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12-26-21, 17:06
One dimensional and unable to see the forest beyond the trees. I expect nothing less from you.This ShooBree guy is a really sad case. I'm wondering if it is at all possible to get him to understand the rudiments of an argument. One must back up one's claim. Some give a false back up but he gives none at all.

We all have disagreements on this board but one cannot just say something and leave it there. One must say why one's claim is correct.

12-26-21, 17:11
ShooBree is a really sad case. I'm wondering if it is at all possible to get him to understand the rudiments of an argument. One must back up one's claim. Some give a false back up but he gives none at all.

We all have disagreements on this board but one cannot just say something and leave it there. One must say why one's claim is correct.This really only goes to show that you're unable to read and comprehend English. You embarrass yourself time after time but are simply too daft to understand it. You are a prime example of the Dunning Kruger Effect.

12-26-21, 18:19
Funny that you are the only person who keeps talking about how you look at other guys in the shower. Did you discover something about yourself in the Swiss jail shower?You know what you have left to do. A dick contest in the globe showers!

12-26-21, 19:56
That's what I've been saying here all along, you have inside information regarding this.

Mr. Tekeshi Kovacs.

Not all people are the same by the way!You're right, you can't judge an entire population by individuals. Most Norwegians I've met have been pretty level headed people. Your existence is a perfect example of statistical outliers.

12-26-21, 20:00
This ShooBree guy is a really sad case. I'm wondering if it is at all possible to get him to understand the rudiments of an argument. One must back up one's claim. Some give a false back up but he gives none at all.

We all have disagreements on this board but one cannot just say something and leave it there. One must say why one's claim is correct.Pretty sure he's either actually 15 years old or just stuck in a state of arrested development at 15 yo.

12-27-21, 02:28
West Africa? Upon the rise of civilization, geographic isolation from then advanced middle eastern city states and global land trade routes due geographic barriers such as jungles and the Sahara Desert followed by unfortunate proximity to European powers once exploration via large seafaring ships began. Colonization, slave trade, imperialism, etc, etc, etc.

South Africa? Above plus Apartheid.

Northern Africa? Islam.

What else you got?Those are all historical calendar, not the real cause-effect reasons why average Africans are historically and still now poorest despite owning highest natural resources. Other countries are making money off of Africa for centuries, because Africans are the laziest in general and they betray their own people the most. Same reason most blacks killed in Chicago are killed by other blacks! If Africans (and blacks in general) cared about their own, they would never have to do cry-baby about being discriminated. Have you ever heard of any European white person do cry-baby when they actually get discriminated or cheated on in Africa? No, because they have backbones to take the matters in their own hand and simply turns the table around, and comes out victorious from that situation.

Something weird or weak in the African / black (not so much in brown or yellow people. Definitely not in white people) genes or culture or a combination there of. It's not politically correct to dig into that root cause, so most historians, anthropologists and scientists don't talk about it.

Read books by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, you will learn a talented African's view about their own.

12-27-21, 02:30
Another little problem: covid tends to send more people to the hospital than the normal cold.What about this Covid variant Omicron?

12-27-21, 02:53
Even I don't often agree with him and even worry about such level for medical, but I don't find good to tell about family problems when he can t be responsible of, but could suffer from, so not good to target for pain. I think we can think in different way, from our opinions, ideas or culture, no problem for me, just tolerance, we can even argue about opposite opinions, like in politics, but trying to behave fair player like in sport. Good game as say UK, but only when they win. Relatives are off this business, always better as I say to girls.Nutcases unite!

12-27-21, 06:33
You know what you have left to do. A dick contest in the globe showers!That is what he wants. He wants to look at more dicks, when all he has to do is to look in the mirror.

12-27-21, 06:38
...My balls and tool..Here you go again. Phallic stage is 3 to 6 years old, I guess you never got out of it.

12-27-21, 08:08
Pretty sure he's either actually 15 years old or just stuck in a state of arrested development at 15 yo.Yikes, so you even consider 15 year olds to be more mature and intelligent than yourself.

The USAns are embarrassing themselves on this site.

12-27-21, 10:16
Nutcases unite!Did You understand meaning of my post? When I wish your ex brothels friend did? When families have nothing to do with this business or disagreements. I always said brothels are not best places to make real friends. WGs seem to understand this better than us.

12-27-21, 12:06
Did You understand meaning of my post? When I wish your ex brothels friend did? When families have nothing to do with this business or disagreements. I always said brothels are not best places to make real friends. WGs seem to understand this better than us.No one understands your posts.

12-27-21, 13:59
In Argau on Thursday evening and Friday morning, in Zurich police prison from Friday to Tuesday and in Meylin Zurich suburb on Tuesday, I refused to eat, to go out of the room to walk for 1 hour daily, or to go for shower, no shower, not eating other than jam on breakfast not to have too strong belly pain and I could keep on longer as I told doctor they sent me on Monday, even I have less weight than Sagan, but I don t need Swiss administration foods. Albanian with me in Zurich city looked at me with round eyes, as I was a alien for him when hearing me insulting kantonal polizei or refusing to eat or to go for walk, so he asked if he could have my foods, and I refused higher prison level I was proposed in Meylin. I m able to resist to Swiss administration pressure, I m not afraid of them, just robbers, when I will never give my credit cards codes. My balls and tool, like for climbing or free riding Mont Gel Verbier side or Mont Fort Bec des Rosses side, even under big lift speed slope is also steepy fun. Wish I can do on April, after 3 years. I want to perform my 6 runs in my 2 spots down Mont Gel under lift, so Swiss administration can t really compete for resistance, when only 10/20 km / h over snails, most often when autobahn is limited less than 120.This was just for speeding in Switzerland? They kept you in jail for a week to try to get your credit card pin? What happened to your car? Did they charge for the towing of the car?

12-27-21, 14:01
Here you go again. Phallic stage is 3 to 6 years old, I guess you never got out of it.You did dare to tell about size about driving when legal free speed as fast You and your car or motorbike are able on many German kilometers and when just leaving Basel border for around 5 kms, when I'm afraid you would make wet right front seat. I remember when we played football and shower after, then I understood at around 15 and never hide since then. So many hidden under fat belly or in Bush in FKK land including Switzerland, when you look less old with fit body and hair on top of the head, and for sure you should be more healthy and not only versus covid.

12-27-21, 15:50
Those are all historical calendar, not the real cause-effect reasons why average Africans are historically and still now poorest despite owning highest natural resources. Other countries are making money off of Africa for centuries, because Africans are the laziest in general and they betray their own people the most. Same reason most blacks killed in Chicago are killed by other blacks! If Africans (and blacks in general) cared about their own, they would never have to do cry-baby about being discriminated. Have you ever heard of any European white person do cry-baby when they actually get discriminated or cheated on in Africa? No, because they have backbones to take the matters in their own hand and simply turns the table around, and comes out victorious from that situation.

Something weird or weak in the African / black (not so much in brown or yellow people. Definitely not in white people) genes or culture or a combination there of. It's not politically correct to dig into that root cause, so most historians, anthropologists and scientists don't talk about it.

Read books by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, you will learn a talented African's view about their own.Well lumping Africans into one monolith does reveal a bit ignorance as Northern Africans, Sub Saharan Africans, and Eastern Afrifans are quite different gene pools. To say that they all share some genetic deficiencies doesn't really make sense. It's bordering on Hitler type thought processes at the very least. So when you say people are being politically correct, I'd suggest it's people not being shitty humans. Glad you are alive today rather than the 1930's.

And perhaps judging a people by the nation's wealth is a closed minded attempt at superimposing Western metrics on foreign cultures. Maybe that imposition is the reason why there is strife. Large scale warfare is afterall more prevalent in the development of western and middle eastern cultures. Who's to say that a nation of a $5 GDP with happy people is a lesser society than a $20 T GDP nation with miserable citizens? Never heard much about strife in West African societies prior to colonization and slave trade promoted by Arabs.

12-27-21, 16:07
Yikes, so you even consider 15 year olds to be more mature and intelligent than yourself.

The USAns are embarrassing themselves on this site.Hardly. You appear to be 15 because of your one dimensional points of view and brute force posts. There never seems to be any wit or eloquence to your posts, just straight brute insults with zero complexity. That and the tendency to always side with the same predictable archetype is very indicative of someone stuck in arrested development of the mind.

12-27-21, 20:13
Why do you think for centuries to-date Africa is the poorest continent (average personal earning vs buying capacity) despite having the most natural resources in the world?Same reason northern Europe lagged behind Mediterranean populations until 1500 AD: poor geography, poor climate, and isolation.

Mesopotamia, Indus Valley, China and Egypt were founded along major rivers, in very fertile areas. Greece and later Rome emerged due to their proximity to the Fertile Crescent. Large scale farming created food surplus, which allowed for population growth, larger armies, and later writing systems for taxation and administration purposes. Having many brains in close proximity also facilitated knowledge transfer and innovation. Northern Europe at the time was colder and heavily forested (so unsuitable for farming using the tools and technology of that era). As such the inhabitants remained hunter gatherers, occupied with day-to-day survival.

Sub-Saharan Africa was even more isolated. If we look at a map, it is surrounded by three oceans and the world's largest desert in the north. In fact, 40 percent of Africa is desert. Not to mention rain forests. Most of its rivers are not navigable. Much of the continent is elevated, making transport costs and infrastructure projects expensive. Tropical diseases, extreme heat, tsetse fly, no domesticable animals restricted population growth and economic development. Such disadvantages made them defenseless when the Arabs and Europeans came to enslave them.

Romans thought the the Germanic tribes were backwards, violent, and inferior. And their assessment was correct for that snapshot of time, and the several centuries that followed.

12-27-21, 21:41
This is just pathetic, South Africa is one of the richest countries in Africa thanks to the White people. The Africans have failed to build any kind of civilization and that's even when you compare them with countries which have been colonized as well.

I don't hear Europeans constantly crying about how the Moors and Ottomans occupied and terrorized Europe. Nursenary is full of lame excuses, just like all the other losers.Genetic history leans on the fact that the less history there was written down, the more violent it's inhabitants were. Meaning Europeans arrived with civilization.

Can also mention Mao and Pol Pot when discussing Nursenary.

12-27-21, 21:46
This ShooBree guy is a really sad case. I'm wondering if it is at all possible to get him to understand the rudiments of an argument. One must back up one's claim. Some give a false back up but he gives none at all.

We all have disagreements on this board but one cannot just say something and leave it there. One must say why one's claim is correct.Not really. Aubrey Plaza is a good example of how to play around with verbal norms while also getting on top.

You just want others to play the same game as you. That is nothing more than a form of top to bottom rhetoric itself.

I think what he writes is fine.

12-27-21, 21:54
Those are all historical calendar, not the real cause-effect reasons why average Africans are historically and still now poorest despite owning highest natural resources. Other countries are making money off of Africa for centuries, because Africans are the laziest in general and they betray their own people the most. Same reason most blacks killed in Chicago are killed by other blacks! If Africans (and blacks in general) cared about their own, they would never have to do cry-baby about being discriminated. Have you ever heard of any European white person do cry-baby when they actually get discriminated or cheated on in Africa? No, because they have backbones to take the matters in their own hand and simply turns the table around, and comes out victorious from that situation.

Something weird or weak in the African / black (not so much in brown or yellow people. Definitely not in white people) genes or culture or a combination there of. It's not politically correct to dig into that root cause, so most historians, anthropologists and scientists don't talk about it.

Read books by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, you will learn a talented African's view about their own.Later split between the species. As also found in a few African Americans in South Carolina.

In warhammer 40 k the Eldars call humans for for " The Mon'Keigh" They they went on to indulge in so much debauchery that the Khaos god Slaanesh was born.

12-27-21, 23:10
You did dare to tell about size about driving when legal free speed ...Yes, I dare to say that people who are repeatedly speeding are compensating for dick size. I am not afraid of hobbits.

Remember what you said only a few days ago or is early onset dementia flaring up even more? Your own words:

... I was caught in big overspeed, more than 100 km / h over in Germany and not far from high overspeed = + 50 km / h in France when I was sometimes lucky when could be caught much faster...

12-27-21, 23:25
... football and shower after..OK, I get it, you always looked at guys dicks in the shower. You were desperate to find someone with a smaller one than you.

12-28-21, 00:58
Well lumping Africans into one monolith does reveal a bit ignorance as Northern Africans, Sub Saharan Africans, and Eastern Afrifans are quite different gene pools. To say that they all share some genetic deficiencies doesn't really make sense. It's bordering on Hitler type thought processes at the very least. So when you say people are being politically correct, I'd suggest it's people not being shitty humans. Glad you are alive today rather than the 1930's.

And perhaps judging a people by the nation's wealth is a closed minded attempt at superimposing Western metrics on foreign cultures. Maybe that imposition is the reason why there is strife. Large scale warfare is afterall more prevalent in the development of western and middle eastern cultures. Who's to say that a nation of a $5 GDP with happy people is a lesser society than a $20 T GDP nation with miserable citizens? Never heard much about strife in West African societies prior to colonization and slave trade promoted by Arabs.Why do you think white people could make black people slaves as late as last century, while blacks are / were physically stronger (genetically in general) and much more affluent in their continent / countries of origins? Answer to this question will let you focus more on the cause, instead of meaningless bantering of going around to defend inherent the deficiencies of some gene and cultures.

The Cane
12-28-21, 03:16
France will not stand alone. China and Russia, two other great cultures, can help make the USA one big parking lot, one giant Grand Canyon. More pussy for the civilised after you are vaporised.And how weak and pathetic to turn to China and the Ruskies to protect your pansy asses! Really? Sure, they will help you alright. Then enslave and oppress you. I mean, why would it be any different for you versus their own people LOL! No, it will be even worse! So, you Frenchies best be keeping your backs to the Atlantic and your bayonets pointed eastward! Fuck with America and piss us off, and we'll leave you to your own devices to be overrun by the red hordes. We'll see who you're begging for help from (guess who) then!

12-28-21, 03:42
And how weak and pathetic to turn to China and the Ruskies to protect your pansy asses! Really? Sure, they will help you alright. Then enslave and oppress you. I mean, why would it be any different for you versus their own people LOL! No, it will be even worse! So, you Frenchies best be keeping your backs to the Atlantic and your bayonets pointed eastward! Fuck with America and piss us off, and we'll leave you to your own devices to be overrun by the red hordes. We'll see who you're begging for help from (guess who) then!The quality of women in Russia is far superior to the quality in the USA. So if Russia does take over then at least the quality of women will increase and probably there will be an increase in Judo which provides a good workout, at least.

12-28-21, 03:45
Why do you think white people could make black people slaves as late as last century, while blacks are / were physically stronger (genetically in general) and much more affluent in their continent / countries of origins? Answer to this question will let you focus more on the cause, instead of meaningless bantering of going around to defend inherent the deficiencies of some gene and cultures.The Dutch are responsible for slavery in the USA since the provided the transport. If they never had the slave infrastructure, then the Dutch ships would never have ruined the demographics of the USA. So I think USA citizens have a case to sue the Netherlands government to provide reparations.

12-28-21, 04:02
Why do you think white people could make black people slaves as late as last century, while blacks are / were physically stronger (genetically in general) and much more affluent in their continent / countries of origins? Answer to this question will let you focus more on the cause, instead of meaningless bantering of going around to defend inherent the deficiencies of some gene and cultures.For the same reason people who get lots of normal pussy are happier than those who don't. When you're a happy culture, you spend a lot less sharpening the blades of warfare. Europeans nations were battling each other for centuries and honing that skill of battle and conquer, other world nations had no chance.

So culture sure, if competition and conquest is your measurement of strong culture, then Euros dominated and the West Africans didn't have a strong warring culture that led them to be easily conquered. Same with the indigenous South Americans too. But that sounds like a shitty way to judge "cultural deficiencies".

But blaming genetics is asinine and Hitlerish. If you follow prehistoric human migration patterns and the path genetic flow takes, you are suggesting that bad genes started in the genetic mother continent of Africa and every single migration lineage since then that migrated to Europe, Middle East, East Asia, North America lost it in each migration wave, and only to be found again when you reach the likes of the Murderous Aztecs and South America's indigenous people. #MakeItMakeSense.

And black people are genetically stronger? Pffft. Faster maybe, more athletic in general sure. But apparently you've never seen a strong man competition that's dominated by Anglo-Saxons and Nordics. Perhaps you are American and only see the product of hand-selected slave progeny which skews your understanding of genetic distribution.

12-28-21, 04:06
Genetic history leans on the fact that the less history there was written down, the more violent it's inhabitants were. Meaning Europeans arrived with civilization.

Can also mention Mao and Pol Pot when discussing Nursenary.Hahahahahah. Your hate for me is hilarious when I don't give a fuck about you. Stop obsessing over me you stalker. Met you already. You're weird as fuck. Don't want to be your friend. Get over it.

12-28-21, 04:10
Same reason northern Europe lagged behind Mediterranean populations until 1500 AD: poor geography, poor climate, and isolation.

Mesopotamia, Indus Valley, China and Egypt were founded along major rivers, in very fertile areas. Greece and later Rome emerged due to their proximity to the Fertile Crescent. Large scale farming created food surplus, which allowed for population growth, larger armies, and later writing systems for taxation and administration purposes. Having many brains in close proximity also facilitated knowledge transfer and innovation. Northern Europe at the time was colder and heavily forested (so unsuitable for farming using the tools and technology of that era). As such the inhabitants remained hunter gatherers, occupied with day-to-day survival.

Sub-Saharan Africa was even more isolated. If we look at a map, it is surrounded by three oceans and the world's largest desert in the north. In fact, 40 percent of Africa is desert. Not to mention rain forests. Most of its rivers are not navigable. Much of the continent is elevated, making transport costs and infrastructure projects expensive. Tropical diseases, extreme heat, tsetse fly, no domesticable animals restricted population growth and economic development. Such disadvantages made them defenseless when the Arabs and Europeans came to enslave them..All points made in the book Guns, Germs, and Steel.

12-28-21, 04:12
Genetic history leans on the fact that the less history there was written down, the more violent it's inhabitants were. Meaning Europeans arrived with civilization.

Can also mention Mao and Pol Pot when discussing Nursenary.Hilarious coming from a Norwegian whose ancestors forced themselves on the villages and women of northern Europe.

12-28-21, 05:24
This was just for speeding in Switzerland? They kept you in jail for a week to try to get your credit card pin? What happened to your car? Did they charge for the towing of the car?Yes, when never been caught overspeeding in Switzerland when was on 3 times on German autobahns, but only 10/20 overspeed on Swiss radars, so no proof I was the driver, but just owner of car, but at start 10 days in jail when I refused to pay when no proof I m guilty to overspeed. And they put a messe in car, when skis and shoes, but I was lucky they didn t put drug they didn t find, to ask for more money. Rule is about 1 day in jail for 100 CHF not paid. When happened on Rheinfelden Argau border control when I went to discover Aphrodisia, no problem for my car Polizei drove to police station and engine was warm, except big messe they made inside and they took my coyote which was off and old one not anymore working, to try to make maximum money, asking 1000 CHF for each one. We didn t agree about their arithmetics and my freedom, but I saved not eating nor showering. This is Swiss administration when ZH is land for very cheap cocaine there. They took photos of my pretty face and fingerprints like a real criminal, I was in 3 different jails, just ridiculous how much they spent and most funny when I always threw them I didn t need to stay in small Switzerland, when I left I told them as a joke: now, being registered as a criminal who killed people, not same registration, I can t work in Switzerland, so they asked me what is my job and level and answered no problem to work in Switzerland despite my registration. All is about money, like prostitutes, in Switzerland, so I decided to pay least in Switzerland, I didn t go to Verbier or Zermatt Matterhorn on 2020 and 2021 , now I will go to Breuil Cervinia giving my money to my Italian friends when no more Genevieve in Zermatt, I never take gas in Switzerland, no more hotel where they could find me from registration, when some were woken up at 6/7 am, I didn t buy autobahn vignette for 3 different cars I used on 2021 , when I m as a criminal there, playing go fast but without drug, most often at night, between Lörrach and Geneva or Umbrail or Saint Moritz / Livigno, when unfortunately small Switzerland is between Germany and France or Italy. No money for Switzerland. Only 2 visits at Globe and 1 at Cleo on 2021 , don t worth for more. Albanian I was with in Zurich police prison gave me informations, he was funny, when he didn t know about my asking, when I refused the 1 hour walk, I don t need Swiss administration for sport nor foods, he returned with answers when many Albanians from drugs dealing. He looked at me like a alien when hearing me with kantonal polizei. For 4 small overspeed only on autobahns, not sure I was flashed at more than 120 km / h, but robbery with administration charges. Now when I receive, I don t even read if in German or French, but put in dustbin with adverts, no credit for robbers, they created a criminal, when I spent my childhood for ski and even on many Summers. No high level climbing missed in Switzerland, so no regret, I will try to manage through mountains for Verbier and can reach Gran San Bernardino from Aosta, seeing Scott skis factory on Italian side. My Swiss friends who were amazed when knowing me, told me: Swiss fines registration is usually for only 3 years, so same like in brothels, patience work.

12-28-21, 06:51
Same reason northern Europe lagged behind Mediterranean populations until 1500 AD: poor geography, poor climate, and isolation.Which century is are we in now? Are you saying those same (or similar) reasons from 500+ years ago are still valid in this century keeping African populations behind of others? If Europeans could improve within those harsh situations prior to 1500 AD to come up to where they are now, what's stopping Africans to improve their own situations today? What about average African Americans' economic situation compared to any other race in any non-African country today?

Any race or population (or even a person) who constantly blame (s) others for their (his) failures or sad situation, as opposed to work harder to succeed and win, is bound to fail or stay in that sad situation. Correct me if I am wrong please?

12-28-21, 07:07
I'm wondering if it is at all possible to get him to understand the rudiments of an argument. One must back up one's claim. Some give a false back up but he gives none at all.

We all have disagreements on this board but one cannot just say something and leave it there. One must say why one's claim is correct.Arguing with ShooBree is like playing chess with a pigeon.

12-28-21, 07:30
And how weak and pathetic to turn to China and the Ruskies to protect your pansy asses! Really? Sure, they will help you alright. Then enslave and oppress you. I mean, why would it be any different for you versus their own people LOL! No, it will be even worse! So, you Frenchies best be keeping your backs to the Atlantic and your bayonets pointed eastward! Fuck with America and piss us off, and we'll leave you to your own devices to be overrun by the red hordes. We'll see who you're begging for help from (guess who) then!Americans are the most hated people (sic) in the world. Being a member of the US Armed Forces is today's equivalent of being in the Waffen SS. An awful group of unlovsble and unlikable mongrels.

12-28-21, 07:38
No one understands your posts.But you keep on reading all of mine. You understand just what you want, just for your level.

12-28-21, 07:50
OK, I get it, you always looked at guys dicks in the shower. You were desperate to find someone with a smaller one than you.Same than for Gran San Bernardino but I still wait to put balls on bicycle seat and I never hide under shower when I love so much long warm showers. I don't understand why most of WGs, even 180 or 185 tall, are small pussies for me. Fortunately my girlfriends were not.

12-28-21, 08:01
Yes, I dare to say that people who are repeatedly speeding are compensating for dick size. I am not afraid of hobbits.

Remember what you said only a few days ago or is early onset dementia flaring up even more? Your own words:One of my very rare friends in FKK when I don t look for, told me maybe I prefer speed on autobahns than brothels, for sure not many girls can compete for sensations, even 250 is nothing compare to 60/70 km / h on bicycle if You ever experienced both. Faster than 60, feeling going to fly.

12-28-21, 08:10
Keep calm, he's a troll.

12-28-21, 08:12
Later split between the species. As also found in a few African Americans in South Carolina.

In warhammer 40 k the Eldars call humans for for " The Mon'Keigh" They they went on to indulge in so much debauchery that the Khaos god Slaanesh was born.Do you understand that it's a board game and the main objective of the company is to sell metal and plastic figurines?

12-28-21, 09:17
Hardly. You appear to be 15 because of your one dimensional points of view and brute force posts. There never seems to be any wit or eloquence to your posts, just straight brute insults with zero complexity. That and the tendency to always side with the same predictable archetype is very indicative of someone stuck in arrested development of the mind.What's predictable are your lame excuses. I'm obviously smarter than you given the fact that I see through your BS and you can't handle it. You don't even try to stick to the subject because you know you can't win an honest discussion.

12-28-21, 09:49
Well lumping Africans into one monolith does reveal a bit ignorance as Northern Africans, Sub Saharan Africans, and Eastern Afrifans are quite different gene pools. To say that they all share some genetic deficiencies doesn't really make sense. It's bordering on Hitler type thought processes at the very least. So when you say people are being politically correct, I'd suggest it's people not being shitty humans. Glad you are alive today rather than the 1930's.

And perhaps judging a people by the nation's wealth is a closed minded attempt at superimposing Western metrics on foreign cultures. Maybe that imposition is the reason why there is strife. Large scale warfare is afterall more prevalent in the development of western and middle eastern cultures. Who's to say that a nation of a $5 GDP with happy people is a lesser society than a $20 T GDP nation with miserable citizens? Never heard much about strife in West African societies prior to colonization and slave trade promoted by Arabs.Fair, but a country or continent is usually defined by its majority population. As with Africa, I propose the Bantu are the majority.

12-28-21, 09:53
Sub-Saharan Africa was even more isolated. If we look at a map, it is surrounded by three oceans and the world's largest desert in the north. In fact, 40 percent of Africa is desert. Not to mention rain forests. Most of its rivers are not navigable. Much of the continent is elevated, making transport costs and infrastructure projects expensive. Tropical diseases, extreme heat, tsetse fly, no domesticable animals restricted population growth and economic development. Such disadvantages made them defenseless when the Arabs and Europeans came to enslave them.Hardly anywhere on earth has better climate for human beings than some areas in Africa on each of the sides of the rainforest.

12-28-21, 09:54
Hilarious coming from a Norwegian whose ancestors forced themselves on the villages and women of northern Europe.Which was written down by historians. Genetics shows that this was widespread all around the world, and good for genespread and human evolution.

12-28-21, 09:58
And black people are genetically stronger? Pffft. Faster maybe, more athletic in general sure. But apparently you've never seen a strong man competition that's dominated by Anglo-Saxons and Nordics. Perhaps you are American and only see the product of hand-selected slave progeny which skews your understanding of genetic distribution.As in the NFL, strongman competitions are rife with doping. They all take TRT.

12-28-21, 10:37
LOL, here we go again.

Yes, when never been caught overspeeding in Switzerland Complete bullshit, you were flashed by radar, so you were caught overspeeding.

but only 10/20 overspeed on Swiss radars,So you were speeding.

so no proof I was the driver, but just owner of car,.As discussed at length earlier, the owner of the car is liable in Switzerland, in other countries in Europe too. The local law still applies, even if you don't agree with it. Owner liability for speeding was litigated up to federal court in Switzerland, in another case a Dutch or Belgian guy (I provided the links to the court cases last time) went up to the European Court of Human Rights and lost. If you are the owner and you get a speeding ticket, and you argue it wasn't you, then you have to tell them who was driving your car. Or do you let your car parked in the street with the keys in the ignition and you never know who takes it for a joy ride? So bohoo, be a man and accept responsibility.

they took my coyote which was off and old one not anymore workingRadar warning devices on or off are illegal in Switzerland and they will be confiscated. Same as in other countries in Europe. I provided the law for that last time too. If it is illegal to own a gun, they won't ask if you have a bullet chambered or not, it's still illegal.

For 4 small overspeed only on autobahns,One more time, you yourself say that you were speeding.

but robbery with administration charges. That is true, in general admin charges for everything are expensive in Switzerland.

Now when I receive, I don t even read if in German or French, but put in dustbin with adverts,Here is the problem that you have with early onset dementia, you forget things. Last time you were arguing that they didn't write you in French, that is why you were ignoring them. Now you say you ignore them even if they are written in French. So here it is, why you ended up in jail. You keep getting speeding fines and you repeatedly ignore speeding fines.

12-28-21, 10:50
As in the NFL, strongman competitions are rife with doping. They all take TRT.That is correct. Doping exists in all sports, even in primarily skills based sports.

12-28-21, 10:53
What's predictable are your lame excuses. I'm obviously smarter than you given the fact that I see through your BS and you can't handle it. You don't even try to stick to the subject because you know you can't win an honest discussion.You're obviously be reading a different thread in your own mind.

12-28-21, 10:56
But you keep on reading all of mine. You understand just what you want, just for your level.Let's get it straight. I and most most others read the first 3 lines of your then tune out the rest when we realize it's the sam years-on-end of repetitive, self-gloating, gibberish so we stop wasting our time.

12-28-21, 10:58
maybe I prefer speed on autobahns than brothels, for sure not many girls can compete for sensations..You must feel really strong man when you pass a Grossmutti on the autobahn. There is a reason you don't show off on a race circuit, there the skill of each driver is clearly shown by their lap time.

12-28-21, 11:12
Keep calm, he's a troll.Which one? There's an army squad of them.

12-28-21, 11:15
Do you understand that it's a board game and the main objective of the company is to sell metal and plastic figurines?No dude, he's a bottom-feeder that scavengers from any source, rational or irrational, nonfiction or make-believe, to make his points.

The Cane
12-28-21, 11:39
Americans are the most hated people (sic) in the world. Being a member of the US Armed Forces is today's equivalent of being in the Waffen SS. An awful group of unlovsble and unlikable mongrels.That's an interesting claim! After all, when travel was open the lines to apply for a USA visa sure weren't getting any shorter LOL! And if you can't get a visa, then sneak in. Thank God we have two oceans on either side of us. Otherwise, it would be us getting swamped with refugees and not Europe. And speaking of refugees, notice how Germany and the UK are the desired destinations while guess which nation is known for treating refugees with disdain, disrespect, and discrimination, and therefore to be passed through as soon as possible? That would be none other than you guessed it. France!. By the way, the quality of your responses proves you have been studying at the Shoetroll School. I advise that you transfer to a more reputable institution of learning immediately Evo.

12-28-21, 12:14
Americans are the most hated people (sic) in the world. Being a member of the US Armed Forces is today's equivalent of being in the Waffen SS. An awful group of unlovsble and unlikable mongrels.Did an American soldier piss in your cereal? I smell brainwashed or traumatic events in this one. Did a GI fuck your wife?

12-28-21, 13:02
Fair, but a country or continent is usually defined by its majority population. As with Africa, I propose the Bantu are the majority.If you accept the thought process of the uncultured and untraveled, sure. Doesn't make it an accurate descriptor.

12-28-21, 13:05
Americans are the most hated people (sic) in the world. Being a member of the US Armed Forces is today's equivalent of being in the Waffen SS. An awful group of unlovsble and unlikable mongrels.Americans fought against SS.

12-28-21, 13:07
One of my very rare friends in FKK when I don t look for, told me maybe I prefer speed on autobahns than brothels, for sure not many girls can compete for sensations, even 250 is nothing compare to 60/70 km / h on bicycle if You ever experienced both. Faster than 60, feeling going to fly."Rare friend which I don't look for".

The need to qualify his post with this precursor just laughs of hypocrisy when he proposes no male friends can be made.

One self-absorbed contradiction after another with this one.

12-28-21, 13:14
Hahahahahah. Your hate for me is hilarious when I don't give a fuck about you. Stop obsessing over me you stalker. Met you already. You're weird as fuck. Don't want to be your friend. Get over it.LMFAO, you're not the one to accuse others of being stalkers given the amount of longwinded posts you make on this site. Not to mention how you stalked me and commented on every post I made even though I ignored you because you're a lying little creep.

You're the weirdo without any friends or a real life.

12-28-21, 13:15
Hardly anywhere on earth has better climate for human beings than some areas in Africa on each of the sides of the rainforest.So extremely true.

12-28-21, 13:16
Hilarious coming from a Norwegian whose ancestors forced themselves on the villages and women of northern Europe.Here you go confusing fiction for reality. Again. You're so incredibly stupid and pathetic.

12-28-21, 13:18
Arguing with ShooBree is like playing chess with a pigeon.Haha, you're just another sore loser who can not produce anything but boring personal attacks. Go argue some more with Siri, you're on the same level. LMFAO.

12-28-21, 13:25
As in the NFL, strongman competitions are rife with doping. They all take TRT.I get it that you're ignorant to American football so I'll explain, the strongman positions,(tight ends, linemen and linebackers) in the NFL are filled by white players while the skill positions (wide receivers, running backs, safeties, cornerbacks) are filled with black players.

12-28-21, 15:36
Same reason northern Europe lagged behind Mediterranean populations until 1500 AD: poor geography, poor climate, and isolation.

Mesopotamia, Indus Valley, China and Egypt were founded along major rivers, in very fertile areas. Greece and later Rome emerged due to their proximity to the Fertile Crescent. Large scale farming created food surplus, which allowed for population growth, larger armies, and later writing systems for taxation and administration purposes. Having many brains in close proximity also facilitated knowledge transfer and innovation. Northern Europe at the time was colder and heavily forested (so unsuitable for farming using the tools and technology of that era). As such the inhabitants remained hunter gatherers, occupied with day-to-day survival.

Sub-Saharan Africa was even more isolated. If we look at a map, it is surrounded by three oceans and the world's largest desert in the north. In fact, 40 percent of Africa is desert. Not to mention rain forests. Most of its rivers are not navigable. Much of the continent is elevated, making transport costs and infrastructure projects expensive. Tropical diseases, extreme heat, tsetse fly, no domesticable animals restricted population growth and economic development. Such disadvantages made them defenseless when the Arabs and Europeans came to enslave them.

Romans thought the the Germanic tribes were backwards, violent, and inferior. And their assessment was correct for that snapshot of time, and the several centuries that followed.Posters such as ShooBree and Gino02 who make statements without backup data need to read this post to have an idea of how one gives credibility to a statement. One may not agree with what he claims but in order to criticize it one has to counter with data of one's own which posters like ShooBree and Gino02 never do.

12-28-21, 15:55
Posters such as ShooBree and Gino02 who make statements without backup data need to read this post to have an idea of how one gives credibility to a statement. One may not agree with what he claims but in order to criticize it one has to counter with data of one's own which posters like ShooBree and Gino02 never do.Why are you constantly lying without any data to back up your false claims with? The problem is either that you're a liar or just too stupid to read and understand English.

What is it, are you a liar or just stupid?

12-28-21, 20:34
Americans are the most hated people (sic) in the world. Being a member of the US Armed Forces is today's equivalent of being in the Waffen SS. An awful group of unlovsble and unlikable mongrels.Trump gave a very bad and worrying image of US, like Johnson is giving for UK, but Biden seems much more wise and clever. No big problem for me about US, just bad food for our children health and crazy free weapons to kill easily. I worry much more about Chinese cheap but low quality, lies, and lack of freedom to think. A bit same for Putin. I love to live in France, even no FKK and escorts level really fell in Paris, Ukrainians being lower than past Russians and also lower than my Romanians or Moldavians in FKK who have better care for body and nails.

12-28-21, 20:36
When we are not as resistant as Africans, more and more UK in hospitals under SA Omicron and should not go better after Sylvester. January should tell.

12-28-21, 22:17
Americans are the most hated people (sic) in the world. Being a member of the US Armed Forces is today's equivalent of being in the Waffen SS. An awful group of unlovsble and unlikable mongrels.Comparing US armed forces with Waffen SS just shows that you are completely ignorant about history. Please read a bit about world war 2 before making such statements.

12-28-21, 23:39
If Europeans could improve within those harsh situations prior to 1500 AD to come up to where they are now, what's stopping Africans to improve their own situations today?The irony is everything you are saying about Africans, the Romans said about the Germanic tribes. The Romans first came into contact with the "inferior" Germanic tribes in the late 2nd century BC. It was not until about 1500 AD that the countries of Northwest Europe started to economically surpass the countries of Southern Europe. So what was stopping the Northern Europeans from "improving their own situation" for nearly two millennium?

I said before all the wealth was during the Roman era was south of the Alps. But even within the Roman territory, we can see on a map where the biggest revenue-generating provinces of the Roman Empire existed. And the wealth concentration is almost entirely in the east: modern day Turkey, Egypt and Syria. Do these people work harder than the British? Are these people more intelligent than the British? Because they were wealthier than the British for all of human history, until the last few centuries.

Any race or population (or even a person) who constantly blame (s) others for their (his) failures or sad situation, as opposed to work harder to succeed and win, is bound to fail or stay in that sad situation. Correct me if I am wrong please?My point is environment (geography) matters. I have known people who worked harder than me and were more intelligent than me, yet I make more money than them. And the opposite is true too. One civilisation generally builds on top of the civilisation that came before them (parents, teachers, community). And having wealthy neighbors (countries or people) can create wealth-making opportunities. Fortunes can reverse based on good or bad luck. Or often, one decision by one person in a position of authority (or one government) can change your entire trajectory.

12-29-21, 02:47
The USA, which should be obliterated, is the main cause of refuges from its policies of rape, plunder and pillage. The USA created the Nazi state of Ukraine (Victoria Nuland: fuck the EU).

Pity Mexico, so far from God, so near to the United States.

Mr Cane: You are American, human shit in short.

That's an interesting claim! After all, when travel was open the lines to apply for a USA visa sure weren't getting any shorter LOL! And if you can't get a visa, then sneak in. Thank God we have two oceans on either side of us. Otherwise, it would be us getting swamped with refugees and not Europe. And speaking of refugees, notice how Germany and the UK are the desired destinations while guess which nation is known for treating refugees with disdain, disrespect, and discrimination, and therefore to be passed through as soon as possible? That would be none other than you guessed it. France!. By the way, the quality of your responses proves you have been studying at the Shoetroll School. I advise that you transfer to a more reputable institution of learning immediately Evo.

12-29-21, 02:54
Have you read Caesar's Gallic Wars? He was a genocidal maniac, wiped them out by the tens of thousands. Caesar was a ****.

Same reason northern Europe lagged behind Mediterranean populations until 1500 AD: poor geography, poor climate, and isolation. Romans thought the the Germanic tribes were backwards, violent, and inferior. And their assessment was correct for that snapshot of time, and the several centuries that followed.You do know the Germans kicked the shit out of the Romans, eliminating entire legions, right?

The Parthians and others had their own inventions, spurs and such like that helped put paid to the Pox Romana. The Romans were good engineers and their history is a fascinating one, as is that of the Assyrians, Americans and Babylonians.

Mesopotamia, Indus Valley, China and Egypt were founded along major rivers, in very fertile areas. Greece and later Rome emerged due to their proximity to the Fertile Crescent. Large scale farming created food surplus, which allowed for population growth, larger armies, and later writing systems for taxation and administration purposes. Having many brains in close proximity also facilitated knowledge transfer and innovation. Northern Europe at the time was colder and heavily forested (so unsuitable for farming using the tools and technology of that era). As such the inhabitants remained hunter gatherers, occupied with day-to-day survival.

Sub-Saharan Africa was even more isolated. If we look at a map, it is surrounded by three oceans and the world's largest desert in the north. In fact, 40 percent of Africa is desert. Not to mention rain forests. Most of its rivers are not navigable. Much of the continent is elevated, making transport costs and infrastructure projects expensive. Tropical diseases, extreme heat, tsetse fly, no domesticable animals restricted population growth and economic development. Such disadvantages made them defenseless when the Arabs and Europeans came to enslave them.

Romans thought the the Germanic tribes were backwards, violent, and inferior. And their assessment was correct for that snapshot of time, and the several centuries that followed.

12-29-21, 05:16
LMFAO, you're not the one to accuse others of being stalkers given the amount of longwinded posts you make on this site. Not to mention how you stalked me and commented on every post I made even though I ignored you because you're a lying little creep.

You're the weirdo without any friends or a real life.Ugh, so fucking boring and repetitive. One dimensional.

12-29-21, 05:19
When we are not as resistant as Africans, more and more UK in hospitals under SA Omicron and should not go better after Sylvester. January should tell.November, December, now January.

This is called "moving the goalpost".

The Cane
12-29-21, 05:56
The USA, which should be obliterated, is the main cause of refuges from its policies of rape, plunder and pillage. The USA created the Nazi state of Ukraine (Victoria Nuland: fuck the EU). Pity Mexico, so far from God, so near to the United States. Mr Cane: You are American, human shit in short.That sounds like a knock at your door homme. That makes them your problem. And speaking of human shit, please see below. If the stinky shit suit fits, then wear it. Voila!

12-29-21, 06:18
Which was written down by historians. Genetics shows that this was widespread all around the world, and good for genespread and human evolution.
The Dutch are responsible for slavery in the USA since the provided the transport. If they never had the slave infrastructure, then the Dutch ships would never have ruined the demographics of the USA. So I think USA citizens have a case to sue the Netherlands government to provide reparations.
Why do you think white people could make black people slaves as late as last century, while blacks are / were physically stronger (genetically in general) and much more affluent in their continent / countries of origins? Answer to this question will let you focus more on the cause, instead of meaningless bantering of going around to defend inherent the deficiencies of some gene and cultures.This is the eugenics crap being perpetuated by these types of posters.

12-29-21, 06:20
For the same reason people who get lots of normal pussy are happier than those who don't. When you're a happy culture, you spend a lot less sharpening the blades of warfare. Europeans nations were battling each other for centuries and honing that skill of battle and conquer, other world nations had no chance.

So culture sure, if competition and conquest is your measurement of strong culture, then Euros dominated and the West Africans didn't have a strong warring culture that led them to be easily conquered. Same with the indigenous South Americans too. But that sounds like a shitty way to judge "cultural deficiencies".

But blaming genetics is asinine and Hitlerish. If you follow prehistoric human migration patterns and the path genetic flow takes, you are suggesting that bad genes started in the genetic mother continent of Africa and every single migration lineage since then that migrated to Europe, Middle East, East Asia, North America lost it in each migration wave, and only to be found again when you reach the likes of the Murderous Aztecs and South America's indigenous people. #MakeItMakeSense.

And black people are genetically stronger? Pffft. Faster maybe, more athletic in general sure. But apparently you've never seen a strong man competition that's dominated by Anglo-Saxons and Nordics. Perhaps you are American and only see the product of hand-selected slave progeny which skews your understanding of genetic distribution.Have you seen any "White Lives Matter" movement when whites get discriminated / killed anywhere? Or whites complaining about "missing Asian woman" syndrome anywhere?

Or you think people should be cry-babies instead of improving themselves and their own situations?

12-29-21, 07:31
LOL, here we go again.

Complete bullshit, you were flashed by radar, so you were caught overspeeding.

So you were speeding.

As discussed at length earlier, the owner of the car is liable in Switzerland, in other countries in Europe too. The local law still applies, even if you don't agree with it. Owner liability for speeding was litigated up to federal court in Switzerland, in another case a Dutch or Belgian guy (I provided the links to the court cases last time) went up to the European Court of Human Rights and lost. If you are the owner and you get a speeding ticket, and you argue it wasn't you, then you have to tell them who was driving your car. Or do you let your car parked in the street with the keys in the ignition and you never know who takes it for a joy ride? So bohoo, be a man and accept responsibility.

Radar warning devices on or off are illegal in Switzerland and they will be confiscated. Same as in other countries in Europe. I provided the law for that last time too. If it is illegal to own a gun, they won't ask if you have a bullet chambered or not, it's still illegal..You don't know much about EU: You don't go to jail for overspeeding in Germany, Belgium, Italy or France, and coyote is allowed in France and never had problems in Germany or Italy or Belgium where I drive few kilometers per year, but for sure Swiss administration run to take You as much money they can, so yes I don t open or read anymore from Switzerland, even when written in french, I don t care about robbers. From a child loving white chocolate, they created a minded criminal a bit on higher level than Albanians drugs dealer, of course nothing about Swiss people when I know many Swiss born, but now only thinking not to pay all what is from Swiss administration. Maybe they should focus more about drugs in Switzerland when Albanians are happy of their business.

12-29-21, 07:36
November, December, now January.

This is called "moving the goalpost".Arriving on November, then starting to spread, exploding now, paralyzing services and probably killing on new year. I heard about many flights already cancelled in US?

12-29-21, 08:16
"Rare friend which I don't look for".

The need to qualify his post with this precursor just laughs of hypocrisy when he proposes no male friends can be made.

One self-absorbed contradiction after another with this one.When I go to FKK and pay the trip and entry, I only wish to find girls on my standard to make me dream, but not to make friends when I really don t look for in brothels. On my GT Oceans discovery on 9 December, a guy I met before at Sharks, Globe, Samya, asked me my contact, I didn't answer, I don t need. Many guys and even You come to me in brothels, most often bothering me when I don t need to have guys companionship, when I m only for girls. These guys come to me rather than to others because they feel I m different than the mass, and exactly same happen outside, difference, unknown, attract, even can scare. I had a French friend met in this business, not on this forum, I stopped to go with Amira LR not to have problems with him, made him having contact with 2 other girls, before he fell jealous when he just should have told me not to touch a Ukrainian multi orgasmic and I would have never touched her, when she came and returned to me. I had also a German friend at Sharks who was on this forum, a really nice guy, not the jealous about Megan one, but didn't see him on this year. But I heard so many frustrated crazy not interesting, when I find people outside more interesting than low level in brothels. Only high level for jealousy. Funny is some still write about me on other forum I left on 2014, 7 years after, like Japanese wrote about me on their blog about Evita Sharks. Many guys seem more interested by other guys than girls, when hard job for me to find only 1 girl at Globe on 2020, same on this year but easier when Germany was open, but I remember when I was told around 200 girls at Sharks and couldn't find only 1 on my standard, fortunately better for me on this year.

12-29-21, 08:41
Why are you constantly lying without any data to back up your false claims with? Says the guy who never shows any supporting data.

12-29-21, 11:27
Ugh, so fucking boring and repetitive. One dimensional.Dude, you're an immature and delusional little child.

As for one dimensional and repetitive just look at your own posts, but you are way too stupid and delusional to get that.

You are seriously damaged that you think it's funny to talk about fucking men in the ass. You're pathetic.

12-29-21, 14:17
This is the eugenics crap being perpetuated by these types of posters.Not really. My post merely shows that we all gained from this. It fastened human evolution. And was done all throughout the world.

On the other hand Lee Kuan Jew, the national father of the state of Singapore is an avid fan of eugenic, and has stated so several times publically. Lee Kuan Jew's reign of Singapore is again China's prime model of running a country. And you have shown here again and again that you are arguibg on behalf of Chinas Communist Party as the useless pawn that you are.

12-29-21, 14:19
Have you seen any "White Lives Matter" movement when whites get discriminated / killed anywhere? Or whites complaining about "missing Asian woman" syndrome anywhere?

Or you think people should be cry-babies instead of improving themselves and their own situations?I have. In Zimbabwe and parts of South Africa when the blacks have chopped their heads off by machetes and taken their farmland as national property only to give it out to black people.

12-29-21, 14:21
Dude, you're an immature and delusional little child.

As for one dimensional and repetitive just look at your own posts, but you are way too stupid and delusional to get that.

You are seriously damaged that you think it's funny to talk about fucking men in the ass. You're pathetic.There it goes again, LOL. The record player keeps getting stuck in the same loop.

12-29-21, 14:22
Did an American soldier piss in your cereal? I smell brainwashed or traumatic events in this one. Did a GI fuck your wife?You need a 5th dosage soon. Just take one for the team will you! Otherwise go back to your flaotilla because you won't be able to keep your part time nursing job.

12-29-21, 14:24
Arriving on November, then starting to spread, exploding now, paralyzing services and probably killing on new year. I heard about many flights already cancelled in US?What's happening in Germany? That's right not much.

12-29-21, 14:26
Have you seen any "White Lives Matter" movement when whites get discriminated / killed anywhere? Or whites complaining about "missing Asian woman" syndrome anywhere?

Or you think people should be cry-babies instead of improving themselves and their own situations?That isn't the conversation is it?

12-29-21, 14:26
Says the guy who never shows any supporting data.That's an important part of his trolling mania disorder. This and the insults.

12-29-21, 14:28
Do you understand that it's a board game and the main objective of the company is to sell metal and plastic figurines?I have played it myself thank you.

Do you understand that religion is a book of made up lies and words written down in order to fool you? Or as some would say, teach you something. LOL.

In other words, histories are like metaphors.

12-29-21, 14:29
Ugh, so fucking boring and repetitive. One dimensional.Arguing with this ShooBree guy is like arguing with a 6 year old. He says the same drivel over and over again and expects people to take him seriously. I wonder if he'll make the mental effort to look up the meaning of the word 'drivel'. If he is an adult then there's no improving his intellect. It seems a futile exercise.

12-29-21, 14:31
Arguing with this ShooBree guy is like arguing with a 6 year old. He says the same thing over and over again and expects people to take him seriously. If he is an adult then there's no improving his intellect. Its a futile exercise.She's indeed quite repetitive isn't she?

12-29-21, 14:32
I get it that you're ignorant to American football so I'll explain, the strongman positions,(tight ends, linemen and linebackers) in the NFL are filled by white players while the skill positions (wide receivers, running backs, safeties, cornerbacks) are filled with black players.There is no skill in NFL when a 50 year old is still the best player. Oh, and he is white. But yes, they all use doping at college.

12-29-21, 14:34
I don't follow the national handball league in the USA. But I do know who the smart footballers are in Europe, and who are only on the team due to physique.

The Cane
12-29-21, 14:38
Arguing with this ShooBree guy is like arguing with a 6 year old. He says the same drivel over and over again and expects people to take him seriously. I wonder if he'll make the mental effort to look up the meaning of the word 'drivel'. If he is an adult then there's no improving his intellect. It seems a futile exercise.Took you longer to reach that conclusion than I expected hahaha!

Smoke Light
12-29-21, 14:39
The USA, which should be obliterated, is the main cause of refuges from its policies of rape, plunder and pillage. The USA created the Nazi state of Ukraine (Victoria Nuland: fuck the EU).

Pity Mexico, so far from God, so near to the United States.

Mr Cane: You are American, human shit in short.Pedro, I was considering Ukraine as one of possible mongering destinations, could you please elaborate a bit more regarding Nazi Ukraine and Victoria Nuland quote? Thanks in advance.

12-29-21, 14:44
Where was the US handball team in this female only sport during the recent world championships anyway?


There was France I noticed, but no USA. Apparently our national team from our country with a smaller population than metro Atlanta went sleepwalking through the entire tournament until the 2nd half of the final. Which they won 17-6. A world final in a team sport: Handball.

12-29-21, 14:57
You don't know much about EU: You don't go to jail for overspeeding in Germany, Belgium, Italy or France, and coyote is allowed in France.Don't you know that Switzerland is a different country than all the countries mentioned? Don't you know that Switzerland is not part of EU? Don't you know that in each country local laws apply and not French laws?

12-29-21, 16:03
Says the guy who never shows any supporting data.Quite the opposite, you're just too stupid to read and understand English.

12-29-21, 16:11
Arguing with this ShooBree guy is like arguing with a 6 year old. He says the same drivel over and over again and expects people to take him seriously. I wonder if he'll make the mental effort to look up the meaning of the word 'drivel'. If he is an adult then there's no improving his intellect. It seems a futile exercise.LMFAO, another moronic post from you. You're obviously a demented and pathetic old fart.

Why are the USAns on this forum so incredibly stupid and arrogant?

12-29-21, 16:52
Bro, I know. I won't mention I'm the only smart Swede on the board. The rest are either angry trolls or incels. What a pity.

LMFAO, another moronic post from you. You're obviously a demented and pathetic old fart.

Why are the USAns on this forum so incredibly stupid and arrogant?

12-29-21, 18:18
Where was the US handball team in this female only sport during the recent world championships anyway?


There was France I noticed, but no USA. Apparently our national team from our country with a smaller population than metro Atlanta went sleepwalking through the entire tournament until the 2nd half of the final. Which they won 17-6. A world final in a team sport: Handball.What's handball? What's women sports?

You don't matter.

12-29-21, 18:27
I have. In Zimbabwe and parts of South Africa when the blacks have chopped their heads off by machetes and taken their farmland as national property only to give it out to black people.Interesting how the white population with social clout are never the ones speaking like this weirdo. It's only the socially outcasted, angry school shooter types who always seem to have all the gripes.

You're ugly dude. Ugly people need to know your place and watch your damn mouth or just shut the hell up. Nasty looking weirdo.

12-29-21, 18:38
Bro, I know. I won't mention I'm the only smart Swede on the board. The rest are either angry trolls or incels. What a pity.You're a pathetic troll with zero functioning brain cells.

12-29-21, 18:40
Took you longer to reach that conclusion than I expected hahaha!You're an immature little cry baby who cries every time someone mention facts you don't like.

12-29-21, 18:46
That's an important part of his trolling mania disorder. This and the insults.Lmfao, the one free from sin etc.

Here you go again showing why you're known as the big troll on this forum. It's amazing how you can be so dishonest and hypocritical that you only open your mouth when I respond to the personal attacks I've received. Why are you such a coward? Is it because I embarrassed you so much when we kept the discussion factual and on the subject?

You're also known as the moron who claimed that Sweden had a lockdown and lets not forget that you can't tell the difference between millions and billions.

You're just as smart as your compatriot Siri. LMFAO!

12-29-21, 18:56
I have played it myself thank you.

Do you understand that religion is a book of made up lies and words written down in order to fool you? Or as some would say, teach you something. LOL..Yes but Warhammer 40 k is a game. Pure entertainment, just like Matrix. It's made to make money and entertain you, not to teach you some hidden things.

12-29-21, 18:58
Don't you know that Switzerland is a different country than all the countries mentioned? Don't you know that Switzerland is not part of EU? Don't you know that in each country local laws apply and not French laws?Are you joking? I thought all the world revolved around Paris.

12-29-21, 21:26
Don't you know that Switzerland is a different country than all the countries mentioned? Don't you know that Switzerland is not part of EU? Don't you know that in each country local laws apply and not French laws?But you wrote about EU countries, when for sure, now I know Swiss administration are robbers, I may trust more Sicilian or Napolitan mafia.

12-29-21, 21:31
There is no skill in NFL when a 50 year old is still the best player. Oh, and he is white. But yes, they all use doping at college.Not many sports without kind of doping. As said for bicycle, only not dopped are those who were not caught yet, and still going on. I m afraid I m the only one to climb highest ranked without doping, but only my passion.

12-29-21, 21:31
You do know the Germans kicked the shit out of the Romans, eliminating entire legions, right?.First, half of the Roman Imperial Army was of Germanic origin (mercenary, auxiliary forces called Foederati). Arminius was a Roman citizen of Germanic origin, who acted as a "trusted" advisor to Varus, the commander of the three Roman legions. Arminius fabricated a story about a revolt that needed to be urgently put down, and advised Varus to move his force through a narrow, unknown route via a swampy forest. Unbeknownst to Varus, Arminius had been conspiring with chieftains from various Germanic tribes, and had orchestrated the ambush.

Second, a few years later, several legions led by Germanicus returned to Germania to retaliate. The Germanic tribes responsible for the treachery were hunted down like dogs. These later campaigns proved that the Romans, had they chosen to do so, could have easily pushed the Germanic tribes beyond the Elbe River.

Third, the Romans realised that they had already expanded their empire to their natural limits. The cost of conquering and administering Germania would be more than what they could possibly take in from tax revenues (cold, forested, inhospitable). As such, the Romans decided to stop their expansion at the Rhine.

From the time of the rediscovery of Roman sources in the 15th century, the Battles of the Teutoburg Forest have been seen as a pivotal event resulting in the end of Roman expansion into northern Europe. This theory became prevalent in the 19th century, and formed an integral part of the mythology of German nationalism.

More recently some scholars questioned this interpretation, advancing a number of reasons why the Rhine was a practical boundary for the Roman Empire, and more suitable than any other river in Germania. Logistically, armies on the Rhine could be supplied from the Mediterranean via the Rhone, Saone and Mosel, with a brief stretch of portage. Armies on the Elbe, on the other hand, would have to have been supplied either by extensive overland routes or ships travelling the hazardous Atlantic seas. Economically, the Rhine was already supporting towns and sizeable villages at the time of the Gallic conquest. Northern Germania was far less developed, possessed fewer villages, and had little food surplus and thus a far lesser capacity for tribute. Thus the Rhine was both significantly more accessible from Rome and better suited to supply sizeable garrisons than the regions beyond. There were also practical reasons to fall back from the limits of Augustus' expansionism in this region. The Romans were mostly interested in conquering areas that had a high degree of self-sufficiency which could provide a tax base for them to extract from. Most of Germania Magna did not have the higher level of urbanism at this time as in comparison with some Celtic Gallic settlements, which were in many ways already integrated into the Roman trade network in the case of southern Gaul. In a cost/benefit analysis, the prestige to be gained by conquering more territory was outweighed by the lack of financial benefits accorded to conquest.


12-29-21, 21:42
What's happening in Germany? That's right not much.They ask test every day to ski in Garmisch Partenkirchen, not vaccinated are forbidden to enter stores, all is fine in Germany.

12-29-21, 23:42
Arguing with this ShooBree guy is like arguing with a 6 year old.I respectfully disagree. 6 years old understand basic logic and are out of the temper tantrum phase.

12-29-21, 23:51
There is no skill in NFL when a 50 year old is still the best player. Oh, and he is white. But yes, they all use doping at college.What does an opinion of an uncoordinated ganglion who has never played much less understand what it takes to be successful in a team sport matter? You have no understanding of the concept of team, community, or any connection to other human beings you weird ass social outcast. If you took a long walk off a short pier, no one would even know or care that you're gone.

12-30-21, 01:40
That isn't the conversation is it?It is not part of the conversation if you want to move away from the topic as you finally realize that you lost the argument days ago. Sure.

12-30-21, 01:43
I have. In Zimbabwe and parts of South Africa when the blacks have chopped their heads off by machetes and taken their farmland as national property only to give it out to black people.Do you have any links or reference to this? I want to read from some legit source. Thanks.

12-30-21, 04:32
Yes but Warhammer 40 k is a game. Pure entertainment, just like Matrix. It's made to make money and entertain you, not to teach you some hidden things.The Matrix is a movie based on very old philosophy like Platos Cave, The Butterfly Dream of Zhuangzhi, the Indian philosophy of Maya, Greek Anaxarchus and Monimus or the Aztec philosophical text claiming the world was a book written by Teotl. In other words far more widespread of a philosophy than some garbage text from the near east rewritten 50 times and all based on old Egyptian, Sumerian or old Indian religion. Where the new versions don't really try to teach you anything, but to turn you into cultists and puppets of its leaders. Most of its rewritings even being straight out false and lies. Like the 10 ammendments not at all corresponding with the 40 questions raised at the end of your life in Egyptian theology for example.

W40 K is a tabletop game, but like Star Wars and the Church of Satan in the USA, I hold my right to follow it like a religion. By the way, I played the Dark Eldar. So debauchery is still the way to live, and they have to keep doing it. Because if they stop, then Slaanech will take their souls just she does with the normal Eldars.

Church of Satan: https://youtu.be/6AOX-_HdFKQ.

12-30-21, 04:50
They ask test every day to ski in Garmisch Partenkirchen, not vaccinated are forbidden to enter stores, all is fine in Germany.What's happening with actual covid patients in hospitals dummy.

Absolutely nothing with still over 20% free beds. Things are not so bad in Germany. Or UK. Or South Africa. You don't know what you're talking about.

12-30-21, 04:57
You're an immature little cry baby who cries every time someone mention facts you don't like.Being a petulant little child troll is one thing, having no shame when at least 6 posters recognize your foolishness is a whole other level of cognitive dissonance. Do better little lady.

12-30-21, 04:59
It is not part of the conversation if you want to move away from the topic as you finally realize that you lost the argument days ago. Sure.Not a competition but surely you have yet to make a case linking genetic deficiency to Africans.

12-30-21, 05:00
Do you have any links or reference to this? I want to read from some legit source. Thanks.Just go read Mein Kampf, that's the reinforcement you shamelessly seem to seek.

12-30-21, 05:59
What's happening with actual covid patients in hospitals dummy.

Absolutely nothing with still over 20% free beds. Things are not so bad in Germany. Or UK. Or South Africa. You don't know what you're talking about.Ask locals and politics in Germany rather than drinking your US internet. You are really worrying medical. Ask hospitals in Berlin, Zurich, Bavaria. I wonder why they delay other operations if all is so fine, and same in some France parts.

12-30-21, 06:26
What's handball? What's women sports?

You don't matter.Handball is very intense and violent sport from Germany, more intense and violent than NBA. Curry would be destroyed in handball and most NBA players would be too slow.

12-30-21, 06:47
There is no skill in NFL when a 50 year old is still the best player. Oh, and he is white. But yes, they all use doping at college.I'm not specialist for NFL but Brady may seem more clever than average in this sport. I started climbing in my 30's, after watching tour de France and thinking I would do same. After 18 years, Summer climbing, I improved for speed, I'm now more than 50% faster in Mont Ventoux than on 2003 when I cried under nerves pressure and blood in hands, and I m now able to climb most difficult like Zoncolan and Mortirolo when I would not have been able in my 30's. I wish for 28% Gentile for my 60 yo present, but facing straight 28%, not like V V Aert in Flandres ronde using Italian technique to curve. You get more resistance with age when You are healthy.

12-30-21, 10:11
Being a petulant little child troll is one thing, having no shame when at least 6 posters recognize your foolishness is a whole other level of cognitive dissonance. Do better little lady.The Swedish troll is logicproof. Don't forget that he said in summer 2020 that Sweden beat the virus. He also said that the vaccine was a failed experiment just to admit recently that he was vaccinated! And do you remember what he said about the 'ignore' function? He thought that turning it on will make his posts invisible! The guy is such an asshole that he never admitted he was wrong.

And the list of examples of his ultimate stupidity is very long but even if you show it to him, the answer will be very simple: LMFAO, Dunning Kruger effect, I'm the ***** of BolsoTrump and an endless stream of insults.

Just look at all his contributions: they're all in the rants threads of different countries.

12-30-21, 11:00
The Krauts stopped the Romans (get the word, Romans). Here is the Roman Empire, Germania not included. https://www.worldhistory.org/image/266/roman-empire-in-117-ce/.

Maybe you meant parts of Low Germany / the Netherlands. Asa regards your false claims that the Romans were Krauts, most of the Empire and its riches were in the East, the stupid work of Edward Gibbon notwithstanding. The map also makes it plain that the Romans were living on borrowed time as the barbarians brought their owen "guns" to the knife fight.

First, half of the Roman Imperial Army was of Germanic origin (mercenary, auxiliary forces called Foederati). Arminius was a Roman citizen of Germanic origin, who acted as a "trusted" advisor to Varus, the commander of the three Roman legions. Arminius fabricated a story about a revolt that needed to be urgently put down, and advised Varus to move his force through a narrow, unknown route via a swampy forest. Unbeknownst to Varus, Arminius had been conspiring with chieftains from various Germanic tribes, and had orchestrated the ambush.

Second, a few years later, several legions led by Germanicus returned to Germania to retaliate. The Germanic tribes responsible for the treachery were hunted down like dogs. These later campaigns proved that the Romans, had they chosen to do so, could have easily pushed the Germanic tribes beyond the Elbe River.

Third, the Romans realised that they had already expanded their empire to their natural limits. The cost of conquering and administering Germania would be more than what they could possibly take in from tax revenues (cold, forested, inhospitable). As such, the Romans decided to stop their expansion at the Rhine.

12-30-21, 11:31
What's handball? What's women sports?

You don't matter.How come you always have to resort to personal attacks? Are you really that weak and stupid? If you are too stupid to make a real argument than maybe you should just stfu.

You don't matter, you really don't matter that's probably why you are wasting your pathetic site on making childish personal attacks on this site.

12-30-21, 11:34
Interesting how the white population with social clout are never the ones speaking like this weirdo. It's only the socially outcasted, angry school shooter types who always seem to have all the gripes.

You're ugly dude. Ugly people need to know your place and watch your damn mouth or just shut the hell up. Nasty looking weirdo.Oh another post from you full of personal attacks just because you can't handle the truth.

I sure would like to see your ugly face so I could laugh some more at the nerdy little creep that you are.

12-30-21, 12:27
I respectfully disagree. 6 years old understand basic logic and are out of the temper tantrum phase.Better call Nursenary, Paul needs his diaper changed.

12-30-21, 12:28
What does an opinion of an uncoordinated ganglion who has never played much less understand what it takes to be successful in a team sport matter? You have no understanding of the concept of team, community, or any connection to other human beings you weird ass social outcast. If you took a long walk off a short pier, no one would even know or care that you're gone.LMFAO, yet another post full of personal attacks from Nursenary the nerdy creep.

12-30-21, 12:31
Ask locals and politics in Germany rather than drinking your US internet. You are really worrying medical. Ask hospitals in Berlin, Zurich, Bavaria. I wonder why they delay other operations if all is so fine, and same in some France parts.As always, facts speak louder than the ramblings of a prideful, demented man. Everyone but you and politicians know, Omicron is less virulent.


12-30-21, 12:32
Handball is very intense and violent sport from Germany, more intense and violent than NBA. Curry would be destroyed in handball and most NBA players would be too slow.Gay sports for gay people.

12-30-21, 12:33
Being a petulant little child troll is one thing, having no shame when at least 6 posters recognize your foolishness is a whole other level of cognitive dissonance. Do better little lady.Oh, the nerdy creep decided to bless me with one of his posts full of childish personal attacks. I absolutely love to see the weak bullies on this site attack me since they don't have any real arguments.

A man doesn't concern himself with the opinion of six little libtards.

12-30-21, 12:34
The Swedish troll is logicproof. Don't forget that he said in summer 2020 that Sweden beat the virus. He also said that the vaccine was a failed experiment just to admit recently that he was vaccinated! And do you remember what he said about the 'ignore' function? He thought that turning it on will make his posts invisible! The guy is such an asshole that he never admitted he was wrong.

And the list of examples of his ultimate stupidity is very long but even if you show it to him, the answer will be very simple: LMFAO, Dunning Kruger effect, I'm the ***** of BolsoTrump and an endless stream of insults.

Just look at all his contributions: they're all in the rants threads of different countries.Yah, She's a bad little girl.

The Cane
12-30-21, 14:25
There is no skill in NFL when a 50 year old is still the best player. Oh, and he is white. But yes, they all use doping at college.Well, let's see you go out there and see how your no-skilled self does then. You'd be crushed to smithereens in a heartbeat! The NFL is a place where real injuries can occur, unlike in that "other" football hahaha! And by the way, he's 44 and not 50. And the GOAT!


12-30-21, 15:44
You're a pathetic troll with zero functioning brain cells.Ok, I'm convinced now. This ShooBree is a 6 or 7 year old problem child playing with us. All his posts are like this, hahahaha. You got me good, sport.

12-30-21, 15:47
Ok, I'm convinced now. This ShooBree is a 6 or 7 year old playing with us. All his posts are like this, hahahaha. You got me good, sport.Have you seen your own posts and the comments I reply to? Are you retarded or just a hypocrite?

You've already convinced me that you're a demented old weirdo stuck in a nursing home.

12-30-21, 16:02
The Swedish troll is logicproof. Don't forget that he said in summer 2020 that Sweden beat the virus. He also said that the vaccine was a failed experiment just to admit recently that he was vaccinated! And do you remember what he said about the 'ignore' function? He thought that turning it on will make his posts invisible! The guy is such an asshole that he never admitted he was wrong.

And the list of examples of his ultimate stupidity is very long but even if you show it to him, the answer will be very simple: LMFAO, Dunning Kruger effect, I'm the ***** of BolsoTrump and an endless stream of insults.

Just look at all his contributions: they're all in the rants threads of different countries.If you're so smart why do you have to lie all the time?

Show me where I called the vaccine a failed experiment, prove that you're not a liar.

I have never denied that I got vaccinated, I've written that multiple times. Try not to be so retarded / dishonest, if I wanted to keep it a secret I wouldn't have written it multiple times. Where's your ability to think logical?

The vaccine is a failure, it sure as hell didn't bring normality back and the vaccinated are still not automatically allowed into Thailand, Azerbaijan, Morocco, Brazil, Indonesia nor the UAE. I took the vaccine because I wanted to be able to travel freely like before Covid-19, I guess they fooled me.

You have already exposed yourself to be a retard, föare gods sake; you can't even tell the difference between millions and billions! LMFAO! You're so embarrassing!

It's easy to see that you and Siri are from the same country! LMFAO!

12-30-21, 16:23
Ok, I'm convinced now. This ShooBree is a 6 or 7 year old problem child playing with us. All his posts are like this, hahahaha. You got me good, sport.Unfortunately no that's probably a bitter adult.

12-30-21, 18:22
Just go read Mein Kampf, that's the reinforcement you shamelessly seem to seek.Godwins law, Nursenary loses yet another argument. What a pathetic loser!

12-30-21, 19:17
What does an opinion of an uncoordinated ganglion who has never played much less understand what it takes to be successful in a team sport matter? You have no understanding of the concept of team, community, or any connection to other human beings you weird ass social outcast. If you took a long walk off a short pier, no one would even know or care that you're gone.LOL! Women only sport for the women with slightly outgrown clitoris.

12-30-21, 19:23
Do you have any links or reference to this? I want to read from some legit source. Thanks.I can't link you all, but google should help. This is only from Zimbabwe (there are far more in SA):






12-30-21, 19:25
Do you have any links or reference to this? I want to read from some legit source. Thanks.I am the most legit source on ISG by the way. And more so than The Guardian or CNN. Just for the record.

12-30-21, 19:26
Godwins law, Nursenary loses yet another argument. What a pathetic loser!Bad girl, you keep urinating everywhere. Go sit in the corner.

12-30-21, 19:29
LOL! Women only sport for the women with slightly outgrown clitoris.Your face does resemble a droopy clitoris. Gross.

12-30-21, 19:30
Not a competition but surely you have yet to make a case linking genetic deficiency to Africans.https://www.nbcnews.com/sciencemain/african-americans-y-chromosome-sparks-shift-evolutionary-timetable-1c8710411

12-30-21, 19:35
Yah, She's a bad little girl.Yet another childish personal attack from the nurse.

It's hilarious that they pretended to be upset by personal attacks when they truly are weak and stupid bullies.

12-30-21, 19:38
Unfortunately no that's probably a bitter adult.LMFAO, you're just a pathetic liar. I know that the nurse is too delusional to be bitter over his pathetic life but its so obvious that you know that you're an ugly, old and pathetic loser and that makes you bitter and angry.

12-30-21, 19:40
Gay sports for gay people.Another immature from the nurse. Why are you so creepy and weird? That's why you don't have any real friends and all the women are uncomfortable to be near you.

12-30-21, 19:41
What does an opinion of an uncoordinated ganglion who has never played much less understand what it takes to be successful in a team sport matter? You have no understanding of the concept of team, community, or any connection to other human beings you weird ass social outcast. If you took a long walk off a short pier, no one would even know or care that you're gone.I actually have a best player award in football (the real football) from my teen years. I bet you don't have any such award.

12-30-21, 19:43
Well, let's see you go out there and see how your no-skilled self does then. You'd be crushed to smithereens in a heartbeat! The NFL is a place where real injuries can occur, unlike in that "other" football hahaha! And by the way, he's 44 and not 50. And the GOAT!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjyqCqiMc0MHe will still be the best in 6 years. Because of lack of smart competition.

12-30-21, 19:49
. I took the vaccine because I wanted to be able to travel freely like before Covid-19, I guess they fooled me.It's fine, they fooled Nursenary too. He will realise that given his comment about the idea that it will end by springtime. While in a couple of months he will turn out like a Switzerland cheesy given his 4th and eventually 5th etc dosage just so he get to still be allowed to work. Travel? LOL!

12-30-21, 20:21
LMFAO, yet another post full of personal attacks from Nursenary the nerdy creep.
Oh, the nerdy creep decided to bless me with one of his posts full of childish personal attacks. I absolutely love to see the weak bullies on this site attack me since they don't have any real arguments.

A man doesn't concern himself with the opinion of six little libtards.
Godwins law, Nursenary loses yet another argument. What a pathetic loser!Oh another post from you full of personal attacks just because you can't handle the truth.

I sure would like to see your ugly face so I could laugh some more at the nerdy little creep that you are.
How come you always have to resort to personal attacks? Are you really that weak and stupid? If you are too stupid to make a real argument than maybe you should just stfu.

You don't matter, you really don't matter that's probably why you are wasting your pathetic site on making childish personal attacks on this site.Wow, 5 rapid fire posts. And even took some of my lines!

Hey guys, should I be flattered or creeped out by this bad girl's obsession? Does she want to fuck me?

12-30-21, 20:26
The Swedish fart doesn't even know how to quote multiple posts in a single one.

12-30-21, 20:56
Oh another post from you full of personal attacks just because you can't handle the truth.

Wow, 5 rapid fire posts. And even took some of my lines!

Hey guys, should I be flattered or creeped out by this bad girl's obsession? Does she want to fuck me?Could you explain him how to quote multiple posts? You're very good at it.

The guy is such a pussy that he doesn't have the balls to stand for his opinions: he says that the vaccine is a scam and doesn't work, still he took it to travel and to get laid in countries he considers full of 'parasites'. Spineless ****.

The Cane
12-30-21, 21:01
He will still be the best in 6 years. Because of lack of smart competition.Six years is a long time from now. Brady will be well-retired by then. And when he is, he will be so as the greatest to ever play the quarterback position. That said, my vote for the best this season is Aaron Rodgers of the Green Bay Packers (most agree). Rodgers is the odds on favorite to win MVP this season. Brady is the second most likely choice.

12-30-21, 21:35
I actually have a best player award in football (the real football) from my teen years. I bet you don't have any such award.Best player? Where? When you were in the special needs class for the retards?

Bahahahahaha. I've actually seen how uncoordinated you are. At least make it somewhat believable. Bahahahahaha. That's fucking rich. Oh my God, I think I peed myself laughing so hard at this claim.

12-30-21, 21:36
It's fine, they fooled Nursenary too. He will realise that given his comment about the idea that it will end by springtime. While in a couple of months he will turn out like a Switzerland cheesy given his 4th and eventually 5th etc dosage just so he get to still be allowed to work. Travel? LOL!Medical realities versus what governments do are entirely different things. But hey, we know nuance and parsing details aren't your specialties.

12-30-21, 21:38
https://www.nbcnews.com/sciencemain/african-americans-y-chromosome-sparks-shift-evolutionary-timetable-1c8710411Yeah, and? Use your words junior.

12-30-21, 21:43
It's fine, they fooled Nursenary too. He will realise that given his comment about the idea that it will end by springtime. While in a couple of months he will turn out like a Switzerland cheesy given his 4th and eventually 5th etc dosage just so he get to still be allowed to work. Travel? LOL!President T said last year it would end by Easter 2020.

12-30-21, 22:09
The USA, which should be obliterated, is the main cause of refuges from its policies of rape, plunder and pillage. The USA created the Nazi state of Ukraine (Victoria Nuland: fuck the EU).

Pity Mexico, so far from God, so near to the United States.

Mr Cane: You are American, human shit in short.The refugees mainly Syrians and Iraqis at first and the Afghanis later, were caused by the execution of Sadaam H. The puppet government which killed Sadaam was instituted by the USA. But the USA is controlled by Zionists, so there is that.

12-30-21, 22:17
Bad girl, you keep urinating everywhere. Go sit in the corner.The nurse is trying to deflect from the fact that he's a pathetic loser that always have to resort to personal attacks because he doesn't have any arguments.

Will you ever stop embarrassing yourself? Are you too retarded to understand that you come across as an immature weirdo?

12-30-21, 22:19
Your face does resemble a droopy clitoris. Gross.Another classy and not at all immature personal attack from Nursenary the creepy weirdo.

12-30-21, 22:25
The Swedish fart doesn't even know how to quote multiple posts in a single one.Another lie from the big troll.

From where did you learn that insult? Did Mursenary teach you that? Its hard to fathom that a grown man can't do better than that. Its truly remarkable how immature and trashy you are.

12-30-21, 22:30
I actually have a best player award in football (the real football) from my teen years. I bet you don't have any such award.Of course he doesn't, he's a nerdy and immature creep. Thats why he doesn't have any friends and can't get any girl to even stand the thought of talking to him. Hes truly a school shooter type.

12-30-21, 22:51
I have now seen the self assembly of basic chips from these graphene oxide nanoworms. So indeed there are chips involved in addition to them emulating the brain neurons. They are controlled by IR lasers and certain radiowaves. The chips they seem to form work as modems for improved connection between your brain and the cellphone /5 G network.

Enjoy the enslavement! This is way ahead of Neurallink. Unfortunately these spanish made videos I have now seen (the self assembly videos through microscope) are banned on YouTube, Google and over most of the internet. Only probably only found on the darkweb.

12-31-21, 00:32
A lady from the USA on Iceland Air was put in the lavatory during the flight since she had Covid!

But when she landed at the layover in Iceland, Iceland Red Cross gave her a free hotel room for ten days!


12-31-21, 04:32
I have now seen the self assembly of basic chips from these graphene oxide nanoworms. So indeed there are chips involved in addition to them emulating the brain neurons. They are controlled by IR lasers and certain radiowaves. The chips they seem to form work as modems for improved connection between your brain and the cellphone /5 G network.

Enjoy the enslavement! This is way ahead of Neurallink. Unfortunately these spanish made videos I have now seen (the self assembly videos through microscope) are banned on YouTube, Google and over most of the internet. Only probably only found on the darkweb.You haven't seen jack shit.

12-31-21, 04:35
Of course he doesn't, he's a nerdy and immature creep. Thats why he doesn't have any friends and can't get any girl to even stand the thought of talking to him. Hes truly a school shooter type.Aw, you're emulating my words again. Little girls are so easily impressionable.

12-31-21, 06:10
Yeah, and? Use your words junior.Dude! Do you even understand basic English? I requested for legit sources, and Piston referred few links, as any normal person would do. I didn't request him to use his own words, you moron!

12-31-21, 07:11
Aw, you're emulating my words again. Little girls are so easily impressionable.LMFAO, you can't write a single post without lies and personal attacks. The weird thing is that you still suck at it, it's not particularly creative to call someone a girl. The question I've is why do you look down on girls? If you really want to insult me or anyone else just say that I remind you of Mursenary.

12-31-21, 07:25
I sure would like to see your ugly face so I could laugh some more at the nerdy little creep that you are.Likewise, but so I could try to slap the ugly off of yours. Look away, you're scaring the children.

12-31-21, 07:31
Could you explain him how to quote multiple posts? You're very good at it.

The guy is such a pussy that he doesn't have the balls to stand for his opinions: he says that the vaccine is a scam and doesn't work, still he took it to travel and to get laid in countries he considers full of 'parasites'. Spineless ****.LMFAO, you're so fucking dumb that its almost funny. Quoting multiple is almost as easy as making you look like a fool, but of course making you look like a fool requires absolutely nothing out of me.

Its funny too see what an hateful and cowardly loser you are. You are a stalker who can't stop obsessing over me.

Since you are too dumb to understand the most basic things I have decided to enlighten you a little bit.

Yeah, I took the vaccine so I can travel and not for any medical reasons, what's is it to you? Oh right, you're an old pathetic hater who rather live your life stalking people like me. It's really sad. Unlike you I'm not stupid, I won't restrict myself and my life just because the vaccine is highly flawed or my money is getting sent to other countries.

Thank god I'm not stupid like you. Go get a brain you fucking loser!

12-31-21, 07:34
Could you explain him how to quote multiple posts? You're very good at it.

The guy is such a pussy that he doesn't have the balls to stand for his opinions: he says that the vaccine is a scam and doesn't work, still he took it to travel and to get laid in countries he considers full of 'parasites'. Spineless ****.

Best player? Where? When you were in the special needs class for the retards?

Bahahahahaha. I've actually seen how uncoordinated you are. At least make it somewhat believable. Bahahahahaha. That's fucking rich. Oh my God, I think I peed myself laughing so hard at this claim.Yawn, the personal attacks keeps coming from Mursenary. Too bad he still sucks at it.

12-31-21, 08:20
Enjoy the enslavement! This is way ahead of Neurallink. Unfortunately these spanish made videos I have now seen (the self assembly videos through microscope) are banned on YouTube, Google and over most of the internet. Only probably only found on the darkweb.Found it:


12-31-21, 10:39
Oh my God, I think I peed myself laughing so hard at this claim.Small dick, hard to hold it in huh?

12-31-21, 10:40
Medical realities versus what governments do are entirely different things. But hey, we know nuance and parsing details aren't your specialties.Too bad medical personal know so little regarding nanotech.

12-31-21, 10:42
President T said last year it would end by Easter 2020.Pfizer said 2024. I take it they know how more than government puppets.

12-31-21, 10:55
You haven't seen jack shit.Here you go.

12-31-21, 11:01
And if you don't know about something like teslaphoresis, here is a link to that as well.


12-31-21, 11:32
Of course he doesn't, he's a nerdy and immature creep. Thats why he doesn't have any friends and can't get any girl to even stand the thought of talking to him. Hes truly a school shooter type.And who are you? You are the type of "man" who is first running to the exit doors when the school shooter is in the building or hiding under the desk because the authority. The teacher say so. You are very "rational" just like you are not human, homie.

Unfortunately you read too many books and trained your legs not enough, this is why you are running not fast enough and because of this you also the type of "man" who is pushing other people to the side when you are not the first at the exit doors. You are truly a "man" of honour.

And before you ask, I am the type of freak who is telling the school shooter who to shoot and where to find the people hiding under the desk.

Don't forget your mask while hiding under the desk, omega mutant is on the web way.

The problem with American AI is always the NI of the persons who created it. Just look at them, they look like they are friends of fuck the NSA.

Why is Fake News Mursi still writing here?

Mr Ho
12-31-21, 12:38
Nah, it says Brothels are still allowed to remain open but swinger activities will be banned, guessing they mean group sex / gang bang activities are banned.Considering how strong the infection power of omiricon is, I do not see the point of taking measure unless it is full lock down, but I also think that considering how weak the poison level of Omiricon variant, I do not see why people are panicking about? It is weaker than influenza now, covid is becoming like common flu! It is just that infection is stronger, poisoness of it is weaker!

12-31-21, 12:43
Could you explain him how to quote multiple posts? You're very good at it.
Found another spaz who gets overly excited and starts to rapid fire respond. But apparently this one thinks your dick stores urine, LOL he's a clit face.

Pfizer said 2024. I take it they know how more than government puppets.

Too bad medical personal know so little regarding nanotech.
Small dick, hard to hold it in huh?

And if you don't know about something like teslaphoresis, here is a link to that as well.
Too bad medical personal know so little regarding nanotech.

12-31-21, 14:31
Likewise, but so I could try to slap the ugly off of yours. Look away, you're scaring the children.Another personal attack with threats of violence from the ugly Nurse Creepy Loser. There are no limits for what that nerd won't say, too bad for him that he's too weak to do anything.

12-31-21, 14:38
Bad girl, you keep urinating everywhere. Go sit in the corner.Need any more convincing that he / she is not more than 10 years?


12-31-21, 14:42
Bad girl, you keep urinating everywhere. Go sit in the corner.Need any more convincing that he / she is not more than 12 years?


12-31-21, 18:32
And if you don't know about something like teslaphoresis, here is a link to that as well.

https://youtu.be/w1d0Lg6wuvcI know I have mentioned this to a lot of people. Can't recall if I linked it here though. But these black particles have even been referred to on bbc. Albeit they always act as if they don't know what it is.


12-31-21, 18:51
It is carbon nanotube graphene oxide, and poisoning from this causes all the side effects shown as vaccine related on vaers and EMA.

And the reason Omicron is now so weak is that the people behind it miscalculated how long it took for the graphene oxide to be made redundant. So now Omicron seems so weak because it has taken too long since people were vaxxed last time. It is the combination of normal cold, which is in fact a type of corona virus, and the graphene oxide poisoning, which leaves our body through the lungs.

The first sick people, like in Italy were elders who had just received other vaccines full of graphene oxide just prior to to the beginning of the first wave in Europe, and the elderly homes were very close to 5 G masts.

Some of you smartasses might laugh now, but think back at this in 2 months when we get a new mutant with high lethality. Or simply just fake high numbers of infected from the same omicron type. That is because the graphene oxide levels have gone up again in the newly 3rd dosage patients. This might thus again be scapegoated as a new variant if there is a need to make it more believable instead of claiming trillions of new cases weekly.

The background for this is potentially many:

- Mind control as the information can go both ways, and the graphene oxide nanotubes / nanoworms create brain synapses that takes over the brain instead of the natural biological network.

- What Elon Musk describes as our best shot at competing with robots. Thus improving our communicative output.

- Mapping our brain so that we then can create better AI.

- Mapping our brain so that we can create better humanoid robots. As the Teslabot is an example of.

12-31-21, 20:07
Found it:

https://youtu.be/qrSfAz8aljwFound a video for you, PiZ and the nurse:


12-31-21, 23:31
Need any more convincing that he / she is not more than 10 years?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EefB_fRe8nIHer urine soaked mattress gave her away.

12-31-21, 23:33
LMFAO, you're so fucking dumb that its almost funny. Quoting multiple is almost as easy as making you look like a fool, but of course making you look like a fool requires absolutely nothing out of me.

Its funny too see what an hateful and cowardly loser you are. You are a stalker who can't stop obsessing over me.

Since you are too dumb to understand the most basic things I have decided to enlighten you a little bit.

Yeah, I took the vaccine so I can travel and not for any medical reasons, what's is it to you? Oh right, you're an old pathetic hater who rather live your life stalking people like me. It's really sad. Unlike you I'm not stupid, I won't restrict myself and my life just because the vaccine is highly flawed or my money is getting sent to other countries.

Thank god I'm not stupid like you. Go get a brain you fucking loser!You know she's frustrated when she puts together more than 3 sentences.

01-01-22, 00:56
Considering how strong the infection power of omiricon is, I do not see the point of taking measure unless it is full lock down, but I also think that considering how weak the poison level of Omiricon variant, I do not see why people are panicking about? It is weaker than influenza now, covid is becoming like common flu! It is just that infection is stronger, poisoness of it is weaker!To give it full context, and to the Chagrin of Sirioja, yes, Omicron clinical effects have been mild thus far. But that is against a backdrop of 60-80% vaccination rate. Flu on the other hand rarely breaks past 50% vaccination.

For those with Omicron who have not been vaccinated, it seems worse than flu, often requiring non-invasive but pressurized oxygen support but most often not intubation with a breathing tube. Luckily most people with terrible comorbidities have been vaccinated.

Context matters, not just "Omicron is as weak as the flu." If Omicron hit 13 months ago, it's effects would have still been devasting.

01-01-22, 01:00
Why is Fake News Mursi still writing here?Because 'Muricah and Freedom and shit like that.

Mr Ho
01-01-22, 02:47
To give it full context, and to the Chagrin of Sirioja, yes, Omicron clinical effects have been mild thus far. But that is against a backdrop of 60-80% vaccination rate. Flu on the other hand rarely breaks past 50% vaccination.

For those with Omicron who have not been vaccinated, it seems worse than flu, often requiring non-invasive but pressurized oxygen support but most often not intubation with a breathing tube. Luckily most people with terrible comorbidities have been vaccinated.

Context matters, not just "Omicron is as weak as the flu." If Omicron hit 13 months ago, it's effects would have still been devasting.Breathing difficulties are not reported anymore so as the tasting and smelling issues, Omiricron is comes with more symptoms like extreme tiredness and some fever, so it is becoming like flu! But what is most important is everyone else to get third and fourth booster, so non vaccine choice makers can stay safe LOL! It is bit over 80% vaccinated here, so it is my utmost importance to convince 20% to take such important vaccination right now for my safety LOL!

01-01-22, 08:50
You know she's frustrated when she puts together more than 3 sentences.They opened the vaccination campaign for 12 years old little girls in Sweden. Daddy and mommy wanted her to be able to take the plane alone with her favorite Teddy bear.

01-01-22, 14:43
Because 'Muricah and Freedom and shit like that.Oooh, that's right, you fled China. We all know you are just another Burkhard Eiswaldt, or just a 'Burk' in disguise.

01-01-22, 16:17
Breathing difficulties are not reported anymore so as the tasting and smelling issues, Omiricron is comes with more symptoms like extreme tiredness and some fever, so it is becoming like flu! But what is most important is everyone else to get third and fourth booster, so non vaccine choice makers can stay safe LOL! It is bit over 80% vaccinated here, so it is my utmost importance to convince 20% to take such important vaccination right now for my safety LOL!I think you need to check your source as breathing difficulties is still very much an issue in the unvaccinated.

01-01-22, 16:17
Carbon nanotubes are great. I have an Easton seat post made of these.

01-01-22, 23:22
Oooh, that's right, you fled China. We all know you are just another Burkhard Eiswaldt, or just a 'Burk' in disguise.In plain sight, you're one of the ugly farangs who local girls laugh at because they can't pull girls at home.

01-02-22, 05:30
To give it full context, and to the Chagrin of Sirioja, yes, Omicron clinical effects have been mild thus far. But that is against a backdrop of 60-80% vaccination rate. Flu on the other hand rarely breaks past 50% vaccination.

For those with Omicron who have not been vaccinated, it seems worse than flu, often requiring non-invasive but pressurized oxygen support but most often not intubation with a breathing tube. Luckily most people with terrible comorbidities have been vaccinated.

Context matters, not just "Omicron is as weak as the flu." If Omicron hit 13 months ago, it's effects would have still been devasting.Have to wish Omicron won't paralyze our hospitals and part of Western EU business, when East part is nearly nothing for business but should follow under Omicron. So low risk, now children can be vaccinated at only 6 years old to try to stop like rabbits spreading, with more than 200000 daily new cases now in France, when more than 1000/100000 in our most famous ski resorts, best places to catch Omicron at above 2000 meters high, when many NL running away from their lockdown, many English speaking, even some Swiss when they have 30 more than 4000 around Saas Fe and also legendary Eigger, Munch and Jungfrau, when not much good snow when Summer ski with around 10 degrees in French Alps and many of the most interesting spots are closed, highest European ski resort, Val Thorens 2300 high, really falling for ski potential and quality. After Christmas and Sylvester, now exploding rates should not lower, when foreigners seem to have problem about mask. Many EU and Zurich hospitals were already full full under covid before Christmas. I doubt no more covid on new year, at least until Summer. Good point on 2021 was Sharks was on higher level for looks for my eyes, but also for level for some girls, some for 100/60, very different Sharks when Japan and China are closed, made a big difference for girls quality compare to before covid, for sure less good for Asian specialists, but Alina ex World Asian killer, was able to adapt to new business. Covid might have improved some FKK quality, at least for Sharks.

01-02-22, 09:20
A new trend stated in Saint Lucia (island in Caribbean) which upon landing at the airport all people are given a wristband which must be worn the entire stay and cannot be taken off. One color for vaccinated and one color for non vaccinated.

01-02-22, 12:47
A new trend stated in Saint Lucia (island in Caribbean) which upon landing at the airport all people are given a wristband which must be worn the entire stay and cannot be taken off. One color for vaccinated and one color for non vaccinated.God damn prejudice! It's unfair how they are forcing the vaccinated to openly reveal our vaccination status!

01-02-22, 17:47
A new trend stated in Saint Lucia (island in Caribbean) which upon landing at the airport all people are given a wristband which must be worn the entire stay and cannot be taken off. One color for vaccinated and one color for non vaccinated.This may soon become worldwide and not just for visitors.

01-02-22, 19:06
This may soon become worldwide and not just for visitors.I doubt this will happen; at least worldwide, it will not be. There is too much political resistance and too many pockets of holdout. Also, Omicron itself may signal one final massive bonfire, although it was neither controlled nor intended. The speed with which it is spreading is amazing and soon most people will have been vaccinated, boosted, or been infected. Although I saw some predictions from some "experts" that there may be another variant before this truly goes down? Also, we could have developed and developing countries taking divergent paths and of course the CCP thug infested China had its zero covid policy and too proud to use US medicines and their own vaccines are not worth any more than a placebo, so that is 1. 3 B people pretty naive to this. They deserve comeuppance for all the genocide they committed, and I am sure the resident CCP shit dumpling will come running to attack me, along with his mistress beech Pauline. These thugs did celebrate every death in the western world however.

I suspect in 2022 the economic and political side effects of Covid are likely to dominate over the actual health consequences, especially in 2 H. However, for now, things are dire. Weekly Deaths are approaching 8 to 10 K again, and that is bound to go up; new cases nearly tripled to quadrupled in a month and deaths are a lagging indicator. An astounding # considering nearly 2/3 of the country is vaccinated. I remember some "experts" saying in the early days of pandemic that herd immunity will be reached at these levels already. This pandemic has proved many health experts have as much forecasting ability as economists and astrologers and sports pundits.

01-02-22, 19:19
They opened the vaccination campaign for 12 years old little girls in Sweden. Daddy and mommy wanted her to be able to take the plane alone with her favorite Teddy bear.It's funny how I made the big troll cry like a little girl simply by revealing that he is a liar and his so called "logic" got more holes than a Swiss cheese.

I'm still a bit hung over since NYE, but it sure was a great ONS and an even greater morning waking up with a stunning Swedish 23 yo university student. No money exchanged, just bodily fluids.

I guess being good-looking, charming, smart and funny pays off.

I also just found out that she sympathizes with the political left. Is it just me or are the Leftist broads easier to get in bed?

01-02-22, 22:05
In plain sight, you're one of the ugly farangs who local girls laugh at because they can't pull girls at home.Nah, they want to marry my cock. True story.

01-02-22, 22:07
A new trend stated in Saint Lucia (island in Caribbean) which upon landing at the airport all people are given a wristband which must be worn the entire stay and cannot be taken off. One color for vaccinated and one color for non vaccinated.It really isn't about vaccinations. It is weather or not you have the entire nanostructure in your brain needed for mind control active or not.

01-02-22, 22:23
Carbon nanotubes are great. I have an Easton seat post made of these.Imagine all the hot chipped chicks you can pull. And all the nursenaries that can be made into human tables.

I am all for it, but you got to join me and use some reverse psychology on a couple of retards too. It works far better than what you are doing. The human brain is too simple in that regard. Always antagonized.

01-02-22, 22:43
These vax are a joke. My friend who is double vax and previous infected a few months ago. He was tested positive again a week ago. He felt very shitty. I come to his apartment and gave him some ivermectin, told him to take 24 MG the first day, and 12 MG everyday afterward with food.

He felt better the next morning after the 24 MG. But later on that night he felt shitty again. He asked me for more pills so he can take 24 MG. Next day, he was normal again. I guess for this new variant 24 MG for a 150 pound person work. The lower dose of 12 MG did not work in this case. Me, I'm still have not get covid yet. Even after I knowingly hang out with a positive person. Telling you, vitaminD and Ivermectin work. Vax does not work.

01-03-22, 07:01
Since it is 2022, I want to thank some experts on this thread (or are they specialists, Sirioja knows how to explain the difference) for doing so much to educate the plebes. The price for best prediction goes to the guy who predicted that there will be 30 million deaths from covid by the end of 2021. Honorary mention for the guy who predicted that FKKs will be closed in 2021.

01-03-22, 07:24
It's funny how I made the big troll cry like a little girl simply by revealing that he is a liar and his so called "logic" got more holes than a Swiss cheese.

I'm still a bit hung over since NYE, but it sure was a great ONS and an even greater morning waking up with a stunning Swedish 23 yo university student. No money exchanged, just bodily fluids.

I guess being good-looking, charming, smart and funny pays off.

I also just found out that she sympathizes with the political left. Is it just me or are the Leftist broads easier to get in bed?LOL, this post reeks of insecurity.

01-03-22, 08:33
To give it full context, and to the Chagrin of Sirioja, yes, Omicron clinical effects have been mild thus far. But that is against a backdrop of 60-80% vaccination rate. Flu on the other hand rarely breaks past 50% vaccination.

For those with Omicron who have not been vaccinated, it seems worse than flu, often requiring non-invasive but pressurized oxygen support but most often not intubation with a breathing tube. Luckily most people with terrible comorbidities have been vaccinated.

Context matters, not just "Omicron is as weak as the flu." If Omicron hit 13 months ago, it's effects would have still been devasting.South Africa numbers are encouraging, the numbers of cases going down for weeks, number of deaths increased only slightly during Omicron wave. For US and Western Europe I would say we will know for sure by mid January. I would guess that due to Christmas and New Year a lot of the reporting is delayed. I would hope as well that since people at risk have a high vaccination rate (even better with booster depending on country), plus general population a good portion is vaccinated, the proportional number of deaths will be lower.

01-03-22, 12:46
South Africa numbers are encouraging, the numbers of cases going down for weeks, number of deaths increased only slightly during Omicron wave. For US and Western Europe I would say we will know for sure by mid January. I would guess that due to Christmas and New Year a lot of the reporting is delayed. I would hope as well that since people at risk have a high vaccination rate (even better with booster depending on country), plus general population a good portion is vaccinated, the proportional number of deaths will be lower.Anecdotal stats on my personal end but repeated with colleagues across the United States:

50 covid positive patients out of 180 total patients in the Emergency department yesterday. 2 were intubated / ventilator, 3 on non-invasive positive pressure, the rest on low flow oxygen or just ambient / room air.

6 months ago, 50 covid patients would have meant 25 ventilators. Add South Africa and UK data and waiting till mid January would just be a formality.

01-03-22, 12:52
LOL, this post reeks of insecurity.GHB helps a lot.

01-03-22, 12:55
Telling you, vitaminD and Ivermectin work. Vax does not work.

100%. Trust no one.

01-03-22, 14:37
Imagine all the hot chipped chicks you can pull. And all the nursenaries that can be made into human tables.I imagine perfectly that the carbon looks very sleek and that the seatpost connects my saddle to my bike.

01-03-22, 16:31
LOL, this post reeks of insecurity.LMFAO, stop self-projecting.

You're a loser. You are a creepy, nerdy weirdo making all the women feel uncomfortable. I think they can smell your desperation and sense that you're a mentally unstable stalker on the edge of be coming a serial killer. Of women of course, you're too much of a pussy to dare attack a man regardless of if you're armed or not.

01-03-22, 16:43
Since it is 2022, I want to thank some experts on this thread (or are they specialists, Sirioja knows how to explain the difference) for doing so much to educate the plebes. The price for best prediction goes to the guy who predicted that there will be 30 million deaths from covid by the end of 2021. Honorary mention for the guy who predicted that FKKs will be closed in 2021.Do you really know how many deaths in China, Russia, among US illegals or without insurance, in Africa, South America, Asia? And from consequences, turning to other diseases, and for sure not finished. German brothels were almost closed on 2020. Fortunately for my pleasure, some opened on end of June on this Summer and on good level until end of November. I wish Germany will remain open and 6 sens in NL will reopen until at least midnight for a vampire like me who prefer sex at night, looking to make blood come.

01-03-22, 16:48
These vax are a joke. My friend who is double vax and previous infected a few months ago. He was tested positive again a week ago. He felt very shitty. I come to his apartment and gave him some ivermectin, told him to take 24 MG the first day, and 12 MG everyday afterward with food.

He felt better the next morning after the 24 MG. But later on that night he felt shitty again. He asked me for more pills so he can take 24 MG. Next day, he was normal again. I guess for this new variant 24 MG for a 150 pound person work. The lower dose of 12 MG did not work in this case. Me, I'm still have not get covid yet. Even after I knowingly hang out with a positive person. Telling you, vitaminD and Ivermectin work. Vax does not work.Wait, shouldn't you take the Ivermectin for a full ten day course?

01-04-22, 00:17
Since it is 2022, I want to thank some experts on this thread (or are they specialists, Sirioja knows how to explain the difference) for doing so much to educate the plebes. The price for best prediction goes to the guy who predicted that there will be 30 million deaths from covid by the end of 2021. Honorary mention for the guy who predicted that FKKs will be closed in 2021.In the same post as when I wrote 30 million deaths, I wrote that only about 15% would be counted. Now that we know that it is the carbon oxide poisoning from the nanotubes that is the main trigger, we have to add the covid and vaxx induced deaths into one pile as well. As the secondary trigger: the virus itself is a joke unless couple with the poisoning.

01-04-22, 00:23
Someone might want to look up that post again, but I'll take the win. I didn't say 15% exactly got counted, but some range of 15-20% Or maybe it was 10-20% being counted given undercounts by nations such as China.

01-04-22, 01:03
Telling you, vitaminD and Ivermectin work. Vax does not work.

100%. Trust no one.Yes. I agree, Trust No One. The scientific community are using manipulation tactic to discredit Ivermectin. Below is what I posted a while ago as example of manipulation. No one have give me a good explanation. I only get straw men / ad hominem argument. Such as, are you a MD, do you have any experience in running a clinical trial? Well, I'm none of that. I'm an analytical scientist. I can smell BS. Suppose Einstein was to say, if you jump off a building, you will fall up. You don't need to be a physicist to say BS.

It is well known that when testing anti-viral, the sooner you get it the better. Let take a look at how the clinical trial for Molnupiravir was design for success. Whereas, Ivermectin is designed to fail.

Molnupiravir. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04575597..

Inclusion Criteria:

Has documentation of laboratory confirmed severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection with sample collection equal or less than 5 days prior to the day of randomization.

Ivermectin. Duke ACTIV-6. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04885530..

Confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection by any authorized or approved polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or antigen test collected within 10 days of screening.

It may take a day or a few day to randomized. I don't think that Ivermectin is so magical that it can beat the manipulation against it. Are you still stupid enough to trust scientists? I'm ashamed to be part of the so call scientific institution.

01-04-22, 01:40
GHB helps a lot.Not being an ugly old loser helps a lot more.

01-04-22, 02:04
Yes. I agree, Trust No One. The scientific community are using manipulation tactic to discredit Ivermectin. Below is what I posted a while ago as example of manipulation. No one have give me a good explanation. I only get straw men / ad hominem argument. Such as, are you a MD, do you have any experience in running a clinical trial? Well, I'm none of that. I'm an analytical scientist. I can smell BS. Suppose Einstein was to say, if you jump off a building, you will fall up. You don't need to be a physicist to say BS.

It is well known that when testing anti-viral, the sooner you get it the better. Let take a look at how the clinical trial for Molnupiravir was design for success. Whereas, Ivermectin is designed to fail.

Molnupiravir. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04575597..

Inclusion Criteria:

Has documentation of laboratory confirmed severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection with sample collection equal or less than 5 days prior to the day of randomization.

Ivermectin. Duke ACTIV-6. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04885530..

Confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection by any authorized or approved polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or antigen test collected within 10 days of screening.

It may take a day or a few day to randomized. I don't think that Ivermectin is so magical that it can beat the manipulation against it. Are you still stupid enough to trust scientists? I'm ashamed to be part of the so call scientific institution.One of the best arguments on this topic. Thanks man!

Now let the brainwashed stupids start the ad hominem attacks on you.

01-04-22, 02:04
GHB helps a lot.Do you think Shoo and Pistons exchange their victims?

01-04-22, 02:24
Since it is 2022, I want to thank some experts on this thread (or are they specialists, Sirioja knows how to explain the difference) for doing so much to educate the plebes. The price for best prediction goes to the guy who predicted that there will be 30 million deaths from covid by the end of 2021. Honorary mention for the guy who predicted that FKKs will be closed in 2021.You do realize when someone has a non empirical standard for facts and just make up whatever number they want, numbers are a completely abstract concept right? Just keep reminding him that he's ugly in the face and annoys the shit out all humans around him. And poor, he's poor.

01-04-22, 07:59
Drinking the internet at https://gruenerpass.gv.at/en/geimpft/.

From 3 January 2022, a vaccination certificate for a single dose of the Janssen vaccine is no longer valid.

01-04-22, 10:56
Telling you, vitaminD and Ivermectin work. Vax does not work.

100%. Trust no one.Where do you get the Ivermectin because no doctors will prescribe it.

01-04-22, 11:11
You do realize when someone has a non empirical standard for facts and just make up whatever number they want, numbers are a completely abstract concept right? Just keep reminding him that he's ugly in the face and annoys the shit out all humans around him. And poor, he's poor.Another personal attack, it's so obvious that the nerdy creep is self-projecting.

01-04-22, 11:14
Do you really know how many deaths in China, Russia, among US illegals or without insurance, in Africa, South America, Asia? And from consequences, turning to other diseases, and for sure not finished. German brothels were almost closed on 2020. Fortunately for my pleasure, some opened on end of June on this Summer and on good level until end of November. I wish Germany will remain open and 6 sens in NL will reopen until at least midnight for a vampire like me who prefer sex at night, looking to make blood come.With 270 deaths on day and more than 200000 new Omicron cases on day, already some full hospitals and already moving some sick to other parts of France, and what will be after what I saw in Alp Huez where Fare down to Vaujany and Tunnel were closed, only start on top of Sarenne was more interesting with bumps than usual and also in Val Thorens where Peclet glacier, LE Col, Rosael are now closed, with many foreigners with no mask even when stuck to each others in lifts, but maybe France is like me, worse than others, when we are now asked to get new dose after only 3 months since last, when vaccine for children older than 6 , because of Omicron, when with higher rate than 1000/100000 in our Alps ski resorts, now everybody can spread back at home. I often laughed seeing claimed FKK experts look, thinking we couldn't experience same, but I don't laugh reading claimed internet experts here, but worry, when not even sure Omicron will be last one, when delta was strong killer even under heat. When vaccines seem quite few efficient and for short time.

01-04-22, 11:14
Do you think Shoo and Pistons exchange their victims?LMFAO, here you are self-projecting. As I've already written, unlike you I'm not some ugly, creepy weirdo. I look good and I know how to talk to women, something you so obviously lack.

01-04-22, 11:31
You do realize when someone has a non empirical standard for facts and just make up whatever number they want, numbers are a completely abstract concept right? Just keep reminding him that he's ugly in the face and annoys the shit out all humans around him. And poor, he's poor.I've been a face model. You on the other hand is a beta. You have a tiny Willy. No friends in north America, so you fly to Europe to be with someone. Which is weird as fuck. Sold your car to live in a floating tin can. Doesn't even own your own apartment or house. Got messed up mentally be an abusive European stepdad etc etc. Have zero analytical abilities. Can't communicate in a group with more than 2 people. Forget important details. And probably think like the Thai girls in BKK and Pattaya, whose language is the lowest on earth. The idea that the language we speak define our brain patterns is real.

Rocky V
01-04-22, 14:44
Yes. I agree, Trust No One. The scientific community are using manipulation tactic to discredit Ivermectin. Below is what I posted a while ago as example of manipulation. No one have give me a good explanation. I only get straw men / ad hominem argument. Such as, are you a MD, do you have any experience in running a clinical trial? Well, I'm none of that. I'm an analytical scientist. I can smell BS. Suppose Einstein was to say, if you jump off a building, you will fall up. You don't need to be a physicist to say BS.

It is well known that when testing anti-viral, the sooner you get it the better. Let take a look at how the clinical trial for Molnupiravir was design for success. Whereas, Ivermectin is designed to fail.

Molnupiravir. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04575597..

Inclusion Criteria:

Has documentation of laboratory confirmed severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection with sample collection equal or less than 5 days prior to the day of randomization.

Ivermectin. Duke ACTIV-6. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04885530..

Confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection by any authorized or approved polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or antigen test collected within 10 days of screening.

It may take a day or a few day to randomized. I don't think that Ivermectin is so magical that it can beat the manipulation against it. Are you still stupid enough to trust scientists? I'm ashamed to be part of the so call scientific institution.Hey Sherlock,

You can't compare two drugs in two different drug trials. You will need a head-to-head study for that. Patient recruitment, screening and randomization procedures don't seem to fall within your 'scientific' expertise. Ask around at the 'scientific institution' you work for and I'm sure you will find somebody willing to explain, unless you are another graduate from Facebook / YouTube University.

01-04-22, 15:02
I've been a face model. You on the other hand is a beta. You have a tiny Willy. No friends in north America, so you fly to Europe to be with someone. Which is weird as fuck. Sold your car to live in a floating tin can. Doesn't even own your own apartment or house. Got messed up mentally be an abusive European stepdad etc etc. Have zero analytical abilities. Can't communicate in a group with more than 2 people. Forget important details. And probably think like the Thai girls in BKK and Pattaya, whose language is the lowest on earth. The idea that the language we speak define our brain patterns is real.Stop obsessing over me because I was nice to you that one time.

And also, "ew. " As in, your face, "Ew, gross."

01-04-22, 15:02
LMFAO, here you are self-projecting. As I've already written, unlike you I'm not some ugly, creepy weirdo. I look good and I know how to talk to women, something you so obviously lack.Yep, you two are quite the pair.

01-04-22, 15:05
With 270 deaths on day and more than 200000 new Omicron cases on day, already some full hospitals and already moving some sick to other parts of France, and what will be after what I saw in Alp Huez where Fare down to Vaujany and Tunnel were closed, only start on top of Sarenne was more interesting with bumps than usual and also in Val Thorens where Peclet glacier, LE Col, Rosael are now closed, with many foreigners with no mask even when stuck to each others in lifts, but maybe France is like me, worse than others, when we are now asked to get new dose after only 3 months since last, when vaccine for children older than 6 , because of Omicron, when with higher rate than 1000/100000 in our Alps ski resorts, now everybody can spread back at home. I often laughed seeing claimed FKK experts look, thinking we couldn't experience same, but I don't laugh reading claimed internet experts here, but worry, when not even sure Omicron will be last one, when delta was strong killer even under heat. When vaccines seem quite few efficient and for short time.When the non effects are folding out to be much about nothing, here you are scavenging to put together something to save face, like a cockroach lying on its back and moving its legd as it dies.

01-04-22, 15:09
Yes. I agree, Trust No One. The scientific community are using manipulation tactic to discredit Ivermectin. Below is what I posted a while ago as example of manipulation. No one have give me a good explanation. I only get straw men / ad hominem argument. Such as, are you a MD, do you have any experience in running a clinical trial? Well, I'm none of that. I'm an analytical scientist. I can smell BS. Suppose Einstein was to say, if you jump off a building, you will fall up. You don't need to be a physicist to say BS.

It is well known that when testing anti-viral, the sooner you get it the better. Let take a look at how the clinical trial for Molnupiravir was design for success. Whereas, Ivermectin is designed to fail.

Molnupiravir. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04575597..

Inclusion Criteria:

Has documentation of laboratory confirmed severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection with sample collection equal or less than 5 days prior to the day of randomization.

Ivermectin. Duke ACTIV-6. https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04885530..

Confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection by any authorized or approved polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or antigen test collected within 10 days of screening.

It may take a day or a few day to randomized. I don't think that Ivermectin is so magical that it can beat the manipulation against it. Are you still stupid enough to trust scientists? I'm ashamed to be part of the so call scientific institution.Quite a stretch to defend your ego.

01-04-22, 15:22
LMFAO, here you are self-projecting. As I've already written, unlike you I'm not some ugly, creepy weirdo. I look good and I know how to talk to women, something you so obviously lack.He is still in his 30's, but last time I saw him he looked as if he was already in his 50's. And it wouldn't surprise me if we can soon say 60's now. No wonder why he is spending his savings on CRISPR stocks. Something he wasn't even aware of existed as a medical technological thing before I tried lecturing him about it. Of course he like usual he didn't want to listen. He rather googled it months later to find out I was right. As usual these things take a long time. Someone claiming to be a doctor with specialization in genetic who had to be told be me what CRISPR was all about. Probably 2 years or so after the news about it started popping. Jesus! It says it all regarding his lies, and how simple his brain is.

01-04-22, 15:30
Where do you get the Ivermectin because no doctors will prescribe it.Durvet Ivermectin Paste 1. 87% Removes worms and bots - 3 Pack https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LXKF2VW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_T9ZAAQ5Q59R7R3VBS1E9.

01-04-22, 17:54
With 270 deaths on day and more than 200000 new Omicron cases on day, already some full hospitals and already moving some sick to other parts of France, and what will be after what I saw in Alp Huez where Fare down to Vaujany and Tunnel were closed, only start on top of Sarenne was more interesting with bumps than usual and also in Val Thorens where Peclet glacier, LE Col, Rosael are now closed, with many foreigners with no mask even when stuck to each others in lifts, but maybe France is like me, worse than others, when we are now asked to get new dose after only 3 months since last, when vaccine for children older than 6 , because of Omicron, when with higher rate than 1000/100000 in our Alps ski resorts, now everybody can spread back at home. I often laughed seeing claimed FKK experts look, thinking we couldn't experience same, but I don't laugh reading claimed internet experts here, but worry, when not even sure Omicron will be last one, when delta was strong killer even under heat. When vaccines seem quite few efficient and for short time.This might get worse if a new variant comes out.

01-04-22, 19:13
Drinking the internet at https://gruenerpass.gv.at/en/geimpft/.

From 3 January 2022, a vaccination certificate for a single dose of the Janssen vaccine is no longer valid.Same in France, have to get also ARN new dose after JJ and for ARN vaccinated, need new dose before 7 months to keep our pass valid. Wish won't give sick with temperature again like on last time, even was only on next day but I don t like when I didn't ask anything. And real fact is vaccine didn't stop spreading when we are close to 90% vaccinated in France, but more than 200000 Omicron new cases daily and still much too many deaths, more than 200 daily, much more than on our roads.

01-04-22, 22:05
Nursenary also didn't know what CRISPR was before I told him about it. Then he got emotional and sore because he claimed to have taken an undergraduate course in genetics. Geez! He is never updated on what happens. This was over 2 years after the crispr stories broke the news. He is a nobody and a clueless wannabe. Just like PiZ and BigB. Zero knowledge!

After I told him about crispr he seems to have googled it, and now he has invested some money into it. Furthering updating his lackluster brain about simple terms he claims are hard to grasp, while at the same time using the little new info he googled as an excuse to claim he is a doctor in genetics.

He is not a Zorro. He is a Zero.

01-05-22, 02:02
Yep, you two are quite the pair.LMFAO, that was weak even for you. You suck!

01-05-22, 02:51
He is still in his 30's, but last time I saw him he looked as if he was already in his 50's. And it wouldn't surprise me if we can soon say 60's now. No wonder why he is spending his savings on CRISPR stocks. Something he wasn't even aware of existed as a medical technological thing before I tried lecturing him about it. Of course he like usual he didn't want to listen. He rather googled it months later to find out I was right. As usual these things take a long time. Someone claiming to be a doctor with specialization in genetic who had to be told be me what CRISPR was all about. Probably 2 years or so after the news about it started popping. Jesus! It says it all regarding his lies, and how simple his brain is.Women literally ranked you a 3/10 and me an 8. Hahahahahahahaha.

Ugly, poor, and insignificant. Can't blame you for making up alternative realities.

01-05-22, 05:04
Nursenary also didn't know what CRISPR was before I told him about it. Then he got emotional and sore because he claimed to have taken an undergraduate course in genetics. Geez! He is never updated on what happens. This was over 2 years after the crispr stories broke the news. He is a nobody and a clueless wannabe. Just like PiZ and BigB. Zero knowledge!

After I told him about crispr he seems to have googled it, and now he has invested some money into it. Furthering updating his lackluster brain about simple terms he claims are hard to grasp, while at the same time using the little new info he googled as an excuse to claim he is a doctor in genetics.

He is not a Zorro. He is a Zero.It's creepy how you hang on to my every word for eternity in your cherished memories yet I find you among the likes of random high school dorks in my mind.

01-05-22, 06:51
LMFAO, that was weak even for you. You suck!The feeling's mutual little lady.

01-05-22, 07:24
This might get worse if a new variant comes out.Number 1 US are already on top under Omicron with seem more than 1 million new cases and 1500 deaths daily, running for 1 million deaths from covid soon, out of illegals, without health insurance and consequences from covid of course. Worrying figures. Yes, medical telling: the most spreading, the highest risk to duplicate to new variant, when some caught covid several times when being vaccinated.

01-05-22, 13:33

01-05-22, 14:11
On behalf of minorities everywhere, sorry we pissed in your cereal.Haha, it must be burning up the CCP fucks that American firms are doing well. You don't speak for minorities, least of all American minorities. In your own fathershitland, any dark skinned person is thrown into prison, beat up on the street, and denied entry and service in all public establishments.

01-05-22, 14:33
https://www.yahoo.com/news/covid-variant-ihu-46-mutations-031400156.htmlNobody tell about other than SA Omicron right at the moment in France, not anymore much about Indian / UK delta. Marseille IHU is not the most reliable about covid after all Raoult bullshits, weird worrying medical. With 270000 new cases and 270 deaths per day, we have already enough at the moment, when after welcoming many foreigners and even UK in our ski resorts for Christmas and Sylvester, we may pay the bill soon. But for sure, really not sure Omicron will be last mutant. Even crazy Bolzonaro, but legendary Rio carnival is even cancelled because of Omicron, after Munich Christmas market and no fireworks on our Champs Elysees for Sylvester. More than 1 million new cases tested daily in US, so worrying spreading figures, when I doubt around 50 millions shadows there who are the most exposed under poverty, go to test. But for one here, 1500 deaths on a day seem not much, when I don t know if US had so many deaths under 2 WW, Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan than under covid when real figure should be quite close to 1 million and maybe more with illegals and without insurance. Not even counting from consequences. Despite pharma business, but covid seem to win war until next better days.

01-05-22, 16:43
The 7 day incidence in Frankfurt and Darmstadt have both breached the 350 per 100,000 people threshold, assuming it stays over 350 for the next 2 days (which is likely) according to Hesse rules unfortunately Sharks and Palace will have to close on Saturday.

01-05-22, 16:49
https://www.yahoo.com/news/covid-variant-ihu-46-mutations-031400156.htmlI read "somewhere" recently that the Cameroon / French variant pre-dates the pooh bear Omicron variant; hence, it's a big fat nothingburger. Let's hope.