same with Dr. Rand Paul. Whatever he says, you and Paulie are against.

And Paulie, Mr. New York, New York, said Cuomo did a bang up job treating people with a virus. Why are you two are still doling out advice after being wrong about everything?I tune out Rand Paul because he isn't an immunologist or a virologist. Just as I tuned out trump's advice on disinfectant and light bulbs.

06-02-21, 16:38
The little wing nut baby is having another Covid-19 meltdown on the stupid shit thread. Deja Vu. LOL.

You yourself are in here making medical assertions with no "data" or source citations while whining about Cuomo like he has anything to do with the price of rice in China, other than to attack a guy based on his home state. As it stands now the CDC and the consensus of contagious disease specialists who have spoken out recommend vaccination for those who have had Covid. Those are facts. There's also been a study done that indicates that those who have had Covid likely will do well enough with a single shot. That link which alludes to "data" was already posted in the regular thread a few days ago. Do your blood pressure a favor and do some research next time rather than believing everything Rand Paul, Fox, and whatever wingnut blog tells you, along with what you want to embellish along the way. That's asking a lot I know. As to the shots, of course everyone is free to do as they wish, as they've been doing all along anyway.

https://www.forbes.com/sites/mishagajewski/2021/03/10/people-who-already-had-covid-19-might-not-need-the-second-dose-of-vaccine-study-finds/?sh=43d6cd515f85Accepting advice from Rand Paul, concerning viruses and vaccines, makes as much sense as hiring a plumber to rewire your house. He's an opthalmologist, an uncertified opthalmologist.

06-02-21, 17:22
And by all means, tune out DR Rand Paul. He is not reputable because he is a Republican. Right, you Democratic douche?.I can see why you would have profound respect for Dr. Rand Paul. After all he is (was) an ophthalmologist and perhaps he can help you with your inability to see anything about CoVid without putting on your political blinders.

Of course you also want to discount anything Dr. Fauci says because, afterall, he is too political. But wasn't he named as an example of a great American hero by George Bush I in one of his debates against Michael Dukakis in 1988?

In my world. We listen to an epidemiologist when we want to learn about viruses, pandemics and communicable diseases and we listen to an ophthalmologist if we want to learn about glaucoma or Lasik surgery.

I guess we live in different worlds.

06-02-21, 20:42
But in any case look in the mirror I know its tough, but you need to stop projecting.

Because I'm not the one that gets overcharged by putas (even the 3rd world ones) jajajaja.Like I said before, we don't play in the same sandbox. You stick with the nana plaza ladyboy bars. To those with a limited budget, any holes will do; just not my thing jajaja

Fun Luvr
06-02-21, 20:53
No competent immunologist is saying any thing like this. All the competent doctors are saying the opposite, It is everyone's choice what they should do but they should be acting on the best knowledge available, not from some quack doctor who is spouting off their opinion but from the best doctors in the country.So any doctor who you do not agree with is a quack. Then, Dr. Fauci must be a quack because he has had opposite opinions on almost all aspects of Covid. Or do you form your opinion on what Dr. Fauci says at any given moment?

All the top medical advisors are saying that even if you had Covid already that there is no guarantee that you developed enough natural antibodies to be immune.You must have some phenomenal abilities, or you think you do, because you know what "all the component doctors" and "all the top medical advisors" are saying. You know what EVERY one of them are saying? Also, none of the vaccine manufacturers claim their vaccine is 100% effective in fighting off the virus. So no guarantees of immunity there either.





https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/coronavirus/covid-19-vaccine/for-patients.html#text=People%20 who%20 have%20 gotten%20 sick, sick%20 with%20 COVID%2 D19%20 before.All those links except the ones from Harvard and Johns Hopkins have reports with two things in common. They recommend people who have had Covid get the vaccine and "we're not sure" or "there's not enough information currently available" or "we don't know" how the body will react to the virus in those people who have had Covid. They don't state it, but they also don't know if there are any long-term effects from the vaccine. Havard and Johns Hopkins do not express an opinion about the vaccine. They state that there is research that suggests people who have had Covid may benefit from the vaccine.

Just for the record, I have received both doses of the Moderna vaccine.

Mojo Bandit
06-02-21, 21:01
Any other government sponsored program you want to shill for: social distancing, hand washing, travel bans ETC? All recommendations for "competent" professionals? Colombia listened to all your "competent" advice and where are they right now?

The data on whether to vaccinate people who have had Covid 19 is not in, and the benefits of their getting vaccinated are tiny and the risks of increasing their load of antibodies is huge. Maybe you do not or rather ignore people who have had side effects from the vaccine but I have not.

And by all means, tune out DR Rand Paul. He is not reputable because he is a Republican. Right, you Democratic douche?

Yes, the recommendation is for previously infected people to have the vaccine, but it is not based on data. Studies were not done on people who had prior Covid 19, and it is not known what to do with said people. Yes, Fauci, an ever loving vaccinologist who owns an unknown amount of Moderna shares and whose feet you Democratic douches worship at, has recommended it and those who are paid off via grants by him parrot him.

However, given he and you Democrats, aligned yourself with China to downplay the origins of the Covid virus, your credibility is at an all time low. It was bad enough that you all had to dismiss the lab leak theory but to censor anyone who mentioned it? That was pathetic, and all because Trump said it may have come from a lab. You guys not only mocked him, and you called anyone who mentioned the lab leak theory stupid.

And now it is the same with Dr. Rand Paul. Whatever he says, you and Paulie are against.

And Paulie, Mr. New York, New York, said Cuomo did a bang up job treating people with a virus. Why are you two are still doling out advice after being wrong about everything?I was not even talking to you or responding to your post and yet you feel so insecure and personally attacked that you have to get up in here and start calling people names? Why do childish people have to start calling people names when they are disagreed with? But now that I know it gets a rise out of you I think Ill just keep poking.

This is a medical issue and it takes a particularly ideologically warped mind to see it as political.

No one who knows me personally would call me a liberal. I have been registered in both parties at one time or another but these days I just register as an independent. Most of my friends have usually been more conservative because we share the same interests and usually agree about 70% of the time about things, none of them would ever consider me a "liberal". Both Bernie Sanders and Marjorie Taylor Greene are equally fucking bat shit crazy. Bernie Sanders would think I was a fascist Nazi conservative.

But poor poor Elvis' mind is lost in a conservative echo chamber where everyone who does not agree with the propaganda being divvied out there must be a "liberal" or a "democrat". That is called black and white thinking and I should mention that it is symptomatic of a personality disorder. If you walk towards the light outside of the cave you'll see the shades of grey.

I cited the most respected medical institutions in the world, and sorry but I refuse to believe that Harvard Medical, The Cleveland Clinic, John Hopkins, the Mayo Clinic are somehow caught up some liberal misinformation campaign and that you somehow know more than they do. I do wonder though how ideologues get so paranoid as to think that they know more than our finest medical institutions.

I do not ignore Rand Paul because he is a Republican, I ignore what he said because he is a fucking eye doctor and not a immunologist, when he talks about pink eye then I will listen. One of my best friends is also an ophthalmologist and he is a Republican and he says Rand Paul is full of shit when he talks about Covid, factually and ethically. Senator Bill Cassidy is doctor and a Republican and he disagrees with Rand Paul also.

I call bullshit on your statement "risks of increasing their load of antibodies is huge" the goddamn vaccine is supposed to increase the load of antibodies, that is the whole point, how is that a "risk". Tell me the harm in that. Tell me the long term harm that people have suffered as side affects from the vaccine? What kind of ideological drivel are you babbling about?

06-02-21, 21:24
Like I said before, we don't play in the same sandbox. You stick with the nana plaza ladyboy bars. To those with a limited budget, any holes will do; just not my thing jajajaLike many say here, they all live in Bello, some wear different clothes, some take the money they get from overcharging chumps and buy knock off designer crap from China.

But you keep mentioning LBs? Is that your secret? I saw many "doods" taking them in BKK in Soi Cowboy and Nana, but none of the customers looked like me.

My sympathies, I pity you and your self-delusions, as was pointed out. If you are using mongering as a psych med, is your reality that tough?

Again my sympathies.

Mojo Bandit
06-02-21, 22:27
. Then, Dr. Fauci must be a quack because he has had opposite opinions on almost all aspects of Covid. Or do you form your opinion on what Dr. Fauci says at any given moment?
Just for the record, I have received both doses of the Moderna vaccine.For the record I have not heard, listened to or cared what Dr Fauci has said in over a year because he is not in the trenches where the new information is being discovered. I have worked in the medical field most of my life, I am surrounded by medical people all the time, I have two cousins who are doctors and my brother and his wife are doctors who are researchers at a pharm company, and they have access to the latest information as it gets published and reviewed. Which really as of several months ago is about looking at the different variants that are developing as the virus morphs and changes.

06-02-21, 23:22
At least Funluvr has backed off of his Trumpesque "many doctors" advise those who have had Covid not to get the vaccine claim. It's sad that the process of getting this corrected incited a protracted temper tantrum from Elvis, but was well worth it nonetheless.

And Funluvr good job with getting your shots. You did right by yourself and those who are around you. Thumbs up and the same to all who have done the same. I completed the Pfizer in early April.

Mr Enternational
06-03-21, 01:13
I don't have a dog in this fight, but so much for that...

Bombshell Emails Reveal That Fauci Wasn't Being Straight With the American People.


The Cane
06-03-21, 01:14
I don't have a dog in this fight, but so much for that...

Bombshell Emails Reveal That Fauci Wasn't Being Straight With the American People.

https://pjmedia.com/columns/megan-fox/2021/06/02/emails-reveal-that-fauci-wasnt-being-straight-with-the-american-people-n1451475Hardly unbiased reporting:


Elvis 2008
06-03-21, 02:55
I cited the most respected medical institutions in the world, and sorry but I refuse to believe that Harvard Medical, The Cleveland Clinic, John Hopkins, the Mayo Clinic are somehow caught up some liberal misinformation campaign and that you somehow know more than they do. I do wonder though how ideologues get so paranoid as to think that they know more than our finest medical institutions.And you do not think those organizations take marching orders from the government? My God, you are naïve. You know what organization has said landlords cannot evict tenants? The CDC: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/landlords-hosed-after-appeals-court-tosses-bid-resume-evictions.

You think the CDC does not have those "reputable" organizations by the balls? Government bureaucrats tell Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, and Johns Hopkins (maybe you should get that spelling right) what to do. Stop quoting "reputable" organizations and look at the data, and in this case, THERE IS NONE.

I do not ignore Rand Paul because he is a Republican, I ignore what he said because he is a fucking eye doctor and not a immunologist, when he talks about pink eye then I will listen.You should not listen to Rand Paul because he is Rand Paul. You should look at the data. Prior Covid infection confers about 90% immunity which is about at the same level of immunity as a vaccine. When you give a vaccine, you raise antibody levels and some people have had horrible reactions to those higher antibody levels. I know someone who has to quit his job after getting the vaccine due to tinnitus and dizziness. I know people who have been out for 4 weeks after getting the vaccine due to body aches and fatigue and some with permanent aches and fatigue, and I still think most people especially adults should get it. But giving it to 12 year olds and those previously infected? That is where the benefit: risk line becomes very blurred.

One of my best friends is also an ophthalmologist and he is a Republican and he says Rand Paul is full of shit when he talks about Covid, factually and ethically. Senator Bill Cassidy is doctor and a Republican and he disagrees with Rand Paul also.Who cares? What does the data show?

I call bullshit on your statement "risks of increasing their load of antibodies is huge" the goddamn vaccine is supposed to increase the load of antibodies, that is the whole point, how is that a "risk". Tell me the harm in that. Tell me the long term harm that people have suffered as side affects from the vaccine? What kind of ideological drivel are you babbling about?https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/news-perspective/2021/04/studies-suggest-link-between-blood-clots-astrazeneca-covid-vaccine

LOL. Drivel?

The first study, led by researchers at the Institute for Immunology and Transfusion Medicine in Greifswald, Germany, involved 11 patients who had abnormal blood clots or thrombocytopenia (low platelet counts) 5 to 16 days after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine.

One patient had a fatal intracranial hemorrhage (bleeding in the brain), while nine had cerebral venous thrombosis (blood clots in the brain), three had splanchnic vein thrombosis (blood clots in abdominal veins), three had a pulmonary embolism (blockage in a lung artery caused by blood clots), and four had other types of blood clots. Six patients, in addition to the patient with fatal intracranial hemorrhage, died.

Twenty-eight patients from another sample referred for investigation of vaccine-induced abnormal blood clotting tested positive for heparin-induced platelet factor 4 (PF4) thrombocytopenia antibodies, independent of heparin. All of them also tested positive for platelet-activating antibodies.

Got that dumb shit? Six people died after getting the vaccine and making antibodies from it. But in your web infested mind, Immune system = good. Do you think that maybe other antibodies might be raised by the vaccine and be harmful too?

And here you have a scientist looking at one side of the equation, "Everyone has good responses to the vaccines. They work to protect people against COVID-19. But for those who may be worried about side effects, they are not necessarily a bad thing—they may actually be an indicator of an even better immune response," Wherry said. https://www.pennmedicine.org/news/news-releases/2021/april/penn-study-suggests-those-who-had-covid19-may-only-need-one-vaccine-dose.

Got that? The officially listed common side effects of the vaccine, fatigue and body aches, suggest a robust immune response. They are a side effect of higher antibody counts. Problem is for some people they are not temporary.

And here is another potential side effect https://www.verywellhealth.com/tinnitus-covid-vaccine-side-effect-5184272.

A small number of people are reporting ear ringing, referred to as tinnitus, after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. Unlike body aches or fatigue, tinnitus is not officially listed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a vaccine side effect. Experts say there's not currently enough scientific evidence to suggest the tinnitus cases are caused by vaccination.

Still, tinnitus reports have surfaced in both clinical trials and after authorized vaccination.

Johnson & Johnson vaccine clinical trials included six non-severe tinnitus cases within 28 days of vaccination, though the USA Food and Drug Administration (FDA) later ruled they were unrelated to the shot. 1 The USA Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database has documented 1,486 cases of tinnitus following vaccination with any brand, meaning 0. 95% of vaccine recipients report experiencing the potential side effect.

End of quote.

Clearly, you do not get Mojo Brainless that it is possible that tinnitus is also related to unidentified antibodies. Meanwhile, no one knows what is the correct amount of antibodies you need to fight off infection, and I do not buy the official 1% tinnitus number. I think it is higher. Most do not associate it with the vaccine, and when I know someone who has that and dizziness that is so bad he has to quit his job, and that means something to me.

So you look on one side of the equation: rare but potentially fatal blood disorders, typically short lived but occasionally long term body aches and fatigue, 1% chance of tinnitus that some have had for months and the benefit is a supposed 5% decrease in the chance of getting Covid again? That is not a no-brainer decision.

Any of your "reputable" friends who have a one size fits all answer for that benefit to risk ratio are just like you, arrogant and totally full of shit. You do not know what you are talking about so kindly shut the fuck up.

As for being independent, give me a break. You are an arrogant, government is good liberal blowhard. You are totally against normal people being told the plusses and minuses of the vaccine and making up their own minds. You and your liberal trash call said people brainless antivaxxers.

As for the name calling, that is because someone may get hurt because of your mindless arrogance.

Elvis 2008
06-03-21, 03:24
I don't have a dog in this fight, but so much for that...

Bombshell Emails Reveal That Fauci Wasn't Being Straight With the American People.

https://pjmedia.com/columns/megan-fox/2021/06/02/emails-reveal-that-fauci-wasnt-being-straight-with-the-american-people-n1451475Mr. E, it is even worse than that.


America's top virologist, Anthony Fauci, argued in 2012 that the risks of a lab accident sparking a pandemic are outweighed by the potential benefits of manipulating viruses via gain-of-function research, according to previously unsurfaced remarks reported by Sharri Markson via The Australian.

For those who trash Zero Hedge, there is a link to this video testimony where he says exactly that before Congress, the risks of a lab accident sparking a pandemic are outweighed by the potential benefits in video before Congress in 2012.

So basically, this fucker Fauci started making and studying man made super viruses on his own after Obama banned it, and while Trump was getting his feet wet and did not notice it. The NIH, which Fauci controls, was sending money to the Wuhan lab in China.

To make matters even more scary, if you go to the 5:45 second mark on this video, you learn that there are 11 labs right here in the USA fucking around with and making super viruses under Fauci's control, and we now know there are lab leaks or accidents all the time.

So basically this fucker Fauci, all on his own, decided creating super viruses and studying them was worth the risk of a lab accident. One fucking guy decided this for the whole world. It is government at its worst.

Of course, if you are a Democratic douche, you support government "scientists" like this and you blow off Dr. Rand Paul and his questions because he is a Republican.

Hell, you even ban anyone who mentions that Covid-19 came from a lab as a whack job conspiracy nut mostly because Trump mentioned it and if Trump is on one side of an issue, the Democratic douches have to be on the other.

But the chickens are coming home to roost. Amazon and Barnes and Noble are banning the sale of Fauci's book: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/expect-unexpected-indeed-faucis-pandemic-profiteering-book-was-just-pulled-amazon-barnes.

And in addition to the email where Fauci pulls a boner on masks, (This asshole has recommended no masks, then one mask, then two), there is also one where he was told about how the CCP was lying about how bad Covid was in China and Fauci replied, "Too long, didn't read."

Well, enough of us now know here that Fauci is totally full of shit. The problem is the leaders in Colombia are still listening to him.

Elvis 2008
06-03-21, 03:45
For the record I have not heard, listened to or cared what Dr Fauci has said in over a yearYou are so full of shit.

I have two cousins who are doctors and my brother and his wife are doctors who are researchers at a pharm company, and they have access to the latest information as it gets published and reviewed. Which really as of several months ago is about looking at the different variants that are developing as the virus morphs and changes.I do not recall you or anyone else mentioning any variants when Trump was in office. The only reason the USA was #1 in cases was not due to virus variance but Trump's incompetence right? Is that why your "independent family" has only been studying them the last few months? It is almost like the scientific community got together and decided not to mention viral variances until he was out of office.

That is the crazy thing about this virus. There was no variance from March 2020 to December mentioned in most of the media. Scientific America listed five variances two months before the election but no one else mentioned anything about them. Then in the last five months, we have had incessant talk in the media about the four new variants since Trump lost.

It is amazing to me that India is seeing larger daily Covid numbers than at any time in this Covid crisis and no one is mentioning government incompetence but everyone is saying India has a particularly potent variance of the virus.

Quite the coincidence, right, Mr. Independent?

Elvis 2008
06-03-21, 04:33
Hardly unbiased reporting:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PJ_MediaCane, what is it with you Democratic douches that you criticize the source as opposed to get the facts right?

The source is Fauci's own email, you Democratic Douche!

Do you know how to read?



And for the record, not all Democrats are douches like you, some are actually logical. They vote in their interests as opposed to do stupid shit like attacking the source like you do. I know that not everyone who votes Democrat is stupid but in the mind of all you Democratic douches, all Republicans, or people who vote that way, are.

As for me and kissing Trump's ass, forget it. The CDC is under him, and he let them fuck up the early diagnostic testing, he believed the lying president Xi, and he let Fauci fuck around and fund making super viruses after Obama banned said research, but none of you Democratic douches mention any of that.

You douches banned the lab leak theory, which is obviously how Covid hit the world, and said anyone who mentioned the CCP was to blame was racist. And worst of all, you Democratic douches worship at the feet of the fucking "scientists" who created this whole mess.

And you are supporting Fauci now? God, you are dumb.

06-03-21, 05:55
Like many say here, they all live in Bello, some wear different clothes, some take the money they get from overcharging chumps and buy knock off designer crap from China.

But you keep mentioning LBs? Is that your secret? I saw many "doods" taking them in BKK in Soi Cowboy and Nana, but none of the customers looked like me.

My sympathies, I pity you and your self-delusions, as was pointed out. If you are using mongering as a psych med, is your reality that tough?

Again my sympathies.You can regurgitate the stuff you read from others, but you lack the basic knowledge which nobody writes about.

You already proved your lack of experience with prostitutes by claiming there's very little variation in quality. That's somewhat surprising since everyone who posts trip reports notes how some sessions are much better than others. Every monger knows that YMMV.

Now you've compounded that by not understanding a very basic aspect of sex work. Sex workers don't spend their money buying knock off designer crap from China, especially not those in Medellin. They are either making enough money to buy the real thing, or their customers are gifting them with it. Again, it's surprising you didn't pick up on that. Many guys have posted about buying stuff on sale at Victoria's Secret to hand out as tips.

Medellin girls especially wouldn't be buying knock offs from China. Medellin is the textile capitol of Colombia. All the knock offs you could want are made right there.

And not all the girls come from Bello. A lot of girls who cater to the gringo market are from Bello, but that's only because of 2 well known Bello pimps. The girls come from all over Medellin and beyond.

And we're not all playing in the same pool. Another thing you should have picked up from the forum. The girls Knowledge and Surfer500 see will never enter into slapshots pool. The girls I see won't be spotted in a lineup at New Life, or working Gusto. There's a class of girls rarely seen by any gringo, because very few gringos know where to find them.

You really should research more before doing your role-playing.

06-03-21, 06:15
Hardly unbiased reporting:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PJ_MediaI don't know this outlet, but your post suggests you know of an unbiased media outlet (s)?

Please enlighten us.


We are waiting with bated breath.

Mojo Bandit
06-03-21, 06:41
You are so full of shit.

I do not recall you or anyone else mentioning any variants when Trump was in office. The only reason the USA was #1 in cases was not due to virus variance but Trump's incompetence right? Is that why your "independent family" has only been studying them the last few months? It is almost like the scientific community got together and decided not to mention viral variances until he was out of office.

That is the crazy thing about this virus. There was no variance from March 2020 to December mentioned in most of the media. Scientific America listed five variances two months before the election but no one else mentioned anything about them. Then in the last five months, we have had incessant talk in the media about the four new variants since Trump lost.

It is amazing to me that India is seeing larger daily Covid numbers than at any time in this Covid crisis and no one is mentioning government incompetence but everyone is saying India has a particularly potent variance of the virus.

Quite the coincidence, right, Mr. Independent?This is seriously my last response to you because your train has obviously left the station. You are pathetically politically obsessed, you need to try medication, I seriously do not see this as a political issue. Virus variants do not give a damn or know who is president, Covid does not vote. The variants was an inevitable thing that happens after a virus has time to change, only you would find a way to mix it with politics.

Are you really so crazy that your going to tell me that I am lying about not listening to Fauci? I swear on my mother's grave that I have not heard anything he has said since early last year. Why the fuck would I lie?? I'm not an obsessed news junkie, I do not have cable cause its just stupid shit I do not want to pay for. . And I am sorry to be the one that has to tell you this but that is what makes you crazy, you think you fucking know me and how I spend my time? Then when I tell you how it is spent you call me a liar? Do you know how crazy that sounds? Your obsessed with Trump and Fauci and I do not think that either one of them is relevant to the current situation.

I have absolutely no reason to listen to Fauci about anything when I have people that can tell me what is being published in the scientific journals. Can your third grade mind not understand what I wrote. Fauci does not have any new information that I care about, the new science gets written in medical and science journals that people that I know have access to.

And you are so obsessed that you throw in Trumps name because I mentioned that the only new information I care about is the virus variants? Politics and the variants are tow completely different subjects. I care about variants, I do not care about politics. Its because news about variants is the only thing relevant at this point. The variants were going to happen they always do.

I also do not know nor care what is going on in India, I don't live there it does not have anything to do with me. I do not know why you think bringing it up proves anything and I do not care.

What I care about most is urging you to get the help you need with your obsessing so much that you are interjecting politics into a medical discussion and your delusions that you can read peoples minds. That is another symptom of a personality disorder. Any of the small private psychiatric hospitals will give you a free assessment. You walk on in there and tell them about your black and white thinking and your mind reading abilities, and throw in some information about your paranoia that people in India are making up stories about a virus variant and I am sure they can help you out.

John Clayton
06-03-21, 07:20
Mr. E, it is even worse than that.


America's top virologist, Anthony Fauci, argued in 2012 that ... this fucker Fauci started ...So basically this fucker Fauci...Of course, if you are a Democratic douche... the Democratic douches have to be on the other.. where Fauci pulls a boner on masks.. that Fauci is totally full of shit...

I thought I (very cleverly) compared the "American Politics" forum to the grease bucket on my smoker, which exists only to collect the schmutz. This post belongs there.

Mojo Bandit
06-03-21, 07:46
I thought I (very cleverly) compared the "American Politics" forum to the grease bucket on my smoker, which exists only to collect the schmutz. This post belongs there.He cannot talk about anything without turning into politics LOL.

Mojo Bandit
06-03-21, 07:48
You are so full of shit.

I do not recall you or anyone else mentioning any variants when Trump was in office. The only reason the USA was #1 in cases was not due to virus variance but Trump's incompetence right? Is that why your "independent family" has only been studying them the last few months? It is almost like the scientific community got together and decided not to mention viral variances until he was out of office.

Because may, your not omniscient just maybe the scientific community did say things about variants but that would violate the conspiracy? But oh wait what's all this? - "There was no variance from March 2020 to December mentioned in most of the media".

https://www.dw.com/en/new-strain-of-coronavirus-spreads-faster-than-original-study/a-54034723 (March 2020.

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32357545/ (April).

https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/health/2020/05/05/coronavirus-strains-mutating-some-more-dangerous-than-others/3085752001/ (May).

https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/is-there-more-than-one-strain-of-the-new-coronavirus (May 2020).

https://medium.com/swlh/variants-lineages-and-strains-of-coronavirus-7a71a0e699d7 (May 2020).

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-05-06/new-coronavirus-covid19-strain-mutation-hits-vaccine-research/12218834 (May 2020).

https://abcnews.go.com/Health/covid-19-mutating/story?id=70535183 (May).

https://coronavirusexplained.ukri.org/en/article/cad0013/ (June 2020).

https://www.scripps.edu/news-and-events/press-room/2020/20200612-choe-farzan-coronavirus-spike-mutation.html (June 2020).

https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/unique-coronavirus-strain-found-in-chicago-northwestern-study/2292119/ (June 2020).

https://abc7chicago.com/coronavirus-cases-chicago-covid-19-study/6254953/ (June 2020).

https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.06.18.156810v1.full.pdf (June 2020).

https://www.biospace.com/article/mutated-covid-19-viral-strain-in-us-and-europe-much-more-contagious/ (June 2020).

https://abc13.com/coronavirus-covid-19-strain-new-houston/6300460/ (July).

https://www.lanl.gov/updates/sars-cov-2-variant.php (July).

https://www.miamiherald.com/news/coronavirus/article244093332.html (July).

https://scitechdaily.com/global-covid-19-cases-now-dominated-by-new-more-infectious-strain-of-virus/ (July).

https://www.gavi.org/vaccineswork/what-happens-if-covid-19-mutates (July).

https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/news/nr/new-strain-covid-more-infectious-1.892276 (July).

https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se-asia/learning-more-about-sars-cov-2-the-virus-that-causes-covid-19 (August).

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-08-17/malaysia-detects-virus-strain-that-s-10-times-more-infectious (August).

https://www.cell.com/cell/pdf/S0092-8674%2820%2930877-1.pdf (September).

https://khn.org/morning-breakout/more-contagious-viral-strain-dominates-covid-cases-in-houston-based-study/ (September).

https://translational-medicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12967-020-02535-1 (September).

https://www.biopharma-reporter.com/Article/2020/10/15/Virus-strain-change-should-not-affect-COVID-19-vaccines-study (October).

https://news.utexas.edu/2020/10/30/coronavirus-mutation-may-have-made-it-more-contagious/ (October).

https://www.reuters.com/article/health-coronavirus-spain-variant/scientists-identify-prolific-coronavirus-strain-which-started-in-spain-and-spread-across-europe-idUSKBN27E2RS (October).

https://www.ft.com/content/2782655a-0441-4d38-bb03-5c4e67ead110 (October).

https://www.lanl.gov/updates/sars-cov-2-variant.php (October).

https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2020/11/13/more-infectious-and-airborne-covid-19-mutant-replaced-wuhan-virus-to-dominate-worldwide-research-finds/?sh=3939e7735ed3 (November).

https://newseu.cgtn.com/news/2020-11-02/What-are-mutated-strains-of-COVID-19-and-are-they-important--V4tFNb82pq/index.html (November).

06-03-21, 08:05
What I care about most is urging you to get the help you need with your obsessing so much that you are interjecting politics into a medical discussion and your delusions that you can read peoples minds. That is another symptom of a personality disorder. Any of the small private psychiatric hospitals will give you a free assessment. You walk on in there and tell them about your black and white thinking and your mind reading abilities, and throw in some information about your paranoia that people in India are making up stories about a virus variant and I am sure they can help you out.Beautifully stated, and some of the best advice we have seen in here in a long time. I hope he takes it to heart and follows through.

Elvis 2008
06-03-21, 12:06
Because may, your not omniscient just maybe the scientific community did say things about variants but that would violate the conspiracy? But oh wait what's all this? - "There was no variance from March 2020 to December mentioned in most of the media".Once again, Mojo Brainless, you do not even read your own articles. This is from November 2.


"It's really important to keep in mind that most of these mutations do not affect the virus at all," molecular epidemiologist, Emma Hodcroft, told CGTN Europe.

"I must stress at this point that there is currently nothing to suggest that the variant is more likely to cause serious disease."

The World Health Organization said it is aware of the "variant" and said there is no evidence so far it would act differently from other strains.

End of quotes.

Yeah, did you and your other Democratic douches consider the reason the Americas had more cases was because it was hit by more infectious variants? Nope, variants did not matter then. It was all about governments doing a "good job" and Cuomo showing "real leadership" while Trump sucked wind. Colombians were non-compliant as were Peruvians. That is why there were so many cases there. They were not suffering from a more potent strain of the virus. All viruses were of the same potency per the WHO.

Then after the election, variants devastate the UK, India, and Brazil, and all of a sudden citizen compliance is not a thing anymore. Yeah, AFTER Trump was out of office, THEN variants mattered.

You think I want a dialogue with you, you arrogant windbag? Forget it. I want you to shut up and quit doling out stupid medical advice. I want you to hide your head in shame for suggesting that we all bend down and kiss the ass of the "scientific" mother fuckers who caused this whole pandemic to begin with.

And you think this is about Trump? The fuck it is. It is about him being a diversion for what was really going on. You Democratic douches were so obsessed with getting him that you missed the real villains in the story. Just because Fauci and his band of "scientists" were villains does not make Trump a hero. You douches look at everything as red and blue. Just because the Democrats were total morons does not mean Republicans were smart.

You happy with what is going on in Colombia? They listened to all your "scientific" heroes and look at the mess they are in.

06-03-21, 13:59
And you do not think those organizations take marching orders from the government? My God, you are nave. You know what organization has said landlords cannot evict tenants? The CDC: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/landlords-hosed-after-appeals-court-tosses-bid-resume-evictions.

You think the CDC does not have those "reputable" organizations by the balls? Government bureaucrats tell Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, and Johns Hopkins (maybe you should get that spelling right) what to do. Stop quoting "reputable" organizations and look at the data, and in this case, THERE IS NONE.

You should not listen to Rand Paul because he is Rand Paul. You should look at the data. Prior Covid infection confers about 90% immunity which is about at the same level of immunity as a vaccine. When you give a vaccine, you raise antibody levels and some people have had horrible reactions to those higher antibody levels. I know someone who has to quit his job after getting the vaccine due to tinnitus and dizziness. I know people who have been out for 4 weeks after getting the vaccine due to body aches and fatigue and some with permanent aches and fatigue, and I still think most people especially adults should get it. But giving it to 12 year olds and those previously infected? That is where the benefit: risk line becomes very blurred.

Who cares? What does the data show?


LOL. Drivel?

The first study, led by researchers at the Institute for Immunology and Transfusion Medicine in Greifswald, Germany, involved 11 patients who had abnormal blood clots or thrombocytopenia (low platelet counts) 5 to 16 days after receiving the AstraZeneca vaccine..Since you referenced Germany a lot in your post, (1) how many Germans IN TOTAL have had vaccine-related problems?; (2) how many Germans have received at least one dose of vaccine?; and (3) what is the percentage of problems vs. Number of doses administered?

06-03-21, 18:29
You can regurgitate the stuff you read from others, but you lack the basic knowledge which nobody writes about.

You already proved your lack of experience with prostitutes by claiming there's very little variation in quality. That's somewhat surprising since everyone who posts trip reports notes how some sessions are much better than others. Every monger knows that YMMV.

Now you've compounded that by not understanding a very basic aspect of sex work. Sex workers don't spend their money buying knock off designer crap from China, especially not those in Medellin. They are either making enough money to buy the real thing, or their customers are gifting them with it. Again, it's surprising you didn't pick up on that. Many guys have posted about buying stuff on sale at Victoria's Secret to hand out as tips.

Medellin girls especially wouldn't be buying knock offs from China. Medellin is the textile capitol of Colombia. All the knock offs you could want are made right there..Jajajaaa.

I was walking in Bogota one day and some really hot chick, screamed out a passing car "I Love YOu" jajaa.

I thought woowww that's weird I thought nobody speaks English here LOL.

I don't have hours a day to waste arguing with you, so I will put you on ignore, besides I don't type well.

I don't sit in the bsmt chugging caffeine bombarding ISG with your drivel, what's the axiom?

If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance, then baffle them with your bullshit, that was written with your kind in mind!!

I will repeat there is very little variation in putas, a puta is a puta is a puta!!

Some dress nicer than others! That's about it.

Arent you the fool that said he attended some meeting with the National police in Colombia to discuss puta rights?

So you are that feminist in his bsmt in the northwoods of Canada that loves giving webcam putas your money, isn't that you?

1st you say they don't buy knock offs from China, then you say they just buy them here, because they are made here.

Yes someone did say he bought VS panties, for like $10 for 5 pairs.

You are so silly I or anyone else would be a fool to engage you further, PN probably makes more sense with his childish fictional tales.

I suspect you are here to do anything you can do to promote feminism on the board.

Like defend those that get overcharged, I'm sure you love when they get more pesos, and.

Fools pay for CFS including CBJ, like you, you literally couldn't pay me to accept that, EVER.

You are just as culpable with your complicity regarding those that get overcharged for the untold damage they do to this hobby and community, you try to defend them in anyway you can.

Especially making the asinine comment that.

There's a class of girls rarely seen by any gringo, because very few gringos know where to find them.

Bullshit, you are just trying to feed their fantasies, and allow them to continue to be sodomized by these barrio cucarachas / putas.

You know, I know as does everyone else, what your agenda is.

Promote condoms and sky is the limit on pesos given, "because some are goddesses" jajaajaaaaaaaaaa.

I've don't many $500 putas, yes I fell for that BS myself, 18 yo blonde hair blue eyed gorgeous 10, no tattoos or babies.

I'm here to state unequivocally they aren't any better than a $5 puta.

I'm all about service, putas are analogous to porn IMO.

You can watch a $50 a month website or you can watch the same scenes on PH, same with webcam putas.

I'm going to hit ignore now.

I'm guessing you will continue to ramble diarrhea out of your mouth via the keyboard.

I don't read your posts anymore but what do you call putas? *****s? Hookers? Angels?

Do you respect them? Do you admire them? Lets hear it for everyone.

Well I should show you what they do to me, tongue fuck my ass, I fuck them in the ass, ATM, then they swallow all my jizz.

All for a couple pesos, I respect that cost / benefit.

You try to pretend you are some helpful member, with actual MDE info on hotels or food etc.

What you really are is a trojan horse.

You are here to promote beta behavior for the benefit of putas, just admit it.

You have an agenda, its obvio, adios puta cuck!!

Elvis 2008
06-03-21, 19:26
Beautifully stated, and some of the best advice we have seen in here in a long time. I hope he takes it to heart and follows through.Everyone in the world and even most members of the Democratic party has run away from Cuomo. Everyone but you Paulie. I even made fun of you and called you Mr. New York, New York because you said Cuomo did such a good job. Do you have any shame? Can you admit your team is wrong about anything?

Here you have this fucker Fauci who may have killed 3 million people, and you are such a Democratic douche that bringing this guy down might, might make Republicans look better and so the Democratic networks like MSNBC tried to save him.

Life or death, and you douches are STILL playing politics.

Among other things, Fauci's emails reveal;.

How he decided to deliberately dismiss the Wuhan lab leak theory early on despite being warned by scientists that the virus looked "engineered".

How he helped out and was thanked by Dr. Peter Daszak, someone with intimate ties to the Wuhan lab, for publicly discrediting the lab leak theory.

How he said face masks were useless because the virus could pass through them before going on to promote the use of face masks.

How Fauci committed perjury by denying he was involved with 'gain of function' research at the Wuhan lab, despite this being documented in the emails.

How Fauci responded to an email from a physicist who tried to warn him that China was engaged in a COVID cover-up with the words "too long for me to read."

How Fauci conspired with Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg to control the narrative on COVID-19.

The irony is that Biden has tuned on you Democratic douches and for that I give him credit. He reversed his decision on looking at the lab leak theory and there was this, "Wallace's (MSNBC) groveling opinion isn't apparently shared by White House officials, who are reportedly preparing for Fauci to make a quiet exit in a bid to avoid further fallout from the emails".

3 million dead, millions sick and all you talk is about politics. You are a sick fuck, Paulie.

And as another day goes by, there is yet another record number of cases in Colombia. It is fucking pathetic and you still won't shut up about politics.

Elvis 2008
06-03-21, 19:48
Since you referenced Germany a lot in your post, (1) how many Germans IN TOTAL have had vaccine-related problems?; (2) how many Germans have received at least one dose of vaccine?; and (3) what is the percentage of problems vs. Number of doses administered?My guess is that your point is that the number of side effects in comparison to the total number of injections is tiny.

The problem with your analysis is that you are assuming that "vaccine problems" are known. You do not get that a major issue with the vaccines are blood clots, and they often need expensive diagnostic testing to be revealed. Furthermore, blood clots can cause almost any symptom there is. There are not double blind placebo controlled studies going on to show what are truly side effects from the vaccine and what is just naturally occurring.

I got the vaccine and advocate most people doing so, but there is a case to be made for certain people not to get the vaccine like those who have previously had Covid. Not all people who are anti-vaccine are stupid.

The vaccine has been a Godsend, and we are really, really fucking lucky it has worked as well it has. And Thank God Colombia is now rolling out more of it, but the risks are still unknown, and the benefits for certain subsets of the population is miniscule.

Mojo Bandit
06-03-21, 20:31
Then after the election, variants devastate the UK, India, and Brazil, and all of a sudden citizen compliance is not a thing anymore. Yeah, AFTER Trump was out of office, THEN variants mattered.

You think I want a dialogue with you, you arrogant windbag? Forget it. I want you to shut up and quit doling out stupid medical advice. Here is the good news: you have never had a dialogue with me, You have been having a dialogue with the voices in your head otherwise you wouldn't be attributing words and whole arguments to me that I never said or made. Its also the voices in your head that drive your compulsive need to changing the subject all the time to things I never mentioned. The only thing I ever said about variants was that was what I was trying to keep up with for information.

Then you said that there was a conspiracy within the medical community to not mention variants between march 2020 and December 2020 and then I supplied you with several articles that had mentioned variant strains during that period of time, so you changed the subject. And then you pulled out some info form some of those articles and made some argument based on nothing I said. I only said that I was trying to keep up with the information.

Second: I did not give anyone medical advise, I provided links to the most respected medical institutions, unlike posts where people were throwing up information with no links to back it up. Then who ever reads the links also has that information. Free to make an informed decision. They can say in their head "Do I listen to the doctors at the Cleveland Clinic or do I listen to some guy in a sex guide forum?

You are free to state that disagree with with these medical institutions but as far as you wanting to censure me "to shut up and quit doling out stupid medical advice" I did not serve 6 years in the military so some paranoid want-to-be tyrant could censure me.

06-03-21, 21:37
Here is the good news: you have never had a dialogue with me, You have been having a dialogue with the voices in your head otherwise you wouldn't be attributing words and whole arguments to me that I never said or made. Its also the voices in your head that drive your compulsive need to changing the subject all the time to things I never mentioned. The only thing I ever said about variants was that was what I was trying to keep up with for information.

Then you said that there was a conspiracy within the medical community to not mention variants between march 2020 and December 2020 and then I supplied you with several articles that had mentioned variant strains during that period of time, so you changed the subject. And then you pulled out some info form some of those articles and made some argument based on nothing I said. I only said that I was trying to keep up with the information.

Second: I did not give anyone medical advise, I provided links to the most respected medical institutions, unlike posts where people were throwing up information with no links to back it up. Then who ever reads the links also has that information..Understand, you are interacting with a guy who claims to have known I was in atrial fibrillation before anyone had done as much as take my pulse. Of course he made his diagnosis after I posted that I had spent a night in ICU because of atrial fibrillation. Somehow, as I was driving (I'll let him tell you where exactly I was driving and what date) he detected from more than 1,000 miles away, without having made any contact with me (by any method I'm aware of. He obviously has special powers), that I was briefly in atrial fibrillation. What bothers me the most, isn't his invasion of my privacy, by magically detecting my vital signs, it's that he didn't take a moment to magically tell me that I was experiencing atrial fibrillation.

If you have those magical powers, shouldn't you use them for the greater good rather than sharing that you knew about it 2 months later? That's just rude.

I've decided to stop seeing my doctors. I'll just post something like "I have a small discoloration on my right leg" and wait for the Dr. Elvirus diagnosis.

06-03-21, 21:46
Once again, Mojo Brainless, you do not even read your own articles. This is from November 2.


"It's really important to keep in mind that most of these mutations do not affect the virus at all," molecular epidemiologist, Emma Hodcroft, told CGTN Europe.

"I must stress at this point that there is currently nothing to suggest that the variant is more likely to cause serious disease.".https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/trump-fauci-covid/2021/06/03/id/1023819/


The Cane
06-03-21, 23:55
Cane, what is it with you Democratic douches that you criticize the source as opposed to get the facts right?It's funny to hear a Trumptard and defender of the right going on about "the facts". The facts don't seem to matter when it's your trusted sources (more like untrustworthy) willing to spin them for their own ends, or simply deny or ignore them altogether. How many times has it been easily established with Trump's own videoed and recorded words what he said or did or lied about? Like in that little interview with Bob Woodward about how he lied to the American people about how dangerous COVID-19 is? Alternative facts? The facts are the facts! We must start with the man in the mirror.

06-04-21, 00:51
The reality is that after more than 50 police murders of civilians over the recent weeks of protests, the govt has finally realised that no one gives a shlt about covid here. People would rather take their chances w a virus that only kills compromised and old people, than have their businesses ruined or starve to death.

Colombians want to get on with their lives, fuck the conservative over-cautious lockdowns. Yes, cases are higher than ever, and old and sick people should be cuatious. But the rest do not need to suffer.Once you remove the old and the compromised then the young and the uncompromised are the ones in intensive care. We've been experiencing that in the last 6 to 8 weeks, and its finally dropping again as we are have 60 plus percent with vaccinations. Our cases had become mostly the British variant, rapidly moving to the Indian variant. Both are a lot more contagious (read more airborne probably). And while a lot of the young people on respirators eventually recovered it was a very very tough time. With enough deaths as well.

I saw reports from Vegas in the last few days. Back to normal. Hate to throw rain on the parade. But with 30 to 50% of the people there not vaccinated (assuming the normal mix for the US) and if the variants are present there, there will be lots of Covid still to come.

As for Colombia. Terrrible dilemma and situation. On that I think we agree. The lockdowns and measures to stop these variants will be virtually impossible to follow in a place like that.

06-04-21, 01:10
Everyone in the world and even most members of the Democratic party has run away from Cuomo. Everyone but you Paulie. I even made fun of you and called you Mr. New York, New York because you said Cuomo did such a good job. Do you have any shame? Can you admit your team is wrong about anything?

Here you have this fucker Fauci who may have killed 3 million people, and you are such a Democratic douche that bringing this guy down might, might make Republicans look better and so the Democratic networks like MSNBC tried to save him.

Life or death, and you douches are STILL playing politics.

Among other things, Fauci's emails reveal;.

How he decided to deliberately dismiss the Wuhan lab leak theory early on despite being warned by scientists that the virus looked "engineered"..https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2021/02/15/968059128/fauci-awarded-1-million-israeli-prize-for-speaking-truth-to-power-amid-pandemic

06-04-21, 01:28

I was walking in Bogota one day and some really hot chick, screamed out a passing car "I Love YOu" jajaa.I thought woowww that's weird I thought nobody speaks English here LOL.

No you weren't. You've previously stated that you've never been to Colombia. Anyone who has been walking around in Bogota recognizes how unlikely that claim is.

I don't have hours a day to waste arguing with you, so I will put you on ignore, besides I don't type well.

I don't sit in the bsmt chugging caffeine bombarding ISG with your drivel, what's the axiom?

If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance, then baffle them with your bullshit, that was written with your kind in mind!!You don't have time to respond to me, but you take the time to respond to tell me you don't have time? I'm calling bullshit on that one. What you don't have is any experience mongering and you would rather not be reminded of it.

I will repeat there is very little variation in putas, a puta is a puta is a puta!!

Some dress nicer than others! That's about it.Spoken like someone who has never had sex with an actual woman. Anyone who has spent more than 5 minutes in the company of women knows they are all different. Even the same ones are different from day to day.

Arent you the fool that said he attended some meeting with the National police in Colombia to discuss puta rights?

So you are that feminist in his bsmt in the northwoods of Canada that loves giving webcam putas your money, isn't that you?That reading comprehension thing is tripping you up again. I attended several seminars for webcam models. At one seminar a member of the national police spoke about the issue of bullying which many webcam models experience. I attended the seminars each week, had no say about the content and guest speakers and was mainly there to become familiar with the people I was working with.

And to further burst your bubble, I don't have a basement, don't live in Canada and haven't spent money on webcams for about 4 years. It loses its appeal when you spend 20-30 hours a week sitting 10 feet away from where the webcam models are broadcasting, while telling them what to do and answering all their PMs.

1st you say they don't buy knock offs from China, then you say they just buy them here, because they are made here.

Yes someone did say he bought VS panties, for like $10 for 5 pairs.First off, "here" implies that you're in Medellin. You aren't. You never have been and were completely unaware of the city's connection to the textile industry. Secondly, you've missed the point entirely. It's been reported many times about the various items that guys are buying for the hookers in Medellin. Or do you believe that all those iPhone 12's are Chinese knockoffs?

The subject of Colombians buying fake fashion labels is a very public running joke in Medellin. Facebook is full of memes poking fun at the practice.

You are so silly I or anyone else would be a fool to engage you further, PN probably makes more sense with his childish fictional tales.So you are calling yourself a fool now? Not only have you constantly engaged me, you've even PM'ed me. As for PN he's been to Medellin. There have been at least a few people who can vouch for him. There are several people who have already vouched for me. Who is going to step up and vouch for you?

I suspect you are here to do anything you can do to promote feminism on the board.

Like defend those that get overcharged, I'm sure you love when they get more pesos, and.

Fools pay for CFS including CBJ, like you, you literally couldn't pay me to accept that, EVER.

You are just as culpable with your complicity regarding those that get overcharged for the untold damage they do to this hobby and community, you try to defend them in anyway you can.And yet I've never promoted feminism on this board. Considering how long I've been here it seems like I would have started on that agenda by now.

I have no need to defend anyone who gets overcharged or who overpays, because there's no such thing. It's a fallacy created by scared, weak boys. Prostitution is a business agreement between 2 or more persons. Each arrangement is unique. While there are common rates, there's no one size fits all. To believe there is shows you have no experience. If you want cookie cutter sex there are plenty of options where you know the price before you walk in the door. If you prefer to do things your own way, there are going to be variations. Why should everyone limit themselves to your lack of imagination?

Especially making the asinine comment that.

There's a class of girls rarely seen by any gringo, because very few gringos know where to find them.

Bullshit, you are just trying to feed their fantasies, and allow them to continue to be sodomized by these barrio cucarachas / putas.Again you show your lack of experience. There are easily 100 nightclubs in Medellin which have never been mentioned on ISG. There are several areas of Medellin which rarely see any gringos. Are you so naive to believe there is no prostitution going on there? Most gringos don't go there because it's outside of their knowledge. They can find everything they want in whichever area they choose to frequent.

You know, I know as does everyone else, what your agenda is.

Promote condoms and sky is the limit on pesos given, "because some are goddesses" jajaajaaaaaaaaaa.

I've don't many $500 putas, yes I fell for that BS myself, 18 yo blonde hair blue eyed gorgeous 10, no tattoos or babies.I'm not certain what you're trying to say here. I only have 1 agenda, to enjoy my life. Along the way, I try to help others enjoy their lives. You should try it sometime. It's a much better way to spend your time than throwing constant temper tantrums.

I don't promote condoms, I use them. My choice, my dick, my money and my business. I can understand why you wouldn't use them. Your mother would be confused to find condom packages in the trash when you've never brought a woman home.

Personally, I've never paid $500 for a prostitute. However, if that's what someone else is spending, that's their business.

I'm here to state unequivocally they aren't any better than a $5 puta.

I'm all about service, putas are analogous to porn IMO.

You can watch a $50 a month website or you can watch the same scenes on PH, same with webcam putas.You've made it quite obvious that the closest you've ever been to a puta is watching porn. Again, that's your and your mother's business. It just seems strange you would spend so much time on ISG talking about things you've never done.

I'm going to hit ignore now.I doubt your sincerity, but I can understand running and hiding after you've been exposed as nothing more than empty words.

I'm guessing you will continue to ramble diarrhea out of your mouth via the keyboard.

I don't read your posts anymore but what do you call putas? *****s? Hookers? Angels?

Do you respect them? Do you admire them? Lets hear it for everyone.Why ask a question when you say you won't read the answer?

Do I respect them? I respect everyone to the limit that they deserve respect. What type of person would pay to spend time with someone they have no respect for? You would have to have no self-esteem whatsoever if you're willing to give money to someone you abhor to have sex with you.

Well I should show you what they do to me, tongue fuck my ass, I fuck them in the ass, ATM, then they swallow all my jizz.

All for a couple pesos, I respect that cost / benefit.Yes, you should show us all what they do to you. Except you can't, because not a single one has ever done anything of the sort to you. If they had you wouldn't continue promoting that they are all the same.

You try to pretend you are some helpful member, with actual MDE info on hotels or food etc.

What you really are is a trojan horse.

You are here to promote beta behavior for the benefit of putas, just admit it.

You have an agenda, its obvio, adios puta cuck!!I've never needed to pretend I'm a helpful member. The forum contains ample evidence of whether or not I'm helpful.

When you finally get your cherry popped you might understand that anytime you pay someone for sex you are benefitting them. Without customers, prostitutes earn no money. So yes, I guess I am promoting benefitting putas, because I'm helping guys get what they want in Colombia.

So whether it's "alpha" or "beta" behavior to pay for sex, the result is always the same, some girl ends up getting paid for something she usually does for free.

06-04-21, 02:56
It's funny to hear a Trumptard and defender of the right going on about "the facts".He dives into all the wingnut causes without any pause or ever catching a breath. First it was Covid denialism, it's all a worldwide election year conspiracy to defeat Trump, the #s are all faked, anti masks, social distancing and other restrictions. Covid is fake and it all goes away after Nov 3. Then he's on the "stop the steal," stolen election lies, then anti-vaxxer. Now the big campaign is anti-vaxxer for those who have had Covid. Bottom line is he's a lousy American and world citizen, and it's lovely watching his crowd lose, thus all the celebrations in the streets all over the country Saturday after election day. They thought they were the majority but they are not.

06-04-21, 02:57
I will repeat there is very little variation in putas, a puta is a puta is a puta!!

Some dress nicer than others! That's about it.
This is what you tell yourself when you're smashing the lady boys from nana plaza huh? "A hole is a hole is a hole!" Jajajaja.

The Cane
06-04-21, 03:07
This is what you tell yourself when you're smashing the lady boys from nana plaza huh? "A hole is a hole is a hole!" Jajajaja.The facts are the facts LOL!

06-04-21, 03:39
This thread is absolutely pathetic. For the love of God, get a damn life. Why don't all of you blow hards partisan hacks stop talking about corrupt and poisonous politics in the USA and go bang some hot chicks in Medellin.

Mojo Bandit
06-04-21, 03:47
This thread is absolutely pathetic. For the love of God, get a damn life. Why don't all of you blow hards partisan hacks stop talking about corrupt and poisonous politics in the USA and go bang some hot chicks in Medellin.You make a fantastic point! But in our defense, it is written right into the title of the thread, it says "stupid shit".

Elvis 2008
06-04-21, 03:56
Then you said that there was a conspiracy within the medical community to not mention variants between march 2020 and December 2020 and then I supplied you with several articles that had mentioned variant strains during that period of time, so you changed the subject. And then you pulled out some info form some of those articles and made some argument based on nothing I said. I only said that I was trying to keep up with the information.The problem with a dumb ass Democratic douche like you is any time the word conspiracy comes up, you act like it is a fictional event. You want conspiracy? Here are two articles that show there was just such a conspiracy.

Let me quote from one of them, https://harvardtothebighouse.com/2020/03/19/china-owns-nature-magazines-ass-debunking-the-proximal-origin-of-sars-cov-2-claiming-covid-19-wasnt-from-a-lab/.

Nature magazine has censored over 1,000 articles at the request of the Chinese government over the past several years, and runs columns sponsored by outside interests. And it seems pretty clear that their recent article, "The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2" is just one more example of their influence. China bought off the head of Harvard's chemistry department, you don't think they could buy off run-of-the-mill research scientists scrambling for tenure and funding and publication? It's absolutely horrific that so many scientists and researchers are taking part in what's really clearly a disinformation campaign orchestrated by the Chinese Communist Party, and willfully spreading a smokescreen about something that's already killed thousands and is projected to kill millions more across the planet.

Got that? The word conspiracy means a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful. And you do not think the Chinese communist party would do something like that? My God, you are such a dumb ass.

As for your continued use of reputable scientists, you should read this article that broke wide open the lab leak theory and the "scientists" you Democratic douches insist we bow down to, https://nicholaswade.medium.com/origin-of-covid-following-the-clues-6f03564c038.

And you continue to invoke "scientific" experts and consensus instead of looking at the potential conflict of interest of those who might benefit from a false consensus. Here is a quote.

You might think the SARS2 pandemic would spur virologists to re-evaluate the benefits of gain-of-function research, even to engage the public in their deliberations. But no. Many virologists deride lab escape as a conspiracy theory and others say nothing. They have barricaded themselves behind a Chinese wall of silence which so far is working well to allay, or at least postpone, journalists' curiosity and the public's wrath. Professions that cannot regulate themselves deserve to get regulated by others, and this would seem to be the future that virologists are choosing for themselves.

Let me be clear, Mojo brainless, you do not have the intellectual fortitude to be giving out advice. Even referencing what you think are commonly accepted practices is out of bounds for you because you believe consensus = science instead of data.

The very nature of your argument, conspiracy theory, just shows how brainless you are. You want everyone to believe the Chinese Communist party is incapable of conspiracies? If I wanted to sell you bullshit to use on your face, I would just get some Harvard type to say it does wonder for your skin and you would be off buying tons of it.

Will you read the articles? Of course not. An arrogant windbag like you knows everything all ready.

06-04-21, 04:14
You make a fantastic point! But in our defense, it is written right into the title of the thread, it says "stupid shit".Plus vaccination is a very important subject. Someone (Elvis) got hysterical in the main thread over nothing and the conversation was moved here.

06-04-21, 04:16
This is what you tell yourself when you're smashing the lady boys from nana plaza huh? "A hole is a hole is a hole!" Jajajaja.You obsession with the LBs is disconcerting you really need to stop projecting, its a bad look.

So a puta is a puta is a puta is something you don't agree with.

Why is that? Do you idolize them? Is that why you let them sodomize you (literally and figuratively)? Let me guess you're one of those mongers that would love to marry one, why?

So you could have 5 daughters, and raise them to be just like their mother?

Elvis 2008
06-04-21, 04:57
It's funny to hear a Trumptard and defender of the right going on about "the facts". The facts don't seem to matter when it's your trusted sources (more like untrustworthy) willing to spin them for their own ends, or simply deny or ignore them altogether. Like in that little interview with Bob Woodward about how he lied to the American people about how dangerous COVID-19 is?I am not a partisan hack like you. Trump let the CDC fuck up the early testing process. He did not personally do it, but he did not oversee that and it was a huge blunder given how important it was. He also trusted Chinese President Xi who lied to him. Those were huge mistakes.

As for the rest, I will quote Matt Taibbi's latest piece for an explanation, https://taibbi.substack.com/p/congratulations-elitists-liberals?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxNTkyNzI1MiwicG9zdF9pZCI6MzcxMTgwNDksIl8iOiJUK1orNCIsImlhdCI6MTYyMjc3NjM3NiwiZXhwIjoxNjIyNzc5OTc2LCJpc3MiOiJwdWItMTA0MiIsInN1YiI6InBvc3QtcmVhY3Rpb24ifQ.8cE1VWP2ixwEN0CKn5Lzmbn5F8XWu_BdAXr1yQGOQlE.

The truth is, Trump conservatives and ACLU-raised liberals like myself, Greenwald, and millions of others do have real common cause, against an epistemic revolution taking hold in America's political and media elite. The traditional liberal approach to the search for truth, which stresses skepticism and free-flowing debate, is giving way to a reactionary movement that Plato himself would have loved, one that believes knowledge is too dangerous for the rabble and must be tightly regulated by a priesthood of "experts. ".

Its only defense is shaming and threats. "You're a MAGA-enabler!" has become the answer to all challenges. (In your case, Cane, you Democratic douche, you called me a Trumptard. You douches are so predictable.).

This fact has led to countless stupidities over the course of the last five years, with no better example than the latest uproar over the "lab leak hypothesis" about the origins of Covid-19.

Without taking any position on whether or not the theory is true, it's undeniable that media professionals denounced the possibility for over a year largely because Donald Trump happened to believe it. Now that conventional wisdom has shifted gears on this story, we have people like ABC's Jon Karl coming out and saying things like, "Some things may be true even if Donald Trump said them. " The way Karl announced that the concept was now discussable was particularly hilarious: "Now, serious people are saying it needs a serious inquiry."

Got that? You are defending a fellow Democratic douche who questioned the source of Mr. E's comment versus seeing what the source was, a conservative site that quoted Fauci's own emails.

I left two articles for Mojo Brainless to read. I know that is something Democratic douches do not like to do. It is so much easier taking marching orders from Rachel Meadow, but maybe you can read those non-partisan articles and independently examine both theories of Covid origin and see which one has more validity. The evidence of the lab leak at this point versus natural origin IMO is overwhelming, and that puts Fauci the Fraud, who dismissed the lab leak theory, in the cross hairs of being canned by Biden. What will Democratic douches do then?

The steam for this is picking up, and the rumblings that Biden is going to can Fauci IMO are going to turn to yelling and soon.

In fact, one of your own Democratic douches, Mojo Brainless, is walking back from Fauci and if an academic boot licker like he is doing it then the writing is on all the wall.

As for the notion that "Some things may be true even if Trump said them", the challenge for you Cane is if you can say that about Tucker Carlson who hangs Fauci out to dry here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp6btJhS66c.

Sure, there is some partisan hacking by Carlson, but can you say "some things may be true if Tucker Carlson said them?" My bet is on no.

The irony is that the question that started this whole debacle, Should people with natural immunity from Covid be getting the vaccine?, was debated between Rand Paul and Fauci.

For a Democratic douche like you, Cane, that is a Republican hack questioning a venerable scientist. For me, it is asking why a supposed "scientist" is recommending a therapy with known harm and no proven benefit? That Rand Paul, a Republican, asks that question has no bearing to me.

The very notion that you Democratic douches try to sell to us "listen to scientists" falls short when there is no scientific evidence that a treatment is of benefit, that the "scientist" has personal economic benefits for recommending his therapy, and in the case of Fauci, IMO that he is a lying fraud.

That anyone would defend Fauci now is beyond me. That the fucker actually said gain of function research was worth the risk in 2012 should have led to his immediate firing a year ago. It is only due to a conspiracy that he stayed in power as long as he did, a conspiracy the CCP may have formulated.

What is truly amazing to me is how you Democratic douches, who are usually intelligent people, can really be so fucking stupid. Fauci's own emails and his own words before Congress are now a vast right wing conspiracy? Seriously, get your head out of your ass!

Elvis 2008
06-04-21, 05:10
This thread is absolutely pathetic. For the love of God, get a damn life. Why don't all of you blow hards partisan hacks stop talking about corrupt and poisonous politics in the USA and go bang some hot chicks in Medellin.SubComm,

Have you got the vaccine? If yes, then by all means, have at it. If not, then you are literally taking your life into your hands. I just talked to my novia in Bogota. I was concerned about flying in and she told me that the area around the airport is safe and the police and military are there and are protecting it. Even then you never know. Rioters may target the airport.

So the simple process of getting laid is not so easy. You have to worry about a deadly, extremely transmissible disease, and you have to worry about being caught up in a riot that as one person on here described might lead to your end.

As for why I am bitching about it, the reason is this forum is full of Democratic douches who advocated all the brainless activity that the Colombian government engaged in. The Colombian government implemented a plan that "scientists" and the CDC would have loved to have implemented in the USA, such as a full lockdown and travel ban that prevented guys like you from getting laid. Meanwhile, not one of these douches is acknowledging the horrific mistakes Colombia made by listening to these so called "scientists".

I would be hard pressed to find three more stupid things than the travel ban, PCR testing upon entry, and closing of beaches in Colombia. And as Mojo said, and we are in rare agreement about this, it is more than appropriate to vent and ***** about stupid things in Colombia in a stupid things thread.

The Cane
06-04-21, 05:32
This thread is absolutely pathetic. For the love of God, get a damn life. Why don't all of you blow hards partisan hacks stop talking about corrupt and poisonous politics in the USA and go bang some hot chicks in Medellin.It would be preferable for a pretty paisa to "blow hard" on my dick!

Elvis 2008
06-04-21, 09:13
Understand, you are interacting with a guy who claims to have known I was in atrial fibrillation before anyone had done as much as take my pulse. Of course he made his diagnosis after I posted that I had spent a night in ICU because of atrial fibrillation. Somehow, as I was driving (I'll let him tell you where exactly I was driving and what date) he detected from more than 1,000 miles away, without having made any contact with me (by any method I'm aware of. He obviously has special powers), that I was briefly in atrial fibrillation. What bothers me the most, isn't his invasion of my privacy, by magically detecting my vital signs, it's that he didn't take a moment to magically tell me that I was experiencing atrial fibrillation.

If you have those magical powers, shouldn't you use them for the greater good rather than sharing that you knew about it 2 months later? That's just rude.

I've decided to stop seeing my doctors. I'll just post something like "I have a small discoloration on my right leg" and wait for the Dr. Elvirus diagnosis.God, you are fucking stupid. You actually were put on a pulse oximeter. Those monitor your pulse and your pulse was irregular and rapid. That is what your nurse noticed. It is the only thing that would be on a pulse oximeter that would warrant the response she did. In the first instance of atrial fibrillation, the standard of care is to admit somebody to a hospital to rule out a heart attack which is what happened with you. And the most common cause of atrial fibrillation is coronary artery disease not Covid, you dumb shit. Of course, that did not stop you from lecturing everyone here on the dangers of Covid.

If your doctors had any brains, they would order an echocardiogram and measure the left atrium, and I suspect they did. If it is enlarged, you are probably still in the rhythm. If not, you probably are not.

But you are so fucking stupid that you have this relatively common condition and you turned into this Democratic douche post about the dangers of Covid and how people who were in the hospital with you were dying. Despite HIPAA and patient confidentiality, you knew the condition of everyone in the hospital. On top of that, you missed the entire point which is with Covid being in the news non stop then everyone worried about that and no one was worried about conditions like the one you have / had.

And your thinking that medical deduction is actually magical powers? Yeah, what else is new? The irony is that you want to argue about this. You are so fucking stupid you think you have something to teach.

You would think you would learn to shut up you fucking bird brain, but that assumes you have the power to learn and clearly you do not, and that is why you are such a Democratic douche: intelligent but without one speck of common sense.

Colombia did everything Fauci and all the other "scientists" advised them to and look at the fucking mess it is in now. Any mea culpa from you or any of you Democratic douches? Anything about what a lying piece of shit Fauci is? Any more about how jobs come back and lives do not? Any other bold economic predictions? You want to applaud the Colombian government for the travel ban, shutting down the beaches, and the PCR tests?

The #1 rule in my medicine Dr. JJBirdbrain is "do no harm". Was that rule followed here?

Yeah, I do not want answers to the questions by the way. There is nothing you could say that interests me.

Mojo Bandit
06-04-21, 22:23
any time the word conspiracy comes up, you act like it is a fictional event. .You plainly said "I do not recall you or anyone else mentioning any variants when Trump was in office. The only reason the USA was #1 in cases was not due to virus variance but Trump's incompetence right? Is that why your "independent family" has only been studying them the last few months? It is almost like the scientific community got together and decided not to mention viral variances until he was out of office. ".

So I plainly took a sample of the many many articles that mentioned the variants during the time you claimed no one did, I never said all conspiracies were fiction, just yours! But lets look at this again.

You said "I do not recall you or anyone else mentioning any variants when Trump was in office. It is almost like the scientific community got together and decided not to mention viral variances until he was out of office".

I said: I call bullshit.

https://www.dw.com/en/new-strain-of-...udy/a-54034723 (March 2020.

https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32357545/ (April).

https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/...rs/3085752001/ (May).

https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/art...ew-coronavirus (May 2020).

https://medium.com/swlh/variants-lin...s-7a71a0e699d7 (May 2020).

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-05-...earch/12218834 (May 2020).

https://abcnews.go.com/Health/covid-...ry?id=70535183 (May).

https://coronavirusexplained.ukri.or...ticle/cad0013/ (June 2020).

https://www.scripps.edu/news-and-eve...-mutation.html (June 2020).

https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/loca...study/2292119/ (June 2020).

https://abc7chicago.com/coronavirus-...study/6254953/ (June 2020).

https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1...810v1.full.pdf (June 2020).

https://www.biospace.com/article/mut...re-contagious/ (June 2020).

https://abc13.com/coronavirus-covid-...uston/6300460/ (July).

https://www.lanl.gov/updates/sars-cov-2-variant.php (July).

https://www.miamiherald.com/news/cor...244093332.html (July).

https://scitechdaily.com/global-covi...rain-of-virus/ (July).

https://www.gavi.org/vaccineswork/wh...vid-19-mutates (July).

https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/news/nr/...tious-1.892276 (July).

https://www.straitstimes.com/asia/se...auses-covid-19 (August).

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/artic...ore-infectious (August).

https://www.cell.com/cell/pdf/S0092-...%2930877-1.pdf (September).

https://khn.org/morning-breakout/mor...n-based-study/ (September).

https://translational-medicine.biome 67-020-02535-1 (September).

https://www.biopharma-reporter.com/A...vaccines-study (October).

https://news.utexas.edu/2020/10/30/c...re-contagious/ (October).

https://www.reuters.com/article/heal...-idUSKBN27E2RS (October).

https://www.ft.com/content/2782655a-...3-5c4e67ead110 (October).

https://www.lanl.gov/updates/sars-cov-2-variant.php (October).

https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberth...h=3939e7735ed3 (November).

https://newseu.cgtn.com/news/2020-11...2pq/index.html (November).

06-04-21, 22:32
God, you are fucking stupid. You actually were put on a pulse oximeter. Those monitor your pulse and your pulse was irregular and rapid. That is what your nurse noticed. It is the only thing that would be on a pulse oximeter that would warrant the response she did. In the first instance of atrial fibrillation, the standard of care is to admit somebody to a hospital to rule out a heart attack which is what happened with you. And the most common cause of atrial fibrillation is coronary artery disease not Covid, you dumb shit. Of course, that did not stop you from lecturing everyone here on the dangers of Covid.

If your doctors had any brains, they would order an echocardiogram and measure the left atrium, and I suspect they did. If it is enlarged, you are probably still in the rhythm. If not, you probably are not.

But you are so fucking stupid that you have this relatively common condition and you turned into this Democratic douche post about the dangers of Covid and how people who were in the hospital with you were dying. Despite HIPAA and patient confidentiality, you knew the condition of everyone in the hospital. On top of that, you missed the entire point which is with Covid being in the news non stop then everyone worried about that and no one was worried about conditions like the one you have / had.

And your thinking that medical deduction is actually magical powers? Yeah, what else is new? The irony is that you want to argue about this. You are so fucking stupid you think you have something to teach.

You would think you would learn to shut up you fucking bird brain, but that assumes you have the power to learn and clearly you do not, and that is why you are such a Democratic douche: intelligent but without one speck of common sense.

Colombia did everything Fauci and all the other "scientists" advised them to and look at the fucking mess it is in now. Any mea culpa from you or any of you Democratic douches? Anything about what a lying piece of shit Fauci is? Any more about how jobs come back and lives do not? Any other bold economic predictions? You want to applaud the Colombian government for the travel ban, shutting down the beaches, and the PCR tests?

The #1 rule in my medicine Dr. JJBirdbrain is "do no harm". Was that rule followed here?

Yeah, I do not want answers to the questions by the way. There is nothing you could say that interests me.I'm rather surprised that you are so "liberal" with respect to calling other people stupid. Let me see. Do you recall the never ending argument you had with JjBee62 just over a year ago? You were arguing whatever nonsense you were arguing and you were dead certain that the fatalities from CoVid in the US would slow down and stop short of 200,000 deaths. Do you remember that? I believe JjBee62 was in shock and offered.

To make a gentleman's wager with you (somewhat out of place since "gentleman" is not something most of us would call you). You, of course, refused to confront the wager and as is your style, prattled on in a thousand different directions.

Forgot that?? What about when you needed to manufacture a point to support some other silly argument about how closing businesses and social distancing was a failure. Remember? You were thrilled to point out that Sweden was doing just what you recommended and they were having incredible success. Remember and to bolster the insanity of your argument you compared Sweden's results to Belgium. I asked you why you didn't compare Sweden to Norway, Finland and Denmark. Afterall the genetic makeup is similar, the climate is similar the population density is similar. Seems that any person who was honest and rational would have done that automatically. But no you insisted Belgium was a perfect match. For only one reason it didn't make Sweden appear as stupid and politically inept as they obviously were. Today a year later we have a much better lens to.

View the insanity of your position.

Sweden has had over 1 million cases. Just over 10% of the population has had CoVid.

Denmark. Only about 5% of the population has had CoVid.

Norway only about 2. 3% of the population has had CoVid.

Finland only about 1. 7% of the population has had CoVid.

Someone who was versed in the scientific method or perhaps just a rational person with common sense would say your argument about Sweden was silly and dishonest.

So, I'm going to stop here. Because your list of silly arguments and even sillier supporting statements are just laughable or sad. Take your pick.

But seriously, I don't think you should be calling other people stupid until you've taken a good look in the mirror.

06-05-21, 00:06
I'm rather surprised that you are so "liberal" with respect to calling other people stupid. Let me see. Do you recall the never ending argument you had with JjBee62 just over a year ago? You were arguing whatever nonsense you were arguing and you were dead certain that the fatalities from CoVid in the US would slow down and stop short of 200,000 deaths. Do you remember that? I believe JjBee62 was in shock and offered.

To make a gentleman's wager with you (somewhat out of place since "gentleman" is not something most of us would call you). You, of course, refused to confront the wager and as is your style, prattled on in a thousand different directions.

Forgot that?? What about when you needed to manufacture a point to support some other silly argument about how closing businesses and social distancing was a failure. Remember? You were thrilled to point out that Sweden was doing just what you recommended and they were having incredible success. Remember and to bolster the insanity of your argument you compared Sweden's results to Belgium. I asked you why you didn't compare Sweden to Norway, Finland and Denmark. Afterall the genetic makeup is similar, the climate is similar the population density is similar. Seems that any person who was honest and rational would have done that automatically. But no you insisted Belgium was a perfect match. For only one reason it didn't make Sweden appear as stupid and politically inept as they obviously were. Today a year later we have a much better lens to.
.It's plain to see that Sweden's neighbors took actions to stop the spread of the virus that Sweden itself did not take. This while Sweden's death total (14,485) is 18 plus times that of their neighbor Norway (785) while having only double the population. This represents 1000's of needless deaths as the effective vaccines are now here. So bravo to all who stood up for truth against viral wingnut medical disinformation regarding life and death matters. You are good Americans and good world citizens. Same goes for those who cast ballots to remove the chief propagator of the lies, the former POTUS.

06-05-21, 00:41
I'm rather surprised that you are so "liberal" with respect to calling other people stupid. Let me see. Do you recall the never ending argument you had with JjBee62 just over a year ago? You were arguing whatever nonsense you were arguing and you were dead certain that the fatalities from CoVid in the US would slow down and stop short of 200,000 deaths. Do you remember that? I believe JjBee62 was in shock and offered.

To make a gentleman's wager with you (somewhat out of place since "gentleman" is not something most of us would call you). You, of course, refused to confront the wager and as is your style, prattled on in a thousand different directions.

Forgot that?? What about when you needed to manufacture a point to support some other silly argument about how closing businesses and social distancing was a failure. Remember? You were thrilled to point out that Sweden was doing just what you recommended and they were having incredible success. Remember and to bolster the insanity of your argument you compared Sweden's results to Belgium. I asked you why you didn't compare Sweden to Norway, Finland and Denmark. Afterall the genetic makeup is similar, the climate is similar the population density is similar. Seems that any person who was honest and rational would have done that automatically. But no you insisted Belgium was a perfect match. For only one reason it didn't make Sweden appear as stupid and politically inept as they obviously were. Today a year later we have a much better lens to..I need to add a correction. The number Elvira said the US death toll wouldn't reach was 80,000, not 200,000. I believe he said "80,000? I will take the under on that bet anytime. " So I offered the bet, 5 or 6 times. Eventually he replied that he never accepted the bet. Honesty isn't ElPipi's forte.

As always he exaggerates or lies about anything. For example, while I was in ICU, the person in the next room had Covid. I don't know about anyone else in the hospital, nor did I claim to know the status of anyone else. My report was to list the Covid precautions the hospital was taking from direct observation, rather than the standard "a friend of a friend told me. " Later, after I had been released for some time, I found out the person in the next room had died from Covid. I found this out when I found out that my cousin's husband had died. Which led to me discovering he had been in the room next to me. No convoluted conspiracy needed. I have a relative who works in the hospital, she worked ICU the day I was there and she informed her mother, who informed me, that our rooms were next to each other. No HIPAA violation needed. I could hear the nurse's conversation in the hall, so was aware that some unknown person had Covid. The obituary and my relatives confirmed the identity of the deceased.

But of course, in the mind of Elmenos, that means I had full access to every medical record in the hospital.

As for my A-Fib, at the time it was discovered, I was experiencing no symptoms whatsoever. I felt fine. I had scheduled the test because of a persistent cough, 4 weeks earlier. So the first time anyone knew about the A-Fib was when the nurse discovered it and told me. Thus ElVenous' claim that he knew about it before I did is, surprise, more absolute bullshit from him, since nobody knew about it before the nurse and I, and I didn't post about it until just a few days later.

His pattern of behavior constantly repeats. He throws out conspiracy theories like he's tossing out beads at Mardi Gras. Whenever someone provides proof that he's full of shit, he backtracks, moves the goalposts, tosses out more conspiracy and drifts off on multiple tangents. Nearly every claim he has ever made he has contradicted himself, usually several times. His record on masks and social distancing sounds like "Louie, Louie" with the needle skipping.

As for his constant insistence on calling me stupid, not only does it show a lack of imagination, but I've offered him another wager. I long ago offered to pay for airfare and testing, standard aptitude tests by a professional. The lowest score pays all the expenses plus $1,000 to the winner. He seems to be uncertain about the outcome, because he runs and hides every time I make the offer. Just like he ran and hid for 3 months after the US death toll exceeded 80,000.

I guess bravery is another quality he lacks.

BTW lunch on me at Pan Salud in 2 weeks.

The Cane
06-05-21, 01:33
Understand, you are interacting with a guy who claims to have known I was in atrial fibrillation before anyone had done as much as take my pulse. Of course he made his diagnosis after I posted that I had spent a night in ICU because of atrial fibrillation. Somehow, as I was driving (I'll let him tell you where exactly I was driving and what date) he detected from more than 1,000 miles away, without having made any contact with me (by any method I'm aware of. He obviously has special powers), that I was briefly in atrial fibrillation. What bothers me the most, isn't his invasion of my privacy, by magically detecting my vital signs, it's that he didn't take a moment to magically tell me that I was experiencing atrial fibrillation.

If you have those magical powers, shouldn't you use them for the greater good rather than sharing that you knew about it 2 months later? That's just rude.

I've decided to stop seeing my doctors. I'll just post something like "I have a small discoloration on my right leg" and wait for the Dr. Elvirus diagnosis."Elvirus"! Too funny! Elvirus! LOLOLOL!
