View Full Version : Rants and stupid shit in Dominican Republic

12-03-20, 06:45
Here is something some of you need to remember: Not all of us are focused on prostitutes. Even those who just visit tell me that they are not.

I just had a brother tell me via PM that he travels here frequently but does not post much because he is involved in a real relationship. I congratulated him. Now, I do not know what he defines as a real relationship. Because any girl who sucks my dick and swallows my cum qualifies for a real relationship in my book. But quite honestly it does not matter what I think. If he likes it. I love it!

This forum is very active too. Not so much of it is on topic but if it makes guys happy that's the most important I guess.Those who think the conversations that do not focus simply on the prices and the locations of casas are off topic need to just stay out of the Dominican Republic Forum. Focus on Colombia where they they are posting the kind of information that they like. And if you think my posts are focused on me. Well, quite honestly they are. I live here. And it is my dick. Why would I be talking about the activities of somebody else's dick? Anyone who does not like my posts, well they can put me on ignore. We are in the basement and we talk about whatever the moderator allows me to talk about down here. Down here in the basement off topic is in the mind of the reader. Eyes up if you can not handle it!

Finally, what I respect is a that a native Spanish speaker broke it off in the asses of all the local Spanish professors posting up in the Santo Domingo section. There is formal and informal Spanish. Now, I do not know why they did not know this. As there is both formal and informal use of the language of my country of origin. You all threw up some weak mess and got it rejected. We go hard in the paint!

I also understand what you mean, in the context of your expression it is easy to understand for us spanish speaking persons. In fact when I talk to friends or relatives I always say " estoy en la calle haciendo cosas" which is a lot more informal than tareas. Dilegencias or gestiones are the formal words.That's right BoricuaOnline and thank you for having my back. I am not making presentations to government or running a boardroom meeting. Maybe everyone else who commented are? I am informal by nature. And when I am in a business meeting if they think the gringo is ignorant that is ok because they know my money is smart and they better come correct if they want a pocket to pocket transfer.

This is Subcmdr. And that is the way I see it!

12-03-20, 06:50

Heard it? Well I have! I've been at three birthday parties for girls (of legal age mind you) where the girls were controlling the music linked to a wireless speaker and they played it at each and every party. It is like a anthem for them. Good news about attitudes of the young girls of the Dominican Republic for the Stick and Move guys. At least in the circles that I run. Not so much for the ones trying to wife them up.

"I don't cook, I don't clean" - Cardi b.

That's what you are getting in the girls of the Dominican Republic today. Not good relationship material (in my opinion of course). Add the to the fact that the majority of them are ni-ni (no job, no education) and all you are going to get if you wife one up is WAP. You heard it here on ISG first! From your man in the arena, boots on the ground reporting.

This is Subcmdr. And that is the way I see it!

03-23-21, 19:48
Where have you been in the last 30 years. That's a Baller dream. To be overseas, in your own private villa, with your partners, Food and drinks, Surrounded by young sexy Spanish pussy down with the program. I salute those guys because they often pay Baller prices for the accommodations. There's usually one or two people that actually knows what's happening. So if it's your first time, don't feel comfortable enough, or you don't want the responsibility of being in total charge; you could just go with the flow and have a good time.

Many of us more frequent travelers are more particular about our movements and don't want the group hindrance. If you were in charge you never really get to enjoy your vacation to the fullest spending vacation time helping everyone else get and stay straight. I've graduated from doing big groups. I even separated my sons and took them a month apart.

Quite often groups of my homies come to the Su and we end up being there at the same time. It's all good I'll treat it like a family reunion. It's all love. We are here for the same event but I'm not staying in the motel room with them, I wont fly in with them, I got my own car, and I tell them I don't know when I'm going back to the states so dont ask.Over years of taking his advice and counsel I have come to understand why he called me "Santa Claus" (it's all good) and schooled me on the overpayment for moto service (still pissed that guy got me).

To growth! The pipe is lit! Puff, puff, pass my Brother!

03-30-21, 00:04
For my first 7 years of visiting here I fucked scores of hookers, and enjoyed every minute it. But as I said, once you get organized here, there's no need to go to clubs, casas or massage parlors, negotiate with street hoes. Or pay for manicures, pedicures, laundry and good old home cooking! I would imagine you have figured it all out by now, since you claim, speaking of quotes, "I have yet to meet a girl smarter than I am or quite honestly a man either."Yep, I figured out. And it has nothing do with how I get my pussy. Life style decisions brother. And I have not had to wait until I am 60+ to live out my international playboy dreams as others are doing right now.

Today one of my regulars was on a trip. So she sent her niece by to fix me lunch because she was going to be back this later in the afternoon.

Do I get home cooking? Yep, since I have lived on the island. Does my laundry get done? Yes, when I don't do it myself. How hard is it to put clothes into the washing machine laundry detergent and turn the damn thing on? I bought a solar dryer right from the start (clothes line). Yes, I pay for my manicures and pedicures. Years of living here and the price has not gone up. I am way past the point of fucking around over 500 pesos especially when I an receiving excellent service. I tip too.

03-30-21, 10:27
Yep, I figured out. And it has nothing do with how I get my pussy. Life style decisions brother. And I have not had to wait until I am 60+ to live out my international playboy dreams as others are doing right now.

Today one of my regulars was on a trip. So she sent her niece by to fix me lunch because she was going to be back this later in the afternoon.

Do I get home cooking? Yep, since I have lived on the island. Does my laundry get done? Yes, when I don't do it myself. How hard is it to put clothes into the washing machine laundry detergent and turn the damn thing on? I bought a solar dryer right from the start (clothes line). Yes, I pay for my manicures and pedicures. Years of living here and the price has not gone up. I am way past the point of fucking around over 500 pesos especially when I an receiving excellent service. I tip too.I have one in for my occasional trip back to Canada to do a little business, visit family, and pay my respects to the government mafia there, with their endless piles of renewal forms, licenses, permits, and the other stuff they can milk me for. Even though I keep an apartment there (for now) in the very center of town where all the subways meet. Couldn't be without a car there.

But here, I can live car free, walk to everything I need in 10 minutes, and it only takes one ride through, say PP or SD and the endless stinking traffic gridlock and road rage, to quell my occasional desire to have a car parked outside my place, LOL.

And unlike some, I didn't need years of schooling from a monger to learn not to obsess over a 50 peso motoconcho overcharge, as your post below states.

"Over years of taking his advice and counsel I have come to understand why he called me "Santa Claus" (it's all good) and schooled me on the overpayment for moto service (still pissed that guy got me)"

I'd let it go brother. Don't sweat the small stuff.

03-30-21, 16:46
And unlike some, I didn't need years of schooling from a monger to learn not to obsess over a 50 peso motoconcho overcharge, as your post below states.
"Over years of taking his advice and counsel I have come to understand why he called me "Santa Claus" (it's all good) and schooled me on the overpayment for moto service (still pissed that guy got me)"I'd let it go brother. Don't sweat the small stuff.Oakie,

I am surprised that living the life of your dreams has no allowed you to have a sense of humor after all these years. Are you seriously harping on something else that I said and taking it completely out of context?

I don't see it is having a problem with the small stuff. The problem is that some do not seem to understand that you shouldn't let yourself be overcharged. There is not another situation where you would accept paying double for a service. And that is exactly what paying 100 pesos for a service that should cost 50 peso. A one hundred percent markup. It was my lack of knowledge that created that situation and Grownman was kind enough to instruct me. That is what men in the arena do for each other. And the way you stepped to me on this issue is similar to the way critics do things. Need I remind you that by definition they do not matter?

I have one in for my occasional trip back to Canada to do a little business, visit family, and pay my respects to the government mafia there, with their endless piles of renewal forms, licenses, permits, and the other stuff they can milk me for. Even though I keep an apartment there (for now) in the very center of town where all the subways meet. Couldn't be without a car there. But here, I can live car free, walk to everything I need in 10 minutes, and it only takes one ride through, say PP or SD and the endless stinking traffic gridlock and road rage, to quell my occasional desire to have a car parked outside my place, LOL.I do not live in a puta pueblo where I can walk everywhere. Nor would I choose too. If I did, I might not have a car either. But I doubt that. I spent three days in Sosua. It was enough for me. But hey my man, you do you! If you like it I love it! Where I live (in the Dominican Republic and my country of origin), I need a car. Value to me for my freedom of movement throughout the Dominican Republic? Priceless!

I've moved past the usual expat fuckery most are involved in. I have gotten back on my purpose. And have entered another interesting new phase of my life. I'm not holding onto anything. But you can continue to hit the tennis ball back and forth with me if you choose too. It's entertainment for me.

Your serve!

03-30-21, 18:45
I've noticed a several similar posts by different individuals that seem to be taking issue with fucking prostitutes, paying for sex, or the classification of the girl getting paid for sex. I am trying to figure out where these attitudes of superiority are coming from. The forum is about sharing information on having sex with girls. Not a forum to discuss what is the best way to have sex with girls. Now, I am not going to name names to protect the guilty. But I can only draw the conclusion that individuals that are willing to write they they do not have to pay prostitutes, yet they pay for sex in other ways think they are better than everyone else. But are they really? Only in their own minds!

Does it really matter who you pay if you pay?

03-31-21, 10:43

I am surprised that living the life of your dreams has no allowed you to have a sense of humor after all these years. Are you seriously harping on something else that I said and taking it completely out of context?Not at all! LOL.

I find your posts to be both humorous and entertaining.

Keep them coming!

04-01-21, 18:50
You all over the place Oakie. But that is what happens when we are just rallying with issues that are not king. Those are trip reports according to you. Did I get that straight? So tell me what's up with this?

I post about my latest weekend novia and her GF's and they are all hookers, one way or the other. Newbies, semi pro's (they have real jobs too) They don't pay me, LOL!Then you write:

And, no, I didn't come to DR to buy cheap pussy. I haven't picked up a hooker here in 6 years.They are all hookers but you have not picked up a hooker here in 6 years. Ok. LOL!

I don't see any useful mongering information there, LOL.Why would you be reading my posts for useful mongering information? You do not monger. But my posts have plenty of information others find useful.

I hope Jaguar still girl-friendly. A shoutout to Mr. E, oldkool, subcmdr, gogo, triple darkness, oakie for sharing advice on the board.And Mr. Tochka is a new poster. And came out of the gate like he was shot out of a cannon and is on the rail. I write for people who do not think they know everything.

But I'm glad to see you posted your criticism of my "prolific" posts in the correct forum, instead of conducting a one way conversation with yourself in your own very special forum, LOL!

So what changed, Subby? Maybe I don't frequent your own special forum? LOL.Ah, but here you are Oakie now aren't you.

Not at all! LOL.

I find your posts to be both humorous and entertaining.

Keep them coming!Glad you enjoy my work. And you know I will. How many years have we both been posting up in here. You got any plans to quit? LOL!

Your serve!

04-02-21, 12:50
You all over the place Oakie. But that is what happens when we are just rallying with issues that are not king. Those are trip reports according to you. Did I get that straight? So tell me what's up with this?

Then you write:

They are all hookers but you have not picked up a hooker here in 6 years. Ok. LOL!

Why would you be reading my posts for useful mongering information? You do not monger. But my posts have plenty of information others find useful.

And Mr. Tochka is a new poster. And came out of the gate like he was shot out of a cannon and is on the rail. I write for people who do not think they know everything.

Ah, but here you are Oakie now aren't you.

Glad you enjoy my work. And you know I will. How many years have we both been posting up in here. You got any plans to quit? LOL!

Your serve!LOL.

At least you quoted me correctly!

As for your questions above, you somehow (LOL) missed my Monday post in the Sosua Forum, which lays out my whole method of how I roll here in DR.

In case you did actually miss it, here it is again!

"We have a close group of chicas in our social circle. Almost all have some kind of job, bartending, serving, selling clothes, nail salon, or otherwise making ends meet. They almost all moonlight by selling sex to ex pats regulars and generous tourists, so they don't look to me for any regular income. My contribution is picking up tabs for birthday parties, bars / restaurants, and the odd visit to the supermarket.

I'm on a limited, but manageable income, so I monitor my expenses on a daily basis, and once I hit my budget I cool off for a while.

In return I'm surrounded by beautiful chicas, who I can party with almost at will. If I do indulge, I hand over a propina, that doesn't demean her worth. But still "Dominican pricing" LOL."

Speaking of being "all over the place" do you remember responding to that post with.

"Excellent life report below Oakie! I, and although I cannot speak for them, other readers appreciate the insights into your pussy operations".

But, I suppose its one way to get a little action in your personal vanity user forum".

As for "serving", I'm playing on Center Court in the most popular Forum here, and I'll be happy to answer any legit questions you have right there!

Don't be shy, ya hear?

05-10-21, 03:15
Oakie, I have never misquoted you. Check my post that you are referring to. It is not a quote. LOL!


At least you quoted me correctly!

As for your questions above, you somehow (LOL) missed my Monday post in the Sosua Forum, which lays out my whole method of how I roll here in DR.

In case you did actually miss it, here it is again!

"We have a close group of chicas in our social circle. Almost all have some kind of job, bartending, serving, selling clothes, nail salon, or otherwise making ends meet. They almost all moonlight by selling sex to ex pats regulars and generous tourists, so they don't look to me for any regular income. My contribution is picking up tabs for birthday parties, bars / restaurants, and the odd visit to the supermarket.

I'm on a limited, but manageable income, so I monitor my expenses on a daily basis, and once I hit my budget I cool off for a while.

In return I'm surrounded by beautiful chicas, who I can party with almost at will. If I do indulge, I hand over a propina, that doesn't demean her worth. But still "Dominican pricing" LOL. "..

05-10-21, 03:17
I have no idea if those responding to me are quoting me correctly or not. After all they fail to use the correct function in the forum for posting up quotes.

But anyone who wonders if I have figured it out or not only needs to read any of my posts put up since 2015/2016 in the UTR's Non-Prose (NP), and Sugar Babies (SB) and many other sections in in the Dominican Republic Forum.

I run with the big dogs (Santo Domingo / Santo Domingo este). So, I do not spend a lot of time posting in Sosua forum much. In fact, I don't spend much time posting at all anymore. Some have missed the part about how I have moved past the normal expat fuckery most are involved in down here. That is why although others may want their ring kissed (self appointed royalty) there are plenty that recognize that don't have any questions.

The only action I care about is the action on my dick and in my bank account. Everyone is better when they stick with what they know. And anyone in the know that I know, know that I know Santo Domingo / Santo Domingo este, where the real action of Republica Dominicana occurs. And I am not really concerned with what others (especially self appointed royalty) thinks of me or my posts. That is why the critics are so aggressive and passive aggressive about my posts. They just hate to be ignored as they do not matter to men in the arena. You see men in the arena are not involved in popularity contests.

But it all just makes me laugh as others hate as I get paid by the word to post up in here. And I am and been making serous bank at my posting rate. Absolutely no self promotion is needed except for my dick with the chicas. When you run a team (like IO do) you always have to recruit for your positions to make your team stronger.

Since not all have the luxury of living here, I report for those who might just want straight pay for play also. And if you were new with your boots on the ground for the first time in Santo Domingo / Santo Domingo este you can get your dick sucked for 500 pesos and as many positions as you like plus your cum swallowed for 1500.

Anyone who knows prices here in the Dominican Republic.

Mani / ped: 600 DOP. Birthday party: 2000 DOP. Trip to the super mercado: 1500 DOP.

Others have thought my comments on prices were thoughtful and very detailed. Gentleman, you are free to make your own decision about what is "Dominican pricing" or not. Last story I heard from someone who is in Sosua right now is they got a three girl freak party for 60 USD. I was not there. But my source is solid.

Anyone who has boots on the ground can contact me and I will will respond. I will do better than that. As I do not hide behind my screen in fear as others do. I come out and meet anyone who asks that has boots on the ground and wants to hang out. It has only been a mistake one time with one individual and even then I learned from it. I help out where I can because that is what others have done for me in the past. And it is my privilege and honor to be able to pay it forward at this time.

05-27-21, 17:25
Got to love how proponents of The Sue like it so much they need to post about it in the Santo Domingo forum. That has me laughing my ass off! And no one should be surprised about the negativity displayed in many part of the Dominican Republic Forum. That is as they say par for the course over the years I have been posting up in here. As for me I understand personal preferences. If you like it, I love it!

So here is my 2 pesos worth: I've been to The Sue. I had a great time. Years ago. And I have never been back. Why? Because there are too many other great beaches and places to monger all over Republica Dominicana. As far as I am concerned the hottest chicas are right here in Santo Domingo / Santo Domingo este.

My understanding is many girls goto to Sosua from other places on the island to slang pussy. That means the most of the talent that anyone in Sosua is working with is not home grown.

Right down the road from me is Boca Chica. Sosua light as far as I am concerned. So for me why spend the extra fuel to head up north. So the advice is if you do not like it don't go. OK! And I have not been missed. OK! But I liked it and I still have not returned. OK! See reason given above. OK! How does that fit into your reasoning? OK?

I am not hear to debate. I am here to share information. I have not had a girl that I have fucked in the Dominican Republic more than three times over the years here not ask me for money. Even when they had husbands, boyfriends, businesses, or jobs. How do you define pay to play if the girl asks for money afterwards? If you get right down to we are all mongers and girls are all prostitutes according to the definition by some. Pay for a lifetime and it is called marriage. Pay for an hour and it is called Prostitution. What is the real difference gentlemen? 5500 DOP to fuck all day. 500 DOP to get you dick sucked. Is it? Prostitution? Pay for play? Semi-pro? Girl friend? Good time girl? Suger Baby? UTR? Hooker? Puta? Definitions don't matter to my dick. And pesos only matter to my bank account.

My suggestion if you do not like Sosua try other places on the island. Why do I have to keep reminding you gentlemen that Prostitution is legal in the Dominican Republic. That includes the entire island. LOL!

So, why do those who love Colombia so much even come back to the Dominican Republic? Thank you Grownman for your personal insights on the subject.

I'm posting this here because most mongers and expats do the DR / Colombia circut. When asked about the DR vs. Colombia any DR expat will tell you Colombia wins hands down. Then when asked why are they in the DR they don't have a good answer.
The Expats have it right you should live in the DR and vacation in Colombia.
Hope this Helps.
Trip.Thank you Mr. Trip. A excellent post. It most certainly does. I'll put Colombia on my travel list.

01-01-22, 03:00
Starting Fight and rants thread.

05-14-22, 21:11
Well I see over in the Sosua Forum that KOS has abdicated his throne and left the country. A new King of Sosua has been declared: Cash. Long live the new King!

In a resource deprived country did anyone really have to say that "Cash is King". Really? And do they think it applies only in Sosua?

I guess for those who do not travel the country it could be a bit confusing. As some providers of social / sexual services take credit cards and bank transfers as payment in Santo Domingo / Santo Domingo este. But in most all other places in the country, cash is indeed King.

This is Subcmdr. And I am a man in the arena.

05-21-22, 11:51
I wrote:

Things have changed dramatically since I first traveled to Santo Domingo over 10 year ago and fucked two to three chicas a day without knowing a bit of Spanish. It is a lot easier now. With online dating apps and google translate, even without a command of Spanish you can have the Big Booty Delivery service in full effect using just your finger on the touch screen. With inDriver and Uber to transport you can simply have your pussy delivered to you hotel room or you can find a place near you hotel for the screening interviews before you take them to your hotel room.Then this was written:

* if you are not going to fuck 2 or 3 girls a day for like a week, then go to Santo Domingo.

Just my 2 cents.Then a man in the arena wrote this:

Different experiences for different people definitely. I have been going to Santo Domingo since 2010 and NEVER had one issue that affected my safety. I had three pick-pocketing attempts in Sosua. And twice, the police tried to shake me down. I NEVER have any issues in Santo Domingo, no matter the part of the city.

Also, I cannot keep the girls out of my apartment there. Fucking 2 or 3 girls a day is easy as sin in Santo Domingo. Too damn easy. Easiest city in Latin America (for me at least) to get whatever the heck I want (BBBJ, BBFS, CIM, CIP you name it). The capitaleas are not to be slept on. They have been fucking like it is going out of style.Mr. El Moreno is putting some serious knowledge in your eye holes! After I wrote "I first travel to Santo Domingo over 10 years ago and fucked two to three chicas a day without knowing a bit of Spanish". Mr. El Moreno follows up with his post. That is called a corroborating statement. Let me break that down for you gentlemen.

Corroborate: to support with evidence or authority: make more certain.

"And yo' chica up for grabs like a sweepstake; I'ma eat her ass like a cheesecake (hmmm); Now we back to my place; Bust on her face, wit' my nut like a toothpaste" - Hmmm, Hot Headzz.

05-26-22, 05:40
Thanks for your excellent advice. I've been reading your posts and I'm incredulous that these haters would bust on you. You are literally casting pearls before swine.

Thank you for the kind words. You need to understand the dynamics of the Dominican Republic Forum. Most posters have either lived here a long time as I have or are frequent visitors and have been visiting here for a long time. I started off on this board seven years ago new to the Dominican Republic but not new to travel or knowing how to pick girls up in my country of origin and throughout the world. Didn't need to lead with money.

So, I was not going to kiss anyone's ass on the board. I did not make friends or influence many people. Now, I have put my time in. And by time in I mean boots on the ground living in (not just visiting) this country. I have the Dominican Republic on lock (the part I am most interested in anyway). And the old guard living in the Glory Days well they just can't stand it. They don't like my writing style nor the fact that I have no interest in giving respect to them that they have not earned with me. They especially don't like that I spend time educating new guys. Like a true man in the arena. I do it because I was once a new guy and identity with them. And my experience on this board as a new guy was very unpleasant (and that is putting mildly). Enough of that. Onto the good stuff.

Have a great vacation, but where does one go when you already live in a tropical paradise, Reykjavik?

LOL! The beauty of the Dominican Republic is that everything is here. The mountains of Jarabacoa and Constanza. The campo areas of Moca, Monte Plata and La Vega. The cities of Santo Domingo / Santo Domingo este and Santiago and of course the beach towns all over the country. Add in some of the unique areas like Miches and Barahona and for me you have a combination that cannot be beat.

I have set my base up in the Dominican Republic so that when I get older and don't have the energy to travel I can just drive (may have to replace the Gran Jefe Mobile someday) or take a bus to where I wish to go. I will be able to avoid the whole jet set life.

I've got a Nexus 6 burner phone and will take you advice and get a hefty internet bundle.

Burner phone and hefty internet bundle will serve you well my friend. They will ask you for your passport when you purchase your SIM card. There are locations right after you exit from Immigration / Customs and head down the ramp when you arrive at SDQ.

I set up a profile on DominicanCupid but discovered that it is billed to my credit card as DominicanCupid

Yes, DominicanCupid bills as DominicanCupid so that isn't good for privacy purposes. I used to have a bank account, credit card, and debit card set up to go to a PO Box for travel purposes. I was in that situation before.

I found the low rent Sokka escort site and the slightly more upscale SimpleEscorts for providers in Puerto Plata. Any others I should check out? I'll create a new Tinder account off of my DR number..[/QUOTE]Cabanas are useful for social / sexual providers, randoms that you just met and just those you don't want pull into your inner lair. They are 500 - 1000 for 2 - 4 hours. They will be more useful in Santo Domingo and Puerto Plata than Sosua.

Cabanas are my favorite because they are set up for sex. In Sosua, I know people that visit and routinely have two rooms. The one they sleep in and the one they play in. They are in different hotels. It is just a matter of your personal style. And when I get my money right, I will do the same thing. LOL!

Always introduce yourself to the security person at your hotel that is working the shift you plan to have girls. After the introduction and small talk ask him how to handle a girl that gives you a problem. If the place you are staying takes and holds their cedula (Dominican ID card) and most will. The girl cannot leave without it and is less likely to cause a problem. You two can go to the desk and try to resolve the problem. Remember always de-escalate. Do not let a dispute over 500 pesos spiral into a problem that ruins your vacation.

TripAdvisor says Dominicans prefer US currency is that true? I was thinking of brining some 5s and 10s then offering a girl $30 for a short time. I'd never leave my apartment with more than $40 or $50.

Of course Dominicans prefer US Currency. At least for now USD is still hard currency. Pesos are monopoly money. In my opinion, using US Currency marks you as someone who his new. As you can't get any change from your USD.

Handle your monetary affairs as you wish. But always think in pesos. Know the cost of goods and services in pesos and pay accordingly. The sharpest Dominicans know the current exchange rate. The shadiest try to rip you off price wise using the exchange rate (lower than market).

Are there usually ATMs at the airport or should I exchange cash at a money changer kiosk?

There are ATMs at the Airport as when you exit the international Terminal of SDQ there will be a Popular with a ATM I think on your left as you exit. I am not sure. I have not flown out and returned in almost three years. I have never flown into POP.

Well, you have been a man among men and great at answering my dumb questions.

It's not a problem. Only the critics among us spend time running down the new guy. The questions you asked were not dumb. All the questions you asked are because you are building your level of experience in the Dominican Republic. Keep asking your questions and post about your experiences. Guys forget that they were new, and that someone at one time helped them. That is not who I am! I know who I am. And I remember where I started.

Have a great vacation. I'm arriving soon so if your back by then, I'll upgrade my drink offer to dinner.

Thank you! I will.

I hope you enjoy your trip. And that you like it so much you wish to come back! Hit me when you are "boots on the ground". I'm hungry and good steak sounds great. Now where is that steak guy with all of his recommendations when you need him? LOL!

Save travels!

Thank you for the opportunity to use your questions and my answers in a unique real time post. Hopefully others who have the same questions in the future will happen upon it.

I focus on usable intelligence instead of OG harem stories and the Glory Days. In order to share knowledge about having sex with girls. Which is the purpose of this forum. I don't hide behind my computer screen running down new people ready to experience the Dominican Republic. Because I've been where you have been before and I am not interested in being a part of the group that is quick to criticize and slow to help.

05-28-22, 00:03
Also Be careful with the places you go to with your passport. The airport is a safe place to get a Sim as soon as you arrive.

I remember one time I was buying a Sim and I didn't have my passport. The Dominican said no problem, reached under his desk, and pulled out copies of other peoples passport. He used their information to get my SIM card.

06-06-22, 00:59
Still can't respond to Grownman, due to moderation.Now this has me rolling on the floor laughing!

Can't even remember what we argued about, LOL.So much for being a lover not a fighter. LOL!

I have been under moderation for so long I can't remember the situation being otherwise. All had to do with quoting a book that the Administrator did not like.

I have two members on my non reply list. One, I cannot see if I log in. The other I can see and even quote if I log in but I am under permanent threat of being banned if I ever quote him again. Not really an issue for me because he does not post here anymore and I don't have any need to response to the inaccurate information he put out here in the forum on a consistent basis.

Curious none the less how I was accused to doing something that I never did.

"You were recently assessed an infraction for Violating Personal Restrictions. Specifically, you quoted a post by a member that I had placed on your Ignore List. For you to read this other post, you had to first log out, read the post, copy it, log back in, and then post your response. The only possible interpretation is that the you were deliberately intent on antagonizing the other member and / or otherwise looking for trouble. Such deliberately antagonistic behavior will not be tolerated, and a 2nd violation will result in you're being banned from the forum. Admin".

I see the quote above every time I log in to post.

Another curious thing, I am the last poster in the Sosua Reports forum. But my post does not show up on the general list. I guess my posts are not welcome in the Sosua Reports forum anymore despite the high quality information I have been posting there lately.

Curious again.

07-18-22, 12:37
I am not criticizing people about how they pay chicks; Yes you are and you have. You want me to quote you some of your past comments that you have made to me?

I am just pointing out some of the nonsense reasoning behind it.You are giving you opinion from a half a world away that are not more valid and anyone elses.

Put your life savings next to a tree in their backyard for them to pinch off of when they want for all I care. But don't say you give them money because they have less than you when if they did not fuck you you would not have given them money at all no matter how poor they were.There you go again. Telling another adult male posting up in here how they should be doing things and speaking. You know that is just your opinion. And everyone is entitled to their own opinion but not their own facts.

08-25-22, 20:58
Everyone seems to understand my posts except for you.

Since you have continued to play your word games without adding anything to the discussion about girls replying to you in this thread is the right thing. Any additional information about Santo Domingo este I will teach you. All you have to do is sent me a PM and let me know your schedule. I will show you around and teach you about it.

So what was the relevance of you saying that all of Santo Domingo East was not a barrio if it is not a barrio at all? Maybe you should review your own post since that was the first thing you wrote.

That is like me saying all of the USA is not a state and then going off to talk about planting trees. It seemed your main idea would be that first sentence, but instead you went off to talk about exercising, sea views, and security with no explanation of why all of Santo Domingo East is not a barrio.

08-28-22, 17:49
When you are going to post something useful to the board?

Somebody must be paying you a dollar for each time you mention living in the Dominican Republic. If we don't get it by now, I do not think we ever will. Say it loud for the people in the back row: SUB LIVES IN DR FOLKS! Wooo hooo & Felicitaciones to him!My reply is in this section because this part of your post belongs in it. As it has nothing to do with the overall purpose of ISG which is exchanging information on having sex with girls.

If someone was paying me a dollar for each time I mentioned living in the Dominican Republic (and they are not). But if they were, I would give each dollar to charity. Because I hate to break it to you, but I got plenty of those. Stacked, organized and ready to spend.

But your real point (expressed in a very female like passive aggressive maner) is that you think I repeat myself. And that I do. Like many others posting on this board. But I have no idea why and your twin have this laser like focus on my posts. How many times are you going to say you don't like Sosua? How many times is Old Kool going to tell us he does not like casas? How many times is Dcups going to tell us he likes big boobs and how many times is Subcmdr going to say he is a man in the arena?

Fortunately for everyone on ISG there is the ignore list. All anyone has to do is add me to their list and like magic my posts are gone. Never to bother you again.

08-29-22, 01:55
Your statement comparing me to a common monger traveling here tells me that you don't know much about me nor have you even had a long enough personal conversation with me to know. Neither has Mr. E. I don't put my business in the street. But those who do know me well who post on this board realize I am not some sexpat hold up on fantasy island looking to pay for my next nut. I am glad Mr. E has taught you many things. Mr T has taught me a lot. Grownman has taught me a lot. Coolie has taught me a lot. Trip the has taught me a lot. Hell even the King of Sosua has taught me a lot. And I know I am missing some people and I apologize.

Mr. E has not taught me shit

I do not know everything about the Dominican Republic. Actually:

"The only thing I know is that I know nothing, and i am no quite sure that i know that." - Socrates.

I am sorry that your perception of me is that I think others know nothing about the Dominican Republic. But when you, Mr. E and the many others are going to piss on my head in the Dominican Republic threads and tell me it is raining like, I don't know what time is, I put those responses right where they need to be. Here!.

I got you beat by a 10+ country count (working not mongering). Now if you have some intelligence about having sex with girls in the Dominican Republic then I am ready to learn from you and anyone with with useable intelligent. And I also like reading sex stories. That why I write them. And until your airline professional tells me has flow on an aircraft with the call sign "Air Force 1" that is when I will start to respect his professional experiences as they compare to mine. But the reality is that my professional experiences nor anyone else's factor into sharing knowledge of having sex with girls in the Dominican Republic. No one is going to tell me that because I own ten different tennis raquettes that means I can play tennis like a pro. The proof is in the performance.

I do not know why you feel the need to pick a fight with me or that Mr. E cannot defend himself. He has quite the way with words and has no problem taking shots at me every other post he puts up. As for your opinion of my posts, you can place me on ignore. And Mr. E has the exact same option. And it won't bother me one bit my man. As I get enough requests for help on the back channel and have enough individuals actually providing with with usable intelligence to sleep well knowing you and Mr. E are not reading and replying to my posts with the diatribe I have read in this one of yours and many of Mr. E's. Remember DCups, I got no beef with you. I got no beef with Mr. E. But you look at the last ten posts responding to some of mine and tell me the intent of Mr. E's posts. To inform or educate me?

Now you have shared your opinion. And I have shared mine. Thank you for sharing. I like reading diverse views. That is how I learn. And now I shall return to my regularly scheduled enjoyment of life. Trying to figure out who I am going to invite over after I hit the upload report button. I like my old Sosua and I like my new Sosua. I cannot miss what I have not experienced. But I understand those who pine away for the glory days. But could they do it together in their favorite new bar in their favorite new country and not pollute the threads with their personal insults of me. That shit makes it very hard for new people to find the information they need to be successful in the new Sosua and other places in the Dominican Republic.

I live in the Dominican Republic and I am a "man in the arena"

Sub, it's fine that you live in the DR and you know some things there. You don't have to keep reminding people and pretend to know all things DR. The "man in the arena" you quote so often was not written for the monger, the seeker of pleasure. It was written for the working man trying to make a living in a competitive world. I have been to DR 18 times so I know some things, too. As well as 24 other countries in my 66 years of life including LIVING in Rio, Korea and Philippines where have retired now since February. I have learned a tremendous amount from Mr. E. whose travels as an airline professional trumps anyone I've seen on ISG. Cheers.

09-11-22, 19:29
"Who the fuck needs a guide for a five block area with a beach?" A self proclaimed veteran wrote that.

Well I am here to tell everyone that they cannot have it both ways. Do new guys need help or do they not? Either you are here to share information on having sex with girls in the Dominican Republic or you are just filling up posts while being a critic. I make it policy to share useable intelligence.

When that is not your objective. That is why this thread exists. For those to sound out their issues they have with others that are unrelated to providing information the forum was created for. I leave being a critic for others. Unless of course I am posting here. LOL!

The friends I have made from this board I hung out with first. Then through that relationship a spirit of mutual respect developed. And information was shared. Not only about the Dominican Republic but within the full spectrum of human experiences. Focus on developing relationships gentleman and that is how you will get the best information.

05-11-23, 04:34
Anyone who would write there is nothing fancy in the Dominican Republic is lying or does not have much experience with the finer things of life in the Dominican Republic.

I am ok. You are ok. I have friends in low places. But I don't live there. Nor do I have too. From 1000 DOP to 300 USD and hour, I have sampled the entire range. But if you are looking for the finer things in the Dominican Republic in this forum, with all the cheep charlies that post here you will never find it.

Man in the arena, doing things that others don't do or can't do. Always!

05-23-23, 21:42
I have made many friends from ISG. But examples such as the visa exchange in the General Information forum where a new poster (2 posts) asks for advice and only one other person and I actually made an attempt to answer his questions. I remember when I had 2 posts at one point in this forum. And 10 years ago the same idiotic ideas were being expressed (by a different set of idiots) except they were directed a me.

During that time, I decided that if I spend enough time in the Dominican Republic to actually be able to contribute I would give back to new people. OGs should be ashamed of themselves up in here. Picking fights with other OGs instead of helping new posters grow into informative contributors to the forum. Some of ya'll need to man up and stop being girly men with that passive aggressive bullshit.

If I make a factual mistake, state it and correct me. I will stand and take my grade. Support your correction with something more than just a squat, reach back and fling. Sho enuf. Then answer the new person's question and make a positive contribution.

I consider myself only as good as my last post. Because only the present matters. If OGs can take issue with me over pedantic bullshit then ya'll can take a little of that energy used to bang on your keyboards replying to me and answer some the questions the new individuals propose. And that standard idiotic reply "RTFF". You need to put that in the freezer and let it chill out. LOL!

06-07-23, 01:33
Of course, those that are not pleased with Sosua, are going to go to where they feel like but for me, Sosua is wonderful. I keep thinking about going to the "other great places" that people on this forum keep mumbling about. Hey, I guess the grass is always greener somewhere.
Enjoy, life is not getting any longer!Locations should not be compared. And it makes me laugh when I read how this place is better than Sosua or that place is better than Sosua. I just got back from Medellin. I went to go see it for myself. There is no comparison. And by that I don't mean negatively. I mean you cannot compare and apple to an orange. And it is possible to like both. I am pleased to have seen it with my own eyes and I will be going back. But I will also be headed back to Sosua in less than a month.

06-15-23, 01:10
All new people please forgive the completely useless post by a so called veteran of the Dominican Republic. Rest assured there is a lot more good information to be found on the place that can make your trip much more enjoyable. Post like the one comes from a terminally narrow minded individual who rarely has anything good to say about the place and yet continues to visit.

You do not need any guides in Sosua. The place is all of 3 blocks. There are chicks out. You simply ask them how much and take them back to your hotel.

07-07-23, 06:51
Once in a blue I reply only to help fellow readers from being confused or getting bad intel.I agree with you. But I put up solid information in the Dominican Republic forum quite often, because I live in the country. And until I see a post that is informative from you about the Dominican Republic you need to STFU up about it. Because it appears that you don't know shit from personal experience.

One of the problems that you and many others have is that you ride the dick of certain personalities on this board (when you should be letting the girls do it). And you don't pay attention to history or the different things that people have said over the years.

When was the last time a certain individual posted about buying 1000 DOP pussy off the street: 2021.

Me and my new girl were hanging at Gogo's for a few hours in the afternoon and into the evening. My girl had to go home at 8:30 so she took Uber and I stayed 2 more hours. When I left at 10:30 I rode around and there were plenty of streetwalkers out at the usual Independencia 1 block from VH and down around the Turtle gas station. I kept down Independencia and 2 blocks from my airbnb I saw a chick walking alone. I stopped and asked her how much she wanted. She said 1000. Like Ice Cube said, "Get in Bich!" BBBJ and shit. When I got ready to walk her out she asked if I wanted her number. No thanks. I am not the type to repeat with hookers. Nice chick though. Jennifer or some shit like that.Now check out this next post:

I've been living in Santo Domingo most of my life.
- No, Calle el conde doesn't have many Streetwalkers, that's a lie, its always the same 5-10 girls in a 1000 meters long street, it gets really busy on weekends.Below you will find the response to what this individual wrote in 2022.

In all these years I have never seen more than 1 or 2 myself. And I would not touch those with a 10 foot pole.Been on the board more that a "couple of years now". That why I know the a little more history of the Dominican Republic forum and who said what and when they said it.

Been on the board for couple years now, and Mr E is always straight forward with no BS. You best believe what he wrote cause it's still possible, not just 10 years ago.Ask Mr. E to point us to the last report he made about buying 1000 DOP pussy off the street? Better yet, have YOU done it?

And I'm sure this saying is from Mr E and other vets on here: "What do you think the local Dominican men pay?" Let that resonate a bit. Some of yall will really get upset when some of us (like the locals) CAN get it free or real cheap LOL.Stop riding your own dick my man. No one cares about what you are doing with your dick. Man Law 101. The only dick that is important is my dick.

Can you fuck for an entire month for 400,000 COP? I can. Can you fuck for a whole month for 5000 DOP. I can. Can you fuck for an entire month for 15,000 DOP I can! And when I say fuck I am talking about GFE, BBBJWS, BBCIP, COF, Black kiss, AnalCIA, BDSM and almost any other kinky thing I can think of. And they are cooking for me and cleaning the apartment we are staying in.

These girls are asking me what color I want their nails before going to get them done. And you do know that if you are helping a girl out and they are not asking you what color you want their nails to be, then they are asking someone else. Is there money involved? Damn right there is! Are they doing all of that stuff solely because of the money? That is an exercise left to my many readers.

Now you and the other PUA's out there don't care about that right. You are hitting it and quitting it. You are all still wage slaves running from your home country to play 1 week millionaire using the buying power of the currently most valued fiat currencies to fulfill your fantasies that you cannot in your home countries.

Lose some weight and work on yall games LOL.Two middle fingers up to ya MadTraveler. You cannot tell me shit about the Dominican Republic. Do you live in the Dominican Republic? Have you done business in the Dominican Republic? Do you have blue paper with your name on it in the Dominican Republic? Have you been to jail in the Dominican Republic?

All of that relates to being able to get pussy here for low or no cost. Individuals who are not lying on their dick are not claiming to be able to have relationships with girls for free or nothing. I have lived here for 10 years and I can say that I have have never fucked a girl for more than 3 times without receiving a money request. Is that because I am fat and have no game? Don't believe me? Read the entire first post I referenced (which probable predates you time on the board) from 2021 that is full of excellent information that is still relevant today.

So what exactly are you doing? Believing what you want to fucking believe or are you believing in what you have actually seen the person write / do? More importantly, I see that you talk most of your shit over in the Colombian forum cause you gots exactly 2 posts in the Dominican Republic forum in the last seven months. Since you are a Dominican Republic expert now instead of riding someone else's dick, why don't you post up some usable intelligence about the Dominican Republic or STFU! Real men don't lie on their dick to other men and most importantly they don't lie to themselves. Enjoy your trip to Kenya. I'm sure you will be an expert there too when you get back.

The only girls I have ever truly fucked for free have been mostly in my home country where girls were rich enough individually, loose enough to engage in purely recreational sex. If any money is involved then you cannot brag about it my man.

What is up with those guys driving Kia's and talking bad about how much money the BMW driver paid. Better yet, the commercial plane flight you take (or do you fly private) there are many people who paid different amounts and yet they all are on the same plane taking off and land at the same time at the same place. Do you complain to the company about that? Are you sure you got the lowest price for a ticket on the flight?

My guess is that you are a young guy. Life experience tells me that. I had dumb ass attitudes like that when I was young. And as a young guy you should not be having to pay for pussy. No man should under 50. Now that is your life and that how you choose to live it. And if you like it then I love it. But I just had a conversation with a 25 year old girl here in the Dominican Republic. And we discussed the type of relationship we were looking for. And I asked her did our age difference matter to her, she said "no". Some guys come onto these boards (and I see the same bullshit in the Colombian Forum) and drag their western mentalities into a culture where there are not applicable.

My advice to individuals who want to succeed in their efforts to get the type of pussy that they want from the girls that they want in Latin America is to first learn how to be a man. Then learn Spanish. Third develop your confidence. Latinas love confidence. And then stop leading with money. Lead with your personality. Let them drop their panties for you and ask for money afterwards. What is the worst that can happen? You already left your country because you were hard up. Cause if you could get all the pussy that you wanted you would not be going to the Dominican Republic, Colombia, Brazil, Thailand and the many other known sex tourist spots of the world. Try taking a minute and adding up the cost of your plane ticket, lodging, food costs that you spend in order to get "free pussy". Now if you have a job that pays you to travel then maybe, just maybe your pussy is indeed free as you travel the world to fuck it.

07-10-23, 05:26
"The DR room is being over run by guys looking for 20 pussy". If that is the case then going someplace is the best thing to do. A lover of Sosua has thrown in the towel. Chalk one up for Mr. E. Hat tip to you Bro. But the individual posting this shit in other places should be a man and post what you said in the forum over there here.

10-13-23, 19:24
But semi-pros are not pros. They are not off fucking all the weekend millionaires for money. They only fuck for money the one guy that calls them a semi-pro whenever he is in town every 3 to 6 months. If they were to fuck random weekend millionaires then they would no doubt be pros instead of semi-pros.Thank you for this insight into how you think.

But I reject your definition as I do most of what you write and I will add that it has to be one of the absolute inarticulate replies you have ever made to one of my posts. How do you know how much a semi-pro fuck or does not fuck? You are familiar with the fuck patterns of all the girls slanging that pussy for money Sosua? I am going to help you out on this one: No you don't.

Get the fuck outta here!

11-19-23, 06:49
Sosua as always had its batch of scamming chicks. And yes it might be wise to sit down have a drink or two, give the girl her high quote to hopefully get the performance you desire. Some guys aren't built for that sugar daddy role. Some guys don't feel they need to go that route for good performance.

And as mentioned in quite a few post. Even those guys who go sugar daddy, class act come across an unexpected switch in negative behavior from a chica scam. Some scammers are visible some blindside you. Unfortunately for Sosua nowadays.Is a sugar daddy anyone who has more money than you and is willing to spend it?

11-20-23, 03:01
Thank you for very good reports on Sosua. The best in a long time. You have communicated exactly what Sosua is like right now. Some good, some not so good. Newbies and seasoned mongers alike know what to expect.No he did not. He reported on what Sosua was for him during his trip. One set of reports from one man cannot describe a city or country for everyone. The moment he leaves and another person arrives Sosua will be completely different for them. If I arrive and report all good things does that mean Sosua has suddenly changed and will be great for everyone?

11-20-23, 04:11
My two best performance and only girls made me leche from sex came from playa chiquita, I never once saw them in rumba or sosua strip. The risk for bad quality performance is too high. The rates from most girls are inflated. Sosua offers easy access to a wide variety of girls. I enjoyed myself mostly but don't think I would come back to sosua. If I did I would stay in Puerto plata or santiago or even santo domingo where girls are not chasing maximum and multiple business. Maybe I stayed too long LOL. But I won't be back for another anytime soon. Rather fly elsewhere.I am not sure about others' but you added nothing to the existing body of knowledge. There is no perfect place, including Sosua. I would wish you great luck, next time and next place, wherever it might be.

11-20-23, 17:06
Bro I was just sharing my story and thoughts. Like Aaron Rodgers say "relax. " By the way 2024 you can read my post from south Africa and Brazil. Since you liked it so much lmao

I am not sure about others' but you added nothing to the existing body of knowledge. There is no perfect place, including Sosua. I would wish you great luck, next time and next place, wherever it might be.

11-20-23, 22:45
I am not sure about others' but you added nothing to the existing body of knowledge.The guy posted reports of every day of his time in Sosua which is a rare event now on this forum and you shit on him, where the fuck are your recent lengthy reports to add to the "body of knowledge", nowhere of course. Guys like you are why guys like me don't post much anymore.

11-21-23, 17:59
Posts about one individuals experiences in Sosua do not constitute a judgement of how Sosua is. Only a snap shop of how Sosua is for that person at that time.

The guy posted reports of every day of his time in Sosua which is a rare event now on this forum and you shit on him, where the fuck are your recent lengthy reports to add to the "body of knowledge", nowhere of course. Guys like you are why guys like me don't post much anymore.You actually would not be interested in Mr. T's reports. As he does what you guys don't. Have a consistently good time in Sosua. ROTFLMAO Mr. T puts the kind of work in that most could not imagine and he makes a good life for himself instead of blaming the "situation in Sosua" for the reason he is not having a good time. He does not have to blame.

Actually it is the guys like you that are full of shit. 10 post over the last 3 months and not a single trip report. Do as I say not as I do? You don't post because you have nothing to say. Unless it is being critical of another poster. Be a man and take responsibility for your own actions. Do not blame it on others. If people being critical of me stopped me from posting you would never see another post from me on here again. I have made plenty of posts about adventures in Sosua. It is ever changing. Lastly everyone is allowed their opinions. Been posting in the Dominican Republic Forum for quite while. The critics abound. You are one of them. You have been critical of my posts to the point of having yours deleted.

No he did not. He reported on what Sosua was for him during his trip. One set of reports from one man cannot describe a city or country for everyone. The moment he leaves and another person arrives Sosua will be completely different for them. If I arrive and report all good things does that mean Sosua has suddenly changed and will be great for everyone?I used to think the Dominican Republic had fucked up people posting in it. But it is true across ISG. Now that I have participated in three country forums I understand there will always be critics. I can be one of them. LOL!.

12-02-23, 04:25
The guy posted reports of every day of his time in Sosua which is a rare event now on this forum and you shit on him, where the fuck are your recent lengthy reports to add to the "body of knowledge", nowhere of course. Guys like you are why guys like me don't post much anymore.I do not know you and you do not know me and so, MIND your language, 800 pounder!

12-02-23, 17:05
Bro I was just sharing my story and thoughts. Like Aaron Rodgers say "relax. " By the way 2024 you can read my post from south Africa and Brazil. Since you liked it so much lmao

There is no perfect place, including Sosua. I would wish you great luck, next time and next place, wherever it might be.If you read correctly, you would have noticed that I was NOT at all protective of Sosua, indeed I could not care less. I stated, once again, if you understood English, that there is NO perfect place. I am ZEN, it is people like you, who come with their repeated refrain "Name any country. Is bad" that is annoying. A place is what you make it out to be, just like life, stated by a Greek a long time back, whose name would elude you so I would not bother. Peace.

12-03-23, 21:35
I am not sure about others' but you added nothing to the existing body of knowledge. There is no perfect place, including Sosua. I would wish you great luck, next time and next place, wherever it might be.Tempoecorto, please point me to where you have added anything positive to this existing body of knowledge. TIA.

12-04-23, 22:24
Tempoecorto, please point me to where you have added anything positive to this existing body of knowledge. TIA.I have 2000 posts and you have?? If you have the time and inclination go and read. Tsk tsk. I know, reading is hard, watching tiktok or youtube is not.

05-15-24, 03:22
Sorry, but that is one of the oldest lies women give, like I will stay with you all night- and after getting paid they run off at midnight because they got a phone call and their sister is in the ER of the Hospital, so they have to go immediately. Like "the check is in the mail ", "I won't come in your mouth" and "you are my only girlfriend". LOL.Thank you for your philosophical insights into the nature of girls.

I have a question for you: who the fuck cares? You are paying for pussy. You are lying. She is lying. You both are getting what you want. Not like you are trying to wife her up or make her your girlfriend. She has not taken any vows to you nor made you any promises.

05-16-24, 20:33
We chase down and bang as many babes as possible and then expect them to be loyal. They are trying to eat and do not have great options. If you can build a rapport some times you will have a better time.

Thank you for your philosophical insights into the nature of girls.

I have a question for you: who the fuck cares? You are paying for pussy. You are lying. She is lying. You both are getting what you want. Not like you are trying to wife her up or make her your girlfriend. She has not taken any vows to you nor made you any promises.

06-05-24, 02:38
So I am over in the Sosua Reports thread and I am reading some report by an old guy talking about the "glory days". Seems like passage of time is now a global pandemic.

My best visit was my last visit. My best nut was my last nut.

Don't be THAT guy. Change with the times!

06-07-24, 01:04
Sales pitch, let us know on other things to do in Santo Domingo (yes, we are done with the aquarium, the cathedral, the Botanical Garden, the Columbus place, the caves). Since there is no beach, where would you chill for a couple of weeks? There is always a competition from other LATAM countries.Fuck you Questner! You are a nothing more than a keyboard warrior and critical mother fucker that goes from country forum to country forum talking shit. You have not filed a trip report in your last 10 posts!

06-07-24, 03:16
Fuck you Questner! You are a nothing more than a keyboard warrior and critical mother fucker that goes from country forum to country forum talking shit. You have not filed a trip report in your last 10 posts!Ecco qua,

I owe you a punch in the face. We always collect.

Meanwhile, since this is a hooker forum I am going to do what rules prompt me to do.

06-08-24, 11:24
I owe you a punch in the face.Name the time and the place! Let's see if she (is that your preferred pronoun) happen to have more skills than just being a Keyboard warrior while hiding behind your screen for safety.

Meanwhile, since this is a hooker forum I am going to do what rules prompt me to do.Well I guess that works for both of now doesn't it.


The purpose of the fourm is to share information on having sex with girls

Take a look at the FAQs if you don't believe me.

06-09-24, 07:46
Its a sweet GFE until the women gets knocked up by some guy closer to home. These women are just as sexual horny as us men and screw around behind our backs, lying to our face about how much they love us.Well if you are bringing values that are not compatible with the society your are dating in then you are bound to get got. There is a HUGE diffidence between love and sex. Individuals under estimate the importance of connection and intimacy. My guess is men are not monogamous with the girls they are with especially their wives and girlfriends.

There are not many men who keep it in their mind the universal nature of girls and the society they live in. I had a friend who was a military police officer in the Navy. The ranking officer. He told me his worse week ever was after an aircraft carrier pull out of port but returned quickly for an unscheduled visit. Sailors returned from the ship to situations they did not anticipate. Domestic incidents in the housing were at an epic level. I laughed at the story. But it is not funny when peoples emotions get played with. When you know the truth you can look at things as they are. Men and girls lie to each other in order to get what they want without having to give more or to avoid losing what they have.

Someone made a hit song: "These hos ain't loyal". But neither am I. LOL!

Personally I would prefer a honest girl who tells me the truth and allows me to make my own decisions. After two divorces I made it a policy to tell every girl in a relationship, that I do not care who you fuck. But if you lie to me about it we are done. Been smooth sailing ever sense. No unreasonable expectations.

06-09-24, 19:34
Just because someone fucks someone else does not mean they do not love you. As long as they treat you right when you are together what does it matter? Or are you expecting your money to buy faithfulness? Had they not gotten pregnant you would have been none the wiser.GTF!

I thought you had experience in the Dominican Republic. A Dominican Man told me "How do you know that a Dominican Girl is not fucking someone else?" His answer "When you have your dick inside her". LOL!

If there is no agreement then what is the expectation? If there is no agreement then it is not a problem. Only when there is lying involved. Deception. That is when there is a problem. Monogamy is not the standard for every relationship.

What's love got do with it?

06-11-24, 20:28
I was wondering if the the mother fucking King of Sosua was dead. It appears he is not. Long live the King!

There's just as many fresh hot beauties being born in the DR, and coming onto the game as ever, maybe more. Time was the only way they could find a customer was to troll the streets and the bars. Or maybe sit and wait in some backroom MP or smelly casa. But now, like the guys, the hot ones have all the business they can handle from the regulars and repeaters on their smartphone contact list. No smart "hot" hooker needs to be trolling the streets and bars looking for a date with a cheap drunk tourist, at 2 am in the morning. They are all home in bed with their kids, or their clients. Hotness is a subjective. But I understand that is your opinion on things. Which I rarely agree with.

But there's still a market for that casual visitor who likes a walk on the wild side, with its hit and miss, and associated risk. This is where I hear most of the complaints about low quality and scams.I've never had a problem pulling girls off the street. I value performance over the nebulous concept of "hotness". Performance is what I got. Each and every time. Actually I suggest that anyone who does not like Sousa get out and see the world. Big wide world out there. Just a quick look will show you there are plenty of opportunities other than Sosua to get pussy (using a cell phone or not).

The game has changed. The smartphones changed all that. That's the new reality.News flash: Over eleven years ago I developed my 6 girl harem within the first month of arriving in the Dominican Republic. Been pulling girls using my smart phone the entire time I lived in the Dominican Republic (in a real city not a puta pueblo like you do). Only old mother fuckers such as yourself are just realizing that the game has changed. Those more technologically astute realized that a decade ago.

Sosua was always the place to go so that you got that up close an personal experience. But now that you need to be in bed at 8 PM each night I completely understand your attitude towards those who like to run the streets.

And as our new King of Sosua always says, May the pussy be with you always!That is a great line.

Good to see you are still a hater because I gave in-depth reports about Sosua when I was there. You also had that White Hoodie Wearing mother fucking shit going a while back when you got your panties in a knot because I gave you some push back.

Hey, in case you didn't get the memo I have not been in the Dominican Republic for at 11 months and Sosua over 18 months. But it good to know that once someone is a mother fucker they are always a mother fucker (that would include myself).