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06-07-21, 17:19
Tell me more, I'm all ears.You are making it too complicated. I think there is a simple solution. You can stay at Mansion.

06-07-21, 17:32
How about organizing a "house party"? Let's say get together with 3 colleagues here and rent a nice place with 3 bedrooms. Then gather 3 to 6 semi pro chicas. Have everyone STD tested and verify the chicas are on birth control (ideally by injection), bring all supplies and then have fun for a week or however long. We might even get some filming equipment and be like a film crew. That might make these girls even more enthusiastic. Should be no problem to find local talent, or, depending on the venue, even bring some Venezolanas. Not easy to travel to VE, but I hear it's not too difficult for them to travel out of VE. This could be done in a nice place like San Andre. Now leaving the scope of CO, but continuing the thought, in the Dominica Republic (VE to DR travel is easy). If Trinidad & Tobago was open it could be done there.

I don't know anyone here personally and I would not do this with just everyone. There needs to be some trust, for example, that none of the people get all drunk or argumentative or otherwise batshit crazy. There would have to be a certain gentleman's agreement and some rules. And we'd have to meet and get to know each other in person first. And as for in person, that's the downside with importing unknown girls from VE, but perhaps one could audition them over a video chat.

Since I am planning to be in CO for a longer period, I am thinking seriously about it. The benefit of a longer term arrangement is that it is way more relaxing and one can have variety and plenty and the costs of the nice villa or penthouse apartment can be shared. This STD testing plus a few days quarantine would have the benefit that one could do the bareback, which is so much nicer.

Thinking some more, I would be very interested to do this with guys who, like me, are digital nomads, and would, besides the playing, also like to get some work in. It's been always my special dream to do the digital work while a chica hangs out in my lap or gives me a massage. Or lazy at the pool.Clear case of human trafficking LOL. Esp. With the situation now in VE.


Mojo Bandit
06-07-21, 18:35
How about organizing a "house party"? Let's say get together with 3 colleagues here and rent a nice place with 3 bedrooms. .

Sounds like you are trying to take the road to disaster.

. The best parties come together spontaneously, when the right people met it can happen, but don't force anything. Many times when I met a strange chic for the first time I broom them before I even kiss them and almost always after I shoot my load. I can't imagine the train wreck that could ensue having 5 or 6 strangers roaming around my apartment unchecked. Remember Squid your not in Kansas anymore.If you are talking about getting some of your friends or coworkers together and heading down to Medellin then fine, this has been done several times that I have heard of and they had a great time.

But if you are talking about trying to get some mongers together who never met off of the board and then getting some chicas then there are several things that could go bad and probably will. The mongers themselves may not get along, some things that I have heard about include some monger may get jealous because another monger is into the chica that you are with, some monger may get it in their head that they are over paying for something, be it the accomidation becuase their room is smaller or the party supplies because they only drank 5 beers etc etc,. Then there is that awful chance that you get bad blood going on between the chicas, and these are Colombianas. Passionate Colombianas and so they may figuratively speaking stink the whole place up because they are jealous of some other chica.

Prostitution is legal in Colombia, but there are some vaguely stated laws about "promoting prostitution " so there is an outside chance of the police getting wind and that might be a problem. Granted I would think that was very much an outside chance.

There are gringo parties where lots of chicas show up, I know because chicas have told me about them. I have not seen any postings from a particular Board Member who was living in Medellin and was posting regular a while back but he shared links from Facebook showing "Finca" party (s)? With many chicas and many gringos. That may also have been as far out from Medellin as Guatap. Fincas being places out in the country like a farm. This is probably also an attractive type of spot because most Airbnb places will explicitly state "no parties".

I was talking to a couple of particularly hot chicas once who made me an offer that both of them would spend all night with me if I would throw a Finca party for their friends 18th birthday. I was not going to throw a party for a bunch of barely of age people, no sir. Too much could go wrong.

Make a few trips to Colombia, learn which chicas party together and get along. See if any board members are interested in meeting up for a drink and see if you get along etc, In other words have a network of people that you have gotten to know and feel would vibe well together. Then start talking about a party.

Stinky Squid
06-07-21, 21:41
Thanks for setting my head straight. All good points indeed.

06-08-21, 22:54
A case for a different choice.


06-09-21, 01:32
You are making it too complicated. I think there is a simple solution. You can stay at Mansion.Where is the mansion located? Are we talking about Loutron?

Stinky Squid
06-09-21, 02:52
I was curious and went over my first old posts in this forum from many years ago. I noticed I had two encounters in Brazil where I ended up paying after the deed. I didn't even remember that. And given that at the time I was quite unexperienced, it surprised me how I even managed to do that! Told me that at the time the customs was still pay afterwards. This seems to be different in Colombia. Once I asked a girl out to indulge me on a long term multi day date, and I offered a price which she accepted. Then I said that of course we needed some contingency if we ended up hating each other's guts after a few minutes or an hour. So I said I'd pay in installments. An up-front for the effort of meeting me, then after some time together another installment, and then a daily installment so that there would always be a way for us to walk away without either one of us feeling cheated. This mirrored the 24 hour setup I had once with a Brazilian pro who I met on Badoo when SA didn't exist yet. It was very well done then, I paid her a piece after she picked me up from the airport, and then again after some good time, and then the rest. But that Colombiana, who totally let me down started arguing that she only works payment upfront, essentially expecting a 24 hour engagement to be paid up front. I said no way, because you already agreed to my scheme. Turns out many don't even pay attention to what you say. That's a bad sign to start with, because nothing that you think was agreed will be remembered.

But my question is: is it really true that Colombia is (now) more or less strictly a pay upfront culture? Or is that just a sign that you are about to be ripped off anyway? Like pay up front and then be annoying so that you end up kicking her out early? Even in Brazil I do not remember that pay afterwards was a thing I had done effortlessly in the past.

06-09-21, 03:05
In the casas in central areas, its pay up front. But very rarely am I asked by a freelancer to pay upfront. And when I am, as you suspect, it is usually a scene of impending disaster. It seems to me that girls ask for upfront after guy (s) have refused to pay them. And you got to wonder why. In my experience I can suppose that it was bcos they were terrible service and the guy (s) threw them out. I have never had a great experience from paying a freelancer upfront. These days I either cancel immediately, or if I really fancy her I try to make a deal of x% upfront, balance paid afterwards. That kinda works bcos then you can still kick her if she is useless, but you have already given her enough for her troubles.

I was curious and went over my first old posts in this forum from many years ago. I noticed I had two encounters in Brazil where I ended up paying after the deed. I didn't even remember that. And given that at the time I was quite unexperienced, it surprised me how I even managed to do that! Told me that at the time the customs was still pay afterwards. This seems to be different in Colombia.

But my question is: is it really true that Colombia is (now) more or less strictly a pay upfront culture? Or is that just a sign that you are about to be ripped off anyway? Like pay up front and then be annoying so that you end up kicking her out early? Even in Brazil I do not remember that pay afterwards was a thing I had done effortlessly in the past.

06-09-21, 03:29
I was curious and went over my first old posts in this forum from many years ago. I noticed I had two encounters in Brazil where I ended up paying after the deed. I didn't even remember that. And given that at the time I was quite unexperienced, it surprised me how I even managed to do that! Told me that at the time the customs was still pay afterwards. This seems to be different in Colombia. Once I asked a girl out to indulge me on a long term multi day date, and I offered a price which she accepted. Then I said that of course we needed some contingency if we ended up hating each other's guts after a few minutes or an hour. So I said I'd pay in installments. An up-front for the effort of meeting me, then after some time together another installment, and then a daily installment so that there would always be a way for us to walk away without either one of us feeling cheated. This mirrored the 24 hour setup I had once with a Brazilian pro who I met on Badoo when SA didn't exist yet. It was very well done then, I paid her a piece after she picked me up from the airport, and then again after some good time, and then the rest. But that Colombiana, who totally let me down started arguing that she only works payment upfront, essentially expecting a 24 hour engagement to be paid up front. I said no way, because you already agreed to my scheme. Turns out many don't even pay attention to what you say. That's a bad sign to start with, because nothing that you think was agreed will be remembered.

But my question is: is it really true that Colombia is (now) more or less strictly a pay upfront culture? Or is that just a sign that you are about to be ripped off anyway? Like pay up front and then be annoying so that you end up kicking her out early? Even in Brazil I do not remember that pay afterwards was a thing I had done effortlessly in the past.Except for most casas and strip clubs, payment is after. I don't recall any situation I've run into where I've had any issues with paying afterwards. In Spanish, siempre pago despues. I always pay after.

New Life casa, unless it's changed, you pay after, depending on the time you spent. Energy Spa I've been asked to pay before and I've been asked to pay after. Not sure what the standard is there.

I've found that when you're having trouble reaching an agreement with a girl the phrase "tal vez un otro día", maybe some other day, works well. It allows her to either accept what you're offering or walk away with no bad feelings. You can toss in "esta bien", it's okay, with it.

The last thing I want to do is get into an argument over payment, services or anything else. There's really nothing to be gained and you're wasting time that could be used to find someone who you can deal with. And often, once the girl realizes you've made your offer and are ready to walk, she'll come around.

06-09-21, 07:53
I was curious and went over my first old posts in this forum from many years ago. I noticed I had two encounters in Brazil where I ended up paying after the deed. I didn't even remember that. And given that at the time I was quite unexperienced, it surprised me how I even managed to do that! Told me that at the time the customs was still pay afterwards. This seems to be different in Colombia. Once I asked a girl out to indulge me on a long term multi day date, and I offered a price which she accepted. Then I said that of course we needed some contingency if we ended up hating each other's guts after a few minutes or an hour. So I said I'd pay in installments. An up-front for the effort of meeting me, then after some time together another installment, and then a daily installment so that there would always be a way for us to walk away without either one of us feeling cheated. This mirrored the 24 hour setup I had once with a Brazilian pro who I met on Badoo when SA didn't exist yet. It was very well done then, I paid her a piece after she picked me up from the airport, and then again after some good time, and then the rest. But that Colombiana, who totally let me down started arguing that she only works payment upfront, essentially expecting a 24 hour engagement to be paid up front. I said no way, because you already agreed to my scheme. Turns out many don't even pay attention to what you say. That's a bad sign to start with, because nothing that you think was agreed will be remembered..I've had a few experiences with this and I would never pay up front again. , yours may be different than mine but I've had enough to dissuade me from doing so again. Every mistake I've made prepared me for the next chica.

I only pay after, and if they demand money upfront I just give them 20 K pesos max for taxi and tell them to leave.

My first experience was in DR where she demanded payment up front. She looked super hot, we were already in the apartment drinking so I didn't mind. When we got to the bedroom she demanded the money before she got undressed. She kept saying "dinero first pappi, dinero first".

Ok. I pay. She get undressed and starts BB Chupa, her teeth is scraping all up and down my joint so I stop her. I tell her perito, grab my condom and the smell that came from her box was out of this world. I tell her go tot he bathroom to wash up. She comes back, it still smells bad. But she already got my money and can't suck good. I told her this is my first leche off the plane and I want it to be good, took a loss, told her to leave.

Colombia. A week before I flew I matched with this chick on Tinder, all her pictures looked hot and we been talking almost daily on whatsapp. Then the day before I'm supposed to land I'm unmatched from Tinder and her profile photo disappeared from whatsapp and she's not responding to any of me messages. I head to the clock tower and surely enough I see her there and I approach her, she remembers me and I asked why she blocked me and she says allot of gringos just bullshit to get free pics and never actually come to Colombia. So since she see I'm for real she's sorry and will go with me, I didn't even have to negotiate even though she knew I was American she didn't give me the gringo price. We get back to the apartment, I'm excited, been waiting all week for this, she say pay upfront. Ok I pay, then tell her go shower. She comes out wrapped up in a towel. I go shower come out and all the lights are off, she's on the bed wrapped in the towel and under the covers. WTF!? So I turn on the lights pull all the covers off the bed, pull the towel off of her and she had this nasty black and blue mark going down her stomach that looked like a botched surgery and the skin is rottin. After seeing that I couldn't even get hard. So I just went for Chupa until I finished which took her about an hour. Even though I paid for TLN but it wasn't a crazy price I took the loss and told her to leave.

Colombia again. I matched with a girl on tinder again. I message her on whatsapp and she agreed to meet with me but it has to be early morning or late night and she can only do ST. I agreed. First night she shows up, 30 minutes late, I don't care, she's all natural and hot. Sucks me dry BBJCIM I didn't even get to hit but she took all my energy, I pay she leaves. Next day I hit her up she tell me she can't that night but she can see me in an hour. I agreed. She shows up late again, I don't care, I get to hit, its tight she's good, and when I was about to finish she caught all the leche in her mouth. I pay, she leaves. Third day I hit her up for same deal, she says she can't that day but she can the next day. No big deal, I head to the clocktower to get a fresh face, found one and decide to Cafe Del Mar for a few drinks and there she is with a gringo but she didn't see me. So I message her and let her know I see her on the wall in a joking way. She replies back the guy paid her to be with him for the week. So I asked her how were you seeing me then? She said she would just tell him she had an emergency at home and she have to go make sure everything is ok but will be back in an hour or two. So long story short she was with him told him a BS lie then come see me then go back to him. Meanwhile I'm watching him kissing her all in her mouth taking selfies. SMH. Gringo GFE ignorance I suppose. She shows up next day at my place same deal.

Colombia once more. Met this chick at Playa Hollywood. I take her back, she wants payment upfront. Ok I don't mind, I pay. We start out, chupa then I go to hit and her pussy feels like she's been shoving the whole Agulia can up there. I couldn't feel anything, her walls had no grip whatsoever. So I tell her its too loose o back to Chupa. She's saying I have to pay more because she only suck once then sex she don't suck twice. Since I was staying in El Laguito I took the loss and I put her ass out with the quickness walked around the corner and just grabbed another one.

More Colombia. Got a girl out of Space and I was staying in Getsemani. We agreed for a price for ST and walked over to the apartment. She say pay her up front, ok, then she got straight to the point. Everything is finished in 30 minutes. I wash up, I step out the shower, ready to go again, she's already dressed like WTF. She says she have an emergency at home, while she's on the phone talking her driver I hear her tell the Taxi a condo address I previously stayed at in El Lagito. SMH. So wile I was showering some gringo hit her up and told her to come see him, she gives me the excuse to cut my time short so she can go make more money, on top of that she wanted to wait inside the apartment until the taxi showed up out font, I told her "If our business is done then you don't need to be here" and put her ass right out and locked the door.

06-18-21, 07:00
How serious is this?


World Travel 69
06-18-21, 18:11
Things are getting back to Almost normal.

Contact Jesus, he will let you know what's going on.

He is in Cali, WhatsApp: 57-323-586-6627.

How serious is this?


06-21-21, 19:23
Does anyone happen to know the rules if you overstay as a tourist?

Yes, I know there may be a fine, but how much and for how long an overstay? Grcs!

06-22-21, 02:24
I've had a few experiences with this and I would never pay up front again. , yours may be different than mine but I've had enough to dissuade me from doing so again. Every mistake I've made prepared me for the next chica.

I only pay after, and if they demand money upfront I just give them 20 K pesos max for taxi and tell them to leave.

My first experience was in DR where she demanded payment up front. She looked super hot, we were already in the apartment drinking so I didn't mind. When we got to the bedroom she demanded the money before she got undressed. She kept saying "dinero first pappi, dinero first".

Ok. I pay. She get undressed and starts BB Chupa, her teeth is scraping all up and down my joint so I stop her. I tell her perito, grab my condom and the smell that came from her box was out of this world. I tell her go tot he bathroom to wash up. She comes back, it still smells bad. But she already got my money and can't suck good. I told her this is my first leche off the plane and I want it to be good, took a loss, told her to leave.

Colombia. A week before I flew I matched with this chick on Tinder, all her pictures looked hot and we been talking almost daily on whatsapp. Then the day before I'm supposed to land I'm unmatched from Tinder and her profile photo disappeared from whatsapp and she's not responding to any of me messages. I head to the clock tower and surely enough I see her there and I approach her, she remembers me and I asked why she blocked me and she says allot of gringos just bullshit to get free pics and never actually come to Colombia. So since she see I'm for real she's sorry and will go with me, I didn't even have to negotiate even though she knew I was American she didn't give me the gringo price. We get back to the apartment, I'm excited, been waiting all week for this, she say pay upfront. Ok I pay, then tell her go shower. She comes out wrapped up in a towel. I go shower come out and all the lights are off, she's on the bed wrapped in the towel and under the covers. WTF!? So I turn on the lights pull all the covers off the bed, pull the towel off of her and she had this nasty black and blue mark going down her stomach that looked like a botched surgery and the skin is rottin. After seeing that I couldn't even get hard. So I just went for Chupa until I finished which took her about an hour. Even though I paid for TLN but it wasn't a crazy price I took the loss and told her to leave.

Colombia again. I matched with a girl on tinder again. I message her on whatsapp and she agreed to meet with me but it has to be early morning or late night and she can only do ST. I agreed. First night she shows up, 30 minutes late, I don't care, she's all natural and hot. Sucks me dry BBJCIM I didn't even get to hit but she took all my energy, I pay she leaves. Next day I hit her up she tell me she can't that night but she can see me in an hour. I agreed. She shows up late again, I don't care, I get to hit, its tight she's good, and when I was about to finish she caught all the leche in her mouth. I pay, she leaves. Third day I hit her up for same deal, she says she can't that day but she can the next day. No big deal, I head to the clocktower to get a fresh face, found one and decide to Cafe Del Mar for a few drinks and there she is with a gringo but she didn't see me. So I message her and let her know I see her on the wall in a joking way. She replies back the guy paid her to be with him for the week. So I asked her how were you seeing me then? She said she would just tell him she had an emergency at home and she have to go make sure everything is ok but will be back in an hour or two. So long story short she was with him told him a BS lie then come see me then go back to him. Meanwhile I'm watching him kissing her all in her mouth taking selfies. SMH. Gringo GFE ignorance I suppose. She shows up next day at my place same deal.Is a big no no. I can count on one hand in 30 years of travel, how many times I paid in advance and every time the service sucked. . If they demand payment up front, I broom them. These working girl types are like buses, another on comes along every 5 minutes.

99.9 % of the time the reason they demand you to pay upfront is because the service is going to suck and you have no power or control of the session. You have to think with the big head and don't give in to pay upfront and tell them your no longer interested.

Give them 5 or 10,000 cop and get rid of them. You will save yourself a headache.

06-22-21, 02:24
Does anyone happen to know the rules if you overstay as a tourist?

Yes, I know there may be a fine, but how much and for how long an overstay? Grcs!The only person I know who overstayed was on a different visa. He was only a few weeks late renewing it and they initially told him he would be banned from Colombia for 5 years. He ended up paying a fine and got the visa renewed, but I don't know how much the fine was.

World Travel 69
06-22-21, 04:06
Go to Eucador for day or or two.

[QnUOTE=JustTK;2571390]Does anyone happen to know the rules if you overstay as a tourist?

Yes, I know there may be a fine, but how much and for how long an overstay? Grcs! QUOTE].

06-22-21, 17:33
Is a big no no. I can count on one hand in 30 years of travel, how many times I paid in advance and every time the service sucked. . If they demand payment up front, I broom them. These working girl types are like buses, another on comes along every 5 minutes.

99.9 % of the time the reason they demand you to pay upfront is because the service is going to suck and you have no power or control of the session. You have to think with the big head and don't give in to pay upfront and tell them your no longer interested.

Give them 5 or 10,000 cop and get rid of them. You will save yourself a headache.You're so right about those girls, and I have learned over the years. Just like your bus analogy we have one over here as well. JAJAJA.

Chicas are like parking spots. Drive around looking for one and as soon as you find one out of your way and park your vehicle, a better parking spot becomes available that is way more convenient.

06-26-21, 13:25
When you add in the flights, the hotel, the covid tests, taxis. Its a lot of money just for a stamp in your passport.

For those that want to know, I just had a friend pass thru immigration and they told them. Just go to a domestic immigration office (such as the one in Belen, but they are in most major cities) one week before you plan to leave, and tell them you have overstayed for whatever reason (covid is a good one). The fine will be 50,000 per month.

That sounds like a much better deal and saves a lot of wasted time too. I will try it out in a couple of weeks.

Go to Eucador for day or or two.

06-27-21, 14:54
This issue has become more complicated recently due to COVID entry requirements.

Am considering the ease and cost of it all to various nearby countries. Entry tests required, travel and health insurance requirements, isolations / quarantines, cost of flight, whether I can just skip immigration in the country of arrival and get back on the return flight. Its quite a tricky call.

My first thought is to get a low cost return flight to Panama. Cost is flights and test reqd to leave Col. If I can get on the return flight without leaving the arrivals hall (just as if I were in transit. No luggage), then I could avoid the extra test reqd in Panama arrivals and 3 day quarantine. But that means I would need to do check in for Panama flight online, and that means I would need to buy a 3 flight ticket. Col-PTY-Col-PTY. Bcos they won't allow online check-in unless you have a flight out of Col on the same reservation. Bit of a waste of money.

Was thinking DR too, but would need to go thru USA. More tests in both directions and extra costs for flights.

Its not easy. Anyone have anything to contribute to this conundrum?

Mr Enternational
06-27-21, 15:10
Last night I came across an ATM that allowed 2 million pesos and no fee. It was the Davivienda here in El Rodadero, Santa Marta. I walked up to the machine that the cars drive up to. Maybe the machines inside have a different protocol?

06-27-21, 15:32
Yes, there are a few in Sta Marta centro that allow 2 million. But its not all machines. You just need to check. For example, the one on the corner of Pqe Bolivar and the Malecon allows 2 million. On La 5, one machine allows, whereas the other doesn't. Am talking here of Davivienda ATMs. Same with the bank of ATMs in the small square on calle 13/14.

Last night I came across an ATM that allowed 2 million pesos and no fee. It was the Davivienda here in El Rodadero, Santa Marta. I walked up to the machine that the cars drive up to. Maybe the machines inside have a different protocol?

06-27-21, 23:47
Bold move.


07-02-21, 04:14
Appreciate if anyone can confirm the curfew restriction on cities below.

Cartagena- curfew at 9 pm.

Medellin- No curfew.

Bogota- curfew at 9 pm.

Fun Luvr
07-02-21, 07:26
Appreciate if anyone can confirm the curfew restriction on cities below.

Cartagena- curfew at 9 pm.

Medellin- No curfew.

Bogota- curfew at 9 pm.I can confirm there is no curfew in Medellin. I don't know about the other two cities.

07-06-21, 03:17
For anyone interested in renting a car and driving in Colombia, here's my 10 day experience.

First thing, it's an additional and almost completely unnecessary expense, plus there are added risks. If driving back home stresses you out, you shouldn't even consider it.

There were 3 components to my driving experience, Medellin, Bogota and driving outside of the cities. Driving in Medellin wasn't bad at all. Traffic was a problem, crazy people on motos were a problem, but it wasn't significantly worse than dealing with the traffic in any major city. What helped was my knowledge of Medellin. I already had a good idea how to get to the places I wanted to go. One issue which popped up, paying at parking garages. I expected to be able to pay on my way out, and ended up blocking the exit for 10 minutes, while I ran back to the payment machine.

The streets in Medellin are mostly in good condition. Potholes weren't too much of a problem, although one in the south end of Itagui snuck up on me. Just make sure to keep your eyes open for the speed bumps. Some of them will destroy a car. I didn't have any issues finding parking. A good spot I found near Parque Lleras was Valet Pro, right across the street from Hooters. If you come in from Calle 7 you can avoid all the traffic.

Driving in Bogota, I didn't do too much. Mainly driving out of and back into the city. One noticeable difference, drivers in Bogota are more impatient. Expect to hear more horns and to have more close encounters with motos. Also, the roads in Bogota are terrible. I've seen potholes that are more than a foot deep. I would rate them as the worst city streets I've seen.

Driving outside of the cities is not for the timid. Although most of the roads were decent, there are many narrow, steep and twisting roads where the trucks are going 5 mph. Passing is a game of Russian Roulette. I had a few close encounters with oncoming traffic, one close enough that I'm pretty sure one guy needed a change of underwear. There are construction zones where they will stop all traffic for 30 minutes or more. All you can do is sit and wait.

The worst problem I encountered was from Google Maps. It directed me off the highway and onto a dirt, one lane road which I was stuck on for 30 miles. Many times I had to stop and back up to find a spot wide enough for 2 vehicles. At least there weren't any tolls.

Speaking of tolls, expect a lot of them. They usually cost about 12 k. It's a good way to get rid of some of your coins.

To me, the biggest advantage was being able to go where I wanted, when I wanted. I took several trips to places outside of Medellin, including Guatape. While I know several girls with cars, I'm much more relaxed driving than riding with someone who is indecisive. I probably won't rent a car again, but I'm happy with my experience.

07-07-21, 12:55
Almost ready to book my trip to Colombia.

Planning on going from 17th of August until at least 15th of September, possibly longer depending on re-entry rules back to the UK.

Here's my plan, just wanted to know if you lot think I should skip Cartagena and spend more time in Bogota or Medellin instead.

The architecture looks beautiful and I like to walk a lot so the fact it's safer, especially at night, is appealing but I'm not a huge fan of very hot weather or beaches.

This is my plan if I do go to Cartagena.

6 nights Bogota.

11 nights Medellin.

6 nights Cartagena.

6 nights Bogota.

My trip must begin and end in Bogota as it's much cheaper for me and less flights.

Would you lot stick to that or change it?

Also do people know gyms near Parque Lleras, Santa Fe and near the Walled City where you can pay per session or for a short period?

Thank you in advance.

07-07-21, 18:58
My last time I was in Medellin I met a guy who has been visiting Medellin for the past 15 years.

He said that it was much easier to get dates with locals and girls were so interested in getting to know him.

Now with foreigners visiting Medellin by the thousands and girls' making a typical monthly salary in just one night, what are your opinions on how Medellin will change in the coming years in terms of mongering and meeting local girls for dating?

Let me know what you guys think.

07-07-21, 21:53
Now with foreigners visiting Medellin by the thousands and girls' making a typical monthly salary in just one night, what are your opinions on how Medellin will change in the coming years in terms of mongering and meeting local girls for dating?

Let me know what you guys think.In terms of prices, the Venzlas are a real blessing. They are going to keep the prices down for a long time yet.

07-08-21, 00:15
Almost ready to book my trip to Colombia.

Planning on going from 17th of August until at least 15th of September, possibly longer depending on re-entry rules back to the UK.

Here's my plan, just wanted to know if you lot think I should skip Cartagena and spend more time in Bogota or Medellin instead.

The architecture looks beautiful and I like to walk a lot so the fact it's safer, especially at night, is appealing but I'm not a huge fan of very hot weather or beaches.

This is my plan if I do go to Cartagena.

6 nights Bogota.

11 nights Medellin.

6 nights Cartagena.

6 nights Bogota.

My trip must begin and end in Bogota as it's much cheaper for me and less flights.

Would you lot stick to that or change it?

Also do people know gyms near Parque Lleras, Santa Fe and near the Walled City where you can pay per session or for a short period?

Thank you in advance.12 days in Bogota sounds too much unless you have connections or family there or an elaborate plan on travel; 4 nights is more than enough. You can add to Antioquia (Medellin plus).

07-08-21, 00:37
My last time I was in Medellin I met a guy who has been visiting Medellin for the past 15 years.

He said that it was much easier to get dates with locals and girls were so interested in getting to know him.

Now with foreigners visiting Medellin by the thousands and girls' making a typical monthly salary in just one night, what are your opinions on how Medellin will change in the coming years in terms of mongering and meeting local girls for dating?

Let me know what you guys think.I've read a lot of veteran hobbyists are pivoting to Brazil. Of course this is before covid, not sure it's a good idea to visit there now.

07-08-21, 07:57
12 days in Bogota sounds too much unless you have connections or family there or an elaborate plan on travel; 4 nights is more than enough. You can add to Antioquia (Medellin plus).Ah OK, thanks. Might cut off Cartagena and do 3 weeks in Medellin and 6 nights in Bogota.

07-08-21, 15:25
Almost ready to book my trip to Colombia.

Planning on going from 17th of August until at least 15th of September, possibly longer depending on re-entry rules back to the UK.

Here's my plan, just wanted to know if you lot think I should skip Cartagena and spend more time in Bogota or Medellin instead.

The architecture looks beautiful and I like to walk a lot so the fact it's safer, especially at night, is appealing but I'm not a huge fan of very hot weather or beaches.

This is my plan if I do go to Cartagena.

6 nights Bogota.

11 nights Medellin.

6 nights Cartagena.

6 nights Bogota..Agree with what another poster said about 12 nights in Bogota. A few days is all you really need. Of course, you could always venture out of Bogota for some of that time to some of the surrounding areas like Villa de Leyva (really nice), Melgar, or Girardot. Yes, walking around the of Cartagena is really nice, but the heat can be oppressive. Cartagena is also more expensive because of it being more touristy.

07-08-21, 17:22
Ah OK, thanks. Might cut off Cartagena and do 3 weeks in Medellin and 6 nights in Bogota.Check and see if dates have been made for the Fest. If it's same time as your vacation, book well ahead, it may be very crowded and keep in mind prices will be a little higher for rooms at that time. Medellin usually is very crowded during this time with travellers from all over especially Europe. Pluses and minuses but It's really never a bad time there.

07-10-21, 19:11
Almost ready to book my trip to Colombia.

Planning on going from 17th of August until at least 15th of September, possibly longer depending on re-entry rules back to the UK.

Here's my plan, just wanted to know if you lot think I should skip Cartagena and spend more time in Bogota or Medellin instead.

The architecture looks beautiful and I like to walk a lot so the fact it's safer, especially at night, is appealing but I'm not a huge fan of very hot weather or beaches.

This is my plan if I do go to Cartagena.

6 nights Bogota.

11 nights Medellin.

6 nights Cartagena.

6 nights Bogota.

My trip must begin and end in Bogota as it's much cheaper for me and less flights.

Would you lot stick to that or change it?

Also do people know gyms near Parque Lleras, Santa Fe and near the Walled City where you can pay per session or for a short period?

Thank you in advance.Just my two cents, but this is the worst time to be on the coast. If you want beach, fly to San Andres (there are always breezes on the island- inside the walled city can be so hot, humid, and still it'll crush your soul) from Bogota- it's only about $100 RT. That being said, there are lots of great places in the highlands besides Bogota. I plan to fly to Pereira, rent a car, and tool around El Eje Cafetero. Regardless of how good you think the coffee in Bogota or Medellin is, it's a fraction as good as the stuff they're brewing at the little restaurants around the central highlands. It's also nice and cool- so much so you'll want your blankey at night. There's a couple maps on this site for the major cities of Manizales, Armenia, and Pereira with some monger information; a quick look at photoprepagos and a couple other sites show some pretty decent prospects. If you do go to the coast, consider Santa Marta, as you can get away to Minca and the villages / archeological sites there, as the geography lifts really quickly to Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, one of the highest peaks in Colombia. Anyway, that's my plan and I'll report when I get back as to whether it's a good one or not.

As for the Festival de las Flores in Medellin, it's Aug 6-20 this year. I'm booked in Laureles from Aug 12-16, so I look forward to seeing some of the goin's ONS!

Mr Enternational
07-10-21, 19:14
Just my two cents, but this is the worst time to be on the coast. If you want beach, fly to San AndresChick I was with 2 days ago in Bogota said this is the worst time to be in San Andres due to the hurricanes that hit recently.

07-10-21, 19:30
My last time I was in Medellin I met a guy who has been visiting Medellin for the past 15 years.

He said that it was much easier to get dates with locals and girls were so interested in getting to know him.

Now with foreigners visiting Medellin by the thousands and girls' making a typical monthly salary in just one night, what are your opinions on how Medellin will change in the coming years in terms of mongering and meeting local girls for dating?

Let me know what you guys think.You guys have a real interesting perception of Colombian culture. Some of these girls have been retiring for years and bought fincas on the money they get from foreigners. It's a multigenerational thing- the family business.

They were rolling in tall cotton in the 80's, then they moved to the Arabs from Dubai. There has been plenty of money for girls in Colombia for some time. That's the top tier who are smart enough hang with the big dogs. As long as Colombia's average annual income $41 k / year and Venezuela's is below a dollar, there will be plenty of girls looking for extra money. Colombia culture is widely stratified, and the economy is unlikely to improve dramatically any time soon in either country. Now, if they ever get their shit together in Venezuela so foreigners can visit- I"m going to Caracas, brother!!

07-11-21, 15:19
You guys have a real interesting perception of Colombian culture. Some of these girls have been retiring for years and bought fincas on the money they get from foreigners. It's a multigenerational thing- the family business.

They were rolling in tall cotton in the 80's, then they moved to the Arabs from Dubai. There has been plenty of money for girls in Colombia for some time. That's the top tier who are smart enough hang with the big dogs. As long as Colombia's average annual income $41 k / year and Venezuela's is below a dollar, there will be plenty of girls looking for extra money. Colombia culture is widely stratified, and the economy is unlikely to improve dramatically any time soon in either country. Now, if they ever get their shit together in Venezuela so foreigners can visit- I"m going to Caracas, brother!!It's good to know that there will always be girls that could use the extra money, but do you guys think that Medellin will become more and more saturated with foreigners and the cost of everything will go up?

07-11-21, 15:43
You guys have a real interesting perception of Colombian culture. Some of these girls have been retiring for years and bought fincas on the money they get from foreigners. It's a multigenerational thing- the family business.

They were rolling in tall cotton in the 80's, then they moved to the Arabs from Dubai. There has been plenty of money for girls in Colombia for some time. That's the top tier who are smart enough hang with the big dogs. As long as Colombia's average annual income $41 k / year and Venezuela's is below a dollar, there will be plenty of girls looking for extra money. Colombia culture is widely stratified, and the economy is unlikely to improve dramatically any time soon in either country. Now, if they ever get their shit together in Venezuela so foreigners can visit- I"m going to Caracas, brother!!The Colombian income per capita is US $6. 744 or corrected, so called PPP is US $16.264. If we use the nominal income $6. 744 and look at what MiamiSammy says about income inequality; "Colombia culture is widely stratified". Very many girls are among the poor, I have a friend in Miami, born "paisa" who gave we a lot of good advice, "These girls have no opportunities and no expectance of opportunities". Hand to mouth. Venezuelan nominal income is about that which makes their young and pretty flood Mexico, The caribeean, and especially Colombia and then especially Medellin, bring up what ws becoming soaring prices due to a very big influx of overpaying mostly "rich" white men and some Asians.

I could work as personal advice to many girl that have the potential to save to buy a nice finca. But they are not very educated nor smart, on average. Some are both very smart and beautiful. They have a tendency to wanting to move upward in society, becoming a "professional woman", as my friend Yeraldin stated it. Yes, she and her friends at San Juan 84 made 5 million pesos a month, while working in a store pays less than a million, sometimes nothing since if she is hired unregistered she can get fried very easily. 50% have such employment status, 85% in the countryside.

So, yes the incentive are there. There also a limit. If prices goes to high, men tend to navigate to other places even if the girls are less pretty on avergae, like DR, Peru, SE Asia. We all now how beautiful the paisas are. Another girl said" I live in Bogota, there I'm a very beautiful girl, here in Medellin, just average". I met her via Romancelatina. She had been shooting for Playboy-Colombia " I was so drunk when we shoot the photos in the street" nervous like Glenn Close shooting "Fatal Attraction".

I think just MiamiSammy; the show will go on! With 75-80% of the population being below 30 yo and the girls extraordinarily pretty, prices might go up and down in some circle, but it's hard to see a major change. US economy grow fast in terms of income for both work and assets, both short and long-term, so the demand will grow, not decline.

Or maybe I just can't stand the thought that my beloved would loose it's charm and become boring like Bogota?

I'lle be back.

07-13-21, 13:25
Romancelatina went down like 5 years ago. I have always assumed that such a magnet for paisa beauty would be replaced in one way or another.

Does anyone know about such event creator that good as Romancelatina has come up, since there seems to be a free spot in the market; in their events I have rarely seen so many beautiful girl in one location before, maybe only beaten by Bodytech gym before work session.

Have anyone a clue about new dating site with big parties that attracts many beautiful girls, both prepagos and serious ones?

07-17-21, 14:02
For anyone interested in renting a car and driving in Colombia, here's my 10 day experience.

First thing, it's an additional and almost completely unnecessary expense, plus there are added risks. If driving back home stresses you out, you shouldn't even consider it.

There were 3 components to my driving experience, Medellin, Bogota and driving outside of the cities. Driving in Medellin wasn't bad at all. Traffic was a problem, crazy people on motos were a problem, but it wasn't significantly worse than dealing with the traffic in any major city. What helped was my knowledge of Medellin. I already had a good idea how to get to the places I wanted to go. One issue which popped up, paying at parking garages. I expected to be able to pay on my way out, and ended up blocking the exit for 10 minutes, while I ran back to the payment machine.

The streets in Medellin are mostly in good condition. Potholes weren't too much of a problem, although one in the south end of Itagui snuck up on me. Just make sure to keep your eyes open for the speed bumps. Some of them will destroy a car. I didn't have any issues finding parking. A good spot I found near Parque Lleras was Valet Pro, right across the street from Hooters. If you come in from Calle 7 you can avoid all the traffic.

Driving in Bogota, I didn't do too much. Mainly driving out of and back into the city. One noticeable difference, drivers in Bogota are more impatient. Expect to hear more horns and to have more close encounters with motos. Also, the roads in Bogota are terrible. I've seen potholes that are more than a foot deep. I would rate them as the worst city streets I've seen.

Driving outside of the cities is not for the timid. Although most of the roads were decent, there are many narrow, steep and twisting roads where the trucks are going 5 mph. Passing is a game of Russian Roulette. I had a few close encounters with oncoming traffic, one close enough that I'm pretty sure one guy needed a change of underwear. There are construction zones where they will stop all traffic for 30 minutes or more. All you can do is sit and wait..Well, while I had a completely different experience with having my own vehicle and being able to move around how I wanted to, I would agree with a few of your points. The potholes seem like they could swallow a bus sometimes. And the Speed Bumps will sneak up on you. Worse is that they trick you by painting them yellow and then sometimes just putting a yellow stripe on the road. You will hit the brakes and find it is just paint then the next time you will fly on through and be launched into the air by the bump. LOL. Another thing I found outside the cities was the use of multiple speed bumps when approaching a stop sign and they will use the same trick of just painting the lines sometimes. They are white and will rock your molars out if you do not slow down for them.

I Loved having the ability to come and go when and where I wanted. I had reserved a car with National before the trip but got a weird message as I landed stating that my reservation had been cancelled due to not having any cars. I am an Executive Level user with them and was all the more annoyed at this. They got an ear full when I got back to the states. Anyway, I found a guy on OLX and rented a car directly from him. It was a nice, older RAV4 at got us around well. Only issue there was that he had the car on GPS and knew everywhere we went. We told him we were going to Santa Marta for a couple of days but when we got there we could not find a decent hotel room or even an AirBNB to rent so we returned to our apartment in Barranquilla. Along the road back he texted us asking why we were returning OMFG! That's when we knew we were being tracked. We told him what happened and didn't hear from him again for a couple of days when we decided to take a trip up into the Mountains to visit my girls family near Sincelejo. He was a bit pissed that we were taking his car way out of the city without letting him know in advance. When we went to give him his vehicle back I took all the blame and said that I was not accustomed to reporting when and where I was going in a rental. He said he had had several stolen and was just protecting himself, which I totally understand.

Anyway, This was the first time in many years that I got pulled over in a roadblock and it was because I was a gringo way out in the middle of nowhere and they probably had never met one. Anyway they separated me from my girlfriend and starting questioning me about when and where I picked up this puta and what I was doing way out here with her. They went through all our stuff int he car and came across a bag of my medications. That's when the real shit started. They asked me where my declaration form was for the meds, handcuffed me and really started pouring on the rough act. I was 99% sure that I didn't need one but they had me on that 1% chance and said they were going to take me to their jail until this got straightened out. Well it was an obvious shake down but they had my girl jumping up and down and cussing everyone and me bent over a motorcycle playing rough. The end result was they took ALL our cash and let us go. Problem was I had too much cash for what I needed and they get it all. Moral of that story is to travel with multiple re loadable VISA or MC with like $100 on each one and hide the bulk of them and only have the one you are using handy and a little cash cause they will take what you have period.

The Tolls are absolutely correct and there are tons of them and they only take cash. This was a problem for us after the cops took all of ours and they didn't care that we had to pay tolls either.

As for driving in the cities, it's a lot like being in a demolition derby while trying to NOT actually hit anyone. The Motos will be all around you and now one pays any attention to lane stripes or stop signs. It's just slow and go. The first one into the opening wins every time. LOL I loved this part as it seems to play right into my style but my girlfriend was horrified that I would drive like a taxi driver. SMH!

Anyway, I loved it and will definitely be renting cars every time I return as the freedom for me is paramount.

07-18-21, 13:03
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07-20-21, 03:37
If you want something real and more exclusive it is also more expensive but 100% reliable. At gringolovemedellin https://thesapnation.wixsite.com/website.I even like Rap, but that is not the type of high end image I would go for. Maybe the gold chain crowd would, but universally when you market for a higher end you are marketing towards an older demographic because they usually have more money, and old guys don't like Rap. But for all I know that company could be outrageously successful. I didn't the girls they were showing were that great either. Looks like style and no substance to me. Hmmmm, and only your second post. Something does not feel right here.

Bango Cheito
07-20-21, 05:42
Well, while I had a completely different experience with having my own vehicle and being able to move around how I wanted to, I would agree with a few of your points. The potholes seem like they could swallow a bus sometimes. And the Speed Bumps will sneak up on you. Worse is that they trick you by painting them yellow and then sometimes just putting a yellow stripe on the road. You will hit the brakes and find it is just paint then the next time you will fly on through and be launched into the air by the bump. LOL. Another thing I found outside the cities was the use of multiple speed bumps when approaching a stop sign and they will use the same trick of just painting the lines sometimes. They are white and will rock your molars out if you do not slow down for them.

I Loved having the ability to come and go when and where I wanted. I had reserved a car with National before the trip but got a weird message as I landed stating that my reservation had been cancelled due to not having any cars. I am an Executive Level user with them and was all the more annoyed at this. They got an ear full when I got back to the states. Anyway, I found a guy on OLX and rented a car directly from him. It was a nice, older RAV4 at got us around well. Only issue there was that he had the car on GPS and knew everywhere we went. We told him we were going to Santa Marta for a couple of days but when we got there we could not find a decent hotel room or even an AirBNB to rent so we returned to our apartment in Barranquilla. Along the road back he texted us asking why we were returning OMFG! That's when we knew we were being tracked. We told him what happened and didn't hear from him again for a couple of days when we decided to take a trip up into the Mountains to visit my girls family near Sincelejo. He was a bit pissed that we were taking his car way out of the city without letting him know in advance. When we went to give him his vehicle back I took all the blame and said that I was not accustomed to reporting when and where I was going in a rental. He said he had had several stolen and was just protecting himself, which I totally understand.

Anyway, This was the first time in many years that I got pulled over in a roadblock and it was because I was a gringo way out in the middle of nowhere and they probably had never met one. Anyway they separated me from my girlfriend and starting questioning me about when and where I picked up this puta and what I was doing way out here with her. They went through all our stuff int he car and came across a bag of my medications. That's when the real shit started. They asked me where my declaration form was for the meds, handcuffed me and really started pouring on the rough act. I was 99% sure that I didn't need one but they had me on that 1% chance and said they were going to take me to their jail until this got straightened out. Well it was an obvious shake down but they had my girl jumping up and down and cussing everyone and me bent over a motorcycle playing rough. The end result was they took ALL our cash and let us go. Problem was I had too much cash for what I needed and they get it all. Moral of that story is to travel with multiple re loadable VISA or MC with like $100 on each one and hide the bulk of them and only have the one you are using handy and a little cash cause they will take what you have period.

The Tolls are absolutely correct and there are tons of them and they only take cash. This was a problem for us after the cops took all of ours and they didn't care that we had to pay tolls either.

As for driving in the cities, it's a lot like being in a demolition derby while trying to NOT actually hit anyone. The Motos will be all around you and now one pays any attention to lane stripes or stop signs. It's just slow and go. The first one into the opening wins every time. LOL I loved this part as it seems to play right into my style but my girlfriend was horrified that I would drive like a taxi driver. SMH!

Anyway, I loved it and will definitely be renting cars every time I return as the freedom for me is paramount.This should not have cost you more than 50 k in COP:

Bango Cheito
07-20-21, 05:43
Chick I was with 2 days ago in Bogota said this is the worst time to be in San Andres due to the hurricanes that hit recently.Total bullshit. I just went there several weeks ago. It's fine. Those hurricans were almost a year ago.

I'd absolutely recommend San Andres over anywhere on the coast.

Bango Cheito
07-20-21, 05:45
Ah OK, thanks. Might cut off Cartagena and do 3 weeks in Medellin and 6 nights in Bogota.I feel the same about MDE and CTG. 3-4 days and I'm peacin out. They're both boring.

Why not check out Pereira, Manizales, Armenia, Bucaramanga?

Bango Cheito
07-20-21, 05:46
Appreciate if anyone can confirm the curfew restriction on cities below.

Cartagena- curfew at 9 pm.

Medellin- No curfew.

Bogota- curfew at 9 pm.There hasn't been a curfew in Bogota for a long time now.

07-20-21, 06:27
There hasn't been a curfew in Bogota for a long time now.Just left CTG, curfew is 12 midnight.

07-20-21, 07:58
Total bullshit. I just went there several weeks ago. It's fine. Those hurricans were almost a year ago.
I'd absolutely recommend San Andres over anywhere on the coast.Agreed. Hurricane season is just starting up. That area is a rare pathway for hurricanes to take. I live in Florida so I pay attention somewhat to hurricanes. I love guys taking advice from girls because it is almost always wrong. Oh, kinda like the crap so many here give bad information or preach about.

07-20-21, 09:22
This should not have cost you more than 50 k in COP:I know that I should have been more forceful but they had me in handcuffs and had called for transport since they were motorcycle cops. They were really putting on the hard ass part about taking me to jail until they found out what pills I had. My girlfriend was flipping out so I just gave it up.

I was in a similar situation many years ago and they took about the equivalent of what you said. I was a passenger at the time and there was a lot of screaming and yelling on both sides.

The take away for me is travel with a lot less money because it seems they want to take what you have. I also think I will get several Prepaid Visa of MC cards and just put $100 on each. I can hide the ones I'm not using and just carry the one and a bit of pocket change in the future.

Be safe and have a blast.


07-20-21, 21:33
Hello friends,

I got both vaccinations and I have a desire to reach Colombia.

Can you tell me what I need to enter the country beyond the Visa in this time of covid-19?

In other words, is it easy or difficult to enter Colombia?

Thank you.

Mr Enternational
07-20-21, 23:18
I got both vaccinations and I have a desire to reach Colombia. Can you tell me what I need to enter the country beyond the Visa in this time of covid-19? In other words, is it easy or difficult to enter Colombia?112 posts and you do not realize there are people on this site from all over the world. Nobody knows you or what country you are from in order to tell you what is needed. Best thing to do would be to see if your country has an embassy in Colombia and look on their website. Second best thing would be to look at the State Department from your country website.

07-21-21, 07:51
Hello friends,

I got both vaccinations and I have a desire to reach Colombia.

Can you tell me what I need to enter the country beyond the Visa in this time of covid-19?

In other words, is it easy or difficult to enter Colombia?

Thank you.It's damn near impossible. A year ago BM SJobs was talking about paying someone to smuggle him into the country. He's since disappeared and hasn't been heard from. I fear the worst.

Have you considered reading the various forums, such as the Medellin, Bogota and Cartagena reports? I'm almost certain that if it's difficult to enter Colombia, the information will be found there.

07-21-21, 08:02
Well, while I had a completely different experience with having my own vehicle and being able to move around how I wanted to, I would agree with a few of your points. The potholes seem like they could swallow a bus sometimes. And the Speed Bumps will sneak up on you. Worse is that they trick you by painting them yellow and then sometimes just putting a yellow stripe on the road. You will hit the brakes and find it is just paint then the next time you will fly on through and be launched into the air by the bump. LOL. Another thing I found outside the cities was the use of multiple speed bumps when approaching a stop sign and they will use the same trick of just painting the lines sometimes. They are white and will rock your molars out if you do not slow down for them.

I Loved having the ability to come and go when and where I wanted. I had reserved a car with National before the trip but got a weird message as I landed stating that my reservation had been cancelled due to not having any cars. I am an Executive Level user with them and was all the more annoyed at this. They got an ear full when I got back to the states. Anyway, I found a guy on OLX and rented a car directly from him. It was a nice, older RAV4 at got us around well. Only issue there was that he had the car on GPS and knew everywhere we went. We told him we were going to Santa Marta for a couple of days but when we got there we could not find a decent hotel room or even an AirBNB to rent so we returned to our apartment in Barranquilla. Along the road back he texted us asking why we were returning OMFG!.I never have had any issues with the police. Twice I was in a taxi late at night and was stopped. Both times they glanced inside and waved us on. Once a cop in Medellin told me I couldn't drink my beer in Parque Lleras. I walked 20 yards out of the park and finished my beer.

I did get pulled over by the transportation police in the rental car, but when he found out it was a rental he let me go.

I rented from Enterprise and had no issues. I'll also probably rent again. It's just nice to be able to hop in and get out of town.

Orgasm Donor
07-23-21, 18:21
Oh that made me cringe!

I guess some guys want to pretend to live the dream of flexin' and flashin' their bling and sending pics to their social media.

What really made me cringe was how they photoshopped their logo on the bikinis and bling chains on the necks of model pics they scraped off the internet.

If you want something real and more exclusive it is also more expensive but 100% reliable. At gringolovemedellin https://thesapnation.wixsite.com/website.

07-24-21, 22:15
I need to know some information:

Where are good places to find chicas?

What is the range / cost?

Where should I stay?

Any miscellaneous information would be helpful.

07-24-21, 22:30
I need to know some information:

Where are good places to find chicas?

What is the range / cost?

Where should I stay?

Any miscellaneous information would be helpful.Read the Medellin forum. The answers to your questions, along with the answers to a lot of questions you don't know you will have, can be found there.

07-25-21, 01:27

07-25-21, 01:56
I need to know some information:

Where are good places to find chicas?

What is the range / cost?

Where should I stay?

Any miscellaneous information would be helpful.Go to the medellin thread and read every page back to 150.

All your questions are answered.

07-25-21, 01:56
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was redacted or deleted to remove sections of the report that were largely argumentative. Please read the Forum FAQ and the Forum's Posting Guidelines for more information. Thank You!

07-25-21, 09:31
I need to know some information:

Where are good places to find chicas?

What is the range / cost?

Where should I stay?

Any miscellaneous information would be helpful.I would message you bt you're not a paid member.


07-25-21, 17:38
I feel the same about MDE and CTG. 3-4 days and I'm peacin out. They're both boring.

Why not check out Pereira, Manizales, Armenia, Bucaramanga?That's what I did, because I have that very same problem, out of 2 weeks in MDE I also booked a few days in Pereira and Santa Marta.

07-26-21, 20:49
Do you think if it is possible to spend one week in Brasil and then one week in Colombia? Restrictions?

Thanks for your answer.

07-26-21, 21:25
Do you think if it is possible to spend one week in Brasil and then one week in Colombia? Restrictions?

Thanks for your answer.I think I read that you need to have your yellow fever vaccine if your going from Brazil to Colombia, could be wrong though.

07-27-21, 06:15
I think I read that you need to have your yellow fever vaccine if your going from Brazil to Colombia, could be wrong though.A couple of years ago, I spent a week in Colombia, then a week in Brazil. The Brazilian border folks requested proof of yellow fever vaccination. In the way back, I spent one more night in Colombia. If I remember correctly, they did not ask for any proof of vaccination. However, this is easy to check via Google.

07-27-21, 10:52
I think I read that you need to have your yellow fever vaccine if your going from Brazil to Colombia, could be wrong though.Many thanks for your answer but you said yellow fever vaccine? Or covid vaccine? Maybe I will try to go first Colombia and after Brasil, in Brasil I think less restrictions.

07-27-21, 11:14
Many thanks for your answer but you said yellow fever vaccine? Or covid vaccine? Maybe I will try to go first Colombia and after Brasil, in Brasil I think less restrictions.Also need yellow fever vaccination going from Colombia to Costa Rica.

Mr Enternational
07-27-21, 13:15
A couple of years ago, I spent a week in Colombia, then a week in Brazil. The Brazilian border folks requested proof of yellow fever vaccination. In the way back, I spent one more night in Colombia. If I remember correctly, they did not ask for any proof of vaccination. However, this is easy to check via Google.Another board member posted that he recently tried to go from Brazil to Colombia last month and they wanted to see proof that he had yellow fever vaccination. He had to stay an extra day to get it.

07-27-21, 16:45
Another board member posted that he recently tried to go from Brazil to Colombia last month and they wanted to see proof that he had yellow fever vaccination. He had to stay an extra day to get it.Many many thanks for advices guys, I didn't know that you need a yellow vaccine from Brasil to Colombia so first I will go to Colombia and then Brasil, thanks one more to telling me, otherwise I would have had problems.

World Travel 69
07-27-21, 17:20
This may help:
It is better to be safe than Sorry.





Many many thanks for advices guys, I didn't know that you need a yellow vaccine from Brasil to Colombia so first I will go to Colombia and then Brasil, thanks one more to telling me, otherwise I would have had problems.

07-27-21, 17:42
This may help:
It is better to be safe than Sorry.




https://www.passporthealthusa.com/destination-advice/colombia/#:~:text=The%20CDC%20and%20WHO%20recommend,%2C%20shingles%2C%20pneumonia%20and%20influenza.&text=Shot%20lasts%202%20years.Great! Thanks, didn't know this website. Colombia " Yellow fever: Required if traveling from a region with yellow fever including Brazil. ".

07-27-21, 19:00
Great! Thanks, didn't know this website. Colombia " Yellow fever: Required if traveling from a region with yellow fever including Brazil. ".Yellow fever vaccine is also required if you're traveling to the Amazon basin in Colombia.

07-28-21, 01:35
I remembered one particular issue with driving in Colombia which will probably be a problem for most people.

In the US and Canada traffic signals are usually mounted on the far side of the intersection. If you're the first car at the light you can usually pull across the crosswalk and still see the lights. In Colombia traffic signals are on the near side of the intersection. If you pull up too far you will be unable to see when the light turns green. It took a conscious effort on my part to stop far enough away to see the light.

Another point, the order of the lights is different. In the US green changes to yellow, yellow changes to red, red changes to green. In Colombia, yellow comes on with red, just before it changes to green. Green flashes off and on just before it changes to red. Once the green flashes off and on you have about 1 second before the cross traffic enters the intersection.

07-29-21, 15:04
Great! Thanks, didn't know this website. Colombia " Yellow fever: Required if traveling from a region with yellow fever including Brazil. ".I also believe Colombians, last time I checked, need a yellow fever shot to enter Bahamas.

Pinga 98
08-01-21, 05:08
Here is the president of the House of Representatives of Colombia, Jennifer Arias:


And here is Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi:


The two ladies perfectly characterize what each country has to offer.

Elvis 2008
08-01-21, 06:40
Here is the president of the House of Representatives of Colombia, Jennifer Arias:


And here is Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi:


The two ladies perfectly characterize what each country has to offer.LOL. Great pics. Thing people do not know about Pelosi is when she goes anywhere she travels in a 737 with her 200 person posse surrounded by body guards. She does not carry a gun (but she wants them banned from citizens) but she has more guns around her than Ms. Arias does, more by a long shot.

Last year cops killed 961 people and the press paid little attention to it:https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/investigations/police-shootings-database/.

But all we heard about is the school shootings and 79 people died in them. https://everytownresearch.org/maps/mass-shootings-in-america-2009-2019/.

Viva Colombia!

08-01-21, 18:55
A general request dor recommendations here. Normally I stock up gels and pills to keep me "rock solid" when I visit thailand. I usually buy kamagra. But due to covid, I am out of stock.

I have been buying macho in Colombia which is super-cheap but a little hit and miss. What does everyone else use? I am looking for economy and frequent use. Thanks.

Member #4729
08-01-21, 19:12
Do you think if it is possible to spend one week in Brasil and then one week in Colombia? Restrictions?

Thanks for your answer.Recently I traveled from Brazil to Colombia. Yes, you do need proof of vaccination for Yellow Fever.

Since I did not have this, I went to a local clinic to get the vaccination-but this alone is not enough-you then need to go to GRU airport 2nd floor and find the Anvisa office where they will make a certificate for you to show the airline (most likely Copa Air). Take this to the boarding gate and you will be fine. They do check so if you don't have it you will be denied boarding- no exceptions.

Kc Talent
08-02-21, 02:40
In CTG on August 10 t0 August 16th.

I need a contact for an apartment The Firm Has put me in the Hyatt not good. I would like contact to book with top cost under or at $ 100 USD per night. Must have super good Wi-Fi, walk in shower and hot water not just warm, balcony with good view. Not too far from Clock Tower and over night guest friendly. Let me know.


08-07-21, 23:47
#1 how can I send emails to USA from SA and hide IP address if I use vpn it might show I'm in Afrika or India? I want it to show USA.

I tried expressvpn before and didn't really like it.

I have google fi fone for calls, but need to figure out this email IP address issue.

#2 does anyone know how to re-enter Whatsapp after they block you because your sim card is inactive?

I have several burners and all the Whatsapp accts are frozen asking me to verify the fucking #?

The sim cards are from several different foreign countries and cannot be re-activated.

08-08-21, 01:45
#1 how can I send emails to USA from SA and hide IP address if I use vpn it might show I'm in Afrika or India? I want it to show USA.

I tried expressvpn before and didn't really like it.

I have google fi fone for calls, but need to figure out this email IP address issue.

#2 does anyone know how to re-enter Whatsapp after they block you because your sim card is inactive?

I have several burners and all the Whatsapp accts are frozen asking me to verify the fucking #?

The sim cards are from several different foreign countries and cannot be re-activated.Anyone try TOR for this?

08-08-21, 04:36
Does anyone happen to know the rules if you overstay as a tourist?
Yes, I know there may be a fine, but how much and for how long an overstay? Grcs!Ok so I went thru all this recently. Here are the details I found.

You get 90 days on a standard tourist entry visa stamp, and you can extend once online for another 90 days. You can stay 180 days as a tourist in any calendar year. But you can only extend your tourist visa one time. So if you arrive close to the end of the year, you must leave before your 180 days are up.

If you overstay or want to overstay, the offical route si that you need to set up an appointment online at your local immigration office. You can make a claim if you are sick etc (e. G. COVID positive cert), and the office will hear and deal with your claim. You cannot simply turn up at the immigration office and expect them to deal with you. They will give you a Salvoconducto and apparently a fine of COP 50.000 per month (unless you can substantiate your claim (e. G. COVID poaitive est result).

The other option is just to leave. I heard from people that they had just turned up at the airport and the immigration official just stamped them as normal and let them go. I guess you might get lucky, especially in a really busy airport like Bogota. I was found out and had to go to the "office". They fined me 550.000 for 6 weeks overstay. Took 30 minutes extra, so if you choose this route, turn up a little earlier.

I left the country for 1 week and re-entered on a second passport. I was a little concerned bcos I used a small aiport for exit and re-entry, but no hassles, they gave me another 3 months (in effect, another 6 months). So effectively, the 180 day rule is per passport number. They don't check names.

Hope that helps.

08-08-21, 04:43
Ok so I went thru all this recently. Here are the details I found.

You get 90 days on a standard tourist entry visa stamp, and you can extend once online for another 90 days. You can stay 180 days as a tourist in any calendar year. But you can only extend your tourist visa one time. So if you arrive close to the end of the year, you must leave before your 180 days are up.

If you overstay or want to overstay, the offical route si that you need to set up an appointment online at your local immigration office. You can make a claim if you are sick etc (e. G. COVID positive cert), and the office will hear and deal with your claim. You cannot simply turn up at the immigration office and expect them to deal with you. They will give you a Salvoconducto and apparently a fine of COP 50.000 per month (unless you can substantiate your claim (e. G. COVID poaitive est result).

The other option is just to leave. I heard from people that they had just turned up at the airport and the immigration official just stamped them as normal and let them go. I guess you might get lucky, especially in a really busy airport like Bogota. I was found out and had to go to the "office". They fined me 550.000 for 6 weeks overstay. Took 30 minutes extra, so if you choose this route, turn up a little earlier..So if you arrive close to the end of the year, you must leave before your 180 days are up.

Triple Darknes
08-08-21, 05:57
Ok so I went thru all this recently. Here are the details I found.

You get 90 days on a standard tourist entry visa stamp, and you can extend once online for another 90 days. You can stay 180 days as a tourist in any calendar year. But you can only extend your tourist visa one time. So if you arrive close to the end of the year, you must leave before your 180 days are up.

If you overstay or want to overstay, the offical route si that you need to set up an appointment online at your local immigration office. You can make a claim if you are sick etc (e. G. COVID positive cert), and the office will hear and deal with your claim. You cannot simply turn up at the immigration office and expect them to deal with you. They will give you a Salvoconducto and apparently a fine of COP 50.000 per month (unless you can substantiate your claim (e. G. COVID poaitive est result).

The other option is just to leave. I heard from people that they had just turned up at the airport and the immigration official just stamped them as normal and let them go. I guess you might get lucky, especially in a really busy airport like Bogota. I was found out and had to go to the "office". They fined me 550.000 for 6 weeks overstay. Took 30 minutes extra, so if you choose this route, turn up a little earlier.

I left the country for 1 week and re-entered on a second passport. I was a little concerned bcos I used a small aiport for exit and re-entry, but no hassles, they gave me another 3 months (in effect, another 6 months). So effectively, the 180 day rule is per passport number. They don't check names.

Hope that helps.I too got the extension and of this writing they're sorting out the situation with the Vennies coming over in droves so everything is super slow.

That being said I'm considering getting residency but I defenitely will do a quick trip to the DR when my Visa runs out. I plan to come back to Colombia and I have only one passport.

I wonder if I would be turned around at the airport?

08-08-21, 14:50
I defenitely will do a quick trip to the DR when my Visa runs out. I plan to come back to Colombia and I have only one passport.
I wonder if I would be turned around at the airport?I believe so. If you only have one passport. Thats how they check, from the passport number and passport scanning when you enter. Maybe you should "lose" your passport and get another one?

08-11-21, 13:31
Does anyone know if it is possible to get a touristic Visa on arrival at Bogota Airport?

Thank you.

Just Incognito
08-11-21, 17:13
I am off tomorrow to Medellin!

I filled out the Check Migration form on the Colombia website--it lists it as a 'pre registration' and it says they will email me--but, outside of the 'receipt' I haven't gotten any additional emails. It seems no testing is required. Is it really this easy? Just fill out an online form and then go?

Has anyone traveled to Colombia lately--from a place outside the USA (I will be in Curacao tomorrow when I fly)?

I don't think testing is required for just passing through airports, right? Like if I fly curacao-panama city-Medellin. I don't need a test because one is needed in Panama (if one is needed there--I don't know and that's not the point LOL). Needed Covid tests are only required for clearing customs, right?

This is my 1st time traveling during the pandemic and it seems pretty easy--almost too easy to get to Colombia: fill out the checking form on the Colombia migration site and that's it. Can anyone confirm this or correct me, please?


Fun Luvr
08-11-21, 19:03
I am off tomorrow to Medellin!

I filled out the Check Migration form on the Colombia website--it lists it as a 'pre registration' and it says they will email me--but, outside of the 'receipt' I haven't gotten any additional emails. It seems no testing is required. Is it really this easy? Just fill out an online form and then go?You should have received a confirmation email, that's all they send. It really is that easy.

I don't think testing is required for just passing through airports, right? Like if I fly curacao-panama city-Medellin. I don't need a test because one is needed in Panama (if one is needed there--I don't know and that's not the point LOL). Needed Covid tests are only required for clearing customs, right?I have flown through Panama eight times since the pandemic began and there are no requirements for just passing through. Sometimes they take your temperature.

This is my 1st time traveling during the pandemic and it seems pretty easy--almost too easy to get to Colombia: fill out the checking form on the Colombia migration site and that's it. Can anyone confirm this or correct me, please?
Thanks!It is that easy to get into Colombia. Getting back into Curacao is a different story, but you probably know that.

08-11-21, 20:37
I filled out the form last night and never received an email, but it did confirm online that my information was accepted.

I logged on again this morning, but using my phone and it says (translated) It is not possible to send pre-registration, I have a record with the same travel details, verify the information.

I assume I am good, but I guess I will find out in the Bogota Airport. Leaving for the Toronto airport later today. Maybe it is different if Canadian and coming non-stop from Canada, as I am doing.

I am off tomorrow to Medellin!

I filled out the Check Migration form on the Colombia website--it lists it as a 'pre registration' and it says they will email me--but, outside of the 'receipt' I haven't gotten any additional emails. It seems no testing is required. Is it really this easy? Just fill out an online form and then go?

Has anyone traveled to Colombia lately--from a place outside the USA (I will be in Curacao tomorrow when I fly)?

I don't think testing is required for just passing through airports, right? Like if I fly curacao-panama city-Medellin. I don't need a test because one is needed in Panama (if one is needed there--I don't know and that's not the point LOL). Needed Covid tests are only required for clearing customs, right?

This is my 1st time traveling during the pandemic and it seems pretty easy--almost too easy to get to Colombia: fill out the checking form on the Colombia migration site and that's it. Can anyone confirm this or correct me, please?


Just Incognito
08-11-21, 22:06
You should have received a confirmation email, that's all they send. It really is that easy.

I have flown through Panama eight times since the pandemic began and there are no requirements for just passing through. Sometimes they take your temperature.

It is that easy to get into Colombia. Getting back into Curacao is a different story, but you probably know that.Easy to get in it seems. Got the email confirmation but no other email--could just be a translation thing. Need a test within 48 hours to get back. That should be pretty easy in MDE. Then another test a few days after returning and filling out some forms before the flight. They can't make it too hard-its not good for them or you if you get stuck somewhere LOL.

If I test positive before the return--but then go to another lab and test negative (after using afrin or something) can I just submit the negative results for travel or is the lab that takes the test reporting to the airlines or immigration or some govt entity that could block travel?

Fun Luvr
08-12-21, 03:14
If I test positive before the return--but then go to another lab and test negative (after using afrin or something) can I just submit the negative results for travel or is the lab that takes the test reporting to the airlines or immigration or some govt entity that could block travel?I don't think the labs report the results to the government. I travel on Copa. The counter agent takes a picture of my phone with the test results displayed. They should not need to do that if the airline or government had the information. My test results have always been negative. The labs may have to report any positive results.

08-12-21, 03:54
I don't think the labs report the results to the government. I travel on Copa. The counter agent takes a picture of my phone with the test results displayed. They should not need to do that if the airline or government had the information. My test results have always been negative. The labs may have to report any positive results.I know in Costa Rica if you get a positive preflight test the Health Department gets notified and you cannot leave the country until you have completed quarantine and test negative, or have sufficient time after symptoms to be given a letter saying you are over it.

So I suspect Colombia would have a similar process. So the airlines would not automatically have all test results, but my bet is that if you test positive you will not be making it to the airport.

And if you are coming back to Canada good luck if anything about your test looks suspicious. Plus of course you will be tested when you arrive back as well.

08-12-21, 04:17
I filled out the form last night and never received an email, but it did confirm online that my information was accepted.

I logged on again this morning, but using my phone and it says (translated) It is not possible to send pre-registration, I have a record with the same travel details, verify the information.

I assume I am good, but I guess I will find out in the Bogota Airport. Leaving for the Toronto airport later today. Maybe it is different if Canadian and coming non-stop from Canada, as I am doing.I thought you can fomevij the country in Canada regardless of the test if you are fully vaccinated.

08-12-21, 06:51
Easy to get in it seems. Got the email confirmation but no other email--could just be a translation thing. Need a test within 48 hours to get back. That should be pretty easy in MDE. Then another test a few days after returning and filling out some forms before the flight. They can't make it too hard-its not good for them or you if you get stuck somewhere LOL.

If I test positive before the return--but then go to another lab and test negative (after using afrin or something) can I just submit the negative results for travel or is the lab that takes the test reporting to the airlines or immigration or some govt entity that could block travel?Does that work? I can't imagine any decongestant having any effect on a Covid test. I can't imagine getting a nasal spray nearly as deep into the sinuses as they jam the swab.

I also can't imagine getting a positive test and then getting on a crowded plane for at least a few hours. I can imagine some of the legal repercussions if, while on the flight you developed life threatening symptoms, and it was discovered you knowingly boarded after testing positive. At a minimum that would probably be your last commercial flight.

I don't know if there is any reporting of positive tests. Delta airlines didn't already know when I informed them of my need to change flights after I tested positive. The hotel I was at also didn't know. However, once I informed them of my need to quarantine, they stuck to protocol.

I can tell you that I went from feeling fine to being flat on my back in a convenience store, wondering if the ambulance would arrive in time in about 90 minutes.

Fun Luvr
08-12-21, 19:19
If you use the ATM's in Colombia, you should withdraw money today before 6 pm. The Visa exchange rate is 3979 to $1. That is the rate you should receive if using any Visa card. The value of the dollar is falling fast. Right now, the mid-market rate is 3859 to $1.

John Clayton
08-12-21, 20:26
If you use the ATM's in Colombia, you should withdraw money today before 6 pm. The Visa exchange rate is 3979 to $1. That is the rate you should receive if using any Visa card. The value of the dollar is falling fast. Right now, the mid-market rate is 3859 to $1.Outlook for COP remains weak. Most currency futures are 4000 next month. Personally, I wouldn't rush to the ATM to stock up on pesos.

World Travel 69
08-12-21, 22:08
What country are you from.

Because you don't need one from the States.

Unless it is some new law?

Does anyone know if it is possible to get a touristic Visa on arrival at Bogota Airport?

Thank you.

08-13-21, 15:19
Does that work? I can't imagine any decongestant having any effect on a Covid test. I can't imagine getting a nasal spray nearly as deep into the sinuses as they jam the swab.

I also can't imagine getting a positive test and then getting on a crowded plane for at least a few hours. I can imagine some of the legal repercussions if, while on the flight you developed life threatening symptoms, and it was discovered you knowingly boarded after testing positive. At a minimum that would probably be your last commercial flight.

I don't know if there is any reporting of positive tests. Delta airlines didn't already know when I informed them of my need to change flights after I tested positive. The hotel I was at also didn't know. However, once I informed them of my need to quarantine, they stuck to protocol.

I can tell you that I went from feeling fine to being flat on my back in a convenience store, wondering if the ambulance would arrive in time in about 90 minutes.The last time I left there (7/7/21) the nurse at the clinic didn't try to scratch the backside of my skull like everyone before had. She said that the new protocol was just in enough to get a nice mucus sample.

I had a test done in the states last week and the same thing. They told me that the protocols for taking the samples have been change for a couple of months now. YAY for us. I hated having to go get those tests because my eyes would water for several minutes.

It seems to me that the airlines had no access to that info or we wouldn't have to show proof of the negative test result.

Have a blast guys.


08-13-21, 15:42
If you use the ATM's in Colombia, you should withdraw money today before 6 pm. The Visa exchange rate is 3979 to $1. That is the rate you should receive if using any Visa card. The value of the dollar is falling fast. Right now, the mid-market rate is 3859 to $1.I just checked and saw that the COP to USD is lower than yesterday by about 150 COP. Not a good sign since it was steadily rising over the past few weeks.

I don't use a credit card for ATM's and always use my debit. Is there any issue with that?

Have a blast.


Fun Luvr
08-13-21, 20:52
I don't use a credit card for ATM's and always use my debit. Is there any issue with that?No issue. I always use a debit card. The transaction goes through the Visa network if the debit card has the Visa logo on it. If you have a debit card that doesn't charge a fee, I don't think there is a better way to get COP.

08-20-21, 05:44
Last time I came to Colombia in June, I had a test in hand but no one checked or asked for it. Although I don't remember if the airline checked it. When it checked the TripGuard site (https://www.tripsguard.com/destination/colombia/), it said a Covid test wasn't require. Can someone that's flown to Colombia from the US this month confirm?


08-20-21, 15:59
Last time I came to Colombia in June, it said a Covid test wasn't require. Can someone that's flown to Colombia from the US this month confirm?
Doesn't make any difference which country you fly from, a covid test is not required to enter Colombia.

08-22-21, 10:37
If you have already entered Colombia, can you tell me if you have used the Contingency Check-Mig or the normal Check-Mig? I know the Contingency Check-Mig gives you the QR code.

Thank you.

08-22-21, 17:57

This is a friendly wake up call to all you anti vaxers.

08-23-21, 00:47
This is a friendly wake up call to all you anti vaxers.Great if your a subscriber.

08-23-21, 02:46

Can I use this as a prophylactic?

08-23-21, 05:36
Can you guys post some links to these websites where your are contacting the chicas? Most of the Colombia forums discussion is around the club scene and I am not the partying type or interested in that kinda game.

Google just gives me links to all inclusive sex resorts with different packages, LOL. I am planning to travel for a week next month and the idea is to meet 2 chicas a day for couple of hours.

I am looking for some reliable agencies who offer GFE and low profile sites where college girls work UTR. I highly appreciate your help with recommendations, links and suggestions.

I have been to couple of different countries and discussions on this site helped me immensely to find UTR sites and top notch agencies. For the life of me I am unable to find anything in the Colombia forums going back 50 pages on each thread.Were you able to find anything? Please let me know if you did. I'm also in the same boat as you.

Just Incognito
08-23-21, 18:32
I needed to fill out a checking form to enter Colombia. When I leave later this week, is there anything I need to have filled out to leave? I am asking about the Colombia side of things. I know I need a PCR / NAAT test 48 hours before my flight to go where I am going. That's all set up for my hotel with these people:


And I know I have to fill out a form for the place I am going.

I can't find any info if I need anything from or for the departure spot (Medellin).

I guess not but would like a confirmation. Please.

08-24-21, 12:08
I needed to fill out a checking form to enter Colombia. When I leave later this week, is there anything I need to have filled out to leave? I am asking about the Colombia side of things. I know I need a PCR / NAAT test 48 hours before my flight to go where I am going. That's all set up for my hotel with these people:


And I know I have to fill out a form for the place I am going.

I can't find any info if I need anything from or for the departure spot (Medellin).

I guess not but would like a confirmation. Please.Good morning Incognito.

You need to fill out the Check Mig form for both your entry and departure.

Happy travels and have a blast.


08-29-21, 15:51
Can anyone confirm what is the earliest time I can complete the check mig form before I fly to Colombia? I've read the earliest you can do it is 24 hours before, is that correct? Worried I'll have some problems completing it, so want to do it ASAP.

08-29-21, 22:39
Can anyone confirm what is the earliest time I can complete the check mig form before I fly to Colombia? I've read the earliest you can do it is 24 hours before, is that correct? Worried I'll have some problems completing it, so want to do it ASAP.Your travel date opens up 48 hours prior.

You can test it by going through the application and you can see the available date from the dropdown option.

08-30-21, 08:08
Your travel date opens up 48 hours prior.

You can test it by going through the application and you can see the available date from the dropdown option.Brilliant, thank you.

08-30-21, 08:09
Your travel date opens up 48 hours prior.

You can test it by going through the application and you can see the available date from the dropdown option.Thanks for the help, appreciate it.

Just Incognito
08-30-21, 17:14
Good morning Incognito.

You need to fill out the Check Mig form for both your entry and departure.

Happy travels and have a blast.

SKY.I did not know this. I did not fill anything out prior to departure. Nothing was checked except my covid test I needed for my destination.

Security, check in and everything was very very very quick.

I got to the airport at 330 for a 525 am flight and it couldn't have been easier or faster to get through the check in, then security, then passport lines. Check in asked for my vaccine / test stuff. Passport only wanted my passport and didn't ask a thing or even look at me. I was tempted to bring a big bag of baking flour or baking powder with me just. To have some extra fun with security, but I took cookies instead of choosing to get flagged in the future LOL.

They did ask about me / check my 1/2 filled 7. 25 ounce jar of coconut oil my girl left at my place that I took it with me. But, they let it go with me with no issue once they looked at it after xray.

Just Incognito
08-30-21, 17:39
Good morning Incognito.

You need to fill out the Check Mig form for both your entry and departure.

Happy travels and have a blast.

SKY.I did not know this. I did not fill anything out prior to departure. Only prior to arrival. Maybe that info was already in a system? Nothing was checked except my covid test I needed for my destination.

Security, check in and everything was very very very quick.

I got to the airport at 330 for a 525 am flight and it couldn't have been easier or faster to get through the check in, then security, then passport lines. Check in asked for my vaccine / test stuff. Passport only wanted my passport and didn't ask a thing or even look at me. I was tempted to bring a big bag of baking flour or baking powder with me inn my carry on suitcase just to have some extra fun with security, but I took cookies instead of choosing to get flagged in the future LOL.

They did check my 1/2 filled 7.25 ounce jar of coconut oil my girl left at my place that I took it with me. But, they let it go with it with no issue once they looked at it after xray.

08-31-21, 01:08
I'm travelling to Medellin for the first time in October. Given my job, and the risk, albeit slight, of travel disruption due to COVID, I need to take my work laptop just in case I need to do work whilst on vacation.

People have mentioned getting 2 different locations (eg one hotel, one airbnb) so that your personal belongings are in a different place from your sleeping arrangements. I like this idea but wondering if it is overkill? The only things I don't want to lose are my passport and my work laptop. Everything else, I could live with.

Has anyone done this? Or any other comments regarding laptop security? I employer will not know I'm visiting MDE and a laptop theft will require reporting with full details of my travel and an accompanying police report!


08-31-21, 05:26
I was able to find many agencies on twitter. Search hashtag + city+ escorts and other variations like hashtag +models + city etc etc.

One will lead you to another. Most of the good agencies will try to charge you double to what the normal rates are.

But I was happy with some of their top talent. There are some chicas who post directly, this is where you will get better deals discussed on the forum.

Be careful with the scams. After few hours you should be able to decode which handle is a scam and which ones are legit. See the responses they get, use a burner etc.

Were you able to find anything? Please let me know if you did. I'm also in the same boat as you.

08-31-21, 19:37
People have mentioned getting 2 different locations (eg one hotel, one airbnb) so that your personal belongings are in a different place from your sleeping arrangements. I like this idea but wondering if it is overkill? The only things I don't want to lose are my passport and my work laptop.TBH I think its way overkill. The risk of losing your laptop in Colombia is no greater than anywhere else in the world. Perhaps choose a hotel with good security service, like most have?

09-01-21, 00:34
TBH I think its way overkill. The risk of losing your laptop in Colombia is no greater than anywhere else in the world. Perhaps choose a hotel with good security service, like most have?Thanks. I was thinking it was. I'll look into just hotels. Some of the airbnbs look great but security is more important for this trip.

09-01-21, 14:23
Thanks. I was thinking it was. I'll look into just hotels. Some of the airbnbs look great but security is more important for this trip.Find a place with a safe, and just follow this one rule: Every time you leave your room, put everything away as if you are going to bring a girl back. Even the girls you get to know and "trust" will steal from you. I stay at mainstream hotel properties, so I always have them submit their ID at the front desk, and they don't give the ID back to the girl until I call down or walk the girl down to leave.

09-01-21, 17:45
I'm travelling to Medellin for the first time in October. Given my job, and the risk, albeit slight, of travel disruption due to COVID, I need to take my work laptop just in case I need to do work whilst on vacation.

People have mentioned getting 2 different locations (eg one hotel, one airbnb) so that your personal belongings are in a different place from your sleeping arrangements. I like this idea but wondering if it is overkill? The only things I don't want to lose are my passport and my work laptop. Everything else, I could live with.

Has anyone done this? Or any other comments regarding laptop security? I employer will not know I'm visiting MDE and a laptop theft will require reporting with full details of my travel and an accompanying police report!

Thanks.I bring a security cable and lock my laptop to the desk.

https://www.amazon.com/Kensington-Combination-Laptops-Devices-K64673AM/dp/B005J7Y99W/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2LK0J84XVO4C3&dchild=1&keywords=laptop+security+cable&qid=1630514699&sprefix=laptop+sec%2 Caps%2 C185&sr=8-1.

My passport I just hide.

09-01-21, 21:57
Find a place with a safe, and just follow this one rule: Every time you leave your room, put everything away as if you are going to bring a girl back. Even the girls you get to know and "trust" will steal from you. I stay at mainstream hotel properties, so I always have them submit their ID at the front desk, and they don't give the ID back to the girl until I call down or walk the girl down to leave.He would force every girl leaving his apartment to open her purse and empty her pockets before he would unlock the door. It might seem like over kill but he never lost anything.

09-02-21, 02:29
He would force every girl leaving his apartment to open her purse and empty her pockets before he would unlock the door. It might seem like over kill but he never lost anything.Wouldn't it be easier to just keep track of your stuff? I know where I keep my money, my passport and my wallet. I know where the girls are at all times when they are in my room. There's no reason for any girl to be near anything worth stealing, unless she's after my backup condom (always good to have an extra within reach, just in case).

09-03-21, 00:41
Forgive the newbie questions!

Does any have a current list of girl-friendly hotels within reasonable distance (walk or 10-15 taxi) of Poblado?

Also, is there anywhere I can find a map of love motels in the area? I have googled quite a bit but haven't been able to find anything yet.

Thank you!

09-04-21, 03:08
What's up forum?

It's been about 10 years since my last trip to Colombia. Been to Medellin multiple times and Cartagena once. Since then, I've had quite a few trips to Africa and have gotten a taste of the chocolate. Now I'm looking to head back to Colombia and have seen many hot afro Colombians on webcam websites. However, I didn't have much luck in Med finding anything like that. Some places in the forums I've heard recommendations for Cartagena and Cali, but haven't been to Cali and Cartagena I didn't really run into any of the dark skinned in my few days there. Which city and spots in the city would you suggest for someone who wants to get some of the big booty chocolate chicas?

09-04-21, 14:45
I've had quite a few trips to Africa and have gotten a taste of the chocolate. Which city and spots in the city would you suggest for someone who wants to get some of the big booty chocolate chicas?They say Cali is the main city for that, although you will meet a few spread around the other cities. But the main region is Choco. Buenaventura is the main city, Quibdo too. No doubt some conservative people will tell you its too dangerous to go. I have never been there. , but I always take those fears with a pinch of salt myself. Would love to hear some reports on those locations though, as I love dark girls myself too.

09-04-21, 17:35
We are arriving tomorrow to Medellin. Does anyone know if the taxi / guide list is up to date? Was looking to get a taxi that knows the spots and can speak English.

09-05-21, 02:04
What's up forum?

It's been about 10 years since my last trip to Colombia. Been to Medellin multiple times and Cartagena once. Since then, I've had quite a few trips to Africa and have gotten a taste of the chocolate. Now I'm looking to head back to Colombia and have seen many hot afro Colombians on webcam websites. However, I didn't have much luck in Med finding anything like that. Some places in the forums I've heard recommendations for Cartagena and Cali, but haven't been to Cali and Cartagena I didn't really run into any of the dark skinned in my few days there. Which city and spots in the city would you suggest for someone who wants to get some of the big booty chocolate chicas?Just visit Dominican Republic. Sure, no Choco or Buenaventura for you, too 'hot' there. Cartagena would be the best choice, but since you're into big butts, again, just visit Dom Rep, the best bang for the buck in your big butt world.

09-06-21, 17:08

If you guys are members of LATINEURO and LatinAmericanCupid, maybe not, or not so frequently on LAC, but practically on all full figures pictures on the girls on LATINEURO. They shrink the size of the head, so it looks very small and feminine, but now seen it for some weeks, I wonder why¿.

It seems strange, nothing can be won by this long term.

Check it out for yourself.

I have always considered LATINEURO to be the best site, most only beautiful girls.

Anyone knows why they change the pictures in this way¿.

09-06-21, 21:48

If you guys are members of LATINEURO and LatinAmericanCupid, maybe not, or not so frequently on LAC, but practically on all full figures pictures on the girls on LATINEURO. They shrink the size of the head, so it looks very small and feminine, but now seen it for some weeks, I wonder why.

It seems strange, nothing can be won by this long term.

Check it out for yourself.

I have always considered LATINEURO to be the best site, most only beautiful girls.

Anyone knows why they change the pictures in this way.This photoshop has been ongoing for years; I think it makes the girls look curvier.

Mr Enternational
09-06-21, 22:15
I have always considered LATINEURO to be the best site, most only beautiful girls.I have always considered Latineuro to be a ripoff site. Back in the day you had to pay them like $10 for each chick's address or email you wanted, while you could hop on cupid and pay $99 and talk live to as many chicks that you could stand for an entire year.

09-07-21, 00:59
I have always considered Latineuro to be a ripoff site. Back in the day you had to pay them like $10 for each chick's address or email you wanted, while you could hop on cupid and pay $99 and talk live to as many chicks that you could stand for an entire year.OK latineuro is not perfect in anyway, the whole sites design looks like a learning apprenticeship thing, no near professional, and stays the same year to year. Yes, but Cupid sites Latin is like hijacked by girl or pretending to be and ask for money, and it's so obvious, why don't Cupid refresh there whole concept. Ukraine date is of course worse, as always Eastern Europe sites are all hoax. In this market, I think Latineuro stands out, but could have a lot better. I was even thinking ensemble risk capital to buy it and get a market leading position, as I have become as many of us a kind of expert.

Yes. I have met beautiful popular girls from Colombian And Latinamerican Cupid and even might found some authentic girl in Kyiv.

But it's not the photoshop it self. Their head is proportional to a length of 300 cm, or 9-10 ft, it looks very strange.

Latineuro also harness prepagos, a lot of them. It's just at Cupid, if you get 20 whatsapp and all 20 ask for money in the same manner and it has been so for 13 years, there must be a market for serious daters?

But I understand, these girls just enter a site and ask for money, that is their only modus operandi, there exist no thoughts of relationship, just sex for free or maybe for sex. Other sites trips to meet girls for 1000th of dollars. 99% of the dating sites are completely fraudulent. In this light Latineuro look good.

Ho Lover1
09-07-21, 18:16
Attention all of us seniors. Does Medicare cover multiple PCR tests? Representative at Medicare stated that they covered one test but did not know about additional ones. I could use the additional money to give the chicas a raise.

Mr Enternational
09-07-21, 19:21
Latineuro also harness prepagos, a lot of them. It's just at Cupid, if you get 20 whatsapp and all 20 ask for money in the same manner and it has been so for 13 years, there must be a market for serious daters?After 13 years you have not learned to weed out the chicks that may ask for money? In 16 years I definitely have. But it has not always been that way. Unlike you, I fault the guys and not the women. Reading this website you should realize how many guys insist on "paying" women although they do not ask for money? Same thing in those sites; guys go around offering money so the sharks responded to the blood in the water and now there are more chicks there that are looking for money.

09-08-21, 04:32
After 13 years you have not learned to weed out the chicks that may ask for money? In 16 years I definitely have. But it has not always been that way. Unlike you, I fault the guys and not the women. Reading this website you should realize how many guys insist on "paying" women although they do not ask for money? Same thing in those sites; guys go around offering money so the sharks responded to the blood in the water and now there are more chicks there that are looking for money.Yes it's true. I have changed my tactics a lot. I was too much a pay-er when I had easy access to good salaries for little actual work. For years. But low prestige on that work. Now I have a restricted budget, but interesting work in academics and art. I feel self confident so I attack without artillery (money) support, loose many battles, but when I win, it's my own victory, not my thick wallet, like it was many times before, to a degree that a serious relationship was so frustrating because I wa# addicted to easy sex. We all deserve such times in our lives, but it took over my life.

I even like my new lifestyle so much I want to move to Colombia or Venezuela. Venezuela is like east-Germany 1989.

Prepagos and gringos also tells me about the trend among girls / couples to have Gringo boyfriends, who can visit when they can, just keeping them separate. Each one send a million pesos a month. To the girl- and her lazy immoral novio!

So, yes we spend them away to fool us in childish ways and it works like well it seems.

The competition is fierce. I interpret the guapas of doing that, on there profile text, it says " come and pay mine and my lazy partner's life! Just like Poland 1989. You coulkr buy a wife for a few dollars and everyone was into it. It is a version o& that here. Venezuela's crisis is just the latest example of Latin mismanagement of politics.

It seems that these countries are stuck in a dependency role, often led but a bunch of crazy crooks. So Latinas will continue to be available in great numbers. Today Venezolanas, next crisis might be a Brazilian crisis.

On micro level, it can be a good idea to move to Colombia or a re vitalized Venezuela. If you are location independent. I've seen nerds doing it for years, marrying the neighbourhood most desired girls, in Estadio and Laureles.

Well. Discipline is important. I wasted money, yes. On the other hand, I took learning Spanish seriously, so younger guys betters looks was defied by old me, simply because I could communicate properly with the guapas. That also mean# local paisa friends.

Actually my best female friend is looking around fo4 a serious novia for me. Amazingly, it can happen that she present a very attractive and somewhat serious girl to me. What a luxury. It's quiet normal, but in Medellin, with her standards, she just might present a stunning lady, " just tell me age ankr preferences and I find her". And in Medellin it can happen, in any other country, yes with a leftover girl, in Medellin, with a stunner!

09-08-21, 05:00
Attention all of us seniors. Does Medicare cover multiple PCR tests? Representative at Medicare stated that they covered one test but did not know about additional ones. I could use the additional money to give the chicas a raise.Colombia does not require a PCR test anymore and the USA only requires an Antigen test as of 2 weeks ago. So why a PCR test?

09-12-21, 05:29
Do anyone know what city this traveler was in or have more info?


A Bronx mother is mourning over the death of their beloved son who was reported missing while on vacation in Colombia.

Felix Jose Almanzar, 31, would call his parents Francisco Torres and Dianna every morning at 7 am.

They say they didn't get their routine wake-up greeting from him and instead spent their Thursday evening delivering the devastating news to loved ones that their son's body was found.

The 31-year-old was vacationing in Colombia with his girlfriend and a group of nine friends. On his third day in the country, his family reported him missing once they learned that he didn't return to his hotel room after getting into a fight with his girlfriend early Saturday morning.

They say his body was found in another hotel three miles away from where he was staying.

Torres tells News 12 that his stepson was identified through his tattoos. He says he believes he encountered the wrong people.

He says both he and his wife tried to convince their son not to go to Colombia because they felt it was dangerous, but believed he shrugged the concerns due to how cheap the flight was.

The Bronx family is now working with Colombian police and the Embassy of Colombia of New York to obtain surveillance footage from the hotel where his body was found.

They say the case has been identified as a homicide. Their focus is on getting his body back to the Bronx, where they can say their final goodbyes.

09-15-21, 03:47
Do anyone know what city this traveler was in or have more info?


A Bronx mother is mourning over the death of their beloved son who was reported missing while on vacation in Colombia.

Felix Jose Almanzar, 31, would call his parents Francisco Torres and Dianna every morning at 7 am.

They say they didn't get their routine wake-up greeting from him and instead spent their Thursday evening delivering the devastating news to loved ones that their son's body was found.

The 31-year-old was vacationing in Colombia with his girlfriend and a group of nine friends. On his third day in the country, his family reported him missing once they learned that he didn't return to his hotel room after getting into a fight with his girlfriend early Saturday morning.

They say his body was found in another hotel three miles away from where he was staying.

Torres tells News 12 that his stepson was identified through his tattoos. He says he believes he encountered the wrong people..Medellin, he decided to leave after having a argument with girlfriend and wondered the streets at night alone.

Maybe we drank to much and was a victim.

09-15-21, 13:54
Maybe this is a stupid question, but in Youtube Videos I see, that most People wear Masks in public spaces.

Is this mandatory? Or are the People just so responsible?

Is there a need to wear medical masks in public? Because I could not find any information on that topic.

09-15-21, 20:51
Maybe this is a stupid question, but in Youtube Videos I see, that most People wear Masks in public spaces.

Is this mandatory? Or are the People just so responsible?

Is there a need to wear medical masks in public? Because I could not find any information on that topic.Its a gray area.

When I was in CTG there were some with and without. In the discos only the gringos wore masks, no chicas wore masks. In restaurants only the workers wore masks, patrons didn't. When walking around outside some had them on around their chin some had them fully on, some had none but when entering stores like Exito the security guard will tell you to put it on. This was all in CTG though so I'm not sure what the mask enforcement is outside of CTG.

09-15-21, 20:52
Medellin, he decided to leave after having a argument with girlfriend and wondered the streets at night alone.

Maybe we drank to much and was a victim.Thanks for the additional info. I figured it had to be somewhere outside of CTG.

09-17-21, 17:25
I fly next Wednesday to Cartgena for my first trip. Can somebody please verify that no COVID test is required to fly into Colombia, only one is required to fly back to the US?

Thanks in advance.

09-18-21, 02:26
I fly next Wednesday to Cartgena for my first trip. Can somebody please verify that no COVID test is required to fly into Colombia, only one is required to fly back to the US?

Thanks in advance.You can go to the COPA Airlines website where they have COVID info widget or whatever it's called. Try it, it's very easy and for sure up to date but someone here should reply shortly too.

09-18-21, 03:18
I fly next Wednesday to Cartgena for my first trip. Can somebody please verify that no COVID test is required to fly into Colombia, only one is required to fly back to the US?

Thanks in advance.As of this post no COVID test required to enter. Only negative antigen covid test required to reenter the US.

But with the Mu variant things can change at any time. Keep your eye on the Colombia embassy site.


09-18-21, 08:12
I fly next Wednesday to Cartgena for my first trip. Can somebody please verify that no COVID test is required to fly into Colombia, only one is required to fly back to the US?

Thanks in advance.It's not required, but I wish people stopped asking this question in all the wrong places. There is nothing more fluid than travel restrictions in this day and age. You MUST check the primary source.


09-19-21, 01:39

09-22-21, 00:46
Can some help me here with restriction information's? I not found websites that gave me information on that most are UK government sites.

What are in the moment now the covid restrictions in Colombia Medellin, Bogota?

Are there contact restrictions or is it allowed to invite 2-3 girls in private house (rent)?

Allowed to make indoor party in private house?

Other restrictions or curfews there? Nightlife restaurant, Bars are closed or open? Wearing masks in shops?

I need good detailed information before I travel to a country.

09-22-21, 17:10
Before you travel especial in the covid moment, it is wise to know the government / city restrictions of the Destination you want to travel.

Make sense?

09-22-21, 23:50
I will get flamed for this, but I'm at a stage where if I want to reschedule my trip, I need to do so soon. Please be gentle.

How to fat gringos fare with the ladies of Colombia (Medellin). I have read somewhere that, as long as you are clean and well-groomed, you should be fine, but can anyone confirm?

I'm early 40's, overweight but not obese. I had planned to lose weight and emerge from the plane in Medellin as a new, slim, butterfly. But I'm losing 2 lb per week and at that rate I'm still going to be overweight (c. 180 lb, 5'7' If I would have more success, and more fun, with another 15-20 lb loss, I can hold off until Christmas. It has been 20 months since my last encounter with a lady so I wanted this trip to be one to remember. I don't want to get there and find that I'm snubbed by the ladies LOL.

09-23-21, 17:37
I will get flamed for this, but I'm at a stage where if I want to reschedule my trip, I need to do so soon. Please be gentle.

How to fat gringos fare with the ladies of Colombia (Medellin). I have read somewhere that, as long as you are clean and well-groomed, you should be fine, but can anyone confirm?

I'm early 40's, overweight but not obese. I had planned to lose weight and emerge from the plane in Medellin as a new, slim, butterfly. But I'm losing 2 lb per week and at that rate I'm still going to be overweight (c. 180 lb, 5'7' If I would have more success, and more fun, with another 15-20 lb loss, I can hold off until Christmas. It has been 20 months since my last encounter with a lady so I wanted this trip to be one to remember. I don't want to get there and find that I'm snubbed by the ladies LOL.The most important thing the women look for is personality. In Bogota "personality" is pronounced "dinero."

The Tall Man
09-23-21, 18:32
I will get flamed for this, but I'm at a stage where if I want to reschedule my trip, I need to do so soon. Please be gentle.

How to fat gringos fare with the ladies of Colombia (Medellin). I have read somewhere that, as long as you are clean and well-groomed, you should be fine, but can anyone confirm?

I'm early 40's, overweight but not obese. I had planned to lose weight and emerge from the plane in Medellin as a new, slim, butterfly. But I'm losing 2 lb per week and at that rate I'm still going to be overweight (c. 180 lb, 5'7' If I would have more success, and more fun, with another 15-20 lb loss, I can hold off until Christmas. It has been 20 months since my last encounter with a lady so I wanted this trip to be one to remember. I don't want to get there and find that I'm snubbed by the ladies LOL.No problems with the vast majority of the chicas. Just be clean and smell good and have a number of 50 mil notes in your pocket and enjoy.

Seriously I have been partying with both gringo and Colombian friends who are overweight and noticed that the determining factor is how well they can speak Spanish and they use this with being fun with the girls and this is what they love, so learn Spanish and this will take 20% of your body weight off in the eyes of the chicas.

No don't hold off just come as you are and enjoy, you might be very surprised at the fun that awaits you.

And BTW, I have another gringo friend who is almost 70 years old but when he walks he limps and hobbles he like he is 90, I shit you not he regularly does 18 to 22 yo and averages about 2 or 3 each day! So keep your head up, your confidence as this is what they see.

The Tall Man.

Fun Luvr
09-23-21, 19:33
I will get flamed for this, but I'm at a stage where if I want to reschedule my trip, I need to do so soon. Please be gentle.

How to fat gringos fare with the ladies of Colombia (Medellin). I have read somewhere that, as long as you are clean and well-groomed, you should be fine, but can anyone confirm?

I'm early 40's, overweight but not obese. I had planned to lose weight and emerge from the plane in Medellin as a new, slim, butterfly. But I'm losing 2 lb per week and at that rate I'm still going to be overweight (c. 180 lb, 5'7' If I would have more success, and more fun, with another 15-20 lb loss, I can hold off until Christmas. It has been 20 months since my last encounter with a lady so I wanted this trip to be one to remember. I don't want to get there and find that I'm snubbed by the ladies LOL.You should not have any problems. I am 5'8" and around 190 lbs, and a lot older than you. I have more available women than I can handle. As you say, be clean and well groomed, and be respectful. That and some money will take you far in Medellin.

09-23-21, 19:43
I will get flamed for this, but I'm at a stage where if I want to reschedule my trip, I need to do so soon. Please be gentle.

How to fat gringos fare with the ladies of Colombia (Medellin). I have read somewhere that, as long as you are clean and well-groomed, you should be fine, but can anyone confirm?

I'm early 40's, overweight but not obese. I had planned to lose weight and emerge from the plane in Medellin as a new, slim, butterfly. But I'm losing 2 lb per week and at that rate I'm still going to be overweight (c. 180 lb, 5'7' If I would have more success, and more fun, with another 15-20 lb loss, I can hold off until Christmas. It has been 20 months since my last encounter with a lady so I wanted this trip to be one to remember. I don't want to get there and find that I'm snubbed by the ladies LOL.In the interest of your health I would urge you to hold off till early December, but otherwise just board the plane! LOL.

You are paying these chicks to fuck, they will oblige. As others mentioned be clean and well groomed and direct about what you want when you talk to them. If you miss with one, just move on to the next. There are many. It's a way of life not just for us visitors but the local men partake a lot as well.

Mr Enternational
09-23-21, 19:52
How to fat gringos fare with the ladies of Colombia (Medellin). Bring money. Do not overthink it. When you go to Walmart do you think they care about all that other stuff? They care if you can pay for what you pick up. The same with hookers.

Man 180? I was that weight in high school. 30 years later I am 5'9" 250 and have all the free women in Colombia that are not hookers than I could ever dream of. You are definitely overthinking it with hookers.

09-24-21, 00:31
Thank you all, that is reassuring! I'll keep ploughing on with the weight loss, more for confidence purposes than anything else!

09-24-21, 19:39
Government info's about restrictions, contact restrictions in Colombia?

09-24-21, 21:47
I have a question for some of the more experienced travelers to Colombia. Do Colombian immigration have some kind of measure in place to ascertain whether someone who has 2 passports is the same person. Like biometrics for example?

More precisely, would someone with two passports be able to stay 5 months on passport #1, leave the country and then return shortly after and stay another 5 months on passport #2 within the same calendar year?

Asking for a friend, obviously.

Much respect and appreciation for passing on your knowledge and experience to a lowly monger such as myself.

The Tall Man
09-25-21, 07:31
Thank you all, that is reassuring! I'll keep ploughing on with the weight loss, more for confidence purposes than anything else!You got a lot of good comments.

I want to add / enlarge the thought about shedding the weight as my story is a prime example.

I am a Tall Man and over the past 4 years have dropped from 280 plus pounds to my now weight of 220 pounds and my knees and ankles and heart and lungs all thank me daily for it, seriously having more than 60 pounds less to carry around has so many advantages including the stamina with the chicas.

I am about 20 years older than you and I will tell you that the older we get the more difficult it gets to keep excess weight off and lose weight so start now.

There is no magic in it, walk, exercise, play some sports, hike, walk more and more, take the stairs (little things add up), no junk food, little sugar drinks, stay active and keep your body in movement. The results and how you feel once you gain control will result in so much confidence and really a different view on life.

Good luck to you!

The Tall Man.

09-25-21, 14:49
I someone who has 2 passports is the same person. Like biometrics for example?
More precisely, would someone with two passports be able to stay 5 months on passport #1, leave the country and then return shortly after and stay another 5 months on passport #2 within the same calendar year?
Asking for a friend, obviously.Hehe. I can reply on behalf of a good friend obviously. No they don't check. You can leave and re-enter on another passport and stay the whole year. They only track per passport number, not by name, not by facial recognition. So my good friend assures me.

09-25-21, 15:00
Government info's about restrictions, contact restrictions in Colombia?You can find it all here: https://coronaviruscolombia.gov.co/Covid19/index.html.

09-25-21, 15:10
Found 5 countries where you can have fun with girls without get trouble with police or get caught for jail through the weekend.

(meeting freelancers and drink alcohol in public like in Pattaya= forbidden without mercy).

I can read such information on Europe Forums.

These 5 countries I have on my list for 2022.

Name of these 5 countries? Nope, you not give me information so I not give you some, is that easy.

Mr Enternational
09-25-21, 17:25
Found 5 countries where you can have fun with girls without get trouble with police or get caught for jail through the weekend.Only 5? You should do more searching.

09-25-21, 18:09
Found 5 countries where you can have fun with girls without get trouble with police or get caught for jail through the weekend.

(meeting freelancers and drink alcohol in public like in Pattaya= forbidden without mercy).

I can read such information on Europe Forums.

These 5 countries I have on my list for 2022.

Name of these 5 countries? Nope, you not give me information so I not give you some, is that easy.Weird you only found 5? Yes it's that easy a blind guy can come up with more then 5, how did you find out this valuable information and will not share? Do tell inspector.

09-25-21, 18:20
Found 5 countries where you can have fun with girls without get trouble with police or get caught for jail through the weekend.

(meeting freelancers and drink alcohol in public like in Pattaya= forbidden without mercy).

I can read such information on Europe Forums.

These 5 countries I have on my list for 2022.

Name of these 5 countries? Nope, you not give me information so I not give you some, is that easy.Weird you only found 5? Yes it's that easy a blind guy can come up with more then 5, how did you find out this valuable information and will not share? Do tell inspector.

09-25-21, 18:32
Only 5? You should do more searching.Be nice to him! I really need the names of those 5 countries.

09-25-21, 20:44
Name of these 5 countries? Nope, you not give me information so I not give you some, is that easy.It's not hard to find 5 countries where it is legal. Don't really need your information about them. It's not a secret.

09-25-21, 22:22
Only 5? You should do more searching.I think he meant 5 in Central America. But even that is understated by 1.

09-25-21, 22:54
Found 5 countries where you can have fun with girls without get trouble with police or get caught for jail through the weekend.

(meeting freelancers and drink alcohol in public like in Pattaya= forbidden without mercy).

I can read such information on Europe Forums.

These 5 countries I have on my list for 2022.

Name of these 5 countries? Nope, you not give me information so I not give you some, is that easy.Not to piss on your parade, but this statement is based on false premises.

You presume that you can't get in trouble in countries where prostitution is legal.

Nothing can be farther from the truth. It's always a word of a local girl against yours and the fact that you're a 'rich' gringo worthy of a good squeeze, makes you a target for the police.

Enjoy your 5 'safe' countries, LOL.

09-25-21, 23:14
Be nice to him! I really need the names of those 5 countries.I can tell him what to do with those names, but you are the one being wicked here. 😂128514;.

09-26-21, 01:08
I am an experienced traveler and monger. I been to Colombia three times and familiar with the scene. I am planning for arriving at the end of November and spending 1 week in country with 1 or 2 friends from the USA. We are primarily going for the women but will be a few tourists things as well. Should we stay in Medellin the whole time and would a side trip to Santa Marta or CTG for a few days be a good idea. In Medellin. Places to stay? The Mansion? Airbnb suggestions? Any input would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

09-26-21, 01:10
You got a lot of good comments.

I want to add / enlarge the thought about shedding the weight as my story is a prime example.

I am a Tall Man and over the past 4 years have dropped from 280 plus pounds to my now weight of 220 pounds and my knees and ankles and heart and lungs all thank me daily for it, seriously having more than 60 pounds less to carry around has so many advantages including the stamina with the chicas.

I am about 20 years older than you and I will tell you that the older we get the more difficult it gets to keep excess weight off and lose weight so start now.

There is no magic in it, walk, exercise, play some sports, hike, walk more and more, take the stairs (little things add up), no junk food, little sugar drinks, stay active and keep your body in movement. The results and how you feel once you gain control will result in so much confidence and really a different view on life.

Good luck to you!

The Tall Man.Thank you, Sir!

I used to be a regular runner, and c150 pounds but an injury followed by COVID means that I picked up some very bad habits and around +50 pounds acquired in the past couple of years. Part of the problem for me was not having a goal (trip) to focus on. Since I've had my Medellin trip, it is a lot easier to sacrifice comforting habits for the rewards to come.

09-26-21, 01:16
Not to piss on your parade, but this statement is based on false premises.

You presume that you can't get in trouble in countries where prostitution is legal.

Nothing can be farther from the truth. It's always a word of a local girl against yours and the fact that you're a 'rich' gringo worthy of a good squeeze, makes you a target for the police.

Enjoy your 5 'safe' countries, LOL.And, to throw in a curveball, some of the places where prostitution is not legal can, arguably, be safer to monger than in some of the countries were it is legal. Thailand is a good example, provided you don't do anything stupid. For places like Pattaya, where prostitution is strictly speaking illegal, there is safety in expat numbers if you pick the right friends!

Ultimately, you're only as safe as your common sense allows.

09-26-21, 01:58
"Actually my best female friend is looking around fo4 a serious novia for me. Amazingly, it can happen that she present a very attractive and somewhat serious girl to me. What a luxury. It's quiet normal, but in Medellin, with her standards, she just might present a stunning lady, " just tell me age ankr preferences and I find her". And in Medellin it can happen, in any other country, yes with a leftover girl, in Medellin, with a stunner!"

I almost married a woman from Cali 10 years ago but she was so jealous that I gave up. So instead I married a Mexican woman and she let me do what I want; that was in the contract; we plan to live together in Colombia in a year when I retire; I will have the best of both worlds;.

09-27-21, 07:52

Thanks for some tips here and for the Colombia country link (restrictions).

Yes I have found only 5 countries. Maybe I be to blind to find that kind of information? Too old?

But you won't believe it, Friday I have wrote 1 post in a German travel forum (travel + sex reports) about best destinations and their covid restrictions and wham! 24 hours later I be banned on that forum, please guys I not write a joke here.

So with the Colombia link you gave me here for me it's hard to find such information the first 5 pages in google, I found most cases US embassy an UK government info, who is not so helpful, often their info are different so I need the info from the destination country direct, I think it will be more accurate.

Some on Europe forums wrote that when you in public drink alcohol and speak with hookers in Pattaya some tourists was in jail through the weekend, so that make me feel little bit scared.

Want a relative normal fun holiday. When some pubs or restaurants close at 10. Pm in evening, I can live with that.

Maybe you are more experienced to find good sex fun information. When there are more than 5 countries I can choose that is super!

Have a nice day.

09-28-21, 06:05
But you won't believe it, Friday I have wrote 1 post in a German travel forum (travel + sex reports) about best destinations and their covid restrictions
I found most cases US embassy an UK government info, who is not so helpful...Have a nice day.I can't speak for everyone here, but I really have trouble understanding what on Earth your talking ahout. Your problem could simply be a language barrier.

09-28-21, 20:14
"Actually my best female friend is looking around fo4 a serious novia for me. Amazingly, it can happen that she present a very attractive and somewhat serious girl to me. What a luxury. It's quiet normal, but in Medellin, with her standards, she just might present a stunning lady, " just tell me age ankr preferences and I find her". And in Medellin it can happen, in any other country, yes with a leftover girl, in Medellin, with a stunner!"

we plan to live together in Colombia in a year when I retire; I will have the best of both worlds;.Are you looking for someone to grow old together or just nightly fun?

If to grow old I'd buy me a finca and live in peace, If not I'd roam free and whenever possible let my babies swim in the mouths of attractive, talented chicas! That'swhat I'd do.

10-07-21, 02:43
So, this is a general Colombia query, so I'm asking in the general thread. But this doesn't appear to be as active as other threads. But I'm hoping someone more experienced can advise (and the people won't judge!

I'm visiting in a few weeks. I have a particular activity that I like to perform on a lady. In Tijuana I can mention 'beso negro' and be understood. Does that translate accurately in Colombia? Or is there another phrase for eating ass?

Genuine question. Otherwise I'm stuck with saying gusta besar and pointing to the region. Hopefully, I can be more suave than that. There must be a local term for it.


10-07-21, 15:21
So, this is a general Colombia query, so I'm asking in the general thread. But this doesn't appear to be as active as other threads. But I'm hoping someone more experienced can advise (and the people won't judge!

I'm visiting in a few weeks. I have a particular activity that I like to perform on a lady. In Tijuana I can mention 'beso negro' and be understood. Does that translate accurately in Colombia? Or is there another phrase for eating ass?

Genuine question. Otherwise I'm stuck with saying gusta besar and pointing to the region. Hopefully, I can be more suave than that. There must be a local term for it.

Thanks!Beso negro is a term that's understood in Colombia.

10-07-21, 19:10
Correction. Someone recently stated in the Medellin thread that the 50,000 bill is the largest. Nope. 100,000. I have seen 3 but not had one in my hands yet. I am surprised that one of the two week millionaires or guys living here never corrected it, but my Cheap Charlie ass knows of its existence.


Since March 31 of last year, the Banco de la Repblica put into circulation a first group of $ 100,000 bills. However, to this day the paper money that bears the image of former President Carlos Lleras Restrepo and the wax palm has been a ghost among Colombians' cash. *Surely, you are one of the majority group of those who have not seen them, which opens a discussion about whether it was a good idea or not to bring them to the market.

At the end of 2016, the Issuer reported that 44.2 million of these pieces were printed in its annual production, although it is a print run that was not released in its entirety to such an extent that, at present, there are only on the streets 5.2 million of these banknotes, that is 11%.

10-08-21, 02:42
Beso negro is a term that's understood in Colombia.Many thanks. Glad to get that question out of the way! Jajaja.

10-08-21, 20:23
Correction. Someone recently stated in the Medellin thread that the 50,000 bill is the largest. Nope. 100,000. I have seen 3 but not had one in my hands yet. I am surprised that one of the two week millionaires or guys living here never corrected it, but my Cheap Charlie ass knows of its existence.


Since March 31 of last year, the Banco de la Repblica put into circulation a first group of $ 100,000 bills. However, to this day the paper money that bears the image of former President Carlos Lleras Restrepo and the wax palm has been a ghost among Colombians' cash. *Surely, you are one of the majority group of those who have not seen them, which opens a discussion about whether it was a good idea or not to bring them to the market.

At the end of 2016, the Issuer reported that 44.2 million of these pieces were printed in its annual production, although it is a print run that was not released in its entirety to such an extent that, at present, there are only on the streets 5.2 million of these banknotes, that is 11%.Yeah, but useless note. Trying to get Colombians to make change at the best of times is a nightmare: they expect you to be the fucking bank. I'm sure 99% of them would tell you to fuck off if you gave them that.

10-09-21, 23:37
Yeah, but useless note. Trying to get Colombians to make change at the best of times is a nightmare: they expect you to be the fucking bank. I'm sure 99% of them would tell you to fuck off if you gave them that.I went down to CTG with a stack of those in my pocket. It made paying the chicas much easier as I can hand them 3 bills and be done with it.

The big problem is cabs won't take it, street vendors won't take it, even some bars won't take it because they can't make change for it. I got around this by having my chicas break the bills for me.

The 50 can be problematic as well but not to an extent. As I have learned the 20's are the way to go but it can be too much to carry.

Bango Cheito
10-16-21, 04:04
So, this is a general Colombia query, so I'm asking in the general thread. But this doesn't appear to be as active as other threads. But I'm hoping someone more experienced can advise (and the people won't judge!

I'm visiting in a few weeks. I have a particular activity that I like to perform on a lady. In Tijuana I can mention 'beso negro' and be understood. Does that translate accurately in Colombia? Or is there another phrase for eating ass?

Genuine question. Otherwise I'm stuck with saying gusta besar and pointing to the region. Hopefully, I can be more suave than that. There must be a local term for it.

Thanks!Beso negro is correct sir! LOL.

Dashing Don
10-17-21, 03:47
Having read umpteen years of reports on the Medellin board I'm wondering what percentage of punters speak serviceable Spanish. My interactions with fellow mongers in the Mansion over the years has led me to believe that almost none of the guys there spoke any. Other gringos I met in Lleras and other places spoke nary a word. One guy with a heavy southern accent told me he had been in Colombia for 25 years and didn't speak a lick (and had no intention of trying? Yet according to the reports, many guys roam at will, communicating, negotiating etc with the girls and having amazing experiences.

During the pandemic I took a Spanish language class over Zoom, 6 days a week from March to November when I finally tired of it. I'll probably book a trip to the Mansion in the next week or two and while far from fluent, I'm looking forward to a quantum improvement in my day to day communication with the citizens. I know what it was like to know only a little bit and it could be trying for both parties.

Or is that many of the punters here are Americans of Hispanic descent who are bilingual.

10-17-21, 22:25
Yet according to the reports, many guys roam at will, communicating, negotiating etc with the girls and having amazing experiences.
During the pandemic I took a Spanish language class over Zoom,
Or is that many of the punters here are Americans of Hispanic descent who are bilingual.My Spanish is ok. I wouldn't say I was fluent by any means, but I communicate with the lcoals in Spanish. But then when I came the first time, I came with the intention of staying and living here for a while. Learn the language and culture. So I also did a few courses but found that one on one private lessons worked best. The issue is always audio- trying to understand what they say. Thats the difficult part. Especially since the society is so god darn noisy! Hehe. Plus I am not as young as I used to be and find it harder to pick up the full range of tones.

Regardless, I am sure you will have fun with it. Adds a new dimension to your encounters. Haha.

And no, I am not of Spanish descent. And no one of Spanish descent lives in my home country either.

10-18-21, 07:16
Having read umpteen years of reports on the Medellin board I'm wondering what percentage of punters speak serviceable Spanish.I used to live in Medellin and honestly cannot imagine living or spending much time there without speaking Spanish; I'm fully fluent. I also think it would be super boring to have to dick around with a translator while with a chica. Boring for both parties.

10-20-21, 12:03

On my last trip, 2 years ago, I purchased a Claro sim card. I know that the number it was assigned would be deactivated. Can I use the Claro app to get a new number and package or do I have to visit a Claro store?

Mr Enternational
10-20-21, 12:13
On my last trip, 2 years ago, I purchased a Claro sim card. I know that the number it was assigned would be deactivated. Can I use the Claro app to get a new number and package or do I have to visit a Claro store?You have to go to the store. The number is on the SIM. Can't get a new number without a new SIM.

10-20-21, 14:48
I used to live in Medellin and honestly cannot imagine living or spending much time there without speaking Spanish; I'm fully fluent. I also think it would be super boring to have to dick around with a translator while with a chica. Boring for both parties.That's about it, if you can't speak the language. In my early years before I could speak Spanish I remember how tiring time would get with a girl when we couldn't communicate. I remember speaking broken English to her in hopes that she would understand me better. Ajajaj Trying to communicate usually turned into me and her just saying Si. When you go so tired of it just say Si Too much work for me. When she finally left it was a relief.

You can Pop a language CD in anytime your in the car and it helps.

10-25-21, 08:49
You got a lot of good comments.

I want to add / enlarge the thought about shedding the weight as my story is a prime example.

I am a Tall Man and over the past 4 years have dropped from 280 plus pounds to my now weight of 220 pounds and my knees and ankles and heart and lungs all thank me daily for it, seriously having more than 60 pounds less to carry around has so many advantages including the stamina with the chicas.

I am about 20 years older than you and I will tell you that the older we get the more difficult it gets to keep excess weight off and lose weight so start now.

There is no magic in it, walk, exercise, play some sports, hike, walk more and more, take the stairs (little things add up), no junk food, little sugar drinks, stay active and keep your body in movement. The results and how you feel once you gain control will result in so much confidence and really a different view on life.

Good luck to you!

The Tall Man.I lost 20 lbs during my last visit. I dare say Tall Man may shrink away to nothing if he keeps this up. Slow down! LOL.

10-25-21, 16:20
I lost 20 lbs during my last visit. I dare say Tall Man may shrink away to nothing if he keeps this up. Slow down! LOL.Have to change his name to The Thin Man.

During my year in Medellin I went from 260 down to 190. I'm a couple of inches shorter than TTM. Same recipe, I walked every day. First time I walked up the hill from Poblado metro station I had to stop twice and then rest for 20 minutes in Parque Poblado. By the time I left I could take that hill without breaking a sweat.

I need to go back for 6 months and get back to that.

The Tall Man
10-26-21, 01:13
I lost 20 lbs during my last visit. I dare say Tall Man may shrink away to nothing if he keeps this up. Slow down! LOL.
Have to change his name to The Thin Man.

During my year in Medellin I went from 260 down to 190. I'm a couple of inches shorter than TTM. Same recipe, I walked every day. First time I walked up the hill from Poblado metro station I had to stop twice and then rest for 20 minutes in Parque Poblado. By the time I left I could take that hill without breaking a sweat.

I need to go back for 6 months and get back to that.Way to go JjBee62 on the weight, again my knees thank me every day for the 60 to 70 pounds that I shed off my body over the past 4 years.

Right now I am in centro Santa Marta and a prime example of walking is I simply walked 4 hours today, sweat like a stuffed pig in roast as it is hot and humid but keep myself hydrated and honestly never felt better in my life.

And to The Don Carlos, great for you with shedding 20 pounds, keep it up.

The Tall Man.

10-26-21, 13:08
I'm diving into the Colombia scene. I know a lot of it is done by social media. Find one semi-pro and work your way into her crowd, right?

I probably don't want to use my real identity as I get into this scene though. For that, I'll need a new phone. Someone here suggested the BLU V81 V0630 WW. What other ones should I consider?

I've been thinking of just getting an old iphone 5's. It's cheap ($30), virtually disposable, and in the Apple ecosystem, which I'm more familiar with.

I monger in Europe and Canada, and it could be useful there for calling agencies and looking up information. Also a camera to take racy photos on and move to the cloud.

With a burner phone, no history to incriminate me when I cross borders either.

Your thoughts?

Fun Luvr
10-26-21, 21:09
I've been thinking of just getting an old iphone 5's. It's cheap ($30), virtually disposable, and in the Apple ecosystem, which I'm more familiar with.Is it a GSM or a CDMA network phone? It must be GSM. Checking the internet, it appears the 5's was mostly produced for the CDMA networks, although one model was for GSM.

10-26-21, 21:47
Is it a GSM or a CDMA network phone? It must be GSM. Checking the internet, it appears the 5's was mostly produced for the CDMA networks, although one model was for GSM.Good point. Yes. Thank you. This is exactly the advice I was looking for! GSM is SIM so I can switch between countries but CDMA is hooked to the network. Maybe that's why someone suggested the Blu, it's a dual sim. I don't know if a dual sim is that important to me. Any other considerations?

10-27-21, 01:16
Good point. Yes. Thank you. This is exactly the advice I was looking for! GSM is SIM so I can switch between countries but CDMA is hooked to the network. Maybe that's why someone suggested the Blu, it's a dual sim. I don't know if a dual sim is that important to me. Any other considerations?The GSM or CDMA are just mobile networks. The iphone 5's works with both. Just make sure it is unlocked.


Fun Luvr
10-27-21, 02:30
The GSM or CDMA are just mobile networks. The iphone 5's works with both. Just make sure it is unlocked.

https://www.gsmarena.com/apple_iphone_5s-5685.phpAfter doing some research, I guess I got some education. The 5s is supposedly 4G capable. If so, then it will operate on 4G networks which do not use GSM or CDMA. As Sun08 posted, if it is unlocked, it should work in Colombia and other countries, dependent on the frequencies used.

Here is a link to an article that explains the different networks much better than I can: https://www.pcmag.com/news/cdma-vs-gsm-whats-the-difference.

11-02-21, 15:09
I seldom listen to this kind of panic, but actually there arre some truth about it, it can be dangerous. Since we guys from very rich countries seldom experience this kind of violence, it always happens in the poor immigrants "hoods", them attack each other; but entering Latin-American we tend to take un-necessary risks, we should be carful, people from Estrato 1-2/3 can be desperate and don'are care if they serious hurt you with a knife or escopolamina https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escopolamina.

Normally I have taken serious risks, without knowing I did. My careful friend took risks since he didn't want to spend money on taxi, saving 6000 pesos and walked home to Belen in Medellin from la 70. He got robbed with knife on the bridge!

Normally I just think; wow Colombia is heaven! And this is what I report here. This is a message to just straighten up your security, I got it on Latin American Cupid, maybe 50% is not true, but can happen, especially if women or drugs or money are involved;.

"I don't know you.

You don't know me.

But; that it is not going to stop me for me to tell you this:

Few men here on the site.

Really appreciated what.

I told them.

The same thing that I am going to tell you:

Thanks to the UBER driver.

Before yesterday.

I found out That there are.

Several women using Dating sites from Colombia.

Venezuela and Ecuador.

To kill Americans and Europeans.

I connected yesterday on.


And what it was there it was really awful and very sad;

So sad that I ended crying for a Rumanian man.

He fell in love with a 20 years old girl from Colombia.

Sent money to her by Wester Union.

Finally decided to fly to Colombia few weeks ago to meet her in person.

And she took him to a.

Horrific Department, sent.

Him to take a Shower.

And her Real young boyfriend.

Shot the Rumanian guy straight to his right Eye.

She robbed him all his cash.

More than $9.000.

All his credit cards.


They thought he was dead;.

But he wasn't.

Now he says that he wants to die.

Because he can not live with just one Eye.

The girl and her Boyfriend are in jail in Cali Colombia now.

But they are just about to get out.

Jesus Christ.

What a Law there.

It sucks.

Another Colombian girl.

Put poison into a German man Drink and killed him to rob him.

Several girls from Colombia are using.

Dating Sites like.

Tinder and OK Cupid.

You never know if Latin Cupid as well.

Please stay away from Colombians, girls from Venezuela and Ecuador.

Don't be part of those Dead Tourist too.

Please be Safe!

I just want to warn you.

Take it or leave it.

It is up to you.

I am embarrassed.

Because women like that.

Damage my Reputation.

They just don't have fear to God.

Some others are taking the organs out to those Tourist men.

And dumb the bodies with nothing inside in farms to the Pigs.

Jesus Christ.

This is Horrific.

I wanted to share it with you.

There is something on that on Youtube in English.

But mostly are programs in Spanish.

If you ever go out your Country to meet a girl.

Please let your Family to know.

Where are you going to.

Where are you staying as well.

And the most important.

Who is the girl that you are meeting and her address; so.

If something ever happens to you, someone can help you out.

God bless you!

Be safe please!

11-02-21, 21:12
I seldom listen to this kind of panic, but actually there arre some truth about it, it can be dangerous. Since we guys from very rich countries seldom experience this kind of violence, it always happens in the poor immigrants "hoods", them attack each other; but entering Latin-American we tend to take un-necessary risks, we should be carful, people from Estrato 1-2/3 can be desperate and don'are care if they serious hurt you with a knife or escopolamina https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Escopolamina.

Normally I have taken serious risks, without knowing I did. My careful friend took risks since he didn't want to spend money on taxi, saving 6000 pesos and walked home to Belen in Medellin from la 70. He got robbed with knife on the bridge!

Normally I just think; wow Colombia is heaven! And this is what I report here. This is a message to just straighten up your security, I got it on Latin American Cupid, maybe 50% is not true, but can happen, especially if women or drugs or money are involved;.

"I don't know you.

You don't know me.

But; that it is not going to stop me for me to tell you this:

Few men here on the site.

Really appreciated what.

I told them.

The same thing that I am going to tell you:

Thanks to the UBER driver.

Before yesterday.

I found out That there are.

Several women using Dating sites from Colombia.

Venezuela and Ecuador.

To kill Americans and Europeans.

I connected yesterday on.


And what it was there it was really awful and very sad;

So sad that I ended crying for a Rumanian man.

He fell in love with a 20 years old girl from Colombia.

Sent money to her by Wester Union.

Finally decided to fly to Colombia few weeks ago to meet her in person.

And she took him to a.

Horrific Department, sent.

Him to take a Shower.

And her Real young boyfriend.

Shot the Rumanian guy straight to his right Eye.

She robbed him all his cash.

More than $9.000.

All his credit cards.


They thought he was dead;.

But he wasn't.

Now he says that he wants to die.

Because he can not live with just one Eye.

The girl and her Boyfriend are in jail in Cali Colombia now.

But they are just about to get out.

Jesus Christ.

What a Law there.

It sucks.

Another Colombian girl.

Put poison into a German man Drink and killed him to rob him.

Several girls from Colombia are using.

Dating Sites like.

Tinder and OK Cupid.

You never know if Latin Cupid as well.

Please stay away from Colombians, girls from Venezuela and Ecuador.

Don't be part of those Dead Tourist too.

Please be Safe!

I just want to warn you.

Take it or leave it.

It is up to you.

I am embarrassed.

Because women like that.

Damage my Reputation.

They just don't have fear to God.

Some others are taking the organs out to those Tourist men.

And dumb the bodies with nothing inside in farms to the Pigs.

Jesus Christ.

This is Horrific.

I wanted to share it with you.

There is something on that on Youtube in English.

But mostly are programs in Spanish.

If you ever go out your Country to meet a girl.

Please let your Family to know.

Where are you going to.

Where are you staying as well.

And the most important.

Who is the girl that you are meeting and her address; so.I'm going to rate that about 92% garbage.

About 4 million foreigners visit Colombia every year, 10-15 are killed.

Yes, there are dangers and there are risks, but most of those risks are controlled by you. Even the foreigners killed are usually not the result of a planned murder.

In a case where someone is sending money Western Union, why kill him, particularly in your house. You keep him alive and happy so he keeps sending the money.

You need to be aware of your safety and be aware of your surroundings. You don't need to run and hide under your bed. And if you want to stay away from Colombian, Venezuelan and Ecuadorian women, then don't go to Colombia or Ecuador.

Simple problem, simple solution.

Mr Enternational
11-03-21, 00:24
Me and my girl were at the river in Valledupar today. There was a guy with a kufi on selling shrimp. I asked my girl if the guy was Muslim. She said that she did not know. Maybe he just has that as a part of the uniform. I told her that it seems weird he would be selling shrimp when the food laws forbid the eating of shrimp.

Later on I saw the guy again and asked if he was Muslim. He said yes. I said well how the hell are you going to be selling shrimp when it is forbidden to eat? He said yeah, but I still got to get this money. I hear you brother!

The Cane
11-03-21, 00:45
Me and my girl were at the river in Valledupar today. There was a guy with a kufi on selling shrimp. I asked my girl if the guy was Muslim. She said that she did not know. Maybe he just has that as a part of the uniform. I told her that it seems weird he would be selling shrimp when the food laws forbid the eating of shrimp.

Later on I saw the guy again and asked if he was Muslim. He said yes. I said well how the hell are you going to be selling shrimp when it is forbidden to eat? He said yeah, but I still got to get this money. I hear you brother!I had never heard that shrimp was forbidden in Islam, so I did some quick research. These guys express what I found, which is that the majority view is that shrimp is halal, and therefore OK to eat:



Mr Enternational
11-03-21, 02:18
I had never heard that shrimp was forbidden in Islam, so I did some quick research. These guys express what I found, which is that the majority view is that shrimp is halal, and therefore OK to eat:


https://youtu.be/Ih4ZFVZMAe4Shrimp is the same as catfish, a bottom feeder. Might as well have a slice of ham with that shrimp. I just searched too. It seems the answers are all over the place.

The Cane
11-03-21, 02:35
Shrimp is the same as catfish, a bottom feeder. Might as well have a slice of ham with that shrimp. I just searched too. It seems the answers are all over the place.And I love both of them too. Catfish (farm raised) and shrimp. And I will never give up pork ribs either! When I was in Dubai, I was at a hotel that had a BLT sandwich on the menu. I ordered it to see what I would get. It was a beef, lettuce, and tomato sandwich. It was good too.

11-03-21, 21:16
People wiser than me.

I am in the early stages of planning a visit and want to get some thoughts from you experts. RT flight to Bogota from my home base in the US Northeast are very inexpensive for February. Right now, I am also planning to visit Cartagena and Medellin.

I have about 7-10 days for the total length. How many days in each city? And is there a suggested order?

Spanks in advance.

P.S. I will read each city's forum before I do any granular planning, but if you have local guides for hire to suggest, that would be great.

Elvis 2008
11-04-21, 03:01
People wiser than me.

I am in the early stages of planning a visit and want to get some thoughts from you experts. RT flight to Bogota from my home base in the US Northeast are very inexpensive for February. Right now, I am also planning to visit Cartagena and Medellin.

I have about 7-10 days for the total length. How many days in each city? And is there a suggested order?

Spanks in advance.

P.S. I will read each city's forum before I do any granular planning, but if you have local guides for hire to suggest, that would be great.Spanky,

Find a cheap flight to Fort Lauderdale or to Miami. There is a train connecting these two airports. I just checked and there are nonstops from Lauderdale to Medellin for $150 on Spirit and $200 on Jetblue. (I would probably opt for Jetblue because Spirit sucks). Also, I see spirit has a nonstop from Newark to Lauderdale for $40.

A lot of times you have to separate the Florida and Colombia flights. Separating the flights usually saves me a few hundred bucks.

The main thing is just getting to Colombia. Flights within the country are usually really cheap even last minute.

As for the cities, if you want the prettiest women, go to Medellin. If you want the most women, go to Bogota. If you want weather and the beach, then you head to Cartagena. I would not go to Cartagena for women, and I love the city. It is too expensive for what is there.

11-04-21, 22:44

The force is with me.

11-05-21, 01:34
Thanks for the input. Right now, I'm seeing $240 RT on either Avianca or American to Bogota out of JFK. Just waiting to pull the trigger!


Find a cheap flight to Fort Lauderdale or to Miami. There is a train connecting these two airports. I just checked and there are nonstops from Lauderdale to Medellin for $150 on Spirit and $200 on Jetblue. (I would probably opt for Jetblue because Spirit sucks). Also, I see spirit has a nonstop from Newark to Lauderdale for $40.

A lot of times you have to separate the Florida and Colombia flights. Separating the flights usually saves me a few hundred bucks.

The main thing is just getting to Colombia. Flights within the country are usually really cheap even last minute.

As for the cities, if you want the prettiest women, go to Medellin. If you want the most women, go to Bogota. If you want weather and the beach, then you head to Cartagena. I would not go to Cartagena for women, and I love the city. It is too expensive for what is there.

11-05-21, 06:13
People wiser than me.

I am in the early stages of planning a visit and want to get some thoughts from you experts. RT flight to Bogota from my home base in the US Northeast are very inexpensive for February. Right now, I am also planning to visit Cartagena and Medellin.

I have about 7-10 days for the total length. How many days in each city? And is there a suggested order?

Spanks in advance.

P.S. I will read each city's forum before I do any granular planning, but if you have local guides for hire to suggest, that would be great.I've been to BOG and Cartagena, but not Medellin. 7 days is a non-starter for three cities. 10 days can work for 3 days each.

Remember that Bogota can hit you with altitude sickness, so hitting the ground running can be an issue. Some people have it, other don't.

If you like doing touristy stuff, I don't think 10 days are enough. Cartagena is a great historic city, and from what I've read Medellin is also worth exploring. BOG has its moments too, but I'd say in 1-1. 5 days you can see all major sights.

11-05-21, 08:10
I've been to BOG and Cartagena, but not Medellin. 7 days is a non-starter for three cities. 10 days can work for 3 days each.

Remember that Bogota can hit you with altitude sickness, so hitting the ground running can be an issue. Some people have it, other don't.

If you like doing touristy stuff, I don't think 10 days are enough. Cartagena is a great historic city, and from what I've read Medellin is also worth exploring. BOG has its moments too, but I'd say in 1-1. 5 days you can see all major sights.My opinion is that 2 cities is the max for 10 days. You lose at least half a day when changing cities. Just doing 2 cities in 10 days, you've wasted 15% of your trip in the travel process.

For most I wouldn't even recommend Bogota for their first trip. It has advantages, but it can be intimidating.

11-05-21, 15:23
New entry rules to return to USA go into effect 12:01 Monday 8th. Plan accordingly.

11-06-21, 04:44
New entry rules to return to USA go into effect 12:01 Monday 8th. Plan accordingly.And the new rules are? Thanks, no more testing to come back I hope!

11-06-21, 14:50
And the new rules are? Thanks, no more testing to come back I hope!USA Citizens and Legal Permanent Residents (LPRs) who are eligible to travel but are not fully vaccinated will need to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test one (1) day before their flight's departure. You. S citizens and LPRs who are fully vaccinated will need to present airlines with proof of vaccination and of a negative COVID-19 test three (3) days before their flight.

Non citizens require proof of vaccination and negative test. Citizens who are vaccinated, it's unchanged, just have to show your vaccination card and a negative test within 3 days. Unvaccinated citizens have to get tested within 1 day.

11-07-21, 02:06
USA Citizens and Legal Permanent Residents (LPRs) who are eligible to travel but are not fully vaccinated will need to provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test one (1) day before their flight's departure. You. S citizens and LPRs who are fully vaccinated will need to present airlines with proof of vaccination and of a negative COVID-19 test three (3) days before their flight.

Non citizens require proof of vaccination and negative test. Citizens who are vaccinated, it's unchanged, just have to show your vaccination card and a negative test within 3 days. Unvaccinated citizens have to get tested within 1 day.Does anyone know -- do you show them the actual physical vaccination card? Or is it the registration of the card (which I think you can do with the CDC)? Easiest would be a picture of the card on your phone.

11-12-21, 13:39
Resident Ivand Duque announced from Paris, where he held talks with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macrand, that as of November 16, his government has mandated the vaccine certificate for all persons attending public or private events. The obligatory certificate issued by the Ministry of Health and known as MiVacuna will also be required to enter bars, gastrobars, discotheques, casinos, cinemas, dance clubs, billiard halls and churches, to name a few listed in the new decree.

The decision to extend the mandate to the entire country comes after Bogot reopened to 100% crowd capacity, including its sports stadiums, movie theatres and cultural institutions. Health Minister Fernando Ruz conditioned entry to public and private establishments upon presentation of MiVacuna. "Currently the entire adult population has access to vaccines, so there is no reason why not to get vaccinated," stated Ruz. On Sunday, the government began vaccinating children between the ages of 3 and 11.

According to the latest data from the Ministry, 47,490. 157 doses have been administered and 21.4 million persons have completed their vaccination scheme. In Bogot, 80% of the eligible population have received at least one dose of a coronavirus vaccine, equivalent to 4,923.961 individuals. Colombia is averaging 1,200 new cases per day, and daily deaths are below 50. Wednesday marked the first day since April 2020 without a confirmed death from the virus. Despite the encouraging news, however, Ruz warned that the fourth wave of new infections has been "deferred" given the vaccination roll-out and obligatory wearing of face masks until, at least, the end of this year.

PS.. I quoted this from a colombian english language newsource, but in my copy and paste I lost the source information. I will try to find which on line periodical I found this in..

11-14-21, 14:06
Yesterday I flew into Bogota for the first time in two years. Exited plane and after a short line for the immigration desks, upon scanning my passport the official asked if I had filled out the immigration form online (system notified that I hadn't) which I did not know about. Previously, on the airplane we were given a paper form to fill out but now you must do it online. The immigration official sent me to the side of the hall where there were tablets ready to fill out the form. After filling out the standard questions and nearly done, I accidentally pressed a 'back' button and had to start all over again! Once completed, went back to the line, which had now grown long! What hassel for not knowing a simple thing. When settled in to my hotel room, I searched the emails containing flight information from Avianca and also the web-check in email, and never was there a notice about the migration check-in, which is required to enter Colombia. You must also do the check-in when leaving Colombia. The new system does work well, in that you can do the check-in the day of the flight before even arriving to the airport, but it would have been nice to have been notified of this. You can find the Mig-Check at: https://apps.migracioncolombia.gov.co/pre-registro/public/preregistro.jsf.

11-14-21, 16:18
Huh. I flew in on COPA and they notified me about the requirements for both Colombia and Panamá. I already knew about them, though, because I always check the entry requirements of any country I plan to go to. And not on a hooker board either. IATA (International Association of Travel Agents), the country's immigration website, and my home country's embassy info.

I never did any check in when leaving the country. This was two weeks ago.

11-14-21, 17:18
Yesterday I flew into Bogota for the first time in two years. Exited plane and after a short line for the immigration desks, upon scanning my passport the official asked if I had filled out the immigration form online (system notified that I hadn't) which I did not know about. Previously, on the airplane we were given a paper form to fill out but now you must do it online. The immigration official sent me to the side of the hall where there were tablets ready to fill out the form. After filling out the standard questions and nearly done, I accidentally pressed a 'back' button and had to start all over again! Once completed, went back to the line, which had now grown long! What hassel for not knowing a simple thing. When settled in to my hotel room, I searched the emails containing flight information from Avianca and also the web-check in email, and never was there a notice about the migration check-in, which is required to enter Colombia. You must also do the check-in when leaving Colombia. The new system does work well, in that you can do the check-in the day of the flight before even arriving to the airport, but it would have been nice to have been notified of this. You can find the Mig-Check at: https://apps.migracioncolombia.gov.co/pre-registro/public/preregistro.jsf.I'm surprised the airline didn't check before you boarded. It's been in place since early last year, although the actual form has changed a few times. It is an improvement over the paper form.

11-15-21, 01:10
Resident Ivand Duque announced from Paris, where he held talks with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macrand, that as of November 16, his government has mandated the vaccine certificate for all persons attending public or private events. The obligatory certificate issued by the Ministry of Health and known as MiVacuna will also be required to enter bars, gastrobars, discotheques, casinos, cinemas, dance clubs, billiard halls and churches, to name a few listed in the new decree

PS.. I quoted this from a colombian english language newsource, but in my copy and paste I lost the source information. I will try to find which on line periodical I found this in..So how does a visiting foreigner show a "vaccine certificate?" Do we carry our physical card from the CDC? Or can we register our vax status somewhere?

11-15-21, 03:12
So how does a visiting foreigner show a "vaccine certificate?" Do we carry our physical card from the CDC? Or can we register our vax status somewhere?The probable plan is that Colombia will have an app, similar to the current one to enter the country. But I don't know any specifics.

Probable way.

- When you fill out your check Mig before entering the country it will also ask for proof of vaccination if you have it. If you do, the QR code generated will be what is used to get into places as well as into the country.

When you want to go into a bar or restaurant they scan your QR code, and look at your ID. If they match you are good to enter.

11-15-21, 04:15
The probable plan is that Colombia will have an app, similar to the current one to enter the country. But I don't know any specifics.

Probable way.

- When you fill out your check Mig before entering the country it will also ask for proof of vaccination if you have it. If you do, the QR code generated will be what is used to get into places as well as into the country.

When you want to go into a bar or restaurant they scan your QR code, and look at your ID. If they match you are good to enter.Thanks. How about when you leave Colombia to return to the US (sorry I realize all here aren't from the US, but I am). I know you need to get a Covid test within 3 days of leaving (if you're vaccinated).

Do you know how you prove vaccination status to the US authorities?

11-15-21, 05:27
[QUOTE=Combo;2626312]Thanks. How about when you leave Colombia to return to the US (sorry I realize all here aren't from the US, but I am). I know you need to get a Covid test within 3 days of leaving (if you're vaccinated).


Mr Enternational
11-15-21, 06:40
Do you know how you prove vaccination status to the US authorities?With your vaccination card, but there are not really any US authorities that are going to ask. They really only do random spot checks for the test.

11-15-21, 15:47
Yesterday I flew into Bogota for the first time in two years. Exited plane and after a short line for the immigration desks, upon scanning my passport the official asked if I had filled out the immigration form online (system notified that I hadn't) which I did not know about. Previously, on the airplane we were given a paper form to fill out but now you must do it online. The immigration official sent me to the side of the hall where there were tablets ready to fill out the form. After filling out the standard questions and nearly done, I accidentally pressed a 'back' button and had to start all over again! Once completed, went back to the line, which had now grown long! What hassel for not knowing a simple thing. When settled in to my hotel room, I searched the emails containing flight information from Avianca and also the web-check in email, and never was there a notice about the migration check-in, which is required to enter Colombia. You must also do the check-in when leaving Colombia. The new system does work well, in that you can do the check-in the day of the flight before even arriving to the airport, but it would have been nice to have been notified of this. You can find the Mig-Check at: https://apps.migracioncolombia.gov.co/pre-registro/public/preregistro.jsf.This is surprising. Are you sure it did not end up in your Junk email folder?

I've flown down twice this year and JetBlue makes sure to send the email notifying of filling out the form They would not let me check my bag unless I showed them the email conformation the form was completed and they checked again before allowing me to board the plane. I've never flown Avianca but it should be similar for them as well.

Same process with departure.

I would strongly suggest to fill out the form within that 48 hours window prior departure as their system can be wonky and you do not want to be that person at the airport last minute trying to do it.

11-15-21, 19:33
With your vaccination card, but there are not really any US authorities that are going to ask. They really only do random spot checks for the test.It will be the airline before you are allowed to board.

11-16-21, 04:21
It will be the airline before you are allowed to board.Do they accept a photo of your vaccination card or do you have to carry the actual card?

11-16-21, 14:46
Do they accept a photo of your vaccination card or do you have to carry the actual card?Don't know. You would have to check with your airline. I have mine on my phone, but I'm not from the US.

Mr Enternational
11-16-21, 17:53
Do they accept a photo of your vaccination card or do you have to carry the actual card?I would advise you to have the actual card, same as you have to have your actual passport. Several people have to verify it and not just one. Just because one entity accepts a photo, it does not mean the next will. The airline told somebody that I know that a photo would not be accepted in Peru, but when I entered Peru the day before I showed the lady in immigration the card on my phone and had no problem. Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.

11-17-21, 04:11
I would advise you to have the actual card, same as you have to have your actual passport. Several people have to verify it and not just one. Just because one entity accepts a photo, it does not mean the next will. The airline told somebody that I know that a photo would not be accepted in Peru, but when I entered Peru the day before I showed the lady in immigration the card on my phone and had no problem. Better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.Thank you. I guess I'll bring the physical copy.

11-17-21, 06:32
This is surprising. Are you sure it did not end up in your Junk email folder?

I've flown down twice this year and JetBlue makes sure to send the email notifying of filling out the form They would not let me check my bag unless I showed them the email conformation the form was completed and they checked again before allowing me to board the plane. I've never flown Avianca but it should be similar for them as well.

I checked all my email folders and at no time did Aviaca notify of check-mig, nor in any of their messages regarding the flight. I booked a flight from Colombia to Mexico with Viva Aerobus and there was a prominent notice about the Colombian Check-Mig in their confirmation purchase email. I don't take checked bags so that hurdle did not trigger for me.

11-18-21, 01:28
Roasting all day and night.


Doom out.

11-18-21, 19:20
At airport in medellin, the covid testing cost 90 k antigen. Cash only. Pcr 240 k. Results texted to you within an hour. Didn't ask but sign says testing is open 24 hours. Pretty efficient.

Make sure you have check mig, usa attestation, and negative covid test before getting boarding pass. You can print them out at the airport papeleria if need be.

Mr Enternational
11-18-21, 20:26
Make sure you have check mig, usa attestation, and negative covid test before getting boarding pass.You do not need check mig to leave Colombia, only to enter.

11-18-21, 21:37
You do not need check mig to leave Colombia, only to enter.They asked me Check Mig to fly from Colombia to my country. But there is a public computer at Airport where you can fill the Check Mig and if you have any problems, there is a woman next to it to help people fill it out.

11-18-21, 22:36
You do not need check mig to leave Colombia, only to enter.Hmmm I would recheck that info.

See attachment.

From the AA website as of today.

Mr Enternational
11-19-21, 00:30
Hmmm I would recheck that info.

See attachment.

From the AA website as of today.Yes there has always been an exit option on the website / app, but nobody ever asks for it on exit. It is only needed when entering the country. I made sure NOT to fill it out the week before last on exit just to be sure.

11-19-21, 03:58
Yes there has always been an exit option on the website / app, but nobody ever asks for it on exit. It is only needed when entering the country. I made sure NOT to fill it out the week before last on exit just to be sure.Interesting, I've been asked by the airline agents each time I've exited Colombia.

You're probably right, you'll most likely be ok without it, until the one time they ask for it, then you'll have to do it real quick.

Obviously do what you want, however, since it's technically required, I just get it done, and not worry about surprises.

I wouldn't post that it's not required though, because it actually is, just not enforced much it seems in your experience.

11-19-21, 06:38
Interesting, I've been asked by the airline agents each time I've exited Colombia.

You're probably right, you'll most likely be ok without it, until the one time they ask for it, then you'll have to do it real quick.

Obviously do what you want, however, since it's technically required, I just get it done, and not worry about surprises.

I wouldn't post that it's not required though, because it actually is, just not enforced much it seems in your experience.Plus it only takes 2 minutes and you can do it up to 48 hours in advance. I'd rather spend 2 minutes filling out a form I might not be asked for than to deal with the possibility I will have problems filling it out if I am asked. My phone's data connection works great, except when I really need it.

Mr Enternational
11-19-21, 15:41
Interesting, I've been asked by the airline agents each time I've exited Colombia.My buddy said I got lucky. He said he was asked for it last week. Other people here have reported not being asked for it as well. So again like you said, better to have it and not need it. Only takes 2 minutes to fill out.

11-19-21, 17:09
My buddy said I got lucky. He said he was asked for it last week. Other people here have reported not being asked for it as well. So again like you said, better to have it and not need it. Only takes 2 minutes to fill out.Avianca wouldn't let me in line to check in at JFK without filling out the ChkMig app. Do it 48 hours before your flight. Doing it at the airport is a PITA.

11-19-21, 23:20
My phone's data connection works great, except when I really need it.Haha that's always the case!

11-21-21, 02:53
Anyone test positive for Covid when leaving Colombia? That is sort of my nightmare for my upcoming trip. For my job as well as family holiday obligations, I can't really afford to be quarantined in Colombian an extra two weeks. I'm only going for a week, so it seems likely that if I pick it up while there, I might not even test positive until I'm already home. Especially since I'm vaccinated, I can do the test three days before departing so I plan on getting the test Wednesday for my Saturday flight back to the US.

I recall JBee saying he tested positive while there. Anyone else? Thoughts?

Mr Enternational
11-21-21, 03:04
Anyone test positive for Covid when leaving Colombia? That is sort of my nightmare for my upcoming trip. For my job as well as family holiday obligations, I can't really afford to be quarantined in Colombian an extra two weeks. I'm only going for a week, so it seems likely that if I pick it up while there, I might not even test positive until I'm already home. Especially since I'm vaccinatedIf you are vaccinated why worry? I am not vaccinated and have been to Colombia like 6 times this year and nothing. Last time I was there I went and took an antibody test figuring maybe I had it before and did not know it. But nope; it was negative.

11-21-21, 04:53
Avianca wouldn't let me in line to check in at JFK without filling out the ChkMig app. Do it 48 hours before your flight. Doing it at the airport is a PITA.JetBlue got me with that on my first trip this year. Completely blindsided by it when going to check a bag and they said we cannot check a bag without showing the form was completed. Then they gave us the form in Spanish. SMH.

By the time the second trip came around I have it all filled out in the 48 hour window and breezed through security and bag drop.

Ill be landing tomorrow for the third trip. Check MIG already filled out and I'm looking forward to landing and breezing through security.

As I've said before, you don't want to be that person at the airport trying to do it last minute jajaja.

11-21-21, 05:26
Anyone test positive for Covid when leaving Colombia? That is sort of my nightmare for my upcoming trip. For my job as well as family holiday obligations, I can't really afford to be quarantined in Colombian an extra two weeks.To return to US without a Covid test, all you have to do is fly to a Mexican border city and cross into US by vehicle or foot and continue to your destination. Mexico does not require a Covid test to enter neither flying nor by land, and US does not require test when entering by land. Tijuana is ideal since you gain easy entrance to US from the airport via CrossBorderXpress exclusive to air passengers who land in Tijuana airport (I don't know if other border cities have similar crossing). Just make sure you go the right way after unboaring plane, once I took a wrong turn, missed CrossBorderXpress, went into the general area and was not permited re-entry to access CrossBorderExpress and had to go to the regular crossing, took a brutal three hours.

11-21-21, 05:36
If you are vaccinated why worry? The vaccines do not prevent you from getting Covid-19, they prevent you from being placed on a respirator or in a grave (according to medical authorities).

11-21-21, 07:44
If you are vaccinated why worry? I am not vaccinated and have been to Colombia like 6 times this year and nothing. Last time I was there I went and took an antibody test figuring maybe I had it before and did not know it. But nope; it was negative.The vaccines are only 90-95% effective, so you can definitely still get it. FWIW I'm not that worried about Covid itself -- I'm in good shape and not that old. But I am worried about a positive test keeping me quarantined in Colombia and missing two weeks of work and having to tell my boss I'm stuck in Colombia.

11-21-21, 14:39
The vaccines are only 90-95% effective, so you can definitely still get it. FWIW I'm not that worried about Covid itself -- I'm in good shape and not that old.I am not surprised you are not worried if you think the vax is 90-95% effective. Haha. Which glossy pharma brochure did you find that stat in?

11-21-21, 14:43
Anyone test positive for Covid when leaving Colombia? That is sort of my nightmare for my upcoming trip. For my job as well as family holiday obligations, I can't really afford to be quarantined in Colombian an extra two weeks.
I recall JBee saying he tested positive while there. Anyone else? Thoughts?Its a risk that you have to balance and accept if you want to travel. If you can't "afford" 2 weeks, then why not take out insurance against it? If you were vaxd recently, the efficacy of the vax would be far superior than if you wer vaxd say 5 months ago. Also if your healthy you can help prevent contracting it. It seems you know all this already.

Well, welcome to the new dystopian future!

11-22-21, 08:05
Anyone test positive for Covid when leaving Colombia? That is sort of my nightmare for my upcoming trip. For my job as well as family holiday obligations, I can't really afford to be quarantined in Colombian an extra two weeks. I'm only going for a week, so it seems likely that if I pick it up while there, I might not even test positive until I'm already home. Especially since I'm vaccinated, I can do the test three days before departing so I plan on getting the test Wednesday for my Saturday flight back to the US.

I recall JBee saying he tested positive while there. Anyone else? Thoughts?I was vaccinated in May. Exposed at the end of July and tested positive in less than 48 hours after exposure. My case was very mild. Just wanted to point out you can test positive very quickly.

Elvis 2008
11-22-21, 09:55
I am posting this in the Colombia section because air travel is read more here, and it is the first time I have travelled with the new USA restrictions on testing.

So I meet my Colombian gal in Cancun, and the shootings there have done absolutely nothing to slow people down. The Cancun airport is busier now than I have seen it in years. We are back to pre-Covid levels.

Spirit told me the lines were long and to get to the airport 3 hours early. I just needed a boarding pass as I was carrying on, and they would not let me get it online. I tried the computer terminal and it would not work and now I was stuck in this God awful long line at check-in. I thought I would miss my flight, but I then checked the Spirit Airlines app on my phone and I saw a boarding pass there (Thank God) and then went to security. I have been able to check in online internationally with United no problem but have had shitty luck with the other airlines.

So even though I had my boarding pass, I figured that they would check my passport and Covid test at the gate, and they did. What surprised me is that even though I got my test done within 24 hours of departure, the Spirit employee insisted on seeing my vaccine card. I showed her a photo of the card that I was on my phone at the gate, and she was happy and all was well.

So we can debate the vaccine card but the airlines have IMO been unfairly burdened with this vaccine crap, and I think they are worried and can be fined for letting people into the country who do not have the test or do not have a vaccine card. So you may be in a position where you have a choice between being vaccinated and not travelling. It has never been like this before.

I am wondering if the people using fake cards are going to be caught because the federal government is recording who has been vaccinated and who has not been. It seems like it would be super easy to catch people using fake cards. As of now, I just had to show the test and the card, so it would be possible to fake both, but I just do not know how long that is going to last.

I will say the social distancing rules have gotten stupid. In the photo, you can see how crowded things were. The seats were interesting. Every other seat is forbidden to be used because of social distancing. As you can see, two women are sitting next to each other, breaking the rules.

It is not in the photo but if you were to look past them, there were empty seats marked off as not in use due to social distancing and there were people standing cramped next to each other.

This social distancing crap is not working anymore. If you made people do that, the lines would have been out of the terminal. Cancun has gone from one terminal open now to three, and they are all packed.

I got through Mexican customs in an hour. It took her two. When she got back to Bogota, once again, she was in line for 2 hours. In the USA, customs lines were the same this time for me.

But things have changed and IMO they have changed now for the worst.

11-23-21, 00:06
Hey fellas, have been scanning through back posts but still have some questions. I was going to The Philippines twice a year for 3 years and loved it, but my patience is running out on its reopening. I love it there for a few reasons. It's cheap as hell. The girls are petite. My type. I'm a good looking, tall fit youngish white guy and it's like shooting fish in a barrel, in the civilian clubs and the gogo bars. Hell half the time it was free and I'd give the girls 'cab money', although a fair amount. And lastly, bareback is the norm there, and is fairly important to me. I barebacked over 100 girls there with never an issue. I do take pharmaceutical preventatives while I'm there.

I speak excellent Spanish. I lived in South America for a few years in my 20's. So my question is. If I go to Colombia, what city gets me closest to this type of environment? Somewhere that's a party town, with options to go out to bars and clubs and try my hand, and then backup paid options at girl bars. I also enjoy bringing the girls back to my hotel. I'm not really a 'go upstairs and bang one out' kinda guy. Walking around and chilling during the day. And, if bareback options are non-existent, I might just have to keep waiting for PH to open.

Unrelated but semi on-topic: My friend (a girl) went to Colombia a couple of months ago, got off the plane, tested positive for Covid, and was locked in a hotel room for 2 weeks. Got out, went straight to the airport and back to the US. Not ideal. I don't think she was vaccinated though.