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09-09-22, 02:27
Looks good except for the Inca cola. That's probably one of my least favorite sodas. Period.

It's possible to make real, deep, and lasting friendships in Colombia and throughout Latin America with some time, language skills, and luck. I actually found that many people liked to spend money on me, whether it be buying me drinks or inviting me to parties as a way to show off to their friends and to enhance their social status when I worked in Central America. I remember going to a norteno concert in Honduras and getting bought beers the whole night by random people. I've also made real, lasting friendships / relationships that are not based on this type of showing off including with women who took me out and bought nice gifts for me. Here in Colombia, I'm still building my contacts but I already know several women who are happy to spend time with me and expect nothing from me beyond my company.

I think a lot of people fail and get sucked into abusive walking "cajero" relationships based on their own preconceptions and attitudes. One is that they take the scarcity attitude from here in the US with them to Latin America. There is no scarcity of women in Colombia or Latin America more generally. Probably 70% of the women you meet are single and / or willing to ditch their current boyfriend for a better prospect. Another is this attitude that women are doing you a favor by having sex with you or giving you their attention and need to be compensated in some way. I try to have the attitude that I'm doing them a favor by giving them my time, and attention and by having sex with them. Realizing that there is no scarcity and having a positive attitude about your own self-worth makes it easy to say no when someone tries to exploit you as you realize there are always other options. With that way of thinking its a question of time and a matter of putting yourself out there and time before you find more genuine friendships and relationships.

Down in Peru today and one of my chicks hit me up this morning saying to come to the house at 2 pm for lunch. I get here and there are ribs on the grill. There are 8 people here (including me) and my plate is made first AND I am seated at the head of the table. There are no shoeless grandmothers and no deformed adult teenagers to be seen. I did not need to bring any gifts and all the money that I came with is still in my pocket! (I did take it out of my pocket for 1 second for picture taking purposes though.).

09-09-22, 02:39
Looks good except for the Inca cola. That's probably one of my least favorite sodas. Period.

It's possible to make real, deep, and lasting friendships in Colombia and throughout Latin America with some time, language skills, and luck. I actually found that many people liked to spend money on me, whether it be buying me drinks or inviting me to parties as a way to show off to their friends and to enhance their social status when I worked in Central America. I remember going to a norteno concert in Honduras and getting bought beers the whole night by random people. I've also made real, lasting friendships / relationships that are not based on this type of showing off including with women who took me out and bought nice gifts for me. Here in Colombia, I'm still building my contacts but I already know several women who are happy to spend time with me and expect nothing from me beyond my company.

I think a lot of people fail and get sucked into abusive walking "cajero" relationships based on their own preconceptions and attitudes. One is that they take the scarcity attitude from here in the US with them to Latin America. There is no scarcity of women in Colombia or Latin America more generally. Probably 70% of the women you meet are single and / or willing to ditch their current boyfriend for a better prospect. Another is this attitude that women are doing you a favor by having sex with you or giving you their attention and need to be compensated in some way. I try to have the attitude that I'm doing them a favor by giving them my time, and attention and by having sex with them. Realizing that there is no scarcity and having a positive attitude about your own self-worth makes it easy to say no when someone tries to exploit you as you realize there are always other options. With that way of thinking its a question of time and a matter of putting yourself out there and time before you find more genuine friendships and relationships.Are you a shrink by any chance? Because this forum sure could use someone that can articulate these matters so succinctly to some here.

Or maybe if you want to make a ton of money you can write being El Jefe in Latin America for dummies / gringos 101.

Oh who am I kidding we all know you can't fix stoopid, they would probably just give the book as another gift to some 3rd world puta LOL.

09-09-22, 04:46
1) If you fall in love in Latin America, you are falling in love by yourself.

2) Money can't buy you love.

3) and pussy makes you stupid.

A quick story, and I think many of us know of some stories where we fucked up on a trip.

A good friend and wingman of mine, a veteran pilot for a major airline with thousands of layovers throughout Latin America, fell in love with a hot chick who he met in a Terma in Rio. He bought an apartment for her in Santos. Was a great place for him to use a crash pad on layovers and maybe get married. Long story short, he want back to the states and when he returned to Brasil, she the locks changed, had her boyfriend and har whole family living there. The stupid ass put the house in her name so he was shit out off luck. When he confronted her she said and I quote:

"you should have known better, look at you, look at me" nuff said.

09-09-22, 05:26
1) If you fall in love in Latin America, you are falling in love by yourself.

2) Money can't buy you love.

3) and pussy makes you stupid.

A quick story, and I think many of us know of some stories where we fucked up on a trip.e

A good friend and wingman of mine, a veteran pilot for a major airline with thousands of layovers throughout Latin America, fell in love with a hot chick who he met in a Terma in Rio. He bought an apartment for her in Santos. Was a great place for him to use a crash pad on layovers and maybe get married. Long story short, he want back to the states and when he returned to Brasil, she the locks changed, had her boyfriend and har whole family living there. The stupid ass put the house in her name so he was shit out off luck. When he confronted her she said and I quote:

"you should have known better, look at you, look at me" nuff said.Just today, I had a SA girl whom I had a session from my previous trip asked me if I can spot her some money upfront for her to make rent and she can waive future charges the next time I see her. I simply said I am afraid that I do not do that. Then, also another SA girl was pissed that I never bring her my any presents when she kept hinting for one. My thought was, why should I, you are one of the many. It is a transaction and the ppm that I pay her should be enough. I guessed that she has now blocked me on WhatsApp. Whatever, she is one of the so many that I have in my list.

09-09-22, 06:15
Cases in point: Prostitution is illegal in Las Vegas. But since there are hookers everywhere and even flyers and magazines offering their services, I guess you suppose it must be legal.

Where I am from it is absolutely illegal to have marijuana, but the district attorney has given police instructions to look the other way when someone has weed because they will not prosecute if someone has less than a certain amount, so everywhere you go you can smell illegal marijuana on people. Hard to imagine for you I know.You think a multi-billion dollar MNC knowingly operates illegally, gives millions of rides a day, conducts a million transactions a day with Colombian banks, and the Colombian government has no clue what's going on? The stupidity is just off the scale. BTW there are ZERO advertisements in Vegas explicitly advertising prostitution. And certain prosecutors won't prosecute small drug cases because the court system will become overwhelmed. You have no clue on how businesses and the legal system operate. You brag about knowing everything in the 3rd world yet you've never seen a plug-in water heater.

So again, here's the question that you refuse to answer:

If Uber is illegal in Colombia, why doesn't the Colombian government shut down access to its servers? Remove Uber app downloads from Colombian IP addresses? Freeze all Uber's Colombian bank accounts? Issue arrest warrants for Uber's board of directors?

09-09-22, 06:22
For some reason, this theory seems to persist and feel that the air needs to be cleared so that we can all move on from Uber and rideshares being illegal. They are not. Let me summarize for us all:

1) Taxi companies in Colombia (like the rest of the world) require their drivers to pay a fee for a medallion. The fees go to local / city / state tax revenues. Every country has their own term for this medallion. In Colombia it's called a "Cupo". And just like basically every country, they had not yet modernized their taxi service and it struggled with the advent of rideshares where anyone could become a "taxi driver" without having to pay your local government the "cupo" fees. As an example, a Cupo in Colombia along with the special drivers license required costs $25-50 k USD. Yes, that is correct. $25 to 50 thousand US dollars. It is often more expensive than the car itself and is a huge source of revenue for the government.

2) Rather than modernize their service or reduce the need for a Cupo, Colombia instead chose to sue Uber specifically as it was the largest rideshare company at the time it entered the Colombian market.

3) Uber lost the court case and in December, 2019 the Superintendent of Industry and Commerce, came out and said Uber is now illegal. This is the point that many of these discussions have hovered around. A member of government on December 19th, 2019 said it was illegal.

4) 10 days later, Uber disputed the findings of the court case and initiated legal actions against the Colombian government to protect foreign investments under the free trade agreement between Colombia and the USA (Uber is a Delaware, USA based company).

5) Approximately 1 month later, while the courts had yet to review the case, Uber left Colombia in February 2020. Reports popped up that Transport police were giving rideshare drivers a hard time at the airports and in an attempt to get around it would require someone sit in the front. At the same time Uber dropped their protective status case because. (read number 6).

6) Once Uber had left, they initiated a different agreement to the Uber app and effectively bypassed the ruling given by the court. Uber in Colombia gets around the ruling by now calling itself a "Car and Driver Rental Service". Now, when getting an Uber from your app you are specifically renting a car and driver and that subtle change means you can use Uber as well as the other rideshare apps as they also changed their terms of service. This is how Uber (and the other apps we call rideshares but in Colombia are now called car and driver rentals) are allowed to operate. It is also my understanding.

7) That's it. Uber and other rideshare apps are not illegal in Colombia.

Now go out and ride your Ubers, Didi's, Indriver to your hearts content while down in Colombia and stop fretting that you're going to get arrested.This is exactly what I wrote a couple months ago. Uber was declared illegal for a short while, and then they found a loophole. They technically operate as a car rental company and not rideshare. The car just happens to come with a driver. And they've been legal ever since. I just can't imagine how stupid you have to be to believe that a billion dollar corporation would operate illegally in defiance of government orders. I'm talking single-digit IQ stupid. How can they pay their employees? How can they bank accounts not be frozen? How can their servers not be shut down in an instant? Give a millions of illegal rides every week and the government does nothing to shut them down? The stupidity is just mind-boggling.

09-09-22, 08:16
My guess is because they knew a sucker when they saw one. My motto is if it is for free then it is for me. And I guess they live by the same code.I don't think anyone who believes Uber operates illegally should be judging others as "suckers. ".

You have not proven that ride sharing is legal. You have only said because you think and feel it can not be illegal that it is legal. You are in the minority, so how about proving yourself right.

Nobody ever said the government did not know about it. Please quote where you saw someone write that. In third world countries there are things that are illegal that are tolerated and there are gray areas. They will not bust you for something today then bust you for that same thing tomorrow. That is what you are failing to understand.

In Thailand the law says that you must wear a helmet when riding a motorbike. 800 people can ride by the police with no helmet on, then when number 801 rides by without a helmet they pull them over and give them a ticket. Just because tons of people are seen doing it with no penalty does not make it legal.Well, it is assumed the government does not know about it because they have the power to shut it down. And they have not shut it down. So they must not know about it, right?

Nobody ever said that every illegal act in every country gets arrested and prosecuted. You can get away with minor illegal infractions, especially if you are a single person. You cannot get away with willfully defying a court order if you are a billion dollar MNC with no place to hide. That is something that you cannot grasp because you lack the sense. So after you ignorantly declared yourself the king of 3rd world cold shower knowledge, I taught you a lesson and proved you wrong. So here's another lesson:

Suppose you are in Mexico, and a Mexican with a 2nd grade education tells you "Oxxo has been declared by the Mexican Supreme Court to be illegal. It is now illegal for them to be in business. " Never mind that all their lights are still on. Their doors open. Customers coming in and out buying things. Their vendors are still delivering goods, much of it on credit. Accepting credit card payments through their Mexican bank. Facilitating payments for Izzi and CFE and other utilities. Accepting money transfers through various Mexican banks. Paying their employees. Paying their rent. None of that matters, right? The only thing that matters is that the Mexican with a 2nd grade education said Oxxo is illegal. So to you, it MUST be illegal.

Imagine another scenario, this one using fictitious names to protect the identities of the severely gullible:

SenorAnternacional is at Bogota airport waiting to board his Avianca flight.

A Colombian with 2nd Grade Education: "Hola senor, I want to tell you that the Colombian Supreme Court has declared Avianca Airlines to be illegal. They were ordered to immediately cease all operations last month. They are illegal. ".

But. They are still selling tickets. Their bank is still processing credit card payments. They are still allowing boarding of their flights. They are still taking off and landing every few minutes. None of their flights have been canceled. Their website is still up and running and 100% functional. Their call center is still up and running. They are publishing new scheduled flights daily. They are still paying their employees. They are still hiring and training staff. They are paying their airport fees. Their vendors are still delivering goods. The aviation administration still clears their flights for takeoff. Their insurance company is still insuring them. They are still paying their hotel and other travel partners. There is absolutely NOTHING to indicate that there was a court order to shut down.

SenorInternacional: "I see that Avianca is operating 100% normally, but since a Colombian with a 2nd grade education told me they are illegal, then it must be true. Avianca is illegal! I'm a renegade flyer!

So with Uber, let's examine the facts. Let's count the indicators that would lead you to believe they are legal, and then the indicators that would lead you to believe they are illegal.

First, legal indicators:

1. They are operating 100% normally in Colombia.

2. Colombian and international banks as well as Visa and Mastercard have not severed relations as Uber accepts bank card payments as well as Nequi and DaviPlata.

3. They are paying their employees-their employer identification number is still valid.

4. Uber app is available for download from Colombian Play Store and App Store.

5. Colombian government has not blocked access to Uber servers.

6. They are hiring and training new employees.

7. They are accepting new drivers.

8. Their offices have not been raided by the feds or any other governmental agency.

9. Their insurance company still covers them.

10. Their board of directors are not in Colombian prison for defying a court order.

11. The American government has not revoked Uber's business license, which would surely happen if Uber was knowingly operating illegally in any part of the world.

12. Didi and InDriver have entered the Colombian market. You really think the Colombian government would issue new business permits to an industry that was declared illegal?

13. The taxi industry has partnered with Uber. You can now order UberTaxi in Colombia. So since the taxi companies are an official Uber partner, then the taxi companies must be illegal too, right?

And now, the illegal indicators:

1. Some Colombians with a 2nd grade education told me Uber is illegal.

So there. Might as well be a man and admit you were wrong and apologize. I'll accept and promise to not hold a grudge.

09-09-22, 13:31
Just today, I had a SA girl whom I had a session from my previous trip asked me if I can spot her some money upfront for her to make rent and she can waive future charges the next time I see her. I simply said I am afraid that I do not do that. Then, also another SA girl was pissed that I never bring her my any presents when she kept hinting for one. My thought was, why should I, you are one of the many. It is a transaction and the ppm that I pay her should be enough. I guessed that she has now blocked me on WhatsApp. Whatever, she is one of the so many that I have in my list.Back when I was using SA and Cupid, I would have lots of these girls asking for money and we had never even met! I always tell them I don't send money, when I see you, of course I'll take care of you. If they ask again I block them. I have to assume if they ask me, they are asking all the men. There is a good portion of SA girls that use the app to groom dozens of guys as their ATM.

I had a few close amigas, who were amazing, great sex, super cute and never even discussed money upfront, they were just thankful for whatever I gave them, never talked about time, just great girlfriend sex. I did send a couple of my special friends a few dollars during the pandemic, they had no food and they all lost their POS jobs. They were the exception.

09-09-22, 19:13
1) If you fall in love in Latin America, you are falling in love by yourself.

2) Money can't buy you love.

3) and pussy makes you stupid.

A quick story, and I think many of us know of some stories where we fucked up on a trip.

A good friend and wingman of mine, a veteran pilot for a major airline with thousands of layovers throughout Latin America, fell in love with a hot chick who he met in a Terma in Rio. He bought an apartment for her in Santos. Was a great place for him to use a crash pad on layovers and maybe get married. Long story short, he want back to the states and when he returned to Brasil, she the locks changed, had her boyfriend and har whole family living there. The stupid ass put the house in her name so he was shit out off luck. When he confronted her she said and I quote:

"you should have known better, look at you, look at me" nuff said.You fall in love in LA and you fall in love by yourself? Well to be fair isn't that the case all over the planet?

Too many western "men" love and respect "their women" it isn't reciprocal very often.

Well anyone with a brain knows money can't buy love but there are many here that feel that maybe they can't land a "gorgeous wife" in their home country because they aren't "rich" maybe they can use their money to qualify for one in a 3rd world puta hub? LOL ie Mr Elvis.

Pussy makes me stoopid? Nah not me, LOL.

The need for it sometimes gets the best of me.

But I never forget I am the gift to them.

They need me way more than I need them.

09-09-22, 23:53
Thanks for your recent report, but man, what kind of responses did you expect? Guys here have been hard on you because you let the girl and her family take an advantage of you, totally your fault, not theirs. What was your plan? Fuck her a few times or become her real suggar daddy? If you wanted to just fuck her on your short trips to Bogota, then ppm would be ideal. If your plan was to date her, why spend so much at the very beginning? Let the relationship develop into a stronger one, give it some time, test drive her and then, if she shows lotalty, passion and love, you can start thinking about supporting her, little by little. Do you really think buying shit for her and her family members and wining & dining them will help you immerse into Colombian culture? Lol

Eating at mcdonalds every night is pathetic. There is a shit ton of nice restaurants and cafes around parque 93, any cuisine you crave, you just need to pull out your cellphone and spend 2 minutes of your precious time on google maps.

Ryck II
09-10-22, 00:01
For some reason, this theory seems to persist and feel that the air needs to be cleared so that we can all move on from Uber and rideshares being illegal. They are not. Let me summarize for us all:

1) Taxi companies in Colombia (like the rest of the world) require their drivers to pay a fee for a medallion. The fees go to local / city / state tax revenues. Every country has their own term for this medallion. In Colombia it's called a "Cupo". And just like basically every country, they had not yet modernized their taxi service and it struggled with the advent of rideshares where anyone could become a "taxi driver" without having to pay your local government the "cupo" fees. As an example, a Cupo in Colombia along with the special drivers license required costs $25-50 k USD. Yes, that is correct. $25 to 50 thousand US dollars. It is often more expensive than the car itself and is a huge source of revenue for the government.

2) Rather than modernize their service or reduce the need for a Cupo, Colombia instead chose to sue Uber specifically as it was the largest rideshare company at the time it entered the Colombian market.

3) Uber lost the court case and in December, 2019 the Superintendent of Industry and Commerce, came out and said Uber is now illegal. This is the point that many of these discussions have hovered around. A member of government on December 19th, 2019 said it was illegal.

4) 10 days later, Uber disputed the findings of the court case and initiated legal actions against the Colombian government to protect foreign investments under the free trade agreement between Colombia and the USA (Uber is a Delaware, USA based company).

5) Approximately 1 month later, while the courts had yet to review the case, Uber left Colombia in February 2020. Reports popped up that Transport police were giving rideshare drivers a hard time at the airports and in an attempt to get around it would require someone sit in the front. At the same time Uber dropped their protective status case because. (read number 6).

6) Once Uber had left, they initiated a different agreement to the Uber app and effectively bypassed the ruling given by the court. Uber in Colombia gets around the ruling by now calling itself a "Car and Driver Rental Service". Now, when getting an Uber from your app you are specifically renting a car and driver and that subtle change means you can use Uber as well as the other rideshare apps as they also changed their terms of service. This is how Uber (and the other apps we call rideshares but in Colombia are now called car and driver rentals) are allowed to operate. It is also my understanding.

7) That's it. Uber and other rideshare apps are not illegal in Colombia.

Now go out and ride your Ubers, Didi's, Indriver to your hearts content while down in Colombia and stop fretting that you're going to get arrested.You are wrong about one thing. The money that taxi drivers pay for a "cupo" is not going to the government, is not paying any taxes and it is not required by Taxi companies to include cars in their associations. The way it works is: the government allocates a number of taxis for a city let's say 100.000 for Bogota. People apply for a license and licenses are given to the first 100.000 people who applied. Then you are the owner of the license. It is just first come first served. That happened of course decades ago.

Now in order for a new taxi to be registered, you need to show papers showing that another taxi was scrapped. This is what they call the "cupo". Because there are so many taxis stolen for parts or in accidents that totaled them, there are always "cupos" available. In fact, the price of those "cupos" has gone down a lot since uber, didi, cabby and other firms are operating in the city. I am not sure how much it should be now but 10 years ago it was close to 80 million. Almost twice as much as the price of a new taxi at that time.

A few years ago, the government of Bogota, trying to get more tax money, wanted to make taxi drivers declare those "cupos" in their tax forms, but this idea never took off. Government at some point also tried to make the "cupos" Illegal but again the idea never took off. It is just money for an intangible asset that is paid between individuals.

Elvis 2008
09-10-22, 00:10
What I do not get is why guys can not find a normal woman to treat like a human being. Why do they always have to do it with a chick they are supposed to be paying in the first place, aka a hooker, sugar baby, or whatever other name you want to give a chick that is not coming over if you do not give her money?I cannot speak for everyone Mr. E. After my divorce, I did not trust women. My ex was very attractive, church going, and was nice and loving early on and turned into a fucking monster. I was living with a woman who literally wanted me to be unhappy. Then you go to a court room and you are told that your money is not your own and half of the money is hers even if she is sitting on her ass. So what does that tell guys?

IMO you are telling men that prostitutes are a better deal. If you want control over your own money, and you want women who will be nice to you, have sex with you, and care how you feel, you better get a pro, and it is great at first, but slowly, you want more. It is an empty feeling as you hand them money and they fly out the door. So emotionally being a sugar baby was the next best thing. You open yourself up a little more and there is some emotional connection. There are some hurt feelings but not like with a GF or wife. And this is why I gave the compliment. The OP was treating women as human being versus a person just doing a job. That tells me a guy is halfway there.

As far as why I did not do the conventional dating market, the quality between that and the SB market was ridiculous. It would be one thing if I saw guys killing it in the dating market but they were all bitching, and many were very fit and very wealthy guys. This was in the USA, and the expectations of a halfway decent looking woman were through the roof. I told you about the overweight elderly woman who thought we were on a date and how she would not like it if I saw other people if we were dating. And I did not say it but what I wanted to say was, "Honey, I have a sugar baby whose friends compare her to a supermodel waiting for me at home. You think I give a damn about your expectations? You are lucky I am even talking to you. " I was not comfortable in that scene and why would I be. Look at what my supposed value was in it.

Again, I cannot speak for other guys but I mastered using seeking. I was confident using it scoring the type of women I never had been with before. My current gal is an incredibly provocative dancer and among the best looking women I have ever seen. If I talked to a hundred guys in a club where she was dancing, a normal club, a hundred guys would have told me she it out of my league. Yet when I am doing the SB interview, I did not think that at all. I had women in her league as sugar babies and had rejected them. I also knew what worked and did not in SB relationships. Furthermore, in Colombia, what I found on seeking was a lot of women were not there for money. Their friends had been on the site and found men they liked and had dated or even gotten married.

So we are not in the club and I can talk one on one where I am at my best and it is quiet. Unlike the club or some bar, I am not intimidated. I have done this so many times before. I have my list of questions. I am interviewing her. Where am I going to put you? Sugar baby? WG? Straight out rejection? I put her in the SB category and I have said before she asked for nothing but I still put money in her purse after we had sex.

But I needed that last push Mr. E, and you gave it. How about not giving her anything anything and putting her in the GF category? Now I had done this with women who were not that hot or really hot women I knew for a while and was comfortable with but next time I gave her nothing and invited her on a trip and that is where the magic happened. It was clear to me after that that she wanted to be with me and not my money.

The hard part for me was navigating around this reality: you can be miserable and stay married or you can not give a fuck what society thinks and see all the women you want, and I did the latter. For a while, I hid my life then gradually started showing it to people and saw that they really did not care as long as I was happy. What I saw in in the USA were WGs, women who were WGs but liked to pretend like they were not, and women who treated men like dirt. Given those choices, I was like I will stay with the WGs.

A lot is made about machismo in Latin countries but I will say that there seem to be limits put on female behavior whereas in the USA there seemed to be none. It took divorce for my ex and a lot of other women to realize that there were limits to their shitty behaviors.

I get your model Mr. E. It just does not work for me. I do not have the time to spend in Colombia like you do, and the amount you are haggling over is just not that important to me. I think the takeaway is there are high quality women in Colombia unlike in the USA who may just like you for you. If they ask for money, they are a WG and treat them accordingly but try to seek out the ones who do not ask and see what happens. There is a chance they may really like you.

In short, Mr. E, I paid women Mr. E because I did not trust them otherwise, and it is going to take time for a lot of guys to trust women without paying them. You might not get it but fears are not rational.

Mr Enternational
09-10-22, 03:58
So again, here's the question that you refuse to answer:

If Uber is illegal in Colombia, why doesn't the Colombian government shut down access to its servers? Remove Uber app downloads from Colombian IP addresses? Freeze all Uber's Colombian bank accounts? Issue arrest warrants for Uber's board of directors?I do not work for the Colombian government so I can not tell you why they do not take more measures to prevent ride-share apps. And even though it is illegal I have read info online that they are still paying taxes. Maybe kind of like those weed shops in the US that are illegal on a federal level, but they are still paying taxes to the federal government, and last I read they could not even deposit that "illegal drug money" into a federally-insured bank. Why doesn't the US federal government shut them down?

Now what you refuse to do is provide proof as to why it is legal. You keep using your first world business reasoning for a third world issue. And in this case it is not compatible.

Once again I talked to a friend in Bogota tonight that drives Uber. She said the apps exist but they are still illegal. What she sent me explains why it is not legal. It is because in order to give a ride to someone for money the car has to be registered with the minister of transportation. This is the cupo that costs an arm and a leg that is being discussed. And we all know that most vehicles that pick someone up when they order a rideshare is someone's personal vehicle. If you are giving someone a ride for money without the cupo then you are operating within an unregulated black market. Uber tries to circumvent this by saying the person that calls up for a ride is actually renting a car and the driver happens to come with it. But the thing she sent me goes on to say that if you are working through these apps you run the risk of being fined, your vehicle impounded, and your license suspended. Or maybe they should just tell the police to chill because ClamSlammer said it was all good.

If you can find any information that contradicts what she or this said, then post it here. And I am not asking for your reasoning, your experience in the first world, or something that sounds like it makes sense to you. Post something that says today Uber is finally legal in Colombia and supporting documents. Because there is tons online as well as drivers that have first hand experience saying that it is not legal, but from what you are saying you (with no hand experience) know better than them.

Mr Enternational
09-10-22, 04:19
After my divorce, I did not trust women.You did not trust them to do what? I trust a woman just fine to cook me a home cooked meal, but I damn sure would not trust any of them with my ATM card and the PIN. Why would I be inclined to? I guess it is all a matter of perspective and what you want to entrust to them.

Elvis 2008
09-10-22, 16:05
You did not trust them to do what? I trust a woman just fine to cook me a home cooked meal, but I damn sure would not trust any of them with my ATM card and the PIN. Why would I be inclined to? I guess it is all a matter of perspective and what you want to entrust to them.To have sex and for them not to go crazy if their bat shit crazy expectations were not met. When you pay for sex, it is like this is what you get and you cannot * about getting more.

I knew big cops who were scared shitless of a woman complaining they harassed her. My ex called the cops and was told that I would be arrested if I yelled at her.

My sister-in-law got pissed at my brother and told the cops he hit her. Of course, he did not, and he eventually caught her in a recording where she said just that. A woman thinks that if a man offends her, he belongs in jail. Again, this has gotten to be normal.

We just had an incident where a volleyball player claimed someone called her the and word. I do not like it but this was like a national incident. It is like, "A woman's feelings are hurt. We need to find a man and beat them up so she feels better. " They did an investigation and found no evidence to back up what she said happened.

On the flip side, my ex-fiance in Venezuela went to the police and complained she had a stalker in Peru. The police were like "Yeah, sorry maam, but you are from Venezuela and we really do not give a shit. " The laws are the same in Latin America as they are here, but they are just not enforced.

One guy on here said that he wanted women to sign consent forms before having sex with them. For Colombia, that is crazy. For the USA, it is not.

And the idea of even seeing pros has been clamped down on with this trafficking BS. If you played the way you are in the USA, Mr. E, you would be sued or in jail or both. If you do not believe me, come back and try it. You will see.

09-10-22, 18:38
Hi Mr E, first of all great advice. I'm new to this Bogota sub forum as I've only just visited this great city. I'm surprised there's not more buzz about it (I also want to try out Lima too but that's later) so the first thing I don't want to do is come on and be a douche and start something with someone that's got a lot of experience here. I also don't want to take Clams approach of just giving anecdotal stuff. Kind of like you said "Colombia doesn't work because Clam said something should work" with no real evidence to back that up. I also don't want to negate what your Uber driver friend had to say either but I'll try and make my points succinct and with no anecdotal evidence but something a bit more meaty and factual.

It's really confusing how the Colombian government works. What's new? LOL. In this example, it's confusing because Didi, Indriver, I can't think of the others right now but they work as ridesharing apps. Why it's confusing is that ridesharing apps are the things that should be illegal in Colombia under this ruling but they are allowed to continue as Cotech Inc (the company that initially sued Uber) sued just Uber and not Didi or the others as Uber was the primary market share at the time (this goes all the way back to about 2015). In theory if you ride Didi as an example, you may be breaking the law but the ruling was specifically against Uber. Either way it doesn't mean that a traffic cop can't be a dick to a driver. Confusing as well, because as of after Uber left Colombia and after the ruling that Cotech won the case against Uber, Uber changed their model of business to not being a rideshare but instead becoming a car rental but with a driver (kind of like a limousine but just not a limo LOL). That's specifically how Uber gets around the court case. So you are technically correct in that Uber as a rideshare is illegal. However, Uber in its new form in Colombia is now a car rental company that simply offers a driver. And car rentals, with or without a driver, are not illegal in Colombia. In fact, Cotech has yet to sue Uber as it would be difficult to win and complicated if they did win to then enforce.

From a consumer standpoint, it's no different to us. We get on the Uber app and we pick a destination, tell it where we are, a list of options come up for price and car and then we agree to the ride. As a driver, it's different. Here in the USA, Uber drivers and delivery drivers have their own app that's different than the riders app that you and I use. Terms of service have to be agreed upon and your specific country needs to be entered so that your app is then compliant with that countries laws. Uber around the time of this case partnered with a Latin American company, that was specific to Colombia called TaxExpress. That may be the app that the drivers use in Colombia or TaxExpress software may be integrated into the Uber Driver app. Either way, the driver is no longer considered a rideshare driver and is now expressly renting their vehicle and they themselves are offering themselves as a driver when me, you or someone else requests them on our Uber app.

A bit confusing? Yeah it is There are a number of articles out there but it gets a bit difficult to find some as I'm here in the States and if you are too finding Colombian based news articles in Colombian using google search that's going to search for primarily English language articles because I'm here is a little difficult but I'll put links to some good informative articles that will give you some more factual based evidence rather than what Clam is doing which is kind of "well if I think it should work then it must work this way" type thing. If you do some searching too it's easy to get what is now incorrect info. Make sure you look for articles specifically within the last year as if you look up most articles from 2020 and earlier it's before Uber changed their rideshare model.

As for your taxi driver friend. I feel for her / him. Those Cupos are frikken ridiculously high. And if I was a taxi driver that paid what is almost a small fortune and probably more than the cost of my car just so I can drive as a taxi to then have my earnings half or even worse almost dissapear with the advent of rideshares I'the be pissed and I may even take my anger out on Uber, DiDi drivers, etc. Because of that and because of incendiary remarks by the Colombian Transport minister it makes some of these drivers nervous. Hopefully instead the taxi fleet in Colombia modernizes instead.





I had one from Bogota Express that was dated fairly recently but I can't find the link now and it was a good explainer regarding rideshare apps vs Ubers model of car rental w / driver and how that model may become more widespread across Latin America. The same situation is also happening to a lesser degree in CDMX but right now it's specific to the airport but just like Colombia, Mexico is also confusing as it's rarely enforced one day and then another is.

I do not work for the Colombian government so I can not tell you why they do not take more measures to prevent ride-share apps. And even though it is illegal I have read info online that they are still paying taxes. Maybe kind of like those weed shops in the US that are illegal on a federal level, but they are still paying taxes to the federal government, and last I read they could not even deposit that "illegal drug money" into a federally-insured bank. Why doesn't the US federal government shut them down?

Now what you refuse to do is provide proof as to why it is legal. You keep using your first world business reasoning for a third world issue. And in this case it is not compatible.

Mr Enternational
09-10-22, 19:33
If you played the way you are in the USA, Mr. E, you would be sued or in jail or both. If you do not believe me, come back and try it. You will see.You forget that I have friends and family members that still do all their dirt in the USA. Those kind. Of problems just do not run in our circle.

09-11-22, 01:39
What is the next cheapest country after Colombia? Can't stay here all year.

09-11-22, 11:12
You think a multi-billion dollar MNC knowingly operates illegally, gives millions of rides a day, conducts a million transactions a day with Colombian banks, and the Colombian government has no clue what's going on? The stupidity is just off the scale. BTW there are ZERO advertisements in Vegas explicitly advertising prostitution. And certain prosecutors won't prosecute small drug cases because the court system will become overwhelmed. You have no clue on how businesses and the legal system operate. You brag about knowing everything in the 3rd world yet you've never seen a plug-in water heater.

So again, here's the question that you refuse to answer:

If Uber is illegal in Colombia, why doesn't the Colombian government shut down access to its servers? Remove Uber app downloads from Colombian IP addresses? Freeze all Uber's Colombian bank accounts? Issue arrest warrants for Uber's board of directors?After taking countless Uber's, They always want me to sit in the front, even if it's just me and my girl. So they don't want to appear to somebody they are rideshare. I had one woman Uber driver tell me if we get stopped, to call her by her first name, she said " they can take my car away. " I have no idea who, what or why but they seem to me to be wary of something.

Mr Enternational
09-11-22, 12:43
Uber changed their model of business to not being a rideshare but instead becoming a car rental but with a driver (kind of like a limousine but just not a limo LOL). That's specifically how Uber gets around the court case. So you are technically correct in that Uber as a rideshare is illegal. However, Uber in its new form in Colombia is now a car rental company that simply offers a driver.That I know. From my understanding this is only Uber saying they are now this type of business, however it has still not gotten approval from any government entity to be run in this manner. So until it does or until it is formally challenged, it is still operating in a gray area and technically illegal, hence the people doing it can be subject to all the fines and stuff.

It is like the reverse of the USA weed game. Some states have said it is okay, but federally it has not been given any approval, so at any time the federal government can come shut it down but as of now they have made no effort to do such. With Uber the big guys have NOT said this new model is okay but are not putting in the effort to totally squash it, hence the local guys can enforce it as being illegal under the last and most current LEGAL ruling which says Uber's business is not okay.

09-11-22, 14:38
Cupid still around? I heard FB and Insta plus SA and tinder were the "stack".

Anyone know?

Back when I was using SA and Cupid, I would have lots of these girls asking for money and we had never even met! I always tell them I don't send money, when I see you, of course I'll take care of you. If they ask again I block them. I have to assume if they ask me, they are asking all the men. There is a good portion of SA girls that use the app to groom dozens of guys as their ATM.

I had a few close amigas, who were amazing, great sex, super cute and never even discussed money upfront, they were just thankful for whatever I gave them, never talked about time, just great girlfriend sex. I did send a couple of my special friends a few dollars during the pandemic, they had no food and they all lost their POS jobs. They were the exception.

09-11-22, 16:09
Finally got airfare down to Bogota outside of work so I can spend some time checking out the girls. I'll be there Wed night-Mon (travelling Monday so probably not a chance to do much) in the beginning of November. See any reason to do 1 night in Medellin or just focus on Bogota? I'm not interested in the SA, tinder scene of dating, going out for meals, etc just primarily look around for a SG or club girl, fuck and move onto the next one. Sounds like T,F,S should be busier in the Santa Fe clubs while Sunday is going to be quieter. Wondering if the scene is busy enough in Medellin on Sunday or just stick around Bogota?

09-11-22, 17:27
Seniors may comment whether above hotel is chica friendly? Thanks in advance.

09-11-22, 21:54
I spent one week in Bogota. Here what I discovered.

This is my second time in Colombia, but 1st in Bogota. Be prepared for a lower temperature. Even inside the Airbnb temperature can be lower than optimal. Never freezing, but not what you expect from a tropical place. The red-light area is in Santa Fe, mostly Carrera 15 and 16 as reported in many maps. All the club are in the same area and it is nice to walk from one to the other Fiebre, Troya, Texas, California. On Thursday there were 2 great girls in Fiebre, and when I say great, I mean skinny, young, pretty and with active personality. Lap dance is 50 mil, and it is worth especially if you have a friend and the girl share the time between the two, jumping from one to the other. Be prepared that she gets completely naked and all the folks in the close tables will look at her (and you will do the same when the show is on a close table). Try to take a table just under the upper floor so the girl can hang and put her pussy on your face. My buddy paid 100 cop for a short session, I guess 20 minutes.

Comparing the red light area of Bogota to Medellin's Botero square, I felt much safer in Bogota. I was out there from 3 pm to 1 am without feeling any danger. Clearly, I used the normal precautions you must use in Colombia, avoiding dark areas and behaving like an easy prey. They say "no dar papaya". In the area, there are likely 100 girls in the street, and they keep changing, so, if you go to a club and you get out in 20 min or so, you will find many new girls. They ask between 40 and 50 for 30 minutes, at least with my weak negotiation skill. My Spanish is at 10% level and these girls do not speak slowly because they mostly work with locals. A chica told me that their customers are mostly Colombians, but they all prefer Tourist because they pay more. Keep with you a small baby-wipes bag that you can buy in any supermarket, it is very useful after the session.

You can find food for any taste. Many are just 18-19. There are small and large, tall and bajitas. For the equivalent of 10 USD you can get them and touch their young bodies. Even when I was too tired to finalize the session, it was great to play for 30 minutes with a pretty body and have some nice time.

I staid in and Airbnb, a large apartment at 10 minutes from Santa Fe. A ISG Member told me he stays ad San Francisco hotel that is at walking distance from SF and room are good, cheap with an included morning breakfast.

I tried to call girls from Photo Prepago and Mileroticos, but it was mostly a waste of time. To set an appointment it takes too long, They always say yes initially, but then they do not show up, or they do not want to go to an Airbnb. I had only one girl, but he was NOT the one in the pictures. Other Members told me this is very common. My most precious resource was "time" and these internet sites are very time consuming and I think it is not worth using them.

It is also possible to eat in the area, no need to take a taxi to go to eat.

I'll never say enough tank-you to the other ISG Member I met in Bogota and the great suggestions they had for me.

Finally, Woodman09 is a great guy, he is from LA, but lives in Bogota, and he spends his time mongering 365 days per year. He knows exactly what you need to know before you ask. If you want to learn all the tricks quickly, without wasting your time and taking risks, then PM him and have a tour. He will also introduce you to the other mongers. After the initial paid tour, I kept meeting him in the other days too, to walk around, eat and have some good time together.

09-12-22, 04:05
Great report Arthur. Can't wait to get down there.

I spent one week in Bogota. Here what I discovered.

This is my second time in Colombia, but 1st in Bogota. Be prepared for a lower temperature. Even inside the Airbnb temperature can be lower than optimal. Never freezing, but not what you expect from a tropical place. The red-light area is in Santa Fe, mostly Carrera 15 and 16 as reported in many maps. All the club are in the same area and it is nice to walk from one to the other Fiebre, Troya, Texas, California. On Thursday there were 2 great girls in Fiebre, and when I say great, I mean skinny, young, pretty and with active personality. Lap dance is 50 mil, and it is worth especially if you have a friend and the girl share the time between the two, jumping from one to the other. Be prepared that she gets completely naked and all the folks in the close tables will look at her (and you will do the same when the show is on a close table). Try to take a table just under the upper floor so the girl can hang and put her pussy on your face. My buddy paid 100 cop for a short session, I guess 20 minutes.

Comparing the red light area of Bogota to Medellin's Botero square, I felt much safer in Bogota. I was out there from 3 pm to 1 am without feeling any danger. Clearly, I used the normal precautions you must use in Colombia, avoiding dark areas and behaving like an easy prey. They say "no dar papaya". In the area, there are likely 100 girls in the street, and they keep changing, so, if you go to a club and you get out in 20 min or so, you will find many new girls. They ask between 40 and 50 for 30 minutes, at least with my weak negotiation skill. My Spanish is at 10% level and these girls do not speak slowly because they mostly work with locals. A chica told me that their customers are mostly Colombians, but they all prefer Tourist because they pay more..

09-12-22, 04:35
And that's how you do it folks!

Brah, BOG is a monster of a city! You have only scratched the surface. But some well say Santa Fe is all you need. LOL.

I spent one week in Bogota. Here what I discovered.

This is my second time in Colombia, but 1st in Bogota. Be prepared for a lower temperature. Even inside the Airbnb temperature can be lower than optimal. Never freezing, but not what you expect from a tropical place. The red-light area is in Santa Fe, mostly Carrera 15 and 16 as reported in many maps. All the club are in the same area and it is nice to walk from one to the other Fiebre, Troya, Texas, California. On Thursday there were 2 great girls in Fiebre, and when I say great, I mean skinny, young, pretty and with active personality. Lap dance is 50 mil, and it is worth especially if you have a friend and the girl share the time between the two, jumping from one to the other. Be prepared that she gets completely naked and all the folks in the close tables will look at her (and you will do the same when the show is on a close table). Try to take a table just under the upper floor so the girl can hang and put her pussy on your face. My buddy paid 100 cop for a short session, I guess 20 minutes.

Comparing the red light area of Bogota to Medellin's Botero square, I felt much safer in Bogota. I was out there from 3 pm to 1 am without feeling any danger. Clearly, I used the normal precautions you must use in Colombia, avoiding dark areas and behaving like an easy prey. They say "no dar papaya". In the area, there are likely 100 girls in the street, and they keep changing, so, if you go to a club and you get out in 20 min or so, you will find many new girls. They ask between 40 and 50 for 30 minutes, at least with my weak negotiation skill. My Spanish is at 10% level and these girls do not speak slowly because they mostly work with locals. A chica told me that their customers are mostly Colombians, but they all prefer Tourist because they pay more. Keep with you a small baby-wipes bag that you can buy in any supermarket, it is very useful after the session.

You can find food for any taste. Many are just 18-19. There are small and large, tall and bajitas. For the equivalent of 10 USD you can get them and touch their young bodies. Even when I was too tired to finalize the session, it was great to play for 30 minutes with a pretty body and have some nice time.

I staid in and Airbnb, a large apartment at 10 minutes from Santa Fe. A ISG Member told me he stays ad San Francisco hotel that is at walking distance from SF and room are good, cheap with an included morning breakfast.

I tried to call girls from Photo Prepago and Mileroticos, but it was mostly a waste of time. To set an appointment it takes too long, They always say yes initially, but then they do not show up, or they do not want to go to an Airbnb. I had only one girl, but he was NOT the one in the pictures. Other Members told me this is very common. My most precious resource was "time" and these internet sites are very time consuming and I think it is not worth using them.

It is also possible to eat in the area, no need to take a taxi to go to eat.

I'll never say enough tank-you to the other ISG Member I met in Bogota and the great suggestions they had for me.

Finally, Woodman09 is a great guy, he is from LA, but lives in Bogota, and he spends his time mongering 365 days per year. He knows exactly what you need to know before you ask. If you want to learn all the tricks quickly, without wasting your time and taking risks, then PM him and have a tour. He will also introduce you to the other mongers. After the initial paid tour, I kept meeting him in the other days too, to walk around, eat and have some good time together.

09-12-22, 04:39
If you do go to MDE, then go first then come back to BOG. I say stay in BOG. MDE sucks!

Finally got airfare down to Bogota outside of work so I can spend some time checking out the girls. I'll be there Wed night-Mon (travelling Monday so probably not a chance to do much) in the beginning of November. See any reason to do 1 night in Medellin or just focus on Bogota? I'm not interested in the SA, tinder scene of dating, going out for meals, etc just primarily look around for a SG or club girl, fuck and move onto the next one. Sounds like T,F,S should be busier in the Santa Fe clubs while Sunday is going to be quieter. Wondering if the scene is busy enough in Medellin on Sunday or just stick around Bogota?

09-12-22, 14:01
Cupid still around? I heard FB and Insta plus SA and tinder were the "stack".

Anyone know?Cupid was good before all the newer apps came out. I had some good experiences 10 years ago with it. Can't say how it is today. I met one girl, an accounting major on Cupid. We were boyfriend and girlfriend whenever I was in Colombia. We would go to SAI frequently and some amazing days, of sun, beautiful crystal clear water, Langosta, Cerveza and hot sex. But what she did when I wasn't there, was not my concern. Which made for a stress free relationship. In fact it's a good idea if you're seeing a Colombiana, just assume she's seeing other people too. She changed careers and went to Chef school. Graduated and got a job in France as a chef. Last I heard she got married to some French dude. I often wonder if he knows what he married? . Just another story in the naked city.

09-12-22, 15:07
Last year I was pleasantly surprised that prices in Bogota had remained flat.

This year.

I passed on some marginal pussy in Santa Marta knowing that Sta Fe was just a day away.

I found a nice vennie on one of the calles off the main track. She looked great but started at 100 K.

I ground her down to 60 thinking that's more than fair, but she was pissed about it and I figured since she wasn't getting picked up.

She had mispriced herself. In any event she was in great shape. We walked over to the hotel were the other Vennies hang. It was 8 K so net Chica 52 k and I think that is the best I will find this trip.

I was out last night, Sunday and pickings were slimmer with ironically a larger police presence than Saturday.

This is the second year I didn't pause at Troya just did a walk thru not impressed at 10 K poker beer (a very cheap brand).

Good to know that lap dances are now 50 K.

09-12-22, 16:20
Lap dance is 50 milHow long are the lap dances usually?

09-12-22, 19:35
How long are the lap dances usually?Actually sometimes you can bargain to 30 mil-- Also 20 mil in some clubs.

Dances usually go until the girl I naked and will stop between songs-- I think they are longer than US stripclubs-- often you can cuddle a bit. I love playing Dr with these hottt girls-- If they let me, LOL-- Also giving wedgies is always fun-.

SexPat Life is Awesome!

09-12-22, 19:43
Hi all,

Planning a trip again (had to cancel one a few years back due to protests) and wanted to get a sense of the timing. What's more dead in terms of mongering; last week of December or first week of January? Those are the only two slots I may have to get away.

Also what's the best alternative to street walking in SantaFe? I prefer incalls and that too with women over 25 . I plan to do a tour with Woodman regardless.

Thank you.

09-12-22, 21:24
FOH. She sized you up and thought you were overpaying Pendejo. LOL.

Last year I was pleasantly surprised that prices in Bogota had remained flat.

This year.

I passed on some marginal pussy in Santa Marta knowing that Sta Fe was just a day away.

I found a nice vennie on one of the calles off the main track. She looked great but started at 100 K.

I ground her down to 60 thinking that's more than fair, but she was pissed about it and I figured since she wasn't getting picked up.

She had mispriced herself. In any event she was in great shape. We walked over to the hotel were the other Vennies hang. It was 8 K so net Chica 52 k and I think that is the best I will find this trip.

I was out last night, Sunday and pickings were slimmer with ironically a larger police presence than Saturday.

This is the second year I didn't pause at Troya just did a walk thru not impressed at 10 K poker beer (a very cheap brand).

Good to know that lap dances are now 50 K..

09-12-22, 21:32
Stop paying gringo prices. If the street hoes charge a minimum of 35 then why would you pay 50 for a lap dance. Anyway why would you get a lap dance. When you can fuck. I think the foreigner presence is making the owners adapt the American strip club business model. Lap dances and girly drinks. Why would the hoes have any reason to fuck for money. Don't fuck up the game guys.

How long are the lap dances usually?

Mr Enternational
09-12-22, 21:46
Lap dance is 50 mil, and it is worth especially if you have a friend Not worth it when it should only be 10 K.

09-12-22, 23:57
Stop paying gringo prices. If the street hoes charge a minimum of 35 then why would you pay 50 for a lap dance. Anyway why would you get a lap dance. When you can fuck. I think the foreigner presence is making the owners adapt the American strip club business model. Lap dances and girly drinks. Why would the hoes have any reason to fuck for money. Don't fuck up the game guys.I have seen tons of Colombians getting lap dances in the clubs both in Santa Fe and Pussy House. Some seemingly exclusively, at least for the 2+ hours that I am there sometimes. Granted I've only been out for club nights in Bogota maybe 10 times.

Some that I have met heard this story, but I had tons of fun getting a really long 3 song dance from a young Sarah Palin look alike and then brought her upstairs. Before that she was entertaining a group next to me for like an hour. It certainly built a ton of excitement and was fun while doing shots. She was also the most fun girl upstairs that I have had, but maybe that was going to happen either way. Did I say Sarah Palin!!

I didn't think I would like it, but it was tons of fun hanging with a few chill guys and getting double lap dances was a great night. Seems extreamly common with locals. I certainly can't fuck 6+ times in a few hours, nor do I want to at this point.

Curious what woodman and others have to say.

Frisky Frank
09-13-22, 02:17
I like lap dances. Got a few the other night in Venus waiting for Woodman while he was upstairs banging a hot piece of ass. Damage was 20 mil pesos for 2 songs. Paid 40 mil for 4 songs and it ended up keeping me occupied for about 15 minutes or so. The girl had the nicest pair of natural tits I've seen in Colombia so far. I apologize to everyone who thinks I wasted less than $10 and somehow made it more expensive for them to get laid in the long run.

Additionally, there's actually a handful of girls in the Sante fe clubs that won't have sex for money and only do lap dances. It's extremely rare but I've met 2 of them so far in my Bogota adventures. You'll be able to tell which ones they are because they'll have everyone's eyes on them the entire time they're on the floor and they'll be insanely busy giving lap dances the entire time.

Stop paying gringo prices. If the street hoes charge a minimum of 35 then why would you pay 50 for a lap dance. Anyway why would you get a lap dance. When you can fuck. I think the foreigner presence is making the owners adapt the American strip club business model. Lap dances and girly drinks. Why would the hoes have any reason to fuck for money. Don't fuck up the game guys.

09-13-22, 02:21
The lap lasts a while, I would say between 5 and 8 minutes.

In Texas disco I paid 30 mil for a lap and 50 for room action.

The 2 chicas I had a lap from in Fiebre where gorgeous. My buddy sessioned with the brunette after I left for 100.

In my honest opinion if you consider the Texas price (30) appropriate for a cute flaca mona, then then, given the difference in quality, the lap in Fiebre (50) had a correct price too.

I went there other 2 days to have a session with my 23 why brunette with siliconed tits, a wasp waist, and boosted ass but I didn't see her anymore. BTW Surgery is not my passion, but this one was an exception.

Now I'm in Cali alone, and I wish I had remained in Bogota walking around with other Members!

09-13-22, 04:28
Colombians get lap dance at 10 k in SF and they do it because they don't have the money for beer and fucking. So beer and lap dances are cheaper. Pussy House was more fore sure. I had good luck at the spot across the street from pussy house.

Also, someone grow some nuts and go to the southern club scene.

I have seen tons of Colombians getting lap dances in the clubs both in Santa Fe and Pussy House. Some seemingly exclusively, at least for the 2+ hours that I am there sometimes. Granted I've only been out for club nights in Bogota maybe 10 times.

Some that I have met heard this story, but I had tons of fun getting a really long 3 song dance from a young Sarah Palin look alike and then brought her upstairs. Before that she was entertaining a group next to me for like an hour. It certainly built a ton of excitement and was fun while doing shots. She was also the most fun girl upstairs that I have had, but maybe that was going to happen either way. Did I say Sarah Palin!!

I didn't think I would like it, but it was tons of fun hanging with a few chill guys and getting double lap dances was a great night. Seems extreamly common with locals. I certainly can't fuck 6+ times in a few hours, nor do I want to at this point.

Curious what woodman and others have to say.

09-13-22, 04:31
Cali is very spread out and there is no big area like SF. La 20 is about has good as it gets for numbers.

The lap lasts a while, I would say between 5 and 8 minutes.

In Texas disco I paid 30 mil for a lap and 50 for room action.

The 2 chicas I had a lap from in Fiebre where gorgeous. My buddy sessioned with the brunette after I left for 100.

In my honest opinion if you consider the Texas price (30) appropriate for a cute flaca mona, then then, given the difference in quality, the lap in Fiebre (50) had a correct price too.

I went there other 2 days to have a session with my 23 why brunette with siliconed tits, a wasp waist, and boosted ass but I didn't see her anymore. BTW Surgery is not my passion, but this one was an exception.

Now I'm in Cali alone, and I wish I had remained in Bogota walking around with other Members!

09-13-22, 04:34
That sounds about right.

I like lap dances. Got a few the other night in Venus waiting for Woodman while he was upstairs banging a hot piece of ass. Damage was 20 mil pesos for 2 songs. Paid 40 mil for 4 songs and it ended up keeping me occupied for about 15 minutes or so. The girl had the nicest pair of natural tits I've seen in Colombia so far. I apologize to everyone who thinks I wasted less than $10 and somehow made it more expensive for them to get laid in the long run.

Additionally, there's actually a handful of girls in the Sante fe clubs that won't have sex for money and only do lap dances. It's extremely rare but I've met 2 of them so far in my Bogota adventures. You'll be able to tell which ones they are because they'll have everyone's eyes on them the entire time they're on the floor and they'll be insanely busy giving lap dances the entire time.

09-13-22, 14:07
Hi all,

Planning a trip again (had to cancel one a few years back due to protests) and wanted to get a sense of the timing. What's more dead in terms of mongering; last week of December or first week of January? Those are the only two slots I may have to get away.

Also what's the best alternative to street walking in SantaFe? I prefer incalls and that too with women over 25 . I plan to do a tour with Woodman regardless.

Thank you.Neither week is good. Latinos are genuinely very family oriented. But the first week of January would be better that December. After Jan. 1 most people go back to work. The week between Christmas and New Year is a BIG week for the beach. Even a city as big as Bogota will be dead.

09-13-22, 14:20
FOH. She sized you up and thought you were overpaying Pendejo. LOL..Yo, DcFace, don't take it personal. I Would gladly pay 52 K for a buena flaca chica with no baby damage and nice firm tetonas.

Too bad you find that high. Its about $11.93. At the posted Colombian median wage of $8 per hour, it should cost the average Colombian 1.5 hours wages to date a fine chica, not entirely outrageous.

I did session with a 30 K girl later and I can sense your frustration with the quality you are achieving at that price point.

The topic of the conversation was how world inflation is going to mess things up for a while. Clearly from the way you communicate (or fail to) you were not around during the 70's the last time things got out of control. Its perhaps not the fault of Gringos the price is rising, perpaps girls just won't fuck for sopa & almuerzo.

09-13-22, 17:34
Neither week is good. Latinos are genuinely very family oriented. But the first week of January would be better that December. After Jan. 1 most people go back to work. The week between Christmas and New Year is a BIG week for the beach. Even a city as big as Bogota will be dead.Thanks, this is helpful.

09-13-22, 18:19
Yo, DcFace, don't take it personal. I Would gladly pay 52 K for a buena flaca chica with no baby damage and nice firm tetonas.

Too bad you find that high. Its about $11.93. At the posted Colombian median wage of $8 per hour, it should cost the average Colombian 1.5 hours wages to date a fine chica, not entirely outrageous.

I did session with a 30 K girl later and I can sense your frustration with the quality you are achieving at that price point.

The topic of the conversation was how world inflation is going to mess things up for a while. Clearly from the way you communicate (or fail to) you were not around during the 70's the last time things got out of control. Its perhaps not the fault of Gringos the price is rising, perpaps girls just won't fuck for sopa & almuerzo.Most non-professionals working in Bogota can only pray to God to make 8 bucks an hour. Most work mto F and 1/2 day on Saturday for about a 50 hour work week, that's $400 a week, or over 7 million a month lawyers, dentists maybe but never for the working man.

Mr Enternational
09-13-22, 19:17
Too bad you find that high. Its about $11.93. At the posted Colombian median wage of $8 per hour, it should cost the average Colombian 1.5 hours wages to date a fine chica, .Where are you getting your figures? Or maybe you are talking about Colombia, South Carolina. Because in Colombia, South America most people are making $227 per month which would equal out to $1.41 per hour if they worked 160 hours per month. So they would actually have to work 9 hours to afford one of those $11.93 chicas. I do not know many guys that would find paying to fuck a chick for a few minutes for 1 day's pay not high.

"Así, a partir del 1° de enero de 2022 el salario mínimo legal mensual vigente asciende a la suma de COP $1. 000.000. " From January 1, 2022 the legal monthly minimum wage rose to 1 million pesos.

09-13-22, 19:51
Most non-professionals working in Bogota can only pray to God to make 8 bucks an hour. Most work mto F and 1/2 day on Saturday for about a 50 hour work week, that's $400 a week, or over 7 million a month lawyers, dentists maybe but never for the working man.I'm in Bog now, I see lots of nice cars and people well dressed, how do they do that at 10% of my wage?

Mongering is an elective, if you can afford it. When I was younger I sure couldn't.

Don't get me wrong I'm not for paying any more than necessary that's why I pass on clubs and the like.

They attract the chicas. Still 50 K is not an outrageous price to pay for full service.

Check back this time next year. Its all about the inflation.

09-13-22, 22:34
I spent one week in Bogota. Here what I discovered.

This is my second time in Colombia, but 1st in Bogota. Be prepared for a lower temperature. Even inside the Airbnb temperature can be lower than optimal. Never freezing, but not what you expect from a tropical place. The red-light area is in Santa Fe, mostly Carrera 15 and 16 as reported in many maps. All the club are in the same area and it is nice to walk from one to the other Fiebre, Troya, Texas, California. On Thursday there were 2 great girls in Fiebre, and when I say great, I mean skinny, young, pretty and with active personality. Lap dance is 50 mil, and it is worth especially if you have a friend and the girl share the time between the two, jumping from one to the other. Be prepared that she gets completely naked and all the folks in the close tables will look at her (and you will do the same when the show is on a close table). Try to take a table just under the upper floor so the girl can hang and put her pussy on your face. My buddy paid 100 cop for a short session, I guess 20 minutes..How much does Woodman09 charges?

09-14-22, 07:13
Not a good idea to go those dates, in latin america most girls will be with their families and won't go out at all. So the pool will be cut by more than half if not more.

Hi all,

Planning a trip again (had to cancel one a few years back due to protests) and wanted to get a sense of the timing. What's more dead in terms of mongering; last week of December or first week of January? Those are the only two slots I may have to get away.

Also what's the best alternative to street walking in SantaFe? I prefer incalls and that too with women over 25 . I plan to do a tour with Woodman regardless.

Thank you.

09-14-22, 13:16
Spent the last couple days organizing a visit with Isabella, a slim, tattooed independent.

Pics are all 100% accurate, and her English is good which is great because my Spanish sucks still, google translate was helpful a few times to clear up minor confusion. WhatsApp comms we're good and she only came an hour or so later than we'd planned because of traffic. She came to my hotel, brought a J, and blew my mind. PNC kept me from extending but she's going to be on my mind for a long time.

1 HR 300 mil covered + 10 mil for the J.

Treat her well!


09-14-22, 13:58
Thanks, this is helpful.Is a great time to go. A few weeks before Christmas are one of my best times to take a trip. Also the weather clears up But the best part is that Young moms and women and students, who will be on vacation from school, also are looking for money to buy Christmas gifts. I had great success with waitresses and store clerks in December. Don't be afraid to strike up a conversation with these girls, you would be surprised how receptive they can be, if you speak Spanish.

09-14-22, 15:42
I'm in Bog now, I see lots of nice cars and people well dressed, how do they do that at 10% of my wage?

Mongering is an elective, if you can afford it. When I was younger I sure couldn't.

Don't get me wrong I'm not for paying any more than necessary that's why I pass on clubs and the like.

They attract the chicas. Still 50 K is not an outrageous price to pay for full service.

Check back this time next year. Its all about the inflation.Feb 2020 I paid 45 k and exchange rate was 3400 for street worker. June 2032 I paid 50 k and exchange rate was 4200. Everyone has their own critera for price. I get it. But just want to put things into perspective. Getting it for 35 k instead of 50 k would save 3.40 at those exchange rates.

09-14-22, 23:17
I think the influx of Vennies had more of an economic impact than world inflation. But in the opposite way. I remember when the vennies started coming in huge numbers. The look on the Colombian hoe was priceless. Fine-ass Vennies would Hoe out for 20- 25 k, while their Colombian counterparts charge more. Plus perform a lot better too. It was a great era. SF is still a great time. My routine is: fly in at around midnight. Check-in to San Fran Hotel blocks away from SF. Idrive to SF, because I ain't about to get robbed in the mid of the night. Go to the after-hours clubs and get some weed, have some drinks, and chill 'til about 3 am. Then the mad rush of hoes from the regular hour club come in as freelancers to get their party on! Great scene!! When I leave it's sunny out and everyone is going to there day job. I have my hoe in hand and we walk to San Fran Hotel. Since the day shift is working now, they don't recognize me and just let me pass with my hoe assuming she is already a registered guest. Get a little sleep, wake up and do a casa run. DONE.

Yo, DcFace, don't take it personal. I Would gladly pay 52 K for a buena flaca chica with no baby damage and nice firm tetonas.

Too bad you find that high. Its about $11.93. At the posted Colombian median wage of $8 per hour, it should cost the average Colombian 1.5 hours wages to date a fine chica, not entirely outrageous.

I did session with a 30 K girl later and I can sense your frustration with the quality you are achieving at that price point.

The topic of the conversation was how world inflation is going to mess things up for a while. Clearly from the way you communicate (or fail to) you were not around during the 70's the last time things got out of control. Its perhaps not the fault of Gringos the price is rising, perpaps girls just won't fuck for sopa & almuerzo.

09-15-22, 01:35
Is BOG or MDE better for a 3-6 day where the goal is to solo a convenient area for "high end" 8's-10's? Going through the MDE & BOG forums but hoping to have direction. Ideally to bring back to lodging in walking distance, but ok in the club if not grimey.

Background: Mid 30's American, east African but have passed for dark Cuban / Dominican (if races matters). Started mongering this year. Multi trips to Amsterdam RLD, strip club VIP & take out in my home Miami / Atlanta.


Travel time / I can get a direct BOG 4 HR flight, vs MDE connects 8 hrs. Favoring directs considering global delays and few flights to get back.

Spanish: Poor. But using Colombia and Spain as motivation. DuoLingo now, past high school profiency.

Convenience / Volume: Being 1st trip I want to keep it simple as possible. Avoiding online services. I'm solo, so prefer 'safe' clubs where I can just walk in and take my favorite girl. I'm not a big drinker & for safety I don't want to commit to buying a table / bottle service.

Budget: I don't want to slum it, I can afford MIA / AMS market so I don't mind the local premiums for best club talent. I'm not going to make it rain or ruin our economy.

To contribute, I'd post a detailed trip report for others & gladly offer my AMS, MIA, ATL experience to anyone.

09-15-22, 04:44
Feb 2020 I paid 45 k and exchange rate was 3400 for street worker. June 2032 I paid 50 k and exchange rate was 4200. Everyone has their own critera for price. I get it. But just want to put things into perspective. Getting it for 35 k instead of 50 k would save 3.40 at those exchange rates.I shop with everyday people here.

Food here has gone up Eggs are 100% more than last year, I have seen it rising and rising-- My coffee has gone up 100%. Street fruit cup has shrinkflation and has gone up 50%.

I think the SF 45-50 mil Streetie Sweetie session shall be a fond memory soon. So much pressure.

Enjoy these prices while you can.

09-15-22, 19:49
Feb 2020 I paid 45 k and exchange rate was 3400 for street worker. June 2032 I paid 50 k and exchange rate was 4200. Everyone has their own critera for price. I get it. But just want to put things into perspective. Getting it for 35 k instead of 50 k would save 3.40 at those exchange rates.It's good to know about the future. Can I borrow your time machine?

09-15-22, 20:23
Try this one.

I have used its service and it's pretty good. For hiv test result, they will want to talk to you in person via their web app before releasing your result. It's related to their privacy law. Takes 24 hours.

Contact them via WhatsApp and let them know you need an English speaking professional to talk to you if you are not fluent in Spanish.

Vitălea Sede 82.

https://maps.app.goo.gl/82ePGCjivsaAzxiN9Thanks for the recommendation here and in person!

I went to the parque 93 location yesterday around 530 pm. It is open until 8 pm. I just walked in and they ended up emailing me the HIV result like 16 hours later. Still waiting for a few more tests.

230 k cop for HIV plus some others. I had to fill out a ton of paperwork and couldn't complete all of it. They only looked at 1 page and then did data entry, paid, and then they took my blood.

09-16-22, 11:16
Is BOG or MDE better for a 3-6 day where the goal is to solo a convenient area for "high end" 8's-10's? Going through the MDE & BOG forums but hoping to have direction. Ideally to bring back to lodging in walking distance, but ok in the club if not grimey.

Background: Mid 30's American, east African but have passed for dark Cuban / Dominican (if races matters). Started mongering this year. Multi trips to Amsterdam RLD, strip club VIP & take out in my home Miami / Atlanta.


Travel time / I can get a direct BOG 4 HR flight, vs MDE connects 8 hrs. Favoring directs considering global delays and few flights to get back.

Spanish: Poor. But using Colombia and Spain as motivation. DuoLingo now, past high school profiency.

Convenience / Volume: Being 1st trip I want to keep it simple as possible. Avoiding online services. I'm solo, so prefer 'safe' clubs where I can just walk in and take my favorite girl. I'm not a big drinker & for safety I don't want to commit to buying a table / bottle service.

Budget: I don't want to slum it, I can afford MIA / AMS market so I don't mind the local premiums for best club talent. I'm not going to make it rain or ruin our economy.

To contribute, I'd post a detailed trip report for others & gladly offer my AMS, MIA, ATL experience to anyone.It sounds kinda sick. And a major reason you will have difficulty.

09-16-22, 12:21
I got this message from a girl I showed mild interest in a few months ago, she drops me a line every other week or so just to stay in touch. She knows I travel often to Bogota so the girls like a guy they can see more often than once or twice a year. However, she obviously hooked up with a foreigner recently, maybe American or European, who knows? But she now believes she is something very special. Here's the text I got. Okey.

"Yo seré clara.

Solo tengo encuentro de 1 o 2 horas donde haremos lo que desees por 460 usd. ".

I rarely pay any chic more than 200,000 and always for girlfriend sex. No time limit, if we hit it off, maybe 'todo noche' of which I'm not a fan of. Sure, if you have it and you want it, pay what you want but it upsets the norm. The benchmark for this girl is now what someone gave her, and who knows how many of her girlfriends believe this now. The best way to ruin a location for a good trip is to overpay. It happened in CR. At one time you could get allstars in the Del Rey for 10,000 Colones. Then because of collusion by all the girls it went to $100, and magically they all asked for the same thing, $100. I know this because I was friendly with a lot of the Ticas and she said they all talk. Another location ruined. One man's floor is another man's ceiling, we all know this and this site is not going to stop some guys from paying whatever they want but there are going to be consequences. Places like SF will be less affected because there are more Colombianos there and they never overpay.

09-16-22, 18:41
I got this message from a girl I showed mild interest in a few months ago, she drops me a line every other week or so just to stay in touch. She knows I travel often to Bogota so the girls like a guy they can see more often than once or twice a year. However, she obviously hooked up with a foreigner recently, maybe American or European, who knows? But she now believes she is something very special. Here's the text I got. Okey.

"Yo ser clara.

Solo tengo encuentro de 1 o 2 horas donde haremos lo que desees por 460 usd. ".

I rarely pay any chic more than 200,000 and always for girlfriend sex. No time limit, if we hit it off, maybe 'todo noche' of which I'm not a fan of. Sure, if you have it and you want it, pay what you want but it upsets the norm. The benchmark for this girl is now what someone gave her, and who knows how many of her girlfriends believe this now. The best way to ruin a location for a good trip is to overpay. It happened in CR. At one time you could get allstars in the Del Rey for 10,000 Colones. Then because of collusion by all the girls it went to $100, and magically they all asked for the same thing, $100. I know this because I was friendly with a lot of the Ticas and she said they all talk. Another location ruined. One man's floor is another man's ceiling, we all know this and this site is not going to stop some guys from paying whatever they want but there are going to be consequences. Places like SF will be less affected because there are more Colombianos there and they never overpay.I surmise from this, if you want to pay top dollar, why bother flying into Bog, sort thru heavy traffic, risk petty crime.

My wing man and I first came across Colombians in Cancun. There are plenty of Brazilians, Argentinians even Europeans there, let them come to you if price is not a concern.

Panama is closer and you won't have to exchange US dollars.

As a sex traveler destination Colombia distinctly lacks convenience.

09-17-22, 03:39
Is BOG or MDE better for a 3-6 day where the goal is to solo a convenient area for "high end" 8's-10's? Going through the MDE & BOG forums but hoping to have direction. Ideally to bring back to lodging in walking distance, but ok in the club if not grimey..Is there a reason for bringing them back to your hotel? I believe there are reports on here where you can barfine the girls or simply go for escorts that have been reviewed on here.

The reason why I ask for bringing them back to the hotel is primarily to do with language. You mentioned that you're not proficient in Spanish and are taking some duolingo courses. Nothing against taking courses but it's going to be tough for you to hold a conversation just on a short amount of time with duolingo. This isn't Miami, Atlanta or the mostly english speaking girls in Amsterdams RLD areas where you can just speak English when you want to. Colombians, to me at least, speak faster than Mexicans and you're ultimately going to have to use your phone at some point to translate until you spend more time in these countries and pick up the language as it's spoken in real life (and using things like duolingo to help).

I am also not highly proficient in Spanish but with the limited Spanish I have its gotten my way round multiple trips to CDMX and Tijuana (Tijuanas more Americanized though so language isn't always a huge barrier there), Amsterdam, FKKs in Frankfurt, etc. While you can get away with using English in the European countries and a little bit in Tijuana, in places like Medellin and Bogota (and for that matter CDMX) the girls, apart from a few here and there, don't speak it. I found that Colombian Spanish was more difficult to understand than the Mexican Spanish I was used to as there were different slang terms, accents and phrases that I haven't heard before travelling in Mexico. For example, if I'm with a girl in Mexico I can usually just say something like "Perro" (dog) and motion the girl to turn over and bend down and the girl knows I mean doggy style as I always forget the term for doggy style in Spanish and perro for me is easy to remember in the heat of the moment. In Mexico saying "perro" = No problem. The girl I was with at Troya didn't understand what the fuck I was saying and I finally had to manhandle her to turn around and bend down and then she let out a big "aaaahhhh something something something phrase for doggy style sex" and then started laughing and guided my cock into her from behind and got back to business LOL.

This is going to be a big hinderance to you if you take them to your hotel as it's okay for an hour or maybe 2 but after that it gets tiring having to swap phones around using google translate or whatever it is you'll end up using and you'll wish you could just end the session and get back into the club to fuck another girl.

I only got to see the rooms upstairs in Troya. Yeah, I wouldn't call them luxurious but the room and bed is big enough for me (6'2" inch guy), and there was a sink and a toilet. It wasn't Hilton hotel standard but it's fine for a fuck. I'the rethink the bringing back to the hotel thing as the limited Spanish will end up being tough the longer you're with a girl but that's just me and my opinion and personally I've never really got the whole bringing back to the hotel and sleeping with them during the night thing anyways. But everyone's different.

As for which city. I don't have enough experience in that. And someone's 8 is another persons 6 or 10. What I will say is that I saw some cuties in Bogota and it's the reason I'm going back down there in a few weeks. If Bogota bores you then you could always catch a flight out to Medellin for a couple of days but I think between Santa Fe, the Casas a little north and places like Lidos you'll probably be fine in Bogota. Flights domestically are inexpensive unlike here in the States if you get bored though.

09-17-22, 18:00
I greatly appreciate the advice, that changes my expectations and plans. I know I'll go to BOG / MDE at least once in my life, so that's unchanged but that helped to get an idea of how difficult it will be. Worst case, I just enjoy tourism of a new country.

The reason for bringing to a room was it seemed like more value for time, especially if she ticks all my boxes. But yeah, language barrier is going to be tough. I'll keep researching and eventually go for it and learn in person.

09-17-22, 22:13

Could you, please make a post on this place or places any around. There are many adds on photoprepagos.com There is a map on this link.

https://www.photoprepagos.com/prepagos/bogota/teusaquillo/hermosa-super-cariñosa-why-recien-llegada-ID-8 gw53.

1) Are girls real?

2) How many girls under 25 year old.

3) Do you know any places where there is a choice (below 25 year old And slim).

4) I have a few questions about your opinion on the business. "bachelor trip from US or Canada" and I am interested in your opinion.


09-18-22, 02:09
I greatly appreciate the advice, that changes my expectations and plans. I know I'll go to BOG / MDE at least once in my life, so that's unchanged but that helped to get an idea of how difficult it will be. Worst case, I just enjoy tourism of a new country.

The reason for bringing to a room was it seemed like more value for time, especially if she ticks all my boxes. But yeah, language barrier is going to be tough. I'll keep researching and eventually go for it and learn in person.You mentioned you had been to Amsterdam and girls in the RLD there are not cheap and you mention ATL and MIA as other places you've visited then you're going to know that you're not going to get much for $100 USD. Considering you can get a hot girl that is going to let you DATY, fuck in as many positions as you want, BBBJ or covered whatever rocks your boat and CIM or tits for less than $80 I don't think you'll find any better value. I'm going down there in a few weeks for 3 nights. Staying at the Ibis Museo for less than $100 USD for the entire 3 nights, food is ridiculously inexpensive compared to the States and Europe (talking a nice, good quality meal for between $5-13 usd, I will again challenge you to find anything close in budget.

I would give it a go but if you're steadfast about it having to be in your hotel room and if it's going to be something that you want to span multiple hours, dinner, breakfast, whatever then the language barrier is going to be hard. Is that what you did in Amsterdam?

09-18-22, 03:15
Convenience / Volume: Being 1st trip I want to keep it simple as possible. Avoiding online services. I'm solo, so prefer 'safe' clubs where I can just walk in and take my favorite girl. I'm not a big drinker & for safety I don't want to commit to buying a table / bottle service..I'll just post one more reply to this as I'm not up to date with Atlanta nor do I have a lot of experience in Bogota but I wanted to point out that Bogota does not have USA style strip clubs. You don't actually have to pay for a table or certain tables require a bottle purchase, etc. It works nothing like that. You mention "safe" clubs. The clubs are safe so just go visit a bunch of them until you find a girl.

From the things you say you want you seem to be coming from a USA style strip club scene but it's not like that outside the states. Here, You simply walk up to the door of the club, a bouncer will tell you to raise you arms up and you get pat down, you walk in (usually followed by a mesero), then you don't go to the bar like in the states. Instead you find a table, yes unlike the states you can go to any table, the table can be right next to the strip stage where you'll be a few inches from pussy or you can find a table far from it so you can feel out the place, it can be a booth table or just a small regular one, it doesn't matter. There is no vip / preferred / bottle service tables. Your mesero will come up and you mention you don't like to drink a lot so just get "una Agua por favor". Mesero goes to the bar and brings you a bottle back. As of a few weeks ago it was 10 k cop (about $2. 50 usd). Then just sit and relax and look at the girls. I believe lap dances set you back $25 k and some others have reported $50 k either way that's $6-12 usd and just ask the mesero how much a lap dance is to clarify.

If there's a girl you like smile at her and she'll come down and sit with you. For the most part girls in the clubs don't stalk you and bother you like some other countries. Sounds like you've got experience in us strip clubs so you can correct me for being real basic but in general that means girls do "air dances" and then want you to go to VIP for $200/300 usd+ and even then you might have to pay for extras. But the lap dances here aren't "air dances". Nah, mesero usually moves a table, clothes come off and her bare pussy is straddling your leg, she'll probably slide her tits right over your face, she might sit on the table or stand in front of you and start rubbing her pussy or the lap dance I saw the girl finger fucked herself for a nice 5-10 seconds. Her bare pussy and ass will be within inches of your tongue. This isn't an air dance and it isn't going to cost you $50 usd or whatever fucked up crazy amount you get charged in the states. Obviously you can't touch but it's a good intro to know if you want to explore more. Buy her a drink if you want to talk a lot. Perfect time to start asking her about going to your hotel and if she'll do it.

Or maybe you'll be like me. I didn't bother with any of that shit. Walked in, sat at a table, got a bottle, saw this nice fair skinned, blonde vennie finger fuck herself for a guy at another table. Liked her look and when she finished the dance and walked away from the table I smiled at her, she came over, I asked her how much to fuck and my required things I wanted and bam next thing you know I'm licking her tiny clit upstairs while her drool is dripping down my cock and balls before eventually busting my load in her mouth for $70-80. None of this $200-400 usd shit in the states.

Nowhere else are you going to get "value for your time" like this. Anyways, didn't want to detract from your visit. I think you just have a USA strip club style want. If that's the case go to Tijuana. Personally I feel jaded after more than 3 days in Tijuana.

09-18-22, 03:24
I greatly appreciate the advice, that changes my expectations and plans. I know I'll go to BOG / MDE at least once in my life, so that's unchanged but that helped to get an idea of how difficult it will be. Worst case, I just enjoy tourism of a new country.

The reason for bringing to a room was it seemed like more value for time, especially if she ticks all my boxes. But yeah, language barrier is going to be tough. I'll keep researching and eventually go for it and learn in person.You might consider Montreal then. The escort agencies there are super safe, easy to deal with, and you can easily have most home right to your hotel door. It is known up front if they speak English or not. Every single one I met was super GFE. You can arrive at your hotel room and have one at your room like 30 minutes later. A 2 to 3 day trip is super doable.

09-18-22, 13:41
Has anyone been to Chicas Milenio lately? I have heard they change their address and no longer at Calle 71 # 14 A-20. Any recommendations for day time casa / brothel action?

09-18-22, 14:04
You might consider Montreal then. The escort agencies there are super safe, easy to deal with, and you can easily have most home right to your hotel door. It is known up front if they speak English or not. Every single one I met was super GFE. You can arrive at your hotel room and have one at your room like 30 minutes later. A 2 to 3 day trip is super doable.What is the price range via time, age and girl's quality in Montreal?

Thank you.

09-18-22, 14:59

Could you, please make a post on this place or places any around. There are many adds on photoprepagos.com There is a map on this link.

https://www.photoprepagos.com/prepagos/bogota/teusaquillo/hermosa-super-cariosa-why-recien-llegada-ID-8 gw53.

1) Are girls real?

2) How many girls under 25 year old.

3) Do you know any places where there is a choice (below 25 year old And slim).

4) I have a few questions about your opinion on the business. "bachelor trip from US or Canada" and I am interested in your opinion.

Thanks.Hi everyone,

I wonder, why people don't do something like " Bachelor trip" business"?


1) The colombian prices for sex.

2) Girls attitude, low feminism level, age, etc. For a reasonable price you can see as many girls as you want.

3) I lived in Moscow, now in Toronto and well traveled. In my opinion, it's very hard to find colombian level of service in North America. If you need a quality girl+ age, her attitude, etc.

4) North America sites and casas: mostly high volume aged girls who look for local pappies with low expectations or the price is very high.

5) and by sex business I mean. , There are many professionals and self employed or business owners who are tiered to see their low quality feminist wives.

6) As we understand, some reach people can get more life / girl / sex experience in Santa Fe or around the city (3-5 days) than in their entire life. As soon as they get that eye opening experience some of them could become = long term clients.

7) Toronto, New York are long trips 6 hrs + trip to airport. 1000 $+ round trip, etc. But there is Miami, and south US cities. It's close and cheap flights. They have the same problems with good girls as everywhere in North America.

8) The trip could be organized as any business trip. For example; Seminar for dentist, realtors, etc + sex or tourist program. The clients can motivate their trip (family) and + its business expenses.

What is your opinion? Please text me to my PM.

And what do you think about locals and local authorities considering this type of business.

Please comment or send me your opinion on the mater.


09-18-22, 15:18
I greatly appreciate the advice, that changes my expectations and plans. I know I'll go to BOG / MDE at least once in my life, so that's unchanged but that helped to get an idea of how difficult it will be. Worst case, I just enjoy tourism of a new country.

The reason for bringing to a room was it seemed like more value for time, especially if she ticks all my boxes. But yeah, language barrier is going to be tough. I'll keep researching and eventually go for it and learn in person."I know I'll go there once in my life" usually ends up being "I wish I had gone. ".

1. The better your Spanish the better your experience. However, your Spanish won't really improve until you are surrounded by Colombians. Also, as most of the people here can confirm, a lot of fun can be had when you are learning the basics.

2. Atlanta to Bogota on Delta is a great flight. If I lived in Atlanta I'd be making the trip monthly, even though I prefer Medellin. Flights to Medellin are cheap, frequent and less than 1 hour.

3. There are multiple clubs in the north of Bogota. They are expensive, especially for takeout, but they should meet your needs, if you're ready to spend $200-$300.

4. The better option are the clubs and the streets of Santa Fe. Woodman gives paid tours and can help you out there. Santa Fe is also close to most of the tourism locations.

5. Get to know the girls in the club, or on the street before taking them to your place. It will cost less and you'll get better service.

6. "Pones en cuatro" is the Colombian way to request doggy style.

Strap on your Nikes and just do it.

09-18-22, 18:01
What is the price range via time, age and girl's quality in Montreal?

Thank you.200 to 225 cad for 1 hour, any age above 18 that you want, and super GFE. Always bbj. Of course there is always more exspensive. Just google Montreal escorts and you will see the agencies with pictures. I am sure this fourm has info in the right section. I've never had someone not be the same or better compared to pictures.

09-18-22, 18:58
What is the price range via time, age and girl's quality in Montreal?

Thank you.I'd highly recommend Montreal also. Seems like when I was there back in July. The rates at most agencies were anywhere from $240-$280 CAD depending in the woman.

09-18-22, 19:26
Hi everyone,

I wonder, why people don't do something like " Bachelor trip" business"?
Not wanting to come across as rude as I think it's just your English but I find some of your posts a little hard to follow. I am guessing you mean: why hasn't someone started a travel agent style business that advertises to high end people for sex tours to Colombia under the guise of it being a business trip? Or likewise to anyone non business that doesn't want to have to do the research?

If that's the case and you're in the States or Canada then you're probably at some point going to get charged with a crime. You can simply search sex tourism agency court or "big apple oriental tours" and whatever slim profits you made doing that would be eaten away in legal costs. Not the smartest move which is why no one does it here.

09-19-22, 18:00
Colombians get lap dance at 10 k in SF and they do it because they don't have the money for beer and fucking. So beer and lap dances are cheaper. Pussy House was more fore sure. I had good luck at the spot across the street from pussy house.

Also, someone grow some nuts and go to the southern club scene.

I was on the south recently on a Friday night, in a date with a seeking girl. I wanted to go dancing and we went to a salsa club at 11 PM but it was totally empty. It was dissapointing. So we went out and saw a night club similar to those in SF and it had many working girls dancing with customers. Which seemed really fun, with a great vibe. I asked my date if she was ok going there and she said sure. Let's go inside!

The place name is Azafatas VIP and is located exactly here: https://goo.gl/maps/K2iXUcb6sQ3dwddt9.

My seeking date turned out to be a webcammer girl in the past. So she was not shy at all. She was very happy dancing together with the working girls and customers. Many men thought she worked there and kept asking for her rate. Everybody thought we were a couple.

Lap dance is 40.000. Sex for 15-20 minutes is 90.000.

There was one 22 yo, 170 cm tall, nice ass and natural tits venezuelan hottie who kept looking at us. I approached her and told her to come over and dance with us and she said she didn't want to because I was together with another girl. I told her she was not my girlfriend. She came when I bought her a Smirnoff beer (20.000). I also hired her for a lap dance. And in the end, fucked her. The rooms are very crappy I think SF rooms are a bit better.

After I fucked her I wanted to leave, it was already 3 AM but my seeking date didn't want to leave yet. So she called another working girl to come dance with me to keep me distracted. This was another level dance. And I ended up french kissing and tits / ass grabbing her while dancing and kissing. It worked well to keep me distracted to be honest.

We ended up staying until 6 AM when the place closed. It was great to see all the working girls in their regular clothes getting out to catch a bus to go home. I kissed goodbye to Jhoselyne, my venezuelan girl in her normal clothes and went home to sleep with the seeking girl.

Overall a great experience. In terms of quality of the girls and the rooms though, I think SF is a bit better. I only saw 2 working girls I'd pay to fuck. The club itself was much better than those in SF. And there were many more clubs in the same street, similar to SF too.

09-19-22, 23:16
I'd highly recommend Montreal also. Seems like when I was there back in July. The rates at most agencies were anywhere from $240-$280 CAD depending in the woman.Everything about Montreal's "adult" events can be found at https://merb.cc/ . For some reason, the hotels are costing an arm and a leg these days.

Mr Enternational
09-20-22, 14:10
I am guessing you mean: why hasn't someone started a travel agent style business that advertises to high end people for sex tours to Colombia under the guise of it being a business trip? .Besides, going to get a hooker is not brain surgery. No such thing as high end, only high price. You think the first time a chick turns to hookering she is selling pussy for extreme amounts of money? No. They are cheap as shit and they spend some of their earnings on fancy clothes, fancy hairdo, fancy purse, fancy shoes, maybe surgery. Then all of a sudden they are high end.

Also who wants to end up like Cuba Dave, David33, etc.

09-20-22, 19:21
Besides, going to get a hooker is not brain surgery. No such thing as high end, only high price. You think the first time a chick turns to hookering she is selling pussy for extreme amounts of money? No. They are cheap as shit and they spend some of their earnings on fancy clothes, fancy hairdo, fancy purse, fancy shoes, maybe surgery. Then all of a sudden they are high end.

Also who wants to end up like Cuba Dave, David33, etc.Yuge Congrats.

#1 ISG quotable quote of 2022=No such thing as high end, only high price.

High Price pussy aka high mileage pussy.

09-20-22, 20:03
Besides, going to get a hooker is not brain surgery. No such thing as high end, only high price. You think the first time a chick turns to hookering she is selling pussy for extreme amounts of money? No. They are cheap as shit and they spend some of their earnings on fancy clothes, fancy hairdo, fancy purse, fancy shoes, maybe surgery. Then all of a sudden they are high end.

Also who wants to end up like Cuba Dave, David33, etc.You are right, but to compline with the law. It's just a technical issue. 1) Tours to Bogota is one business. = security + woodman's excursions to SF, etc (but on high level scale). 2) The girls is another business. Example: the girls can be independent sellers on a website (as they work in SF or casas (no pimping).

Please comment, Thanks.

09-20-22, 21:45
Hi everyone,

I wonder, why people don't do something like " Bachelor trip" business"?


1) The colombian prices for sex.

2) Girls attitude, low feminism level, age, etc. For a reasonable price you can see as many girls as you want.

3) I lived in Moscow, now in Toronto and well traveled. In my opinion, it's very hard to find colombian level of service in North America. If you need a quality girl+ age, her attitude, etc.

4) North America sites and casas: mostly high volume aged girls who look for local pappies with low expectations or the price is very high.

5) and by sex business I mean. , There are many professionals and self employed or business owners who are tiered to see their low quality feminist wives.

6) As we understand, some reach people can get more life / girl / sex experience in Santa Fe or around the city (3-5 days) than in their entire life. As soon as they get that eye opening experience some of them could become = long term clients..Because for every paying customer you get you will have 30 who are just going to waste your time. I've tried to help a few people out by helping to set up everything for a bachelor party in Colombian. Even though I was doing it for free, each one made it an enormous pain in the ass and then canceled at the last minute leaving me to deal with several angry women who had been expecting to get paid.

Then there are the legal issues.

09-21-22, 01:03
Everything about Montreal's "adult" events can be found at https://merb.cc/ . For some reason, the hotels are costing an arm and a leg these days.That's one of the reasons I've decided to venture out and try out other countries. Montreal was always a safe / comfort zone for me. Things are getting pricey real quick.

09-21-22, 03:36
That's one of the reasons I've decided to venture out and try out other countries. Montreal was always a safe / comfort zone for me. Things are getting pricey real quick.Its been at least 20 yrs since I've mongered there and it was overpriced then.

I remember sws on Rue St Denis & Mozart were asking $100 usd and it was -30 F outside.

Yet they were still out there in miniskirts and thigh high boots LOL.

I still miss the vibe of Montreal espec on a Sat night, kinda reminds me a really really really run down Moscow LOL.

09-21-22, 05:33
Stopped by the (original?) Absolut location on Cra. 16, near closing time on a recent Sunday.

The girl who answered the door was the one available, not sure if they have a line-up normally or if it's the kind of place where the next girl up takes the next customer.

She was 25 yo, heavy silicone up top, natural bottom. Pretty cute right around a 7. 5 depending on my mood. I saw 3-4 other girls around the property who were all 6. 5-7. 5. A couple of other customers.

She quoted several prices but massage + FS was 330 K. I think an hour, but there was no clock watching.

They have a pricing chart w / the add-on fees for using a credit card. It would have been 370 ish to use a card.

Pretty comfortable room with multiple mirrors so you can also watch the action. She actually started with a decent 10-15 minutes massage which I enjoy.

Multiple positions, but no kissing. Passive but not holding back.

Note the spa's Google Maps location is accurate. It's the unmarked building next to the restaurant.

Speaking of restaurants, now that you've worked up an appetite, one of Bogota's concentrations of dining is just a block or so away-- lots of options to make a night of it.

Not the cheapest and maybe I could have bargained, but easy is nice sometimes. Decision fatigue you know.

No complaints but wouldn't repeat at this price. But I would stop by Absolut again for the convenience.

I don't travel for the hobby much these days but though an actual report would do the forum good. Happy mongering.

09-21-22, 07:56
You are right, but to compline with the law. It's just a technical issue. 1) Tours to Bogota is one business. = security + woodman's excursions to SF, etc (but on high level scale). 2) The girls is another business. Example: the girls can be independent sellers on a website (as they work in SF or casas (no pimping).

Please comment, Thanks.Technical complying with the laws of Colombia may not help you all that much. You are a foreigner there, and if they charge you with something (rightly or wrongly in your opinion) you can spend a couple of years in jail just waiting for your case to be heard. You are not innocent until proven guilty. You are presumed guilty if there is sufficient evidence for them to charge you.

And clowns that flaunt their sex vacations such as recently happened in Medellin make the chances of being charged with something a lot higher. They really hate foreigners that in any way promote sex tourism to their country, and this allows them to take it out on someone. You don't want to be that target.

09-21-22, 09:28
Technical complying with the laws of Colombia may not help you all that much. You are a foreigner there, and if they charge you with something (rightly or wrongly in your opinion) you can spend a couple of years in jail just waiting for your case to be heard. You are not innocent until proven guilty. You are presumed guilty if there is sufficient evidence for them to charge you.

And clowns that flaunt their sex vacations such as recently happened in Medellin make the chances of being charged with something a lot higher. They really hate foreigners that in any way promote sex tourism to their country, and this allows them to take it out on someone. You don't want to be that target.Either some people have no clue or could it be greed? I called this post out few days ago mentioning exactly what you said but it got deleted. So this time I'll use nicer words LOL.

It's probably better to not take these types of posts seriously, especially when no due diligence is applied and you can tell no research is done. We're living in the info-age yet people refuse to use even a simple tool like Google.

Because if they did, they'd read the countless nightmare stories of which many are mentioned also in this forum, how poorer countries especially in Latin America do not treat foreign own biz the same as they do the local's.

You're there and tolerated when you come to spend, or if you blend in, period. The moment you try to outshine a local, outdone other businesses in that area, then you become a target.

Promoting or even hinting sex tourism is only one of many potential problems.

I've seen it happen over and over, assets seized, deportation, and yes you're always guilty first and by the time you get a trial it's been 5 years in prison, if you survive that long in there. There are very well documented cases of this happening in.

DR, CR, COL, and it's funny cause there are successful foreign businesses like restaurants, stores, hotels, bars etc. I personally know many owners.

Whereas the ones that are constantly being shut down or facing troubles, seizure or raided are the tourism / guide / sex / brothel ones, etc.

Anything remotely in that area you're guaranteed to eventually get set up or worse. Not preaching to anyone as we'll all grown to do what we want, so who cares?

Just some fun FYI, in a Latin jail you'll sleep on bare concrete, on the piss and who know what else on the floor, and let's not even imagine you're guaranteed on making a lover in there not by choice, his name is Papi Toto.

Lots and lots of fun is what you can look forward to.

09-21-22, 13:42
Stopped by the (original?) Absolut location on Cra. 16, near closing time on a recent Sunday.

The girl who answered the door was the one available, not sure if they have a line-up normally or if it's the kind of place where the next girl up takes the next customer.

She was 25 yo, heavy silicone up top, natural bottom. Pretty cute right around a 7. 5 depending on my mood. I saw 3-4 other girls around the property who were all 6. 5-7. 5. A couple of other customers.

She quoted several prices but massage + FS was 330 K. I think an hour, but there was no clock watching.

They have a pricing chart w / the add-on fees for using a credit card. It would have been 370 ish to use a card.

Pretty comfortable room with multiple mirrors so you can also watch the action. She actually started with a decent 10-15 minutes massage which I enjoy.

Multiple positions, but no kissing. Passive but not holding back.

Note the spa's Google Maps location is accurate. It's the unmarked building next to the restaurant.

Speaking of restaurants, now that you've worked up an appetite, one of Bogota's concentrations of dining is just a block or so away-- lots of options to make a night of it.

Not the cheapest and maybe I could have bargained, but easy is nice sometimes. Decision fatigue you know.

No complaints but wouldn't repeat at this price. But I would stop by Absolut again for the convenience.

I don't travel for the hobby much these days but though an actual report would do the forum good. Happy mongering.You went on one of the worst days for mongering (Sunday). If you'd have gone on a weekday you'd have found several girls in the "presentacion".

I went there on a Thursday night at about 6 PM and there were like 10 girls available. A couple of 8's and 9's.

Booked Isabella which was really good looking, a very well made breast surgery (doesn't look so fake as some I've seen in SF). At the end she told me to save her number to go out some day. I messaged her to go out the next day (Friday) but as usual with the colombians, she flaked.

After the fact, I found a very familiar picture (it was definitely her) in a prepagos website. And she was charging 650 k for 1 hour as a prepago. In absolute I paid 320 k for her.

Ryck II
09-21-22, 15:33
I was on the south recently on a Friday night, in a date with a seeking girl. I wanted to go dancing and we went to a salsa club at 11 PM but it was totally empty. It was dissapointing. So we went out and saw a night club similar to those in SF and it had many working girls dancing with customers. Which seemed really fun, with a great vibe. I asked my date if she was ok going there and she said sure. Let's go inside!

The place name is Azafatas VIP and is located exactly here: https://goo.gl/maps/K2iXUcb6sQ3dwddt9.

My seeking date turned out to be a webcammer girl in the past. So she was not shy at all. She was very happy dancing together with the working girls and customers. Many men thought she worked there and kept asking for her rate. Everybody thought we were a couple.

Lap dance is 40.000. Sex for 15-20 minutes is 90.000.

There was one 22 yo, 170 cm tall, nice ass and natural tits venezuelan hottie who kept looking at us. I approached her and told her to come over and dance with us and she said she didn't want to because I was together with another girl. I told her she was not my girlfriend. She came when I bought her a Smirnoff beer (20.000). I also hired her for a lap dance. And in the end, fucked her. The rooms are very crappy I think SF rooms are a bit better.

After I fucked her I wanted to leave, it was already 3 AM but my seeking date didn't want to leave yet. So she called another working girl to come dance with me to keep me distracted. This was another level dance. And I ended up french kissing and tits / ass grabbing her while dancing and kissing. It worked well to keep me distracted to be honest.

We ended up staying until 6 AM when the place closed. It was great to see all the working girls in their regular clothes getting out to catch a bus to go home. I kissed goodbye to Jhoselyne, my venezuelan girl in her normal clothes and went home to sleep with the seeking girl.

Overall a great experience. In terms of quality of the girls and the rooms though, I think SF is a bit better. I only saw 2 working girls I'd pay to fuck. The club itself was much better than those in SF. And there were many more clubs in the same street, similar to SF too.That is a rather dangerous area to which many locals don't dear going. There have been plenty of reports in local news and local forums of people being drugged and robbed in those clubs. MO is similar: something is put on your drink that reduces your ability to say no. Is a tea or powder made with a local plant called borrachero (borracho=drunk) and the active ingredient is called escopolamina. Then anything can happen. There have been cases of people robbed of everything and left on the street or people taking on a trip to the ATM's or even a beating for not having much to be stolen from. Murders in the area are not uncommon.

Advice is: do not go alone, do not leave your drink unattended, do not bring expensive looking stuff.

09-21-22, 15:35
You've clearly not thought about this or done any planning which is another reason why it will ultimately fail.

You mentioned previously that you want high end people (IE professionals with large disposable incomes) to frequent this "idea" but again how are you going to reach these people? Are you going round to their business and dropping of a card lmao? Are you sending them an email which will ultimately go to spam with your contact info? How actually are you going to come across these high end people without putting yourself in massive legal jeopardy? Are you buying their flight and getting their hotels? Are you expecting these people to just hand a complete stranger $$$ to arrange this? Do you regularly just hand over money to someone lmfao? Or wait. Did you plan to meet them to break the ice so they know you're a real person and you show up and get busted? When they're in Colombia are you meeting them there? So you're paying for your own flight down there too or are you charging these high income customers the cost of their flight and your flight? Or are you hiring someone to pick them up despite every common sense spidey alarm bell that goes off with every traveler when visiting Latin America of being told not to just go with a random guy that says I'm here to pick you up to take you to some girls. What if your "guy" doesn't show up to pick this customer up what are you going to do?? What happens when the flight gets delayed or cancelled? Who does the customer call?

What happens if you charge him all this money to arrange all that and he pays with a CC then to screw you over for doing something like this he disputes it for sex tourism and the CC company has your address and informs authorities? If he's down in Colombia and decides he doesn't like the trip and wants to cancel what you going to do? How much are you charging to even make this profitable? What's the benefit to someone just coming on here and buying airfare and hotel himself privately and anonymously to go on a sex trip that let's face it if it came out that your hypothetical dentist or doctor gets caught going to Colombia and paying your "tour company" his career is ruined.

All things to think about but Again, really dumb idea and it's clear you haven't put much thought into this or research and instead are hoping that others will do this for you. And kinda not wanting to be a jerk but it's clear you've not done much research of most things as you're on the Bogota forum asking how much girls are in Montreal when you only literally have to look at the 1st page of the Montreal forum here and you'll find loads of info. It's cool to ask questions but seriously take a bit of time to see if you can find an answer before asking dumb shit. I don't know why but that really pisses me off.

You are right, but to compline with the law. It's just a technical issue. 1) Tours to Bogota is one business. = security + woodman's excursions to SF, etc (but on high level scale). 2) The girls is another business. Example: the girls can be independent sellers on a website (as they work in SF or casas (no pimping).

Please comment, Thanks.

09-21-22, 17:16
That is a rather dangerous area to which many locals don't dear going. There have been plenty of reports in local news and local forums of people being drugged and robbed in those clubs. MO is similar: something is put on your drink that reduces your ability to say no. Is a tea or powder made with a local plant called borrachero (borracho=drunk) and the active ingredient is called escopolamina. Then anything can happen. There have been cases of people robbed of everything and left on the street or people taking on a trip to the ATM's or even a beating for not having much to be stolen from. Murders in the area are not uncommon.

Advice is: do not go alone, do not leave your drink unattended, do not bring expensive looking stuff.Most things I have ever heard about that place is negative from the druggings / robberies to the extortive touts-- I have never had any desire to go.

One reason probably is there is much less police presence than the downtown area.

Santa Fe has the same if not better girls.

And to the Dickhead who said grow a pair-- You Go-- Have Fun!!

09-21-22, 21:02
You've clearly not thought about this or done any planning which is another reason why it will ultimately fail.

You mentioned previously that you want high end people (IE professionals with large disposable incomes) to frequent this "idea" but again how are you going to reach these people? Are you going round to their business and dropping of a card lmao? Are you sending them an email which will ultimately go to spam with your contact info? How actually are you going to come across these high end people without putting yourself in massive legal jeopardy? Are you buying their flight and getting their hotels? Are you expecting these people to just hand a complete stranger $$$ to arrange this? Do you regularly just hand over money to someone lmfao? Or wait. Did you plan to meet them to break the ice so they know you're a real person and you show up and get busted? When they're in Colombia are you meeting them there? So you're paying for your own flight down there too or are you charging these high income customers the cost of their flight and your flight? Or are you hiring someone to pick them up despite every common sense spidey alarm bell that goes off with every traveler when visiting Latin America of being told not to just go with a random guy that says I'm here to pick you up to take you to some girls. What if your "guy" doesn't show up to pick this customer up what are you going to do?? What happens when the flight gets delayed or cancelled? Who does the customer call?

What happens if you charge him all this money to arrange all that and he pays with a CC then to screw you over for doing something like this he disputes it for sex tourism and the CC company has your address and informs authorities? If he's down in Colombia and decides he doesn't like the trip and wants to cancel what you going to do? How much are you charging to even make this profitable? What's the benefit to someone just coming on here and buying airfare and hotel himself privately and anonymously to go on a sex trip that let's face it if it came out that your hypothetical dentist or doctor gets caught going to Colombia and paying your "tour company" his career is ruined.

All things to think about but Again, really dumb idea and it's clear you haven't put much thought into this or research and instead are hoping that others will do this for you. And kinda not wanting to be a jerk but it's clear you've not done much research of most things as you're on the Bogota forum asking how much girls are in Montreal when you only literally have to look at the 1st page of the Montreal forum here and you'll find loads of info. It's cool to ask questions but seriously take a bit of time to see if you can find an answer before asking dumb shit. I don't know why but that really pisses me off.You are right. And I appreciate your post and your time. It's very helpful. I need your feedback. I need to know how Americans think because I am not one of them. Now I see that. Thanks to everyone who comment my post.

09-22-22, 02:20
You are right. And I appreciate your post and your time. It's very helpful. I need your feedback. I need to know how Americans think because I am not one of them. Now I see that. Thanks to everyone who comment my post.Dude, it's not Americans you need to worry about. Every single post you make is like a 12 year old writing, which is why people prob shouldn't take you seriously. You just wrote a bunch of blogs about opening a biz in Colombia and now you're claiming you wanted to know how Americans think? You meant Colombians. And how Colombians think? Americans aren't the ones who's going to set you up, rob you or lock you up in Colombia LOL. Trolling or what?

See when people are full of crap they always get caught. There's a saying also that says when you lie you have to have a good memory, otherwise you soon slip up.


09-22-22, 12:05
Hi everyone,

I wonder, why people don't do something like " Bachelor trip" business"?


1) The colombian prices for sex.

2) Girls attitude, low feminism level, age, etc. For a reasonable price you can see as many girls as you want.

3) I lived in Moscow, now in Toronto and well traveled. In my opinion, it's very hard to find colombian level of service in North America. If you need a quality girl+ age, her attitude, etc.

4) North America sites and casas: mostly high volume aged girls who look for local pappies with low expectations or the price is very high.

5) and by sex business I mean. , There are many professionals and self employed or business owners who are tiered to see their low quality feminist wives.

6) As we understand, some reach people can get more life / girl / sex experience in Santa Fe or around the city (3-5 days) than in their entire life. As soon as they get that eye opening experience some of them could become = long term clients.

7) Toronto, New York are long trips 6 hrs + trip to airport. 1000 $+ round trip, etc. But there is Miami, and south US cities. It's close and cheap flights. They have the same problems with good girls as everywhere in North America.

8) The trip could be organized as any business trip. For example; Seminar for dentist, realtors, etc + sex or tourist program. The clients can motivate their trip (family) and + its business expenses.

What is your opinion? Please text me to my PM.

And what do you think about locals and local authorities considering this type of business.

Please comment or send me your opinion on the mater.

Thanks.Google that in Medellin. You will find at least a dozen companies. The tourists there have much more $ to spend then guys on ISG would. However NO ONE will mention sex tours. Woodman is so low profile he doesn't seem to attract any attention. Which IMHO means the Colombian morality police do not care about ISG in Bogota. Tours is a totally different subject. Licensed or freelance tour guides HATE having guys ask about sex tours in BOG. LOL.

09-22-22, 18:11
Google that in Medellin. You will find at least a dozen companies. The tourists there have much more $ to spend then guys on ISG would. However NO ONE will mention sex tours. Woodman is so low profile he doesn't seem to attract any attention. Which IMHO means the Colombian morality police do not care about ISG in Bogota. Tours is a totally different subject. Licensed or freelance tour guides HATE having guys ask about sex tours in BOG. LOL.Almost forgot about Woodman on this one, nah he's fine in fact his type of tour isn't really consider a biz, it's like a friend w his hobby showing you around. No one would get in trouble for that, sex tour or not LOL this is nothing what he does.

Colombia and those types of countries only care when you open a brothel, posting and promoting on social media anything related to exploiting girls or sneaky pimping or tarnishing their country's name as a sex destination.

09-22-22, 18:48
Google that in Medellin. You will find at least a dozen companies. The tourists there have much more $ to spend then guys on ISG would. However NO ONE will mention sex tours. Woodman is so low profile he doesn't seem to attract any attention. Which IMHO means the Colombian morality police do not care about ISG in Bogota. Tours is a totally different subject. Licensed or freelance tour guides HATE having guys ask about sex tours in BOG. LOL.Just to clarify, I have a Good knowledge of the downtown area and sometimes we will walk through the Santa Fe area as a point of interest.

-- I also do tours of the federal and colonial areas. There are great places to find bargains on collectibles and leather goods. I Do Not promote prostitution.

09-22-22, 23:08
Dude, it's not Americans you need to worry about. Every single post you make is like a 12 year old writing, which is why people prob shouldn't take you seriously. You just wrote a bunch of blogs about opening a biz in Colombia and now you're claiming you wanted to know how Americans think? You meant Colombians. And how Colombians think? Americans aren't the ones who's going to set you up, rob you or lock you up in Colombia LOL. Trolling or what?

See when people are full of crap they always get caught. There's a saying also that says when you lie you have to have a good memory, otherwise you soon slip up.

Busted! LMAOOOOOO.Good point, but please explain "How I can benefit from my "LIES"? I wish but have no idea. Please your input, I hope it will increase my income. Thanks in advance.

09-23-22, 14:33
Good point, but please explain "How I can benefit from my "LIES"? I wish but have no idea. Please your input, I hope it will increase my income. Thanks in advance.
The sex tours he seems to want start would be considered Pimping in Colombia and although Prostitution is legal, Pimping is not! It's a fine line you don't want to cross in Colombia and most Latin American countries for that matter. You don't want to be the one they grab and want to make an example of.

09-23-22, 14:43
Just to clarify, I have a Good knowledge of the downtown area and sometimes we will walk through the Santa Fe area as a point of interest.

-- I also do tours of the federal and colonial areas. There are great places to find bargains on collectibles and leather goods. I Do Not promote prostitution.And knowledge of best coffee! Still the best I have had in Bogota.

09-24-22, 02:50
"I know I'll go there once in my life" usually ends up being "I wish I had gone. ".

2. Atlanta to Bogota on Delta is a great flight. If I lived in Atlanta I'd be making the trip monthly, even though I prefer Medellin. Flights to Medellin are cheap, frequent and less than 1 hour. (More like a 3 hour flight, do not use Avianca!)

3. There are multiple clubs in the north of Bogota. They are expensive, especially for takeout, but they should meet your needs, if you're ready to spend $200-$300.

t.Are these North clubs on World T. Map? Because every time I looked. All I found was sub par talent. On SA I found very good looking / friendly girls for 600 cop after a lot of conversations. But there is nothing like La Isla in Bogota? Correct me if I am wrong. The escort sites do have hot girls but again it's a lot of work weeding thru the scams.

09-25-22, 02:49
So I've seen in a few street concealed vids on YouTube the midget and I'm sure some ISG'er must've sessioned with her. Part of me is curious and part of me is thinking no way. But does anyone have any reports?

09-25-22, 03:57
Happened to me the second time I went. The mistake I made was going alone.

That is a rather dangerous area to which many locals don't dear going. There have been plenty of reports in local news and local forums of people being drugged and robbed in those clubs. MO is similar: something is put on your drink that reduces your ability to say no. Is a tea or powder made with a local plant called borrachero (borracho=drunk) and the active ingredient is called escopolamina. Then anything can happen. There have been cases of people robbed of everything and left on the street or people taking on a trip to the ATM's or even a beating for not having much to be stolen from. Murders in the area are not uncommon.

Advice is: do not go alone, do not leave your drink unattended, do not bring expensive looking stuff.

09-25-22, 04:32
So I've seen in a few street concealed vids on YouTube the midget and I'm sure some ISG'er must've sessioned with her. Part of me is curious and part of me is thinking no way. But does anyone have any reports?I have seen 2-3+ midgets-- I have not sessioned with any-- Also there is a on legged girl in another stroll on Calle 18 I have seen.

Good Luck with your Midget Quest.

09-25-22, 09:29
Happened to me the second time I went. The mistake I made was going alone.What happened to you? You got scoped?

JT Traviezo
09-26-22, 00:17
How do authorities feel about foreigners vacationing in Colombia for sex tourism? Will police target you to bribe you for money?

Promoting or even hinting sex tourism is only one of many potential problems.

I've seen it happen over and over, assets seized, deportation, and yes you're always guilty first and by the time you get a trial it's been 5 years in prison, if you survive that long in there. There are very well documented cases of this happening in.

DR, CR, COL, and it's funny cause there are successful foreign businesses like restaurants, stores, hotels, bars etc. I personally know many owners.

Whereas the ones that are constantly being shut down or facing troubles, seizure or raided are the tourism / guide / sex / brothel ones, etc.

JT Traviezo
09-26-22, 00:40
Very good informative post. I'm newbie here and may be visiting Bogota sometime soon. Can you find working girls in regular dance clubs? If so, what clubs in what area and what would be going rates for these girls? Any precautions I should take going that route? Thanks in advance for any info.

I'll just post one more reply to this as I'm not up to date with Atlanta nor do I have a lot of experience in Bogota but I wanted to point out that Bogota does not have USA style strip clubs. You don't actually have to pay for a table or certain tables require a bottle purchase, etc. It works nothing like that. You mention "safe" clubs. The clubs are safe so just go visit a bunch of them until you find a girl.

09-26-22, 01:42
Don't forget prostitution is legal in Colombia. While I was there, there were multiple groups of police around Santa Fe. Many right in front of the girls. I think it's odd to view this (for me at least) as I'm from the states and we have a backwards way of thinking about prostitution. But, there's not really anything they can pull you up for unless you're actually breaking a law. I get the impression, and I could be wrong, that the Colombian police unlike some Mexican border town police are not known for doing questionable "stops" or "threats to take you to the station" for bribes.

Obviously it's a different story at the airport. Again, it's not illegal but sex tourism is generally frowned upon, so it's not something that you're going to say to the immigration officer when you land in Colombia. "Yeah, I'm coming to shoot a load of cum over as many hot girls faces in Santa Fe" nor when you are coming back into the states as prostitution is illegal here. You should always have a plan as to what to say. So, know places that you plan to visit as a tourist, restaurants or food you'the like to try, shops that you want to go to, etc.

How do authorities feel about foreigners vacationing in Colombia for sex tourism? Will police target you to bribe you for money?

09-26-22, 02:24
How do authorities feel about foreigners vacationing in Colombia for sex tourism? Will police target you to bribe you for money?Most guys that come here is for sex.

For the most part-- they don't care-.

If you are smoking weed in public you may get shook down. If you stand out and act like an idiot you may get shook down.

09-26-22, 07:26
I visited Bogota back in March 2021 which I know the report is more or less useless know but I mainly wanted to give a shoutout to world traveler and routard for those 3 excellent maps, they definitely made my trip. Although I will admit, I never even made it out of North.

It was a 3 week business trip and I more or less visited the massage parlors on the mezzanine on calle 104 & carrera 15 everyday during lunch. It was right down the road from my we work and hotel, and I could just walk there, get my rocks off and walk back without arising any suspicion from colleagues. Those massage girls did so much in those little rooms I was very impressed, they must have been desperate, and COVID must've been hard. I was so spoiled, I was spraying faces, doing multiple shots in the same short session, I even banged the Asian hostess LOL (I have no idea how she got there but she was the only one who spoke any English, and she offered, since I didn't speak any Spanish). I'm blanking on prices but it was cheaaaaapp I do remember that. I remember giving my fave girl a $20 USD tip each time she would take me to nirvana and she was SO happy. I never even made it past the second door but I banged pretty much every talent in the first 2 doors.

Aside from the mezzanine I went to two clubs. La Piscina del Norte and Pussy House. Spoiler alert, la piscine del norte seems to be closed now, unfortunately. On google maps it looks like they're building trendy, yuppie condos where the old building stood. Ill tell the story anyway for those who are interested.

It was late in the evening (possibly 10) when I grabbed a taxi down from calle 100 where I was staying at the NH collection. After the taxi dropped me off I walked around for like 15-20 min nervous as hell, circling past multiple clubs. I don't even think I had planned to go to la piscina del norte that night because I remember a report saying it was too expensive. There were guys in the streets who accosted me 'girls girls you want girls?' I just shook my head as if to say 'Me! Involved in such debauchery! Step aside my good man' . I eventually walked past what would turn out to be Piscina del Norte when a tiny, cute Latin spinner named Yulieta would pop her head outside the club door in the teensiest excuse for a skirt to yell something at the guy standing outside; we briefly made eye contact before she closed the door, but I got a look at the merchandise, and decided to man up and go get my carrot. I walked in and was greeted by a friendly, older gentleman. No Spanish? No problem! He clapped his hands twice and a row of over 30 women assembled into a straight line with cadet like efficiency. My heart switched with my penis which then traded places with my brain. For 15 seconds I felt like the most powerful man on earth. 60 eyeballs all staring at me, all awaiting my decision, I got to say boys, it was SO hard, at least half of them were lookers with at least 5-6 8+ . I eventually locked eyes with Yulieta, the girl I saw outside and there was a certain warmth and comfort that I felt, even though she wasn't technically the best 'stunner' I pointed to her without a shred of self-doubt. The manager sat us down at a table and I order us some drinks. I was the only one in the club other than the girls. We used google translate and got on surprisingly better than I thought. We were laughing, flirting, The body language made up for any language barriers. I was seated back against the wall facing the club she was sitting to the side turned towards me and I could see the whole club, all 29 pissed WG's staring DAGGERS at poor Yulieta. It strangely made me feel good, that I had that kinds of power, and that I (my money) was wanted so badly, and made me realize I may be slightly narcissistic LOL. We finish getting to know each other, discussing business (again I'm so sorry, but numbers are so hard to remember 18 months after the fact), taxi back to my hotel. She had beautiful fair skin, cute big brown eyes, Selina Gomez's button nose (she actually looked a lot like Selena Gomez in general), with a few freckles to accent each side, beautiful, perfectly shaped, soft Ccups. I'll spare you the details, I don't want to put romance novelists out of business, but it was incredible. She stayed the night, we did it again in the morning, grabbed her number, agreed to see her a few more more times, and boom, I had myself a Colombian GF for the next few weeks. We went up to Monseratte together, museums together, dinners, and of course lots of private time at hotels. I switched from NH collection to the BOG hotel halfway through my stay, and it was worth every penny. The BOG hotel showers are the best showers I have ever been in, there's a shower head on every wall of the shower and it's like getting sprayed down 360 degrees while making love to a beautiful Latina. I don't know how we clicked so well with the language barrier but I swear I was making her genuinely laugh using google translate. I remember one night we were talking on the balcony, and she said 'somos' trying to think of the rest of the sentence when I blurted out 'EXTREMOS' like that line from It's always Sunny in PHL when the gang kidnaps a Mexican family and gives them an extreme home makeover. She was in stitches for a good 3 minutes. In the end I feel kind of bad we got along so great maybe she was expecting something more, she constantly messaged me everyday after I left Colombia and would send me angry frowny emojis when I wouldn't respond in a timely manner. I eventually had to block her, I was looking for a good time, not a Colombian wife, sorry. She has a sister too. Senior members can PM me for their numbers, I just have to fire up Binance and transfer some crypto, it's been like 6 months I still have too much anxiety to check on my losses.

My second experience at PH was significantly different. I walked past the actual club to the building next door which turned out to be the rooms you can go up to with the women. The guy at the actual entrance next door whistles and smiles beckoning me over. Great. Right off the bat exposed as a noobie. I get seated by some aggressive staff and was brought a beer and nachos I didn't order. I asked for a menu with prices about a half dozen times and was ignored each time. The guys brought a girl and sat her at my table, Venezuelan, honestly not my type, nerdy, with glasses looking type. The guy came over and said I had to pay for the beer and the nachos. I said I didn't order the nachos / what if I wanted to order more beer. He said you can order more but you have to pay now, and the nachos are mandatory. I was pissed, but the prices at least weren't criminal and I wasn't going to get stabbed over $3. 50 nachos. There were half dozen other tables occupied, but they were all groups of locals. Girls were walking around and most were hanging in the back by the reception, but none tickled my fancy, significant step down in quality of girls compared to piscina. A stripper started the show in the little runway / pole thing in the middle of the club (which I was sat next to) and the stripper was SEXY. I don't think I looked away from the moment she got on stage. I saw her, I knew I wanted her, and nothing was going to stop me. She had a body, fellas. Fair skin, perfect natural breasts I would guess Dcup, and an ass so perfect she qualifies for PAWG executive platinum pro status. ZERO cellulose, just a tight wide moon. Meh face, lot of makeup, late 20's maybe even early 30's. I slipped a 50 K in between her panties and grabbed a nice cup of ass in my hands. I know in the US that would get you thrown out so fast but I didn't care, and neither did the bouncer who started to walk up but then backed off when he saw the blue color of the note I slipped in her underwear. I know fellas I can get laid 3 times over in Santa Fe for 50 k, and I'm sorry, I wanted her attention, and I got it. She smiled and mouthed gracias after receiving the note, finished here show for the masses, then came over to my table immediately. Told the Venezuelan to get lost. The Venezuelan was all moody the whole time the stripper was dancing like 'she has a nice body, huh?' 'like yeah she does, why are you still here? (Didn't) Negotiate, pay, I don't remember how much but I actually felt intimidated to take away their best dancer for the whole night so I opted for a quick fuck at the club itself. A guy led her and me out the club and next door where I initially tried to go in, up the stairs into a dingy little room. The guy tells me I need to pay for condoms, I already have condoms, back and forth, things start to tense up, I start yelling at him, he leaves. It's not a big amount he was asking for but I hate that shit. All the little extras they try to do on top. The girl is more worried then impressed, she quietly tells me that I should pay the guy after we finish. Again I'll spare you the details, but it was hands down the best ass I've ever had. Constant eye contact, even in doggy she was turned around looking at me, turns out I remind her of an ex. I'm ME but I look racially ambiguous, I always have people come up and start speaking Spanish to me in the states. We finish up, leave the room and there he is, standing at the doorway, hands held out like poor little Oliver Twist. I compromise by telling him that I'm not giving him any money, but I would give it to the girl as a tip (he probably took it from her later but idc, I wasn't handing him any money). She gives me her number and messages me that she works at a cafe during the day and that I should come visit her there as it is a much more relaxed atmosphere. I would've taken her up on her offer too but I woke up next day to the mayor of Bogota announcing a shut down of the city, called United changed my flight for that very night. Shame. Senior member can again get the digits once I make this subscription.

All in all I had an absolute blast in Colombia, solo, first time, zero Spanish. I'm in my early 30's on the short side with a dad bod too so don't even go there about oh well of course it's easy for a young looker to get laid. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful with the prices but I forgot so many prices is because it was so relatively affordable. I want to go back in February, I don't have anything booked yet but I researched that the weather is better in February and it is technically the low season so cheaper flights / hotels.

09-26-22, 07:28
Went into one of the clubs on primero de mayo drunk and alone. I sit down and a girl is very pushy to order a bottle, so I did. Once we started drinking she kept trying to push me to drink more. Then I tried to leave and the front door guy said I can't leave because cops are outside. It's after hours at that point. Manager tells me to go back upstairs and wait. Moments later he said I can leave through the back door. I'm escorted to back and three dude attack and wrestle me to the ground. While they hold me down the girl grabbed everything from my pockets. The manager then comes in and tells the guys to lock me in one of the rooms. Minutes later they come in the room and they try to give me Gatorade. I said no. Knowing its been scoped. They keep trying almost force me to drink. But I don't budge. They eventually let me leave with 20 k for taxi. They stole 300 k and a cell phone and my belt. I got lucky. They could have knifed me or pulled a gun. The whole club was in on it. I went back to that area with some friend later that year. Went to the bigger clubs like Texas and can't remember the other name and had a great time during the hours of 10 pm. Mid-night. Moral of the story is don't go there alone and don't get drunk.

What happened to you? You got scoped?.

09-26-22, 07:40
Went into one of the clubs on primero de mayo drunk and alone. I sit down and a girl is very pushy to order a bottle, so I did. Once we started drinking she kept trying to push me to drink more. Then I tried to leave and the front door guy said I can't leave because cops are outside. It's after hours at that point. Manager tells me to go back upstairs and wait. Moments later he said I can leave through the back door. I'm escorted to back and three dude attack and wrestle me to the ground. While they hold me down the girl grabbed everything from my pockets. The manager then comes in and tells the guys to lock me in one of the rooms. Minutes later they come in the room and they try to give me Gatorade. I said no. Knowing its been scoped. They keep trying almost force me to drink. But I don't budge. They eventually let me leave with 20 k for taxi. They stole 300 k and a cell phone and my belt. I got lucky. They could have knifed me or pulled a gun. The whole club was in on it. I went back to that area with some friend later that year. Went to the bigger clubs like Texas and can't remember the other name and had a great time during the hours of 10 pm. Mid-night. Moral of the story is don't go there alone and don't get drunk.Wow-- I really want to go there-.

09-26-22, 15:33
Don't forget prostitution is legal in Colombia...

Obviously it's a different story at the airport. Again, it's not illegal but sex tourism is generally frowned upon, so it's not something that you're going to say to the immigration officer when you land in Colombia. "Yeah, I'm coming to shoot a load of cum over as many hot girls faces in Santa Fe" nor when you are coming back into the states as prostitution is illegal here. You should always have a plan as to what to say.I am always going to Colombia to visit my Ex-wife. And always get profiled. Returning from Cali then demanded to x-ray my stomach, thinking I was a drug mule.

09-26-22, 17:04
How do authorities feel about foreigners vacationing in Colombia for sex tourism? Will police target you to bribe you for money?Don't go around telling the authorities you're there for sex tourism and you'll probably be fine. It starts at the airport when they ask the purpose of your visit. Instead of blurting out "I'm here to fuck hookers," just respond "turismo."

09-26-22, 20:06
How do authorities feel about foreigners vacationing in Colombia for sex tourism? Will police target you to bribe you for money?First how do authorities know you're coming there for sex tourism? Majority of people going to col are families visiting, even some gringos have wives and gfs there, businesses, or even live there etc. So while some can assume, no one knows why you travel nor cares and even if you're asked why the fck would you say you're there for sex, why not just say "vacation"? Also someone already replied prostitution is fully legal and regulated there. Even cops will guide you to find brothels if you're loss, this wasnt the topic being discussed, was more about promoting and posting Colombia as a sex destination etc that they don't want or pimping.

Ryck II
09-26-22, 20:39
Don't forget prostitution is legal in Colombia. While I was there, there were multiple groups of police around Santa Fe. Many right in front of the girls. I think it's odd to view this (for me at least) as I'm from the states and we have a backwards way of thinking about prostitution. But, there's not really anything they can pull you up for unless you're actually breaking a law. I get the impression, and I could be wrong, that the Colombian police unlike some Mexican border town police are not known for doing questionable "stops" or "threats to take you to the station" for bribes.

Obviously it's a different story at the airport. Again, it's not illegal but sex tourism is generally frowned upon, so it's not something that you're going to say to the immigration officer when you land in Colombia. "Yeah, I'm coming to shoot a load of cum over as many hot girls faces in Santa Fe" nor when you are coming back into the states as prostitution is illegal here. You should always have a plan as to what to say. So, know places that you plan to visit as a tourist, restaurants or food you'the like to try, shops that you want to go to, etc.Prostitution is only legal in the "zona de tolerancia" in SantaFe area. In fact, the attitude of the police towards prostitution depends very much on the orders of the politician ruling the city. A few years ago a major was very much against prostitution and they made a raid on the mezzanines in street 104. They charged a few of the guys taking "services" in there with "induction to prostitution" which is declared a felony according to article 213 of the criminal code. The police kindly invited some tv news stations to the raid and some of the guys were seen handcuffed and taken out half dressed into police vans. They covered their faces though. It was a shit show. Now the Major doesn't care much about prostitution as long as no minors are involved. However being the crazy woman she is, this could really change anytime. I am not saying this will happen, just wanted to point out that prostitution is not 100% legal in Colombia.

09-26-22, 22:11
Prostitution is only legal in the "zona de tolerancia" in SantaFe area. In fact, the attitude of the police towards prostitution depends very much on the orders of the politician ruling the city. A few years ago a major was very much against prostitution and they made a raid on the mezzanines in street 104. They charged a few of the guys taking "services" in there with "induction to prostitution" which is declared a felony according to article 213 of the criminal code. The police kindly invited some tv news stations to the raid and some of the guys were seen handcuffed and taken out half dressed into police vans. They covered their faces though. It was a shit show. Now the Major doesn't care much about prostitution as long as no minors are involved. However being the crazy woman she is, this could really change anytime. I am not saying this will happen, just wanted to point out that prostitution is not 100% legal in Colombia.Your info is partially inaccurate. Laws in Colombia arent determined by the Mayors nor varies by municipalities. The mayors or city controlled authorities regulate the Brothels and "tolerance zones" which they can operate in, and also enforces various activities to diminish pimping, trafficking, child sex, etc. Trafficking statutes (Law 985) in Col is federal, and punishment is 13-23 yrs for minor exploitation which is the main focus.

As for prostitution itself, it is fully legal in Colombia, period. If a brothel is operating without proper licenses or in non-auth zones, they can detain or fine all workers including customers, so research and read more carefully on that newstory you wrote, has nothing to do with the practice of illegal prostitution in Col.

09-26-22, 22:14
Went into one of the clubs on primero de mayo drunk and alone. I sit down and a girl is very pushy to order a bottle, so I did. Once we started drinking she kept trying to push me to drink more. Then I tried to leave and the front door guy said I can't leave because cops are outside. It's after hours at that point. Manager tells me to go back upstairs and wait. Moments later he said I can leave through the back door. I'm escorted to back and three dude attack and wrestle me to the ground. While they hold me down the girl grabbed everything from my pockets. The manager then comes in and tells the guys to lock me in one of the rooms. Minutes later they come in the room and they try to give me Gatorade. I said no. Knowing its been scoped. They keep trying almost force me to drink. But I don't budge. They eventually let me leave with 20 k for taxi. They stole 300 k and a cell phone and my belt. I got lucky. They could have knifed me or pulled a gun. The whole club was in on it. I went back to that area with some friend later that year. Went to the bigger clubs like Texas and can't remember the other name and had a great time during the hours of 10 pm. Mid-night. Moral of the story is don't go there alone and don't get drunk.

.I already wasn't much of a club guy, but you have given me a whole new reason (besides it being a ripoff) not to visit the clubs. I will stick to the streets LOL.

I remember when I was in bogotá I want to say like February of 2021 and alot of those clubs were closed due to covid. And I think you were only supposed to be outside on certain days I can't remember, but anyways I think alot of those club girls were working the street. One particular corner (I think where hotel J Vargas is) had like 80 girls all posted on the one corner. I remember it was amazing.

I personally don't like the clubs tho. I never understood what was so great about getting ripped off on drinks and shit, if I want to drink I get the cheap bottle of tequila at D1, if I want to fuck I go get a 30 k street girl. If I'm paying extra it's for extras, why would I want to pay more for less just because it is inside a club?

But thanks for sharing this story. And f*ck the clubs.

09-27-22, 03:17
Planning a visit in about a month. Is it just me or has the quality of SA girls in Bogota gone down in the last year? I haven't upgraded to premium yet, could it be that a lot of the girls keep their profile hidden to basic members? Is that even a thing? Also looking for suggestions for clubs / massage / casas in Chapinero, Teusaquillo, and Usaquen. Last year I wasted a bunch of time going to places on the map only to find they were closed or maybe I just couldn't find them. Basically I'm just looking for some somewhat recent intel on what's decent north of Santa Fe. Thanks.

Mr Enternational
09-27-22, 14:59
I personally don't like the clubs tho. I never understood what was so great about getting ripped off on drinks and shit, if I want to drink I get the cheap bottle of tequila at D1, if I want to fuck I go get a 30 k street girl. If I'm paying extra it's for extras, why would I want to pay more for less just because it is inside a club?Because some guys like a fun party atmosphere and are willing to pay for that, while other guys like me and you are focusing on fucking. There was a BM in Thailand that would go out to the clubs every night and spend a couple hundred dollars on drinks then over $100 for the girl. I had always said you could fuck those same girls for $30 without the club. Everybody swore it was impossible.

My question was where are those so-called stunners in the daytime. Are they locked up in a dungeon and only take a secret tunnel every night to get to the clubs? Nope. Those are the same chicks you see walking around in the daytime and in the street with pajamas on going to get food before work.

Well during the pandemic the clubs were shut down so he resorted to the apps. And who did he hook up with on the app for $30? One of the same club chicks that he had paid 5 times that before. The difference was that she was not club-ready or in the club. He complained that she was dressed in pajamas and had a baseball cap on when she came over. Yeah but like I said they are the same damn girls. He then came to the conclusion that it was the party atmosphere in the club that does it for him.

While we were hanging out another board member posed the question if we would rather fuck an ugly chick or a pretty trans. I said that well since I am into chicks and not dudes then of course the ugly chick. Both of them said they would fuck the pretty trans. Beauty is subjective, but it is pretty conventional what a dude and a chick are. Yeah, I am going to take the ugly chick every time over the subjectively pretty dude. Not everybody thinks she is ugly, but everybody knows he is a dude.

The Cane
09-27-22, 18:43
While we were hanging out another board member posed the question if we would rather fuck an ugly chick or a pretty trans. I said that well since I am into chicks and not dudes then of course the ugly chick. Both of them said they would fuck the pretty trans. Beauty is subjective, but it is pretty conventional what a dude and a chick are. Yeah, I am going to take the ugly chick every time over the subjectively pretty dude. Not everybody thinks she is ugly, but everybody knows he is a dude.To this I say thank God life isn't full of only either / or propositions! Plenty of other choices to be had LOL!

Ryck II
09-27-22, 19:42
Your info is partially inaccurate. Laws in Colombia arent determined by the Mayors nor varies by municipalities. The mayors or city controlled authorities regulate the Brothels and "tolerance zones" which they can operate in, and also enforces various activities to diminish pimping, trafficking, child sex, etc. Trafficking statutes (Law 985) in Col is federal, and punishment is 13-23 yrs for minor exploitation which is the main focus.

As for prostitution itself, it is fully legal in Colombia, period. If a brothel is operating without proper licenses or in non-auth zones, they can detain or fine all workers including customers, so research and read more carefully on that newstory you wrote, has nothing to do with the practice of illegal prostitution in Col.You are wrong. Prostitution is not legal. There is a lack of regulation and it is not fully legal as the job the of prostitutes is not recognized as a liberal profession. There are plenty of rules from the supreme court on the matter. If you are so interested go and read ruling T-629/10. In there it is well explained that it is not legal but also not ilegal. Prostitutes and customers are protected only in the tolerance areas. Elsewhere both could be fined.

Mr Enternational
09-27-22, 20:32
You are wrong. Prostitution is not legal. There is a lack of regulation and it is not fully legal as the job the of prostitutes is not recognized as a liberal profession. There are plenty of rules from the supreme court on the matter. If you are so interested go and read ruling T-629/10. In there it is well explained that it is not legal but also not ilegal. Prostitutes and customers are protected only in the tolerance areas. Elsewhere both could be fined.Looks like we are back to the Uber argument again. Some say it is legal because it exists and is somewhat widespread. Others say no, it is just tolerated and a gray area.

09-27-22, 21:05
Planning a visit in about a month. Is it just me or has the quality of SA girls in Bogota gone down in the last year? I figured out what's going on. I had Bogota as a saved location for the search but when I did a new search and typed Bogota, I got way more results. Not sure why, must be a bug or something. Anyone using the saved location or main location feature is severely limiting their options.

09-28-22, 00:25
Not a legal scholar but I'm not sure where T-629/10 said that prostitution is neither legal or illegal. The case in summary was from a prostitute that was fired by the bar where she worked because she was pregnant (a bit more complicated than this as it was a high risk pregnancy but anyways). In trying to receive basically unemployment assistance from the Ministry of Social Protection after being fired she was denied as the bar did not provide a reason for her dismissal. She filed suit against the bar for damages. The lower court said that the employment contract was illegal between the woman and the bar. However, the constitutional court which ultimately has control said that prostitution is a lawful activity in Colombia provided certain things are followed (primarily that it is of her own free will among other things. If anything this proved above all that prostitution is legal. As far as whether it's in zones of tolerance I don't know the specifics but just wanted to make it clear that prostitution is legal and it is not a gray area. This ruling reiterates that.

You are wrong. Prostitution is not legal. There is a lack of regulation and it is not fully legal as the job the of prostitutes is not recognized as a liberal profession. There are plenty of rules from the supreme court on the matter. If you are so interested go and read ruling T-629/10. In there it is well explained that it is not legal but also not ilegal. Prostitutes and customers are protected only in the tolerance areas. Elsewhere both could be fined.

09-28-22, 01:40
Your info is partially inaccurate. Laws in Colombia arent determined by the Mayors nor varies by municipalities. The mayors or city controlled authorities regulate the Brothels and "tolerance zones" which they can operate in, and also enforces various activities to diminish pimping, trafficking, child sex, etc. Trafficking statutes (Law 985) in Col is federal, and punishment is 13-23 yrs for minor exploitation which is the main focus.

As for prostitution itself, it is fully legal in Colombia, period. If a brothel is operating without proper licenses or in non-auth zones, they can detain or fine all workers including customers, so research and read more carefully on that newstory you wrote, has nothing to do with the practice of illegal prostitution in Col.There is a problem, any law and any country, if they close you in 48+ hours is the cell, you will start to behave / think differently about what you think in terms " I am a cool guy" it s just a human psychology.

09-28-22, 02:46
You are wrong. Prostitution is not legal. There is a lack of regulation and it is not fully legal as the job the of prostitutes is not recognized as a liberal profession. There are plenty of rules from the supreme court on the matter. If you are so interested go and read ruling T-629/10. In there it is well explained that it is not legal but also not ilegal. Prostitutes and customers are protected only in the tolerance areas. Elsewhere both could be fined.We can go back and forth and you're still 100% wrong.

09-28-22, 02:52
You are wrong. Prostitution is not legal. There is a lack of regulation and it is not fully legal as the job the of prostitutes is not recognized as a liberal profession. There are plenty of rules from the supreme court on the matter. If you are so interested go and read ruling T-629/10. In there it is well explained that it is not legal but also not ilegal. Prostitutes and customers are protected only in the tolerance areas. Elsewhere both could be fined.I'm not interested in anything, burden lies on you to prove your claim to everyone for the wrong info you're posting, since you're coming up with it, not sure what purpose it serves. I'll stay busy fucking the working girls while you masturbate and debate yourself, deal? (sorry, accident rhyme).

09-28-22, 04:09
There are some people unfortunately that you can stamp facts on their foreheads by smacking it there and they'll still won't get it.

I don't argue or debate facts or laws, it'd be absurd. If two people can read 1+1 = 2 and they must debate the result of "2", then it's clear one of them simply didn't read it or has a learning or comprehension disability. So a pointless debate.

Colombia has a clear history even written in plain English online, yes usually court is split just like anywhere, and even if you never traveled you can learn about its laws and practices. Prostitution is legal in Colombia and hundreds of thousands of local take part of it, incl the police. There were events few yrs back in Bogota where the metro police arrested sex workers and clients due to various reasons, causing these rumors, fake news and misunderstanding. The laws were written however sex workers along side many other groups were left out for proper protection, and those had to be rewritten after the 2010 court ruling, they had to amend it in 2015, and also in 2019 - I don't like posting specific sources since not writing a journal, anyone should be able to do their own research if it matters. You won't see police harass sex workers or discriminating against various groups like people living with HIV, which was another problem in Colombia and was part of the same ruling. The mayors can regulate local municipalities and enforce brothels in proper zonas, etc. But the practice of prostitution itself is legal. Regulation T-629 of 2010 had absolutely nothing to do w making prostitution illegal, it was to address various gray areas of law, even abortion rights clarification was included.

Show me specific laws in Colombia from court pages that Specifically says Prostitution is illegal in Colombia, or even partially illegal like in Canada, or Please STFU.

09-28-22, 04:18
I figured out what's going on. I had Bogota as a saved location for the search but when I did a new search and typed Bogota, I got way more results. Not sure why, must be a bug or something. Anyone using the saved location or main location feature is severely limiting their options.I have no issues using the saved search. It is easy to override your saved search and I suspect that might be the issue that you were seeing. For me, the quality of SA girls there are just superb and selections plentiful. However, one needs to be aware that many of these girls have regular jobs and in my case, most are still in college. Their schedules and availabilities may sometimes be hard to fit into a typical schedule like ours.

Hint: If one does not hear back from them on that day of the meet, regardless of what has been scheduled earlier, then the meet is not going to happen. Then plan accordingly and always have a backup. Sometimes, I might double or even triple book my meet with different girls for the same day, and will cancel or reschedule on the others with excuses once I am very certain one of them will turn up.

09-28-22, 05:14
Should point out that the original court (63rd municipal criminal court of Bogota) where I'm guessing you may have came up with the idea that prostitution is neither legal or illegal and so sits in a gray area specifically stated that prostitution is not a crime. What caused the decision to be taken up by Colombia's constitutional court has to do with the employment rights of a prostitute. The municipal judge denied the plaintiff based on prostitution being legal but as it is illicit and against good customs then it does not afford employment protections that are given to a worker that is not a prostitute.

In hearing the case, the constitutional court had to decide on the legal status of prostitution and in doing so specifically went into how sex workers operate as well as the modals of where sex workers work, the importance of a sex worker basically working in this field of her own free will, that businesses (brothels) and other workers in those businesses are also protected and set up guidelines for differences between legal and illegal prostitution. Illegal prostitution are the things we all would think of as being illegal. Child prostitution, prostitution as a result of human trafficking, forced or coercion into prostitution, etc etc you get the idea.

In doing this, the constitution court revoked the ruling of the municipal court (as well as some sections from an appeals court that agreed with the municipal court in regards to employment law) as well as a number of things that allows prostitutes to access social services, workers benefits and compensations and in theory allows the formation of a sex workers union.

The case can sometimes be confused because there are 2 different things happening from the municipal court. The first is the issue of prostitution and the 2nd is the issue of employment law for prostitutes. The employment law is the primary part that the original municipal court had the issue with.

Hopefully this clears up the whole prostitution is neither legal or illegal as it is legal (provided it's not doing sh*t like child, human trafficking, coercion, etc). If you want specific legal references pm me because I'm not going to list them all here. Just don't want this to turn into a screwed up Uber argument again. Bored yet? LOL.

09-28-22, 13:42
Looking for a hotel that will hold the ID of the guest while she is in my room and then check up on me after she leaves. Four Points By Sheraton Bogota used to do this a few years back, but I don't know if they are still doing it.

09-28-22, 16:53
Been to Colimbia several times. It's been about 6 months. I have one question. Are the Venezuelan girls going back home now that Colombia has a leftist regime who is Maduro friendly? Is it still worth going?

There is SO much moronic mindless banter on this web site. The purpose if the web site has been abandoned.

I just want accurate information about the current scene. I don't care about.

The rest of your BS. Thanks for any help.

09-28-22, 17:23
Been to Colimbia several times. It's been about 6 months. I have one question. Are the Venezuelan girls going back home now that Colombia has a leftist regime who is Maduro friendly? Is it still worth going?

There is SO much moronic mindless banter on this web site. The purpose if the web site has been abandoned.

I just want accurate information about the current scene. I don't care about.

The rest of your BS. Thanks for any help.Venezuelans were in Colombia for economic survival not political reasons, for the most part. If the economic situation in Venezuela improves I'm sure most will go back there.

09-28-22, 17:40
Venezuelans were in Colombia for economic survival not political reasons, for the most part. If the economic situation in Venezuela improves I'm sure most will go back there.Actually they claim to be going to the US.

09-28-22, 18:30
...Is it still worth going?

...I just want accurate information about the current scene...Definitely still worth coming-- I don't see girls leaving. There's some new ones every week. Good Luck.

09-28-22, 20:23
First time in Colombia and doing some paperwork. I'm mainly into street action and unicorns hunting so Sante Fe looks likes the right place to start. I'm also doing my best to improve some spanish and I was watching a SW talking about the barrio and getting all the Intelligent togheter I was coming to the conclusion that area around calle 23 to troya club is relatively safe day and night but can you have a drink / rest in one of the bars around? Or maybe there is a day time club with girls where you can just chill out and chatting. I'm asking this becouse in Sihanukville, Cambodia, was not quite right for a foreign to sit in a bar not used to extraneros).

South of calle 22 there are trans and south 19 is basically war zone (barrio la favorita). Did I get it right?

Also, how do the cops go about small amount of weed let's say 10 grams? What would be a reasonable tea tip for a gringo, how many cop?


09-28-22, 20:38
There is SO much moronic mindless banter on this web site. The purpose if the web site has been abandoned.
Someone had to say it. You have to go through so many pages just to find something resembing a report. People also get flack for asking questions that have been answered, like "try reading the fucking forum". Ok well maybe I would read it more if it were less bloated with nonsense.

If you watch videos of santa fe on youtube, it seems like the quality has gone down significantly as of late. Can't say for sure as I haven't been in a year but just an observation. Anyone else care to confirm or refute?

Mr Enternational
09-28-22, 21:11
Actually they claim to be going to the US.I know 3 that have made it. 2 Venezuelans from Colombia said they just went to Mexico and they were let into the USA. One is in Louisiana and the other is in Tennessee now.

09-28-22, 22:31
Hey everyone. Just wanted your input. I have 3 weeks off for vacation in December, Dec. 17 to Jan. 7. Was planning on staying in Bogota for a week then headed elsewhere. I've been to the se asia seen and now want to try my hand on some latinas since I had a good time in Houston, tex.

I have read the inputs and still am narrowing down my hotels in Bogota but I was just wondering if I should stay longer than a week or is a week just enough and should venture elsewhere?

Also if any of you guys know some good golf courses around it would be appreciated. Planning on golfing during the day and visiting the scene at night.

Would also like to have a tour from woodman if he could dm me. Or I guess I will, LOL. Looking forward to the trip.

Also I have been using the babbel ap everyday to get my taco bell spanish up a bit. Hopefull it helps.

09-29-22, 02:53
...I was coming to the conclusion that area around calle 23 to troya club is relatively safe day and night but can you have a drink / rest in one of the bars around? Or maybe there is a day time club with girls where you can just chill out and chatting. I'm asking this becouse in Sihanukville, Cambodia, was not quite right for a foreign to sit in a bar not used to extraneros).

South of calle 22 there are trans and south 19 is basically war zone (barrio la favorita). Did I get it right?

Also, how do the cops go about small amount of weed let's say 10 grams? What would be a reasonable tea tip for a gringo, how many cop?

Thanks.There are 2 strolls (See Map Att) south Stroll is south of Calle21-- It is a little less expensive but some hot girls there-- All SGs there-- Both strolls are fine for most guys in terms of safety.

On the fringe of the strolls are trannies -- they do infiltrate too-- There is a big trannie area south of Calle 22 on Cr 16-.

The north stroll starts on Calle 22-to Calle 24-.

I smoke weed there-- I always just carry 1 joint and take hits when safe to. Cops only care about weed if you are a gringo-- I have had to pay 50 mil before-.

About the Map-- both strolls are on the left-- the large pink rectangle is a good area to stay also below and above the rectangle are good too.

09-29-22, 03:00
Hey everyone. Just wanted your input. I have 3 weeks off for vacation in December, Dec. 17 to Jan. 7. Was planning on staying in Bogota for a week then headed elsewhere. I've been to the se asia seen and now want to try my hand on some latinas since I had a good time in Houston, tex.

I have read the inputs and still am narrowing down my hotels in Bogota but I was just wondering if I should stay longer than a week or is a week just enough and should venture elsewhere?

Also if any of you guys know some good golf courses around it would be appreciated. Planning on golfing during the day and visiting the scene at night.

Would also like to have a tour from woodman if he could dm me. Or I guess I will, LOL. Looking forward to the trip.

Also I have been using the babbel ap everyday to get my taco bell spanish up a bit. Hopefull it helps.Around Christmas / New years it is slower for chicas in Colombia-- if you can make some connections on the 17th-20th for the holidays, do it.

Try Pimsleur for Espanol.

There is a big country club in the north-- I don't know anymore than that.

You must up your level on this site to receive PMs-- I should be available-.

Good luck.

09-29-22, 20:02
Hey everyone. Just wanted your input. I have 3 weeks off for vacation in December, Dec. 17 to Jan. 7. Was planning on staying in Bogota for a week then headed elsewhere. I've been to the se asia seen and now want to try my hand on some latinas since I had a good time in Houston, tex.

I have read the inputs and still am narrowing down my hotels in Bogota but I was just wondering if I should stay longer than a week or is a week just enough and should venture elsewhere?

Also if any of you guys know some good golf courses around it would be appreciated. Planning on golfing during the day and visiting the scene at night.

Would also like to have a tour from woodman if he could dm me. Or I guess I will, LOL. Looking forward to the trip.

Also I have been using the babbel ap everyday to get my taco bell spanish up a bit. Hopefull it helps.Unless you have a few contacts you can call during that time.

Some good courses in Colombia.

https://www.top100golfcourses.com/golf-courses/central-and-south-america/colombia another plus to playing golf on a good course is they all have Caddies available and they work for practically nothing, I always tip them well

09-29-22, 22:58
Someone had to say it. You have to go through so many pages just to find something resembing a report. People also get flack for asking questions that have been answered, like "try reading the fucking forum". Ok well maybe I would read it more if it were less bloated with nonsense.

If you watch videos of santa fe on youtube, it seems like the quality has gone down significantly as of late. Can't say for sure as I haven't been in a year but just an observation. Anyone else care to confirm or refute?I have been in Bogota this summer and I eventually shortened my stay. I had a very good time there during years but for whatever reasons I found myself this summer surrounded by a significantly lower quality of talents if I compare to what I used to see in the past years. I visited all the well known places from north to south and I have been disappointed. I now looking for new territories of sex adventures as I m not sure I will go back to bog soon. Any suggestions welcome.

Elvis 2008
09-29-22, 23:54
Hey everyone. Just wanted your input. I have 3 weeks off for vacation in December, Dec. 17 to Jan. 7. Was planning on staying in Bogota for a week then headed elsewhere. I've been to the se asia seen and now want to try my hand on some latinas since I had a good time in Houston, tex.

I have read the inputs and still am narrowing down my hotels in Bogota but I was just wondering if I should stay longer than a week or is a week just enough and should venture elsewhere?It depends what you want. Bogota has the biggest scene. Medellin has the best looking women. Cartagena has a great party scene but the women want the most $ there. I have not played that top golf course in Cartagena but I have seen it from the plane, and it is beautiful. Weather in Cartagena is like Florida, and I would rather play golf there than Bogota which has a climate kind of like San Francisco in the summer time.

WGs are WGs, but the average woman in Bogota is much more serious IMO than elsewhere. It is where I met my gal, and you are going to find a lot more professional women and students there than anywhere else. Thing is the altitude, weather, and pollution are downers for me. I think it is the best city for a sugar baby or real GF type.

Medellin has women like Miami. They are not as friendly as Bogota and are hustlers. The temperature is nice, but there can be a lot of rain. Medellin probably has the best looking women at the best price but I found the women in Bogota to be friendlier and more down to earth. If you want to fuck as much of the best looking strange at the lowest price, that is where you want to go. I met someone there and dated her like a GF. Thing is there is such a materialistic vibe in the city some women like the one I met went out of her way to prove she was anything but a materialistic WG. Maybe it is me, but Medellin was never as good as everyone said in my experience. The women in Medellin are like strippers IMO. They may look good and fuck good but there was always something wrong with them.

If you want a warmer town with hot women and a cheaper price, then you should go to Barranquilla. There is not much to see or do there, but the few women I had there were among the best I had.

Because I had my gal and did not have to look for women, we settled in Cartagena. If you have a woman in hand, I think it has the best combination of fun and climate in Colombia. The women there want more than other cities but they are gorgeous.

How I did Colombia was looking on seeking for more longer term, more intimate affairs. So I would go on seeking, head to Bogota and find a girl (or girls) I liked and then take her / them to a warmer climate. I almost always would be fucking them bare and we would have a ball. Almost every woman I met in Bogota was dying to go somewhere warm for a few days. It is cheap to fly in country and taking these women to San Andreas, Cartagena, or Santa Marta IMO was cheap and just a blast. San Andreas is a tiny island Colombia owns off the coast of Nicaragua, and it has the beaches and warm sunny climate you would expect to find in the Caribbean.

09-30-22, 20:31
If you watch videos of santa fe on youtube, it seems like the quality has gone down significantly as of late. Can't say for sure as I haven't been in a year but just an observation. Anyone else care to confirm or refute?Was there about a month ago. Personally I liked the quality there but it's also my 1st time there with very limited time to explore the area. As always beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I found that it beat Tijuana easily. If you're into the thicker girls there were plenty ranging in age from what looks like 19/20 and up. Plenty of big booty young girls if that's your thing. For me I like the slim, petite, young, girl next door look and found quite a few I'm hoping to visit back with when I'm down there next in a few weeks time. Kick myself for not taking one of two girls up. One was a slim, skinny legged one, about 5 ft, cute face but looked a bit older (late 20's) on the corner of cr15 and Calle 23. I've seen her in a couple of videos. Another was a similar figure and height but looked no older than 20 in a tight dress that accentuated some petite tits on the next corner up. In the clubs I only tried out Troya and Paisas very early evening so not much going on. One was great one day with some cute, tiny, young girls of which a guy took 2 up for a threesome. The next day the other club was better where I took a blonde, tall, slim Vennie up and cummed in her mouth after fucking and dining on that tight pussy.

Either way I'll let you know on the situation with some hopefully good reports when I get back.

10-01-22, 08:15
Hey all I'm new here but I've been on the sister site USsexguide for years. I'm taking my first international trip and I need a little advice to help me finish planning. In exchange I will write up my 5 day adventure and give back to the community.

1. What is the best way to lodge while in Bogota? I've been looking for a girl friendly hotels located close to SF. I'm having no luck finding those easily. That search brought me here. It seems an alternative maybe getting an Air bnb and then maybe using the love hotels to meet the women. I would be very appreciative if anyone could share there experience on this or recommendations of a good place to stay.

2. Is their anyway to get in touch with Woodman about his tour without a subscription? Sounds like a knowledgeable guy with a hustle I can respect. I just don't want to go through the hassle of paying 25 dollars to send 2 or 3 messages.

3. Does anyone know how these women usually feel about being videoed? Best case scenario I can video document the action that happens in my room.

I know new guys don't always get help so I would really really appreciate help SPECIFICALLY with my first question. I'm really looking forward to this trip, and I already plan to keep a diary of the events. I'd happily transcribe that info here later for a little help now.

10-01-22, 18:11
Hey all I'm new here but I've been on the sister site USsexguide for years. I'm taking my first international trip and I need a little advice to help me finish planning. In exchange I will write up my 5 day adventure and give back to the community.

1. What is the best way to lodge while in Bogota? I've been looking for a girl friendly hotels located close to SF. I'm having no luck finding those easily. That search brought me here. It seems an alternative maybe getting an Air bnb and then maybe using the love hotels to meet the women. I would be very appreciative if anyone could share there experience on this or recommendations of a good place to stay.

2. Is their anyway to get in touch with Woodman about his tour without a subscription? Sounds like a knowledgeable guy with a hustle I can respect. I just don't want to go through the hassle of paying 25 dollars to send 2 or 3 messages.

3. Does anyone know how these women usually feel about being videoed? Best case scenario I can video document the action that happens in my room.

I know new guys don't always get help so I would really really appreciate help SPECIFICALLY with my first question. I'm really looking forward to this trip, and I already plan to keep a diary of the events. I'd happily transcribe that info here later for a little help now.Congrats on taking your first step. If you've been on USASG for years you know a bit. One bit you know is that everyone has their own way of doing this. A strip club guy might not enjoy the Asian massage parlors. A street-walker guy isn't looking for high dollar escorts. Knowing your preferences will help people give you better answers.

If you are already comfortable speaking Spanish, things will be much easier, but you can still get by without it. I'm going to answer assuming you know very little Spanish.

1. For your first trip go with a hotel. There's less chance for confusion and you'll have additional security. The biggest issue is where to stay. Hotel Ibis Bogota Museo has long been reported as girl friendly and it's close to Santa Fe (and the downtown museums for tourist stuff). However, downtown at night might be scary for you (it was for me my first trip). It's a lot less fun if you're afraid to leave your hotel at night (Note to others: Perception for a newbie isn't necessarily a reflection of reality). Another option is to stay north, around Parque 93 or even further north and the culture shock will be less.

You might want to start with a hotel in the north for the first 2 nights. After checking your comfort level in Santa Fe you can decide whether to stay put or move closer to the action.

2. Pay the $25. It's worth it and there's a good chance more trips will be in your future. It's also more productive than walking around Santa Fe shouting "Woodman. ".

3. It depends on the girl. Many will not allow it. Some will allow it if you pay more. If you're considering trying to secretly video girls in your room, don't. The potential consequences of getting caught outweigh any benefit.

Santa Fe may not be for you. For some guys it's a scary place. It's a good idea to have a backup plan (which is why starting out in the north is something I recommend). Here are a few options:

1. The mezzanine. It's more of an AMP kind of setup, with really small tables. You'll probably get overcharged, but the price is still reasonable.

2. Massage Parlors. There are many in Chapinero and Fontibon that offer a good selection and good service for a decent price. Again, they operate similar to US massage parlors.

3. Strip clubs. In the north they're expensive, much cheaper in Santa Fe. Rooms are available.

One last note. Service in Colombian restaurants is awful by US standards. You will be seated and brought a menu. After that, if you want anything, you'll need to get the attention of a waiter. Usually, waving your hand while making eye contact works. If you want to order food or drinks, wave for a waiter. If you need more napkins, wave for a waiter. If you need a refill, ketchup, or the check, wave for a waiter. If you're on fire and need someone to put you out, wave for a waiter. Otherwise you will not be seeing a waiter.

When you ask for the check you will be asked if you want to include the tip. "Deseas incluir el servicio?" Or something similar. It's 10% that is added to the bill. Usually the bill will have a long explanation, in Spanish, about the voluntary tip. No additional tip is expected or required.

10-01-22, 18:16
Hey all I'm new here but I've been on the sister site USsexguide for years. I'm taking my first international trip and I need a little advice to help me finish planning. In exchange I will write up my 5 day adventure and give back to the community.

1. What is the best way to lodge while in Bogota? I've been looking for a girl friendly hotels located close to SF. I'm having no luck finding those easily. That search brought me here. It seems an alternative maybe getting an Air bnb and then maybe using the love hotels to meet the women. I would be very appreciative if anyone could share there experience on this or recommendations of a good place to stay.

2. Is their anyway to get in touch with Woodman about his tour without a subscription? Sounds like a knowledgeable guy with a hustle I can respect. I just don't want to go through the hassle of paying 25 dollars to send 2 or 3 messages.

3. Does anyone know how these women usually feel about being videoed? Best case scenario I can video document the action that happens in my room.

I know new guys don't always get help so I would really really appreciate help SPECIFICALLY with my first question. I'm really looking forward to this trip, and I already plan to keep a diary of the events. I'd happily transcribe that info here later for a little help now.2 Hotels close to SF that a lot of guys stay at and have been GF are San Francisco and Ibis Museo-- Lotsa great AirBnB in higrises in the area. I do not have any interest in this site and cannot leave contact info here as per rules.

Some girls do video some don't -- as everywhere depends on the girl-.

Good Luck!!

10-01-22, 18:42
Hey all I'm new here but I've been on the sister site USsexguide for years. I'm taking my first international trip and I need a little advice to help me finish planning. In exchange I will write up my 5 day adventure and give back to the community.

1. What is the best way to lodge while in Bogota? I've been looking for a girl friendly hotels located close to SF. I'm having no luck finding those easily. That search brought me here. It seems an alternative maybe getting an Air bnb and then maybe using the love hotels to meet the women. I would be very appreciative if anyone could share there experience on this or recommendations of a good place to stay.

2. Is their anyway to get in touch with Woodman about his tour without a subscription? Sounds like a knowledgeable guy with a hustle I can respect. I just don't want to go through the hassle of paying 25 dollars to send 2 or 3 messages.

3. Does anyone know how these women usually feel about being videoed? Best case scenario I can video document the action that happens in my room.

I know new guys don't always get help so I would really really appreciate help SPECIFICALLY with my first question. I'm really looking forward to this trip, and I already plan to keep a diary of the events. I'd happily transcribe that info here later for a little help now.A few posts down is a very informative post by Woodman with a map, and it shows an area near Santa Fe with hotels. You can check reports about these by using the hotel name as your search on this section or the section on accomodation in Bogota. You will find info on chica fees, or no, etc. I'm not going to do this search for you, but there is a lot of info here on this board that can answer your questions. As far as video is concerned. You have to ask, and pay more in all liklihood, and don't try to do it without permission. Authorities may find that is a really good reason to detain you, if a chica complained that you videoed without permisssion.

10-01-22, 21:08
Hey all I'm new here but I've been on the sister site USsexguide for years. I'm taking my first international trip and I need a little advice to help me finish planning. In exchange I will write up my 5 day adventure and give back to the community.

1. What is the best way to lodge while in Bogota? I've been looking for a girl friendly hotels located close to SF. I'm having no luck finding those easily. That search brought me here. It seems an alternative maybe getting an Air bnb and then maybe using the love hotels to meet the women. I would be very appreciative if anyone could share there experience on this or recommendations of a good place to stay.

2. Is their anyway to get in touch with Woodman about his tour without a subscription? Sounds like a knowledgeable guy with a hustle I can respect. I just don't want to go through the hassle of paying 25 dollars to send 2 or 3 messages.

3. Does anyone know how these women usually feel about being videoed? Best case scenario I can video document the action that happens in my room.

I know new guys don't always get help so I would really really appreciate help SPECIFICALLY with my first question. I'm really looking forward to this trip, and I already plan to keep a diary of the events. I'd happily transcribe that info here later for a little help now.1. Woodman has a lot of info on this. If you do a search for hotel there's so much info spread across all sorts of threads that it's not worth trying to remember all of them. Off the top of my head San Francisco Hotel seems good. Ibis museo seems good but I think I recall a recent post saying someone got charged but might be wrong with my dates so just search either "hotel", "air bnb" or one of those hotel names. Woodman also has a post from back in late July I think wjth some air bnb info. Since I don't really plan to have girls come to my room I don't spend much time on looking for hotels with that info. I'm there for such a short amount of time that I'm okay with just fucking the girls upstairs in the clubs or fucking the sg's in the rooms they work out of and getting in as many girls as I can before leaving vs inviting a girl to the hotel to spend time, etc. In the end it depends on your needs.

2. In the short term you have to buy a subscription. Long term. The more you travel and contribute to the ISG forum then youll become a senior member. But It's only $25. Everything in Colombia is inexpensive and if this is your first time outside the states you'll honestly benefit by spending the $25 now as it'll probably save you $25 while you're down there from making a stupid mistake and being charged more for something which Woodman can probably give you advice or info about when you're there.

3. Not sure but ask. Have a feeling that for videoing many may say no as they often don't want their faces shown. You may have better luck with photos and asking their price and letting them know you won't take any with their face in it. If you go the route of trying to secretly record them that's on you. Personally don't want to deal with the consequences of her finding out and the shit that will inevitably go down along with the recent posts of some immigration officers requesting to see some peoples phones and presumably cameras when coming back and finding a non consent video taken of you fucking Colombian prostitutes. From personal experience the videos I've done of some girls that consented in Mexico come out basically shit when it's just a camera on a desk recording us in bed and are much better when you're handholding a camera or your phone to get actual good footage. Expect to pay a nice amount if you want video. For me, it wasn't worth it in the end and I'm okay with having a photo or 2.

10-02-22, 02:44
2. In the short term you have to buy a subscription. Long term. The more you travel and contribute to the ISG forum then youll become a senior member. But It's only $25. Everything in Colombia is inexpensive and if this is your first time outside the states you'll honestly benefit by spending the $25 now as it'll probably save you $25 while you're down there from making a stupid mistake and being charged more for something which Woodman can probably give you advice or info about when you're there.

That's a pretty parabolic way to put it. I don't mean to undermine the work the mods do but I'd say it's pretty reasonable to not way to pay $25 to send a dm. I paid it a year ago and didn't even realize I was recieving dms and replies to the ones I sent because the website design is so obtuse and outdated. So yeah I regret paying it, for what it's worth.

Mr Enternational
10-02-22, 06:01
Saturday night live on and poppin in Santa Fe. Just the usual suspects. Hit a broad then got me a to go plate from Alejandro for 25 K.

10-02-22, 06:04
3. Not sure but ask. Have a feeling that for videoing many may say no as they often don't want their faces shown. You may have better luck with photos and asking their price and letting them know you won't take any with their face in it. If you go the route of trying to secretly record them that's on you. Personally don't want to deal with the consequences of her finding out and the shit that will inevitably go down along with the recent posts of some immigration officers requesting to see some peoples phones and presumably cameras when coming back and finding a non consent video taken of you fucking Colombian prostitutes. From personal experience the videos I've done of some girls that consented in Mexico come out basically shit when it's just a camera on a desk recording us in bed and are much better when you're handholding a camera or your phone to get actual good footage. Expect to pay a nice amount if you want video. For me, it wasn't worth it in the end and I'm okay with having a photo or 2.First and foremost I need to address this because it keeps coming up. I am not looking to sneak record anyone. I want to get into producing porn on the side and if I could get some original content while I'm here it would be a good opportunity and a justification for spending so much money on this trip. If all. The girls say no I will be prefectly fine. It's just hard to convince content creators to let you work with them if you don't have a portfolio this would be a creative solution to that.

Thanks for the advice. I want a few threesomes while I'm there and maybe 2 hour session. It seems doing these in my rooms would be easier. Is that a misconception on my part?

I will check the hotels out and consider the subscription some more. I'm seeing post saying the admin are taking a while to accept them. That makes me hesitant.

10-02-22, 07:20
1. Woodman has a lot of info on this. If you do a search for hotel there's so much info spread across all sorts of threads that it's not worth trying to remember all of them. Off the top of my head San Francisco Hotel seems good. Ibis museo seems good but I think I recall a recent post saying someone got charged but might be wrong with my dates so just search either "hotel", "air bnb" or one of those hotel names. Woodman also has a post from back in late July I think wjth some air bnb info. Since I don't really plan to have girls come to my room I don't spend much time on looking for hotels with that info. I'm there for such a short amount of time that I'm okay with just fucking the girls upstairs in the clubs or fucking the sg's in the rooms they work out of and getting in as many girls as I can before leaving vs inviting a girl to the hotel to spend time, etc. In the end it depends on your needs..1. Thank you for all your advice. I will check out Ibis Museo. My search wasn't working yesterday It just kept loading. I searched like 16 pages so I probably missed some things. One of the things I think I read was that the San Francisco is charging per girl. Maybe 1 girl at a time. I want to have a few threesomes I feel like this will be easier in my room. I might be mistaken its a complete assumption based on my frantic research over the last week.

2. I've been seeing that the devs may be a bit under responsive to the request. I make software and this manual process really makes me nervous.

3. I am not a criminal. Well at least I'm not trying to trick anyone or secretly video them. I'd love to have the footage as an added bonus to the trip. I want to get into producing porn on the side and its hard to get talent without having a portfolio. Maybe this could be a change to kill two birds with one stone. If not I'll just enjoy the women.

10-02-22, 07:42
A few posts down is a very informative post by Woodman with a map, and it shows an area near Santa Fe with hotels. You can check reports about these by using the hotel name as your search on this section or the section on accomodation in Bogota. You will find info on chica fees, or no, etc. I'm not going to do this search for you, but there is a lot of info here on this board that can answer your questions. As far as video is concerned. You have to ask, and pay more in all liklihood, and don't try to do it without permission. Authorities may find that is a really good reason to detain you, if a chica complained that you videoed without permisssion.If I don't have the subscription I can't see the pics up close. I searched nearly 20 pages in both sections prior to asking the question. I didn't ask you to any search for me. I'm not appreciative of the condescending tone I get from you. Seems you answered the question purely to defend the sanctity of this board. There's some great information I already gather from the 20 plus pages I went through. There is also a lot of things I had to useless things as well. Uber discussion legality of prostitute discussion petty arguments between users. I definitely might have missed a something. I didn't say anything about videoing people without permission. If that was on my mind why would I even ask if they care. I want information purely so I can fairly compensate them and to get a gauge on how common this type of request is.

10-02-22, 15:19
Colombia is a very close during the holidays when it comes to family, that means that most chicas will be with their families and won't go out at all. I would strongly recommend to set something up with chicas before you get there. The pool will be less than half or even less from the normal amount available.

Good luck stay safe.

Hey everyone. Just wanted your input. I have 3 weeks off for vacation in December, Dec. 17 to Jan. 7. Was planning on staying in Bogota for a week then headed elsewhere. I've been to the se asia seen and now want to try my hand on some latinas since I had a good time in Houston, tex.

I have read the inputs and still am narrowing down my hotels in Bogota but I was just wondering if I should stay longer than a week or is a week just enough and should venture elsewhere?

Also if any of you guys know some good golf courses around it would be appreciated. Planning on golfing during the day and visiting the scene at night.

Would also like to have a tour from woodman if he could dm me. Or I guess I will, LOL. Looking forward to the trip.

Also I have been using the babbel ap everyday to get my taco bell spanish up a bit. Hopefull it helps.

10-02-22, 19:50
First and foremost I need to address this because it keeps coming up. I am not looking to sneak record anyone. I want to get into producing porn on the side and if I could get some original content while I'm here it would be a good opportunity and a justification for spending so much money on this trip. If all. The girls say no I will be prefectly fine. It's just hard to convince content creators to let you work with them if you don't have a portfolio this would be a creative solution to that.

Thanks for the advice. I want a few threesomes while I'm there and maybe 2 hour session. It seems doing these in my rooms would be easier. Is that a misconception on my part?

I will check the hotels out and consider the subscription some more. I'm seeing post saying the admin are taking a while to accept them. That makes me hesitant.None of us are mind readers. Your initial post seemed to suggest that you'll be videoing the action in your room, regardless of permission from the girls. Everyone is simply making sure you don't end up producing porn in a Colombian prison.

Until you mentioned it, nobody knew you want to produce porn. If that's your goal, you'll want to look into securing legal rights to your work. Video souvenirs are fine, but when you start putting videos online for profit, you're almost certainly breaking some laws, if you don't have a record of model's age, identification card and transfer of rights.

5 days and wanting a few threesomes, with video, in your room for your first international trip is rather ambitious, especially if you're not fluent in Spanish (again, no mind readers, if it's not mentioned the safe assumption is that you have minimal or no Spanish skills).

If you're wanting to make porn, and wanting some threesomes, there are some things you need to know.

1. The typical Colombian 3 some isn't a 3 some. It's more of a tag team wrestling match. One girl will interact with you while the other watches, plays with her phone, or empties your pockets, then they switch. Minimal or no girl-girl action.

2. Especially for 3 somes you're better off using a nicer love motel. Jacuzzi, stripper pole, music system, sex chair. Perfect for porn. Plus most of your stuff is safe in your room. You will need to pay attention that they don't empty the mini-bar.

3. It's best to have prior experience with at least one of the girls and that the girls get along. Be very specific on what you require (including the video) and get confirmation things will proceed according to your plan.

A few months ago I paid for a subscription for an alternate account (previously used to advertise a friend's escort agency). I followed the instructions and had the access in less than 1 day.

Finally, if you're going to get angry at people providing you with the information you requested, you're probably going to have problems getting help in the future. Nobody here is on your payroll. We're all just guys freely sharing our knowledge and experience.

10-02-22, 23:39
1. Thank you for all your advice. I will check out Ibis Museo. My search wasn't working yesterday It just kept loading. I searched like 16 pages so I probably missed some things. One of the things I think I read was that the San Francisco is charging per girl. Maybe 1 girl at a time. I want to have a few threesomes I feel like this will be easier in my room. I might be mistaken its a complete assumption based on my frantic research over the last week.

2. I've been seeing that the devs may be a bit under responsive to the request. I make software and this manual process really makes me nervous.

3. I am not a criminal. Well at least I'm not trying to trick anyone or secretly video them. I'd love to have the footage as an added bonus to the trip. I want to get into producing porn on the side and its hard to get talent without having a portfolio. Maybe this could be a change to kill two birds with one stone. If not I'll just enjoy the women.1. Yeah, wish I could help but don't have a lot of experience on that here in BOG. Someone else mentioned MS Oceania gave you the first girl free but then charged 46 k for every additional one. That's only about $12 usd so I'm guessing that even if San Fran charged it might not be that much? The Oceania info was from a few months ago so who knows if it's changed but I guess what I'm getting at is the price in these places may not be that much in the whole scheme of things.

2. Yeah, heard the same but there are some comments somewhere (might not be the Bogota one but a different city one) where people have mentioned they've got their membership started quicker if you send a email query with your payment info. In the end it's up to you. Personally, I didn't find Santa Fe that "scary" but instead find it "edgy" but some others do feel like it's not a safe place and if this is your first time travelling outside the states (which I think you said it was) when you combine that with any language barriers, general street noise from vendors and club touts, more people than in usual places in the states walking around sometimes all those things can take you out of your comfort zone and can be over stimulating if that makes sense and freak people out. That's personally why I think hooking up with someone knowledgeable like woodman might make the $25 be worthwhile.

3. Yeah, didn't want to say you're going to secretly record just wanted to make sure that others know shit will usually hit the fan if someone did do this. I had luck in Mexico but it was rare and the main objection was the girls don't want their faces in it. I got bbj videos but their hair covered their face and some cum on tits but the girl covered her face, blah blah. You can always ask and see what happens though. The threesomes in general, and others can chime in, usually don't end up being porn film threesomes unless the girls are truly bi. In reality, the ones I've had have involved multiple condom changes and the girls not interacting that much with each other and it sort of becomes blow job from both but then one of them touching you while you fuck the girl, etc but nothing like fucking a girl while the others is DATY on the other, etc. I'the just try and do it in the club upstairs in the room and negotiate that you want 40 minutes or an hour or whatever with both girls. You should make a point to see if you can get the girls to DATY on each other or whatever else you like as most take it as a solo type thing even though there's 3 in the room. Either way, Good luck.

10-03-22, 03:39
Hey. Not really specific to Bogota. But do you guys have any recommendations of good places to go around Christmas for a few days? I am from the US and mi novia is Colombian without a US visa. I have not been, but I am aware of Cartagena and Santa Marta. But maybe there are other countries easy to visit with a Colombian? I think I will be leaving from Bogota.

I would prefer a lower cost structure, but open to nicer experiences.

10-03-22, 04:31
1. Thank you for all your advice. I will check out Ibis Museo. My search wasn't working yesterday It just kept loading. I searched like 16 pages so I probably missed some things. One of the things I think I read was that the San Francisco is charging per girl. Maybe 1 girl at a time. I want to have a few threesomes I feel like this will be easier in my room. I might be mistaken its a complete assumption based on my frantic research over the last week.

2. I've been seeing that the devs may be a bit under responsive to the request. I make software and this manual process really makes me nervous.

3. I am not a criminal. Well at least I'm not trying to trick anyone or secretly video them. I'd love to have the footage as an added bonus to the trip. I want to get into producing porn on the side and its hard to get talent without having a portfolio. Maybe this could be a change to kill two birds with one stone. If not I'll just enjoy the women.Only responding to your 2 point / question across all your posts because I am not sure what good responding to your hostile approach to free advice would do. As always though, I try and respond to be helpful to others that might be reading or searching in the future.

Getting the subscription is a great way to make things easier. Not sure what being in software development has to do with getting laid / having fun in Bogota in a way that maximizes the usage of your time and money. I am in development too. Networking with others and meeting to exchange has paid huge dividends. Private messaging makes that happen. I have written about it before. But rocket coin in the US makes it super easy. I have signed up for this forum multiple times and it took no longer than 2-3 days each time. Even if it took 2 weeks. What does it matter?

Like for example. I am by no means the most experienced person here, but I am more than happy to share with anyone information that PMs me. (Except for the random guy in India that keeps messaging me demanding I provide information about India even though I have not been there!) I have responded via forum message, WhatsApp, or met up in person to share everything I know. That has also been my experience with others on here too. Where else are you going to find that type of free and largely un-biased advice (from the individuals) with a specialty in mongering advice for 25 bucks (to the forum). If you are only here for a week or two, every hour and experience counts. Like it is fine not to sign up and to just consume the free content. But I do not understand when some people complain about the process or the rules when it comes to the membership. It reminds me of the people on the US forum that complain about the prices of escorts in the US and how it is unfair / not right for the guy just trying to "get by" on a normal wage. Whatever that means.

Mr Enternational
10-03-22, 04:36
3. I am not a criminal. Well at least I'm not trying to trick anyone or secretly video them. I'd love to have the footage as an added bonus to the trip. I want to get into producing porn on the side and its hard to get talent without having a portfolio.Well the first thing you would need to do is prepare legal documents for people to sign and make copies of their cedulas.

10-03-22, 16:15
Hey. Not really specific to Bogota. But do you guys have any recommendations of good places to go around Christmas for a few days? I am from the US and mi novia is Colombian without a US visa. I have not been, but I am aware of Cartagena and Santa Marta. But maybe there are other countries easy to visit with a Colombian? I think I will be leaving from Bogota.

I would prefer a lower cost structure, but open to nicer experiences.The islands in southern Panama are beautiful and the weather is perfect.

For cheap I suggest SAI lots of all inclusive hotels and is a part of Colombia, so no visa needed there. Flights out of ElDorado are usually cheap BUT your picking Christmas week, just like the USA, Latin America hikes the prices for the holiday week. You have been to CTG but did you look into Isla Barú? It's close without all the negatives going on in CTG. Lastly look into Costa Rica. Have not been there for years but last I checked Colombians don't need or easy to get are visas. If you go I like Guanacaste in the north of CR good luck.

10-03-22, 16:22
The islands in southern Panama are beautiful and the weather is perfect.

For cheap I suggest SAI lots of all inclusive hotels and is a part of Colombia, so no visa needed there. Flights out of ElDorado are usually cheap BUT your picking Christmas week, just like the USA, Latin America hikes the prices for the holiday week. You have been to CTG but did you look into Isla Bar? It's close without all the negatives going on in CTG. Lastly look into Costa Rica. Have not been there for years but last I checked Colombians don't need or easy to get are visas. If you go I like Guanacaste in the north of CR good luck.If your thinking SAI, continue on to Providenca if your into rustic 'off the grid" vaca. Last I heard from friends on the island, the Hurricane, Lota did a job on the infrastructure. As you know Latin America lacks the resources to rebuild very quickly. Do your research.

10-03-22, 21:50
I just want to address all the concerns about this in one reply. I'm not videoing girls to put them on the internet. I want to work with American girls. There biggest apprehension is my inability to show them my work. The plan isn't to directly make money off the videos. It isn't to make an unsuspecting prostitute into a porn star. It is to get some footage do some editing and have something to show American girls what I can do in terms of editing and stuff. So can we drop this guys. I feel like we have spent way to much time on my lowest priority question. I appreciate y'all wanting to make sure I don't go jail in Colombia for doing something foolish, but I'm not the foolish type I promise. All the info about there biggest apprehension being the showing of their face I have taken to heart and I appreciate the givers of the information. Y'all are awesome.

JjBee62 - I'm not sure why you think I had an attitude with you. I am very thankful for the information you have provided. I only had an attitude with one person, Zeos1. He had a comment in there I couldn't help but take it as condescending. There was more responses than I anticipated and to be honest. I'm not even sure if I have had the time to answer yours personally. I just want to let you know I'm not upset or ungrateful in anyway for the help you have provided. So please take all that bass out of your response because I have no idea what you mad about. My best guess is the first sentence of the quote you posted triggered you for some reason. I used strong language here to make a point. I'm not looking to do any of the creepy stuff people were warning me not to do. It's like you don't warn a cook not to touch the a hot stove. People are telling me not to video a girl without consent like I didn't ask a question specifically to gauge how hard it would be to get consent. Also I didn't ask you to be a mind reader. I added the extra info about my intentions specifically because you asked for them. I thought it would be annoying in my original question at first so I left it out. I hope we are straight if not I don't know man.

Lastly, I apologize for double posting. This site doesn't have an obvious way of letting you know the report actually went through. JjBee62 I lost the time I would have used responding to you on writing a second response to somebody accidentally.

John Clayton
10-03-22, 22:07
I've been here four days, and I'm pretty sure I will never come back:

1) In Cali the women are hot and wear sandals. Every woman looks at you appraisingly as they pass. In Medellin women are peak beautiful and always dressed to impress men. In contrast, in Bogota they wear hiking boots, keep their eyes fixed on the sidewalk in front of them and are generally fatter and more out of shape.

2) The street scene in Centro is about the most depressing thing I've seen in my life. Women are fat, tattooed and listless. Stray dogs, homeless and some super ugly trannies. No way I would ever go back, regardless of the price of pussy -- it destroys my bliss. Maybe I saw one, cute, doable black girl.

3) The weather is just low level crappy. Misty, rainy, windy, cold. Blowing dust.

4) I moved into a nice condo in Centro just to avoid scrutiny when I brought a young Veneca over yesterday. Security gave us the third degree!

5) I've been cold the entire time except when I'm sitting in the jacuzzi, or buried under the covers with a Venzuelan.

10-03-22, 23:52
Congrats on taking your first step. If you've been on USASG for years you know a bit. One bit you know is that everyone has their own way of doing this. A strip club guy might not enjoy the Asian massage parlors. A street-walker guy isn't looking for high dollar escorts. Knowing your preferences will help people give you better answers.

If you are already comfortable speaking Spanish, things will be much easier, but you can still get by without it. I'm going to answer assuming you know very little Spanish.

1. For your first trip go with a hotel. There's less chance for confusion and you'll have additional security. The biggest issue is where to stay. Hotel Ibis Bogota Museo has long been reported as girl friendly and it's close to Santa Fe (and the downtown museums for tourist stuff). However, downtown at night might be scary for you (it was for me my first trip). It's a lot less fun if you're afraid to leave your hotel at night (Note to others: Perception for a newbie isn't necessarily a reflection of reality). Another option is to stay north, around Parque 93 or even further north and the culture shock will be less.

You might want to start with a hotel in the north for the first 2 nights. After checking your comfort level in Santa Fe you can decide whether to stay put or move closer to the action..I appreciate all the advice. Specifically on the restaurant service. I can't imagine shouting or waving some down in an American restaurant and that seems like something that would have took me days to realize and get used too. I would have just assumed their service was slow and shitty. I also appreciate the additional options you gave. I plan to go to a massage parlor most days I'm there. I like that setup personally. You were right in my limited ability to speak Spanish but I'm taking a course that's supposed to be effective in 30 days. I don't believe it but it's worth the try.

1. I'm aware I can't walk around at night, but I assumed taking an uber from place to place was an acceptable risk. If I stay in the hotel you generously provided I can try to make the prepagos come to me. I may even take an escort for a spin. Do you have any experience with the escorts?

A little about me. I'm 220 lb 6 ft tall black man with dreads. This combination isn't always advantageous from a perception standpoint. I'm hoping my demographic will make me seem like a bad target in this situation.

1. Because the typical gringo looks nothing like me. As a matter a fact I'm not even sure if I count as a gringo. Some time I get the feeling it's a racial tag as well as a nationality tag.

2. I look fairly young. I'm 28. When I shave I look 22. I hope this further deter robbers from thinking I'm worth their time. Young guys usually mean broke.

3. I plan to go shopping if my packed attire is much different from the locals. My hopes is to try to blend in as an afro Latino. My hope is as long as robbers don't speak to me that can't tell I'm a gringo.

4. Lastly I'm from the hood and I know the tips and tricks to not get robbed and if you do to not get robbed of all you shit at once. I also got a built in danger detector. I've exited many parties and clubs minutes before shots start being fired. Hell I leave at any sign of things about to get dicey.

In conclusion I feel relatively confident in my ability to to survive SF. If all else fails to make me feel comfortable I can hire one of those guys off show around to come with me. At 10/ HR won't break my vacation funds. I would try to find someone with some friends to bring. Hopefully if I buy a round or 2 of beers and I have some temporary companions to that will further dissuade any ne'er-do-well.

If you were going to a Santa Fe strip club how much money would you carry? I like lap dances and the club atmosphere. I'm hesitant to sleep with them in the club though. I see people say they usually try to rush in that situation. Also I had a Latina at a club before the skill of those women are outstanding. If they want you to be done in 3 to 5 minutes it's not much you can do. Fucking dick whispers they are.

It seems it would be prudent to walk the line between having enough to have fun, but not more than a certain percentage of your funds in case you get robbed against all odds.

I've addressed you other 2 points elsewhere so I won't repeat here. Thanks again.

10-04-22, 00:27
I've been here four days, and I'm pretty sure I will never come back:

1) In Cali the women are hot and wear sandals. Every woman looks at you appraisingly as they pass. In Medellin women are peak beautiful and always dressed to impress men. In contrast, in Bogota they wear hiking boots, keep their eyes fixed on the sidewalk in front of them and are generally fatter and more out of shape.

2) The street scene in Centro is about the most depressing thing I've seen in my life. Women are fat, tattooed and listless. Stray dogs, homeless and some super ugly trannies. No way I would ever go back, regardless of the price of pussy -- it destroys my bliss. Maybe I saw one, cute, doable black girl.

3) The weather is just low level crappy. Misty, rainy, windy, cold. Blowing dust.

4) I moved into a nice condo in Centro just to avoid scrutiny when I brought a young Veneca over yesterday. Security gave us the third degree!

5) I've been cold the entire time except when I'm sitting in the jacuzzi, or buried under the covers with a Venzuelan.I love the weather in BOG.

10-04-22, 00:42
I've been here four days, and I'm pretty sure I will never come back:

1) In Cali the women are hot and wear sandals. Every woman looks at you appraisingly as they pass. In Medellin women are peak beautiful and always dressed to impress men. In contrast, in Bogota they wear hiking boots, keep their eyes fixed on the sidewalk in front of them and are generally fatter and more out of shape.

2) The street scene in Centro is about the most depressing thing I've seen in my life. Women are fat, tattooed and listless. Stray dogs, homeless and some super ugly trannies. No way I would ever go back, regardless of the price of pussy -- it destroys my bliss. Maybe I saw one, cute, doable black girl.

3) The weather is just low level crappy. Misty, rainy, windy, cold. Blowing dust.

4) I moved into a nice condo in Centro just to avoid scrutiny when I brought a young Veneca over yesterday. Security gave us the third degree!

5) I've been cold the entire time except when I'm sitting in the jacuzzi, or buried under the covers with a Venzuelan.This is the fall monsoon cold and rainy-- Sorry. It's much nicer most of the year-- warmer and less rain.

We went to SF on Saturday and there were tons of Beautiful girls, as usual with many guys I have shown around over the last few months who were very happy-Sorry about your experience.

Good Luck in the future.

10-04-22, 19:15
I appreciate all the advice. Specifically on the restaurant service. I can't imagine shouting or waving some down in an American restruant and that seems like something that would have took me days to realize and get used too. I would have just assumed their service was slow and shitty. I also appreciate the additional options you gave. I plan to go to a massage parlor most days I'm there. I like that setup personally. You were right in my limited ability to speak Spanish but I'm taking a course that's supposed to be effective in 30 days. I don't believe it but it's worth the try.

1. I'm aware I can't walk around at night, but I assumed taking an uber from place to place was an acceptable risk. If I stay in the hotel you generously provided I can try to make the prepagos come to me. I may even take an escort for a spin. Do you have any experience with the escorts?

A little about me. I'm 220 lb 6 ft tall black man with dreads. This combination isn't always advantageous from a perception standpoint. I'm hoping my demographic will make me seem like a bad target in this situation.

1. Because the typical gringo looks nothing like me. As a matter a fact I'm not even sure if I count as a gringo. Some time I get the feeling it's a racial tag as well as a nationality tag.

2. I look fairly young. I'm 28. When I shave I look 22. I hope this further deter robbers from thinking I'm worth their time. Young guys usually mean broke..First thing, I wasn't mad. I don't get mad. I just don't sweet talk about stuff.

You can walk around at night, but it's not a good idea to stray from where all the people are. Santa Fe at night is bustling. Clubs, restaurants, street vendors and all the girls, plus the police make it a lively area. You should have no problem walking from club to club at night. However, if you stray away to the dark and empty streets, things are more likely to turn bad.

If I were going to a Santa Fe strip club I would probably carry 400-600 k, roughly $100-$150. I might carry a bit more if I'm going with friends. What I wouldn't carry is anything else. No wallet, no cards, just my ID, phone and money, and the phone stays in front pocket.

10-04-22, 19:30
Might be in Bogota for a few days for business later this month and would like to make the most of it. I've been (and will continue to) RTFF—thanks for all of the great info here. I do have a couple of questions.

I typically prefer to order outcall to my hotel, but it seems that's not the usual mongering path in Bogota. Is there a reliable source for finding outcalls that I can order from my hotel? If I'm staying at an upscale foreign hotel brand, any issues with having visitors?

If there's a really compelling reason to not do that in Bogota, I'the love to know.

10-05-22, 02:11
Might be in Bogota for a few days for business later this month and would like to make the most of it. I've been (and will continue to) RTFFthanks for all of the great info here. I do have a couple of questions.

I typically prefer to order outcall to my hotel, but it seems that's not the usual mongering path in Bogota. Is there a reliable source for finding outcalls that I can order from my hotel? If I'm staying at an upscale foreign hotel brand, any issues with having visitors?

If there's a really compelling reason to not do that in Bogota, I'the love to know.It seems the majority of upscale foreign type hotels typically charge a guest fee of anywhere up to $50. You might want to do a search on this thread for the particular hotel you're planning to stay at as you may find specific info for it. I was at the Marriott Residence Inn near Calle 90 and while I can't say if it's girl friendly as I didn't have any girls come to my room, I don't know how they'd actually know unless the girls were coming in the evening and / or dressing slutty. You enter on street level where there's a Marriott doorman / employee?? Sort of sitting behind a desk seemingly doing nothing (presuming if someone walked in that looked homeless, drunk, high, aggressive, etc he'd come to life) but since the actual front desk / check in desk isn't there and is instead on the 4th floor you can just swipe your room key in the elevator and bypass the front desk and go straight up to your floor. The building is shared with a whole bunch of business offices so there's people walking around all over the place during the day. I would imagine that if you met the girl outside and walked in with her during the day they wouldn't know. At night when the offices are closed it may be more noticeable especially if you had multiple girls over a few nights. I'd just email and ask the hotel if you can't find it here how much they charge for a guest fee (say something like you're working on a business assignment and an associate will be meeting you to go over things and will be needed to go on a zoom call in your room etc. Is probably a good way to ask LOL).

Wish I could help on the Incall side. From what I gather it seems hit or miss. There is geisha academy (just search geisha academy Bogota on google) and there's photoprepagos but with photoprepagos, who knows if the girl that shows up at your hotel will be the girl in the ad?? I'm sure there's others but I don't know them. Everyone seems into SA but for some reason it's rare to share the info of the girls they're talking to on here because it's assumed you're hooking up with a civvie and because of that if you get with her then she'll stay loyal to you or something? Either way I don't get it but there is always SA if you want to invest the time talking to the girls and weeding some out but there's a whole strategy of pre screening but then not doing it too far in advance of your trip because the girl may flake and other stuff which I don't get. Too much hassle for me LOL. Others probably have better advice on the Incall front.

If you're up north you may benefit from visiting the Lido club. The girls are expensive as well as drinks. Honestly, though if you can swing it I would just get an Uber down to Santa Fe and visit Paisas or Troya or just do a walk through of all the clubs (they're all right next to each other) on a Thur. -sat night after 9-10 pm and hookup with a girl there and session upstairs in their rooms. No guest fees then.

Good luck and let us know what ends up happening and what escort girls you end up with.

10-05-22, 04:23
Good luck and let us know what ends up happening and what escort girls you end up with.Thanks! Lots of good info there it seems.

I've used SA successfully in other locations. I find it (and other similar apps) to be fun, but a lot of work. Sometimes that pays off, but it's also frequently nice to just order delivery rather than sitting there wondering if the bread I baked is going to rise.

At the very least there seem to be a ton of options around the city, so that's exciting.

John Clayton
10-05-22, 05:03
1. I'm aware I can't walk around at night...
...This is such BS. I'm an old, old white man and, after waiting a few minutes too many for a cab last night, I walked from La Candelaria (near the Botero Museum) to my Airbnb in Santa Fe, mostly along la septima around 9. Biggest dangers are stepping in dogshit or a missing manhole cover. I am an obvious old, white foreigner. Maybe I am naive, but I feel no danger. Saying that, for sure I wouldn't walk around the zona de tolerancia late at night, but it would be mostly from fear of twisting my ankle on a loose paving stone or stepping in dogshit.

Another thing people have written here about the safety of cabs, uber, didi whatever:

1) they are friggin' cheap, fast. good and safe. A couple of times I looked at the taximetro and it said something like 77, so I pulled out $80 k thinking 'oh well that's like $17 US or something, and the taxista (amazingly honest) would say (shocked), "No! What are you doing. It's seven, Seven! (i.e., $1.70 US) " -- meaning I stupidly (on more than one occasion) tried to pay the guy 10 X too much and the honest taxista, who could have easily taken the money and driven off, saved me from my own stupidity.

2) If you're riding by yourself, sit in front -- especially if you're a big black man, no one is going to mess with you. I periodically read threads here about don't take taxis, take uber or whatever, but I found the taxistas I met were all super polite and humble. Also, side note, I would love to have one of those little yellow taxis back here. I wish we could import them -- I love little cars.

John Clayton
10-05-22, 05:28
...We went to SF on Saturday and there were tons of Beautiful girls, as usual with many guys I...True, my first loop was Thursday or Friday before lunch, and it was overcast and sad like I wrote. I did a loop over there Sunday afternoon on my rental bike and it was a lot sunnier and almost pleasant. Indeed, there were some younger women; however, I stand by my previous rating on the women there: 1) mostly fat 2) horrible tattoos 3) garish, sleazy, ill fitting "sexy" outfits 4) cellulite 5) fat. Also, the whole scene of loose paving, torn up streets, decay, torn garbage bags, stray dogs rooting through the garbage. It's not Soi Cowboy or Patpong, for sure.

10-05-22, 07:25
True, my first loop was Thursday or Friday before lunch, and it was overcast and sad like I wrote. I did a loop over there Sunday afternoon on my rental bike and it was a lot sunnier and almost pleasant. Indeed, there were some younger women; however, I stand by my previous rating on the women there: 1) mostly fat 2) horrible tattoos 3) garish, sleazy, ill fitting "sexy" outfits 4) cellulite 5) fat. Also, the whole scene of loose paving, torn up streets, decay, torn garbage bags, stray dogs rooting through the garbage. It's not Soi Cowboy or Patpong, for sure.Well, there definitely a lot of average girls but at certain times there are a lot of hot girls at certain, sounds like you were there at an off time. For example we were there Saturday at 9 and it was very nice-.

The club scene is better-- you should check out the clubs.

I have given quite a few tours in last few months, the vast majority of guy were very happy with the SF scene as reported here.

Good Luck in the future.

10-05-22, 07:26
True, my first loop was Thursday or Friday before lunch, and it was overcast and sad like I wrote. I did a loop over there Sunday afternoon on my rental bike and it was a lot sunnier and almost pleasant. Indeed, there were some younger women; however, I stand by my previous rating on the women there: 1) mostly fat 2) horrible tattoos 3) garish, sleazy, ill fitting "sexy" outfits 4) cellulite 5) fat. Also, the whole scene of loose paving, torn up streets, decay, torn garbage bags, stray dogs rooting through the garbage. It's not Soi Cowboy or Patpong, for sure.Well, there definitely a lot of average girls but at certain times there are a lot of hot girls at certain, sounds like you were there at an off time. For example we were there Saturday at 9 and it was very nice-.

I sometimes go on slow days and can find a nice girl among the average.

The club scene is better-- you should check out the clubs.

I have given quite a few tours in last few months, the vast majority of guy were very happy with the SF scene as reported here.

Good luck in the future.

10-05-22, 08:16
If all else fails to make me feel comfortable I can hire one of those guys off show around to come with me. At 10/ HR won't break my vacation funds. I would try to find someone with some friends to bring. Hopefully if I buy a round or 2 of beers and I have some temporary companions to that will further dissuade any ne'er-do-well.I'm of course familiar with Woodman having taken one of his cultural tours in a prior year, but it's the first I've heard mention of "guys off show around", is that a thing? Are these guys vetted by someone? I like the idea of having somebody or more to hang out with. Would be particularly nice because you could drink a bit more while having fun with not as much concern. It would be cool if there was an easy way for mongers to easily get together while in Bogota. Just as long as you didn't get an old dude who hates everything, cold weather included. LOL.

Mr Enternational
10-05-22, 14:48
This is such BS. I'm an old, old white man and, after waiting a few minutes too many for a cab last night, I walked from La Candelaria (near the Botero Museum) to my Airbnb in Santa Fe, mostly along la septima around 9. Biggest dangers are stepping in dogshit or a missing manhole cover.LOL. Thanks JC. Spot on. I am a middle aged black man and I tried to send him a PM on that yesterday but he does not have that capability. If he is from the hood he won't have any problem with the stuff he sees on the street. Nobody is going to fuck with him though. The worse that will happen is somebody comes up to him begging. She shake your head and wag your finger no.

Speaking of which, I was in the mall yesterday eating in a restaurant and folks were coming up begging (there was a little fence around the part that was exposed to the mall area.) I did my usual as I just described, but people at other tables would sit there and hear the shit out. I asked my girl why do y'all listen to the whole story already knowing what they want and that you are not going to give it to them? She said she did not know. I said well I am not going to let them waste their breath or my hearing.

10-05-22, 17:28
Another thing people have written here about the safety of cabs, uber, didi whatever:

1) they are friggin' cheap, fast. good and safe.

Also, side note, I would love to have one of those little yellow taxis back here. I wish we could import them -- I love little cars.Absolute madman. I have never been so scared in my life than in those little yellow taxis. The drivers are absolute maniacs, one time I just closed my eyes, I couldn't take it. Even if they are perfect drivers, all it takes is one idiot texting on their phone; those doors are just glorified Reynolds wrap, and I will blow myself if those things have side airbags; if you get t-boned you dead 100% for sure. God forbid if that thing rolls over, the roof will probably fold over itself like a pretzel.

10-05-22, 17:43
True, my first loop was Thursday or Friday before lunch, and it was overcast and sad like I wrote. I did a loop over there Sunday afternoon on my rental bike and it was a lot sunnier and almost pleasant. Indeed, there were some younger women; however, I stand by my previous rating on the women there: 1) mostly fat 2) horrible tattoos 3) garish, sleazy, ill fitting "sexy" outfits 4) cellulite 5) fat. Also, the whole scene of loose paving, torn up streets, decay, torn garbage bags, stray dogs rooting through the garbage. It's not Soi Cowboy or Patpong, for sure.It's not Soi Cowboy or Patpong, for sure.

Not that I like like either of those places, but a hilarious comparison nonetheless.

I would say its more akin to Angeles City or Tijuana.

Many mongering hubs are human septic tanks.

10-05-22, 19:27
This is such BS. I'm an old, old white man and, after waiting a few minutes too many for a cab last night, I walked from La Candelaria (near the Botero Museum) to my Airbnb in Santa Fe, mostly along la septima around 9. Biggest dangers are stepping in dogshit or a missing manhole cover. I am an obvious old, white foreigner. Maybe I am naive, but I feel no danger. Saying that, for sure I wouldn't walk around the zona de tolerancia late at night, but it would be mostly from fear of twisting my ankle on a loose paving stone or stepping in dogshit.

Another thing people have written here about the safety of cabs, uber, didi whatever:

1) they are friggin' cheap, fast. good and safe. A couple of times I looked at the taximetro and it said something like 77, so I pulled out $80 k thinking 'oh well that's like $17 US or something, and the taxista (amazingly honest) would say (shocked), "No! What are you doing. It's seven, Seven! (i.e., $1.70 US) " -- meaning I stupidly (on more than one occasion) tried to pay the guy 10 X too much and the honest taxista, who could have easily taken the money and driven off, saved me from my own stupidity.

2) If you're riding by yourself, sit in front -- especially if you're a big black man, no one is going to mess with you. I periodically read threads here about don't take taxis, take uber or whatever, but I found the taxistas I met were all super polite and humble. Also, side note, I would love to have one of those little yellow taxis back here. I wish we could import them -- I love little cars.I appreciate the advice. The internet at large would have me believe that Colombia is as bad a dangerous place. I have been having a hard time understanding why local gangs and such would target gringos so hard. This would ultimately lower the people that visit. For a country with so many of its poor people relying on tourism that seems dumb. It make far more sense for them to be in charge of the brothels or charge them for protection and things like that. Anything besides systemically scaring off as many gringos as possible by robbing them.

In your advice do you think going to prepagos house is also relatively safe? It seems it may be fun to had on that front, but I've previously disregarded the idea due to the perceived risk factors.

10-05-22, 19:38
Been to Bogota plenty of times and always stayed in Chapinero but need a central location between Chapinero and Santa fe. I like the casas in Chapinero
but the nightlife of Santa fe. Maybe a place 15 minutes away from both. That 30 min drive from Chapinero is still a killer for me with the altitude. Headaches, etc. By the time I get to Santa fe, i feel like I have vertigo, lol. Car shaking and streets going up and down.

Any suggestions for a Airbnb or guest friendly hotel would be nice thanks.

10-05-22, 20:02
Thanks! Lots of good info there it seems.

I've used SA successfully in other locations. I find it (and other similar apps) to be fun, but a lot of work. Sometimes that pays off, but it's also frequently nice to just order delivery rather than sitting there wondering if the bread I baked is going to rise.

At the very least there seem to be a ton of options around the city, so that's exciting.I can't comment on quality, dependability or price, bit there are several escort agencies in Bogota. Just search "agencia prepago Bogota.

The reason it's not reported on much here is because there's a big price difference. You can do 5 or more girls in Santa Fe for the price of one from an escort service. La Celestina has been reviewed favorably a few times.

Mr Enternational
10-05-22, 20:45
Been to Bogota plenty of times and always stayed in Chapinero but need a central location between Chapinero and Santa fe. I like the casas in Chapinero
but the nightlife of Santa fe. Maybe a place 15 minutes away from both. That 30 min drive from Chapinero is still a killer for me .You know there are different parts of Chapinero right? For a 30 minute drive you must be staying at a part much farther from Santa Fe because they are actually right next to each other.

10-05-22, 21:38
True, my first loop was Thursday or Friday before lunch, and it was overcast and sad like I wrote. I did a loop over there Sunday afternoon on my rental bike and it was a lot sunnier and almost pleasant. Indeed, there were some younger women; however, I stand by my previous rating on the women there: 1) mostly fat 2) horrible tattoos 3) garish, sleazy, ill fitting "sexy" outfits 4) cellulite 5) fat. Also, the whole scene of loose paving, torn up streets, decay, torn garbage bags, stray dogs rooting through the garbage. It's not Soi Cowboy or Patpong, for sure.We're interested in the quality of the girls, not the pavement. If you dislike tattoos and skimpy outfits that much, you are in the wrong neighborhood and perhaps the wrong lifestyle. Let's try to be a bit more objective in our appraisals and leave the bitter cynicism of old age out of it, so that others can have better information to use to plan their trips. When I was there there were a lot of ugly fat chicks but there were also quite a few hot ones. I don't care about the ratio of ugly to hot as long as there are some good options. It's like going to a buffet and getting pissed off about all the food you don't like instead of just finding something you do like. You said you saw one you liked, you should have just banged her and let everything else go. I'm sorry for being a dick but I just have no patience for "traditional values" on a goddamn hooker forum. Soy cowboy may be relatively clean (is it actually though?) but it also has its fair share of ugly girls, and Thailand as a whole is anything but clean. Their beaches are gross. I'm sorry that it's so unpleasant for you to be reminded that we live in a reality where stray dogs rummage through garbage, rather than being able to relax on a swept (road with hundreds of Thai girls who have no ass combined between all of them.

10-05-22, 22:21
Gentlemen sit back and let me regale you with tales of hot Santa Fe pussy. As I sit here in the bakery trying to make sense of it all.....

I like girls that let me take over and drive-- girls I can dominate and they enjoy it-- I have met so many-- Girls that let me gag them with my johnson, pull their hair and choke them a little. My program for quickees is usually the same get in the room and start with a some good hugging and grinding -- I like to check their oil and just feel them up good-- I stand on the bed and let them sit there and do oral always encouraging deep throat-- I like a girl that lets me grab her head so I can face fuck her. Then some missionary and doggie and then flatten her out for some lower doggie to finish. That is my typical quickee.The important part for me is the face fucking part. I'm trying to understand you method a bit more. I want to fuck some faces and take some girls breath away with a good gag. I'm usually the type to stray from this out of fear of ruining the atmosphere if the girl didn't like it, risking ruining the session and wasting money. I'm trying to understand how do you go about this? Do you negotiate this before hand? Do you go for it with no regard for the consequence since the potential financial loss is lower?

I would gladly pay extra for this. I planned to try and negotiate this, but after reading up on you adventures a bit it seems like you just go for it.

Also if you feel like the extra typing I'd love to read any other strip club stories you got. I'm interested in what I can expect while still on the floor. Are there any kisses, hjs or anything like that. I guess I enjoy the rush from PDA and strip clubs can be a great paid source of that. When I say PDA its not the lovey dove stuff. Its more like public foreplay. I know I can get just go and fuck them but I can do that at a casa or with a SG. In the strip club doing something note worthy on the floor even something minor would greatly enhance the value of the strip club for me.

10-05-22, 22:24
Been to Bogota plenty of times and always stayed in Chapinero but need a central location between Chapinero and Santa fe. I like the casas in Chapinero
but the nightlife of Santa fe. Maybe a place 15 minutes away from both. That 30 min drive from Chapinero is still a killer for me with the altitude. Headaches, etc. By the time I get to Santa fe, i feel like I have vertigo, lol. Car shaking and streets going up and down.

Any suggestions for a Airbnb or guest friendly hotel would be nice thanks.Just zoom in on the area you want on airbnb, click a place, check the rules, if they don't mention anything about having visitors, message the host and ask them how they would feel about you having guests, potentially overnight. You're allowed to message 20 different hosts every 24 hours. This may not be the answer you're looking for but it's the correct one. Once people find a spot they like, they're not going to want to share it because they want it to be available next time they go to book it. You can try to read into rules like "not suitable for children", that's good. Or if they mention no noise after a certain time / be respectful to neighboring apartments, that may be code, or at least give some indictation of the host's uptightness. Personally I have so much respect for hosts that explicitly say in the rules that you can't have guests. I don't think they should be able to enforce rules that aren't written in the listing, it should not be the renter's responsibility to dig for more rules. But that's just airbnb's crappy policies. Also, "private entrance" in the amenities list doesn't mean jack shit. Even though the description says it's a private entrace to the street, airbnb just lets whoever put it up as long as it's not a shared unit. Pretty dumb.

10-05-22, 23:31
I can't comment on quality, dependability or price, bit there are several escort agencies in Bogota. Just search "agencia prepago Bogota.

The reason it's not reported on much here is because there's a big price difference. You can do 5 or more girls in Santa Fe for the price of one from an escort service. La Celestina has been reviewed favorably a few times.I do not use escorts-- Santa Fe is enough for me as I am old and can usually find some hot girl there.

That said, here are some agencies I have been told about by guys visiting, and Not sure which but some send you un blurred photos after you gain trust.

https://www.encountersvip.com/ https://www.photoprepagos.com/ https://www.encountersvip.com/.

Perhaps the membership can chime in.


10-05-22, 23:37
Been to Bogota plenty of times and always stayed in Chapinero but need a central location between Chapinero and Santa fe. I like the casas in Chapinero
but the nightlife of Santa fe. Maybe a place 15 minutes away from both. That 30 min drive from Chapinero is still a killer for me with the altitude. Headaches, etc. By the time I get to Santa fe, i feel like I have vertigo, lol. Car shaking and streets going up and down.

Any suggestions for a Airbnb or guest friendly hotel would be nice thanks.Ibis is a group favorite also San Francisco-- both walking distance to SF-.

A possibility is Hotel Dann (notCarleton) on calle 19 and CR 5- Also many cheaper hotels in this area.

Hotel Santa Fe Suites is actually right in the redlight area north strolol.

The area north around Ibis is pretty nice with many Airbnb and south of there too.

Good Luck.


10-05-22, 23:50
Hi Guys,

I've been mongering all over the world, including US / Canada, Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan, Philippines, China. Looking to add Colombia to my conquest later this month. I'll be staying at Grand Hyatt for 5 nights with my brother (who isn't in the hobby. More on that later).

I've read about 60 pages on this forum. Would like to get your thoughts on my plans.

1. I am still trying to get a bitcoin wallet so I can finally message Woodman09. I plan to explore Santa Fe at least 2 of the 5 nights, would love some help navigating, especially the language barrier. Any extra caution for Asian guys in 30's if we were to go alone?

2. I'm also into escorts for the longer / better service. Yes I know the cost is 4 x higher at La Celestina vs clubs. Since I'd be sharing a suite, I can see if I can tempt my brother into a 3 some. If not, how would you recommend I "make room". Just book a second room?

3. I've arranged some local guides from Showaround for non-mongering activities. I had originally planned to use the guide as my wingman for the clubs and as a backup if I can't get Woodman's help (darn ISG messaging mechanism). I ended up hiring 2 (cute) female guides instead because the male ones were price gauging ($200/ day LOL). Any suggestion on hiring a buddy?

4. Does anyone on here want to meet up between 10/20-10/24 for dinner and other night time shenanigans?

10-06-22, 00:54
I appreciate the advice. The internet at large would have me believe that Colombia is as bad a dangerous place. I have been having a hard time understanding why local gangs and such would target gringos so hard. This would ultimately lower the people that visit. For a country with so many of its poor people relying on tourism that seems dumb. It make far more sense for them to be in charge of the brothels or charge them for protection and things like that. Anything besides systemically scaring off as many gringos as possible by robbing them.

In your advice do you think going to prepagos house is also relatively safe? It seems it may be fun to had on that front, but I've previously disregarded the idea due to the perceived risk factors.Been in mult apts in Bog and other places in Col and never an issue. You know what? At first I had that same little gut feeling you got, like will I be safe in someone private apt, what if I'm robbed etc. Then after few visits I notice they actually focus on business and making money, and all just as safe as a brothel, except more comfortable and nicer rooms w actual ac some of them. Now, you will be cat-fished few times meaning some girls post fake pics on photoprepago and mileroticos obviously LOL. Other than that you'll be fine hombre.

10-06-22, 01:32
Been to Bogota plenty of times and always stayed in Chapinero but need a central location between Chapinero and Santa fe. I like the casas in Chapinero
but the nightlife of Santa fe. Maybe a place 15 minutes away from both. That 30 min drive from Chapinero is still a killer for me with the altitude. Headaches, etc. By the time I get to Santa fe, i feel like I have vertigo, lol. Car shaking and streets going up and down.

Any suggestions for a Airbnb or guest friendly hotel would be nice thanks.I usually stay about 5 or 10 minutes north of Santa fe in La Macarena, or technically in the district just northwest of it (international / financial area). Less crime, more police presence and lots of good dining options within walking distance or short Rappi. Checkout Lyra Cafe for breakfast or Restaurante Republik for dinner.

My last two airbnbs were excellent checkout.

Museo Building. Cusezar or Equilibrium on Google maps, both have pools which is relatively uncommon for the area.

Chapinero is still a bit of a drive but I found it difficult at times to get the Sante fe streetwalkers to agree to come back to my place unless it's near the Barrio. So Macarena has been close enough they don't freak out when I explain where it is.

10-06-22, 01:39
the taximetro and it said something like 77, so I pulled out $80 k thinking 'oh well that's like $17 US or something, and the taxista (amazingly honest) would say (shocked), "No! What are you doing. It's seven, Seven! (i.e., $1.70 US) " -- meaning I stupidly (on more than one occasion) tried to pay the guy 10 X too much and the honest taxista, who could have easily taken the money and driven off, saved me from my own stupidity.
The way the taxi meters work in Bogota is that it registers a number (not the amount of money) when you get in the taxi and for each km the numbers go up and there should be a placard or sign in the taxi showing a table with the numbers and the corresponding prices, although they don't always have the sign. Anyways when I take a taxi from the airport to my hotel in Santa Fe the number usually is about 150 and that correlates to about $20 k COP.

Hope this helps.

10-06-22, 01:41
Yeah, I'm staying closer to B3 virrey. I guess I could stay further in Chapinero.

You know there are different parts of Chapinero right? For a 30 minute drive you must be staying at a part much farther from Santa Fe because they are actually right next to each other.

10-06-22, 03:28
The way the taxi meters work in Bogota is that it registers a number (not the amount of money) when you get in the taxi and for each km the numbers go up and there should be a placard or sign in the taxi showing a table with the numbers and the corresponding prices, although they don't always have the sign. Anyways when I take a taxi from the airport to my hotel in Santa Fe the number usually is about 150 and that correlates to about $20 k COP.

Hope this helps.I thought I might have paid the gringo tax but I think it is about right based on this benchmark. My meter always read between 330 to 350 and I always had to pay around 45 mil. I thought it is something they jack up because I am a gringo, but maybe not so much the case.

John Clayton
10-06-22, 05:38
... If you dislike tattoos and skimpy outfits that much, you are in the wrong neighborhood and perhaps the wrong lifestyle...Okay, shoulda' said "IMO" or "de gustibus non est disputandum". Whatever. Not for me.

John Clayton
10-06-22, 06:04
I usually stay about 5 or 10 minutes north of Santa fe in La Macarena, or technically in the district just northwest of it (international / financial area)...I agree with this. Especially if you could find an Airbnb on Kr 4 a -- very pleasant area with a lot of good restaurants / coffee / beer. That area is close to where I stayed = very convenient. Unfortuantely, I haven't sussed out how to get the exact address for an Airbnb before renting, and although the "Equiibrium" tower (directly on Kr 7 at calle 31) had a lap pool and a jacuzzi, it was kind of otherwise alienating and cold. A dozen good / authentic restaurants on calle 30 up the hill from La Septima; although, I think they may be just day time only. I walked up there with my veneca on Sunday about 7 -- all closed. Maybe that street is a few blocks north of La Macarena. Technically, I think La Macarena is completely within Santa Fe.

Mr Enternational
10-06-22, 06:22
I don't care about the ratio of ugly to hot as long as there are some good options. You said you saw one you liked, you should have just banged her and let everything else go. I'm sorry for being a dick but I just have no patience for "traditional values" on a goddamn hooker forum.I am always wondering how many chicks someone planned to fuck if they are complaining about the ugly ones, because I just look right past them. Does not concern me. Not wasting my energy on it. As far as I am concerned it makes my choice easier when there are only a few that appeal to me. I honestly do not need 10 good ones to choose from if I am only going to fuck 1 or 2.

10-06-22, 19:13
The important part for me is the face fucking part. I'm trying to understand you method a bit more. I want to fuck some faces and take some girls breath away with a good gag. I'm usually the type to stray from this out of fear of ruining the atmosphere if the girl didn't like it, risking ruining the session and wasting money. I'm trying to understand how do you go about this? Do you negotiate this before hand? Do you go for it with no regard for the consequence since the potential financial loss is lower?

I would gladly pay extra for this. I planned to try and negotiate this, but after reading up on you adventures a bit it seems like you just go for it.

Also if you feel like the extra typing I'd love to read any other strip club stories you got. I'm interested in what I can expect while still on the floor. Are there any kisses, hjs or anything like that. I guess I enjoy the rush from PDA and strip clubs can be a great paid source of that. When I say PDA its not the lovey dove stuff. Its more like public foreplay. I know I can get just go and fuck them but I can do that at a casa or with a SG. In the strip club doing something note worthy on the floor even something minor would greatly enhance the value of the strip club for me.What works for me is be flirty and gregarious--I act like you're the king and am confident.

I always try to vette a girls attitude to get clues as to what to expect-- I will chat a bit and see how she reacts to being felt up. (Yes, I touch without permission-- Quick call the feminists- LOL).

Of course you can get fooled by girls that act one way and another in the room-- You have to try to detect be-S-- and that is not too hard if you are paying attention to the reactions.

Recently I really liked this one girl and I was not able to FF her very good-- in any case we got into quatro and I was banging her and slapped her ass and she got pissed, got up and walked out-- LOL.

Face banging a girl is a delicate situation-- As I said I usually will jump up on the bed have the girl sitting and let her start. At that point I will start touching her head and pushing a bit and see how that is-- I will go for a good gag and I'm always watching how she reacts and when she gags (I love a girl that gags and smiles) I will jokingly say 'Que pena you soy malo' and ' me gusta tu boca, muy Linda' and 'Tengo muchas ratos porti' Most girls I pick usually are fine with this and seem to be into it-- and then I know what to expect for future sessions.

I love the clubs, walking up to girls and dirty dancing with them. -- this a great way to vette girls. I do it all the time. In Venus club they sometimes will have a guy come up and bang the stripper on stage. I love the specticle of a club full of girls, 2-3 strippers on stage and 5-6 naked girls doing lapdances-- that is the best.

Elvis 2008
10-06-22, 20:18
We're interested in the quality of the girls, not the pavement. If you dislike tattoos and skimpy outfits that much, you are in the wrong neighborhood and perhaps the wrong lifestyle. Let's try to be a bit more objective in our appraisals and leave the bitter cynicism of old age out of it, so that others can have better information to use to plan their trips. When I was there there were a lot of ugly fat chicks but there were also quite a few hot ones. I don't care about the ratio of ugly to hot as long as there are some good options. It's like going to a buffet and getting pissed off about all the food you don't like instead of just finding something you do like. You said you saw one you liked, you should have just banged her and let everything else go. I'm sorry for being a dick but I just have no patience for "traditional values" on a goddamn hooker forum. Soy cowboy may be relatively clean (is it actually though?)TY, it seems like I have paid more per session than most ISGers have, and Miami Boy said in the Medellin forum that you get what you pay for, and I was like, "Wait, what do you mean by that?" For me, the notion that you are paying for better pussy or oral outside of Santa Fe is a myth, so you are not getting more for your money there.

That said, I did find it worthwhile to pay the girl money to leave Santa Fe and head to my hotel. Hell, Hotel Ibis, which has rooms like Motel 6, was an upgrade over the hotels / rooms in Santa Fe. So that was worth the money for me.

And I agree the atmosphere of Santa Fe is not for everyone. I would not object if someone called it a shithole. Thing is no one has a gun to your head and says that you cannot find a woman there and pay her to leave, and you are talking like $25 or $30 versus 15.

When I first went to Colombia, I went to the Northern strip clubs, and I was underwhelmed. The women may have been a little more classy and a little better looking on average than Santa Fe but I was paying like 10 to 15 X what guys pay in Santa Fe and was not having any experiences I considered memorable. That is why I blew off Colombia for years.

With Santa Fe, you can get laid by some very attractive, good performing women for $10 or even less a pop. If you are complaining about that, something is not right with you.

10-07-22, 17:59
What works for me is be flirty and gregarious--I act like you're the king and am confident.

I always try to vette a girls attitude to get clues as to what to expect-- I will chat a bit and see how she reacts to being felt up. (Yes, I touch without permission-- Quick call the feminists- LOL).

Of course you can get fooled by girls that act one way and another in the room-- You have to try to detect be-S-- and that is not too hard if you are paying attention to the reactions.

Recently I really liked this one girl and I was not able to FF her very good-- in any case we got into quatro and I was banging her and slapped her ass and she got pissed, got up and walked out-- LOL..I was going to give this suggestion and you just wrote exactly my approach. I stand up for the BJ and prefer them or their knees, then I gently massage their head and whisper sexy dirty stuff, girls tend to perform more if they think they're doing a good job or when you compliment. Then gently I would hold their head and push deeper and hold, so far 100% of the time they like that, pull back and would smile, say "oh my" , surprise LOL!. Most would show off their skills and continue w real deep throats on their own once they figure that's what I want. It's like training them.

Imo I don't think it's wise to negotiate everything upfront, not for stuff like this, it's more thrilling to initiate the surprise or let the girl initiate it. It's funny that we complain all the time about mechanical sex yet we want to negotiate mechanical sex. Too many upfront arrangements doesn't work for some of us. Yeah I know you're paying and you must get what you want, as always we forgot humans aren't robots (my fav line). I'm telling you, the experience is 100 x better when you build it, shit I barely pay extra for those incl CIM / BB type stuff. Let some shit happen naturally.

10-07-22, 21:25
I was going to give this suggestion and you just wrote exactly my approach. I stand up for the BJ and prefer them or their knees, then I gently massage their head and whisper sexy dirty stuff, girls tend to perform more if they think they're doing a good job or when you compliment. Then gently I would hold their head and push deeper and hold, so far 100% of the time they like that, pull back and would smile, say "oh my" , surprise LOL!. Most would show off their skills and continue w real deep throats on their own once they figure that's what I want. It's like training them.

Imo I don't think it's wise to negotiate everything upfront, not for stuff like this, it's more thrilling to initiate the surprise or let the girl initiate it. It's funny that we complain all the time about mechanical sex yet we want to negotiate mechanical sex. Too many upfront arrangements doesn't work for some of us. Yeah I know you're paying and you must get what you want, as always we forgot humans aren't robots (my fav line). I'm telling you, the experience is 100 x better when you build it, shit I barely pay extra for those incl CIM / BB type stuff. Let some shit happen naturally.Always looking for a good chemistry. I suspect that a lot of guys have problems because they lack good interpersonal skills. All the girls I repeat with like their hair pulled and giving up control to my sexual agenda, as I said before this is what I look for in my vetting process.

10-07-22, 22:20
We're interested in the quality of the girls, not the pavement. If you dislike tattoos and skimpy outfits that much, you are in the wrong neighborhood and perhaps the wrong lifestyle. Let's try to be a bit more objective in our appraisals and leave the bitter cynicism of old age out of it, so that others can have better information to use to plan their trips. When I was there there were a lot of ugly fat chicks but there were also quite a few hot ones..Been to Santa Fe the past couple days.

The Army has gone home. I miss those guys. Definitely made it safe there 24 hours a day. LOL.

Still safe enough tho. Be smart, most especially at night.

It is a trashy dumpy place, and there's lots of dumpy chicas, however, yesterday there were more than several nice ones.

Wednesday was horrible tho.

Heading back in a bit.

I'm pretty sure tonite will be great.

TGIV. Thank goodness it's Viernes.


Mr Enternational
10-07-22, 22:37
Unfortuantely, I haven't sussed out how to get the exact address for an Airbnb before renting, and although the "Equiibrium" tower (directly on Kr 7 at calle 31)Easy. You zoom in on the map then you click on the different places to look at the pictures. Alot of times they show the outside of the building with the address on it.

10-08-22, 06:10
We had a great time tonight-- Got out to SF about 7;30 went through the South Stroll walked the North area a bit-- Pretty nice-.

By the way they are fixing the street on CR 15 so maybe they read the report ealier about it?

We went into California-- pretty average was quiet with a few girls, I know this club gets better later.

Troya was pretty nice but not quite full we had a beer and checked out Atonis which was ok-- Both of these clubs probably got better. Both were good and probably got better as it was about 8.

After we left to Venus which was better. Real nice girls there-- and it got better! Those girls try harder! There were some real hot girls and we sat down after a while there were 30 girls and half were like 7-8+ Actually I already had banged 6-7 and would repeat. This is what I love, lots of hot girls that I want to bang and I have to decide.

I met a really hot venezolana spinner she looked 18-19 but was 22-- got a lapdane with her for 20 mil and it was the best lapdance. I actually was playing doctor with her and stuck my thumb up her pussy LOL. I love giving girls wedgies during lapdance-- She was very willing and submissive and seemed to enjoy it. Popped viagra and had a GFE Quickee a while later. -- It was so great with BBBJ paid about 100 mil. She lives near me, I'll have to make an outside cita.

It was so good I considered hitting her again. I ended up banging this other girl I knew from before-- Really great GFE quickee again.

We left abouy 10:30 walked through Fiebre which was going really good.

It's So Grat!!

10-08-22, 10:20
I am always wondering how many chicks someone planned to fuck if they are complaining about the ugly ones, because I just look right past them. Does not concern me. Not wasting my energy on it. As far as I am concerned it makes my choice easier when there are only a few that appeal to me. I honestly do not need 10 good ones to choose from if I am only going to fuck 1 or 2.Thought that was a secret mongering method. It only takes 5 minutes per club (I walk fast) and 45 minutes to see all of Santa Fe's usable streets. With Woodman a little longer, includes coffee and pastries etc. LOL but it's good for your first visit.

10-08-22, 10:25
Easy. You zoom in on the map then you click on the different places to look at the pictures. Alot of times they show the outside of the building with the address on it.I think the host can choose where to place the unit on the map so it is not entirely accurate. Sometimes even the address you see after booking is not the same address that the host will give you before check-in. This has happened to me a few times and that is also the case of my current apartment.

10-08-22, 10:35
True, my first loop was Thursday or Friday before lunch, and it was overcast and sad like I wrote. I did a loop over there Sunday afternoon on my rental bike and it was a lot sunnier and almost pleasant. Indeed, there were some younger women; however, I stand by my previous rating on the women there: 1) mostly fat 2) horrible tattoos 3) garish, sleazy, ill fitting "sexy" outfits 4) cellulite 5) fat. Also, the whole scene of loose paving, torn up streets, decay, torn garbage bags, stray dogs rooting through the garbage. It's not Soi Cowboy or Patpong, for sure.It took many visits to find a SW worth even $20. But they are there. In the clubs after 10 PM they are there. Still takes time to find them. And YES Santa Fe looks like & IS a SHIT HOLE. The SA girls are better in Bogota than even in Medellin. (smarter also) This is why I will return from Medellin in December. When I get a chance I will send you PM with pics.

10-08-22, 10:40
Easy. You zoom in on the map then you click on the different places to look at the pictures. Alot of times they show the outside of the building with the address on it.I visited there. Too many tall buildings for me. A lot of rules and security also. Entrance is. 2 mile from the street. And lots of stairs. Park in the garage, a lot better.

10-08-22, 14:37
Damn, I just booked the Equilibrium for December on Airbnb. I don't mind stairs and walking. Good exercise. I message the host and she cool with guest. So hopefully all good with rules and security. Plus I read you have a keycard and can bypass security if you want to. (In the reviews) but we will see. I just wanted to cut down on the Altitude driving to Santa fe & the casas in Chapinero. Equilibrium SEEMS like a middle ground.

I visited there. Too many tall buildings for me. A lot of rules and security also. Entrance is. 2 mile from the street. And lots of stairs. Park in the garage, a lot better.

Mr Enternational
10-08-22, 14:46
Thought that was a secret mongering method. It only takes 5 minutes per club (I walk fast) and 45 minutes to see all of Santa Fe's usable streets. Hell that is with anything in life. Nobody goes out shopping for houses, cars, shoes and comes back to tell their friends about the tons of horrible ones they saw. They talk about the few they liked and were interested in.

10-08-22, 15:09
I am always wondering how many chicks someone planned to fuck if they are complaining about the ugly ones, because I just look right past them. Does not concern me. Not wasting my energy on it. As far as I am concerned it makes my choice easier when there are only a few that appeal to me. I honestly do not need 10 good ones to choose from if I am only going to fuck 1 or 2.I spent about 3 weeks in Bogota in August. Been to SF 3 or 4 times, and never sessioned. None of the girls were appealing enough for me to take them upstairs. Yeah, they are cheap, but I didn't care. Some of them I wouldn't do for free. Others I wouldn't even touch with a 10 ft pole. Low quality, very high mileage, mechanical basic all covered service, nah, thanks. I was with an ISG member, had a couple of beers, and just watched girls dancing on stage. SF clubs are good if you are bored and want to just kill time with a friend. Good place to fuck if you like them high mileage and all covered service. Even if BBBJ and BBFS were readily available, and sometimes they are for an up charge, you would be better off going covered to avoid STDs.

John Clayton
10-08-22, 16:16
Damn, I just booked the Equilibrium for December on Airbnb. I don't mind stairs and walking. Good exercise...I was just there. There are two towers, Equilibrium 1 is 25 stories and has the pool and gym on the top floor. Tower 2 is 17 stories and has a roof deck, which was locked while I was there. The main lobby is in tower 1 on Diagonal 31 a, a short, steep little street. That's where the check in is. I was in tower 2, to get there you have to walk through the lobby, up a single flight of stairs, then across a floor of the parking. The elevators are fast and reliable. If you're in tower 2, then you just go down to the ground floor and exit (past a single guard) onto Av. Alberto LLeras Cargo, which I think is la septima -- anyhow, a major street. I had been in Hotel Mercure in Chapinero, but was hoping for a little less scrutiny passing the reception with my (very modestly dressed) venezuelan -- instead we got the f'cking third degree both times. In Cali and MDE, I was in little discreet Airbnb's where no one checked what I was doing, which I prefer.

10-08-22, 20:44
I spent about 3 weeks in Bogota in August. Been to SF 3 or 4 times, and never sessioned. None of the girls were appealing enough for me to take them upstairs. Yeah, they are cheap, but I didn't care. Some of them I wouldn't do for free. Others I wouldn't even touch with a 10 ft pole. Low quality, very high mileage, mechanical basic all covered service, nah, thanks. I was with an ISG member, had a couple of beers, and just watched girls dancing on stage. SF clubs are good if you are bored and want to just kill time with a friend. Good place to fuck if you like them high mileage and all covered service. Even if BBBJ and BBFS were readily available, and sometimes they are for an up charge, you would be better off going covered to avoid STDs.None? Not 1 girl? That boggles my mind. I can walk through a Midwestern Walmart at 11 pm and almost always see a girl who I would fuck for $20. That's from a pool of 10-15 girls in the temple of fat women in spandex (and I don't do fat).

My last visit to Santa Fe I was already fucked out from 10 days in Medellin and was extremely tired, and still, in less than an hour, without entering any clubs, saw at least 20 who I'd been thrilled to get, even if the price was 150 k. If not for the chance to catch up with a friend, I wouldn't have even gone.

There were some fat ones. There were some older ones. Of course. People don't stop needing to eat just because they age or put on weight. If you need to eat, need to feed a family, you work, doing what you can.

There were plenty of women wearing cheap, not especially fashionable attire. If you're selling pussy on the streets in Bogota, you probably can't afford original designs from Donna Karan, and the power suit won't attract many customers. Instead, you spend 5 k on something that shows off what you're selling. Sure it makes the girls look like prostitutes working in a red light district, but isn't that the point?

Tattoos were in abundance, because it's no longer 1983. I'm not a fan of tattoos, but appreciate the artistry of some. Things change. For the people upset about tattooed women are you still complaining that you can't get 8 track tapes anymore?

Now to the burning question. If you wouldn't do any of the women, wouldn't even get close enough to talk to them, how do you know that every single one of, of the 100's you had to have seen, were very high mileage and only provided very basic, all covered service?

This is important, because that's a fucking incredible talent. Think about it. You could sit down at a poker table and before the cards are shuffled know what everyone will have and how they'll bet. Then there's the sports betting. That's $1 million every weekend betting on the games when you already know exactly how every game will turn out.

There's probably a name for that syndrome, the unreasonable need to trash everything because you don't like 1 thing. I see it everywhere. It's rampant in online reviews. Someone orders a steak well done (which already shows poor judgement) and when it comes out medium, instead of politely explaining that the meat isn't sufficiently ruined, they write a review criticizing everything from the owner's haircut to the asphalt in the parking lot.

Personally, I find things like that useful. If someone can't find 1 good thing about a place, if they feel the need to make declarations about things which they can't possibly know, then I know their opinions are not based on reality.

I need to make a trip to Bogota this fall and was just going to stay long enough to do what I need to do. However, you've convinced me to take an extra day or 2 to hang out in Santa Fe.

10-08-22, 20:55
I spent about 3 weeks in Bogota in August. Been to SF 3 or 4 times, and never sessioned. None of the girls were appealing enough for me to take them upstairs. Yeah, they are cheap, but I didn't care. Some of them I wouldn't do for free. Others I wouldn't even touch with a 10 ft pole. Low quality, very high mileage, mechanical basic all covered service, nah, thanks
So if you didn't session but you're commenting on the low quality of service, I'm guessing you've sessioned in previous a trip (s)? If so, are you saying the quality has gone down? I'm coming for a month and I'm wondering if I should spend half that time in Medellin. From what I've seen on youtube, sf is not what it used to be. That could also be youtube being more vigilent in removing videos. But on the Bogota map, 9 out of 10 listings are places that went out of business years ago and most links don't go anywhere. The Medellin map seems a lot more reliable and some of the reports on that page make it sounds pretty great, although I know it's more expensive. Medellin doesn't have an official zona de tolerencia but el centro looks promising during the day and parque lleras at night, and that's just the street scene. Clubs and casas look promising too. SA looks good for both cities but I know if I rely too heavily on that I'm going to have a lot of frustrating experiences with flaky girls with inflated egos. I also hate fancy restaurants almost as much as girls love them. Last time I offered to pay a girl more to skip the restaurant and she blocked me LOL.

10-09-22, 04:28
We had a great time tonight-- Got out to SF about 7;30 went through the South Stroll walked the North area a bit-- Pretty nice-.
Hit Santa Fe last night as well, got there at about 6 pm.

To be honest, for me the street scene was disappointing.

It was way better on Thursday.

I usually find something nice, but not yesterday.

It got a little better late. At about 11 pm actually. By that time I was spent tho.

The club scene was not bad.

Like you said, saw some hotties in Venus. Hung out there. Loud but fun, lol.

After a few days in Bogota, I packed my bags and headed back to Medellin.

So much better in my opinion.

Especially the street scene.

I'm not an online chica seeker, so no clue about that.
The club scene is better in Bogota (Santa Fe) than Medellin, el Centro clubs, Imo.
Im not into la Isla, Lidos type places, so no clue there either.

Good to be back with my combo of Paisas and Chamas here in Medellin!

Today was yummy, LOL.

10-09-22, 06:03
It was way better on Thursday.

I usually find something nice, but not yesterday.

It got a little better late. At about 11 pm actually. By that time I was spent tho.

The club scene was not bad.

Like you said, saw some hotties in Venus. Hung out there. Loud but fun, lol.
Thanks for the report. This reply isn't specific to your post (post was great) but to just SG's in general. I think you hit the nail on the head with regards to SG's and I'm thinking that for any of us that have done the SG scene in any place would know this but the scene is going to change daily. It's the same for every city I've been to and it seems as though Bogota is not any different as your experience mirrors mine both in my really short time there (literally a couple of hours on 2 different days during late afternoon so hardly the prime time) and in my experience in every other place I've been to in Central America and Europe.

The first time I was there and walked around I could literally find 2-3 girls on each block I would fuck. In fact there are 2 in particular that ticked all my specific boxes that I kick myself for not seeing and I'm really hoping I can hook up with them when I'm there. The very next time I was there and it was different, there were still some girls I could do but not as many as my first visit including the abscence of the 2 I really wanted to be there. I imagine that had I spent longer and gone back there on subsequent days I'the keep repeating that sort of pattern of there sometimes being a lot of girls I like the look of vs another day of not as many or maybe even none. It was the exact same in the 2 clubs I visited too. One was great one day and sucked the next while the other club was the opposite. Sucked the 1st time and was great the 2nd time. Again, I have a feeling that this would also repeat that same cycle.

For you guys that can get down there for longer than 3-4 days and can spend 1,2,3 weeks or even a month. I envy you. I don't know if I could do 1 whole month in one place if it was just for fucking girls because realistically once back in the states I would have that slight feeling of "I wonder if Medellin or cartagena, etc would be better" but I think you're in a great position to ride out those ups and downs in both SG's and BG's. For the Miamiboy post I'm left just confused but it also seems you're more of an SA guy anyways so the bar and street scene anywhere isn't what you're interested in. Sounds like you have the time to play that game but also shows the lack of knowing that this thing runs in cycles. For the poster below that's wondering about if Bogota is worth it for the whole month then if it were me I would say head to another city for a week or two if the budget allows. You'll be able to reasonably compare both places knowing that if you're in a club or checking out sg's one day may not have any correlation yo what you're going to find over the next 3-5 days there. Something also tells me that you recognize both the pros and cons of the SA scene as well so as to know if that's a rabbit hole you want to go down in whatever city you choose.

I guess in the end, everyone has their own version of what they like in a girl. Personally, I know I'm going to do just fine with the quality of girls next time I'm down there.

10-09-22, 17:19
None? Not 1 girl? That boggles my mind. I can walk through a Midwestern Walmart at 11 pm and almost always see a girl who I would fuck for $20. That's from a pool of 10-15 girls in the temple of fat women in spandex (and I don't do fat).

My last visit to Santa Fe I was already fucked out from 10 days in Medellin and was extremely tired, and still, in less than an hour, without entering any clubs, saw at least 20 who I'd been thrilled to get, even if the price was 150 k. If not for the chance to catch up with a friend, I wouldn't have even gone.

There were some fat ones. There were some older ones. Of course. People don't stop needing to eat just because they age or put on weight. If you need to eat, need to feed a family, you work, doing what you can.

There were plenty of women wearing cheap, not especially fashionable attire. If you're selling pussy on the streets in Bogota, you probably can't afford original designs from Donna Karan, and the power suit won't attract many customers. Instead, you spend 5 k on something that shows off what you're selling. Sure it makes the girls look like prostitutes working in a red light district, but isn't that the point?

Tattoos were in abundance, because it's no longer 1983. I'm not a fan of tattoos, but appreciate the artistry of some. Things change. For the people upset about tattooed women are you still complaining that you can't get 8 track tapes anymore?

Now to the burning question. If you wouldn't do any of the women, wouldn't even get close enough to talk to them, how do you know that every single one of, of the 100's you had to have seen, were very high mileage and only provided very basic, all covered service?

This is important, because that's a fucking incredible talent. Think about it. You could sit down at a poker table and before the cards are shuffled know what everyone will have and how they'll bet. Then there's the sports betting. That's $1 million every weekend betting on the games when you already know exactly how every game will turn out.

There's probably a name for that syndrome, the unreasonable need to trash everything because you don't like 1 thing. I see it everywhere. It's rampant in online reviews. Someone orders a steak well done (which already shows poor judgement) and when it comes out medium, instead of politely explaining that the meat isn't sufficiently ruined, they write a review criticizing everything from the owner's haircut to the asphalt in the parking lot.

Personally, I find things like that useful. If someone can't find 1 good thing about a place, if they feel the need to make declarations about things which they can't possibly know, then I know their opinions are not based on reality.

I need to make a trip to Bogota this fall and was just going to stay long enough to do what I need to do. However, you've convinced me to take an extra day or 2 to hang out in Santa Fe.The fact that my opinion is different from yours doesn't mean it is not based on reality. I speak from my own experience. I had sessioned in SF before, and never had a mind blowing experience. Mediocre at best, which is expected from a high mileage girl. Speaking of high mileage, last time I was there I actually saw a girl that maybe I would do, but she was always busy even to talk to me. We just got exchanged Hello,'s and off she went with another customer. She did 3 guys, back to back, while I was there drinking my beers. When she finally became available, I passed on her, I didn't want to be her 4th (at the very least) customer that night. These girls are sex machines, they do one guy after another, do your own math. Some of them fuck more times than most of the mongers here fuck in entire lifetime. No wonder the service is mechanical and all covered. Totally expected. You don't walk in a McDonald's asking for a NY steak, right? Sf is kind of a fast food, so to speak. Cheap, quick, efficient. I understand the appeal of it to a monger from the US. Someone in his 50's-70's, maybe divorced, retired, on a budget, with literally no sex life back home. Fucking a 18-20 yo for 20 bucks is impossible back home. But here it is cheap, legal, and nobody will ever find out, in case you care about privacy. I'm not trashing the place, I actually said that it might be a good place to hang out with a buddy, have a few beers and watch the show. But I would rather prefer a nice NY steak at a sit down restaurant rather than a burger and fries at McDonald's, and still stay within my budget. I’m not some weekend warrior, I know the going rates at different venues and never throw crazy money at girls. What I am trying to say, is that one can venture outside of SF, and have a much more pleasant GFE experience for a reasonable price.

10-09-22, 21:19
Thanks for the report. This reply isn't specific to your post (post was great) but to just SG's in general. I think you hit the nail on the head with regards to SG's and I'm thinking that for any of us that have done the SG scene in any place would know this but the scene is going to change daily. It's the same for every city I've been to and it seems as though Bogota is not any different as your experience mirrors mine both in my really short time there (literally a couple of hours on 2 different days during late afternoon so hardly the prime time) and in my experience in every other place I've been to in Central America and Europe.

The first time I was there and walked around I could literally find 2-3 girls on each block I would fuck. In fact there are 2 in particular that ticked all my specific boxes that I kick myself for not seeing and I'm really hoping I can hook up with them when I'm there. The very next time I was there and it was different, there were still some girls I could do but not as many as my first visit including the abscence of the 2 I really wanted to be there. I imagine that had I spent longer and gone back there on subsequent days I'the keep repeating that sort of pattern of there sometimes being a lot of girls I like the look of vs another day of not as many or maybe even none. It was the exact same in the 2 clubs I visited too. One was great one day and sucked the next while the other club was the opposite. Sucked the 1st time and was great the 2nd time. Again, I have a feeling that this would also repeat that same cycle.

For you guys that can get down there for longer than 3-4 days and can spend 1,2,3 weeks or even a month. I envy you. I don't know if I could do 1 whole month in one place if it was just for fucking girls because realistically once back in the states I would have that slight feeling of "I wonder if Medellin or cartagena, etc would be better" but I think you're in a great position to ride out those ups and downs in both SG's and BG's. For the Miamiboy post I'm left just confused but it also seems you're more of an SA guy anyways so the bar and street scene anywhere isn't what you're interested in. Sounds like you have the time to play that game but also shows the lack of knowing that this thing runs in cycles. For the poster below that's wondering about if Bogota is worth it for the whole month then if it were me I would say head to another city for a week or two if the budget allows. You'll be able to reasonably compare both places knowing that if you're in a club or checking out sg's one day may not have any correlation yo what you're going to find over the next 3-5 days there. Something also tells me that you recognize both the pros and cons of the SA scene as well so as to know if that's a rabbit hole you want to go down in whatever city you choose.

I guess in the end, everyone has their own version of what they like in a girl. Personally, I know I'm going to do just fine with the quality of girls next time I'm down there.You're exactly right that it varies from day to day. Actually, it varies by the hour. Not just in Santa Fe, but just about everywhere. One pass through you'll see nothing, next pass you might see a bunch who make the cut.

My suggestion, if you take the stroll and see nothing, grab a bite, step into a club, or buy a bottle of water and go again. It might take 3 or 4 times, but you'll find some good girls.

10-09-22, 21:45
The fact that my opinion is different from yours doesn't mean it is not based on reality. I speak from my own experience. I had sessioned in SF before, and never had a mind blowing experience. Mediocre at best, which is expected from a high mileage girl. Speaking of high mileage, last time I was there I actually saw a girl that maybe I would do, but she was always busy even to talk to me. We just got exchanged Hello,'s and off she went with another customer. She did 3 guys, back to back, while I was there drinking my beers. When she finally became available, I passed on her, I didn't want to be her 4th (at the very least) customer that night. These girls are sex machines, they do one guy after another, do your own math. Some of them fuck more times than most of the mongers here fuck in entire lifetime. No wonder the service is mechanical and all covered. Totally expected. You don't walk in a McDonald's asking for a NY steak, right? Sf is kind of a fast food, so to speak. Cheap, quick, efficient. I understand the appeal of it to a monger from the US. Someone in his 50's-70's, maybe divorced, retired, on a budget, with literally no sex life back home. Fucking a 18-20 yo for 20 bucks is impossible back home. But here it is cheap, legal, and nobody will ever find out, in case you care about privacy. I'm not trashing the place, I actually said that it might be a good place to hang out with a buddy, have a few beers and watch the show. But I would rather prefer a nice NY steak at a sit down restaurant rather than a burger and fries at McDonald's, and still stay within my budget. Im not some weekend warrior, I know the going rates at different venues and never throw crazy money at girls. What I am trying to say, is that one can venture outside of SF, and have a much more pleasant GFE experience for a reasonable price.Everything is subjective. In my experience, you can get 10+ experience from a 30 year old, high volume pussy and 2 of 10 from a SA 20 sh beautiful girl. Everything depends on " the right time " her mood / your mood / her hormonal profile / her and your expectations / your skills to fuck her mind to get her involved / etc. At the same time, I don't want to say that 30 year old pussy is better than 20 year old One.

10-09-22, 22:03
So if you didn't session but you're commenting on the low quality of service, I'm guessing you've sessioned in previous a trip (s)? If so, are you saying the quality has gone down? I'm coming for a month and I'm wondering if I should spend half that time in Medellin. From what I've seen on youtube, sf is not what it used to be. That could also be youtube being more vigilent in removing videos. But on the Bogota map, 9 out of 10 listings are places that went out of business years ago and most links don't go anywhere. The Medellin map seems a lot more reliable and some of the reports on that page make it sounds pretty great, although I know it's more expensive. Medellin doesn't have an official zona de tolerencia but el centro looks promising during the day and parque lleras at night, and that's just the street scene. Clubs and casas look promising too. SA looks good for both cities but I know if I rely too heavily on that I'm going to have a lot of frustrating experiences with flaky girls with inflated egos. I also hate fancy restaurants almost as much as girls love them. Last time I offered to pay a girl more to skip the restaurant and she blocked me LOL.You are tiring to bargain with your luck. You should look for an insurance for pussy services. You try to make conclusions looking on the map. LOL.

10-09-22, 22:50
I'm not trashing the place, I actually said that it might be a good place to hang out with a buddy, have a few beers and watch the show. But I would rather prefer a nice NY steak at a sit down restaurant rather than a burger and fries at McDonald's, and still stay within my budget. I'm not some weekend warrior, I know the going rates at different venues and never throw crazy money at girls. What I am trying to say, is that one can venture outside of SF, and have a much more pleasant GFE experience for a reasonable price.I don't think those shots were completely aimed at you. I think your criticisms were objective and relevant. I don't agree however with the comparison to mcdonalds vs a steakhouse just because every girl is essentially a free agent with her own menu, and the area she is working in may be somewhat indicative of the quality, but you can't act like it's a rule. There are shit restaurants in nice neighborhoods just like you can find great food in slums. There's also a bunch of different factors to consider: Your appearance and hygiene, did you put her off by haggling too much? Do you speak any spanish and if so does your shitty accent offend her? (some people's American accent when they speak spanish is offensive even to me and my spanish is pretty shit. You might be better off just not trying to speak spanish if you're going to say shit like "gratzeeus") Are you being too aggressive or does she feel at ease? One girl denied me a BBJ at the door but then we went inside and I guess she liked me more without my clothes because she started to do what she said she wouldn't. I attribute it to good lawn maintenance. All I'm saying is there's more to it than big mac vs steak.

10-10-22, 03:05
Everything is subjective. In my experience, you can get 10+ experience from a 30 year old, high volume pussy and 2 of 10 from a SA 20 sh beautiful girl. Everything depends on " the right time " her mood / your mood / her hormonal profile / her and your expectations / your skills to fuck her mind to get her involved / etc. At the same time, I don't want to say that 30 year old pussy is better than 20 year old One.+1 on this one.

I've seen a girl who gave incredible 5 star GFE to 3 different guys and the 4th guy reported that she was terrible. I've had girls who blew my mind 2 or 3 times then gave bored, mechanical service.

Sex for hire isn't like cooking a steak, which isn't difficult. If you know how to pick a good piece of meat, you're almost there. Just recently my girlfriend flew in from Medellin and stayed with me for 7 weeks. On the day she arrived, I put in the effort to make it special and the sex was fantastic. Other nights I just phoned it in and the sex was just average.

10-10-22, 06:02
The fact that my opinion is different from yours doesn't mean it is not based on reality. I speak from my own experience. I had sessioned in SF before, and never had a mind blowing experience. Mediocre at best, which is expected from a high mileage girl. Speaking of high mileage, last time I was there I actually saw a girl that maybe I would do, but she was always busy even to talk to me. We just got exchanged Hello,'s and off she went with another customer. She did 3 guys, back to back, while I was there drinking my beers. When she finally became available, I passed on her, I didn't want to be her 4th (at the very least) customer that night. These girls are sex machines, they do one guy after another, do your own math. Some of them fuck more times than most of the mongers here fuck in entire lifetime. No wonder the service is mechanical and all covered. Totally expected. You don't walk in a McDonald's asking for a NY steak, right? Sf is kind of a fast food, so to speak. Cheap, quick, efficient. I understand the appeal of it to a monger from the US. Someone in his 50's-70's, maybe divorced, retired, on a budget, with literally no sex life back home. Fucking a 18-20 yo for 20 bucks is impossible back home. But here it is cheap, legal, and nobody will ever find out, in case you care about privacy. I'm not trashing the place, I actually said that it might be a good place to hang out with a buddy, have a few beers and watch the show. But I would rather prefer a nice NY steak at a sit down restaurant rather than a burger and fries at McDonald's, and still stay within my budget. Im not some weekend warrior, I know the going rates at different venues and never throw crazy money at girls. What I am trying to say, is that one can venture outside of SF, and have a much more pleasant GFE experience for a reasonable price.Damn son you sound mad af? Maybe we should exchange usernames LOL. You said you're not trying to trash Bogota yet you are. Also your fast food vs steak analogy isn't realistic, because you could be within your budget but you'll still pay more for the steak vs a cheeseburger. So there is literally zero point to mention this, yes I know my burger costs 1 dollar, maybe I don't want to spend 20 buck on steak so I can save 19 bucks. Just cause you could afford it doesn't mean we spent the same amt, yet your comment is trying to justify the 20 bucks and to make it sound as if we'll end at the same spot. No we won't cause I'll have more money left LOL, so pointless comment again.

Maybe you're young, I am too, and I can promise you many older gents have a whole lot more money than you and I combined, and yet they're the ones who roll on a budget. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. I've mongered in 15+ countries, and the guys with money that I personally know are the ones who bargain the most, save more, invest more wisely in other words, and not just in pussy.

Another thing to finally get to the point, Bogota isn't cheaper than Medellin son, I repeat, Bogota is Not cheaper. SF street girls are comparable to street girls in El centro Mde, SF clubs are also comparable to clubs in El Centro Mde. In fact clubs on the North end of Bogota are by far more superior and more expensive than those few ones in Mde, in fact no comparison in quality and in quantity. Bogota is a HUGE city, and we're only talking about a few street blocks, there are 10 x more casas, 10 x+ more clubs, meaning 10 x more photoprepagos, all categories. So this entire analysis of high mileage pussy blah blah is pure BS and if anything you sound super inexperienced LOL. These putas also rotate from cities to cities, met two chicas in Medellin that used to work in Fiebre, they recognized me. Met in a centro club and that same night saw them again in Llerra. The entire country's the same shit when it comes to putas hombre, they just rotate.

10-10-22, 07:03
You are tiring to bargain with your luck. You should look for an insurance for pussy services. You try to make conclusions looking on the map. LOL.Obviously having an accurate and up to date map would be helpful. I want to have options and don't want to waste my time exploring dead ends while looking for those options. Look how much more active the Medellin page is than this one despite the city having a way smaller population. It's not just the weather. People only want to talk about sf here and half of that is negative. I'm not even saying that Medellin is a better city for this hobby because I know it's not, it's just more streamlined. People talk about the mezzanine like it's the only casa. There are definitely dozens of other places like that. Bogota has potential but not if we're going to act like leaving sf is a laughable concept. I don't even know what else to say to that.

10-10-22, 15:22
So if you didn't session but you're commenting on the low quality of service, I'm guessing you've sessioned in previous a trip (s)? If so, are you saying the quality has gone down? I'm coming for a month and I'm wondering if I should spend half that time in Medellin. From what I've seen on youtube, sf is not what it used to be. That could also be youtube being more vigilent in removing videos. But on the Bogota map, 9 out of 10 listings are places that went out of business years ago and most links don't go anywhere. The Medellin map seems a lot more reliable and some of the reports on that page make it sounds pretty great, although I know it's more expensive. Medellin doesn't have an official zona de tolerencia but el centro looks promising during the day and parque lleras at night, and that's just the street scene. Clubs and casas look promising too. SA looks good for both cities but I know if I rely too heavily on that I'm going to have a lot of frustrating experiences with flaky girls with inflated egos. I also hate fancy restaurants almost as much as girls love them. Last time I offered to pay a girl more to skip the restaurant and she blocked me LOL.Medellin does have a zona de tolerencia, just for your information. I don't know the exact boundaries but the centro area behind the museum, carrera 53 is part of it.

10-11-22, 02:03
2 things bothered me when reading this.

1. It would add value. Even if you don't share your contacts (which is in itself kind of selfish if you ask me). Hearing about you experiences would help younger mongers like myself understand if this is an avenue I would like to try. It would give me a blue print on how to get good GFE in Colombia. The details of the encounter can help me learn what a good deal is vs a scam. The details can help me figure out if the benefits of this path is worth the extra. To a guy like me both options sound awesome. Going up to a 7-8 on the street and sticking something in her for like 10 usd in under 30 minutes of meeting. Like I tip people that here for bringing me drinks at a restaurant. Option be take home a 9 or 10 by your personal standards and get a GFE so good it make you not want to share your prostitutes info. This option is like 65 usd or 300 k cop. I can't even get a decent covered BJ for that in the US. Either way sounds exciting and fun. I'm not sure if not posting report is a a lazy cop out or you really think they don't add value. I'm here to tell you sir I'm here wanting to know as many details as you will allow. Everything from how you select them to how you get them to meet up. Everything from your most successful strategies to you big mistakes. I could learn from all of it. So when I make my way there next month I will be able to tell more stories here about how I did things right vs telling a bunch of stories about how I wasted my times with the wrong chicas.

2. My man JjBee62 has already helped me out like 5 times this past week. 3 Directly and a few more from me running across his reports. If you asking for his reports you must not be looking very hard. It seems in Colombia there only like 3 or 4 people more active than him recently. He the OG in my opinion. Some of them weren't trip reports but there was defintely information he shared he most likely got mongering in Colombia. It's either that or he is living vicariously through the board reading this front to back like a book.

Last but not least MaddTraveler did a less than good job articulating his point countering you. I'm not taking sides in the GFE vs SF debate but I love a good debate. It turned from an argument to a loosely related rant on his part. So thanks for keeping your argument concise enough so I can enjoy your debate with the others.Now that was excellent, especially your first point. It's much better to learn from someone else's mistakes (or successes) than to have make your own mistakes.

I'm a truck driver. Nothing special, but it pays me very well and it's something I enjoy. Many years ago another driver passed on some wisdom. Trucks don't roll over because they run off the road or into the median. They roll over when the driver tries to jerk the truck back on the road. Years later someone ran me off into the median (because the other option would have killed them and probably me). Immediately, I remembered to just steer down the middle and stop. No damage, no injuries.

Your second point, I'm glad if I helped you. That's why I'm still here. I learned both ways. Not only did I read everything, I also lived in Medellin for a year. However, there are guys here who make me look like a newbie. Some of the guys look like Fred Astaire (look it up youngster) dancing through Santa Fe. They're all the specialists, I'm more of a generalist.

I go through spurts (which is how I came in my younger days). I just came off of a period when I posted little and now I'm making up for it and annoying everyone in the process.

Good luck on your upcoming trip.

10-11-22, 03:48
Agreed. Santa Fe is it for everyone but I always like to compare it to Tijuana.Never visited Tijuana, but remaining in Colombia I would compare it to Botero plaza in Medellin.

Often I prefer a GFE (MiamiBoy I'm with you), but it requires more work to find it, not just more money, and sometime I'm a bit lazy or unprepared.

10-11-22, 08:13
Could you please share your opinion. I don't use SA and etc. But I wonder how much time does it take to get a girl from SA. Bogota? + I wonder, how many times a girl does not match your expectations? For example; fake or outdated pics or bad service. Thanks.I had 3 dates on SA when I went. First 2 looked hotter in their photos but were still hot. First girl had a slightly less pretty face than her photos. I had better chemistry with her because she spoke english. I think I paid only 300,000 for all night but I took her to a nice dinner and she got some fancy drinks, the bill was higher than I expected because of them but I don't remember exactly. When we were talking online she had mentioned I need to wear a condom but she seemed to forget about that after a couple drinks. Lots of passionate kissing and she was really loud.

The second girl I think was like 300,000 or maybe 400,000 and she left shorty after the deed. She made me wear a condom, I can't remember the details about if there was a BJ and if that was covered. It was during the day so dinner didn't include drinks and it wasn't really a nice place, so it was cheap. She was super gorgeous but in the photos she was a 10 and she had put on a little bit of weight since then. She did have maybe the nicest natural tits I'd ever seen and again there was lots of kissing.

The third girl was just as hot as her photos, maybe hotter. We had agreed on 300,000 but it never went down. I don't think it was because she didn't like me though, I think it was just poor communication and bad time management. Or maybe because I admitted to having met other girls on SA. Don't do that. Anyway I didn't pay her, I just bought her a cheap lunch and we kissed a bunch and made plans to meet again but our schedules didn't line up.

As for time, I had messaged them before my trip. It would probably be difficult to get a date the same day you meet them on SA, but not impossible. The thing I like about SA is I'm not as reluctant to do risky stuff with them because they are low mileage, and they are more likely to offer it to you, maybe because they don't see themselves as working girls, so they don't see you as a John. It's been said on here a million times, but the girls are very flaky. Don't let it get to you. But also be confident. When you plan the meetup, have an exact place and time, leave nothing open. And be confident. Message her a couple hours before but don't even mention the date, just ask how she's doing or something. If you start the conversation by asking if the date is still on, I feel like she's more likely to flake. I don't pretent to understand these women I'm just offering my experience.

10-11-22, 13:05
2 things bothered me when reading this.

1. It would add value. Even if you don't share your contacts (which is in itself kind of selfish if you ask me). Hearing about you experiences would help younger mongers like myself understand if this is an avenue I would like to try. It would give me a blue print on how to get good GFE in Colombia. The details of the encounter can help me learn what a good deal is vs a scam. The details can help me figure out if the benefits of this path is worth the extra. To a guy like me both options sound awesome. Going up to a 7-8 on the street and sticking something in her for like 10 usd in under 30 minutes of meeting. Like I tip people that here for bringing me drinks at a restaurant. Option be take home a 9 or 10 by your personal standards and get a GFE so good it make you not want to share your prostitutes info. This option is like 65 usd or 300 k cop. I can't even get a decent covered BJ for that in the US. Either way sounds exciting and fun. I'm not sure if not posting report is a a lazy cop out or you really think they don't add value. I'm here to tell you sir I'm here wanting to know as many details as you will allow. Everything from how you select them to how you get them to meet up. Everything from your most successful strategies to you big mistakes. I could learn from all of it. So when I make my way there next month I will be able to tell more stories here about how I did things right vs telling a bunch of stories about how I wasted my times with the wrong chicas.

2. My man JjBee62 has already helped me out like 5 times this past week. 3 Directly and a few more from me running across his reports. If you asking for his reports you must not be looking very hard. It seems in Colombia there only like 3 or 4 people more active than him recently. He the OG in my opinion. Some of them weren't trip reports but there was defintely information he shared he most likely got mongering in Colombia. It's either that or he is living vicariously through the board reading this front to back like a book.

Last but not least MaddTraveler did a less than good job articulating his point countering you. I'm not taking sides in the GFE vs SF debate but I love a good debate. It turned from an argument to a loosely related rant on his part. So thanks for keeping your argument concise enough so I can enjoy your debate with the others.You need to start your mongering by planning first:

1) what time do you want or can afford to spend in Colombia.

2) How many girls yo want to see a day / week. And how much time you want to spend looking for a girl. Even on photoprepagos it takes hours of scrolling and chatting. Than a girl could come few hours later than expected or don't come at all. Or pics are fake or outdated, or bad attitude, etc.

3) decide what you need, a fuck or being daddy, or a date, or girl companion.

10-11-22, 17:35
You need to start your mongering by planning first:

1) what time do you want or can afford to spend in Colombia.

2) How many girls yo want to see a day / week. And how much time you want to spend looking for a girl. Even on photoprepagos it takes hours of scrolling and chatting. Than a girl could come few hours later than expected or don't come at all. Or pics are fake or outdated, or bad attitude, etc.

3) decide what you need, a fuck or being daddy, or a date, or girl companion.This is a good start. For a first international mongering trip I would make some changes.

1. Agreed, need to figure out what you can afford. My suggestion is to budget $200 per day plus airfare. Subsequent trips you won't need nearly as much, but it's better to have plenty so you aren't missing out on your last few days.

2. Change that to how many girls can you reasonably fuck per day over the length of your stay? It's the candy store principle. Give a kid a bunch of money and let him loose in a candy store and he'll buy more than he could possibly eat.

3. Another slight change. Decide how to adapt your home mongering method to Colombia. If you are comfortable with in-call escorts, there are casas or online ads on mileroticos and other sites. For Outcall, same online ads, escort services and Tinder are options. Massage Parlors and Strip Clubs Are the same, as well as street girls. Whatever is closest to your preferred method should be where you start. From there you can try other things and decide what works best for you.

Some guys I know in Medellin go to a casa, or get a street girl in the morning or afternoon, then go to a strip club, or call a girl over at night. That way they get a quick and easy one out of the way and can finish with something different at night.

4. Consider what else you want to do. There are several tourist attractions in and around Bogota and Medellin. If you find yourself with extra time, it's good to have a plan. One thing I did on my first visit was ride the Transmilenio. Midday when it wasn't very busy, I rode the entire system, switching buses and getting a pretty quick tour of the entire city, all for pocket change.

5. Figure out how you're going to feed yourself. If necessary you can do just American franchises. McDonald's, Burger King, Subway, Domino's, Papa John's and KFC are all in Colombia. There also Colombian equivalents. I like Qbano for sandwiches, Frisby for chicken and El Corral for burgers. Italian restaurants are also pretty common. For coffee try Juan Valdez. Crepes and Waffles is something I recommend.

I suggest all those food options because many guys don't like Colombian food. Usually, except for 1 visit to Crepes and Waffles, I stick with Colombian food. Many restaurants serve a menu of the day. It's your choice of meat, potatoes and or rice, possibly yuca, a small salad, fried plantain and a drink. Costs around 15 k.

There's more, but I'm out of time for now.

10-12-22, 04:06
For sure. Its definitely harder to find GFE in SF. But I have gotten lucky. Some fresh Vennie striaght of the bus from Maicao or a colombiana from Neiva looking to pay for her estudios. You win some you loose some. Its cyclical for sure.

Never visited Tijuana, but remaining in Colombia I would compare it to Botero plaza in Medellin.

Often I prefer a GFE (MiamiBoy I'm with you), but it requires more work to find it, not just more money, and sometime I'm a bit lazy or unprepared.

10-12-22, 22:57
Never visited Tijuana, but remaining in Colombia I would compare it to Botero plaza in Medellin.

Often I prefer a GFE (MiamiBoy I'm with you), but it requires more work to find it, not just more money, and sometime I'm a bit lazy or unprepared.I used to Live in Chula Vista Back in the 90's when Tijuana was a lot different-- before the Hong Kong club was all the way through the block and Adelitas was the best club.

You could session for $30-$40 and the street girls back then were like a basic 3-4 for $5.

I always liked women in Colombia way better-- Mucho Mas Suave.

Mexico is so much more predatory then Colombia. And you want to talk about used up women-- They get boned by the whole USA every weekend and charge way more.

I was there like 2010 and it was ok-- Not sure how it is now-- But Santa Fe has always been way better.

I know I do tours and have an interest in promoting SF. Don't take my word for it--the Vast Majority of guys I have toured SF with have had great experiences as written here in recent reports.

I started flying out of Tijuana to Havana, that was fun. I would do that rather than go to Tijuana.

Good luck to all with your GFE dreams!!

10-13-22, 12:44
Hi guys,

I would like to know if you prefer hotels or Airbnb's in Bogota? I heard about hotels, that are not guest friendly. So we are speaking about huge problems. Otherwise I can imagine, that Hotels are much safer, especially when they check the ID-card etc. I don't want to wake up without passport, credit card. So I guess, I would only take an Airbnb with a safe. Do you have any recommendations for hotels that are near La Candelaria oder Chapinero? Thanks a lot, Alex.

10-13-22, 23:07
Hi guys,

I would like to know if you prefer hotels or Airbnb's in Bogota? I heard about hotels, that are not guest friendly. So we are speaking about huge problems. Otherwise I can imagine, that Hotels are much safer, especially when they check the ID-card etc. I don't want to wake up without passport, credit card. So I guess, I would only take an Airbnb with a safe. Do you have any recommendations for hotels that are near La Candelaria oder Chapinero? Thanks a lot, Alex.I know many guys who have stayed in Airbnb no safe without problem-- The Ibis Museo is a favorite if you want to be near Santa Fe, the other is San Francisco -- Many Airbnb in this area too-.

Many cheaper hotels in the area too.

Hotel Grace in Chapinero-- But check about guests.


And https://jalo.com.co/en/72hub-apartments/.

Good luck.

Viajando Musico
10-13-22, 23:12
Hi guys,

I would like to know if you prefer hotels or Airbnb's in Bogota? I heard about hotels, that are not guest friendly. So we are speaking about huge problems. Otherwise I can imagine, that Hotels are much safer, especially when they check the ID-card etc. I don't want to wake up without passport, credit card. So I guess, I would only take an Airbnb with a safe. Do you have any recommendations for hotels that are near La Candelaria oder Chapinero? Thanks a lot, Alex.This has been discussed several times here. Here is my take, most of the airbnb are condos in a building, especially better buildings, and they all have security and doorman in the lobby. In most cases, you will have to register your guest in the front desk. So if you are thinking of avoiding the walk of shame through the lobby, not much compare with hotel. The other thing to consider is the weather. Most of the airbnb doesn't have heating unless the owner provide portable heating unit. It can be freezing at night in Bogota. Hotel rooms in that sense are warmer at night with heating or nor. Hotels in Bogota are very inexpensive, I don't book airbnb anymore when I go there.

10-14-22, 01:27
Hi guys,

I would like to know if you prefer hotels or Airbnb's in Bogota? I heard about hotels, that are not guest friendly. So we are speaking about huge problems. Otherwise I can imagine, that Hotels are much safer, especially when they check the ID-card etc. I don't want to wake up without passport, credit card. So I guess, I would only take an Airbnb with a safe. Do you have any recommendations for hotels that are near La Candelaria oder Chapinero? Thanks a lot, Alex.There is so much info if you search on the fourm. Like a lot of info. There is also a hotels fourm for Bogota.

However, I've had good luck with Airbnb's and I just message the host to see if guests are a problem. With girls I have just met I meet for a drink at a BBC and then walk to a love motel. Then if / when there is trust, I'll bring her to airbnb.

You can and should also message the hotel for their policy.

10-15-22, 13:49

Could anyone say something fresh on Bogota and Medelline Real Estate? Price, area to buy, Bogota via Medelline, agents, etc?


10-15-22, 17:38

Could anyone say something fresh on Bogota and Medelline Real Estate? Price, area to buy, Bogota via Medelline, agents, etc?

Thanks.What are you wanting to buy? What will be its purpose? Are you looking for long-term investment property, or something to flip? Are you looking for a full time home, or a rental. Are you looking to buy a business?

It's hard for anyone to provide meaningful answers without knowing where you're headed with this.

Agents I would recommend you check out yourself, in person.

10-15-22, 20:11

Could anyone say something fresh on Bogota and Medellin Real Estate? Price, area to buy, Bogota via Medellin, agents, etc?

Thanks.Lotta expat owners / info on FB groups -- you should check there.

10-15-22, 21:42
I know many guys who have stayed in Airbnb no safe without problem-- The Ibis Museo is a favorite if you want to be near Santa Fe, the other is San Francisco -- Many Airbnb in this area too-.

Many cheaper hotels in the area too.

Hotel Grace in Chapinero-- But check about guests.


And https://jalo.com.co/en/72hub-apartments/.

Good luck.Thank you for advice, the Ibis Museo looks good for me, if you can recommend them for their guest-policy.

10-16-22, 00:10

Could anyone say something fresh on Bogota and Medelline Real Estate? Price, area to buy, Bogota via Medelline, agents, etc?

Thanks.Fresh: Investor RE visas to be eliminated.


The country is going into recession.

Everything else remains the same: you will get your dollar into COP. As Cramer says 'Don't buy! Don't buy!

Tom Dick 69
10-16-22, 01:27
The trip was done in May'19, though the report is late (COVID lockdowns, recently changed my username from my real name), I hope it could be useful to someone.

I am an Asian (brown skin), don't know spanish.

I travelled from USA to Bogota for a 3 day trip. My trip purpose was just to get the feel of Colombia to plan for future. I reached BOG on Friday morning, and took return flight to USA on Sunday late night.

I read ISG forums, but Routard's 'Bogota guide' post itself was good enough. He published guide with updated info every 6 months or so. I stayed in Viaggio Vierry as he suggested in the guide.

Immigration: The form was completely in Spanish, nothing in English. Using spanish translator app, somehow filled the form. There were very few in the foreigners immiagration queue. The visa officer didn't speak english, so she went inside then brought me inside. Another visa officer who spoke english talked with me. Even with all the necessary documents for entry (Passport, visa, return ticket, stay) and visit purpose is tourism, he asked me where I work. Then he approved entry, for 90 days stay.

ATM at airport: I think there were 1 or 2 ATMs at the lower level arrivals, but I found 3 or 4 ATMs in the upper level departures are better. Most allowed 300 k withdrawal, maybe atleast one allowed 900 k. Anyway, you can withdraw multiple times. Atleast 1 ATM allowed fee free withdrawal.

Airport to hotel: You could buy transmileno (Bogota bus system) card just outside airport itself, and add money to it. Or take a taxi, which is regulated. Still the driver charged me like 43 k pesos though meter showed 38 k pesos, saying 5 k was for airport pickup. It was only 5 k (2), so didn't argue.

I could cover most of the places just by walk or with the help of bus. I felt safe, even at night in Centro and Zona Norte area. Have some common safety precaution, like don't flash money or phone in the street. Santa Fe downtown street walkers zone was safe during day time.

Friday and Saturday: I did most of stuff in day time and evenings. All sessions are deemed finished after 1st shot, and most girls, especially at Santa Fe street girls, try their best to get 1st shot ASAP. They are experts on this.

Sunday: I was already exhausted on Friday and Saturday deeds, and most of the recommended places were closed on Sunday. So, I woke up late, checkout my hotel, went to the mezzanine for massage. I had 1 hour massage for 100 k.

10-18-22, 17:44

Could anyone say something fresh on Bogota and Medelline Real Estate? Price, area to buy, Bogota via Medelline, agents, etc?

Thanks.As others have noted, I'd look at FB. I've had some luck in Medellin, but it's because I bought my properties 6 to 7 years ago, did airbnb, and was able to sell in the past couple years. What you need to keep in mind is that 95% of real estate is still driven by Colombians and there is a large amount of currency risk.

10-19-22, 21:26
Some Pendejo, traveling to Bogota has way over paid this girl in Bogota. She's super hot, and doesn't know the word NO! I have known her for 4 or more years, She has always been happy with 200,000 but today she informed me that she now wants 250+ usd because some asshole was giving her that amount so now she wants that much all the time. I know it was someone on this board or more than one because you posted her photo on here. I have a fiance who is moving to the USA in January, so I don't believe I'll be traveling here as much as I use to, so no skin off my nose but I did want to hit one of my old favorites this week but I WON"T PAY USA prices for a Colombiana. I've hate to monger anywhere other Americans or Euros or Asians have been because they always fuck up the apple cart. Why save your breath, anyone can pay what they want,. Bla bla bla I got it, I heard it all before but it doesn't take long to ruin the whole deal. I don't go to SF because it's cheap, I don't go because it's not my thing. But there are a lot of SF guys on this board and I wonder if some ass was going to SF and started giving those girls $200 a rattle, how long before that whole deal would collapse. I still have some very hot, professional women I can contact next week when I'm in town for a last hurray so I'll survive but to the newbees, don't overpay or eventually you will ruin the deal for yourselves.

I have see it happen in Brazil when the xchange rate was good, lots of inexperienced guys flocking to Brazil and over paying in Help, they fucked that up and forget CR they fucked that up years ago.

Time to go to Paraguay or Uruguay or Bolivia where the gringos seldom roam.

10-19-22, 23:11
Some Pendejo, traveling to Bogota has way over paid this girl in Bogota. She's super hot, and doesn't know the word NO! I have known her for 4 or more years, She has always been happy with 200,000 but today she informed me that she now wants 250+ usd.Damn! I take it this isn't a sg or bg and an escort type girl? Who goes to Bogota and pays $250? Wonder if she's trying to send a message or if she wants out of the field?? Personally if a girl told me $250 for anything, unless I'm filming porn and banging her in the ass as well as COF and a multitude of other things I'the walk away and move onto the next one. No girl is worth that much when there's loads more out there.

Sorry to hear bro. Good luck in the new relationship.

10-20-22, 01:43
Damn! I take it this isn't a sg or bg and an escort type girl? Who goes to Bogota and pays $250? Wonder if she's trying to send a message or if she wants out of the field?? Personally if a girl told me $250 for anything, unless I'm filming porn and banging her in the ass as well as COF and a multitude of other things I'the walk away and move onto the next one. No girl is worth that much when there's loads more out there.

Sorry to hear bro. Good luck in the new relationship.I would rule out her asking 250 just for me to leave her alone. We have had many conversations over the years and we know each other very well. In fact we never even discussed money or time for that matter ever, in the past. I'm sure she would accept a little less but just the though of her asking me for 250 pissed me off. Her exact words were " when we first met you were my first American I ever met, Now I know different and men need to pay me 250. She went from a non pro to hardened pro. The guys who are the biggest problem are the ones who comes once a year and couldn't get laid in the states with a fist full of Fifties. And get stupid over some hot pussy.

10-20-22, 04:26
I would rule out her asking 250 just for me to leave her alone. We have had many conversations over the years and we know each other very well. In fact we never even discussed money or time for that matter ever, in the past. I'm sure she would accept a little less but just the though of her asking me for 250 pissed me off. Her exact words were " when we first met you were my first American I ever met, Now I know different and men need to pay me 250. She went from a non pro to hardened pro. The guys who are the biggest problem are the ones who comes once a year and couldn't get laid in the states with a fist full of Fifties. And get stupid over some hot pussy.I'm not trying to start anything, but if she was a non-pro and you started teaching her that she can get 200 k for fucking gringos, then part of the fault falls on you. It's only a matter of time before a girl starts wondering how much she can get on the open market.

With a pro, for example the girls in SF, a couple of gringos overpaying might make them try to get more from gringos, but at the end of the day, if they don't get customers they don't eat.

Non-pros are doing it for fun, for extra money or to snag a long-term deal. Selling the pussy isn't necessary. They can go where the money is, or go for whatever is more important to them.

It sucks when it happens to you, but you write her off and move on to the next.

10-20-22, 04:39
I would rule out her asking 250 just for me to leave her alone. We have had many conversations over the years and we know each other very well. In fact we never even discussed money or time for that matter ever, in the past. I'm sure she would accept a little less but just the though of her asking me for 250 pissed me off. Her exact words were " when we first met you were my first American I ever met, Now I know different and men need to pay me 250. She went from a non pro to hardened pro. The guys who are the biggest problem are the ones who comes once a year and couldn't get laid in the states with a fist full of Fifties. And get stupid over some hot pussy.You are not alone. It took a lot of time to find my attorney girl and I had so called "friends" beg me for her number. Last trip I said Hi to her and she said she had covid. We talked. (she speaks English) a week later she asks me for $ (no meet up, no dinner, no date etc.) so I replied let's wait till you feel better. Then I get a message, "if you can't send me $ I don't want to have sex with you anymore" I looked at her IG account. She was posting photos by the pool (during covid) I think to find a higher dollar player. I decided she wasn't worth the extra effort. Yes she's a 10. Sorry to see her go but this is another reason why too many guys worshiping these girls gives them ideas. I might message her on my next trip and see how all that covid / pool photos / new guys turned out. She's not the only one but was one of the best looking.

10-20-22, 04:50
I would rule out her asking 250 just for me to leave her alone. We have had many conversations over the years and we know each other very well. In fact we never even discussed money or time for that matter ever, in the past. I'm sure she would accept a little less but just the though of her asking me for 250 pissed me off. Her exact words were " when we first met you were my first American I ever met, Now I know different and men need to pay me 250. She went from a non pro to hardened pro. The guys who are the biggest problem are the ones who comes once a year and couldn't get laid in the states with a fist full of Fifties. And get stupid over some hot pussy.I always mention supply and demand in a few of my posts. One thing about Bogota is the larger supply of regular girls. I don't attach myself to any of these girls. I have always stayed out from girls who would quote me in dollars. If it does not suit me, I will simply move on to the next one.

10-20-22, 05:04
I used to Live in Chula Vista Back in the 90's when Tijuana was a lot different-- before the Hong Kong club was all the way through the block and Adelitas was the best club.

You could session for $30-$40 and the street girls back then were like a basic 3-4 for $5.

I always liked women in Colombia way better-- Mucho Mas Suave.

Mexico is so much more predatory then Colombia. And you want to talk about used up women-- They get boned by the whole USA every weekend and charge way more.

I was there like 2010 and it was ok-- Not sure how it is now-- But Santa Fe has always been way better.

I know I do tours and have an interest in promoting SF. Don't take my word for it--the Vast Majority of guys I have toured SF with have had great experiences as written here in recent reports.

I started flying out of Tijuana to Havana, that was fun. I would do that rather than go to Tijuana.

Good luck to all with your GFE dreams!!LOL you helped talk me out of visiting HKTJ. (almost) but it has changed immensely. The best looking girls from all over Mexico are there. But you have to get lucky to grab one before they get attacked by all those gringos. It's also cleaner than Sante Fe. See you soon.

10-20-22, 05:21
I always mention supply and demand in a few of my posts. One thing about Bogota is the larger supply of regular girls. I don't attach myself to any of these girls. I have always stayed out from girls who would quote me in dollars. If it does not suit me, I will simply move on to the next one.I thought we got into this hobby to avoid dealing with the harsh realities of women (not just western ones, they're simply worse), not to get emotional nor deal with their BS in general?

Not talking about your comment, you're doing exactly what most should do, move on. And as you said don't get attached, and prev post said BOG has the largest pop in WG so I'm so confused on why people come here to complaint about tricks acting up LOL. Ok I get it we can vent a bit.

But outside of venting, some fellas come here and you can tell they're literally crying. I know the emotions we read are real, bc few readers misunderstood my recent trip reports and I got 3 rude PMs accusing me of ruining their lives, all for tipping at a club, said I was messing up the game. Like the girls won't accept their budgeted offer no longer.

One of the Vets here recently posted some common sense on this, that a guy would come here to cry about seeing fewer avail girls at a usual spot, whom would even claim there were couple he could do yet come here to cry in tears. And the Vet's comment / reply was what's the point of the complaint when you just need to fuck one? I mean we read similar posts all the time. Ha I went to SF there was only 2 doable girls, I hate SF, that's it, my life is over due to a wg shortage, blah blah, and I'm like well just fuck the 2 doable ones or one you see and be happy. Why TF is the complaint and petty rant necessary? Not like y'all some pornstars who's going to go on a viagra rampage to fuck 5 girls in an orgy daily, while clearly on a budget since strolling the low cost streets LOL.

This is my 2 cents on this, there is way too much pussy in Col and bordering countries to be worrying a wg or worse getting attached to one, 10 or not.

10-20-22, 06:35
Her exact words were " when we first met you were my first American I ever met, Now I know different and men need to pay me 250. She went from a non pro to hardened pro. The guys who are the biggest problem are the ones who comes once a year and couldn't get laid in the states with a fist full of Fifties. And get stupid over some hot pussy.Sure, I half agree. But the other half of the problem is guys who complain when hookers, who pretend who to be girlfrriends, become hookers again. If you choose a girl and she stays w you for money, you are always going to run the risk that she or you will pull the plug for money.