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10-27-12, 16:27
Hotel El Pueblito is 5 blocks East on the beach a short time hotel, maybe you can get a day rate there cheap if your laying down the wood several times a day, do your homework and study the map.

https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?vps=3&jsv=329b&hl=en&ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=202115846141467908565.0004a0706d2b411420a83I'd recommend looking at a room first here. Maybe it's changed, but I took a chica there for short time maybe 5 years ago, and it's a dump. I can't imagine laying in one of those beds and trying to sleep. But maybe you guys roll that way.

10-27-12, 16:44
I'd recommend looking at a room first here. Maybe it's changed, but I took a chica there for short time maybe 5 years ago, and it's a dump. I can't imagine laying in one of those beds and trying to sleep. But maybe you guys roll that way.Wasn't recommending the place for him to stay, he was staying at the Decameron, but he needed a short time place to bang.

10-27-12, 17:00
Someone told me that Cartagena is pretty happening for New Years. That many girls from Medellin, Cali, Bogota, etc. Come up to the coast to celebrate / party / relax. Is this true?That's pretty much true for every coastal area during the holidays no? Think Jersey Shore, Cape Cod, Ocean City, ect during the summer. I would imagine this to be true but for the most part the girls will be away with their family so they will not be slutting themselves out in front of their Abuelas & Mamas. If they in the club they might be with their cousins and stuff that provides other obstacles. Long weekends and the Finca is family time. Maybe for New Years but from what I have seen in Bogota and Medellin a house party is where you want to be vs a Club. Colombians are cheap and or broke all the time so a cheap house party works best for them.

I've never been to Cartagena but I find the last two weeks of Nov and the fist two of Dec to be the most fun all over Colombia. Girls need that extra holiday money so they go back to work on the streets, clubs, casas, ect. You can see this phenomenon in US strip clubs too or even Parents taking on seasonal help for a few extra bucks during this time. Plus everybody is out and about parting, tons of events going on, it's a great time!

The time after Christmas till about a week after New Years, is dead, everything is closed, girls are firmly gripped by family time, so yeah. Just my two cents; maybe I wan't looking hard enough.

10-27-12, 23:47
. I find the last two weeks of Nov and the fist two of Dec to be the most fun all over Colombia. Girls need that extra holiday money so they go back to work on the streets, clubs, casas, ect. You can see this phenomenon in US strip clubs too or even Parents taking on seasonal help for a few extra bucks during this time. Plus everybody is out and about parting, tons of events going on, it's a great time!

The time after Christmas till about a week after New Years, is dead, everything is closed, girls are firmly gripped by family time, so yeah. Just my two cents; maybe I wan't looking hard enough.This has been my experience also.

The end of November up to Christmas is pretty fun, then like you say, it gets pretty dead.

Not quite as bad as holy Thursday and Friday though, but dead.

10-27-12, 23:55
This has been my experience also.

The end of November up to Christmas is pretty fun, then like you say, it gets pretty dead.

Not quite as bad as holy Thursday and Friday though, but dead.Last dec 4-10th sucked, all the inland floods contributed to the slowness and the Farc attacks on the busses didn't help.

The Music Festival in Cartagena is Jan 5-13th 2013 according to their site.

10-28-12, 03:05
Wasn't recommending the place for him to stay, he was staying at the Decameron, but he needed a short time place to bang.Got it. Threw me when you said a day rate. Sounds kind of pricey to pay for the decameron and a day rate there, but might be great for him.

10-28-12, 15:37
Last dec 4-10th sucked, all the inland floods contributed to the slowness and the Farc attacks on the busses didn't help.

The Music Festival in Cartagena is Jan 5-13th 2013 according to their site.I was referring to all over Colombia in general, during that time period, to be fun.

Like you pointed out, I'm sure there will be exceptions in various cities, like with floods, Farc, explosions, etc, etc. That can definitely dampen the festive mood.

You Can
10-28-12, 20:36
If you can get a flight for a good price, just ditch the all inclusive and stop talking about hotels. Cartagena is best to have Apartment. That is my advice to you. Good luck!

Thanks for the good advices guys.

The reason I was thinking on going to decameron. Is that flights from toronto are very expensive to cartagana, so the all inclusive deal would have been worthed. But I found a flight from buffalo that is pretty good.

So I might do that and get an appartement instead.

Any advice on appartement? Or girl friendly hotel?

Dos Lunas
10-30-12, 06:57
Just spent 4 days in Cartagena arrived on Wednesday and left Sunday morning. The airport was exchanging $1US dollar to 1700COP. Took a taxi to Bocagrande for 5K COP and stayed at the San Martin for 1 night $83 or 150K COP, including a good full breakfast, which was centrally located and a great botique hotel I found to have great reviews on tripadvisor. The exchange house within walking distance of the hotel was giving 1750COP per $1 US dollar.

Three weeks prior I joined LAC (Latin American Cupid) and had a list of 10 contacts but narrowed it down to three, with the first being my plan A. Plan B and C never showed. I was hoping to repeat last years experience, an amazing GFE experience with a non-pro and solid 8. In fact I still kept in touch but decided not to visit her in Barranquilla and instead try a new experience with my plan A who happens to be from Barranquilla too. She showed up and looked amazing a perfect 10. She is 21 years. 5'6" about 110lbs, light skinned with long black hair, thin waist and flat stomache, nice natural chest, great legs and an ass to die for. And super sweet. She reminded me of last year's GFE but better. I don't know what's going on in Barranquilla but they do have the best natural looking and sweetest women I have ever met.

Plan A this visit got dressed so we could go out and have dinner. OMFG, she looked amazing in a skin tight mini dress and heels. Everywhere we went she got the attention from everyone. We had a nice romantic stroll and dinner at Plaza Santa Domingo (?) had a great seafood meal over a bottle of sangria. We talked about everything and anything, all the while thinking at the end of the night I will be in heaven while making love to her. After dinner we walked over to Tu Candelas and spent the rest of the night dancing over a bottle of Medellin Ron Rum and soda. She danced very good to everything and looked so sexy. We hugged a lot, touched each other and kissed LFK. Earlier when she first arrived she had a slight headache so I offered and gave her a nice FBSM non-sexual but I got to caress that lovely body of hers and used all my willpower to resist from coming on to her so quickly knowing that a full night of dinner, drinks, dancing and romance would bring me to her fruition.

We left the club about 3:30am and headed to my wonderful beachfront apartment en Laguito, courtesy of venproreviews, and was ready to make this night ingrained in memory for future playback. We had previously made plans for her to spend the entire time with me and she was looking forward to going sightseeing with me everywhere. She doesn't have kids and her older sister had met and married an american via LAC.

Back to the moment, as she went to the bathroom to change, I got comfortable on the bed and was ready for her. She came out of the bathroom in a pair of tiny short shorts and top. We started to LFK again and hugged. All of a sudden she stopped cold turkey, said it was too soon, that we have a few days to get to know each other more, and said goodnight. WTF! I was in shock. We were both buzzed from the alcohol and for a second I thought I was back in the states on a regular date with an american woman. Then realized not! I attempted to massage her and kiss her then finally reason with her but no go. I couldn't believe that I struck out after our amazing time together. I figured she wanted something serious and was probably influenced by her sister to hold out and win me over for a serious relationship. I wasn't ready to play this game and didn't give her any intention of being ready for something serious, just a good experience if the chemistry was there and friendship.

Well I could not sleep having this perfect 10 laying down inches from me. After talking some more I asked her it was best for her to return to Barranquilla and called Marsol transportation to come pick her up at 6am. She appeared confused and I simply told her I felt the chemistry with her and had a fantastic time but I felt she didn't feel the chemistry with me. I was hoping she would give in and she inferred there would be chemistry within a few more days but I didn't come all the way down here to get teased like this and so I stood my ground and she hers. I gave her the cost of travel to and from which I had agreed to do from the beginning. I also bought her a 5K COP bracelet after dinner as a small romantic gesture. Total cost of our night out and expenses 250K COP. I don't regret our time together or the money I spent, only the misunderstanding. It could have been immature on her part or lack of experience from what she told me about her life. But damn I was so close. Goes to show what worked during one visit is not a guarantee of future visits.

I followed the game plan of Hillbilly69 and spent full days at the beach and low and behold there was plenty of talent. Mostly 6-7's but eventually I found several 8's each day and sessioned with 1 for 100K COP ST a hot blondie from MDE, and another for 50K COP a delicious spinner from BQA.

I hit LDV two nights but the first night I was so exhausted from the beach and a detour session with Sandra from the street, that I never went inside and only talked to a beautiful dark woman from BQA. She was holding out for $300K COP as it was early about 11:30pm. After talking for about 20 min she indicated the session would be TLN. But I was too tired for that and got sleepy and went home alone.

I heard reports that Elektra was closed and there was another club that took its place but I never went to see for myself if this was true. I ran into three americans from Miami who were cool to hang out with during my second visit to LDV. If you guys are on this board send me a pm.

I scored a 9 an amazing spinner from BQA for 150K COP ST and she carried herself well, very polished and sexy and sweet. She turned out to be a little nymphomaniac and was my best session of my trip. It's just too bad I met her on my last night in town.

Taxi back to the airport was 15K COP, and it literally took 90 min to get through the lines. The airport is going through renovations and they didn't have enough people working so early in the morning at the counters, whereas last year it only took 10 min.

My wingman wussed out on me this trip but if your reading this the beach scene was way better than last year! I plan on returning in February and spending time in BQA during the carnival events and meeting my favorite women from Colombia. If anyone wants to hang out and check out the clubs let me know.

10-30-12, 13:10
Not everyone shares their experience striking out. I for one appreciate these more than the exaggerated tales of conquest. I think you made a good decision sending her packing but it must have been hard booting someone that hot. Sounds like you still had a great time though. Good on ya.

10-30-12, 15:22
DL, the reports you heard indicating that Electra is closed are true-it is closed. The same crowd is now going to a place just past Universidad de Cartagena in the old city. I can't remember the name of the place.

I'll wager that the hottie from Quilla will be begging you to come back to bang her. She will be sweet as can be and will tantalize you with the thoughts of slammin' that sweet pussy. She'll be yours for the taking, if you want, on your next return visit.

Sounds like you still made out for a great, fun trip!

John Gault
10-30-12, 16:36
Just spent 4 days in Cartagena arrived on Wednesday and left Sunday morning. The airport was exchanging $1US dollar to 1700COP. Took a taxi to Bocagrande for 5K COP and stayed at the San Martin for 1 night $83 or 150K COP, including a good full breakfast, which was centrally located and a great botique hotel I found to have great reviews on tripadvisor. The exchange house within walking distance of the hotel was giving 1750COP per $1 US dollar.

Three weeks prior I joined LAC (Latin American Cupid) and had a list of 10 contacts but narrowed it down to three, with the first being my plan A. Plan B and C never showed. I was hoping to repeat last years experience, an amazing GFE experience with a non-pro and solid 8. In fact I still kept in touch but decided not to visit her in Barranquilla and instead try a new experience with my plan A who happens to be from Barranquilla too. She showed up and looked amazing a perfect 10. She is 21 years. 5'6" about 110lbs, light skinned with long black hair, thin waist and flat stomache, nice natural chest, great legs and an ass to die for. And super sweet. She reminded me of last year's GFE but better. I don't know what's going on in Barranquilla but they do have the best natural looking and sweetest women I have ever met.

Plan A this visit got dressed so we could go out and have dinner. OMFG, she looked amazing in a skin tight mini dress and heels. Everywhere we went she got the attention from everyone. We had a nice romantic stroll and dinner at Plaza Santa Domingo (?) had a great seafood meal over a bottle of sangria. We talked about everything and anything, all the while thinking at the end of the night I will be in heaven while making love to her. After dinner we walked over to Tu Candelas and spent the rest of the night dancing over a bottle of Medellin Ron Rum and soda. She danced very good to everything and looked so sexy. We hugged a lot, touched each other and kissed LFK. Earlier when she first arrived she had a slight headache so I offered and gave her a nice FBSM non-sexual but I got to caress that lovely body of hers and used all my willpower to resist from coming on to her so quickly knowing that a full night of dinner, drinks, dancing and romance would bring me to her fruition.

We left the club about 3:30am and headed to my wonderful beachfront apartment en Laguito, courtesy of venproreviews, and was ready to make this night ingrained in memory for future playback. We had previously made plans for her to spend the entire time with me and she was looking forward to going sightseeing with me everywhere. She doesn't have kids and her older sister had met and married an american via LAC.

Back to the moment, as she went to the bathroom to change, I got comfortable on the bed and was ready for her. She came out of the bathroom in a pair of tiny short shorts and top. We started to LFK again and hugged. All of a sudden she stopped cold turkey, said it was too soon, that we have a few days to get to know each other more, and said goodnight. WTF! I was in shock. We were both buzzed from the alcohol and for a second I thought I was back in the states on a regular date with an american woman. Then realized not! I attempted to massage her and kiss her then finally reason with her but no go. I couldn't believe that I struck out after our amazing time together. I figured she wanted something serious and was probably influenced by her sister to hold out and win me over for a serious relationship. I wasn't ready to play this game and didn't give her any intention of being ready for something serious, just a good experience if the chemistry was there and friendship.

Well I could not sleep having this perfect 10 laying down inches from me. After talking some more I asked her it was best for her to return to Barranquilla and called Marsol transportation to come pick her up at 6am. She appeared confused and I simply told her I felt the chemistry with her and had a fantastic time but I felt she didn't feel the chemistry with me. I was hoping she would give in and she inferred there would be chemistry within a few more days but I didn't come all the way down here to get teased like this and so I stood my ground and she hers. I gave her the cost of travel to and from which I had agreed to do from the beginning. I also bought her a 5K COP bracelet after dinner as a small romantic gesture. Total cost of our night out and expenses 250K COP. I don't regret our time together or the money I spent, only the misunderstanding. It could have been immature on her part or lack of experience from what she told me about her life. But damn I was so close. Goes to show what worked during one visit is not a guarantee of future visits.

I followed the game plan of Hillbilly69 and spent full days at the beach and low and behold there was plenty of talent. Mostly 6-7's but eventually I found several 8's each day and sessioned with 1 for 100K COP ST a hot blondie from MDE, and another for 50K COP a delicious spinner from BQA.

I hit LDV two nights but the first night I was so exhausted from the beach and a detour session with Sandra from the street, that I never went inside and only talked to a beautiful dark woman from BQA. She was holding out for $300K COP as it was early about 11:30pm. After talking for about 20 min she indicated the session would be TLN. But I was too tired for that and got sleepy and went home alone.

I heard reports that Elektra was closed and there was another club that took its place but I never went to see for myself if this was true. I ran into three americans from Miami who were cool to hang out with during my second visit to LDV. If you guys are on this board send me a pm.

I scored a 9 an amazing spinner from BQA for 150K COP ST and she carried herself well, very polished and sexy and sweet. She turned out to be a little nymphomaniac and was my best session of my trip. It's just too bad I met her on my last night in town.

Taxi back to the airport was 15K COP, and it literally took 90 min to get through the lines. The airport is going through renovations and they didn't have enough people working so early in the morning at the counters, whereas last year it only took 10 min.

My wingman wussed out on me this trip but if your reading this the beach scene was way better than last year! I plan on returning in February and spending time in BQA during the carnival events and meeting my favorite women from Colombia. If anyone wants to hang out and check out the clubs let me know.I had a non pro from BAQ a few years ago (almost married her ). I met her on Colombia Cupid. She would not even give me a real kiss till the 3rd date.

I guess with you there for less than a week you must have felt you needed total action. I can understand that. Myself I would have given her another night to come across. I mean a real 10 who was great to be with? Anyway you made your choice, and it seems you had a good time in CTG. Hey thats all anyone can hope for. Thanks for the detailed report.

10-30-12, 18:03
Well I could not sleep having this perfect 10 laying down inches from me. After talking some more I asked her it was best for her to return to Barranquilla and called Marsol transportation to come pick her up at 6am. She appeared confused and I simply told her I felt the chemistry with her and had a fantastic time but I felt she didn't feel the chemistry with me. I was hoping she would give in and she inferred there would be chemistry within a few more days but I didn't come all the way down here to get teased like this and so I stood my ground and she hers. I gave her the cost of travel to and from which I had agreed to do from the beginning. I also bought her a 5K COP bracelet after dinner as a small romantic gesture. Total cost of our night out and expenses 250K COP. I don't regret our time together or the money I spent, only the misunderstanding. It could have been immature on her part or lack of experience from what she told me about her life. But damn I was so close. Goes to show what worked during one visit is not a guarantee of future visits.I got blue balls just reading your post hahaha.

My thoughts:

If you were looking and hoping for a sweet, hot, sexy girlfriend; you may have been foolish and lost out.

She just may have devoured you sexually the next day.

A real non pro, educated girl, looking for a mate is not normally going to have sex the first night. She has to show her pride and that she's real.

They normally come around very quickly though, if they dig ya, and take good care of their man.

If you're more on the fun bang and run conquest, you probably did yourself right.

Appears that she was looking for more of a boyfriend and not a f. K buddy.

Could I get her number please, hahaha, just kidding.

Sounds like you had a fun time though, great report, thanks.

10-31-12, 03:07
Just spent 4 days in Cartagena arrived on Wednesday and left Sunday morning. The airport was exchanging $1US dollar to 1700COP. Took a taxi to Bocagrande for 5K COP and stayed at the San Martin for 1 night $83 or 150K COP, including a good full breakfast, which was centrally located and a great botique hotel I found to have great reviews on tripadvisor. The exchange house within walking distance of the hotel was giving 1750COP per $1 US dollar.

Three weeks prior I joined LAC (Latin American Cupid) and had a list of 10 contacts but narrowed it down to three, with the first being my plan A. Plan B and C never showed. I was hoping to repeat last years experience, an amazing GFE experience with a non-pro and solid 8. In fact I still kept in touch but decided not to visit her in Barranquilla and instead try a new experience with my plan A who happens to be from Barranquilla too. She showed up and looked amazing a perfect 10. She is 21 years. 5'6" about 110lbs, light skinned with long black hair, thin waist and flat stomache, nice natural chest, great legs and an ass to die for. And super sweet. She reminded me of last year's GFE but better. I don't know what's going on in Barranquilla but they do have the best natural looking and sweetest women I have ever met.

Plan A this visit got dressed so we could go out and have dinner. OMFG, she looked amazing in a skin tight mini dress and heels. Everywhere we went she got the attention from everyone. We had a nice romantic stroll and dinner at Plaza Santa Domingo (?) had a great seafood meal over a bottle of sangria. We talked about everything and anything, all the while thinking at the end of the night I will be in heaven while making love to her. After dinner we walked over to Tu Candelas and spent the rest of the night dancing over a bottle of Medellin Ron Rum and soda. She danced very good to everything and looked so sexy. We hugged a lot, touched each other and kissed LFK. Earlier when she first arrived she had a slight headache so I offered and gave her a nice FBSM non-sexual but I got to caress that lovely body of hers and used all my willpower to resist from coming on to her so quickly knowing that a full night of dinner, drinks, dancing and romance would bring me to her fruition.

We left the club about 3:30am and headed to my wonderful beachfront apartment en Laguito, courtesy of venproreviews, and was ready to make this night ingrained in memory for future playback. We had previously made plans for her to spend the entire time with me and she was looking forward to going sightseeing with me everywhere. She doesn't have kids and her older sister had met and married an american via LAC.

Back to the moment, as she went to the bathroom to change, I got comfortable on the bed and was ready for her. She came out of the bathroom in a pair of tiny short shorts and top. We started to LFK again and hugged. All of a sudden she stopped cold turkey, said it was too soon, that we have a few days to get to know each other more, and said goodnight. WTF! I was in shock. We were both buzzed from the alcohol and for a second I thought I was back in the states on a regular date with an american woman. Then realized not! I attempted to massage her and kiss her then finally reason with her but no go. I couldn't believe that I struck out after our amazing time together. I figured she wanted something serious and was probably influenced by her sister to hold out and win me over for a serious relationship. I wasn't ready to play this game and didn't give her any intention of being ready for something serious, just a good experience if the chemistry was there and friendship.

Well I could not sleep having this perfect 10 laying down inches from me. After talking some more I asked her it was best for her to return to Barranquilla and called Marsol transportation to come pick her up at 6am. She appeared confused and I simply told her I felt the chemistry with her and had a fantastic time but I felt she didn't feel the chemistry with me. I was hoping she would give in and she inferred there would be chemistry within a few more days but I didn't come all the way down here to get teased like this and so I stood my ground and she hers. I gave her the cost of travel to and from which I had agreed to do from the beginning. I also bought her a 5K COP bracelet after dinner as a small romantic gesture. Total cost of our night out and expenses 250K COP. I don't regret our time together or the money I spent, only the misunderstanding. It could have been immature on her part or lack of experience from what she told me about her life. But damn I was so close. Goes to show what worked during one visit is not a guarantee of future visits.

I followed the game plan of Hillbilly69 and spent full days at the beach and low and behold there was plenty of talent. Mostly 6-7's but eventually I found several 8's each day and sessioned with 1 for 100K COP ST a hot blondie from MDE, and another for 50K COP a delicious spinner from BQA.

I hit LDV two nights but the first night I was so exhausted from the beach and a detour session with Sandra from the street, that I never went inside and only talked to a beautiful dark woman from BQA. She was holding out for $300K COP as it was early about 11:30pm. After talking for about 20 min she indicated the session would be TLN. But I was too tired for that and got sleepy and went home alone.

I heard reports that Elektra was closed and there was another club that took its place but I never went to see for myself if this was true. I ran into three americans from Miami who were cool to hang out with during my second visit to LDV. If you guys are on this board send me a pm.

I scored a 9 an amazing spinner from BQA for 150K COP ST and she carried herself well, very polished and sexy and sweet. She turned out to be a little nymphomaniac and was my best session of my trip. It's just too bad I met her on my last night in town.

Taxi back to the airport was 15K COP, and it literally took 90 min to get through the lines. The airport is going through renovations and they didn't have enough people working so early in the morning at the counters, whereas last year it only took 10 min.

My wingman wussed out on me this trip but if your reading this the beach scene was way better than last year! I plan on returning in February and spending time in BQA during the carnival events and meeting my favorite women from Colombia. If anyone wants to hang out and check out the clubs let me know.A little more persistence from you was required in order to get that booty or more trust in yourself to make her believe you were for real and serious about having a long term relationship with her, you would've probably gotten it if you had spent a couple of more days with her, thats happened to me too with good colombian girls. For sure that was marriage material, good report bro.

You Can
10-31-12, 10:48
I understand your frustration and had to laugh with your WTF? Because you took her out on one date and had a great time but she wouldn't fuck you. Its easy for me to say but I probably would have to have given her one more night out! I got to give this girl a thumbs up! Sorry it didn't work out the way you wanted but I give this girl credit!

Just spent 4 days in Cartagena arrived on Wednesday and left Sunday morning. The airport was exchanging $1US dollar to 1700COP. Took a taxi to Bocagrande for 5K COP and stayed at the San Martin for 1 night $83 or 150K COP, including a good full breakfast, which was centrally located and a great botique hotel I found to have great reviews on tripadvisor. The exchange house within walking distance of the hotel was giving 1750COP per $1 US dollar.

Three weeks prior I joined LAC (Latin American Cupid) and had a list of 10 contacts but narrowed it down to three, with the first being my plan A. Plan B and C never showed. I was hoping to repeat last years experience, an amazing GFE experience with a non-pro and solid 8. In fact I still kept in touch but decided not to visit her in Barranquilla and instead try a new experience with my plan A who happens to be from Barranquilla too. She showed up and looked amazing a perfect 10. She is 21 years. 5'6" about 110lbs, light skinned with long black hair, thin waist and flat stomache, nice natural chest, great legs and an ass to die for. And super sweet. She reminded me of last year's GFE but better. I don't know what's going on in Barranquilla but they do have the best natural looking and sweetest women I have ever met.

Plan A this visit got dressed so we could go out and have dinner. OMFG, she looked amazing in a skin tight mini dress and heels. Everywhere we went she got the attention from everyone. We had a nice romantic stroll and dinner at Plaza Santa Domingo (?) had a great seafood meal over a bottle of sangria. We talked about everything and anything, all the while thinking at the end of the night I will be in heaven while making love to her. After dinner we walked over to Tu Candelas and spent the rest of the night dancing over a bottle of Medellin Ron Rum and soda. She danced very good to everything and looked so sexy. We hugged a lot, touched each other and kissed LFK. Earlier when she first arrived she had a slight headache so I offered and gave her a nice FBSM non-sexual but I got to caress that lovely body of hers and used all my willpower to resist from coming on to her so quickly knowing that a full night of dinner, drinks, dancing and romance would bring me to her fruition.

We left the club about 3:30am and headed to my wonderful beachfront apartment en Laguito, courtesy of venproreviews, and was ready to make this night ingrained in memory for future playback. We had previously made plans for her to spend the entire time with me and she was looking forward to going sightseeing with me everywhere. She doesn't have kids and her older sister had met and married an american via LAC.

Back to the moment, as she went to the bathroom to change, I got comfortable on the bed and was ready for her. She came out of the bathroom in a pair of tiny short shorts and top. We started to LFK again and hugged. All of a sudden she stopped cold turkey, said it was too soon, that we have a few days to get to know each other more, and said goodnight. WTF! I was in shock. We were both buzzed from the alcohol and for a second I thought I was back in the states on a regular date with an american woman. Then realized not! I attempted to massage her and kiss her then finally reason with her but no go. I couldn't believe that I struck out after our amazing time together. I figured she wanted something serious and was probably influenced by her sister to hold out and win me over for a serious relationship. I wasn't ready to play this game and didn't give her any intention of being ready for something serious, just a good experience if the chemistry was there and friendship.

Well I could not sleep having this perfect 10 laying down inches from me. After talking some more I asked her it was best for her to return to Barranquilla and called Marsol transportation to come pick her up at 6am. She appeared confused and I simply told her I felt the chemistry with her and had a fantastic time but I felt she didn't feel the chemistry with me. I was hoping she would give in and she inferred there would be chemistry within a few more days but I didn't come all the way down here to get teased like this and so I stood my ground and she hers. I gave her the cost of travel to and from which I had agreed to do from the beginning. I also bought her a 5K COP bracelet after dinner as a small romantic gesture. Total cost of our night out and expenses 250K COP. I don't regret our time together or the money I spent, only the misunderstanding. It could have been immature on her part or lack of experience from what she told me about her life. But damn I was so close. Goes to show what worked during one visit is not a guarantee of future visits.

I followed the game plan of Hillbilly69 and spent full days at the beach and low and behold there was plenty of talent. Mostly 6-7's but eventually I found several 8's each day and sessioned with 1 for 100K COP ST a hot blondie from MDE, and another for 50K COP a delicious spinner from BQA.

I hit LDV two nights but the first night I was so exhausted from the beach and a detour session with Sandra from the street, that I never went inside and only talked to a beautiful dark woman from BQA. She was holding out for $300K COP as it was early about 11:30pm. After talking for about 20 min she indicated the session would be TLN. But I was too tired for that and got sleepy and went home alone.

I heard reports that Elektra was closed and there was another club that took its place but I never went to see for myself if this was true. I ran into three americans from Miami who were cool to hang out with during my second visit to LDV. If you guys are on this board send me a pm.

I scored a 9 an amazing spinner from BQA for 150K COP ST and she carried herself well, very polished and sexy and sweet. She turned out to be a little nymphomaniac and was my best session of my trip. It's just too bad I met her on my last night in town.

Taxi back to the airport was 15K COP, and it literally took 90 min to get through the lines. The airport is going through renovations and they didn't have enough people working so early in the morning at the counters, whereas last year it only took 10 min.

My wingman wussed out on me this trip but if your reading this the beach scene was way better than last year! I plan on returning in February and spending time in BQA during the carnival events and meeting my favorite women from Colombia. If anyone wants to hang out and check out the clubs let me know.

10-31-12, 13:23
... Back to the moment, as she went to the bathroom to change, I got comfortable on the bed and was ready for her. She came out of the bathroom in a pair of tiny short shorts and top. We started to LFK again and hugged. All of a sudden she stopped cold turkey, said it was too soon, that we have a few days to get to know each other more, and said goodnight. WTF! I was in shock. We were both buzzed from the alcohol and for a second I thought I was back in the states on a regular date with an american woman. Then realized not! I attempted to massage her and kiss her then finally reason with her but no go. I couldn't believe that I struck out after our amazing time together. I figured she wanted something serious and was probably influenced by her sister to hold out and win me over for a serious relationship. I wasn't ready to play this game and didn't give her any intention of being ready for something serious, just a good experience if the chemistry was there and friendship.

Well I could not sleep having this perfect 10 laying down inches from me. After talking some more I asked her it was best for her to return to Barranquilla and called Marsol transportation to come pick her up at 6am...I understand a girl wanting to wait a few days and go on a couple of dates. Nevertheless, if that is her "plan" she should NOT expect to spend the night at your apartment. If this biatch thought that she could spend the night at your apartment and not give up the pussy, then she was playing you as either a friend or a fool!

You Did the Right Thing!
Helpmann :)

10-31-12, 14:12
I understand a girl wanting to wait a few days and go on a couple of dates. Nevertheless, if that is her "plan" she should NOT expect to spend the night at your apartment. If this biatch thought that she could spend the night at your apartment and not give up the pussy, then she was playing you as either a friend or a fool!

You Did the Right Thing!

Helpmann.Yeah! WTH! I'm mid 50's and have only slept with two woman that my cock didn't end up somewhere warm. Once it was a distant cousin and let me tell you even that was hard. She had some beautiful tits and I'm not 100% sure I didn't cop a feel. The other was actually a Columbiana in MDE. And she was a blast and we were trashed drunk.

10-31-12, 14:18
So I was thinking of flying down for a week and enjoying some of what CTG has to offer. Read the forums and I've been once before. Saw some mention of Fabio the Wingman and thougt what th heck, couldn't hurt.

"The girls go from 200 dollars on."

And he's talking USD. WTH! I think he's thinking he's Tony II.


10-31-12, 15:20
So I was thinking of flying down for a week and enjoying some of what CTG has to offer. Read the forums and I've been once before. Saw some mention of Fabio the Wingman and thougt what th heck, couldn't hurt.

"The girls go from 200 dollars on."

And he's talking USD. WTH! I think he's thinking he's Tony II.

JeezOh really? I have been using Fabio and he is very honest and does what he says he is going to do, I don't think he is like Tony, Tony is a street hustler you have to keep an eye on at every single turn, Fabio is a very happy person, kind, educated with class. I used Tony and he bumped prices up on the drinks and everything way too much and the girls he brought weren't all that nice then that first night of my vacation I checked out girls by myself from some fine strip joints, and man! They were even more than 200 USD for the entire night plus the multa for them to leave the house and in my opinion LDV is getting a little expensive isn't it? Whats wrong with Electra, no more bargain after 3 AM LOL?

10-31-12, 16:07
speedbump says elektra is reopening tonight according to their facebook page.

isis has opened and closed more than once for whatever reason, who knows what the reasoning behind elektra closing is, maybe aldo took a vacation during slow season.

11-01-12, 01:57
Oh really? I have been using Fabio and he is very honest and does what he says he is going to do, I don't think he is like Tony, Tony is a street hustler you have to keep an eye on at every single turn, Fabio is a very happy person, kind, educated with class. I used Tony and he bumped prices up on the drinks and everything way too much and the girls he brought weren't all that nice then that first night of my vacation I checked out girls by myself from some fine strip joints, and man! They were even more than 200 USD for the entire night plus the multa for them to leave the house and in my opinion LDV is getting a little expensive isn't it? Whats wrong with Electra, no more bargain after 3 AM LOL?I don't have an opinion on his happiness, intelligence, and classiness. I don't know the man. But if you're telling me that I have to pay $200 for an overnight in CTG why would I go there? I can do that here. It's a lot of work but it can be done. What I wanted was a vacation where it wasn't so much work.

I haven't seen a lot of talk about $$. Can other members talk about what they have been paying?

11-01-12, 04:37
Prices vary depending on girl and yourselves. My TLN record is 100-150 K COP for very nice ones but not top shelf. Any transaction facilitator will try to add the same amount to your bill if you play their game. Don't use them or use them but play your game. I have seen very few top girls in CTG and they charged 200K COP for ST, and I have seen them doing at least 2 ST's in one evening, so $200 may sound reasonable.

11-01-12, 17:07
I don't have an opinion on his happiness, intelligence, and classiness. I don't know the man. But if you're telling me that I have to pay $200 for an overnight in CTG why would I go there? I can do that here. It's a lot of work but it can be done. What I wanted was a vacation where it wasn't so much work.

I haven't seen a lot of talk about $$. Can other members talk about what they have been paying?To me, A good reason to go to CTG is the experience of being there with real latinas as I call them (laughing) in a very charming and lovely city like Cartagena itself, the best place to be after my home of course! I know it is possible to get some girls for that price you say in the States though you have to put your talking skills to work at high RPMs, Colombian girls are the same, you talk them into whatever you would like them to do, and if they dig or like you, you can probably get their pussies for even less than they are asking for, so it all depends on the way you approach latinas in Cartagena, good attitude thats my advice my friend.

11-02-12, 21:14
If you can get a flight for a good price, just ditch the all inclusive and stop talking about hotels. Cartagena is best to have Apartment. That is my advice to you. Good luck!Thanks for the good advices everyone. I bought a flight from Jan 2 to Jan 10.

I will be looking for an apartment and will read the posts to see where to find good pussy.

You Can
11-03-12, 19:09
I am heading to Cartagena Nov 14 and I can't wait to get there. I rented a condo from Juan Ventura for 95. 00 per night including the maid. I could get one for 75. 00 but I prefer the one I got for a little more. Its a nice apartment. I will post reports day by day while I am there, one it gives me something to do instead of getting lost in a bottle of rum and 2 names and places will be fresh in my mind, not altered by the extreme amounts of Rum that I consume while I am there.

Thanks for the good advices everyone. I bought a flight from Jan 2 to Jan 10.

I will be looking for an apartment and will read the posts to see where to find good pussy.

11-03-12, 19:44
Elecktra did re-open Thurs. Night. Photo of Fao on front page of Thurs edition of local rag and on page 3 along with full story. Sicaro put bullets in a guy visiting at Fao's house Wed. Evening. One bullet grazed Fao, targeted individual in critical condition. The reason? Guy was running his mouth. It's Colombia.

AlwaysHorny 2
11-04-12, 02:02
First, please guys don't flame me. I'm not a rookie, but I will be a Columbian rookie. I know the rules and I definitely RTFF. I have read about 50 pages each in the Medellin and Cartagena forums in preparation for my 10 night trip at the end of February. I'm wondering what the advantages of one over the other and whether I should split the time in the two locations or just stay in one location. I appreciate any feedback.


11-04-12, 04:52
First, please guys don't flame me. I'm not a rookie, but I will be a Columbian rookie. I know the rules and I definitely RTFF. I have read about 50 pages each in the Medellin and Cartagena forums in preparation for my 10 night trip at the end of February. I'm wondering what the advantages of one over the other and whether I should split the time in the two locations or just stay in one location. I appreciate any feedback.

Thanks!Wednesday to Friday. 3 nights in CTG. Rent a nice 2 bed condo. Stock your fridge with booze and take girls in and have fun. Travel with a buddy. MDE has got casas, strip clubs and more street action which are fun if one travels alone. CTG is dead boring beyond couple of days.

11-04-12, 04:55
Elecktra did re-open Thurs. Night. Photo of Fao on front page of Thurs edition of local rag and on page 3 along with full story. Sicaro put bullets in a guy visiting at Fao's house Wed. Evening. One bullet grazed Fao, targeted individual in critical condition. The reason? Guy was running his mouth. It's Colombia.Thanks hilltopper for the elektra's latest news, I am looking forward to my next visit in ctg I can't wait to get back, maybe some day we can hook up there in the future and have a beer or two while enjoying the beauty of colombian women, best regards to you.

11-04-12, 06:59
Elecktra did re-open Thurs. Night. Photo of Fao on front page of Thurs edition of local rag and on page 3 along with full story. Sicaro put bullets in a guy visiting at Fao's house Wed. Evening. One bullet grazed Fao, targeted individual in critical condition. The reason? Guy was running his mouth. It's Colombia.Was looking for that story but could not find that paper? Any help, thanks

You Can
11-04-12, 12:31
Most people have a different take on these two cities. You can't go wrong with splitting your trip up because then you can experience both cities. But for me I could easily and have spent 10 days in Cartagena. I am not really into street walkers and strip clubs, definitely am not into casas. I prefer the way LDV and Elecktra along with other bars do it in Cartagena. I enjoy spending my days on the beach (Cartagena beach is nothing great but I still enjoy it) just being able to sit on a sandy beach and watch all the girls in there bikinis and drinking I can't get enouph of it. There are plenty of girls walking the beach if you want one for the afternoon. Usually after a day at the beach I feel pretty good and have had a nice amount of rum in me and I will head home and take a nice nap from say 6 pm to 11 pm and then I will get dressed and head out. I love that I can get a nice dinner all hours of the night and into the next morning here. I usually head up to Requisimo and eat or just head rite to LDV and get a table and a bottle of rum. From there I can relax and check out which girl I want for the night or just a couple hours. Because the party doesn't stop till 6 or 7 am or anytime before. I pretty much do this every day. Some nights I mix in the walled city and regular little bars (like a german bar in Getsemani (SP) but I neverr got bored and always mix up my days and nights. Its always an adventure. But I am a drinker and Party guy down there so it always flys by to fast. One other note its Colombia, not Columbia. Have a great trip and feel free to PM for any info I didn't answer.

First, please guys don't flame me. I'm not a rookie, but I will be a Columbian rookie. I know the rules and I definitely RTFF. I have read about 50 pages each in the Medellin and Cartagena forums in preparation for my 10 night trip at the end of February. I'm wondering what the advantages of one over the other and whether I should split the time in the two locations or just stay in one location. I appreciate any feedback.


11-04-12, 17:14
Most people have a different take on these two cities. You can't go wrong with splitting your trip up because then you can experience both cities. But for me I could easily and have spent 10 days in Cartagena. I am not really into street walkers and strip clubs, definitely am not into casas. I prefer the way LDV and Elecktra along with other bars do it in Cartagena. I enjoy spending my days on the beach (Cartagena beach is nothing great but I still enjoy it) just being able to sit on a sandy beach and watch all the girls in there bikinis and drinking I can't get enouph of it. There are plenty of girls walking the beach if you want one for the afternoon. Usually after a day at the beach I feel pretty good and have had a nice amount of rum in me and I will head home and take a nice nap from say 6 pm to 11 pm and then I will get dressed and head out. I love that I can get a nice dinner all hours of the night and into the next morning here. I usually head up to Requisimo and eat or just head rite to LDV and get a table and a bottle of rum. From there I can relax and check out which girl I want for the night or just a couple hours. Because the party doesn't stop till 6 or 7 am or anytime before. I pretty much do this every day. Some nights I mix in the walled city and regular little bars (like a german bar in Getsemani (SP) but I neverr got bored and always mix up my days and nights. Its always an adventure. But I am a drinker and Party guy down there so it always flys by to fast. One other note its Colombia, not Columbia. Have a great trip and feel free to PM for any info I didn't answer.I would definitely agree with this poster, You Can.

If you're into the fun and partying till the wee hours of the morning, Cartagena is definitely more your destination.

Like he says, the beach is not the greatest, but it does the trick for watching and chattin pretty girls and soaking some sun.

Though you can party too in Medellin, it's not 7 days a week like Cartagena.

In Medellin you can definitely find cheaper PFP though, just depends on what you're into.

You could hit Cartagena first, party like a rock star for 5 days or so, if you're diggin the vibe and meet some keepers (muchachas) , then stay, if you want to beat feet and relax a bit more, see and feel a different vibe, go from the carribean beach to the hills, then move on to Medellin.

Be flexible, for me it works best.

Have fun!

11-05-12, 15:36
Cartagena has Juan Ventura for apartments . Medellin has Bbrocs. Cartagena has a beach. Medellin has Parque Lleras. Cartagena has Tony. Medellin has Aussie Greg . Cartagena has La Dulce Vida. Medellin has Fase II . Cartagena has cheap street rats in Getsemini . Medellin has them in Mayorista. Cartagena the heat index is around 100 degrees f where as Medellin is mid 70s. If your looking for a fiancee don't go to Cartagena they are already engaged to Medellin dudes. Lmao. Flip a coin.

You Can
11-06-12, 01:18

QUOTE=Hillbilly69; 1345427]Cartagena has Juan Ventura for apartments. Medellin has Bbrocs. Cartagena has a beach. Medellin has Parque Lleras. Cartagena has Tony. Medellin has Aussie Greg. Cartagena has La Dulce Vida. Medellin has Fase II. Cartagena has cheap street rats in Getsemini. Medellin has them in Mayorista. Cartagena the heat index is around 100 degrees f where as Medellin is mid 70s. If your looking for a fiancee don't go to Cartagena they are already engaged to Medellin dudes. Lmao. Flip a coin.[/QUOTE]

11-06-12, 04:27
My guide in Ctg sent me this funny thing and I'd like to share it with you fellas, please read below and see how you make sounds while reading English words and you can actually say something in Spanish LOL, it can be helpful though.


Boss I wanted to take the time to teach you a few common spanish words in a very funny way.

There's always something to learn or to try, many times you need to say some phrases in Spanish, but you don't know how to say them, don't worry, your problems have ended, if your are a gringo and you don't know how to speak Spanish, it'll be helpful in your learning. For an instance, we took from it some common phrases, just try and you're going to see the difference and how easy it is to speak Spanish.

(léanlo en ingles, esta genial!) (read in english to look for the sound of the spanish word, it's fun)

1. Boy as and are = Voy a cenar = I'm going to have dinner.

2. N L C John = en el sillon = on the armchair

3. Be a hope and song = viejo panzon = fat old man.

4. Who and see to seek ago = Juancito se cagó = Little John is a chickenshit. (jajaja. Coño que bueno)

5. S toy tree stone = estoy triston = I'm kind a sad.

6. Lost trap eat toss = los trapitos = the little rags

7. Desk can saw = descanso = (I) rest.

8. As say toon as = aceitunas = olives.

9. The head the star mall less stand dough = deje de estar molestando = stop bugging me.

10. See eye = si hay = yes we have.

11. T and s free o? = tienes frio = are you cold?

12. T N S L P P B N T S O = Tienes el pipi bien tieso = you have an erection.

13. Tell o boy ah in cruise tar = Te lo voy a incrustar = I'm going to insert it in you.

Be happy, Life's good!

11-06-12, 05:58
Any advices on hotel that are girl friendly or apartments?

Juan doesn't have anything less than $200 per day. It is for Jan 2 to Jan 9. It is the high season he says.

11-06-12, 20:37
Any advices on hotel that are girl friendly or apartments?

Juan doesn't have anything less than $200 per day. It is for Jan 2 to Jan 9. It is the high season he says.Contact Mery for an apartment. Maybe even send a deposit to make sure she saves you one. Get a 20 dollar memberhip here so someone who has an apartement there can contact you.

11-07-12, 00:03
Contact Mery for an apartment. Maybe even send a deposit to make sure she saves you one. Get a 20 dollar memberhip here so someone who has an apartement there can contact you.There are actually 2 rental seasons, Dec 27-Jan 2 and Jan 3-14, prices are high for anything, especially in Laguito or castille, Boca grande might be a little cheaper. Apts that are nice in Laguito are $200-$800 a day, only a few gringos will pay that but Colombians from Medellin, Bogata will, no problem. By the way, best weather in Cartagena starts late December until April, almost cloudless, high winds in Feb / March but nothing like the summer heat. Best chica time is early December, mannnny chicas from all over Colombia on break from school and need tuition or Christmas money.

11-07-12, 06:31
Cartagena has Juan Ventura for apartments . Medellin has Bbrocs. Cartagena has a beach. Medellin has Parque Lleras. Cartagena has Tony. Medellin has Aussie Greg . Cartagena has La Dulce Vida. Medellin has Fase II . Cartagena has cheap street rats in Getsemini . Medellin has them in Mayorista. Cartagena the heat index is around 100 degrees f where as Medellin is mid 70s. If your looking for a fiancee don't go to Cartagena they are already engaged to Medellin dudes. Lmao. Flip a coin.Spot on! The only difference is I haven't found a place in CTG that has the top flight talent you see at Loutron in MDE. Hell, you probably have to go to Bogota or Panama City to match that talent, not even in other parts of MDE.

11-07-12, 08:58
Spot on! The only difference is I haven't found a place in CTG that has the top flight talent you see at Loutron in MDE. Hell, you probably have to go to Bogota or Panama City to match that talent, not even in other parts of MDE.True but ISIS has some lookers at times.

11-07-12, 14:22
Spot on! The only difference is I haven't found a place in CTG that has the top flight talent you see at Loutron in MDE. Hell, you probably have to go to Bogota or Panama City to match that talent, not even in other parts of MDE.Try Pleyboy and Paradiso, usually stunners during the holidays, especially with the SS laying low. I know some from Cartagena and barranquilla that are spectacular. It is surprising what is there if you ask for and don't settle. Problem is that usually the 9-10's think that they are "special" and the sex isn't, IMHO. There are even some escort services (haven't tried) as in all Colombia.

John Gault
11-07-12, 15:50
Spot on! The only difference is I haven't found a place in CTG that has the top flight talent you see at Loutron in MDE. Hell, you probably have to go to Bogota or Panama City to match that talent, not even in other parts of MDE.I'm in Costa Rica right now, and The hotel Del Ray in San Jose has top talent at a price from $70 to $100 ST. I'm not there to monger, but I walk thru that hotel a few times a day just for the eye candy. Some Nicas, and DR girls are also there so you get a good taste of different colors.

As far as CTG I have always had good luck finding hot chicas, but same as Costa Rica the price is a little more than I like to pay.

Mr Gogo
11-07-12, 16:17
I'm in Costa Rica right now, and The hotel Del Ray in San Jose has top talent at a price from $70 to $100 ST. I'm not there to monger, but I walk thru that hotel a few times a day just for the eye candy. Some Nicas, and DR girls are also there so you get a good taste of different colors.

As far as CTG I have always had good luck finding hot chicas, but same as Costa Rica the price is a little more than I like to pay.Exactamente amigo. The " chica union" at the Del Rey boycotted my ass. I was sticking with my 70usd tln price with BBBJ and they weren't having it. Fortunately my boy took me to HLH and the girls were nicer and more reasonable. One older gentleman I was sitting next to at the Del Rey disappeared for an hour with two fine Ticas. He paid 240usd to the both of them just to eat pussy for an hour. Fuck the Del Rey and those rip-off broads.

Chill Bill
11-07-12, 17:46
So, following the recent posts. I have another question. With all the women coming up to CTG for the holidays, what nightclubs (not strip clubs) might you find the hottest / high-end, well-to-do, girls partying?

11-07-12, 19:03
Try Pleyboy and Paradiso, usually stunners during the holidays, especially with the SS laying low. I know some from Cartagena and barranquilla that are spectacular. It is surprising what is there if you ask for and don't settle. Problem is that usually the 9-10's think that they are "special" and the sex isn't, IMHO. There are even some escort services (haven't tried) as in all Colombia.In my 3 trips to ctg, I have yet to see a girl at pleyclub I would call a stunner, the vast majority were 6s and 7s with an odd 8 in there. It's never been one of my regular go to spots, so I may just be going on off nights.

11-07-12, 20:49
So, following the recent posts. I have another question. With all the women coming up to CTG for the holidays, what nightclubs (not strip clubs) might you find the hottest / high-end, well-to-do, girls partying?Mr babillas and fragma are 2 of the good clubs in ctg with a lot of regular hotties

You Can
11-08-12, 05:16
I love 6, 7or 8's I understand a guys need to have a beautiful girl but really I don't give a fuck about the most beautiful girl, give me a fun decent looking girl who is into me and I am happy. Last thing I want to do is look for the best looking girl and worst fuck in the club. You can have her. I have had some of the most beautiful girls in the world, so I am over that. If it happens good, but I am fine with a girl that digs me, and there plenty out there. I couldn't give a fuck if there a 10.

In my 3 trips to ctg, I have yet to see a girl at pleyclub I would call a stunner, the vast majority were 6s and 7s with an odd 8 in there. It's never been one of my regular go to spots, so I may just be going on off nights.

11-08-12, 06:41
I love 6, 7or 8's I understand a guys need to have a beautiful girl but really I don't give a fuck about the most beautiful girl, give me a fun decent looking girl who is into me and I am happy. Last thing I want to do is look for the best looking girl and worst fuck in the club. You can have her. I have had some of the most beautiful girls in the world, so I am over that. If it happens good, but I am fine with a girl that digs me, and there plenty out there. I couldn't give a fuck if there a 10.I appreciate the generosity, leaving the best looking girls for me. Before people get all bent out of shape, I wasn't saying there was anything wrong with the other places and options in Cartagena and Medellin, just that CTG doesn't have a place that consistently has a number of 9's and 10's.

And my experience tells me that the hottest looking girl doesn't necessarily mean bad experience. I've had girls from Loutron and Fase II that have let me do anything and everything to them. I'm no special case, I'm not attractive and I'm not suave with the girls, you just have to find the right one.

Joey Smith
11-08-12, 11:51
Mr babillas and fragma are 2 of the good clubs in ctg with a lot of regular hottiesSo are we saying mr babillas and fragma would be a decent place to shop for p4p? Haven't heard this in the past? Any one confirm or deny.


John Gault
11-08-12, 18:46
I love 6, 7or 8's I understand a guys need to have a beautiful girl but really I don't give a fuck about the most beautiful girl, give me a fun decent looking girl who is into me and I am happy. Last thing I want to do is look for the best looking girl and worst fuck in the club. You can have her. I have had some of the most beautiful girls in the world, so I am over that. If it happens good, but I am fine with a girl that digs me, and there plenty out there. I couldn't give a fuck if there a 10.In 6 years of steady mongering in a good part of Latin America I have found the best experences is with the 7 or 8 girls. I have had plenty of 9s, and a few 10s, and have found all but one of them to be of the starfish type. The one GFE I had with a 9 was in BAQ, and she was just starting out.

The only exception I make is in a casa run. Then it is more of me picking the pretty girl with a nice smile as a GFE is not what what I expect to find in that kind of a setting. In the rare chance a real hottie is into me than I quickly extract her phone number for the more preffered off site action.

I think being with the 9s or 10s is more of an ego thing while going for the less spectagular girl brings the coveted GFE into a better chance for sucess.

A little off topic, but I have noticed quite a few posters paying extra for DATY. I have done my share of DATY, but only if the session is going great, and then I feel I'm doing her a favor as she is getting pleasure from it. I never ask in advance for that or besos as to me besos are part of the GFE, and should never be asked for in the barganing part of the event. The only thing I ask for in advance is the BBBJ. For me without the BBBJ I would just pass, and look further. Sure you may say why do I ask for a BBBJ, and not besos or DATY. My reasoning is besos and DATY are part of the GFE while a BBBJ is more of a must for me.

11-09-12, 02:37
So are we saying mr babillas and fragma would be a decent place to shop for p4p? Haven't heard this in the past? Any one confirm or deny.

ThanksI hope that's not what he was saying, either of those places would be poor choices for p4p, although there would be occasional strays at either place.

Mr. Babillas is a local legend, but in reality about the last place I'd go if I was trying to get laid. Fragma would be better, or Babar, or Cafe Del Mar, or Tucandela,

Any of these places will have regular non-pros mixed in with some p4p girls. YMMV depending on spanish skills and your game in general.

If I'm strictly looking to p4p, I'd go to LDV where it's like shooting fish in a barrel. But that's just me.

11-09-12, 05:11
Holla CartaAngel I am a new subscriber and I recently signed up just to thank you and everybody on this website, I followed your recommendation a while back when I read your msg about who to use as a tour guide when in ctg, I went ahead and used Fabio last week, and he did a great job, I met a really cute chica non-pro through him, I am very much looking forward to seeing her again soon and her family too.

It was funny I was pretty nervous to be in a foreign country like Columbia but Ctg was fine it was not too bad, beautiful city. First day Fabio showed us around we went to some casas and had sex until I couldn't see anymore Lmao! We also went to Playa Holliwood the next day and it was dead I liked the old city better, to me laguito is boring, I rented a nice house with a private pool and Jacuzzi with my home feller that my wingman took us to, it is right in Getsemani near Mr babilas, by the way guys FYI when going to tu candela disco beware of Trannies I almost kissed one of those dudes in women's clothing yuck! I heard Medellin is a good place to go that will be my next stop I will check with you later about another wingman as good as Fabio in Medellin, I might just take him with me next time, thanks.

11-09-12, 07:11
I appreciate the generosity, leaving the best looking girls for me. Before people get all bent out of shape, I wasn't saying there was anything wrong with the other places and options in Cartagena and Medellin, just that CTG doesn't have a place that consistently has a number of 9's and 10's.

And my experience tells me that the hottest looking girl doesn't necessarily mean bad experience. I've had girls from Loutron and Fase II that have let me do anything and everything to them. I'm no special case, I'm not attractive and I'm not suave with the girls, you just have to find the right one.Apparently ISG removes all smileys, if you couldn't tell, the first part of my response was in jest

11-09-12, 07:19
I hope that's not what he was saying, either of those places would be poor choices for p4p, although there would be occasional strays at either place.

Mr. Babillas is a local legend, but in reality about the last place I'd go if I was trying to get laid. Fragma would be better, or Babar, or Cafe Del Mar, or Tucandela,

Any of these places will have regular non-pros mixed in with some p4p girls. YMMV depending on spanish skills and your game in general.

If I'm strictly looking to p4p, I'd go to LDV where it's like shooting fish in a barrel. But that's just me.I wasn't talking about P4P. When Joey asked about "well-to-do girls," I automatically thought normal girls. You don't find many "well-to-do girls" whoring themselves out openly anywhere in world that I know of, though I'm not a well seasoned monger by any means. I'd throw in Bhoga Bar into the mix of places with normal girls.

LDV and Elektra (or whatever has opened up in its place) are the go to spots for p4p free-lancers.

11-09-12, 12:50
So are we saying mr babillas and fragma would be a decent place to shop for p4p? Haven't heard this in the past? Any one confirm or deny.

ThanksMr Babilla I was approached by the bouncer on one occasion who showed me some hot ones in his iphone and offered to point out chicas inside that were available. He didn't have pics of the faces of his iphone girls or I would have had me a couple.

Joey Smith
11-10-12, 23:54
Mr Babilla I was approached by the bouncer on one occasion who showed me some hot ones in his iphone and offered to point out chicas inside that were available. He didn't have pics of the faces of his iphone girls or I would have had me a couple.One more place to shop. Thanks for the tips. Back in December staying at my apartment in LaGuito.

You Can
11-10-12, 23:57
You were in Colombia my man, not Columbia!

Holla CartaAngel I am a new subscriber and I recently signed up just to thank you and everybody on this website, I followed your recommendation a while back when I read your msg about who to use as a tour guide when in ctg, I went ahead and used Fabio last week, and he did a great job, I met a really cute chica non-pro through him, I am very much looking forward to seeing her again soon and her family too.

It was funny I was pretty nervous to be in a foreign country like Columbia but Ctg was fine it was not too bad, beautiful city. First day Fabio showed us around we went to some casas and had sex until I couldn't see anymore Lmao! We also went to Playa Holliwood the next day and it was dead I liked the old city better, to me laguito is boring, I rented a nice house with a private pool and Jacuzzi with my home feller that my wingman took us to, it is right in Getsemani near Mr babilas, by the way guys FYI when going to tu candela disco beware of Trannies I almost kissed one of those dudes in women's clothing yuck! I heard Medellin is a good place to go that will be my next stop I will check with you later about another wingman as good as Fabio in Medellin, I might just take him with me next time, thanks.

You Can
11-11-12, 00:06
Paracite you have no argument here but it cracks me up when these guys, some my friends go up to the best looking girls in some of these P4P clubs that do have some real lookers and pick one up, (one) over priced because the girl had no interest in the guy and (two) didn't even enjoy being with the guy then he wonders why she was a lousy lay? Its pretty simple she didn't even want to be with the guy in the first place! Now if I hit it off with a really hot looking one great! But I have to admit I rather have the 7 thats a ball of fun and there plentyful. I don't have the time to wait for a great looking one! But you go my man, if you can find them good for you.

I had one really great one 2 trips back in Cartagena, one of the nicest girls I met and a clear 10. But that is rare, she was fantastic.

I appreciate the generosity, leaving the best looking girls for me. Before people get all bent out of shape, I wasn't saying there was anything wrong with the other places and options in Cartagena and Medellin, just that CTG doesn't have a place that consistently has a number of 9's and 10's.

And my experience tells me that the hottest looking girl doesn't necessarily mean bad experience. I've had girls from Loutron and Fase II that have let me do anything and everything to them. I'm no special case, I'm not attractive and I'm not suave with the girls, you just have to find the right one.

11-11-12, 05:30
Just a note, in LDV quite a few girls are cold dead lesbians, moreover on occasion you may find yourself in competition with a local or other LA country gentlemen and in the Old City clubs the crowd is much younger. There are very few divas there and without good cards in hands there is too much effort to take them out. However kudos to anyone who can dance, talk and beer them away to a decent place.

11-13-12, 04:36
Heading down for Thanksgiving week, any one have any advice? Tour guide?

11-13-12, 16:40
Heading down for Thanksgiving week, any one have any advice? Tour guide?Read the map from top down in order of importance, you don't need a guide.


11-13-12, 19:10
Heading down for Thanksgiving week, any one have any advice? Tour guide?If it is your first time in Ctg, I advise using a tour guide or local wingman who can help you understand the culture in that enchanting caribbean city, trust me it is easy to get in there but hard to get out when you are having lots of fun (smile) , Fabio the wingman can translate for you if you don't speak Spanish and also show you a different experience that a lot of tourists miss out on, Cartagena is a great place, good choice for thanks giving!

11-14-12, 02:19
Read the map from top down in order of importance, you don't need a guide.

https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?vps=3&jsv=329b&hl=en&ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=202115846141467908565.0004a0706d2b411420a83Isn't it time to put Hillbilly69 map to Reports of Distinction, so that all the Cartagena newcomers will see it?

How is it done?

I made two mongering trips to Cartagena and trips were mostly based on this map.

It is of great help to everybody who don't know anything about Cartagena, you get good general view of the city and see where all the important mongering places are.

11-17-12, 02:04
Thinking about hiring the tour guide named Fabio that has been recommended on a few sights. I am a first timer to Cartagena and am not extremely confident in my Spanish. However, the price seems a little high. I'm not a budget traveler, but don want to get taken to he cleaners either. I will be there for six nights by the way.

Any advice?

Travel Doc10
11-17-12, 22:49
Hi, I have no connection to any tour guides there, but have been there a number of times and I really don't think you need a "guide". Please follow the previous info and map. You go to the beach during the day, maybe mix in some sightseeing, eat either high end or low end, both are readily available, then mix your nights with LDV and the regular clubs in centro. There will also be alot of us gringos down there at that time, its not hard to meet up with someone on the beach, etc. By the way my spanish is poor, but I always manage. I'm headed down for my 5th trip, its a great time, you won't be dissappointed. By the way, where are those daily reports You can promised?

11-19-12, 01:33
Thinking about hiring the tour guide named Fabio that has been recommended on a few sights. I am a first timer to Cartagena and am not extremely confident in my Spanish. However, the price seems a little high. I'm not a budget traveler, but don want to get taken to he cleaners either. I will be there for six nights by the way.

Any advice?I'm skeptical of guys who make fake accounts to promote themselves with fake references.

There are two guides / hustlers mentioned on ISG that have extremely suspicious "testimonials". Fabio is one of them.

Check the guy giving the reference. Only one post on the forum, and it's to promote some tour guide.

Check CartaAngel's posts. He's pimping this one guide all the time, or trying to be the middleman on rental apartments.

He has good English and makes an effort to disguise it. Once you look closely you can see traces where he writes like a Colombian.

You can draw your own conclusions from that.

11-19-12, 04:16
Some LDV girls actually double as guides. Attached certified guides for serious inquires.

11-19-12, 18:07
I'm skeptical of guys who make fake accounts to promote themselves with fake references.

There are two guides / hustlers mentioned on ISG that have extremely suspicious "testimonials". Fabio is one of them.

Check the guy giving the reference. Only one post on the forum, and it's to promote some tour guide.

Check CartaAngel's posts. He's pimping this one guide all the time, or trying to be the middleman on rental apartments.

He has good English and makes an effort to disguise it. Once you look closely you can see traces where he writes like a Colombian.

You can draw your own conclusions from that.Hey Cachorro what you say might be true but it does not apply in my case if I always mention Fabio it's when I read someone's message looking for a good tour guide, everybody on this site has a person they trust in Colombia either for chicas or for rentals Why not recommend to newbies and no I am not trying to get a cut out of apt rentals Fabio takes care of me and you know, I am just helping him out, any problem with that?

11-20-12, 00:54
Some LDV girls actually double as guides. Attached certified guides for serious inquires.Another option is the Taxi driver Mery uses alot, can't remember his name a heavy set jolly older fellow who sits across the street from Marinare alot.

He is a English speaking guide as well.

I would personally walk to the beach find a girl with a big set of tits to be my guide.

On another note if Fabio is posting he should realize it is acceptable to do so.

Just as long as Bruce don't get a username and offer child care services in Cartagena we should be alright.

11-22-12, 08:12
I've been studying this map like its a final exam LOL. Thanks Hillbilly69 for the great insight.

Isn't it time to put Hillbilly69 map to Reports of Distinction, so that all the Cartagena newcomers will see it?

How is it done?

I made two mongering trips to Cartagena and trips were mostly based on this map.

It is of great help to everybody who don't know anything about Cartagena, you get good general view of the city and see where all the important mongering places are.

11-22-12, 17:57
I've been studying this map like its a final exam LOL. Thanks Hillbilly69 for the great insight.

Just don't make the mistake of missing the beach on Sunday, it is usually off the hook. By the looks of some girl's Facebook pages there seems to be some " Vacations " going on now! LMAO

Be sure to get phone numbers of LDV and Elektra girls so you can bang them by day for alot less price and don't assume that you see a girl at the beach one day that she will be back again, gather numbers.

Don't forget your soft cooler for the beach and stake out your chair for the afternoon, don't just walk through and assume there is nothing going on, approach the girls yourself or offer them a beer.

Throw in a few Gatorades to go with your beer at the beach, the sun and heat will beat you if you let them.

If you arrive early in the afternoon at the beach and don't have time to get a SIM card just send Emily to get one for you and send some pesos her way, she does manicures, pedicures and massages .

Best place to get your beer, ice and such is the Exito express near Caribe Hotel in Bocagrande if your buying alot, it is walking distance.

If a girl smiles and waves in Laguito by day it probably isn't because your handsome it is probably because she is working, keep that in mind .

If the price of a beach girl is over 100k pesos your getting middled, leave the beach then call her and let Tony stiff the next sucker.

If you are confused as to which are working girls and which aren't ask Emily at the beach.

If you are one of Tony's chairs or cabanas don't give him more than 15k for the day, he will ***** and whine, just give him the money and walk off the beach.

Make sure to have a beer at Plaza Santo Domingo, Cafe Del Mar and Casa De Cerbasa at night just for the views and people watching.

You Can
11-26-12, 00:52
Just a heads up I will be posting a full report on my trip very soon. I had a blast!

11-28-12, 07:38
I finally was able to recover some pictures from my trip in July. These pics go along with this report:


Like I said in the report, I didn't find amazingly hot girls, but they were still good enough to poke. Unfortunately all except for 1 showed old battle wounds from pregnancy upon closer inspection. Colombiana's need to learn about the pill! Looking forward to my upcoming trip to Havana.

11-28-12, 21:04
I went to CTG from Nov 5-11. This was my 5th trip to CTG, but my first in over 2 years. This was during the Colombia National Beauty Pageant and Cartagena's "Independence" Day. I was in Cartagena during the same time period in 2009. Instead of doing an actual "trip report" in my previous fashion, I thought I would just give my observations.

First, IMO, CTG has changed for the worse. I remember when I was first reading the CTG forum 3 years ago, the true CTG vets at that time were lamenting how CTG had changed with increase in chica prices and poorer services than what they were accustomed to. However, my first time in CTG 2009, I loved it so much that I went there 3 times in that year. It was my favorite place to go. But, now it's my turn to remember the "good ole times" with my experience from this trip leading me to question if I would want to go back again any time soon, or ever. So, here goes:

- LDV; Girls much more hardcore, starting out asking for 250K and "negotiating' down to 200K, but very specific for 1 hour. Previous experience in 2009 was starting off at 150-200k, easily negotiating down to 120-130K for 2+ hours and with BBBJ included (a must for me). Also, drink prices in LDV significantly higher than what it was 3 years ago.

- ISIS: Still in Centro but a new location and now very upscale. Very hot girls. $250K for 1 hour (not on site, but nearby) , or 500K for TLN.

- ELECKTRA: Tried go in one night around 4am early in the week (closes at 5am) , but the door guy wanted to charge me 10K entrance fee. When the doors opened and I saw the place dead, I declined. Never went back.

- PLEYCLUB: 250K onsite, can negotiate to meet the girls next day for less. Too much plastic for my taste.

- Chicas Lindas (and several clubs in the same general area) : Ok girls, some gems seen if you look real hard. Can't remember all the 'in house" prices, but 80K multa to take out and then the price for the girl. If you go, be sure to check out the clubs around the corner (walk out of Chicas Lindas, turn left and walk through gas station parking lot; walk another 5 minutes or so and there are several more clubs on the left). Caters mostly to locals.

- Rosario House: First time in this place although it's been around for a long time and apparently caters to the sailors that come to CTG port. $75 USD onsite. Some gems, but high mileage kind of place.

- Centro (inside and outside of Tu Candela) : On the weekends, there were several girls hanging around just outside of Tu Candela, apparently not being allowed in. I recognized several from the above establishments hanging around on the benches. First girl I talked to wanted "200k for 1 hour" and I lost my interest. I'm not sure how the scene is during the week. There wasn't an entrance fee around 10pm when I entered, but I noticed that others were being charged an entrance fee around midnight, maybe earlier. (If you are a drinker and don't want to pay the 20K+/drink inside of Tu Candela, get the drinks for much less from the guy selling from the cart right outside of the club).

- Playa Hollywood: It used to be that I would see some girls on the beach I wouldn't see anywhere else in CTG, but this time, it was all girls that either worked at LDV or one of the other establishments, asking 200K."Tony Number 1" is still the same, but he got pissed at me because I wouldn't play is game anymore. Most of us that have been to Playa Hollywood in CTG have played into Tony's hand and eventually got smart. So here is what I've learned:

There is now a "bar' area in Playa Hollywood, with each vendor being their own business. There is a woman, an old guy, and a young guy that are setup on the right side of the bar. The old guy and the woman will charge you so that Tony gets his commission if they know he has served you before (and probably because of his pestering). The young guy (name is "Jugo") won't do that. Here are some examples of the price differences between getting your drinks from Jugo directly as opposed to Tony's mark ups: Aguila / Aguila Light- 2K vs 3k; Club Colombia- 3K vs 4K; Pina Coloda and Coco Loco (which the girls on the beach love and Tony "suggests").10K vs 15K. You can sit at the bar, or on the beach chairs with table and shade for free and not be harassed by people wanting you to buy things form them. Additionally, it is a better view IMO to scope the entire beach scene out. For food, if you buy from the lady directly behind this "bar', a plate is 10K vs 15K from Tony.

I was told by one of the beach girls, that if Tony "introduces" you to a girl, he will be expecting a commission of 30K (paid by the girl) so the chica has to factor this in to the price she agrees to. (If I remember correctly, in 2009 Tony's commission used to be 10-20K). As many others have already written, if you see a girl on the beach talk to her yourself. If Tony calls a girl for you, it's most likely just going to be a working girl that's not on the beach right then and if you don't like her, you will be asked to pay for the Taxi for her.

You can decide for yourselves if these price differences really matter, but as you can see, there are significant price differences in food, drinks, and chicas in Playa Hollywood if you use Tony.

-FABIO the Tour Guide: I met Fabio through a newbie that hired him and who I befriended in CTG. Fabio speaks excellent English and in his early 30's. He tries to have you hire him on a "per day" basis to be at your disposal. He will drive you around, introduce you to girls and can be your translator. Here are some facts to know about Fabio. First, he used to work for some marriage agency in CTG and has a list and pics of "girls" in his computer. However, he grossly exaggerated how hot the girls were. The girls were either of the type looking for a real relationship (and therefore would take some wining and dining to get laid) , or were just working girls from the casas that are frequented by the locals. In addition to whatever daily or hourly rate you agree upon, you may need to feed him (if you eat) , get him something to drink (if you drink, but mostly water) , pay any entrance fees, and most importantly, may have his commission tacked on to your final bill if he takes you to some strip clubs. In addition, I think he said he works as an English teacher during the day, so his availability may vary from day to day.

If you factor in all of the above, I think Fabio's true value would to be to someone who doesn't speak any Spanish and is a first time visitor to CTG and who would like someone to tour the outlying casas, going from one to the next without having to get a taxi. If you wanted to have him drive you the Barranquilla for a night, that can be negotiated with him.

So, in summary, Cartagena IMO has become much more expensive and hardcore than what I fondly remember from my past trips. Hopefully, the information I passed on above will be helpful to CTG newbies and subsequent trip reports from other CTG vets may give truer refection of CTG today.

11-28-12, 21:43
I went to CTG from Nov 5-11. This was my 5th trip to CTG, but my first in over 2 years. This was during the Colombia National Beauty Pageant and Cartagena's "Independence" Day. I was in Cartagena during the same time period in 2009. Instead of doing an actual "trip report" in my previous fashion, I thought I would just give my observations.

First, IMO, CTG has changed for the worse...

So, in summary, Cartagena IMO has become much more expensive and hardcore than what I fondly remember from my past trips. Hopefully, the information I passed on above will be helpful to CTG newbies and subsequent trip reports from other CTG vets may give truer refection of CTG today.Bijou, unfortunately, IMO your post is very, very accurate in re to the current scene. You nailed every single paragraph.

11-28-12, 21:54
I'll be headed down to ctg in a couple of months with 10. 15 friends that are looking to get the full Cartagena experience. One problem I am running into is where to stay. Does anyone know of a very large house / mansion that can hold 10+ people and is located in the old city or bocagrande? We have a sizable budget, so it's more of finding a good house that includes a staff than a cost issue.

Otherwise, any recommendations for a large hotel that is centrally located and prepago friendly? Budget would probably be $200 per night per room for hotel. I've always stayed in apts for 2 or 3 people in ctg, so this is new territory for me. Any help is appreciated.

11-29-12, 05:53
I'll be headed down to ctg in a couple of months with 10. 15 friends that are looking to get the full Cartagena experience. One problem I am running into is where to stay. Does anyone know of a very large house / mansion that can hold 10+ people and is located in the old city or bocagrande? We have a sizable budget, so it's more of finding a good house that includes a staff than a cost issue.

Otherwise, any recommendations for a large hotel that is centrally located and prepago friendly? Budget would probably be $200 per night per room for hotel. I've always stayed in apts for 2 or 3 people in ctg, so this is new territory for me. Any help is appreciated.Paracite, I will try to get the info of a new reconstructed house in the old city not a lot of people know about, then I will post it here, Friends of mine from Ctg were telling me about it a while ago. I think I was told it has 7. 8 bedrooms

11-29-12, 06:03
So, in summary, Cartagena IMO has become much more expensive and hardcore than what I fondly remember from my past trips. Hopefully, the information I passed on above will be helpful to CTG newbies and subsequent trip reports from other CTG vets may give truer refection of CTG today.[/QUOTE]Good report, I find Ctg a bit too expensive nowadays, I guess Tony's BS is over, I heard Jayson is the man on playa holliwood now to spot the prepagos chicas and for chairs, drinks or whatever have you, you can rely on Jairo.

11-30-12, 16:38
So I guess Tony's BS is over, I heard Jayson is the man on Playa Hollywood now to spot the prepagos chicas and for chairs, drinks or whatever have you, you can rely on Jairo.With any "intermediary" on the Playa Hollywood scene, you can expect markups in the prices of the chicas, food, and drinks. If your are on this beach for the first time, it may be ok to go ahead and use someone, but you should know how you are paying for the "services" of these type of intermediaries. I will admit, that on my first trip in 2009, I was intimidated trying to talk to the girls on this beach (as opposed to to the bar / club scene) and used Tony the entire week I was there. Regarding the prepagos, any chica or group of chicas around Tony or Jayson (I don't know "Jairo") are going to be working girls and all these guys really would do is call the chica over from wherever they are sitting to sit by you so that they get commissions on the drinks, food, and chicas. There is nothing wrong with this as long as you know the game upfront. But, it's just as easy to walk over to a chica or group of chicas and just saying hello and offering a drink because they are are going to be working girls in that part of the beach. (Wouldn't consider all the girls to be be working girls outside of this area in Playa Hollywood).

Also, a little clarification (thanks to "Fabio" that I referenced before) : a "prepago" is a girl that will have sex for money once in a while (maybe the equivalent of an "escort"?) and has an other job or is a student and a "puta" is a girl that works in the casas and other high mileage establishments and its their "job" (the equivalent of a "prostitute"). I'm not sure what you would call the girls that come to CTG for a short period of time to work in LDV, Pleyclub, or ISIS, but then again, I wouldn't consider these to be high mileage places.

12-01-12, 05:34
I was informed by my friends in Cartagena that a very popular jewelry shop next to LDV got robbed by 2 guys and a woman who passed themselves off as cops, this turned out to be a bad situation for the Cartagena police department which is losing credibility, check out this link from Cartagena's local newspaper http://m.eluniversal.com.co/cartagena/sucesos/buscan-responsables-de-atraco-joyeria-100115

12-01-12, 06:45
I don't post much, but appreciate the info here so wanted to contribute.

I don't like to waste money or flash it around like an idiot, but I am not really a budget monger. I respect the guys who are extremely frugal and ingenious at finding bargains. But I thought it might be useful to also post some info for guys who are ok spending more at times.

1. There has been discussion on this board about Fabio. I tried him. Many guys who post don't want or need a wingman. However, if you decide you do, you will satisfied with Fabio. He's a stand up guy and a professional who works hard to please and is honest. He will take you out for a night of drinking and show you around, he will perform concierge services like arranging excursions, he will make all your apartment arrangements and he will constantly show up with chicas as often as you want-2 times a day. 3 times a day; shape, color, size, age, whatever you want.

2. Spent first night out on the town. After a few drinks, hit the casas. Did a quick hit at one of the ST spots and then swung by Pleyclub, by now around 2 am, where I ordered carry out. A beautiful and very friendly 30-yr old from Cali. Very light skin. Claimed to be doing temporary work to pay for a medical procedure (nasal something). By far the oldest on the trip, but also easily the best GFE. She stayed until about noon the next day and was up for several rounds. This is very expensive. Can't remember exact amount so don't hold me to it, but I think the salida was around $250 (US). I tipped her separately at the end, which I think was optional. As much as I enjoyed, it was the last time I made it to the casa scene. Just too easy having Fabio show up with room service whenever needed. And far less expensive.

3. I also did an overnight trip to an island and stayed at the Majagua Resort. Took a companion. Also a very pricey activity. Overnight hotel, food, drink, boat transport: $350 (US) ish. It is good if you feel like getting away to some place isolated, quiet and different. Its a very small resort. At every meal, we saw all the other guests there. There was a large family gathering: mom and dad and about 4 couples of their kids in their 20's; one normal couple in their 30's; and 2 couples (of which I was part of one) with Anglo guy in his 50's and a Colombiana in her early 20's. Some might find that awkward.

4. I spent 2 days on the beach without companion. On the first I went to the famous Hollywood Beach and encountered Tony. As advised here I settled on 15k for cabana. On my first drink order Tony said,"Don't worry. Pay later." I said,"Here's some business advice. Never serve a drunk cocktails on credit." He laughed and said ok. So I paid every time rather than get into the drink count problem advised here. Every time I ordered a drink, he'd try some hustle. How about a drink for Tony? No tip? Bring your change later? Etc. But every time I'd counter to keep him from setting the terms. He was relentless in bringing girls by. Quite a variety and some very nice, but I declined. I did, however, have a lot of drinks so I'm sure Tony made out fine. As I was leaving I sat down with him and he poured a few drinks gratis from the end of his bottle of Medellin Rum and chatted it up. I enjoyed. The other beach day I spent on a different beach, and got a hustle similar to Tony's, but less aggressive. Drink prices the same. Was offered chicas but declined.

5. Other than a couple other excursions, I spent most of the time hanging at my apartment or nearby bars and restaurants with the chicas Fabio dropped off. All business is done directly with them. Typically they didn't ask or negotiate. Just took what I gave them when I sent them off, which was around $150k-$200k (COP) for ST, $250-$300k TLN depending on quality and amount of time spent. A couple did have specific demands up front which were too much, so we negotiated to an amicable agreement. Quality was unbelievable. Almost all were very enthusiastic about the work and eager to please.

If you get a chance to go, you'll enjoy!

12-01-12, 15:47
Observing a few contrasts from my last extended stay 4 years ago.

First off I'll give myself a little intro being new to the Forum. I stayed in Cartagena for about 6 months back in 2008, then spent a lot of time in Asia and now I am finally back and plan to stay a year or so with a few side trips around south / central America.

I've only taken two trips into centro since arriving and I was shocked at a few obvious changes even though I haven't sampled anything so I might be speaking a little early. The biggest obvious change I see right now is a serious increase in quantity and quality of women specifically in the area around the clock tower entrance (Puerto Reloj?). Starting outside of the walls on the walkway opposite the clock tower gate with all the benches and a few fountains, had a steady flow of workers from just after dark until midnight when I was leaving, probably much later too. Just in front of the entrance they were just loitering, two days in a row, and just inside opposite Tu Candela on the benches where you drink the cheap street-vendor beers there were at least a Dozen or two, some easily in the 8-9 range and most were still well above average. Secondly, from my observations many of these girls seemed to be operating through pimps rather than touts but I could be wrong and more surprising I didn't witness any successful hook-ups, more like guys getting shut down but for sure these girls were pros and happy to fondled and chatted up even if you didn't buy them a cheap-on-the-street beer. After walking the city for an hour or so on both nights, getting lost and drunk trying to find Bananas and my other old favorites, I felt like the working girl presence is more than double what I was seeing back in 08' at least on the streets outside the bars. And the non-pros I've met in the streets in the last few days seem to be a lot more open to getting to know people. I got 2 phone numbers in 2 days with ZERO effort. Maybe its the season, maybe its because my Spanish is better this go-around, I certainly didn't get any younger or better looking!

I'll eventually start checking out the bars and reporting more and what kind of rock-bottom prices I get quoted even though it seems this whole area is well covered in this thread, well done guys. I might give a different perspective as I have always been a cheap charlie and basically never go over 100k / 50USD for a take home all-nighter, I walk more than I taxi, and drink / eat where it's cheapest most of the time, plus I usually end up with a normalish GF scenario as I am here semi-long term and there are plenty of these opportunities if you are here more than week and speak the most basic Spanish. Anyone wanting to hook up with girls other than regular pros, I'll share a little secret, Badoo is a very very good free website and as I can now see, well represented in Cartagena in addition to lot of other destinations. You could probably even have a GF with plan B and C on standby before you arrive (I did) if you want to save cash or have an option a little less mercenary than the bar / street girls.

Being new to the city all over again trying to feel out the 'scene' and not really knowing anyone yet I'm also very keen to hook up with any folks from the Forum for a drink / hang out and for anyone new visiting I could probably be a good wing-man with plenty of free time on my hands and having had several months scoping this place out albeit a few years ago, plus I speak a bit of Spanish (enough to easily translate a transaction and get around) , not to mention I've sworn off any paid full-service situations for myself for the next few months until my regular GF leaves town, even though I'm still interested in checking out the scene in the mean time.

As I get more connected with the scene in Centro where I do 90% of cruising I'll post any updates and anyone out there in Cartagena now or visiting in December please let me know!

Joey Smith
12-01-12, 23:09
Anyone have contact info for Fabio? Also looking to get a Sim Card for my blackberry when I'm in LAGuito next week. Anyone know where the nearest Place might be?

12-04-12, 04:29
Anyone have contact info for Fabio? Also looking to get a Sim Card for my blackberry when I'm in LAGuito next week. Anyone know where the nearest Place might be?There is a tigo in Bocagrandre 5 minutes walk from hotel caribe

12-04-12, 11:57
Once again drinking in clock tower Plaza next to 'Donde Fidel's' till the wee hours eye-balling the talent and buscars and tourists (a favorite pastime of mine). My report a few days back about plenty of "8's" in that area outside of Tu Candelas was either beer goggles or the scene changed a lot on Saturday, now I would say just enough quality to choose from, but nothing standing out. Just outside the city across the street from the clock-tower on the benches I was actually getting what might have been the $5 dollar skanks from the park walking up, grabbing my junk, and saying "you want fucky-fucky". I was trying to get prices but they wanted me to follow them somewhere for further discussion and I wasn't leaving my little bench. I don't ever remember anything like that when I was here 4 years ago. This is going on around midnight, when I was honestly going to walk home, but alas I had a few more drinks and chatted up some Colombian Tourists and by 4AM (or so not sure) I started following this mob to Elektra, however you spell it, its 2 blocks from the clock tower entrance on the map.

1) We all got frisked / searched on the way there by the policia (see note below)

2) At around 4am I didn't notice anyone paying a cover charge.

3) Again, plenty to choose from even as it got closer to 5am.

4) Beers were 10, 000 COP, this is painful for a cheap charlie.

5) One of the Colombian tourists I was with was getting quoted 100K by some average girls, I assume for ST and also assume that I the Gringo might hear a different number quoted to me but who knows.

After drinking outside most of the night before Elektra I was actually keen to dance a little but the girls there, as many as were approaching me would give me about 10 seconds of ass grinding and then ask if I want to fuck and any thing short of a yes resulted in a quick cold-shoulder. Not that I blame them I suppose but it really does seem to be all business these days.

I discovered a new scam as well. One of the low-life touts that tries to steer people in to Isis from the Clock-tower Plaza starts explaining to me that he has 'everything' which in Colombia if it isn't women it's probably a powdered stimulant, I quite often like to partake but this guy is way to shady and public so I say not now and oblige the hand shake before I walk off and he presses a small bag into my hand anyway that I didn't ask for and tells me I owe him 30, 000 COP! This guy was so shady / creepy / cracked out and with about 20 police standing around and I'm thinking no way but he won't take it back so I end up dropping it at his feet and walking away. I tell him I don't have any money so he will hopefully [CodeWord140] (http://isgprohibitedwords.info?CodeWord=CodeWord140) off and he just keeps telling me, OK, give me 20, 000, then 10, 000 and eventually down to 2, 000 (1usd) , all the while sort-of grabbing my arm to stop me from walking off, unbelievable, all this for a bag that has god knows what in it but for sure it's not legit at 2, 000 COP. He follows me for a while telling me I'm going to have a serious problem with his boss or whatever who I eventually met later and explained everything too which resulted in the lower-level tout getting a little reprimanding. If anyone has tips on less shady ways to score PM me as my old connections are long gone. A little off topic for the forum I know but I thought it was worth a mention, I never saw this one pulled before and was glad to end up clean in the end considering the police checked us all on the way to Elektra later.

12-04-12, 17:56
I discovered a new scam as well. this guy is way to shady and public so I say not now and oblige the hand shake before I walk off and he presses a small bag into my hand anyway that I didn't ask for and tells me I owe himKnuckle tap with fist closed. FYI. Never shake paw here.

12-05-12, 12:27
Anyone have contact info for Fabio? Also looking to get a Sim Card for my blackberry when I'm in LAGuito next week. Anyone know where the nearest Place might be?Http://www.sexcation-review.com/Travel-SouthAmerica-Col-Cart.html

About half way down the page.

12-06-12, 00:32
I'm planning a Colombia trip but can't decide on which city. I rttf! But I'm still undecided. Medellin sounds good but I like to go to semi-pro night clubs. I read Cartagena asking $160 for TLN. I'm definetly not paying that! Help me out! Also I speak a little Spanish and definetly want an apartment. Having a beach like Sousa is a plus but not mandatory. So where is ground zero for chicas in Colombia? Or should I stick with Sousa and AC?

12-06-12, 04:59
I'm planning a Colombia trip but can't decide on which city. I rttf! But I'm still undecided. Medellin sounds good but I like to go to semi-pro night clubs. I read Cartagena asking $160 for TLN. I'm definetly not paying that! Help me out! Also I speak a little Spanish and definetly want an apartment. Having a beach like Sousa is a plus but not mandatory. So where is ground zero for chicas in Colombia? Or should I stick with Sousa and AC?From reading your post, and myself having been to both Sousa, and Colombia I think Sousa is a better bet as it has the better beach, and has good night clubs, and most important the Chica prices are way better in Sousa then say CTG. Also you will find that MDE has not much to do while a beach resort is much less boring. After all how much sexo can you take after a while.

12-06-12, 20:59
I'm planning a Colombia trip but can't decide on which city. I rttf! But I'm still undecided. Medellin sounds good but I like to go to semi-pro night clubs. I read Cartagena asking $160 for TLN. I'm definetly not paying that! Help me out! Also I speak a little Spanish and definetly want an apartment. Having a beach like Sousa is a plus but not mandatory. So where is ground zero for chicas in Colombia? Or should I stick with Sousa and AC?No matter how much we advise you to choose between Ctg, MDE and sousa the final decision is made by you, the one thing I can tell you though, is that if you take a chance and go to Ctg you will for sure have a good time, I know you will be another addicted gringo to Ctg city and all the honeys over there.

12-06-12, 21:16
From reading your post, and myself having been to both Sousa, and Colombia I think Sousa is a better bet as it has the better beach, and has good night clubs, and most important the Chica prices are way better in Sousa then say CTG. Also you will find that MDE has not much to do while a beach resort is much less boring. After all how much sexo can you take after a while.Yea, one of my friends just bought a new parasail boat and had in imported to Cartagena, not sure WTF he is doing with it personal use or business, he ain't much of a communicator unless he needs me to bring chew. LMAO But I know he bought a bunch of snorkels and fins and he is getting fishing gear rigged as well. If he is opening it up to boat excursions I will let you guys know when I find out for myself.

12-06-12, 23:42

I'm planning a 30 days trip to CTG. They talk about high season or the beginning of December being good time for a visit etc.

How mongerable is it down there, say from mid-January onwards?

12-07-12, 06:06

I'm planning a 30 days trip to CTG. They talk about high season or the beginning of December being good time for a visit etc.

How mongerable is it down there, say from mid-January onwards?Mid January is a great time to visit CTG. Very mongerable if you pack enough cash. Chicas from all over Colombia with a possible shot at even non pros if your game is good.

You Can
12-07-12, 23:41
Well this trip report took a lot longer than I anticipated. I just got back from the Dominican and will post a report but let start with this report. Flew Spirit out of Atlantic City. I know a lot of people don't prefer Spirit but I never have had a problem and the price isn't bad depending on when you book. I Got roundtrip with big front seats all the way around and my carry on bag for less then 625. 00 not bad in todays times. Grabbed a couple bottles of Baileys in Ft. Lauderdale and was on my way. Rented a nice apartment from Juan in Playa Mar building for 95. Per night. My friend had a driver pick me up at the airport which is always nice having someone there thats a familiar face. Thanks Again! Went straight to check in and then down to the beach stopping to listen to some of Tonys bullshit. Well I hit pay dirt this day their was a real sweetheart sitting in the Chairs! Her name was Isabella, light skinned 20 years old. Damn was she nice. I took her to lunch at cabon de palo and she said she worked at Chica linda but was working the beach this day. After lunch I took her to my apartment where I got her naked, great body nice BBBJ and sex in multiple positions. Really nice 150, 000 pesos. Worth well more. Spent all in all with lunch etc over 3 hours with her. Great time. Took a nice long sleep and hit the streets around 12 midnight. This night in my opinion LDV was loaded with plenty of nice looking women. I took a regular of mine named Cristina, I really like this girl. She is at best a 7. 5 in looks but I just really like her. Kept her the night with plenty of partying and sex sex sex. Woke around 10 and took her to breakfast and off she went.

I headed down to grab some alone time at Juan Valdez coffee shop and a great Cappucino. Then stopped at Bonys restaurante for a couple drinks. By now it was around 3 so I headed down to see what Tony had by his chairs. God was giving me nothing but luck this trip so far. Another 20 year old named Juanitta. I love these Colombian girls! Light skinned, no kids. A solid 8. 5 as by the way was Isabella, took this one to Requisimo and then more of the same in the apartment. Again my nap to around 10 pm.

This night I headed out to a little German restaurate / bar in Getsamani. Lot of nice people drinking and eating bratwurst and such. I like this plaace and there was also a band playing. After this I headed over to Fragma in the walled city where I just plain got lucky with a girl named Karlee. This one was a solid 10 not that I even care that much about that. She was with a girlfriend and for whatever reason really took a liking to me. We drank a bottle of Rum and I offered her 200, 000 and she said no problem at all. By the way this girl spoke great english which you probably know is rare. So this was great because my spanish sucks. This night couldn't get any bettter. Great BBBJ, sex, partying you name it we did it. She left in morning after breakfast. Fuck was she nice. Got her number and email. She was one of the great ones I've had. Class act.

To be continued

Brother P
12-08-12, 00:33
I was in CTG in March, I didn't enjoy it as much as I enjoyed the DR. The girls were to strict on that one hour shit, and I let Tony overcharge me! I"m soo ashamed! LOL. However, after 3 consecutive trips to the DR, (I'll be there again in DEc) I'm ready for a change. I may have to try CTG again, sin tony. Good report!

Well this trip report took a lot longer than I anticipated. I just got back from the Dominican and will post a report but let start with this report. Flew Spirit out of Atlantic City. I know a lot of people don't prefer Spirit but I never have had a problem and the price isn't bad depending on when you book. I Got roundtrip with big front seats all the way around and my carry on bag for less then 625. 00 not bad in todays times. Grabbed a couple bottles of Baileys in Ft. Lauderdale and was on my way. Rented a nice apartment from Juan in Playa Mar building for 95. Per night. My friend had a driver pick me up at the airport which is always nice having someone there thats a familiar face. Thanks Again! Went straight to check in and then down to the beach stopping to listen to some of Tonys bullshit. Well I hit pay dirt this day their was a real sweetheart sitting in the Chairs! Her name was Isabella, light skinned 20 years old. Damn was she nice. I took her to lunch at cabon de palo and she said she worked at Chica linda but was working the beach this day. After lunch I took her to my apartment where I got her naked, great body nice BBBJ and sex in multiple positions. Really nice 150, 000 pesos. Worth well more. Spent all in all with lunch etc over 3 hours with her. Great time. Took a nice long sleep and hit the streets around 12 midnight. This night in my opinion LDV was loaded with plenty of nice looking women. I took a regular of mine named Cristina, I really like this girl. She is at best a 7. 5 in looks but I just really like her. Kept her the night with plenty of partying and sex sex sex. Woke around 10 and took her to breakfast and off she went.

I headed down to grab some alone time at Juan Valdez coffee shop and a great Cappucino. Then stopped at Bonys restaurante for a couple drinks. By now it was around 3 so I headed down to see what Tony had by his chairs. God was giving me nothing but luck this trip so far. Another 20 year old named Juanitta. I love these Colombian girls! Light skinned, no kids. A solid 8. 5 as by the way was Isabella, took this one to Requisimo and then more of the same in the apartment. Again my nap to around 10 pm.

This night I headed out to a little German restaurate / bar in Getsamani. Lot of nice people drinking and eating bratwurst and such. I like this plaace and there was also a band playing. After this I headed over to Fragma in the walled city where I just plain got lucky with a girl named Karlee. This one was a solid 10 not that I even care that much about that. She was with a girlfriend and for whatever reason really took a liking to me. We drank a bottle of Rum and I offered her 200, 000 and she said no problem at all. By the way this girl spoke great english which you probably know is rare. So this was great because my spanish sucks. This night couldn't get any bettter. Great BBBJ, sex, partying you name it we did it. She left in morning after breakfast. Fuck was she nice. Got her number and email. She was one of the great ones I've had. Class act.

To be continued

12-08-12, 02:54
i managed to get to cartagena last weekend. because that was the next port of call for the container vessel that picked us up. we were only there thirty hours, but it was long enough for a couple of us to get out looking for a decent bordello after dinner. i'd heard of a "casa rosario" from somewhere, and asked a cabbie; but he took us instead to a place called the 'casa rocio drill. '

the house looks like a house. it's in the bruselas district, at calle benjamin herrera no. 24-34, a 10k-peso trip out from the clock tower. decent enough place inside, with a long main room back of the foyer and the bar; there were maybe 10 girls there and a half-dozen or more clients, and three girls came in to give us a chance to buy them a drink when we sat down. one of them, emila if i recall correctly, was very much to my taste; slim and small-breasted with nice long legs and a face that reminded me of the young diana rigg (1960s vintage, emma peel of 'the avengers' tv series). i was willing to pay a premium for her.

the casa charged 50k pesos for the room, which was a decent room with fresh sheets on the bed and an attached bathroom. her fee was 150k, and i didn't demur.

aside from no dfk kissing. which i regret. this was a good gf experience for me. her figure is splendid; her tits, maybe a b cup in size, firm and youthful and no sign of them being bolt-ons. she might well be the most beautiful woman i've ever enjoyed in the sack, and she was gentle and thoughtful and well-skilled. the mouth and tongue work she denied to my mouth and tongue, she well played to my little man-tits and later to my cock. even though it was a cbj, she was skilled and capable and made it feel very good; after a while of mouth work, she mounted me and rode me cowgirl until i tried to turn her under me. and came in that process. afterward we talked and cuddled for a good while, then she gave me a very good back-rub including walking on my back. then more cuddling, till i decided it was time to gather up my shipmate and head back to the hotel for a few hours' sleep.

we didn't go to cartagena intentionally, but i enjoyed the place and i may go back on my own some day. but it's not the place i'd go for a monger's vacation. from what i hear, it would be better to spend a couple of days there as a straight tourist, maybe a 'casa' visit or two. then go up to medellin for the real cattin' around.

(ps: what brought me to cartagena? here's the full story: http://www.navy.mil/submit/display.asp?story_id=70919)

You Can
12-08-12, 16:04
Ok here is the rest of trip even though only the faces change. After Karlee left it is now Friday Morning. I went and had another cappacino at Juan Valdez, its really good so I had two. By the way the weather was great my entire trip. I was still thinking about Karlee she was so fun and spectacular in every way. After coffee (I think the coffee place name is actually Isabellas its like one block from Cabon de Palo. As a matter of fact its definitely Isabellas coffee shop. Oh well its not that important but great coffee. I go to carbon de palo a lot its pricey but good. I always forget the exact spelling but its caty corner to the Amertride hotel (SP) its good and I love getting a pitcher of Sangria at this place. I sit there for hours just watching the sites. Then headed over to Bonys again I like this place the owner is there often and is a former boxer. Great people and great business the guy really does a serious business. Great employees! After this it was like 4pm now and went and talked to Tony for awhile but he really had nothing there so I headed on back to my room with no chica. I made myself a drink and went down to sit on the little fountain area in front of my building. But no luck so by 5 or 6 headed up for nap empty handed which was fine by me. (Tony was saying earlier I will call someone for you, I said no) like I said I think I needed a little break so I took the nap. Woke up around 10:30 and went to walled city out side the hard rock bar sat out there watching the dancers and people watching. Then headed over to Cafe Delmar, by the way they have some sexy girls dancing here which is nice viewing. Dressed sexy. But nicely. Spotted a couple actually 3 girls sitting at a table and tried to make a little eye contact because wasnt sure what I was dealing with, couldn't get there attention so said what the fuck and told my waitress I wanted to by them a drink (which by the way are not cheap in this place but I really didn't travel couple thousand miles to be cheap.) Well thats all it took within 10 minutes they were all sitting with me, I honestly can't remember all three names but the girl that seemed to like me the best was Marianna 24 years old, said she had one kid. Very nice l00king girl, big round tits. Dressed very nice! A solid 8 After another round of drinks I was thinking how the fuck am I going to move to the next level with my fucked up spanish? I sure as fuck didn't want to take 3 girls to my room? I wasnt even sure if I was going to get the one (Marianna there) I wasnt even sure at this point if I should bring up money because I wasnt sure about this. So when they asked me where I was staying I said in Laguito in a aparmento, I said to Marianna would she like to come? She said sure! Well like I said my spanish sucks and it wasnt just Marianna coming it was all fucking three! I didn't want to say no no Just Marianna so I just went with it, I had plenty of party material, jut not to much liquor other than my baileys so I told driver to stop at Olypica where we went in and grabbed some beer and rum. Also a bottle of wine. Once we got back to the apartment they loved it and we had a blast. I finally asked Marianna if she was going to stay and she said sure. I said how much? She said it didn't matter (this is not the first time I have heard this and it can sometimes be a problem in the morning, but I said fuck it, I had a good feeling about this.) She said my friends go? I said unless they want to stay in my extra bedroom, its no problem! So by now it was like 5 am and they went in the adjacent room and I took Marianna in my room, showered great body, total GFE. Great night. Actually one of the best nights I ever hadd in Cartagena. In morning around 11 took them to Requismoo for lunch. This night was expensive between the drinks, party favors, olympica, lunch I spent some real fucking money this night! After lunch I took Marianna a side and out of view and handed her 200, 000 peso. She never looked at it and put it in her purse. Off they went, what a great night! Saturday I headed down to Bony and drank like a crazy fucker (I brought a bottle of Rum to beach and drank the whole fucking thing othere then what I gave away. Went back to apartment and passed out.

Woke around 12 midnight and headed to LDV feeling a little rufffffff and bought a bottle of rum and looked around. Plenty of talent! My girl Cristina walked in and was trying to go with me and I said no and she stormed out of the place she was pissed. But she will get happy again she likes me and I like her but I had differnt plans. Just sat around watching th scenery and ended up taken a girl named Maria a 6 at best but fun in the bed. I am not going to bullshit anyone this giirl is nothing real pretty but is fun. Took her for a couple hours to apartment and fucked her silly. Gave her 150, 000, I could definitely get this girl for 100, 000 but always give her 150, 000. She was more then happy she has one daughter 11 years old. Very nice person. She went on her way and I hit the sack.

Sunday my last day! I was beat the fuck up! Took it easy Sunday and couldn't help it, called Karlee and told her it was my last night did she want to come over later. Yes! Told her to just come to my apartment at midnight, this girl was so easy going. 12 phone rings she comes up and we never went out. She ordered some food from somewhere and it was all good. A great GFE and a great night. Breakfast with Karlee and off to the airport.

Another great trip, I love Cartagena and the women. Like I mentioned at the beginning of this report I just got back from the DR. I only went because my friends were going. In my opinion you just can't compare the night life and the women. Cartagena wins hands down especially if you don't mind putting some nice cloths on and being well groomed. I love the night life here. I will try to hit Cartagena again in February if funds permit. Happy traveling to all! Also Happy Holidays. I know I am not great at writing these reports but I do the best I can! Also my spelling sucks

12-08-12, 16:37
Another great trip, I love Cartagena and the women. Like I mentioned at the beginning of this report I just got back from the DR. I only went because my friends were going. In my opinion you just can't compare the night life and the women. Cartagena wins hands down especially if you don't mind putting some nice cloths on and being well groomed. I love the night life here. I will try to hit Cartagena again in February if funds permit. Happy traveling to all! Also Happy Holidays. I know I am not great at writing these reports but I do the best I can! Also my spelling sucksGreat trip report, Thanks!

Upbeat and informative.

Almost makes me want to go back to Cartagena haha.

Maybe, tough to leave Medellin with all the contacts.

Happy holidays!

John Gault
12-08-12, 18:41
Quote from YouCan [drank like a crazy fucker (I brought a bottle of Rum to beach and drank the whole fucking thing othere then what I gave away. Went back to apartment and passed out.)

Without a doubt you are the man in CTG.

One day me and your good buddy from Denver will party again in CTG.

12-08-12, 19:16
Like I mentioned at the beginning of this report I just got back from the DR. I only went because my friends were going. In my opinion you just can't compare the night life and the women. Cartagena wins hands down especially if you don't mind putting some nice cloths on and being well groomed. I love the night life here. I will try to hit Cartagena again in February if funds permit. Happy traveling to all! Also Happy Holidays. I know I am not great at writing these reports but I do the best I can! Also my spelling sucksWould like to know why you didn't like DR. I was in Sousa for 30 days and I prefer it to Cartagena where the girls are too professionals and go way immediately after sex. Inside the LDV you cannot move around. The place is too small. For me better Sousa 10times.

12-08-12, 20:12
Great trip report You Can. I was never able to figure out the Fragma scene, its hard to tell who may be working there and I just assumed they were all well off girls. Next time.

12-09-12, 16:05
Would like to know why you didn't like DR. I was in Sousa for 30 days and I prefer it to Cartagena where the girls are too professionals and go way immediately after sex. Inside the LDV you cannot move around. The place is too small. For me better Sousa 10times.For me it comes down to the Colombianas being 10x hotter! Service is great and all but what good is it if you can't find anyone you like?

12-09-12, 16:13
Great trip report, Thanks!

Upbeat and informative.

Almost makes me want to go back to Cartagena haha.

Maybe, tough to leave Medellin with all the contacts.

Happy holidays!My thoughts exactly! However, Cartagena can get so expensive! However, GFE goes up and prices go down if you make contacts. With the new cheap Viva flights, I might be doing a lot of back and forth!

12-09-12, 22:12
Well this trip report took a lot longer than I anticipated. Grabbed a couple bottles of Baileys in Ft. Lauderdale and was on my way.

To be continuedGreat reports. Thanks. The tip about Baileys is a good one. These girls universally love Baileys and it is real handy anywhere in Colombia and not just in CTG.

12-09-12, 22:18
I'm planning a Colombia trip but can't decide on which city. I rttf! But I'm still undecided. Medellin sounds good but I like to go to semi-pro night clubs. I read Cartagena asking $160 for TLN. I'm definetly not paying that! Help me out! Also I speak a little Spanish and definetly want an apartment. Having a beach like Sousa is a plus but not mandatory. So where is ground zero for chicas in Colombia? Or should I stick with Sousa and AC?If you think $160 is expensive for TLN, then MDE is quite a bit more expensive than that (for a quality TLN). MDE is cheap only if you stick to casas during the day and try to do TLNs using contacts.

12-11-12, 20:41
Ok here is the rest of trip even though only the faces change. After Karlee left it is now Friday Morning. I went and had another cappacino at Juan Valdez, its really good so I had two. By the way the weather was great my entire trip. I was still thinking about Karlee she was so fun...Thanks for the good report.

12-13-12, 02:01
My thoughts exactly! However, Cartagena can get so expensive! However, GFE goes up and prices go down if you make contacts. With the new cheap Viva flights, I might be doing a lot of back and forth!Hioctane, I searched for Viva and found a couple of airlines but none that serve CTG (Two in Asia and one that serves Roatan). Is this a local Colombian airline or international? Do you have a link? Thank you.

12-13-12, 02:03
Hioctane, I searched for Viva and found a couple of airlines but none that serve CTG (Two in Asia and one that serves Roatan). Is this a local Colombian airline or international? Do you have a link? Thank you.I have never flown with them.

-Helpmann :)


12-13-12, 07:23
I have never flown with them.


http://www.vivacolombia.co/That's the one. They are local. Supposed to be the Spirit of Colombia. They had a black Friday special. Free luggage upgrade and cut the line for under 80k. Roundtrip from BOG to MDE! That's about $45! Normally, luggage will double the price of the ticket and express is another 10k I think. I'll see how it is when I get back in January.

12-13-12, 22:22
That's the one. They are local. Supposed to be the Spirit of Colombia. They had a black Friday special. Free luggage upgrade and cut the line for under 80k. Roundtrip from BOG to MDE! That's about $45! Normally, luggage will double the price of the ticket and express is another 10k I think. I'll see how it is when I get back in January.They are the Spirit of Colombia in ways other than low prices also. Lousy service, cancelled flights, crappy seats etc. Then again, who cares if the flight is only 45 minutes long as most in country flights are very short.

You Can
12-15-12, 16:52
For the most part you are going to pay around 100. 00us in Cartagena for TLN. But it can be more if the girl has no interest in being with you. It could easily be 200. Us These girls are nothing like the girls in the DR. If you dress nice, are you decent shape you will have no problem paying 100. 00 per night and personally if I didn't think a girl was worth a 100. 00 for the night I would not want to be with her. This past trip to Cartagena I saw more gringos and one guy was old and balding, total goofy looking bastard. All rinkled shorts and bo bo sneakers I saw at least 5 girls tell him no. He definitely needed to be in DR. I am glad these girls want more and arent afraid of saying no to a guy. The last thing I want is for Cartagena to turn into a Sosua. I don't think it will the girls are classier and definitely more expensive. I am glad because it will keep the rift raft out.

If you think $160 is expensive for TLN, then MDE is quite a bit more expensive than that (for a quality TLN). MDE is cheap only if you stick to casas during the day and try to do TLNs using contacts.

12-15-12, 18:37
This past trip to Cartagena I saw more gringos and one guy was old and balding, total goofy looking bastard. All rinkled shorts and bo bo sneakers I saw at least 5 girls tell him no. He definitely needed to be in DR. I am glad these girls want more and arent afraid of saying no to a guy. The last thing I want is for Cartagena to turn into a Sosua. I don't think it will the girls are classier and definitely more expensive. I am glad because it will keep the rift raft out.It is what I said during the Secret Service Scandal, Tony and them LDV putas will chew up and spit out a sucker all day long. Got friends that live there and they can't figure out why dudes don't come back because they all say they loved it, I say, because by the time they left they spent 5k and went home and cried. Just look at what Westy just did, didn't read the map or anything. I know some guys going down there shortly but they ain't listening to me, they better get a 401k loan. LMAO

You Can
12-15-12, 19:01
I agree with that you can definitely go thru some money! Guys that do one trip a year and don't care about throwing money around are fine with it. But I try to do 5 or 6 trips a year, so I just don't throw money around that I don't have to. But not including airfair and my room. I like to have 500. 00 a day. Keep in mind I drink. Usually eat lunch and a late dinner. But I can easily spend 100. 00 on lunch with a chica and a pitcher of Sangria. Normally I usually do a light late dinner by myself before I hit the clubs usually about 50. 00 with a bottle of wine. I am well aware I can spend less. But these are things I like. At the club I always by a bottle of Rum, and share it with the girls. So money does go quick. You figure in a 100. 00 for the girl at night, and 50 to 60 for the day time girl, if I get one. Its always around 450 to 500. 00 per day for me. I can do DR for less then 200. 00 per day because its a whole different ballgame. So I am sure a guy that is use to the DR and ends up in Cartagena will definitely have sticker shock. .

It is what I said during the Secret Service Scandal, Tony and them LDV putas will chew up and spit out a sucker all day long. Got friends that live there and they can't figure out why dudes don't come back because they all say they loved it, I say, because by the time they left they spent 5k and went home and cried. Just look at what Westy just did, didn't read the map or anything. I know some guys going down there shortly but they ain't listening to me, they better get a 401k loan. LMAO

12-15-12, 19:05
I agree with that you can definitely go thru some money! Guys that do one trip a year and don't care about throwing money around are fine with it. But I try to do 5 or 6 trips a year, so I just don't throw money around that I don't have to. But not including airfair and my room. I like to have 500. 00 a day. Keep in mind I drink. Usually eat lunch and a late dinner. But I can easily spend 100. 00 on lunch with a chica and a pitcher of Sangria. Normally I usually do a light late dinner by myself before I hit the clubs usually about 50. 00 with a bottle of wine. I am well aware I can spend less. But these are things I like. At the club I always by a bottle of Rum, and share it with the girls. So money does go quick. You figure in a 100. 00 for the girl at night, and 50 to 60 for the day time girl, if I get one. Its always around 450 to 500. 00 per day for me. I can do DR for less then 200. 00 per day because its a whole different ballgame. So I am sure a guy that is use to the DR and ends up in Cartagena will definitely have sticker shock. .You do the night thing hard, I still haven't managed to figure out how to keep my eyes from twitching and glossed over from the beach all day, I look like death walking, I am bringing Visene the next time and we will see how that goes.

12-15-12, 20:26
For the most part you are going to pay around 100. 00us in Cartagena for TLN. But it can be more if the girl has no interest in being with you. It could easily be 200. Us These girls are nothing like the girls in the DR. If you dress nice, are you decent shape you will have no problem paying 100. 00 per night and personally if I didn't think a girl was worth a 100. 00 for the night I would not want to be with her. This past trip to Cartagena I saw more gringos and one guy was old and balding, total goofy looking bastard. All rinkled shorts and bo bo sneakers I saw at least 5 girls tell him no. He definitely needed to be in DR. I am glad these girls want more and arent afraid of saying no to a guy. The last thing I want is for Cartagena to turn into a Sosua. I don't think it will the girls are classier and definitely more expensive. I am glad because it will keep the rift raft out.Well stated in both posts. Though, I never paid less than $200 a night (total including multas if applicable) in CTG or MDE and I have no complaints. Compared to a lot of places in the world, For Price / Quality ratio CTG and MDE are still hard to beat for TLNs.

You Can
12-15-12, 23:21
[Thanks, the other thing I wanted to touch on in the post about money and forgot was the exchange rate. I am not a financial guy but it seems like you really get hosed over on the exchange rate. When I started going down there I would get like 200, 000 peso or even a little more for a 100. 00 US now its way down. Like 170, 000 for the 100. 000 All them missed pesos really add up. Where as in DR I was getting 39. 5 this past trip a couple weeks ago which I thought was pretty good.

QUOTE=Vitrea; 1361044]Well stated in both posts. Though, I never paid less than $200 a night (total including multas if applicable) in CTG or MDE and I have no complaints. Compared to a lot of places in the world, For Price / Quality ratio CTG and MDE are still hard to beat for TLNs.[/QUOTE]

12-16-12, 18:05
i was very tempted not to write this one up, since it is a little embarrassing but here it goes and if no one find's it educational maybe it can at least entertain.

so last friday night in centro around 11pm, seeing quite the selection once again around the clock tower, and outside the city wall all the way to the park. all types of quality and prices, something for everyone you might say and i've noticed the action here really changes day to day. my intention was to just have a few drinks and enjoy myself, no plans to hook up with a chica (or two as it turned out). so after meeting some interesting tourists and drinking a lot more than usual i was finally stumbling my way out of the old city when i sit down for a tinto thinking it might help me walk straighter. then two small darker (but not quite black) chicas approach me acting all sweet. now i've admitted before that i am a cheap charlie but since the beer vendor was right there and buying these two a drink was only going to set me back 5000 pesos i said what the hell, and then explained to them that they could get back to work whenever they want because i'm not playing tonight. now more on these girls, i have to admit, one was probably a 5 and the other a 4, at least that's the way i remember it, or maybe that 4 was a 3. the bodies were looking ok, it was mostly the faces dragging them down. persistent little buggers too, and i was told that if i didn't want fucky fucky i could just get a massage (w / happy ending). so one of them starts giving me a shoulder rub there on the street bench and she actually had good hands, go figure, and i'm starting to get a little worked up when the other one starts rubbing my thigh, probably mostly just for the thought of having two girls at once, and on it goes for a few minutes. now until this point i never understood why this street just outside the clock tower has so much chica traffic, turns out on the other end of that street there is a short-time hotel for 25, 000 cop per hour. there are enough girls standing in front of it you could easily mistake it for a prepago bar entrance. these chicas are generally but not always below the quality you find inside the old city. like some unspoken rule that if you are below a "5" you have to stay outside the walls. and i have seen the $5 dollar girls of the park in this area, sober, in the day time, which is just next door, and those girls are seriously rough, i don't think anyone on this forum would have a go with any of them even it was free, they are just plain scary. so back to my girls, they are a step above the 'park' girls but not quite centro quality, if that makes any sense, and i'm not thinking sex anyway, i'm thinking rub and tug with two chicks, plus i had some very nice experiences with some very average girls before. so they put it to me like this, an offer i couldn't refuse; 50, 000 cop each ($27usd) plus 25, 000 for the room, and if i just want a massage and hj then fine, but i could get whatever i wanted done for that price, i was too drunk or stupid to even negotiate and off we went just 50 meters over to the hotel. big room but not nice, not even a western shower but instead a giant garbage can full of water and a scoop (asian style). the massage gets started, and i can now see they aren't making the same effort they were outside, they just want to give me a quick hj and move on and i'm thinking more like bj and i know it's not uncommon but i can't remember a girl putting a condom on me just for a blow before, no big deal really as i was worked up enough at this point, but this is where things go down hill real fast, this is why drinking and just about anything can be a bad idea at times. so one girl is sucking on my nipple and fondling the balls (per my instructions) while the other one is doing the cbj and they both decide they want to get paid. nice timing right? so i tell them i'm not done yet and after enough negotiating to screw the moment up a bit they assure me they will finish the task at hand but would feel better knowing they are getting paid so like an ass i pay them in right then. quite annoyed and less excited than before i tell them to take there tops off and when the one told me her tits were not very nice and she wants to leave the bra on, well i should have listened to her, jesus talk about sloppy wrinkly droopy. the other girl was ok, just ok so i tried to focus on her. i've spent a lot of time in colombia and was never in situation quite like this before, but normally on a mongering night i'm more focused and i get what i actually want. sorry, back to the story, i tell the one girl (the one who isn't turning me off yet) to take off her shorts since she was complaining about the cbj and wanting to just do hj, and now that she has been paid its extra for fucky fucky, and she doesn't want to sucky skucky, hahahah i just laid there and laughed knowing how bad i screwed up. any attempts i made to explain that this wasnt the deal just resulted in my gear getting softer and softer so i decided to cut my losses and let her finish me with a combo of cbj and hj. we were in the room about 30 minutes. since i was heading home i had no desire to take a shower in there, the floor was dirty and i don't even remember seeing a towel. the girls are dressed with amazing speed and out the door of the room but the hotel guy won't let them leave unless all 3 of us walk out together and i'm taking my time dammit, you know tie my shoes take a leak, etc, hell we had 30 minutes left on the room, maybe i could actually get a massage. then the once sweet and almost charming duo get nasty and start yelling they want to go, but hell i'm not telling them they can't go, not that any of this last part matters. the points of the story are as we mostly know, paying in advance will always get you screwed (in one way or the other) , pun intended. a "5" and a "3" does not equal an 8, not in this case anyway. still for less than $70 usad including their drinks and the room, it was an interesting night so you can be cheap in cartagena but it might not be worth it.

on a side note, for the exact same money, i could have had one of several nicer looking girls inside the clock tower, many of those girls will do st for 100, 000 cop but most are asking 200, 000. one of the touts (that i previously mistook for a straight up pimp) said that he would even walk me through the girls and point out which once will go for 100k, even volunteered info that his cut would be 10, from the girl, for making the intro, so the girls out there are all freelance. he also volunteered that if we walked me to isis strip club, he would get 3000 for each 10, 000 beer i bought, and 25, 000 if i took a girl out, not bad i guess. how does he know he's getting paid?"it's all computerized and they pay us at least once a week", go figure.

12-16-12, 21:26
I agree with that you can definitely go thru some money! Guys that do one trip a year and don't care about throwing money around are fine with it. But I try to do 5 or 6 trips a year, so I just don't throw money around that I don't have to. But not including airfair and my room. I like to have 500. 00 a day. Keep in mind I drink. Usually eat lunch and a late dinner. But I can easily spend 100. 00 on lunch with a chica and a pitcher of Sangria. Normally I usually do a light late dinner by myself before I hit the clubs usually about 50. 00 with a bottle of wine. I am well aware I can spend less. But these are things I like. At the club I always by a bottle of Rum, and share it with the girls. So money does go quick. You figure in a 100. 00 for the girl at night, and 50 to 60 for the day time girl, if I get one. Its always around 450 to 500. 00 per day for me. I can do DR for less then 200. 00 per day because its a whole different ballgame. So I am sure a guy that is use to the DR and ends up in Cartagena will definitely have sticker shock. .It depends on where you go in DR. Are you talking about Sosua that you can spend 200 / day? Pretty much anywhere else in DR you are guaranteed to spend a lot more. In Sosua, you are limited to what is available. In Colombia, there are 5 star restaurants and there are 1 star. There is something for everyone. For an even comparison, you have to compare what you are getting.

Black Page
12-16-12, 23:23
(All reports have been written some days after the trip, which took place one week ago)

I arrive to CTG from Bogota in the evening. Yesterday, I had my fun in Santa Fe exploring most seedy bars and alleys. I like adventure. Here, I intend to change totally approach. WOW! It's one year I miss this dream of a city! I cannot wait.

BUT, my last trip was to Batam (see reports there, if you want to read something amazing
). My mind is still focused on Asia, on the incredible GFE which can be got there, but especially on the extraordinary experiences and luck I got there.

On my first night in Cartagena, I feel "out of focus". When your mind is wrong, anything looks wrong and difficult. This is the chronicle of a wasted night. (Except for the fact that Cartagena is a wonderful place. I missed it for a whole year!).

Dinner at Juan Del Mar, San Diego. This restaurant is overrated. The music is too loud and frankly annoying. The recipes are always the same, since many years. I got bored, even if I missed eating here for all the past year.

A drink at Juan Del Mar. I notice a couple of girls who look prepagos, but I refrain from seeking eye contact. I expect to see something better later. A sexy girl on high heels walks around like on a stage, sits down and waives to me. I make a bet with myself: "She is from Medellin". I go to ask, and she is!

Two hours at Fragma. This is a nice disco. The problem is that most people there are friends and couples, girls are not prepagos. I am not tuned yet on the place. I cannot find my way. Girls are outrageously sexy, but guys too. I consider myself somehow handsome, but with my 45y I cannot compete with young boys dressed as photomodels! In Batam, I am used to attract the attention of all girls. Almost any sexy girl is not out of reach for me. Here, sorry, NO.

I spot a couple of girls, with their boyfriends, who look frankly astonishing. I don't remember any girl on the TV of my country who is so sexy. Colombia is really the Empyrean of the female beauty.

Quite depressed, I move to Tu Candela. Here I grab a sexy mulata and after a couple of drinks we go to my hotel room.

My wrong mood, being away from here a solid year, and lack of good luck make me cumulate a number of mistakes. She is not bad, but:
- we agree 200k.
- we stop on the way to buy 3 beers for her and a soda for me (why 3?)
- we have some good fun (nothing to complain about)
- after it, she says she cannot stay because she is to drunk and feels tired (now I understand why 3: they are for friends at home)
- my rule is never insist to make a girl to stay if she is not happy (where's the fun to have a deadfish in the bed?) , so I am happy to see her leaving.

Conclusion: at 6am I start sleeping hoping in a better future for my next 3 days here.

Black Page
12-17-12, 00:07
Wake up in morning and LONG walk along the beach in Bocagrande. I have a beer with Tony, just because I like to see and listen the real solid one, after having just read about him for the whole past year. He cannot imagine why I accept his beer (my entertainment). I limit the damage to 5k for the beer and a chair. I leave after a while, saying I'll check girls later.

Mojarra frita at Dona Marciana on the beach. Hmmm how much I missed this!

Afternoon. No more time to waste. I give a call to my trusted lady.

She runs a business at her house in Alcibia, as I reported many times on ISG in my past reports. This house is known to SOME taxi drivers, but not to all. The house is small and rather poor. The room itself dedicated to the business is "essential" at best (fan, pipe shower, hard bed, no window). The family is made of the lady, the husband, the son and the LOVELY daughter, who is now 15yo and began to be sexy and pretty 2-3 years ago already (I know what you dirty men are thinking: forget it. SHE DOES NOT WORK, she is the DAUGHTER and she is treasured and kept away from any dirty business. She is very nice and she likes to talk with me (with family).
When I go there, there are always 2-3 fat or mid-size girls (doable, but I am not in CTG for this) sitting in the courtyard waiting for "guests". I am not interested to that.

I go there because the lady can call some other girl, who is out of the business and can do this at times, only with selected people to get some extra cash. Do I believe this story? At times no, but at times YES. I met a couple of real young GEMS here, shy and not used to meet foreigners.
(Sometimes I was also introduced to sleazy girls who looked well acquainted to this kind of job, but uncertainty makes the story more thrilling)

So, quick phone call. She says "yes I can call one special for you". I must explain the way to the taxi driver because he seems not understanding the direction.

The girl is young and pretty, and also hot and good as a porn star in doing it! It's frankly an excellent experience. (I agreed 100k with her, assuming that from locals the girls working there may receive something on the order of 50k, and of course I gave a significant tip to the lady for the room and the nice service of introducing me to the girl).

After the deed, chat with family, one more beer, and I go back to El Centro using my feet instead of taking a taxi. It's about one hour walking. I stop at Bazurto to buy some pirate DVD with reggaeton. I will listen to it during the cold winter at home.

Dinner at Santisimo, San Diego. This is an excellent restaurant, which I recommend.

Drinks at Café del Mar, Tu Candela, strolling, chats with girls loitering in front of Tu Candela and outside. By the way, I don't remember I ever saw so many girls here outdoor! What happened? They are not skanks. Many of them move to Elektra at 3am, but do not want to enter Tu Candela because of the cover (10k cover for men. 20k cover for girls: the world seems reversed here).

Being the second day, I start to be more used to see so many sexy girls around. It's amazing. In my country, I would see 2-3 such girls maybe in a year. Here, they are dozens and all around. I know you know the feeling.

At Elektra, I see THE GIRL. Young, pretty, smiling as a doll. She dresses cheap (she might have been one of those in the street earlier) , but she is the one I like. Emily, from Medellin.

She says she is 19, but once in my hotel I find that she does not have the cedula. She says she has it at home. She is not allowed to enter, even if she looks old enough.

Fortunately, la Jaiba is the resource in these cases. Emily is a dream girl! She is hot as hell, sweet at the same time, willing to try anything.

I accompany her back to her hotel / room at 7am. I plan to be with her also in the day, but her phone will be off for 2 days. She will call me only 2 days later, when I will be at Puente Aereo in Bogota.

12-17-12, 00:47
Afternoon. No more time to waste. I give a call to my trusted lady.

She runs a business at her house in Alcibia, as I reported many times on ISG in my past reports. This house is known to SOME taxi drivers, but not to all.Good reports as usual. You don't have PM so I am asking here. Can I get the phone number for your "trusted lady"? I might get a chance soon to help her family out as well. Thank you.

Black Page
12-17-12, 01:11
Good reports as usual. You don't have PM so I am asking here. Can I get the phone number for your "trusted lady"? I might get a chance soon to help her family out as well. Thank you.Of course I have PM! I am a more-than-senior member.

(But she is not a lady to help. I am sure she makes a lot of money with her business. It's not an official "casa", but the place is well established since many years. She even printed business cards LOL)

(About the place, sorry to ask. The place is not bad, but I never saw any "gringo-looking" man walking around Bazurto. I would not recommend the average reader of this forum to dare it)

Black Page
12-17-12, 01:13
In the morning I feel tired. I have some good reason for that. Thus, I spend my day between the beach and the Centro, strolling around and relaxing.

At night, again the same routine: dinner (Quebracho) , Cafè del Mar, Tu Candela, Elektra. I cannot find Emily, but the number of incredible sexy girls is so overwhelming that it would be really insane to miss anyone too long here.

My strategy to delay and delay my choice today pays off! As soon as I enter Elektra, I spot an incredible mulata, very slim and tall more than 1. 80 m (including the high heels). She looks a model. Really different from anyone else here! Fantastic smile, fantastic body. No one better to have a drink with!

Girls here are really fun. When there is the right feeling, one can really have a night which cannot be forgotten. And so we had!

At 5am, we leave and go with her two friends to Europa, a new 24h disco close to India Catalina, not far from Elektra. We have one more drink, but we are alone there. The place seems to be not popular enough.

At 6am, we leave her friends and we go to my room. Another incredible experience! I point out that we never mentioned money, discussed amount, etc. She is hot as a porn star, and stunning like a TV model. It's difficult to be with a girl who has just ONE of the two features, incredibly I've got both. After one hour of steamy sex, in which she tells me she misses her friend and she looks forward to have a trio the day after with me and her ("I am not lesbian, but I like to have fun.") , she sleeps like an angel. I manage to kick her out of the bed at 11am. (and no money still discussed)

Black Page
12-17-12, 01:46
She wants to eat, but I counteroffer: first coffee at Juan Valdez, then she goes back home to pick up her friend, she comes back with her, and we go to La Boquilla for the beach and eating.

Till now, she looks like my new girlfriend, but I know she cannot be. So, when I put her on a taxi, to avoid being asked, I also give her discretely 200k "for the taxi and her expenses".

When they come back it's 2pm. They say they don't have a bikini and ask if I can buy a new one for them. Sure, let's go! (shit, I know shops in Bocagrande are damn expensive!). We spend one hour choosing the bikini they like and visiting various shops. Finally, they choose: the bill is 250k for the two. If I want to be a cheap Charlie, Cartagena is not the place to play the game. So, I keep on going.

And there we go! Fantastic afternoon on the beach at la Boquilla. It's nice swimming with the two, although a bit embarrassing when she tells me "ahora te chupo la poya" and there is people swimming around. My hands roam around both. It's a nice way to spend an afternoon at the beach.

We eat something at Blas and we go back to my hotel. And here the PROBLEM!

The girl at reception refuses them to enter my room, because my room is for two. I offer to pay the additional bed, but she tells me "the guy who can do that is not here". She clearly was instructed to not allow girls of "dubious morality" to the premises. I need to find a better accommodation for my next time in CTG.

They go back home, and we plan to meet later. But the magic is broken. I meet only my girl at midnight and she is alone. The friend did not come because she was tired. She too does not look so friendly as in the day. Once chemistry is broken, is wrong to insist. I say bye and I head to Tu Candela.

12-17-12, 01:52
Of course I have PM! I am a more-than-senior member.

(But she is not a lady to help. I am sure she makes a lot of money with her business. It's not an official "casa", but the place is well established since many years. She even printed business cards LOL)

(About the place, sorry to ask. The place is not bad, but I never saw any "gringo-looking" man walking around Bazurto. I would not recommend the average reader of this forum to dare it) Sorry dude. I know you are senior and I love your reports from other countries as well. It is working now and I sent you one. Our PMs must have crossed (smile).

An hour ago, when I clicked on your name and it did not give me a PM option. Now it does. May be a brief glitch in the system? Have others ever experience this before? It is all good now.

Black Page
12-17-12, 01:57
In Tu Candela, there is the usual crowd and quite a lot of sexy girls, but ONE immediately captures my attention: elegant, classy, haughty even, with an elegant hairstyle reminding me the '40s.

I decide she is MY girl of tonight. After 2 hours of drinks and chats, we move to my room. She clearly points out:"Yo covro 200k". I don't want to discuss.

Well, after the two past nights, I've become overdemanding and hypercritic, so this lovely girl actually leaves me cold at last, but I cannot complain.

She is an intelligent lady. She is 25+ and she has a child. She studies and she uses the money to pay her expenses here, her university course, sustain the kid at home.

She claims to need to leave at 6am because she has classes at 8am to attend. In my bed, she refuses to do any oral without condom because she does not like it, simply (but she likes a lot to receive it!). She is quite simple and traditional in sex. She does not have a technique, but she is quite spontaneous. I think I am having a normal classy lady and not a pornstar in my bed, finally, so I am not disappointed.

In spite of her early plans, she sleeps like an angel till 9am, when I awake her up. I decide to not try to have an additional session, in order to avoid the embarrassment of a discussion (will she ask more money?) , because I still feel tired of all sex of these days, and because I have an idea for today.

Black Page
12-17-12, 02:12
This is my last day. I have my flight from CTG at 2pm. It's 10 am now. Time to rush and be straight to the point.

Phone call to my lady in Alcibia, appointment for 11am, two double espresso at Juan Valdez, taxi ride, at 11:10am the sight of a sweet young shy smiling mulatita enlightens me and makes my day.

No time now for details, but she was really misplaced. She told me that she was convinced to do it only because I am a nice good man.

Conclusion: always behave well, and you'll be rewarded.

The girl was extremely shy. What a pity to not have more than one hour to spend there. At 12:30 I kiss the lady on the cheek, I rush out of the house and I run chasing a taxi to go back. Not much time left to close my luggage and rush to the airport.

Member #4244
12-17-12, 02:49
Has anyone been to Bar Los Angeles in El Bosque recently? Is Carolina (TINY spinner from Medellin area) back there now? Any info would be appreciated, thanks

12-17-12, 23:28
You guys definitely live up to the best Cartagena Monger board thread, not bad!

Blackpage you call Las Americas La Playa La Bosque?

Sailing Whorist says Queens has been closed for a while, must be why I couldn't locate it on a Sept walk.

Isis is where Bannanas used to be near Plaza Estudiante I changed the Map accordingly and may move the Clock tower action up on the Map as well it seems the action at night there is picking up.

I have got to buy a ticket next couple days your reports got my head spinning. LMAO

Black Page
12-17-12, 23:37
You guys definitely live up to the best Cartagena Monger board thread, not bad!

Blackpage you call Las Americas La Playa La Bosque?

Sailing Whorist says Queens has been closed for a while, must be why I couldn't locate it on a Sept walk.

Isis is where Bannanas used to be near Plaza Estudiante I changed the Map accordingly and may move the Clock tower action up on the Map as well it seems the action at night there is picking up.

I have got to buy a ticket next couple days your reports got my head spinning. LMAOEheh, I like the idea to tantalize old regs.

Sorry, I do not understand your question "you call Las Americas La Playa La Bosque?"

In my report, I mentioned la Boquilla, which is the beach a bit after the airport. You can see airplanes taking off closely.

I forgot to mention a very important thing: in 5 days and 4 nights, I NEVER went to Isis or LDV RLMAO.

12-17-12, 23:44
I forgot to mention a very important thing: in 5 days and 4 nights, I NEVER went to Isis or LDV RLMAO.I ain't been to either in 6 of my last trips.

Black Page
12-18-12, 00:02
I ain't been to either in 6 of my last trips.We need to go out together for a beer definitely. Too bad I go to CTG not more often than once a year.

Love Handler
12-18-12, 17:02
We need to go out together for a beer definitely. Too bad I go to CTG not more often than once a year.BP, can you recommedn a chica friendly hotel in Cartagena?

Black Page
12-18-12, 17:18
I was very tempted not to write this one up, since it is a little embarrassing but here it goes and if no one find's it educational maybe it can at least entertain.

On a side note, for the exact same money, I Could have had one of several nicer looking girls inside the clock tower, many of those girls will do ST for 100, 000 COP but most are ASKING 200, 000. One of the touts (that I previously mistook for a straight up pimp) said that he would even walk me through the girls and point out which once will go for 100k, even volunteered info that his cut would be 10, from the girl, for making the intro, so the girls out there are all freelance. He also volunteered that if we walked me to ISIS strip club, he would get 3000 for each 10, 000 beer I bought, and 25, 000 if I took a girl out, not bad I guess. How does he know he's getting paid?"It's all computerized and they pay us at least once a week", go figure.In Sept 2010 (only 2+ years ago, but I feel it as ages ago if I read my old reports) , I had a similar adventure at Reloy, but with totally different satisfaction. I found my old report (posted later on 2011).

That time, I had the chance to meet a tall black girl walking around the Reloy (And she is still there! We always chat when we meet and I offer her a beer.)

She was with a blond young pregnant girl (5th month, rather big belly) , who is not working anymore (she is now attending her bebito). I started to talk and finally I invited them to eat something at the fast food in the plaza. I had a very nice time with them. They are honest girls (I am not ironic) and I enjoyed so much eating with them that I accepted to go with them in a room of a hotel nearby (Puerta del Sol). I was asked 300k first (by the black girl, very skilful, while the blonde was newer to the game) , but we settled for 200k.

I know it's pricey, but I had less experience than today, and how could I miss the opportunity to play 3-some with a panther-body black girl and a preggy blondie? Not going to LDV, sure. And it was a rewarding experience indeed! (no, I don't give out details).

Black Page
12-18-12, 17:33
BP, can you recommedn a chica friendly hotel in Cartagena?I have the same question for regulars here. Next time, I want to stay in a good place, but having no problems if I want to take a couple of friends to my room (without making noise or causing problems) like it happened this time.
This is my contribution about ST hotels (not what you are asking for, probably) , from my past reports all linked from the RoD section.

There are various decent hotels nearby Reloy, which will rent you a clean room for 15k / hour. One I tried various times is Sol de las Indias 1 block from Elektra. I think it's the best option if you are there and don't want to go far.

The place where to go, if you have a good chica but you cannot take her to your room, is a motel specialized for this business. There, you will relax in a good environment, at any time 24h / 24h, for a very cheap rate, without worrying about your stuff or what the personnel of your hotel may say.

- JAIBA (pronounce: "haiva") , a motel in a barrio just after Crespo (the way from El Centro to the airport, at right) .5-10 minutes by taxi from the Clock Square (Reloy).
Rooms from small and cheap to luxury suites. Cost is about 14k or 20k (2008 price) per 2 hours minimum (YES. 7-10 USD!). Time is counted automatically, so you can stay all time you want. Different types of rooms are available. Usually, they take you to the cheapest available, unless you don't ask differently.
You arrive by taxi, the car enters the slot, you walk up and nobody sees you. At the end, you call the bill by phone and it is delivered on a small window in 5 minutes. The rooms of medium quality are large, very clean, with glass shower box, well furnished, even a "sex chair" for trying multiple positions (see it to believe). It is a deluxe environment, with privacy guarantee, even drinks and food available "a la orden".

- CANGREJO. On the same street of Jaiba, cheaper and less beatiful. I did not try it. Maybe if Jaiba is full.

- DUNES. Not far from Jaiba, in a near barrio. Deluxe accommodation, better quality than Jaiba, more expensive, but still very cheap for the service provided: 28k for min 2 hours (2007 price)!
Standard price to go there by taxi: 10k$ from El Centro (15k$ from Bocagrande) , max 12k at late night. Ask before leaving, so you will be not overcharged. Leave 2000$ tip. I was asked also 15k from El Centro. It depends how you look and how greedy is the driver (and how willing you are to be overcharged).
A bit more the price to go back (15k). The motel will call you a taxi to return.

Don't worry to get lost: just ask the taxi driver "haiva" or "dunes". They ALL KNOW THEM. All girls also know these places. So, you may let her to talk to the driver, if you don't feel confident. The place is SAFE, clean and well attended.

Tank Not Mt
12-19-12, 00:05
BP, can you recommedn a chica friendly hotel in Cartagena?I would recommend the Lee Hotel if you want a good Hotel at a reasonable price. Message me and I'll give you the owners name and info.

12-19-12, 06:49
I have the same question for regulars here. Next time, I want to stay in a good place, but having no problems if I want to take a couple of friends to my room (without making noise or causing problems) like it happened this time.

This is my contribution about ST hotels (not what you are asking for, probably) , from my past reports all linked from the RoD section.


There are various decent hotels nearby Reloy, which will rent you a clean room for 15k / hour. One I tried various times is Sol de las Indias 1 block from Elektra. I think it's the best option if you are there and don't want to go far.


The place where to go, if you have a good chica but you cannot take her to your room, is a motel specialized for this business. There, you will relax in a good environment, at any time 24h / 24h, for a very cheap rate, without worrying about your stuff or what the personnel of your hotel may say.

- JAIBA (pronounce: "haiva") , a motel in a barrio just after Crespo (the way from El Centro to the airport, at right).5-10 minutes by taxi from the Clock Square (Reloy).

Rooms from small and cheap to luxury suites. Cost is about 14k or 20k (2008 price) per 2 hours minimum (YES. 7-10 USD!). Time is counted automatically, so you can stay all time you want. Different types of rooms are available. Usually, they take you to the cheapest available, unless you don't ask differently.

You arrive by taxi, the car enters the slot, you walk up and nobody sees you. At the end, you call the bill by phone and it is delivered on a small window in 5 minutes. The rooms of medium quality are large, very clean, with glass shower box, well furnished, even a "sex chair" for trying multiple positions (see it to believe). It is a deluxe environment, with privacy guarantee, even drinks and food available "a la orden".

- CANGREJO. On the same street of Jaiba, cheaper and less beatiful. I did not try it. Maybe if Jaiba is full.

- DUNES. Not far from Jaiba, in a near barrio. Deluxe accommodation, better quality than Jaiba, more expensive, but still very cheap for the service provided: 28k for min 2 hours (2007 price)!

Standard price to go there by taxi: 10k$ from El Centro (15k$ from Bocagrande) , max 12k at late night. Ask before leaving, so you will be not overcharged. Leave 2000$ tip. I was asked also 15k from El Centro. It depends how you look and how greedy is the driver (and how willing you are to be overcharged).

A bit more the price to go back (15k). The motel will call you a taxi to return.

Don't worry to get lost: just ask the taxi driver "haiva" or "dunes". They ALL KNOW THEM. All girls also know these places. So, you may let her to talk to the driver, if you don't feel confident. The place is SAFE, clean and well attended.Those rates are 6-7 years ago! I'd be curious to know what the rates are today. BTW, I think they also have an overnight rate during the week.

Black Page
12-19-12, 16:53
Those rates are 6-7 years ago! I'd be curious to know what the rates are today. BTW, I think they also have an overnight rate during the week.I apologize. I copied the text without checking the numbers, but I am able to give the correct rates in some cases (personally checked 2 weeks ago.).

15k / hour was the rate ONE year ago. I did not try this year.

JAIBA, Crespo
I don't have the exact numbers of my stay of 2 weeks ago, but the total I paid was something on the order of 30k for 1 hour and half, maybe.
Standard price to go there by taxi: 15k$ from El Centro at night (I wrote 10k 5 years ago). It depends how you look and how greedy is the driver (and how willing you are to be overcharged). Take the phone number of the driver who takes you there, to call him back and agree the same price to return, to avoid to be overcharged by some other called by the reception.

12-20-12, 05:20
Those rates are 6-7 years ago! I'd be curious to know what the rates are today. BTW, I think they also have an overnight rate during the week.The Las Dunas rates updated as of 7/31/12 on the Cartagena Lists thread.

12-21-12, 19:19
Has anyone seen or been with this girl, Rosa Maria Perez, lives in Cartagena en El Centro. 23-25 yrs old, cute, fun, like to dance / party. Trying to see if she is a working girl, any feedback greatly appreciated.

12-21-12, 20:24
High season is coming up, in ctg, new women arriving for vacations from all over Colombia.

And abroad. Crowded beaches and a few new bars in centro. Hot weather as well, anyone need more infor contact me using the private message system.



Black Page
12-22-12, 23:22
High season is coming up, in ctg, new women arriving for vacations from all over Colombia.

And abroad. Crowded beaches and a few new bars in centro. Hot weather as well, anyone need more infor contact me using the private message system.



Judging on the amount of info you have provided in your previous posts in ISG, I'd suggest the opposite: if you need any more hints on CTG, try to contact any of the senior members here. We will be happy to help :-D

Black Page
12-22-12, 23:28
Has anyone seen or been with this girl, Rosa Maria Perez, lives in Cartagena en El Centro. 23-25 yrs old, cute, fun, like to dance / party. Trying to see if she is a working girl, any feedback greatly appreciated.Again?
You asked the same a few times already 6 months ago in July! Are you stalking her??

I cannot find better words to reply than quoting another member who replied your same question in July:

No Idea!
But I've seen enough pictures of her. No disrespect but I doubt she's playing too many if she is at all. One mans trash is anothers treasure though. Good luck.

12-23-12, 16:05
I apologize. I copied the text without checking the numbers, but I am able to give the correct rates in some cases (personally checked 2 weeks ago.).


15k / hour was the rate ONE year ago. I did not try this year.

JAIBA, Crespo.

I don't have the exact numbers of my stay of 2 weeks ago, but the total I paid was something on the order of 30k for 1 hour and half, maybe.

Standard price to go there by taxi: 15k$ from El Centro at night (I wrote 10k 5 years ago). It depends how you look and how greedy is the driver (and how willing you are to be overcharged). Take the phone number of the driver who takes you there, to call him back and agree the same price to return, to avoid to be overcharged by some other called by the reception.I think 15k would be too much, if it matters to anybody. Usually at that point you have other more important things on your mind, and the cabbies know it.

Black Page
12-24-12, 02:50
I think 15k would be too much, if it matters to anybody. Usually at that point you have other more important things on your mind, and the cabbies know it.LOL!

Good point, but let me point out that the standard regulated price from the airport to Bocagrande or Centro (the one printed on the voucher at the taxi boot) is 17k. Therefore, if a driver asks 15k from Centro / Bocagrande to la Jaiva, which is right after the airport, it does not sound too much to me. Anyway, it really sounds bad taste to me negotiating with the driver for 2k less, when he knows you are going to give AT LEAST 100k to the girl, and you spent maybe the same on drinks in the past 2 hours.

12-24-12, 16:47
Pre-Pago or Normal girl? Anyone seen this 24 yrs old, young, cute, Rosa Maria Perez from Cartagena, usually hangs out in El Centro. Loves to dance and party. Trying to find out if she is a Pre-Pago (working girl) or Normal girl, any feedback appreciated thank you.

Black Page
12-24-12, 17:52
Pre-Pago or Normal girl? Anyone seen this 24 yrs old, young, cute, Rosa Maria Perez from Cartagena, usually hangs out in El Centro. Loves to dance and party. Trying to find out if she is a Pre-Pago (working girl) or Normal girl, any feedback appreciated thank you.Oh Shit you started over again! :-(

You asked the same a few times already 6 months ago in July! Now you start again. Is this a joke or what?
Name her as you wish, but "cute" is sincerely inappropriate. I cannot find better words to reply than quoting another member who replied your same question in July:
"I've seen enough pictures of her. No disrespect but I doubt she's playing too many if she is at all. One mans trash is anothers treasure though."

12-24-12, 21:38
Pre-Pago or Normal girl? Anyone seen this 24 yrs old, young, cute, Rosa Maria Perez from Cartagena, usually hangs out in El Centro. Loves to dance and party. Trying to find out if she is a Pre-Pago (working girl) or Normal girl, any feedback appreciated thank you.Hey bro, I know how frustrating it is trying to figure a lady out, specially if it is a girl you like or love, I know someone that works in one of those bars close to Tu candela, he can help you track her down or investigate on her, lets hope she is not selling booty, Merry Christmas to everyone on this board and website.

12-24-12, 23:26

Good point, but let me point out that the standard regulated price from the airport to Bocagrande or Centro (the one printed on the voucher at the taxi boot) is 17k. Therefore, if a driver asks 15k from Centro / Bocagrande to la Jaiva, which is right after the airport, it does not sound too much to me. Anyway, it really sounds bad taste to me negotiating with the driver for 2k less, when he knows you are going to give AT LEAST 100k to the girl, and you spent maybe the same on drinks in the past 2 hours.I'm going to have to disagree somewhat, or to an extent.

The "standard or regulated" taxi fare from the Airport to Bocagrande is not comparable to say the Crespo to Bocagrande taxi fare. Why not? Because the "standard / regulated" fare from / to the airport includes an airport surcharge, so to speak.

For example, here are some 2012 published fares for Cartagena:

Airport to Bocagrande (or anywhere in Zone 5, which includes Laguito) is 16 mil pesos.

Bocagrande to Crespo / Marbella / Canapote / Daniel Lemaitre is 8 mil pesos.

Centro to Canapote / Crespo / Marbella is 5 mil pesos.

Centro to Danile Lemaitre is 5600 pesos.

Airport to Centro is 8500 pesos.

Now, is it standard / typical to pay an additional charge for night time and then even a little more for the "wee hours of 3 to 5 am.? Yes. As an example, I typically pay 5 mil for Laguito to Centro during the day, but 6 mil later at night. At 5 am coming out of Electra, the taxis (vultures) waiting right there like to even ask for 7 or 8 mil to take you back to Laguito. You decide if you want to pay that extra 1 to 2 mil pesos "Electra back home" wee hours upcharge.

The first time I went to Las Dunas back in July of this year, I used the taxi fares listed in World Travel69's post on the Cartagena List thread as my guide. The 10 mil I paid that time was a little too much. Why? Because I relied on the Cartagena List post that suggested 10 mil from 2007, I was intoxicated and I used one of those taxi drivers waiting outside of Electra (they like to upcharge tourists). The 15 mil I paid for the trip back from Las Dunas to Laguito wasn't too off because we did have to drop the chica off in some barrio around el centro and he stopped and waited for me at Olympica in Bocagrande before finally dropping me off at the apartment in Laguito (they like to look at it as 3 separate trips: 5 mil from Las Dunas to Centro; 5 mil from Centro to Bocagrande; 5 mil from Bocagrande to Laguito).

Subsequent to the July 2012 visit to Las Dunas that I posted about in the Cartagena Lists thread, I have been an additional 3 times from Centro to Las Dunas and Las Dunas to Laguito. I've also been 1 time from Bocagrande to Las Dunas. Each time from Centro to Las Dunas was between the hours of 4 am and 5:30 am. On those 3 post-July occasions I paid 8 mil, which is in essence a 3 mil premium over the published standard daytime fare. On the way back to Laguito, I paid 12 or 13 mil each time, which included dropping the chica off on the way.

On the Bocagrande to Las Dunas trip, it was during the afternoon and I paid the standard 8 mil fare, as well as an 8 mil fare back to Bocagrande (no separate stop for the 2 chicas, as they came back to Bocagrande as well).

My feeling on the matter? The 2012 standard daytime published fare from Centro to Canapote / Crespo / Marbella is 5 mil pesos. During the day time, that's what a feller should pay. At 4:30 am the morning, intoxicated, and coming out of Electra into the hands of one of the taxis (vultures) waiting right there, well a 3 mil premium for a total of 8 mil is sufficient (more than) given the time of day and convenience of not having to walk out the main street, etc. Coming back to Bocagrande or Laguito at around 7 or 8 am.? 8 mil unless the taxi has to make a trip / stop to drop off the chica at her place around centro, then 12 or 13 mil.

Each year the Mayor de Cartagena's office publishes the taxi fares. Here's a link to 2012 published fares for Cartagena:


My 2 cents on taxi fare is to use the annual published fares as your guide. Then a guy can pay a little more for late night / wee hours and if he likes, even another mil or two for the convenience of having a vulture waiting right there at 4:30 am to whisk him away before the Vitamin V kicks into full effect, LOL. Adjust for having the driver drop off the chica on the way back, making a pit stop for you, etc.

Black Page
12-25-12, 00:43
I'm going to have to disagree somewhat, or to an extent.Chapeau!

Your post should be linked in the RoD section.

12-25-12, 05:44

Your post should be linked in the RoD section.Damn Black Page, this is your 666 posts. Somethings kind of "Devilish". LMAO. (kidding!) I've Rtff then more Rtff, I've yet to find How close is the Mirador del Laquito hotel from all the action? Ie Elecktras and LDVs? My boy Hillybilly69 says its cool, but How much per night? Chica friendly? And It will be 3 of us, so we would like an apt with 3 separate bedrooms, hopefully with queen size beds to fit out fat asses. Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated. We are also considering the Lee hotel, but we hear its noisy due to a disco being next door, my question is If we request rooms on the higher floors, would that cancell out the noisy disco, or does it not matter?

Black Page
12-25-12, 12:14
I am sorry to break my 666 in this way, but I have to reply.

If you take te CTG map (see CTG List) you'll have lots of answers to your questions.

Take a map: locate Laguito / Bocagrande and Centro. They are 5 mins apart by taxi (5k or 6k). LDV is in Bocagrande. Elektra and other bars are in Centro. I don't tell you where is "Mirador del Laguito" because I don't know it (but I have a guess).

12-25-12, 12:34
Hold off on your reservations till feb or March you are still too early for a April trip. Mirador Del Laguito is 5 minute walk from the LDV and 10 minute walk to Playa Hollywood. You need to rent from Juan or Mery just because if something happens from an illness, credit card ate at an atm they would be there to help you. Elektra is 10 minutes by taxi and 6k pesos at night, it is about 3 miles.

Mirador Del Laguito has limited chica polices { one chica per person} so I would hold off till I get back from next trip and ask around for a better pad.

Mirador 1002, 903 are 2 bedrooms, but if the is only 3 of you 903 has a lockout which is 904 and all have big beds so you would all be in the same apartment.


Check the map all the places are on there, scroll down the left column.


12-25-12, 21:35
Hold off on your reservations till feb or March you are still too early for a April trip. Mirador Del Laguito is 5 minute walk from the LDV and 10 minute walk to Playa Hollywood. You need to rent from Juan or Mery just because if something happens from an illness, credit card ate at an atm they would be there to help you. Elektra is 10 minutes by taxi and 6k pesos at night, it is about 3 miles.

Mirador Del Laguito has limited chica polices { one chica per person} so I would hold off till I get back from next trip and ask around for a better pad.

Mirador 1002, 903 are 2 bedrooms, but if the is only 3 of you 903 has a lockout which is 904 and all have big beds so you would all be in the same apartment.


Check the map all the places are on there, scroll down the left column.

https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?vps=3&jsv=329b&hl=en&ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&msa=0&msid=202115846141467908565.0004a0706d2b411420a83Okay, Hillybilly ill Hold my horses"untill I hear from ya. We are excited about our upcoming trip to Colombia, Also shout out to Black page for the rapid response We appreciate the words of wisdom. Peace Deepmmpactt All Day Every Day.

12-25-12, 23:05
Hello there, I am a translator and guide in Cartagena. I also rent apartments in the laguito zone, I provide tours.

You can contact me using the private message system I Also provide introductions to GIRLS. I ALSO Provide transportation services. Taxi or minivan.

12-26-12, 06:57
I don't think this was brought up. But taxis have no meters. ALWAYS ask how much it is before you get in the taxi. They will always try to rip off the gringo and ask for 15k to go to Elektra. Know the rates and tell them so if they try to rip you off.

Member #1088
12-26-12, 13:59
Pre-Pago or Normal girl? Anyone seen this 24 yrs old, young, cute, Rosa Maria Perez from Cartagena, usually hangs out in El Centro. Loves to dance and party. Trying to find out if she is a Pre-Pago (working girl) or Normal girl, any feedback appreciated thank you.The pic with the statues is from Guayaquil, so maybe she is pre-pago but she likes to travel?

Mojo Bandit
12-27-12, 01:13
Okay, Hillybilly ill Hold my horses"untill I hear from ya. We are excited about our upcoming trip to Colombia, Also shout out to Black page for the rapid response We appreciate the words of wisdom. Peace Deepmmpactt All Day Every Day.Rule Number One: In all things Colombian (or Colombiana) LISTEN TO HILLBILY

Member #4244
12-28-12, 05:06
Has anyone been to Bar Los Angeles in El Bosque recently? Is Carolina (TINY spinner from Medellin area) back there now? Any info would be appreciated, thanksNevermind, got my answer, I saw her, she was not in ctg.

01-01-13, 22:03
Okay, Hillybilly ill Hold my horses"untill I hear from ya. We are excited about our upcoming trip to Colombia, Also shout out to Black page for the rapid response We appreciate the words of wisdom. Peace Deepmmpactt All Day Every Day.This is the Apartment I have in mind for you if there is only 3 of you, directly across from the LDV 150 per night so 50 each, I need to check it out for you first. He rents motorcycles too. The 7th floor apartment.


01-03-13, 22:26
This is the Apartment I have in mind for you if there is only 3 of you, directly across from the LDV 150 per night so 50 each, I need to check it out for you first. He rents motorcycles too. The 7th floor apartment.

http://www.thelocogringo.com/index/select-apartmentWe are doing our research on them apartment link, they look GREAT. We love the idea of being directly across the street from Ldv, that is a huge bonus. I guess that monger was right, you ARE the Guru of Colombia. I've looked at the mapIs club ELECTRAS, its in Bocagrande. ; or did I read that wrong. Once again shoutout to all you Colombia veteran mongers, I look forward to going there. Special shoutout and thanks to Hillbilly69

01-05-13, 18:48
Deep, think I saw in another thread where there are 3 of you and that you'd like 3 queens or larger. Not sure of your budget, but I can vouch for the Playa Mar Penthouse (Juan Ventura manages) as to meeting that request. And more. I predominantly travel solo, but the one time I did bring two buddies in tow we stayed at the Playa Mar Penthouse. It has 3 bedrooms, each with an extra large king bed and in room full bathroom with shower. Plus you get the outdoor jacuzzi (has heater, unlike Mirador penthouse) on the large rooftop type balcony; air con that works really well; having Leonis the daily maid / cook cleaning-up, making breakfast, keeping fresh, sliced fruit out, etc; the benefits of a building with very favorable chica policy (read multiple chicas for each guy no problem) ; in Laguito (5 min walk to LDV and a couple minutes more to Playa Hollywood) ; on the beach side of the street, etc, etc.

If you and your buddies like a little more space and each guy likes having a King bed and his own full bathroom, if it fits the budget, then Playa Penthouse can certainly meet the needs and has a few unique pluses.


You Can
01-07-13, 01:27
I agree 100percent Hiltopper! If the budget works, Playa mar penthouse is killer, I have stayed there many times. Only room I don't like in the penthouse is the bedroom up the spiral staircase. I prefer one of the bedrooms on the 1st floor. Actually I always take the 1st room on left because it has a huge bathtub in the unit. But the whole place is killr. It also has a tv monitor that you can view the lobby on which is nice if you have chicas wanting to come up that you have talked to you can view them and when the front desk calls up you already see whats there. So if its someone you don't want to see you just say no. Defintely a great place!

Deep, think I saw in another thread where there are 3 of you and that you'd like 3 queens or larger. Not sure of your budget, but I can vouch for the Playa Mar Penthouse (Juan Ventura manages) as to meeting that request. And more. I predominantly travel solo, but the one time I did bring two buddies in tow we stayed at the Playa Mar Penthouse. It has 3 bedrooms, each with an extra large king bed and in room full bathroom with shower. Plus you get the outdoor jacuzzi (has heater, unlike Mirador penthouse) on the large rooftop type balcony; air con that works really well; having Leonis the daily maid / cook cleaning-up, making breakfast, keeping fresh, sliced fruit out, etc; the benefits of a building with very favorable chica policy (read multiple chicas for each guy no problem) ; in Laguito (5 min walk to LDV and a couple minutes more to Playa Hollywood) ; on the beach side of the street, etc, etc.

If you and your buddies like a little more space and each guy likes having a King bed and his own full bathroom, if it fits the budget, then Playa Penthouse can certainly meet the needs and has a few unique pluses.


01-07-13, 19:57
Heading to CTG end of January need 5 Bedroom house or several Apartments that will equal 5 Bedrooms 2 (2) Bedrooms and a studio etc.

01-07-13, 19:58
I about to book 5 rooms at Hilton in CTG but want to make sure its overnight guest friendly?

You Can
01-08-13, 11:37
I woould say no it is not guest friendly and I recommend you look for a few apartments. Its cheaper and better.

I about to book 5 rooms at Hilton in CTG but want to make sure its overnight guest friendly?

01-08-13, 21:16
I woould say no it is not guest friendly and I recommend you look for a few apartments. Its cheaper and better.No doubt! Can you imagine five foreign mongers bringing back 5 working girl all at the same time going over well at the Hilton? Discretion in Colombia is your friend. If a big party or an argument ensues, do you really want to have hotel staff and all the guests (families, upper-crust domestic travelers, etc.) on your floor alerted?

For less money than 5 hotel rooms (unless you just have that many points) , you could rent the aforementioned Playa Mar Penthouse and a 2 bedroom / 2 bath apartment in the same building. You'd have the Penthouse as your "party central / headquarters" location with Leonis cooking breakfast or lunch (or both) for all of you after a hard night of grinding! Any of the 5 smoke? No problem. Any of the 5 swingin' a big dick that makes the chicas scream to the top of their lungs? No problem. The advantages go on and on.

Member #4244
01-08-13, 22:18
I about to book 5 rooms at Hilton in CTG but want to make sure its overnight guest friendly?Terrible idea. You will pay FOUR times the cost of a decent apartment and three times the cost of a nice one. The hotel is NOT chica friendly. This is an international chain and the most prominent hotel in Cartagena? What would even give you this idea?

I stayed there with my girlfriend once, it was a special that was around $110 for the night, generally it's closer 300K COP if not 400K on a busy time. That's a lot of money just to be hassled by the reception when you want to bring a guest up and to have them ***** at you if you are partying.

Aim for more privacy and better value.

You Can
01-09-13, 01:12
I was trying to put it gingerely with this statement. I cannot imagine ever staying at the Hilton in CTG and trying to bring working girls back there! I have walked thru the hotel many times just out of the need to take a walk, both inside and outside where there beach area is and it would be a big mistake to stay there. I actually thought the guy was kididng because he had a couple post about what kind of place he wanted to stay at? So I really didn't take Dannyboy seriously! Just the price alone would be rediculous, not to mention the problem trying to bring some girls in mini skirts and heels with their tits bulging out of there tops into the place. LOL.

I woould say no it is not guest friendly and I recommend you look for a few apartments. Its cheaper and better.

01-09-13, 09:37
Heading to CTG end of January need 5 Bedroom house or several Apartments that will equal 5 Bedrooms 2 (2) Bedrooms and a studio etc.Check out Juan Ventura's apartments. He has a couple of 4 Bedrooms and an 11 BR house.

Member #4427
01-11-13, 09:47
i coming down in feb, bringing a chica from medellin. i kind of regret asking her now, but i like her and we get along, unfortunately she is not into girls, however i am not going to back out now. i can always go back to do some serious mongering. i just have a couple of questions, i am looking for more of dating experience than mongering.

1) are there any zip lines around the area, i do not want to drive / taxi to far out of town.

2) in the past post someone mentioned a german restaurant, but could not remember the name, does anyone know what it is.

3) are there any regular type of night clubs?

4) what can i expect to pay for jet ski rental.

5) are there any night time diner cruises.

6) is there any type of amusement parks.

also any recommendations for a regular type of date kind of activities (non-mongering).

thanks for the info.


01-11-13, 16:40
i coming down in feb, bringing a chica from medellin. i kind of regret asking her now, but i like her and we get along, unfortunately she is not into girls, however i am not going to back out now. i can always go back to do some serious mongering. i just have a couple of questions, i am looking for more of dating experience. . . . . .
also any recommendations for a regular type of date kind of activities (non-mongering).

thanks for the info.

speedstick.if you will be in medellin first to pick her up, your best bet is to ask a travel agency.

01-11-13, 17:27
i coming down in feb, bringing a chica from medellin. i kind of regret asking her now, but i like her and we get along, unfortunately she is not into girls, however i am not going to back out now. i can always go back to do some serious mongering. i just have a couple of questions, i am looking for more of dating experience than mongering.

1) are there any zip lines around the area, i do not want to drive / taxi to far out of town.

2) in the past post someone mentioned a german restaurant, but could not remember the name, does anyone know what it is.

3) are there any regular type of night clubs?

4) what can i expect to pay for jet ski rental.

5) are there any night time diner cruises.

6) is there any type of amusement parks.

also any recommendations for a regular type of date kind of activities (non-mongering).

thanks for the info.

speedstick.if you can read and understand spanish just google it. i'm sure there will be plenty of people trying to lure you into their businesses for tourist stuff.

01-11-13, 23:33
i coming down in feb, bringing a chica from medellin. i kind of regret asking her now, but i like her and we get along, unfortunately she is not into girls, however i am not going to back out now. i can always go back to do some serious mongering. i just have a couple of questions, i am looking for more of dating experience than mongering.

1) are there any zip lines around the area, i do not want to drive / taxi to far out of town.

2) in the past post someone mentioned a german restaurant, but could not remember the name, does anyone know what it is.

3) are there any regular type of night clubs?

4) what can i expect to pay for jet ski rental.

5) are there any night time diner cruises.

6) is there any type of amusement parks.

also any recommendations for a regular type of date kind of activities (non-mongering).

thanks for the info.

speedstick.i am going to cartagena in february and i also asked a girl from medellin to stay with me for a few days. she will probably take the bus. i will arrive on feb 13 and he birthday is that.


as far as your question. i have heard there is jet skis now, but iam sure like everything else the price is negotiable. a good rule is offer 1/2 of what they want sometimes less. if they are not busy they will evenually accept your offer.

something that your girl will love is a boat trip to the rosairo island and then to the beach. this is done on the same trip. the rosario island has a dolphin show and other sea life is

small but interesting. on the dock of rosario islnad the is vendors that sell lobster. when i was there about a year and a half ago it cost 5000 pesos for half a lobster and was very

good. is a good idea to buy some lobster and take with you to the beach because on the beach they serve lunch a fish with it head still on is ok but the lobster is much better.

this beach is much better than the beach at cartagena sand is nicer and water is alot clearer. one other thing there are verious types of boats. the fastes is probably the long small speed boats but can get very bumpy and is hard on the back, a bigger boat is slower but you do not get you spine jolted every time you hit a big wave.

your question about regular night clubs. yes there are regular night clubs. some are mentioned in other posts, and it is possible to pick up girls at the night clubs.

another nice place to go is on the wall of the old city. there is a bar that i think now serves food. and has a great view but is very expensive,

a good place to eat is inside the old city there is a court yard with restaurants all around and at time there is entertainment.

i don't know of any amusement parks but there is a zoo in barraquilla which is about a hour to hout and a half by car.

01-12-13, 00:21
I am a professional canadian going to Cartagena Colombia for vacation and looking for a nice latin women that is fun and can speak english. I live in Canada and do not speak much spanish, I would love to know more about Cartagena women and getting around the city.

01-12-13, 01:23
1) zip lines. i have no idea what this means.

2) german restuarant. i don't remember its name either, but it's in getsemani very close to the cafe de arsenal i believe. cafe de arsenal is another outdoor restaurant v similar to cafe del mar.

3) regular nightclubs. there are lots. fragma, babar, mr babilla, tu candela. they all have at least some ho's, but i'd still call them 'regular' nightclubs.

i coming down in feb, bringing a chica from medellin. i kind of regret asking her now, but i like her and we get along, unfortunately she is not into girls, however i am not going to back out now. i can always go back to do some serious mongering. i just have a couple of questions, i am looking for more of dating experience than mongering.

1) are there any zip lines around the area, i do not want to drive / taxi to far out of town.

2) in the past post someone mentioned a german restaurant, but could not remember the name, does anyone know what it is.

3) are there any regular type of night clubs?

4) what can i expect to pay for jet ski rental.

5) are there any night time diner cruises.

6) is there any type of amusement parks.

also any recommendations for a regular type of date kind of activities (non-mongering).

thanks for the info.


01-12-13, 02:17
hi speed email fabio the translator he will help you with all you need for a small fee, also if you need to replace your girl from medellin fabio will take care of that.

01-12-13, 04:50
i coming down in feb, bringing a chica from medellin. i kind of regret asking her now, but i like her and we get along, unfortunately she is not into girls, however i am not going to back out now. i can always go back to do some serious mongering. i just have a couple of questions, i am looking for more of dating experience than mongering.

1) are there any zip lines around the area, i do not want to drive / taxi to far out of town.

2) in the past post someone mentioned a german restaurant, but could not remember the name, does anyone know what it is.

3) are there any regular type of night clubs?

4) what can i expect to pay for jet ski rental.

5) are there any night time diner cruises.

6) is there any type of amusement parks.

also any recommendations for a regular type of date kind of activities (non-mongering).

thanks for the info.

speedstick.a couple of touristy stuff. take her to playa blanca or isla de rosario beach. there is also an aquarium at isla de rosario. at night there are these party buses. you can't miss someone trying to sell you these tours by just walking around. cafe del mar has a beautiful view. can't miss that.

01-12-13, 12:31
There is a New Parasail boat now in Cartagena, Jet skis depending on what your girlfriend looks like is 20k pesos ( 20 min) to Centro and back from Playa Hollywood when they aren't too busy.

Playa Blanca, De Punta de Arena beach, the Mud Volcano (45 minutes) , take the double decker bus for around the city tourist stuff, take the chiva bus at night to do a bar hopping tour.

Casa de Cerbasa has stunning views at night for a drink, Cafe del Mar. Santo Domingo Plaza for people watching. There is Carnival games in Caribe Plaza.

01-12-13, 17:18
I am going to Cartagena in February and I also asked a girl from Medellin to stay with me for a few days. She will probably take the bus. I will arrive on feb 13 and he birthday is that.Do yourself a favor and spend the $100. Or less to fly her there, the bus ride is 14-17 hours and she will be too tired to put out for at least the first day, money well spent.

01-12-13, 18:37
Do yourself a favor and spend the $100. Or less to fly her there, the bus ride is 14-17 hours and she will be too tired to put out for at least the first day, money well spent.Who do you typically fly with for this $100 route?

01-12-13, 20:00
Who do you typically fly with for this $100 route?VivaColombia, the Spirit Airlines of Colombia. If you really wanted to save money you could fly her in for around $50. Then send her home on the bus. If I was flying the route I would spend $175. and fly Avianca.

Member #4427
01-12-13, 20:58
Thanks everyone for the info will provide a report for those who would be interested in a tourist type post.

You Can
01-12-13, 23:31
the german restaurant is leon de bavaria its about 3 doors from mr babillas night club in getsamani.

thanks everyone for the info will provide a report for those who would be interested in a tourist type post.

01-12-13, 23:58
VivaColombia, the Spirit Airlines of Colombia. If you really wanted to save money you could fly her in for around $50. Then send her home on the bus. If I was flying the route I would spend $175. and fly Avianca.Thanks.

You are right Avianca has a good price going from Medellin to Cartagena price right now is about 120, 000 pesos which is about 70 dollars round trip

01-13-13, 00:00
There is a New Parasail boat now in Cartagena, Jet skis depending on what your girlfriend looks like is 20k pesos (20 min) to Centro and back from Playa Hollywood when they aren't too busy.

Playa Blanca, De Punta de Arena beach, the Mud Volcano (45 minutes) , take the double decker bus for around the city tourist stuff, take the chiva bus at night to do a bar hopping tour.

Casa de Cerbasa has stunning views at night for a drink, Cafe del Mar. Santo Domingo Plaza for people watching. There is Carnival games in Caribe Plaza.Are you saying the better your girl looks the better price you can get for jetski's.

01-13-13, 12:03
are you saying the better your girl looks the better price you can get for jetski's.you ever see that seinfeld episode where that beautiful chic was like a monster who got everything she wanted with hardly any effort, got him off speeding tickets, bunch of other shit, yadda yadda?

the jet ski's are rented by guys, hot chics get a better price.

01-13-13, 12:08
thanks everyone for the info will provide a report for those who would be interested in a tourist type post.it wouldn't hurt you to buy a snorkel, mask and fins for your suitcase, you will be around water alot, i am bringing a furbaspin telescopic fishing pole and saltwater reel next trip, them fish out there were disrespecting me at intrege tropical last trip splashing me with water and shit, dem bastards are going to end up as someones lunch!

01-13-13, 19:53

You are right Avianca has a good price going from Medellin to Cartagena price right now is about 120, 000 pesos which is about 70 dollars round tripYou mean Viva?

Black Friday. I got a 80k RT deal from Bogota to Medellin. Including expedited line upgrade and additional bag. That was a steal!

Sam 14
01-14-13, 07:18
Ya, good idea. Even short trips can be a nightmare. Once I was going from Santa Marta to Cartagena and got stopped for half a day.

Do yourself a favor and spend the $100. Or less to fly her there, the bus ride is 14-17 hours and she will be too tired to put out for at least the first day, money well spent.

01-14-13, 21:17
Deep, think I saw in another thread where there are 3 of you and that you'd like 3 queens or larger. Not sure of your budget, but I can vouch for the Playa Mar Penthouse (Juan Ventura manages) as to meeting that request. And more. I predominantly travel solo, but the one time I did bring two buddies in tow we stayed at the Playa Mar Penthouse. It has 3 bedrooms, each with an extra large king bed and in room full bathroom with shower. Plus you get the outdoor jacuzzi (has heater, unlike Mirador penthouse) on the large rooftop type balcony; air con that works really well; having Leonis the daily maid / cook cleaning-up, making breakfast, keeping fresh, sliced fruit out, etc; the benefits of a building with very favorable chica policy (read multiple chicas for each guy no problem) ; in Laguito (5 min walk to LDV and a couple minutes more to Playa Hollywood) ; on the beach side of the street, etc, etc.

If you and your buddies like a little more space and each guy likes having a King bed and his own full bathroom, if it fits the budget, then Playa Penthouse can certainly meet the needs and has a few unique pluses.

http://www.penthouse.co/penttour/Wow, you veteran mongers really are generous with the great advice! Thanks Hilltopper and Hillbilly69, Damn who's the next person to give Old DeepMmpactt some great Cartagena advice?"Over the hill" (totally joking!) I will look into those "penthouses" also thankyou Ncl pimp. Yeah we are 3 big guys, so we need BIG BEDS. Hillbilly69 knows I am a ". Weirdo" those Colombia women better have "pretty toes."or I'm scratching Colombia off my lists. LOL! (Weird Foot Fetish) , but like I told my buddy Hillbilly69, If them (Columbian. Women) are gorgeous and have pretty toes, I am going to."Smash like the HULK! LMAO!"The Chocolate Jackhammer wrecks Cartagena"

01-15-13, 02:00
you ever see that seinfeld episode where that beautiful chic was like a monster who got everything she wanted with hardly any effort, got him off speeding tickets, bunch of other shit, yadda yadda?

the jet ski's are rented by guys, hot chics get a better price.dude, i love your posts.

Mojo Bandit
01-20-13, 14:50
Dude, I love your posts.I tried what Hillbilly said but I made the mistake of approaching the jet ski guys with the hot chic, so I am sure he knew I was paying so send her ahead and catch up with her after she has a price.

Mojo Bandit
01-20-13, 15:00
There is a New Parasail boat now in Cartagena, Jet skis depending on what your girlfriend looks like is 20k pesos (20 min) to Centro and back from Playa Hollywood when they aren't too busy.

Playa Blanca, De Punta de Arena beach, the Mud Volcano (45 minutes) , take the double decker bus for around the city tourist stuff, take the chiva bus at night to do a bar hopping tour.

Casa de Cerbasa has stunning views at night for a drink, Cafe del Mar. Santo Domingo Plaza for people watching. There is Carnival games in Caribe Plaza.I think I must have went to the wrong place, the guy I wanted to rent from was on the beach right where you enter the beach on that street that leads to the street that LDV is on, In El Laguito (next to the restaurant where they bring you sheet pan full of freshly dead fish and say "this is the menu"). That guy wanted like 100 dollars for an hour. Play hollywood is around the corner from there closer to Boca Grande? Is this right? So this is a different place?

01-20-13, 18:55
I tried what Hillbilly said but I made the mistake of approaching the jet ski guys with the hot chic, so I am sure he knew I was paying so send her ahead and catch up with her after she has a price.I don't explain things good, I am usually in the beach chair and rarely go out myself, guarding my belongings but jet ski prices vary like girl prices and such. But I am the person paying for them serveral times per day and I only give her 20k pesos each time to leave from Playa Hollywood to Centro and back. Playa Hollywood is in front Hotel Dann. I think gringo price is easily double.

Here is a Jet ski route map and location, Mojo if you are riding as well have your Girl offer him 25k pesos.


01-21-13, 12:43
I tried what Hillbilly said but I made the mistake of approaching the jet ski guys with the hot chic, so I am sure he knew I was paying so send her ahead and catch up with her after she has a price.Ask for a guy named Pepe.

Travel Doc10
01-21-13, 23:08
I was in CTG in November for the 5th time and thought I should finally write a little. I find that the trips just keep getting better, when you think, okay I've seen this town enough. Then on the next it exceeds your expectations. I know people on the board here have there preferences for one city over another. But I just love the beach (scene, not the very average sand / water) , after several times you will know alot of the characters. Each time I think you are better able to size people / girls up and I have to say this time I didn't have one bad session / experience I had the pleasure of meeting a very nice 20 yr old university student (I know, they all say that, but saw her I'd) and also got to see an old friend. These 2 were seen each day on a revolving basis during the days, and then mixing up others at nite. I met the most beautiful girl I had ever had there on the 1st nite in the plaza iin front of tu candela. 20 yr old, sitting w / her friends. I was afraid she might be to naive / dead fish due to her complete lack of english and my limited spanish, but she became immediatly agrresive / GFE once we were in the cab and went back to apt for tln. Unfortatley, I never got back w / her due to my failure to call on a timely basis. And other alternatives. I finally made it to the club that opens at 3 am, forget the name, quite a scene to watch it fill up, become crazy for like 90minutes. I had spent the end of a very long nite there getting picked up by 19 yo from Cali. Who I would then call at about 3am each nite and she would show up in 20-30 min at my apt. The trip had its share of drama, girls showing up at the apt when I was occupied. But always eventually resolved. Highlight being my old friend (23 yo) bringing her friend to the beach, having lunch and drinks, then the 3 of us heading to the apt for a late afternoon fiesta. Much more, but you get the picture. Can't wait till I back in 3 weeks.



You Can
01-22-13, 12:44
Nice condensed report. I agree with you, everytime I say I am going to go somewhere else I end up back in Cartagena and always have a good time. I will be there Feb 18 to 25 and am very much looking forward to that week, especially with the temps here in the 20's as of right now.

I was in CTG in November for the 5th time and thought I should finally write a little. I find that the trips just keep getting better, when you think, okay I've seen this town enough. Then on the next it exceeds your expectations. I know people on the board here have there preferences for one city over another. But I just love the beach (scene, not the very average sand / water) , after several times you will know alot of the characters. Each time I think you are better able to size people / girls up and I have to say this time I didn't have one bad session / experience I had the pleasure of meeting a very nice 20 yr old university student (I know, they all say that, but saw her I'd) and also got to see an old friend. These 2 were seen each day on a revolving basis during the days, and then mixing up others at nite. I met the most beautiful girl I had ever had there on the 1st nite in the plaza iin front of tu candela. 20 yr old, sitting w / her friends. I was afraid she might be to naive / dead fish due to her complete lack of english and my limited spanish, but she became immediatly agrresive / GFE once we were in the cab and went back to apt for tln. Unfortatley, I never got back w / her due to my failure to call on a timely basis. And other alternatives. I finally made it to the club that opens at 3 am, forget the name, quite a scene to watch it fill up, become crazy for like 90minutes. I had spent the end of a very long nite there getting picked up by 19 yo from Cali. Who I would then call at about 3am each nite and she would show up in 20-30 min at my apt. The trip had its share of drama, girls showing up at the apt when I was occupied. But always eventually resolved. Highlight being my old friend (23 yo) bringing her friend to the beach, having lunch and drinks, then the 3 of us heading to the apt for a late afternoon fiesta. Much more, but you get the picture. Can't wait till I back in 3 weeks.



Sean EZ
01-23-13, 23:06
Is anything going on in CTG the first / second week in Feb? Flights almost sold out and upwards of 700 from Miami. 1K from NYC. There is a festival in Barranquilla around same dates but I can hardly see flights from the US sell out due to this. Or did I miss anything?

You Can
01-24-13, 11:31
I am not sure of anything going on, but I just checked Spirit air out of Ft. Lauderdale and it was round trip Feb 4 to 10 for 473. 00 round trip not including bag fees which if you are a member is no more than 40. Round trip. I bought my flights out of Atantic City to Cartagena for 404. 00 round trip, (feb 18 to 25) so it is on pricey side for florida to Cartagena, but still a lot less than 700 to 1000. 00 In the last 6 months I notice a lot more gringos in Cartagena. When I first started going down there you rarely saw an American which I liked now there is a lot more. With Jet blue starting service, there probably will be more Americans traveling here. Though for some it may be more pricey than they are use to as it certainley isn't as cheap as many of the other islands.

Is anything going on in CTG the first / second week in Feb? Flights almost sold out and upwards of 700 from Miami. 1K from NYC. There is a festival in Barranquilla around same dates but I can hardly see flights from the US sell out due to this. Or did I miss anything?

Sean EZ
01-25-13, 22:01
Maybe if you've got flexibility in dates I need those exact dates and out of Miami only one direct flight comes up on Kayak is this one. I am not paying this much out of principle.


Avianca Aerovias.

MIA 1:30p CTG 4:16p 2h 46m nonstop.
CTG 9:30a MIA 12:15p 2h 45m nonstop.

And Spirit is 817 for same dates.

I can't remember first time I went to CTG it was maybe 2002 or 2004 and there were very few gringos back then. Idk if this good or not that there are more of them now, maybe more gringos mean more selection of available girls, supply = demand kind of thing. I hope Colombia does not turn Brazil prices in the near future.

01-26-13, 04:10
Maybe if you've got flexibility in dates I need those exact dates and out of Miami only one direct flight comes up on Kayak is this one. I am not paying this much out of principle.


Avianca Aerovias.

MIA 1:30p CTG 4:16p 2h 46m nonstop.

CTG 9:30a MIA 12:15p 2h 45m nonstop.

And Spirit is 817 for same dates.

I can't remember first time I went to CTG it was maybe 2002 or 2004 and there were very few gringos back then. Idk if this good or not that there are more of them now, maybe more gringos mean more selection of available girls, supply = demand kind of thing. I hope Colombia does not turn Brazil prices in the near future.I bought my ticket 2 months ago and paid 366 from chicago to Cartagena on feb 13.

I just bought a girls ticket from from Medellin to cartaegna for less than 100.

Try flying to Cartagena via another city.

Check sprit to Medellin and then aviance from Medellin to Cartagena.

Or try going through Bogota.

Think you can find something for under 500 traveling from fort lauderdale.

One other thing I found two avianca web sites one in english with american dollars and one with colombian pesos.

Make sure you use the avianca with pesos it us about half the price

01-26-13, 14:30
I've been getiing plenty of info from this site, felt I needed to post. My 1st night here was much better than my past

Trip here which was the week after semana santa. This time LDV had plenty of talent. Most of the time at these venues, I might.

Like a few of the girls. After the interview maybe just one. This time was much different. As the girls started to arrive,

I must have had at least 4-5 options. I am loving this trip so far. Sessioned with a blond spinner from Pereira. Best ass in

The place, Paulina. Killer time was had. Thee hottest chica I saw was leaving as I arrived at LDV. Smokin. I'm going to get some

Of that if she is still in CTG this trip. She could easily be a playboy model. I think I would have pulled that chic the moment I set eyes on her.

On a side note, my COPA flight stopped at PTY. I had a 12hr layover. I got out of that airport so fast and made my way to

The Veneto. The place was loaded with chicas at about 10pm. This was last Thursday night. There was only 2 stand outs. Took up.

A spinner from MDE. Was'nt great, but took the edge off. When I made my way back down to the bar, the talent was not much

Better. I'm glad I pulled the trigger. Later I Walked down to Habano's. Talent was good. Did'nt pull anyone. I finally made my

Way to Golden Times. The line up was average. I asked for a 2nd look and interview for #2 Natalie. She was way to boared.

Decided to hold off and save it for CTG.

Well, today going to get some beach action, yesterday alot of families at the beach. Hard to determine who's who. I'll try and

Post thoughout this trip


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01-26-13, 19:42
I am not sure of anything going on, but I just checked Spirit air out of Ft. Lauderdale and it was round trip Feb 4 to 10 for 473. 00 round trip not including bag fees which if you are a member is no more than 40. Round trip. I bought my flights out of Atantic City to Cartagena for 404. 00 round trip, (feb 18 to 25) so it is on pricey side for florida to Cartagena, but still a lot less than 700 to 1000. 00 In the last 6 months I notice a lot more gringos in Cartagena. When I first started going down there you rarely saw an American which I liked now there is a lot more. With Jet blue starting service, there probably will be more Americans traveling here. Though for some it may be more pricey than they are use to as it certainley isn't as cheap as many of the other islands.The increase in mongering gringos can't be good for us :-D.

One of my favourite girls in MDE told me that few of the popular girls are shifting their operation to CTG. She said there are more "tourists" to CTG now and money is better. She is not sure why and I wonder if it has anything to do with the secret service scandal! They did not increase the number of cruise ships or have overnight cruise ship rest stops now in CTZ?

01-26-13, 19:53
The increase in mongering gringos can't be good for us :-D.

One of my favourite girls in MDE told me that few of the popular girls are shifting their operation to CTG. She said there are more "tourists" to CTG now and money is better. She is not sure why and I wonder if it has anything to do with the secret service scandal! They did not increase the number of cruise ships or have overnight cruise ship rest stops now in CTZ?Supply and demand with the girls, as Youcan stated Jet Blue has new flights, I saw a while back new direct flight from Europe was starting to Cartagena, the New road getting constructed from Barranquilla to Cartagena, the new expressways getting built to the coast, the new boardwalk along the beach and hotels, it should be interesting in the next few years what happens there. I ain't too worried about it. Seeing more hot chics from Barranquilla, Cali and Bogota would be terrible! LMAO

01-27-13, 00:29
Supply and demand with the girls, as Youcan stated Jet Blue has new flights, I saw a while back new direct flight from Europe was starting to Cartagena, the New road getting constructed from Barranquilla to Cartagena, the new expressways getting built to the coast, the new boardwalk along the beach and hotels, it should be interesting in the next few years what happens there. I ain't too worried about it. Seeing more hot chics from Barranquilla, Cali and Bogota would be terrible! LMAOHillbilly is right. This place is crawling with chicas. Women outnumbered men by far. The ratio was still great at LDV even after alot of women left. There is alot of chicas here this weekend. Met a girl from Cali, Estefany, during breakfast. When she came to pick up her phone order, she sat down, I gave her the eye, she smiled, it was on. Had a ST with her before she left back to Cali. She also gave me her friends number from MDE.

01-27-13, 00:58
Supply and demand with the girls, as Youcan stated Jet Blue has new flights, I saw a while back new direct flight from Europe was starting to Cartagena, the New road getting constructed from Barranquilla to Cartagena, the new expressways getting built to the coast, the new boardwalk along the beach and hotels, it should be interesting in the next few years what happens there. I ain't too worried about it. Seeing more hot chics from Barranquilla, Cali and Bogota would be terrible! LMAOAs usual, all good points. Sounds like a growth phase for all of CTG in general. Over the past few years I fell in love with MDE and I am planning on investing in real estate there. Obviously not for mongering reasons (as that would be stupid) but for climate, friendliness, culture and most importantly the future growth potential.

Sounds like I should seriously consider CTG as well.

Would love to hear if any of you have thoughts on investing in CTG.

01-27-13, 02:52
I haven't heard about the direct flights from Europe. Can you tell us more?

Supply and demand with the girls, as Youcan stated Jet Blue has new flights, I saw a while back new direct flight from Europe was starting to Cartagena, the New road getting constructed from Barranquilla to Cartagena, the new expressways getting built to the coast, the new boardwalk along the beach and hotels, it should be interesting in the next few years what happens there. I ain't too worried about it. Seeing more hot chics from Barranquilla, Cali and Bogota would be terrible! LMAO

01-27-13, 12:41
I haven't heard about the direct flights from Europe. Can you tell us more?Air Stats shows nothing, I found the article in Colombia Reports, service was supposed to start a year ago 3xs a week from Madrid, what happened? , no clue.


Air Europa will open direct flights between Spanish capital Madrid and Colombia's coastal city Cartagena de Indias, the company announced Saturday.

According to Miguel Gonzalez, Air Europa's Colombia manager, the airliner will be flying between Madrid and Cartagena three times a week beginning December 1.

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos said in Cartagena he hoped the direct flights between Spain and Colombia's northern coast will result in an increase in employment in the region.

Sean EZ
01-27-13, 16:08
I bought my ticket 2 months ago and paid 366 from chicago to Cartagena on feb 13.

Make sure you use the avianca with pesos it us about half the priceThanks, going to give the peso idea a try.

We booked direct United flight from NY to Bogota for $615. Only 4 days will probably skip Cartagena this time. Spirit Air has flights to Bogota for $339 but connection time is awful and just dealing with the bag fees not worth it.

Colombia will probably remain a good destination for awhile, but seeing how quickly Brazil got expensive for most people you just never know

01-27-13, 22:14
Just got done with a spinner I picked up at the beach. She looks almost like the porn actress "Amy Reed". I am loving this vacation. I am hearing from some people that alot of girls got to get back to school. Some schools have already begun. The rest start next week. So I my be in for some changes this coming week. If it really slows down, I'd say I have had some incredible sessions so far. The last time I was here, it was nothing like this. So I am thinking it could be a seasonal thing. Not sure.

01-29-13, 00:33
Just got done with a spinner I picked up at the beach. She looks almost like the porn actress "Amy Reed". I am loving this vacation. I am hearing from some people that alot of girls got to get back to school. Some schools have already begun. The rest start next week. So I my be in for some changes this coming week. If it really slows down, I'd say I have had some incredible sessions so far. The last time I was here, it was nothing like this. So I am thinking it could be a seasonal thing. Not sure.I might have just tapped that too! Ziggy if you need another for your lineup I got a Medellin girl with porn star moves and quite a looker if you need her number she returns yo Paisaland mynana.

The Main One
01-29-13, 03:40
I'm headed to Madrid soon and can't wait to report about it but I'm itching to go to Columbia for a vacation. Loved Sosua years ago but time to step up the vacation spots. Insert Columbia.

My question Hillbilly69 is which city Cartagena VS. Medellion. I love beaches (not a deal breaker) and everything a city has to offer. Aug / Sept timeframe?

Air Stats shows nothing, I found the article in Colombia Reports, service was supposed to start a year ago 3xs a week from Madrid, what happened? , no clue.


Air Europa will open direct flights between Spanish capital Madrid and Colombia's coastal city Cartagena de Indias, the company announced Saturday.

According to Miguel Gonzalez, Air Europa's Colombia manager, the airliner will be flying between Madrid and Cartagena three times a week beginning December 1.

Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos said in Cartagena he hoped the direct flights between Spain and Colombia's northern coast will result in an increase in employment in the region.

The Main One
01-30-13, 01:14
Oh I forgot Cali?

I'm headed to Madrid soon and can't wait to report about it but I'm itching to go to Columbia for a vacation. Loved Sosua years ago but time to step up the vacation spots. Insert Columbia.

My question Hillbilly69 is which city Cartagena VS. Medellion. I love beaches (not a deal breaker) and everything a city has to offer. Aug / Sept timeframe?

01-30-13, 10:27
Oh I forgot Cali?It is a question of personal preference. Not Cali for me. (See my reports in Cali thread) I will let HB69 answer the direct question you asked him but note that this is a current topic of discussion in the MDE thread (first page today) and probably the most frequently asked question on the CO forum. :-D

01-30-13, 11:45
Oh I forgot Cali?Flip a coin. You need to see them both, and Cali as well but Cali is more hanging out at malls picking up chics for me.

01-30-13, 13:27
It has been windy here. Jet Skis have been renting for 2k per minute or a little less. I got middled for a girl from Tony for 150k but I had to hit that! Asked him about getting 80 to 100k girls for my friends coming and he said 150k the girls get 80k, something I already knew. So I asked Fao if he could get 80 to 100k girls for them he said yes. Some beautiful chicas in town but damn has it been windy at the beach, I saw 8 foot waves breaking out at 200 yards out, I heard a annoying whistle blowing and I figured out it was a lifeguard waving people into shore.

01-30-13, 23:51
Hi Guys,

I am planning a trip to Cartagena for three weeks beginning end of April. I am not sure if I use this forum correctly, but I can't see how I can organize the post per topic, I only see the whole 50. 000 post in a row, so could not read them all. I learnt already a lot by reading the posts of hillbilly69 and checking out his map, so thanks for that already, I still have some basic questions:

1) Can someone recommend me an apartment which is good when I am planning to hit on chicas during the day / early evening? I need to get stuff done during the day so I cannot stay at LDV or ELektra until 5 am. So which strategy is best to catch beautiful girls early? I also would like to walk to the places where the chicas hang out. And the place should be economical, I don't mind if it is a little run down, don't need luxuries (except for working air con).

2) Can someone elaborate on the program chicas offer normally. I must admit that I am somewhat of an ass lover that likes to bang chicks in their booty (spend a lot of time in brazil. But from what I read this program is quite rare in Colombia, is that true?

3) Which would be the best place to pick up regular / semi pro girls?

4) Can someone recommend a good gym in the area?

I know, a lot of questions, an maybe already answered in older posts, alas, I don't find them, so would be greatly appreciated, if someone could give me some hints.



01-31-13, 04:51
It has been windy here. Jet Skis have been renting for 2k per minute or a little less. I got middled for a girl from Tony for 150k but I had to hit that! Asked him about getting 80 to 100k girls for my friends coming and he said 150k the girls get 80k, something I already knew. So I asked Fao if he could get 80 to 100k girls for them he said yes. Some beautiful chicas in town but damn has it been windy at the beach, I saw 8 foot waves breaking out at 200 yards out, I heard a annoying whistle blowing and I figured out it was a lifeguard waving people into shore.Yeah, it's been windy at the beach these days. The sand really gets into your eyes. Some of the hotter beach girls will always start at 200k. Today, a girl (Tony flagged me down for from half way down the beach) from MDE started at 200k LT, then offered 120k ST. I may have taken her offer had the Amy Reid look alike not shown up. I was too spent, with a few claw marks to boot (LOL). Some of Tony's girls are in the 60k to 80k range but not to attractive. In the end, He who cares the least, wins. Last night at LDV, the Hot chics would not budge from 200k. They all start at 300k, then down from there. I gave the girls my offer, which they declined. However, an hour or two later, with some of the ladies still there with no takers, as I made another walk though, I got some smiles from some of the girls I spoke to. I smiled back at one of them, al little small talk ensued and my offer was accepted. The session was'nt great but good. Going to try Angeles club tonight for a change.

01-31-13, 19:02
Been getting 1720 to 1740 but exchanged 500 dollars for 1780 in centro inside the wall by the clock tower this morning. Chipped a tooth and had to get a filling at Sunrisa next to Juan Valdez. Got my teeth cleaned and bleached too for 280 dollars about 460k pesos. I just walked in and went right to a chair to get worked on. Not as windy today. Beach had some 7s yesterday.

01-31-13, 19:06
Jeffcooper 504 in Mirador del laguito is 55 a night a studio apartment. One of my friends will be renting a one bedroom in Torre Centuro on 7th floor for 350 a week soon with maid service daily and it is brand new inside the apartment.

You Can
01-31-13, 20:23
Hey HB will bleaching my teeth get blood stains off of them? Had a little problem with a chica last night. Thanks for any help.

Been getting 1720 to 1740 but exchanged 500 dollars for 1780 in centro inside the wall by the clock tower this morning. Chipped a tooth and had to get a filling at Sunrisa next to Juan Valdez. Got my teeth cleaned and bleached too for 280 dollars about 460k pesos. I just walked in and went right to a chair to get worked on. Not as windy today. Beach had some 7s yesterday.

You Can
01-31-13, 20:31
There is so many girls there that you have a good chance to grab one for a decent price or they will go home with nothing. Was your session that you said wasnt great include BBBJ, kissing etc? I like a GFE type session or I would rather be alone! I usually always grab a girl for 150, 000 or 200, 000 for all night and they really put out. If its not BBBJ I tell them to leave. I can't stand a CBJ. Thanks for your reports. I will be down there on the 18 of Feb. Looking for my gang member that I like to hang out with. Its a love hate relationship!

Yeah, it's been windy at the beach these days. The sand really gets into your eyes. Some of the hotter beach girls will always start at 200k. Today, a girl (Tony flagged me down for from half way down the beach) from MDE started at 200k LT, then offered 120k ST. I may have taken her offer had the Amy Reid look alike not shown up. I was too spent, with a few claw marks to boot (LOL). Some of Tony's girls are in the 60k to 80k range but not to attractive. In the end, He who cares the least, wins. Last night at LDV, the Hot chics would not budge from 200k. They all start at 300k, then down from there. I gave the girls my offer, which they declined. However, an hour or two later, with some of the ladies still there with no takers, as I made another walk though, I got some smiles from some of the girls I spoke to. I smiled back at one of them, al little small talk ensued and my offer was accepted. The session was'nt great but good. Going to try Angeles club tonight for a change.

01-31-13, 23:56
Jeffcooper 504 in Mirador del laguito is 55 a night a studio apartment. One of my friends will be renting a one bedroom in Torre Centuro on 7th floor for 350 a week soon with maid service daily and it is brand new inside the apartment.Thanks, what would you say is the best option? Mirador or Torre Centuro? There is also http://venproreviews.com/ I learned, how is that compared to the other? Which has the best location?

Also, is it hard to find a place without booking in advance? In this case I would just book for some days and then search a room when I am there.

02-01-13, 00:19
Wind was blowing hard again today, good variety of chicas available. I turned the corner to get to Martins apartment and there was a few tens sitting there.

02-01-13, 15:10
Thanks, what would you say is the best option? Mirador or Torre Centuro? There is also.


I learned, how is that compared to the other? Which has the best location?

Also, is it hard to find a place without booking in advance? In this case I would just book for some days and then search a room when I am there.Torre centuro building is old, your aren't giving enough info on what you are looking for. I am at www.thelocogringo.com Apartment 1 for 88 a night. It is right on the beach and it it spacious.

02-01-13, 17:59
Thanks, what would you say is the best option? Mirador or Torre Centuro? There is also.


I learned, how is that compared to the other? Which has the best location?

Also, is it hard to find a place without booking in advance? In this case I would just book for some days and then search a room when I am there.Check out this Link.


02-01-13, 23:27
Checked out Hollywood today, plenty of cuties around. A blond stunner I checked out was Sophie from BOG. Not really into "bolt on's" but I may make an exception here. If not now, she does show up at LDV. Usually she gets hit on right away though. Good to just take names and numbers. Got a call from the Amy Reid look alike, I can't say no to this chic. Oh well, lookes like I'm just going to go over budget. LOL

Mojo Bandit
02-02-13, 10:58
It has been windy here. Jet Skis have been renting for 2k per minute or a little less. I got middled for a girl from Tony for 150k but I had to hit that! Asked him about getting 80 to 100k girls for my friends coming and he said 150k the girls get 80k, something I already knew. So I asked Fao if he could get 80 to 100k girls for them he said yes. Some beautiful chicas in town but damn has it been windy at the beach, I saw 8 foot waves breaking out at 200 yards out, I heard a annoying whistle blowing and I figured out it was a lifeguard waving people into shore.Hillbilly, I'm an overweight (think of a man that looks nine months pregnant) bald on top, pushing fifty. Other than that, I'm a sexy man. Just how far. And of what quality of woman will the gringo mojo get me in a Cali mall?

This is a serious question, I'm thinking about doing a whirlwind Colombia tour. Medellin, Bogota, Cali. I've got a few of the Cupid. Com ladies I'm talking to but that is so much gaming, . How good can a middle aged gringo do?

Mojo Bandit
02-02-13, 12:41
check out this link.

http://www.venpro.net/fotosapartamentos/index.htmi stated in playa 801 once, it looks current over the ocean, you can hear the surf with the windows open. very reasonably priced. short walk to lvd, and the beach. juan is great.

02-02-13, 13:28
Checked out Hollywood today, plenty of cuties around. A blond stunner I checked out was Sophie from BOG. Not really into "bolt on's" but I may make an exception here. If not now, she does show up at LDV. Usually she gets hit on right away though. Good to just take names and numbers. Got a call from the Amy Reid look alike, I can't say no to this chic. Oh well, lookes like I'm just going to go over budget. LOLShe was sitting 6 feet from me, alot of guys were drooling. I have a dozen pics of her when I get home I can post. Yes alot of hot chics at the beach and today and tomorrow should be even better. Windiest day yet yesterday , I spent some time in Depunta De Arena beach, 20k pesos each to go there 10 minutes by boat. Left after 30 minutes all the trash and weeds are all there from the wind and waves. I managed to hitch a ride on way back for 20 k pesos for 2 people.

02-02-13, 14:17
She was sitting 6 feet from me, alot of guys were drooling. I have a dozen pics of her when I get home I can post. Yes alot of hot chics at the beach and today and tomorrow should be even better. Windiest day yet yesterday , I spent some time in Depunta De Arena beach, 20k pesos each to go there 10 minutes by boat. Left after 30 minutes all the trash and weeds are all there from the wind and waves. I managed to hitch a ride on way back for 20 k pesos for 2 people.Feb 10- 18 Martins place, can't wait, was their April last year, just went by your map, love it their! Anything I need to know?


02-02-13, 14:50
Wind was blowing hard again today, good variety of chicas available. I turned the corner to get to Martins apartment and there was a few tens sitting there.Is this the best time of year to hit CTG? Or is it the same pretty much all year round?

02-02-13, 15:30
Is this the best time of year to hit CTG? Or is it the same pretty much all year round?December, January, semana santa which is end of March first week of April, June, and July.

The Main One
02-02-13, 22:49
How about August / September time. Anything going on during those months?

December, January, semana santa which is end of March first week of April, June, and July.

02-03-13, 03:01
I turned the corner to get to Martins apartment and there was a few tens sitting there.Which corner would that be? I don't know Martin but I'm interested in seeing a ten.

02-03-13, 05:54
December, January, semana santa which is end of March first week of April, June, and July.I assume this refers to Colombian school holidays and chica abundance which is more important :-D. How about weather wise?

You Can
02-03-13, 20:15
I have been fortunate in all the times I have been there, I have only esperienced a few windy days. Also have had very little rain on my trips. Looking forward the the 18th!

Originally Posted by Hillbilly69 [View Original Post]

Wind was blowing hard again today, good variety of chicas available. I turned the corner to get to Martins apartment and there was a few tens sitting there.

I assume this refers to Colombian school holidays and chica abundance which is more important :-D. How about weather wise?

02-03-13, 21:07
How about August / September time. Anything going on during those months?Early September may be alright. October is the rainiest month of the year. I was there during a storm that the thunder was so loud that it set off car alarms. But Ctg was still packed with beautiful women. Also make sure there are no elections going on. They shut down all the bars.

02-04-13, 18:26
Saturday and Sunday it was windy as hell again with the wind picking up in the afternoon. Quality of chicas at Playa Hollywood was lame. The Barranquilla Carnaval started and alot of girls went there. I am at the airport heading home, you have to go to the tax counter now before leaving. It was alot faster getting my ticket and getting to the gate though, about ten minutes from the time I arrived at airport and both bags searched. On arrival I was third person off the plane and was at the taxi within 8 minutes of getting off the plane. Alot of beautiful girls again all throughout the city today maybe they are back from Barranquilla.

02-04-13, 18:33
Feb 10- 18 Martins place, can't wait, was their April last year, just went by your map, love it their! Anything I need to know?

ThanksThe maid was supposed to show up every day and didn't so I was out of towels half the time.

02-04-13, 20:17
The maid was supposed to show up every day and didn't so I was out of towels half the time.I looked at your map and it did not have Martin's apartment on it. May be I was looking at an old one? Anyhow, can I get the contact info or a weblink for it? Thank you.

You Can
02-05-13, 00:47
Yea last few times I been there they send me to that tax counter? But I never have to pay and yes the airport is alot faster than a year ago. It use to be really bad, with looking thru bags etc. They would chek same bag 3 times but it was all half ass. I am a lot happier with there airport now. I am sure it will get better as time goes on. I am all for security but not if its all done half ass 3 times. It was terrible. Much better now.

Can't wait to get down there.

Saturday and Sunday it was windy as hell again with the wind picking up in the afternoon. Quality of chicas at Playa Hollywood was lame. The Barranquilla Carnaval started and alot of girls went there. I am at the airport heading home, you have to go to the tax counter now before leaving. It was alot faster getting my ticket and getting to the gate though, about ten minutes from the time I arrived at airport and both bags searched. On arrival I was third person off the plane and was at the taxi within 8 minutes of getting off the plane. Alot of beautiful girls again all throughout the city today maybe they are back from Barranquilla.

The Main One
02-05-13, 01:35
thanks for the info. whats going on in early september. chicas looking for money for school?

early september may be alright. october is the rainiest month of the year. i was there during a storm that the thunder was so loud that it set off car alarms. but ctg was still packed with beautiful women. also make sure there are no elections going on. they shut down all the bars.

02-05-13, 17:12
I looked at your map and it did not have Martin's apartment on it. May be I was looking at an old one? Anyhow, can I get the contact info or a weblink for it? Thank you.Www.thelocogringo.com Is Martins, there is a map on there as well.

02-05-13, 18:34
Do you want a hassle free experience finding beautiful chicas? Are you worried about your safety or about being ripped-off? Then eliminate your worries by using an experienced, reliable and honest guide.

Your guides name is Fabio. He has years of experience guiding and working with gringos. In addition to speaking Spanish, he also speaks fluent English and some Portuguese.

He will make your trip memorable and hassle free.

I am an American living in Colombia and I have known Fabio for 5 years. Should you have any questions feel free to ask.

02-05-13, 21:49
Cartagena pics

02-05-13, 22:01
Cartagena pics again

02-05-13, 22:18
More pics thres

02-05-13, 22:27
There is some new permanent umbrellas in front of the Almirante and the New Intercontinental, not sure who paid for them and whether or not the are going to put them up the full distance of the beach or not. Guessing I would think the Intercontinental will be done by Christmas or so.