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10-17-14, 13:46
What about during the day? I'm going to be there in 1 week and want to find a couple prepagos during the day to drink and go to the beach with. What's my best bet?

Been to Medellin, Costa Rica and DR a bunch of times. But this is my first trip to Cartagena, so I feel unprepared LOL.

FYI - 1st post, but long time reader.I had the same question. I know the guy at the beach can hook me up but what if I don't like his options.

Black Page
10-17-14, 18:12
From the newspaper El Espectador today, Friday.

http://www.elespectador.com/noticias/nacional/imagenes-ponen-al-descubierto-un-prostibulo-bocagrande-articulo-522397The most interesting piece of news I read in this article is that a police officer declared "se evidencia que efectivamente existe el turismo sexual" (en Cartagena). Wow.

I saw the movie. The girl is not in danger but clearly under effect of drugs.

10-17-14, 18:40
I had the same question. I know the guy at the beach can hook me up but what if I don't like his options.Casa Rocio has girls during the day. If the cruises and / or cargo ships are in during the day, literally all the girls will be working during the day. If not, then just a few. You can also get the girls' numbers at places like that to arrange stuff during the day. The girls in places like that are almost all from other parts of the country and are generally organized to cater to whoever has the money for them, more so than local girls.

10-17-14, 22:29
I had the same question. I know the guy at the beach can hook me up but what if I don't like his options.You tell him such and HE presents more. Don't like those, you tell him such and HE finds more. After saying you don't like the dozen or so various choices presented while relaxing and enjoying drinks there in Playa Hollywood, etc. , you take a stroll up and down Laguito in the late afternoon / early evening (before and during dusk). Finding a suitable chica in the afternoon to early evening is a pretty easy thing to do for one who is relaxed, not in a rush, is able to go with the flow and is observant and aware and is able to interact with Colombianos. IMHO, guys who are in a rush, impatient, anxious, nervous, bothered with locals, etc. , tend to miss out on a lot of what may be available to them.

Just my dos centavos.

10-17-14, 22:59
After a day or two of mongering, I will need some help. How and where can find the Vitamins. Is Cartagena just like every other country south of the US, where I can just go to a little farmacia and pick a few up?If you are referring to generic Viagra, then yes, walk in and buy it for less than $2 at one of the little pharmacies. They will have several options to choose from, with some being more expensive. I can only vouch for the ones that are under $2, and didn't see a reason to try the higher priced ones.

10-18-14, 05:34
If you are referring to generic Viagra, then yes, walk in and buy it for less than $2 at one of the little pharmacies. They will have several options to choose from, with some being more expensive. I can only vouch for the ones that are under $2, and didn't see a reason to try the higher priced ones.Yes sir, perfect, Thanks.

10-18-14, 05:39
You tell him such and HE presents more. Don't like those, you tell him such and HE finds more. After saying you don't like the dozen or so various choices presented while relaxing and enjoying drinks there in Playa Hollywood, etc. , you take a stroll up and down Laguito in the late afternoon / early evening (before and during dusk). Finding a suitable chica in the afternoon to early evening is a pretty easy thing to do for one who is relaxed, not in a rush, is able to go with the flow and is observant and aware and is able to interact with Colombianos. IMHO, guys who are in a rush, impatient, anxious, nervous, bothered with locals, etc. , tend to miss out on a lot of what may be available to them.

Just my dos centavos.Thanks man, I think being patient and dealing with one of the Tonys will be worth my wait. Great advice.

10-18-14, 13:43
If you are referring to generic Viagra, then yes, walk in and buy it for less than $2 at one of the little pharmacies. They will have several options to choose from, with some being more expensive. I can only vouch for the ones that are under $2, and didn't see a reason to try the higher priced ones.Any pharmacies (street names?) you can recommend? Looking for cailis, don't want to get some bad stuff here.


10-18-14, 17:34
Thanks man, I think being patient and dealing with one of the Tonys will be worth my wait. Great advice.You're welcome. I can share that the most memorable chica experiences over the years from Playa Hollywood for me have just happened when I was just there hanging out without worrying about the time or anxious about finding a chica to bang. The typical scene: A chica with a girlfriend or two, or three, often even including a guy or two, just show-up on the beach not appearing to be there for "work". If one is in a hurry, or grabs the first working girl HE spots 'cause HE's already popped his Vit V, then that moment in time where a gem falls into one's lap is never given the chance to play out.

While I've had many "stick and carrot" scenes with Tony (Tony #1), in the end I know that the guy will work to find something that I like; be it approaching chicas on the beach and bringing them over to introduce themselves, calling up chicas to see if they want to come to the beach, etc. , etc. The most fun has typically taken place when I spot a chica on the beach that I find attractive, ask Tony if HE's seen her before or knows her, HE says "no", but then heads-off to approach her and next thing I know she's standing under my carpa because Tony wants to introduce his gringo friend to her.

Some days I'm not in the mood to deal with Tony, or HE's in a mood that's not compatible with mine, so I spend that day under one of Fao's carpas and let Emily tell me what chica is what and have Jayson scout, call, approach, etc. So what if Tony cops an attitude that day 'cause I'm in one of Fao's carpas, HE'll get over it and I'll hang out with him on another occasion. At times it can be akin to a soap opera scene that I find quite humorous, LOL.

In the end, I don't begrudge guys like Tony and Jayson making 20 mil commission here and there. Heck, they are out there working everyday in the hot, humid equatorial lowlands trying to make a living and provide for their family. All I have to do is ask and they'll run back-and-forth in that hot, humid sun trying to find or retrieve something for me. Works for me.

10-18-14, 17:50
Any pharmacies (street names?) you can recommend? Looking for cailis, don't want to get some bad stuff here.

Gracias!I don't have any first-hand experience with Cialis. As to pharmacies and generic Viagra, I've purchased it from 3 or so different places in Laguito and 3 or so places in Bocagrande (on the end nearest Laguito). I've never had any "bad stuff" from any of the pharmacies there. The only occasional hiccup is when one of the clerks grabs a more expensive brand out of the drawer and I have to tell them "no" and talk them down to getting the ones that are three price levels lower and sell for under $2 a pill.

I do know that I gave Jayson a package that contained 2 50 MG pills 'cause HE had some chica blanca on the beach all hot because she wanted to experience some chocolate and the guy took both of them and experienced a heavy dose of "blue flashes". My response when HE told me the next day? "You should have taken a half of one, or at most only one on your first time trying the stuff", LOL.

10-18-14, 18:12
I don't have any first-hand experience with Cialis. As to pharmacies and generic Viagra, I've purchased it from 3 or so different places in Laguito and 3 or so places in Bocagrande (on the end nearest Laguito). I've never had any "bad stuff" from any of the pharmacies there. The only occasional hiccup is when one of the clerks grabs a more expensive brand out of the drawer and I have to tell them "no" and talk them down to getting the ones that are three price levels lower and sell for under $2 a pill.

I do know that I gave Jayson a package that contained 2 50 MG pills 'cause HE had some chica blanca on the beach all hot because she wanted to experience some chocolate and the guy took both of them and experienced a heavy dose of "blue flashes". My response when HE told me the next day? "You should have taken a half of one, or at most only one on your first time trying the stuff", LOL.Great, thanks! Will check out Laguito and Bocagrande places.

P.S: I prefer Cialis. Fewer side effects and longer effects (up to 3-4 days).

Black Page
10-18-14, 19:24
Any pharmacies (street names?) you can recommend? Looking for cailis, don't want to get some bad stuff here.
Gracias!No need to be anxious about that. ANY pharmacy in Colombia sells generic Sildenafil and the price is cheap. Colombian pharmaceutic industry is reputable and with high quality standards.

On the other hand, there is NO generic Cialis or Levitra.

Just go to any pharmacy you see (you may want to choose one when there is not a long queue of people waiting and listening to your discussion with the guy or girl on the other side of the desk) and ask Sildenafil generico. All brands are good. Now I remember only Genfar, but there are several.

I buy my yearly supply of V in Colombia, because it is the only place I visit where it is cheap and sold freely without hassle. It's funny when I go to the pharmacy and ask 10-20 boxes <grin .

Black Page
10-18-14, 19:40
From the newspaper El Espectador today, Friday.


The more I read this and other similar articles on the Colombian press the more I laugh.
Are they so dumb or naif? All this article is laughable. They say they "discovered" a "postribulo", etc. Etc. Wow what amazing detectives!

Actually, this photo does not show a brothel but the (in) famous Casa Golan, which is, with Casa Benjamin, one of the two Israel "private clubs" in Cartagena. Patronized EXCLUSIVELY by Israelian tourists and dozen of chicas, they are not brothels but kind of hotels or holidays "resorts". All girls want to go there, because the guys are extremely handsome (and generous with all kinds of drugs).
Police never goes there to check for "illegal substances". I am trying to guess why....
There are days in CTG when girls seem disappeared from LDV etc. It's when the Israelians organize their parties in some island. 20-30 girls go there and spend 2 days dancing and fucking.

Everyone in Cartagena knows that, except evidently the journalists. They might try to ask a taxi driver next time, when they want to know something about the city where they live.
By the way, I see that now the press is starting to publish photos of those places, presenting them as discoveries. Guess the source of those photos? The Facebook pages of the two clubs. Pathetic.

10-18-14, 22:47
For the past several years, I have been buying generic viagra in different SA locales including CTG and Lima. Also, for the past several years, I have been having trouble with severe hiccups after ingesting the generic version. This can go on sporadically for days at a time to the point I recently decided that I would have to forgo buying this stimulant in the future.

However, I asked a Peruvian doctor friend of mine about this problem. HE said the ingredient mix is not always precisely the same or it's possible the coating, or lack thereof, on the generic pills may be causing the problem. As a result, the last batch I bought I paid the normal viagra price for the real version and have not had any indigestion or hiccup problems.

No need to be anxious about that. ANY pharmacy in Colombia sells generic Sildenafil and the price is cheap. Colombian pharmaceutic industry is reputable and with high quality standards.

On the other hand, there is NO generic Cialis or Levitra.

Just go to any pharmacy you see (you may want to choose one when there is not a long queue of people waiting and listening to your discussion with the guy or girl on the other side of the desk) and ask Sildenafil generico. All brands are good. Now I remember only Genfar, but there are several.

I buy my yearly supply of V in Colombia, because it is the only place I visit where it is cheap and sold freely without hassle. It's funny when I go to the pharmacy and ask 10-20 boxes <grin .

10-19-14, 03:29
Are these prices still about the same?


For those who are tired of being ripped off by Tony and the other beach bandits for chairs, beers, etc, here are the

Actual Hollywood Beach prices that the Gringos who live in Cartagena pay (* may be higher in Jan. /Feb.)

A / o May 2013.

Massage, etc.

Full body massage on the beach 20, 000 to 30, 000 COP. Add 5, 000 'propina' if massage is exceptional.

Manicure 10,000.

Pedicure 10,000.

Umbrellas, Chairs, Cabanas...

Black Page
10-19-14, 09:08
For the past several years, I have been buying generic viagra in different SA locales including CTG and Lima. Also, for the past several years, I have been having trouble with severe hiccups after ingesting the generic version. This can go on sporadically for days at a time to the point I recently decided that I would have to forgo buying this stimulant in the future.

However, I asked a Peruvian doctor friend of mine about this problem. HE said the ingredient mix is not always precisely the same or it's possible the coating, or lack thereof, on the generic pills may be causing the problem. As a result, the last batch I bought I paid the normal viagra price for the real version and have not had any indigestion or hiccup problems.It looks like you work as marketing manager of Pfizer? Generic drugs are exactly the SAME as "original" brands, if produced by reputable industries. What you report is kind of urban legend propagated by pharma industries. Probably a negative placebo effect, unless you bought pills from non-reputable industries.

Why they cost less? They don't have the "added value" of the brand name.

Are Colombian industries reputable? Yes, by all means they follow the same quality standards of Europe or USA industry. I remember Genfar, Colfarma, but there are others too.

Would I buy blue pills available on Internet? No, because they come mostly from India, etc, where the concept of "legal" is fuzzy.

10-19-14, 10:13
It's not an urban legend. What I described is exactly what I experienced. I am not a chemist and have not compared the label ingredients between generic and non-generic nor do I have at my disposal the equipment to measure the ingredients. All I can say is the last batch of generic V that I bought in CTG, in addition to other generic V purchases, have had a deleterious effect on my esophagus and digestive system. The Pfizer product did not effect me negatively in any way. I have never bought V on-line and all my generic purchases in the past have been at pharmacies in Peru or Colombia.

My physician in Lima suggested that I try the regular V brand and it worked much better. It's as simple as that.

It looks like you work as marketing manager of Pfizer? Generic drugs are exactly the SAME as "original" brands, if produced by reputable industries. What you report is kind of urban legend propagated by pharma industries. Probably a negative placebo effect, unless you bought pills from non-reputable industries.

Why they cost less? They don't have the "added value" of the brand name.

Are Colombian industries reputable? Yes, by all means they follow the same quality standards of Europe or USA industry. I remember Genfar, Colfarma, but there are others too.

Would I buy blue pills available on Internet? No, because they come mostly from India, etc, where the concept of "legal" is fuzzy.

10-19-14, 17:05
It looks like you work as marketing manager of Pfizer? Generic drugs are exactly the SAME as "original" brands, if produced by reputable industries. What you report is kind of urban legend propagated by pharma industries. Probably a negative placebo effect, unless you bought pills from non-reputable industries.

Why they cost less? They don't have the "added value" of the brand name.

Are Colombian industries reputable? Yes, by all means they follow the same quality standards of Europe or USA industry. I remember Genfar, Colfarma, but there are others too.

Would I buy blue pills available on Internet? No, because they come mostly from India, etc, where the concept of "legal" is fuzzy.It is not this black and white. Quality of the ingredients with the correct recipe may vary greatly when manufactured in third world countries. IMO it is safer to pay extra for the non generic ed drugs.

10-19-14, 22:34
Lasted for days at a time? You didn't know you're supposed to consult with a medical professional should the effect last longer than 4 hours?

For the past several years, I have been buying generic viagra in different SA locales including CTG and Lima. Also, for the past several years, I have been having trouble with severe hiccups after ingesting the generic version. This can go on sporadically for days at a time to the point I recently decided that I would have to forgo buying this stimulant in the future.

However, I asked a Peruvian doctor friend of mine about this problem. HE said the ingredient mix is not always precisely the same or it's possible the coating, or lack thereof, on the generic pills may be causing the problem. As a result, the last batch I bought I paid the normal viagra price for the real version and have not had any indigestion or hiccup problems.

10-19-14, 22:39
I went back to the original post you cited, and yes, current pricing was the same when I was last there in May. Just memorize the price for the main items and then when you ask for a carpa with a chair, table, etc, just recite the price out loud with a big smile to let Tony know that you know the prices for everything. Then say. "Tony no fuck me okay". HE'll get a kick out of it, LOL.

Are these prices still about the same?

10-20-14, 01:47
Lasted for days at a time? You didn't know you're supposed to consult with a medical professional should the effect last longer than 4 hours?It only happened when I used the generic version. Since I switched to the Real McCoy, I have not had any problems.

10-20-14, 02:04
I went back to the original post you cited, and yes, current pricing was the same when I was last there in May. Just memorize the price for the main items and then when you ask for a carpa with a chair, table, etc, just recite the price out loud with a big smile to let Tony know that you know the prices for everything. Then say. "Tony no fuck me okay". HE'll get a kick out of it, LOL.I know some people have problems with Tony, but he's a hoot. Just make sure you agree on prices beforehand. Even if you just saw him yesterday. If you want to save money on his overpriced drinks, bring a cooler with beer and aguardiente. Give him a shot and a beer every now and then and he'll stop bugging you about buying drinks. I agree that he knows many of the girls on the beach and if even if he doesn't. He will call her over for you even if she is not a pro. I have shown him the pics of chicks I picked up from LDV and heknew probably 90% of them. Tony is a good resource. Just don't give him your phone number. He will blow up your phone trying to send girls over to you at all hours of the day!

10-20-14, 02:14
I'm glad you got your personal situation corrected. I've only tried the generic versions of Vit V, having purchased it many times in CTG and never having any problems. My conclusion is that neither my experience or your experience can be considered scientific evidence by the next guy, LOL. Various people can have different side effects or none at all. Me personally, I'll continue to just walk-in a local pharmacy while in CTG and buy the cheapest generic they have there, just as I've done dozens of times.

It only happened when I used the generic version. Since I switched to the Real McCoy, I have not had any problems.

10-20-14, 02:39
I can appreciate the point you make, but I also know that not everything about Colombia falls neatly into a mindset of viewing it as "third world".

In looking at the version of generic I last bought while in Cartagena, I see that it was manufactured by Lafrancol, a Colombian company with a 100-year history in the the Pharmaceutical and Consumer Goods sectors in Colombia. They have significant sales abroad and are a forerunner in the development and launch of new products. They have an extensive portfolio of products consisting of a wide range of drugs designed to treat different types of diseases, and at the same time meet the needs of patients and physicians, and offering high quality products at a fair price.

It is not this black and white. Quality of the ingredients with the correct recipe may vary greatly when manufactured in third world countries. IMO it is safer to pay extra for the non generic ed drugs.

10-20-14, 04:49
Thanks for the pointer, already memorized. It may come out in the wrong order.

I went back to the original post you cited, and yes, current pricing was the same when I was last there in May. Just memorize the price for the main items and then when you ask for a carpa with a chair, table, etc, just recite the price out loud with a big smile to let Tony know that you know the prices for everything. Then say. "Tony no fuck me okay". HE'll get a kick out of it, LOL.

10-20-14, 04:56
Is Halloween in Cartagena like in the states but better? Do the the chicas wear less. I would love to bang a few sexy pirates.

Old Parr
10-20-14, 07:34
I know some people have problems with Tony, but he's a hoot. Just make sure you agree on prices beforehand. Even if you just saw him yesterday. If you want to save money on his overpriced drinks, bring a cooler with beer and aguardiente. Give him a shot and a beer every now and then and he'll stop bugging you about buying drinks. I agree that he knows many of the girls on the beach and if even if he doesn't. He will call her over for you even if she is not a pro. I have shown him the pics of chicks I picked up from LDV and heknew probably 90% of them. Tony is a good resource. Just don't give him your phone number. He will blow up your phone trying to send girls over to you at all hours of the day!Fuck him anyone going to Playa Hollywood would be better off sitting in Fao section, which is located next to Tony's. At least you do not have to worry about being ripped off, taken advantage of, and you still will have access to any of the girls on the beach that Tony has, or tell the massage lady Emily who works in the same area what you are looking for, and she will take good care of you without the bullshit you would go through dealing with Tony. Fao and Emily are quality people.

Old Parr
10-20-14, 08:51
More on the house of prostitution in Bocagrande and the Israelis.


Black Page
10-20-14, 12:44
It is not this black and white. Quality of the ingredients with the correct recipe may vary greatly when manufactured in third world countries. IMO it is safer to pay extra for the non generic ed drugs.100% agree till "IMO...". Please note that Colombia is not "Third World" anymore (not in the political sense "extra EU / Extra USA", but in the sense of underdeveloped / underground. Colombia pharma industry has excellent reputation and generic drugs are fully equivalent to branded ones. I trust and buy generic antibiotics in my European country, as well as here in Colombia.
Generic drugs sold in official pharmacies in Colombia are under the strict control of the public health agency, which analyse and monitor compositions etc.

10-20-14, 14:07
As somebody who will be visiting CTG for the first time, there has been a lot of good information posted over the past week. Like I mentioned before, I have plenty of experience in other cities in Colombia and a handful of other countries. But visiting a new place is always a toss up.

You guys have even provided us general pricing on drinks / cabanas / etc. Thank you for that! Really helps so I don't get ripped off.

From everything I've read, it seems like I'll be having an awesome time!

I do have one last (very general) question, and I'm sure everybody will have their own opinions on this. I'm going with a group of friends and we will mostly be day drinking, partying at night and finding chicas all day / night. Where do you guys recommend that I should go for the best chicas during the day / night? Playa Hollywood seems to be the spot during the day. Relaxing and drinking and just wait for the right chica. What spots are the "go-to" at night? And I'm not a snob, but I would like to find 8's and 9's (10's will probably be too much $$ Since my Medellin trip I've been wanting to go back to Colombia for a long time and I want the creme of the crop! LOL.

Once again, thanks for all the information you guys have provided. Without it, I'd feel so much more lost.

Black Page
10-20-14, 15:07
OP, as I wrote in my post here
http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?582-Cartagena-Reports&p=1634382&viewfull=1#post1634382 ,
these articles on "El Universal" are quite misleading, even laughable because they present old stuff like striking news. Naif at best, when they claim that a "postribulo" was discovered thanks to their secret videotaping.

The photos posted here
have nothing secret. They are taken from the public section of the Facebook page of Casa Golan, which is NOT a brothel but just one of the two Israel "private clubs" in Cartagena (the other is Casa Benjamin).
By the way, I recognized a girl in those photos! Someone here will do the same.
Again: those clubs are patronized EXCLUSIVELY by Israelian tourists and dozen of chicas, they are not brothels but kind of hotels or holidays "resorts", and therefore simply FORGET to go there and introduce yourself hoping to be admitted. Since most patrons come from the Israel Army, the security is at maximum levels. If you try to enter without being invited, you may find someone investigating about you (it even happened to a girl I know).
All this publicity on the press will not be appreciated by the managers and patrons of those casas. I guess they will stop parties for a while. Only quiet guys enjoying the beach now.
All girls want to go there, because the guys are extremely handsome and in fit (and generous, not with money <grin> but with all kinds of drugs).

Police never goes there to check for "illegal substances". Those clubs seem to have some extra-territoriality, like an Embassy. Imagine if police enters to check? What can they do after they find drugs? Arresting everyone? Imagine what happens next, when the Colombia Ministry is directly called by its Israel counterpart?

There are even days in CTG when girls seem disappeared from LDV etc. It's when the Israelians organize their parties in some island. 20-30 girls go there and spend 2 days dancing and fucking.
Everyone in Cartagena knows that, except the tourists and evidently the journalist of El Universal. They might try to ask a taxi driver next time, when they want to know something about the city where they live.

To complete the picture about what El Universal is publishing in these days, enjoy the article.
but especially the Comentarios by the readers.

10-20-14, 15:21
Good point! I will be in CTG on that Monday, a few days before Halloween, which occurs on the following Friday. Saturday, Nov. 1, is All Saints Day in the US or DIA de LOS Muertos in Latin America and an important date on the Catholic liturgical calendar. It is also the day where many Latin Catholics visit cemeteries to pay respects to their departed family members and friends. I am considering staying in CTG to November 2 to see the festivities if anything is going on. Any intel?

So I am wondering if Halloween in the North American sense is celebrated in CTG with costumes, trick or treat etc? I prefer 'tricks' though. LOL!

Is Halloween in Cartagena like in the states but better? Do the the chicas wear less. I would love to bang a few sexy pirates.

10-20-14, 16:01
I can appreciate the point you make, but I also know that not everything about Colombia falls neatly into a mindset of viewing it as "third world".

In looking at the version of generic I last bought while in Cartagena, I see that it was manufactured by Lafrancol, a Colombian company with a 100-year history in the the Pharmaceutical and Consumer Goods sectors in Colombia. They have significant sales abroad and are a forerunner in the development and launch of new products. They have an extensive portfolio of products consisting of a wide range of drugs designed to treat different types of diseases, and at the same time meet the needs of patients and physicians, and offering high quality products at a fair price.Agree- not everything about Colombia is third world. Certainly its banking and infrastructure is first world.

Everyone reacts differently to certain meds. Mongers that have adverse reactions to Colombian generic meds should use USA original medications. It is really a case by case situation.

Joey Smith
10-22-14, 12:16
Coming to Cartagena next week. Anyone care to comment on pickups in Mister Bilbao. I'm hearing that it is another bar to found so, decent mujeres.


10-22-14, 13:46
To Raeder21's point, at night is LDV and the Watch Tower the only places where 100% of the girls are working? If I am at a bar in El Centro will I find some action? Should I believe if a girl is out, dress sexy and without a man as a working girl? I know I have been told I need to be aggressive with these Colombian but I would hate to find a girl I want and she is not a working girl. I am not really into Casas.

Also want if it rain during the day, where should I go. I want to get as much action in as my body take.

As somebody who will be visiting CTG for the first time, there has been a lot of good information posted over the past week. Like I mentioned before, I have plenty of experience in other cities in Colombia and a handful of other countries. But visiting a new place is always a toss up.

You guys have even provided us general pricing on drinks / cabanas / etc. Thank you for that! Really helps so I don't get ripped off.

From everything I've read, it seems like I'll be having an awesome time!

I do have one last (very general) question, and I'm sure everybody will have their own opinions on this. I'm going with a group of friends and we will mostly be day drinking, partying at night and finding chicas all day / night. Where do you guys recommend that I should go for the best chicas during the day / night? Playa Hollywood seems to be the spot during the day. Relaxing and drinking and just wait for the right chica. What spots are the "go-to" at night? And I'm not a snob, but I would like to find 8's and 9's (10's will probably be too much $$ Since my Medellin trip I've been wanting to go back to Colombia for a long time and I want the creme of the crop! LOL.

Once again, thanks for all the information you guys have provided. Without it, I'd feel so much more lost.

You Can
10-22-14, 15:49
If it rains you will have a tough time. Get numbers from girls you like. Then if it rains you can call them. You will find action everywhere. But it's not like Sosua in dr where there walking around and at every bar. But if it's sunny there are always girls by beach. They smile you smile. Before long your balls deep!

To Raeder21's point, at night is LDV and the Watch Tower the only places where 100% of the girls are working? If I am at a bar in El Centro will I find some action? Should I believe if a girl is out, dress sexy and without a man as a working girl? I know I have been told I need to be aggressive with these Colombian but I would hate to find a girl I want and she is not a working girl. I am not really into Casas.

Also want if it rain during the day, where should I go. I want to get as much action in as my body take.

10-22-14, 16:52
To Raeder21's point, at night is LDV and the Watch Tower the only places where 100% of the girls are working? If I am at a bar in El Centro will I find some action? Should I believe if a girl is out, dress sexy and without a man as a working girl? I know I have been told I need to be aggressive with these Colombian but I would hate to find a girl I want and she is not a working girl. I am not really into Casas.

Also want if it rain during the day, where should I go. I want to get as much action in as my body take.Just talk to her and treat her like a regular girl and see what happens. Most will make it perfectly clear if they are working.

10-22-14, 16:56
Coming to Cartagena next week. Anyone care to comment on pickups in Mister Bilbao. I'm hearing that it is another bar to found so, decent mujeres.

ThanksWorking girls are scattered all over. It is not in Colombian culture to make the first move. If you are interested, go talk to her like a real girl. If she is working, she will make it clear before you go back.

10-22-14, 17:01
To Raeder21's point, at night is LDV and the Watch Tower the only places where 100% of the girls are working?LDV is 100%. Watch tower is 95%. Sometimes a unsuspecting tourist will go sit on a bench. LOL. BTW, by the Watch Tower, there is this Colombian guy that speaks English that says he can hook you up. He will probably expect a tip, but if you don't speak Spanish, it's an option.

Old Parr
10-22-14, 18:57
If it rains you will have a tough time. Get numbers from girls you like. Then if it rains you can call them. You will find action everywhere. But it's not like Sosua in dr where there walking around and at every bar. But if it's sunny there are always girls by beach. They smile you smile. Before long your balls deep!
Not much of a report of your trip to Medellin, and you did promise a report so why not honor your word and post a report? What you did post was very very lame, and contained no information what so ever that could be beneficial to others. How about sharing with us other bars or restaurants you went to, pricing, how about a comparison between Cartagena and Medellin? Your thoughts on what you liked and did not like about Medellin? How was the quality of the girls? How and where did you find the apartment you rented? Would you stay in it again?

Come on You Can, honor your word about providing a report, you can do it! Your kindness in providing the information I requested would be most helpful to many.You always fail to honor your promises You Can? You promised to post a report about your experiences in Medellin, but only posted some lame chit. How about giving back to the forum and answering my questions in my post above, as your feedback can be beneficial to others, especially those who are contemplating going to Medellin or Cartagena.

10-23-14, 03:43
Coming to Cartagena next week. Anyone care to comment on pickups in Mister Bilbao. I'm hearing that it is another bar to found so, decent mujeres.

ThanksWell, decent indeed.


Old Parr
10-23-14, 05:17
Well, decent indeed.

http://www.misterbabilla.com/fotos/fotosrumba.htmlIt is not a pickup bar / disco. Most of those that go to Mr. Babillas are couples or friends in groups. If you go there expecting to find someone, you more than likely will come away disappointed. Tu Candela is much better for this, and then you also have the all the girls hanging out outside the place and in the Plaza.

Black Page
10-23-14, 14:30
I would appreciate if anybody who is there in CTG would report how is the situation in these days, after the local press started the campaign against prostitution and the police to enforce controls. I heard that police closed a few clubs at Bomba de el Amparo and started to push away girls from Reloy.

Is LDV up and running? What about other clubs? Thank you.

10-24-14, 03:01
By chance, is his name Henry?

LDV is 100%. Watch tower is 95%. Sometimes a unsuspecting tourist will go sit on a bench. LOL. BTW, by the Watch Tower, there is this Colombian guy that speaks English that says he can hook you up. He will probably expect a tip, but if you don't speak Spanish, it's an option.

10-24-14, 15:32
After the raid by my beach home of a sex tour ring that was operating in South and Central America, Cartagena has some new systems in place! All taxi drivers are to report ant tourist or local requesting info. On sex. Yep! They run the risk of loosing the Taxi license and a heafty fine for not reporting you. So if you read my other post. Buyer Beware, Cartagena after Obama denied any wrong doing by the Secret Service scandal, and now the sex ring bust, well, be careful, its on the radar map!

10-25-14, 07:40
WTF? So is the action gone?

After the raid by my beach home of a sex tour ring that was operating in South and Central America, Cartagena has some new systems in place! All taxi drivers are to report ant tourist or local requesting info. On sex. Yep! They run the risk of loosing the Taxi license and a heafty fine for not reporting you. So if you read my other post. Buyer Beware, Cartagena after Obama denied any wrong doing by the Secret Service scandal, and now the sex ring bust, well, be careful, its on the radar map!

10-25-14, 16:46
It is not a pickup bar / disco. Most of those that go to Mr. Babillas are couples or friends in groups. If you go there expecting to find someone, you more than likely will come away disappointed. Tu Candela is much better for this, and then you also have the all the girls hanging out outside the place and in the Plaza.Old Par is absolutely right. Mr Babilla is where you take your girl after the negotitiations are done (for some foreplay dancing in a less crowded setting), away from the hungry eyes of the other competing mongers. There are working girls there but they are already hooked up with guys. They don't go there to get picked up.

10-27-14, 13:41
After the raid by my beach home of a sex tour ring that was operating in South and Central America, Cartagena has some new systems in place! All taxi drivers are to report ant tourist or local requesting info. On sex. Yep! They run the risk of loosing the Taxi license and a heafty fine for not reporting you. So if you read my other post. Buyer Beware, Cartagena after Obama denied any wrong doing by the Secret Service scandal, and now the sex ring bust, well, be careful, its on the radar map!This seems a little extreme LOL.

10-27-14, 14:44
After the raid by my beach home of a sex tour ring that was operating in South and Central America, Cartagena has some new systems in place! All taxi drivers are to report ant tourist or local requesting info. On sex. Yep! They run the risk of loosing the Taxi license and a heafty fine for not reporting you. So if you read my other post. Buyer Beware, Cartagena after Obama denied any wrong doing by the Secret Service scandal, and now the sex ring bust, well, be careful, its on the radar map!Jchipper, any monger should be fine as long as he / she doesn't request for sex with young girls and boys under 18, colombian law is very serious about children and teenagers being sexually exploited, everyone be careful when taking a chica out of LDV, sometimes these chicas are under 18 with fake I'd's, have seen foreigners being hussled by the police for having with them chicas whom were 16 or under 18 with fake I'd's.

Mr Enternational
10-27-14, 15:50
After the raid by my beach home of a sex tour ring that was operating in South and Central America, Cartagena has some new systems in place! All taxi drivers are to report ant tourist or local requesting info. On sex. Yep! They run the risk of loosing the Taxi license and a heafty fine for not reporting you. So if you read my other post. Buyer Beware, Cartagena after Obama denied any wrong doing by the Secret Service scandal, and now the sex ring bust, well, be careful, its on the radar map!So how the hell do they know who you are in order to report you?

10-27-14, 18:26
So how the hell do they know who you are in order to report you?My guess is if the taxi driver takes you to a sex location it could easily call the police. Identifying is easy since you are a gringo.

This information is forcing me to reevaluate Cartagena. Maybe Cali?

Any other suggestions other than Cartagena, Bogota, Medellin or Cali?

Joey Smith
10-28-14, 01:55
My guess is if the taxi driver takes you to a sex location it could easily call the police. Identifying is easy since you are a gringo.

This information is forcing me to reevaluate Cartagena. Maybe Cali?

Any other suggestions other than Cartagena, Bogota, Medellin or Cali?Really. Much ado about nothing.

Black Page
10-28-14, 11:25
Do not feed the trolls.

10-28-14, 16:30
Do not feed the trolls.Are you implying there is no crackdown of prostitution in Cartagena?

Please provide information on the current environment.

10-29-14, 01:17
After the raid by my beach home of a sex tour ring that was operating in South and Central America, Cartagena has some new systems in place! All taxi drivers are to report ant tourist or local requesting info. On sex. Yep! They run the risk of loosing the Taxi license and a heafty fine for not reporting you. So if you read my other post. Buyer Beware, Cartagena after Obama denied any wrong doing by the Secret Service scandal, and now the sex ring bust, well, be careful, its on the radar map!You come across sincere but I agree with other posters and I call BS on this info. Someone is feeding you some nonsense.

10-29-14, 01:24
FYI: black Page -- Just sent you a PM but your box is full.

Not Now
10-29-14, 03:40
So prostitution is still legal in Colombia? Am I missing something? What's with all this paranoia sex gringo bullshit? It's not like they just changed their laws all of the sudden.

Black Page
10-29-14, 13:14
FYI: black Page -- Just sent you a PM but your box is full.Ooooops thanks! Ok now.

Same for Vitrea. I wanted to write you, but your mail box was full.

10-30-14, 17:06
So, I am only here a few nights, but obviously from seeing my handle, you guys know I am happy to be here.

Where can I go for a nice erotic massage from a big booty Colombian gal with possible bonus play?

What is safe? Any advice?

Not Now
10-31-14, 06:49
Where can I go for a nice erotic massage from a big booty Colombian galJust fuck her, it will be cheaper, and more enjoyable.

Joey Smith
10-31-14, 16:44
Crowded last night at LDV. Lots of options for those in town. Just be prepared to deal with forking some money over for drinks before you leave with your selection. Mgmt was watching closely.

Black Page
10-31-14, 18:03
Crowded last night at LDV. Lots of options for those in town. Just be prepared to deal with forking some money over for drinks before you leave with your selection. Mgmt was watching closely.Good news! I will be there next week.

Rates demanded by girls? You were able to negotiate down to?

(sorry for asking: D).

Joey Smith
11-01-14, 16:45
Good news! I will be there next week.

Rates demanded by girls? You were able to negotiate down to?

(sorry for asking: D).Yes. Was able to negotiate with several of the ladies in the 6-8 range. The hotties forget about it. Some sucker will pay their 300 or 400 peso price.

11-01-14, 18:22
Arrived in Cartagena last night from Santa Marta. Will post separate report for SMR soon.

Heavy rain last night which cooled things off nicely for the evening. Quite a lot of people out for Halloween plus a big concert in plaza near Reloj that was still going on at 1:15 am. Reloj area had quite a few girls walking about and more arrived as the evening progressed. However, did not see anything of interest. Since I was spoiled for three days in SMR, I could not see inviting anyone back to my El Centro apartment.

Really, the talent was only so-so. This morning the area where I am staying near the University of Cartagena was bustling with normal and pretty girls. Alas, none of them of the working variety. I suppose if you were living / working here these girls are attainable but only eye candy for me.

A friend of mine here said this week the Reloj area had vendor tents set up that are normally by Plaza Bolivar. This blocked the area off and he said seemed to limit the action in Reloj or Plaza de Coches as it is also known. Basically, the open area between the wall and Tu Candeleria had tents set up all the way to the statue. Whether this was intentional or not to impede foot traffic, it is difficult to say. However, the tents were back in their normal location in Bolivar last night.

Also, noticed a nice looking new English pub called the The Clock Pub near the statue in the white building with blue shutters.

Good news! I will be there next week.

Rates demanded by girls? You were able to negotiate down to?

(sorry for asking: D).

Black Page
11-01-14, 19:22
Yes. Was able to negotiate with several of the ladies in the 6-8 range. The hotties forget about it. Some sucker will pay their 300 or 400 peso price.300-400 for TLN, I hope.

Would you be so kind to give some various examples of fees you heard from girls' mouth, and then obtained after negotiation, with your 6-8 girls? ST or TLN?

I understand I seem over-demanding, but any data you may provide would be extremely useful. Thanks.

11-03-14, 00:51
Was at the clock tower last night and was not going to partake as I had to assist my friend who had his smart phone stolen last night.

Apparently, two trannies walking by the vicinity of Calle de Moneda were strolling toward him and when he walked by them, one trannie grabbed him by the crotch while the other quickly rifled his pocket and took his phone. He did not know it happened until ten minutes later. Classic gambit! I actually got in an argument near the Reloj last night with some Colombian guy who kept trying to grab me about going into some club, which I think was ISIS.

So I was talking to a somewhat chubby morena when my friend came over to explain his phone situation and she was very sympathetic and seemed genuinely nice unlike some of the too professional attitudes down at the Reloj. Even though she was too chubby for my taste, I decided to break my routine of little spinners and flacas and worked out a deal with her for TLN. The first time session went quite well so no complaints but I noticed that she was fiddling with her cell phone before we went to sleep. A few minutes later, she got a call that she claimed came from her mother and said her son had a fever and she needed to go. I said something about that being a familiar story, which she took offense too, and then claimed that TLN ends at 5 am anyway. It was about 4:30 am. I gave her my walking papers immediately as I don't need this nonsense. Her name is Manuela from somewhere in CTG.

Last night around the Reloj had the best looking girls in the last few days since I have been here. Though most seemed quite pro like. I met these two attractive young girls from Bucaramanga who told me about their exploits at Babar the night before and how she really got pounded and had two orgasms with some young Colombian guy. Pretty funny. But even these two appeared to be real pros and one claimed to be 19. Her name was Yulieth.

300-400 for TLN, I hope.

Would you be so kind to give some various examples of fees you heard from girls' mouth, and then obtained after negotiation, with your 6-8 girls? ST or TLN?

I understand I seem over-demanding, but any data you may provide would be extremely useful. Thanks.

Black Page
11-03-14, 02:11
Apparently, two trannies walking by the vicinity of Calle de Moneda were strolling toward him and when he walked by them, one trannie grabbed him by the crotch while the other quickly rifled his pocket and took his phone. He did not know it happened until ten minutes later. Classic gambit! I actually got in an argument near the Reloj last night with some Colombian guy who kept trying to grab me about going into some club, which I think was ISIS.
You might like to read my old post in the Bogota thread:
02-21-12 03:19 #2948 about cosquilleros.
The link should be.
But it does not work! However, today it is at page 60. It will shift back. I must copy it here.


A taxi driver told me that Santa Fe is becoming the reign of cosquilleros, that is those girls or TVs who put hands on you, touching your dick (huevo) and everywhere, and with incredible ability take out things from your pocket and disappear.

It is TRUE. It happened to me TWICE in one evening in the streets of Santa Fe this week. Incredible enough, because in many years I go to Santa Fe that happened to me only once before. A girl at Manizalitas two years ago started to touch my dick and, with the other hand, was able to remove the wallet from the front pocket, empty it (20 k) and leave it to fall on the floor before I would realize that my pocket was empty.

Things are changing? More cosquilleros out there? These are the two episodes, happened to me one after the other in ONE hour around 1 am-2 am this week.

1) I cross the CL. 20, lonely street except a group of TVs. Shit! One of them, very tall, walks straight to me while I cross the road to keep distance from them. He starts to touch my dick and everywhere. I keep my hands INSIDE the two front pockets, where I keep my things, and I feel his hands touching my cock, pressing the back pockets (ahah! Only a dirty nose tissue) , then trying to enter the front pockets. I keep on walking and pushing him away with my chest, with my hands always in the pockets. Finally he tells me bad words and goes away.

2) A very fat woman, in a group of 6-7 girls in front of Paisas, approaches me offering his mouth services with "graphic language" (ahah, let's use the US political language) , touching my cock and everywhere. Same as before, I keep my hands in the pockets, but this time is more difficult. After some exploration from outside, she PUTS her hands in my pockets. There is no room for two hands in one pocket, so my hands start a battle to push my things down and her fingers up. All this while she keeps on telling me how she would suck me and almost licking my face. I finally push her away with my chest, almost violently. In my pockets I had many things, incl. A poor mobile phone, my watch, coins, loose money, my wallet, a nose spray, but I saved everything from her fingers.

Beware of cosquilleros!

(and, it does not matter if a TV is touching your cock or putting a finger in your ass, never extract your hands from your pockets).

11-03-14, 04:43
Was at the clock tower last night and was not going to partake as I had to assist my friend who had his smart phone stolen last night.

Apparently, two trannies walking by the vicinity of Calle de Moneda were strolling toward him and when he walked by them, one trannie grabbed him by the crotch while the other quickly rifled his pocket and took his phone. He did not know it happened until ten minutes later. Classic gambit! I actually got in an argument near the Reloj last night with some Colombian guy who kept trying to grab me about going into some club, which I think was ISIS.

So I was talking to a somewhat chubby morena when my friend came over to explain his phone situation and she was very sympathetic and seemed genuinely nice unlike some of the too professional attitudes down at the Reloj. Even though she was too chubby for my taste, I decided to break my routine of little spinners and flacas and worked out a deal with her for TLN. The first time session went quite well so no complaints but I noticed that she was fiddling with her cell phone before we went to sleep. A few minutes later, she got a call that she claimed came from her mother and said her son had a fever and she needed to go. I said something about that being a familiar story, which she took offense too, and then claimed that TLN ends at 5 am anyway. It was about 4:30 am. I gave her my walking papers immediately as I don't need this nonsense. Her name is Manuela from somewhere in CTG.

Last night around the Reloj had the best looking girls in the last few days since I have been here. Though most seemed quite pro like. I met these two attractive young girls from Bucaramanga who told me about their exploits at Babar the night before and how she really got pounded and had two orgasms with some young Colombian guy. Pretty funny. But even these two appeared to be real pros and one claimed to be 19. Her name was Yulieth.I've said this periodically, but (IMO) it makes no sense to agree on TLN with a chica you haven't been with before. It's become a basic rule for me over the years. Once you've boned her, assuming you have a bit of chemistry, is the time to raise the possibility of staying all night. You usually pay less that way. I've actually had TLNs for nothing more than a promise of breakfast or taxi fare in the morning.

Bargaining for all night has no upside and lots of downside. You're likely going to pay a high rate, and you have the risk of being stuck with a bad-performer in your bed all night. Or worse, a chica who is obnoxious and you don't want next to you all night.

11-03-14, 14:42
I've said this periodically, but (IMO) it makes no sense to agree on TLN with a chica you haven't been with before. It's become a basic rule for me over the years. Once you've boned her, assuming you have a bit of chemistry, is the time to raise the possibility of staying all night. You usually pay less that way. I've actually had TLNs for nothing more than a promise of breakfast or taxi fare in the morning.

Bargaining for all night has no upside and lots of downside. You're likely going to pay a high rate, and you have the risk of being stuck with a bad-performer in your bed all night. Or worse, a chica who is obnoxious and you don't want next to you all night.I feel the same way, same experiences about TLN.

I've been as I'm sure we've all been with girls, even hot girls, that you just can't wait to get rid of, after back at your pad.

11-04-14, 22:23
Yes, I generally agree with your philosophy. The only reason I decided to go for TLN was due to the lateness of the hour as I wanted to bang her when we got back to my apartment and once in the morning since I wanted to sleep a little bit in between. This whole thing unfolded within a different time frame than I had expected as I needed to assist my friend who had his cell phone stolen.

I returned to the US yesterday but not before one final night of fun in CTG. I had been considering one or two of these petite girls from Bucaramanga currently lurking about the Reloj area. They are friends and wanted me to do a threesome, which I figured would consist of one girl on her phone while I kept up appearances with the other. When I arrived a the Reloj, I spoke to them briefly but decided they appeared a bit too smug and pro for my tastes. The talent on Sunday was not all that great but after several minutes, a pretty and petite paisa appeared in front of me and I beckoned her to sit down.

Her stage name was Lucy and she said that she hailed from MDE in Sabaneta and had only been there a week and it was her first time to CTG. She showed me a photo of her daughter, which was a first for me, and said she was not working in MDE. She did not seem the type to work at a MDE casa either. Virtually all FL's, in my experience, will acknowledge they have children, but she was the first to actually show me a photo of her child. Anyway, she seemed to have the non-pro attitude I prefer so we negotiated the price and she came back to my apartment.

After she removed her clothes (with my help), I was stunned by how perfect her body was. You would NOT have known she had children. Then, there was a bit of a snag as she wanted to be paid first and I said no. Told her that no one else in CTG had asked to be paid beforehand and I started to put my clothes back on. Then, she appeared startled and she said what about in MDE and I said we are not in MDE. After my retort, she immediately backtracked and we got down to business. I love a little DATY first and she enjoyed it so much that she finally started to squeeze her legs, and after considerable moaning, pushed my head away though not before getting very wet. Her clit was huge by now -- Quite the turn-on. She also liked to kiss, which we had discussed beforehand and she readily offered her tongue. Kissing, as we know, is a difficult requirement to fulfill with FL's here.

Her best skill was giving head. After I had a nice orgasm, she eyed my still hard cock and stripped off the condom. I pushed her head down, and without objection, she proceeded to begin to give me another orgasm. Not sure, I have ever come so quickly after my first orgasm. I notice that sometimes with V, this is a pleasant side effect.

Basically, I have had really good luck around the Reloj. This includes prior trips to CTG though it was interesting to see that I virtually did not see any girls from other trips. That being said, I think spending some time talking to the girls and expressing interest in their personal lives goes a long way in establishing a rapport regardless of where you meet them. I also exchanged numbers via What's App with Lucy for my next trip to MDE. She is planning on returning to MDE in a month and is sharing a cheap hotel somewhere outside ElCentro. I think the price for her room is $50 COP and she shares this cost with a roomie.

Since I am already corresponding with a beauty from MDE that I met in Santa Marta, it will be nice to have a few girls to contact even before I arrive in MDE.

Over and out.

I feel the same way, same experiences about TLN.

I've been as I'm sure we've all been with girls, even hot girls, that you just can't wait to get rid of, after back at your pad.

11-07-14, 14:16
The trip was amazing and the girls were insane. We went to LDV and Pley Club every night. All said, I paid between 250 k-500 k every night for TLN with 8+ including bar fees, all places charge 100 k in drinks or cash. If the girl is a second rounder for the night you don't have to pay a bar fee. The beach was fun but they will try to scam you. The food service sucks, 2 hours for lunch on hard chairs sucks. My only advise is to not wait for the girls, you need to go get them and negotiate and state want you are want upfront. The hotter she is the more she will start at, when she says 800-900 k just laugh, you can have that one for 300-400 k plus a bar fee. These girls love to party hard. Also I had no problem with the people, taxis, girls, police or street sales men, I was able to walk around freely and felt safe all the night.

Member #4398
11-09-14, 20:00
I found this Cartagena prepago website. It is in Spanish:



I translated the front page with google translate. You can just type the website on https://translate.google.com/ and you can translate the whole site from Spanish to English or other language. Here is the translated info:

This site contains pornographic material for adults only. To access this content you. Declares to be of age and not considered offensive to erotic material.

Cartagenacaliente.com aims, just listing the best and most beautiful escorts, pre-payments and Cartagena.

Hookers in Cartagena map:


Walking from the Clock Tower after eight in the evening, on a tour of Gethsemane different prostitutes ranging in price and look beautiful. It is safest not to go far in streets like Arsenal and best to stay in front of the Convention Center. However, whether for a few beers, always worth strolling through Gethsemane.

Bocagrande and Little Lake.

The best area of Cartagena hotel boasts large, upscale, expensive apartments and hookers everywhere. Some professionals are accommodated in the San Martin Avenue and other, more exclusive, care home in hotel rooms and apartments in the neighborhood. However, on the second floor of the Pierino Gallo shopping center -carrera 1 1 A bouncers promise "everything" in La Dolce Vita. What you choose is "to go".


In this large residential and commercial area go unnoticed, without disguise, the most famous brothels between Cartagena. Some have notice on your door, but if you tell the taxi driver to take you "outside the Supreme", find a good destination with comfortable prices. Ask for Luxor 2 -after the scale, toll-like before, -so Pleyclub with E-, International and Stockings, which are in the freight corridor and open their doors every night.


Paradise Marine is perhaps the best club in Cartagena: spacious, open 24 hours, it describes itself as the place "where the pleasure never ends", it is safe and with an offer that gives you the right to claim that Colombian women are the best in the world. Local tradition is that girls are to wear. For those unfamiliar with the city can get quite complicated.


This is a popular neighborhood of steep streets and little security. However, all Cartagena know where "the house of Dew", famous for having erotic massage with best price and highest quality of the city is. Of course, with a little more money massage can become something more. It is no exaggeration: a long line of taxis parked on the block confirms that drivers are willing to wait at the door for you to leave.


This tour can be depressing and is best done accompanied by some native and not wonder where is the police while all sorts of crimes in the eyes of passers make. In the most dangerous area of Cartagena Women of all ages are distributed -admitámoslo: there are also smaller working- willing to do anything for any amount of money. Never hurts to continue to report what happens in Bazurto.

Avenida Pedro de Heredia.

In the most important avenue of Cartagena is all, but among the Estadio El Amparo and there are several options: from homosexual prostitution in the Paseo de la Castellana, to places like Chica Rica Cacique -along Show at petrol station Amparo, Allondra front -right or Bonanza Square Toros-. A tour after ten o'clock at night can show the different facets of this area including motels and very affordable prices.

Black Page
11-10-14, 13:15
I found this Cartagena prepago website. It is in Spanish:
I would recommend to browse back and read this thread, instead of citing such old "reports" which actually say nothing but questionable glimpses of nothing.

BTW: Getsemani was like they say on that web site AT LEAST 5 YEARS AGO. Now it's the epicenter of night life.

Black Page
11-12-14, 16:02
I am just back from a "work" trip to CTG, certainly sided by significant leisure activities.


Same talent and atmosphere I remembered from previous visits, months or years ago.

Few guys (mainly gringos), many girls, generally over-demanding. That's the point: the typical customer at LDV is a gringo who rents an apartment at Laguito, goes to Playa Hollywood daytime, just crosses the street to go to LDV at night. It's natural that prices there are high (min 250/1 rato).

My friends (work colleagues actually) chose two girls without thinking much, in 5 minutes. They were both disappointed. One even sent out the girl annoyed by her bad attitude.

I spent my time with one of my old regs: a mulata who has been hanging around LDV and the like since 1-2 years at least. No surprise for me: I had my 2 hours of good fun at LDV, then at Tu Candela, and later in my apartment. I expected she would have stayed to sleep till morning, but she left quickly after the deed. We did not discuss money. I put 250 in her purse in the morning.

Me and my friends never came back to LDV the next days: too much natural talent at Reloj and a cheaper price.


Lots, lots of girls of any type, except naif, innocent, "new fresh schoolgirl" style. I lost hope. I must be patient and wait my next trip to KL and Batam to enjoy Sailor Moon style. Here, all are well seasoned pros, with significant experience on field (which may be good or bad, depending on the perspective).

I found a stunning paisa, who demanded me 200 short time, downgradable to 150. Expensive from my point of view, but in line with CTG. Hot, but definitely professional.

Next day, I called her proposing to invite her out for dinner and to spend the whole night with me. He asked 700 for TLN. Proposal rejected.

My friends found several girls suitable for their taste at Reloj.
In particular, one of my friends has a fixation for anal: he was able to find every night a different nice looking (on the slutty side) girl able to cater his needs (but he paid 300 tip included). He was simply enthusiast!

My last night (Saturday), I met again my paisa around midnight at Reloj. I missed her smile. She is not a bad girl. We agreed on 400 for TLN (including rumba! That is what I like most when I am in CTG with girls) after lots of negotiation (the alternative for me was to find a regular one for 250, but it was my last night and I wanted it great).

We went to Fragma, where the program was focused on the concert of nobody-less-than FARRUKO, one of the major Reggaetton stars. Imagine how crazy she was when he entered the stage and started to sing (at 3 am). I think I gave her a big gift, beside the 400.

We went back to my apartment at 5 am. She woke up at 10 am, after having warned me that she wanted to leave at 7 am.

For those who don't know Farruko and wish to feel nostalgy by hearing some good Latin Spanish, here he is

Old Parr
11-13-14, 08:50
I have been traveling to Bogota for about a month now on business. I had read through forum posts and PM'ed Aunsa to meet up for some beers per one of his posts. We hung out a few times, he showed me around the spots in Sante Fe and some other areas. He seemed to know the areas well, spoke both Spanish and English, and was about the same age as me, and all seemed cool.

After a week or so, he asked me if I was interested in attending a "playboy mansion-style" party at a house outside of Bogota that would include food, drinks and 25 girls, for which he needed a payment + deposit of $400 USD. We had some back and forth discussion, and I agreed to attend (and paid him the $400 in cash. See "receipt" he gave me attached. Does not include the $100 deposit he requested afterwards), and I even cancelled a weekend trip to Peru to attend the "party"...http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=1643771

Another member having problems with this guy so beware I guess, since he is trying to rent apartments to members of the forum.

Member #4398
11-13-14, 13:20
This map has a nice outline of some of main areas to get the chicas in Cartagena, Medellin, Bogota, and Cali.


11-14-14, 17:39
Few guys (mainly gringos), many girls, generally over-demanding. That's the point: the typical customer at LDV is a gringo who rents an apartment at Laguito, goes to Playa Hollywood daytime, just crosses the street to go to LDV at night. It's natural that prices there are high (min 250/1 rato).
Beach then LDV. Rinse and repeat. Sounds about right. LOL.

250ST sounds about right. 200 if you can negotiate a little. I have been saying this the last couple of years. Where are the guys insisting they can still get ST for 150 k and even 100 k at LDV?

Black Page
11-15-14, 20:18
Beach then LDV. Rinse and repeat. Sounds about right. LOL.

250ST sounds about right. 200 if you can negotiate a little. I have been saying this the last couple of years. Where are the guys insisting they can still get ST for 150 k and even 100 k at LDV?100 k or 150 k only at Reloy. Experience is not necessarily lower than from LDV. Just cheaper.

11-16-14, 01:09
On my last night there a few weeks ago, I went with a girl from Medellin for ST. She initially quote me $200 COP. When I balked, she quickly went down to $150 COP. It was a Sunday so not not a lot of punters but quite a few ladies so the competition was tough. She was quite attractive, petite, wearing tight little jean shorts. Dark hair. I wrote a report on it.

100 k or 150 k only at Reloy. Experience is not necessarily lower than from LDV. Just cheaper.

Henry R
11-17-14, 20:30
Thanks Black Page for the info about Reloj.

I was in Cartagena once about 5 years ago.

Never heard of Reloj. Can you tell me where it is?

Is it in Centro, or near La Dolce Vita, or where?

Any further info on Reloj?

Black Page
11-18-14, 10:59
Thanks Black Page for the info about Reloj.
I was in Cartagena once about 5 years ago.
Never heard of Reloj. Can you tell me where it is?
Is it in Centro, or near La Dolce Vita, or where?
Any further info on Reloj?ROFL!! "Reloj" = "Clock". It's the square at the Watch Tower, the main gate to enter the walls.

11-23-14, 11:56

First time I will be in Cartagena in January (1-8).

Not a good time I think, hotels are very expensive. Last time in Cali I have no problems with chicas. In burdeles I pay 70 cop for 1 hour, 100 with ass, but usually I take girls from Chipichape centre and any cafe's for free.

Today I read reports about Cartagena.

Thanks for useful info.

So as I understand:

The price of best chicas in Cartagena in DV - 300-400 cop for short time?

And I must drink no less than 80 cop?

What they suggest for this price? Classic, BJ without condom? Ass? Kisses?

What the price for example of the bottle of ron or vodka?

What about cafe del Mar? In wiki I read that I can meet several nice chicas there in any time. Its true?

11-23-14, 16:35
I never met anyone in Cafe del Mar. It's difficult because girls will sit at tables and many times, they are only tourists having a drink so they are not easy to approach. You need some game. I do see some hot girls there but frequently they already have male company. It's also very expensive to drink there.

Several years ago, I was in Cartagena and met a British guy who picked up one of the waitresses at Cafe del Mar by arranging to meet her after work. She ended up staying with him at the Relax Hostal in Getsamani for several days. The waitresses generally come from poor provinces and stay together in dismal accommodations outside of Cartagena proper so it I think it was relatively easy for him to suggest another more comfortable option. Many of the waitresses are young and pretty cute.

You only have to pay the prices you mention if you go to LDV. The Reloj girls come out after 10 pm and their prices are significantly cheaper and they are much more negotiable. You can order cheap drinks from the vendors who sell booze near the benches in the plaza de Coches at the Reloj. It's a cheap and an entertaining night out.

Look forward to your report.


First time I will be in Cartagena in January (1-8).

Not a good time I think, hotels are very expensive. Last time in Cali I have no problems with chicas. In burdeles I pay 70 cop for 1 hour, 100 with ass, but usually I take girls from Chipichape centre and any cafe's for free.

Today I read reports about Cartagena.

Thanks for useful info.

So as I understand:

The price of best chicas in Cartagena in DV - 300-400 cop for short time?

And I must drink no less than 80 cop?

What they suggest for this price? Classic, BJ without condom? Ass? Kisses?

What the price for example of the bottle of ron or vodka?

What about cafe del Mar? In wiki I read that I can meet several nice chicas there in any time. Its true?

11-23-14, 19:15
Mickey, not only are the accomodations more expensive during that week, but even more of a hinddrance will be that it's family time, resulting in slim pickings when it comes to girls working. Better to go a week, even two weeks later, unless you have an amiganovia, etc.

11-23-14, 19:46
I never met anyone in Cafe del Mar. ...

You only have to pay the prices you mention if you go to LDV. The Reloj girls come out after 10 pm and their prices are significantly cheaper and they are much more negotiable. You can order cheap drinks from the vendors who sell booze near the benches in the plaza de Coches at the Reloj. It's a cheap and an entertaining night out.

Look forward to your report.Ok, thanks for info about cafe del Mar.

Yes I read about Reloj too and sure I will go there at one of the day).

I am registered here only 1 day, but I am promise to do report and show photos of chicas at future trip).

My experience with Latin girls not big, because I live very far from this places, so I want to see what members mean when they give 7-10 points to the chicas from LDV).

Thank you!

11-23-14, 19:53
Mickey, not only are the accomodations more expensive during that week, but even more of a hinddrance will be that it's family time, resulting in slim pickings when it comes to girls working. Better to go a week, even two weeks later, unless you have an amiganovia, etc.Hilltopper hello!

Yes, you are right. But I already bought tickets. After Cartagena I will fly to Cali (8-19 January). So if I have not good time in Cartagena, I am sure that Cali's chicas could help me forgot negative emotions.

I have one (novia) in facebook, but its not my Latin queen if you understand)- good girl, maybe fuckable for 1 or 2 days, not more 6 points).

Member #4398
11-23-14, 21:02

Check the Cartagena hotel and apartments area of the site. Also, check the board member Aunsa. He has apartments in Cartagena reasonably price. I already booked a studio with him for a couple of days for December for just us $30.


First time I will be in Cartagena in January (1-8).

Not a good time I think, hotels are very expensive. Last time in Cali I have no problems with chicas. In burdeles I pay 70 cop for 1 hour, 100 with ass, but usually I take girls from Chipichape centre and any cafe's for free.

Today I read reports about Cartagena.

Thanks for useful info.

So as I understand:

The price of best chicas in Cartagena in DV - 300-400 cop for short time?

And I must drink no less than 80 cop?

What they suggest for this price? Classic, BJ without condom? Ass? Kisses?

What the price for example of the bottle of ron or vodka?

What about cafe del Mar? In wiki I read that I can meet several nice chicas there in any time. Its true?

11-27-14, 04:44

Check the Cartagena hotel and apartments area of the site. Also, check the board member Aunsa. He has apartments in Cartagena reasonably price. I already booked a studio with him for a couple of days for December for just us $30.Did Aunsa ever answer the question that was asked about the address and name of building for the apartment in Cartagena? What is the name of the building and the address? Pretty simple, straight forward question. Then, the follow-up question: who has stayed there and can give a first hand account?

Has anyone ever provided a clear, concise answer to the above?

Old Parr
11-27-14, 06:58
Did Aunsa ever answer the question that was asked about the address and name of building for the apartment in Cartagena? What is the name of the building and the address? Pretty simple, straight forward question. Then, the follow-up question: who has stayed there and can give a first hand account?

Has anyone ever provided a clear, concise answer to the above?
i would only advice extreme caution if you ever consider renting from aunsa.

i ended not renting from him but he was asking for deposit to a personal bank account prior to me checking apartment. we arranged for meeting in mde to check out apartment and arrange stay and was never heard from again. luckily i never sent money.

i got pm from another guy who had similar sketchy interactions.

his place (was temporily listed in airnbnb but quickly removed after a few days. same address, map. in a stroke of luck i had just look at it prior to his posting for rental here, when i questioned him about it and requested photos and such he ignored requests.

i could be wrong i supposse. i am only recommending extreme caution.

I have been traveling to Bogota for about a month now on business. I had read through forum posts and PM'ed Aunsa to meet up for some beers per one of his posts. We hung out a few times, he showed me around the spots in Sante Fe and some other areas. He seemed to know the areas well, spoke both Spanish and English, and was about the same age as me, and all seemed cool.

After a week or so, he asked me if I was interested in attending a "playboy mansion-style" party at a house outside of Bogota that would include food, drinks and 25 girls, for which he needed a payment + deposit of $400 USD. We had some back and forth discussion, and I agreed to attend (and paid him the $400 in cash. See "receipt" he gave me attached. Does not include the $100 deposit he requested afterwards), and I even cancelled a weekend trip to Peru to attend the "party"..The answer to your question is no Hilltopper. As you can see from the copied and pasted posts above his reputation here on the forum is not very good. Also keep in mind that not one established member has posted a positive review that I am aware of. He is also offering apartment rentals in Rio de Janiero on the Brazil forum here on the ISG. There is one more critical review but I cannot seem to locate it.

I want to make it perfectly clear that I have had no first hand experience dealing with him, and I am only posting what others here on the board have previously posted.

Member #4398
11-27-14, 16:31
I booked for a few days in mid December 2014. The apartment is located in Bocagrande. I have not seen the apartment yet so I can not provide further information. For privacy and safety, I am not posting the name of the building nor the address. I think you need to book the place to get that information. Booking is pretty standard. You have to make a reservation and provide some form of deposit via western union or a Colombian bank. I have done this type of reservation with other apartments reservation in Medellin so I know this is pretty standard.

Did Aunsa ever answer the question that was asked about the address and name of building for the apartment in Cartagena? What is the name of the building and the address? Pretty simple, straight forward question. Then, the follow-up question: who has stayed there and can give a first hand account?

Has anyone ever provided a clear, concise answer to the above?

Member #4398
11-27-14, 23:45
What difference does it make if you share the building or the apartment? This is insane. How the is it a safety or privacy matter? Furthermore it would be beneficial to his business. You my friend could be in for a very rude awaking in Colombia with this crazy mentality.Okay then share the dammed address of the apartment you live and put it on this site. I don't know if you are a maniac or a stalker who wants to stalk Cerebro.

11-28-14, 10:08
I booked for a few days in mid December 2014. The apartment is located in Bocagrande. I have not seen the apartment yet so I can not provide further information. For privacy and safety, I am not posting the name of the building nor the address. I think you need to book the place to get that information. Booking is pretty standard. You have to make a reservation and provide some form of deposit via western union or a Colombian bank. I have done this type of reservation with other apartments reservation in Medellin so I know this is pretty standard.Huh? Let me get this straight. Advertise and solicit an apartment for rent on this forum, but can't tell prospective renters the name of the building for privacy and safety reasons. What a hoot.

Member #4398
11-28-14, 11:17
Huh? Let me get this straight. Advertise and solicit an apartment for rent on this forum, but can't tell prospective renters the name of the building for privacy and safety reasons. What a hoot.You guys make an issue of anything. I don't give a damn. Someone asked about places to rent in Cartagena and I noted the apartment I booked in Bocagrande for December. If you interested in knowing the dammed address contact the person that rents the apartment.

Tiny 12
11-29-14, 18:22
You guys make an issue of anything. I don't give a dammed. Someone asked about places to rent in Cartagena and I noted the apartment I booked in Bocagrande for December. If you interested in knowing the dammed address contact the person that rents the apartment.Other people would give a damn if you reviewed the apartment and provided the name of the building and the unit number AFTER you stay there. However, if you end up, say, in a poorly maintained apartment in El Conqustador and they won't let you bring back your dates, you may be wishing you'd posted the address before your trip.

Hilltopper is cautioning you, not criticizing you.

Member #4398
11-29-14, 18:49
Other people would give a damn if you reviewed the apartment and provided the name of the building and the unit number AFTER you stay there. However, if you end up, say, in a poorly maintained apartment in El Conqustador and they won't let you bring back your dates, you may be wishing you'd posted the address before your trip.

Hilltopper is cautioning you, not criticizing you.I can not provide review until I stay and see for myself. I will be happy to give a review after my stay. I am not putting the address here. Too many wackos here from just looking at the reactions.

Black Page
11-30-14, 16:59
This map has a nice outline of some of main areas to get the chicas in Cartagena, Medellin, Bogota, and Cali.
http://www.revistadonjuan.com/multimedia/mapa-de-putas-colombiaI hope neither you or nobody else will plan a stay based on this type of "information"....

Member #4398
11-30-14, 18:02
I hope neither you or nobody else will plan a stay based on this type of "information"....Of course, I am not planning my stay with that map. It is just a piece of a very big puzzle. Thought not perfect, I think it has some valuable information and some might find them useful. Perhaps you could provide some useful information instead of bitching about it.

Black Page
11-30-14, 19:58
You should not be talking about Hilltopper like that!There is people with a good reputation in this Forum, due to a long record of useful and meaningful reports here. All regular visitors know them, whilst everyone can always check the record of previous posts of any new guest.

In general, do not feed the trolls.

12-01-14, 03:13

First time I will be in Cartagena in January (1-8).

Not a good time I think, hotels are very expensive. Last time in Cali I have no problems with chicas. In burdeles I pay 70 cop for 1 hour, 100 with ass, but usually I take girls from Chipichape centre and any cafe's for free.

Today I read reports about Cartagena.

Thanks for useful info.

So as I understand:

The price of best chicas in Cartagena in DV - 300-400 cop for short time?

And I must drink no less than 80 cop?I am going around that time too. I talked to Juan (an apartment rental guy). Holy crap. Prices are double normal prices. A lot of Colombians are going vacation to Cartagena around that time he said.

LDV chicas are 150-250 COP ST and 200-400 COP LT. You must drink 80 COP if you take a girl out. Or get her number or tell her to meet you outside at the bottom of the steps. You should negotiate what you want before you go. However, from my experience. Not all are GFE. I would give it at 50%.

In a bar. Ron is around 100 COP and vodka is around 170 COP. It is a lot cheaper in the supermarket.

I have been to Cafe Del Mar many times and I can't tell who the working girls are. I believe they hang around the bar. Prices for food and drinks are expensive there. So you can imagine their prices! Your best bet is El Reloj area at night after LDV closes.

Tiny 12
12-01-14, 04:32
I hope neither you or nobody else will plan a stay based on this type of "information"....I think it's useful, especially some of the maps for Bogota, which aren't available via Cerebro's link, but on another page on the same web site. They're damn hard to read though. (Please note proper spelling Cerebro, damn, not "dammed".) I could have used that when I was stumbling around drunk in the north part of Bogota. I posted the links under Reports of Distinction. Thanks Cerebro!

Member #4398
12-01-14, 05:33
You are welcome Tiny. Thanks for correcting the spelling. Let me practice with this sentence: I'm glad to contribute despite all the damn bitching that goes on in the Cartagena reports. This is a joke of course for those feeding the trolls.

I think it's useful, especially some of the maps for Bogota, which aren't available via Cerebro's link, but on another page on the same web site. They're damn hard to read though. (Please note proper spelling Cerebro, damn, not "dammed".) I could have used that when I was stumbling around drunk in the north part of Bogota. I posted the links under Reports of Distinction. Thanks Cerebro!

Black Page
12-01-14, 11:26
I think it's useful, especially some of the maps for Bogota, which aren't available via Cerebro's link, but on another page on the same web site. They're damn hard to read though. (Please note proper spelling Cerebro, damn, not "dammed".) I could have used that when I was stumbling around drunk in the north part of Bogota. I posted the links under Reports of Distinction. Thanks Cerebro!OMG!

That is old second hand info! Crap mostly! Not a serious web site, not for the ROD. It could be misleading.

Instead, use the maps and the List provided here in the past by "herous" of ISG.

You Can
12-01-14, 17:25
Jesus Christ I guess the trip was amazing. You got fucked coming and going.

The trip was amazing and the girls were insane. We went to LDV and Pley Club every night. All said, I paid between 250 k-500 k every night for TLN with 8+ including bar fees, all places charge 100 k in drinks or cash. If the girl is a second rounder for the night you don't have to pay a bar fee. The beach was fun but they will try to scam you. The food service sucks, 2 hours for lunch on hard chairs sucks. My only advise is to not wait for the girls, you need to go get them and negotiate and state want you are want upfront. The hotter she is the more she will start at, when she says 800-900 k just laugh, you can have that one for 300-400 k plus a bar fee. These girls love to party hard. Also I had no problem with the people, taxis, girls, police or street sales men, I was able to walk around freely and felt safe all the night.

You Can
12-02-14, 02:26
Is that a problem?

Yes it's easy 150,000 short time 200,000 maybe 250,000 tdl. If the girl likes you. It's easy every night. If your worried about spending 80,000 in liquor at LDV yea then your probably gone to have a problem the hole trip. 80,000 to 150,0000 peso all night in any club would be considered an inexpensive night out.

It's that simple.

Beach then LDV. Rinse and repeat. Sounds about right. LOL.

250ST sounds about right. 200 if you can negotiate a little. I have been saying this the last couple of years. Where are the guys insisting they can still get ST for 150 k and even 100 k at LDV?

Black Page
12-02-14, 10:32
Is that a problem?
Yes it's easy 150,000 short time 200,000 maybe 250,000 tdl. If the girl likes you. It's easy every night. If your worried about spending 80,000 in liquor at LDV yea then your probably gone to have a problem the hole trip. 80,000 to 150,0000 peso all night in any club would be considered an inexpensive night out.
It's that simple.YC, Hioctane has so much experience in CTG as few others writing in this thread.

I cannot exclude you could get 150 k for ST from some girl in LDV and some time. Everyone has his own samples of experience.

But don't claim here in this forum that it is easy every night, simple, etc. You are misleading new comers. Everyone who goes to CTG knows how is the system. Standard rates in LDV are 200 k-250 k, even after negotiations, and not less than 500 k for TDL (if one has the bad idea to negotiate that before, instead of letting the girl to sleep, if she has nice chemistry). There are girls who would even stick to 300 k for ST. This is not debatable. It's empirical evidence. Period.

It is possible to find girls happy with 100 k-150 k for ST, but at Reloy (sometimes the same girls who 1 hour before were in LDV: D), and only in periods when there are not many foreign men hungry for ladies.

You Can
12-02-14, 15:55
500 K all night in all the times I've been there I can honestly say no one has ever asked me for that amount. 500 k no never once. I am going there next week. Maybe something has changed in the last few months. 500 k? I hope the fuck not.

YC, Hioctane has so much experience in CTG as few others writing in this thread.

I cannot exclude you could get 150 k for ST from some girl in LDV and some time. Everyone has his own samples of experience.

But don't claim here in this forum that it is easy every night, simple, etc. You are misleading new comers. Everyone who goes to CTG knows how is the system. Standard rates in LDV are 200 k-250 k, even after negotiations, and not less than 500 k for TDL (if one has the bad idea to negotiate that before, instead of letting the girl to sleep, if she has nice chemistry). There are girls who would even stick to 300 k for ST. This is not debatable. It's empirical evidence. Period.

It is possible to find girls happy with 100 k-150 k for ST, but at Reloy (sometimes the same girls who 1 hour before were in LDV: D), and only in periods when there are not many foreign men hungry for ladies.

You Can
12-02-14, 16:11
I'm sorry but your wrong from all my prior experiences. Also your the person who spoke up for Aunsa. I tried to steer guys here to rent from reputable people. But you wanted to argue about it. Then I read a few pages back where you backed of your Aunsa cheerleading. It doesn't take an Einstein to stick with reputable people. I'm not going to play into your stuipid talk.

Its easy unless your an idiot. 200st max 300 tdl max. If they won't do it. Guess what they don't want to be with you.

500 K all night in all the times I've been there I can honestly say no one has ever asked me for that amount. 500 k no never once. I am going there next week. Maybe something has changed in the last few months. 500 k? I hope the fuck not.

Black Page
12-02-14, 18:01
I'm sorry but your wrong from all my prior experiences. Also your the person who spoke up for Aunsa. I tried to steer guys here to rent from reputable people. But you wanted to argue about it. Then I read a few pages back where you backed of your Aunsa cheerleading. It doesn't take an Einstein to stick with reputable people. I'm not going to play into your stuipid talk.
Its easy unless your an idiot. 200st max 300 tdl max. If they won't do it. Guess what they don't want to be with you.It looks like you replied to your own post.

Just in case you are referring to me, please note that you are confused. I never heard about "Aunsa". I don't know who is this guy / lady. I never mentioned him / her.

12-02-14, 18:36
Some quick notes while here in CTG:

Aldo has opened a new disco in the old city that is still undergoing remodeling (kitchen, outdoor area, etc.). While the full remodeling probably won't be completed for a couple of months (or more), it is open and a "grand opening" type event is planned for next week. At 3:30 am Sunday night / Monday morning, around 9 or 10 chicas, range of 6 - 8 with all being doable if in need or drinking, LOL. Can't provide name, address and location details, as we've recently learned that there are too many whackos reading this forum, LOL.

Here's a quick rundown of what I've ran into the past few days.

1) 120 mil S / T chica met at playa hollywood.

2) 300 mil 24-hour period chica; met chica playa hollywood also.

3) 150 mil S / T chica met at Aldo's new late spot disco.

4) 10 or so chicas at LDV Sunday night. Range of 6 - 9; couple of blondes, a negrita, couple of morenas, couple of pochantas look alikes, etc.

5) Nothing mentioned to me about a drink minimum or anything while at LDV in which I drank a bottle of water for the first 30 or so minutes. I subsequently went outside after finishing and then came back in and ordered 1/2 bottle of Aquadiante. Cost was either 70 k or 75 k COP, plus the two bottles of water which I believe were 4 k each.

12-02-14, 18:45
To the below quick report, I will add that the few days I've been here there hasn't been too many guys, I. E. , more of a buyer's market (most girls eying you while at the beach or the discos, LOL.).

12-02-14, 19:21
5) Nothing mentioned to me about a drink minimum or anything while at LDV in which I drank a bottle of water for the first 30 or so minutes. I subsequently went outside after finishing and then came back in and ordered 1/2 bottle of Aquadiante. Cost was either 70 k or 75 k COP, plus the two bottles of water which I believe were 4 k each.The drink minimum only applies when you take a girl out.

Black Page
12-02-14, 20:16
Aldo has opened a new disco in the old city that is still undergoing remodeling (kitchen, outdoor area, etc.). While the full remodeling probably won't be completed for a couple of months (or more), it is open and a "grand opening" type event is planned for next week. At 3:30 am Sunday night / Monday morning, around 9 or 10 chicas, range of 6 - 8 with all being doable if in need or drinking, LOL. Can't provide name, address and location details, as we've recently learned that there are too many whackos reading this forum, LOL.That's the best news I could hear! I can't wait for my next trip there (March, I guess).

I hope he will stop wasting money in side activities (regular know what) and will restore the old glory of Elektra. We all need that. And we all owe him some of our best nights in CTG. Accolades to Aldo!

12-03-14, 02:49
The drink minimum only applies when you take a girl out.With all due respect, as I've mentioned in this thread previously, I personally have never encountered a drink minimum whether taking a girl out or not, and neither have any of the guys I know who have been to LDV. I'm not saying that you have not been hit up for a drink minimum; instead I'm saying there is not a drink minimum applied across the board to everyone. There are guys who don't like to spend money at all there, but want to reap the benefits. Those guys get the drink minimum routine. For guys who have established themselves as someone not just there to take, the issue of a drink minimum never comes up, even when they drink only a single bottle of beer or water and take a chica.

It's really not a hard concept to grasp. You've been there to LDV a bunch and exposed to a drink minimum. Myself and other guys have been there a bunch and never exposed to a drink minimum. Are any of us anybody special? I think not. My hunch is that the only thing happening is that it is not unusual for some guys to run a 100 to 200 mil tab by themselves and the people working there know that, and if they don't, Aldo will tell them. People get labeled all the time and they get reputations for being tight when it comes to buying drinks at a bar; only there to enjoy the free entertainment. It's the way the world turns.

Conclusion: If a guy gets hit up for a drink minimum, it's because he is prone or has shown a propensity not to spend money on drinks there, which in turn puts more pressure on the bar in its efforts to pay the bills and turn a profit. It ain't rocket science.

12-03-14, 08:47
With all due respect, as I've mentioned in this thread previously, I personally have never encountered a drink minimum whether taking a girl out or not, and neither have any of the guys I know who have been to LDV. I'm not saying that you have not been hit up for a drink minimum; instead I'm saying there is not a drink minimum applied across the board to everyone. There are guys who don't like to spend money at all there, but want to reap the benefits. Those guys get the drink minimum routine. For guys who have established themselves as someone not just there to take, the issue of a drink minimum never comes up, even when they drink only a single bottle of beer or water and take a chica.

It's really not a hard concept to grasp. You've been there to LDV a bunch and exposed to a drink minimum. Myself and other guys have been there a bunch and never exposed to a drink minimum. Are any of us anybody special? I think not. My hunch is that the only thing happening is that it is not unusual for some guys to run a 100 to 200 mil tab by themselves and the people working there know that, and if they don't, Aldo will tell them. People get labeled all the time and they get reputations for being tight when it comes to buying drinks at a bar; only there to enjoy the free entertainment. It's the way the world turns.

Conclusion: If a guy gets hit up for a drink minimum, it's because he is prone or has shown a propensity not to spend money on drinks there, which in turn puts more pressure on the bar in its efforts to pay the bills and turn a profit. It ain't rocket science.Again, I have experienced it and many newbies have reported it. Maybe you haven't because you are a regular but it's something to be aware of.

You Can
12-03-14, 16:16
Well said!! I always buy a bottle of rum and tip the door guys. So I never had a problem.

With all due respect, as I've mentioned in this thread previously, I personally have never encountered a drink minimum whether taking a girl out or not, and neither have any of the guys I know who have been to LDV. I'm not saying that you have not been hit up for a drink minimum; instead I'm saying there is not a drink minimum applied across the board to everyone. There are guys who don't like to spend money at all there, but want to reap the benefits. Those guys get the drink minimum routine. For guys who have established themselves as someone not just there to take, the issue of a drink minimum never comes up, even when they drink only a single bottle of beer or water and take a chica.

It's really not a hard concept to grasp. You've been there to LDV a bunch and exposed to a drink minimum. Myself and other guys have been there a bunch and never exposed to a drink minimum. Are any of us anybody special? I think not. My hunch is that the only thing happening is that it is not unusual for some guys to run a 100 to 200 mil tab by themselves and the people working there know that, and if they don't, Aldo will tell them. People get labeled all the time and they get reputations for being tight when it comes to buying drinks at a bar; only there to enjoy the free entertainment. It's the way the world turns.

Conclusion: If a guy gets hit up for a drink minimum, it's because he is prone or has shown a propensity not to spend money on drinks there, which in turn puts more pressure on the bar in its efforts to pay the bills and turn a profit. It ain't rocket science.

12-04-14, 14:02
That's the best news I could hear! I can't wait for my next trip there (March, I guess).

I hope he will stop wasting money in side activities (regular know what) and will restore the old glory of Elektra. We all need that. And we all owe him some of our best nights in CTG. Accolades to Aldo!Hey BP,

The name of the new place is L'Oprea. It's a block from the old Electra and is right next to Space. Like I said, they've just opened and there's remodeling of the kitchen and upstairs area to be done, but I already like the place. Looks like Aldo is going to do the new place up right.

It's 7:50 am Here in CTG and you know where I am. The curtains and doors to the balcony are drawn open, the smell of the sea and the sound of splashing waves are in the air. I've got some music playing, a tequila in my hand, a little creepy, and an 18-yr old chica asleep in the the bedroom after a mind-blowing 2-hour multiple nut session of getting into each other. One of those times when two people have a physical and mental chemistry that makes for quite the memorable sexual encounter and moment in time. It's what keeps a fella coming back to Cartagena.

I look forward to what the day foretells. .

Black Page
12-04-14, 15:03
It's 7:50 am Here in CTG and you know where I am. The curtains and doors to the balcony are drawn open, the smell of the sea and the sound of splashing waves are in the air. I've got some music playing, a tequila in my hand, a little creepy, and an 18-yr old chica asleep in the the bedroom after a mind-blowing 2-hour multiple nut session of getting into each other. One of those times when two people have a physical and mental chemistry that makes for quite the memorable sexual encounter and moment in time. It's what keeps a fella coming back to Cartagena.
I look forward to what the day foretells. .It's 15:00 here. I am in my office. It's rainy outside and temperature is around 10°C

12-04-14, 15:13
It's 15:00 here. I am in my office. It's rainy outside and temperature is around 10C
Bleah!All that is the beauty of Cartagena awaits your return. Viva Cartagena!

12-08-14, 00:50
I want to go back.

All that is the beauty of Cartagena awaits your return. Viva Cartagena!

You Can
12-09-14, 20:55
Be down there soon big poppy!

[aQUOTE=BigB23;1653866]I want to go back. [ / QUOTE].

Joey Smith
12-10-14, 13:06
Gents. Headed to Cartagena. How is the selection at LDV.


Not Now
12-10-14, 14:46
Playa Hollywood, I only went there few times. I brought a cooler with ice and beer. Fat Tony is relentless, annoying, just abnoxious, fat black colombiano, he will find you immediately as you get on the beach. The way to get the girls cheaper there is to stay in the water. Tony never goes in the water, and stays away from it. Talk to girls while they are in the water away from Tony who will just fuck things up for you, meaning girls will ask for double, like 200 k for hour, if you let Tony be somewhere close. He also sucked most of my aguardiente in matter of hour since I offered him a shot. Take a zip lock bag for you valuables, like cell, so you can dip in the ocean with it. There are tons of super sketchy, shady guys constantly sitting next to, and walking by your cabana, watch your stuff, don't ever leave it unattended. The other scams are all usual if you ever been to a beach, masages, sketchy 'gifts' of fruits, ceviche, sunglasses, etc. Only talk to girls, if they answer back and talk to you then they are game for ST or more, take numbers and stay in the water to be away from Tony. Cabana with a chair cost me 10 k Peso though he asked 20 k first. Everybody on the beach is sketchy as fuck, watch everything like a hawk, ask prices for everything up front. Avoid Tony if you can, by simply ignoring him and staying close to water. Other option is to get a hat and walk with your cooler up and down the beach close to water out of reach of Tony and other shady characters there and just get numbers of girls there ask for rates and txt them later.

12-10-14, 17:34
Playa Hollywood, I only went there few times. I brought a cooler with ice and beer. Fat Tony is relentless, annoying, just abnoxious, fat black colombiano, he will find you immediately as you get on the beach. The way to get the girls cheaper there is to stay in the water. Tony never goes in the water, and stays away from it. Talk to girls while they are in the water away from Tony who will just fuck things up for you, meaning girls will ask for double, like 200 k for hour, if you let Tony be somewhere close. He also sucked most of my aguardiente in matter of hour since I offered him a shot. Take a zip lock bag for you valuables, like cell, so you can dip in the ocean with it. There are tons of super sketchy, shady guys constantly sitting next to, and walking by your cabana, watch your stuff, don't ever leave it unattended. The other scams are all usual if you ever been to a beach, masages, sketchy 'gifts' of fruits, ceviche, sunglasses, etc. Only talk to girls, if they answer back and talk to you then they are game for ST or more, take numbers and stay in the water to be away from Tony. Cabana with a chair cost me 10 k Peso though he asked 20 k first. Everybody on the beach is sketchy as fuck, watch everything like a hawk, ask prices for everything up front. Avoid Tony if you can, by simply ignoring him and staying close to water. Other option is to get a hat and walk with your cooler up and down the beach close to water out of reach of Tony and other shady characters there and just get numbers of girls there ask for rates and txt them later.The water in Cartagena is dirty as hell, why not just tell Tony to fuck off or better yet tell HIM what you are willing to pay for things, let him make a little money for his efforts and he will be satisfied. You have to let Tony know from the get go that you are the boss and the one with the money in his pockets and he will somewhat come to his senses and adjust accordingly for the most part, be firm but nice and firmer and less nice if necessary.

12-10-14, 17:45
Playa Hollywood, I only went there few times. I brought a cooler with ice and beer. Fat Tony is relentless, annoying, just abnoxious, fat black colombiano, he will find you immediately as you get on the beach. The way to get the girls cheaper there is to stay in the water. Tony never goes in the water, and stays away from it. Talk to girls while they are in the water away from Tony who will just fuck things up for you, meaning girls will ask for double, like 200 k for hour, if you let Tony be somewhere close. He also sucked most of my aguardiente in matter of hour since I offered him a shot. Take a zip lock bag for you valuables, like cell, so you can dip in the ocean with it. There are tons of super sketchy, shady guys constantly sitting next to, and walking by your cabana, watch your stuff, don't ever leave it unattended. The other scams are all usual if you ever been to a beach, masages, sketchy 'gifts' of fruits, ceviche, sunglasses, etc. Only talk to girls, if they answer back and talk to you then they are game for ST or more, take numbers and stay in the water to be away from Tony. Cabana with a chair cost me 10 k Peso though he asked 20 k first. Everybody on the beach is sketchy as fuck, watch everything like a hawk, ask prices for everything up front. Avoid Tony if you can, by simply ignoring him and staying close to water. Other option is to get a hat and walk with your cooler up and down the beach close to water out of reach of Tony and other shady characters there and just get numbers of girls there ask for rates and txt them later.Tony is annoying, but you just have to know how to work around him. The cooler is good. Aguardiente is dirt cheap. Just give him a shot every half hour so he will stop asking you to buy drinks. Another thing to do is put him to work finding you a very particular girl (he actually does know more than half the girls on the beach and has a lot on speedial). When he is busy he doesn't ask you to buy stuff! If he actually does find you a girl, get her number for later and stick to the 100-120 k ST rate.

You Can
12-11-14, 08:48
First Day here and yea tonys fucked up but work him to your advantage. I t was raining like a mother fucker today but I met a great 19 year old today on beach. Full GFE. What a great start. I told her I would take her to dinner tonight see if s she shows. What a great time and fuck. 4 hrs of bliss 150,000 peso and one Gatorade.

Tony is annoying, but you just have to know how to work around him. The cooler is good. Aguardiente is dirt cheap. Just give him a shot every half hour so he will stop asking you to buy drinks. Another thing to do is put aahim to work finding you a very particular girl (he actually does know more than half the girls on the beach and has a lot on speedial). When he is busy he doesn't ask you to buy stuff! If he actually does find you a girl, get her number for later and stick to the 100-120 k ST rate.

Joey Smith
12-11-14, 15:24
Gents. Headed to Cartagena. How is the selection at LDV.

ThanksHit LDV last night. Nice selection of ladies. Mujeres outnumbered guys almost 3 to 1 . The evening was quite interesting as a taxi caught on fire in front of the Dann Hotel and burned up before the fire company arrived. Some poor dude just lost his paycheck and more.

Lots of candy to select for everyone tastes. I prefer the MILFs and selected a girl from Manizales and took her back to the Hampton Inn. Did have to check her in. But no chica fee. Today I'll move into my own apartment in Laguito. Don't normally visit during the high season. My place is rented for 3 months over the holiday season here in Colombia.

Happy hunting.

You Can
12-13-14, 02:35
2nd day more beach and way nicer weather. Girl from yesterday was on, beach and I confirmed dinner. She ended up with some bullshit story and came two hours late. So I fucked her short time 150,000 then headed to LDV took a hot girl out te the but pricey. Total GFE!! Taking her to dinner tonight and keeping her all nigh. Met her before with old par. Her name is Karla. At least that's what she said. Speaks good English. . to be continued.

First Day here and yea tonys fucked up but work him to your advantage. I t was raining like a mother fucker today but I met a great 19 year old today on beach. Full GFE. What a great start. I told her I would take her to dinner tonight see if s she shows. What a great time and fuck. 4 hrs of bliss 150,000 peso and one Gatorade.

Old Parr
12-13-14, 03:34
2nd day more beach and way nicer weather. Girl from yesterday was on, beach and I confirmed dinner. She ended up with some bullshit story and came two hours late. So I fucked her short time 150,000 then headed to LDV took a hot girl out te the but pricey. Total GFE!! Taking her to dinner tonight and keeping her all nigh. Met her before with old par. Her name is Karla. At least that's what she said. Speaks good English. . to be continued.I remember her, and in fact I think I have a couple of pics of her. Continue to have fun and keep knocking the boots off the girls! To bad you were not there a couple of weeks ago, as it was like magic when I entered the wall city and Cafe del Mar and Tu Candela. I had quite the following like normal, and memorable times were made in both places, as well as back in the condo. By the way I do not use Nelson no more.

12-13-14, 12:24
2nd day more beach and way nicer weather. Girl from yesterday was on, beach and I confirmed dinner. She ended up with some bullshit story and came two hours late. So I fucked her short time 150,000 then headed to LDV took a hot girl out te the but pricey. Total GFE!! Taking her to dinner tonight and keeping her all nigh. Met her before with old par. Her name is Karla. At least that's what she said. Speaks good English. . to be continued.Hi,

How many girls in LDV?

What the average age of customers? How old are you?

Can I photo them in LDV by iPhone or its better to do photos after?

You Can
12-14-14, 04:39
Probably 50 girls or more. Age of customers range from 20 to 65? But mostly my age sound 40 to 50. I don't know anything about photos or videos I am not into that. Took the girl Karla to dinner lat night. She was definitely a 10 and spoke good English I had fun with her. Total GFE.

Today went to beach at Tony's he leaves me anyone for most part. He had 5 girls sitting working his beach 3 were sitting together and a guy sat with them and next thing you know the drinks in coconuts are flowing extra shots of liquor for drinks. Tony happy. I can't imagine the fucking this guy got. Tony definitely was going to fuck him. I left there before the fights started over bill. Will hit a couple spots tonight. I just woke up.


How many girls in LDV?

What the average age of customers? How old are you?

Can I photo them in LDV by iPhone or its better to do photos after?

You Can
12-14-14, 04:42
One more thing sorry I took Karla to carbon de palo. Very good and had nice band playing soft music.

Probably 50 girls or more. Age of customers range from 20 to 65? But mostly my age sound 40 to 50. I don't know anything about photos or videos I am not into that. Took the girl Karla to dinner lat night. She was definitely a 10 and spoke good English I had fun with her. Total GFE.

Today went to beach at Tony's he leaves me anyone for most part. He had 5 girls sitting working his beach 3 were sitting together and a guy sat with them and next thing you know the drinks in coconuts are flowing extra shots of liquor for drinks. Tony happy. I can't imagine the fucking this guy got. Tony definitely was going to fuck him. I left there before the fights started over bill. Will hit a couple spots tonight. I just woke up.

12-14-14, 09:55
Probably 50 girls or more. Age of customers range from 20 to 65? But mostly my age sound 40 to 50. I don't know anything about photos or videos I am not into that. Took the girl Karla to dinner lat night. She was definitely a 10 and spoke good English I had fun with her. Total GFE.

Today went to beach at Tony's he leaves me anyone for most part. He had 5 girls sitting working his beach 3 were sitting together and a guy sat with them and next thing you know the drinks in coconuts are flowing extra shots of liquor for drinks. Tony happy. I can't imagine the fucking this guy got. Tony definitely was going to fuck him. I left there before the fights started over bill. Will hit a couple spots tonight. I just woke up.OK thanks!

What situation in another playas?

Castillo, La Boquilla, El laguito?

How you think in January 1-10 , the LDV girls will raise their tariffs (prices)?

You Can
12-14-14, 17:08
I have never been in Cartagena in January. Last night LDV was banging. Took a girl I new from before 200,000 peso she stayed around three hours. Much fun. I am taking her to dinner tonight. It's my last night. The beach has been packed with a lot of people. More working girls then I ever seen on beach. It's gorgeous again today.

Old par was right. I am staying marinara 1204 apartment. It's nice! Always like dealing with juan and Adolpho. Good people.

As far as Nelson and Alfredo I stoped using them about a year ago because they wanted more and more above normal rate. So I moved on.

OK thanks!

What situation in another playas?

Castillo, La Boquilla, El laguito?

How you think in January 1-10 , the LDV girls will raise their tariffs (prices)?

12-14-14, 17:29
Old par was right. I am staying marinara 1204 apartment. It's nice! Always like dealing with juan and Adolpho. Good people.

Glad to hear!! Will be there next week. I was going to book that room damn it. Instead I booked 404. Hope its nice too. Juan is great. I will only go through him for apts in CTG. Can't wait to be there.

You Can
12-14-14, 17:39
I keep fucking up the name😄.

Old par was right. I am staying marinara 1204 apartment. It's nice! Always like dealing with juan and Adolpho. Good people.

Glad to hear!! Will be there next week. I was going to book that room damn it. Instead I booked 404. Hope its nice too. Juan is great. I will only go through him for apts in CTG. Can't wait to be there.

Old Parr
12-14-14, 19:16
Old par was right. I am staying marinara 1204 apartment. It's nice! Always like dealing with juan and Adolpho. Good people.

Glad to hear!! Will be there next week. I was going to book that room damn it. Instead I booked 404. Hope its nice too. Juan is great. I will only go through him for apts in CTG. Can't wait to be there.I am always right, 404 is OK but I much prefer 1204.

Baby Boy
12-15-14, 06:40
Probably 50 girls or more. Age of customers range from 20 to 65? But mostly my age sound 40 to 50. I don't know anything about photos or videos I am not into that. Took the girl Karla to dinner lat night. She was definitely a 10 and spoke good English I had fun with her. Total GFE.

Today went to beach at Tony's he leaves me anyone for most part. He had 5 girls sitting working his beach 3 were sitting together and a guy sat with them and next thing you know the drinks in coconuts are flowing extra shots of liquor for drinks. Tony happy. I can't imagine the fucking this guy got. Tony definitely was going to fuck him. I left there before the fights started over bill. Will hit a couple spots tonight. I just woke up.First trip to CTG last week. Definitely watch out for Tony and them playa Hollywood goons. Tony got me for $320 K on 9 drinks, a meal and a chair & umbrella for 1 afternoon. Still pissed when I think about it. On the bright side, I had a great time besides that 1 incident.

12-15-14, 12:04
I keep fucking up the name.I recently bought 1204, closing on 1203 this week. I put an american phone and new bedroom tvs in 1204. We will decide soon the renovation details (start in March). The balcony sold the apartments. Anyway, enjoy, more improvements are coming.

12-15-14, 20:21
I recently bought 1204, closing on 1203 this week. I put an american phone and new bedroom tvs in 1204. We will decide soon the renovation details (start in March). The balcony sold the apartments. Anyway, enjoy, more improvements are coming.Is this Martin? The loco gringo?

12-15-14, 23:29
Was planning on going to Sosua in March for my last trip there. But I am hearing too many negative remarks about it now. So I am planning a different trip off the beaten path. Has anyone have any info on Cartagena, Colombia? Exchange rate, hotels or rentals and short time & TLN going rate. Thanks brothers & Happy Holidays!

12-16-14, 06:40
I am playing my trips to Cartagena for 2015 and December 2016 so can anyone tell me where is a good place to stay, where the beaches are that the girls hangout, other locations to find girls? Also is there anyone who can direct me to the girls on the Hollywood beach, the cost of carpas, chairs, beer, and what to pay for short time with the girls? In Cartagena is there a place similar to the old club called "Help" that was in Rio de Janiero, Brazil? Can I find English speaking girls in Cartagena? Do you think the prices will be the same in 2016 as they will be in 2015? Is it difficult to pick up normal girls if I do not speak Spanish, and if I am over weight by a good 80 pounds, and always have a cigar hanging out of my mouth? I also prefer to wear shorts, t-shirts, and tennis shoes when I go out at night to the bars and nightclubs, will this be an acceptable form of clothing? Are Colombian girls enamored with Americans and Canadians?

I also have a question for this CanYou guy, can you send me the phone numbers of these girls you were with along with photos and any pesos you might have left from your trip? I can provide you my email in a private message. I also promise to post a report of my time in Cartagena when I return. This goes for my trip I am planning for even 2016.

Sorry for the many questions, but will appreciate all the help you can provide in answering my questions and concerns. This forum is awesome.

Happy hunting guys.This is too funny. Jackson should pin this post on top of all threads. .

P.S. For those that don't know OP, he is being sarcastic. He knows more about CTG than most on this forum.

12-16-14, 14:08
Is this Martin? The loco gringo?Noooooo, far from Martin. He bought the LocoGringo cafe and website from me. He is not in cartagena anymore, moved to another area of Colombia.

12-16-14, 20:22
Noooooo, far from Martin. He bought the LocoGringo cafe and website from me. He is not in cartagena anymore, moved to another area of Colombia.You know if the apt he sold on first floor across from ldv if the new owner rents it out or not?


12-17-14, 00:10
I am playing my trips to Cartagena for 2015 and December 2016 so can anyone tell me where is a good place to stay, where the beaches are that the girls hangout, other locations to find girls? Also is there anyone who can direct me to the girls on the Hollywood beach, the cost of carpas, chairs, beer, and what to pay for short time with the girls? In Cartagena is there a place similar to the old club called "Help" that was in Rio de Janiero, Brazil? Can I find English speaking girls in Cartagena? Do you think the prices will be the same in 2016 as they will be in 2015? Is it difficult to pick up normal girls if I do not speak Spanish, and if I am over weight by a good 80 pounds, and always have a cigar hanging out of my mouth? I also prefer to wear shorts, t-shirts, and tennis shoes when I go out at night to the bars and nightclubs, will this be an acceptable form of clothing? Are Colombian girls enamored with Americans and Canadians?

I also have a question for this CanYou guy, can you send me the phone numbers of these girls you were with along with photos and any pesos you might have left from your trip? I can provide you my email in a private message. I also promise to post a report of my time in Cartagena when I return. This goes for my trip I am planning for even 2016.

Sorry for the many questions, but will appreciate all the help you can provide in answering my questions and concerns. This forum is awesome.

Happy hunting guys.I left 400,000 with Tony and a list of University chicas that want to do gringoes for free. I am pretty sure tony will have the money for you cause he said, "Trust me, me no fuck you". Good to know that people in cartagena are trustworthy.

12-17-14, 03:51
Gracias amigo and you are a honorable man like always! I hope you achieve all the success in the world on expanding your professional portfolio, and I am looking forward to spending quite a bit of time in Marinare 1204 again this coming year and beyond, and I hope you continue to let my friend Mr. Ventura manage the properties you do have available, as he is the best in the business as anyone who has dealt with him knows.

Cheers to ya!Yes I agree Juan is the best down there.

Not Now
12-17-14, 16:40
Yes I agree Juan is the best down there.Just wanted to vouch for Juan too. Great guy to deal with, highly recommend.

You Can
12-17-14, 18:45
Great apartment, great time, and great cleaning lady. Antonia? Very nice lady. Sounds funny but I always appreciate the help. Took good care of her. I also always respect the apartment as my own.

I recently bought 1204, closing on 1203 this week. I put an american phone and new bedroom tvs in 1204. We will decide soon the renovation details (start in March). The balcony sold the apartments. Anyway, enjoy, more improvements are coming.

12-18-14, 06:49
I am headed to CTG first week in January. I like the late night disco that has plenty of working girls. I have been to Electra in my previous visits. Is it still open? What else is similiar to that? Thanks.


12-18-14, 13:30
I am playing my trips to Cartagena for 2015 and December 2016 so can anyone tell me where is a good place to stay, where the beaches are that the girls hangout, other locations to find girls? Also is there anyone who can direct me to the girls on the Hollywood beach, the cost of carpas, chairs, beer, and what to pay for short time with the girls? In Cartagena is there a place similar to the old club called "Help" that was in Rio de Janiero, Brazil? Can I find English speaking girls in Cartagena? Do you think the prices will be the same in 2016 as they will be in 2015? Is it difficult to pick up normal girls if I do not speak Spanish, and if I am over weight by a good 80 pounds, and always have a cigar hanging out of my mouth? I also prefer to wear shorts, t-shirts, and tennis shoes when I go out at night to the bars and nightclubs, will this be an acceptable form of clothing? Are Colombian girls enamored with Americans and Canadians?

I also have a question for this CanYou guy, can you send me the phone numbers of these girls you were with along with photos and any pesos you might have left from your trip? I can provide you my email in a private message. I also promise to post a report of my time in Cartagena when I return. This goes for my trip I am planning for even 2016.

Sorry for the many questions, but will appreciate all the help you can provide in answering my questions and concerns. This forum is awesome.

Happy hunting guys.That was great, keep it coming.

12-21-14, 03:04
If you have any doubts, go ahead and ask any question you want. If I haven't wrote anything lately it's because it's all the same. In Panama what is there to write about over and over? Veneto, Habanos, or Ache. I don't venture over to Miami Club so nothing to write about special. Everyone knows the decline of the termas in Rio, and with help closing, really took me out of the picture in Rio. Cuba I admit forgot to write a report, and Germany FKK was limited to the couple big ones. Anyways, like I said, is Electra still open? I will be staying by the Old Clock Square when I arrive and remember Electra within walking distance. Thanks.

Viper 10.

Looking at your posting history you ask a lot of questions for information, but never contribute a report of your experiences, so please tell us why we should respond to your question? You might want to contribute a report of your experiences in Cartagena, since you claim you have visited in several times previously, before asking questions. You claim to have been to Brazil, Panama, Cuba, Germany and other areas but contribute basically nothing.

12-21-14, 03:14
Old Parr, based on what you said I looked at my old reports. I do have reports in Panama and FKK Oase so I don't know what you are talking about. Rio I have numerous reports and information reports how to obtain CPF etc. So the only think I didn't report on was Cuba. So I don't know what you are talking about. Thanks.


12-21-14, 03:30
I am headed to CTG first week in January. I like the late night disco that has plenty of working girls. I have been to Electra in my previous visits. Is it still open? What else is similiar to that? Thanks.

Viper10Elektra has been close for a while. It reopened as Paprika but that closed too. I think a new one just opened up. I haven't checked it out yet, but I think someone mentioned it several pages back.

Member #4398
12-21-14, 04:25
Be patient. A report is coming up after the end of my trip and when I return to the USA on Dec. 28. I am in the middle of my trip now in Barranquilla. I can't write a comprehensive report on my iPhone and I am not expending my time in a computer. So just be patient.

Happy to hear that, as I have used her for years, and would never think of using anyone else, as she does that good of a job, and you cannot find a better person. She also needs the money really bad so kudos to you my friend for taking care of her. I am also still waiting for you to send me the pics I requested in my post the other day, as well as any pesos you might have brought home with you, as I will put them to good use.

Still waiting for Cerebro to post his trip report, and tell us about his apartment rental in Cartagena. I read a prior post of his that stated he was going to be in Santa Marta, Barranquilla, as well as Cartagena this past week, or it might have been this week, so he should have a lot to share with us when it comes to accommodations, restaurants, transportation, nightclubs, strip clubs, and casas, pricing for the girls, and other activities he might have done in these three coastal cities.

Old Parr
12-22-14, 18:37
If you have any doubts, go ahead and ask any question you want. If I haven't wrote anything lately it's because it's all the same. In Panama what is there to write about over and over? Veneto, Habanos, or Ache. I don't venture over to Miami Club so nothing to write about special. Everyone knows the decline of the termas in Rio, and with help closing, really took me out of the picture in Rio. Cuba I admit forgot to write a report, and Germany FKK was limited to the couple big ones. Anyways, like I said, is Electra still open? I will be staying by the Old Clock Square when I arrive and remember Electra within walking distance. Thanks.

Viper 10.I understand. Apologies to ya!

Old Parr
12-22-14, 18:39
Be patient. A report is coming up after the end of my trip and when I return to the USA on Dec. 28. I am in the middle of my trip now in Barranquilla. I can't write a comprehensive report on my iPhone and I am not expending my time in a computer. So just be patient.Very much looking forward to it, especially your assessment of your apartment rental. Thank you for being so kind in responding! Continue to have fun!

Tiny 12
12-27-14, 20:23
Excellent questions Old Parr! Sorry for the delayed response, but since you're not going to Cartagena until December, 2016 I guess that's not a problem. Here are answers to some of your questions.

so can anyone tell me where is a good place to stay,If you're a high end monger, there's only one answer. The Sofitel Santa Clara! Not only is it one of the nicest hotels in Cartagena, but you'll have absolutely no problem bringing two, three or even four women back to your room. In fact, if your date is particularly attractive, expect the girl at reception to give you a knowing wink and a big thumbs up.

If you want to save on lodging, then one of the small, comfortable hotels or guest houses in Getsemani is your best bet. Be sure and wear an expensive watch and gold jewelry when you're out and about in Getsemani. This will give you opportunities to meet and impress the chicas of the barrio, normal girls in the neighborhood.

where the beaches are that the girls hangout,I don't know the name, but for normal girls, it's the first beach you'll see on your right when you're driving in from the airport, right next to an isolated skyscraper. Follow my advice above about an expensive watch and gold chains. That's the best way to stand out at the beach. And you're not there for swimming, right?

Also is there anyone who can direct me to the girls on the Hollywood beach, the cost of carpas, chairs, beer, and what to pay for short time with the girls? In Cartagena is there a place similar to the old club called "Help" that was in Rio de Janiero, Brazil? Can I find English speaking girls in Cartagena? Do you think the prices will be the same in 2016 as they will be in 2015? Is it difficult to pick up normal girls if I do not speak SpanishYour questions and concerns can be answered with a single word, Tony! He's your personal concierge at Hollywood beach in Cartagena. You won't have to worry about short time rates, speaking Spanish, etc. As already kindly suggested by LocoGringo, just throw 500,000 pesos at him and tell him you want to get fucked. Tony will make sure you get fucked.

Is it difficult to pick up normal girls... if I am over weight by a good 80 pounds, and always have a cigar hanging out of my mouth? Absolutely not. You have to remember that this is a third world country, like the poorer parts of Sub Saharan Africa. Weight on a man is an indication of prosperity, lots of disposable income for eating, and considered very sexy.

I also prefer to wear shorts, t-shirts, and tennis shoes when I go out at night to the bars and nightclubs, will this be an acceptable form of clothing?During the daytime when you're visiting museums and churches, that's fine. At night that's not the best choice. Remember that Colombian women love sex. And they love fat, prosperous men. For the clubs, I would recommend you cut off and hem some T-shirts, so they fall just below your nipples. That way if you've got a bit of a panza (stomach) you can show it off. And in the clubs, G-strings are better than shorts. If you're a little weak in the "packaging" department, if you know what I mean, just add a little padding. This is the perfect attire for a night of partying at Mr. Babilla's and some of the other clubs on Calle 24.

Are Colombian girls enamored with Americans and Canadians?Of course! They are sick of ugly Colombian men who beat them and sleep with lots of women. They will be putty in your hands.

I also have a question for this CanYou guy, can you send me the phone numbers of these girls you were with along with photos and any pesos you might have left from your trip? I can provide you my email in a private message.I actually know them. Naomi is the blonde and speaks English. Just call 6501095 and tell her what you want.

Hija is the brunette. She works for an agency, so the first time you see her, you'll need to talk with them. I'll send you a PM with the phonetic pronunciations so you can communicate with them even though you don't know Spanish, but this will get you started:

1. Call 653 1639.

2. Ask to speak to the jefe de la po licia. This is the guy in charge when you call, and he's more like to speak English than others at the agency.

3. If he doesn't speak English, tell him:

Me llamo (Fill in your complete legal name). (Old Parr, They need your name to do screening, for Hija's safety. They want to make sure you aren't an ax murderer or something.)

Mi direccion es (Fill in the name of your hotel or apartment and unit number).

Quiero tener sexo con tu hija, la jovencita. Yo pago 200,000 pesos por una hora.

You'll end up paying the standard rate, 200,000 pesos for an hour the first time, but if she really likes you, you can set up additional visits for much less, say $10 or $20.

I also promise to post a report of my time in Cartagena when I return. This goes for my trip I am planning for even 2016.

Sorry for the many questions, but will appreciate all the help you can provide in answering my questions and concerns. This forum is awesome.

Happy hunting guys.Fantastic! Have a great trip! And report back!

12-27-14, 21:13
You spent a lot of time on that post it seems. While sarcasm can be funny, and believe me I get sarcasm. There are always newbies on this forum that are looking for useful information, and may NOT understand the tone of a response or the level of sarcasm especially if they are not spending enough time reading through pages of comments. So rather than spend what appears to be an inordinate amount of time on sarcastic posts. Why not provide some useful information and try not to mislead first time visitors or newbies? If someone is not great with english, and doesn't understand sarcasm or the tone of your message. And they actually act on information, it doesn't exactly help and probably puts them in what could potentially be a very uncomfortable situation.

I don't mean to crash the party here, but it would be nice to see more useful information and less battering of newbies that ask a question and then having regular posters go off with several posts filled with sarcasm and trying to flex their forum muscle of knowledge. We all make the mostly innocent mistake of asking a question that has been repeated. I know I have done it before whether on this forum or another, but you learn from it and the more you visit and read. You start to get the idea of RTFF. This forum is a very valuable source that has helped me and many others as well, and it would be nice to keep it that way rather than turn it into a pissing fest that yields nothing but wasted time, and posts. I hope you understand my message, I visit these forums maybe once or twice a week and I will share experiences and my thoughts once in awhile. But there are a few threads that just go either way off topic, or turns into a pissing match that no one gains anything from. :

Tiny 12
12-27-14, 22:21
Puntz, I just tried to edit my post to address your concerns, but it's too late.

So, to anyone reading my post below who's a complete idiot, it describes places you should not go and things you should not do. The post is not addressed to or meant to satirize any individual. And if you're overweight, as I have been from time to time in the past, you will still have a great time in Cartagena, both with the pros and, if you choose to play the game, with nonpros.

Black Page
12-28-14, 11:22
(I got your sarcasm, but I know you agree now that it was not a good idea to write such a long post just to highlight silly information. Some newbie may believe it).

If you want to save on lodging, then one of the small, comfortable hotels or guest houses in Getsemani is your best bet. Be sure and wear an expensive watch and gold jewelry when you're out and about in Getsemani. This will give you opportunities to meet and impress the chicas of the barrio, normal girls in the neighborhood.
Tiny, here your sarcasm went offtrack. You seem to base your information on the silly website posted by Cerebro time ago. Once again: forget that web site, written by uninformed people for same. Getsemani WAS a poor dangerous barrio, but 10 years ago. Now, it's the center of hipster nightlife, yet mostly inexpensive. Many nice bars, budget hotels mixed with some boutique hotels, and lots of young people enjoying at night. If someone bought an apartment there 10 years ago, not he's rich. Not a place to meet WGs. I recommend to have a walk around Getsemani during the day to take photos of houses and people. Plenty of cozy corners.

Tiny 12
12-28-14, 14:10
Either you guys don't have a sense of humor or mine is warped. More likely the latter. You also appear to believe people are pretty stupid.

Black Page, I attended a conference at the Convention Center and have frequented the bars on Calle 24, both in Getsemani, and felt very safe. Maybe I should qualify that. Alvaro Uribe and a couple of government ministers were among the speakers at the conference, so I was a little concerned FARC might bomb the place. Anyway, I'd feel comfortable staying around the convention center or Calle 24. Unless things have changed a lot, I would not stay in a hotel or walk around at night in other parts of Getsemani. Admittedly, it's been 4 years since I've been to Cartagena (I used to go every year or two), and maybe they've upped the police presence. I've read about muggings and worse occurring there, and have been told by locals to stay away.

Old Parr, looking forward to 2017, see you there!

Black Page
12-28-14, 15:42
Black Page, I attended a conference at the Convention Center and have frequented the bars on Calle 24, both in Getsemani, and felt very safe. Maybe I should qualify that. Alvaro Uribe and a couple of government ministers were among the speakers at the conference, so I was a little concerned FARC might bomb the place. Anyway, I'd feel comfortable staying around the convention center or Calle 24. Unless things have changed a lot, I would not stay in a hotel or walk around at night in other parts of Getsemani. Admittedly, it's been 4 years since I've been to Cartagena (I used to go every year or two), and maybe they've upped the police presence. I've read about muggings and worse occurring there, and have been told by locals to stay away.Natura non facit saltus There were no sharp changes, but a smooth evolution.

On my first visit to CTG (8 year ago, I think), it was insane to go out of the gate of the Reloy Tower alone at night. The area between the tower and the convention center was dark and with young kids eager to rob people. The Calle de la Media Luna was infamous. Between Bar California and the park there were old prostitutes, very low-end. Overall, dangerous and sketchy, although not impossible (I watched a football match of the Colombia national team at Bar California a night with locals and I had fun).

Now, it is probably not a good idea to venture alone at night in the alleys of Getsemani (but why? There's nothing), but I would not say "don't go". It's quiet. The Calle de la Media Luna become the epicentre of night life, with lots of bars and music. Crowded by young tourists from USA and Europe. Bar California is not the same anymore. And, needless to say, almost no SWs there.

Old Parr
12-28-14, 21:22
Either you guys don't have a sense of humor. (THIS IS CORRECT)
Black Page, I attended a conference at the Convention Center and have frequented the bars on Calle 24, both in Getsemani, and felt very safe. Maybe I should qualify that. Alvaro Uribe and a couple of government ministers were among the speakers at the conference, so I was a little concerned FARC might bomb the place. Anyway, I'd feel comfortable staying around the convention center or Calle 24. Unless things have changed a lot, I would not stay in a hotel or walk around at night in other parts of Getsemani. Admittedly, it's been 4 years since I've been to Cartagena (I used to go every year or two), and maybe they've upped the police presence. I've read about muggings and worse occurring there, and have been told by locals to stay away.

Old Parr, looking forward to 2017, see you there!Yes, you will my friend, and I am very much looking forward to catching up with old times with you. Cannot believe it has been 4 years already that you have not been here in Cartagena. Things were quite safe here the past couple of years, but I have noticed recently a big increase in violence, and from speaking to friends in other large cities in Colombia, the same holds true in there cities. Personally, I would like to see some bombs go off, including in Laguito and the Old City as long as no-one gets hurt, and have it make the world news every day, as things then would revert back to my Cartagena days in the beginning of the 90's. I am in the process of buying some property in the Taganga area to build a home on, so in the future my time will be mainly spent in Santa Marta which I feel is a much more enjoyable area than overpriced Cartagena, unless the violence gets to a point of making the world news like I posted above. Santa Marta offers much better beaches, ocean waters, and there is much more to do in general. In addition it is much more cost effective area to live or be in. Here is link to a thread here on the forum that a former poster compiled some quality reports on that included Santa Marta.


Tiny 12
12-28-14, 23:57
Now, it is probably not a good idea to venture alone at night in the alleys of GetsemaniGood advice. The Swiss woman who was raped and stabbed 42 times a year ago after walking alone late at night in Getsemani undoubtedly wishes she'd followed it.

12-29-14, 15:22
It was anotherblissfull night with her with her affectionate way and tight pussy. I had another round in the morning as soon as I woke up and saw her naked ass next to me. She woke up and just like a true GFE started pleasing me. Another great fuck. This girl is really good and sweet. I gave her 250 k or 106 dollars which is a lot, but hell I was in a good mood and super satisfied and she was my Christmas gift and I guess I was to her. Also, I have been saving a lot of money in accommodations at Hotel Casa Boston 60000 pesos or $25 a night. The girl Camila could not believe her eyes when I gave her 250 k $106 dollars and was kisiing me all over the place. That was a happy girl. I think I spoiled this poor girl for future American mongers.

CerebroExcellent trip report!

Thank you sir!

Though other Cheap Charlie type guys may not agree, I commend you for taking good care of what seems to be a real sweetheart!

Happy New Year amigos.

Old Parr
12-30-14, 01:08

Thank you for one of the best reports I have read on the ISG in a very long time! It was not just a good report, but excellent, and an enjoyable read. So happy that you found Camille, and that she treated you well.

As far as the apartment in Cartagena goes, the reason Hilltopper and I was responding to you about the apartment, is because AUNSA is a fraud, and does not deliver, and we did not want to see you be another victim of this rip off artist. It is my belief that he has no apartments in Colombia or anywhere else in world, as he was claiming he had apartments in Brazil on the Rio de Janiero thread. I could not find one favorable report or someone recommending his apartments which included a google search. What I found was several posts where he ripped people off, or tried to rip them off.

Again, thank you, and I hope if you return to the Cartagena / Barranquilla / Santa Marta areas that you send me a message as I would like to show you a positive experience in Cartagena on my pesos, as it is a beautiful city and a fun place to party.

12-30-14, 04:24
I believed every word and took notes.

Either you guys don't have a sense of humor or mine is warped. More likely the latter. You also appear to believe people are pretty stupid.

Black Page, I attended a conference at the Convention Center and have frequented the bars on Calle 24, both in Getsemani, and felt very safe. Maybe I should qualify that. Alvaro Uribe and a couple of government ministers were among the speakers at the conference, so I was a little concerned FARC might bomb the place. Anyway, I'd feel comfortable staying around the convention center or Calle 24. Unless things have changed a lot, I would not stay in a hotel or walk around at night in other parts of Getsemani. Admittedly, it's been 4 years since I've been to Cartagena (I used to go every year or two), and maybe they've upped the police presence. I've read about muggings and worse occurring there, and have been told by locals to stay away.

Old Parr, looking forward to 2017, see you there!

Member #4398
12-30-14, 13:54
Cerebro's trip report in Cartagena, Barranquilla, Santa Marta.

Hello fellow mongers.

I posted this report in the Cartagena reports also. My trip started in Carta and ended there, but I spent most of my time in Barranquilla. I ouline the whole report thinking that some of the information and things I did may be useful for some newbies. I warn you guys that this is long report. This is my third mongering trip overall so I am still fairly new in this game, but I am loving it. I already visited the DR (Sosua, Boca Chica, Cabarette) and Medellin this year. I speak fluent Spanish and I am in my mid 40's. I like to travel light with no big luggage, just a small book bag with 5-6 days of clothes (it makes traveling and navigating in / out airports easier) that way and I make little planning or my travel plan is day to day. I also don't make hotel reservation for more than a day just in case I don't like where I allows me to change my plans anytime I want. I also don't like to take taxi (avoid taxi scam), prefer public buses (way much cheaper and safer than taxi), and I tend to do a lot of walking sometimes for hours alone exploring areas that way and trying to blend in with the locals as much as possible dressing like the local people (jeans, sneakers, plain shirt / t-shirt, a cap with no logos).

Day 1 Arrival in Cartagena.

I flew from NYC JFK and landed in Cartagena airport. About $500 dollars direct 5 hours flight. In Carta airport I found that they have small buses outside the airport that were heading to the city for less than a dollar (1700 pesos or. 70 US cent) center and other towns just to blocks away from airport so I ditched the taxi. I made a reservation with member Aunsa to stay in a studio apartment in Bocagrande. The apartment was unexpectedly cancelled. Sorry Oldpar and others expecting a review, but I can't provide a review cause I was not able to stay in his apartment. I ended up looking for place in an hurry and ended up staying in Hostel Viajero at Calle 7 Infantes http://www.hostelcartagena.com/. A nice party hostel with a bar in the middle of the Colonial wall city. Nicely located and safe. Lots of young single man and women Europen and American travelers partying hard that day and drinking. They all seem hungry for sex but nobody seemed to be making a move. Hosteling is not my thing really and not what I went for to Cartagena for, but I like getting into a hostel just until I get situated in town. I just drank a lot of mojitos which was the special 5 k pesos ($2 us, had a free salsa lesson and talked with some of the girls at the hostel, but felt sort of too old in this place and I ended up just going to bed and left the crowd partying, I had a shared room with 6 people girls and guys, for 34000 peso or about 14 dollars. The place is not conducive to bringing a girl in, but you can hook up easily with a girl traveler if you are younger and into this type of thing. Not my thing really. Slept well for the night and they have lots of fruits, bread. Cereal, milk, coffee, as free breakfast. I found nice and friendly people in this place, the staff and the travelers were all very nice to me. This hostel place has a nice feeling.

Day 2 Bocagrade, Playa Hollywood, the beach is a dump and welcome to Hustlelandia.

I booked a night at Pueblito Playa in Bocagranda through booking.com at avenida San Martin no 4-115. http://hotelpueblitoplaya.com/tarifas.php?idioma=en 80000 pesos ($34 us) a night, girl friendly and just a few blocks from Playa Hollywood. It is probably the cheapest place in that area and it is clean and has comfortable beds, safe area. There is a chica fee 40000 pesos ($17 dollars). I headed to Playa Hollywood in the afternoon. First thing I am there two girls were walking next to me and started talking to me. I guessed they noticed I am not from there. They did not looked that good to my taste but they were definitely looking for game. I pretended to be dumb as they were asking me questions and once they saw I was not interested they continued walking. Next thing I am entering Playa H. A guy selling crabs and oysters and other stuff stops me and starts offering me some of his things. I said no gracias but the guy kept insisting and said it was free and saying it was great for sex. So unfortunately I took the bait and started eating some of his things. Then he kept feeding them to me and I ate quite a good volume of things at some point I said stop no more. The guy then said I owed him 60000 pesos $25 dollars. I said what the fuck! And started arguing with the guy. The guy said that it was only the first thing that was free and that I ate like 25 oysters, and a cangrejo / crab leg and some clams. I ended up giving the guy about 21 dollars or 50000 pesos. This was my in introduction to getting scammed in Cartagena. I was pissed and I kept walking on the beach pissed off. Then a black ugly and fat girl morena (massage girl) stopped me and she put some cream on my hands without me asking and started massaging my hands. I said to her I did not want a massage and she kept insisting. I told her no and to go away. Then she asked me to give her $20 dollars for the cream she put on my hand and the massage she already gave me. I said in Spanish what fucking massage are you talking about? I gave the girl 1000 pesos or 40 cents and told her to leave me the fuck alone. She seemed unhappy but left and saying in Spanish, relajate, relajate (which means relax, relax). Then another vendor selling crabs and oyster approached me and the moment the guy got closed to me and insisting I scared the hell out of the guy once I shouted ballase carajo no me joda! (strong way of saying go away or get the fuck out in Spanish). Then I remember an ISG member who made a warning about speaking to the vendors and the massage girls and to avoid them all because all were like pests or parasites. The vendor also said to me as he left that I need to relax and that not every vendor is a bad person. Then while passing by Playa Hollywood, I heard the name of the tout Tony being shouted by someone (Tony is famous tout in this beach for his extensive list of girls). I saw the guy, but he did not notice me. I kept walking. I was in no mood for dealing with another hustler and only thought about leaving Cartagena and not to deal anymore with the hustlers. After seeing the beautiful clear water beaches of the DR, all I could say is that the beach here is a dump dirty as hell. At night time, I only went out for a walk on avenida San Martin near my hotel. I saw a hooker standing on telephone post, but she was too fat and unkempt so I did not even bother. I went back to my hotel to sleep and was in no mood of going out to check any mongering place. I just kept thinking about leaving to Barranquilla the next day.

Day 3 Barranquilla, the fun begins, meeting a psycho a Juernes bar.

At lunch I ate some nice Mojarra fish in a Bocagrade restaurant, but I already made up my mind to leave town. I took a 1 hour bus 1700 pesos from Bocagrande to the main bus terminal in Carta. At the terminal I took a 2 hours nice big bus (Copetran) to Barranquilla for 15000 pesos or $6 dollars. Since It was already dark when I arrive in Barranquilla, I had to take a 15000 $6 pesos taxi to my hotel. There are public buses that I prefer to take for just 1700 pesos, but I did not know the areas so I did not try my cheap approach. The taxi took me to http://www.booking.com/hotel/co/aparthotel-eslait.html which I reserved through booking.com. For 104000 pesos per night $42 dollars, you could get a nice hotel bedroom or an aparta studio for two people. I forgot to ask if it was girl friendly. Since I was on a budget mode, I thought about finding something cheaper the next day. After checking my room, nice and clean place and safe location in Prado town, I went for a walk at 10 pm and after the attendant confirmed that it was safe to walk in the Prado town at night time. I found that lots of people were outside in this town drinking and it was pretty safe to walk at night cause so many people still out and business opened. I got into what is considered a shady area in town, but I felt it was not that bad in comparison to other worse areas I have been to in the past. I stumbled into a bar / brothel called Juernes just by walking http://colombia.adultsearch.com/barr...ight-club/7321 located at Cra. 46 #73-26 Before going in, I asked a door man what was inside and he said that lots of beautiful girls and that there were rooms in there to fuck them. I asked how much and he said is negotiated with the girls. So I went in. This place inside to my surprise has some high end girls qualities of 6 to 10's, all were well dressed classy and nicely. I noticed about 15 girls in there. Most of them were congregated in a bar area and were sitting down and some were alone in some tables. There were only three tables with guys drinking and no girls with them, all of the girls were sitting near the bar and mostseem bored. There was a pretty girl well dressed, probably a 9 looking at me with interest. She smiled at me and asked me to come to her. You have to approach the girls in most bars in Colombia even the bitches. It is not like in the DR where the bitches come to you aggressively. I like this more passive atmosphere. I went to her table and started chatting with her. I got a beer for me and her 6 k $2 pesos a beer. This girl looked like a Medellin Paisa with her dark hair, light skin, and nice boobs and ass. She said her name was Tatiana and she was from Barranquila and asked me if I have been with a Barranquilla girl. I said not to her and she replied that they were the best in bed. She went straight to the point and asked me if I wanted to be with her. She saw me confused and said she was going to walk towards the bar so I could see her better while I made my decision. I look at her body, very tall girl about 5'11 with her heels, fit, and it was just amazing ass, boobs, everything. When she came back, we talk about price. She asked me to take her to my place for TLN. I said no and invented an excused that the hotel was no girl friendly. She then quoted me 300 k or 126 dollars for an hour in one of their rooms. I said no way and that it was too much. She then went down to 200 k 85 dollars plus 30 k I pay the room. I told her that it was still too much. She then went down to 170 k and that I pay the 30 k room so a total was still 200 k $85 dollars. I decided to go for this girl since she would not go down further, and I did not have any sex since my arrival, I found her very attractive and I needed to get started. The place has lots of small rooms on a second floor. Once in the room, the girl sort of turned into a psycho in bed. She was more into satisfying herself than me and she was not affectionate at all. The * came while I was fucking her missionary. I turned her doggy style and she took my dick out when I was about to come because she wanted to masturbate and she was coming again. She also wanted me to masturbate in front of her. I was pissed when she took my thing out. Then she goes, "te viniste papi (did you come?. I said no, you took my dick out when I was about to. I was lucky to be able to go inside the * again and had my release, but I did not feel like I had a good time with this * She even had the guts to ask me for my number after and told her that I did not have a phone. I thought I overpaid the * or that she should have paid me instead. I also felt I should have picked a different one from the nice group of girls at the place, but at least for a warm up it was not that bad and then I left walking towards my hotel, 15 minutes walk at about 2 am in the same town of Prado. There were a lot of people still drinking in various places and hanging out on the street. The Juernes bar area at night was a bit shady but did not seem that dangerous to me so I felt pretty comfortable walking back to the hotel. Got a nice sleep that night.

Day 4 Switching accommodation and checking a Barranquilla Spa (Zero Stress).

On this date, I decided to switch to a cheaper place located in the same town. I found this hotel Caribeno walking by on Cr 46 and calle 70 https://ciudadenlinea.com/hotel-caribeno-ltda-224153. Next to a nice children park where a lot of local people hang out at night and children and teenagers play basketball at two courts. Lots of people there. There is a house brothel right next to the park and a cevicheria with some good quality girls for take out only at 120 k for two hours. Just eat at the cebicheria and you will see the girls just sitting outside the house well dressed at night time. The girls live there and there is no room for fucking in the there because of the children's park. I decided not to check this place because I did not want to go in and the take them to my hotel. The hotel I found was cheaper 55 k but the bed was also cheap and the place was no girl friendly. The owner an old lady was also there all the time watching like a hawk who was coming in an out. In the afternoon, I went to a Spa with a sign outside as Zero Stress Cr 46 no 74-70 local 1 in town of Prado http://spaerotico.jimdo.com/perfiles-masajistas/. There were 5 girls, some good looking, some average looking, ages 18 to 28. I took Susana, a 26 year old from Barranquilla. On the pics she is a size 8, but she is probably a size 9-10. Still pretty good. A bit chubby for my taste but not too fat. Her ass is big bubble ass and bigger than the pick. 100 k or $42 US is for the hour and 20 k $8 dollars for a nice room with no bathroom or a better room 30 k with bathroom. No charge for fucking in the massage tables but I don't recommend fucking in a massage table as it is too uncomfortable. This girl was super nice in the room and very close to GF, some nice kissing on lips but no tongue. She provided a nice professional 30 min sensual massage and 30 min of fucking, a nice blow job and several positions. I had a super nice release. She gave me her number, but I thought to myself that I wanted to try other girls less chubby. I recommend this Spa place and getting the 1 hour complete sex service 100 K $42 US and either the 20 k or 30 k room. Very clean and nice rooms / beds and quality of the girls vary day to day as they come and go at different hours of the day. Just add a size or two to the pics but some girls pics are pretty accurate. And the girls know how to massage and fuck.

Day 5 Switching accommodations again and checking another Barranquilla SPA (Massage relax total) and a trip to Barranquilla beach.

I found this nice hotel by walking in another town next to Prado town (the town of boston) http://www.despegar.com.co/hoteles/h...n-barranquilla This Hotel is girl friendly and it is both a regular hotel and a love hotel where you pay 30 k for just 2 hours or 60 k 25 dollars for a regular hotel room all day / night. If you bring a girl after it is just 10 k 4 dollars additional which is not bad. Very clean hotel and super nice bed and safe area and close to places to eat and places to go. I picked the 60 k room. I asked if there was any issues with bringing a girl and the said no problem just pay 10 k if that happens. It was the best cheap hotel I found so far. In the afternoon, I went to massage relax total at Cr 46 64-37 located in same town of Boston, a 5 minutes walk from the hotel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqQYaUUW0ho There is a lot of treasure in this place. I noticed about 10 girls on the floor, ages 10 to 26. Some were sleeping on the floor with the intense hot day and about 6 were playing cards most in their panties when I entered the place. They were totally unprepared when I came and all started running out to get ready and left the room all laughing giggly. In my mind I was like this is going to be a good day. The girls got ready for the presentation in 5 minutes and was shown the lineup of the 10 girls. I picked a nice looking girl with braces, dark hair, nice tanned skin and an amazing guitar body. She was smiling to me so I thought this girl is going to be good for me. 90 k or $38 dollars for the complete with sex hour massage and room included. The girl was very affectionate but not tongue kissing but she kissed and allowed to be kissed on the lips and many places. She provided 30 minute professional erotic massage, a nice blow, and nice fucking. I tipped the girl 28 k or 12 dollars. I left super happy and got her whattapp number. I wanted to try this girl again. She could be an easy GFE in the next try. Her name she said was April, great body, a pretty face, and great service. After that, I took a Puerto Colombia bus 2300 pesos to a beach (prado Mar.) in Barranquilla 1 hour bus. The beach is another dump also dirty as hell. I ate some great Mojarra fresh fish there and after walking a little bit on the beach I took the bus back to the Hotel.

Day 6 A Lousy Massage, another bar / club brothel (la Hoja) and a blissful fuck.

After a good nice sleep at Hotel Casa Boston and seeing how cheap (25 dollars 6000 k), nice and clean, girl friendly, safe and convenient, I decided to make this hotel my base. I check another massage place in the afternoon at Cr 50 75-20 local 101. There were three girls in this place all average looking. I did not like any, but I picked one. I got 30 minutes service for 75 K $32 dollar. This place and service sucks big time. The girl did not know how to massage and was not interested in fucking. The massage was on a hard table. After 20 minutes she did not even take her clothes off and she told me that time was running out so I needed to hurry up if I wanted to fuck her. I did not get to do anything cause after 30 minutes I was not even close to ready and with an uninterested * my thing usually don't work. I felt I wasted 75 k in this place. My back was hurting too in that uncomfortable massage table and the lousy hands of the girl. I gave her no tip. I don't recommend this place at all. Later in the evening, I walked around the Juernes bar but I did not go in there. I kept walking around the area to see if I could find another place like that and just a few blocks away I found another place like Juernes. I found La Hoja http://colombia.adultsearch.com/barr...l/la-hoja/7323 This is another bar with rooms and beds to fuck inside. The place is next to a very popular bar (La Troja) that is packed almost daily with Colombian locals because of the music and drinking. The bar La HOJA is more of a lower class than Juernes. The girls seemed of less quality or lower social class. They did not have fancy dresses like at Juernes and seemed to have cheaper clothing. I saw some cuties there thought and some fatties and ugly girls too. The girls were not aggressive and they were sitting about 10 girls in different tables. I decided to stay at the bar and drank a beer for just 3 k. I just watched until I spotted a extremely thin girl with a nice ass. She was looking at me and she seemed shy and at some point stood up next to me at the bar. A guy came in quickly and bought her a beer. She kept looking at me from time to time and did not seem interested in the guy who bought her the beer as she kept on looking at me from time to time. Finally, the guy left her and I began chatting with her. She was super nice and seemed new in the game. She said she was from Carta and 19. Her name Camila. I bought her a beer and we drank together for a while as I interviewed her. I did not want to make the same mistake I made with the psycho at Juernes. I asked her if she was interested in being with me and she said of course. I asked her how much and she quoted me 70 k and that the room was 20 k. 90 kwith this girl was not bad with this girl. I already had a hard on just from her sitting next to me. She did not brag about her service like the psycho I met at Juernes but said I was not going to be disappointed. I said great lets do it. The room in the bars are located on a second floor and have bathrooms and air conditioner. This girl Camila was the total girlfriend experience. Her tongue was all over me once we got into the room and she started to undress me. She is a natural viagra. My thing was on from the moment she started kissing me and her pussy was the tightest I ever encountered in my life. It was difficult to go inside this girl and you have to do it carefully not to hurt her, but once in, she would swallow it slowly and then proceed to normal to fast speed. The end was what I would call a total blissful explosion. This was the best fuck I had in a very long time. She was all wrapped around my arm and kissing for several minutes after fucking, truly affectionate. I tipped the girl well and got her whatapp to definitely see her later.

Day 7 Back to the Spa / Massage places Massage Relax total and Zero Stress.

At 11 am went walking from my hotel to Massage relax total at Cr 46 64-37 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqQYaUUW0ho I tried to find the first girl I got from there (April) but to my disappointed she was not there. There were only three girls that date / time. I picked a 20 year old girl (forgot her name), pretty with a nice ass and face, but she seemed uninterested in being there. This girl was okay during the.

Back massage. But for sex, the girl did not even know how to jerk off a dick or even how to put on a condom. She just lay there. I could not get a release after my thing just reacted to her lack of interest. I left disappointed and without release. It was 90 k for the lousy service. I still recommend this place but not that girl (when you see one with a face that has no interest you will know is her) because the place has a lot of talent in there. It was also the day before Christmas and not many Spa girls were working today and most were shopping for Christmas gifts. At about 4 pm went back to Zero Stress Cr 46 no 74-70 local 1 http://spaerotico.jimdo.com/perfiles-masajistas/ to see if I could have better luck. There were 3 girls (also not many today) in the place this time, I picked a nice looking morena. Her name is Asheley. Her pics on the website are pretty accurate. She has a nice bubble butt and a beautiful face and great tits. The bedrooms were not ready when I got in and I had to wait 30 minutes. The manager was nice with me and gave me a free room discount just for waiting. I paid only100 k for the complete 1 hour service and was given a room with a bathroom for free that normally cost 30 k. The girls Asheley was awesome. She was not GFE but very closed to it. She likes role playing and dirty talking. She also acted as if she was enjoying the sex. I like her act even if she was just acting. Even thought acting is fake it is better than being with someone uninterested. She also turns you on with her words. She took a shower with me before sex and after sex. Great 30 minute sensual massage before sex, great BBJ, and multiple positions. Doing her doggy was the best part because of her round bubble ass was just fantastic. I felt like I was in a dream while doing her doggy and had my release. I left pretty happy and gave her 30 k tip. I recommend this girl Asheley and place.

Day 8 Christmas, a short trip to Santa Marta, and back with the girl Camila.

In the morning, I took a public bus to the Barranquilla main bus station 1700 pesos. At the station, took a a bus (Berlinas) to Santa Marta. The ride was 2 hours in a nice air conditioned bus for 14000 pesor or $6 dollars. Once it dropped me off in part in Santa Marta, I had to take a small bus to El Rodadero area. Once there, I found out that the area was like a ghost town with many businesses closing because of Christmas. I just walked and walk. I check to see if Renovar https://www.facebook.com/reno.bar.1/photos was going to be opened at night. But once I found the place on foot at Cr 3 Calle 10 see, I met someone cleaning the place and he said the place was close for the next 3 days. I also checked if Banana night club https://www.facebook.com/pages/Banan...=photos_stream at CARRERA 2 the NO 19-49. This place was also going to be closed because of Christmas. I realized I wasted a day traveling to Santa Marta in Christmas. So I finished the day eating some fish in town and walking at the rodadero bay. No much action there either. I then took a taxi back to the Santa Marta terminal and took a Brazilian express bus back to Barranquilla. I got back to Barranquilla at 11 pm. I decided to call Camila the blissful experience I had at the Hojas Bar. She answered the phone and seemed happy to hear from me. I told her I wanted to see her and she then said she was available. In one hour, she was in my hotel. When she came, the hotel people did not ask her not even for I'd and the manager who already knew me told me to forget about the 10 k additional fee. Camila stayed with me TLN. We did not discuss price. It was another blissful night with her with her affectionate way and tight pussy. I had another round in the morning as soon as I woke up and saw her naked ass next to me. She woke up and just like a true GFE started pleasing me. Another great fuck. This girl is really good and sweet. I gave her 250 k or 106 dollars which is a lot, but hell I was in a good mood and super satisfied and she was my Christmas gift and I guess I was to her. Also, I have been saving a lot of money in accommodations at Hotel Casa Boston 60000 pesos or $25 a night. The girl Camila could not believe her eyes when I gave her 250 k $106 dollars and was kissing me all over the place. That was a happy girl. I think I spoiled this poor girl for future American mongers.

Day 9 A Day after Christmas A trip to Cartagena / Bruselas / El Bosque / Casa De Rocio.

In the morning, I decided to take a public bus to the main terminal to travel to Cartagena. In the station, I took an express Brazil air conditioned bus to Cartagena, 2 hours trip for 15000 pesos or 6 dollars.

From the terminal, I took a buseta 1700 pesos to Bruselas town. I left the bus by the main park in Bruselas. I felt pretty safe in the area and just walk around the area and streets, lots of people outside and saw nothing unusual or unsafe, I found many businesses opened and places to eat. I stopped by an internet cafe across the park and used the computer to map the area on google map. I also walked through the El bosque area and all seem safe during the afternoon and lots of business activities. This was way less dangerous than walking in El Centro in Medellin during the day. I knew Casa Rocio was in the town of Bruselas and I walked around trying to find the address with google map. The place address is Calle Benjamin Herrera (transversal 42) #24-34. I could not find this Benjamin Herrera street anywhere and nobody I asked knew it. I was also shy to ask people that I was looking for a *house. People don't know this Benjamin street because this street is not listed by name anywhere and the street that is marked is transversal 42. I finally asked a teen boy in a bodega store near the park if he knew any casa de mujeres putas in the area and he smiled and pointed with his hands saying it is two blocks away from the park on transversal 42 and that it was a big nice house. Once there, I found the address and place once I saw a taxi driver stopping by there I knew that was the place. There is a grocery store across on the street corner and I stayed there for a few minutes trying to get the courage to walk in. I did get the courage and ran the bell. An old lady came and opened the door and told me to go inside. Then I saw a nice bar area and a guy smiled to me and he asked me immediately if I wanted to see the girls. I said a lo mejor (maybe in Spanish). The guy told me to sit down in the bar. As I was talking to him, a girl in Pijamas came and started talking with him. In great shape, nice face, a fantastic body ass and tits. She sat down next to me smiling. We started chatting. She said she was from Cali and was 22 years old. I did not want to make a mistake with picking an uninterested type so I tried to asses her the best I could. The guy I saw came back and asked me if I wanted the girl I was talking or if I wanted to see the others that were in the house. Then I told the guy that we did not speak about doing anything yet and what the price was. I asked the guy to give me a couple of more minutes to speak with the girl and he said okay and left. Then the girl told me that the price in the house is set at 150 k for the hour and that it includes the room. She then smile and look at me saying what I thought. I said I am not sure if she wanted to be with me. She then said that she wanted to be with me. I sealed the deal after that and did not look at the house line up. The rooms are rustic and have an old mattress (still good for fucking but not sleeping) and the bathroom is sort of rustic. I fuck with the girl for an hour. She did not give me a massage, we just talk and touch while we were both in underwear on the bed. She was nice affectionate type but it was not a complete GFE but close to it, no tongue kissing but kissing on the lips and face and all body parts was okay with her. I had a hard on for her all the time and I had a super nice released. After the sex, I drank a beer with her at the bar. I got to see some of the girls in the house and the quality her is great. She shared with me that her cut is 100 k from the 150 K and that she pays for a room in the house to live 15 k a day. She stated that all the girls live in the house and come from all over the country. She said that most of the girls were gone due to Christmas and that there were only 5 girls in the house at the very moment. She said she had been working in the house for 3 months and that today was her last day because she was relocating to Armenia and to live with her 4 year old daughter. We share whatapp. This Casa Rocio place I recommend for sure to come by taxi or public buseta to the main park in Bruselas and walk two blocks to transversal 42 #24-34. After this, it was already 9 pm, I took a buseta back to the main terminal, and another Brazil express bus 2 hours back to Barranquilla main terminal. I was back in Barranquilla at midnight so I had to take a 15 k taxi back to my hotel and was there in 30 minutes.

Day 10 Saving the best for the last / A last day with Camila.

I called Camila at 6 pm and asked her if she was available. She said she needed to go to work at 9 pm, but we decided to meet for dinner at 7 pm and ate at a restaurant. According to her, she is in this business for the last three months. She is only 19 years old and has no kids. She also showed me a picture of her girlfriend as she likes girls too. She is very poor and showed me some pictures of furniture she bought already from the money I had paid her. At least I felt good I am helping her out while I am having a good time with her. Same old story of girl abandoned by mother and father and little family support. At least she is not like those Dominican hustlers that are always asking for more money. It was already 830 pm and no much time to take her for another fuck as she needed to go to work in her bar (Hojas). I wanted to.

Fuck this girl for a last time since all the times have been just blissful. We decided to meet at her job / bar at 11 pm and to fuck there. I got there at 11 pm, and the place was empty with no customers. There were like 6 girls in there. The quality of that day was worse than the first time I was there. I saw some older women not so good looking. The only good one there was Camila and another girl with a super nice ass. The other four I would not fuck them for free. So I started drinking with Camila. Some of the girls stopped by me and asked me for a beer. I bought any girl that approach me a beer. It was just 3000 pesos like $2 dollars. I bought three beers for other girls overall. I went with Camila to one of the room in the place for sex. 20 K for the room. Camila told me she was leaving at 3 am and she asked me if she could come to my place after work cause she leaves to far and my hotel is not too far. I said it is fine with me and that I liked the idea. So after fucking Camila I got a couple of more beers, went outside to eat, and waited for Camila outside the bar at 3 am when she was leaving the place. I took her to my Hotel. We only kissed, hugged and slept that night. I was completely drained with no more milk left. I think I had enough sex all these days. I was the perfect ending with Camila wrapped around my arms at night and kissing with this girl. My last day. I gave the girl another 200 k pesos. Sorry guys for spoiling this girl for other mongers but I could not help myself. At 9 am, I said goodbye to Camila and took a taxi to the Barranquilla terminal and a Brazil express 2 hours to Cartagena terminal. From there I took a pricey taxi 25000 pesos to the.

Airport because did not have much time left to take the public bus (1700 pesos only) and got there on time for my flight to NYC.

Conclusions: No much to say about mongering in Cartagena. Only about getting scammed in Bocagrande beaches. Watch out for the crab vendors and black massage girls. Don't talk to any of them. They are parasites trying to scam you. Casa Rocio in the town of Bruselas is an awesome house to visit on your own like I did or just by taking a taxi. Explore areas in Bruselas and El Bosque as there are many casas in those areas. It is not that bad or as dangerous as noted or as in the past. I felt pretty safe during my extensive walking and mapping of streets during day light of course. I left at night time but it was not that bad either. Barranquilla is awesome fpr mongering and has so much unexplored mongering territory. I found plenty of places without even asking people and just by walking without any intended direction. I found a casa just by sitting down eating at a Cevicheria bar in the town of Prado next to a park. The girls from the Casa were sitting all outside the house. And found two bars / brothels just by walking in that town. There are also many unexplored casas and bars / brothels in the centro area of town and plenty of SPA / massage places in many other neighborhoods. Not many people giving reviews of Barranquilla therefore most places are going unnoticed. You can also meet girls from all over the country in this town. Spanish is useful but should not be deterrent to visit Barranquilla. Girl would love to be with a foreign man too. Most areas in Barranquilla are super safe to walk during the day and at night time as people party hard there or till 4 am. I also did not get hustled in Barranquilla unlike Cartagena. The beaches on both Cartagena and Barranquilla are dumps, but their bitches are beautiful and awesome. Go explore Barranquilla! Hope you find this report useful.


01-09-15, 22:58
I had just written a report and somehow lost it so this one with be shorter. First 2 nights we covered LDV, Space and L'opera. Both nights we hit LDV. Was packed and had great quality both nights. Pricing went from the old mom 100 k to super hotties asking for 700 k. Prices we paid ranged from old mom 100 k to TLN 500 k. In both nights we took out a total of 5 girls. 3 of the 5 were complete pro's. Mechanical and no GFE. The old mom gave good service of course. LOL. The 500 k was great and reminded me of the GFE's in Medellin. All the girls were negotiated ST with the promise of TLN if things went well. Even though LDV had the hottest girls, the attitude on most is too pro for me. When girls start asking will you pay me for my time if you don't take me home, that is a big turnoff. Mind you, we are also not cheap and also have bottles on the table. So the girls are drinking and we are spending money. So they definitely won't think we are cheap and are not taking them home. I think it's just because LDV girls are bred to be more like pros and less GF.

After LDV the first night, we went to L'opera at 2 am. At 2 there was only one other table in the place occupied. We basically stayed alone until around 3-3:30 am when a group of 8-10 LDV girls walked in. I was disappointed because we loved Cartagena late nights when Electra was around.

The second night after LDV, we went to Space at 3 am. Much better than the first night, Space had about 20 girls. Took home 2 girls and had GF with both. One interesting thing, I heard from a LDV girl that they are not allowed to go into Space. Maybe some type of owner collaboration between LDV and L'opera? Maybe someone experienced can shed some light. Anyways tonight I think we are going to skip LDV, too much pro like. We will head to Space at 12 and L'opera at 3. I sure miss the old Electra. Hopefully since it is the weekend the late night places will pick up.


01-10-15, 17:53
Stopped in ISIS last night at about 1 am. Had first gone into Space, but no one was inside. Isis is across the street so it's easy. Walked in and there was probably 20 girls. Solid lineup. Girls ranging from 6-8's. Did not partake in any of the girls so don't know the pricing. Probably will go back tonight. Stopped again by Space at around 2:30 am, there was maybe 20 people there. Stayed 30 min and then went next door to L'opera. Boy I am sure glad I did. L'opera got packed. Tons of girls from LDV. Every table full. At least 30 girls with a little less guys. All girls we took back negotiated for 200. Tonight is my last day of my 9 day trip. Probably will head to Isis and relax tonight. No more partying. Too tired. It's been a long and great trip.


Joey Smith
01-16-15, 00:11
Back in Cartagena for a couple of days. Visited LDV last night for about 3 hours before selecting a lady. I observed the owner at least 3 times briefing new ladies on the rules of LDV outside the bar. Was close enough to hear that he essentially told them they would not be let back in if they immediately left with a customer before convincing the hombre to buy himself or them a couple of drinks. So the games continue with LDV. I usually just make a date with them and tell them to meet me 20 minutes later downstairs.

01-16-15, 13:54
I have no problem with LDV trying to make some money but I think 80 k-100 k of drinks for each lady is to much. I will easily put back 5-10 drinks a night there, I like to make sure the girl is willing to party before leaving with her. There are too many to not get what you want.

Back in Cartagena for a couple of days. Visited LDV last night for about 3 hours before selecting a lady. I observed the owner at least 3 times briefing new ladies on the rules of LDV outside the bar. Was close enough to hear that he essentially told them they would not be let back in if they immediately left with a customer before convincing the hombre to buy himself or them a couple of drinks. So the games continue with LDV. I usually just make a date with them and tell them to meet me 20 minutes later downstairs.

01-18-15, 05:33
I spent 5 days in Cartagena in early December. I was there with a friend who wasn't interested in prepagas, so I wasn't able to engage as much as I otherwise would have, but I thought I'd include some of my experiences to give back to the board as the board gave me so much.

Night 1 of prepagas (a Wednesday). I went out late. I arrived at LDV at approx 2 am. I'd say 20 girls and 6-8 guys. The quality varied from 5 to 9. I didn't want to rush so I got a vodka tonic for 28 k and sat down to look. I looked around, not being too eager, and got another vodka tonic for 28 k. I'm noting the cost of course as it was 1) expensive and 2) I was aware of the concept of a spending minimum. A lot of guys complain on this board about LDV being full of silicone. So what? I love that shit. If you like small tits, choose a destination other than Colombia. Anyway, at 2:30 am, the place starts to clear out including the two I was thinking about approaching. Shit. I grabbed the best looking prepaga left, a 6. 5 named Jennifer. She started at 300 k for 2 hours. I countered with 200 k, and we settled at 250 k. The negotiations were done outside of LDV. Since it seemed like exit time for everyone, no one asked or seemed to care about my drink minimum. I clearly didn't care since I had spent 56 k on two vodka tonics (which I think were entirely tonic). I was in a hotel that was not chica friendly, so she suggested some spot in el centro (I think it was sol why Mar.). Hard to believe you have to go that far (from LDV) to find a place to get down, but it was what it was. I paid 68 k for 2 hours in room - 30 k per hour plus a beer for her and a water for me. Later, I negotiated another 100 k (350 k total) for el culo. It was something I hadn't done before, so I wanted to try it. For those who haven't, I think it's a waste. It's not that different. Overall, she was sweet. Nice fake cans, but a little too skinny for my taste. She said she was in town for 11 days to make money to support her family.

Night 2 of prepagas (a Friday). I wanted to try el reloj. Maybe 30 girls of varying quality. Tonight, I wanted a threesome. Again, something I haven't done before. Or at least each time it wasn't the experience I wanted (aka the shit you see in porn where the girls are as much into each other as they are into the guy). I looked around and found what I thought was a pretty good looking girl named Carol. It looks like you'll find her there every night as she was there when I went back later another day (there are at least two prepagas in front of el reloj named Carol, this one has almond eyes). She seemed like a 6. 5, but I'd bring that down to a 5 when she got undressed with her pancake tits. Anyway, I told her what I wanted, and she brought over her friend. A negra fea with braces. I told her I wasn't interested. She bought over someone else. Also a fea. I told her we'd find someone attractive together. We found this gorgeous girl, whose name I don't remember. It ended in INA. She was gorgeous. I'd say she was a 8, but then with clothes off. She was a 9. Perfect 22 year old body. Anyway. I made it clear (or tried to) what I wanted. I negotiated 300 k for each prepaga for 3 hours. Of note. I always negotiate unlimited polvos. I've been burned by that before. So Carol takes us to sol e Mar., I think, where the prices are insane. They wanted 45 k per hour because there were three of us. The other girl whose name I can't remember took us to another place where it was 40 k (I think) for the whole time. It was not too far. Overall, the girls, as you can imagine were minimally into each other. The girl, Carol, got fucking jealous because I was concentrating on the other girl. Why the fuck does a prepaga get jealous? It was also kind of lame because the hot one claimed she was tired and her chucha hurt. Overall, two polvos, and a fair threesome. I'll have to cross it off my bucket list since I'll never get what I want with prepagas.

Night 3 of prepagas (a Saturday). I decided to see what was in Tu Candela. I found a gorgeous girl named Sol, and we settled on 300 k for 2 hours. This was a quick find, I didn't look around too much (more coming on Tu Candela). Interestingly, I saw Jennifer from the first night and the super the super hot girl from the threesome. Sol was very sweet. A solid 8 in my eyes. Short, but pretty with nice sized fake tetas. She had an apartment in Laguito, and we sessioned there. Overall, it was pretty standard. One funny thing she said was that she had a baby when she was 15, which she said is very common in Colombia. Such girls usually take two paths. The ugly ones work in offices and the pretty one become prepagas. Like Jennifer from the first night, Sol was in town from Cali for a couple weeks to make money.

Night 4 of attempted prepagas (Sunday). This night, I went back to Tu Candela. I saw Carol outside of Tu Candela who wanted me to go with her, but I wanted something better. I was unimpressed with all the options in front of el reloj so I said let's go to Tu Candela. She said they wouldn't let her into Tu Candela because of her shorts. So I said see ya later. I went into Tu Candela, and I looked for prepagas, but everywhere I looked, it seemed to be couples. I found some locals who brought me over and bought me a drink. They were normal people, and I just sat and talked for a while. All of a sudden. The place is closing (I had been there a couple of hours). I think it was 4 am. Now it gets weird. I go looking for Elektra. Which Jennifer generally pointed out to me the first night. I'm walking down some street in el centro. Two cops on a motorcycle come riding down the street. They want to search me for perico, which I was prepared for after reading this board. I was also prepared to potentially be accosted / robbed by transvestites, which Carol also told me was a possibility. This is what sucks. The cops stole from me. I had my money in my pocket, and the cops, who seemed very friendly, asked me to take everything out of my pockets. I give them my money, hotel key, credit card, etc, and they hand it all back to me eventually. Well, I later discover that I'm short 150 k and $100. They took all my bills with 50 denominations, my 50 k peso bills and my $50 bills. I didn't realize it until later, but I wonder what I would have done if I had noticed in real time at 4 am on a deserted street with two cops in a foreign country. Anyway. I go looking for a place for prepagas. I find myself at this place with about 8 prepagas and 3 guys. None of the girls interest me, so I head home. Was it Elektra or Elektrika? Or Paparika? Or something else? I don't know. I didn't ask.

Separately, I also arranged a trip to Playa Blanca in my hotel. We stopped off at some other island first for snorkeling and some other stuff. Several notes - 1) it's a long trip to Playa Blanca. It's 45 minutes each way over some really choppy water (ie not an enjoyable trip). Playa Blanca sucks. It's crowded, not that great, and the people are not attractive. I only saw the Boca Grande beach from a distance, but it looked *much* better. Not seeing the daytime action in Boca Grande was my biggest regret. I also wish I had gone back to LDV during prime time. I'd rather have gotten there at midnight to see the best options there.

01-18-15, 18:15
Hey guys!

irst off thanks for all your posts, I been reading them and learning a lot. I have traveled all around South America, and been to Medellin 4 times, but this will be my first trip to Cartagena and I am excited. I won't have much time there so trying to get on the ground running. Can you please look over what I learned / questions I have and help me out. It will be much appreciated.

1. LDV is the popular spot to get working girls. Price is generally between 200 k - 500 k depending on the girl and how long you want them. It seems general s / t is starting at 250 k. There seems to be a 100 k bar fine for taking out a girl? Meaning I have to drink around $50 us in drinks? Now, I am by no means a cheapskate, but I am riding solo and that seems like a bit high especially because I plan on going to other non-working girls clubs and spending money over there. To avoid this fee, I read that you ask the girl to meet you downstairs outside in 5 minutes or so? Does this work? How strict are these clubs on your minimum drink order. I figure I'd have 2 drinks, but $50 USD worth of drinks seems extreme considering the circumstances.

2. Another popular place to pick up girls is the Clock Tower. The prices seem to be 150 k s / t. Questions I have is. Is this place safe? I hear stories about trannies pick pocketing? Are they near the clock tower, or do you see them if you walk in certain areas? How far is this from Boca?

3. Hollywood beach is where the girls are, but there are scum everywhere. From people who are trying to rip you off (avoid and no gracias), to fat Tony. Now, my question is how should I play Hollywood beach to get the most out of it, and the least hassle. I read that I maybe should skip Tony and deal with Fao, and if I need help with girls ask Emily the massage girl? Does Tony, Fao and Emily all speak English? If I deal with Tony, the advice seems to be. Be firm and nice, set prices up front I. E. Beach chair = 10 k, and avoid buying many drinks from him or bring your own cooler and offer him shots. If I sit at Fao's part, I can still try to talk to the girls correct? I mean, Tony does not own these girls. Experienced mongers, please let me know the best way I should handle Hollywood. Thanks!

4. There are a lot of late night options that I read in Viper's reports etc. Are there any brothels though? Anything good during the daytime / early evening besides the places mentioned?

Thanks so much in advance!

01-18-15, 20:55
I spent 5 days in Cartagena in early December. I was there with a friend who wasn't interested in prepagas, so I wasn't able to engage as much as I otherwise would have, but I thought I'd include some of my experiences to give back to the board as the board gave me so much.

David, nice report.

Too bad about the cop shake down. That is terrible.

Re prepagos getting jealous: Welcome to latina culture. Ha ha.

01-18-15, 22:26
I wrote about what happened to you a few months ago regarding the cop searching you. In Colombia, this is an illegal search and seizure just like in the US. When a few cops tried to do this to me in El Centro I told them in Spanish it was not legal and refused their request. They let me pass and immediately picked on two more foreigners.

I spent 5 days in Cartagena in early December. I was there with a friend who wasn't interested in prepagas, so I wasn't able to engage as much as I otherwise would have, but I thought I'd include some of my experiences to give back to the board as the board gave me so much.

Night 1 of prepagas (a Wednesday). I went out late. I arrived at LDV at approx 2 am. I'd say 20 girls and 6-8 guys. The quality varied from 5 to 9. I didn't want to rush so I got a vodka tonic for 28 k and sat down to look. I looked around, not being too eager, and got another vodka tonic for 28 k. I'm noting the cost of course as it was 1) expensive and 2) I was aware of the concept of a spending minimum. A lot of guys complain on this board about LDV being full of silicone. So what? I love that shit. If you like small tits, choose a destination other than Colombia. Anyway, at 2:30 am, the place starts to clear out including the two I was thinking about approaching. Shit. I grabbed the best looking prepaga left, a 6. 5 named Jennifer. She started at 300 k for 2 hours. I countered with 200 k, and we settled at 250 k. The negotiations were done outside of LDV. Since it seemed like exit time for everyone, no one asked or seemed to care about my drink minimum. I clearly didn't care since I had spent 56 k on two vodka tonics (which I think were entirely tonic). I was in a hotel that was not chica friendly, so she suggested some spot in el centro (I think it was sol why Mar.). Hard to believe you have to go that far (from LDV) to find a place to get down, but it was what it was. I paid 68 k for 2 hours in room - 30 k per hour plus a beer for her and a water for me. Later, I negotiated another 100 k (350 k total) for el culo. It was something I hadn't done before, so I wanted to try it. For those who haven't, I think it's a waste. It's not that different. Overall, she was sweet. Nice fake cans, but a little too skinny for my taste. She said she was in town for 11 days to make money to support her family.

Night 2 of prepagas (a Friday). I wanted to try el reloj. Maybe 30 girls of varying quality. Tonight, I wanted a threesome. Again, something I haven't done before. Or at least each time it wasn't the experience I wanted (aka the shit you see in porn where the girls are as much into each other as they are into the guy). I looked around and found what I thought was a pretty good looking girl named Carol. It looks like you'll find her there every night as she was there when I went back later another day (there are at least two prepagas in front of el reloj named Carol, this one has almond eyes). She seemed like a 6. 5, but I'd bring that down to a 5 when she got undressed with her pancake tits. Anyway, I told her what I wanted, and she brought over her friend. A negra fea with braces. I told her I wasn't interested. She bought over someone else. Also a fea. I told her we'd find someone attractive together. We found this gorgeous girl, whose name I don't remember. It ended in INA. She was gorgeous. I'd say she was a 8, but then with clothes off. She was a 9. Perfect 22 year old body. Anyway. I made it clear (or tried to) what I wanted. I negotiated 300 k for each prepaga for 3 hours. Of note. I always negotiate unlimited polvos. I've been burned by that before. So Carol takes us to sol e Mar., I think, where the prices are insane. They wanted 45 k per hour because there were three of us. The other girl whose name I can't remember took us to another place where it was 40 k (I think) for the whole time. It was not too far. Overall, the girls, as you can imagine were minimally into each other. The girl, Carol, got fucking jealous because I was concentrating on the other girl. Why the fuck does a prepaga get jealous? It was also kind of lame because the hot one claimed she was tired and her chucha hurt. Overall, two polvos, and a fair threesome. I'll have to cross it off my bucket list since I'll never get what I want with prepagas.

Night 3 of prepagas (a Saturday). I decided to see what was in Tu Candela. I found a gorgeous girl named Sol, and we settled on 300 k for 2 hours. This was a quick find, I didn't look around too much (more coming on Tu Candela). Interestingly, I saw Jennifer from the first night and the super the super hot girl from the threesome. Sol was very sweet. A solid 8 in my eyes. Short, but pretty with nice sized fake tetas. She had an apartment in Laguito, and we sessioned there. Overall, it was pretty standard. One funny thing she said was that she had a baby when she was 15, which she said is very common in Colombia. Such girls usually take two paths. The ugly ones work in offices and the pretty one become prepagas. Like Jennifer from the first night, Sol was in town from Cali for a couple weeks to make money.

Night 4 of attempted prepagas (Sunday). This night, I went back to Tu Candela. I saw Carol outside of Tu Candela who wanted me to go with her, but I wanted something better. I was unimpressed with all the options in front of el reloj so I said let's go to Tu Candela. She said they wouldn't let her into Tu Candela because of her shorts. So I said see ya later. I went into Tu Candela, and I looked for prepagas, but everywhere I looked, it seemed to be couples. I found some locals who brought me over and bought me a drink. They were normal people, and I just sat and talked for a while. All of a sudden. The place is closing (I had been there a couple of hours). I think it was 4 am. Now it gets weird. I go looking for Elektra. Which Jennifer generally pointed out to me the first night. I'm walking down some street in el centro. Two cops on a motorcycle come riding down the street. They want to search me for perico, which I was prepared for after reading this board. I was also prepared to potentially be accosted / robbed by transvestites, which Carol also told me was a possibility. This is what sucks. The cops stole from me. I had my money in my pocket, and the cops, who seemed very friendly, asked me to take everything out of my pockets. I give them my money, hotel key, credit card, etc, and they hand it all back to me eventually. Well, I later discover that I'm short 150 k and $100. They took all my bills with 50 denominations, my 50 k peso bills and my $50 bills. I didn't realize it until later, but I wonder what I would have done if I had noticed in real time at 4 am on a deserted street with two cops in a foreign country. Anyway. I go looking for a place for prepagas. I find myself at this place with about 8 prepagas and 3 guys. None of the girls interest me, so I head home. Was it Elektra or Elektrika? Or Paparika? Or something else? I don't know. I didn't ask.

Separately, I also arranged a trip to Playa Blanca in my hotel. We stopped off at some other island first for snorkeling and some other stuff. Several notes - 1) it's a long trip to Playa Blanca. It's 45 minutes each way over some really choppy water (ie not an enjoyable trip). Playa Blanca sucks. It's crowded, not that great, and the people are not attractive. I only saw the Boca Grande beach from a distance, but it looked *much* better. Not seeing the daytime action in Boca Grande was my biggest regret. I also wish I had gone back to LDV during prime time. I'd rather have gotten there at midnight to see the best options there.

Member #4398
01-19-15, 20:07
Easier said than done. When you have two corrupt cops in the middle of the night stopping you with automatic rifles and nobody is around. You are lucky if they only search you and take a few bucks. Maybe during the day with people watching showing some resistance and disagreements maybe okay but the night is a different animal. Whether is legal or illegal I won't resist and would give everything I got if that is what they want.

I wrote about what happened to you a few months ago regarding the cop searching you. In Colombia, this is an illegal search and seizure just like in the US. When a few cops tried to do this to me in El Centro I told them in Spanish it was not legal and refused their request. They let me pass and immediately picked on two more foreigners.

01-20-15, 01:38
Easier said than done. When you have two corrupt cops in the middle of the night stopping you with automatic rifles and nobody is around. You are lucky if they only search you and take a few bucks. Maybe during the day with people watching showing some resistance and disagreements maybe okay but the night is a different animal. Whether is legal or illegal I won't resist and would give everything I got if that is what they want.Agree with both points and what you do depends on the individual circumstance. Take home message for me is not to walk around at night in CTG, which I did all the time but only in old town.

Old Parr
01-20-15, 02:24
Agree with both points and what you do depends on the individual circumstance. Take home message for me is not to walk around at night in CTG, which I did all the time but only in old town.And I might add if you are going to be walking around after dark it is highly recommended you have someone with you, but the bottom line is it is not safe for anyone to walk alone anywhere other than in Laguito, and even at that you have the corrupt police to worry about, and do not think they are not there. The best thing to do is not be so cheap and take taxis everywhere you want to go at night, other than inside of the walled city, but even there it is easy to be robbed walking from one place to the next. As familiar as I am with Cartagena, very very rarely will I walk alone outside of the Laguito area after dark, and this includes wandering around the inside of the walled city. To many desperate people hanging out looking for the right opportunity to get someone.

01-22-15, 08:44
includes wandering around the inside of the walled city.Cumming soon, what and where is the walled city?

Thank you in advance.

Mr Enternational
01-22-15, 14:18
Cumming soon, what and where is the walled city?

Thank you in advance.It's the old colonial fort. I would say it is the main tourist attraction of Cartagena. It has restaurants and bars and shops and houses and parks inside.

Old Parr
01-22-15, 16:20
Cumming soon, what and where is the walled city?

Thank you in advance.This is where you would find the disco Tu Candela and Isis that have been mentioned numerous times on the forum. Also many fine dining restaurants are located here. It is also where the clock tower is located that also has been mentioned an endless number of times.

It's the old colonial fort. I would say it is the main tourist attraction of Cartagena. It has restaurants and bars and shops and houses and parks inside.https://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=AmyYJ8jWZfoMdRiA7hoHTWKbvZx4?fr=fptb-gl-gen1-s&toggle=1&fp=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8&p=walled%20city%20cartagena%20colombia

01-22-15, 18:39
It's the old colonial fort. I would say it is the main tourist attraction of Cartagena. It has restaurants and bars and shops and houses and parks inside.Thank you brother! I'm in Denver waiting for my flight. 19 fucking degrees outside and I am walking around the airport in flip-flops!

World Travel 69
01-22-15, 18:47
Don't forget to take rum bus tour of the city.


Thank you brother! I'm in Denver waiting for my flight. 19 fucking degrees outside and I am walking around the airport in flip-flops!

01-22-15, 19:30
19 fucking degrees outside and I am walking around the airport in flip-flops!Welcome to NYC. SUFFER!

Mr Enternational
01-22-15, 22:23
Don't forget to take rum bus tour of the city.

http://www.viator.com/tours/Cartagena/Cartagena-Nightlife-Tour-by-Chiva-Bus/d4498-6289GLCRCHIf you knew that guy he will take over the damn tour bus and change it to the vodka bus tour.

01-23-15, 09:19
If you knew that guy he will take over the damn tour bus and change it to the vodka bus tour.Could not make it pass LDV tonight! The finest women I've seen in a long time! Had to have me one!

Member #4349
01-26-15, 00:34
Could not make it pass LDV tonight! The finest women I've seen in a long time! Had to have me one!How much was she asking?

And was she worth it?

01-26-15, 00:51
How much was she asking?

And was she worth it?Many were asking 300,400,500 K and up.

I paid 200 k plus a tip.

Was she worth it? To me she was.

Black Page
02-02-15, 12:23
I guess that the worst week to go to CTG, if one aims at girls, is the Semana Santa, right?

I just realized that I should change plans for my business trip to Colombia, ending right on that week.

Anybody tried CTG on that week?

02-02-15, 12:31
I guess that the worst week to go to CTG, if one aims at girls, is the Semana Santa, right?

I just realized that I should change plans for my business trip to Colombia, ending right on that week.

Anybody tried CTG on that week?Ctg still has plenty of wg that week. Discos are open, some close for Friday and Sunday, some don't. Bogota is dead, not sure of Medellin. Can be crowded but not like New Years.

02-02-15, 12:34
I guess that the worst week to go to CTG, if one aims at girls, is the Semana Santa, right?

I just realized that I should change plans for my business trip to Colombia, ending right on that week.

Anybody tried CTG on that week?You're a good guesser! Cerrtainly in the top 3, er lowest 3 for hunting. Family time.

02-02-15, 17:42
I guess that the worst week to go to CTG, if one aims at girls, is the Semana Santa, right?

I just realized that I should change plans for my business trip to Colombia, ending right on that week.

Anybody tried CTG on that week?Hey fellas. I went last year. I had a blast. Yes there are alot of families but its not like they will be hanging out at Playa Hollywood or any of the clubs talked about on the CTG thread. LOL. I stayed in Laguito got an apartment through Juan. I found girls and plenty of them at the beach everyday. LDV was not full but not empty either. Plenty of working girls walking around for you to choose from. If at 11 pm you see 2 girls walking together or 1 girl just hanging out anywhere and dressed like she is trying to get your attention. Um she's working! Its not brain surgery. I posted on this thread about 1 year ago if you have any questions feel free to reach out. 1 more thing.

Safety: the main ave San Martin. At about 2-3 am the sidewalks were still busy and so it was no issues walking up and down that ave looking for girls. When it was time to head back to my apt I grabbed a taxi. I never like to take risks when it comes to safety in other countries so jist play it safe.

02-02-15, 19:43
Hey fellas. I went last year. I had a blast. Yes there are alot of families but its not like they will be hanging out at Playa Hollywood or any of the clubs talked about on the CTG thread. LOL. I stayed in Laguito got an apartment through Juan. I found girls and plenty of them at the beach everyday. Not sure what you mean. A lot of families go to Playa Hollywood too. I don't want you to give the people the wrong idea that Playa Hollywood is some hooker paradise. There are maybe a handful or two (if you are lucky) of working girls on Playa Hollywood at any given time. I've been there during all seasons and it isn't the greatest place to pick up girls especially if you are picky.

02-03-15, 20:55
You're a good guesser! Cerrtainly in the top 3, er lowest 3 for hunting. Family time.When I mentioned "family time' in my reply to Black Page, it wasn't in reference to there being families or not in Playa Hollywood, the discos, etc., lol. I was referencing that with it being 3rd most popular week in Colombia for spending time with family, some wg's will be doing just that instead of working. With Colombia being made-up of a predominantly Christian populace that believes in the the birth and resurrection of Christ, it is not uncommon for them to spend considerable time with family during the last week of December, the first week of January and Easter weekend.

Does that mean that one won't find wg's during Easter weekend? No. It just means that some wg's will be absent from working due to spending time with family.

Personally, if I'm spending $$ flying in from a place like Italy, where my flight may cost close to a $1,000 or more, I might choose a different weekend than Easter weekend as the main focus of my mongering. Not because there won't be any wg's, but because there may be less than most other weekends. I'm playing the averages.

Just trying to put "family time" into proper context, and like most everything else in Colombia, the result is "it depends" and just when you think there's a pattern or a rhyme to the reason, there isn't. What do I mean by that? Well, one may go to LDV or the beach on a certain night or day of the week several times and notice that there seems to be less chicas there that particular day of the week. Then all of a sudden, you go that same particular day or night of the week, and there are so many doable girls that your cup runneth over. The averages said there wouldn't be many chicas there that particular day or night, but lo and behold there turned out to be so many chicas that your neck became sore spinning around to trying to take 'them all in. Colombia.

02-04-15, 00:00


I flew United round trip from San Diego for $980 and some change. On the way over, a stop in Denver, and a stop in Panama; around 9 hours flight time. On the way back, stop in Panama, a stop in Houston, about the same flight time.


The airport in Cartagena is small. There was no ATM that I could find. But there was a place to exchange money, so I exchanged enough for the taxi and one night on the town. Taxi was 25 K to the apartment, and 18 K when I returned.


The currency in Cartagena is Pesos. The airport rate sucked, but I was in need for the evening. The exchange place I used in town was 2140 pesos to one dollar. Passport was required! When I ran out of dollars / pesos, I abused the ATMs nearby my apartment.

Apartment / Juan:

I stay at one of Juan's rental apartments. It was a big 2 bedroom located on the beach in El Laguito for $90 per night. I had a large balcony overlooking the pool and beach / ocean. Apartment was equipped with WiFi, wide screen TV, A / see in each room, and 24 hour security. Security check the IDs of all the girls and logged their information in a ledger. There was housekeeper service available, but I did not need the service.

I arrived late night Thursday and the security guy knew who I was when my Gringo face appeared. Juan came by the following day at noon. I paid the remaining amount and he answered all my silly questions, as well as giving me his contact information. On Sunday, the A / see in the living room went out. I called Juan, and he had a A / see tech at the apartment within 30 minutes. I went to lunch and when I returned, the A / see was up and running. In summary, Juan is the upmost professional and I would rent from him again!

Sim Card:

I got a sim card from Claro in Bocagrande for 5 K. I put 10 K of minutes on the card, and that was plenty enough. Passport was required!


Taxis were always available and quite cheap; 5, 6, and 7 K was the norm around town.


I felt completely safe walking around the various areas I visited. Cartagena is the tourist capital of Colombia. On the weekend, many families poured into town from all over Colombia.


I ate several restaurants; here are my thoughts:

Monte Sacro. Excellent.

Bacco Trattoria. Excellent.

Crepes & Waffles. Very good.

Riquisimo BBQ. Very good.

Cazbon Antioqueno. Good.

Anaflecha. Good late night drunk food.

Street food in the Walled City. Excellent.

BTW, there was Subway in the Walled City; oh the shame!

The Beach:

Playa Hollywood had a very mixed crowd. When facing the ocean, the gay section is on the left, and all others are to the right. I read and noted a lot about the beach in advance. BUT, I still had issues with the massage bitches. I came off the main road and down the path to the beach. I was greeted by One-Tooth Alex. I asked about Fao and Tony, but he told me they were not there today; fucking liar! Sat in one of the chairs and the massage bitches came in flocks. They kept sitting in front or in back of me rubbing my calf or back with lotion. No, No gracias, and No fucking gracias, did not seem to slow them down! Finally I told One-Tooth Alex to keep these bitches away from me or I would walk; that worked!

One-Tooth Alex brought over a hottie and she sat next to me for a bit. She was hot, but her attitude sucked big time; big turn off for me. I asked her about Fao and Tony and she replied in English, "Tony is a mother fucker!" I wanted to ask her how she really felt, but it would have been a waste of time. I sent her on her unhappy way. Out of nowhere, another massage woman attacked me from the rear. As I told One-Tooth Alex, I walked!

As I'm walking down the beach, I run dead into Fat Tony. I asked about Fao, but he lied as well. But I stood my ground and continue to walk. Tony caved in and brought me over to Fao's section. I had the pleasure of meeting Fao and Emily. Fao offered me his personal chair and I talked to Emily and her sister (Fao did not charge me for anything except the drinks that I ordered). One of the better looking massage girls showed up and it turns out she was one of Emily's friends; she was happy to come to my apartment after sunset. She was one of the best fucks I had during my stay.

I looked around the beach for 4 days, but saw very little freelancer action. I sat in Fao's section and had some great massages from Emily and Emily was always on the lookout for freelancers. She brought one over that was a complete hottie, but I had a date within a couple of hours; so I passed. Thus, there was some beach action, but after I researched the topic, I guess I expected more. All and all, Fao and Emily are hard working honest folks and I highly recommend them to anyone that visits Playa Hollywood.

Other venues:

La Dulce Vita. I was in stumbling distance of the club. I was there every night to check out the action. The first night, I pull a dark skin hottie out of there for 200 K, and I tipped her as well. The talent in there was off the hook. Beautiful women with great bodies from all over Colombia. Some girls were asking for 300,400, 500, and 600 K for a couple of hours. One night, I met a girl sitting outside the club, and off we went for 150 K. There was also a hot MILF that I talked to a couple of times and she met me the last night that I was there for dinner and rack operations later.

Tu Candela Bar. Inside the Walled City near the clock tower. I went there a couple of times, but I must have been too early because there was only a few freelancers there each time.

Just inside the Clock Tower. What a scene! I walked out of Tu Candela Bar one night and there were freelancers all over the place. The girls were asking for 100/150/200 K per hour. Some of the girls were hot, others were just scary. I pulled two girls from the place and both were a blast in the apartment.

Cupid Girls. I had three lined up to meet, one was a no show, one showed but wasn't worth my time or effort, and one was a direct hit! She was a blast in the restaurant and in the apartment!


Cartagena had a lot more to offer, I barely scratched the surface of clubs and the girls. I feel like I let down the monger community because I did not explore more; sorry guys. But I did have a great time and I will return someday, when, not sure. I feel that knowing some Spanish is a must because many of these girls speak no English. At times, I felt challenged with the Spanish that I know. I felt completely safe throughout the entire trip. Yes, the place is a tad expensive compared to other monger destinations, but I just had to check the place out; and I'm glad I did!

Old Parr
02-04-15, 03:10
Very much enjoyed reading your Cartagena experience. Fao and Emily are personal friends of mine, and now you can understand why. Both are quality individuals who I have complete trust in, and that says a lot especially with Colombianos, and costenos en particular.

World Travel 69
02-04-15, 05:35
It is the same in most Latin American Countries.

Religion and Families.

When I mentioned "family time' in my reply to Black Page, it wasn't in reference to there being families or not in Playa Hollywood, the discos, etc., lol. I was referencing that with it being 3rd most popular week in Colombia for spending time with family, some wg's will be doing just that instead of working. With Colombia being made-up of a predominantly Christian populace that believes in the the birth and resurrection of Christ, it is not uncommon for them to spend considerable time with family during the last week of December, the first week of January and Easter weekend.

Does that mean that one won't find wg's during Easter weekend? No. It just means that some wg's will be absent from working due to spending time with family.

Personally, if I'm spending $$ flying in from a place like Italy, where my flight may cost close to a $1,000 or more, I might choose a different weekend than Easter weekend as the main focus of my mongering. Not because there won't be any wg's, but because there may be less than most other weekends. I'm playing the averages.

Just trying to put "family time" into proper context, and like most everything else in Colombia, the result is "it depends" and just when you think there's a pattern or a rhyme to the reason, there isn't. What do I mean by that? Well, one may go to LDV or the beach on a certain night or day of the week several times and notice that there seems to be less chicas there that particular day of the week. Then all of a sudden, you go that same particular day or night of the week, and there are so many doable girls that your cup runneth over. The averages said there wouldn't be many chicas there that particular day or night, but lo and behold there turned out to be so many chicas that your neck became sore spinning around to trying to take 'them all in. Colombia.

You Can
02-04-15, 20:36
Thanks for your report. I been to Cartagena many times. Had some great threesomes but I new the girls for a couple years. It's hard to just wing it. 99.9 Percent of time I get total GFE. It seems like you went the hardest way with the girls and the rooms. I am heading back next month March 3 and can't wait!

I spent 5 days in Cartagena in early December. I was there with a friend who wasn't interested in prepagas, so I wasn't able to engage as much as I otherwise would have, but I thought I'd include some of my experiences to give back to the board as the board gave me so much.

Night 1 of prepagas (a Wednesday). I went out late. I arrived at LDV at approx 2 am. I'd say 20 girls and 6-8 guys. The quality varied from 5 to 9. I didn't want to rush so I got a vodka tonic for 28 k and sat down to look. I looked around, not being too eager, and got another vodka tonic for 28 k. I'm noting the cost of course as it was 1) expensive and 2) I was aware of the concept of a spending minimum. A lot of guys complain on this board about LDV being full of silicone. So what? I love that shit. If you like small tits, choose a destination other than Colombia. Anyway, at 2:30 am, the place starts to clear out including the two I was thinking about approaching. Shit. I grabbed the best looking prepaga left, a 6. 5 named Jennifer. She started at 300 k for 2 hours. I countered with 200 k, and we settled at 250 k. The negotiations were done outside of LDV. Since it seemed like exit time for everyone, no one asked or seemed to care about my drink minimum. I clearly didn't care since I had spent 56 k on two vodka tonics (which I think were entirely tonic). I was in a hotel that was not chica friendly, so she suggested some spot in el centro (I think it was sol why Mar.). Hard to believe you have to go that far (from LDV) to find a place to get down, but it was what it was. I paid 68 k for 2 hours in room - 30 k per hour plus a beer for her and a water for me. Later, I negotiated another 100 k (350 k total) for el culo. It was something I hadn't done before, so I wanted to try it. For those who haven't, I think it's a waste. It's not that different. Overall, she was sweet. Nice fake cans, but a little too skinny for my taste. She said she was in town for 11 days to make money to support her family.

Night 2 of prepagas (a Friday). I wanted to try el reloj. Maybe 30 girls of varying quality. Tonight, I wanted a threesome. Again, something I haven't done before. Or at least each time it wasn't the experience I wanted (aka the shit you see in porn where the girls are as much into each other as they are into the guy). I looked around and found what I thought was a pretty good looking girl named Carol. It looks like you'll find her there every night as she was there when I went back later another day (there are at least two prepagas in front of el reloj named Carol, this one has almond eyes). She seemed like a 6. 5, but I'd bring that down to a 5 when she got undressed with her pancake tits. Anyway, I told her what I wanted, and she brought over her friend. A negra fea with braces. I told her I wasn't interested. She bought over someone else. Also a fea. I told her we'd find someone attractive together. We found this gorgeous girl, whose name I don't remember. It ended in INA. She was gorgeous. I'd say she was a 8, but then with clothes off. She was a 9. Perfect 22 year old body. Anyway. I made it clear (or tried to) what I wanted. I negotiated 300 k for each prepaga for 3 hours. Of note. I always negotiate unlimited polvos. I've been burned by that before. So Carol takes us to sol e Mar., I think, where the prices are insane. They wanted 45 k per hour because there were three of us. The other girl whose name I can't remember took us to another place where it was 40 k (I think) for the whole time. It was not too far. Overall, the girls, as you can imagine were minimally into each other. The girl, Carol, got fucking jealous because I was concentrating on the other girl. Why the fuck does a prepaga get jealous? It was also kind of lame because the hot one claimed she was tired and her chucha hurt. Overall, two polvos, and a fair threesome. I'll have to cross it off my bucket list since I'll never get what I want with prepagas.

Night 3 of prepagas (a Saturday). I decided to see what was in Tu Candela. I found a gorgeous girl named Sol, and we settled on 300 k for 2 hours. This was a quick find, I didn't look around too much (more coming on Tu Candela). Interestingly, I saw Jennifer from the first night and the super the super hot girl from the threesome. Sol was very sweet. A solid 8 in my eyes. Short, but pretty with nice sized fake tetas. She had an apartment in Laguito, and we sessioned there. Overall, it was pretty standard. One funny thing she said was that she had a baby when she was 15, which she said is very common in Colombia. Such girls usually take two paths. The ugly ones work in offices and the pretty one become prepagas. Like Jennifer from the first night, Sol was in town from Cali for a couple weeks to make money.

Night 4 of attempted prepagas (Sunday). This night, I went back to Tu Candela. I saw Carol outside of Tu Candela who wanted me to go with her, but I wanted something better. I was unimpressed with all the options in front of el reloj so I said let's go to Tu Candela. She said they wouldn't let her into Tu Candela because of her shorts. So I said see ya later. I went into Tu Candela, and I looked for prepagas, but everywhere I looked, it seemed to be couples. I found some locals who brought me over and bought me a drink. They were normal people, and I just sat and talked for a while. All of a sudden. The place is closing (I had been there a couple of hours). I think it was 4 am. Now it gets weird. I go looking for Elektra. Which Jennifer generally pointed out to me the first night. I'm walking down some street in el centro. Two cops on a motorcycle come riding down the street. They want to search me for perico, which I was prepared for after reading this board. I was also prepared to potentially be accosted / robbed by transvestites, which Carol also told me was a possibility. This is what sucks. The cops stole from me. I had my money in my pocket, and the cops, who seemed very friendly, asked me to take everything out of my pockets. I give them my money, hotel key, credit card, etc, and they hand it all back to me eventually. Well, I later discover that I'm short 150 k and $100. They took all my bills with 50 denominations, my 50 k peso bills and my $50 bills. I didn't realize it until later, but I wonder what I would have done if I had noticed in real time at 4 am on a deserted street with two cops in a foreign country. Anyway. I go looking for a place for prepagas. I find myself at this place with about 8 prepagas and 3 guys. None of the girls interest me, so I head home. Was it Elektra or Elektrika? Or Paparika? Or something else? I don't know. I didn't ask.

Separately, I also arranged a trip to Playa Blanca in my hotel. We stopped off at some other island first for snorkeling and some other stuff. Several notes - 1) it's a long trip to Playa Blanca. It's 45 minutes each way over some really choppy water (ie not an enjoyable trip). Playa Blanca sucks. It's crowded, not that great, and the people are not attractive. I only saw the Boca Grande beach from a distance, but it looked *much* better. Not seeing the daytime action in Boca Grande was my biggest regret. I also wish I had gone back to LDV during prime time. I'd rather have gotten there at midnight to see the best options there.

Mojo Bandit
02-06-15, 10:32
Playa Blanca sucks. It's crowded, not that great, and the people are not attractive. I only saw the Boca Grande beach from a distance, but it looked *much* better. Not seeing the daytime action in Boca Grande was my biggest regret. I also wish I had gone back to LDV during prime time. I'd rather have gotten there at midnight to see the best options there.Playa Blanca is a place to take a chica, not find one. The actual beach at Boca Grande is not nice at all compared to Playa Blanca. But there is action down the beach past where Boca Grande ends and where El Laguito begins. Its called Hollywood Beach, you have to avoid the touts. The guys who say they can get you chicas. And wait until the right chica makes eye contact and smiles. Then call her over. If she is hanging on Hollywood Beach and eager to talk to extranos (foreigners) then she is most likely working.

Always remember to plan your trip to Cartagena using the magic mongering map created and provided by the Great Cartagena Mongering Master Hillbilly69. I provide a link below but if the link does not work than copy and paste it into your browser address window and it is located in Cartagena List section of this Colombia Forum it is post number 435.


Mojo Bandit
02-06-15, 10:37
I guess that the worst week to go to CTG, if one aims at girls, is the Semana Santa, right?

I just realized that I should change plans for my business trip to Colombia, ending right on that week.

Anybody tried CTG on that week?All the girls go home to their own cities during that time so unless you already know some local girls it is dead.

World Travel 69
02-06-15, 15:44
They open easier in Google Chrome.

This should show the beaches.



Playa Blanca is a place to take a chica, not find one. The actual beach at Boca Grande is not nice at all compared to Playa Blanca. But there is action down the beach past where Boca Grande ends and where El Laguito begins. Its called Hollywood Beach, you have to avoid the touts. The guys who say they can get you chicas. And wait until the right chica makes eye contact and smiles. Then call her over. If she is hanging on Hollywood Beach and eager to talk to extranos (foreigners) then she is most likely working.

Always remember to plan your trip to Cartagena using the magic mongering map created and provided by the Great Cartagena Mongering Master Hillbilly69. I provide a link below but if the link does not work than copy and paste it into your browser address window and it is located in Cartagena List section of this Colombia Forum it is post number 435.


You Can
02-06-15, 17:42
I prefer punts arena to take a chica. Very nice and I get a place right on private beach. Very nice.

Playa Blanca is a place to take a chica, not find one. The actual beach at Boca Grande is not nice at all compared to Playa Blanca. But there is action down the beach past where Boca Grande ends and where El Laguito begins. Its called Hollywood Beach, you have to avoid the touts. The guys who say they can get you chicas. And wait until the right chica makes eye contact and smiles. Then call her over. If she is hanging on Hollywood Beach and eager to talk to extranos (foreigners) then she is most likely working.

Always remember to plan your trip to Cartagena using the magic mongering map created and provided by the Great Cartagena Mongering Master Hillbilly69. I provide a link below but if the link does not work than copy and paste it into your browser address window and it is located in Cartagena List section of this Colombia Forum it is post number 435.


02-06-15, 21:59
I posted a trip report in this thread, but somehow it became my own blog at the bottom of the Colombia section.

For those interested, here is the link:


02-06-15, 22:27
Seeing and reading all these reviews really tempts me to visit the place. For me ISG is my new travel advisor. Read all the info and based on it plan your next visit. I wish they come with statistical map of rating. I can bet it will increase the visit count.

You Can
02-07-15, 02:27
My man great report. Nice pic. Massage girl is nice. I use her sister Luce marina.



I flew United round trip from San Diego for $980 and some change. On the way over, a stop in Denver, and a stop in Panama; around 9 hours flight time. On the way back, stop in Panama, a stop in Houston, about the same flight time.


The airport in Cartagena is small. There was no ATM that I could find. But there was a place to exchange money, so I exchanged enough for the taxi and one night on the town. Taxi was 25 K to the apartment, and 18 K when I returned.


The currency in Cartagena is Pesos. The airport rate sucked, but I was in need for the evening. The exchange place I used in town was 2140 pesos to one dollar. Passport was required! When I ran out of dollars / pesos, I abused the ATMs nearby my apartment.

Apartment / Juan:

I stay at one of Juan's rental apartments. It was a big 2 bedroom located on the beach in El Laguito for $90 per night. I had a large balcony overlooking the pool and beach / ocean. Apartment was equipped with WiFi, wide screen TV, A / see in each room, and 24 hour security. Security check the IDs of all the girls and logged their information in a ledger. There was housekeeper service available, but I did not need the service.

I arrived late night Thursday and the security guy knew who I was when my Gringo face appeared. Juan came by the following day at noon. I paid the remaining amount and he answered all my silly questions, as well as giving me his contact information. On Sunday, the A / see in the living room went out. I called Juan, and he had a A / see tech at the apartment within 30 minutes. I went to lunch and when I returned, the A / see was up and running. In summary, Juan is the upmost professional and I would rent from him again!

Sim Card:

I got a sim card from Claro in Bocagrande for 5 K. I put 10 K of minutes on the card, and that was plenty enough. Passport was required!


Taxis were always available and quite cheap; 5, 6, and 7 K was the norm around town.


I felt completely safe walking around the various areas I visited. Cartagena is the tourist capital of Colombia. On the weekend, many families poured into town from all over Colombia.


I ate several restaurants; here are my thoughts:

Monte Sacro. Excellent.

Bacco Trattoria. Excellent.

Crepes & Waffles. Very good.

Riquisimo BBQ. Very good.

Cazbon Antioqueno. Good.

Anaflecha. Good late night drunk food.

Street food in the Walled City. Excellent.

BTW, there was Subway in the Walled City; oh the shame!

The Beach:

Playa Hollywood had a very mixed crowd. When facing the ocean, the gay section is on the left, and all others are to the right. I read and noted a lot about the beach in advance. BUT, I still had issues with the massage bitches. I came off the main road and down the path to the beach. I was greeted by One-Tooth Alex. I asked about Fao and Tony, but he told me they were not there today; fucking liar! Sat in one of the chairs and the massage bitches came in flocks. They kept sitting in front or in back of me rubbing my calf or back with lotion. No, No gracias, and No fucking gracias, did not seem to slow them down! Finally I told One-Tooth Alex to keep these bitches away from me or I would walk; that worked!

One-Tooth Alex brought over a hottie and she sat next to me for a bit. She was hot, but her attitude sucked big time; big turn off for me. I asked her about Fao and Tony and she replied in English, "Tony is a mother fucker!" I wanted to ask her how she really felt, but it would have been a waste of time. I sent her on her unhappy way. Out of nowhere, another massage woman attacked me from the rear. As I told One-Tooth Alex, I walked!

As I'm walking down the beach, I run dead into Fat Tony. I asked about Fao, but he lied as well. But I stood my ground and continue to walk. Tony caved in and brought me over to Fao's section. I had the pleasure of meeting Fao and Emily. Fao offered me his personal chair and I talked to Emily and her sister (Fao did not charge me for anything except the drinks that I ordered). One of the better looking massage girls showed up and it turns out she was one of Emily's friends; she was happy to come to my apartment after sunset. She was one of the best fucks I had during my stay.

I looked around the beach for 4 days, but saw very little freelancer action. I sat in Fao's section and had some great massages from Emily and Emily was always on the lookout for freelancers. She brought one over that was a complete hottie, but I had a date within a couple of hours; so I passed. Thus, there was some beach action, but after I researched the topic, I guess I expected more. All and all, Fao and Emily are hard working honest folks and I highly recommend them to anyone that visits Playa Hollywood.

Other venues:

La Dulce Vita. I was in stumbling distance of the club. I was there every night to check out the action. The first night, I pull a dark skin hottie out of there for 200 K, and I tipped her as well. The talent in there was off the hook. Beautiful women with great bodies from all over Colombia. Some girls were asking for 300,400, 500, and 600 K for a couple of hours. One night, I met a girl sitting outside the club, and off we went for 150 K. There was also a hot MILF that I talked to a couple of times and she met me the last night that I was there for dinner and rack operations later.

Tu Candela Bar. Inside the Walled City near the clock tower. I went there a couple of times, but I must have been too early because there was only a few freelancers there each time.

Just inside the Clock Tower. What a scene! I walked out of Tu Candela Bar one night and there were freelancers all over the place. The girls were asking for 100/150/200 K per hour. Some of the girls were hot, others were just scary. I pulled two girls from the place and both were a blast in the apartment.

Cupid Girls. I had three lined up to meet, one was a no show, one showed but wasn't worth my time or effort, and one was a direct hit! She was a blast in the restaurant and in the apartment!


Cartagena had a lot more to offer, I barely scratched the surface of clubs and the girls. I feel like I let down the monger community because I did not explore more; sorry guys. But I did have a great time and I will return someday, when, not sure. I feel that knowing some Spanish is a must because many of these girls speak no English. At times, I felt challenged with the Spanish that I know. I felt completely safe throughout the entire trip. Yes, the place is a tad expensive compared to other monger destinations, but I just had to check the place out; and I'm glad I did!

02-08-15, 16:07
I posted a trip report in this thread, but somehow it became my own blog at the bottom of the Colombia section.

For those interested, here is the link:

http://www.internationalsexguide.info/forum/showthread.php?3660-Five-nights-in-Cartagena!Enjoyed reading your trip report-well done! One item of note in re to locating the ATM machines at the airport. They are located in the departures area of the airport. Once you get outside after clearing the last security area for international arrivals, turn left and walk down the sidewalk 40 yards or so and then enter back into the building once you reach the departures area. There are two different locations with a row of multiple ATM machines inside the main area of the airport (one on the side closest to where you go for international departures and the other closest to the side for domestic departures/domestic arrivals).

02-09-15, 09:02
They are located in the departures area of the airport. Thanks for the information. But having ATMs in the departures area seem to be silly at say the least. The airport should have at least one ATM in the arrival area. I got there late night on Thursday, and did not want to explore the rest of the airport.

Once again, thank you.

02-13-15, 13:22
Thanks for the information. But having ATMs in the departures area seem to be silly at say the least. The airport should have at least one ATM in the arrival area. I got there late night on Thursday, and did not want to explore the rest of the airport.

Once again, thank you.Yeah I understand your point of view, but then again, I don't recall the airports I fly into in the States as having ATM's within the international flight arrivals area. I've always had to completely clear the USA Customs area and then go to a different area to find services such as restaurants, ATMs, etc. Rafael Núñez International Airport isn't very large and the walk from the final security clearance to find the "services area" for the ATMs is a relatively short trek. I've certainly walked much further in other places.

Oh, for those traveling to Cartagena who are taken aback by the taxis not having meters, below is a link to the fares set annually by the Mayor's office for all of 2015. Note that there is an additional charge of 500 pesos at night starting at 9 pm until 5 am. For those grabbing a taxi at 4 - 6 am right off the curb outside places such as L'Opera and Space, expect the driver to tack on a 1 to 2 mil premium. You choose if you want to pay for the convenience of having a taxi right there at 5 am ready to scurry you and your chica away as soon as you step out the door.

I like not having a meter. I don't have to worry about being "long-hauled", traffic jams, long stop lights, detours, etc. I can relax and know that I'm going to pay an established price no matter the hiccup. If I hand the driver the correct price as set by the Mayor and he wants to say I owe more, I exit his taxi without a care knowing that I paid him the right fare.

Here you go, learn them if you choose: http://www.transitocartagena.gov.co/links/Decretos/Decretos_2015/Decreto0035.PDF.

02-13-15, 13:54
Thanks for the information. But having ATMs in the departures area seem to be silly at say the least. The airport should have at least one ATM in the arrival area. I got there late night on Thursday, and did not want to explore the rest of the airport.

Once again, thank you.Think, maybe, they are hoping you use the cambio at the exit? It usually gives 20,000-40,000 less per $100 as opposed to cambios in the city. They have cambios in the luggage retrieval area in Bogota, no ATM's. When you leave customs in Bogota you get a better rate at the cambios there. Convienence is expensive.

But it works.

02-17-15, 03:00
Yeah I understand your point of view, but then again, I don't recall the airports I fly into in the States as having ATM's within the international flight arrivals area. I've always had to completely clear the USA Customs area and then go to a different area to find services such as restaurants, ATMs, etc. Rafael Nez International Airport isn't very large and the walk from the final security clearance to find the "services area" for the ATMs is a relatively short trek. I've certainly walked much further in other places.

Oh, for those traveling to Cartagena who are taken aback by the taxis not having meters, below is a link to the fares set annually by the Mayor's office for all of 2015. Note that there is an additional charge of 500 pesos at night starting at 9 pm until 5 am. For those grabbing a taxi at 4 - 6 am right off the curb outside places such as L'Opera and Space, expect the driver to tack on a 1 to 2 mil premium. You choose if you want to pay for the convenience of having a taxi right there at 5 am ready to scurry you and your chica away as soon as you step out the door.

I like not having a meter. I don't have to worry about being "long-hauled", traffic jams, long stop lights, detours, etc. I can relax and know that I'm going to pay an established price no matter the hiccup. If I hand the driver the correct price as set by the Mayor and he wants to say I owe more, I exit his taxi without a care knowing that I paid him the right fare.

Here you go, learn them if you choose: http://www.transitocartagena.gov.co/links/Decretos/Decretos_2015/Decreto0035.PDF.Hilltopper,

You prefer the Cartagena taxi rate system to a meter? With all due respect, I can't go along with you. When I've been in taxis in other Colombian cities, the meter speaks loud and clear and there's never a debate. Long lights and traffic jams are almost never an issue, they hardly add more than few pesos to your fare. Now, Cartagena on the other hand, is always a crap shoot. I have downloaded the pdf you linked to, and it's invaluable, you have given great advice for travelers to download it and become familiar with it. However, you cannot carry it with you at all times, and then just whip it out at 4 AM as you're leaving Space or wherever. You can memorize the most common fares, and then quote them to the driver, but if you don't have exact fare at all times you're in for a debate, and who wants to debate at 4 AM when you've got a chica with you and you're just wanting to get her back to your place or wherever. You can argue over 2 mil pesos if you want, but I prefer not to face the prospect of a confrontation each time I take a taxi. In my experience a huge percentage of the taxi drivers in Cartagena are ladrones, and they love to overcharge you any opportunity they can. Give me a meter any day!

02-17-15, 16:03
Agree- meters are better. Who wants to carry around a rule book and constantly debate about mileage rates? Silly.

02-17-15, 21:13

You prefer the Cartagena taxi rate system to a meter? With all due respect, I can't go along with you. When I've been in taxis in other Colombian cities, the meter speaks loud and clear and there's never a debate. Long lights and traffic jams are almost never an issue, they hardly add more than few pesos to your fare. Now, Cartagena on the other hand, is always a crap shoot. I have downloaded the pdf you linked to, and it's invaluable, you have given great advice for travelers to download it and become familiar with it. However, you cannot carry it with you at all times, and then just whip it out at 4 AM as you're leaving Space or wherever. You can memorize the most common fares, and then quote them to the driver, but if you don't have exact fare at all times you're in for a debate, and who wants to debate at 4 AM when you've got a chica with you and you're just wanting to get her back to your place or wherever. You can argue over 2 mil pesos if you want, but I prefer not to face the prospect of a confrontation each time I take a taxi. In my experience a huge percentage of the taxi drivers in Cartagena are ladrones, and they love to overcharge you any opportunity they can. Give me a meter any day!TheShadow, yeah I really do prefer it. Shamester, I've never carried a copy of the rates with me, LOL. I already know what the fares are as everyday knowledge and then check each January for any changes. I don't argue with 'them, I just give the correct fare. If I only have a 10 mil bill, I ask them if they can change it when I first open the door to the taxi. If a taxi driver is right at the the door of a disco where I'm exiting at 4 am, I have no problem with a 1 to 2 mil upcharge for the convenience. The times I've been in cities such as Bogota and Medillin, it never fails that a driver or two gets lost or there's a traffic jam, etc. Have you ever been in Cartagena when it rains or There is a big event and been in traffic at a standstill for 30 minutes? I have many times and it's never cost a cent more.

Knowing the fare from and to El Laguito or Boca Grande to the various zones traveled is easy and it doesn't change for the rest of the year so when one comes back multiple times, it becomes second nature. I much prefer the taxi drivers in Cartagena than compared to the ones I've had in Bog and Medellin. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

02-17-15, 21:23
Agree- meters are better. Who wants to carry around a rule book and constantly debate about mileage rates? Silly.Goodness, who suggested to carry round a rule book? Wasn't the guy who was thoghtful enough to share a link here so others less experienced could learn them. Why make it more diificult, LOL.

Gotta GO
02-18-15, 05:42
A hotel for tomorrow night for myself and a wingman. Then we will meet Mery or Juan on Thursday morning to check out apartments. Been to Cartagena 5 other times and Colombia at least 20 times and all over the Spanish speaking world. I also speak Spanish.

I have been banging non pros for almost 15 years but we plan to go to take part in P4P when necessary which will probably be everyday in Craphole Cartagena .

If someone has had a good experience with a hotel that is nice where we can drop our bags and hit the bars tomorrow night let me know. Bocagrande preferably.

Unless its high season I never book without seeing the property first. Cartagena is only 43% occupied this week.

02-18-15, 14:35
Arrived to CTG via Viva Colombia. Nosisey flight with many passengers who acted as though this was their first airline flight.

Small and efficient airport. Directed to a taxi stand. Showed the girl my hotel address. Presented me a receipt of 10.000 mil. Very cheap. Much different vibe than MDE. MDE was hot -- CTG is boiling with real feel 100 degrees plus.

Black Page
02-18-15, 17:30
Agree- meters are better. Who wants to carry around a rule book and constantly debate about mileage rates? Silly.
I am with Hilltopper. Meters are better, but why wasting time in wishing what is not used here?

I never had a single problem of fares in CTG. I pay 6 k between Bocagrande and Centro, I can assess MORE OR LESS the rates for longer distances and that's it. So easy!
I agree before entering the taxi the fare I will pay, and who cares if it is not EXACTLY the precise fare that should be due?? 2k-5k more are my tip for the driver.

Much better this system than the silly system used in USA, where there is a meter indeed, but then you are forced to add 10% or 20% as "gratuity". Bullshit!

You Can
02-18-15, 22:04
Agree the cabs are so cheap in Cartagena you can't beat it. Never had a problem.

I am with Hilltopper. Meters are better, but why wasting time in wishing what is not used here?

I never had a single problem of fares in CTG. I pay 6 k between Bocagrande and Centro, I can assess MORE OR LESS the rates for longer distances and that's it. So easy!
I agree before entering the taxi the fare I will pay, and who cares if it is not EXACTLY the precise fare that should be due?? 2k-5k more are my tip for the driver.

Much better this system than the silly system used in USA, where there is a meter indeed, but then you are forced to add 10% or 20% as "gratuity". Bullshit!.

You Can
02-18-15, 22:06
You don't need no fucking rule book do a quick review of the board and a baby could know the rates.

Agree- meters are better. Who wants to carry around a rule book and constantly debate about mileage rates? Silly.

You Can
02-18-15, 22:09
If you have a problem getting a hang on the simple taxi rates your really going to get fucked by the girls. And it won't be in a good way.

Agree- meters are better. Who wants to carry around a rule book and constantly debate about mileage rates? Silly.

Jelly Donut
02-19-15, 04:01
Daniela claims to be 19 and that seems likely. She pulled out her identification while I was hanging out with her, but I didn't check either the name or the date. She is currently working the Torre del Reloj in Centro area after midnight. I had mixed results with her. For instance, on this night, I was so unmotivated while fucking her I stopped to take some photographs. Still, she insisted on finishing me off, which does not always happen in those situations. The lowest price I had quoted in the Torre del Reloj area was 80 k COP (I think I could have worked that down another 30 k if I had the energy for it) the highest was 300 k COP for a couple of girls. They quickly backed down to 250 k COP, but they did not excite me much and the negotiations went nowhere. Cartagena seems to be much less than what is was years ago, or maybe my old mind is playing tricks on me, but it's still a wonderful distraction.

02-19-15, 04:25
I am with Hilltopper. Meters are better, but why wasting time in wishing what is not used here?

I never had a single problem of fares in CTG. I pay 6 k between Bocagrande and Centro, I can assess MORE OR LESS the rates for longer distances and that's it. So easy!
I agree before entering the taxi the fare I will pay, and who cares if it is not EXACTLY the precise fare that should be due?? 2k-5k more are my tip for the driver.

Much better this system than the silly system used in USA, where there is a meter indeed, but then you are forced to add 10% or 20% as "gratuity". Bullshit!

Ok guys, I guess it's as Hiltopper said, "Different strokes for different folks". However, I still much prefer a meter, to me it's not even a debate.
I see one of our differences here in Blackpage's post: "who cares if it is not EXACTLY the precise fare that should be due?? 2k-5k more are my tip for the driver."
Well, I care. I care a lot actually. Can I afford 1-4 dollars extra? Sure, they need it a lot more than I do, I'm sure. And I tip in Cartagena more often than most do. But, I resent the "gringo tax". In other words, that "tip" is not
really voluntary in this case. I take it as the taxi driver thinking "ok, this is a dumb fucking gringo, fuck him, I'll rip him off a little and the dumb fuck won't know any better." If I let him do that, it just encourages him to do it to the next guy.
And knowing the fare is a step in the right direction, but it still doesn't spare you the confrontation with the driver when he tries to charge you extra. Sure, if you got the correct fare, you can just hand it to him amid
his cursing you out, and tell him to fuck off. Although, keep in mind that I've had at least one friend who actually went to fist city with a taxi driver in this way. Yes, he kicked the guys ass, but then the guys family came around for revenge. Not good.
Let me give you another example. I've spent a lot of time in Cartagena over the past 15 years so I know the rates. Recently I was going almost every day to Caribe Plaza from Laguito. Now, when I would return from there, the taxi stand at Caribe Plaza would print me out a ticket, which clearly stated the fare was 8mil. But whenever I took the taxi from Laguito to Caribe Plaza, they would ask for 10-12 mil. One day I made sure I had exact fare, and handed the 8mil to the guy as we arrived. Well, he wanted 10 mil, and this little 90lb 70 year old ladrone proceeded to cuss me out one side and down the other. I dropped the 8mil in the front seat, and told him to call the cops if he didn't like it as I got out. Fun times, huh?
So, the next day, I tried a different strategy. I waited for a taxi in Laguito, and when they would stop, I'd ask "How much to Caribe Plaza". The guy says 10mil. So, I argue with him, and he keeps insisting it's 10 mil, so I tell him no and shut the door.
So, 2 minutes later, I try it with the next guy. Same result. And with the next 3 drivers, the same. So now I've been standing out in the hot sun,wasting my time because I don't want to pay the ladrones their gringo tax. Finally I called one of my friends who's a driver, and he got me there for the right fare. But my point is, the system sucks unless you like having a confrontation 50% of the time. I don't. Give me a meter any day.
And P.S., I know 4-5 drivers in Cartagena who are good drivers, you can trust, and won't overcharge you. Using them most of the time is the only way I keep my sanity. If anyone wants their cell phone numbers, PM me. A couple of them speak english as well.

02-19-15, 12:34
If you have a problem getting a hang on the simple taxi rates your really going to get fucked by the girls. And it won't be in a good way.Chill out dude -- you get offended by minutia. Sorry we are not with your superior odometer.

Both ways are okay. Agree about negotiating prior to departing. It is still interesting that the same distance can be different prices by taxi drivers. The differential may only be 1000 mil. I guess my rule book was unavailable to point out the discrepancy. Sorry baby.

02-19-15, 13:28
After checking in to a hotel close to the clock tower I decided to walk around. My room is tiny but has excellent split air. The real feel is 100 degrees plus. Do not like being around so many backpackers.

Walked to the harbor and ran into a touter about boat tours. A guide on Trip Advisor e-mailed that the best way to see the islands was to book directly at the harbor. The tour is 50 mil including lunch as opposed to an organised tour that costs over $100 US. Sure enough I accidentally ran into the tour boats at the harbor and booked pronto. The touter Alvaro, spoke decent English. Asked about chicas. Told me about a good casa called Angeles. Jumped in a taxi to show me.

Angeles is located at Av. Crisanto Laque Diag 22 #38-69, tel 301.338. 0656,313. 524.6036, open 200 pm to 300 am. 7000 mil taxi ride from clock tower. Arrived maybe around 1230 pm. Staff opened facility. A few decent chica were available. Honed in on a slim fair skinned hot beauty 20 why / o from Venezuela named Lorena. Sort of looked Filipino. Nice tits with a teenager body. Claimed to have only arrived 4 days ago. Unable to be a prostitute in Venezuela due to very strict laws. Amazing figure. She was ready pronto. Alvaro was going to front the $ -- 150 mil for one hour. Declined but decided to return later. Talked about her going on the boat tour.

Took a four hour city tour. Magnificent city with amazing building and sites. Romantic and nice to spend time with a quality mate. Many many hot gringo chicas. There was hot Brazilian chica on tour with her significant other. Cover girl face.

Returned to hotel and headed to Angeles. Crowded. The front area allows you to touch and feel the chicas without buying drinks. Decent chicas. Proceeded to the bar area. Some trouble recognizing Lorena since she was dolled up -- preferred the more natural no makeup cutoff jeans look. Paid the fee and proceeded.

Already sensed a different attitude -- the prissy attitude surfaced. The room was decent and not hot. Some decent foreplay. Allowed kissing. Instructed me to place down to condoms. Skin felt like velvet. No blemishes and no kids. Lives at the facility. Again, paying majority of the $ for young beauty. Majority of the time it is a trade off. BJ had zero finesse. We both knew I was going to have a difficult time cumming. Decided to perform missionary since I wanted to kiss and pump simultaneously. OK in this position. Tried to put her legs up but she declined.

Changed to cowgirl which was more about dribbling a basketball. Finally cummed at around 25 minutes. She then declined the second round even with a propina which I was not going to pay anyway. Decent massage -- it was sure nice to feel her warm pussy on my back. Her English accent started to become annoying -- reminds of Puerto Rican chicas with that cocky prissy attitude. She wanted to leave. Convinced her to give a hand job while I played with her body. Decent. Whining about finishing and only one time cumming for one hour was redirected and ignored.

Finally cummed. Left the room and told the first staff I encountered who spoke some English about her poor attitude -- he immediately confronted her. Told the bar manager and he was annoyed. Told me to select a different girl next time. On my way out it was amusing to watch the wannabe Julio Iglesias lover boys. Taxied back to clock tower area. Place is best for Spanish speakers. Shall not return.

Started at Tu Candela Bar. Nice place but the only cerveza was Miller. Departed. Alozeta is closed for remodeling. Guide told me about bars adjacent to hotel Monterrey. Found a decent mulatta named Carmen who lived upstairs. Quoted 100 mil for una hora. Skeptical. She said sexo multiple times was fine. Obtained phone number for possible follow up.

Walked back to the hotel. A touter was asking me what kind of chica I wanted. Informed young and slim. Right next to my hotel is a casa. Produced one pronto. Wanted 200 k for one hour. Forget it. Good chica but not at that price. Shall investigate further.

02-19-15, 13:30
Is this location around a one hour taxi ride from Cartegena?

Please advise.

You Can
02-19-15, 15:02
Hon I was just saying if you can't figure simple pricing on cab fare your in deep trouble!! Happy hunting.

Chill out dude -- you get offended by minutia. Sorry we are not with your superior odometer.

Both ways are okay. Agree about negotiating prior to departing. It is still interesting that the same distance can be different prices by taxi drivers. The differential may only be 1000 mil. I guess my rule book was unavailable to point out the discrepancy. Sorry baby.

Black Page
02-19-15, 22:01
Nice pix. A question came spontaneous: did you fuck that attractive black hole?

Daniela claims to be 19 and that seems likely. She pulled out her identification while I was hanging out with her, but I didn't check either the name or the date. She is currently working the Torre del Reloj in Centro area after midnight. I had mixed results with her. For instance, on this night, I was so unmotivated while fucking her I stopped to take some photographs. Still, she insisted on finishing me off, which does not always happen in those situations. The lowest price I had quoted in the Torre del Reloj area was 80 k COP (I think I could have worked that down another 30 k if I had the energy for it) the highest was 300 k COP for a couple of girls. They quickly backed down to 250 k COP, but they did not excite me much and the negotiations went nowhere. Cartagena seems to be much less than what is was years ago, or maybe my old mind is playing tricks on me, but it's still a wonderful distraction.

Black Page
02-19-15, 22:03
Is this location around a one hour taxi ride from Cartegena?
Please advise.Playa Hollywood is less than one hour away.

02-19-15, 22:55
Is this location around a one hour taxi ride from Cartegena?

Please advise.If your hotel is near the clock tower, Playa Hollywood is about 20 minutes away.

02-20-15, 00:43
Is this location around a one hour taxi ride from Cartegena?

Please advise.Playa Blanca by taxi? Well, with Playa Blanca being located on Baru Penisular, you could go by bus. Road conditions aren't the best and you'll spend half a day on a rundown bus before you have to get out to walk the rest of the way. Assuming your preference is to take a more direct, yet still budget conscious option, you may want to take a speedboat from the back side of Mercado Bazurto. There's a boat that leaves daily between 8 and 11 in the morning. You'll join some locals, along with some chickens and dead fish, but you'll get there in 30 - 45 minutes at less than $7 USD. Before it gets too late in the afternoon, you'll need to negotiate your ride back to Cartagena. For a fun, back-slapping ride back, do sit near the front of the boat.

02-20-15, 00:50
Playa Hollywood is less than one hour away.Less than an hour stroll on foot.

02-20-15, 01:01
She then declined the second round even with a propina which I was not going to pay anyway. You must have given off a tell.

Jelly Donut
02-20-15, 02:30
Nice pix. A question came spontaneous: did you fuck that attractive black hole?No. I didn't. In that moment I was really worn out; I was ready to stop and go to bed after a very long day, already filled with a couple of decent adventures. I never asked the question. She was a hero in that she would not let me stop till I came.

I don't think I've had too many Colombians in the ass. I've actually had to listen one Colombiana, not long ago, explain to me that anal sex was extremely dangerous; a quick pathway to the hospital and an embarrassing death. She was very animated about the whole thing. She seemed unshakable in her beliefs. The last time I remember having a Colombian girl in the ass was several years ago, barebacking a novia. I think it's a little harder to negotiate in Colombia than in some other countries. I know you've had a lot of experience in Cartagena, what's your experience with girls and anal?

Still, I think this girl would have considered it for a marginal bit more money. When I asked her about taking photographs she just mentioned wanting a tip, but did not say how much. She seemed pretty flexible.

Now that you bring it up and I look at the photos, I feel a little sad it did not cross my mind.

02-20-15, 11:30
If your hotel is near the clock tower, Playa Hollywood is about 20 minutes away.Thanks. For some reason the locals do not know this place. It was interesting that a massage girl on Playa Blanca knew the place.

What other indicator could I provide to a taxi driver?

02-20-15, 12:02
Yesterday I took a speed boat trip to Rosario island. Imo no big deal. Price was good. Nice massage chicas. Unfortunately the massage girl that spoke decent English had no cell phone for followup. Got drenched on the way back destroying my valuable ISG monger notes.

Returned back to hotel and slept early. Woke up around 330 am. Decided to wander around the clock area. Walking downstairs I saw a policeman sitting at the front desk. Outside there was a strong police presence on the street in front of my hotel.

The bars close to hotel Monterrey had taxis in front waiting for patrons. Drunken people with chicas around. Some very tall us black dudes with chicas were hanging around trying to remain calm while their friend was on the verge of acting up. They wandered away slowly. The clock area was still active. Chicas were dressed very nicely. A cute fair skinned chica from Barranquilla quoted me 250 mil per hour using google translator. Another older mulatta quoted 100 mil per hour.

The other bars were closed up. Walked back to the hotel. Strong police presence remained. New male front desk person without the policeman were present. Front desk dude explained to me in passable English about a street chica planting some white stuff on a monger. She called the police. Monger was forced to give the policia 300 mil or be arrested.

My plan today is to attempt to call the fb chica posted in this thread. For some reason the claro cell phone service is erratic -- first time this has happened traveling around Latin america. Shall also contact Carmen a decent looking mulatta that lives above the Monterrey bars. Shall take extra extra precautions. Also plan to go to the souvenir area of Bovair and walk around the very elegant Bocagrande.

Tonight shall view the parade from LDV and end at Monterrey.

02-20-15, 20:12
Thanks. For some reason the locals do not know this place. It was interesting that a massage girl on Playa Blanca knew the place.

What other indicator could I provide to a taxi driver?Tell him that you want to go to the playa in Laguito. It will cost 6-7 k.

02-20-15, 20:22
Ok guys, I guess it's as Hiltopper said, "Different strokes for different folks". However, I still much prefer a meter, to me it's not even a debate.

I see one of our differences here in Blackpage's post: "who cares if it is not EXACTLY the precise fare that should be due?? 2k-5k more are my tip for the driver."

Well, I care. I care a lot actually. Can I afford 1-4 dollars extra? Sure, they need it a lot more than I do, I'm sure. And I tip in Cartagena more often than most do. But, I resent the "gringo tax". In other words, that "tip" is not really voluntary in this case. I take it as the taxi driver thinking "ok, this is a dumb fucking gringo, fuck him, I'll rip him off a little and the dumb fuck won't know any better." If I let him do that, it just encourages him to do it to the next guy.

And knowing the fare is a step in the right direction, but it still doesn't spare you the confrontation with the driver when he tries to charge you extra. Sure, if you got the correct fare, you can just hand it to him amid
his cursing you out, and tell him to fuck off. Although, keep in mind that I've had at least one friend who actually went to fist city with a taxi driver in this way. Yes, he kicked the guys ass, but then the guys family came around for revenge. Not good.

Let me give you another example. I've spent a lot of time in Cartagena over the past 15 years so I know the rates. Recently I was going almost every day to Caribe Plaza from Laguito...You are doing it the wrong way. Asking how much means you don't know the fare and they will try to rip you are. You tell them the fare. 8 k a Caribe plaza? Also, waiting taxis in front are usually going to ask for more. Go down the block and hail a passing taxi.

02-20-15, 22:11
Thanks. For some reason the locals do not know this place. It was interesting that a massage girl on Playa Blanca knew the place.

What other indicator could I provide to a taxi driver?Located near El Laguito. I linked a map, it is one of the last beaches Largo de Boca Grande.


I wrote about the beach in my last trip report late January.


02-20-15, 23:22
Also another problem in my area was fake 20 mil notes. Police completely shook down this dude. A store person showed it to me -- poor copy.

Started today with buying souvenirs. Great values by talented artisans. Great selection of stuff at nice prices.

Finally realized I was out of minutes. After some confusion I was able to reload next door. Attempted to call the fb chica and Carmen. Carmen wanted a 300 pm date. Unfortunately postponed it. Decided to call my "pimp".

Alvaro arrived at my hotel pronto. Told me lets go to centro to a local casa / strip club which turned out to be close to Angeles. The place is called Caza roxio, Brusela, Suviendo Por, Charanga #24.34. Decent looking place with a pole and a large selection of chicas for 1230 pm. Price is 150 k per hour. $200 US for tln. Selected a slim sexy hot mulatta named Julianna. Nice straight hair with bangs. Something about bangs attracts me. Tits were unbelievably round, firm and natural.

Nice room which was probably where she lived. Good ac. Cute stuffed animals. Some nice foreplay. Very good head from different angles. Good reverse cowgirl which was entertaining to watch her ass move in different directions. Very picky with my leg placement -- a true artist. Requested more BJ -- changed condoms. Requested a titty fuck -- she positioned my cock between her tits and blew me off simultaneously. Great feeling. Finally cummed. In her favorite position which was doggie laying flat with her ass pumping away. Also good in missionary with powerful thighs that lock like a vice grip. No mentioning of time.

Very nice massage. Uses elbows and walks on your back. My joints were cracking. Time was approaching and requested a HJ. She complied and went past the knock to finish me -- a true professional.

TLN is available and tempting but not really an option since she speaks no English. Unsure if it is a one and done. Maybe if I make some money on blackjack. Plan to hit hard rock cafe which is very close to my hotel -- guide stated around 700 pm is when the freelancers start surfacing. After that its the hotel Monterrey bars and LDV.

Thanks for the assist Tomjackin with playa Hollywood.


02-21-15, 00:08
Spoke to fb Viv. Speaks good English. Currently working at Isis -- rate is 250 mil / hour. Outside its 200 mil / hour.

World Travel 69
02-21-15, 00:30
This map shows the Hollywood beach area.


Located near El Laguito. I linked a map, it is one of the last beaches Largo de Boca Grande.


I wrote about the beach in my last trip report late January.


02-21-15, 13:28
This map shows the Hollywood beach area.

https://maps.google.com/maps?ll=10.39667,-75.56232&z=16&t=h&output=classic&dg=brwThanks for the fantastic maps. Is it close to carrera 1? What is a good landmark?

02-21-15, 13:31
Any thoughts on pricing for playa Hollywood massage girls?

02-21-15, 14:10
Met up with a buddy I met on a boat tour. Walked to hard rock. Expensive beers with no action. Walked to the hotel Monterrey bars.

Ran into Carmen who was giving me a bad time about canceling. She looked nice -- slim sexy mulata that looks chic with her head band. Really a nice figure despite having a child. Drank some beers. Buddy returned to hotel. Decided to have sexo with Carmen.

Upstairs love motel cost 25 k. Went to my hotel which had a 20 k chica fee. Paid it. Chica wanted all the money upfront -- she had agreed to 50% upfront and 50% completo. Reluctantly consented to paying 100 mil. Chica was sweeter than most hookers. Delightful and somewhat of a GFE experience. Good foreplay and no rushing. Good kissing and licked my balls without asking for a propina. Good massage. She had earlier said it was unlimited sexo for one hour- wrong. Wanted more for another round. Declined. I was not really up for round two anyways. Requested taxi money of 10 mil- denied. Worthy of a repeat if possible due to childcare issues.

Taxied to LDV. Arrived too early. Casino has closed up. My initial impression was another overrated gringo place. Taxied to another casino that only had 2 blackjack tables and no free alcohol. Sucker bets on some type of matching that pays big if you hit it. Made some quick blackjack cash and departed for LDV.

LDV had more chicas but overall talent was far less than hdr in San Jose. There was some good stuff -- a Mde chica named Julianna was hot, sexy and tempting. The going rate is 200 mil per hour -- chicas acting like they are doing you a favor at that price. LDV is Neiman Marcus with over priced Walmart merchandise sprinkled with tiffany goods.

Newbies -- waste of time and money. No need to visit. Overpriced drinks with snotty chicas that rely on dumb gringos to pay for their apartments in Bocagrande. Sorry ldv lovers. Ldv does serve a purpose of convenience and safety. Some chica wanted me to pay for her tequila shot. Paid close to 12 mil for an aguilla light -- lame.

Taxied back to Monterrey area. Bars were happening -- backpackers with local chicas. There are numerous hot hot backpacker chicas but they are unavailable. Talent is okay for the chicas -- certainly Mayorista is better. Initial attitude is refreshing. Planned to go with Carmen to l'opera -- however she was busy talking to dudes. Befriended a doable mulatta named Sheri and friend. They wanted to go to club Havanna which was close to my hotel -- free for chicas but 10.5 mil for males. Declined. Ate some food to help with alcohol absorption and returned to my hotel. Exhausted.

02-21-15, 14:14
You are doing it the wrong way. Asking how much means you don't know the fare and they will try to rip you are. You tell them the fare. 8 k a Caribe plaza? Also, waiting taxis in front are usually going to ask for more. Go down the block and hail a passing taxi.I think you need to re-read my post. I asked the taxistas, they said 10, I said No, I know the prices here, I go there every day I know it's 8. That's not me presenting myself to them as a clueless gringo that doesn't know the prices.

And you say "waiting taxis in front". In front of what? I said I was catching the taxis in Laguito, middle of the day, in front of an apartment building. I should walk a block away instead? Wth?

Hey, I'm through with this topic. Enjoy the Cartagena taxi system with my blessings.

World Travel 69
02-21-15, 16:47
Across from the Hotel Caribe

This might help.


Thanks for the fantastic maps. Is it close to carrera 1? What is a good landmark?

02-21-15, 19:50
Mes. Some chica wanted me to pay for her tequila shot. Paid close to 12 mil for an aguilla light -- lame.

Bars were happening -- backpackers with local chicas. There are numerous hot hot backpacker chicas but they are unavailable. Exhausted.'Backpackers' get 'local chicas' but you can't. Why's that? Numerous hot hot backpacker chicas but unavailable to you, why's that? Were they all female sex tourist looking for Colombian chicos? Or you were too lame to offer them a drink?

02-21-15, 21:25
[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR's NOTE: This report was edited or deleted because the writing was so bad that the report was nearly impossible to comprehend.

02-22-15, 21:48
For some reason my previous report failed to get posted. It basically said to stay away from plaza Hollywood since it is a waste of time.

Last night, returned to the strip club from the previous day. Discovered it is the sister club of Angeles which is down the road. Mentioned to the personnel how bad Angeles is. Much more crowded. Re-selected a mulatta from Barranquilla named Julianna. She reduced her rate to 130.000 mil (claimed that is the minimum) which is around $55 US.

Nice girl that is almost like a sweetheart. Very playful. First danced naked and did some lap dances. It was interesting to see her bible open in the room. I was thinking how much would this cost in a place like Atlanta. Nice soothing BJ- really puts the right amount of energy into it utilizing her big soft lips. Nice screwing from multiple positions. It was very nice the way she played with her Winnie the pooh stuffed animal. No concern about time. Full one hour. Good massage.

Returned to the clock area. Lots of energy and fun. The clock area had some nice chicas. Wanted to check out L opera but unable to locate.

CTG is a much better city than Mde. The combination of the old city with Bocagrande provides for interesting activities and enjoyment.

02-23-15, 13:32
Currently in Cartagena and will give a brief report before another chica comes over to drain me of my leche.

Day 1.

Arrive around 2 pm. Local amigo comes to my apt. Around 2:45 with beers, bottled water, snacks, limes and creepy just as I asked him. Arrive at Playa Hollywood around 3:45 and sit with Fao. Two local chicas there sitting in Fao's office and as they get up to give me all the space I tell them they can stay and join me. Proceed to drink 18 beers between the two chicas and me and invite them back to my apartment along with Emily for a massage. Emily and the two chicas all give me a massage with many laughs and shots of tequila. Tell Emily that I only want the more attractive of the two chicas and next thing you know her and the other chica exit leaving me with la reina. Without going into all the details, la reina stays until 7 the next morning, three pops, total GFE, money never mentioned.

I provided dinner for 19 mil, breakfast for 10 mil and I put 150 mil in her purse before she left and she didn't look to count.

So that was the first 17 hours on the ground. 90 mil spent on beers, chairs, carpa and snacks at the beach, 50 mil for manicure, pedicure and full body massage, 179 mil for 13 hours with chica and 3 pops, including dinner and breakfast.

I will have to follow-up later with a report for Days 2 and 3. Right now the porter is ringing the house phone to let me know that a chica Jayson called up has arrived here at 7:30 am for some morning action. Cartagena!

02-23-15, 17:57
Chica who arrived at 7:30 am this morning (Monday) just left. Made great chemistry together. 21 yr old chica from Monteria who is here visiting with a grandmother who lives in CTG. I should backup to where I left off on Day 1. The chica from Playa Hollywood and I finished breakfast around 7:30 Sat morning and I then hung out in the apt. to chill for an hour until I felt the urge for another chica. So where do I go at around 9 am for a chica? Playa Hollywood of course! Tony's already there and I tell him to show me if he knows any sexy chicas or not. Show me what you can do, Tony!

Tony makes a call Sat morning and the chica arrives Playa Hollywood 30 minutes later around 9:45 or so. Spend the next few hours of the morning on the beach with the girl flirting, laughing, joking, drinking and having an enjoyable time. Take her back to my apt and just like the previous chica she gives GFE, which includes full french kissing, BBBJ, 69, multiple positions, pausing for more BBBJ deep throating with each position change. Chica stays a couple of hours until around 3:30 or so. Put 120 mil in her back pocket before she leaves and kiss her goodbye. Beers, juice, fish lunch for two, plate of fruit, carpa, chairs, etc. , on the beach and tip for Tony was 100 mil. So after around 25 hours on the ground, it's time for me to do the solo thing like dinner and sleep. It will be a late night trip to LDV and L'Opera so some good sleep and replenishment of my fluids are in order.