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08-23-19, 05:15
Thanks alot. Any word on the cleanliness / girl friendliness?Yeah, I should have said, I had not heard any complaints. It is decent. I'm pretty sure as long as the girl is 18 with ID it's all good.

08-23-19, 09:42
Is the hotel girl friendly? I will come to and try to book a hotel, now I lean to ibis.

Hi guys,

I'll be in Bogota this Sunday. Staying for a week.

If anyone is around and wants to meet up for drinks and bar / club hopping PM me. Looking forward to hanging out. I'll be staying at Hotel Saint Simon.


08-23-19, 18:05
Sigh, I met one in Aruba, flew out there, moved her to Peru. Then moved her sibling and whole family there. We fell in love. Her family liked me, and my family went to Lima and met her, and they liked her. We talked of having children. One night she got dressed up, and I was like, "Fuck, this girl is a 10." Sex was great early on then less off it, started putting me down more: the shaming, the finger pointing, all the irresponsible shit I thought was just American women. She reminded me of my ex-wife.

A female friend of mine told me to look at all her social media. She said, "All these idiots think they can hide shit on social media, and they can't". She found her instagram page and sure enough it was like she suspected. There were all pictures of her family, friends, and none of me. Even one had the #love on it next to a guy. I was pissed, but she did zero about it to fix it. She was working when she told me she wasn't. Well, she was in on of these multimarket scams. Family pleaded with me to go to Lima and get her back. She even broke up with me before I broke up with her. Unbeknownst to my family, I decided to go to Bogota instead and offered to fly her here. I didn't hear from her. From nearly married with kids to being fucking ghosted.

I met up with Woodman last night. Streets filled with Venezuelan women. My woman would have been one of them without me.

Venezuelans are fucked up. They think that they are rich because of their oil reserves, and the world stole from there, so it is okay to steal from others. After Western nations got ripped off, China and Russia moved in and they have gotten ripped off now. Maybe it's not fair to characterize all Venezuelans this way, but I was afraid that I would lose my woman to another man, and I did. I lost her to this stupid Ponzi scheme known as imarketslive or IML, and the guy was this sleaze ball founder, Christopher Terry. It makes Amway look ethical. You don't have to work, just trade currencies. Working is for suckers. That is the socialist way right?

I don't think you can live in a country that fucked up and leave it unscathed, people eating from the trash. Jesus. It would be nice to see someone commit to a Venezuelan and them honor their word. Maybe that isn't fair but when you grow up in a culture of lies, it is hard to not lie yourself. Then you throw women in the mix and it is even worse. Yes, I think my girl was a narcissist, but how many hot women are normal? I think if I were to get married again it would have to be to an unattractive woman. Don't kid yourself, guys. These women really rarely love you. I literally got this woman out of hell, and this is what she did. Her family swore she was loyal, but in my heart, I think she was fucking around on me.Damn, man, that's awful. I feel like buying you a beer. The Venezuelan girls are good looking in my opinion, but I'd never take one seriously. If anyone has any doubt about their loyalty, they should read your post.

Mr Enternational
08-23-19, 18:17
Sex was great early on then less off it, started putting me down more: the shaming, the finger pointing, all the irresponsible shit I thought was just American women. She reminded me of my ex-wife.Dude all women are the same. It is just that you are not used to the bullshit of the women that live somewhere that you don't travel to frequently. Even less if you don't speak the language of the person. You can put up with more of the foreign bullshit (and even more if you are afraid to lose the chick) than the local bullshit, until you become accustomed to the foreign bullshit too. That is why it behooves you to put your foot down at the first sign of bullshit from any woman instead of kissing up to her and giving in to her.

I know plenty of good Venezuelan women. Don't blame them if you chose to be a hopeless romantic (I don't even let chicks know I have a facebook, nevermind putting them on mine and wanting them to put me on theirs) and white knight and go around saving people. Any expat on ISG will tell you that you have no business investing like that in a person if you are not going to be there with them day to day. Hell, I was messing with a chick where I live in Thailand. I had to head to the States to my aunt's funeral, and she got pregnant while I was gone. Her kid is almost 2 and we are still friends and fuck buddies. But unlike you, I don't invest like that in chicks, so there are no sour grapes.

You made a horrible investment and you are the only one to blame. I am sure that if you told any friends about this beforehand they told you it was a bad idea and you told them to go to hell because you knew what you were doing. I have a buddy that lives in the Philippines and he was messing with a chick that died. He was still supporting her kids afterwards. That is exactly what he told me when I told him that was not his responsibility. Then when he found out the chick really did not die and he was being scammed, it was then yeah man you were right. I do not know what I was thinking.

I have a friend that lives in Venezuela and she comes to visit me in the states every couple of years. I have known her at least 10 years. Recently she had to sell her car because she could not afford a battery for it. She plans to go to Chile but can only afford for 1 person to go so she is sending her daughter. She has never asked me for shit! Should I go volunteering to move her to Chile?

08-23-19, 19:31
Dude all women are the same. It is just that you are not used to the bullshit of the women that live somewhere that you don't travel to frequently. Even less if you don't speak the language of the person. You can put up with more of the foreign bullshit (and even more if you are afraid to lose the chick) than the local bullshit, until you become accustomed to the foreign bullshit too. That is why it behooves you to put your foot down at the first sign of bullshit from any woman instead of kissing up to her and giving in to her.

I know plenty of good Venezuelan women. Don't blame them if you chose to be a hopeless romantic (I don't even let chicks know I have a facebook, nevermind putting them on mine and wanting them to put me on theirs) and white knight and go around saving people. Any expat on ISG will tell you that you have no business investing like that in a person if you are not going to be there with them day to day. Hell, I was messing with a chick where I live in Thailand. I had to head to the States to my aunt's funeral, and she got pregnant while I was gone. Her kid is almost 2 and we are still friends and fuck buddies. But unlike you, I don't invest like that in chicks, so there are no sour grapes.

You made a horrible investment and you are the only one to blame. I am sure that if you told any friends about this beforehand they told you it was a bad idea and you told them to go to hell because you knew what you were doing. I have a buddy that lives in the Philippines and he was messing with a chick that died. He was still supporting her kids afterwards. That is exactly what he told me when I told him that was not his responsibility. Then when he found out the chick really did not die and he was being scammed, it was then yeah man you were right. I do not know what I was thinking.

I have a friend that lives in Venezuela and she comes to visit me in the states every couple of years. I have known her at least 10 years. Recently she had to sell her car because she could not afford a battery for it. She plans to go to Chile but can only afford for 1 person to go so she is sending her daughter. She has never asked me for shit! Should I go volunteering to move her to Chile?Jesus, you this harsh with everybody? I think he realizes his mistake without the salt you're pouring. Plus, I'd re-read those texts. That girl's not asking you "directly", but she's laying some hints. If she's got the cash to travel to the States, and send her daughter to Chile, the cost of a visa, along with a $50 daily limit is peanuts. You know she'd like to go, be a pal and send her the cash, ha, ha. You speak with her in English? -I'm just messing with you, man. I think his post was a good story shared. This forum is all about helping the next guy.

So, how does all this banter contribute to the forum: There's been a lot of bad luck out there with Venezuelans. Take heed, gents.

Mr Enternational
08-23-19, 21:31
So, how does all this banter contribute to the forum: There's been a lot of bad luck out there with Venezuelans. Take heed, gents.But that is all nationalities, not just Venezuelans. You can't generalize and say how bad Venezuelans are because you happened to get used by one. The problem does not lie in the nationality of the girl. The problem lies in the inability of the hopeless romantic to tell when he is being used.

Of course her family liked him if he was footing the bill for sending them all across the world. In Rio we used to say you will know how much these chicks really like you when you show up with no money. If someone is still around you when you are not paying for everything and helping them out of financial jams (those will never end) then you have a winner. But if you are always having to come out of your pocket, that is when you need to take heed.

It is easy for me to do because being a player I have probably 100 or so chicks and I am not trying to settle down like that. Imagine 100 chicks coming to me talking about needing money for a $20 electric bill or whatever. That would be 2000 damn dollars for me to give out. Not possible. But when you are concentrating on only 1 chick, the nickel and diming will slide through until either they feel they have used you enough and want to go on to suck the blood out of someone else, or you realize you have been had. In the OP's case, he had set his chick and her family up nice and it was not until she had already moved on to do her own thing when he started questioning everything.

And just like anything it gets easier with practice. It was hard the first time a chick had to ask a guy for money. But as they kept doing it, it got easier and easier to where it is just second nature and rolls off the tongue. Telling them no is the same way. It may be hard the first couple of times because you are afraid to lose out on the pussy, but as you practice it and practice it, you can do it in your sleep. One of my chicks recently asked me for money and I told her nope I did not have it. She said you never have it. I said, yet you continue to ask.

08-23-19, 21:36
A female friend of mine told me to look at all her social media. She said, "All these idiots think they can hide shit on social media, and they can't". She found her instagram page and sure enough it was like she suspected. There were all pictures of her family, friends, and none of me. Even one had the #love on it next to a guy. I was pissed, but she did zero about it to fix it. She was working when she told me she wasn't. Well, she was in on of these multimarket scams. Family pleaded with me to go to Lima and get her back. She even broke up with me before I broke up with her. Unbeknownst to my family, I decided to go to Bogota instead and offered to fly her here. I didn't hear from her. From nearly married with kids to being fucking ghosted.
Yes they will use you and lie to you. Don't let them. In the animal kingdom you need to be assertive. I've been burned before in my early days of mongering but not as bad. Here's how to do it properly:

(1) Stop looking for love in foreign places. You can find it where you live. It doesn't even need to be romantic love. A good female friend is just as valuable and sufficient.

(2) All Latinas who take money from extranjeros (foreigners) to support themselves are going to have at least one, sometimes more, local guys they party with and fuck. Especially in Colombia women don't go out alone so they always need a guy to go with. Usually these guys are scumbags who mooch off the chica since you keep supporting her. Sometimes they are just weak men who can't find anyone except a prostitute to be with them.

(3) Don't talk long term or any of that shit. You don't want to be the guy I mention in point (2). You want to be the rich guy who fucks her like a champ whenever you're in town.

(4) Accept the fact that fucking and dating for short periods when you visit is all you're going to get. Everything else is just lies, pain and suffering.

Go to Colombia. Have a good time. Take some photos. When you get back you can look at the photos and remember the good times. Unless you move there that's all you should expect.

08-24-19, 01:05
Jesus, you this harsh with everybody? I think he realizes his mistake without the salt you're pouring. Plus, I'd re-read those texts. That girl's not asking you "directly", but she's laying some hints. If she's got the cash to travel to the States, and send her daughter to Chile, the cost of a visa, along with a $50 daily limit is peanuts. You know she'd like to go, be a pal and send her the cash, ha, ha. You speak with her in English? -I'm just messing with you, man. I think his post was a good story shared. This forum is all about helping the next guy.

So, how does all this banter contribute to the forum: There's been a lot of bad luck out there with Venezuelans. Take heed, gents.It's a harsh world. You're not doing anyone a favor by sugar coating everything.

Substitute an American from Texas for his Venezuelan and I had the same experience. It hits you in the gut when you find out the woman who has been telling your whole family how much she loves you, is out shopping for a better deal. It's even worse when her mother is telling you how much her daughter loves you, while the mother is setting her up with married sugar daddies.

It's an expensive lesson to learn and money isn't the biggest cost.

08-24-19, 01:11
Yes they will use you and lie to you. Don't let them. In the animal kingdom you need to be assertive. I've been burned before in my early days of mongering but not as bad. Here's how to do it properly:

(1) Stop looking for love in foreign places. You can find it where you live. It doesn't even need to be romantic love. A good female friend is just as valuable and sufficient.

(2) All Latinas who take money from extranjeros (foreigners) to support themselves are going to have at least one, sometimes more, local guys they party with and fuck. Especially in Colombia women don't go out alone so they always need a guy to go with. Usually these guys are scumbags who mooch off the chica since you keep supporting her. Sometimes they are just weak men who can't find anyone except a prostitute to be with them.

(3) Don't talk long term or any of that shit. You don't want to be the guy I mention in point (2). You want to be the rich guy who fucks her like a champ whenever you're in town.

(4) Accept the fact that fucking and dating for short periods when you visit is all you're going to get. Everything else is just lies, pain and suffering.

Go to Colombia. Have a good time. Take some photos. When you get back you can look at the photos and remember the good times. Unless you move there that's all you should expect.If you want to see the truth of #2, go hang out around Western Union and watch. You'll see the hot chicks go in to pick up money. They'll almost always have 2 guys with them. One is the boyfriend. The other is his friend. After they get the money, she'll take them out partying.

Elvis 2008
08-24-19, 01:57
I have a friend that lives in Venezuela and she comes to visit me in the states every couple of years. I have known her at least 10 years. Recently she had to sell her car because she could not afford a battery for it. She plans to go to Chile but can only afford for 1 person to go so she is sending her daughter. She has never asked me for shit! Should I go volunteering to move her to Chile?Are you serious? Are you really bragging about this? This is how you treat a "friend"?

08-24-19, 12:00
It is easy for me to do because being a player I have probably 100 or so chicks and I am not trying to settle down like that.Slapping my knee, this is cracking me up so much. How do you find the time to post so much with a harem like that swooning over you?

08-24-19, 14:33
............I don't think you can live in a country that fucked up and leave it unscathed, people eating from the trash. Jesus. It would be nice to see someone commit to a Venezuelan and them honor their word............In San Francisco people are eating from the trash and pooping on the streets.

Elvis 2008
08-24-19, 15:28

I get you guys are trying to be helpful, but the cynicism you and me show towards women is pretty incredible. I don't regret my relationship with my fiance it all. There is something to be said for wanting to lay in her arms all night versus just fuck, the special way a woman in love looks at you. I have been cynical too. I didn't think I could fall in love again, didn't think it was in me to want to be monogamous with someone again, but I did. We were together for 2 years. What broke us up was that she didn't understand how free markets were. This company she "worked" for was very slick, but that is all they were, and she, being from a socialist country, fell for a multilevel marketing scheme that I doubt she would have fell for if she lived in a capitalist country. People from Venezuela are different because of what they have been told, what they have seen, and you can talk to the average Colombian about Venezuelans, and they will share their views which are practically identical to mine.

It's different than when the USSR fell and Russian women stormed the scene in the late 1990's. Those women were kept in the dark, but it is similar in that Venezuelans have to learn the rules of capitalism. They come from a country where they see people eating out of the trash, leaders who derided capitalism but stuffed their pockets full of cash. The American Dream doesn't exist in Venezuela. If you work hard, had a long term perspective, and provided solutions in the market place, you were a sucker. The government would steal you blind. The people who got rich in Venezuela are / were self serving drug dealers and thieves. That affects people. My gal thought this multilevel marketing shit was going to make her a millionaire, and she didn't tell me about it because she knew I was cynical of it. She still believes that she will be rich doing it BTW. I shouldn't have put the stuff in there about seeing another man. I think it was more about how she was hiding who she was from me that made her sexually frigid in the end. And you guys don't get this part. Both our families were cynical of our relationship and when they saw us together, they wanted it to work out. It wasn't just me who bought into the dream.

And the reason I posted my story was to warn people about Venezuelans. They ARE different because of what they have seen, what they have been told. I was concerned about losing my gal to another guy: a guy with rip roaring abs or one who gave her more cash. I never thought I would lose her to a con man.

I think what you guys ARE talking about is falling for a woman like this Santa Fe stripper I met. The best lay of the trip so far has been Asakira. She dances at Troya. Well, all the women move around the clubs down there, but that was the one club where we met. I invited her back to my hotel. She was up for $100 for TLN. I paid for the hotel versus in house facilities because she agreed to DFK and BBBJs OTC. She was so good in bed that a lot of guys would fall for her right there. Her BBBJ may have been the best I have ever had. The reason I am sharing her name is because outside of another roll in the hay, I am not interested in anything else with her.

I don't get the part about being with someone every day. For 18 months, there were no issues with me and my gal. If she were in a position where she could have come to the USA, it might have worked even better. I was giving her in a month what I paid a SB for a night with me. Paying for a USA Girl with her qualities for a week or two in Mexico would have cost four, maybe even five figures in the past. You can video chat for free these days and we did every week. Shit, half of the times I have bought an American woman a ticket for a trip, I have been stiffed. American women are scared of traveling for some reason. My gal loved it, and here in Colombia, every woman I have offered up a trip with has ate it up, and they have jumped at the meager amount per day I have offered. I probably am going to cut the offer in half and see what happens.

It's never easy to know how much to give. Steve Jobs said it was easier to make money than to give it away. It's tricky. You want to give enough so a woman can do anything but not enough so they do nothing. That is a paraphrased line from Warren Buffett, and I am skeptical of anyone who thinks they have the answer on how much the right amount is to give any woman.

Yes, I want to recreate what I had. I am not forcing love, but I want to be with someone with the potential for love. I am interested in seeing a Colombian woman for a week vacation and see what happens from there. The price is too high for quality American women. I had some of the best looking and best performing SBs you guys have ever seen: Bud Light girl, college cheerleader, a woman who was a dead ringer for a SI swimsuit model, but I never thought about getting serious with any of them. They all had a screw loose, and they want marriage for something serious. I know Hollywood talks of Romance and the hell of divorce is not talked about nearly enough. 50% of my income? Fuck that.

I have met and bedded several Colombian women now. Just because they are professionals does not mean they aren't hucksters, but it is cynical to think they are all hucksters. The best lay was the Santa Fe stripper, but the test time I had was with a 2nd grade teacher, and she was great in the sack. The woman loved sucking cock. In between her, who never even gave me a price tag, was an engineer asking for $400 a day and a lawyer who wanted $300. I kicked them both to the curb. The other one with potential for a vacation was a 19 year old who is a model / finance student. She is too young for anything serious, but she would be fun to hang with for a week. And I have more lined up. It's been a busy week.

Elvis 2008
08-24-19, 16:09
In San Francisco people are eating from the trash and pooping on the streets.In Venezuela, teachers asked their students to pray to God to give them ice cream. They prayed and got nothing. The teachers then asked them to pray to Hugo Chavez, and they did so, and the teachers gave them ice cream. The teachers then told the students that they could trust Hugo Chavez more than God.

The sad part is I can today see an American politician read the above story, stroking his chin saying, "Hmmm, not a bad idea."

08-24-19, 16:49
Hello ISG,

Last night was a very fun night, we went to Pasarela Club and had a very fun moment, prices are as the regular clubs in Santa Fe, but this club is in 49 and Caracas, there are three more clubs.

The amazing thing of the night was discovering the night club Fourty Nine, because it is awesome, I would say that is the best club I have been in Bogota, it has really nice VIP section, nice very nice girls, and a lot of other places inside it that it makes you feel that you are not in Bogota, well I hope you have the opportunity to come.

Johny V.

08-24-19, 17:15
In San Francisco people are eating from the trash and pooping on the streets.Indeed. Just one small difference. In the US those are a minority and in V'zla they are a majority. Extreme leftward views with which sadly some in the US are flirting invariably lead to such an outcome. I trust that the majority in the US have the sense to know that, but if I am wrong in that, then the US is not immune to such developments either. Might just take a bit more time.

Mr Enternational
08-24-19, 18:16
Are you serious? Are you really bragging about this? This is how you treat a "friend"?I am plenty of people's friend; I am nobody's bank. There is a difference. You however, after being someone's bank, is saying how terrible an entire nationality is. I should be the one asking if YOU are serious.

I was concerned about losing my gal to another guy: a guy with rip roaring abs or one who gave her more cash. I guess you still don't know what the Beetles were singing of when they said that money can't buy me love.

08-24-19, 19:25
Spot on from JjBee. Listen up to all your "hopeless romantics", first I must admit that I too use to fall into this category but here in Colombia the very best advice that I can give anyone is do NOT take anything or anyone serious, especially the chicas. I will be the first to admit that I had to learn this life lesson.

I don't give a shit how well they fuck you in bed or how they can look into your eyes and your feeling that they are touching your soul, how when they tell you that "age difference does not matter" or how they treat you when around in public. Enjoy it ABSOLUTELY but never take anything serious.

I know it is difficult but please follow this advice. I can spend days detailing real experiences that I have had and some ongoing, hell just twice in the past 2 days with 2 different paisas proclaiming their undying love and devotion to me and guess what? Yep this same chicas are some of the girls that some of you think is all into you..Your mailbox is full. Did you make it to Cucuta? And any idea how to motivate / pay bus fare (for a vnz girl and know if she will show up?

08-24-19, 20:34
How's the scene in Santa Fe and Chapinero on Sunday and Monday night?

Going next week but only have time those nights, 9/1 and 9/2.

Santa Fe is always better not alone, so looking for a wingman. I want to try la 49 as well given the recent good reports.

I'm young and like to party / drink, I'm fluent in Spanish.

Hit me up if I'm Bogota those dates.

08-24-19, 23:10
I am plenty of people's friend; I am nobody's bank. There is a difference. You however, after being someone's bank, is saying how terrible an entire nationality is. I should be the one asking if YOU are serious.

I guess you still don't know what the Beetles were singing of when they said that money can't buy me love.If you can lose a girl to a guy with a better body, or more money, you never had her in the first place.

The whole "all Venezuelans" stuff is pure garbage.

I haven't had experience with all Venezuelans yet. I guess I have some catching up to do. I did have experience with 1 Venezuelan. The first 2 times I was trying her out as a webcam model. She had potential. If she'd known some English, she would have done well. The third meeting with her she said she didn't want to do the webcam, but she would be happy to earn the money making it up to me. We spent about 2 hours just talking, working into a bit of foreplay, which became an excellent, long session. If I wasn't busy with everything else, I'd have gotten around to a few more dates.

Plenty of time went by and she hit me on Whatsapp. Chatted a bit. Told her my current situation, she told me hers. After that she checked in a few more times. Never asked for anything, never mentioned any problems.

Hit her up again in June, to let her know I'd be back in July. She was in Venezuela, but hoping to get back to Medellin before I arrived. No request for money, no sob story. Told me what she was working on and that was all. Once I was on the ground I checked in again and learned she hoped to be in Medellin while I was there.

She arrived, let me know and we set up a date to see a movie. I paid for a coffee. I offered to pay for a beer, she declined. I paid for the movie and I had my taxi drop her where she's staying, on my way home.

The next day she called to ask for a favor. I was expecting she would finally ask for money. Instead, she asked if she could use the apartment to take some pictures. She showed up, paid her own taxi and I took some pics and video of her. We chatted for a while. I wasn't feeling a strong urge to get her into bed, she wasn't feeling it either, so I walked her out, flagged down a taxi and said goodbye.

We're still in contact. When I return, we'll probably get together again. Maybe another movie, maybe dinner, or maybe she'll be spending the night with me. The one thing I'm certain she won't do is turn into a gold digger.

She also seems to have had no problems learning capitalism. She's been paying her own way. When I met her for the movie I had to wait while she bought a new Samsung A50 at the Claro store. She even offered to pay for the coffee.

Elvis 2008
08-25-19, 08:10
If you can lose a girl to a guy with a better body, or more money, you never had her in the first place..Are you really quoting a guy who misquoted me? Seriously? Don't let the fact that I didn't lose the girl to a guy with more money or a better body get in the way of your opinion though.

The whole "all Venezuelans" stuff is pure garbage.

I haven't had experience with all Venezuelans yet. Then why would you post anything else?

Let me ask you and ME this question then given your incredible "knowledge" on Venezuela.

Venezuela has larger oil reserves than Saudi Arabia so why is Saudi Arabia a rich country and Venezuela a poor one?

Elvis 2008
08-25-19, 09:19
How's the scene in Santa Fe and Chapinero on Sunday and Monday night?

Going next week but only have time those nights, 9/1 and 9/2.

Santa Fe is always better not alone, so looking for a wingman. I want to try la 49 as well given the recent good reports.I have been hanging out with an ISG member, a cool guy. Maybe he will reach out to you like he did me. It was fun having a wing man, but I don't think Santa Fe is all that dangerous. I met up with Woodman one night. He is a great guy and gave me the lay of the land. I have been 4 X: once during the day by myself, once with Woodman, and twice with the other guy from ISG. I was with two girls from the street who were standing in front of the hotels. They were young, and they were okay. They didn't really know how to give head all that well and I negotiated oral without for 50 k with each of them.

I have been with Asakira twice. She is a 21 year old Venezuelan stripper who I think is at least a 9 and moves like a 10. I did TLN for $100 with her one night in my hotel. I saw her back at Troya and went upstairs with her. The sex was again unfucking real, and this time I paid around 70 k or $20.

After being with Asakira and talking to Woodman and the ISG member, I really saw no reason to go to any of the Chaperino spa places, casas, or high end clubs. It seems like a complete waste of money.

Routard's guide to Colombia is one of the best pieces I have seen written on this site, and I have read it two or three times. He did a great service to the forum with his guide.

We headed out to the clubs he mentioned in primer de mayo, and I don't think either of us were all that impressed. There were much more aggressive men pushing you into the clubs than in the Santa Fe area, and while the female: male ratio on a Saturday night was way better than Santa Fe, the prices weren't all that great. We were quoted 40 k for a show or lap dance, 100 k, and were told by one girl that she doesn't do shows. In Santa Fe, I paid 20 and 25 k for shows. Maybe if you found a great gal in primer de mayo, it would be worth going to, but I thought Santa Fe was safer, cheaper, and better.

I have been using Colombian Cupid, Latin American Cupid, and seeking arrangement to find regular women or semi-pros and it has been a lot of work, but it has yielded some very pleasant experiences. If you want GFE+++, that is the way to go.

When I was here and in Medellin a decade or so ago, I wasn't that impressed. The Colombian women appeared to be very scared, and I couldn't for the life of me get any one of them to kiss, give BBBJ or do GFE+++. I think what has changed at least for me has been using the google translator. Even though I only speak a little Spanish, I have been able to communicate with these women using GT with no problem at all, and that fear is gone. I can see why guys are so crazy for Colombian women now. They are really tender, loving, sweet, and good hearted. I still think the Brazilians overall perform better, but the Colombian women have made me feel much more special. They love to please their man.

Yeah, there are the idiot foreigners who have way overpaid some women and once a woman is paid a ton one time, she thinks that she is worth that from then on. I had one woman who wanted $300 for an hour, one who wanted $500 a day and went down to $400, and finally, an English speaking Colombian who wanted $700 for a whole day. I couldn't believe the women asked for this much and there are guys out there dumb enough to pay it.

I came to Colombia to find an intimate, sugar baby type relationship with a woman who has the potential to grow into more than that. I was hoping to find one prospect, and I have found three so far, and the trip is only half over.

I also found an amazing 19 year old swimsuit model who is kind of half of a sugar baby. I really don't know what term to use for a woman who fucks for money but won't fuck just anybody for money. The best I could come up with is sugar baby escort. Anyway, I invited her to Cancun and asked if she could find one of her modeling friends to come with her for a friend of mine. She was thrilled with the suggestion. She sent a picture of her friend and I asked that she bring her along the next time we met. She asked me, "Oh, you want to do a threesome?" That wasn't my intention but I wasn't going to say no.

It has been an amazing trip for me, and all I can say is God bless Colombia. If you can't have fun here, I am not sure you can have fun anywhere.

08-25-19, 10:59
Well you're making me want to take this trip to Bogota.

Really enjoyed the write up.

Hope I can get this success like you did.

Maybe I can meet up you some time next month.


I get you guys are trying to be helpful, but the cynicism you and me show towards women is pretty incredible. I don't regret my relationship with my fiance it all. There is something to be said for wanting to lay in her arms all night versus just fuck, the special way a woman in love looks at you. I have been cynical too. I didn't think I could fall in love again, didn't think it was in me to want to be monogamous with someone again, but I did. We were together for 2 years. What broke us up was that she didn't understand how free markets were. This company she "worked" for was very slick, but that is all they were, and she, being from a socialist country, fell for a multilevel marketing scheme that I doubt she would have fell for if she lived in a capitalist country. People from Venezuela are different because of what they have been told, what they have seen, and you can talk to the average Colombian about Venezuelans, and they will share their views which are practically identical to mine.

It's different than when the USSR fell and Russian women stormed the scene in the late 1990's. Those women were kept in the dark, but it is similar in that Venezuelans have to learn the rules of capitalism. They come from a country where they see people eating out of the trash, leaders who derided capitalism but stuffed their pockets full of cash. The American Dream doesn't exist in Venezuela. If you work hard, had a long term perspective, and provided solutions in the market place, you were a sucker. The government would steal you blind..

08-25-19, 11:37
The whole "all Venezuelans" stuff is pure garbage.Haha, no doubt about it.

Obviously can't lump all people from a country in one basket.

As of lately, the coolest girls I'm meeting in Colombia are the Venezuelans.

08-25-19, 13:41
I really don't know what term to use for a woman who fucks for money but won't fuck just anybody for money. A liar. That's what you call her when she tells you she's exclusive or selective. They're not. Unless you're completely repulsive they'll do you and just charge more.

Madra Bid Dog
08-25-19, 16:11
Took a stroll down Santa Fe during daylight and the amount of women there is insane. All young hotties all over average price is 25,000 to 30,000 pesos- about 5 bucks. It is totally insane. I've been here several times and I've have not seen anything like it elsewhere. You will find anything to please your desires here.

Madra Bid Dog
08-25-19, 16:40

While it might be true in some cases, I did send 80 bucks a few months back to a Colombian girl I knew when she got laid off. I came back to Bogota and she just fucked me for 3 days and two nights (hell I'm still recuperating). All I has to do is get lunch / dinner and pay her cab to get her clothes from home on the second day. While I do speak Spanish I don't think is safe to assume all are gold digging leeches. On that note I bought some tequila to a young hottie in zona rosa. She came to my apartment all night with me. She was buzzing hard and just wanted to party. Cost? A bottle of tequila and her cab fare.

If you want to see the truth of #2, go hang out around Western Union and watch. You'll see the hot chicks go in to pick up money. They'll almost always have 2 guys with them. One is the boyfriend. The other is his friend. After they get the money, she'll take them out partying.

08-25-19, 18:08
After being with Asakira and talking to Woodman and the ISG member, I really saw no reason to go to any of the Chaperino spa places, casas, or high end clubs. It seems like a complete waste of money.The problem with Santa Fe is that the girls are just way more used and disease ridden than the clubs or agency escorts. In general, I know there are exceptions. There was this guy on this forum whose strategy was to bareback as many girls in Santa Fe as possible. And he didn't like club girls or escorts because they refused to bareback with him. So the chances of getting something like Herpes or whatever is a lot higher with street girls. I don't judge anyone, but it's just not my scene.

08-25-19, 18:17
............I also found an amazing 19 year old swimsuit model who is kind of half of a sugar baby. I really don't know what term to use for a woman who fucks for money but won't fuck just anybody for money...........I know what term to use.....a non-pro.

08-25-19, 18:22
...............Yeah, there are the idiot foreigners who have way overpaid some women ..............I have no problem with foreigners overpaying Colombian working girls. I am happy for the girls to get a little extra cash. That way they can spend a little more money caring for themselves to look and feel better when its time to service me.

Elvis 2008
08-25-19, 18:39
I am happy for the girls to get a little extra cash. That way they can spend a little more money caring for themselves to look and feel better when its time to service me.

I agree with you, Turgid, but the key phrase there is a little extra cash. It's hard to know exactly how much to give. It is easy to say no though when you have women demanding extreme amounts. So far, all the women I have been with have wanted to see me again.

I know what term to use.....a non-pro.

I like that term a lot better than liar.

Elvis 2008
08-25-19, 18:59
Obviously can't lump all people from a country in one basket.

As of lately, the coolest girls I'm meeting in Colombia are the Venezuelans.You get that most Venezuelans are in Colombia illegally right? That they practically have no rights?

My ex had a stalker in Peru. The Peruvian police were polite, but they basically told her that you are Venezuelan and you don't pay our salary, so we don't give a fuck about you.

And Peru has been much more generous to the Venezuelans than Colombia has.

Under Obama, a secret service agent stiffed a Colombian hooker and it was an international incident as the police took the hooker's side. What do you think the police would have done if the hooker was Venezuelan?

Elvis 2008
08-25-19, 19:21
Are you really quoting a guy who misquoted me? Seriously?What I meant by this is after 3 days with my ex I had feelings for her and moved her to Peru. I really liked her but didn't love her or know her that well. I didn't know how she would react to the economic freedom and prosperity Peru offers in comparison to Venezuela. That is what I meant about losing her to a guy with more money or muscle bound guy.

We fell in love about 3 months after that move. It was two years later when I lost her to a con man.

As for the family always being in on my ex's action, they weren't. The first thing my ex did was beg me not to tell her parents. Her sister was straight up with me. She told me that my ex never strayed but called her crazy, told me that she had been to a doctor for narcissistic tendencies, and apologized for the rest of her family. I felt sorry for them for abruptly cutting them off on account of her, but the family refused to take a penny from me.

Elvis 2008
08-25-19, 19:48

While it might be true in some cases, I did send 80 bucks a few months back to a Colombian girl I knew when she got laid off. I came back to Bogota and she just fucked me for 3 days and two nights (hell I'm still recuperating). All I has to do is get lunch / dinner and pay her cab to get her clothes from home on the second day. While I do speak Spanish I don't think is safe to assume all are gold digging leeches.MBD, the stereotypes these guys come up with aren't worth addressing. All women are the same, their families are the same, but stereotype on nationality? That isn't cool.

I can think of five different and easier ways to send money than Western Union. How would anyone know who sent the money and that these hot women are getting money from foreigners who have two (not one and not three) guys with them and the exact role these men play? Hang out at Western Union all day? All over a city?

Kudos to you on scoring big.

Mr Enternational
08-25-19, 20:11
The problem with Santa Fe is that the girls are just way more used and disease ridden than the clubs or agency escorts. In general, I know there are exceptions. There was this guy on this forum whose strategy was to bareback as many girls in Santa Fe as possible. And he didn't like club girls or escorts because they refused to bareback with him. So the chances of getting something like Herpes or whatever is a lot higher with street girls. I don't judge anyone, but it's just not my scene.So because one guy told you a story, you were able to deduce that a whole area is used and disease ridden? I would actually assume it was the opposite. MFs hiring agency chicks and escorts are paying top money so of course they are going to require shit they may not be able to get from a chick at a cheap spot. For instance those dudes in Dubai ordering up chicks paying all that money and shitting on chicks and the like.

Chicks at cheap places are not going to be down with that. In the words of a Calle 18 chick that I was fucking in Ecuador who would not stop playing with her phone, "It is only six dollars. " So who is going to get the stops pulled out? The dude paying $6 or the dude paying $200?

Mr Enternational
08-25-19, 20:33
but the family refused to take a penny from me.

Sigh, I met one in Aruba, flew out there, moved her to Peru. Then moved her sibling and whole family there.Not seeing the difference between me offering a chick $100 to go buy a microwave and her refusing it, and me going to the store and spending $100 on a microwave and handing it to the chick and her accepting it.

I could care less about money. What I care about is the shit that I can get with money. If someone is giving me all the shit then me not actually accepting the cash needed to spend on said shit is irrelevant.

Them not accepting money is not saying you did not spend money on them, as you have so eloquently stated that you did. Or is someone copying the exact same thing that you wrote once again a misquote as well?

Madra Bid Dog
08-25-19, 21:47
I agree with you 100%. Some of these girls are just trying to make it and stereotyping ain't cool. These guys are just assuming there are lines at the western union of women waiting for money from dumb foreigners. I could tell many stories about my experiences in Colombia. Hell I get laid every day almost twice a day with awesome women when I travel Colombian women are awesome, shit I find worse women back home in the US than here.

MBD, the stereotypes these guys come up with aren't worth addressing. All women are the same, their families are the same, but stereotype on nationality? That isn't cool.

I can think of five different and easier ways to send money than Western Union. How would anyone know who sent the money and that these hot women are getting money from foreigners who have two (not one and not three) guys with them and the exact role these men play? Hang out at Western Union all day? All over a city?

Kudos to you on scoring big.

Madra Bid Dog
08-25-19, 21:53
Does anybody avoid the Venezuelan girls? They usually go way cheaper but it comes to a higher risk. I personally prefer Colombians because is what I like but 6 bucks for a Venezuelan might be hard to pass up. Venezuelans lack healthcare, are more homily and hangout with a lot of unsavory individuals. Santa Fe has been completely overrun by Venezuelans many of the trafficked. I usually stick online for take out.

Elvis 2008
08-26-19, 00:30
Them not accepting money is not saying you did not spend money on them, as you have so eloquently stated that you did.Sigh.

I flew the sister out 3 months after I was in love with my gal, and the parents were flown out six months later. That was when we were together.

After we broke up, the family wouldn't accept a penny from me.

I really am sorry that facts get in the way of your narrative that all women and their families are the same.

I could care less about money. What I care about is the shit that I can get with money.Right. You like to think you are total control of your money. You earned and deserved it. But if the central bank prints more and more money, your money and the shit you can buy becomes less and less, and that is out of your control.

And if a central bank did print money like crazy and devalued what you owned by 99+%, do you think maybe, possibly it would have some kind of an effect on you and the other people in that country? Eh, but it's not like there is a country where that recently actually happened or at least not one that you know about. Right?

08-26-19, 05:59
Does anybody avoid the Venezuelan girls? They usually go way cheaper but it comes to a higher risk. I personally prefer Colombians because is what I like but 6 bucks for a Venezuelan might be hard to pass up. Venezuelans lack healthcare, are more homily and hangout with a lot of unsavory individuals. Santa Fe has been completely overrun by Venezuelans many of the trafficked. I usually stick online for take out.Wow, You know a lot. I see tons of Venezuelan girls just as and more beautiful than Colombianas.

There are many girls who were students and did not do this kind of work in Venezuela.

There are all color of girl from the middle class and poor too.

Also prices are the same although there are more Venezuelans on the street. I don't know that the Colombianas are any different as far as healthcare.

08-26-19, 10:48
The only thing that bothered me about the Venezuelan girls in Santa Fe was they almost universally had some fucked up, painted on eyebrows. Even with super-hot girls, it was something that was hard to ignore when making eye contact with them. I don't get it. For the most part, they didn't wear too much hooker makeup but 90% shaved their eyebrows and painted on something hideous. Is it some fashion-trend down there? If so, I can wait until it goes away.

The Tall Man
08-26-19, 13:27
The only thing that bothered me about the Venezuelan girls in Santa Fe was they almost universally had some fucked up, painted on eyebrows. Even with super-hot girls, it was something that was hard to ignore when making eye contact with them. I don't get it. For the most part, they didn't wear too much hooker makeup but 90% shaved their eyebrows and painted on something hideous. Is it some fashion-trend down there? If so, I can wait until it goes away.True that, that eyebrow shit reminds me of the Mexican cholo chics back in the day in the barrios of LOS Angeles CA. They did all kinds of shit to their eyebrows with some of them going as far as making themselves look like a clown.

The Tall Man.

Mr Enternational
08-26-19, 14:25
The only thing that bothered me about the Venezuelan girls in Santa Fe was they almost universally had some fucked up, painted on eyebrows. Even with super-hot girls, it was something that was hard to ignore when making eye contact with them. I don't get it. For the most part, they didn't wear too much hooker makeup but 90% shaved their eyebrows and painted on something hideous. Is it some fashion-trend down there? If so, I can wait until it goes away.LOL. Did you talk to them about it? If I see a chick doing shit I consider strange then I ask them about it out of curiosity. And my guess is that they are tattooed on that way since makeup tattoo is the thing now. This is a chick I mess with in Dominican Republic. Women just tend to do dumb shit.

08-26-19, 16:23
You get that most Venezuelans are in Colombia illegally right? That they practically have no rights?

My ex had a stalker in Peru. The Peruvian police were polite, but they basically told her that you are Venezuelan and you don't pay our salary, so we don't give a fuck about you.

And Peru has been much more generous to the Venezuelans than Colombia has.

Under Obama, a secret service agent stiffed a Colombian hooker and it was an international incident as the police took the hooker's side. What do you think the police would have done if the hooker was Venezuelan?Hmmm, Ok, so what does that have to do with if a girl is cool, good in the sack, GFE, etc?

I appreciate the lesson though, LOL.

Elvis 2008
08-26-19, 18:00
The problem with Santa Fe is that the girls are just way more used and disease ridden than the clubs or agency escorts. In general, I know there are exceptions. There was this guy on this forum whose strategy was to bareback as many girls in Santa Fe as possible. And he didn't like club girls or escorts because they refused to bareback with him. So the chances of getting something like Herpes or whatever is a lot higher with street girls. I don't judge anyone, but it's just not my scene.I could link studies and tell you how to really prevent getting herpes (PM if you want and BTW condoms don't prevent herpes), but I got a feeling this is more emotional than rational for you because it is for me too. The noise, the bed, the often loud music, the smell, the cheapness and unsanitary appearing conditions of the hotel rooms or rooms in the club often have made Elvis JR go limp. It wasn't an issue with Asakira because she turned me on so much, but it is a problem. I have to be really turned on by a woman on Santa Fe or I know it won't be any good.

It is anecdotal but one of the best books I ever read was Pimp by Iceberg Slim, and he had to deal with all kinds of working girls, and he proclaimed the young ones never got sick. Most of the Santa Fe women are young. Realistically, the health risks are the same in both places IMO, but if you have germophobia, I get it and you probably won't have a good time if you go.

And FWIW, maybe the less attractive women are willing to do BB, but I couldn't get any of the attractive ones I saw on Santa Fe to even give me a price. OTOH, the regular women I have met on my dates have almost all been a different story.

Elvis 2008
08-26-19, 18:18
I appreciate the lesson though, LOL.Why? You didn't understand it.

Hmmm, Ok, so what does that have to do with if a girl is cool, good in the sack, GFE, etc?I am not going to even go into the legal issues because God knows what some guys here would do if they understood them. What are the career choices a Venezuelan woman has in comparison to a Colombian one? Which type of woman has a tremendous incentive to perform better?

Elvis 2008
08-26-19, 18:45
Does anybody avoid the Venezuelan girls? They usually go way cheaper but it comes to a higher risk. I personally prefer Colombians because is what I like but 6 bucks for a Venezuelan might be hard to pass up. Venezuelans lack healthcare, are more homily and hangout with a lot of unsavory individuals.
Santa Fe has been completely overrun by Venezuelans many of the trafficked. Any guy trafficking women out of Venezuela is not evil. He is doing them a favor. Seriously. People are going hungry in Venezuela, and I think the average Venezuelan has lost something like 20 lbs. The average salary buys you like two hamburgers a month. The only thing keeping Venezuela afloat now is drug running and people wiring in money to the people there or bringing in hard currencies and goods through the black market.

There are pharmacies all over Santa Fe where almost all STD medications can be bought without a prescription and on the cheap, and the girls are young and most appear healthy so I wouldn't let the health issue scare you.

The young ones don't perform as well as the older women do in general, but at 6 bucks a pop, you can try out a lot and find a keeper. The first one I had was below average, the second was average, and the third was among the best I have ever had.

When I was out with Woodman, I said, "You know this place looks scary but it really isn't", and he said, "Yeah, it's not. " As long as you stay alert and don't get too drunk and watch your drinks, I think you will be fine.

08-26-19, 18:47
Why? You didn't understand it.

I am not going to even go into the legal issues because God knows what some guys here would do if they understood them. What are the career choices a Venezuelan woman has in comparison to a Colombian one? Which type of woman has a tremendous incentive to perform better?Haha, thanks man, Of course I understand.

I've lived in Venezuela, live in Colombia and Brasil, speak very well, Portuguese and Spanish.

I get it, but again, thanks for the lesson, LOL. 🤪

Elvis 2008
08-27-19, 01:27
Well you're making me want to take this trip to Bogota.

Really enjoyed the write up.

Hope I can get this success like you did.

Maybe I can meet up you some time next month.Sureman, I have a few more days here, but I am coming back in a few weeks. My goal was to find a South American sugar baby, and two so far have stood out to me, and I have to finalize things. However that smoking hot 19 year old I spoke of is really sweet, awesome in bed, and is GFE +++. She is a model and has friends too. If you PM me and we coordinate times, maybe I can make an introduction for you. 19 is too young IMO for being a SB for me, but she was so hot I wanted to see her.

Thing is that she is going to want more escort / prepago rates than Santa Fe rates, but she won't charge you by the hour and you can have MSOG if you want. If she were in the USA depending on the city, I bet she would go for $400 to $700 an hour.

08-27-19, 02:34
You get that most Venezuelans are in Colombia illegally right? That they practically have no rights?

My ex had a stalker in Peru. The Peruvian police were polite, but they basically told her that you are Venezuelan and you don't pay our salary, so we don't give a fuck about you.

And Peru has been much more generous to the Venezuelans than Colombia has.

Under Obama, a secret service agent stiffed a Colombian hooker and it was an international incident as the police took the hooker's side. What do you think the police would have done if the hooker was Venezuelan?You get that most Venezuelans are in Colombia legally, right? They practically have the rights of citizens.


And Peru has been much less generous to Venezuelans than Colombia.


Why yes. I think the police would have taken the girl's side if she was Venezuelan. She was the victim of a crime. While not all police are perfect, police tend to take the side of crime victims over criminals.

I have no opinion on your ex, her alleged stalker and the alleged Peruvian police response, since it seems to be impossible to be polite while saying "we don't give a fuck about you."

08-27-19, 16:55
I could link studies and tell you how to really prevent getting herpes (PM if you want and BTW condoms don't prevent herpes).............Why not share the link? Why keep it secret?

08-27-19, 17:53
Hello ISG,

As always, Monday was pretty much slow, but like I always say too, there is a lot of fun in Bogota. You must come to Fourty Nine Night Club, I would say that it is the best here in Bogota.

Johny V.

08-28-19, 05:37
Hello ISG,

As always, Monday was pretty much slow, but like I always say too, there is a lot of fun in Bogota. You must come to Fourty Nine Night Club, I would say that it is the best here in Bogota.

Johny V.This is the place with the 26 mil beers?

08-28-19, 06:54
Hello ISG,

As always, Monday was pretty much slow, but like I always say too, there is a lot of fun in Bogota. You must come to Fourty Nine Night Club, I would say that it is the best here in Bogota.

Johny V.Are you a promoter for this Forty Nine Night Club? No offense, but you sound like a paid promoter.

Elvis 2008
08-28-19, 21:05
This one works as a bill collector at a bank and makes $300 a month. She was great, definite SB material. Fluent in English. https://www.seeking.com/member/bc99349a-1deb-4419-b964-fc6ba636fa9e.

I fell in lust with this girl just based on her picture and went to Baranquilla just to see her. She was hot, showed up late, rushed out, and everything was covered. https://www.seeking.com/member/48f7ebcc-d004-474a-a99d-b2383e1cdc8e.

She offered to come to Bogota for $500 per day. I told her no. Fluent in English. Engineer making $600 a month.

First girl I saw may have been the most striking: https://www.seeking.com/member/f87735fa-4fbf-42e5-94ce-3134b8e88181.

She is 19, a model, tall, sweet as could be, and would look good on anyone's arm. If you want a just plan fun and hot SB, she is the one. It's crazy I am giving this one up. Not much English though.

Another pretty nice girl here too: https://www.seeking.com/member/2c12e77d-b3b1-481e-a2ae-0a682c432dbb.

She was 22, doesn't show teeth in her pics because they are chipped, nose is a little crooked, but she is thin, fit, and tight. Nice but not incredibly sweet. English was not good.

This one was a total waste of time. https://www.seeking.com/member/54209747-add9-4444-b3f6-e2da4afa6936.

She was smart but heavier than her pics, wanted $300 for an hour with everything covered, and gave me some sob story about her dad. She is a law student. Poor English.

If you are the intellectual type and need a hot healer, Sandy may be for you, but she isn't cheap. She wanted $800 for the day and for the right guy she could be worth it. In top 3 I saw in terms of looks. Fluent English. Used to live in NYC. https://www.seeking.com/member/2ff19369-a524-4009-8b8d-35185c76e55f.

Chloe was cool. Great English. Very Fit, fashionable, tight but her body was kind of shaped a little weird. SB material for sure. https://www.seeking.com/member/e9ed7422-33b2-4ccd-a928-a2bd933dbf5c.

Other ones I am keeping to myself, but I had a helluva week! Thanks for all those who helped make this trip such a success.

Elvis 2008
08-29-19, 02:08
I have been on SA on and off for close to a decade. When I first started, I was stunned at the beautiful and somewhat normal women I got from the site. Eventually, I got tired of the transactional nature of the site, and strippers and hooker types polluting the site asking, "How much?" What was once a much cleaner pool had become soiled, so I went abroad.

The response rate in Colombia was amazing, but I saw Brazil and Argentina may have potential as well. Anyway, the women I met in Colombia sent me back to SA and the good old days and in some ways better than the gold old days.

The last date I had in Colombia was a cute medical student who didn't even know what an arrangement was, but once I explained it to her, she was good with doing one. The more experienced women spoke English, would ask you to pay for an Uber or cab, and were pretty up front about a price. Unlike in the USA, about 75% of the time we were doing the deed on the first date but the Colombian women were not as hardened overall as the American ones. One took a bus for over an hour to see me. I mentioned the ripoff artists, but one woman tried to give the amount we agreed upon back to me, and another made the point it was not about the money and didn't even look at how much I gave her.

I never thought I would see women better orally than Brazilians. In my experience, Brazil has Colombia beat technique wise, but several times, I had to ask the women to stop so we could go at it. They loved sucking cock and were good at it. This was the opposite of the Chris Rock joke where American married men get the same lazy ass blowjob. "The woman does two licks and asks 'is it hard? Put it in. I got laundry to do. ".

Every woman I met was either a professional or studying to be one. From what I recall there was a Medical student, 2 law students, lawyer, teacher, a few engineers, banker, accounting student, international relations student, professional translator. They were all Colombians except one woman who was half Colombian and half Venezuelan.

I went onto to the escort sites for pricing. I looked at the women and compared them to the reasonably priced escort sites and offered up what I thought would be the equivalent rate of one hour to similar looking escorts. Most the women stayed for multiple hours though, there were MSOG, and even though the Colombian government was pushing condom use hard, I had my GFE++ experience with all of them. All the women asked to see me again, so I am sure that I could have gotten the prices with some of them even lower than I did. Still, I had a budget for fun on the trip and didn't even use it all up.

It seems like half the time I have mentioned price on a forum in the past some nimrod thinks he could do better. If that is your game, head to Santa Fe. I got my brains fucked out there for $20 and had good times for $10. I was looking for more SB and less hooker, and I got what I wanted.

If any American woman today on SA had less than 20 partners, I would call them out for lying their asses off, but many of the women I met in Colombia were very nervous. Like I said, they had to have an arrangement explained. The two women I met in Baranquilla I am sure have seen dozens and maybe three figures of guys, but Bogota was much different. Many had been in long term relationships, and I was stunned at how few partners the women had when I asked. The reason I asked was because the women were showing me the little things that less experienced women do, and I asked after the deed was done. No doubt more experienced women will flock to SA in the future, but for now, the pool was pretty clean. What I saw were pretty normal women who just needed some extra cash like I saw with SA in 2009.

I am not sure what I am going to do with my finalists. Keep them all in some way, cut the number, or wean the pack down to a single winner. I was hoping for one, possibly two decent SB candidates. I never dreamed I would end up with five. Colombia has been berry, berry good to me.

08-30-19, 00:45
Thanks for sharing great report on SA. I am planning to go Bogota some time in Sep. Started looking at the girls listed at SA and many of them are really hot.

What is typical donation for these girls on SA. Do they expect long term relationship or open for short term?

I have been on SA on and off for close to a decade. When I first started, I was stunned at the beautiful and somewhat normal women I got from the site. Eventually, I got tired of the transactional nature of the site, and strippers and hooker types polluting the site asking, "How much?" What was once a much cleaner pool had become soiled, so I went abroad.

The response rate in Colombia was amazing, but I saw Brazil and Argentina may have potential as well. Anyway, the women I met in Colombia sent me back to SA and the good old days and in some ways better than the gold old days.

The last date I had in Colombia was a cute medical student who didn't even know what an arrangement was, but once I explained it to her, she was good with doing one. The more experienced women spoke English, would ask you to pay for an Uber or cab, and were pretty up front about a price. Unlike in the USA, about 75% of the time we were doing the deed on the first date but the Colombian women were not as hardened overall as the American ones. One took a bus for over an hour to see me. I mentioned the ripoff artists, but one woman tried to give the amount we agreed upon back to me, and another made the point it was not about the money and didn't even look at how much I gave her..

Bango Cheito
08-30-19, 09:54
Well said. I think time is needed to get in good with a girl from any culture other than your own. I once had a great LTR with a Peruvian / Costa Rican mix, but that's only because she came up to NY for college and we had the time to get to know each other (and I had time to learn culture and Spanish).

I believe what you've said to be true for girls from Bogota, Medellin, Cali, Cartagena, ect, but as someone who has lived and traveled a lot in Colombia, I'm curious to know your thoughts about girls from smaller towns, or even remote areas like Mitu, or Inirida. I certainly haven't been everywhere in the country, but the out-of-way places I have been to, I've found girls to be a little hesitant at first, but then very interested and receptive to foreigners that have a grasp of Spanish and interest in their culture. In my opinion, it's easier to develop a LTR in lesser visited places. What's your opinion on the subject?They can be more naive but I think it wears off quickly, unless you're willing to live the small town life with her wherever she is.

Bango Cheito
08-30-19, 10:25
This makes me think of something I encounter with chicks. What does culture have to do with anything? In my opinion shit. I am always taken aback when a chick says you don't understand because you are not from my culture. Or this is not working because we are from different cultures. As if being from the same culture makes everything peechy keen.

I then ask, well what happened with your last boyfriend. He cheated on me, or he was an abuser, or he didn't show me enough attention, etc. But aren't you from the same culture? Works the same way with religion. They want a guy that is Christian. But wasn't the last mf that was beating on your ass and cheating on you Christian? I think I am too logical for many people.

P. S. I did get an MBA in International Business because I like to study different cultures. But I have found that when male-female relationships are concerned, except for a couple of customs, cultural differences really play no factor. You can see this when people in the military go all over the world marrying people from different countries. That corporal in the Army can not say kiss my ass in Korean, but he and his wife and their 2 kids seem to be getting along just fine.It's definitely true that relationships are fucked up whether you're from the same culture or not. But I think that in order to play the game properly, you need a good understanding of the local culture as there are a lot of indicators you can use to predict behavior.

Bango Cheito
08-30-19, 10:28
Are you a promoter for this Forty Nine Night Club? No offense, but you sound like a paid promoter.He probably is. But I will say this. 49 is open all the time and it's still got action when everything else is dead.

It has gotten hella expensive though. My favorite is still PH, hands down.

Bango Cheito
08-30-19, 10:31
Venezuelan girls may not be ETHICALLY better or worse than anybody else but there is one crucial factor not to forget.

Many Venezuelans have huge health issues because 1) they have those useless Cuban doctors over there 2) they come here with no health insurance and the government here doesn't do a damn thing to check them out as they cross the border.

So they are actually a much bigger disease risk than Colombians. And I"m not even just talking STI's I'm talking shit like polio, smallpox, etc. Caveat emptor.

John Clayton
08-30-19, 16:58
My friend, you are spreading false information.

...1) they have those useless Cuban doctors over there...

So they are actually a much bigger disease risk than Colombians. And I"m not even just talking STI's I'm talking shit like polio, smallpox, etc. Caveat emptor.1) There is no problem with the training of Cuban doctors. Maduro has managed to use the Cuban doctors for political ends (as he has with everything) forcing them to withhold medical treatment from political opponents, but it is incorrect to blame the doctors themselves.

There is a huge problem with under vaccinations for preventable diseases in Venezuela, and there is an epidemic of measles (as there is in the US) and diptheria, but not poliomyelitis or small pox. Diseases just don't drop from the sky. They have to be brought from somewhere. Smallpox was eradicated in 1980.

08-30-19, 18:55
Venezuelan girls may not be ETHICALLY better or worse than anybody else but there is one crucial factor not to forget.

Many Venezuelans have huge health issues because 1) they have those useless Cuban doctors over there 2) they come here with no health insurance and the government here doesn't do a damn thing to check them out as they cross the border.

So they are actually a much bigger disease risk than Colombians. And I"m not even just talking STI's I'm talking shit like polio, smallpox, etc. Caveat emptor.What a bunch of BS lies you are making here. I've been to Cuba plenty of times and meet people from other countries who are training to be doctors in Cuba. Cuban doctors have excellent training. Keep your personal vendettas or hatred of another country to yourself. Definetly not wanted here.

Bango Cheito
08-30-19, 20:19
My friend, you are spreading false information.

1) There is no problem with the training of Cuban doctors. Maduro has managed to use the Cuban doctors for political ends (as he has with everything) forcing them to withhold medical treatment from political opponents, but it is incorrect to blame the doctors themselves.

There is a huge problem with under vaccinations for preventable diseases in Venezuela, and there is an epidemic of measles (as there is in the US) and diptheria, but not poliomyelitis or small pox. Diseases just don't drop from the sky. They have to be brought from somewhere. Smallpox was eradicated in 1980.You guys can get sand in your vaginas all you want. The fact is that the medical system in Ven is so bad that diseases that have previously been eradicated are coming back. And there are thousands of documented cases in hospitals all over Colombia. Including smallpox and polio.

Feel free to ignore my advice and get sick. I won't give a damn.

I give the Ven girls a pass here in Bogotá and am happy with my decision. Colombian girls turn me on more anyways and are much more interesting and tend to be way cleaner. You do you.

John Clayton
08-30-19, 21:20
... Including smallpox and polio...

This is false. Smallpox has been eradicated (in the wild, on Earth) since 1980. There are only three countries where poliomyelitis is still endemic: Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria. It is possible that an infected person could reintroduce polio to Venezuela given the low vaccination rates; however, it has not occurred.

08-31-19, 00:13
You guys can get sand in your vaginas all you want. The fact is that the medical system in Ven is so bad that diseases that have previously been eradicated are coming back. And there are thousands of documented cases in hospitals all over Colombia. Including smallpox and polio.

Feel free to ignore my advice and get sick. I won't give a damn.

I give the Ven girls a pass here in Bogot and am happy with my decision. Colombian girls turn me on more anyways and are much more interesting and tend to be way cleaner. You do you.I guy who speaks knowingly without facts. Shouldn't be allowed to speak on a site like this. A person like this will continue to speak with ignorance.

08-31-19, 04:16
You guys can get sand in your vaginas all you want. The fact is that the medical system in Ven is so bad that diseases that have previously been eradicated are coming back. And there are thousands of documented cases in hospitals all over Colombia. Including smallpox and polio.

Feel free to ignore my advice and get sick. I won't give a damn.

I give the Ven girls a pass here in Bogot and am happy with my decision. Colombian girls turn me on more anyways and are much more interesting and tend to be way cleaner. You do you.Fake news and propaganda. Indeed brother you do you. But don't write shit without backing it up.

Elvis 2008
08-31-19, 04:45
Many Venezuelans have huge health issues because 1) they have those useless Cuban doctors over there

So they are actually a much bigger disease risk than Colombians. And I"m not even just talking STI's I'm talking shit like polio, smallpox, etc. Caveat emptor.

To a person, every Venezuelan I have talked to says the Cuban doctors in Venezuela were bad, much worse than the Venezuelan ones. I was surprised because I thought Cuban doctors were decent.

As to diseases, you have a point, but you just named the diseases wrong. The irony is that my ex's room mate got mumps, and I was able to pay for her to get vaccinated and she had only a mild case. Obviously this isn't an option for many Venezuelan refugees. FWIW, mumps can be transmitted via contact, sexual or otherwise.

Venezuelan girls may not be ETHICALLY better or worse than anybody else but there is one crucial factor not to forget.

If anyone can tell me the difference in economic culture between a strip club and Venezuela / a Venezuelan, I would appreciate it. A short term transaction with a stripper or Venezuelan girl has the potential to be fun even better than a nonstripper or Colombian. But investing long term in a stripper or in Venezuela / a Venezuelan has been and should be expected to be a disaster. Neither has appreciation for the long term. Investing in Colombia or a Colombian woman long term IMO has at least the potential to be profitable.

So a Venezuelan leaving for Colombia is like a stripper leaving the club. I think it is a mistake to assume that the Venezuelan economic culture / stripper culture is not still a part of the woman. You really don't know what you are going to get. To just assume that a Venezuelan in Colombia is worthy of the same level of trust long term as a native Colombian is IMO a big mistake. It is undeniable that Colombians have seen how long term investment has paid off whereas Venezuelans have not.

Elvis 2008
08-31-19, 05:34
Thanks for sharing great report on SA. I am planning to go Bogota some time in Sep. Started looking at the girls listed at SA and many of them are really hot.

What is typical donation for these girls on SA. Do they expect long term relationship or open for short term?Donations are all over the place. I would expect any woman who has been with an American or other foreigner to expect and / or demand much more. The numbers mentioned by either me or the girls ranged from $50 to $800, but I really think the best way to go about is to not bring up an amount. Unlike American women who always want specifics now, about half of the Colombian women didn't even bring up a number before the deed was done. I could see how guys could take advantage of it but I rewarded these women if they gave a great effort, and most all of them did.

As for short term, long term, they seemed to be up for anything. In general though, I think you should play it as if there is potential for a long term payoff as you are going to be visiting Bogota frequently even if you aren't.

I mentioned to the 19 year old model going to Cancun and giving a $100 per day while we were there. I also asked her to bring a friend. Her phone was blowing up as she called her friends jumping at the offer. I am not going to do it, and I can say that is too much as the Colombian women unlike so many American ones desperately wanted to travel. I think $200 plus travel expenses for a week or maybe even $100 a week would easily get you a travel companion.

To me, Mexico makes the most sense as a meeting place for a long term relationship with a Colombian. The women don't need a visa for Mexico unlike the USA And I have several flights a day from where I live to Cancun and Mexico City. The escorts in Cancun charge USA Prices, and Mexico City, while way cheaper than Cancun, is not the best mongering scene, so it makes sense to bring in a Colombian woman. I frequently mentioned to the women I wanted a travel companion, and I do.

The big issue with getting a woman as travel companion is many of the women I met worked and they had a six day work week. Also, many were college students and had limited time off as well.

Mr Enternational
08-31-19, 06:54
To a person, every Venezuelan I have talked to says the Cuban doctors in Venezuela were bad, much worse than the Venezuelan ones. I was surprised because I thought Cuban doctors were decent.
So what doctors are going around doing all these plastic surgeries in Venezuela? Cubans or Venezuelans? Whichever it is, it is obvious that the women have no qualms about going to them since half of them are surgeried up. Not to mention the Colombians that went over there to get it because it was cheaper.

08-31-19, 11:50
Flight was delayed due to mechanical issues. Had to walk across the airport to another gate and plane. Luckily the airline was prepared with another plane to take off.

Arrived around 12:45 am. Breezed through customs because they no longer require immigration documents to be completed if you have nothing to declare. Arrive at hotel, drop off bags and headed for Sante Fe.

Got to Sante Fe around 1:30 am. Street scene had dwindled but still some prospect. Headed to Paisas. A few hotties in there but wanted to see what Fiebre offered. Found a 23 year old tall canela skinned Paisa named Dulce. Agreed on 80 k for 30 minutes. Chose because of large enhanced ass. She didn't disappoint. She was soaking wet from the start and let me pound it out with jet let dick. Pictures of the ass attached.

Went out satisfied but never really LOL. Seen a street sweety 21 year old Venezuelana. Offered me 30 k for 30 minutes. Took it and spent the 30 minutes working up a sweat and finished for a second time.

Absolutely satisfied and tired, I headed back to hotel and slept dreaming about Cali.

Mr Enternational
08-31-19, 13:11
Got to Sante Fe around 1:30 am. Street scene had dwindled but still some prospect. Headed to Paisas. A few hotties in there but wanted to see what Fiebre offered. Found a 23 year old tall canela skinned Paisa named Dulce. Agreed on 80 k for 30 minutes. Chose because of large enhanced ass. She didn't disappoint.

Went out satisfied but never really LOL. Seen a street sweety 21 year old Venezuelana. Offered me 30 k for 30 minutes. Took it and spent the 30 minutes working up a sweat and finished for a second time.

Absolutely satisfied and tired, I headed back to hotelYou went to Santa Fe at 1:30 am?! You make everything sound so easy. That is because it is easy. All these guys being afraid to go there alone and saying to only go in the daytime are way off the mark.

08-31-19, 17:11
I am planning a trip to Bogota in end of Sept. / Oct. I would like to start creating facebook acct / connecting with girls before going there. Any suggestions / pointers on getting started with the same?

Also exploring SA to see if I shall connect with them. I am new to SA and trying to figure how it works for one of trips.

Thanks in advance.

08-31-19, 21:12
Hello ISG,

As always, Bogota is a wonderful place to be, last night we have a lot of fun out on the streets, we went to Pasarela Night Club, which is a very good spot to go, prices on alcohol are almost the same as any club in Santa Fe, girls are very good looking. In the daytime, we have lunch in a very nice Italian restaurant on the walking street called La Romana, whenever you come here do not be afraid of walking here, is not dangerous, and if you want any advice just contact me.

Johny V.

08-31-19, 22:53
I am planning a trip to Bogota in end of Sept. / Oct. I would like to start creating facebook acct / connecting with girls before going there. Any suggestions / pointers on getting started with the same?

Also exploring SA to see if I shall connect with them. I am new to SA and trying to figure how it works for one of trips.

Thanks in advance.Save yourself all that trouble, and just take a stroll through Santa Fe. Or, walk Caracas Ave and hit up the brothels in Chapinero. There's no need to use any electronic devices. You'll have plenty of options. Find a hotel close by, put only enough cash in your pocket that you're willing to spend for the night next to a few condoms, and go enjoy yourself.

Mr Enternational
09-01-19, 01:40
I am planning a trip to Bogota in end of Sept. / Oct. I would like to start creating facebook acct / connecting with girls before going there.That is more of a Medellin thing. It is not a Bogota thing.

Elvis 2008
09-01-19, 02:12
Also exploring SA to see if I shall connect with them. I am new to SA and trying to figure how it works for one of trips.
Thanks in advance.SamPeter, unless you are trying to get a SB or GF, don't bother with SA. Of all the women I had in Bogota, the best sexual experience was with a Venezuelan from Santa Fe, and it required no planning.

Bango Cheito
09-01-19, 07:34
I guy who speaks knowingly without facts. Shouldn't be allowed to speak on a site like this. A person like this will continue to speak with ignorance.I think my 2 decades on here and posts in the 4 digits speak for themselves.

I have friends in the medical industry here who tell me these things. I'm not going to bother arguing with the likes of your ass. If you don't like it, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. I'm not going anywhere.

Bango Cheito
09-01-19, 07:37
So what doctors are going around doing all these plastic surgeries in Venezuela? Cubans or Venezuelans? Whichever it is, it is obvious that the women have no qualms about going to them since half of them are surgeried up. Not to mention the Colombians that went over there to get it because it was cheaper.You can actually tell if the doctor was COL or not just by how the surgery looks after. Smart people will get it done here.

Bango Cheito
09-01-19, 07:39
That is more of a Medellin thing. It is not a Bogota thing.This is very true. You probably wouldn't even get a response on Facebook unless you actually have friends in common etc.

If your Spanish is on point and you look OK, Tinder is a good option apparently, although I've never bothered myself.

Mr Enternational
09-01-19, 09:13
If your Spanish is on point and you look OK, Tinder is a good option apparently, although I've never bothered myself.Not my lane at all. My lane is nonpros on Cupid. The couple of times that I have even gotten an answer from a chick on Tinder in Bogota, it has been a couple of weeks after I left. Once again, in Medellin Tinder works fine for hookers. Might be better in Bogota to just use the normal sites where hookers advertise freely if your plan is to find a hooker online. Much easier and cheaper just to drag your ass down to Santa Fe rather than deal with online shit anyway.

Bango Cheito
09-01-19, 09:21
Not my lane at all. My lane is nonpros on Cupid. The couple of times that I have even gotten an answer from a chick on Tinder in Bogota, it has been a couple of weeks after I left. Once again, in Medellin Tinder works fine for hookers. Might be better in Bogota to just use the normal sites where hookers advertise freely if your plan is to find a hooker online. Much easier and cheaper just to drag your ass down to Santa Fe rather than deal with online shit anyway.Agreed. I use Mileroticos etc. From time to time for niche shit I'm looking for. Most of the time it's a royal PITA. For one thing, it's hard to get a girl to meet you after 6-7 pm.

09-01-19, 16:08
It has to do with their original look (I. E, not full or sparsely distributed), so their next best (cheap) alternative is to get them tattooed. So from far away it looks decent, however, it looks unnatural upfront. If they didn't get it tattooed, then it would look bad both far and nearby. I asked this once and was informed such.

LOL. Did you talk to them about it? If I see a chick doing shit I consider strange then I ask them about it out of curiosity. And my guess is that they are tattooed on that way since makeup tattoo is the thing now. This is a chick I mess with in Dominican Republic. Women just tend to do dumb shit.

Elvis 2008
09-01-19, 17:02
So what doctors are going around doing all these plastic surgeries in Venezuela? Cubans or Venezuelans?They are mostly Venezuelan. Cuba has some plastic surgery and doctors who do them, but it is nothing like in Venezuela. I've heard the Venezuelan surgeons are good.

Whichever it is, it is obvious that the women have no qualms about going to them since half of them are surgeried up. Not to mention the Colombians that went over there to get it because it was cheaper.Yeah, it's a third to half the price of Colombia, and I think you can find good and bad surgeons everywhere, but you got the lack of medication like antibiotics and anti-inflammatory pills in Venezuela and people were told to bring in their own. Then you got the power going off potentially, getting mugged to and from the surgery site. It's cheaper but there is definitely a lot more risk.

09-01-19, 19:01
How's the scene in Santa Fe and Chapinero on Sunday and Monday night?

Going next week but only have time those nights, 9/1 and 9/2.

Santa Fe is always better not alone, so looking for a wingman. I want to try la 49 as well given the recent good reports.

I'm young and like to party / drink, I'm fluent in Spanish.

Hit me up if I'm Bogota those dates.Hey Santrago,

I happen to be in Bogota tonight 9/1 and leaving tomorrow (Mon). Used to live in Bogotá and fairly familiar with Santa Fe. If you'the like to let meet up let me know.

09-01-19, 20:39
They are mostly Venezuelan. Cuba has some plastic surgery and doctors who do them, but it is nothing like in Venezuela. I've heard the Venezuelan surgeons are good.

Yeah, it's a third to half the price of Colombia, and I think you can find good and bad surgeons everywhere, but you got the lack of medication like antibiotics and anti-inflammatory pills in Venezuela and people were told to bring in their own. Then you got the power going off potentially, getting mugged to and from the surgery site. It's cheaper but there is definitely a lot more risk.Anyone planning to get something like Surgery in Venezuela under the current circumstances is a fool. Pure and simple as that. There are things and times where you just can't look at money as the first priority.

09-02-19, 01:19
Hey Santrago,

I happen to be in Bogota tonight 9/1 and leaving tomorrow (Mon). Used to live in Bogot and fairly familiar with Santa Fe. If you'the like to let meet up let me know.Hey man, it seems you don't have private message option, it's nearly to impossible to meet without that.

09-02-19, 12:26
Agreed. I use Mileroticos etc. From time to time for niche shit I'm looking for. Most of the time it's a royal PITA. For one thing, it's hard to get a girl to meet you after 6-7 pm.In Medellin. Facebook.

In Bogota. Twitter.

Just search "prepago" or "masaje" on Twitter and you'll find plenty of options. Not that you need that source.

09-02-19, 19:00
Donations are all over the place. I would expect any woman who has been with an American or other foreigner to expect and / or demand much more. The numbers mentioned by either me or the girls ranged from $50 to $800, but I really think the best way to go about is to not bring up an amount. Unlike American women who always want specifics now, about half of the Colombian women didn't even bring up a number before the deed was done. I could see how guys could take advantage of it but I rewarded these women if they gave a great effort, and most all of them did.

As for short term, long term, they seemed to be up for anything. In general though, I think you should play it as if there is potential for a long term payoff as you are going to be visiting Bogota frequently even if you aren't.

I mentioned to the 19 year old model going to Cancun and giving a $100 per day while we were there. I also asked her to bring a friend. Her phone was blowing up as she called her friends jumping at the offer. I am not going to do it, and I can say that is too much as the Colombian women unlike so many American ones desperately wanted to travel. I think $200 plus travel expenses for a week or maybe even $100 a week would easily get you a travel companion..Elvis and ISG.

I have had similar thoughts, including potentially Venezuelan "refugee" girls. Since I lived on the beach near Tijuana (Rosarito) for 8 years. I wonder if Rosarito Beach or Ensenada would qualify as vacation destinations in their minds. Even better, would they like to actually relocate / assimilate in Mexico. Would they be able to board a plane as a tourist with what a cedula? Will Mexico even care about papers? They never did with me. And what to offer them? Weekly stipend for fun then Food & shelter, employment? What I have in mind would pay better then most Colombian salaries but no guarantee if they didn't make an effort. Worse case a month trial and go home with $X dollars and some good times. Any thoughts?

Elvis 2008
09-02-19, 23:51
Anyone planning to get something like Surgery in Venezuela under the current circumstances is a fool. Pure and simple as that. There are things and times where you just can't look at money as the first priority.GH, I agree with you. I wouldn't do it. It is not rational but then many times plastic surgery, especially when mixed with women, isn't.

09-03-19, 01:16
Thank you Elvis. I live this type of arrangements and you seems to have experience.

I would like to travel the world and have few girl connections who are open to travel with me. These prices you mentioned make me think I shall travel every month for a week.

I will start building connections and will reach out to you for help with on initial connections if you are OK with the same.

I can adjust my travel dates based on their availability as I don't have any fixed schedule job and flexible work / remote work.

Donations are all over the place. I would expect any woman who has been with an American or other foreigner to expect and / or demand much more. The numbers mentioned by either me or the girls ranged from $50 to $800, but I really think the best way to go about is to not bring up an amount. Unlike American women who always want specifics now, about half of the Colombian women didn't even bring up a number before the deed was done. I could see how guys could take advantage of it but I rewarded these women if they gave a great effort, and most all of them did.

As for short term, long term, they seemed to be up for anything. In general though, I think you should play it as if there is potential for a long term payoff as you are going to be visiting Bogota frequently even if you aren't..

09-03-19, 20:42
I think my 2 decades on here and posts in the 4 digits speak for themselves.

I have friends in the medical industry here who tell me these things. I'm not going to bother arguing with the likes of your ass. If you don't like it, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. I'm not going anywhere.Four digits. AND? When you make blank statements about Cuban Doctors. Your ignorance is showing.

09-03-19, 23:04
Def. Could use a seasoned wingman (knows Bogota) 9/26-9/30.

Or a play by play that will prove nearly flawless. If that's even possible.


Hey man, it seems you don't have private message option, it's nearly to impossible to meet without that.

09-05-19, 07:11
I am planning to book a week or 2 trip to Bogota. Before I do the same, I have read lots pf post here. Thanks for all the detailed and informative posts. I have one question on types of girls available at Bogota.

I am more into petite light skinned co ed type of girls. Is this something that I can expect to find in Bogota?

When I look at in facebook and SA, I see lot of such girls. I watched lot of video on youtube about Bogota girls and most of them I find chubby by my standards.

I am bit confused whether what I see in youtube in real picture of Bogota or what I see in facebook / SA. Am I missing something?

Does Bogota offers petite co ed GND type girls or only chubby / fat girls? How is the quality of girls compared to HK Tijuana and Montreal.

I am hoping to go there in last 2 weeks of Sep.

Thanks in advance.

Bango Cheito
09-05-19, 20:01
Four digits. AND? When you make blank statements about Cuban Doctors. Your ignorance is showing.This is off topic and nobody cares about your opinion.

Like I said, bareback all the Venezuelan prepagos you want. We don't care. My advice to everybody else is to be careful with those girls because there is an elevated risk.

09-05-19, 23:05
I am planning to book a week or 2 trip to Bogota. Before I do the same, I have read lots pf post here. Thanks for all the detailed and informative posts. I have one question on types of girls available at Bogota.

I am more into petite light skinned co ed type of girls. Is this something that I can expect to find in Bogota?

When I look at in facebook and SA, I see lot of such girls. I watched lot of video on youtube about Bogota girls and most of them I find chubby by my standards.

I am bit confused whether what I see in youtube in real picture of Bogota or what I see in facebook / SA. Am I missing something?

Does Bogota offers petite co ed GND type girls or only chubby / fat girls? How is the quality of girls compared to HK Tijuana and Montreal.

I am hoping to go there in last 2 weeks of Sep.

Thanks in advance.YouTube videos aren't your best source of information. If someone likes big asses, the only show girls with big asses.

Bogota is a city of 10 million people. Whatever you're looking for, you can find it there.

09-06-19, 16:00
This is off topic and nobody cares about your opinion.

Like I said, bareback all the Venezuelan prepagos you want. We don't care. My advice to everybody else is to be careful with those girls because there is an elevated risk.I know you have to change the topic because your statement was baseless. Enough said.

09-06-19, 16:50
Agreed. I use Mileroticos etc. From time to time for niche shit I'm looking for. Most of the time it's a royal PITA. For one thing, it's hard to get a girl to meet you after 6-7 pm.Not only in Santa Fe, but Chapinero, there are a lot of day houses where you can pick any hooker, they are cheaper and beautiful too. They will treat you as well as you treat them, nice asses, big tits.

09-06-19, 20:45
So, you'd suggest parking in Chapinero for 4 days? A newbee to Bogota.

Not only in Santa Fe, but Chapinero, there are a lot of day houses where you can pick any hooker, they are cheaper and beautiful too. They will treat you as well as you treat them, nice asses, big tits.

Elvis 2008
09-06-19, 22:40
I have had similar thoughts, including potentially Venezuelan "refugee" girls. Since I lived on the beach near Tijuana (Rosarito) for 8 years. I wonder if Rosarito Beach or Ensenada would qualify as vacation destinations in their minds. Even better, would they like to actually relocate / assimilate in Mexico. Would they be able to board a plane as a tourist with what a cedula? Will Mexico even care about papers? They never did with me. And what to offer them? Weekly stipend for fun then Food & shelter, employment? What I have in mind would pay better then most Colombian salaries but no guarantee if they didn't make an effort. Worse case a month trial and go home with $X dollars and some good times. Any thoughts?DC, if you want a woman from Venezuela, she is going to have to have a passport and you have to fly her out of Venezuela which isn't cheap, and you won't be able to get a tourist visa to go there if you are American.

If you want a Venezuelan already in Colombia, and that makes much more sense because you can actually meet her first, the airfare will be cheaper but she still is going to need a passport. If she doesn't have one, I would pass because you are looking at a lot of time and expense getting her one.

Now, where are you going to meet her? I think you would have 100's of guys telling you to not make a LTR deal with any of the working girls, and that probably is a good idea. Still, I think Venezuelans unlike so many women in other countries HAD to be prostitutes. I was told that there are a lot of "normal" Venezuelan girls working the streets FWIW.

As far as what to pay, the minimum wage in Colombia is around 300 bucks a month, so I'd offer that or a little over that, and every one of the women I talked to whether Colombian or Venezuelan was thrilled to go a beach in Mexico. I don't think they care too much where it is, but everyone knows Cancun.

In Mexico, Venezuelans are going to get hassled a lot more than Colombians at customs, because they fear the Venezuelans will overstay their welcome illegally, and I have mentioned my disdain for LTR with Venezuelans. I personally think it is a lot easier and a lot less hassle for you to find a Colombian citizen over a Venezuelan refugee to get what you want. If you can find a Colombian student who can get credit at a university near to you, that would be ideal. I met quite a few starving Colombian students when I was there.

09-07-19, 07:29
I was just there tonight and there are white, black, latinas, Spinner, plumper, natural, enhanced, midget girls in Santa Fe. So many hot girls, so little time.

I boned so many girls there I lose track. I run into girls that I had smashed and had been fantastic and want to do again, but there always seems to be some new hot ass girl in town.

LOL, I will slip them 2 mil cause I want to hit it in a week or so.

I am planning to book a week or 2 trip to Bogota. Before I do the same, I have read lots pf post here. Thanks for all the detailed and informative posts. I have one question on types of girls available at Bogota.

I am more into petite light skinned co ed type of girls. Is this something that I can expect to find in Bogota?

When I look at in facebook and SA, I see lot of such girls. I watched lot of video on youtube about Bogota girls and most of them I find chubby by my standards.

I am bit confused whether what I see in youtube in real picture of Bogota or what I see in facebook / SA. Am I missing something?

Does Bogota offers petite co ed GND type girls or only chubby / fat girls? How is the quality of girls compared to HK Tijuana and Montreal.

I am hoping to go there in last 2 weeks of Sep.

Thanks in advance.

09-07-19, 09:41
DC, if you want a woman from Venezuela, she is going to have to have a passport and you have to fly her out of Venezuela which isn't cheap, and you won't be able to get a tourist visa to go there if you are American.

If you want a Venezuelan already in Colombia, and that makes much more sense because you can actually meet her first, the airfare will be cheaper but she still is going to need a passport. If she doesn't have one, I would pass because you are looking at a lot of time and expense getting her one.

Now, where are you going to meet her? I think you would have 100's of guys telling you to not make a LTR deal with any of the working girls, and that probably is a good idea. Still, I think Venezuelans unlike so many women in other countries HAD to be prostitutes. I was told that there are a lot of "normal" Venezuelan girls working the streets FWIW.

As far as what to pay, the minimum wage in Colombia is around 300 bucks a month, so I'd offer that or a little over that, and every one of the women I talked to whether Colombian or Venezuelan was thrilled to go a beach in Mexico. I don't think they care too much where it is, but everyone knows Cancun..I am sort of a difficult person to educate. I swear. Between this and Woodman and other ISG people here. It's like finding the holy grail. LOL I'll be in Bogota in 10 days. I have too many people I could contact (SA / Cupid girls) I know Woodman will be a huge asset but I wish Elvis was going to be there also. Have a feeling this will be a terrific recon trip requiring a longer trip beginning of December. Thanks. O, so you say I should hang around the universities for "starving students" if all else fails? I like that.

09-08-19, 00:51
I'm following a bunch of chicks on twitter but quite frankly there pics leave a lot of room for disappointment. Anybody had success via this route? Latin cupid and SA could work as I'm a decent looking guy fluent in Spanish but I only have a few days. Does anything really beat dipping your stick and sampling the offerings as sf, and MP girls?

09-08-19, 03:19

Please read this article, generally Bogota is very safe except for Santa Fe and one more area. Most robberies are of cell phones.

09-08-19, 18:01

Please read this article, generally Bogota is very safe except for Santa Fe and one more area. Most robberies are of cell phones.Attached is the actual homicide rate in Bogota, by area.

09-08-19, 19:55
I'm following a bunch of chicks on twitter but quite frankly there pics leave a lot of room for disappointment. Anybody had success via this route? Latin cupid and SA could work as I'm a decent looking guy fluent in Spanish but I only have a few days. Does anything really beat dipping your stick and sampling the offerings as sf, and MP girls?I tried Mileroticos and Photosprepagos in Bogota, which is similar to Twitter in that a lot of girls' pictures had their faces blurred out. The one time I had a girl come where she did not show her face picture I got someone completely different looking (worse obviously). So IMO avoid profiles where you can't see her picture, which then rules out the vast majority of profiles.

09-08-19, 23:14
I saw this ad in photopregaos. https://www.photoprepagos.com/prepagos/bogota/chapinero/dos-venezolanas-dispuestas-a-darte-muchisimo-placer-id-7kusz.

"Hola, amor, somos Carla why génesis, dos sensacionales jóvenes escorts. Somos sencillas, discretas why cariņosas, nos gusta pasarla rico.

Atendemos pareja, te brindaremos una experiencia única, no dudes en llamarnos, tenemos 20 why 25 aņos, hacemos domicilios en casa, motel o apartamento. Recibimos transferencia de bancolombia. Todo con proteccióand, nuestro servicio incluye tríos, penetracióand con ambas why sexo vaginal. Consulta nuestras tarifas abajo. ".

Recibimos transferencia de bancolombia! Is this a thing now? This is the 2nd time I've seen it in the past week. I have read about it being common in Caracas, but I have never seen in in Bogota or Colombia until this year. Are the venezolanas bringing this custom with them from Venezuala? I assume they want a deposit before they show up. Has anyone done this in Colombia? Is this normal?

09-08-19, 23:35
I saw this ad in photopregaos. https://www.photoprepagos.com/prepagos/bogota/chapinero/dos-venezolanas-dispuestas-a-darte-muchisimo-placer-id-7kusz.

"Hola, amor, somos Carla why gnesis, dos sensacionales jvenes escorts. Somos sencillas, discretas why cariosas, nos gusta pasarla rico.

Atendemos pareja, te brindaremos una experiencia nica, no dudes en llamarnos, tenemos 20 why 25 aos, hacemos domicilios en casa, motel o apartamento. Recibimos transferencia de bancolombia. Todo con protecciand, nuestro servicio incluye tros, penetraciand con ambas why sexo vaginal. Consulta nuestras tarifas abajo. ".

Recibimos transferencia de bancolombia! Is this a thing now? This is the 2nd time I've seen it in the past week. I have read about it being common in Caracas, but I have never seen in in Bogota or Colombia until this year. Are the venezolanas bringing this custom with them from Venezuala? I assume they want a deposit before they show up. Has anyone done this in Colombia? Is this normal?It's a scam.

John Clayton
09-09-19, 00:41
It's a scam.If it's a scam wouldn't they use photos of prettier girls?

09-09-19, 01:08
If it's a scam wouldn't they use photos of prettier girls?For a scam to work it needs to be believable. Prepaying any hookers, before they're in your room is a good way to watch your money disappear.

09-09-19, 08:37
I'm thinking about doing some daytime action at Atunes. How are the rooms onsite? And if I take a girl out to my hotel, how much do they usually charge?

09-09-19, 14:46
In Colombia people use cash to pay the most unlikely things. I sold my car 2 month ago, the woman took the cash money from her handbag as if she was paying a coffee. People queue every month to pay cash their gas, electricity, water, phone bill or apartment rental. And a hooker will ask a bank account transfer???

09-10-19, 13:52
I'm thinking about doing some daytime action at Atunes. How are the rooms onsite? And if I take a girl out to my hotel, how much do they usually charge?The rooms at Atunes are fine.

I think nobody can really tell you how much they charge. It depends on the girl, how far is your hotel, and how long. My experience is that if you want to take a girl out long time, some girls will start with their hourly rate multiplied by the number of hours you want them.

09-10-19, 22:10
Hhaha banged this one, you are right, her body is a little off and truth is, she had a slight odor. Not terrible but def musty. The head was super mechancial and she just had one speed that went up and down fast like a robot, not much passion but she took it in the face which is cool.

Chloe was cool. Great English. Very Fit, fashionable, tight but her body was kind of shaped a little weird. SB material for sure. https://www.seeking.com/member/e9ed7422-33b2-4ccd-a928-a2bd933dbf5c.

Other ones I am keeping to myself, but I had a helluva week! Thanks for all those who helped make this trip such a success.

09-11-19, 00:34
I only get to Bogota once every few months and then only for a day. I had not been in Santa Fe for a long time and I still have memories of the guy who showed me his knife because he wanted my prescription sunglasses. Anyway, arrived at 3 PM today and took 2 trips around Carrera 15 and 16 between Calle 23 and 34. Weed was wafting through the air, some of the clubs were spilling out into the street, and there were a lot of young men walking around with Venezuela and Colombia football shirts on (they play tonight). It was lively as usual and there was the normal assortment of desperate women grabbing my arm or of the club touts trying to get me to come in. There are definitely more Venezuelan chicas on the streets than the last time I was in Santa Fe. A couple of the girls caught my eye- the average chica looks and safety of the area are the same as last time. Then I came across Aletta on Carrera 16 closer to Calle 24 than 23. Oh my god. She is about 5'10" and is also wearing heels, which brought her to my height. When you see Miss Venezuela in the Miss Universe pageant, that is what we are talking here. She has long black straight hair down to the small of her back. Her eyes are the very light blue ones where you can see through them. Perfect facial features. Straight teeth, a great smile. She was wearing a sweater dress that came down just past her crotch, so all I saw besides her stunning face were legs. Oh, and she has gorgeous large natural boobs, which were under the sweater with no bra. She is 19. And she laughed and enjoyed being with me for 20 whole minutes for 40 k pesos- $13 US. She is a 9 1/2 and the only reason she is not a 10 is because her butt, which is perfectly parked at the same height as my arrow, was an inch too wide. But I really enjoyed being behind her at the appropriate time. I did not ask her, but she must have just arrived recently and does not know how much she can earn. I have zero doubt that she will not be in the streets of Santa Fe when somebody either takes her to work in a good club or takes her out of the business. She is not jaded yet and she is so beautiful.


09-11-19, 03:02
I was in Bogota couple weeks ago, had one free afternoon, went to Mezzanine in carrera 15 with calle 105.

I think its a decent day time venue in the north.

Tthe description in the forum very close to reality.

About 4-5 small places with 3-4 girls each. Quality mostly 6's and few 7's. Kinda similar to the casas in chapinero (La Bonita, Sirenitas, etc) maybe little bit better in Mezzanine. Prices 70 k-80 k.

I sessioned with a thick big tits chica, tit fucking was the highlight, good 25 minutes of CBJ and few poses.

The rooms are small AF but they were clean.

Conclusion: convenient venue for daytime mongering specially if staying in the North.

09-11-19, 10:45
Attached is the actual homicide rate in Bogota, by area.As I have noted before, this has no actual relevance to visiting Santa Fe clubs, streetwalkers, brothels etc.

The area you reference is 44 Kilometres sq.

The area we visit is 1 kilometres sq.

Zero relevance.

Santa Fe the area we visit is perfectly safe and a family friendly atmosphere for the most part.

99% of people who have their phones stolen are waving them around on the street kindly offering them to those less fortunate. It would be rude not to take them.

09-11-19, 13:24
She is about 5'10" and is also wearing heels, which brought her to my height. When you see Miss Venezuela in the Miss Universe pageant, that is what we are talking here. She has long black straight hair down to the small of her back. Her eyes are the very light blue ones where you can see through them. Perfect facial features. Straight teeth, a great smile. She was wearing a sweater dress that came down just past her crotch, so all I saw besides her stunning face were legs. Oh, and she has gorgeous large natural boobs, which were under the sweater with no bra. She is 19. And she laughed and enjoyed being with me for 20 whole minutes for 40 k pesos- $13 US. She is a 9 1/2 and the only reason she is not a 10 is because her butt, which is perfectly parked at the same height as my arrow, was an inch too wide.Congrats on finding her. I cracked a smile when I read this, because for me, a 10 has dark eyes, dark features, barely 5 feet, thick, with a big booty. For all those who haven't been, that's the beauty of Santa Fe. There's more flavors walking around over there than Baskin-Robbins.

Elvis 2008
09-11-19, 17:21
There's more flavors walking around over there than Baskin-Robbins.LOL. Amen. Even something for Bruce, excuse me, Kaitlyn Jenner.

Elvis 2008
09-11-19, 17:31
Hhaha banged this one, you are right, her body is a little off and truth is, she had a slight odor. Not terrible but def musty. The head was super mechancial and she just had one speed that went up and down fast like a robot, not much passion but she took it in the face which is cool.I can see her getting an odor as it appears she may be more escort than SB. It seems like she has said yes to every guy who reached out to her. The reason I said that she is SB material is that she speaks English, is attractive, is fashionable, pretty much will do whatever you want in the sack, no time limit IMO, and she was fun to hang with.

As for the ones I kept to myself, all but one and she lived 2 hours from Bogota, were working and / or students, and they had much tighter schedules.

09-11-19, 19:22
I can see her getting an odor as it appears she may be more escort than SB. It seems like she has said yes to every guy who reached out to her. The reason I said that she is SB material is that she speaks English, is attractive, is fashionable, pretty much will do whatever you want in the sack, no time limit IMO, and she was fun to hang with.

As for the ones I kept to myself, all but one and she lived 2 hours from Bogota, were working and / or students, and they had much tighter schedules.What was funny is I looked at her whatsapp photo a couple days ago and she is posted up with some "BF" type in her profile photo. SUCKER! She changed it back though, I guess maybe he caught on. I dunno without all that constent hair dye animie look, she really is basic. One and done.

09-11-19, 21:38
Hi all,

First, I want to thank all of you who contribute here. This is what makes this awesome. I am a newbie on this board (sent in my $25 last week to get the subscription) but have mongered in US and the Middle East before.

Will be traveling to Bogota for the Thanksgiving weekend and really looking for some relatively few but good experiences that may include the whole night.

Still can't figure out between staying at a hotel or an AirBnB. Most properties I checked have the additional guest charge of 60 mil per guest. AirBnB's may not be as safe as the hotels (I could be wrong).

Have read the forum and the FAQ but still hesitant to do the Santa Fe tour unless I have a wingman with me. I know practically zero Spanish and find using the translator on the street a bit awkward.

Would appreciate some thoughts on agencies used by others here or independent ladies they can recommend.

Thanks in advance.

09-11-19, 22:56
Where exactly do you get the daytime Chapinero action? Which intersections? Thank you in advance.

Go to the main Colombia page and scroll down to the lower section it is down there. Great info and I used it my first time in Bogota, I still have not been to Santa Fe but I travel solo and the daytime Chapinero action was good for me. Maybe this next trip in Sept I will venture down there, I do like me a pretty vene.

09-12-19, 17:29
Hi all,

First, I want to thank all of you who contribute here. This is what makes this awesome. I am a newbie on this board (sent in my $25 last week to get the subscription) but have mongered in US and the Middle East before.

Will be traveling to Bogota for the Thanksgiving weekend and really looking for some relatively few but good experiences that may include the whole night.

Still can't figure out between staying at a hotel or an AirBnB. Most properties I checked have the additional guest charge of 60 mil per guest. AirBnB's may not be as safe as the hotels (I could be wrong).

Have read the forum and the FAQ but still hesitant to do the Santa Fe tour unless I have a wingman with me. I know practically zero Spanish and find using the translator on the street a bit awkward.

Would appreciate some thoughts on agencies used by others here or independent ladies they can recommend.

Thanks in advance.Get a hotel, at least you'll know what you're getting. Also, you don't need someone to hold your hand in Santa Fe. I've been there solo multiple times and never had a problem. I wear sneakers, jeans and a t-shirt. Don't try to look like you're on guard, then you'll stick out. I don't know why people overthink this, or think they have to get online for a lay. Just be confident, walk around and do your "shopping", and then take your girl to a love motel in the area (she'll know where to go), and put down the GD phone. It's as simple as that. Next, don't come to Colombia without knowing at least basic Spanish. You don't want to rely on an electronic device to communicate. Put in the effort and you'll be rewarded.

09-12-19, 17:48
Get a hotel, at least you'll know what you're getting. Also, you don't need someone to hold your hand in Santa Fe. I've been there solo multiple times and never had a problem. I wear sneakers, jeans and a t-shirt. Don't try to look like you're on guard, then you'll stick out. I don't know why people overthink this, or think they have to get online for a lay. Just be confident, walk around and do your "shopping", and then take your girl to a love motel in the area (she'll know where to go), and put down the GD phone. It's as simple as that. Next, don't come to Colombia without knowing at least basic Spanish. You don't want to rely on an electronic device to communicate. Put in the effort and you'll be rewarded.Fair points. I am brown skinned so they may even take me for a native (until I open my mouth). I will work on my Spanish 101.

09-12-19, 20:24
Where exactly do you get the daytime Chapinero action? Which intersections? Thank you in advance.In Chapinero there are or were casas near the Transmilenio stops particularly Calle 63 and Flores. But Marly, Calle 57, Calle 72 and Calle 76.

09-12-19, 22:57
Fair points. I am brown skinned so they may even take me for a native (until I open my mouth). I will work on my Spanish 101.No. They won't. They will spot that you're not a native from 2 blocks away. Skin color gas nothing to do with it. Your body language will be all wrong. You'll walk wrong. You could be fluent in Spanish, with 2 Colombian parents, but if you've spent your whole life in Boston you'll look like someone from Boston.

09-13-19, 16:55
No. They won't. They will spot that you're not a native from 2 blocks away. Skin color gas nothing to do with it. Your body language will be all wrong. You'll walk wrong. You could be fluent in Spanish, with 2 Colombian parents, but if you've spent your whole life in Boston you'll look like someone from Boston.All these guys are making it out to be harder than it is. Just don't be stupid. Who cares if they know you're a foreigner. You won't be the only foreigner there. Its true you can spot them a mile away. Theres just something funny about them. But who cares. Don't be stupid. Don't bring more money than you can spend in 1 night. 200 cop is more than enough for santa fe. Don't bring valuables. If someone holds you up with a gun or a knife. Give them what you have amd walk away. So you've lost your 60 bucks and your hopefully cheap phone. Don't bring an exprnsive phone. You can get a good phone for whatsapp for 150 bucks these days. So you've lost your phone and cash. Shit happens. But unless you're stupid you should walk away okay. One more thing. Don't drink. Helps with not being stupud.

09-13-19, 16:59
Just want to add. Not trying to be condescending. I've done plenty of stupid things in my life. Which I'm lucky and happy to have lived through.

All these guys are making it out to be harder than it is. Just don't be stupid. Who cares if they know you're a foreigner. You won't be the only foreigner there. Its true you can spot them a mile away. Theres just something funny about them. But who cares. Don't be stupid. Don't bring more money than you can spend in 1 night. 200 cop is more than enough for santa fe. Don't bring valuables. If someone holds you up with a gun or a knife. Give them what you have amd walk away. So you've lost your 60 bucks and your hopefully cheap phone. Don't bring an exprnsive phone. You can get a good phone for whatsapp for 150 bucks these days. So you've lost your phone and cash. Shit happens. But unless you're stupid you should walk away okay. One more thing. Don't drink. Helps with not being stupud.

09-13-19, 21:47
All these guys are making it out to be harder than it is. Just don't be stupid. Who cares if they know you're a foreigner. You won't be the only foreigner there. Its true you can spot them a mile away. Theres just something funny about them. But who cares. Don't be stupid. Don't bring more money than you can spend in 1 night. 200 cop is more than enough for santa fe. Don't bring valuables. If someone holds you up with a gun or a knife. Give them what you have amd walk away. So you've lost your 60 bucks and your hopefully cheap phone. Don't bring an exprnsive phone. You can get a good phone for whatsapp for 150 bucks these days. So you've lost your phone and cash. Shit happens. But unless you're stupid you should walk away okay. One more thing. Don't drink. Helps with not being stupud.You are not being condescending. We are all adults here and everyone speaks from their own experiences. Totally agree with all points you mention. Money, phone not getting drunk. I am naturally cautious. This being my first time and the general reputation of some parts of the South America here in the US. We sometimes have a false sense of security here in the US. Even though I live in the DC area and I remember a time here when this was the murder capital of the country. Thank you for keeping it real.

09-13-19, 21:48
In Chapinero there are or were casas near the Transmilenio stops particularly Calle 63 and Flores. But Marly, Calle 57, Calle 72 and Calle 76.I will be talking a walk here. Hopefully with you.

09-14-19, 06:20
99% of people who have their phones stolen are waving them around on the street kindly offering them to those less fortunate. It would be rude not to take them.It would indeed! Love it.

Bango Cheito
09-14-19, 08:00
Attached is the actual homicide rate in Bogota, by area.Wow, that's WAY down from 10 years ago. You kids don't know how good you have it LOLOL!

Bango Cheito
09-14-19, 08:01
I was in Bogota couple weeks ago, had one free afternoon, went to Mezzanine in carrera 15 with calle 105.

I think its a decent day time venue in the north.

Tthe description in the forum very close to reality.

About 4-5 small places with 3-4 girls each. Quality mostly 6's and few 7's. Kinda similar to the casas in chapinero (La Bonita, Sirenitas, etc) maybe little bit better in Mezzanine. Prices 70 k-80 k.

I sessioned with a thick big tits chica, tit fucking was the highlight, good 25 minutes of CBJ and few poses.

The rooms are small AF but they were clean.

Conclusion: convenient venue for daytime mongering specially if staying in the North.Is that Valentina?

Bango Cheito
09-14-19, 08:03
In Colombia people use cash to pay the most unlikely things. I sold my car 2 month ago, the woman took the cash money from her handbag as if she was paying a coffee. People queue every month to pay cash their gas, electricity, water, phone bill or apartment rental. And a hooker will ask a bank account transfer???Yeah don't do this ish people.

I'd actually be glad to use Nequi (Colombian version of Venmo or Zelle or CashApp) in front of the girl right before the service. If anything went sideways you have the option to reverse the transfer within the first little while.

09-14-19, 10:31
I was in Bogota couple weeks ago, had one free afternoon, went to Mezzanine in carrera 15 with calle 105.

I think its a decent day time venue in the north.

Tthe description in the forum very close to reality.

About 4-5 small places with 3-4 girls each. Quality mostly 6's and few 7's. Kinda similar to the casas in chapinero (La Bonita, Sirenitas, etc) maybe little bit better in Mezzanine. Prices 70 k-80 k.

I sessioned with a thick big tits chica, tit fucking was the highlight, good 25 minutes of CBJ and few poses.

The rooms are small AF but they were clean.

Conclusion: convenient venue for daytime mongering specially if staying in the North.I don't know if it's still open. There was another massage place half a block south from the mezzanine. Right between the big Movistar store and Justo / Bueno there's a small commercial center. Up the steps and first door on the right was a massage place. 4 or 5 girls, decent looking, rooms only slightly bigger, but clean. Price a hit higher, can't remember exactly how much. It's been about 2 years since I was there. If it's still around it's another option in the area.

09-14-19, 17:45
I was in Santa Fe last night and noticed a chart on the wall in a couple places. The chart was titled "Fichas de Tragos para las Mujeres". It had prices for different types of drinks. Can anyone clue me in on how this works? I don't remember ever having to pay any of these "Fichas".

Mr Enternational
09-14-19, 17:55
I was in Santa Fe last night and noticed a chart on the wall in a couple places. The chart was titled "Fichas de Tragos para las Mujeres". It had prices for different types of drinks. Can anyone clue me in on how this works? I don't remember ever having to pay any of these "Fichas".If you ever bought a chick her own drink then you paid it. That is why you get a bottle and let her get a shot from that.

09-14-19, 18:21
If you ever bought a chick her own drink then you paid it. That is why you get a bottle and let her get a shot from that.I guess I must have paid it without realizing it. What seems ridiculous is the fichas for bottles. Who buys a girl a bottle?

09-15-19, 02:36
I guess I must have paid it without realizing it. What seems ridiculous is the fichas for bottles. Who buys a girl a bottle?LOL a bottle is $10-$30 usd; probably takes an HR or two to finish.

09-16-19, 02:45
LOL a bottle is $10-$30 usd; probably takes an HR or two to finish.Yea I know the cost. But why would you buy the girl the bottle and then pay the 10 k ficha on top of it. Why not just buy the bottle for yourself. You're going to share it either way. Right?

09-16-19, 02:47
LOL a bottle is $10-$30 usd; probably takes an HR or two to finish.I don't know anywhere you can can a bottle for 10 usd. 10 usd is generously 35 k. Even a half bottle of the cheapest stuff they got which is arguardiente is probably 45 to 50 k.

09-16-19, 03:46
Is that Valentina?If I remember correctly her name was Alejandra. But not sure 100%.

Bango Cheito
09-17-19, 11:56
Yea I know the cost. But why would you buy the girl the bottle and then pay the 10 k ficha on top of it. Why not just buy the bottle for yourself. You're going to share it either way. Right?Might be some half-hearted effort at transperancy perhaps?

Normally they charge you a flat price for the bottle and the girl gets her cut, as long as certain conditions are met.

It's important to note that girls will generally try to turn that bottle over as fast as possible, doing things like sharing it with friends and pretending to drink but actually spilling it on the floor.

Since I'm not much of a fan of alcohol anyways, I usually get a bottled water and buy the girl something her size and avoid bottle service altogether. Of course, the staff hates this shit.

Corollary to this, a lot of places will tell you they don't sell beer or coolers or Red Bull etc. Only bottles. This is always a lie. If you hold your ground they will bring you a damn beer rather than lose you as a customer. They may wait until you are two steps away from the door though.

09-18-19, 17:22
Looking for a dermatologist near Chapinero. To remove stuff from an old fart that's been in the sun way too long. Thanks.

09-18-19, 17:36
I'll also be in chapinero 9/26-30 if anyone needs a Wing. I def. Could use an experienced mongered who knows the ropes.

I will be talking a walk here. Hopefully with you.

World Travel 69
09-19-19, 00:45
Here is what I have used for my Cancer spots.

Diclofenac Sodium Topical Gel 1 %. The Pharmacy should have it. Twice a day. It will get spotty red at first.

Looking for a dermatologist near Chapinero. To remove stuff from an old fart that's been in the sun way too long. Thanks.

John Clayton
09-19-19, 03:06
Here is what I have used for my Cancer spots.

Diclofenac Sodium Topical Gel 1 %. The Pharmacy should have it. Twice a day. It will get spotty red at first.Whoa! Interesting idea. Maybe.

World Travel 69
09-20-19, 14:17
I screwed up!!

That Gel is for my pain in my knee.

The correct Cream is Fluorouracil Topical Cream USP, 5%.

Here is what I have used for my Cancer spots.

Diclofenac Sodium Topical Gel 1 %. The Pharmacy should have it. Twice a day. It will get spotty red at first.

John Clayton
09-20-19, 16:03
I screwed up!!

That Gel is for my pain in my knee.

The correct Cream is Fluorouracil Topical Cream USP, 5%.But I think you might be on to something with the diclofenac. Keep experimenting with it!

09-21-19, 16:55
Needed to get away for the weekend so I decided to travel to Bogota from Florida. I've traveled all over Colombia and had only been to Bogota once and that was about 10 years ago in my early 20's. I didn't care for the cold. Well I arrived arrive around 0930, got three customs real fast, exchanged some dollars for Colombian pesos and then exited the airport. I requested and uber which picked me up in a nearby parking lot see which is outside of door 2.

Traveled to the Airbnb that I'm renting for a bit that's located in chapinero / Santa Fe.

Took a few hours nap since I hadn't slept since waking up at 4 am Friday morning. Woke up and went to the store that's located in my apartment building for a few things.

After eating I decided that I will go explore and started walking to the SW areas that are listed in the map. My walk to the area was about 10 minutes. I came upon the wonderful blocks of Santa fe street workers and clubs. This was around 530 pm. I pretty much walked around every block, here you can find everything that you want. I saw young and old workers, beautiful 8 & 9's, trannys (becareful looking at the from the back once you see them closer you'll realize they are a man). Some of the trans gave very close female features but you can always spot the Male features on them. I've never been cat called or whistled at by do many men in my life, I just kept walking because it is definitely not my thing. Walking up and down the blocks I found working girls dressed very provocative even though it's cold and other dressed appropriately for the weather. Walking down the streets with the clubs such as Venus and Paisas was a pain because you would be harassed with the wait staff trying to get you to enter there establishment. I may try one of them before I leave. Inended up meeting a girl that was standing out front of one of the short term rooms, went in with her and had a great time, didn't ask for a name because ir doesn't matter. She was about 5,5 130 pds, block hair and eyes, after paying to enter we walked up stairs into a small room. Once we entered the room she returned my change change from the rental of the room and her fee. She disrobes, has many tattoos and pierced nipple, clit, belly button and tongue. She was extremely friendly and nothing was rushed. After going at it for about 20 minutes we got a knock at the door letting us know our time was up. She asked if I wanted more time and I declined. We talked a bit after and about her working at Campo in curacao which I frequent a lot. We dressed and I exited. I continued walking checking out the scenery, as it got darker more girls appeared. I ran into a Venezuelan chick that said she wad 25 but looks more starting 20's. She wad about 5 feet 100 pds, with nice full natural breasts, we disrobed and she was vei impressed with the size of my penis, she went on to tell me how most men have small penises and that I would be the largest she would experience and wad up for the challenge. I sat on the bed and she started rubbing all over me, she them got on her knees while I was sitting on the bed a gave a top notch BJ with lots of eye contact. We got a knock on the door and I told her to extend the time flor 20 minutes more. After extending time she got on top of me to control my penis entering her, she rode me for a bit then I got on top of her, she enjoyed watching me Emmett and exit her and was even grinding back. She started to quiver with her climax, waking and feeling her climax made me do the same. At their time we got another knock on the door letting us know or time was up. We got dressed and she asked me for my name and shyly asked If we could exchange WhatsApp. After doing so we exited and I decided to walk back to my Airbnb. I'm in my mid 30's, black, and speak a little Spanish but understand a lot of it. Walking around Santa Fe was easy and no one bothered me even after it got dark. I didn't leave the area until 11 pm. I did see a couple guys get into a fight which I just kept waking minding my own business, I see much of it in the us because of my occupation and it didn't excite me. There's lots of Venezuelans here and they are asking low prices. So far for day one I've had a great time. I'll be in Bogota until the 25 off September.

The Tall Man
09-21-19, 20:18
Needed to get away for the weekend so I decided to travel to Bogota from Florida. I've traveled all over Colombia and had only been to Bogota once and that was about 10 years ago in my early 20's. I didn't care for the cold. Well I arrived arrive around 0930, got three customs real fast, exchanged some dollars for Colombian pesos and then exited the airport. I requested and uber which picked me up in a nearby parking lot see which is outside of door 2.

Traveled to the Airbnb that I'm renting for a bit that's located in chapinero / Santa Fe.

Took a few hours nap since I hadn't slept since waking up at 4 am Friday morning. Woke up and went to the store that's located in my apartment building for a few things.

After eating I decided that I will go explore and started walking to the SW areas that are listed in the map. My walk to the area was about 10 minutes. I came upon the wonderful blocks of Santa fe street workers and clubs. This was around 530 pm. I pretty much walked around every block, here you can find everything that you want. I saw young and old workers, beautiful 8 & 9's, trannys (becareful looking at the from the back once you see them closer you'll realize they are a man)..I have enjoyed playing in many parts of Colombia, I enjoy my many visits to Bogota and I will return as Santa Fe is addictive to pervert like me however I hate the 20 minute thing, damn at my age it takes me 5 minutes to simply get undressed and comfortable on the bed and before I know there comes that dreaded knock on the door.

The Tall Man.

09-22-19, 06:31
I have enjoyed playing in many parts of Colombia, I enjoy my many visits to Bogota and I will return as Santa Fe is addictive to pervert like me however I hate the 20 minute thing, damn at my age it takes me 5 minutes to simply get undressed and comfortable on the bed and before I know there comes that dreaded knock on the door.

The Tall Man.Tall Man,

I know what you mean, perhaps consider a double for $60-70+mil get a 1/2 hour.

Don't forget to tip your maid 1-2 mil if she happens to be there when you enter the room. I think you may buy a few minutos.

09-22-19, 07:38
Been getting over a cold, So I just have been banging once a night.

Been hanging in SF last few night, I just curse my old age as I'm leaving.

As I walk away leaving SF so many hot girls lined up tonight.

I walk down Calle 23 passing Carrerra 16-to Carerra 15, there are 45 girls lined up there. I call that Cutie Corners.

The club scene was fantastic as usual, The spectacle of those girls doing the lapdances is a must-see.

Tonight there were 2 girls doing a lesbo show while giving lapdances simultaneously. That is while one is upside down with her pussy in the guys face the other is munching her. Very enthusiastic show.

Troya was off the hook, so many beauties there, 35 girls. All the clubs had stars.

Tonight I smashed this nice 18 yo cutie tonight. Nice slim, no kids, totally mixed race different looking girl with thick curly hair. I always like to hit someone new. She was at Cutie Corners.

Last night I was with my Chocolate Barbie doll. She is a Streetie Sweetie I have been smashing for about 6 months, She loves me.

On Thursday hit this hot MILF in Venus. Fat-ass beautiful Nordic looking white girl. Gagging her good BBBJ Pulling her hair making her scream. I think we are in love.

There are 300+ girls just in the streets and 200+ more in the clubs. And they are Mostly hot with a some sweat hogs.

Many guys I have shown around will session with the streetie Sweeties while I wait. Then we hit the clubs.

In the last 18 months Santa Fe has become a boom town.

So many new businesses through out the area. New hotels, restaurants, stores, barbers and* Hair salons. Must be 60+ just in that barrio.

The Venezuela crisis has been good for Bogota.

09-22-19, 09:58
Since the last 20-some pages of the forum seem to be mostly random arguing about relationships and politics, here's a report.

Checking out Bogota for the first time, generally impressed though I have a soft spot for Medellin.

Zona T at night is outstanding energy levels. Super-safe. Less vagrancy even in the shiftier parts of the zone than any big-city club zone in the US.

Checked out Casanova's that's been mentioned here.

No cover, but expensive drinks (near 100 K for a shot and a colombian beer). At 2-something AM on Saturday, there were 11-13 girls, less guys. Mostly 4-6's. A couple of 7's, one 8, but those were occupied. One light, almost white-skinned girl, one dark-skinned morena. One or two (of the 4's) were aggressive, but the rest kept to themselves. It was okay, but the vibe doesn't make me want to return. I didn't ask for prices since nobody available was of interest.

There was a bar immediately adjacent to Casanova's, with girls sitting at the bar visible from the sidewalk. Not sure if it's affiliated. Doors were closed by the time I checked back. Anybody have info?

A few SW in the vicinity, but only a few obvious. You'll need to look like you're looking, or know how to identify / approach. Note they vanished before 2 am, at 3 am only one or two hard on their luck types were still out.

At bar closing, a lot of pretty Colombianas going home alone or a couple of girls leaving alone. Those of you with game and decent Colombian-spanish might be able to work something there. Lots of eye candy.

Also walked by what the map labels as La Disco (no signage at entrance). Doorman said there was still a 20 K cover, though the place closed in 30 minutes, so I passed.

09-22-19, 14:25
Needed to get away for the weekend so I decided to travel to Bogota from Florida. I've traveled all over Colombia and had only been to Bogota once and that was about 10 years ago in my early 20's. I didn't care for the cold. Well I arrived arrive around 0930, got three customs real fast, exchanged some dollars for Colombian pesos and then exited the airport. I requested and uber which picked me up in a nearby parking lot see which is outside of door 2.

Traveled to the Airbnb that I'm renting for a bit that's located in chapinero / Santa Fe.

Took a few hours nap since I hadn't slept since waking up at 4 am Friday morning. Woke up and went to the store that's located in my apartment building for a few things.

After eating I decided that I will go explore and started walking to the SW areas that are listed in the map. My walk to the area was about 10 minutes. I came upon the wonderful blocks of Santa fe street workers and clubs. This was around 530 pm. I pretty much walked around every block, here you can find everything that you want. I saw young and old workers, beautiful 8 & 9's, trannys (becareful looking at the from the back once you see them closer you'll realize they are a man). Some of the trans gave very close female features but you can always spot the Male features on them. I've never been cat called or whistled at by do many men in my life, I just kept walking because it is definitely not my thing. Walking up and down the blocks I found working girls dressed very provocative even though it's cold and other dressed appropriately for the weather. Walking down the streets with the clubs such as Venus and Paisas was a pain because you would be harassed with the wait staff trying to get you to enter there establishment. I may try one of them before I leave. Inended up meeting a girl that was standing out front of one of the short term rooms, went in with her and had a great time, didn't ask for a name because ir doesn't matter. She was about 5,5 130 pds, block hair and eyes, after paying to enter we walked up stairs into a small room. Once we entered the room she returned my change change from the rental of the room and her fee. She disrobes, has many tattoos and pierced nipple, clit, belly button and tongue. She was extremely friendly and nothing was rushed. After going at it for about 20 minutes we got a knock at the door letting us know our time was up. She asked if I wanted more time and I declined. We talked a bit after and about her working at Campo in curacao which I frequent a lot. We dressed and I exited. I continued walking checking out the scenery, as it got darker more girls appeared. I ran into a Venezuelan chick that said she wad 25 but looks more starting 20's. She wad about 5 feet 100 pds, with nice full natural breasts, we disrobed and she was vei impressed with the size of my penis, she went on to tell me how most men have small penises and that I would be the largest she would experience and wad up for the challenge. I sat on the bed and she started rubbing all over me, she them got on her knees while I was sitting on the bed a gave a top notch BJ with lots of eye contact. We got a knock on the door and I told her to extend the time flor 20 minutes more. After extending time she got on top of me to control my penis entering her, she rode me for a bit then I got on top of her, she enjoyed watching me Emmett and exit her and was even grinding back. She started to quiver with her climax, waking and feeling her climax made me do the same. At their time we got another knock on the door letting us know or time was up. We got dressed and she asked me for my name and shyly asked If we could exchange WhatsApp. After doing so we exited and I decided to walk back to my Airbnb. I'm in my mid 30's, black, and speak a little Spanish but understand a lot of it. Walking around Santa Fe was easy and no one bothered me even after it got dark. I didn't leave the area until 11 pm. I did see a couple guys get into a fight which I just kept waking minding my own business, I see much of it in the us because of my occupation and it didn't excite me. There's lots of Venezuelans here and they are asking low prices. So far for day one I've had a great time. I'll be in Bogota until the 25 off September.Great report. Hope you enjoy the rest of your visit.

09-22-19, 22:31
Was in Bogota for 5 days in August. After reading all positive reports, went to Abadubai Spa on Tuesday around 11:00 am Easy to find, nice neighborhood, screened entrance. I was told to wait in a room. 3 girls walked in one, after another. I picked Brianna. She looked nice, smaller than the other two, which I prefer. Tight pussy, see size boobs, nice ass. Agreed on 280,000 for 1 hour. I did not bargain, because of my Limited Spanish and my first time there. She did a nice job, not too many complains. I am sure next time would have been better. Started with OK massage, BBBJ, FS with condom, DATY. She was nice and patient. At the end she asked to Whatsapp number. Too bad I was leaving next day. She offered my to take shower at the end. I asked if I need to bring my phone with me, she said don't worry. I don't know why, I did not bring my wallet and phone with me. Place looked very nice and clean. Shower was OK. No got water, but clean. I can't tell for sure, but later I check my wallet and I think 2 $20 bills were missing. Everything else was there: credit cards, Colombian pesos, etc. I am almost sure that it was taken while I was in shower. I know it was my fault for being naive and leaving everything behind. Still, leaves slightly unpleasant feelings. They did tell me in Colombia: "don't be papaya" .

Anyway, I would recommend Abadubai spa. Just make sure to speak good Spanish and don't leave anything behind.

09-24-19, 08:08
Checked out the Mezzanines that have been discussed here.

On a quiet Sunday morning the good people of Bogota were riding their bicycles on the side of the main road that was closed for their benefit that day. Two of the mezzanine doors were open and each had 3 girls and a madam (early afternoon). The girls opened the door, looked out, and waved me over. One other door was ajar but nobody peeked out of that one. 2 or more other closed doors, not sure when or if they all open at once.

One set of girls (taller, less my taste) quoted 100 K. The other set quoted 80 K. For 50 minutes everything included.

From another post here (describing "closets") I was expecting the rooms to be like broom-closets. Instead they are about the size of small massage rooms, or the non-champagne private rooms at a strip club. The bed / table could be larger, might be a problem if you're a big dude, but was fine for the purpose. Long enough, but you're not able to roll around.

Good service. Light sensual massage. No rush, everything seemed tranquil at least that day.

Find them in a 2-story commercial building on the next corner south from Parque Calle 106. Go up the steps and around back (away from the street).


09-24-19, 12:14
This is on point-.

Don't. I repeat. Don't fall in love. Do not. Do not. Why am I saying this. Because I did. And it didn't end well unfortunately. I didn't even meet a working girl. Met her on the cable car going up to Parque Arvi in Medellin with her son. The problem. They know you are leaving. And they don't want that. So even if they are sincere (mine was. I think) they need you to live there. Those that are working. Well that's another story.

Yes they will use you and lie to you. Don't let them. In the animal kingdom you need to be assertive. I've been burned before in my early days of mongering but not as bad. Here's how to do it properly:

(1) Stop looking for love in foreign places. You can find it where you live. It doesn't even need to be romantic love. A good female friend is just as valuable and sufficient.

(2) All Latinas who take money from extranjeros (foreigners) to support themselves are going to have at least one, sometimes more, local guys they party with and fuck. Especially in Colombia women don't go out alone so they always need a guy to go with. Usually these guys are scumbags who mooch off the chica since you keep supporting her. Sometimes they are just weak men who can't find anyone except a prostitute to be with them.

(3) Don't talk long term or any of that shit. You don't want to be the guy I mention in point (2). You want to be the rich guy who fucks her like a champ whenever you're in town..

09-24-19, 12:19
I'm a newb and heading to Bogota on Thursday - 9/26-9/30.

Not sure I'll be able to find - "a 2-story commercial building on the next corner south from Parque Calle 106" (what's the cross street).

Could you be a little descriptive as to the address. Thanks. Def. Want to check out the mezzanine (s).

Checked out the Mezzanines that have been discussed here.

On a quiet Sunday morning the good people of Bogota were riding their bicycles on the side of the main road that was closed for their benefit that day. Two of the mezzanine doors were open and each had 3 girls and a madam (early afternoon). The girls opened the door, looked out, and waved me over. One other door was ajar but nobody peeked out of that one. 2 or more other closed doors, not sure when or if they all open at once.

One set of girls (taller, less my taste) quoted 100 K. The other set quoted 80 K. For 50 minutes everything included.

From another post here (describing "closets") I was expecting the rooms to be like broom-closets. Instead they are about the size of small massage rooms, or the non-champagne private rooms at a strip club. The bed / table could be larger, might be a problem if you're a big dude, but was fine for the purpose. Long enough, but you're not able to roll around.

Good service. Light sensual massage. No rush, everything seemed tranquil at least that day.

Find them in a 2-story commercial building on the next corner south from Parque Calle 106. Go up the steps and around back (away from the street).


09-24-19, 17:03
My first night here.

Was attacked crossing main street in front of Bagata Towers by 2 teenagers trying to steal a wallet. I kicked one in the balls the other I held off till 6-7 motorcycle cops showed up and beat the hell out of the thieves.

Second day / night / Wednesday.

Met my tour guide it's drizzling. She is young, smart, speaks 5 languages and good looking. Was an amazing 7 hours walking / talking / learning about Bogota. Botero Museum, Candelaria historical sites. I'm keeping her contact info. The evening was just as amazing. Met a blonde (10+ girl of my dreams) from SA. She came to the Bagata. 300,000 COP It would be difficult to find anyone like her in the USA unless you wanted to spend a few thousand dollars. I interviewed 50+ girls on SA. There are gems there, some speak English but it takes time. Most are above hooker quality, some are hookers.

3rd day / night Thursday Woodman.

Was pick pocketed (I had a fake wallet with $50 in it, fake ID's) again in front of the Bagata towers downtown. Walking the street with Woodman looking for Colombian phone chip.

During the evening went on a tour with Woodman. It was raining and there was a power failure in Santa Fe. Power restored after a couple hours. Walked in and out of countless clubs, saw countless street girls, maybe 200+. Only saw 1 on the streets (Venz girl) and 2 in the clubs (both in Troya) that were attractive 8's or 9's. Did one of the dancers at Troya. 70,000 cop plus 35,000 cop drink.

Day 4 – Friday.

Taxi to Museum de Oro then walking around historical areas. Emerald museum. Had to switch rooms same building. Best thing about Bagata Airbnb is the view, it's amazing. Immediate surroundings are very dangerous. Petty thieves all over everywhere. Inside security at Bagata is very safe.

Evening went to Troya and did same dancer. Didn't want to spend hours looking and not finding anything better.

Day 5 - Saturday Went on another tour with new female guide. Very cute, smart, 5 languages, had an awesome day. The sun came out so we went to Monserrat, hiked thru Candalaria and back to my hotel. 5 hours. Rested up and went to Santa Fe Troya again! Found new dancer $100,000 cop but early knock on the door (girl was an 8/9 but interruption sucks. Woodman stopped in and we wandered Santa Fe. Better weather but the same quality girls. You guys find this area worth going to? IMHO The time you spend to find a gem you could be with a high quality hooker, yes it will cost you more but really? Guess it's not for me.

Day 6 Sunday – Same cute / smart tour guide. Late breakfast and went to Usaqueen Flea market. Purchased some nice paintings. Uber back to my room and hung out.

Day 7 – Monday. I decide to try something new. Already have SA girl scheduled for 10 PM but I message a bunch of pro's. They are less expensive. LOL Seems like I get an auto reply but later they all start asking when, where etc. I get tired of bullshit so I go to Abadunai Spa. Waste of time. Cutest girl there (only 4 at 4:30 pm) Briana is a 5. Still spend 180,000 full service. Now there's a transportation strike slowing things down. I cancel the hot SA girl and wait for pro to show up. She is 2 hours late but decent service. Photos taken when she was 20 lbs lighter and younger. Oh well. Next time SA.

Day 8 - It's Bogota. My first trip. I leave tomorrow AM. Tour guides are awesome! IMHO Santa Fe is overrated, well unless you like those cheap, mostly unattractive "street sweeties". Tijuana has hotter girls for maybe 50% more dinero. I've been there more times than I can remember. SA is a good option in Colombia, saves time but costs 4 X more than Santa Fe. Sill cheap compared to USA. Tried the 49 club but was a Thursday and it was dead. I will come back. Knowledge is power. You need to decide how much time you have to search. Thanks Woodman.

Oh and get off the monger routine and go do something, a tour, whatever. Bogota is amazing. Especially if you like the rain. LOL.

09-24-19, 18:55
I'm a newb and heading to Bogota on Thursday - 9/26-9/30.

Not sure I'll be able to find - "a 2-story commercial building on the next corner south from Parque Calle 106" (what's the cross street).

Could you be a little descriptive as to the address. Thanks. Def. Want to check out the mezzanine (s).The mezzanines are on the northwest corner of Calle 104 and Carrera 15. There's a set of stairs right at the corner. There are, or at least there were, places on both sides. Blacked out doors, which will usually be opened up when they see you walk by.

The Tall Man
09-24-19, 18:58
My first night here.

Was attacked crossing main street in front of Bagata Towers by 2 teenagers trying to steal a wallet. I kicked one in the balls the other I held off till 6-7 motorcycle cops showed up and beat the hell out of the thieves.

Second day / night / Wednesday.

Met my tour guide it's drizzling. She is young, smart, speaks 5 languages and good looking. Was an amazing 7 hours walking / talking / learning about Bogota. Botero Museum, Candelaria historical sites. I'm keeping her contact info. The evening was just as amazing. Met a blonde (10+ girl of my dreams) from SA. She came to the Bagata. 300,000 COP It would be difficult to find anyone like her in the USA unless you wanted to spend a few thousand dollars. I interviewed 50+ girls on SA. There are gems there, some speak English but it takes time. Most are above hooker quality, some are hookers..Great post, thanks for sharing. I too seldom will do a repeat of a girl however on night this past visit to SF in April I met this most sexy rolla at Troya and had to repeat the next night and let me say that if I did not have to leave I would probably been back for even more, why? She was so damn sexy, not a stunner but something about her attitude and flirtations that I could die for.

The Tall Man.

09-24-19, 19:15
Happy they didn't have a knife.

My first night here.

Was attacked crossing main street in front of Bagata Towers by 2 teenagers trying to steal a wallet. I kicked one in the balls the other I held off till 6-7 motorcycle cops showed up and beat the hell out of the thieves.

Second day / night / Wednesday.

Met my tour guide it's drizzling. She is young, smart, speaks 5 languages and good looking. Was an amazing 7 hours walking / talking / learning about Bogota. Botero Museum, Candelaria historical sites. I'm keeping her contact info. The evening was just as amazing. Met a blonde (10+ girl of my dreams) from SA. She came to the Bagata. 300,000 COP It would be difficult to find anyone like her in the USA unless you wanted to spend a few thousand dollars. I interviewed 50+ girls on SA. There are gems there, some speak English but it takes time. Most are above hooker quality, some are hookers.

3rd day / night Thursday Woodman.

Was pick pocketed (I had a fake wallet with $50 in it, fake ID's) again in front of the Bagata towers downtown. Walking the street with Woodman looking for Colombian phone chip...

09-24-19, 20:12
IMHO Santa Fe is overrated, well unless you like those cheap, mostly unattractive "street sweeties". Tijuana has hotter girls for maybe 50% more dinero. I've been there more times than I can remember. SA is a good option in Colombia, saves time but costs 4 X more than Santa Fe. Sill cheap compared to USA. Tried the 49 club but was a Thursday and it was dead. I will come back. Knowledge is power. You need to decide how much time you have to search. Thanks Woodman..Haven't been there in 10 years but back then there were many hotties. With the influx of Venezolanas, I got to believe there are more. Ill be there this weekend. Can't wait to see what's up. Thanks for your report.

World Travel 69
09-24-19, 23:24
It is on this Map:


I'm a newb and heading to Bogota on Thursday - 9/26-9/30.

Not sure I'll be able to find - "a 2-story commercial building on the next corner south from Parque Calle 106" (what's the cross street).

Could you be a little descriptive as to the address. Thanks. Def. Want to check out the mezzanine (s).

09-25-19, 00:42
I'm a newb and heading to Bogota on Thursday - 9/26-9/30.

Not sure I'll be able to find - "a 2-story commercial building on the next corner south from Parque Calle 106" (what's the cross street).

Could you be a little descriptive as to the address. Thanks. Def. Want to check out the mezzanine (s).You'll find them easily enough. It's actually quite obvious once you're there.

There are very cute girls there, but be prepared for some very small spaces and a real lack of privacy.

09-25-19, 13:52
On the corner across from the gas station. Up the stairs. You can't miss it.

09-25-19, 14:58
Sometimes they are just weak men who can't find anyone except a prostitute to be with them."Weak men"? That's very good on the self-awareness aspect.

09-25-19, 16:21
This is on point-.

Don't. I repeat. Don't fall in love. Do not. Do not. Why am I saying this. Because I did. And it didn't end well unfortunately. I didn't even meet a working girl. Met her on the cable car going up to Parque Arvi in Medellin with her son. The problem. They know you are leaving. And they don't want that. So even if they are sincere (mine was. I think) they need you to live there. Those that are working. Well that's another story.Met 2 girls in a cable car coming down from Parque Arvi. They were very friendly and I could have easily chosen one for nocturnal action. But then I figured that's one girl for the same amount of time as I can bang many hookers and I bummed out. The girls did not look happy when I did not ask for their contacts.

Ryck II
09-26-19, 02:48
In Colombia people use cash to pay the most unlikely things. I sold my car 2 month ago, the woman took the cash money from her handbag as if she was paying a coffee. People queue every month to pay cash their gas, electricity, water, phone bill or apartment rental. And a hooker will ask a bank account transfer???The reason for the widespread use of cash is that the banks charge too much for almost everything: ATM withdrawals, ATM balance check, credit card monthly fee, debit card monthly fee, etc etc some banks even charge a fee for the sole reason of having an account with them. This has led to people from lower incomes stopping usage of banks altogether.

09-26-19, 09:16
- Overall, Columbia doesn't seem too bad scam-wise, for a "3rd" world country. It seems I get charged normal prices from food carts and restaurants without posted prices, unlike Vietnam.

- Note, I look like a tourist. After I say anything, it's obvious I'm a tourist.

- Taxi drivers waiting at the airport have attempted to scam me every time. I've only used it 3 times. Now I use Uber, even with the hassle of the airport pick-up. The meters in Bogota are translated via a chart to calculate the fare. The first time, the taxi driver pointed at the meter. He wanted me to pay few hundred thousand pesos, for a 30 K fare. The other 2 times, they attempted to add around 5 or 10 K pesos. They helped load and unload my luggage. Do locals tip the taxi drivers? I don't mind tipping. I was going to tip anyway. But I hate to be extorted for a tip.

- Sometimes even away from the airport, taxi drivers attempted to get several thousand extra pesos from me. I don't believe locals tip, especially when they don't help with any bags. I normally will round up, but I hate it when they do that on their own.

- Once in Candalaria, I got into a taxi that was just parked during rush hour. Lucky day I thought. But the meter started at 25. That probably was the old starting point. It is now at 28. My scam sensor went off. I was looking at the road / meter most of the way. I put my head down for a brief moment to look at my phone. The meter went from 60 to 90 during that time. So, be careful if any meter starts at 25.

- Once I got a taxi to use the meter from Santa Fe. At the end of the ride, the meter was turned off and a LED display said something like the fare is X, which was several thousand pesos extra.

- All the waiters in the Santa Fe strip clubs are ALL scammers, if you are a tourist. They added between 2 to 14 K pesos for my beer. California club was the worst. Even one bartender lied when I asked to verify. Do locals tip for a beer? I have never seen a local tip for a beer.

- At Venus club, Club Columbia beer is 6 K. Poker is usually 1 K less. The Club Columbia beers on the other main strip clubs is either 7 or 8 K. If you guys paid 10 K for a local beer, you got ripped off. On my first night back this year, I said I would give a huge tip if any waiter gave me a beer at the correct price. None did. Now if any waiter overcharges me, I don't tip. But now, some waiters recognize me, and they don't overcharge me, forcing me to give my normal 2 K tip. LOL!

- When you use your USA credit card, most local credit card processors will give an option to charge either US dollars or COP. If US dollar is selected, they will charge 3.5% extra. IMO, that's a scam.

09-26-19, 09:54
- I hear conflicting opinions on whether Bogota taxis are safe or not. People write, only use Call taxis, or pretend to send a picture to a friend once you get into a taxi. Many people say taxis are safe. I am more of the later opinion (taxis are safe, especially if taken from a good area), but I am still paranoid.

- Are taxis taken from Santa Fe safe? I am assuming they are. Are there any real stories of taxis drivers from Santa Fe mugging their customers? But because I'm paranoid, I normally only take taxis that are parked, where the taxi drivers are known.

- It seems many parked taxis will not use their meters, especially if they are parked on that main street. I've seen drunk locals get into and then immediately out of a parked taxi. The other night, the taxi driver requested 20 K for a max 14 K fare. It is cheaper than the Uber surge price, and definitely quicker.

- Uber sucks if you need a pick-up from Santa Fe. Many times, the Uber driver will cancel once they get to the area. They believe it's dangerous. But why the fuck do they have to wait 8 minutes to cancel. They should know what Santa Fe is. Sometimes multiple Uber drivers in a row will cancel on you. Sometimes late at night, it can take a long time to get an Uber.

- Uber surge pricing sucks. The normal taxi meter from Santa Fe to Zona Rosa will be between 11 - 14 K. Uber will be between 10600 - 38000 pesos.

09-26-19, 13:27
- I hear conflicting opinions on whether Bogota taxis are safe or not. People write, only use Call taxis, or pretend to send a picture to a friend once you get into a taxi. Many people say taxis are safe. I am more of the later opinion (taxis are safe, especially if taken from a good area), but I am still paranoid.

- Are taxis taken from Santa Fe safe? I am assuming they are. Are there any real stories of taxis drivers from Santa Fe mugging their customers? But because I'm paranoid, I normally only take taxis that are parked, where the taxi drivers are known.

- It seems many parked taxis will not use their meters, especially if they are parked on that main street. I've seen drunk locals get into and then immediately out of a parked taxi. The other night, the taxi driver requested 20 K for a max 14 K fare. It is cheaper than the Uber surge price, and definitely quicker.

- Uber sucks if you need a pick-up from Santa Fe. Many times, the Uber driver will cancel once they get to the area. They believe it's dangerous. But why the fuck do they have to wait 8 minutes to cancel. They should know what Santa Fe is. Sometimes multiple Uber drivers in a row will cancel on you. Sometimes late at night, it can take a long time to get an Uber.

- Uber surge pricing sucks. The normal taxi meter from Santa Fe to Zona Rosa will be between 11 - 14 K. Uber will be between 10600 - 38000 pesos.Remember the days of flagging down a taxi, getting in, and getting dropped off at a fair price? That still exists. I always negotiate a price first, regardless of a meter, always pay for everything in cash that I brought over from home, and stay in a place where I'll be spending the most time. Do that, and you'll save yourself a lot of headaches. If you like Santa Fe so much, just find a little hotel in the area and walk there, skipping the taxis.

09-26-19, 16:06
If you like Santa Fe so much, just find a little hotel in the area and walk there, skipping the taxis.On my first trip to Santa Fe, I was paranoid. As I got more comfortable with Santa Fe, it grew on me. But, Santa Fe is still a shithole. I can't stay there 24 hours a day.

I need to stay in an area like Zona Rosa / Zona T. I need a place to eat, drink and play poker (Casino Luckia) in safety. IMO, Zona Rosa is very safe, contrary to what some posters write.

Mr Enternational
09-26-19, 16:25
On my first trip to Santa Fe, I was paranoid. As I got more comfortable with Santa Fe, it grew on me. But, Santa Fe is still a shithole. I can't stay there 24 hours a day.

I need to stay in an area like Zona Rosa / Zona T. I need a place to eat, drink and play poker (Casino Luckia) in safety. IMO, Zona Rosa is very safe, contrary to what some posters write.I don't need a Zona Rosa, but I definitely would not stay in Santa Fe either. To me, it is just a place to go get your rocks off then leave, not somewhere to make a vacation of.

09-26-19, 17:19
The Venezuela crisis has been good for Bogota.- Definitely agree. Santa Fe is amazing. It seems that I've been offered lower average prices compared to 2.5 years ago.

- I've been asked for 25, 30, 35, 40, and 45 K pesos for a session. 30 and 40 K are the 2 numbers I hear most often. I hear 40 K around the main square block. I hear 30 K around the outskirts.

- How long is a standard session? I guess it depends on when that dreaded knock on the door comes. Most girls say 15 or 20 minutes. Some Vennies say 30 minutes.

- The problem is that they knock on the door after approx 12 minutes, indicating time is up. Sometimes, I get 1 hour, but the knock still comes early at 40 minutes.

- What is the standard on who pays for the room? I thought I read that the girl pays for it if you are a local. But most of the time, the girl gets the tourist to pay for it. But some of the Vennies are so new and fresh that they haven't learned how to manipulate the customer into paying for the room.

- What is the standard on if you pay after or before? I thought it was afterwards. Most girls demand the money upfront. Sometimes I just leave the money on the table, and they don't pick it up until afterwards.

- I like to know the standard. More info to judge the girl. I like to get a girl for a quickie. Do a test drive. Then if everything is good, I rent them for an hour. The girls seem to be very happy with 100 K for 1 hour, with me paying for the room. I jokingly tell them, isn't the standard 70 K for 1 hour. Then they reply, yes, but that is just normal stuff. We do everything for that higher price. BBBJ, CIM, lesbian rimming. Yes they do!

- Many girls will renege in the room. Some will not do the things they promised. Some will ask for more money. Some will say no more BBBJ after a few minutes. I try not to get angry. It is a cost of doing business, and it is so cheap.

- Many girls in Santa Fe are decent. Some girls were stunners 20 years ago. Some girls could be stunners if they lost 20 kilos. Some girls are very cute, but are of dubious age. And of course, many girls are ugly.

- There are some cute Vennies out there. They are desperate. It seems they are only allowed to use some of the motels since they don't have a Colombian ID. There's one that uses the motel next to California Club. Alajendra. 19 years old. No baby. Recommended. She's a white Vennie with blackish toes. She said she got frostbite walking from Cucuta to Bogota. She has only been here for a few months.

- I much prefer Bogota's Santa Fe over Medellin's Veracruz. Bogota has so much more girls and options.

Mr Enternational
09-26-19, 17:45
The girls seem to be very happy with 100 K for 1 hour, I am sure they are. I have gotten most chicks in Santa Fe to agree to 100K for all night.

09-26-19, 18:07
I am sure they are. I have gotten most chicks in Santa Fe to agree to 100K for all night.LOL! I like to make the girls happy. I definitely will not DATY or even kiss a SW.


Yes, the 100 K pesos for 1 hour is a lot higher than the hourly minimum wage of 3,450 COP, or even the daily minimum wage of 27,604 COP.

I talked to several girls. One average girl said she makes between 100 - 200 COP a day. An above average girl with a great 18 year old body said she makes 150 K on a bad day, and between 300 - 400 COP on a good day.

Elvis 2008
09-26-19, 21:25
Don't. I repeat. Don't fall in love. Do not. Do not. Why am I saying this. Because I did. And it didn't end well unfortunately. I didn't even meet a working girl. Met her on the cable car going up to Parque Arvi in Medellin with her son. The problem. They know you are leaving. And they don't want that. So even if they are sincere (mine was. I think) they need you to live there. Those that are working. Well that's another story.Most times, you fall in love, it is not going to end well, and there is going to be pain. Half of all marriages. On the other hand, my ex kind of showed me that deep down that I wanted a stable relationship but it turns out it was not with her. But I think it's important to point out that some STRs are a pain too: no shows, poor performance ETC.

This last trip to Colombia I only focused on the women I had previously met. I had my fun or two on Santa Fe and with a few of the younger women I had previously met and two new ones, but they were definitely more escorts than SBs. Out of the dozen or more I met, there were two that I had met that had LTR potential, and they both worked so I wasn't able to spend much time with them.

One worked at a store in the mall, was free one day away a week and was in her 30's. This was the kind of woman everyone told me to look for. She was either #1 or #2 in terms of being striking, competed back in the day in the Ms. Venezuela competition even though she had dual Venezuelan-Colombian citizenship, and I could see why. She had a perfect hour glass figure, clothes were well picked out and put together, and she sang a song for me that was indistinguishable from the original and was pitch perfect. She danced like a pro and had, and I don't know how to describe this, an incredibly sexy walk. She told me that she hadn't had sex in a year, and given how tight she was, how horny she was, and how bad she was at giving head, I believed her. Once again, we spent all night going at it, and the next day we went to the mall. It was there that things got rocky.

She works in a mall, and I think that she has had to see time and again, things that she wants and can't have. She wanted everything, and it was so bad I put her on a budget. She fretted at first but then lived within it. Her needs were getting out of debt. Once she did that, she could get a Spanish passport and could travel visa free to the USA Whenever she wanted. Thing was if I got her out of debt, she was free to see any other American guy as well. During our mall trip, she spent half of what it would have cost to get her out of debt.

During the time, I communicated with the ex, and I realized that this woman brought to the table the same things the ex did. In the end, she would be there for sex, companionship, and to have a beautiful, talented, and highly intelligent woman on my arm, and that was it. In return, she would expect to be pampered, to eat at the best restaurants, have the most fashionable clothes ETC, and she showed less restraint with this than my ex did. I remembered what the psychologist on narcissism had said: you want a partner who makes you feel good. This was a woman who could make you look good but suck you dry money wise.

Thing is she did have a thing for great restaurants. I went to Andres DC in Zona T and had the best meal I had in Bogota, and the second best was Smoking Molly, a jazz type bar with amazing food. My conversations with the ex though had me convinced I was making the same mistake again. I was focusing on what made me look good versus someone who made me feel good.

There was a teacher I had seen. She wasn't as stunning but very attractive. She was like an 8 out of 10, but she was very upbeat, lit up the room with her smile, and children unlike my ex ran up to her as if they were life long friends. When we first met, I was between hotels, and she helped me pack and move. Instead of asking for an Uber, she took the bus and was happy to do so. She was an incredibly giving lover. We never talked price, and when I did finally give her money, she said, "I am not here for that" and didn't even count it.

So I reached out to her again. She came via bus, was happy with a simple meal, and at this time, after having my fun, I told her I wanted to get to know her better. She had quit her teaching job due to the long hours, and she was making it baby sitting for now. I was skeptical that she was still seeing other men, but she said that she had only been with six men in her life. One one night stand, two BFs, and me and two other guys from seeking arrangement. She said that she hadn't been on the website in over a month, and she felt badly about being on it. I checked and it was true. She had just broken up with her BF a year ago after being with him for 10 years. There were still pics of him on her social media page, and she unlike my ex was very open about showing me everything.

On our second night together, I had grown tired of the cold in Bogota. My father told me the best way to get to know someone was to take a trip with them. I told her that I longed to go somewhere warm. I had heard of Cartagena and Santa Marta, and she told me that Santa Marta was good as was San Andres. I had never heard of San Andres but I could tell she really wanted to go. For last minute type of planning, the flights were cheap and we got a good deal on the hotel room. She was glowing after we got the tickets, and I then asked her, "Have you been on a plane before?" She told me that she had one time when she was seven. She was going to pack her one athletic bag (she had no suitcases), but on the way out of the hotel room with great excitement in her voice, she said, "I love you. " Given that my Spanish and her English weren't that great, I wasn't sure she understood the significance of the words, and I didn't repeat them back to her.

I read on this forum that some guys didn't like San Andres, and I really don't know what they are talking about. We loved every second of it. Issues emerge when we were traveling as they always do, and she and I calmly found a way to solve things. When we went to the nearby islands, we missed out boat back, but she calmly found us another ride. The other boat had a tour guide, and he was better. That guide took us to a place where we saw manta rays, and at the end, he asked us all to look for a starfish. We located one, the guide dove in and grabbed it, and we all took pictures with it. It was an unforgettable experience.

Yes, she was the same incredible lover every night, but it was the little things that mattered. When we went to buy groceries, she got a body lotion and spent 30 minutes every night giving me a massage. There were the times on the boat and beach, she reached out and grabbed my hand and stroked my skin. Many times, she reached in her own wallet to pay for things versus looking at me.

One thing when being with the ex was that I NEVER saw a more attractive woman when we were out together. Granted, we spent most of our time in Mexico and Peru and not in Argentina or Brazil, but this time in San Andres, I did see women physically as attractive as mine, but they gave off this bitchy, entitled vibe my gal didn't. When I started taking pictures of her, I realized that the same friendly, giving spirit she had in real life came off in the photos. I didn't see anyone I wanted more, and there were hundreds of biking clad women on the beaches.

I told her that I wanted to see her every month. My job will allow me to see her on weekends if she comes to Mexico every month, but we are going to work on getting her a tourist and then possibly a student visa. I am going to pay for her English classes and the amount I give her per month would be the same as an hour for an escort in the USA It's not as much as she was making as a teacher, but she said, "I will work as a waitress and keep up with my babysitting, and it will be the same as my teaching salary. " Those jobs will give her the flexibility in her schedule.

When we got back to Bogota, we had sex again, and she had to leave. She repeated those three words, and I said, "I love you too". Still, even thought the words were said, I don't have the same emotional depth I had with the ex. I have great affection for her, but I am not in love with her. If I didn't hear from her again, I would be bummed but not emotionally devastated. Hopefully, the in love part will come later.

I get what the guys are saying here. You need to be with them every day and maybe that is true, but my gal didn't like to drink and seemed pretty happy spending her nights caring for children instead of being out partying. She has been tight with her family so she has companions in her life, and she has had long term relationships before and I can see on her social media pages that she has had life long friends. Unlike so many other women, she seems to be one who can defer gratification.

The Ven-Col beauty is on the website every day and outside of my woman, she was the other best LTR prospect. The other women I met were if not escorts, escortish, and I think anyone falling for them would get in trouble. They were stunning to look at, sexually were amazing, and they had that Colombian vibe where they make a man feel so special.

Still, if this doesn't work out, I will probably give up on a LTR with a Latin American woman and focus on American women. It's just hard given the higher quality of woman available in the South American countries.

Mr Enternational
09-26-19, 23:07
Don't. I repeat. Don't fall in love. Do not. Do not. Why am I saying this. Because I did. And it didn't end well unfortunately. I didn't even meet a working girl. Met her on the cable car going up to Parque Arvi in Medellin with her son. The problem. They know you are leaving. And they don't want that. So even if they are sincere (mine was. I think) they need you to live there. Those that are working. Well that's another story.I beg to differ. I have been in relationships with women from various countries for the last 20 years and have not had any heartache or anything ending badly. Most I could even call tomorrow if I wanted to start again. And these are women that I have given ZERO money to. You gave no specifics on why not. You just ordered everyone DON'T! Care to elaborate? These are recent conversations with exes from Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, and Colombia.

09-27-19, 10:47
I beg to differ. I have been in relationships with women from various countries for the last 20 years and have not had any heartache or anything ending badly. Most I could even call tomorrow if I wanted to start again. And these are women that I have given ZERO money to. You gave no specifics on why not. You just ordered everyone DON'T! Care to elaborate? These are recent conversations with exes from Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, and Colombia.I think we're talking 2 different things here. Maybe I've got you wrong, but I don't see you throwing yourself at some girls feet and begging her not to leave you. More than likely, if she wants to leave, you're holding the door for her with one hand while scrolling through your contacts for a replacement.

Don't fall in love is a warning for the first timers. It can be overwhelming having some girl 20-30 years younger hanging on you and telling you how much she loves you. It doesn't make it easier when she's much hotter than the girls who were hanging on you when you were 20-30 years younger.

09-27-19, 10:58
There was a teacher I had seen. She wasn't as stunning but very attractive. She was like an 8 out of 10, but she was very upbeat, lit up the room with her smile, and children unlike my ex ran up to her as if they were life long friends. When we first met, I was between hotels, and she helped me pack and move. Instead of asking for an Uber, she took the bus and was happy to do so. She was an incredibly giving lover. We never talked price, and when I did finally give her money, she said, "I am not here for that" and didn't even count it.

Still, if this doesn't work out, I will probably give up on a LTR with a Latin American woman and focus on American women. It's just hard given the higher quality of woman available in the South American countries.Can I call dibs on this one if you dump her?

Elvis 2008
09-27-19, 17:32
Can I call dibs on this one if you dump her?LOL. I don't see that happening, but if it does, sure.

Mr Enternational
09-27-19, 19:03
I think we're talking 2 different things here. Maybe I've got you wrong, but I don't see you throwing yourself at some girls feet and begging her not to leave you. More than likely, if she wants to leave, you're holding the door for her with one hand while scrolling through your contacts for a replacement.And when it is done that way you can not get them to leave! You can not be a creme puff when it comes to women. You have to be a MAN. If you haven't made a woman cry, you have no business being in a relationship with her.

09-27-19, 19:24
And when it is done that way you can not get them to leave! You can not be a creme puff when it comes to women. You have to be a MAN. If you haven't made a woman cry, you have no business being in a relationship with her.Haha, that's your opinion, and total BS IMO.

You're not a man unless you make a woman cry?
Hmmmm, OK.
In your world.

09-27-19, 19:59
Hi all,

Heading to Bogota for the first time over a long weekend in November. Not too keen on partaking in the SantaFe streetwalker scene (considering the time I am there for) and looking for a independent / agency route. If I like the lady, may do the whole night. Is it possible to negotiate with the agency escorts to come as independents for a longer period of time? Any recommendations on agencies or independents? You can PM me as well.

Thank you in advance.

Mr Enternational
09-27-19, 20:11
Haha, that's your opinion, and total BS IMO.

You're not a man unless you make a woman cry?
Hmmmm, OK.
In your world.That is not what I said.

09-27-19, 23:44
That is not what I said.True, I stand corrected on my misquote.


You have to be a MAN. If you haven't made a woman cry, you have no business being in a relationship with her.Totally disagree with your above statement.

I've had many great relationships with no crying from anyone involved, LOL.

Including my current favorita en Rio, for about 18 months now.

No crying, just love, LOL.

See Pic (following your lead of posting convos, LOL).

09-28-19, 00:09
Hi all,

Heading to Bogota for the first time over a long weekend in November. Not too keen on partaking in the SantaFe streetwalker scene (considering the time I am there for) and looking for a independent / agency route. If I like the lady, may do the whole night. Is it possible to negotiate with the agency escorts to come as independents for a longer period of time? Any recommendations on agencies or independents? You can PM me as well.

Thank you in advance.You can ask for an escort for an hour and once she is there negociate with her directly. You will both avoid the agency fee that is roughly 50%.

09-28-19, 04:57
Thanks Routard. I read some good reviews on some Spanish forums for the LaCelestina agency. Will try them out and use your recommended approach.

You can ask for an escort for an hour and once she is there negociate with her directly. You will both avoid the agency fee that is roughly 50%.

09-29-19, 04:43
Recently returned from a 10 day combined 7 day Bogota and 3 day Cali trip. (not including two days of travel time).

To help plan the trip like to thank World Travel 69, for his great maps, and Tomjackin for his many contributions and great Cali trip report. Had the pleasure of meeting both of these guys in Quito seems like about 3-4 years ago. Also like to thank Woodman for his Santa Fe tour. More about that below. And Routard for his amazing and comprehensive report.

Arrived at the Ibis Museo hotel in Bogota, (recommended on this board), very late Friday night. The Ibis I'd consider to be a mid range hotel and not a bad deal for $45 per night. It had a good buffet breakfast and I had lunch and dinner there a few times. And of course the big advantage is that it is within 15 minutes walking distance to the Santa Fe Red light district.


Was feeling a bit wiped out Saturday morning but couldn't sleep so decided to check out the Chapinero area for daytime casas following the WT 69 map First tried to find Chicas Mellenio recommended by Routard but should have read more recent reports that showed it to have moved from it's calle 71 location. There was another casa right in the same area but I was not impressed by the selection of 4 to 5 girls. It was early though. 11 am so that could have had something to do with it.

Walking from Calle 71 to around calle 61 I found Bellezas and Figuras which had 4 to 5 girls available. I'd rate them Ok but not great and so I passed. Looked for Pussy House in the same area and found it but that was around 3 pm and it was basicly empty. Not sure if it was even open. All in all I was off to a slow start but it was partly my own fault as I was just getting my bearings and adapting to the somewhat confusing by USA Standards street address numbering. I think it's possible also as Woodman told me that the daytime casas are better Monday to Friday. I learned over time also that it could be easier and faster to walk than to take Uber or a taxi. Some uber drivers were pretty skilled in getting around congested traffic but most were not.

Met Woodman at the Ibis seems like around 4 PM Saturday. We then walked to Santa Fe from there. About half of the 15 minute walk looks a bit sketchy but plenty of other pedestrians so I'm sure not dangerous at all until late at night if then. I did make the walk around 8 to 9 pm a couple of times and it seemed reasonably safe walking east on calle 24 past avenida Caracas and to carrera 7 and then north to the Ibis.

Woodman started the tour around calle 19 or 20 and we cruised north checking out carreras 15 and 16 up to the main bar areas between calles 23 and 24. Some reports have advised to steer clear of anything south of 23 but I don't think that area is dangerous except perhaps very late. In general I found carrera 15, (the closest street parallel to avenida Caracas) to be the main street girl area all the way from calle 19 and 20 up to 24. There's some on carrera 16 also but mainly only from calle 22 or 23 up to 24.

Woodman did a great job of showing me about. Thanks Woodman! Even though it was early around 5 to 6 pm there were quite a lot of street girls out and Woodman explained that it would get even better and it did. We stopped and talked to a few of them. I speak passable Spanish so that's extremely helpful. I was trying for a BBBJ though and probably about 3/4 ths of them would not do that. The prices were quite amazing though at 25 to 40 mil (8 to 13 dollars! I'd offer double that for BBBJ and besos. No sense in negotiating hard at these prices. LOL.

Finally found one who met all of my requirements. She was quite good looking by my tastes Said 20 and looked it. Slim but curvy, light skinned morena Vennie. Seemed like a great attitude and pretty face and I fell in love. I don't recall the exact final price as she was upselling me in the room but I think it worked out to about 100 mil total for 30-40 minutes and that included CIM. Wow! 30 dollars for all that! Got her whatsapp number and left.

Woodman graciously waited for me and then we hit the main bar area. Venus was good at the slightly lower end in girl quality and prices. Troya was a bit too loud for me although plenty of girls. My favorite was Atunes. Loud but not as loud as Troya and a high density of attractive girls. The tour was mostly over by then but once in the main bar area it felt safe to be on my own. The bars were fun and the women on average somewhat better and friendlier than the street girls. Got myself a 15 mil naked table dance. Wow! This was with an exceptionally good looking 33 year old vennie. Would have not guessed 33 but did look over 25. Very fine looking and this was a full contact nude dance! I was spent though and called it a night.


I tried to hook up again with the previous days street girl but she was not responding on whatsapp. She did eventually respond but by then it was too late. Ended up doing another even better looking SG. Super shapely 19 year old vennie who agreed to BBBJ. This girl was talented but it was a bit mechanical and passionless and she would not go for CIM either. Did get a nice picture of her backside though to remind me of her smoking body. Can't recall the overall price. 70 mil at most.


I used this day mostly for tourist activity and then unexpectedly got caught up in having to do some work remotely. Went to Pussy house seems like around 7-8 PM. It was just heating up at that time. Had one girl aggressively attach herself to me but she wasn't particularly to my liking. Then met another one who I was quite enthralled with. Very well built and somewhat native looking which is not necessarily my type but this girl definitely had something Could have gone to an onsite room for 70-80 k for an hour but all covered so I passed. Got her whatsapp for possibilities at my hotel another day but when I contacted her the next day she claimed to have gone too the nearby town Tunja due to family issues. Not sure I would have pulled the trigger in any case if she insisted on everything covered but maybe. Pussy House was a large American style strip bar. I liked it on the whole although with my non fluent Spanish the loud music made communication difficult. Beer was 8 k per bottle I recall.


Met up with the first day Vennie again on Tuesday evening. Unfortunately she had turned in to a bit of a shark and I let my guard down. I paid 150 mil this time up front for one hour of what I thought would be a repeat of the first time. It wasn't! Everything was an upsell in the room. Even Besos which I though was a given based on the prior experience. Pictures? Extra! Somehow I talked her in to a BBBJ CIM again same as first time (which I thought was already the deal) by hinting dishonestly at repeat business. The whole thing was over in about 25 minutes even though I paid for the hour. Fine by me since she seemed like a different girl than the first time.

After that she bugged me incessantly via whatsapp to come back for another round. But then the shoe was on the other foot. Was mostly just a fun exercise to see what she would agree to. Pay afterwards? Sure! BBBJ? CIM?. BESOS? YES definitely all included! Never even got around to the price but I'm sure that would easily go lower too. So lesson learned. If I ever go back to Santa Fe. I'll offer MORE than the standard rates but only if they accept payment after!


I checked out the Mezannine and Abudubai. Both in the afternoon. Mezannine was pretty much as described in other reports. Above average girls but not spectacular. Drawback for me though was everything covered. I checked out Abudubai next. Out of 7 or 8 available at least 3 or 4 were top notch. I still did not partake though as I brought only 140 mil in cash and the price was 180! I was thinking this would just be a scouting trip for a future day but half changed my mind once I saw what was available! I left Abudubai and a block or 2 away a lady struck up a conversation with me asking me what I was looking for.

She then led me to Sensity which was close by in walking distance and said that Sensity was affiliated with Abudubai or same ownership or something like that. Told her about my lack of funds and she said something could be worked out. Believe it or not Sensity actually had even MORE top notch girls then abudubai. Picked a girl I'd rate as a solid 8 and with a very sweet personality too. She was Colombian and looked mostly caucasian and about 22 but deflected the question about her age so could have been older. BBBJ was included but not CIM. Only regret was not bringing enough pesos for an hour. I did get her whatsapp though and she was agreeable to go to my hotel after 7 PM for 230 mil for an hour on another day. That was tempting.

Thursday Cali.

Took a quick 40 minute plane ride to Cali and was there by 1 PM. Round trip from Bogota cost only $86 on Avianca. Stayed at the Ibis Granada. This was noticeably better than the Ibis Museo in Bogota and for only $30 per night and it's also in a fairly nice area within walking distance of many bars and restaurants.

That afternoon and in to the night I started checking out many of the spots recommended by Tomjackin. Doctor Amor, Caras Lindas, Eventos Liz and Flores Frescas among others. Didn't have the energy to partake so this was basicly just a scouting mission Eventos Liz seemed a bit rough around the edges but I liked it and it had a couple of doable chicas in the later afternoon when I was there. Got to Flores Frescas around 8 PM but that was somewhat too early. Or maybe not because I was the only customer for a half hour with 5 or 6 available chicas. They were mostly decent but not good enough for me to pull the trigger which I wasn't planning on anyway.

Dr. Amor showed me a line up of about 7 or 8 fairly decent looking ones. My only minor complaint about Dr Amor is that it may have become too popular. More customers in the waiting area than available girls. I know that it's not your girl, "It's your turn", but it makes it easier to put that out of my mind without so many other guys around LOL.

I found Caras Lindas girls to be the same quality or almost as good as Dr. Amor but in a less factory like setting and for a lower price. Although with less to choose from also. At least when I was there in late afternoon.

Friday Cali.

I scouted out casas in the morning and based on the enticing pictures in a mileroticos ad, I took an uber to Masajes Erotico del Norte. On calle 48. I recall I got there by 11 am. Was the only customer and they showed me a lineup of 12 introducing themselves one at a time! Wow! At least half I would be happy with. Hard to choose but I chose the last one presented. A curvy 23 year old mulatta with a perfectly shaped butt and a fantastic attitude. Seemed thrilled to be with me. Regular pricing was 70 mil for an hour. An extra 30-40 mil for BBBJ CIM. Got some wonderful pictures even including face pics. Had a great rapport with her in the room even with my less than fluent spanish. Got her whatsapp and left quite happy.

Saturday Cali.

Decided to give Dr. Amor another try 1 PM in the afternoon. Less than 5 girls to choose from and seemed like at least 7 or 8 guys in the waiting room. I chose a fairly attractive one but the session was kind of ho hum. BBBJ for an extra 50 k but no CIM, no besos and no pictures. Maybe my fault because I forgot to negotiate all that up front. Great looking girl but a kind of ho hum session. Couple of hours later I was feeling bored and decided to whatsapp the Calle 48 girl just for company over dinner. She arrived at my hotel around 7:30.

We hit a couple of bars that were within walking distance. It was quite a strain for my spanish to keep up with her rapid fire delivery but she had no trouble understanding me at least. It felt very much more like being on a hot date than being with a hooker. She claimed that she had gotten no customers all day without me asking about it and seemed quite genuinely taken with my "ojitos lindos" Beautiful eyes. Always love it when they flatter my blue eyes.

Had a very fun 2-3 hours bar hopping before heading back to the hotel. She was coy about it but basicly invited herself to stay at my hotel over night even though I had to leave the next morning at 8 am back to Bogota. We had already agreed to 200 mil for an indeterminate amount of time and she was polite enough to at least not ask for more money for the over night.

Unfortunately I did not have a lot left over after the earlier Dr. Amor trip in the room. She tried everything imaginable by way of GFE for a couple of hours and I had the most fun I've ever had with a girl without having an orgasm. (although I came close). Then fell asleep by around midnight with her wrapping her naked self around me. Nice. Next morning I gave her 250 mil which she seemed happy with plus taxi money. I'm still exchanging passionate text messages and pictures with her a few days later back home! Damn!

Sunday (2nd one).

Took an early flight out and back to Bogota and the Ibis Museo. Just a day of relaxation.

Monday (2nd one).

Decided to give the chapinero day casas another try Monday morning. I was much better prepared this time. Took an uber to La Bonita Spa on Calle 67 but at 10 am was too early and only a couple of available chicas. My memory is a bit hazy but I think I looked but could not find Sirenitas which was supposed to be across the street. Then walked a couple of blocks down to Palmeras Real. Only a couple of chicas available there also but one was very tempting. Checked out the other couple of casas in the same area and decided to kill an hour having lunch and come back at 12. Good decision.

After 12 I visited Gaticas on Caracas near 64. Was a pretty mediocre selection of about 5 and I left. Then visited Rosaquillas and another casa close by which had only a small number available. Then I walked back up to the Palmeras Real area and went in to Casa Verde. And that's where I struck gold. I was the only customer and 12 chicas came out in a very crowded line up all at the same time! A bit overwhelming and intoxicating. I picked one and she sat down with me. But on closer inspection I could see that it was not the best pick.

Luckily alot of the other 12 had also sat down near by and I made the switch to a different one. She quoted 70 mil for the hour and 40 mil for 30 minutes plus 10 mil for the room. I asked her how much more for BBBJ and besos. Only 15 mil! Got to the upstairs room and she added 10 mil for pictures. This girl was delightful. Maybe 5 foot 2, morena, Venezuelan, beautiful face. Said she was 22 but I would have guessed 19. Slim figure but still some curves and chest. Also had a very agreeable and pleasant attitude. Slight baby damage but hardly noticable. Pictures including face and body pictures together no problem at all. I was in love. 25 mil more for CIM. Her BBBJ technique was exquisite. The best of the trip. And the regular sex was exceptional too. Very hard not to end it that way.

Ended up finishing up just under the 30 minutes. Would have gladly extended that if need be. She then suggested that I take down her number for a possible all nighter and asked what hotel I was in. How much? 200 mil! OMG! That's like $60 USA! For a girl of that quality I would have seriously considered $200. Would have been 3-400 in Tijuana. Dang! Really should have met her on the first day instead of the last.

Next day Tuesday I took an early flight out to get back home. Very fun trip and I come down firmly on the side of Colombia being much better in quality not to mention price compared to Tijuana to add my two cents to that debate. Not saying Tijuana's not fine. It is. But Bogota is much better and Cali is better yet than Bogota. In my humble opinion!

09-29-19, 20:56
Have a few hours left on my trip. It's 3 pm on Sunday in Chapinero. Any suggestions if you get this before Monday.

Recently returned from a 10 day combined 7 day Bogota and 3 day Cali trip. (not including two days of travel time).

To help plan the trip like to thank World Travel 69, for his great maps, and Tomjackin for his many contributions and great Cali trip report. Had the pleasure of meeting both of these guys in Quito seems like about 3-4 years ago. Also like to thank Woodman for his Santa Fe tour. More about that below. And Routard for his amazing and comprehensive report.

Arrived at the Ibis Museo hotel in Bogota, (recommended on this board), very late Friday night. The Ibis I'd consider to be a mid range hotel and not a bad deal for $45 per night. It had a good buffet breakfast and I had lunch and dinner there a few times. And of course the big advantage is that it is within 15 minutes walking distance to the Santa Fe Red light district.


Was feeling a bit wiped out Saturday morning but couldn't sleep so decided to check out the Chapinero area for daytime casas following the WT 69 map First tried to find Chicas Mellenio recommended by Routard but should have read more recent reports that showed it to have moved from it's calle 71 location. There was another casa right in the same area but I was not impressed by the selection of 4 to 5 girls. It was early though. 11 am so that could have had something to do with it..

09-29-19, 23:13
I beg to differ. I have been in relationships with women from various countries for the last 20 years and have not had any heartache or anything ending badly. Most I could even call tomorrow if I wanted to start again. And these are women that I have given ZERO money to. These are recent conversations with exes from Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, and Colombia.Thanks for the laugh. And, thanks for the pictures. The beauty of yo fine girls really comes thru.

09-30-19, 00:46
Have a few hours left on my trip. It's 3 pm on Sunday in Chapinero. Any suggestions if you get this before Monday.Is it OK to post a whatsapp number of a girl? Normally I wouldn't do that but since it's unlikely I'll ever see her again I'm willing to share.

09-30-19, 02:43
Is it OK to post a whatsapp number of a girl? Normally I wouldn't do that but since it's unlikely I'll ever see her again I'm willing to share.'Willingness' based on unlikeliness to repeat? How classy of you. See on the mileroticos ads where it shows how many times a girl has been contacted in a single day and that will tell you what kind of an idea it is to post her whatsapp number.

09-30-19, 02:47
Wondering if you'd be kind enough to share the contact details of both of your lovely tour guides? I also PM'd you earlier.

Thank you.

My first night here.

Second day / night / Wednesday.

Met my tour guide it's drizzling. She is young, smart, speaks 5 languages and good looking. Was an amazing 7 hours walking / talking / learning about Bogota. Botero Museum, Candelaria historical sites. I'm keeping her contact info. The evening was just as amazing. Met a blonde (10+ girl of my dreams) from SA. She came to the Bagata. 300,000 COP It would be difficult to find anyone like her in the USA unless you wanted to spend a few thousand dollars. I interviewed 50+ girls on SA. There are gems there, some speak English but it takes time. Most are above hooker quality, some are hookers.

09-30-19, 02:59
Recently returned from a 10 day combined 7 day Bogota and 3 day Cali trip. (not including two days of travel time).

To help plan the trip like to thank World Travel 69, for his great maps, and Tomjackin for his many contributions and great Cali trip report. Had the pleasure of meeting both of these guys in Quito seems like about 3-4 years ago. Also like to thank Woodman for his Santa Fe tour. More about that below. And Routard for his amazing and comprehensive report.

Arrived at the Ibis Museo hotel in Bogota, (recommended on this board), very late Friday night. The Ibis I'd consider to be a mid range hotel and not a bad deal for $45 per night. It had a good buffet breakfast and I had lunch and dinner there a few times. And of course the big advantage is that it is within 15 minutes walking distance to the Santa Fe Red light district..I plan on being in Bogota in January. This will really help! Thanks. Will a guy in his 50's have much trouble picking up young ladies?

World Travel 69
09-30-19, 15:40
It is about time you made it to Colombia.

I lost your email and your phone is not working.

Call me or email me.

Is it OK to post a whatsapp number of a girl? Normally I wouldn't do that but since it's unlikely I'll ever see her again I'm willing to share.

09-30-19, 16:45
I plan on being in Bogota in January. This will really help! Thanks. Will a guy in his 50's have much trouble picking up young ladies?Depends on the size of the ladies and whether or not you have back problems. It's probably better just to let them walk, especially if the room is upstairs.

09-30-19, 17:54
I was trying for a BBBJ though and probably about 3/4 ths of them would not do that. The prices were quite amazing though at 25 to 40 mil (8 to 13 dollars! I'd offer double that for BBBJ and besos. No sense in negotiating hard at these prices. LOL.In Santa Fe, many of the girls that say no to BBBJ will probably do it for a tip. 20 K COP is a good price. That might include CIM.

Got myself a 15 mil naked table dance. Wow! This was with an exceptionally good looking 33 year old vennie. Would have not guessed 33 but did look over 25. Very fine looking and this was a full contact nude dance! I was spent though and called it a night.Was Woodman with you? As a tourist, I have trouble getting 15 K for a lap dance. 6 minute full contact nude dance? Maybe Woodman's tour is worth it.

So lesson learned. If I ever go back to Santa Fe. I'll offer MORE than the standard rates but only if they accept payment after!

I tried that a few times. They have difficulties understanding my Spanish. One time it worked. Other time, in the room, the girl wanted money upfront. As I was leaving, the girl made a scene. I don't like that situation.

The problem with your idea is that the girl will want the payment upfront. Maybe if you fluently explain everything, she will agree.

What I would do is to pay the standard fee. It is so cheap. Then offer a tip afterwards. Even then, some of the girls wanted the tip beforehand. Never found out if the girls would have done it; I never give tips before the deed.

Could have gone to an onsite room for 70-80 k for an hour but all covered so I passed.The covering is usually negotiable. At the Pussy House, I get 80 K COP (no room fee) for 30 minutes (with a 20 minute knock time). Some girl (s) will lie and say it's 1 hour. In the room, I asked for 1 hour, and then she said, are you crazy? There's also a 2 K fee that the girl has to pay, but some will try to make the customer pay.

Pussy House was a large American style strip bar. I liked it on the whole although with my non fluent Spanish the loud music made communication difficult. Beer was 8 k per bottle I recall.The waiter didn't try to charge you 10 or 12 K? All beers cost 7 K. All the prices are written on the tables. Just like Santa Fe, most / all waiters will scam the tourist. When the waiter tries to charge me 10 K, I give them 7 K. The waiters that know me will charge me 7 K, and then I will give 9 K.

I come down firmly on the side of Colombia being much better in quality not to mention price compared to Tijuana to add my two cents to that debate.IMO, that's not even a debate.

10-01-19, 03:24
Hi all,

I'm a newb. At this mongering gig, so take my report with a grain of salt.

Up front. Only bedded two women (both 19) in 4 days. Goes to show the degree of my mongering. Not accustomed to this. Hopefully next trip I will be.

No need to chronicle my woman adventures as they were limited. My experience in Bogota, however, was not thanks to Kazeau. A big thanks Kazeu.

The highlight of the trip was. By far. Hands down. S anta Fe. Oh, my,god. It's a freak show (a four block freak show) - this is coming from a newb. Mongerer mind you.

Kazeau was kind enough to "hold my hand" as I treaded through the world of Mongering in Bogota. It was invaluable that he helped me. Else, I would have been so petrified (from the reports here) to venture out alone. There are so many people on the streets of Sante Fe (police too), that I didn't find any danger in walking around amongst the crowd. I did have an amazing wingman tho. And Kazeau turns out to be a damn celebrity there. Everyone knows him. The door guys, the sweet girls, everyone. So that's quite helpful getting around.

Santa Fe. The place is off the ritcher. Just nuts. It's actually unbelievable. I couldn't believe my eyes actually. Must have been easy 200 girls in an around the 4 block area. Yes, most were 5's (street walkers) perhaps a 7 mixed in. But for $10 or a little more. Who's complaining. Most if not all under 25 easy.

Troya is pretty much the place you want to be. It was the most happening club (loud as hell tho) - no cover (Thursday) - buy 1/2 a bottle (80,000 and everyone gets free cover or I think it's 7000), beer 7000 pesos ($2. 20), 20000 pesos lap dance ($8. 00) and 60000 20 minute sessions ($20.00) the girls in Troya were upwards of 8's (all very fit) - no 9's or 10's IMHO. But sexy as hell.

I couldn't pull the trigger at Troya B/ CI was looking for the (bring back to my place) girl. That was going to cost me 230,000 and up. I was just a little to unsure of what was up (I'm a newb.) I need the GFE and wasn't under the impression that was going to happen (although another monger that was with us fell in love there).

Not sure the smile has left my face writing this in Miami. It's just that unbelievable. The dominant pretty girls are venezuelans. And yep, all very young.

I visited the infamous Mezzanine on the north end of town (Sante fe is on the south end of Bogota).

This was also a Freak Show. Unbelievable again. (remember I'm a newb.) - as I walked up the stairs the doors started to open with beautiful girls peaking their collective heads out. It was out of this world I ended up with a 19 yr old col. Girl that was actually the maid at one of the rooms (she was mopping the floors when I entered). Sweet, natural, chilll (not into the pro looking girls). The only problem with the Mezzanine is that the rooms are the size of a SHOE BOX. A message table and that's about it. So it limited the enjoyment of the moment. But, whatever -. Due to the size of the rooms, I decided not to return. But the girls are plenty pretty - 80 k - 50 minutes. Got that pricing from ISG. She was OK with it.

And the final escapade was all thanks to Kazeau again. Sunday night. The reports that Sunday is dead is correct. We started searching out casas in Chapinero at about 7 pm Sunday night.

He had the treasure map of the Chapinero Įasas (here on ISG) and we started going door to door. I felt as thought I was in a suspense movie and we were searching for the holy grail. Knocking on doors that looked as though the building was abandoned. Soon after the knock, we'd hear "no hay servicio" I. E. ; no girls. We kept moving and kept knocking. Same response. Arrived at another empty looking building / house and after about 5 minutes, dude shows up and we ask if there are any chicas. Dude says he has two (this is Sunday night remember) - so we ventured in. K was basically showing me the ropes. I ended up with the sweetest 19 YR old Venezuelan. Total GFE. I could not believe my eyes, e ears, or all of my senses for that matter. 120 k 1 hour.

Hooked up with another monger and went to Sante Fe later that night (I was done for the weekend. I unwisely climbed up Monserrat (500 meter climb) and was gassed (legs shot). But if you want adventure and like climbing up mountains in the form of very steep steps. Go do it. Takes about 45 minutes to climb up.

Once again I was ear to ear smiles as we walked the streets of Sante Fe (on a Sunday) . Not as crowded as Saturday. But plenty busy. As we were walking around I spotted a familiar ISG face. Woodman- was super cool to see him in person. Super chill dude that knows everything that there is to know about Sante Fe.

Buddy hooked up with a beautiful Colombian 30 maybe. Her stage dance was sick. That lap dance she gave the three of us (for 8. 00) was sick. My buddy did two sessions with her. I'm guessing that was also sick.

All in all, it was an amazing experience. If you're a newb. - finding someone that knows the ropes is very helpful. (also probably difficult).

I walked around at night. Prob. Not the best idea, but I had no problems. If you go to Sante Fe. Just cab in (to take the transmilenial. We did every night) and cab out (the transmilenial is closed). I'd not recommend getting the cab in front of the places. We walked out of the 4 block area, over the Transmilenial (the pretty good public transit system) and flagged down a taxi on Caracas Blvd (av 15 I think). Way less chance that the cabby is into bad shit.

So that's it. It's really a freak show at Santa Fe. Super cool and very different. Next time going to shag girls at Troya and do the 20 minute deed. It's by far the most convenient.

Go have fun. Even if you don't shag too many girls (like myself), it's an amazing experience that will not soon (or ever) be forgotten. Cheers.

P.S.: had a splitting headache the first 2 days. The altitude sickness is a very real thing. Had a damn migraine (almost threw up. And I've never had a migraine. So I'd recommend taking a benadril or something BEFORE you get there. Two days of headache sucked.

The question one asks oneself is - "Would you do it again" ans: Positively yes and likely soon.



EDITOR's NOTE: This report was originally written in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING and thus was edited to normal case text. Writing in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING in the internet equivalent of shouting and is thus is prohibited on this forum.

In the future, please do not write reports in ALL CAPITAL LETTERING. Thanks!

Bango Cheito
10-01-19, 07:37
In Santa Fe, many of the girls that say no to BBBJ will probably do it for a tip. 20 K COP is a good price. That might include CIM.

Was Woodman with you? As a tourist, I have trouble getting 15 K for a lap dance. 6 minute full contact nude dance? Maybe Woodman's tour is worth it.

I tried that a few times. They have difficulties understanding my Spanish. One time it worked. Other time, in the room, the girl wanted money upfront. As I was leaving, the girl made a scene. I don't like that situation.

The problem with your idea is that the girl will want the payment upfront. Maybe if you fluently explain everything, she will agree.

What I would do is to pay the standard fee. It is so cheap. Then offer a tip afterwards. Even then, some of the girls wanted the tip beforehand. Never found out if the girls would have done it; I never give tips before the deed.

The covering is usually negotiable. At the Pussy House, I get 80 K COP (no room fee) for 30 minutes (with a 20 minute knock time). Some girl (s) will lie and say it's 1 hour. In the room, I asked for 1 hour, and then she said, are you crazy? There's also a 2 K fee that the girl has to pay, but some will try to make the customer pay.

The waiter didn't try to charge you 10 or 12 K? All beers cost 7 K. All the prices are written on the tables. Just like Santa Fe, most / all waiters will scam the tourist. When the waiter tries to charge me 10 K, I give them 7 K. The waiters that know me will charge me 7 K, and then I will give 9 K.

IMO, that's not even a debate.Guys, beers at PH are 6 k. They just went up from 5 k about 6 months ago.

Bango Cheito
10-01-19, 07:42
- Overall, Columbia doesn't seem too bad scam-wise, for a "3rd" world country. It seems I get charged normal prices from food carts and restaurants without posted prices, unlike Vietnam.

- Note, I look like a tourist. After I say anything, it's obvious I'm a tourist.

- Taxi drivers waiting at the airport have attempted to scam me every time. I've only used it 3 times. Now I use Uber, even with the hassle of the airport pick-up. The meters in Bogota are translated via a chart to calculate the fare. The first time, the taxi driver pointed at the meter. He wanted me to pay few hundred thousand pesos, for a 30 K fare. The other 2 times, they attempted to add around 5 or 10 K pesos. They helped load and unload my luggage. Do locals tip the taxi drivers? I don't mind tipping. I was going to tip anyway. But I hate to be extorted for a tip.

- Sometimes even away from the airport, taxi drivers attempted to get several thousand extra pesos from me. I don't believe locals tip, especially when they don't help with any bags. I normally will round up, but I hate it when they do that on their own.

- Once in Candalaria, I got into a taxi that was just parked during rush hour. Lucky day I thought. But the meter started at 25. That probably was the old starting point. It is now at 28. My scam sensor went off. I was looking at the road / meter most of the way. I put my head down for a brief moment to look at my phone. The meter went from 60 to 90 during that time. So, be careful if any meter starts at 25.

- Once I got a taxi to use the meter from Santa Fe. At the end of the ride, the meter was turned off and a LED display said something like the fare is X, which was several thousand pesos extra.

- All the waiters in the Santa Fe strip clubs are ALL scammers, if you are a tourist. They added between 2 to 14 K pesos for my beer. California club was the worst. Even one bartender lied when I asked to verify. Do locals tip for a beer? I have never seen a local tip for a beer.

- At Venus club, Club Columbia beer is 6 K. Poker is usually 1 K less. The Club Columbia beers on the other main strip clubs is either 7 or 8 K. If you guys paid 10 K for a local beer, you got ripped off. On my first night back this year, I said I would give a huge tip if any waiter gave me a beer at the correct price. None did. Now if any waiter overcharges me, I don't tip. But now, some waiters recognize me, and they don't overcharge me, forcing me to give my normal 2 K tip. LOL!

- When you use your USA credit card, most local credit card processors will give an option to charge either US dollars or COP. If US dollar is selected, they will charge 3.5% extra. IMO, that's a scam.1) When you use a US credit card in ANY foreign country ALWAYS select USD. That's a worldwide scam they have going there.

2) ALL taxi meters in Bogota start off at 25; that's standard. The move from 60 to 90 was due to a secret lever the guy had installed however.

3) Ask the girls what the normal price for a drink should be. They are much more likely to tell the truth.

Bango Cheito
10-01-19, 07:44
- I hear conflicting opinions on whether Bogota taxis are safe or not. People write, only use Call taxis, or pretend to send a picture to a friend once you get into a taxi. Many people say taxis are safe. I am more of the later opinion (taxis are safe, especially if taken from a good area), but I am still paranoid.

- Are taxis taken from Santa Fe safe? I am assuming they are. Are there any real stories of taxis drivers from Santa Fe mugging their customers? But because I'm paranoid, I normally only take taxis that are parked, where the taxi drivers are known.

- It seems many parked taxis will not use their meters, especially if they are parked on that main street. I've seen drunk locals get into and then immediately out of a parked taxi. The other night, the taxi driver requested 20 K for a max 14 K fare. It is cheaper than the Uber surge price, and definitely quicker.

- Uber sucks if you need a pick-up from Santa Fe. Many times, the Uber driver will cancel once they get to the area. They believe it's dangerous. But why the fuck do they have to wait 8 minutes to cancel. They should know what Santa Fe is. Sometimes multiple Uber drivers in a row will cancel on you. Sometimes late at night, it can take a long time to get an Uber.

- Uber surge pricing sucks. The normal taxi meter from Santa Fe to Zona Rosa will be between 11 - 14 K. Uber will be between 10600 - 38000 pesos.Best way to avoid this is to pin yourself somewhere on cll 24.

Bango Cheito
10-01-19, 07:47
The reason for the widespread use of cash is that the banks charge too much for almost everything: ATM withdrawals, ATM balance check, credit card monthly fee, debit card monthly fee, etc etc some banks even charge a fee for the sole reason of having an account with them. This has led to people from lower incomes stopping usage of banks altogether.That's about 10 years out of date. But people still don't trust banks in Colombia.

10-01-19, 10:41
Depends on the size of the ladies and whether or not you have back problems. It's probably better just to let them walk, especially if the room is upstairs.Also depends on how the altitude affects you. You might want avoid altogether the first few days in Bogota.

Mr Enternational
10-01-19, 14:20
What gets me is they still can not pay bills electronically? My nurse chick said she was robbed yesterday in a place called Restrepo. She said she went to get money out of the ATM for her monthly bills and 2 armed guys came up. She went to the police but there is not shit they can do.

Fui al cajero automtico a sacar mi sueldo porque deba hacer LOS pagos del mes. Y al salir de ah, a unos pasos se acercaron doa tipos armados, uno me coloc el arma en la cintura why l otro comenz a decir que si no queria que me disparar LE entregara el dinero que saqu del cajero. No haba polica en ese lugar, tuve miedo y entregue el $. Fui a la polica Pero no pueden hacer nada y ahora no tengo nada para pagar mis cuentas.

Mr Enternational
10-01-19, 14:30
As a tourist, I have trouble getting 15 K for a lap dance. 6 minute full contact nude dance? Maybe Woodman's tour is worth it.A few months back I reported this for 10K when I was out with Dcfan. I don't give a shit about dances but the girl wanted to do it. When I asked her how much, she said 10K. So I said why not.

10-01-19, 15:15
Bull. I pay all my bills using PSE or online banking.

What gets me is they still can not pay bills electronically? My nurse chick said she was robbed yesterday in a place called Restrepo. She said she went to get money out of the ATM for her monthly bills and 2 armed guys came up. She went to the police but there is not shit they can do.

Fui al cajero automtico a sacar mi sueldo porque deba hacer LOS pagos del mes. Y al salir de ah, a unos pasos se acercaron doa tipos armados, uno me coloc el arma en la cintura why l otro comenz a decir que si no queria que me disparar LE entregara el dinero que saqu del cajero. No haba polica en ese lugar, tuve miedo y entregue el $. Fui a la polica Pero no pueden hacer nada y ahora no tengo nada para pagar mis cuentas.

10-01-19, 15:46
What gets me is they still can not pay bills electronically? My nurse chick said she was robbed yesterday in a place called Restrepo. She said she went to get money out of the ATM for her monthly bills and 2 armed guys came up. She went to the police but there is not shit they can do.

Fui al cajero automtico a sacar mi sueldo porque deba hacer LOS pagos del mes. Y al salir de ah, a unos pasos se acercaron doa tipos armados, uno me coloc el arma en la cintura why l otro comenz a decir que si no queria que me disparar LE entregara el dinero que saqu del cajero. No haba polica en ese lugar, tuve miedo y entregue el $. Fui a la polica Pero no pueden hacer nada y ahora no tengo nada para pagar mis cuentas.If they have a bank account they can pay electronically. At least that's how my old roommate pays her bills when she's traveling.

10-01-19, 17:28
1) When you use a US credit card in ANY foreign country ALWAYS select USD. That's a worldwide scam they have going there.Incorrect advice. You get an extra 3.5% charged. If you have a bad card, that bank will charge you a 3.0% foreign conversion charge. A good card will not charge extra. Never heard of a US credit card scam. Visa / Mastercard protects the customer.

2) ALL taxi meters in Bogota start off at 25; that's standard.Incorrect. Bogota taxi meters start at 28.

3) Ask the girls what the normal price for a drink should be. They are much more likely to tell the truth.Seems like a good idea. But the problem is that the waiter will be all over you when you enter the club. Girl might be hesitant to say anything. Another good source is usually the bartender.

Guys, beers at PH are 6 k. They just went up from 5 k about 6 months ago.We are both incorrect. Poker beer is 6 K. Club Colombia and the others are 7 K. The prices are listed on the table.

Not all waiters will scam the tourist. I had an honest waiter last night.

Best way to avoid this is to pin yourself somewhere on cll 24.

Santa Fe is a shithole. Most people do not want to stay there.

10-01-19, 19:17
Anyone have any good recommendations for Airbnb in Bogota? Girls friendly, clean, cheap, close to action, etc.

Bango Cheito
10-01-19, 21:13
Incorrect advice. You get an extra 3.5% charged. If you have a bad card, that bank will charge you a 3.0% foreign conversion charge. A good card will not charge extra. Never heard of a US credit card scam. Visa / Mastercard protects the customer.

Incorrect. Bogota taxi meters start at 28.

Seems like a good idea. But the problem is that the waiter will be all over you when you enter the club. Girl might be hesitant to say anything. Another good source is usually the bartender.

We are both incorrect. Poker beer is 6 K. Club Colombia and the others are 7 K. The prices are listed on the table.

Not all waiters will scam the tourist. I had an honest waiter last night.

Santa Fe is a shithole. Most people do not want to stay there.LOL I didn't say stay there. I said pin yourself. As in in the app, put your pickup location somewhere on cll 24. And be there toes to the curb waiting for them because they can't pull over in that traffic. That way you can take Uber and utterly avoid those yellow taxis, which are really garbage anyway.

The other stuff I'm not going to bother responding to. Cheers.

10-02-19, 03:06
1) When you use a US credit card in ANY foreign country ALWAYS select USD. That's a worldwide scam they have going there.
Just the opposite actually, you should choose to pay in the local currency to avoid the conversion fee.

https://www.forbes.com/sites/geoffreymorrison/2014/07/30/pay-in-local-or-home-currency/#b910 d8330756.

10-02-19, 04:23
Just the opposite actually, you should choose to pay in the local currency to avoid the conversion fee.
https://www.forbes.com/sites/geoffreymorrison/2014/07/30/pay-in-local-or-home-currency/#b910 d8330756.I can't believe people who say they 'travel' didn't know this; Pay by card in the local currency and get the commercial rate.

For those of us preferring cash (exclusively) and eschewing ATMs in Colombia Bank of Columbia (yesterday in Barranquilla) only changes USD for their customers. What other option than the cambios giving 3,200 (often negotiable, to an extent) when the published commercial rate is 3,558? Unless you have time to trade with a Colombian directly and split the spread. For 6% or so, I'm not running all over town, but if there is a bank that changes usd (small amounts, less than 5 k) for tourists, it'the be helpful to know.

World Travel 69
10-02-19, 16:39
I have two news listings for this place:

Calle 78 #11-49. __ Chicas. Prices: _ Tel: _ Hours: _ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Chicas-Milenio/199647663403879.


10+ Chicas. Prices: 30 k 30 min. , __k hour. Tel: _ Hours: _ The legendary Millennium Girls logo card also had the same design and style of the cards they distributed before. That is if the address is different but fortunately within the area. And this is for those who are interested. Cr 14 A - # 66- . (I omit the last number because in this forum they only allow approximate directions but when they reach that race there they see the goalkeeper). https://foroprepagoscolombia.com/viewtopic.php?t=7767.

10-02-19, 20:05
There is a good mix in Bogota depends on your taste and how much you willing to pay. The best all round place I went to a club on Street 40 its called "calle 40" picked up a super hot chick for the entire night and it was only 120 USD. The most popular club in the city was a bit more expensive but the quantity of girls to choose from are a lot more I would say there were at least 80 girls in there. I had always heard everyone say the girls are not pretty in Bogota I can tell that is wrong they are really pretty.

10-02-19, 21:02
I have two news listings for this place:

Calle 78 #11-49. __ Chicas. Prices: _ Tel: _ Hours: _ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Chicas-Milenio/199647663403879.


10+ Chicas. Prices: 30 k 30 min. , __k hour. Tel: _ Hours: _ The legendary Millennium Girls logo card also had the same design and style of the cards they distributed before. That is if the address is different but fortunately within the area. And this is for those who are interested. Cr 14 A - # 66- . (I omit the last number because in this forum they only allow approximate directions but when they reach that race there they see the goalkeeper). https://foroprepagoscolombia.com/viewtopic.php?t=7767.On Calle 78 #11-49, there is nothing. Regarding the second adress (the complete adress is Carrera 14 A bis#66-60), this used to be the adress of Mansion swinger club that later became the Loggia swinger club. The owners are gone now and opened another swing club, La Fortaleza on Diagonal 49 Sur #52 C-54 . https://lafortalezaswinger.com/. What used to be the Loggia swinger club on 4 floor, is now devided in two: the second floor is now a small swinger club named La Venganza and the third floor is indeed a brothel. It has no name and is defitively not related to the old Millenium. Several so called guides are waiting in front of the old adress of Millenium to send customers to other locations claiming they are the new Millenium.

10-02-19, 21:28
Recently returned from a 10 day combined 7 day Bogota and 3 day Cali trip. (not including two days of travel time).
!This has got to be the review of the year and left me searching for flights all night long. Thanks!

World Travel 69
10-02-19, 22:07
Thanks, I put them on their Maps.

On Calle 78 #11-49, there is nothing. Regarding the second address (the complete address is Carrera 14 A bis#66-60), this used to be the address of Mansion swinger club that later became the Loggia swinger club. The owners are gone now and opened another swing club, La Fortaleza on Diagonal 49 Sur #52 C-54 . https://lafortalezaswinger.com/. What used to be the Loggia swinger club on 4 floor, is now devided in two: the second floor is now a small swinger club named La Venganza and the third floor is indeed a brothel. It has no name and is definitively not related to the old Millenium. Several so called guides are waiting in front of the old address of Millenium to send customers to other locations claiming they are the new Millenium.

10-03-19, 02:04
A few months back I reported this for 10K when I was out with Dcfan. I don't give a shit about dances but the girl wanted to do it. When I asked her how much, she said 10K. So I said why not.Girls in Paisas, Fiebre and Troya will ask 30 mil and if you can negotiate most will take 20 mil. Quickees $60 mil+.

For Atonis, La Casona, Venus, Texas and California they will ask 20 mil and usually can get for 10 mil. Quickees for $50 mil with many.

10-03-19, 17:10
Starts at Cutie Corners and goes all the way around the main block. There is a part they miss.

At night there are 4 times+ more! A spectacle to be seen if not participated in. Usually the 3 minute mark you would see 100 girls on a busy night.

Supermarket of sex!


10-04-19, 07:23
Hi folks,

I've booked myself at The Hilton in the financial district for a visit in November. Any options close to that place within walking distance? Also, anyone know what the hotel policy is for bringing guests over?

10-04-19, 08:01
Is this represents the quality of girls in Bogota? I don't see any good looking one. Most seems to be old / fat.

Starts at Cutie Corners and goes all the way around the main block. There is a part they miss.

At night there are 4 times+ more! A spectacle to be seen if not participated in. Usually the 3 minute mark you would see 100 girls on a busy night.

Supermarket of sex!


10-05-19, 12:37
Is this represents the quality of girls in Bogota? I don't see any good looking one. Most seems to be old / fat.We must not be watching the same video. Yeah, there were some bad ones, but also some smoking ones. The girl in the pink shorts at about 0:45 I would absolutely destroy. Good video, Woodman.

Mr Enternational
10-05-19, 15:29
Starts at Cutie Corners and goes all the way around the main block. There is a part they miss.

Supermarket of sex!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tTNPs2bZGU&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR0QPYif7fZ9OabDGILElZ4LmhRH7pNKLHbU9eHleOLd8zVxLHuc6fsUiMwThat video made me cry. I miss that place.

10-05-19, 18:52
Starts at Cutie Corners and goes all the way around the main block. There is a part they miss.

At night there are 4 times+ more! A spectacle to be seen if not participated in. Usually the 3 minute mark you would see 100 girls on a busy night.

Supermarket of sex!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tTNPs2bZGU&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR0QPYif7fZ9OabDGILElZ4LmhRH7pNKLHbU9eHleOLd8zVxLHuc6fsUiMwThanks for the video. Also, I appreciate the tour of Santa Fe last Sunday. Even though you apologize for the slow night on Sunday, I was able to go back several times on different days. Thanks.

10-05-19, 19:54
We must not be watching the same video. Yeah, there were some bad ones, but also some smoking ones. The girl in the pink shorts at about 0:45 I would absolutely destroy. Good video, Woodman.Interesting observation, I read so many comments that say the SGs are not that great when many are 7's-8's+.

I think it is some kind of cognitive dissonance about SGs. There are so many hot girls in the streets. Many that could proudly twerk along side the beauties in the clubs, LOL!

So much variety too. Many are new country girls.

10-05-19, 22:05
That video made me cry. I miss that place.Haha, I can see why, LOL.

Boots on the ground here in Bogota the last couple of nights.

Have had a blast out at Santa Fe!

I've befriended so many Vennies, can't keep them straight! LOL.

Took 5 of them out to a cheap little restaurant nearby to eat last night.

It was a blast!

It's fun walking about, scoping out the chicas, talking with them, choosing.

I've had GFE experience in the room with a few of them now.

I tell the motel girl, that I'll most likely continue after the initial period, which I always do, LOL.

I just leave her with 20 mil pesos, each period of 15-20 min runs about 5 mil.

And I tip the motel chica / seņora. Pays off!

I always BS with the chica I choose for a bit, buy her a drink, water, beer, MilkyWay bar, potatoe chips, etc, what ever LOL.

Just to get a friendship going before the room.

I tell her and show her that I'm muy cariņoso and that's what I like in return.

Almost always works.

If she doesn't respond well, in the initial interview / convo I just politely move on.

I've had pretty good success though!

Anyway, off to Troya now.

Met a hottie there yesterday. She just texted me and said she's there waiting for me.


10-05-19, 23:44
So many Hotties last night, I got to go back tonight for more hottie love!

10-06-19, 03:59
Interesting observation, I read so many comments that say the SGs are not that great when many are 7's-8's+.

I think it is some kind of cognitive dissonance about SGs. There are so many hot girls in the streets. Many that could proudly twerk along side the beauties in the clubs, LOL!

So much variety too. Many are new country girls.I actually prefer the SG scene more than strip clubs at Sante Fe.

More freedom outside, the motels and rates are more flexible, I find girls just as hot outside.

Sitting in Santa Fe now, having dinner.

Had fun with my favorite little flaquita already, have another waiting on me, and there's many more walking about.

Of course there's plenty of not so good looking chicas, but there are definitely some real cuties as well, and some real sweet girls too, depending on how you approach them.

Mr Enternational
10-06-19, 12:56
I think it is some kind of cognitive dissonance about SGs. There are so many hot girls in the streets.That is exactly what it is. I said in the Medellin thread that if someone posted one of the SG and said they found her somewhere else, then nobody would know the damn difference.

10-06-19, 13:41

I will arrive in Bogota next week (13 Oct.) and shall be at my Hotel IBIS museo by 8:30 pm. This is a 3 week trip and I will be exploring other cities. I have been to Medellin before (2017) and have mongered in El centro area but never tried casas. Spanish skills are limited but what I am asking is. How is the scene on Sunday after 8 pm and where would you gentlemen recommend I start?

10-06-19, 19:03
Is Santa Fe business as usual on Sunday or SG actually take a day off?

10-06-19, 19:51
Is Santa Fe business as usual on Sunday or SG actually take a day off?


I will arrive in Bogota next week (13 Oct.) and shall be at my Hotel IBIS museo by 8:30 pm. This is a 3 week trip and I will be exploring other cities. I have been to Medellin before (2017) and have mongered in El centro area but never tried casas. Spanish skills are limited but what I am asking is. How is the scene on Sunday after 8 pm and where would you gentlemen recommend I start?Sundays are slower but there are still a lot of hotties in the street and clubs. I was there last Sunday and I saw many hotties I would choose. It dies early by 10 pm or so.

10-06-19, 21:28
Is Santa Fe business as usual on Sunday or SG actually take a day off?Sunday is not as good as Friday or Saturday. But it is still pretty good.

10-06-19, 21:32
I'm about to do a return trip to Bogota. I'm looking for an Airbnb that is a) Guest-friendly and b) has great wifi. Does anybody have a recommendation?

What keywords should I look for? Does "suitable for events" mean my guests can get in without scrutiny from a doorman?

10-06-19, 22:50
I'm about to do a return trip to Bogota. I'm looking for an Airbnb that is a) Guest-friendly and b) has great wifi. Does anybody have a recommendation?

What keywords should I look for? Does "suitable for events" mean my guests can get in without scrutiny from a doorman?I hear the Bacata has some good ones. That is a new highrise. Tip your doormen, should be good.

10-06-19, 22:55

How is the scene on Sunday after 8 pm and where would you gentlemen recommend I start?I'll let ya know later on, on my out there now.
(Sunday / Santa Fe)

10-07-19, 04:05
I'm about to do a return trip to Bogota. I'm looking for an Airbnb that is a) Guest-friendly and b) has great wifi. Does anybody have a recommendation?

What keywords should I look for? Does "suitable for events" mean my guests can get in without scrutiny from a doorman?You have to ask. There are probably thousands of Airbnbs. Some are apartments, some are hotel rooms, etc. But unless you ask there is no generalization about any of the above that will help you. And chances of someone recommending a specific one and it being available for the times you need are very slim. Ask the owner.

"Suitable for events" is more likely to mean that it is a bit larger for meetings, parties perhaps. Probably nothing to do with a doorman.

Ideally you would want a doorman or security that would take the guest's ID. For your protection.

I was in one in Medellin a couple of years ago that was ideal from my point of view. Good security but chicas were allowed. But that is getting rarer I think. Most do not allow guests. I was in 5 or 6 last year. None would have been suitable for having a guest.

10-07-19, 12:25
NO, that just means that you are able to hold a large group of people for bday, party etc. Very common in Colombia. It doesn't mean chicas at all. Some places will post saying that they are not allowed. At all.

I'm about to do a return trip to Bogota. I'm looking for an Airbnb that is a) Guest-friendly and b) has great wifi. Does anybody have a recommendation?

What keywords should I look for? Does "suitable for events" mean my guests can get in without scrutiny from a doorman?.

10-08-19, 15:34
Usual Bogota stop for me. 3 chicas to choose from. One with rough skin on her face, one with an ass that was too huge (yes its possible) and then the one that was just right. Briana, younger, from Medellin. Some baby damage but still super cute. Still 180 COP for the hour. 250 for BBBJ. I don't recall that option last time. Maybe a chicas added on preference?

GFE from the start. Great kissing.

Solid BBBJ with Nutella on my cock. I was like WTF but to each their own. Had some DATY and she was loving it. I got a little bit of my gum on her pussy lips and we got a laugh out of that. The sex was good. 4 positions. She told me "Your head is so hot". I just laughed knowing I took a Cialis 30 minutes before.

The massage after was actually good. She was kinda rough and she used a body scrub kinda lotion for the back and leg portion. It Took a long time to clean it off.

Commented 3 times to leave my bag in the room and that it was safe while I showered. I declined and took my bag / valuables with me to the shower. I came back to the room and she said she had.

Cleaned it all herself (no way). All my stuff had been moved. Seemed suspicious. Be careful out there, boys.

10-08-19, 20:44
Is Santa Fe business as usual on Sunday or SG actually take a day off?

Action is VERY slow on Sunday evening in Santa Fe. But it's still the best bet on Sunday, the rest of the city is virtually dead. Anyway, you just need one perfect girl to make your day.

10-08-19, 21:01
Another usual spot for me. Ventured over today. Its been raining so there wasnt much business for the chicas. They all seemed to come to the door when I walked up. 2-6 chicas in each room. I walked up to all the rooms and got a close up before settling on Luciana in the second room. Cute face, sweet eyes, a little thicker than I usually like. She walked me into the only room they have in the second shop. She explained the deal (80 k) and then took my 100 K (never did bring back the change haha). She got naked and got started with her "massage". It was hard to enjoy it with 5 chicas cackling just outside the door and one of them smoking. But life is never perfect. She then spent some time licking my balls and then put on the cover for some cowgirl. This is probably where you want a smaller chica and not a thicker one. Its hard enough having sex in a shoe box. She eventually finished me off with a good BBBJ. I can appreciate that, especially with the sign behind her that says "A condom is required". Mmmhmmm.

10-08-19, 21:31
Action is VERY slow on Sunday evening in Santa Fe. But it's still the best bet on Sunday, the rest of the city is virtually dead. Anyway, you just need one perfect girl to make your day.I agree!

I was out there this past Sunday.

Slow but some fun available.

10-09-19, 16:55
Pussy House. Early on Tuesday night. No cover. As noted before, waiters add their tip into the cost of the beers. I just go to the bar and order there and tip that chica. 7,000 Heinekens.

Plenty of girls. Mostly 7's and 8's. Saw one 9 but she was tied up at a bottle service table. Prob the best way to go here if you have an amigo or just want to look like a star.

It was awesome seeing some of the girls go full nude doing couch dances. The odd thing is that I never saw guys giving the girls money for this. Any input? Maybe its just their way of hoping for an investment to pay off?

Stage shows were good. Girls fingering themselves and all that good stuff. Nice and dirty. Haha.

Oh and I walked to Pussy House. Well used a Scooter for a bit (fun! There are plenty of hole in the wall bars in Chapinero that prob don't have very good talent but they are there for the exploring. Oh and Chapinero can be sketch so stay on the main streets. Tons of gorgeous women walking around.

Made it back to Zona T and needed WIFI. Got pulled into Olipio. (I believe that was the name). It has no markings but its close to Calle 81 and #12. The street people can lead you to it. Anyways, I walk in and was just SHOCKED. 30+ women and I was the only guy. The women have to get there at 7 pm. So they all surround me and just watch me like a line up deal. I am just there looking at the menu and checking my Tinder hahaha. The women were HOT! But here's the catch, the prices of that place were stupid. 45 K for a beer. And that didn't include a 20% IVA. I went with a whisky for the same price. Bottle prices are crazy expensive and one chica was quoting $100 lap dances. The street tout said its $30 dances. I didn't even ask prices to go upstairs. I talked to a few ladies and then left.

I then got pulled into Padrino's. Its right across the street. No signs as well. 20 chicas in there. One guy sitting at the bar. Women were solid! Place is small though. Prices were SLIGHTLY cheaper at 38 K for a drink. I kept shaking my head "this isn't vegas!" haha.

10-09-19, 18:06
Pussy House. Early on Tuesday night. No cover. As noted before, waiters add their tip into the cost of the beers.I hate that shit. They even have the audacity to ask for the left over change. I go directly and order it at the bar.

It was awesome seeing some of the girls go full nude doing couch dances. The odd thing is that I never saw guys giving the girls money for this. Any input? Maybe its just their way of hoping for an investment to pay off?You get a bottle and they give you a free lap dance (the last time I was there). My understanding is that girls don't give lap dances for free.

10-10-19, 05:39
I agree!

I was out there this past Sunday.

Slow but some fun available.I mean I like the prices there but don't you guys think its bit dangerous for tourist there in that area.

10-10-19, 16:09
I hate that shit. They even have the audacity to ask for the left over change. I go directly and order it at the bar.

You get a bottle and they give you a free lap dance (the last time I was there). My understanding is that girls don't give lap dances for free.That would make sense as 2 of the 3 times, it was bottle service tables. But one especially dirty girl was doing whatever she damn well pleased at any table haha.