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08-29-21, 05:49
Which place did you use?Corner of Calle 37 and Carrera 9, light blue building.

It looks like a gift shop / Island tours place but they have a sign on the door says COVID test.

When you make the appointment you will need your passport and know the address of where you are staying. They will show up to your location and finish everything in under 10 minutes.

This is a little more expensive since they are coming to you. There are other alternatives where you can walk in to a clinic and get the test.

One I can think of is on Carrera 9 by the entrance to Exito where lemonade guy and Orange guy is usually screaming, there is a place called Laboratorio Bioclinco.

08-29-21, 23:11
Tuesday comes around boy is MIA so its just me and newbie. We finally ran out of Titos and need more alcohol to finish the week, hes leaving Thursday, and our last day is Monday. Lets go to Exito! I decide to let the new guy push the cart because I knew it was going to be funny. (for those who don't know, many of the front wheels of the shopping karts in this Exito are fucked up where they sometimes lock at an angle causing the shopping cart to randomly do a hard left or hard right) he starts pushing and wham right into the stand of limes by the entrance, I'm trying to hold in my laughter but he has to learn by experience. He starts pushing again and we make our way round to the liquor. Hes shocked that the same exact big bottle of Absolut we paid 340 mil for in Space / Dolce is only about 80 mil in the store, he grabs 3 bottles. We keep it moving then he notices the the stairs and wants to see what's up there. I tell him nothing important and we never had a need to go up there because all the food is down here. He wants to see anyway, since this is his first trip let him see it all I guess. We leave the cart and get up to the top floor and its all kinds of random stuff but somehow he found the game isle and his eyes lit up. He makes a be line to UNO cards and comes up with the bright idea whoever draws takes a shot, who finishes first gets 50 mil, I like his thought process (he's catching on, when the girls good time, they are more likely willing to come back for less the second time). Ok cool. I roll with it we get back down grab the cart, load up the bags and head back to the apartment.

As soon as we get back we hear my boy in his room doing his thing and I get a whatsapp message "Quiero sexo" so I reply back with "gratis, si, jajaja". I wasn't even paying attention to who I was talking to until she replied back with "Si! 300 mil una polvos". So now I'm paying attention to who the hell wants 300 mil for one round at this time of day and I realize this was a chica who only operates on Tinder and I've been with her a few times already on my last trip and a few time on this trip. So I tell her its always been 200 mil between us, she still wants 300 mil. I tell her come over and we will talk. She gets to me and we get to talking to where I asked her why didn't she respond to me last night (Monday) when I texted her. She says some guys paid her $150 to go to a party and hang out and started showing me videos of the party. I see the football team about 8 Sosua mongers. SMH (Why the fuck are they still here on a Monday night! And about 4 girls playing in the pool. So I ask her how many guys were there, she says 12. I start laughing and ask how many of them were sharing rooms, she says none of them it was a big house like a mansion. So I ask "How many did you fuck?" she responds "none, they paid for her time but was too busy taking pictures and when her time finished her boyfriend kept texting her so she left but the other girls stayed" I don't know if that was true or not but I'm not willing to fuck after I've seen what she was with last night but she swears she didn't. Ok fine, 200 mil + taxi. Listo!

I ask the new guy to grab be a pool towel because its about to get messy, he comes back saying "don't tell me you are running red lights down here" I respond back with "every time she rides me she squirts, I'm in no mood to wash these sheets at this time of day" I grab the towel fold it up and we get to business. She hops on to and sure enough, tight as I remembered, she gets hers, switch position and I get mine. I wash up and I head to the living room while she's hits the shower. Newbie is mixing up the UNO cards preparing for tonight and I happen to notice my boy is over there with a girl who looks like she's way too young to be here. So I joke with my boy asking "What school bus did you get this girl from" he responds "this is the same girl you saw last night, I got her from Tinder, she's good, and is a good deal, 500 mil a day unlimited polvos" So I turn to her and say "Tienes Cedula?" She takes it out from the back of her phone case hands it to me and surely enough its her photo, I flip it over and birth date year 2000. So I ask her "Vente uno?" She responds "Si" its then I realize there was a baby photo as her phones wallpaper and I ask her "tienes hijos" She says "si, una". I ask "Quanto anos?" She responds "Seis anos". So I look at my boy and ask him "Damn, did this chick get pregnant at 14 and gave birth at 15?" he responds "yea, then he left her after the baby was born and she don't know where he is. If fucked up down here".

My chica comes out my room, I hand her the money folded up, and she just takes the money and puts it in her bag. Newbie sees that and ask "Yo, what's up with that? She didn't even count the money or anything! My boy starts laughing and tells him "when the chicas trust you, they never count the money or ask for it before services start and this chica have been here multiple times already, she knows how we operate. " Newbies starting to understand and goes back to his room to get ready to head out and explore a little. My chica leaves and my boys chica leaves to go home and come back later in the night. Newbie comes out his room, heads straight to the kitchen, puts all 3 bottles of Absolut in the freezer, stack the UNO cards in the middle of the table and yells out "WE SET FOR TONIGHT!" My boy looks at me and asks "What changed?" I respond "I think that airport experience did it".

My boy decide to do something different and put Mallplaza on the list since it has a food court. We jump in the cab, Newbie opens up Waze and realize the cab is going the opposite direction and starts asking questions. So I explain to him "there is no left turn to go over that bridge, in order for us to cross it the cab have to go down pass all the motorbike taxis, cross the median then come back up to make the right to cross the bridge. " Hes fascinated by this because all the cars are driving so close and its time to make the cross over to the other side of the road, cars are coming from three different directions, no traffic lights but yet there was no accidents at all. We do a little shopping, grab some Frisbys (this chicken is incredible! It taste like when you place the order, they kill the chicken right there on the spot then fry it. Every bite just burst juice in your mouth. Even the chicken breasts are juicy). We finish up and head back home to drop off things and head out once more.

Night time, we heading out. Newbie is in front taking the lead, cuts through the street before we reach Delirium straight to the Space / Dolce side and park up across the street watching the girls pass by. My boy taps me and ask "We not going in?" I say "Lets just watch and play this out. You're covered for the night, I can call back someone, but newbie needs a fresh roster because most of his girls deleted him". I'm watching him hunt, hes trying to find something good. He grabs one before she goes in to Space, start talking to her then brings her over, she recognizes me, then tells new guy "No puedo, tu amigo", hugs me then goes into Space. New guys lost, so I had to explain to him, some of these chicas do have a moral code, some only see 1 client a day, some don't do a clients friends, she's one who don't do clients friends. He get its and gets another girl, negotiate and price and brings her back to us. My boys girls is on her way back, and once again I have no chica. I decide to broadcast a whatsapp status message "Esta noche?" With a picture of the uno cards. No replies, so we start walking back while I'm looking, I'm not seeing any energetic girls, just then one comes and taps me. She knows A girl that was with with us last week and wants to hang out. She didn't even talk price she just wants to come. My boy is like "she about to set us up" So I ask for her Instagram and sure enough she's friends with not just one but two of the girls we played with previously. I tell her I know its almost 10 pm, come for the hour and ill give you 300 mil 1 polvos, then I deleted the whatsapp status message I posted. We get back to the apartment, I ask both chicas for their Cedula, take a quick pictures of the fronts and backs and throw them in the cloud (something I do when things don't seem right), my boys girls show up and the game begins UNO with shots of Absolut. That's the last thing I remembered that night. (Things got out of hand and it was a huge mistake to do this as these are fairly new chicas).


I woke up the next morning in my room, I'm trying to figure out why is there a used condom on my dick. I move the covers and my chica is out cold. I stumble in the living room there are shot classes everywhere, UNO card scattered, Newbie is on the floor out cold, his chica is on the couch out cold. I need to find my other boy so I start heading to his room and stepped in someone's vomit, so detour to the guest bathroom to wash off my feet and his young chica is in there out cold in the shower with vomit all over the floor. I make my way to my boys room to wash off my feet and he's on the bathroom floor snoring hard! I figure everyone is still here so I grab some water from the pool, wash off my feet and went back to sleep. My boy wakes me up around 12 pm, he wants to know what happened last night. I have no clue so I tell him ask his girl, he can't find his girl, So I tell him last I remembered she was in the guest bathroom out cold, he comes back, she's not in there, so I go to wash up and there she is, in my bathroom in the shower, more vomit. We come out of my room and Newbie is in his bathroom yelling "yo who threw up in my bathroom?" So I go to look at my boys bathroom, its clean. Newbie comes out his room to use the guest bathroom and discovers the vomit, so he goes into my bathroom to use it and comes back out saying "Yo did someone threw up in all the bathrooms or something?" My boy responds with "mas o menos" and we both start laughing. My boy grabs his girl out of my bathroom takes her to his room and comes back. Now we have a shit ton to clean. I tell Newbie jump on the CheckMIG and fill out the departure ASAP. He gets it done in 5 minutes with confirmation email so hes good to go. We finish cleaning then my chica stumbles out my room, its about 3 pm, no ones has eaten the other 2 girls still sleeping. I tell my chica wake them up and everyone to the living room. My boy says lets just get Rappi and I open the app and slides the phone to his chica since she have 2 days with us and the other chicas only have 1 night. She puts the order in for 3 pies from Dominos (the pies are small down here) and hands me back the phone asking if its ok to get it. Newbie sees this and is shocked, I have to explain to him, many chicas will ask first before they do something. (These are the ones you want to keep around). So I look at everyone and say "Dominoes Bueno? Si? Si?" Newbie don't want it and says "I didn't fly 5 hours for no damn Dominos, we might as well order Mc Donald's". So I said "Nah, try 1 slice, if you stop after 1 slice ill pay for your chica" he agrees. Dominos get here in what looks like an official Dominos scooter and Newbie tries it, 5 minutes later hes to busy eating to realize he's on the third slice and about to open the second box for a fourth. Everyone needed bread inside them to soak up all that Absolut. Its about 5 pm and the chicas are still here so my boy ask us if we paid them already. Newbie says yea he paid his, I don't recall so I ask my chica if I did and she said I did last night during the game. My boy pulls out the translator app and asks his chica if he paid her and she moves his phone from her and says something to him in Spanish but the only thing I understood was "falso". Turns out he got so drunk that he was talking to her in Spanish all night and she remembered so his Gringo game was up, he likes her too much and decides to keep her. We all have massive hang overs and its Newbies last night but no one is in the mood to go out to do anything. So tonight's looking like a dead night but Newbie wants to go out on a high note. I'm done, I need to recover so I'm out and decide I'm not doing anything. My boy takes his chica back to his room and I go to mine to sleep it off. Later in the night around 8 pm I wake up to the sound of rain and noise in the living room. Newbie is out there with the same 2 chicas playing UNO with shots, I have no idea if they went home and came back or just never left! I couldn't say anything, he had hamster peso pockets and could afford them both I guess. I go back to sleep, and wake up again, Its after 5 am and its still raining harder. They still in the living room playing then boom! All the power goes out. Can't see shit, No air conditioning. I'm looking for the breaker box with cellphone flashlight thinking the breaker tripped, turns out its not just us that lost power. I get back to the living room, Newbie is gone and so are the chicas, I figure he took them both to his room. OK cool, I'm going back to mine. I get to my bed and feel someone in it. I have no idea if these girls were the type to swap so I do the only thing I can think of. I text my chica "Donde esta?" surely enough her phone lights up in my room. Cool, back to sleep. (We completely forgot Newbie needed a new COVID test for his flight at 3 pm).

08-30-21, 15:34
This place is growing on me.

Departed Medellin yesterday on my favorite airline, Viva, 260,000 COP roundtrip to CTG and arrived at 3 PM.

Upon arriving at the Dann Hotel I walked over to my favorite restaurant one block away, confirmed the hours and checked on what fresh fish they had. They didn't have Sierra which is Spanish Mackerel but said they would get me one for dinner. I then hit EXITO across from the Hotel and stocked up on beverages and snacks and checked in at the Dann Hotel.

I know most of the staff now after coming four times in the last six weeks. I told my Chica to be here at 4 PM and she sent me a text okay and at 3:30 PM the front desk calls and asks if she can come up to the room and I say of course and what a shock she was half an hour early (what's wrong with this picture). Upon showing up I was ready to jump her bones.

But there were some nice lefts breaking out in front of the Hotel, and seeing that I was be going to have my hands full for the next two days I told her to chill out on the balcony and that I was going to be riding some waves first, and then I would be riding her. The water is very nice here temperature wise, perfect for swimming.

After about an hour I returned to the room and game was on. What a nympho , after a long session, and finally blowing a load, she wanted to keep going.

We headed to the restaurant one block away and ordered Sangria, Paella, and had them fillet the Sierra and cook in butter and garlic.

After feasting and paying the bill all of 106,000 COP including the tip we went back to the room and basically passed out.

I woke up at 5;30 AM, popped a 25 MG dose of Viagra, woke her up at at 6 PM, and it was game on again. After the deed was done I had coffee, went out body surfing and walking the beach for two hours. So I've completed Surf Sex Food Cycle once now, and it will be continuing for a while.

Life is good in CTG besides Medellin.

08-31-21, 00:02
This place is growing on me.

Departed Medellin yesterday on my favorite airline, Viva, 260,000 COP roundtrip to CTG and arrived at 3 PM.

Upon arriving at the Dann Hotel I walked over to my favorite restaurant one block away, confirmed the hours and checked on what fresh fish they had. They didn't have Sierra which is Spanish Mackerel but said they would get me one for dinner. I then hit EXITO across from the Hotel and stocked up on beverages and snacks and checked in at the Dann Hotel.

I know most of the staff now after coming four times in the last six weeks. I told my Chica to be here at 4 PM and she sent me a text okay and at 3:30 PM the front desk calls and asks if she can come up to the room and I say of course and what a shock she was half an hour early (what's wrong with this picture). Upon showing up I was ready to jump her bones.

But there were some nice lefts breaking out in front of the Hotel, and seeing that I was be going to have my hands full for the next two days I told her to chill out on the balcony and that I was going to be riding some waves first, and then I would be riding her. The water is very nice here temperature wise, perfect for swimming.

After about an hour I returned to the room and game was on. What a nympho , after a long session, and finally blowing a load, she wanted to keep going.

We headed to the restaurant one block away and ordered Sangria, Paella, and had them fillet the Sierra and cook in butter and garlic.

After feasting and paying the bill all of 106,000 COP including the tip we went back to the room and basically passed out.

I woke up at 5;30 AM, popped a 25 MG dose of Viagra, woke her up at at 6 PM, and it was game on again. After the deed was done I had coffee, went out body surfing and walking the beach for two hours. So I've completed Surf Sex Food Cycle once now, and it will be continuing for a while.

Life is good in CTG besides Medellin.I that fish locally caught?

08-31-21, 00:17
I that fish locally caught?Does a bear shit in the woods! Caught in a net right off the beach by the restaurant.

It's called Sierra which is Spanish Mackerel. A cross between halibut and swordfish.

And now a question for you.

Do you know the difference between parsley and pussy?

You don't eat parsley! LOL.

08-31-21, 01:09
Does a bear shit in the woods! Caught in a net right off the beach by the restaurant.

It's called Sierra which is Spanish Mackerel. A cross between halibut and swordfish.

And now a question for you.

Do you know the difference between parsley and pussy?

You don't eat parsley! LOL.Is this Dann hotel girlfriendly? Did they charge you extra?

08-31-21, 01:56
Is this Dann hotel girlfriendly? Did they charge you extra?Don't know I just have my Chica with me and registered her in as I booked a room for two.

I'm the only old fart with a woman forty years younger with me in tow that I have noticed at least yet.

08-31-21, 02:10
Does a bear shit in the woods! Caught in a net right off the beach by the restaurant.

It's called Sierra which is Spanish Mackerel. A cross between halibut and swordfish.

And now a question for you.

Do you know the difference between parsley and pussy?

You don't eat parsley! LOL.After years of fucking parsley and looking at pussy; you finally figured it out. LOL.

08-31-21, 02:30
Sierra is nasty.

After years of fucking parsley and looking at pussy; you finally figured it out. LOL.

08-31-21, 03:29
Sierra is nasty.Spanish Mackerel is not like Tuna. Not at all, it's a mackerel, but not the stinky type. Actually more like a cross between halibut and swordfish. Also used in Sushi a lot.

Mojo Bandit
08-31-21, 09:31
I that fish locally caught?

Upon arriving at the Dann Hotel I walked over to my favorite restaurant one block away, confirmed the hours and checked on what fresh fish they had. They didn't have Sierra which is Spanish Mackerel but said they would get me one for dinner. I then hit EXITO across from the Hotel and stocked up on beverages and snacks and checked in at the Dann Hotel.
.About ten years ago I had the best damn grilled fish I have ever eaten at a restaurant right there on the El Laguito section of the beach. If you walked out of Hotel Dann and took a right and.

Follow Carrera 1 onto the beach it would be the last place on the left as you step onto the beach. It is listed as El Muelle now, looking at the photos I think it is either changed over or they just upped their game p0 when I ate their ten years ago, they came out with one of those large cooking sheets covered with freshly caught fish and said "this is the menu, pick one" - then they grilled it and served it with some coconut rice and a small pile of lettuce and tomatoes they called salad. They scaled it and gutted it but they left the head so that the fish was staring up at you as you eat it ! That was an awsome fish though.

08-31-21, 13:56
About ten years ago I had the best damn grilled fish I have ever eaten at a restaurant right there on the El Laguito section of the beach. If you walked out of Hotel Dann and took a right and.

Follow Carrera 1 onto the beach it would be the last place on the left as you step onto the beach. It is listed as El Muelle now, looking at the photos I think it is either changed over or they just upped their game p0 when I ate their ten years ago, they came out with one of those large cooking sheets covered with freshly caught fish and said "this is the menu, pick one" - then they grilled it and served it with some coconut rice and a small pile of lettuce and tomatoes they called salad. They scaled it and gutted it but they left the head so that the fish was staring up at you as you eat it ! That was an awsome fish though.This photo was taken from my room at the Hotel Dann and the fisherman have large nets that they deploy offshore hundreds of feet with about twenty guys pulling the net towards shore which takes them awhile.

When they get the net to the beach it's typically filled with trash like plastic bottles, cans, and fish. Sometimes they may only catch a few dozen fish or a few hundred. Lot's of people come up to the boat when there transferring the caught fish from the nets to containers in the boat and some people are buying them right there. Doesn't get any fresher than this. It's hard to believe how incredible fresh fish can be as you described.

08-31-21, 14:06
About ten years ago I had the best damn grilled fish I have ever eaten at a restaurant right there on the El Laguito section of the beach. If you walked out of Hotel Dann and took a right and.

Follow Carrera 1 onto the beach it would be the last place on the left as you step onto the beach. It is listed as El Muelle now, looking at the photos I think it is either changed over or they just upped their game p0 when I ate their ten years ago, they came out with one of those large cooking sheets covered with freshly caught fish and said "this is the menu, pick one" - then they grilled it and served it with some coconut rice and a small pile of lettuce and tomatoes they called salad. They scaled it and gutted it but they left the head so that the fish was staring up at you as you eat it ! That was an awsome fish though.I've eaten at El Muelle a few times when I stayed in Bocagrande or El Laguito. Over the years the food does not taste the same as it use to. A while back I tried to eat there again and it just taste different. Maybe a different cook?

Some of the best fish I've eaten was at Restaurant La Diana. Follow Calle 1 B all the way to the end and right before reaching the Hilton make the right and walk down to the make shift open tent. Some of the best Red Snapper I've eaten. They bring out the tray with all the fish on it and tell you the price for each one then fry them up. The only thing that sucks was no running water so when its time to wash your hands from eating the fish they bring a small container filled with soapy water. Also the flies, many flies so while we were are eating with one hand we were batting away files with the other jajajaja. Totally worth it though.

08-31-21, 17:48
I've read multiple times in this forum that Christmas is a bad time for hobbying in Cartagena (girls go home to be with family, etc) My question is, is the entire month of December no good? Just avoid the week of Christmas? Is early December still a good time to visit?

Thanks in advance.

Brother P
08-31-21, 20:45
I've read multiple times in this forum that Christmas is a bad time for hobbying in Cartagena (girls go home to be with family, etc) My question is, is the entire month of December no good? Just avoid the week of Christmas? Is early December still a good time to visit?

Thanks in advance.I flew in the day after Christmas last year and stayed until after the new year. I had a blast! I already know chicas who actually live there. There were enough on the beach and in centro. Certainly slower than usual, but enough.

09-01-21, 01:06
I've read multiple times in this forum that Christmas is a bad time for hobbying in Cartagena (girls go home to be with family, etc) My question is, is the entire month of December no good? Just avoid the week of Christmas? Is early December still a good time to visit?

Thanks in advance.The first 2 weeks can be good. If your lucky enough to spot a non pro mommy, looking for some money to buy Christmas presents. Once you get near Christmas it can get pretty slow. However, in this time of covid and an influx of Venezuelan chics who can't get home for the holidays it could be pretty good. BUT the beach is always good for the week between Christmas and New Year Colombians always like to hit the beach that week. Just look for a group of girls, not families LOL. Going on vacation. You might get lucky.

09-01-21, 03:43
I've eaten at El Muelle a few times when I stayed in Bocagrande or El Laguito. Over the years the food does not taste the same as it use to. Last several times I have eaten then I have gotten diarrhea, all the time. Truth!

09-01-21, 20:57

I have no idea what time it was, I just remember my boy knocking on my door waking me up saying his chica cooked breakfast. I wake up my chica, we wash up and head to the kitchen, new guy is no where to be found. I go to knock on his door and hear him in there getting his last one in. Ok, cool, I guess she's his breakfast. I'm talking to my boy about loosing power and he had no idea, I'm asking him if the girls went home and came back, he has no idea. So I ask my chica if she went home and came back, she said no she just stayed. We finish eating and the chicas take the dishes to wash then and Newbie comes out wit his chica. She's all smiles and giggling, I don't even want to ask so I just shake my head laughing and point to the food. Apparently she helped him pack up and he was ready to go, it now about 12 noon. Its just then Newbie ask if his Covid test is still good and I realize he took the test Sunday and its Thursday, so I tell him to text back the number and tell them he needs another test ASAP. Surely enough they show up in an hour gives him the test and hes good to go but have to wait for the results. We all go out to chill by the pool, newbie is taking his last set of pictures for memories of his first experience and the bird is making noise again, he's trying to find it and his chica points it out to him on a light pole and he mumbles "fucking chupa huevo" everyone starts laughing. Its now almost 2 pm and now he understands the timing to get to the airport. He gets out, gets a cab and hes off once again (his chica is still here in the apartment).

He said once he realize the cab made the left turn to enter the airport he started looking for the 20 mil and found it before the cab made it over the first speed bump. When the cab stopped he says he paid the cab before they both got out, they then both got out and the cab driver handed him the suitcase, a guy came up to him and signaled for him to hand over the suitcase asking which airline and he told him thanks he got it. (he learned from the last time). He jumps on the Jet blue line and starts sending back pictures of some guy with a pink duffel bag with a pineapple on it asking if this wasn't the same guy that was in Space with a shirt that said "Tight" on it. I decide to give him departure remorse and send him a picture of his chica playing in the pool so stops texting for a while jajaja. Then he texts back once hes in the terminal waiting, saying the plane is leaving early. I ask him if he paid his chica he said "yea and gave her extra for taxi". Its whatever, I'm just going to let her chill along with my chica and my boys chica, they're getting along and just playing in the pool and on their phones doing stories.

Its now around 7 pm, girls still here, my boy decides to do something different and wants to walk over to Getsemeni by that circle place were all the locals and backpackers hang out. We all get ready and start walking over, the girls are in front of us leading the way and we are behind them just talking about random stuff when this one tout sees us and starts walking along side us, starts talking to us saying "girls, Delirium got girls, mucha chicas". I respond back with "tu bien, no chicas esta noche. Gracias". He's still following us so we cut across to the Space / Dolce side and hes now saying "Space its free, no covid" and he keeps constantly repeating it to the point of annoying my boy got so annoyed and said something to him in Spanish. I have no idea what he said but tout backed off and disappeared. We hang out or a bit, went in a few random places but didn't like the menus and just got drinks. We wouldn't dare touch the street food though, so we just listening to the live music and enjoying the crowd. Very relaxed environment, everyone is doing their own thing, no one bothering anyone, it was truly a break from the constant touts. We decide to just play it chill tonight and hang out in the apartment and walk back. My boy tells the girls "we just going to chill in the apartment tonight nothing crazy and if you want, you can hang out". We still hungry though so I just reorder Pizza with Rappi and we start walking back so by the time we get to the apartment the pizza will be arriving.

Newbie lands. He's texting, he's been waiting for his bag for like 20 minutes because they combined his bag carrousel with another flight from Grenada and they have tons of bags. I'm laughing because he had a carry on and should have put it in the overhead bin so I just send him a video of his chica playing in the pool again. He wants to know why she's still there, I tell him she's just hanging out. Pizza gets here, we start eating and start playing UNO, this time without shots (We learned from last time).

Usually I don't post detailed reports and just comment on things here and there based on my experience, but trying to teach the new guy and encountering the Sosua travel group I just had to post the report. It just goes to show just because someone reads reports and watches youtube videos of what happens in CTG does not make them an expert once they arrive. It took multiple times of me telling the new guy why I don't go into Delirium, he didn't get it when the chicas was telling him 800 mil, he didn't get it when he got outbid, but he finally got it when he had beer bellies rubbing up against him. The size of the boat, him trying to do social media out in the middle of the islands, customary things he needs to be aware of, why we don't do certain things in the day time, etc. All things he now knows because he had to see it first hand and it will make his next visit better.

I'm back state side now. Until the next adventure!

Mr Enternational
09-01-21, 22:29
Usually I don't post detailed reports and just comment on things here and there based on my experience, Thanks for posting detailed reports. They were very informative and enjoyable. Much better than just I picked up a hot chick from DV and fucked her six ways to Sunday.

09-01-21, 22:32
Until the next adventure!I enjoyed reading the adventures! The newbie caught on fast. I have a vet as a wingman however, he seems to continuously think like a newbie.
You can lead a horse to pasture but you cant make it drink. Sometimes you got to let guys bump their heads as long as theyre not killing themselves.

09-01-21, 23:21
Can anybody suggest a English speaking guy in Cartagena who I can contact for help. Do not mind paying him for services like help with accommodation, girls, tours etc. I can speak passable Spanish but really need English speaking guy.

You can PM me with name and number. Booked to go in November. First visit to Cartagena although been to other cities in Colombia.

Thanks in advance.

09-01-21, 23:57

I have no idea what time it was, I just remember my boy knocking on my door waking me up saying his chica cooked breakfast. I wake up my chica, we wash up and head to the kitchen, new guy is no where to be found. I go to knock on his door and hear him in there getting his last one in. Ok, cool, I guess she's his breakfast. I'm talking to my boy about loosing power and he had no idea, I'm asking him if the girls went home and came back, he has no idea. So I ask my chica if she went home and came back, she said no she just stayed. We finish eating and the chicas take the dishes to wash then and Newbie comes out wit his chica. She's all smiles and giggling, I don't even want to ask so I just shake my head laughing and point to the food. Apparently she helped him pack up and he was ready to go, it now about 12 noon. Its just then Newbie ask if his Covid test is still good and I realize he took the test Sunday and its Thursday, so I tell him to text back the number and tell them he needs another test ASAP. Surely enough they show up in an hour gives him the test and hes good to go but have to wait for the results. We all go out to chill by the pool, newbie is taking his last set of pictures for memories of his first experience and the bird is making noise again, he's trying to find it and his chica points it out to him on a light pole and he mumbles "fucking chupa huevo" everyone starts laughing. Its now almost 2 pm and now he understands the timing to get to the airport. He gets out, gets a cab and hes off once again (his chica is still here in the apartment).

He said once he realize the cab made the left turn to enter the airport he started looking for the 20 mil and found it before the cab made it over the first speed bump. When the cab stopped he says he paid the cab before they both got out, they then both got out and the cab driver handed him the suitcase, a guy came up to him and signaled for him to hand over the suitcase asking which airline and he told him thanks he got it. (he learned from the last time). He jumps on the Jet blue line and starts sending back pictures of some guy with a pink duffel bag with a pineapple on it asking if this wasn't the same guy that was in Space with a shirt that said "Tight" on it. I decide to give him departure remorse and send him a picture of his chica playing in the pool so stops texting for a while jajaja. Then he texts back once hes in the terminal waiting, saying the plane is leaving early. I ask him if he paid his chica he said "yea and gave her extra for taxi". Its whatever, I'm just going to let her chill along with my chica and my boys chica, they're getting along and just playing in the pool and on their phones doing stories.Thanks again Nypher. Enjoyed your trip report and hopefully some day we can meet up in Cartagena. I am planning a trip in Next 2 month. I was there in March and had a blast. Enjoyed Cholon island and island hopping also.

09-02-21, 00:00
Can anybody suggest a English speaking guy in Cartagena who I can contact for help. Do not mind paying him for services like help with accommodation, girls, tours etc. I can speak passable Spanish but really need English speaking guy.

You can PM me with name and number. Booked to go in November. First visit to Cartagena although been to other cities in Colombia.

Thanks in advance.Reach out to OneFireBoy and he is local in Cartagena. Speaks very good English and can help you with pretty much everything. During my last visit we meet up and he was very helpful. You can PM him or me and I can share the number with you.

Mojo Bandit
09-02-21, 05:42
Can anybody suggest a English speaking guy in Cartagena who I can contact for help. Do not mind paying him for services like help with accommodation, girls, tours etc. I can speak passable Spanish but really need English speaking guy.

You can PM me with name and number. Booked to go in November. First visit to Cartagena although been to other cities in Colombia.

Thanks in advance.http://www.internationalsexguide.nl/forum/member.php?655424-OnFireBoy

09-02-21, 18:49
I eat pargo or mojara. I'm just not a fan of Sierra taste too much like fish. I'm in Louisiana now with no fucking power but I've got a ticket to CRT a week from Saturday. The airport is open and I was good time and for a trip.

Spanish Mackerel is not like Tuna. Not at all, it's a mackerel, but not the stinky type. Actually more like a cross between halibut and swordfish. Also used in Sushi a lot.

09-04-21, 00:16

I have scrolled down several pages and not able to find info, so apologies if this is a repeat.

Does anyone have a list of girl friendly buildings (Airbnb) and hotels in Cartagena?

Also, if anyone else is in town, would be great to link up and socialize!

09-04-21, 01:21

I have scrolled down several pages and not able to find info, so apologies if this is a repeat.

Does anyone have a list of girl friendly buildings (Airbnb) and hotels in Cartagena?

Also, if anyone else is in town, would be great to link up and socialize!Oz Hotel in Bocagrande is the only one I can think of that is a guest friendly hotel. As for AirBB which is the better option due to more privacy and full kitchen (this is a major plus when you run into a chica that can cook her ass off), you will have to do the legwork, read the house rules carefully and see if they say no guests or no visitors. If they do not say that then contact the host and ask them straight out if they allow visitors or over night guests, as long as you don't mess the place up or get the cops involved things will go fine.

09-04-21, 02:39
How's the curfew situation? Is it still at 2 am?

And is ISIS club open? That's not for me, but I got a 2nd timer who wants to see the strip club scene.

09-04-21, 03:57
How's the curfew situation? Is it still at 2 am?

And is ISIS club open? That's not for me, but I got a 2nd timer who wants to see the strip club scene.Curfew is still 2 am - 5 am.

ISIS is open, I walked by there many nights and was surprised to see the doors open. We had zero desire to go inside because Space and Dolce was right across the street with a larger variety where we don't have to pay bar fines or onsite fees. Sometimes we didn't even have to go inside of any establishment as tons of chicas were constantly walking by outside as they they usually walk in a waypoint pattern from Delirium, up and around and down to Space / Dolce then to down the clock tower then back up to Delirium to continue the pattern.

Your second timer may walk into ISIS then walk right back out and cross the street into Space or Dolce. Jajaja.

09-04-21, 13:24
Curfew is still 2 am - 5 am.

ISIS is open, I walked by there many nights and was surprised to see the doors open. We had zero desire to go inside because Space and Dolce was right across the street with a larger variety where we don't have to pay bar fines or onsite fees. Sometimes we didn't even have to go inside of any establishment as tons of chicas were constantly walking by outside as they they usually walk in a waypoint pattern from Delirium, up and around and down to Space / Dolce then to down the clock tower then back up to Delirium to continue the pattern.

Your second timer may walk into ISIS then walk right back out and cross the street into Space or Dolce. Jajaja.Thanks for the info. You damn right he going to walk inside by himself. I'm going to wait for him outside taking numbers. Some people have to learn the hard way.

BTW, your trip past were legendary. Thanks for all that. I knew about a lot of what you mentioned but I didn't know about the lemonade. Not that I tried it, but one restaurant served agua de Panela (sugar cane water) that they make and I would drink it every morning. Had runs every morning and had no idea why. I thought it was the mangos I ate every morning. Now I know why. I'll buy the sugar cane cubes myself and make it myself like I do at home now.

One more question, I assume you stayed in El Centro for your trip. Where is that bank you used that had the 900 mil limit? Across the street on Venezuela Ave?

09-04-21, 21:15
Thanks for the info. You damn right he going to walk inside by himself. I'm going to wait for him outside taking numbers. Some people have to learn the hard way.

BTW, your trip past were legendary. Thanks for all that. I knew about a lot of what you mentioned but I didn't know about the lemonade. Not that I tried it, but one restaurant served agua de Panela (sugar cane water) that they make and I would drink it every morning. Had runs every morning and had no idea why. I thought it was the mangos I ate every morning. Now I know why. I'll buy the sugar cane cubes myself and make it myself like I do at home now.

One more question, I assume you stayed in El Centro for your trip. Where is that bank you used that had the 900 mil limit? Across the street on Venezuela Ave?Its also the Ice in the drinks. Many make the ice with tap water and if the travelers stomach is not accustom to the water, when that ice starts to melt in the drink its time to spend some time on the toilet. The only time I would take a drink with ice is when alcohol was in there.

Yes, that's the one, across from Centro Uno in that triangle shaped area before the multi level Exito is on Venezuela Ave.

The machine on the right was the one with the 900 mil limit, the one one the left didn't work for me.

It gives a better rate than exchanging currency at the cambio but then depending on your bank, your bank may hit you with a ATM transaction fee of $10+ per transaction so it can add up quickly.

09-05-21, 02:32
Scotiabank has no fees find a Scotiabank.

Thanks for the info. You damn right he going to walk inside by himself. I'm going to wait for him outside taking numbers. Some people have to learn the hard way.

BTW, your trip past were legendary. Thanks for all that. I knew about a lot of what you mentioned but I didn't know about the lemonade. Not that I tried it, but one restaurant served agua de Panela (sugar cane water) that they make and I would drink it every morning. Had runs every morning and had no idea why. I thought it was the mangos I ate every morning. Now I know why. I'll buy the sugar cane cubes myself and make it myself like I do at home now.

One more question, I assume you stayed in El Centro for your trip. Where is that bank you used that had the 900 mil limit? Across the street on Venezuela Ave?

Mr Enternational
09-05-21, 03:10
but one restaurant served agua de Panela (sugar cane water) that they make and I would drink it every morning. Had runs every morning and had no idea why. As Nypher said, your gut is not used to the local bacteria. You should always keep probiotic in your toiletry kit with your other medicines. You can find it at Walmart or your local pharmacy over the counter.

09-05-21, 04:06
As Nypher said, your gut is not used to the local bacteria. You should always keep probiotic in your toiletry kit with your other medicines. You can find it at Walmart or your local pharmacy over the counter.Yep. Started taking my probiotics a few weeks ago. I'll be good by my next trip.

Scotiabank has no fees find a Scotiabank.Good looking thanks.

Its also the Ice in the drinks. Many make the ice with tap water and if the travelers stomach is not accustom to the water, when that ice starts to melt in the drink its time to spend some time on the toilet. The only time I would take a drink with ice is when alcohol was in there.

Yes, that's the one, across from Centro Uno in that triangle shaped area before the multi level Exito is on Venezuela Ave.

The machine on the right was the one with the 900 mil limit, the one one the left didn't work for me.

It gives a better rate than exchanging currency at the cambio but then depending on your bank, your bank may hit you with a ATM transaction fee of $10+ per transaction so it can add up quickly.Thanks again.

09-05-21, 04:34
Scotiabank has no fees find a Scotiabank.That bank is a Scotiabank and you are correct they do not charge. However, the mongers bank may charge them depending on who their bank is.

For example: Chase charged me $2.50 for using an non Chase ATM + $5 for withdrawing foreign money + 3% for the foreign exchange fee which came out to around $11 per transaction.

The lowest fee bank I've found is TD bank at $3 but hardly any branches in my local area to persuade me to open an account unlike Chase or Bank of America who are practically on every street corner like Walgreens and CVS. Jajajaja.

09-08-21, 02:23
Seems so hard to get good answer, I think I watched every video on youtube and called 15 locations, like talking to the wall. Trying to find a nice hotel or Apartment near Dolce Vita that is visitor friendly. The Cova House Cartagena looks very nice but cannot get a response from property manager. I need at least 2 bedrooms. Looked at Hotel El Viajero and it seems guest friendly, but not as nice as I would like. I do not want to travel to BocaGrande. If anybody has any good recommendations for a $75 to $150 per night rooms within a few minute walk of Dolce Vita for this coming weekend. I want clean bed, hot water, water pressure, AC, safe in room, clean bathroom, locking doors. I stayed a 2 months ago at an Airbnb which was not my favorite. Thanks in advance.

09-08-21, 03:39
My first post didn't post. I'm looking for something like the old Del Rey or Presidente in Costa Rica, or Castillo in Medellin. Some that has hot water, AC, a safe, 2 bedrooms, clean beds. Hotel or AirBnB, preferably within a few minute walk of Dolce Vita. Hotel El Viajero looks okay but would prefer something nicer, hard to confirm with anyone if it visitor friendly. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm going the 10-12th of September.

09-08-21, 10:27
Further to my most recent post, I promised a trip report. I thought you might be interested in hearing of my misadventures. This rapidly became the holiday in hell.

I won't bore you with all the problems I had trying to book this, but between my bank, the credit card co, and Colombian bureaucracy, I should have taken the hint, that this was never going to end well.

So I finally arrive in Colombia and on my first night, I meet one of the very few natives, Angela who can speak English. I have a plan which usually works very well in TH. Try to find one girl to "wife up for the duration" I am offering 1800 USD ($65 per night = 250000 Colombian pesos) plus daily shopping trips for about another (100 k per day) $850 in total as well as random acts of generosity. Angela is interested.

She just about passes the probationary period. Then she starts to claim that I had promised her $250 USD per night. If I did, then you might wonder why she never raised the issue when I gave 250 k the previous two nights? I tell her she doesn't have to stay, she then decides she might have made a mistake.

However, there is a secondary prob. She has spent 260 K of her 200 k shopping budget in the first two days. So I tell her I am only giving her 40 K tomorrow, and she is not happy. Again I tell her she can leave if she wants to. Again she calms down. Then after a while, she starts telling me where she wants to go tomorrow, and what he wants to buy. I tell her three times, "We will go where I want, because this my holiday". By the time she tells me the fourth time, I've had enough. I've already paid her that day, I pay her for tomorrow and tell her goodbye. She then demands 20000 for taxi fare. We are actually in a bar about 60 metres from the hostel she is staying in!

I leave and move to another bar. A few minutes she shows up. I break one of the golden rules of mongering, "never drink from an open glass". This is about 9. 20 pm I remember telling her to leave me alone. I'd had 3 beers up to then. The next thing I remember was her and another woman pushing me out of a taxi at 4. 00 AM. My Credit and Debit cards, Digital Camera, Phone and spectacles are all missing. I think she doped my drink. If I were that drunk, I'd have had big hangover in the morning, but I felt no after effects.

Now I have huge problems. I am effectively incommunicado. I don't have a phone, and I can't see to use my laptop, I don't speak the language and I need help from someone nearby who does. I somehow am able to type a message on the laptop, giving my wife a brief "what happened" and asking her to contact my Airbnb host who speaks excellent English.

I explain to host what has happened, and that I need to get my phone back. She comes to the apartment. At my request, she sends a message to my phone offering 250 k reward, no questions asked. She also lets me phone my wife using whatspp, Wife arranges to cancel the cards, block the phone at the end of 24 hours waiting for a reply, Host also has a pair of "reader" glasses which she gives me so that I can get some use out of the laptop.

The wife says she will send €500 via Western Union. I go to WU to collect which is in an Internet Cafe. They ask me for code no, and passport. I give them both, They copy the passport. Click a few buttons on a computer, then tell me "no". It's not there. I assume the wife has forgotten to click the same day option, so I go back the next day. Still not arrived. I can't get an explanation or advice on what to do next because nobody speaks English. My host suggests I should try the local main office for WU, and at the third attempt I am successful. I later discover that though there are plenty of WU franchises in Cartagena, very few have resources to pay out much more than $250 US, but will never tell you this for fear of losing face.

I still have cash in the apartment, but I need the €500 to buy new specs. Not sure how much they will cost, but in DUB, my prescription, frames etc are about €350, and having bought new specs in Pattaya several years earlier, I found that there was little difference in price.

The show must go on. I am on the prowl and I see this extremely pretty girl who is with a fat ugly old hag. She was so ugly, she abuses the privilege, It turns out that there are aunt and niece and come from Barranquilla which is some distance from Cartagena. They will only work as a team. Pickings are slim. I do like the pretty one very much. Only the witch can speak English. I eventually agree to pay the pair 400 k, with the idea of sticking "ugly" in the spare bedroom. Across from the apartment, is an all-night supermarket. We get in a few beers and some snacks. The witch puts a bottle of 18 yr old Scotch in the basket. I remove it. They still manage to run up a bill of $60. We drink and smoke on the balcony, and to their credit, they are good fun. After a couple of hours, bed time, but the pretty one develops a bad attack of the starfish, Washout.

The next night I meet a stunning black girl, who looks like a very dark version of Diahann Carrol at her beautiful best. Back to apartment. Do the deed. Go to sleep. Wake up to find she is not there. Nothing missing. I've already paid her. No worries. I wake up later and she is sleeping alongside me. But this time when I look, the spare cash is gone. About 200 K. I wake her asking for an explanation, and it turns out, she has had a door to door delivery of cocaine. The cheek of the girl, to steal and remain at the scene of the crime. And maybe she has thought this through? If there is a confrontation and the police are called, the drugs are now in my apartment. Get rid of her with minimal fuss.

At this stage, there will be those who will ask, "Why don't you hide your money"? There are two reasons. The first is that I've never needed to in TH etc. The second is that the building has a steel gate which is deadlocked by a key. I don't want her to see where I am hiding my money because she might find the entire stash, so I hide the key instead. Unless she is prepared to drop down from the balcony, then she is going nowhere. So when I wake up and she's not in the apartment, I presume she has jumped off the 1st floor balcony.

The next night, while still waiting for my cash from WU, it is belting down a very wet and windy storm, and I am lurking at the Clock Tower, which is the main RLD. I bump into the hag and her niece again. I buy them a beer as a friendly gesture. There are very few customers about, and they tell me that they cannot get back to Barranquilla and have nowhere to sleep the night. Can they stay in the spare room? I tell them I am looking for company for the night. They offer themselves. A polite no thank you because "I never stay with same girl twice" is the excuse I give them. But if I find a girl that doesn't mind, they can stay in the spare room. They tell me they know a girl who might fit the bill, and show me a pic on their phone. They say she is aged 22. They give her a call. An agreement is struck. 300 K is agreed. We arrange to meet her back at my place. I tell the pair if they clean up the apartment and do my laundry, I will give 100 K in morning. Stop off at the supermarket again. Another trolley load, this time for $100. But there will be four of us eating and drinking.

While we are waiting for the other girl to arrive, the hag approaches me and says I should pay her the money as the girl had a habit of promising to stay all night, and then leaving after an hour. That's a legally grey area, because the chances are that if you stop her from leaving, you will probably be committing some type of crime. I smell scam. I suspect that they will only give the girl part of the money. I intend to tell her how much I paid. The girl arrives by cab. We spend some more balcony time, before I take the girl to the room. This girl, Elena, is positively the real deal. I make her the offer 250 k a day plus shopping trips for the remainder of my stay using the hag's google translate. She accepts.

I wake up in the morning smile on my face. The apartment is tidy and my laundry is hanging out to dry. A couple of hours later, the pair are awake. I give the hag100 k and then she goes into one, insisting that I had agreed to pay them for their "company" and they only did the cleaning as a favour. I think best to give them another 50 K I produce the cash. She takes it and she still wants more. Eventually, I tell her "Another 50 K. Take it and go. If she does not accept, I will keep the money. She refuses, but so far she has taken 150 k.

I want to call the police, but I can't because I have no phone. Looking out from the balcony, I see a couple passing by. All of us are trying to attract the cops. They stand under the balcony, while the pair shout something to them in Spanish. They get on the radio, and over the next 20 minutes another 6 cops show up. This is beginning to look like Waco. Eventually one cop seeks access. The hag and the niece spend about 10 minutes telling the cop their version. The cop does not speak English so we are left to the tender mercies of Google translate. At one stage I say, "She is talking Garbage" and it comes back as "She is talking gay boy". Cringeeeeeeee! The cop having heard their version and without waiting for my input, tells me I have to pay them 400 k, because they have told him I agreed to pay them for 400 k for "company".

I now try to tell him via Google translate, my version including that I have already given them 150 k. They deny this. I tell him they should be searched. He asks them to open their bags, where he finds the 300 k due to Elena. When she hears what this money is for, she is clearly surprised, She realises that she has been scammed by them too, but says nothing. The reason for her silence becomes clear a bit later.

I tell the cop, that they have hidden the money somewhere about their person, and that they should be searched by a female officer. It appears that he is totally unaware that women might possibly have orifices where small items such as banknotes might be hidden. The niece then pulls down the top of her dress and lifts her bra up to show her exposed breasts. The cop is very happily satisfied with this display of "honesty".

The cop refuses to call for a female cop, and is still insisting that I must pay 400 k. I refuse, and then try to appeal to his reason. Big mistake. I ask him how much he would pay a woman to clean his apartment and do his laundry for a couple of hours work? Police basic salaries in Colombia are $330 per month. He tells me 250 k (about $68 US). I ask him does he live in Buckingham Palace, but the sarcasm is lost on him.

I try a new tack. They have Tourist Police in TH, and they have a reputation for protecting tourists from predatory behaviour including that of other cops. In addition, they usually work in pairs when one speaks English and the other, German, Maybe if we can get someone who speaks English involved I will get some justice. I tell the cop, "Call the Tourist Police, and I will accept whatever decision they make". He refuses, and tells me that if I won't pay them 400 k, we will all have to go down "the nick" and we will be in there a long time. I hold my wrists out suggesting he should put the handcuffs. He pulls out the cuffs, shows them to me, and then puts them back in their pouch. I've called his bluff. This has been going on for an hour by now. Eventually, he does call the TP. When two arrive my first question I ask is, "Do you speak English". Both say "So so". Better than nothing I think.

Turns out they can only really communicate via Google translate. Oh dear! So all parties give a total rehash of the events. The TP tell me that if we go to the police station, it is "Two against one, and you will not be believed". I point out that as only the hag can can speak English, whatever the other says, can at best, only be what the hag has told her, and is thus hearsay. Again, I offer my wrists for cuffing.

The three cops have a conflab, and take a new approach and ask for passports and ID cards. All are produced including Elena's. Eventually, the TP cops come back to me and tell me. "Give them another 100 K". I am not happy, but I naively said I would be bound by their decision, so I pay up.

The hag and the niece are dismissed, but Elena remains. As they are leaving, I see them with a carrier bag full of the unused groceries from the night before that I had paid for. I try to take these back telling the cops that I paid for these. The cops ask me for the receipt, which I left in the shop. I ask the cops where is "their receipt" but the cops wave them on. FFS! All this because I thought I was helping the pair with somewhere to stay on a stormy night.

Now the cops tell me that Elena is either an asylum seeker, or an illegal immigrant from Venezuela. I can't quite work out which. According to them, I have committed a serious crime in having such a girl in my apartment. They want $500 to "fix the problem". I tell them that as Elena does not speak English, and I don't Spanish, how could I even know she was from VZ? Another police conflab, and they now tell me that she will be arrested for deportation as an illegal. Suddenly she becomes a pawn in this new game. They again offer to "fix the problem". I don't want to see her become too.

I have about 600 k in cash in my pockets. The rest is stashed. $500 is about 1. 7 mill Colombian. I tell them about my recent drugging / robbery and tell them I only have 600 K. I eventually beat them down to 300 K which they divide among the three of them and they leave.

Elena and I start communicating on Google Translate on the laptop using type. No chance of unintentional slurs. It turns out that Elena is not an illegal, but has an ID card as a refugee, but is not allowed to work. She is also aged 19. She thanks me for rescuing her from deportation. She tells me that she has been in Colombia since she was 15 and the hag and niece have been pimping her out all that time. They tell her that they have a customer for her for say 150 k, but don't disclose they are getting twice that amount and keeping half for themselves. They tell her that by them getting payment, there is no chance that the customer can rob her, and she has accepted this line. They also tell her that they have known all her customers a long time, so she will be safe.

We are using the laptop in the bedroom because it is the most convenient place. After a while I start to sense a change of vibe. I have, as is my habit, put my cash on the bedside table. This is the 300 K that the police did not take. She suggests that I take a shower, and then she will take one. I ask why not together? I think I know where this is going. Eventually, she agrees that she will have the first shower, during which time, I stash the cash, just leaving 50 K in view. We have our showers, and when I come out, the 50 K is gone. She tells me she must go to the supermarket to buy phone credit. I open the security gate for her. I go back up to the apartment and see her trying to stop a taxi. She succeeds after a couple of minutes, and I decide that I got off lightly.

Remember, this is the girl who I have just saved from deportation at a cost of 300 k and who I also put wise to the fact that she was being scammed for 150 k which she able to recover. She is on a promise of 250 k a day for the duration, which even if she goes back to being scammed, is still 100 k more than she was getting. Then there are the shopping trips.

A couple of thoughts occur to me. The first is the Goldwyism, "A verbal contract is not worth the paper it's written on". However, more salient is the story of the "Scorpion and the Frog". Four meetings, and four times the Scorpions have struck. And like the Scorpion in the tale, they just can't help themselves. They will sting even when it's against their best interests to do so. That whole incident has cost me over 1. 1 mill Colombian, or about $300 USD /€250.

Now I've had enough. I decide that this is now the time to get the hell out of here. Tomorrow, when I get my cash from WU, I will be booking a flight home. I get my cash from WU at the third attempt by going to their main branch in Cartagena, thanks to the assistance of Alberto, a friend of my Airbnb host.

I try to contact to KLM to use the unexpired part of my ticket as part-payment, but all can find is a "FAQ" link which does not cover my problem. I don't have plastic so can't buy the ticket online, and I can't ask my wife to do so, because it has to be co-ordinated with both a new PCR test and a MIGform linked to the specific flight I am leaving on. Migform is basically a permission to enter an leave the country.

Travelling from S. America, I don't have the same rights if I fail to make the flight for a refund that I would have if I missed the flight as I would have if it were in the EU. I recall that my Airbnb's host's sister is a Travel agent. She agrees to take care of everything for me. This is by now Tuesday, and she can get me on a KLM flight for Thursday. The price is 5. 1 million Colombian, nearly €1200. Still there is the prob that I don't have cards, and her office is closed due to CV. The only way I can make payment is into a bank account, and she has given me the details.

I contact the wife and ask her to send another €800 so I have enough cash to pay, as well as make sure I have some reserves in case something else goes wrong. By now I have bought a cheap phone, and arranged to let her phone ring twice, and she will call me back so I don't have to keep buying credit for the phone. She phones me back. I tell her what I need. She sends the money online via WU and phones me to let me know. Alberto is again drafted in to assist. We go to WU, and are told the money was sent, but then cancelled by WU. It turns out that for obvious reasons, Colombia is a high risk country as far as WU is concerned and anyone sending two quick successive payments there is subject to vetting.

They ask her to scan her ID document so they can verify her ID. There is a problem here. My wife is Japanese, and when we married, she failed to notify the Japanese Embassy. Her parents did so notifying their local town hall. When my wife went to renew her passport, they had hyphenated our surnames. However, when she opened a bank account in Ireland, she just used her married name. The names did not match exactly, so WU initially withheld the payment, and then later cancelled it completely. Alberto acting as interpreter tells me that the payment was cancelled by WU. Just about the same time, my wife phones me to tell me the same.

This is about 4 pm local time, but 10 pm in DUB. The only other thing I can think of, is that instead the money online through WU, she should go to the WU which is run by the Post Office in Ireland, the following morning. First, she needs to go the bank to draw cash.

She phones me the following morning to say it's done. The difference in fees between paying online is €37.50. It's €2. 50 to do it online, but €40 to pay cash at the PO. Alberto is again drafted in. We collect the cash from WU, go to the bank and pay it into the Travel agency account. The agent has booked an appointment for the PCR test and completed the Migform for me. Alberto takes me to the test centre. Ticket and Migform are sent to my laptop. I take Alberto for a good lunch, a few beers and give him 150 k for his troubles. He is delighted. I've made up the balance for the ticket from the reserves in my stash.

Now alI need to do is wait for the PCR results, and I am pretty confident that in just over 30 hours time I will be on a plane. What could possibly go wrong? Not much as it happens, but it tries. I decide I am going to have one last drink in Getsemane. It really is a beautiful district and resembles pics I have seen of Havana, another place on my bucket list. However, I am adamant that there will be no more women for me knowing what I've suffered so far.

So I am about to leave the bar at closing time, and as I leave, there is Angela from my first couple of nights. She sees me. Lets out a whoop and a big smile, and I immediately turn back into the bar to get away from her. She follows me. During my stay in the bar, I have bought the barman a couple of beers. He immediately understands the situation and comes from behind the bar to cut her off and tells her to go. He locks the door. I wait 10 minutes and when I leave she is gone. Taxi home and tomorrow I leave.

Have a shower, and go to sleep. About 3. 30, I am woken by a couple of loud bangs. I work out it is someone thowing stones at the apartment to get my attention. I go to the balcony, and there in all her beauty is the coke-snorting "Diahann Carroll". I really cannot believe that both these Scorpions think I will again carry them across the stormy river. I tell her "Vamos". She says something imploringly in Spanish, but I go back inside and watch her through a chink in the curtain. After a couple of minutes, she decides to leave and she is joined by a man who seems to have been hiding in the shadows. Hmmm? Do you think she wanted a threesome?

I go back to bed, and when I awake my PCR test is ready. Negative. I am good to go. I have ordered a taxi for 3. 00 pm. At the airport, I need to get rid of my Pesos. I go to to the only money changing kiosk in the airport, and see the rates. I have been getting 3500 to the USD, and 4200 to the Euro. They are offering 2700/3500. I ask for Euros, but the teller tells me he only had USD. I don't believe him, but I am unlikely to be able to change Pesos in Ireland so I accept his paltry offer.

Just when I think I've witnessed the last act of petty larceny that I am likely to suffer, there is still one more event. I am going through the X-ray search, and I have about 10 k in small coins. That's about $2. 75. What I normally do is deposit these in the charity box at the departing airport where they are normally collecting for kids. I empty the change into the X-ray box. I ask the cop who is watching me, if there is a charity box. He tells me yes, and offers to take care of it for me. I give him the coins. As well as the cop, there are four female search team workers. He then goes round to each of them saying "Caridad. Caridad" (Spanish for "charity") and they all have a fit of the giggles as he distributes the money among the five of them. Temperate language defies what I really want to say about this.

So time for a bit of introspection. How could it all have gone so disastrously wrong at nearly every twist and turn? I have to take some of the blame because it appears that most Colombians are venal and dishonest, and apparently your chances of becoming a victim increase, the less Spanish you know. All I really know are the courtesies, so I was unknowingly walking around with a target on my back.

I also was naive enough to rely on my experiences from SEA, and Thailand in particular. I always try to avoid cynicism in my dealings with the locals, especially in TH. I've found that most people will respond positively if you treat them with fairness and respect. As an example, when I've dealt with a girl in TH, the most common price I've been quoted is "Up to you". I realise that this is coming from a position of weakness on their part, but I don't want the girl to spend the night wondering if I am going to abuse that weakness. So my habit is not to mention a price, but instead take them direct to my "loom" and pay them in advance, asking them, "Is this OK"? Never had a refusal yet or demand for more money with that practice.

As soon as she says "yes", we leave the room, where I feed her, take her bar-hopping and if I see a street vendor selling a nice dress, or if she has kids, I buy her a gift (s) like a teddy bear, and not the cheapest either. Then it's back to the room at the end of the night for her to fulfill her part of the bargain. If she passes the "job interview", I ask her to stay. Then it's repeat and rinse for the duration. In Pattaya, any relationship that lasts more than three days, can be considered "long term". I've had multiple cases of 10+ days with a single girl. I've even had the girl from the last trip coming to meet and greet me at BKK airport when I've returned several months later.

The only examples of bad behaviour I've encountered in TH, was one girl I paid in advance who when I took her to get something to eat, did a runner. If it's going to happen, better it happens before I really start to trust her. One other girl, who I bumped into about six months after a previous visit: By now she was about six months pregnant and claimed I was the father. I explained about DNA and amniocentesis. I also explained that I contracted Mumps as a child, and there was a 50/50 chance of sterility, and that I was on the wrong side of that metric. "Do you really want to undergo an amnio"? She backed off.

As with Colombia, my habit is always to empty the remains of the day's cash from my pockets and it is in full view of my guest. I've never lost a satong yet. That speaks very well for the Thai ladies. The only conclusion I can come to is that the TH ladies lack the minds of Scorpions, and I cannot emphasise how grateful I am for the happiness that these attitudes have given me.

So if the question is, "Do I wait until TH has reopened, or go to Colombia where you don't even need a PCR test or to quarantine"? My answer is avoid Colombia like the plague. But if you are going to ignore my advice, then at least learn sufficient Spanish to reduce the size of the target on your back, that all Gringos carry. And if you have a cynical attitude towards the "ladies" in TH, and I know quite a few do, then I think you should really try Colombia to get a sense of perspective.

09-08-21, 11:46
You know that negv tests are not required for Colombia?Yes I was aware, but I needed it to be able to board my flight from DUB to AMS with both Ireland and Holland requiring negative tests.

09-08-21, 12:23
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09-08-21, 14:00
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Mr Enternational
09-08-21, 14:35
So I finally arrive in Colombia and on my first night, I meet one of the very few natives, Angela who can speak English. I have a plan which usually works very well in TH. Try to find one girl to "wife up for the duration" I am offering 1800 USD ($65 per night = 250000 Colombian pesos) plus daily shopping trips for about another (100 k per day) $850 in total as well as random acts of generosity. Angela is interested. Then she starts to claim that I had promised her $250 USD per night. If I did, then you might wonder why she never raised the issue when I gave 250 k the previous two nights?...
I tell her three times, "We will go where I want, because this my holiday". By the time she tells me the fourth time, I've had enough. I've already paid her that day, I pay her for tomorrow and tell her goodbye.Hmm. Seems like I VAGUELY remember telling you that was not a good idea. Also seems I said something about discarding advice to your own detriment because you do not like how it was said.

Spoon feed them hoes. Don't push their chair up to a buffet counter.

My answer is avoid Colombia like the plague. But if you are going to ignore my advice, LOL. But since you ignored my advice...! Why even ask advice if you are just looking for confirmation of the idea you already have in your head. Of course folks always have to learn the hard way. Can ask and have answered 1 million questions all for naught, because after millions of years of human existence, experience remains the best teacher. Great report!

09-08-21, 15:05
The Holiday in HellGreat report!

09-08-21, 16:09
So if the question is, "Do I wait until TH has reopened, or go to Colombia where you don't even need a PCR test or to quarantine"? My answer is avoid Colombia like the plague. But if you are going to ignore my advice, then at least learn sufficient Spanish to reduce the size of the target on your back, that all Gringos carry. And if you have a cynical attitude towards the "ladies" in TH, and I know quite a few do, then I think you should really try Colombia to get a sense of perspective.First off accolades for such a great trip report. But the accolade is for sharing what you experienced, a lot of guys would of been to embarrassed to share what you went thru, and there will be posters who will chastise you.

Colombia for many is a wet dream beyond belief. Kind of like hitting a grand slam home run at times. You struck out multiple times, and your correct about speaking Spanish, without it your hosed in my book, but some may disagree with me, but you get it.

And as far as waiting for Thailand to re-open, I'm not holding my breath that it wii even really open up next year, so maybe you should start studying Spanish and return to Colombia.

But don't go to Cartagena, it's probably the most expensive place to monger in Colombia.

The Tall Man
09-08-21, 16:47
Further to my most recent post, I promised a trip report. I thought you might be interested in hearing of my misadventures. This rapidly became the holiday in hell.

I won't bore you with all the problems I had trying to book this, but between my bank, the credit card co, and Colombian bureaucracy, I should have taken the hint, that this was never going to end well.Was it Forest Gump who said it best "Stupid is as stupid does".

I think you would do great living here in Colombia as you love the drama and you can find plenty of it here in Colombia to write many more posts on your exploits, hehehehe.

It's reports and reviews like these as to why Cartagena has turned into a dump-land to find decent chicas.

Much love and respect to all!

The Tall Man (still shaking my head no, no, no).

09-08-21, 17:12
Holiday in HellCrazy report, I even got late to a meeting cause I could not stop reading.

09-08-21, 17:37
Further to my most recent post, I promised a trip report. I thought you might be interested in hearing of my misadventures. This rapidly became the holiday in hell.

I won't bore you with all the problems I had trying to book this, but between my bank, the credit card co, and Colombian bureaucracy, I should have taken the hint, that this was never going to end well.

So I finally arrive in Colombia and on my first night, I meet one of the very few natives, Angela who can speak English. I have a plan which usually works very well in TH. Try to find one girl to "wife up for the duration" I am offering 1800 USD ($65 per night = 250000 Colombian pesos) plus daily shopping trips for about another (100 k per day) $850 in total as well as random acts of generosity. Angela is interested.

She just about passes the probationary period. Then she starts to claim that I had promised her $250 USD per night. If I did, then you might wonder why she never raised the issue when I gave 250 k the previous two nights? I tell her she doesn't have to stay, she then decides she might have made a mistake..A very long report of many things that could have been avoided if you only took the time to acknowledge and understand what posters like Mr. E and myself were trying to tell you over a month ago before you even got on the plane in DUB. Posters like us who have been there multiple times made the mistakes, or have seen the mistakes being made, therefore we pass on the preventive information so fresh gringos who arrive do not repeat them but you threw it all out the window. The fact that were were there solo those girls took full advantage.

We repeatedly told you Colombia is not Thailand. I myself, said I can black out in Thailand in a club and a girl will make sure I get back to my hotel room and when I wake up, she's there, and nothing is missing but I would never, ever do that in Colombia. We repeatedly told you the culture down there is different with the working girls where most of them do not care about tomorrow or next week, they only care about what they can get from you at that moment in time on that night. They live day to day as evident of your first girl who spent all the money in 1 day. We told you a month long arrangement is not a good idea and I specifically said if this is done to make sure to send her ass home every day because you do not want her constantly around you. I've posted many times if the gringo get cops involved they will end up paying more than to just pay what the girl wanted. The cops and the girls work together to scam the gringos and trust me on this, they saw you coming even before you got on the plane in DUB. I mentioned no working girl is going to want 250 mil – 300 mil a day to be with you when she can get 800 mil by taking her change at the Clock Tower, the mindset is "you, the gringo is only here for a week or two at most, while the Clock Tower will forever be there with fresh gringos every night".

Angela did have the overpriced numbers right at $250 a day which is why I constantly said in my posts and reports always talk to them in pesos and make sure they know its pesos. We cannot say a number without the currency format as they automatically assume dollars. Then you paid her for the following day in advance to which she does not have to show up SMH.

The old hag and pretty niece was a red flag, never take on a team when solo especially when you have no interest in the other party.

Elena was not worried about you future intentions as she already got what she wanted from you and the next gringo is primes and ready for her.

You placed yourself in a very bad scenario, why the hell would you let two working girls sleep in the spare room while you take on a third? They out number you three to one and you cannot watch all three of them at all times. You left your money out in the open. Yes, we can do that in Thailand because most if not all are on their best behavior but not in Colombia. Those girls straight lied to you, they did have a place to sleep for the night but didn't want to pay. Over in Getsemeni are allot of Hostels where the girls who know each other will take a room, usually its four to a room (bunk beds) so they could had stayed at a hostel. I'm still laughing over here because they even cleaned out your fridge and took the groceries with them. They saw you coming from a mile away jajajaja.

There are only about 5 girls I know and trust who I always see when I return and this is because if they ask me for money to buy something I usually give them 50 mil or 100 mil because I need to break the big bills. They will always come back and put the change on the table where I can see it, even the coins, yes the freaking annoying coins I never want in my pockets.

The only thing that saved you from being cleaned out was that steel gate with the double cylinder lock that requires a key to open from the inside, at least you wasn't like someone I know who left the key inside the lock because they didn't want to loose it jajaja.

I cannot stop laughing! You did just about everything we said not to do jajajaja.

09-08-21, 18:11
Seems so hard to get good answer, I think I watched every video on youtube and called 15 locations, like talking to the wall. Trying to find a nice hotel or Apartment near Dolce Vita that is visitor friendly. The Cova House Cartagena looks very nice but cannot get a response from property manager. I need at least 2 bedrooms. Looked at Hotel El Viajero and it seems guest friendly, but not as nice as I would like. I do not want to travel to BocaGrande. If anybody has any good recommendations for a $75 to $150 per night rooms within a few minute walk of Dolce Vita for this coming weekend. I want clean bed, hot water, water pressure, AC, safe in room, clean bathroom, locking doors. I stayed a 2 months ago at an Airbnb which was not my favorite. Thanks in advance.You are asking for too much in such a small time frame.

Where do you think you will find girl friendly 2 bedrooms for $150 max close to the mongering hole with hot water and good pressure?

Hot water is not necessary, at this time of year the cold water is lukewarm and it will be madness to take a hot shower then step out in that humidity. Trust me on this, I had an apartment with boiling hot water and refused to use it because it was so damn hot once I stepped outside.

Your best bet at this short time frame will be a hotel.

09-08-21, 18:16
We've been back and forth about all this before you left and now of course the predictable outcome-- You've offered someone basically $100 for a day. When the going rate is approximately $66 or $200 K whatever that is. What do you think is going to happen? What I suggest is is it is your cheap and a sucker which is a very bad combination. Disastrous trip is not much of a surprise to me in fact it's actually quite funny

Yes I was aware, but I needed it to be able to board my flight from DUB to AMS with both Ireland and Holland requiring negative tests.

09-08-21, 18:18
Likewise we advised this fool and instead of listening to anybody he just went ahead and acted it out surprise. LOL. He's lucky it wasn't even worse. I'm not sure how it could have been he got drugged and screwed multiple times in the wrong way.

Hmm. Seems like I VAGUELY remember telling you that was not a good idea. Also seems I said something about discarding advice to your own detriment because you do not like how it was said.

Spoon feed them hoes. Don't push their chair up to a buffet counter.

LOL. But since you ignored my advice...! Why even ask advice if you are just looking for confirmation of the idea you already have in your head. Of course folks always have to learn the hard way. Can ask and have answered 1 million questions all for naught, because after millions of years of human existence, experience remains the best teacher. Great report!

Tiny 12
09-08-21, 19:38
Further to my most recent post, I promised a trip report. I thought you might be interested in hearing of my misadventures. This rapidly became the holiday in hell.Thanks for taking the time to write this up. It's been a while since I've been to Cartagena, but if I were traveling for the purpose of banging women, I'd take it head and shoulders over Bangkok. Hell, when in Bangkok I go to Spasso's looking for Colombians.

There are a lot of lessons in this, ones I forget from time to time. Like divide your ATM cards up in a couple of places so if you loose one you're not screwed. Don't leave money laying around. Watch your drinks. Don't wife up until you know you really click with someone and even then pay as you go. Try to avoid situations involving the police. And if you and the hookers can't communicate in a common language, you're probably not going to have a good time if mongering is your main focus.

I got a huge laugh out of this, "About 3. 30, I am woken by a couple of loud bangs. I work out it is someone thowing stones at the apartment to get my attention. I go to the balcony, and there in all her beauty is the coke-snorting "Diahann Carroll". I really cannot believe that both these Scorpions think I will again carry them across the stormy river. I tell her "Vamos". She says something imploringly in Spanish, but I go back inside and watch her through a chink in the curtain. "

You said "let's go. " She probably thought you wanted to have another go with her.

In large part from reading stories like this I've avoided nightmares. I put a link to your post in "Reports of Distinction. " Thanks for sharing this.

09-08-21, 20:15
You can also send money to yourself using WA or WorldRemit. That way even if you do not have cards you can get it from Exito or supermarket giving the reference number and showing ID.

09-08-21, 21:15
I do not think you are an experienced monger. Even in Thailand you need to be careful if you were doing the same things you did. I did some wifing up in Costa Rica many times with Colombians. Did tour everywhere. They were really beautiful. Two of them them had all my spending money in their purse (ofcourse bulk of the cash is in safe deposit along with passport, credit cards, I phone, anything valuable) I did pay at the end generously but not before.

Planning to go to Cartagena in November. Prefer staying in a hotel. I heard hotel OZ is girl visitor friendly. Reviews say do not get the cheapest room there. That one does not have a window.

Generally I never drink other than bottled beer in unknown places. Even then never out of my sight.

Enjoyed reading your report. A very good warning to people planning to party wildly without a wingman.

09-09-21, 03:19
Further to my most recent post, I promised a trip report. I thought you might be interested in hearing of my misadventures. This rapidly became the holiday in hell.

I won't bore you with all the problems I had trying to book this, but between my bank, the credit card co, and Colombian bureaucracy, I should have taken the hint, that this was never going to end well.I remember I asked where the best lobster place was in Cartagena and someone (I won't say who) was very unkind and dismissive to me in their response. I believe they told me to Google. I just returned from CTG and I had a blast to the point where I was depressed the last 2 days because I did not want to leave. The sole "bad" part of my trip was the lobster that I had at Playa Hollywood, very rubbery and forgettable. I will be back in Cartagena in October, I will take the suggestion of the person who I shall not name and google the best grilled lobster place in the city.

09-09-21, 06:14

Me and a friend are planning a trip to Cartagena in January for about 8 days. We are debating whether to Airbnb it or take advantage of the services provided here.


Has anyone ever used these services? It seems a bit pricy but if it's good we don't care. I've scoured most of the forums couldn't find anything. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

09-09-21, 08:49
I will be in Cartagena at end of this month if anyone wants to meet up.

09-09-21, 15:33
Likewise we advised this fool and instead of listening to anybody he just went ahead and acted it out surprise. As far as mongering is concerned. Mr E is always right and I will listen to him even he said something I don't want to hear. This has already been said to him before he came visit but he choose to listen to what he wants to hear and think something like robbery is not a concern. But it is a great report that can be made into a movie.

My post is not to criticize Dublin, but I think people should listen to what Mr E says. I think he can have a youtube channel and charge for his advices that we get here for free.

Elvis 2008
09-09-21, 15:58
The cultural difference between Asia and the Americas is something a friend of mine talked about before. He said he could leave his sunglasses on a train in Japan and come back a week later and find them there. No one would steal his glasses he told me. The irony is that in Japan around the same time there was a company pushing bonds that were fraudulently valued in order to save the honor of the company. The notion then that there was no stealing in Japan was BS. It was just going on at the highest level. China has no debt on its national balance sheet. They just push it down to the state and city level. I am not sure then that I find the notion of the citizens not stealing while the government and huge corporations do that refreshing.

On an individual basis, I have been impressed with the intelligence, kindness, and work ethic of the Colombians I have met. Given how rich Colombia is in resources, I have asked why it is so poor, and everyone has told me the same thing: corruption.

When I was engaged to a Venezuelan woman who broke it off, I blamed the nature of her country as part of the reason. She was too focused on the short term, and she admitted that she was. How can you plan for the future when there was no future in Venezuela? Long term relationships were for suckers. Thing is that Venezuela historically looked at Colombia as the black sheep in the family. Venezuela historically had its shit together while Colombia was hooked on drugs. It is only recently the roles have reversed.

The rule of thumb I would say for any guy looking for anything long term with any woman in Colombia is if she has not been in college or going to college is just forget it. For more experienced mongers who are more able to distinguish between hos and normal gals, that is not the case but you have to be honest with how experienced you are.

Most Colombian women are going to be very, very short term oriented, and it is not just the girls but their families. I broke it off with a Medellin woman a few months ago, and her sister hit me up to pay for a trip of hers. I had to tell the sister no and that we had broken up. Then the ex asked for a money a month later, and I told her no. LOL.

Thing is that if Asia has the higher classes willing to steal and the lower classes do not, you could make a case that the opposite is somewhat true in Colombia. Thing is that the truly higher class women in Colombia want to distinguish themselves from the working girl types and they do that by not asking for money or going for it in the short term. They are there, but they are rare.

Thing is that not one of these women I met would go for this paying by the day stuff. To me, that is like saying the woman is a more trustworthy ho and that ranks up their with other paradoxical phrases like jumbo shrimp and army intelligence. You cannot turn a ho into a GF and most times you cannot even turn them into a sugar baby. With hos, you have to pay as you go / fuck. That is all they understand.

09-09-21, 17:19
No Mr E is not right all the time. Hillbilly and World Traveller or know a lot more about Colombia than this guy ever will. Mojo knows a bit, these are all timers. If you're a fool you're going to get played for your money And even worse if you're cheap fool you're going to get taken for everything. Equivalence of $100 for one day is absurd as a matter of fact I'm not even sure if these posts are not even made up I don't see anything in any of that report to make me believe that this trip by Dublin actually even happened.

As far as mongering is concerned. Mr E is always right and I will listen to him even he said something I don't want to hear. This has already been said to him before he came visit but he choose to listen to what he wants to hear and think something like robbery is not a concern. But it is a great report that can be made into a movie.

My post is not to criticize Dublin, but I think people should listen to what Mr E says. I think he can have a youtube channel and charge for his advices that we get here for free.

09-09-21, 17:27
I usually won't criticize people.

But with the message "avoid Colombia like a plague".

Only two things is more than enough to survive in any place, listen to people who has already learned by their mistakes and bad experiences! 2nd not to break the golden rules of mongering!

I don't speak a word of Spanish, still I survived in Colombia! If I can, anyone can!

I roamed around alone in Santa Fe around mid-night Bogota)!! Following the rules. How to be safe!! I am not going there to show I am brave. I am going there to enjoy my hobby!

Again. 1800 $ a month for a girl? I am not sure if you are aware of the below facts.

1) an average rent for a month in Colombia is 250000 - 300000 Pesos.

2) a poor family. Won't earn more than 500000 pesos a month.

3) Cartagena is the most expensive place as far as I know, for girls in strip clubs, 300000 pesos.

4) Medellin. Most of the strip clubs at the time of closing, some girls will be happy to come to your room for 150-200 K whole night!

4) if I want to wife -up a girl for a month, the max I offer may be 500 $.

If we behave like an idiot!! We will be a failure anywhere we go! Even in the middle of the most civilized world!

Further to my most recent post, I promised a trip report. I thought you might be interested in hearing of my misadventures. This rapidly became the holiday in hell.

I won't bore you with all the problems I had trying to book this, but between my bank, the credit card co, and Colombian bureaucracy, I should have taken the hint, that this was never going to end well.

So I finally arrive in Colombia and on my first night, I meet one of the very few natives, Angela who can speak English. I have a plan which usually works very well in TH. Try to find one girl to "wife up for the duration" I am offering 1800 USD ($65 per night = 250000 Colombian pesos) plus daily shopping trips for about another (100 k per day) $850 in total as well as random acts of generosity. Angela is interested.

She just about passes the probationary period. Then she starts to claim that I had promised her $250 USD per night. If I did, then you might wonder why she never raised the issue when I gave 250 k the previous two nights? I tell her she doesn't have to stay, she then decides she might have made a mistake..

Mojo Bandit
09-09-21, 17:41
I remember I asked where the best lobster place was in Cartagena and someone (I won't say who) was very unkind and dismissive to me in their response. I believe they told me to Google. I just returned from CTG and I had a blast to the point where I was depressed the last 2 days because I did not want to leave. The sole "bad" part of my trip was the lobster that I had at Playa Hollywood, very rubbery and forgettable. I will be back in Cartagena in October, I will take the suggestion of the person who I shall not name and google the best grilled lobster place in the city.I doubt you can actually find the best lobster by just using Google. I think I would start by looking at TripAdvisor, from which I will list the top 6 following places as being highly rated and serve lobster. Its hard to find ratings on just the lobster. I copied and pasted the addresses straight from TripAdvisor so they may not be listed exactly right. Another option is to find an Cartagena expat group and join up and ask questions there - that is one of the best sources for that type of information

La Pica. Calle Estanco del Aguardiente Calle 38 #5-74.

Moshi. Calle 38 #8-19 Calle del Santsimo.

Porton de San Sebastian. Calle 35 No. 3-63 (Near Plaza Santo Domingo).

Cuzco Cocina Peruana. Carrera 3 33 48 Centro Histrico.

La Cevicheria. Calle Stuart 714.

Restaurante Cande. Barrio San Diego, Cra 10 No 39-02 Centro Histrico.

09-09-21, 18:14
I doubt you can actually find the best lobster by just using Google. That was the joke Mojo LOL. The only person who responded (I won't say his / her name. Only that their name rhymes with "Bublin12") was dismissive and told me in a not so kind way to refrain from asking such questions on this board. I must say I was discouraged by this interaction and I was not going to provide my own trip report because of that. But seeing how poorly that person's trip went, and how well mine went, I will be uploading mine very soon.

And thank you Mojo, I had such a great time in Cartagena I will be returning next month and I will continue my search for the best grilled lobster.

09-09-21, 18:31
I had to suspend disbelief to read Dublin's story, but it was wildly entertaining even if not a word was true. Bravo to you sir. Would happily read another.

09-09-21, 19:40
I had to suspend disbelief to read Dublin's story, but it was wildly entertaining even if not a word was true. Bravo to you sir. Would happily read another.I went back and read his posts from January of this year and I believe every single word of this report. And as disagreeable as I find him to be, I'm glad I he posted an honest review because I can see vividly the mistakes I need to avoid when I move around CTG solo.

This is a 68 year old man who did not speak the language and who was drugged on his first night and still powered through. And somehow was still robbed by nearly every person he interacted with, including the airport security (jajajajaja caridad! Caridad! A wiser man would've headed back to Ireland as soon as they had enough money to buy a ticket after being drugged, but this guy went and took some more lickins. If he had stayed longer they would've built statues of him in the Clock Tower for his generosity.

There are no shortage of lessons to be learned from Dublin's report. The biggest for me as a young monger is to always have a contact that you can trust and knows how to speak the language, and to also heed the advice of the OGs on these boards. If you have not been to the country and someone like TallMan Mr E or Kafka tells you not to do something while you are there it is in your best interest not to do it. The consequences of not listening can be severe.

Mojo Bandit
09-09-21, 19:59
That was the joke Mojo LOL. The only person who responded (I won't say his / her name. Only that their name rhymes with "Bublin12") was dismissive and told me in a not so kind way to refrain from asking such questions on this board. I must say I was discouraged by this interaction and I was not going to provide my own trip report because of that. But seeing how poorly that person's trip went, and how well mine went, I will be uploading mine very soon.

And thank you Mojo, I had such a great time in Cartagena I will be returning next month and I will continue my search for the best grilled lobster.Well there has been plenty of discussions about food and restaurants in these threads, though these usually get answered faster and generate more discussion when the person posting the question has contributed mongering information before. Just becuase its not so out of the blue.

09-09-21, 20:07
Well there has been plenty of discussions about food and restaurants in these threads, though these usually get answered faster and generate more discussion when the person posting the question has contributed mongering information before. Just becuase its not so out of the blue.Thank you for explaining this to me.

09-09-21, 20:40
That was the joke Mojo LOL. The only person who responded (I won't say his / her name. Only that their name rhymes with "Bublin12") was dismissive and told me in a not so kind way to refrain from asking such questions on this board.

My response to you was not dismissive and did not tell you to refrain from posting such questions on this board. That is a figment of your imagination or just outright dishonesty your part. As nobody else had any suggestions, I told you there were plenty on Google. My post was entirely in good faith. You assumed that I was having a go at you, and made a snarky reply. That's the real truth.

Why don't you look at the post again, and then you can show everybody where I was "dismissive", "unkind", told you to "to refrain from asking such questions on this board"?

Let me know when you find it please?

09-09-21, 20:59
I had to suspend disbelief to read Dublin's story, but it was wildly entertaining even if not a word was true. Bravo to you sir. Would happily read another.I accept that my post was not going to show me in a good light. The reason I posted was that I was under an obligation to make a trip report to those who had given me useful advice. If I'd told you anything else other than this, that would have been dishonest. I am sure you are aware that the difference between truth and fiction, is that fiction has to be believable.

So what would convince you? How about my email to the Irish Embassy asking them for help in contacting KLM so that I could get an early flight booked. Although it doesn't have the same explicit detail as my TR, it does give the basic details about my doping and robbery, and in a later reply to them a couple of days later, report of my having been extorted by the cops. I am not going to publish it on here because it contains personal identifiers. But if there is someone who is prepared to act as honest broker, I will forward the chain onto them so they can confirm that I had already reported my case to the Embassy. I assume that the person selected will not republish.

09-09-21, 21:05
I doubt you can actually find the best lobster by just using Google.

You are probably right. However, the Google pages also carry reviews by customers. That was why I suggested it to begin with. The OP was looking for info from mongers. Nobody came forward. I had a look. There were restos with reviews, which is what I thought the OP was looking for. Silly me.

09-09-21, 21:14

Me and a friend are planning a trip to Cartagena in January for about 8 days. We are debating whether to Airbnb it or take advantage of the services provided here.


Has anyone ever used these services? It seems a bit pricy but if it's good we don't care. I've scoured most of the forums couldn't find anything. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.Rates are under $200 per day all inclusive. Not sure payment for girl is included. If so it is a great deal. Maybe can change girl each day.

09-09-21, 21:34
I usually won't criticize people.

But with the message "avoid Colombia like a plague".

Only two things is more than enough to survive in any place, listen to people who has already learned by their mistakes and bad experiences! 2nd not to break the golden rules of mongering!

I don't speak a word of Spanish, still I survived in Colombia! If I can, anyone can!

I roamed around alone in Santa Fe around mid-night Bogota)!! Following the rules. How to be safe!! I am not going there to show I am brave. I am going there to enjoy my hobby!

Again. 1800 $ a month for a girl? I am not sure if you are aware of the below facts.

1) an average rent for a month in Colombia is 250000 - 300000 Pesos.

2) a poor family. Won't earn more than 500000 pesos a month.

3) Cartagena is the most expensive place as far as I know, for girls in strip clubs, 300000 pesos.

4) Medellin. Most of the strip clubs at the time of closing, some girls will be happy to come to your room for 150-200 K whole night!

4) if I want to wife -up a girl for a month, the max I offer may be 500 $.

If we behave like an idiot!! We will be a failure anywhere we go! Even in the middle of the most civilized world!I shall try to deal with your points accordingly.

If you look at my earlier posts on the issue of "compensation" and $1800 + shopping trips was mentioned several times. That was my pre-planned budget. Some said it could be done for that, and others expressed their doubts. I am not sure of the point you are making, but I had a price in mind, and others suggested I could spend less. I was not there to see just how cheaply I could do it. If a girl does what I require, I pay my price, which I am led to believe is not an unfair price. My conscience is clear on my spending habits. BTW I've seen posts on here recently where people have said that Cartagena is no longer a mongering hotspot because of the prices. I think that it is not the price that dictates whether it is a mongering destination, but the availability of women. Of course, if mongering is all about cheap sex only, then I am wrong.

Regarding cost of living etc, I was aware. I read on Google that the ave wage was about $500 per month, however Mr E, came up with $221. Other sources agreed with this. Regardless, you cannot say that $1800 is a bad score.

I've never been a fan of the, "If I can do it, anyone can" suggestion. I used to hear it a lot from my sister, who has had a financially successful life. When I heard her make the point once too often, I asked her to tell me what 73 X47 equalled without using a calculator. I am very good at mental arithmetic. She couldn't answer. I then said to her, "If I can do it, then anyone can". The truth is that some people can adapt to some situations better than others, and that's why I have never been a fan of such claims.

I don't frequent strip clubs.

$500? How does my offer of $1800 + shopping etc, make me the bad guy? Is the suggestion that I was victimised because of my generosity?

09-09-21, 21:42
No Mr E is not right all the time. Hillbilly and World Traveller or know a lot more about Colombia than this guy ever will. Mojo knows a bit, these are all timers. If you're a fool you're going to get played for your money And even worse if you're cheap fool you're going to get taken for everything. Equivalence of $100 for one day is absurd as a matter of fact I'm not even sure if these posts are not even made up I don't see anything in any of that report to make me believe that this trip by Dublin actually even happened.I've already made an offer of forwarding on the emails to the Irish Embassy when I asked them for assistance. I can also forward on the emails for my air ticket as well as the Airbnb. Will that convince you? And the ticket home I bought In Col. These are all date stamped.

09-09-21, 22:00
I do not think you are an experienced monger. Even in Thailand you need to be careful if you were doing the same things you did. I did some wifing up in Costa Rica many times with Colombians. Did tour everywhere. They were really beautiful. Two of them them had all my spending money in their purse (ofcourse bulk of the cash is in safe deposit along with passport, credit cards, I phone, anything valuable) I did pay at the end generously but not before.

Planning to go to Cartagena in November. Prefer staying in a hotel. I heard hotel OZ is girl visitor friendly. Reviews say do not get the cheapest room there. That one does not have a window.

Generally I never drink other than bottled beer in unknown places. Even then never out of my sight.

Enjoyed reading your report. A very good warning to people planning to party wildly without a wingman.Regarding your doubts about my prior experience, I can't help that. All I can say is that since 2006, I have about 20 trips under my belt to Thailand, Cambodia and Phils, and the places I've been have been BKK, KK, CM, CR, Korat and Nong Khai but mostly Pattaya in TH, Snooky, PP and Siam Reap and Angeles in Phils. Apart from the two incidents in TH, nothing untoward has ever occurred before this trip.

And yes, I made the mistake of drinking from an open glass. Something I should have been alert to. But in SEA, they always give the beer in a bottle. My experience is that you have to ask for a glass there. But they serve the beers in Styrofoam jackets known as "condoms", which keeps the beer cooler for longer. So I got careless. Stupid of me.

09-09-21, 22:08
You can also send money to yourself using WA or WorldRemit. That way even if you do not have cards you can get it from Exito or supermarket giving the reference number and showing ID.Thanks for that, but I've never heard of either of them. Not sure what WA is, but they do have World Remit in Ireand, I have since found out. But the initial problem wasn't WU itself, but that many of the WU franchises in Cartagena are Mickey Mouse and just do not have sufficient cash on hand to pay out €500.

09-09-21, 22:23
$500? How does my offer of $1800 + shopping etc, make me the bad guy? Is the suggestion that I was victimised because of my generosity?Well actually a lot of guys ask this rhetorically but it's actually true. In Latin America you do risk getting victimized because of your generosity.

09-09-21, 22:26

$500? How does my offer of $1800 + shopping etc, make me the bad guy? Is the suggestion that I was victimised because of my generosity?

09-09-21, 22:27
Thanks for taking the time to write this up. It's been a while since I've been to Cartagena, but if I were traveling for the purpose of banging women, I'd take it head and shoulders over Bangkok. Hell, when in Bangkok I go to Spasso's looking for Colombians.

There are a lot of lessons in this, ones I forget from time to time. Like divide your ATM cards up in a couple of places so if you loose one you're not screwed. Don't leave money laying around. Watch your drinks. Don't wife up until you know you really click with someone and even then pay as you go. Try to avoid situations involving the police. And if you and the hookers can't communicate in a common language, you're probably not going to have a good time if mongering is your main focus.

I got a huge laugh out of this, "About 3. 30, I am woken by a couple of loud bangs. I work out it is someone thowing stones at the apartment to get my attention. I go to the balcony, and there in all her beauty is the coke-snorting "Diahann Carroll". I really cannot believe that both these Scorpions think I will again carry them across the stormy river. I tell her "Vamos". She says something imploringly in Spanish, but I go back inside and watch her through a chink in the curtain. "

You said "let's go. " She probably thought you wanted to have another go with her.

In large part from reading stories like this I've avoided nightmares. I put a link to your post in "Reports of Distinction. " Thanks for sharing this.Thank you for your observations. It's nice to be believed. If you think about, if I were to make up any such stories about mongering, surely I would paint myself in a better light?

Regarding my linguistic difficulties, I thought it was the root for the word, "Vamoose".

Regarding my compensation scheme, I've always paid in advance. My thinking has always been that if she's dishonest, let's find out ASAP and get rid of the prob. You will note that I did get all four targets into the bed. It was what happened after, that became the prob. Angela was the only one that got paid in advance and then was taken off payroll that I never got the final satisfaction from.

Funnily, I recall reading a recent post on this forum where someone else reported on the tactic to claim that she "thought" the offer was $250 instead of 250 K COP. Maybe it was the same girl in both cases.

09-09-21, 22:37
We've been back and forth about all this before you left and now of course the predictable outcome-- You've offered someone basically $100 for a day. When the going rate is approximately $66 or $200 K whatever that is. What do you think is going to happen? What I suggest is is it is your cheap and a sucker which is a very bad combination. Disastrous trip is not much of a surprise to me in fact it's actually quite funnyWhat has the got to do with needing a PCR test? How am I "cheap" if I am paying above the going rate?

As for your finding it funny, I would have found it funny too of I had read it about someone else. That's no skin of my nose. I expected to be laughed at, but I did promise a trip report and sad as it was, I kept my word.

09-09-21, 22:45
A very long report of many things that could have been avoided if you only took the time to acknowledge and understand what posters like Mr. E and myself were trying to tell you over a month ago before you even got on the plane in DUB. Posters like us who have been there multiple times made the mistakes, or have seen the mistakes being made, therefore we pass on the preventive information so fresh gringos who arrive do not repeat them but you threw it all out the window. The fact that were were there solo those girls took full advantage.

We repeatedly told you Colombia is not Thailand. I myself, said I can black out in Thailand in a club and a girl will make sure I get back to my hotel room and when I wake up, she's there, and nothing is missing but I would never, ever do that in Colombia. We repeatedly told you the culture down there is different with the working girls where most of them do not care about tomorrow or next week, they only care about what they can get from you at that moment in time on that night. They live day to day as evident of your first girl who spent all the money in 1 day. We told you a month long arrangement is not a good idea and I specifically said if this is done to make sure to send her ass home every day because you do not want her constantly around you. I've posted many times if the gringo get cops involved they will end up paying more than to just pay what the girl wanted. The cops and the girls work together to scam the gringos and trust me on this, they saw you coming even before you got on the plane in DUB. I mentioned no working girl is going to want 250 mil 300 mil a day to be with you when she can get 800 mil by taking her change at the Clock Tower, the mindset is "you, the gringo is only here for a week or two at most, while the Clock Tower will forever be there with fresh gringos every night".

Angela did have the overpriced numbers right at $250 a day which is why I constantly said in my posts and reports always talk to them in pesos and make sure they know its pesos. We cannot say a number without the currency format as they automatically assume dollars. Then you paid her for the following day in advance to which she does not have to show up SMH.

The old hag and pretty niece was a red flag, never take on a team when solo especially when you have no interest in the other party.

Elena was not worried about you future intentions as she already got what she wanted from you and the next gringo is primes and ready for her.

You placed yourself in a very bad scenario, why the hell would you let two working girls sleep in the spare room while you take on a third? They out number you three to one and you cannot watch all three of them at all times. You left your money out in the open. Yes, we can do that in Thailand because most if not all are on their best behavior but not in Colombia. Those girls straight lied to you, they did have a place to sleep for the night but didn't want to pay. Over in Getsemeni are allot of Hostels where the girls who know each other will take a room, usually its four to a room (bunk beds) so they could had stayed at a hostel. I'm still laughing over here because they even cleaned out your fridge and took the groceries with them. They saw you coming from a mile away jajajaja.

There are only about 5 girls I know and trust who I always see when I return and this is because if they ask me for money to buy something I usually give them 50 mil or 100 mil because I need to break the big bills. They will always come back and put the change on the table where I can see it, even the coins, yes the freaking annoying coins I never want in my pockets.

The only thing that saved you from being cleaned out was that steel gate with the double cylinder lock that requires a key to open from the inside, at least you wasn't like someone I know who left the key inside the lock because they didn't want to loose it jajaja.

I cannot stop laughing! You did just about everything we said not to do jajajaja.I remember many of you telling me that the culture was different in culture in Col. I don't recall anyone telling me telling me about the Scorpion and Frog mentality of these women.

My mistake was not to understand when people mentioned the different culture from TH, that it included a total lack of honesty on the part of these girls.

09-09-21, 23:05
First off accolades for such a great trip report. But the accolade is for sharing what you experienced, a lot of guys would of been to embarrassed to share what you went thru, and there will be posters who will chastise you.

Colombia for many is a wet dream beyond belief. Kind of like hitting a grand slam home run at times. You struck out multiple times, and your correct about speaking Spanish, without it your hosed in my book, but some may disagree with me, but you get it.

And as far as waiting for Thailand to re-open, I'm not holding my breath that it wii even really open up next year, so maybe you should start studying Spanish and return to Colombia.

But don't go to Cartagena, it's probably the most expensive place to monger in Colombia.I anticipated much of what you said about "there will be posters who will chastise you", but it is what it is. Hopefully, people will learn from this.

I could have told a completely flattering story about my misadventures, but given that this forum is about explaining and swapping experiences, that would be dishonest. Besides, I don't need the glory. I can tell the truth, knowing that if you or any other forum member and I ever pass each other by in the street, you will not recognise me as "that Idiot who went to Cartagena".

Just to mention Cartagena, as far as the money was concerned, that was not really a concern. My budget was the the same as I spend in TH. I made the mistake of thinking that Cartagena was the SA equivalent of Pattaya. It wasn't the losses that annoyed me. It was the overwhelming venality of all the girls I came into contact with.

09-09-21, 23:15
I remember many of you telling me that the culture was different in culture in Col. I don't recall anyone telling me telling me about the Scorpion and Frog mentality of these women.

My mistake was not to understand when people mentioned the different culture from TH, that it included a total lack of honesty on the part of these girls.Live and learn LOL.

1. Never ever wife up the moment you meet her. Even after many chats and agreements over video chat in many parts of the world I always say let us meet and see when they want to know how many days they will stay with me. Who knows how we click together spending 24-7 . Besides sex bonds people. If it does not get rid of them. Do not make any promises before.

2. You should know better about promises made or kept on both sides. Go with the flow. Never give money up front certainly not daily shopping ventures. Moment the girl demands or reneges on the agreed deal try to use your brain to see how tactfully trying to get rid of the girl.

3. Never get police involved tourist or otherwise. They would side with locals any given time. You are just a stupid tourist as far as they are concerned. I personally witnessed 4 Thai guys beat a young Caucasian guy to pulp in Thailand patpong area and there were two tourist police quietly watching and not trying to stop it.

4. Obviously from your post you are a free spender not worried about money. So what even if someone scamming you and you loose some money to get out of the weird situation. Think of it as loosing money when you gamble. Mongering all over the world is like throwing dice. Sometimes you roll snake eyes. Deal with it. On the other hand you get out of the country with a smile and want get back next day.

5. Never try to get a orgy going with more than 2 unknown girls. Even then they will lie, cheat and steal.

Mr Enternational
09-09-21, 23:40
There are no shortage of lessons to be learned from Dublin's report. The biggest for me as a young monger is to always have a contact that you can trust and knows how to speak the language, and to also heed the advice of the OGs on these boards.One of the biggest lessons I saw from his report and one that I tried to warn him about in the first place is do not go to a new place and expect it to be like another. His big thing was this is how it is in Thailand. But Colombia is not Thailand. I have lived in Thailand for the past almost 13 years. When I go to Colombia or anywhere else, there is not one thing that reminds me of Thailand or that I am expecting to be like Thailand. I shared one of the same stories as Nypher where in Thailand I was blackout drunk and woke up in my bed with a stranger. When I am in Colombia I don't even drink at all when I am not with trusted friends or maybe if I am with a non-pro that I know and we are having a couple of margaritas when we are at dinner. But just tossing a few back alone around mfs that I do not know, hell no!

When you are in Colombia or Dominican Republic you can not just sit money around willy nilly like you can do in Thailand. Why would you even not only expect to be able to do it, but once you realize you have been stolen from, continue to test the waters several times after hoping maybe one of the chicks will not steal from you? He talked down on me saying I was a pessimist and a cynic. No mf. I am a realist. I am from the streets and I know how the streets operate, while you want to run around like you are on the Good Ship Lolipop. I am not going to sit around with a smile on my face tempting folks to rob me blind, especially when I know they have nothing to lose but everything to gain. England, Colombia, Kenya, Brazil, Thailand, Mexico, Philippines, Peru, South Africa, etc are not the same places, so do not go trying to operate in one as you are able to in another.

Then he said the chick stole 200K from him and said she bought cocaine with it. MF cocaine costs 10K pesos in Colombia! If you did not see her with a big ass shipment of it, then she has your other 190K change in her pocket!

09-10-21, 00:00
Well actually a lot of guys ask this rhetorically but it's actually true. In Latin America you do risk getting victimized because of your generosity.Thanks for your response. It seems perverse as well as short-sighted to cheat those who treat you generously. I can well imagine the opposite being true. Why wouldn't you want to take advantage of someone that is mean? I have had it explained to me that these girls are different, but not the level of dishonesty they resort to.

Angela, who I think probably nobbled my beer would have earned 7 million COP for four weeks work. My losses to her if it was her that drugged me, were in the region of 2 million. What are the chances she is going to make that sort of money in that period now? Elena would have earned 5. 75 million instead of being scammed by the hag and her niece. "Diahann Carrol" would have made 6 million. Does that make sense to you that the first decides to screw me over for a paltry 50 k, and the other, 200 k?

Looking around the Clock Tower, there was definitely an over-supply of women. I am not sure that any two and possibly all three combined might be able to make 7 mill in that time. I understand it's currently low season there. It would appear that when these women find a golden goose, they can only think about wringing it's neck rather than wait for it to lay the golden egg.

Mr Enternational
09-10-21, 00:02
Regarding my linguistic difficulties, I thought it was the root for the word, "Vamoose".As we say in the hood, "You thought like Lit; you thought you farted, but you shit."

Vamos is the first person plural present indicative of the verb "ir" (to go). Hence, vamos means Let's go, as you are doing something together. Vamoose does not mean anything in Spanish.

09-10-21, 00:28
Live and learn LOL.

1. Never ever wife up the moment you meet her. Even after many chats and agreements over video chat in many parts of the world I always say let us meet and see when they want to know how many days they will stay with me. Who knows how we click together spending 24-7 . Besides sex bonds people. If it does not get rid of them. Do not make any promises before.

2. You should know better about promises made or kept on both sides. Go with the flow. Never give money up front certainly not daily shopping ventures. Moment the girl demands or reneges on the agreed deal try to use your brain to see how tactfully trying to get rid of the girl.

3. Never get police involved tourist or otherwise. They would side with locals any given time. You are just a stupid tourist as far as they are concerned. I personally witnessed 4 Thai guys beat a young Caucasian guy to pulp in Thailand patpong area and there were two tourist police quietly watching and not trying to stop it.

4. Obviously from your post you are a free spender not worried about money. So what even if someone scamming you and you loose some money to get out of the weird situation. Think of it as loosing money when you gamble. Mongering all over the world is like throwing dice. Sometimes you roll snake eyes. Deal with it. On the other hand you get out of the country with a smile and want get back next day.

5. Never try to get a orgy going with more than 2 unknown girls. Even then they will lie, cheat and steal.Regarding 1 and 2. Those I made the long term offer to were told there would be a trial period. It was on the third day after this was concluded, Angela started to play up. I did not get rid of her immediately and gave her the benefit of the doubt about her "misunderstanding" the agreement, though if I am honest, I know in my own my mind she was really trying her luck. But after several other complaints from her in the space of a couple of hours, I told her to go. "Diahann Carroll" was also made the offer, but it was rescinded when I found that she had stolen 200 k, and worse still, brought coke into the apartment. Elena also accepted the offer of a trial period, but I got a vibe from her she was also going to misbehave, so I made it possible for her to steal 50 k and was proved right. Considering what my involvement with the duo that were pimping out cost me, I thought that was a bargain.

3. That's not what I have seen from the Thai TP.

5. It was not an orgy with more than one girl. The hag slept in the spare room. And on the occasion when they scammed me, both stayed in the spare room.

Mr Enternational
09-10-21, 01:15
Angela, who I think probably nobbled my beer would have earned 7 million COP for four weeks work. My losses to her if it was her that drugged me, were in the region of 2 million. What are the chances she is going to make that sort of money in that period now? Elena would have earned 5. 75 million instead of being scammed by the hag and her niece. "Diahann Carrol" would have made 6 million. Does that make sense to you that the first decides to screw me over for a paltry 50 k, and the other, 200 k?I seriously would have thought you would understand cultural differences since your wife is from Japan. But you just can not yield what makes sense to you and see that what makes sense to other people may be way different. There is no need to agree with it or anything, but if somebody tells you it is a certain way somewhere, fuck how you feel or what makes sense to you. Just listen and take heed.

I went and got a masters degree learning how mfs in places besides where I am from think and operate. Try to pass on for free what it took me $40,000 to learn and mf refuse to even fathom that his way is not the way of the other 8 billion people on the planet. That is called being ethnocentric.

09-10-21, 04:25
Thanks for your response. It seems perverse as well as short-sighted to cheat those who treat you generously. I can well imagine the opposite being true. Why wouldn't you want to take advantage of someone that is mean? I have had it explained to me that these girls are different, but not the level of dishonesty they resort to.

Angela, who I think probably nobbled my beer would have earned 7 million COP for four weeks work. My losses to her if it was her that drugged me, were in the region of 2 million. What are the chances she is going to make that sort of money in that period now? Elena would have earned 5. 75 million instead of being scammed by the hag and her niece. "Diahann Carrol" would have made 6 million. Does that make sense to you that the first decides to screw me over for a paltry 50 k, and the other, 200 k?

Looking around the Clock Tower, there was definitely an over-supply of women. I am not sure that any two and possibly all three combined might be able to make 7 mill in that time. I understand it's currently low season there. It would appear that when these women find a golden goose, they can only think about wringing it's neck rather than wait for it to lay the golden egg.As I have learned. Never set anything with them in advance as they spend the money before it even touches their hands.

- On day 1 bring them over and strike an arrangement for the day. Complete it, then send their ass home.

- On day 2, if day 1 was good then text them and in few words as possible tell them let's do the same arrangement as yesterday. She will most likely agree, complete it then send her ass home.

- On day 3. If the first 2 times were good then text them with something simple like "Uno mas? This is usually when they hit you with "Can you give me more money because my mom needs an operation" "I have family birthday coming up" "I need a new fridge" "I need to pay rent" etc.

This is where the mongers brain usually kicks down the fantasy door and throws them into reality (hold up! In the last 2 days she was given XXX mil, where the hell did that money go?) and that's when you realize that she's trying to raise the price on you for the same exact service that was performed recently so now you have to agree to the new price to keep the good service or stick to the old price and watch her give half assed service and run immediately after completion.

As a side story to the above.

When I was in Cartagena earlier in the year I met a chica and we had agreed on 200 mil a pop. It was good and I saw her a few times no issues. When I recently returned I texted her and she remembered me so I told her same arrangement as before and she agreed. She comes over, we complete the activity, and when I paid her I handed her two 100 mil bills to which she looked confused and asked me where is the other 50 mil. I told her it has always been 200 mil between us and she swears no it was 250 mil. Ok cool! I pull up our WhatsApp chat history, scroll all the way back to when we started talking from day 1 and showed her when she told me 200 mil and I agreed, then every time I asked her to do it again and she agreed for the same price. She could not believe it even though she was reading was her own words. Then she proceed to say well its now 250 mil and she needs more. I tell her that wasn't the arrangement but I settled with giving her round trip taxi fare of 20 mil. The next time I texted, she says its now 250 mil and I agree. She get there we do the activity and I pay her, this time I handed her five 50 mil bills that was folded in half, she took the money as is and placed it in her bag, didn't even count it. Now she's just hanging out were drinking beers and talking about random stuff (in actuality I'm just practicing my Spanish to say basic things like chair, table, towel, sink, etc) when she tell me her mom needs an operation then then she starts showing me WhatsApp messages of some American guy sending her money to help fund the operation for her mom. She then proceed to tell me next time it will be 300 mil because of this, and I tell her we will talk about it next time I want her to come over. I found a new girl for 200 mil.

Fast forward to when I reach back state side I see this same fucking girl posting whatsapp status of her in a doctor office laying on her stomach with no pants on, while a someone is using an Ultrasonic Machine on her ass while injecting liquid fat into it. She's getting Butt Augmentation! So much for her moms operation SMH.

The Tall Man
09-10-21, 05:22
I remember many of you telling me that the culture was different in culture in Col. I don't recall anyone telling me telling me about the Scorpion and Frog mentality of these women.

My mistake was not to understand when people mentioned the different culture from TH, that it included a total lack of honesty on the part of these girls.
I anticipated much of what you said about "there will be posters who will chastise you", but it is what it is. Hopefully, people will learn from this.

I could have told a completely flattering story about my misadventures, but given that this forum is about explaining and swapping experiences, that would be dishonest. Besides, I don't need the glory. I can tell the truth, knowing that if you or any other forum member and I ever pass each other by in the street, you will not recognise me as "that Idiot who went to Cartagena".

Just to mention Cartagena, as far as the money was concerned, that was not really a concern. My budget was the the same as I spend in TH. I made the mistake of thinking that Cartagena was the SA equivalent of Pattaya. It wasn't the losses that annoyed me. It was the overwhelming venality of all the girls I came into contact with.
One of the biggest lessons I saw from his report and one that I tried to warn him about in the first place is do not go to a new place and expect it to be like another. His big thing was this is how it is in Thailand. But Colombia is not Thailand. I have lived in Thailand for the past almost 13 years. When I go to Colombia or anywhere else, there is not one thing that reminds me of Thailand or that I am expecting to be like Thailand. I shared one of the same stories as Nypher where in Thailand I was blackout drunk and woke up in my bed with a stranger. When I am in Colombia I don't even drink at all when I am not with trusted friends or maybe if I am with a non-pro that I know and we are having a couple of margaritas when we are at dinner. But just tossing a few back alone around mfs that I do not know, hell no!

When you are in Colombia or Dominican Republic you can not just sit money around willy nilly like you can do in Thailand. Why would you even not only expect to be able to do it, but once you realize you have been stolen from, continue to test the waters several times after hoping maybe one of the chicks will not steal from you? He talked down on me saying I was a pessimist and a cynic. No mf. I am a realist. I am from the streets and I know how the streets operate, while you want to run around like you are on the Good Ship Lolipop. I am not going to sit around with a smile on my face tempting folks to rob me blind, especially when I know they have nothing to lose but everything to gain. England, Colombia, Kenya, Brazil, Thailand, Mexico, Philippines, Peru, South Africa, etc are not the same places, so do not go trying to operate in one as you are able to in another.
Not to toot my horn but even a deaf, blind and dumb person saw this as a train wreak coming full bore and being played out in front of us all from your the first mention of this horrible idea.

You got played big time by the 'vultures of Cartagena' who were circling above this newbie and as soon as the first opportunity arose they came to feast on the gringo.

We do appreciate your honesty, much respect, seriously.

Live and learn.

The Tall Man.

09-10-21, 07:41
A very long report of many things that could have been avoided if you only took the time to acknowledge and understand what posters like Mr. E and myself were trying to tell you over a month ago before you even got on the plane in DUB. Posters like us who have been there multiple times made the mistakes, or have seen the mistakes being made, therefore we pass on the preventive information so fresh gringos who arrive do not repeat them but you threw it all out the window. The fact that were were there solo those girls took full advantage.

We repeatedly told you Colombia is not Thailand. I myself, said I can black out in Thailand in a club and a girl will make sure I get back to my hotel room and when I wake up, she's there, and nothing is missing but I would never, ever do that in Colombia. We repeatedly told you the culture down there is different with the working girls where most of them do not care about tomorrow or next week, they only care about what they can get from you at that moment in time on that night. They live day to day as evident of your first girl who spent all the money in 1 day. We told you a month long arrangement is not a good idea and I specifically said if this is done to make sure to send her ass home every day because you do not want her constantly around you. I've posted many times if the gringo get cops involved they will end up paying more than to just pay what the girl wanted..Those are some harsh words, but I believe every word you wrote is correct.

When most of the guys here give advice, they aren't doing it to be the bad guy. They give the advice they give because they have already made those mistakes and learned from them.

Most people would rather pay to learn from their own mistakes, instead of learning from someone else for free.

09-10-21, 07:57

Me and a friend are planning a trip to Cartagena in January for about 8 days. We are debating whether to Airbnb it or take advantage of the services provided here.


Has anyone ever used these services? It seems a bit pricy but if it's good we don't care. I've scoured most of the forums couldn't find anything. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.I looked into those types of services several years ago. Here's my take on it:

Imagine someone offers you a chance to eat in one of the top restaurants in the world, total elegance, world class chef, you get the picture. The price is 3 or 4 times higher than the price if you just made a reservation at the exact same restaurant, but they're promising you a unique experience. So you pay the price, in advance. When you get there, they bring you out a bag of food from McDonald's. Unless, the day before you're scheduled to eat the special meal, they tell you they had to move it to another restaurant. Then you still get the same food, for the same price, but in a location that isn't nearly as nice as you expected.

Most of those type of places are using places you can find online, at a much higher price, and providing girls you can find, also at a much higher price. In addition, you're paying for the whole thing in advance.

If you really don't care how much money you spend, or the quality of the experience, go for it. Otherwise, there are better options.

09-10-21, 08:30
Thanks for your response. It seems perverse as well as short-sighted to cheat those who treat you generously. I can well imagine the opposite being true. Why wouldn't you want to take advantage of someone that is mean? I have had it explained to me that these girls are different, but not the level of dishonesty they resort to.

Angela, who I think probably nobbled my beer would have earned 7 million COP for four weeks work. My losses to her if it was her that drugged me, were in the region of 2 million. What are the chances she is going to make that sort of money in that period now? Elena would have earned 5. 75 million instead of being scammed by the hag and her niece. "Diahann Carrol" would have made 6 million. Does that make sense to you that the first decides to screw me over for a paltry 50 k, and the other, 200 k?

Looking around the Clock Tower, there was definitely an over-supply of women. I am not sure that any two and possibly all three combined might be able to make 7 mill in that time. I understand it's currently low season there. It would appear that when these women find a golden goose, they can only think about wringing it's neck rather than wait for it to lay the golden egg.Yes, it absolutely makes sense that those girls would attempt to take advantage of you when you were offering that amount of money. It makes sense because, by offering that amount of money you were showing that you had absolutely no idea what you were doing.

If you walked into a pub back home, where they sell pints of beer for $3 (or whatever price is the norm) and told the bartender you want to pay $15 for each beer, but you don't want a pint, for $15, you want to pay $15 for a shot glass of beer, how will he respond? If it was me, each shot glass would be nothing but foam.

I know a woman in Medellin who is a dentist. Fresh out of university the best offer she received paid 1. 5 million pesos a month. For a dentist. Meanwhile, you're offering almost 5 times as much, plus room and board to girls who probably take 6 months to earn that much money. Worse, you offered it to complete strangers.

It may seem like everyone is ganging up on you, but you put yourself in the position. It's not the girls' fault, it's not the fault of the police, or Western Union, or anyone else. If you had taken the advice you were given, you probably would have had a great time and you would be planning your next trip.

09-10-21, 11:51

5. It was not an orgy with more than one girl. The hag slept in the spare room. And on the occasion when they scammed me, both stayed in the spare room.You seem stubborn or top of ignorant about Latin culture. You are applying logic to a place where that does not pertain. Why and how they got that way is a much deeper discussion. We are mongers and presumably not there to implement deeper social change! You cited 3 for 3 examples of where you LT strategy failed, you were told it would fail on this board, and yet you insist, persist, and defend. Get a clue bro. Mongering in Latin America has its risks, but also its rewards. You have to be smart about it and adapt to their culture. Latinas don't think beyond that moment, their planning is abysmal, they may not even think about dinner far less tomorrow. It makes no sense to me whatsoever, but I am not them! I have a chica that to me is a definite 9/10 (and I am a picky MFer), she is a great lay, top 3 ever for me. We never discuss money, and she takes what I give her, doesn't even look at it, and we are like friends. She even asked me a time or two why I paid her, and a I just laugh it off and say it's a gift. But if she asks when I am not there, it's allows a polite decline(I actually got the impression last time I am there, she wants me not to pay her when I am there and just give her that money when she asks/needs it, i.e. Be her banker. However I have no intention of going down that road. If I was living there that is exactly what I would do. She had a child when she was age fifteen, and it's a daily struggle, she is 21 now and still hot as hell, you would never be able to tell she had a child.. God was generous in the looks department with her. But she has zero self esteem. In the time I have known her, she put two tattoos, had a breast enhancement surgery, and a nose job. None of those made any sense to me, she was messing with near perfection, why would you augment perky be to see breasts on a medium build frame, but to her low self esteem it was a boost. I listen, but I mostly like to fuck her. Bottom line do not apply your logic to them. Meet them where they are and it will be better for all. I guess your stubbornness and need to impose your way or the southeast Asian way will keep burning you.

09-10-21, 13:32
You seem stubborn or top of ignorant about Latin culture. You are applying logic to a place where that does not pertain. Why and how they got that way is a much deeper discussion. We are mongers and presumably not there to implement deeper social change! You cited 3 for 3 examples of where you LT strategy failed, you were told it would fail on this board, and yet you insist, persist, and defend. Get a clue bro. Mongering in Latin America has its risks, but also its rewards. You have to be smart about it and adapt to their culture. Latinas don't think beyond that moment, their planning is abysmal, they may not even think about dinner far less tomorrow. It makes no sense to me whatsoever, but I am not them! I have a chica that to me is a definite 9/10 (and I am a picky MFer), she is a great lay, top 3 ever for me. We never discuss money, and she takes what I give her, doesn't even look at it, and we are like friends. She even asked me a time or two why I paid her, and a I just laugh it off and say it's a gift. But if she asks when I am not there, it's allows a polite decline(I actually got the impression last time I am there, she wants me not to pay her when I am there and just give her that money when she asks/needs it, i.e. Be her banker. However I have no intention of going down that road. If I was living there that is exactly what I would do. She had a child when she was age fifteen, and it's a daily struggle, she is 21 now and still hot as hell, you would never be able to tell she had a child.. God was generous in the looks department with her. But she has zero self esteem. In the time I have known her, she put two tattoos, had a breast enhancement surgery, and a nose job. None of those made any sense to me, she was messing with near perfection, why would you augment perky be to see breasts on a medium build frame, but to her low self esteem it was a boost. I listen, but I mostly like to fuck her. Bottom line do not apply your logic to them. Meet them where they are and it will be better for all. I guess your stubbornness and need to impose your way or the southeast Asian way will keep burning you.As I look at those posters who are attacking my refusal to listen to one person only, I have a question. What advice did you give me that would have helped me avoid much of these probs? I'd like to see the posts where I was told "These women are inherently dishonest". I'd like to see the post that said, "You should not offer these women help under any circumstances because they will victimise you". I'd like to see the post that tells me what to do when the women refuse to leave the apartment as a means of extorting me".

The main advice I was given was that I was unlikely to find any takers for my offer of 7 million, or that I was offering too much. That in itself is contradictory advice because one party is telling me it can't be done while the other party is telling me I am offering too much so it must be possible. I found a taker at the first attempt. Regardless of the actual outcome of that, it might have been fairer to say, "You may find takers, but after agreement, they will reinterpret any such agreement as they see fit".

There were plenty of references to cultural differences, but I cannot recall a single post which defined ingrained dishonesty as one of those cultural differences. In fact, I have no recollection of any definition of the oft referred to "cultural differences" by anyone. I might be wrong, but I'd like to see the posts that explained what this actually meant when members were making such comments. Of course I could be disingenuous and also mention that nobody told me that my drink might get spiked, but as we know I was not ignorant of that possibility and I take responsibility.

One piece of advice I was given by some, which I did downplay, was how difficult things would be with lack of Spanish. On a previous trip to TH, I wifed up with a girl for the best part of three weeks and communication was mostly through Google Translate. Who knew that this app was not going to work for me, as well as it did in TH?

I am not trying to avoid personal responsibility, but when it's all said and done, most of those who are saying, "I told you so". More accurately said, "Cultural differences" but never attempted to explain these. To put it another way, if I were going to Saudi Arabia and were asking for info while I am there, how many people will tell me "You will have problems because of cultural differences"? Would it not be more helpful to explain those cultural differences, such as "P & P, is possibly a death penalty crime in Saudi". WE live in a world full of cultural differences, and many of us overcome those daily, especially if we are in mixed marriages. In the absence of any explanation as to what these differences are, should we really be surprised if like myself, the thinking is, "Whatever these differences are, they can't be that serious or they would have explained them"?

So for those who are in the "I told you so" camp, what exactly did you tell me apart from undefined cultural differences.

09-10-21, 13:50
I have a question. What advice did you give me that would have helped me avoid much of these probs? I'd like to see the posts where I was told "These women are inherently dishonest".Since you asked, a common advice is to take small step. It seems to me you kept on repeating the same mistake. Another thing you were told is you can't think the girl think the way you do. Your virtue become your weakness in your situations.

And the advice you agree with is the one that tells you not to worry about robbery.

09-10-21, 14:44
And the advice you agree with is the one that tells you not to worry about robbery.That's not what I said. Nobody told me not to worry about robbery, not that they should need to give advice on that. What I said, is there were those who mentioned cultural differences, but not one person mentioned the rampant dishonesty of these girls was part of these cultural differences.

It stands to reason that there are going to be cultural differences. Girls from TH and Cam are usually Asiatic and often Buddhist. Girls from Col are often of European extraction and are Christians. But did anyone point out the key cultural differences on which I could make a judgement. For example, there are cultures such as Indian where a woman going with someone who is not approved of by the family, might fall victim to honour killings. It was the lack of explanation which led me to conclude, "If these differences were important, someone would have given details".

Now, there are plenty saying "I told you so", but what exactly did they tell me?

Jelly Donut
09-10-21, 15:03
thought you might be interested in hearing of my misadventuresThanks for this post. It's a real gem and fun to read the responses and reactions to it.

I like your approach. You've got an honest, optimistic and generous spirit; it's the path of genuine happiness. Risky though. Reading that post I was thinking "it could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others". I shuddered at some of the behavior. Others have mentioned this, it but the point about not waving around cash is one I hope sinks in for people. It's not obvious to most Caribbean sex workers that they may be able to work millions of pesos out of you over an interval measured in days or months or years. The culture lives in the here and now. Money in your pocket or at your bedside has an immediate value, measured in minutes or hours. Anyway, your post spells this out better than I can here.

Original post was #11542.

09-10-21, 16:07
That's not what I said. Nobody told me not to worry about robberyI guess I misunderstood the conversation. FWIW, I am referring to these posts.

...so you don't worry about being robbed or something like that...

Thanks for that, but being robbed was not a paramount concern. ...

09-10-21, 17:27
That's not what I said. Nobody told me not to worry about robbery, not that they should need to give advice on that. What I said, is there were those who mentioned cultural differences, but not one person mentioned the rampant dishonesty of these girls was part of these cultural differences.

It stands to reason that there are going to be cultural differences. Girls from TH and Cam are usually Asiatic and often Buddhist. Girls from Col are often of European extraction and are Christians. But did anyone point out the key cultural differences on which I could make a judgement. For example, there are cultures such as Indian where a woman going with someone who is not approved of by the family, might fall victim to honour killings. It was the lack of explanation which led me to conclude, "If these differences were important, someone would have given details".

Now, there are plenty saying "I told you so", but what exactly did they tell me?The posts below are my posts alone. A few other posters were also telling you the same thing, with a lot more extra on why you shouldn't approach things with your mindset of Eastern culture.

Post where I explained why 250 - 300 a day is too low.


Post where I explained that these chicas think day to day and do not think long term and where I gave an example if the monger gets drugged.


Post where I told the story of my friend getting robbed when he was out cold. I think he was drugged but just didn't want to admit it so I'm not going to assume.


Post where I warned if you're solo to put your safety first.


Here's an extra one where I posted a few of my negative experiences with paying first and how some girls will be dishonest with gringos that do long term arrangements.


Mongers do not have to spell things out word for word and step by step for every new gringo who wants to a gamble with the chicas in Latin America. With basic street smarts anyone can figure it out (If I do X then X have a high chance of happening so lets do Y). With every post here, users always talk about safety, prices of chicas, food, best locations to stay, and things to do beside mongering when that becomes boring.

With the way you moved, your outcome could have happened to you anywhere it just had a higher probability in Latin America.

09-10-21, 17:29
I guess I misunderstood the conversation. FWIW, I am referring to these posts.My apologies. I do recall those posts, though I can't remember the context. My guess is it is what it is, and that robbery was not a major concern, though with the benefit of hindsight, it should have been.

Statistically, the more girls you meet the more likely you are to come across dishonesty. Prior to that, though I don't keep score. I'd estimate that I had about 80 mongering relationships and only once been the victim of theft. Clearly, I would be naive to think it could not happen, but presuming that Angela was involved in spiking my drink, and having been dealing with a culture where thefts were remarkably rare, you might understand why I was surprised that in Col, no girl I ever met, passed up any opportunity to steal from me, even when the economic arguments were that they were killing the golden goose. I've accused these girls of stupidity before, and I've seen nothing to tell me that this was a wrong conclusion.

09-10-21, 17:57
Thanks for this post. It's a real gem and fun to read the responses and reactions to it.

I like your approach. You've got an honest, optimistic and generous spirit; it's the path of genuine happiness. Risky though. Reading that post I was thinking "it could be that the purpose of your life is only to serve as a warning to others". I shuddered at some of the behavior. Others have mentioned this, it but the point about not waving around cash is one I hope sinks in for people. It's not obvious to most Caribbean sex workers that they may be able to work millions of pesos out of you over an interval measured in days or months or years. The culture lives in the here and now. Money in your pocket or at your bedside has an immediate value, measured in minutes or hours. Anyway, your post spells this out better than I can here.

Original post was #11542.I think you are someone who understands me. Though cynics may be happy with their own cynicism, I pity them. My lack of cynicism may have led to my down fall in Colombia, but until then, it had served me well. Of course, I now find myself questioning my previous experience. Was it just dumb luck I was almost never victimised in SEA. I am pretty sure I know what the cynics are saying in respect to that point. But maybe I was right? Most people, if you treat them well will respond in kind.

As far as the money is concerned, Iago in Othello says it best: "he who steals my purse, steals trash; ".

Best wishes.

09-11-21, 00:21
There are good and bad girls. Maybe circumstances or just plain bad luck in their life makes them take advantage of instant gratification. I was drinking and dancing with this girl at classico in Sosua. I usually take local pesos only which I placed in my shirt pocket. Reason is easy to get to to pay for the drinks. Hidden away inside pocket of my pants is couple of hundred dollar bills and hundred dollar worth of pesos. She saw the money in my shirt pocket when I bought the drinks. We had negotiated 2500 for TLN. We were dancing close and I did not even feel her taking money from my pocket which was around 800 pesos. Only time I realized was after dancing we went to get drinks and my pocket was empty. I asked her if she saw my bills fall to the floor. She pretended not to notice. She probably was wondering how I am going to pay for the drinks. I reached inside my pant hidden pocket and pulled out a wad of cash. I wanted her to see fully realizing she stole the money while we were dancing close. I was not one to complain and call police or anything like that. The moment we got the drinks I said I do not want to be with her on her puzzled look. For a few hundred pesos she lost. I would have treated her well.

This is the mindset of some. Having said that I have got girls who were totally trustworthy.

We as mongers need to learn the subtle art of differentiation. There are always clues.

09-11-21, 01:28
I think you are someone who understands me. Though cynics may be happy with their own cynicism, I pity them. My lack of cynicism may have led to my down fall in Colombia, but until then, it had served me well. Of course, I now find myself questioning my previous experience. Was it just dumb luck I was almost never victimised in SEA. I am pretty sure I know what the cynics are saying in respect to that point. But maybe I was right? Most people, if you treat them well will respond in kind.

As far as the money is concerned, Iago in Othello says it best: "he who steals my purse, steals trash; ".

Best wishes.I think by and large SEA is safer and less scheming and even risky compared to Latin America. The cultures, the religion, the history of the people etc is all different.

09-11-21, 01:50
So for those who are in the "I told you so" camp, what exactly did you tell me apart from undefined cultural differences.I don't know how long you have been on this board or how far back in the Colombia I. E. MDE CTG and BOG threads you read. The information is mentioned repeatedly and these discussions come up every so often. Usually but not always precipitated by either a self reported incident or a news report of an incident. There is a wealth of wisdom in those discussions that makes you aware of the circumstances. Then there are you tube videos discussing these risks. If someone says they did not know the risks of Centro in Mde, and were on this board, what can anyone say.

That said, even saying all of this to you. You deserve a huge kudos for doing this write up and taking the arrows, as I will guarantee you there are more than a few that will read this and be more vigilant. New mongers head down there every day and some even think this pandemic has shifted some people from SEA to LA. It is a timely reminder of the pitfalls. Just accept that your methods and research were flawed. Additionally your luck was also bad. My preparation was here and a few YouTube videos. I was super cautious in 2019 almost to the point of not enjoying myself. Yet Sometimes you walk into dumb luck like I did in early 2019 with my Chica and not even know it at the time. But I still keep my guard up mostly. Heck I don't even drink more than one beer when I am in Colombia. I can drink all the beer I want stateside. I am there for the pussy! It's all about sensible risk mitigation.

Elvis 2008
09-11-21, 02:16
I think by and large SEA is safer and less scheming and even risky compared to Latin America. The cultures, the religion, the history of the people etc is all different.I think you hit it GH. I think Dublin assumed SEA and LA were much the same. I have not mongered in SEA but I have read that the transition from a short term prostitute to a longer term sugar baby type gal is seamless with these Asian women, and Dublin thought LA was the same as SEA.

Where he ran into trouble (and I have as well) is trying to convert the short term gals into sugar baby, longer term arrangements. Unless I use a website like seeking.com/ SA specifically designed for longer term, I have run into trouble, and that is why I told him to use that website.

His response was that he had experience in SEA. He was generous and offering a good deal. That was all true, but he did not get that the women did not trust someone like him. I mean, how many times in Latin history have American or Western European countries invested in LA and tried to work out a mutually beneficial arrangement just to watch the Latinos steal them blind? Dublin just did not get that. The Latinos have the attitude that they are going to screw you over before you screw them over.

In my experience, you have to go way up the Colombian socioeconomic food chain to find women truly interested in even the shortest of long term arrangements, and Dublin did not get that. It is his loss though though that he did not accommodate to the culture. His real flaw was that he expected the culture should adapt to him unlike his adapting to the culture. It is his right to look down the nose of that inferior culture of Colombia, and it is inferior but what he is losing out on is a fantastic mongering destination for those who can adjust to the culture.

09-11-21, 02:32
Further to my most recent post, I promised a trip report. I thought you might be interested in hearing of my misadventures. This rapidly became the holiday in hell.

I won't bore you with all the problems I had trying to book this, but between my bank, the credit card co, and Colombian bureaucracy, I should have taken the hint, that this was never going to end well.

So I finally arrive in Colombia and on my first night, I meet one of the very few natives, Angela who can speak English. I have a plan which usually works very well in TH. Try to find one girl to "wife up for the duration" I am offering 1800 USD ($65 per night = 250000 Colombian pesos) plus daily shopping trips for about another (100 k per day) $850 in total as well as random acts of generosity. Angela is interested....

So if the question is, "Do I wait until TH has reopened, or go to Colombia where you don't even need a PCR test or to quarantine"? My answer is avoid Colombia like the plague. But if you are going to ignore my advice, then at least learn sufficient Spanish to reduce the size of the target on your back, that all Gringos carry. And if you have a cynical attitude towards the "ladies" in TH, and I know quite a few do, then I think you should really try Colombia to get a sense of perspective.Magnificent report. This is like Mr. Bean Goes Mongering. I laughed until I cried.

Mr Enternational
09-11-21, 03:01
What I said, is there were those who mentioned cultural differences, but not one person mentioned the rampant dishonesty of these girls was part of these cultural differences.This must be the only monger on the planet that does not realize he is involving himself in street shit and is expecting people to behave as they are the Knights of the Round Table. Got drugged and robbed repeatedly and is still whispering well that was not lady-like of you. Hookers are out there to get it with their lips, hips, AND FINGERTIPS. Next he will expect a robbing crew to be handing out alms.

09-11-21, 03:35
I went back and read his posts from January of this year and I believe every single word of this report. And as disagreeable as I find him to be, I'm glad I he posted an honest review because I can see vividly the mistakes I need to avoid when I move around CTG solo.

This is a 68 year old man who did not speak the language and who was drugged on his first night and still powered through. And somehow was still robbed by nearly every person he interacted with, including the airport security (jajajajaja caridad! Caridad! A wiser man would've headed back to Ireland as soon as they had enough money to buy a ticket after being drugged, but this guy went and took some more lickins. If he had stayed longer they would've built statues of him in the Clock Tower for his generosity.

There are no shortage of lessons to be learned from Dublin's report. The biggest for me as a young monger is to always have a contact that you can trust and knows how to speak the language, and to also heed the advice of the OGs on these boards. If you have not been to the country and someone like TallMan Mr E or Kafka tells you not to do something while you are there it is in your best interest not to do it. The consequences of not listening can be severe.Your post just made me realize I'm about half his age but with a broader experience in mongering in different cultures as I've done Montreal, Latin America, the Caribbean, and south East Asia. As I've learned, speaking the language is not a requirement but it helps tremendously and breaks so much barriers. For example while mongering in Sosua, the chicas kept asking me the same questions in Spanish. "Where are you from? When did you arrive? Where are you staying? When are you leaving? Do you have a wife? Do you have a girlfriend? Do you have any kids? How old are you?" After I realized the questions were repetitive I learned how to respond to the questions in Spanish then follow up with "Mi espanol es muy poco, estoy aprendiendo" and finish with a little chuckle or a smile to show I'm making some effort to communicate rather that pulling out the google translate right away. When I changed from Sosua to Cartagena the questions remained the same so I had a little communication skills under my belt. The ones that ask me the questions in English (so you know they have done their homework and this lifestyle is not new to them) and I respond to them in Spanish, I catch off guard and things go well because we both know we are experienced on what's about to happen.

But as you said his story is full of laughs even when airport security took the coins for themselves jajajaja. Reading his report was like watching that 1988 movie Moving with Richard Prior. And the quote instantly comes to mind "Life is not a big joke, It's a series of thousand little jokes, all lined up in a row! When the old hag and niece cleaned out all the groceries and took them and he told the cops and the cops asked him to prove it with a receipt I busted out laughing so hard my head started to hurt.

Dublin definitely needed an experienced Wingman. A simple PM to OnFireBoy to retain their services after the second incident could have changed the negative outcome of the trip.

09-11-21, 08:10
You placed yourself in a very bad scenario, why the hell would you let two working girls sleep in the spare room while you take on a third? They out number you three to one and you cannot watch all three of them at all times. You left your money out in the open. Yes, we can do that in Thailand because most if not all are on their best behavior but not in Colombia. I don't understand why you guys put Thailand on a pedestal, LOL. They steal in Thailand too. Try it. Leave a few bahts here and there as if by accident. Not every girl steals, but eventually your coins will be gone, guaranteed.

I'd never leave money in the open -- not in Thailand, not in Brazil, not in the DR, not in Colombia, not in the US for that matter, LOL. Money, electronics, passport, driver's license, everything of a value must be secured.

09-11-21, 09:03
I accept that my post was not going to show me in a good light. The reason I posted was that I was under an obligation to make a trip report to those who had given me useful advice. If I'd told you anything else other than this, that would have been dishonest. I am sure you are aware that the difference between truth and fiction, is that fiction has to be believable.

So what would convince you? How about my email to the Irish Embassy asking them for help in contacting KLM so that I could get an early flight booked. Although it doesn't have the same explicit detail as my TR, it does give the basic details about my doping and robbery, and in a later reply to them a couple of days later, report of my having been extorted by the cops. I am not going to publish it on here because it contains personal identifiers. But if there is someone who is prepared to act as honest broker, I will forward the chain onto them so they can confirm that I had already reported my case to the Embassy. I assume that the person selected will not republish.I actually salute you for your honest report. Everything you've highlighted is real, even if most of your misgivings have resulted from your own mistakes.

In Colombia girls can: lie to you, upsell you, scam you, steal from you, spike your drink and rob you. Cops can extort money from you if you put yourself in a vulnerable position. You've experienced the worst Colombia can offer. All these risks are real, and other people reading this forum will hopefully take notice.

Common sense and listening to people who've "been there done that" won't eliminate the risks, but can reduce them substantially, so again thank you for your report, consider it a public service.

And you don't need to prove anything, this is just silly.

09-11-21, 10:22
His response was that he had experience in SEA. He was generous and offering a good deal. That was all true, but he did not get that the women did not trust someone like him. I mean, how many times in Latin history have American or Western European countries invested in LA and tried to work out a mutually beneficial arrangement just to watch the Latinos steal them blind? Dublin just did not get that. The Latinos have the attitude that they are going to screw you over before you screw them over.

In my experience, you have to go way up the Colombian socioeconomic food chain to find women truly interested in even the shortest of long term arrangements, and Dublin did not get that. It is his loss though though that he did not accommodate to the culture. His real flaw was that he expected the culture should adapt to him unlike his adapting to the culture. It is his right to look down the nose of that inferior culture of Colombia, and it is inferior but what he is losing out on is a fantastic mongering destination for those who can adjust to the culture.I agree. Dublin had a good deal offering. However instead of driving the car; the chicas chose to steal the gas. Besides someone familiar with the culture and Dublin; who would have Predicted those events would happen with him being so generous and well traveled?

Professionals look for business opportunities and hustlers look for money. Dealing with SW's offering them business proposals Can lead to contradictory of outcomes. Not only that but brother Dublin there may be a character weakness that they zeroed in on you.

Most of the people who came in contact with you tried to play you. The fact that they continuously try to run game on you shows their lack of respect. After seeing how you handle your business with them; they still see you as a target. There's some type of vibe that you are giving that makes them fill comfortable handling you that way. Maybe it's your generous heart.

In the DR I learn my game from the hustlers. They made me sharp, aware of my environment, and aware of how I deal with different people. The game wasn't free. It cost me financially and mentally.

I like how you took some accountability of your own actions. I'm pretty sure in time you'll see other ways you can improve on next time. It's all about living, learning, and sharing your experience. Thank you for your post.

09-12-21, 05:46
I don't understand why you guys put Thailand on a pedestal, LOL. They steal in Thailand too. Try it. Leave a few bahts here and there as if by accident. Not every girl steals, but eventually your coins will be gone, guaranteed.

I'd never leave money in the open -- not in Thailand, not in Brazil, not in the DR, not in Colombia, not in the US for that matter, LOL. Money, electronics, passport, driver's license, everything of a value must be secured.Thailand is not being being put on a pedestal as they have their scams too but its less likely to happen in Thailand and more likely to happen in Latin America especially when traveling solo. I've left money sitting on the nightstand many times in Pattaya when doing long time and it never goes missing same with my friends. I've left money on the nightstand a few times in Sosua and when I came out the shower it was gone, when I asked the chicas what happened to the money they usually say Taxi and I know damn well the motoconcho is only 100 pesos for them max so I don't know where they thought they can take all the loose bills on the table so I never left anything out again. Another thing was since the 1000 peso and 100 peso colors and numbers are almost the same, mongers not paying attention think they handing 100 pesos for motoconcho but they handing over 1000 peso, they slipping. By the time I switched from Sosua to Colombia I knew better not to do certain things and almost impossible for mongers to mix up the money as the only ones looking similar in color are the 20 mil and 5 mil.

I find the Thailand scams a little more sophisticated where most won't know what happened until after it happened, than the Latin America opportunistic grab what you can right then and there where you instantly notice somethings missing like cellphone, watch, money, jewelry, etc.

For example I got scammed in Thailand was I went into a gogo bar saw a girl I liked and wanted her for the night. She said her price was 6 girly drinks plus the bar fine. So I asked her how much for the night, it was a reasonable amount, I brought the girly drinks then paid the fine and the girl disappeared for like 15 minutes. So I'm asking where the hell the girl went cause I'm loosing time. Another girl comes out and say the girl can't come with me because she have an emergency but she can come instead. So I said no you're not what I paid for and asked for the mamasan, she comes out I explain what's going on, she understands and refunds the bar fine. So essentially I got the girl her drink quota for the night then she stiffed me.

Another scam I got caught in and my friends Thai girl got me out of it was I met a girl inside of club and she was cool so I wanted her for the night and we struck a deal. When we were leaving to go back to my hotel she said she wanted to go drink at her friends bar before we go to the hotel. Ok cool! So I go with her to her friends bar, we walk in, and its like she know everyone there. We get a table and about 5 Thai guys and 2 girls come over to join us, she orders this big bottle of whisky, open it and start pouring drinks for everyone. I'm thinking we about to party hard! I call my friend who left the club the same time we did but he went back to his hotel room with his Thai girl. So I tell him what's going on and to come join us. When the girl who was with him heard what was going on she took the phone from him and told me don't drink anything, tell the girl that your friend is coming but can't find the place so your going outside to meet him. Then when you get outside get on a bike taxi and come straight to the hotel. I have no clue what's going on, it was my first time in Pattaya. I get to the hotel hype, telling them lets go back and party. The girl tells me no, what's going to happen is that the girl was going to make me pay for the big bottle of whiskey and all the drinks for her and friends then act like she's too drunk to come with me and most likely one of those guys was her boyfriend so they were going to use me for free drinks.

I've had my learning moments in Thailand 555.

To be honest we need Asia to open back up so these newbies can go back over there and leave Latin America alone so things can get back to normal down there.

09-13-21, 17:11
I'm in Cartagena and tomorrow am planning on going down to Playa Bonita with my Chica. I'm getting a taxi to take me there who will wait for me in the parking lot and it will cost 250 K for the day, or say most of the day. I'm not trying to save money and just want the freedom to arrive and leave when I want. Advice needed is any recommendations based on experience there at the beach. I know it won't be crowded being a weekday, but have heard some weird stories, so any advice or tips besides transport there would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Mr Enternational
09-13-21, 21:12
I find the Thailand scams a little more sophisticated where most won't know what happened until after it happened, than the Latin America opportunistic grab what you can right then and there where you instantly notice somethings missing like cellphone, watch, money, jewelry, etc.Exactly! In Thailand they play you for the long con like houses and your life savings. In Latin America they play you for the short con.

My favorite one is about dude that met a chick at the bar. He took her for his girlfriend and some kind of way she convinced him to buy an elephant park for $100,000. Soon after he bought the shit the girl disappeared. So he is going to the elephant farm everyday working and bossing people around. Come to find out the girl split with the money, but told the people at the elephant farm that the guy was going to come do volunteer work everyday. He didn't speak or read Thai, so what the fuck business did he have calling himself making investments on the word of a broad he met in a bar?

09-13-21, 23:05
Exactly! In Thailand they play you for the long con like houses and your life savings. In Latin America they play you for the short con.

My favorite one is about dude that met a chick at the bar. He took her for his girlfriend and some kind of way she convinced him to buy an elephant park for $100,000. Soon after he bought the shit the girl disappeared. So he is going to the elephant farm everyday working and bossing people around. Come to find out the girl split with the money, but told the people at the elephant farm that the guy was going to come do volunteer work everyday. He didn't speak or read Thai, so what the fuck business did he have calling himself making investments on the word of a broad he met in a bar?There are stupid people and there are really stupid people. When I did business in China and Philippines I came across lot of people promising high level contacts and looking for investment. I pretend to be interested in a girls uncle who had a timber business. Another in China who said she knew some politicians who can get me a buyer for the iron ore I was selling. I have heard some who lost everything in scams buying a bar in Angeles. There are many stories. I lost a cheap phone in Sosua trusting a girl. Another girl took 3000 pesos of my gamble winnings in Manila. I was drunk and forgot to put money in the safe which I always do but this girl had stayed with me few times before.

Bottom line is trust yourself only.

09-14-21, 06:32
I'm in Cartagena and tomorrow am planning on going down to Playa Bonita with my Chica. I'm getting a taxi to take me there who will wait for me in the parking lot and it will cost 250 K for the day, or say most of the day. I'm not trying to save money and just want the freedom to arrive and leave when I want. Advice needed is any recommendations based on experience there at the beach. I know it won't be crowded being a weekday, but have heard some weird stories, so any advice or tips besides transport there would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.I think you are talking about Playa Blanca. I did that with a chica 2 years ago on a weekday. We took a ponga to the east about 2 miles to Playa Tranquila because it is very crowded by the parking lot with lots of vendors around. Down there it is very private and quiet. Much nicer. I had the driver come with us and bought him lunch because I liked the guy. He took lots of pics and videos for me which was great. Shit is expensive down there and they did try to rip me off but I paid with Amex and later disputed the charge. Amex sided with me, a good customer, which I knew they would when I signed because I have done it before and knocked $560 off an $860 bill. I paid what I thought was fair for what we got. I knew they were trying a rip off when the bill came but also that I was drunk, tired and wanted that boat ride back so I just signed it. They actually almost doubled what I signed for. We had a very nice set up with cushy lounge chairs and shade. Lots of beers, waters and great pina coladas in pineapples. Also the boat ride, massages for me and the chica and 3 fish lunches. Next time I would hammer out with them an all inclusive price at the beginning and of course pay with a credit card because they will try to rip you. It was an awesome day and then back to the airbnb for insane sex. I think I paid the driver 300 mil but we we a full day at least 10 hours.

09-14-21, 17:33
Playa Blanca and Isla Baru and the bird sanctuary is a must see when you are in CTG, take the girl with you and it will be a forever romantic memory!! I pad 250 to the taxi but paid a lot more when we got to the Playa to get private beds and food etc and waiters to take care of you. It is a slight ripoff as they charge Gringo extra price hahaha but worth it very easily to have a seamless and fun day!

09-15-21, 04:10
Playa Blanca and Isla Baru and the bird sanctuary is a must see when you are in CTG, take the girl with you and it will be a forever romantic memory!! I pad 250 to the taxi but paid a lot more when we got to the Playa to get private beds and food etc and waiters to take care of you. It is a slight ripoff as they charge Gringo extra price hahaha but worth it very easily to have a seamless and fun day!Went today. Three people, 220 K for three fish lunches and beers including lounger and umbrella rental. Two banana boat rides at 30 K, and 250 K for taxi who waited or about 500 K for three from 10;30 AM to 4 PM.

Interesting when entering Baru Island, exactly like the Dominican Republic, people living there look like Dominicans. Lots of people on motorbikes not wearing helmets. The beach very similar to Sosua beach.

Would not recommend going there on a weekend though. Very crowded but for a week day tolerable and the beach was very nice, much nicer than in Cartagena.

09-15-21, 04:17
Cartagena is growing on me. Staying at the Dann Hotel and this morning I got up at 6:30 AM and had coffee. Walked about 25 minutes along the beach up to the Dubai Hotel, put on my flippers and goggles and it took about 30 minutes to swim back to the Dann Hotel. Got back to the room, sessioned with my Chica, we had breakfast, then went to Playa Bonita and came home at 4:30 PM. Sessioned again, then went into the Old City for dinner. Back in the room now but to tired to session and will wait for sun up as it has been a long day.

09-15-21, 16:36
If you are willing to spend, the high end resorts on Baru are excellent. I stayed at Hotel Islas and the amenities were better than any I had in Cancun or Tulum. The chica I took with me was stunned. Made the sex way better. Happy hunting!

09-15-21, 17:06
If you are willing to spend, the high end resorts on Baru are excellent. I stayed at Hotel Islas and the amenities were better than any I had in Cancun or Tulum. The chica I took with me was stunned. Made the sex way better. Happy hunting!Thanks for posting, while there are you bothered by the locals to buy stuff, and beggars.

09-15-21, 17:57
Cartagena is growing on me. Staying at the Dann Hotel and this morning I got up at 6:30 AM and had coffee. Walked about 25 minutes along the beach up to the Dubai Hotel, put on my flippers and goggles and it took about 30 minutes to swim back to the Dann Hotel. Got back to the room, sessioned with my Chica, we had breakfast, then went to Playa Bonita and came home at 4:30 PM. Sessioned again, then went into the Old City for dinner. Back in the room now but to tired to session and will wait for sun up as it has been a long day.Sounds like a great trip. Do you know what the deal is at the Dann as far as bringing in multiple chicas one at a time? Have you seen anybody doing that?

09-15-21, 19:19
Playa Blanca and Isla Baru and the bird sanctuary is a must see when you are in CTG, take the girl with you and it will be a forever romantic memory!! I pad 250 to the taxi but paid a lot more when we got to the Playa to get private beds and food etc and waiters to take care of you. It is a slight ripoff as they charge Gringo extra price hahaha but worth it very easily to have a seamless and fun day!I have found a hack that works for me when it comes to gringo prices. When I am with a chica I discuss with her first and let her do the negotiations on the prices. I kind of play the background and let her bargain and barter. This has worked for me on numerous occasions in Cartagena and honestly it's how I roll now. Me and the chica get our game plan together beforehand and she is the one out front making the deals and then she reports back to me. The chica will already know or can find out what the locals are paying versus what the gringos are paying.

09-15-21, 20:05
Thanks for posting, while there are you bothered by the locals to buy stuff, and beggars.There were none. The (white sand) beach was private with only the guests there. Really fun time.

09-15-21, 21:43
If you are willing to spend, the high end resorts on Baru are excellent. I stayed at Hotel Islas and the amenities were better than any I had in Cancun or Tulum. The chica I took with me was stunned. Made the sex way better. Happy hunting!Thanks for sharing and it looks like a nice place to relax. It gives me the vibe of Bali. Hotel Islas is probably a good 50 km away from Cartagena. I think this is the link to the hotel (https://www.lasislas.com.co).

May I know how did you get there and the approx transportation cost?

09-15-21, 22:40
There were none. The (white sand) beach was private with only the guests there. Really fun time.From the parking lot where did you head to and how far did you go? Did you walk it or take a lancha?

09-16-21, 18:04
Thanks for sharing and it looks like a nice place to relax. It gives me the vibe of Bali. Hotel Islas is probably a good 50 km away from Cartagena. I think this is the link to the hotel (https://www.lasislas.com.co).

May I know how did you get there and the approx transportation cost?I took a private car arranged by the resort. The driver picked us up from my Airbnb in Centro and drove us to Baru. Was 200 k COP both ways in an air conditioned car. Love the countryside outside of CTG.

09-16-21, 18:06
From the parking lot where did you head to and how far did you go? Did you walk it or take a lancha?This isn't in Playa Blanca. This was a private resort. I walked from my cabana to the beach.

09-16-21, 18:26
This isn't in Playa Blanca. This was a private resort. I walked from my cabana to the beach.What was the name of the resort?

09-17-21, 15:04
What was the name of the resort?Hotel Las Islas.


09-17-21, 15:23
Sounds like a great trip. Do you know what the deal is at the Dann as far as bringing in multiple chicas one at a time? Have you seen anybody doing that?I honestly did not see any other mongers at the Hotel with young tarts in tow like me there and I've stayed there about six times in the last two months. I always just check in with one Chica and no problem doing that, but mutiple Chicas, I don't know what the policy is.

The Hotel is unique in that it is one of the few located right on the beach versus across the street like most of the other Hotels. This photo is from the balcony of the room I typically get there. I highly recommend the place if your thinking of staying with one Chica for a few days.

09-17-21, 16:34
I'm in Cartegena Now and things are much improved since June when everything was uptight there are many chicas everything is fun and open there are all kinds of posse's running around here which is entertaining to watch and the world is already out about the posse's being cheap and hard to deal. One girl told me flat out she won't have anything to do with them. But they're still attract the vendors like flies. I think this would be on a case-by-case basis but the squad concept is kind of unattractive to begin with..... However everybody is friendly enough to fellow gringos which is all I really care about to each his own.

As far as the guys who take a hard line on trying to get deals out of the girls and try to bargain too hard with the vendors it's not going to work it's coming back on you, I just will put a Target on your back. I've been coming here for several years several times a year everyone knows me they know my face they welcome me and they understand the way I operate it's the same for all the people who try to be difficult-.

09-17-21, 16:46
Hello everyone!

Second trip to Cartagena here; last trip I hung out under the clock tower drinking beers and mongering for a week.

I prefer strip clubs; and it seems Medellin was much better for that type of atmosphere (Any and all suggestions welcomed! Also what's the universal going rate for take out back to my hotel these days?

Thanks in advance!

09-17-21, 18:21
I am arriving in Cartagena in mid October for a weeks stay and I have an additional week to visit other areas if I tire of CTG. I am considering a jaunt to a little town called Playa Palomino, which is past Santa Marta or going in the other direction to Playa Rincon Del Mar or perhaps some of the nearby islands in that archipelago. From a review of Air BnB and trip advisor, the accommodations at Rincand appear fairly primitive and the islands are either absurdly expensive or cheap hostel shared dorm style. Palomino may have a few nicer places to stay but they too appear few and far between.

Curious if anyone has been there or has comments on their experiences. Obviously, it would prob be better to BYO as I suspect mongering on the ground in either place is quite limited. But maybe I can find company in CTG?

09-17-21, 20:02
I'm in Cartegena Now and things are much improved since June when everything was uptight there are many chicas everything is fun and open there are all kinds of posse's running around here which is entertaining to watch and the world is already out about the posse's being cheap and hard to deal. One girl told me flat out she won't have anything to do with them. But they're still attract the vendors like flies. I think this would be on a case-by-case basis but the squad concept is kind of unattractive to begin with..... However everybody is friendly enough to fellow gringos which is all I really care about to each his own.

As far as the guys who take a hard line on trying to get deals out of the girls and try to bargain too hard with the vendors it's not going to work it's coming back on you, I just will put a Target on your back. I've been coming here for several years several times a year everyone knows me they know my face they welcome me and they understand the way I operate it's the same for all the people who try to be difficult-.Great advice on the bargaining. I just keep it to a minimum and don't try to beat them down too hard. I find that a lot of the time the chicas end up spending 2,3 hours or more because of the good vibes and time I am showing them instead of a hard bargained business like 1 hour. Then they come back for more. Not all the time but when it happens its awesome and then you really get a bargain. Where do you stay in CTG that is chica freindly?

09-17-21, 21:13
Hotel Las Islas.

https://www.lasislas.com.co/Very nice, how many nights did you stay there? Is there any good snorkeling available?

09-17-21, 22:11
I am considering a jaunt to a little town called Playa Palomino, which is past Santa Marta or going in the other direction to Playa Rincon Del Mar or perhaps some of the nearby islands in that archipelago. From a review of Air BnB and trip advisor, the accommodations at Rincand appear fairly primitive and the islands are either absurdly expensive or cheap hostel shared dorm style. Palomino may have a few nicer places to stay but they too appear few and far between.

Curious if anyone has been there or has comments on their experiences. Obviously, it would prob be better to BYO as I suspect mongering on the ground in either place is quite limited. But maybe I can find company in CTG?I spent nearly a week in Palomino, shortly before the pandemic started. It is certainly BYO chica. It is a small, and very hippy-centric town. I had heard a lot about it but honestly, was not impressed. It's practically a one-dirt-street town. The beach was not that nice either, in my opinion. It had suffered a tremendous amount of erosion and was very narrrow, not much sand. The entry to the water was very steep, making for shore-pound waves (not very swimmer friendly), and the in-shore ocean water was very brown and sandy. Certainly not what one thinks of when dreaming of the Caribbean. If one is determined to visit Palomino, then I imagine that one of the high-end boutique bed and breakfasts nearby would be the best call.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Barranquilla, and will return, possibly for Carnival. Casas were fun, as was dating off of Tinder. Lots of activity. Got plenty of free and cheap poon. Entirely good experiences. Personally, I prefer Barranquilla to CTG any day, just fits my vibe better.

Santa Marta is relatively near to CTG also.

Have fun.

09-18-21, 02:35
I'm in Cartegena Now and things are much improved since June when everything was uptight there are many chicas everything is fun and open there are all kinds of posse's running around here which is entertaining to watch and the world is already out about the posse's being cheap and hard to deal. One girl told me flat out she won't have anything to do with them. But they're still attract the vendors like flies. I think this would be on a case-by-case basis but the squad concept is kind of unattractive to begin with..... However everybody is friendly enough to fellow gringos which is all I really care about to each his own.

As far as the guys who take a hard line on trying to get deals out of the girls and try to bargain too hard with the vendors it's not going to work it's coming back on you, I just will put a Target on your back. I've been coming here for several years several times a year everyone knows me they know my face they welcome me and they understand the way I operate it's the same for all the people who try to be difficult-.You are so right on this. I always tell my friends that the chicas are the best resource for information so keep them as friends and talk to them about daily things so you learn more. The whole "posse" mentality is why I only travel with 1 or 2 people max now. There have been many times when we are in the club and a chica will ask me where I'm staying and as soon as I say AirBB or casa they immediately want to know how many people are staying there with me. At first I was thinking they want to get me alone to drug me and rob me but then come to find out that's no the case, they ask because based on their experience and what other girls tell them, if there are allot of guys in the house multiple guys will try to fuck them for free without paying and then try to kick them out if they don't do it (This happened on my last trip with a chica who ended coming over to my place to sleep for the night because it was after curfew and unsafe for her to travel the distance home). Some chicas will refuse to go with a gringo when she finds out there are multiple guys staying there. On my last trip a new girl I got from tinder came over for a morning session and when she came in and saw how big the place was she wanted to search the whole apartment before we do anything, I couldn't help it but laugh but she heard stories and was scared. I had to have my boys chica who slept over come out his room and talk to her, then she was cool. But I understand her point of view, since Newbie left it was just 2 of us in that 3 bedroom 4 bathroom duplex. Usually when my friends and I get girls from the club, if one of them knows one of us from for another girls Instagram story or whatsapp status it works in our favor and she's totally relaxed and will talk to the other girls who don't know us to ensure them were not going to do anything stupid and everyone's happy. Its not as advanced as the Thai network where they take your picture and toss it in their secret group chat to get all the info if the gringo is good or bad but its a start.

I keep telling these guys coming from the Tristate area, DMV, ATL or Miami that they don't need a whole basketball team with them but they just don't get it.

Enjoy your time there! I know I sure did despite it raining every day jajaja. Every time I get on that plane to come back state side I start the countdown lock to the next return trip.

Great advice on the bargaining. I just keep it to a minimum and don't try to beat them down too hard. I find that a lot of the time the chicas end up spending 2,3 hours or more because of the good vibes and time I am showing them instead of a hard bargained business like 1 hour. Then they come back for more. Not all the time but when it happens its awesome and then you really get a bargain. Where do you stay in CTG that is chica freindly?Bargaining have become tiring now. When you have these new chicas telling you 800 mil la noche and its midnight it becomes so frustrating and usually we settle somewhere in the middle. Now I hardly try to get anything at night and just get them in the day due to day time I can get the same girl for 150 mil or 200 mil she comes over between 9 am or 10 am and hangs out for hours and I usually get 2 polvos if I'm not too sore. I say its all fair game if they want to overcharge then its fair to lowball them and see if they walk away to the next gringo who is willing to pay. I believe this is why I usually end up with many Venezuelans in my contact list, because based on my experience they are more reasonable with the price. The only downside is when I return they may not be there because they went back home or immigration issues.

But yes, I can't wait to return this year. Only downside is all my usual AirBB prices are way more expensive toward the end of the year or booked solid.

09-18-21, 03:41
Hello everyone!

Second trip to Cartagena here; last trip I hung out under the clock tower drinking beers and mongering for a week.

I prefer strip clubs; and it seems Medellin was much better for that type of atmosphere (Any and all suggestions welcomed! Also what's the universal going rate for take out back to my hotel these days?

Thanks in advance!Marina Paradiso, about 10 minutes from clock tower, but worth it if your looking for a good strip club with everything you need on site. Rooms, 20-30 girls, party supplies, reasonable prices.

09-18-21, 14:54
My personal life doesn't allow me much opportunity to stumble unto this forum. That being said. As a long time member (many many years) I continue to visit and chime in when possible as this community always avoided trolling, children, and confrontation. It's about sharing information. And most importantly: mongering
After a bit of catching up I was astonished at some of the rubbish being tossed around.

Anyways; please excuse the rant and please allow me to heed my own advice and stay on point. Cartagena.

Arrived daytime and checked into airbnb 1 pmish daytime. Did a light stroll through side streets into clock tower and only stumbled onto two chubby SW. I'm a bit spoiled so I passed and this is now two day trips into Cartagena around clock tower where I find it difficult. It seems the internet is the best way to find hotties (Call me ol' fashion. I simply enjoy the scouring. Will try beach today as I've had luck in the past there during the day. Day compared to night are truly two separate sides of a coin in this town.

Buddy wanted to gamble so we ubered up to Casino Rio where despite wagering much higher denominations than anyone around us. It's nothing to the liking of Las Vegas where the chips attract honey. Here in Cartagena they seem to keep a lot of girls out of the casinos. Outside of girls already paired with men. I saw not-a-one. Got caught up w / beers, laughs and gamble and didn't make it to Clock / Watch Tower till 1:30 amish.

** There is a 2 am co-vid curfew in effect right now on this day in Cartagena*.

I had NO idea about this. While bullshitting with the girls I was told you could be fined. American I met said same thing. Information is posted online. Cops outside my airbnb were shooing people off the streets.

Arriving to Watch Tower about 1:30 am on a Friday I walked into at least 50+++ girls lined up on the wall, meandering around. Beer vendors and all the commotion! Genuinely didn't realize I was pressed for time.

Got attached by a young Venezuelan girl. Looked great with skirt. Drastically decreased while naked yet still terrific. Swore we agreed to 250,000 COP though once back at airbnb she hits me with 300,000. My buddy had her Amiga- they're giggling having fun so I simply went along. Back of my head I want to toss her out and replace.

Buddy with more exp. Paid 200,000 1 HR.

Got the job done extremely quick. 15 minutes to completetion. Then boy did both our attitudes change. She became an obsessed "Propena" witch!

I continued to tell her to relax, calm down. Just enjoy your beer and wait for your friend. "No no no. Propensity propensity propensity taxi taxi".

Offered 20,000 COP and she refuses. Continues to press. By this time I'm starting to get annoyed as I gave her the initial 50,000 pre-tip as a friendly gesture. Mistake (I finally change my tune. She wants to find her friend but we're in an extremely large place. (5 bedrooms) she walks out into the front of the house and I lock the front door so she cannot bother my friend and begin to walk her down the stairs as I'm through with this game. She obliges as there's cages and I verbally tell her I'll ok her ass in, I don't give a fuck I want some street food!

While ordering a hotdog she's still fucking asking me for taxi $$ She's going to the next door hotel security, telling random Colombian strangers. I mean wtf! She eventually walks up to the police who were ushering people off the busy street. I'm not taking my chances so I simply walk back to front of my airbnb and lock myself behind my metal cage and stand there drinking my beer.

She realizes no more $$$ - reaches through and hits me. Walks off.

Was extremely rude as I over paid, was a gentleman, offered taxi $$$ and my sex manuvers were light.

Moral of story: don't impulse purchase. Sometimes getting to know her a little bit may go along way? I dunno.

Today will try anew and hope to find a sweet gem.

09-18-21, 17:21
Very nice, how many nights did you stay there? Is there any good snorkeling available?I stayed 4 nights. The resort has snorkeling / scuba diving available on site.

09-19-21, 02:05
Hello gents,

I am a first-timer to Cartagena. Do you have the tips to find the girls? I tried SA.com for a few days, but didn't find any matches in Cartagena.

Which is the surprise, because I had lots of luck in Bogata and Medellin the past week.

Is there a way to find safe girls who will not rob and drugs me in my Airbnb. Agency girls? I don't mind paying a bit extra.

I don't think I will feel comfortable with just pick girl in streets. Esp since my building doesn't have security guard at night.

Hope you can help me with good advices.

Of if you have names and don't mind sharing, please PM me. I will appreciates.


09-19-21, 05:13
That's a pretty good assessment. I suspected the beach sucked as saw a you tube video where it did not look very enticing. I have been to towns like these as you described and I am quite done with that atmosphere. My guess is it's nearly the same in Rincon del Mar though no one has responded to my inquiry on that place.

In my prior trips to Cartagena, I visited Santa Marta a few times and it's somewhat entertaining. I got real lucky in Bananas several years ago as I met a real stunner from MDE. She only stayed there a short while and lost touch with her but she is in my personal hall of fame. There is a nice boutique style hotel across the street from there where I frequently stayed.

I am tempted to try Barranquilla if only to check out the massage places, which appear to be quite plentiful, plus the prices are right there, especially compared to CTG. I am staying at a double suite at the Santa Clara in Cartagena for a week as a buddy of mine is using his time share from another location in US and offered me the extra room. That's the good news; the bad news is it's next to impossible to sneak a chica in there. However, I do have several extra days after my Santa Clara stay and trying to decide the best option.

I spent nearly a week in Palomino, shortly before the pandemic started. It is certainly BYO chica. It is a small, and very hippy-centric town. I had heard a lot about it but honestly, was not impressed. It's practically a one-dirt-street town. The beach was not that nice either, in my opinion. It had suffered a tremendous amount of erosion and was very narrrow, not much sand. The entry to the water was very steep, making for shore-pound waves (not very swimmer friendly), and the in-shore ocean water was very brown and sandy. Certainly not what one thinks of when dreaming of the Caribbean. If one is determined to visit Palomino, then I imagine that one of the high-end boutique bed and breakfasts nearby would be the best call.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Barranquilla, and will return, possibly for Carnival. Casas were fun, as was dating off of Tinder. Lots of activity. Got plenty of free and cheap poon. Entirely good experiences. Personally, I prefer Barranquilla to CTG any day, just fits my vibe better.

Santa Marta is relatively near to CTG also.

Have fun.

09-19-21, 05:48
Got the job done extremely quick. 15 minutes to completetion. Then boy did both our attitudes change. She became an obsessed "Propena" witch!

I continued to tell her to relax, calm down. Just enjoy your beer and wait for your friend. "No no no. Propensity propensity propensity taxi taxi".

Offered 20,000 COP and she refuses. Continues to press. By this time I'm starting to get annoyed as I gave her the initial 50,000 pre-tip as a friendly gesture. Mistake (I finally change my tune. She wants to find her friend but we're in an extremely large place. (5 bedrooms) she walks out into the front of the house and I lock the front door so she cannot bother my friend and begin to walk her down the stairs as I'm through with this game. She obliges as there's cages and I verbally tell her I'll ok her ass in, I don't give a fuck I want some street food!

While ordering a hotdog she's still fucking asking me for taxi $$ She's going to the next door hotel security, telling random Colombian strangers. I mean wtf! She eventually walks up to the police who were ushering people off the busy street. I'm not taking my chances so I simply walk back to front of my airbnb and lock myself behind my metal cage and stand there drinking my beer.
.Thanks for sharing. As you've guessed, you've gotten one of those rotten dirty scoundrels. Or maybe just a psycho, perhaps. Better luck next time.

09-19-21, 14:02
Arrived in Cartagena late and it was raining. Quickly checked into my Airbnb and my friend and I hit the block. Hit both clubs but my friend is very choosy. We run into this problem everywhere we go. Prior to coming I was giving him photos of Friends of friends. He saw a few he liked however once Our feet touch the ground he became disinterest.

We went to both delirium and space. We also went to the club next to space. The women were asking American dollars. My friend is an all night man. I tried to negotiate with one Chica. I asked her her price and she had to go and talk to her friends. She came back and said $300 and something dollars for all night. I told her she will not eat tonight.

I had a repeat that said her prices were 300 k an hour or 600 k all night. I had to show her my photo. Sorry mommy you cannot up charge me. My conscience would not let me do it.

It seems like unless you're on the Internet these chica are Generic. When I walked into delirium I felt like I was in Classico. Though I like hip-hop; I really don't like the club scene. I'm definitely not going to drink any alcohol. Time got the best of us so we called it a night. One day and Cartagena was a somewhat disappointment; But I will say I'll be back.

09-19-21, 14:29
I noticed the taxi drivers are being more and more deceitful. Gentlemen please have your 10 k peso or small change Ahead of time. If you give them a large bill do not expect to get your full change. I had one cab driver telling me it was a tip and would not give me my complete change. The argument was to no avail because I gave The big bill And I know how taxi drivers can get down. It wasn't about the money with me. I was upset because he looked at me holding onto my money asserting is propina.

I had another cab driver they drove me around 10 extra minutes. It was only a five minute drive but I was trying to find my Airbnb. I gave him 70 k pesos for helping me. That MF started asking for some more. I told him in English to kick rocks. He didn't understand the words but he understood my body language.

There was another cab driver who try to charge us 30 K for a normally 10 K ride. His excuse was it's raining. I told him to get his money from mother nature because it's not my fault.

These cabdrivers attitudes are so different than how they were in January. This is being corrupted fast and we mongers are the root cause of it. With more and more Americans in large groups spinning money loosely; I can only imagine how things are going to be in another 6 to 8 months.
Another problem I had was the Uber driver canceling my ride. That was a reason why we were late waiting on an Uber driver. I had several cancel because my payment is through my credit card. If its not cash they will sometimes cancel.
One guy in Bogota asked me was I paying in cash or card. After three cancel rides and a total of 40 minutes waiting; we started using the taxi. Somehow Uber will not allow me to change my payment method to cash.

09-19-21, 15:39
I am arriving mid October and forgot what the taxi fare is from airport to El Centro. Can someone provide? Thanks.

09-19-21, 17:39
I am arriving mid October and forgot what the taxi fare is from airport to El Centro. Can someone provide? Thanks.Well two weeks ago it cost me 21 k pesos. Prices have been going up? In July I paid 18 k.

Tomasb, hope you remember my new handle (limited access). We've corresponded before under another's friend's handle.

09-19-21, 19:33
My personal life doesn't allow me much opportunity to stumble unto this forum. That being said. As a long time member (many many years) I continue to visit and chime in when possible as this community always avoided trolling, children, and confrontation. It's about sharing information. And most importantly: mongering
After a bit of catching up I was astonished at some of the rubbish being tossed around.

Anyways; please excuse the rant and please allow me to heed my own advice and stay on point. Cartagena.

Arrived daytime and checked into airbnb 1 pmish daytime. Did a light stroll through side streets into clock tower and only stumbled onto two chubby SW. I'm a bit spoiled so I passed and this is now two day trips into Cartagena around clock tower where I find it difficult. It seems the internet is the best way to find hotties (Call me ol' fashion. I simply enjoy the scouring. Will try beach today as I've had luck in the past there during the day. Day compared to night are truly two separate sides of a coin in this town..Since every idiot now have a passport things changed. These weekend millionaires fly down, throw money and leave messing things up for the next monger.

If you read some of my reports I wee out allot of shit every day and just when I think I have it to a science something new comes along.

Your host should have told you about the 2 am - 5 am curfew when you checked in, it is a curtesy they should have given you.

Gong to the clockTower in the daytime is a big no that place is only for 9 pm - 1 am. You should head to HollyWood Beach around Kiosk#4 around 1 pm - 5 pm. Avoid Jose and his son, and all the annoying vendors. Get a chair close to water and hunt for what you want as they will be constantly walking by.

The chicas asking for payment in American dollars? As I've said before in my reports, my chicas tell me they are laughing at gringos coming down and asking how much, when the chica tell them $300 for the night the gringo think they are getting a deal as up here in the big city's its usually $300 for the hour.

The whole girl going back to talk to her friends about the price you gave her and she coming back to counter with a higher number? Yep! I've had that many times and it is so much bullshit when it happens. But if the chica knows you from her friends and you were good then they won't even negotiate because they know they are going to get paid to have fun.

Your next one should be better. Just a heads up, if you get them from inside the club they will try charge you more. Happy mongering jajaja.

09-19-21, 19:34
I am arriving mid October and forgot what the taxi fare is from airport to El Centro. Can someone provide? Thanks.Just hand them 20 mil and walk away. Forget about getting change back or giving extra.

09-19-21, 20:01
Arrived in Cartagena late and it was raining. Quickly checked into my Airbnb and my friend and I hit the block. Hit both clubs but my friend is very choosy. We run into this problem everywhere we go. Prior to coming I was giving him photos of Friends of friends. He saw a few he liked however once Our feet touch the ground he became disinterest.

We went to both delirium and space. We also went to the club next to space. The women were asking American dollars. My friend is an all night man. I tried to negotiate with one Chica. I asked her her price and she had to go and talk to her friends. She came back and said $300 and something dollars for all night. I told her she will not eat tonight.

I had a repeat that said her prices were 300 k an hour or 600 k all night. I had to show her my photo. Sorry mommy you cannot up charge me. My conscience would not let me do it.Yes, the whole back and forth of her talking to her friends then coming back to you with a higher number is always bullshit and whenever they do that to me I usually just walk away, lowball them, or counter with my original price + taxi fare.

Asking for $300 is the new norm as these large city guys are accustom to paying $300 for the hour so when they hear $300 for the night they think they are getting a deal and happily pay for it. Meanwhile the chicas are laughing at them overpaying.

I noticed the taxi drivers are being more and more deceitful. Gentlemen please have your 10 k peso or small change Ahead of time. If you give them a large bill do not expect to get your full change. I had one cab driver telling me it was a tip and would not give me my complete change. The argument was to no avail because I gave The big bill And I know how taxi drivers can get down. It wasn't about the money with me. I was upset because he looked at me holding onto my money asserting is propina.

I had another cab driver they drove me around 10 extra minutes. It was only a five minute drive but I was trying to find my Airbnb. I gave him 70 k pesos for helping me. That MF started asking for some more. I told him in English to kick rocks. He didn't understand the words but he understood my body language.

There was another cab driver who try to charge us 30 K for a normally 10 K ride. His excuse was it's raining. I told him to get his money from mother nature because it's not my fault.

These cabdrivers attitudes are so different than how they were in January. This is being corrupted fast and we mongers are the root cause of it. With more and more Americans in large groups spinning money loosely; I can only imagine how things are going to be in another 6 to 8 months.
Another problem I had was the Uber driver canceling my ride. That was a reason why we were late waiting on an Uber driver.As a chica told me, many of the cab drivers are not actually cab drivers. They are curriers for drugs and other things and the taxi job is their cover. What I normally do is I punch in the address in Waze and once they enter Centro I direct them with "izquierda, derecha, despacito, aqui" My Spanish is very basic but those were the most important words I learned once I realized these cab drivers have no sense of direction once they enter Centro with all the one way streets.

Every idiot with a pulse have a passport now and they are bringing their ways overseas spreading the nonsense. Once these stimulus checks dry up and PPP loan funds dry up things will return to normal.

09-20-21, 00:02
Just hand them 20 mil and walk away. Forget about getting change back or giving extra.IMHO that seems to be the best Way of handling them. Always have small bills. Have the money you plan on giving them separate before you get in the taxi. It wasn't this bad Eight months ago. You think these guys will be happier because they getting more business.

We were coming from the airport and the price was around 23 k. I Saul a non-cab driver trying to solicit business with his vehicle. I asked him his price and he said 30 k. As I walked off he dropped it down to 20 k. I told him I will give him 40 K if he takes us to an exchange Place. He drove us to a place on the way.

We got the change in under five minutes. When he dropped us off I gave him 50 k. This MF ask for another 20 k. Stating he had to use extra time to get me change. I told him he is the reason I would never use another independent driver again.

He saw I did him a favor not sticking with the regular Taxis and this is how he repays me. I will stick to Uber unless Time is of the essence.

Mr Enternational
09-20-21, 00:24
I asked him his price and he said 30 k. As I walked off he dropped it down to 20 k. I told him I will give him 40 K if he takes us to an exchange Place. He drove us to a place on the way.

We got the change in under five minutes. When he dropped us off I gave him 50 k. This MF ask for another 20 k. Reminds me of a phrase about taking kindness for weakness. You Americans need to stop giving away free money. You see the bad habits it creates with the cabbies and chicas alike. A tip in Colombia is the leftover change... a few hundred pesos, not 10K bills.

09-20-21, 01:34
Present taxi rates from April 2021 with a night surcharge of 700 pesos per ride: https://www.transitocartagena.gov.co/links/Decretos/Decretos_2018/Decreto_0482.PDF.

09-20-21, 21:16
I am arriving mid October and forgot what the taxi fare is from airport to El Centro. Can someone provide? Thanks.I was in Cartagena last week and paid the taxi 15000 pesos from airport to poblado.

09-20-21, 22:05
9-10 am.

Wandered outside watch tower around airbnb (Arsenal street) - nada. I want to emphasize to new comers that watch tower during the day is an entire waste of time if mongering. Enjoyable if into history / culture / souvenirs for home!

Arrived Beach - 11:40 am ish.

Specifically "Hollywood Beach" from Watch Tower pass Rio hotel and Hilton on left almost the end of the beach. Locals say it and it sounds like "Bollywood".

Arrived early. Locals swarmed (obc.) Found some inwS comfortable with and buddy and I got a cabana midst of Hollywood Beach (30,000 Pesos / day).

Uber from Watch Tower to Beach was equipment of $3 ish (cheaper than taxi).

Buddy and I booked all day. Handful of aguilas (think I had 4 + waters. HENIKEN. Drinks for swarmers and Chica I finally met ordered two monitos **I knocked one off the table and cost myelf 40,000 pesos).

I'm 90% recalling drink prices. I get drunk and friendly and begin buying drinks for everyone. If on a budget avoid buying chica drinks and tell swarmers go away (which is easier said than done).

Bought a chess board for friends and I to kill time booze and look for girls. Was nothing but locals for quite some time. Noon-2 pm saw nothing end of Hollywood on a Saturdsy. Swarmed co. Tkmued to tell me wait wait amigo 2:00 Chica Chicas!

Paid 45,000 for nice wooden chess set with magnets (he started at 120,000!

Killed time. Drank.

Finally a young (21) beautiful Chica with braces / slight tattoos walks up cabana or TWO I'm front of us! Nice Jean shorts great skin / face. I ask swarmers if working they say yes bring her over. OMG.




Yes please! Lose in chess game because I cannot concentrate. Few drinks NEVER once did I feel pressured by her.

We hung out a bit though she spent most of it texting on her phone. (What young girl doesn't) no worries.

Ask her how much for 1 HR. She says 300,00. I counter 250,000. She says 300,000. I'm dru k and apologize for "fucking up prices" but I'm on vacation and don't want to haggle over $15 with a beautiful young Chica that's been so sweet and I had such a poor first experience. (Posted few days ago in this thread).

Uber back. She walks in. Showers - turns on music. Never watches clock. Wonderful time. I pay her and then she claims it was her birthday (fuck) I gave her my tourist Panama hat as a gift (25,000 pesos) and she was off.


Day 3:

Huge shout out to the fellow who told informed about the strip club:

Marina Del Paraiso. (Will find thread and thank you personally later via msg. Owe ya a beer or something- will venmo. You're a true champion).

Holy shit!

Well first off- it's not 10 - it's 20-25 minutes from Watch Tower and it's not for the faint of heart. Have to taxi / Uber through the outskirts of town and you will be the only gringo in Colombian country. That being said. It was safe enough.

Ok this club. Girls 300,000 flat. That's the fee. No more no less 1 HR.

We bought a bottle of snaps (60 k?) And it comes with a booth and a free naked dance. Every girl at the club introduces herself. DJ was on point- can make requests. And they fucking filled glass with ICE on point with tongs one by one every time my glass needed a refill. Make ya feel like a fucking king. I never once paid my Chica for a lap dance- was was happy to be partying and drinking. Lots of selection amd we arrived semi early (7 pmish) Buddy and I both 21 yeat old Chica and one claims to only been working for 1 week (was from Medellin) after hours of dialogue and spending next day with her I 100% believe her. (Will post about our day together separately.

300 k back room after much google translate texting. Drinks. Laughs.

BJ no see (which I rarely do and apologize acronyms poor) though I just went with it. Also allowed me to cum on face! Never asked for tip. She was so great I gave her 50,000 happily without her asking. Swapped information- Buddy had a swell time also and afterward we went to: Pley Club.

Pley Club closes: 2-3 am.

Marina: 24/7 I was told so if you're attempting to excuse the curfew ban this may be your spot. **again this is subjective but as a Las Vegas and globe strip club coinosour so to speak I simply rave about this spot! Gives me goose bumps just thinking about it and I may come back to Cartagena just to kick it here!

OK so Pley Club girls were 300 k. Beers were 10 k-20 k (I drink local domestic. Buddy drinks Heineken which is more expensive everywhere I've seen in Colombia) *he's a princess*.

Man. Selection was so good here. As in holy shit. Girls weren't very aggressive. I finally went with a big fat ass lighter skin girl in red pants (Gosh I'm drawing blank on name).

This night she had a red inside on with the greatest ass I've ever seen on a light skin girl in the history of time. Fake tits (which I normally dislike) and I just had to try this for a ride. If you see her you can't miss her, honestly.

Man one of the best experiences of my life, bar none. And ego aside I've had some experiences! WOW! Fantastic. Eye contact. Multiple positions. No rush. Yes please! Arsed her if ass was fake. She Claes lots of exercise. I fucking believe it. WOW!

Great time strip club hopping in Cartagena! Worth every penny!

09-20-21, 22:08
According to Questner link listed below, that is about double the published rate.

I was in Cartagena last week and paid the taxi 15000 pesos from airport to poblado.

09-20-21, 22:08
Hello gents,

I am a first-timer to Cartagena. Do you have the tips to find the girls? I tried SA.com for a few days, but didn't find any matches in Cartagena.

Which is the surprise, because I had lots of luck in Bogata and Medellin the past week.

Is there a way to find safe girls who will not rob and drugs me in my Airbnb. Agency girls? I don't mind paying a bit extra.

I don't think I will feel comfortable with just pick girl in streets. Esp since my building doesn't have security guard at night.

Hope you can help me with good advices.

Of if you have names and don't mind sharing, please PM me. I will appreciates.

U1.Hi U1,

My friend had success on "seeking arrangements" I prefer lice mongering. Watch Tower 9 pm passed (though lots of pros be ready to negotiate).

And during the day best I found was Hollywood Beach!

Hope this helps and good luck!

09-20-21, 22:13
Marina Paradiso, about 10 minutes from clock tower, but worth it if your looking for a good strip club with everything you need on site. Rooms, 20-30 girls, party supplies, reasonable prices.Had an extremely good time here which I reported on. Only thing I'd say is it's a bit further than 10 minutes and through a part of town that's dislike some of the states (obv.) Could be frightening for some but strap in and get your monger on. This place worth the trip and the money.

24/7 and the service was spectacular!

Thanks for the tip / recommendation. It's things such as this which makes me continue being a member and sharing when I have a chance!

09-21-21, 05:49
Thinking of going to Cartagena for a few nights before I leave Colombia.

From what I've read on here I don't think Space, Delirium and Dolce Vita charge a cover charge, is that right? Also what are the approximate prices of soft drinks in those places?

09-21-21, 20:44
Day 3:

Huge shout out to the fellow who told informed about the strip club:

Marina Del Paraiso. (Will find thread and thank you personally later via msg. Owe ya a beer or something- will venmo. You're a true champion).

Holy shit! Never heard about these places. Sounds like fun.

09-21-21, 20:56
I was in Cartegena last week, 3 nights, always in Tour del Reloj, many girls but few really nice I met a girl from Caracas and spent the 3 evening with her, very cute a real gem (25 years old), she told me that there is not a lot tourists now instead of July and August, she had no client during 4 nights (incredible) so I think you can propose now 200 000 pesos and if the girl really beautiful then max 300 000 pesos.

Sorry for my english.

09-21-21, 23:16
Your English is fine and good info. Though it's spelled Torre del Reloj. Or clock tower.

I was in Cartegena last week, 3 nights, always in Tour del Reloj, many girls but few really nice I met a girl from Caracas and spent the 3 evening with her, very cute a real gem (25 years old), she told me that there is not a lot tourists now instead of July and August, she had no client during 4 nights (incredible) so I think you can propose now 200 000 pesos and if the girl really beautiful then max 300 000 pesos.

Sorry for my english.

Elvis 2008
09-22-21, 02:09
Hello gents,

I am a first-timer to Cartagena. Do you have the tips to find the girls? I tried SA.com for a few days, but didn't find any matches in Cartagena.

Which is the surprise, because I had lots of luck in Bogata and Medellin the past week.

U1.Yeah, SA is not much good for Cartagena. You can fly women in from Bogota or Medellin into Cartagena on the cheap or you can try the nearby town of Barranquilla. Barranquilla is okay for seeking, not as good as Bogota or Medellin, but many of the women there do not mind taking the bus to Cartagena.

09-22-21, 03:07
I am in Cartagena later this week if anyone want to meet up for drinks and show a newbie around. Send me a PM please.

Mojo Bandit
09-22-21, 03:21
Day 3:

Huge shout out to the fellow who told informed about the strip club:

Marina Del Paraiso. (Will find thread and thank you personally later via msg. Owe ya a beer or something- will venmo. You're a true champion).

Holy shit!

Well first off- it's not 10 - it's 20-25 minutes from Watch Tower and it's not for the faint of heart. Have to taxi / Uber through the outskirts of town and you will be the only gringo in Colombian country. That being said. It was safe enough.

Ok this club. Girls 300,000 flat. That's the fee. No more no less 1 HR.

Marina Paradiso, about 10 minutes from clock tower, but worth it if your looking for a good strip club with everything you need on site. Rooms, 20-30 girls, party supplies, reasonable prices.Can either one of you verify that the place in these photos below (I clipped from Google Sreet Maps) is the same place that you are discussing? I had a Cartagena local send me a PM about this place back when the cops were shutting down Plaza De LOS Coches super early. I had asked him to reccomend alternatives. I like the fact that the sign says 24 hrs.

09-22-21, 03:23
Today I have read this news about a tourist that was robbed at the Clock tower. (There is a video).


Mojo Bandit
09-22-21, 03:32
Today I have read this news about a tourist that was robbed at the Clock tower. (There is a video).

https://www.eluniversal.com.co/sucesos/en-video-queda-grabado-robo-en-el-portal-de-los-dulces-HM5428999Damn! Heads up the first 47 seconds aree nothing and the video quality sucks but you can definitely tell when she starts trying to hand the money off. You have to wonder if the three guys that walk up are not onto / in on what's happening. Watch how quickly everyone around goes straight for that money when it hits the ground.


Mr Enternational
09-22-21, 03:37
Today I have read this news about a tourist that was robbed at the Clock tower. (There is a video).

https://www.eluniversal.com.co/sucesos/en-video-queda-grabado-robo-en-el-portal-de-los-dulces-HM5428999Thanks for that informative post. Dude seems to be drunk. His reflexes and reactions were really lethargic. They got him with the old dick grab pick pocket. Exactly why you do not let anyone up on you. He was doing the right thing by keeping his right hand in his pocket. I could not tell about his left hand. Looks like she got his money out of his left back pocket with her right hand while grabbing his dick with her left hand. I would have choked the shit out of that broad. But of course drunk did not look like he really knew what was going on.

09-22-21, 05:09
Today I have read this news about a tourist that was robbed at the Clock tower. (There is a video).

https://www.eluniversal.com.co/sucesos/en-video-queda-grabado-robo-en-el-portal-de-los-dulces-HM5428999That looks like it happened directly in front of Hotel Torre Del Reloj where the vendors usually are and it looks like it was getting close to curfew as the stands were empty of merchandise and the chairs were placed upside-down.

When I saw the title "robbed at clocktower" I'm expecting someone getting beat up and robbed, a gun pulled and robbed, or at least a knife or some kind of scuffle and being robbed but he got caught slipping and the guys were opportunistic to pick up the cash and walk away, zero violence required, no dark alley, no deserted area, etc.

This could of happened anywhere because of his lack of street smarts. Strippers use that same tactic up here in the states in clubs where dancers will go into your pocket and hand the money of to another girl.

Drunk or not, no one is ever going to touch my pockets, my body language speaks "if you touch my pockets, expect to be laid out and stomped out like I'm putting out a small fire". All that touchy touchy feel stuff at that location is not necessary.

I fell out my chair laughing at the end when he was left there by himself double checking his his pockets jajaja.

09-22-21, 05:39
Headed to Cartagena this Thursday, 23rd of September for three nights. If anyone else is going to be around PM me.

Black Page
09-22-21, 11:21
Can either one of you verify that the place in these photos below (I clipped from Google Sreet Maps) is the same place that you are discussing?El Paraiso del Marino has been a well known club for many years. You can find it listed also on the Cartagena List. For those who do not like hunting free, it's ideal. However, it's not the only club.

Black Page
09-22-21, 11:27
Damn! Heads up the first 47 seconds aree nothing and the video quality sucks but you can definitely tell when she starts trying to hand the money off.

Drunk or not, no one is ever going to touch my pockets, my body language speaks "if you touch my pockets, expect to be laid out and stomped out like I'm putting out a small fire". All that touchy touchy feel stuff at that location is not necessary.I love to self-cite myself! After reading this, I cannot refrain to repeat again something I posted in the far 2012 in the Bogota thread:

Beware of cosquilleros!

As I concluded there:
Beware of cosquilleros!
(and, it does not matter if a TV is touching your cock or putting a finger in your ass, never extract your hands from your pockets)

Mojo Bandit
09-22-21, 12:29
El Paraiso del Marino has been a well known club for many years. You can find it listed also on the Cartagena List. For those who do not like hunting free, it's ideal. However, it's not the only club.Thanks. I see it now. I had looked to see if it was on there, but not very thoroughly. I was scanning and saw the word Casa first instead of strip club, so I skipped over it but then later in the description it says 'strip club' .

Casa Paraiso Marino, Calle 10 (Diagonal 28) #56 B 51. This strip club is about 25 minutes by car. 5-10 Chicas. Prices: 60 k Room Fee, 200 k 30 min. , _k 60 min. , exit fee 130 k, Chica 200 k. Tel: 57 5 657-1922. Hours: 24. www.paraisodelmarino.com.


09-22-21, 14:19
Where is the best place in Cartagena to exchange USD for COP?

Thanks in advance, landing in 4 hours.


09-22-21, 17:50
Where is the best place in Cartagena to exchange USD for COP?

Thanks in advance, landing in 4 hours.

Bill.Anywhere but the airport, sorry to say. Was in CTG 3 weeks ago, best going rate I got was 3,600 p to 1U$d.

09-22-21, 19:01
For example, there are cultures such as Indian where a woman going with someone who is not approved of by the family, might fall victim to honour killings. That's not in India, but is in Pakistan.

09-22-21, 19:35
Where is the best place in Cartagena to exchange USD for COP?

Thanks in advance, landing in 4 hours.

Bill.You have many cambio close to the torre del reloj, many with good rates.

09-22-21, 20:13
I love to self-cite myself! After reading this, I cannot refrain to repeat again something I posted in the far 2012 in the Bogota thread:

Beware of cosquilleros!

As I concluded there:
Beware of cosquilleros!
(and, it does not matter if a TV is touching your cock or putting a finger in your ass, never extract your hands from your pockets) I agree with your sentiment, but disagree with your method. It is important to keep their hands out of your pockets. However, I keep my hands out of my pockets. The only things in my pockets are my phone, in the front left pocket, my money, in my front right pocket, my apartment key in my back right pocket and sometimes my small money (5, 10, 20 k bills) in the back left.

There is no wallet, no cards, unless I'm going to the ATM, and only my US Passport Card for identification. I usually also carry a small backpack. It contains a bottle of water, a couple of condoms, a package of 2 Viagra and some wet wipes. These days it also contains extra face masks and a small bottle of hand sanitizer.

The reason I keep my hands out of my pockets is to keep anyone else from getting their hands on me. Most of the girls I've seen on the streets just sit and wait. They don't try to reach for you, or try to touch you. A few girls, and many trannies will reach out and try to touch you. When someone tries to touch me, I use my hands to keep their hands off of me. If necessary I will grab their risks and tell them "no." Then I keep moving away from them. If I pass by them again, usually just a look will keep them from approaching me.

09-22-21, 20:31
Where is the best place in Cartagena to exchange USD for COP?

Thanks in advance, landing in 4 hours.

Bill.Exchange rate changes all the time. The Cambio will always try to make a profit so you will not get what the market rate is. Your best bet is to exchange the money with your local bank before flying if they only charge you a flat fee for any amount exchanged. Your other option is using a Scotia Bank ATM to withdraw pesos but be warned your local bank will charge you about 3 different fees per transaction and if you use a credit card cash advance it will be an additional fee on top of those 3 fees.

Happy mongering.

Black Page
09-22-21, 23:04
Where is the best place in Cartagena to exchange USD for COP?
Thanks in advance, landing in 4 hours.
Bill.There are many. They are called "ATM" ("cajero") :-D

09-23-21, 00:15
There are many. They are called "ATM" ("cajero") :-DIs there one I can find easily leaving the airport and before getting in a taxi? Like the one at Medellin airport that is easy to find?

Mojo Bandit
09-23-21, 02:15
Is there one I can find easily leaving the airport and before getting in a taxi? Like the one at Medellin airport that is easy to find?There are ATMs almost literally beside the taxi queue look at the photo I attached.

Black Page
09-23-21, 15:44
I agree with your sentiment, but disagree with your method. It is important to keep their hands out of your pockets. However, I keep my hands out of my pockets. The only things in my pockets are my phone, in the front left pocket, my money, in my front right pocket, my apartment key in my back right pocket and sometimes my small money (5, 10, 20 k bills) in the back left.
The reason I keep my hands out of my pockets is to keep anyone else from getting their hands on me. If you were in the situation I have described, you would have lost all your "my phone, in the front left pocket, my money, in my front right pocket, my apartment key in my back right pocket and sometimes my small money (5, 10,20 k bills) in the back left. " That's not nothing!

I prefer a TV grabs my dick, than he puts his hands in my pockets and steals what is there. (I am not saying that I like that a TV grabs my dick LOL).

Mr Enternational
09-23-21, 16:01
I agree with your sentiment, but disagree with your method. It is important to keep their hands out of your pockets. However, I keep my hands out of my pockets. The only things in my pockets are my phone, in the front left pocket, my money, in my front right pocket, my apartment key in my back right pocket and sometimes my small money (5, 10, 20 k bills) in the back left.Why do you keep stuff all over the place? That is more places to guard and keep track of. Especially the back pockets? My uncle who was an ex-con told me about slicing the bottom of people's back pockets with a razor so all he had to do was follow them and wait for whatever was in them to drop out as they walked.

Your 2 hands out of your pockets are not going to stop the 4 hands of the 2 chicks trying to rob you, especially when you have stuff in 4 places. You can protect yourself by swinging side to side with your hands in your pockets. When mfs are touching you everywhere you are not going to feel the pressure when they are picking something out of your pockets. If your hands are in your pockets then their hands can't get in.

Black Page
09-23-21, 16:43
Why do you keep stuff all over the place? That is more places to guard and keep track of. Especially the back pockets?
Your 2 hands out of your pockets are not going to stop the 4 hands of the 2 chicks trying to rob you, especially when you have stuff in 4 places.
If your hands are in your pockets then their hands can't get in.DITTO! So well said.

I add that, since I have only 2 hands (I have my limits), I was* used to keep wallet and stuff on the two front pockets, and my dirty handkerchief with phlegm here and there in one of the back pockets.
*(I use the past tense, because I still do not know when I will roam again a seedy place overseas. Darth Vader will be back!)

09-23-21, 18:15
Why do you keep stuff all over the place? That is more places to guard and keep track of. Especially the back pockets? My uncle who was an ex-con told me about slicing the bottom of people's back pockets with a razor so all he had to do was follow them and wait for whatever was in them to drop out as they walked.

Your 2 hands out of your pockets are not going to stop the 4 hands of the 2 chicks trying to rob you, especially when you have stuff in 4 places. You can protect yourself by swinging side to side with your hands in your pockets. When mfs are touching you everywhere you are not going to feel the pressure when they are picking something out of your pockets. If your hands are in your pockets then their hands can't get in.Why? Because my apartment key isn't going to be worth much to anyone and most rentals only charge a small fee to replace it. Because 30 k in small bills is about $8 and $8 isn't going to ruin my day. That covers my back pockets. The stuff in my front pockets is there because (here's where the complex part comes in) I can easily keep track of anyone reaching for the front pockets and I have 2 hands for 2 pockets. It helps that I don't wear baggy pants and that I swing my arms when I walk, brushing each pocket with a hand every other step.

Earlier you said you would have choked the girl who pulled money out of your pocket. How do you do that if both hands are in your pockets? Do you have a prehensile tail we don't know about?

I don't put myself in situations where 2 girls are trying to get into my pockets at the same time. I also don't wander around drunk. When someone reaches for me, I move away. If 2 people are reaching for me I keep my distance. What I try to avoid is putting myself into a situation where I'm basically defenseless.

With both hands in your pockets your balance is affected. You can't do anything effectively to defend yourself. You can't even run away. All it takes is for someone to shove you from behind and your face is bouncing off the sidewalk, at which point you get a busted face and concussion, and lose whatever was in your pockets.

That's most likely what would have happened to me 4 years ago when 3 guys tried to rob me in El Centro. One stopped suddenly, squatted down in front of me and grabbed my leg, while the other 2 moved in from either side. If my hands had been in my pockets I probably would have ended up flat on my back. Even if I hadn't fallen, the other two guys could have easily grabbed my arms and taken whatever they wanted. Instead, I kicked the guy off my leg and jumped back, while yelling at him to get off me. This left all three out of position, with everyone looking at them, and it put me out of reach with my hands free. They got nothing, I got away without a scratch. Maybe it would have been a better outcome to crack my skull on the sidewalk and get robbed. I'm probably just looking at it the wrong way.

Unless you have a gun in your pocket, it's better to keep your hands out and avoid people getting into your space. But I guess some guys prefer to have unknown people grabbing them. Whatever works for you.

09-23-21, 19:39
DITTO! So well said.

I add that, since I have only 2 hands (I have my limits), I was* used to keep wallet and stuff on the two front pockets, and my dirty handkerchief with phlegm here and there in one of the back pockets.
*(I use the past tense, because I still do not know when I will roam again a seedy place overseas. Darth Vader will be back!)I'm sorry but you have been using a losing strategy.

First, why would you carry a wallet? Do you think having a picture of your cousin's dog will come in handy at some point? Perhaps wallet means something different to you. For me my wallet contains my identification, plus credit cards, ATM cards, personal information and other things which I frequently need at home, but seldom need when traveling. A wallet also makes a noticeable bulge in your pocket. You might as well carry a neon sign pointing to your money. Not only does it make an obvious target which contains everything of value, but it contains things which are only valuable to you which might be difficult to replace.

When I'm traveling my wallet is always locked away, safe from thieves.

So now that you have all your valuables nicely consolidated and visible to anyone within 30 feet, you put your hands in your pockets? If 1 girl tries to get in your pocket you might be okay, as long as she doesn't have something like a razor blade in her hand. If there are 2 or more people, particularly if any of them are men, you are fucked. All they have to do is grab you and you're completely under their control. They can push you to the ground, they can pull your hands from your pockets, they can do anything they want except read your palm and tell your fortune.

Why would you let anyone put their hands on you in that situation? With my hands out, I'm able to keep them away from me. I keep them from controlling the situation. I keep my options open. Your method your only option is to hope there's not more than one person, to hope the person doesn't have a weapon and to hope the person isn't stronger than you.

Mojo Bandit
09-23-21, 22:43
DITTO! So well said.

I add that, since I have only 2 hands (I have my limits), I was* used to keep wallet and stuff on the two front pockets, and my dirty handkerchief with phlegm here and there in one of the back pockets.
*(I use the past tense, because I still do not know when I will roam again a seedy place overseas. Darth Vader will be back!)I think we can all agree that the guy in the video that got robbed gave us a new example of someone not following the rule of "no dar papaya" by being that intoxicated and no wingman in that situation.

I would strongly recommend that people keep everything in their front pockets also. The pick pocket threat is real and they are good. My cousin got his wallet lifted in Paris on the Metro while I was with him, obviously neither of us noticed until he reached for it when we were well of the train, I understand JjBee62 saying he keeps the less valuable stuff in his back pockets

If I am in transit and not checked in to a place to stay yet I keep my phone and passport in one front pocket and wallet in the other. Then when I arrive at the apartment, the wallet and passport go in the safe. I have a phone case / wallet thing where I stick one debit card and my passport card, folded copy of my passport. Then all I have to carry in my front pocket is the phone case and my apartment key.

Mr E makes a good point about razors. I have also heard of them using the razor on your backpack. So that TSA lock does not slow then down. If I am traveling with a back pack and I get on metro / train / bus etc with standing room only I turn the backpack around and carry it on my chest. The metro / trains etc is a place where you are less likely to be able keep your hands in your pockets because you have to hang on with the starting and the stopping. So I take the stuff from my front pockets and put it in the top flap of my backpack and then once I flip it around I have it all right under my nose.

09-24-21, 18:39
Found s beautiful Medellin girl her and booked her while the Club Sosua "big time "spenders try to move in, . It's their turn now and I'm not going to bother to tell anyone that she had a quick little finger for the wallet which was almost as smooth as her oral skills....

09-25-21, 02:39
My first trip to Cartagena. I'll post a full report when I get home but biggest culture shock: very few places have running hot water.

09-25-21, 03:49
My first trip to Cartagena. I'll post a full report when I get home but biggest culture shock: very few places have running hot water.Not sure what you rented, but I've been 6-7 times and never once not have hot water? You stay In hostel? Very few? How many did you encounter? Thanks hope you had a great time Cartagena can be lots of fun.

09-25-21, 04:07
My first trip to Cartagena. I'll post a full report when I get home but biggest culture shock: very few places have running hot water.I don't understand what is the fascination with tourists and hot water in Cartagena. Whenever I go there I never use it because the cold water is not freezing cold like in the states, its room temp, even in winter months the water is still warm enough.

If you think that's a culture shock wait till you encounter the girls who don't flush when they pee, only when they shit.

Or the sewer smell that comes up from the drain in the bathroom so every day so you have to pour some bleach or bathroom cleaner down the drain to eliminate the smell.

Ill be heading back soon.

Can't wait to read your report.

The Critic
09-25-21, 09:18
Today I have read this news about a tourist that was robbed at the Clock tower. (There is a video).


posted in Rio Crime and Safety: http://www.internationalsexguide.nl/forum/showthread.php?1507-Rio-de-Janeiro-Crime-amp-Safety&p=2599839&viewfull=1#post2599839.

Pants like these: https://www.clothingarts.com/collections/adventure_travel_pickpocket_proof_pants. Or similar type pants found at camping / hiking stores with built-in pocket zippers or buttons to thwart pick-pockets.
Similar type Shirts https://youtu.be/14yerEzJ0PI put money and CC/ATM card or ID in Shirt.

Drunk or not, no one is ever going to touch my pockets, my body language speaks "if you touch my pockets, expect to be laid out and stomped out like I'm putting out a small fire". All that touchy touchy feel stuff at that location is not necessary.

Heck Yea!!

09-25-21, 10:13
I integrate chicas into my plan when dealing with Gringo Prices. Every since my first day in Cartagena I have used the chicas to avoid that tax. It is understood between me and a chica exactly what is expected and what I want. At Hollywood Beach a chica turned me on to a guy and now we use his section of the beach and we enjoy the visit. Places like Tierra Bomba Island, a chica turned me on to the crew that will set you up on Tierra Bomba. They are posted up near the Hilton in El Laguito. They will come get you take you to the transport boats to the island. Roundtrip, full meal chicken or fish and a welcome drink, table and chairs under shade all for 35 k. We have been several times and the last time she invited another couple to come with us. Chicas have gotten me on the Chiva buses that ride around town for hours stopping at Cartagena hotspots with drinks flowing all for 25 k. Recently I have a chica that has passed good information to me about a tour to Baru and a boat to Rosario Island. I plan to take her.

When you establish with a chica your expectations to avoid the gringo tax it will increase your chances. It works for me and I am always busy collecting information and Intel from chicas that will benefit both me and her.

09-25-21, 13:33
First time visiting Cartagena and I really wanted a 18 year old. Any ideas where to look?

09-25-21, 21:32
First time visiting Cartagena and I really wanted a 18 year old. Any ideas where to look?Try the clock tower at night. During the day you can find the young ones walking around, often by themselves, that is a good indicator that they are looking for and need some money. Near the McDonalds I have had some luck.

Mr Enternational
09-25-21, 21:45
When you establish with a chica your expectations to avoid the gringo tax it will increase your chances. It works for me and I am always busy collecting information and Intel from chicas that will benefit both me and her.That is assuming the chick is in the know. Most chicks in my travels don't know shit and usually say that I know more than them.

09-25-21, 22:52
That is assuming the chick is in the know. Most chicks in my travels don't know shit and usually say that I know more than them.Seems that you were having that problem with a Dominican chica in the DR. I can vouch for that because I was talking with a girl I know that lives in La Romana, Dominican Republic and asked her about going to Bayahibe and she didn't know anything about it and it is not far from La Romama. The only thing she could do is recommend Playa Caleta in La Romana which is in a more urban setting, is rocky and in town. Bayahibe is clearly a better choice and beach. She also didn't know much about travel from Santo Domingo to La Romana. I have had better success in Colombia with Colombian chicas that know how to get around to destinations. Colombianas know more than Venezuelans and other implants in the country.

09-26-21, 20:35
Today I have read this news about a tourist that was robbed at the Clock tower. (There is a video).

https://www.eluniversal.com.co/sucesos/en-video-queda-grabado-robo-en-el-portal-de-los-dulces-HM5428999That's why I travel with shorts that have zippers in the front pockets. I bought them off Amazon and I bought several difft colors. Nobody reaching into my pockets. Most girls aren't aggressive so they must have sensed he was drunk. Those guys you see were are the guys who always hang around looking for opportunities and they got it.

09-27-21, 20:57
I fly home on Wednesday and am trying to book an appointment to get my covid test. Can anybody recommend one of the services that is friendly for non-Spanish speakers?

Thanks in advance.

09-28-21, 00:38
Hi guys,

Very busy with work. So this is just a quick report on my first few nights in Cartagena.

Clock Tower – Sunday – 8 pm.

Maybe a dozen girls. 3-4 very nice. Got 2 numbers. Ended up having a session with 1 of them (Venezuelan) the next day. It was nice. BBBJ and FFS. 200000 COP. The other one was even cuter, but she answered that she does NOT do BBBJ and does NOT kiss on mouth. Oh well, her loss!

Dolce Vita – Sunday – 8:30 PM.

10 girls, 2 guys. 7's-8's. I know it's early, but this is my chance for a drive-by to collect info. A shot of Bacardi is 38000 COP. Add a Diet Pepsi (and tip?) and the bill is 44000 for one drink! Bottle price is 200000 so definitely a much better value. Cheapest bottle available by far. One thing that is different from almost everywhere I've mongered is they do not approach you unless invited. Actually, Panama was same but since it was full of Colombians.

Space – Sunday – 9 pm.

20-2.7's-8's at best. Still very early I know. Drink prices slightly more. 40000/280000 for Bacardi. No diet soda available. Budweiser 13000. Corona 20000. Lollipops seem to be the norm at Space when I visited. I wonder what that means!?

Returned to Dolce Vita Wed / Thur night with similar results. Friday made a point of going later. Arrived 10:30 and left around 12:30 am. Much more activity but didn't see any real stunners. Probably behind the DJ at the "players" tables! Thought about getting a bottle and offering the girls some rum but it's hard when you don't speak Spanish. And I didn't want any clingers. So I stayed at the bar and watched the evening go by. Luckily, I had my numbers in WhatsApp.

Clock Tower – Sunday - 9:30 ish.

Passed by the square again when I left for my hotel and got a 3rd number. She was a 95 pound spinner that took a pounding. Also gave BBBJ. Claimed she didn't have a condom. WTF, am I supposed to BYO? Paid an extra 100000 COP for unplanned FFS with "leche".

Didn't take a girl this 1st night. It was just a recon evening. Had to get back to the hotel and return the calls from my esposa! Working remote isn't 100% untethered! I got what I came out for.

Hotel Ermita (Marriott).

Guest friendly. You just have to register them at reception. I prefer that scenario as it greatly reduces the chances of being robbed / drugged. The hotel itself is decent. Not a JW Marriott by any stretch. But it was a place to work and great location. An easy 10 minute walk to the old town. Air conditioning worked perfectly – not always the case everywhere – and the WIFI was very reliable. Not a place to eat, but for a place to fuck, sleep and work it ticks the boxes.

Monday – After a long day at work.

Texted my 1st Venezuelan friend and had a very nice and relaxing session. Best $52 I ever spent. Kiss on mouth. BBBJ and FFS. Yeah, maybe she would have come for 150000 but she was a doll with an 11 month old baby. So there's that.

Misc – Exchanging USD to COP.

Exchange rate was 3600 at the hotel. Same exact rate as I got in the USA (Chase Bank) to convert $1000 so I could hit the ground running. Stopped at a random exchange booth in the Old Town and they were offering 3650. Hardly worth shopping around IMO.

That's it for now. Left for Medellin at the end of the week. Will be in Medellin for a week. Extremely busy time at work so it's nice to be able to unwind at the end of a long day. The Marriott Medellin is also guest friendly – or so I was told at check in. I'll put details in my Medellin report to follow.

P.S. – In reference to earlier reports of pick pockets, l also have shorts with zippers. Just worked out that way when I bought them. Perfectly suited for the gauntlet that can be Cartagena.

PS2 – Touts were not nearly as annoying as I expected. I just don't make eye contact and keep walking. There was one old guy who sat next to me on a bench in the square when I was people watching. He tried to initiate a conversation in English but I just mumbled "no habla". He told me he lived in NYC for 30 years and you couldn't trust ANYONE down here in Colombia. "Not the fucking Venezuelans. Not the Colombians. Not even the fucking gringos. They are all out to rob you or take something from you. Hey, buddy I was robbed a few days ago, can you help me.". I was gone before he finished his sentence!

Mojo Bandit
09-28-21, 04:52
Hi guys,Budweiser 13000. Corona 20000. Lollipops seem to be the norm at Space when I visited. I wonder what that means!?

Thank you for taking the time to make your report. If you want to save money I would recommend to anyone to try some Colombian beers, I have tried Aguila and Club Colombia (probably pronounced "cloob": like boob, Colombia), both are surprisingly good, I really like Club Colombia myself and they are so much kinder to your wallet.

I read something on here about Colombianas are going through some kind of lolipop fad, I heard something a while back about women sucking on lollipots to keep their blood sugar up so they do not get hungry as a way to prevent eating and gaining weight.

09-28-21, 06:27
If you want to save money I would recommend to anyone to try some Colombian beers, I have tried Aguila and Club Colombia (probably pronounced "cloob": like boob, Colombia), both are surprisingly good, I really like Club Colombia myself and they are so much kinder to your wallet.
I have tried all the Club Colombia beers like Dorada, Negra and Roja. Also there are other beers like Poker and Andina. In Medellin it seems that Pilsen is a popular beer.

Black Page
09-28-21, 10:15
I have tried Aguila and Club Colombia (probably pronounced "cloob": like boob, Colombia), both are surprisingly good, I really like Club Colombia myself Why "surprisingly"? If you come from the country where most people appreciate Michelob and Miller, you should not feel surprise when you discover that outside, also in Colombia, they have better beers! (I know USA produces also excellent brews, delightful, don't take it bad).

Club Colombia (try also the dark one) is excellent with meats. Aguila is a light refresher.

PS: I am surprised, instead, about so much wondering about lollipops, sugar, etc. It was obvious to me that it's just a way for the girls to show their skills with lips and tongue.

Mojo Bandit
09-28-21, 10:38
Why "surprisingly"? If you come from the country where most people appreciate Michelob and Miller, you should not feel surprise when you discover that outside, also in Colombia, they have better beers! (I know USA produces also excellent brews, delightful, don't take it bad).

Club Colombia (try also the dark one) is excellent with meats. Aguila is a light refresher.

PS: I am surprised, instead, about so much wondering about lollipops, sugar, etc. It was obvious to me that it's just a way for the girls to show their skills with lips and tongue.Surprisingly bercause I rarely like the local (national) beers anywhere, I certainly cannot say anything good about Colombian sodas inluding the Colombian cola "Colombiana" - some of the Postobon fruit drinks are tolerable but not great.

For many years ago different states in the USA allowed different amounts of alcohol in beer than other states - there was beer called 3.2 beer (it is a measure of alcohol by weight - these days most measure alcohol by volume) and it was/is weak and watery tasting and Budweisser - Miller - and Michelob were around during this time and the ones I first drank were 3.2 versions - yet these stame labels sold 4. We used to drive to the next state over where we could get Heineken and Coors that had more alcohol.

I am not actually a fan of Budweisser, Michelob or Miller, they do not have any real taste. I think Club Colombian actually taste better than those myself, I will take German beer like a Becks (not the made in USA version) or Heineken over those american beers.

I agree with your assessment about them, but for my taste Aguila is too light

09-28-21, 22:19
I have tried all the Club Colombia beers like Dorada, Negra and Roja. Also there are other beers like Poker and Andina. In Medellin it seems that Pilsen is a popular beer.I absolutely love Club Colombia dark beers. Excellent beers, better than other dark beers in my book, bar none. Can't find it in NYC, a bummer.

09-29-21, 04:42
Misc Exchanging USD to COP.

Exchange rate was 3600 at the hotel. Same exact rate as I got in the USA (Chase Bank) to convert $1000 so I could hit the ground running. Stopped at a random exchange booth in the Old Town and they were offering 3650. Hardly worth shopping around IMO.Use the ATM next time. Get a Schwab or SoFi debit card for zero fees.

09-29-21, 04:46
I don't understand what is the fascination with tourists and hot water in Cartagena. Whenever I go there I never use it because the cold water is not freezing cold like in the states, its room temp, even in winter months the water is still warm enough.

If you think that's a culture shock wait till you encounter the girls who don't flush when they pee, only when they shit.

Or the sewer smell that comes up from the drain in the bathroom so every day so you have to pour some bleach or bathroom cleaner down the drain to eliminate the smell.

Ill be heading back soon.

Can't wait to read your report.What kind of places do you stay at? LOL. I've never had that issue with the hotels / Airbnb's that I've booked in several developing countries.

09-29-21, 20:05
Try the clock tower at night. During the day you can find the young ones walking around, often by themselves, that is a good indicator that they are looking for and need some money. Near the McDonalds I have had some luck.I meet some young girls on my last visit and I can share the contacts with you. Pretty sure this girls will like more clients. You can also reach out to OneFireBoy. I remember he has good contacts especially with beautiful college girls.

09-30-21, 16:56
First time visiting Cartagena and I really wanted a 18 year old. Any ideas where to look?You could luck out at the Clock Tower but most of the girls there are hardened out and there is no "supervision. ". At Hollywood beach the girls are more relaxed and Tony or Pedro knows who they are. The more you establish relationships with the locals each time you go you're going to have a better chance of getting what you want but it's mostly hit and miss depending on who's in town.

Much better selection in Medellin but there's no beach.

09-30-21, 18:03
Sorry for the delay, when I got back to the states I was inundated with assignments. This is my second trip to CTG, my first one came in March 2020 and ended on the same day that Covid shut everything down:

September 2021 Cartagena Report.

Day 1 - Thursday September 2nd.

Got into CTG at 3 pm local time and the migracion process was so long I didn't leave until 5 pm. Got situated with my Airbnb in Bocagrande and headed straight to the clock tower to buy a room at Hotel Viajero.

Saw Mailan at the clock tower from afar. Big thighs, ok butt. I can tell she works out. I get up close and she has the face of a 45-year-old. I get her WhatsApp and start looking for something else, But my horny is to the max at this point so I ask how much. She tells me 200,000 pesos. I jump at the opportunity now that I'm five minutes away from the room.

CBJ and sex, OK session. I meet with my tour guide after and we call it a night.

Day 2 - Friday September 3rd.

This was the best day of beautiful women I've ever experienced in my life.

Went to Playa Hollywood and spoke to mujer after mujer collecting their whatsapps. The two most beautiful were Karol and Ani (pics posted) I stayed on the beach about 5 hours, enjoying the waves and staring at the ladies. Bought some lobster why arroz but it was tough and overpriced. Asked for Tony and got to meet the youtube sensation. He seemed like a cool guy but as I learned the next couple of days he'll overcharge just like the other vendors.

Went back to the apartment then caught a cab to get a burger from Bam's Burgers next to the cigar shop in the walled city. Really good burger and fries. As we were sitting there eating I see Nairobi walk past the entrance. Short, dark with a little booty I briskly caught up with her to get her what's app. I think I startled her, but I apologized and she said it was cool. At this point of the night it was a 3 way tie with Nairobi, Ani and Karol for the best looking. But I had stalled purposely on sleeping with them until after I saw the talent at the quinfecta of both Chicas Lindas, Pleyclub, Allondra, and Travasura.

Travasura was first and the best. When I got in and sat down there were about 15 or so chicas. They all began introducing themselves. One lady with a big dumb natural ass and cute face introduced herself, I think her name was Victoria. I passed on her at that time because it was early and there were already a lot of women there, I figured if I waited a little longer there would be more ladies coming in. If I was wrong no worries, Victoria would be an excellent companion. As I walk to the bathroom I see a short, thick girl talking with some of her friends. I'm impressed by the legs and the short dress, but when I saw her face the beauty overwhelmed me. She introduced herself as Valeria and I knew I had found the most beautiful woman I have ever slept with. I chatted her up with google translate and bought her several beers. When it was time to go in the room, she quoted me 200,000. Excellent price but with all the Smirnoff's she was drinking it wound up being 375,000 (fellas don't be like me. I know better than to pay that much but she saw that twinkle in my eye and knew I would be making decisions with the wrong bodily organ.) Get her back to the room and she puts on TWO condoms! She told me it was because I was too big and the condom might rip. I was worried I wouldn't stay hard with two rubbers but I was able to maintain and I took her to pound town as punishment. After we finish she changes into a sexy cop outfit and dances on stage. Showing everyone the coochie I had pounded out 20 minutes prior, and making deep eye contact with me because she knew she found a sucker. I was helpless, any other woman I would be furious for pulling that shit but she caught me flat footed with how gorgeous she was. I finally came to my senses after she danced and she has the nerve to ask me for a propina as I was leaving. I pointed to the beers and she accepted that the beers were her tips. I kissed her on her beautiful face and left. Our paths will have to cross again, hopefully I'll have my wits about me next time.

Next we checked out the Chicas Lindas by La Bombonera. Not too many women there, the ones that they had were 6-7's and I had just dropped a 10 at Travasura so I wasnt in the mood to downgrade. Some chica who just got finished dancing as I walked up to me and accidently spit in my ear while yelling to ask for a tip, I was very very annoyed by that. After staying in Chicas Lindas for about 20 minutes we went to Allandra. I stayed long enough to get Valerie's number. Cute 20 year old from Meddy but she seemed disinterested and at that point I didn't feel like having another casa session.

My guide told the taxi to take us to pleyclub. We went in and it was dead. The hostess whose name was like Robin or something came up to me and introduced herself. She was tall and darkskinned which I loved but I wasn't in the mood for.

Lastly we stopped at the Chicas Lindas 2 near Pleyclub. They ladies were introducing themselves and I stopped at maria, she had an average face, small waist and flat chested, but she had the thighs of a 200 lb woman. Had I not been with Valeria earlier, Maria wouldve had a one way ticket to Pound Pueblo. I took her number with the promise to text her.

Day 3 - Saturday September 4th.

I go to the beach and wound up starting a fight among the staff because I asked for Tony. I get a manicure and pedicure with a full body massage. 120 for the massage 60 for the pedicure. Would not repeat. I get ready to leave and ask Tony for the price and he tells me 130 for the chair, umbrella and two 20 k mojitos I bought for him and myself. I take my sunglasses off in disbelief. I ask to see the check and he doesn't provide one he just starts talking real fast. Eventually I talk him down to 100 which is severance pay as I won't be using his services for the remainder of the trip. Got some more food at Bam's Burgers and headed back to the AirBNB.

Met with Maria at Chicas Lindas 2 for 150 k. She was ok everything covered she just seemed distant and didn't let me to touch her how I wanted to touch her. Whatever it was a good pound out for what it was worth. After Maria I called it a night.

Day 4 - Sunday September 5th.

Had some boyo (SP? Pollo y arroz with my guide and his wife. When we finished eating, he left and went to his job. After getting hustled at the beach I just wanted to lick my wounds until the college football game came on. Went to the old city to grab some sushi and headed back to Laguito. The food was alright. Paid 70 k for two orders.

Decided to hit up Travasura, Chicas Lindas and Allandra with my guide. Travasura was bumpin! They were playing a great mix of music. The women weren't as beautiful as they were a few days prior but it was still some good looking women there. We went to Allandra next and when I walked in to check it out, I saw a cute brown skin lady eyeballing me. I sat down next to her and learned that she was Sara from Barranquilla. I hadn't slept with any Colombian women yet so she was tops on my list barring a better looking woman popping up. We went to Chicas Lindas 1 next and I saw Melisa a paisa from Medellin. She was beautiful but shy and Sara was hitting my WhatsApp begging for some sex so I headed back to her. Bought her a Smirnoff and asked her price. She told me 150 k and we were off to the room. She was an excellent lay all covered but I for some reason I couldn't bust. Oh well, I tipped her 20 k and headed back home. When I got home I continued to WhatsApp her but she told me she liked tusy and cocaine. I didn't want to have a lady doing harder drugs than weed in my apt so I stopped talking to her. I figured Valleria would be a top repeat option for my final night in CTG.

Day 5 - Monday September 6th.

Got my PCR test for 220 k. My guide set the test up and they came to my airbnb. I reached out to Valeria but she had left town and wouldn't be back until after I returned to the states. Guess I'll have her when I return in a few weeks. I was getting depressed about leaving and felt the beach would do me some good. Went to the Playa and headed straight to the bar to avoid the vendors and Tony. Ordered a cherry lemonade and paid 8 k less than when I had Tony buy it a couple days prior. Tony found me and asked me what was wrong and I told him I just wanted to read and be alone. He kept lingering around and even offered me a free umbrella and chair. Which was strange because Carolina the bartender offered me the same thing right before he did and I declined. Maybe I should've been looking for Carolina and not Tony. Got some below average food from a bistro looking place in el Laguito for 26 k. Took it back to my room and after eating I packed up for the next day.

Day 6 - Tuesday September 7th.

I'm in a sour mood as I think of all the BS that is waiting for me in the states. I'm angry but I'm focused. It had been raining all night and the street in front of my apartment has knee high water. I traverse my way around it and walk up to an old man who laid down a wooden board so that folks could walk over the water. I point to the board and ask him "esta trabajo" and he just laughs and says yes it is. I pay him 2 k and head back to the hotel.

I arrive to the airport and when I'm checking my bag the attendant tells me that I can move my flight and AA would pay for my hotel free of charge. I get even more upset as I knew I couldn't spare an extra night, and have to be ok with the hope that I can return next month. I forgot to do the CheckMig before arriving to the airport and the site started malfunctioning as I tried to complete it at the airport. Once I got to migration and showed the officer the website issues on my phone she let me pass. Till next month Cartagena!

The biggest lesson I took for this trip is to diligently ask the price of everything upfront and get a firm price. "Everything" includes chicas, food prices, beer prices, beach chair prices and so forth. You may have to ask "Cuanto" multiple times until you get a price but don't let them off the hook like I did.

So gentlemen, pull no punches. What did I do right? What did I do wrong? I'm going back for about two weeks at the end of October, and this time I decided not to have my tour guide accompany me and experience CTG purely solo.

09-30-21, 20:16
You could luck out at the Clock Tower but most of the girls there are hardened out and there is no "supervision. ". At Hollywood beach the girls are more relaxed and Tony or Pedro knows who they are. The more you establish relationships with the locals each time you go you're going to have a better chance of getting what you want but it's mostly hit and miss depending on who's in town.Are you talking about the Pedro or Tony who assigns you a seat a the beach?

09-30-21, 22:08
Playa Hollywood.

Decided to hit the beach in search of some daytime chicas. Ran into the one and only infamous Tony. Skipped the cabana and beach chairs, sat down near the bar. Tony brought over two girls from Cali, none of them really tickled my fancy.

The girls ordered two coco locos, one limonada de coco and one bottled water.

Total Damage = 130 k plus propina.

Could have banged 3 chicas in El Centro Medellin or Santa Fe in Bogota at those prices! Lesson Learned!

The Tall Man
09-30-21, 23:44
I go to the beach and wound up starting a fight among the staff because I asked for Tony. I get a manicure and pedicure with a full body massage. 120 for the massage 60 for the pedicure. Would not repeat. I get ready to leave and ask Tony for the price and he tells me 130 for the chair, umbrella and two 20 k mojitos I bought for him and myself. I take my sunglasses off in disbelief. I ask to see the check and he doesn't provide one he just starts talking real fast. Eventually I talk him down to 100 which is severance pay as I won't be using his services for the remainder of the trip. Got some more food at Bam's Burgers and headed back to the AirBNB.Nice report. And yes never ever trust any person in Cartagena, they are all scammers including this Tony idiot, just another punk costeno who needs to find his donkey from his youth.

To each his own but the photos of your 'most beautiful woman' would be, frankly speaking, at the bottom of my list for desirability, but heck one mans trash is another's treasure. The important thing is that you enjoyed yourself.

I am sure that my most beautiful woman, just one recent example is a tall and slim and toned authentic bodied 22 yo from Tolima would not make your list (think runners body), she was off the charts but true that chemistry does not matter a little rather the most.

Now remember never trust a costeno, they are the slimiest of the bunch in the whole of not just Colombia but South America.

The Tall Man.

10-01-21, 00:33
Sorry for the delay, when I got back to the states I was inundated with assignments. This is my second trip to CTG, my first one came in March 2020 and ended on the same day that Covid shut everything down:


So gentlemen, pull no punches. What did I do right? What did I do wrong? I'm going back for about two weeks at the end of October, and this time I decided not to have my tour guide accompany me and experience CTG purely solo.Too many things went wrong.

Many times others mongers have said Tony overcharges but no one listens and just like to pay extra for convivence of just sitting on their ass and having other people bring things to them. Same with Jose and his son.

You paid for a more expensive PCR test when you only needed the cheaper Antigen test to reenter the USA. Why?

It appears that you got a AirBB that wasn't guest friendly and had to book another hotel just for having sex? Why double pay when you could have just gotten a guest friendly AirBB.

To sum it all up it looks like you went to CTG just to go to the StripClubs.

To each their own but a guest friendly AirBB and 5 minutes standing outside Space / Dolce or at the clocktower after 10 pm would have yield way more options that limited to what was inside those strip clubs.

10-01-21, 00:35
What kind of places do you stay at? LOL. I've never had that issue with the hotels / Airbnb's that I've booked in several developing countries.It seems to be an issue whenever it rains.

Every Airbnb I've styed in Centro or El Laguito have that smell coming from the drain. After the third day its barely noticeable though. I keep the bathroom cleaner near by and just pour some down the drain every night.

10-01-21, 00:41
Playa Hollywood.

Decided to hit the beach in search of some daytime chicas. Ran into the one and only infamous Tony. Skipped the cabana and beach chairs, sat down near the bar. Tony brought over two girls from Cali, none of them really tickled my fancy.

The girls ordered two coco locos, one limonada de coco and one bottled water.

Total Damage = 130 k plus propina.

Could have banged 3 chicas in El Centro Medellin or Santa Fe in Bogota at those prices! Lesson Learned!This is why we always stock up on Alcohol and beers at Exito and just bring the girls back to the apartment and order via Rappi. Its a more private experience and no venders trying to give us gringo prices. A few shots and girls are running around topless and comfortable, relaxed.

10-01-21, 03:21
Hi guys,

Very busy with work. So this is just a quick report on my first few nights in Cartagena.

Clock Tower Sunday 8 pm.

Maybe a dozen girls. 3-4 very nice. Got 2 numbers. Ended up having a session with 1 of them (Venezuelan) the next day. It was nice. BBBJ and FFS. 200000 COP. The other one was even cuter, but she answered that she does NOT do BBBJ and does NOT kiss on mouth. Oh well, her loss!

Dolce Vita Sunday 8:30 PM.

10 girls, 2 guys. 7's-8's. I know it's early, but this is my chance for a drive-by to collect info. A shot of Bacardi is 38000 COP. Add a Diet Pepsi (and tip?) and the bill is 44000 for one drink! Bottle price is 200000 so definitely a much better value. Cheapest bottle available by far. One thing that is different from almost everywhere I've mongered is they do not approach you unless invited. Actually, Panama was same but since it was full of Colombians.

Space Sunday 9 pm.Always bring your own condom jajaja.

I never post images but here is the costs of things in Space / Dolce from my last trip.


10-01-21, 09:53
Thanks for the report.

Where was the picture of Karol taken?

Sorry for the delay, when I got back to the states I was inundated with assignments. This is my second trip to CTG, my first one came in March 2020 and ended on the same day that Covid shut everything down:

September 2021 Cartagena Report.

Day 1 - Thursday September 2nd.

Got into CTG at 3 pm local time and the migracion process was so long I didn't leave until 5 pm. Got situated with my Airbnb in Bocagrande and headed straight to the clock tower to buy a room at Hotel Viajero.

Saw Mailan at the clock tower from afar. Big thighs, ok butt. I can tell she works out. I get up close and she has the face of a 45-year-old. I get her WhatsApp and start looking for something else, But my horny is to the max at this point so I ask how much. She tells me 200,000 pesos. I jump at the opportunity now that I'm five minutes away from the room.

CBJ and sex, OK session. I meet with my tour guide after and we call it a night.

Day 2 - Friday September 3rd.

This was the best day of beautiful women I've ever experienced in my life.

Went to Playa Hollywood and spoke to mujer after mujer collecting their whatsapps. The two most beautiful were Karol and Ani (pics posted) I stayed on the beach about 5 hours, enjoying the waves and staring at the ladies. Bought some lobster why arroz but it was tough and overpriced. Asked for Tony and got to meet the youtube sensation. He seemed like a cool guy but as I learned the next couple of days he'll overcharge just like the other vendors..

Black Page
10-01-21, 12:02
Total Damage = 130 k plus propina.Tony hit again. Coco Locos are a deadly weapon.

Mr Enternational
10-01-21, 12:55
Playa Hollywood.

Decided to hit the beach in search of some daytime chicas. Ran into the one and only infamous Tony. Skipped the cabana and beach chairs, sat down near the bar. Tony brought over two girls from Cali, none of them really tickled my fancy.

The girls ordered two coco locos, one limonada de coco and one bottled water.

Total Damage = 130 k plus propina.

Could have banged 3 chicas in El Centro Medellin or Santa Fe in Bogota at those prices! Lesson Learned!LOL. Didn't get the memo eh? Coco Locos are 24K, water is 3K. I would assume that coconut lemomade ain't a whopping 79K. Coconut is 5K and lemonade is 4K. Buying each and putting them together is only 9K. Maybe they included a huge ass tip in your bill (besides the one they stuck in you).

10-01-21, 17:00
Too many things went wrong.

Many times others mongers have said Tony overcharges but no one listens and just like to pay extra for convivence of just sitting on their ass and having other people bring things to them. Same with Jose and his son.

You paid for a more expensive PCR test when you only needed the cheaper Antigen test to reenter the USA. Why?

It appears that you got a AirBB that wasn't guest friendly and had to book another hotel just for having sex? Why double pay when you could have just gotten a guest friendly AirBB.

To sum it all up it looks like you went to CTG just to go to the StripClubs.

To each their own but a guest friendly AirBB and 5 minutes standing outside Space / Dolce or at the clocktower after 10 pm would have yield way more options that limited to what was inside those strip clubs.The Airbnb was girl friendly but my tour guide was staying with me, which I did not expect when I planned the trip. I wanted to get a session on my balcony but I didn't want him walking in on us.

I bought an extra room at Viajero because I initially thought that area was were I would be pulling the ladies from. But when I went to Travasura I threw my Walled City plans away.

While I was staying in Viajero I was people watching from the balcony there. I could see the ladies walking into Space and Dolce but I didn't see the stunners I saw in the strip club. I'm really specific (Borderline OCD) about the type of chick I'm after: Big natural ass and small waist. I'm certain I could find a stunner in the walled city if I looked hard enough, but I didn't feel like putting in that much effort once I saw how much more the girls in the strip club fit into what I was looking for.

10-01-21, 17:07
Nice report. And yes never ever trust any person in Cartagena, they are all scammers including this Tony idiot, just another punk costeno who needs to find his donkey from his youth.

To each his own but the photos of your 'most beautiful woman' would be, frankly speaking, at the bottom of my list for desirability, but heck one mans trash is another's treasure. The important thing is that you enjoyed yourself.

I am sure that my most beautiful woman, just one recent example is a tall and slim and toned authentic bodied 22 yo from Tolima would not make your list (think runners body), she was off the charts but true that chemistry does not matter a little rather the most.

Now remember never trust a costeno, they are the slimiest of the bunch in the whole of not just Colombia but South America.

The Tall Man.What's a conteno?

I'm not picky, if she has a big ass, slim waist and ok face I'll pay. And if she has a big ass, slim waist and ugly face I'll pay less.

10-01-21, 19:04
LOL. Didn't get the memo eh? Coco Locos are 24K, water is 3K. I would assume that coconut lemomade ain't a whopping 79K. Coconut is 5K and lemonade is 4K. Buying each and putting them together is only 9K. Maybe they included a huge ass tip in your bill (besides the one they stuck in you).When my friend asked tony about that price list of course he respond with that's 5 year ago sign! Ha ha ha he's a crook, bottom line, not sure why or how he lasted!

10-01-21, 20:10
Found a cambio with exchange rate 3700 pesos. It's in El Centro on the same side as club Alquímico. There are 3 cambios next to each other. I went to the middle one. Not sure what the others are offering. XE posted rate at this moment is 3790.

10-01-21, 20:38
The Airbnb was girl friendly but my tour guide was staying with me, which I did not expect when I planned the trip. I wanted to get a session on my balcony but I didn't want him walking in on us.I'm not getting it. Why did you let him stay with you then?

10-01-21, 21:03
The Airbnb was girl friendly but my tour guide was staying with me, which I did not expect when I planned the trip. I wanted to get a session on my balcony but I didn't want him walking in on us.

.What kind of a tour guide is this? I have never heard of a tour guide staying with you. Many hire tour guide for the night if they are unfamiliar or feel they are threatened for going to clubs to pick up girls. Long time ago when I was a novice I hired a tour guide to accompany me to visit seedy places in Bangkok. He acted as a bodyguard. I did not need him but that time I did not know Bangkok is a safe place and picking up girls is easy. This was before internet. I certainly would not allow any guide to stay with me.

Only guide I hire would be girls who will do everything and stay with me.

10-01-21, 21:36
I was thinking the same. If that is the current talent available, then I will be going home empty handed more often than not. And I am arriving in mid October so I hope the gene pool is better by the time I arrive.

What's a conteno?

I'm not picky, if she has a big ass, slim waist and ok face I'll pay. And if she has a big ass, slim waist and ugly face I'll pay less.

10-01-21, 22:10
It seems to be an issue whenever it rains.

Every Airbnb I've styed in Centro or El Laguito have that smell coming from the drain. After the third day its barely noticeable though. I keep the bathroom cleaner near by and just pour some down the drain every night.It's not a rain issue, typically what happens is that the drains underneath them have what's called a P-Trap, basically a "you" shaped piece of pipe, that when filled with liquid keeps the gas vapors from coming out of it. So if the water in the P-Trap evaporates, and is no longer present, the smell, or the vapors will enter the atmosphere above them versus being trapped behind the water underneath the drain.

And no, I'm not a plumber, but do like to lay pipe! LOL.

10-01-21, 22:19
This place is a real overrated shithole. Beaches are ugly and every one and their cousin are out to scam you. The pros are not that great either IMO. Granted I only went put one night so far to clock tower area. I walked around drinking beer looking for a girl to turn me on enough while I got a buzz. Fending off scammers left and right.

One girl aggressively hugged me and I oushed her off as I knew she wanted in my pockets. This same chick brought an entire mariachi band with her plus 2 friends a few hours later in the night and tried to again grab me while this band if street performers played and offered me coke. I literally ran away LOL. I ended up in some after hours club called space. The best looking girl. There approached me and sat down wanted 300 k pesos I told her 200 and its a deal. We left got home she proceeded to put a condom on me and gave the most mechanical sex possible. I pulled her off and said no condom. She wanted 50 usd more. I said fine because you def aren't making me hard enough to fuck you with a condom.

The sex was very boring mechanical. She had a private driver come pick her up and said she wanted to get my nu ber and go to the beach with me. I told her that she fucks like a robot and I am not interested. She seemed upset and left.

The next day a non pro I had been chatting with on bumble dating app came over. She didn't look as good as the pro but the sex was way better and more intimate. ID give her a 6 or 7 best looks wise though. Seemed like a nice caring girl though.

We went to the beach where I feel victim to the free oyster scam at boca grande. They come and tell you free samples then demand money later. Long story short I woke up with severe food poisoning next day. Projectile vomiting and just extremely sick. 99 out of 100 times I would never accept raw shellfish from a street vendor. I think being with that girl dropped my guard down as I was in a really good euphoric mood and on hydrocone pain killers at that moment.

But today I feel much better. Got some antibiotics as well.

Have been talking to a lot of women on bumble and I have a girl from okaycupid coming to visit me tomorrow that I have been chatting with for months now.

I just want to comment on the pro scene for anyone who is reading this and never been before. Its not good at all in my very limited experience. The women seem very hardened, boring and even cynical compared to other scenes like SE Asia. Not overly impressed with their looks as well. Lots of fake asses and boobs. Just very trashy looking on average. Maybe I just have an Asian fetish. I dunmo. But I would rather go to Thailand 10 out of 10 times then this place.

Also. My first impression of Columbians are that they are very dishonest people in general who will cheat you whenever possible. They always seem low key pissed off as well.

I was in the DR a few months ago and liked it much better. Never did the pro scene there though so can't comment on that.

Boca grande beach is uglier than any beach in China even that I ever ever visited. Filthy water as well. Will be here for 1 month unfortunately. I have little desire to even leave my room here tbh. And people say this one of the most beautiful cities in Columbia. Yikessss.

10-01-21, 22:53
What kind of a tour guide is this? I have never heard of a tour guide staying with you. Many hire tour guide for the night if they are unfamiliar or feel they are threatened for going to clubs to pick up girls. Long time ago when I was a novice I hired a tour guide to accompany me to visit seedy places in Bangkok. He acted as a bodyguard. I did not need him but that time I did not know Bangkok is a safe place and picking up girls is easy. This was before internet. I certainly would not allow any guide to stay with me.

Only guide I hire would be girls who will do everything and stay with me.He was my tour guide when I went to CTG last year for a bachelor party. He lives 2 hrs away from the city so I let him stay with me when he asked. He's great to have when I was in the non-tourist area, but the next time I'll move solo.

Mr Enternational
10-02-21, 02:20
When my friend asked tony about that price list of course he respond with that's 5 year ago sign! Ha ha ha he's a crook, bottom line, not sure why or how he lasted!The same way the chicks that charge a lot of money do. Something about being on vacation and spending their money how they want and having everything at the snap of a finger, blah, blah, blah.

10-02-21, 02:22
Yes and of course they're going to try to get as much money as they possibly can in case anyone hasn't figured it out. If you going to fly all the way to Cartagena you and then worry about an extra $100,000 K for a girl. You wasting your time-- you get what you pay for. You going to find the hottest girls by far at the beach and yes you have to pay for the price of admission they're going to make sure that any gringo who sits at Playa Hollywood is going to pay. If you don't want to pay don't go to the beach do something else.......

Are you talking about the Pedro or Tony who assigns you a seat a the beach?

10-02-21, 03:19
It's not a rain issue, typically what happens is that the drains underneath them have what's called a P-Trap, basically a "you" shaped piece of pipe, that when filled with liquid keeps the gas vapors from coming out of it. So if the water in the P-Trap evaporates, and is no longer present, the smell, or the vapors will enter the atmosphere above them versus being trapped behind the water underneath the drain.

And no, I'm not a plumber, but do like to lay pipe! LOL.I figured the water was getting syphoned out the P trap whenever it rains so every night after showering I would top it off with some bathroom cleaner leaving it smelling fresh for the morning shower. Then top it off in the morning with more cleaner.

10-02-21, 03:51
The Airbnb was girl friendly but my tour guide was staying with me, which I did not expect when I planned the trip. I wanted to get a session on my balcony but I didn't want him walking in on us.

I bought an extra room at Viajero because I initially thought that area was were I would be pulling the ladies from. But when I went to Travasura I threw my Walled City plans away.

While I was staying in Viajero I was people watching from the balcony there. I could see the ladies walking into Space and Dolce but I didn't see the stunners I saw in the strip club. I'm really specific (Borderline OCD) about the type of chick I'm after: Big natural ass and small waist. I'm certain I could find a stunner in the walled city if I looked hard enough, but I didn't feel like putting in that much effort once I saw how much more the girls in the strip club fit into what I was looking for.JAJAJA I have never heard of a tour guide staying with a gringo, especially a male tour guide. I understand if it was a chica and she was trying to earn extra but hell no am I letting a man sleep in my apartment or prevent me from getting mine.

Come on man, its your AirBB, simply tell him take a walk while you do your thing.

That last sentence is what I meant when I was talking about guys just want to sit back and want things to come to them. This is the same thing old mongers do in Sosua where they sit down at Kings and just want to point at girls to call them over. Or they just want to sit at that place with all the green umbrellas at Playa Sosua and point to get girls to come to them. Watching from a balcony is not the same as being on the ground with them, trust me on this. To each their own I guess, you used what worked for you and you got what you wanted. I guess that all that mattered on that trip is you had fun. May I suggest trying a different approach on your next trip an do the exact opposite every other night such as if you are in a strip club one night, walk around the clocktower or the discos the following night, you don't even need to go inside.

And don't let the tour guide stay with you jajajaja.

10-02-21, 04:30
This place is a real overrated shithole. Beaches are ugly and every one and their cousin are out to scam you. The pros are not that great either IMO. Granted I only went put one night so far to clock tower area. I walked around drinking beer looking for a girl to turn me on enough while I got a buzz. Fending off scammers left and right.

One girl aggressively hugged me and I oushed her off as I knew she wanted in my pockets. This same chick brought an entire mariachi band with her plus 2 friends a few hours later in the night and tried to again grab me while this band if street performers played and offered me coke. I literally ran away LOL. I ended up in some after hours club called space. The best looking girl. There approached me and sat down wanted 300 k pesos I told her 200 and its a deal. We left got home she proceeded to put a condom on me and gave the most mechanical sex possible. I pulled her off and said no condom. She wanted 50 usd more. I said fine because you def aren't making me hard enough to fuck you with a condom.

The sex was very boring mechanical. She had a private driver come pick her up and said she wanted to get my nu ber and go to the beach with me. I told her that she fucks like a robot and I am not interested. She seemed upset and left.

The next day a non pro I had been chatting with on bumble dating app came over. She didn't look as good as the pro but the sex was way better and more intimate. ID give her a 6 or 7 best looks wise though. Seemed like a nice caring girl though..Many times its been said Latin America is no Asia.

How can you expect to lowball a chica in Space at 200 mil and expect good service. You got what you paid for. Paying an extra $50 for sin condom? Jajaja.

Why in the world would you buy the shellfish from those people walking back and forth on the beach? You have no idea how long they been sitting in that hot temperature.

You're seeing lots of fake ass and tits because you are looking for fake ass and tits. When I go there yes I see them and I flat out ignore them and go for natural but sure enough at the end of the night I see those same plastic chicas walking with back to the short stay hotel with a 90's John Goodman clone.

If you wouldn't swim in Pattaya Beach why would you expect Playa Hollywood be any better. You have to take a boat to go to the better beach. Closest one is Playa Blanca that will give you a Phuket islands feel.

Colombians are not exactly dishonest, they are opportunistic when they see a gringo who clearly does not understand the culture. Remember they can only fool you once, if you didn't learn from that then they will always see you coming.

Wait. I just realized everything you complained about was just recently talked about a few pages back with warnings and advice given to prevent such negative outcomes. Even suggestions of places to go where you can have a better experience. Did you to read any of it and take it into consideration when planning your?

Maybe you second week will be better.

Mojo Bandit
10-02-21, 04:44
I pulled her off and said no condom. She wanted 50 usd more. I said fine because you def aren't making me hard enough to fuck you with a condom.

The sex was very boring mechanical. She had a private driver come pick her up and said she wanted to get my nu ber and go to the beach with me. I told her that she fucks like a robot and I am not interested. She seemed upset and left.

We went to the beach where I feel victim to the free oyster scam at boca grande.

Have been talking to a lot of women on bumble and I have a girl from okaycupid coming to visit me tomorrow that I have been chatting with for months now.

Lots of fake asses and boobs.

Also. My first impression of Columbians are that they are very dishonest people in general who will cheat you whenever possible. They always seem low key pissed off as well.

Boca grande beach is uglier than any beach in China even that I ever ever visited. Filthy water as well. ss."Colombians are dishonest people in general"' is an observation you are going to make based on your experience in a tourist dominated area of the one city you visited. An area that attracts every kind o tout and hustler?

Talk about the eye of the beholder. Such negativity most always belongs to the beholder. Your negativity is all through your report and it is a very very in accurate depiction of the city. Cartagena is a UNESCO world heritage site because of the entact old walled city full of spanish colonial architecture. Not because of its beach. Its beach has soil erosion. So it is not pristine but to desribe the the water as "filthy" is not accurate at all. Just becuase it did not meet your expectations and you read it was beautiful but apparently did zero research into why some people think so. That's just poor planning.

Cartagena has the greatest concentration of hot latina chicas of any place in the world. I have been going there for 12 years and the only change I have seen is the addition of more venezuelans has only made the situation better -.

All those girls you say have fake bodies? No. Seriously going to try to compare the latinas who have an ass and some titties to those asain girls who do not. No wonder you are delusionsed into thinking they are all fake. How many did you actually touch to be sure?? Yes I am sure that if you have an asian fetish that they look fake to you but the fact is only about one out of twenty have fake anything. I have been to asia and whether its Soi Cowboy or Bangla Rd in Patong Beach I have managed to find girl with some body but they are not the rule.

You obvisouly did not ask the chica if she did BBBJ before you took her back. Then complain becuase she wanted to charge you more? - that's on you.

You say you spent time in SE Asia, well so have I and the scams are the same everywhere. Never heard of a naive tourist who rents the jet ski??


Phuket is wide open right now and Bangla Road is loaded with go-go bars and asian girls to your liking. Why didn't you go there?

10-02-21, 04:52
People in Cartagena can smell an attitude like yours a mile away, Good luck because you're going to need it.Please, there is no need to quote the entire post. Such a waste of bandwidth and makes it difficult to read.

10-02-21, 05:14
"Colombians are dishonest people in general"' is an observation you are going to make based on your experience in a tourist dominated area of the one city you visited. An area that attracts every kind o tout and hustler?

Talk about the eye of the beholder. Such negativity most always belongs to the beholder. Your negativity is all through your report and it is a very very in accurate depiction of the city. Cartagena is a UNESCO world heritage site because of the entact old walled city full of spanish colonial architecture. Not because of its beach. Its beach has soil erosion. So it is not pristine but to desribe the the water as "filthy" is not accurate at all. Just becuase it did not meet your expectations and you read it was beautiful but apparently did zero research into why some people think so. That's just poor planning.

Cartagena has the greatest concentration of hot latina chicas of any place in the world. I have been going there for 12 years and the only change I have seen is the addition of more Venezuelans has only made the situation betterI actually did quite a bit of research before arriving and already knew the beach and coastal area in general would be supbar. Am just surprised it's this subpar.

The Spanish architecture and history is definitely interesting, don't get me wrong. I am just speaking about the sheer ugliness of the place in general. If this is one of the prettiest places in Colombia, then I would hate to see the rest.

I am only here because I purchasing some property in Panama for tax loophole reasons next month and have always wanted to try Colombia as well as Peru.

There are scammers in SE Asia sure. But the ones here are far more aggressive. That's saying a lot because I lived in Phnom Penh for over a year.

Please don't compare this place to Thailand in any shape or form. If we are talking coastal cities besides its history and colonial architecture what does this place have over any coastal destination in Thailand? It's simply ugly and boring in comparison.

And my point about the pro is she sucked. Worst pro experience outside of las Vegas. I will try more as I'm here fir a good while, but I saw a lot of pros while I was out and none of them impressed me. They all seemed pretty hardened and pure business like. You guys must have some serious Columbian fetish is all I can figure.

With that being said, I would not waste my money or time on the poor quality pros here. Just get Colombian cupid and bumble. Both are yielding great results for me so far. Got a dime piece coming over tomorrow from Colombian cupid who wants to stay for a few days no money. I'll try out the pro scene again after she leaves. I'm getting a way better vibe off normal dating app girls though.

10-02-21, 06:06
This place is a real overrated shithole. Beaches are ugly and every one and their cousin are out to scam you. The pros are not that great either IMO. Granted I only went put one night so far to clock tower area. I walked around drinking beer looking for a girl to turn me on enough while I got a buzz. Fending off scammers left and right.

One girl aggressively hugged me and I oushed her off as I knew she wanted in my pockets. This same chick brought an entire mariachi band with her plus 2 friends a few hours later in the night and tried to again grab me while this band if street performers played and offered me coke. I literally ran away LOL. I ended up in some after hours club called space. The best looking girl. There approached me and sat down wanted 300 k pesos I told her 200 and its a deal..I can see how its possible for someone to have bad luck on a trip in Cartagena. Its not with out its flaws as a city, that is for sure.

Cartagena does have a lot of shady characters running around the Clock Tower at night. A lot of the SWs are shady as well and will rob you in the blink of an eye if you present them the opportunity. Sewage water in the streets is also not pleasant and beaches were OK, but we have all been to better beaches. I would say the beaches in Cartagena get the job done for a weekend getaway though. The old walled city and buildings in the Historic Center are really cool. I found the people to be a bit edgy compared to the people of Medellin, but I think a lot of that is also due to the Pandemic. I am sure it wasn't easy dealing with the lockdowns all those months.

Like many mongering destinations, Cartagena has its drawbacks due to petty crime, influx of vennies, poverty, lack of opportunity, and desperation. These things are not unique to Cartagena, but plague most of the mongering destinations throughout Latin America. I will say its less pronounced in Medellin and much less pronounced in many Mexican cities. Overall, Cartagena is still a fantastic bargain for someone looking to party hard with beautiful girls. I would return to party in Cartagena in a heartbeat, beach and the clocktower scene is what mongering all about. Hunting down them chicas with a slight sense of danger and the unknown, but overall generally safe if your using common sense. I love how there's multiple clubs to pull girls from and even some really cool strip clubs as well. Very diverse SW scene, but they seemed kinda too hardened for my liking.

10-02-21, 08:08
People in Cartagena can smell an attitude like yours a mile away, Good luck because you're going to need it.

You should definitely hurry up and leave. Why waste a month in such a horrible place.

"Colombians are dishonest people in general"' is an observation you are going to make based on your experience in a tourist dominated area of the one city you visited. An area that attracts every kind o tout and hustler?Fellas, if vets are going to chastise everyone whose opinions you don't like -- people either won't post in the first place or will censor themselves. Is that what we want?

Let him talk. All experiences are useful, IMHO.

So he had a bad time. He fell for some scams. He got bad food poisoning. A sequence of events like these can make anyone cranky.

Cartagena can be a lot to a newbie. There is not much in his post that doesn't ring true. Maybe the generalities, but the heat, the scams, the worst fucking touts in the whole wide world! The city beaches are total shit, girls are scammy. It's all true. You know that.

Now since you all love Cartagena, to you it's like a heresy. I'm somewhat in the middle. I've only been there once. I loved the beauty and history of the walled city, loved the food, and I did have a few decent encounters with the local talent. But those constant scams can be tiring. My advice to OP is to take a deep breath and see the place for what it is. Not perfect, but not a shithole. Not all Colombians are dishonest, but people WILL try to scam you. Scams are much easier to fend off when you're ready and not drunk. And sometimes it's OK to lose a little money, it's not the end of the world.

10-02-21, 08:28
Fellas, if vets are going to chastise everyone whose opinions you don't like -- people either won't post in the first place or will censor themselves. Is that what we want?

Let him talk. All experiences are useful, IMHO.

So he had a bad time. He fell for some scams. He got bad food poisoning. A sequence of events like these can make anyone cranky.

Cartagena can be a lot to a newbie. There is not much in his post that doesn't ring true. Maybe the generalities, but the heat, the scams, the worst fucking touts in the whole wide world! The city beaches are total shit, girls are scammy. It's all true. You know that.

Now since you all love Cartagena, to you it's like a heresy. I'm somewhat in the middle. I've only been there once. I loved the beauty and history of the walled city, loved the food, and I did have a few decent encounters with the local talent. But those constant scams can be tiring. My advice to OP is to take a deep breath and see the place for what it is. Not perfect, but not a shithole. Not all Colombians are dishonest, but people WILL try to scam you. Scams are much easier to fend off when you're ready and not drunk. And sometimes it's OK to lose a little money, it's not the end of the world.I loved every aspect of Cartagena. Sure we go for the pussy but the city and the people are attraction enough. Cartagena is unique in all the world and the people are welcoming and honest. Scams, sure. Hardened men and women at times. Sure. But remember who you dealing with and what you are doing. When you monger you are simply part of a business. Treat them with dignity and respect and you will get the same. Don't be rude and you won't get rude in return.

Mojo Bandit
10-02-21, 13:21
This place is a real overrated shithole. Beaches are ugly and every one and their cousin are out to scam you. The pros are not that great either IMO. Granted I only went put one night so far to clock tower area. I walked around drinking beer looking for a girl to turn me on enough while I got a buzz. Fending off scammers left and right.


Fellas, if vets are going to chastise everyone whose opinions you don't like -- people either won't post in the first place or will censor themselves. Is that what we want?

.I understand your concern, but just because he isn't lying doesn't mean he is making a report that honestly reflects the Cartagena scene. His negativity is obvioulsy a reflection on him and not the place. Plenty of people post about negative experiences and get feedback but this is not that. He is slandering a place based on it not meeting his preconcieved expectations. It is like me going to New York City and being disappointed that the streets are not made of gold. "New York City is a shithole because the streets are not made of gold..." sounds pretty rediculous.

The reason he is basing his judgements on the place not meeting his expectations is partially because he obviously did not RTFF. Some of his experience was just bad luck but others could have been avoided had he researched more. For example , it is frustrating to see someone complain that they got charge extra for BBBJ when there are so many posts about negotiating these things before hand. then his comment about the beaches and the water, no one on this forum as ever said Cartagena has beautiful beaches (of course he did not take a trip to Islas del Rosario) or clear water. Cartagena has soil erosion, so the beaches are browner and the water is not clear, but its not "filthy water". Not the same thing.

His statement about all the girls being hard core pros makes me question whether he even got out of Plaza de los Coches. Maybe I take for granted my knowledge gained from experience but I most often have find a sweet little thing in LDV who is only visiting from Medellin or Bucaramanga trying to work temporarily to make college money or just pay for their vacation to Cartagena. My experience is that less than half the chicas are all that hardcore. Then again if you are basing it on comparing it to Thailand, the girls in the Go Go bars in Thailand can and often do look like children compared to girls anywhere in the world so that may be that he only has one point of reference.

Here is a tip - the sweet ones rarely fly solo - they are most likely to congregate and be talking with at least one other chica becuause it makes them feel more secure - they are the ones that are most likely to feel nervous standing alone. that said when you start talking to the chica and negotiating you want to get her away from her friend(s) at least out of earshot because she is less likely to admit to doing things like BBBJ in front of her friends (chicas think its "dirty"). That said also remmber that chicas that are thieves may work in teams so do not take both chicas to your apartment unless you have a wingman to help watch

Mr Enternational
10-02-21, 13:36
Cartagena is unique in all the world What is unique about it?

Mr Enternational
10-02-21, 13:46
Instead of saying "I had a horrible time and this is why. " he chooses to say "This place is a real overrated shithole. " as if he has the last say and the expeirtise to say so??Take the girls away, would you go to Cartagena for the beach? Take the beach away, would you still go to Cartagena for the girls? My first time to Cartagena I was going to check out the beach. I had conflicting opinions from Colombians on whether the beach in Cartagena or Santa Marta was better, so I set out to find out for myself. When I got to Cartagena I was like this beach sux and chicks and accommodations are way cheaper in Bogota and Medellin. I even had a taxi drive me somewhere like 30 minutes away that was supposed to be a better beach. It was pretty much the same as around the city but I had the place to myself. Now I only make day trips from Barranquilla to go to Playa Blanca with a chick and go nowhere near the city.

I do tend to trust the subjective opinion of people that have been to various places versus a person that has only been to 1 place and glorifies that place. In this case, Nypher and HOT have been to various mongering destinations, yet see 2 different things in Cartagena. Different strokes for different folks. The only way to know is to go and get your own experience.

Mojo Bandit
10-02-21, 14:22
Take the girls away, would you go to Cartagena for the beach? Take the beach away, would you still go to Cartagena for the girls?I rarely go to the beach in Cartagena, I always fuck a lot in Cartagena. Does that answer your question? I have never heard any conflicting opinions as to whether Cartagena or Santa Marta has a better beach. Santa Marta is always the one mentioned for the baeach that I have heard, The beach is not what attracts many people to Cartagena (I feel like I am repeating myself) The beach is not why Cartagena is a UNESCO world heritage site. It is the historical architecture. The old walled city. I realize not eveyone like this sort of thing but that is what Colombians mean when they say Cartagena is a beautiful city. I am sure that some people think of the beach as an added bonus but at any given time there are as many people in the old city as there are on the beach.

You ask the other poster what is unique about Cartagena. Besides the UNESCO world heritage site? - it is the concenration of hot chicas for sale in one small area. For quantity and quality there is no place I know of in the western hemisphere that compares -.

Are you honestly going to try and say that there are as many hot chicas in El Centro or Santa Fe as one can even find in Dolce Vita on a good night? - the quality is not even close and if you disagree than we just disagree. You can argue that I will have to spend more money but, I stand by the quality of the chicas being overall better and I like the old city and so that is why it is unique. Maybe it is different styles and different taste but its not for me to go walk for blocks in these niehborhoods and sorting through all the mediocre "doable" chicas when I can walk in LDV and there are ten hot chicas standing within ten feet.

Mr Enternational
10-02-21, 15:10
it is the concenration of hot chicas for sale in one small area. For quantity and quality there is no place I know of in the western hemisphere that compares -.

Are you honestly going to try and say that there are as many hot chicas in El Centro or Santa Fe as one can even find in Dolce Vita on a good night? -LOL. Dude you know me like a book, because when I read that last part that is exactly what I was thinking. I read the next part and it was like you were already responding to what was in my head. I will still argue that when you go inside the clubs like Paisas in Santa Fe you are going to see the same type chicks that you will see in DV for a fraction of the price.

Mojo Bandit
10-02-21, 15:43
LOL. Dude you know me like a book, because when I read that last part that is exactly what I was thinking. I read the next part and it was like you were already responding to what was in my head. I will still argue that when you go inside the clubs like Paisas in Santa Fe you are going to see the same type chicks that you will see in DV for a fraction of the price.For the record I have been to Thailand and mongered in Thailand is why I am saying it was unrealsitic to try to judge Cartagena on any expectations set by expereinces in Thailand. IMHO Thailand has the most beauftiful beaches in the world. For my taste if Thailand was filled with Latinas it would be heaven on earth. I have run into the occassional jewel in Thailand that has the same features I like, but that's the exception. Most women it Thailand are too skinny for my taste.

Still as I said in my earlier post, I love Thailand and if I had more time and money I would spend more time there. I personally prefer Patong Beach (I know most argue Pattaya and I understand why, more girls on the long walking street) but I like being in Patong Beach because the sand is whiter and Bangla Rd is right there with a sufficient variety of girls and still a person is in walking distance to the gorgeous beach, I get an apartment with a view on a beautiful bay. And I can catch a boat tour or take a girl out to Phi Phi Don etc etc. You cannot even compare that part of the experience to Cartagena. But as far as the quality of the girls. For my experience and my taste even given the overwhelming numbers of girls in a place like Bangla Rd. I will find more hot chicas for my tastes in LDV than in all of those Go Go clubs.

10-02-21, 18:09
I do tend to trust the subjective opinion of people that have been to various places versus a person that has only been to 1 place and glorifies that place. In this case, Nypher and HOT have been to various mongering destinations, yet see 2 different things in Cartagena. Different strokes for different folks. The only way to know is to go and get your own experience.I believe this have to do with some people are just hardened in their ways and don't want to step out of their comfort zone and try something new, and the older they get the more simple minded they become.

I've stopped traveling with many other mongers in the past because they were a one track mind mentality. Perfect example:

There are mongers that all they want to do is go to casinos and get girls every night. (they end up blowing more money at the casino than on the girl).

There are mongers that just want to sit by the pool in their Airbnb smoke cigars and invite random girls over from dating apps. (girl shows up and her dating app pictures was before she had a baby or right after she had the tummy tuck before she put the weight back on).

There are mongers that all they want to do is go to stripclubs every night and justify it by saying they like to see the merchandise before they buy (Then they come out saying it looks good but it was loose, of they had a funny smell, or she was wack).

Sometimes I just laugh at people and tell them they just collecting stamps in their passports because they spend all that money, go to a different country, and end up doing the same exact shit they could have done back home the only difference is that its cheaper overseas.

10-02-21, 19:06
For the record I have been to Thailand and mongered in Thailand is why I am saying it was unrealsitic to try to judge Cartagena on any expectations set by expereinces in Thailand. IMHO Thailand has the most beauftiful beaches in the world. For my taste if Thailand was filled with Latinas it would be heaven on earth. I have run into the occassional jewel in Thailand that has the same features I like, but that's the exception. Most women it Thailand are too skinny for my taste..I made that big mistake in Pattaya on the first trip. Went into Hollywood Club, had to pay for bottle service to get in, and no girls would talk to us despite the whole club packed with girls. Learned the hard when a girl inside the club told me "these girls are not for you" then she told us to "go to 808 or Insomnia, those girls like chocolate man and will talk to you". She turned our shitty night into a wonderful night by pointing us in the right direction without asking for anything in return. So many thick Asians in 808! I wouldn't take that experience to Latin America and expect a chica to point me in the right direction towards the right club where I can pick, instead she would start showing me pictures of her working friends or give me a pimps number because she wants her commission.

The thing with Colombia is that gringos are watching these yotubers and already have a mindset of what to expect before they land not realizing that youtuber is only showing an edited highlight version of what's happening. Different places different fuck styles. I've never met an Asian chick that can fuck me the way a Colombian or Venezuelan can. A Asian girl will just get on top and bounce up and down like a rocking horse. A Colombian or Venezuelan will hop on top start riding and will do a whole 360 while riding without the dick slipping out. Not even DR chicas are on that level of that exorcist riding level.

No two are the same Its like that chicken sandwich war between these franchises, everyone have the one they like and prefer. Even though its echoed through out the forum its still not heard.