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05-14-02, 04:04
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J Wadd
05-21-02, 06:26
(This report or mine is about 8 months old -- but the essentials should be well covered here.)


This smaller town has a pretty good scene given its size. I think its importance as a tourist site has alot to do with the high quality of women here.

There are basically two boites/whiskerias in town, a good brothel and a healthy street scene.

The boites are "Crystal" (also called "Rodovia") and "El Cato"(I think that's the name -- it has a big red light in front of it, and neighbors another, much pooer, boite).

Crystal is out on the highway toward the falls. Take a taxi (make sure they use the meter -- especially when you leave). On a good night there are about 50-75 young, well dressed and good looking girls here. Prices quoted started at 100 USD-- but of course that's subject to the standard negotiation reduction.

There are plenty of sex-motels in the area. Take them there as there are no rooms at Crystal. Incidentally, there's about a 15 USD exit fee for the girls. Drinks are normally priced for everyone.

El Cato is in Centro on a safe backstreet. Can't remember exactly; take a taxi for about 2 USD. On a good night, expect about 20-30 girls, many cute and young, though not quite as chic as there counter parts are Crystal.

Prices quoted were about 30-40 USD, and I think there're dirty rooms on site for sex. I took mine out to a motel. There's a small 10 USD exit fee and drinks are reasonable.

"Vera" is the name of the brothel. It's run by a woman on the outskirts of town. Totally safe. You sit in the entry room, and about 15 pretty fine girls are filed in at the same time for you to chose right there on the spot. I HATE THAT ARRANGEMENT!

No drinks. No small talk. All the girls live there. Sex is (obviously) on-site. The price was a non-negoitable (set by the house) 100USD for two hours. Alot of the women were really good looking, though.

The main street with all the action starts fairly far from the center of town. It'd be a long lonely walk. It's the street that the main bus station is on -- and just follow it out of town and girls in 2s and 3s will start appearing every other block or so.

As with all of Brazil, the street scene is much better than just about anywhere else in the world. Lotsa young, fine, clean girls making a few bucks. But, as always, experiences will vary.

Happy Hunting,

08-07-02, 19:04
Went to Crystal and was told that the place was closed because it was Sunday.

The taxi driver told me that he knew a place called Vera and I could get garotas there. I agreed to try it out.

Vera is a house in a residential area. Chicks line up and you choose one as soon as you walk in. Picked a pretty blonde and the taxi driver took us to a sex motel.

Did the deed under a mirrored ceiling . She was obliging but it was not hot sex.

After two hours the taxi driver was called and he took us back to the house then he took me to the place where I got in.


45 us dollars girl
15 us dollars cab
15 us dollars motel

Total 75 dollars

Did I overpay? Maybe. Would I do it again? I prefer talking to the girl first.

Nibu Raphael
10-01-02, 00:11
Hi can someone make a very in depth new reort on the sex scene of the tree cities on the falls? Foz. in Brazil and Argentina and of course Ciudad Del Este In Paraguay. Someone posted that there is a brothel going 15 minutes out of Foz. towards the Falls???? My Question on all this is I will be visiting Paraguay and Argentina in November but do not have a visa to go in to Brazil. Yes As A US citizen you need it. I know you can enter Foz in the day without a visa to go shopping but I was also wondering if there is a law where you can stay up to 24 hours in The Border cities of Brazil like Foz????????? Can some of you Brazil Mongers look in to this? Hey I was too confused like I said that one brothel going 15 minutes out of Foz any Passport Visa Type control Checkpoints? When I go to Paraguay on this trip it will also be great like I said to go for the nightlife in these Brazilan border cities. Ok On to another note to I think people have been saying now the dollar is like 4 to 1 to the real?????? SHIT So is Brazil a bargain now or still expensive like Chile? Ok Ok Back to Foz. How much is a very cheap hotel for two in Foz? Is Foz. more safer then Ciudad Del Este in Paraguay? How about an in depth report on the streetwalker scene in the Fozs of Brazil And Argentina and Ciudad del Este? ThanXXX You all for bearing with me<< NIBU.

Nibu Raphael
11-17-02, 01:08
Hi I should be in Foz in two weeks. Can someone tell me more about Foz and the Triple Border??? I heard a lot of Terrorists in this area especially Ciudad Del Este. Man How Dangerous is it for US citizens like me????'' Alright man any updates on Crystal???' What is up with the strret***** scene in Foz??????? Can I stay overnight in Foz without a Visa??' Is there a Police Checkpoint on the way to Crystal???' What Brazialian Beer can I drink in Foz???? How about all the massage places in FOZ????

J Wadd
11-18-02, 22:23
Wish I cold help you out, Nibu. I wouldn't worry about it too much, though. Have faith in the Brasilians to keep their town cool.


Nibu Raphael
11-24-02, 20:45
Hi again JW so how bad is the crime in the Foz- Ciuadad Del Este Area??? I will try to be there in 10 days hopefully. I am now in Tacna Peru. Yes this whole trip will be on Bus.... A Direct ticket round trip from Lima to Ascunsion was damn expensive. Ok then on to other questions on Foz How is the food there??? And the woman more Black Brazilian or White??? I think more in that area of South Brazil more white type girls. How about escort services and strip clubs in Foz???? Oh to another subject what about amatuer action or going to a club to see a live Rock or metal band in Foz???? Many Concerts?? I love Rock N Roll Latin sluts. How many Gringo tourists visit Foz??? So Foz- Ciudad del Este is not that Dangerous??? I heard it kind of is. Lot of Illegal contraband in that area... Hey would you know about Pora Pora Brazil by the Paraguayan border??? How is the beer in Foz??? Any Cafes in the daytime in Foz for action??? Parks ???? Malls????? Any other areas??? Sorry Dude for asking you so much I just want to be really prepared at Foz. and in Paraguay. With Lula in Power now I am sure the crime is skyrocketing in Brazil... Oh concerning cheap hotels in that area with all the heat probably lot of Big Cockaroaches??? I had that problem in Nazca Peru. Ok anything else you can add like even more info on Crystal????? ThanXXX,Your Pal NIBU R..........

J Wadd
11-25-02, 08:54
Hiya Nibu --

Well, I just drove through C. Del Este on the way to Foz, and it looked prety run down. Lotsa (lotsa) trash, people sleeping the parks, chaos, etc. It's not like El Salvador or Columbia though. It's not crazy with violence -- it's only sort of run-down with a old, beat-up, skid-row feel. I wouldn't worry too much.

As for Foz, it's perfectly safe. Totally developed. It's nowhere near being a run-down Brasilian city you can find up in the north (Manaus, Belem). It's perfectly fine. Malls, enough tourists so you don't stand out, normal clubs (I didn't go to any -- spent ALL of my time punting), etc.

Food and beer in Foz (I remember) are average. O.k. but not like some of the cuisine you can get on the coast.

The girls were pretty white. I know what you mean by "latina rock and roll sluts", and saw a few that fit that description at Crystals. I tend to avoid the strip clubs/escort agencies -- but didn't see any of either (and I always look for everything) so if they're there, they'll be tough to find without a newspaper and knowledge of Portugese.

The main street downtown (can't remember name, but it's easy to find) has plenty of cafes, cheap-but-clean hotels, etc. Down hill from here (toward Del Este) I think I remember seeing a few clubs.

Foz is a fairly small town. Not too small, but easily explorable w/in a coupla hours. I had a good time there. I went to see the Falls -- and was surprised to find a healthy sex scene going on there.

In all, I wouldn't worry a bit about going there. Have fun and enjoy the scene. It's pretty easy to navigate and the women were cute. Also, I bet it's the best scene for hundreds, if not thousands of miles.

Did I forget anything? Lemme know.

Happy Hunting,

Nibu Raphael
11-30-02, 21:34
Hi JW I am now in Santiago Del Estero Argentina. I should be tommorow in Posadas like 10 Am with a Peruvian friend. I think then we will transfer to a bus to Iguazu Argentina for a night yeh for sunday. How expensive will the hotels be in Iguauzu Argentina?? Shit I know it is Argentina but I heard more expensive in Iguazu. We all of course know Sex action exists in Foz. and Ciudad Del Este But I also have heard some exists in Iguauzu if so Would there be Sex Action on a Sunday??? Ok then monday afternoon we travel to Foz. to get to Ciudad Del Este the next day. We will stay in Foz one night MONDay Then enter Ciudad like I said Tuesday. So if Me and My friend stay in Foz for one night before going to Ciudad Will there be a problem with Immigration?? I mean we will leave Iguazu get stamped out of Argentina then Monday in Foz. then Enter Ciudad Del Este and get stamped to enter Paraguay. I do not want to pay a Fine To Brazil or Paraguay authorities Plus it would be very stupid to Get A Visa for 90 bucks for one day in Brazil. I guess what I am saying is more or less Foz. is a Free Zone. I know you could enter it from Ciudad free for a day but Could we transfer from Argentina with no problems?? Ok JW Can me and my friend find a cheap hotel for two in Foz.for under 10 bucks??? The Rel is what 3 the dollar?? What did you mention on newspaper ads??? Hey in Foz. any Big Butts and Big Tits?? Ok Bro I wait for your response and help. In Dire Need of Foz. info,,,,, NIBU R............

Hobby Fan
12-01-02, 05:03

1 Arg. Peso = 1.01 Real as of 11-30-02 per web research. They are basically worth an equal amount. By the way, 3.6 Pesos now equal $ 1. ANd 1 U.S.Dollar = 6,850.00 Paraguayan Guarani.

Money of both countries is taken all over and Paraguayan money is OK in Brazil but not in Argentina. You will usually lose 10% or more if you pay in 'foreign' currency.

Puerto Iguazu (Arg.): two cab drivers told me 2 weeks ago that there is pretty much no "scene." I was not really looking as I was very tired and staying with non-punter friends, so I did not look hard and cannot say this is the final word on the subject. There is bar called Club 7 that was closed everytime I went by it that might have had potential, according to one semi-local. My 3 star type hotel (Hosteria de Helechos) cost 40 Pesos for a double double, with a so-so breakfast. It was very pleasant. There are cheaper hotels, too.

Foz (Brazil): There were about 10 "bar girls" working at Brazil Brasil, a big 'regular' nightclub on the corner of Ave. Brasil and Reboucas. I did not talk to them and have no idea what they charge. I'd consider starting your evenings there -- the cover for pretty good music is 1.5 Reals and beer is 2 reals or something cheap like that. People are dancing and the food is cheap. A good environment. There are also streetwalkers in that area; I did not talk to any of them and cannot provide info.

I did not have a very good time at Crystal. Nibu R: If you are on a budget I do not think you will like it either, but it is the main 'punter' club in town so you may want to check it out. There were certainly a lot of good looking women, mostly 'white' by Nibu R's definitions.

At Crystal you pay about 25 reals to get in, no drink included. They give you a ticket that they scan every time you order a drink and you pay when you leave. They tack on 10% tax at that point.

Nobody in Crystal tells you how much drinks cost, and I got vague answers. Turns out Johnny Walker Red Label Scotch is 15 Reals a drink. OK. The ticket says on it that you have to pay 1,000 Reals ($ 300 US) if you lose it. Not cool; I would rather pay as I go, thank you. My waiter, a large fellow whom I would not want to meet in a dark alley, kept saying "black label" every time I ordered "red label." And I had to remind him to give me by ticket back. I got nervous and stayed nervous.

I never got a clear answer about Crystal's 'lady-drink' costs (the same as guy drinks, or 50 reals?) so I refused to let them order. Also, there may be a "bar fine" on leaving, or that may be the 50 reals for the drink. I was quoted 150 Reals and "at least 200 Reals" by two women, for "at least 2 hours." The one who quoted 150 was a pretty cute young black woman whom I agreed to spend the evening with, but her friend came and got her for another customer after we had agreed on the price. She asked my permission for the change of plan, but yick to the whole place!

On the plus side, the Crystal show was great (very athletic dominatrix type blond), the place was very classy and they did finally charge me honestly when I left. I do not speak Portugues and presume it would have helped a great deal.

For those in Foz without a Brazilian visa, there should be no problem with immigration checks going to Crystal -- it is effectively inside Foz, about 15 Reals south of downtown by cab.

Vera is as prior described. It is North of downtown, about 15 reals by cab, as I recall. It is an unmarked house in a suburban neighborhood. At 2:30 or so in the morning they had 9 women working. They line up and you pick as soon as you enter. 150 Reals. I found a good 8 (rail thin blond with startling black eyes) with what turned out to be a very good attitude. No prior discussions meant no ensuring a bbbj, however. We had to go to a hotel by cab - quite a distance - they do not have rooms. Nice transitorio - Liciviu's. All in all, a great end to the evening.

Paraguay: If you go, be careful in Ciudad del Este, particularly if you stay there after dark. It looked pretty darn rough to me and I have been to a lot of rough places. A number of locals in Argentina and Brasil said "stay away." My Spanish is good and these were cabbies I knew - they were not just giving me a "beware...spend money in my country" line. I ultimately did visit CDE, seeing a lot of guns and not much else.

The Argentines checked my passport coming and going across the border with Brazil. The Brazilians and Paraguayans never looked at my passport anywhere. I crossed by Cab into Brazil and returned by bus. I crossed by bus into CDE and by foot back into the north part of Foz.

In theory the Paraguayans can fine you something like $ 80 if they check you leaving and you do not have a stamp. I had no problem, but that is just one person's experience. Good luck and please report.


12-01-02, 18:53
I can add a bit of info to Hobby Fan's experience at Crystal. The drinks for the girls are much more expensive than yours will be, there is a 50 real bar fine to take one out, and they require you to pay the girls fee 'up front' before you leave - not a great policy. Pricing seems to range from 150-250.

Nibu Raphael
12-05-02, 15:57
Hi Ok The paper in Foz Where I got the address of a hot massage girl is called A Gazeta. I think the girl I got a massage from her name was called Mara. This is where I Got her address from page 24 of the classifieds This girl is really friendly. This girl gave Great fucking head The Blow job ruled from her she swalloed my dick like she was fucking it. The Fuck was not that great since she is so small and petit and I stuck my big dick in to her small puzzy but this timid nice girl enjoyed what she did this full service with her is 80 reales like 25 bucks more or less and worth it. She works at Disk Sensual Massage Rua Jorge Sangways 1752 Fundos Maracana this is in centro Foz phone numbers were 523/9524,3027/3600 and 9977/5968. When I left three other girls were avaible one typical Latin look,another one and a bigger looking very white girl this place rules Mara is a sweetheart I spoke to her Love talk in spanish as she talked back to me Amour Portugese. Me and my buddy checked out another place in centro white two girls SKANKS in White uniforms Ow Uglies. The Place was Disk Eternity Estoril center The corner of JK and Argentina number 694 room 148 Phone number 9104/ 2690 the 3rd other place I never checked out it is Vitalde de Corpo phone numbers 3027/ 5473 and 9977/6836 Address>>>> R. Paris,230 JD. Alice Entrado Portal do sol 3 apos Ginasio Costa Cavalcante. I actually bought this paper the gazette in Iguazu Argentina. Oh in Iguazu I always saw a club called the 7 Club but I never looked in to it...

Nibu Raphael
12-06-02, 05:55
Hi I am in Montevideo Uruguay now yeh I still have my Gazatte Paper but in my hotel now in Montevideo. Will have to post more of the ads in This section. I think like 5 more ads existed for independent girls and like 5 more for escorts I think even one more ad for a SEX Motel. I will try to bring that page tommorow to post more info. THe Cab Driver in Foz. Said yeh Crystals has tons of women, Latin,Black,Japanese and others. Yeh Ok I would love to here more about Crystals. Any Big Tits there? How where the 9 girls in Vera? Any other info on the streetwalkers in Foz? Do ads exist in the yellow pages for escorts or masage places? Any other strip club places in Foz? What about Freelance girls? How is the Amatuer Action in Foz? I would love to here more info on LOve Motels in FOz?????? Any POrno Shops in FOZ?? HA HA......... Yeh Foz semed safe but I heard at night in Foz. There is a lot of crime... Yeh Back to the masage place Where I got the Petit Big Titter you Get driven in the place thru a driveway and the girls operate out of the house A Big Sign too exists outside of the house after the great session Me and My Budy walked out of there with our Luggage like 7 blocks to a street to catch the Bus Back To Iguauzu. Shit I think I also saw a club in Puerto Iguazu Called the Coyote Discoteca. OK Man I will try to post some of the phone numbers next time of the escort ads in FOz,,,, NIBU R.....

Nibu Raphael
12-06-02, 06:12
Hi Nibs here again yeh in Peurto Iguauzu Argentina the place Me and my friend stayed at was right acros from the terminal great place no TV but for 22 pesos great deal with hot shower too and no Cucarachas. Very Silent place at night too. PI Is pretty boring though saw the Falls great time Man Huge Falls. OK On To Foz it semed very damn modern,,, BKS,Pizza huts,Mcdonads and more plus flyers for heavy metal concerts. The hotels seemed very damn modern. THe Bus going in to CDE,Paraguay took forever just came up to immigration and went back to FOZ..... CDE Seemed like a 4th world hell hole. Shit I still say What Assholes Paraguay Immigration. Man When I entered today Salto Uruguay the Migrations were so fucking cool not like Facist Terrorist Immigrations Custom Scum from Paraguay. THis still pises me off On Paraguay Hizzbollah supporters.... AHHHHHHHH OK to JW What were the names of some of these clubs in Foz. near CDE?? What about the streetwlakers near centro? No TVS At Night?? Scary Shit ARRRGGHHHHHHH....... LOt of crazy insects in Foz. You too must be careful on DEngue Disease in Foz. Man I smashed some huge scary insect on the BUs to CDE This Fucker scared the hell out of me. MY friend too got his Yellow fever shot in PI,Argentina. I got my shot last year in SAn Martin-La Merced Peru good for 10 years OK I will try to post on Foz tomorow again I am here in Centro Montevideo now Checked out like 7 differnt whiskerias Tonight,,,,,,,,,,, NIBU R.....

J Wadd
12-06-02, 10:24
Yah -- I wasn't in Foz oong enough to check it out completely, but I still think it's a great little city for sex. Dunno the names of the clubs -- but most of the SWs are on the street running out of town near the bus station. Didn't see an TVs.



Nibu Raphael
12-06-02, 22:31
Yeh JW was there just for over an hour.. Yeh Got the Gazette ad in front of me 20 ads for escorts and of course 3 massage places. Gazette is your cheapest bet. JW Again How much were the streetwalkers charging? What about Big Titters at Vera or Crystal? Man 75 girls.....????? That is a lot dude heee heee.... Maybe one day in the future I will go back to Foz but I heard the crime gets bad at night in Foz Darn can not be worse then CDE,ParaGAY............. Ok I hope some other folks here can make updates on Foz. Hey JW explain to me What these Sucos are???

Nibu Raphael
12-07-02, 05:08
Hi Hobby fan Hey great report I wish you could of explained more on Brazil Brazil So the girls were hot there? What kind of music at Brazil Brazil hopefully rock no Samba crap. Yeh I mentioned to you I too aslways saw 7 Club in Iguazu closed and never did look in to the Cyote Disco. The Internet places sucked Shit in Iguauzu. Great Chep prices for Big Pizza for 2 like 3 bucks a killer deal. Drank some Dr. Lemon Alcohol drink in Iguazu and also I think a flavored alcoholic beverage called Pronto I think Ok Bro I am stuck here in Shitty Montevideo Uruguay. Keep me updated on Foz Hobby fan you to J Wadd,,, Signing off NIBU R........

12-09-02, 00:49
Just got back from a trip to Foz de Iguazu last month. All in all, I think Foz is quite a good value for you hobby dollars. Having been to SP, Rio, Salvador, Fortaleza, and Brasilia, I would pick Foz as the best value for your money. If you want Cosmopolitan cover girls, then you might want to head to SP, but if you want good sex with friendly good-looking garotas, then I would pick Foz. Of course, there is not much to do in Foz besides the waterfalls. I have become quite attached to Paranaensas. FYI, I do speak some portuguese so that probably helps although the girls are very friendly and will work with you.
I spent three nights in Foz and went to a prive called Veras all three nights. I usually try to sample the variety that a town has to offer, but was very happy with my experience at Veras and went there multiple times.
Veras is a house in a residential neighborhood where the girls live. Fairly straight forward, you sit down and the girls are paraded in front of you to select. One disadvantage is that all of the girls are brought out at once. I prefer one at a time, but those are the house rules. The number and variety of girls changes hourly as girls arrive or depart. A totally hassle free place and totally secure. The owner, Vera, is a very nice lady who will, if asked, try to match you up with a compatible girl.
I would assume that most taxi drivers know where it is. The taxi ride to Veras was about $6 from downtown. Veras has no onsite rooms so you must take the girl out to a motel or your hotel (depending on hotel rules). I went to a nice motel (about $10 for 3 hours) that had jacuzzi, big bed, mirrors, and modestly price minibar, etc.
As for the girls, during my multiple trips to Veras, there was always a decent selection. I am fond of garotas from the southern part of Brazil so tend to choose blonde, petite garotas. I was not dissapointed. However, there was a good selection of brunettes in assorted sizes as well.
I like to get to know a girl so I prefer places that give you more time. I am not as young as I used to be so three hours of straight sex is out of the question, but two one hour sessions divided by an hour of conversation is perfect for me. After the initial session, we got cleaned up, got in the jacuzzi and just talked before finishing off the night with more sex.
Price for a girl was 180 reais (about $50 I think) for 2-3 hours depending on your bargaining power. They also take dollars and don't rip you off on the exchange rate (as in Centauros in Rio). I took one girl out for dinner and then three hours at the motel and was only charged the 180 reais so it is all relative and probably depends on how nice you are to the girl. We were probably gone close to 5 hours.
In particular, I would recommend Gabriela (a petite blonde) and another stunning petite blonde named Jenny (or something like that). Both girls were from Cascavel (a town near Foz) and were absolutely pleasant to talk to and good in the sack. I had a threesome with Jenny and a blonde mulatta name Monique that was quite memorable.
All in all, I would go back to Veras without question. I did not go to Chrystal but had heard that it was expensive and the girls were pushy (as far as drinks were concerned). I prefer a more laid back atmosphere where I can get to know the girl before doing the deed. Remember also, it helps to be polite and nice to the girls. At the end of the day, it is about sex and money but they will give you a much better time if you just treat them like humans.

12-11-02, 11:54

"i have become quite attached to Paraensas"

I thought girls from Parana were quite snobish, didn't you were diseapointed by their attitudes compared to others areas in Brasil ? ....... Physicaly those girls suit perfectly my taste and i hesitate in a two/three weeks stay in Parana (Curitiba/Foz) for next visit in Brasil...what are your feelings about them ??


12-11-02, 20:28

Maybe I have been extrememly lucky, but my experience with 4-5 garotas from varying parts of Parana has all been very good. Physically, they are what I look for, namely petite blondes. As for attitude, I try to treat them right and maybe they in turn reciprocate. Then again, I could just have been lucky.

Either way, when given the choice, I tend to opt for girls from southern Brasil (that I can remember good girls have been from Parana, MGS, and coastal SP).

Just my two cents worth.

12-27-02, 00:07
Just back from paradise! Crystal is accurately described in other posts, but Vera's casa North of town is a better value IMHO. R150 for 2 to 3 hours at your hotel (NO onsite rooms). Only bummer is having to choose from a lineup without chance to chat. Street action is OK, BrasilBrasil was DEAD! Ave Schimmelpfing (near Capitao bar) is WAY more lively with a mix of program girls & non. I found security better than described, particularly on Ave. Brasil which is CONSTANTLY patrolled by slow cruising Guarda Municipal folks.

Hotel Internacional is recommended;l booked on Travelocity for less than $50/night. ONLY bummer is R50 "entertainment fee" for bringing garotas in your room. R13 taxi ride to either Crystal or Veras. Crystal is about halfway to the Cataratas from town, and there are 2 expensive resorts adjacent (Mabu & Bourbon). There are several more downscale lodging options nearby as well, but dead at night. I prefereed staying in town.

Nibu Raphael
12-27-02, 17:35
Hey JW thanks for your e mail today thanks for the info you mentioned on Crystals it seems like you went there more Then Vera Shit Man I got to go this computer is screwed up,,, NIBU.

J Wadd
12-28-02, 12:01
...Cool, Nibu.

And to the rest: Check out Foz -- it's got a good little scene that needs to be developed and funded by guys who know how to cruise.


12-30-02, 08:45

I stayed at Hotel Internacional (www.internacionalfoz.com.br, tel. 5545-523-1414), nominally a 5 star and the best place IN TOWN. There is a great bakery/restaurant/market open until at least midnight right next door to the hotel which is very convenient for drinks or snacks. The hotel has a nice restaurant & pool area. I booked the hotel on hdn.com for just under $50 (half of what Tiny paid in June of 2001) . Solid 4 star property in a great location-my only gripe is the R50 entertainment charge for bringing back a garota (up from R30 listed in Tiny’s report).

Mabu (www.mabu.tur.br) & Bourbon Resort (www.bourbon.com.br), adjacent to the Crystal night club about halfway to Las Cataratas are the top places in the whole area, but removed from the city too much for my preference.

For the impecunious, there are many other cheaper hotels, both out near Mabu/Crystal & in town. By ALL accounts, there is no reason to make the dangerous excursion to Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, city of thieves & crooked cops.


There is an upscale & touristy churrascaria (all you can eat buffet/BBQ) called Raifin right next to Crystal that has mulatta shows from 9 to 11pm. Crystal starts happening between 11 & midnight so you could do dinner & show then wander next door.

The oldest & most established churrascaria is Bufalo Branco (White Buffalo) on Ave. Reboucas 1 block past Ave JK towards the river (the area closer to the river is Foz’ favela and is reputedly unsafe though I walked all the way to Ave Beira Rio (the last street) in daylight hours and thought it reasonably secure. The waiters wear tuxes and the food is sublime (saw qeijo churrasco-BBQd cheese for the first time here) ; they often described the dishes in English despite limited conversational ability. Overall, not a lot of English spoken around FOZ or Las Cataratas, but Spanish proficiency will go FAR to make YOU understood (understanding THEM is a different matter-more difficult). I STUFFED myself silly for a total cost of under $6, with many types of beef, pork, chicken as well as the salad/desert buffet. Other patrons were middle & upper middle class Brasilians-saw VERY few foreigners at any time in Foz do Iguacu.


I know of 5 Options (more exist, but it was enough) and will briefly describe each:

1. Crystal Niteclub-THE upscale nightclub in the area, has nice decor, strip shows and a fair number of lookers. R70 minimum consumption, R50 saida (exit fee for garota) & mildly overpriced drinks but a fun place with many plusahly padded booths and semi-private rooms. There are no actual “Private” rooms on the premises, however. Upon entry you get a ticket with a barcode used to bill all your drinks so you pay as you leave. Lose the ticket, pay R1000 (suggestion, get drinks at bar so you don’t forget to get your ticket back from waiter). Took a tall, flat, mulatta named Barbara from Parana with a very pretty face and friendly demeanor. Had been spying a couple of others, and had been solicited by a couple, but did not get down here until almost 2 and thought I’d better just grab one and go (it IS Brasil, after all, land of high batting averages).

Barbara asked R250 for all night, I countered with R150 which she promptly accepted. She was affectionate in the cab (an important sign IMHO). An OK time, but the least spectacular of the trip (I went here my first night & was SO exhausted from the travel & hike up the falls that it surely contributed to the lack of fireworks) . Even my trusty steed (the G2 AKA pocket rocket) could not get her to buck like a bronco. I began to doze just after the deed and sent her on her way (so no pictures) so I could get a good night’s sleep. Taxi cost about same as up to Vera’s, but going in the opposite direction from town so visiting both on one taxi ride is not really viable.

2. On my second night I went to Vera’s Casa (about 12R taxi ride North of town); this average looking house is a typical casa setup where I was presented a lineup of approx. 12 garotas ranging from about 6 to 9 on the infamously subjective scale of appeal. R150 for 2 hours at your place (no onsite rooms), with time limit not strictly enforced (yet allnighters appeared difficult, though I did not push the issue). I HATE having to choose without having interaction to determine chemistry, but I followed my instincts which say that “attitude is everything” (it was my mantra BEFORE Andre Agassi & Canon). Translated out of surferese, this means never take the best looking, take the one that gives the most smiles/eye contact. I picked M, a 21 YO local girl who was very trim & playful. A very good session by any standard with no complaints whatsover. Taxi driver Jose says Vera’s is the best option around (and he gets no kickback).

3. In Room Delivery Service-get a few candidates brought to your room for inspection; call 527-5260 or 527-1632 or ask hotel staff. Good reviews by WSG posters, but did not have sufficient time/energy to verify (Next time!).

4. Streetwalkers-fairly plentiful, but surprisingly corpulent for Brasil IMHO. Cost is reputedly as low as R10 (by the river in the favela) up to perhaps R80. NO English spoken. Primary streets are Ave Brasil (the main drag, 1 block towards the river from Hotel Internacional) and Avenida Juscelino Kubitschek (“JK”), 1 block past Avenida Brasil towards the river. Security seemed fine in downtown area even after midnight, particularly on Ave. Brasil which is CONSTANTLY patrolled by slow cruising Guarda Municipal vehicles. Many Sws congregate just outside an open air dance place called Brasil Brasil on Ave. Brasil & Rua Reboucas (2 blocks from Hotel-look for sign “Las Vegas Bingo” & you are there). Tiny reported many freelancers inside (I saw only a couple). On Ave Reboucas just past Avenida Brasil, saw two apparent travestis (TVs).

During the daytime, on the same block as Brasil Brasil, there is a GREAT & cheap market for souvenirs & handicrafts called Feira Iguacu. Highly recommended.

5. Avenida Schimmelpfeng Bars/Restaurants-About 1 km South of the hotel (I walked it around midnight without concern), there are several happening bars/restaurants which have a combination of pros & locals out seeing & being seen. Capitao Bar is ground zero, but there are several others like the Biergarten Choppereria a few blocks East that are MUCH livelier and more active than the SW area up by Brasil Brasil. With some Portugese ability (which I developed MUCH quicker than I expected thanks to knowledge of Spanish) and a week or so in town, this would be the place to find a namorada (GF). Saw many interesting candiadtes and got “the look” from several. Good food & drinks here (try Brasil’s national drink the caipirinha (sugarcane liquer-cachaca-with some limes & citrus juice. Very nice IMHO. A GREAT place for people watching in the evenings.

J Wadd
12-31-02, 09:00
...Thanks for the update, Surfer -- I can't wait to go back.

Happy Hunting,

Nibu Raphael
01-04-03, 06:05
Yeh Sure Man Great Report surfer. Alright it is now the new year 2003. I hope we will here more updates on the City OF Foz. Hey so is like Crystals and Veras the only two real famous clubs to go too? Are there any others out there? Yeh Brazil brazil but that is more like a normal type bar with some freelance workers. Hey Surfer How many streetworkers did you see out there when you were there? Are there Any streetwalkers working in the day time? I would love a great update on the massage parlor scene which seems to have lack of reports here. JW What massage places did you check out when you were there? JW or others what is listed in the yellow pages of FOz? Where are the dangerous parts to stay away from in FOZ? Yeh I have heard Rock and Metal places exist in FOZ..... Are there such things as coffee shops to find girls like in BA Argentina? What about shopping malls? Where are all the cheapest hotels at? I think in centro or by the bus station???? RIGHT???? Yeh I hope to make it back in to Brazil in 2003 maybe Foz or maybe even Rio in april. Shit Man Alright you probably all have seen my famous reports in Peru. SO JW You should be in Lima Peru in November??? Yeh Like I said I am trying for Brazil in april or Santiago and Valparaiso Chile. AH SA Rules,,,,,,,,, BYE Ya all,,,, Yours Trully NIBU R.....

01-05-03, 08:19
Saw no streetwalkers during the day (market is busy so would look bad I think). Never heard of other clubs like Crystal or casa like Veras. I think the Avenida Schimmelpfeg restaurants near Capitao offer better potential for high quality independents that Avenida Brasil, but it takes some patience (and care to not proposition the non-pros in an offensive manner).

Was in Lima, Trujillo & Cuzco back in 89. Loved the consistent & uncrowded surf (and Macchu Pichu) , but Brasil is a WAY more fun place to hang out IMHO and you cannot even compare the girls.

Nibu Raphael
01-25-03, 02:17
Cool Surfer yeh been to all those cities in Peru of course. Hey Man Anything else that you forgot to mention on Foz? You never did check out the massage parlors of Foz? So Man like over 50 streetwalkers at night in Foz? Sounds fun was only in Foz for the afternoon Found the streets to be very modern. I think someone made a post on Foz saying there are some good malls for amatuear action in the day. What about cafes? Tell us more on the Discotecas and Rock Clubs? I got to Go,, all info on Foz is appreciated,,,,, ThanXXX,,,,,,,, NIBU R......

05-18-03, 20:07
was in Foz 1 week ago, and Surfer's report is still up to date.

who is on a budget can go to Hotel Del Rey. It's nicely situted i block from Av.Kubitschek and 1 minute walk from Buffalo Branco Churrascaria.

Went to Vera's one night and although i was kinda prepared mentally to the situation, i must say that it's really horrible situation. You get in and the girls come walking out all in a bunch. It's like 2 dozens of them and they all stare at you so you better be cool and make a quick choice if you feel unwell in this situation. Well like surfer i followed the first impression which unfortunately turned out to be the bad choice. Petite blonde, nice body and smiling but she wasn't as special as her first impression made me think. 170Rs plus the 20Rs taxi for getting there. Luckily the hotel is stayed in didn't charge the extra guest.

SW were very few, there were half a dozen on Av.Brasil sitting on the other side of the crossing of that Lanchonete Brasil. Physically not that good, beerbelly. Some were sitting in the dark on the upper part of Av. Kubitschek. Couldn't see if they were worth it physically, but i think not. Saw some cuties during the earlier part of the night but didn't see them again afterwards. Expect that the cutest have had at least a client before you if you go late at night for a SW.

If you go to Foz and you are on a budget but you still want a decent hotel with a good bed go to Hotel del Rey. For 35Rs you get buffet breakfast, good location, clean rooms, and a very good tour guide that organizes the trips to the falls (Luis) which are in my opinion the real reason to go there, whoring at night is only secundary.

07-14-03, 04:48
Hey Paolino:

Thanks for the info, I'm gonna be there in about 10 days. how was the weather? is the Del Rey girl friendly? BTW the waterfalls are great but whoring (in Brazil) is seconday to nothing LOL


07-18-03, 16:41

weather was quite nice when i was there (3 days sunshine out of 3)...now i don't know.

Del Rey was (is?) girlfriendly for my experience; they didn't charge for bringing her in. As i said, they have a good tour organizer (luis), and one of the guides is just like a sunshine (Natalia from Venezuela). one tip: do both sides of the falls and garganta del diablo in the late afternoon (sorry to the readers for this boring non-sexual information...;))

have fun!

07-18-03, 17:41
Thanks dude,

I have been to the Falls already so I'm gonna do only the Argentinean side of it. I´ll post my Vera´s experience as soon as possible.


Doc Bill
07-20-03, 19:11
I will be visiting Iguacu during my trip to Brazil in September, and I'm wondering what is a good length of time to stay there? Sounds like the mongering is pretty good and I love petite blondes! It also sounds like going to Paraguay (CDE) is a waste of time? What about Asuncion, how far away is it? Thanks guys for all your help!

J Wadd
07-21-03, 02:19
Asuncion (if I remember correctly) is about 4 hours away by bus. Maybe six. Either way, it's an easy trip and the border crossing is no problem. Asuncion has an o.k. low-bottom scene -- lotsa SWs and low-rent clubs. The city itself isn't very much fun.

I think 3 days ought to be enough in Foz. Those falls are amazing -- almost as good as the petite blondes.

Happy Hunting,

P.S. I've posted fairly long descriptions of both cities on this site. I'm not sure where they are (i.e. in the archives or forum sections). Look and you'll find them.

Doc Bill
07-21-03, 06:37
Thanks much, JWadd!

Doc Bill
08-02-03, 07:13
Hey guys, any recommendations on a good hotel & prices in Iguazu? There is brief mention here of Internacional and Del Rey, and I've also heard about Tropical das Cataratas, right on the falls. Any recommendations/preferences, please? Thanks!

08-02-03, 07:32
@ DocBill,

i stayed at Del Rey: 35R$ a night, no girlfriend extracharge, competent tourguides, friendly staff, near everything

International: i don't know, but on the price level it must be amongst the top 5 hotels in Foz

Tropical das Cataratas: way off all the action, gotta take a taxi for everything, expensive, they are the only hotel that organizes a full-moon waterfall-tour (of course only when fullmoon is!) cuz circulation by car is prohibited in the Park after 6 or 7 pm. Maybe a great place to spend a few days with your garota and make her dream of a life with the charming prince!

don't forget your waterproof camera!


Doc Bill
08-02-03, 08:27

Thank you so much for the info! I thought Internacional was expensive (US$100) but someone on the board here said they got it for much less on Travelocity - I found it actually to be more on Travelocity. For the price it seems the Del Rey is the best bet. Thanks again! By the way, I'm scheduled to be there two nights and 1 1/2 days, is that enough to see both sides of the falls? And is the garota action all on the Brazil side?

08-02-03, 19:49

don't know if there's some action on the Paraguaian or argentinian side, but IMMO Brasil still offers the best ratio quality/price/safety. of course, i can be wrong!

1 1/2 day for both sides? hmmm, then take a whole day for the argentinian side cuz there's 3 big trails, brasilians only have 1 trail.

have fun!

Doc Bill
08-23-03, 03:00
I was planning to stay at the Del Rey but just got a price on the Internacional at US $70. What would you guys with experience at Foz do? The Del Rey has a well-recommended guide, no mention of such a service at the Intl. Any experience/suggestions are greatly appreciated!

08-30-03, 23:23

I will be passing through Foz do Iguaçu in October (coming from Asunción).
I've found all the necessary information about Foz do Iguaçu here on this great board and I'd like to add another website showing "acompanhantes" from Curitiba, Foz do Iguaçu and Cascavel.
It is: http://www.paranasexy.com.br

There are some cute "meninhas" to be checked out, you know what I'm saying !

Cheers, Scorpio

Thats Jim
09-13-03, 22:25
Flew in to Sao Paulo, then hopped a flight to Foz de Iguacu. Stayed in Iquacu for two nights at the Continental Inn (Ave. Parana ) . Very nice room. Even though I asked the receptionist about guests they charged me R$20 a night extra.

First night:
I went to Vera's around 8:30. It is very much out in the suburbs. It was like walking into a litlle sorirty house. This one girl brought out five others whom I though all were great. I Chose the one that seemed the most interested. The girl that was in charge didn't speak english , but one of the girls in the lineup that I didn't pick did, which negotiated a price of R$200 which I probably could have gotten to 150.

So we started to leave, but when my girl learned I wanted to go to my hotel, there was hullabloo, which required the other girl who knew english to come outside to the taxi. Apparently she wanted to go put a bra on because we were going to a hotel. I still don't know if that was the case.

On the Taxi ride back to the hotel I was wishing that I had picked the english speaking girl.

The session went ok, she was 24, very hot, but she wanted have the TV on some soap opera "nouvella" which I learned on this trip is to don't let them.

Second Night:
Started out going Crystal at 10:00, but they don't open until 11:00, and this was on friday. The taxi driver and I walked through a side door to the pool area and they had an english speaking guy come out and explained they open till 11:00. The whole situation was wack to me so I told the driver to take me back to the hotel.

On the way back he asked me to go another place , and I didn't want to go to vera's , so he took me place north past all these motels to another suburb. He called the place "carubas" , but don't quote on that. He went out and brought out one old lady in curlers with two garotas. We negoiated R$180 for three hours.

She was an ok lay , but she wanted to leave after two hours which I let her , cause she wasn't very into it.

I only went to the brazilian side of the falls, so one night here would have been enough. But otherwise a good beginning to a trip.

Doc Bill
09-17-03, 02:16
Got into Iguacu last night from Salvador, and basically, the sex scene here is pretty dead, or close to it. I enjoyed the falls and two days of that is enough, so I´m off to Buenos Aires tomorrow afternoon. I avoided Crystal, based on reviews I read here, and I´m not into the hassle and time that Vera´s sounds like. There appears to be a little street action, not much, and a few trannies. Nothing I want to bother with, put it that way.

I´m staying at the Del Rey, US 17 per night. It´s definitely no-frills, but clean, centrally located and the staff is very helpful. It´ll do for two nights.

Doc Bill
09-19-03, 00:10
Ok, ok, so right after I made that last post I saw a blond streetwalker, on Ave. Brazil near Reboucas. I heard that there were a lot of blonds in this town but I think this was the only one. She wanted BR$30 (US$10), so what the heck? It was definitely a wham-bam experience, but waddya want for ten bucks?

09-22-03, 10:25
Planning to fly to the Foz area from Buenos Aires for a night or two in early October. Is it easy to drive from the Puerto Iguazu, Argentina to Foz de Iguacu in terms of distance and border crossing? Also does one airport serve the entire region? I'm having trouble booking a flight from EZE to Iguacu area because I don't know where the airport is located. Do flights from Buenos Aires and Rio land at the same airport?

Thanks for any info.

Doc Bill
09-22-03, 16:54
There are two airports in the area, one in Argentina and one in Brazil. The whole area is small, so there´s not a lot of distance between any two places. I flew in to the Brazil airport and out to Buenos Aires from Argentina. Border crossings no problem, but do have your passport.

The Brazil side has more action, if you can call it that, than the Argentine side, which is pretty mellow. At any rate two days there was more than enough for me. Good luck.

09-23-03, 10:03
Thanks Doc (or is it Grasshopper) I'm trying to get in and out of there quickly but I do want to spend one full day at the falls. I know if you have a Brazil visa you can go back and forth between the countries. I'm not sure what happens without a Brazil visa.
Did you have a visa for Brazil?

I'm flying to Foz from BA and I would like a hotel in Brazil but I don't think I'll have enough time to get a visa. I'm trying to get a $50 room at the Internacional (per Surfer's report) but their website says $100. Dealing with Foz is a pain in the ass. I'm thinking about dropping it and spending a day or two in Montevideo and Punta Del Este instead.

09-23-03, 10:11
DocBill I forgot to ask. How did you get the room at Del Rey? I can't find it anywhere on the web. Did you just walk in to the hotel and book a room? I've noticed some hotels are full. I am surprised because I thought this was off season.

Doc Bill
09-23-03, 16:00
Jim, regarding the visa, you might be hosed without one. Americans need a visa to enter Brazil, and I have no idea where you would get one down here. I had to get mine at the Brazilian Consulate in the states. You can probably get one in Argentina. It is also possible that just to visit the falls for the day on the Brazilian side they will let you in without one, but I don´t know.

Of course, the best place to see the falls is on the Argentinian side anyway. You won´t miss anything if you don´t go to Brazil in terms of the falls. The nightlife, scant as it is, however, is all on the Brazilian side.

One day is plenty to see the falls. I could have lived without it at all, to tell you the truth.

The Del Rey has a website. Do a search, I don´t have the address here with me. Delreyfoz or delreyhotelfoz.com.br or something like that. If you just show up you should have no problem getting a room. It´s low season now.

10-01-03, 16:27
Travel from Asunción to Foz do Iguaçu takes 6 hours by bus (Pluma) and costs 50000 PYG. It's a cool journey and border crossing is not a problem. Ciudad del Este didn't look appealing to me when we drove through. Got a room at Hotel Del Rey for 35R$ a night.

Some info about Casa Vera:
Rua Alameda Damantina #??? located in Bairro Petropolis. Phone 524-4400.
It seems that they send a selection of garotas to your hotel if you call them and then you can pick one, so it's not necessary to go there yourself. I've got that info from the girl that I (unfortunately !) took, Viviana.

My first experience with Casa Vera: a waste of time and money.

I arrived there at 21:30 and 11 girls lined up. They looked ok but not extraordinary and 8 among of them looked damn bored. I looked at all of them, smiled, said obrigado, and they all went back into the adjacent room. I then asked the girl in charge about prices and house rules. 180 R$ for two hours or 60 USD instead (which is fair regarding the exchange rate). I agreed and decided to take Viviana, a rather small blonde with dark eyes, big boobs. She looked good and was the most friendly during the lineup. We then drove with the same cab to Motel Mirage about 10 Minutes away.
Well gentlemen, if a girl starts to put the condom on while you're not even hard yet, without any foreplay, all alarm bells should start ringing. After the first shot (maybe a half hour past) she started to dress and told me stories of a 3 year old son and that she divorced 2 years ago (no surprise). And that we were already over 1.5 hours at the hotel.
At that time I didn't give a fuck anymore, sorry.

I have been to similar places in Brazil and something like the above N E V E R happened to me.

Taxi: 35 R$ (to casa Vera and to Motel Mirage)
Motel: 53 R$
Taxi: 31 R$ (back to casa Vera and back to Del Rey)
Casa Vera: 60 USD

Not to be repeated. (OK I could have gone back there to complain, but what the ...)


10-02-03, 06:22
Scorpio. thanks for the info. Do you know what time Casa Vera's opens? I may have some extra time to visit there in the early afternoon. Also do you speak Portugese? I wondered if an English speaker would have any problems there?

10-02-03, 20:18
Walked somewhat today, it was hot though. Went to a massage place mentioned in an older post by Nibu Raphael.

Address: Rua Jorge Sanwais 1762, one bloc uphill (or eastbound) of Avda Paraná, on the right side of the street.

They had 4 girls available, all very little and tiny (not above 5 foot tall). They do masagem or programa for 70 R$ per hour but I wouldn't insist too much on the time here. Took a blonde with a tooth-prothesis (sorry don't know the correct english term for that, it's made of metal wires to get the teeth straight), no big boobs. A little BBBJ, followed by a normal session on the massage table, she was too tiny below.

The other place (mentioned by Nibu) at Avda Republica Argentina #694 close to the corner with Kubitschek is still advertising for massage outside the building (phone 9104-2690). The ad is visible from the street corner. NOT TESTED.


(Hi Jimbehr2000, Vera's casa may be open in the afternoon, you should better know some basic Portuguese or Spanish. And good luck with your choice there.)

10-05-03, 19:31
Had some beers at Confeitaria Cantinho da Brasil located at the corner of Avda Brasil and Rebouças (just opposite of Brasil Brasil or Las Vegas Bingo, the live music place) around 22:00 and there were already 3 streetwalkers across the street. One of them was a Killer-SW wearing an almost nothing black tank-top, leopard pants, blonde, huge boobs but a little (beer)belly and high heels. The two others were morenas, one soon disappeared with a customer. But there appeared a 40+ SW too, wearing a revealing purple dress. Her dress was revealing in such way that I was unable to see a difference between boobs, belly and hips, probably all the same size 90-90-90. I saw her later in Avda Kubitschek and a TV too. Went to bed (alone).

Got a flyer advertising for another massage place at Avda Brasil just opposite of the HSBC bank.
cellphone 9114-9976 (NOT TESTED).


10-05-03, 22:29

Great reports. Thank you.

A tooth-prosthesis consisting of metal wires to straighten teeth out, in the USA, is referred to as "braces."


10-06-03, 01:08

the blonde girl there looked pretty interesting to me with these braces, some kind of new XP for me...

Regards, Scorpio

12-29-03, 18:17
Scorpio: obviously you are reporting sexual encounters with minor girls. They are smaller than five feet, have teeth regulation and are too small dorn there for intercourse.

I hope you will be detected and severely punished.

12-31-03, 14:38

go have a look there yourself and find out these girls are not **** at all, as it is an normal massage-brothel open to the general public.


01-02-04, 23:26

If they are "to tiny below" they cannot be off age, even if they are smaller than five feet. What's more, pros do not have braces. It seems to be a special place. I think you should stop pestering the forum.

01-05-04, 08:03
While visiting Foz de Iguacu, I tried to sample to local scene, but did not have much success. The major boite is Crystal - a large pink walled compound on the main road into town from the airport - about half way between the airport and downtown. Cab fare was about R20. Costs R25 to get in and you are given the usual drink card ticket found in most normal Brazilian discos and clubs (along with the usual printed warning about having to pay an ungodly amount if you lose the ticket).

The place is very nice and there were about 30 or so women working when I got there - mostly 6-8s and in their mid to late 20's. No rooms on site, take out only. The staff, however, was very rude. I could not get a straight answer out of any of them - even though I can speak some portuguese. Basically, I got a bad vib about the place. It reminded me of a rip-off strip club, the kind of place where you are confronted with a huge bill when you try to leave, and having no idea that you had ran up such a huge bill. I cannot say that this vib was in fact accurate, only that is what I felt. So I bailed on the place. (It could be a perfectly legitimate place and that the locals didn't want it over run with outsiders, I don't know).

I also tried to sample the street scene. I walked up the main street (Ave. Kubitschek) late at night looking for some action. I only had to go a few blocks before I started seeing garotas in twos and threes obviously working. The SWs seemed to be a mix of a few loiras, some morenas, some mulattas and quite a few with a lot of local native indian blood. However, the quality was very, very low - ugly, flabby, dirty, and they all looked very bored. I past on the whole street scene.

I also must have missed the massage places while there. The town is a pretty quiet and a bit run down, but seemed safe enough. Although the place can get very hot and dusty during the day. The waterfalls at Foz de Iguacu, however, are spectacular. Makes Niagra Falls look like pretty meager. If you go, you can certainly spend the whole day in the park on the Argentinian side - seeing the falls, taking a boat ride into the falls and getting soaked, kayaking down tributaries, horse back riding on jungle trails, etc. The Brazilian side has a nice view of the falls and that is about it. Both places are easily gotten to by the local bus. (To get to the Argentinian park, take a bus from Foz to Puerto Iguasu and then another bus to the park).

After seeing the falls and all that roaring, pounding water, I just wish there was a sure-thing place where I could have done some pounding of my own at night.

01-05-04, 18:19

I have seen several pros in Rio in their 20's with braces. Once they have some income they can afford to get them. Don't let braces be your judge of age...an ID card is the best bet. However, check the card closely. I had a young gal show me her ID in Rio...it belonged to another gal standing about 20 meters away. Glad I checked it close.

01-12-04, 20:59
Elmo: You are correct about the Crystal nightclub. I was there about a year ago and had two bad experiences. One night it cost about 400R to leave the place! The best bet in twon is a service that comes to your hotel room. I stayed the the International Foz Hotel in the downtown area and the bellman arranged for a group of garotas to come to my room. I chose one from the three that showd up and it worked out fine. About 150R for two hours, I think.

Art Fartzalot
02-12-04, 05:38
Was wanting a website or email address for Del Rey Hotel in Foz as trying to plan a trip. I understand that one can make a reservation at moment at least on Varig that will get one to Rio and Foz for more or less same price.

Thanks for your time.


Art Fartzalot
02-26-04, 07:16
I am planning on being in Foz Iguazu Monday, March 15 - 18th to see the falls and check out the mongering.

If one wants to get together for a drink, let me know.

Jonny D
03-02-04, 14:59
Regarding the Braces - it's pretty normal for adult Brazilians to have orthodontic work going on. They're the opposite of Europe and the states. You rarely see children with them. Strange but true.

This might be because 10- 15 years ago it wasn't common, or maybe it's a cost thing.

The fact she had braces would tell me she *was* old enough (Expat, lived her for 6 years).

By the way, action or not, Foz is a great place to visit.

04-14-04, 18:27

I visited Iguazu on my recent trips to South America. As I were only staying for a sunday night I did not have to oppertunity to get any girls as the main sources were closed on sundays.

Speaking to a couple of taxi drivers I did get some info that may prove useful for future visitors.

There is a boate called cristao (sp??) and an agency called delirious. These were the main recommendations of the taxi drivers.

I did visit a regular cafe and bar called capitao. The place was packed with young people including quite a few good looking local girls. If you have the time and inclination this could be a very good place to try to pick up a non-pro girl for the night.

A two day and one night trip to see the falls is highly recommended even if you may not get laid. The falls are a very cool sight on their own.

04-16-04, 07:01
The Foz de Iguacu boite that Junior mentions is Crystal. See my post of 01/05/04 and TMan777's post of 01/12/04 for more information on it. Cannot say that I would recommend it. Nor would I recommend Foz de Iguacu in general for mongering - the street pro scene was very low grade. In terms of picking up a local non-pro, a good working knowledge of portuguese would seem to be necessary, as few locals spoke english.

I completely agree that a short side trip to see the falls (both the Argentina side and the Brazil side) is definitely worthwhile.

07-06-04, 13:37
A New Report of Fos de Iguazu

Got in yesterday afternoon, and after an incredible tour of the falls and dinner, other appitites began taking over.

Wanted to check out Crystals, on the main road in to town from the falls.

Took a taxi, and since it was only 9pm, the driver said that Crystals was not open yet. We decided to check out a place called Scorpios on the other side of town. There were about 8 girls sitting on a sofa in a room (quality 4-7). We picked two the two 7s and they came over to talk to us. They were cold as dead fish, and after hearing that they wanted 300 reales to come back, it wasnt even worth beginning a negociation, so we split.

Got to Crystals at 9:40. We sat out by the pool in the back. Were not pressured to buy drinks. They put your bill all down on a card. Saw many of the girls coming in to work. Many were OK. At 10 we moved in to the main room. There were about 25 girls, most between the ages of 18-25, and ranging between 5-8. After a few minutes we found a couple of real cuties. They did seem a bit cold, especially after having enjoyed the Rio terma action to the max, but what could you do? The bottom line was they come back to your hotel for 2 hour session. She asked 300, accepted 200 Reales. Ended up paying 17 enterance fee, 50 take out fee plus the 200 for the girl, which you pay to the man before you leave. She was pretty, young, sweet, a bit shy, but knew what she had to do. We enjoyed a nice 2 hour session. All in all, a bit steep, but worth it, considering her prettiness, the time, and the otherwise lack of action here. They were a legitimate and honest operation, just dont order the expensive drinks (beer 8 Reales, water 5, whisky 55, bottle of wine 100 Reales, champagne 400 Reales!!) Will not go back however.

Member #4643
09-16-04, 00:03
I was in the Foz the last weekend of August. I only went for 48 hours, and the second evening there I decided it would be nice to find some female company. Having read the previous post, I asked my cab driver to take me to Crystals. Sadly, being Sunday, it was closed. But, ever the entrepreneur, he got on his cell phone and found the location of a small house in which, he claimed, there were ladies.

Now, having a cab driver find a "house of ill repute" is not really news, but I would like to point out that this was not only extremely welcome by me, but represented a real alternative to a boite. Apparantly, there are many such houses in Foz. We ended up in a sleepy suburban neighborhood, I had my choice from a line up of about 10 girls, and preceeded to spend the next two hours at one of the nicest motels I have yet to visit in Brazil shagging my brains out. The cost was $200BR for the girl, and $32BR for the motel. The mind boggling thing was that the cab driver was paid $70BR by the house!

Of course, I failed to get the name and address of the house, being drunk with two solid hours of sex (and a bottle of wine). But, I do have the name and number of the girl, which I will share with anyone who sends me a PM. She has been working at the same house for two years, so I suspect that this number will be good for a while. And if you don't like her looks and performance (22, blond, 5'6", 125 pounds, small tattoos, great breasts, DFK, BBBJ; I have no info on anal or CIM but I am doubtful), at least she can direct you to the house without having to pay a cab $70 reals. I suspect you could negotiate $150 BR without trying too hard.

03-19-05, 06:42
Is there and airport on the Argentinean side?

How long is the bus ride to BA from Foz de Iguacu?

03-28-05, 04:22
Is there and airport on the Argentinean side?

How long is the bus ride to BA from Foz de Iguacu?Yes, there is a plane from Buenos Aires to Iguazu (argentinean side).

Bus ride from BA? Not sure but might be 12-15 hrs

04-16-05, 05:10
Purchased ticket online from Gol for 242 Reals. Will be flying out of Santos Dumont. Will check out Crystal, Vera, and street action.

Got air quotes from Puerto Iguazu, ARG to BA ranging from $250 USD to $300 USD. Decided to bus it.

05-13-05, 21:17
I have just arrived in Foz and plan to stay for a few days sampling the local attracions. Is there anyone else around who would like to meet up?

One Wing Low
07-03-05, 23:21
The cabbie took me to many casas. Most places have only a few locals hanging out, drinking between banging the ugly to average-looking girls.

Casa Vera had better looking girls by far. The girls there are more like girls- next-door, not the fancy party girls at Crystal. I picked her out of a line up of 8 girls. Forgot her name. She's the slimmest and probably youngest there. She went to the back to change to casual clothes. The cabbie hang out in the yard waiting for the drive back. It costed 25 reais out and 25 reais back by meter. You can negotiate with cabbies to take you all over town to all the casa for 50 reais. It would be a much better deal.

We went back to the hotel, drank beer, smoked and danced to the radio. We really enjoyed each other's company depsite the fact that we could not verbally communicate. She was a fun girl, very passionate in sex. She enjoyed sex so much that I regretted not being able to give it to her all night.

She was such a nice girl that I hope to come back to Foz again soon.

One Wing Low
07-04-05, 00:28
I went to Crystal at about 9PM. The place is an upscale club. It had only 5 average looking girls. About 10PM, another half dozen girls came in who were much better looking.

Despite some complaints about Crystal, I found the waiters helpful, but typical of Brazilians, they appear cool and reserved. Brazilians tend to speak abruptly and forcefully, not as nice and gentle as Argentinians.

I was roaming around the club, checking out the girls. My waiter came by asking me if I found anyone to my liking. I told him about the 2 slim, pretty blondes in red and black party dresses. In fact, they look as good as international super models. My waiter cheerfully advised me to grab them quickly before they are gone. I came over and asked her out. She asked for 300 but agreed on 200 reais. I paid for the drinks and tipped my waiter 30 reais. He and his manager appeared happy and warm. They were slapping my back and gave me coupons for free drinks for the next visits. It must be my Prince Charming nature that made me good friend among Brazilians.

In the cab, we were DFK and groping. She told me she comes from a town outside Sao Paulo, and only comes to Foz to work a few weeks each time.
The cabbie was grinning in the rear view mirror. He was a young Japanese born in Brazil who could speak halting English. We became friends after I negotiated a good deal for him to take me around Foz and Cuidad Del Este, Paraguay for cheap.

Back in the hotel, she took off her clothes showing me a slim, beautiful, well proportioned, soft and smooth body. We had a long session. She was very nice and polite but cool and not engaging. I could sense she would rather fuck someone else than me.

She also had a fishy odor coming out of her pussy that I found offensive. So in the middle of the session, I stopped and asked her to take a shower. She had a hard time understanding my request. She probably never believed that her pussy was foul smelling. I had to take her into the shower and showed her how to clean up. It was very erotic exploring her beautiful body under the warm shower.

We came out of the shower and resumed sex, but I had lost the passion I had for this super model when she was taking off her party dress.

I had a much better time with the nice, clean, but less glamorous-looking girl from Casa Vera the night before. The pussies at Crystal smell far worse than the toilet. Someone should advise Crystal mangement to insist the girls practice good personal hygene, or their business will go down the toilet.

Overall I found the best looking, most fun, most relaxing Brazilian girls in Foz. I was disappointed at the attitude of the girls in Rio. The therma girls were very nice and sweet, but the club girls acted like hardened pros that turned me off. That will be another story in the Rio thread.

I struck up friendships with a few beautiful non-pros downtown Foz. I could sense that they were eager to go out with me that night, but I was on a time constraint to experience the clubs with full service. I may be wrong, and you guys can correct me, but I don't expect sex on the first date, Brazilian or not.

I should come back and visit with the fine downtown chicas soon.

One Wing Low
07-04-05, 00:30
The pic of the little fun girl at Casa Vera. Maximum size pic is 638x638.

One Wing Low
07-07-05, 06:43
I bought a 3 day 2 night tour, including air, 2 tours, 2 nights hotel on Brazil side, 2 dinners from BS As, for about US$220.

Look into local paper for the discount wholesale travel agencies.

Got air quotes from Puerto Iguazu, ARG to BA ranging from $250 USD to $300 USD. Decided to bus it.

El Greco
09-11-05, 20:38
Does anyone know whether someone can renew the entry visa to Brasil by crossing the border to Argentina at the Foz do Iguasu (and maybe by staying overnight there) ?

I have never been there and by doing this I want to avoid a trip to Buenos Aires in order to extend my stay in Brasil for another month or so.

I know that someone can get a second three month stay by applying for that to the immigrasion but I want to avoid that process this time.


El Greco

J Wadd
09-11-05, 20:48
...Yes, you can do that and it's very easy. Go to the Argentinian side -- it's more efficient; the Paraguayan officials didn't even bother with an exit stamp when I came through (that's why I went to Argentina). Either way, it's easy.

Happy Hunting,

El Greco
09-12-05, 16:34
Thank you very much. Your info is very helpfull.

Do I have to stay overnight at the Argentinian side or same day return to Brasil does the job?

El Greco

Nyc Expat
11-09-05, 04:28
We were there 2 weeks ago. No problem crossing the borders in a rental car. Got an Argentinian entry/exit stamp in passport. No Brazilian border re-entry checks. Right now the Falls are magnificant because of 15 times more water due to above normal rainfall.

Foz do Iguacu has an active night life. Ave. das Cataratas has a club Crystal Casa de Shows with beautiful show girls.

For non-pro action try International Disco Club and outdoor cafe on Ave. Jorge Schimmelpfeng. Hundreds of potential encounters on the weekend. Other outdoor cafes nearby.

11-21-05, 12:03
Does anyone know whether someone can renew the entry visa to Brasil by crossing the border to Argentina at the Foz do Iguasu (and maybe by staying overnight there) ?

I have never been there and by doing this I want to avoid a trip to Buenos Aires in order to extend my stay in Brasil for another month or so.

I know that someone can get a second three month stay by applying for that to the immigrasion but I want to avoid that process this time.


El Greco

If you cross the border you will receive and ARG entry stamp. HOWEVER, you must tell them your visit is in EXCESS of several days. Many tourists from Brasil frequent the falls, AND receive an entry stamp VALID for SEVERAL DAYS ONLY. Tell ARG immigration that you are on your way, via bus, to BA, AND you are staying for several weeks in that city.

If you have many, many Brasil entry/exit stamps, and others, the above should be sufficient and without problem when re-entering into Brasil. Because when you re-enter , the PF is unlikely to calculate the number days you were in and out (only checking visa validity and expiration). HOWEVER, there is always a chance they might calculate days. If the PF is prick enough to do such, expect to pay a fine(X days x fine per day) and deported.

The PF are neither dumb or careless. Almost all at immigration check points speak English. It is only if you catch them during their laziness that such can be pulled off.

11-21-05, 12:31
Purchased ticket online from Gol for 242 Reals. Will be flying out of Santos Dumont. Will check out Crystal, Vera, and street action.

Got air quotes from Puerto Iguazu, ARG to BA ranging from $250 USD to $300 USD. Decided to bus it.

Sorry for the months of delay. Back home now. All went well. Brief report as follows:

Stayed several nights on Brasil side. Unfortunately, I did no monger during my stay. Did visit the falls on the Brasilian side. Impressed. I would rec. a visit should any of you go there.

Crossed the border into ARG via a taxi. Went to bus station and caught a luxury long distance bus to BA. Travelled first class.

Stopped two times at military checkpoints. At one ARG checkpoint, the soldier inspected my passport, and then questioned my ARG visa. At that time, I did not know that my visa was to expire in a few days, and he questioned why I was on a long-distance bus, and how long my travels were. Although I understood him to the T, I responded in [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) poor Spanish/English combo, and stated that I am due to catch a plane upon arriving in BA. READ POST BELOW ABOUT ARG VISAS IN FOZ AREA.

Stayed at the WSG Mansion for several days. Jackson and Dave were super hosts. Met other fellow members. BA was interesting and different. My BA reports have been posted at the ARG forum.

11-21-05, 16:07
Does anyone know if there are any vaccinations needed to go to the Falls? I am thinking of going in January and have only traveled been to Rio in my previous trips to Brazil

11-22-05, 01:04
Does anyone know if there are any vaccinations needed to go to the Falls? I am thinking of going in January and have only traveled been to Rio in my previous trips to Brazil

Nope, none needed. I was just there.

04-02-06, 14:46
Everytime there is a report about Iguacu nightclubs I only read about Crystal.While Crystal is a great nightclub I had a great experience at a smaller club called Scorpion.

Simply ask the cab driver and the rest is usual Brazilian experience at significantly lowercost than Crystal.

Member #4643
04-02-06, 21:05
If you speak Portuguese, you could also ask your cab driver to help you find a prive or a casa. I was in the Foz on a Sunday night last year, and my driver found my girl and me a house with about 10 girls, most of them pretty (only two of them did couples, however). I would have preferred a boite for the ambience, etc, but the expereience turned out to be a lot of fun (a blond, my girl and I did a threesome for a couple of hours in a local motel).

One Wing Low
04-03-06, 06:54
Has some good-looking girls-next-door type who are fun to be with. No pressure at all. Just good fun.

04-11-06, 15:16
If you speak Portuguese, you could also ask your cab driver to help you find a prive or a casa. I was in the Foz on a Sunday night last year, and my driver found my girl and me a house with about 10 girls, most of them pretty (only two of them did couples, however). I would have preferred a boite for the ambience, etc, but the expereience turned out to be a lot of fun (a blond, my girl and I did a threesome for a couple of hours in a local motel).Mongering with the own girlfriend.

Lucky men.



09-05-06, 03:25
On my trip to Igazu falls I found that this is quite a bad town for mongers, that language make it a little more difficult if you don't know Portugese.

I happened to be staying that the Hotel Tropical Das Catharatus which was more that 26 kms from the city.. when I finally did go into the city it was a sunday and most places seem to close by 09:00 p.m.

I say few places that say Club with neon lights, I went in the place was dead and so damn dark that you woudn't know if you were picking up a 18 year old chick or a 90 year old granny. I tried few outdoor cafe's but no success just wanste of money as the few chicks who lingered there seem to vanish and I don't think they were ever looking to be picked up.

Maybe there is action here.. but someone ocal needs to write up a detailed report to give some of us/fellow mongers some pointers.

Also most of us go here for 3 or 4 days max to see the falls (just to cloak/hide your mongers with trip pics etc from family and friends).

If any of you guys have had a different experience please post, we would all love to hear.

My only memorable thing here was at the Tropical hotel I hooked up with a guest at the bar (she was damn horny and her husband was drunk and passed out.. thats what she said), even more wierd she was from India.

It was the first time I ever fucked and Indian even though she seemed like in her 30's she was one hell of a tight fuck and came all over my sheets that I had to call for spare sheets from house keeping... ha ha.

08-06-07, 17:26
Any mongers with new information on Igauzu Falls?

Is this location improving or worsening as a vacation/monger destination?

Black Boots
10-27-07, 19:55

Been recently to Foz, did not monger there , i was staying along the avenida Brasil, seen some street girls there at 9pm , just inquired for the prices was quoted for 50RS for a session and extra 10Rs for a room nearby, the quality of the garotas was 4-5. Would exercise caution as LE shadow may be there.



10-29-07, 10:12

Been recently to Foz, did not monger there , i was staying along the avenida Brasil, seen some street girls there at 9pm , just inquired for the prices was quoted for 50RS for a session and extra 10Rs for a room nearby, the quality of the garotas was 4-5. Would exercise caution as LE shadow may be there.



Where did you stay on Avenida Brasil?

Helpmann :)

11-20-07, 22:22
There hasn't been any activity on this board.

I guess the tourist influx has decreased.

As everyone said, in Foz there aren't many choices.

It's either Tia Vera or Crystal.

There are other smaller "casas", but they don't have good looking girls and sometimes it could be dangerous since all of these "casas" are in somewhat dangerous neighborhoods.

This time went to Tia Vera four times.

The selection is one of the best in Foz. (Crystal will probably have slightly better looking girls on most nights, but the price is a lot higher)

1st night.

Went there with 3 friends. Valdir (the pimp) came out to greet us and told us about the price and other things.

7 girls came out. There weren't any ugly girls. (mostly 5s-8s)

I had the first choice that night among my friends, and chose Jaqueline.

She was a brazilian blonde who I had to bang.

I had a great time with her although it was kind of distracting with 3 other couples in an open sex motel. (Playtime Hotel)

Looks: 8
Attitude: 7
Service: 9

2nd night.

Went there with 2 friends. 4 girls were available because it was kind of early. Chose Milena this time who was a petite brunette. Went to the same hotel this time around too. Definitely a fun girl to hang out with. Less distraction this time around, but still not so private.

Looks: 7
Attitude: 8
Service: 8

3rd night.

Went there with 1 friend. 5 girls available. I was already feeling slightly embarrassed because the pimp already knew us. Chose a dark skinned hottie. Went to the Mirage Hotel. Didn't have a good time because this girl didn't know what an escort should do or what I paid her for. Bad selection from me, should have chosen the smiling girl, instead I chose the hottest one. Her name was Patricia.

Looks: 8
Attitude: 6
Service: 5

4th night.

Went there reeeeally early. At 4 pm. Had to go to a party at night. Went there with 1 friend. The pimp wasn't there because he was bringing new girls from the terminal. Waited for 5 minutes and there they were. He brought 3 at that time and more girls were supposed to come at night that day. Girls ranged from 6-8. My friend chose the hottest one since I had chosen first all the other times. Got the second best looking girl named Bia. Went to Mirage. This girl ended up being the best choice. Although her sex skills weren't as good as the first two (Jaqueline and Milena), she was a total GFE and made me feel like the only man in the world.

Looks: 7
Attitude: 9
Service: 8

The girls stay at the house for periods of time. The minimum is 15 days. They sleep and live there. No incall. The price is 150 reals (about 80 USD right now). 100 for the girls and 50 for the house. The length is about 2 hrs. You can either take them back to the house after the deed or pay an extra 20 reals to have them picked up. We payed the extra 20 all of the times. All in all not a bad mongering spot. The motels are all on one road. The price varies but the average is about 70 reals per couple per hr. The sexmotels are pretty good. They all have an indoor jacuzzi and most have a private pool too. Hope this helps, and if you have the chance visit this place.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

12-01-07, 04:34
After spending the entire night chatting with Donnie D (ISG member) outside of Help Disco, I left the club empty handed. I almost walked away with 2-sisters, but I was hoping for something "So Much Better." At 4am, I walked 2-blocks to my apartment, packed, and left for the airport to begin a new adventure, Foz do Iguacu.

I arrived in Foz do Iguacu from Sao Paulo later that afternoon to be picked-up and taken to Hotel Del Rey (R$60/ night. I had read several reviews of the hotel and it had everything that I wanted in a boutique hotel: good location (2-blocks from Avenida Brasil) wireless internet, great breakfast, great service, and privacy ("guests" cost R$35/ night.)

After unpacking and somewhat settling in I decided to walk Avenida Brasil, the main street in town. After locating, the basics (bank, pharmacy, restaurants, and the Capitao Bar) I decided to get down to business. I walked to the nearest taxi stand and asked a taxi driver, which houses and clubs he knew of. He listed Cristals (very poor reviews) Scorpions (no recent reviews) and Casa Vera (mixed reviews) all of which I had read about on chat boards already. The driver seemed like a good guy, but I didn't think he could clue me into anything outside of the commercial scene (he was reading the club addresses and hours of operation from the business cards they had given him.)

Well fine, I asked him to drive me to Scorpions, so I could see where it was and perhaps give me a tour of the street scene. It was only 7:00pm and I just wanted to get my bearings. Also, I had already arranged for an internet pro, Senorita July, to meet me at my hotel at 8pm. We drove by Scorpions and drove by several street walker areas, which were also nearby the club, later returning to my hotel. Although, I was somewhat interested in the "chica" scene in Foz do Iguacu, where I really wanted to go (besides the waterfalls) was Club Eros, in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay. The driver gave me his number, I mentioned the possibility of going to Paraguay tomorrow evening and I hoped that this was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

With only 15 minutes until 8pm, I took a quick shower, and took a seat on the bench outside of the hotel to wait for my date. At 8:10pm, Senorita July stepped out of the cab and we greeted each other. I asked her to have a seat on the bench, so we could chat and get comfortable with one another (Hablo Espanol, No Falo Portuguesa.) When she looked comfortable, she radioed the taxi driver (she carries a walkie-talkie and 2 cell-phones in her purse) that everything was fine and we went inside. Although, "guests" are charged R$35/ night, Senorita looked and was dressed more like my lawyer or accountant than my fuck toy, so hotel management didn't charge me or ask questions.

I told her what I wanted, my leche in her mouth primero and my leche in her culo despues and we went to it. She's a nice girl (22-years-old) but on looks and body alone she's a "4." Nevertheless, I was not surprised or dissappointed, because I had already seen her photo and had read on a Brazilian board that her service was fantastic.

First Senorita July drops to her knees and starts with her mouth....

After the first leche, I asked her to give me a full body massage hoping that I would have enough energy to fuck her ass (no sleep the night before.)

After the massage, I again return to her mouth, before entering her ass. We enjoy multiple positions; however after a half an hour, I am too tired to cum, so we chat. I ask her about her life in Foz, her family, her career aspirations, but I finally ask her about the fantasies of her clients. She tells me that the #1 request she receives is a where she dresses up like a muslim woman and is taken from behind. She tells me about her girl-girl sex acts and her multiple men sex acts (one cock in her ass, one cock in her pussy) and I start to realize how dirty this girl is.

Well after 2-hours and R$100 later, I show her the door, but book time with her for tomorrow at 6pm. I walk a block down Rua Taroba to the restaurant, "Buffalo Bronco" where waiters walk by my table every 3-minutes to serve me filet mignon, pork wrapped in bacon, NY strip, chorizo, chicken, and every imaginable piece of meat a man could dream of. Around 11pm I head back to the hotel.

It will be a long day tomorrow and I need to sleep.



12-02-07, 17:33
After a good night of rest, I was scrambling to shower, dress, and get upstairs before the 10am breakfast buffet close. Upstairs I was surprised to see a bounty of ham, bacon, eggs, rolls, fried bananas, pastries, cheeses, coffee, juice, and much more. I loaded up my plate and hungrily scarfed the food down. By 10:15am I was ready to head to the falls (Las Cataratas.)

I asked the hotel attendant for directions and he told me that I could catch the public bus at the bus stop, which was across the street and about a half a block South. At 10:20am, I caught the public bus for R$2.00 and we left for the Iguazu Falls (the bus's last stop is the Iguazu Falls and it's 2nd to last stop is the airport.)

My trip to Iguazu was not a spare of the moment decision. I had planned to spend 2-days at the falls and 3-days in Foz do Iguacu (2nd Day Brazil Side; 3rd Day Argentina Side) and I had brought everything that I thought I might need (all stored in my cargo pants.) I had my digital camera, my underwater disposable camera, my plastic rain poncho, and a couple of airtight zip-lock bags to store my camera, watch, and money should I get wet.

After a 45-minute bus ride, the tourists and I disembarked from the bus and bought my park entrance and transportation ticket (R$20.) There I jumped in the charter bus line, which would take me directly to the falls. On the 15 minute bus ride I was seated next to a Peruvian woman who was part of large seniors group that was traveling all over South America. After pitifully trying to speak Portuguese for the last week, I was thrilled to meet and talk with any Spanish speakers. She told me about her kids in the US and her trip.

The bus let us out in front of the Tropical das Cataratas Hotel, I believe the only hotel located within the Park, and we walked about 20 yards down to see the end of the falls (about 1-mile from the beginning of the Devil's Throat.) From there we were on foot, walking closer and closer to the beginning of the Devil's Throat. Having seen Niagra many years ago, I was amazed with what I saw at Iguazu (I took hundreds of photos.) I loved it. I was at the Devil's Throat until 2:30pm, then I left to take the the Macuco Boat Safari excursion, which was located between the park entrance and the Tropical das Cataratas hotel.

I jumped on a charter bus that was heading toward the park entrance, but got off early to do the Macuco Boat Safari (R$148.) The Macuco Boat Safari is a tour aboard a 25-foot zodiac boat, up river, which takes you through and into some of the smaller falls in the Devil's Throat. It was fantastic!! I did the tour with a seniors group from Uruguay and we all walked off soaked wet, but laughing.

After finishing the tour around 4pm, I took another charter bus to the park entrance(exit) and waited for the public bus to take me back to my hotel. About an hour later, the bus dropped me off at the city's main bus station, about 3 blocks from my hotel, and I quickly made my way back to my room (I have a 6pm "date" with Senorita July.)

After showering, changing, uploading my photos to my laptop, and checking my email, I made my way to the bench outside the hotel to wait for Senorita July. At 6:20pm, the hotel attendant walked outside to tell me that I had a phone call (damn!!) I answered the phone to hear an unfamiliar man's voice tell me that Senorita July was delayed in Argentina and would not be able to arrive until 7:30pm. I thanked him for the message and told him that I had other plans for the evening (Dinner at 8pm; Club Eros at 10pm) and that I would have to cancel the appointment.

After Plan A went bust, I turned to Plan B, I called the taxi driver. I asked him if he could swing by the hotel, so that he could listen to my proposal. Once he arrived at the hotel, we grabbed a seat on the bench and I told him that I needed a driver who could not only drive me to and from Club Eros, but could also stay with me for the 4-hours (10pm - 2am) I would be in Ciudad del Este (the club was 12km outside of the city, and I didn't trust catching a ride back to Foz do Iguacu with an unfamiliar Ciudad del Este taxi driver at 2am.) I offered the Foz taxi driver R$100. After 10 minutes of discussion, we could not reach an arrangement. Later in the negotiation he did counter with an offer of R$200; however, I believe that was just a number he threw out of the air. He honestly did not want to drive through Ciudad del Este at night. He was scared and I believe that I should have been as well.

I thanked him for time and his sincerity and I returned to my room, Plan B went bust. It was still early, about 8pm and already my night was finished. I changed my clothes and walked over to “Buffalo Bronco” for dinner and tried to think of some ideas, Plan C. After another wonderful dinner, I walked down Avenida Brasil to see what the night life was like in town. I saw mostly tourists and Brazilians sitting outside having dinner or drinking beers and watching the soccer game. I also noticed several hookers near the corner of Brasil and DaSilva and Brasil and Reboucas. Plan C was starting to formulate, so I returned to my hotel to change my clothes for the evening.

I returned to the corner of Brasil and Reboucas, so I could grab an outdoor table, a beer, a view of the soccer game, and a view of the hookers on the corner. It was only 10:30pm, so I didn’t plan to take a street girl home, but I thought I could at least see what was there and relax with my beer. At 12am, I decided to stroll down Avenida Brasil, before catching a taxi to the Capitao Bar (Ave. Schimmepleng and Brasil.) The Capitao Bar was an after hours bar and grill that was open until late in the evening. Even on a weekday night, the Capitao Bar was full of male tourists and their Brazilian female companions (I should have reached out to several Brazilian girls from Foz on Orcut or Hi-5 before I arrived. Damn!!! Damn!!!! Damn!!! Damn!!! Damn!!!) Well, what was done was done. I thought I would be spending the night banging a Paraguayan teen in Club Eros tonight anyway. After 1-hour of sipping my caiparinha and bottle of water, I walked to the taxi stand across the street and asked the driver to take me to Scorpions (what a mistake.)

I had read the very negative reviews on Cristals and the mixed reviews on Casa Vera; however, only one outdated positive review on Scorpions. Once inside, I was immediately greeted by a young, tall beauty with long black hair. I forgot her name, but she tells me she’s from Londrina; however, she looks more Russian than Brazilian. At the club, she was great and very affectionate. Throughout the night we’re making out and drinking champagne, her tongue in my ear and her hands on my cock. I have never been one to walk into a club like this, because of their notoriety (if you’re a Santo Domingo traveler, think Remmingtons.) Anyway, I was on Plan C, I knew what to expect and I didn’t care. I was having too much fun. At 2:30am (30 minutes before closing) she wanted to leave and told me R$400. I said it was too high and we leave at R$250 for the night. I pay the bill for the 3-4 buckets of champagne we ordered and though I was surprised (R$200), I realized that this was the poor choice I made when I decided to “wing-it.”

The taxi driver who drove me there was waiting to escort us back to the hotel, I paid him, and we headed to the room. The desk attendant saw the hooker with me and billed me an extra R$35 for the night (he called the room to confirm the charge.) What an expensive night. The girl from Londrina doesn’t waste any time and gets my pants off and her mouth on my cock. At the club, I loved her aggressiveness, but in bed, I found it annoying. She got on all fours, so I could fuck her in doggy and then I realizeed what she was up to. She wanted to get me off as quickly as possible, so she could get the hell out of there!! Surprised, NO; disappointed, YES.

After about 45-minutes of fucking, I cum and she was dressing and heading for the door. While she’s dressing, I grabbed my laptop to check email (perhaps I could see Senorita July tomorrow.) The girl from Londrina, says she was ready and that I should pay her R$250, I refused. This goes on for about 30min. Eventually she threatened to call the police, then called them. I said fine. Then for another 20 minutes we are both talking to the police (the officer speaks Spanish.) I told my side, she told her side. It probably doesn’t matter, I was sure the club and the girls regularly pay off the police with money and pussy. Finally, the police officer threatened to come down to the hotel where I will be fined and the hotel will be fined. Still I was unmoved. It wasn't until the hotel attendant knocked on my door to tell me that we were waking-up the other hotel guests that I paid the girl R$200 + R$20 cab fare to get out.

What a night, what a day.

-Helpmann :)

Pipe Layer99
12-03-07, 10:18
After spending the entire night chatting with Donnie D.....

It was cool hanging out with you in Rio (and on the beach that day with your little spinner). Glad you had a good first day after you left.
Give me a call when you are stateside so we catch up. DD

12-08-07, 17:15
By the next morning and I was back on my computer chatting with a couple of Dominican girls on MSN Messenger. Also, I had sent an email to Senorita July for a 4-hour session with video and I was waiting for her reply. By 10:05am I realized that I missed breakfast, but continued to chat with the girls from DR.

I wasn't sure what I would do today. Although, I had planned to do the Argentinean side of the falls, I also wanted to visit Ciudad del Este, and I didn't think that a 2nd day at the falls would amaze me as much as it did the first time. With this in mind and knowing that I would be heading to the airport at 3:30am to catch a 6am flight, I decided to keep the day simple and relaxing.

By early afternoon, I hailed a cab and asked the driver to take me to Paraguay. It took about 15 minutes to reach the Friendship Bridge (the bridge that connects Ciudad del Este, Paraguay to Foz do Iguacu, Brazil.) Upon reaching the bridge, the driver turned off his meter. Although, I had obtained a Paraguayan Visa for my passport, it wasn't needed. The police on both sides, didn't appear to be checking anything or anyone as people entered Paraguay or Brazil. Once we crossed the bridge, I asked the driver to drop me off in the middle of the market, a few blocks from the border. I paid him R$30 and started a new adventure in Paraguay.

The market in Ciudad del Este is huge (hundreds of shops) and is located immediately upon crossing the bridge into Paraguay. Although, the market in Ciudad del Este was 10x the size of New York's Chinatown, I found the selection quite similiar in product and price. I guess I wasn't sure what to expect, but the merchandise that I saw (Electronics, Cell Phones, Fishing Rods, Clothes, Leather Goods) didn't appear to be as special or unique as I hoped it would be (everything there could be bought on Ebay for comparable prices.) Although, I didn't see any bargains at the market for me, there were plenty of bargains there for Brazilians (the Brazilian government heavily taxes imported goods.)

After 2-hours of walking around the market, I decided to pack it in. I hailed a Paraguyan taxi to take be back to Brazil (R$25.) After crossing back into Foz do Iguacu, I asked the driver about Club Eros. He was familiar with the club, but didn't know their hours. Again I tried to arrange a similiar deal with the driver, a night time excursion to Club Eros. Nevertheless, like the driver from the other day, he was also too scared to drive in Ciudad del Este at night. He suggested an alternative, a daytime visit to Casa Blanca; however, I graciously declined.

After returning to Avenida Brasil, I ate, returned to my hotel, and checked email. Senorita July quoted me a price of R$400 for 4-hours of sex and video and I declined (I shouldn't have to pay R$200 extra for video work.) After packing and running a few errands, I went to bed early. I knew that tomorrow would be a long day, but an important one.

I would arrive in Buenos Aires for the Expat Feast!!

-Helpmann :)

12-31-07, 02:58
On a recent trip to Foz de Iguassu (Nov. 23)I stayed at the Del Rey Hotel and must agree with Helpmann that the price and quality were above average. Paid 95 reais per day for double ocupancy, the room had a king sized bed and 2 double beds and breakfast was as good as any hotel in Rio. The 2 reais bus to the falls, departs from the terminal rodo-feroviario at the sign "Parque Nacional". This bus also goes past the airport, so one may save on taxi fares when ariving and departing Foz do Iguasssu. Gol airlines has flights from GIG-FOZ, at economical prices. Avoid the bus trip, since it is a 22 hour trip from Rio.

While there for only 2 days, I discovered in the yellow pages the addreses for Boate Topazio Av, Rafagnin 773 and located Sauna Aquarius on Av, Eng. Reboucas 968, Which claims an American Bar and opens at 15:00. Unfortunately due to a bad cold, contracted the week before in Sao Paulo, I was unable to check these places out. I had expended all my energy to go to the falls, which are extraordinary and one of those must do things in life. Anyone traveling to this area and willing to do a little leg work, may discover a new resource in this mongering chalenged city.
Happy Hunting: Pelicano

03-16-08, 02:24
Was in Foz for 3 days. Stayed at the Del Rey which as previous reports suggest is indeed very good value for money and good location for buses to the falls. Girls wise foz is poor and nightlife options limited. SWs in Av Brazil and Av Kubitcek but really nothing special.

A tip for the falls (which are great) is that the argentinian side is a bit better and has more to see and also porto iuazu on the argentinian side is a much better and nicer place to stay rather than Foz on the brazilian side. This is the place I d stay if I d visit them again.

07-19-08, 14:21
I'm headed to Foz next month and wondered if anyone had been there recently. I plan to go to the massage parlors previously discussed and it sounds to me that a trip to Vera's Casa is a must (I don't have a problem choosing from a line up).

Where are the streetwalkers? Someone mentioned a road going out of town. Which road? Also, are there any reasonably priced call girls?

I'll be there for a week, which should be time to try the non-pro action. What bars would be best?

Any other mongers going to be there in late August/early September?

07-23-08, 19:36
Pretty slow town.

Streetwalkers you'll find on Avenida do Brasil, which is mainstreet in the downtown.

We went also to Cristal nightclub, which was a total rip off.

Silent Monger
08-28-08, 12:59

I had the pleasure of visiting this part of the world around mid-June 2005, and while this was some three years ago, I would like to write a report of my experience there in the hope that I might contribute something to the rich array of mongering experiences that have been shared on this forum by others. I was staying in Buenos Aires and had just concluded a few weeks of Spanish lessons at a language school in Belgrano. I decided that it would be a good time to head north to see the famous Iguazu Falls. So a friend and I took a flight up to Posades which is the capital of Misiones province, and from there we took a hire car across to the trifrontera region and then over the border into Brazil. We stayed in a hotel on the Brazilian side, located between the border and the Foz Do Iguazu National Park and it was here that I had my solitary taste of mongering in Brazil.

Having seen these most beautiful waterfalls featured on a television travel show a year or two prior, I knew before departing to South America that I would visit them. For me this required a trip to the Brazilian Consulate in my state capital for the purpose of arranging the tourist visa. I needed a few passport photos, my passport, had to fill in a form and deposit $70 (Australian Dollars) (the price may have changed recently) into a bank account held by the consulate. I then shown them the receipt and they processed the visa and a few days later I collected my passport from them and was all ready to go. I have heard of some travellers managing to cross the border without the visa, but I thought I’d spare myself any hassles and do it the legal way, after all if you’re going to spend a few thousand dollars on airfares then why worry about a seventy dollar visa?

The trip to Foz do Iguacu

Buenos Aires was damp and cold when we departed; Posades was damp but warm when we arrived. We were met at the airport by our driver who took us to our car and we set out for the trip to the border. On the way we had planned to make a stop to see the old Jesuit ruins of San Ignacio, visit a yerba mate plantation (which we scrapped in favour of visiting the site of Ernesto "Che" Guevara’s childhood home) and the Wanda Mines where they mine semi-precious quartz crystal stones. I am not really into the whole Che Guevara thing, as he was much before my time, but my travel buddy really wanted to stop by the place on the Parana River where his childhood house was. They were building a museum there and there was a short walking trail through the bush that a guide led us on and pointed out things of interest. The countryside and particularly the Rio Parana was nice, but overall I found the tour a bit boring. However our guide was a young Argentinean lass named Sonya, who apart from some slight acne scarring on her face, was quite pretty with dark hair and eyes and fair skin. She was a university student who worked as a tour guide and would have been about 20-years-old, she looked very youthful and had a nice body. So what was otherwise a very mundane tour ("yes and here are the crumbling foundations of Che’s house") was compensated by walking behind Sonya up the steep bush trails and watching her arse move under its tight denim cover. After the tour we stopped at a little table covered in Che souvenirs, bandanas, t-shirts, wallets, key rings etc. I wonder what the great Marxist warrior himself would have made of all this capitalisation of his name and image? We said goodbye to Sonya with a friendly kiss and then hit the road again.

Our next stop at the Wanda Mines was more interesting, not just from a touristic perspective, but also from a social and mongering one. The tour of the mines is a typical well rehearsed tour that ends in their shop where you are encouraged to buy some of the beautiful cut and polished stones from their mine. However the interesting part was the drive up to the entrance, we went past what seemed to be a shanty town of people living on squats where they try to find semi precious stones to sell and make a living. These people looked very poor and some, were chasing our car as we drove past, holding up samples of their wares. Among this rabble of desperados I could see one or two diamonds in the rough. Young adult women with nice bodies who were scantily dressed, one of them had some provocative looking tattoos up her leg. I definitely feel that if one had some time to stop then some mongering action could certainly be negotiated.

The Cataratas

Before long we were crossing the border between Argentina and Brazil, this process did not take too long. We stayed at the Hotel San Juan Cataratas, a reasonable hotel with decent rooms, generous dinner and breakfast buffets, although I found the food in that place really gave me heartburn. The hotel was sort of situated in the middle of nowhere, not far from the Argentinian border and within short distance of the waterfalls however it was not close to the town of Foz do Iguacu. One night we took in the Rafain Churrascaria Show nearby, which was one of those Carmen Miranda type folk-dancing shows, with muscle bound guys doing some impressive capoeira and some lovely Brazilian dancers showing plenty of tit and arse with their glittery, revealing costumes. A fantastic buffet was on offer with some great meat and they even had a fairly smooth locally distilled whiskey. Overall an enjoyable evening, and watching those sexy Brazilian women up on stage made my mind turn to more carnal delights. However before I discuss my haughty adventures I would like to briefly mention the main attraction of Foz do Iguacu, that is the waterfalls.

The cataratas de Iguazu are the second largest series of waterfalls in the world and are much larger than Niagara. They are breathtakingly beautiful and are without a doubt one of the amazing wonders of the natural world. I would advise any traveller/monger who is in Argentina or close to the tri-frontera region to make the effort to see them. I would rank them right up there with Machu Picchu in Peru in terms of ‘must see’ things in South America. We visited both the Argentinian and Brazilian sides. In Argentina you get up close and get wet, whereas Brazil has the amazing panoramic vista. Take a plastic bag for your camera and wear clothes that will dry quickly.

Blowing my load in Brazil

There was a middle-aged Brazilian guy who worked reception at the Hotel San Juan Cataratas, and quite frankly he was a sleazy bastard who I didn’t trust. But he told my amigo and I that if we needed anything he could organise it, tours, transport, chicas! Well it is a good way to find out if your hotel is chica friendly when the hotel receptionist offers to procure them for you. Early one evening before dinner I found myself relaxed after a long day of trekking though the national park and was feeling rather horny. I was looking forward to a fuck, some dinner and an early night so I did not feel like taking a taxi into Foz to try and scour the streets, clubs and brothels. Hence I decided to take this guy up on his offer and I went downstairs to reception and asked him in a casual manner what type of chicas he could procure and what would the costs be. He advised that a wide range of chicas were available to come to the hotel and that they were $50US Dollars for two hours. Well I wasn’t sure of what the usual prices in that region were but $25 bucks an hour didn’t seem too bad, it seemed consistent with prices in Argentina and was even better in comparison to prices and quality in Australia. So I asked him to send over a selection of fairer skinned beauties for my perusal. He told me that the girls would arrive at my room in about an hour. Actually they seemed to arrive faster than that; I was in my room having a drink and a few laughs with my buddy when there was a knock on the door.

I opened the door to find three dazzling chicas, elegantly dressed and accompanied by a short, butch, obnoxious lesbian looking chick. The little lesbo led the parade of beauties into my room and then looked disdainfully at my buddy and I asking who is going to be choosing a chica. I announced that I was the lucky punter and so the three girls lined up dutifully and introduced themselves. My amigo sat in my room enjoying the show and no doubt ensuring that I made a good choice. Each one was beautiful, one was blond and tanned and a little thick around the thighs and waist, the other was a brunette who was tall, slim and a bit too flat chested, the other was a brunette with dark eyes and a sultry seductive look about her. Thick lips, nice tits and while short she had a nice body. Her name was Claudia and I definitely felt she was the best of the bunch, my buddy felt so too as he nodded his approval when I chose her. Then the little lesbian terrier piped up and arrogantly announced "ok you pay me the money now, the boss is waiting downstairs". She was obviously there to pimp and protect the girls and clearly thought that trying to standover and intimidate the customers was part of her job too; pity of I was not having a bar of her bullshit. I told her no, the boss is not downstairs, the boss is here! I am the customer and so I am the boss and I will pay the girl after the two hours of service. I then said to her that if she was not happy with that then they could leave. She had a shitty look on her face but she said ok, spoke to Claudia briefly in Portuguese and then stormed out of the room with the other two darlings trailing behind. After a few minutes of grinning and checking over Claudia my amigo excused himself and wished me good luck.

Alone in the room together, Claudia went into the bathroom and then emerged a few minutes later. She lay down on the bed next to me and we caressed and tried to chat a little.communication was difficult as I don’t speak Portuguese and she didn’t speak any English so we used what Spanish we could both understand. However as I am sure many of you guys on the forum will understand, banging a beautiful woman involves a lot of non-verbal language and intuitive understanding. Before long we were both undressed and I was straddling her nice buttocks and giving her a slow back massage. I kissed her neck and up and down her back and around her arse. Then she rolled over and I repeated the process on her front, sucking her tits and then taking the dive for some DATY. She became very wet and her hips moved to meet my tongue every so often. We fucked in a variety of positions, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, missionary and doggy. I blew my load in her in doggy position, there is just something about watching a smooth round arse banging against my groin and my cock going in and out of her; it makes me cum every time. Afterwards we lay there holding and caressing each other, she had a nice attitude and was eager to please and very sensual. She was not overly friendly or extraverted; she was somewhat sullen with that sultry expression in her eyes the whole time. We continued laying on the bed holding each other, watching Mr Bean on TV and laughing occasionally. Before long I was starting to feel aroused again and actually Claudia started to initiate things. She was rubbing up close to me and she reached down and grabbed my cock and started expertly pulling and squeezing it until it stood proud and ready for action again. So we set about fucking and sucking some more. She gave me a very good BBBJ and we got into the 69 position for a while, which is always one of my favourites with the right girl. I gave her a good tongue fucking while she sucked on my cock and teased my knob with her tongue. I was rock hard and she mounted me on top and started banging up and down on me, she looked so great. After a while she climbed off me and got into the doggy position so I happily obliged and again in due course I blew my load watching my cock slide in and out of her pussy and her Brazilian arse banging against me.

I was totally satisfied and was by now covered in a thin sheen of sweat, but I felt that she was holding back and had not been satisfied. So I rolled her onto her back and got down between her legs for some serious DATY and fingering, after a while her hips started rising and her breathing was fast and was guiding my head with her hands to keep me on the right spot. When she climaxed she did not make a lot of noise but she pushed me away from her clit and closed her legs around my head in a vice-like grip. I had worked on her so hard that my tongue was tired, but she clearly appreciated it. We held each other some more and relaxed together, both satisfied. Overall I felt that she was a great experience, sexy, sensual, nice body and good attitude. After the two hours were up she went into the bathroom and changed, I paid her the $50USD and we had a parting kiss and I shown her out of my room. I had a rest for a little while before showering and joining my buddy for dinner. He was already in the dinning room with a big expectant grin on his face. Claudia was my only mongering experience in Brazil; there was a girl on the road outside of my hotel who was selling ultra-light aircraft flights to tourists, one afternoon I sat with her and we chatted as she spoke near perfect English. She was a very nice girl and probably about a 6 or 7/10 in looks and I knew if I had the time to play that I could pick her up, so obviously there is also some potential in the area for STRs and non-pro chicas. Before departing back to Buenos Aires we visited the Itaipu Dam and spent about half a day in the actual town of Foz do Iguacu. It was a small town with a thriving central business district with a variety of food places, shops and banks. I was surprised to see a large local Lebanese population with kebab shops like one would find in Melbourne or Sydney. Of course in that part of the town, during the day I did not see any places of interest to mongers, but I feel this town would most definitely have some potential. Also Ciudad del Este, Paraguay was so close that it was visible from Brazil and is apparently accessible via a short ferry ride and obviously there is more potential here for the adventurous monger.


In summary I had a pleasant trip to this region both as a conventional tourist and as a monger, although my mongering was limited to one chica. However my philosophy is: better one chica who gives gold medal service than a dozen clock-watching money grabbers. It seems that some hotels in the area are very chica friendly and assistance may even be available from reception staff and obviously taxi drivers. Choose wisely, don’t pay up front and stand your ground. Definitely a place worth visiting, even just for the waterfalls, good mongering potential is there. I would love to hear reports from other members who have had time to sample more of the local wares than I had. I was wondering about the Hotel das Cataratas that is actually located inside the Foz do Iguacu National Park, how chica friendly would that place be?

I wish you happy and quality mongering.

Silent Monger

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Bubba Boy
08-30-08, 04:41
Very nice report. I have been to the tri city area about half a dozen times. I have gone the BYO GDP route every time, didn't know there was any action, hence thanks for the tip.

Further info on the borders:
There are 3 borders all within 20 minutes drive. I have never been asked to show a passport while entering into Brazil or Paraguay. Argentina always had some one at the border and stamped my passport. You can pass between Brazil and Argentina by taxi, bus, or car. The Brazil - Paraguay border is joined by the "friendship bridge". You can cross it on foot (20minutes) or hire a taxi to just get you across the border in 5 minutes. It is a shared economic zone, hence not passport control.

Good stuff!!!

02-03-09, 19:00
Two questions please:

A ) if from argentina i go to brazil by iguazu fall and then from brazil back home, i will be without the paper, immigration card,they give you in airplane and that i gave back when i left brazil, so i can get in trouble?

B ) i am in BsAs, here internet sucks,the only one internet cafe i found close the page everytime i try to check if there is with voegol flight from iguazu to porto alegre and if daily or in which days of the week, so anybody could check it for me please ?


Bubba Boy
02-03-09, 19:21
Two questions please:

A ) if from argentina i go to brazil by iguazu fall and then from brazil back home, i will be without the paper, immigration card,they give you in airplane and that i gave back when i left brazil, so i can get in trouble?

B ) i am in BsAs, here internet sucks,the only one internet cafe i found close the page everytime i try to check if there is with voegol flight from iguazu to porto alegre and if daily or in which days of the week, so anybody could check it for me please ?


When you cross the border from Argentina into Brazil just make sure you stop at the immigration booth on the Brazilian side and fill out the form. It will be exactly like going through immigration at the airport. Just remember, to board a plane or bus out of Foz, the person checking you in will ask to see you white piece of paper ie your immigration form. No immigration form, you won't be able to board the plane.

02-03-09, 19:29
Thanks....so if I understood well, there is only one airport and out of airport you will choose if go to brazil or to argentina side ?

But for example if i cross the border in autobus how can i get out to fulfill the immigration form if it does no stop ?

Bubba plase can you ckeck if there direct flight to porto alegre? Thanks...

02-03-09, 20:37
B ) i am in BsAs, here internet sucks,the only one internet cafe i found close the page everytime i try to check if there is with voegol flight from iguazu to porto alegre and if daily or in which days of the week, so anybody could check it for me please ?

Lukasek - It looks like there is at least one flight a day from Foz de Iguacu to Porto Alegre on Gol. The flight connects through Curitiba.

02-03-09, 21:38
Lukasek - It looks like there is at least one flight a day from Foz de Iguacu to Porto Alegre on Gol. The flight connects through Curitiba.


thanks...but if I remember well, in curitiba there were ukranians too, so maybe it could worth it, to stop 2 days there and then to floripa, at least i think much better 2 days in curitiba than 2 days more here in BsAs...

02-03-09, 22:25
i think much better 2 days in curitiba than 2 days more here in BsAs...
Luka, you gonna definitely like Curitiba.

I reiterate my recommandation about Sao Paulo though. For a lifestyle of partying and mongering SP blows any other city in South America out of the water. Any other city in the world I'd even say.

02-03-09, 22:41

thanks...but if I remember well, in curitiba there were ukranians too, so maybe it could worth it, to stop 2 days there and then to floripa, at least i think much better 2 days in curitiba than 2 days more here in BsAs... Yes for sure Luka - don't forget about the Ukrainkas. "Crasivy Desvushki" I have heard that Curitibas has some gorgeous blond hairied blue eyed babes of Ukrainian and Polish decent that are stunners.
Go for it!!!!!

02-03-09, 22:55
I remembered your suggests about Litoral Norte in SP and I asked about it to some girls in help from SP, all of them told me, it is much better than copa or ipa, but the problem is I am tired to go to such huge city without wingman and most of all without the time to read good the forum to know where to go.

Remember after 3 weeks in Bratislava in december, I went to Rio in january without time to read good the board and I decided from Rio to BsAs,where I am right now, in THREE days, again without time to read the forum.

I do not want to go back home tired and stressed, so one thing is to go to little city as Curitiba, another thing to go to SP with no knowledge at all about in which hotel to stay or which place to avoid.

Even the same BsAs was not in my plans when I left Europe, even less Iguazu and Curitiba and Porto Alegre and Floripa.....please do not ask me to go to Sanpa too ;)

P.S. Prosal, I read right now your report about Love story... I imagine to be there.... please, no more write such report about such places with no gringo, no favela skank girls and with white skin girls.....or I can get in trouble LOL

da, kanezhna drug, let`s check how taste sthe pizda of a girl half brazilian and half ukranian and most of all if it is totally shaved as the FSU pussies are :)

Bubba Boy
02-03-09, 23:45
Thanks....so if I understood well, there is only one airport and out of airport you will choose if go to brazil or to argentina side ?

But for example if i cross the border in autobus how can i get out to fulfill the immigration form if it does no stop ?

Bubba plase can you ckeck if there direct flight to porto alegre? Thanks...

There is 1 airport on the Argentina side. There is also an airport on the brasil side. Usually you will fly from BA to Foz and land on the Argentina side.

Then you will need to cross the border via bus ot taxi or whatever. The bus will stop, hence you get out and fill out the forms etc and then get back on the bus and away you go.

Generally to fly out of Foz to other brazilian cities you will fly out of the airport on the brazilian side. There are plenty of flights out of foz each day. Check the internet. It also better to book a ticket first via the internet before arriving, much cheaper that way.

02-04-09, 00:19
....it seems you know very well not only Rio but all the Brazil...

Finally I start to understand, so in the airport in the Argentinian side I will take a official taxi as I did here in BsAs I guess. Maybe a bit more expensive but more practical than the bus, so far as I do not speak good portoguese and he will stop for sure at immigration.

The last 3 questions, before I will go there and I will then write my report as usual:

1 ) How much could I expect to pay a taxi from argentinian airport till foz do iguazu city in brazil and how many km ?

2 ) Can we consider Del Rey as a good hotel when as good I mean close to foz do iguazu city and not so far from waterfalls or Bubba or others can suggest me a non too many expensive hotel in the city to be close to the action in the night? Cause I think much better to be close to action and take a tour to waterfalls and the action is in the city, right ?

3 ) I guess no problem in brazilian side to change argentinian pesos to reais, right ?

Thanks again....

02-04-09, 04:24
If you like blondes of Eastern european descent with the sexy Brasilian body, then you will love Curitiba. I have been several times there and its babe galore. However, the girls are not as easy going as they might be further north in Brasil. But if you speak portuguese, got game and balls and time to invest in CWB, you can have a blast. If all fails with the normal girls, there is a ton of mongering options as is the case in all Brasilian cities.


El Greco
02-04-09, 06:55
From Buenos Aires fly to Argentinean side and take a taxi to the Puerto Iguacu town. Many small hotels, restaurants and bars.Stay there overnight. You are going to like it. Small but nice.

Next morning pack your things and leave them with the hotel. Walk to the bus station and get the bus schedule to Brasil.You are going to need it. Get the bus to the Cataratas. Avoid the touts and the kiosks there selling tickets. Buy your ticket in the bus it’s cheaper. Get to know that bus schedule as well for the return trip. In the waterfalls buy your entrance tickets. You must only pay in pesos. I think about 45p. They only accept pesos in cash nothing else. So have pesos with you.

Get on to the tram train and decide where to get off and which track to follow. I only did the upper one due to knee injury at that time. Make sure you make it all the way to the far end, it’s the best spot there. Have a fully charged camera with empty memory. You are going to need it. Spend 3-5 hours have some snack and go back to town. I liked this side more than the Brasilian one.

Take your luggage and go to the bus station again. Take the bus to Brasil for only 3 pesos. They run every 20-30 min. Last one leaving about 19:00 hours do not take that one.

At the border in Argentina everybody gets off and go to immigration. Bus is waiting. Once in the bus again tell the driver to stop at the Brasilian side to stamp your passport. You have to do that. If you don't tell him he will not stop.

Bus might not wait for you there. I am not sure about it. Driver will tell you. In case he does not wait for you take the next one.

Once in Brasil tell him to let you off near Del Ray hotel. From there you can either walk to the hotel or take a taxi. It is only two blocks behind the hotel.

Make reservation with Del Ray in advance via internet for about 70 Reais. Very clean and good value. Receptionist will give you discount vouchers for a couple of nearby restaurants. Ignore them. Take a taxi and tell him to take you to the “Jardin do Chopp” restaurant (Beer Garden) for about 10-15 Reais. It is on the way coming from Argentina to the Foz do Iguacu city. Very nice and cheap churascaria there. Two blocks backwards to the city there are a couple of other restaurants with nice people and garotas. Not working though. Have your dinner or some drinks there. When you are done taxi back to hotel.

One and two blocks behind the hotel you can find some street walkers. I did not take any. Not to my liking. Did not have the time to check for any boites there.

Next morning take the bus to the Brasilian side of the waterfalls. Bus stop is outside of the hotel to the left corner only 20 m away for about 2,5 Reais. Do not buy any tour from the hotel for that. You do not need it. Have lunch at the restaurant in the falls. Very nice view. In the afternoon you may want to go and see the dump.
I did not go there so I do not know. Ask the hotel for that.

Gol flies at 06:00 for Porto Alegre with airplane change at Curitiba and arrives about 08:30 for about 520 Reais if bought well in advance. Otherwise much more. Some days there is also an afternoon flight.

Consider visiting Curitiba as well.After all you are passing by. Make sure you buy different tickets in that case. LOL

Make sure you don't have too many pesos left with you. They are only good in Argentina. Don't know probably you might be able to change some in Foz only.

Have fun

02-04-09, 11:37
thanks you, can I PM you to ask some questions about Curitiba ?

El Greco,
very helpful, thanks too, but for a lazy turist as me, what do you think if I book 3 nights here and get the full package, included Itaipu too ?I found it right now: http://www.hotelfozdoiguacu.com.br/ingles/home/index.htm
I mean it worth it to see also the Argentinian side or better and enough one day waterfalls in brazil, second one Itaipu ( I want to see it ) and the third one Ciudad dell Este ?
You know with a wingman, ok, but alone much more practical if they pick you up and 429 reais is not much, considering I paid 185 reais per day at Praia Lido in copa.

However I hope in brazilian side they will have no problem to change pesos into reais, cause surely in europe i will not change it LOL.

Have you bought ticket by yourself with voegol, I guess it is enough a visa electron as I have, right ?

02-04-09, 14:04

You should consider Ocean Air: www.oceanair.com.br

Same service as TAM or GOL but I found them cheaper. Flight from Foz to Curitiba is about 45 min, so Ocean will do.

02-04-09, 14:51
Hi Lukasek,

It is always recommendable to visit both sides, I would go to the argentinian side since activities in the park are cheaper than in Brazil, but If you have seen one side that would do If you are planning to visit Paraguay.

I did not have any problem changing pesos into reais, however I did have problems when buying a ticket in Brazil (with an european credit card) since they did not take foreign credit cards. I had to withdraw the amount in reais and paid cash (I did in a travel agency).


thanks you, can I PM you to ask some questions about Curitiba ?

El Greco,
very helpful, thanks too, but for a lazy turist as me, what do you think if I book 3 nights here and get the full package, included Itaipu too ?I found it right now: http://www.hotelfozdoiguacu.com.br/ingles/home/index.htm
I mean it worth it to see also the Argentinian side or better and enough one day waterfalls in brazil, second one Itaipu ( I want to see it ) and the third one Ciudad dell Este ?
You know with a wingman, ok, but alone much more practical if they pick you up and 429 reais is not much, considering I paid 185 reais per day at Praia Lido in copa.

However I hope in brazilian side they will have no problem to change pesos into reais, cause surely in europe i will not change it LOL.

Have you bought ticket by yourself with voegol, I guess it is enough a visa electron as I have, right ?

El Greco
02-04-09, 20:36
thanks you, can I PM you to ask some questions about Curitiba ?

El Greco,
very helpful, thanks too, but for a lazy turist as me, what do you think if I book 3 nights here and get the full package, included Itaipu too ?I found it right now: http://www.hotelfozdoiguacu.com.br/ingles/home/index.htm
I mean it worth it to see also the Argentinian side or better and enough one day waterfalls in brazil, second one Itaipu ( I want to see it ) and the third one Ciudad dell Este ?
You know with a wingman, ok, but alone much more practical if they pick you up and 429 reais is not much, considering I paid 185 reais per day at Praia Lido in copa.

However I hope in brazilian side they will have no problem to change pesos into reais, cause surely in europe i will not change it LOL.

Have you bought ticket by yourself with voegol, I guess it is enough a visa electron as I have, right ?

Since you are going there YOU MUST VISIT BOTH SIDES BELEIVE ME.

Forget Ciudad del Este it is not worth a dime. I was there last February. I flew from Asuncion to Ciudad del Este then taxi to the Brasilian side, stayed at Del Ray next day visited Brasilian falls and the other day the Argentinian.The next day taxi back to Ciudad del Este airport for a flight to Rio. On the way spent 3 hrs at the city. Not worth it at all. Like a third class Arab city in the Middle East. The city is run by Arab merchants selling third class goods to Brasilians a little cheaper than their price in Brasil.

Follow the plan as described by me and you don't need any tourist agency for the falls beleive me. It is going to be a waste of time and money. If you want to see ITAIPU make arrangements with hotel Del Ray. They are taking passengers there in the morning and you can visit Brasilian falls in the afternoon. Just ask them in advance and prepare your schedule. Once again forget Ciudad del Este. Not worth going there and is dead after 5pm.

You can do both sides of the falls in one day if you want. You have to start start early in the morning.

eg Depending on the time you'll arrive there from Buenos if you finally decide to stay only in Brasil you can get the early morning bus to the Argentinean side (make sure you have your passport with you and to stop the bus opposite the hotel. They are driving very fast or you can walk one block to the bus terminal). At around mid day take the bus back to Brasil and tell the driver to let you of at the intercection where the bus to Brasilian falls is passing by. Take it from the other side of the road and of you go to the Brasilian falls. Bus drivers are very cool beleive me. Tip them if necessary with 5 Reais/Pesos and they become your friends. Do not worry everything is well organised and very easy.

With GOL I only use American Express. They were not accepting any other foreign card in the past. Don't know now. Chat with them in english through their site or call them with Skype.

El Greco
02-04-09, 20:53

You should consider Ocean Air: www.oceanair.com.br

Same service as TAM or GOL but I found them cheaper. Flight from Foz to Curitiba is about 45 min, so Ocean will do.

Couldn't see that they are flying out of Foz do Iguacu at all.

02-04-09, 22:48
Thanks friends fro all your suggests, I decided I will see both sides, no matter to see only one, as you told me, specially cause they are so close, comparing I travelled till here from europe...

About Ciudad dell`Este, I believe it does not worth it the tour, but so far as by the bridge of friendship is far only 6 km, I think I will take a taxi and go there, just to say I was in Paraguay too ;) so there nothing it worth it to buy, besides to send some postcards to friend to home town ?

Still not decided in which hotel I will stay, as I am waiting for confirmation of reservation from foziguazuhotel, but surely in the center.

So far as I am not into to take a SW, which is the best club to go ? Cause from the last reports, it seems no one club worth it, but who will stay 3 days without sex ? :(

02-04-09, 23:00
Couldn't see that they are flying out of Foz do Iguacu at all.
You're right. I went to Foz with them, but it was almost a year ago. Then they had a route Rio - SP - Foz - Curitiba - Rio.

El Greco
02-05-09, 02:35
About Ciudad dell`Este, I believe it does not worth it the tour, but so far as by the bridge of friendship is far only 6 km, I think I will take a taxi and go there, just to say I was in Paraguay too ;) so there nothing it worth it to buy, besides to send some postcards to friend to home town ?

In that case make sure it is not a Saturday or Sunday otherwise you are going to have a hard time finding a taxi to take you to the other side and need at least 3 hrs to get back to Brasil. Too many Brasilians go there on weekends for their shopping.

02-06-09, 01:51
The tour package is a good one. I also did that. In Buenos Aires, I bought at a travel agency just beside the hotel I was staying a package which was 3 nights at a fairly good hotel with half board, including bus ticket from BA to Iguaçu and they would have someone pick me up in the morning to take me from the hotel to the Argentina side 1 day and back to the hotel at night andthe next day, in the moring, they would take me to Itaipu, then a couple hours shopping at Ciudad del este and then, the afternoon, to the Brasilian side. The driver guy, an Argentinian was so cool that he even came and pcked me up and drove me from my hotel to the airport in Foz for free. I paid for all this 550 pesos in BA. I felt I had a good deal in total. Foz is definitely worth it, make sure you spend 1 day in each side as they are truly mesmerizing!

Ciudad del este, really not worth it. I was like you, went there just to say I went to Paraguay, but I would not return there.

There is a fancy club with over priced girls along the highway on the way from the Brasilian falls to the town. 2 years ago, it was around 300 reais. Your best bet in Foz is to either get a newspaper and call the ads or even better, bring your own girl there which will be a blast!

Enjoy it my friend, Foz is truly one of the wonders of the world!

thanks you, can I PM you to ask some questions about Curitiba ?

El Greco,
very helpful, thanks too, but for a lazy turist as me, what do you think if I book 3 nights here and get the full package, included Itaipu too ?I found it right now: http://www.hotelfozdoiguacu.com.br/ingles/home/index.htm
I mean it worth it to see also the Argentinian side or better and enough one day waterfalls in brazil, second one Itaipu ( I want to see it ) and the third one Ciudad dell Este ?
You know with a wingman, ok, but alone much more practical if they pick you up and 429 reais is not much, considering I paid 185 reais per day at Praia Lido in copa.

However I hope in brazilian side they will have no problem to change pesos into reais, cause surely in europe i will not change it LOL.

Have you bought ticket by yourself with voegol, I guess it is enough a visa electron as I have, right ?

02-06-09, 01:57
You certainly can ask me questions about Curitiba!:) I also have some questions for you about Russia, Ukraine and East Europe. :)

thanks you, can I PM you to ask some questions about Curitiba ?

02-06-09, 03:40
.... bring your own girl there which will be a blast....

Ehm...I would like, but she is about 12.000 km from here LOL, but I miss her, as even if I was searching for top notch most of girl I got were worst her and I am not speaking about how I feel good with her, but about beauty, attitude and passion.

Thanks for the offering your help, please check the question I wrote in curitiba, cause I have to book the hotel but I do not know which one.

P.S. to make long short, I like much more russian than ukrainian even if the UA are a bit better looking but a bit smarter and colder too, more spolied, but with grivna so low and no visa, UA is a bargain now.

02-08-09, 15:57
First day:
so hot here...I arrived at 9 am,got a lunch tomorrow waterfalls in brazil and itaipu,this the plan prepared methehotel,next day waterfalls in argentina.
On sunday it seems to me a real death city, a taxi driver told me, good is crystal and scorpion now, i think i will try more than one place,goodthat almost everybody has white skin so i guess i should find a nice girl....tomorrowi keepon report,i gotosleep, 4 beers in churrascaria + sohot,made me weak, tonight i want to have fun,bye all...........btw....i am so happy i left argentina, butif the keyboard here coiuld work better....LOL

02-09-09, 03:01
Too bad, horny as a dog with 3 balls and alone....so to make long short, nice girls here, much better than in Rio, I mean the regular ones.

The problem of this city that it is dead on sunday, every club, crystal and scorpion and the discos are closed.

Went two times to la casa vera, in the afternoon just for curiosity, 8 girls and 3 really good, at 22h just to pick up out, 9 girls less quality, 200 reais 2 hours, but the only one who was completa, anal included, was not nice and she wanted 300 reais, too much if you think here, i asked, a normal girl in restaurant take 500 reais per month.

Went to the street costarica or something like this, tons of motel there and supposed to be SW as well, but as sunday nothing nice, however the motel wants only 30-40 reais for bedroom for 2 hours, very good.

Went to capitao bar, i did not have the feeling there were there garota de programa, however many nice pussy as i did not see in 7 days in argentina.

Ok as first day, it is more than enough,at least now, i have a good idea of the city.

It seems to me very safe, the only one problem it is too large, you spent too much money in taxi, almosy 90 reais today..shit !

To tomorrow....

02-09-09, 21:21
At morning I went to Itaipu dam, it surely worth it to see a..."thing" able to produce 94.000.000 Mega Watt per hour, it means 20% of eletricity of whole Brazil and the 95% of eletricity of Paraguay, interesting enough, they will end to pay the money they got from banks in year....2.043....

After waterfalls brazilian side, amazing, but I do not have the feeling the argentinian side can offers something enough different to worth it to go there. am I so wrong ?

I did macuco safari and it was much better than the walking to waterfalls, cause with a boat that has 2 engines Mercury of 200 horsepower each one, they take you for 4 km in the river till very close to 3 little water falls, indeed not so little, it was raining too and strong wind, so it was very exciting, hardly reccomended for sure !

I am so tired now, that I need to sleep couple fo hours, then dinner and finally lets start to have some pussy here or I will feel a gay ;)

02-12-09, 20:28
I am going in March and anymore information about the falls area would be greatly appreciated. The third most visited place in Brazil should have a lot more opportunities.


02-14-09, 01:24
Pretty ugly as I guess every brazilian city in the middle of nowhere, however even if it is very dirty, I never had the feeling of dangerous city.
The worst thing, it is large and you always need taxi, surely not practical.


Ciudad dell'Este:
Does it worth it ? 110% NOT ! Cause even if you get there in a while, less than 20 minutes, there is nothing, but persons at every corner asking you if you want viagra or drugs. Very ugly city and I went there, just to say I was in Paraguay, but I neither got a stamp in passport and neither found one postcard to send to my friends.
Just 3 examples that explain how it is useless to go there.

I asked price for Armani Acqua di Gio perfume for men 100 ml, it was 45 euro and in my hometown I buy in original Armani shop for 48 euro....you save 3 euro !

Nokia n95 8gb, 486 euro there and in my hometown in europe for 360 euro....you save nothing....

Polo Lacoste 42 euro and I paid 37 euro in BsAs...

So do not go there, you will only spend bad your time.

Does it worth it ? For the cheap price of entrance yous ee 30 minutes of film and they take you with autobus to a tour for about 2 hours. Very nice to see a place that produces 20% of eletricity of all Brazil and 95% of all Paraguay. The record was of 94 million of mega watt per hour but the most interesting thing, they will finish to pay it in 2.041....

Brazilian side, nice but the argentinian muc much better.
Do not forget that with 35c. and a lot of humidity you will get tired soon if you not drink enough water.Do the both side or if only one, so the argentinian one.

I did the macuco safari in brazilian side, about 30 minutes with a little boat that had....2 engine Mercury of 200 horsepower each one.....it flies under the water, very beautiful experience, specially cause it was raining and a lot of wind, that made in the river high waves, I enjoyed it as a child even if I got totally wet, wallet included....

HELICOPTER: 220 fucking reais for less than 10 minutes, no worth it !!!


ONLY 3 places:

CASA VERA: a take away...you see about 6-7 girls and you decide neither speaking one word with them, 200 reais 2 hour, but included transfer to your hotel and back, it means about 80-90 minutes, went there 2 times, when i asked for completa they wanted 300 reais...fuck ! 100 reais more than in 4x4 ???

SCORPION: very ugly place, 25 reais entrance with one drink and you can think it is cheap, but the truth they are gonna to fuck you hard....one drink for the girl cost 50-70 reais, it depends what the fuck she is gonna to drink, think that a lady drink is mainly ice, so they will drink it in a while.
100 reais the fee to take the girl out and she will want 400 reais but go easily down to 300.

CRYSTAL: 44 reais entrance and no drink included, 132 reais the fee to take the girl out, no matter if you buy her 30 drinks, you will always have to pay 132 fucking reais and she will want 400 reais or 500.

To make long short a very rip off city for pussies, quality not good and with only 2 boites, there is no concurency, it means, do not come here for pussies or you will cry...

To make long short, it worth it ONLY for waterfalls, 2 days are more than enough, pussy very low quality and you are gonna to spend much money in taxi.

How to describe Foz do Iguazu ?

Think a city in Brazil, it means poor country where everybody is in big need of money, that get many many turists every year, but only for 2 or maximum 3 days....what does it mean ?

That every single person there already understood how to fuck you fast and hard, from taxi driver that drives from A to B across C,D,E,F.....from the hotel where I was, foz de iguazu, that in the package included 3 dinner at good churrascaria, once there, only one day, the other 2 in the shitty restaurant of the hotel.

You are gonna to stay there for little time, they have no enough time to take your money in long distance time as in other city of brazil, so please open eyes....

Ah...if you go there at beginning of week, you will find the city pretty dead, cause the discos work only friday and saturday and the center is a couple fo restaurant and nothing more and every time I asked to taxi if there is a bar with pros, they told me no.

Enjoy fast the waterfalls and leave asap....imho


03-07-09, 12:56
one other thing i might want to add up at the foz report downunder here is that you'll have to be pretty carefull were you eat. and especialy what you eat.

i eat some churascos in a large bras. restaurant were my busdriver brought us there after our vist at the waterfalls. after my return i got sick. and spend the next 3 fking days with the [CodeWord116] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord116) bacteria. not funny.

so watch out!

al; so i agree on the comments on cde. the place is butt ugly. and besides many electronic shops there is not muhc too do. most brazilians go there to buy sigarettes, gasoline and cheap booze. hookiewise i think you are better of in brasil. allthough more expensive.

make sure if you enter via py you get an excit stamp in your passport! the paraguayns tend to forget this. later on you'll have probs with the brazilian authorities if they check you! happend to me. si i know what i am talking about.


Trevor 3005
04-17-09, 14:07
I was recently in Foz do Iguacu but didn't partake. Fortunately, I did a little research.

Street Scene:

There seems to be quite an active street scene on the road infront of the International Bus Station. At night I saw about 10 girls working the area and even some during the day. I checked with my Taxi driver and two different tour drivers they confirmed that this is the right area. All of them said 50. 79 reais for 2 hours.

Crystal was the only incall that they all mentioned and I will defer to the reports below who have first hand experience. But all of the drivers said that the cost was 150 reais.

Don't know if that helps but what the heck. Now I am off to Rio and then Sao Paulo, hopefuly I will be able to partake there.


08-22-09, 15:42
Maiza is at least as attractive as my foto, taken with a tiny point and shoot, and she is not at all as overweight as suggested by her round face. She has a nice figure, including a juicy hot camel-toe pussy. Her fleshy outer lips must be a full (and firm) one inch deep at the crack, stunning and delicious!

She’s a live wire, though, smart and happy to play the Dominitrix, which she has an aptitude for. When I showed her my bag of black latex gloves I use for the g-spot, she lit up, put them on, and tried order me about, clueless as to their real function. It was pretty cute.

Needless to say, I was not disappointed. I also like Casa Vera's operation and its offerings, mostly 7’s and 8’s on the commercial scale, Maiza being a solid 8. As Lukasek posted, you enter the suburban house, sit on the sofa, and all the providers (~15) walk into the living room where upon they say their names, i.e. once they line up, they all tell you their names and march out. For the memory challenged such as myself, it can be overwhelming and tough to remember the name of the one you want. Be ready to make a quick decision.

After you pick your provider, she rides with you to your hotel and you pay for her taxi back to Casa Vera. So for two hours, R200 + R25 to Av. Jorge Schimmelpfeng. I went to Casa Vera in a taxi and I stayed at a reputable and recognizable hotel. I'm not sure they'd let their escorts go in private vehicles to private residences.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I would suggest that the author or another Forum Member consider posting a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

09-27-09, 00:29
I saw only now your post here Pelongera.

Even if average girl in south of brazil is much more beautiful than a carioca, when it is gonna to compare the prices, you see that 2 hours 200 reais + taxi is too expensive for Iguazu, cause Karlamodels and ciaplus in rio wants only 100-120 reais for 2 hours.

Need to say, that for me a big part of fun is the conversation with the girl before the sex, it is when you can build enough chemistry that make cold sex become GFE.

That's why I love pick up bar and disco or terma instead of sit down in a sofa and choose in half minute a girl.... you end to choose almost only for the beauty, but how can you get the idea of her friendly or cold attitude just to look to 12-15 girls ?

My suggest for everybody is go to waterfalls, macuco safari with the boat in the river as well is amazing experience, maybe itaupu, very cheap and interesting, then save your money and leave asap.

I stayed 3 days, but 2 are more than enough....imho.

Jan 156
02-11-10, 17:42
a lot of guys make hard work of this place so i thought i`d write a quickie.

1. you are not going there for pussy after reading the forum, right? pussy is an extra.

2. iguassu is tourist trap central. a small copa where they charge for the beach, except they don`t have a beach lol. so any time you pay more than peanuts you are probably being taken for a ride.

coming in from the brasil side airport:

the bus into town costs r2.20. cheap. if you want to keep it simple, get off at the bus station terminus. the town is well laid out and easy to navigate. buses have the destination in enormous letters. if you don`t want to walk, you can get a bus to the nearest point then taxi cheap.

at the bus station, there are lots of hotels. eg the del rey is quite posh for r80 (rack price r180) but is very girl-unfriendly (eg register and upgrade to two people and so on). if you think you will have a girl in your hotel, the mirante around the corner (about r70) is straightforward gf at no extra charge.

the easiest option is plan your iguassu falls stuff (which is hard enough) and fit chicas around that. eg, the local paper (iguacu gazette) lists massagens including 24hr call-out. personally i decided that non-p4p was more interesting in the time available. (see below).

sheep or adventure?

most people come to iguassu and get herded around like sheep in a slo-mo walk behind geriatrics and people with the glazed look that often comes from living life behind a camera lens. avoid. on the brasil side, do the main devil`s view thing then choose. your hop on hop off bus is free. if you like being challenged, the canion challenge is cool though you do have to pay (negotiate). the treetop challenged get steadily more scary but fun, ending with a leap high through the air to catch a trapeze (done with a safety harness that will break your fall if you miss arrrgh). they also do white water rafting. on the argentina side, which is far more complicated, absorb as much info as you can when you get off the bus (yes, bus, 3r or whatever - same as the bus across the border, which leaves from the bus station of course) when you arrive at the entrance to the national park. the herds go anti-clockwise. just go the opposite way and you will have much of the forest and many waterfalls to yourself. oh yeah - go early. stuff like theboat trips under the falls are just a disney style ride. you pay your money and the speedboat takes a run at the waterfall. you get soaked. it does it again. hahaha.

hotels argentina side are also plentiful when you get off the bus. i paid 100 pesos which is much more style than the price i paid on the brasil side. the argentina side town is more cutesy. lots of hygeinic cafes selling wonderful food and pseudo ethnic live music doing the same mix of argentine and paul simon etc from bar to bar. pretty shops and house fronts. small town - you can walk one end to the other.


this is not straightforward as most people are here for a couple of days. you could work the cafes if you have time and game, or just use on the job methods to collect emails of girls whose countries you might be visiting. i used a number of things, many of which could be polished. camera dummy - i struggle to take a photo of myself when a nice chica is around. she will offer to help. engage! was that you that was looking hot in the waterfall? it wasn´t, but she took the bait. (waterfall where you can bathe and pose underneath is at pozon pool on the hiking trail, arg side). another place i liked was alvarex numez falls. as you cross the bridge in front, the rainbow seems to move. i wanted to `help` a chica to position herself just right to see this but no-one arrived on this occasion. then there`s the butterflies trick (foreigners seemed to like this more than south american girls). if you are careful you can get butterflies to land on your hand and stay there. at first i would try to `give` the butterfly to a girl, but western girls were too jittery for the butterfly to stay put. so i just `gave` it by getting it to fly from my hand in front of her eyes and make her face light up. i don`t agree that the brasil town is ugly - just like any small brasilian town. and once you get off the beaten track i found some beautiful walks through the countryside. but the argentina side is more european pretty - nice family holiday kinda place lol. grow your figs in the garden. i avoided the dam on principle - the destruction it caused to the tupi (think, terribly dispossessed aboriginees), and to native flora. much of this is destroyed forever. but hey, we all like nice eco electric, right? there`s always two sides. . .

not living life behind a camera lens

(if you already live south america only behind your willy you will probably ignore this ;) ). iguassu is one of the great natural wonders of the world. photos aren`t. photos will remind you you were there. they will bring back the memory of taking photos. for memories that mean more than that (unless you are just there with a chica to bond), take time out after the photo. put the camera away. breath in deep the air, taste it. feel the spray on your face, embrace it. hear the birds as they swoop. cement the memory. share the smiles of lone travellers that bond with the forest. otherwise you lose out (many high-payers lose out the same at carnaval - you can´t capture the memory on a camera or video if you don`t capture the moment in your heart.)


08-22-10, 07:47
I took a weekend break and went to iguaco.

It was my first time here. I know I paid a ton of money for this one, but it was an amazing GFE!

I went out with a friend to dinner. Afterwards we asked the driver for a night club. The driver said he knew one, but it did not open until 10:00pm. So my buddy and I went to a little bar to wait.

The driver came back to pick us up. He first took us to this dingy place. My friend has never even been to a strip club and knew this was not a good place.

The driver took us to crystal's. I was ready to leave but my friend wanted to stay. I had my phone in my hand when this gorgeous young girl came over.

Her name is Maira. She looked 18, but turns out she is 20.

Absolutely beautiful body! We could not talk because she didn't understand English. After a long attempt of working out the details, the cab driver came back to our table and helped translate

I know it is crazy, but I paid 305. 00 plus drinks plus cab. Total was 700. I know that is a ton, but you have to understand this girl was the most beautiful girl I have been with in a long time.

Full GFE. Sex with condom. No condom oral. Kissing, oral receive, oral giving, every position. Great 69. If you have the money, she is unbelievable. Definitly a diamond in the rough.!

Wow it was passionate, but it was expensive.

The worst thing is my workmate knows she came back with me.

Let me know if you want contact info


09-17-10, 02:13
I will be visiting Foz in early Oct. Can you provide contact info for Maira?

I took a weekend break and went to iguaco.

It was my first time here. I know I paid a ton of money for this one, but it was an amazing GFE!

I went out with a friend to dinner. Afterwards we asked the driver for a night club. The driver said he knew one, but it did not open until 10:00pm. So my buddy and I went to a little bar to wait.

The driver came back to pick us up. He first took us to this dingy place. My friend has never even been to a strip club and knew this was not a good place.

The driver took us to crystal's. I was ready to leave but my friend wanted to stay. I had my phone in my hand when this gorgeous young girl came over.

Her name is Maira. She looked 18, but turns out she is 20.

Absolutely beautiful body! We could not talk because she didn't understand English. After a long attempt of working out the details, the cab driver came back to our table and helped translate

I know it is crazy, but I paid 305. 00 plus drinks plus cab. Total was 700. I know that is a ton, but you have to understand this girl was the most beautiful girl I have been with in a long time.

Full GFE. Sex with condom. No condom oral. Kissing, oral receive, oral giving, every position. Great 69. If you have the money, she is unbelievable. Definitly a diamond in the rough.!

Wow it was passionate, but it was expensive.

The worst thing is my workmate knows she came back with me.

Let me know if you want contact info


Fun And Sun
12-01-10, 00:06
There's lots of tourista "babes" in Iguazu, here is one of them having gotten her clothes wet after having gone on the boat tour through the water falls.

Sorry guys, just had to post this one... Please don't inundate me with PMs asking me for her contact details, don't have them... :)

Fred Gold
07-18-12, 03:50
I'm planning a trip to the falls and noticed a long lapse in reports. Yes, I'm going there for the falls, but also like P4P. Anyone have anything more recent to report?

07-19-12, 02:09
I'm planning a trip to the falls and noticed a long lapse in reports. Yes, I'm going there for the falls, but also like P4P. Anyone have anything more recent to report?I live here. Let me know what you are looking for.

The puta scene died down A LOT compared to 5+ years ago. Back then it was comparable to even curitiba but now it's pretty sad.

But you can still find decent ones if you're not too unlucky.

You still have about 4 options.

Let me know which area you are staying, if you prefer casa or club setting, if you will have a car or taxi, etc.

08-27-12, 13:58
I live here. Let me know what you are looking for.

The puta scene died down A LOT compared to 5+ years ago. Back then it was comparable to even curitiba but now it's pretty sad.

But you can still find decent ones if you're not too unlucky.

You still have about 4 options.

Let me know which area you are staying, if you prefer casa or club setting, if you will have a car or taxi, etc.What about Boite Crystal`s right now? Not a good option?

08-27-12, 14:22
I live here. Let me know what you are looking for.

The puta scene died down A LOT compared to 5+ years ago. Back then it was comparable to even curitiba but now it's pretty sad.

But you can still find decent ones if you're not too unlucky.

You still have about 4 options.

Let me know which area you are staying, if you prefer casa or club setting, if you will have a car or taxi, etc.Do you know anything about the action in Boite Crystal`s. How many girls usually on weekdays or something like that?

08-28-12, 03:20
No worries mate and I think that I speak for most everyone. Though I am hoping you have a tremendous and sarcastic sense of humor.

There's lots of tourista "babes" in Iguazu, here is one of them having gotten her clothes wet after having gone on the boat tour through the water falls.

Sorry guys, just had to post this one. Please don't inundate me with PMs asking me for her contact details, don't have them. .

09-06-12, 13:34
Do you know anything about the action in Boite Crystal`s. How many girls usually on weekdays or something like that?Sorry I forgot about this thread.

Crystal is still supposed to be the most upscale spot in Foz but last two times I've been there (once last year and once this year) it was just good at best.

There are some hot girls in there but the price is way high.

Just to get in it's about 40 real I believe.

If you get beer, the hot girls won't even come close to you. A drink of whiskey will cost you somewhere in the 30 real range.

A girl drink will cost you something like 50-60 real.

To take them out you pay close to 100 real house fee.

And the girl fee will range from 200-500 for 2-3 hours. You can negotiate all night but that really depends on the girl.

So if you do find a pretty girl to take home you will spend about 500-800 real.

I have a good friend that's a taxi driver and he knows a bunch of places so if you are staying for a couple of days and want to try new things let me know I will give you his contact info.

09-08-12, 18:48
Sorry I forgot about this thread.

Crystal is still supposed to be the most upscale spot in Foz but last two times I've been there (once last year and once this year) it was just good at best.

There are some hot girls in there but the price is way high.

Just to get in it's about 40 real I believe.

If you get beer, the hot girls won't even come close to you. A drink of whiskey will cost you somewhere in the 30 real range.

A girl drink will cost you something like 50-60 real.

To take them out you pay close to 100 real house fee.

And the girl fee will range from 200-500 for 2-3 hours. You can negotiate all night but that really depends on the girl.

So if you do find a pretty girl to take home you will spend about 500-800 real.

I have a good friend that's a taxi driver and he knows a bunch of places so if you are staying for a couple of days and want to try new things let me know I will give you his contact info.Any ideas or recommendations about the Argentinian side Puerto Iguazu about girls? I know its the Brazilian Forum here but its a close area.

Jan 156
09-11-12, 23:20
Any ideas or recommendations about the Argentinian side Puerto Iguazu about girls? I know its the Brazilian Forum here but its a close area.Both sides of the Falls are worth visiting for their own sakes, say a day on the Brasil side and two on the ARgentina side (my sugestion only). It's worth it for the exhausting schedule of enjoying them to the hilt. The Argentina side is far more touristy and westernised. I had a little look for SWs on both sides but tbh, as it's a stop-over between places with more p4p than you can shake your dong at (either side) , I felt it's really worth hurrying up to wherever you are going (BA, Rio, SP) once you've done the Falls, rather than looking for it on-site. Unless you're desperate.

09-12-12, 03:03
Foz du Iguazzu, on the Brazil side, actually has lots of girls for sex and is an excellent place to relax and enjoy very good-looking and very nice girls from all over Brazil. The town is nice, quiet, green and clean. There are some seriously good steak houses in this town that must be tried.

I was told by the hotel staff there are lots of gangs in various parts of town, and that I should not wander alone away form the main street with shops, restaurants and bars, patrolled by a few female cops on motorbikes. One would most likely be robbed even in the day time.

An upscale club outside of Foz, Krystal, has some very good-looking girls every night, some approaching super models in looks. They come from all over Brazil, especially the Southern cold cities, to work and vacation near the tropical water falls. I pulled a tall, lanky girl with super model looks from Krystal. Too bad she had a fishy-smelling pussy, but I asked her to shower and still had a great time with her. She was very gentle, sweet and passionate, completely different from the rough and aggressive dark-skinned girls who hang out in Rio.

Ask your hotel to recommend a taxi driver and make a deal with him to drive you around fixed fee, not metered; much cheaper that way. Ask him to take you to various Casas de Citas spread out all over town and wait around while you hang out drinking with the guys, watching the girls. Each casa will show a line up of 6-10 girls. Casa girls don't look like super models, but are very nice, clean, fresh, sexy and attractive in their congenial ways. I took a petite, young girl to the hotel. She was fresh, nice, clean, fun. She liked sex so much I had a great time partying and fucking her silly. Casa de Citas may well be the best way to enjoy the unique flavors of local girls. I believe you can also fuck the girls on the premises for less money.

You can have the taxi driver drive you across the river to Paraguay's Cuidad del Este to search for girl. This place is a wholesaling swap meet of mostly counterfeit goods into Brazil and Argentina, so it's run down, sketchy, messy and smelly like a huge garbage dump. There are security guards with shot guns and automatic weapons in front of every banks, stores and street corners. That's how danerous this town is. It' s a good idea to pick a tough and beefy taxi driver and make sure he understands he would have to die in your place if some thugs come at you with long knives... hehe.

I read there are cheap girls at cheap casas here, but the town is so run down, I did not feel like fucking any one there.

The shops on the main drag of Foz du Iguazzu are staffed by quite a few young girls with light skin and stunning beautiful looks. I was getting pretty close to take one to bed but ran out of time unfortunately. So if you have time, do try it.

Had no idea what's available on the Argentina side of the Foz. If any bros have info, please post. I want to come back for another tour soon.

Fred Gold
09-13-12, 08:07
In what price range are the girls on the Brazil and Arg sides? Looking for 1-1. 5 hr w / BBBJ. I hate thinking with my wrong head and paying too much- also ruining it for raising the narket rate.

Thanks again for the report! Fred

BTW anyone know if MagicJack works well there?

Foz du Iguazzu, on the Brazil side, actually has lots of girls for sex and is an excellent place to relax and enjoy very good-looking and very nice girls from all over Brazil. The town is nice, quiet, green and clean. There are some seriously good steak houses in this town that must be tried.

I was told by the hotel staff there are lots of gangs in various parts of town, and that I should not wander alone away form the main street with shops, restaurants and bars, patrolled by a few female cops on motorbikes. One would most likely be robbed even in the day time.

An upscale club outside of Foz, Krystal, has some very good-looking girls every night, some approaching super models in looks. They come from all over Brazil, especially the Southern cold cities, to work and vacation near the tropical water falls. I pulled a tall, lanky girl with super model looks from Krystal. Too bad she had a fishy-smelling pussy, but I asked her to shower and still had a great time with her. She was very gentle, sweet and passionate, completely different from the rough and aggressive dark-skinned girls who hang out in Rio.

Ask your hotel to recommend a taxi driver and make a deal with him to drive you around fixed fee, not metered; much cheaper that way. Ask him to take you to various Casas de Citas spread out all over town and wait around while you hang out drinking with the guys, watching the girls. Each casa will show a line up of 6-10 girls. Casa girls don't look like super models, but are very nice, clean, fresh, sexy and attractive in their congenial ways. I took a petite, young girl to the hotel. She was fresh, nice, clean, fun. She liked sex so much I had a great time partying and fucking her silly. Casa de Citas may well be the best way to enjoy the unique flavors of local girls. I believe you can also fuck the girls on the premises for less money..

09-14-12, 16:09
Foz du Iguazzu, on the Brazil side, actually has lots of girls for sex and is an excellent place to relax and enjoy very good-looking and very nice girls from all over Brazil. The town is nice, quiet, green and clean. There are some seriously good steak houses in this town that must be tried.

I was told by the hotel staff there are lots of gangs in various parts of town, and that I should not wander alone...When you was there? And in which hotel you stayed that are allowed you "overnight guests"?

09-14-12, 20:08
It was about 2 and a half years ago.

I stayed at the Ambassador Palace Hotel on the major road, across from the university, and about 2 blocks from the main shopping street. My room looked out to the weedy fields of the University across the main road.

I think most hotels in Brazil are girl friendly. Never had anyone questioning the girls I brought in. The reception guy at the Ambassador Palace can speak passable English. He was always staring at these sexy young girls I dragged into the hotel. After putting her into a cab, I told him the little girl from Casa de Citas was very sweet, which made him blush. He should have seen my face sucking greedily on the nice, clean, tiny, hairless, pink pussy of that little girl. I was thrushing my dick rapidly into her tight pussy while sucking on her sexy mouth. She was squeezing me hard in her arms, bucking her tiny crotch, whining in her high-pitched little girl voice." vaaaai ee. . . Vaaaai ee. . . ", probably meant "I am coming. . . I am coming. . . " etc. She was such a sweet and sexy little girl. I was so horny with this little girl, I wanted to fuck her again and again.

She did try to get me excited to fuck her again and again, in between beers drinking, smoking and dancing to the music.

The reception guy was proud that his hotel had a good cook, named Jorge. He said solemnly "George does a good job." The free lunch buffet served the best roast / braised beef I ever had anywhere in the world. Unlike any hotel I've stayed at, I was actually looking forward to the free lunch buffet at this hotel, and of course the nice, clean, tight, fun, horny girls from the casas.

Combined the largest, most majestic water fall in the world in the middle of exotic tropical jungle scenery, the hub bub of trades of brand-name counterfeit goods among the 3 countries adjoining the water fall, excellent food and some of the prettiest, sexiest young girls to fuck, this foz is not to be missed by the bros.

BTW, there were lots of single girls from all over the world touring the water falls. Some good-looking young European chicks were staying at the cheap hostels in the middle of town. I was getting very close to banging a few.

Have fun and report any current info.

When you was there? And in which hotel you stayed that are allowed you "overnight guests"?

09-15-12, 08:01
Krystal is a nice, clean, classy club, about 10 miles from the center of Foz. The manager and many waiters speak OK English. There were only half a dozen average-looking girls hanging out in the club before 9PM. After that about a dozen stunningly beautiful girls arrive in their classy party dresses. It was a weekend but there were only about 10 guys milling around, drinking, ogling the girls in this spacious club.

The manager and my waiter were warm, easy going and helpful. He urged me to strike a deal with my favorite girl before she's snapped up. I made the move on a pretty girl in a black dress, then decided on a an even prettier girl with her super-model looks in a stunning red dress. They all have their own rates and were negotiable. I remember roughly US$150 plus a small bar fine at Krystal and tips for my waiter and his manager etc. . . These guys were polite and appreciative of the tips. It's worth it to give him a few bucks beforehand for good intelligence on the girls, their performances in bed, and for his introduction to the girls of your choice. The girls here all seem young and fresh. They have good reasons to be cautious with foreigners. The waiters can put in a good word and help the girls relax with you.

The girl I took was very pretty with glamorous looks and gentle manners. She could speak English. In the taxi she was telling me how she, and her friends from small towns, would come to Foz to work for a few months then go home for a few months. Perhaps they may be rotated to other cities to work, who know?

Each casas de cita has its own rate. The fee seem fixed, about $60 for 2-hour take out. I did not negotiate as the fee was much lower than Krystal's. I spoke zilch Portuguese, relying on a young Japanese Brazilian taxi driver to do the interpretation.

At one of the casa, ran into a bunch of Japanese descendants, cattle ranchers in jungle shorts and work boots, hanging out in the garden drinking beer and ogling the girls. Looks like they came straight from their ranches to fuck the girls on site regularly.

It was fun to exchange views of the mongering world with them.

In what price range are the girls on the Brazil and Arg sides? Looking for 1-1. 5 hr w / BBBJ. I hate thinking with my wrong head and paying too much- also ruining it for raising the narket rate.

Thanks again for the report! Fred

BTW anyone know if MagicJack works well there?

09-15-12, 10:54
Foz do Iquacu - Krystal Club's girl

09-15-12, 11:00
Foz do Iquacu. Casa de Citas girl

09-17-12, 00:57
It's a nonsexual pic.

A pic of a female cop patrolling downtown Foz do Iguacu, just to give the bros an idea what the average females in Foz look like. Her name tag does have a female sign on it, just in case you guys start suspecting. . .

She was stern but very gracious in granting me the pics.

Abrigado, madame officer.

10-18-12, 05:29
Crystal Casa de Shows,

3601. Vila Yolanda, Foz do Iguaçyou

It's located between the airport and the center of town. Entry fee was 88 reai. I went during the middle of the week, maybe an off night, only about a dozen girls working. Nice club once you get inside, even has a pool out back for a Saturday afternoon BBQ. Club opened at 10pm the night I was there. Take out is available or they have rooms on site for private dances and more. I think each girl quotes different prices or maybe certain ones upsell. A short brunette asked me to buy her a drink and nothing worse than a thirsty lady but when I asked how much was a lady cocktail, she responded 75 Reai? LOL

Anyhow, didn't really see anything that struck my fancy. One tall brunette had legs for miles, thought about giving her a test drive but my lack of portuguese persuaded me to call it a night. Management there is excellent & they speak English so perhaps they can help with negotiations. Didn't try to find any Casa de citas. I wish I would have had the same luck as Luke Skywalker. Perhaps, next time I can use the force.

10-18-12, 06:51
At current exchange rate 1US$ = 2 Brazilian Reals, it costs $44 just to get in the door and $35 for a girl's drink. The girls probably want $200-300 for a fuck.

That's waaaaay too high. Prices at Krystal are getting way out of hand. Who can pay those prices besides the super wealthy. That explains why Krystal is pretty much empty most nights.

Toget laid in Foz, You don't need luck or the force, just a little cash and a few Viagras. Hehehe.

You can have 2-hour ST with multiple pops with casa girls for about $50-60. Just negotiate a flat fee with a cabbie for a tour to all casas in town. You will find many fresh sexy pretty young girls. .

Crystal Casa de Shows,

3601. Vila Yolanda, Foz do Iguaçyou

It's located between the airport and the center of town. Entry fee was 88 reai. I went during the middle of the week, maybe an off night, only about a dozen girls working. Nice club once you get inside, even has a pool out back for a Saturday afternoon BBQ. Club opened at 10pm the night I was there. Take out is available or they have rooms on site for private dances and more. I think each girl quotes different prices or maybe certain ones upsell. A short brunette asked me to buy her a drink and nothing worse than a thirsty lady but when I asked how much was a lady cocktail, she responded 75 Reai? LOL

Anyhow, didn't really see anything that struck my fancy. One tall brunette had legs for miles, thought about giving her a test drive but my lack of portuguese persuaded me to call it a night. Management there is excellent & they speak English so perhaps they can help with negotiations. Didn't try to find any Casa de citas. I wish I would have had the same luck as Luke Skywalker. Perhaps, next time I can use the force.

03-22-13, 03:46
First time in Foz, Waterfalls are amazing!

Cab driver confirmed that is still the place to go in Foz. It's a take out where you pay for the girl and take her to your hotel or to a motel. The girl has to come back in 2 hr to the house.

Hired my cab driver per hour. I saw the line up with a couple 5's. 4 or 5 6's and 7's. 2 eights. 1 nine, and the 9. 5 I chose, Jade.

She is Arab-Pakistan mix, white with beautifull brown eyes, grat smile. 23 why. O, slim with beautiful curvy body, amazing dark hair and great personality. She has several Tatoos, but she wears them with lots of class. Pierced bellybutton and clit, and shaved pussy.

We went to some motel in Costa de Silva street, and they took them for long to give us the room. But once there, everithing was worth it.

Perfect body, beautiful face (10 in my list) , Totally GFE, lots of kissing and caressing, She came twice with DATY (sweet tasting pussy) Then great slow and deep BBBJ, watching her beatiful tattoed butt in the ceiling mirror. After 10 min she put the condom with her mouth, and started cowgirl, it was difficult to get in since she has the relly tight pussy (I'm normal size). I'm pretty sure she came twice with CG, then we faced each other, then mish, doggie laying (had to use KY because of the tight pussy) then again mish and exploded inside the rubber. After a shower we had a quikie and left.

I must say, It's among my top 3 sexual experiences in life! I love brazil!

Face: 10.

Body: 9.

Service: 10, Truly GFE. I felt like highscool again.

Cost: 230 reais + 60 reais from motel and condoms + 60 reais taxy+ 40 reais tip (nor requested or expected).

Total: 390 reais for one of the best experiences of my life I think it is good value!

Repeat: I'm not sure since I might just fall in love.


03-24-13, 23:35
Dear mongers; the correct word to tell to the cabiie in Porto is casa de programas ou casa the zona.


At current exchange rate 1US$ = 2 Brazilian Reals, it costs $44 just to get in the door and $35 for a girl's drink. The girls probably want $200-300 for a fuck.

That's waaaaay too high. Prices at Krystal are getting way out of hand. Who can pay those prices besides the super wealthy. That explains why Krystal is pretty much empty most nights.

Toget laid in Foz, You don't need luck or the force, just a little cash and a few Viagras. Hehehe.

You can have 2-hour ST with multiple pops with casa girls for about $50-60. Just negotiate a flat fee with a cabbie for a tour to all casas in town. You will find many fresh sexy pretty young girls. .

03-24-13, 23:38
RAZA, thanks, very good report, next I'm in Foz I'll go there!

First time in Foz, Waterfalls are amazing!

Cab driver confirmed that is still the place to go in Foz. It's a take out where you pay for the girl and take her to your hotel or to a motel. The girl has to come back in 2 hr to the house.

Hired my cab driver per hour. I saw the line up with a couple 5's. 4 or 5 6's and 7's. 2 eights. 1 nine, and the 9. 5 I chose, Jade.

She is Arab-Pakistan mix, white with beautifull brown eyes, grat smile. 23 why. O, slim with beautiful curvy body, amazing dark hair and great personality. She has several Tatoos, but she wears them with lots of class. Pierced bellybutton and clit, and shaved pussy.

We went to some motel in Costa de Silva street, and they took them for long to give us the room. But once there, everithing was worth it.

Perfect body, beautiful face (10 in my list) , Totally GFE, lots of kissing and caressing, She came twice with DATY (sweet tasting pussy) Then great slow and deep BBBJ, watching her beatiful tattoed butt in the ceiling mirror. After 10 min she put the condom with her mouth, and started cowgirl, it was difficult to get in since she has the relly tight pussy (I'm normal size). I'm pretty sure she came twice with CG, then we faced each other, then mish, doggie laying (had to use KY because of the tight pussy) then again mish and exploded inside the rubber. After a shower we had a quikie and left.

I must say, It's among my top 3 sexual experiences in life! I love brazil!

Face: 10.

Body: 9.

Service: 10, Truly GFE. I felt like highscool again.

Cost: 230 reais + 60 reais from motel and condoms + 60 reais taxy+ 40 reais tip (nor requested or expected).

Total: 390 reais for one of the best experiences of my life I think it is good value!

Repeat: I'm not sure since I might just fall in love.


04-02-14, 20:36
Hello everyone!

Going to Brazil in a month. Been trying to do research, but not much in Foz. Everything after about the first page is over 4 years old, so essentially of minimal value.

Two questions:

1. What is a Casa de Cita? Is that the name of a specific place? Or is it a term referring to a type of venue, like the term "FKK." If there are many, is there one venue that is particularly good?

2. Are all hotels girl friendly, including the chains like Best Western and Ibis? Or are there ST hotels?

Thanks in advance!

04-07-14, 02:40

08-09-15, 13:06
200 Reales for an hour.

The clinic is located in a residential area, you ring the bell at the gate, they let you in and present you with a lineup. The rooms are clearly designed for massage, with a shower and a massage table.

You get a half massage and then sex, the quality depends on the garota. The girl I picked had an excellent body, a good work ethic, but the technique left a little to be desired.

Compared to some of the bars in town, the price is cheap.

Also, it's walkable from the hotels in the center of town.

Captain Solo
08-09-15, 19:00
I made a deal with a young taxi driver hanging out on the main street in front of a large bar with outside tables. For a fixed fee, forgot how much, he drove me to Paraguay's Ciudad Del Este all day, then in the afternoon he took me around to visit a few casas scattered out in town. He was like a sex tour guide.

Each casa has 6 to 8 girls wearing party dresses. Guests would buy beers and hang around the empty house ogling the girls. They would call them into the living room to present to guests. There were a few Japanese ranchers in their shorts and work boots, drinking beers in the back yard, ogling girls.

I picked up a very cute petite girl with her pretty face and braces in her mouth, tight slim body with smooth, soft skin, wearing her white short and tank top. She looked fabulous and was smiling, having fun. We were drinking beer, smoking, dancing and partying in the hotel. She was horny, sexy and up to anything in bed. I got so turned on by this nice, fresh, pretty young girl that I cold not wait to fuck her. The casa girls were younger, more genuine, better-looking to me, and costed about 1/3 compared to the older girls in Club Krystal.

Club Krystal is like 5 miles outside of town towards the airport. The club does not get going until about 11 PM. I picked up a very good-looking girl in her fancy red party dress. She agreed to something like $300 for a ST. Took her back to the hotel. She looks OK but her pussy was stinky. I asked her to shower, but she still turned me off.

08-10-15, 02:21
First off, the city is completely dead on Sunday, stores closed, nada zilch. No action in the center.

Crystal Bar is unbelievably expensive, the prices quoted here don't include admission, drinks, taxi fare, you could be out 500 reales before you know it.

The main street for the locals is Brasil avenue, a block east of Kubischek, where the main buses run. This is where the locals shop and get meals. Since mostly families hang out there, I would discount any stories of streetwalkers on Avenida Brasil, the bus station is another story.

The bars and hotels out on Avenida Cataratas are going to be more expensive and the girls are going to be more expensive than the center. Plan accordingly.

10-22-15, 19:14
Thanks for reports on the scene (such as it is) in Foz the'Iguacu. It's a spectacular place even without getting laid and photos don't do the Falls justice. Called in at Clinica Massagem Bem Estar (124 Rua Minas Gerais is the official address but it seems to be on a street to the side. See Explorer's report below) in the mid afternoon, mid week.

Only three in the line up (one chunky black girl, one biggish morena and a very hot little Paraguayan). Choice was easy! She offered a normal massage (I assume it was massage with a happy ending) for 110 per hour or a "massagem completa" for 220. Bit pricy relative to other places I know in Brazil but it is what is. The house is clean and open and the rooms a decent size – there are massage tables in the room which are good for massage but bad for sex.

Anyhow she got naked and gave me a decent massage on back and legs for 10 minutes. Then I flipped over and we started the main game. She insisted on a covered BJ but when I started to lick her she really got into it. Overall a good experience with a very sexy hard body girl and a good fun nice person as well and we had a few good laughs. Obviously the line-up is a real lottery and I was lucky – maybe it's different in the evening.

Next night I went to a tourist show at a Churruscaria. Full of tour groups and lots of women amongst the tours who seemed happy to flirt. We tipped the maître the' to get a table near the front and then invited two girls (turned out they were Paraguyan also) to join us. They had been hanging around trying to get a better view of the show. We invited them back to our hotel for a late night swim and my buddy and I paired off and banged them and put them in a taxi back to their tour group next morning with a reasonable tip each. So it seems that Iguacu is like many other Brazilian holiday destinations in that tourists offer a whole range of possibilities.

Trying to work out the bus station scene that Explorer8939 mentioned but haven't figured that one yet!

12-30-15, 18:54
I'm not the one claiming there are bus stop girls in Foz.

09-11-16, 06:49
I got here two nights ago. I rented a car from Alamo, it is an almost new car, only R$155 for the three days. I will probably stay longer though. The guy at Alamo asked if I wanted to go to Argentina. I said yes just in case. He gave me a paper that gives me proof of permission to go to Argentina.

Some places I was going to check such as Sauna Aqurius and Sauna Imprio 629 seem to be gay suanas. That's what it appears to be on their websites. I almost found that out in person. I know about the club called Crystal, but from what others have said it is very expensive, so I don't know if I will go there. I walked about half Av Brasil on Friday night and it is dead at the South end of it. I drove the full road on a Saturday night about 10 PM, and there are absolutely no streetwalkers there. I seen one woman that looked like a working girl near where is says Sauna Aqurius on Google maps. I drove on Av. Juscelino Kubitscheck, and I see where maybe there is a pocket of working ladies. I'll have to go check again. A bunch of ladies and a couple guys were hanging out on the sidewalk like people do here at a bar, but there didn't seem to be any bar or restaurant there. It is near the cross street Rua Eng. Rebouas.

I did see some spots that I am 99% certain that they are clubs with working ladies. It happens to be on the same street as my hotel. One of the clubs is called, on Google maps, Roda Viva Shows. It is on Rua Mal. Deodoro. A few businesses away is another bar like it. Girls that dressed skanky where sitting at tables or some standing in groups in front of the clubs. I marked the location on my map to check it out later. I then drove around the bus station that is supposed to have lots of street walkers. But I didn't see any, but then again I didn't circle around the area. I did see someone made some Facebook page about Putas of the bus station and they had a picture of police arresting many women. The city probably doesn't want street walkers.

So. I finally got laid. I didn't go back to the two places that I spotted earlier because for some reason I wanted to go see Scorpion. On Google maps it is Boate Scorpion, address R. Lisboa, 200 - Jardim Alice I, Foz do Iguau. I got there a little before 11 PM, on a Saturday night. It was very dead. Later the lady I took said it is only busy on weekdays, more earlier in the day. Many places in Rio are the same way. I seen about 5 ladies. I only liked one of them. I was lucky that she was the one to bother me. Price for entry was R$80. That included R$30 consumption. But I think that only includes beers. Or the guy cheated me. I was told I get 30 consumption, but they wouldn't give me the 30 for rum and coke. So prices are R$80 entry. A lady will ask you to buy her a drink for R$70. You can say no, or buy her a R$30 drink. Price to take a girl out is $50 for the bar. But I think that is a trick. She at first asked for R$300 and said we can be gone about 90 minutes. But she lowered her price to R$250. A hotel nearby costs R$89, but I asked her to go to my hotel and she said no problem. Total cost was 80 entry, 50 for her exit, I bought her a 30 reai drink, I was forced to pay 30 for my drink, a rum, and a coke, and 250 for her. Grand total R$440. Seems expensive, but I was paying more in Rio at some of the places. I had to pay all of it to the guy at the bar. I paid the boss, and it looked like he only gave her R$150. She didn't get the R$250 that me and her agreed upon. But she lives there at Scorpion. I seen some girls there that don't.

I went with a 22 YO from Salvador, name given is Beatriz. No kids, a white type woman but skin was slightly brown, I guess just a lightly tanned white girl. Nice body for sure. But she seems kind of new to the program. She said she has been working about 2 and a half weeks and will stay about another 2 - 3 weeks and will go somewhere else. She doesn't know where yet. She was nice and sincere, but she started out with a condomized BJ. If I happen to take her again I will make her agree to no more of that BS. Everything else was pretty good. She has a nice body, looks good, DFK, etc. I asked her if she wants to go see the waterfalls tomorrow and she said yes. She even made me promise to take her while I drove her back to her work / home. I'll see how that goes. We all know how Brazilian ladies like to flake out. The club is closed tomorrow, so she probably has nothing else better to do. She said on Sundays she usually hangs out at Cataratas Jl Shopping. But she did show me pictures of her at the Buddhist temple also. If I feel like bopping her brains out tomorrow we can skip the middle man and I'll get a better price.

Tomorrow (this afternoon) I'll see if I get to bring a good looking camerawoman with me to the waterfalls.

09-12-16, 23:59
I went there today. The address that you see on the internet seems wrong. If you use Google maps this is the address: Tv. Cear, 439 - Vila Remigio
Foz do Iguau - PR

You will see an obvious sign, so don't worry. I went today, Monday at 6:15 PM. There were a few cars parked outside already. I was shown only 3 girls. The girl I took said there is a total of 6 ladies working there. The 2 girls that I didn't take didn't look so great. A blonde looked OK, but she is one of those big, tall, kind of women that can beat you up if she wanted to. I took the girl that did all the talking. She is a small woman. About 5 foot tall and less than 100 pounds. I have a picture from her Whatsapp profile. I decided to blur her face in the picture. She has some good looking curves in the picture, but she really is a small woman. She is from Paraguay. My first Paraguayan woman. She lives in Ciudad Del Este and crosses the border to work every day. I didn't really like the performance, but maybe I can see her in Ciudad Del Este. She is 20 and the name given is Luz.

Service was only OK. I've only had 2 girls here in Foz and it seems like they want to give covered BJ. This girl didn't even kiss. I didn't ask her, but she didn't even come close. She did give an OK massage for about 15 minutes first. I knew she is smaller than I normally like, so I didn't plan on doggy style. She went on top for awhile, then she wanted me to get off the massage table and fuck her while she was standing bent over on the massage table. One leg on the table, one on the floor. That was a good call by her. It looked good. The facilities are pretty good, except as someone else said, they have massage tables.

Price is R$200 for one hour. I think we only used up about 45 minutes though. I actually drove by here on Sunday and it was closed. Makes me miss Sao Paulo where they have something 7 days a week. She said they close at 10 PM. She asked me to come back tomorrow, but I know that means she will want me to only go with her. I'd like to see the other 3 girls that I didn't see.

09-13-16, 04:59
I found 3 more places that I don't think are mentioned yet.

I have no idea why these places have not been reported before. It is so obvious that these exist. If you drive or walk by it there are so many women hanging outside and in the doorway. But, it might not be obvious until about 10:30 - 11 PM. These places look to have existed for a long time. I honestly got lucky finding these places. My hotel, Hotel Rafain Centro is on the same street, and since I have a rental car I drove around looking for street walkers and stuff. I don't think I would pick up a street walker though. It is not my style. I think it's too risky, you never know what you will get, or where to find her if she steals something. She might also have a penis. When I drove by at night there are so many women on the sidewalk that it is obvious. If you drive by during the day you will just pass it up and not know better.

The location. Look on Google maps in Foz Do Iguacu for: Roda Viva Shows (R. Mal. Deodoro) The businesses to the left and right of it are also bars with ladies. There are at least 3 of these bars next to each other. I only went inside Roda Viva Shows. All costs are local currency. But they are willing to accept money from the US and their neighbors. Entry 10, a ladies drink 40, a small beer 15, a big beer 20. Room and house fee for taking a girl is 70. The girl asked 100 for 30 minutes and 150 for an hour. There was a dance pole in there, but not much was going on when I was there. Also, I was honestly the only customer. The woman said they don't close to til like 5 AM or something. It is closed on Sunday for sure.

I showed up like 10:30 PM, and I only saw 2 girls. I was wondering what was going on. I talked to one of the girls, she is from Paraguay. She is a natural redhead. She lives in Ciudad Del Este. I already had a girl earlier, so I was not motivated, but she woke up my little buddy. I really wanted to see what everything was about. So I can let you guys know. And, try to bust a nut. I knew she would need to be excellent or I wasn't going to get my happy ending. I was also very curious to see her naked. She had a nice looking body. So, after you pay you exit out the front, then you go in the next door. This is probably to avoid sex on the scene crime charges or something. Most places in Foz are for you to take a girl somewhere else for sex. Read the reports.

You have to pay all to the bar. Not the girl. Before I left I actually seen about 4 more girls come in when me and her were talking. I had bad timing for sure. As soon as I paid A really hot looking girl comes in and smiles and looks at me. I was thinking to myself, fuck me. I just paid for a girl that is maybe a 6 in the face, 8 in the body. Plus she already said no kissing and CBJ. This city seems to be mostly CBJ. After getting to the front door another great looking young lady is in the doorway. I am thinking what the fuck? I arrived too damn early. The girl in the door is at least an 8. So we go to the room and it is actually kind of nice. It had like a custom round bed. Also it has A/C, but my girl doesn't like A/C. After being in Brazil almost 5 weeks, I think this woman's service sucks. I mean it is pretty lame. She seemed to not know that she was lousy. I'm guessing the Paraguayans just don't have sex in their blood like the Brazilians. I didn't get my happy ending. I did fuck her quite a bit, but she seems like she has no clue what she is doing. She is 25 YO dammit. Anyways, I knew I probably would not cum, but I wanted to see what this place is about. Also she was kinda dry, she didn't have lube or anything else. Before I left here she said later she would sleep overnight in my hotel for 300. I just didn't reply to her offer. Only CBJ and no kissing, no thanks.

If you go to these places, don't bother going before 11 PM. The bar that was just to the left of it had about 8 women sitting in chairs in a circle on the sidewalk (after I finished a 30 minute session). Out of 8 of them I only seen 1 decent looking one. I didn't want to pause too long when walking by. Now I have to go back and look for the hotties in Roda Viva Shows, and look in the two bars next to it. The girl in the club said the majority of the girls in Roda Viva Shows are from Paraguay. There are some Brazilians though. The first hottie that I seen in the club looked to be about a 20 YO Brazilian. The girl that I seen at the door had shiny black hair, so I don't know where she is from. I need to find the Casa Tia Vera, but nobody gives an address, but someone kind of mentioned the street name. I think I found it on Sunday. I have to check out that place. There looks to be 2 businesses there, one with in-call and one with out-call.

My guess as to why people are not finding these places is because if you ask a taxi driver, he probably wants to take you somewhere that he gets a commission. I can tell how Scorpion club is set-up, that taxi drivers will take you there and get a commission. If you feel somewhat confident in driving, I'd recommend renting a car. Driving here is easy, except for learning when when a road is a one-way. I rented a car for 3 days for 155 reals. I kind of like it here in Foz, so I am doing another 3 days.

I'll write a general report after leaving.

Captain Solo
09-13-16, 06:49
This is excellent news. I know there have to be many venues downtown, but the taxi drivers took me to a few casas way out in the North part of town.

I took a young spinner from a casa, pretty girl with braces. We were drinking beers, smoking, dancing, partying in my hotel room overlooking the Universidad. She was a very fun, sweet and sexy girls, aroused me like few others. She kept whining " Vaiiiis. Vaiiis. " as I made her come multiple times. Shit. She was lots of fun to be with.

The tall girl in an elegant red party dress I took from Krystal looked like a super model, but not so much fun or sexy. She had a fishy pussy that disappointed me and ruined the romance.

Paraguayan girls are usually skanky, rough and hardened. The taxi driver was driving around and around Cuidad Del' Este but could not find any bordellos or puta bars. The Paraguayan girl I picked up at Cafe D'orleans in BS As was ugly and skanky with bad skin full of tattoos after she took her clothes off, and was rude and ornery. Paraguay is a poor land-locked country, so naturally many girls will try to earn money in Brazil.

Stores along the main street had many sales girls who were just nice, fresh, pretty, peachy beautiful, seemed wanting relationships. If you stay long enough, you should try to pick up those beautiful girls working in stores.

I found 3 more places that I don't think are mentioned yet. The location. Look on Google maps in Foz Do Iguacu for: Roda Viva Shows (R. Mal. Deodoro) The businesses to the left and right of it are also bars with ladies. There are at least 3 of these bars next to each other. I only went inside Roda Viva Shows. All costs are local currency. But they are willing to accept money from the US and their neighbors. Entry 10, a ladies drink 40, a small beer 15, a big beer 20. Room and house fee for taking a girl is 70. The girl asked 100 for 30 minutes and 150 for an hour. There was a dance pole in there, but not much was going on when I was there. Also, I was honestly the only customer. The woman said they don't close to til like 5 AM or something. It is closed on Sunday for sure.

Brazil almost 5 weeks, I think this woman's service sucks. I mean it is pretty lame. She seemed to not know that she was lousy. I'm guessing the Paraguayans just don't have sex in their blood like the Brazilians. I didn't get my happy ending. I did fuck her quite a bit, but she seems like she has no clue what she is doing. She is 25 YO dammit. Anyways, I knew I probably would not cum, but I wanted to see what this place is about. Also she was kinda dry, she didn't have lube or anything else. Before I left here she said later she would sleep overnight in my hotel for 300..

09-14-16, 07:40
Stores along the main street had many sales girls who were just nice, fresh, pretty, peachy beautiful, seemed wanting relationships. If you stay long enough, you should try to pick up those beautiful girls working in stores.I agree with you about many nice looking girls around here. When I walk around here I see at least 1 or 2 women that will make me want to stare on each block that I walk. Most of the people seem to be on Av. Brasil during the day. Lots of fine looking babes on that street during the day. Most women here also seem to have nice natural breasts. Before I came here I thought the people would be short jungle type people like I saw in Manaus. I was wrong for sure. This city makes a nice and cheap place to hang out for awhile. It almost feels like a small town in the USA.

I took another Paraguayan girl today. I'll report about that separately. I talked to two Paraguayan girls in Roda Vida Show tonight and they said they work here because their family is not here. It seems to be quite international that girls don't want to be a hooker in their city. The girl I took today says she only works 3 - 4 days a week. When she comes here she sleeps in her own private room upstairs.

Yesterday I walked near Centro Universitrio Dinmica das Cataratas at night and that area is always full of University students. Those people made feel short, there were so many tall people around the university. If someone wants to try their look on university girls the bars and restaurants in that area would be a good place to try.

09-14-16, 21:41
Misiones province in Argentina and the corresponding areas of Brazil and Paraguay were settled by many Germans (and Swiss) so you find a lot of taller women there. Add to that the fact that the guaraní are very tall for an indigenous people, and you get a lot of taller women. Formosa province in Argentina, and to a lesser extent Entre areíos province, have similar blends.

The Cane
09-14-16, 22:05
Paraguay is a poor land-locked country, so naturally many girls will try to earn money in Brazil.I found many Paraguayan girls working in Buenos Aires the first time I visited that city, and I gave a pretty one a good, hard fucking on the bed. So unless things have changed, you can find some good ones working in Argentina too.

Captain Solo
09-14-16, 23:32
The civie girls in Foz do look German, very light skin, blonde hair, blue eyes.

09-16-16, 01:58
So far I have done my touristy things here, and I applied for a visa to Paraguay, which was easy, but they charge in Reals and use a very bad exchange rate. They set the USD to BRL at 3. 8. I had to pay 608 Reals in cash for the Paraguayan visa. What a damn rip off.

Anyways, I looked at the area with Roda Viva Shows, and it doesn't look like it did when Google made the street views there in 2011. There are at least 4 bars there now. There is Elite's Bar which I don't know if I seen it open yet, maybe it is only open on busy nights. The next place is P Menta Doce. That is the club that has girls sitting on chairs outside the club. Then there is Roda Viva Shows, and there is a place that I think is called Casa De Shows. The sign didn't make it clear what the name of that bar is. So it could be named Casa De Shows. In between them are places that look like you might rent a room, or just go to fuck these girls.

I went in the Casa De Shows to have a look, and I felt a bit uncomfortable there. I walked in and there were no customers, and about 8 girls. They were all fairly young and cute, but the club is small and the tables were like stand up tables with no chairs. As soon as I got in a cute lady asked me to pick a woman. I looked and looked, and I felt odd. Two guys working there seemed to be like 18 or something. There is an entrance fee, but I just left with not having to pay anything. It had cute young ladies, but going in there alone felt odd. So I didn't learn much more about that place.

I then walked in to Roda Viva Shows and didn't see some of the girls I seen the first time. I went about 1:15 AM. There were about 10-12 ladies working. I'd only do about 1/3 of them. The girl that I took before looked at me, but I let her know I wasn't interested again. One lady quickly approached me, she was probably 30, and was only a 5. Her jacket wreaked of cigarettes. She smelled nasty. I was thinking about telling her that. But luckily she left after a couple minutes. I seen two cuties sitting on the next couch. I wanted to sit with them, and luckily a cute blonde waved at me, so I sat in the middle of them. Both said they were 22 YO and from Ciudad Del Este. But later the blonde tells me the truth, she is 24. She said there are only two Brazilian ladies working there. So most of them are from Paraguay. They all seem to have their own work schedule, but they all seem to work on Friday night. So, Friday night must be a good night there. I kept joking about make a sandwich and they said yes, make a sandwich in bed. But I later told them I only want to fuck one now, and the other the next night. But I didn't do anything last night.

The girls were cool, they said don't buy us a drink, just go fuck us. Sometimes I played stupid on the price of things or the bill and they are honest and didn't try to cheat me, so I have to admire that. They give you one of those cards with the prices and they keep you tab on that. My charges for the night were 10 entry, 15 for a beer, and 220 for room and girl for 1 hour. The girl looked like Christina Aguilera when she was young and not fat. I thought she was a little too eager in the bar, but I chose her anyways, and said I'd fuck the other one the next night. When we got to the room she quickly stripped down to bra and thong and I was very impressed. She has small boobs, but the ass was nice. She undressed me, and she pulled down my pants, she got on her knees while I was standing and had me wondering if she was going to do BBBJ. Yes, score! I've had 4 girls in Foz (another one today) and she was the only one to BBBJ. Her name in Andrea if you are taking notes. She was the blondest girl in there. She was really having fun. But some of the fun was in a playful way. We were fucking then she would look at the mirror on the ceiling to see how her ass looked and she would change her position some to change how her ass looked. She liked watching herself in the mirror. She gave me plenty of attention though and we didn't do a lot of kissing, but we did some DFK one in awhile. When we changed to doggy I was very satisfied with her ass and how she positions her ass. I think she probably practices that. When she was giving me the BJ I kept playing with her ass and she started twerking. So, I know she must practice that kind of stuff. She was awesome. I got her number so I can see her in Ciudad Del Este. I wouldn't mind banging her again before I leave, but I need to fuck her friend who also looked great, but was more shy. I think she made my top 3 list of performances that I have had in Brazil during my current 5th week here. After we were done she just wanted to lay in the bed and talk and talk and talk, and talk more. We were speaking in Spanish. My Spanish is poor, but I know how to answer any questions that hookers might ask me. I didn't mind just talking because she looked great laying there and I could let my hands wander and kiss her when I wanted to. She told me something interesting. She has a 10 year of daughter, so that is why she told me she is 24, not 22. She had a baby very young. I would not have know she had a baby if she didn't tell me, she had an unusually tight pussy. We finally got our notice of our time is up. This happened to me before. The management here will not forget about you and will come let you know time is up.

Next girl: (today).

I was looking on the Brazilian site and they mostly talk about internet girls and sometimes Crystal, or the Estar Bem, or a massage place called Clinic Rua Almirante Barroso, address Rua Alm. Barroso, 1833 - Centro apartment 06. One of the girls they talked about got me interested in this girl http://fozquente.com.br/index.php?paginas=perfil&id=Sabrina%20Japa . She is half Japanese. I sent her a message and she said 300 for an hour or whatever time I need. She has a nice Brazilian lady type body, but her face isn't really good looking. Maybe just average looking at best. In the reviews online many guys talked about her beautiful face. They must be fake reviews or the locals are loco.

She arrived only a few minutes late, what a surprise. I was disappointed when I seen her face. But we went to my room with no problems. I was hoping the cute tour sales lady wouldn't see us, and good thing she didn't. This girl didn't ask me to pay up front which is cool, she actually didn't ask at all, I just gave her the money at the end. She was pretty much all business though. I could tell she has a set routine and she was going through her routine leite extraction process. She wasted no time and took no pleasure on making my man milk come out. She was about as cold as a hardened Colombian street walker from the ghetto. CBJ, and she would not put her face anywhere near mine. I know I brushed my teeth and I'm not ugly dammit. She had that nice big Brazilian body if that is what you like, but she wanted to change things up too often and when I felt like I was getting close to cumming she would make the fake noises which I don't like any acting. I was getting tired of this. I asked her to get on top, normal style, and she got on top and rested all of her weight on me with her head turned. She isn't fat, but she must weigh about 150 pounds or something. She just laid flat on me and I felt like I was having sex with a big sack of potatoes on my chest. She didn't move at all. I was starting to feel guilty for cheating on the wonderful blonde cutie at Roda Viva Shows. Wondering why am I wasting money and leite on this girl for. Besides me feeling almost choked out, my little buddy lost his motivation, I just didn't care to go on anymore. But, I guess since I didn't pay this woman yet she wanted to make sure my milk came out. She started digging through her tool bag to find the proper tools to get the mission done. She decided on CBJ again, but it wasn't working very well, so she gave me a HJ without a condom for awhile, then I was ready for doggy again. Luckily I finished. She then took an exceedingly long hot shower, maybe she doesn't have one, then I paid her and she left. I didn't even get a kiss on the cheeks. I felt like I just paid a hitman to do a dirty job. She got the job done, but I'd rather do the job by myself than do it with her again.

I once again decided to stay 2 more nights. It seems like I am going to just stick to fucking different Roda Viva Show girls until I leave. I'll have a look inside the other bars next to it though. I think I'll have a beer, but not buy any damn girl drinks or take a girl tonight.

Captain Solo
09-16-16, 03:19
Did not know US citizens need visa to enter Paraguay.

Brazil made a big deal out of requiring visas with high fees for US.

Captain Solo
09-16-16, 16:11
You can tell Paraguayan girls from Argentinian: They are usually thinner, skankier with darker skin and Indian facial features.

Not sure if Argentina requires entry visa for Paraguayans, Uruguayans and Brazilians. The Foz de Iquazzu area is supposed to be confluent for residents of all 3 countries. Everyday hundreds of Paraguayans carry huge loads of tax-free cigarette cartons on their heads, crossing the bridges to deliver or to sell to buyers in Argentina and Brazil. Some threw their loads a couple hundred feet down into waiting parties on the river banks rather than going through customs.

Many Paraguayan girls work in Argentina and Brazil so their families and friends don't know what they do for a living. I found Paraguayan girls rough, rude, more mercenary, and less attractive than Argentinians and Brazilians.

I found many Paraguayan girls working in Buenos Aires the first time I visited that city, and I gave a pretty one a good, hard fucking on the bed. So unless things have changed, you can find some good ones working in Argentina too.

09-18-16, 02:05
I went there two nights ago. I didn't go anywhere last night. I just went to Ciudad Del Este today. I'll write about that later.

Next to Roda Viva Shows are some other clubs. I already wrote about those except Pimenta Doce. On the outside of the club, the sign says P Menta Doce. I don't know if there is an error with the sign, or if they spelt it like that on purpose. Inside the club, the bar tab says Pimenta Doce. I went on a Thursday night (Friday 1 AM). I drove by earlier and there were girls sitting outside. But when it gets cold they will go inside. I think some are forced to at least be in the doorway to advertise the club.

No entrance fee was charged. A very small beer, 269 ML, was 10 Reals. A girls drink is 40 Reals. Prices quoted for sex was 200 for the girl, 50 for the club, for 1 hour. After I pretty much let her know I am not going with a girl, she said 200 Reals total price for an hour. I still declined. When I walked in they realized someone needs to speak English to me, so they found the girl in the club that can speak some English. She isn't very good looking. I seen about 10 girls total. And the best two were maybe a 7 if they are having a good night. The rest would not be able to get me hard. The girls were lazy though, they all played on their phones. This is a big no no for a club like this. The other clubs near it didn't have their women playing on phones.

The place looks somewhat modern inside, has at least one pool table in the back with some guys playing pool. There is an upper area with more private seating. And a few stools at the bar, and some regular couches in the main area. The club itself was decent. But those lazy ass bitches playing on their phones is a big no no. Maybe they will act different when more guys are in there. I asked the lady why there are not many customers and she said locals like to party in Argentina, then come here later. The girl was local, so she knows what she is talking about. She said the Argentinian side has at least 3 very nice disco type clubs. And as we all know the music in Brasil pretty much sucks. Many Brazilians told me their music sucks, and this girl told me the same. When they go to the Argentinian side they can listen to better music, and be in nice clubs. Locals do not have issues with crossing in to Paraguay or Argentina.

I tried the 3 clubs in the area of Roda Viva Shows, and also Bem Estar and Scorpion Club. My best time and value was at Roda Viva Shows. But, it depends on the luck you have with your girl. I had an awesome time with one of them, and a boring time with another one. But the price is pretty good, and they have a few decent looking girls there. I never got to see the place called Casa De Vera. Nobody gave an address. I think it is either 222 or 233 Rua Diamantina. 222 has signs for massage and stuff like that. It looks like a shabby place. Across the street at house 233 looks like a new house, that almost looks like it is built like a fortress. It had many cars outside. Looks like that might be the Casa de Vera.

09-23-16, 07:53
I stayed there 8 nights. And I brought a woman in twice. I wanted to make sure they didn't charge me when I checked out before writing about the hotel. They never charged me for taking the girls in, but they never seemed to notice me with the girl. Maybe I had good timing. The internet was good, and the location is pretty good too. They have a pool, and it looked good, but I never used it. You can walk to the Paraguayan Consulate to apply for a Paraguayan visa in about 3 minutes. Walking to places like Roda Viva Shows about 7 minutes. There is also a taxi stand across the street. There is almost always some taxis in front. If you rent a car you can just park in on the street, or they will park your car in a parking lot about half a block away (free).

A cool restaurant to hang out, but I never seen any street girls is at Capito Bar, and a restaurant about 1 block away called Rafain Chopp. I noticed that there are a lot of places called Rafain. The driver that drove me to Paraguay told me that Rafain is a very rich family. As mentioned in other posts here the average typical woman her is very good looking. I only seen this percentage of head turners in Medellin, Colombia. But at least in Foz the women aren't all siliconed up and don't try to be all fancy or wear lots of make-up. They are just natural beauties in Foz. As far as friendliness of the locals they just seemed to be like average people. Nobody was excessively friendly, or unfriendly.

I decided to stay 8 days instead of just 3, so I must have liked the place. I drove around many times looking for streetwalkers and I walked around at night also. I even drove around the bus station. I only seen streetwalkers in one area, and they were ladyboys. They are about 1 block away from a club called Boate Scorpion.

If you want to go see the Argentinean side of the water falls; I paid a tour company about $50 USD to pick me up at the hotel at 8 AM, then they stop by a few other hotels, then they take to to Argentina. They will stop at the borders and do all of the passport stuff for you. Oddly, when coming back in to Brazil, I was the only reason the bus had to stop. You will need to buy an entrance ticket in Argentina. It is only about $20 USD. But you will need to pay in Argentinean cash. So the bus first takes you to a tourist trap place before leaving Brazil where you can change currency and they hope you buy stuff. The currency exchange place is a big rip off if changing USD to Argentinian pesos. Those fuckers only gave me 12 pesos per dollar. When I was inside the park a restaurant gave me 14.5 pesos per dollar. You will kind of get guided through the park, but people just disappeared and break-up. When it is all said and done you will be back to your hotel about 5 PM. I could have driven my rental car to Argentina, but I didn't want any hassles, or extra fees, or try to figure shit out.

If you were to make a day trip to Paraguay, honestly nobody is going to stop you when leaving, or entering in to Paraguay. I didn't return back to Brazil from Paraguay. I think if you took a public bus across the border you will have no problems. Traffic flows over the bridge pretty fast. If you want to enter Paraguay legally, right before you get to the bridge, there is a place to park you car on the right to get your stamp out. Then you cross the bridge and there will be a building on the right to get your passport stamped in. For some reason the Paraguayan immigration wasn't friendly at all. I had a visa which uses a full page in your passport. It looks like they did a good job of making it counterfeit resistant. The immigration guy stared and looked at my visa in multiple angles for 30 seconds. I was thinking to myself - 'seriously? You think I might have made a fake visa to Paraguay?

I met some girls in Roda Viva Shows that I reported earlier, they are from Ciudad Del Este. I met her in Paraguay, but that is a different story for Ciudad Del Este for me to write.

Attached are 3 pictures of two girls that work in Ciudad Del Este, at Roda Viva Shows. I took the pictures of the blonde named Andrea, and her friend is named I think Veronica. I had to take the picture of Veronica from her Facebook. I later had a threesome with them in Ciudad Del Este. But that is a different place and story. The blonde has a car, I think the brunette has one also.

09-25-16, 13:32
Is there a list or something with the clubs in Foz de Iguazu?

Name and street en cost?


09-29-16, 19:04
Is there a list or something with the clubs in Foz de Iguazu?

Name and street en cost?

Thanks.The list has to be extracted from all of the reports. The more reports that you read, the bigger your list will become. There are not a lot of places in Foz. If you read just one or two pages you would see just about everything you need to know.

Captain Solo
09-29-16, 21:44
My taxi driver drove me across the bridge from Foz to Cuidad del'Este and back. Nobody asked for my passport or visa. They probably assumed I was a local going shopping like the other hundreds.

The Paraguyan chicas look seriously hot in the pics. Lifeisabeach may be right. How much are ST and LT there? Have to try them soon.

If you were to make a day trip to Paraguay, honestly nobody is going to stop you when leaving, or entering in to Paraguay. I didn't return back to Brazil from Paraguay. I think if you took a public bus across the border you will have no problems. Traffic flows over the bridge pretty fast. If you want to enter Paraguay legally, right before you get to the bridge, there is a place to park you car on the right to get your stamp out. Then you cross the bridge and there will be a building on the right to get your passport stamped in. For some reason the Paraguayan immigration wasn't friendly at all. I had a visa which uses a full page in your passport. It looks like they did a good job of making it counterfeit resistant. The immigration guy stared and looked at my visa in multiple angles for 30 seconds. I was thinking to myself - 'seriously? You think I might have made a fake visa to Paraguay?..

10-23-16, 14:29
Some elements to complete excellent post of Gagoo on Foz.

The 3 bars / clearly dedicated as pick up places with touts in front of it: Roda Viva, Pimente Dolce are located av Mal Deodoro quite in front of Rafain hotel he mentions.

As I spent two nights and only one day to visit cataratas, I did not experienced the place where I just walked in front, as it was already 11 pm and was tired of my day. No strength to initiate talks with girls and bring one in my bed. Moreover, those in front of the door where too old and with too much makeup for my taste.

As far as Puerto Iguazu is concerned, I confirm and complete other reports on this city. Same for me: just two nights and one day dedicated to cataratas, so no strength to initiate deals. There is a night club Cuba Libre just at the corner of Paraguay and San Martin street, in an area (part of San Martin street) full of bars and restaurants. There is another night club called Casanova, when you follow the street on the other side of the junction, in front of San martin, but no more called San Martin. But I went there around 11 pm on a Thursday night: nobody in the clubs: it seems they are active not before 2 am so difficult to combine with cararatas trails if you stay too short. However girls and boys in their 20's 30's were together in a bar where playing pools with loud music, in the middle of Paraguay street. It seems the meeting point before night clubbing. Girls looked much more fresh than in Foz, and if you are in that age bracket and speak fluently Spanish, I am sure you will have connection.

So I also conclude (without having had true experience that staying in Puerto Iguasu for mongering looks better than in Foz.

11-09-16, 01:26
Before Gagoo made his excellent post about Foz, I had made reservations hoping there would be more information about the city. After making my reservations, I would look at gpguia but almost all the reports were about escorts or Crystals. The pousada was somewhat near the bus terminal, to make it easy to take the bus to the falls. After reading Gagoos post, I was happy to learn my pousada wasn't too far from the places he wrote about. I arrived at the pousada around 18:00 so there wasn't much to do except scout the area where the bars were. It was about 4 or 5 blocks from my hotel. I got there around 19:00 but everything was closed so not sure when they open but I was thinking around 21:00. Time to go eat and come back and hopefully they would be open. There were actually 4 bars in a row but only two open when I got back at around 22:00. Rodavia show and the one that starts with a P were open. Elite and I can't remember the name of the other one was closed. Outside both places were some not so attractive ladies. I flipped a coin and went into Rodavia show figuring since I have two night here, tomorrow I would try next door. Once inside there were maybe 4 girls and just so so looking. I was the only guy in the joint. I think the bartender said the entrance was are $10.00 but it was hard to understand her. After a while a girl sits by me and we start to talk. We spoke in Spanish and she said she was from Paraguay. I asked her if there were any Brazilians working at this club. She said she knew of only one but wasn't there that night. Everyone else was from Paraguay. She ask me to buy her a drink so I reply by saying only if its a beer would I buy her a drink. She said she didn't want a beer and took off. I later learned that the higher price drinks for the girls was are $80.00. I got a coke for myself and I think that was are $20.00. Finally a girl half decent looking comes down the stairs. I call her over and converse with her in Spanish. Seems to be going okay so I said vamos. Her name was Fabiana and to take her up was are $150.00 and the room was an additional are $80.00. Room was decent nothing great nothing bad. So we start making out in the room and everything is going good until she tried to give me a CBJ. I'm thinking, okay this will be my first dud of the trip. Before she puts the cover on I asked her to do it without the rubber and she said she needs to do it with the rubber. I said just a little bit. Then she tells me I'll just lick you balls without the condom. I said okay but the funny thing is, after sucking my balls, she starts to lick up and down my shaft. Then before you know it, she is giving me a BBBJ, and a pretty good one at that. So I return the favor by trying to DATY on her. When I get close to the why she puts her hands in the way. I asked what's up and she said she didn't like to be licked there. So again I said, just a few licks. She said okay and again a strange thing happens. She was enjoying it so much, I went at it for a while and then she really got into it. It was just as good as any of the Brazilians sessions that I had. Here I thought this would be a major dud, turns out to be one incredible session. Left the place very satisfied. Next day, went to the falls, which I recommend to anyone who hasn't been, its pretty awesome. Not sure if it was heat stroke or dehydration but after returning from the falls I didn't feel to good. So once I got back to the pousada, I ended up staying there till the next day to fly out. Didn't get to session a second time so don't know how good or bad the other club was. Good news is, flying to Porto Alegre to catch up on the miss opportunity I had here.

11-14-16, 06:48
Did not know US citizens need visa to enter Paraguay.

Brazil made a big deal out of requiring visas with high fees for US.I think I could have snuck in to Paraguay no problem, but I had plans to fly out of Asuncion to Argentina, then they would have caught me. I seen other stories about this on the internet. If you just want to go to Ciudad Del Este I would maybe just play dumb and say you just went shopping. Buy you a bottle of liquor or something. It's cheap there. Sadly the Paraguayan consulate set a rate of 3. 8 Reais = $1 dollar. So for my $160 USD visa I had to pay 160 x 3. 8 Reais for my visa. I got ripped off big time on that. I can say there was no line or anybody else wanting to apply for a visa LOL. The boss lady let me sit at her desk and she filled out most of the papers. Now in my passport there is a full page taken up with a Paraguayan 10 year multiple entry visa. It actually looks quite fancy and tough to forge. A few weeks ago I needed to pay $160 to enter Bolivia also. They took up a full page with a 10 year multiple entry visa also. But it is more like a plain sticker that was just printed.

For you other questions, I had the prices in the report. And now someone else gave the price of Roda Vida. Those clubs don't really get started until about 11 PM. I showed up early and wished I came in later. I'll PM you a link to a Video with the blonde driving me around.

Captain Solo
11-14-16, 07:35
That Paraguayan blonde is seriously hot, attractive and fun. Makes me want to go.

Thanks for sharing.

For you other questions, I had the prices in the report. And now someone else gave the price of Roda Vida. Those clubs don't really get started until about 11 PM. I showed up early and wished I came in later. I'll PM you a link to a Video with the blonde driving me around.

02-23-17, 15:15
I stayed in Iguacu for 3 nights and am leaving town tonight. After reading Gagoo's great posts, I found an Airbnb apartment next to Roda Viva shows. (about USD $30/ night).

Foz de Iguacu is a small city (about 200,000 residents) at the corner of Brasil, Argentina and Paraguay. I met tourists from Israel, US, Europe and Eastern Asia visiting to see the world-famous waterfalls during my stay.


I checked out Roda Viva shows. There are now 4 clubs all side by side, Seducao Drinks, Pimenta Doce, Roda Viva shows & one that doesn't have a clear sign in front. I looked inside of all 4 and talked to some of the doormen. There were very few girls working this night and the few that interviewed were too coy for my taste. I only found one Brazilian girl and she was 35+. No thanks. I went home empty-handed this night.

- Ugly.


I was tired from seeing the Argentina side of the falls in 100+ degree weather and did not make it out.


Returned to the boite cluster around 11 pm and looked around outside. There was a hot little paraguayan spinner outside of Roda viva shows named Perla who was fun and friendly when I approached. I paid $R10 entrance and She quickly offered $R150 for an hour (room incl. Total cost $160). Seemed like a deal so I took her to the back. What followed was the worst experience I have ever had punting. This girl did nothing but complain. She complained that she wanted to turn the A / see on and off multiple times, complained about doing DFK and BBBJ (which we had already agreed on), and complained that her pussy hurt after 15 minutes of fucking. I was so disinterested that after 30 minutes I told her to get dressed and get the fuck out. For anyone reading this, do NOT program with a Paraguayan girl named Perla at any of these clubs.


Feeling "down but not out" I wandered over to Seducao drinks, where I had seen a very cute blonde walk into earlier in the night. When I got in, the blonde was talking with some locals but a very tall & thick Brasilian brunette named Jessica came up to me and talked for a few minutes. She has a touch of baby fat, but that is overshadowed by her huge ass. She interviewed well, but I still had my eye on the blonde. After 20 minutes, the locals left the blond w / o paying for a program (this is no surprise to anyone familiar w locals at Brazilian boites) and I asked Jessica to call the Blonde over. It looked like my luck was changing as this blond girl was exactly my type in both looks and personality. Her name is Jo (Josiane) she's about 5"3', dyed-blond girl w thick thighs, tiny waist and natural be cups. They had fun trying to guess my nationality (I never say that I'm American until price is confirmed) and when I asked if they like each other, Jo said that she likes girls and wants a chance to eat out Jessica! Feeling hopeful and after some negotiation, I take both girls to the back for $R420. Once we get into the room, the best threesome of my young life ensues. Jo heads for a quick shower and Jessica pulls my cock out yelling to Jo how big it is. She starts the fun with a gagging deep-throat BBBJ. When Jo comes out, she's turned on seeing how hard Jessica is gagging on me and gives some DFK before I flip over for some DATO while Jessica is still gagging on me. Jo is getting turned on and after a couple minutes of DATO she takes my cock from Jessica and starts deep-throat / gagging while Jessica goes south to suck the balls. This goes on for the next 15 minutes with the girls trading between nursing my cock and balls. I even push Jessica down to lick my taint for a minute or so. The 2 girls start playfully arguing about which of them will eat the other's pussy first! After a minute. Jo lays Jessica down and starts munching away. Jessica is new to having a girl eat her pussy and she's squirming with pleasure. I get close to make-out with her and suck her tits while watching Jo give her great pleasure. Then, the girls switch and Jo instructs Jessica on how to eat her pussy. I make out w Jo while she's enjoying Jessica's work. Jo slaps a condom on me and starts riding cowgirl and I motion Jessica to sit on my face for some DATO. After a few minutes, I'm dying to see Jo's perfect ass in doggy so I take control and flip her over for a solid pounding on all 4's. By now, it's a small miracle that I have exploded (credit to the beers I drank at dinner! I see that Jessica is getting jealous from lack of attention and tell her to bend over doggy style. I continue to pound Jessica up to my as hard as I possibly can and she cums along the way! I must be more drunk that I thought, because I still haven't exploded. Jo switches my condom and gives me the beautiful view of reverse cowgirl until I'm about to blow. When I say I'm about to cum. She jumps off, both girls lay on the backs, side by side and tell me to cum on their tits. I oblige. After this session, my knees are so weak that I'm not even able to walk to the shower for 10 minutes. We used the full hour for our threesome and I'm still sweating hard after showering so I go back inside the club and buy some beers for me and the girls. The girls sit with me and give their stories of the lives so far over some beer. Jo is especially sweet after learning that I'm American and asks me all about life there and says she wants to visit one day. She asks when I'm going to come back to Iguacu. I take down her number and we plan for me to visit her apartment before I leave town the following night!


02-25-17, 02:41
I met with Jo, from my last post, before leaving town. She invited me up to the club "Seducao drinks" at 3 pm for a program.

We had another great session for $230. This girl is definitely eager to please. She only objected to 1) anal and 2) me taking photos while she was giving me head. I won't judge her.

04-07-17, 22:59
Hi guys,

After visiting several places in Brazil and South America, now I am at the end of my trip and I am heading to Iguacu. For the last time in this travel I want to get in action with Brazilian. Can you please give me some addresses of brothel.

Thanks a lot.

04-09-17, 16:23
Hi guys,

After visiting several places in Brazil and South America, now I am at the end of my trip and I am heading to Iguacu. For the last time in this travel I want to get in action with Brazilian. Can you please give me some addresses of brothel.

Thanks a lot.Don't know about mongering in Foz, but peace of tourist info; If you have time don't miss the dam. It's almost as impressive as the falls and take the longest tour. It's well worth the time and money.

Captain Solo
04-09-17, 17:38
Foz has a few casas scattered all over town that offer sweet, fresh, young girls, mostly to locals. Local guys would come by after work, drinking beers and ogling girls until the mood strikes. I to a young, pretty spinner back to the hotel and had a great time drinking, smoking, dancing, partying and making passionate love to her. She was hornier than I was hehe. I should have asked her for her tel and all night dates. Would be so much fun with that petite girl.

Ask your hotel reception to arrange for a known cab driver to be safe. Strike a fixed-price deal with the guy to drive you around to all casas until you find someone you like. I paid about 1,500 Reais then. Don't know the going rate for the girls. Just bargain with the mamasan.

After 10 PM, Club Crystal has some very beautiful girls coming from all over Brazil to Foz to work. They are expensive, like $300 to $400ST. The one I took looked like an international model, but her pussy smelled fishy. Damn. That killed the mood. Crystal is about 5 miles Southeast of downtown on the main route to the airport:


There are also many unattached females from Argentina and Europe touring Foz. You should be able to pick up someone.

A quick drive across the river from Foz is Ciudad Este of Paraguay, where allegedly many sweet girls are available. The bros sent me videos and pics of some very sweet-looking girls in Paraguay, worth taking a trip.

Foz is a very nice place for vacation and sex tour. Do some exploring and report current offers.

Hi guys,

After visiting several places in Brazil and South America, now I am at the end of my trip and I am heading to Iguacu. For the last time in this travel I want to get in action with Brazilian. Can you please give me some addresses of brothel.

Thanks a lot.

04-09-17, 17:46
There are some clubs that people said on this forum but there is no address. Those can be helpful as well. Google map has no address of this place on the map. Actually on google map there are no such thing like brothel and those places.


Captain Solo
04-11-17, 19:41
Correction. Should be 150 reais or about $50 to take a girl out of the casa to your hotel.

Also Foz downtown has many shops with some of the sweetest-looking local girls. They are very hot, warm and friendly and open to relationships.

I paid about 1,500 Reais then. Don't know the going rate for the girls. Just bargain with the mamasan.

After 10 PM, Club Crystal has some very beautiful girls coming from all over Brazil to Foz to work. They are expensive, like $300 to $400ST. The one I took looked like an international model, but her pussy smelled fishy. Damn. That killed the mood. Crystal is about 5 miles Southeast of downtown on the main route to the airport:

Foz is a very nice place for vacation and sex tour. Do some exploring and report current offers.

12-29-17, 18:11
Hi friend,

An information pleas, next month I'll go to the Foz por 3 days, can you say me where I can spend the night with girl, are there actually night terms? Is there a casino?

01-03-18, 02:20
There are some clubs that people said on this forum but there is no address. Those can be helpful as well. Google map has no address of this place on the map. Actually on google map there are no such thing like brothel and those places.

Thanks.Which club addresses do you want to know?

01-18-19, 04:08
I've got simple logistics questions. I am planning on arriving from Brazil, stay couple of days at the waterfalls area and then continue to BA, Argentina. A) Which city, area to stay for a better nightlife? B) Are there any issues crossing the border (Brazil to Argentina, and maybe to Paraguay and back). Is there any advantage of booking any tour (guide)? Some words on airports will help too. Thank you.

04-22-19, 01:37
Foz do Iguaçu Report.

I took one way LATAM flight from GRU's local Terminal 2 (GOL's Premium lounge was nothing special) to IGU (Foz do Iguaçu), a small local airport under renovation.

For about 75 USD a night I booked Bourbon Business Hotel on double occupancy, buffet breakfast included. Great property, very well maintained, great staff, excellent location opposite Cataratas JL Shopping Mall with it's taxi stop, very guest friendly (only asked my entry card at the concierge).

SW area starts here at Avenida Costa e Silva from the mall to Sports complex Ginasio de Esportes Costa Cavalcanti with hours from 11 am to 8 pm.

The road is better suited for a taxi ride than walk. Do not walk it at night, not very convenient and not recommended.

There are many motels on this stretch like Libidiu's, Bellagio, Play Time and Mirage. Take a taxi ride. SW are the best bang for your buck in the city.

Foz is a tourist (November to February is a peak season) and conference destination, there is a military base nearby, so overall there is a demand for services.

You can basically easily spend a week here:

1. Falls path on Brazilian side and bird's park.

2. Falls Station one and river tour.

3. Falls Station two and jungle tour.

4. Falls at Argentinian side.

5. CDE, Paraguay, the dam.

And some other stuff.

Visited a casa, take out only. The driver called it 'Hedge house' The address is Rua Jerusalem 123 and hours are 10 pm 3 am. The address is likely a former clinic. The area is absolutely deserted at night, the road is cobbled and quite bad. You will see green lights at the entrance. Do not walk, take a taxi.

Now, in the same direction from the hotel there is a casa called 'Casa the Vera' or Vera's casa. There is a chance it might be the same one; I had no time to check it out. I had only two full days in Foz.

Took a taxi to Boate Scorpion's Entry is R$80 consumable. Take out is R$250. I was on a quiet night at the start of the week, saw maybe 10 girls.

Took a full-bodied girl from Sampa, very intelligent, no kids, so everything was super tight. Were able to converse with her on a range of topics, from 'the business' to more intimate, tats, tits, sex. We put on some music in my room.

I browsed 25th edition of Revista Sexy just a day before featuring an indigenous model, so I chose are. At Scorpion's as she told me she got some native blood in her.

Address: Boate Scorpion, Rua Lisboa 200.

The next night I visited Crystal Night Club. There were two destacadas invited for the night.

This girl was in the club and available. (aka Debora Santos). She was featured in Revista Sexy.


Shows at Crystal start at midnight with 30 min intervals.

This girl also was also present. (aka Evelyn Lorran).


http://www.catuaipalladium.com.br/ You may take Uber for example to this mall, and then cross the road to Crystal.

Address: Crystal Night Club.

Reservas: (45) 99108-1210 Av. Das Cataratas, 3601 Vila Yolanda, Foz do Iguau PR.

10 pm 3 am.

This is the best club in Foz, and the most expensive. There is a separate secluded parking area, a large pool on the second level. This is the real big club.

Overall I chatted with three girls, Priscilla 26 y.o. from Fortaleza, tall blond with excellent body; Vanessa 28 y.o. from Minas Gerais, very beautiful girl; and Ana, a morena of Parana, a great dancer.

Entry is R$100 out of which R$50 is consumable.

The cheapest beer, Stella Artois was R$29.

Girls start from R$400 an hour, salida is R$100 (you have to buy her a drink), room is R$100 (or motel for that matter, and girls may show preference), so overall costs are not less than R$600 or 150 USD, but practically more.

Girls showed some sort of reluctance to go to my hotel, they all preferred to go onsite.

I should have bought them a drink and then negotiate how to continue on. Now, Priscilla and Vanessa were both top of the line, so I knew I have to be prepared to go over 200 USD in all costs, so I decided to let it happen next time. Again, there is no point to say it is more than we accustomed to, these girls were top notch at the top club in the city, and I saw it for the fact. Generally, rates for the top tier girls in Brasil now start at R$500 an hour take it or leave it.

The next night I visited another location in the centre of the town:

'Roda Viva Night Club' is a club in the centre of the town. The address is Rua Marechal Deodoro Fonseca, 1575.

Google and other searches either provide wrong address or nothing at all.

The club is open from 10 pm till dawn. If you use Uber or prefer to tell your taxi driver nearby address, use this:

Hotel Real at are. Mal. Deodoro, 1536 - Centro, Foz do Iguau, hotelrealfoz.com.br The club is just few meters opposite to the left from the hotel.

There are actually two clubs with different owners and management one near the other, Roda Viva 1 and Roda Viva 2. RV1 is on the right if you face them.

These clubs are raided periodically to 'save Paraguayanas'. The clubs are friendly to each other, and it seems maybe it's just a business ploy, as obviously any visitor will migrate to the nearest property to take a look at girls, and it means extra expenses.

Talked to Anderson, manager or 'mozo' of RV 1 and he basically confirmed that I can take out a girl at R$300 out of which R$100 goes to a club upfront, and R$200 to a girl later, and she will accompany me to my hotel.

Both clubs have about 10 girls each (at least when I visited) and similar pay structure:

R$10 entry, R$10 water, R$25 beer, R$40 girl drink to take her out, R$70 room at premises, girls start at R$200.

Eventually I took 'L' 23 year old From Asuncion, Paraguay. My second Paraguayana.

There were other two girls that I liked, Lisa, blue eyed raven haired Cubana (she had no ID on her, so I decided to pass on her), and Naomi, a Paraguyana from CDE with some oriental features (asked more $, so I passed on her too).

Overall, Foz is not a hobby destination, but you can do well with Crystal, Roda Viva, Scorpion's, take out casas and SW.

Thank you for reading.


Captain Solo
03-25-20, 00:27

Really enjoy your post with all the details. Foz do Iquacu is a great vacation spot.

I was in Foz a few years ago. Took a girl from Crystal, looking like a hot model in her red dress. For a high-price session, she had an odor problem which turned me off.

A taxi driver took me to a few casas. There were a few Japanese cattle ranchers in their shorts and work boots drinking beers in the back yard and ogling girls. I took a nice, clean, fresh spinner sweetheart, had a very fun and sexy time with her in the hotel. Apparently there were a dozen or so casas in residential areas, serving primarily locals. Their prices were about 1/3 of Crystal's with nice, sweet, fresh, real girls.

I had a great time in Foz. May be coming back.

06-08-21, 20:41
I'm coming to Brazil in July and want to visit Iguazu Falls. What mongering options (both daytime and night) are there currently available. Also, is it possible to walk over to Ciudad de Este in Paraguay currently? If so, do I need a recent COVID-19 test?

06-09-21, 04:50
I am interested too.

I'm coming to Brazil in July and want to visit Iguazu Falls. What mongering options (both daytime and night) are there currently available. Also, is it possible to walk over to Ciudad de Este in Paraguay currently? If so, do I need a recent COVID-19 test?

06-10-21, 01:57
I'm coming to Brazil in July and want to visit Iguazu Falls. What mongering options (both daytime and night) are there currently available. Also, is it possible to walk over to Ciudad de Este in Paraguay currently? If so, do I need a recent COVID-19 test?I didn't realize Iguazu Falls was ISG worthy. Here's my input from a civilian trip on the Argentina side a few years ago:

The general vibe is family friendly oriented. The towns are small and in bed asleep by 11 pm tops.

Your best option for flesh may be to try your swag / pick up game and find super drunk hot and bothered German / Russian tourists, or ask a waitress if she wants to hang out after her shift.

I would not try to go to Paraguay after dark.

I'm just shooting you straight, but maybe other ISGers are ready to prove me wrong.

Stinky Squid
06-10-21, 02:32
I didn't realize Iguazu Falls was ISG worthy. Here's my input from a civilian trip on the Argentina side a few years ago:

The general vibe is family friendly oriented. The towns are small and in bed asleep by 11 pm tops.

Your best option for flesh may be to try your swag / pick up game and find super drunk hot and bothered German / Russian tourists, or ask a waitress if she wants to hang out after her shift.

I would not try to go to Paraguay after dark.

I'm just shooting you straight, but maybe other ISGers are ready to prove me wrong.You are right. There is one particular bar spot where some hookers are might be hollering you. I have tried to remember I have walked past and it didn't give me appetite. It is right in the downtown area north but south of that military base.

Photoacompanhante has just not even 5 offerings.

But, you should not worry at all about Ciudad del Este. I have been walking in deserted shopping areas between Hotel Guarania and Austria to have my Eisbein, and I do not feel at risk. CdE is not Cali or Centro Medellin. Not trying to talk you into anything, but I walk there regularly. However, there is no action in this area.

There used to be some "pharmacy" place, I have never seen any action there, but then maybe I have not entered the right entrance. There is some strip / monger club a few km out along the highway to Asuncion. I think that has all been reported here, look in the Paraguay CdE forum.

09-07-22, 22:10
The name of the spot in Foz Do Iguacu is named: Boate Crystal Night Club.

I left that area a few days ago. I was staying in Puerto Iguazu, Argentina and my taxi driver told me it was a good time for only 200 Brazilian Reals but refrained from going because the reviews were mixed. A lot of guys claimed to get ripped off with high drink prices and the girls running up a tab for spending time drinking with them.


You are right. There is one particular bar spot where some hookers are might be hollering you. I have tried to remember I have walked past and it didn't give me appetite. It is right in the downtown area north but south of that military base.

Photoacompanhante has just not even 5 offerings.

But, you should not worry at all about Ciudad del Este. I have been walking in deserted shopping areas between Hotel Guarania and Austria to have my Eisbein, and I do not feel at risk. CdE is not Cali or Centro Medellin. Not trying to talk you into anything, but I walk there regularly. However, there is no action in this area.

There used to be some "pharmacy" place, I have never seen any action there, but then maybe I have not entered the right entrance. There is some strip / monger club a few km out along the highway to Asuncion. I think that has all been reported here, look in the Paraguay CdE forum.

09-16-23, 16:02

I will be coming to IGU for 2 nights (Oct. 5th, 6th) and planning to book double tree by Hilton.

I had no problem in the past of bringing chicas but want to check if any intel on the guest policy of this hotel.

Or any other guest friendly accommodation recommendation by the forum. Please PM if any one is coming during those days to hang out and share the intel.

11-18-23, 03:18
Visited early at 10 pm. Less than 10 customers. $12 cover rest consumable. Lady drinks $22. Chatted with a lady. Boats reminds me of SP boates but Crystal girls not as pretty. R500 a HR. Regular girls not hard to get their # and the lady I bought drink said she would go to my hotel. I passed and probably would not return. I need to find the prices and casas in Foz. So far I love the city. One of my favorites in Brazil.

11-19-23, 05:19
I went around midnight. Roda 2 was closed. 12 girls waiting around no customers. This was my first time dealing with Paraguyanas. They are sharks. The place made me pay for services and consumables up front. I liked 2 of the girls. The problem was the girl insisted on American dollar (red flag) Plus her prices seemed out of whack with a report from 4 years ago. Crystal was more honest with their prices even though I didn't chat with their best girls. I thought to myself I couldn't risk sessioning with this girl cause she could change the price on me and her numbers didn't match the cashier. She said lady whisky R150. Cashier said R50 and I bought the drink. She indirectly called me cheap cause she wanted R500 even though it's not a R500 boate. My guess is R350 to 450. I won't return because this is a place things can go left. Ran down to Scorpion but they closed. Google said 1:30 but they were done 12:30. Not sure if the prive opens Sunday. Scorpion does not open Sunday.

11-22-23, 16:57
Foz was great. But the nightlife and hobby scene left a lot to be desired. I don't speak the language and don't have a taxi contact but it seems the casa at 123 Jerusalem is defunct or have earlier hours. The house down the street at 555 had a green light but I didn't see anyone at midnight. Searching for casas was a bust. All the ladies at the boate wanted R500 for 1 hour. They were marginal and basic at best. I didn't indulge with take out. The lady drinks I bought at boates were expensive. I probably only saw 4 ladies I liked at 3 different boates. I would recommend bringing a lady with you to Foz.

Captain Solo
11-22-23, 18:19
Foz do Iquacu is one of my favorite vacation towns with beautiful tropical scenery. Everything was so green and lively, a nice, clean, quiet, laid back town.

It was a few years back. I was disappointed with crystal Club too. Picked up a beautiful girl in a red dress, hot like a mode, paid $150 for her ST. She said she travels around Brazil working in various clubs. She was nice and sexy but her pussy smelled fishy I asked her to shower but could not get rid of the odors, spoiled my sexy mood. Session was over quick an dI let her go.

I talked to a young cabbie parked on the main street. We agreed on an all-day deal. He took me to Cuidad del Este in the morning checking out the bars and brothels. We came back in the afternoon. He drove me around Foz checking out half a dozen casas scattered out on the North side of town. Each house had 6 to 12 girls in street clothing, looking like GNDs. I sat in the living room drinking beers while they bring out the line up. A couple Japanese cattle ranchers in shorts and work boots were sitting in the garden smoking, drinking beers, ogling girls. We talked shit and traded mongering intels.

I picked up a spinner and rode the cab back to the hotel. Out of her clothes she was beautiful, nice, young, firm with perfect skin and pretty face. We were drinking, smoking, partying in the room. Then we made love. She was whining "Vais, vais" when she was popping. She did not have enough, had to do a second session. Sex with her was very sweet and sexy, unlike with the Crystal girl.

Hire a cabbie, explore the area, get to know the sweetest local girls.

World Travel 69
05-26-24, 06:18
I stated a Map.

It needs a lot of your help about places to get laid?