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Rob Hay
09-05-06, 00:50
Currently I'm got some business in BGT but for anyone in town this week is fashion week in Cali and I hear alot of after show parties in Menga

09-05-06, 11:26
I would like to know if someone can make a recommendation here. Lots of ads but don't know which are good?


Rob Hay
09-06-06, 06:35
I met a guy who put out an ad and got over 50 responses not all of the responders were hot even though he put he wanted model types but he got several cute steady hookups from just 25,000. You'd have to think girls responding to these ads are a tad on the desperate type so your not gonna get the best of the best but I did see several of the girls he was hooking up with and there are gems to be had.

09-06-06, 11:07
I was thinking in more if you respond to the ad, what the experience has been with the provider? Although your idea sounds interesting in placing an ad. I am tempted now to place an ad but I have a couple of girl friends in Cali
so I need to be careful.

I met a guy who put out an ad and got over 50 responses not all of the responders were hot even though he put he wanted model types but he got several cute steady hookups from just 25,000. You'd have to think girls responding to these ads are a tad on the desperate type so your not gonna get the best of the best but I did see several of the girls he was hooking up with and there are gems to be had.

Luis The Great
09-08-06, 06:16
Well let me start to say usually when I vist Colombia I visit Cali I spend it at the "casa de servicios" and would not do the dating thing. I promised myself after chatting with someone during my last visit (Feria de Cali 2005) that had great success daiting. That the next time I would visit Cali I will try hooking up with non pros and visit another city besides Cali. I am happy to say I achieved my goals. I hooked up with non pros and visited Cartegna. I will be reporting on my daily activitis in this and future reports.
I arrived at my hotel room on Friday 11:30 PM in Cali. Rather then go to sleep I decided to a casa since I passed up the lighted Pharos status on Ave, 2nd. I decided to see how the action is. I went to the casa on the left I think its all considered Pharos. Took a seat asked the waiter to see the merchandice 5 -6 Girls presented themselves. Ranging from 5- 7 a little on the chubby side. Then the waiter asked me if I would like something to drink said sure. While I seen him walk to the bar I noticed a cute girl from across the room solid 7 nice body. Asked the waiter to bring her over. I asked her why she didnt come over earlier she said that she thought I was "fresco" = concided. Asked her what she wanted to drink she said a beer , excellent start, chaepest thing you can get next to gasosa. We chatted and by the time you know it it was 2:30 AM. Not once she asked if I wanted to go upstairs - additional points. I then asked what she was doing after words she said nothing asked her how much toda la noche she said 120 col - - additional points I would have easily payed her $120. She had a great attitude and looks to match. I then noticed she liked to dance told her I had a proposition. Lets go to the dance club at Torres de Cali which is down the block and after words she can take off. She said great- Deal was made. Casa was closing earlier then usual 3:00 am. She said to wait for her outside until she got out. Once she came out I barley recognized her with her clothes on. She went from damn sexy to Damn beautiful.
We got to the club asked her what she wanted to drink she said "whatever". ordered what looked like a blue mother fuc*er for her got some water for myself. We danced till we got tired Im a good dancer and I think she was really turned on by it. She told me she was surprised I could dance so well. Regetton came on I had her on all fours grinding on my sh*t. She tried to kiss me a few times I resisted she then asked me if I was taking her to my hotel afterwords. I told her that it was up to her. It was about 4:30 she said her feet were hurting lets go to your hotel . I said cool lets go.
Got to the hotel and she imediatly proceeded to undress herself she asked if I wasnt turned on by her because I didnt let her kiss me all night. She grabbed me on my privates and she the realized how turned on I was. She the told me if I can make love to her. I said off course. To my astonishment she was wet...... not easy for a working girl... but I guess we had some chemistry going. We went at it all night she said I turned her on when we started to dance and that she wanted to do it at the club. Next thing you know it was about 9:00 AM. I was feeling sleepy at this point asked her if she needed to go somewhere. She said no and asked me why I wanted her to leave I said tranquila that I didnt want her to feel like she had to stay. She stayed we slept unti 1:00 PM where we again continued doing the duty. She took of right after that around 2:00 PM payed her 120 col. She asked if I was staying in town long and that she would be working sat and sunday night for me to stop by to talk I said sure.
So my first night went off to a good start the only P4P service I had during my stayin Colombia. But the fact she stayed until 2:00 PM the next morning I concider this one a freebie.

Pharros bar tab = 10 Col
Entrance to Torros de Cali for 2 = 20 Col
Drinks at Club = 20 Col
Girl Tip = 120 Col
Making a working girl orgasam all night = Priceless

Happy C
09-13-06, 13:31
3 hours $60K pesos maybe cheaper for smaller suites
Paraiso Romano
Carrera 35 No.10-33 Antigua Carretera Yumbo
Jacuzi,Steam Sauna, 2 bedrooms, sex toys etc nice place
very exclusive and large rooms
Tels 665-4068 665-5253 665-4274

09-22-06, 02:38

I was wondering in anybody knew if there is a sportsbar in Cali that carries American football on Sunday's.

If not a sports bar then what about the major hotels like the IC or Dann?



Wolfy Baby
09-30-06, 18:16
Currently in Cali .... (Cubanut ...are you in town? Let me know how we can get together..)

In Cali , I checked into the the Hotel Torre the Cali, which despite being nice and not too expensive (nice room 140K a night , breakfast inc.) I will DEFINITELY NOT stay in again. David 33, whom I met there and is based in Peru also felt the same way. The problem is that they are not exactly chica un-friendly, per se, but they are a stickler for a rule that ANY visitor, at ANY time, NO MATTER THE LENGTH of the visit, MUST show a cedulla. Sounds OK, except that only CEDULA and ORIGINAL cedula must be presented. Thus, any girl, or visitor, who carries a photcopy of their id for fear of losing the original, is sh*t out of luck. PLUS, they can shove their snippy attitude up their a*s when they haughtly turn their backs on you, and your vistor, when they deny you entry.
When a person turns 18 years of age in Colombia, they can obtain a sort of pre-cedula, which turns into a full cedula in six months..... NO DICE ....CEDULA ONLY , with a smirk. When this happenned to me the second day, I immediatelly cancelled the extra day I had booked and moved into another hotel, where the owner honored our previous arrangement...(Lower rate...no BS girl charge)
As David 33 said, next time he´ll find a hotel where he can bring in a midget, a transvestite, a mule and two streetwalkers in without raising an eyebrow.

09-30-06, 19:22
Amigo .. Im back in Cali tonite .. email tu cel nbr .. we'll be at restaurante Pasion in Grenada at 9pm .. con mi novia. Nos vemos!

Wolfy Baby
09-30-06, 21:16
Message sent to your Papi-yahoo address. Hope we can make this happen!

10-03-06, 17:10
Hey Ricker,

Sorry me an Robert missed you. We had dinner at Tony Roma's on Tuesday and walked over to the IC but you were out. Next time amigo.

Wolfy Baby,

Sorry but I left Cali the next day after you posted your message (Sunday Oct 1st). Would have been great to meet up as well.

I stayed at the Hotel Windsor Plaza and they too have implemented some new rules. Before this week there was no guest fee for a girl staying less than 3 hours in your room and $33,000 cop if she stayed more than 3 hours. This week however the new management has imposed a fee of doubling your room fee for a guest staying more than 30 minutes. My daily rate (with corporate discount) was $82,000 cop and they wanted to charge me another $82,000 cop for my guest. The guest fee change occurred in mid week starting with the third girl I had brought in and I told the manager I would not pay it because I was never informed of the mid week change of policy. After 5 minutes of explaining what good customer service is about, the manager and I agreed to a charge of $33,000 for girls staying over 30 minutes. I had three more girls stay with me after that. In no instance was any girl ever asked to provide an ID nor did they ever confront any of my guests for any reason (such as leaving alone).

I later found out that if you pay for a double room you will not be charged a guest fee. This works out cheaper of course than doubling your rate for each guest and also if you plan to have at least one guest a day/night.



Member #4351
10-03-06, 17:26
Looks like Greg is going to make another ton of $$s with his Cali Mansion...if someone doesn´t find a decent hassle-free alternative place to stay. I don´t understand why Greg is the only one with some vision...He starts the Medellin Mansion, things go great and everyone else jumps on the bandwagon. Cali is a great place to visit..really friendly and not loaded with gringos like Medellin, but needs a monger friendly place for us to stay.

10-03-06, 22:26
My name is Albert I would like to know if anybody knows of big places in Cali to rent to open a hotel there.

10-04-06, 00:07
Most people say that the pay for play in Cali is just OK, not great. You would never travel across the world just to hit Cali's casas for a couple of weeks. Better options elsewhere.

Medellin is not full of gringos, in fact you almost never see another one, save for a few places in the city.

10-04-06, 01:29

Having just returned from Cali I must say that having a monger oriented place to stay like the Medellin Mansion would be ideal.

I think Robert and Greg have made Medellin a no brainer vaction spot for the avid monger. Should they decide to do the same in Cali, I think the party potential will be even greater. There are so many more party places and unique sex venues in Cali than Medellin. The Chiva traveling party buses are real cool as well.

6th ave (Avenida Sesta) is the place a Cali Mansion should be situated, in my opinion. This is a major party district and is really happening Thursday through Saturday and on Sunday when there is a three day weekend. It is in the Versalles are in North Cali. There also are some very nice upscale neighborhoods as well towards south Cali (beyond the south area slums). I also like the Avenida Roosevelt area and found a very unusual night club that my friends and I now call "The Secret Place". If I were to take you there I would noty tell you why it is so unique but you would see for yourself once inside. It takes a little getting used to. Everyone likes the place though.

Medellin definately has more malls than Cali but with Cali malls like the Chipe Shoppe and Uni Centro you don't need many more. Again the attitude and reaction of the girls to me and my friends advances were more welcomed than in Medellin. We eventually picked up six 8 different girls at Chippe Shoppe in the afternoon and invited them to later party with us at Avenida Sesta and they naturally came back with us to the Windsor Plaza Hotel for an overnight stay.

One big difference between the Calenas and the Medellin Paisas is attitude. The Medellin girls are beautiful but rather cold. The Cali girls on the other hand on a whole are notch lower in the beauty dept but a whole lot of notches higher in the hot passionate GFE dept than Medellin girls.

I think one should take advantage of Cali's close proximity to other nice smaller cities like Armenia, Pereira and Manizales which are driving distances of 2 1/2 hrs, 4hrs, & 5 hrs respectively.

I managed to get over to Armenia in 2 1/2 hrs problem free and was impressed that in this smaller city I saw more beautiful women in it's El Central (downtown district) by percentage than what I have seen in Medellin's El Central. The women in theses areas are also referred to as Paisas. I believe it is because these cities are within the Antioquia region.

I have found that in Medellin once you get outside of El Poblado the percentage of a constant flow of beautiful women drops off greatly. The other problem in Poblado is the tremendous amout of fake tits that are almost the norm for the richer Paisas. Not so in Armenia. The girls are naturally stunning.

One other MAJOR difference in Armenia from Medellin is the abundance of natural blonde and lighter eyed colored women. I don't know what genes are flowing in the Armenia region but green eyes are very common as well as a healthy sprinkling of blue eyed girls.

I asked several girls what predominent tourists come to Armenia and was very surprised to find that most said the French are mostly what they see. I don't know how long the French have been coming or really why. Maybe it's the French that have contributed to the lighter hair and eye coloring I spoke of earlier.

I found Armenian girls very friendly and talkative. They responded easily to my greetings and most were exited to meet an American for the firs time.

Lastly, I saw no problematic areas in Armenia as well which are abundant in Cali and sprinkled about in Medellin.

I plan to visit Periera and Manizales as well in the near future. I also will take advantage of Cali's close proximity to Buenaventura which is in the North Pacific Ocean and only about 1 1/2 hrs away from Cali.



Member #4351
10-05-06, 00:20
Great comments Cuba, I really liked the Chipe Chape mal too. Plenty of friendly cuties around and good food too. Also lots of possibilities in the Palmetto Mall to the South on weekends. Maybe I´ll check out Armenia next trip. My small town experience this time was hopping over to Ibague on Aires. The plane stops in Pereira on the way. While I was in Ibague there was a report on CNN on the girls in Pereira going on a sex strike so that their gangster boyfriends would lay down their guns. Fat chance! The girls were having a great time talking to the reporter and getting their 5 minutes of fame. I can imagine their boyfriends gleefully taking advantage of the opportunity to jump on other girls with the excuse of the "crossed legs strike".

10-05-06, 04:42

Yes I agree 110% percent with your report and you comparison of Medellin vs Cali. Due to business i have lived in both cities for over a year and in my opinion Cali is THE place for girls. The city itself may not be as nice as Medellin, but the girls are always open to meeting a foriegner and are always ready to party.

The culture there is so much more open and fun and it really shows with the girls. I am not really shure why Greg and Robert did not start there first as
Cali is al lot more geared to their type of business.

Any one on the fence deciding about which city to go to (Cali or Medellin) should take heed to your report as it is right on the money. Both Cites have their fair shares of pluses and minuses but if it's the girls you are looking for then IMO Cali is the better option.

10-05-06, 09:34
How gringo infested is Cali at the moment?

I hear its becoming like Cartegena now :(

10-06-06, 00:58
I've spent a lot of time in both Cali and Medellin ...

I'm pretty sure Robert (of the Mansion / Castillo) and I were the first gringos seen at both Energy and New Life in Medellin, as well as many other places really ... and since Robert is not a true gringo (of course he's PRican) ... I get the honors ... whoop-dee-doo.

Anyway ... since those days I've pretty much settled in Cali ... hanging with my novia and playing around a little when the urge strikes.

What Cubanut says about the general attitude of people from Cali is correct IMHO ... more open, more chevere (cool).

The daytime casas are MUCH better in Medellin ... as far as quality goes ... I actually think the whole PFP scene in Medellin is better.
It's the non-pro scene in Cali that is better ... like Cubanut says ... the chicas don't seem to be as stuck-up / cold as the hot Paisas ... especially the ones in Mangos / Poblado.

Medellin is definitely a much prettier city and the climate is much better also.

I stay in Cali because that's where my work takes me now and my girlfriend and her family are there (even though she's a Paisa ... hahaha) and I'm way less into the PFP as before.

I wouldn't come running to Cali just to chase the PFP ... Medellin would be better IMHO ... especially with the Mansion there and it's competition.
If you like to mingle and meet normal chicas ... you speak at least conversational type spanish ... and you have a cool personality to mix it up with the Calenas ... Cali is nice.

Just my take on the comparison ... buenas suerte to all!

by the way .... it's Avenida Sexta ... not Sesta (Sixth Avenue) ... come on Cuba ... get on the ball! Just joshing ya amigo ... sorry I missed you guys that night ... we missed eachother by about 5 minutes ... take care.

10-06-06, 02:28
the man TRULY tells it like it is without playing favorites at all.

Cubanut: the road to Buenaventura is VERY dangerous for gringos (a good friend was removed at knifepoint from a mini-bus, tied to a stake out in the middle of nowhere, and was lucky to escape his harrowing ordeal alive; I will ask his permission to post his epic story on this website if there is interest but I think you are a member of the site where the story was posted.)

Also, the beaches are mud, the the water black, thge climate Cartagena like and it is a VERY unpleasant place that is not worth the effort (unless you LOVE Black girls in VERY seedy casas). Ask Screwed Up or search these threads for his report.

Ditto the road to the South past Jamundi. The highway NORTH is the ONLY reasonably safe escape from Cali. I know I sound like a broken record but it is easy to develop a false sense of security in Colombia.

I admit that I DREAD the opening of a Mansion like facility in Cali; one guy, Batman, tried it and failed miserably. I hope any succesors meet the same fate as the big plus of Cali, the friendliness of the people (chicas included), will go the way of Laguito and Poblasdo once the flood gates are flung open.

I am pretty much over my Colombia phase as I do NOT like the changes taking place there at all and am moving on to greener pastures (much applause from the peanut gallery!) That being said, I will still return occasionally as I have good friends who live there AND there are still secret corners not yet inundated by the gringo invasion. But IMHO, Colombia's best days as a mongering location are but pleasant memories. ):

Rob Hay
10-06-06, 05:30
I've already said enough about how much i love Cali. But what is the situation in Armenia? BLue and Green eyed girls with the classic latin face? Can we get a visual?? This is really worth checking out...

No Cali is not overrun with Gringos outside of the casa/stripclub scene. If your hanging out in Menga or 6thave/calle 26 area you wont find a single gringo....besides me maybe. But you will find alot of hot young girls. Suerte

10-06-06, 20:11
Hey Guys, just got back from a heaven sent, lustfull, debaucherous, 10 days in CALI, good news "CITIBANK" there is one in plaza versailles is now giving 700,000cop and 500,000cop amounts = less trips to the ATM which = less bank fees! You all know that those add up! Peace "Chino"

Tom 33
10-06-06, 23:26
Hey Guys, just got back from a heaven sent, lustfull, debaucherous, 10 days in CALI, good news "CITIBANK" there is one in plaza versailles is now giving 700,000cop and 500,000cop amounts = less trips to the ATM which = less bank fees! You all know that those add up! Peace "Chino"

Actually the number of trips to the ATM remain unchanged. You can make as many consecutive withdrawals as you want until you reach the daily limit set by your home bank. But, for those charged a fee per transaction, the 700K per transaction is great news.

10-07-06, 04:38
I'm not into making accusations or naming names but there's a sick MF among us that was in Cali recently looking for very young chicas ... I'm talking 12-13 year olds.

I got this info from my very good taxi friend who was taking him out and about.

Don't you think there are plenty of wonderful and willing chicas in Colombia, above the age of 18 to have fun with?

We all have our own moral values ... I am no saint for sure ... but this is absolutely digusting messing with innocent children .... and obviously ILLEGAL .... EVERYWHERE!!

I am a very happy and peaceful guy ... I live and let live ... but this behavior I will not ignore if I am ever witness to it.


Rob Hay
10-07-06, 06:36
I'm really hoping this is not true.....I don't want to believe its true actually.

Me and a friend have personally met the Taxi Driver friend of yours before and he speaks no English at all.....could something have been lost in translation? Or is is typical Colombian just lying for the sake of lying? If thats the case its pretty weak to lie to make up an outrageous story. He is is actually telling the truth then thats really disgusting and non of us should really stand for it. I personally have never encountered anything like that before, although I've never been to Asia either where stuff like this is rampant.

I'm just saying let just make sure the facts are straight before fingers are pointed.

10-07-06, 07:54

I agree that there are more than enough girls of legal age to pursue than to seek out children. Play No Games makes a vlid point of not wanting to be associated with this chracter as well. Your call on disclosing who the individual is though. It would be unfortunate if one asshole fucks it up for many other fellow mongers who play by the rules.

On another note: I hailed a taxi one night and the driver right away offered me coke (he showed me what he had on hand) and ecstacy, weed etc.. I told him I wasn't interested. Then he quickly asked me if I wanted to screw a beautiful 15 year old girl and I told him no and told him to pull over immediately and got out and threw him some pesos and hopped in another taxi. I didn't want to be associated with that driver. Just gotta be careful about being set up as well.


Robert (Medellin Bob) started his business originally in Cali 8 years ago and left after 2 years when he discovered Medellin.


I would disagree about what you say about Cali be past it's prime. It's not just in my opinion that Cali is on a rebound it's also Robert's (Medellin Bob). I can see the exitement in his eyes as well when he talks about opening a branch of the Mansion in Cali. He and I went through some extensive reconassaince to check out the talent throughout the city and found more than enough good daytime and night venues to keep throngs of mongers occupied.

Also, I never said Cali/Buenaventura was safe but at the same time I will not say it is very dangerous. In fact Cali is not safe as a whole and that is why I said it is not the ideal place for a newbie monger to Colombia to start out the hobby. My suggestion was to do Medellin first. It is also why I said a Cali Mansion would be greatly welcome.

Just like any other city, one's safety has alot to do with one's habits and awareness. Even this can fail though. For example, while I was in Cali last week, we were on our way to the Chippe Choppe and the police had roped off a car in the parking lot that had just been shot up. It was a failed hit though because the windows were bullet proof and the driver survived though still serious hurt by the bullets that did break through.


The Citibank I believe you are reffing to in Versalles is at the corner of calle 23 Norte & ave 5. It was straight down avenida 5 from the Hotel Windsor Plaza. There is a Bancafe right around the corner from the Windsor though that gives multiple $300,000 withdrawls. I always pull the max when I head to the ATM's but many gringos only take out what they think they need for the day no matter how much they can actually get at one visit. The Cambios at the Chippe Chappe were giving $2,200 cop to the usd as well.


It's just my opinion but Cali is in no way infested with the likes and types of gringos you find in Cartagena.

Rob Hay,

Sorry buddy but no pics of the non-pros of Armenia will I post out here. I know I have posted many a girl but they were always of pros or semi pros. You will just have to take my word aboutthe lighter eyes.

Posting pros is different.

Cheers Gents,


10-07-06, 15:18
Heya Cubanut ....

I like Cali too ... lots of fun to be had ... Robert doing his thing there will definitely bring some guys ... BUT ... MEDELLIN is without a doubt, more of a tourist friendly / beautiful city.
I can see guys passing thru Cali but not falling in love with it like they do in Medellin.

Cali is a friendly, dance oriented city with nice people ... great for the non-pros if your spanish is OK.

MEDELLIN is just much more for the normal visiting guy.

I really miss the city of Medellin at times, I just like the friends I've made here in Cali now.

Just my take.

As far as my previous post concerning the guy looking for young girls.
I won't name any names, as there were no actual girls involved ... it was just a request that was denied.
On the chance they were just words ... I will leave it at that.

As far as typical Colombians lying just to lie ... I don't have a clue what you mean by that Rob H. .... that has not been my experience in my YEARS in Colombia.

Of course there are bad types showing up in Colombia now ... with the horde of Gringos visiting, not everyone is going to follow the monger code of ethics ... whatever that may be.
I think you get my point though.


10-07-06, 16:48
Roberto says that once he finishes renovating the penthouse, he will make his way to Cali.......and hopefully open early in the new year. I think that is when I will make my first trip to Cali. Me and hundreds others.

Member #4351
10-07-06, 17:00
I was so impressed with Cali and MY and Surfer´s taxi driver, that I will be going back within a month. After the less than acceptable service at the Torres Cali Hotel which Wolfy Baby and I experienced, I am seriously considering looking for a nice apartament (like Jackson´s in B.A.) which has internet and is also luxurious enough to impress normal girls. Does anyone have a contact? If not I´ll just see what I can dig up on the internet.

10-07-06, 17:03
That's Fantastic ... Robert is a great friend of mine ... I know he's opening a place in Cali ... I've helped him find trusted guys to work for him there in Cali.

I wish him the best of luck in whatever he does.

Guys will have fun in Cali ... hell, it's tough not to have fun ANYWHERE you go in Colombia. It's just a friendly, beautiful country with beautiful, sexy women.

My point is ... IMHO of course ... most guys will be more attracted to either Cartagena with the beach scene, easy operated PFP scene, 7 day a week party scene, etc ... or Medellin, with it's natural beauty, great climate and gorgeous Paisas (chicas).

I wish everyone a great time and welcome to Cali.
Guys were coming to Cali long before the Medellin tourism hit.
Cali had / has many Marriage agencies already ... been there for years ... many "marriage agency" professionals ... chicas that date guys coming to these agencies ... free meals, nice gifts, maybe a little cash and then off to the next guy.

Cali was big before Medellin was discovered ... there's a reason guys flocked to Medellin from Cali.
Check it out for yourself ... no big deal ... see you there!


Rob Hay
10-07-06, 19:23
you and hundreds other making their way to Cali......I guess the secrets out about Cali.

Ricker don't mean to offend you regarding your taxi friend. I'm hoping really that its not true thats all. That would really just give a black eye to all of us.

10-08-06, 15:09
I thought that the word had always been out about Cali. A little violence goes a long way to keep chicken shits like me away....for the most part. I've met enough guys saying that it was'nt so bad, you just have to be alert all the time. Though, I do see enough guys here in Medellin walking around being targets.

I was headed that way in the new year whether Robert was opening or not.

10-08-06, 15:49

Cali is an established dating agnecy location but yet you will not find many gringo's walking around. In two weeks mongering time in Cali I only ran into one Gringo staying at the same hotel I was and one gringo at a mongering joint I was at. I also only saw 3 gringo's in all hanging out at Avenida Sexta. Cali is big when it comes to the party scene so it's not likely that a regular run in with gringo's will occur anytime soon.



Screwed Up
10-09-06, 22:56
Last year I stayed about 2 months in total in Cali in march and june and I saw maybe 4 gringo's all together.
This year I stayed there for less than 5 days and on one day in chipi chape I saw like 7-8 gringo's and maybe 4 at av. sexta...

But this time I got waaay more looks from girls giving me the eye than last year. I noticed in many cities if a place has a lot of tourists I do well with freebies, if not, it's harder. My theory always was, if there are a lot of tourists, girls know how the game works and are eager to meet foreigners and easier for freebies. If there are less foreigners around, they care less.

Hmmm, does this make sense?

Lima Busy
10-09-06, 23:35
Last year I stayed about 2 months in total in Cali in march and june and I saw maybe 4 gringo's all together.
This year I stayed there for less than 5 days and on one day in chipi chape I saw like 7-8 gringo's and maybe 4 at av. sexta...

But this time I got waaay more looks from girls giving me the eye than last year. I noticed in many cities if a place has a lot of tourists I do well with freebies, if not, it's harder. My theory always was, if there are a lot of tourists, girls know how the game works and are eager to meet foreigners and easier for freebies. If there are less foreigners around, they care less.

Hmmm, does this make sense?
Totally!!! Take Lima for example...loads of tourists=Mas Sexo Gratis!ja ja.
When you headed back down Lima way?

Jesi James
10-10-06, 00:45
Does anyone have any direction as to where the street action congregates in Cali?


Rico Negro
10-10-06, 13:55
What are the chances that a goodlooking gringo can find women eager to have sex with him for free?

If the chances are good, what places (cafes, restautants, etc) should he frequent?


10-10-06, 14:47
Does anyone have any direction as to where the street action congregates in Cali?

There are some street girls on Avenida Sexta from around calle 20 and up (beginning at the park with the fountain, quite a long way up the street in the direction of Chipi Chape). Do this in a taxi if it's late at night, as the area can have some questionable characters standing around.

You can also look near I think it's av 7 and cll 19 or so. One calle up from the BanSuperior in the back streets late at night.

At either of these locations, give your target a close inspection to make sure she's 100% female.

10-10-06, 15:23
There are some street girls on Avenida Sexta from around calle 20 and up (beginning at the park with the fountain, quite a long way up the street in the direction of Chipi Chape). Do this in a taxi if it's late at night, as the area can have some questionable characters standing around.

You can also look near I think it's av 7 and cll 19 or so. One calle up from the BanSuperior in the back streets late at night.

At either of these locations, give your target a close inspection to make sure she's 100% female.

You definately want to make sure it has a VAGINA in that area, The "women" congregate in groups of 5 or more on every corner. That area is a known hangout for she-males but they always throw a female in the group to confuse the unexpecting client. The quality of the the she-males RIVALS the type in Thailand or Brazil. SO PROCEED WITH CAUTION or BETTER YET, STAY OUT OF THIS AREA and stick to la sexta around 22 to about 26, Peace "Chino"

10-12-06, 15:59
Hey amigos ... I'm here in Cali ... got stuck here for work ... I hate when that happens :)

Did a tour of the daytime casas yesterday ... I can say without doubt that the quality is nowhere near the quality of the chicas in Medellin ... I'm talking specifically in the daytime casas.

Eventually we found a place that had several nice chicas, a massage parlor on Avenida Sexta.
I have found in Medellin that each casa has at least several nice chicas.
That was not the case here in Cali.

We hit one place that had about 25 chicas ... not one was acceptable ... at least a 7 or higher was not to be found.

However, the normal chicas in Cali are fantastic.
Walked around the mall ... Chippi Chappi ... and a couple parks ... very nice chicas and friendly.

Overall ... great time as usual ... just not the same daytime PFP ... quality ... as in Medellin.

Suerte amigos!

Digital Curry
10-16-06, 16:37
I need internet access while I'm in Columbia. I will have a laptop. What are my options for internet access? Will my laptop be secure? Or stolen? Is internet fast?

10-17-06, 07:47
I need internet access while I'm in Columbia. I will have a laptop. What are my options for internet access? Will my laptop be secure? Or stolen? Is internet fast?

1. Where in Colombia will you be?

2. Will your laptop be secure? Answer=This depends on how careful or careless you are with it.

3. Is internet fast. Yes if you plug in directly to a modem but slower but still fast on wireless.

You can probably already guess that most quality hotels will offer wireless at a cost or perhaps included in your stay.

4. It's spelled "Colombia" and not "Columbia".



Tom 33
10-17-06, 14:15
I need internet access while I'm in Columbia. I will have a laptop. What are my options for internet access? Will my laptop be secure? Or stolen? Is internet fast?

Your laptop will be stolen the first night. So you needn't worry about the rest of your query.

10-17-06, 17:58
One night I was restless (and horny!) and I walked the Sexta from Don Jaime to Chipachape and back. Had nothing on me to steal, but still ill advised I know. Had no problems. The upper end of the Sexta is more tourist friendly I suppose, but when the police set up the checkpoint by Don Jaime the girls move further down the street. There are some VERY good looking ones much further down as well, but it can be hit and miss at ALL times (less reliable than the area near Bar San Diego in Medellin where there always seem to be a fair number in the evenings).

The Sexta is only one area with SWs, but the others are less foreigner friendly. Near Flores Frescas, for example, but there are WAY more TVs there than you ever see on the Sexta (in fact I have seen VERY few TVs on the Sexta as the cops run them off supposedly).

Rob Hay
10-18-06, 04:37
Your laptop will be fine as long as your not an idiot with it. Chippi Chapi has free wifi.

Aussie Greg
10-21-06, 22:57
Medellin Bob´s Cali Mansion openning soon, stand by gentlemen.

Aussie Greg.

10-22-06, 16:34
If anybody can run a good place in Cali ... it'll be Roberto ... always runs a good show.

Be careful though in Cali guys ... it's a bit more "caliente" than Medellin these days ... and I'm not referring to the weather ... I'm talking the peligro (danger).


10-27-06, 20:12
as much as I like Roberto and wish him well in whatever he does, I much lament the spread of monger establishments to Cali (not that I liked it happening in Medellin either, but Cali is special to me). I quite liked Colombia as it WAS, not how it is becoming. Guess it was inevitable ):

Luis The Great
10-28-06, 03:56
Yes, I agree I like Colombia the way it is. But with the Cali Mansion opening up it will definatley bring change. Im not cheap but its no secret this will definatly bring up prices across the board.Women Housing Food I have frequented Cali for the past three years and I have noticed prices going up every time I go back. I expect it to go up due to inflation but I have familiy there that have told me its because of all the gringos girls are asking for more and the quality has gone down more Robotic. I have noticed the influx of gringos each time I go. I by no means dont have a problem with it. But they usually dont know the going price and usually get charged double. I always mention to them "Dont over pay" I have in past have been informed by P4P and regular girls Gringos are easy meal tickets. With that said I know Robert is helping mongers but in a way hes hurting the regulars that have been around unescorted. Not to mention he is probably planining to take a cut of all the business that comes in. I dont blame him but this will definatley bring prices up for everyone if they stay at the manision or not. Change is inevitable but I like baby steps not warp drive.
Just my 2 cents.......

Aussie Greg
10-28-06, 04:09
Luis The Great,

Please view my answer to your´s and SURFER´s concerns on my Thread as I will not in the future write on any other threads other than mine.

Aussie Greg.

Yes, I agree I like Colombia the way it is. But with the Cali Mansion opening up it will definatley bring change. Im not cheap but its no secret this will definatly bring up prices across the board.Women Housing Food I have frequented Cali for the past three years and I have noticed prices going up every time I go back. I expect it to go up due to inflation but I have familiy there that have told me its because of all the gringos girls are asking for more and the quality has gone down more Robotic. I have noticed the influx of gringos each time I go. I by no means dont have a problem with it. But they usually dont know the going price and usually get charged double. I always mention to them "Dont over pay" I have in past have been informed by P4P and regular girls Gringos are easy meal tickets. With that said I know Robert is helping mongers but in a way hes hurting the regulars that have been around unescorted. Not to mention he is probably planining to take a cut of all the business that comes in. I dont blame him but this will definatley bring prices up for everyone if they stay at the manision or not. Change is inevitable but I like baby steps not warp drive.
Just my 2 cents.......

10-31-06, 05:09
Bob/Aussie, you boys got the balls, ha, ha!! NOW, another mansion in Cali! I LOVE it!!! I will be flying (USA) into and out of Cali mid November and mid December. If there is anything I can do to help . . . please let me know.

What grand times us mongers had, I have many good memories from the Medellin Mansion. Just a couple more decades for me, and damn, all of this will probably just be another fun memory!! I have a bunch photos from the mansion I would like to post. Do you want me to run them by you first??

Thanks for all your efforts. You lucky dogs!!

11-01-06, 02:16
The newly bilingual QBert, some dumb f*ck from NYC and I, hope to visit Cali soon and drive the prices up.

For the whiners...I guess Haiti is the next destination.

11-03-06, 09:10
Hey is it common to get airfares from Miami to Cali RT for about $450??? I just made a reservation but I think it is going to be harder to get from Cali to Rio then I first thought. So I may have to rethink this and go to Rio first then make my way back up towards Colombia and eventually back to Miami.

11-03-06, 09:42
Hey Surfer,

How are the beaches in the vicinity of Cali? I remeber reading some old posts of yours last year and you seemed to like it. Is it rockier and seemingly cleaner then say Cartegena, beaches (which were not that impressive anyway).

Have you ever flown from Cali to Lima? About how much would that cost one way?? THanks.

Tom 33
11-03-06, 13:20
The major port serving Cali is Buenaventura. I would strongly suggest that you avoid it at all costs. Cali is the least safe of the major cities, and the surrounding countryside is less safe yet.

11-03-06, 17:54
Humm good to know T33. Thanks

11-03-06, 18:02

Never went because nobody that did had anything good to say about it. Screwedup and mahardjah went before I met them in Medellin (and posted a blurb here). Ladrilleros is the sandy beach, Bueneaventura is a muddy port.
Whole arera is dicey security wise, as is the road from Cali.

Cali is not the most dangerous city in Colombia at all. Barrancabermeja, in Santander Department on the Magdalena river, holds that ignominious distinction.

Only flight from Cali going South that I know is to the Ecuadorian border .
You'll have to go to BOG to get to Lima and flights within South America tend to bve pricey due to little competition. If you have Delta miles you can get an award on Avianca and on LAN if you have American miles (United's only partner in SA is Varig which is no help to you)

11-03-06, 18:13
I see. Thanks surfer, I'll limit myself to Cali. Have you ever flown from Colombia to Rio or the other way around?

11-03-06, 19:50
Z: For beaches why not fly to San Andres from Cali?

I have flown to Ecuador and Peru from Colombia, and to Brasil from Peru, but never direct. Varig had a flight from BOG to Sao Paolo but they are in BK and not sure flight is still operating. Another problem is there is a HORRIBLE schedule with a several hour layover in the middle of the night in Manaus.

My suggestion would be to use AA miles on LAN which has a nonstop from BOG to Lima, then another nonstop from Lima to GRU (Sao Paolo). An excellent airline IMHO. PERHAPS TAM, the #2 Brazilian carrier and another aa partner, has added Bogota service by now.

Member #4351
11-03-06, 20:11
The LIM-BOG-LIM flight unfortunately has a half hour stop in Quito...but you don´t get off the plane. No business class either, have to ride in back with the riff raff. hahahaha

11-03-06, 20:19
I thought they had a nonstop on certain days of the week (or USED to). Coach aint so bad for a short hop, and many of us tolerate it even for LONG flights to SE asia.

El Cubanito
11-03-06, 21:48
Need help to see which city is best for me to go to Colombia for a week. I have read Cali, Catargena, Medellin and Bogota site. But all of these cities seem to be pretty good for the P4P scene.

I have read thought that some Colombiana would not want to hang with you fif they knew you were only staying for 7 days. So I just stay at Aussie Greg or VIP since this is my first time to Colombia?

Please guys give me recomendations.

El Cubanito

PS Yo hablo Espanol muy bien amigos.

11-04-06, 04:51
Need help to see which city is best for me to go to Colombia for a week. I have read Cali, Catargena, Medellin and Bogota site. But all of these cities seem to be pretty good for the P4P scene.

I have read thought that some Colombiana would not want to hang with you fif they knew you were only staying for 7 days. So I just stay at Aussie Greg or VIP since this is my first time to Colombia?


Hard to say which is the BEST city.

Me myself, I could go back to any of them solo and enjoy myself, but that's just me.

From a newbie standpoint and if you are traveling alone I would say go to Medellin and stay at the Medellin Mansion. While you are in Medellin, check out VIP's as well. I like VIP's setup but you as newbie will do more banging for your buck at the Mansion. No brainer mongering is what a newbie should strive for instead of wasting precious vacation time.



BTW- Once you have Medellin under your belt it would be time move onto Cali. That is where you will find cuties like Paula. GFE action is alot easier to find in Cali but you have to be just a bit more resourceful.

11-04-06, 16:28
Being new at this Colombia thing, I have been to Cartegena, Bogota and Medellin. I've heard good things about Cali and plan to be there early in the new year. From what I have read of your posts on the Cuba thread, I am guessing Cali.

Again, I've never been, but people keep telling me how much fun the girls are. Some you just can't look at for too long.

11-04-06, 16:59
Hey Cubanito ... since you speak spanish, and appear to be a seasoned traveler, any of the cities would be fun for you.

The Paisas from Medellin, las chicas, have more of a euro-look in general ... and the city itself and the climate is much nicer than other cities in Colombia ... IMHO

Medellin, I've found, has many more areas to go hang out .... whether it's the ritzy area of el Poblado, the area near el Estadio or la Setenta, small town just outside of Medellin called Bello (met some real cuties here), el Centro, and much more. Medellin has much more to offer for hanging out or cruising and meeting real people ... this is aside from just mongering.

I just got back from a stay in Medellin, and really forgot how much I really like it there.

They say (including me), that the Paisas can be much more stuck-up than other Colombianas. I have to say though, once you get away from the "Poblado chicas" ... Mangos,etc ... the Paisas really can be very friendly too. I met some really cool Paisas on this last visit.

Cali I also like. I have to say though, it's mostly for it's people.
The city is actually not so pretty and the climate can be hot and sticky ... but the Calenas, las chicas, are generally very friendly. Great for non-pro hunting for the spanish speakers.

Cartagena ... of course ... the much advertised PFP capital of Colombia.
Always fun, though I haven't been for a while.
I just like the non-pro opportunities of the other cities much better.

To most guys that ask me, I recommend Medellin if they want to enjoy a great city as well as chicas. If they're looking more of a party, I recommend Cartagena.

Suerte amigo!

11-05-06, 00:27
I am visitng Cali in Janurary and would like guage its comparison to Brazil. For those that have gone, could you give me a Brasil type intinary.

11-05-06, 01:24
this is an exerpt from my report on another site from january! just be careful!! on wsa, same handle!!

danger: i have for many years prior to going to cali have been told how dangerous cali can be with the cartels, farc and all but to honest, i felt completely safe in cali at all times but thats because i was in the "tourist" populated area and these areas are patrolled by a heavy police presence..i feel more safer in some areas in cali than i do in some of the areas in miami no kidding! but all of that was to come to crashing end one sunny tuesay, it was about 2pm and i was in a cab going to chipe chape then i see some police tape and a crowd gathering,, me peering out from the cab window anxoius to see what was going on, i see a giant pool of blood and a really shot up murdered at point blank dude,, a sick nauseous feeling starts to come over me,, all the emotions,, sick,, frightened, curious, and then a sudden erge to get out of cali and fast. but that was not it 2 blocks down i see more police tape, more crowd and another body hanging out the side of a car, blood still dripping down,, gross!! i talked to the cab driver and he told me that this was a more regular occurance than you might expect, but then again he told me i shouldnt really worry because he said this was an internal gang thing and it doesnt usually affect civilians,, like i really cared! i mean i just saw two murdered bodies connected, within 2 blocks of each other on a very busy street,, the problem is that they just leave the bodies out in the open like chopped beef,, i mean they dont even bother to cover them up or something like that... well this brought me down to earth realizing that cali can be very dangerous and take any and all advice seriously, use common sense but try not to let that effect your mongering.. i know it is easier said than done..


the final word is cali can be safe if you take care, watch your back and please please use you common sense, stay away from downtown, you need to speak spanish at all times, there are not alot of gringos there for support, cali is not a tourist area, sometimes i went for miles and miles without seeing one cop! and even then im not sure if they could help you,, i am not detering you from colombia but as you can see i am giving you my heart felt opinion. we for the most part are american mongers and we need to try to help each other. peace mongers chino

John Dust
11-05-06, 01:27
Hey Surfer,

Have you ever flown from Cali to Lima? About how much would that cost one way?? THanks.Check out LAN for the S.A. Pass for cheap flights to various cities at


The deal is that you have to fly in to S.A. on LAN or an affiliate, and book in N.A.
Bogata to Lima is a little over US$100.

11-05-06, 04:44
Very pretty girl (Paula)!

11-05-06, 18:11
Cali can be dangerous, but Bucaramanga is the land mine capital of Colombia...most people killed by land mines around the world last year (year ending June 06).

11-05-06, 19:59
I like the pic of Paula, very beautifull girl ! Do you have more pics of her or did you post more pics of her already?

Very pretty girl (Paula)!

Paulthai & Bandit25,

I agree, Paula is beautiful. Here's three more of her. I have about 30 more of her but it takes time to resize pics ya know.



Tom 33
11-06-06, 00:27
Cali is not the most dangerous city in Colombia at all. Barrancabermeja, in Santander Department on the Magdalena river, holds that ignominious distinction.

Gee, when did Barrancabermeja become a major city? http://www.citypopulation.de/Colombia.html does not even list it in the top 20 and says that te population is under 200,000. I would call any of the top ten major cities.

11-06-06, 00:32
Thanks for additional pic's.

Great shots!

11-06-06, 04:36
I have been to Bucaramanga 8 times and this is the first i have heard of land mines there. One time when I was there some farmers were murdered by the Farc in the Santander district. It was not close to Bucaramanga.

11-11-06, 13:22
I will be going to Cali this weekend. I need to know what hotels can be recommended that have good chica polcies. I would like to know if anyone has stayed at the Shearton? Also if the Intercontinental is good for chicas as well. Torre de Cali is booked. I would like to stay close to Pharohs if possible.

Also, I have never tried the girls that advertise in the classified ads or the girls listed below by World Traveler and was wonderiing if anyone has had experience with any of them.

thanks, if anyone is around please pm me for drinks !

Chicas on Call
1. Camila, Charges 70,000 60 mins., cell phone 310-410 1332.
2. Angie, She is 20 years old and charges 80,000 60 mins. cell phone 315-568 2077
3. Daniela & Liliana , Charges 60,000 60 mins. for a threesome, cell phone 310-849 8430.
4. Jeimy, Charges 60,000 for each hr. of service.
5. Yessi, Charges 40,000 60 mins., cell Phone 310-418 8408.
6. Andy, 20 years old, charges 80,000 60 mins. cell Phone 315-555 9326.
7. Adriana, She charges 80,000 60 mins. for her services. Apparently she works out of an apartment near the Chipichape Mall.
8. Andrea, She charges 60K (However, she has a friend, Johana 18yrs old, who works with her and you can get a package deal both gals for 120,000.
9. Konny, She charges 80,000 pesos per hour. She also offers package deals: Her and one of her room mates for 130,000 or her and both of her roommates for 190,000. Allegedly they are all between the ages of 18-20yrs old.

Member #4351
11-11-06, 16:00
I´m in the Intercontinental now. Stayed in the Torre Cali before, which is a hole, IMHO. Intercontinental is expensive, I got the corporate rate of $113 a night including taxes and a room upgrade to a mini suite....excellent breakfast buffet. Nice pool, good gym with massage girls (don´t know if happy endings are on the menu), and no problem with the first girl visiting you. Like all other Colombian hotels I have stayed in, they make the girl register with her cedula. However, one entered and didn´t get asked...don´t know why not...must have slipped by. There are cameras on the floors. It is possible that they charge for a second girl if you haven´t booked a double) about 10 bucks more a night. President Uribe was here yesterday which says something about the kind of hotel it is.

11-11-06, 16:21
I was surprised to read that info on Bucaramanga but it was at the top of the landmines list. Needless to say, they ain't planin' 'em in the city as the farmers have been the primary victims (according to the stuff I read).

11-11-06, 18:38
cities are not mined (you cannot plant mines under concrete!). cambodia is the land mine capital of the world but it is no issue in phnom penh. i am sure the article is referring to santander department of which bucaramanaga is the "major" city.

tom: i did not say "major" city i said city. ask a cop what they think is the most dangerous city. i quote statistical fact. if by major city you mean departmental capital, then cucuta, santander del norte probably is the worst.

if the question is which city visited by foreign mongers is most dangerous then i would say bogota.

i am lookin: the closest hotel to pharaon is the torre (2 blocks walk along the river). i quite like the torre and never had them ask for my guests' cedulla, just don't use the phone to avoid being raped, despite my friend david's unfortunate experience there. torre is very popular so advance booking is essential.

the fourpoints (sheraton) is also walking distance to pharaon but they are notorious for charging about $20 for each guest (kdog told me and he stays there frequently). hotel versailles is a bit further but you could still walk it in 10 minutes. at night i do not suggest walking (taxis are so cherap) and pharaon is only open at night(although a few doors down is la clinica, the biggest and cheapest daytime casa in cali).

i would not be caught dead at the ic, the overpriced home of the marriage agencies and their clueless clients (if you want to find a wife in cali you need no agency!). everything is ridiculously overpriced there, including the italian restaurant (we took two chicas there one night to impress but i was unimpressed). way better fancy restaurants abound north of the sexta on avenidas 8n & 9n.

also a lousy area imho (just past la ermita, the gothic church just down the street, begins a very dangerous area which foreigners should avoid at all times).

MJG Dogs
11-11-06, 19:03

How come you never rent an apartment in Cali? . Just an observation.
Congradulations of you sides win on Tuesday. Enough Said.

Luis The Great
11-11-06, 21:41
I am lookin
I never stayed at Interconnectal or sheraton they are to over priced for me. I usually dont stay in the hotel room most of the day. So as long as the hotel is clean and safe and hot water im cool.

However I do recommend the following.
I stayed at the ApartaHotel del rio located North of Cali. $86,000 a night - chica fee $10,000 http://www.apartahoteldelrio.com/home.htm
It was good deal nice clean rooms a pool on the top floor breakfest included internet connection on the main floor. There was a chica fee but they dont enforce it as long as your low profile. I had girls spend the night on 4 differnet occasions. Very safe security guard in the front and secure helpfull staff. I stayed there Aug/Sept 7 days total. It was walking distance to Pharos (2 blocks) and another casa 1 block toward Torres de cali located on the second floor. Dr. Amor is 3 blocks. Friday Torres has a nice disco going nice lookin girls meet a non pro thier on a friday. If you plan to go to the sexta take a cab you will be charged the minimum service charge. I wouldnt recommend anyone to walk to the sexta at night its a little scary.

Thier was a Hotel getting remodeled right around the corner on 21 while I was thier located by the Bomberoes (FireFighters station). It was nice does anybody know that hotel has oppened yet? When it was getting remodeled I asked what the rates were going to be I remeber the rates were resnable.

Member #4351
11-12-06, 02:54
Update on the Intercontinental. Do not stay here if you will be bringing in different girls. If you do, it doesn´t matter if it is at 10 in the morning or midnight, you WILL BE CHARGED $30 extra. The Sheraton charges if you bring in a girl at night, after 10, before that, no problem. But when they charged me at night in Medellin, I checked out the next day. Here in Cali, it appears that since I was such a nice guy, they weren´t charging me...and then surprised me today. I refused to sign for the charge, we´ll see what happens at check out.

11-18-06, 13:40
Here for a short stay ( leaving Wednesday ) anyone interested in meeting for a few beers and visiting casas together please respond here or pm me before.

Also if anyone has any chica to recommend for room service please tell me,

11-22-06, 22:16
not JUST for the joiner fee but for the type of folks it attracts. I always avoid it like the plague. The Cali version of the Medellin Mansion should go in that area (as opposed to on the upper Sexta where it apparently is).

4 points/Sheraton is a much better location, but I refuse to stay at hotels if they pull that joiner fee crap. If you want to spend that kind of dosh on a hotel room (over $100), Casa de Alferez is the bomb (as I told you BEFORE you left).
There is also a new, luxury, hotel that opened in South Cali but I have never stayed there.

Member #4351
11-23-06, 01:10
Yeah, its the Radisson, supposed to be good, but its out of the way. My cab driver to the airport after hearing my ranting about the Intercontinental told me I should try the Aristi...I checked out the website and it looks promising.

Aussie Greg
11-23-06, 03:20

How much has your lawyers fees gone up in San Fransisco in the last 3 years ?

No decision has been made yet on where the new Cali Mansion will be, we have made offers on a few properties but all offers have fallen through, we will be in Cali before Christmas though, lets see how much the price goes up.
In fact the Medellin Loutron Group is also going to Cali, regards to all.

Aussie Greg.

not JUST for the joiner fee but for the type of folks it attracts. I always avoid it like the plague. The Cali version of the Medellin Mansion should go in that area (as opposed to on the upper Sexta where it apparently is).

4 points/Sheraton is a much better location, but I refuse to stay at hotels if they pull that joiner fee crap. If you want to spend that kind of dosh on a hotel room (over $100), Casa de Alferez is the bomb (as I told you BEFORE you left).
There is also a new, luxury, hotel that opened in South Cali but I have never stayed there.

11-25-06, 20:01
JUST got off the plane from Cali guys, it seem to be getting dirtier and dirtier, more and more poverty and never ever ending traffic and unfinished street construction. Just when i thought things couldnt be going any worse, 3 bombs apparently went off near my hotel planted by a "NEW" group FARC wanna be or something! Will try to find links and post them ASAP! Peace "Chino"

11-25-06, 22:30
Greg: for the 100th time I NEVER said you (or the Mansion) was responsible for the increasing cost of mongering in Medellin! I know reading and writing in English does not come easily to you, but will you PLEASE either QUOTE where you think it is that I posted that or give it a rest?

Chino: Maybe Colombia needs to be destroyed in order to be saved (to use an analogy from the Vietnam War). A few FARC/ELN incursions into the tourist parts of Cali or Medellin (Laguito is too heavilty fortified) would be just what the doctor ordered. Say an Ejercito Poblacion (urban division of FARC) commando team hitting FloresFrescas just as the dildo show starts then grabbing a group of gringos and sequestering somewhere in Caqueta or Putomayo for a few months while bleeding their relatives and the US government for ransom money.

With the newly Democrat controlled Congress soon to open debate about reauthorization of PlanColombia, a spectacular urban offensive is pretty likely IMHO. For the record I am NOT condoning the FARC terrorists, but fear of their activities is what protected Colombia from the current plague (of Anglo sex tourists) for decades. As it is with ANY ecosystem, when a predator is removed or depopulated its prey proliferates in unhealthy numbers.

Prov/WestCoastWill: How about confining your posts to places you have actually screwed females (read: TJ and LA)?

Gringo Loco
11-26-06, 01:26

I found this article in the International Herald Tribune after reading your post. I'm thinking about canceling my upcoming trip. Seems like the shit is hitting the fan down there in Cali. I'll miss my chicas but at least I'll live to monger another day. I might just have to head back to Medellin for some (relatively) safer fun.


Aussie Greg
11-26-06, 01:56
Im happy with my spelling, I left school at 14 years of age to help my parents in their small business after dad was in the Australian Army in Korea and also the Western Australia Police Forse for 20 years.

Yes spelling is not one of my fine points, but I´m happy with it, maths is what I´m good at which only speaks for it self while I´ve been here in Colombia.

If any body has any spesific questions about the FARC/ELN then ask me and I´ll ask my girlfriend who is a member of the POLO congress here in Medellin, the youngest member in Colombia, she´s spending this week in Bogota at their annuial congress meeting.

As for the trouble in Cali this last week, Medellin Bob was their when a few bombs went off, just inturnial stuff.

Aussie G.

Greg: for the 100th time I NEVER said you (or the Mansion) was responsible for the increasing cost of mongering in Medellin! I know reading and writing in English does not come easily to you, but will you PLEASE either QUOTE where you think it is that I posted that or give it a rest?

Chino: Maybe Colombia needs to be destroyed in order to be saved (to use an analogy from the Vietnam War). A few FARC/ELN incursions into the tourist parts of Cali or Medellin (Laguito is too heavilty fortified) would be just what the doctor ordered. Say an Ejercito Poblacion (urban division of FARC) commando team hitting FloresFrescas just as the dildo show starts then grabbing a group of gringos and sequestering somewhere in Caqueta or Putomayo for a few months while bleeding their relatives and the US government for ransom money.

With the newly Democrat controlled Congress soon to open debate about reauthorization of PlanColombia, a spectacular urban offensive is pretty likely IMHO. For the record I am NOT condoning the FARC terrorists, but fear of their activities is what protected Colombia from the current plague (of Anglo sex tourists) for decades. As it is with ANY ecosystem, when a predator is removed or depopulated its prey proliferates in unhealthy numbers.

Prov/WestCoastWill: How about confining your posts to places you have actually screwed females (read: TJ and LA)?

11-26-06, 03:37

I found this article in the International Herald Tribune after reading your post. I'm thinking about canceling my upcoming trip. Seems like the shit is hitting the fan down there in Cali. I'll miss my chicas but at least I'll live to monger another day. I might just have to head back to Medellin for some (relatively) safer fun.


Hey Loco ... My girlfriend is moving from Cali also. We just found an apartment in Pereira.

Between the street crime increasing there and the new and increased FARC activity, it's time to move to safer ground :)


11-26-06, 03:41
This is a thread, not an english paper, people need to relax. we should be attacking each other simply becuase we do not agree not becuase we can not spell.

11-26-06, 05:25
Whats the POLO congress is that the Colombia version of Junior Statesmen of America, an american high school practice political group?

11-26-06, 05:35
As for the trouble in Cali this last week, Medellin Bob was their when a few bombs went off, just inturnial stuff.

Aussie G.[/QUOTE]

Just a "Few Bombs"? and that it maybe was "internal"? Maybe? That for some strange reason doesnt sound too soothing or convincing to me. Ha ha lol. The city was very on edge and you could see the concern on the peoples faces. My Novia did not want to go out on Thurday night nor did my cunado or his Novia. Cali im sorry to say has taken a turn for the worse. Peace "Chino" P.S. Thanks for the link "GRINGO" you saved me a bunch of time!

11-26-06, 13:16
As for the trouble in Cali this last week, Medellin Bob was their when a few bombs went off, just inturnial stuff.

Aussie G.

Just like the bombs in Iraq ... internal stuff.

Terrorism is terrorism ... be careful out there boys!

Like Miami Heat said ... when the locals are nervous AND when Gringo Loco cancels his Cali trip ... there's a problem.

Take care y Suerte!

11-26-06, 13:22

I found this article in the International Herald Tribune after reading your post. I'm thinking about canceling my upcoming trip. Seems like the shit is hitting the fan down there in Cali. I'll miss my chicas but at least I'll live to monger another day. I might just have to head back to Medellin for some (relatively) safer fun.


See you in Parque Lleras amigo! :)

11-26-06, 17:43
Quoting from the article GL linked:

Cali's mayor, Apolinar Salcedo, told Caracol Radio "there's an order by the FARC to heighten its terrorist attacks against Cali and nearby areas."

Well it might be an "internal matter" but, as Ricker notes, so is the Iraqi civil war, errr, insurrection.

I am sure Ricker's novia is happy to be getting out of dodge and going home. Antifreeze also moved to Periera recently. Maybe Periera will be the new hotspot in Colombia ( I read earlier this year that American was considering adding a direct flight from Miami). Time to open another Mansion there, then Bogota, Barranquilla and Bucaramanga. Just imagine it, some day Mansions for mongers will be as ubiquitous as Mickey D's in the US. ):

A little bird recently PM'd me a story about Greg bringing a chica from Cali's biggest casa (La Clinica del Doctor Amor on Ave 2a along the river just down from Torre de Cali) to the Mansion and telling her to charge his beloved guests 150,000 per hour. This same chica had been content charging 38,000 at La clinica just the month before, and the house keeps about 40% of that.

After seeing that the Mansion's guests will pay 150,000 per hour, do you think she will again be satisfied with the rates at La Clinica??????????? Do you think she might tell her friends that the gringos will pay 150,000 for SHORT TIME????? I pay UP TO 150,000 for LT, usually 100 to 120, but NEVER for ST! Even Cali's most overpriced clipjoint Flores Frescas is cheaper than what they will charge after seeing the rates they can get at the Mansion!

Prov/WestCoastWill/BarebackBill: While I am culturally sensitive traveler, unlike you and your ilk, I WAS a part of the problem to an extent as I would pay more than locals, bargained less etc. But I am out of Colombia after a good ride of 15 trips over a little more than 3 years. In three days, I am off to Thailand then Laos before spending Xmas with my honeyko in Mindanao so I won't be posting here for quite awhile.

11-27-06, 00:51
Were all Fucked

11-27-06, 07:22
Were all FuckedThis same situation happened in Beijing China, where Gringos pay up to 200USDollars for fat and old Chinese hookers, and under the pretext that:

One, they have no time to look around.
Two, they are rich and don't care.
Three, it get them harder to know that they are paying large.
What knocks me off is that their girls are really ugly!

A Chinese beauty: say boobs implement, tight round ass, 180cm tall, silky skin, long shiny black hair, going for 200USD like I had in GZ, I would say fine, as she would score the same in the States if not more.

However when looking at the pics those guys are posting, I really want to puke.

11-27-06, 23:27
look at singapore, its alot cleaner then colombia, alot safer then colombia alot more modern the colombia, little more costly in taxis, hotels, but they have everything you can buy in the states and more, one would think with all this modern luxary the cost of pussy would be extermly high like say and western world country or the USA, but on gaylang 18(fishBowl) 40 Sing gets you 1/2 little more, if your a local, 80Sing gets you 45mins to an hour, were talking 25USD to 50USD, and the girls are TOP QUALITY, I have had some great sex there. Even the more expensive places like Orchard towers are still cheaper then colombia for example I would leave the ship at midnight get to orchard tower by 0100, pick up a girl by 3am after a couple of drinks and some searching, and pay her 150Sing to 200Sing about 95USD or 125USD for all night of sex or till 10AM most of the girls would stay that long, some of the more hard veterns would try and leave early. (I still had to pay taxi and hotel, but that was all under 20USD). And those girls were top quality as well.

Now take for example Colombia the prices are basically very similar if not a little higher, I wouldnt put some of the local MP in the same catagory as Gaylang 18, the girls don't measure up, in fact lutrons would be a place equal to some of the places on gaylang and lutron costs more 73USD, about 10-20 USD more actually. And False Dose or some of the local houses can cost you exit fee 120K-150K then 200K for the girl and she WILL LEAVE AFTER A FEW HOURS. Total bill for false dose is just under 200USD including cover and required drinks and I don't know many that will stay with you till 10AM. So in singapore 150USD got me a girl from 2AM or 3AM till morning usually 8AM-10AM, in colombia a girl from a house or a club can run equal to that or a little bit more

Now I am not "bitching" just comparing, and asking why in a modern country is pussy so closely priced to that of a dangerous third world country like colombia? I realize my prices may not match what is out there, there are steals and deals in both countries but I see them as closely priced, and just wonder why?

To answear my own question, I think mainly the prices difference is becuase the girls in singapore are brought over from their country on contract for a period of time, there % of the money is small, their passports are taken away and they are often not allowed to leave the building, thus creating a cheaper enviorment, taking away the girls right to be a **** with money. Also the freelancers at orchard tower are on toursit visa's (most) and are often not in country for long periods of time, and need to make as much money as possible in a short amount of time. Number 2 the country has many tourists from every country possible, and these guys don't pay that much for pussy, they just don't.

11-29-06, 05:03
Sailor: Do you REALLY want all the guys going to Colombia to start going to SIN instead? If safety is a priority, there is no safer city ON EARTH than SIN. NONE. But SIN is also a police state with the many drawbacks of totalitarianism.

11-29-06, 06:01
Sailor: Do you REALLY want all the guys going to Colombia to start going to SIN instead? If safety is a priority, there is no safer city ON EARTH than SIN. NONE. But SIN is also a police state with the many drawbacks of totalitarianism.

Ah!! But if everyone goes to Singapore then demand drops off. And prices go down. Surfer, you're a smart guy. You should encourage this!! :-)

Start telling stories about how the SIN authorities are so cool - that you can even get free spankings for chewing gum! Tell Nibu that they all have big tits! It's a great idea.

Then prices will come down and I will buy you a beer while we contemplate our pick of cheap chicas!!



12-08-06, 21:59
Hi everyone,

After a long, long 5 days drive from Colombia to Peru, I have just arrived to my new playground. I am here in Lima with my dear friend Screwed Up that is as screwed up as ever.

Here's what happened.

I used to live in Cali for 4 years. I ended up waking-up to the fact that the wife I had was a total *****. That is good enough for the USA, but in Colombia, with all the competition around, that doesn't fly for long. So, I ended up giving her the divorce that she deserved and went on. The hard thing was obviously the 2 kids that were in the middle. Anyhow, a failed mariage doesn't have to mean that the divorce has to fail. Well, it ended-up that the ex-to-be is so fucked-up in her head that she started to threat me and my surroundings. I had met my dear Edith that is most probably the best of Colombia, and she got some of my ex-wife's bad behavior.

In the process, to have some breathing room, I moved from Cali to Pereira in Colombia. Having a 3 hour drive between I and the ex-wife may help in getting a little less bullshit from her. That went well for 6 months. Then the threats and the criminal lawsuits against me started coming again. The justice system in Colombia is just a total mess. Could you believe that I had a criminal lawsuit against me because I sent my own daughter to the zoo with a friend (and came back the day after)? Well, if I can't be a dad with my daughter in that crazy country without risking jail time, then I am getting the Hell out of this nut country. I then brought my 2 kids to her mother, wish them all good life (kiss to the kids, and a slap in the face to the ex-wife), and then had to leave Colombia most probably forever with Edith (I hope).

We left Cali on a Saturday. I drive a 1974 Jeep Land-cruiser. Old car that often plays tricks on me. But the drive is only 3000 km or so, and having driven from Florida to Seatle twice plus through Canada a couple of times, what could go wrong?

Anyhow, on Saturdayit happened. The car breaks down in the Cauca. For those of you that do not know the Cauca, well it's FARC country. When you meet someone, you don't know who he is and how your interaction is going to end. The trouble was with the fuel pump. It happened at about 30-40 minutes south of Popayan. The meeting lotery ended up being good. We met good people that ended up helping us through this ordeal. It ended up being a 6 hour stall, and we were then back on the road.

Day one ended up in Pasto Colombia. Then comes day 2. We go to Ipiales to the Colombian border. I go through the border without an hitch. For Edith (a Colombian citizen) that is not the same. She needs a report from the DAS about her judicial status, and on a Sunday, the banks are not opened to make the deposit of their bribe money. Result: we need to wait until the next day in order to go through this bureaucracy. How beautiful is that? Anyhow, let's cut our losses and go to the hotel and work on a little antifreeze in the meantime.

The next day is the one. I go at the bank and make the deposit of the bribe money while she has her picture taken. All done within an hour. Then, we go through the Colombia border and the Ecuador border. The car brought some issues. I had my paperwork in order to go through borders, but did not think of Ecuador (more on that later). Customs at Ecuador's border did not appear to be an issue. So, we started our long journey south. We got stopped by police about 4 times in the first 200 km. After that, there was a custom check-point. I felt like it was going to be just another one of these checks and we're back on our way. They gave me shit about the fact that I needed a certificate of importation because I am more than 200 km into Ecuador and that a Colombian car can enter in Colombia but only until a certain point without that certificate. Bullshit, total bullshit.... We told people at customs at the border that we were heading to Peru. If they did not provide us with that certificate, then they have to be equivalently unprofessional and overlook it now. The agent tells me to go back at the border and ask for the report. I tell him that I will make the U-turn and do so. I get in the car, and kept driving while ignoring his fucking advice.

We drive south up to Quito. Going through a city is always a mess since a freeway melts down to normal streets (without signs) and you need to find your way through that mess to find the freeway again on the other end of the city. In the process of doing so, we are told that the pan-american freeway is closed today. That was odd. And what other road may we take to go south? None we are told. I keep on driving while ignoring that alarming input. Indeed, I get into a road block that will confirm my worst fears. What happened? I ask the cop. Was there an landslide, or something? No, there is a unlawful road-block to protest against the state of the road and they ask for 30 million dollars to fix the road. Why should I care, send the fucking army and show them who's the boss!!!! No, not in Ecuador. It was already closed for 2 days, and the protest made sure to close all exits south. We drove back to Quito and got an hotel to spend the night, maybe the day after it will open.

Go to an hotel, spend $24 USD for the room, and relax a bit after a stressfull day. Edith stays in the room while I go and fetch for some Internet. While I come back to the room, she tells me that she hitches everywhere. Good news: there are fleas in the room. The harm was already done, we switch bed but that wouldn't fix anything anyhow.

The morning after, I ask if the protest is done. No. So, I tell my darling that we'll have to drive north and west to go around that mess. It ended up being a 600 km little detour through the Ecuador rain forest. We drove almost to the Ecuador-Peru border that same day (about 15 hours drive) without seeing anymore customs. The following day was reserved for another border. Get the hell out of Ecuador and into Peru. I was frightened about the car and the custom paper to make Ecuador happy, but that's the aventure. We get to the border. What a mess it is at that border!!! First Ecuador's migration. No problem. Then, a couple of miles down the road comes the Peru border. I first stop to get some Soles (Peru's currency) on the street. Exchange $70 USD to Soles. Then an Ecuador custom agent gets to my window and asks me for my paperwork. I answer hiw with a smile. I look at Edith and tell her to buckle up and start driving the last 20 meters to Peru as if I did not hear him at all. She tells me that I am crazy! She may be right. Anyhow, that ended up being a good move since it was the end of it. Then comes Peru's custom agent. We push some more paperwork without problem (at least until now).

Then comes the Peru long drive. Roads in Peru are in excellent shape. Way better than Colombia and Ecuador. Other than the Ecuador fleas eating us alive, the trip was excellent. Half way into Peru, we stopped in a restaurant and I ask the guy to prepare a pool of water to drown the little bastards. I jump into the bucket with all my clothes and drowned them as expected and that was also the end of it for them.

Quite a trip. I am happy to be in Lima, but somewhat fearful towards that next chapter in my life. C'est la vie! This is adventure or not????


Antifreeze with his lovely Edith (the best of Colombia) by his side.

Aussie Greg
12-08-06, 22:15
You know, I was thinking of you while I was pumping a beautifull Pereira girl last Tuesday night in Pereira.

What a fucken story Freezer, I guess me having children in the furture I have something to look forward to !!!! keep a room for me mate, regards to you and the little one.

Aussie G.

Hi everyone,

After a long, long 5 days drive from Colombia to Peru, I have just arrived to my new playground. I am here in Lima with my dear friend Screwed Up that is as screwed up as ever.

Here's what happened.

I used to live in Cali for 4 years. I ended up waking-up to the fact that the wife I had was a total *****. That is good enough for the USA, but in Colombia, with all the competition around, that doesn't fly for long. So, I ended up giving her the divorce that she deserved and went on. The hard thing was obviously the 2 kids that were in the middle. Anyhow, a failed mariage doesn't have to mean that the divorce has to fail. Well, it ended-up that the ex-to-be is so fucked-up in her head that she started to threat me and my surroundings. I had met my dear Edith that is most probably the best of Colombia, and she got some of my ex-wife's bad behavior.

In the process, to have some breathing room, I moved from Cali to Pereira in Colombia. Having a 3 hour drive between I and the ex-wife may help in getting a little less bullshit from her. That went well for 6 months. Then the threats and the criminal lawsuits against me started coming again. The justice system in Colombia is just a total mess. Could you believe that I had a criminal lawsuit against me because I sent my own daughter to the zoo with a friend (and came back the day after)? Well, if I can't be a dad with my daughter in that crazy country without risking jail time, then I am getting the Hell out of this nut country. I then brought my 2 kids to her mother, wish them all good life (kiss to the kids, and a slap in the face to the ex-wife), and then had to leave Colombia most probably forever with Edith (I hope).

We left Cali on a Saturday. I drive a 1974 Jeep Land-cruiser. Old car that often plays tricks on me. But the drive is only 3000 km or so, and having driven from Florida to Seatle twice plus through Canada a couple of times, what could go wrong?

Anyhow, on Saturdayit happened. The car breaks down in the Cauca. For those of you that do not know the Cauca, well it's FARC country. When you meet someone, you don't know who he is and how your interaction is going to end. The trouble was with the fuel pump. It happened at about 30-40 minutes south of Popayan. The meeting lotery ended up being good. We met good people that ended up helping us through this ordeal. It ended up being a 6 hour stall, and we were then back on the road.

Day one ended up in Pasto Colombia. Then comes day 2. We go to Ipiales to the Colombian border. I go through the border without an hitch. For Edith (a Colombian citizen) that is not the same. She needs a report from the DAS about her judicial status, and on a Sunday, the banks are not opened to make the deposit of their bribe money. Result: we need to wait until the next day in order to go through this bureaucracy. How beautiful is that? Anyhow, let's cut our losses and go to the hotel and work on a little antifreeze in the meantime.

The next day is the one. I go at the bank and make the deposit of the bribe money while she has her picture taken. All done within an hour. Then, we go through the Colombia border and the Ecuador border. The car brought some issues. I had my paperwork in order to go through borders, but did not think of Ecuador (more on that later). Customs at Ecuador's border did not appear to be an issue. So, we started our long journey south. We got stopped by police about 4 times in the first 200 km. After that, there was a custom check-point. I felt like it was going to be just another one of these checks and we're back on our way. They gave me shit about the fact that I needed a certificate of importation because I am more than 200 km into Ecuador and that a Colombian car can enter in Colombia but only until a certain point without that certificate. Bullshit, total bullshit.... We told people at customs at the border that we were heading to Peru. If they did not provide us with that certificate, then they have to be equivalently unprofessional and overlook it now. The agent tells me to go back at the border and ask for the report. I tell him that I will make the U-turn and do so. I get in the car, and kept driving while ignoring his fucking advice.

We drive south up to Quito. Going through a city is always a mess since a freeway melts down to normal streets (without signs) and you need to find your way through that mess to find the freeway again on the other end of the city. In the process of doing so, we are told that the pan-american freeway is closed today. That was odd. And what other road may we take to go south? None we are told. I keep on driving while ignoring that alarming input. Indeed, I get into a road block that will confirm my worst fears. What happened? I ask the cop. Was there an landslide, or something? No, there is a unlawful road-block to protest against the state of the road and they ask for 30 million dollars to fix the road. Why should I care, send the fucking army and show them who's the boss!!!! No, not in Ecuador. It was already closed for 2 days, and the protest made sure to close all exits south. We drove back to Quito and got an hotel to spend the night, maybe the day after it will open.

Go to an hotel, spend $24 USD for the room, and relax a bit after a stressfull day. Edith stays in the room while I go and fetch for some Internet. While I come back to the room, she tells me that she hitches everywhere. Good news: there are fleas in the room. The harm was already done, we switch bed but that wouldn't fix anything anyhow.

The morning after, I ask if the protest is done. No. So, I tell my darling that we'll have to drive north and west to go around that mess. It ended up being a 600 km little detour through the Ecuador rain forest. We drove almost to the Ecuador-Peru border that same day (about 15 hours drive) without seeing anymore customs. The following day was reserved for another border. Get the hell out of Ecuador and into Peru. I was frightened about the car and the custom paper to make Ecuador happy, but that's the aventure. We get to the border. What a mess it is at that border!!! First Ecuador's migration. No problem. Then, a couple of miles down the road comes the Peru border. I first stop to get some Soles (Peru's currency) on the street. Exchange $70 USD to Soles. Then an Ecuador custom agent gets to my window and asks me for my paperwork. I answer hiw with a smile. I look at Edith and tell her to buckle up and start driving the last 20 meters to Peru as if I did not hear him at all. She tells me that I am crazy! She may be right. Anyhow, that ended up being a good move since it was the end of it. Then comes Peru's custom agent. We push some more paperwork without problem (at least until now).

Then comes the Peru long drive. Roads in Peru are in excellent shape. Way better than Colombia and Ecuador. Other than the Ecuador fleas eating us alive, the trip was excellent. Half way into Peru, we stopped in a restaurant and I ask the guy to prepare a pool of water to drown the little bastards. I jump into the bucket with all my clothes and drowned them as expected and that was also the end of it for them.

Quite a trip. I am happy to be in Lima, but somewhat fearful towards that next chapter in my life. C'est la vie! This is adventure or not????


Antifreeze with his lovely Edith (the best of Colombia) by his side.

12-09-06, 03:17
Hey amigo! Hope things work out well for you two in Peru. Sounds like you had quite an adventure.

Though I wasn't thinking of you while with my chica from Pereira, I do wish you and Edith well.

Latin Crusher
12-10-06, 01:17
Can anyone of you tell me how is the business in Cali doing with the women, I love going over there last time I was in Jan 2006 I had a blast there is a lot of ways to get some snatch, either free in la calle sexta, or the burdeles like faraones, well I used love to colombian women, although the best for me is brazilian mixed with european like my wife, I did a lot of pussy hunting in Cali since 2004, I also been around Europe and other countries in South America, to the gentleman Antifreeze let me say, you made the right choice, getting a Colombian women was a good move, because peruvian women are not attractive at all, I'm half peruvian-half chilean, and I don't like neither side, well I will be hanging out on this post hopefully by March I should get my free time and head down to Cali. Well from my previous time I was in las torres de Cali and I met 4 different ladies from two latino websites, oh well three went down for the pipe the other one was money digging *****, then I did my routes around la calle sexta meet a few girls and took some nympho back to my hotel she was a sexmaniac, then I also went to las casas de cita de chicas around las torres de cali area, a lot of ass everywhere, and prices were good and affordable, Cali women are very strong and hot blooded, well thank all and hope to be a helpful for the new school guys as well as the old school! CARLOS!

El Cubanito
12-11-06, 20:46
I am just looking for advice. I have my two week setup to go to Cali, Colombia. I will be leaving on January 14, 2007 and will return on February 4, 2007. I have met this incredible ass delicious cutie in Cali. I have several questions:

1. I met this Cali girl (Jiovana) on Cybercupidos.com. We have been talking on and off since April 06. How do I know if this chick is a pro or a non-pro? Frnkly I have not been able to get any hints that she is a pro? She says she works in a Print shop. She has not given me any hints that she is a working girl. I have asked her a couple of times if she wants to go with me to San Andres for a weekend and everytime I get the same response:My mother will not let me go.

2. How is the FARC situation in Cali? I read a couple of reports that a couple of bombs were set off. My Cali girl tells me that these bombs did not hurt anybody. The bomb were use to kidnap some local officials. Is it safe for a first timer to go Cali with a girl he just met on the net?

3. Where do people recommend staying in Cali?

Sorry if I have ask questions that have been asked before and answer. Thank you in advance for the members that give me a prompt response.

Oye mi hermano, Cubanut, ojala que yo encuentre una esperiencia como tu encontraste en Medellin.

Cubanut, are you going to be in Colombia around the time I am in Colombia?

12-12-06, 02:04
Cali seems to be a dodgy town, i mean I see these hot ass models on the caliescali.com website but surely not many hotties look like that despite what many gringos say, and if they do look like that i doubt they are going to be on gringo dick unless you are a millionaire and you live there 24/7. I saw many gals like that in rio and they didnt even look at me let alone give me that chance to pump them with enigma juice. being darker skinned added more salt to a wound. So i wonder if Cali is worth it. I have the money but it sounds like a bust.

Cream on Top
12-12-06, 12:07
no te preoccupas tropo amigo !

colombian chics are not your regular us female attitude (not for now at least), no reason to be or become paranoica !

the reason why 'la mama' does not want her to leave with you to san andres is maybe she is still ****d for such 'experiences' in her opinion. you will have to convince la mama first of your real intenciones with the cuty pie. or do you believe it is unusual for the mother to protect her beloved daughter from a gringo like you ? ;-)

what i suggest you for renting or lodging is ask the chica to find for you an apartment in cali. you will be better off compared to hotel rooms. and you will be totally free in what to do and bringing in chicas. price/quality is very good affordable. there are plenty of secured apartment areas over cali town. with guards carrying loaded kalashnicovs to keep the bugs outside the compounds. :o
meanwhile (if you are lucky) you have a private swimming pool inside the secured area.

dont worry about farc and other 'irregular' types of people. just use common sense and do not walk alone in dodgy side streets alone at night. the most problems and troubles for tourists are not from the farc, but from petty criminals and pick poketeers. keep on the main roads like avenida sexta. leave your pimp golden neckless at home, included your golden rolex. do not wear armani suits, but nice trousers and shirts which do not flash at night. mingle in, and dont exhagerate... the usual stuff to keep a low profile. and you will be just fine ! dont worry, the chics will find you ! it is not necessary to chase them, they will chase you !!
take a look at casa de cervesa near ave sexta. go in on a friday or sat night, chics dancing on the tables, drinking beer (jiraffa's). ;-)
score ratio : 95 %
only (again) common senses to be used. do not interfere into girls sitting next to other boyfriends.... or when you are not sure the pray is without a hubby or boyfriend inside the room. keep your distance, or the boyfriend will find you ! do not ask a girl possessing a boyfriend for a dance. you will get hit by the boyfriend for sure. most colombians are quiet 'jealous', and see their commitment as property or real estate. so, do not tresspass the property lines.

enigma84, you are talking shit. do not compare rio with colombia.
there is a saying about brasilieras in colombia. :-)

brasillian woman are the substitute of the average colombian woman but without the brains inside. and they hit it exactly with this saying. in fact i know some brasillian men, who got themselves a colombian woman for this reason. colombian woman go study and work together to be someone in life. brasillian woman do not have the slightest clue how to manage such a life. they rather go horizontal without thinking. hoping they caught a big fish, who will play the sponsor the rest of their existence. colombianas are quiet different on this issue.... off course exceptions make the rules everywhere.

12-12-06, 16:44
Cream on top you obviously didn't read my post. I said the "10"s of cali that you see on caliescali.com don't fuck with gringos, even though gringos like to make out they do. I will have a harder time in Cali since I am going to be chasing non-pros. Chasing non pros in Rio is easy and the women don't mind darker skinned men. Gringos I speak to say BAQ is better for non-pros also more tolerent of black men.

MJG Dogs
12-12-06, 22:18
I need some help. The apartment that I rent usually in Cali ( near Chippichape), is rented during my stay in March. I am looking to spend up to, but not over $ 50 a night for an apartment with a kitchen, full bath, bedroom etc... for a week in mid march. I prefer to stay near Chippachape, and near avenida sexta.

Does anyone have any recommendations?, and does anyone know or has anyone stayed at Hostal San Fernando on the south side of Cali?


12-13-06, 02:40
Cubanut, are you going to be in Colombia around the time I am in Colombia?

I will be in Cali from 1-12-07 to 1-23-07.

I don't know if I can elaborate any more than Cream on top did about the questions you raised and yes they have been asked and answered before.


1. This first question is not a question so nothing to answer.

2. Are you asking if it's safe to assume that the girl is not FARC? I don't think FARC is recruiting girls to lure tourists on Cybercupidos to be kidnapped. As far as being blown up in Cali. I think your chance of winning the lottery has equal chances. Now if you ask if you can be mugged, my answer is yes but that goes for many countries and cities as well as my own city. It all depends on how safety minded you are and so I don't suggest you stroll around a park at night with justyour girl. You get the picture.

3. Where to Stay in Cali? Depends on if you want to impress your girl or just have a place to lay your head or if you want a little something more. Consider that www.calipenthouse.com is an apartment that runs $125 per night near the Chippichape mall. Great if you really want to impress the girl. However a smaller apartment or hotel will run you much per night although the hotel may chareg an overnight guest fee. There are Several hotels like thw Windsor Plaza or the Hotel Versailles is impressive as well as well as the Dann Carlton.



12-13-06, 03:56

2. Are you asking if it's safe to assume that the girl is not FARC? I don't think FARC is recruiting girls to lure tourists on Cybercupidos to be kidnapped. As far as being blown up in Cali. I think your chance of winning the lottery has equal chances. Now if you ask if you can be mugged, my answer is yes but that goes for many countries and cities as well as my own city. It all depends on how safety minded you are and so I don't suggest you stroll around a park at night with justyour girl. You get the picture ...

Great people in Cali ... but trust me, I have many friends there and I visit quite frequently ... the city has very high crime.

Best to keep in the better parts of the city and be smart.

My girlfriend just moved back to Pereira due to the insecurity in Cali.


El Cubanito
12-13-06, 03:59
Since this is my first time in Cali. Yes I am thinking of renting the Cali penthhouse. No, I am not doing it to impress the girl. I am doing it more because it is a place that I have seen the picture and it looks like a very good place to stay on my first visit to Colombia. Listen maybe we can hook up and have a beer and talk about some common war stories (mongering).

BTW, the story that you wrote on the Medellin website about leydis is priceless.

Thanks for all of the info Cream on Top and Cubanut.

Luis the Great, thanks for the PM.

I hope to see you in Cali Cubanut.

El Cubanito

Mr Enternational
12-13-06, 06:36
We stayed at Aparthotel Monte Carlo in Zona Rosa on Calle 22N & 5N-15, 2 blocks from La Sexta. Six floors, I think 4 apartments on each floor. No elevator. I flipped my friends for the 2nd floor apartment, while they had the 4th and 6th floors. The price was right. Less than US$35/night. However there was a thief amongst the micro 2 or 3 person staff. Each apartment had a regular lock as well as a deadbolt lock that used a different key. However one of the hotel's guests said that someone had been in his room and stolen his $2000 laptop.

I did not notice any of my things missing until 4: 30 the next morning when I was leaving. My jacket was missing along with my SD cards and an expensive pen. A cell phone was stolen from my friend's apartment. I went downstairs and asked the night desk clerk if he could call the owner (we had seen the lady the two previous days.) He said he had no way to call her. So I told him to call the police. He didn't call at first while I continued talking with my friends. I raised my voice, "did you call the police? " Then he immediately called. While waiting for the police to arrive he went upstairs to check to see what we had consumed. The police arrived and went right to the rooms. They came back downstairs and told me that they would write a report but there was nothing they could do. I thanked them and they left. The guy came back downstairs and said that I owed 40, 000 pesos for the things I consumed. I told him that I was not paying for shit because someone who works there stole my things. Then he decided that he knew how to get in touch with the owner, because if he didn't collect the money from me it would come out of his paycheck. I was kind enough to leave my card with all of my information and what was stolen and the prices but vowed that I would never stay there again.

Mr Enternational
12-13-06, 07:08
Cream on top you obviously didn't read my post. I said the "10"s of cali that you see on caliescali.com don't fuck with gringos, even though gringos like to make out they do. I will have a harder time in Cali since I am going to be chasing non-pros. Chasing non pros in Rio is easy and the women don't mind darker skinned men. Gringos I speak to say BAQ is better for non-pros also more tolerent of black men.I would have to disagree with you about top notch Cali non-pros not wanting to deal with gringoes and about Cali women not digging black men. I see you mentioned Rio. If you have already been there then you will probably consider most other places (Land of Smiles excluded! ) a waste of your time and money, because of the 30 countries I have been to nothing has come close. Thanks to the forum and online dating sites I had already had everything preprogrammed (except accomodations) before I arrived in Cali.

I didn't do any mongering there. I tried, but like I said after Rio and Bangkok. It is like being raised on steak and being forced to downgrade to bolonga sandwiches. So I stuck with my non-pros for extracurricular activites. The first casa we went to was run by a guy named Diego (316-440-5125). It was nothing like I expected. It felt like we were going to someones house (hmmm. Maybe that is why it is called a casa! ) and not looking for P4P. But really, when we were knocking I thought someone would come to the door and curse us out because it was the wrong address. But we were at the right place. You go in, sit on the couch, then the girls come out one at a time with regular street clothes on and tell you their name and shake your hand then they immediately return to the back. You don't even have enough time to get a good look at the girls to build your lust or attraction. Diego was kind enough to take us around to some other spots that we had on the list. We paid for the taxi of course. Every spot had the same set-up and formalities as the first. There was no sitting down with the girls to talk shit before you choose one; only sitting on the couch with the rest of the guys. You basically have to choose in the 15 seconds that she comes out to introduce herself. I didn't get a chance to experience any of the 'clubs' because they do not open until night and my two nights were already reserved for my non-pros. Non-pro pictures below.

Cream on Top
12-13-06, 08:53
The ability - will - desire of those so called 10's to fuck, does not only depend on how she feels about herself. But MAINLY how you treat her.....

And this is not only for Cali but for most parts of our zoological garden (world).

Enigma84 and many others here, understand that YOUR attitude towards the chica will proof your succes or failiure.

1. take away their prejudgments about skin color (black or white)
2. convince them of exactly what your intentions are
3. show them you are not the regular asshole on hollidays to srew and leave
4. be yourself ! (do not run around with your brains between the legs).
5. treat them with R E S P E C T. (many are not used to it) be Caballero !

I'm sure with these few simple rules, you too Enigma84 will fuck 10's in Cali. You seem to me only in your mid 20's. (84 = 22 years of age ?) In these circumstances you should be screwing everything on this planet available.
Only one more thing. Don't look for 10's in the regular dirty bars. There you can find only 10's with an attitude equal to western women. They don't worth our dicks. I never would go chase pussie in a Rio bar like HELP. This is pathetic environment only meant for ripping off tourists. Every city has such bars and disco's. Find the real original local pubs and dancing halls. That's where you score and find the real genuine freebies.
I went to Cali, was there 8 days, and every single night I slept with a pussy on my dick. And not only for an hour, but all night long. Charges ? ZERO DINERO.
Even in Bogota where I arrived my first day. I had arranged my meetings upfront and I fucked the complete night with a 28 year old Industrial enginiera. It is no miracle in Colombia, it is hard fact ! Even for an old blocke like me. She might not be a 10 for you, but she was an 8+ to me.

El Cubanito
12-13-06, 14:41
It seems that you have been in all of the major Colombian cities. Which is your favorite for mongering.

MJG Dogs
12-14-06, 05:10
Well based on the below written report, This place comes off of the list. sorry about the hassles you guys received Mr. enternational.

12-14-06, 18:39
Cream on Top thanks for the feedback and she is a very nice girl. your right I am 24 so I am fairly young compared to most guys here.

I agree with your observation of nightclubs. Overrated in my opinion if you want to meet girls. Malls and shops and better esp for 10's. And if you plan on taking a girl to a nightclub thats a different matter but nightclubs in general are a bad place to meet women. Most girls are on some sort of ego trip and gun men down at nightclubs just for the fun of it.

I will try Cali and BAQ in JAN. Cant wait.

12-15-06, 01:33
I need some help. The apartment that I rent usually in Cali ( near Chippichape), is rented during my stay in March. I am looking to spend up to, but not over $ 50 a night for an apartment with a kitchen, full bath, bedroom etc... for a week in mid march. I prefer to stay near Chippachape, and near avenida sexta.

Does anyone have any recommendations?, and does anyone know or has anyone stayed at Hostal San Fernando on the south side of Cali?

Thanks.....I used calicalicaliente.com last time I was in Colombia, although they are primarily a mail order bride service they do sometimes rent out an apts they gave me a choice of a penthouse or a regular apt. I dont remember the prices but it was definatley worth it. The owner took me out to all the great clubs and partied with me and introduced me to a tons of chicas I loved it.

Luis The Great
12-15-06, 01:53
Please note there are two Apartahotels walking distance from each other
ApartaHotel MonteCarlo, and
Apartahotel Del Rio www.apartahoteldelrio.com

I walked by the ApartHotel MonteCarlo, look like a dump. On a corner doesnt even look like a hotel.

I personally stayed at Apartahotel del Rio on the recomendation of another monger. Great place I totally felt safe. Security outside. Maids where nice pleasent. Pool on the top floor. Gym Internet access in the business room.
I stayed there with a couple of different chics no girl fee charged.
However I guess it could have happened to me to. I usually keep a low profile so they must think theres nothing to steal. Then again I have had a laptop that I would plug into there LAN. But I left Cali with it.

MJG Dogs
12-15-06, 04:20

Yes I have heard a lot of good things about Apartamental Del rio, however isn't it a bit far from chippachape?

El Cubanito
12-15-06, 19:54
Has any monger had any taxi incidents (charging them extra money, getting mug by the taxi driver,etc...) with the taxis at the Cali Airport taking them to their Hotel or lodging when they have arrived?

Again, sorry if this has been covered before.

El CUbanito

12-17-06, 13:21
What's up. I'll be in Cali from Dec. 23 - Dec. 30 for the Feria and cabalgata. This will be my first time in Cali so I'm pretty psyched. Anyone else around?

After Cali I'll be in MDE until Jan. 5 then returning back home to Bogota.

12-26-06, 21:12
Hello all,

VatosLocos is taking his ass to Cali for 1st time, after many times to sexparadise Rio!

Off course after reading reports here from many many mongers that have paved the way.

Well i will be in Cali from 21st febr till 14th march 2007, anyone who is also there and would love to exchange experiences and mayby adventure some like me. (means mongering AND non-pro!) please get in contact with me through this site.

And off course when I will be back, reports will follow and hopefully loads of good and juizy Pics!


12-27-06, 04:18
What's up. I'll be in Cali from Dec. 23 - Dec. 30 for the Feria and cabalgata. This will be my first time in Cali so I'm pretty psyched. Anyone else around?

After Cali I'll be in MDE until Jan. 5 then returning back home to Bogota.I'm in Cali now foe the Feria. Visit Avenida Sexta its full of 8 to 10's. Where are you staying at? Lets get together.



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01-05-07, 22:57
Hello all, After going to Cali every six weeks for the past year and a half a bit of violence finally hit home,, after a nice fun filled day with the NOVIA in el centro, on the way home in the taxi we stopped at my apartamento and she gets out to open the door and puts the key in the door to open it, i tell the cab driver to drive on, because i was on my way for a 7pm massage apointment, I get a call two minutes later from her brother panicking on is cell phone that my baby was held-up two minutes ago in front of the apratment by 3 men and one woman on dirt bikes, who strongheld her and physically removed her cell phone, told her to be quiet OR ELSE and then sped-off and left her physically and emotionally in distress, I get home to find her crumbled-up on the kitchen floor in shock and unstopable crying, i try to console her to no avail, telling her that thank-god she is alive and not hurt or dead and that the superficial products can be easily replaced, and thank-god that that they didnt go into the apartment and rob the place WITH ALL MY STUFF including laptop and ipod, etc etc, why didnt they go in? because this was a random act and they didnt know whom or what was waiting for them inside, my CUNADO told me that this was a random normal day in CALI and just another statistic, which i sorrily agree to, but this really hit close to home and opened my eyes even more, to see this once proud, beautiful, strong CALENA, reduced to a mere statistic! ON ANOTHER NOTE, a very good friend of mine who is in CTG, the same times as me during the feria in CALI, HAS just told me that girls in CTG are asking for 300k ST and Beach girls are asking 150k, CHEAPEST or walking!!, i dont know if this is because it is peak season or something here to stay,, now take it, this is coming from the mouth of a very seasoned monger who has been in COLOMBIA, DR, CR, BRAZIL and CUBA! ITS official, CTG is RUINED and ANOTHER CR, end of story! which city will be next? Peace mongers and be safe "CHINO"

01-06-07, 02:46
If you make the trip to Cali, watch yourself.

My taxista buddy was stopped at a traffic light the other night and a motorcycle pulled beside him with a pistol directed at him.

He said it was common occurence.

Fun can be had, but tenga cuidado!


Rob Hay
01-08-07, 03:20
Wow it must have just gotten rough lately.....I was there most of the summer...No Drama just love

Sad to hear

01-09-07, 20:42
Ricker: is that our taxista friend F who got a gun pointed at him? Give him my regards. Also to the lovely and adorable Seniorita C.

Must admit the fear factor is one thing I don't miss about not going to Colombia any more (I am back in Asia camp). Suerte

01-10-07, 00:01
Hello all, After going to Cali every six weeks for the past year and a half a bit of violence finally hit home,, after a nice fun filled day with the NOVIA in el centro, on the way home in the taxi we stopped at my apartamento and she gets out to open the door and puts the key in the door to open it, i tell the cab driver to drive on, because i was on my way for a 7pm massage apointment, I get a call two minutes later from her brother panicking on is cell phone that my baby was held-up two minutes ago in front of the apratment by 3 men and one woman on dirt bikes, who strongheld her and physically removed her cell phone, told her to be quiet OR ELSE and then sped-off and left her physically and emotionally in distress, I get home to find her crumbled-up on the kitchen floor in shock and unstopable crying, i try to console her to no avail, telling her that thank-god she is alive and not hurt or dead and that the superficial products can be easily replaced, and thank-god that that they didnt go into the apartment and rob the place WITH ALL MY STUFF including laptop and ipod, etc etc, why didnt they go in? because this was a random act and they didnt know whom or what was waiting for them inside, my CUNADO told me that this was a random normal day in CALI and just another statistic, which i sorrily agree to, but this really hit close to home and opened my eyes even more, to see this once proud, beautiful, strong CALENA, reduced to a mere statistic! ON ANOTHER NOTE, a very good friend of mine who is in CTG, the same times as me during the feria in CALI, HAS just told me that girls in CTG are asking for 300k ST and Beach girls are asking 150k, CHEAPEST or walking!!, i dont know if this is because it is peak season or something here to stay,, now take it, this is coming from the mouth of a very seasoned monger who has been in COLOMBIA, DR, CR, BRAZIL and CUBA! ITS official, CTG is RUINED and ANOTHER CR, end of story! which city will be next? Peace mongers and be safe "CHINO"

When the novia wants an updated cell, and the brother knows he gets the old one, Jerry Bruckheimer coud not write a better script. Probably not the case in your situation, but half the robberies of novias around the world never happen. We are the only ones getting robbed!!
I agree with you CTG has sunk and MDE is out of life boats as well. We must act now! I have managed to find three new destinations where you can still be king at a reasonable rate but I find that only my closest friends can be told about them. I fear the overpayers and weekend warriors will ruin those as well.

01-10-07, 00:33
Fantasy, on most days or occasions i would tend to agree with you, but if that was so, why wouldnt she have waited till I was in the states to tell me that her cell phone was stolen and she was mugged rather than to have to put on a convincing oscar winning act in front of me? Where i would have to see her ever convincing facial expressions. I have been seeing my novia for almost a year and i know her mannerisms. I am a seasoned monger beleive me. I have been around the block, more than a few times and trust me when i tell you, "where these bitches are going, IVE ALEADY had a coffee and returned" Cant play a player especially this one! Ha

When the novia wants an updated cell, and the brother knows he gets the old one, Jerry Bruckheimer coud not write a better script. Probably not the case in your situation, but half the robberies of novias around the world never happen. We are the only ones getting robbed!!
I agree with you CTG has sunk and MDE is out of life boats as well. We must act now! I have managed to find three new destinations where you can still be king at a reasonable rate but I find that only my closest friends can be told about them. I fear the overpayers and weekend warriors will ruin those as well.

01-10-07, 01:15
If I had a dime for everytime I heard this one. I certainly am not picking on you, matter of fact I even said that most likely it was not true in your case, but I thought it was a good oppurtunity to remind everyone to be on their toes at all times.

01-10-07, 01:42
If I had a dime for everytime I heard this one. I certainly am not picking on you, matter of fact I even said that most likely it was not true in your case, but I thought it was a good oppurtunity to remind everyone to be on their toes at all times.

Im not saying nor am I incinuating that your "picking on me" in the least, No harm no foul, In a matter of fact, I like when people add thier 2 cents! Peace Mongers "chino"

01-11-07, 15:40
.... I have managed to find three new destinations where you can still be king at a reasonable rate but I find that only my closest friends can be told about them. I fear the overpayers and weekend warriors will ruin those as well.

You sir are a wise man :)

Col Bog 1
01-13-07, 04:14
I arrived there at 10pm.

There’s an other club next door to the right (didn’t get in).

The place had 15-20 girls, nothing special to my taste, but I saw a couple of doable.
The guy proposed me a beer but as I never drink any alcohol or soda, he had nothing for me! Not even a bottle of water!

But I sat and girls came to present themselves.

I had seen a tall white skinny girl, but she came last, and didn’t seemed to be very interested, so I choose a very skinny “morenita” : Jamie.

Prices are 30K for 20 minutes, 45K for 30 minutes and 60K for an hour.
Condom and room are paid by the girl.

The room is a little bit scrappy but major problem is no Fan, so temperature got high and I got sweat.

I started with my favourite oral exploration and she didn’t say no when I teased her ass.
This is not so common here.

Her oral technique was poor and she was not very please to suck me uncovered.
So I left her cover me but with the condom I can hardly feel something if the girl is not very good, wish was not the case.

So, I started with classical positions, and after a while I decided to make my way to the tiny ass.

She helped me to get in !!! And she remained ok all the (long) way (10 minutes ?).
But I was exhausted and was not able to come.

So she gave me a very short massage because the game was over and the girl outside had stroke at our door twice already.

So, if you like skinny “Morenita” and if anal is something you like, Jamie is to be your girl.

Her Cell number is : 311 392 42 03


01-16-07, 11:48
I have a gf there and I was wondering if anyone knows anything about that area? safety?


01-17-07, 02:37
If you are talking about Florida (maybe a hour and a half to the east by bus), not La Florida, I was there for a day at the end of July. Met a guy that was born there and teaches at the high school. Went out one day and he showed me around town - introduced me to a lot of people - it was a nice experience. We took a short trip to another town with a taxi driver friend of his and one of his former students.

The mountains to the east of town are reputed to be an area of possible guerrilla activity, but the trip out there from Cali was said to be safe. My host didn't seem to have any concerns about guerrillas, and for whatever it's worth, I never felt unsafe on the roads or in town. Florida did have several soldiers in the downtown that were standing inside sandbag areas, and I did see some small groups of soldiers walking around town.

But, I was with a native, for whatever that was worth. I have heard a lot about the surrounding areas of Cali still being insecure, especially further to the south.

Hope this helps.

01-19-07, 05:18
Now this cant be good for Cali cartel/gringo relations! Can it? Be careful out there!

$50 million drug-money seizure may be biggest score ever
POSTED: 10:55 p.m. EST, January 17, 2007
Story Highlights
• Colombian police find millions in U.S. currency, euros in three raids
• Large quantity of gold found behind wall
• U.S. drug agents present during raids
• Money, gold thought to belong to top cocaine-trafficking cartel
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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Colombian national police recovered close to $50 million in U.S. currency as well as other money during three raids in the past week on houses used to stash drug proceeds, a U.S. official told CNN on Wednesday.

It is thought to be the most money ever seized by a law enforcement agency in the world, said the official, who requested anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the investigation.

The raids were conducted following a tip from a source working with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, the official told CNN. The DEA then provided information to the Colombian National Police.

The first of the raids -- all of which were conducted in the Cali area -- took place Friday, and $13 million and more than €2 million was seized. The cash was in a false cabinet and wall that led to a hidden room. Another cash seizure took place Tuesday, when police recovered $16 million to $18 million.

Separately, another house was searched on Wednesday and a large quantity of gold was found. Officials said a wall had to be destroyed to get to the gold.

DEA agents accompanied Colombian police on the raids, the DEA official said.

The money and gold likely belonged to a member of the Norte Valle Cartel, which dominates the cocaine trade in Colombia, the official told CNN.

Q Bert
01-19-07, 05:39
Now this cant be good for Cali cartel/gringo relations! Can it? Be careful out there!

$50 million drug-money seizure may be biggest score ever
POSTED: 10:55 p.m. EST, January 17, 2007
Story Highlights
• Colombian police find millions in U.S. currency, euros in three raids
• Large quantity of gold found behind wall
• U.S. drug agents present during raids
• Money, gold thought to belong to top cocaine-trafficking cartel
Adjust font size:
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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Colombian national police recovered close to $50 million in U.S. currency as well as other money during three raids in the past week on houses used to stash drug proceeds, a U.S. official told CNN on Wednesday.

It is thought to be the most money ever seized by a law enforcement agency in the world, said the official, who requested anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the investigation.

The raids were conducted following a tip from a source working with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, the official told CNN. The DEA then provided information to the Colombian National Police.

The first of the raids -- all of which were conducted in the Cali area -- took place Friday, and $13 million and more than €2 million was seized. The cash was in a false cabinet and wall that led to a hidden room. Another cash seizure took place Tuesday, when police recovered $16 million to $18 million.

Separately, another house was searched on Wednesday and a large quantity of gold was found. Officials said a wall had to be destroyed to get to the gold.

DEA agents accompanied Colombian police on the raids, the DEA official said.

The money and gold likely belonged to a member of the Norte Valle Cartel, which dominates the cocaine trade in Colombia, the official told CNN.

But at the same time, aren't we their best customers?

Escort King
01-19-07, 18:29
I arrived there at 10pm.

There’s an other club next door to the right (didn’t get in).

The place had 15-20 girls, nothing special to my taste, but I saw a couple of doable.
The guy proposed me a beer but as I never drink any alcohol or soda, he had nothing for me! Not even a bottle of water!

But I sat and girls came to present themselves.

I had seen a tall white skinny girl, but she came last, and didn’t seemed to be very interested, so I choose a very skinny “morenita” : Jamie.

Prices are 30K for 20 minutes, 45K for 30 minutes and 60K for an hour.
Condom and room are paid by the girl.

The room is a little bit scrappy but major problem is no Fan, so temperature got high and I got sweat.

I started with my favourite oral exploration and she didn’t say no when I teased her ass.
This is not so common here.

Her oral technique was poor and she was not very please to suck me uncovered.
So I left her cover me but with the condom I can hardly feel something if the girl is not very good, wish was not the case.

So, I started with classical positions, and after a while I decided to make my way to the tiny ass.

She helped me to get in !!! And she remained ok all the (long) way (10 minutes ?).
But I was exhausted and was not able to come.

So she gave me a very short massage because the game was over and the girl outside had stroke at our door twice already.

So, if you like skinny “Morenita” and if anal is something you like, Jamie is to be your girl.

Her Cell number is : 311 392 42 03


great report

Hoya Boy
01-25-07, 05:40
I was thinking about going to Cali in March. I speak minimal spanish, but enough to get around. I went to CTG and found it supprisingly safe. I thought that i would check out cali since i heard that the prettiest women are there. Can anyone advise on Hotels / plans of action to be safe.


01-25-07, 11:40
Cartagena is very safe, Cali is not as safe, but that shouldn't stop you visiting though.

Just be more carefull about security related things in general than you would be in Ctg.

MJG Dogs
01-25-07, 20:55
grow eyes in the back of your head, stay North of the river and keep your guard up in avenida sexta also. Hunter is correct when stating that it is not CTG, but that your should not visit Cali because of this concern. A lot of fine women. Just be smart.

01-25-07, 23:14
the best casas are actually South of the river FAR from the gringo areas (Hotel IC and Avenida Sexta). I have been to Cali more than 10 times without incident.
Using big city common sense, and speaking at least passable Spanish, are important. Nowhere is completely safe, not even the Laguito district of Cartagena where most tourists stay (outside the tourist cocoon Cartagena is just as dangerous as any other Colombian city-go walk around the Pleyboy Club in El Bosque at night to see what I mean).

01-26-07, 17:38
Some pepople get lulled into a false sense of security if they only have visited Cartagena.Go to el bosque as Surfer points out and you will see another side of the place,it definetley is not Laguito!

01-29-07, 02:25
I was thinking about going to Cali in March. I speak minimal spanish, but enough to get around. I went to CTG and found it supprisingly safe. I thought that i would check out cali since i heard that the prettiest women are there. Can anyone advise on Hotels / plans of action to be safe.

ThanksDon't worry about a thing. I spent about 5 weeks there about 6 months ago and never felt safer. There are police officers on every corner. I stayed with some friends in a supposedly "unsafe" area, but I just noticed that the only difference was that it was better secured than other areas. I only had one problem-that turned out to be an incident that made me feel even safer there. Some guy started follwing me, asking where I was going, what I wanted, etc. He was starting to annoy me, so I just started kicking his ass. A police officer ran over, and I just said he was bothering me, so the cop told him to get out of there. I found the people in Cali to be more friendly than anywhere else I've been in the world. I even did a lot of mongering and had no problems. I noticed that in Colombia the Cab drivers don't lurk around after they drop you off at the Strip Joints like they do in Mexico. And, all the Cabs that I was in had a metered rate, as opposed to the Haggle thing that you always have to do in other countries. Hope this info helps, and have a good trip.

01-29-07, 16:50
Don't worry about a thing. I spent about 5 weeks there about 6 months ago and never felt safer. There are police officers on every corner. I stayed with some friends in a supposedly "unsafe" area, but I just noticed that the only difference was that it was better secured than other areas. I only had one problem-that turned out to be an incident that made me feel even safer there. Some guy started follwing me, asking where I was going, what I wanted, etc. He was starting to annoy me, so I just started kicking his ass. A police officer ran over, and I just said he was bothering me, so the cop told him to get out of there. I found the people in Cali to be more friendly than anywhere else I've been in the world. I even did a lot of mongering and had no problems. I noticed that in Colombia the Cab drivers don't lurk around after they drop you off at the Strip Joints like they do in Mexico. And, all the Cabs that I was in had a metered rate, as opposed to the Haggle thing that you always have to do in other countries. Hope this info helps, and have a good trip.

Yeah, having strange guys follow you, sounds awful safe. lol. There is somewhat of a police presence on the Sexta or Chipe Chape area, but besides that, i could go for miles and never see one cop, or where my girlfriend lives in DECEPAZ, the taxis do not like to go there at night due to the fact that there is road construction and they need to drive through it at a snails pace and feer robery, ALSO they robbed my novia for her cell in a supposively "NICE" area. right behind Hotel Intercontinental in front of our apartment. Imagine that, gonna take someones life for a cellphone? This guy is giving you a false sense of security, you need to have street smarts wherever you go in Cali, from the "nice" areas to the "not so nice", areas. Dont beleive the hype.

01-29-07, 18:22
Skug37 ... PLeeeeeeze.
Don't tell a guy not to worry in Cali.

Of course it's not a war zone or anything, but just the mere fact that some dude was following you should tell you somethng.
It's common, and I don't recommend just kicking someone's ass as you say, many guys are armed and trying to kick their ass might just [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) the wrong guy off.

One minute you feel safe and cozy and then it can hit you. You just never know, especialy for a new guy, unfamiliar, lack of Spanish skills, etc.

Go to Cali, have fun, but definitely take good precautions.

Be smart y Suerte!

01-30-07, 15:32
Went by ESCOCES the other night in Cali ... the place near the Intercontinental ... it was a Saturday night.

I have to say the quality has gone down hill since my last visit there a couple months ago. Out of the 20 or so chicas I saw, none of them got my attention. Maybe 1 or 2 were OK ... the rest gorditas :)

Just a quick report .... Suerte!

01-30-07, 15:37
Is Cali even good hunting ground for non-pros?

I all the girls there are players

Its a good place however if you are an expat or live there as you can keep an eye on the girls.

Other than that BAQ is better.

02-02-07, 04:19
all you guys whom I am conspiring with to mislead people into believing Colombia as a whole, and Cali, in particular, is dangerous should stop it. The gig is up and we have been exposed.

Skug spent 5 weeks there and survived (though he did have to kick ass on some Colombiano who followed him on the Sexta) and that proves it. All those statitics about having the highest murder rate in the World are all concocted to keep the kooks at home. Colombia, South America's Singapore.


PER 100,000
(1) Colombia 63
(2) South Africa 51
(3) Jamaica 32
(4) Venezuela 32
(5) Russia 19
(6) Mexico 13
(7) Lithuania 10
(8) Estonia 10
(9) Latvia 10
(10) Belarus 9


The Colombian National Police crime report from 2006 shows enough of a drop by 2005 to be passed by South Africa (for 2005 "only" 40 out of every 100,000 Colombians were murdered) and move down to the #2 spot! Look out Jamaica and Venezuela! Heck the murder rate in Colombia nowadays is barely 3 times that of that very safe country on our own border, Mexico!


MJG Dogs
02-02-07, 08:27
Venezuela will pass Colombia as pocked marked ass face gets more power and the middle class what is left gets mugged and murdered by the thugs in caracas that are loyal to this piece of shit. The upper class will all be gone soon, if they are smart...

But yes, in cali, one must use precautions at all times, as in most of latin america. San Jose CR, is in many ways much worse....

02-04-07, 09:05
Cali only has more homicides than Canada anually. That statistic should talk by itself.

I lived in Cali for more than 3 years, and I can tell you right away, your life is not worth much there.

In anomity, you need to walk with confidence as if you know where you're going (that always work). Masterning the language, walking with confidence and being dressed as a local (not too many gringos succeed with that) and having a latin-like physical features will work in your favor.

But then, as you blend in for some time in Colombia, Colombians start treating you as one of them. That means: bullying, menaces, etc... And that is not the exception, it's the rule.

So, you may have it good for some time, but I don't think there is any good there on the long-run. It's so sad. Colombia is made of Colombians and they have that cultural background that they believe they can blame for their behavior.

On exil from Colombia and its own 2 kids because of violence in Colombia

Mr Enternational
02-05-07, 06:02
Does anyone know if the Four Points Sheraton Cali.

Calle 18 Norte Numero 4 is anywhere near La Sexta? I can't find a decent map online and I forgot to buy one last time I was in Cali. It costs $56/night and they have free airport pick up and drop off.

02-05-07, 17:03
Does anyone know if the Four Points Sheraton Cali.

Calle 18 Norte Numero 4 is anywhere near La Sexta? I can't find a decent map online and I forgot to buy one last time I was in Cali. It costs $56/night and they have free airport pick up and drop off.Great Hotel! You are about 3 blocks from Sexta.

Have fun and enjoy.

02-05-07, 17:40
Yes, extremely close to la sexta. PM kdog about it, he stays there a lot and will be able to talk to you about it. I think that this hotel is not girl-friendly though (they charge you for each one).


Does anyone know if the Four Points Sheraton Cali.

Calle 18 Norte Numero 4 is anywhere near La Sexta? I can't find a decent map online and I forgot to buy one last time I was in Cali. It costs $56/night and they have free airport pick up and drop off.

02-05-07, 20:38
Sheraton is good location and nice hotel BUT they charge about $20 for EACH visitor (even if ST only) according to Kdog. I have stayed at 4 points in Medellin, also a GREAT location adjacent to Oviedo Mall, but had a GF the whole time so I cannot speak to guest charges there. Hotel Don Jaime never USED to pull that stunt but now they do.

02-06-07, 04:45
Sheraton is good location and nice hotel BUT they charge about $20 for EACH visitor (even if ST only) according to Kdog. I have stayed at 4 points in Medellin, also a GREAT location adjacent to Oviedo Mall, but had a GF the whole time so I cannot speak to guest charges there. Hotel Don Jaime never USED to pull that stunt but now they do.


Just as an addem to Surfer's note about Don Jaime. I was passing in front of the hotel Don Jaime on Sexta (between calle 15th and 16th) 2 weeks ago then decided to ask if they imposed a guest fee for visitors. I was told that there is no fee if the visitor is in and out anytime before 10pm. After 10pm it is a $32,000 cop guest fee.



02-06-07, 06:46
I'll be heading to Cali shortly for about a week. I've been searching this forum to get the names of some recommended places to stay. I'd prefer a weekly-rental apartment. Or any "Chica-friendly" hotels ($20.00/night for an extra "guest" is fine).
Any recommendations?

02-06-07, 08:21
suggestions as to accomodations?

I'd prefer to alquiler, a lo colombiano, but I guess it'd be difficult to do that unless it's a longer term lease.

any good gyms in the city? and what would be a good part of town to live in (away from gringos please, by good I mean close to action, do not want upper class, middle class area is perfect)

any other ideas/suggestions you can pass along?

you can always pm me or email me.

02-06-07, 11:28
I'll be heading to Cali shortly for about a week. I've been searching this forum to get the names of some recommended places to stay. I'd prefer a weekly-rental apartment. Or any "Chica-friendly" hotels ($20.00/night for an extra "guest" is fine).
Any recommendations?


I rented an apartment on Ave 8 norte #10-98 at $140,000 cop a day. However I came across the Cali Plaza Hotel and feel it is a good if not great place to be based out of.

The Cali Plaza is owned by an American named Claude from Tennesse. Great guy and very hospitable. The hotel rooms ad apartments are excellent and a good value. The hotel is just three doors off the corner of Ave Sexta and calle 15 The corner of the Viejo Barrill #1). There is an ATM directly across the street as well.

You could not ask to be any closer to the party area of Sexta.

The restaurant at the Cali Plaza is modern clean and serves real good food from burgers to spaghetti to Oriental chicken and chili as well. All recipes brought in by Claude. Very tasty meals and great shakes. They also have a good selection of beer. Big screen TV inside and a smaller LCD in the outdoor area for sporting events also The restaurant is open til 10pm but open til 1am on the weekends.

The big plus is the Cali Plaza does not charge any guest fee. This alone adds to the value.

Claude also offers free Wi Fi service and free use of a cellular pre paid card phone to all guests.

I will come right out and say this is what the future Cali Mansion that Robert is establishing soon should aspire to be.

The hotel rooms start (in usd $ including tax) at $60.50 single bedroom per night and the single bedroom apartments are $88 and there is a three bedroom apartment at $154 per night. I believe one of the rooms in the 3 bedroom apartment did not have air conditioning but I think all the single rooms do. All the rooms and apartments are beautifully decorated with modern LCD televisions and refrigerators. The rooms/apartments facing Calle 15 have cute mini balconies as well. All rooms/apartments have electronic safes.

A 24 guard is on duty and although they don't wash clothes on premise they will send out/return clothes at cost with no added service fee.

Claude is very attentitive to emails so making a reservation is easy. I plan om using this hotel on my next visit to Cali.

BTW- Unlike the future Cali Mansion, the Cali Plaza does not offer naughty tours or guides to monger places or airport pickups or drop offs. So read up on Cali here on ISG before going if you are a newbie.

Pics and contact info Cali Plaza can be found at www(dot)caliplaza(dot)com



02-06-07, 18:09
ST visitors often do not incur the charge at Don Jaime even if they leave later than 10 but one of the great things about Cali is the availability and cost of LT and it irks me. They only started pulling that guest fee garbage about a year and a half ago.

CaliPlaza's biggest drawback is NOISE (to his credit, Claude is very honest about this). And not just at night from the Carrill nightclub across the street, but also from traffic on the Sexta starting early in the morning.

It is VERY well furnished with flat screen TVs and fixtures befitting a 4 star hotel. Decoration is lovely and the location unbeatable (as long as you like LOTS of noise, which I don't as I am a light sleeper).

Catire: I am emailing you Freeze's email.

02-06-07, 23:27
Will anyone be in Cali on Saturday Feb 17? It's been a few years since I have been to Cali and I have a stopover there on my way to Barranquillla. I get there around 8: 40pm and I am leaving in the morning so not much time. But if anyone wants to hit the town, let me know. Not sure where I am going to stay yet. Possibly Pension Stein by the Intercontinental. I enjoyed it there last time I was in Cali. I had someone refer me to a hostal there as well. Hostal santa rita. Anyone know anything about it? That could be a good choice as it's probably just a place to hold the luggage till my morning flight out. Since I probably won't sleep anyways. Of course if anyone knows of any decent apartments in a central part of town, let me know as that wouldnt be so bad either if I do decide to get some shuteye.

02-07-07, 06:14
Will anyone be in Cali on Saturday Feb 17? It's been a few years since I have been to Cali and I have a stopover there on my way to Barranquillla. I get there around 8: 40pm and I am leaving in the morning so not much time. But if anyone wants to hit the town, let me know. Not sure where I am going to stay yet. Possibly Pension Stein by the Intercontinental. I enjoyed it there last time I was in Cali. I had someone refer me to a hostal there as well. Hostal santa rita. Anyone know anything about it? That could be a good choice as it's probably just a place to hold the luggage till my morning flight out. Since I probably won't sleep anyways. Of course if anyone knows of any decent apartments in a central part of town, let me know as that wouldnt be so bad either if I do decide to get some shuteye.


If you wil be staying near the Intercontinental, I think your best use of time is to go to Escoces. It's just down the block from there (around the corner from the Dann Carlton.

The girls are friendly and very pretty. Sure it's a little more pricey than let's say the cheap casas but definately not as expensive as Frescades Flores (who's girls have real shitty attitudes these days).

The fact that all the girls are in lingerie instead of clothes also gives you a heads up as to the body as well.

If you can wait til closing (2am) you can negotiate a price with the girl outside of paying the bar fine. However if you have an early flight then pay the barfine and leave rather than wasting time sitting around drinking and dancing. Plenty more time to dance in your own bed, I always say.



02-07-07, 07:32
Hey Cubanut,

Thanks for the tip. This is actually perfect as I really was thinking to myself that opposed to going and hitting the discos or mongering as I have a gal and I'm pretty faithful, what I;d really like is a place to just got sit and enjoy my time watching some hot chicas dance. I'll probably have a ball there, assuming they are cool with me just drinking and enjoying the scenario. And you say it's close to Intercontinental so it must be close to Pension Stein as I walked to Interrcontinental last time.



If you wil be staying near the Intercontinental, I think your best use of time is to go to Escoces. It's just down the block from there (around the corner from the Dann Carlton.

The girls are friendly and very pretty. Sure it's a little more pricey than let's say the cheap casas but definately not as expensive as Frescades Flores (who's girls have real shitty attitudes these days).

The fact that all the girls are in lingerie instead of clothes also gives you a heads up as to the body as well.

If you can wait til closing (2am) you can negotiate a price with the girl outside of paying the bar fine. However if you have an early flight then pay the barfine and leave rather than wasting time sitting around drinking and dancing. Plenty more time to dance in your own bed, I always say.



02-07-07, 07:48
Ah.. Cubanut. Not that I'm frugal, but could you kindly give me an idea on prices at Escoces? Like I said, this sounds perfect and is really right down my alley for what I was looking for. So I'm there regardless of the prices since you recommend it. But, I'd also prefer not to pay the gringo tax and since I'll be alone and havent been to Cali in years, any info you might have so I'll know if Im being taken behind the woodshed would be fantastic.


If you wil be staying near the Intercontinental, I think your best use of time is to go to Escoces. It's just down the block from there (around the corner from the Dann Carlton.

The girls are friendly and very pretty. Sure it's a little more pricey than let's say the cheap casas but definately not as expensive as Frescades Flores (who's girls have real shitty attitudes these days).

The fact that all the girls are in lingerie instead of clothes also gives you a heads up as to the body as well.

If you can wait til closing (2am) you can negotiate a price with the girl outside of paying the bar fine. However if you have an early flight then pay the barfine and leave rather than wasting time sitting around drinking and dancing. Plenty more time to dance in your own bed, I always say.



02-07-07, 07:50
Kinda wierd.. I first posted this post and it didnt get posted...

Hey Cubanut,

Thanks for the tip. This is actually perfect as I really was thinking to myself that opposed to going and hitting the discos or mongering as I have a gal and I'm pretty faithful, what I;d really like is a place to just got sit and enjoy my time watching some hot chicas dance. I'll probably have a ball there, assuming they are cool with me just drinking and enjoying the scenario. And you say it's close to Intercontinental so it must be close to Pension Stein as I walked to Interrcontinental last time.



If you wil be staying near the Intercontinental, I think your best use of time is to go to Escoces. It's just down the block from there (around the corner from the Dann Carlton.

The girls are friendly and very pretty. Sure it's a little more pricey than let's say the cheap casas but definately not as expensive as Frescades Flores (who's girls have real shitty attitudes these days).

The fact that all the girls are in lingerie instead of clothes also gives you a heads up as to the body as well.

If you can wait til closing (2am) you can negotiate a price with the girl outside of paying the bar fine. However if you have an early flight then pay the barfine and leave rather than wasting time sitting around drinking and dancing. Plenty more time to dance in your own bed, I always say.



02-07-07, 22:49

If you wil be staying near the Intercontinental, I think your best use of time is to go to Escoces. It's just down the block from there (around the corner from the Dann Carlton.

The girls are friendly and very pretty. Sure it's a little more pricey than let's say the cheap casas but definately not as expensive as Frescades Flores (who's girls have real shitty attitudes these days).

The fact that all the girls are in lingerie instead of clothes also gives you a heads up as to the body as well.

If you can wait til closing (2am) you can negotiate a price with the girl outside of paying the bar fine. However if you have an early flight then pay the barfine and leave rather than wasting time sitting around drinking and dancing. Plenty more time to dance in your own bed, I always say.


Thanks for that. It has been two years since I have been to Colombia. How much will I have to pay for the bar fine plus the girls tip there these days?


02-08-07, 00:03
WINNER wrote:

what I;d really like is a place to just got sit and enjoy my time watching some hot chicas dance.

There is only one real choice then, the salsatecas in Juanchito which is considered the "cradle of salsa" Worldwide. A bit of background:

Research Article

Record grooves and salsa dance moves: the viejoteca phenomenon in Cali, Colombia


Disfrutar recordando tiempos de ayer al compás de música aprendida a fuerza de bailarla. Revivir la emoción de aquellos Momentos involvidables y sentir que somos los mismos . . .

To enjoy while remembering moments of yesteryear to the rhythm of music learned by force of dancing to it. To live again the emotion of those unforgettable moments and feel that we are the same . . .

Slogan on a poster for Changó Viejoteca, 1995

In the southwest Colombian metropolis of Cali, recorded music has come to exert an unusually strong force on local popular culture in this century. Not only did recordings play a key role in establishing Cuban music, and later, salsa, as the principal musical style of the city, they also became the basis for the record-centred dance scene that predominated in Cali during the 1940s through to the 1970s, and continued to be important as the live scene flourished during the 1980s and 1990s. The centrality of recorded music for Caleños (the inhabitants of Cali) challenges the privileging, in most scholarly work, of live performance as more ‘real’ or ‘authentic’ than its mediated versions. Indeed, for many decades, ‘playing music’ in Cali literally meant putting on a record, as a source of music for other social and expressive activities. The term disco (literally, record disc) still exists as a local synonym for ‘song’, even when it is a live rendition of a song, e.g. ‘vamos a tocar ese disco’ (let's perform that song).

02-08-07, 00:54
That's where I was going to go last time I was there 3 years ago... but got sidetracked with a hot little chica and I told her to make the itinerary... and we didn't end up in Juanchito. I'd say I'd try it this time, but do you think it's a good idea since I'll be getting into airport at 8:40... then customs and Immigration, then a cab to area around Intercontinental Hotel area.. thus it's now what 11pm.. then I have to be back at the airport by 5am for my 6am flight. Is Juanchito a good idea still? What about Escoces? I was getting pretty hyped about going to a bar in Cali with chicas walking around in Lingerie. I guess what I'd really like is kind of like a "Treasures", "The Men's Club" or "Ricks" of Houston.. type of atmosphere.. but in Colombia. I.e. Eye candy all over, chicas to chitchat with and drink. Ultimately I have to get on a plane at 6am and arrive to my girlfriend at the airport in BArranquilla at 10am.. so I'd rather not have that face of.. I just got shitfaced last night in Cali.


WINNER wrote:

what I;d really like is a place to just got sit and enjoy my time watching some hot chicas dance.

There is only one real choice then, the salsatecas in Juanchito which is considered the "cradle of salsa" Worldwide. A bit of background:

Research Article

Record grooves and salsa dance moves: the viejoteca phenomenon in Cali, Colombia


Disfrutar recordando tiempos de ayer al compás de música aprendida a fuerza de bailarla. Revivir la emoción de aquellos Momentos involvidables y sentir que somos los mismos . . .

To enjoy while remembering moments of yesteryear to the rhythm of music learned by force of dancing to it. To live again the emotion of those unforgettable moments and feel that we are the same . . .

Slogan on a poster for Changó Viejoteca, 1995

In the southwest Colombian metropolis of Cali, recorded music has come to exert an unusually strong force on local popular culture in this century. Not only did recordings play a key role in establishing Cuban music, and later, salsa, as the principal musical style of the city, they also became the basis for the record-centred dance scene that predominated in Cali during the 1940s through to the 1970s, and continued to be important as the live scene flourished during the 1980s and 1990s. The centrality of recorded music for Caleños (the inhabitants of Cali) challenges the privileging, in most scholarly work, of live performance as more ‘real’ or ‘authentic’ than its mediated versions. Indeed, for many decades, ‘playing music’ in Cali literally meant putting on a record, as a source of music for other social and expressive activities. The term disco (literally, record disc) still exists as a local synonym for ‘song’, even when it is a live rendition of a song, e.g. ‘vamos a tocar ese disco’ (let's perform that song).

02-08-07, 01:33
embarrassed to say I never made it up there either despite the best intentions LOL

It does not get going until 11pm so arriving about midnight would be perfect. The question is whether you can stay up all night with no sleep and still be bright eyed and bushytailed when you arrive in BAQ. I know I couldn't but you are younger I think LOL

These are regular dance clubs though, not strip joints like Treasures.

02-08-07, 02:00
That is the big issue... still be bright-eyed and bushytailed when I arrive in Barranquilla and last through thewhole day and night of Carnivales after pretty much no sleep as you can see on Saturday night after not a whole lot of sleep on Friday night etiher (I have an early engagement on Saturday morning before my flight). Thus I'll have to take it easy... and won;t be in the mood for a long cab ride to Juanchito... a few hours there to do what? Meet someone and then what? No time. Thus I thought Escoces would be the better option. But now you have me thinking... is Escoces a dance club? I thought it would be some sort of topless bar (chicas fluttering around in lingerie) as sopposed to a dance club or a casa (type where you go in a room and they line up and you choose). Don't get me wrong.. I absolutely love hitting the discos, but I'll be just too tired and won't be able to make it through the night and still be fresh and ready to go in the am. So, is Escoces a disco also? Is Escoces where you mention you've never had a chance to make it up there? By the words.. up there.. I would assume Juanchito. Fill me in. Heck it's almost making me wonder if I should make my flgiht back have a few days stopover in Cali, as Iver really never had the chance to go at it solo in Cali. If I did, it;d have to be during the week though... I.e. Wed and Thurs night type of deal. Ricker, maybe you can chime in... is Cali a thumbs up or thumbs down during the week?

embarrassed to say I never made it up there either despite the best intentions LOL

It does not get going until 11pm so arriving about midnight would be perfect. The question is whether you can stay up all night with no sleep and still be bright eyed and bushytailed when you arrive in BAQ. I know I couldn't but you are younger I think LOL

These are regular dance clubs though, not strip joints like Treasures.

02-08-07, 02:22
El Escoces is probably your best choice. It is the second most upscale place after Flores Frescas.

I would not recommend FF, too expensive for what it is, and not very good vibes.

The discotecas / salsa places in Cali all look the same after a while, Juanchito or no. They have the same layout (circular dancefloor in the middle, surrounded on all sides by sofas grouped around tables). And same music mix too.

I would recommend just going to Escoces. You would be wasting your time going to one of those salsa places without a fun group, or at least a date for the evening.

02-08-07, 03:26
Very good... so is Escoces a topless bar type of venue?

El Escoces is probably your best choice. It is the second most upscale place after Flores Frescas.

I would not recommend FF, too expensive for what it is, and not very good vibes.

The discotecas / salsa places in Cali all look the same after a while, Juanchito or no. They have the same layout (circular dancefloor in the middle, surrounded on all sides by sofas grouped around tables). And same music mix too.

I would recommend just going to Escoces. You would be wasting your time going to one of those salsa places without a fun group, or at least a date for the evening.

02-08-07, 04:13

You're dancing all over the place now. You first said you only wanted to hit the town. Then you wanted to check out some hot chicks dancing. Then you said you're faithful to your girl. Then you said you want to sit abd drink with the girls. And now you are asking if Cali is worth checking out a couple of days?

Well my friend you can do it all and enjoy it all but ultimately it's all up to you to decide on a path to follow.

I still say if it is just an overnight layover you are looking at then hit Escoces. It is a small but comfortable dance club just around the corner from the Dann Carlton. It will be happening at 11pm when you enter, No cover and the set up is small half circle seating and like I said, the girls are in Lingerie. I was there twice during the week and both times the girls were fun and energetic. THEY LOVE A GOOD DANCER as well. My buddy must have danced with 7 of the girls when I first went. They loved his moves. We bought a short bottle of rum for $70,000 and it came with cola and ice and sliced limes. The girls are not guzzlers because they make no extra money from the drinks which is cool. They girls were very friendly and talkative. Of course they made the rounds with other customers but often were dancing in pairs because they keep the music flowing. The cost for a girl as take out is $150,000 cop in house for an hour and $250,000 cop for take out. Howevevr when the place cleses, many of the girls are ready to go for around $100,000 cop back to your place for a couple of hours.

Some of the girls are VERY HOT and I guarantee you that non will be ugly because the good looks standards of Escoces apparently keeps out the mediocre chicas. Sorry but it is not a strip club or topless club. Also remember that this is Cali so the girls are darker here than let's say Medellin but since your girl is from Baranqulla I imagine you like the darker sort anyway.

Now if you are staying a few nights then the door opens wide open for play but then again you say you are faithful to your girl so I will refrain from expanding on this for now.

This girl wasn't the hottest girl in Escoces when I was last there but she was very personable and friendly. I forget her name however.



02-08-07, 04:38

I still say if it is just an overnight layover you are looking at then hit Escoces ... ... The cost for a girl as take out is $150,000 cop in house for an hour and $250,000 cop for take out. Howevevr when the place cleses, many of the girls are ready to go for around $100,000 cop back to your place for a couple of hours ...


Actually, the price in Escoces is 40,000 pesos to the house, in-house or takeout. Of course you have to negotiate with the chica for her take, and that depends on the usual ... negotiating skill, chemestry, etc.
I've gotten friends service, in house for 100,000 total, I've never done in-house myself.
I've taken out chicas and paid a total of 150,000 for all night, including the bar fine.

I stopped by Escoces not too long ago ... a couple weeks I believe ... quality was lower than I've seen. Hopefully it'll improve. :)


02-08-07, 05:13

Thanks for the intel, I greatly appreciate it. It's guys like you who help us "newbies" aspire to become "Senior" members.

02-08-07, 05:14
Actually, the price in Escoces is 40,000 pesos to the house, in-house or takeout. Of course you have to negotiate with the chica for her take, and that depends on the usual ... negotiating skill, chemestry, etc.
I've gotten friends service, in house for 100,000 total, I've never done in-house myself.
I've taken out chicas and paid a total of 150,000 for all night, including the bar fine.

I stopped by Escoces not too long ago ... a couple weeks I believe ... quality was lower than I've seen. Hopefully it'll improve. :)


Like you said the girls do the negotiating. On this particular night there was alot of bling bling gringos that apparently walked over from IC or the Dann so the girls were talking larger dollars than usual. I just wanted folks to see the high side of things. As usual though after hours, or outside of the work place prices drop. That's why I prefer to get a girls number or set up a next day afternoon toss about. It always works to my advantage.



02-08-07, 06:10
Very good point. I guess I should have said, Id love to drink, dance, relax, chit-chat with some Calenas and all the better if they are in Lingerie, but I dont plan on doing the deed with any of them . Why would I go... oh, because I'd like to see how Calenas compare to Barranquilleras.. both in looks, personality, attitude... granted that may not be a fair comparison given that it's working girls of Cali. But it should be interesting and sure, who didnt enjoy a little temptation. Maybe I'll find out I'm not really ready to settle down. I wouldnt be unfaithful, but if the urge was really really great, I would explain my desires to my chica and see what happens from there. Thus... I should have explained that better... curiosity and temptation. But when I said hit the town... I was kind of thinking just a disco and some friendly conversation. But I do like the Escoces idea better. Need to get the past the curiosity stage wondering what Calenas are really like. I've been to Cali, but I was hitched and set up with a chica before I got there so I didnt really get any feel for what meeting a Calena is all about. That's what I'm up for, does that make more sense now? I didnt think so. Your recommendation of Escoces is great. thanks again


You're dancing all over the place now. You first said you only wanted to hit the town. Then you wanted to check out some hot chicks dancing. Then you said you're faithful to your girl. Then you said you want to sit abd drink with the girls. And now you are asking if Cali is worth checking out a couple of days?

Well my friend you can do it all and enjoy it all but ultimately it's all up to you to decide on a path to follow.

02-08-07, 13:57

That's why I said the chica negotiates the price ... therefore it would DEPEND on negotiation skills, whether you negotiate for in-house, out, or next day.

Of course if you're there when a bunch of morons show up with pesos flowing out of their pockets, the chicas will want more pesos in their pockets.
Unless you're really cool like me .... hahaha .... :)

Take care amigo ....

02-10-07, 17:28
Well I just got back from my Colombia trip and boy was it awsome. I used my brother—in laws business. One night we had in the penthouse 5 guys and 20 girls each one of them was at least an 8. For those of you mongers who are sleeping on Cali you need to go I’ll post more pics later.

Mr Enternational
02-11-07, 14:53
Well I just got back from my Colombia trip and boy was it awsome. I used my brother—in laws business. One night we had in the penthouse 5 guys and 20 girls each one of them was at least an 8. For those of you mongers who are sleeping on Cali you need to go I’ll post more pics later.Jesus Christ man where did you find them?

Team Stream
02-11-07, 20:40
Continued from my Bogota Trip report.

Got into CLO at 2pm. I took a colectivo into the bus “Terminal.” It cost me somewhere between 2700k and 3500k (I’m sorry I don’t exactly remember, but it is posted inside the colectivo). FYI, a taxi into center of Cali will be about 30k-35k COP. This van is very old and looks like it will fall apart any minute. All the large luggage is placed/stacked on the roof of the van and strapped down. I was definitely scared that my luggage (and everyone else’s) will fall off, but I figure they do this everyday, so I just decided to be ignorant. We get to the terminal in about 30 minutes or so.

I then get in the line to get an official taxi. Just like any bus station around the world, there are sketchy looking characters just sitting around, but I wasn’t harassassed. At the taquilla, I told them the name of hotel and the address (Apartahotel del Rio, Av2N and Calle 21). The lady gave me a little ticket the price printed at the bottom. She said that I had to give her 300 COP and then I had to pay the driver 3100 COP upon arrival. I didn’t really bother asking her why I had to pay the 300 COP (didn’t have to do this at Bogota Airport), but I just wanted to get going and 300 COP is less than $0.15. I give the ticket to the guy flagging down the taxis and he scribbled/wrote the license plate number on the back of the ticket with a pencil (I don’t know how that was supposed to help me if I get kidnapped/ripped off) as he didn’t keep a record of it for himself. Oh well.

The driver brings me to the place which is a very short distance from the terminal (probably 1-2 minutes if there were no traffic; apparently 3100 COP is the minimum fare for taxis in Cali). I check into Apartahotel del Rio – www.apartahoteldelrio.com Av2N No. 21N-05.

The 2 person price for a Habitacion Sencilla – 96.000, Habitacion Junior – 110.000, Junior Suite - 130.000. I opted for the Habitacion Junior for one person which costed me 98.000 COP a night. I do want to say that they do respond to their email for reservation, but it is NOT reliable (sometimes they respond, sometimes they don’t). It is easier to just call.

The Habitaction Junior was huge. I got placed on the top floor (11) in a corner room. The top floor was a pain in the ass, as the elevators go only up to 10, and you have to take the stairs to get to 11. The room had a queen sized bed, living area, refrigerator, reasonable bathroom, corner balcony, and a walk-in closet! I don’t think the room gets used very often as 4 of 7 lighting fixtures weren’t working when I arrived (didn’t notice until the evening). In the morning the second day, I told the cleaning lady that and they did have it all fixed (lights bulbs needed changing) by the time I got back. Another gripe is that the room is fairly big that the 19” tv placed on the other side of the room is not really viewable from the bed.

Breakfast is included (you go to the restaurant downstairs and select one of choices from the menu). Internet IS NOT included (they said it was 100 COP a minute or 3500 COP an hour) – they write the times down on a piece of paper and it isn’t very accurate. I don’t recommend using their internet unless YOU HAVE TO. I had to argue the bill upon leaving because they started charging me random prices. They had one paper saying that I used it for 1.5 hours and the times were written down. They had another paper on the same day just saying that I used the internet for an additional two hours. I asked them what specific time did I use it because I didn’t use the internet for 3.5 hours in a single day. They called some lady and they dropped the down to an additional 1 hour. Then they had a paper saying that they were going to charge me 16500 COP for the internet and the papers I printed. I argued with them about that, too, saying that I didn’t print anything and that this must be a mistake. They eventually dropped the 16500 COP charge. Bottom line, don’t use their internet unless you have to.

Also upon leaving they try to charge me for a water from the mini-bar. I told them that I didn’t use the minibar and that I had this 5 L jug of bottle water in the room (which about 3L left). Why would I drink their? They dropped that charge, too.

Overall, I liked Apartahotel del Rio and would stay here again. I liked it for its PROXIMITY to the casas, and I felt safe in the hotel (nothing was stolen, including my laptop). Also, the reception girls are nice and pretty (one of them was really pretty). The walk (7 blocks) up to Av. Sexta can be sketchy after dark, so that probably wasn’t the smartest thing that I did. Next time, I would likely just take a Habitacion Sencilla, if I were traveling solo.


Okay, onward to the casas. Many of them are congregated to the area east of Apartahotel del Rio (2-4 block walk). During this trip, I visited only two (Calle 23AN 2N-95, and Clinica de Del Doctor Amor), but as one can see from the Cali List, there are many.

The first one I went to was this one on the list.

"Calle 23AN 2N-95. Near Torre de Cali. Every day from 10am till 8pm. Prettiest chicas of all Casas. COP 35K for 30 mins., COP 45 60 mins. Ariana is recommended. Good service."

Address, prices are correct. I don't think they are open on Sunday, though. The near Torre de Cali part is misleading as Clinica del Doctor Amor is closer to Torre de Cali than this casa. Basically, Torre de Cali is on Av 2N, and as you walk east along the river/Avienda 2N, you’ll hit Apartahotel del Rio on Calle 21. As you keep walking east you’ll pass Clinical del Doctor Amor on Calle 23 (the northeast corner). The next block would be Called 23A, turn left onto it. The house is on the left hand side.

I walk in at about 2pm and the guy tells me to have a seat on one of the decrepit leather couches. He asks me if I wanted to have something to drink (I thinkthe prices would be 2k for a gaseosa and 3k for a beer), but I declined. He presented me with all the girls that are available. Again they come totally apathetic, shaking your hand and mumbling their names. Sometimes their mumble their names as they turned their face away about to leave. And the worst was when they’ll stroll in talking on their cell phones?!? I don’t understand how anyone would pick the cell phone girls?

He explained that basically I can choose any of the girls for 30 minutes (35k COP) or 60 minutes (45k COP). He explained that for 60 minutes I would get TWO relaciones (wow, I feel like I’m in Rio again). The selection wasn’t so great, but I picked this older (she turned out to be 30) girl named Juli/July with a rounder figure but a big butt. She was very nice and we got along very very well.

We into one of the rooms, and they are no more dirty/sketchy than the apartments in Buenos Aires. The man places two condoms and a towel on the bed. What I found interesting is that their windows are wide open (It is hot in Cali) and any noise from traffic on the street comes in and whatever noise we make goes out! Some of the rooms had fans.

Juli really took care of me. She gave me kisses on the lips and an unsolicited BBBJ for about 5 minutes or so, which was fairly good. Intercourse was of course covered and in multiple positions (Missionary, cowgirl and finishing in doggie). After my first orgasm, I cleaned myself off and we had fairly good small talk. She tells me that she has 2 sons and a sick mother who lives about 1-2 hours away by bus. She is here M-Sat (everyday the place is open) and goes home by bus on Saturday night and returns Monday afternoon. She says that she actually LIVES in the house, and that anyone who works here can, but the majority lives with their family or their apt in Cali. After I was ready again, I gave me a BBBJ until I was at full attention. I came in the cowgirl position the second time. I had a real great time with her, and I actually repeated with her 2 days later. We laid there chatting until the guy from downstairs told her it was time. And even then, she took her time getting dressed, etc.

I returned here the second day and the guy said that Juli was going to be occupied by a client for 2 HOURS? The guy presented me with all the girls, and I didn’t see any that stood out. I asked the guy if he could give any recommendations. He recommended to me two of the girls, of which I picked Ledi/Ledy from Barranquilla. I asked him if she was “muy Buena” while doing a hand motion as if you were going to refuse more cards in blackjack (and you do the hand motion twice; and this apparently in Colombia means to be good in bed). The guy nodded.

The girl had the typical tanned skin of a costeña. She was about 20 years old and was cute/energentic. The sex was better than average and her CBJ was with so much suction that I felt it was one of the better CBJ that I have ever received. Multiple positions afterwards, I came in doggie. We chatted and small talk was okay. When I was ready for the second pop, she brought up whether I would tip her. I said, only if you give me a BBBJ. She said how about 20.000? I actually didn’t even bring that much money (I only brought 55k, so that I’ll have 10k left for incidentals incase of emergency). I said that I only can give her 5k.

Anyways, we had our second relacion and it was pretty good too, with me coming in the cowgirl position. She immediately got off, went to shower, and put her clothes on (I think I was in the room for about 40 minutes). Upon leaving she asked for her tip. I unwillingly gave her the 5k (didn’t feel like arguing) since her performance wasn’t out of the ordinary.

Third day, I returned to visit Juli/July and she was indeed available. She gave me the treatment as the first. BBBJ, multiple positions, and taking her time. I came in cowgirl and the second time in reverse cowgirl. She is a real nice girl, never rushed and spent the entire hour with me until the guy calls for her.


The second casa I visited was Clinica del Doctor Amor.

"Clínica del Doctor Amor / Dr Love. Every taxidriver know this place. Avenida 2N #23-XX. Everyday from 9am till 8pm. Price for one hour P$38,000 (US$17)."

The address is specifically Av 2N No. 23-23. The entrance is on the northeast corner of the Av 2N and Calle 23. You'll see a parking lot with entrance from Calle 23. Walk through the parking lot to get main entrance. There are guys standing outside the entrance. They are open from 10a-9pm M-Sat; Closed Sun. 28k for 1/2 hour, 38k for 1 hour; and there are some VIP girls that are apparently more with the 1 hour being 45k (I didn't hear how much for the 30 min).

I got there at 7pm, and there were about 10 guys sitting there already. One of the guys who worked there explained to me that they are their waiting for their friends or something that there are rooms/girls available. I was present with approximately 10-12 girls, none of which were the VIP girls because of availability. I picked Dianna, and she was beautiful. She was Caleña and 20 years old. Skinny, tight body and doesn’t have any children. She only has been working there for 2 months.

I picked her and a guy brought us to another section (VIP section?) and we chatted to discuss the details. I didn’t understand what there was to talk because I thought I had already chosen, but I apparently I can talk to her to see if I really like her or whatever. All she asked was that if I knew the prices and she stated that the BJ would be covered.

She took me to this ticket window where I slip the 38k under this board and a towel and 2 condoms was given to us. We went to a room and the sex was average, but she was so hot and innocent. Her fake moans annoyed at times, but I learned to block those out. There was a mirror at the top of the bed. I laid with my feet at the head of the bed and had her butt facing me and I could also watch her head going up and down on mine. I reassure all of you that it was a beautiful and memorable sight.

After my second relacion, she showered herself briefly and got dressed. I was in there for about 45 minutes. I was a happy person and walked back to Apartahotel del Rio with a smile.

I unfortunately did have enough time to return to the Clinic on another day.


Thoughts on the two casas. They are kinda dirty. The Clinic was cleaner and better run than the Av2N No. 23A-95 place. The clinic had white/solid colored sheets so you can in theory see if the sheets are clean. The Av2N No.23A-95 place had patterned sheets.

I felt fairly safe in both casas. I brought my own towel so that I can wipe myself down afterwards. I basically showered at the hotel. Walked over with only 10k more than what I expect to pay for the hour. Often the girls asked if I wanted to shower first (it can be hot/humid in Cali), and I would tell them that my hotel is really close and I showered right before I came here (which was true).


Other thoughts:

I really didn’t visit any of the clubs on Av Sexta. I’m already tired from the casas during the day. I did see plenty of SWs on Av 6a, when my friend was driving me around. There isn’t much touristy stuff to see in Cali. Cali Viejo is a wonderful restaurant (5000 COP taxi ride from my hotel), which I highly recommend (further west from the Cali Zoo). I did visit the Cali Zoo (7500 COP) after I ate at Cali Viejo and it was an okay zoo.

Chipichape Mall is nice mall. I think it is overhyped as having all these beautiful women walking around. I did see some, particularly if they are wearing those mini-skirts, but overall I was wasn’t OVERLY impressed. Maybe I’m just very particular or I went at the wrong times.

Overall, I felt less safe than when I was in Bogota. I don’t think I would return to Cali in the immediate future, although the casas are a great deal. I think I would want to experience Medellin before I come back to Cali (I’ve been in Bogota, Cartagena, and Barranquilla).

Airport Departure tax from Cali is 65k COP or $26 USD. I was exempt from the $16 USD stamp tax because I got a stampe upon arrival in Bogota.

02-12-07, 03:04
EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was deleted because the subject was not related to the purpose of this Forum, which is as follows:

The purpose of this Forum is to provide for the exchange if information between men on the subject of finding women for sex.

02-16-07, 02:40
Jesus Christ man where did you find them?My brother in law runs a mail order bride and bachlor tour bussiness (Calicalicaliente.com) out in Cali this is just a tyipical weekend for him. I think he runs the bussiness just to have an excuse to cheat on his wife LOL.

Heres another pic of the ferias in Cali this day there was a ton of chicks out.

02-16-07, 16:56
Ok, maybe this will work.

02-19-07, 21:31
Can anyone please suggest what would be the best city to monger for a first timer(very little spanish speaking skills).

Cartagena or MDE or Cali or Bogota?

I prefer light skinned Colombianas.

Thanks for all the help

Master Yoda
02-19-07, 23:36
Can anyone please suggest what would be the best city to monger for a first timer(very little spanish speaking skills).

Cartagena or MDE or Cali or Bogota?

I prefer light skinned Colombianas.

Thanks for all the help
Medellin I think, doesn't seem to be that much look in Cali or the Coast (BAQ&CTG)

Master Yoda
02-20-07, 02:22
Charkboy, those girls are fucking HOOTTTTTTTT! Too hot for any of us to have. Those are 10's man.

Dude you shouldn't post photos of girls that fine it just makes the rest of us wanna eat ours hearts out. Esp for people like that havent been yet. :)

Damn it. You know what fuck it. i wanna live in Cali. I dont care if its so dangerous I get my head blown off. Seeing women that fine would be worth it.

How does a guy that lives in Cali stay faithful with all those hotties running around? i know for a fact I wouldnt be able to keep it in my pants.

Master Yoda

02-21-07, 02:17
I dont know one colombian that is faithful its almost like your expected to cheat if your a man. Cali is realy not that dangerous if you go with the right people i.e they do not take you to the bad parts of the city. The girls are good looking but they are definitly typical in Cali

Charkboy, those girls are fucking HOT! Too hot for any of us to have. Those are 10's man.

Dude you shouldn't post photos of girls that fine it just makes the rest of us wanna eat ours hearts out. Esp for people like that havent been yet. :)

Damn it. You know what fuck it. i wanna live in Cali. I dont care if its so dangerous I get my head blown off. Seeing women that fine would be worth it.

How does a guy that lives in Cali stay faithful with all those hotties running around? i know for a fact I wouldnt be able to keep it in my pants.

Master Yoda

02-24-07, 09:52
BOGOTA, Colombia - It was like a macabre twist in a film noir: Confused hit men on the lookout for two men in a white sedan gun down the wrong people. Then they spot their intended targets, in the same traffic jam 20 yards away. And kill them, too. And it was all caught on a traffic camera.

It happened midday Thursday in the southwestern city of Cali.

The assassins struck as lunchtime traffic congealed.

Running up alongside the car, they blasted through the windows of the white Mazda. Trapped in traffic, trapped in their car, the passengers never had a chance.

Only after the shooting was over did the gunmen realize their intended targets were in another white sedan stuck in the same traffic jam.

Footage from a traffic camera shows them run forward and fire through the windows of the Honda. Darting away through the stationary cars, the hit men run to a waiting motorcycle and escape.

"The mode of killing has all the hallmarks of drug-related assassination and the fact that one of the victims in the second car had survived an assassination attempt three days earlier," said Gen. Luis Moore, commander of the Cali metropolitan police.

Moore said police caught one of the alleged assassins shortly after the shooting.

Colombia's third-largest city, Cali is in the midst of bloody clash between rival drug capos that has left hundreds dead.

02-24-07, 18:14
Hope you are well. Bummer AntiFreeze bailed to Lima, you should go visit him down there.

Your post shows that even if you stay away from drugs or dodgy areas it is still too easy to get stuck in the wrong place at the wrong time (traffic is all too common in Cali, though Bogota is where Colombian traffic is truly LA Like).

02-24-07, 21:18
I’m sitting here about to [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) myself from laughing so hard! All of these guys writing in posts thinking that they’ve accomplished some huge feat by visiting "dangerous" Colombia. One may think they were talking about Baghdad or something. By any means, my suggestion to them is to keep their mongering at home in places like Iowa, Kansas, etc. And invite the town’s Deli Clerk for a lunch date, instead of writing all of these posts hammering Cali by placing danger where it doesn’t exist. And for anyone who’s "on the fence" about going to Colombia to Monger, believe me, it is one of the best countries around to Monger. Somehow I think that all of these guys who write about how rough and tough of a place it is, probably get kicked around wherever they go.

After reading all of these posts for the last month or two of these so called "experts" badmouthing Colombia, I decided to take another stand-by flight to Cali for a few days. Boy did I miss that Colombian poon! This time I decided to take another approach, in that I’m kind of bored with the Massage Houses and the Strip Joints. I decided to just walk around in the outside markets in all of the "dangerous" areas and ask women if they wanted sex for 30, 000 pesos (about $17 or so U. S.). Six out of nine accepted. Two of them charged a tad bit more. Nobody at my hotel charged a "guest fee", and once again, nobody tried to rob me, kidnap me, etc. As usual, everyone I came across was really friendly and open. Colombian people are always very open to foreigners and interested in finding out more about foreign culture. It is such a shame that so many people who write in on this site do not return the favor of respect to the people of Colombia. So, if you want to get laid by really hot women for an inexpensive price, go to Cali. If you want to sit at home and jack off and be scared of the world, continue writing inflammatory articles about Colombia.

02-25-07, 04:26
Are you a cool guy or what?

I never thought of showing such respect to Colombians as to walking up to them on the street and offering money for sex.

No one ever said that Cali was Iraq, but it is absolutely naive to say it is a safe place.

You run there a few times and nothing happened to you so it's absolutely safe?

Maybe take the advice of locals, guys that live there or vist there very frequently:
Great chicas, great mongering, great people, go for a visit, enjoy!!
Do keep your guard up though, the danger can find you in a hurry if you don't.


02-25-07, 09:16
I’m sitting here about to [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) myself from laughing so hard! All of these guys writing in posts thinking that they’ve accomplished some huge feat by visiting "dangerous" Colombia. One may think they were talking about Baghdad or something. By any means, my suggestion to them is to keep their mongering at home in places like Iowa, Kansas, etc. And invite the town’s Deli Clerk for a lunch date, instead of writing all of these posts hammering Cali by placing danger where it doesn’t exist. And for anyone who’s "on the fence" about going to Colombia to Monger, believe me, it is one of the best countries around to Monger. Somehow I think that all of these guys who write about how rough and tough of a place it is, probably get kicked around wherever they go.

After reading all of these posts for the last month or two of these so called "experts" badmouthing Colombia, I decided to take another stand-by flight to Cali for a few days. Boy did I miss that Colombian poon! This time I decided to take another approach, in that I’m kind of bored with the Massage Houses and the Strip Joints. I decided to just walk around in the outside markets in all of the "dangerous" areas and ask women if they wanted sex for 30, 000 pesos (about $17 or so U. S.). Six out of nine accepted. Two of them charged a tad bit more. Nobody at my hotel charged a "guest fee", and once again, nobody tried to rob me, kidnap me, etc. As usual, everyone I came across was really friendly and open. Colombian people are always very open to foreigners and interested in finding out more about foreign culture. It is such a shame that so many people who write in on this site do not return the favor of respect to the people of Colombia. So, if you want to get laid by really hot women for an inexpensive price, go to Cali. If you want to sit at home and jack off and be scared of the world, continue writing inflammatory articles about Colombia.

If you think that Colombia is as safe as any large American city, you're a fool. Its more like a midnight walk in Central Park. Or maybe walking around the Bronx with a plackard proclaiming you hate blacks and hispanics.

You survive Colombia in the same way as the locals do: keeping alert, keeping a eye out for danger, local knowledge. Fear is an essential part of survival anywhere and if you ignore that instinct the odds are you'll pay the price one day.

02-25-07, 09:23
Can anyone please suggest what would be the best city to monger for a first timer(very little spanish speaking skills).

Cartagena or MDE or Cali or Bogota?

I prefer light skinned Colombianas.

Thanks for all the help

I love Cali: the climate, the women, everything. But if you're a first-time vistor I think I'd go somewhere safer for now. Guys here rave about the MDE chicas but I personally prefer BOG.

Or go to The Mansion etc and take a sampler.

02-25-07, 17:51
Why confine yourself to the markets where the poor shop? Go find the hottest babes at Chipachape or one of the nightclubs on the Sexta, wait until the BF goes to the head, and then go up and offer her 30,000 Pesos to screw you. To quote those Guinness ads you see on TV "Brilliant!"

This reminds me of this guy posting about how he knew Russian airliners were safe, despite the statistics, because he had sat and watched them take off and land "several times" without incident.

02-25-07, 18:06

skug37 never stated that cali was "absolutely safe" so i'd give the guy a break on that because your statement insinuates that he did.


you wrote:
if you think that colombia is as safe as any large american city, you're a fool.

i think it is "safe to say" that one can not compare a country (colombia) to any large american city, as you stated. however in comparison of countries, colombia vs usa, you are more at risk in colombia when you leave the big cities which is the reverse in the usa (you are less at risk when you leave the big cities).

i myself think that large colombian cities are just as dangerous as large american cities. more often than not it will more likely depend on the person that gets himself into trouble as opposed to it coming to him. are there exceptions to this? of course there are.

btw- in my home usa city last week, the city settled million dollar payouts to families of persons shot dead by the police. in both (separate) cases the people shot did not have a weapon. in one case the person flipped open a cell phone and the other had sunglasses in their hand. both were percieved as weapons at the time they were shot. many oficers (male and female) are brutal and disrespectful. i have family on the city police payroll that have refused to work with some of their peers because of it. i have a couple of friends in the city counsil that say the city has paid out an average of 45 million dollars over the last 5 years in cases involving police brutality as well.

on the flip side, i have yet to have any colombian (in a large city) tell me of police mistreating average citizens or being disrestful. i'm not saying it never happens (may even be the norm) but in my city, the police (especially the females) have gotten out of hand to the point that we wonder who the criminals really are.



02-25-07, 19:21
Don't worry about a thing. I spent about 5 weeks there about 6 months ago and never felt safer. There are police officers on every corner. I stayed with some friends in a supposedly "unsafe" area, but I just noticed that the only difference was that it was better secured than other areas. I only had one problem-that turned out to be an incident that made me feel even safer there. Some guy started follwing me, asking where I was going, what I wanted, etc. He was starting to annoy me, so I just started kicking his ass....

Give me a break Cuba ... I don't think the place is a war zone, I love visiting Cali, I'm there quite often, I have an apartment in Cali with mi novia, I'll be back there tommorrow.

I invite and encourage everyone to visit Cali. They'll meet some great chicas and have a great time.

Just not a good idea to be saying it's "very safe" (the title of his post), "don't worry about a thing."

Cali is fantastic, but it can be dangerous ... it's true.
Not everyone can just start kicking someone's ass like SKUG.


02-25-07, 19:30
on the flip side, i have yet to have any colombian in a large city tell me of police mistreating average citizens or being disrestful. i'm not syaing it never happens but in my city the police (especially the females) have gotten out of hand to the point that we wonder who the criminals really are.

your post deserves a more considered reply that i have time to give right now: i'll try and return to it in the near future.

but on this issue, police corruption and violence is indemic in colombia. the establishment of a police complaints bureau, against the wishes of the army, has been one step to trying to make it a professional force, but there's a long way to go.

the police regularly use [CodeWord123] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord123), violence, and murder against factions and individuals in society, and are happy to stand by whilst honest citizens beat the shit out of criminals knowing that this, in many cases, is the best form of justice the society can deliver.

and for that reason i'm coming to the opinion that, whilst for sure this needs to be reigned in, it also needs to remain until an better form of protecting society from real criminals is put in place. we cannot judge colombian police by the standards we would wish to apply to police forces in the us or europe.

02-25-07, 19:48
Cali is fantastic, but it can be dangerous ... it's true.
Not everyone can just start kicking someone's ass like SKUG.



You've got your break Amigo. My apologies.

I was wondering where you got that "Cali is very safe" qoute and had to go back to Skug37's 1-28-07 post which I had not read before.

I was commenting on Skug37's post from yesterday 2-24-07 whereas you were commenting on his post from 1-28-07 where he stated Cali is "Very Safe".

I'm in agreement with you that it is a city where you can keep your guard up and still have alot of fun.



02-26-07, 03:27
I made my second trip to Cali last weekend and had another good time. Naturally the salsa clubs are always off the hook but I also checked out cancha panamericana. My novia es a caleña so I didn't have too much time to check out P4P.

This is Cali's version of their sports complex, kinda.. similar to what MDE has but not as nice. Anyways if you are looking to get in some exercise there are about 8 basketball courts and there are folks always out there balling. Since Cali's warm you have a lot more people playing basketball than in other cities like Bogotá.

Ok. Don't like basketball well cacha panamericana is still worth a visit for the best Cholados (similar to salpicon but better) and you also have a lot of folks selling pirate CDs so if you want to pick up some good salsa (Grupo Nice, Guayacan, etc.) it's worth a stop.



Master Yoda
02-26-07, 22:12
I dont know one colombian that is faithful its almost like your expected to cheat if your a man. Cali is realy not that dangerous if you go with the right people i.e they do not take you to the bad parts of the city. The girls are good looking but they are definitly typical in CaliThanks for the info Charkboy. I am in the DR right now and at the moment the non-pro scene in Santiago sucks. I don't know what these gringos have been talking about but you need game here. I speak excellent spanish so no one can say shit to me about not being able to speak the language. Its not like shooting fish in a barrel like some guys have you believe. I spoke to a friend of mine from Cali. We are about the same age and he has shown me a couple of chicas that he has banged nothing really hot just average. Anyway he was telling me he gets turned down alot more than he gets success. And the only women he can pull are the ones with kids. So unless he is BSing me it sounds like Cali isn't any different. He lives in San Antonio now. I wonder what kind of a place that is.

02-28-07, 02:45
Master Yoda,

Non pros are always more selective in most Latin countries. The exception I would say is Cuba. Many young Cubanas hook up with older Cubans for whatever reason other than money (remember I said older Cubans and not Gringos).

Since you say you don't care much for non-pros then this shpould not be an issue because there are plenty of pros.



Member #4018
02-28-07, 05:45
I visited Cali a week ago with a 3 day stay. Took the 4:30 pm Sunday February 18 from Miami direct. Arrived in Cali at 8 pm. Had a non-pro meeting me in the airport. I met her via the internet. She arrives with a friend and from there we go. We drop off her friend and head for the hotel. Stayed at Aparthotel Del Rio 110,000 per night. I got a headached from the non-pro talking so I told her that I was leaving a day early. She says it's best because she has to go to school later in the day anyway. We take a cab to Frisby's, eat, and return to the hotel so she can get her clothes. So, off she goes and off I go, for some mongering.

I shower and then decide to visit Clinica del Amor. There are guys who I guess were waiting for their favorite chicas. I'm greeted by the host and then she brings in the girls. I made my choice after the first greet. I like curvy women, and she had extremely nice curves. So after the routine I pay and off we go. I ask for a pic and she thinks it's for the net. I tell her that I'll just snap a shot from behind and we're all happy. She goes for it. We session and then talk. I ask about her visiting me after work. She says yes and I should come back between 8:45-9pm so we can leave together. I say no, just come to the hotel (my dumb mistake). I session again, and then leave to eat again.

I ended up at Frisby's again, email Mr Enternational, and then return for some rest before the chica arrives. After 9:15, I figure she's not coming. So I order some food, eat, and then prepare for the night. I check out Club Faroah (sp?), grab a water, and look around. It's not that great but I found someone to session with. I figured if I didn't session, I would regret it when I returned. So I take 1 hour with her and then return to the hotel.

I leave Sunday morning to return home. Pics of the room and the chica are in the photo gallery.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

Mr Enternational
03-02-07, 03:26
We were in Cali at the beginning of November and hooked up with some non-pros who spent the night with us. My friend returned to Cali two weeks ago to see his. He doesn't speak Spanish and she doesn't speak English. He stayed 3 days at the Sheraton Four Points. Today he told me that when he was about to leave she told him that he had to give her COP 300, 000. He said he laughed at her and gave her taxi money to get back home. WTF?

03-08-07, 09:40
I thought I'd go ahead and post my experience in Cali. I ended up changing my itinerary and put Cali on the back end of my trip so I could have 4 nights in Cali as opposed to one. I spent Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday night in Cali. When I arrived on Friday I checked out the Apartahotel del Rio and Apartahotel Real (I think thats the name). I opted for Apartahotel del Rio solely because it had a swimming pool (on the top floor). It also seemed higher class. However, I wouldnt say Apartahotel Real is bad by any imignination. In fact Apartahotel Rela you have a choice of rooms with bathtubs even some with Jacuzzis and a Sauna (in the room). I asked about the hot water and sure they had hot water and when I asked is there enough hot water that is going to fill up that huge jacuzzi in my room and they said honestly. No. So I thought since my bags were already at Apartahotel del Rio I'll just stick it out there. As for prices. Maybe they raised them as they were slightly different than posted here. And I did ask them over and over, are you sure its not xyz price. Apartahotel Real. 70k, 80k, and 90k. Depending on room. Room with jacuzzi only 80k, room with Jacuzzi and Sauna 90k, room with neither. 70k. No chica fees if it's only 1 chica. If you bring back 2 chicas at the same time (I. E. A 3 some) then they charge 10k pesos for the 2nd chica. This is what they told me as I did not ask about bringing back 2 chicas at the same time. Apartahotel del Rio it's 92k pesos for a single room (it was very well furnished as I had no need for a junior suite. A room that has a separte living room from bedroom. I ended up choosing a certain room based on it havivng a balcony and a killer bed. Yes, I lay down on all the beds when I look at each room to choose the room with the best matress and pillows. So it's 92k pesos for 1 person or 102k pesos for 2 people. However, if you do the 1 person then it's 92k pesos and if you bring someone back then its another 30k pesos. But I can tell you that this is either not enforced or maybe some people are just luckier than others.

After checking in I went to Olimpica around the corner and bought some things and on the way back took an alternate route solely to check out the casas. Not to partake just to see the chicas. First I went by Calle 23aN 2N-95. That's the address, there was no name on the door. I went in, sat down with about 20 other Colombianos (I was the only gringo). There weren't that many available chicas. In fact only about 3 introduced themselves. The others were all occupied. I asked how many were there and they told me 8. I assume that is why there were so many Colombianos waiting. The 3 that were introduced didn't fit my standards. I. E. Petite and below 50kgs. There was one though that I caught a glimpse of right as I walked in, that from the back-side looked like she had a chance of being a real gem, but she was walking out the back door and I never saw her agian. I sat around there about 20 minutes and then left. Next I went to Clinica del Amor. I sat there about an hour. I saw about 20 different gals. Pretty much 2 or 3 would become availble every five minutes or so. I asked how many were there and they said 30. They also said 2pm is the best time to come as that is when all of them are there. They open at 9am but not all are there until 2pm. It was 5pm and many were taken, so I waited the hour just to know what they all looked like. Only 1 really looked doable in my opinion but I wasnt there for a chica I just wanted to see what they looked like. After an hour I left. Oh. Prices at both these places were exactly what others here have posted.

Next I went back to my hotel and showered and then off to Chipichape. Took me about 2 hours to find the Internet Cafe there as I got sidetracked, as that's an easy way to meet chicas. Asking everyone if they know where the Internet cafe is. Kind of an icebreaker and reason to approach them. So after spending a good 45 minutes chatting up a hottie over a cool lemonade at one of those kiosks in the mall I had a date for the evening. Went to the Internet, then back to my hotel to shower and waited for my date to arrive. And she was on time. Wow. We went to dinner at a place called Faros. It was real close to my hotel. 3, 100 peso minimum cab fare. She chose the place, and what can I say. It was awesome. I had the medallones de lomo in an oriental sauce. About 20k pesos. Yummy. We ate and chitchatted and then went dancing. She took me to a place called Jalajala. A couple of notes. 1) in Cali they dance salsa differently than Barranquilla. In cali they dance kind of far apart, in Barranquilla they dance pegado. The salsa songs they play in Cali are a bit faster as well. We danced pegado though:.) Also, they dance Vallenato differently in Cali. My date told me that I actually dance it correct and everyone in Cali was dancing it incorrect. That made me feel kind of good to know that of the 1000 people I was actually the one with the right moves to the rythm. She told me it's because I learned it in Barranquilla and that's where Vallanato comes from. Which is true. So we stayed till around 3am dancing the night away. The place was still packed when we left so I don't know what time it closed. Woke up at noon, told her I'd call her on Sunday and just kind of just hung around the hotel for a while.

I figured I'd go back to chipichape as it was relatively easy to find a date for Friday night. So around 2pm off I went. As I was talking to some chicas I found out there was a Wisin y Yandel concert at Plaza de Torres so I figured. Oh yeah (I love Regetton) so I need to find someone special. It didn't take too long and soon after I had a date. Fortunately I told her to be at my hotel by 7pm as she showed up about 45 minutes late. We went to dinner, can't remember the place and then off to the concert. We didn't have tickets but it was pretty easy to get them. Though I did pay 100k pesos per ticket, probably overpaid but I didn't care. The concert was awesome and afterward we went bcak to the hotel and saw there was a disco right by the hotel so we went there. I have no idea the name of the disco but it was open until around 5am. We woke up at 3pm on Sunday and I felt like total shit. Headache from hell. By the looks of it she felt just as bad. My body felt like someone had kicked the crap out of me, so I cranked up the ac and just layed in bed till around 6pm.

Finally I decided to get up and didn't have a clue what I'd do that evening so I went downstairs and flagged down a taxi and asked him if Escoces was open and he said no. I asked him what there was to do on a Sunday night and he said Juanchito is the rocking place on Sunday night. So I decided Juancito it is and I remember Surfer saying how hot Juanchito was. So I went back to my room, pulled out my laptop and remembered I had a contact I had met on ciber cupido about a year and a hlaf ago. I had only chatted with this gal about 5-6 times as when I realized I was going to move to Barranquilla I didn't see the need to keep a bunch of contacts all over to Colombia. So I called her up. Her landline was not in service any more so I called her cell phone and sure enough I got her. It was the oddest conversation ever. Imagine calling someone you met on Cibercupido 18 months ago and only chatted via msn a few times a long time ago. She had no idea who I was. We talked for about 15 minutes and I told her I wanted to go to Jaunchito. She was not keen on the idea of Juanchito, but said she wanted to meet me and told me she'd be over in about 45 minutes. She showed up in 30 minutes. With her mother. She was hot, a lot more traditional than I expected. We all spoke in the lobby for about 15 minutes and went through the what do you do, etc. Her mom suggested that we go someone and grab a drink so off we went in a taxi and ended up a place called Iguana. We were pretty much the only ones there. It was Sunday evening around 8pm. It ends up she has a 3 yr old son. We talked for about 2 hours. Actually her mom did most of the talking. I almost wasnt sure who my date was with. I tried to get her to go to Juanchito with me but she had classes in the morning and they both pretty much made it clear that I shouldnt go to Juanchito and that it's not a real classy place. Iguana closed at 10pm (I think everything pretty much closes at 10pm on Sunday night in Cali. So tells me a taxi driver) and we agree to see each other the next day. SO I go back to my hotel, brush my teeth and make my way out the door to Juanchito solo. I know, it probably wasnt the brightest of ideas to go there alone, but I was determined to see what Juanchito was all about. The cabbie told the doorman and myself 10k pesos. I agreed and he didn't even start the meter. The whole way there he told me to not let any cab driver try to take me to the cleaners on the way back. He said they all will quote me 20-25k pesos for a ride back and he told me to insist on 10k pesos and to tell them that was all I had. So we finally get to Juanchito and he was very friendly and gave me a layout of the place. Driving by numerous places he told me all about them and then I asked about the other places he had recommended earlier in the drive which he had not yet shown me. He drove about another 500 meters and told me if I go back and forth from those places he just shwed me to the ones he was now taking me to that I should take a cab as the walk is dangerous across some bridge it looked like. So we get to the other side of the bridge. Se a few more places and then come to a disco called "Changos" with a real long line. The guards in front stop him and he points at me and tells them he's just going to show me the place from the front. He drives right up to the front, someone opens the door, pushes me right up to the front of the line and tells the security to let me right in. I felt like, yeah thats cool. I didn't ask for this but I certainly wasnt going to say "No, Id prefer to go to the back of that line with over 100 people in it. " There was no cover charge and when I got in, I was presently surprised to see a good 700-1000 people. For a Sunday night that was a verry happening place. A chatted around and came to the conclusion that Juanchito is so packed because everything in Cali closes at 10pm on Sunday. If thye are even open at all. I make friends/contacts with various groups and just kind of walk around a mingle a bit to get a feel of the place. After a few hours go by and I've danced with 4-5 different gals I finally settle with 1. I will say that I had numerous gals say no when I asked to dance. Probably 4-5. I even had a little run in with 1 guy as the gal I asked to dance said yes and as we were walking out to the dance floor he grabbed her and wouldnt let her go. I went back to her and said, are we going to dance and she looked at him and then just sat down without him even saying a word. I was going to go make my way over to sit down next to her when a heavy set 40-50 yr old Colombiana (probably 250 lbs) at the next table over with a huge smile on her face grabs me from behind, takes my hand and pretty much just starts dancing with me right then and there until we make it to the dance floor. I got the picture, didn't say another word about it and just enjoyed the dance. Afterward I just walked to the other side of the disco and never heard from them again. I just brought this up as this is one of the issues with going to a disco alone. It's actually not my style at all to go alone, but I really wanted to check out Juanchito. Ok so like I said, I finally chose my prefered chica. Stuck with her for many hours. Somewhere along the line we ended up at the same table with a gentleman who said he was an exec at whatever the bottle of liquor he was drinking was. I can't remember the name as it wasnt one of the usual Ron Medellin or de Caldas which I was used to seeing in Barranquilla. Around 4am he invited us back to his house. I wasnt real confortable with this, but he seemed like a well to do kind of guy. So off we went. There was 9 or 10 of us. We went in 3 cabs. It seemed like a long way and I didn't pay the cab fare. One of the other guys did so I didn't catch how much it was and I had no clue where we were. We got back to his house and it really wasnt my kind of party. A lot of drugs and after saying no about 10 times me and my chica finally left. No clue what time it was as I didn't wear my watch to Juanchito. The sun was up though. Again I woke up around 1pm not felling real good. Got the chica out the door remembering I told my cibercupida gal we'd get together today. I called my ciberchica contact and her and her daughter came over to go swimming. They arrived around 3pm, we spent about an hour in the pool and decided to go see a movie that evening. She brought extra clothes and when we made it up to my room we turned on the tube, baby fell asleep on the bed and we started kissing. I told her we needed to shower if we were going to make a 7: 00pm movie. I was about to ask her if she wanted to shower first and then the kissing got heavy. I walked with her on my feet to the bathroom and in the shower we were. All I can say is WOW. I should have called this gal on Friday. It was the best fuck of my life. No if, ands, or buts about it. We finish, get dressed, take her baby to her house to her mother (no clue where) but I did see a sign close that said Palmetto and there were a bunch of strip clubs a few blocks away so it didn't seem like a real nice neighborhood. Went to the movie, then cabbed back to my hotel where we said our goodbyes as I couldn't convince her to stay the night as she had class the next morning and a baby to attend to. She's a gem though that I will definitely stay in contact with. I pack my stuff up as my plane leaves on Tuesday morning at 9am. Thus need to leave by 5: 30am to taxi to the bus teminal and catch a bus to get to airport by 7pm. It's now around12: 30am and I'm bored. I also realize I left my cigarettes in my chicas purse. I only smoke Marlboro lights so down the elevator I go and one of the porteros walks around the neightborhood with me looking for Marlboro Lights at 12: 30am on a Monday night. We pass by a joint that looks like a strip club and I see a hottie stick her head out the door and I think to myself. Once I find my cigarettes I'll come back to this place. I tell the portero lets get a cab to find cigarettes as it's obvious by this point that we werent going to find Marlboro Lights walking around. We find them at a 24 hour pharmacy type place. I go back to my hotel, brush my teeth, drink a beer and head out the door to this strip joint type place. The place closes at 2am. I can't remember the name but its only about 300 meters from the hotel. I think it was called Pharons over something like that. I go inside. There are about 10 chicas. I see 2 that I like. 1 was talking to someone on the couch so I invite the other that I like over. We chat for about 15 minutes, she dances to the Regetton music for me a few songs and I ask her the prices. It's 60k/hour or 45k/30 minutes. At this point it's like 1: 30am and the place closes at 2am. I had told her that I was leaving for the airport at 5: 30am so she suggests that I just wait for her and she'll come back with me to my hotel at 2am and stay till I need to leave. I said, sure. We never talk price or anything. I go outside around 1: 55am and wait and some other gringos come out. I talk to them about 15 minutes, they tell me that there are also 2 other gringos inside. I didn't even notice. Heck there were only about 8-10 males in the place and 5 of us were gringos. I just didint notice. I guess I was too focues on looking at the chicas. We talk awhile. They are there for a month. I asked them if they had heard of Escoces. They siad they went a few nights earlier and they told me the place sucks. They said the chicas arent hot, the prices are high and they said they've got a ton of numbers of chicas they've met. 20-30. They said they don't even know who to call at times they've met so many chicas. So why go to some overpriced place with no hot chicas. That made me not feel so bad about not checking it out. My chica then comes out and I tell them that I need go. My chica and I walk back to my hotel. Have a beer, a very nice GFE, then fall asleep for an hour, wake up and do it all again, get dressed, I ask her how much she wants. She says how about 50k pesos. I hand it to her, take the elevator dwon with her and flag her a cab, shower and then off to the airport. That's my Cali experience. Overall, I enjoyed Cali. I didn't really feel any danger, though I really didn't get out and explore in the daytime like I've done in other cities. Overall Cali just kind of felt like centro of Medellin or the south areas of Barranquilla. I. E. It's no Pobaldo, but if you keep your wits, speak spanish, and steer clear of upsetting anyone it seems alright. I'd probably say I felt the most insecure at the concert or obviously when it seemed like I upset a Colombiano for asking someone to dance in Juanchito. He was pretty drunk though and I just walked away after the fat lady grabbed me. It's just not worth making a scene to dance with someone you don't even know when there are hundreds of other beautiful women. Ok. That's my stint in Cali. No one flame me. I know I said I was pretty faithful to my girlfriend. Let's just say, I've learned I'm very faithful when I'm in the US and even when I'm living in Colombia in the same city as her. Get me in a different city than her in Colombia and well. I guess I just learned that I'm really not ready to tie the knot again. I do care for her and love her. But I'm not ready for that next step again. Let's leave it at that. Hopefully this info can help someone.

Very good point. I guess I should have said, Id love to drink, dance, relax, chit-chat with some Calenas and all the better if they are in Lingerie, but I don't plan on doing the deed with any of them. Why would I go. Oh, because I'd like to see how Calenas compare to Barranquilleras. Both in looks, personality, attitude. Granted that may not be a fair comparison given that it's working girls of Cali. But it should be interesting and sure, who didn't enjoy a little temptation. Maybe I'll find out I'm not really ready to settle down. I wouldnt be unfaithful, but if the urge was really really great, I would explain my desires to my chica and see what happens from there. Thus. I should have explained that better. Curiosity and temptation. But when I said hit the town. I was kind of thinking just a disco and some friendly conversation. But I do like the Escoces idea better. Need to get the past the curiosity stage wondering what Calenas are really like. I've been to Cali, but I was hitched and set up with a chica before I got there so I didn't really get any feel for what meeting a Calena is all about. That's what I'm up for, does that make more sense now? I didn't think so. Your recommendation of Escoces is great. Thanks again


You're dancing all over the place now. You first said you only wanted to hit the town. Then you wanted to check out some hot chicks dancing. Then you said you're faithful to your girl. Then you said you want to sit abd drink with the girls. And now you are asking if Cali is worth checking out a couple of days?

Well my friend you can do it all and enjoy it all but ultimately it's all up to you to decide on a path to follow.

Master Yoda
03-08-07, 13:31
We were in Cali at the beginning of November and hooked up with some non-pros who spent the night with us. My friend returned to Cali two weeks ago to see his. He doesn't speak Spanish and she doesn't speak English. He stayed 3 days at the Sheraton Four Points. Today he told me that when he was about to leave she told him that he had to give her COP 300, 000. He said he laughed at her and gave her taxi money to get back home. WTF?Mr Enternational how old r u? the gringo I am talking of is in his 50's and I am speaking of the 10's not average looking women.

03-08-07, 16:10
Hey Winner 71,

It's great you wrote a report here! You seem like a cool dude, but amigo, do you realize how difficult it is to read your looooooooong paragraphs. I had to stop, giving me a headache :)

Luis The Great
03-09-07, 01:35
Winner very good report. I for one enjoy the details. So keep it long and sweet. Dont forget to post some pics!!!!!

03-11-07, 01:40
Winner very good report. I for one enjoy the details. So keep it long and sweet. Dont forget to post some pics!Details, we all love the details. Like I said, enjoyed the report, it's the 10 mile long paragraph that'll knock you out :)

03-11-07, 18:53
I am in Cali now and wanted to know if anyone could suggest the best casa to visit. I have been to Doctor Amor and like the place but the Jacuzzi was broken and I have been through their selection already. If anyone could suggest a similar place it would be appreciated. I especially like the steam room and Jacuzzi, but would also like a large selection of girls.

Thanks in advance.

03-11-07, 20:29
I am in Cali now and wanted to know if anyone could suggest the best casa to visit. I have been to Doctor Amor and like the place but the Jacuzzi was broken and I have been through their selection already. If anyone could suggest a similar place it would be appreciated. I especially like the steam room and Jacuzzi, but would also like a large selection of girls.

Thanks in advance.

The casa at Calle 23AN 2N-95 should be about one block from Clinica del Dr Amor. This is one place I have not been to and suppossedly has a good line up from reports below.

I don't think you will find any places with jacuzzi's and when you say the one at Dr. amor is broken do you mean the pumps or the heater because it doesn't have heated water even when the pumps work.

Also, I don't have the address but Casa Vanessa's was under rehab when Robert and I went to check it out and the people said that it averages about 40 girls when open. It's in the same area as the Clinica but again since it wasn't open at the time I didn't pay attention to the address. Try asking the cabbies if they know whre Casa Vanessa's is because that's how we found it just by asking the random cabbie we had. Looked to be a very large house from the outside.

At night of course there is Pharoahs and La piscina and the place next to La Piscina. Look at the Cali Lists section for more info on these.

Please remember to post if you come across any new places.



03-15-07, 00:27
Hello guys,

Just came back from 3 weeks Colombia, and had a great time! , to say the least. Must say took me somewhat 3, 4 days to get used to Cali, it is just a liitle different then I expected, I never came across weird things but I think that is beceause I was carefull in all I did. And it is my humble suggestion that all other visitors also do.

Enough said about that, the women. ! Wow they are wicked. Beauty, body and passion!

Dr Amor deserves a special thx! Wow what a great place, from 9am til 9pm lots of women for little!

Lots of other Casa lacked selection of girls or they had terrible surroundings or equally terrible rooms. But I guess there are so many, and you are bound to find some gorgeous girl hidden somewhere in these Casa's if you invest some time.

Escoces, not to be missed! Nice trendy club with great selection of women that do know their prices (somewhat 240k 2hour) but even here negotiations can be made. I just went there to have a bottle of rum get to know some girls, relax and negotiate a good price and then ask them over at my hotel (apartahotel Del Rio = Great hotel! ) for a nice fresh fuck in the daytime. Candles and a small token (earrings or chain) do wonders my friends. Sex will be so much better when you make them feel special beforehand.

Then we met some really nice college girls trough some weird guy at Chippi, he gave us his nr telling us he had classy students. Next day he set up a meeting with these 2 young 19 year old hotties. They came over to our place in chippi and me and my cousin could not believe it. , the sheer beauty. And natural (rare in chippi) big tits.

Off course shrewed as we are we did not settle for "his" high price of 300k! As he was not there anyway we got the nr of one of the girls (Marcela) and had them at our hotel the next day for mucho mas barrato! (that is half of asking price) mannnnn, they were worth it, many pictures taken will put them in photo section in 2 days! (finally some pictures there instead of blablabla) PM me for telnr.

Also one day I called this escort service that send me a girl (Dominique), mhhhh what can I say again gorgeous and great natural tits, they asked for 150 an hour I settled for 100 for an hour and she was passionate and gave me her nr afterwards and told me she would come anytime if I called. Price negotiable off course. Well I never had the time to have her over again but I sure regret that. Pictures of her will also follow in 2 days. PM me for telnr.

I did not get that lucky with freebies at Chippi chappi somehow, but we did have some really good times at the Cafetal stand! Great people serving and nice people visiting.

Av 6, great on Saturday but rest of days pretty dull I must say, expected more, did however pick up a hot 24-year old laywer from Pasto on my 2nd day in Cali, she was there for some bussiness and we hit it off great in bed. Unfortunately no pics dumnasssssssss (*&^%$^

But freeebies, you can look for anywhere, on streets or better waitresses in bars or restaurants.

ANYWAY when I left Cali I still had so much to do, so many women that I did not meet due to time limets. Grrrrr can't wait to go back.

If any interest read my story about my 5 days in Cartagena.

Take care people.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

MJG Dogs
03-17-07, 20:27
It seems that a few more mongers are hitting cali, than in past months. I am going to cali in July to spend time with my novia and her family. Her Mama is afraid that Cali has gotten real dangerous and is nervous about my visit. I assured my novia that I have an apratment in the North near chippichape and that we will probably stay in most of the time, during the evening. I guess my questions are, besides the obvious ( no jewelry, no walking near the river at night etc.) 1. Is there any new dangerous areas during the day 2. How save is the area near the nice restraunts on avenida sexta? I was there in Nov 2005,and had no problems.

Please advise,


03-17-07, 21:40
it seems that a few more mongers are hitting cali, than in past months. I am going to cali in July to spend time with my novia and her family. Her mama is afraid that cali has gotten real dangerous and is nervous about my visit. I assured my novia that I have an apratment in the north near chippichape and that we will probably stay in most of the time, during the evening. I guess my questions are, besides the obvious (no jewelry, no walking near the river at night etc.) 1. Is there any new dangerous areas during the day 2. How save is the area near the nice restraunts on avenida sexta? . I was there in nov 2005, and had no problems. Please advise thanksUnfortunately Cali has gotten more dangerous to me and my novia and cunados opinion than even 2 yrs ago, I saw more poverty and violence than usual the past 6 months, my novia got ambushed for her cell phone by 4 dudes on dirt bikes in el penon, this is the nicest area in cali besides granda. Avoid dark streets, look around at all times, never go near el centro in the pm, don't go to juanchito unless you are going to chango or samba caramba, the areas near there are dangerous ea, la barra or senegal, ok to go to, chipe chape, palmetto de sur, la sexta from the beginning to about archies pizza, then it get shady till about poker beer garden, you will also like plaza aventura in the sur, really nice and only "high class" people, all these areas last mentioned are safe only becasue of heavy police presence, please make sure you have your highest wits and street smarts about U. Don't get drunk or belligerant and walk around, don't carry your atm card or passport or wallet around with you, do not enter a cab with 2 people in the front for ant reason, be warry of your taxi drivers conversations. Be humble, you are in a foreign country, and you will be fine, I can remember driving for miles and hours without seeing any police presence. Good luck!

03-18-07, 02:51
It seems that a few more mongers are hitting cali, than in past months. I am going to cali in July to spend time with my novia and her family. Her Mama is afraid that Cali has gotten real dangerous and is nervous about my visit. I assured my novia that I have an apratment in the North near chippichape and that we will probably stay in most of the time, during the evening. I guess my questions are, besides the obvious ( no jewelry, no walking near the river at night etc.) 1. Is there any new dangerous areas during the day 2. How save is the area near the nice restraunts on avenida sexta?..... I was there in Nov 2005,and had no problems...... please advise thanksI was in Cali one year ago. Didn't care too much for the town and had a very bad experience:

There was a big salsa gig at Rumbodromo. Loads of famous Salsa acts (that I'd never heard of) and it went on for hours. I was with my amiga y su hermana, but after several (let's say 7) hours of salsa I'd had enough and decided to leave solo. It was around 2am by this time so, although not wasted, I was pretty drunk. I left the club and took the first taxi outside. Big mistake.

I told him my hotel, Tore de Cali, and he sped off. After a minute or so he began to ask me questions, which I mostly ignored. After a few more minutes we suddenly stopped. In jumps 3 guys, one at each side of me and one in the front. As if I wasn't frightened enough, the guy to my right had a gun pointed at my neck to kindly remind me of the severity of the situation.

They took everything off me. I had my wallet with me so they politely asked me for my PIN numbers which, considering the gun pointed at my neck, I gave them. So we spent the next couple of hours driving from ATM to ATM, withdrawing as much money as they could. Finally they reached my card limits and, miracle of miracles, they drove to some abandonded area of Cali and let me go.

A pretty unpleasant experience, but let's be clear about one thing: I was a complete fool. I left a club at 2am alone and I stumbled into a taxi without checking its credentials. So, two big mistakes and I paid the price. The point is though, that Cali, in fact Colombia as a whole, as much as love the place, is a place where you can't afford to let your guard slip. It's not ready for mainstream tourism.

My general advice: don't go there if you can't speak Spanish, and if you can ALWAYS ALWAYS keep your guard up.

03-18-07, 02:54
BOGOTA, Colombia (CNN) -- Colombian President Alvaro Uribe said Saturday he favored the extradition to his country of executives of U.S. banana producer Chiquita after the company's admission that it paid Colombian right-wing death squads more than $1.7 million.

"That would be normal. Extradition should be from here to there and from there to here," Uribe said.

Colombia's attorney general said he would ask the U.S. Department of Justice for full disclosure about the case and would investigate possible links to another case from 2001. In that case, weapons and ammunition were smuggled into Colombia through a port facility operated by Chiquita's Colombian subsidiary, Banadex.

The Justice Department alleges Banadex paid protection money to Communist guerrilla groups, namely the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and National Liberation Army (ELN), between 1989 and 1997.

Chiquita began paying the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC), an extreme right-wing militia, after a 1997 meeting between a top Banadex official and AUC head Carlos Castano, according to court papers.

Chiquita Brands International CEO Fernando Aguirre acknowledged last week that the former subsidiary "had been forced to make payments to right- and left-wing paramilitary groups in Colombia to protect the lives of its employees."

Chiquita has agreed to pay the Justice Department $25 million in fines over those payments. Another hearing is scheduled for Monday.

Details and amounts of money Chiquita paid to the guerrillas were not disclosed. But the Justice Department said Chiquita made at least 100 direct and indirect payments totaling at least $1.7 million to the AUC between 1997 and 2004.

Colombian authorities outlawed right-wing paramilitary forces in 1989. The U.S. State Department added the AUC to its list of foreign terrorist groups in September 2001.

In November 2001, Israeli arms dealers illegally shipped 3,000 AK-47 assault rifles and 2.5 million rounds of ammunition into Colombia for the AUC through a port facility operated by Chiquita subsidiary Banadex.

Chiquita was not charged in that incident.

In a statement sent to CNN on Friday, Chiquita said: "The issues [of the payments to the AUC and the contraband weapons] are unrelated."

But in a statement issued Friday, Colombian Attorney General Mario Iguaran said he would ask U.S. officials for information about the smuggling case.

The AUC and affiliated death squads have killed thousands of union activists, leftist politicians and civilians suspected of being leftist sympathizers in and around the banana-growing regions where Chiquita operated.

Chiquita sold Banadex in 2004. But according to the main Colombian banana workers' union SINTRAINAGRO, Chiquita still buys more than 3 million 45-pound boxes of bananas each week from plantations in the Uraba and Magdalena regions.

Mr Enternational
03-18-07, 07:08
I'll be 35 next month. The thing is that there is no consistency with everbody's 10 and everybody's average. You can see that by looking at the board. I know many girls who I think are 10s but they think themselves average. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This day and time I think that age is hardly a factor. I would say that after age 25 people start caring less about age.

Mr Enternational how old r u? the gringo I am talking of is in his 50's and I am speaking of the 10's not average looking women.

03-18-07, 16:04
How do you recognise a "safe" taxi?

03-18-07, 17:36
BOGOTA, Colombia (CNN) -- Colombian President Alvaro Uribe said Saturday he favored the extradition to his country of executives of U.S. banana producer Chiquita after the company's admission that it paid Colombian right-wing death squads more than $1.7 million.At the risk of running J's displeasure for responding on the Cali board, Uribe has a point. It pisses off the Colombians something rotten that its sending *its* citizens off to US jails, but that the US doesn't extradite its low life scum (ambassador's wives and military included) reciprocally.

Mind you I suspect that U knows there's no chance of this happening so he can use it for domestic politics without having to deal with the consequences.

03-18-07, 22:01
How do you recognise a "safe" taxi?No 100% safe way, you can telephone for one, or take a cab from a line of taxis.


Hoya Boy
03-18-07, 22:34
I checked out a casa named cactus 2 the other night. It had the best selection that I have seen in cali.


Guapo 61
03-19-07, 03:58
Ok, finally have time to report on my latest trip to Cali. all in all had a great time and didn't even get kidnapped or mugged! Although I was with my novia alot i still managed to get in some play time. First was at Escoses, great club and a few diamonds in the rough if you take your time and choose wisely, unfortunately my first wasn't the greatest but, at least she let me take some pics:) She was a dirty blonde, big tits, and a few extra pounds, not my normal hunting ground, except for the big tits. any way she was all over me the minute I walked in with my buds, very playful and we danced and had a good time. Wasn't really planning on hooking up that night but, she convinced me she was a wild fuck and loved to suck the bone, so what the hell, I'll give her a try. On the cab ride back to my place she was all over me, rubbing my cock and sticking her tounge down my throat, so thinks me, ok some good GFE here, well that lasted until we got to my place and boom 360. First thing she asks was for the money, I tell her relax, lets take a shower, I thought maybe I could get things a little heated up showering together, not so fast, alle she wanted was a *****s bath while I showered. Anyway onto the bed and she gives a half assed BBBJ, not quite what I expected from a girl who said she loves to suck cock:( We did the deed in 4 positions but , I could tell she wasn't into it, finished and sent her ass on the way. I do not recomend NORA from Escoces. Part 2 to follow

03-19-07, 16:10
...a *****s bath...

Never heard that expression before... Care to elaborate?

03-19-07, 16:19
Never heard that expression before... Care to elaborate?

Let me guess: washing only her pussy...

03-19-07, 17:00
I checked out a casa named cactus 2 the other night. It had the best selection that I have seen in cali.


Hoya Boy,

Can u please post the location of this place, quantity and quality of the girls, the prices,etc..

Thanks in advance


03-20-07, 05:52
I checked out a casa named cactus 2 the other night. It had the best selection that I have seen in cali.


Hoya Boy,

Cactus 2? Never heard of it. Can you share some info?



Hoya Boy
03-20-07, 17:37
I didn't get the address of Cactus 2, but it is located near cactus 1. Ask a cab driver outside of one of the strip clubs and he should be able to take you. The prices are similar to other casas. 40k for 30 minutes, which is really all that you need. However, there are about 20 girls working there and about 3 or 4 takers. It is open from 9 until 3 am. Definitely my favoriate casa. A bit far though. A question for the forum. Where are the mango dancers in Colombia. Are there some in Cali?


Escort King
03-20-07, 21:36
I didn't get the address of Cactus 2, but it is located near cactus 1. Ask a cab driver outside of one of the strip clubs and he should be able to take you. The prices are similar to other casas. 40k for 30 minutes, which is really all that you need. However, there are about 20 girls working there and about 3 or 4 takers. It is open from 9 until 3 am. Definitely my favoriate casa. A bit far though. A question for the forum. Where are the mango dancers in Colombia. Are there some in Cali?


The only Mangos I have seen mentioned is in Medellin

03-20-07, 22:58
Mangos is a night club in Medellin, so you will generally only find the dancers there, although sometimes they are hired by people like the Medellin Mansion to put on a show.


Tiny 12
03-20-07, 23:14
I met a hooker in Mexico City who had something similar happen to her, only at the end of it they stabbed her a few times and left her for dead on the side of the road. When in Colombia (except Cartagena) or Mexico City I have done as recommended here, fake a call to someone with info about the taxi/taxista.

They took everything off me. I had my wallet with me so they politely asked me for my PIN numbers which, considering the gun pointed at my neck, I gave them. So we spent the next couple of hours driving from ATM to ATM, withdrawing as much money as they could. Finally they reached my card limits and, miracle of miracles, they drove to some abandonded area of Cali and let me go.

Mr Enternational
03-21-07, 04:43

Ho bath: The act of washing the armpits, vagina, and buttcrack at a water source that is not a bathtub or shower. Usually done after a prositute finishes with a client.

Let me guess: washing only her pussy...

Mr Enternational
03-21-07, 04:55
A third mistake was having your wallet with you with cards! Whenever I travel I leave everything (passport wallet and contents) in the safe (if there is one; if not I find a hiding place) where I am staying. I only venture around with a laminated copy of my passport reduced to ID card size, and the money that I plan on spending at that particular moment that I am away from the "home base", both held together with a rubber band.

I was in Cali one year ago. Didn't care too much for the town and had a very bad experience:

They took everything off me. I had my wallet with me so they politely asked me for my PIN numbers which, considering the gun pointed at my neck, I gave them. So we spent the next couple of hours driving from ATM to ATM, withdrawing as much money as they could.

A pretty unpleasant experience, but let's be clear about one thing: I was a complete fool. I left a club at 2am alone and I stumbled into a taxi without checking its credentials. So, two big mistakes and I paid the price. The point is though, that Cali, in fact Colombia as a whole, as much as love the place, is a place where you can't afford to let your guard slip. It's not ready for mainstream tourism.

My general advice: don't go there if you can't speak Spanish, and if you can ALWAYS ALWAYS keep your guard up.

Peter Solano
03-21-07, 07:05
No 100% safe way, you can telephone for one, or take a cab from a line of taxis.

Usually a cab from a STATION is safer than a cab just passing by. It is a good idea to look in the yellow pages for " ESTACIONES DE TAXIS", and pick up the one with the biggest ad.

Normally that would be a well known, well established, safe station to call a cab from.

Also major Hotels have a cab station right next to it. And if picked from the station, you have a pretty good chance that cab will be safe. Peter.

MJG Dogs
03-21-07, 07:49
A third mistake was having your wallet with you with cards! Whenever I travel I leave everything (passport wallet and contents) in the safe (if there is one; if not I find a hiding place) where I am staying. I only venture around with a laminated copy of my passport reduced to ID card size, and the money that I plan on spending at that particular moment that I am away from the "home base", both held together with a rubber band.

That is 100% correct, or better yet a second "dummy wallet" with what Mr. enternational says. Hey if you get robbed you only loses a few pesos. Also leave the god damm Rolex back in the states also......

03-22-07, 01:25
for e.g. I was at Pharaohs last thu night and the place was filled to the brim with young Colombianos, including kids. I felt like I was at a Colombian Porkys. They were happily getting drunk and generally acting like the people did in the movie Porkys.

the quick turnaround times is what really gives me the heevie jeevies. Even at a crowded Rio termas, itll be more than an hour before shes done with someone, showered and ready again (though that gives me heevies as well)

Now lets consider a typical Cali casa environment, and consider that many of these guys go in there for 20, 30 minutes. I joke to the girls that I am not a fucking rabbit (they laugh) Considering that the entire environment isnt exactly super hygienic to being with (consider the rooms for starters and how she washes up) it becomes a little scary to think about.

all that, and with it mostly (you can talk her out of it, but thats the standard) a covered galosh blowjob?

I suppose it works as purely a necessary blueball release but even then I have my doubts.

your average US ghetto streetwalker doesnt do that many tricks on a given night, shell do enough to get money for her drug habit and then sheff of the street until the following night and the high wears off.

so maybe someone will have to explain to me why they shell out a minimum of a thousand dollars (for starters) to fly out somewhere and stick ones dick into a hole that has been massively stretched that particular day and others only for (what some people refer to) 2000 pennies.

it strikes me as more than a little pathetic, though this isnt a judgment, (to each their own), merely my personal opinion.

maybe Im simply not looking at this correctly in which case, perhaps someone can explain it to me?

Escort King
03-22-07, 16:10
for e.g. I was at Pharaohs last thu night and the place was filled to the brim with young Colombianos, including kids. I felt like I was at a Colombian Porkys. They were happily getting drunk and generally acting like the people did in the movie Porkys.

the quick turnaround times is what really gives me the heevie jeevies. Even at a crowded Rio termas, itll be more than an hour before shes done with someone, showered and ready again (though that gives me heevies as well)

Now lets consider a typical Cali casa environment, and consider that many of these guys go in there for 20, 30 minutes. I joke to the girls that I am not a fucking rabbit (they laugh) Considering that the entire environment isnt exactly super hygienic to being with (consider the rooms for starters and how she washes up) it becomes a little scary to think about.

all that, and with it mostly (you can talk her out of it, but thats the standard) a covered galosh blowjob?

I suppose it works as purely a necessary blueball release but even then I have my doubts.

your average US ghetto streetwalker doesnt do that many tricks on a given night, shell do enough to get money for her drug habit and then sheff of the street until the following night and the high wears off.

so maybe someone will have to explain to me why they shell out a minimum of a thousand dollars (for starters) to fly out somewhere and stick ones dick into a hole that has been massively stretched that particular day and others only for (what some people refer to) 2000 pennies.

it strikes me as more than a little pathetic, though this isnt a judgment, (to each their own), merely my personal opinion.

maybe Im simply not looking at this correctly in which case, perhaps someone can explain it to me?

We enjoy travelling and the sex is a bonus.... when I go to a restaraunt I don't think how many people have used the knife and fork before me....
sure I can stay in NY and just buy 5 hours of a 400-600 an hour top *****.... or I can get away relax and spend a lot more than 5 hours in the sack....

03-22-07, 23:35
we enjoy travelling and the sex is a bonus.... when i go to a restaraunt i don't think how many people have used the knife and fork before me....

you enjoy "traveling" to a place like cali and sex is a bonus? what else do you do in cali? particularly given that so called casa crawling will have to be a daytime activity given their operating hours.

sure there are the late night streetwalkers along sexta, but considering that most are clearly **** that´s something that shouldn´t interest anyone either.

re your restaurant analogy, perhaps a better one would be to consider how many have stuck their forks and masticated over that piece of food or meat, etc before you have. the same piece of meat, mind you.

03-22-07, 23:42
we enjoy travelling and the sex is a bonus.... when i go to a restaraunt i don't think how many people have used the knife and fork before me......you enjoy "traveling" to a place like cali and sex is a bonus? what else do you do in cali? particularly given that so called casa crawling will have to be a daytime activity given their operating hours.

sure there are the late night streetwalkers along sexta, but considering that most are clearly **** that's something that shouldn't interest anyone either.

re your restaurant analogy, perhaps a better one would be to consider how many have stuck their forks and masticated over that piece of food or meat, etc before you have. the same piece of meat, mind you.

re pricing, i am actually all for paying the going rate, and i despise gringo pricing with a passion and refuse to pay it, and though i also strongly believe that in terms of p4p quality is not related to price paid, when you take eveything into account, it's no wonder people are pricing at these places is what it is. however, it's not super cheap by local standards considering an engineer here will be making 600-700 us a month.

the biggest problem is actually the fact that these places are directed at a local market, which tends to have a madonna complex when it comes to their dealing with women and for whom a 20 minute stick my dick into a hole experience is satisfactory.

it's almost like going to a gay turkish bath with little holes in the walls (not that i've ever been in such a place hahahahahah)

03-23-07, 02:05
you enjoy "traveling" to a place like cali and sex is a bonus? what else do you do in cali? particularly given that so called casa crawling will have to be a daytime activity given their operating hours.

sure there are the late night streetwalkers along sexta, but considering that most are clearly **** that´s something that shouldn´t interest anyone either.

re your restaurant analogy, perhaps a better one would be to consider how many have stuck their forks and masticated over that piece of food or meat, etc before you have. the same piece of meat, mind you.

that's funny, enjoy traveling and sex is a bonus. i doubt you'd choose colombia just to "travel" to if not for the available sex.

get a grip amigo.

Mr Enternational
03-23-07, 04:17
i second that. i saw the streetwalkers along la sexta when i was going to the discos. they were extremely ****. no question about it. and i hear that they are very dangerous as well. i saw the same thing in barranquilla. so am i to take it that it is a normal occurence?

you enjoy "traveling" to a place like cali and sex is a bonus? sure there are the late night streetwalkers along sexta, but considering that most are clearly **** that´s something that shouldn´t interest anyone either.

03-23-07, 16:24
I dont get it? Eating out and you dont know who has used the Knife and fork before you? Sex is a Bonus? Sounds like you are in Denial, Cali is nice but then again so is Orlando, but Orlando is for Kids and Cali is for Mongers.

Escort King
03-23-07, 23:42
I dont get it? Eating out and you dont know who has used the Knife and fork before you? Sex is a Bonus? Sounds like you are in Denial, Cali is nice but then again so is Orlando, but Orlando is for Kids and Cali is for Mongers.

hey I am definitely traveling for the sex... but the places have to have something going for them beyond that - otherwise I could just take the time off and order in hookers at home

03-24-07, 01:14
hey I am definitely traveling for the sex... but the places have to have something going for them beyond that - otherwise I could just take the time off and order in hookers at home

I will take you word at that, and I would agree with your sentiment, as I am sure most would, but I am curious what besides it you think Cali would offer.

Clearly its not a touristy place at all and there is frankly little to see and do in terms of vacationing tourist activities.

most of the tourists there are either idiots who are looking for "true love" thru the myriad of marriage agencies in the city (what a joke that is) or the so called "monger" crowd and throw in your occasional business type in town passing.

btw, I stopped by one of the casas last night, but merely for a drink passing thru (and to check out some of the girls, they actually have several real "lookers" IMHO) and chatted up one of the girls. She informed me with a chuckle that indeed the vast majority of the customers opt for the 20 minute option. Sad.

I was passing there, on way back from the so called Flores Frescas (Fresh Flowers) where what I saw was so boring, unimaginative and comical the place should be renamed Flores Marchitas (which if I remember correctly means Wilted Flowers). I understand the place has long lost any "reknown" and isnt recommended but I figured Id swing by to check it out at least once.
what a complete joke.

personally I actually think Cali has many things going for it, but itd be difficult to hail it as a real vacation destination.

Col Bog 1
03-24-07, 08:18
Midnight had already passed away when I decided to try my luck on that Friday’s night.

So I took my favourite blue pill, and left my hotel to jump in a taxi asking him to take me to the Faroah.

On the way, he asked me if I knew the Faroah club, and I said yes and why? He then told me that he knew a much better place with better girls and better rooms close form Faroah.

As I remembered that my last stay in Faroah had not been so good, I said ok, let’s try your place.

He left me in front of a house with a guard outside at Calle 25N 2bis-47.

I entered the house and the guy in charge proposed me a drink (no thanks) and to see the girls (yes! ).

He gave me the prices 70K for 30’ and 100K for an hour.

I was introduced to 15 girls and saw 2 to 3 doable (slim).

I choose Jimena, a tall (1, 65m), very slim, brunette with long hairs and a pretty face who claimed to come from Pereira.

She came with me, sat and I asked her what she would do.

The answer was sad. Normal.

BBBJ? No, Anal? No, may I suck your pussy? Why not.

As it was already late and that girl was really nice looking, I decided to try her. The guy asked me for how long I wanted Jimena, and we agreed that I’d pay for an hour, but if I would left in 30’, he would gave me my 30K back.

Jimena left me to take her working bag and I followed her when she returned till the room.

Rooms were not bad (for this kind of place), they had an outside window, good light, a shower (with cold water), a bathroom, a tv, .

The bed was ok but I don’t think that they change sheets after each activity (but I’m use to this and don’t pay care anymore).

Jimena asked me to start with a (cold) shower, and I said ok.

As the water was really cold to me, I was not able to play under the shower with Jimena.

We then went to the bed and I started exploring her lovely pussy, Of course, my tongue went a little further and I suck her ass as well and she didn’t protest. Meanwhile, she was giving me a very poor HJ, and I tried 3 times to explain her how to do it better, but she was not very interested.

After a few minutes, she covered me and we started a nice 69.

Unfortunately, her oral technique was not very good neither, and with the condom I just hardly felt something.

She left me finger a little bit her ass and then protested, as she had told me before that she wouldn’t do anal, I didn’t insist.

Then I changed position and entered her from behind lying on our side.

While I was doing her, she left me finger her clit, but she was not very demonstrative and I decided to end the session and came quite fast.

While I was coming, she tried to tighten her pussy to increase my pleasure, but then again, it was not well done.

We then showered again, got dressed up and I left, while she had to clean the room. She asked me to tip her, and I said no.

I then stop a taxi and went back to my hotel.

It was really a pity that such a good looking girl act so poorly.

EDITOR'S NOTE: I certainly hope that the author or somebody else will post a link to this report in the Reports of Distinction thread. Please Click Here (http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/announcement-reportsofdistinction.php?) for more information.

03-24-07, 14:29
He isn't planning on going to Cali, but Medellin. If you go to the Medellin reports, you will see he has being saying that for quite some time. He just seems to post all over the place.

I will take you word at that, and I would agree with your sentiment, as I am sure most would, but I am curious what besides it you think Cali would offer.

Clearly its not a touristy place at all and there is frankly little to see and do in terms of vacationing tourist activities.

most of the tourists there are either idiots who are looking for "true love" thru the myriad of marriage agencies in the city (what a joke that is) or the so called "monger" crowd and throw in your occasional business type in town passing.

btw, I stopped by one of the casas last night, but merely for a drink passing thru (and to check out some of the girls, they actually have several real "lookers" IMHO) and chatted up one of the girls. She informed me with a chuckle that indeed the vast majority of the customers opt for the 20 minute option. Sad.

I was passing there, on way back from the so called Flores Frescas (Fresh Flowers) where what I saw was so boring, unimaginative and comical the place should be renamed Flores Marchitas (which if I remember correctly means Wilted Flowers). I understand the place has long lost any "reknown" and isnt recommended but I figured Id swing by to check it out at least once.
what a complete joke.

personally I actually think Cali has many things going for it, but itd be difficult to hail it as a real vacation destination.

Escort King
03-25-07, 00:37
Nice post.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I've read here that Escort King hasn't even been to Colombia, let alone Cali. If I'm mistaken please forgive me, but if I'm not, I find it odd that he would even make a comment on this thread if he hasn't been there.
No I am there next Friday.... and my comment was about traveling and mongering in general.... I like to travel to other places... I like the sex at most of them.... this will be my first trip to Colombia but have mongered in a lot of countries...
being to a specific place before posting would limit the community

03-25-07, 03:36
dude with all due respect.

you are in a place that is built and runs along the lines of 20 minute, poke a hole, shoot, where the overwhelming majority of the clientele is local, tends to have a Madonna/ho complex when it comes to women and P4P and this is how they like things. (and for some it´s all they can afford)

so the overwhelming majority of these girls in such places WILL "act poorly". There is little to no incentive for them to act OTHERWISE.

in places like Rio and Bangkok and some other places there IS incentive for them to act otherwise, since the clientele is foreign, pays more, and that´s what the clientele wants, not to mention they can sometimes reel in a "BOYFRIEND" who stupidly sends them money regularly or even from time to time.